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Copyright (c) 2022 Rishikesh Vaishnav. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Rishikesh Vaishnav | |
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import probability.independence | |
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# Conditional Probability | |
This file defines conditional probability and includes basic results relating to it. | |
Given some measure `μ` defined on a measure space on some type `α` and some `s : set α`, | |
we define the measure of `μ` conditioned on `s` as the restricted measure scaled by | |
the inverse of the measure of `s`: `cond μ s = (μ s)⁻¹ • μ.restrict s`. The scaling | |
ensures that this is a probability measure (when `μ` is a finite measure). | |
From this definition, we derive the "axiomatic" definition of conditional probability | |
based on application: for any `s t : set α`, we have `μ[t|s] = (μ s)⁻¹ * μ (s ∩ t)`. | |
## Main Statements | |
* `cond_cond_eq_cond_inter`: conditioning on one set and then another is equivalent | |
to conditioning on their intersection. | |
* `cond_eq_inv_mul_cond_mul`: Bayes' Theorem, `μ[t|s] = (μ s)⁻¹ * μ[s|t] * (μ t)`. | |
## Notations | |
This file uses the notation `μ[|s]` the measure of `μ` conditioned on `s`, | |
and `μ[t|s]` for the probability of `t` given `s` under `μ` (equivalent to the | |
application `μ[|s] t`). | |
These notations are contained in the locale `probability_theory`. | |
## Implementation notes | |
Because we have the alternative measure restriction application principles | |
`measure.restrict_apply` and `measure.restrict_apply'`, which require | |
measurability of the restricted and restricting sets, respectively, | |
many of the theorems here will have corresponding alternatives as well. | |
For the sake of brevity, we've chosen to only go with `measure.restrict_apply'` | |
for now, but the alternative theorems can be added if needed. | |
Use of `@[simp]` generally follows the rule of removing conditions on a measure | |
when possible. | |
Hypotheses that are used to "define" a conditional distribution by requiring that | |
the conditioning set has non-zero measure should be named using the abbreviation | |
"c" (which stands for "conditionable") rather than "nz". For example `(hci : μ (s ∩ t) ≠ 0)` | |
(rather than `hnzi`) should be used for a hypothesis ensuring that `μ[|s ∩ t]` is defined. | |
## Tags | |
conditional, conditioned, bayes | |
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noncomputable theory | |
open_locale ennreal | |
open measure_theory measurable_space | |
variables {α : Type*} {m : measurable_space α} (μ : measure α) {s t : set α} | |
namespace probability_theory | |
section definitions | |
/-- The conditional probability measure of measure `μ` on set `s` is `μ` restricted to `s` | |
and scaled by the inverse of `μ s` (to make it a probability measure): | |
`(μ s)⁻¹ • μ.restrict s`. -/ | |
def cond (s : set α) : measure α := | |
(μ s)⁻¹ • μ.restrict s | |
end definitions | |
localized "notation μ `[` s `|` t `]` := probability_theory.cond μ t s" in probability_theory | |
localized "notation μ `[|`:60 t`]` := probability_theory.cond μ t" in probability_theory | |
/-- The conditional probability measure of any finite measure on any set of positive measure | |
is a probability measure. -/ | |
lemma cond_is_probability_measure [is_finite_measure μ] (hcs : μ s ≠ 0) : | |
