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Copyright (c) 2022 Yury Kudryashov. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Yury Kudryashov | |
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import topology.partition_of_unity | |
import analysis.convex.combination | |
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# Partition of unity and convex sets | |
In this file we prove the following lemma, see `exists_continuous_forall_mem_convex_of_local`. Let | |
`X` be a normal paracompact topological space (e.g., any extended metric space). Let `E` be a | |
topological real vector space. Let `t : X β set E` be a family of convex sets. Suppose that for each | |
point `x : X`, there exists a neighborhood `U β π X` and a function `g : X β E` that is continuous | |
on `U` and sends each `y β U` to a point of `t y`. Then there exists a continuous map `g : C(X, E)` | |
such that `g x β t x` for all `x`. | |
We also formulate a useful corollary, see `exists_continuous_forall_mem_convex_of_local_const`, that | |
assumes that local functions `g` are constants. | |
## Tags | |
partition of unity | |
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open set function | |
open_locale big_operators topological_space | |
variables {ΞΉ X E : Type*} [topological_space X] [add_comm_group E] [module β E] | |
lemma partition_of_unity.finsum_smul_mem_convex {s : set X} (f : partition_of_unity ΞΉ X s) | |
{g : ΞΉ β X β E} {t : set E} {x : X} (hx : x β s) (hg : β i, f i x β 0 β g i x β t) | |
(ht : convex β t) : | |
βαΆ i, f i x β’ g i x β t := | |
ht.finsum_mem (Ξ» i, f.nonneg _ _) (f.sum_eq_one hx) hg | |
variables [normal_space X] [paracompact_space X] [topological_space E] [has_continuous_add E] | |
[has_continuous_smul β E] {t : X β set E} | |
/-- Let `X` be a normal paracompact topological space (e.g., any extended metric space). Let `E` be | |
a topological real vector space. Let `t : X β set E` be a family of convex sets. Suppose that for | |
each point `x : X`, there exists a neighborhood `U β π X` and a function `g : X β E` that is | |
continuous on `U` and sends each `y β U` to a point of `t y`. Then there exists a continuous map | |
`g : C(X, E)` such that `g x β t x` for all `x`. See also | |
`exists_continuous_forall_mem_convex_of_local_const`. -/ | |
lemma exists_continuous_forall_mem_convex_of_local (ht : β x, convex β (t x)) | |
(H : β x : X, β (U β π x) (g : X β E), continuous_on g U β§ β y β U, g y β t y) : β | |
g : C(X, E), β x, g x β t x := | |
begin | |
choose U hU g hgc hgt using H, | |
obtain β¨f, hfβ© := partition_of_unity.exists_is_subordinate is_closed_univ (Ξ» x, interior (U x)) | |
(Ξ» x, is_open_interior) (Ξ» x hx, mem_Union.2 β¨x, mem_interior_iff_mem_nhds.2 (hU x)β©), | |
refine β¨β¨Ξ» x, βαΆ i, f i x β’ g i x, | |
hf.continuous_finsum_smul (Ξ» i, is_open_interior) $ Ξ» i, (hgc i).mono interior_subsetβ©, | |
Ξ» x, f.finsum_smul_mem_convex (mem_univ x) (Ξ» i hi, hgt _ _ _) (ht _)β©, | |
exact interior_subset (hf _ $ subset_closure hi) | |
end | |
/-- Let `X` be a normal paracompact topological space (e.g., any extended metric space). Let `E` be | |
a topological real vector space. Let `t : X β set E` be a family of convex sets. Suppose that for | |
each point `x : X`, there exists a vector `c : E` that belongs to `t y` for all `y` in a | |
neighborhood of `x`. Then there exists a continuous map `g : C(X, E)` such that `g x β t x` for all | |
`x`. See also `exists_continuous_forall_mem_convex_of_local`. -/ | |
lemma exists_continuous_forall_mem_convex_of_local_const (ht : β x, convex β (t x)) | |
(H : β x : X, β c : E, βαΆ y in π x, c β t y) : | |
β g : C(X, E), β x, g x β t x := | |
exists_continuous_forall_mem_convex_of_local ht $ Ξ» x, | |
let β¨c, hcβ© := H x in β¨_, hc, Ξ» _, c, continuous_on_const, Ξ» y, idβ© | |