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Copyright (c) 2021 Sébastien Gouëzel. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel | |
-/ | |
import measure_theory.covering.differentiation | |
import measure_theory.covering.vitali_family | |
import measure_theory.integral.lebesgue | |
import measure_theory.measure.regular | |
import set_theory.ordinal.arithmetic | |
import topology.metric_space.basic | |
/-! | |
# Besicovitch covering theorems | |
The topological Besicovitch covering theorem ensures that, in a nice metric space, there exists a | |
number `N` such that, from any family of balls with bounded radii, one can extract `N` families, | |
each made of disjoint balls, covering together all the centers of the initial family. | |
By "nice metric space", we mean a technical property stated as follows: there exists no satellite | |
configuration of `N + 1` points (with a given parameter `τ > 1`). Such a configuration is a family | |
of `N + 1` balls, where the first `N` balls all intersect the last one, but none of them contains | |
the center of another one and their radii are controlled. This property is for instance | |
satisfied by finite-dimensional real vector spaces. | |
In this file, we prove the topological Besicovitch covering theorem, | |
in `besicovitch.exist_disjoint_covering_families`. | |
The measurable Besicovitch theorem ensures that, in the same class of metric spaces, if at every | |
point one considers a class of balls of arbitrarily small radii, called admissible balls, then | |
one can cover almost all the space by a family of disjoint admissible balls. | |
It is deduced from the topological Besicovitch theorem, and proved | |
in `besicovitch.exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae`. | |
This implies that balls of small radius form a Vitali family in such spaces. Therefore, theorems | |
on differentiation of measures hold as a consequence of general results. We restate them in this | |
context to make them more easily usable. | |
## Main definitions and results | |
* `satellite_config α N τ` is the type of all satellite configurations of `N + 1` points | |
in the metric space `α`, with parameter `τ`. | |
* `has_besicovitch_covering` is a class recording that there exist `N` and `τ > 1` such that | |
there is no satellite configuration of `N + 1` points with parameter `τ`. | |
* `exist_disjoint_covering_families` is the topological Besicovitch covering theorem: from any | |
family of balls one can extract finitely many disjoint subfamilies covering the same set. | |
* `exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering` is the measurable Besicovitch covering theorem: from any | |
family of balls with arbitrarily small radii at every point, one can extract countably many | |
disjoint balls covering almost all the space. While the value of `N` is relevant for the precise | |
statement of the topological Besicovitch theorem, it becomes irrelevant for the measurable one. | |
Therefore, this statement is expressed using the `Prop`-valued | |
typeclass `has_besicovitch_covering`. | |
We also restate the following specialized versions of general theorems on differentiation of | |
measures: | |
* `besicovitch.ae_tendsto_rn_deriv` ensures that `ρ (closed_ball x r) / μ (closed_ball x r)` tends | |
almost surely to the Radon-Nikodym derivative of `ρ` with respect to `μ` at `x`. | |
* `besicovitch.ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div` states that almost every point in an arbitrary set `s` | |
is a Lebesgue density point, i.e., `μ (s ∩ closed_ball x r) / μ (closed_ball x r)` tends to `1` as | |
`r` tends to `0`. A stronger version for measurable sets is given in | |
`besicovitch.ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div_of_measurable_set`. | |
## Implementation | |
#### Sketch of proof of the topological Besicovitch theorem: | |
We choose balls in a greedy way. First choose a ball with maximal radius (or rather, since there | |
is no guarantee the maximal radius is realized, a ball with radius within a factor `τ` of the | |
supremum). Then, remove all balls whose center is covered by the first ball, and choose among the | |
remaining ones a ball with radius close to maximum. Go on forever until there is no available | |
center (this is a transfinite induction in general). | |
Then define inductively a coloring of the balls. A ball will be of color `i` if it intersects | |
already chosen balls of color `0`, ..., `i - 1`, but none of color `i`. In this way, balls of the | |
same color form a disjoint family, and the space is covered by the families of the different colors. | |
The nontrivial part is to show that at most `N` colors are used. If one needs `N + 1` colors, | |
consider the first time this happens. Then the corresponding ball intersects `N` balls of the | |
different colors. Moreover, the inductive construction ensures that the radii of all the balls are | |
controlled: they form a satellite configuration with `N + 1` balls (essentially by definition of | |
satellite configurations). Since we assume that there are no such configurations, this is a | |
contradiction. | |
#### Sketch of proof of the measurable Besicovitch theorem: | |
From the topological Besicovitch theorem, one can find a disjoint countable family of balls | |
covering a proportion `> 1 / (N + 1)` of the space. Taking a large enough finite subset of these | |
balls, one gets the same property for finitely many balls. Their union is closed. Therefore, any | |
point in the complement has around it an admissible ball not intersecting these finitely many balls. | |
Applying again the topological Besicovitch theorem, one extracts from these a disjoint countable | |
subfamily covering a proportion `> 1 / (N + 1)` of the remaining points, and then even a disjoint | |
finite subfamily. Then one goes on again and again, covering at each step a positive proportion of | |
the remaining points, while remaining disjoint from the already chosen balls. The union of all these | |
balls is the desired almost everywhere covering. | |
-/ | |
noncomputable theory | |
universe u | |
open metric set filter fin measure_theory topological_space | |
open_locale topological_space classical big_operators ennreal measure_theory nnreal | |
/-! | |
### Satellite configurations | |
-/ | |
/-- A satellite configuration is a configuration of `N+1` points that shows up in the inductive | |
construction for the Besicovitch covering theorem. It depends on some parameter `τ ≥ 1`. | |
This is a family of balls (indexed by `i : fin N.succ`, with center `c i` and radius `r i`) such | |
that the last ball intersects all the other balls (condition `inter`), | |
and given any two balls there is an order between them, ensuring that the first ball does not | |
contain the center of the other one, and the radius of the second ball can not be larger than | |
the radius of the first ball (up to a factor `τ`). This order corresponds to the order of choice | |
in the inductive construction: otherwise, the second ball would have been chosen before. | |
This is the condition `h`. | |
Finally, the last ball is chosen after all the other ones, meaning that `h` can be strengthened | |
by keeping only one side of the alternative in `hlast`. | |
-/ | |
structure besicovitch.satellite_config (α : Type*) [metric_space α] (N : ℕ) (τ : ℝ) := | |
(c : fin N.succ → α) | |
(r : fin N.succ → ℝ) | |
