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kennel cough in dogs february 24 2016 like humans dogs can experience a noisy dry cough caused by an irritated throat however persistent coughing paired with a fever nasal or ocular discharge or loss of voice may be symptoms of a more serious condition such as kennel cough canine infectious tracheobronchitis or kennel cough can develop in dogs when they inhale bacterial or viral particles into their respiratory tract mucus coating the respiratory tract normally collects these infectious particles but several factors can weaken this protection and expose dogs to viruses and bacteria that may cause the infection dr brad bennett lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the basics of kennel cough kennel cough is a respiratory disease classified by an infection in the throat caused by inhaling bacteria coming into contact with viruses or both bennett said kennel cough is usually illustrated by inflammation of the trachea but it can also lead to bronchopneumonia dogs who are exposed to crowded areas with poor ventilation such as those found in kennels or animal shelters are at higher risk for developing kennel cough cold temperatures exposure to cigarette smoke and travel-induced stress can also increase a dogs risk for developing the infection the symptoms of kennel cough including a dry honking cough coughing to the point of retching fever loss of voice and ocular or nasal discharge can be caused by multiple sources but the most common cause is a bacterium called bordetella bronchiseptica it is not unusual for dogs who become infected with bordetella to be infected with a virus at the same time this combination of bacterial and viral infections weakens the dogs mucosal protection in the respiratory tract against infectious particles increasing their risk for kennel cough although the coughing caused by kennel cough may sound awful the disease is not considered serious bennett recommended vaccinating your dog against bordetella to help prevent respiratory infections from evolving into kennel cough most local veterinarians have vaccines that can aid in the prevention of this disease bennett said these vaccines may be given intranasal or through a subcutaneous injection depending on the vaccination if you think your dog may have kennel cough you should contact your veterinarian and keep your dog away from other animals to prevent the spread of the disease though it is important to monitor your dogs coughing habits closely bennett reminds pet owners that there are many different problems that can cause a pet to cough including an obstruction in the throat primary lung disease parasitism cardiac disease as well as infectious disease pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
treating and preventing fleas february 18 2016 when dog and cat owners notice their pet excessively scratching biting and licking many of them associate these signs with fleas with so many products on market for flea treatment and prevention finding the right product to treat your pet and house can be both intimidating and confusing controlling fleas is a multi-step process and often involves assistance from your veterinarian especially in severe cases for every flea an owner finds on their pet it is likely that many other immature flea life stages such as eggs larvae and cocoons are in the pet owners home and yard thus an efficient flea treatment and prevention plan includes caring for both the pet and the pets environment however it is important to note that no flea treatment plan shows immediate results so it is important for pet owners to be patient and continue routine care for flea prevention dr adam patterson clinical assistant professor and chief of dermatology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the importance of treating both pets and their environment for fleas the adult fleas owners see on their pet is just the tip of the iceberg as those fleas come from immature and unseen flea life stages in the carpet area rugs upholstery dog beds and shady places outdoors patterson said depending on environmental conditions it may take a couple of weeks to months for all of the eggs to hatch so if you dont keep regularly administering flea prevention to all fur-bearing animals in your home you are giving fleas an opportunity to come right back on your pet a successful flea control plan eliminates fleas from the pet as well as the indoor and outdoor environment thereby preventing immature forms of fleas from developing into blood-sucking adults owners should be guided by their veterinarian in choosing the safest and most effective flea control product to treat their pet and home veterinarians will choose a product based on the extent of the flea infestation and other considerations such as the pets health age and breed there are many products to treat your house and yard with but this should be something you discuss with your veterinarian patterson said some products may be harmful to some animals in your household so a veterinarian can recommend the best product for you in addition to using a flea control product owners can treat their homes and yards in other simple ways for an indoor environment vacuum thoroughly below drapes under furniture and where the pet sleeps be sure to remove and discard the vacuum waste bag after every use until the flea infestation is resolved washing the pets bedding on a weekly basis can also help in flea prevention controlling fleas in the great outdoors includes disturbing flea habitat to prevent adult fleas from developing to do this target veterinarian recommended products to moist warm and shady areas and areas in the yard where there is organic debris such as leaves fleas also populate in areas where pets spend much of their time such as under patios porches and outdoor kennels disturb these breeding ground areas by raking sweeping and applying an insecticide there are many flea control products for pets on the market including flea collars once-a-month topical spot-on treatments and oral tablets patterson suggested pet owners consult their veterinarian in choosing the most effective flea treatment for their furry friend as treatment for the pet is the most important step in good flea control although fleas are often viewed as just an annoyance for most pets it is important for pet owners to take immediate action when they notice signs of fleas allergic reactions bacterial skin infections anemia and the transmission of parasites are additional potential complications that may occur in pets with fleas of course if you notice any signs of itchy skin sores on the skin hair loss lethargy or weight loss in your pet you should have the pet examined by a veterinarian patterson advised the good news with fleas and ticks is that there are very good preventatives available if you are consistent and vigilant with preventative treatment you shouldnt have to worry about complications from fleas pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
equine lameness february 11 2016 equine lameness affects all types horseswhether they are ridden for pleasure racing or sport lameness a health condition that affects a horses gait is the most costly health problem in the equine industry in regards to the price of medical treatment and for time lost to rest dr ashlee watts assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained what equine lameness is and how it happens lameness is limping in the horse she said sometimes the limping can be so subtle that it is difficult or impossible to see and sometimes it is very obvious lameness usually happens because of a problem with the musculoskeletal system in a limb such as arthritis in a joint; however it can also occur because of neck or back pain orthopedic injuries or injuries that directly affect the musculoskeletal system are the most common cause of equine lameness and include any damage to the hoof bones joints or soft tissue according to watts signs of lameness can vary anywhere from limping to a mild reduction in normal athletic ability common signs of more severe lameness include head bobbing while walking or trotting head bobbing is usually a tell-tale sign of front limb lameness while hind limb lameness is usually identified by a hip hike or drop treatments available for equine lameness vary and depend on an accurate diagnosis treatment recommended by your veterinarian will depend on the diagnosis watts said sometimes the treatment recommended is surgery while other times it is rest medicine or something as simple as changing the horses shoes there is a long list of possible therapies because there are a lot of possible causes of equine lameness although equine lameness is a common health issue in horses there are ways horse owners can prevent the costly condition proper and timely foot care that commonly includes shoeing is one of the most important methods of preventative care; however it is equally important to choose a reliable and trusted farrier good routine care such as regular exercise and regular farrier care is imperative said watts working your horse on proper footing and avoiding heavy mud or overly hard ground will also help prevent lameness keeping the horse appropriately fit for the level of exercise that is being performed is also important in preventative care equine lameness potentially affects all horse owners and is the most expensive health problem in the equine industry; however the condition can sometimes be prevented through proper care and providing safe footing in stalls and working or exercise areas watts urged horse owners to contact their veterinarian if they notice any sign of lameness as this condition should never be neglected pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
preventing diabetes in dogs february 4 2016 diabetes mellitus also called sugar diabetes is becoming more prevalent in todays society like humans dogs can develop diabetes and may need medical care throughout their lifetime to manage the disease diabetes mellitus is characterized by a lack or relative deficiency of a hormone called insulin this hormone is produced by the pancreas and is needed to store energy from food and to use glucose for fuel dr audrey cook associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained how an insulin deficiency can negatively affect a dogs health in people the two most common forms of diabetes are type 1 and type 2 she said type 1 diabetics do not make insulin at all and will need insulin injections for life this is typically the type of diabetes that we see in dogs in some cases chronic inflammation of the pancreascalled pancreatitiscan gradually destroy cells that produce insulin in canines resulting in diabetes on rare occasions we even see dogs that become transiently diabetic following a heat cycle this is called diestrus diabetes health and lifestyle are a few contributing factors to the development of diabetes in people but genetics plays the most important role in dogs according to cook there are strong breed predispositions to diabetes with the australian terrier at particularly high risk other breeds with increased risk include schnauzers fox terriers and bichons intact female dogs of any breed are vulnerable to diestrus diabetes but the norwegian elkhound is at especially high risk signs of diabetes dog owners should look out for include increased thirst and frequent urination dogs with diabetes may also seem hungry despite eating a good meal and dramatic weight loss can occur if diabetes is left untreated affected dogs can become ill with vomiting and collapse and will die without aggressive medical care since these severe symptoms can occur within two weeks of signs first appearing cook recommended taking any change in thirst seriously and urged veterinary care unlike diabetes in cats there is little that most owners can do to prevent this disease as diet and lifestyle do not play a substantial role in the development of canine diabetes cook recommends spaying female dogs to decrease the risk of diestrus diabetes in dogs with a history of pancreatitis a low fat diet may reduce episodes of inflammation and prevent the interruption of insulin production however cook reminds dog owners that most diabetic dogs like people with type 1 diabetes are healthy before the disease strikes if you think your dog may be showing signs of diabetes contact your veterinarian immediately diabetes is a serious condition but it can be successfully managed through a joint effort between you and your veterinarian pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
pet transportation safety january 28 2016 the holiday season has ended meaning most families are returning from their travels for some people pets are a part of the celebration and are included in travel plans while some pets are easy travel companions others are better left at home in the care of a trusted friend or neighbor even if visiting your veterinarian is the most you travel with your pet every owner should understand pet transportation safety when making travel decisions it is important to consider your pets behavior health and daily needs for example if your destination will not allow you to spend time with fido and include his daily exercise then it is best he stay at home as a general rule most cats are more comfortable in their home environment and should probably stay home during family trips taking your pet to the veterinarian for a quick check up will also help you decide if your pet is healthy enough for travel especially if your pet will be traveling by airline your pets behavior is also a deciding factor in allowing them to travel for instance a playful and energetic puppy may not appreciate riding in a kennel for several hours traveling by car is the most common way to transport pets but many owners do not know the safest way to allow furry friends to ride in the car dr james barr clinical assistant professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the best way to transport your pet by car the best way to transport pets in a car is to restrain them in some way he said if you have a small dog or cat then they should be placed in a pet carrier they will be safer and less likely to climb in your lap and interfere with driving although this may not be feasible in larger dogs there are a number of seat belt devices that can be used for dogs to limit their mobility in the car in addition it is also recommended to keep pets in the back seat to prevent them from being a distraction from the road you may also consider inviting a friend or family member along to help watch the pets on long road trips this will allow you the opportunity to buy snacks or refuel while your pets are under the supervision of your friend it is common for pet owners to allow their dog to put their head out the window but the reality is that this can be dangerous although fido may enjoy the fresh air he can potentially be injured by debris there are a couple of problems that arise when a dog has his head outside of a moving car window barr said the first is the possibility that something could hit them at high speed such as bugs sticks or other debris this is especially problematic for the dogs eyes the next problem is with the possibility that the pet could jump out of the window and severely injure themselves in addition to these travel safety tips it is also important to never leave your pet unattended in the car having a friend with you to help watch the pets while traveling will solve most dangers associated with leaving pets alone although some veterinarians may not recommend allowing your pet to travel by airline it is not impossible the most important thing when it comes to airline transport is to ensure your pet is healthy enough to make the trip said barr airlines generally require that you have a veterinarian sign a health certificate to prove your pet is healthy enough for travel if the pet is to ride in the cabin then it will need to be calm enough to be carried through security in the baggage area your pet may get hot or cold so the health of the pet needs to be good to enable them to withstand that no matter the occasion knowing the basics of pet transportation safety is a must whether youre traveling by car or airline it is important to first consider the health and safety of your pet pet talk is a service of the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
inflammatory bowel disease in dogs january 27 2016 like humans it is normal for dogs to experience the occasional upset stomach or episode of diarrhea but experiencing severe symptoms such as bloody stools may be a sign of something more serious inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) refers to a group of gastrointestinal diseases that result in the inflammation of the intestines the exact cause of inflammatory bowel disease in dogs is unknown but bacteria and nutrients normally found in the intestine are thought to be the cause of the abnormal immune response that causes inflammation dr jonathan lidbury assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained ibds potential causes ibd is a syndrome that is characterized by chronic intestinal inflammation in dogs lidbury said the cause of ibd in dogs is not fully known but recent research has provided some important clues basically there is a loss of tolerance in the dogs intestinal immune system to the nutrients or bacteria that are normally found in the bowel this leads to inflammation of the intestines common signs of ibd in dogs include excessive diarrhea vomiting loss of appetite and weight loss dog owners may also notice rumbling sounds in the abdominal cavity flatulence and even bloody stools in dogs with ibd to diagnose the disease your veterinarian may ask for a detailed history of your dogs symptoms ibd in dogs is diagnosed by a combination of ruling out other causes of intestinal inflammation such as infections or parasites lidbury said they will also try to rule out metabolic disease dietary intolerance or allergies and an intestinal bacterial imbalance by treating with certain antibiotics it is also important to document intestinal inflammation by performing an intestinal biopsy if your veterinarian diagnoses your dog with inflammatory bowel disease it is important to note that the disease can be managed but not cured through careful treatment your dogs ibd symptoms can be managed with anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids such as prednisone providing appropriate nutrition will also help stabilize your dogs body weight and prevent dehydration following your veterinarians suggested dietary plan and drug treatment and being patient with the results often leads to stabilized patients; however check-ups with a veterinarian are necessary even in ibd patients whose symptoms are successfully managed pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
ear infections in dogs january 21 2016 many dog owners have witnessed their pet excessively scratching their ears or rubbing their head on a hard surface some owners may even notice redness swelling or odor in their dogs ear canal although we may do everything we can to keep our dogs clean these common signs could be a result of a canine ear infection according to dr alison diesel clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences canine ear infections are common and can be caused by multiple factors there are several contributing factors associated with the development of ear infections in dogs she said some factors such as excess hair in the ear canals excess wax production and increased moisture can contribute to the development of ear infections; however they do not solely cause the infection there is generally an underlying cause such as parasites allergies or foreign bodies other causes include hormone imbalances benign or cancerous growths in the ear canal or physical trauma if you think your dog may have an ear infection it is important to consult your veterinarian treatment for canine ear infections depends on the underlying cause of the infection as well as the specific type of infection involved ear cleaners or topical medications such as ear drops or lotion are common in soothing canine ear infections sometimes additional medications may be necessary to decrease swelling in the ear canals or treat infections that have migrated into the deeper structures of the ear such as the middle or even inner ear although it may seem as simple as thoroughly cleaning your dogs ears to relieve them of irritation diesel recommended avoiding home remedies for an ear infection some medications can be harmful or painful when used in certain infections she explained for example the use of a medication containing antibiotics may contribute to the development of bacterial resistance if used improperly it is best to consult your pets veterinarian prior to treating the ear infection at home if you have a cleaner your veterinarian has prescribed for ear infections in the past this may be tried initially; however a follow up examination should be pursued if clinical signs persist you may bathe fido regularly but this does not protect him from developing an ear infection to effectively prevent canine ear irritation be sure to check your dogs ears weekly for debris and wax build up if your dog swims a lot or has a history of ear infections you should talk with your dogs veterinarian about using an ear cleaner periodically as maintenance in some cases long-term maintenance ear care such as periodic ear cleaning may be helpful to help prevent infections diesel said to address this most effectively it is important to have a conversation with your pets veterinarian to help develop a long-term plan discussing particular activities your pet likes and or concerns you have will help your veterinarian formulate a righteous preventative care plan for example if you frequently plan on taking your dog swimming your veterinarian may recommend an ear cleaner that has some drying properties for use after swimming a veterinary dermatologist can also be an additional helpful resource for long-term ear care in your dog to prevent your dog from developing an ear infection remember to clean their ears regularly ear infections are one of the most common health problems in dogs but it is not a condition that should be treated at home without the guidance of a veterinarian be sure to seek professional help in treating your dogs ear infection pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
