
proof-pile / formal /afp /Berlekamp_Zassenhaus /Sublist_Iteration.thy
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Authors: Jose Divasón
Sebastiaan Joosten
René Thiemann
Akihisa Yamada
subsection \<open>Iteration of Subsets of Factors\<close>
theory Sublist_Iteration
paragraph \<open>Misc lemmas\<close>
lemma mem_snd_map: "(\<exists>x. (x, y) \<in> S) \<longleftrightarrow> y \<in> snd ` S" by force
lemma filter_upt: assumes "l \<le> m" "m < n" shows "filter ((\<le>) m) [l..<n] = [m..<n]"
proof(insert assms, induct n)
case 0 then show ?case by auto
case (Suc n) then show ?case by (cases "m = n", auto)
lemma upt_append: "i < j \<Longrightarrow> j < k \<Longrightarrow> [i..<j]@[j..<k] = [i..<k]"
proof(induct k arbitrary: j)
case 0 then show ?case by auto
case (Suc k) then show ?case by (cases "j = k", auto)
lemma IArray_sub[simp]: "(!!) as = (!) (IArray.list_of as)" by auto
declare IArray.sub_def[simp del]
text \<open>Following lemmas in this section are for @{const subseqs}\<close>
lemma subseqs_Cons[simp]: "subseqs (x#xs) = map (Cons x) (subseqs xs) @ subseqs xs"
by (simp add: Let_def)
declare subseqs.simps(2) [simp del]
lemma singleton_mem_set_subseqs [simp]: "[x] \<in> set (subseqs xs) \<longleftrightarrow> x \<in> set xs" by (induct xs, auto)
lemma Cons_mem_set_subseqsD: "y#ys \<in> set (subseqs xs) \<Longrightarrow> y \<in> set xs" by (induct xs, auto)
lemma subseqs_subset: "ys \<in> set (subseqs xs) \<Longrightarrow> set ys \<subseteq> set xs"
by (metis Pow_iff image_eqI subseqs_powset)
lemma Cons_mem_set_subseqs_Cons:
"y#ys \<in> set (subseqs (x#xs)) \<longleftrightarrow> (y = x \<and> ys \<in> set (subseqs xs)) \<or> y#ys \<in> set (subseqs xs)"
by auto
lemma sorted_subseqs_sorted:
"sorted xs \<Longrightarrow> ys \<in> set (subseqs xs) \<Longrightarrow> sorted ys"
proof(induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case Cons thus ?case using subseqs_subset by fastforce
lemma subseqs_of_subseq: "ys \<in> set (subseqs xs) \<Longrightarrow> set (subseqs ys) \<subseteq> set (subseqs xs)"
proof(induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case Nil then show ?case by auto
case IHx: (Cons x xs)
from IHx.prems show ?case
proof(induct ys)
case Nil then show ?case by auto
case IHy: (Cons y ys)
from IHy.prems[unfolded subseqs_Cons]
consider "y = x" "ys \<in> set (subseqs xs)" | "y # ys \<in> set (subseqs xs)" by auto
then show ?case
case 1 with IHx.hyps show ?thesis by auto
case 2 from IHx.hyps[OF this] show ?thesis by auto
lemma mem_set_subseqs_append: "xs \<in> set (subseqs ys) \<Longrightarrow> xs \<in> set (subseqs (zs @ ys))"
by (induct zs, auto)
lemma Cons_mem_set_subseqs_append:
"x \<in> set ys \<Longrightarrow> xs \<in> set (subseqs zs) \<Longrightarrow> x#xs \<in> set (subseqs (ys@zs))"
proof(induct ys)
case Nil then show ?case by auto
case IH: (Cons y ys)
then consider "x = y" | "x \<in> set ys" by auto
then show ?case
case 1 with IH show ?thesis by (auto intro: mem_set_subseqs_append)
case 2 from IH.hyps[OF this IH.prems(2)] show ?thesis by auto
lemma Cons_mem_set_subseqs_sorted:
"sorted xs \<Longrightarrow> y#ys \<in> set (subseqs xs) \<Longrightarrow> y#ys \<in> set (subseqs (filter (\<lambda>x. y \<le> x) xs))"
by (induct xs) (auto simp: Let_def)
lemma subseqs_map[simp]: "subseqs (map f xs) = map (map f) (subseqs xs)" by (induct xs, auto)
lemma subseqs_of_indices: "map (map (nth xs)) (subseqs [0..<length xs]) = subseqs xs"
proof (induct xs)
