
Zhangir Azerbayev
history blame
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Copyright (c) 2017 Simon Hudon. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Simon Hudon
import tactic.ext
import tactic.lint
# Functors
This module provides additional lemmas, definitions, and instances for `functor`s.
## Main definitions
* `const α` is the functor that sends all types to `α`.
* `add_const α` is `const α` but for when `α` has an additive structure.
* `comp F G` for functors `F` and `G` is the functor composition of `F` and `G`.
* `liftp` and `liftr` respectively lift predicates and relations on a type `α`
to `F α`. Terms of `F α` are considered to, in some sense, contain values of type `α`.
## Tags
functor, applicative
attribute [functor_norm] seq_assoc pure_seq_eq_map map_pure seq_map_assoc map_seq
universes u v w
section functor
variables {F : Type u → Type v}
variables {α β γ : Type u}
variables [functor F] [is_lawful_functor F]
lemma functor.map_id : (<$>) id = (id : F α → F α) :=
by apply funext; apply id_map
lemma functor.map_comp_map (f : α → β) (g : β → γ) :
((<$>) g ∘ (<$>) f : F α → F γ) = (<$>) (g ∘ f) :=
by apply funext; intro; rw comp_map
theorem functor.ext {F} : ∀ {F1 : functor F} {F2 : functor F}
[@is_lawful_functor F F1] [@is_lawful_functor F F2]
(H : ∀ α β (f : α → β) (x : F α), _ F1 _ _ f x = _ F2 _ _ f x),
F1 = F2
| ⟨m, mc⟩ ⟨m', mc'⟩ H1 H2 H :=
cases show @m = @m', by funext α β f x; apply H,
congr, funext α β,
have E1 := @map_const_eq _ ⟨@m, @mc⟩ H1,
have E2 := @map_const_eq _ ⟨@m, @mc'⟩ H2,
exact E1.trans E2.symm
end functor
/-- Introduce the `id` functor. Incidentally, this is `pure` for
`id` as a `monad` and as an `applicative` functor. -/
def {α : Sort u} : α → id α := id
namespace functor
/-- `const α` is the constant functor, mapping every type to `α`. When
`α` has a monoid structure, `const α` has an `applicative` instance.
(If `α` has an additive monoid structure, see `functor.add_const`.) -/
@[nolint unused_arguments]
def const (α : Type*) (β : Type*) := α
/-- `` is the canonical map `α → const α β` (the identity), and
it can be used as a pattern to extract this value. -/
@[pattern] def {α β} (x : α) : const α β := x
/-- `'` is `` but specialized to map `α` to
`const α punit`, where `punit` is the terminal object in `Type*`. -/
def' {α} (x : α) : const α punit := x
/-- Extract the element of `α` from the `const` functor. -/
def {α β} (x : const α β) : α := x
namespace const
protected lemma ext {α β} {x y : const α β} (h : = : x = y := h
/-- The map operation of the `const γ` functor. -/
@[nolint unused_arguments]
protected def map {γ α β} (f : α → β) (x : const γ β) : const γ α := x
instance {γ} : functor (const γ) :=
{ map := γ }
instance {γ} : is_lawful_functor (const γ) :=
by constructor; intros; refl
instance {α β} [inhabited α] : inhabited (const α β) :=
⟨(default : α)⟩
end const
/-- `add_const α` is a synonym for constant functor `const α`, mapping
every type to `α`. When `α` has a additive monoid structure,
`add_const α` has an `applicative` instance. (If `α` has a
multiplicative monoid structure, see `functor.const`.) -/
def add_const (α : Type*) := const α
/-- `` is the canonical map `α → add_const α β`, which is the identity,
where `add_const α β = const α β`. It can be used as a pattern to extract this value. -/
def {α β} (x : α) : add_const α β := x
/-- Extract the element of `α` from the constant functor. -/
def {α β} : add_const α β → α := id
instance add_const.functor {γ} : functor (add_const γ) :=
@const.functor γ
instance add_const.is_lawful_functor {γ} : is_lawful_functor (add_const γ) :=
@const.is_lawful_functor γ
instance {α β} [inhabited α] : inhabited (add_const α β) :=
⟨(default : α)⟩
/-- `functor.comp` is a wrapper around `function.comp` for types.
It prevents Lean's type class resolution mechanism from trying
a `functor (comp F id)` when `functor F` would do. -/
def comp (F : Type u → Type w) (G : Type v → Type u) (α : Type v) : Type w :=
F $ G α
/-- Construct a term of `comp F G α` from a term of `F (G α)`, which is the same type.
