Text Generation
100K - 1M
(******************************************************************************) | |
(* FILE : *) | |
(* DESCRIPTION : Rewriting terms and simplifying clauses. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* READS FILES : <none> *) | |
(* WRITES FILES : <none> *) | |
(* *) | |
(* AUTHOR : R.J.Boulton *) | |
(* DATE : 7th June 1991 *) | |
(* *) | |
(* MODIFIED : R.J.Boulton *) | |
(* DATE : 16th October 1992 *) | |
(* *) | |
(* LAST MODIFIED : P. Papapanagiotou (University of Edinburgh) *) | |
(* DATE : July 2009 *) | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
let SUBST_CONV thvars template tm = | |
let thms,vars = unzip thvars in | |
let gvs = map (genvar o type_of) vars in | |
let gtemplate = subst (zip gvs vars) template in | |
SUBST (zip thms gvs) (mk_eq(template,gtemplate)) (REFL tm);; | |
let bool_EQ_CONV = | |
let check = let boolty = `:bool` in check (fun tm -> type_of tm = boolty) in | |
let clist = map (GEN `b:bool`) | |
(CONJUNCTS(SPEC `b:bool` EQ_CLAUSES)) in | |
let tb = hd clist and bt = hd(tl clist) in | |
let T = `T` and F = `F` in | |
fun tm -> | |
try let l,r = (I F_F check) (dest_eq tm) in | |
if l = r then EQT_INTRO (REFL l) else | |
if l = T then SPEC r tb else | |
if r = T then SPEC l bt else fail() | |
with Failure _ -> failwith "bool_EQ_CONV";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* rewrite_with_lemmas : (term list -> term list -> conv) -> *) | |
(* term list -> term list -> conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Function to rewrite with known lemmas (rewrite rules) in the reverse order *) | |
(* in which they were introduced. Applies the first applicable lemma, or if *) | |
(* none are applicable it leaves the term unchanged. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* A rule is applicable if its LHS matches the term, and it does not violate *) | |
(* the `alphabetical' ordering rule if it is a permutative rule. To be *) | |
(* applicable, the hypotheses of the rules must be satisfied. The function *) | |
(* takes a general rewrite rule, a chain of hypotheses and a list of *) | |
(* assumptions as arguments. It uses these to try to satisfy the hypotheses. *) | |
(* If a hypotheses is in the assumption list, it is assumed. Otherwise a *) | |
(* check is made that the hypothesis is not already a goal of the proof *) | |
(* procedure. This is to prevent looping. If it's not already a goal, the *) | |
(* function attempts to rewrite the hypotheses, with it added to the chain of *) | |
(* hypotheses. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Before trying to establish the hypotheses of a rewrite rule, it is *) | |
(* necessary to instantiate any free variables in the hypotheses. This is *) | |
(* done by trying to find an instantiation that makes one of the hypotheses *) | |
(* equal to a term in the assumption list. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let rewrite_with_lemmas rewrite hyp_chain assumps tm = | |
let rewrite_hyp h = | |
try (EQT_INTRO (ASSUME (find (fun tm -> tm = h) assumps))) with Failure _ -> | |
(if (mem h hyp_chain) | |
then ALL_CONV h | |
else rewrite (h::hyp_chain) assumps h) | |
in | |
let rec try_rewrites assumps ths = | |
if (ths = []) | |
then failwith "try_rewrites" | |
else (try (let th = inst_frees_in_hyps assumps (hd ths) | |
in let hyp_ths = map (EQT_ELIM o rewrite_hyp) (hyp th) | |
in itlist PROVE_HYP hyp_ths th) | |
with Failure _ -> (try_rewrites assumps (tl ths)) | |
) | |
in try (try_rewrites assumps (applicable_rewrites tm)) with Failure _ -> ALL_CONV tm;; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* rewrite_explicit_value : conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Explicit values are normally unchanged by rewriting, but in the case of a *) | |
(* numeric constant, it is expanded out into SUC form. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let rec rewrite_explicit_value tm = | |
let rec conv tm = (num_CONV THENC TRY_CONV (RAND_CONV conv)) tm | |
in ((TRY_CONV conv) THENC | |
(TRY_CONV (ARGS_CONV rewrite_explicit_value))) tm;; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* COND_T = |- (T => t1 | t2) = t1 *) | |
