
proof-pile / formal /afp /Berlekamp_Zassenhaus /More_Missing_Multiset.thy
Zhangir Azerbayev
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theory More_Missing_Multiset
lemma rel_mset_free:
assumes rel: "rel_mset rel X Y" and xs: "mset xs = X"
shows "\<exists>ys. mset ys = Y \<and> list_all2 rel xs ys"
from rel[unfolded rel_mset_def] obtain xs' ys'
where xs': "mset xs' = X" and ys': "mset ys' = Y" and xsys': "list_all2 rel xs' ys'" by auto
from xs' xs have "mset xs = mset xs'" by auto
from mset_eq_permutation[OF this]
obtain f where perm: "f permutes {..<length xs'}" and xs': "permute_list f xs' = xs".
then have [simp]: "length xs' = length xs" by auto
from permute_list_nth[OF perm, unfolded xs'] have *: "\<And>i. i < length xs \<Longrightarrow> xs ! i = xs' ! f i" by auto
note [simp] = list_all2_lengthD[OF xsys',symmetric]
note [simp] = atLeast0LessThan[symmetric]
note bij = permutes_bij[OF perm]
define ys where "ys \<equiv> map (nth ys' \<circ> f) [0..<length ys']"
then have [simp]: "length ys = length ys'" by auto
have "mset ys = mset (map (nth ys') (map f [0..<length ys']))"
unfolding ys_def by auto
also have "... = image_mset (nth ys') (image_mset f (mset [0..<length ys']))"
by (simp add: multiset.map_comp)
also have "(mset [0..<length ys']) = mset_set {0..<length ys'}"
by (metis mset_sorted_list_of_multiset sorted_list_of_mset_set sorted_list_of_set_range)
also have "image_mset f (...) = mset_set (f ` {..<length ys'})"
using subset_inj_on[OF bij_is_inj[OF bij]] by (subst image_mset_mset_set, auto)
also have "... = mset [0..<length ys']" using perm by (simp add: permutes_image)
also have "image_mset (nth ys') ... = mset ys'" by(fold mset_map, unfold map_nth, auto)
finally have "mset ys = Y" using ys' by auto
moreover have "list_all2 rel xs ys"
proof(rule list_all2_all_nthI)
fix i assume i: "i < length xs"
with * have "xs ! i = xs' ! f i" by auto
also from i permutes_in_image[OF perm]
have "rel (xs' ! f i) (ys' ! f i)" by (intro list_all2_nthD[OF xsys'], auto)
finally show "rel (xs ! i) (ys ! i)" unfolding ys_def using i by simp
qed simp
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma rel_mset_split:
assumes rel: "rel_mset rel (X1+X2) Y"
shows "\<exists>Y1 Y2. Y = Y1 + Y2 \<and> rel_mset rel X1 Y1 \<and> rel_mset rel X2 Y2"
obtain xs1 where xs1: "mset xs1 = X1" using ex_mset by auto
obtain xs2 where xs2: "mset xs2 = X2" using ex_mset by auto
from xs1 xs2 have "mset (xs1 @ xs2) = X1 + X2" by auto
from rel_mset_free[OF rel this] obtain ys
where ys: "mset ys = Y" "list_all2 rel (xs1 @ xs2) ys" by auto
then obtain ys1 ys2
where ys12: "ys = ys1 @ ys2"
and xs1ys1: "list_all2 rel xs1 ys1"
and xs2ys2: "list_all2 rel xs2 ys2"
using list_all2_append1 by blast
from ys12 ys have "Y = mset ys1 + mset ys2" by auto
moreover from xs1 xs1ys1 have "rel_mset rel X1 (mset ys1)" unfolding rel_mset_def by auto
moreover from xs2 xs2ys2 have "rel_mset rel X2 (mset ys2)" unfolding rel_mset_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by (subst exI[of _ "mset ys1"], subst exI[of _ "mset ys2"],auto)
lemma rel_mset_OO:
assumes AB: "rel_mset R A B" and BC: "rel_mset S B C"
shows "rel_mset (R OO S) A C"