socializing your puppy january 14 2016 many dog owners have heard that socializing their puppy is important but many do not know where to begin it is important to show your puppy that not all people and animals pose a threat exposing your puppy to the world through proper socialization will help them develop into a social obedient and confident dog the most critical socialization time for your puppy is between two and 12 weeks of age during this time it is important to expose your puppy to a variety of people animals and situations allowing your pet to experience these things early in life will prevent fear and aggression in the future it will also promote your puppys obedience in critical scenarios a puppy who trusts their owner that there is nothing to fear will more likely obey their owner without hesitation dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained why it is important to socialize your puppy socializing your puppy is important because it will enable them to be more at ease and focus on commands from you without distractions she said socializing with a variety of people and animals also helps puppies develop socially without fear it is also very important to socialize puppies with kittens and vice versa although socialization can continue throughout puppyhood it is important to start the process early puppies begin to develop fear at about eight to 10 weeks of age so early reinforcement of positive behavior around other people and animals is critical for social development puppies who are not properly exposed to animals and people may find them frightening when they encounter them for the first time at an older age this may lead to aggressive behavior such as growling barking or biting however puppies that are properly socialized are less likely to exhibit these violent behaviors socializing your puppy isnt as simple as allowing any animal or person to interact with your pet before allowing your puppy to be exposed to new people or animals you should consider if each person or animal will leave your puppy with a positive experience for example if a child is unable to hold your puppy correctly then it is best not to let them do so if an adult may play too hard with your puppy then it is best to avoid letting your puppy play with them negative experiences during this critical learning period in your puppys life may lead to a fearful adulthood in addition you should also consider the safety and health of your puppy during socialization since puppies do not receive full vaccinations for diseases until about 15 weeks of age it is important to choose wisely when socializing your puppy with other animals older dogs and cats that have been vaccinated are safest for your puppy to interact with inviting healthy pets to your home instead of venturing into parks can also help prevent your vulnerable puppy from contracting illnesses such as parvovirus one of the best ways to prevent your puppy from contracting a disease is to invite people with vaccinated animals into your home eckman said while these pets can still carry some diseases vaccination makes them much less likely to shed and spread the diseases there are also several trainers who offer classes for socializing puppies in fairly controlled environments socialization can occur throughout puppyhood but it is important to begin socializing your puppy early exposing your puppy to a variety of animals and people will help them see the world as non-threating and grow into an outgoing friendly and well-behaved dog pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
pets as holiday gifts december 21 2015 giving an adorable puppy or kitten as a gift this holiday season may seem like a wonderful idea but it is important to remember that pets need a lifetime of care and commitment long after the holiday season surprising your family with a new fuzzy friend on that special holiday morning is tempting but be sure to first consider these facts to avoid being unprepared when bringing a pet home giving the gift of a pets companionship requires a considerable amount of research and preparation there can be many reasons why a pet may be unsuitable for a home such as if the receiver is not financially or mentally prepared for a pet dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained how pets can often come with hidden expenses pets even healthy ones require a financial commitment for basic requirements such as food collars and leashes as well as medical needs such as basic vaccinations she said unexpected illnesses or injury may also add to that financial burden which can be too much for some owners to handle other reasons a pet may not be an appropriate gift this year is if the receiver is allergic to pets if the receiver does not have an appropriate place to keep the pet or if the receiver does not want a pet or have time to commit to a pet taking care of a cat or dog is a responsibility that is often simplified in the minds of children but the reality is that pets need care throughout their entire lifetime giving a pet as a gift to children who are not yet responsible to care for it can lead to pets being seen as play-things rather than living and dependent animals adults often take on the responsibilities of feeding bathing and cleaning up after the pet when the initial newness wears off sometimes adults are guilty of neglecting the pet too especially if they were unaware of the financial commitment from the beginning this can lead to many pets entering shelters for the remainder of their lives or until another family adopts them although there are many reasons why giving a pet as a holiday gift can be a bad idea a pet can make a great holiday gift for someone if the proper amount of research and preparation is done if the receiver has expressed their commitment to a pet proven their responsibility and are financially and mentally ready for a pet the gift giver must then consider the receivers pet preferences for gender and breed adoption is also a great option especially if the new owner prefers an older dog or cat many pets are patiently waiting in shelters for a forever home and the adoption staff at the shelter will be able to help you choose the perfect pet for the new owner although giving a pet as a gift this holiday season may seem like a wonderful life-long memory for your family there is a considerable amount of research and preparation involved in bringing a pet into a new home especially if it is a surprise to the new owner if the receiver has proven their responsibility and expressed their desire for a new fuzzy companion be sure to consider their pet preferences as well as adoption pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
preventing obesity in pets december 10 2015 like humans pets can become obese and develop excess body fat which can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes or degenerative joint disease in order to provide your furry best friend with the highest quality of life and increase their life span be sure to follow these simple steps to prevent obesity in your pet weight gain in pets is often a result of overfeeding and lack of exercise to keep your pet at a healthy weight be sure to provide a healthy balance between food intake and physical activity for example give your dog or cat two to three meals a day instead of providing food at all times and make sure to include at least one daily walk or some playtime maintaining a healthy weight for dogs and cats also depends on the type of food they eat on a daily basis owners should choose an appropriate pet food according to the animals age weight and activity level generally younger dogs and cats need to consume more calories per pound of body weight than older dogs and cats animals with active lifestyles and pregnant or nursing females require more protein minerals and calories in their diet dr audrey cook associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the best way to choose the healthiest option for your pet your regular veterinarian is the best person to give advice on what to feed your pet she said they will be able to provide an optimal diet type based on the animals age and body condition in general feeding guides on food products tend to overestimate the amount of food needed so these guides can be misleading in addition to diet and exercise pet owners can regularly monitor their pets weight by routinely weighing them around the same time of the day this can be effective in catching your pets weight increase before it becomes a more serious problem obesity in pets can also be caused by some serious health problems rather than simply reflecting poor diet and lack of exercise weight gain can be related to hormone problems such as hypothyroidism in dogs and acromegaly in cats which is defined as excess growth hormone production dogs with hypothyroidism gain weight without eating more food than usual while cats with acromegaly will experience an increase in appetite dogs and cats with cushings syndrome will appear as if theyve gained weight with their pot-bellied appearance but these patients rarely experience a weight increase no matter the cause of obesity in dogs and cats severe secondary diseases and health problems can develop if the obese patient is left untreated there is good evidence that obesity impacts quality of life as well as life span in dogs obesity is often associated with joint problems such as arthritis and loss of mobility cook said obesity in cats is strongly associated with diabetes mellitus in addition to these health conditions an obese pet may also have difficulty breathing become fatigued with routine exercise and be unable to groom itself effectively though it may be tempting to spoil your pet with table scraps and extra servings of food consider thinking twice about the consequences your pet may face as a result to provide your pet with a healthy and happy life consult your veterinarian in keeping a balanced lifestyle and choosing the right food for your pets needs pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
parvovirus in puppies december 3 2015 vaccinations can prevent many illnesses in puppies but viruses such as canine parvovirus are still a threat to dogs with developing immune systems young puppies often have immunity against the virus because they get antibodies from the colostrum in their mothers milk but these antibodies are not always as effective as a vaccine dr johanna heseltine clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the characteristics of parvovirus canine parvovirus or ‘parvo is a highly contagious virus that affects dogs and often causes severe diarrhea and vomiting in puppies she said parvovirus lives for months in the environment so many puppies can be exposed while their immune system is still vulnerable once dogs are fully vaccinated they seldom become infected even if a puppy has received some vaccines they are still at risk for infection because the antibodies they receive from their mothers milk can interfere with the puppys immune response to the vaccine in addition to this the puppys body has not made its own protective antibodies parvovirus attacks areas of the body where cells are rapidly dividing such as the intestinal tract and bone marrow tissue as a result victims of the virus experience a loss of appetite vomiting diarrhea weakness and lethargy since the virus attacks white blood cells in the bone marrow infected dogs develop low white blood cell counts which puts them at risk for a bacterial infection called sepsis said heseltine the severity of illness varies between patients but most of the dogs we see in the hospital develop severe bloody diarrhea and vomiting parvovirus spreads through fecal-oral contact meaning the virus can be transmitted through any animal person or object that comes in contact with an infected dogs feces a dog can shed parvovirus in its stool without showing any signs of illness and can continue spreading the virus for several weeks after recovering parvovirus is so common that it may be present anywhere that dogs frequently visit inanimate objects such as food bowls shoes clothes and carpet also serve as carriers for the virus for up to several months treatments for parvovirus are available but prevention through vaccination is essential to protect puppies health if infected puppies should be hospitalized and isolated from other dogs to avoid spreading the disease large amounts of bodily fluids are lost through vomiting and diarrhea so patients are replenished with electrolytes through intravenous fluid therapy antibiotics are also needed to help prevent secondary infections other treatments include antiemetic medication plasma transfusions or related therapies you can protect your puppy from this deadly virus by making sure they stay up-to-date on vaccinations limiting your puppys exposure to other dogs as well as keeping a secure backyard that prevents strays or other potentially infected animals from entering will also decrease the puppys risk of contracting the disease until your veterinarian declares it is safe try keeping your puppy away from dog parks or other areas where there is a high concentration of dogs if you think your puppy may be infected with parvovirus or has come in contact with another infected animal contact your veterinarian for assistance to prevent further spread of the disease it may be necessary to remove your puppys toys blankets and other belongings from the environment pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
advancing one health in south africa november 30 2015 south africa abounds in wildlife and livestock providing an ideal one health platform for collaborations in transboundary infectious and parasitic diseases to explore research and educational opportunities for texas a&m university dr rosina tammi krecek interim assistant dean of one health and visiting professor in veterinary pathobiology (vtpb) and dr angela arenas assistant professor in vtpb travelled to south africa in november 2015 south africa is a rich platform for exploring the one health wildlife-livestock-human interface to address societal needs krecek commented this wide biodiversity and broad experience of experts in this field continue to offer an ideal foundation for collaborative opportunities between texas a&m and the university of pretoria in south africa krecek and arenas met with south african academic government and industry partners to advance texas a&ms current and developing global projects at the university of pretoria they met with colleagues and students in veterinary and health sciences and presented one health seminars this included meeting with dean darrell abernethy dean of the veterinary school (faculty of veterinary science at onderstepoort) and with colleagues from that institution this was followed by meetings at the faculty of health sciences at the university of pretoria at health sciences dr marietjie venter professor of zoonotic viral diseases and director of the one health program for the us centers for disease control and prevention in pretoria south africa and dr wanda markotter associate professor viral zoonoses group faculty of natural and agricultural sciences hosted the texas a&m visitors krecek and arenas jointly presented seminars titled one health: the bridge to new opportunities to next-generation one health scientists arenas stated these collaborations can lead to exchange programs for graduate students and residents to gain experience about wildlife and livestock infectious and parasitic diseases current and developing global projects build on the strengths of texas a&m and the university of pretoria as well as collaborations to develop training and research capacities in infectious and parasitic endemic and transboundary livestock agents print |
thanksgiving pet safety november 25 2015 thanksgiving is when many people express gratitude for the blessings in life for many of us our pets are included in our thoughts of appreciation although you may consider fido a part of the family there are many reasons why he should not join you at the dinner table for the traditional holiday feast turkey is often the main course of a thanksgiving meal if you decide to treat your pet to a piece of turkey be sure it is boneless and thoroughly cooked to prevent salmonella poisoning in addition avoid letting your pet chew on any sort of leftover bones as they can be problematic to the digestive tract dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the danger of allowing your pet to chew on a bone bones can become lodged in the throat or esophagus and can cause problems throughout the intestinal tract she said they can also splinter and the bone may require surgery to remove it may be tempting to offer your pets special treats during the holiday but fatty foods should definitely be avoided fatty foods can upset your pets stomach and cause vomiting and diarrhea in severe cases it may even progress into something serious requiring a hospital stay the more different the food is from your pets regular diet the more likely they will have digestive upset eckman said vomiting and diarrhea secondary to table food ingestion are the most common reasons we see pets in the emergency room or veterinary hospital after the holidays raw dessert batter is also unsafe for your pet this holiday be sure to keep fidos nose out of the mixing bowl to prevent any consumption of eggs which are sometimes contaminated with salmonella if you are planning on making homemade bread raw yeast bread dough can also pose as a threat to your pet if consumed the yeast will continue to convert the sugars in the dough to carbon dioxide gas and alcohol resulting in a bloated drunken pet this can be a life-threatening situation that can require hospitalization raisins and grapes which can cause kidney damage and chocolate which can be fatal for dogs should also be kept out of your pets reach if you absolutely must provide a special holiday treat for your pet there are safe options that will still leave fido begging for more try sticking as close to your pets normal diet as possible by offering them a bowl of their usual food mixed with lean boneless and skinless pieces of turkey and a small amount of gravy if you have fresh vegetables available such as green beans or sweet potatoes they will make an excellent addition to your pets healthy thanksgiving feast to ensure your pets safety this thanksgiving be sure to keep them away from any harmful food products in the spirit of the holiday season your pet will be forever grateful for keeping them healthy during thanksgiving dinner pet talk is a service of the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
intervertebral disc disease in dogs november 19 2015 shock absorption between our bones is essential to perform normal physical activities just like humans dogs can injure their bones and their joints making every day mobility a challenge in intervertebral disc disease (ivdd) the intervertebral discs or cushions in between the bones of the spine can degenerate from an injury or as dogs age intervertebral discs are cartilage tissue between the spinal bones or vertebrae that act as shock absorbers during movement deterioration of the discs make them brittle and weak so that the normal forces applied during movement cannot be effectively cushioned this often leads to deformed or ruptured discs which can press on the spinal cord above them resulting in signs that range from neck or back pain to complete paralysis of the limbs canine ivdd occurs in two main categories: type i and type ii in type i of the disease the inner portion of the disc is calcified or hardened this occurs quickly and leaves the disc brittle and more prone to rupture type ii develops slowly and the discs become hardened and more fibrous over time eventually bulging out and applying pressure to the spinal cord though both types of ivdd are caused by degeneration of discs dogs may be more at risk for one type of ivdd than the other dr beth boudreau clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained what breed of dogs are more at risk for the disease for type i disc disease breed plays a big role she said chondrodystrophic dogs which are canines that have genetic differences that cause skeletal disorders are more at risk for ivdd than other breeds because their discs may undergo very early degeneration there are many chondrodystrophic breeds including the dachshund the french bulldog corgi beagle basset hound and miniature poodle for type ii disc disease any breed of dog may be affected because of the slower nature of development for type of disc disease dogs with this problem tend to be older than those with type i disc disease if your dog shows an unwillingness to jump has pain or weakness in the rear legs cries out in pain or displays a reduced appetite and activity level you should consider taking them to the veterinarian for an examination diagnosis for ivdd starts with a complete neurologic exam by your veterinarian and possible x-rays but is confirmed with an mri or other advanced imaging if diagnosed with ivdd your dog will not have to endure pain for the rest of its life there are two main types of treatment available for ivdd: medical management and surgery medical management involves managing pain associated with disc disease in addition to a period of strict rest to give the stretched or ruptured disc time to heal itself boudreau said this is most appropriate for less affected patients especially those that are having signs for the first time alternatively surgery can be performed to remove abnormal disc material that is encroaching on the spinal cord this treatment option is recommended for patients who are more severely affected or for dogs that do not improve with medical management though intervertebral disc disease is manageable in dogs prevention is the best way to keep your pet pain-free even in breeds that are at a higher risk for disc degeneration feeding fido a balanced diet and helping him maintain a healthy weight can reduce stress on the neck and backbone if your dog tends to pull on the leash while on a walk invest in a harness to ease even more stress off the neck keeping steps next to the bed or couch may also prevent your dog from jumping and developing an injury these simple steps are a great way to keep you pet safe and healthy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
