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[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a financial book?" ]
[ "Harvey B. Mackay", "Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive: Outsell, Outmanage, Outmotivate, and Outnegotiate Your Competition (Collins Business Essentials)", "Business & Money", "Yes" ]
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Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive: Outsell, Outmanage, Outmotivate, and Outnegotiate Your Competition (Collins Business Essentials)
Harvey B. Mackay
Business & Money
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a religious book?", "Is this a sci-fi book?" ]
[ "Barbara Weisberg", "Talking to the Dead: Kate and Maggie Fox and the Rise of Spiritualism", "Religion & Spirituality", "Yes", "No" ]
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Talking to the Dead: Kate and Maggie Fox and the Rise of Spiritualism
Barbara Weisberg
Religion & Spirituality
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a homosexuality book?" ]
[ "Gabriel Garcia Marquez", "Leaf Storm: and Other Stories (Perennial Classics)", "Literature & Fiction", "No" ]
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Leaf Storm: and Other Stories (Perennial Classics)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Literature & Fiction
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Literature & Fiction?", "Is this book related to Science & Math?" ]
[ "Leon Uris", "Battle Cry", "Literature & Fiction", "Yes", "No" ]
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Battle Cry
Leon Uris
Literature & Fiction
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Christian Books & Bibles?", "Is this book related to History?" ]
[ "Marvin W. Meyer", "The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus: The Definitive Collection of Mystical Gospels and Secret Books about Jesus of Nazareth", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus: The Definitive Collection of Mystical Gospels and Secret Books about Jesus of Nazareth
Marvin W. Meyer
Christian Books & Bibles
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Computers & Technology?", "Is this book related to Science Fiction & Fantasy?" ]
[ "Adam Ginsberg", "How to Buy, Sell, and Profit on eBay: Kick-Start Your Home-Based Business in Just Thirty Days", "Computers & Technology", "Yes", "No" ]
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How to Buy, Sell, and Profit on eBay: Kick-Start Your Home-Based Business in Just Thirty Days
Adam Ginsberg
Computers & Technology
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a religious book?" ]
[ "Michael Chabon", "The Final Solution: A Story of Detection", "Religion & Spirituality", "Yes" ]
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The Final Solution: A Story of Detection
Michael Chabon
Religion & Spirituality
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this christianity book?", "Is this a romantic book?" ]
[ "Michael O. Wise", "The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation
Michael O. Wise
Christian Books & Bibles
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a romantic book?", "Is this a transportation engineering book?" ]
[ "Lynsay Sands", "A Bite to Remember (Argeneau Vampires, Book 5)", "Romance", "Yes", "No" ]
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A Bite to Remember (Argeneau Vampires, Book 5)
Lynsay Sands
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a pharmaceutical book?", "Is this a kids book?" ]
[ "Michael C. Carroll", "Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Germ Laboratory", "Medical Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Germ Laboratory
Michael C. Carroll
Medical Books
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a religious book?", "Is this an exam preparation book?" ]
[ "Jean Shinoda, M.D. Bolen", "The Tao of Psychology: Synchronicity and the Self", "Religion & Spirituality", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Tao of Psychology: Synchronicity and the Self
Jean Shinoda, M.D. Bolen
Religion & Spirituality
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Literature & Fiction?", "Is this book related to Politics & Social Sciences?" ]
[ "Uzodinma Iweala", "Beasts of No Nation: A Novel", "Literature & Fiction", "Yes", "No" ]
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Beasts of No Nation: A Novel
Uzodinma Iweala
Literature & Fiction
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a youngster related book?", "Is this a fitness book?" ]
[ "Judson Roberts", "Viking Warrior (The Strongbow Saga, Book 1)", "Teen & Young Adult", "Yes", "No" ]
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Viking Warrior (The Strongbow Saga, Book 1)
Judson Roberts
Teen & Young Adult
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a comics book?" ]
[ "Margaret Stanger", "That Quail, Robert", "Science & Math", "No" ]
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That Quail, Robert
Margaret Stanger
Science & Math
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Biographies & Memoirs?", "Is this book related to Calendars?" ]
[ "Lucette Lagnado", "The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit: A Jewish Family's Exodus from Old Cairo to the New World (P.S.)", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit: A Jewish Family's Exodus from Old Cairo to the New World (P.S.)
