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Copyright (c) 2020 Anatole Dedecker. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Anatole Dedecker | |
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import data.polynomial.eval | |
import linear_algebra.dimension | |
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# Linear recurrence | |
Informally, a "linear recurrence" is an assertion of the form | |
`∀ n : ℕ, u (n + d) = a 0 * u n + a 1 * u (n+1) + ... + a (d-1) * u (n+d-1)`, | |
where `u` is a sequence, `d` is the *order* of the recurrence and the `a i` | |
are its *coefficients*. | |
In this file, we define the structure `linear_recurrence` so that | |
` d a` represents the above relation, and we call | |
a sequence `u` which verifies it a *solution* of the linear recurrence. | |
We prove a few basic lemmas about this concept, such as : | |
* the space of solutions is a submodule of `(ℕ → α)` (i.e a vector space if `α` | |
is a field) | |
* the function that maps a solution `u` to its first `d` terms builds a `linear_equiv` | |
between the solution space and `fin d → α`, aka `α ^ d`. As a consequence, two | |
solutions are equal if and only if their first `d` terms are equals. | |
* a geometric sequence `q ^ n` is solution iff `q` is a root of a particular polynomial, | |
which we call the *characteristic polynomial* of the recurrence | |
Of course, although we can inductively generate solutions (cf `mk_sol`), the | |
interesting part would be to determinate closed-forms for the solutions. | |
This is currently *not implemented*, as we are waiting for definition and | |
properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. | |
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noncomputable theory | |
open finset | |
open_locale big_operators polynomial | |
/-- A "linear recurrence relation" over a commutative semiring is given by its | |
order `n` and `n` coefficients. -/ | |
structure linear_recurrence (α : Type*) [comm_semiring α] := (order : ℕ) (coeffs : fin order → α) | |
instance (α : Type*) [comm_semiring α] : inhabited (linear_recurrence α) := | |
⟨⟨0, default⟩⟩ | |
namespace linear_recurrence | |
section comm_semiring | |
variables {α : Type*} [comm_semiring α] (E : linear_recurrence α) | |
/-- We say that a sequence `u` is solution of `linear_recurrence order coeffs` when we have | |
`u (n + order) = ∑ i : fin order, coeffs i * u (n + i)` for any `n`. -/ | |
def is_solution (u : ℕ → α) := | |
∀ n, u (n + E.order) = ∑ i, E.coeffs i * u (n + i) | |
/-- A solution of a `linear_recurrence` which satisfies certain initial conditions. | |
We will prove this is the only such solution. -/ | |
def mk_sol (init : fin E.order → α) : ℕ → α | |
| n := if h : n < E.order then init ⟨n, h⟩ else | |
∑ k : fin E.order, | |
have n - E.order + k < n := | |
begin | |
rw [add_comm, ← add_tsub_assoc_of_le ( h), tsub_lt_iff_left], | |
{ exact add_lt_add_right k.is_lt n }, | |
{ convert add_le_add (zero_le (k : ℕ)) ( h), | |
simp only [zero_add] } | |
end, | |
E.coeffs k * mk_sol (n - E.order + k) | |
/-- `E.mk_sol` indeed gives solutions to `E`. -/ | |
lemma is_sol_mk_sol (init : fin E.order → α) : E.is_solution (E.mk_sol init) := | |
λ n, by rw mk_sol; simp | |
/-- `E.mk_sol init`'s first `E.order` terms are `init`. -/ | |
lemma mk_sol_eq_init (init : fin E.order → α) : ∀ n : fin E.order, E.mk_sol init n = init n := | |
λ n, by { rw mk_sol, simp only [n.is_lt, dif_pos, fin.mk_coe, fin.eta] } | |
/-- If `u` is a solution to `E` and `init` designates its first `E.order` values, | |
then `∀ n, u n = E.mk_sol init n`. -/ | |
lemma eq_mk_of_is_sol_of_eq_init {u : ℕ → α} {init : fin E.order → α} | |
(h : E.is_solution u) (heq : ∀ n : fin E.order, u n = init n) : | |
∀ n, u n = E.mk_sol init n | |
| n := if h' : n < E.order | |
then by rw mk_sol; simp only [h', dif_pos]; exact_mod_cast heq ⟨n, h'⟩ | |
else begin | |
rw [mk_sol, ← tsub_add_cancel_of_le (le_of_not_lt h'), h (n-E.order)], | |
simp [h'], | |
congr' with k, | |
exact have wf : n - E.order + k < n := | |
begin | |
rw [add_comm, ← add_tsub_assoc_of_le ( h'), tsub_lt_iff_left], | |
{ exact add_lt_add_right k.is_lt n }, | |