preventing diabetes in cats november 12 2015 diabetes mellitus (also called sugar diabetes) is becoming more common in our society genetics and lifestyle play an important role in humans; however numerous processes can contribute to the development of this disease in addition to the rise of human diabetes cases veterinarians are also seeing an increase in the prevalence of diabetes in cats diabetes mellitus is characterized by an absolute lack or relative deficiency of insulin the two most common forms of diabetes in people are type 1 and type 2 and most diabetic cats have a form that mimics human type 2 diabetes during digestion nutrients from the cats diet are broken down into smaller componentslike glucosethat the body can use as energy insulin a hormone responsible for the regulation of glucose in the bloodstream is produced by the pancreas glucose can only enter the cells to be used as energy in the presence of insulin if there isnt enough insulin the body begins to break down fat and protein leading to increased appetite and weight loss dr audrey cook associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained how diabetes can affect feline patients with this disorder the body becomes resistant to insulin and more of the hormone is needed to keep blood sugar within the normal limits she said eventually the pancreas essentially gives up and clinical signs of diabetes are evident although people with type 2 diabetes can sometimes be managed with diet and exercise cats usually need insulin injections some cats will go into remission after a few months and no longer need insulin; however relapse is common signs of feline diabetes include weight loss despite an increased appetite extreme thirst and frequent urination depending on the severity of the disease some cats can even become ill with a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis in which the cat will need intensive care there are several risk factors for diabetes but the most important one is obesity cats often live sedentary lives and can become markedly overweight this puts a lot of stress on the pancreas and can result in diabetes other risk factors include a high carbohydrate diet medications such as steroids and chronic inflammation of the pancreas known as pancreatitis though diabetes is a serious disease in cats there are prevention and treatment methods available talk to your veterinarian about your cats bodyweight and take action under medical guidance if you cat is obese cook said cats can have problems with rapid weight loss so you need to talk to your veterinarian about a safe weight loss plan before making any changes the type of diet you feed is also important most cats should be fed a high-protein high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet good routine health care including regular dental cleaning may also be protective it is important to note that most cats are will require insulin injections to manage their disease at least in the initial stages if you think your cat may be showing signs of diabetes contact your veterinarian immediately it is a serious condition but is often successfully managed through a joint effort between you and your veterinarian ***the feline internal medicine service at texas a&m is currently recruiting cats with a recent history of diabetic remission (meaning that the cat was on insulin injections but is now controlled with just diet) for a study looking at a new way to maintain remission please contact us at fim@cvmtamuedu if you think you cat may qualify and more information will be provided *** pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
what to do if you find a stray dog november 9 2015 pets are considered a part of the family for many pet owners the unique personalities and characteristics our pets possess are irreplaceable and it can be heart- breaking to lose their company stray dogs are a growing problem in the united states and a majority of these strays are forced to wander the dangerous streets or begin a new life in an animal shelter learning how to properly bring a stray dog to safety is vital for your safety as well as the strays safety when trying to care for a stray safety is always first it is easy to become swept up in emotions when you see a stray dog hurt or in a dangerous situationlike running in traffic even if you have good intentions it is important to consider all options before taking action to keep the situation from becoming even more hazardous there are numerous ways to find a stray dog but the most common scenarios are on foot or in vehicular traffic remaining calm is the key to keeping a clear mind and deciding the best option for the strays safety for instance if you are driving and encounter a stray in traffic try to pull over on the side of the road where it is safe if you are unable to pull over or are a passenger of the car take note of the animal its health condition and the exact location it was seen the driver of the car can either turn back around to help the dog or report the situation to animal control whether you are on foot or in the car analyzing the condition of the animal is important for your safety the dog may be injured sick malnourished or even rabid if the stray dog appears to be defensive and could bite or attack do not approach the dog instead take note of its location and give as much detail as possible to animal control a stray dog may also find its way into your yard which can be potentially hazardous for your outside pets as with any pet that you do not know well you must approach the stray carefully said dr james barr clinical assistant professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences if the stray is friendly make sure that they do not have any substantial contact with your pets the stray animal needs to be evaluated by a veterinarian for infectious disease and to ensure they are healthy strays are not likely vaccinated so they should be kept separate from other pets until they get an all clear from a veterinarian if you are able to safely handle and collect the dog the next step is to check for identification some stray dogs are lucky enough to remain identified through a collar and dog tag while others are branded through a microchip if the dog appears to have no identification it is still important to take the dog to the veterinarian or local animal shelter to scan for a possible microchip if the dog is marked with a microchip the contact information of the owner will then be provided through the computer system proper identification on dogs may make contacting the owners far easier than searching for the owner on your own while searching for the owner a trip to the veterinarian is essential to make sure the stray is not injured or sick the veterinarians will look for normal issues that occur in uncared for animals but they are also adept at trying to find owners for these pets if you are unable to locate them yourself explained barr additionally the animal control authorities will usually take these pets in if you are not able to take care of the pet that you found while it can be heart-breaking to find a stray dog in a dangerous situation it is important to thoroughly evaluate your options before letting your emotions get the best of you remember to remain calm and choose the safest option for both you and the stray dog and never approach a dog that poses as a threat it is best to save the number of your local animal control service in case you ever need to report a stray dog pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
halloween pet safety october 28 2015 though many people get a thrill from the frightening masks and costumes on halloween night our pets are less likely to appreciate the spooky tradition to ensure your pets safety this halloween weekend follow these simple guidelines collecting candy is one of the most well-known traditions of halloween we might appreciate the array of tastes in our assortment of candy but is it safe to offer fido a few bites dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained how candy can be harmful for pets for individual ingredients chocolate is the biggest offender she said dark chocolate is the most dangerous candy followed by milk chocolate and white chocolate chocolate can cause vomiting and diarrhea a rapid heart rate tremors seizures and death other ingredients in candy can also be of concern such as certain nuts and raisins eckman added that most general candies primarily cause an upset stomach diarrhea and vomiting in some cases consuming candy like those containing the artificial sweetener xylitol can lead to more significant diseases and even death in dogs and cats to prevent your furry friends from consuming harmful candy try storing the treats on a high shelf out of your pets reach other halloween items that should be kept away from your pet for its safety include pumpkins pumpkin seeds corn and electrical cords these objects are a hazard if consumed or chewed on by your pet if you suspect your pet has ingested harmful candy or other dangerous items eckman recommends contacting your veterinarian or the animal poison control center (apcc) the apcc can be reached at (888) 426-4435 halloween is most often defined by the famous tradition of wearing costumes your pet may look absolutely adorable wearing a princess gown or a superman suit but that does not mean they are enjoying the experience as much as you are to determine if it is appropriate to dress your pet for halloween night eckman recommended these helpful tips make sure the costume is not covering the animals face (mainly their mouth and nose) so they can breathe properly she said it is also important that the costume does not fit too tight around the neck the costume should not make the animal too hot if it is warm out and it should not trip them while running or walking lastly costumes with lights and batteries are a safety hazard if you are planning on dressing your pet for halloween eckman suggested dressing your pet in their outfit several times before the big party or event so they become accustomed to the fit animal cruelty is never acceptable but halloween is unfortunately a time when pranksters may steal tease injure and even kill beloved pets to protect your pets from cruel behavior keep them inside or in a secure fenced in area or backyard black cats are especially at risk during halloween which is why they should be kept inside several days prior and after the holiday you should also keep in mind that trick-or-treaters will be knocking on your door throughout the night which may startle your pets dogs can be especially territorial so it is important to keep them in another room so they do not bark or growl at guests proper identification is one of the most important factors in keeping your pet safe this halloween human and vehicular traffic may frighten animals and cause them to run off from the safety of your home if you are going to take your pet trick-or-treating with you walk them on a leash and provide them with a reflective collar or tape so they are more visible at night all pets need a collar with identification tags and it is also recommended by eckman to invest in a form of identification that cannot come off such as a microchip halloween is a fun night for people of all ages but it is important to remember that your pet may have a different perspective on the holiday keeping your pets safety in mind when planning parties and handing out candy is important because nobody wants to spend halloween night searching for a lost family member pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
ferret distemper october 21 2015 while it is not legally required by law to vaccinate pet ferrets for canine distemper it is imperative for pet owners to protect their ferrets against this fatal and highly contagious disease exotic mammals like ferrets are susceptible to diseases that affect many domestic pets including the canine distemper virus ferrets are highly susceptible to canine distemper and the disease proves fatal for virtually all of the ferrets that come into contact with the virus though the disease is extremely deadly proper vaccination protects ferrets from infection canine distemper is caused by a paramyxovirus (rna virus) that can affect numerous species including dogs foxes skunks badgers raccoons bears primates and large felids such as tigers and lions transmission of the virus is primarily through aerosol droplet secretions from an infected animal which can live in grass weeds trees and shrubs for up to 10 days once infected the animal can spread the virus for several months though canine distemper is considered highly contagious the virus can be quite unstable in the environment and most common disinfectants are effective in preventing transmission specific clinical signs of distemper in ferrets include ocular and nasal discharge anorexia diarrhea skin rashes in the chin and inguinal region hyperkeratosis brown crusts on the eyes nose lips and chin immunosuppression with secondary infections and seizures said dr michelle whitehead a zoological medicine and surgery intern at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) there is no treatment for distemper in ferrets other than supportive care death usually occurs in two to four weeks after coming into contact with the virus diagnosing distemper is usually based on clinical signs and inclusion bodies in the white blood cells and tissue cells to protect your pet ferret against the canine distemper virus be sure to contact your local veterinarian about vaccination ferrets should first be vaccinated at eight weeks old and then every two to three weeks after until they have reached 12 to 14 weeks of age an annual booster is required in order to provide continuous protection for your ferret into adulthood inactivated or recombinant viral vaccines are more effective than modified-live virus vaccines because modified-live vaccines have the potential to cause clinical disease in ferrets whitehead explained the current recommended vaccine is a canarypox vectored vaccine that is safe and effective and can be used in ferrets even if a ferret owner has properly vaccinated against the canine distemper virus it is possible that the ferret may experience vaccine reactions after vaccine injection the ferret should be monitored for 20 to 30 minutes by your veterinarian reactions include vomiting diarrhea lethargy respiratory distress restlessness seizures coma and rarely death though most reactions are seen within 30 minutes of injection it is important for ferret owners to keep an eye on their pet for the next 24 hours for a delayed reaction only one vaccine should be administered at a time whitehead said if a patient has a reaction future precautions may be taken such as pre-treatment with an antihistamine 15 to 30 minutes prior to vaccination although the canine distemper virus is 100 percent fatal for ferrets that come into contact with it a safe and effective vaccine is available at the cvm if you think your ferret has come into contact with the canine distemper virus restrict the potentially infected animal from other house-hold pets and contact your veterinarian pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
feline leukemia october 15 2015 feline leukemia virus (felv) is a relatively common infection in cats approximately two to three percent of the united states feline population is infected with the virus but symptoms are not always evident vaccinations may help protect your cat against felv but your understanding of the virus is also essential in defending your cats health felv is a worldwide infectious agent that has a substantial impact on feline health the virus is the most common cause of cancer in cats and it can also lead to blood disorders and immune deficiencies while healthy cats can normally fight off everyday bacteria and viruses cats that are infected with felv can develop severe illness from common microorganisms a weakened immune system hinders a cats ability to fight off other infections which can lead to some of the diseases associated with felv such as anemia although the number of felv cases is dropping in the united states due to proper vaccinations and improved testing protocols the virus is still a significant problem in this country dr audrey cook associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained how felv spreads the virus is present in saliva and we think that most cats are infected during grooming activities or by sharing food and water bowls she said it is also spread by biting and unscreened blood transfusions unborn kittens can also pick up the virus during gestation if the mother is infected fortunately the virus is essentially unable to live in the environment for more than a few minutes and is quickly killed by heat or disinfectants cook added that most veterinarians recommend testing new cats for the disease before allowing them to come into contact with other household cats though the signs associated with felv vary fever poor appetite and weakness are often the most common symptoms since cats can be asymptomatic for weeks months and even years after contracting the disease routine testing is recommended even in apparently healthy cats cook recommends that kittens are tested on their first visit to the veterinarian if an in-house test for felv is positive another test should be performed through a reference laboratory to confirm the results following exposure to the virus some cats may manage to avoid infection a second group will be transiently infected but manage to mount an effective immune response and clear the virus there is some evidence that even transient (also called regressive) infection may damage dna and predispose cats to cancer in later life the third subset of cats will remain persistently infected they will shed the virus and are likely to die within a few months of felv-related diseases such as anemia or cancer in order to prevent your cat from contracting felv cook recommends limiting the cats exposure to other cats and consistent vaccination the virus is primarily spread by intimate cat to cat contact so keeping your cat inside will prevent exposure if your cat goes outside it would be wise to consider vaccination against felv she said the vaccine is generally helpful but it is not sufficient to protect a cat that lives with a felv infected animal healthy cats that live with infected cats have a high level of chronic exposure to the virus making them more susceptible to contracting felv housing your cats in separate areas of the house will decrease the chance of the virus spreading among your furry friends unfortunately it is also important to keep in mind that many cats are not diagnosed until they have lived with other cats in this case all other cats in the household should be tested for the virus although felv is a common virus in cats limiting your pets exposure to other cats and routinely vaccinating for the virus will prevent the spread of the disease remember to test all new cats before allowing them into the household even kittens in order to protect your cats health and quality of life be sure to understand feline leukemia virus and consult your veterinarian if you suspect your cat has come into contact with an infected cat pet talk is a service of the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
ringworm in pets october 8 2015 although the name often misleads pet owners into thinking a worm has invaded their pets bodies ringworm is actually a fungus that can affect the hair skin and nails common in cats this fungus can lead to circular patterns of hair loss and red scabby bumps before you introduce another pet into your home knowing the facts about ringworm and how to prevent the skin condition from spreading is crucial dermatophytes fungi that feeds on protein in the skin hair and claws is the agent of ringworm infections are transmitted by contact with infected hairs from another infected pet in the environment or through bedding grooming tools and even fleas the fungus can be passed between animals and humans but young and elderly people are more susceptible to developing the infection those with weak immune systems are also more prone to ringworm dr adam patterson clinical assistant professor and chief of dermatology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains the signs of ringworm clinical signs of ringworm may include excessive shedding broken hairs patchy or circular areas of hair loss dander scabs red bumps and occasionally deep-seated nodules he said some animals especially cats may be carriers of ringworm with no clinical signs diagnosis is based on history clinical signs fungal culture and possibly skin biopsy fungal culture is the gold standard in making a diagnosis but it may take up to three weeks for fungal growth to appear treatment for infected animals includes limiting their exposure to other animals and people since it is common for some pets to be asymptomatic all animals in an infected household should be treated and tested for the skin condition therapy is directed at killing fungus on the animal(s) and decontaminating the environment unfortunately dermatophyte – infected hairs can remain infective for up to several months necessitating environmental clean-up of shed hairs patterson explained if people in the household have ringworm-suspicious lesions then consultation with a physician is recommended limiting the infected pet to other animals and people can be effective in preventing the spread of ringworm but anti-ringworm treatments are required to eliminate the infection at its source shampoos lotions sprays dips and systematic therapy can all be prescribed to a ringworm-infected pet if the animal is long-haired clipping the coat can allow better contact with topical medicine and will remove infected hairs before they shed into the environment besides treating your pet for ringworm decontamination of the environment is essential to prevent further spreading of the fungus isolating your pet in an easily cleaned room (no carpet) is the first step in decontaminating your home wash all clothing that has touched the animal as well as destroy or thoroughly disinfect all collars bedding blankets scratching posts cat trees and grooming aids if possible disposable dusting sheets and lint rollers can be effective in capturing loose hairs in the environment and it is also recommended to launder exposed fabrics and pet bedding by washing twice in cold water with detergent thoroughly vacuuming rugs and draperies every one to two days will also prevent the buildup of infected hair disinfectants like lysol and a clorox mixture can be sprayed on tile floors windowsills vehicles the infected pet rode in countertops and any other non-porous surface the goal of therapy is to achieve two to three negative consecutive fungal cultures one to two weeks apart unfortunately this usually requires at least several weeks of therapy said patterson the risk of re-infection for a single pet is relatively low if they live indoors and the environment is cleaned thoroughly when adding a new pet to the household (especially cats) one should have the animal examined by a veterinarian and consider having a ringworm culture performed before bringing the pet into the familys living quarters ringworm is contagious to both owners and pets but the fungus can be treated through multiple methods if you think your pet may be infected with ringworm have your veterinarian examine him/her since several other skin diseases can mimic ringworm pet talk is a service of the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