case Nil then show ?case by auto
case (Cons x xs)
from this[symmetric]
have "subseqs xs = map (map ((!) (x#xs))) (subseqs [Suc 0..<Suc (length xs)])"
by (fold map_Suc_upt, simp)
then show ?case by (unfold length_Cons upt_conv_Cons[OF zero_less_Suc], simp)
paragraph \<open>Specification\<close>
definition "subseq_of_length n xs ys \<equiv> ys \<in> set (subseqs xs) \<and> length ys = n"
lemma subseq_of_lengthI[intro]:
assumes "ys \<in> set (subseqs xs)" "length ys = n"
shows "subseq_of_length n xs ys"
by (insert assms, unfold subseq_of_length_def, auto)
lemma subseq_of_lengthD[dest]:
assumes "subseq_of_length n xs ys"
shows "ys \<in> set (subseqs xs)" "length ys = n"
by (insert assms, unfold subseq_of_length_def, auto)
lemma subseq_of_length0[simp]: "subseq_of_length 0 xs ys \<longleftrightarrow> ys = []" by auto
lemma subseq_of_length_Nil[simp]: "subseq_of_length n [] ys \<longleftrightarrow> n = 0 \<and> ys = []"
by (auto simp: subseq_of_length_def)
lemma subseq_of_length_Suc_upt:
"subseq_of_length (Suc n) [0..<m] xs \<longleftrightarrow>
(if n = 0 then length xs = Suc 0 \<and> hd xs < m
else hd xs < hd (tl xs) \<and> subseq_of_length n [0..<m] (tl xs))" (is "?l \<longleftrightarrow> ?r")
proof(cases "n")
case 0
show ?thesis
proof(intro iffI)
assume l: "?l"
with 0 have 1: "length xs = Suc 0" by auto
then have xs: "xs = [hd xs]" by (metis length_0_conv length_Suc_conv list.sel(1))
with l have "[hd xs] \<in> set (subseqs [0..<m])" by auto
with 1 show "?r" by (unfold 0, auto)
assume ?r
with 0 have 1: "length xs = Suc 0" and 2: "hd xs < m" by auto
then have xs: "xs = [hd xs]" by (metis length_0_conv length_Suc_conv list.sel(1))
from 2 show "?l" by (subst xs, auto simp: 0)
case n: (Suc n')
show ?thesis
proof (intro iffI)
assume "?l"
with n have 1: "length xs = Suc (Suc n')" and 2: "xs \<in> set (subseqs [0..<m])" by auto
from 1[unfolded length_Suc_conv]
obtain x y ys where xs: "xs = x#y#ys" and n': "length ys = n'" by auto
have "sorted xs" by(rule sorted_subseqs_sorted[OF _ 2], auto)
from this[unfolded xs] have "x \<le> y" by auto
from 2 have "distinct xs" by (rule subseqs_distinctD, auto)
from this[unfolded xs] have "x \<noteq> y" by auto
ultimately have "x < y" by auto
from 2 have "y#ys \<in> set (subseqs [0..<m])" by (unfold xs, auto dest: Cons_in_subseqsD)
with n n' have "subseq_of_length n [0..<m] (y#ys)" by auto
ultimately show ?r by (auto simp: xs)
assume r: "?r"
with n have len: "length xs = Suc (Suc n')"
and *: "hd xs < hd (tl xs)" "tl xs \<in> set (subseqs [0..<m])" by auto
from len[unfolded length_Suc_conv] obtain x y ys
where xs: "xs = x#y#ys" and n': "length ys = n'" by auto
with * have xy: "x < y" and yys: "y#ys \<in> set (subseqs [0..<m])" by auto
from Cons_mem_set_subseqs_sorted[OF _ yys]
have "y#ys \<in> set (subseqs (filter ((\<le>) y) [0..<m]))" by auto
also from Cons_mem_set_subseqsD[OF yys] have ym: "y < m" by auto
then have "filter ((\<le>) y) [0..<m] = [y..<m]" by (auto intro: filter_upt)
finally have "y#ys \<in> set (subseqs [y..<m])" by auto
with xy have "x#y#ys \<in> set (subseqs (x#[y..<m]))" by auto
also from xy have "... \<subseteq> set (subseqs ([0..<y] @ [y..<m]))"
by (intro subseqs_of_subseq Cons_mem_set_subseqs_append, auto intro: subseqs_refl)
also from xy ym have "[0..<y] @ [y..<m] = [0..<m]" by (auto intro: upt_append)
finally have "xs \<in> set (subseqs [0..<m])" by (unfold xs)
with len[folded n] show ?l by auto
lemma subseqs_of_length_of_indices:
"{ ys. subseq_of_length n xs ys } = { map (nth xs) is | is. subseq_of_length n [0..<length xs] is }"
by(unfold subseq_of_length_def, subst subseqs_of_indices[symmetric], auto)
lemma subseqs_of_length_Suc_Cons:
"{ ys. subseq_of_length (Suc n) (x#xs) ys } =
Cons x ` { ys. subseq_of_length n xs ys } \<union> { ys. subseq_of_length (Suc n) xs ys }"
by (unfold subseq_of_length_def, auto)
datatype ('a,'b,'state)subseqs_impl = Sublists_Impl
(create_subseqs: "'b \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> ('b \<times> 'a list)list \<times> 'state")
(next_subseqs: "'state \<Rightarrow> ('b \<times> 'a list)list \<times> 'state")
locale subseqs_impl =
fixes f :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b"
and sl_impl :: "('a,'b,'state)subseqs_impl"
definition S :: "'b \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> ('b \<times> 'a list)set" where
"S base elements n = { (foldr f ys base, ys) | ys. subseq_of_length n elements ys }"
locale correct_subseqs_impl = subseqs_impl f sl_impl
for f :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b"
and sl_impl :: "('a,'b,'state)subseqs_impl" +
fixes invariant :: "'b \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'state \<Rightarrow> bool"
assumes create_subseqs: "create_subseqs sl_impl base elements n = (out, state) \<Longrightarrow> invariant base elements n state \<and> set out = S base elements n"
and next_subseqs:
"invariant base elements n state \<Longrightarrow>
next_subseqs sl_impl state = (out, state') \<Longrightarrow>
invariant base elements (Suc n) state' \<and> set out = S base elements (Suc n)"
(* **** old implementation *********** *)
paragraph \<open>Basic Implementation\<close>
fun subseqs_i_n_main :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> ('b \<times> 'a list) list" where
"subseqs_i_n_main f b xs i n = (if i = 0 then [(b,[])] else if i = n then [(foldr f xs b, xs)]
else case xs of
(y # ys) \<Rightarrow> map (\<lambda> (c,zs) \<Rightarrow> (c,y # zs)) (subseqs_i_n_main f (f y b) ys (i - 1) (n - 1))
@ subseqs_i_n_main f b ys i (n - 1))"
declare subseqs_i_n_main.simps[simp del]
definition subseqs_length :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> ('b \<times> 'a list) list" where
"subseqs_length f b i xs = (
let n = length xs in if i > n then [] else subseqs_i_n_main f b xs i n)"
lemma subseqs_length: assumes f_ac: "\<And> x y z. f x (f y z) = f y (f x z)"
shows "set (subseqs_length f a n xs) =
{ (foldr f ys a, ys) | ys. ys \<in> set (subseqs xs) \<and> length ys = n}"
proof -
show ?thesis
proof (cases "length xs < n")
case True
thus ?thesis unfolding subseqs_length_def Let_def
using length_subseqs[of xs] subseqs_length_simple_False by auto
case False
hence id: "(length xs < n) = False" and "n \<le> length xs" by auto
from this(2) show ?thesis unfolding subseqs_length_def Let_def id if_False
proof (induct xs arbitrary: n a rule: length_induct[rule_format])
case (1 xs n a)
note n = 1(2)
note IH = 1(1)
note simp[simp] = subseqs_i_n_main.simps[of f _ xs n]
show ?case
proof (cases "n = 0")
case True
thus ?thesis unfolding simp by simp
case False note 0 = this
show ?thesis
proof (cases "n = length xs")
case True
have "?thesis = ({(foldr f xs a, xs)} = (\<lambda> ys. (foldr f ys a, ys)) ` {ys. ys \<in> set (subseqs xs) \<and> length ys = length xs})"
unfolding simp using 0 True by auto
from this[unfolded full_list_subseqs] show ?thesis by auto
case False
with n have n: "n < length xs" by auto