(rpos : ∀ i, 0 < r i) | |
(h : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → (r i ≤ dist (c i) (c j) ∧ r j ≤ τ * r i) ∨ | |
(r j ≤ dist (c j) (c i) ∧ r i ≤ τ * r j)) | |
(hlast : ∀ i < last N, r i ≤ dist (c i) (c (last N)) ∧ r (last N) ≤ τ * r i) | |
(inter : ∀ i < last N, dist (c i) (c (last N)) ≤ r i + r (last N)) | |
/-- A metric space has the Besicovitch covering property if there exist `N` and `τ > 1` such that | |
there are no satellite configuration of parameter `τ` with `N+1` points. This is the condition that | |
guarantees that the measurable Besicovitch covering theorem holds. It is satified by | |
finite-dimensional real vector spaces. -/ | |
class has_besicovitch_covering (α : Type*) [metric_space α] : Prop := | |
(no_satellite_config [] : ∃ (N : ℕ) (τ : ℝ), 1 < τ ∧ is_empty (besicovitch.satellite_config α N τ)) | |
/-- There is always a satellite configuration with a single point. -/ | |
instance {α : Type*} {τ : ℝ} [inhabited α] [metric_space α] : | |
inhabited (besicovitch.satellite_config α 0 τ) := | |
⟨{ c := default, | |
r := λ i, 1, | |
rpos := λ i, zero_lt_one, | |
h := λ i j hij, (hij (subsingleton.elim i j)).elim, | |
hlast := λ i hi, by { rw subsingleton.elim i (last 0) at hi, exact (lt_irrefl _ hi).elim }, | |
inter := λ i hi, by { rw subsingleton.elim i (last 0) at hi, exact (lt_irrefl _ hi).elim } }⟩ | |
namespace besicovitch | |
namespace satellite_config | |
variables {α : Type*} [metric_space α] {N : ℕ} {τ : ℝ} (a : satellite_config α N τ) | |
lemma inter' (i : fin N.succ) : dist (a.c i) (a.c (last N)) ≤ a.r i + a.r (last N) := | |
begin | |
rcases lt_or_le i (last N) with H|H, | |
{ exact a.inter i H }, | |
{ have I : i = last N := top_le_iff.1 H, | |
have := (a.rpos (last N)).le, | |
simp only [I, add_nonneg this this, dist_self] } | |
end | |
lemma hlast' (i : fin N.succ) (h : 1 ≤ τ) : a.r (last N) ≤ τ * a.r i := | |
begin | |
rcases lt_or_le i (last N) with H|H, | |
{ exact (a.hlast i H).2 }, | |
{ have : i = last N := top_le_iff.1 H, | |
rw this, | |
exact le_mul_of_one_le_left (a.rpos _).le h } | |
end | |
end satellite_config | |
/-! ### Extracting disjoint subfamilies from a ball covering -/ | |
/-- A ball package is a family of balls in a metric space with positive bounded radii. -/ | |
structure ball_package (β : Type*) (α : Type*) := | |
(c : β → α) | |
(r : β → ℝ) | |
(rpos : ∀ b, 0 < r b) | |
(r_bound : ℝ) | |
(r_le : ∀ b, r b ≤ r_bound) | |
/-- The ball package made of unit balls. -/ | |
def unit_ball_package (α : Type*) : ball_package α α := | |
{ c := id, | |
r := λ _, 1, | |
rpos := λ _, zero_lt_one, | |
r_bound := 1, | |
r_le := λ _, le_rfl } | |
instance (α : Type*) : inhabited (ball_package α α) := | |
⟨unit_ball_package α⟩ | |
/-- A Besicovitch tau-package is a family of balls in a metric space with positive bounded radii, | |
together with enough data to proceed with the Besicovitch greedy algorithm. We register this in | |
a single structure to make sure that all our constructions in this algorithm only depend on | |
one variable. -/ | |
structure tau_package (β : Type*) (α : Type*) extends ball_package β α := | |
(τ : ℝ) | |
(one_lt_tau : 1 < τ) | |
instance (α : Type*) : inhabited (tau_package α α) := | |
⟨{ τ := 2, | |
one_lt_tau := one_lt_two, | |
.. unit_ball_package α }⟩ | |
variables {α : Type*} [metric_space α] {β : Type u} | |
namespace tau_package | |
variables [nonempty β] (p : tau_package β α) | |
include p | |
/-- Choose inductively large balls with centers that are not contained in the union of already | |
chosen balls. This is a transfinite induction. -/ | |
noncomputable def index : ordinal.{u} → β | |
| i := | |
-- `Z` is the set of points that are covered by already constructed balls | |
let Z := ⋃ (j : {j // j < i}), ball (p.c (index j)) (p.r (index j)), | |
-- `R` is the supremum of the radii of balls with centers not in `Z` | |
R := supr (λ b : {b : β // p.c b ∉ Z}, p.r b) in | |
-- return an index `b` for which the center `c b` is not in `Z`, and the radius is at | |
-- least `R / τ`, if such an index exists (and garbage otherwise). | |
classical.epsilon (λ b : β, p.c b ∉ Z ∧ R ≤ p.τ * p.r b) | |
using_well_founded {dec_tac := `[exact j.2]} | |
/-- The set of points that are covered by the union of balls selected at steps `< i`. -/ | |
def Union_up_to (i : ordinal.{u}) : set α := | |
⋃ (j : {j // j < i}), ball (p.c (p.index j)) (p.r (p.index j)) | |
lemma monotone_Union_up_to : monotone p.Union_up_to := | |
begin | |
assume i j hij, | |
simp only [Union_up_to], | |
exact Union_mono' (λ r, ⟨⟨r, r.2.trans_le hij⟩, subset.rfl⟩), | |
end | |
/-- Supremum of the radii of balls whose centers are not yet covered at step `i`. -/ | |
def R (i : ordinal.{u}) : ℝ := | |
supr (λ b : {b : β // p.c b ∉ p.Union_up_to i}, p.r b) | |
/-- Group the balls into disjoint families, by assigning to a ball the smallest color for which | |
it does not intersect any already chosen ball of this color. -/ | |
noncomputable def color : ordinal.{u} → ℕ | |
| i := let A : set ℕ := ⋃ (j : {j // j < i}) | |
(hj : (closed_ball (p.c (p.index j)) (p.r (p.index j)) | |
∩ closed_ball (p.c (p.index i)) (p.r (p.index i))).nonempty), {color j} in | |
Inf (univ \ A) | |
using_well_founded {dec_tac := `[exact j.2]} | |
/-- `p.last_step` is the first ordinal where the construction stops making sense, i.e., `f` returns | |
garbage since there is no point left to be chosen. We will only use ordinals before this step. -/ | |
def last_step : ordinal.{u} := | |
Inf {i | ¬ ∃ (b : β), p.c b ∉ p.Union_up_to i ∧ p.R i ≤ p.τ * p.r b} | |
lemma last_step_nonempty : | |
{i | ¬ ∃ (b : β), p.c b ∉ p.Union_up_to i ∧ p.R i ≤ p.τ * p.r b}.nonempty := | |
begin | |
by_contra, | |
suffices H : function.injective p.index, from not_injective_of_ordinal p.index H, | |
assume x y hxy, | |
wlog x_le_y : x ≤ y := le_total x y using [x y, y x], | |
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le x_le_y with rfl|H, { refl }, | |
simp only [nonempty_def, not_exists, exists_prop, not_and, not_lt, not_le, mem_set_of_eq, | |
not_forall] at h, | |
specialize h y, | |
have A : p.c (p.index y) ∉ p.Union_up_to y, | |
{ have : p.index y = classical.epsilon (λ b : β, p.c b ∉ p.Union_up_to y ∧ p.R y ≤ p.τ * p.r b), | |
by { rw [tau_package.index], refl }, | |
rw this, | |
exact (classical.epsilon_spec h).1 }, | |
simp only [Union_up_to, not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_closed_ball, not_and, not_le, | |
subtype.exists, subtype.coe_mk] at A, | |
specialize A x H, | |
simp [hxy] at A, | |
exact (lt_irrefl _ ((p.rpos (p.index y)).trans_le A)).elim | |
end | |
/-- Every point is covered by chosen balls, before `p.last_step`. -/ | |
lemma mem_Union_up_to_last_step (x : β) : p.c x ∈ p.Union_up_to p.last_step := | |
begin | |
have A : ∀ (z : β), p.c z ∈ p.Union_up_to p.last_step ∨ p.τ * p.r z < p.R p.last_step, | |
{ have : p.last_step ∈ {i | ¬ ∃ (b : β), p.c b ∉ p.Union_up_to i ∧ p.R i ≤ p.τ * p.r b} := | |
Inf_mem p.last_step_nonempty, | |
simpa only [not_exists, mem_set_of_eq, not_and_distrib, not_le, not_not_mem] }, | |
by_contra, | |
rcases A x with H|H, { exact h H }, | |
have Rpos : 0 < p.R p.last_step, | |
{ apply lt_trans (mul_pos (_root_.zero_lt_one.trans p.one_lt_tau) (p.rpos _)) H }, | |
have B : p.τ⁻¹ * p.R p.last_step < p.R p.last_step, | |
{ conv_rhs { rw ← one_mul (p.R p.last_step) }, | |
exact mul_lt_mul (inv_lt_one p.one_lt_tau) le_rfl Rpos zero_le_one }, | |