(* COND_F = |- (F => t1 | t2) = t2 *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* COND_LEFT = *) | |
(* |- !b x x' y. (b ==> (x = x')) ==> ((b => x | y) = (b => x' | y)) *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let COND_LEFT = | |
prove | |
(`!b x x' (y:'a). (b ==> (x = x')) ==> ((if b then x else y) = (if b then x' else y))`, | |
BOOL_CASES_TAC `b:bool` THEN | |
REWRITE_TAC []);; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* COND_RIGHT = *) | |
(* |- !b y y' x. (~b ==> (y = y')) ==> ((b => x | y) = (b => x | y')) *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let COND_RIGHT = | |
prove | |
(`!b y y' (x:'a). (~b ==> (y = y')) ==> ((if b then x else y) = (if b then x else y'))`, | |
BOOL_CASES_TAC `b:bool` THEN | |
REWRITE_TAC []);; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* COND_ID = |- !b t. (b => t | t) = t *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* Already defined in HOL *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* COND_RIGHT_F = |- (b => b | F) = b *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let COND_RIGHT_F = | |
prove | |
(`(if b then b else F) = b`, | |
BOOL_CASES_TAC `b:bool` THEN | |
REWRITE_TAC []);; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* COND_T_F = |- (b => T | F) = b *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let COND_T_F = | |
prove | |
(`(if b then T else F) = b`, | |
BOOL_CASES_TAC `b:bool` THEN | |
REWRITE_TAC []);; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* rewrite_conditional : (term list -> conv) -> term list -> conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Rewriting conditionals. Takes a general rewrite function and a list of *) | |
(* assumptions as arguments. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The function assumes that the term it is given is of the form "b => x | y" *) | |
(* First it recursively rewrites b to b'. If b' is T or F, the conditional is *) | |
(* reduced to x or y, respectively. The result is then rewritten recursively. *) | |
(* If b' is not T or F, both x and y are rewritten, under suitable additional *) | |
(* assumptions about b'. An attempt is then made to rewrite the new *) | |
(* conditional with one of the following: *) | |
(* *) | |
(* (b => x | x) ---> x *) | |
(* (b => b | F) ---> b *) | |
(* (b => T | F) ---> b *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The three rules are tried in the order shown above. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let rewrite_conditional rewrite assumps tm = | |
try (let th1 = RATOR_CONV (RATOR_CONV (RAND_CONV (rewrite assumps))) tm | |
in let tm1 = rhs (concl th1) | |
in let (b',(x,y)) = dest_cond tm1 | |
in if (is_T b') then | |
TRANS th1 (((REWR_CONV COND_T) THENC (rewrite assumps)) tm1) | |
else if (is_F b') then | |
TRANS th1 (((REWR_CONV COND_F) THENC (rewrite assumps)) tm1) | |
else let th2 = DISCH b' (rewrite (b'::assumps) x) | |
in let x' = rand (rand (concl th2)) | |
in let th3 = MP (ISPECL [b';x;x';y] COND_LEFT) th2 | |
in let tm3 = rhs (concl th3) | |
in let notb' = mk_neg b' | |
in let th4 = DISCH notb' (rewrite (notb'::assumps) y) | |
in let y' = rand (rand (concl th4)) | |
in let th5 = MP (ISPECL [b';y;y';x'] COND_RIGHT) th4 | |
in let th6 = ((REWR_CONV COND_ID) ORELSEC | |
(TRY_CONV (REWR_CONV COND_T_F))) (rhs (concl th5)) | |
in TRANS (TRANS (TRANS th1 th3) th5) th6 | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "rewrite_conditional";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* EQ_T = |- (x = T) = x *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let EQ_T = | |
prove | |
(`(x = T) = x`, | |
BOOL_CASES_TAC `x:bool` THEN | |
REWRITE_TAC []);; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* EQ_EQ = |- (x = (y = z)) = ((y = z) => (x = T) | (x = F)) *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let EQ_EQ = | |
prove | |
(`(x = ((y:'a) = z)) = (if (y = z) then (x = T) else (x = F))`, | |
BOOL_CASES_TAC `x:bool` THEN | |
BOOL_CASES_TAC `(y:'a) = z` THEN | |