from 0 obtain m where m: "n = Suc m" by (cases n, auto)
from n 0 obtain y ys where xs: "xs = y # ys" by (cases xs, auto)
from n m xs have le: "m \<le> length ys" "n \<le> length ys" by auto
from xs have lt: "length ys < length xs" by auto
have sub: "set (subseqs_i_n_main f a xs n (length xs)) =
(\<lambda>(c, zs). (c, y # zs)) ` set (subseqs_i_n_main f (f y a) ys m (length ys)) \<union>
set (subseqs_i_n_main f a ys n (length ys))"
unfolding simp using 0 False by (simp add: xs m)
have fold: "\<And> ys. foldr f ys (f y a) = f y (foldr f ys a)"
by (induct_tac ys, auto simp: f_ac)
show ?thesis unfolding sub IH[OF lt le(1)] IH[OF lt le(2)]
unfolding m xs by (auto simp: Let_def fold)
definition basic_subseqs_impl :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b, 'b \<times> 'a list \<times> nat)subseqs_impl" where
"basic_subseqs_impl f = Sublists_Impl
(\<lambda> a xs n. (subseqs_length f a n xs, (a,xs,n)))
(\<lambda> (a,xs,n). (subseqs_length f a (Suc n) xs, (a,xs,Suc n)))"
lemma basic_subseqs_impl: assumes f_ac: "\<And> x y z. f x (f y z) = f y (f x z)"
shows "correct_subseqs_impl f (basic_subseqs_impl f)
(\<lambda> a xs n triple. (a,xs,n) = triple)"
by (unfold_locales; unfold subseqs_impl.S_def basic_subseqs_impl_def subseq_of_length_def,
insert subseqs_length[of f, OF f_ac], auto)
(******** new implementation ********)
paragraph \<open>Improved Implementation\<close>
datatype ('a,'b,'state) subseqs_foldr_impl = Sublists_Foldr_Impl
(subseqs_foldr: "'b \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'b list \<times> 'state")
(next_subseqs_foldr: "'state \<Rightarrow> 'b list \<times> 'state")
locale subseqs_foldr_impl =
fixes f :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b"
and impl :: "('a,'b,'state) subseqs_foldr_impl"
definition S where "S base elements n \<equiv> { foldr f ys base | ys. subseq_of_length n elements ys }"
locale correct_subseqs_foldr_impl = subseqs_foldr_impl f impl
for f and impl :: "('a,'b,'state) subseqs_foldr_impl" +
fixes invariant :: "'b \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'state \<Rightarrow> bool"
assumes subseqs_foldr:
"subseqs_foldr impl base elements n = (out, state) \<Longrightarrow>
invariant base elements n state \<and> set out = S base elements n"
and next_subseqs_foldr:
"next_subseqs_foldr impl state = (out, state') \<Longrightarrow> invariant base elements n state \<Longrightarrow>
invariant base elements (Suc n) state' \<and> set out = S base elements (Suc n)"
locale my_subseqs =
fixes f :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b"
context fixes head :: "'a" and tail :: "'a iarray"
fun next_subseqs1 and next_subseqs2
where "next_subseqs1 ret0 ret1 [] = (ret0, (head, tail, ret1))"
| "next_subseqs1 ret0 ret1 ((i,v)#prevs) = next_subseqs2 (f head v # ret0) ret1 prevs v [0..<i]"
| "next_subseqs2 ret0 ret1 prevs v [] = next_subseqs1 ret0 ret1 prevs"
| "next_subseqs2 ret0 ret1 prevs v (j#js) =
(let v' = f (tail !! j) v in next_subseqs2 (v' # ret0) ((j,v') # ret1) prevs v js)"
definition "next_subseqs2_set v js \<equiv> { (j, f (tail !! j) v) | j. j \<in> set js }"
definition "out_subseqs2_set v js \<equiv> { f (tail !! j) v | j. j \<in> set js }"
definition "next_subseqs1_set prevs \<equiv> \<Union> { next_subseqs2_set v [0..<i] | v i. (i,v) \<in> set prevs }"
definition "out_subseqs1_set prevs \<equiv>
(f head \<circ> snd) ` set prevs \<union> (\<Union> { out_subseqs2_set v [0..<i] | v i. (i,v) \<in> set prevs })"
