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(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) | |
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) | |
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq path. | |
From mathcomp Require Import div choice fintype tuple finfun bigop prime. | |
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg finalg zmodp poly ssrnum ssrint rat. | |
From mathcomp Require Import polydiv intdiv algC matrix mxalgebra mxpoly. | |
From mathcomp Require Import vector falgebra fieldext separable galois. | |
From mathcomp Require Import cyclotomic. | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
(* This file provides a few basic results and constructions in algebraic *) | |
(* number theory, that are used in the character theory library. Most of *) | |
(* these could be generalized to a more abstract setting. Note that the type *) | |
(* of abstract number fields is simply extFieldType rat. We define here: *) | |
(* x \in Crat_span X <=> x is a Q-linear combination of elements of *) | |
(* X : seq algC. *) | |
(* x \in Cint_span X <=> x is a Z-linear combination of elements of *) | |
(* X : seq algC. *) | |
(* x \in Aint <=> x : algC is an algebraic integer, i.e., the (monic) *) | |
(* polynomial of x over Q has integer coefficients. *) | |
(* (e %| a)%A <=> e divides a with respect to algebraic integers, *) | |
(* (e %| a)%Ax i.e., a is in the algebraic integer ideal generated *) | |
(* by e. This is is notation for a \in dvdA e, where *) | |
(* dvdv is the (collective) predicate for the Aint *) | |
(* ideal generated by e. As in the (e %| a)%C notation *) | |
(* e and a can be coerced to algC from nat or int. *) | |
(* The (e %| a)%Ax display form is a workaround for *) | |
(* design limitations of the Coq Notation facilities. *) | |
(* (a == b %[mod e])%A, (a != b %[mod e])%A <=> *) | |
(* a is equal (resp. not equal) to b mod e, i.e., a and *) | |
(* b belong to the same e * Aint class. We do not *) | |
(* force a, b and e to be algebraic integers. *) | |
(* #[x]%C == the multiplicative order of x, i.e., the n such that *) | |
(* x is an nth primitive root of unity, or 0 if x is not *) | |
(* a root of unity. *) | |
(* In addition several lemmas prove the (constructive) existence of number *) | |
(* fields and of automorphisms of algC. *) | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
Set Implicit Arguments. | |
Unset Strict Implicit. | |
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. | |
Declare Scope algC_scope. | |
Declare Scope algC_expanded_scope. | |
Import GRing.Theory Num.Theory. | |
Local Open Scope ring_scope. | |
Local Notation ZtoQ := (intr : int -> rat). | |
Local Notation ZtoC := (intr : int -> algC). | |
Local Notation QtoC := (ratr : rat -> algC). | |
Local Notation intrp := (map_poly intr). | |
Local Notation pZtoQ := (map_poly ZtoQ). | |
Local Notation pZtoC := (map_poly ZtoC). | |
Local Notation pQtoC := (map_poly ratr). | |
Local Definition intr_inj_ZtoC := (intr_inj : injective ZtoC). | |
#[local] Hint Resolve intr_inj_ZtoC : core. | |
Local Notation QtoCm := [rmorphism of QtoC]. | |
(* Number fields and rational spans. *) | |
Lemma algC_PET (s : seq algC) : | |
{z | exists a : nat ^ size s, z = \sum_(i < size s) s`_i *+ a i | |
& exists ps, s = [seq (pQtoC p).[z] | p <- ps]}. | |
Proof. | |
elim: s => [|x s [z /sig_eqW[a Dz] /sig_eqW[ps Ds]]]. | |
by exists 0; [exists [ffun _ => 2%N]; rewrite big_ord0 | exists nil]. | |
have r_exists (y : algC): {r | r != 0 & root (pQtoC r) y}. | |
have [r [_ mon_r] dv_r] := minCpolyP y. | |
by exists r; rewrite ?monic_neq0 ?dv_r. | |
suffices /sig_eqW[[n [|px [|pz []]]]// [Dpx Dpz]]: | |
exists np, let zn := x *+ np.1 + z in | |
[:: x; z] = [seq (pQtoC p).[zn] | p <- np.2]. | |
- exists (x *+ n + z). | |
exists [ffun i => oapp a n (unlift ord0 i)]. | |
rewrite /= big_ord_recl ffunE unlift_none Dz; congr (_ + _). | |
by apply: eq_bigr => i _; rewrite ffunE liftK. | |
exists (px :: [seq p \Po pz | p <- ps]); rewrite /= -Dpx; congr (_ :: _). | |
rewrite -map_comp Ds; apply: eq_map => p /=. | |
by rewrite map_comp_poly horner_comp -Dpz. | |
have [rx nz_rx rx0] := r_exists x. | |
have [rz nz_rz rz0] := r_exists (- z). | |
have char0_Q: [char rat] =i pred0 by apply: char_num. | |
have [n [[pz Dpz] [px Dpx]]] := char0_PET nz_rz rz0 nz_rx rx0 char0_Q. | |
by exists (n, [:: px; - pz]); rewrite /= !raddfN hornerN -[z]opprK Dpz Dpx. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical subfx_unitAlgType (F L : fieldType) iota (z : L) p := | |
Eval hnf in [unitAlgType F of subFExtend iota z p]. | |
Lemma num_field_exists (s : seq algC) : | |
{Qs : fieldExtType rat & {QsC : {rmorphism Qs -> algC} | |
& {s1 : seq Qs | map QsC s1 = s & <<1 & s1>>%VS = fullv}}}. | |
Proof. | |
have [z /sig_eqW[a Dz] /sig_eqW[ps Ds]] := algC_PET s. | |
suffices [Qs [QsC [z1 z1C z1gen]]]: | |
{Qs : fieldExtType rat & {QsC : {rmorphism Qs -> algC} & | |
{z1 : Qs | QsC z1 = z & forall xx, exists p, fieldExt_horner z1 p = xx}}}. | |
- set inQs := fieldExt_horner z1 in z1gen *; pose s1 := map inQs ps. | |
have inQsK p: QsC (inQs p) = (pQtoC p).[z]. | |
rewrite /= -horner_map z1C -map_poly_comp; congr _.[z]. | |
apply: eq_map_poly => b /=; apply: canRL (mulfK _) _. | |
by rewrite intr_eq0 denq_eq0. | |
rewrite /= mulrzr -rmorphMz scalerMzl -{1}[b]divq_num_den -mulrzr. | |
