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(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) | |
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) | |
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun ssrnat eqtype seq choice. | |
From mathcomp Require Import div fintype path bigop finset prime order ssralg. | |
From mathcomp Require Import poly polydiv mxpoly generic_quotient countalg. | |
From mathcomp Require Import ssrnum closed_field ssrint rat intdiv. | |
From mathcomp Require Import algebraics_fundamentals. | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
(* This file provides an axiomatic construction of the algebraic numbers. *) | |
(* The construction only assumes the existence of an algebraically closed *) | |
(* filed with an automorphism of order 2; this amounts to the purely *) | |
(* algebraic contents of the Fundamenta Theorem of Algebra. *) | |
(* algC == the closed, countable field of algebraic numbers. *) | |
(* algCeq, algCring, ..., algCnumField == structures for algC. *) | |
(* The ssrnum interfaces are implemented for algC as follows: *) | |
(* x <= y <=> (y - x) is a nonnegative real *) | |
(* x < y <=> (y - x) is a (strictly) positive real *) | |
(* `|z| == the complex norm of z, i.e., sqrtC (z * z^* ). *) | |
(* Creal == the subset of real numbers (:= Num.real for algC). *) | |
(* 'i == the imaginary number (:= sqrtC (-1)). *) | |
(* 'Re z == the real component of z. *) | |
(* 'Im z == the imaginary component of z. *) | |
(* z^* == the complex conjugate of z (:= conjC z). *) | |
(* sqrtC z == a nonnegative square root of z, i.e., 0 <= sqrt x if 0 <= x. *) | |
(* n.-root z == more generally, for n > 0, an nth root of z, chosen with a *) | |
(* minimal non-negative argument for n > 1 (i.e., with a *) | |
(* maximal real part subject to a nonnegative imaginary part). *) | |
(* Note that n.-root (-1) is a primitive 2nth root of unity, *) | |
(* an thus not equal to -1 for n odd > 1 (this will be shown in *) | |
(* file cyclotomic.v). *) | |
(* In addition, we provide: *) | |
(* Crat == the subset of rational numbers. *) | |
(* Cint == the subset of integers. *) | |
(* Cnat == the subset of natural integers. *) | |
(* getCrat z == some a : rat such that ratr a = z, provided z \in Crat. *) | |
(* floorC z == for z \in Creal, an m : int s.t. m%:~R <= z < (m + 1)%:~R. *) | |
(* truncC z == for z >= 0, an n : nat s.t. n%:R <= z < n.+1%:R, else 0%N. *) | |
(* minCpoly z == the minimal (monic) polynomial over Crat with root z. *) | |
(* algC_invaut nu == an inverse of nu : {rmorphism algC -> algC}. *) | |
(* (x %| y)%C <=> y is an integer (Cint) multiple of x; if x or y are *) | |
(* (x %| y)%Cx of type nat or int they are coerced to algC here. *) | |
(* The (x %| y)%Cx display form is a workaround for *) | |
(* design limitations of the Coq Notation facilities. *) | |
(* (x == y %[mod z])%C <=> x and y differ by an integer (Cint) multiple of z; *) | |
(* as above, arguments of type nat or int are cast to algC. *) | |
(* (x != y %[mod z])%C <=> x and y do not differ by an integer multiple of z. *) | |
(* Note that in file algnum we give an alternative definition of divisibility *) | |
(* based on algebraic integers, overloading the notation in the %A scope. *) | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
Set Implicit Arguments. | |
Unset Strict Implicit. | |
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. | |
Declare Scope C_scope. | |
Declare Scope C_core_scope. | |
Declare Scope C_expanded_scope. | |
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory. | |
Local Open Scope ring_scope. | |
(* The Num mixin for an algebraically closed field with an automorphism of *) | |
(* order 2, making it into a field of complex numbers. *) | |
Lemma ComplexNumMixin (L : closedFieldType) (conj : {rmorphism L -> L}) : | |
involutive conj -> ~ conj =1 id -> | |
{numL : numMixin L | forall x : NumDomainType L numL, `|x| ^+ 2 = x * conj x}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> conjK conj_nt. | |
have nz2: 2%:R != 0 :> L. | |
apply/eqP=> char2; apply: conj_nt => e; apply/eqP/idPn=> eJ. | |
have opp_id x: - x = x :> L. | |
by apply/esym/eqP; rewrite -addr_eq0 -mulr2n -mulr_natl char2 mul0r. | |
have{} char2: 2%N \in [char L] by apply/eqP. | |
without loss{eJ} eJ: e / conj e = e + 1. | |
move/(_ (e / (e + conj e))); apply. | |
rewrite fmorph_div rmorphD conjK -{1}[conj e](addNKr e) mulrDl. | |
by rewrite opp_id (addrC e) divff // addr_eq0 opp_id. | |
pose a := e * conj e; have aJ: conj a = a by rewrite rmorphM conjK mulrC. | |
have [w Dw] := @solve_monicpoly _ 2%N (nth 0 [:: e * a; - 1]) isT. | |
have{} Dw: w ^+ 2 + w = e * a. | |
by rewrite Dw !big_ord_recl big_ord0 /= mulr1 mulN1r addr0 subrK. | |
pose b := w + conj w; have bJ: conj b = b by rewrite rmorphD conjK addrC. | |
have Db2: b ^+ 2 + b = a. | |
rewrite -Frobenius_autE // rmorphD addrACA Dw /= Frobenius_autE -rmorphX. | |
by rewrite -rmorphD Dw rmorphM aJ eJ -mulrDl -{1}[e]opp_id addKr mul1r. | |
have /eqP[] := oner_eq0 L; apply: (addrI b); rewrite addr0 -{2}bJ. | |
have: (b + e) * (b + conj e) == 0. | |
rewrite mulrDl 2!mulrDr -/a addrA addr_eq0 opp_id (mulrC e) -addrA. | |
by rewrite -mulrDr eJ addrAC -{2}[e]opp_id subrr add0r mulr1 Db2. | |
rewrite mulf_eq0 !addr_eq0 !opp_id => /pred2P[] -> //. | |
by rewrite {2}eJ rmorphD rmorph1. | |
have mul2I: injective (fun z : L => z *+ 2). | |
by move=> x y; rewrite /= -mulr_natl -(mulr_natl y) => /mulfI->. | |
pose sqrt x : L := sval (sig_eqW (@solve_monicpoly _ 2%N (nth 0 [:: x]) isT)). | |
have sqrtK x: sqrt x ^+ 2 = x. | |
rewrite /sqrt; case: sig_eqW => /= y ->. | |
by rewrite !big_ord_recl big_ord0 /= mulr1 mul0r !addr0. | |
have sqrtE x y: y ^+ 2 = x -> {b : bool | y = (-1) ^+ b * sqrt x}. | |
move=> Dx; exists (y != sqrt x); apply/eqP; rewrite mulr_sign if_neg. | |
by case: ifPn => //; apply/implyP; rewrite implyNb -eqf_sqr Dx sqrtK. | |
pose i := sqrt (- 1). | |
have sqrMi x: (i * x) ^+ 2 = - x ^+ 2 by rewrite exprMn sqrtK mulN1r. | |
have iJ : conj i = - i. | |
have /sqrtE[b]: conj i ^+ 2 = - 1 by rewrite -rmorphX sqrtK rmorphN1. | |
rewrite mulr_sign -/i; case: b => // Ri. | |
case: conj_nt => z; wlog zJ: z / conj z = - z. | |
move/(_ (z - conj z)); rewrite !rmorphB conjK opprB => zJ. | |
by apply/mul2I/(canRL (subrK _)); rewrite -addrA zJ // addrC subrK. | |
have [-> | nz_z] := eqVneq z 0; first exact: rmorph0. | |
have [u Ru [v Rv Dz]]: | |
exists2 u, conj u = u & exists2 v, conj v = v & (u + z * v) ^+ 2 = z. | |
- pose y := sqrt z; exists ((y + conj y) / 2). | |
by rewrite fmorph_div rmorphD conjK addrC rmorph_nat. | |
exists ((y - conj y) / (z *+ 2)). | |
rewrite fmorph_div rmorphMn zJ mulNrn invrN mulrN -mulNr rmorphB opprB. | |
by rewrite conjK. | |
rewrite -(mulr_natl z) invfM (mulrC z) !mulrA divfK // -mulrDl addrACA. | |
by rewrite subrr addr0 -mulr2n -mulr_natr mulfK ?Neq0 ?sqrtK. | |
suffices u0: u = 0 by rewrite -Dz u0 add0r rmorphX rmorphM Rv zJ mulNr sqrrN. | |