fun next_subseqs1_spec where
"next_subseqs1_spec out nexts prevs (out', (head',tail',nexts')) \<longleftrightarrow>
set nexts' = set nexts \<union> next_subseqs1_set prevs \<and>
set out' = set out \<union> out_subseqs1_set prevs"
fun next_subseqs2_spec where
"next_subseqs2_spec out nexts prevs v js (out', (head',tail',nexts')) \<longleftrightarrow>
set nexts' = set nexts \<union> next_subseqs1_set prevs \<union> next_subseqs2_set v js \<and>
set out' = set out \<union> out_subseqs1_set prevs \<union> out_subseqs2_set v js"
lemma next_subseqs2_Cons:
"next_subseqs2_set v (j#js) = insert (j, f (tail!!j) v) (next_subseqs2_set v js)"
by (auto simp: next_subseqs2_set_def)
lemma out_subseqs2_Cons:
"out_subseqs2_set v (j#js) = insert (f (tail!!j) v) (out_subseqs2_set v js)"
by (auto simp: out_subseqs2_set_def)
lemma next_subseqs1_set_as_next_subseqs2_set:
"next_subseqs1_set ((i,v) # prevs) = next_subseqs1_set prevs \<union> next_subseqs2_set v [0..<i]"
by (auto simp: next_subseqs1_set_def)
lemma out_subseqs1_set_as_out_subseqs2_set:
"out_subseqs1_set ((i,v) # prevs) =
{ f head v } \<union> out_subseqs1_set prevs \<union> out_subseqs2_set v [0..<i]"
by (auto simp: out_subseqs1_set_def)
lemma next_subseqs1_spec:
shows "\<And>out nexts. next_subseqs1_spec out nexts prevs (next_subseqs1 out nexts prevs)"
and "\<And>out nexts. next_subseqs2_spec out nexts prevs v js (next_subseqs2 out nexts prevs v js)"
proof(induct rule: next_subseqs1_next_subseqs2.induct)
case (1 ret0 ret1)
then show ?case by (simp add: next_subseqs1_set_def out_subseqs1_set_def)
case (2 ret0 ret1 i v prevs)
show ?case
proof(cases "next_subseqs1 out nexts ((i, v) # prevs)")
case split: (fields out' head' tail' nexts')
have "next_subseqs2_spec (f head v # out) nexts prevs v [0..<i] (out', (head',tail',nexts'))"
by (fold split, unfold next_subseqs1.simps, rule 2)
then show ?thesis
apply (unfold next_subseqs2_spec.simps split)
by (auto simp: next_subseqs1_set_as_next_subseqs2_set out_subseqs1_set_as_out_subseqs2_set)
case (3 ret0 ret1 prevs v)
show ?case
proof (cases "next_subseqs1 out nexts prevs")
case split: (fields out' head' tail' nexts')
from 3[of out nexts] show ?thesis by(simp add: split next_subseqs2_set_def out_subseqs2_set_def)
case (4 ret0 ret1 prevs v j js)
define tj where "tj = tail !! j"
define nexts'' where "nexts'' = (j, f tj v) # nexts"
define out'' where "out'' = (f tj v) # out"
let ?n = "next_subseqs2 out'' nexts'' prevs v js"
show ?case
proof (cases ?n)
case split: (fields out' head' tail' nexts')
show ?thesis
apply (unfold next_subseqs2.simps Let_def)
apply (fold tj_def)
apply (fold out''_def nexts''_def)
apply (unfold split next_subseqs2_spec.simps next_subseqs2_Cons out_subseqs2_Cons)
using 4[OF refl, of out'' nexts'', unfolded split]
apply (auto simp: tj_def nexts''_def out''_def)
fun next_subseqs where "next_subseqs (head,tail,prevs) = next_subseqs1 head tail [] [] prevs"
fun create_subseqs
where "create_subseqs base elements 0 = (
if elements = [] then ([base],(undefined, IArray [], []))
else let head = hd elements; tail = IArray (tl elements) in
([base], (head, tail, [(IArray.length tail, base)])))"
| "create_subseqs base elements (Suc n) =
next_subseqs (snd (create_subseqs base elements n))"
definition impl where "impl = Sublists_Foldr_Impl create_subseqs next_subseqs"
sublocale subseqs_foldr_impl f impl .
definition set_prevs where "set_prevs base tail n \<equiv>
{ (i, foldr f (map ((!) tail) is) base) | i is.