REWRITE_TAC []);; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* EQ_F = |- (x = F) = (x => F | T) *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let EQ_F = | |
prove | |
(`(x = F) = (if x then F else T)`, | |
BOOL_CASES_TAC `x:bool` THEN | |
REWRITE_TAC []);; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* prove_terms_not_eq : term -> term -> thm *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Function to prove that the left-hand and right-hand sides of an equation *) | |
(* are not equal. Works with Boolean constants, explicit values, and terms *) | |
(* involving constructors and variables. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let prove_terms_not_eq l r = | |
let rec STRUCT_CONV tm = | |
(fun tm -> let (l,r) = dest_eq tm | |
in let ty_name = (fst o dest_type) (type_of l) | |
in let (ty_info:shell_info) = sys_shell_info ty_name | |
in let ty_conv = ty_info.struct_conv | |
in ty_conv STRUCT_CONV tm) ORELSEC | |
(* REFL_CONV ORELSEC Omitted because it cannot generate false *) | |
ALL_CONV) tm | |
in try(let th = STRUCT_CONV (mk_eq (l,r)) | |
in if (is_F (rhs (concl th))) then th else failwith "" | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "prove_terms_not_eq";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* rewrite_equality : (term list -> term list -> conv) -> *) | |
(* term list -> term list -> conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Function for rewriting equalities. Takes a general rewrite function, a *) | |
(* chain of hypotheses and a list of assumptions as arguments. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The left-hand and right-hand sides of the equality are rewritten *) | |
(* recursively. If the two sides are then identical, the term is rewritten to *) | |
(* T. If it can be shown that the two sides are not equal, the term is *) | |
(* rewritten to F. Otherwise, the function rewrites with the first of the *) | |
(* following rules that is applicable (or it leaves the term unchanged if *) | |
(* none are applicable): *) | |
(* *) | |
(* (x = T) ---> x *) | |
(* (x = (y = z)) ---> ((y = z) => (x = T) | (x = F)) *) | |
(* (x = F) ---> (x => F | T) *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The result is then rewritten using the known lemmas (rewrite rules). *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let rewrite_equality rewrite hyp_chain assumps tm = | |
try (let th1 = ((RATOR_CONV (RAND_CONV (rewrite hyp_chain assumps))) THENC | |
(RAND_CONV (rewrite hyp_chain assumps))) tm | |
in let tm1 = rhs (concl th1) | |
in let (l,r) = dest_eq tm1 | |
in if (l = r) | |
then TRANS th1 (EQT_INTRO (ISPEC l EQ_REFL)) | |
else try(TRANS th1 (prove_terms_not_eq l r)) | |
with Failure _ -> (let th2 = ((REWR_CONV EQ_T) ORELSEC | |
(TRY_CONV (REWR_CONV EQ_F))) tm1 | |
in let th3 = rewrite_with_lemmas | |
rewrite hyp_chain assumps (rhs (concl th2)) | |
in TRANS (TRANS th1 th2) th3) | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "rewrite_equality";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* rewrite_application : *) | |
(* (term -> string list -> term list -> term list -> conv) -> *) | |
(* term -> string list -> term list -> term list -> conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Function for rewriting applications. It takes a general rewriting function,*) | |
(* a literal (the literal containing the function call), a list of names of *) | |
(* functions that are tentatively being opened up, a chain of hypotheses, and *) | |
(* a list of assumptions as arguments. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The function begins by rewriting the arguments. It then determines the *) | |
(* name of the function being applied. If this is a constructor, no further *) | |
(* rewriting is done. Otherwise, from the function name, the number of the *) | |
(* argument used for recursion (or zero if the definition is not recursive) *) | |
(* and expansion theorems for each possible constructor are obtained. If the *) | |
(* function is not recursive the call is opened up and the body is rewritten. *) | |
(* If the function has no definition, the application is rewritten using the *) | |
