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(* | |
Authors: Jose Divasón | |
Sebastiaan Joosten | |
René Thiemann | |
Akihisa Yamada | |
*) | |
section \<open>Polynomials in Rings and Fields\<close> | |
subsection \<open>Polynomials in Rings\<close> | |
text \<open>We use a locale to work with polynomials in some integer-modulo ring.\<close> | |
theory Poly_Mod | |
imports | |
"HOL-Computational_Algebra.Primes" | |
Polynomial_Factorization.Square_Free_Factorization | |
Unique_Factorization_Poly | |
begin | |
locale poly_mod = fixes m :: "int" | |
begin | |
definition M :: "int \<Rightarrow> int" where "M x = x mod m" | |
lemma M_0[simp]: "M 0 = 0" | |
by (auto simp add: M_def) | |
lemma M_M[simp]: "M (M x) = M x" | |
by (auto simp add: M_def) | |
lemma M_plus[simp]: "M (M x + y) = M (x + y)" "M (x + M y) = M (x + y)" | |
by (auto simp add: M_def mod_simps) | |
lemma M_minus[simp]: "M (M x - y) = M (x - y)" "M (x - M y) = M (x - y)" | |
by (auto simp add: M_def mod_simps) | |
lemma M_times[simp]: "M (M x * y) = M (x * y)" "M (x * M y) = M (x * y)" | |
by (auto simp add: M_def mod_simps) | |
lemma M_sum: "M (sum (\<lambda> x. M (f x)) A) = M (sum f A)" | |
proof (induct A rule: infinite_finite_induct) | |
case (insert x A) | |
from insert(1-2) have "M (\<Sum>x\<in>insert x A. M (f x)) = M (f x + M ((\<Sum>x\<in>A. M (f x))))" by simp | |
also have "M ((\<Sum>x\<in>A. M (f x))) = M ((\<Sum>x\<in>A. f x))" using insert by simp | |
finally show ?case using insert by simp | |
qed auto | |
definition inv_M :: "int \<Rightarrow> int" where | |
"inv_M = (\<lambda> x. if x + x \<le> m then x else x - m)" | |
lemma M_inv_M_id[simp]: "M (inv_M x) = M x" | |
unfolding inv_M_def M_def by simp | |
definition Mp :: "int poly \<Rightarrow> int poly" where "Mp = map_poly M" | |
lemma Mp_0[simp]: "Mp 0 = 0" unfolding Mp_def by auto | |
lemma Mp_coeff: "coeff (Mp f) i = M (coeff f i)" unfolding Mp_def | |
by (simp add: M_def coeff_map_poly) | |
abbreviation eq_m :: "int poly \<Rightarrow> int poly \<Rightarrow> bool" (infixl "=m" 50) where | |
"f =m g \<equiv> (Mp f = Mp g)" | |
notation eq_m (infixl "=m" 50) | |
abbreviation degree_m :: "int poly \<Rightarrow> nat" where | |
"degree_m f \<equiv> degree (Mp f)" | |
lemma mult_Mp[simp]: "Mp (Mp f * g) = Mp (f * g)" "Mp (f * Mp g) = Mp (f * g)" | |
proof - | |
{ | |
fix f g | |
have "Mp (Mp f * g) = Mp (f * g)" | |
unfolding poly_eq_iff Mp_coeff unfolding coeff_mult Mp_coeff | |
proof | |
fix n | |
show "M (\<Sum>i\<le>n. M (coeff f i) * coeff g (n - i)) = M (\<Sum>i\<le>n. coeff f i * coeff g (n - i))" | |
by (subst M_sum[symmetric], rule sym, subst M_sum[symmetric], unfold M_times, simp) | |
qed | |
} | |
from this[of f g] this[of g f] show "Mp (Mp f * g) = Mp (f * g)" "Mp (f * Mp g) = Mp (f * g)" | |
by (auto simp: ac_simps) | |
qed | |
lemma plus_Mp[simp]: "Mp (Mp f + g) = Mp (f + g)" "Mp (f + Mp g) = Mp (f + g)" | |
unfolding poly_eq_iff Mp_coeff unfolding coeff_mult Mp_coeff by (auto simp add: Mp_coeff) | |
lemma minus_Mp[simp]: "Mp (Mp f - g) = Mp (f - g)" "Mp (f - Mp g) = Mp (f - g)" | |
unfolding poly_eq_iff Mp_coeff unfolding coeff_mult Mp_coeff by (auto simp add: Mp_coeff) | |
lemma Mp_smult[simp]: "Mp (smult (M a) f) = Mp (smult a f)" "Mp (smult a (Mp f)) = Mp (smult a f)" | |
unfolding Mp_def smult_as_map_poly | |
by (rule poly_eqI, auto simp: coeff_map_poly)+ | |
lemma Mp_Mp[simp]: "Mp (Mp f) = Mp f" unfolding Mp_def | |
by (intro poly_eqI, auto simp: coeff_map_poly) | |
lemma Mp_smult_m_0[simp]: "Mp (smult m f) = 0" | |
by (intro poly_eqI, auto simp: Mp_coeff, auto simp: M_def) | |
definition dvdm :: "int poly \<Rightarrow> int poly \<Rightarrow> bool" (infix "dvdm" 50) where | |
"f dvdm g = (\<exists> h. g =m f * h)" | |
notation dvdm (infix "dvdm" 50) | |
lemma dvdmE: | |
assumes fg: "f dvdm g" | |
and main: "\<And>h. g =m f * h \<Longrightarrow> Mp h = h \<Longrightarrow> thesis" | |
shows "thesis" | |
proof- | |
from fg obtain h where "g =m f * h" by (auto simp: dvdm_def) | |
then have "g =m f * Mp h" by auto | |
from main[OF this] show thesis by auto | |
qed | |
lemma Mp_dvdm[simp]: "Mp f dvdm g \<longleftrightarrow> f dvdm g" | |
and dvdm_Mp[simp]: "f dvdm Mp g \<longleftrightarrow> f dvdm g" by (auto simp: dvdm_def) | |
definition irreducible_m | |
where "irreducible_m f = (\<not>f =m 0 \<and> \<not> f dvdm 1 \<and> (\<forall>a b. f =m a * b \<longrightarrow> a dvdm 1 \<or> b dvdm 1))" | |
definition irreducible\<^sub>d_m :: "int poly \<Rightarrow> bool" where "irreducible\<^sub>d_m f \<equiv> | |
degree_m f > 0 \<and> | |
(\<forall> g h. degree_m g < degree_m f \<longrightarrow> degree_m h < degree_m f \<longrightarrow> \<not> f =m g * h)" | |
definition prime_elem_m | |
where "prime_elem_m f \<equiv> \<not> f =m 0 \<and> \<not> f dvdm 1 \<and> (\<forall>g h. f dvdm g * h \<longrightarrow> f dvdm g \<or> f dvdm h)" | |
lemma degree_m_le_degree [intro!]: "degree_m f \<le> degree f" | |
by (simp add: Mp_def degree_map_poly_le) | |
lemma irreducible\<^sub>d_mI: | |
assumes f0: "degree_m f > 0" | |
and main: "\<And>g h. Mp g = g \<Longrightarrow> Mp h = h \<Longrightarrow> degree g > 0 \<Longrightarrow> degree g < degree_m f \<Longrightarrow> degree h > 0 \<Longrightarrow> degree h < degree_m f \<Longrightarrow> f =m g * h \<Longrightarrow> False" | |
shows "irreducible\<^sub>d_m f" | |
proof (unfold irreducible\<^sub>d_m_def, intro conjI allI impI f0 notI) | |
fix g h | |
assume deg: "degree_m g < degree_m f" "degree_m h < degree_m f" and "f =m g * h" | |
then have f: "f =m Mp g * Mp h" by simp | |
have "degree_m f \<le> degree_m g + degree_m h" | |
unfolding f using degree_mult_le order.trans by blast | |