suffices [b Du]: exists b : bool, u = (-1) ^+ b * i * z * v. | |
apply: mul2I; rewrite mul0rn mulr2n -{2}Ru. | |
by rewrite Du !rmorphM rmorph_sign Rv Ri zJ !mulrN mulNr subrr. | |
have/eqP:= zJ; rewrite -addr_eq0 -{1 2}Dz rmorphX rmorphD rmorphM Ru Rv zJ. | |
rewrite mulNr sqrrB sqrrD addrACA (addrACA (u ^+ 2)) addNr addr0 -!mulr2n. | |
rewrite -mulrnDl -(mul0rn _ 2) (inj_eq mul2I) /= -[rhs in _ + rhs]opprK. | |
rewrite -sqrMi subr_eq0 eqf_sqr -mulNr !mulrA. | |
by case/pred2P=> ->; [exists false | exists true]; rewrite mulr_sign. | |
pose norm x := sqrt x * conj (sqrt x). | |
have normK x : norm x ^+ 2 = x * conj x by rewrite exprMn -rmorphX sqrtK. | |
have normE x y : y ^+ 2 = x -> norm x = y * conj y. | |
rewrite /norm => /sqrtE[b /(canLR (signrMK b)) <-]. | |
by rewrite !rmorphM rmorph_sign mulrACA -mulrA signrMK. | |
have norm_eq0 x : norm x = 0 -> x = 0. | |
by move/eqP; rewrite mulf_eq0 fmorph_eq0 -mulf_eq0 -expr2 sqrtK => /eqP. | |
have normM x y : norm (x * y) = norm x * norm y. | |
by rewrite mulrACA -rmorphM; apply: normE; rewrite exprMn !sqrtK. | |
have normN x : norm (- x) = norm x. | |
by rewrite -mulN1r normM {1}/norm iJ mulrN -expr2 sqrtK opprK mul1r. | |
pose le x y := norm (y - x) == y - x; pose lt x y := (y != x) && le x y. | |
have posE x: le 0 x = (norm x == x) by rewrite /le subr0. | |
have leB x y: le x y = le 0 (y - x) by rewrite posE. | |
have posP x : reflect (exists y, x = y * conj y) (le 0 x). | |
rewrite posE; apply: (iffP eqP) => [Dx | [y {x}->]]; first by exists (sqrt x). | |
by rewrite (normE _ _ (normK y)) rmorphM conjK (mulrC (conj _)) -expr2 normK. | |
have posJ x : le 0 x -> conj x = x. | |
by case/posP=> {x}u ->; rewrite rmorphM conjK mulrC. | |
have pos_linear x y : le 0 x -> le 0 y -> le x y || le y x. | |
move=> pos_x pos_y; rewrite leB -opprB orbC leB !posE normN -eqf_sqr. | |
by rewrite normK rmorphB !posJ ?subrr. | |
have sposDl x y : lt 0 x -> le 0 y -> lt 0 (x + y). | |
have sqrtJ z : le 0 z -> conj (sqrt z) = sqrt z. | |
rewrite posE -{2}[z]sqrtK -subr_eq0 -mulrBr mulf_eq0 subr_eq0. | |
by case/pred2P=> ->; rewrite ?rmorph0. | |
case/andP=> nz_x /sqrtJ uJ /sqrtJ vJ. | |
set u := sqrt x in uJ; set v := sqrt y in vJ; pose w := u + i * v. | |
have ->: x + y = w * conj w. | |
rewrite rmorphD rmorphM iJ uJ vJ mulNr mulrC -subr_sqr sqrMi opprK. | |
by rewrite !sqrtK. | |
apply/andP; split; last by apply/posP; exists w. | |
rewrite -normK expf_eq0 //=; apply: contraNneq nz_x => /norm_eq0 w0. | |
rewrite -[x]sqrtK expf_eq0 /= -/u -(inj_eq mul2I) !mulr2n -{2}(rmorph0 conj). | |
by rewrite -w0 rmorphD rmorphM iJ uJ vJ mulNr addrACA subrr addr0. | |
have sposD x y : lt 0 x -> lt 0 y -> lt 0 (x + y). | |
by move=> x_gt0 /andP[_]; apply: sposDl. | |
have normD x y : le (norm (x + y)) (norm x + norm y). | |
have sposM u v: lt 0 u -> le 0 (u * v) -> le 0 v. | |
by rewrite /lt !posE normM andbC => /andP[/eqP-> /mulfI/inj_eq->]. | |
have posD u v: le 0 u -> le 0 v -> le 0 (u + v). | |
have [-> | nz_u u_ge0 v_ge0] := eqVneq u 0; first by rewrite add0r. | |
by have /andP[]: lt 0 (u + v) by rewrite sposDl // /lt nz_u. | |
have le_sqr u v: conj u = u -> le 0 v -> le (u ^+ 2) (v ^+ 2) -> le u v. | |
case: (eqVneq u 0) => [-> //|nz_u Ru v_ge0]. | |
have [u_gt0 | u_le0 _] := boolP (lt 0 u). | |
by rewrite leB (leB u) subr_sqr mulrC addrC; apply: sposM; apply: sposDl. | |
rewrite leB posD // posE normN -addr_eq0; apply/eqP. | |
rewrite /lt nz_u posE -subr_eq0 in u_le0; apply: (mulfI u_le0). | |
by rewrite mulr0 -subr_sqr normK Ru subrr. | |
have pos_norm z: le 0 (norm z) by apply/posP; exists (sqrt z). | |
rewrite le_sqr ?posJ ?posD // sqrrD !normK -normM rmorphD mulrDl !mulrDr. | |
rewrite addrA addrC !addrA -(addrC (y * conj y)) !addrA. | |
move: (y * _ + _) => u; rewrite -!addrA leB opprD addrACA {u}subrr add0r -leB. | |
rewrite {}le_sqr ?posD //. | |
by rewrite rmorphD !rmorphM !conjK addrC mulrC (mulrC y). | |
rewrite -mulr2n -mulr_natr exprMn normK -natrX mulr_natr sqrrD mulrACA. | |
rewrite -rmorphM (mulrC y x) addrAC leB mulrnA mulr2n opprD addrACA. | |
rewrite subrr addr0 {2}(mulrC x) rmorphM mulrACA -opprB addrAC -sqrrB -sqrMi. | |
apply/posP; exists (i * (x * conj y - y * conj x)); congr (_ * _). | |
rewrite !(rmorphM, rmorphB) iJ !conjK mulNr -mulrN opprB. | |
by rewrite (mulrC x) (mulrC y). | |
by exists (NumMixin normD sposD norm_eq0 pos_linear normM (rrefl _) (rrefl _)). | |
Qed. | |
Module Algebraics. | |
Module Type Specification. | |
Parameter type : Type. | |
Parameter eqMixin : Equality.class_of type. | |
Canonical eqType := EqType type eqMixin. | |
Parameter choiceMixin : Choice.mixin_of type. | |
Canonical choiceType := ChoiceType type choiceMixin. | |
Parameter countMixin : Countable.mixin_of type. | |
Canonical countType := CountType type countMixin. | |
Parameter zmodMixin : GRing.Zmodule.mixin_of type. | |
Canonical zmodType := ZmodType type zmodMixin. | |
Canonical countZmodType := [countZmodType of type]. | |
Parameter ringMixin : GRing.Ring.mixin_of zmodType. | |
Canonical ringType := RingType type ringMixin. | |
Canonical countRingType := [countRingType of type]. | |
Parameter unitRingMixin : GRing.UnitRing.mixin_of ringType. | |
Canonical unitRingType := UnitRingType type unitRingMixin. | |
Axiom mulC : @commutative ringType ringType *%R. | |
Canonical comRingType := ComRingType type mulC. | |
Canonical comUnitRingType := [comUnitRingType of type]. | |
Axiom idomainAxiom : GRing.IntegralDomain.axiom ringType. | |
Canonical idomainType := IdomainType type idomainAxiom. | |
Axiom fieldMixin : GRing.Field.mixin_of unitRingType. | |
Canonical fieldType := FieldType type fieldMixin. | |
Parameter decFieldMixin : GRing.DecidableField.mixin_of unitRingType. | |
Canonical decFieldType := DecFieldType type decFieldMixin. | |
Axiom closedFieldAxiom : GRing.ClosedField.axiom ringType. | |
Canonical closedFieldType := ClosedFieldType type closedFieldAxiom. | |
Parameter numMixin : numMixin idomainType. | |
Canonical porderType := POrderType ring_display type numMixin. | |
Canonical numDomainType := NumDomainType type numMixin. | |
Canonical normedZmodType := NormedZmodType type type numMixin. | |
Canonical numFieldType := [numFieldType of type]. | |
Parameter conjMixin : Num.ClosedField.imaginary_mixin_of numDomainType. | |
Canonical numClosedFieldType := NumClosedFieldType type conjMixin. | |
Axiom algebraic : integralRange (@ratr unitRingType). | |
End Specification. | |
Module Implementation : Specification. | |
Definition L := tag Fundamental_Theorem_of_Algebraics. | |
Definition conjL : {rmorphism L -> L} := | |
s2val (tagged Fundamental_Theorem_of_Algebraics). | |
Fact conjL_K : involutive conjL. | |
Proof. exact: s2valP (tagged Fundamental_Theorem_of_Algebraics). Qed. | |
Fact conjL_nt : ~ conjL =1 id. | |
Proof. exact: s2valP' (tagged Fundamental_Theorem_of_Algebraics). Qed. | |
Definition LnumMixin := ComplexNumMixin conjL_K conjL_nt. | |
