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Copyright (c) 2019 Simon Hudon. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Simon Hudon, Yury Kudryashov | |
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import data.list.big_operators | |
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# Free monoid over a given alphabet | |
## Main definitions | |
* `free_monoid α`: free monoid over alphabet `α`; defined as a synonym for `list α` | |
with multiplication given by `(++)`. | |
* `free_monoid.of`: embedding `α → free_monoid α` sending each element `x` to `[x]`; | |
* `free_monoid.lift`: natural equivalence between `α → M` and `free_monoid α →* M` | |
* ``: embedding of `α → β` into `free_monoid α →* free_monoid β` given by ``. | |
-/ | |
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} {M : Type*} [monoid M] {N : Type*} [monoid N] | |
/-- Free monoid over a given alphabet. -/ | |
@[to_additive "Free nonabelian additive monoid over a given alphabet"] | |
def free_monoid (α) := list α | |
namespace free_monoid | |
@[to_additive] | |
instance : monoid (free_monoid α) := | |
{ one := [], | |
mul := λ x y, (x ++ y : list α), | |
mul_one := by intros; apply list.append_nil, | |
one_mul := by intros; refl, | |
mul_assoc := by intros; apply list.append_assoc } | |
@[to_additive] | |
instance : inhabited (free_monoid α) := ⟨1⟩ | |
@[to_additive] | |
lemma one_def : (1 : free_monoid α) = [] := rfl | |
@[to_additive] | |
lemma mul_def (xs ys : list α) : (xs * ys : free_monoid α) = (xs ++ ys : list α) := | |
rfl | |
/-- Embeds an element of `α` into `free_monoid α` as a singleton list. -/ | |
@[to_additive "Embeds an element of `α` into `free_add_monoid α` as a singleton list." ] | |
def of (x : α) : free_monoid α := [x] | |
@[to_additive] | |
lemma of_def (x : α) : of x = [x] := rfl | |
@[to_additive] | |
lemma of_injective : function.injective (@of α) := | |
λ a b, list.head_eq_of_cons_eq | |
/-- Recursor for `free_monoid` using `1` and `of x * xs` instead of `[]` and `x :: xs`. -/ | |
@[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive | |
"Recursor for `free_add_monoid` using `0` and `of x + xs` instead of `[]` and `x :: xs`."] | |
def rec_on {C : free_monoid α → Sort*} (xs : free_monoid α) (h0 : C 1) | |
(ih : Π x xs, C xs → C (of x * xs)) : C xs := list.rec_on xs h0 ih | |
@[ext, to_additive] | |
lemma hom_eq ⦃f g : free_monoid α →* M⦄ (h : ∀ x, f (of x) = g (of x)) : | |
f = g := | |
monoid_hom.ext $ λ l, rec_on l (f.map_one.trans g.map_one.symm) $ | |
λ x xs hxs, by simp only [h, hxs, monoid_hom.map_mul] | |
/-- Equivalence between maps `α → M` and monoid homomorphisms `free_monoid α →* M`. -/ | |
@[to_additive "Equivalence between maps `α → A` and additive monoid homomorphisms | |
`free_add_monoid α →+ A`."] | |
def lift : (α → M) ≃ (free_monoid α →* M) := | |
{ to_fun := λ f, ⟨λ l, ( f).prod, rfl, | |
λ l₁ l₂, by simp only [mul_def, list.map_append, list.prod_append]⟩, | |
inv_fun := λ f x, f (of x), | |
left_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, one_mul (f x), | |
right_inv := λ f, hom_eq $ λ x, one_mul (f (of x)) } | |
@[simp, to_additive] | |
lemma lift_symm_apply (f : free_monoid α →* M) : lift.symm f = f ∘ of := rfl | |
@[to_additive] | |
lemma lift_apply (f : α → M) (l : free_monoid α) : lift f l = ( f).prod := rfl | |
@[to_additive] | |
lemma lift_comp_of (f : α → M) : (lift f) ∘ of = f := lift.symm_apply_apply f | |
@[simp, to_additive] | |
lemma lift_eval_of (f : α → M) (x : α) : lift f (of x) = f x := | |
congr_fun (lift_comp_of f) x | |
@[simp, to_additive] | |
lemma lift_restrict (f : free_monoid α →* M) : lift (f ∘ of) = f := | |
lift.apply_symm_apply f | |
@[to_additive] | |
lemma comp_lift (g : M →* N) (f : α → M) : g.comp (lift f) = lift (g ∘ f) := | |
by { ext, simp } | |
@[to_additive] | |
lemma hom_map_lift (g : M →* N) (f : α → M) (x : free_monoid α) : g (lift f x) = lift (g ∘ f) x := | |
monoid_hom.ext_iff.1 (comp_lift g f) x | |
/-- The unique monoid homomorphism `free_monoid α →* free_monoid β` that sends | |
each `of x` to `of (f x)`. -/ | |
@[to_additive "The unique additive monoid homomorphism `free_add_monoid α →+ free_add_monoid β` | |
that sends each `of x` to `of (f x)`."] | |
def map (f : α → β) : free_monoid α →* free_monoid β := | |
{ to_fun := f, | |
map_one' := rfl, | |
map_mul' := λ l₁ l₂, list.map_append _ _ _ } | |
@[simp, to_additive] lemma map_of (f : α → β) (x : α) : map f (of x) = of (f x) := rfl | |
@[to_additive] | |
lemma lift_of_comp_eq_map (f : α → β) : | |
lift (λ x, of (f x)) = map f := | |
hom_eq $ λ x, rfl | |
@[to_additive] | |
lemma map_comp (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) : map (g ∘ f) = (map g).comp (map f) := | |
hom_eq $ λ x, rfl | |
end free_monoid | |