by rewrite divfK ?intr_eq0 ?denq_eq0 // scaler_int rmorph_int. | |
exists Qs, QsC, s1; first by rewrite -map_comp Ds (eq_map inQsK). | |
have sz_ps: size ps = size s by rewrite Ds size_map. | |
apply/vspaceP=> x; rewrite memvf; have [p {x}<-] := z1gen x. | |
elim/poly_ind: p => [|p b ApQs]; first by rewrite /inQs rmorph0 mem0v. | |
rewrite /inQs rmorphD rmorphM /= fieldExt_hornerX fieldExt_hornerC -/inQs /=. | |
suffices ->: z1 = \sum_(i < size s) s1`_i *+ a i. | |
rewrite memvD ?memvZ ?mem1v ?memvM ?memv_suml // => i _. | |
by rewrite rpredMn ?seqv_sub_adjoin ?mem_nth // size_map sz_ps. | |
apply: (fmorph_inj QsC); rewrite z1C Dz rmorph_sum; apply: eq_bigr => i _. | |
by rewrite rmorphMn {1}Ds !(nth_map 0) ?sz_ps //= inQsK. | |
have [r [Dr /monic_neq0 nz_r] dv_r] := minCpolyP z. | |
have rz0: root (pQtoC r) z by rewrite dv_r. | |
have irr_r: irreducible_poly r. | |
by apply/(subfx_irreducibleP rz0 nz_r)=> q qz0 nzq; rewrite dvdp_leq // -dv_r. | |
exists (SubFieldExtType rz0 irr_r), (subfx_inj_rmorphism QtoCm z r). | |
exists (subfx_root _ z r) => [|x]; first exact: subfx_inj_root. | |
by have{x} [p ->] := subfxEroot rz0 nz_r x; exists p. | |
Qed. | |
Definition in_Crat_span s x := | |
exists a : rat ^ size s, x = \sum_i QtoC (a i) * s`_i. | |
Fact Crat_span_subproof s x : decidable (in_Crat_span s x). | |
Proof. | |
have [Qxs [QxsC [[|x1 s1] // [<- <-] {x s} _]]] := num_field_exists (x :: s). | |
have QxsC_Z a zz: QxsC (a *: zz) = QtoC a * QxsC zz. | |
rewrite mulrAC; apply: (canRL (mulfK _)); first by rewrite intr_eq0 denq_eq0. | |
by rewrite mulrzr mulrzl -!rmorphMz scalerMzl -mulrzr -numqE scaler_int. | |
apply: decP (x1 \in <<in_tuple s1>>%VS) _; rewrite /in_Crat_span size_map. | |
apply: (iffP idP) => [/coord_span-> | [a Dx]]. | |
move: (coord _) => a; exists [ffun i => a i x1]; rewrite rmorph_sum. | |
by apply: eq_bigr => i _; rewrite ffunE (nth_map 0). | |
have{Dx} ->: x1 = \sum_i a i *: s1`_i. | |
apply: (fmorph_inj QxsC); rewrite Dx rmorph_sum. | |
by apply: eq_bigr => i _; rewrite QxsC_Z (nth_map 0). | |
by apply: memv_suml => i _; rewrite memvZ ?memv_span ?mem_nth. | |
Qed. | |
Definition Crat_span s : pred algC := Crat_span_subproof s. | |
Lemma Crat_spanP s x : reflect (in_Crat_span s x) (x \in Crat_span s). | |
Proof. exact: sumboolP. Qed. | |
Fact Crat_span_key s : pred_key (Crat_span s). Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Canonical Crat_span_keyed s := KeyedPred (Crat_span_key s). | |
Lemma mem_Crat_span s : {subset s <= Crat_span s}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> _ /(nthP 0)[ix ltxs <-]; pose i0 := Ordinal ltxs. | |
apply/Crat_spanP; exists [ffun i => (i == i0)%:R]. | |
rewrite (bigD1_ord i0) //= ffunE eqxx // rmorph1 mul1r. | |
by rewrite big1 ?addr0 // => i; rewrite ffunE rmorph_nat mulr_natl lift_eqF. | |
Qed. | |
Fact Crat_span_zmod_closed s : zmod_closed (Crat_span s). | |
Proof. | |
split=> [|_ _ /Crat_spanP[x ->] /Crat_spanP[y ->]]. | |
apply/Crat_spanP; exists 0. | |
by apply/esym/big1=> i _; rewrite ffunE rmorph0 mul0r. | |
apply/Crat_spanP; exists (x - y); rewrite -sumrB; apply: eq_bigr => i _. | |
by rewrite -mulrBl -rmorphB !ffunE. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical Crat_span_opprPred s := OpprPred (Crat_span_zmod_closed s). | |
Canonical Crat_span_addrPred s := AddrPred (Crat_span_zmod_closed s). | |
Canonical Crat_span_zmodPred s := ZmodPred (Crat_span_zmod_closed s). | |
Section MoreAlgCaut. | |
Implicit Type rR : unitRingType. | |
Lemma alg_num_field (Qz : fieldExtType rat) a : a%:A = ratr a :> Qz. | |
Proof. by rewrite -in_algE fmorph_eq_rat. Qed. | |
Lemma rmorphZ_num (Qz : fieldExtType rat) rR (f : {rmorphism Qz -> rR}) a x : | |
f (a *: x) = ratr a * f x. | |
Proof. by rewrite -mulr_algl rmorphM alg_num_field fmorph_rat. Qed. | |
Lemma fmorph_numZ (Qz1 Qz2 : fieldExtType rat) (f : {rmorphism Qz1 -> Qz2}) : | |
scalable f. | |
Proof. by move=> a x; rewrite rmorphZ_num -alg_num_field mulr_algl. Qed. | |
Definition NumLRmorphism Qz1 Qz2 f := AddLRMorphism (@fmorph_numZ Qz1 Qz2 f). | |
End MoreAlgCaut. | |
Section NumFieldProj. | |
Variables (Qn : fieldExtType rat) (QnC : {rmorphism Qn -> algC}). | |
Lemma Crat_spanZ b a : {in Crat_span b, forall x, ratr a * x \in Crat_span b}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> _ /Crat_spanP[a1 ->]; apply/Crat_spanP; exists [ffun i => a * a1 i]. | |
by rewrite mulr_sumr; apply: eq_bigr => i _; rewrite ffunE mulrA -rmorphM. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Crat_spanM b : {in Crat & Crat_span b, forall a x, a * x \in Crat_span b}. | |
Proof. by move=> _ x /CratP[a ->]; apply: Crat_spanZ. Qed. | |
(* In principle CtoQn could be taken to be additive and Q-linear, but this *) | |
(* would require a limit construction. *) | |
Lemma num_field_proj : {CtoQn | CtoQn 0 = 0 & cancel QnC CtoQn}. | |
Proof. | |
pose b := vbasis {:Qn}. | |
have Qn_bC (u : {x | x \in Crat_span (map QnC b)}): {y | QnC y = sval u}. | |
case: u => _ /= /Crat_spanP/sig_eqW[a ->]. | |
exists (\sum_i a i *: b`_i); rewrite rmorph_sum; apply: eq_bigr => i _. | |
by rewrite rmorphZ_num (nth_map 0) // -(size_map QnC). | |
pose CtoQn x := oapp (fun u => sval (Qn_bC u)) 0 (insub x). | |
suffices QnCK: cancel QnC CtoQn by exists CtoQn; rewrite // -(rmorph0 QnC). | |