Definition Lnum := NumDomainType L (sval LnumMixin). | |
Definition QtoL := [rmorphism of @ratr [numFieldType of Lnum]]. | |
Notation pQtoL := (map_poly QtoL). | |
Definition rootQtoL p_j := | |
if p_j.1 == 0 then 0 else | |
(sval (closed_field_poly_normal (pQtoL p_j.1)))`_p_j.2. | |
Definition eq_root p_j q_k := rootQtoL p_j == rootQtoL q_k. | |
Fact eq_root_is_equiv : equiv_class_of eq_root. | |
Proof. by rewrite /eq_root; split=> [ ? | ? ? | ? ? ? ] // /eqP->. Qed. | |
Canonical eq_root_equiv := EquivRelPack eq_root_is_equiv. | |
Definition type : Type := {eq_quot eq_root}%qT. | |
Definition eqMixin : Equality.class_of type := EquivQuot.eqMixin _. | |
Canonical eqType := EqType type eqMixin. | |
Definition choiceMixin : Choice.mixin_of type := EquivQuot.choiceMixin _. | |
Canonical choiceType := ChoiceType type choiceMixin. | |
Definition countMixin : Countable.mixin_of type := CanCountMixin reprK. | |
Canonical countType := CountType type countMixin. | |
Definition CtoL (u : type) := rootQtoL (repr u). | |
Fact CtoL_inj : injective CtoL. | |
Proof. by move=> u v /eqP eq_uv; rewrite -[u]reprK -[v]reprK; apply/eqmodP. Qed. | |
Fact CtoL_P u : integralOver QtoL (CtoL u). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /CtoL /rootQtoL; case: (repr u) => p j /=. | |
case: (closed_field_poly_normal _) => r Dp /=. | |
case: ifPn => [_ | nz_p]; first exact: integral0. | |
have [/(nth_default 0)-> | lt_j_r] := leqP (size r) j; first exact: integral0. | |
apply/integral_algebraic; exists p; rewrite // Dp -mul_polyC rootM orbC. | |
by rewrite root_prod_XsubC mem_nth. | |
Qed. | |
Fact LtoC_subproof z : integralOver QtoL z -> {u | CtoL u = z}. | |
Proof. | |
case/sig2_eqW=> p mon_p pz0; rewrite /CtoL. | |
pose j := index z (sval (closed_field_poly_normal (pQtoL p))). | |
pose u := \pi_type%qT (p, j); exists u; have /eqmodP/eqP-> := reprK u. | |
rewrite /rootQtoL -if_neg monic_neq0 //; apply: nth_index => /=. | |
case: (closed_field_poly_normal _) => r /= Dp. | |
by rewrite Dp (monicP _) ?(monic_map QtoL) // scale1r root_prod_XsubC in pz0. | |
Qed. | |
Definition LtoC z Az := sval (@LtoC_subproof z Az). | |
Fact LtoC_K z Az : CtoL (@LtoC z Az) = z. | |
Proof. exact: (svalP (LtoC_subproof Az)). Qed. | |
Fact CtoL_K u : LtoC (CtoL_P u) = u. | |
Proof. by apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite LtoC_K. Qed. | |
Definition zero := LtoC (integral0 _). | |
Definition add u v := LtoC (integral_add (CtoL_P u) (CtoL_P v)). | |
Definition opp u := LtoC (integral_opp (CtoL_P u)). | |
Fact addA : associative add. | |
Proof. by move=> u v w; apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite !LtoC_K addrA. Qed. | |
Fact addC : commutative add. | |
Proof. by move=> u v; apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite !LtoC_K addrC. Qed. | |
Fact add0 : left_id zero add. | |
Proof. by move=> u; apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite !LtoC_K add0r. Qed. | |
Fact addN : left_inverse zero opp add. | |
Proof. by move=> u; apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite !LtoC_K addNr. Qed. | |
Definition zmodMixin := ZmodMixin addA addC add0 addN. | |
Canonical zmodType := ZmodType type zmodMixin. | |
Canonical countZmodType := [countZmodType of type]. | |
Fact CtoL_is_additive : additive CtoL. | |
Proof. by move=> u v; rewrite !LtoC_K. Qed. | |
Canonical CtoL_additive := Additive CtoL_is_additive. | |
Definition one := LtoC (integral1 _). | |
Definition mul u v := LtoC (integral_mul (CtoL_P u) (CtoL_P v)). | |
Definition inv u := LtoC (integral_inv (CtoL_P u)). | |
Fact mulA : associative mul. | |
Proof. by move=> u v w; apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite !LtoC_K mulrA. Qed. | |
Fact mulC : commutative mul. | |
Proof. by move=> u v; apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite !LtoC_K mulrC. Qed. | |
Fact mul1 : left_id one mul. | |
Proof. by move=> u; apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite !LtoC_K mul1r. Qed. | |
Fact mulD : left_distributive mul +%R. | |
Proof. by move=> u v w; apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite !LtoC_K mulrDl. Qed. | |
Fact one_nz : one != 0 :> type. | |
Proof. by rewrite -(inj_eq CtoL_inj) !LtoC_K oner_eq0. Qed. | |
Definition ringMixin := ComRingMixin mulA mulC mul1 mulD one_nz. | |
Canonical ringType := RingType type ringMixin. | |
Canonical comRingType := ComRingType type mulC. | |
Canonical countRingType := [countRingType of type]. | |
Fact CtoL_is_multiplicative : multiplicative CtoL. | |
Proof. by split=> [u v|]; rewrite !LtoC_K. Qed. | |
Canonical CtoL_rmorphism := AddRMorphism CtoL_is_multiplicative. | |
Fact mulVf : GRing.Field.axiom inv. | |
Proof. | |
move=> u; rewrite -(inj_eq CtoL_inj) rmorph0 => nz_u. | |
by apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite !LtoC_K mulVf. | |
Qed. | |
Fact inv0 : inv 0 = 0. Proof. by apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite !LtoC_K invr0. Qed. | |
Definition unitRingMixin := FieldUnitMixin mulVf inv0. | |
Canonical unitRingType := UnitRingType type unitRingMixin. | |
Canonical comUnitRingType := [comUnitRingType of type]. | |
Definition fieldMixin := FieldMixin mulVf inv0. | |
Definition idomainAxiom := FieldIdomainMixin fieldMixin. | |
Canonical idomainType := IdomainType type idomainAxiom. | |
Canonical fieldType := FieldType type fieldMixin. | |
Fact closedFieldAxiom : GRing.ClosedField.axiom ringType. | |
Proof. | |
move=> n a n_gt0; pose p := 'X^n - \poly_(i < n) CtoL (a i). | |
have Ap: {in p : seq L, integralRange QtoL}. | |
move=> _ /(nthP 0)[j _ <-]; rewrite coefB coefXn coef_poly. | |
apply: integral_sub; first exact: integral_nat. | |
by case: ifP => _; [apply: CtoL_P | apply: integral0]. | |
have sz_p: size p = n.+1. | |
by rewrite size_addl size_polyXn // size_opp ltnS size_poly. | |
have [z pz0]: exists z, root p z by apply/closed_rootP; rewrite sz_p eqSS -lt0n. | |
have Az: integralOver ratr z. | |
by apply: integral_root Ap; rewrite // -size_poly_gt0 sz_p. | |
exists (LtoC Az); apply/CtoL_inj; rewrite -[CtoL _]subr0 -(rootP pz0). | |
rewrite rmorphX /= LtoC_K hornerD hornerXn hornerN opprD addNKr opprK. | |
rewrite horner_poly rmorph_sum; apply: eq_bigr => k _. | |
by rewrite rmorphM rmorphX /= LtoC_K. | |
Qed. | |
Definition decFieldMixin := closed_field_QEMixin closedFieldAxiom. | |
Canonical decFieldType := DecFieldType type decFieldMixin. | |
Canonical closedFieldType := ClosedFieldType type closedFieldAxiom. | |
Fact conj_subproof u : integralOver QtoL (conjL (CtoL u)). | |
Proof. | |
have [p mon_p pu0] := CtoL_P u; exists p => //. | |
rewrite -(fmorph_root conjL) conjL_K map_poly_id // => _ /(nthP 0)[j _ <-]. | |
by rewrite coef_map fmorph_rat. | |
Qed. | |
Fact conj_is_rmorphism : rmorphism (fun u => LtoC (conj_subproof u)). | |
Proof. | |
do 2?split=> [u v|]; apply: CtoL_inj; last by rewrite !LtoC_K rmorph1. | |
- by rewrite LtoC_K 3!{1}rmorphB /= !LtoC_K. | |
by rewrite LtoC_K 3!{1}rmorphM /= !LtoC_K. | |
