
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2021 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison, Heather Macbeth
import topology.continuous_function.weierstrass
import analysis.complex.basic
# The Stone-Weierstrass theorem
If a subalgebra `A` of `C(X, ℝ)`, where `X` is a compact topological space,
separates points, then it is dense.
We argue as follows.
* In any subalgebra `A` of `C(X, ℝ)`, if `f ∈ A`, then `abs f ∈ A.topological_closure`.
This follows from the Weierstrass approximation theorem on `[-βˆ₯fβˆ₯, βˆ₯fβˆ₯]` by
approximating `abs` uniformly thereon by polynomials.
* This ensures that `A.topological_closure` is actually a sublattice:
if it contains `f` and `g`, then it contains the pointwise supremum `f βŠ” g`
and the pointwise infimum `f βŠ“ g`.
* Any nonempty sublattice `L` of `C(X, ℝ)` which separates points is dense,
by a nice argument approximating a given `f` above and below using separating functions.
For each `x y : X`, we pick a function `g x y ∈ L` so `g x y x = f x` and `g x y y = f y`.
By continuity these functions remain close to `f` on small patches around `x` and `y`.
We use compactness to identify a certain finitely indexed infimum of finitely indexed supremums
which is then close to `f` everywhere, obtaining the desired approximation.
* Finally we put these pieces together. `L = A.topological_closure` is a nonempty sublattice
which separates points since `A` does, and so is dense (in fact equal to `⊀`).
We then prove the complex version for self-adjoint subalgebras `A`, by separately approximating
the real and imaginary parts using the real subalgebra of real-valued functions in `A`
(which still separates points, by taking the norm-square of a separating function).
## Future work
Extend to cover the case of subalgebras of the continuous functions vanishing at infinity,
on non-compact spaces.
noncomputable theory
namespace continuous_map
variables {X : Type*} [topological_space X] [compact_space X]
Turn a function `f : C(X, ℝ)` into a continuous map into `set.Icc (-βˆ₯fβˆ₯) (βˆ₯fβˆ₯)`,
thereby explicitly attaching bounds.
def attach_bound (f : C(X, ℝ)) : C(X, set.Icc (-βˆ₯fβˆ₯) (βˆ₯fβˆ₯)) :=
{ to_fun := λ x, ⟨f x, ⟨neg_norm_le_apply f x, apply_le_norm f x⟩⟩ }
@[simp] lemma attach_bound_apply_coe (f : C(X, ℝ)) (x : X) : ((attach_bound f) x : ℝ) = f x := rfl
lemma polynomial_comp_attach_bound (A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (f : A) (g : polynomial ℝ) :
(g.to_continuous_map_on (set.Icc (-βˆ₯fβˆ₯) βˆ₯fβˆ₯)).comp (f : C(X, ℝ)).attach_bound =
polynomial.aeval f g :=
simp only [continuous_map.coe_comp, function.comp_app,
Given a continuous function `f` in a subalgebra of `C(X, ℝ)`, postcomposing by a polynomial
gives another function in `A`.
This lemma proves something slightly more subtle than this:
we take `f`, and think of it as a function into the restricted target `set.Icc (-βˆ₯fβˆ₯) βˆ₯fβˆ₯)`,
and then postcompose with a polynomial function on that interval.
This is in fact the same situation as above, and so also gives a function in `A`.
lemma polynomial_comp_attach_bound_mem (A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (f : A) (g : polynomial ℝ) :
(g.to_continuous_map_on (set.Icc (-βˆ₯fβˆ₯) βˆ₯fβˆ₯)).comp (f : C(X, ℝ)).attach_bound ∈ A :=
rw polynomial_comp_attach_bound,
apply set_like.coe_mem,
theorem comp_attach_bound_mem_closure
(A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (f : A) (p : C(set.Icc (-βˆ₯fβˆ₯) (βˆ₯fβˆ₯), ℝ)) :
p.comp (attach_bound f) ∈ A.topological_closure :=
-- `p` itself is in the closure of polynomials, by the Weierstrass theorem,
have mem_closure : p ∈ (polynomial_functions (set.Icc (-βˆ₯fβˆ₯) (βˆ₯fβˆ₯))).topological_closure :=
continuous_map_mem_polynomial_functions_closure _ _ p,
-- and so there are polynomials arbitrarily close.
