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Copyright (c) 2018 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Kenny Lau, Mario Carneiro, Johan Commelin, Amelia Livingston, Anne Baanen | |
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import ring_theory.localization.basic | |
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# Localizations away from an element | |
## Main definitions | |
* `is_localization.away (x : R) S` expresses that `S` is a localization away from `x`, as an | |
abbreviation of `is_localization (submonoid.powers x) S` | |
## Implementation notes | |
See `src/ring_theory/localization/basic.lean` for a design overview. | |
## Tags | |
localization, ring localization, commutative ring localization, characteristic predicate, | |
commutative ring, field of fractions | |
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variables {R : Type*} [comm_semiring R] (M : submonoid R) {S : Type*} [comm_semiring S] | |
variables [algebra R S] {P : Type*} [comm_semiring P] | |
namespace is_localization | |
section away | |
variables (x : R) | |
/-- Given `x : R`, the typeclass `is_localization.away x S` states that `S` is | |
isomorphic to the localization of `R` at the submonoid generated by `x`. -/ | |
abbreviation away (S : Type*) [comm_semiring S] [algebra R S] := | |
is_localization (submonoid.powers x) S | |
namespace away | |
variables [is_localization.away x S] | |
/-- Given `x : R` and a localization map `F : R →+* S` away from `x`, `inv_self` is `(F x)⁻¹`. -/ | |
noncomputable def inv_self : S := | |
mk' S (1 : R) ⟨x, submonoid.mem_powers _⟩ | |
variables {g : R →+* P} | |
/-- Given `x : R`, a localization map `F : R →+* S` away from `x`, and a map of `comm_semiring`s | |
`g : R →+* P` such that `g x` is invertible, the homomorphism induced from `S` to `P` sending | |
`z : S` to `g y * (g x)⁻ⁿ`, where `y : R, n : ℕ` are such that `z = F y * (F x)⁻ⁿ`. -/ | |
noncomputable def lift (hg : is_unit (g x)) : S →+* P := | |
is_localization.lift $ λ (y : submonoid.powers x), show is_unit (g y.1), | |
begin | |
obtain ⟨n, hn⟩ := y.2, | |
rw [←hn, g.map_pow], | |
exact (pow_monoid_hom n : P →* P) hg, | |
end | |
@[simp] lemma away_map.lift_eq (hg : is_unit (g x)) (a : R) : | |
lift x hg ((algebra_map R S) a) = g a := lift_eq _ _ | |
@[simp] lemma away_map.lift_comp (hg : is_unit (g x)) : | |
(lift x hg).comp (algebra_map R S) = g := lift_comp _ | |
/-- Given `x y : R` and localizations `S`, `P` away from `x` and `x * y` | |
respectively, the homomorphism induced from `S` to `P`. -/ | |
noncomputable def away_to_away_right (y : R) [algebra R P] [is_localization.away (x * y) P] : | |
S →+* P := | |
lift x $ show is_unit ((algebra_map R P) x), from | |
is_unit_of_mul_eq_one ((algebra_map R P) x) (mk' P y ⟨x * y, submonoid.mem_powers _⟩) $ | |
by rw [mul_mk'_eq_mk'_of_mul, mk'_self] | |
variables (S) (Q : Type*) [comm_semiring Q] [algebra P Q] | |
/-- Given a map `f : R →+* S` and an element `r : R`, we may construct a map `Rᵣ →+* Sᵣ`. -/ | |
noncomputable | |
def map (f : R →+* P) (r : R) [is_localization.away r S] | |
[is_localization.away (f r) Q] : S →+* Q := | | Q f | |
(show submonoid.powers r ≤ (submonoid.powers (f r)).comap f, | |
by { rintros x ⟨n, rfl⟩, use n, simp }) | |
end away | |
end away | |
variables [is_localization M S] | |
section at_units | |
variables (R) (S) (M) | |
/-- The localization at a module of units is isomorphic to the ring -/ | |
noncomputable | |
def at_units (H : ∀ x : M, is_unit (x : R)) : R ≃ₐ[R] S := | |
begin | |
refine alg_equiv.of_bijective (algebra.of_id R S) ⟨_, _⟩, | |
{ intros x y hxy, | |
obtain ⟨c, eq⟩ := (is_localization.eq_iff_exists M S).mp hxy, | |
obtain ⟨u, hu⟩ := H c, | |
rwa [← hu, units.mul_left_inj] at eq }, | |
{ intros y, | |
obtain ⟨⟨x, s⟩, eq⟩ := is_localization.surj M y, | |
obtain ⟨u, hu⟩ := H s, | |
use x * u.inv, | |
dsimp only [algebra.of_id, ring_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, alg_hom.coe_mk], | |
rw [ring_hom.map_mul, ← eq, ← hu, mul_assoc, ← ring_hom.map_mul], | |
simp } | |
end | |
/-- The localization away from a unit is isomorphic to the ring -/ | |
noncomputable | |
def at_unit (x : R) (e : is_unit x) [is_localization.away x S] : R ≃ₐ[R] S := | |
begin | |
apply at_units R (submonoid.powers x), | |
rintros ⟨xn, n, hxn⟩, | |
obtain ⟨u, hu⟩ := e, | |
rw is_unit_iff_exists_inv, | |
use u.inv ^ n, | |
simp[← hxn, ← hu, ← mul_pow] | |
end | |
/-- The localization at one is isomorphic to the ring. -/ | |
noncomputable | |
def at_one [is_localization.away (1 : R) S] : R ≃ₐ[R] S := | |
@at_unit R _ S _ _ (1 : R) is_unit_one _ | |
lemma away_of_is_unit_of_bijective {R : Type*} (S : Type*) [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S] | |
[algebra R S] {r : R} (hr : is_unit r) (H : function.bijective (algebra_map R S)) : | |
is_localization.away r S := | |
{ map_units := by { rintros ⟨_, n, rfl⟩, exact (algebra_map R S).is_unit_map (hr.pow _) }, | |
surj := λ z, by { obtain ⟨z', rfl⟩ := H.2 z, exact ⟨⟨z', 1⟩, by simp⟩ }, | |
eq_iff_exists := λ x y, begin | |
erw H.1.eq_iff, | |
split, | |
{ rintro rfl, exact ⟨1, rfl⟩ }, | |
{ rintro ⟨⟨_, n, rfl⟩, e⟩, exact (hr.pow _) e } | |
end } | |
end at_units | |
end is_localization | |
namespace localization | |
open is_localization | |
variables {M} | |
/-- Given a map `f : R →+* S` and an element `r : R`, such that `f r` is invertible, | |
we may construct a map `Rᵣ →+* S`. -/ | |
noncomputable | |
abbreviation away_lift (f : R →+* P) (r : R) (hr : is_unit (f r)) : | |
localization.away r →+* P := | |
is_localization.away.lift r hr | |
/-- Given a map `f : R →+* S` and an element `r : R`, we may construct a map `Rᵣ →+* Sᵣ`. -/ | |
noncomputable | |
abbreviation away_map (f : R →+* P) (r : R) : | |
localization.away r →+* localization.away (f r) := | | _ _ f r | |
end localization | |