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Copyright (c) 2019 SΓ©bastien GouΓ«zel. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: SΓ©bastien GouΓ«zel
import analysis.calculus.mean_value
# Extending differentiability to the boundary
We investigate how differentiable functions inside a set extend to differentiable functions
on the boundary. For this, it suffices that the function and its derivative admit limits there.
A general version of this statement is given in `has_fderiv_at_boundary_of_tendsto_fderiv`.
One-dimensional versions, in which one wants to obtain differentiability at the left endpoint or
the right endpoint of an interval, are given in
`has_deriv_at_interval_left_endpoint_of_tendsto_deriv` and
`has_deriv_at_interval_right_endpoint_of_tendsto_deriv`. These versions are formulated in terms
of the one-dimensional derivative `deriv ℝ f`.
variables {E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E]
{F : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group F] [normed_space ℝ F]
open filter set metric continuous_linear_map
open_locale topological_space
local attribute [mono] prod_mono
/-- If a function `f` is differentiable in a convex open set and continuous on its closure, and its
derivative converges to a limit `f'` at a point on the boundary, then `f` is differentiable there
with derivative `f'`. -/
theorem has_fderiv_at_boundary_of_tendsto_fderiv {f : E β†’ F} {s : set E} {x : E} {f' : E β†’L[ℝ] F}
(f_diff : differentiable_on ℝ f s) (s_conv : convex ℝ s) (s_open : is_open s)
(f_cont : βˆ€y ∈ closure s, continuous_within_at f s y)
(h : tendsto (Ξ»y, fderiv ℝ f y) (𝓝[s] x) (𝓝 f')) :
has_fderiv_within_at f f' (closure s) x :=
-- one can assume without loss of generality that `x` belongs to the closure of `s`, as the
-- statement is empty otherwise
by_cases hx : x βˆ‰ closure s,
{ rw ← closure_closure at hx, exact has_fderiv_within_at_of_not_mem_closure hx },
push_neg at hx,
rw [has_fderiv_within_at, has_fderiv_at_filter, asymptotics.is_o_iff],
/- One needs to show that `βˆ₯f y - f x - f' (y - x)βˆ₯ ≀ Ξ΅ βˆ₯y - xβˆ₯` for `y` close to `x` in `closure
s`, where `Ξ΅` is an arbitrary positive constant. By continuity of the functions, it suffices to
prove this for nearby points inside `s`. In a neighborhood of `x`, the derivative of `f` is
arbitrarily close to `f'` by assumption. The mean value inequality completes the proof. -/
assume Ξ΅ Ξ΅_pos,
obtain ⟨δ, Ξ΄_pos, hδ⟩ : βˆƒ Ξ΄ > 0, βˆ€ y ∈ s, dist y x < Ξ΄ β†’ βˆ₯fderiv ℝ f y - f'βˆ₯ < Ξ΅,
by simpa [dist_zero_right] using tendsto_nhds_within_nhds.1 h Ξ΅ Ξ΅_pos,
set B := ball x Ξ΄,
suffices : βˆ€ y ∈ B ∩ (closure s), βˆ₯f y - f x - (f' y - f' x)βˆ₯ ≀ Ξ΅ * βˆ₯y - xβˆ₯,
from mem_nhds_within_iff.2 ⟨δ, δ_pos, λy hy, by simpa using this y hy⟩,
suffices : βˆ€ p : E Γ— E, p ∈ closure ((B ∩ s) Γ—Λ’ (B ∩ s)) β†’ βˆ₯f p.2 - f p.1 - (f' p.2 - f' p.1)βˆ₯
≀ Ξ΅ * βˆ₯p.2 - p.1βˆ₯,
{ rw closure_prod_eq at this,
intros y y_in,
apply this ⟨x, y⟩,
have : B ∩ closure s βŠ† closure (B ∩ s), from closure_inter_open is_open_ball,
exact ⟨this ⟨mem_ball_self δ_pos, hx⟩, this y_in⟩ },
have key : βˆ€ p : E Γ— E, p ∈ (B ∩ s) Γ—Λ’ (B ∩ s) β†’ βˆ₯f p.2 - f p.1 - (f' p.2 - f' p.1)βˆ₯
≀ Ξ΅ * βˆ₯p.2 - p.1βˆ₯,
{ rintros ⟨u, v⟩ ⟨u_in, v_in⟩,
have conv : convex ℝ (B ∩ s) := (convex_ball _ _).inter s_conv,
have diff : differentiable_on ℝ f (B ∩ s) := f_diff.mono (inter_subset_right _ _),
have bound : βˆ€ z ∈ (B ∩ s), βˆ₯fderiv_within ℝ f (B ∩ s) z - f'βˆ₯ ≀ Ξ΅,
{ intros z z_in,
convert le_of_lt (hΞ΄ _ z_in.2 z_in.1),
have op : is_open (B ∩ s) := is_open_ball.inter s_open,
