
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2019 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Patrick Massot, Casper Putz, Anne Baanen
import data.matrix.basic
# Trace of a matrix
This file defines the trace of a matrix, the map sending a matrix to the sum of its diagonal
See also `linear_algebra.trace` for the trace of an endomorphism.
## Tags
matrix, trace, diagonal
open_locale big_operators matrix
namespace matrix
variables {ι m n p : Type*} {α R S : Type*}
variables [fintype m] [fintype n] [fintype p]
section add_comm_monoid
variables [add_comm_monoid R]
/-- The trace of a square matrix. For more bundled versions, see:
* `matrix.trace_add_monoid_hom`
* `matrix.trace_linear_map`
def trace (A : matrix n n R) : R :=i, diag A i
variables (n R)
@[simp] lemma trace_zero : trace (0 : matrix n n R) = 0 :=
(finset.sum_const (0 : R)).trans $ smul_zero _
variables {n R}
@[simp] lemma trace_add (A B : matrix n n R) : trace (A + B) = trace A + trace B :=
@[simp] lemma trace_smul [monoid α] [distrib_mul_action α R] (r : α) (A : matrix n n R) :
trace (rA) = rtrace A :=
@[simp] lemma trace_transpose (A : matrix n n R) : trace A= trace A := rfl
@[simp] lemma trace_conj_transpose [star_add_monoid R] (A : matrix n n R) :
trace A= star (trace A) :=
(star_sum _ _).symm
variables (n α R)
/-- `matrix.trace` as an `add_monoid_hom` -/
def trace_add_monoid_hom : matrix n n R+ R :=
{ to_fun := trace, map_zero' := trace_zero n R, map_add' := trace_add }
/-- `matrix.trace` as a `linear_map` -/
def trace_linear_map [semiring α] [module α R] : matrix n n R →ₗ[α] R :=
{ to_fun := trace, map_add' := trace_add, map_smul' := trace_smul }
variables {n α R}
@[simp] lemma trace_list_sum (l : list (matrix n n R)) : trace l.sum = ( trace).sum :=
map_list_sum (trace_add_monoid_hom n R) l
@[simp] lemma trace_multiset_sum (s : multiset (matrix n n R)) : trace s.sum = ( trace).sum :=
map_multiset_sum (trace_add_monoid_hom n R) s
@[simp] lemma trace_sum (s : finset ι) (f : ι → matrix n n R) :
trace (i in s, f i) =i in s, trace (f i) :=
map_sum (trace_add_monoid_hom n R) f s
end add_comm_monoid
section add_comm_group
variables [add_comm_group R]
@[simp] lemma trace_sub (A B : matrix n n R) : trace (A - B) = trace A - trace B :=
@[simp] lemma trace_neg (A : matrix n n R) : trace (-A) = -trace A :=
end add_comm_group
section one
variables [decidable_eq n] [add_comm_monoid_with_one R]
@[simp] lemma trace_one : trace (1 : matrix n n R) = fintype.card n :=
by simp_rw [trace, diag_one, pi.one_def, finset.sum_const, nsmul_one, finset.card_univ]
end one
section mul
@[simp] lemma trace_transpose_mul [add_comm_monoid R] [has_mul R]
(A : matrix m n R) (B : matrix n m R) : trace (Aᵀ ⬝ B) = trace (AB) := finset.sum_comm
lemma trace_mul_comm [add_comm_monoid R] [comm_semigroup R] (A : matrix m n R) (B : matrix n m R) :
trace (AB) = trace (BA) :=
by rw [trace_transpose,trace_transpose_mul, transpose_mul]
lemma trace_mul_cycle [non_unital_comm_semiring R]
(A : matrix m n R) (B : matrix n p R) (C : matrix p m R) :
trace (ABC) = trace (CAB) :=
by rw [trace_mul_comm, matrix.mul_assoc]
lemma trace_mul_cycle' [non_unital_comm_semiring R]
(A : matrix m n R) (B : matrix n p R) (C : matrix p m R) :
trace (A ⬝ (B ⬝ C)) = trace (C ⬝ (A ⬝ B)) :=
by rw [←matrix.mul_assoc, trace_mul_comm]
@[simp] lemma trace_col_mul_row [non_unital_non_assoc_semiring R] (a b : n → R) :
trace (col a ⬝ row b) = dot_product a b :=
by simp [dot_product, trace]
end mul
section fin
variables [add_comm_monoid R]
/-! ### Special cases for `fin n`
While `simp [fin.sum_univ_succ]` can prove these, we include them for convenience and consistency
with `matrix.det_fin_two` etc.
@[simp] lemma trace_fin_zero (A : matrix (fin 0) (fin 0) R) : trace A = 0 :=
lemma trace_fin_one (A : matrix (fin 1) (fin 1) R) : trace A = A 0 0 :=
add_zero _
lemma trace_fin_two (A : matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) R) : trace A = A 0 0 + A 1 1 :=
congr_arg ((+) _) (add_zero (A 1 1))
lemma trace_fin_three (A : matrix (fin 3) (fin 3) R) : trace A = A 0 0 + A 1 1 + A 2 2 :=
by { rw [← add_zero (A 2 2), add_assoc], refl }
end fin
end matrix