with main[of "Mp g" "Mp h"] deg f show False by auto | |
qed | |
lemma irreducible\<^sub>d_mE: | |
assumes "irreducible\<^sub>d_m f" | |
and "degree_m f > 0 \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>g h. degree_m g < degree_m f \<Longrightarrow> degree_m h < degree_m f \<Longrightarrow> \<not> f =m g * h) \<Longrightarrow> thesis" | |
shows thesis | |
using assms by (unfold irreducible\<^sub>d_m_def, auto) | |
lemma irreducible\<^sub>d_mD: | |
assumes "irreducible\<^sub>d_m f" | |
shows "degree_m f > 0" and "\<And>g h. degree_m g < degree_m f \<Longrightarrow> degree_m h < degree_m f \<Longrightarrow> \<not> f =m g * h" | |
using assms by (auto elim: irreducible\<^sub>d_mE) | |
definition square_free_m :: "int poly \<Rightarrow> bool" where | |
"square_free_m f = (\<not> f =m 0 \<and> (\<forall> g. degree_m g \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> \<not> (g * g dvdm f)))" | |
definition coprime_m :: "int poly \<Rightarrow> int poly \<Rightarrow> bool" where | |
"coprime_m f g = (\<forall> h. h dvdm f \<longrightarrow> h dvdm g \<longrightarrow> h dvdm 1)" | |
lemma Mp_square_free_m[simp]: "square_free_m (Mp f) = square_free_m f" | |
unfolding square_free_m_def dvdm_def by simp | |
lemma square_free_m_cong: "square_free_m f \<Longrightarrow> Mp f = Mp g \<Longrightarrow> square_free_m g" | |
unfolding square_free_m_def dvdm_def by simp | |
lemma Mp_prod_mset[simp]: "Mp (prod_mset (image_mset Mp b)) = Mp (prod_mset b)" | |
proof (induct b) | |
case (add x b) | |
have "Mp (prod_mset (image_mset Mp ({#x#}+b))) = Mp (Mp x * prod_mset (image_mset Mp b))" by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = Mp (Mp x * Mp (prod_mset (image_mset Mp b)))" by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = Mp ( Mp x * Mp (prod_mset b))" unfolding add by simp | |
finally show ?case by simp | |
qed simp | |
lemma Mp_prod_list: "Mp (prod_list (map Mp b)) = Mp (prod_list b)" | |
proof (induct b) | |
case (Cons b xs) | |
have "Mp (prod_list (map Mp (b # xs))) = Mp (Mp b * prod_list (map Mp xs))" by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = Mp (Mp b * Mp (prod_list (map Mp xs)))" by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = Mp (Mp b * Mp (prod_list xs))" unfolding Cons by simp | |
finally show ?case by simp | |
qed simp | |
text \<open>Polynomial evaluation modulo\<close> | |
definition "M_poly p x \<equiv> M (poly p x)" | |
lemma M_poly_Mp[simp]: "M_poly (Mp p) = M_poly p" | |
proof(intro ext, induct p) | |
case 0 show ?case by auto | |
next | |
case IH: (pCons a p) | |
from IH(1) have "M_poly (Mp (pCons a p)) x = M (a + M(x * M_poly (Mp p) x))" | |
by (simp add: M_poly_def Mp_def) | |
also note IH(2)[of x] | |
finally show ?case by (simp add: M_poly_def) | |
qed | |
lemma Mp_lift_modulus: assumes "f =m g" | |
shows "poly_mod.eq_m (m * k) (smult k f) (smult k g)" | |
using assms unfolding poly_eq_iff poly_mod.Mp_coeff coeff_smult | |
unfolding poly_mod.M_def by simp | |
lemma Mp_ident_product: "n > 0 \<Longrightarrow> Mp f = f \<Longrightarrow> poly_mod.Mp (m * n) f = f" | |
unfolding poly_eq_iff poly_mod.Mp_coeff poly_mod.M_def | |
by (auto simp add: zmod_zmult2_eq) (metis mod_div_trivial mod_0) | |
lemma Mp_shrink_modulus: assumes "poly_mod.eq_m (m * k) f g" "k \<noteq> 0" | |
shows "f =m g" | |
proof - | |
from assms have a: "\<And> n. coeff f n mod (m * k) = coeff g n mod (m * k)" | |
unfolding poly_eq_iff poly_mod.Mp_coeff unfolding poly_mod.M_def by auto | |
show ?thesis unfolding poly_eq_iff poly_mod.Mp_coeff unfolding poly_mod.M_def | |
proof | |
fix n | |
show "coeff f n mod m = coeff g n mod m" using a[of n] \<open>k \<noteq> 0\<close> | |
by (metis mod_mult_right_eq mult.commute mult_cancel_left mult_mod_right) | |
qed | |
qed | |
lemma degree_m_le: "degree_m f \<le> degree f" unfolding Mp_def by (rule degree_map_poly_le) | |
lemma degree_m_eq: "coeff f (degree f) mod m \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> m > 1 \<Longrightarrow> degree_m f = degree f" | |
using degree_m_le[of f] unfolding Mp_def | |
by (auto intro: degree_map_poly simp: Mp_def poly_mod.M_def) | |
lemma degree_m_mult_le: | |
assumes eq: "f =m g * h" | |
shows "degree_m f \<le> degree_m g + degree_m h" | |
proof - | |
have "degree_m f = degree_m (Mp g * Mp h)" using eq by simp | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> degree (Mp g * Mp h)" by (rule degree_m_le) | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> degree_m g + degree_m h" by (rule degree_mult_le) | |
finally show ?thesis by auto | |
qed | |
lemma degree_m_smult_le: "degree_m (smult c f) \<le> degree_m f" | |
by (metis Mp_0 coeff_0 degree_le degree_m_le degree_smult_eq poly_mod.Mp_smult(2) smult_eq_0_iff) | |
lemma irreducible_m_Mp[simp]: "irreducible_m (Mp f) \<longleftrightarrow> irreducible_m f" by (simp add: irreducible_m_def) | |
lemma eq_m_irreducible_m: "f =m g \<Longrightarrow> irreducible_m f \<longleftrightarrow> irreducible_m g" | |
using irreducible_m_Mp by metis | |
definition mset_factors_m where "mset_factors_m F p \<equiv> | |
F \<noteq> {#} \<and> (\<forall>f. f \<in># F \<longrightarrow> irreducible_m f) \<and> p =m prod_mset F" | |
end | |
declare poly_mod.M_def[code] | |
declare poly_mod.Mp_def[code] | |
declare poly_mod.inv_M_def[code] | |
definition Irr_Mon :: "'a :: comm_semiring_1 poly set" | |
where "Irr_Mon = {x. irreducible x \<and> monic x}" | |
definition factorization :: "'a :: comm_semiring_1 poly set \<Rightarrow> 'a poly \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'a poly multiset) \<Rightarrow> bool" where | |