hip dysplasia in dogs october 1 2015 hip dysplasia a condition that results from poor joint and bone health can significantly alter your dogs quality of life though larger breeds like labrador retrievers mastiffs and german shepherds are especially prone to hip dysplasia dogs of all ages and breeds can develop the painful condition genetics often takes the blame but there are many causes of hip dysplasia in dogs dr jacqueline davidson clinical professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains how the condition can develop in dogs of all ages and breeds hip dysplasia is considered to be multifactorial meaning there are many factors that determine whether an individual will be affected she said genetics is one factor but it is not simple breeding dogs that are free of hip dysplasia will reduce the risk of puppies with hip dysplasia; however it is possible for a puppy to develop the condition even if the parents were not affected in the early stage of hip dysplasia excessive abnormal movement in the joint is caused by a flexible hip bone the loose-fitting bone leads to abnormal cartilage wear and remodeling of the joint the end result is joint inflammation in the hip which is called osteoarthritis lameness becomes apparent as the osteoarthritis develops said davidson with severe arthritis a dog may be lame or reluctant to be active and may have restricted hip joint motion in younger dogs specific systems include a bunny-hop gait while dogs who have developed a more advanced case of hip dysplasia experience more serious symptoms in dogs with more advanced disease they may be lame in one or both legs davidson explained they may have difficulty rising and they may take short steps with the hind legs resulting in a ‘waddling gait with a lot of hip motion as they shift weight to their front legs they may develop bulky muscles in the front legs and wasting muscles in the hind legs though hip dysplasia can cause your pet to experience serious pain helping your dog maintain a lean body weight will help reduce the effects of the condition providing daily light exercise will also help your dog develop strong muscles which can support their joints more effectively if your dog does show signs of developing hip dysplasia your veterinarian can determine the best treatment options initially the osteoarthritis associated with hip dysplasia is managed medically explained davidson arthritic pain can be managed by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) along with other pain medications if indicated supplements of fish oil can also help reduce joint inflammation supplements of chondroitin and glucosamine may be beneficial in some individuals but ineffective in others if medical management is not sufficient enough to preserve your dogs quality of life then surgery may be necessary to eliminate the inflamed joint a femoral head ostectomy (fho) a surgical procedure that removes the femoral head from the joint may work well for some patients; however some dogs still show dysfunction after this surgery since the joint is gone they may always have a gait abnormality but the hope is that they are pain free keys to the success of this procedure are related to both the surgical technique and the postoperative rehabilitation davidson explained another surgical procedure includes a total hip replacement (thr) while most dogs have excellent results with this surgery not all patients are good candidates for this procedure your veterinarian must review your dogs medical history perform a physical examination and assess their radiographs before deciding if a thr is the best option for your pet although some breeds are more susceptible to hip dysplasia than others dogs of all ages and breeds are at risk for developing the condition if you think your dog is displaying symptoms of hip dysplasia your veterinarian will be able to determine if treatment is necessary pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
breeding guidelines september 23 2015 pets have a way of touching our hearts and becoming a part of the family its only natural to wish that our pets could be with us forever but this is unfortunately not the case sometimes owners become so close to their pet that they believe breeding them is the closest thing to duplicating the pet they already own in their mind breeding a pet with ideal personality and character traits will produce the perfect new puppy or kitten no matter the inspiration behind breeding your pet there are many important factors to consider first when some people think about breeding their pets the first thing they think about is how adorable the offspring will be many people also assume raising puppies or kittens is a fun experience though this is true there is a lot of time work and cost involved in producing healthy offspring for potential owners dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences recommends owners to first consider finances before choosing to breed their animal this is not a money-making endeavor for most people if there are no complications with the pregnancy itself which can be quite costly owners are still responsible for the medical care of the litter until they are old enough to go to new homes eckman explained it is a lot of work even when all goes according to plan besides the time commitment owners should also consider the health and physical condition of their pet there are many diseases and inherited deformities that can be passed from the mother and father to the offspring so it is important to have your pet evaluated by a veterinarian prior to breeding remember that testing should also be done on both the male and female to ensure a healthy litter there are many many congenital and inherited problems said eckman if you are thinking of breeding your pet consult your veterinarian for known disorders and how to best avoid them some of these cannot be screened for but there are screening tests for many genetic disorders if you do choose to breed your pet you should keep in mind that not all pregnancies result in a healthy litter health problems during the pregnancy can potentially leave the breeder with costly veterinary bills after properly deworming and vaccinating the offspring it is your responsibility to find each puppy or kitten a new home sometimes this can be time consuming especially if the litter requires special health care to become strong enough for a new home environment though unhealthy pregnancies can occur they are often preventable through a few simple steps talking to your veterinarian about proper diet and expected delivery dates can be very useful as well as what to expect if this is your pets first pregnancy if you are thinking of breeding consider discussing this with your veterinarian to ensure that your pet is as healthy as possible before conception said eckman this includes a healthy weight updated vaccines and deworming your veterinarian can also advise you as to appropriate nutrition during pregnancy and when to transition to higher calorie and protein diets if it is your pets first pregnancy they may not understand what is happening during the birthing process your pet may become very protective of herself and her new babies so monitoring her from a distance may be more suitable for her condition it is also important that you understand the timeline of the birthing process so you can identify anything abnormal it may take up to two hours between births said eckman if the mother is not attentive to the puppies or kittens you will have to clean them and tie off the umbilical cord typically the mothers eat the afterbirth; this is normal though choosing to breed your pet can be a rewarding experience there are many factors like cost and time to consider eckman reminds pet owners that there are many puppies and kittens already living in animal shelters and encourages pet owners to think carefully before breeding pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
colic in horses september 16 2015 although horses have historically been known as working livestock today they are often referred to as companion animals more and more people are seeking to own pet horses making large animal veterinary medicine even more important with a growing horse industry first-time horse owners should be aware and educated about one of the most common illnesses horses are susceptible to: colic colic in the horse refers to a pain originating from within the abdominal cavity most often colic is associated with the gastrointestinal tract; however it can also arise from other intra-abdominal organs like the kidney liver and uterus said dr noah cohen professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences horses that experience colic will show varying degrees of pain with varying clinical signs these can include turning to stare at the flank region pawing at the ground restlessness (such as getting up and down) rolling sweating having a high heart and respiratory rate and flared nostrils cohen continued so what causes colic and why is it so common in horses according to cohen there are many potential causes of the illness for example one cause is a volvulus of the small intestine where the intestine is obstructed by twisted on itself often the cause(s) of a volvulus (or any other displacement or twisting of the gastrointestinal tract) may be impossible to define or may be attributable to many factors such as diet level of exercise dehydration from sweat losses or inadequate water intake and so on cohen explained other common causes of colic include an abrupt change in feed high grain or low forage diets parasite infestation lack of water (which can lead to impaction colic) and sand ingestion (choose an alternative flooring for your stalls like concrete to prevent your horse from ingesting sand) another cause of the potentially deadly illness could be linked to the time of the year weather conditions have been associated with colic cases; however there is not enough data to indicate which specific weather patterns stimulate the illness when the ambient temperature and humidity are high there seem to be more cases of colic these cases are often colon impactions with food material; many of us attribute these to dehydration from increased sweat losses said cohen in cold weather horses will consume more warm water than cold water because water sources for horses are generally cold from the ambient temperature we also seem to see cases of colic attributed to inadequate water consumption during the cold weather although it may sound like almost anything can cause your horse to colic cohen explains that every horse reacts differently to situations that could potentially stimulate the illness one way to think about the multiple causes of colic is to think of a traffic accident he said rainy roads can contribute to an increased risk of accidents occurring but this doesnt mean that driving on a rainy road will always cause an accident…the same is true for colic not every horse that has a recent change in diet will colic…and not every horse that goes from being housed at pasture to a stall (or vice versa) will experience colic luckily for first-time horse owners there are plenty of preventative measures against colic that can help stop the painful disease in its tracks some of these healthy habits include feeding your horse regularly (even on the weekends) making slow changes in diet instead of sudden changes providing plenty of water and exercise providing a balanced diet fed in feed troughs (to prevent sand ingestion) and regularly deworming if you think your horse may be experiencing colic cohen recommends calling the veterinarian and withholding all feed but not water walking the horse may also keep the animal calm and will prevent injury from rolling or pawing at the ground knowing how to measure a horses rectal temperature heart rate and respiratory rate will also come in handy if you are trained to perform these tasks cohen suggests recording this information and sharing it with the veterinarian before owning your first horse make sure to know the causes and symptoms of colic although early detection is important in treating the disease prevention is truly the key to maintaining your horses health pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
kidney disease in dogs and cats september 9 2015 have you ever watched your pet eat their meal and thought wow did they even taste it though some pets require more energy than others it is important to know your pets normal eating and drinking habits so you are more likely to detect any dietary abnormalities being familiar with your pets standard schedule of urination and defecation is also important as any continuous irregular activity could be a sign of an illness one of the most common ailments in dogs and cats is kidney (renal) disease a broad term that applies to any disease process that leaves the kidneys unable to effectively filter toxins out of the blood and maintain water balance in the body in acute kidney disease signs can occur quickly and can be very severe while chronic renal issues include non-specific signs and the disease develops slowly dr johanna heseltine clinical assistant professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains how being familiar with your pets normal diet can come in handy in the early stages of kidney disease there are often no clinical signs the earliest clinical signs of kidney disease are non-specific and often include increased thirst and urination decreased appetite and decreased energy levels she said as the kidneys begin to fail and toxins build up in the blood stream other signs can develop such as vomiting and loss of appetite so what exactly causes kidney disease according to heseltine there are many sources of renal issues causes of acute (sudden onset) kidney injury include toxins (like lilies in cats and grapes in dogs) certain infections (such as bacterial urinary tract infections that spread to the kidneys or leptospirosis) and underlying health problems (like high blood calcium levels or shock) heseltine said in many patients with chronic (long-standing) kidney disease the underlying cause cannot be determined although older pets are especially affected by kidney disease dogs and cats at any age are susceptible to renal issues blood and urine tests are used by veterinarians to determine if there is a kidney infection present and what the primary cause might be when possible we treat the underlying cause explained heseltine for example if there is a kidney infection an appropriate antibiotic is administered it is important that patients with kidney disease stay well hydrated so some patients require iv fluids if needed we give medications to control nausea and vomiting she continued some patients with chronic kidney disease benefit from being fed a prescription diet designed for pets with kidney disease other therapies are tailored to the individual patients needs so without treatment for kidney disease can a dog or cat suffer from complete kidney failure according to heseltine the answer is yes kidney failure can occur in both acute and chronic kidney disease depending on the severity of the case heseltine emphasizes the importance of the kidneys in the body and explains that a lack of filtration can lead to deadly consequences the kidneys have many important roles including filtering toxins from the body when the kidneys cannot filter adequately the toxins build up in the blood stream and make the pet sick she said we assess this by measuring urea and creatinine concentrations in their blood these increased lab values do not occur until approximately 75% of kidney function has been lost patient outcome depends on how high the lab values are how sick the pet is whether the underlying kidney disease can be treated and how quickly the kidney damage is progressing she continued some patients with chronic kidney disease live for many years while for other patients decisions about quality of life have to be made though kidney disease is fairly common in dogs and cats there are ways pet owners can help prevent renal issues since many acute kidney disease cases are caused by toxic substances be sure to keep poisons and pesticides away from your furry friends as well as any specific foods or plants that can cause harm feeding a balanced diet is always important but consider looking into specialized pet food that aids in preventing kidney disease lastly remember to take note of your pets normal behavior so you are more likely to notice even the slightest change in diet urination or defecation make an appointment with your local veterinarian if you notice a change in behavior that lasts several days although pets of all ages are susceptible to kidney disease older pets are at an even higher risk by monitoring your pets behavior and attending regular veterinary check-ups you can help prevent kidney disease and preserve your pets quality of life pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
seizures in dogs september 2 2015 many of us would do anything to relieve our pets of a medical issue especially if it interferes with their ability to live a normal life although the veterinary care field is more advanced than ever some medical issues remain difficult to predict and treat seizures caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain continue to be a medical issue veterinarians sometimes struggle to monitor and treat in dogs little warning occurs before a seizure strikes making the episode frightening for both the owner and the pet fido may appear perfectly normal one minute but the next he is lying on the floor muscles twitching in a normal brain the neurons fire only when necessary and when stimulated with a seizure the neurons start firing rapidly and in synchrony explained dr joseph mankin clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences typically the dog may become agitated or disoriented and then may collapse on their side he continued they may exhibit signs of paddling vocalization and they may lose bladder control the seizure may last for a few seconds up to a few minutes and often they will be disoriented or anxious after the seizure occasionally they may be blind for a short period of time for some dogs a seizure is a one-time experience but in most cases seizures reoccur an underlying problem in the brain could be responsible for reoccurring seizures often resulting in a diagnosis of epilepsy between the many causes of seizures in dogs and the often normal lab results idiopathic (cause unknown) epilepsy proves to be a frequent diagnosis the most common cause of seizures is idiopathic epilepsy which commonly occurs in dogs that are young to middle aged said mankin however there are many other causes of seizures including ingestion of toxins development of neoplasia in the brain or a vascular event (stroke) other less common causes include congenital (where the dog is born with an abnormal brain) systemic disease or an immune mediated disease of the brain tissue though seizures may be difficult to predict and monitor taking fido to the veterinarian after an episode is the first step in trying to diagnose the cause of the abnormal brain activity a history of your dogs seizures vaccination records and diet may help determine an underlying problem in the brain along with blood tests and a urinalysis the age of fido may also play a part in his diagnosis dogs that are younger than one year of age are more likely to have been born with an abnormal brain condition while dogs that are older than five years tend to have specific brain disorders idiopathic epilepsy commonly affects dogs that are between one and five years of age treatment for dog seizures is important regardless of age with each seizure more nerves within the brain will fire rapidly making it more likely that another seizure will occur these seizures may become hard to manage for the owner and could also affect the dogs quality of life fortunately for dog owners there are many ways of treating seizures avoid exposing fido to toxins and vaccinations that could aggravate his condition and be sure to create a stress-free environment since many seizures often follow a stressful situation acupuncture chiropractic care and a simple change of diet can also help your dog avoid a frightening convulsion between veterinary visits your dog may experience seizures at home although the situation might be frightening it is important to remain calm and wait patiently for your dog to stop seizing at home there is little you can do to stop the ongoing seizure said mankin the dog may be barking and biting so it is important to keep your hands away from their mouth if a seizure happens the best thing to do is seek veterinary help immediately he advised although seizures prove to be a medical condition that is difficult to treat and monitor it is important to get veterinary care for fido soon after he experiences a seizure it may be hard for your veterinarian to identify the specific cause of your dogs seizures but taking action is a must in order to preserve fidos quality of life pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
