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(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) | |
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) | |
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq div. | |
From mathcomp Require Import fintype bigop finset fingroup morphism perm. | |
From mathcomp Require Import automorphism quotient action gproduct gfunctor. | |
From mathcomp Require Import cyclic. | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
(* Definition of the center of a group and of external central products: *) | |
(* 'Z(G) == the center of the group G, i.e., 'C_G(G). *) | |
(* cprod_by isoZ == the finGroupType for the central product of H and K *) | |
(* with centers identified by the isomorphism gz on 'Z(H); *) | |
(* here isoZ : isom 'Z(H) 'Z(K) gz. Note that the actual *) | |
(* central product is [set: cprod_by isoZ]. *) | |
(* cpairg1 isoZ == the isomorphism from H to cprod_by isoZ, isoZ as above. *) | |
(* cpair1g isoZ == the isomorphism from K to cprod_by isoZ, isoZ as above. *) | |
(* xcprod H K == the finGroupType for the external central product of H *) | |
(* and K with identified centers, provided the dynamically *) | |
(* tested condition 'Z(H) \isog 'Z(K) holds. *) | |
(* ncprod H n == the finGroupType for the central product of n copies of *) | |
(* H with their centers identified; [set: ncprod H 0] is *) | |
(* isomorphic to 'Z(H). *) | |
(* xcprodm cf eqf == the morphism induced on cprod_by isoZ, where as above *) | |
(* isoZ : isom 'Z(H) 'Z(K) gz, by fH : {morphism H >-> rT} *) | |
(* and fK : {morphism K >-> rT}, given both *) | |
(* cf : fH @* H \subset 'C(fK @* K) and *) | |
(* eqf : {in 'Z(H), fH =1 fK \o gz}. *) | |
(* Following Aschbacher, we only provide external central products with *) | |
(* identified centers, as these are well defined provided the local center *) | |
(* isomorphism group of one of the subgroups is full. Nevertheless the *) | |
(* entire construction could be carried out under the weaker assumption that *) | |
(* gz is an isomorphism between subgroups of 'Z(H) and 'Z(K), and even the *) | |
(* uniqueness theorem holds under the weaker assumption that gz map 'Z(H) to *) | |
(* a characteristic subgroup of 'Z(K) not isomorphic to any other subgroup of *) | |
(* 'Z(K), a condition that holds for example when K is cyclic, as in the *) | |
(* structure theorem for p-groups of symplectic type. *) | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
Set Implicit Arguments. | |
Unset Strict Implicit. | |
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. | |
Import GroupScope. | |
Section Defs. | |
Variable gT : finGroupType. | |
Definition center (A : {set gT}) := 'C_A(A). | |
Canonical center_group (G : {group gT}) : {group gT} := | |
Eval hnf in [group of center G]. | |
End Defs. | |
Arguments center {gT} A%g. | |
Notation "''Z' ( A )" := (center A) : group_scope. | |
Notation "''Z' ( H )" := (center_group H) : Group_scope. | |
Lemma morphim_center : GFunctor.pcontinuous (@center). | |
Proof. by move=> gT rT G D f; apply: morphim_subcent. Qed. | |
Canonical center_igFun := [igFun by fun _ _ => subsetIl _ _ & morphim_center]. | |
Canonical center_gFun := [gFun by morphim_center]. | |
Canonical center_pgFun := [pgFun by morphim_center]. | |
Section Center. | |
Variables gT : finGroupType. | |
Implicit Type rT : finGroupType. | |
