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Copyright (c) 2021 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Scott Morrison | |
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import topology.continuous_function.bounded | |
import topology.uniform_space.compact_separated | |
import topology.compact_open | |
import topology.sets.compacts | |
/-! | |
# Continuous functions on a compact space | |
Continuous functions `C(α, β)` from a compact space `α` to a metric space `β` | |
are automatically bounded, and so acquire various structures inherited from `α →ᵇ β`. | |
This file transfers these structures, and restates some lemmas | |
characterising these structures. | |
If you need a lemma which is proved about `α →ᵇ β` but not for `C(α, β)` when `α` is compact, | |
you should restate it here. You can also use | |
`bounded_continuous_function.equiv_continuous_map_of_compact` to move functions back and forth. | |
-/ | |
noncomputable theory | |
open_locale topological_space classical nnreal bounded_continuous_function big_operators | |
open set filter metric | |
open bounded_continuous_function | |
namespace continuous_map | |
variables {α β E : Type*} [topological_space α] [compact_space α] [metric_space β] | |
[normed_add_comm_group E] | |
section | |
variables (α β) | |
/-- | |
When `α` is compact, the bounded continuous maps `α →ᵇ β` are | |
equivalent to `C(α, β)`. | |
-/ | |
@[simps { fully_applied := ff }] | |
def equiv_bounded_of_compact : C(α, β) ≃ (α →ᵇ β) := | |
⟨mk_of_compact, bounded_continuous_function.to_continuous_map, | |
λ f, by { ext, refl, }, λ f, by { ext, refl, }⟩ | |
lemma uniform_inducing_equiv_bounded_of_compact : | |
uniform_inducing (equiv_bounded_of_compact α β) := | |' | |
begin | |
simp only [has_basis_compact_convergence_uniformity.mem_iff, uniformity_basis_dist_le.mem_iff], | |
exact λ s, ⟨λ ⟨⟨a, b⟩, ⟨ha, ⟨ε, hε, hb⟩⟩, hs⟩, ⟨{p | ∀ x, (p.1 x, p.2 x) ∈ b}, | |
⟨ε, hε, λ _ h x, hb (by exact (dist_le hε.le).mp h x)⟩, λ f g h, hs (by exact λ x hx, h x)⟩, | |
λ ⟨t, ⟨ε, hε, ht⟩, hs⟩, ⟨⟨set.univ, {p | dist p.1 p.2 ≤ ε}⟩, ⟨compact_univ, ⟨ε, hε, λ _ h, h⟩⟩, | |
λ ⟨f, g⟩ h, hs _ _ (ht (by exact (dist_le hε.le).mpr (λ x, h x (mem_univ x))))⟩⟩, | |
end | |
lemma uniform_embedding_equiv_bounded_of_compact : | |
uniform_embedding (equiv_bounded_of_compact α β) := | |
{ inj := (equiv_bounded_of_compact α β).injective, | |
.. uniform_inducing_equiv_bounded_of_compact α β } | |
/-- | |
When `α` is compact, the bounded continuous maps `α →ᵇ 𝕜` are | |
additively equivalent to `C(α, 𝕜)`. | |
-/ | |
@[simps apply symm_apply { fully_applied := ff }] | |
def add_equiv_bounded_of_compact [add_monoid β] [has_lipschitz_add β] : | |
C(α, β) ≃+ (α →ᵇ β) := | |
({ .. to_continuous_map_add_hom α β, | |
.. (equiv_bounded_of_compact α β).symm, } : (α →ᵇ β) ≃+ C(α, β)).symm | |
instance : metric_space C(α, β) := | |
(uniform_embedding_equiv_bounded_of_compact α β).comap_metric_space _ | |
/-- | |
When `α` is compact, and `β` is a metric space, the bounded continuous maps `α →ᵇ β` are | |
isometric to `C(α, β)`. | |
-/ | |
