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Okay, Larry, its time for the theme song
Uh y-yeah, Bob
What do I do?
Hm, lets see
Oh, I know! You play the guitar
Bob, I dont have any hands
Oh, youre right
I know! You play this
I dont want to play that, Ill look silly
Oh come on, itll be fun!
Nope, not gonna do it
Its for the kids
Oh, okay, but they better not laugh
Alright! Better get on out there!
If you like to talk to tomatoes
If a squash can make you smile
If you like to waltz with potatoes
Up and down the produce aisle
Have we got a show for you!
Broccoli, celery, gotta be
Lima beans, collard greens, peachy keen
Sweet and sour
Half an hour
Theres never ever ever ever
Ever been a show like VeggieTales!
Theres never ever ever ever
Ever been a show like VeggieTales!
Its time for VeggieTales! |
And now its time for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song
One day while talking with Dr. Archibald, Larry confronts one of his deepest fears...
If my lips ever left my mouth
Packed a bag and headed south
Thatd be too bad, Id be so sad
I see, thatd be too bad, youd be so sad?
Thatd be too bad
If my lips said Adios
I dont like you, I think youre gross
Thatd be too bad, I might get mad
Hm, thatd be too bad, you might get mad?
Thatd be too bad
If my lips moved to Duluth
Left a mess and took my tooth
Thatd be too bad, Id call my Dad
Oh dear, thatd be too bad, youd call your dad?
Thatd be too bad
Hold it! Did you say your father? Fascinating!
So what youre saying is if your lips left you...
Thatd be too bad, Id be so sad
I might get mad, I call my Dad
Thatd be too bad
Thatd be too bad?
Thatd be too bad
Because I love my lips!
Oh, my! This is more serious than I thought
Larry, what do you see here?
Um, that looks like a lip
What about this?
Its a lip
And this?
Its a lip, its a lip, its a lip, lip, lip
Its a lip, its a lip, its a lip, lip, lip
Its a lip, its a lip, its a lip, lip, lip
Liiiiiiiiiips, lip, lip, lip
Larry, tell me about your childhood
When I was just two years old
I left my lips out in the cold
And they turned blue
What could I do?
Oh dear, they turned blue, what could you do?
Oh, they turned blue
I see
On the day I got my tooth
I had to kiss my Great Aunt Ruth
She had a beard, and it felt weird
My, my, she had a beard and it felt weird?
She had a beard
Ten days after I turned 8
Got my lips stuck in a gate
My friends all laughed
And I just stood there until the fire department came and broke the lock with a crowbar
And I had to spend the next six weeks in lip rehab with this kid named Oscar who got stung by a bee, right on the lip
And we couldnt even talk to each other until the fifth week because both our lips were so swollen
And when he did start speaking he just spoke Polish and I only knew like three words in Polish
Except now I know four because Oscar taught me the word for lip, usta!
Your friends all laughed. Usta. How do you spell that?
I dont know
So what youre saying is that when you were young...
They turned blue, what could I do?
She had a beard, and it felt weird
My friends all laughed... Usta!
Im confused
I love my lips!
Uh, Larry. Larry. Wait Larry, Larry! Thats about enough, thank you
This has been Silly Songs with Larry. Tune in next week when we hear Larry say...
Have I ever told you how I feel about my nose?
Oh, look at the time! |
And now its time for silly songs with Larry
The part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song
Joining Larry are Pa Grape and Mister Lunt, who together, make up the infamous gang of scallywags The Pirates Who Dont Do Anything
We are the pirates who dont do anything
We just stay at home and lie around
And if you ask us to do anything
Well just tell you we dont do anything
Well, Ive never been to Greenland
And Ive never been to Denver
And Ive never buried treasure in St. Louie or St. Paul
And Ive never been to Moscow
And Ive never been to Tampa
And Ive never been to Boston in the fall
Cause were the pirates who dont do anything
We just stay at home and lie around
And if you ask us to do anything
Well just tell you we dont do anything
And I never hoist the mainstay
And I never swab the poop deck
And I never veer to starboard
Cause I never sail at all
And Ive never walked the gangplank
And Ive never owned a parrot
And Ive never been to Boston in the fall
Cause were the pirates who dont do anything
We just stay at home and lie around
And if you ask us to do anything
Well just tell you we dont do anything
Well, Ive never plucked a rooster
And Im not too good at ping pong
And Ive never thrown my mashed potatoes
Up against the wall
And Ive never kissed a chipmunk
And Ive never gotten head lice
And Ive never been to Boston in the fall
Huh? What are you talking about? What does a rooster or mashed potatoes have to do with being a pirate?
And whos ever kissed a chipmunk? Thats just nonsense, why even bring it up? Am I right? What do you think?
Huh? No I dont
Do not
Thats it, youre walking the plank
Says the Captain
And Ive never licked a spark plug
And Ive never sniffed a stinkbug
And Ive never painted daisies
On a big red rubber ball
And Ive never bathed in yogurt
And I dont look good in leggings
And weve never been to Boston in the fall
Pa: Pass the chips! Who’s got the remote?
Larry: Here it is!
Lunt: Time for Geraldo!
Pa: It’s definitely time for Wapner
Lunt: Oh, I don’t like this show
Larry: Hey, look! I found a quarter! |
Everybodys got a water buffalo
Yours is fast but mine is slow
Oh, whered we get them? I dont know
But everybodys got a water buffalo-oooooooooh
I took my buffalo to the store
Got his head stuck in the door
Spilled some lima beans on the floor
Oh, everybodys got a—
Stop it, stop, stop right this instant! What do you think youre doing?
You cant say everyones got a water buffalo when everyone does not have a water buffalo!
Were going to get nasty letters saying
Wheres my water buffalo? Why dont I have a water buffalo?
And are you prepared to deal with that? I dont think so!
Just stop being so silly!
This has been Silly Songs with Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry sing...
Everybodys got a baby kangaroo
Yours is pink but mine is blue
Hers was small but...
He said to her, Id like a cheeseburger
And I might like a milkshake as well
She said to him, I cant get you either
And he said, Isnt this Burger Bell?
She said, Yes, it is but were closed now
But we open tomorrow at ten
He said, I am extremely hungry
But I guess I can wait until then
Cause youre his cheeseburger
His yummy cheeseburger
Hell wait for you, ya
Hell wait for you
Oh, you are his cheeseburger
His tasty cheeseburger
Hell wait for you
Oh, he will wait for you
He stayed at the drive-thru till sunrise
He may have dozed off once or twice
When he spotted a billboard for Dennys
Bacon and eggs for half price
How could he resist such an offer?
He really needed something to munch
Cheeseburger, please do not get angry
Hell eat and be back here for lunch
Cause youre his cheeseburger
His precious cheeseburger
Be back for you
Hell be back for you
Wont be so long, cheeseburger
Oh, lovely cheeseburger
Be back for you
Oh, hell be back for you
Cause he loves you cheeseburger with all his heart
And theres nothin gonna tear you two apart
And if the world suddenly ran out of cheese
He would get down on his hands and knees
To see if someone accidentally
Dropped some cheese in the dirt
And he would wash it off for you
Wipe it off for you
Clean that dirty cheese off just for you
You are his cheeseburger |
And now its time for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. Larry will be performing the traditional Argentinian ballad
The Dance of the Cucumber in its original Spanish. Bob the Tomato will translate
Miren al pepino
Miren como se mueve
Como un león
Tras un ratón
Miren al pepino
Que suaves movimientos
Es como mantequilla
En un chango pelón.
Miren al pepino
Los vegetales
Envidian a su amigo
Como él quieren bailar.
Pepino bailarÃn
Pepino bailarÃn
Pepino bailarÃn
¡Baila, baila, ya!
Miren al tomate.
¿No es triste?
Él no puede bailar.
¡Pobre tomate!
Él desearÃa poder bailar como el pepino
Libre y suavemente.
Pero el no puede danzar.
What do you mean I cant dance?!
I can dance!
What about Uncle Louies polka party?
Didnt you see me dancing at Uncle Louies polka party?!
No comprendo
No comprendo? Ill show YOU No comprendo!
Mom! Dad! Look over here!
Get a picture of me next to the cucumber in authentic Argentinian garb!
Okay, Junior. But wed better hurry-I think the dwarves have your mother confused with someone else!
Say Peas!
Escuchen al pepino
Oigan su voz fuerte
Como un león
Listo a devorar.
Escuchen al pepino
Que dulce es su canto
Que soplo de su garganta parece un trinar.
Escuchen al pepino
Los vegetales
Envidian a su amigo
Como él quieren cantar.
Pepino cantador
Pepino cantador
Pepino cantador
¡Canta, canta, ya!
Escuchen al tomate.
¿No es triste?
Él no puede cantar.
¡Pobre tomate!
Él desearÃa poder cantar
Fuerte y dulce como el pepino.
Pero él no puede
¡Ni siquiera da un silbido!
All right, thats it, <1>señor! Come over here and let me sing YOU a song!
¡Adiós, amigos!
This has been Silly Songs With Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry sing:
Bob is really angry!
I hope he doesnt catch me!
Its so hard to run with this sombrero on my head! |
Oh, no! What we gonna do?
The king likes Daniel more than me and you
Oh, no! What we gonna do?
We gotta get him out of here
Oh, no! What we gonna do?
The king likes Daniel more than me and you
Oh, no! What we gonna do?
We gotta get him out of here
We could throw him in the dungeon
We could let him rot in jail
We could drag him to the ocean
Have him eaten by a whale
We could throw him in the Tigris, let him float a while
Then well all sit back and watch him meet a hungry crocodile
We could put him on a camels back and send him off to Ur
With a cowboy hat without a brim, a boot without a spur
We could give him jelly doughnuts, take em all away
Or we could fill his ears with cheese balls and his nostrils with sorbet
We could use him as a footstool or a table to play Scrabble on
Then tie him up and beat him up and throw him out of Babylon
Yeah... Mmhmm... Oh!
I like it!
Its sneaky!
And it just...
We could use him as a footstool or a table to play Scrabble on
Then tie him up and beat him up and throw him out of Babylon!
The very next morning, the wise men appeared before King Darius to try to trap Daniel with their scheme...
You wanted to see me?
Ahem... |
Baby, I know your eyes see right through my disguise
Baby, that Im the one whose love is no surprise
But theres a secret Ive been hidin
I cant keep it no more
((Theres this thing about himself
Hes never told you before))
I dont got a belly button
Oh, I need to tell you something
He dont got a belly button
Belly button no, oh no, no...
Baby, please dont squeal, just tell me how you feel
And if you went away, my heart would never heal
Theres something missing in my middle
And its hard to ignore
(Theres this thing about himself
Hes never told you before)
I dont got a belly button
Oh, I need to tell you something
He dont got a belly button
Belly button no, oh no, no...
Belly button?
Belly button?
You say your belly buttons missing
Theres no reason for alarm
Its a common thing for gourds
It wont do you any harm
Youre technically a fruit
And with that much being said
Your umbilical equivocal
Is up there on your head!
You could opt for a prosthetic
But of course, youd have to know
Itd be covered by your shirt
But not your HMO!
Belly button
Belly button
A stylish something absent
From my midriffs decor
(Theres this thing about himself
Hes never told you before)
I dont got a belly button
Oh, I need to tell you something
He dont got a belly button
Belly button, no, oh no, no...
No belly button... |
This little light of mine, Im gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, Im gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, Im gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
Hide it under a bushel - NO!
Im gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel - NO!
Im gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel - NO!
Im gonna let it shine, Let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine
Dont let Satan blow it out
Im gonna let it shine
Dont let Satan blow it out
Im gonna let it shine
Dont let Satan blow it out
Im gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
Let it shine til Jesus comes
Im gonna let it shine
Let it shine til Jesus comes
Im gonna let it shine
Let it shine til Jesus comes
Im gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
This little light of mine, Im gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, Im gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, Im gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine |
My God is so big
So strong and so mighty
Theres nothing my God cannot do
My God is so big
So strong and so mighty
Theres nothing my God cannot do
The mountains are His
The rivers are His
The stars are His handiwork too
My God is so big
So strong and so mighty
Theres nothing my God cannot do |
Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the first day of first grade, Ill tell you what he did
He tripped over a pencil box, flew up in the air
Landed on a kangaroo who pulled out all his hair
First aid in the first grade
First aid in the first grade
First aid in the first grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the second day of second grade, Ill tell you what he did
He slipped on a banana peel, flew up in the sky
Landed on a chimpanzee who poked him in the eye
First aid in the second grade
First aid in the second grade
First aid in the second grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the third day of third grade, Ill tell you what he did
He fell out of a fishing boat, splashed into the sea
Landed on a moray eel who bit him on the knee
First aid in the third grade
First aid in the third grade
First aid in the third grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the fourth day of fourth grade, Ill tell you what he did
He went out on a tadpole hunt, slipped into the creek
Landed on a large-mouth bass who bit him on the cheek
First aid in the fourth grade
First aid in the fourth grade
First aid in the fourth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the fifth day of fifth grade, Ill tell you what he did
He went into the garden shop looking for a rose
Sniffed a babys breath and got a bee caught up his nose
First aid in the fifth grade
First aid in the fifth grade
First aid in the fifth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the sixth day of sixth grade, Ill tell you what he did
He went out on a field trip, the first one of the year
Backed into a sabertooth and pierced both of his ears
First aid in the sixth grade
First aid in the sixth grade
First aid in the sixth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the seventh day of seventh grade, Ill tell you what he did
He tried out for the talent show to show how well he sung
Cracked a grin, a wasp flew in, and stung him on the tongue
First aid in the seventh grade
First aid in the seventh grade
First aid in the seventh grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the eighth day of eighth grade, Ill tell you what he did
He tried to play some basketball went up for a dunk
Landed in the bushes and got squirted by a skunk
First aid in the eighth grade
First aid in the eighth grade
First aid in the eighth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the ninth day of ninth grade, Ill tell you what he did
He fed the pigs on grandmas farm, two piglets and a sow
Slipped on their slop and then got stepped on by a cow
First aid in the ninth grade
First aid in the ninth grade
First aid in the ninth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the tenth day of tenth grade, Ill tell you what he did
He went out on some water skis and hit a sunken log
Wiped out all the lily pads, got spit on by a frog
First aid in the tenth grade
First aid in the tenth grade
First aid in the tenth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the eleventh day of eleventh grade, Ill tell you what he did
He swept and missed an alley cat while taking drivers ed
Ran into a tree and bumped the dashboard with his head
First aid in the eleventh grade
First aid in the eleventh grade
First aid in the eleventh grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now... Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the twelfth day of twelfth grade, Ill tell you what he did
He walked into financial aid, fell and broke a bone
Showed them all his bills and got a great big college loan
First aid in the twelfth grade
First aid in the twelfth grade
First aid in the twelfth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid! |
And now its time for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Larry the Cucumber
Presents, in a sequential image, stereophonic, multimedia event: The Song of the Cebu!
begins his Cebu slideshow, with Junior Asparagus and Jimmy and Jerry Gourd as his audience
This is a song about a boy
A song about a little boy and his cebus
A song about a little boy and his three cebus
The little boy who had a sick cebu
A sad cebu
And a mute cebu
And also a hippo
Larry keeps sliding through, but his Cebu slideshow got mixed with his vacation photos
This is me at the airport
This is my Aunt Ruth
This is me at a bullfight
This is me fighting a bull
This is me and the bull
This is me and the bull and...