move=> x; rewrite /CtoQn insubT => /= [|Qn_x]; last first. | |
by case: (Qn_bC _) => x1 /= /fmorph_inj. | |
rewrite (coord_vbasis (memvf x)) rmorph_sum rpred_sum // => i _. | |
rewrite rmorphZ_num Crat_spanZ ?mem_Crat_span // -/b. | |
by rewrite -tnth_nth -tnth_map mem_tnth. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma restrict_aut_to_num_field (nu : {rmorphism algC -> algC}) : | |
(forall x, exists y, nu (QnC x) = QnC y) -> | |
{nu0 : {lrmorphism Qn -> Qn} | {morph QnC : x / nu0 x >-> nu x}}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> Qn_nu; pose nu0 x := sval (sig_eqW (Qn_nu x)). | |
have QnC_nu0: {morph QnC : x / nu0 x >-> nu x}. | |
by rewrite /nu0 => x; case: (sig_eqW _). | |
suffices nu0M: rmorphism nu0 by exists (NumLRmorphism (RMorphism nu0M)). | |
do 2?split=> [x y|]; apply: (fmorph_inj QnC); rewrite ?QnC_nu0 ?rmorph1 //. | |
by rewrite ?(rmorphB, QnC_nu0). | |
by rewrite ?(rmorphM, QnC_nu0). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma map_Qnum_poly (nu : {rmorphism algC -> algC}) p : | |
p \in polyOver 1%VS -> map_poly (nu \o QnC) p = (map_poly QnC p). | |
Proof. | |
move=> Qp; apply/polyP=> i; rewrite /= !coef_map /=. | |
have /vlineP[a ->]: p`_i \in 1%VS by apply: polyOverP. | |
by rewrite alg_num_field !fmorph_rat. | |
Qed. | |
End NumFieldProj. | |
Lemma restrict_aut_to_normal_num_field (Qn : splittingFieldType rat) | |
(QnC : {rmorphism Qn -> algC})(nu : {rmorphism algC -> algC}) : | |
{nu0 : {lrmorphism Qn -> Qn} | {morph QnC : x / nu0 x >-> nu x}}. | |
Proof. | |
apply: restrict_aut_to_num_field => x. | |
case: (splitting_field_normal 1%AS x) => rs /eqP Hrs. | |
have: root (map_poly (nu \o QnC) (minPoly 1%AS x)) (nu (QnC x)). | |
by rewrite fmorph_root root_minPoly. | |
rewrite map_Qnum_poly ?minPolyOver // Hrs. | |
rewrite [map_poly _ _](_:_ = \prod_(y <- map QnC rs) ('X - y%:P)); last first. | |
rewrite big_map rmorph_prod; apply: eq_bigr => i _. | |
by rewrite rmorphB /= map_polyX map_polyC. | |
rewrite root_prod_XsubC. | |
by case/mapP => y _ ?; exists y. | |
Qed. | |
(* Integral spans. *) | |
Lemma dec_Cint_span (V : vectType algC) m (s : m.-tuple V) v : | |
decidable (inIntSpan s v). | |
Proof. | |
have s_s (i : 'I_m): s`_i \in <<s>>%VS by rewrite memv_span ?memt_nth. | |
have s_Zs a: \sum_(i < m) s`_i *~ a i \in <<s>>%VS. | |
by rewrite memv_suml // => i _; rewrite -scaler_int memvZ. | |
case s_v: (v \in <<s>>%VS); last by right=> [[a Dv]]; rewrite Dv s_Zs in s_v. | |
pose IzT := {: 'I_m * 'I_(\dim <<s>>)}; pose Iz := 'I_#|IzT|. | |
pose b := vbasis <<s>>. | |
pose z_s := [seq coord b ij.2 (tnth s ij.1) | ij : IzT]. | |
pose rank2 j i: Iz := enum_rank (i, j); pose val21 (p : Iz) := (enum_val p).1. | |
pose inQzs w := [forall j, Crat_span z_s (coord b j w)]. | |
have enum_pairK j: {in predT, cancel (rank2 j) val21}. | |
by move=> i; rewrite /val21 enum_rankK. | |
have Qz_Zs a: inQzs (\sum_(i < m) s`_i *~ a i). | |
apply/forallP=> j; apply/Crat_spanP; rewrite /in_Crat_span size_map -cardE. | |
exists [ffun ij => (a (val21 ij))%:Q *+ ((enum_val ij).2 == j)]. | |
rewrite linear_sum {1}(reindex_onto _ _ (enum_pairK j)). | |
rewrite big_mkcond; apply: eq_bigr => ij _ /=; rewrite nth_image (tnth_nth 0). | |
rewrite (can2_eq (@enum_rankK _) (@enum_valK _)) ffunE -scaler_int /val21. | |
case Dij: (enum_val ij) => [i j1]; rewrite xpair_eqE eqxx /= eq_sym -mulrb. | |
by rewrite linearZ rmorphMn rmorph_int mulrnAl; case: eqP => // ->. | |
case Qz_v: (inQzs v); last by right=> [[a Dv]]; rewrite Dv Qz_Zs in Qz_v. | |
have [Qz [QzC [z1s Dz_s _]]] := num_field_exists z_s. | |
have sz_z1s: size z1s = #|IzT| by rewrite -(size_map QzC) Dz_s size_map cardE. | |
have xv j: {x | coord b j v = QzC x}. | |
apply: sig_eqW; have /Crat_spanP[x ->] := forallP Qz_v j. | |
exists (\sum_ij x ij *: z1s`_ij); rewrite rmorph_sum. | |
apply: eq_bigr => ij _; rewrite mulrAC. | |
apply: canLR (mulfK _) _; first by rewrite intr_eq0 denq_neq0. | |
rewrite mulrzr -rmorphMz scalerMzl -(mulrzr (x _)) -numqE scaler_int. | |
by rewrite rmorphMz mulrzl -(nth_map _ 0) ?Dz_s // -(size_map QzC) Dz_s. | |
pose sz := [tuple [ffun j => z1s`_(rank2 j i)] | i < m]. | |
have [Zsv | Zs'v] := dec_Qint_span sz [ffun j => sval (xv j)]. | |
left; have{Zsv} [a Dv] := Zsv; exists a. | |
transitivity (\sum_j \sum_(i < m) QzC ((sz`_i *~ a i) j) *: b`_j). | |
rewrite {1}(coord_vbasis s_v) -/b; apply: eq_bigr => j _. | |
rewrite -scaler_suml; congr (_ *: _). | |
have{Dv} /ffunP/(_ j) := Dv; rewrite sum_ffunE !ffunE -rmorph_sum => <-. | |
by case: (xv j). | |
rewrite exchange_big; apply: eq_bigr => i _. | |
rewrite (coord_vbasis (s_s i)) -/b mulrz_suml; apply: eq_bigr => j _. | |
rewrite scalerMzl ffunMzE rmorphMz; congr ((_ *~ _) *: _). | |
rewrite nth_mktuple ffunE -(nth_map _ 0) ?sz_z1s // Dz_s. | |
by rewrite nth_image enum_rankK /= (tnth_nth 0). | |
right=> [[a Dv]]; case: Zs'v; exists a. | |
apply/ffunP=> j; rewrite sum_ffunE !ffunE; apply: (fmorph_inj QzC). | |
case: (xv j) => /= _ <-; rewrite Dv linear_sum rmorph_sum. | |
apply: eq_bigr => i _; rewrite nth_mktuple raddfMz !ffunMzE rmorphMz ffunE. | |
by rewrite -(nth_map _ 0 QzC) ?sz_z1s // Dz_s nth_image enum_rankK -tnth_nth. | |
Qed. | |
Definition Cint_span (s : seq algC) : pred algC := | |
fun x => dec_Cint_span (in_tuple [seq \row_(i < 1) y | y <- s]) (\row_i x). | |