is_probability_measure $ μ[|s] := | |
⟨by { rw [cond, measure.smul_apply, measure.restrict_apply measurable_set.univ, | |
set.univ_inter], exact ennreal.inv_mul_cancel hcs (measure_ne_top _ s) }⟩ | |
section bayes | |
@[simp] lemma cond_empty : μ[|∅] = 0 := | |
by simp [cond] | |
@[simp] lemma cond_univ [is_probability_measure μ] : | |
μ[|set.univ] = μ := | |
by simp [cond, measure_univ, measure.restrict_univ] | |
/-- The axiomatic definition of conditional probability derived from a measure-theoretic one. -/ | |
lemma cond_apply (hms : measurable_set s) (t : set α) : | |
μ[t|s] = (μ s)⁻¹ * μ (s ∩ t) := | |
by { rw [cond, measure.smul_apply, measure.restrict_apply' hms, set.inter_comm], refl } | |
lemma cond_inter_self (hms : measurable_set s) (t : set α) : | |
μ[s ∩ t|s] = μ[t|s] := | |
by rw [cond_apply _ hms, ← set.inter_assoc, set.inter_self, ← cond_apply _ hms] | |
lemma inter_pos_of_cond_ne_zero (hms : measurable_set s) (hcst : μ[t|s] ≠ 0) : | |
0 < μ (s ∩ t) := | |
begin | |
refine pos_iff_ne_zero.mpr (right_ne_zero_of_mul _), | |
{ exact (μ s)⁻¹ }, | |
convert hcst, | |
simp [hms, set.inter_comm] | |
end | |
lemma cond_pos_of_inter_ne_zero [is_finite_measure μ] | |
(hms : measurable_set s) (hci : μ (s ∩ t) ≠ 0) : | |
0 < μ[|s] t := | |
begin | |
rw cond_apply _ hms, | |
refine ennreal.mul_pos _ hci, | |
exact ennreal.inv_ne_zero.mpr (measure_ne_top _ _), | |
end | |
lemma cond_cond_eq_cond_inter' | |
(hms : measurable_set s) (hmt : measurable_set t) (hcs : μ s ≠ ∞) (hci : μ (s ∩ t) ≠ 0) : | |
μ[|s][|t] = μ[|s ∩ t] := | |
begin | |
have hcs : μ s ≠ 0 := (μ.to_outer_measure.pos_of_subset_ne_zero | |
(set.inter_subset_left _ _) hci).ne', | |
ext u, | |
simp [*, hms.inter hmt, cond_apply, ← mul_assoc, ← set.inter_assoc, | |
ennreal.mul_inv, mul_comm, ← mul_assoc, ennreal.inv_mul_cancel], | |
end | |
/-- Conditioning first on `s` and then on `t` results in the same measure as conditioning | |
on `s ∩ t`. -/ | |
lemma cond_cond_eq_cond_inter [is_finite_measure μ] | |
(hms : measurable_set s) (hmt : measurable_set t) (hci : μ (s ∩ t) ≠ 0) : | |
μ[|s][|t] = μ[|s ∩ t] := | |
cond_cond_eq_cond_inter' μ hms hmt (measure_ne_top μ s) hci | |
lemma cond_mul_eq_inter' | |
(hms : measurable_set s) (hcs : μ s ≠ 0) (hcs' : μ s ≠ ∞) (t : set α) : | |
μ[t|s] * μ s = μ (s ∩ t) := | |
by rw [cond_apply μ hms t, mul_comm, ←mul_assoc, | |
ennreal.mul_inv_cancel hcs hcs', one_mul] | |
lemma cond_mul_eq_inter [is_finite_measure μ] | |
(hms : measurable_set s) (hcs : μ s ≠ 0) (t : set α) : | |
μ[t|s] * μ s = μ (s ∩ t) := | |
cond_mul_eq_inter' μ hms hcs (measure_ne_top _ s) t | |
/-- A version of the law of total probability. -/ | |
lemma cond_add_cond_compl_eq [is_finite_measure μ] | |
(hms : measurable_set s) (hcs : μ s ≠ 0) (hcs' : μ sᶜ ≠ 0) : | |
μ[t|s] * μ s + μ[t|sᶜ] * μ sᶜ = μ t := | |
begin | |
rw [cond_mul_eq_inter μ hms hcs, cond_mul_eq_inter μ hms.compl hcs', set.inter_comm _ t, | |
set.inter_comm _ t], | |
exact measure_inter_add_diff t hms, | |
end | |
/-- **Bayes' Theorem** -/ | |
theorem cond_eq_inv_mul_cond_mul [is_finite_measure μ] | |
(hms : measurable_set s) (hmt : measurable_set t) : | |
μ[t|s] = (μ s)⁻¹ * μ[s|t] * (μ t) := | |
begin | |
by_cases ht : μ t = 0, | |
{ simp [cond, ht, measure.restrict_apply hmt, or.inr (measure_inter_null_of_null_left s ht)] }, | |
{ rw [mul_assoc, cond_mul_eq_inter μ hmt ht s, set.inter_comm, cond_apply _ hms] } | |
end | |
end bayes | |
end probability_theory | |