@[simps to_equiv apply symm_apply { fully_applied := ff }] | |
def isometric_bounded_of_compact : | |
C(α, β) ≃ᵢ (α →ᵇ β) := | |
{ isometry_to_fun := λ x y, rfl, | |
to_equiv := equiv_bounded_of_compact α β } | |
end | |
@[simp] lemma _root_.bounded_continuous_function.dist_mk_of_compact (f g : C(α, β)) : | |
dist (mk_of_compact f) (mk_of_compact g) = dist f g := rfl | |
@[simp] lemma _root_.bounded_continuous_function.dist_to_continuous_map (f g : α →ᵇ β) : | |
dist (f.to_continuous_map) (g.to_continuous_map) = dist f g := rfl | |
open bounded_continuous_function | |
section | |
variables {α β} {f g : C(α, β)} {C : ℝ} | |
/-- The pointwise distance is controlled by the distance between functions, by definition. -/ | |
lemma dist_apply_le_dist (x : α) : dist (f x) (g x) ≤ dist f g := | |
by simp only [← dist_mk_of_compact, dist_coe_le_dist, ← mk_of_compact_apply] | |
/-- The distance between two functions is controlled by the supremum of the pointwise distances -/ | |
lemma dist_le (C0 : (0 : ℝ) ≤ C) : dist f g ≤ C ↔ ∀x:α, dist (f x) (g x) ≤ C := | |
by simp only [← dist_mk_of_compact, dist_le C0, mk_of_compact_apply] | |
lemma dist_le_iff_of_nonempty [nonempty α] : | |
dist f g ≤ C ↔ ∀ x, dist (f x) (g x) ≤ C := | |
by simp only [← dist_mk_of_compact, dist_le_iff_of_nonempty, mk_of_compact_apply] | |
lemma dist_lt_iff_of_nonempty [nonempty α] : | |
dist f g < C ↔ ∀x:α, dist (f x) (g x) < C := | |
by simp only [← dist_mk_of_compact, dist_lt_iff_of_nonempty_compact, mk_of_compact_apply] | |
lemma dist_lt_of_nonempty [nonempty α] (w : ∀x:α, dist (f x) (g x) < C) : dist f g < C := | |
(dist_lt_iff_of_nonempty).2 w | |
lemma dist_lt_iff (C0 : (0 : ℝ) < C) : | |
dist f g < C ↔ ∀x:α, dist (f x) (g x) < C := | |
by simp only [← dist_mk_of_compact, dist_lt_iff_of_compact C0, mk_of_compact_apply] | |
end | |
instance [complete_space β] : complete_space (C(α, β)) := | |
(isometric_bounded_of_compact α β).complete_space | |
/-- See also `continuous_map.continuous_eval'` -/ | |
@[continuity] lemma continuous_eval : continuous (λ p : C(α, β) × α, p.1 p.2) := | |
continuous_eval.comp ((isometric_bounded_of_compact α β).continuous.prod_map continuous_id) | |
/-- See also `continuous_map.continuous_eval_const` -/ | |
@[continuity] lemma continuous_eval_const (x : α) : continuous (λ f : C(α, β), f x) := | |
continuous_eval.comp (continuous_id.prod_mk continuous_const) | |
/-- See also `continuous_map.continuous_coe'` -/ | |
lemma continuous_coe : @continuous (C(α, β)) (α → β) _ _ coe_fn := | |
continuous_pi continuous_eval_const | |
-- TODO at some point we will need lemmas characterising this norm! | |
-- At the moment the only way to reason about it is to transfer `f : C(α,E)` back to `α →ᵇ E`. | |
instance : has_norm C(α, E) := | |
{ norm := λ x, dist x 0 } | |
@[simp] lemma _root_.bounded_continuous_function.norm_mk_of_compact (f : C(α, E)) : | |
∥mk_of_compact f∥ = ∥f∥ := rfl | |
@[simp] lemma _root_.bounded_continuous_function.norm_to_continuous_map_eq (f : α →ᵇ E) : | |
∥f.to_continuous_map∥ = ∥f∥ := | |
rfl | |
open bounded_continuous_function | |
instance : normed_add_comm_group C(α, E) := | |