Fact Cint_span_key s : pred_key (Cint_span s). Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Canonical Cint_span_keyed s := KeyedPred (Cint_span_key s). | |
Lemma Cint_spanP n (s : n.-tuple algC) x : | |
reflect (inIntSpan s x) (x \in Cint_span s). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite unfold_in; case: (dec_Cint_span _ _) => [Zs_x | Zs'x] /=. | |
left; have{Zs_x} [] := Zs_x; rewrite /= size_map size_tuple => a /rowP/(_ 0). | |
rewrite !mxE => ->; exists a; rewrite summxE; apply: eq_bigr => i _. | |
by rewrite -scaler_int (nth_map 0) ?size_tuple // !mxE mulrzl. | |
right=> [[a Dx]]; have{Zs'x} [] := Zs'x. | |
rewrite /inIntSpan /= size_map size_tuple; exists a. | |
apply/rowP=> i0; rewrite !mxE summxE Dx; apply: eq_bigr => i _. | |
by rewrite -scaler_int mxE mulrzl (nth_map 0) ?size_tuple // !mxE. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma mem_Cint_span s : {subset s <= Cint_span s}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> _ /(nthP 0)[ix ltxs <-]; apply/(Cint_spanP (in_tuple s)). | |
exists [ffun i => i == Ordinal ltxs : int]. | |
rewrite (bigD1 (Ordinal ltxs)) //= ffunE eqxx. | |
by rewrite big1 ?addr0 // => i; rewrite ffunE => /negbTE->. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Cint_span_zmod_closed s : zmod_closed (Cint_span s). | |
Proof. | |
have sP := Cint_spanP (in_tuple s); split=> [|_ _ /sP[x ->] /sP[y ->]]. | |
by apply/sP; exists 0; rewrite big1 // => i; rewrite ffunE. | |
apply/sP; exists (x - y); rewrite -sumrB; apply: eq_bigr => i _. | |
by rewrite !ffunE raddfB. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical Cint_span_opprPred s := OpprPred (Cint_span_zmod_closed s). | |
Canonical Cint_span_addrPred s := AddrPred (Cint_span_zmod_closed s). | |
Canonical Cint_span_zmodPred s := ZmodPred (Cint_span_zmod_closed s). | |
(* Automorphism extensions. *) | |
Lemma extend_algC_subfield_aut (Qs : fieldExtType rat) | |
(QsC : {rmorphism Qs -> algC}) (phi : {rmorphism Qs -> Qs}) : | |
{nu : {rmorphism algC -> algC} | {morph QsC : x / phi x >-> nu x}}. | |
Proof. | |
pose numF_inj (Qr : fieldExtType rat) := {rmorphism Qr -> algC}. | |
pose subAut := {Qr : _ & numF_inj Qr * {lrmorphism Qr -> Qr}}%type. | |
pose SubAut := existT _ _ (_, _) : subAut. | |
pose Sdom (mu : subAut) := projT1 mu. | |
pose Sinj (mu : subAut) : {rmorphism Sdom mu -> algC} := (projT2 mu).1. | |
pose Saut (mu : subAut) : {rmorphism Sdom mu -> Sdom mu} := (projT2 mu).2. | |
have SinjZ Qr (QrC : numF_inj Qr) a x: QrC (a *: x) = QtoC a * QrC x. | |
rewrite mulrAC; apply: canRL (mulfK _) _. | |
by rewrite intr_eq0 denq_neq0. | |
by rewrite mulrzr mulrzl -!rmorphMz scalerMzl -[x *~ _]scaler_int -mulrzr | |
-numqE. | |
have Sinj_poly Qr (QrC : numF_inj Qr) p: | |
map_poly QrC (map_poly (in_alg Qr) p) = pQtoC p. | |
- rewrite -map_poly_comp; apply: eq_map_poly => a. | |
by rewrite /= SinjZ rmorph1 mulr1. | |
have ext1 mu0 x: {mu1 | exists y, x = Sinj mu1 y | |
& exists2 in01 : {lrmorphism _}, Sinj mu0 =1 Sinj mu1 \o in01 | |
& {morph in01: y / Saut mu0 y >-> Saut mu1 y}}. | |
- pose b0 := vbasis {:Sdom mu0}. | |
have [z _ /sig_eqW[[|px ps] // [Dx Ds]]] := algC_PET (x :: map (Sinj mu0) b0). | |
have [p [_ mon_p] /(_ p) pz0] := minCpolyP z; rewrite dvdpp in pz0. | |
have [r Dr] := closed_field_poly_normal (pQtoC p : {poly algC}). | |
rewrite lead_coef_map {mon_p}(monicP mon_p) rmorph1 scale1r in Dr. | |
have{pz0} rz: z \in r by rewrite -root_prod_XsubC -Dr. | |
have [Qr [QrC [rr Drr genQr]]] := num_field_exists r. | |
have{rz} [zz Dz]: {zz | QrC zz = z}. | |
by move: rz; rewrite -Drr => /mapP/sig2_eqW[zz]; exists zz. | |
have{ps Ds} [in01 Din01]: {in01 : {lrmorphism _} | Sinj mu0 =1 QrC \o in01}. | |
have in01P y: {yy | Sinj mu0 y = QrC yy}. | |
exists (\sum_i coord b0 i y *: (map_poly (in_alg Qr) ps`_i).[zz]). | |
rewrite {1}(coord_vbasis (memvf y)) !rmorph_sum; apply: eq_bigr => i _. | |
rewrite !SinjZ; congr (_ * _); rewrite -(nth_map _ 0) ?size_tuple // Ds. | |
rewrite -horner_map Dz Sinj_poly (nth_map 0) //. | |
by have:= congr1 size Ds; rewrite !size_map size_tuple => <-. | |
pose in01 y := sval (in01P y). | |
have Din01 y: Sinj mu0 y = QrC (in01 y) by rewrite /in01; case: (in01P y). | |
suffices in01M: lrmorphism in01 by exists (LRMorphism in01M). | |
pose rwM := (=^~ Din01, SinjZ, rmorph1, rmorphB, rmorphM). | |
by do 3?split; try move=> ? ?; apply: (fmorph_inj QrC); rewrite !rwM. | |
have {z zz Dz px} Dx: exists xx, x = QrC xx. | |
exists (map_poly (in_alg Qr) px).[zz]. | |
by rewrite -horner_map Dz Sinj_poly Dx. | |
pose lin01 := linfun in01; pose K := (lin01 @: fullv)%VS. | |
have memK y: reflect (exists yy, y = in01 yy) (y \in K). | |
apply: (iffP memv_imgP) => [[yy _ ->] | [yy ->]]; | |
by exists yy; rewrite ?lfunE ?memvf. | |
have algK: is_aspace K. | |
rewrite /is_aspace has_algid1; last first. | |
by apply/memK; exists 1; rewrite rmorph1. | |
apply/prodvP=> _ _ /memK[y1 ->] /memK[y2 ->]. | |
by apply/memK; exists (y1 * y2); rewrite rmorphM. | |
have ker_in01: lker lin01 == 0%VS. | |
by apply/lker0P=> y1 y2; rewrite !lfunE; apply: fmorph_inj. | |
pose f := (lin01 \o linfun (Saut mu0) \o lin01^-1)%VF. | |
have Df y: f (in01 y) = in01 (Saut mu0 y). | |
transitivity (f (lin01 y)); first by rewrite !lfunE. | |
by do 4!rewrite lfunE /=; rewrite lker0_lfunK. | |
have hom_f: kHom 1 (ASpace algK) f. | |