obtain ⟨y, hy1, hy2⟩ : ∃ (y : β), | |
p.c y ∉ p.Union_up_to p.last_step ∧ (p.τ)⁻¹ * p.R p.last_step < p.r y, | |
{ simpa only [exists_prop, mem_range, exists_exists_and_eq_and, subtype.exists, subtype.coe_mk] | |
using exists_lt_of_lt_cSup _ B, | |
rw [← image_univ, nonempty_image_iff], | |
exact ⟨⟨_, h⟩, mem_univ _⟩ }, | |
rcases A y with Hy|Hy, | |
{ exact hy1 Hy }, | |
{ rw ← div_eq_inv_mul at hy2, | |
have := (div_le_iff' (_root_.zero_lt_one.trans p.one_lt_tau)).1 hy2.le, | |
exact lt_irrefl _ (Hy.trans_le this) } | |
end | |
/-- If there are no configurations of satellites with `N+1` points, one never uses more than `N` | |
distinct families in the Besicovitch inductive construction. -/ | |
lemma color_lt {i : ordinal.{u}} (hi : i < p.last_step) | |
{N : ℕ} (hN : is_empty (satellite_config α N p.τ)) : | |
p.color i < N := | |
begin | |
/- By contradiction, consider the first ordinal `i` for which one would have `p.color i = N`. | |
Choose for each `k < N` a ball with color `k` that intersects the ball at color `i` | |
(there is such a ball, otherwise one would have used the color `k` and not `N`). | |
Then this family of `N+1` balls forms a satellite configuration, which is forbidden by | |
the assumption `hN`. -/ | |
induction i using ordinal.induction with i IH, | |
let A : set ℕ := ⋃ (j : {j // j < i}) | |
(hj : (closed_ball (p.c (p.index j)) (p.r (p.index j)) | |
∩ closed_ball (p.c (p.index i)) (p.r (p.index i))).nonempty), {p.color j}, | |
have color_i : p.color i = Inf (univ \ A), by rw [color], | |
rw color_i, | |
have N_mem : N ∈ univ \ A, | |
{ simp only [not_exists, true_and, exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_singleton_iff, mem_closed_ball, | |
not_and, mem_univ, mem_diff, subtype.exists, subtype.coe_mk], | |
assume j ji hj, | |
exact (IH j ji (ji.trans hi)).ne' }, | |
suffices : Inf (univ \ A) ≠ N, | |
{ rcases (cInf_le (order_bot.bdd_below (univ \ A)) N_mem).lt_or_eq with H|H, | |
{ exact H }, | |
{ exact (this H).elim } }, | |
assume Inf_eq_N, | |
have : ∀ k, k < N → ∃ j, j < i | |
∧ (closed_ball (p.c (p.index j)) (p.r (p.index j)) | |
∩ closed_ball (p.c (p.index i)) (p.r (p.index i))).nonempty | |
∧ k = p.color j, | |
{ assume k hk, | |
rw ← Inf_eq_N at hk, | |
have : k ∈ A, | |
by simpa only [true_and, mem_univ, not_not, mem_diff] using nat.not_mem_of_lt_Inf hk, | |
simp at this, | |
simpa only [exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_singleton_iff, mem_closed_ball, subtype.exists, | |
subtype.coe_mk] }, | |
choose! g hg using this, | |
-- Choose for each `k < N` an ordinal `G k < i` giving a ball of color `k` intersecting | |
-- the last ball. | |
let G : ℕ → ordinal := λ n, if n = N then i else g n, | |
have color_G : ∀ n, n ≤ N → p.color (G n) = n, | |
{ assume n hn, | |
unfreezingI { rcases hn.eq_or_lt with rfl|H }, | |
{ simp only [G], simp only [color_i, Inf_eq_N, if_true, eq_self_iff_true] }, | |
{ simp only [G], simp only [, (hg n H).right.right.symm, if_false] } }, | |
have G_lt_last : ∀ n, n ≤ N → G n < p.last_step, | |
{ assume n hn, | |
unfreezingI { rcases hn.eq_or_lt with rfl|H }, | |
{ simp only [G], simp only [hi, if_true, eq_self_iff_true], }, | |
{ simp only [G], simp only [, (hg n H).left.trans hi, if_false] } }, | |
have fGn : ∀ n, n ≤ N → | |
p.c (p.index (G n)) ∉ p.Union_up_to (G n) ∧ p.R (G n) ≤ p.τ * p.r (p.index (G n)), | |
{ assume n hn, | |
have: p.index (G n) = classical.epsilon | |
(λ t, p.c t ∉ p.Union_up_to (G n) ∧ p.R (G n) ≤ p.τ * p.r t), by { rw index, refl }, | |
rw this, | |
have : ∃ t, p.c t ∉ p.Union_up_to (G n) ∧ p.R (G n) ≤ p.τ * p.r t, | |
by simpa only [not_exists, exists_prop, not_and, not_lt, not_le, mem_set_of_eq, | |
not_forall] using not_mem_of_lt_cInf (G_lt_last n hn) (order_bot.bdd_below _), | |
exact classical.epsilon_spec this }, | |
-- the balls with indices `G k` satisfy the characteristic property of satellite configurations. | |
have Gab : ∀ (a b : fin (nat.succ N)), G a < G b → | |
p.r (p.index (G a)) ≤ dist (p.c (p.index (G a))) (p.c (p.index (G b))) | |
∧ p.r (p.index (G b)) ≤ p.τ * p.r (p.index (G a)), | |
{ assume a b G_lt, | |
have ha : (a : ℕ) ≤ N := nat.lt_succ_iff.1 a.2, | |
have hb : (b : ℕ) ≤ N := nat.lt_succ_iff.1 b.2, | |
split, | |
{ have := (fGn b hb).1, | |
simp only [Union_up_to, not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_closed_ball, not_and, | |
not_le, subtype.exists, subtype.coe_mk] at this, | |
simpa only [dist_comm, mem_ball, not_lt] using this (G a) G_lt }, | |
{ apply le_trans _ (fGn a ha).2, | |
have B : p.c (p.index (G b)) ∉ p.Union_up_to (G a), | |
{ assume H, exact (fGn b hb).1 (p.monotone_Union_up_to G_lt.le H) }, | |
let b' : {t // p.c t ∉ p.Union_up_to (G a)} := ⟨p.index (G b), B⟩, | |
apply @le_csupr _ _ _ (λ t : {t // p.c t ∉ p.Union_up_to (G a)}, p.r t) _ b', | |
refine ⟨p.r_bound, λ t ht, _⟩, | |
simp only [exists_prop, mem_range, subtype.exists, subtype.coe_mk] at ht, | |
rcases ht with ⟨u, hu⟩, | |
rw ← hu.2, | |
exact p.r_le _ } }, | |
-- therefore, one may use them to construct a satellite configuration with `N+1` points | |
let sc : satellite_config α N p.τ := | |
{ c := λ k, p.c (p.index (G k)), | |
r := λ k, p.r (p.index (G k)), | |
rpos := λ k, p.rpos (p.index (G k)), | |
h := begin | |
assume a b a_ne_b, | |
wlog G_le : G a ≤ G b := le_total (G a) (G b) using [a b, b a] tactic.skip, | |
{ have G_lt : G a < G b, | |
{ rcases G_le.lt_or_eq with H|H, { exact H }, | |
have A : (a : ℕ) ≠ b := a_ne_b, | |
rw [← color_G a (nat.lt_succ_iff.1 a.2), ← color_G b (nat.lt_succ_iff.1 b.2), H] at A, | |
exact (A rfl).elim }, | |
exact or.inl (Gab a b G_lt) }, | |
{ assume a_ne_b, | |
rw or_comm, | |
exact this a_ne_b.symm } | |
end, | |
hlast := begin | |
assume a ha, | |
have I : (a : ℕ) < N := ha, | |
have : G a < G (fin.last N), by { dsimp [G], simp [, (hg a I).1] }, | |
exact Gab _ _ this, | |
end, | |
inter := begin | |
assume a ha, | |
have I : (a : ℕ) < N := ha, | |
have J : G (fin.last N) = i, by { dsimp [G], simp only [if_true, eq_self_iff_true], }, | |
have K : G a = g a, { dsimp [G], simp [, (hg a I).1] }, | |
convert dist_le_add_of_nonempty_closed_ball_inter_closed_ball (hg _ I).2.1, | |
end }, | |
-- this is a contradiction | |
exact (hN.false : _) sc | |
end | |
end tau_package | |
open tau_package | |
/-- The topological Besicovitch covering theorem: there exist finitely many families of disjoint | |
balls covering all the centers in a package. More specifically, one can use `N` families if there | |
are no satellite configurations with `N+1` points. -/ | |
theorem exist_disjoint_covering_families {N : ℕ} {τ : ℝ} | |
(hτ : 1 < τ) (hN : is_empty (satellite_config α N τ)) (q : ball_package β α) : | |
∃ s : fin N → set β, | |
(∀ (i : fin N), (s i).pairwise_disjoint (λ j, closed_ball (q.c j) (q.r j))) ∧ | |
(range q.c ⊆ ⋃ (i : fin N), ⋃ (j ∈ s i), ball (q.c j) (q.r j)) := | |
begin | |
-- first exclude the trivial case where `β` is empty (we need non-emptiness for the transfinite | |
-- induction, to be able to choose garbage when there is no point left). | |
casesI is_empty_or_nonempty β, | |
{ refine ⟨λ i, ∅, λ i, pairwise_disjoint_empty, _⟩, | |
rw [← image_univ, eq_empty_of_is_empty (univ : set β)], | |
simp }, | |
-- Now, assume `β` is nonempty. | |
let p : tau_package β α := { τ := τ, one_lt_tau := hτ, .. q }, | |
-- we use for `s i` the balls of color `i`. | |
let s := λ (i : fin N), | |