have frequently_mem_polynomials := mem_closure,
-- To prove `p.comp (attached_bound f)` is in the closure of `A`,
-- we show there are elements of `A` arbitrarily close.
apply mem_closure_iff_frequently.mpr,
-- To show that, we pull back the polynomials close to `p`,
refine ((comp_right_continuous_map ℝ (attach_bound (f : C(X, ℝ)))).continuous_at p).tendsto
.frequently_map _ _ frequently_mem_polynomials,
-- but need to show that those pullbacks are actually in `A`.
rintros _ ⟨g, ⟨-,rfl⟩⟩,
simp only [set_like.mem_coe, alg_hom.coe_to_ring_hom, comp_right_continuous_map_apply,
apply polynomial_comp_attach_bound_mem,
theorem abs_mem_subalgebra_closure (A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (f : A) :
(f : C(X, ℝ)).abs ∈ A.topological_closure :=
let M := βˆ₯fβˆ₯,
let f' := attach_bound (f : C(X, ℝ)),
let abs : C(set.Icc (-βˆ₯fβˆ₯) (βˆ₯fβˆ₯), ℝ) :=
{ to_fun := Ξ» x : set.Icc (-βˆ₯fβˆ₯) (βˆ₯fβˆ₯), |(x : ℝ)| },
change (abs.comp f') ∈ A.topological_closure,
apply comp_attach_bound_mem_closure,
theorem inf_mem_subalgebra_closure (A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (f g : A) :
(f : C(X, ℝ)) βŠ“ (g : C(X, ℝ)) ∈ A.topological_closure :=
rw inf_eq,
refine A.topological_closure.smul_mem
(A.topological_closure.add_mem (A.subalgebra_topological_closure
(A.subalgebra_topological_closure _) _,
exact_mod_cast abs_mem_subalgebra_closure A _,
theorem inf_mem_closed_subalgebra (A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (h : is_closed (A : set C(X, ℝ)))
(f g : A) : (f : C(X, ℝ)) βŠ“ (g : C(X, ℝ)) ∈ A :=
convert inf_mem_subalgebra_closure A f g,
apply set_like.ext',
erw closure_eq_iff_is_closed,
exact h,
theorem sup_mem_subalgebra_closure (A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (f g : A) :
(f : C(X, ℝ)) βŠ” (g : C(X, ℝ)) ∈ A.topological_closure :=
rw sup_eq,
refine A.topological_closure.smul_mem
(A.topological_closure.add_mem (A.subalgebra_topological_closure
(A.subalgebra_topological_closure _) _,
exact_mod_cast abs_mem_subalgebra_closure A _,
theorem sup_mem_closed_subalgebra (A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (h : is_closed (A : set C(X, ℝ)))
(f g : A) : (f : C(X, ℝ)) βŠ” (g : C(X, ℝ)) ∈ A :=
convert sup_mem_subalgebra_closure A f g,
apply set_like.ext',
erw closure_eq_iff_is_closed,
exact h,
open_locale topological_space
-- Here's the fun part of Stone-Weierstrass!
theorem sublattice_closure_eq_top
(L : set C(X, ℝ)) (nA : L.nonempty)
(inf_mem : βˆ€ f g ∈ L, f βŠ“ g ∈ L) (sup_mem : βˆ€ f g ∈ L, f βŠ” g ∈ L)
(sep : L.separates_points_strongly) :
closure L = ⊀ :=
-- We start by boiling down to a statement about close approximation.
