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Copyright (c) 2021 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Scott Morrison, Eric Wieser | |
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import tactic.doc_commands | |
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# Documentation of the algebraic hierarchy | |
A library note giving advice on modifying the algebraic hierarchy. | |
(It is not intended as a "tour".) | |
TODO: Add sections about interactions with topological typeclasses, and order typeclasses. | |
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# The algebraic hierarchy | |
In any theorem proving environment, | |
there are difficult decisions surrounding the design of the "algebraic hierarchy". | |
There is a danger of exponential explosion in the number of gadgets, | |
especially once interactions between algebraic and order/topological/etc structures are considered. | |
In mathlib, we try to avoid this by only introducing new algebraic typeclasses either | |
1. when there is "real mathematics" to be done with them, or | |
2. when there is a meaninful gain in simplicity by factoring out a common substructure. | |
(As examples, at this point we don't have `loop`, or `unital_magma`, | |
but we do have `lie_submodule` and `topological_field`! | |
We also have `group_with_zero`, as an exemplar of point 2.) | |
Generally in mathlib we use the extension mechanism (so `comm_ring` extends `ring`) | |
rather than mixins (e.g. with separate `ring` and `comm_mul` classes), | |
in part because of the potential blow-up in term sizes described at | | | |
However there is tension here, as it results in considerable duplication in the API, | |
particularly in the interaction with order structures. | |
This library note is not intended as a design document | |
justifying and explaining the history of mathlib's algebraic hierarchy! | |
Instead it is intended as a developer's guide, for contributors wanting to extend | |
(either new leaves, or new intermediate classes) the algebraic hierarchy as it exists. | |
(Ideally we would have both a tour guide to the existing hierarchy, | |
and an account of the design choices. | |
See for an overview of mathlib as a whole, | |
with some attention to the algebraic hierarchy and | | | |
for a summary of what is in mathlib today.) | |
## Instances | |
When adding a new typeclass `Z` to the algebraic hierarchy | |
one should attempt to add the following constructions and results, | |
when applicable: | |
* Instances transferred elementwise to products, like `prod.monoid`. | |
See `` for more examples. | |
``` | |
instance prod.Z [Z M] [Z N] : Z (M × N) := ... | |
``` | |
* Instances transferred elementwise to pi types, like `pi.monoid`. | |
See `` for more examples. | |
``` | |
instance pi.Z [∀ i, Z $ f i] : Z (Π i : I, f i) := ... | |
``` | |
* Instances transferred to `mul_opposite M`, like `mul_opposite.monoid`. | |
See `algebra.opposites` for more examples. | |
``` | |
instance mul_opposite.Z [Z M] : Z (mul_opposite M) := ... | |
``` | |
* Instances transferred to `ulift M`, like `ulift.monoid`. | |
See `` for more examples. | |
``` | |
instance ulift.Z [Z M] : Z (ulift M) := ... | |
``` | |
* Definitions for transferring the proof fields of instances along | |
injective or surjective functions that agree on the data fields, | |
like `function.injective.monoid` and `function.surjective.monoid`. | |
We make these definitions `@[reducible]`, see note [reducible non-instances]. | |
See `` for more examples. | |
``` | |
@[reducible] | |
def function.injective.Z [Z M₂] (f : M₁ → M₂) (hf : injective f) | |
(one : f 1 = 1) (mul : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) : Z M₁ := ... | |
@[reducible] | |
def function.surjective.Z [Z M₁] (f : M₁ → M₂) (hf : surjective f) | |
(one : f 1 = 1) (mul : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) : Z M₂ := ... | |
``` | |
* Instances transferred elementwise to `finsupp`s, like `finsupp.semigroup`. | |
See `data.finsupp.pointwise` for more examples. | |
``` | |
instance finsupp.Z [Z β] : Z (α →₀ β) := ... | |
``` | |
* Instances transferred elementwise to `set`s, like `set.monoid`. | |
See `algebra.pointwise` for more examples. | |
``` | |
instance set.Z [Z α] : Z (set α) := ... | |
``` | |
* Definitions for transferring the entire structure across an equivalence, like `equiv.monoid`. | |
See `data.equiv.transfer_instance` for more examples. See also the `transport` tactic. | |
``` | |
def equiv.Z (e : α ≃ β) [Z β] : Z α := ... | |
/- When there is a new notion of `Z`-equiv: -/ | |
def equiv.Z_equiv (e : α ≃ β) [Z β] : by { letI := equiv.Z e, exact α ≃Z β } := ... | |
``` | |
## Subobjects | |
When a new typeclass `Z` adds new data fields, | |
you should also create a new `sub_Z` `structure` with a `carrier` field. | |