⋃ (k : ordinal.{u}) (hk : k < p.last_step) (h'k : p.color k = i), ({p.index k} : set β), | |
refine ⟨s, λ i, _, _⟩, | |
{ -- show that balls of the same color are disjoint | |
assume x hx y hy x_ne_y, | |
obtain ⟨jx, jx_lt, jxi, rfl⟩ : | |
∃ (jx : ordinal), jx < p.last_step ∧ p.color jx = i ∧ x = p.index jx, | |
by simpa only [exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_singleton_iff] using hx, | |
obtain ⟨jy, jy_lt, jyi, rfl⟩ : | |
∃ (jy : ordinal), jy < p.last_step ∧ p.color jy = i ∧ y = p.index jy, | |
by simpa only [exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_singleton_iff] using hy, | |
wlog jxy : jx ≤ jy := le_total jx jy using [jx jy, jy jx] tactic.skip, | |
swap, | |
{ assume h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7, | |
rw [function.on_fun, disjoint.comm], | |
exact this h4 h5 h6 h1 h2 h3 h7.symm }, | |
replace jxy : jx < jy, | |
by { rcases lt_or_eq_of_le jxy with H|rfl, { exact H }, { exact (x_ne_y rfl).elim } }, | |
let A : set ℕ := ⋃ (j : {j // j < jy}) | |
(hj : (closed_ball (p.c (p.index j)) (p.r (p.index j)) | |
∩ closed_ball (p.c (p.index jy)) (p.r (p.index jy))).nonempty), {p.color j}, | |
have color_j : p.color jy = Inf (univ \ A), by rw [tau_package.color], | |
have : p.color jy ∈ univ \ A, | |
{ rw color_j, | |
apply Inf_mem, | |
refine ⟨N, _⟩, | |
simp only [not_exists, true_and, exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_singleton_iff, not_and, mem_univ, | |
mem_diff, subtype.exists, subtype.coe_mk], | |
assume k hk H, | |
exact (p.color_lt (hk.trans jy_lt) hN).ne' }, | |
simp only [not_exists, true_and, exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_singleton_iff, not_and, mem_univ, | |
mem_diff, subtype.exists, subtype.coe_mk] at this, | |
specialize this jx jxy, | |
contrapose! this, | |
simpa only [jxi, jyi, and_true, eq_self_iff_true, ← not_disjoint_iff_nonempty_inter] }, | |
{ -- show that the balls of color at most `N` cover every center. | |
refine range_subset_iff.2 (λ b, _), | |
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ : | |
∃ (a : ordinal), a < p.last_step ∧ dist (p.c b) (p.c (p.index a)) < p.r (p.index a), | |
by simpa only [Union_up_to, exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_ball, subtype.exists, subtype.coe_mk] | |
using p.mem_Union_up_to_last_step b, | |
simp only [exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_ball, mem_singleton_iff, bUnion_and', exists_eq_left, | |
Union_exists, exists_and_distrib_left], | |
exact ⟨⟨p.color a, p.color_lt ha.1 hN⟩, a, rfl, ha⟩ } | |
end | |
/-! | |
### The measurable Besicovitch covering theorem | |
-/ | |
open_locale nnreal | |
variables [second_countable_topology α] [measurable_space α] [opens_measurable_space α] | |
/-- Consider, for each `x` in a set `s`, a radius `r x ∈ (0, 1]`. Then one can find finitely | |
many disjoint balls of the form `closed_ball x (r x)` covering a proportion `1/(N+1)` of `s`, if | |
there are no satellite configurations with `N+1` points. | |
-/ | |
lemma exist_finset_disjoint_balls_large_measure | |
(μ : measure α) [is_finite_measure μ] {N : ℕ} {τ : ℝ} | |
(hτ : 1 < τ) (hN : is_empty (satellite_config α N τ)) (s : set α) | |
(r : α → ℝ) (rpos : ∀ x ∈ s, 0 < r x) (rle : ∀ x ∈ s, r x ≤ 1) : | |
∃ (t : finset α), (↑t ⊆ s) ∧ μ (s \ (⋃ (x ∈ t), closed_ball x (r x))) ≤ N/(N+1) * μ s | |
∧ (t : set α).pairwise_disjoint (λ x, closed_ball x (r x)) := | |
begin | |
-- exclude the trivial case where `μ s = 0`. | |
rcases le_or_lt (μ s) 0 with hμs|hμs, | |
{ have : μ s = 0 := le_bot_iff.1 hμs, | |
refine ⟨∅, by simp only [finset.coe_empty, empty_subset], _, _⟩, | |
{ simp only [this, diff_empty, Union_false, Union_empty, nonpos_iff_eq_zero, mul_zero] }, | |
{ simp only [finset.coe_empty, pairwise_disjoint_empty], } }, | |
casesI is_empty_or_nonempty α, | |
{ simp only [eq_empty_of_is_empty s, measure_empty] at hμs, | |
exact (lt_irrefl _ hμs).elim }, | |
have Npos : N ≠ 0, | |
{ unfreezingI { rintros rfl }, | |
inhabit α, | |
exact (not_is_empty_of_nonempty _) hN }, | |
-- introduce a measurable superset `o` with the same measure, for measure computations | |
obtain ⟨o, so, omeas, μo⟩ : ∃ (o : set α), s ⊆ o ∧ measurable_set o ∧ μ o = μ s := | |
exists_measurable_superset μ s, | |
/- We will apply the topological Besicovitch theorem, giving `N` disjoint subfamilies of balls | |
covering `s`. Among these, one of them covers a proportion at least `1/N` of `s`. A large | |
enough finite subfamily will then cover a proportion at least `1/(N+1)`. -/ | |
let a : ball_package s α := | |
{ c := λ x, x, | |
r := λ x, r x, | |
rpos := λ x, rpos x x.2, | |
r_bound := 1, | |
r_le := λ x, rle x x.2 }, | |
rcases exist_disjoint_covering_families hτ hN a with ⟨u, hu, hu'⟩, | |
have u_count : ∀ i, (u i).countable, | |
{ assume i, | |
refine (hu i).countable_of_nonempty_interior (λ j hj, _), | |
have : (ball (j : α) (r j)).nonempty := nonempty_ball.2 (a.rpos _), | |
exact this.mono ball_subset_interior_closed_ball }, | |
let v : fin N → set α := λ i, ⋃ (x : s) (hx : x ∈ u i), closed_ball x (r x), | |
have : ∀ i, measurable_set (v i) := | |
λ i, measurable_set.bUnion (u_count i) (λ b hb, measurable_set_closed_ball), | |
have A : s = ⋃ (i : fin N), s ∩ v i, | |
{ refine subset.antisymm _ (Union_subset (λ i, inter_subset_left _ _)), | |
assume x hx, | |
obtain ⟨i, y, hxy, h'⟩ : ∃ (i : fin N) (i_1 : ↥s) (i : i_1 ∈ u i), x ∈ ball ↑i_1 (r ↑i_1), | |
{ have : x ∈ range a.c, by simpa only [subtype.range_coe_subtype, set_of_mem_eq], | |
simpa only [mem_Union] using hu' this }, | |
refine mem_Union.2 ⟨i, ⟨hx, _⟩⟩, | |
simp only [v, exists_prop, mem_Union, set_coe.exists, exists_and_distrib_right, subtype.coe_mk], | |
exact ⟨y, ⟨y.2, by simpa only [subtype.coe_eta]⟩, ball_subset_closed_ball h'⟩ }, | |
have S : ∑ (i : fin N), μ s / N ≤ ∑ i, μ (s ∩ v i) := calc | |
∑ (i : fin N), μ s / N = μ s : begin | |
simp only [finset.card_fin, finset.sum_const, nsmul_eq_mul], | |
rw ennreal.mul_div_cancel', | |
{ simp only [Npos, ne.def, nat.cast_eq_zero, not_false_iff] }, | |
{ exact ennreal.coe_nat_ne_top } | |
end | |
... ≤ ∑ i, μ (s ∩ v i) : by { conv_lhs { rw A }, apply measure_Union_fintype_le }, | |
-- choose an index `i` of a subfamily covering at least a proportion `1/N` of `s`. | |
obtain ⟨i, -, hi⟩ : ∃ (i : fin N) (hi : i ∈ finset.univ), μ s / N ≤ μ (s ∩ v i), | |
{ apply ennreal.exists_le_of_sum_le _ S, | |
exact ⟨⟨0, bot_lt_iff_ne_bot.2 Npos⟩, finset.mem_univ _⟩ }, | |
replace hi : μ s / (N + 1) < μ (s ∩ v i), | |
{ apply lt_of_lt_of_le _ hi, | |
apply (ennreal.mul_lt_mul_left hμ' (measure_lt_top μ s).ne).2, | |
rw ennreal.inv_lt_inv, | |
conv_lhs {rw ← add_zero (N : ℝ≥0∞) }, | |
exact ennreal.add_lt_add_left (ennreal.nat_ne_top N) ennreal.zero_lt_one }, | |
have B : μ (o ∩ v i) = ∑' (x : u i), μ (o ∩ closed_ball x (r x)), | |
{ have : o ∩ v i = ⋃ (x : s) (hx : x ∈ u i), o ∩ closed_ball x (r x), by simp only [inter_Union], | |
rw [this, measure_bUnion (u_count i)], | |
{ refl }, | |
{ exact (hu i).mono (λ k, inter_subset_right _ _) }, | |
{ exact λ b hb, omeas.inter measurable_set_closed_ball } }, | |
-- A large enough finite subfamily of `u i` will also cover a proportion `> 1/(N+1)` of `s`. | |
-- Since `s` might not be measurable, we express this in terms of the measurable superset `o`. | |
obtain ⟨w, hw⟩ : ∃ (w : finset (u i)), | |
μ s / (N + 1) < ∑ (x : u i) in w, μ (o ∩ closed_ball (x : α) (r (x : α))), | |
{ have C : has_sum (λ (x : u i), μ (o ∩ closed_ball x (r x))) (μ (o ∩ v i)), | |