I think thats the bulls cousin
Hes a cebu!
suddenly, Archibald Asparagus runs in, interrupting
Hold it!
You call this a multimedia event?
This is a slide projector a-and a bed sheet!
And what on Earth is a cebu, anyway?
Its kinda like a cow
Larry shows a slide of a cebu and a cow next to each other, demonstrating their similarities
Well, very good
This could be interesting
Carry on!
Sing it with me!
now the song begins in earnest
Boy is riding with cebu
Boy is riding with cebu
Into town in his canoe
Into town in his canoe
Sick cebu is rowing and sneezing
Achoo moo moo
Achoo moo moo
Achoo moo moo
Achoo moo moo moo moo!
Achoo moo moo
Achoo moo moo
Achoo moo moo
Achoo moo moo
Achoo moo moo
Achoo moo moo moo moo!
Hippo chewing on bamboo
Hippo chewing on bamboo
Cant see boy and three cebu
Cant see boy and three cebu
Sad cebu is rowing and crying
Boo-hoo moo moo
Boo-hoo moo moo
Boo-hoo moo moo
Boo-hoo moo moo moo moo!
Boo-hoo moo moo
Boo-hoo moo moo
Boo-hoo moo moo
Boo-hoo moo moo
Boo-hoo moo moo
Boo-hoo moo moo moo moo!
Achoo moo moo
Boo-hoo moo moo
Boo-hoo moo moo
Achoo moo moo
Achoo moo moo
Boo-hoo moo moo
Hippo seen by mute cebu
Hippo seen by mute cebu
Tries to tell the other two
Tries to tell the other two
Mute cebu is waving and grunting
Mmm-hmm mmm mmm
Mmm-hmm mmm mmm
Mmm-hmm mmm mmm
Mmm-hmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm-hmm mmm mmm
Mmm-hmm mmm mmm
Mmm-hmm mmm mmm
Mmm-hmm mmm mmm
Mmm-hmm mmm mmm
Mmm-hmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
sudddenly, the slides run out
then an annoyed Archie comes right back
What happens next?
Does the hippo see them?
Is the poor mute cebu successful in communicating the imminent danger to the other passengers?
Is the boy injured?
Why is the sad cebu sad?
Is the canoe wood o-or aluminum?
sees more vacation photos
Oh look!
Theres me and Bob at Sea World!
Oh, wow
Forgot about that one
Theres me and that bull again
You cant just start a song and leave it hanging like that!
You know, Ive come to expect a lot more from you
This is quite disappointing!
Im going to have to speak to Bob about this
Oh look, a cebu!
No, wait ... thats a water buffalo
No more song about cebu
Need another verse or two
Audience is standing and leaving
Bye-bye moo moo
Bye-bye moo moo
Bye-bye moo moo
Bye-bye moo moo moo moo!
I want my money back!
Yeah, thatd be...thatd be good |
One day while he was waiting for the trolley, he had a hat
My high silk hat
He wore it high upon his head so proudly, a beautiful hat
My high silk hat
A hat like this just makes him feel so grandly
Now fancy this and fancy that
The splendor of his hat in all its majesty
Like a king in a royal cap
I feel so swell and handsome in my hat
I bet that others wish they had in fact
A hat as this, a hat as that, a hat so fine, a high silk hat
Oh Mr. Art Bigotti, now what do you think of that?
Now his hat was not all he wore so proudly
I must in fact share more than that
For upon his lap there sat a treat so fondly
Of chocolate this and chocolate that
Deliciousness that makes him feel so dandy
A chocolate bliss, a chocolate snack
Confections such as these are more than candy
Somewhat like life, a box of that
I have my chocolate placed upon my lap
I feel so good, you just cannot top that
I have my snack, a chocolate pack, of chocolate this and chocolate that
Oh golly Mr Nezzer, now what do you think of that?
Now time was passing and the sun grew hotter
Upon his hat and his chocolate snack
So beneath his hat he thought and pondered
What should I do to save my hat?
He thought and contemplated as he perspired
Beneath his hat, upon his lap
He feared his chocolate treats would soon retire
Into a pool a chocolate vat
I wont feel grand if I take off my hat
The suns getting hot and my hat just might go flat
My hat, it might go flat, and my sweets will melt like that
Oh, hurry Mr Trolley before my dapperness goes flat
He decided to fore go his looks so dashing
To save his hat and little snack
So he placed the treats upon the seat beside him
And put his hat on top of that
Oh please! Oh please, oh please!
Dont anybody sit close to me, upon my hat
I ask, if all of you could be so kindly
And just stand back, away from my snack
A great big squash just sat upon my hat
A great big squash just squished my hat real flat
He squashed my hat, he made it flat
He squished my snack, oh what of that?
Oh tell me anybody, now what do you think of that?
A great big squash just sat upon his hat
A great big enormous squash squished his hat real flat
He squashed his hat, he made it flat
He squished his snack, oh what of that?
Oh golly, uh, whats your name?
Theyve never given me a name
I have been around since show one and I still dont have a name
Now what do you think of that? |
And now its time for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. Our curtain opens as Larry, having just finished his morning bath, is searching for his hairbrush. Having no success, Larry cries out...
Oh, where is my hairbrush?
Oh, where is my hairbrush?
Oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where...
Is my hairbrush?
Having heard his cry, Pa Grape enters the scene. Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Pa regains his composure and reports...
I think I saw a hairbrush back there!
Back there is my hairbrush
Back there is my hairbrush
Back there, back there, oh, where, back there, oh, where, oh, where, back there, back there, back there... is my hairbrush
Having heard his joyous proclamation, Junior Asparagus enters the scene. Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Junior regains his composure and comments...
Why do you need a hairbrush? You dont have any hair!
Larry is taken aback. The thought had never occurred to him. No hair? What would this mean? What will become of him? What will become of his hairbrush? Larry wonders...
No hair for my hairbrush
No hair for my hairbrush
No hair, no hair, no where, no hair, no hair, no hair, no where, back there, no hair...
For my hairbrush
Having heard his wonderings, Bob the Tomato enters the scene. Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Bob regains his composure and confesses...
Larry, that old hairbrush of yours...
Well, you never use it, you dont really need it, so...
Well, Im sorry ... I didnt know
But I gave it to the Peach - cause hes got hair!
Feeling a deep sense of loss, Larry stumbles back and laments...
Not fair, oh, my hairbrush
Not fair, my poor hairbrush!
Not fair, not fair, no hair, not fair, no where, no hair, not fair, not fair, not fair! My little hairbrush!
Having heard his lament, the Peach enters the scene. Himself in a towel, both Larry and the Peach are shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of each other. But recognizing Larrys generosity, the Peach is thankful...
Thanks for the hairbrush
Yes, good has been done here. The Peach exits the scene. Larry smiles, but, still feeling an emotional attachment for the hairbrush, calls out...
Take care of my hairbrush
Take care, oh my hairbrush
Take care, take care, dont dare not care, take care, nice hair, no fair, take care, take care...
Of my hairbrush
The end!
Applause |
Narrator: Its Christmas Eve, and Larry is anxiously awaiting the
Arrival of Santa Claus with a plate of cookies.
Larry: Oh, Santa! I cant wait for you to come, I just cant wait for
You to come, and Ive got cookies! Three yummy cookies! Just for you for
When you come, oh me, for you for when you come ... because its
Larry: Could that be Santa? Could that be him? Could it be the one who
Brings presents for a cucumber like me, a good cucumber like me?
Narrator: Larry is surprised to be greeted not by Santa, but crafty
Larry: Who are you?
Bankrobber: Im a bankrobber! And Ive come to rob your bank, oh yes!
Ive come to rob your bank, and Ive come to take your dimes and swipe
Your nickels. So stand back, step aside you silly pickle! And let me
Narrator: Although frightened by the intruder, in the spirit of
Christmas Larry makes an offering.
Larry: Im not a banker ... I have no bank my robbing friend, but I
Have cookies--three yummy cookies. And I dont have nickels, but please
Take this my robbing friend. Eat one of these my robbing friend. They
Are for Santa, but you may have one.
Narrator: The bankrobber is truly touched by Larrys good will. But
Larry, although momentarily distracted, is still excited about seeing
Larry: Oh, Santa! I cant wait for you to come, I just cant wait for
You to come, and Ive got cookies! Two yummy cookies! Just for you for
When you come, oh me, for you for when you come ... because its
Bankrobber: Im a robber! I came to rob your bank, oh
Yes! I came to rob your bank ... you shared a cookie--a yummy cookie
Though Id love to take your dimes, perhaps another time--because its
Larry: Could that be Santa? Could that be him? Could it be the one who
Brings presents for a cucumber like me, a good cucumber like me?
Narrator: Once again, it is not Santa who has come to Larrys door, but
This time a savage Norseman.
Larry: Who are you?
Viking: Im a viking! And Ive come to take your land, oh yes! Ive
Come to take your land, and Ive come to burn your crops and steal your
Horses. And Ive come to ... step on your chickens! And soil your
Narrator: Although frightened by the intruder, in the spirit of
Christmas Larry makes an offering.
Larry: I dont have land ... I dont have crops, my viking friend, but
I have cookies--two yummy cookies. And I dont have horses, but please
Take this my viking friend. Eat one of these my viking friend. They are
For Santa, but you may have one.
Narrator: The viking is also touched by Larrys good will. But Larrys
Thoughts are still with Santa.
Larry: Oh, Santa! I cant wait for you to come, I just cant wait for
You to come, Ive got a cookie! A yummy cookie! Just for you for when
You come, oh me, for you for when you come ... because its Christmas!
Viking: Im a viking! I came to take your land, oh
Yes! I came to take your land ... you shared a cookie--a yummy cookie
Though Id love to soil your quilts, I dont think that I wilt ...
Because its Christmas!
Larry: Could that be Santa? Could that be him? Could it be the one who
Brings presents for a cucumber like me, a good cucumber like me?
Narrator: Larry is greeted now by an agent of the Internal Revenue
Larry: Who are you?
Peach: Im from the IRS! And Ive come to tax your ...
Larry: Oh, Santa! I cant wait for you to come, I just cant wait for
You to come ... Its finally Santa! Its finally him! At last, the one
Who brings presents for a cucumber like me, a good cucumber like me!
Santa: Im Santa! And Ive come to bring you gifts, oh yes! Ive come
To bring you gifts, and Ive come to stuff your stockings--oh ho-ho-ho!
And Ive come to jiggle my belly. And wiggle my nose ... Hey, wait a
Minute! Isnt that my belt? And what are you doing with my hat? So
Youre the ones!
Bankrobber: Wait a minute, I can explain!
Viking: Weve changed!
Santa: Nobody messes with Santa! You know that dont you!? Youve been
Very naughty! And Ive got a list!
Peach: Did you claim that?
Larry: Merry ... Christmas |
Now, kids, were gonna sing along with one of my favorite songs, The Bunny Song
Monsieur Bob! Were not supposed to sing the Bunny Song!
Oh-ho-ho-ho! Thank you for pointing that out, Jean-Claude, but this is the new and improved Bunny Song
This is the one were supposed to sing!
I see
The bunny, the bunny
Whoa, I ate the bunny
I didnt eat my soup or my bread, just the bunny
The bunny, the bunny
Oh! I love the bunny
But now i feel sick in the head from the bunny
I didnt eat my salad, I didnt eat my steak
I had too much candy, got a tummy ache
I need to eat good food to help me to grow
Ill obey my momma cause she loves me so
Ya, Ill go to church and Ill go to school
That stuff is important, and I aint no fool!
I dont want no pickles, I dont want no honey
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny
I dont want a tissue when my nose is runny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny
I dont wanna tell you a joke that is funny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny
I dont wanna play on a day that is sunny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny
The bunny, the bunny
Whoa! I ate the bunny
I didnt eat my soup or my bread, just the bunny
The bunny, the bunny
Oh! I love the bunny
But now I feel sick in the head...
From the bunny! |
Ive got peace like a river
Ive got peace like a river
Ive got peace like a river in my soul
Ive got peace like a river
Ive got peace like a river
Ive got peace like a river in my soul
Ive got love like an ocean
Ive got love like an ocean
Ive got love like an ocean in my soul
Ive got love like an ocean
Ive got love like an ocean
Ive got love like an ocean in my soul
Ive got joy like a fountain
Ive got joy like a fountain
Ive got joy like a fountain in my soul
Ive got joy like a fountain
Ive got joy like a fountain
Ive got joy like a fountain in my soul
Ive got peace, love and joy like a river
Ive got peace, love and joy like a river
Ive got peace, love and joy like a river in my soul
Ive got peace, love and joy like a river
Ive got peace, love and joy like a river in my soul |
And now its time for silly songs with Larry the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song
Got the munchies on that fateful night round 8: 00, so I phoned in a pizza for delivery
I had a feeling that something wasnt right, no pizza
I set the table with a paper plate
How would I know that itd be late?
Its taken so long, where could it be?
Had a 30-minute guarantee
Pizza angel, please come to me
Tomato sauce and cheese so gooey
Pizza angel, Im on my knees
Youre my #1 pie from Sicily
Did it get lost, did they just forget
Should I have ordered on the Internet?
Ready for dinner, now Im not so sure
I think my sodas room temperature
Pizza angel, please come to me
Tomato sauce and cheese, so gooey
Pizza angel, Im on my knees
And dont forget to add my favorite anchovies
Ya ya ya
I was concerned for my delivery
8 little slices of heaven for me
Cant stop thinking it would make me smile
When I tasted my first Chicago style
Goin crazy while I pace the floor
Then my heart skipped when I heard the door!
I opened the door in expectation, but it was the saddest sight I ever saw
Inside I could smell the aroma of deep-dish goodness, but the box was empty
The house number was broken so I couldnt find you, I was getting kinda hungry so I ate your pizza. Sorry about that, you dont need to tip me or anything
Pizza angel, please come to me
Tomato sauce and cheese so gooey
Pizza angel Im on my knees
Youll live forever in my memory
Pizza angel, please come to me
Tomato sauce and cheese so gooey
Pizza angel, Im on my knees
I will miss you for eternity
Ill never forget you, pizza angel |
And now its time for Ukulele Karaoke with Bob. The part of the show when Bob comes out & sings an Ukulele Karaoke
Uh, whats going on?
