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Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura, Floris van Doorn, Amelia Livingston, Yury Kudryashov, | |
Neil Strickland, Aaron Anderson | |
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import algebra.group_with_zero.basic | |
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# Divisibility | |
This file defines the basics of the divisibility relation in the context of `(comm_)` `monoid`s | |
`(_with_zero)`. | |
## Main definitions | |
* `monoid.has_dvd` | |
## Implementation notes | |
The divisibility relation is defined for all monoids, and as such, depends on the order of | |
multiplication if the monoid is not commutative. There are two possible conventions for | |
divisibility in the noncommutative context, and this relation follows the convention for ordinals, | |
so `a | b` is defined as `∃ c, b = a * c`. | |
## Tags | |
divisibility, divides | |
-/ | |
variables {α : Type*} | |
section semigroup | |
variables [semigroup α] {a b c : α} | |
/-- There are two possible conventions for divisibility, which coincide in a `comm_monoid`. | |
This matches the convention for ordinals. -/ | |
@[priority 100] | |
instance semigroup_has_dvd : has_dvd α := | | (λ a b, ∃ c, b = a * c) | |
-- TODO: this used to not have `c` explicit, but that seems to be important | |
-- for use with tactics, similar to `exists.intro` | |
theorem dvd.intro (c : α) (h : a * c = b) : a ∣ b := | |
exists.intro c h^.symm | |
alias dvd.intro ← dvd_of_mul_right_eq | |
theorem exists_eq_mul_right_of_dvd (h : a ∣ b) : ∃ c, b = a * c := h | |
theorem dvd.elim {P : Prop} {a b : α} (H₁ : a ∣ b) (H₂ : ∀ c, b = a * c → P) : P := | |
exists.elim H₁ H₂ | |
local attribute [simp] mul_assoc mul_comm mul_left_comm | |
@[trans] theorem dvd_trans : a ∣ b → b ∣ c → a ∣ c | |
| ⟨d, h₁⟩ ⟨e, h₂⟩ := ⟨d * e, h₁ ▸ h₂.trans $ mul_assoc a d e⟩ | |
alias dvd_trans ← has_dvd.dvd.trans | |
instance : is_trans α (∣) := ⟨λ a b c, dvd_trans⟩ | |
@[simp] theorem dvd_mul_right (a b : α) : a ∣ a * b := dvd.intro b rfl | |
theorem dvd_mul_of_dvd_left (h : a ∣ b) (c : α) : a ∣ b * c := | |
h.trans (dvd_mul_right b c) | |
alias dvd_mul_of_dvd_left ← has_dvd.dvd.mul_right | |
theorem dvd_of_mul_right_dvd (h : a * b ∣ c) : a ∣ c := | |
(dvd_mul_right a b).trans h | |
section map_dvd | |
variables {M N : Type*} [monoid M] [monoid N] | |
lemma map_dvd {F : Type*} [mul_hom_class F M N] (f : F) {a b} : a ∣ b → f a ∣ f b | |
| ⟨c, h⟩ := ⟨f c, h.symm ▸ map_mul f a c⟩ | |
lemma mul_hom.map_dvd (f : M →ₙ* N) {a b} : a ∣ b → f a ∣ f b := map_dvd f | |
lemma monoid_hom.map_dvd (f : M →* N) {a b} : a ∣ b → f a ∣ f b := map_dvd f | |
end map_dvd | |
end semigroup | |
section monoid | |
variables [monoid α] | |
@[refl, simp] theorem dvd_refl (a : α) : a ∣ a := dvd.intro 1 (mul_one a) | |
theorem dvd_rfl : ∀ {a : α}, a ∣ a := dvd_refl | |
instance : is_refl α (∣) := ⟨dvd_refl⟩ | |
theorem one_dvd (a : α) : 1 ∣ a := dvd.intro a (one_mul a) | |
end monoid | |
section comm_semigroup | |
variables [comm_semigroup α] {a b c : α} | |
theorem dvd.intro_left (c : α) (h : c * a = b) : a ∣ b := | |
dvd.intro _ (begin rewrite mul_comm at h, apply h end) | |
alias dvd.intro_left ← dvd_of_mul_left_eq | |
theorem exists_eq_mul_left_of_dvd (h : a ∣ b) : ∃ c, b = c * a := | |
dvd.elim h (assume c, assume H1 : b = a * c, exists.intro c (eq.trans H1 (mul_comm a c))) | |
lemma dvd_iff_exists_eq_mul_left : a ∣ b ↔ ∃ c, b = c * a := | |
⟨exists_eq_mul_left_of_dvd, by { rintro ⟨c, rfl⟩, exact ⟨c, mul_comm _ _⟩, }⟩ | |