Qed. | |
Definition conj : {rmorphism type -> type} := RMorphism conj_is_rmorphism. | |
Lemma conjK : involutive conj. | |
Proof. by move=> u; apply: CtoL_inj; rewrite !LtoC_K conjL_K. Qed. | |
Fact conj_nt : ~ conj =1 id. | |
Proof. | |
have [i i2]: exists i : type, i ^+ 2 = -1. | |
have [i] := @solve_monicpoly _ 2%N (nth 0 [:: -1 : type]) isT. | |
by rewrite !big_ord_recl big_ord0 /= mul0r mulr1 !addr0; exists i. | |
move/(_ i)/(congr1 CtoL); rewrite LtoC_K => iL_J. | |
have/lt_geF/idP[] := @ltr01 Lnum; rewrite -oppr_ge0 -(rmorphN1 CtoL_rmorphism). | |
by rewrite -i2 rmorphX /= expr2 -{2}iL_J -(svalP LnumMixin) exprn_ge0. | |
Qed. | |
Definition numMixin : numMixin closedFieldType := | |
sval (ComplexNumMixin conjK conj_nt). | |
Canonical porderType := POrderType ring_display type numMixin. | |
Canonical numDomainType := NumDomainType type numMixin. | |
Canonical normedZmodType := NormedZmodType type type numMixin. | |
Canonical numFieldType := [numFieldType of type]. | |
Lemma normK u : `|u| ^+ 2 = u * conj u. | |
Proof. exact: svalP (ComplexNumMixin conjK conj_nt) u. Qed. | |
Lemma algebraic : integralRange (@ratr unitRingType). | |
Proof. | |
move=> u; have [p mon_p pu0] := CtoL_P u; exists p => {mon_p}//. | |
rewrite -(fmorph_root CtoL_rmorphism) -map_poly_comp; congr (root _ _): pu0. | |
by apply/esym/eq_map_poly; apply: fmorph_eq_rat. | |
Qed. | |
Definition conjMixin := | |
ImaginaryMixin (svalP (imaginary_exists closedFieldType)) | |
(fun x => esym (normK x)). | |
Canonical numClosedFieldType := NumClosedFieldType type conjMixin. | |
End Implementation. | |
Definition divisor := Implementation.type. | |
Module Internals. | |
Import Implementation. | |
Local Notation algC := type. | |
Local Notation "z ^*" := (conj z) (at level 2, format "z ^*") : ring_scope. | |
Local Notation QtoC := (ratr : rat -> algC). | |
Local Notation QtoCm := [rmorphism of QtoC]. | |
Local Notation pQtoC := (map_poly QtoC). | |
Local Notation ZtoQ := (intr : int -> rat). | |
Local Notation ZtoC := (intr : int -> algC). | |
Local Notation Creal := (Num.real : qualifier 0 algC). | |
Fact algCi_subproof : {i : algC | i ^+ 2 = -1}. | |
Proof. exact: GRing.imaginary_exists. Qed. | |
Variant getCrat_spec : Type := GetCrat_spec CtoQ of cancel QtoC CtoQ. | |
Fact getCrat_subproof : getCrat_spec. | |
Proof. | |
have isQ := rat_algebraic_decidable algebraic. | |
exists (fun z => if isQ z is left Qz then sval (sig_eqW Qz) else 0) => a. | |
case: (isQ _) => [Qa | []]; last by exists a. | |
by case: (sig_eqW _) => b /= /fmorph_inj. | |
Qed. | |
Fact floorC_subproof x : {m | x \is Creal -> ZtoC m <= x < ZtoC (m + 1)}. | |
Proof. | |
have [Rx | _] := boolP (x \is Creal); last by exists 0. | |
without loss x_ge0: x Rx / x >= 0. | |
have [x_ge0 | /ltW x_le0] := real_ge0P Rx; first exact. | |
case/(_ (- x)) => [||m /(_ isT)]; rewrite ?rpredN ?oppr_ge0 //. | |
rewrite ler_oppr ltr_oppl -!rmorphN opprD /= lt_neqAle le_eqVlt. | |
case: eqP => [-> _ | _ /and3P[lt_x_m _ le_m_x]]. | |
by exists (- m) => _; rewrite lexx rmorphD ltr_addl ltr01. | |
by exists (- m - 1); rewrite le_m_x subrK. | |
have /ex_minnP[n lt_x_n1 min_n]: exists n, x < n.+1%:R. | |
have [n le_x_n] := rat_algebraic_archimedean algebraic x. | |
by exists n; rewrite -(ger0_norm x_ge0) (lt_trans le_x_n) ?ltr_nat. | |
exists n%:Z => _; rewrite addrC -intS lt_x_n1 andbT. | |
case Dn: n => // [n1]; rewrite -Dn. | |
have [||//|] := @real_leP _ n%:R x; rewrite ?rpred_nat //. | |
by rewrite Dn => /min_n; rewrite Dn ltnn. | |
Qed. | |
Fact minCpoly_subproof (x : algC) : | |
{p | p \is monic & forall q, root (pQtoC q) x = (p %| q)%R}. | |
Proof. | |
have isQ := rat_algebraic_decidable algebraic. | |
have [p [mon_p px0 irr_p]] := minPoly_decidable_closure isQ (algebraic x). | |
exists p => // q; apply/idP/idP=> [qx0 | /dvdpP[r ->]]; last first. | |
by rewrite rmorphM rootM px0 orbT. | |
suffices /eqp_dvdl <-: gcdp p q %= p by apply: dvdp_gcdr. | |
rewrite irr_p ?dvdp_gcdl ?gtn_eqF // -(size_map_poly QtoCm) gcdp_map /=. | |
rewrite (@root_size_gt1 _ x) ?root_gcd ?px0 //. | |
by rewrite gcdp_eq0 negb_and map_poly_eq0 monic_neq0. | |
Qed. | |
Definition algC_divisor (x : algC) := x : divisor. | |
Definition int_divisor m := m%:~R : divisor. | |
Definition nat_divisor n := n%:R : divisor. | |
End Internals. | |
Module Import Exports. | |
Import Implementation Internals. | |
Notation algC := type. | |
Delimit Scope C_scope with C. | |
Delimit Scope C_core_scope with Cc. | |
Delimit Scope C_expanded_scope with Cx. | |
Open Scope C_core_scope. | |
Canonical eqType. | |
Canonical choiceType. | |
Canonical countType. | |
Canonical zmodType. | |
Canonical countZmodType. | |
Canonical ringType. | |
Canonical countRingType. | |
Canonical unitRingType. | |
Canonical comRingType. | |
Canonical comUnitRingType. | |
Canonical idomainType. | |
Canonical porderType. | |
Canonical numDomainType. | |
Canonical normedZmodType. | |
Canonical fieldType. | |
Canonical numFieldType. | |
Canonical decFieldType. | |
Canonical closedFieldType. | |
Canonical numClosedFieldType. | |
Notation algCeq := eqType. | |
Notation algCzmod := zmodType. | |
Notation algCring := ringType. | |
Notation algCuring := unitRingType. | |
Notation algCnum := numDomainType. | |
Notation algCfield := fieldType. | |
Notation algCnumField := numFieldType. | |
Notation algCnumClosedField := numClosedFieldType. | |
Notation Creal := (@Num.Def.Rreal numDomainType). | |
Definition getCrat := let: GetCrat_spec CtoQ _ := getCrat_subproof in CtoQ. | |
Definition Crat : {pred algC} := fun x => ratr (getCrat x) == x. | |
Definition floorC x := sval (floorC_subproof x). | |
Definition Cint : {pred algC} := fun x => (floorC x)%:~R == x. | |
Definition truncC x := if x >= 0 then `|floorC x|%N else 0%N. | |
Definition Cnat : {pred algC} := fun x => (truncC x)%:R == x. | |
Definition minCpoly x : {poly algC} := | |
let: exist2 p _ _ := minCpoly_subproof x in map_poly ratr p. | |
Coercion nat_divisor : nat >-> divisor. | |
Coercion int_divisor : int >-> divisor. | |
Coercion algC_divisor : algC >-> divisor. | |
Lemma nCdivE (p : nat) : p = p%:R :> divisor. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma zCdivE (p : int) : p = p%:~R :> divisor. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Definition CdivE := (nCdivE, zCdivE). | |
Definition dvdC (x : divisor) : {pred algC} := | |
fun y => if x == 0 then y == 0 else y / x \in Cint. | |
Notation "x %| y" := (y \in dvdC x) : C_expanded_scope. | |
Notation "x %| y" := (@in_mem divisor y (mem (dvdC x))) : C_scope. | |
Definition eqCmod (e x y : divisor) := (e %| x - y)%C. | |
Notation "x == y %[mod e ]" := (eqCmod e x y) : C_scope. | |
Notation "x != y %[mod e ]" := (~~ (x == y %[mod e])%C) : C_scope. | |
End Exports. | |
End Algebraics. | |
Export Algebraics.Exports. | |
Section AlgebraicsTheory. | |
Implicit Types (x y z : algC) (n : nat) (m : int) (b : bool). | |
Import Algebraics.Internals. | |