Youre doing the Ukulele Karaoke, no?
No, Im on break. This is the Pirates...
They are busy with the rest of the show
B-But I dont know the song
Youre lyrics, monsieur. Bring in the props!
Your island breeze, monsieur!
Hold on a sec! Im totally unprepared to do a solo!
Your back-up singers
Huh? Isnt that the-
Oui, they are the Wiggly Turtle Tubies!
The Wiggly Turtle Tubies? They look taller on TV
So do you, tomato!
But really, this is Larrys gig! I cant just--
The show must go on, monsieur! Quick, that is your que! Just follow the lyrics
Lance the Turtle! Aloha, Lance! Lance the Turtle, dance-dance-dance!
Lance the Turtle! Aloha, Lance! Lance the Turtle, dance-dance-dance!
Well, I keep a little turtle at my Uncle & my Aunts
My aunties name is Myrtle, & my island turtles name is Lance
He doesnt wander far, even if he gets the chance
He just plays his ukulele & he does the hula dance!
Lance the Turtle! Aloha, Lance! Lance the Turtle, dance-dance-dance!
Lance the Turtle! Aloha, Lance! Lance the Turtle, dance-dance-dance!
He threw a luau barbecue one breezy summer night
Invited all his turtle friends to come & have a wiki bite
The turtles started walking there as Lance began to swing
The one who lived across the street arrived there in the Spring!
Oh, I get it! Turtles are slow, so it took him a long time. Thats pretty good
Lance the Turtle! Aloha, Lance! Lance the Turtle, dance-dance-dance!
But Lance just kept on cooking, he was grilling full of glee!
He was marinating ribs cause he liked-
Syrup with his feta cheese?
I-Im sorry, I-
Lances purple turtle shell has ketchup if you please
Pineapples are shiny!
Spotted tiki bumblebees?!
Oh, man!
Lance the Turtle! Aloha, Lance! Lance the Turtle, dance-dance-dance!
Wait a minute, guys. I dont think this is right. It doesnt make any sense!
It works for us! Ha-ha!
The song! The song!
There are luscious chocolate fingers, swimming slowly in the school
Mele Kalikimaka
Fluffy bunnies driving in the pool! Uh, Larry?!
Thousand igloos wax the beach, spray luggage in the trees!
Raining puppies, flying clowns
Flossing punahele-
Ow! Oh, forget it
Lance the Turtle! Aloha, Lance! Lance the Turtle, dance-dance-dance!
Lance the Turtle! Aloha, Lance! Lance the Turtle, dance-dance-dance!
This has been Ukulele Karaoke with Bob. Tune in next time to here Bob say
Ill be in my dressing room |
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning
Give me oil in my lamp, I pray
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning
Keep me burning till the break of day
And I will sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna
Sing Hosanna to the King of kings
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna
Sing Hosanna to the King
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising
Give me joy in my heart, I pray
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising
Keep me praising till the break of day
And I will sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna
Sing Hosanna to the King of kings
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna
Sing Hosanna to the King of kings
Give me gas in my ford, keep me tracking for the Lord
Give me gas in my ford I pray
Give me gas in my ford, keep me tracking for the Lord
Keep me tracking till the break of day
And I sing, sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna
Sing Hosanna to the King of kings
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna
Sing Hosanna to the King
Give me ........... in my gumption
Help me function, function, function
Give me ........... in my gumption, I pray
Give me ........... in my gumption
Help me function, function, function
Help me function till the break of day
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna
Sing Hosanna to the King of kings
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna
Sing Hosanna to the King
Sing Hosanna to the King |
Here we go. Zacchaeus was a wee little man
And a wee little man was he. Very little
He climbed up in a sycamore tree
For the Lord he wanted to see. Hello!
And as the Savior passed that way
He looked up in the tree
And he said, Zacchaeus, you come down, for Im going to your house today
Yes, Im going to your house today
Zacchaeus was a wee little man And a wee little man was he very little He climbed up in a sycamore tree For the Lord he wanted to see. And as the Savior passed that way He looked up in the tree
And he said, Zacchaeus, you come down,
for Im going to your house today. Yes, Im going to your house today Zacchaeus was a wee little man and happy little man was he. Zacchaeus saw the LORD that day, and what a happy little man was he
Cuz as the Savior passed his way he looked up in the tree
And he said Zacchaeus, you come down
What a happy little man was he
What a happy little man was he |
When I was a boy I went to church back home in Arizona
And it was there I learned the tale of a man whose name was Jonah
Now Jonah was a prophet, but thats not why hes remembered
They tell the tale, Cause in a whale he nearly was dismembered!
Jonah was a prophet
But he really never got it
Sad but true!
And if you watch him you can spot it
He did not get the point!
Compassion and mercy from me to you and you to me
Exactly what god wants to see and yes that is the point!
Jonah was a prophet
But he really never got it
Sad but true!
And if you watch him you can spot it
He did not get the point!
Now Jonah Set Sail On A Pirate ship
In a dreadful gale
Got eaten up by a giant whale
There is no more to be said
Now poor old Jonah
And now hes all alone-ah
Got to use a megaphone-ah
To get it through to his head-HEY!
Jonah was a prophet
But he really never got it
Sad but true!
And if you watch him you can spot it
He did not get the point!
Now during your life you probly dont ride on a camel
And you probly wont wake up inside a large aquatic mammal
But now in your life there is something you can do
Everyone deserves a second chance to come from you!
Compassion and mercy from me to you and you to me
Exactly what god wants to see and yes that is the point!
Jonah was a prophet
But he really never got it
Sad but true!
Jonah was a prophet! |
And now its time for Schoolhouse Polka with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a schoolhouse polka
Whether, whether, whether, whether
Whether you like it or not
Weather, weather, weather, weather
Weather is cold, warm and hot
Two, two, two, two
Two of my favorite toys
Im bringing to, to, to, to
A place the first one enjoys…
And I like it, too!
Homophones! Homophones!
Where the crews come cruising down the plane!
Homophones! Homophones!
I need my kneaded biscuits plain!
I know a pear, pear, pear, pear
With a pair of really soft shoes
He wears them to pare, pare, pare, pare
Bushes that easily bruise
I planted rows, rows, rows, rows
Of a horribly bad smelling rose
Now no one knows, knows, knows, knows
If the scent will be leaving my nose!
But most likely no
Homophones! Homophones!
Where the toads are towed out on the plane!
Homophones! Homophones!
I need my kneaded biscuits plain!
Whether, whether, whether, whether
Whether you like it or not
Weather, weather, weather, weather
Weather is cold, warm and hot
This has been Schoolhouse Polka with Larry, tune in next time to hear Larry sing
Whaaaaat happened to my preposition
I took it on an expedition
Put it by the thing
I keep my fish in
Got infected with a skin condition!
Im a pronoun
Theyre a pronoun
Hes a pronoun
Shes a pronoun
Wouldnt you like to be a pronoun too?
It was the biggest bluest cleanest brightest quickest newest roundest nicest softest tallest toughest lightest smoothest kindest flattest tightest most amazing adjective
Id ever seen
Im done
Interjections? Adverbs?
Alrighty |
I have the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart,
Down in my heart,
Down in my heart
I have the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart,
Down in my heart to stay
And Im so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart
And Im so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart
I have the love of Jesus, love of Jesus
Down in my heart,
Down in my heart,
Down in my heart
I have the love of Jesus, love of Jesus
Down in my heart,
Down in my heart to stay
And Im so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart
And Im so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart
Ive got the wonderful love of my precious redeemer
Way down in the depths of my heart
Down in my heart,
Down in my heart,
Ive got the wonderful love of my precious redeemer
Way down in the depths of my heart
Down in my heart to stay
And Im so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart
And Im so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart |
The bunny, the bunny, whoa, I love the bunny
I dont love my soup or my bread, just the bunny
The bunny, the bunny, yeah, I love the bunny
I gave everything that I had for the bunny
I dont want no health food when its time to feed
A big bag o bunnies is all that I need
I dont want no buddies to come out and play
Ill sit on my sofa, eat bunnies all day
I wont eat no beans, and I wont eat tofu
That stuff is for sissies, but bunnies are cool!
I dont want no pickles, I dont want no honey
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny
I dont want a tissue when my nose is runny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny
I dont want to tell you a joke that is funny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny
I dont want to play on a day that is sunny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny
The bunny, the bunny, whoa, I love the bunny
I dont love my soup or my bread, just the bunny
The bunny, the bunny, yeah, I love the bunny
I gave everything that I ha-a-a-ad...
For the bunny |
You were lying in your bed
You were feeling kind of sleepy
But you couldnt close your eyes because the room was getting creepy
Were those eyeballs in the closet?
Was that Godzilla in the hall?
There was something big and hairy casting shadows on the wall
Now your heart is beating like a drum
Your skin is getting clammy
Theres a hundred tiny monsters jumping right into your jammies!
What are going to do?
Im going to call the police!
No! You dont need to do anything!
What? Why?
God is bigger than the boogie man
Hes bigger than Godzilla, or the monsters on TV
Oh, God is bigger than the boogie man
And Hes watching out for you and me
So, when Im lying in my bed
And the furniture starts creeping
Ill just laugh and say, Hey, cut that out!
And get back to my sleeping
Cause I know that Gods the biggest
And Hes watching all the while
So, when I get scared Ill think of Him
And close my eyes and smile!
God is bigger than the boogie man
Hes bigger than Godzilla, or the monsters on TV
Oh, God is bigger than the boogie man
And Hes watching out for you and me
So, are you frightened?
No, not really
Are you worried?
Not a bit
I know whatevers gonna happen
That God can handle it
Im sorry that I scared you when you saw me on TV
Well thats okay
Cause now I know that God is taking care of me!
God is bigger than the boogie man
Hes bigger than Godzilla, or the monsters on TV
Oh, God is bigger than the boogie man
And Hes watching out for you and me
One more time!
God is bigger than the boogie man
Hes bigger than Godzilla, or the monsters on TV
Oh, God is bigger than the boogie man
And Hes watching out for you and me
Out for you and me! Yeah! |
Its time to talk about what we learned today
And so what we have learned applies to our lives today
And God has a lot to say in His book
You see, we know that Gods word is for everyone
And now that our song is done, well take a look |
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red & yellow, black & white
Theyre precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world
Jesus cares for all the children
All the children of the world
Black and yellow, red and white
Theyre all precious in His sight
Jesus cares for the children of the world
Jesus came to save the children
All the children of the world
Black and yellow, red and white
Theyre all precious in His sight
Jesus came to save the children of the world
Jesus came to save the children of the world |
And now its time for Silly Songs with Larry
The part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song
We join Larry as he follows the tragic saga of Barbara Manatee
In the daytime drama
Endangered Love
Barbara Manatee
You are the one for me
Sent from up above
You are the one I love
Please dont cry Bar-ba-ra
Youre a nice manatee
Youve been so good to me
But I must go into the world and do noble things for the good of all
And you cant come because you dont speak French
Au revoir
But if you leave, Bill
Who will take me to the ball?
Whos gonna take me to the ball, Bill?
I have a new dress and shoes
And new manatee lipstick
Who will take me to the ball?
Ill take you to the ball, Barbara Manatee!
Please dont go
I must!
Dont go!
I must!
Dont dont!
Must must!
Barbara Manatee
You are the one for me
Sent from up above
You are the one I love
Barbara Manatee
Ill be your mon amie
Ill take you to the ball
I hope youre not to tall
Bill, Ive learned French
You have?
Mais, oui. Je suis manatee. See?
Oui, oui mon amie!
I always knew you could
I really hoped you would
Now can we go into the world and do noble things for the good of all?
Yes, but first, Bill
Will you take me to the ball?
Oh, Bill, will you take me to the ball?
...I cant dance
You cant!?
I must go
Please dont go
I must
Dont go!
I must!
Dont dont!
Must must!
Barbara Manatee
You are the one—
Larry? What are you doing?
Just... watchin a little TV... Bob
Well... maybe you should read a book
Yeah, ok
This has been silly songs with Larry
Tune in next time to hear Bill say...
Oh Bar-ba-ra, Ive learned to dance
Oh, Bill |
And nows it time for
Obscure Broadway Show Tunes with Larry
The part of the show where Larry comes out
And sings an obscure Broadway show tune
Without further ado from the unknown musical
Office Supplies, the heart-rending love song
Where Have All The Staplers Gone?
We dont have much time before the big meeting
No, no, we dont
Have you seen the scissors, miss?
Theyre in the bottom drawer
I tried that drawer but theyre there no more
Thats odd
I know I thought for sure
Have you seen the masking tape?
Its right next to the phone
Thats what I thought but nows it not
I guess I should have known
Oh, where have all the staplers gone?
What happened to our paper clips?
The ballpoint pens are gone again
Theyre gone again
The stick-it pads have lost their stick
Do you remember when
The rubber bands were in their place?
Theyre in the middle drawer
Middle drawer, middle drawer
Light bulbs easy to replace
Yes, there were always more
Reams of paper raining down
Raining, raining down
Legal pads a plenty, were legal
Highlighters in every hue, I remember
Never less than twenty
Oh, where have all the staplers gone?
What happened to our paper clips?
The ballpoint pens are gone again
Theyre gone again
Weve run out of packing slips
Someday my prints will come
Please replace the toner
Someday well find more of
Our manila folders
Someday my prints will come
Wheres the printer cable?
Someday well find more of
Adhesive shipping labels
Oh, where have all the staplers gone?
What happened to our paper clips?
Paper clips
The ballpoints are gone again
Theyre gone again
The Sharpies all have flattened tips
Where have all the staplers gone?
This has been Obscure Broadway Show Tunes with Larry
Tune in for act two, revenge of the Staplers |
Have you ever seen a boy with funny clothes?
A girl with braces on her teeth or freckles on her nose?
Some kids call them oddballs, some kids call them weird
Is it my imagination, or does Aunt Ruth have a beard?
God makes lots of people in all colors, shapes, and sizes
He loves them very much and what we need to realize is
That calling people names because theyre different is wrong
Instead we need to look on them in love and sing this song
I can be your friend, I can be your friend
Any day, in any weather
We can be friends and play together
Yeah, were all pretty different, some are skinny, some are stout
But the inside is the part that were supposed to care about
Aye, thats where weve got feelings that are very much the same
So, instead of weirdo, I think friends a better name
I can be your friend , I can be your friend
If your hair is red or yellow
We can have lunch, Ill share my jello
I can be your friend , I can be your friend
Its okay if we are different
We can still play cause I can be your friend |
Youre feelin pretty blue
You didnt do what God requested
Yeah, Id be mopin too, if I was gonna be digested
This aint a pretty picture, no
I said, it aint a pretty sight, no
You ran from God this morning and youre
Whale chow tonight!