theorem dvd.elim_left {P : Prop} (h₁ : a ∣ b) (h₂ : ∀ c, b = c * a → P) : P := | |
exists.elim (exists_eq_mul_left_of_dvd h₁) (assume c, assume h₃ : b = c * a, h₂ c h₃) | |
@[simp] theorem dvd_mul_left (a b : α) : a ∣ b * a := dvd.intro b (mul_comm a b) | |
theorem dvd_mul_of_dvd_right (h : a ∣ b) (c : α) : a ∣ c * b := | |
begin rw mul_comm, exact h.mul_right _ end | |
alias dvd_mul_of_dvd_right ← has_dvd.dvd.mul_left | |
local attribute [simp] mul_assoc mul_comm mul_left_comm | |
theorem mul_dvd_mul : ∀ {a b c d : α}, a ∣ b → c ∣ d → a * c ∣ b * d | |
| a ._ c ._ ⟨e, rfl⟩ ⟨f, rfl⟩ := ⟨e * f, by simp⟩ | |
theorem dvd_of_mul_left_dvd (h : a * b ∣ c) : b ∣ c := | |
dvd.elim h (λ d ceq, dvd.intro (a * d) (by simp [ceq])) | |
end comm_semigroup | |
section comm_monoid | |
variables [comm_monoid α] {a b : α} | |
theorem mul_dvd_mul_left (a : α) {b c : α} (h : b ∣ c) : a * b ∣ a * c := | |
mul_dvd_mul (dvd_refl a) h | |
theorem mul_dvd_mul_right (h : a ∣ b) (c : α) : a * c ∣ b * c := | |
mul_dvd_mul h (dvd_refl c) | |
end comm_monoid | |
section semigroup_with_zero | |
variables [semigroup_with_zero α] {a : α} | |
theorem eq_zero_of_zero_dvd (h : 0 ∣ a) : a = 0 := | |
dvd.elim h (λ c H', H'.trans (zero_mul c)) | |
/-- Given an element `a` of a commutative semigroup with zero, there exists another element whose | |
product with zero equals `a` iff `a` equals zero. -/ | |
@[simp] lemma zero_dvd_iff : 0 ∣ a ↔ a = 0 := | |
⟨eq_zero_of_zero_dvd, λ h, by { rw h, use 0, simp }⟩ | |
@[simp] theorem dvd_zero (a : α) : a ∣ 0 := dvd.intro 0 (by simp) | |
end semigroup_with_zero | |
/-- Given two elements `b`, `c` of a `cancel_monoid_with_zero` and a nonzero element `a`, | |
`a*b` divides `a*c` iff `b` divides `c`. -/ | |
theorem mul_dvd_mul_iff_left [cancel_monoid_with_zero α] {a b c : α} | |
(ha : a ≠ 0) : a * b ∣ a * c ↔ b ∣ c := | |
exists_congr $ λ d, by rw [mul_assoc, mul_right_inj' ha] | |
/-- Given two elements `a`, `b` of a commutative `cancel_monoid_with_zero` and a nonzero | |
element `c`, `a*c` divides `b*c` iff `a` divides `b`. -/ | |
theorem mul_dvd_mul_iff_right [cancel_comm_monoid_with_zero α] {a b c : α} (hc : c ≠ 0) : | |
a * c ∣ b * c ↔ a ∣ b := | |
exists_congr $ λ d, by rw [mul_right_comm, mul_left_inj' hc] | |
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### Units in various monoids | |
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namespace units | |
section monoid | |
variables [monoid α] {a b : α} {u : αˣ} | |
/-- Elements of the unit group of a monoid represented as elements of the monoid | |
divide any element of the monoid. -/ | |
lemma coe_dvd : ↑u ∣ a := ⟨↑u⁻¹ * a, by simp⟩ | |
/-- In a monoid, an element `a` divides an element `b` iff `a` divides all | |
associates of `b`. -/ | |
lemma dvd_mul_right : a ∣ b * u ↔ a ∣ b := | |
iff.intro | |
(assume ⟨c, eq⟩, ⟨c * ↑u⁻¹, by rw [← mul_assoc, ← eq, units.mul_inv_cancel_right]⟩) | |
(assume ⟨c, eq⟩, eq.symm ▸ (dvd_mul_right _ _).mul_right _) | |
/-- In a monoid, an element `a` divides an element `b` iff all associates of `a` divide `b`. -/ | |
lemma mul_right_dvd : a * u ∣ b ↔ a ∣ b := | |
iff.intro | |
(λ ⟨c, eq⟩, ⟨↑u * c, eq.trans (mul_assoc _ _ _)⟩) | |
(λ h, dvd_trans (dvd.intro ↑u⁻¹ (by rw [mul_assoc, u.mul_inv, mul_one])) h) | |
end monoid | |
section comm_monoid | |
variables [comm_monoid α] {a b : α} {u : αˣ} | |
/-- In a commutative monoid, an element `a` divides an element `b` iff `a` divides all left | |
associates of `b`. -/ | |
lemma dvd_mul_left : a ∣ u * b ↔ a ∣ b := by { rw mul_comm, apply dvd_mul_right } | |
