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Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Yaël Dillies | |
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import data.finset.pointwise | |
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# Ruzsa's covering lemma | |
This file proves the Ruzsa covering lemma. This says that, for `s`, `t` finsets, we can cover `s` | |
with at most `(s + t).card / t.card` copies of `t - t`. | |
## TODO | |
Merge this file with other prerequisites to Freiman's theorem once we have them. | |
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open_locale pointwise | |
namespace finset | |
variables {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] [comm_group α] (s : finset α) {t : finset α} | |
/-- **Ruzsa's covering lemma**. -/ | |
@[to_additive "**Ruzsa's covering lemma**"] | |
lemma exists_subset_mul_div (ht : t.nonempty) : | |
∃ u : finset α, u.card * t.card ≤ (s * t).card ∧ s ⊆ u * t / t := | |
begin | |
haveI : Π u, decidable ((u : set α).pairwise_disjoint (• t)) := λ u, classical.dec _, | |
set C := s.powerset.filter (λ u, (u : set α).pairwise_disjoint (• t)), | |
obtain ⟨u, hu, hCmax⟩ := C.exists_maximal | |
(filter_nonempty_iff.2 ⟨∅, empty_mem_powerset _, set.pairwise_disjoint_empty⟩), | |
rw [mem_filter, mem_powerset] at hu, | |
refine ⟨u, (card_mul_iff.2 $ pairwise_disjoint_smul_iff.1 hu.2).ge.trans | |
(card_le_of_subset $ mul_subset_mul_right hu.1), λ a ha, _⟩, | |
rw mul_div_assoc, | |
by_cases hau : a ∈ u, | |
{ exact subset_mul_left _ ht.one_mem_div hau }, | |
by_cases H : ∀ b ∈ u, disjoint (a • t) (b • t), | |
{ refine (hCmax _ _ $ ssubset_insert hau).elim, | |
rw [mem_filter, mem_powerset, insert_subset, coe_insert], | |
exact ⟨⟨ha, hu.1⟩, hu.2.insert $ λ b hb _, H _ hb⟩ }, | |
push_neg at H, | |
simp_rw [not_disjoint_iff, ←inv_smul_mem_iff] at H, | |
obtain ⟨b, hb, c, hc₁, hc₂⟩ := H, | |
exact mem_mul.2 ⟨_, _, hb, mem_div.2 ⟨_, _, hc₂, hc₁, by simp [div_eq_mul_inv a b]⟩, by simp⟩, | |
end | |
end finset | |