rw differentiable_at.fderiv_within _ (op.unique_diff_on z z_in),
exact (diff z z_in).differentiable_at (is_open.mem_nhds op z_in) },
simpa using conv.norm_image_sub_le_of_norm_fderiv_within_le' diff bound u_in v_in },
rintros ⟨u, v⟩ uv_in,
refine continuous_within_at.closure_le uv_in _ _ key,
have f_cont' : βˆ€y ∈ closure s, continuous_within_at (f - f') s y,
{ intros y y_in,
exact tendsto.sub (f_cont y y_in) (f'.cont.continuous_within_at) },
all_goals { -- common start for both continuity proofs
have : (B ∩ s) Γ—Λ’ (B ∩ s) βŠ† s Γ—Λ’ s, by mono ; exact inter_subset_right _ _,
obtain ⟨u_in, v_in⟩ : u ∈ closure s ∧ v ∈ closure s,
by simpa [closure_prod_eq] using closure_mono this uv_in,
apply continuous_within_at.mono _ this,
simp only [continuous_within_at] },
rw nhds_within_prod_eq,
{ have : βˆ€ u v, f v - f u - (f' v - f' u) = f v - f' v - (f u - f' u) := by { intros, abel },
simp only [this],
exact tendsto.comp continuous_norm.continuous_at
((tendsto.comp (f_cont' v v_in) tendsto_snd).sub $
tendsto.comp (f_cont' u u_in) tendsto_fst) },
{ apply tendsto_nhds_within_of_tendsto_nhds,
rw nhds_prod_eq,
exact tendsto_const_nhds.mul
(tendsto.comp continuous_norm.continuous_at $ tendsto_snd.sub tendsto_fst) },
/-- If a function is differentiable on the right of a point `a : ℝ`, continuous at `a`, and
its derivative also converges at `a`, then `f` is differentiable on the right at `a`. -/
lemma has_deriv_at_interval_left_endpoint_of_tendsto_deriv {s : set ℝ} {e : E} {a : ℝ} {f : ℝ β†’ E}
(f_diff : differentiable_on ℝ f s) (f_lim : continuous_within_at f s a)
(hs : s ∈ 𝓝[>] a)
(f_lim' : tendsto (Ξ»x, deriv f x) (𝓝[>] a) (𝓝 e)) :
has_deriv_within_at f e (Ici a) a :=
/- This is a specialization of `has_fderiv_at_boundary_of_tendsto_fderiv`. To be in the setting of
this theorem, we need to work on an open interval with closure contained in `s βˆͺ {a}`, that we
call `t = (a, b)`. Then, we check all the assumptions of this theorem and we apply it. -/
obtain ⟨b, ab : a < b, sab : Ioc a b βŠ† s⟩ :=
mem_nhds_within_Ioi_iff_exists_Ioc_subset.1 hs,
let t := Ioo a b,
have ts : t βŠ† s := subset.trans Ioo_subset_Ioc_self sab,
have t_diff : differentiable_on ℝ f t := f_diff.mono ts,
have t_conv : convex ℝ t := convex_Ioo a b,
have t_open : is_open t := is_open_Ioo,
have t_closure : closure t = Icc a b := closure_Ioo,
have t_cont : βˆ€y ∈ closure t, continuous_within_at f t y,
{ rw t_closure,
assume y hy,
by_cases h : y = a,
{ rw h, exact f_lim.mono ts },
{ have : y ∈ s := sab ⟨lt_of_le_of_ne hy.1 (ne.symm h), hy.2⟩,
exact (f_diff.continuous_on y this).mono ts } },
have t_diff' : tendsto (Ξ»x, fderiv ℝ f x) (𝓝[t] a) (𝓝 (smul_right 1 e)),
{ simp only [deriv_fderiv.symm],
exact tendsto.comp
(is_bounded_bilinear_map_smul_right : is_bounded_bilinear_map ℝ _)
(tendsto_nhds_within_mono_left Ioo_subset_Ioi_self f_lim'), },
-- now we can apply `has_fderiv_at_boundary_of_differentiable`
have : has_deriv_within_at f e (Icc a b) a,
{ rw [has_deriv_within_at_iff_has_fderiv_within_at, ← t_closure],
exact has_fderiv_at_boundary_of_tendsto_fderiv t_diff t_conv t_open t_cont t_diff' },
exact this.nhds_within (mem_nhds_within_Ici_iff_exists_Icc_subset.2 ⟨b, ab, subset.refl _⟩)
/-- If a function is differentiable on the left of a point `a : ℝ`, continuous at `a`, and
its derivative also converges at `a`, then `f` is differentiable on the left at `a`. -/
lemma has_deriv_at_interval_right_endpoint_of_tendsto_deriv {s : set ℝ} {e : E} {a : ℝ} {f : ℝ β†’ E}
(f_diff : differentiable_on ℝ f s) (f_lim : continuous_within_at f s a)
(hs : s ∈ 𝓝[<] a)
