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Copyright (c) 2021 Yury Kudryashov. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Yury Kudryashov | |
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import measure_theory.constructions.borel_space | |
import dynamics.ergodic.measure_preserving | |
import combinatorics.pigeonhole | |
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# Conservative systems | |
In this file we define `f : α → α` to be a *conservative* system w.r.t a measure `μ` if `f` is | |
non-singular (`measure_theory.quasi_measure_preserving`) and for every measurable set `s` of | |
positive measure at least one point `x ∈ s` returns back to `s` after some number of iterations of | |
`f`. There are several properties that look like they are stronger than this one but actually follow | |
from it: | |
* `measure_theory.conservative.frequently_measure_inter_ne_zero`, | |
`measure_theory.conservative.exists_gt_measure_inter_ne_zero`: if `μ s ≠ 0`, then for infinitely | |
many `n`, the measure of `s ∩ (f^[n]) ⁻¹' s` is positive. | |
* `measure_theory.conservative.measure_mem_forall_ge_image_not_mem_eq_zero`, | |
`measure_theory.conservative.ae_mem_imp_frequently_image_mem`: a.e. every point of `s` visits `s` | |
infinitely many times (Poincaré recurrence theorem). | |
We also prove the topological Poincaré recurrence theorem | |
`measure_theory.conservative.ae_frequently_mem_of_mem_nhds`. Let `f : α → α` be a conservative | |
dynamical system on a topological space with second countable topology and measurable open | |
sets. Then almost every point `x : α` is recurrent: it visits every neighborhood `s ∈ 𝓝 x` | |
infinitely many times. | |
## Tags | |
conservative dynamical system, Poincare recurrence theorem | |
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noncomputable theory | |
open classical set filter measure_theory finset function topological_space | |
open_locale classical topological_space | |
variables {ι : Type*} {α : Type*} [measurable_space α] {f : α → α} {s : set α} {μ : measure α} | |
namespace measure_theory | |
open measure | |
/-- We say that a non-singular (`measure_theory.quasi_measure_preserving`) self-map is | |
*conservative* if for any measurable set `s` of positive measure there exists `x ∈ s` such that `x` | |
returns back to `s` under some iteration of `f`. -/ | |
structure conservative (f : α → α) (μ : measure α . volume_tac) | |
extends quasi_measure_preserving f μ μ : Prop := | |
(exists_mem_image_mem : ∀ ⦃s⦄, measurable_set s → μ s ≠ 0 → ∃ (x ∈ s) (m ≠ 0), f^[m] x ∈ s) | |
/-- A self-map preserving a finite measure is conservative. -/ | |
protected lemma measure_preserving.conservative [is_finite_measure μ] | |
(h : measure_preserving f μ μ) : | |
conservative f μ := | |
⟨h.quasi_measure_preserving, λ s hsm h0, h.exists_mem_image_mem hsm h0⟩ | |
namespace conservative | |
/-- The identity map is conservative w.r.t. any measure. -/ | |
protected lemma id (μ : measure α) : conservative id μ := | |
{ to_quasi_measure_preserving := μ, | |
exists_mem_image_mem := λ s hs h0, let ⟨x, hx⟩ := nonempty_of_measure_ne_zero h0 in | |
⟨x, hx, 1, one_ne_zero, hx⟩ } | |
/-- If `f` is a conservative map and `s` is a measurable set of nonzero measure, then | |
for infinitely many values of `m` a positive measure of points `x ∈ s` returns back to `s` | |
after `m` iterations of `f`. -/ | |