/-- In a commutative monoid, an element `a` divides an element `b` iff all | |
left associates of `a` divide `b`.-/ | |
lemma mul_left_dvd : ↑u * a ∣ b ↔ a ∣ b := | |
by { rw mul_comm, apply mul_right_dvd } | |
end comm_monoid | |
end units | |
namespace is_unit | |
section monoid | |
variables [monoid α] {a b u : α} (hu : is_unit u) | |
include hu | |
/-- Units of a monoid divide any element of the monoid. -/ | |
@[simp] lemma dvd : u ∣ a := by { rcases hu with ⟨u, rfl⟩, apply units.coe_dvd, } | |
@[simp] lemma dvd_mul_right : a ∣ b * u ↔ a ∣ b := | |
by { rcases hu with ⟨u, rfl⟩, apply units.dvd_mul_right, } | |
/-- In a monoid, an element a divides an element b iff all associates of `a` divide `b`.-/ | |
@[simp] lemma mul_right_dvd : a * u ∣ b ↔ a ∣ b := | |
by { rcases hu with ⟨u, rfl⟩, apply units.mul_right_dvd, } | |
end monoid | |
section comm_monoid | |
variables [comm_monoid α] (a b u : α) (hu : is_unit u) | |
include hu | |
/-- In a commutative monoid, an element `a` divides an element `b` iff `a` divides all left | |
associates of `b`. -/ | |
@[simp] lemma dvd_mul_left : a ∣ u * b ↔ a ∣ b := | |
by { rcases hu with ⟨u, rfl⟩, apply units.dvd_mul_left, } | |
/-- In a commutative monoid, an element `a` divides an element `b` iff all | |
left associates of `a` divide `b`.-/ | |
@[simp] lemma mul_left_dvd : u * a ∣ b ↔ a ∣ b := | |
by { rcases hu with ⟨u, rfl⟩, apply units.mul_left_dvd, } | |
end comm_monoid | |
end is_unit | |
section comm_monoid | |
variables [comm_monoid α] | |
theorem is_unit_iff_dvd_one {x : α} : is_unit x ↔ x ∣ 1 := | |
⟨by rintro ⟨u, rfl⟩; exact ⟨_, u.mul_inv.symm⟩, | |
λ ⟨y, h⟩, ⟨⟨x, y, h.symm, by rw [h, mul_comm]⟩, rfl⟩⟩ | |
theorem is_unit_iff_forall_dvd {x : α} : | |
is_unit x ↔ ∀ y, x ∣ y := | |
is_unit_iff_dvd_one.trans ⟨λ h y, h.trans (one_dvd _), λ h, h _⟩ | |
theorem is_unit_of_dvd_unit {x y : α} | |
(xy : x ∣ y) (hu : is_unit y) : is_unit x := | |
is_unit_iff_dvd_one.2 $ xy.trans $ is_unit_iff_dvd_one.1 hu | |
lemma is_unit_of_dvd_one : ∀a ∣ 1, is_unit (a:α) | |
| a ⟨b, eq⟩ := ⟨units.mk_of_mul_eq_one a b eq.symm, rfl⟩ | |
lemma not_is_unit_of_not_is_unit_dvd {a b : α} (ha : ¬is_unit a) (hb : a ∣ b) : | |
¬ is_unit b := | |
mt (is_unit_of_dvd_unit hb) ha | |
end comm_monoid | |
section comm_monoid_with_zero | |
variable [comm_monoid_with_zero α] | |
/-- `dvd_not_unit a b` expresses that `a` divides `b` "strictly", i.e. that `b` divided by `a` | |
is not a unit. -/ | |
def dvd_not_unit (a b : α) : Prop := a ≠ 0 ∧ ∃ x, ¬is_unit x ∧ b = a * x | |
lemma dvd_not_unit_of_dvd_of_not_dvd {a b : α} (hd : a ∣ b) (hnd : ¬ b ∣ a) : | |
dvd_not_unit a b := | |
begin | |
split, | |
{ rintro rfl, exact hnd (dvd_zero _) }, | |
{ rcases hd with ⟨c, rfl⟩, | |
refine ⟨c, _, rfl⟩, | |
rintro ⟨u, rfl⟩, | |
simpa using hnd } | |
end | |
end comm_monoid_with_zero | |
lemma dvd_and_not_dvd_iff [cancel_comm_monoid_with_zero α] {x y : α} : | |
x ∣ y ∧ ¬y ∣ x ↔ dvd_not_unit x y := | |
⟨λ ⟨⟨d, hd⟩, hyx⟩, ⟨λ hx0, by simpa [hx0] using hyx, ⟨d, | |
mt is_unit_iff_dvd_one.1 (λ ⟨e, he⟩, hyx ⟨e, by rw [hd, mul_assoc, ← he, mul_one]⟩), hd⟩⟩, | |
λ ⟨hx0, d, hdu, hdx⟩, ⟨⟨d, hdx⟩, λ ⟨e, he⟩, hdu (is_unit_of_dvd_one _ | |
⟨e, mul_left_cancel₀ hx0 $ by conv {to_lhs, rw [he, hdx]};simp [mul_assoc]⟩)⟩⟩ | |
section monoid_with_zero | |
variable [monoid_with_zero α] | |
theorem ne_zero_of_dvd_ne_zero {p q : α} (h₁ : q ≠ 0) | |
(h₂ : p ∣ q) : p ≠ 0 := | |
begin | |
rcases h₂ with ⟨u, rfl⟩, | |
exact left_ne_zero_of_mul h₁, | |
end | |
end monoid_with_zero | |