apply eq_top_iff.mpr,
rintros f -,
refine filter.frequently.mem_closure
((filter.has_basis.frequently_iff metric.nhds_basis_ball).mpr (Ξ» Ξ΅ pos, _)),
simp only [exists_prop, metric.mem_ball],
-- It will be helpful to assume `X` is nonempty later,
-- so we get that out of the way here.
by_cases nX : nonempty X,
exact ⟨nA.some, (dist_lt_iff pos).mpr (λ x, false.elim (nX ⟨x⟩)), nA.some_spec⟩,
The strategy now is to pick a family of continuous functions `g x y` in `A`
with the property that `g x y x = f x` and `g x y y = f y`
(this is immediate from `h : separates_points_strongly`)
then use continuity to see that `g x y` is close to `f` near both `x` and `y`,
and finally using compactness to produce the desired function `h`
as a maximum over finitely many `x` of a minimum over finitely many `y` of the `g x y`.
dsimp [set.separates_points_strongly] at sep,
let g : X β†’ X β†’ L := Ξ» x y, (sep f x y).some,
have w₁ : βˆ€ x y, g x y x = f x := Ξ» x y, (sep f x y).some_spec.1,
have wβ‚‚ : βˆ€ x y, g x y y = f y := Ξ» x y, (sep f x y).some_spec.2,
-- For each `x y`, we define `U x y` to be `{z | f z - Ξ΅ < g x y z}`,
-- and observe this is a neighbourhood of `y`.
let U : X β†’ X β†’ set X := Ξ» x y, {z | f z - Ξ΅ < g x y z},
have U_nhd_y : βˆ€ x y, U x y ∈ 𝓝 y,
{ intros x y,
refine is_open.mem_nhds _ _,
{ apply is_open_lt; continuity, },
{ rw [set.mem_set_of_eq, wβ‚‚],
exact sub_lt_self _ pos, }, },
-- Fixing `x` for a moment, we have a family of functions `Ξ» y, g x y`
-- which on different patches (the `U x y`) are greater than `f z - Ξ΅`.
-- Taking the supremum of these functions
-- indexed by a finite collection of patches which cover `X`
-- will give us an element of `A` that is globally greater than `f z - Ξ΅`
-- and still equal to `f x` at `x`.
-- Since `X` is compact, for every `x` there is some finset `ys t`
-- so the union of the `U x y` for `y ∈ ys x` still covers everything.
let ys : Ξ  x, finset X := Ξ» x, (compact_space.elim_nhds_subcover (U x) (U_nhd_y x)).some,
let ys_w : βˆ€ x, (⋃ y ∈ ys x, U x y) = ⊀ :=
Ξ» x, (compact_space.elim_nhds_subcover (U x) (U_nhd_y x)).some_spec,
have ys_nonempty : βˆ€ x, (ys x).nonempty :=
Ξ» x, set.nonempty_of_union_eq_top_of_nonempty _ _ nX (ys_w x),
-- Thus for each `x` we have the desired `h x : A` so `f z - Ξ΅ < h x z` everywhere
-- and `h x x = f x`.
let h : Ξ  x, L := Ξ» x,
⟨(ys x).sup' (ys_nonempty x) (Ξ» y, (g x y : C(X, ℝ))),
finset.sup'_mem _ sup_mem _ _ _ (λ y _, (g x y).2)⟩,
have lt_h : βˆ€ x z, f z - Ξ΅ < h x z,
{ intros x z,
obtain ⟨y, ym, zm⟩ := set.exists_set_mem_of_union_eq_top _ _ (ys_w x) z,
dsimp [h],
simp only [coe_fn_coe_base', subtype.coe_mk, sup'_coe, finset.sup'_apply, finset.lt_sup'_iff],
exact ⟨y, ym, zm⟩ },
have h_eq : βˆ€ x, h x x = f x,
{ intro x, simp only [coe_fn_coe_base'] at w₁, simp [coe_fn_coe_base', w₁], },
-- For each `x`, we define `W x` to be `{z | h x z < f z + Ξ΅}`,
let W : Ξ  x, set X := Ξ» x, {z | h x z < f z + Ξ΅},
-- This is still a neighbourhood of `x`.