Implicit Types (x y : gT) (A B : {set gT}) (G H K D : {group gT}). | |
Lemma subcentP A B x : reflect (x \in A /\ centralises x B) (x \in 'C_A(B)). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite inE. case: (x \in A); last by right; case. | |
by apply: (iffP centP) => [|[]]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma subcent_sub A B : 'C_A(B) \subset 'N_A(B). | |
Proof. by rewrite setIS ?cent_sub. Qed. | |
Lemma subcent_norm G B : 'N_G(B) \subset 'N('C_G(B)). | |
Proof. by rewrite normsI ?subIset ?normG // orbC cent_norm. Qed. | |
Lemma subcent_normal G B : 'C_G(B) <| 'N_G(B). | |
Proof. by rewrite /normal subcent_sub subcent_norm. Qed. | |
Lemma subcent_char G H K : H \char G -> K \char G -> 'C_H(K) \char G. | |
Proof. | |
case/charP=> sHG chHG /charP[sKG chKG]; apply/charP. | |
split=> [|f injf Gf]; first by rewrite subIset ?sHG. | |
by rewrite injm_subcent ?chHG ?chKG. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma centerP A x : reflect (x \in A /\ centralises x A) (x \in 'Z(A)). | |
Proof. exact: subcentP. Qed. | |
Lemma center_sub A : 'Z(A) \subset A. | |
Proof. exact: subsetIl. Qed. | |
Lemma center1 : 'Z(1) = 1 :> {set gT}. | |
Proof. exact: gF1. Qed. | |
Lemma centerC A : {in A, centralised 'Z(A)}. | |
Proof. by apply/centsP; rewrite centsC subsetIr. Qed. | |
Lemma center_normal G : 'Z(G) <| G. | |
Proof. exact: gFnormal. Qed. | |
Lemma sub_center_normal H G : H \subset 'Z(G) -> H <| G. | |
Proof. by rewrite subsetI centsC /normal => /andP[-> /cents_norm]. Qed. | |
Lemma center_abelian G : abelian 'Z(G). | |
Proof. by rewrite /abelian subIset // centsC subIset // subxx orbT. Qed. | |
Lemma center_char G : 'Z(G) \char G. | |
Proof. exact: gFchar. Qed. | |
Lemma center_idP A : reflect ('Z(A) = A) (abelian A). | |
Proof. exact: setIidPl. Qed. | |
Lemma center_class_formula G : | |
#|G| = #|'Z(G)| + \sum_(xG in [set x ^: G | x in G :\: 'C(G)]) #|xG|. | |
Proof. | |
by rewrite acts_sum_card_orbit ?cardsID // astabsJ normsD ?norms_cent ?normG. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma subcent1P A x y : reflect (y \in A /\ commute x y) (y \in 'C_A[x]). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite inE; case: (y \in A); last by right; case. | |
by apply: (iffP cent1P) => [|[]]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma subcent1_id x G : x \in G -> x \in 'C_G[x]. | |
Proof. by move=> Gx; rewrite inE Gx; apply/cent1P. Qed. | |
Lemma subcent1_sub x G : 'C_G[x] \subset G. | |
Proof. exact: subsetIl. Qed. | |
Lemma subcent1C x y G : x \in G -> y \in 'C_G[x] -> x \in 'C_G[y]. | |
Proof. by move=> Gx /subcent1P[_ cxy]; apply/subcent1P. Qed. | |
Lemma subcent1_cycle_sub x G : x \in G -> <[x]> \subset 'C_G[x]. | |
Proof. by move=> Gx; rewrite cycle_subG ?subcent1_id. Qed. | |
Lemma subcent1_cycle_norm x G : 'C_G[x] \subset 'N(<[x]>). | |
Proof. by rewrite cents_norm // cent_gen cent_set1 subsetIr. Qed. | |
Lemma subcent1_cycle_normal x G : x \in G -> <[x]> <| 'C_G[x]. | |
Proof. | |
by move=> Gx; rewrite /normal subcent1_cycle_norm subcent1_cycle_sub. | |
Qed. | |
(* Gorenstein. 1.3.4 *) | |
Lemma cyclic_center_factor_abelian G : cyclic (G / 'Z(G)) -> abelian G. | |
Proof. | |
case/cyclicP=> a Ga; case: (cosetP a) => /= z Nz def_a. | |
have G_Zz: G :=: 'Z(G) * <[z]>. | |
rewrite -quotientK ?cycle_subG ?quotient_cycle //=. | |
by rewrite -def_a -Ga quotientGK // center_normal. | |
rewrite G_Zz abelianM cycle_abelian center_abelian centsC /= G_Zz. | |