subseq_of_length n [0..<length tail] is \<and> i = (if n = 0 then length tail else hd is) }"
lemma snd_set_prevs:
"snd ` (set_prevs base tail n) = (\<lambda>as. foldr f as base) ` { as. subseq_of_length n tail as }"
by (subst subseqs_of_length_of_indices, auto simp: set_prevs_def image_Collect)
fun invariant where "invariant base elements n (head,tail,prevs) =
(if elements = [] then prevs = []
else head = hd elements \<and> tail = IArray (tl elements) \<and> set prevs = set_prevs base (tl elements) n)"
lemma next_subseq_preserve:
assumes "next_subseqs (head,tail,prevs) = (out, (head',tail',prevs'))"
shows "head' = head" "tail' = tail"
define P :: "'b list \<times> _ \<times> _ \<times> (nat \<times> 'b) list \<Rightarrow> bool"
where "P \<equiv> \<lambda> (out, (head',tail',prevs')). head' = head \<and> tail' = tail"
{ fix ret0 ret1 v js
have *: "P (next_subseqs1 head tail ret0 ret1 prevs)"
and "P (next_subseqs2 head tail ret0 ret1 prevs v js)"
by(induct rule: next_subseqs1_next_subseqs2.induct, simp add: P_def, auto simp: Let_def)
from this(1)[unfolded P_def, of "[]" "[]", folded next_subseqs.simps] assms
show "head' = head" "tail' = tail" by auto
lemma next_subseqs_spec:
assumes nxt: "next_subseqs (head,tail,prevs) = (out, (head',tail',prevs'))"
shows "set prevs' = { (j, f (tail !! j) v) | v i j. (i,v) \<in> set prevs \<and> j < i }" (is "?g1")
and "set out = (f head \<circ> snd) ` set prevs \<union> snd ` set prevs'" (is "?g2")
note next_subseqs1_spec(1)[of head tail Nil Nil prevs]
note this[unfolded nxt[simplified]]
note this[unfolded next_subseqs1_spec.simps]
note this[unfolded next_subseqs1_set_def out_subseqs1_set_def]
note * = this[unfolded next_subseqs2_set_def out_subseqs2_set_def]
then show g1: ?g1 by auto
also have "snd ` ... = (\<Union> {{(f (tail !! j) v) | j. j < i} | v i. (i, v) \<in> set prevs})"
by (unfold image_Collect, auto)
finally have **: "snd ` set prevs' = ...".
with conjunct2[OF *] show ?g2 by simp
lemma next_subseq_prevs:
assumes nxt: "next_subseqs (head,tail,prevs) = (out, (head',tail',prevs'))"
and inv_prevs: "set prevs = set_prevs base (IArray.list_of tail) n"
shows "set prevs' = set_prevs base (IArray.list_of tail) (Suc n)" (is "?l = ?r")
proof(intro equalityI subsetI)
fix t
assume r: "t \<in> ?r"
from this[unfolded set_prevs_def] obtain iis
where t: "t = (hd iis, foldr f (map ((!!) tail) iis) base)"
and sl: "subseq_of_length (Suc n) [0..<IArray.length tail] iis" by auto
from sl have "length iis > 0" by auto
then obtain i "is" where iis: "iis = i#is" by (meson list.set_cases nth_mem)
define v where "v = foldr f (map ((!!) tail) is) base"
note sl[unfolded subseq_of_length_Suc_upt]
note nxt = next_subseqs_spec[OF nxt]
show "t \<in> ?l"
proof(cases "n = 0")
case True
from sl[unfolded subseq_of_length_Suc_upt] t
show ?thesis by (unfold nxt[unfolded inv_prevs] True set_prevs_def length_Suc_conv, auto)
case [simp]: False
from sl[unfolded subseq_of_length_Suc_upt iis,simplified]
have i: "i < hd is" and "is": "subseq_of_length n [0..<IArray.length tail] is" by auto
then have *: "(hd is, v) \<in> set_prevs base (IArray.list_of tail) n"
by (unfold set_prevs_def, auto intro!: exI[of _ "is"] simp: v_def)
with i have "(i, f (tail !! i) v) \<in> {(j, f (tail !! j) v) | j. j < hd is}" by auto
with t[unfolded iis] have "t \<in> ..." by (auto simp: v_def)
with * show ?thesis by (unfold nxt[unfolded inv_prevs], auto)
fix t
assume l: "t \<in> ?l"
from l[unfolded next_subseqs_spec(1)[OF nxt]]
obtain j v i
where t: "t = (j, f (tail!!j) v)"
and j: "j < i"
and iv: "(i,v) \<in> set prevs" by auto
from iv[unfolded inv_prevs set_prevs_def, simplified]
obtain "is"
where v: "v = foldr f (map ((!!) tail) is) base"
and "is": "subseq_of_length n [0..<IArray.length tail] is"