(* known lemmas. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* If the definition is recursive, but this function has already been *) | |
(* tentatively opened up, the version of the application with the arguments *) | |
(* rewritten is returned. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Otherwise, the application is rewritten with the known lemmas. If any of *) | |
(* the lemmas are applicable the result of the rewrite is returned. Otherwise *) | |
(* the function determines the name of the constructor appearing in the *) | |
(* recursive argument, and looks up its details. If this process fails due to *) | |
(* either the recursive argument not being an application of a constructor, *) | |
(* or because the constructor is not known, the function call cannot be *) | |
(* expanded, so the original call (with arguments rewritten) is returned. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Provided a valid constructor is present in the recursive argument position *) | |
(* the call is tentatively opened up. The body is rewritten with the name of *) | |
(* the function added to the `tentative openings' list. (Actually, the name *) | |
(* is not added to the list if the recursive argument of the call was an *) | |
(* explicit value). The result is compared with the unopened call to see if *) | |
(* it has good properties. If it does, the simplified body is returned. *) | |
(* Otherwise the unopened call is returned. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let rewrite_application rewrite lit funcs hyp_chain assumps tm = | |
try (let th1 = ARGS_CONV (rewrite lit funcs hyp_chain assumps) tm | |
in let tm1 = rhs (concl th1) | |
in let (f,args) = strip_comb tm1 | |
in let name = fst (dest_const f) | |
in | |
if (mem name (all_constructors ())) | |
then th1 | |
else try | |
(let (i,constructors) = get_def name | |
in if (i = 0) then | |
(let th2 = REWR_CONV (snd (hd constructors)) tm1 | |
in let th3 = rewrite lit funcs hyp_chain assumps (rhs (concl th2)) | |
in TRANS (TRANS th1 th2) th3) | |
else if (mem name funcs) then th1 | |
else let th2 = | |
rewrite_with_lemmas (rewrite lit funcs) hyp_chain assumps tm1 | |
in let tm2 = rhs (concl th2) | |
in if (tm2 = tm1) | |
then try (let argi = el (i-1) args | |
in let constructor = | |
(try (fst (dest_const (fst (strip_comb argi)))) with Failure _ -> "") | |
in (let th = assoc constructor constructors | |
in let th3 = REWR_CONV th tm1 | |
in let tm3 = rhs (concl th3) | |
in let funcs' = | |
if (is_explicit_value argi) | |
then funcs | |
else name::funcs | |
in let th4 = | |
rewrite lit funcs' hyp_chain assumps tm3 | |
in let tm4 = rhs (concl th4) | |
in if (good_properties assumps tm1 tm4 lit) | |
then TRANS (TRANS th1 th3) th4 | |
else th1) | |
) with Failure _ -> th1 | |
else TRANS th1 th2) | |
with Failure "get_def" -> | |
(TRANS th1 (rewrite_with_lemmas (rewrite lit funcs) hyp_chain assumps tm1)) | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "rewrite_application";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* rewrite_term : term -> string list -> term list -> term list -> conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Function for rewriting a term. Arguments are as follows: *) | |
(* *) | |
(* lit : the literal containing the term to be rewritten. *) | |
(* funcs : names of functions that have been tentatively opened up. *) | |
(* hyp_chain : hypotheses that we are trying to satisfy by parent calls. *) | |
(* assumps : a list of assumptions. *) | |
(* tm : the term to be rewritten. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let rec rewrite_term lit funcs hyp_chain assumps tm = | |
try (EQT_INTRO (ASSUME (find (fun t -> t = tm) assumps))) with Failure _ -> | |
try (EQF_INTRO (ASSUME (find (fun t -> t = mk_neg tm) assumps))) with Failure _ -> | |
try (let rewrite = rewrite_term lit funcs | |
in if (is_var tm) then ALL_CONV tm | |
else if (is_explicit_value tm) then rewrite_explicit_value tm | |
else if (is_cond tm) then rewrite_conditional (rewrite hyp_chain) assumps tm | |
else if (is_eq tm) then rewrite_equality rewrite hyp_chain assumps tm | |
