Zhangir Azerbayev
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(*open dimacsTools;;*)
(* Functions for parsing the DIMACS-compliant output of SAT solvers,
This is generic. Parser for minisat proof log is in minisatParse.ml *)
** Use Binaryset to encode mapping between HOL variable names
** and DIMACS variable numbers as a set of string*int pairs.
** substringContains s ss
** tests whether substring ss contains string s
let substringContains s ss =
let re = Str.regexp_string s in
(try Str.search_forward re ss 0 with
Not_found -> -1) with
-1 -> false
| _ -> true
** parseSat (s1,s2) ss
** returns a list of numbers corresponding to the tokenised
** substring of ss (tokenised wrt Char.isSpace) that starts immediately
** after the first occurrence of s1 and ends just before the first
** occurrence of s2 that is after the first occurrence of s1
let parseSat (s1,s2) ss =
let p1 = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp s1) ss 0 in
let p2 = Str.search_backward (Str.regexp s2) ss (String.length ss) in
let ss1 = Str.string_before ss p2 in
let ss2 = Str.string_after ss1 (p1+String.length s1) in
let ssl = Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \n\t\r]") ss2 in
List.map int_of_string ssl
** invokeSat solver t
** invokes solver on t and returns SOME s (where s is the satisfying instance
** as a string of integers) or NONE, if unsatisfiable
** Reference containing last command used to invoke a SAT solver
let sat_command = ref "undef"
** Test for success of the result of Process.system
** N.B. isSuccess expected to primitive in next release of
** Moscow ML, and Process.status will lose eqtype status
let satdir = "";;
(* if fname is NONE, then use a temp file, otherwise assume fname.cnf alredy exists*)
let invokeSat sat_solver fname t vc =
let {name=name;
end_string=end_string} = sat_solver in
let var_count =
match vc with
Some n -> n |
None -> List.length(variables t) in
let tmp =
match fname with
Some fnm ->
(initSatVarMap var_count;
ignore (termToDimacs t); (*FIXME: this regenerates sat_var_map:
better to save/load it*)
| None -> termToDimacsFile None t var_count in
let infile = tmp ^ ".cnf" in
let outfile = tmp ^ "." ^ name in
let ex = Filename.concat satdir executable in
let run_cmd = notime_run ex (infile,outfile) in
let _ = (sat_command := run_cmd) in
let code = Sys.command run_cmd in
let _ =
if ((name = "minisat") || (name = "minisatp") || (code = good_exit))
then ()
else print_string("Warning:\n Failure signalled by\n " ^ run_cmd ^ "\n") in
let ins = Pervasives.open_in outfile in
let sat_res = input_all ins in
let _ = close_in ins in
let result = substringContains failure_string sat_res in
if result
then None
let model1 = parseSat(start_string,end_string) sat_res in
let model2 =
if only_true
then model1
(fun n -> 0-n)
(subtract (List.map snd (snd(showSatVarMap()))) model1))
else model1 in
Some (List.map intToLiteral model2)
** satOracle sat_solver t
** invokes sat_solver on t and returns a theorem tagged by the solver name
** of the form |- (l1 /\ ... ln) ==> t (satisfied with literals l1,...,ln)
** or |- ~t (failure)
let satOracle sat_solver t =
let res = invokeSat sat_solver None t None in
match res with
Some l -> mk_thm ([], mk_imp(list_mk_conj l, t))
| None -> mk_thm ([], mk_neg t)
** satProve sat_solver t
** invokes sat_solver on t and if a model is found then
** then it is verified using proof in HOL and a theorem
** |- (l1 /\ ... /\ ln) ==> t is returned
** (where l1,...,ln are the literals making up the model);
** Raises satProveError if no model is found.
** Raises satCheckError if the found model is bogus
** satCheck [l1,...,ln] t
** attempts to prove (l1 /\ ... /\ ln) ==> t
** if it succeeds then the theorem is returned, else
** exception satCheckError is raised
let EQT_Imp1 = TAUT `!b. b ==> (b<=>T)`
let EQF_Imp1 = TAUT `!b. (~b) ==> (b<=>F)`
let EQT_Imp2 = TAUT `!b. (b<=>T) ==> b`;;
exception Sat_check_error
let satCheck model t =
let mtm = list_mk_conj model in
let th1 = ASSUME mtm in
let thl = List.map
(fun th ->
if is_neg(concl th)
then MP (SPEC (dest_neg(concl th)) EQF_Imp1) th
else MP (SPEC (concl th) EQT_Imp1) th)
(CONJUNCTS th1) in
let th3 = SUBS_CONV thl t in
let th5 = MP (SPEC t EQT_Imp2) th4 in
DISCH mtm th5
Sys.Break -> raise Sys.Break
| _ -> raise Sat_check_error;;
exception Sat_prove_error
(* old interface by MJCG. assumes t is in cnf; only for finding SAT *)
let satProve sat_solver t =
match invokeSat sat_solver None t None with
Some model -> satCheck model t
| None -> raise Sat_prove_error