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Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Johannes Hölzl | |
-/ | |
import data.matrix.basis | |
import linear_algebra.basis | |
import linear_algebra.pi | |
/-! | |
# The standard basis | |
This file defines the standard basis `pi.basis (s : ∀ j, basis (ι j) R (M j))`, | |
which is the `Σ j, ι j`-indexed basis of Π j, M j`. The basis vectors are given by | |
`pi.basis s ⟨j, i⟩ j' = linear_map.std_basis R M j' (s j) i = if j = j' then s i else 0`. | |
The standard basis on `R^η`, i.e. `η → R` is called `pi.basis_fun`. | |
To give a concrete example, `linear_map.std_basis R (λ (i : fin 3), R) i 1` | |
gives the `i`th unit basis vector in `R³`, and `pi.basis_fun R (fin 3)` proves | |
this is a basis over `fin 3 → R`. | |
## Main definitions | |
- `linear_map.std_basis R M`: if `x` is a basis vector of `M i`, then | |
`linear_map.std_basis R M i x` is the `i`th standard basis vector of `Π i, M i`. | |
- `pi.basis s`: given a basis `s i` for each `M i`, the standard basis on `Π i, M i` | |
- `pi.basis_fun R η`: the standard basis on `R^η`, i.e. `η → R`, given by | |
`pi.basis_fun R η i j = if i = j then 1 else 0`. | |
- `matrix.std_basis R n m`: the standard basis on `matrix n m R`, given by | |
`matrix.std_basis R n m (i, j) i' j' = if (i, j) = (i', j') then 1 else 0`. | |
-/ | |
open function submodule | |
open_locale big_operators | |
open_locale big_operators | |
namespace linear_map | |
variables (R : Type*) {ι : Type*} [semiring R] (φ : ι → Type*) | |
[Π i, add_comm_monoid (φ i)] [Π i, module R (φ i)] [decidable_eq ι] | |
/-- The standard basis of the product of `φ`. -/ | |
def std_basis : Π (i : ι), φ i →ₗ[R] (Πi, φ i) := single | |
lemma std_basis_apply (i : ι) (b : φ i) : std_basis R φ i b = update 0 i b := | |
rfl | |
lemma coe_std_basis (i : ι) : ⇑(std_basis R φ i) = pi.single i := | |
rfl | |
@[simp] lemma std_basis_same (i : ι) (b : φ i) : std_basis R φ i b i = b := | |
pi.single_eq_same i b | |
lemma std_basis_ne (i j : ι) (h : j ≠ i) (b : φ i) : std_basis R φ i b j = 0 := | |
pi.single_eq_of_ne h b | |
lemma std_basis_eq_pi_diag (i : ι) : std_basis R φ i = pi (diag i) := | |
begin | |
ext x j, | |
convert (update_apply 0 x i j _).symm, | |
refl, | |
end | |
lemma ker_std_basis (i : ι) : ker (std_basis R φ i) = ⊥ := | |
ker_eq_bot_of_injective $ pi.single_injective _ _ | |
lemma proj_comp_std_basis (i j : ι) : (proj i).comp (std_basis R φ j) = diag j i := | |
by rw [std_basis_eq_pi_diag, proj_pi] | |
lemma proj_std_basis_same (i : ι) : (proj i).comp (std_basis R φ i) = id := | |
linear_map.ext $ std_basis_same R φ i | |
lemma proj_std_basis_ne (i j : ι) (h : i ≠ j) : (proj i).comp (std_basis R φ j) = 0 := | |
linear_map.ext $ std_basis_ne R φ _ _ h | |
lemma supr_range_std_basis_le_infi_ker_proj (I J : set ι) (h : disjoint I J) : | |
(⨆i∈I, range (std_basis R φ i)) ≤ (⨅i∈J, ker (proj i)) := | |
begin | |
refine (supr_le $ λ i, supr_le $ λ hi, range_le_iff_comap.2 _), | |
simp only [(ker_comp _ _).symm, eq_top_iff, set_like.le_def, mem_ker, comap_infi, mem_infi], | |
rintro b - j hj, | |
rw [proj_std_basis_ne R φ j i, zero_apply], | |
rintro rfl, | |
exact h ⟨hi, hj⟩ | |
end | |
lemma infi_ker_proj_le_supr_range_std_basis {I : finset ι} {J : set ι} (hu : set.univ ⊆ ↑I ∪ J) : | |
(⨅ i∈J, ker (proj i)) ≤ (⨆i∈I, range (std_basis R φ i)) := | |
set_like.le_def.2 | |
begin | |
assume b hb, | |
simp only [mem_infi, mem_ker, proj_apply] at hb, | |
rw ← show ∑ i in I, std_basis R φ i (b i) = b, | |
{ ext i, | |