Lucette Lagnado
Biographies & Memoirs
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Children's Books?", "Is this book related to Business & Money?" ]
[ "Russell Hoban", "A Baby Sister for Frances (I Can Read Level 2)", "Children's Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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A Baby Sister for Frances (I Can Read Level 2)
Russell Hoban
Children's Books
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a kids book?" ]
[ "Coleman Barks", "A Year with Rumi: Daily Readings", "Literature & Fiction", "No" ]
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A Year with Rumi: Daily Readings
Coleman Barks
Literature & Fiction
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a historical book?", "Is this a comics book?" ]
[ "Gunther Rothenberg", "The Napoleonic Wars (Smithsonian History of Warfare)", "History", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Napoleonic Wars (Smithsonian History of Warfare)
Gunther Rothenberg
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Children's Books?", "Is this book related to Biographies & Memoirs?" ]
[ "Russell Hoban", "Frances Audio Collection CD (I Can Read Level 2)", "Children's Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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Frances Audio Collection CD (I Can Read Level 2)
Russell Hoban
Children's Books
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Biographies & Memoirs?", "Is this book related to Religion & Spirituality?" ]
[ "Karen Siff Exkorn", "The Autism Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Diagnosis, Treatment, Coping, and Healing--from a Mother Whose Child Recovered", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Autism Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Diagnosis, Treatment, Coping, and Healing--from a Mother Whose Child Recovered
Karen Siff Exkorn
Biographies & Memoirs
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a youngster related book?", "Is this a pedagogy book?" ]
[ "Sara Shepard", "Pretty Little Liars (Pretty Little Liars, Book 1)", "Teen & Young Adult", "Yes", "No" ]
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Pretty Little Liars (Pretty Little Liars, Book 1)
Sara Shepard
Teen & Young Adult
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this an art related book?", "Is this a kids book?" ]
[ "Karrine Steffans", "Confessions of a Video Vixen", "Arts & Photography", "Yes", "No" ]
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Confessions of a Video Vixen
Karrine Steffans
Arts & Photography
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Religion & Spirituality?", "Is this book related to Business & Money?" ]
[ "Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan", "Toward The One", "Religion & Spirituality", "Yes", "No" ]
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Toward The One
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
Religion & Spirituality
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a motivational book?", "Is this a transportation engineering book?" ]
[ "John O'Donohue", "Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom", "Self-Help", "Yes", "No" ]
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Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
John O'Donohue
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Religion & Spirituality?", "Is this book related to Medical Books?" ]
[ "Carlos Castaneda", "The Active Side of Infinity", "Religion & Spirituality", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Active Side of Infinity
Carlos Castaneda
Religion & Spirituality
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Medical Books?", "Is this book related to Law?" ]
[ "Jimmie Holland", "The Human Side of Cancer: Living with Hope, Coping with Uncertainty", "Medical Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Human Side of Cancer: Living with Hope, Coping with Uncertainty
Jimmie Holland
Medical Books
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Science & Math?", "Is this book related to Religion & Spirituality?" ]
[ "John Briggs", "Seven Life Lessons of Chaos: Spiritual Wisdom from the Science of Change", "Science & Math", "Yes", "No" ]
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Seven Life Lessons of Chaos: Spiritual Wisdom from the Science of Change
John Briggs
Science & Math
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a motivational book?", "Is this a romantic book?" ]
[ "John Gray", "Mars and Venus on a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship", "Self-Help", "Yes", "No" ]
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Mars and Venus on a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship
John Gray
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Biographies & Memoirs?", "Is this book related to Cookbooks, Food & Wine?" ]
[ "Howard Blum", "The Brigade: An Epic Story of Vengeance, Salvation, and WWII", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Brigade: An Epic Story of Vengeance, Salvation, and WWII
Howard Blum