geese as pets august 20 2015 if youre looking into a new pet but dont want to settle for the usual cat or dog geese might be a good pet for you in order to own pet geese you must have adequate space and check with city guidelines and neighborhood associations to make sure backyard poultry ducks and geese are allowed in your area although many of us have heard the horror stories of aggressive geese attacking park visitors pet geese who are hand raised and handled daily are often more docile before you jump into owning geese there are a few things you should know and consider in order to create a comfortable living environment where your geese can thrive your first step in owning pet geese is choosing the right breed there are a number of breeds to choose from many of them making great pets dr sharman hoppes clinical associate professor for the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences recommends breeds like the toulouse the american buff and the pilgrim as these breeds are considered to be good pets by her clients geese are also flock animals so consider getting 2-3 geese to help create a more natural environment females are less likely to fight with one another so they may make a better option as pets so what kind of housing do these birds need to ensure your birds are comfortable and have enough room at least one square meter per bird is recommended for indoor night housing and two square meters per bird for outdoor housing include grass floors and secure fencing in your outdoor housing arrangement to protect your geese from predators like rats coyotes and neighborhood dogs a larger pen filled with soft green grass should be available for your geese to roam during most of the day providing a swimming area and more protective fencing as a guide three geese will typically be happy in a 20×40 foot pen pet geese need a large yard with grass and housing that keeps them warm in the winter and can protect them from the heat in the summer explained hoppes geese also need water for swimming so a pool or pond is a must if you use a small pool as the water source it will need to be cleaned daily geese can overheat easily on a hot summer day if there is no water or shade available if you would like to own pet geese keep in mind that daily cleaning is essential if geese are not housed in a grassy yard with a proper swimming area serious health problems can develop geese that are housed without a water source for swimming or on hard ground or cement tend to develop foot issues that can become life threatening said hoppes since geese are such heavy bodied birds they need both legs for ambulating and if on an inappropriate substrate their feet will develop pressure sores that can lead to bone infections other common health problems in geese include intestinal parasites (deworming is a must) limb deformities in young geese due to poor diet and trauma caused by dogs coyotes or other predators older females may also be subject to reproductive problems such as egg binding anyone obtaining pet geese waterfowl or backyard poultry should make sure there is a local veterinarian comfortable with birds nearby and available for emergencies recommended hoppes you may be wondering what kind of diets geese survive on and fortunately for geese owners the answer is grass up to 70% of their diet depends on grass another reason why it is important to have a grassy area dedicated to your geese besides grass geese will also feed on insects as well as commercial water fowl diets these are available for different ages of geese and should be fed daily according to hoppes besides companionship geese offer a few other benefits for example geese are known to be very territorial and alert their owners when there is an intruder though they may seem aggressive most geese are docile and will not attack your visitors unless they are protecting a nest or chicks aggression during breeding season is quite common so hoppes recommends keeping an extra eye on your birds and visitors during that time of the year geese should not be around children without supervision since geese attacks can cause serious injuries including broken bones to the victim geese are also loud a major reason why they are not ideal for residential areas geese tend to vocalize when there is anything new in the environment including other birds wildlife the neighborhood dog or cat and anytime someone comes through the door geese also lay on average 10-50 eggs per year allowing you to use them however you please (they might look huge next to a chicken egg but they are certainly safe to eat) the feathers of geese can also be collected and used for crafts such as stuffing a pillow however you should never pluck feathers from your bird because plucking can be very painful only use feathers that the goose has lost due to molting if you are looking for a very smart and social pet that offers protection a flock of geese might be the choice for you remember to keep in mind the environmental requirements for housing pet geese and the daily cleaning that is essential in order to maintain a healthy habitat lastly do your research in finding a local veterinarian who is comfortable with treating birds if well taken care of geese can make a great companion animal that can live well into their teen years pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
vaccinating your pets august 13 2015 it is not uncommon for pets to be considered a part of the family which is why they deserve to live the happiest and healthiest lives possible while endless treats and belly rubs are some peoples idea of the perfect life for fido a more important factor plays into the quality of life your pet will have: their health you may have already heard about the benefits of vaccinating your pet for common diseases but educating yourself more on the subject is important before visiting the veterinarians office allowing vaccines to be a part of your pets health care routine can protect them from some of the most common companion animal diseases rabies distemper hepatitis bordetella parvovirus and feline leukemia are a few of the illnesses that your pet can be protected against through the use of a vaccine dr brad bennett lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains how a vaccine can be effective in reducing your pets chances of developing a disease in developing immunity vaccines work by mimicking the infection the infection usually does not cause illness (sometimes minor symptoms of the disease) but will allow the immune system to make antibodies and lymphocytes said bennett after the resolution of the infection the body will remember how to fight the infection through memory t lymphocytes and b lymphocytes there are several different types of vaccines including modified-live (attenuated) killed (inactivated) and recombinant even if your pet is considered an inside dog or does not come into contact with other animals bennett still recommends having your animal vaccinated we know that when widespread vaccination is performed we can reduce the prevalence of serious disease caused by highly pathogenic organisms with this knowledge we recommend most owners to vaccinate their pets he said though vaccinations are meant to prevent harm to your animal they are not always risk-free before making the decision to vaccinate your pet talk with your veterinarian about the potential risks and benefits of vaccination while vaccinating can be valuable it is not always harmless bennett said a discussion should take place between the veterinarian and the owner as to the probability of exposure severity of disease being vaccinated for and risk of adverse events he said owners should also discuss how often their pet should be vaccinated to effectively prevent disease as this varies with age so what kind of negative side effects from vaccines should owners look out for according to bennett swelling of the face vomiting diarrhea lethargy pruritus and hives are common allergic reactions to vaccines in pets more serious reactions can even include shock and sudden death (anaphylaxis) though there are some reported reactions lasting weeks most reactions occur immediately after injection or up to 48-72 hours later if an owner observes any of these side effects after their pet receives a vaccination bennett encourages them to seek immediate veterinary attention for the safety of their pet while veterinarians like bennett encourage pet owners to vaccinate their pet as needed some animal care specialists have argued that we are over-vaccinating our pets causing more harm than good my opinion is that i do not believe we are over-vaccinating our pets every day i see diseases in pets that could be avoided by vaccinating said bennett but just as we discussed before vaccinating is not always innocent in some patients vaccinations can be detrimental such as those with immune-mediated diseases and in instances of feline injection-site associated sarcomas as owners we want our pets to live a happy life with the help of regular check-ups and vaccinations against common pet diseases your animals quality of life may be improved although vaccines are meant to protect your pets health owners should be aware of the potential side effects that come with vaccinating your pet remember to discuss your concerns with your local veterinarian so they can determine the best vaccine plan for your animal to ensure a long and healthy life pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
getting your pets microchipped august 6 2015 many of us take every precaution we can to protect our pets with growing technology in the veterinary field new measures of protection for companion animals are now available to owners at a low cost microchipping one of the newest ways to locate and identify lost animals is growing in popularity and efficiency a microchip is a glass encased device that bears an identification number unique to every marked animal once the microchip is inserted under the animals skin and registered with the devices company the microchip can be activated with a scanner at a veterinarians office or local animal shelter with no batteries or power source required to activate a microchip this device will provide a permanent identity for your pet that will last their entire lifetime many owners protect and identify their pet with a personalized collar while this method can certainly help identify your pet there are many strong advantages in microchipping your animal for instance pet collars may fall or slip off and personalized tags may become unreadable after several years microchips do not face any of these challenges and have no chance of being removed no matter where fido wanders off to dr james barr clinical assistant professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains the biggest advantage microchipping has over other methods of identifying animals the biggest advantage is that a microchip cant be lost it allows access to detailed information about the pet and its owner with a quick phone call to the company he said barr also adds that most microchips can be installed at veterinarian offices and sometimes even spay and neuter clinics he further explains that the process of installing a microchip is very quick and does not hurt the animal contrast to what some owners might believe a microchip is implanted under the skin between the shoulder blades using a needle and plunger which is similar to a syringe he said the needle is a rather large needle comparatively to what would be used for a vaccine but it usually does not require sedation and is only transiently uncomfortable for the animal microchips which are about the size of a grain of rice can be installed into dogs cats horses ferrets and most other mammals if you are considering microchipping your pet consult your local veterinarian to see which microchipping companies are most commonly used in your area some chips are more universally read than others so it is important to consider which microchips your local veterinarian and animal shelters can read finally do not forget to register your chip to your name and phone number if you move to another address or change phone numbers you will be required to update this information with your microchips company a microchip will only bring your pet home if your contact information is kept up to date although personalized collars have been traditionally used as a method of identification in pets microchipping is on the rise of becoming the modern solution for lost animals even if your pet has been microchipped providing a collar for your pet is still important remember to register your pets microchip to your name and updated contact information in order for your pet to return safely home if they ever become lost pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
building the ideal dog house august 4 2015 for many centuries dogs have been referred to as mans best friend many of us consider our dogs a part of the family and would do anything to protect them whether your dog stays primarily outside or takes regular naps on your bed a dog house is essential for your pets protection outdoors providing a safe outdoor place for your dog is important especially if they live outside or are going to spend long periods of time outdoors portability durability and size are all factors to consider when purchasing or building an outdoor shelter for fido an effective dog house will protect your dog from extreme temperatures wind rain snow and even potential predators dr sarah griffin lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains why a dog house is essential for texas dog owners dogs dissipate heat by convection (fan or wind blowing) radiation (through their skin) conduction (laying on something cool) and evaporation (panting) on a summer day in central texas when the temperature is 100+ degrees 60 percent humidity and 5 mph wind the dog can only dissipate heat effectively by evaporation the dog needs a shelter to help him stay cool she said so how might an owner choose the most ideal dog house for their pet the easiest way is to know your dog for instance breeds with thicker coats and shorter snouts are more susceptible to heat exhaustion a dog house that will provide enough shade and air flow will work best for these breeds you should also consider the adult size of your dogs breed and provide just enough room for your dog to make a complete turn on the inside for owners who prefer a portable shelter for their pet a plastic dog house is a great option that also features easy clean-up owners can also purchase portable tents and pop-up play pens for dogs that only spend limited time outside choosing the material and location of the dog house is another important factor to consider if your dog is more susceptible to heat exhaustion a dog house that is made of wood rather than plastic or metal will keep your dog cooler in the summer heat wood can be painted with enamel or epoxy paints to make it easier to clean and more durable said griffin the roof can be made of wood too but covering it with metal or fiberglass shingles will make it more durable owners should also move the dog house to the driest and shadiest part of the yard to avoid an uncomfortable living environment keeping your dog house shaded from the sun and bad weather will also preserve the materials if you plan on building your own dog house you should consider lifting the floor of the house off the ground to prevent the shelter from sitting in mud rain or snow this will also promote more air flow keeping your dog cooler in the summer and drier in the winter lastly a slanted and hinged roof is ideal for an easy clean-up choose metal or fiberglass shingles to protect your pet and preserve your dogs house through any bad weather storm while many of us prefer to leave a safety light on in our house during the night this is not necessary for our dogs in fact it is estimated that dogs can see in light that is five times dimmer than what the human eye can see dogs eyes are made differently than peoples eyes the dogs retina is made of more rods which need much less illumination to detect the gray spectrum explained griffin the rods are also sensitive to motion allowing dogs to detect smaller movements and quickly sense a stranger or predator griffin adds that she does not recommend providing a steady light for dogs at night instead a motion sensor light placed away from the dog house may be a better option for owners who still desire some outdoor lighting at night whether your dog is a bed hog or an outdoor explorer providing a dog house for your dog is important remember to consider your dogs needs when building or purchasing a dog house if your dog lives or spends long periods of time outside shelter is essential for their health and protection outdoors pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
diets for pets with liver disease july 27 2015 have you ever been in a restaurant and noticed a strange dish on the menu you may have seen the word liver and cringed with disgust though there are many benefits in consuming liver it is not a common meal that you might serve during family fun night you may find this part of the digestive tract unappealing on the dinner table but have you ever considered all the important functions of this organ like humans pets depend on their livers to clean their blood and regulate their metabolism pets are susceptible to a variety of liver diseases that can be caused by birth defects or can develop with age fortunately for fido a change of diet can help manage some of these diseases and regulate the animals metabolism again one of the many roles of the liver is to regulate the bodys metabolism by cleaning the blood after digestion nutrient-rich blood passes through the liver where the blood is filtered the good stuff like vitamins and minerals is processed into forms the body can use and store the bad stuff like toxins is transported back to the intestine and will be excreted from the body since the liver plays a very important role in the regulation of the bodys metabolism disorders of the liver can be very serious dogs and cats can develop a wide variety of liver disease dr jonathon lidbury assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains some of the most common forms of liver disease our pets are susceptible to getting common liver diseases in dogs include chronic hepatitis (chronic inflammation of the liver) and portosystemic shunts (abnormal blood vessels that bypass the liver) common liver diseases in cats include feline hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver) cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts) and portosystemic shunts said lidbury early in the course of liver disease many of these dogs and cats will not show symptoms other pets experience symptoms that are not specific to liver disease such as weight loss decreased appetite decreased activity vomiting and diarrhea at a later stage in the disease symptoms like jaundice (yellow discoloration of the gum the whites of the eyes and sometimes the skin) a distended fluid-filled abdomen and unusual behaviors (such as walking in circles pressing of the head against walls or apparent loss of vision) can occur lidbury encourages pet owners to seek veterinary attention if their dog or cat experiences any of these signs if their pet develops liver disease owners should work with their veterinarian to formulate a treatment plan sometimes nutritional supplements are recommended while other situations require a change in diet to help regulate your pets disease diet can play a very important role in the management of liver disease but it is important to realize that the nutritional needs of patients with these different diseases vary lidbury explained for example some dogs develop chronic hepatitis due to accumulation of copper in their livers these dogs are sometimes started on medications to reduce the amount of copper in their livers but feeding a copper-restricted diet can also be beneficial dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts are at risk of developing hepatic encephalopathy which is a syndrome of neurological dysfunction due to liver disease lidbury continued these patients may benefit from being fed a moderately protein restricted diet though he uses this example in dogs lidbury discourages pet owners from feeding cats protein-restricted diets even while they are living with liver disease cats have a higher dietary protein requirement than dogs so they should not be severely protein restricted or fed a non-meat protein-based diet he explained the provision of adequate nutrition especially protein is essential for the treatment of cats with feline hepatic lipidosis these cats are often anorexic which can mean possible tube feeding your pets liver disease should be discussed with a veterinarian before you make any changes to their diet a number of commercial prescription liver diets are available for your pet as well as the option to cook meals at home for your pet under the supervision of a veterinary nutritionist an improvement in your pets health can be observed in as little as a day to several months though liver disease can have a negative impact on your pets life a change in diet can help monitor the disease and help improve your pets health pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
protecting your pets from killer bees july 16 2015 many of us remember our first experience with bees and its usually not positive you may have been the curious kid who got a little too close to the bee hive or you may have been the innocent victim who was stung completely by surprise no matter the situation the afternoon was spent running and screaming into the house looking for help although we know better our pets may think the humming and buzzing of a bee nest sounds like a good time before fido sniffs too close to a dangerous hive here are the facts you need to know about protecting your pet from killer bees africanized honey bees or so called killer bees arrived in the united states during the 1990s they appear no different than the common european honey bee and can only be told apart by an expert although the nick-name suggests a fatal sting killer bees are no more harmful than the common honey bee killer bees gained their nick-name from the aggressive way they defend their nests the more hostile bees readily protecting the nest the more likely a person or pet is to be stung multiple times even though it is common for people to have an allergic or even deadly reaction to a bee sting dogs are not as susceptible to these harmful responses dr james barr clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains the common reactions dogs experience from a bee sting in most cases of pets being stung by a bee there are not many side effects other than swelling and pain of the area that was stung they can have occasional more significant reactions but this is far less common than in people he said most of the bee stings in dogs are on the face and head as they are investigating the bee when it stings them occasionally there are pets that will try to catch and eat them a mouth sting could result in swelling of the throat but this is an unlikely occurrence barr adds the best way to protect your pets is to prevent bee stings owners should regularly check their property for bee hives and consult a pest control operator to safely remove it hives can be found in obvious places like trees and shrubs or in more secluded places such as in the ground an undisturbed flower pot or even inside your walls it is not safe to tease the bees in any way or try to remove the bee hive on your own pets should be kept away from the area until it is cleared by a professional the best prevention is limiting your dogs exposure to bees if you see them then keeping the dog away from the area until the hive can be removed is ideal advised barr if your pet happens to be stung by a bee swelling is the most important reaction an owner should watch for according to barr owners should have their pet seen by a veterinarian if the swelling seems unusually painful or causes trouble breathing giving your pet a bath after the incident to remove any remaining stingers may be necessary it is also important to scrape the remaining stingers from the skin rather than pulling or tweezing them out stingers can be effectively scraped from the skin with a knife or fingernail although it is uncommon for pets to have serious reactions to a bee sting prevention is still important to protect your pet from an afternoon of regret keeping your property clear of bee hives will significantly decrease the chance of fido coming into contact with a bee but remember to leave bee-keeping to the professionals pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