lemma frequently_measure_inter_ne_zero (hf : conservative f μ) (hs : measurable_set s) | |
(h0 : μ s ≠ 0) : | |
∃ᶠ m in at_top, μ (s ∩ (f^[m]) ⁻¹' s) ≠ 0 := | |
begin | |
by_contra H, simp only [not_frequently, eventually_at_top, ne.def, not_not] at H, | |
rcases H with ⟨N, hN⟩, | |
induction N with N ihN, | |
{ apply h0, simpa using hN 0 le_rfl }, | |
rw [imp_false] at ihN, push_neg at ihN, | |
rcases ihN with ⟨n, hn, hμn⟩, | |
set T := s ∩ ⋃ n ≥ N + 1, (f^[n]) ⁻¹' s, | |
have hT : measurable_set T, | |
from hs.inter (measurable_set.bUnion (to_countable _) | |
(λ _ _, hf.measurable.iterate _ hs)), | |
have hμT : μ T = 0, | |
{ convert (measure_bUnion_null_iff $ to_countable _).2 hN, | |
rw ←inter_Union₂, refl }, | |
have : μ ((s ∩ (f^[n]) ⁻¹' s) \ T) ≠ 0, by rwa [measure_diff_null hμT], | |
rcases hf.exists_mem_image_mem ((hs.inter (hf.measurable.iterate n hs)).diff hT) this | |
with ⟨x, ⟨⟨hxs, hxn⟩, hxT⟩, m, hm0, ⟨hxms, hxm⟩, hxx⟩, | |
refine hxT ⟨hxs, mem_Union₂.2 ⟨n + m, _, _⟩⟩, | |
{ exact add_le_add hn (nat.one_le_of_lt $ pos_iff_ne_zero.2 hm0) }, | |
{ rwa [set.mem_preimage, ← iterate_add_apply] at hxm } | |
end | |
/-- If `f` is a conservative map and `s` is a measurable set of nonzero measure, then | |
for an arbitrarily large `m` a positive measure of points `x ∈ s` returns back to `s` | |
after `m` iterations of `f`. -/ | |
lemma exists_gt_measure_inter_ne_zero (hf : conservative f μ) (hs : measurable_set s) (h0 : μ s ≠ 0) | |
(N : ℕ) : | |
∃ m > N, μ (s ∩ (f^[m]) ⁻¹' s) ≠ 0 := | |
let ⟨m, hm, hmN⟩ := | |
((hf.frequently_measure_inter_ne_zero hs h0).and_eventually (eventually_gt_at_top N)).exists | |
in ⟨m, hmN, hm⟩ | |
/-- Poincaré recurrence theorem: given a conservative map `f` and a measurable set `s`, the set | |
of points `x ∈ s` such that `x` does not return to `s` after `≥ n` iterations has measure zero. -/ | |
lemma measure_mem_forall_ge_image_not_mem_eq_zero (hf : conservative f μ) (hs : measurable_set s) | |
(n : ℕ) : | |
μ {x ∈ s | ∀ m ≥ n, f^[m] x ∉ s} = 0 := | |
begin | |
by_contradiction H, | |
have : measurable_set (s ∩ {x | ∀ m ≥ n, f^[m] x ∉ s}), | |
{ simp only [set_of_forall, ← compl_set_of], | |
exact hs.inter (measurable_set.bInter (to_countable _) | |
(λ m _, hf.measurable.iterate m hs.compl)) }, | |
rcases (hf.exists_gt_measure_inter_ne_zero this H) n with ⟨m, hmn, hm⟩, | |
rcases nonempty_of_measure_ne_zero hm with ⟨x, ⟨hxs, hxn⟩, hxm, -⟩, | |
exact hxn m hxm | |
end | |
/-- Poincaré recurrence theorem: given a conservative map `f` and a measurable set `s`, | |
almost every point `x ∈ s` returns back to `s` infinitely many times. -/ | |
lemma ae_mem_imp_frequently_image_mem (hf : conservative f μ) (hs : measurable_set s) : | |
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, x ∈ s → ∃ᶠ n in at_top, (f^[n] x) ∈ s := | |
begin | |
simp only [frequently_at_top, @forall_swap (_ ∈ s), ae_all_iff], | |
intro n, | |
filter_upwards [measure_zero_iff_ae_nmem.1 (hf.measure_mem_forall_ge_image_not_mem_eq_zero hs n)], | |
simp, | |
end | |
lemma inter_frequently_image_mem_ae_eq (hf : conservative f μ) (hs : measurable_set s) : | |
(s ∩ {x | ∃ᶠ n in at_top, f^[n] x ∈ s} : set α) =ᵐ[μ] s := | |
inter_eventually_eq_left.2 $ hf.ae_mem_imp_frequently_image_mem hs | |
lemma measure_inter_frequently_image_mem_eq (hf : conservative f μ) (hs : measurable_set s) : | |
μ (s ∩ {x | ∃ᶠ n in at_top, f^[n] x ∈ s}) = μ s := | |
measure_congr (hf.inter_frequently_image_mem_ae_eq hs) | |