have W_nhd : βˆ€ x, W x ∈ 𝓝 x,
{ intros x,
refine is_open.mem_nhds _ _,
{ apply is_open_lt; continuity, },
{ dsimp only [W, set.mem_set_of_eq],
rw h_eq,
exact lt_add_of_pos_right _ pos}, },
-- Since `X` is compact, there is some finset `ys t`
-- so the union of the `W x` for `x ∈ xs` still covers everything.
let xs : finset X := (compact_space.elim_nhds_subcover W W_nhd).some,
let xs_w : (⋃ x ∈ xs, W x) = ⊀ :=
(compact_space.elim_nhds_subcover W W_nhd).some_spec,
have xs_nonempty : xs.nonempty := set.nonempty_of_union_eq_top_of_nonempty _ _ nX xs_w,
-- Finally our candidate function is the infimum over `x ∈ xs` of the `h x`.
-- This function is then globally less than `f z + Ξ΅`.
let k : (L : Type*) :=
⟨xs.inf' xs_nonempty (Ξ» x, (h x : C(X, ℝ))),
finset.inf'_mem _ inf_mem _ _ _ (λ x _, (h x).2)⟩,
refine ⟨k.1, _, k.2⟩,
-- We just need to verify the bound, which we do pointwise.
rw dist_lt_iff pos,
intro z,
-- We rewrite into this particular form,
-- so that simp lemmas about inequalities involving `finset.inf'` can fire.
rw [(show βˆ€ a b Ξ΅ : ℝ, dist a b < Ξ΅ ↔ a < b + Ξ΅ ∧ b - Ξ΅ < a,
by { intros, simp only [← metric.mem_ball, real.ball_eq_Ioo, set.mem_Ioo, and_comm], })],
{ dsimp [k],
simp only [finset.inf'_lt_iff, continuous_map.inf'_apply],
exact set.exists_set_mem_of_union_eq_top _ _ xs_w z, },
{ dsimp [k],
simp only [finset.lt_inf'_iff, continuous_map.inf'_apply],
intros x xm,
apply lt_h, },
The **Stone-Weierstrass Approximation Theorem**,
that a subalgebra `A` of `C(X, ℝ)`, where `X` is a compact topological space,
is dense if it separates points.
theorem subalgebra_topological_closure_eq_top_of_separates_points
(A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (w : A.separates_points) :
A.topological_closure = ⊀ :=
-- The closure of `A` is closed under taking `sup` and `inf`,
-- and separates points strongly (since `A` does),
-- so we can apply `sublattice_closure_eq_top`.
apply set_like.ext',
let L := A.topological_closure,
have n : set.nonempty (L : set C(X, ℝ)) :=
⟨(1 : C(X, ℝ)), A.subalgebra_topological_closure A.one_mem⟩,
convert sublattice_closure_eq_top
(L : set C(X, ℝ)) n
(λ f fm g gm, inf_mem_closed_subalgebra L A.is_closed_topological_closure ⟨f, fm⟩ ⟨g, gm⟩)
(λ f fm g gm, sup_mem_closed_subalgebra L A.is_closed_topological_closure ⟨f, fm⟩ ⟨g, gm⟩)
(subalgebra.separates_points_monotone (A.subalgebra_topological_closure) w)),
{ simp, },
An alternative statement of the Stone-Weierstrass theorem.
If `A` is a subalgebra of `C(X, ℝ)` which separates points (and `X` is compact),
every real-valued continuous function on `X` is a uniform limit of elements of `A`.
theorem continuous_map_mem_subalgebra_closure_of_separates_points
(A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (w : A.separates_points)
(f : C(X, ℝ)) :
f ∈ A.topological_closure :=
rw subalgebra_topological_closure_eq_top_of_separates_points A w,
An alternative statement of the Stone-Weierstrass theorem,
for those who like their epsilons.