Can be used as a pattern to extract a term of `F (G α)`. -/
@[pattern] def {F : Type u → Type w} {G : Type v → Type u} {α : Type v}
(x : F (G α)) : comp F G α := x
/-- Extract a term of `F (G α)` from a term of `comp F G α`, which is the same type. -/
def {F : Type u → Type w} {G : Type v → Type u} {α : Type v}
(x : comp F G α) : F (G α) := x
namespace comp
variables {F : Type u → Type w} {G : Type v → Type u}
protected lemma ext
{α} {x y : comp F G α} : = → x = y := id
instance {α} [inhabited (F (G α))] : inhabited (comp F G α) :=
⟨(default : F (G α))⟩
variables [functor F] [functor G]
/-- The map operation for the composition `comp F G` of functors `F` and `G`. -/
protected def map {α β : Type v} (h : α → β) : comp F G α → comp F G β
| ( x) := ((<$>) h <$> x)
instance : functor (comp F G) := { map := F G _ _ }
@[functor_norm] lemma map_mk {α β} (h : α → β) (x : F (G α)) :
h <$> x = ((<$>) h <$> x) := rfl
@[simp] protected lemma run_map {α β} (h : α → β) (x : comp F G α) :
(h <$> x).run = (<$>) h <$> := rfl
variables [is_lawful_functor F] [is_lawful_functor G]
variables {α β γ : Type v}
protected lemma id_map : ∀ (x : comp F G α), id x = x
| ( x) := by simp [, functor.map_id]
protected lemma comp_map (g' : α → β) (h : β → γ) : ∀ (x : comp F G α), (h ∘ g') x = h ( g' x)
| ( x) := by simp [, functor.map_comp_map g' h] with functor_norm
instance : is_lawful_functor (comp F G) :=
{ id_map := @comp.id_map F G _ _ _ _,
comp_map := @comp.comp_map F G _ _ _ _ }
theorem functor_comp_id {F} [AF : functor F] [is_lawful_functor F] :
@comp.functor F id _ _ = AF :=
@functor.ext F _ AF (@comp.is_lawful_functor F id _ _ _ _) _ (λ α β f x, rfl)
theorem functor_id_comp {F} [AF : functor F] [is_lawful_functor F] :
@comp.functor id F _ _ = AF :=
@functor.ext F _ AF (@comp.is_lawful_functor id F _ _ _ _) _ (λ α β f x, rfl)
end comp
namespace comp
open function (hiding comp)
open functor
variables {F : Type u → Type w} {G : Type v → Type u}
variables [applicative F] [applicative G]
/-- The `<*>` operation for the composition of applicative functors. -/
protected def seq {α β : Type v} : comp F G (α → β) → comp F G α → comp F G β
| ( f) ( x) := $ (<*>) <$> f <*> x
instance : has_pure (comp F G) :=
⟨λ _ x, $ pure $ pure x⟩
instance : has_seq (comp F G) :=
⟨λ _ _ f x, comp.seq f x⟩
@[simp] protected lemma run_pure {α : Type v} :
∀ x : α, (pure x : comp F G α).run = pure (pure x)
| _ := rfl
@[simp] protected lemma run_seq {α β : Type v} (f : comp F G (α → β)) (x : comp F G α) :
(f <*> x).run = (<*>) <$> <*> := rfl
instance : applicative (comp F G) :=
{ map := F G _ _,
seq := @comp.seq F G _ _,
..comp.has_pure }
end comp
variables {F : Type u → Type u} [functor F]
/-- If we consider `x : F α` to, in some sense, contain values of type `α`,
predicate `liftp p x` holds iff every value contained by `x` satisfies `p`. -/
def liftp {α : Type u} (p : α → Prop) (x : F α) : Prop :=
∃ u : F (subtype p), subtype.val <$> u = x
/-- If we consider `x : F α` to, in some sense, contain values of type `α`, then
`liftr r x y` relates `x` and `y` iff (1) `x` and `y` have the same shape and
(2) we can pair values `a` from `x` and `b` from `y` so that `r a b` holds. -/
def liftr {α : Type u} (r : α → α → Prop) (x y : F α) : Prop :=
∃ u : F {p : α × α // r p.fst p.snd},
(λ t : {p : α × α // r p.fst p.snd}, t.val.fst) <$> u = x ∧
(λ t : {p : α × α // r p.fst p.snd}, t.val.snd) <$> u = y
/-- If we consider `x : F α` to, in some sense, contain values of type `α`, then
`supp x` is the set of values of type `α` that `x` contains. -/
def supp {α : Type u} (x : F α) : set α := { y : α | ∀ ⦃p⦄, liftp p x → p y }
theorem of_mem_supp {α : Type u} {x : F α} {p : α → Prop} (h : liftp p x) :
∀ y ∈ supp x, p y :=
λ y hy, hy h
end functor