{ dist_eq := λ x y, by | |
rw [← norm_mk_of_compact, ← dist_mk_of_compact, dist_eq_norm, mk_of_compact_sub], | |
dist := dist, norm := norm, .. continuous_map.metric_space _ _, .. continuous_map.add_comm_group } | |
section | |
variables (f : C(α, E)) | |
-- The corresponding lemmas for `bounded_continuous_function` are stated with `{f}`, | |
-- and so can not be used in dot notation. | |
lemma norm_coe_le_norm (x : α) : ∥f x∥ ≤ ∥f∥ := | |
(mk_of_compact f).norm_coe_le_norm x | |
/-- Distance between the images of any two points is at most twice the norm of the function. -/ | |
lemma dist_le_two_norm (x y : α) : dist (f x) (f y) ≤ 2 * ∥f∥ := | |
(mk_of_compact f).dist_le_two_norm x y | |
/-- The norm of a function is controlled by the supremum of the pointwise norms -/ | |
lemma norm_le {C : ℝ} (C0 : (0 : ℝ) ≤ C) : ∥f∥ ≤ C ↔ ∀x:α, ∥f x∥ ≤ C := | |
@bounded_continuous_function.norm_le _ _ _ _ | |
(mk_of_compact f) _ C0 | |
lemma norm_le_of_nonempty [nonempty α] {M : ℝ} : ∥f∥ ≤ M ↔ ∀ x, ∥f x∥ ≤ M := | |
@bounded_continuous_function.norm_le_of_nonempty _ _ _ _ _ (mk_of_compact f) _ | |
lemma norm_lt_iff {M : ℝ} (M0 : 0 < M) : ∥f∥ < M ↔ ∀ x, ∥f x∥ < M := | |
@bounded_continuous_function.norm_lt_iff_of_compact _ _ _ _ _ (mk_of_compact f) _ M0 | |
lemma norm_lt_iff_of_nonempty [nonempty α] {M : ℝ} : | |
∥f∥ < M ↔ ∀ x, ∥f x∥ < M := | |
@bounded_continuous_function.norm_lt_iff_of_nonempty_compact _ _ _ _ _ _ (mk_of_compact f) _ | |
lemma apply_le_norm (f : C(α, ℝ)) (x : α) : f x ≤ ∥f∥ := | |
le_trans (le_abs.mpr (or.inl (le_refl (f x)))) (f.norm_coe_le_norm x) | |
lemma neg_norm_le_apply (f : C(α, ℝ)) (x : α) : -∥f∥ ≤ f x := | |
le_trans (neg_le_neg (f.norm_coe_le_norm x)) ( (neg_le_abs_self (f x))) | |
lemma norm_eq_supr_norm : ∥f∥ = ⨆ x : α, ∥f x∥ := | |
(mk_of_compact f).norm_eq_supr_norm | |
end | |
section | |
variables {R : Type*} [normed_ring R] | |
instance : normed_ring C(α,R) := | |
{ norm_mul := λ f g, norm_mul_le (mk_of_compact f) (mk_of_compact g), | |
..(infer_instance : normed_add_comm_group C(α,R)), | |
.. continuous_map.ring } | |
end | |
section | |
variables {𝕜 : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 E] | |
instance : normed_space 𝕜 C(α,E) := | |
{ norm_smul_le := λ c f, le_of_eq (norm_smul c (mk_of_compact f)) } | |
section | |
variables (α 𝕜 E) | |
/-- | |
When `α` is compact and `𝕜` is a normed field, | |
the `𝕜`-algebra of bounded continuous maps `α →ᵇ β` is | |
`𝕜`-linearly isometric to `C(α, β)`. | |
-/ | |
def linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact : | |
C(α, E) ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] (α →ᵇ E) := | |
{ map_smul' := λ c f, by { ext, simp, }, | |
norm_map' := λ f, rfl, | |
.. add_equiv_bounded_of_compact α E } | |
end | |
-- this lemma and the next are the analogues of those autogenerated by `@[simps]` for | |
-- `equiv_bounded_of_compact`, `add_equiv_bounded_of_compact` | |
@[simp] lemma linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact_symm_apply (f : α →ᵇ E) : | |
(linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact α E 𝕜).symm f = f.to_continuous_map := | |
rfl | |