snakes as pets july 9 2015 between the puppy lovers the cat enthusiasts and the furry rodent fans a whole different category of pet owners exist: reptile lovers from turtles to geckos lizards to snakes taking care of any reptile is a unique experience with many safe breeds to choose from snakes are a popular choice for those who are interested in owning a reptile often associated with deadly incidents or even horror stories snakes are commonly misunderstood but can make fascinating companion pets like any pet snakes offer company and stress relief for their owners snakes do not require daily walks in the park and they are quiet during the day and at night with infrequent defecation a pet snakes habitat is also an easy clean-up before making the decision to own a snake there are many factors to consider researching different pet snake breeds and their life-span and health requirements are a must dr sharman hoppes clinical associate professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences suggests snake breeds that may or may not make a suitable pet ball pythons king snakes and corn snakes are great large boas and pythons do not make good pets for most people due to their large size hoppes said another factor to consider if you wish to own a snake is proper housing an escape-proof aquarium is essential to prevent any harm to your snake it is important for owners to recognize that no snake is safe without a lid that properly latches snakes also require precise habitats to survive hoppes explains that owners should provide lighting that produces a day and night cycle temperatures should be 80-85 degrees fahrenheit during the day with a cooler temperature at night that never falls below 75 degrees a warmer basking site that measures around 90 degrees should also be available to your pet under the cage heaters and heat lamps are the best way to regulate temperature hot rocks are not encouraged as they can potentially burn your pet snake hoppes recommends placing a thermometer on the cage to make sure the temperature in your cage is appropriate snake owners should research or ask a veterinarian how to provide the correct temperature since some breeds require warmer or cooler temperatures substrate or bedding is also necessary in creating the most comfortable and safe habitat for your snake substrate can be paper indoor or outdoor carpet artificial turf and aspen chips said hoppes i do not recommend sand because some reptiles may ingest it i also do not recommend pine or cedar as both of these contain oils that are irritating to snakes hoppes also encourages owners to provide a hide box for snake privacy if you happen to have an uneasy stomach or wince at the thought of a snake feeding on another animal owning a snake is probably not for you a snakes diet can range from insects and amphibians to warm-blooded rodents like mice rabbits or birds although some owners feed their snakes live prey hoppes discourages this snakes should never be fed live prey it is cruel to the prey animal and can also be dangerous to the snake she said the prey animal if not killed quickly can bite the snake in some cases where the snake is not warm enough or is sick the prey animal may even extensively chew on the snake last but not least you should consider your dedication and ability to care for a pet snake according to hoppes most of the health problems that occur in snakes are a result of improper husbandry for instance if the cage is too cold or dry the snake will have trouble properly shedding its skin resulting in patches of skin left unshed a snake in this habitat also has a chance of developing an upper respiratory infection or infections in the mouth if you do choose to purchase a snake after considering these important details hoppes recommends having new pet snakes examined by a veterinarian for skin mites and intestinal parasites before introducing them to other reptiles that might already live in your home although snakes are often misunderstood and sometimes gain negative attention they can make great companion animals and require minimal care if you are interested in owning a snake remember to research and consult a veterinarian that is familiar with the health requirements of snakes pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
4th of july safety for your pets july 2 2015 many of us celebrate our nations independence day barbequing and relaxing with loved ones when the sun goes down it is a tradition gather together to admire and enjoy the bright-colored flashes of fireworks that light up our night sky you might not think twice about taking the necessary precautions to have a safe and fun-filled holiday with your family and friends but have you ever thought about the proper safety measures to ensure your pet has a safe 4th of july too the 4th of july might be a day of celebration for people but for pets it is a day of potentially hazardous situations dr james barr clinical assistant professor for the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained that pets are at an increased risk for several dangerous scenarios during our holiday celebration most of the injuries or sicknesses that happen around the 4th of july in dogs have to do with an increased amount of outdoor activity barr said there are more dogfights car accidents involving dogs and heat related illnesses than any other time of the year barr also discourages owners from feeding table scraps to their pets because dogs and cats have exposure to a lot more food from barbecues and parties they tend to get upset stomachs from eating things they shouldnt he said sometimes it is seen as humorous for owners to share an alcoholic beverage with their pet but barr includes alcohol on his list of dangers for pets on independence day pets have much smaller bodies than we do and it can be quite dangerous to have them drink alcohol it can even be fatal in severe circumstances he said if you plan on bringing fido to an outdoor party be cautious of the dangers of mosquitos fleas and ticks spraying your pet with insect repellant may seem like a reasonable solution to the bug problem but some sprays are not safe for animals instead barr recommends using an effective flea and tick repellant prescribed by your veterinarian since heartworms are transmitted to pets through mosquitos a common summer nuisance barr also reminds owners to make sure their pet is taking heartworm preventative before they enjoy the holiday outdoors one of the most exciting traditions of the 4th of july holiday is fireworks although we might fall into a trance of admiration at the loud popping noises and flashing of colors in the sky our pets might not enjoy the show so much if your dog typically becomes frightened during thunderstorms chances are they will react the same way to fireworks if your dog is frightened by the fireworks you need to minimize the exposure that they have to the loud noise of the fireworks barr said this can be done by finding a safe and quiet room in your home where your dog can stay relaxed if fido is in attendance at your outdoor firework show keep him or her on a leash to prevent them from running away or jumping a fence in an attempt to find safety remember it is always important to properly identify your pet just in case they become lost although independence day is a fun-filled holiday for people it might not be the same case for our pets as a pet owner it is important to consider all dangerous situations your pet may experience on the 4th of july and make preparations to ensure their safety if you are concerned about the dangers your pet may face and want to fully protect them the simple solution is for fido to sit this party out in the safety of your home pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
chagas disease in dogs june 26 2015 many of our furry four-legged friends love to bask in the sun or wrestle with other dogs in the soft green grass as owners we know how essential outdoor exercise is for our dogs especially certain breeds it would be comforting to believe our pets are completely safe while enjoying the outdoors but this is rarely the case chagas a potentially fatal disease transmitted to animals through insects is a danger for both inside and outside dogs the disease is caused by the protozoan parasite trypanosoma cruzi which is spread to dogs through insects in the reduviidae family also commonly known as cone-nose or kissing bugs dr ashley saunders associate professor of cardiology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains how insects are effective at spreading the disease the t cruzi organism is transmitted to the host from a bite from an infected bug or ingestion of an infected bug saunders said she also added that dogs can contract the disease without coming into contact with an insect transplacental transmission has also been reported as a method of transmission this means the disease can be spread from a mother to her offspring once the dog has been exposed to the t cruzi organism the parasite spreads through the body by becoming intracellular and invading the blood stream of the dog the brain and heart of the dog are the organs that are most vulnerable to the disease chagas symptoms can be categorized as acute or chronic while some dogs can even be asymptomatic of the disease in this case the protozoan parasite can have months or years to cause inflammation and damage to the heart if clinical signs develop the disease can become even more fatal causing sudden death or heart failure acute symptoms include diarrhea lethargy seizures swollen lymph nodes and increased heart rate while chronic symptoms include weakness fainting increased heart rate and fatigue dogs that experience acute symptoms are typically younger than two years old insect control is a major key in managing the disease since no vaccine currently exists to protect your resting pup at night reduce lighting to decrease the amount of bugs that may come into contact with your pet kennels with protective screens can also be effective in preventing the dangerous bite of a kissing bug wood piles and other brushy areas can serve as a breeding ground for infected insects so try to keep your pets backyard area clean and free of potential dangers saunders explains that chagas is commonly found in latin america and in southern states in the united states including texas she urges owners to contact a veterinarian if they think their dog is experiencing symptoms of chagas if a dog becomes infected with chagas it is important to test the other dogs in the household or litter as well females who are infected should not be used for breeding as they can transmit the disease to the litter via the placenta whether your dog prefers the outdoors or only embraces the wilderness for potty breaks your pet is at risk for chagas with no vaccine or treatment available awareness and prevention is critical in protecting your pet from chagas disease to find more information on chagas disease in dogs and identification pictures of kissing bugs click here pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
west nile virus vaccine in horses june 11 2015 the image of a cowboy riding off into the sunset on a palomino pony after a long hard day of rescuing a damsel in distress has reached the point of a cliché a cowboys partner will forever be his trusty horse and as long as his horse is healthy he can continue riding off into the sunset but what happens when a cowboys horse is infected by a deadly virus will there be a happy ending to that story west nile virus is defined as zoonotic which means it can be transferred between animals and humans the virus is mosquito-borne and spreads through intermediate hosts like blue jays and black birds for this reason the virus is more common in the summer or fall when birds are migrating from the north both humans and horses can be infected by west nile; however they are both considered dead-end hosts meaning they cannot transmit the disease to others west nile virus first infected horses in 1999 with a case in new york since then the united states has seen more cases of west nile in horses as well as humans the year 2012 was the most deadly for humans with 286 deaths nationwide dr leslie easterwood clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains the symptoms horses experience when they are infected by the virus west nile virus causes an encephalitis type syndrome with fever general depression and dull mental attitude she said horses may be unstable or show neurologic signs and can have a characteristic twitching of muscles along their neck and shoulders a vaccine for the virus is available for horses and veterinarians highly recommend it to horse owners vaccination has significantly decreased the incidence of west nile disease in horses in the face of a steady case number in humans where we have no vaccine available said easterwood horses are recommended to be vaccinated twice yearly in areas of the country where mosquitos are present all year as a horse owner it is important to recognize the signs of the virus and to have a veterinarian ready to call the sooner the symptoms are identified and the horse receives treatment the better chance the horse has in surviving according to easterwood one third of all equine west nile cases generally survive with proper intervention if an owner sees neurologic signs of wobbly stance unsteady movement depression not eating with or without muscle twitching they should call their veterinarian right away explained easterwood even if the horse has been vaccinated although the west nile vaccine has proven effective easterwood reminds horse owners that no vaccine is 100 percent protective pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
benefits of interacting with cats june 4 2015 weve all heard the saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away! but have you ever considered interacting with your pet as another way to prevent doctor visits many people are experiencing the social and health benefits of interacting with their four-legged cat and dog friends the proof is not only evident in happy pet owners faces but also in recent studies professionals and researchers have found specific benefits in cat ownership for many people cats offer social companionship without the fear of judgement having a cat around can prevent loneliness and depression and even improve your mood in general companionship through a cat is especially beneficial to those who live alone or are widowed dr jonathon lidbury assistant professor in the feline internal medicine department at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains the key advantages of owning a cat cats offer companionship which is especially beneficial to people who are socially isolated due to various reasons he said cats also offer stress relief and light exercise if you play with them besides social interaction and a reduced risk of suffering from social diseases like depression cats also offer many health benefits in fact the positive emotions you experience from playing or cuddling with your feline can help boost your immune system cats can also sense when their owners are sick and often offer them company this can help you feel better even sooner although it is common to find someone who is allergic to cats studies show that young children or infants who are exposed to cats often develop fewer allergies early and frequent exposure to cats may also prevent future upper respiratory problems in children as well for many people interacting with their cat provides a sense of comfort and relief from everyday stress caring for another creature and being sensitive to their needs can help distract cat owners from their daily struggles worries and negative emotions by lowering stress levels cat owners may experience lower blood pressure as well as less anxiety cats are smart and independent animals that are also naturally clean making them a great choice for a pet combined with their many health benefits the low maintenance aspect of cat ownership creates a great opportunity for companionship cats offer a great balance between being easy to take care of but at the same time being very good companions lidbury said they are playful intelligent and engaging pets that are very fun to take care of pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
allergies in pets may 28 2015 many of us look forward to the warm spring weather after enduring the harsh winter months the spring season brings peaceful fields of blooming flowers and a warm inviting sun unfortunately spring is also a time when many people suffer from allergies that can make daily life almost intolerable just like people pets can suffer from pesky allergies too it is important to know the signs of allergies in animals so you can alleviate any irritating sensations your pet may be experiencing dr adam patterson clinical assistant professor and chief of dermatology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) defines an allergic reaction as the body overreacting to substances (like pollen) in the environment that are normally harmless this hypersensitivity to the environment can exist seasonally or year-round in both people and animals while humans suffer through allergy season coughing and sneezing into a handful of tissues pets deal with allergies differently an animals common reaction to an allergy is observed as itch in specific body areas which can result in skin irritations and infections an itch may be manifested as licking chewing biting rubbing scratching head shaking and/or scooting patterson said common itchy body areas include the face ears paws armpits groin rump and anal region horses may present with an itchy skin disease and/or hives patterson further explains that every animal has a different reaction to allergies just like people do every pet has its own itch tolerance which means the intensity and reason(s) for your pets itch may not be the same as another animal he said regardless of the animal allergic patients are prone to bacterial and yeast infections that can cause skin discoloration hair loss pimples scabs and/or ear disease according to patterson cats and horses can be affected by allergic skin disease he says that any dog breed can be affected as well but certain breedsincluding terriers retrievers dalmatians shar peis and bulldogsare more susceptible if your pet shows any sign of an allergy it is best to contact your veterinarian so they can properly diagnose the cause of itch which may include allergy your veterinarian can also perform tests to determine the most effective treatment plan to alleviate your pets discomfort allergens that most commonly irritate pets include fleas food pollen molds mites insects and dander treatments are tailored to the individual based on the extent severity and seasonality of signs patterson said the ‘absolutes of therapy include routine bathing to remove pollen accumulation infection control (topical and/or systemic anti-infectives) and flea prevention patterson also emphasizes to pet owners that allergies can be managed but rarely cured for pets that suffer from chronic allergies treatments may include changes in diet symptomatic medical therapy and or allergy vaccines specific to the animals environmental sensitivity patterson reminds pet owners that indiscriminate use of long-term steroids can cause serious health issues however if a pets allergies are left untreated there can be other harmful effects dr alison diesel clinical assistant professor at the cvm explains how your pet may suffer detrimental health problems without treatment allergies if left untreated/unmanaged can cause continued discomfort in your pet diesel said self-trauma to the skin can create wounds that can become secondarily infected we occasionally see pets that have spent so much time itching and scratching that they are not sleeping well and may even lose weight…in more severe cases a visit to a veterinary dermatologist may be quite helpful although many people suffer from allergies many of us do not recognize that allergies are just as common in animals if you think your pet may be afflicted with allergic skin disease your veterinarian can begin the process of helping your pet enjoy both the indoors and outdoors again pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
keeping fido safe in the summer heat may 8 2015 many people take advantage of mays warm weather by making resolutions to get themselves and their pets in shape for summer however when participating in outdoor activities like walking or running during these high temperatures extra precautions need to be taken to ensure your pets safety in the summer heat dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences says that humans are not the only ones who need to be cautious when exercising during higher than average temperatures animals do things they normally wouldnt do to stay cool which is an important thing to remember when outside stickney said if they are all riled up and having a good time they may forget how hot it is so it is important to always monitor them anytime you are outdoors or doing something active during the summer it is important for you and your pets to take plenty of breaks although you may be used to handling the heat and are aware when you need to stop and rest your pet especially if they have a thick coat may not fare as well in the summer months keep in mind that if youre thirsty your pet is most likely thirsty stickney said animals need plenty of access to fresh water you can even try putting ice cubes in it to make it colder and more refreshing however the warm summer temperatures dont mean you shouldnt participate in outdoor activities with your pets if you and fido enjoy long walks to the neighborhood park for example just be sure that he has access to plenty of water throughout your trip bringing along a water bottle and bowl for him to drink from is always a good idea also keep in mind that pavement can get very hot in the summer stickney said if your dogs dont have thick foot pads they could develop burns on their feet letting them walk on the grass instead of the concrete can help keep their foot pads from blistering any summertime activity that involves the water is good to partake in with your pet getting adequate exercise while also being able to cool off in the water is a perfect outdoor activity for fido however keep in mind that they will still need to have clean drinking water available as well as a shady place to rest once out of the water swimming for a long time can be draining on a dog not used to that type of physical exertion if your pet does accidentally overdo it in the sun there are signs you can watch out for stickney said panting unresponsiveness red whites of their eyes and bright reddish gums can mean that your dog is overheated and needs a break if you notice that your dog is beginning to exhibit any of these symptoms stop activity immediately and allow them to get a drink and cool off indoors or in the shade overall be smart and focus on safety when going on outings with your pets during the summer heat monitor your pets closely and be prepared to step in at the first sign of heat stress they may be enjoying your time together so much that they dont realize how hot and tired they really are! pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