rw [finset.sum_apply, ← std_basis_same R φ i (b i)], | |
refine finset.sum_eq_single i (assume j hjI ne, std_basis_ne _ _ _ _ ne.symm _) _, | |
assume hiI, | |
rw [std_basis_same], | |
exact hb _ ((hu trivial).resolve_left hiI) }, | |
exact sum_mem_bsupr (λ i hi, (std_basis R φ i).mem_range_self (b i)) | |
end | |
lemma supr_range_std_basis_eq_infi_ker_proj {I J : set ι} | |
(hd : disjoint I J) (hu : set.univ ⊆ I ∪ J) (hI : set.finite I) : | |
(⨆i∈I, range (std_basis R φ i)) = (⨅i∈J, ker (proj i)) := | |
begin | |
refine le_antisymm (supr_range_std_basis_le_infi_ker_proj _ _ _ _ hd) _, | |
have : set.univ ⊆ ↑hI.to_finset ∪ J, { rwa [hI.coe_to_finset] }, | |
refine le_trans (infi_ker_proj_le_supr_range_std_basis R φ this) (supr_mono $ assume i, _), | |
rw [set.finite.mem_to_finset], | |
exact le_rfl | |
end | |
lemma supr_range_std_basis [fintype ι] : (⨆i:ι, range (std_basis R φ i)) = ⊤ := | |
have (set.univ : set ι) ⊆ ↑(finset.univ : finset ι) ∪ ∅ := by rw [finset.coe_univ, set.union_empty], | |
begin | |
apply top_unique, | |
convert (infi_ker_proj_le_supr_range_std_basis R φ this), | |
exact infi_emptyset.symm, | |
exact (funext $ λi, (@supr_pos _ _ _ (λh, range (std_basis R φ i)) $ finset.mem_univ i).symm) | |
end | |
lemma disjoint_std_basis_std_basis (I J : set ι) (h : disjoint I J) : | |
disjoint (⨆i∈I, range (std_basis R φ i)) (⨆i∈J, range (std_basis R φ i)) := | |
begin | |
refine disjoint.mono | |
(supr_range_std_basis_le_infi_ker_proj _ _ _ _ $ disjoint_compl_right) | |
(supr_range_std_basis_le_infi_ker_proj _ _ _ _ $ disjoint_compl_right) _, | |
simp only [disjoint, set_like.le_def, mem_infi, mem_inf, mem_ker, mem_bot, proj_apply, | |
funext_iff], | |
rintros b ⟨hI, hJ⟩ i, | |
classical, | |
by_cases hiI : i ∈ I, | |
{ by_cases hiJ : i ∈ J, | |
{ exact (h ⟨hiI, hiJ⟩).elim }, | |
{ exact hJ i hiJ } }, | |
{ exact hI i hiI } | |
end | |
lemma std_basis_eq_single {a : R} : | |
(λ (i : ι), (std_basis R (λ _ : ι, R) i) a) = λ (i : ι), (finsupp.single i a) := | |
funext $ λ i, (finsupp.single_eq_pi_single i a).symm | |
end linear_map | |
namespace pi | |
open linear_map | |
open set | |
variables {R : Type*} | |
section module | |
variables {η : Type*} {ιs : η → Type*} {Ms : η → Type*} | |
lemma linear_independent_std_basis [ring R] [∀i, add_comm_group (Ms i)] [∀i, module R (Ms i)] | |
[decidable_eq η] (v : Πj, ιs j → (Ms j)) (hs : ∀i, linear_independent R (v i)) : | |
linear_independent R (λ (ji : Σ j, ιs j), std_basis R Ms ji.1 (v ji.1 ji.2)) := | |
begin | |
have hs' : ∀j : η, linear_independent R (λ i : ιs j, std_basis R Ms j (v j i)), | |
{ intro j, | |
exact (hs j).map' _ (ker_std_basis _ _ _) }, | |
apply linear_independent_Union_finite hs', | |
{ assume j J _ hiJ, | |
simp [(set.Union.equations._eqn_1 _).symm, submodule.span_image, submodule.span_Union], | |
have h₀ : ∀ j, span R (range (λ (i : ιs j), std_basis R Ms j (v j i))) | |
≤ range (std_basis R Ms j), | |
{ intro j, | |
rw [span_le, linear_map.range_coe], | |
apply range_comp_subset_range }, | |
have h₁ : span R (range (λ (i : ιs j), std_basis R Ms j (v j i))) | |
≤ ⨆ i ∈ {j}, range (std_basis R Ms i), | |
{ rw @supr_singleton _ _ _ (λ i, linear_map.range (std_basis R (λ (j : η), Ms j) i)), | |
apply h₀ }, | |
have h₂ : (⨆ j ∈ J, span R (range (λ (i : ιs j), std_basis R Ms j (v j i)))) ≤ | |
⨆ j ∈ J, range (std_basis R (λ (j : η), Ms j) j) := | |
supr₂_mono (λ i _, h₀ i), | |
have h₃ : disjoint (λ (i : η), i ∈ {j}) J, | |
{ convert set.disjoint_singleton_left.2 hiJ using 0 }, | |
exact (disjoint_std_basis_std_basis _ _ _ _ h₃).mono h₁ h₂ } | |
