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(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) | |
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) | |
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq. | |
From mathcomp Require Import fintype finset fingroup morphism. | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
(* Support for generator-and-relation presentations of groups. We provide the *) | |
(* syntax: *) | |
(* G \homg Grp (x_1 : ... x_n : (s_1 = t_1, ..., s_m = t_m)) *) | |
(* <=> G is generated by elements x_1, ..., x_m satisfying the relations *) | |
(* s_1 = t_1, ..., s_m = t_m, i.e., G is a homomorphic image of the *) | |
(* group generated by the x_i, subject to the relations s_j = t_j. *) | |
(* G \isog Grp (x_1 : ... x_n : (s_1 = t_1, ..., s_m = t_m)) *) | |
(* <=> G is isomorphic to the largest finite factor of the group generated *) | |
(* by the x_i, subject to the relations s_j = t_j. In particular, *) | |
(* if the abstract group defined by the presentation is finite, *) | |
(* it means that G is actually isomorphic to it. This is an *) | |
(* intensional predicate (in Prop), as even the non-triviality of a *) | |
(* generated group is undecidable. *) | |
(* Syntax details: *) | |
(* - Grp is a litteral constant. *) | |
(* - There must be at least one generator and one relation. *) | |
(* - A relation s_j = 1 can be abbreviated as simply s_j (a.k.a. a relator). *) | |
(* - Two consecutive relations s_j = t, s_j+1 = t can be abbreviated *) | |
(* s_j = s_j+1 = t. *) | |
(* - The s_j and t_j are terms built from the x_i and the standard group *) | |
(* operators *, 1, ^-1, ^+, ^-, ^, [~ u_1, ..., u_k]; no other operator or *) | |
(* abbreviation may be used, as the notation is implemented using static *) | |
(* overloading. *) | |
(* - This is the closest we could get to the notation used in Aschbacher, *) | |
(* Grp (x_1, ... x_n : t_1,1 = ... = t_1,k1, ..., t_m,1 = ... = t_m,km) *) | |
(* under the current limitations of the Coq Notation facility. *) | |
(* Semantics details: *) | |
(* - G \isog Grp (...) : Prop expands to the statement *) | |
(* forall rT (H : {group rT}), (H \homg G) = (H \homg Grp (...)) *) | |
(* (with rT : finGroupType). *) | |
(* - G \homg Grp (x_1 : ... x_n : (s_1 = t_1, ..., s_m = t_m)) : bool, with *) | |
(* G : {set gT}, is convertible to the boolean expression *) | |
(* [exists t : gT * ... gT, let: (x_1, ..., x_n) := t in *) | |
(* (<[x_1]> <*> ... <*> <[x_n]>, (s_1, ... (s_m-1, s_m) ...)) *) | |
(* == (G, (t_1, ... (t_m-1, t_m) ...))] *) | |
(* where the tuple comparison above is convertible to the conjunction *) | |
(* [&& <[x_1]> <*> ... <*> <[x_n]> == G, s_1 == t_1, ... & s_m == t_m] *) | |
(* Thus G \homg Grp (...) can be easily exploited by destructing the tuple *) | |
(* created case/existsP, then destructing the tuple equality with case/eqP. *) | |
(* Conversely it can be proved by using apply/existsP, providing the tuple *) | |
(* with a single exists (u_1, ..., u_n), then using rewrite !xpair_eqE /= *) | |
(* to expose the conjunction, and optionally using an apply/and{m+1}P view *) | |
(* to split it into subgoals (in that case, the rewrite is in principle *) | |
(* redundant, but necessary in practice because of the poor performance of *) | |
(* conversion in the Coq unifier). *) | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
Set Implicit Arguments. | |
Unset Strict Implicit. | |
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. | |
Declare Scope group_presentation. | |
Declare Scope nt_group_presentation. | |
Import GroupScope. | |
Module Presentation. | |
Section Presentation. | |
Implicit Types gT rT : finGroupType. | |
Implicit Type vT : finType. (* tuple value type *) | |
Inductive term := | |
| Cst of nat | |
| Idx | |
| Inv of term | |
| Exp of term & nat | |