"factorization Factors f cfs \<equiv> (case cfs of (c,fs) \<Rightarrow> f = (smult c (prod_mset fs)) \<and> (set_mset fs \<subseteq> Factors))" | |
definition unique_factorization :: "'a :: comm_semiring_1 poly set \<Rightarrow> 'a poly \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'a poly multiset) \<Rightarrow> bool" where | |
"unique_factorization Factors f cfs = (Collect (factorization Factors f) = {cfs})" | |
lemma irreducible_multD: | |
assumes l: "irreducible (a*b)" | |
shows "a dvd 1 \<and> irreducible b \<or> b dvd 1 \<and> irreducible a" | |
proof- | |
from l have "a dvd 1 \<or> b dvd 1" by auto | |
then show ?thesis | |
proof(elim disjE) | |
assume a: "a dvd 1" | |
with l have "irreducible b" | |
unfolding irreducible_def | |
by (meson is_unit_mult_iff mult.left_commute mult_not_zero) | |
with a show ?thesis by auto | |
next | |
assume a: "b dvd 1" | |
with l have "irreducible a" | |
unfolding irreducible_def | |
by (meson is_unit_mult_iff mult_not_zero semiring_normalization_rules(16)) | |
with a show ?thesis by auto | |
qed | |
qed | |
lemma irreducible_dvd_prod_mset: | |
fixes p :: "'a :: field poly" | |
assumes irr: "irreducible p" and dvd: "p dvd prod_mset as" | |
shows "\<exists> a \<in># as. p dvd a" | |
proof - | |
from irr[unfolded irreducible_def] have deg: "degree p \<noteq> 0" by auto | |
hence p1: "\<not> p dvd 1" unfolding dvd_def | |
by (metis degree_1 nonzero_mult_div_cancel_left div_poly_less linorder_neqE_nat mult_not_zero not_less0 zero_neq_one) | |
from dvd show ?thesis | |
proof (induct as) | |
case (add a as) | |
hence "prod_mset (add_mset a as) = a * prod_mset as" by auto | |
from add(2)[unfolded this] add(1) irr | |
show ?case by auto | |
qed (insert p1, auto) | |
qed | |
lemma monic_factorization_unique_mset: | |
fixes P::"'a::field poly multiset" | |
assumes eq: "prod_mset P = prod_mset Q" | |
and P: "set_mset P \<subseteq> {q. irreducible q \<and> monic q}" | |
and Q: "set_mset Q \<subseteq> {q. irreducible q \<and> monic q}" | |
shows "P = Q" | |
proof - | |
{ | |
fix P Q :: "'a poly multiset" | |
assume id: "prod_mset P = prod_mset Q" | |
and P: "set_mset P \<subseteq> {q. irreducible q \<and> monic q}" | |
and Q: "set_mset Q \<subseteq> {q. irreducible q \<and> monic q}" | |
hence "P \<subseteq># Q" | |
proof (induct P arbitrary: Q) | |
case (add x P Q') | |
from add(3) have irr: "irreducible x" and mon: "monic x" by auto | |
have "\<exists> a \<in># Q'. x dvd a" | |
proof (rule irreducible_dvd_prod_mset[OF irr]) | |
show "x dvd prod_mset Q'" unfolding add(2)[symmetric] by simp | |
qed | |
then obtain y Q where Q': "Q' = add_mset y Q" and xy: "x dvd y" by (meson mset_add) | |
from add(4) Q' have irr': "irreducible y" and mon': "monic y" by auto | |
have "x = y" using irr irr' xy mon mon' | |
by (metis irreducibleD' irreducible_not_unit poly_dvd_antisym) | |
hence Q': "Q' = Q + {#x#}" using Q' by auto | |
from mon have x0: "x \<noteq> 0" by auto | |
from arg_cong[OF add(2)[unfolded Q'], of "\<lambda> z. z div x"] | |
have eq: "prod_mset P = prod_mset Q" using x0 by auto | |
from add(3-4)[unfolded Q'] | |
have "set_mset P \<subseteq> {q. irreducible q \<and> monic q}" "set_mset Q \<subseteq> {q. irreducible q \<and> monic q}" | |
by auto | |
from add(1)[OF eq this] show ?case unfolding Q' by auto | |
qed auto | |
} | |
from this[OF eq P Q] this[OF eq[symmetric] Q P] | |
show ?thesis by auto | |
qed | |
lemma exactly_one_monic_factorization: | |
assumes mon: "monic (f :: 'a :: field poly)" | |
shows "\<exists>! fs. f = prod_mset fs \<and> set_mset fs \<subseteq> {q. irreducible q \<and> monic q}" | |
proof - | |
from monic_irreducible_factorization[OF mon] | |
obtain gs g where fin: "finite gs" and f: "f = (\<Prod>a\<in>gs. a ^ Suc (g a))" | |
and gs: "gs \<subseteq> {q. irreducible q \<and> monic q}" | |
by blast | |
from fin | |
have "\<exists> fs. set_mset fs \<subseteq> gs \<and> prod_mset fs = (\<Prod>a\<in>gs. a ^ Suc (g a))" | |
proof (induct gs) | |
case (insert a gs) | |
from insert(3) obtain fs where *: "set_mset fs \<subseteq> gs" "prod_mset fs = (\<Prod>a\<in>gs. a ^ Suc (g a))" by auto | |
let ?fs = "fs + replicate_mset (Suc (g a)) a" | |
show ?case | |
proof (rule exI[of _ "fs + replicate_mset (Suc (g a)) a"], intro conjI) | |
show "set_mset ?fs \<subseteq> insert a gs" using *(1) by auto | |
show "prod_mset ?fs = (\<Prod>a\<in>insert a gs. a ^ Suc (g a))" | |
by (subst prod.insert[OF insert(1-2)], auto simp: *(2)) | |
qed | |
qed simp | |
then obtain fs where "set_mset fs \<subseteq> gs" "prod_mset fs = (\<Prod>a\<in>gs. a ^ Suc (g a))" by auto | |
with gs f have ex: "\<exists>fs. f = prod_mset fs \<and> set_mset fs \<subseteq> {q. irreducible q \<and> monic q}" | |
by (intro exI[of _ fs], auto) | |
thus ?thesis using monic_factorization_unique_mset by blast | |
qed | |
lemma monic_prod_mset: | |
fixes as :: "'a :: idom poly multiset" | |
assumes "\<And> a. a \<in> set_mset as \<Longrightarrow> monic a" | |
shows "monic (prod_mset as)" using assms | |
by (induct as, auto intro: monic_mult) | |
lemma exactly_one_factorization: | |
assumes f: "f \<noteq> (0 :: 'a :: field poly)" | |
shows "\<exists>! cfs. factorization Irr_Mon f cfs" | |
proof - | |
let ?a = "coeff f (degree f)" | |
let ?b = "inverse ?a" | |
let ?g = "smult ?b f" | |
define g where "g = ?g" | |
from f have a: "?a \<noteq> 0" "?b \<noteq> 0" by (auto simp: field_simps) | |
hence "monic g" unfolding g_def by simp | |
note ex1 = exactly_one_monic_factorization[OF this, folded Irr_Mon_def] | |
then obtain fs where g: "g = prod_mset fs" "set_mset fs \<subseteq> Irr_Mon" by auto | |
let ?cfs = "(?a,fs)" | |
have cfs: "factorization Irr_Mon f ?cfs" unfolding factorization_def split g(1)[symmetric] | |