end | |
variables [semiring R] [∀i, add_comm_monoid (Ms i)] [∀i, module R (Ms i)] | |
variable [fintype η] | |
section | |
open linear_equiv | |
/-- `pi.basis (s : ∀ j, basis (ιs j) R (Ms j))` is the `Σ j, ιs j`-indexed basis on `Π j, Ms j` | |
given by `s j` on each component. | |
For the standard basis over `R` on the finite-dimensional space `η → R` see `pi.basis_fun`. | |
-/ | |
protected noncomputable def basis (s : ∀ j, basis (ιs j) R (Ms j)) : | |
basis (Σ j, ιs j) R (Π j, Ms j) := | |
-- The `add_comm_monoid (Π j, Ms j)` instance was hard to find. | |
-- Defining this in tactic mode seems to shake up instance search enough that it works by itself. | |
by { refine basis.of_repr (_ ≪≫ₗ (finsupp.sigma_finsupp_lequiv_pi_finsupp R).symm), | |
exact linear_equiv.Pi_congr_right (λ j, (s j).repr) } | |
@[simp] lemma basis_repr_std_basis [decidable_eq η] (s : ∀ j, basis (ιs j) R (Ms j)) (j i) : | |
(pi.basis s).repr (std_basis R _ j (s j i)) = finsupp.single ⟨j, i⟩ 1 := | |
begin | |
ext ⟨j', i'⟩, | |
by_cases hj : j = j', | |
{ subst hj, | |
simp only [pi.basis, linear_equiv.trans_apply, basis.repr_self, std_basis_same, | |
linear_equiv.Pi_congr_right_apply, finsupp.sigma_finsupp_lequiv_pi_finsupp_symm_apply], | |
symmetry, | |
exact basis.finsupp.single_apply_left | |
(λ i i' (h : (⟨j, i⟩ : Σ j, ιs j) = ⟨j, i'⟩), eq_of_heq ( h).2) _ _ _ }, | |
simp only [pi.basis, linear_equiv.trans_apply, finsupp.sigma_finsupp_lequiv_pi_finsupp_symm_apply, | |
linear_equiv.Pi_congr_right_apply], | |
dsimp, | |
rw [std_basis_ne _ _ _ _ (ne.symm hj), linear_equiv.map_zero, finsupp.zero_apply, | |
finsupp.single_eq_of_ne], | |
rintros ⟨⟩, | |
contradiction | |
end | |
@[simp] lemma basis_apply [decidable_eq η] (s : ∀ j, basis (ιs j) R (Ms j)) (ji) : | |
pi.basis s ji = std_basis R _ ji.1 (s ji.1 ji.2) := | |
basis.apply_eq_iff.mpr (by simp) | |
@[simp] lemma basis_repr (s : ∀ j, basis (ιs j) R (Ms j)) (x) (ji) : | |
(pi.basis s).repr x ji = (s ji.1).repr (x ji.1) ji.2 := | |
rfl | |
end | |
section | |
variables (R η) | |
/-- The basis on `η → R` where the `i`th basis vector is `function.update 0 i 1`. -/ | |
noncomputable def basis_fun : basis η R (Π (j : η), R) := | |
basis.of_equiv_fun (linear_equiv.refl _ _) | |
@[simp] lemma basis_fun_apply [decidable_eq η] (i) : | |
basis_fun R η i = std_basis R (λ (i : η), R) i 1 := | |
by { simp only [basis_fun, basis.coe_of_equiv_fun, linear_equiv.refl_symm, | |
linear_equiv.refl_apply, std_basis_apply], | |
congr /- Get rid of a `decidable_eq` mismatch. -/ } | |
@[simp] lemma basis_fun_repr (x : η → R) (i : η) : | |
(pi.basis_fun R η).repr x i = x i := | |
by simp [basis_fun] | |
end | |
end module | |
end pi | |
namespace matrix | |
variables (R : Type*) (m n : Type*) [fintype m] [fintype n] [semiring R] | |
/-- The standard basis of `matrix m n R`. -/ | |
noncomputable def std_basis : basis (m × n) R (matrix m n R) := | |
basis.reindex (pi.basis (λ (i : m), pi.basis_fun R n)) (equiv.sigma_equiv_prod _ _) | |
variables {n m} | |
lemma std_basis_eq_std_basis_matrix (i : n) (j : m) [decidable_eq n] [decidable_eq m] : | |
std_basis R n m (i, j) = std_basis_matrix i j (1 : R) := | |
begin | |
ext a b, | |
by_cases hi : i = a; by_cases hj : j = b, | |
{ simp [std_basis, hi, hj] }, | |
{ simp [std_basis, hi, hj, ne.symm hj, linear_map.std_basis_ne] }, | |
{ simp [std_basis, hi, hj, ne.symm hi, linear_map.std_basis_ne] }, | |
{ simp [std_basis, hi, hj, ne.symm hj, ne.symm hi, linear_map.std_basis_ne] } | |
end | |
end matrix | |