| Mul of term & term | |
| Conj of term & term | |
| Comm of term & term. | |
Fixpoint eval {gT} e t : gT := | |
match t with | |
| Cst i => nth 1 e i | |
| Idx => 1 | |
| Inv t1 => (eval e t1)^-1 | |
| Exp t1 n => eval e t1 ^+ n | |
| Mul t1 t2 => eval e t1 * eval e t2 | |
| Conj t1 t2 => eval e t1 ^ eval e t2 | |
| Comm t1 t2 => [~ eval e t1, eval e t2] | |
end. | |
Inductive formula := Eq2 of term & term | And of formula & formula. | |
Definition Eq1 s := Eq2 s Idx. | |
Definition Eq3 s1 s2 t := And (Eq2 s1 t) (Eq2 s2 t). | |
Inductive rel_type := NoRel | Rel vT of vT & vT. | |
Definition bool_of_rel r := if r is Rel vT v1 v2 then v1 == v2 else true. | |
Local Coercion bool_of_rel : rel_type >-> bool. | |
Definition and_rel vT (v1 v2 : vT) r := | |
if r is Rel wT w1 w2 then Rel (v1, w1) (v2, w2) else Rel v1 v2. | |
Fixpoint rel {gT} (e : seq gT) f r := | |
match f with | |
| Eq2 s t => and_rel (eval e s) (eval e t) r | |
| And f1 f2 => rel e f1 (rel e f2 r) | |
end. | |
Inductive type := Generator of term -> type | Formula of formula. | |
Definition Cast p : type := p. (* syntactic scope cast *) | |
Local Coercion Formula : formula >-> type. | |
Inductive env gT := Env of {set gT} & seq gT. | |
Definition env1 {gT} (x : gT : finType) := Env <[x]> [:: x]. | |
Fixpoint sat gT vT B n (s : vT -> env gT) p := | |
match p with | |
| Formula f => | |
[exists v, let: Env A e := s v in and_rel A B (rel (rev e) f NoRel)] | |
| Generator p' => | |
let s' v := let: Env A e := s v.1 in Env (A <*> <[v.2]>) (v.2 :: e) in | |
sat B n.+1 s' (p' (Cst n)) | |
end. | |
Definition hom gT (B : {set gT}) p := sat B 1 env1 (p (Cst 0)). | |
Definition iso gT (B : {set gT}) p := | |
forall rT (H : {group rT}), (H \homg B) = hom H p. | |
End Presentation. | |
End Presentation. | |
Import Presentation. | |
Coercion bool_of_rel : rel_type >-> bool. | |
Coercion Eq1 : term >-> formula. | |
Coercion Formula : formula >-> type. | |
(* Declare (implicitly) the argument scope tags. *) | |
Notation "1" := Idx : group_presentation. | |
Arguments Inv _%group_presentation. | |
Arguments Exp _%group_presentation _%N. | |
Arguments Mul _%group_presentation _%group_presentation. | |
Arguments Conj _%group_presentation _%group_presentation. | |
Arguments Comm _%group_presentation _%group_presentation. | |
Arguments Eq1 _%group_presentation. | |
Arguments Eq2 _%group_presentation _%group_presentation. | |
Arguments Eq3 _%group_presentation _%group_presentation _%group_presentation. | |
Arguments And _%group_presentation _%group_presentation. | |
Arguments Formula _%group_presentation. | |
Arguments Cast _%group_presentation. | |
Infix "*" := Mul : group_presentation. | |
Infix "^+" := Exp : group_presentation. | |
Infix "^" := Conj : group_presentation. | |
Notation "x ^-1" := (Inv x) : group_presentation. | |
Notation "x ^- n" := (Inv (x ^+ n)) : group_presentation. | |
Notation "[ ~ x1 , x2 , .. , xn ]" := | |
(Comm .. (Comm x1 x2) .. xn) : group_presentation. | |
Notation "x = y" := (Eq2 x y) : group_presentation. | |
Notation "x = y = z" := (Eq3 x y z) : group_presentation. | |
Notation "( r1 , r2 , .. , rn )" := | |
(And .. (And r1 r2) .. rn) : group_presentation. | |
(* Declare (implicitly) the argument scope tags. *) | |
Notation "x : p" := (fun x => Cast p) : nt_group_presentation. | |
Arguments Generator _%nt_group_presentation. | |
Arguments hom _ _%group_scope _%nt_group_presentation. | |
Arguments iso _ _%group_scope _%nt_group_presentation. | |
Notation "x : p" := (Generator (x : p)) : group_presentation. | |
Notation "H \homg 'Grp' p" := (hom H p) | |
(at level 70, p at level 0, format "H \homg 'Grp' p") : group_scope. | |
Notation "H \isog 'Grp' p" := (iso H p) | |
(at level 70, p at level 0, format "H \isog 'Grp' p") : group_scope. | |
Notation "H \homg 'Grp' ( x : p )" := (hom H (x : p)) | |