and i: "if n = 0 then i = IArray.length tail else i = hd is" by auto
from "is" j i have jis: "subseq_of_length (Suc n) [0..<IArray.length tail] (j#is)"
by (unfold subseq_of_length_Suc_upt, auto)
then show "t \<in> ?r" by (auto intro!: exI[of _ "j#is"] simp: set_prevs_def t v)
lemma invariant_next_subseqs:
assumes inv: "invariant base elements n state"
and nxt: "next_subseqs state = (out, state')"
shows "invariant base elements (Suc n) state'"
proof(cases "elements = []")
case True with inv nxt show ?thesis by(cases state, auto)
case False with inv nxt show ?thesis
proof (cases state)
case state: (fields head tail prevs)
note inv = inv[unfolded state]
show ?thesis
proof (cases state')
case state': (fields head' tail' prevs')
note nxt = nxt[unfolded state state']
note [simp] = next_subseq_preserve[OF nxt]
from False inv
have "set prevs = set_prevs base (IArray.list_of tail) n" by auto
from False next_subseq_prevs[OF nxt this] inv
show ?thesis by(auto simp: state')
lemma out_next_subseqs:
assumes inv: "invariant base elements n state"
and nxt: "next_subseqs state = (out, state')"
shows "set out = S base elements (Suc n)"
proof (cases state)
case state: (fields head tail prevs)
show ?thesis
proof(cases "elements = []")
case True
with inv nxt show ?thesis by (auto simp: state S_def)
case elements: False
show ?thesis
proof(cases state')
case state': (fields head' tail' prevs')
from elements inv[unfolded state,simplified]
have "head = hd elements"
and "tail = IArray (tl elements)"
and prevs: "set prevs = set_prevs base (tl elements) n" by auto
with elements have elements2: "elements = head # IArray.list_of tail" by auto
let ?f = "\<lambda>as. (foldr f as base)"
have "set out = ?f ` {ys. subseq_of_length (Suc n) elements ys}"
from invariant_next_subseqs[OF inv nxt, unfolded state' invariant.simps if_not_P[OF elements]]
have tail': "tail' = IArray (tl elements)"
and prevs': "set prevs' = set_prevs base (tl elements) (Suc n)" by auto
note next_subseqs_spec(2)[OF nxt[unfolded state state'], unfolded this]
note this[folded image_comp, unfolded snd_set_prevs]
also note prevs
also note snd_set_prevs
also have "f head ` ?f ` { as. subseq_of_length n (tl elements) as } =
?f ` Cons head ` { as. subseq_of_length n (tl elements) as }" by (auto simp: image_def)
also note image_Un[symmetric]
also have
"((#) head ` {as. subseq_of_length n (tl elements) as} \<union>
{as. subseq_of_length (Suc n) (tl elements) as}) =
{as. subseq_of_length (Suc n) elements as}"
by (unfold subseqs_of_length_Suc_Cons elements2, auto)
finally show ?thesis.
then show ?thesis by (auto simp: S_def)
lemma create_subseqs:
"create_subseqs base elements n = (out, state) \<Longrightarrow>
invariant base elements n state \<and> set out = S base elements n"
proof(induct n arbitrary: out state)
case 0 then show ?case by (cases "elements", cases state, auto simp: S_def Let_def set_prevs_def)
case (Suc n) show ?case
proof (cases "create_subseqs base elements n")
case 1: (fields out'' head tail prevs)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "next_subseqs (head, tail, prevs)")
case (fields out' head' tail' prevs')
note 2 = this[unfolded next_subseq_preserve[OF this]]
from Suc(2)[unfolded create_subseqs.simps 1 snd_conv 2]
have 3: "out' = out" "state = (head,tail,prevs')" by auto
from Suc(1)[OF 1]
have inv: "invariant base elements n (head, tail, prevs)" by auto
from out_next_subseqs[OF inv 2] invariant_next_subseqs[OF inv 2]
show ?thesis by (auto simp: 3)
sublocale correct_subseqs_foldr_impl f impl invariant
by (unfold_locales; auto simp: impl_def invariant_next_subseqs out_next_subseqs create_subseqs)
lemma impl_correct: "correct_subseqs_foldr_impl f impl invariant" ..
lemmas [code] =