by { rw B, exact ennreal.summable.has_sum }, | |
have : μ s / (N+1) < μ (o ∩ v i) := | |
hi.trans_le (measure_mono (inter_subset_inter_left _ so)), | |
exact ((tendsto_order.1 C).1 _ this).exists }, | |
-- Bring back the finset `w i` of `↑(u i)` to a finset of `α`, and check that it works by design. | |
refine ⟨finset.image (λ (x : u i), x) w, _, _, _⟩, | |
-- show that the finset is included in `s`. | |
{ simp only [image_subset_iff, coe_coe, finset.coe_image], | |
assume y hy, | |
simp only [subtype.coe_prop, mem_preimage] }, | |
-- show that it covers a large enough proportion of `s`. For measure computations, we do not | |
-- use `s` (which might not be measurable), but its measurable superset `o`. Since their measures | |
-- are the same, this does not spoil the estimates | |
{ suffices H : μ (o \ ⋃ x ∈ w, closed_ball ↑x (r ↑x)) ≤ N/(N+1) * μ s, | |
{ rw [finset.set_bUnion_finset_image], | |
exact le_trans (measure_mono (diff_subset_diff so (subset.refl _))) H }, | |
rw [← diff_inter_self_eq_diff, | |
measure_diff_le_iff_le_add _ (inter_subset_right _ _) ((measure_lt_top μ _).ne)], swap, | |
{ apply measurable_set.inter _ omeas, | |
haveI : encodable (u i) := (u_count i).to_encodable, | |
exact measurable_set.Union | |
(λ b, measurable_set.Union_Prop (λ hb, measurable_set_closed_ball)) }, | |
calc | |
μ o = 1/(N+1) * μ s + N/(N+1) * μ s : | |
by { rw [μo, ← add_mul, ennreal.div_add_div_same, add_comm, ennreal.div_self, one_mul]; simp } | |
... ≤ μ ((⋃ (x ∈ w), closed_ball ↑x (r ↑x)) ∩ o) + N/(N+1) * μ s : begin | |
refine add_le_add _ le_rfl, | |
rw [div_eq_mul_inv, one_mul, mul_comm, ← div_eq_mul_inv], | |
apply hw.le.trans (le_of_eq _), | |
rw [← finset.set_bUnion_coe, inter_comm _ o, inter_Union₂, finset.set_bUnion_coe, | |
measure_bUnion_finset], | |
{ have : (w : set (u i)).pairwise_disjoint (λ (b : u i), closed_ball (b : α) (r (b : α))), | |
by { assume k hk l hl hkl, exact hu i k.2 l.2 ( hkl) }, | |
exact this.mono (λ k, inter_subset_right _ _) }, | |
{ assume b hb, | |
apply omeas.inter measurable_set_closed_ball } | |
end }, | |
-- show that the balls are disjoint | |
{ assume k hk l hl hkl, | |
obtain ⟨k', k'w, rfl⟩ : ∃ (k' : u i), k' ∈ w ∧ ↑↑k' = k, | |
by simpa only [mem_image, finset.mem_coe, coe_coe, finset.coe_image] using hk, | |
obtain ⟨l', l'w, rfl⟩ : ∃ (l' : u i), l' ∈ w ∧ ↑↑l' = l, | |
by simpa only [mem_image, finset.mem_coe, coe_coe, finset.coe_image] using hl, | |
have k'nel' : (k' : s) ≠ l', | |
by { assume h, rw h at hkl, exact hkl rfl }, | |
exact hu i k'.2 l'.2 k'nel' } | |
end | |
variable [has_besicovitch_covering α] | |
/-- The measurable Besicovitch covering theorem. Assume that, for any `x` in a set `s`, | |
one is given a set of admissible closed balls centered at `x`, with arbitrarily small radii. | |
Then there exists a disjoint covering of almost all `s` by admissible closed balls centered at some | |
points of `s`. | |
This version requires that the underlying measure is finite, and that the space has the Besicovitch | |
covering property (which is satisfied for instance by normed real vector spaces). It expresses the | |
conclusion in a slightly awkward form (with a subset of `α × ℝ`) coming from the proof technique. | |
For a version assuming that the measure is sigma-finite, | |
see `exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae_aux`. | |
For a version giving the conclusion in a nicer form, see `exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae`. | |
-/ | |
theorem exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae_of_finite_measure_aux | |
(μ : measure α) [is_finite_measure μ] | |
(f : α → set ℝ) (s : set α) (hf : ∀ x ∈ s, ∀ δ > 0, (f x ∩ Ioo 0 δ).nonempty) : | |
∃ (t : set (α × ℝ)), t.countable | |
∧ (∀ (p : α × ℝ), p ∈ t → p.1 ∈ s) ∧ (∀ (p : α × ℝ), p ∈ t → p.2 ∈ f p.1) | |
∧ μ (s \ (⋃ (p : α × ℝ) (hp : p ∈ t), closed_ball p.1 p.2)) = 0 | |
∧ t.pairwise_disjoint (λ p, closed_ball p.1 p.2) := | |
begin | |
rcases has_besicovitch_covering.no_satellite_config α with ⟨N, τ, hτ, hN⟩, | |
/- Introduce a property `P` on finsets saying that we have a nice disjoint covering of a | |
subset of `s` by admissible balls. -/ | |
let P : finset (α × ℝ) → Prop := λ t, | |
(t : set (α × ℝ)).pairwise_disjoint (λ p, closed_ball p.1 p.2) ∧ | |
(∀ (p : α × ℝ), p ∈ t → p.1 ∈ s) ∧ (∀ (p : α × ℝ), p ∈ t → p.2 ∈ f p.1), | |
/- Given a finite good covering of a subset `s`, one can find a larger finite good covering, | |
covering additionally a proportion at least `1/(N+1)` of leftover points. This follows from | |
`exist_finset_disjoint_balls_large_measure` applied to balls not intersecting the initial | |
covering. -/ | |
have : ∀ (t : finset (α × ℝ)), P t → ∃ (u : finset (α × ℝ)), t ⊆ u ∧ P u ∧ | |
μ (s \ (⋃ (p : α × ℝ) (hp : p ∈ u), closed_ball p.1 p.2)) ≤ | |
N/(N+1) * μ (s \ (⋃ (p : α × ℝ) (hp : p ∈ t), closed_ball p.1 p.2)), | |
{ assume t ht, | |
set B := ⋃ (p : α × ℝ) (hp : p ∈ t), closed_ball p.1 p.2 with hB, | |
have B_closed : is_closed B := | |
is_closed_bUnion (finset.finite_to_set _) (λ i hi, is_closed_ball), | |
set s' := s \ B with hs', | |
have : ∀ x ∈ s', ∃ r ∈ f x ∩ Ioo 0 1, disjoint B (closed_ball x r), | |
{ assume x hx, | |
have xs : x ∈ s := ((mem_diff x).1 hx).1, | |
rcases eq_empty_or_nonempty B with hB|hB, | |
{ have : (0 : ℝ) < 1 := zero_lt_one, | |
rcases hf x xs 1 zero_lt_one with ⟨r, hr, h'r⟩, | |
exact ⟨r, ⟨hr, h'r⟩, by simp only [hB, empty_disjoint]⟩ }, | |
{ let R := inf_dist x B, | |
have : 0 < min R 1 := | |
lt_min ((B_closed.not_mem_iff_inf_dist_pos hB).1 ((mem_diff x).1 hx).2) zero_lt_one, | |
rcases hf x xs _ this with ⟨r, hr, h'r⟩, | |
refine ⟨r, ⟨hr, ⟨h'r.1, h'r.2.trans_le (min_le_right _ _)⟩⟩, _⟩, | |
rw disjoint.comm, | |
exact disjoint_closed_ball_of_lt_inf_dist (h'r.2.trans_le (min_le_left _ _)) } }, | |
choose! r hr using this, | |
obtain ⟨v, vs', hμv, hv⟩ : ∃ (v : finset α), ↑v ⊆ s' | |
∧ μ (s' \ ⋃ (x ∈ v), closed_ball x (r x)) ≤ N/(N+1) * μ s' | |
∧ (v : set α).pairwise_disjoint (λ (x : α), closed_ball x (r x)), | |
{ have rI : ∀ x ∈ s', r x ∈ Ioo (0 : ℝ) 1 := λ x hx, (hr x hx).1.2, | |
exact exist_finset_disjoint_balls_large_measure μ hτ hN s' r (λ x hx, (rI x hx).1) | |
(λ x hx, (rI x hx).2.le) }, | |
refine ⟨t ∪ (finset.image (λ x, (x, r x)) v), finset.subset_union_left _ _, ⟨_, _, _⟩, _⟩, | |
{ simp only [finset.coe_union, pairwise_disjoint_union, ht.1, true_and, finset.coe_image], | |
split, | |
{ assume p hp q hq hpq, | |
rcases (mem_image _ _ _).1 hp with ⟨p', p'v, rfl⟩, | |
rcases (mem_image _ _ _).1 hq with ⟨q', q'v, rfl⟩, | |
refine hv p'v q'v (λ hp'q', _), | |
rw [hp'q'] at hpq, | |
exact hpq rfl }, | |
{ assume p hp q hq hpq, | |
rcases (mem_image _ _ _).1 hq with ⟨q', q'v, rfl⟩, | |
apply disjoint_of_subset_left _ (hr q' (vs' q'v)).2, | |
rw [hB, ← finset.set_bUnion_coe], | |
exact subset_bUnion_of_mem hp } }, | |
{ assume p hp, | |
rcases finset.mem_union.1 hp with h'p|h'p, | |
{ exact ht.2.1 p h'p }, | |
{ rcases finset.mem_image.1 h'p with ⟨p', p'v, rfl⟩, | |
exact ((mem_diff _).1 (vs' (finset.mem_coe.2 p'v))).1 } }, | |
{ assume p hp, | |
rcases finset.mem_union.1 hp with h'p|h'p, | |
{ exact ht.2.2 p h'p }, | |
{ rcases finset.mem_image.1 h'p with ⟨p', p'v, rfl⟩, | |
exact (hr p' (vs' p'v)).1.1 } }, | |
{ convert hμv using 2, | |
rw [finset.set_bUnion_union, ← diff_diff, finset.set_bUnion_finset_image] } }, | |
