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You might try CafePress. The quality is not always the best, but you can put any graphics you want and they do all the production and shipping and just send you your share of the sale. You set the prices. You can also sell other items besides T-Shirts with your own graphics on them.
1Computers & Internet
go back, it will probably be cheaper for you , the social life will be better , and your degree will be equally good
2Education & Reference
It's funny - I'm white and I was inspired by it. Ironically enough, I've never looked at race when it comes to making friends, judging people, etc., etc. \nI mean, I'm physically disabled, so in a way, I know how people who feel different feel. If that makes any sense at all... \n\nThe thing is, I really truly wish that people would just remember that we all bleed red.... we all have our areas of expertise and our tendencies, it's too bad we couldn't all work together for everyone's benefit. I know, this is mainly a dream, but hey - it was (is!) Martin Luther King's dream, too.
3Entertainment & Music
I own a 250 GB external Hard Drive from Maxtor. I love it because it backs up my data every night (or however often you want to) and PC Magazine rates it one of the best hard drives. \n\nSo, I'd say MAXTOR, baby!
1Computers & Internet
1) Many tattoos are gained in prison, through gangs, etc. Specifically targetting such people has resulted in lawsuits, so they just say "no tattoos".\n2) Asthma? You want to be defended by someone who keels over when the going gets tough or has to pull out their medicine in a firefight? That's silly!\n3) Mood disorders? Why would anyone hire someone like that? Why should they have to?\n4) Flat feet interfere with movement, slowing them down. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want someone slowing down the unit just because they insist on being in the military despite their problems. Shall we add quadraplegics? How about children?\n\nBecause the take the best to defend our country with their lives, and most can't afford to deal with additional problems such as you name. They are already dealing with seditious traitors like you often see in responses to posts like this one by people too cowardly to join. I was too cowardly to join, but I know a hero when I see one. Not teachers (I am a teacher), not sport figures. Our real heroes risk their lives for us. You want to help? Insist that they get the best.
6Politics & Government
Each vial contains 5 mg of Drotrecogin alfa (activated).
5Medical Domain
Wouldn't it be worse if you had sex with him and then broke up and you found out that was all he had been waiting for? I'm sorry, I know that it hurts to break up but don't let that be influenced by the whole sex question. You made a very personal choice to wait to have sex and that choice is still just as valid today as it was before. It is still something special that you will be able to share with the guy of your dreams one day.
4Family & Relationships
You can clean your Levemir InnoLet by wiping it with a medicinal swab.
5Medical Domain
You should be able too. Even if you do it yourself there are different ways that your spouse can be served his walking papers. Last known address or newspaper notice are twos ways that I know he can be served. Look at it this way, if he doesn't respond or come back that makes the divorce easier.
4Family & Relationships
what type is it? and how big is the project?and will u gimme credits if i work? any ways just pm me in my yahoo id
1Computers & Internet
HM KING CONSTANTINE \n \n\nBorn: 2 June 1940 at Psychiko, Athens \nParents: Their Majesties King Paul and Queen Frederica of the Hellenes \nEducation: Anavryta High School, Athens\n3 Military Academies \nAthens University (Law)\n \nAccession: 6 March 1964 \nMarried: 18 September 1964, Athens,\nHRH Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark \nChildren: Alexia, b 10 July 1965\nPavlos, b 20 May 1967\nNikolaos, b 1 October 1969\nTheodora, b 9 June 1983\nPhilippos, b 26 April 1986\n \nInterests: Sailing - Olympic Gold Medallist 1960 (Dragon Class)\nPresident of Honour, International Sailing Federation\nHonorary Member of the International Olympic Committee\nPatron and Chairman of Round Square Association of Schools\nFounder The Hellenic College of London\n \n\n\n\n\nHM King Constantine, only son of King Paul I and Queen Frederica, was born on 2 June, 1940, at Villa Psychiko, Athens.\n\nSoon after his birth, the Royal Family left Athens and went to Crete where they were caught in the Nazi invasion. The family was under threat of capture by the German Army. So King George II instructed his brother Crown Prince Paul and his family to leave for Alexandria, while he stayed behind and fought throughout the Battle of Crete with the Greek, British, Australian and New Zealand Armies - eventually escaping across the mountains. \n\nFrom Alexandria, Prince Constantine's family moved to Capetown in South Africa, to live in the 'Grooteschuur House' of the South African Prime Minister, Jan Christian Smuts. King Constantine's first memories are of holding the hand of the South African leader and chasing a cow off a bed of tall flowers across the well-manicured lawns. \n\nHis younger sister, Princess Irene was born in South Africa on 11 May, 1942.\n\nThe Royal Family returned to Alexandria, where Constantine remembers talking fluent Arabic with those working for the family. \n\nAfter World War II, Greece was in turmoil. In 1946, after a General Election, a Referendum was held and King George II and the family returned. \n\nKing George II died in 1947 and Constantine's father, King Paul I, ascended the throne. As Crown Prince, Constantine attended the funeral of his Uncle King George II, holding his father's hand in the procession.