by rewrite subIset ?centS ?orbT ?mulG_subr. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma cyclic_factor_abelian H G : | |
H \subset 'Z(G) -> cyclic (G / H) -> abelian G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sHZ cycGH; apply: cyclic_center_factor_abelian. | |
have /andP[_ nHG]: H <| G := sub_center_normal sHZ. | |
have [f <-]:= homgP (homg_quotientS nHG (gFnorm _ G) sHZ). | |
exact: morphim_cyclic cycGH. | |
Qed. | |
Section Injm. | |
Variables (rT : finGroupType) (D : {group gT}) (f : {morphism D >-> rT}). | |
Hypothesis injf : 'injm f. | |
Lemma injm_center G : G \subset D -> f @* 'Z(G) = 'Z(f @* G). | |
Proof. exact: injm_subcent. Qed. | |
End Injm. | |
End Center. | |
Arguments center_idP {gT A}. | |
Lemma isog_center (aT rT : finGroupType) (G : {group aT}) (H : {group rT}) : | |
G \isog H -> 'Z(G) \isog 'Z(H). | |
Proof. exact: gFisog. Qed. | |
Section Product. | |
Variable gT : finGroupType. | |
Implicit Types (A B C : {set gT}) (G H K : {group gT}). | |
Lemma center_prod H K : K \subset 'C(H) -> 'Z(H) * 'Z(K) = 'Z(H * K). | |
Proof. | |
move=> cHK; apply/setP=> z; rewrite {3}/center centM !inE. | |
have cKH: H \subset 'C(K) by rewrite centsC. | |
apply/imset2P/and3P=> [[x y /setIP[Hx cHx] /setIP[Ky cKy] ->{z}]| []]. | |
by rewrite imset2_f ?groupM // ?(subsetP cHK) ?(subsetP cKH). | |
case/imset2P=> x y Hx Ky ->{z}. | |
rewrite groupMr => [cHx|]; last exact: subsetP Ky. | |
rewrite groupMl => [cKy|]; last exact: subsetP Hx. | |
by exists x y; rewrite ?inE ?Hx ?Ky. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma center_cprod A B G : A \* B = G -> 'Z(A) \* 'Z(B) = 'Z(G). | |
Proof. | |
case/cprodP => [[H K -> ->] <- cHK]. | |
rewrite cprodE ?center_prod //= subIset ?(subset_trans cHK) //. | |
by rewrite centS ?center_sub. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma center_bigcprod I r P (F : I -> {set gT}) G : | |
\big[cprod/1]_(i <- r | P i) F i = G -> | |
\big[cprod/1]_(i <- r | P i) 'Z(F i) = 'Z(G). | |
Proof. | |
elim/big_ind2: _ G => [_ <-|A B C D IHA IHB G dG|_ _ G ->]; rewrite ?center1 //. | |
case/cprodP: dG IHA IHB (dG) => [[H K -> ->] _ _] IHH IHK dG. | |
by rewrite (IHH H) // (IHK K) // (center_cprod dG). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma cprod_center_id G : G \* 'Z(G) = G. | |
Proof. by rewrite cprodE ?subsetIr // mulGSid ?center_sub. Qed. | |
Lemma center_dprod A B G : A \x B = G -> 'Z(A) \x 'Z(B) = 'Z(G). | |
Proof. | |
case/dprodP=> [[H1 H2 -> ->] defG cH12 trH12]. | |
move: defG; rewrite -cprodE // => /center_cprod/cprodP[_ /= <- cZ12]. | |
by apply: dprodE; rewrite //= setIAC setIA -setIA trH12 (setIidPl _) ?sub1G. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma center_bigdprod I r P (F: I -> {set gT}) G : | |
\big[dprod/1]_(i <- r | P i) F i = G -> | |
\big[dprod/1]_(i <- r | P i) 'Z(F i) = 'Z(G). | |
Proof. | |
elim/big_ind2: _ G => [_ <-|A B C D IHA IHB G dG|_ _ G ->]; rewrite ?center1 //. | |
case/dprodP: dG IHA IHB (dG) => [[H K -> ->] _ _ _] IHH IHK dG. | |
by rewrite (IHH H) // (IHK K) // (center_dprod dG). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Aut_cprod_full G H K : | |
H \* K = G -> 'Z(H) = 'Z(K) -> | |
Aut_in (Aut H) 'Z(H) \isog Aut 'Z(H) -> | |
Aut_in (Aut K) 'Z(K) \isog Aut 'Z(K) -> | |
Aut_in (Aut G) 'Z(G) \isog Aut 'Z(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> defG eqZHK; have [_ defHK cHK] := cprodP defG. | |