(at level 70, x at level 0, | |
format "'[hv' H '/ ' \homg 'Grp' ( x : p ) ']'") : group_scope. | |
Notation "H \isog 'Grp' ( x : p )" := (iso H (x : p)) | |
(at level 70, x at level 0, | |
format "'[hv' H '/ ' \isog 'Grp' ( x : p ) ']'") : group_scope. | |
Section PresentationTheory. | |
Implicit Types gT rT : finGroupType. | |
Import Presentation. | |
Lemma isoGrp_hom gT (G : {group gT}) p : G \isog Grp p -> G \homg Grp p. | |
Proof. by move <-; apply: homg_refl. Qed. | |
Lemma isoGrpP gT (G : {group gT}) p rT (H : {group rT}) : | |
G \isog Grp p -> reflect (#|H| = #|G| /\ H \homg Grp p) (H \isog G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> isoGp; apply: (iffP idP) => [isoGH | [oH homHp]]. | |
by rewrite (card_isog isoGH) -isoGp isog_hom. | |
by rewrite isogEcard isoGp homHp /= oH. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma homGrp_trans rT gT (H : {set rT}) (G : {group gT}) p : | |
H \homg G -> G \homg Grp p -> H \homg Grp p. | |
Proof. | |
case/homgP=> h <-{H}; rewrite /hom; move: {p}(p _) => p. | |
have evalG e t: all (mem G) e -> eval (map h e) t = h (eval e t). | |
move=> Ge; apply: (@proj2 (eval e t \in G)); elim: t => /=. | |
- move=> i; case: (leqP (size e) i) => [le_e_i | lt_i_e]. | |
by rewrite !nth_default ?size_map ?morph1. | |
by rewrite (nth_map 1) // [_ \in G](allP Ge) ?mem_nth. | |
- by rewrite morph1. | |
- by move=> t [Gt ->]; rewrite groupV morphV. | |
- by move=> t [Gt ->] n; rewrite groupX ?morphX. | |
- by move=> t1 [Gt1 ->] t2 [Gt2 ->]; rewrite groupM ?morphM. | |
- by move=> t1 [Gt1 ->] t2 [Gt2 ->]; rewrite groupJ ?morphJ. | |
by move=> t1 [Gt1 ->] t2 [Gt2 ->]; rewrite groupR ?morphR. | |
have and_relE xT x1 x2 r: @and_rel xT x1 x2 r = (x1 == x2) && r :> bool. | |
by case: r => //=; rewrite andbT. | |
have rsatG e f: all (mem G) e -> rel e f NoRel -> rel (map h e) f NoRel. | |
move=> Ge; have: NoRel -> NoRel by []; move: NoRel {2 4}NoRel. | |
elim: f => [x1 x2 | f1 IH1 f2 IH2] r hr IHr; last by apply: IH1; apply: IH2. | |
by rewrite !and_relE !evalG //; case/andP; move/eqP->; rewrite eqxx. | |
set s := env1; set vT := gT : finType in s *. | |
set s' := env1; set vT' := rT : finType in s' *. | |
have (v): let: Env A e := s v in | |
A \subset G -> all (mem G) e /\ exists v', s' v' = Env (h @* A) (map h e). | |
- rewrite /= cycle_subG andbT => Gv; rewrite morphim_cycle //. | |
by split; last exists (h v). | |
elim: p 1%N vT vT' s s' => /= [p IHp | f] n vT vT' s s' Gs. | |
apply: IHp => [[v x]] /=; case: (s v) {Gs}(Gs v) => A e /= Gs. | |
rewrite join_subG cycle_subG; case/andP=> sAG Gx; rewrite Gx. | |
have [//|-> [v' def_v']] := Gs; split=> //; exists (v', h x); rewrite def_v'. | |
by congr (Env _ _); rewrite morphimY ?cycle_subG // morphim_cycle. | |
case/existsP=> v; case: (s v) {Gs}(Gs v) => /= A e Gs. | |
rewrite and_relE => /andP[/eqP defA rel_f]. | |
have{Gs} [|Ge [v' def_v']] := Gs; first by rewrite defA. | |
apply/existsP; exists v'; rewrite def_v' and_relE defA eqxx /=. | |
by rewrite -map_rev rsatG ?(eq_all_r (mem_rev e)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma eq_homGrp gT rT (G : {group gT}) (H : {group rT}) p : | |
G \isog H -> (G \homg Grp p) = (H \homg Grp p). | |
Proof. | |
by rewrite isogEhom => /andP[homGH homHG]; apply/idP/idP; apply: homGrp_trans. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma isoGrp_trans gT rT (G : {group gT}) (H : {group rT}) p : | |
G \isog H -> H \isog Grp p -> G \isog Grp p. | |
Proof. by move=> isoGH isoHp kT K; rewrite -isoHp; apply: eq_homgr. Qed. | |
Lemma intro_isoGrp gT (G : {group gT}) p : | |
G \homg Grp p -> (forall rT (H : {group rT}), H \homg Grp p -> H \homg G) -> | |
G \isog Grp p. | |
Proof. | |
move=> homGp freeG rT H. | |
by apply/idP/idP=> [homHp|]; [apply: homGrp_trans homGp | apply: freeG]. | |
Qed. | |
End PresentationTheory. | |