\n\nFrom 1949, Crown Prince Constantine attended Anavryta High School in Athens - a school based on the educational principles of Professor Kurt Hahn and modelled on Hahn's own creation, Salem School in Germany (like Gordonstoun in Scotland). \n\nKing Constantine says that he loved the camaraderie of boarding school, and associating with other children - most of whom have become lifelong friends. His class (now bankers, businessmen, professors and doctors) meets for a reunion every year. He was good at sport (hockey, volleyball, high jump) and became Head Boy. He acted in school plays, and remembers playing Mark Anthony in Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar' (he can still quote large sections of the play). \n\nDuring his time at the school, he had military training every weekend and, after school, attended the three military academies - the army, navy and air force. On his 18th birthday, as the only son of his parents, he took an oath of allegiance in each of the armed forces.\n\nIn 1960, he became the first Greek to win an Olympic Gold Medal since 1912. He achieved this in Sailing (Dragon Class) as helmsman on the 'Nereus' in the Bay of Naples. \n\nHis sister Sofia (now Queen of Spain) was a member of the substitute crew, but trained as intensively as her brother. On his return, he received a public welcome in Athens. \n\nIn 1960, Constantine went to Athens University to study Law. He also visited the USA to see military and industrial establishments. \n\nDuring these school years, he attended many State visits with King Paul and Queen Frederica - Italy, UK, West Germany, Lebanon, Ethiopia, India, Thailand. \n\nHe met World leaders, including President Tito of Yugoslavia - when he had an
7Society & Culture
often i sleep laying on my stomack too , and sometimes on my left side , any way you can sleep any way you feel comfortable in
0Business & Finance
in about 326a.C. Santa Helen started a visit to Holy Lands so as to find the Cross. \n\nShe knew that after His death, Romans took the cross and threw it to the garbage. She went there and tried to find the place that they threw it. \nThen she saw a plant which she recognized as a Holy plant and a statue of Aphrodite(usually when they wanted to hide something from Christians they were building a statue of a God). She told the workers to search there. And she found it. They understood that it was the Holy Cross because they touched a woman that just died that time and she aroused.\nI think that the biggest part of the cross is in mount Athos in Greece.\nWe celebrate in Orthodox Christianity this event on May 21st.
7Society & Culture
Get your education, if it's meant to be then it's meant to be, but don't put your education at risk,\n Knowledge is a survival skill.
4Family & Relationships
I think nudist resorts are a great idea. i have never been to one but i have been to many festivals where clothing is optional. i don't think clothing should be always nessersary, i think a lot of people really enjoy nudist living on a life style level. it doesn't have to have anything to do with sex. each to there own.
7Society & Culture
is your wood thick and long?
7Society & Culture
Organon (Ireland) Ltd, P. O.
5Medical Domain
Sure it is OK to like older women and go out with them as long as you're both 18. More and more you see older women with younger men. It seems like it was always OK for older men and younger women now it is the woman's turn to get that young stuff. Heck, I am 50 years old and I think a 30 or 35 year old man would be great. Go for it!
4Family & Relationships
Windows Movie Maker prefers .WMV and DV-AVI files. If you try to import other types you might get an error, or they might import and not work. In these cases it is best to convert the files. One choice is 'Windows Media Encoder' a free download from Microsoft. It will convert many file types to WMV.\n\nAgain it depends on the file type, so if you need specifics on how to import a file, determine the file type and then go to > Import Movie Source Files > Video and look for the file extension.\n\nOr if you need more help, post the exact file type and the errors you are getting on the forums.
1Computers & Internet
hey tyler! this is philip! uhhh your pretty dumb.jk uhhhh does your question mean about me teasing you about khuyen? and yvonne?\n\n\n\nand whats ur email address????????? chow mein palace samurais!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4Family & Relationships
Both Jewish and Christian traditions state that he was killed by being sawed in half. Some interpreters believe that this is what is referred to by Hebrews 11:37 (in the New Testament), which states that some prophets were "sawn in two". It is also mentioned in the book of The Martyrdom of Isaiah that he lived into the days of Manasseh, and was also sawn in half with a wooden saw.
7Society & Culture
I can hardly put my hands out of the keyboard while my web browser is connecting to Yahoo Answers.
7Society & Culture
men are from mars; women are from venus.\n\nexplains why we are never on the same wavelength
4Family & Relationships
of course hes good.. the kid turned pro at 14.\nyou should have seen this kid play at age 7..\nEVERYONE KNEW HE WAS DESTINED FOR STARDOM.\nhes already got national team caps. hes already got endorsements.\n\nand hes no fluke.. he'll be around for a long time.\njust like landon donovan
the centralised procedure.
5Medical Domain
That's real hard for me to say; because I know the way of Capitalism, when there is a Democrat, and then when there is a Republican. The Economy always turns to crap-pooo, and inflation always goes up and out of sight. Democrat is my choice since I am middle classed, and I would like to be live a good life too.
6Politics & Government
many times, police do take advantage of their authority
6Politics & Government
probably not. so move on. find some new bands to love.