have defZ: 'Z(G) = 'Z(H) by rewrite -defHK -center_prod // eqZHK mulGid. | |
have ziHK: H :&: K = 'Z(K). | |
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset subsetI -{1 2}eqZHK !center_sub setIS. | |
have AutZP := Aut_sub_fullP (@center_sub gT _). | |
move/AutZP=> AutZHfull /AutZP AutZKfull; apply/AutZP=> g injg gZ. | |
have [gH [def_gH ker_gH _ im_gH]] := domP g defZ. | |
have [gK [def_gK ker_gK _ im_gK]] := domP g (etrans defZ eqZHK). | |
have [injgH injgK]: 'injm gH /\ 'injm gK by rewrite ker_gH ker_gK. | |
have [gHH gKK]: gH @* 'Z(H) = 'Z(H) /\ gK @* 'Z(K) = 'Z(K). | |
by rewrite im_gH im_gK -eqZHK -defZ. | |
have [|fH [injfH im_fH fHZ]] := AutZHfull gH injgH. | |
by rewrite im_gH /= -defZ. | |
have [|fK [injfK im_fK fKZ]] := AutZKfull gK injgK. | |
by rewrite im_gK /= -eqZHK -defZ. | |
have cfHK: fK @* K \subset 'C(fH @* H) by rewrite im_fH im_fK. | |
have eq_fHK: {in H :&: K, fH =1 fK}. | |
by move=> z; rewrite ziHK => Zz; rewrite fHZ ?fKZ /= ?eqZHK // def_gH def_gK. | |
exists (cprodm_morphism defG cfHK eq_fHK). | |
rewrite injm_cprodm injfH injfK im_cprodm im_fH im_fK defHK. | |
rewrite -morphimIdom ziHK -eqZHK injm_center // im_fH eqxx. | |
split=> //= z; rewrite {1}defZ => Zz; have [Hz _] := setIP Zz. | |
by rewrite cprodmEl // fHZ // def_gH. | |
Qed. | |
End Product. | |
Section CprodBy. | |
Variables gTH gTK : finGroupType. | |
Variables (H : {group gTH}) (K : {group gTK}) (gz : {morphism 'Z(H) >-> gTK}). | |
Definition ker_cprod_by of isom 'Z(H) 'Z(K) gz := | |
[set xy | let: (x, y) := xy in (x \in 'Z(H)) && (y == (gz x)^-1)]. | |
Hypothesis isoZ : isom 'Z(H) 'Z(K) gz. | |
Let kerHK := ker_cprod_by isoZ. | |
Let injgz : 'injm gz. Proof. by case/isomP: isoZ. Qed. | |
Let gzZ : gz @* 'Z(H) = 'Z(K). Proof. by case/isomP: isoZ. Qed. | |
Let gzZchar : gz @* 'Z(H) \char 'Z(K). Proof. by rewrite gzZ. Qed. | |
Let sgzZZ : gz @* 'Z(H) \subset 'Z(K) := char_sub gzZchar. | |
Let sZH := center_sub H. | |
Let sZK := center_sub K. | |
Let sgzZG : gz @* 'Z(H) \subset K := subset_trans sgzZZ sZK. | |
Lemma ker_cprod_by_is_group : group_set kerHK. | |
Proof. | |
apply/group_setP; rewrite inE /= group1 morph1 invg1 /=. | |
split=> // [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]. | |
rewrite inE /= => /andP[Zx1 /eqP->]; have [_ cGx1] := setIP Zx1. | |
rewrite inE /= => /andP[Zx2 /eqP->]; have [Gx2 _] := setIP Zx2. | |
by rewrite inE /= groupM //= -invMg (centP cGx1) // morphM. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical ker_cprod_by_group := Group ker_cprod_by_is_group. | |
Lemma ker_cprod_by_central : kerHK \subset 'Z(setX H K). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -(center_dprod (setX_dprod H K)) -morphim_pairg1 -morphim_pair1g. | |
rewrite -!injm_center ?subsetT ?injm_pair1g ?injm_pairg1 //=. | |
rewrite morphim_pairg1 morphim_pair1g setX_dprod. | |
apply/subsetP=> [[x y]] /[1!inE] /andP[Zx /eqP->]. | |
by rewrite inE /= Zx groupV (subsetP sgzZZ) ?mem_morphim. | |
Qed. | |
Fact cprod_by_key : unit. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Definition cprod_by_def := subFinGroupType [group of setX H K / kerHK]. | |
Definition cprod_by := locked_with cprod_by_key cprod_by_def. | |
Local Notation C := [set: FinGroup.arg_sort (FinGroup.base cprod_by)]. | |
Definition in_cprod : gTH * gTK -> cprod_by := | |
let: tt as k := cprod_by_key return _ -> locked_with k cprod_by_def in | |
subg _ \o coset kerHK. | |