If `A` is a subalgebra of `C(X, ℝ)` which separates points (and `X` is compact),
every real-valued continuous function on `X` is within any `Ξ΅ > 0` of some element of `A`.
theorem exists_mem_subalgebra_near_continuous_map_of_separates_points
(A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (w : A.separates_points)
(f : C(X, ℝ)) (Ξ΅ : ℝ) (pos : 0 < Ξ΅) :
βˆƒ (g : A), βˆ₯(g : C(X, ℝ)) - fβˆ₯ < Ξ΅ :=
have w :=
(continuous_map_mem_subalgebra_closure_of_separates_points A w f),
rw metric.nhds_basis_ball.frequently_iff at w,
obtain ⟨g, H, m⟩ := w Ρ pos,
rw [metric.mem_ball, dist_eq_norm] at H,
exact ⟨⟨g, m⟩, H⟩,
An alternative statement of the Stone-Weierstrass theorem,
for those who like their epsilons and don't like bundled continuous functions.
If `A` is a subalgebra of `C(X, ℝ)` which separates points (and `X` is compact),
every real-valued continuous function on `X` is within any `Ξ΅ > 0` of some element of `A`.
theorem exists_mem_subalgebra_near_continuous_of_separates_points
(A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, ℝ)) (w : A.separates_points)
(f : X β†’ ℝ) (c : continuous f) (Ξ΅ : ℝ) (pos : 0 < Ξ΅) :
βˆƒ (g : A), βˆ€ x, βˆ₯g x - f xβˆ₯ < Ξ΅ :=
obtain ⟨g, b⟩ := exists_mem_subalgebra_near_continuous_map_of_separates_points A w ⟨f, c⟩ Ρ pos,
use g,
rwa norm_lt_iff _ pos at b,
end continuous_map
section is_R_or_C
open is_R_or_C
-- Redefine `X`, since for the next few lemmas it need not be compact
variables {π•œ : Type*} {X : Type*} [is_R_or_C π•œ] [topological_space X]
namespace continuous_map
/-- A real subalgebra of `C(X, π•œ)` is `conj_invariant`, if it contains all its conjugates. -/
def conj_invariant_subalgebra (A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, π•œ)) : Prop := (conj_ae.to_alg_hom.comp_left_continuous ℝ conj_cle.continuous) ≀ A
lemma mem_conj_invariant_subalgebra {A : subalgebra ℝ C(X, π•œ)} (hA : conj_invariant_subalgebra A)
{f : C(X, π•œ)} (hf : f ∈ A) :
(conj_ae.to_alg_hom.comp_left_continuous ℝ conj_cle.continuous) f ∈ A :=
hA ⟨f, hf, rfl⟩
end continuous_map
open continuous_map
/-- If a conjugation-invariant subalgebra of `C(X, π•œ)` separates points, then the real subalgebra
of its purely real-valued elements also separates points. -/
lemma subalgebra.separates_points.is_R_or_C_to_real {A : subalgebra π•œ C(X, π•œ)}
(hA : A.separates_points) (hA' : conj_invariant_subalgebra (A.restrict_scalars ℝ)) :
((A.restrict_scalars ℝ).comap
(of_real_am.comp_left_continuous ℝ continuous_of_real)).separates_points :=
intros x₁ xβ‚‚ hx,
-- Let `f` in the subalgebra `A` separate the points `x₁`, `xβ‚‚`
obtain ⟨_, ⟨f, hfA, rfl⟩, hf⟩ := hA hx,
let F : C(X, π•œ) := f - const _ (f xβ‚‚),
-- Subtract the constant `f xβ‚‚` from `f`; this is still an element of the subalgebra
have hFA : F ∈ A,
{ refine A.sub_mem hfA _,
convert A.smul_mem A.one_mem (f xβ‚‚),
simp },
-- Consider now the function `Ξ» x, |f x - f xβ‚‚| ^ 2`
refine ⟨_, ⟨(⟨is_R_or_C.norm_sq, continuous_norm_sq⟩ : C(π•œ, ℝ)).comp F, _, rfl⟩, _⟩,
{ -- This is also an element of the subalgebra, and takes only real values
rw [set_like.mem_coe, subalgebra.mem_comap],
convert (A.restrict_scalars ℝ).mul_mem (mem_conj_invariant_subalgebra hA' hFA) hFA,
rw [mul_comm],
exact (is_R_or_C.mul_conj _).symm },
{ -- And it also separates the points `x₁`, `xβ‚‚`
have : f x₁ - f xβ‚‚ β‰  0 := sub_ne_zero.mpr hf,
simpa using this },
variables [compact_space X]
The Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorem, `is_R_or_C` version,
that a subalgebra `A` of `C(X, π•œ)`, where `X` is a compact topological space and `is_R_or_C π•œ`,
is dense if it is conjugation-invariant and separates points.