But hold up, hang on
Not so fast, your life aint over yet
See, were here to tell you all about
The forgiveness that you can get
You see Gods a God of mercy
Gods a God of love
And right now, Hes gonna lend
A helping hand from up above
Praise the Lord, Hes the God of second chances
Youll be floored how His love your life enhances
You can be restored from your darkest circumstances
Our God is a God of second chances!
Aint it good to know a God who gives a second chance?
Why, thats enough to get a smile from Mr. Grumpy-Pants
So, if you say youre sorry for all the stuff you do
We know that Hell be ready with a second chance for you
Praise the Lord, Hes the God of second chances
Youll be floored how His love your life enhances
You can be restored from your darkest circumstances
Our God is a God of second chances
Our God is a God
If you believe, Gods love is true
Then you should know what you should do
If you believe, Gods love is true
Then you should know what you should do
If you believe, Gods love is true
Then you should know what you should do
If you believe, Gods love is true
Then you should know what you should do
God gives a second chance
Second chances, second chances
Praise the Lord, Hes the God of second chances
Youll be floored when youre restored from your darkest circumstances
Our God is a God of second chances
Second chances, second chances
Praise the Lord, He is the God of second chances
Youll be floored when youre restored from your darkest circumstances
Our God is a God of second chances
If you believe, Gods love is true
Then you should know what you should do
If you believe, Gods love is true
Then you should know what you should do
Second chances, second chances
Praise the Lord, Hes the God of second chances
Youll be floored when youre restored from your darkest circumstances
Our God is a God of second chances
Our God is a God
Our God is a God
Second chances, second chances
Second chances, second chances
Second chances, second chances
Second chances, second chances |
If it doesnt have a tail its not a monkey
Even if it has a monkey kinda shape
If it doesnt have doesnt have a tail its not a monkey
Well maybe we could catch it on the tape
If it doesnt have a tail its not a monkey if it doesnt have a tail its not a monkey its an ape
There it goes!
In the trees
I dont know
I cant tell if its a monkey or an ape
Its quite simple, Bob
If it doesnt have a tail its not a monkey if it doesnt have a tail its not a monkey its an ape
Larry, Im not sure youve got your logic quite right
The zookeeper lady said it
Who am I to tell her shes wrong?
Sure, but I dont think she meant...
If it doesnt have a tail its not a monkey if it doesnt have a tail its not a monkey its an ape
A kite has a tail
Its a monkey
A camera doesnt have a tail
Its an ape
If it doesnt have a tail its not a monkey if it doesnt have a tail its not a monkey its an ape
The time is here
Take a picture
Is it an ape?
A monkey!
Uh, Larry, thats a cow |
My Day
As sung by: Junior Asparagus
In my bed I start to pray
And tell God all about my day
I woke up in my little bed
And put my hat upon my head
Cleaned my room
And cleared my dishes
Told mom breakfast was delicious
I went to school, learned something new
And tried to follow every rule
I studied my vocabulary
Had some fun with Bob and Larry
And so its good to know
How much you love me
Its true, the Bible says you do
You really love me
Your love was with me all throughout my day
I somehow overlooked my bed
It seems my dog is underfed
Forgot to change my underclothes
Watched one too many T.V. shows
I had some trouble sharing toys
And during rest time, made some noise
The walls are not for coloring
Sometimes Im off-key, when I sing
And so its really good to know
How much you love me
Its true, the bible says you do
You really love me
Your love was with me all throughout my day
In my bed so quietly
I rest in knowing: God loves me! |
Raise the mast on the steadfast
Swept to their bareback seahorse
Say they gonna try the sea course
Who could survive such a dangerous mission
Alongside pirates with zero ambition
We got the coconuts poured
We drop the hooks overboard
And if you get a little seasick
We play the Haddock for a Hat trick
We got the hammocks on the main deck
Swingin low
We got the butler doin the hen-peck
Screamin so
He say we shoulda been swabbin the poop deck
We dunno
Its what the other pirates do, do but were bringin you
Yo ho heroes standin in the gap
Whered you put the toys, time to take a nap
Yo ho heroes, flighty as a bird, easy is the word
Yo, Im seein no heroes
Were on a limbo craze
Its a relic from our limber days
Now were stuck inside the Limbo-Zone
Its where the pirates go with too much time
And a missing spine
Yo ho heroes, standing in the gap
Whered you put the map, take another nap
Yo ho heroes, strike a better pose, thats the way it goes
Yo, Im seein no heroes
Were on the Bad Mood Swing
We havent done one thing
Not even a minimum daily requirement
We got the funk without the Parliament
And if youre feelin a little seasick, rise and shine
And if you wanna get off the guilt trip, nows the time
Because the Captain of the Main Ship, rings the chime
He could be comin before you know him
What are you gonna show him
Go hero, standing in the gap
Takin up the slack, followin the Kings Map
Go hero, steady as a rock, I know its a shock
Yo, there be a hero
Go hero, standin in the gap
Takin up the slack, followin the Kings Map
Go hero, steady at the wheel, keep an even keel
Yo, there be the Kings hero |
Kung Pow
Sweet and sour
Do the moo shoo
Moo shoo shoo moo moo shoo muh moo shoo moo moo shoo shoo moo moo shoo shoo
Do the moo shoo
Sweet and sour
Spicy shredded
Do the tofu
To foo foo to to to foo foo fo fo to n to to n fo fo
Break a fourtune cookie
Beware of grape with wooden mallet
Aint that the truth |
The Announcer: And now its time for a VeggieTales Christmas Party. The part of the show where we join our veggie friends at their annual Christmas party
Well into an evening of caroling and fun, the caterer has yet to arrive and the guests are quite hungry!
Jimmy: Man, I’m starving
Jerry: Im so hungry, I could eat a reindeer
Jimmy: Oh, yeah? I could eat twelve reindeer, and a sled
Jerry : Oh, yeah? I could eat twelve sleds...
Pa Grape: Hey Bob, have any Ritz Bitz?
Bob: Im sorry Pa, not yet. The food’s not here yet
Larry: Hey look everybody! Its Oscar the Polish Caterer with the food!
Oscar: Hello everyone! I hope youre hungry!
Bob: Oh, thank goodness youre here, Oscar! What took you so long?
Oscar: The Kowalski wedding, those people eat like you wouldnt believe...
Jimmy and Jerry: We believe!
Bob: Well, whatya bring us?
Oscar: Whatd I bring you? Whatd I bring you?! I tell you what I bring you!!
The first Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
A boiled potato topped with dill weed
The second Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
Two steamed perogies
Jimmy: Ahh, what’s a perogi?
Oscar: It’s dough. Wrapped around meat
Jimmy: Oh!
All: And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
Oscar: The third Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
Three simmered gołąbkis
Larry: Whats a gołąbki?
Oscar: It’s cabbage. Wrapped around meat
Larry: Oh
Jimmy: Two steamed pierogies
All: And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
Oscar: The fourth Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party Four baked paprikas
Archibald: Now, what is a paprika?
Oscar: Its a bell pepper, stuffed with meat
Archibald: I see
Larry: Three simmered gołąbkis
Jimmy: Two steamed perogies
All: And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
Oscar: The fifth Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
Five smoked kielbasas
Pa Grape: Whats a kielbasa?
Oscar: Its pretty much just meat
Pa Grape: Oh
Archibald: Four baked paprikas
Larry: Three simmered gołąbkis
Jimmy: Two steamed perogies
All: And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
Oscar: The sixth Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
Six fried chruścikis
Bob: Let me guess, something in the meat family?
Oscar: Actually, it’s a delightful pastry with a thin flaky crust
Others: Ohhhh!
Pa Grape: Five smoked kielbasas
Archibald: Four baked paprikas
Larry: Three simmered gołąbkis
Jimmy: Two steamed perogies
All: And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
Bob: Whoa Oscar, Im gettin kinda full...
Oscar: The seventh Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
Seven pitted prunes
Junior: I dont like prunes
Oscar: With this food, youll need em, son
Archibald: Oh, is that right
Pa Grape: Uh huh
Bob: Six fried chruścikis
Pa Grape: Five smoked kielbasas! Oy!
Archibald: Four baked paprikas
Larry: Three simmered gołąbkis
Jimmy: Two steamed perogies
All: And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
Pa Grape: Im gonna bust!
Oscar: The eighth Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
Eight poppy seed cakes
Larry: Poppies!
Pa Grape: Theres no place like home
Junior: Seven pitted prunes
Bob: Six fried chruścikis
Pa Grape: Five smoked kielbasas!
Archibald: Four baked paprikas
Larry: Three simmered gołąbkis
Jimmy: Two steamed perogies
All: And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
Announcer: This has been a VeggieTales Christmas Party. Tune in next time to hear Oscar say...
Oscar: Anybody wanna lick the spoon? |
Good morning, George, how are you?
I hope youre feeling fine
Id like to stay and talk, but its almost 8 oclock
And I havent got the time!
See ya later!
Because we work real hard at the chocolate factory
We start at 8, and we dont get lunch till 3
Ive got to drive a truck to make a buck
So I can send it home to my family!
Well now you are in trouble
Your timecard is a wreck
Its almost two past eight
Ill tell Nezzer that youre late
And hell take it from your check!
Yes, Mr. Lunt...
Oh, yes, we work real hard at the chocolate factory!
Excuse me, Mr. Lunt, but Ive got an injury!
Now get back on the line
Youll be just fine!
With all this work to do weve got no time for sympathy!
We use to be so happy
We use to laugh and run
Now theres no time to play
Cause we gotta work all day
And it isnt very fun!
Im Rack!
Im Shack!
Im Benny!
We work here in the plant
Wed like to take a break, for goodness sake
But Mr. Nezzer says
You cant! Ha!
We all need a vacation
Our schedule is severe
Were getting very tired
But stopping gets us fired
So well have to stay right here
Because we work real hard at the chocolate factory
We start at 8, and we dont get lunch till 3
We work the whole week through to make a buck or two
So we can send it home to our families!
Some day theyll come and join us
Well live in harmony
We hope that day is near
Until then youll find us here
At the Nezzer Chocolate Factory! |
Im busy, busy, dreadfully busy
Youve no idea what I have to do
Busy, busy, shockingly busy
Much, much too busy for you
Oh, I see
Were busy, busy, dreadfully busy
Youve no idea what we have to do
Busy, busy, shockingly busy
Much, much too busy for you
Cause were busy , busy , frightfully busy
More than a bumblebee, more than an ant
Busy , busy , horribly busy
Wed love to help, but we cant!
Ta ta! |
Rock-a-bye, baby, in the treetop
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all
Baby is drowsing, cozy and fair
Mother sits near in her rocking chair
Forward and back, the cradle, she swings
And though baby sleeps, he hears what she sings
Rock-a-bye, baby, in the treetop
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all
Rock-a-bye, baby
Rock-a-bye, baby
Rock-a-bye, baby
Rock-a-bye, baby
Rock-a-bye, baby |
Now, Billy Joe McGuffrey
Was a really clumsy kid
On the first day of first grade
Ill tell you what he did
He tripped over a pencil box
Flew up in the air
Landed on a kangaroo
Who pulled out all his hair
He needed first aid in the first grade
First aid in the first grade
First aid in the first grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Oh, Billy Joe McGuffrey
Was a really clumsy kid
On the second say of second grade
Ill tell you what he did
He slipped on a banana peel
Flew up in the sky
Landed on a chimpanzee
Who poked him in the eye
He needed first aid in the second grade
First aid in the second grade
First aid in the second grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Now, Billy Joe McGuffrey
Was a really clumsy kid
On the third day of third grade
Ill tell you what he did
He fell out of a fishing boat
Splashed into the sea
Landed on a moray eel
Who bit him on the knee
He needed first aid in the third grade
First aid in the third grade
First aid in the third grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
Mr. Asparagus: Twelfth grade!
Now, Billy Joe McGuffrey
Was a really clumsy kid
On the twelfth day of twelfth grade
Ill tell you what he did
He walked into financial aid
Fell and broke a bone
Showed them all his bills
And got a great big college loan
He needed first aid in the twelfth grade
First aid in the twelfth grade
First aid in the twelfth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid! |
Phillipe: Hello, Jean-Claude! It appears theres a problem in the sea. There’s a little hole, and its accumulating a lot of junk!
Jean-Claude: Oh ho!
Theres a hole in the bottom of the sea
There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea
Theres a hole
Theres a hole
Theres a hole in the bottom of sea
Phillipe: See? I told you
Jean-Claude: Wa-hoo!
Phillipe: Uh huh!
Theres a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Theres a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Theres a log
Theres a log
There’s a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Phillipe: But that’s not all! Weve only just begun!
There’s a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Theres a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Theres a bump
Phillipe: Ooh!
Theres a bump
Phillipe: Ooh!
There’s a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Phillipe: Oh, I love this song, Jean-Claude!
Jean-Claude: Wonderfully repetitive, Phillipe!
Theres a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Phillipe: Ha ha!
Theres a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Theres a frog
Theres a frog
Theres a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Phillipe: Oh boy, this is crazy!
Jean-Claude: Its getting nuts, no?
Theres a fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Phillipe: Oh ho!
Theres a fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Theres a fly
Phillipe: Uh huh!
Theres a fly
Theres a fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Phillipe: Oh, Im getting dizzy! Ok, again!
Jean-Claude: Oh, here we go!
Theres a wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Phillipe: Oh ho!
Theres a wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Theres a wing
Theres a wing
Theres a wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Phillipe: Oh ho, Jean-Claude, you are looking green!
Jean-Claude: But of course!
Theres a flea on the wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Theres a flea on the wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Theres a flea
Jean-Claude: Mm-hm!
Theres a flea
Jean-Claude: Mm-hm!
Theres a flea on the wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Theres a flea
Theres a flea
Theres a flea on the wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Phillipe: In the bottom of the seeea!
Jean-Claude: Thankfully, the flea is clean!
Phillipe: Oh yeah! |
Do not fight
Do not cheat
Wash your hands before you eat
There is nothing quite as sweet-
A message from the Lord
Be a friend
Say your prayers
Heaven loves a heart that cares
That is why Ive come to share a message from the Lord
And if you follow Gods commands
There will be peace throughout the land
You will live long and happy lives...
With your sheep - your kids - your wives
Dont eat pigs
Dont eat bats
Dont eat beetles, flies, or gnats
Stay away from all of that
A message from the Lord
Do whats right
Dont provoke
Put four tassels on your cloak
Do not laugh, its not a joke
A message from the Lord
Veggie People:
Do not fight
Do not cheat
Wash your hands before you eat
There is nothing quite as sweet-
A message from the Lord
Be a friend
Say your prayers
Heaven loves a heart that cares
That is why he came to share a message from the Lord
And if we follow Gods commands
There will be peace throughout the land
We will live long and happy lives...