Local Notation ZtoQ := (intr : int -> rat). | |
Local Notation ZtoC := (intr : int -> algC). | |
Local Notation QtoC := (ratr : rat -> algC). | |
Local Notation QtoCm := [rmorphism of QtoC]. | |
Local Notation CtoQ := getCrat. | |
Local Notation intrp := (map_poly intr). | |
Local Notation pZtoQ := (map_poly ZtoQ). | |
Local Notation pZtoC := (map_poly ZtoC). | |
Local Notation pQtoC := (map_poly ratr). | |
Let intr_inj_ZtoC := (intr_inj : injective ZtoC). | |
#[local] Hint Resolve intr_inj_ZtoC : core. | |
(* Specialization of a few basic ssrnum order lemmas. *) | |
Definition eqC_nat n p : (n%:R == p%:R :> algC) = (n == p) := eqr_nat _ n p. | |
Definition leC_nat n p : (n%:R <= p%:R :> algC) = (n <= p)%N := ler_nat _ n p. | |
Definition ltC_nat n p : (n%:R < p%:R :> algC) = (n < p)%N := ltr_nat _ n p. | |
Definition Cchar : [char algC] =i pred0 := @char_num _. | |
(* This can be used in the converse direction to evaluate assertions over *) | |
(* manifest rationals, such as 3^-1 + 7%:%^-1 < 2%:%^-1 :> algC. *) | |
(* Missing norm and integer exponent, due to gaps in ssrint and rat. *) | |
Definition CratrE := | |
let CnF := Algebraics.Implementation.numFieldType in | |
let QtoCm := ratr_rmorphism CnF in | |
((rmorph0 QtoCm, rmorph1 QtoCm, rmorphMn QtoCm, rmorphN QtoCm, rmorphD QtoCm), | |
(rmorphM QtoCm, rmorphX QtoCm, fmorphV QtoCm), | |
(rmorphMz QtoCm, rmorphXz QtoCm, @ratr_norm CnF, @ratr_sg CnF), | |
=^~ (@ler_rat CnF, @ltr_rat CnF, (inj_eq (fmorph_inj QtoCm)))). | |
Definition CintrE := | |
let CnF := Algebraics.Implementation.numFieldType in | |
let ZtoCm := intmul1_rmorphism CnF in | |
((rmorph0 ZtoCm, rmorph1 ZtoCm, rmorphMn ZtoCm, rmorphN ZtoCm, rmorphD ZtoCm), | |
(rmorphM ZtoCm, rmorphX ZtoCm), | |
(rmorphMz ZtoCm, @intr_norm CnF, @intr_sg CnF), | |
=^~ (@ler_int CnF, @ltr_int CnF, (inj_eq (@intr_inj CnF)))). | |
Let nz2 : 2 != 0 :> algC. Proof. by rewrite -!CintrE. Qed. | |
(* Conjugation and norm. *) | |
Definition algC_algebraic x := Algebraics.Implementation.algebraic x. | |
(* Real number subset. *) | |
Lemma Creal0 : 0 \is Creal. Proof. exact: rpred0. Qed. | |
Lemma Creal1 : 1 \is Creal. Proof. exact: rpred1. Qed. | |
(* Trivial cannot resolve a general real0 hint. *) | |
Hint Resolve Creal0 Creal1 : core. | |
Lemma algCrect x : x = 'Re x + 'i * 'Im x. | |
Proof. by rewrite [LHS]Crect. Qed. | |
Lemma algCreal_Re x : 'Re x \is Creal. | |
Proof. by rewrite Creal_Re. Qed. | |
Lemma algCreal_Im x : 'Im x \is Creal. | |
Proof. by rewrite Creal_Im. Qed. | |
Hint Resolve algCreal_Re algCreal_Im : core. | |
(* Integer subset. *) | |
(* Not relying on the undocumented interval library, for now. *) | |
Lemma floorC_itv x : x \is Creal -> (floorC x)%:~R <= x < (floorC x + 1)%:~R. | |
Proof. by rewrite /floorC => Rx; case: (floorC_subproof x) => //= m; apply. Qed. | |
Lemma floorC_def x m : m%:~R <= x < (m + 1)%:~R -> floorC x = m. | |
Proof. | |
case/andP=> lemx ltxm1; apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le -!ltz_addr1. | |
have /floorC_itv/andP[lefx ltxf1]: x \is Creal. | |
by rewrite -[x](subrK m%:~R) rpredD ?realz ?ler_sub_real. | |
by rewrite -!(ltr_int [numFieldType of algC]) 2?(@le_lt_trans _ _ x). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma intCK : cancel intr floorC. | |
Proof. | |
by move=> m; apply: floorC_def; rewrite ler_int ltr_int ltz_addr1 lexx. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma floorCK : {in Cint, cancel floorC intr}. Proof. by move=> z /eqP. Qed. | |
Lemma floorC0 : floorC 0 = 0. Proof. exact: (intCK 0). Qed. | |
Lemma floorC1 : floorC 1 = 1. Proof. exact: (intCK 1). Qed. | |
Hint Resolve floorC0 floorC1 : core. | |
Lemma floorCpK (p : {poly algC}) : | |
p \is a polyOver Cint -> map_poly intr (map_poly floorC p) = p. | |
Proof. | |
move/(all_nthP 0)=> Zp; apply/polyP=> i. | |
rewrite coef_map coef_map_id0 //= -[p]coefK coef_poly. | |
by case: ifP => [/Zp/floorCK // | _]; rewrite floorC0. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma floorCpP (p : {poly algC}) : | |
p \is a polyOver Cint -> {q | p = map_poly intr q}. | |
Proof. by exists (map_poly floorC p); rewrite floorCpK. Qed. | |
Lemma Cint_int m : m%:~R \in Cint. | |
Proof. by rewrite unfold_in intCK. Qed. | |
Lemma CintP x : reflect (exists m, x = m%:~R) (x \in Cint). | |
Proof. | |
by apply: (iffP idP) => [/eqP<-|[m ->]]; [exists (floorC x) | apply: Cint_int]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma floorCD : {in Cint & Creal, {morph floorC : x y / x + y}}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> _ y /CintP[m ->] Ry; apply: floorC_def. | |
by rewrite -addrA 2!rmorphD /= intCK ler_add2l ltr_add2l floorC_itv. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma floorCN : {in Cint, {morph floorC : x / - x}}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ /CintP[m ->]; rewrite -rmorphN !intCK. Qed. | |
Lemma floorCM : {in Cint &, {morph floorC : x y / x * y}}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ _ /CintP[m1 ->] /CintP[m2 ->]; rewrite -rmorphM !intCK. Qed. | |
Lemma floorCX n : {in Cint, {morph floorC : x / x ^+ n}}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ /CintP[m ->]; rewrite -rmorphX !intCK. Qed. | |
Lemma rpred_Cint | |
(S : {pred algC}) (ringS : subringPred S) (kS : keyed_pred ringS) x : | |
x \in Cint -> x \in kS. | |
Proof. by case/CintP=> m ->; apply: rpred_int. Qed. | |
Lemma Cint0 : 0 \in Cint. Proof. exact: (Cint_int 0). Qed. | |
Lemma Cint1 : 1 \in Cint. Proof. exact: (Cint_int 1). Qed. | |
Hint Resolve Cint0 Cint1 : core. | |
Fact Cint_key : pred_key Cint. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Fact Cint_subring : subring_closed Cint. | |
Proof. | |
by split=> // _ _ /CintP[m ->] /CintP[p ->]; | |
rewrite -(rmorphB, rmorphM) Cint_int. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical Cint_keyed := KeyedPred Cint_key. | |
Canonical Cint_opprPred := OpprPred Cint_subring. | |
Canonical Cint_addrPred := AddrPred Cint_subring. | |
Canonical Cint_mulrPred := MulrPred Cint_subring. | |
Canonical Cint_zmodPred := ZmodPred Cint_subring. | |
Canonical Cint_semiringPred := SemiringPred Cint_subring. | |
Canonical Cint_smulrPred := SmulrPred Cint_subring. | |
Canonical Cint_subringPred := SubringPred Cint_subring. | |
Lemma Creal_Cint : {subset Cint <= Creal}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ /CintP[m ->]; apply: realz. Qed. | |
Lemma conj_Cint x : x \in Cint -> x^* = x. | |
Proof. by move/Creal_Cint/conj_Creal. Qed. | |
Lemma Cint_normK x : x \in Cint -> `|x| ^+ 2 = x ^+ 2. | |
Proof. by move/Creal_Cint/real_normK. Qed. | |
Lemma CintEsign x : x \in Cint -> x = (-1) ^+ (x < 0)%C * `|x|. | |
Proof. by move/Creal_Cint/realEsign. Qed. | |
(* Natural integer subset. *) | |
Lemma truncC_itv x : 0 <= x -> (truncC x)%:R <= x < (truncC x).+1%:R. | |
Proof. | |
move=> x_ge0; have /andP[lemx ltxm1] := floorC_itv (ger0_real x_ge0). | |
rewrite /truncC x_ge0 -addn1 !pmulrn PoszD gez0_abs ?lemx //. | |
