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Copyright (c) 2021 Aaron Anderson. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Aaron Anderson | |
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import analysis.p_series | |
import number_theory.arithmetic_function | |
import topology.algebra.infinite_sum | |
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# L-series | |
Given an arithmetic function, we define the corresponding L-series. | |
## Main Definitions | |
* `nat.arithmetic_function.l_series` is the `l_series` with a given arithmetic function as its | |
coefficients. This is not the analytic continuation, just the infinite series. | |
* `nat.arithmetic_function.l_series_summable` indicates that the `l_series` | |
converges at a given point. | |
## Main Results | |
* `nat.arithmetic_function.l_series_summable_of_bounded_of_one_lt_re`: the `l_series` of a bounded | |
arithmetic function converges when `1 <`. | |
* `nat.arithmetic_function.zeta_l_series_summable_iff_one_lt_re`: the `l_series` of `ΞΆ` | |
(whose analytic continuation is the Riemann ΞΆ) converges iff `1 <`. | |
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noncomputable theory | |
open_locale big_operators | |
namespace nat | |
namespace arithmetic_function | |
/-- The L-series of an `arithmetic_function`. -/ | |
def l_series (f : arithmetic_function β) (z : β) : β := β'n, (f n) / (n ^ z) | |
/-- `f.l_series_summable z` indicates that the L-series of `f` converges at `z`. -/ | |
def l_series_summable (f : arithmetic_function β) (z : β) : Prop := summable (Ξ» n, (f n) / (n ^ z)) | |
lemma l_series_eq_zero_of_not_l_series_summable (f : arithmetic_function β) (z : β) : | |
Β¬ f.l_series_summable z β f.l_series z = 0 := | |
tsum_eq_zero_of_not_summable | |
@[simp] | |
lemma l_series_summable_zero {z : β} : l_series_summable 0 z := | |
by simp [l_series_summable, summable_zero] | |
theorem l_series_summable_of_bounded_of_one_lt_real {f : arithmetic_function β} {m : β} | |
(h : β (n : β), complex.abs (f n) β€ m) {z : β} (hz : 1 < z) : | |
f.l_series_summable z := | |
begin | |
by_cases h0 : m = 0, | |
{ subst h0, | |
have hf : f = 0 := arithmetic_function.ext (Ξ» n, complex.abs_eq_zero.1 | |
(le_antisymm (h n) (complex.abs_nonneg _))), | |
simp [hf] }, | |
refine summable_of_norm_bounded (Ξ» (n : β), m / (n ^ z)) _ _, | |
{ simp_rw [div_eq_mul_inv], | |
exact (summable_mul_left_iff h0).1 (real.summable_nat_rpow_inv.2 hz) }, | |
{ intro n, | |
have hm : 0 β€ m := le_trans (complex.abs_nonneg _) (h 0), | |
cases n, | |
{ simp [hm, real.zero_rpow (ne_of_gt (lt_trans real.zero_lt_one hz))] }, | |
simp only [complex.abs_div, complex.norm_eq_abs], | |
apply div_le_div hm (h _) (real.rpow_pos_of_pos (nat.cast_pos.2 n.succ_pos) _) (le_of_eq _), | |
rw [complex.abs_cpow_real, complex.abs_cast_nat] } | |
end | |
theorem l_series_summable_iff_of_re_eq_re {f : arithmetic_function β} {w z : β} (h : = : | |
f.l_series_summable w β f.l_series_summable z := | |
begin | |
suffices h : β n : β, complex.abs (f n) / complex.abs (βn ^ w) = | |
complex.abs (f n) / complex.abs (βn ^ z), | |
{ simp [l_series_summable, β summable_norm_iff, h, complex.norm_eq_abs] }, | |
intro n, | |
cases n, { simp }, | |
apply congr rfl, | |
have h0 : (n.succ : β) β 0, | |
{ rw [ne.def, nat.cast_eq_zero], | |
apply n.succ_ne_zero }, | |
rw [complex.cpow_def, complex.cpow_def, if_neg h0, if_neg h0, complex.abs_exp_eq_iff_re_eq], | |
simp only [h, complex.mul_re, mul_eq_mul_left_iff, sub_right_inj], | |
right, | |
rw [complex.log_im, β complex.of_real_nat_cast], | |
exact complex.arg_of_real_of_nonneg (le_of_lt (cast_pos.2 n.succ_pos)), | |
end | |
theorem l_series_summable_of_bounded_of_one_lt_re {f : arithmetic_function β} {m : β} | |
(h : β (n : β), complex.abs (f n) β€ m) {z : β} (hz : 1 < : | |
f.l_series_summable z := | |
begin | |
rw β l_series_summable_iff_of_re_eq_re (complex.of_real_re, | |
apply l_series_summable_of_bounded_of_one_lt_real h, | |
exact hz, | |
end | |
open_locale arithmetic_function | |
theorem zeta_l_series_summable_iff_one_lt_re {z : β} : | |
l_series_summable ΞΆ z β 1 < := | |
begin | |
rw [β l_series_summable_iff_of_re_eq_re (complex.of_real_re, l_series_summable, | |
β summable_norm_iff, β real.summable_one_div_nat_rpow, iff_iff_eq], | |
by_cases h0 : = 0, | |
{ rw [h0, β summable_nat_add_iff 1], | |
swap, { apply_instance }, | |
apply congr rfl, | |
ext n, | |
simp [n.succ_ne_zero] }, | |
{ apply congr rfl, | |
ext n, | |
cases n, { simp [h0] }, | |
simp only [n.succ_ne_zero, one_div, cast_one, nat_coe_apply, complex.abs_cpow_real, inv_inj, | |
complex.abs_inv, if_false, zeta_apply, complex.norm_eq_abs, complex.abs_of_nat] } | |
end | |
@[simp] theorem l_series_add {f g : arithmetic_function β} {z : β} | |
(hf : f.l_series_summable z) (hg : g.l_series_summable z) : | |
(f + g).l_series z = f.l_series z + g.l_series z := | |
begin | |
simp only [l_series, add_apply], | |
rw β tsum_add hf hg, | |
apply congr rfl (funext (Ξ» n, _)), | |
apply _root_.add_div, | |
end | |
end arithmetic_function | |
end nat | |