With our sheep - our kids - our wives
Do whats right
Dont provoke
Put four tassels on your cloak
Do not laugh, its not a joke
A message from the Lord
Dont do drugs
Stay in school
This is quite a lot of rules!
Follow them and youre no fool-uh..
Veggie People:
Follow them and youre no fool-uh..
Follow them and youre no fool...
A message from the Lord
Follow them and youre no fool...
A message from the Lord
A message from the Lord |
Asparagus Singers:
Larry-Boy! Larry-Boy!
Lean and mean green machine!
Larry-Boy! Larry-Boy!
Out of sight, veg-o-mite!
Nicole C. Mullen:
Who do they call when Bumblyburgs in trouble?
Whos got the suit with super-suction ears?
Theres no need to panic, cause this guys manic
And you know that hell save the day!
You need a hand, hes right there on the double
Hey, hey, hes on the way
Purple and yellow! Hes one super fellow!
Asparagus Singers:
Larry-Boy! Larry-Boy!
Lean and mean green machine!
Larry-Boy! Larry-Boy!
Out of sight, veg-o-mite!
Nicole C. Mullen:
Where do you turn when this world needs a hero?
A man with style and plungers on his head?
Its easy to prove hes just one of the grooviest
Cats that youll ever know
Its plain to see in fashion hes no zero
At the wheel of the Larry-mobile
Purple and yellow! Hes one super fellow!
Asparagus Singers:
Larry-Boy! Larry-Boy!
Lean and mean green machine!
Larry-Boy! Larry-Boy!
Out of sight, veg-o-mite!
Long may the voice of freedom reign!
Larry-Boy: I am that hero!
Asparagus Singers:
Larry-Boy! Larry-Boy!
Lookin great! Fashion plate!
Larry-Boy! Larry-Boy!
Lean and mean green machine!
Larry-Boy! Larry-Boy!
Out of sight, veg-o-mite!
Larry-Boy! Larry-Boy!
Lean and mean green machine!
Lookin great! Fashion plate!
Out of sight...
Larry: Dynomite!
Asparagus Singers: Larry-Boy! |
Have you heard the one about Alfred?
A dangerous robot, Im told
Hes got lasers for eyes and a microchip brain
His skin is terribly cold
Weve heard the one about Alfred
Its strange, amazing! But true!
But now that weve heard about Alfred
Wed like to hear more about you!
Im a rumor weed! Im a rumor weed!
A tiny little story is all I need
To make a big mess
Im a rumor weed!
So what is a rumor?
It starts as a story
Maybe its true, maybe not
But once you repeat it
Its hard to defeat it
Now look at the mess that youve got
Uh, huh
Yeah, Alfreds a robot
Everyone knows!
The story is all over town
We rumor weeds know how a rumor can grow
Just like a big weed in the ground!
Im a rumor weed! Yes, its true!
Im a rumor weed! Ooh, ooh, ooh!
A tiny little story is all I need
To make a big mess, Im a rumor weed!
Im a rumor weed! Yes, its true!
Im a rumor weed! Ooh, ooh, ooh!
A tiny little story is all I need
Youd better watch out for the rumor weed
Im a rumor weed! Shes a rumor weed!
Im a rumor weed! Yeah, a rumor weed!
A tiny little story is all I need
Youd better watch out for the rumor weed
A tiny little story is all I need
Youd better watch out for the rumor weed |
Salesman #1: Allow us to introduce our selves
Were neighbors
Salesman #2: We moved in down the street!
Salesman #1: Some say were the most delightful bunch
Of fellows
Salesman #3: Youll ever want to meet!
Salesman #1: And if you have a moment to spare
Kind lady with beauty so ... rare
Wed like to take a minute or two
On a topic of interest to you
Salesmen: We represent the Stuff Mart
Salesman #2: An enormous land of goodies
Salesman #1: Would you mind if we stepped in, please?
Salesmen: And as associates of the Stuff Mart
Salesman #1: It looks like you could use some stuff!
I pray that you wont take this wrong, my dear
But initial observation is as follows:
The criminal responsible for this decor
Really should be hanging from the gallows!
Salesmen: We represent the Stuff Mart
Salesman #2: A magic land of retail
Salesman #3: Would you care to see whats on sale?
Salesmen: Then as a customer of the Stuff Mart
Get ready for some real nice stuff!
Salesman #2 and #3: Check it out! Check it out!
Salesman #1: If you want a big hat
Salesman #2 and #3: We got that!
Salesman #1: If you need a tube of glue
Salesman #2 and #3: We got that too!
Salesman #1: A 20-gallon wok?
Salesman #2 and #3: Theyre in stock!
And if you need refrigerators
To keep extra mashed potatoes
Or a giant air compressor
To blow fruit flies off your dresser
Or a dehydrated strudel
Or a nose ring for your poodle
Or a five-pound can of tuna
And some flippers to go scuba
Scuba! Scuba! Scooby-doo-be-doo-ba!
Here we go, scuba! Come on!
Salesman #1: If you need a rubber hose
Salesman #2 and #3: We got those!
Salesman #1: A rhododendron tree
Salesman #2 and #3: We got three!
Salesman #1: A wrap-around deck
Salesman #2 and #3: Gotta check!
But if you need a window scraper
And a gross of toilet paper
Or a ratchet set and pliers
And surround sound amplifiers
And a solar turkey chopper
Or a padded gopher bopper
Flannel shirts for looking grungy
And some rope for goin bungee
Bungee! Bungee! Bungee-wun-gee-fun-gee!
Here we go, bungee! Come on!
Salesman #1: What weve mentioned are only just some
Salesman #2: Of the wonderful things yet to come
Salesman #1: These pictures you keep are so ... nice
Salesman #3: But you really should take our advice
Salesman #1: Happiness waits at the Stuff Mart!
Salesmen: All you need is lots ... more ... stuff!
Salesman #2 and #3: You really, really ought to!
Madame: How could I afford not to?
Salesman #1: Happiness waits at the Stuff Mart!
Salesmen: All you need is lots ... more ... stuff! |
This is my commandment
That you love one another
That your joy may be full
This is my commandment
That you love one another
That your joy may be full
That your joy may be full
That your joy may be full
This is my commandment
That you love one another
That your joy may be full
This is my commandment
That you serve one another
That your joy may be full
This is my commandment
That you serve one another
That your joy may be full
That your joy may be full
That your joy may be full
This is my commandment
That you serve one another
That your joy may be full
This is my commandment
That you love one another
That your joy may be full
This is my commandment
That you love one another
That your joy may be full
That your joy may be full
That your joy may be full
This is my commandment
That you love one another
That your joy may be full
That your joy may be full! |
Announcer: And now its time for Helpful Humanitarian Songs with Mr. Lunt, the part of the show where Mr. Lunt comes out and sings a Helpful Humanitarian Song
Lunt: Well hes a mangy old pet
If you saw him I bet Youd walk the other way
So sad and alone
With his hair overgrown
Like a stinky old toupee
But doggies have feelings, and doggies need love
And doggies like those deep fried treats
That come from up above
Ohhh! Donuts for Benny
Please give.. a glazed to make his smile
Thank you, maam!
Poor troubled beast
Wont you at least
Comfort him awhile?
Sir, can you spare a... donut for Benny
Please help my doggy friend
Thank you kind sir!
A honey dip would really help
His broken heart to mend...
Well just look at this pup
He is brightening up
Hes looking not so weak
Oh Benny!
His outlook was grim
Till you gave pastries to him
Oh look, he wants to speak...
Oh, doggies have feelings!
And doggies need love!
And doggies like sweet, doughy treats that come from up above!
Benny: Waltz me around again baby!
Around, around, around!
These donuts are dreamy!
Their filling is creamy!
Oh! Dont let my feet touch the ground
I feel like a ship
On an ocean of joy
I just want to holler out loud
Waltz me around again baby!
Around, around, around!
Lunt: Maybe... you shouldnt have any more donuts
Townspeople: Oh, doggies have feelings
Lunt: No no no no! Dont give him any more! Itll make him crazy!
Townspeople: Doggies need love
Lunt: No, no more donuts for the dog! Oh man, this is a terrible idea
Townspeople: And doggies like sweet, doughy treats that come from up above!
Benny: Waltz me around again baby!
Around, around, around!
These donuts are dreamy! Their filling is creamy!
Oh! Dont let my feet touch the ground
I feel like a ship
On an ocean of joy
I just want to holler out loud
Waltz me around again baby!
Around, around, around!
Announcer: This has been Helpful Humanitarian Songs with Mr. Lunt, tune in next time to hear Mr. Lunt say...
Lunt: Dont..give...donuts...to dogs!! |
Hi, Junior, how was your day, today?
My plate, my art Art Begotti limited edition collector plate
What happened to it?
Well, its Lauras fault, she broke the plate, I tried to stop her
She said she had to demonstrate her apple chopper
The apple chopper worked just great
But chopped right through your bowling plate
Its Lauras fault, she broke the plate, its true
And thats the tale I have to tell to you
Oh my, if thats what she said happened then
Well, I trust you Junior
Actually, Laura didnt break the plate
It was, it was Lenny
Her brother?
Yep, thats great, Lenny broke the plate
Ill tell you the whole story
Its Lennys fault, he broke the plate, hes very naughty
Just how was I to know he hated Art Begotti?
He gave it to a crocodile, who chewed it up for quite awhile
Its Lennys fault, he broke the plate, its true
And thats the tale I have to tell to you |
Jean Claude: Now Madame Blueberry was a sad little berry
She lived by herself in a house in a tree
Her butlers would show up each morning at nine
Theyd open the door to hear Madame whine
Madame: Im so blue-hoo-hoo
Blue-hoo-hoo hoo!
Im so blue I dont know what to do!
Bob and Larry: Shes so blue-hoo-hoo
Blue-hoo-hoo hoo!
Shes so blue she dont know what to do!
Jean Claude: Her butlers, whose names were Bob and Larry
Would help her with chores in her house in a tree
Bob would wash dishes for Larry to dry
Madame would stack them and then start to cry
Madame: Im so blue-hoo-hoo
Blue-hoo-hoo hoo!
Bob and Larry: Shes so blue she dont know what to do!
Madame: These dishes are faded, their edges are chipped!
This rose is on backward and this one is flipped!
These spoons are too tiny, these forks are no good!
These knives have gone dull and dont slice like they should!
Madame: My neighbors have nice things, Ive seen them myself
In fact, I keep pictures up here on my shelf!
Look at this new flatware of Monsieur LaGoons
And Monsieur DesPlanes has twelve Franklin mint spoons!
And Phillip Van Pea went and bought a new sink
Why, he even has a disposal, I think!
And look at this crock pot of Madame Lacrosses
And ceramic jars where she keeps all her sauces!
Nice sauces...
Im so blue-hoo-hoo
Blue-hoo-hoo hoo!
Bob and Larry: Shes so blue she dont know what to do!
Madame: Just look at this sofa of Edward and Tammys
And lovely armoire where they keep all their jammies!
I really cant stand it, I think I may die!
Now where was that hanky? Im going to cry!
Too late! Bahaahaa!
Im so blue-hoo-hoo
Blue-hoo-hoo hoo!
Im so blue I dont know what to do!
Bob and Larry: Shes so blue!
Madame: Im so blue!
All: Shes so blue-hoo-hoo hoo!
Shes so blue she dont know what to do! |
And now its time for The Blues with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings the blues
Hey, everybody! I’m gonna lay down some blues
All sunshine and roses
No rain came my way
I said, all sunshine and roses
No rain came my way. Mm-mm
My dad bought me ice cream
Oh, happy, happy, happy, happy day!
Mm hm. I ate up that ice cream, got some on my face
Thats right, right on my face
I said, I ate up that ice cream
Got some on my face
Got some on the table
Oh happy, sticky, happy, sticky, happy, happy, sticky, happy place
Blind Lemon Lincoln:
Hey man, whatcho doin?
I’m singin the blues!
Blind Lemon Lincoln:
Aw, man, the blues is for singin when you feel sad
But I dont feel sad
Blind Lemon Lincoln:
Man, then you got no business singin the blues
Here, lemme help you out
Take this
Cool! Ice cream! Thanks!
Blind Lemon Lincoln:
Now gimmie back that ice cream
You took my ice cream
You took it from me
You took my ice cream
You took it away from me
Blind Lemon Lincoln:
Oh yeah! Now youre gettin it
Now listen up
But Im still not sad. I’ll just have a ... cookie!
Blind Lemon Lincoln:
No, no, no, man! You almost had it
C’mon, like this
You took away my ice cream!
You took it away from me
My sweet creamy ice cream
I dont care ’bout no cookie, woo!
Now try it again
My cookies and ice cream:
They both gone away
Blind Lemon Lincoln:
Thats right. Mm hm. Feel it
My cookies and ice cream: they both gone away
Blind Lemon Lincoln:
Aw, sweet man, sweet
But that dont bother me none!
I got me my freshly baked...
Blind Lemon Lincoln:
Wha? Strudel? Man, you cant say strudel in the blues!
That don’t even rhyme
Well , what about... poodle! Cause I got a poodle
Blind Lemon Lincoln:
Oh, no. Dont tell me youre gonna eat that poodle
No, Im just gonna pet him!
Pettin poodles makes me happy
Arf arf!
Blind Lemon Lincoln:
Sorry, man. You way too happy to sing the blues
Polka Guy:
Allo! Would you like to polka?
Dont got no ice cream, no cookies, no strudel
Dont got no ice cream, no cookies, no strudel
But Im yodel-a-dee, yodel-a-dee yodel-a-dee happy-hoo!
Just here with my poodle
Thats right! Oh yeah!
Im yodel-a-dee, yodel-a-dee, yodel-a-dee happy-hoo!
Just me and my poodle
Arf arf!
This has been The Blues with Larry, tune in next time to-
Oh, never mind
Larrys not likely to be singing the blues again any time soon |
This is the song that runs under the credits
These are the credits, so this is where it goes
Has nothing to do with the movie so well say
Hey! Hey! Hey hey hey hey hey hey
There once was a song, that ran under the credits
That went with the movie, but this is not that song
Has nothing to do with the movie so well say
Hey! Hey! Hey hey hey hey hey hey
Wouldnt it be nice if the song under the credits
Had something to do with the movie you just saw
But thats not the case so for now well have to say
Hey! Hey! Hey hey hey hey hey hey
There should be a rule that the song under the credits
Remotely pertains to the movies basic plot
That rule has not been made so for now well have to say
Hey! Hey! Hey hey hey hey hey hey
Larry: Im gonna go home and take a nap!
Pa Grape: Come on, we have contractual obligations to finish the song
Mr. Lunt: They paid for a full 79 minutes of entertainment, pal! Get back in the booth!
Larry: Wake me up for the prequel!
Pa Grape: Oh, come on! We were just starting to have fun! Oh man, I need a Tums.