Biographies & Memoirs
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a life story book?", "Is this a pedagogy book?" ]
[ "Laurence Bergreen", "Over the Edge of the World: Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Yes", "No" ]
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Over the Edge of the World: Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe
Laurence Bergreen
Biographies & Memoirs
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Health, Fitness & Dieting?", "Is this book related to Travel?" ]
[ "M.D., Steven J. Bock", "Natural Relief for Your Child's Asthma: A Guide to Controlling Symptoms & Reducing Your Child's Dependence on Drugs", "Health, Fitness & Dieting", "Yes", "No" ]
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Natural Relief for Your Child's Asthma: A Guide to Controlling Symptoms & Reducing Your Child's Dependence on Drugs
M.D., Steven J. Bock
Health, Fitness & Dieting
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Literature & Fiction?", "Is this book related to Engineering & Transportation?" ]
[ "Oscar Wilde", "The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: Stories, Plays, Poems & Essays", "Literature & Fiction", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: Stories, Plays, Poems & Essays
Oscar Wilde
Literature & Fiction
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a life story book?" ]
[ "Elvia Alvarado", "Don't Be Afraid, Gringo: A Honduran Woman Speaks From The Heart: The Story of Elvia Alvarado", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Yes" ]
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Don't Be Afraid, Gringo: A Honduran Woman Speaks From The Heart: The Story of Elvia Alvarado
Elvia Alvarado
Biographies & Memoirs
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Comics & Graphic Novels?", "Is this book related to Law?" ]
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Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art
Scott McCloud
Comics & Graphic Novels
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a historical book?", "Is this a recipe book?" ]
[ "Sherry Sontag", "Blind Man's Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage", "History", "Yes", "No" ]
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Blind Man's Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage
Sherry Sontag
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a comedy book?", "Is this a youngster related book?" ]
[ "Paul Dini", "Batman Animated", "Humor & Entertainment", "Yes", "No" ]
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Batman Animated
Paul Dini
Humor & Entertainment
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to History?", "Is this book related to Calendars?" ]
[ "Adam Zamoyski", "Moscow 1812: Napoleon's Fatal March", "History", "Yes", "No" ]
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Moscow 1812: Napoleon's Fatal March
Adam Zamoyski
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Health, Fitness & Dieting?", "Is this book related to History?" ]
[ "Dean Ornish", "Eat More, Weigh Less: Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Losing Weight Safely While Eating Abundantly", "Health, Fitness & Dieting", "Yes", "No" ]
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Eat More, Weigh Less: Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Losing Weight Safely While Eating Abundantly
Dean Ornish
Health, Fitness & Dieting
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a kids book?", "Is this a fitness book?" ]
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Lance in France
Ashley Maceachern
Children's Books
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Christian Books & Bibles?", "Is this book related to Gay & Lesbian?" ]
[ "C. S. Lewis", "Las Cartas del Diablo a Su Sobrino (Spanish Edition)", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Yes", "No" ]
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Las Cartas del Diablo a Su Sobrino (Spanish Edition)
C. S. Lewis
Christian Books & Bibles
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a youngster related book?", "Is this a pedagogy book?" ]
[ "L. J. Smith", "The Awakening / The Struggle (Vampire Diaries, Books 1-2)", "Teen & Young Adult", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Awakening / The Struggle (Vampire Diaries, Books 1-2)
L. J. Smith
Teen & Young Adult
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to History?", "Is this book related to Education & Teaching?" ]
[ "Harold G. Moore", "We Are Soldiers Still: A Journey Back to the Battlefields of Vietnam", "History", "Yes", "No" ]
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We Are Soldiers Still: A Journey Back to the Battlefields of Vietnam
Harold G. Moore
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a kids book?", "Is this a child-care book?" ]
[ "Sarah Weeks", "Mac and Cheese (I Can Read Level 1)", "Children's Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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Mac and Cheese (I Can Read Level 1)
Sarah Weeks
Children's Books