/- Define `F` associating to a finite good covering the above enlarged good covering, covering | |
a proportion `1/(N+1)` of leftover points. Iterating `F`, one will get larger and larger good | |
coverings, missing in the end only a measure-zero set. -/ | |
choose! F hF using this, | |
let u := λ n, F^[n] ∅, | |
have u_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ), u n.succ = F (u n) := | |
λ n, by simp only [u, function.comp_app, function.iterate_succ'], | |
have Pu : ∀ n, P (u n), | |
{ assume n, | |
induction n with n IH, | |
{ simp only [u, P, prod.forall, id.def, function.iterate_zero], | |
simp only [finset.not_mem_empty, is_empty.forall_iff, finset.coe_empty, forall_2_true_iff, | |
and_self, pairwise_disjoint_empty] }, | |
{ rw u_succ, | |
exact (hF (u n) IH).2.1 } }, | |
refine ⟨⋃ n, u n, countable_Union (λ n, (u n).countable_to_set), _, _, _, _⟩, | |
{ assume p hp, | |
rcases mem_Union.1 hp with ⟨n, hn⟩, | |
exact (Pu n).2.1 p (finset.mem_coe.1 hn) }, | |
{ assume p hp, | |
rcases mem_Union.1 hp with ⟨n, hn⟩, | |
exact (Pu n).2.2 p (finset.mem_coe.1 hn) }, | |
{ have A : ∀ n, μ (s \ ⋃ (p : α × ℝ) (hp : p ∈ ⋃ (n : ℕ), (u n : set (α × ℝ))), | |
closed_ball p.fst p.snd) | |
≤ μ (s \ ⋃ (p : α × ℝ) (hp : p ∈ u n), closed_ball p.fst p.snd), | |
{ assume n, | |
apply measure_mono, | |
apply diff_subset_diff (subset.refl _), | |
exact bUnion_subset_bUnion_left (subset_Union (λ i, (u i : set (α × ℝ))) n) }, | |
have B : ∀ n, μ (s \ ⋃ (p : α × ℝ) (hp : p ∈ u n), closed_ball p.fst p.snd) | |
≤ (N/(N+1))^n * μ s, | |
{ assume n, | |
induction n with n IH, | |
{ simp only [le_refl, diff_empty, one_mul, Union_false, Union_empty, pow_zero] }, | |
calc | |
μ (s \ ⋃ (p : α × ℝ) (hp : p ∈ u n.succ), closed_ball p.fst p.snd) | |
≤ (N/(N+1)) * μ (s \ ⋃ (p : α × ℝ) (hp : p ∈ u n), closed_ball p.fst p.snd) : | |
by { rw u_succ, exact (hF (u n) (Pu n)).2.2 } | |
... ≤ (N/(N+1))^n.succ * μ s : | |
by { rw [pow_succ, mul_assoc], exact ennreal.mul_le_mul le_rfl IH } }, | |
have C : tendsto (λ (n : ℕ), ((N : ℝ≥0∞)/(N+1))^n * μ s) at_top (𝓝 (0 * μ s)), | |
{ apply ennreal.tendsto.mul_const _ (or.inr (measure_lt_top μ s).ne), | |
apply ennreal.tendsto_pow_at_top_nhds_0_of_lt_1, | |
rw [ennreal.div_lt_iff, one_mul], | |
{ conv_lhs {rw ← add_zero (N : ℝ≥0∞) }, | |
exact ennreal.add_lt_add_left (ennreal.nat_ne_top N) ennreal.zero_lt_one }, | |
{ simp only [true_or, add_eq_zero_iff, ne.def, not_false_iff, one_ne_zero, and_false] }, | |
{ simp only [ennreal.nat_ne_top, ne.def, not_false_iff, or_true] } }, | |
rw zero_mul at C, | |
apply le_bot_iff.1, | |
exact le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto' tendsto_const_nhds C (λ n, (A n).trans (B n)) }, | |
{ refine (pairwise_disjoint_Union _).2 (λ n, (Pu n).1), | |
apply (monotone_nat_of_le_succ (λ n, _)).directed_le, | |
rw u_succ, | |
exact (hF (u n) (Pu n)).1 } | |
end | |
/-- The measurable Besicovitch covering theorem. Assume that, for any `x` in a set `s`, | |
one is given a set of admissible closed balls centered at `x`, with arbitrarily small radii. | |
Then there exists a disjoint covering of almost all `s` by admissible closed balls centered at some | |
points of `s`. | |
This version requires that the underlying measure is sigma-finite, and that the space has the | |
Besicovitch covering property (which is satisfied for instance by normed real vector spaces). | |
It expresses the conclusion in a slightly awkward form (with a subset of `α × ℝ`) coming from the | |
proof technique. | |
For a version giving the conclusion in a nicer form, see `exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae`. | |
-/ | |
theorem exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae_aux (μ : measure α) [sigma_finite μ] | |
(f : α → set ℝ) (s : set α) (hf : ∀ x ∈ s, ∀ δ > 0, (f x ∩ Ioo 0 δ).nonempty) : | |
∃ (t : set (α × ℝ)), t.countable | |
∧ (∀ (p : α × ℝ), p ∈ t → p.1 ∈ s) ∧ (∀ (p : α × ℝ), p ∈ t → p.2 ∈ f p.1) | |
∧ μ (s \ (⋃ (p : α × ℝ) (hp : p ∈ t), closed_ball p.1 p.2)) = 0 | |
∧ t.pairwise_disjoint (λ p, closed_ball p.1 p.2) := | |
begin | |
/- This is deduced from the finite measure case, by using a finite measure with respect to which | |
the initial sigma-finite measure is absolutely continuous. -/ | |
unfreezingI { rcases exists_absolutely_continuous_is_finite_measure μ with ⟨ν, hν, hμν⟩ }, | |
rcases exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae_of_finite_measure_aux ν f s hf | |
with ⟨t, t_count, ts, tr, tν, tdisj⟩, | |
exact ⟨t, t_count, ts, tr, hμν tν, tdisj⟩, | |
end | |
/-- The measurable Besicovitch covering theorem. Assume that, for any `x` in a set `s`, | |
one is given a set of admissible closed balls centered at `x`, with arbitrarily small radii. | |
Then there exists a disjoint covering of almost all `s` by admissible closed balls centered at some | |
points of `s`. We can even require that the radius at `x` is bounded by a given function `R x`. | |
(Take `R = 1` if you don't need this additional feature). | |
This version requires that the underlying measure is sigma-finite, and that the space has the | |
Besicovitch covering property (which is satisfied for instance by normed real vector spaces). | |
-/ | |
theorem exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae (μ : measure α) [sigma_finite μ] | |
(f : α → set ℝ) (s : set α) (hf : ∀ x ∈ s, ∀ δ > 0, (f x ∩ Ioo 0 δ).nonempty) | |
(R : α → ℝ) (hR : ∀ x ∈ s, 0 < R x): | |
∃ (t : set α) (r : α → ℝ), t.countable ∧ t ⊆ s ∧ (∀ x ∈ t, r x ∈ f x ∩ Ioo 0 (R x)) | |
∧ μ (s \ (⋃ (x ∈ t), closed_ball x (r x))) = 0 | |
∧ t.pairwise_disjoint (λ x, closed_ball x (r x)) := | |
begin | |
let g := λ x, f x ∩ Ioo 0 (R x), | |
have hg : ∀ x ∈ s, ∀ δ > 0, (g x ∩ Ioo 0 δ).nonempty, | |
{ assume x hx δ δpos, | |
rcases hf x hx (min δ (R x)) (lt_min δpos (hR x hx)) with ⟨r, hr⟩, | |
exact ⟨r, ⟨⟨hr.1, hr.2.1, hr.2.2.trans_le (min_le_right _ _)⟩, | |
⟨hr.2.1, hr.2.2.trans_le (min_le_left _ _)⟩⟩⟩ }, | |
rcases exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae_aux μ g s hg | |
with ⟨v, v_count, vs, vg, μv, v_disj⟩, | |
let t := prod.fst '' v, | |
have : ∀ x ∈ t, ∃ (r : ℝ), (x, r) ∈ v, | |
{ assume x hx, | |
rcases (mem_image _ _ _).1 hx with ⟨⟨p, q⟩, hp, rfl⟩, | |
exact ⟨q, hp⟩ }, | |
choose! r hr using this, | |
have im_t : (λ x, (x, r x)) '' t = v, | |
{ have I : ∀ (p : α × ℝ), p ∈ v → 0 ≤ p.2 := | |
λ p hp, (vg p hp).2.1.le, | |
apply subset.antisymm, | |
{ simp only [image_subset_iff], | |
rintros ⟨x, p⟩ hxp, | |
simp only [mem_preimage], | |
exact hr _ (mem_image_of_mem _ hxp) }, | |
{ rintros ⟨x, p⟩ hxp, | |
have hxrx : (x, r x) ∈ v := hr _ (mem_image_of_mem _ hxp), | |
have : p = r x, | |
{ by_contra, | |
have A : (x, p) ≠ (x, r x), | |
by simpa only [true_and,, eq_self_iff_true, ne.def] using h, | |
have H := v_disj hxp hxrx A, | |
contrapose H, | |
rw not_disjoint_iff_nonempty_inter, | |
refine ⟨x, by simp [I _ hxp, I _ hxrx]⟩ }, | |
rw this, | |
apply mem_image_of_mem, | |
exact mem_image_of_mem _ hxp } }, | |
refine ⟨t, r, v_count.image _, _, _, _, _⟩, | |
{ assume x hx, | |
rcases (mem_image _ _ _).1 hx with ⟨⟨p, q⟩, hp, rfl⟩, | |
exact vs _ hp }, | |
{ assume x hx, | |
rcases (mem_image _ _ _).1 hx with ⟨⟨p, q⟩, hp, rfl⟩, | |
exact vg _ (hr _ hx) }, | |
{ have : (⋃ (x : α) (H : x ∈ t), closed_ball x (r x)) = | |
(⋃ (p : α × ℝ) (H : p ∈ (λ x, (x, r x)) '' t), closed_ball p.1 p.2), | |
by conv_rhs { rw bUnion_image }, | |
rw [this, im_t], | |
exact μv }, | |
{ have A : inj_on (λ x : α, (x, r x)) t, | |