using g(2) unfolding g_def by (simp add: a field_simps) | |
show ?thesis | |
proof (rule, rule cfs) | |
fix dgs | |
assume fact: "factorization Irr_Mon f dgs" | |
obtain d gs where dgs: "dgs = (d,gs)" by force | |
from fact[unfolded factorization_def dgs split] | |
have fd: "f = smult d (prod_mset gs)" and gs: "set_mset gs \<subseteq> Irr_Mon" by auto | |
have "monic (prod_mset gs)" by (rule monic_prod_mset, insert gs[unfolded Irr_Mon_def], auto) | |
hence d: "d = ?a" unfolding fd by auto | |
from arg_cong[OF fd, of "\<lambda> x. smult ?b x", unfolded d g_def[symmetric]] | |
have "g = prod_mset gs" using a by (simp add: field_simps) | |
with ex1 g gs have "gs = fs" by auto | |
thus "dgs = ?cfs" unfolding dgs d by auto | |
qed | |
qed | |
lemma mod_ident_iff: "m > 0 \<Longrightarrow> (x :: int) mod m = x \<longleftrightarrow> x \<in> {0 ..< m}" | |
by (metis Divides.pos_mod_bound Divides.pos_mod_sign atLeastLessThan_iff mod_pos_pos_trivial) | |
declare prod_mset_prod_list[simp] | |
lemma mult_1_is_id[simp]: "(*) (1 :: 'a :: ring_1) = id" by auto | |
context poly_mod | |
begin | |
lemma degree_m_eq_monic: "monic f \<Longrightarrow> m > 1 \<Longrightarrow> degree_m f = degree f" | |
by (rule degree_m_eq) auto | |
lemma monic_degree_m_lift: assumes "monic f" "k > 1" "m > 1" | |
shows "monic (poly_mod.Mp (m * k) f)" | |
proof - | |
have deg: "degree (poly_mod.Mp (m * k) f) = degree f" | |
by (rule poly_mod.degree_m_eq_monic[of f "m * k"], insert assms, auto simp: less_1_mult) | |
show ?thesis unfolding poly_mod.Mp_coeff deg assms poly_mod.M_def using assms(2-) | |
by (simp add: less_1_mult) | |
qed | |
end | |
locale poly_mod_2 = poly_mod m for m + | |
assumes m1: "m > 1" | |
begin | |
lemma M_1[simp]: "M 1 = 1" unfolding M_def using m1 | |
by auto | |
lemma Mp_1[simp]: "Mp 1 = 1" unfolding Mp_def by simp | |
lemma monic_degree_m[simp]: "monic f \<Longrightarrow> degree_m f = degree f" | |
using degree_m_eq_monic[of f] using m1 by auto | |
lemma monic_Mp: "monic f \<Longrightarrow> monic (Mp f)" | |
by (auto simp: Mp_coeff) | |
lemma Mp_0_smult_sdiv_poly: assumes "Mp f = 0" | |
shows "smult m (sdiv_poly f m) = f" | |
proof (intro poly_eqI, unfold Mp_coeff coeff_smult sdiv_poly_def, subst coeff_map_poly, force) | |
fix n | |
from assms have "coeff (Mp f) n = 0" by simp | |
hence 0: "coeff f n mod m = 0" unfolding Mp_coeff M_def . | |
thus "m * (coeff f n div m) = coeff f n" by auto | |
qed | |
lemma Mp_product_modulus: "m' = m * k \<Longrightarrow> k > 0 \<Longrightarrow> Mp (poly_mod.Mp m' f) = Mp f" | |
by (intro poly_eqI, unfold poly_mod.Mp_coeff poly_mod.M_def, auto simp: mod_mod_cancel) | |
lemma inv_M_rev: assumes bnd: "2 * abs c < m" | |
shows "inv_M (M c) = c" | |
proof (cases "c \<ge> 0") | |
case True | |
with bnd show ?thesis unfolding M_def inv_M_def by auto | |
next | |
case False | |
have 2: "\<And> v :: int. 2 * v = v + v" by auto | |
from False have c: "c < 0" by auto | |
from bnd c have "c + m > 0" "c + m < m" by auto | |
with c have cm: "c mod m = c + m" | |
by (metis le_less mod_add_self2 mod_pos_pos_trivial) | |
from c bnd have "2 * (c mod m) > m" unfolding cm by auto | |
with bnd c show ?thesis unfolding M_def inv_M_def cm by auto | |
qed | |
end | |
lemma (in poly_mod) degree_m_eq_prime: | |
assumes f0: "Mp f \<noteq> 0" | |
and deg: "degree_m f = degree f" | |
and eq: "f =m g * h" | |
and p: "prime m" | |
shows "degree_m f = degree_m g + degree_m h" | |
proof - | |
interpret poly_mod_2 m using prime_ge_2_int[OF p] unfolding poly_mod_2_def by simp | |
from f0 eq have "Mp (Mp g * Mp h) \<noteq> 0" by auto | |
hence "Mp g * Mp h \<noteq> 0" using Mp_0 by (cases "Mp g * Mp h", auto) | |
hence g0: "Mp g \<noteq> 0" and h0: "Mp h \<noteq> 0" by auto | |
have "degree (Mp (g * h)) = degree_m (Mp g * Mp h)" by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = degree (Mp g * Mp h)" | |
proof (rule degree_m_eq[OF _ m1], rule) | |
have id: "\<And> g. coeff (Mp g) (degree (Mp g)) mod m = coeff (Mp g) (degree (Mp g))" | |
unfolding M_def[symmetric] Mp_coeff by simp | |
from p have p': "prime m" unfolding prime_int_nat_transfer unfolding prime_nat_iff by auto | |
assume "coeff (Mp g * Mp h) (degree (Mp g * Mp h)) mod m = 0" | |
from this[unfolded coeff_degree_mult] | |
have "coeff (Mp g) (degree (Mp g)) mod m = 0 \<or> coeff (Mp h) (degree (Mp h)) mod m = 0" | |
unfolding dvd_eq_mod_eq_0[symmetric] using m1 prime_dvd_mult_int[OF p'] by auto | |
with g0 h0 show False unfolding id by auto | |
qed | |
also have "\<dots> = degree (Mp g) + degree (Mp h)" | |
by (rule degree_mult_eq[OF g0 h0]) | |
finally show ?thesis using eq by simp | |
qed | |
lemma monic_smult_add_small: assumes "f = 0 \<or> degree f < degree g" and mon: "monic g" | |
shows "monic (g + smult q f)" | |
proof (cases "f = 0") | |
case True | |
thus ?thesis using mon by auto | |
next | |
case False | |
with assms have "degree f < degree g" by auto | |
hence "degree (smult q f) < degree g" by (meson degree_smult_le not_less order_trans) | |
thus ?thesis using mon using coeff_eq_0 degree_add_eq_left by fastforce | |
qed | |
context poly_mod | |
begin | |
definition factorization_m :: "int poly \<Rightarrow> (int \<times> int poly multiset) \<Rightarrow> bool" where | |
"factorization_m f cfs \<equiv> (case cfs of (c,fs) \<Rightarrow> f =m (smult c (prod_mset fs)) \<and> | |
(\<forall> f \<in> set_mset fs. irreducible\<^sub>d_m f \<and> monic (Mp f)))" | |
definition Mf :: "int \<times> int poly multiset \<Rightarrow> int \<times> int poly multiset" where | |
"Mf cfs \<equiv> case cfs of (c,fs) \<Rightarrow> (M c, image_mset Mp fs)" | |
lemma Mf_Mf[simp]: "Mf (Mf x) = Mf x" | |