(f_lim' : tendsto (Ξ»x, deriv f x) (𝓝[<] a) (𝓝 e)) :
has_deriv_within_at f e (Iic a) a :=
/- This is a specialization of `has_fderiv_at_boundary_of_differentiable`. To be in the setting of
this theorem, we need to work on an open interval with closure contained in `s βˆͺ {a}`, that we
call `t = (b, a)`. Then, we check all the assumptions of this theorem and we apply it. -/
obtain ⟨b, ba, sab⟩ : βˆƒ b ∈ Iio a, Ico b a βŠ† s :=
mem_nhds_within_Iio_iff_exists_Ico_subset.1 hs,
let t := Ioo b a,
have ts : t βŠ† s := subset.trans Ioo_subset_Ico_self sab,
have t_diff : differentiable_on ℝ f t := f_diff.mono ts,
have t_conv : convex ℝ t := convex_Ioo b a,
have t_open : is_open t := is_open_Ioo,
have t_closure : closure t = Icc b a := closure_Ioo (ne_of_lt ba),
have t_cont : βˆ€y ∈ closure t, continuous_within_at f t y,
{ rw t_closure,
assume y hy,
by_cases h : y = a,
{ rw h, exact f_lim.mono ts },
{ have : y ∈ s := sab ⟨hy.1, lt_of_le_of_ne hy.2 h⟩,
exact (f_diff.continuous_on y this).mono ts } },
have t_diff' : tendsto (Ξ»x, fderiv ℝ f x) (𝓝[t] a) (𝓝 (smul_right 1 e)),
{ simp only [deriv_fderiv.symm],
exact tendsto.comp
(is_bounded_bilinear_map_smul_right : is_bounded_bilinear_map ℝ _)
(tendsto_nhds_within_mono_left Ioo_subset_Iio_self f_lim'), },
-- now we can apply `has_fderiv_at_boundary_of_differentiable`
have : has_deriv_within_at f e (Icc b a) a,
{ rw [has_deriv_within_at_iff_has_fderiv_within_at, ← t_closure],
exact has_fderiv_at_boundary_of_tendsto_fderiv t_diff t_conv t_open t_cont t_diff' },
exact this.nhds_within (mem_nhds_within_Iic_iff_exists_Icc_subset.2 ⟨b, ba, subset.refl _⟩)
/-- If a real function `f` has a derivative `g` everywhere but at a point, and `f` and `g` are
continuous at this point, then `g` is also the derivative of `f` at this point. -/
lemma has_deriv_at_of_has_deriv_at_of_ne {f g : ℝ β†’ E} {x : ℝ}
(f_diff : βˆ€ y β‰  x, has_deriv_at f (g y) y)
(hf : continuous_at f x) (hg : continuous_at g x) :
has_deriv_at f (g x) x :=
have A : has_deriv_within_at f (g x) (Ici x) x,
{ have diff : differentiable_on ℝ f (Ioi x) :=
Ξ»y hy, (f_diff y (ne_of_gt hy)).differentiable_at.differentiable_within_at,
-- next line is the nontrivial bit of this proof, appealing to differentiability
-- extension results.
apply has_deriv_at_interval_left_endpoint_of_tendsto_deriv diff hf.continuous_within_at
have : tendsto g (𝓝[>] x) (𝓝 (g x)) := tendsto_inf_left hg,
apply this.congr' _,
apply mem_of_superset self_mem_nhds_within (Ξ»y hy, _),
exact (f_diff y (ne_of_gt hy)).deriv.symm },
have B : has_deriv_within_at f (g x) (Iic x) x,
{ have diff : differentiable_on ℝ f (Iio x) :=
Ξ»y hy, (f_diff y (ne_of_lt hy)).differentiable_at.differentiable_within_at,
-- next line is the nontrivial bit of this proof, appealing to differentiability
-- extension results.
apply has_deriv_at_interval_right_endpoint_of_tendsto_deriv diff hf.continuous_within_at
have : tendsto g (𝓝[<] x) (𝓝 (g x)) := tendsto_inf_left hg,
apply this.congr' _,
apply mem_of_superset self_mem_nhds_within (Ξ»y hy, _),
exact (f_diff y (ne_of_lt hy)).deriv.symm },
simpa using B.union A
/-- If a real function `f` has a derivative `g` everywhere but at a point, and `f` and `g` are
continuous at this point, then `g` is the derivative of `f` everywhere. -/
lemma has_deriv_at_of_has_deriv_at_of_ne' {f g : ℝ β†’ E} {x : ℝ}
(f_diff : βˆ€ y β‰  x, has_deriv_at f (g y) y)
(hf : continuous_at f x) (hg : continuous_at g x) (y : ℝ) :
has_deriv_at f (g y) y :=
rcases eq_or_ne y x with rfl|hne,
{ exact has_deriv_at_of_has_deriv_at_of_ne f_diff hf hg },
{ exact f_diff y hne }