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Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Yaël Dillies | |
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import analysis.convex.join | |
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# Stone's separation theorem | |
This file prove Stone's separation theorem. This tells us that any two disjoint convex sets can be | |
separated by a convex set whose complement is also convex. | |
In locally convex real topological vector spaces, the Hahn-Banach separation theorems provide | |
stronger statements: one may find a separating hyperplane, instead of merely a convex set whose | |
complement is convex. | |
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open set | |
open_locale big_operators | |
variables {𝕜 E ι : Type*} [linear_ordered_field 𝕜] [add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜 E] {s t : set E} | |
/-- In a tetrahedron with vertices `x`, `y`, `p`, `q`, any segment `[u, v]` joining the opposite | |
edges `[x, p]` and `[y, q]` passes through any triangle of vertices `p`, `q`, `z` where | |
`z ∈ [x, y]`. -/ | |
lemma not_disjoint_segment_convex_hull_triple {p q u v x y z : E} | |
(hz : z ∈ segment 𝕜 x y) (hu : u ∈ segment 𝕜 x p) (hv : v ∈ segment 𝕜 y q) : | |
¬ disjoint (segment 𝕜 u v) (convex_hull 𝕜 {p, q, z}) := | |
begin | |
rw not_disjoint_iff, | |
obtain ⟨az, bz, haz, hbz, habz, rfl⟩ := hz, | |
obtain rfl | haz' := haz.eq_or_lt, | |
{ rw zero_add at habz, | |
rw [zero_smul, zero_add, habz, one_smul], | |
refine ⟨v, right_mem_segment _ _ _, segment_subset_convex_hull _ _ hv⟩; simp }, | |
obtain ⟨av, bv, hav, hbv, habv, rfl⟩ := hv, | |
obtain rfl | hav' := hav.eq_or_lt, | |
{ rw zero_add at habv, | |
rw [zero_smul, zero_add, habv, one_smul], | |
exact ⟨q, right_mem_segment _ _ _, subset_convex_hull _ _ $ by simp⟩ }, | |
obtain ⟨au, bu, hau, hbu, habu, rfl⟩ := hu, | |
have hab : 0 < az * av + bz * au := | |
add_pos_of_pos_of_nonneg (mul_pos haz' hav') (mul_nonneg hbz hau), | |
refine ⟨(az * av / (az * av + bz * au)) • (au • x + bu • p) + | |
(bz * au / (az * av + bz * au)) • (av • y + bv • q), ⟨_, _, _, _, _, rfl⟩, _⟩, | |
{ exact div_nonneg (mul_nonneg haz hav) hab.le }, | |
{ exact div_nonneg (mul_nonneg hbz hau) hab.le }, | |
{ rw [←add_div, div_self'] }, | |
rw [smul_add, smul_add, add_add_add_comm, add_comm, ←mul_smul, ←mul_smul], | |
classical, | |
let w : fin 3 → 𝕜 := ![az * av * bu, bz * au * bv, au * av], | |
let z : fin 3 → E := ![p, q, az • x + bz • y], | |
have hw₀ : ∀ i, 0 ≤ w i, | |
{ rintro i, | |
fin_cases i, | |
{ exact mul_nonneg (mul_nonneg haz hav) hbu }, | |
{ exact mul_nonneg (mul_nonneg hbz hau) hbv }, | |
{ exact mul_nonneg hau hav } }, | |
have hw : ∑ i, w i = az * av + bz * au, | |
{ transitivity az * av * bu + (bz * au * bv + au * av), | |
{ simp [w, fin.sum_univ_succ, fin.sum_univ_zero] }, | |
rw [←one_mul (au * av), ←habz, add_mul, ←add_assoc, add_add_add_comm, mul_assoc, ←mul_add, | |
mul_assoc, ←mul_add, mul_comm av, ←add_mul, ←mul_add, add_comm bu, add_comm bv, habu, habv, | |
one_mul, mul_one] }, | |
have hz : ∀ i, z i ∈ ({p, q, az • x + bz • y} : set E), | |
{ rintro i, | |
fin_cases i; simp [z] }, | |
convert finset.center_mass_mem_convex_hull (finset.univ : finset (fin 3)) (λ i _, hw₀ i) | |
(by rwa hw) (λ i _, hz i), | |
rw finset.center_mass, | |
simp_rw [div_eq_inv_mul, hw, mul_assoc, mul_smul (az * av + bz * au)⁻¹, ←smul_add, add_assoc, | |
←mul_assoc], | |
congr' 3, | |
rw [←mul_smul, ←mul_rotate, mul_right_comm, mul_smul, ←mul_smul _ av, mul_rotate, mul_smul _ bz, | |
←smul_add], | |
simp only [, list.pmap, nat.add_def, add_zero, fin.mk_eq_subtype_mk, fin.mk_bit0, | |
fin.mk_one, list.foldr_cons, list.foldr_nil], | |
refl, | |
end | |
/-- **Stone's Separation Theorem** -/ | |
lemma exists_convex_convex_compl_subset (hs : convex 𝕜 s) (ht : convex 𝕜 t) (hst : disjoint s t) : | |
∃ C : set E, convex 𝕜 C ∧ convex 𝕜 Cᶜ ∧ s ⊆ C ∧ t ⊆ Cᶜ := | |
begin | |
let S : set (set E) := {C | convex 𝕜 C ∧ disjoint C t}, | |
obtain ⟨C, hC, hsC, hCmax⟩ := zorn_subset_nonempty S | |
(λ c hcS hc ⟨t, ht⟩, ⟨⋃₀ c, ⟨hc.directed_on.convex_sUnion (λ s hs, (hcS hs).1), | |
disjoint_sUnion_left.2 $ λ c hc, (hcS hc).2⟩, λ s, subset_sUnion_of_mem⟩) s ⟨hs, hst⟩, | |
refine ⟨C, hC.1, convex_iff_segment_subset.2 $ λ x y hx hy z hz hzC, _, hsC, | |
hC.2.subset_compl_left⟩, | |
suffices h : ∀ c ∈ Cᶜ, ∃ a ∈ C, (segment 𝕜 c a ∩ t).nonempty, | |
{ obtain ⟨p, hp, u, hu, hut⟩ := h x hx, | |
obtain ⟨q, hq, v, hv, hvt⟩ := h y hy, | |
refine not_disjoint_segment_convex_hull_triple hz hu hv | |
(hC.2.symm.mono (ht.segment_subset hut hvt) $ convex_hull_min _ hC.1), | |
simp [insert_subset, hp, hq, singleton_subset_iff.2 hzC] }, | |
rintro c hc, | |
by_contra' h, | |
suffices h : disjoint (convex_hull 𝕜 (insert c C)) t, | |
{ rw ←hCmax _ ⟨convex_convex_hull _ _, h⟩ | |
((subset_insert _ _).trans $ subset_convex_hull _ _) at hc, | |
exact hc (subset_convex_hull _ _ $ mem_insert _ _) }, | |
rw [convex_hull_insert ⟨z, hzC⟩, convex_join_singleton_left], | |
refine disjoint_Union₂_left.2 (λ a ha b hb, h a _ ⟨b, hb⟩), | |
rwa ←hC.1.convex_hull_eq, | |
end | |