proof (cases x, auto simp: Mf_def, goal_cases) | |
case (1 c fs) | |
show ?case by (induct fs, auto) | |
qed | |
definition equivalent_fact_m :: "int \<times> int poly multiset \<Rightarrow> int \<times> int poly multiset \<Rightarrow> bool" where | |
"equivalent_fact_m cfs dgs = (Mf cfs = Mf dgs)" | |
definition unique_factorization_m :: "int poly \<Rightarrow> (int \<times> int poly multiset) \<Rightarrow> bool" where | |
"unique_factorization_m f cfs = (Mf ` Collect (factorization_m f) = {Mf cfs})" | |
lemma Mp_irreducible\<^sub>d_m[simp]: "irreducible\<^sub>d_m (Mp f) = irreducible\<^sub>d_m f" | |
unfolding irreducible\<^sub>d_m_def dvdm_def by simp | |
lemma Mf_factorization_m[simp]: "factorization_m f (Mf cfs) = factorization_m f cfs" | |
unfolding factorization_m_def Mf_def | |
proof (cases cfs, simp, goal_cases) | |
case (1 c fs) | |
have "Mp (smult c (prod_mset fs)) = Mp (smult (M c) (Mp (prod_mset fs)))" by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = Mp (smult (M c) (Mp (prod_mset (image_mset Mp fs))))" | |
unfolding Mp_prod_mset by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = Mp (smult (M c) (prod_mset (image_mset Mp fs)))" unfolding Mp_smult .. | |
finally show ?case by auto | |
qed | |
lemma unique_factorization_m_imp_factorization: assumes "unique_factorization_m f cfs" | |
shows "factorization_m f cfs" | |
proof - | |
from assms[unfolded unique_factorization_m_def] obtain dfs where | |
fact: "factorization_m f dfs" and id: "Mf cfs = Mf dfs" by blast | |
from fact have "factorization_m f (Mf dfs)" by simp | |
from this[folded id] show ?thesis by simp | |
qed | |
lemma unique_factorization_m_alt_def: "unique_factorization_m f cfs = (factorization_m f cfs | |
\<and> (\<forall> dgs. factorization_m f dgs \<longrightarrow> Mf dgs = Mf cfs))" | |
using unique_factorization_m_imp_factorization[of f cfs] | |
unfolding unique_factorization_m_def by auto | |
end | |
context poly_mod_2 | |
begin | |
lemma factorization_m_lead_coeff: assumes "factorization_m f (c,fs)" | |
shows "lead_coeff (Mp f) = M c" | |
proof - | |
note * = assms[unfolded factorization_m_def split] | |
have "monic (prod_mset (image_mset Mp fs))" by (rule monic_prod_mset, insert *, auto) | |
hence "monic (Mp (prod_mset (image_mset Mp fs)))" by (rule monic_Mp) | |
from this[unfolded Mp_prod_mset] have monic: "monic (Mp (prod_mset fs))" by simp | |
from * have "lead_coeff (Mp f) = lead_coeff (Mp (smult c (prod_mset fs)))" by simp | |
also have "Mp (smult c (prod_mset fs)) = Mp (smult (M c) (Mp (prod_mset fs)))" by simp | |
finally show ?thesis | |
using monic \<open>smult c (prod_mset fs) =m smult (M c) (Mp (prod_mset fs))\<close> | |
by (metis M_M M_def Mp_0 Mp_coeff lead_coeff_smult m1 mult_cancel_left2 poly_mod.degree_m_eq smult_eq_0_iff) | |
qed | |
lemma factorization_m_smult: assumes "factorization_m f (c,fs)" | |
shows "factorization_m (smult d f) (c * d,fs)" | |
proof - | |
note * = assms[unfolded factorization_m_def split] | |
from * have f: "Mp f = Mp (smult c (prod_mset fs))" by simp | |
have "Mp (smult d f) = Mp (smult d (Mp f))" by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = Mp (smult (c * d) (prod_mset fs))" unfolding f by (simp add: ac_simps) | |
finally show ?thesis using assms | |
unfolding factorization_m_def split by auto | |
qed | |
lemma factorization_m_prod: assumes "factorization_m f (c,fs)" "factorization_m g (d,gs)" | |
shows "factorization_m (f * g) (c * d, fs + gs)" | |
proof - | |
note * = assms[unfolded factorization_m_def split] | |
have "Mp (f * g) = Mp (Mp f * Mp g)" by simp | |
also have "Mp f = Mp (smult c (prod_mset fs))" using * by simp | |
also have "Mp g = Mp (smult d (prod_mset gs))" using * by simp | |
finally have "Mp (f * g) = Mp (smult (c * d) (prod_mset (fs + gs)))" unfolding mult_Mp | |
by (simp add: ac_simps) | |
with * show ?thesis unfolding factorization_m_def split by auto | |
qed | |
lemma Mp_factorization_m[simp]: "factorization_m (Mp f) cfs = factorization_m f cfs" | |
unfolding factorization_m_def by simp | |
lemma Mp_unique_factorization_m[simp]: | |
"unique_factorization_m (Mp f) cfs = unique_factorization_m f cfs" | |
unfolding unique_factorization_m_alt_def by simp | |
lemma unique_factorization_m_cong: "unique_factorization_m f cfs \<Longrightarrow> Mp f = Mp g | |
\<Longrightarrow> unique_factorization_m g cfs" | |
unfolding Mp_unique_factorization_m[of f, symmetric] by simp | |
lemma unique_factorization_mI: assumes "factorization_m f (c,fs)" | |
and "\<And> d gs. factorization_m f (d,gs) \<Longrightarrow> Mf (d,gs) = Mf (c,fs)" | |
shows "unique_factorization_m f (c,fs)" | |
unfolding unique_factorization_m_alt_def | |
by (intro conjI[OF assms(1)] allI impI, insert assms(2), auto) | |
lemma unique_factorization_m_smult: assumes uf: "unique_factorization_m f (c,fs)" | |
and d: "M (di * d) = 1" | |
shows "unique_factorization_m (smult d f) (c * d,fs)" | |
proof (rule unique_factorization_mI[OF factorization_m_smult]) | |
show "factorization_m f (c, fs)" using uf[unfolded unique_factorization_m_alt_def] by auto | |
fix e gs | |
assume fact: "factorization_m (smult d f) (e,gs)" | |
from factorization_m_smult[OF this, of di] | |
have "factorization_m (Mp (smult di (smult d f))) (e * di, gs)" by simp | |
also have "Mp (smult di (smult d f)) = Mp (smult (M (di * d)) f)" by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = Mp f" unfolding d by simp | |
finally have fact: "factorization_m f (e * di, gs)" by simp | |
with uf[unfolded unique_factorization_m_alt_def] have eq: "Mf (e * di, gs) = Mf (c, fs)" by blast | |
from eq[unfolded Mf_def] have "M (e * di) = M c" by simp | |