else rewrite_application rewrite_term lit funcs hyp_chain assumps tm | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "rewrite_term";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* COND_RAND = |- !f b x y. f (b => x | y) = (b => f x | f y) *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* Already defined in HOL *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* COND_RATOR = |- !b f g x. (b => f | g) x = (b => f x | g x) *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* Already defined in HOL *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* MOVE_COND_UP_CONV : conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Moves all conditionals in a term up to the top-level. Checks to see if the *) | |
(* term contains any conditionals before it starts to do inference. This *) | |
(* improves the performance significantly. Alternatively, failure could be *) | |
(* used to avoid rebuilding unchanged sub-terms. This would be even more *) | |
(* efficient. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let rec MOVE_COND_UP_CONV tm = | |
try(if (not (can (find_term is_cond) tm)) then ALL_CONV tm | |
else if (is_cond tm) then | |
else if (is_comb tm) then | |
(let (op,arg) = dest_comb tm | |
in if (is_cond op) then | |
else if (is_cond arg) then | |
else (let th = ((RATOR_CONV MOVE_COND_UP_CONV) THENC | |
in let tm' = rhs (concl th) | |
in if (tm' = tm) | |
then th | |
else TRANS th (MOVE_COND_UP_CONV tm'))) | |
else ALL_CONV tm | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "MOVE_COND_UP_CONV";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* COND_OR = |- (b => x | y) \/ z = (~b \/ x \/ z) /\ (b \/ y \/ z) *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let COND_OR = | |
prove | |
(`(if b then x else y) \/ z <=> ((~b \/ x \/ z) /\ (b \/ y \/ z))`, | |
BOOL_CASES_TAC `b:bool` THEN | |
REWRITE_TAC []);; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* COND_EXPAND = |- (x => y | z) = ((~x \/ y) /\ (x \/ z)) *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* Already proved *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* NOT_NOT_NORM = |- ~~x = x *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* Already proved *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* LEFT_OR_OVER_AND = |- !t1 t2 t3. t1 \/ t2 /\ t3 = (t1 \/ t2) /\ (t1 \/ t3) *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* Already available in HOL *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* MOVE_NOT_THRU_CONDS_CONV : conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Function to push a negation down through (possibly) nested conditionals. *) | |
(* Eliminates any double-negations that may be introduced. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let rec MOVE_NOT_THRU_CONDS_CONV tm = | |
try (if (is_neg tm) | |
then if (is_cond (rand tm)) | |
else ALL_CONV tm | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "MOVE_NOT_THRU_CONDS_CONV";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* EXPAND_ONE_COND_CONV : conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The function takes a term which it assumes to be either a conditional or *) | |
(* the disjunction of a conditional and some other term, and applies one of *) | |
(* the following rewrites as appropriate: *) | |
(* *) | |
(* |- (b => x | y) = (~b \/ x) /\ (b \/ y) *) | |
(* *) | |
(* |- (b => x | y) \/ z = (~b \/ x \/ z) /\ (b \/ y \/ z) *) | |
(* *) | |
(* If b happens to be a conditional, the negation of ~b is moved down through *) | |
(* the conditional (and any nested conditionals). *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
tm with Failure _ -> failwith "EXPAND_ONE_COND_CONV";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* OR_OVER_ANDS_CONV : conv -> conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Distributes an OR over an arbitrary tree of conjunctions and applies a *) | |
(* conversion to each of the disjunctions that make up the new conjunction. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let rec OR_OVER_ANDS_CONV conv tm = | |
if (is_disj tm) | |
then if (is_conj (rand tm)) | |
