proof-pile / formal /lean /mathlib /topology /is_locally_homeomorph.lean
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2021 Thomas Browning. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Thomas Browning
import topology.local_homeomorph
# Local homeomorphisms
This file defines local homeomorphisms.
## Main definitions
* `is_locally_homeomorph`: A function `f : X → Y` satisfies `is_locally_homeomorph` if for each
point `x : X`, the restriction of `f` to some open neighborhood `U` of `x` gives a homeomorphism
between `U` and an open subset of `Y`.
Note that `is_locally_homeomorph` is a global condition. This is in contrast to
`local_homeomorph`, which is a homeomorphism between specific open subsets.
open_locale topological_space
variables {X Y Z : Type*} [topological_space X] [topological_space Y] [topological_space Z]
(g : Y → Z) (f : X → Y)
/-- A function `f : X → Y` satisfies `is_locally_homeomorph` if each `x : x` is contained in
the source of some `e : local_homeomorph X Y` with `f = e`. -/
def is_locally_homeomorph :=
∀ x : X, ∃ e : local_homeomorph X Y, x ∈ e.source ∧ f = e
namespace is_locally_homeomorph
/-- Proves that `f` satisfies `is_locally_homeomorph`. The condition `h` is weaker than definition
of `is_locally_homeomorph`, since it only requires `e : local_homeomorph X Y` to agree with `f` on
its source `e.source`, as opposed to on the whole space `X`. -/
lemma mk (h : ∀ x : X, ∃ e : local_homeomorph X Y, x ∈ e.source ∧ ∀ x, x ∈ e.source → f x = e x) :
is_locally_homeomorph f :=
intro x,
obtain ⟨e, hx, he⟩ := h x,
exact ⟨{ to_fun := f,
map_source' := λ x hx, by rw he x hx; exact e.map_source' hx,
left_inv' := λ x hx, by rw he x hx; exact e.left_inv' hx,
right_inv' := λ y hy, by rw he _ (e.map_target' hy); exact e.right_inv' hy,
continuous_to_fun := (continuous_on_congr he).mpr e.continuous_to_fun,
.. e }, hx, rfl⟩,
variables {g f}
lemma map_nhds_eq (hf : is_locally_homeomorph f) (x : X) : (𝓝 x).map f = 𝓝 (f x) :=
obtain ⟨e, hx, rfl⟩ := hf x,
exact e.map_nhds_eq hx,
protected lemma continuous (hf : is_locally_homeomorph f) : continuous f :=
continuous_iff_continuous_at.mpr (λ x, le_of_eq (hf.map_nhds_eq x))
lemma is_open_map (hf : is_locally_homeomorph f) : is_open_map f :=
is_open_map.of_nhds_le (λ x, ge_of_eq (hf.map_nhds_eq x))
protected lemma comp (hg : is_locally_homeomorph g) (hf : is_locally_homeomorph f) :
is_locally_homeomorph (g ∘ f) :=
intro x,
obtain ⟨eg, hxg, rfl⟩ := hg (f x),
obtain ⟨ef, hxf, rfl⟩ := hf x,
exact ⟨ef.trans eg, ⟨hxf, hxg⟩, rfl⟩,
end is_locally_homeomorph