by rewrite -ltz_addr1 -(ltr_int [numFieldType of algC]) (le_lt_trans x_ge0). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma truncC_def x n : n%:R <= x < n.+1%:R -> truncC x = n. | |
Proof. | |
move=> ivt_n_x; have /andP[lenx _] := ivt_n_x. | |
by rewrite /truncC (le_trans (ler0n _ n)) // (@floorC_def _ n) // addrC -intS. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma natCK n : truncC n%:R = n. | |
Proof. by apply: truncC_def; rewrite lexx ltr_nat /=. Qed. | |
Lemma CnatP x : reflect (exists n, x = n%:R) (x \in Cnat). | |
Proof. | |
by apply: (iffP eqP) => [<- | [n ->]]; [exists (truncC x) | rewrite natCK]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma truncCK : {in Cnat, cancel truncC (GRing.natmul 1)}. | |
Proof. by move=> x /eqP. Qed. | |
Lemma truncC_gt0 x : (0 < truncC x)%N = (1 <= x). | |
Proof. | |
apply/idP/idP=> [m_gt0 | x_ge1]. | |
have /truncC_itv/andP[lemx _]: 0 <= x. | |
by move: m_gt0; rewrite /truncC; case: ifP. | |
by apply: le_trans lemx; rewrite ler1n. | |
have /truncC_itv/andP[_ ltxm1]:= le_trans ler01 x_ge1. | |
by rewrite -ltnS -ltC_nat (le_lt_trans x_ge1). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma truncC0Pn x : reflect (truncC x = 0%N) (~~ (1 <= x)). | |
Proof. by rewrite -truncC_gt0 -eqn0Ngt; apply: eqP. Qed. | |
Lemma truncC0 : truncC 0 = 0%N. Proof. exact: (natCK 0). Qed. | |
Lemma truncC1 : truncC 1 = 1%N. Proof. exact: (natCK 1). Qed. | |
Lemma truncCD : | |
{in Cnat & Num.nneg, {morph truncC : x y / x + y >-> (x + y)%N}}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> _ y /CnatP[n ->] y_ge0; apply: truncC_def. | |
by rewrite -addnS !natrD !natCK ler_add2l ltr_add2l truncC_itv. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma truncCM : {in Cnat &, {morph truncC : x y / x * y >-> (x * y)%N}}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ _ /CnatP[n1 ->] /CnatP[n2 ->]; rewrite -natrM !natCK. Qed. | |
Lemma truncCX n : {in Cnat, {morph truncC : x / x ^+ n >-> (x ^ n)%N}}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ /CnatP[n1 ->]; rewrite -natrX !natCK. Qed. | |
Lemma rpred_Cnat | |
(S : {pred algC}) (ringS : semiringPred S) (kS : keyed_pred ringS) x : | |
x \in Cnat -> x \in kS. | |
Proof. by case/CnatP=> n ->; apply: rpred_nat. Qed. | |
Lemma Cnat_nat n : n%:R \in Cnat. Proof. by apply/CnatP; exists n. Qed. | |
Lemma Cnat0 : 0 \in Cnat. Proof. exact: (Cnat_nat 0). Qed. | |
Lemma Cnat1 : 1 \in Cnat. Proof. exact: (Cnat_nat 1). Qed. | |
Hint Resolve Cnat_nat Cnat0 Cnat1 : core. | |
Fact Cnat_key : pred_key Cnat. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Fact Cnat_semiring : semiring_closed Cnat. | |
Proof. | |
by do 2![split] => //= _ _ /CnatP[n ->] /CnatP[m ->]; rewrite -(natrD, natrM). | |
Qed. | |
Canonical Cnat_keyed := KeyedPred Cnat_key. | |
Canonical Cnat_addrPred := AddrPred Cnat_semiring. | |
Canonical Cnat_mulrPred := MulrPred Cnat_semiring. | |
Canonical Cnat_semiringPred := SemiringPred Cnat_semiring. | |
Lemma Cnat_ge0 x : x \in Cnat -> 0 <= x. | |
Proof. by case/CnatP=> n ->; apply: ler0n. Qed. | |
Lemma Cnat_gt0 x : x \in Cnat -> (0 < x) = (x != 0). | |
Proof. by case/CnatP=> n ->; rewrite pnatr_eq0 ltr0n lt0n. Qed. | |
Lemma conj_Cnat x : x \in Cnat -> x^* = x. | |
Proof. by case/CnatP=> n ->; apply: rmorph_nat. Qed. | |
Lemma norm_Cnat x : x \in Cnat -> `|x| = x. | |
Proof. by move/Cnat_ge0/ger0_norm. Qed. | |
Lemma Creal_Cnat : {subset Cnat <= Creal}. | |
Proof. by move=> z /conj_Cnat/CrealP. Qed. | |
Lemma Cnat_sum_eq1 (I : finType) (P : pred I) (F : I -> algC) : | |
(forall i, P i -> F i \in Cnat) -> \sum_(i | P i) F i = 1 -> | |
{i : I | [/\ P i, F i = 1 & forall j, j != i -> P j -> F j = 0]}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> natF sumF1; pose nF i := truncC (F i). | |
have{natF} defF i: P i -> F i = (nF i)%:R by move/natF/eqP. | |
have{sumF1} /eqP sumF1: (\sum_(i | P i) nF i == 1)%N. | |
by rewrite -eqC_nat natr_sum -(eq_bigr _ defF) sumF1. | |
have [i Pi nZfi]: {i : I | P i & nF i != 0%N}. | |
by apply/sig2W/exists_inP; rewrite -negb_forall_in -sum_nat_eq0 sumF1. | |
have F'ge0 := (leq0n _, etrans (eq_sym _ _) (sum_nat_eq0 (predD1 P i) nF)). | |
rewrite -lt0n in nZfi; have [_] := (leqif_add (leqif_eq nZfi) (F'ge0 _)). | |
rewrite /= big_andbC -bigD1 // sumF1 => /esym/andP/=[/eqP Fi1 /forall_inP Fi'0]. | |
exists i; split=> // [|j neq_ji Pj]; first by rewrite defF // -Fi1. | |
by rewrite defF // (eqP (Fi'0 j _)) // neq_ji. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Cnat_mul_eq1 x y : | |
x \in Cnat -> y \in Cnat -> (x * y == 1) = (x == 1) && (y == 1). | |
Proof. by do 2!move/truncCK <-; rewrite -natrM !pnatr_eq1 muln_eq1. Qed. | |
Lemma Cnat_prod_eq1 (I : finType) (P : pred I) (F : I -> algC) : | |
(forall i, P i -> F i \in Cnat) -> \prod_(i | P i) F i = 1 -> | |
forall i, P i -> F i = 1. | |
Proof. | |
move=> natF prodF1; apply/eqfun_inP; rewrite -big_andE. | |
move: prodF1; elim/(big_load (fun x => x \in Cnat)): _. | |
elim/big_rec2: _ => // i all1x x /natF N_Fi [Nx x1all1]. | |
by split=> [|/eqP]; rewrite ?rpredM ?Cnat_mul_eq1 // => /andP[-> /eqP]. | |
Qed. | |
(* Relating Cint and Cnat. *) | |
Lemma Cint_Cnat : {subset Cnat <= Cint}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ /CnatP[n ->]; rewrite pmulrn Cint_int. Qed. | |
Lemma CintE x : (x \in Cint) = (x \in Cnat) || (- x \in Cnat). | |
Proof. | |
apply/idP/idP=> [/CintP[[n | n] ->] | ]; first by rewrite Cnat_nat. | |
by rewrite NegzE opprK Cnat_nat orbT. | |
by case/pred2P=> [<- | /(canLR opprK) <-]; rewrite ?rpredN rpred_nat. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Cnat_norm_Cint x : x \in Cint -> `|x| \in Cnat. | |
Proof. | |
case/CintP=> [m ->]; rewrite [m]intEsign rmorphM rmorph_sign. | |
by rewrite normrM normr_sign mul1r normr_nat rpred_nat. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma CnatEint x : (x \in Cnat) = (x \in Cint) && (0 <= x). | |
Proof. | |
apply/idP/andP=> [Nx | [Zx x_ge0]]; first by rewrite Cint_Cnat ?Cnat_ge0. | |
by rewrite -(ger0_norm x_ge0) Cnat_norm_Cint. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma CintEge0 x : 0 <= x -> (x \in Cint) = (x \in Cnat). | |
Proof. by rewrite CnatEint andbC => ->. Qed. | |
Lemma Cnat_exp_even x n : ~~ odd n -> x \in Cint -> x ^+ n \in Cnat. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -dvdn2 => /dvdnP[m ->] Zx; rewrite mulnC exprM -Cint_normK ?rpredX //. | |
exact: Cnat_norm_Cint. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma norm_Cint_ge1 x : x \in Cint -> x != 0 -> 1 <= `|x|. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -normr_eq0 => /Cnat_norm_Cint/CnatP[n ->]. | |
by rewrite pnatr_eq0 ler1n lt0n. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma sqr_Cint_ge1 x : x \in Cint -> x != 0 -> 1 <= x ^+ 2. | |
Proof. by move=> Zx nz_x; rewrite -Cint_normK // expr_ge1 ?norm_Cint_ge1. Qed. | |
Lemma Cint_ler_sqr x : x \in Cint -> x <= x ^+ 2. | |
Proof. | |
move=> Zx; have [-> | nz_x] := eqVneq x 0; first by rewrite expr0n. | |