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a comedy book?" ]
[ "Wayne Gould", "New York Post Easy Sudoku: The Official Utterly Addictive Number-Placing Puzzle (New York Post Su Doku)", "Humor & Entertainment", "Yes" ]
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New York Post Easy Sudoku: The Official Utterly Addictive Number-Placing Puzzle (New York Post Su Doku)
Wayne Gould
Humor & Entertainment
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a kids book?", "Is this a fitness book?" ]
[ "Monica Brown", "Pele, King of Soccer/Pele, El rey del futbol", "Children's Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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Pele, King of Soccer/Pele, El rey del futbol
Monica Brown
Children's Books
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a pharmaceutical book?", "Is this a financial book?" ]
[ "Paul A., M.D. Offit", "Vaccinated: One Man's Quest to Defeat the World's Deadliest Diseases", "Medical Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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Vaccinated: One Man's Quest to Defeat the World's Deadliest Diseases
Paul A., M.D. Offit
Medical Books
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a comedy book?", "Is this a motivational book?" ]
[ "Phoebe Damrosch", "Service Included: Four-Star Secrets of an Eavesdropping Waiter", "Humor & Entertainment", "Yes", "No" ]
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Service Included: Four-Star Secrets of an Eavesdropping Waiter
Phoebe Damrosch
Humor & Entertainment
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a sociopolitical book?", "Is this a motivational book?" ]
[ "John Gray", "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus", "Politics & Social Sciences", "Yes", "No" ]
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Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus
John Gray
Politics & Social Sciences
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Children's Books?", "Is this book related to Travel?" ]
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Dr. Carbles is Losing His Marbles! (My Weird School, No. 19)
Dan Gutman
Children's Books
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Science & Math?", "Is this book related to Business & Money?" ]
[ "Daniel James Brown", "Under a Flaming Sky: The Great Hinckley Firestorm of 1894 (P.S.)", "Science & Math", "Yes", "No" ]
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Under a Flaming Sky: The Great Hinckley Firestorm of 1894 (P.S.)
Daniel James Brown
Science & Math
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a recipe book?", "Is this a pedagogy book?" ]
[ "Patricia Wells", "Salad as a Meal: Healthy Main-Dish Salads for Every Season", "Cookbooks, Food & Wine", "Yes", "No" ]
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Salad as a Meal: Healthy Main-Dish Salads for Every Season
Patricia Wells
Cookbooks, Food & Wine
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a kids book?" ]
[ "Margaret Anastas", "Mommy's Best Kisses Board Book", "Children's Books", "Yes" ]
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Mommy's Best Kisses Board Book
Margaret Anastas
Children's Books
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a life story book?", "Is this a comics book?" ]
[ "Chris Blatchford", "The Black Hand: The Bloody Rise and Redemption of \"Boxer\" Enriquez, a Mexican Mob Killer", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Black Hand: The Bloody Rise and Redemption of "Boxer" Enriquez, a Mexican Mob Killer
Chris Blatchford
Biographies & Memoirs
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Religion & Spirituality?", "Is this book related to Literature & Fiction?" ]
[ "Lewis B. Smedes", "Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve (Plus)", "Religion & Spirituality", "Yes", "No" ]
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Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve (Plus)
Lewis B. Smedes
Religion & Spirituality
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Science & Math?", "Is this book related to Religion & Spirituality?" ]
[ "Zecharia Sitchin", "When Time Began: Book V of the Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles)", "Science & Math", "Yes", "No" ]
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When Time Began: Book V of the Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles)
Zecharia Sitchin
Science & Math
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this an art related book?" ]
[ "Lynne McTaggart", "The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe", "Science & Math", "No" ]
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The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
Lynne McTaggart
Science & Math
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Business & Money?", "Is this book related to Computers & Technology?" ]
[ "Matt Ridley", "The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves", "Business & Money", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves
Matt Ridley