theorem continuous_map.subalgebra_is_R_or_C_topological_closure_eq_top_of_separates_points
(A : subalgebra π•œ C(X, π•œ)) (hA : A.separates_points)
(hA' : conj_invariant_subalgebra (A.restrict_scalars ℝ)) :
A.topological_closure = ⊀ :=
rw algebra.eq_top_iff,
-- Let `I` be the natural inclusion of `C(X, ℝ)` into `C(X, π•œ)`
let I : C(X, ℝ) β†’β‚—[ℝ] C(X, π•œ) := of_real_clm.comp_left_continuous ℝ X,
-- The main point of the proof is that its range (i.e., every real-valued function) is contained
-- in the closure of `A`
have key : I.range ≀ (A.to_submodule.restrict_scalars ℝ).topological_closure,
{ -- Let `Aβ‚€` be the subalgebra of `C(X, ℝ)` consisting of `A`'s purely real elements; it is the
-- preimage of `A` under `I`. In this argument we only need its submodule structure.
let Aβ‚€ : submodule ℝ C(X, ℝ) := (A.to_submodule.restrict_scalars ℝ).comap I,
-- By `subalgebra.separates_points.complex_to_real`, this subalgebra also separates points, so
-- we may apply the real Stone-Weierstrass result to it.
have SW : Aβ‚€.topological_closure = ⊀,
{ have := subalgebra_topological_closure_eq_top_of_separates_points _
(hA.is_R_or_C_to_real hA'),
exact congr_arg subalgebra.to_submodule this },
rw [← submodule.map_top, ← SW],
-- So it suffices to prove that the image under `I` of the closure of `Aβ‚€` is contained in the
-- closure of `A`, which follows by abstract nonsense
have h₁ := Aβ‚€.topological_closure_map ((@of_real_clm π•œ _).comp_left_continuous_compact X),
have hβ‚‚ := (A.to_submodule.restrict_scalars ℝ).map_comap_le I,
exact h₁.trans (submodule.topological_closure_mono hβ‚‚) },
-- In particular, for a function `f` in `C(X, π•œ)`, the real and imaginary parts of `f` are in the
-- closure of `A`
intros f,
let f_re : C(X, ℝ) := (⟨, is_R_or_C.re_clm.continuous⟩ : C(π•œ, ℝ)).comp f,
let f_im : C(X, ℝ) := (⟨, is_R_or_C.im_clm.continuous⟩ : C(π•œ, ℝ)).comp f,
have h_f_re : I f_re ∈ A.topological_closure := key ⟨f_re, rfl⟩,
have h_f_im : I f_im ∈ A.topological_closure := key ⟨f_im, rfl⟩,
-- So `f_re + I β€’ f_im` is in the closure of `A`
convert A.topological_closure.add_mem h_f_re (A.topological_closure.smul_mem h_f_im is_R_or_C.I),
-- And this, of course, is just `f`
apply eq.symm,
simp [I, mul_comm is_R_or_C.I _],
end is_R_or_C