breast cancer in cats april 20 2015 breast cancer is unfortunately prevalent not only among humans but also in our feline friends just like with people mammary cancer is very aggressive in cats and they have the best chance of survival if caught early eighty-five percent of mammary tumors found in cats are malignant and more that 80 percent will eventually spread to other locations in the body such as the lymph nodes lungs bone and internal organs said dr jacqueline bloch medical oncology resident at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it is found that siamese and domestic short hair cats are more at risk for mammary tumors siamese are especially prone to developing them at a relatively young age bloch said the average age is 10 years in other cats however it is a risk for any cat to develop breast cancer and like with other cancers it is important to get a proper diagnosis mammary tumors in cats are best diagnosed by a biopsy; this helps us to give prognostic information to the owners as well as diagnosis bloch said sometimes we can obtain diagnosis by a relatively non-invasive needle biopsy similar to dealing with other tumors the best treatment option is to surgically remove them because the form of mammary cancer in cats is so aggressive veterinarians generally recommend a staged bilateral mastectomy or the removal of all the mammary glands in a staged manner cats have four pairs of mammary glands and they are intimately associated and share lymphatic drainage which is why we recommend removing them all bloch said there should be one surgery on one side to remove the glands then after waiting for two-four weeks to let them heal we surgically remove the other side before executing such an extreme surgery bloch explains that they will perform what is called staging tests to look for evidence of cancer that has spread to other parts of the body this normally means an abdominal ultrasound to look for spread to regional lymph nodes or liver and spleen and chest radio-graphs to look for evidence of spread to the lungs bloch said if these show no evidence of disease we recommend going forward with the surgery depending on the case chemotherapy may be recommend following surgery if the tumor is very aggressive and the patient proves to be a good candidate although it is impossible to completely prevent breast cancer the early spaying of cats is very protective against developing these tumors spaying a kitten before six months of age can ultimately reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by 91 percent bloch said like with humans cats have the best chance of survival if the mammary tumors are discovered early regularly examining your cat by rubbing their belly and gently squeezing the mammary glands as well as taking them in for regular check-ups at the veterinarian is effective for early detection and catching the cancer in time for the best possible outcome pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
pets like camping too! april 13 2015 for those who enjoy the great outdoors camping during the springtime can be a perfect weekend getaway however if you dont want to leave your pets behind while setting out on your adventure try bringing them along many campgrounds allow pets with certain rules and regulations said dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences often the rules regarding pets can be seen posted on their website and if not questions can be easily answered over the phone however it is not advised that you show up with your pet without prior research and consent most rules will include things such as having your pet on a leash making sure they are supervised at all times and requiring proof of vaccinations stickney said even if they dont require health records or vaccination certificates its a good idea to bring them along just in case just as you need to pack food and other essentials for yourself dont forget to pack camping necessities for your pets as well some items youll need to bring are plenty of food a pet first-aid kit a harness and a leash even if the campsite has natural water resources such as streams or lakes you must still bring plenty of water for your pet to drink throughout your stay your pets will want to drink out of any pond and lake in sight but there are many different diseases they can catch by doing that stickney said so you dont want that to be their primary source of water coming into contact with wild animals is a definite risk when you are out in a national forest or grassland although most of the wildlife you run into wants to keep away from you as well you should have a way of containing your pet just in case if your pet does get into a tussle with a wild animal you do not want to get into the middle of it stickney said there is a very good chance you will be bitten or harmed your best method of action is calling off your pet or to try scaring away the wild animal in order to prevent such situations in the first place it is a good idea to keep your pets close to you throughout your camping expedition and to have a leash or harness available at all times before setting off on your camping adventure make sure your pets are up-to-date on all of their vaccinations especially rabies depending on the campsites location you may consult with your veterinarian about any other vaccinations that your pet may need as well as discuss appropriate flea and tick control to make camping with your pet an exciting experience for the both of you be sure to research the campsite ahead of time take note of any restrictions or regulations and bring the essentials along with you following these guidelines will guarantee a good time for everyone pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
rats as pets april 3 2015 although cats and dogs may be the most common types of pets for many other pet owners animal companionship doesnt stop there in honor of world rat day on april 2nd here are the ins and outs of caring for a rat as a pet rats are probably the most social and interactive of the small rodents said dr sharman hoppes associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences they are quite gentle and seldom bite though these rodents are fairly docile they arent typically recommended for small children without adult supervision if youre taking home a pet rat for your child be sure to keep in mind that you will end up being its primary caretaker small rodents should not be pets for very small children hoppes said children less than 10 years old should be supervised closely when handling them; therefore the care and monitoring of a rat is ultimately the parents responsibility while these rodents still require adequate care and supervision they are somewhat easier than gerbils or hamsters which have a tendency to nip and are much more active at night rats are active during the day which make them fairly easy to take care of hoppes said they also dont have special dietary needs or sensitive stomachs therefore compared to other rodents rats are fairly easy pets but this doesnt exempt you from the typical pet-owner duties rodents are still animals and therefore require your constant love and care all pet rodents need a large enough cage chew toys ladders plastic or pvc pipe and daily interaction hoppes said as with any rodent the cage should be cleaned one to two times a week to keep ammonia levels down keeping the cage clean will also help decrease the incidence of respiratory disease even though you cannot take them on walks or let them run around in the backyard ensuring that your pet rat gets enough exercise throughout the day should still be a priority rats may get obese in captivity so you should have exercise wheels exercise balls or a safe rodent-proof room for them to play in and get enough exercise hoppes said rats are very social intelligent animals and need companionship dr hoppes recommends getting two rats at a time so they have company while their owners work or go to school and to select an active social rodent with clean eyes clean nose and normal teeth you should also take note that the skin should is well groomed and that there are no visible lumps or bumps keeping these factors in mind a pet rat can be a great addition to your home pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
fostering pets march 26 2015 as an animal lover you know just how hard it is to pass up that sweet puppy dogface while walking through your local shelter or rescue group if adoption isnt possible for you at the moment fostering can be an amazing opportunity to provide a homeless pet with a nurturing temporary home until they are able to find a permanent family its not as hard to find pets to foster as some might think said susan lobit a veterinary technician at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences and experienced fosterer checking with rescue organizations is a always good place to start before deciding to foster a pet there are important aspects of the job you should be aware of that many people overlook you need to understand that you are in the middle lobit said you help the pet get healthy rehabilitated with any social or physical problems and teach them about life in a loving home but then have to be ready to send them on to a forever home lobit explains that while letting go can be difficult to do knowing that youve helped make such a huge difference in an animals life makes the separation worthwhile if youre up for the challenge it is possible to foster more then one pet at a time but you cant forget that each individual pets needs and safety are still a top priority when considering taking on additional foster pets its important to ask yourself ‘is everyone getting along is everyone eating properly and staying healthy lobit said you also need to make sure that when you foster you dont forget about your own pets if you have any; they need you too as a foster you have many responsibilities aside from just providing an animal with a temporary home proper food and care you are responsible for getting that animal to the veterinarian and taking them various places to help find homes such as adoption fairs and pet clinics lobit said you are there to help prepare them to leave you and find their own happiness fostering a pet can be a very time-consuming job but one that is rewarding in the end once youve helped unite a deserving animal with its forever family of course you will also have those that we call ‘foster failures and thats where they end up living with us because we just cant let them go lobit said i have fostered many animals and had a few of those failures along the way the decision to foster a pet should take thoughtful consideration as well as a careful evaluation of how much time and care that youll be able to devote to the animal this in addition to remembering that youll eventually have to give them away are the two most important aspects to keep in mind before fostering you need to make sure that you will be able let go; this can be hard when you put in that much time and love lobit said but you also know that youve helped give both human and animal the chance to have that special relationship its incredibly satisfying to watch the progress of a challenged pet turn into a healthy beautiful family member fostering a pet will not only make a difference in a deserving animals life but in yours as well as long as you are aware of the responsibilities it entails fostering can be a rewarding experience unlike any other pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
household toxicities march 19 2015 although we may be extra-cautious when using household cleaners automotive products or pest control products in our homes and gardens it may come as a surprise that the tasty morsel we just dropped while preparing dinner could endanger our best friend chocolate can be found lying around the majority of households especially during the holidays depending on the size and type of chocolate it can be very dangerous to your pets health if consumed make sure that your children are aware of this as they might think theyre treating fido by sneaking him a piece of chocolate cake under the dinner table if your dog does get a hold of some chocolate is absorbed within about an hour so you should call your veterinarian immediately additionally grapes and raisins can cause renal failure in dogs if eaten said dr james barr assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the exact cause of this is unknown and the amount that needs to be consumed in order to be poisonous is unknown as well while the toxicity of many food items may surprise you the assumption that rat poison will only eliminate rats is a misconception rat poison can be lethal to both cats and dogs when ingested if you have pets in your home it is best to opt for another pest control method one of the most common and dangerous household toxicities for pets is antifreeze antifreeze contains ethylene glycol which is very toxic to animals barr said toxicity can be treated but only if treatment is instituted quickly using plants as décor can often liven up the backyard and even the inside of your home however there are many plants that cause health problems if eaten by your pets sago palms for instance can cause severe liver damage and even death if eaten lilies also have a strange effect when eaten in cats said barr it causes kidney failure that is particularly difficult to treat if your pet does ingests any harmful foods or household items it is best to play it safe and contact your veterinarian or the animal poison control center; they can help you determine if your pet needs to be seen by a doctor and if they consumed a toxic dose the texas a&m veterinary medical teaching hospital er is always available to advise on toxic ingestions always be aware of the dangers of the things your pets have access to if they are unsupervised a safe assumption is that they might eat anything they are in contact with said barr have a discriminatory eye and try to avoid having those items in your home there is no harm in being extra cautious when dealing with possible household toxicities be sure to keep these particular items out of your pets reach at all times and to call your veterinarian or poison control center immediately if they do come into contact with them pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
traveling with four-legged baggage march 12 2015 with spring break upon us and summer vacations right around the corner its time to start planning your much-needed getaways whichever destination you choose having your pet by your side makes it even more enjoyable however there are some important things to consider before letting your furry family member tag along on your travels the first thing you want to do before you go on a big trip with your pet is to go on a short trip with your pet said dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences drive around and make sure that they dont get too nervous or car sick while theyre in the vehicle if you notice that fido is an anxious traveler but still need to bring him along consult your veterinarian about motion sickness medication or tranquilizers to help make the ride more comfortable anytime that you travel with your pets make sure that they are up to date on their vaccinations and that you have proof of the vaccination when you travel said stickney especially for rabies vaccinations this is very important to have in case they get sick lost or accidentally bite someone out of fear since your pet must be fully vaccinated before traveling to an unknown area they should be around five months of age or older in order to tag along if youre planning on taking a road trip remember that you will have to stop frequently and take your pet out for a walk and to use the bathroom this means you should have a leash and doggy doo bags handy youll also want to bring along a container of water and a bowl for food when they get hungry if traveling by air it is important that you contact the airline ahead of time to see what exactly they require for that pet to fly some require that they be in certain size carriers or that they need to be at the airport for a certain amount of time stickney said you need to make sure that you know the details of where they will be traveling inside of the plane and where you will need to pick them up when you land before traveling anywhere consult your veterinarian if your pet has any health problems or other special concerns for instance dogs that are brachycephalic or that have pushed in faces such as pugs or bulldogs are extremely sensitive to the heat you want to be very cautious of this when traveling in the summertime as they are prone to having heat strokes this is especially true if they are traveling by air because you dont know exactly where they will end up stickney said you dont want them to have to be on a hot tarmac for hours because they can certainly suffer very serious effects from that; these types of pets will want to travel in air-conditioned comfort keeping these considerations in mind before embarking on your journey your vacation can be an enjoyable getaway for the whole family the four-legged members included pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
lyme disease march 7 2015 lyme disease a common tick-borne disease in humans can be contracted by our canine companions as well the disease which is caused by a spirochete bacterium borrelia burgdorferi can often be difficult to diagnose hard-shelled ticks of the genus ixodes transmit borrelia burgdorferi said dr carly duff veterinary resident at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the tick attaches to its host and then as the tick is feeding spirochete bacteria migrate onto the host as the tick feeds for a longer period of time and becomes engorged there is greater risk of infection clinical signs in canine patients may include fever enlarged lymph nodes a lack of appetite and lethargy others may develop acute lameness as a result of joint inflammation which lasts for a few days before returning days later not necessarily in the same leg this is known as shifting-leg lameness more serious complications can include kidney damage and heart or central nervous system abnormalities in rare cases fortunately your dogs disease does not put you or your family at risk dogs do not appear to be a source for infection in humans dr duff said because they do not excrete infectious organisms in their bodily fluids to any appreciable extent in order to most accurately diagnose lyme disease it is important that you provide your veterinarian with a thorough description of your dogs symptoms and a history of their health and activities with this knowledge your veterinarian will be able to better determine the affected organs and method of treatment diagnostic tests may include a blood test urinalysis and/or a draw of fluid from the affected joints your veterinarian will use these tests to look for the presence of bacteria and parasites in the bloodstream fortunately lyme disease is treatable however there is possible risk of recurrence of the disease doxycycline may be prescribed for 30 days and dogs with lyme disease should respond within one to two days said dr duff other drugs such as amoxicillin and ceftriaxone have also been used as far as prevention goes limiting tick exposure by using tick repellents and avoiding frequent exposure to heavy tick-infested areas is the most effective controlling the deer population also has a direct impact on limiting the tick population additionally there are canine vaccines available to prevent lyme disease but you should consult with your veterinarian about whether this is the right option for your dog pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
horse enclosures february 27 2015 with the numerous enclosure designs and materials available today making a decision on which will be the safest and most effective for your horse may seem difficult when it comes to making this informed decision the best fencing to use is dependent on several factors including size of the horses size of the property number of horses and whether they are enclosed as a group or separately for example minis could be housed safely in a much shorter fence than warmbloods said dr leslie easterwood assistant clinical professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the safest fence is one that keeps the horses from being able to stick their feet or heads through the fence is tall enough to discourage jumping over and does not have other horses directly across the fence wood or synthetic materials are safe to use for plank fences but may become dangerous if they splinter or impale the horse when dislodged electric wires and tapes can be utilized in an attempt to keep horses away from the fences but are not always effective if they ‘ground out or the charger is not operational said dr easterwood these can be quite effective but as with any fence they require regular maintenance to ensure that they are operational many owners choose either a mesh or slick wire fence while others prefer barbed wire this decision must be based on numerous factors such as the number of horses within the enclosure or if kept separated the proximity they are to each other for example it would not be a good idea to choose a three-strand barbed wire fence if your horses will be housed across the fence from each other said dr easterwood they will generally approach each other across the fence strike at each other with their front feet and cause a heel bulb laceration that can be quite serious and even fatal in some cases but on the other hand barbed-wire fences for very large pastures with no horses across the fences to encourage engagement near the fence could be quite safe some factors to always consider are the type of horses number of horses on the property number that will be housed together finances (as some fencing options are cheaper or more expensive than others) and safety of materials said dr easterwood while youre deciding which fencing will be the safest and most effective for your horses keep in mind that any material can be made safe if designed and built properly to prevent injury in your specific situation there is no clear answer as to what enclosure type is best or safe for every environment; it is entirely dependent on these many different factors pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