from arg_cong[OF this, of "\<lambda> x. M (x * d)"] | |
have "M (e * M (di * d)) = M (c * d)" by (simp add: ac_simps) | |
from this[unfolded d] have e: "M e = M (c * d)" by simp | |
with eq | |
show "Mf (e,gs) = Mf (c * d, fs)" unfolding Mf_def split by simp | |
qed | |
lemma unique_factorization_m_smultD: assumes uf: "unique_factorization_m (smult d f) (c,fs)" | |
and d: "M (di * d) = 1" | |
shows "unique_factorization_m f (c * di,fs)" | |
proof - | |
from d have d': "M (d * di) = 1" by (simp add: ac_simps) | |
show ?thesis | |
proof (rule unique_factorization_m_cong[OF unique_factorization_m_smult[OF uf d']], | |
rule poly_eqI, unfold Mp_coeff coeff_smult) | |
fix n | |
have "M (di * (d * coeff f n)) = M (M (di * d) * coeff f n)" by (auto simp: ac_simps) | |
from this[unfolded d] show "M (di * (d * coeff f n)) = M (coeff f n)" by simp | |
qed | |
qed | |
lemma degree_m_eq_lead_coeff: "degree_m f = degree f \<Longrightarrow> lead_coeff (Mp f) = M (lead_coeff f)" | |
by (simp add: Mp_coeff) | |
lemma unique_factorization_m_zero: assumes "unique_factorization_m f (c,fs)" | |
shows "M c \<noteq> 0" | |
proof | |
assume c: "M c = 0" | |
from unique_factorization_m_imp_factorization[OF assms] | |
have "Mp f = Mp (smult (M c) (prod_mset fs))" unfolding factorization_m_def split | |
by simp | |
from this[unfolded c] have f: "Mp f = 0" by simp | |
have "factorization_m f (0,{#})" | |
unfolding factorization_m_def split f by auto | |
moreover have "Mf (0,{#}) = (0,{#})" unfolding Mf_def by auto | |
ultimately have fact1: "(0, {#}) \<in> Mf ` Collect (factorization_m f)" by force | |
define g :: "int poly" where "g = [:0,1:]" | |
have mpg: "Mp g = [:0,1:]" unfolding Mp_def | |
by (auto simp: g_def) | |
{ | |
fix g h | |
assume *: "degree (Mp g) = 0" "degree (Mp h) = 0" "[:0, 1:] = Mp (g * h)" | |
from arg_cong[OF *(3), of degree] have "1 = degree_m (Mp g * Mp h)" by simp | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> degree (Mp g * Mp h)" by (rule degree_m_le) | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> degree (Mp g) + degree (Mp h)" by (rule degree_mult_le) | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> 0" using * by simp | |
finally have False by simp | |
} note irr = this | |
have "factorization_m f (0,{# g #})" | |
unfolding factorization_m_def split using irr | |
by (auto simp: irreducible\<^sub>d_m_def f mpg) | |
moreover have "Mf (0,{# g #}) = (0,{# g #})" unfolding Mf_def by (auto simp: mpg, simp add: g_def) | |
ultimately have fact2: "(0, {#g#}) \<in> Mf ` Collect (factorization_m f)" by force | |
note [simp] = assms[unfolded unique_factorization_m_def] | |
from fact1[simplified, folded fact2[simplified]] show False by auto | |
qed | |
end | |
context poly_mod | |
begin | |
lemma dvdm_smult: assumes "f dvdm g" | |
shows "f dvdm smult c g" | |
proof - | |
from assms[unfolded dvdm_def] obtain h where g: "g =m f * h" by auto | |
show ?thesis unfolding dvdm_def | |
proof (intro exI[of _ "smult c h"]) | |
have "Mp (smult c g) = Mp (smult c (Mp g))" by simp | |
also have "Mp g = Mp (f * h)" using g by simp | |
finally show "Mp (smult c g) = Mp (f * smult c h)" by simp | |
qed | |
qed | |
lemma dvdm_factor: assumes "f dvdm g" | |
shows "f dvdm g * h" | |
proof - | |
from assms[unfolded dvdm_def] obtain k where g: "g =m f * k" by auto | |
show ?thesis unfolding dvdm_def | |
proof (intro exI[of _ "h * k"]) | |
have "Mp (g * h) = Mp (Mp g * h)" by simp | |
also have "Mp g = Mp (f * k)" using g by simp | |
finally show "Mp (g * h) = Mp (f * (h * k))" by (simp add: ac_simps) | |
qed | |
qed | |
lemma square_free_m_smultD: assumes "square_free_m (smult c f)" | |
shows "square_free_m f" | |
unfolding square_free_m_def | |
proof (intro conjI allI impI) | |
fix g | |
assume "degree_m g \<noteq> 0" | |
with assms[unfolded square_free_m_def] have "\<not> g * g dvdm smult c f" by auto | |
thus "\<not> g * g dvdm f" using dvdm_smult[of "g * g" f c] by blast | |
next | |
from assms[unfolded square_free_m_def] have "\<not> smult c f =m 0" by simp | |
thus "\<not> f =m 0" | |
by (metis Mp_smult(2) smult_0_right) | |
qed | |
lemma square_free_m_smultI: assumes sf: "square_free_m f" | |
and inv: "M (ci * c) = 1" | |
shows "square_free_m (smult c f)" | |
proof - | |
have "square_free_m (smult ci (smult c f))" | |
proof (rule square_free_m_cong[OF sf], rule poly_eqI, unfold Mp_coeff coeff_smult) | |
fix n | |
have "M (ci * (c * coeff f n)) = M ( M (ci * c) * coeff f n)" by (simp add: ac_simps) | |
from this[unfolded inv] show "M (coeff f n) = M (ci * (c * coeff f n))" by simp | |
qed | |
from square_free_m_smultD[OF this] show ?thesis . | |
qed | |
lemma square_free_m_factor: assumes "square_free_m (f * g)" | |
shows "square_free_m f" "square_free_m g" | |
proof - | |
{ | |
fix f g | |
assume sf: "square_free_m (f * g)" | |
have "square_free_m f" | |
unfolding square_free_m_def | |
proof (intro conjI allI impI) | |
fix h | |
assume "degree_m h \<noteq> 0" | |
with sf[unfolded square_free_m_def] have "\<not> h * h dvdm f * g" by auto | |
thus "\<not> h * h dvdm f" using dvdm_factor[of "h * h" f g] by blast | |
next | |
from sf[unfolded square_free_m_def] have "\<not> f * g =m 0" by simp | |
thus "\<not> f =m 0" | |
by (metis mult.commute mult_zero_right poly_mod.mult_Mp(2)) | |
qed | |
} | |
from this[of f g] this[of g f] assms | |
show "square_free_m f" "square_free_m g" by (auto simp: ac_simps) | |
qed | |
end | |
context poly_mod_2 | |
begin | |
lemma Mp_ident_iff: "Mp f = f \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall> n. coeff f n \<in> {0 ..< m})" | |
proof - | |
have m0: "m > 0" using m1 by simp | |