@[simp] lemma linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact_apply_apply (f : C(α, E)) (a : α) : | |
(linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact α E 𝕜 f) a = f a := | |
rfl | |
@[simp] | |
lemma linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact_to_isometric : | |
(linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact α E 𝕜).to_isometric = (isometric_bounded_of_compact α E) := | |
rfl | |
@[simp] | |
lemma linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact_to_add_equiv : | |
(linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact α E 𝕜).to_linear_equiv.to_add_equiv = | |
(add_equiv_bounded_of_compact α E) := | |
rfl | |
@[simp] | |
lemma linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact_of_compact_to_equiv : | |
(linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact α E 𝕜).to_linear_equiv.to_equiv = | |
(equiv_bounded_of_compact α E) := | |
rfl | |
end | |
section | |
variables {𝕜 : Type*} {γ : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_ring γ] [normed_algebra 𝕜 γ] | |
instance : normed_algebra 𝕜 C(α, γ) := | |
{ ..continuous_map.normed_space } | |
end | |
end continuous_map | |
namespace continuous_map | |
section uniform_continuity | |
variables {α β : Type*} | |
variables [metric_space α] [compact_space α] [metric_space β] | |
/-! | |
We now set up some declarations making it convenient to use uniform continuity. | |
-/ | |
lemma uniform_continuity | |
(f : C(α, β)) (ε : ℝ) (h : 0 < ε) : | |
∃ δ > 0, ∀ {x y}, dist x y < δ → dist (f x) (f y) < ε := | | | |
(compact_space.uniform_continuous_of_continuous f.continuous) ε h | |
/-- | |
An arbitrarily chosen modulus of uniform continuity for a given function `f` and `ε > 0`. | |
-/ | |
-- This definition allows us to separate the choice of some `δ`, | |
-- and the corresponding use of `dist a b < δ → dist (f a) (f b) < ε`, | |
-- even across different declarations. | |
def modulus (f : C(α, β)) (ε : ℝ) (h : 0 < ε) : ℝ := | |
classical.some (uniform_continuity f ε h) | |
lemma modulus_pos (f : C(α, β)) {ε : ℝ} {h : 0 < ε} : 0 < f.modulus ε h := | |
(classical.some_spec (uniform_continuity f ε h)).fst | |
lemma dist_lt_of_dist_lt_modulus | |
(f : C(α, β)) (ε : ℝ) (h : 0 < ε) {a b : α} (w : dist a b < f.modulus ε h) : | |
dist (f a) (f b) < ε := | |
(classical.some_spec (uniform_continuity f ε h)).snd w | |
end uniform_continuity | |
end continuous_map | |
section comp_left | |
variables (X : Type*) {𝕜 β γ : Type*} [topological_space X] [compact_space X] | |
[nontrivially_normed_field 𝕜] | |
variables [normed_add_comm_group β] [normed_space 𝕜 β] [normed_add_comm_group γ] [normed_space 𝕜 γ] | |
open continuous_map | |
/-- | |
Postcomposition of continuous functions into a normed module by a continuous linear map is a | |
continuous linear map. | |
Transferred version of `continuous_linear_map.comp_left_continuous_bounded`, | |
upgraded version of `continuous_linear_map.comp_left_continuous`, | |
similar to `linear_map.comp_left`. -/ | |
protected def continuous_linear_map.comp_left_continuous_compact (g : β →L[𝕜] γ) : | |
C(X, β) →L[𝕜] C(X, γ) := | |
(linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact X γ 𝕜).symm.to_linear_isometry.to_continuous_linear_map.comp $ | |
(g.comp_left_continuous_bounded X).comp $ | |
(linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact X β 𝕜).to_linear_isometry.to_continuous_linear_map | |
@[simp] lemma continuous_linear_map.to_linear_comp_left_continuous_compact (g : β →L[𝕜] γ) : | |
(g.comp_left_continuous_compact X : C(X, β) →ₗ[𝕜] C(X, γ)) = g.comp_left_continuous 𝕜 X := | |
by { ext f, refl } | |
@[simp] lemma continuous_linear_map.comp_left_continuous_compact_apply (g : β →L[𝕜] γ) | |
(f : C(X, β)) (x : X) : | |
g.comp_left_continuous_compact X f x = g (f x) := | |
rfl | |
end comp_left | |
namespace continuous_map | |
/-! | |
We now setup variations on `comp_right_* f`, where `f : C(X, Y)` | |
(that is, precomposition by a continuous map), | |
as a morphism `C(Y, T) → C(X, T)`, respecting various types of structure. | |
In particular: | |
* `comp_right_continuous_map`, the bundled continuous map (for this we need `X Y` compact). | |
* `comp_right_homeomorph`, when we precompose by a homeomorphism. | |
* `comp_right_alg_hom`, when `T = R` is a topological ring. | |
-/ | |
section comp_right | |
/-- | |
Precomposition by a continuous map is itself a continuous map between spaces of continuous maps. | |
-/ | |
def comp_right_continuous_map {X Y : Type*} (T : Type*) [topological_space X] [compact_space X] | |
[topological_space Y] [compact_space Y] [normed_add_comm_group T] | |
(f : C(X, Y)) : C(C(Y, T), C(X, T)) := | |
{ to_fun := λ g, g.comp f, | |
continuous_to_fun := | |
begin | |
refine metric.continuous_iff.mpr _, | |
intros g ε ε_pos, | |
refine ⟨ε, ε_pos, λ g' h, _⟩, | |
rw continuous_map.dist_lt_iff ε_pos at h ⊢, | |
{ exact λ x, h (f x), }, | |
end } | |
@[simp] lemma comp_right_continuous_map_apply {X Y : Type*} (T : Type*) [topological_space X] | |
[compact_space X] [topological_space Y] [compact_space Y] [normed_add_comm_group T] | |
(f : C(X, Y)) (g : C(Y, T)) : | |
(comp_right_continuous_map T f) g = g.comp f := | |
rfl | |
/-- | |
Precomposition by a homeomorphism is itself a homeomorphism between spaces of continuous maps. | |
-/ | |
def comp_right_homeomorph {X Y : Type*} (T : Type*) [topological_space X] [compact_space X] | |
[topological_space Y] [compact_space Y] [normed_add_comm_group T] | |
(f : X ≃ₜ Y) : C(Y, T) ≃ₜ C(X, T) := | |
{ to_fun := comp_right_continuous_map T f.to_continuous_map, | |
inv_fun := comp_right_continuous_map T f.symm.to_continuous_map, | |
left_inv := by tidy, | |
right_inv := by tidy, } | |
/-- | |
Precomposition of functions into a normed ring by continuous map is an algebra homomorphism. | |
-/ | |
def comp_right_alg_hom {X Y : Type*} (R : Type*) | |
[topological_space X] [topological_space Y] [normed_comm_ring R] (f : C(X, Y)) : | |
C(Y, R) →ₐ[R] C(X, R) := | |
{ to_fun := λ g, g.comp f, | |
map_zero' := by { ext, simp, }, | |
map_add' := λ g₁ g₂, by { ext, simp, }, | |
map_one' := by { ext, simp, }, | |
map_mul' := λ g₁ g₂, by { ext, simp, }, | |
commutes' := λ r, by { ext, simp, }, } | |