apply/kHomP; split=> [_ _ /memK[y1 ->] /memK[y2 ->] |_ /vlineP[a ->]]. | |
by rewrite -rmorphM !Df !rmorphM. | |
by rewrite -(rmorph1 in01) -linearZ /= Df {1}linearZ /= rmorph1. | |
pose pr := map_poly (in_alg Qr) p. | |
have Qpr: pr \is a polyOver 1%VS. | |
by apply/polyOverP=> i; rewrite coef_map memvZ ?memv_line. | |
have splitQr: splittingFieldFor K pr fullv. | |
apply: splittingFieldForS (sub1v (Sub K algK)) (subvf _) _; exists rr => //. | |
congr (_ %= _): (eqpxx pr); apply/(map_poly_inj QrC). | |
rewrite Sinj_poly Dr -Drr big_map rmorph_prod; apply: eq_bigr => zz _. | |
by rewrite rmorphB /= map_polyX map_polyC. | |
have [f1 aut_f1 Df1]:= kHom_extends (sub1v (ASpace algK)) hom_f Qpr splitQr. | |
pose nu := LRMorphism (kHom_lrmorphism aut_f1). | |
exists (SubAut Qr QrC nu) => //; exists in01 => //= y. | |
by rewrite -Df -Df1 //; apply/memK; exists y. | |
have phiZ: scalable phi. | |
move=> a y; do 2!rewrite -mulr_algl -in_algE. | |
by rewrite -[a]divq_num_den !(fmorph_div, rmorphM, rmorph_int). | |
pose fix ext n := | |
if n is i.+1 then oapp (fun x => s2val (ext1 (ext i) x)) (ext i) (unpickle i) | |
else SubAut Qs QsC (AddLRMorphism phiZ). | |
have mem_ext x n: (pickle x < n)%N -> {xx | Sinj (ext n) xx = x}. | |
move=> ltxn; apply: sig_eqW; elim: n ltxn => // n IHn. | |
rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt => /predU1P[<- | /IHn[xx <-]] /=. | |
by rewrite pickleK /=; case: (ext1 _ x) => mu [xx]; exists xx. | |
case: (unpickle n) => /= [y|]; last by exists xx. | |
case: (ext1 _ y) => mu /= _ [in_mu inj_in_mu _]. | |
by exists (in_mu xx); rewrite inj_in_mu. | |
pose nu x := Sinj _ (Saut _ (sval (mem_ext x _ (ltnSn _)))). | |
have nu_inj n y: nu (Sinj (ext n) y) = Sinj (ext n) (Saut (ext n) y). | |
rewrite /nu; case: (mem_ext _ _ _); move: _.+1 => n1 y1 Dy /=. | |
without loss /subnK Dn1: n n1 y y1 Dy / (n <= n1)%N. | |
by move=> IH; case/orP: (leq_total n n1) => /IH => [/(_ y) | /(_ y1)]->. | |
move: (n1 - n)%N => k in Dn1; elim: k => [|k IHk] in n Dn1 y Dy *. | |
by move: y1 Dy; rewrite -Dn1 => y1 /fmorph_inj ->. | |
rewrite addSnnS in Dn1; move/IHk: Dn1 => /=. | |
case: (unpickle _) => [z|] /=; last exact. | |
case: (ext1 _ _) => mu /= _ [in_mu Dinj Daut]. | |
by rewrite Dy => /(_ _ (Dinj _))->; rewrite -Daut Dinj. | |
suffices nuM: rmorphism nu. | |
by exists (RMorphism nuM) => x; rewrite /= (nu_inj 0%N). | |
pose le_nu (x : algC) n := (pickle x < n)%N. | |
have max3 x1 x2 x3: exists n, [/\ le_nu x1 n, le_nu x2 n & le_nu x3 n]. | |
exists (maxn (pickle x1) (maxn (pickle x2) (pickle x3))).+1. | |
by apply/and3P; rewrite /le_nu !ltnS -!geq_max. | |
do 2?split; try move=> x1 x2. | |
- have [n] := max3 (x1 - x2) x1 x2. | |
case=> /mem_ext[y Dx] /mem_ext[y1 Dx1] /mem_ext[y2 Dx2]. | |
rewrite -Dx nu_inj; rewrite -Dx1 -Dx2 -rmorphB in Dx. | |
by rewrite (fmorph_inj _ Dx) !rmorphB -!nu_inj Dx1 Dx2. | |
- have [n] := max3 (x1 * x2) x1 x2. | |
case=> /mem_ext[y Dx] /mem_ext[y1 Dx1] /mem_ext[y2 Dx2]. | |
rewrite -Dx nu_inj; rewrite -Dx1 -Dx2 -rmorphM in Dx. | |
by rewrite (fmorph_inj _ Dx) !rmorphM -!nu_inj Dx1 Dx2. | |
by rewrite -(rmorph1 QsC) (nu_inj 0%N) !rmorph1. | |
Qed. | |
(* Extended automorphisms of Q_n. *) | |
Lemma Qn_aut_exists k n : | |
coprime k n -> | |
{u : {rmorphism algC -> algC} | forall z, z ^+ n = 1 -> u z = z ^+ k}. | |
Proof. | |
have [-> /eqnP | n_gt0 co_k_n] := posnP n. | |
by rewrite gcdn0 => ->; exists [rmorphism of idfun]. | |
have [z prim_z] := C_prim_root_exists n_gt0. | |
have [Qn [QnC [[|zn []] // [Dz]]] genQn] := num_field_exists [:: z]. | |
pose phi := kHomExtend 1 \1 zn (zn ^+ k). | |
have homQn1: kHom 1 1 (\1%VF : 'End(Qn)) by rewrite kHom1. | |
have pzn_zk0: root (map_poly \1%VF (minPoly 1 zn)) (zn ^+ k). | |
rewrite -(fmorph_root QnC) rmorphX Dz -map_poly_comp. | |
rewrite (@eq_map_poly _ _ _ QnC) => [|a]; last by rewrite /= id_lfunE. | |
set p1 := map_poly _ _. | |
have [q1 Dp1]: exists q1, p1 = pQtoC q1. | |
have aP i: (minPoly 1 zn)`_i \in 1%VS. | |
by apply/polyOverP; apply: minPolyOver. | |
have{aP} a_ i := sig_eqW (vlineP _ _ (aP i)). | |
exists (\poly_(i < size (minPoly 1 zn)) sval (a_ i)). | |
apply/polyP=> i; rewrite coef_poly coef_map coef_poly /=. | |
case: ifP => _; rewrite ?rmorph0 //; case: (a_ i) => a /= ->. | |
apply: canRL (mulfK _) _; first by rewrite intr_eq0 denq_eq0. | |
by rewrite mulrzr -rmorphMz scalerMzl -mulrzr -numqE scaler_int rmorph_int. | |
have: root p1 z by rewrite -Dz fmorph_root root_minPoly. | |
rewrite Dp1; have [q2 [Dq2 _] ->] := minCpolyP z. | |
case/dvdpP=> r1 ->; rewrite rmorphM rootM /= -Dq2; apply/orP; right. | |
rewrite (minCpoly_cyclotomic prim_z) /cyclotomic. | |
rewrite (bigD1 (Ordinal (ltn_pmod k n_gt0))) ?coprime_modl //=. | |
by rewrite rootM root_XsubC prim_expr_mod ?eqxx. | |
have phiM: lrmorphism phi. | |
by apply/kHom_lrmorphism; rewrite -genQn span_seq1 /= kHomExtendP. | |
have [nu Dnu] := extend_algC_subfield_aut QnC (RMorphism phiM). | |
exists nu => _ /(prim_rootP prim_z)[i ->]. | |
rewrite rmorphX exprAC -Dz -Dnu /= -{1}[zn]hornerX /phi. | |
rewrite (kHomExtend_poly homQn1) ?polyOverX //. | |
rewrite map_polyE map_id_in => [|?]; last by rewrite id_lfunE. | |
by rewrite polyseqK hornerX rmorphX. | |
Qed. | |
(* Algebraic integers. *) | |
Definition Aint : {pred algC} := fun x => minCpoly x \is a polyOver Cint. | |