/-- Poincaré recurrence theorem: if `f` is a conservative dynamical system and `s` is a measurable | |
set, then for `μ`-a.e. `x`, if the orbit of `x` visits `s` at least once, then it visits `s` | |
infinitely many times. -/ | |
lemma ae_forall_image_mem_imp_frequently_image_mem (hf : conservative f μ) (hs : measurable_set s) : | |
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, ∀ k, f^[k] x ∈ s → ∃ᶠ n in at_top, (f^[n] x) ∈ s := | |
begin | |
refine ae_all_iff.2 (λ k, _), | |
refine (hf.ae_mem_imp_frequently_image_mem (hf.measurable.iterate k hs)).mono (λ x hx hk, _), | |
rw [← map_add_at_top_eq_nat k, frequently_map], | |
refine (hx hk).mono (λ n hn, _), | |
rwa [add_comm, iterate_add_apply] | |
end | |
/-- If `f` is a conservative self-map and `s` is a measurable set of positive measure, then | |
`μ.ae`-frequently we have `x ∈ s` and `s` returns to `s` under infinitely many iterations of `f`. -/ | |
lemma frequently_ae_mem_and_frequently_image_mem (hf : conservative f μ) (hs : measurable_set s) | |
(h0 : μ s ≠ 0) : | |
∃ᵐ x ∂μ, x ∈ s ∧ ∃ᶠ n in at_top, (f^[n] x) ∈ s := | |
((frequently_ae_mem_iff.2 h0).and_eventually (hf.ae_mem_imp_frequently_image_mem hs)).mono $ λ x hx, | |
⟨hx.1, hx.2 hx.1⟩ | |
/-- Poincaré recurrence theorem. Let `f : α → α` be a conservative dynamical system on a topological | |
space with second countable topology and measurable open sets. Then almost every point `x : α` | |
is recurrent: it visits every neighborhood `s ∈ 𝓝 x` infinitely many times. -/ | |
lemma ae_frequently_mem_of_mem_nhds [topological_space α] [second_countable_topology α] | |
[opens_measurable_space α] {f : α → α} {μ : measure α} (h : conservative f μ) : | |
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, ∀ s ∈ 𝓝 x, ∃ᶠ n in at_top, f^[n] x ∈ s := | |
begin | |
have : ∀ s ∈ countable_basis α, ∀ᵐ x ∂μ, x ∈ s → ∃ᶠ n in at_top, (f^[n] x) ∈ s, | |
from λ s hs, h.ae_mem_imp_frequently_image_mem | |
(is_open_of_mem_countable_basis hs).measurable_set, | |
refine ((ae_ball_iff $ countable_countable_basis α).2 this).mono (λ x hx s hs, _), | |
rcases (is_basis_countable_basis α).mem_nhds_iff.1 hs with ⟨o, hoS, hxo, hos⟩, | |
exact (hx o hoS hxo).mono (λ n hn, hos hn) | |
end | |
/-- Iteration of a conservative system is a conservative system. -/ | |
protected lemma iterate (hf : conservative f μ) (n : ℕ) : conservative (f^[n]) μ := | |
begin | |
cases n, { exact μ }, -- Discharge the trivial case `n = 0` | |
refine ⟨hf.1.iterate _, λ s hs hs0, _⟩, | |
rcases (hf.frequently_ae_mem_and_frequently_image_mem hs hs0).exists with ⟨x, hxs, hx⟩, | |
/- We take a point `x ∈ s` such that `f^[k] x ∈ s` for infinitely many values of `k`, | |
then we choose two of these values `k < l` such that `k ≡ l [MOD (n + 1)]`. | |
Then `f^[k] x ∈ s` and `(f^[n + 1])^[(l - k) / (n + 1)] (f^[k] x) = f^[l] x ∈ s`. -/ | |
rw nat.frequently_at_top_iff_infinite at hx, | |
rcases nat.exists_lt_modeq_of_infinite hx n.succ_pos with ⟨k, hk, l, hl, hkl, hn⟩, | |
set m := (l - k) / (n + 1), | |
have : (n + 1) * m = l - k, | |
{ apply nat.mul_div_cancel', | |
exact (nat.modeq_iff_dvd' hkl.le).1 hn }, | |
refine ⟨f^[k] x, hk, m, _, _⟩, | |
{ intro hm, | |
rw [hm, mul_zero, eq_comm, tsub_eq_zero_iff_le] at this, | |
exact this.not_lt hkl }, | |
{ rwa [← iterate_mul, this, ← iterate_add_apply, tsub_add_cancel_of_le], | |
exact hkl.le } | |
end | |
end conservative | |
end measure_theory | |