Business & Money
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Arts & Photography?", "Is this book related to Test Preparation?" ]
[ "Benjamin Blech", "The Sistine Secrets: Michelangelo's Forbidden Messages in the Heart of the Vatican", "Arts & Photography", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Sistine Secrets: Michelangelo's Forbidden Messages in the Heart of the Vatican
Benjamin Blech
Arts & Photography
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Literature & Fiction?", "Is this book related to Arts & Photography?" ]
[ "Gil Adamson", "The Outlander", "Literature & Fiction", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Outlander
Gil Adamson
Literature & Fiction
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a transportation engineering book?" ]
[ "Michael Chabon", "Telegraph Avenue: A Novel", "Literature & Fiction", "No" ]
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Telegraph Avenue: A Novel
Michael Chabon
Literature & Fiction
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Teen & Young Adult?", "Is this book related to Calendars?" ]
[ "Robert Sharenow", "The Berlin Boxing Club", "Teen & Young Adult", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Berlin Boxing Club
Robert Sharenow
Teen & Young Adult
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Parenting & Relationships?", "Is this book related to Self-Help?" ]
[ "Gail Sheehy", "Passages in Caregiving: Turning Chaos into Confidence", "Parenting & Relationships", "Yes", "No" ]
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Passages in Caregiving: Turning Chaos into Confidence
Gail Sheehy
Parenting & Relationships
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Religion & Spirituality?", "Is this book related to Science Fiction & Fantasy?" ]
[ "Greg Epstein", "Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe", "Religion & Spirituality", "Yes", "No" ]
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Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe
Greg Epstein
Religion & Spirituality
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Romance?", "Is this book related to Calendars?" ]
[ "Sandra Hill", "The Norse King's Daughter (Viking I)", "Romance", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Norse King's Daughter (Viking I)
Sandra Hill
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Children's Books?", "Is this book related to Engineering & Transportation?" ]
[ "Julia Rawlinson", "Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms", "Children's Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms
Julia Rawlinson
Children's Books
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a motivational book?", "Is this a games related book?" ]
[ "Arielle Ford", "The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction", "Self-Help", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction
Arielle Ford
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a sci-fi book?", "Is this christianity book?" ]
[ "Michael Crichton", "The Andromeda Strain", "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Andromeda Strain
Michael Crichton
Science Fiction & Fantasy
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a child-care book?", "Is this christianity book?" ]
[ "Anthony, PhD Rao", "The Way of Boys: Promoting the Social and Emotional Development of Young Boys", "Parenting & Relationships", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Way of Boys: Promoting the Social and Emotional Development of Young Boys
Anthony, PhD Rao
Parenting & Relationships
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Mystery, Thriller & Suspense?", "Is this book related to Calendars?" ]
[ "Stuart Woods", "Worst Fears Realized (Stone Barrington)", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Yes", "No" ]
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Worst Fears Realized (Stone Barrington)
Stuart Woods
Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a motivational book?", "Is this a kids book?" ]
[ "Harriet Brown", "Brave Girl Eating: A Family's Struggle with Anorexia", "Self-Help", "Yes", "No" ]
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Brave Girl Eating: A Family's Struggle with Anorexia
Harriet Brown
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a youngster related book?", "Is this a digital technology book?" ]
[ "Walter Dean Myers", "Darius & Twig", "Teen & Young Adult", "Yes", "No" ]
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Darius & Twig
Walter Dean Myers
Teen & Young Adult
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Parenting & Relationships?", "Is this book related to Politics & Social Sciences?" ]
[ "Ellen Galinsky", "Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs", "Parenting & Relationships", "Yes", "No" ]
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Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs
Ellen Galinsky
Parenting & Relationships
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Mystery, Thriller & Suspense?", "Is this book related to Romance?" ]