(RAND_CONV (OR_OVER_ANDS_CONV conv))) tm | |
else conv tm | |
else ALL_CONV tm;; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* EXPAND_COND_CONV : conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The function takes a term which it assumes to be either a conditional or *) | |
(* the disjunction of a conditional and some other term, and expands the *) | |
(* conditional into a disjunction using one of: *) | |
(* *) | |
(* |- (b => x | y) = (~b \/ x) /\ (b \/ y) *) | |
(* *) | |
(* |- (b => x | y) \/ z = (~b \/ x \/ z) /\ (b \/ y \/ z) *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The b, x and y may themselves be conditionals. If so, the function expands *) | |
(* these as well, and so on, until there are no more conditionals. At each *) | |
(* stage disjunctions are distributed over conjunctions so that the final *) | |
(* result is a conjunction `tree' where each of the conjuncts is a *) | |
(* disjunction. The depth of a disjunction in the conjunction tree indicates *) | |
(* the number of literals that have been added to the disjunction compared to *) | |
(* the original term. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let rec EXPAND_COND_CONV tm = | |
with Failure _ -> ALL_CONV tm;; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* SPLIT_CLAUSE_ON_COND_CONV : int -> conv *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The function takes a number n and a term which it assumes to be a *) | |
(* disjunction of literals in which the (n-1)th argument has had all *) | |
(* conditionals moved to the top level. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The function dives down to the (n-1)th literal (disjunct) and expands the *) | |
(* conditionals into disjunctions, resulting in a conjunction `tree' in which *) | |
(* each conjunct is a disjunction. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* As the function `backs out' from the (n-1)th literal it distributes the *) | |
(* ORs over the conjunction tree. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
try (funpow n (fun conv -> (RAND_CONV conv) THENC (OR_OVER_ANDS_CONV ALL_CONV)) | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "SPLIT_CLAUSE_ON_COND_CONV";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* simplify_one_literal : int -> term -> (thm # int) *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Attempts to simplify one literal of a clause assuming the negations of the *) | |
(* other literals. The number n specifies which literal to rewrite. If n = 0, *) | |
(* the first literal is rewritten. The function fails if n is out of range. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* If the literal to be simplified is negative, the function simplifies the *) | |
(* corresponding atom, and negates the result. If this new result is T or F, *) | |
(* the clause is rebuilt by discharging the assumptions. This process may *) | |
(* reduce the number of literals in the clause, so the theorem returned is *) | |
(* paired with -1 (except when processing the last literal of a clause in *) | |
(* which case returning 0 will, like -1, cause a failure when an attempt is *) | |
(* made to simplify the next literal, but is safer because it can't cause *) | |
(* looping if the literal has not been removed. This is the case when the *) | |
(* last literal has been rewritten to F. In this situation, the discharging *) | |
(* function does not eliminate the literal). *) | |
(* *) | |
(* If the simplified literal contains conditionals, these are brought up to *) | |
(* the top-level. The clause is then rebuilt by discharging. If no *) | |
(* conditionals were present the theorem is returned with 0, indicating that *) | |
(* the number of literals has not changed. Otherwise the clause is split into *) | |
(* a conjunction of clauses, so that the conditionals are eliminated, and the *) | |
(* result is returned with the number 1 to indicate that the number of *) | |
(* literals has increased. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let simplify_one_literal n tm = | |
try (let negate tm = if (is_neg tm) then (rand tm) else (mk_neg tm) | |