Mr. Lunt: What? What, are we done? You mean thats it? Zim-bom-a-loo-bop-a-lop-bam-bing? Hey, hey, ho ho ho, Hey hey, ho ho ho, hey hey... If you need me, Ill be on the porch. |
We are the grapes of wrath
Well never take a bath
It is our style to seldom smile
And never laugh!
We are the grapes of wrath
So stay out of our path
Theres no escape from cranky grapes
We are the grapes of wrath
Im Ma!
Im Pa!
This is our brood
Were grumpy and we know it
Thats Tom and Rosey
Theyre both rude!
And not afraid to show it!
Were not the folks youd like to meet
We bicker by the hour
While other grapes are nice and sweet
Were really rather sour!
As we go driving by
I may spit in your eye!
Or throw a snake in your milkshake
To make you cry
Cause were the
Grapes of wrath
So stay out of our path
Theres no escape from cranky grapes
We are the grapes of wrath
Theres no escape from cranky grapes
We are the grapes of wrath |
Your Highness I believe there is much to fear
Really? Those Peonis are no longer here
A much greater danger may await you now
Hows that possible?
With permission, Your Highness, Ill tell you how
Go on...
Its my duty to inform you and if Im correct
To ignore this great emergency would be neglect
Its the motto of my office
Serve and protect
There are those who walk among us who show no respect
The law must be adjusted
There are those who cant be trusted
Oh, my goodness
Tell me about these people
A sneaky little family who do sneaky little things
Who stick their sneaky noses into matters of the king
I fear if theyre not dealt with --
The prospect makes me weep --
A zucchini-shaped sarcophagus is where youll sleep
The nerve!
I am disgusted!
There are those who cant be trusted
That sure doesnt sound like a nice family
Your Highness I believe we must act with speed
Agreed, say the word
Ill give you what you need
A simple solution but you must act now
Well, how can I help?
With permission, Your Highness, Ill tell you how
Go on...
After careful calculation Ive got just the thing
Well send to the dreaded isle of tickling
But before I can take action
We have to close the deal
And it needs the kingly imprint of your royal seal
I agree!
They must be busted!
There are those who cant be trusted
That sneaky little family who do sneaky little things
Who stick their sneaky noses into matters of the king
For crimes against the kingdom
The punishment is steep!
The isle of endless tickling is where theyll sleep
The law is now adjusted
For those who cant be trusted
Mordecai is busted!
There are those who cant be trusted |
I like your car
I like yours too
Is it a Jeep?
A Subaru
I like your tires
Youve got nice chrome
A trailer hitch?
Left mine at home
Oh, your suspension, it suspends me
Over heights Ive never known
And your roll bar is to die for
By the way I like your chrome
You already said that
Did I?
Oh, you and me in our sport utility vehicles
Crusin to 7-11 for a bag of Frito lays
Oh, you and me in our sport utility vehicles
Well slam into four wheel and pick up a dozen eggs
And if there ever was a snow, you know
A really, really deep snow
And if everyone was stuck but us
Wed be the ones not stuck
Then we could be the heroes
We could be the heroes
Yeah, we would be the heroes
We would push them and pull them
Push them and pull them
Push them and pull them, right out of the snow
I like your car
I like yours too
Its baby blue
Hows it handle?
Like a dream
How bout coffee
And then ice cream
Oh, you and me, in our sport utility vehicles
Crusin to Dunkin Donuts for a cup of steaming Joe
Oh, you and me, in our sport utility vehicles
Well slam into four wheel drive for a scoop of rocky road
And if, we ever go campin, you know
Havent been but one day, Ill go
And we find a ranger stuck in a ditch
A nice ranger in a deep ditch
Then we could be the heroes
Oh, we could be the heroes
Yeah, we would be the heroes
We would push him and pull him
Push him and pull him
Push him and pull him, right out of that ditch
I like your car
I like yours too
Is it a Jeep?
Its my sport utility vehicle |
What are you doing?
We are going to knock your wall down
By walking around in circles?
Its not cause were crazy or anything
Our God told us to do it this way
Huh... Thats a great idea! You go ahead and keep walking
Keep walking, but you wont knock down our wall
Keep walking, but she isnt gonna to fall!
Its plain to see your brains are very small
To think walking will be knocking down our wall
You silly little pickle, you silly little bean
You think that walking round will bring this city to its knees?
The awesome power of this wall, weve clearly demonstrated
Ah! But out here in the hot, hot sun, perhaps youre dehydrated?
I pity them Philippe
Ah, mais oui, Jean-Claude, mais oui...
Wont you join me in my irritating little song?
It would be an honor
Keep walking, but you wont knock down our wall
Keep walking, but she isnt gonna to fall!
Its plain to see, your brains are very small
To think walking, will be knocking down our wall
Keep walking, but you wont knock down our wall
Keep walking. But she isnt gonna to fall!
Its plain to see, your brains are very small
To think walking, will be knocking down our wall
Its plain to see
That your brains are very small
To think walking
Will be knocking down our wall! |
Lullaby and good night, youre your mothers delight
Shining angels beside my darling abide
Soft and warm is your bed, close your eyes, rest your head
Soft and warm is your bed, close your eyes, rest your head
Go to sleep, goodnight, goodnight
Go to sleep, goodnight, goodnight
Go to sleep, goodnight, say goodnight
When Im sleepy, sometimes I watch TV
What do you do, Larry?
When I sleep, I count sheep as I stare at the ceiling
There go 3 sheep, there go 4, soon youll hear me start to snore
Mommy, help me count to 20, that will surely be plenty
Mommy, help me count to 20, that will surely be plenty
Go to sleep, goodnight, goodnight
Go to sleep, goodnight, goodnight
Go to sleep, goodnight, say goodnight
Im just gonna lie down on this couch
Lullaby, say goodnight, little child, sleep tight
Snuggle softly in your bed, you can rest your sleepy head
You are precious, my dear, know that God holds you near
You are precious, my dear, know that God holds you near
You are precious, my dear, know that God holds you near |
The Lord has given this land to us
No need to fuss, He knows what Hes doing
We know that He will take care of us
If we will follow Him
Gods way is the best way
Now that I know, He loves me so
His way is the best way!
And thats the way for me!
The Lord has given His Word to us
No need to fuss, He knows what Hes doing
We know that He will take care of us
If we will follow Him
Gods way is the best way
Now that I know, He loves me so
His way is the best way!
And thats the way for me!
The Lord has given this land to us
No need to fuss, He knows what Hes doing
We know that He will take care of us
If we will follow Him
Gods way is the best way
Now that I know, He loves me so
His way is the best way!
And thats the way for me!
The Lord has given His Word to us
No need to fuss, He knows what Hes doing
We know that He will take care of us
If we will follow Him
Gods way is the best way
Now that I know, He loves me so
His way is the best way!
And thats the way for me!
Gods way is the best way
Now that I know, He loves me so
His way is the best way!
And thats the way for me!
And thats the way for me!! |
Who built the Ark?
Noah, Noah
Who built the ark?
Brother Noah built the ark
Old man Noah build the Ark
He build it out of hickory bark
He build it long, both wide and tall
With plenty of room for the large and small
Who built the Ark?
Noah, Noah
Who built the ark?
Brother Noah built the ark
In came the animals two by two
Hippopotamus and kangaroo
In came the animals three by three
Two big cats and a bumble bee
Who built the Ark?
Noah, Noah
Who built the ark?
Brother Noah built the ark
In came the animals four by four
Two through the window and two through the door
In came the animals five by five
The bee came swarming from the hive
Who built the Ark?
Noah, Noah
Who built the ark?
Brother Noah built the ark
In came the animals six by six
The elephant laughed at the monkeys tricks
In came the animals seven by seven
Giraffes and the camels looking up to heaven
Who built the Ark?
Noah, Noah
Who built the ark?
Brother Noah built the ark
In came the animals eight by eight
Some was on time and the others was late
In came the animals nine by nine
Some was a laughin and some were cryin
Who built the Ark?
Noah, Noah
Who built the ark?
Brother Noah built the ark
In came the animals ten by ten
Time for the voyage to begin
Noah said, Go shut the door
The rains started fallin and we cant take more.
Who built the Ark?
Noah, Noah
Who built the ark?
Brother Noah built the ark |
Oh, its not so scary down here
A little musty, not so scary
Oh, no! What am I gonna do?
It looks like Im gonna end up as lion stew!
Dont cry, Daniel!
Fear not, Daniel!
Dont you know youre not alone?
There is One who is watching you
He listens when you pray
And though it seems this time you wont get through
God has made a way!
Even though he still didnt know what to expect, Daniel felt better when he remembered that God was taking care of him, even in the lions den |
He has a shoe, and I have a pot
But when we look deeper theres more that weve got
God made us special, and now I can see
If youre special to Him then youre special to me!
Love your neighbor
When someone helps you then youll understand
When you love your neighbor
Loving means lending a hand!
If you see someone whos hurt or in need
Maybe its time to perform a good deed
And when youve finished youll find that its true
When you make them feel better, youll feel better too!
Here, let me help you
Thank you!
Oh, love your neighbor
When someone helps you then youll understand
When you love your neighbor
Loving means
Lending a hand! |
And now its time for silly songs with Larry
The part of the show where Larry comes out and a silly song
There once was a boy who lived in a house
And the house sat under a tree
By the tree ran a fence that stretched far and wide
Round The Gated Community
Can I have my ball? Can you get my ball?
I kicked it into the tree
And my ball bounced up, and my ball dropped in
To The Gated Community
Oh, The Gated Community is where we like to be
Everything’s so lovely, oh, our hearts are filled with glee
And when you come to visit, you can stand outside and see
What a lovely bunch we are in our gated unity
Can I have my ball? Can you get my ball?
I kicked it into the tree
And my ball bounced up, and my ball dropped in
To The Gated Community
Oh, The Gated Community is where we like to be
Our clothes are never dirty and the lawns are always green
And when you come to visit, you can stand outside and see
What a tidy bunch we are in our gated unity
The Gated Community, we think you will agree
Is pleasantly devoid of unsightly stray debris
The Gated Community is where well always be
Our smiles are white cause we’re inside in comfy custody
And when you come to visit, you can stand outside and see
{Come on, you stand outside}
What a smiling bunch we are in our gated unity
Can I have my ball? Can you get my ball?
I kicked it into the tree
And my ball bounced up, and my ball dropped in
To The Gated Commu-
To The Gated Commu-
{To The Gated Community}
This has been silly songs with Larry
Tune in next time to hear Larry say
{Thank you} |
There lived a man so long ago, his memorys but faint
Was not admired like president or saint
But people came from far and near with their afflicted pets
For a special cure wouldnt come from other vets
Doctor Larry:
This is a song for your poor, sick penguin
Hes got a fever and his toes are blue
But if I sing to your poor, sick penguin
He will feel better in a day or two
Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo
Yodel-leh-hee yodel-lee-eee-ooo
Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo
Yada-yada yada-yada yad-eee-ooo
Nurse Pa:
Hes gone a little loopy, in case you havent heard
Heres a couple pennicilin for your sickly, arctic bird
No skeptic could explain just how, nor could one oft rebut
The wonderous deeds that went on in that little Alpine hut
Some would stand in silence while some just scratched their scalps
For the curious ways of the Yodeling Veternarian of the Alps
Good news on the penguin, doc! Hes up and kickin!
This is a song for your pregnant kitty
Shes looking nauseous and a week past due
But if I sing for your pregnant kitty
She will feel better in a day or two
Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo
Yodel-leh-hee yodel-lee-eee-ooo
Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo
Yada-yada yada-yada yad-eee-ooo
Jump in your car, drive into the city
Buy a jug of milk for your nauseated kitty
The practice grew, their profits flew until one fateful day
When the nurse who did assist the doc asked for a raise in pay
The doctor pondered this awhile, sat back and scratched his scalp, then said: No way, Jose
To the nurse of the Yodeling Veternarian of the Alps
Good news on the kitty, doc. Shes feelin great. Six kittens. Named one after you.
This is a song for your bear-trapped teddy
He looks uncomfy, think Id be too
But if I sing for your bear-trapped teddy
He will beel better in a day or two
Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo
Yodel-leh-hee yodel-lee-eee-ooo
Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo
Yada-yada yada-yada yad-eee-ooo
Oh, yeah. Thatll work. Hes good.
Yodel-leh-hee! Yodel-leh-hoo! No, wait! This should work! Yodel-leh-hee! Yodel-leh-hoo!
Now the moral of the story, its the point we hope weve made
When you go a little loopy better keep your nurse well paid
Oh, some would stand in silence while some just scratched their scalps
For the curious ways of the Yodeling Veternarian of the Alps
Yodel-ooo |
You know that in love we can forgive
It is the only way to live
Obey God and see
That we can live in harmony!
Since God has forgiven us, its true
You forgive me, Ill forgive you
Im gonna start
To show forgiveness from my heart!
Whoa, super!
Wow, that was great!
If only there was a way for us to get back home...
Yeah.... Well, at least were all friends again!
Hey, has anybody seen the professor?
Hey! Do you like it? I made it entirely out of bamboo and coconuts!
Pretty good, huh? Well, climb aboard!
Hey, Bob?
Yeah, Larry?
Um, next summer, lets just sell lemonade, like everyone else
That sounds like a good idea
You know that in love we can forgive
Hey man! It is the only way to live
Obey God and see that we can live in harmony!
Since God has forgiven us, its true
You forgive me, Ill forgive you
Im gonna start to show forgiveness from my heart
So do your part
And show forgiveness from your heart
He-he-he-he! |
Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a King
Like other kings, he had a really neat castle
To live in, and a lovely little kingdom to rule
But unlike other kings this king spent most
Of his time in the bathtub
King George : Some kings love horses
And some kings love cattle
Some kings love leading
Their troops into battle
But me, Im not like that
I find that stuff ... yucky
Id much rather stay
In my tub with my ducky!
Because I love my duck!
Louis : Sir, if I could have a minute
King George: Love my duck!
Louis: There are some things
We must discuss!
King George: I love my duck!
Louis: See theres a war war
And well, were in it!
King George: Love my duck!
Louis: Though I dont mean
To make a fuss...
King George: Then dont. Sing with me Louis
Louis: Huh? ...oh... ok. Ahem
Because he loves his duck!
King George: And that is why I cant be bothered...
Louis: Loves his duck!
King George: With the particulars of war
Louis: He Loves his duck!
King George: Cause quite unlike
My dear old father
Louis: Loves his duck!
King George: I find it all a bore!
Now concentrate dear Louis
And I think you will agree
The most important person
In the whole wide world is ... me!
So please dont drag me down
With the people and their troubles
Go run some water in my tub to
Freshen up my bubbles!
Louis: Oh boy!
King George: Because I love my duck!
Louis: I dont know why I even bother ...
King George: Love my duck!