[ "Attica Locke", "Black Water Rising: A Novel (Jay Porter Series)", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Yes", "No" ]
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Black Water Rising: A Novel (Jay Porter Series)
Attica Locke
Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Cookbooks, Food & Wine?", "Is this book related to Children's Books?" ]
[ "Emeril Lagasse", "Emeril's Kicked-Up Sandwiches: Stacked with Flavor", "Cookbooks, Food & Wine", "Yes", "No" ]
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Emeril's Kicked-Up Sandwiches: Stacked with Flavor
Emeril Lagasse
Cookbooks, Food & Wine
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a games related book?", "Is this a religious book?" ]
[ "Andrea J. Buchanan", "The Double-Daring Book for Girls", "Sports & Outdoors", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Double-Daring Book for Girls
Andrea J. Buchanan
Sports & Outdoors
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Science & Math?", "Is this book related to Crafts, Hobbies & Home?" ]
[ "David Wootton", "The Invention of Science: A New History of the Scientific Revolution", "Science & Math", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Invention of Science: A New History of the Scientific Revolution
David Wootton
Science & Math
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a pharmaceutical book?", "Is this a comedy book?" ]
[ "Stanley Milgram", "Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View (Perennial Classics)", "Medical Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View (Perennial Classics)
Stanley Milgram
Medical Books
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a life story book?" ]
[ "Norman Ollestad", "Crazy for the Storm: A Memoir of Survival (P.S.)", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Yes" ]
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Crazy for the Storm: A Memoir of Survival (P.S.)
Norman Ollestad
Biographies & Memoirs
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a youngster related book?", "Is this a motivational book?" ]
[ "Lauren Conrad", "L.A. Candy", "Teen & Young Adult", "Yes", "No" ]
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L.A. Candy
Lauren Conrad
Teen & Young Adult
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Christian Books & Bibles?", "Is this book related to Medical Books?" ]
[ "Lauren F. Winner", "Wearing God: Clothing, Laughter, Fire, and Other Overlooked Ways of Meeting God", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Yes", "No" ]
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Wearing God: Clothing, Laughter, Fire, and Other Overlooked Ways of Meeting God
Lauren F. Winner
Christian Books & Bibles
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a journey related book?", "Is this a religious book?" ]
[ "Colin Thubron", "To a Mountain in Tibet", "Travel", "Yes", "No" ]
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To a Mountain in Tibet
Colin Thubron
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a religious book?", "Is this a recipe book?" ]
[ "James Van Praagh", "Unfinished Business: What the Dead Can Teach Us about Life", "Religion & Spirituality", "Yes", "No" ]
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Unfinished Business: What the Dead Can Teach Us about Life
James Van Praagh
Religion & Spirituality
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Mystery, Thriller & Suspense?", "Is this book related to Reference?" ]
[ "Christopher Moore", "Sacre Bleu: A Comedy d'Art", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Yes", "No" ]
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Sacre Bleu: A Comedy d'Art
Christopher Moore
Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Travel?", "Is this book related to Christian Books & Bibles?" ]
[ "Peter Hessler", "Country Driving: A Chinese Road Trip", "Travel", "Yes", "No" ]
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Country Driving: A Chinese Road Trip
Peter Hessler
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Romance?", "Is this book related to Test Preparation?" ]
[ "Lisa Marie Rice", "Hotter Than Wildfire: A Protectors Novel: Delta Force (The Protectors Trilogy)", "Romance", "Yes", "No" ]
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Hotter Than Wildfire: A Protectors Novel: Delta Force (The Protectors Trilogy)
Lisa Marie Rice
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a digital technology book?" ]
[ "Neale E. Howard", "Standard Handbook for Telescope Making", "Science & Math", "No" ]
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Standard Handbook for Telescope Making
Neale E. Howard
Science & Math
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a reference book?", "Is this a homosexuality book?" ]
[ "William Morris", "Harper Dictionary of Contemporary Usage", "Reference", "Yes", "No" ]
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Harper Dictionary of Contemporary Usage
William Morris
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this book related to Literature & Fiction?", "Is this book related to Cookbooks, Food & Wine?" ]