and NEGATE th = | |
let tm = rhs (concl th) | |
and th' = AP_TERM `(~)` th | |
in if (is_T tm) then TRANS th' (el 1 (CONJUNCTS NOT_CLAUSES)) | |
else if (is_F tm) then TRANS th' (el 2 (CONJUNCTS NOT_CLAUSES)) | |
else th' | |
in let (overs,y,unders) = match (chop_list n (disj_list tm)) with | |
| (overs,y::unders) -> (overs,y,unders) | |
| _ -> failwith "" | |
(* ) with Failure _ -> failwith "" *) | |
in let overs' = map negate overs | |
and unders' = map negate unders | |
in let th1 = | |
if (is_neg y) | |
then NEGATE (rewrite_term y [] [] (overs' @ unders') (rand y)) | |
else rewrite_term y [] [] (overs' @ unders') y | |
in let tm1 = rhs (concl th1) | |
in if ((is_T tm1) || (is_F tm1)) | |
then (MULTI_DISJ_DISCH (overs',unders') th1, | |
if (unders = []) then 0 else (-1)) | |
else let th2 = TRANS th1 (MOVE_COND_UP_CONV tm1) | |
in let tm2 = rhs (concl th2) | |
in let th3 = MULTI_DISJ_DISCH (overs',unders') th2 | |
in if (is_cond tm2) | |
else (th3,0) | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "simplify_one_literal";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* simplify_clause : int -> term -> (term list # proof) *) | |
(* simplify_clauses : int -> term -> (term list # proof) *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Functions for simplifying a clause by rewriting each literal in turn *) | |
(* assuming the negations of the others. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The integer argument to simplify_clause should be zero initially. It will *) | |
(* then attempt to simplify the first literal. If the result is true, no new *) | |
(* clauses are produced. Otherwise, the function proceeds to simplify the *) | |
(* next literal. This has to be done differently according to the changes *) | |
(* that took place when simplifying the first literal. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* If there was a reduction in the number of literals, this must have been *) | |
(* due to the literal being shown to be false, because the true case has *) | |
(* already been eliminated. So, there must be one less literal, and so n is *) | |
(* unchanged on the recursive call. If there was no change in the number of *) | |
(* literals, n is incremented by 1. Otherwise, not only have new literals *) | |
(* been introduced, but also the clause has been split into a conjunction of *) | |
(* clauses. simplify_clauses is called to handle this case. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* When all the literals have been processed, n will become out of range and *) | |
(* cause a failure. This is trapped, and the simplified clause is returned. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* When the clause has been split into a conjunction of clauses, the depth of *) | |
(* a clause in the tree of conjunctions indicates how many literals have been *) | |
(* added to that clause. simplify_clauses recursively splits conjunctions, *) | |
(* incrementing n as it proceeds, until it reaches a clause. It then calls *) | |
(* simplify_clause to deal with the clause. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let rec simplify_clause n tm = | |
try (let (th,change_flag) = simplify_one_literal n tm | |
in let tm' = rhs (concl th) | |
in if (is_T tm') | |
then ([],apply_fproof "simplify_clause" ( fun ths -> EQT_ELIM th) []) | |
else let (tms,proof) = | |
if (change_flag < 0) then simplify_clause n tm' | |
else if (change_flag = 0) then simplify_clause (n + 1) tm' | |
else simplify_clauses (n + 1) tm' | |
in (tms,(fun ths -> EQ_MP (SYM th) (proof ths)))) | |
with Failure _ -> ([tm],apply_fproof "simplify_clause" hd [tm]) | |
and simplify_clauses n tm = | |
try (let (tm1,tm2) = dest_conj tm | |
in let (tms1,proof1) = simplify_clauses (n + 1) tm1 | |
and (tms2,proof2) = simplify_clauses (n + 1) tm2 | |
in (tms1 @ tms2, | |
fun ths -> let (ths1,ths2) = chop_list (length tms1) ths | |
in CONJ (proof1 ths1) (proof2 ths2))) | |
with Failure _ -> (simplify_clause n tm);; | |
let HL_simplify_clause l tm = | |
try ( | |
let rules = itlist union [l;rewrite_rules();flat (defs());all_accessor_thms()] [] in | |
