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Copyright (c) 2022 Eric Rodriguez. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Eric Rodriguez | |
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import ring_theory.integral_domain | |
import ring_theory.localization.basic | |
import set_theory.cardinal.ordinal | |
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# Cardinality of localizations | |
In this file, we establish the cardinality of localizations. In most cases, a localization has | |
cardinality equal to the base ring. If there are zero-divisors, however, this is no longer true - | |
for example, `zmod 6` localized at `{2, 4}` is equal to `zmod 3`, and if you have zero in your | |
submonoid, then your localization is trivial (see `is_localization.unique_of_zero_mem`). | |
## Main statements | |
* `is_localization.card_le`: A localization has cardinality no larger than the base ring. | |
* `is_localization.card`: If you don't localize at zero-divisors, the localization of a ring has | |
cardinality equal to its base ring, | |
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open_locale cardinal non_zero_divisors | |
universes u v | |
namespace is_localization | |
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] (S : submonoid R) {L : Type u} [comm_ring L] | |
[algebra R L] [is_localization S L] | |
include S | |
/-- Localizing a finite ring can only reduce the amount of elements. -/ | |
lemma algebra_map_surjective_of_fintype [fintype R] : function.surjective (algebra_map R L) := | |
begin | |
classical, | |
haveI : fintype L := is_localization.fintype' S L, | |
intro x, | |
obtain ⟨⟨r, s⟩, h : x * (algebra_map R L) ↑s = (algebra_map R L) r⟩ := is_localization.surj S x, | |
obtain ⟨n, hn, hp⟩ := | |
(is_of_fin_order_iff_pow_eq_one _).1 (exists_pow_eq_one (is_localization.map_units L s).unit), | |
rw [units.ext_iff, units.coe_pow, is_unit.unit_spec, ←nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos hn, pow_succ] at hp, | |
exact ⟨r * s ^ (n - 1), by erw [map_mul, map_pow, ←h, mul_assoc, hp, mul_one]⟩ | |
end | |
/-- A localization always has cardinality less than or equal to the base ring. -/ | |
lemma card_le : #L ≤ #R := | |
begin | |
classical, | |
casesI fintype_or_infinite R, | |
{ exact cardinal.mk_le_of_surjective (algebra_map_surjective_of_fintype S) }, | |
erw [←cardinal.mul_eq_self $ cardinal.aleph_0_le_mk R], | |
set f : R × R → L := λ aa,' _ aa.1 (if h : aa.2 ∈ S then ⟨aa.2, h⟩ else 1), | |
refine @cardinal.mk_le_of_surjective _ _ f (λ a, _), | |
obtain ⟨x, y, h⟩ :='_surjective S a, | |
use (x, y), | |
dsimp [f], | |
rwa [dif_pos $ show ↑y ∈ S, from y.2, set_like.eta] | |
end | |
variables (L) | |
/-- If you do not localize at any zero-divisors, localization preserves cardinality. -/ | |
lemma card (hS : S ≤ R⁰) : #R = #L := | |
(cardinal.mk_le_of_injective (is_localization.injective L hS)).antisymm (card_le S) | |
end is_localization | |