Lemma in_cprodM : {in setX H K &, {morph in_cprod : u v / u * v}}. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /in_cprod /cprod_by; case: cprod_by_key => /= u v Gu Gv. | |
have nkerHKG := normal_norm (sub_center_normal ker_cprod_by_central). | |
by rewrite -!morphM ?mem_quotient // (subsetP nkerHKG). | |
Qed. | |
Canonical in_cprod_morphism := Morphism in_cprodM. | |
Lemma ker_in_cprod : 'ker in_cprod = kerHK. | |
Proof. | |
transitivity ('ker (subg [group of setX H K / kerHK] \o coset kerHK)). | |
rewrite /ker /morphpre /= /in_cprod /cprod_by; case: cprod_by_key => /=. | |
by rewrite ['N(_) :&: _]quotientGK ?sub_center_normal ?ker_cprod_by_central. | |
by rewrite ker_comp ker_subg -kerE ker_coset. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma cpairg1_dom : H \subset 'dom (in_cprod \o @pairg1 gTH gTK). | |
Proof. by rewrite -sub_morphim_pre ?subsetT // morphim_pairg1 setXS ?sub1G. Qed. | |
Lemma cpair1g_dom : K \subset 'dom (in_cprod \o @pair1g gTH gTK). | |
Proof. by rewrite -sub_morphim_pre ?subsetT // morphim_pair1g setXS ?sub1G. Qed. | |
Definition cpairg1 := tag (restrmP _ cpairg1_dom). | |
Definition cpair1g := tag (restrmP _ cpair1g_dom). | |
Local Notation CH := (mfun cpairg1 @* gval H). | |
Local Notation CK := (mfun cpair1g @* gval K). | |
Lemma injm_cpairg1 : 'injm cpairg1. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /cpairg1; case: restrmP => _ [_ -> _ _]. | |
rewrite ker_comp ker_in_cprod; apply/subsetP=> x; rewrite 5!inE /=. | |
by case/and3P=> _ Zx; rewrite inE eq_sym (inv_eq invgK) invg1 morph_injm_eq1. | |
Qed. | |
Let injH := injm_cpairg1. | |
Lemma injm_cpair1g : 'injm cpair1g. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /cpair1g; case: restrmP => _ [_ -> _ _]. | |
rewrite ker_comp ker_in_cprod; apply/subsetP=> y; rewrite !inE /= morph1 invg1. | |
by case/and3P. | |
Qed. | |
Let injK := injm_cpair1g. | |
Lemma im_cpair_cent : CK \subset 'C(CH). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /cpairg1 /cpair1g; do 2!case: restrmP => _ [_ _ _ -> //]. | |
rewrite !morphim_comp morphim_cents // morphim_pair1g morphim_pairg1. | |
by case/dprodP: (setX_dprod H K). | |
Qed. | |
Hint Resolve im_cpair_cent : core. | |
Lemma im_cpair : CH * CK = C. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /cpairg1 /cpair1g; do 2!case: restrmP => _ [_ _ _ -> //]. | |
rewrite !morphim_comp -morphimMl morphim_pairg1 ?setXS ?sub1G //. | |
rewrite morphim_pair1g setX_prod morphimEdom /= /in_cprod /cprod_by. | |
by case: cprod_by_key; rewrite /= imset_comp imset_coset -morphimEdom im_subg. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma im_cpair_cprod : CH \* CK = C. Proof. by rewrite cprodE ?im_cpair. Qed. | |
Lemma eq_cpairZ : {in 'Z(H), cpairg1 =1 cpair1g \o gz}. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /cpairg1 /cpair1g => z1 Zz1; set z2 := gz z1. | |
have Zz2: z2 \in 'Z(K) by rewrite (subsetP sgzZZ) ?mem_morphim. | |
have [[Gz1 _] [/= Gz2 _]]:= (setIP Zz1, setIP Zz2). | |
do 2![case: restrmP => f /= [df _ _ _]; rewrite {f}df]. | |
apply/rcoset_kerP; rewrite ?inE ?group1 ?andbT //. | |
by rewrite ker_in_cprod mem_rcoset inE /= invg1 mulg1 mul1g Zz1 /=. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma setI_im_cpair : CH :&: CK = 'Z(CH). | |
Proof. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset setIS //=. | |
rewrite subsetI center_sub -injm_center //. | |