Fact Aint_key : pred_key Aint. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Canonical Aint_keyed := KeyedPred Aint_key. | |
Lemma root_monic_Aint p x : | |
root p x -> p \is monic -> p \is a polyOver Cint -> x \in Aint. | |
Proof. | |
have pZtoQtoC pz: pQtoC (pZtoQ pz) = pZtoC pz. | |
by rewrite -map_poly_comp; apply: eq_map_poly => b; rewrite /= rmorph_int. | |
move=> px0 mon_p /floorCpP[pz Dp]; rewrite unfold_in. | |
move: px0; rewrite Dp -pZtoQtoC; have [q [-> mon_q] ->] := minCpolyP x. | |
case/dvdpP_rat_int=> qz [a nz_a Dq] [r]. | |
move/(congr1 (fun q1 => lead_coef (a *: pZtoQ q1))). | |
rewrite rmorphM scalerAl -Dq lead_coefZ lead_coefM /=. | |
have /monicP->: pZtoQ pz \is monic by rewrite -(map_monic QtoCm) pZtoQtoC -Dp. | |
rewrite (monicP mon_q) mul1r mulr1 lead_coef_map_inj //; last exact: intr_inj. | |
rewrite Dq => ->; apply/polyOverP=> i; rewrite !(coefZ, coef_map). | |
by rewrite -rmorphM /= rmorph_int Cint_int. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Cint_rat_Aint z : z \in Crat -> z \in Aint -> z \in Cint. | |
Proof. | |
case/CratP=> a ->{z} /polyOverP/(_ 0%N). | |
have [p [Dp mon_p] dv_p] := minCpolyP (ratr a); rewrite Dp coef_map. | |
suffices /eqP->: p == 'X - a%:P by rewrite polyseqXsubC /= rmorphN rpredN. | |
rewrite -eqp_monic ?monicXsubC // irredp_XsubC //. | |
by rewrite -(size_map_poly QtoCm) -Dp neq_ltn size_minCpoly orbT. | |
by rewrite -dv_p fmorph_root root_XsubC. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Aint_Cint : {subset Cint <= Aint}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> x; rewrite -polyOverXsubC. | |
by apply: root_monic_Aint; rewrite ?monicXsubC ?root_XsubC. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Aint_int x : x%:~R \in Aint. | |
Proof. by rewrite Aint_Cint ?Cint_int. Qed. | |
Lemma Aint0 : 0 \in Aint. Proof. exact: (Aint_int 0). Qed. | |
Lemma Aint1 : 1 \in Aint. Proof. exact: (Aint_int 1). Qed. | |
#[global] Hint Resolve Aint0 Aint1 : core. | |
Lemma Aint_unity_root n x : (n > 0)%N -> n.-unity_root x -> x \in Aint. | |
Proof. | |
move=> n_gt0 xn1; apply: root_monic_Aint xn1 (monic_Xn_sub_1 _ n_gt0) _. | |
by apply/polyOverP=> i; rewrite coefB coefC -mulrb coefXn /= rpredB ?rpred_nat. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Aint_prim_root n z : n.-primitive_root z -> z \in Aint. | |
Proof. | |
move=> pr_z; apply/(Aint_unity_root (prim_order_gt0 pr_z))/unity_rootP. | |
exact: prim_expr_order. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Aint_Cnat : {subset Cnat <= Aint}. | |
Proof. by move=> z /Cint_Cnat/Aint_Cint. Qed. | |
(* This is Isaacs, Lemma (3.3) *) | |
Lemma Aint_subring_exists (X : seq algC) : | |
{subset X <= Aint} -> | |
{S : pred algC & | |
(*a*) subring_closed S | |
/\ (*b*) {subset X <= S} | |
& (*c*) {Y : {n : nat & n.-tuple algC} & | |
{subset tagged Y <= S} | |
& forall x, reflect (inIntSpan (tagged Y) x) (x \in S)}}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> AZ_X; pose m := (size X).+1. | |
pose n (i : 'I_m) := (size (minCpoly X`_i)).-2; pose N := (\max_i n i).+1. | |
pose IY := family (fun i => [pred e : 'I_N | e <= n i]%N). | |
have IY_0: 0 \in IY by apply/familyP=> // i; rewrite ffunE. | |
pose inIY := enum_rank_in IY_0. | |
pose Y := [seq \prod_(i < m) X`_i ^+ (f : 'I_N ^ m) i | f in IY]. | |
have S_P := Cint_spanP [tuple of Y]; set S := Cint_span _ in S_P. | |
have sYS: {subset Y <= S} by apply: mem_Cint_span. | |
have S_1: 1 \in S. | |
by apply/sYS/imageP; exists 0 => //; rewrite big1 // => i; rewrite ffunE. | |
have SmulX (i : 'I_m): {in S, forall x, x * X`_i \in S}. | |
move=> _ /S_P[x ->]; rewrite mulr_suml rpred_sum // => j _. | |
rewrite mulrzAl rpredMz {x}// nth_image mulrC (bigD1 i) //= mulrA -exprS. | |
move: {j}(enum_val j) (familyP (enum_valP j)) => f fP. | |
have:= fP i; rewrite inE /= leq_eqVlt => /predU1P[-> | fi_ltn]; last first. | |
apply/sYS/imageP; have fiK: (inord (f i).+1 : 'I_N) = (f i).+1 :> nat. | |
by rewrite inordK // ltnS (bigmax_sup i). | |
exists (finfun [eta f with i |-> inord (f i).+1]). | |
apply/familyP=> i1; rewrite inE ffunE /= fun_if fiK. | |
by case: eqP => [-> // | _]; apply: fP. | |
rewrite (bigD1 i isT) ffunE /= eqxx fiK; congr (_ * _). | |
by apply: eq_bigr => i1 /[!ffunE]/= /negPf->. | |
have [/monicP ] := (minCpoly_monic X`_i, root_minCpoly X`_i). | |
rewrite /root horner_coef lead_coefE -(subnKC (size_minCpoly _)) subn2. | |
rewrite big_ord_recr /= addrC addr_eq0 => ->; rewrite mul1r => /eqP->. | |
have /floorCpP[p Dp]: X`_i \in Aint. | |
by have [/(nth_default 0)-> | /(mem_nth 0)/AZ_X] := leqP (size X) i. | |
rewrite -/(n i) Dp mulNr rpredN // mulr_suml rpred_sum // => [[e le_e]] /= _. | |
rewrite coef_map -mulrA mulrzl rpredMz ?sYS //; apply/imageP. | |
have eK: (inord e : 'I_N) = e :> nat by rewrite inordK // ltnS (bigmax_sup i). | |
exists (finfun [eta f with i |-> inord e]). | |
apply/familyP=> i1; rewrite inE ffunE /= fun_if eK. | |
by case: eqP => [-> // | _]; apply: fP. | |
rewrite (bigD1 i isT) ffunE /= eqxx eK; congr (_ * _). | |
by apply: eq_bigr => i1 /[!ffunE] /= /negPf->. | |
exists S; last by exists (Tagged (fun n => n.-tuple _) [tuple of Y]). | |
split=> [|x Xx]; last first. | |
by rewrite -[x]mul1r -(nth_index 0 Xx) (SmulX (Ordinal _)) // ltnS index_size. | |
split=> // x y Sx Sy; first by rewrite rpredB. | |
case/S_P: Sy => {y}[y ->]; rewrite mulr_sumr rpred_sum //= => j. | |