@[simp] lemma comp_right_alg_hom_apply {X Y : Type*} (R : Type*) | |
[topological_space X] [topological_space Y] [normed_comm_ring R] (f : C(X, Y)) (g : C(Y, R)) : | |
(comp_right_alg_hom R f) g = g.comp f := | |
rfl | |
lemma comp_right_alg_hom_continuous {X Y : Type*} (R : Type*) | |
[topological_space X] [compact_space X] [topological_space Y] [compact_space Y] | |
[normed_comm_ring R] (f : C(X, Y)) : | |
continuous (comp_right_alg_hom R f) := | |
begin | |
change continuous (comp_right_continuous_map R f), | |
continuity, | |
end | |
end comp_right | |
section weierstrass | |
open topological_space | |
variables {X : Type*} [topological_space X] [t2_space X] [locally_compact_space X] | |
variables {E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [complete_space E] | |
lemma summable_of_locally_summable_norm {ι : Type*} {F : ι → C(X, E)} | |
(hF : ∀ K : compacts X, summable (λ i, ∥(F i).restrict K∥)) : | |
summable F := | |
begin | |
refine (continuous_map.exists_tendsto_compact_open_iff_forall _).2 (λ K hK, _), | |
lift K to compacts X using hK, | |
have A : ∀ s : finset ι, restrict ↑K (∑ i in s, F i) = ∑ i in s, restrict K (F i), | |
{ intro s, ext1 x, simp }, | |
simpa only [has_sum, A] using summable_of_summable_norm (hF K) | |
end | |
end weierstrass | |
/-! | |
### Star structures | |
In this section, if `β` is a normed ⋆-group, then so is the space of | |
continuous functions from `α` to `β`, by using the star operation pointwise. | |
Furthermore, if `α` is compact and `β` is a C⋆-ring, then `C(α, β)` is a C⋆-ring. -/ | |
section normed_space | |
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} | |
variables [topological_space α] [normed_add_comm_group β] [star_add_monoid β] [normed_star_group β] | |
lemma _root_.bounded_continuous_function.mk_of_compact_star [compact_space α] (f : C(α, β)) : | |
mk_of_compact (star f) = star (mk_of_compact f) := rfl | |
instance [compact_space α] : normed_star_group C(α, β) := | |
{ norm_star := λ f, by rw [←bounded_continuous_function.norm_mk_of_compact, | |
bounded_continuous_function.mk_of_compact_star, norm_star, | |
bounded_continuous_function.norm_mk_of_compact] } | |
end normed_space | |
section cstar_ring | |
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} | |
variables [topological_space α] [normed_ring β] [star_ring β] | |
instance [compact_space α] [cstar_ring β] : cstar_ring C(α, β) := | |
{ norm_star_mul_self := | |
begin | |
intros f, | |
refine le_antisymm _ _, | |
{ rw [←sq, continuous_map.norm_le _ (sq_nonneg _)], | |
intro x, | |
simp only [continuous_map.coe_mul, coe_star, pi.mul_apply, pi.star_apply, | |
cstar_ring.norm_star_mul_self, ←sq], | |
refine sq_le_sq' _ _, | |
{ linarith [norm_nonneg (f x), norm_nonneg f] }, | |
{ exact continuous_map.norm_coe_le_norm f x }, }, | |
{ rw [←sq, ←real.le_sqrt (norm_nonneg _) (norm_nonneg _), | |
continuous_map.norm_le _ (real.sqrt_nonneg _)], | |
intro x, | |
rw [real.le_sqrt (norm_nonneg _) (norm_nonneg _), sq, ←cstar_ring.norm_star_mul_self], | |
exact continuous_map.norm_coe_le_norm (star f * f) x }, | |
end } | |
end cstar_ring | |
end continuous_map | |