Louis: You just cant reason with this guy
Both: Because I Love my duck!
Louis: Its time to face the facts -
I think were all a little stuck
King George: So let the army run amock!
Louis: I fear the kingdoms out of luck -
Both: Because I Love my duck!
Louis: Yes, undoubltedly were stuck
King George: So let the army run amock
Louis: Oh boy, were really out of luck!
King George: Because I love my ...
Thomas : Because I love my duck
Youre always there to make me smile
I love my duck
Youre my very favorite toy
Because I love ... my ...duck! |
Its time?
Its time?
Did he just say its time?
We didnt have a lot of fun in the desert
We didnt have a lot of fun in the sand
But saddle up your cow
Its all behind us now
Because were going to the promised land
For years Ive eaten nothing but manna
A dish that is filling but bland
But were on our way
Ill have a cheese souffle
Because were going to the promised land
And in the promised land, its gonna be so grand
Well have our fill from the grill as much as we can stand
Itll be so great
Oh, we can hardly wait
Cause were going to the promised land
The dining was lousy with Moses
But well be feasting with Josh in command
Id like a taco please with some pintos and cheese
Cause were going to the promised land
And the promised land, its gonna be so grand
Well have our fill from the grill as much as we can stand
Itll be so great
Oh, we can hardly wait
Because were going to the promised land
In the promised land, its gonna be so grand
Well have our fill from the grill as much as we can stand
Itll be so great -
- with waffles on my plate
Because were going to the promised land
I hear its flowing with milk and honey
Sounds sticky
Cause were going to the promised land
Ya, were going to the promised land
Ya, were going to the promised land |
Mr. Lunt: And what would you like to drink?
Larry: Ill just have water, please. And could I have it in a glass this time?
Mr. Lunt: Hmm, Let me check my records…
Just as I suspected
Good thing I stopped and checked it
My pad is stained and blotted
From liquids you spilt on it
I’m afraid the jig is up…
You must use a sippy cup
Larry: STOP!!
Dont bring me a sippy cup
Havent spilled since yesterday
Water won’t stain anyway
Bring a mug
Bring a jug
Just dont bring… a sippy cup
Mr. Lunt: Hmm, let me check with the busboy…
Is he the one?
Jimmy: ITS YOU!!
Every time I fill it
He turns around and spills it
Ive brought a hundred blotters
Cause you cant hold your waters
This time Im not mopping up…
Both: You must use a sippy cup
Larry: NO!
Dont bring me a sippy cup
They’ll be making fun o’ me
Put a pail in front o me
Bring a mug
Bring a jug
Just don’t bring… a sippy cup
Mr. Lunt: Well, I could ask the Maitre D…
Blueberry: Zees is impos-see-blay
He puddles up ze cafe
You take me for a fool?
A restaurants not a pool
Take his glass and lock it up
All three: Ze pickle gets a sippy cup
Larry: Wait!!
Don’t bring me a sippy cup
This time Im not gonna spill
Jimmy: Im pretty sure he will
Larry: Spilling sodas not a crime
If it is, Ill do time
Just dont bring… a sippy cup
Nezzer: Order, order in the court
I judge you the clumsy sort
By the dictates of our laws
I sentence you to safety straws
Jimmy: Its the Governor
Nezzer: Yes, I see. Very well. Thank you, Governor. Ahem…
Give me back that sippy cup
Youve been granted sippy stay
Larry: This must be my lucky day
Chorus: This must be his lucky day
Nezzer: Bring a mug
Bring a jug
Jimmy: Ill bring an absorbent rug
Chorus: You dont need… a sippy cup
Mr. Lunt: Compliments of the house, grape juice
Larry: Grape juice? Oops! Sorry!
Narrator: This has been silly songs with Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry say: Ill take that sippy cup! |
And now, its time for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a Silly Song
Another lonely day
In a crowded town
Making our way
The best we know how
But were moving up
Were moving in
Got our dishes packed
Theyve been wrapped to win
Aint gonna break it
No way
Even if I shake it
All day
Covered with love, sealed against troubles
Sheltered in a glub of bubbles, bubbles, bubbles
Taped inside the arms of my bubble, bubble, bubble wrap
Bubble wrap
Bubble wrap
Love to hear that bubble snap
Like a clouds thunderclap
Bubbly bubble, bubble wrap
Oh yeah, were gonna snap, snap, snap that wrap
Were gonna snap, snap, snap that wrap
Were gonna snap, snap, snap that wrap
Were gonna snap, snap, snap that wrap
Bubble, bubble
Aint no trouble
Squeeze that, squish that, break that bubble
Do it once, bubble double
Squeeze that, squish that, smash that bubble
Were gonna snap, snap, snap that wrap
Were gonna snap, snap, snap that wrap
Were gonna snap, snap, snap that wrap
Were gonna snap, snap, snap that wrap
Pull me round in bubble wrap
Sink me in that bubble trap
Covered with love, sealed against troubles
Pop that, hear that bubble snap! Pop that, pop that bubble wrap!
Sheltered in a glub of bubbles, bubbles, bubbles
Bubble, bubble, aint no trouble, squeeze that, squish that, squish that bubble!
Safe inside the arms of my bubble, bubble, bubble wrap
Do it once, bubble double, squeeze that, squish that, smash that bubble!
This has been Silly Songs with Larry. Tune in next time to here the boys sing...
Were rappin and were snappin our bubble, bubble, bubble wrap |
Theyre big, Im little
They go, I twiddle
Why cant little guys do big things too?
Youre not going to sing, are you?
Couldnt you just play your harp and Ill throw things at you?
Youre big, Im little
My head only comes to your middle
But I say little guys can do big things too
Yes, but Goliath, hes—
Hes big, but Gods bigger
And when I think of Him, thats when I figure
With His help, little guys can do big things too
Oh, I see what youre saying
Alright, I understand, now lets suppose that this is true
You still look rather wimpy but I know what we can do
Just step behind this curtain, it will only take a minute
Theres a closet in the corner and youll like what Ive got in it
Youll find my royal armor there, dont dally, put it on
Yes, now youll look much bigger when the battle lines are drawn
One more thing you need I think, pick up my royal sword
Its a big one, and a beauty, the best we could afford
Once youve got it all together, I think you will agree
Youre bound to do much better if you try to look like me
Oh, dear
You know, I think maybe I should just be plain old me
Oh, yes, well, I suppose
But have you seen Goliath? Why, hes, hes just— hes—
Hes big but Gods bigger
And when I think of Him, thats when I figure
With His help, little guys can do big things?
With His help, I know I can do big things
With His help, little guys can do big things too
Alright, if youre sure you know what youre getting into
Oh, dear |
Think of me everyday
Hold tight to what I say
And Ill be close to you
Even from far away
Know that wherever you are
It is never too far
If you think of me
Ill be with you
Know that wherever you are
It is never too far
If you think of me
Ill be with you
Think of me everyday
Hold tight to what I say
And Ill be close to you
Even from far away
Know that wherever you are
It is never too far
If you think of me
Ill be with you |
Thank God for this day
For the sun in the sky
For my mom and my dad
For my piece of apple pie!
For our home on the ground
For His love thats all around
Thats why I say thanks every day!
Because a thankful heart is a happy heart!
Im glad for what I have
Thats an easy way to start!
For the love that He shares
Cause He listens to my prayers
Thats why I say thanks every day! |
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord
Right arm!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord
Right arm, left arm!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord
Right arm, left arm, right foot!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord
Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord
Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot
Chin up!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord
Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot
Chin up, turn around!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord
Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot
Chin up, turn around, sit down!
Right arm: Clench fist, bend and extend arm upward repeatedly throughout song
Left arm: Add left arm in same motion as right
Right foot: Add right foot stepping up and down
Left foot: Add left foot stepping up and down
Chin up: Add head nodding up and down
Turn around: Add turning in place while continuing other motions
Sit down: Sit down |
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Oh, oh, out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again
Yes, the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again
That makes me really happy for that little itsy bitsy spider
So long as it doesnt bite me and make me swell up |
Larry: Got my straw hat, overalls, and a bag of turkey chow
Lets go
Old Mcdonald had a farm
And on that farm he had some chickens E-I-E-I-O
With a cluck cluck there
And a cluck cluck there
Here a cluck
There a cluck
Everywhere a cluck cluck
Old Mcdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
Old Mcdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
And on that farm he had some dogs E-I-E-I-O
With a woof woof here and a woof woof there
Here a woof there a woof everywhere a woof woof
Old Mcdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
Old Mcdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
And on that farm he had some turkeys E-I-E-I-O
With a gobble gobble there a gobble a gobble gobble here
Everywhere a gobble gobble
Old Mcdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
Old Mcdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
And on that farm he had some cows E-I-E-I-O
With a moo moo there and a moo moo here everywhere a moo moo
Old Mcdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
Larry: All right were putting up the barn doors! Come on
With a cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there
And a woof woof here and a woof woof there
With a gobble gobble here and a gobble gobble there
And a moo moo here and a moo moo there
Old Mcdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O |
My mommy always told me to do whats right!
To wash behind my ears and try to be polite!
You see she loves me so!
Thats beautiful!
Thats why she tells me what I need to know!
Ive got a lotta respect for that woman!
But sometimes when Im playin with a buddy or two
Theyre doin things I know Im not supposed to do!
Well, do ya go along?
Even though the things the do are wrong?
Mmm, mmm! I remember...
Stand up! Stand up!
For what you believe in, believe in, believe in, GOD!
Hes the one to back you up!
Will stand with you!
When everybody tells you that you gotta be cool
Remember what you learned in church and Sunday School!
Just check it out!
The Bible tells you what its all about!
Oh, ya know thats right!
So if you have a question, go ask your dad
And he can tell you if a thing is good or bad
Youll make their day
If you remember what your parents say!
Whatd they say?
They told us... Stand!
Stand up! Stand up!
For what you believe in, believe in, believe in, GOD!
Hes the one to back you up!
Will stand with you!
Stand up! Stand up!
For what you believe in, believe in, believe in, GOD!
Hes the one to back you up!
Will stand with you!
Hes stand with you! Oh, yeah! |
The B-I-B-L-E
Yes thats the book for me
I stand alone on the Word of God
The B-I-B-L-E
The B-I-B-L-E
Yes thats the book for me
I stand alone on the Word of God
The B-I-B-L-E
Youll find it in the motel
In the nightstand by your bed
The red words are the coolest
Theyre the ones that Jesus said
The B-I-B-L-E
Yes thats the book for me
I stand alone on the Word of God
The B-I-B-L-E
The B-I-B-L-E
Yes thats the book for me
I stand alone on the Word of God
The B-I-B-L-E
The B-I-B-L-E
Yes thats the book for me
I stand alone on the Word of God
The B-I-B-L-E
I stand alone on the Word of God
The B-I-B-L-E
That spells Bible
Whaddaya know |
I am King Darius
Ive had a dream
And now Im feeling rather frightened
And I wish someone would tell me what it means
We are your wisemen
Yes, that is true
And though were using all our wisdom
Were afraid we cant explain your dream to you
But there is one who is wiser still
And Daniel is his name
So before you take another sleeping pill
Perhaps he can explain
My name is Daniel
That much is true
But it is God who gives me wisdom
And through me He will explain your dreams to you
His name is Daniel
Thats what he said
But when he talks about this God of his
I think hes kind of loony in the head.
Well, Daniel was able to explain the kings dream. And this made the king very happy
Daniel, you have enlightened me
Your job I will expand
From now on I want you to sit right beside me
As the second in command
This was very good news for Daniel, but very bad news for the wise men. You see, each one of them wanted to be second in command. Now that Daniel got that job, the wise men would have to do whatever he said. This made the wise men very unhappy, and they immediately started thinking of ways to get rid of Daniel |
Tell me why
I dont understand
Tell me why
Or show me your hand
Tell me why because I cant see my way through
What now...
Should I...
The battle is not ours
We look to God above
For He will guide us safely through
And guard us with His love
I will not be afraid
I will not run and hide
For there is nothing I cant face
When God is at my side
No, there is nothing I cant face
When God is at my side
The battle is not ours
We look to God above
For He will guide us safely through
And guard us with His love |
Weve got some news, good King Darius
We fear your position is precarious
There are some people here in Babylon
Who wont give you your due
Theyd rather bow to other men
Can this be so?
Tis true
Oh, dear
Weve brought a solution of our own design
If youll just sign this paper on the dotted line
Its an edict stating most concisely what were all to do
We must bow our heads or bend our knees before no one but you
I see
Just one more time, now, lets see if Ive got this straight
A law to prove once and for all that I am great
If Im the king, no one must doubt my full supremacy
So, from this day forth my citizens will pray to only me
Yes, but what if they dont?
If they dont obey, any citizen
Will be thrown into the lions den
Oh yes, well, I guess that would do it
Alright then, good work, men, ta-ta
So the law was passed, the deed was done
Daniels troubles had just begun
Everyone in Babylon heard about the new law, including Daniel. But Daniel also knew Gods law, and Gods law told him that he should only pray to God |
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
Jericho, Jericho
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
And the walls came tumbling down!
You may talk about your men of Gideon
You may talk about your men of Saul
But theres none like good old Joshua
And the battle of Jericho!
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
Jericho, Jericho
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
And the walls came tumbling down!
Right up to the walls of Jericho
They marched with spear in hand;
Go blow them ram horns, Joshua cried
Cause the battle is in my hand.
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
Jericho, Jericho
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
And the walls came tumbling down!
Then the lamb, ram
Sheep horns began to blow
And the trumpets began to sound
Joshua told the children to shout that morning
And the walls came tumbling down!
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
Jericho, Jericho
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
And the walls came tumbling down!
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
Jericho, Jericho
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
And the walls came tumbling down!
And the walls came tumbling down! |
King George: I must have it, I must get it
You must go and get it for me!
If you want me to be happy
Then youll show me you adore me
Dont rest another minute
Till its sitting here before me
If you wanna do your best
I would suggest you go and bring me back that duck!
