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Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Scott Morrison | |
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import algebra.algebra.basic | |
import algebra.order.smul | |
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# Ordered algebras | |
An ordered algebra is an ordered semiring, which is an algebra over an ordered commutative semiring, | |
for which scalar multiplication is "compatible" with the two orders. | |
The prototypical example is 2x2 matrices over the reals or complexes (or indeed any C^* algebra) | |
where the ordering the one determined by the positive cone of positive operators, | |
i.e. `A ≤ B` iff `B - A = star R * R` for some `R`. | |
(We don't yet have this example in mathlib.) | |
## Implementation | |
Because the axioms for an ordered algebra are exactly the same as those for the underlying | |
module being ordered, we don't actually introduce a new class, but just use the `ordered_smul` | |
mixin. | |
## Tags | |
ordered algebra | |
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section ordered_algebra | |
variables {R A : Type*} {a b : A} {r : R} | |
variables [ordered_comm_ring R] [ordered_ring A] [algebra R A] [ordered_smul R A] | |
lemma algebra_map_monotone : monotone (algebra_map R A) := | |
λ a b h, | |
begin | |
rw [algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, ←sub_nonneg, ←sub_smul], | |
transitivity (b - a) • (0 : A), | |
{ simp, }, | |
{ exact smul_le_smul_of_nonneg zero_le_one (sub_nonneg.mpr h) } | |
end | |
end ordered_algebra | |
section instances | |
variables {R : Type*} [linear_ordered_comm_ring R] | |
instance linear_ordered_comm_ring.to_ordered_smul : ordered_smul R R := | |
{ smul_lt_smul_of_pos := ordered_semiring.mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left, | |
lt_of_smul_lt_smul_of_pos := λ a b c w₁ w₂, (mul_lt_mul_left w₂).mp w₁ } | |
end instances | |