Text Generation
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(*open satCommonTools dimacsTools minisatParse satScript*) | |
(* functions for replaying minisat proof LCF-style. | |
Called from after proof log has | |
been parsed. *) | |
(* p is a literal *) | |
let toVar p = | |
if is_neg p | |
then rand p | |
else p;; | |
let t = mk_var("t",bool_ty) in | |
let NOT_NOT2 = SPEC_ALL NOT_NOT in | |
((fun th -> EQ_MP (INST [rand(rand(concl th)),t] NOT_NOT2) th), | |
(fun tm -> INST [rand(rand tm),t] NOT_NOT2));; | |
let l2hh = function | |
h0::h1::t -> (h0,h1,t) | |
| _ -> failwith("Match failure in l2hh");; | |
(*+1 because minisat var numbers start at 0, dimacsTools at 1*) | |
let mk_sat_var lfn n = | |
let rv = lookup_sat_num (n+1) in | |
tryapplyd lfn rv rv;; | |
let get_var_num lfn v = lookup_sat_var v - 1;; | |
(* mcth maps clause term t to thm of the form cnf |- t, *) | |
(* where t is a clause of the cnf term *) | |
let dualise = | |
let pth_and = TAUT `F \/ F <=> F` and pth_not = TAUT `~T <=> F` in | |
let rec REFUTE_DISJ tm = | |
match tm with | |
Comb(Comb(Const("\\/",_) as op,l),r) -> | |
| Comb(Const("~",_) as l,r) -> | |
TRANS (AP_TERM l (EQT_INTRO(ASSUME r))) pth_not | |
| _ -> | |
ASSUME(mk_iff(tm,f_tm)) in | |
fun lfn -> let INSTANTIATE_ALL_UNDERLYING th = | |
let fvs = thm_frees th in | |
let tms = map (fun v -> tryapplyd lfn v v) fvs in | |
INST (zip tms fvs) th in | |
fun mcth t -> | |
(Termmap.find t mcth),t_tm,TRUTH;; | |
(* convert clause term to dualised thm form on first use *) | |
let prepareRootClause lfn mcth cl (t,lns) ci = | |
let (th,dl,cdef) = dualise lfn mcth t in | |
let _ = Array.set cl ci (Root (Rthm (th,lns,dl,cdef))) in | |
(th,lns);; | |
(* will return clause info at index ci *) | |
exception Fn_get_clause__match;; | |
exception Fn_get_root_clause__match;; | |
(* will return clause info at index ci *) | |
let getRootClause cl ci = | |
let res = | |
match (Array.get cl ci) with | |
Root (Rthm (t,lns,dl,cdef)) -> (t,lns,dl,cdef) | |
| _ -> raise Fn_get_root_clause__match in | |
res;; | |
(* will return clause thm at index ci *) | |
let getClause lfn mcth cl ci = | |
let res = | |
match (Array.get cl ci) with | |
Root (Ll (t,lns)) -> prepareRootClause lfn mcth cl (t,lns) ci | |
| Root (Rthm (t,lns,dl,cdef)) -> (t,lns) | |
| Chain _ -> raise Fn_get_clause__match | |
| Learnt (th,lns) -> (th,lns) | |
| Blank -> raise Fn_get_clause__match in | |
res;; | |
(* ground resolve clauses c0 and c1 on v, | |
where v is the only var that occurs with opposite signs in c0 and c1 *) | |
(* if n0 then v negated in c0 *) | |
(* (but remember we are working with dualised clauses) *) | |
let resolve = | |
let pth = UNDISCH(TAUT `F ==> p`) in | |
let p = concl pth | |
and f_tm = hd(hyp pth) in | |
fun v n0 rth0 rth1 -> | |
let th0 = DEDUCT_ANTISYM_RULE (INST [v,p] pth) (if n0 then rth0 else rth1) | |
and th1 = DEDUCT_ANTISYM_RULE (INST [mk_iff(v,f_tm),p] pth) | |
(if n0 then rth1 else rth0) in | |
EQ_MP th1 th0;; | |
(* resolve c0 against c1 wrt v *) | |
let resolveClause lfn mcth cl vi rci (c0i,c1i) = | |
let ((rth0,lns0),(rth1,lns1)) = pair_map (getClause lfn mcth cl) (c0i,c1i) in | |
let piv = mk_sat_var lfn vi in | |
let n0 = mem piv (hyp rth0) in | |
let rth = resolve piv n0 rth0 rth1 in | |
let _ = Array.set cl rci (Learnt (rth,lns0)) in | |
();; | |
let resolveChain lfn mcth cl rci = | |
let (nl,lnl) = | |
match (Array.get cl rci) with | |
Chain (l,ll) -> (l,ll) | |
| _ -> failwith("resolveChain") in | |
let (vil,cil) = unzip nl in | |
let vil = tl vil in (* first pivot var is actually dummy value -1 *) | |
let (c0i,c1i,cilt) = l2hh cil in | |
let _ = resolveClause lfn mcth cl (List.hd vil) rci (c0i,c1i) in | |
let _ = | |
List.iter | |
(fun (vi,ci) -> | |
resolveClause lfn mcth cl vi rci (ci,rci)) | |
(tl (tl nl)) in | |
();; | |
(* rth should be A |- F, where A contains all and only *) | |
(* the root clauses used in the proof *) | |
let unsatProveResolve lfn mcth (cl,sk,srl) = | |
let _ = List.iter (resolveChain lfn mcth cl) (List.rev sk) in | |
let rth = | |
match (Array.get cl (srl-1)) with | |
Learnt (th,_) -> th | |
| _ -> failwith("unsatProveTrace") in | |
rth;; | |