apply: le_trans (_ : `|x| <= _); first by rewrite real_ler_norm ?Creal_Cint. | |
by rewrite -Cint_normK // ler_eexpr // norm_Cint_ge1. | |
Qed. | |
(* Integer divisibility. *) | |
Lemma dvdCP x y : reflect (exists2 z, z \in Cint & y = z * x) (x %| y)%C. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite unfold_in; have [-> | nz_x] := eqVneq. | |
by apply: (iffP eqP) => [-> | [z _ ->]]; first exists 0; rewrite ?mulr0. | |
apply: (iffP idP) => [Zyx | [z Zz ->]]; last by rewrite mulfK. | |
by exists (y / x); rewrite ?divfK. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma dvdCP_nat x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> (x %| y)%C -> {n | y = n%:R * x}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> x_ge0 y_ge0 x_dv_y; apply: sig_eqW. | |
case/dvdCP: x_dv_y => z Zz -> in y_ge0 *; move: x_ge0 y_ge0 Zz. | |
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<- | ]; first by exists 22%N; rewrite !mulr0. | |
by move=> /pmulr_lge0-> /CintEge0-> /CnatP[n ->]; exists n. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma dvdC0 x : (x %| 0)%C. | |
Proof. by apply/dvdCP; exists 0; rewrite ?mul0r. Qed. | |
Lemma dvd0C x : (0 %| x)%C = (x == 0). | |
Proof. by rewrite unfold_in eqxx. Qed. | |
Lemma dvdC_mull x y z : y \in Cint -> (x %| z)%C -> (x %| y * z)%C. | |
Proof. | |
move=> Zy /dvdCP[m Zm ->]; apply/dvdCP. | |
by exists (y * m); rewrite ?mulrA ?rpredM. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma dvdC_mulr x y z : y \in Cint -> (x %| z)%C -> (x %| z * y)%C. | |
Proof. by rewrite mulrC; apply: dvdC_mull. Qed. | |
Lemma dvdC_mul2r x y z : y != 0 -> (x * y %| z * y)%C = (x %| z)%C. | |
Proof. | |
move=> nz_y; rewrite !unfold_in !(mulIr_eq0 _ (mulIf nz_y)). | |
by rewrite mulrAC invfM mulrA divfK. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma dvdC_mul2l x y z : y != 0 -> (y * x %| y * z)%C = (x %| z)%C. | |
Proof. by rewrite !(mulrC y); apply: dvdC_mul2r. Qed. | |
Lemma dvdC_trans x y z : (x %| y)%C -> (y %| z)%C -> (x %| z)%C. | |
Proof. by move=> x_dv_y /dvdCP[m Zm ->]; apply: dvdC_mull. Qed. | |
Lemma dvdC_refl x : (x %| x)%C. | |
Proof. by apply/dvdCP; exists 1; rewrite ?mul1r. Qed. | |
Hint Resolve dvdC_refl : core. | |
Fact dvdC_key x : pred_key (dvdC x). Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma dvdC_zmod x : zmod_closed (dvdC x). | |
Proof. | |
split=> [| _ _ /dvdCP[y Zy ->] /dvdCP[z Zz ->]]; first exact: dvdC0. | |
by rewrite -mulrBl dvdC_mull ?rpredB. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical dvdC_keyed x := KeyedPred (dvdC_key x). | |
Canonical dvdC_opprPred x := OpprPred (dvdC_zmod x). | |
Canonical dvdC_addrPred x := AddrPred (dvdC_zmod x). | |
Canonical dvdC_zmodPred x := ZmodPred (dvdC_zmod x). | |
Lemma dvdC_nat (p n : nat) : (p %| n)%C = (p %| n)%N. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite unfold_in CintEge0 ?divr_ge0 ?invr_ge0 ?ler0n // !pnatr_eq0. | |
have [-> | nz_p] := eqVneq; first by rewrite dvd0n. | |
apply/CnatP/dvdnP=> [[q def_q] | [q ->]]; exists q. | |
by apply/eqP; rewrite -eqC_nat natrM -def_q divfK ?pnatr_eq0. | |
by rewrite [num in num / _]natrM mulfK ?pnatr_eq0. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma dvdC_int (p : nat) x : x \in Cint -> (p %| x)%C = (p %| `|floorC x|)%N. | |
Proof. | |
move=> Zx; rewrite -{1}(floorCK Zx) {1}[floorC x]intEsign. | |
by rewrite rmorphMsign rpredMsign dvdC_nat. | |
Qed. | |
(* Elementary modular arithmetic. *) | |
Lemma eqCmod_refl e x : (x == x %[mod e])%C. | |
Proof. by rewrite /eqCmod subrr rpred0. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmodm0 e : (e == 0 %[mod e])%C. Proof. by rewrite /eqCmod subr0. Qed. | |
Hint Resolve eqCmod_refl eqCmodm0 : core. | |
Lemma eqCmod0 e x : (x == 0 %[mod e])%C = (e %| x)%C. | |
Proof. by rewrite /eqCmod subr0. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmod_sym e x y : ((x == y %[mod e]) = (y == x %[mod e]))%C. | |
Proof. by rewrite /eqCmod -opprB rpredN. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmod_trans e y x z : | |
(x == y %[mod e] -> y == z %[mod e] -> x == z %[mod e])%C. | |
Proof. by move=> Exy Eyz; rewrite /eqCmod -[x](subrK y) -addrA rpredD. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmod_transl e x y z : | |
(x == y %[mod e])%C -> (x == z %[mod e])%C = (y == z %[mod e])%C. | |
Proof. by move/(sym_left_transitive (eqCmod_sym e) (@eqCmod_trans e)). Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmod_transr e x y z : | |
(x == y %[mod e])%C -> (z == x %[mod e])%C = (z == y %[mod e])%C. | |
Proof. by move/(sym_right_transitive (eqCmod_sym e) (@eqCmod_trans e)). Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmodN e x y : (- x == y %[mod e])%C = (x == - y %[mod e])%C. | |
Proof. by rewrite eqCmod_sym /eqCmod !opprK addrC. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmodDr e x y z : (y + x == z + x %[mod e])%C = (y == z %[mod e])%C. | |
Proof. by rewrite /eqCmod addrAC opprD !addrA subrK. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmodDl e x y z : (x + y == x + z %[mod e])%C = (y == z %[mod e])%C. | |
Proof. by rewrite !(addrC x) eqCmodDr. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmodD e x1 x2 y1 y2 : | |
(x1 == x2 %[mod e] -> y1 == y2 %[mod e] -> x1 + y1 == x2 + y2 %[mod e])%C. | |
Proof. | |
by rewrite -(eqCmodDl e x2 y1) -(eqCmodDr e y1); apply: eqCmod_trans. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmod_nat (e m n : nat) : (m == n %[mod e])%C = (m == n %[mod e]). | |
Proof. | |
without loss lenm: m n / (n <= m)%N. | |
by move=> IH; case/orP: (leq_total m n) => /IH //; rewrite eqCmod_sym eq_sym. | |
by rewrite /eqCmod -natrB // dvdC_nat eqn_mod_dvd. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmod0_nat (e m : nat) : (m == 0 %[mod e])%C = (e %| m)%N. | |
Proof. by rewrite eqCmod0 dvdC_nat. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmodMr e : | |
{in Cint, forall z x y, x == y %[mod e] -> x * z == y * z %[mod e]}%C. | |
Proof. by move=> z Zz x y; rewrite /eqCmod -mulrBl => /dvdC_mulr->. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmodMl e : | |
{in Cint, forall z x y, x == y %[mod e] -> z * x == z * y %[mod e]}%C. | |
Proof. by move=> z Zz x y Exy; rewrite !(mulrC z) eqCmodMr. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmodMl0 e : {in Cint, forall x, x * e == 0 %[mod e]}%C. | |
Proof. by move=> x Zx; rewrite -(mulr0 x) eqCmodMl. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmodMr0 e : {in Cint, forall x, e * x == 0 %[mod e]}%C. | |
Proof. by move=> x Zx; rewrite /= mulrC eqCmodMl0. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmod_addl_mul e : {in Cint, forall x y, x * e + y == y %[mod e]}%C. | |
Proof. by move=> x Zx y; rewrite -{2}[y]add0r eqCmodDr eqCmodMl0. Qed. | |
Lemma eqCmodM e : {in Cint & Cint, forall x1 y2 x2 y1, | |
x1 == x2 %[mod e] -> y1 == y2 %[mod e] -> x1 * y1 == x2 * y2 %[mod e]}%C. | |
Proof. | |
move=> x1 y2 Zx1 Zy2 x2 y1 eq_x /(eqCmodMl Zx1)/eqCmod_trans-> //. | |