rewrite mulrzAr rpredMz {y}// nth_image; move: {j}(enum_val j) => f. | |
elim/big_rec: _ => [|i y _ IHy] in x Sx *; first by rewrite mulr1. | |
rewrite mulrA {y}IHy //. | |
elim: {f}(f i : nat) => [|e IHe] in x Sx *; first by rewrite mulr1. | |
by rewrite exprS mulrA IHe // SmulX. | |
Qed. | |
Section AlgIntSubring. | |
Import DefaultKeying GRing.DefaultPred perm. | |
(* This is Isaacs, Theorem (3.4). *) | |
Theorem fin_Csubring_Aint S n (Y : n.-tuple algC) : | |
mulr_closed S -> (forall x, reflect (inIntSpan Y x) (x \in S)) -> | |
{subset S <= Aint}. | |
Proof. | |
have ZP_C c: (ZtoC c)%:P \is a polyOver Cint by rewrite raddfMz rpred_int. | |
move=> mulS S_P x Sx; pose v := \row_(i < n) Y`_i. | |
have [v0 | nz_v] := eqVneq v 0. | |
case/S_P: Sx => {}x ->; rewrite big1 ?isAlgInt0 // => i _. | |
by have /rowP/(_ i)/[!mxE] -> := v0; rewrite mul0rz. | |
have sYS (i : 'I_n): x * Y`_i \in S. | |
by rewrite rpredM //; apply/S_P/Cint_spanP/mem_Cint_span/memt_nth. | |
pose A := \matrix_(i, j < n) sval (sig_eqW (S_P _ (sYS j))) i. | |
pose p := char_poly (map_mx ZtoC A). | |
have: p \is a polyOver Cint. | |
rewrite rpred_sum // => s _; rewrite rpredMsign rpred_prod // => j _. | |
by rewrite !mxE /= rpredB ?rpredMn ?polyOverX. | |
apply: root_monic_Aint (char_poly_monic _). | |
rewrite -eigenvalue_root_char; apply/eigenvalueP; exists v => //. | |
apply/rowP=> j; case dAj: (sig_eqW (S_P _ (sYS j))) => [a DxY]. | |
by rewrite !mxE DxY; apply: eq_bigr => i _; rewrite !mxE dAj /= mulrzr. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is Isaacs, Corollary (3.5). *) | |
Corollary Aint_subring : subring_closed Aint. | |
Proof. | |
suff rAZ: {in Aint &, forall x y, (x - y \in Aint) * (x * y \in Aint)}. | |
by split=> // x y AZx AZy; rewrite rAZ. | |
move=> x y AZx AZy. | |
have [|S [ringS] ] := @Aint_subring_exists [:: x; y]; first exact/allP/and3P. | |
move=> /allP/and3P[Sx Sy _] [Y _ genYS]. | |
have AZ_S := fin_Csubring_Aint ringS genYS. | |
by have [_ S_B S_M] := ringS; rewrite !AZ_S ?S_B ?S_M. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical Aint_opprPred := OpprPred Aint_subring. | |
Canonical Aint_addrPred := AddrPred Aint_subring. | |
Canonical Aint_mulrPred := MulrPred Aint_subring. | |
Canonical Aint_zmodPred := ZmodPred Aint_subring. | |
Canonical Aint_semiringPred := SemiringPred Aint_subring. | |
Canonical Aint_smulrPred := SmulrPred Aint_subring. | |
Canonical Aint_subringPred := SubringPred Aint_subring. | |
End AlgIntSubring. | |
Lemma Aint_aut (nu : {rmorphism algC -> algC}) x : | |
(nu x \in Aint) = (x \in Aint). | |
Proof. by rewrite !unfold_in minCpoly_aut. Qed. | |
Definition dvdA (e : Algebraics.divisor) : {pred algC} := | |
fun z => if e == 0 then z == 0 else z / e \in Aint. | |
Fact dvdA_key e : pred_key (dvdA e). Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Canonical dvdA_keyed e := KeyedPred (dvdA_key e). | |
Delimit Scope algC_scope with A. | |
Delimit Scope algC_expanded_scope with Ax. | |
Notation "e %| x" := (x \in dvdA e) : algC_expanded_scope. | |
Notation "e %| x" := (@in_mem Algebraics.divisor x (mem (dvdA e))) : algC_scope. | |
Fact dvdA_zmod_closed e : zmod_closed (dvdA e). | |
Proof. | |
split=> [|x y]; first by rewrite unfold_in mul0r eqxx rpred0 ?if_same. | |
rewrite ![(e %| _)%A]unfold_in. | |
case: ifP => [_ x0 /eqP-> | _]; first by rewrite subr0. | |
by rewrite mulrBl; apply: rpredB. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical dvdA_opprPred e := OpprPred (dvdA_zmod_closed e). | |
Canonical dvdA_addrPred e := AddrPred (dvdA_zmod_closed e). | |
Canonical dvdA_zmodPred e := ZmodPred (dvdA_zmod_closed e). | |
Definition eqAmod (e x y : Algebraics.divisor) := (e %| x - y)%A. | |
Notation "x == y %[mod e ]" := (eqAmod e x y) : algC_scope. | |
Notation "x != y %[mod e ]" := (~~ (eqAmod e x y)) : algC_scope. | |
Lemma eqAmod_refl e x : (x == x %[mod e])%A. | |
Proof. by rewrite /eqAmod subrr rpred0. Qed. | |
#[global] Hint Resolve eqAmod_refl : core. | |
Lemma eqAmod_sym e x y : ((x == y %[mod e]) = (y == x %[mod e]))%A. | |
Proof. by rewrite /eqAmod -opprB rpredN. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmod_trans e y x z : | |
(x == y %[mod e] -> y == z %[mod e] -> x == z %[mod e])%A. | |
Proof. by move=> Exy Eyz; rewrite /eqAmod -[x](subrK y) -addrA rpredD. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmod_transl e x y z : | |
(x == y %[mod e])%A -> (x == z %[mod e])%A = (y == z %[mod e])%A. | |
Proof. by move/(sym_left_transitive (eqAmod_sym e) (@eqAmod_trans e)). Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmod_transr e x y z : | |
(x == y %[mod e])%A -> (z == x %[mod e])%A = (z == y %[mod e])%A. | |
Proof. by move/(sym_right_transitive (eqAmod_sym e) (@eqAmod_trans e)). Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmod0 e x : (x == 0 %[mod e])%A = (e %| x)%A. | |
Proof. by rewrite /eqAmod subr0. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmodN e x y : (- x == y %[mod e])%A = (x == - y %[mod e])%A. | |
Proof. by rewrite eqAmod_sym /eqAmod !opprK addrC. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmodDr e x y z : (y + x == z + x %[mod e])%A = (y == z %[mod e])%A. | |
Proof. by rewrite /eqAmod addrAC opprD !addrA subrK. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmodDl e x y z : (x + y == x + z %[mod e])%A = (y == z %[mod e])%A. | |
