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Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Yaël Dillies | |
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import combinatorics.set_family.harris_kleitman | |
import combinatorics.set_family.intersecting | |
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# Kleitman's bound on the size of intersecting families | |
An intersecting family on `n` elements has size at most `2ⁿ⁻¹`, so we could naïvely think that two | |
intersecting families could cover all `2ⁿ` sets. But actually that's not case because for example | |
none of them can contain the empty set. Intersecting families are in some sense correlated. | |
Kleitman's bound stipulates that `k` intersecting families cover at most `2ⁿ - 2ⁿ⁻ᵏ` sets. | |
## Main declarations | |
* `finset.card_bUnion_le_of_intersecting`: Kleitman's theorem. | |
## References | |
* [D. J. Kleitman, *Families of non-disjoint subsets*][kleitman1966] | |
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open finset fintype (card) | |
variables {ι α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] [nonempty α] | |
/-- **Kleitman's theorem**. An intersecting family on `n` elements contains at most `2ⁿ⁻¹` sets, and | |
each further intersecting family takes at most half of the sets that are in no previous family. -/ | |
lemma finset.card_bUnion_le_of_intersecting (s : finset ι) (f : ι → finset (finset α)) | |
(hf : ∀ i ∈ s, (f i : set (finset α)).intersecting) : | |
(s.bUnion f).card ≤ 2 ^ card α - 2 ^ (card α - s.card) := | |
begin | |
obtain hs | hs := le_total (card α) s.card, | |
{ rw [tsub_eq_zero_of_le hs, pow_zero], | |
refine (card_le_of_subset $ bUnion_subset.2 $ λ i hi a ha, mem_compl.2 $ not_mem_singleton.2 $ | |
(hf _ hi).ne_bot ha).trans_eq _, | |
rw [card_compl, fintype.card_finset, card_singleton] }, | |
induction s using finset.cons_induction with i s hi ih generalizing f, | |
{ simp }, | |
classical, | |
set f' : ι → finset (finset α) := λ j, | |
if hj : j ∈ cons i s hi then (hf j hj).exists_card_eq.some else ∅ with hf', | |
have hf₁ : ∀ j, j ∈ cons i s hi → | |
f j ⊆ f' j ∧ 2 * (f' j).card = 2 ^ card α ∧ (f' j : set (finset α)).intersecting, | |
{ rintro j hj, | |
simp_rw [hf', dif_pos hj, ←fintype.card_finset], | |
exact classical.some_spec (hf j hj).exists_card_eq }, | |
have hf₂ : ∀ j, j ∈ cons i s hi → is_upper_set (f' j : set (finset α)), | |
{ refine λ j hj, (hf₁ _ hj).2.2.is_upper_set' ((hf₁ _ hj).2.2.is_max_iff_card_eq.2 _), | |
rw fintype.card_finset, | |
exact (hf₁ _ hj).2.1 }, | |
refine (card_le_of_subset $ bUnion_mono $ λ j hj, (hf₁ _ hj).1).trans _, | |
nth_rewrite 0 cons_eq_insert i, | |
rw bUnion_insert, | |
refine (card_mono $ @le_sup_sdiff _ (f' i) _ _).trans ((card_union_le _ _).trans _), | |
rw [union_sdiff_left, sdiff_eq_inter_compl], | |
refine le_of_mul_le_mul_left _ (pow_pos zero_lt_two $ card α + 1), | |
rw [pow_succ', mul_add, mul_assoc, mul_comm _ 2, mul_assoc], | |
refine (add_le_add ((mul_le_mul_left $ pow_pos two_pos _).2 | |
(hf₁ _ $ mem_cons_self _ _).2.2.card_le) $ (mul_le_mul_left two_pos).2 $ | |
is_upper_set.card_inter_le_finset _ _).trans _, | |
{ rw coe_bUnion, | |
exact is_upper_set_Union₂ (λ i hi, hf₂ _ $ subset_cons _ hi) }, | |
{ rw coe_compl, | |
exact (hf₂ _ $ mem_cons_self _ _).compl }, | |
rw [mul_tsub, card_compl, fintype.card_finset, mul_left_comm, mul_tsub, | |
(hf₁ _ $ mem_cons_self _ _).2.1, two_mul, add_tsub_cancel_left, ←mul_tsub, ←mul_two, mul_assoc, | |
←add_mul, mul_comm], | |
refine mul_le_mul_left' _ _, | |
refine (add_le_add_left (ih ((card_le_of_subset $ subset_cons _).trans hs) _ $ λ i hi, | |
(hf₁ _ $ subset_cons _ hi).2.2) _).trans _, | |
rw [mul_tsub, two_mul, ←pow_succ, ←add_tsub_assoc_of_le (pow_le_pow' (@one_le_two ℕ _ _ _ _ _) | |
tsub_le_self), tsub_add_eq_add_tsub hs, card_cons, add_tsub_add_eq_tsub_right], | |
end | |