by simp only [inj_on,, implies_true_iff, eq_self_iff_true] {contextual := tt}, | |
rwa [← im_t, A.pairwise_disjoint_image] at v_disj } | |
end | |
/-- In a space with the Besicovitch property, any set `s` can be covered with balls whose measures | |
add up to at most `μ s + ε`, for any positive `ε`. This works even if one restricts the set of | |
allowed radii around a point `x` to a set `f x` which accumulates at `0`. -/ | |
theorem exists_closed_ball_covering_tsum_measure_le | |
(μ : measure α) [sigma_finite μ] [measure.outer_regular μ] | |
{ε : ℝ≥0∞} (hε : ε ≠ 0) (f : α → set ℝ) (s : set α) | |
(hf : ∀ x ∈ s, ∀ δ > 0, (f x ∩ Ioo 0 δ).nonempty) : | |
∃ (t : set α) (r : α → ℝ), t.countable ∧ t ⊆ s ∧ (∀ x ∈ t, r x ∈ f x) | |
∧ s ⊆ (⋃ (x ∈ t), closed_ball x (r x)) | |
∧ ∑' (x : t), μ (closed_ball x (r x)) ≤ μ s + ε := | |
begin | |
/- For the proof, first cover almost all `s` with disjoint balls thanks to the usual Besicovitch | |
theorem. Taking the balls included in a well-chosen open neighborhood `u` of `s`, one may | |
ensure that their measures add at most to `μ s + ε / 2`. Let `s'` be the remaining set, of measure | |
`0`. Applying the other version of Besicovitch, one may cover it with at most `N` disjoint | |
subfamilies. Making sure that they are all included in a neighborhood `v` of `s'` of measure at | |
most `ε / (2 N)`, the sum of their measures is at most `ε / 2`, completing the proof. -/ | |
obtain ⟨u, su, u_open, μu⟩ : ∃ U ⊇ s, is_open U ∧ μ U ≤ μ s + ε / 2 := | |
set.exists_is_open_le_add _ _ (by simpa only [or_false, ne.def, ennreal.div_zero_iff, | |
ennreal.one_ne_top, ennreal.bit0_eq_top_iff] using hε), | |
have : ∀ x ∈ s, ∃ R > 0, ball x R ⊆ u := | |
λ x hx, metric.mem_nhds_iff.1 (u_open.mem_nhds (su hx)), | |
choose! R hR using this, | |
obtain ⟨t0, r0, t0_count, t0s, hr0, μt0, t0_disj⟩ : | |
∃ (t0 : set α) (r0 : α → ℝ), t0.countable ∧ t0 ⊆ s ∧ (∀ x ∈ t0, r0 x ∈ f x ∩ Ioo 0 (R x)) | |
∧ μ (s \ (⋃ (x ∈ t0), closed_ball x (r0 x))) = 0 | |
∧ t0.pairwise_disjoint (λ x, closed_ball x (r0 x)) := | |
exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae μ f s hf R (λ x hx, (hR x hx).1), | |
-- we have constructed an almost everywhere covering of `s` by disjoint balls. Let `s'` be the | |
-- remaining set. | |
let s' := s \ (⋃ (x ∈ t0), closed_ball x (r0 x)), | |
have s's : s' ⊆ s := diff_subset _ _, | |
obtain ⟨N, τ, hτ, H⟩ : ∃ N τ, 1 < τ ∧ is_empty (besicovitch.satellite_config α N τ) := | |
has_besicovitch_covering.no_satellite_config α, | |
obtain ⟨v, s'v, v_open, μv⟩ : ∃ v ⊇ s', is_open v ∧ μ v ≤ μ s' + (ε / 2) / N := | |
set.exists_is_open_le_add _ _ | |
(by simp only [hε, ennreal.nat_ne_top, with_top.mul_eq_top_iff, ne.def, ennreal.div_zero_iff, | |
ennreal.one_ne_top, not_false_iff, and_false, false_and, or_self, ennreal.bit0_eq_top_iff]), | |
have : ∀ x ∈ s', ∃ r1 ∈ (f x ∩ Ioo (0 : ℝ) 1), closed_ball x r1 ⊆ v, | |
{ assume x hx, | |
rcases metric.mem_nhds_iff.1 (v_open.mem_nhds (s'v hx)) with ⟨r, rpos, hr⟩, | |
rcases hf x (s's hx) (min r 1) (lt_min rpos zero_lt_one) with ⟨R', hR'⟩, | |
exact ⟨R', ⟨hR'.1, hR'.2.1, hR'.2.2.trans_le (min_le_right _ _)⟩, | |
subset.trans (closed_ball_subset_ball (hR'.2.2.trans_le (min_le_left _ _))) hr⟩, }, | |
choose! r1 hr1 using this, | |
let q : ball_package s' α := | |
{ c := λ x, x, | |
r := λ x, r1 x, | |
rpos := λ x, (hr1 x.1 x.2).1.2.1, | |
r_bound := 1, | |
r_le := λ x, (hr1 x.1 x.2).1.2.2.le }, | |
-- by Besicovitch, we cover `s'` with at most `N` families of disjoint balls, all included in | |
-- a suitable neighborhood `v` of `s'`. | |
obtain ⟨S, S_disj, hS⟩ : ∃ S : fin N → set s', | |
(∀ (i : fin N), (S i).pairwise_disjoint (λ j, closed_ball (q.c j) (q.r j))) ∧ | |
(range q.c ⊆ ⋃ (i : fin N), ⋃ (j ∈ S i), ball (q.c j) (q.r j)) := | |
exist_disjoint_covering_families hτ H q, | |
have S_count : ∀ i, (S i).countable, | |
{ assume i, | |
apply (S_disj i).countable_of_nonempty_interior (λ j hj, _), | |
have : (ball (j : α) (r1 j)).nonempty := nonempty_ball.2 (q.rpos _), | |
exact this.mono ball_subset_interior_closed_ball }, | |
let r := λ x, if x ∈ s' then r1 x else r0 x, | |
have r_t0 : ∀ x ∈ t0, r x = r0 x, | |
{ assume x hx, | |
have : ¬ (x ∈ s'), | |
{ simp only [not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_closed_ball, not_and, not_lt, | |
not_le, mem_diff, not_forall], | |
assume h'x, | |
refine ⟨x, hx, _⟩, | |
rw dist_self, | |
exact (hr0 x hx).2.1.le }, | |
simp only [r, if_neg this] }, | |
-- the desired covering set is given by the union of the families constructed in the first and | |
-- second steps. | |
refine ⟨t0 ∪ (⋃ (i : fin N), (coe : s' → α) '' (S i)), r, _, _, _, _, _⟩, | |
-- it remains to check that they have the desired properties | |
{ exact t0_count.union (countable_Union (λ i, (S_count i).image _)) }, | |
{ simp only [t0s, true_and, union_subset_iff, image_subset_iff, Union_subset_iff], | |
assume i x hx, | |
exact s's x.2 }, | |
{ assume x hx, | |
cases hx, | |
{ rw r_t0 x hx, | |
exact (hr0 _ hx).1 }, | |
{ have h'x : x ∈ s', | |
{ simp only [mem_Union, mem_image] at hx, | |
rcases hx with ⟨i, y, ySi, rfl⟩, | |
exact y.2 }, | |
simp only [r, if_pos h'x, (hr1 x h'x).1.1] } }, | |
{ assume x hx, | |
by_cases h'x : x ∈ s', | |
{ obtain ⟨i, y, ySi, xy⟩ : ∃ (i : fin N) (y : ↥s') (ySi : y ∈ S i), x ∈ ball (y : α) (r1 y), | |
{ have A : x ∈ range q.c, by simpa only [not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, mem_closed_ball, | |
not_and, not_le, mem_set_of_eq, subtype.range_coe_subtype, mem_diff] using h'x, | |
simpa only [mem_Union, mem_image] using hS A }, | |
refine mem_Union₂.2 ⟨y, or.inr _, _⟩, | |
{ simp only [mem_Union, mem_image], | |
exact ⟨i, y, ySi, rfl⟩ }, | |
{ have : (y : α) ∈ s' := y.2, | |
simp only [r, if_pos this], | |
exact ball_subset_closed_ball xy } }, | |
{ obtain ⟨y, yt0, hxy⟩ : ∃ (y : α), y ∈ t0 ∧ x ∈ closed_ball y (r0 y), | |
by simpa [hx, -mem_closed_ball] using h'x, | |
refine mem_Union₂.2 ⟨y, or.inl yt0, _⟩, | |
rwa r_t0 _ yt0 } }, | |
-- the only nontrivial property is the measure control, which we check now | |
{ -- the sets in the first step have measure at most `μ s + ε / 2` | |
have A : ∑' (x : t0), μ (closed_ball x (r x)) ≤ μ s + ε / 2 := calc | |
∑' (x : t0), μ (closed_ball x (r x)) | |
= ∑' (x : t0), μ (closed_ball x (r0 x)) : | |
by { congr' 1, ext x, rw r_t0 x x.2 } | |
... = μ (⋃ (x : t0), closed_ball x (r0 x)) : | |
begin | |
haveI : encodable t0 := t0_count.to_encodable, | |
rw measure_Union, | |
{ exact (pairwise_subtype_iff_pairwise_set _ _).2 t0_disj }, | |
{ exact λ i, measurable_set_closed_ball } | |
end | |
... ≤ μ u : | |
begin | |
apply measure_mono, | |
simp only [set_coe.forall, subtype.coe_mk, Union_subset_iff], | |
assume x hx, | |
apply subset.trans (closed_ball_subset_ball (hr0 x hx).2.2) (hR x (t0s hx)).2, | |
end | |
... ≤ μ s + ε / 2 : μu, | |
-- each subfamily in the second step has measure at most `ε / (2 N)`. | |
have B : ∀ (i : fin N), | |
∑' (x : (coe : s' → α) '' (S i)), μ (closed_ball x (r x)) ≤ (ε / 2) / N := λ i, calc | |
∑' (x : (coe : s' → α) '' (S i)), μ (closed_ball x (r x)) = | |
∑' (x : S i), μ (closed_ball x (r x)) : | |
begin | |
have : inj_on (coe : s' → α) (S i) := subtype.coe_injective.inj_on _, | |
let F : S i ≃ (coe : s' → α) '' (S i) := this.bij_on_image.equiv _, | |
exact (F.tsum_eq (λ x, μ (closed_ball x (r x)))).symm, | |
end | |
... = ∑' (x : S i), μ (closed_ball x (r1 x)) : | |