rewrite (eq_in_morphim _ eq_cpairZ); first by rewrite morphim_comp morphimS. | |
by rewrite !(setIidPr _) // -sub_morphim_pre. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma cpair1g_center : cpair1g @* 'Z(K) = 'Z(C). | |
Proof. | |
case/cprodP: (center_cprod im_cpair_cprod) => _ <- _. | |
by rewrite injm_center // -setI_im_cpair mulSGid //= setIC setIS 1?centsC. | |
Qed. | |
(* Uses gzZ. *) | |
Lemma cpair_center_id : 'Z(CH) = 'Z(CK). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -!injm_center // -gzZ -morphim_comp; apply: eq_in_morphim eq_cpairZ. | |
by rewrite !(setIidPr _) // -sub_morphim_pre. | |
Qed. | |
(* Uses gzZ. *) | |
Lemma cpairg1_center : cpairg1 @* 'Z(H) = 'Z(C). | |
Proof. by rewrite -cpair1g_center !injm_center // cpair_center_id. Qed. | |
Section ExtCprodm. | |
Variable rT : finGroupType. | |
Variables (fH : {morphism H >-> rT}) (fK : {morphism K >-> rT}). | |
Hypothesis cfHK : fK @* K \subset 'C(fH @* H). | |
Hypothesis eq_fHK : {in 'Z(H), fH =1 fK \o gz}. | |
Let gH := ifactm fH injm_cpairg1. | |
Let gK := ifactm fK injm_cpair1g. | |
Lemma xcprodm_cent : gK @* CK \subset 'C(gH @* CH). | |
Proof. by rewrite !im_ifactm. Qed. | |
Lemma xcprodmI : {in CH :&: CK, gH =1 gK}. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite setI_im_cpair -injm_center // => fHx; case/morphimP=> x Gx Zx ->{fHx}. | |
by rewrite {2}eq_cpairZ //= ?ifactmE ?eq_fHK //= (subsetP sgzZG) ?mem_morphim. | |
Qed. | |
Definition xcprodm := cprodm im_cpair_cprod xcprodm_cent xcprodmI. | |
Canonical xcprod_morphism := [morphism of xcprodm]. | |
Lemma xcprodmEl : {in H, forall x, xcprodm (cpairg1 x) = fH x}. | |
Proof. by move=> x Hx; rewrite /xcprodm cprodmEl ?mem_morphim ?ifactmE. Qed. | |
Lemma xcprodmEr : {in K, forall y, xcprodm (cpair1g y) = fK y}. | |
Proof. by move=> y Ky; rewrite /xcprodm cprodmEr ?mem_morphim ?ifactmE. Qed. | |
Lemma xcprodmE : | |
{in H & K, forall x y, xcprodm (cpairg1 x * cpair1g y) = fH x * fK y}. | |
Proof. | |
by move=> x y Hx Ky; rewrite /xcprodm cprodmE ?mem_morphim ?ifactmE. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma im_xcprodm : xcprodm @* C = fH @* H * fK @* K. | |
Proof. by rewrite -im_cpair morphim_cprodm // !im_ifactm. Qed. | |
Lemma im_xcprodml A : xcprodm @* (cpairg1 @* A) = fH @* A. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -!(morphimIdom _ A) morphim_cprodml ?morphimS ?subsetIl //. | |
by rewrite morphim_ifactm ?subsetIl. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma im_xcprodmr A : xcprodm @* (cpair1g @* A) = fK @* A. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -!(morphimIdom _ A) morphim_cprodmr ?morphimS ?subsetIl //. | |
by rewrite morphim_ifactm ?subsetIl. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma injm_xcprodm : 'injm xcprodm = 'injm fH && 'injm fK. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite injm_cprodm !ker_ifactm !subG1 !morphim_injm_eq1 ?subsetIl // -!subG1. | |
apply: andb_id2l => /= injfH; apply: andb_idr => _. | |
rewrite !im_ifactm // -(morphimIdom gH) setI_im_cpair -injm_center //. | |
rewrite morphim_ifactm // eqEsubset subsetI morphimS //=. | |
rewrite {1}injm_center // setIS //=. | |
rewrite (eq_in_morphim _ eq_fHK); first by rewrite morphim_comp morphimS. | |
by rewrite !(setIidPr _) // -sub_morphim_pre. | |
Qed. | |
End ExtCprodm. | |
(* Uses gzZchar. *) | |
Lemma Aut_cprod_by_full : | |
Aut_in (Aut H) 'Z(H) \isog Aut 'Z(H) -> | |
Aut_in (Aut K) 'Z(K) \isog Aut 'Z(K) -> | |