Proof. by rewrite !(addrC x) eqAmodDr. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmodD e x1 x2 y1 y2 : | |
(x1 == x2 %[mod e] -> y1 == y2 %[mod e] -> x1 + y1 == x2 + y2 %[mod e])%A. | |
Proof. | |
by rewrite -(eqAmodDl e x2 y1) -(eqAmodDr e y1); apply: eqAmod_trans. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmodm0 e : (e == 0 %[mod e])%A. | |
Proof. by rewrite /eqAmod subr0 unfold_in; case: ifPn => // /divff->. Qed. | |
#[global] Hint Resolve eqAmodm0 : core. | |
Lemma eqAmodMr e : | |
{in Aint, forall z x y, x == y %[mod e] -> x * z == y * z %[mod e]}%A. | |
Proof. | |
move=> z Zz x y. | |
rewrite /eqAmod -mulrBl ![(e %| _)%A]unfold_in mulf_eq0 mulrAC. | |
by case: ifP => [_ -> // | _ Exy]; apply: rpredM. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmodMl e : | |
{in Aint, forall z x y, x == y %[mod e] -> z * x == z * y %[mod e]}%A. | |
Proof. by move=> z Zz x y Exy; rewrite !(mulrC z) eqAmodMr. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmodMl0 e : {in Aint, forall x, x * e == 0 %[mod e]}%A. | |
Proof. by move=> x Zx; rewrite -(mulr0 x) eqAmodMl. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmodMr0 e : {in Aint, forall x, e * x == 0 %[mod e]}%A. | |
Proof. by move=> x Zx; rewrite /= mulrC eqAmodMl0. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmod_addl_mul e : {in Aint, forall x y, x * e + y == y %[mod e]}%A. | |
Proof. by move=> x Zx y; rewrite -{2}[y]add0r eqAmodDr eqAmodMl0. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmodM e : {in Aint &, forall x1 y2 x2 y1, | |
x1 == x2 %[mod e] -> y1 == y2 %[mod e] -> x1 * y1 == x2 * y2 %[mod e]}%A. | |
Proof. | |
move=> x1 y2 Zx1 Zy2 x2 y1 eq_x /(eqAmodMl Zx1)/eqAmod_trans-> //. | |
exact: eqAmodMr. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmod_rat : | |
{in Crat & &, forall e m n, (m == n %[mod e])%A = (m == n %[mod e])%C}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> e m n Qe Qm Qn; rewrite /eqCmod unfold_in /eqAmod unfold_in. | |
case: ifPn => // nz_e; apply/idP/idP=> [/Cint_rat_Aint | /Aint_Cint] -> //. | |
by rewrite rpred_div ?rpredB. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmod0_rat : {in Crat &, forall e n, (n == 0 %[mod e])%A = (e %| n)%C}. | |
Proof. by move=> e n Qe Qn; rewrite /= eqAmod_rat /eqCmod ?subr0 ?Crat0. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmod_nat (e m n : nat) : (m == n %[mod e])%A = (m == n %[mod e])%N. | |
Proof. by rewrite eqAmod_rat ?rpred_nat // eqCmod_nat. Qed. | |
Lemma eqAmod0_nat (e m : nat) : (m == 0 %[mod e])%A = (e %| m)%N. | |
Proof. by rewrite eqAmod0_rat ?rpred_nat // dvdC_nat. Qed. | |
(* Multiplicative order. *) | |
Definition orderC x := | |
let p := minCpoly x in | |
oapp val 0%N [pick n : 'I_(2 * size p ^ 2) | p == intrp 'Phi_n]. | |
Notation "#[ x ]" := (orderC x) : C_scope. | |
Lemma exp_orderC x : x ^+ #[x]%C = 1. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /orderC; case: pickP => //= [] [n _] /= /eqP Dp. | |
have n_gt0: (0 < n)%N. | |
rewrite lt0n; apply: contraTneq (size_minCpoly x) => n0. | |
by rewrite Dp n0 Cyclotomic0 rmorph1 size_poly1. | |
have [z prim_z] := C_prim_root_exists n_gt0. | |
rewrite prim_expr_order // -(root_cyclotomic prim_z). | |
by rewrite -Cintr_Cyclotomic // -Dp root_minCpoly. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma dvdn_orderC x n : (#[x]%C %| n)%N = (x ^+ n == 1). | |
Proof. | |
apply/idP/eqP=> [|x_n_1]; first by apply: expr_dvd; apply: exp_orderC. | |
have [-> | n_gt0] := posnP n; first by rewrite dvdn0. | |
have [m prim_x m_dv_n] := prim_order_exists n_gt0 x_n_1. | |
have{n_gt0} m_gt0 := dvdn_gt0 n_gt0 m_dv_n; congr (_ %| n)%N: m_dv_n. | |
pose p := minCpoly x; have Dp: p = cyclotomic x m := minCpoly_cyclotomic prim_x. | |
rewrite /orderC; case: pickP => /= [k /eqP Dp_k | no_k]; last first. | |
suffices lt_m_2p: (m < 2 * size p ^ 2)%N. | |
have /eqP[] := no_k (Ordinal lt_m_2p). | |
by rewrite /= -/p Dp -Cintr_Cyclotomic. | |
rewrite Dp size_cyclotomic (sqrnD 1) addnAC mulnDr -add1n leq_add //. | |
suffices: (m <= \prod_(q <- primes m | q == 2) q * totient m ^ 2)%N. | |
have [m_even | m_odd] := boolP (2%N \in primes m). | |
by rewrite -big_filter filter_pred1_uniq ?primes_uniq // big_seq1. | |
by rewrite big_hasC ?has_pred1 // => /leq_trans-> //; apply: leq_addl. | |
rewrite big_mkcond totientE // -mulnn -!big_split /=. | |
rewrite {1}[m]prod_prime_decomp // prime_decompE big_map /= !big_seq. | |
elim/big_ind2: _ => // [n1 m1 n2 m2 | q]; first exact: leq_mul. | |
rewrite mem_primes => /and3P[q_pr _ q_dv_m]. | |
rewrite lognE q_pr m_gt0 q_dv_m /=; move: (logn q _) => k. | |
rewrite !mulnA expnS leq_mul //. | |
case: (ltngtP q 2) (prime_gt1 q_pr) => // [q_gt2|->] _. | |
rewrite mul1n mulnAC mulnn -{1}[q]muln1 leq_mul ?expn_gt0 ?prime_gt0 //. | |
by rewrite -(subnKC q_gt2) (ltn_exp2l 1). | |
by rewrite !muln1 -expnS (ltn_exp2l 0). | |
have k_prim_x: k.-primitive_root x. | |
have k_gt0: (0 < k)%N. | |
rewrite lt0n; apply: contraTneq (size_minCpoly x) => k0. | |
by rewrite Dp_k k0 Cyclotomic0 rmorph1 size_poly1. | |
have [z prim_z] := C_prim_root_exists k_gt0. | |
rewrite -(root_cyclotomic prim_z) -Cintr_Cyclotomic //. | |
by rewrite -Dp_k root_minCpoly. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd !(@prim_order_dvd _ _ x) //. | |
by rewrite !prim_expr_order ?eqxx. | |
Qed. | |