the benefits of spaying and neutering february 20 2015 one of the most important decisions that a pet owner must make is whether to spay and neuter their pets with world spay day coming up on february 24th there is no better time to learn the benefits of spaying and neutering though many are deterred by cost or medical concerns this procedure can provide many long-term benefits for your pets health and happiness all while saving the lives of other homeless animals and reducing the widespread epidemic of animal overpopulation in our world today behaviorally spaying or neutering your pet can keep them from roaming spraying and marking their territory; medically it can prevent disease or illness later in life said dr stacy eckman a clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences for example if a female dog is spayed before her first heat cycle the chance of the dog developing mammary cancer is less than 005% severe uterine infections are also common in unspayed females and can become life threatening surgical emergencies as can prostatic infections or cysts in un-neutered males these procedures can eliminate many health problems that may arise throughout your pets lifetime and can also reduce unwanted behavioral problems associated with sex hormones if high costs are major a deterrent of spaying or neutering your pet there are numerous low-cost services found in various regions of the united states and even many assistance programs that help subsidize the cost of spaying/neutering at local clinics however it is important to remember that like many other discount programs you might not always be receiving the best possible care and should thoroughly research them beforehand by choosing to spay or neuter your pet you can save a tremendous amount of money in the long-term when factoring in costs potentially incurred by a non-altered pet another common disparagement of spaying and neutering is the belief that the procedure will be painful for your pet or that it will have adverse side effects generally speaking this is not the case most pets even go home the same night as the procedure and there is a very brief recovery period just as every anesthetic/surgical event carries a risk this does as well but proper examination and testing prior to the procedure can mitigate many of these risks dr eckman said it is safest and most beneficial to spay or neuter your pet at around six months of age although it can be performed earlier if needed there is a wealth of information emerging about the link that hormones play on bone growth and development which is really important in large and giant breed dogs said dr eckman therefore it is acceptable in these breeds to prolong the procedure until they have grown into their frame remember that while a litter of puppies and kittens are undeniably adorable there are many cute pets at a nearby animal shelter in need of loving forever homes whether their previous owners lacked the time or the funds to care for them most animals brought into shelters are compassionate kind and no less deserving of a home the benefits of spaying or neutering your pet include acting in the best interest of the animals health saving money in the long run and potentially providing a deserving homeless animal with a loving home pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
farrier service for horses february 6 2015 international hoof care month is celebrated throughout the month of february during this time it is important that we recognize the significant contributions farriers make to the equine community farriers perform duties such as trimming horses feet and often applying shoes for protection said jason wilson-maki farrier for the texas a&m veterinary medical teaching hospital how complex the shoe(s) will need to be depend on the horses individual needs what activities he undertakes and what may be needed to address any hoof issues due to the fact that no minimum education is required to become a farrier a large diversity exists within the farrier community in regards to skill sets and knowledge however organizations such as the american farriers association offer a series of voluntary examinations by which individuals can earn credentials within the united states there is no minimum education or skill set requirement to trim or shoe horses feet; any person at any point may technically do farrier work said wilson-maki with that being said many horseshoeing schools both public and private exist and attempt to impart to their students a good basic skill set though they differ in job titles both the veterinarian and the farrier have important roles in the long and short term care of the horses foot a farrier works on the hoof capsule and corrects distortions that are evident by observation said wilson-maki however a farrier cannot diagnose nor treat lameness and are not required within the united states to have any formal education in contrast veterinarians have different tools such as regional anesthesia radiographs ultra sound and mris to diagnose lameness as well as a specified education and specific practice laws under which they work they may also treat the diagnosed lameness by means of medical treatment often shoeing and trimming protocols are an integral portion of the overall approach said wilson-maki as far as farrier service pricing goes it is known to vary greatly within the region and county what would be considered usury in rural texas may well below average in new jersey said wilson-maki an owner could ask about the pricing ahead of time and get a feel for what is normal within a given region each horse owner and horse will have different needs and expectations of a farrier a salient point that must be highlighted is that the owner must be able to communicate clearly and well with the farrier said wilson-maki an owner should seek out a farrier that can meet the needs of their animal and with whom they can communicate whether your horse is a champion barrel racer or merely a leisure-riding companion farriers are vital to your horses health and well being and finding one that meets their specific needs takes clear communication between horse owner and farrier pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
the seeing eye guide dog birthday january 30 2015 the first school for seeing eye dogs was opened on january 29 1929 in nashville tennessee following a short-lived program in germany after world war i this guide school trained dogs to assist those in need and since then has influenced programs all over the world including the texas a&ms aggie guide dogs and service dogs (ags) today service dogs are exposed to very thorough and extensive training and their duties can extend much farther than assisting only the blind when people see a service dog in a vest they automatically think its a guide dog when in reality a huge percentage of service dogs assist people with all sorts of other medical physical and emotional things said dr alice blue-mclendon faculty advisor for ags and clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences some examples include mobile assistance dogs which help people who have trouble getting around due to cerebral palsy severe arthritis or other conditions and hearing dogs which help the hearing impaired by responding to sound with a certain behavior for instance when they hear a knock at the front door they might be taught to go sit in front of the person to alert them mobility assistance dogs can even be trained to do things such as push an elevator button open and close doors and even pick up car keys and credit cards off of the ground said dr blue-mclendon another type of service dogs that have recently become popular are ptsd dogs or emotional support these animals are taught a wide variety of skills to assist people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorders and are often aids to veterans as you can imagine these service dogs must go through vigorous training in order to learn and perfect the necessary skills to help their owner for ags dr blue-mclendon explains that there are two stages of training the dogs must complete they usually dont start formal training or ‘stage 2 training until theyre about a year and a half years old said dr blue-mclendon during formal training theyre matched with a partner thats a good fit for the dogs ability and personality this stage can take anywhere from 3-6 months and they will still need continual training and skill reminders for the remainder of their lives before they enter stage 2 the puppies must earn jacket privileges which are achieved through the different stages in their training some of the first jacket privileges are going to classes and retail stores and the last one they achieve is going to restaurants said dr blue-mclendon as animal lovers it is very tempting to go up and pet a service dog when they are nearby however its important to remember that service dogs are not pets and approaching them may distract from performing their important tasks if you want to learn more about the dog politely approach its owner who can then give you further direction pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
probiotics for your pets january 23 2015 probiotics or good bacteria can be defined as living microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts can offer multiple health benefits to the host though they have been gaining popularity amongst humans in the past decade the possibility of similar probiotic supplements for your pets health is on the rise essentially we are trying to give live bacteria in supplement form that have beneficial properties to an animal in order to improve their digestive health said dr jan suchodolski clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it is imperative that bacteria are alive once they reach the gut and that they are also delivered in high amounts thats why a high-quality product is needed in order to fully understand how probiotics work its important to know that the beneficial effects of probiotics are bacterial strain specific meaning every bacterial strain has a potentially different effect some probiotic strains for instance stimulate the immune system while other strains produce anti-inflammatory biomolecules or antimicrobial molecules to combat pathogens this is an area of active ongoing research as all probiotic strains have to be evaluated for their mechanism and only once the mechanism is identified can we identify which probiotic strain should be given in which disease said dr suchodolski there are several studies proving that specific probiotic strands are useful for specific diseases and dr suchodolski explains that the strongest of this data is available for preventing stress diarrhea in pets however a few selected products have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and may be useful in chronic gastrointestinal (gi) diseases dogs or cats that receive probiotics have a lower incidence of diarrhea compared to animals not receiving it dr suchodolski said the best effects are observed when probiotics are given in advance in anticipation of stressful events for example boarding flights long car rides etc with any new supplemental discoveries come the fear of negative complications generally the possible risk of side effects in probiotics for pets is very low only very few reports have been described in literature dr suchodolski said however very sick patients who are immunocompromised are at some risk and probiotic products should be avoided in those situations the most important thing to remember when considering the possibility of probiotics for pets is that they are not all created equally and results from one product cannot be extrapolated to other products there is much excitement about the potential of using bacteria as therapeutics but this area is very complex and more research is needed to understand the complexities of this combined bacterial and host ecosystem said dr suchodolski there are many products on the market that were produced initially without fully understanding the mechanism behind bacterial-host interactions and it is currently recommended to only use products that have shown results in clinical studies the possibility of using probiotics as disease prevention and health aides in both humans and our pets is not far off though further research is still being conducted in order to reap their full benefits having a healthier happier pet is something to look forward to pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
a walk in the park january 15 2015 although the cold winter weather may suggest otherwise january is national walk your pet month whether youve just brought home a new puppy or want to improve on old fidos walking habits here are some tips to make walking your dog ‘a walk in the park the absolute best length of leash is not 100% established but the key is to not have the leash be so long so that you are unable to control your pet when they are on the leash said dr james barr clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences dogs like their owners have all sorts of different personalities and activity levels while fido may become anxious for his daily walk as soon as the sun comes up fluffy might rather just curl up by your side all afternoon for those dogs that dont necessarily look forward to going on walks a little motivation can be helpful whether or not your dog needs rewards for walking depends on their intrinsic motivation said dr barr if they do not want to go on a walk then a reward system will help them be motivated to do so however most dogs dont need motivations; they love it walks are also great training opportunities so bringing their favorite treats along to practice obedience while youre out on your stroll can be beneficial this will not only convince them that going on walks can be fun but also helps with their training the length of the walk is entirely dependent on your dog young active dogs will likely respond positively to longer walks whereas older dogs may not be able to handle the longer durations the weather conditions at the time can also really effect how the pet does on a walk said dr barr especially when it is extremely hot and humid it is important to keep your dogs health in mind as well as the weather and terrain before dragging fido along on too rough of a walk that may do more harm than good when on a walk you should have your pets on leash at all times especially if they show signs of aggression toward other pets most municipalities have rules about having animals leashed said dr barr the main thing is to avoid a situation that may cause aggression in the first place and having them on leash usually mitigates this having your pooch on a leash and in your control can also help prevent them from running off if distracted or startled by something even the most well trained dogs can unexpectedly dart off after or away from something and it may be difficult retrieving them keep in mind that your pets just want to spend time with you no matter what youre doing walking your dog is a great way to get some fresh air and a little exercise and if done correctly by following these tips can be a daily routine that you both eagerly anticipate pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
pet birds january 12 2015 when people think of pets dogs and cats are typically what come to mind however if you crave a companion that barks a little less and sings a little more a pet bird may be just what youre looking for before adding this feathered-friend to your family be sure that youre able to meet their unique care requirements the care requirements for birds are different and can be demanding but a pet bird can be a joy to interact with said dr jordan gentry a zoological medicine resident at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences any family considering adding a pet bird should thoroughly research the specific species they are interested in as some may make better pets than others this is especially important for families with small children small birds like budgerigars or cockatiels are popular for children but any bird will need adult supervision to ensure care is being met said dr gentry any parrots expected to live with or around children should be well socialized and trained some larger parrot species should not be allowed around children without close supervision; large cockatoos and macaws for instance can cause severe injury if they bite purchasing an appropriate cage is crucial and can be big investment for the life of the bird in general i recommend as big a cage as possible (if bar spacing is correct) said dr gentry regardless of cage size birds need time outside of the cage for exercise and enrichment when feeding pet birds it is important to realize that the species of bird that you have as companion pets do not all have the same dietary needs however part of the daily enrichment for all species should include foraging for food items like they would search for food in the wild there are various companies that make complete pellet diets that can serve as the basis of a pet bird diet additional variety can be provided with fresh fruits and vegetables said dr gentry every species is unique and individual requirements should be researched prior to purchasing a pet bird birds are well known throughout history for their intuitive nature and ability to learn quickly parrots for instance are extremely intelligent and have the ability to learn unique behaviors some basic training of manners like step-up are necessary but many parrots learn much more advanced behaviors such as mimicking sounds one of my favorite behaviors ive taught my own bird a rose-breasted cockatoo is ‘recall where she will fly and land on my hand from across the room dr gentry said pet birds life expectancies vary greatly on species many common parrot species easily live into their 20s with proper care whereas other species can achieve much greater longevity there are reports of cockatoos reaching 70 years old and amazon parrots even older said dr gentry anyone considering a pet parrot should realize that it can be a lifestyle changing commitment for many years birds are very social creatures and given proper training and socialization they can provide beauty intelligence entertainment and companionship to your family pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print |
healthy pets make for a happy holiday december 19 2014 the season for indulging in holiday feasts and festive treats has finally arrived however while we try to be cautious of our own health and nutrition throughout the season it is just as important that we care for our pets nutrition as well while youre out grocery shopping for the perfect holiday meal is a good time to reevaluate the foods that youre feeding to your pet foods should be individualized for the pet not chosen based on what one pet needs and then given to all of the other animals says dr deb zoran associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the key is to feed a diet that is complete and balanced dry food for dogs is typically preferred due to its lower costs especially when supplying food for larger dogs however for both cats and dogs wet foods are perfectly acceptable as well as long as you know what to look for the decision of which to feed your pet should be based on which they prefer wet food has a high water content (about 80% water) and can also be high in protein and low in carbohydrates all of which is good for cats zoran said dry foods can be quite acceptable as long as they are high in protein (at least 40%) low in carbohydrates (less than 15%) and fed in meals not by free choice on the part of the pet as for all natural or diet dog and cat foods it is again most important that the food is balanced and has all of the necessary vitamins and minerals all natural pet foods are like commercial wet or dry (processed) foods in that you cant always be sure whether they are a high quality highly digestible product that is complete and balanced and if they will be a good choice for your pet the same considerations exist for diet foods said zoran in general diet foods are fine if they are high quality and fed in the proper amount however there is nothing magical about weight loss diets; if you feed them too much they will still gain weight or at least fail to lose weight consulting with a veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist is important if you are unsure about the quality of the food you are selecting although it may be tempting to slide your leftovers under the table and let them eat and eat to their hearts content there are many human food items that are unhealthy and even dangerous for your pet chocolate grapes raisins and onions are examples of common foods people eat that can have disastrous consequences for pets such as seizures kidney failure or anemia zoran said in general it is best not to feed dogs or cats anything spicy fatty or not in their typical diet zoran said however small pieces of cooked meat or a vegetable can be okay for example feeding a small piece (it should not be more than 10% of their total diet) of cooked chicken thigh with no bones or skin is completely fine and a reasonable treat when the first of the year rolls around fitness centers become filled with people beginning their new years resolutions to get in better shape but what about when our pets need to shed a little excess holiday weight to keep healthy just like with us weight gain is a combination of genetics metabolism what we are eating how much we are eating and how much we are exercising zoran said any of these can have a major effect on body weight so it is important to feed your dog or cat good food the right amount of it and keep them active the ideal situation is not to let your pet get overweightyou can help prevent this by weighing them often and then adjusting how much food they are eating up or down accordingly and asking your veterinarian for help if you have questions or concerns during the holiday season keep in mind that most of the treats we enjoy are not good for our furry friends instead of sneaking them the leftovers as a holiday treat stuff their stockings with pet toys that will keep them active and healthy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu editors note: in observance of the holidays pet talk will be on hiatus until jan 8 2015 wishing everyone all the joy of the season! print |
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