from AB obtain as bs where A_as: "A = mset as" and B_bs: "B = mset bs" and as_bs: "list_all2 R as bs"
by (auto simp: rel_mset_def)
from rel_mset_free[OF BC] B_bs obtain cs where C_cs: "C = mset cs" and bs_cs: "list_all2 S bs cs"
by auto
from list_all2_trans[OF _ as_bs bs_cs, of "R OO S"] A_as C_cs
show ?thesis by (auto simp: rel_mset_def)
(* a variant for "right" *)
lemma ex_mset_zip_right:
assumes "length xs = length ys" "mset ys' = mset ys"
shows "\<exists>xs'. length ys' = length xs' \<and> mset (zip xs' ys') = mset (zip xs ys)"
using assms
proof (induct xs ys arbitrary: ys' rule: list_induct2)
case Nil
thus ?case
by auto
case (Cons x xs y ys ys')
obtain j where j_len: "j < length ys'" and nth_j: "ys' ! j = y"
by (metis Cons.prems in_set_conv_nth list.set_intros(1) mset_eq_setD)
define ysa where "ysa = take j ys' @ drop (Suc j) ys'"
have "mset ys' = {#y#} + mset ysa"
unfolding ysa_def using j_len nth_j
by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc union_mset_add_mset_right add_mset_remove_trivial add_diff_cancel_left'
append_take_drop_id mset.simps(2) mset_append)
hence ms_y: "mset ysa = mset ys"
by (simp add: Cons.prems)
then obtain xsa where
len_a: "length ysa = length xsa" and ms_a: "mset (zip xsa ysa) = mset (zip xs ys)"
using Cons.hyps(2) by blast
define xs' where "xs' = take j xsa @ x # drop j xsa"
have ys': "ys' = take j ysa @ y # drop j ysa"
using ms_y j_len nth_j Cons.prems ysa_def
by (metis append_eq_append_conv append_take_drop_id diff_Suc_Suc Cons_nth_drop_Suc length_Cons
length_drop size_mset)
have j_len': "j \<le> length ysa"
using j_len ys' ysa_def
by (metis add_Suc_right append_take_drop_id length_Cons length_append less_eq_Suc_le not_less)
have "length ys' = length xs'"
unfolding xs'_def using Cons.prems len_a ms_y
by (metis add_Suc_right append_take_drop_id length_Cons length_append mset_eq_length)
moreover have "mset (zip xs' ys') = mset (zip (x # xs) (y # ys))"
unfolding ys' xs'_def
apply (rule HOL.trans[OF mset_zip_take_Cons_drop_twice])
using j_len' by (auto simp: len_a ms_a)
ultimately show ?case
by blast
lemma list_all2_reorder_right_invariance:
assumes rel: "list_all2 R xs ys" and ms_y: "mset ys' = mset ys"
shows "\<exists>xs'. list_all2 R xs' ys' \<and> mset xs' = mset xs"
proof -
have len: "length xs = length ys"
using rel list_all2_conv_all_nth by auto
obtain xs' where
len': "length xs' = length ys'" and ms_xy: "mset (zip xs' ys') = mset (zip xs ys)"
using len ms_y by (metis ex_mset_zip_right)
have "list_all2 R xs' ys'"
using assms(1) len' ms_xy unfolding list_all2_iff by (blast dest: mset_eq_setD)
moreover have "mset xs' = mset xs"
using len len' ms_xy map_fst_zip mset_map by metis
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
lemma rel_mset_via_perm: "rel_mset rel (mset xs) (mset ys) \<longleftrightarrow> (\<exists>zs. mset xs = mset zs \<and> list_all2 rel zs ys)"
proof (unfold rel_mset_def, intro iffI, goal_cases)
case 1
then obtain zs ws where zs: "mset zs = mset xs" and ws: "mset ws = mset ys" and zsws: "list_all2 rel zs ws" by auto
note list_all2_reorder_right_invariance[OF zsws ws[symmetric], unfolded zs]
then show ?case by (auto dest: sym)
case 2
from this show ?case by force