by { congr' 1, ext x, have : (x : α) ∈ s' := x.1.2, simp only [r, if_pos this] } | |
... = μ (⋃ (x : S i), closed_ball x (r1 x)) : | |
begin | |
haveI : encodable (S i) := (S_count i).to_encodable, | |
rw measure_Union, | |
{ exact (pairwise_subtype_iff_pairwise_set _ _).2 (S_disj i) }, | |
{ exact λ i, measurable_set_closed_ball } | |
end | |
... ≤ μ v : | |
begin | |
apply measure_mono, | |
simp only [set_coe.forall, subtype.coe_mk, Union_subset_iff], | |
assume x xs' xSi, | |
exact (hr1 x xs').2, | |
end | |
... ≤ (ε / 2) / N : by { have : μ s' = 0 := μt0, rwa [this, zero_add] at μv }, | |
-- add up all these to prove the desired estimate | |
calc ∑' (x : (t0 ∪ ⋃ (i : fin N), (coe : s' → α) '' S i)), μ (closed_ball x (r x)) | |
≤ ∑' (x : t0), μ (closed_ball x (r x)) | |
+ ∑' (x : ⋃ (i : fin N), (coe : s' → α) '' S i), μ (closed_ball x (r x)) : | |
ennreal.tsum_union_le (λ x, μ (closed_ball x (r x))) _ _ | |
... ≤ ∑' (x : t0), μ (closed_ball x (r x)) | |
+ ∑ (i : fin N), ∑' (x : (coe : s' → α) '' S i), μ (closed_ball x (r x)) : | |
add_le_add le_rfl (ennreal.tsum_Union_le (λ x, μ (closed_ball x (r x))) _) | |
... ≤ (μ s + ε / 2) + ∑ (i : fin N), (ε / 2) / N : | |
begin | |
refine add_le_add A _, | |
refine finset.sum_le_sum _, | |
assume i hi, | |
exact B i | |
end | |
... ≤ (μ s + ε / 2) + ε / 2 : | |
begin | |
refine add_le_add le_rfl _, | |
simp only [finset.card_fin, finset.sum_const, nsmul_eq_mul, ennreal.mul_div_le], | |
end | |
... = μ s + ε : by rw [add_assoc, ennreal.add_halves] } | |
end | |
/-! ### Consequences on differentiation of measures -/ | |
/-- In a space with the Besicovitch covering property, the set of closed balls with positive radius | |
forms a Vitali family. This is essentially a restatement of the measurable Besicovitch theorem. -/ | |
protected def vitali_family (μ : measure α) [sigma_finite μ] : | |
vitali_family μ := | |
{ sets_at := λ x, (λ (r : ℝ), closed_ball x r) '' (Ioi (0 : ℝ)), | |
measurable_set' := begin | |
assume x y hy, | |
obtain ⟨r, rpos, rfl⟩ : ∃ (r : ℝ), 0 < r ∧ closed_ball x r = y, | |
by simpa only [mem_image, mem_Ioi] using hy, | |
exact is_closed_ball.measurable_set | |
end, | |
nonempty_interior := begin | |
assume x y hy, | |
obtain ⟨r, rpos, rfl⟩ : ∃ (r : ℝ), 0 < r ∧ closed_ball x r = y, | |
by simpa only [mem_image, mem_Ioi] using hy, | |
simp only [nonempty.mono ball_subset_interior_closed_ball, rpos, nonempty_ball], | |
end, | |
nontrivial := λ x ε εpos, ⟨closed_ball x ε, mem_image_of_mem _ εpos, subset.refl _⟩, | |
covering := begin | |
assume s f fsubset ffine, | |
let g : α → set ℝ := λ x, {r | 0 < r ∧ closed_ball x r ∈ f x}, | |
have A : ∀ x ∈ s, ∀ δ > 0, (g x ∩ Ioo 0 δ).nonempty, | |
{ assume x xs δ δpos, | |
obtain ⟨t, tf, ht⟩ : ∃ (t : set α) (H : t ∈ f x), t ⊆ closed_ball x (δ/2) := | |
ffine x xs (δ/2) (half_pos δpos), | |
obtain ⟨r, rpos, rfl⟩ : ∃ (r : ℝ), 0 < r ∧ closed_ball x r = t, | |
by simpa using fsubset x xs tf, | |
rcases le_total r (δ/2) with H|H, | |
{ exact ⟨r, ⟨rpos, tf⟩, ⟨rpos, H.trans_lt (half_lt_self δpos)⟩⟩ }, | |
{ have : closed_ball x r = closed_ball x (δ/2) := | |
subset.antisymm ht (closed_ball_subset_closed_ball H), | |
rw this at tf, | |
refine ⟨δ/2, ⟨half_pos δpos, tf⟩, ⟨half_pos δpos, half_lt_self δpos⟩⟩ } }, | |
obtain ⟨t, r, t_count, ts, tg, μt, tdisj⟩ : ∃ (t : set α) (r : α → ℝ), t.countable | |
∧ t ⊆ s ∧ (∀ x ∈ t, r x ∈ g x ∩ Ioo 0 1) | |
∧ μ (s \ (⋃ (x ∈ t), closed_ball x (r x))) = 0 | |
∧ t.pairwise_disjoint (λ x, closed_ball x (r x)) := | |
exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae μ g s A (λ _, 1) (λ _ _, zero_lt_one), | |
exact ⟨t, λ x, closed_ball x (r x), ts, tdisj, λ x xt, (tg x xt).1.2, μt⟩, | |
end } | |
/-- The main feature of the Besicovitch Vitali family is that its filter at a point `x` corresponds | |
to convergence along closed balls. We record one of the two implications here, which will enable us | |
to deduce specific statements on differentiation of measures in this context from the general | |
versions. -/ | |
lemma tendsto_filter_at (μ : measure α) [sigma_finite μ] (x : α) : | |
tendsto (λ r, closed_ball x r) (𝓝[>] 0) ((besicovitch.vitali_family μ).filter_at x) := | |
begin | |
assume s hs, | |
simp only [mem_map], | |
obtain ⟨ε, εpos, hε⟩ : ∃ (ε : ℝ) (H : ε > 0), ∀ (a : set α), | |
a ∈ (besicovitch.vitali_family μ).sets_at x → a ⊆ closed_ball x ε → a ∈ s := | |
(vitali_family.mem_filter_at_iff _).1 hs, | |
have : Ioc (0 : ℝ) ε ∈ 𝓝[>] (0 : ℝ) := Ioc_mem_nhds_within_Ioi ⟨le_rfl, εpos⟩, | |
filter_upwards [this] with _ hr, | |
apply hε, | |
{ exact mem_image_of_mem _ hr.1 }, | |
{ exact closed_ball_subset_closed_ball hr.2 } | |
end | |
variables [metric_space β] [measurable_space β] [borel_space β] [sigma_compact_space β] | |
[has_besicovitch_covering β] | |
/-- In a space with the Besicovitch covering property, the ratio of the measure of balls converges | |
almost surely to to the Radon-Nikodym derivative. -/ | |
lemma ae_tendsto_rn_deriv | |
(ρ μ : measure β) [is_locally_finite_measure μ] [is_locally_finite_measure ρ] : | |
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, tendsto (λ r, ρ (closed_ball x r) / μ (closed_ball x r)) | |
(𝓝[>] 0) (𝓝 (ρ.rn_deriv μ x)) := | |
begin | |
haveI : second_countable_topology β := emetric.second_countable_of_sigma_compact β, | |
filter_upwards [vitali_family.ae_tendsto_rn_deriv (besicovitch.vitali_family μ) ρ] with x hx, | |
exact hx.comp (tendsto_filter_at μ x) | |
end | |
/-- Given a measurable set `s`, then `μ (s ∩ closed_ball x r) / μ (closed_ball x r)` converges when | |
`r` tends to `0`, for almost every `x`. The limit is `1` for `x ∈ s` and `0` for `x ∉ s`. | |
This shows that almost every point of `s` is a Lebesgue density point for `s`. | |
A version for non-measurable sets holds, but it only gives the first conclusion, | |
see `ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div`. -/ | |
lemma ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div_of_measurable_set | |
(μ : measure β) [is_locally_finite_measure μ] {s : set β} (hs : measurable_set s) : | |
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, tendsto (λ r, μ (s ∩ closed_ball x r) / μ (closed_ball x r)) | |
(𝓝[>] 0) (𝓝 (s.indicator 1 x)) := | |
begin | |
haveI : second_countable_topology β := emetric.second_countable_of_sigma_compact β, | |
filter_upwards [vitali_family.ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div_of_measurable_set | |
(besicovitch.vitali_family μ) hs], | |
assume x hx, | |
exact hx.comp (tendsto_filter_at μ x) | |
end | |
/-- Given an arbitrary set `s`, then `μ (s ∩ closed_ball x r) / μ (closed_ball x r)` converges | |
to `1` when `r` tends to `0`, for almost every `x` in `s`. | |
This shows that almost every point of `s` is a Lebesgue density point for `s`. | |
A stronger version holds for measurable sets, see `ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div_of_measurable_set`. | |
-/ | |
lemma ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div (μ : measure β) [is_locally_finite_measure μ] (s : set β) : | |
∀ᵐ x ∂(μ.restrict s), tendsto (λ r, μ (s ∩ (closed_ball x r)) / μ (closed_ball x r)) | |
(𝓝[>] 0) (𝓝 1) := | |
begin | |
haveI : second_countable_topology β := emetric.second_countable_of_sigma_compact β, | |
filter_upwards [vitali_family.ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div (besicovitch.vitali_family μ)] | |
with x hx using hx.comp (tendsto_filter_at μ x), | |
end | |
end besicovitch | |