[ "Stanley Fish", "How to Write a Sentence: And How to Read One", "Literature & Fiction", "Yes", "No" ]
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How to Write a Sentence: And How to Read One
Stanley Fish
Literature & Fiction
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Children's Books?", "Is this book related to Politics & Social Sciences?" ]
[ "Margaret Cardillo", "Just Being Audrey", "Children's Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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Just Being Audrey
Margaret Cardillo
Children's Books
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Literature & Fiction?", "Is this book related to Politics & Social Sciences?" ]
[ "Anita Barrows", "A Year with Rilke: Daily Readings from the Best of Rainer Maria Rilke", "Literature & Fiction", "Yes", "No" ]
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A Year with Rilke: Daily Readings from the Best of Rainer Maria Rilke
Anita Barrows
Literature & Fiction
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to History?", "Is this book related to Sports & Outdoors?" ]
[ "Justo L. Gonzalez", "The Story of Christianity, Vol. 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation", "History", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Story of Christianity, Vol. 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation
Justo L. Gonzalez
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a fitness book?" ]
[ "Hannah Nordhaus", "The Beekeeper's Lament: How One Man and Half a Billion Honey Bees Help Feed America", "Science & Math", "No" ]
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The Beekeeper's Lament: How One Man and Half a Billion Honey Bees Help Feed America
Hannah Nordhaus
Science & Math
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a kids book?", "Is this a life story book?" ]
[ "Lucy Rosen", "Superman Classic: Superman Phonics Fun (Includes 12 Books) (My First I Can Read)", "Children's Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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Superman Classic: Superman Phonics Fun (Includes 12 Books) (My First I Can Read)
Lucy Rosen
Children's Books
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a comedy book?", "Is this christianity book?" ]
[ "Howard Stern", "Miss America", "Humor & Entertainment", "Yes", "No" ]
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Miss America
Howard Stern
Humor & Entertainment
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a recipe book?", "Is this an exam preparation book?" ]
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The Food52 Cookbook: 140 Winning Recipes from Exceptional Home Cooks
Amanda Hesser
Cookbooks, Food & Wine
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a comedy book?", "Is this an art related book?" ]
[ "Ben Shapiro", "Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV", "Humor & Entertainment", "Yes", "No" ]
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Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV
Ben Shapiro
Humor & Entertainment
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a kids book?", "Is this an exam preparation book?" ]
[ "Beverly Cleary", "The Complete Ramona Collection: Beezus and Ramona, Ramona and Her Father, Ramona and Her Mother, Ramona Quimby, Age 8, Ramona Forever, Ramona the Brave, Ramona the Pest, Ramona's World", "Children's Books", "Yes", "No" ]
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The Complete Ramona Collection: Beezus and Ramona, Ramona and Her Father, Ramona and Her Mother, Ramona Quimby, Age 8, Ramona Forever, Ramona the Brave, Ramona the Pest, Ramona's World
Beverly Cleary
Children's Books
[ "Who is the author of this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this book related to Parenting & Relationships?", "Is this book related to Mystery, Thriller & Suspense?" ]
[ "Nancy Bardacke", "Mindful Birthing: Training the Mind, Body, and Heart for Childbirth and Beyond", "Parenting & Relationships", "Yes", "No" ]
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Mindful Birthing: Training the Mind, Body, and Heart for Childbirth and Beyond
Nancy Bardacke
Parenting & Relationships
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What is the genre of this book?", "Is this a crafts or hobbies related book?", "Is this a kids book?" ]
[ "Marta Serrats", "150 Best Eco House Ideas", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Yes", "No" ]
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150 Best Eco House Ideas
Marta Serrats
Crafts, Hobbies & Home
[ "Who wrote this book?", "What is the title of this book?", "What type of book is this?", "Is this a comedy book?", "Is this a comedy book?" ]
[ "Judah Friedlander", "How to Beat Up Anybody: An Instructional and Inspirational Karate Book by the World Champion", "Humor & Entertainment", "Yes", "No" ]
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How to Beat Up Anybody: An Instructional and Inspirational Karate Book by the World Champion
Judah Friedlander
Humor & Entertainment