let th = SIMP_CONV rules tm | |
in let tm' = rhs (concl th) | |
in let tmc = try (rand o concl o COND_ELIM_CONV) tm' with Failure _ -> tm' in | |
if (is_T tm') | |
then ([],apply_fproof "HL_simplify_clause" ( fun ths -> EQT_ELIM th ) []) | |
else ([tm'],apply_fproof "HL_simplify_clause" ((EQ_MP (SYM th)) o hd) [tm']) | |
) | |
with Failure _ -> ([tm],apply_fproof "HL_simplify_clause" hd [tm]) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* simplify_heuristic : (term # bool) -> ((term # bool) list # proof) *) | |
(* *) | |
(* Wrapper for simplify_clause. This function has the correct type and *) | |
(* properties to be used as a `heuristic'. In particular, if the result of *) | |
(* simplify_clause is a single clause identical to the input clause, *) | |
(* a failure is generated. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let simplify_heuristic (tm,(ind:bool)) = | |
try (let (tms,proof) = simplify_clause 0 tm | |
in if (tms = [tm]) | |
then failwith "" | |
else (proof_print_string_l "-> Simplify Heuristic" () ; (map (fun tm -> (tm,ind)) tms,proof)) | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "simplify_heuristic";; | |
let HL_simplify_heuristic l (tm,(ind:bool)) = | |
try (let (tms,proof) = HL_simplify_clause l tm | |
in if (tms = [tm]) | |
then failwith "" | |
else (proof_print_string_l "-> HL Simplify Heuristic" () ; (map (fun tm -> (tm,ind)) tms,proof)) | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "HL_simplify_heuristic";; | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* NOT_EQ_F = |- !x. ~(x = x) = F *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let NOT_EQ_F = | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* subst_heuristic : (term # bool) -> ((term # bool) list # proof) *) | |
(* *) | |
(* `Heuristic' for eliminating from a clause, a negated equality between a *) | |
(* variable and another term not containing the variable. For example, given *) | |
(* the clause: *) | |
(* *) | |
(* x1 \/ ~(x = t) \/ x3 \/ f x \/ x5 *) | |
(* *) | |
(* the function returns the clause: *) | |
(* *) | |
(* x1 \/ F \/ x3 \/ f t \/ x5 *) | |
(* *) | |
(* So, all occurrences of x are replaced by t, and the equality x = t is *) | |
(* `thrown away'. The F could be eliminated, but the simplification heuristic *) | |
(* will deal with it, so there is no point in duplicating the code. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The function fails if there are no equalities that can be eliminated. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* The function proves the following three theorems: *) | |
(* *) | |
(* ~(x = t) |- x1 \/ ~(x = t) \/ x3 \/ f x \/ x5 *) | |
(* *) | |
(* x = t |- x1 \/ ~(x = t) \/ x3 \/ f x \/ x5 = *) | |
(* x1 \/ F \/ x3 \/ f t \/ x5 *) | |
(* *) | |
(* |- (x = t) \/ ~(x = t) *) | |
(* *) | |
(* and returns the term "x1 \/ F \/ x3 \/ f t \/ x5" to be proved. When given *) | |
(* this term as a theorem, it is possible to prove from the second theorem: *) | |
(* *) | |
(* x = t |- x1 \/ ~(x = t) \/ x3 \/ f x \/ x5 *) | |
(* *) | |
(* which together with the first and third theorems yields a theorem for the *) | |
(* original clause. *) | |
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
let subst_heuristic (tm,(ind:bool)) = | |
try (let checkx (v,t) = (is_var v) && (not (mem v (frees t))) | |
in let rec split_disjuncts tml = | |
if (can (check (checkx o dest_eq o dest_neg)) (hd tml)) | |
then ([],tml) | |
else (fun (l1,l2) -> ((hd tml)::l1,l2)) (split_disjuncts (tl tml)) | |
in let (overs,neq::unders) = split_disjuncts (disj_list tm) | |
in let eq = dest_neg neq | |
in let (v,t) = dest_eq eq | |
in let ass = ASSUME neq | |
in let th1 = itlist DISJ2 overs (try DISJ1 ass (list_mk_disj unders) with Failure _ -> ass) | |
and th2 = SUBS [ISPEC t NOT_EQ_F] (SUBST_CONV [(ASSUME eq,v)] tm tm) | |
and th3 = SPEC eq EXCLUDED_MIDDLE | |
in let tm' = rhs (concl th2) | |
in let proof th = DISJ_CASES th3 (EQ_MP (SYM th2) th) th1 | |
in (proof_print_string_l "-> Subst Heuristic" () ; | |
([(tm',ind)],apply_fproof "subst_heuristic" (proof o hd) [tm'])) | |
) with Failure _ -> failwith "subst_heuristic";; | |