exact: eqCmodMr. | |
Qed. | |
(* Rational number subset. *) | |
Lemma ratCK : cancel QtoC CtoQ. | |
Proof. by rewrite /getCrat; case: getCrat_subproof. Qed. | |
Lemma getCratK : {in Crat, cancel CtoQ QtoC}. | |
Proof. by move=> x /eqP. Qed. | |
Lemma Crat_rat (a : rat) : QtoC a \in Crat. | |
Proof. by rewrite unfold_in ratCK. Qed. | |
Lemma CratP x : reflect (exists a, x = QtoC a) (x \in Crat). | |
Proof. | |
by apply: (iffP eqP) => [<- | [a ->]]; [exists (CtoQ x) | rewrite ratCK]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Crat0 : 0 \in Crat. Proof. by apply/CratP; exists 0; rewrite rmorph0. Qed. | |
Lemma Crat1 : 1 \in Crat. Proof. by apply/CratP; exists 1; rewrite rmorph1. Qed. | |
Hint Resolve Crat0 Crat1 : core. | |
Fact Crat_key : pred_key Crat. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Fact Crat_divring_closed : divring_closed Crat. | |
Proof. | |
split=> // _ _ /CratP[x ->] /CratP[y ->]. | |
by rewrite -rmorphB Crat_rat. | |
by rewrite -fmorph_div Crat_rat. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical Crat_keyed := KeyedPred Crat_key. | |
Canonical Crat_opprPred := OpprPred Crat_divring_closed. | |
Canonical Crat_addrPred := AddrPred Crat_divring_closed. | |
Canonical Crat_mulrPred := MulrPred Crat_divring_closed. | |
Canonical Crat_zmodPred := ZmodPred Crat_divring_closed. | |
Canonical Crat_semiringPred := SemiringPred Crat_divring_closed. | |
Canonical Crat_smulrPred := SmulrPred Crat_divring_closed. | |
Canonical Crat_divrPred := DivrPred Crat_divring_closed. | |
Canonical Crat_subringPred := SubringPred Crat_divring_closed. | |
Canonical Crat_sdivrPred := SdivrPred Crat_divring_closed. | |
Canonical Crat_divringPred := DivringPred Crat_divring_closed. | |
Lemma rpred_Crat | |
(S : {pred algC}) (ringS : divringPred S) (kS : keyed_pred ringS) : | |
{subset Crat <= kS}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ /CratP[a ->]; apply: rpred_rat. Qed. | |
Lemma conj_Crat z : z \in Crat -> z^* = z. | |
Proof. by move/getCratK <-; rewrite fmorph_div !rmorph_int. Qed. | |
Lemma Creal_Crat : {subset Crat <= Creal}. | |
Proof. by move=> x /conj_Crat/CrealP. Qed. | |
Lemma Cint_rat a : (QtoC a \in Cint) = (a \in Qint). | |
Proof. | |
apply/idP/idP=> [Za | /numqK <-]; last by rewrite rmorph_int Cint_int. | |
apply/QintP; exists (floorC (QtoC a)); apply: (can_inj ratCK). | |
by rewrite rmorph_int floorCK. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma minCpolyP x : | |
{p | minCpoly x = pQtoC p /\ p \is monic | |
& forall q, root (pQtoC q) x = (p %| q)%R}. | |
Proof. by rewrite /minCpoly; case: (minCpoly_subproof x) => p; exists p. Qed. | |
Lemma minCpoly_monic x : minCpoly x \is monic. | |
Proof. by have [p [-> mon_p] _] := minCpolyP x; rewrite map_monic. Qed. | |
Lemma minCpoly_eq0 x : (minCpoly x == 0) = false. | |
Proof. exact/negbTE/monic_neq0/minCpoly_monic. Qed. | |
Lemma root_minCpoly x : root (minCpoly x) x. | |
Proof. by have [p [-> _] ->] := minCpolyP x. Qed. | |
Lemma size_minCpoly x : (1 < size (minCpoly x))%N. | |
Proof. by apply: root_size_gt1 (root_minCpoly x); rewrite ?minCpoly_eq0. Qed. | |
(* Basic properties of automorphisms. *) | |
Section AutC. | |
Implicit Type nu : {rmorphism algC -> algC}. | |
Lemma aut_Cnat nu : {in Cnat, nu =1 id}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ /CnatP[n ->]; apply: rmorph_nat. Qed. | |
Lemma aut_Cint nu : {in Cint, nu =1 id}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ /CintP[m ->]; apply: rmorph_int. Qed. | |
Lemma aut_Crat nu : {in Crat, nu =1 id}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ /CratP[a ->]; apply: fmorph_rat. Qed. | |
Lemma Cnat_aut nu x : (nu x \in Cnat) = (x \in Cnat). | |
Proof. | |
by do [apply/idP/idP=> Nx; have:= aut_Cnat nu Nx] => [/fmorph_inj <- | ->]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Cint_aut nu x : (nu x \in Cint) = (x \in Cint). | |
Proof. by rewrite !CintE -rmorphN !Cnat_aut. Qed. | |
Lemma Crat_aut nu x : (nu x \in Crat) = (x \in Crat). | |
Proof. | |
apply/idP/idP=> /CratP[a] => [|->]; last by rewrite fmorph_rat Crat_rat. | |
by rewrite -(fmorph_rat nu) => /fmorph_inj->; apply: Crat_rat. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma algC_invaut_subproof nu x : {y | nu y = x}. | |
Proof. | |
have [r Dp] := closed_field_poly_normal (minCpoly x). | |
suffices /mapP/sig2_eqW[y _ ->]: x \in map nu r by exists y. | |
rewrite -root_prod_XsubC; congr (root _ x): (root_minCpoly x). | |
have [q [Dq _] _] := minCpolyP x; rewrite Dq -(eq_map_poly (fmorph_rat nu)). | |
rewrite (map_poly_comp nu) -{q}Dq Dp (monicP (minCpoly_monic x)) scale1r. | |
rewrite rmorph_prod big_map; apply: eq_bigr => z _. | |
by rewrite rmorphB /= map_polyX map_polyC. | |
Qed. | |
Definition algC_invaut nu x := sval (algC_invaut_subproof nu x). | |
Lemma algC_invautK nu : cancel (algC_invaut nu) nu. | |
Proof. by move=> x; rewrite /algC_invaut; case: algC_invaut_subproof. Qed. | |
Lemma algC_autK nu : cancel nu (algC_invaut nu). | |
Proof. exact: inj_can_sym (algC_invautK nu) (fmorph_inj nu). Qed. | |
Fact algC_invaut_is_rmorphism nu : rmorphism (algC_invaut nu). | |
Proof. exact: can2_rmorphism (algC_autK nu) (algC_invautK nu). Qed. | |
Canonical algC_invaut_additive nu := Additive (algC_invaut_is_rmorphism nu). | |
Canonical algC_invaut_rmorphism nu := RMorphism (algC_invaut_is_rmorphism nu). | |
Lemma minCpoly_aut nu x : minCpoly (nu x) = minCpoly x. | |
Proof. | |
wlog suffices dvd_nu: nu x / (minCpoly x %| minCpoly (nu x))%R. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite -eqp_monic ?minCpoly_monic //; apply/andP; split=> //. | |
by rewrite -{2}(algC_autK nu x) dvd_nu. | |
have [[q [Dq _] min_q] [q1 [Dq1 _] _]] := (minCpolyP x, minCpolyP (nu x)). | |
rewrite Dq Dq1 dvdp_map -min_q -(fmorph_root nu) -map_poly_comp. | |
by rewrite (eq_map_poly (fmorph_rat nu)) -Dq1 root_minCpoly. | |
Qed. | |
End AutC. | |
Section AutLmodC. | |
Variables (U V : lmodType algC) (f : {additive U -> V}). | |
Lemma raddfZ_Cnat a u : a \in Cnat -> f (a *: u) = a *: f u. | |
Proof. by case/CnatP=> n ->; apply: raddfZnat. Qed. | |
Lemma raddfZ_Cint a u : a \in Cint -> f (a *: u) = a *: f u. | |
Proof. by case/CintP=> m ->; rewrite !scaler_int raddfMz. Qed. | |
End AutLmodC. | |
Section PredCmod. | |
Variable V : lmodType algC. | |
Lemma rpredZ_Cnat S (addS : @addrPred V S) (kS : keyed_pred addS) : | |
{in Cnat & kS, forall z u, z *: u \in kS}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ u /CnatP[n ->]; apply: rpredZnat. Qed. | |
Lemma rpredZ_Cint S (subS : @zmodPred V S) (kS : keyed_pred subS) : | |
{in Cint & kS, forall z u, z *: u \in kS}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ u /CintP[m ->]; apply: rpredZint. Qed. | |
End PredCmod. | |
End AlgebraicsTheory. | |
#[global] Hint Resolve Creal0 Creal1 Cnat_nat Cnat0 Cnat1 Cint0 Cint1 : core. | |
#[global] Hint Resolve floorC0 Crat0 Crat1 : core. | |
#[global] Hint Resolve dvdC0 dvdC_refl eqCmod_refl eqCmodm0 : core. | |