Aut_in (Aut C) 'Z(C) \isog Aut 'Z(C). | |
Proof. | |
move=> AutZinH AutZinK. | |
have Cfull:= Aut_cprod_full im_cpair_cprod cpair_center_id. | |
by rewrite Cfull // -injm_center // injm_Aut_full ?center_sub. | |
Qed. | |
Section Isomorphism. | |
Let gzZ_lone (Y : {group gTK}) : | |
Y \subset 'Z(K) -> gz @* 'Z(H) \isog Y -> gz @* 'Z(H) = Y. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sYZ isoY; apply/eqP. | |
by rewrite eq_sym eqEcard (card_isog isoY) gzZ sYZ /=. | |
Qed. | |
Variables (rT : finGroupType) (GH GK G : {group rT}). | |
Hypotheses (defG : GH \* GK = G) (ziGHK : GH :&: GK = 'Z(GH)). | |
Hypothesis AutZHfull : Aut_in (Aut H) 'Z(H) \isog Aut 'Z(H). | |
Hypotheses (isoGH : GH \isog H) (isoGK : GK \isog K). | |
(* Uses gzZ_lone *) | |
Lemma cprod_by_uniq : | |
exists f : {morphism G >-> cprod_by}, | |
[/\ isom G C f, f @* GH = CH & f @* GK = CK]. | |
Proof. | |
have [_ defGHK cGKH] := cprodP defG. | |
have AutZinH := Aut_sub_fullP sZH AutZHfull. | |
have [fH injfH defGH]:= isogP (isog_symr isoGH). | |
have [fK injfK defGK]:= isogP (isog_symr isoGK). | |
have sfHZfK: fH @* 'Z(H) \subset fK @* K. | |
by rewrite injm_center //= defGH defGK -ziGHK subsetIr. | |
have gzZ_id: gz @* 'Z(H) = invm injfK @* (fH @* 'Z(H)). | |
apply: gzZ_lone => /=. | |
rewrite injm_center // defGH -ziGHK sub_morphim_pre /= ?defGK ?subsetIr //. | |
by rewrite setIC morphpre_invm injm_center // defGK setIS 1?centsC. | |
rewrite -morphim_comp. | |
apply: isog_trans (sub_isog _ _); first by rewrite isog_sym sub_isog. | |
by rewrite -sub_morphim_pre. | |
by rewrite !injm_comp ?injm_invm. | |
have: 'dom (invm injfH \o fK \o gz) = 'Z(H). | |
rewrite /dom /= -(morphpreIdom gz); apply/setIidPl. | |
by rewrite -2?sub_morphim_pre // gzZ_id morphim_invmE morphpreK ?morphimS. | |
case/domP=> gzH [def_gzH ker_gzH _ im_gzH]. | |
have{ker_gzH} injgzH: 'injm gzH by rewrite ker_gzH !injm_comp ?injm_invm. | |
have{AutZinH} [|gH [injgH gH_H def_gH]] := AutZinH _ injgzH. | |
by rewrite im_gzH !morphim_comp /= gzZ_id !morphim_invmE morphpreK ?injmK. | |
have: 'dom (fH \o gH) = H by rewrite /dom /= -{3}gH_H injmK. | |
case/domP=> gfH [def_gfH ker_gfH _ im_gfH]. | |
have{im_gfH} gfH_H: gfH @* H = GH by rewrite im_gfH morphim_comp gH_H. | |
have cgfHfK: fK @* K \subset 'C(gfH @* H) by rewrite gfH_H defGK. | |
have eq_gfHK: {in 'Z(H), gfH =1 fK \o gz}. | |
move=> z Zz; rewrite def_gfH /= def_gH //= def_gzH /= invmK //. | |
have {Zz}: gz z \in gz @* 'Z(H) by rewrite mem_morphim. | |
rewrite gzZ_id morphim_invmE; case/morphpreP=> _. | |
exact: (subsetP (morphimS _ _)). | |
pose f := xcprodm cgfHfK eq_gfHK. | |
have injf: 'injm f by rewrite injm_xcprodm ker_gfH injm_comp. | |
have fCH: f @* CH = GH by rewrite im_xcprodml gfH_H. | |
have fCK: f @* CK = GK by rewrite im_xcprodmr defGK. | |
have fC: f @* C = G by rewrite im_xcprodm gfH_H defGK defGHK. | |
have [f' [_ ker_f' _ im_f']] := domP (invm_morphism injf) fC. | |
exists f'; rewrite -fCH -fCK !{1}im_f' !{1}morphim_invm ?subsetT //. | |
by split=> //; apply/isomP; rewrite ker_f' injm_invm im_f' -fC im_invm. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma isog_cprod_by : G \isog C. | |
Proof. by have [f [isoG _ _]] := cprod_by_uniq; apply: isom_isog isoG. Qed. | |
End Isomorphism. | |
End CprodBy. | |
Section ExtCprod. | |
Import finfun. | |
Variables gTH gTK : finGroupType. | |
Variables (H : {group gTH}) (K : {group gTK}). | |