Louis: But sir, if I could just jog your memory, you already have quite a few duckies
King George: Those are yesterdays duckies
Louis: Huh? Wh-what these are perfectly good duckies, why most of your loyal
Subjects would love to have even one ducky this nice
King George: I dont like these
I dont need these
I dont wan these any longer
My affection for those duckies
Isnt getting any stronger
Just say I cant have what I want
You couldnt be more wronger
Dont ask me to explain
There will be pain if you dont
Go and get that duck! |
I love you a bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck
A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap
A barrel and a heap and Im talkin in my sleep
About you, about who, about you
I love you a bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck
A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap
A barrel and a heap and Im talkin in my sleep
About you, about who, about you
Cause I love you a bushel and a peck
You bet your purdy neck I do
Doodle-oodle-ooh-doo-doo |
Arr arr arr arr arr arr
Arr arr arr arr arr arr
Arr arr arr arr arr arr arr arr
Arr arr arr arr arr arr
Arr arr arr arr arr arr
Arr arr arr arr arr arr arr arr
Grab your root beer, hold it high
Whack your shipmate in the eye
Yank his hair and break his nose
Watch your back, its Jolly Joes
Grab your root beer, hold it high
Whack your shipmate in the eye
Yank his hair and break his nose
Watch your back its Jolly Joes
Arr arr arr arr arr arr
Arr arr arr arr arr arr
Arr arr arr arr arr arr arr arr
Swing your shipmate, promenade
Smack him with a rusty plate
Spin around and do-si-do
Watch your step its Jolly Joes
Swing your shipmate, promenade
Smack him with a rusty plate
Spin around and do-si-do
Watch your step its Jolly Joes
Arr arr arr arr arr arr
Arr arr arr arr arr arr
Arr arr arr arr arr arr arr arr
Pirates do as pirates please
Were terrors of the seven seas
And when we do it all our foes
There aint no place like Jolly Joe-oh-oh woah!
Grab a can of ginger ale
Hop up on a wooden bale
Drop it on a shipmates toe
There aint no place like Jolly Joes
Arr arr arr arr arr arr
Arr arr arr arr arr arr
Arr arr arr arr arr arr arr |
The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo
It lies atop a mound of snow
High in the hills where the cold winds blow
Is the Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo
Cmon! Lets go!
To the Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo!
Our bags are packed and ready to go
Lets start the van and be gone!
Start the van and be gone!
Now our bags are all packed and were ready to go
Lets start the van and be gone!
Cmon! Lets go!
To the Biscuit of Zazzamaranda-OH!
Whats that you say?
We cant leave yet today?
Youve just got an errand to run?
I just have to stop at the bank
You just have to stop at the bank...
If you insist I suppose
We can deal with a minor delay
Say Archibald, who made this biscuit anyway?
Oh, I thought youd never ask!
So James McNabb at the Guild of Gold
He made the biscuit so long ago
And the people they traveled to see it glow
At the Mountain of Zazzamarandabo
Cmon! Lets go!
To the Biscuit of Zazzamaranda-OH!
What is it now?
This isnt the way!
I just have to stop for some goldfish food!
..You dont even have a goldfish!
No, but I was thinkin of gettin one and, I wouldnt want him to go hungry
Anybody need anything?
Uh maybe a vente half-caf vanilla hazelnut latté? Hold the whipped cream. And maybe one of those little chocolate covered graham crackers?
So Archie, whats so great about this biscuit anyway?
Well, if you really want to know
The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo
Was lost in our world many years ago
Until my great Uncle Archibo
Stubbed his toe on the frozen dough
On the Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo!
Cmon! No tea!
To the Biscuit of Zazzamaranda-NO!
Not again! This is not fair!
Ya gotta have a map!
A what?
A map!
A what?
A map!
Oh! A map!
The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo!
The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo!
The joy!
The thrill!
I think..I spilled...
The Biscuit! The Biscuit!
The Biscuit of Zazzamaranda-BURP
Mmm! Sausage gravy!
Huh.. I might of made a wrong turn...
The Biscuit of...Doug?
Back to the van! Back to the van!
It isnt too late! Lets go!
So high in the hills where the cold winds blow
Is the Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo!
Were almost there! Oh isnt this great?
Who needs to take a potty break?
The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo
It lies atop a mound of snow
High in the hills where the cold winds blow
Is the Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo
I suppose this has been Silly Songs with Archie
Tune in next time to hear Larry say, I always thought YOU were the announcer...
...So did I |
Ive tried to be patient, Ive tried to be kind
Can you tell me what the trouble is? Am I losing my mind?
Now I didnt ask for much, just one simple little thing
Didnt ask you to part the waters, I just wanted to hear you sing!
I gave you hats, I gave you ties, I let you eat my bunnies
And this is how you repay me? Come on boys, do you think thats funny?
Well, now at last, your fate is sealed, youre paying for your crime
But to show you what kind of guy I am, Ill ask you one more time
Will you, or will you not, sing the song? |
No, It cannot be. Your messages are meant for me and my brothers. We are your chosen people
And Nineveh
Well theyre not!
There must be some mistake
A huge misunderstanding. Its really hard to take
How could you be so demanding?
For years Ive been your messenger from Moresheth to Gath
But Nineveh
Should get no chance to turn. Theyve earned your wrath
No, It cannot be. Your messages are meant for me and my brothers
We are your chosen people. And Nineveh
Well theyre not!
Were the good guys and theyre the bad guys!
Please dont send me there with the message of your mercy!
Damascus or Jerusalem-
Ill be there in a minute!
Any town in Israel-
Just ask me and Ill be in it!
Shiloh, Gilgal, Jericho-
Just say the word!
But Nineveh
That is just absurd!
Joppah, Apheck and Jezreel-Theyre all just fine!
But Nineveh...
Oh Nineveh....
No Nineveh is where i draw the line!
No, It cannot be
Your messages are meant for me |
I know that God loves me, I know that He cares
When Im feeling lonely, I know Hell be there
I like loving Him because He first loved me
I like feeling special, I like being me
And I like to give Gods love, I want to live by giving love
I want to love my friends and family, so they will know that God is love
I know that God loves you, I know that He cares
And when youre feeling lonely, I know Hell be there
I like loving Him, and I know you will too
I like youyoure special, I like knowing you
And I like to give Gods love, I want to live by giving love
I want to love my friends and family, so they will know that God is love |
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
Then the traveler in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark
He could not see which way to go
If you did not twinkle so
In the dark blue sky you keep
And often through my curtains peep
For you never shut your eye
Till the sun is in the sky
As your bright and tiny spark
Lights the traveler in the dark
Though I know not what you are
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
How I wonder what you are |
We like to barbeque
We dont wear pink
Were extremely masculine
Were the Boyz in the Sink
When you dont wear socks
Your feet will stink!
We use antiperspirant
Were the
Boyz in the Sink
Yo, yo here we go
Here we go solo
Radio smooth flow
Yo, yo here we go
Boyz in the Sink
Boyz in the Sink
Yo, yo here we go
Never going solo
Yo, yo here we go
Here we go yo
Boyz in the Sink
We got skills with grammar
Real good, we think
We switch zs for ss
Were the
Boyz in the Sink
For healthy skin try riboflavin and zinc
We use a dietary supplement
Were the
Boyz in the Sink
Yo, yo here we go
Here we go solo
Radio smooth flow
Yo, yo here we go
Boyz in the Sink
Boyz in the Sink
Yo, yo here we go
Never going solo
Yo, yo here we go
Here we go yo
Boyz in the Sink
Take the Y off the slinky youre still left with the slink |
Archibald: Here we go!
I am the very model of a modern Major-General
Ive information vegetable, animal, and mineral
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical Im very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical
About binomial theorem Im teeming with a lot o news
Lot of news, lets see...
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse
Chorus: With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse
Archibald: Alright, hang on! Im very good at integral and differential calculus
I know the scientific names of beings animalculous
In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral
I am the very model of a modern Major-General
Chorus: In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral
He is the very model of a modern Major-General
Archibald: Alright, now stay with me... I am the very model of a modern Major-General
Ive information vegetable, animal, and mineral
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical
Im very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical
About binomial theorem Im teeming with a lot o news
Lot of news...
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse
Chorus: With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse
Archibald: Im very good at integral and differential calculus
I know the scientific names of beings animalculous
In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral
I am the very model of a modern Major-General
Chorus: In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral
He is the very model of a modern Major-General
Archibald: Ah, splendid! Lovely! Oh, thank you!
Im done |
Steak! Steak!
Eat it! Eat it!
Shrimp! Shrimp!
Need it! Need it!
Steak and Shrimp!
Steak and Shrimp!
Need to! Need to!
Eat it! Eat it! |
Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones, to Him, belong
They are weak but He is strong
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so
Jesus loves me, He will stay
Close beside me all the way
Hes prepared a home for me
And some day, His face, Ill see
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so
Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones, to Him, belong
They are weak but He is strong
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so |
Puppies are cuddly, puppies are cute
Their never nasty or mean
Id give a home to all the lost puppies
If ever one day I were queen
Puppies, puppies, bouncing happy puppies
Puppies, puppies of love
Puppies, puppies, tender puppy puppies
Lost puppies, I love you, love, love
Puppies are cuddly, puppies are cute
Their never nasty or mean
Id give a home to all the lost puppies
If ever one day I were queen, arf |
King Jesus is all
My all in all
And I know that hell answer
Me when I call
Walking by my side
Im satisfied
King Jesus is all
My all in all
Well, I went out to meet the Lord
I got down on my knees
I said my very first prayer
You know the Holy Ghost met me there
I stepped on the rock
The rock was sound.
Oh the love of God came a tumbling down
The reason I know
That he saved my soul
Was I dug down deep and I found pure gold
King Jesus is all
My all in all
And I know that hell answer
Me when I call
Walking by my side
Im satisfied
King Jesus is all
My all in all
Well, I went out to meet the Lord
I got down on my knees
I said my very first prayer
You know the Holy Ghost met me there
I stepped on the rock
The rock was sound.
Oh the love of God came a tumbling down
The reason I know
That he saved my soul
Was I dug down deep and I found pure gold |
There is a name I love to hear
I love to sing its worth;
It sounds like music in my ear
The sweetest name on earth
Oh how I love Jesus
Oh how I love Jesus
Oh how I love Jesus
Because he first loved me!
It tells me of a Saviors love
Who died to set me free;
It tells me of his precious blood
The sinners perfect plea
Oh how I love Jesus
Oh how I love Jesus
Oh how I love Jesus
Because he first loved me! |
Narrator: And now its time for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the-
Mr Lunt: Check it, dude. Yo, me and the Boyz had an idea about another way to tell this Moe story. Right, Boyz?
Boyz: Yo!
Mr Lunt: Yo! Listen to the boys and well tell you now! How loosin your cool and having a cow! Can run you out when your lid gets flipped, and get your mug up all over Egypt!
Boyz: Na na na, na na na na, na na na na na na
Mr. Lunt: On the banks of the Nile, born and raised! In the crib of the pharaoh in his teenage days. Chillin. Kickin. Wearing silk jamsies, learning hieroglyphics from his grandad Ramses. When a whack Egyptian-
Boyz: Black belt kung foo!
Mr. Lunt: Started whoopin it up-
Boyz: On his homey Hebrew!
Mr. Lunt: Coulda called the cops, stood back but instead -
Boyz: He took a big stick upside of his head!
All: A mess down in Egypt, our troubles are severe. Na na na, na na na na, na na na na na na. The stress down in Egypt increases more each year. Na na na, na na na na, na na na na na na
Mr Lunt: Now word spread fast and he got all scared
Boyz: Oh!
Mr. Lunt: Hed be better off by avoiding the Pharoah . He packed his bags, thinkin if he stayed theyd be punishing him in a capital way!
Boyz: Oh! Oh!
Mr. Lunt: Now Lord only knew, but he thought he might-
Boyz: Stay a while in the desert like a Midionite
Mr. Lunt: To disengage his rage and become equipped to return to his home as the prince of Egypt
All: Our guess, down in Egypt, no moving day is near. Na na na, na na na na, na na na na na na. Unless the prince of Egypt will take us out of here. Na na na, na na na na, na na na na na na, na na na na na na na. Hey! |
Check it out! Check it out!
If you want a bigger hat
We got that!
If you need a tube of glue
We got that too!
A 20 gallon wok?
Theyre in stock!
And if you need refrigerators
To keep extra mashed potaters
Or a giant air compressor
To blow fruit flies off your dresser
Or a dehydrated strudel
Or a nose ring for your poodle
Or a five pound can of tuna
And some flippers to go scuba
Scuba! Scuba! Scooby-doo-be-doo-ba!
Here we go, scuba! Come on!
If you need a rubber hose
We got those!
A rhododendron tree
We got three!
A wrap-around deck
Gotta check
But if you need a window scraper
And a gross of toilet paper
Or a rachet set and pliers
And surround sound amplifiers
And a solar turkey chopper
Or a padded gopher bopper
Flannel shirts for looking grungy
And some rope for goin bungee
Bungee! Bungee! Bungee-wun-gee-fun-gee!
Here we go, bungee! Come on!
What weve mentioned are only just some
Of the wonderful things yet to come
These pictures you keep are so...nice
But you really should take our advice
Happiness waits at the Stuff-Mart!
All you need is lots...more...stuff!
Salesman #2 and #3:
You really, really ought to!
How could I afford not to?
Salesman #1:
Happiness waits at the Stuff-Mart!
All you need is lots...
Stuff! |
Some veggies went to sea, sea, sea
To see what they could see, see, see
But all that they could see, see, see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea
See? |
Surely your God is above all men
Now I understand
For even at the bottom of the lions den
You were in His hand! |
Way up above us, twinkling bright
There must be a million stars in the sky tonight, tonight
But dont you worry, no need to cry
You are the only twinkle thats in my eye, tonight
Youre more than one in a million
No one can take your place
Though I could try, theres no way
That I could ever forget your face
Youre more than one in a million
No other ever could do
Cause not even one in a million
Could ever compare to you
Could ever come close to you
Through all the laughter, through all the tears
Whenever you need me, I will be standing here, right here
No need to wonder, dont ever fear
Though you may wonder, Ill always be right here, right here
Youre more than one in a million
No one can take your place
Though I could try, theres no way
That I could ever forget your face
Youre more than one in a million
No other ever could do
Not even one in a million
Could ever compare to you
Could ever come close to you
Could ever come close to you |
The Lyrics dataset parsed from Genius. This dataset is designed to generate lyrics with HuggingArtists. Model is available here.
How to load this dataset directly with the datasets library:
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("huggingartists/veggietales")
An example of 'train' looks as follows.
This example was too long and was cropped:
"text": "Look, I was gonna go easy on you\nNot to hurt your feelings\nBut I'm only going to get this one chance\nSomething's wrong, I can feel it..."
The data fields are the same among all splits.
: a string
feature.train | validation | test |
163 | - | - |
'Train' can be easily divided into 'train' & 'validation' & 'test' with few lines of code:
from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset, DatasetDict
import numpy as np
datasets = load_dataset("huggingartists/veggietales")
train_percentage = 0.9
validation_percentage = 0.07
test_percentage = 0.03
train, validation, test = np.split(datasets['train']['text'], [int(len(datasets['train']['text'])*train_percentage), int(len(datasets['train']['text'])*(train_percentage + validation_percentage))])
datasets = DatasetDict(
'train': Dataset.from_dict({'text': list(train)}),
'validation': Dataset.from_dict({'text': list(validation)}),
'test': Dataset.from_dict({'text': list(test)})
author={Aleksey Korshuk}
Built by Aleksey Korshuk
For more details, visit the project repository.