{ convert add_le_add (zero_le (k : ℕ)) ( h'), | |
simp only [zero_add] } | |
end, | |
by rw eq_mk_of_is_sol_of_eq_init | |
end | |
/-- If `u` is a solution to `E` and `init` designates its first `E.order` values, | |
then `u = E.mk_sol init`. This proves that `E.mk_sol init` is the only solution | |
of `E` whose first `E.order` values are given by `init`. -/ | |
lemma eq_mk_of_is_sol_of_eq_init' {u : ℕ → α} {init : fin E.order → α} | |
(h : E.is_solution u) (heq : ∀ n : fin E.order, u n = init n) : u = E.mk_sol init := | |
funext (E.eq_mk_of_is_sol_of_eq_init h heq) | |
/-- The space of solutions of `E`, as a `submodule` over `α` of the module `ℕ → α`. -/ | |
def sol_space : submodule α (ℕ → α) := | |
{ carrier := {u | E.is_solution u}, | |
zero_mem' := λ n, by simp, | |
add_mem' := λ u v hu hv n, by simp [mul_add, sum_add_distrib, hu n, hv n], | |
smul_mem' := λ a u hu n, by simp [hu n, mul_sum]; congr'; ext; ac_refl } | |
/-- Defining property of the solution space : `u` is a solution | |
iff it belongs to the solution space. -/ | |
lemma is_sol_iff_mem_sol_space (u : ℕ → α) : E.is_solution u ↔ u ∈ E.sol_space := | |
iff.rfl | |
/-- The function that maps a solution `u` of `E` to its first | |
`E.order` terms as a `linear_equiv`. -/ | |
def to_init : | |
E.sol_space ≃ₗ[α] (fin E.order → α) := | |
{ to_fun := λ u x, (u : ℕ → α) x, | |
map_add' := λ u v, by { ext, simp }, | |
map_smul' := λ a u, by { ext, simp }, | |
inv_fun := λ u, ⟨E.mk_sol u, E.is_sol_mk_sol u⟩, | |
left_inv := λ u, by ext n; symmetry; apply E.eq_mk_of_is_sol_of_eq_init u.2; intros k; refl, | |
right_inv := λ u, function.funext_iff.mpr (λ n, E.mk_sol_eq_init u n) } | |
/-- Two solutions are equal iff they are equal on `range E.order`. -/ | |
lemma sol_eq_of_eq_init (u v : ℕ → α) (hu : E.is_solution u) (hv : E.is_solution v) : | |
u = v ↔ set.eq_on u v ↑(range E.order) := | |
begin | |
refine iff.intro (λ h x hx, h ▸ rfl) _, | |
intro h, | |
set u' : ↥(E.sol_space) := ⟨u, hu⟩, | |
set v' : ↥(E.sol_space) := ⟨v, hv⟩, | |
change u'.val = v'.val, | |
suffices h' : u' = v', from h' ▸ rfl, | |
rw [← E.to_init.to_equiv.apply_eq_iff_eq, linear_equiv.coe_to_equiv], | |
ext x, | |
exact_mod_cast h (mem_range.mpr x.2) | |
end | |
/-! `E.tuple_succ` maps `![s₀, s₁, ..., sₙ]` to `![s₁, ..., sₙ, ∑ (E.coeffs i) * sᵢ]`, | |
where `n := E.order`. This operation is quite useful for determining closed-form | |
solutions of `E`. -/ | |
/-- `E.tuple_succ` maps `![s₀, s₁, ..., sₙ]` to `![s₁, ..., sₙ, ∑ (E.coeffs i) * sᵢ]`, | |
where `n := E.order`. -/ | |
def tuple_succ : (fin E.order → α) →ₗ[α] (fin E.order → α) := | |
{ to_fun := λ X i, if h : (i : ℕ) + 1 < E.order then X ⟨i+1, h⟩ else (∑ i, E.coeffs i * X i), | |
map_add' := λ x y, | |
begin | |
ext i, | |
split_ifs ; simp [h, mul_add, sum_add_distrib], | |
end, | |
map_smul' := λ x y, | |
begin | |
ext i, | |
split_ifs ; simp [h, mul_sum], | |
exact sum_congr rfl (λ x _, by ac_refl), | |
end } | |
end comm_semiring | |
section field | |
variables {α : Type*} [field α] (E : linear_recurrence α) | |
/-- The dimension of `E.sol_space` is `E.order`. -/ | |
lemma sol_space_dim : module.rank α E.sol_space = E.order := | |
@dim_fin_fun α _ E.order ▸ E.to_init.dim_eq | |
end field | |
section comm_ring | |
variables {α : Type*} [comm_ring α] (E : linear_recurrence α) | |
/-- The characteristic polynomial of `E` is | |
`X ^ E.order - ∑ i : fin E.order, (E.coeffs i) * X ^ i`. -/ | |
def char_poly : α[X] := | |
polynomial.monomial E.order 1 - (∑ i : fin E.order, polynomial.monomial i (E.coeffs i)) | |
/-- The geometric sequence `q^n` is a solution of `E` iff | |
`q` is a root of `E`'s characteristic polynomial. -/ | |
lemma geom_sol_iff_root_char_poly (q : α) : E.is_solution (λ n, q^n) ↔ E.char_poly.is_root q := | |
begin | |
rw [char_poly, polynomial.is_root.def, polynomial.eval], | |
simp only [polynomial.eval₂_finset_sum, one_mul, | |
ring_hom.id_apply, polynomial.eval₂_monomial, polynomial.eval₂_sub], | |
split, | |
{ intro h, | |
simpa [sub_eq_zero] using h 0 }, | |
{ intros h n, | |
simp only [pow_add, h, mul_sum], | |
exact sum_congr rfl (λ _ _, by ring) } | |
end | |
end comm_ring | |
end linear_recurrence | |