This can be a lot of work; for now try to closely follow the existing examples | |
(e.g. `submonoid`, `subring`, `subalgebra`). | |
We would very much like to provide some automation here, but a prerequisite will be making | |
all the existing APIs more uniform. | |
If `Z` extends `Y`, then `sub_Z` should usually extend `sub_Y`. | |
When `Z` adds only new proof fields to an existing structure `Y`, | |
you should provide instances transferring | |
`Z α` to `Z (sub_Y α)`, like `submonoid.to_comm_monoid`. | |
Typically this is done using the `function.injective.Z` definition mentioned above. | |
``` | |
instance sub_Y.to_Z [Z α] : Z (sub_Y α) := | |
coe_injective.Z coe ... | |
``` | |
## Morphisms and equivalences | |
## Category theory | |
For many algebraic structures, particularly ones used in representation theory, algebraic geometry, | |
etc., we also define "bundled" versions, which carry `category` instances. | |
These bundled versions are usually named in camel case, | |
so for example we have `AddCommGroup` as a bundled `add_comm_group`, | |
and `TopCommRing` (which bundles together `comm_ring`, `topological_space`, and `topological_ring`). | |
These bundled versions have many appealing features: | |
* a uniform notation for morphisms `X ⟶ Y` | |
* a uniform notation (and definition) for isomorphisms `X ≅ Y` | |
* a uniform API for subobjects, via the partial order `subobject X` | |
* interoperability with unbundled structures, via coercions to `Type` | |
(so if `G : AddCommGroup`, you can treat `G` as a type, | |
and it automatically has an `add_comm_group` instance) | |
and lifting maps `AddCommGroup.of G`, when `G` is a type with an `add_comm_group` instance. | |
If, for example you do the work of proving that a typeclass `Z` has a good notion of tensor product, | |
you are strongly encouraged to provide the corresponding `monoidal_category` instance | |
on a bundled version. | |
This ensures that the API for tensor products is complete, and enables use of general machinery. | |
Similarly if you prove universal properties, or adjunctions, you are encouraged to state these | |
using categorical language! | |
One disadvantage of the bundled approach is that we can only speak of morphisms between | |
objects living in the same type-theoretic universe. | |
In practice this is rarely a problem. | |
# Making a pull request | |
With so many moving parts, how do you actually go about changing the algebraic hierarchy? | |
We're still evolving how to handle this, but the current suggestion is: | |
* If you're adding a new "leaf" class, the requirements are lower, | |
and an initial PR can just add whatever is immediately needed. | |
* A new "intermediate" class, especially low down in the hierarchy, | |
needs to be careful about leaving gaps. | |
In a perfect world, there would be a group of simultaneous PRs that basically cover everything! | |
(Or at least an expectation that PRs may not be merged immediately while waiting on other | |
PRs that fill out the API.) | |
However "perfect is the enemy of good", and it would also be completely reasonable | |
to add a TODO list in the main module doc-string for the new class, | |
briefly listing the parts of the API which still need to be provided. | |
Hopefully this document makes it easy to assemble this list. | |
Another alternative to a TODO list in the doc-strings is adding github issues. | |
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library_note "the algebraic hierarchy" | |
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Some definitions that define objects of a class cannot be instances, because they have an | |
explicit argument that does not occur in the conclusion. An example is `preorder.lift` that has a | |
function `f : α → β` as an explicit argument to lift a preorder on `β` to a preorder on `α`. | |
If these definitions are used to define instances of this class *and* this class is an argument to | |
some other type-class so that type-class inference will have to unfold these instances to check | |
for definitional equality, then these definitions should be marked `@[reducible]`. | |
For example, `preorder.lift` is used to define `units.preorder` and `partial_order.lift` is used | |
to define `units.partial_order`. In some cases it is important that type-class inference can | |
recognize that `units.preorder` and `units.partial_order` give rise to the same `has_le` instance. | |
For example, you might have another class that takes `[has_le α]` as an argument, and this argument | |
sometimes comes from `units.preorder` and sometimes from `units.partial_order`. | |
Therefore, `preorder.lift` and `partial_order.lift` are marked `@[reducible]`. | |
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library_note "reducible non-instances" | |