show ?thesis unfolding poly_eq_iff Mp_coeff M_def mod_ident_iff[OF m0] by simp | |
qed | |
lemma Mp_ident_iff': "Mp f = f \<longleftrightarrow> (set (coeffs f) \<subseteq> {0 ..< m})" | |
proof - | |
have 0: "0 \<in> {0 ..< m}" using m1 by auto | |
have ran: "(\<forall>n. coeff f n \<in> {0..<m}) \<longleftrightarrow> range (coeff f) \<subseteq> {0 ..< m}" by blast | |
show ?thesis unfolding Mp_ident_iff ran using range_coeff[of f] 0 by auto | |
qed | |
end | |
lemma Mp_Mp_pow_is_Mp: "n \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> p > 1 \<Longrightarrow> poly_mod.Mp p (poly_mod.Mp (p^n) f) | |
= poly_mod.Mp p f" | |
using poly_mod_2.Mp_product_modulus poly_mod_2_def by(subst power_eq_if, auto) | |
lemma M_M_pow_is_M: "n \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> p > 1 \<Longrightarrow> poly_mod.M p (poly_mod.M (p^n) f) | |
= poly_mod.M p f" using Mp_Mp_pow_is_Mp[of n p "[:f:]"] | |
by (metis coeff_pCons_0 poly_mod.Mp_coeff) | |
definition inverse_mod :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int" where | |
"inverse_mod x m = fst (bezout_coefficients x m)" | |
lemma inverse_mod: | |
"(inverse_mod x m * x) mod m = 1" | |
if "coprime x m" "m > 1" | |
proof - | |
from bezout_coefficients [of x m "inverse_mod x m" "snd (bezout_coefficients x m)"] | |
have "inverse_mod x m * x + snd (bezout_coefficients x m) * m = gcd x m" | |
by (simp add: inverse_mod_def) | |
with that have "inverse_mod x m * x + snd (bezout_coefficients x m) * m = 1" | |
by simp | |
then have "(inverse_mod x m * x + snd (bezout_coefficients x m) * m) mod m = 1 mod m" | |
by simp | |
with \<open>m > 1\<close> show ?thesis | |
by simp | |
qed | |
lemma inverse_mod_pow: | |
"(inverse_mod x (p ^ n) * x) mod (p ^ n) = 1" | |
if "coprime x p" "p > 1" "n \<noteq> 0" | |
using that by (auto intro: inverse_mod) | |
lemma (in poly_mod) inverse_mod_coprime: | |
assumes p: "prime m" | |
and cop: "coprime x m" shows "M (inverse_mod x m * x) = 1" | |
unfolding M_def using inverse_mod_pow[OF cop, of 1] p | |
by (auto simp: prime_int_iff) | |
lemma (in poly_mod) inverse_mod_coprime_exp: | |
assumes m: "m = p^n" and p: "prime p" | |
and n: "n \<noteq> 0" and cop: "coprime x p" | |
shows "M (inverse_mod x m * x) = 1" | |
unfolding M_def unfolding m using inverse_mod_pow[OF cop _ n] p | |
by (auto simp: prime_int_iff) | |
locale poly_mod_prime = poly_mod p for p :: int + | |
assumes prime: "prime p" | |
begin | |
sublocale poly_mod_2 p using prime unfolding poly_mod_2_def | |
using prime_gt_1_int by force | |
lemma square_free_m_prod_imp_coprime_m: assumes sf: "square_free_m (A * B)" | |
shows "coprime_m A B" | |
unfolding coprime_m_def | |
proof (intro allI impI) | |
fix h | |
assume dvd: "h dvdm A" "h dvdm B" | |
then obtain ha hb where *: "Mp A = Mp (h * ha)" "Mp B = Mp (h * hb)" | |
unfolding dvdm_def by auto | |
have AB: "Mp (A * B) = Mp (Mp A * Mp B)" by simp | |
from this[unfolded *, simplified] | |
have eq: "Mp (A * B) = Mp (h * h * (ha * hb))" by (simp add: ac_simps) | |
hence dvd_hh: "(h * h) dvdm (A * B)" unfolding dvdm_def by auto | |
{ | |
assume "degree_m h \<noteq> 0" | |
from sf[unfolded square_free_m_def, THEN conjunct2, rule_format, OF this] | |
have "\<not> h * h dvdm A * B" . | |
with dvd_hh have False by simp | |
} | |
hence "degree (Mp h) = 0" by auto | |
then obtain c where hc: "Mp h = [: c :]" by (rule degree_eq_zeroE) | |
{ | |
assume "c = 0" | |
hence "Mp h = 0" unfolding hc by auto | |
with *(1) have "Mp A = 0" | |
by (metis Mp_0 mult_zero_left poly_mod.mult_Mp(1)) | |
with sf[unfolded square_free_m_def, THEN conjunct1] have False | |
by (simp add: AB) | |
} | |
hence c0: "c \<noteq> 0" by auto | |
with arg_cong[OF hc[symmetric], of "\<lambda> f. coeff f 0", unfolded Mp_coeff M_def] m1 | |
have "c \<ge> 0" "c < p" by auto | |
with c0 have c_props:"c > 0" "c < p" by auto | |
with prime have "prime p" by simp | |
with c_props have "coprime p c" | |
by (auto intro: prime_imp_coprime dest: zdvd_not_zless) | |
then have "coprime c p" | |
by (simp add: ac_simps) | |
from inverse_mod_coprime[OF prime this] | |
obtain d where d: "M (c * d) = 1" by (auto simp: ac_simps) | |
show "h dvdm 1" unfolding dvdm_def | |
proof (intro exI[of _ "[:d:]"]) | |
have "Mp (h * [: d :]) = Mp (Mp h * [: d :])" by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = Mp ([: c * d :])" unfolding hc by (auto simp: ac_simps) | |
also have "\<dots> = [: M (c * d) :]" unfolding Mp_def | |
by (metis (no_types) M_0 map_poly_pCons Mp_0 Mp_def d zero_neq_one) | |
also have "\<dots> = 1" unfolding d by simp | |
finally show "Mp 1 = Mp (h * [:d:])" by simp | |
qed | |
qed | |
lemma coprime_exp_mod: "coprime lu p \<Longrightarrow> n \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> lu mod p ^ n \<noteq> 0" | |
using prime by fastforce | |
end | |
context poly_mod | |
begin | |
definition Dp :: "int poly \<Rightarrow> int poly" where | |
"Dp f = map_poly (\<lambda> a. a div m) f" | |
lemma Dp_Mp_eq: "f = Mp f + smult m (Dp f)" | |
by (rule poly_eqI, auto simp: Mp_coeff M_def Dp_def coeff_map_poly) | |
lemma dvd_imp_dvdm: | |
assumes "a dvd b" shows "a dvdm b" | |
by (metis assms dvd_def dvdm_def) | |
lemma dvdm_add: | |
assumes a: "u dvdm a" | |
and b: "u dvdm b" | |
shows "u dvdm (a+b)" | |
proof - | |
obtain a' where a: "a =m u*a'" using a unfolding dvdm_def by auto | |
obtain b' where b: "b =m u*b'" using b unfolding dvdm_def by auto | |
have "Mp (a + b) = Mp (u*a'+u*b')" using a b | |
by (metis poly_mod.plus_Mp(1) poly_mod.plus_Mp(2)) | |
also have "... = Mp (u * (a'+ b'))" | |
by (simp add: distrib_left) | |
finally show ?thesis unfolding dvdm_def by auto | |
qed | |
lemma monic_dvdm_constant: | |