Let gt_ b := if b then gTK else gTH. | |
Local Notation isob := ('Z(H) \isog 'Z(K)) (only parsing). | |
Let G_ b := if b as b' return {group gt_ b'} then K else H. | |
Lemma xcprod_subproof : | |
{gz : {morphism 'Z(H) >-> gt_ isob} | isom 'Z(H) 'Z(G_ isob) gz}. | |
Proof. | |
case: (pickP [pred f : {ffun _} | misom 'Z(H) 'Z(K) f]) => [f isoZ | no_f]. | |
rewrite (misom_isog isoZ); case/andP: isoZ => fM isoZ. | |
by exists [morphism of morphm fM]. | |
move/pred0P: no_f => not_isoZ; rewrite [isob](congr1 negb not_isoZ). | |
by exists (idm_morphism _); apply/isomP; rewrite injm_idm im_idm. | |
Qed. | |
Definition xcprod := cprod_by (svalP xcprod_subproof). | |
Inductive xcprod_spec : finGroupType -> Prop := | |
XcprodSpec gz isoZ : xcprod_spec (@cprod_by gTH gTK H K gz isoZ). | |
Lemma xcprodP : 'Z(H) \isog 'Z(K) -> xcprod_spec xcprod. | |
Proof. by rewrite /xcprod => isoZ; move: xcprod_subproof; rewrite isoZ. Qed. | |
Lemma isog_xcprod (rT : finGroupType) (GH GK G : {group rT}) : | |
Aut_in (Aut H) 'Z(H) \isog Aut 'Z(H) -> | |
GH \isog H -> GK \isog K -> GH \* GK = G -> 'Z(GH) = 'Z(GK) -> | |
G \isog [set: xcprod]. | |
Proof. | |
move=> AutZinH isoGH isoGK defG eqZGHK; have [_ _ cGHK] := cprodP defG. | |
have [|gz isoZ] := xcprodP. | |
have [[fH injfH <-] [fK injfK <-]] := (isogP isoGH, isogP isoGK). | |
rewrite -!injm_center -?(isog_transl _ (sub_isog _ _)) ?center_sub //=. | |
by rewrite eqZGHK sub_isog ?center_sub. | |
rewrite (isog_cprod_by _ defG) //. | |
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset setIS // subsetI {2}eqZGHK !center_sub. | |
Qed. | |
End ExtCprod. | |
Section IterCprod. | |
Variables (gT : finGroupType) (G : {group gT}). | |
Fixpoint ncprod_def n : finGroupType := | |
if n is n'.+1 then xcprod G [set: ncprod_def n'] | |
else [finGroupType of subg_of 'Z(G)]. | |
Fact ncprod_key : unit. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Definition ncprod := locked_with ncprod_key ncprod_def. | |
Local Notation G_ n := [set: gsort (ncprod n)]. | |
Lemma ncprod0 : G_ 0 \isog 'Z(G). | |
Proof. by rewrite [ncprod]unlock isog_sym isog_subg. Qed. | |
Lemma center_ncprod0 : 'Z(G_ 0) = G_ 0. | |
Proof. by apply: center_idP; rewrite (isog_abelian ncprod0) center_abelian. Qed. | |
Lemma center_ncprod n : 'Z(G_ n) \isog 'Z(G). | |
Proof. | |
elim: n => [|n]; first by rewrite center_ncprod0 ncprod0. | |
rewrite [ncprod]unlock=> /isog_symr/xcprodP[gz isoZ] /=. | |
by rewrite -cpairg1_center isog_sym sub_isog ?center_sub ?injm_cpairg1. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma ncprodS n : xcprod_spec G [set: ncprod n] (ncprod n.+1). | |
Proof. | |
by have:= xcprodP (isog_symr (center_ncprod n)); rewrite [ncprod]unlock. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma ncprod1 : G_ 1 \isog G. | |
Proof. | |
case: ncprodS => gz isoZ; rewrite isog_sym /= -im_cpair. | |
rewrite mulGSid /=; first by rewrite sub_isog ?injm_cpairg1. | |
rewrite -{3}center_ncprod0 injm_center ?injm_cpair1g //. | |
by rewrite -cpair_center_id center_sub. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Aut_ncprod_full n : | |
Aut_in (Aut G) 'Z(G) \isog Aut 'Z(G) -> | |
Aut_in (Aut (G_ n)) 'Z(G_ n) \isog Aut 'Z(G_ n). | |
Proof. | |
move=> AutZinG; elim: n => [|n IHn]. | |
by rewrite center_ncprod0; apply/Aut_sub_fullP=> // g injg gG0; exists g. | |
by case: ncprodS => gz isoZ; apply: Aut_cprod_by_full. | |
Qed. | |
End IterCprod. | |