assumes uk: "u dvdm [:k:]" | |
and u1: "monic u" and u2: "degree u > 0" | |
shows "k mod m = 0" | |
proof - | |
have d1: "degree_m [:k:] = degree [:k:]" | |
by (metis degree_pCons_0 le_zero_eq poly_mod.degree_m_le) | |
obtain h where h: "Mp [:k:] = Mp (u * h)" | |
using uk unfolding dvdm_def by auto | |
have d2: "degree_m [:k:] = degree_m (u*h)" using h by metis | |
have d3: "degree (map_poly M (u * map_poly M h)) = degree (u * map_poly M h)" | |
by (rule degree_map_poly) | |
(metis coeff_degree_mult leading_coeff_0_iff mult.right_neutral M_M Mp_coeff Mp_def u1) | |
thus ?thesis using assms d1 d2 d3 | |
by (auto, metis M_def map_poly_pCons degree_mult_right_le h leD map_poly_0 | |
mult_poly_0_right pCons_eq_0_iff M_0 Mp_def mult_Mp(2)) | |
qed | |
lemma div_mod_imp_dvdm: | |
assumes "\<exists>q r. b = q * a + Polynomial.smult m r" | |
shows "a dvdm b" | |
proof - | |
from assms obtain q r where b:"b = a * q + smult m r" | |
by (metis mult.commute) | |
have a: "Mp (Polynomial.smult m r) = 0" by auto | |
show ?thesis | |
proof (unfold dvdm_def, rule exI[of _ q]) | |
have "Mp (a * q + smult m r) = Mp (a * q + Mp (smult m r))" | |
using plus_Mp(2)[of "a*q" "smult m r"] by auto | |
also have "... = Mp (a*q)" by auto | |
finally show "eq_m b (a * q)" using b by auto | |
qed | |
qed | |
lemma lead_coeff_monic_mult: | |
fixes p :: "'a :: {comm_semiring_1,semiring_no_zero_divisors} poly" | |
assumes "monic p" shows "lead_coeff (p * q) = lead_coeff q" | |
using assms by (simp add: lead_coeff_mult) | |
lemma degree_m_mult_eq: | |
assumes p: "monic p" and q: "lead_coeff q mod m \<noteq> 0" and m1: "m > 1" | |
shows "degree (Mp (p * q)) = degree p + degree q" | |
proof- | |
have "lead_coeff (p * q) mod m \<noteq> 0" | |
using q p by (auto simp: lead_coeff_monic_mult) | |
with m1 show ?thesis | |
by (auto simp: degree_m_eq intro!: degree_mult_eq) | |
qed | |
lemma dvdm_imp_degree_le: | |
assumes pq: "p dvdm q" and p: "monic p" and q0: "Mp q \<noteq> 0" and m1: "m > 1" | |
shows "degree p \<le> degree q" | |
proof- | |
from q0 | |
have q: "lead_coeff (Mp q) mod m \<noteq> 0" | |
by (metis Mp_Mp Mp_coeff leading_coeff_neq_0 M_def) | |
from pq obtain r where Mpq: "Mp q = Mp (p * Mp r)" by (auto elim: dvdmE) | |
with p q have "lead_coeff (Mp r) mod m \<noteq> 0" | |
by (metis Mp_Mp Mp_coeff leading_coeff_0_iff mult_poly_0_right M_def) | |
from degree_m_mult_eq[OF p this m1] Mpq | |
have "degree p \<le> degree_m q" by simp | |
thus ?thesis using degree_m_le le_trans by blast | |
qed | |
lemma dvdm_uminus [simp]: | |
"p dvdm -q \<longleftrightarrow> p dvdm q" | |
by (metis add.inverse_inverse dvdm_smult smult_1_left smult_minus_left) | |
(*TODO: simp?*) | |
lemma Mp_const_poly: "Mp [:a:] = [:a mod m:]" | |
by (simp add: Mp_def M_def Polynomial.map_poly_pCons) | |
lemma dvdm_imp_div_mod: | |
assumes "u dvdm g" | |
shows "\<exists>q r. g = q*u + smult m r" | |
proof - | |
obtain q where q: "Mp g = Mp (u*q)" | |
using assms unfolding dvdm_def by fast | |
have "(u*q) = Mp (u*q) + smult m (Dp (u*q))" | |
by (simp add: poly_mod.Dp_Mp_eq[of "u*q"]) | |
hence uq: "Mp (u*q) = (u*q) - smult m (Dp (u*q))" | |
by auto | |
have g: "g = Mp g + smult m (Dp g)" | |
by (simp add: poly_mod.Dp_Mp_eq[of "g"]) | |
also have "... = poly_mod.Mp m (u*q) + smult m (Dp g)" using q by simp | |
also have "... = u * q - smult m (Dp (u * q)) + smult m (Dp g)" | |
unfolding uq by auto | |
also have "... = u * q + smult m (-Dp (u*q)) + smult m (Dp g)" by auto | |
also have "... = u * q + smult m (-Dp (u*q) + Dp g)" | |
unfolding smult_add_right by auto | |
also have "... = q * u + smult m (-Dp (u*q) + Dp g)" by auto | |
finally show ?thesis by auto | |
qed | |
corollary div_mod_iff_dvdm: | |
shows "a dvdm b = (\<exists>q r. b = q * a + Polynomial.smult m r)" | |
using div_mod_imp_dvdm dvdm_imp_div_mod by blast | |
lemma dvdmE': | |
assumes "p dvdm q" and "\<And>r. q =m p * Mp r \<Longrightarrow> thesis" | |
shows thesis | |
using assms by (auto simp: dvdm_def) | |
end | |
context poly_mod_2 | |
begin | |
lemma factorization_m_mem_dvdm: assumes fact: "factorization_m f (c,fs)" | |
and mem: "Mp g \<in># image_mset Mp fs" | |
shows "g dvdm f" | |
proof - | |
from fact have "factorization_m f (Mf (c, fs))" by auto | |
then obtain l where f: "factorization_m f (l, image_mset Mp fs)" by (auto simp: Mf_def) | |
from multi_member_split[OF mem] obtain ls where | |
fs: "image_mset Mp fs = {# Mp g #} + ls" by auto | |
from f[unfolded fs split factorization_m_def] show "g dvdm f" | |
unfolding dvdm_def | |
by (intro exI[of _ "smult l (prod_mset ls)"], auto simp del: Mp_smult | |
simp add: Mp_smult(2)[of _ "Mp g * prod_mset ls", symmetric], simp) | |
qed | |
lemma dvdm_degree: "monic u \<Longrightarrow> u dvdm f \<Longrightarrow> Mp f \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> degree u \<le> degree f" | |
using dvdm_imp_degree_le m1 by blast | |
end | |
lemma (in poly_mod_prime) pl_dvdm_imp_p_dvdm: | |
assumes l0: "l \<noteq> 0" | |
and pl_dvdm: "poly_mod.dvdm (p^l) a b" | |
shows "a dvdm b" | |
proof - | |
from l0 have l_gt_0: "l > 0" by auto | |
with m1 interpret pl: poly_mod_2 "p^l" by (unfold_locales, auto) | |
from l_gt_0 have p_rw: "p * p ^ (l - 1) = p ^ l" | |
by (cases l) simp_all | |
obtain q r where b: "b = q * a + smult (p^l) r" using pl.dvdm_imp_div_mod[OF pl_dvdm] by auto | |
have "smult (p^l) r = smult p (smult (p ^ (l - 1)) r)" unfolding smult_smult p_rw .. | |
hence b2: "b = q * a + smult p (smult (p ^ (l - 1)) r)" using b by auto | |
show ?thesis | |
by (rule div_mod_imp_dvdm, rule exI[of _ q], | |
rule exI[of _ "(smult (p ^ (l - 1)) r)"], auto simp add: b2) | |
qed | |
end |