3Entertainment & Music
2Education & Reference
Well, if u want to pay, u can get them anywhere, if not, try and click video.
3Entertainment & Music
you should let her have some time to think about it and see if she will go out with you. maybe her parents don't let her have one you should understand her parents and think that she my be to young.when her parents realize that she is old enough she might go out with you and the to of you will be happy.
4Family & Relationships
across the street from Somewhere.
0Business & Finance
oil is the solution!!
6Politics & Government
as much as i dislike liberals, i would date an artist. an artist has a good mind and creative abilities. they have an inner talent.\n\na model, well...they look good. i don't think many are very smart because they've used their looks to get away with many things.\n\nnow, if it was an artist that did modeling on the side, i'd be in like flynn.
4Family & Relationships
Yeah, I broke my nose tring to kickflip some stairs, then I missed a flight, and then the worst thing I missed my favorite Show The O.C!!!!!!!!!!
7Society & Culture
with the direction keys, what happens is when you click a direction key, it opens and closes the entry lists, like the left one closes it and the right one opens a plus mark there,
1Computers & Internet
Don't change what you are doing for anyone. You are doing what you love. Someday those people will grow up---give them 20 years or so. What you are going through is called growing pains. Just let them be. This is very common to.
if you think about them all the time and you think about them in your future plans then your in love but if your just thinking lustfull thoughts then its just affection with a tint of lust.
4Family & Relationships
My kid is going to UCSD and says their programs are rigorous, informative, and very well respected in the industry . .His focus is on network security.
2Education & Reference
The land belongs to Israel. It has been making so many concessions. It has lost almost all its land.\nIsrael lost it in 70 AD. It has just regained it back in 1948.
6Politics & Government
You'd be surprised at how easy it is to start, you don't need anything fancy, just a pole, bait, and a good spot. You can probably pick out a good pole easily with the advice of any Wal-Mart associate. My best advice would be to go to a sporting goods store, like cabelas, or gander mtn. sports, and see if they have any clinics where you can learn the basics. It's easy to figure out on your own, but cheaking up on things like this will greatly improve your luck when you get out there. For spots reasearch the department of environmental conservation (DEC) where they should list public land for fishing. Also almost everytime you're on a road that follows a stream, and there's a parking area, you can fish, or get permission to fish from a landowner. Good luck with it!
if i really liked the movie and want to seen it again and again i will buy it on dvd.
3Entertainment & Music
open a text file in note pad\ntype the text between lines in that file\n---------\n[Shell]\nCommand=2\nIconFile=explorer.exe,3\n[Taskbar]\nCommand=ToggleDesktop\n-----------\nsave the file as "desktop.scf" (must give double quote, otherwise notepad will add .txt at the end)\n\nYou have the icon back :)\n\nRiz
1Computers & Internet
On the basis of further additional MIC data from various publications (including two 2004 published papers showing susceptibility of various isolates from pig respiratory samples from Denmark) and from resistance monitoring by the BVL in Germany in 2006, the CVMP can accept the proposed revision of the indication:
5Medical Domain
They don't have one, but if you go to the wal-mart site and weave through it, you should be able to send them one and they will respond (see link below)
0Business & Finance
How Bizarre by ODB?\n\nThat's the only Maori-looking singer I can think of...but it was the 90's.
3Entertainment & Music
i believe in god
0Business & Finance
Battle of the Vixens\n\nFullmetal Alchemist\n\nFruits Basket(psyche.)\n\nBloodBloodStorm I \n\nYotsubato(doublepsyche.)
0Business & Finance
closer realted to dog family\n classification of dogs\nNote that the subdivision of Canidae into "foxes" and "true dogs" may not be in accordance with the actual relations, and that the taxonomic classification of several canines is disputed. Recent DNA analysis has shown, however, that Canini and Vulpini are valid clades, with the exception of two genera: Nyctereutes and Otocyon. These are canid "outgroups" and are not closely related to vulpines nor canines. Speothos and Chrysocyon are primitive members of Canini, but might be placed in their own clade. Cuon may in fact be part of Canis and there is evidence that Alopex and Fennecus are not valid clades, but are both part of Vulpes. The Domestic Dog is listed by some authorities as Canis familiaris and others (including the Smithsonian Institution and the American Society of Mammalogists) as a subspecies of the Wolf (i.e., Canis lupus familiaris); the Red Wolf may or may not be a full species; and the Dingo, which is variously classified as Canis lupus dingo, Canis dingo and Canis familiaris dingo.
2Education & Reference
James Earl Jones as Gannon\n\nJessica Beil as Zelda\n\nfind a no name to be link\n\nspecial guest star Billy Crystal as some potion maker
3Entertainment & Music
info available at
7Society & Culture
I'm going to have to aggree with you and say "YES"...that is a very astute ovservation. It's like it dosent matter that in the Bible, God CONDEMNS things like Fornication, Adultery, Drunkenness and Homosexuality........People think it's OK cuz Hollywood says it's ok. "Sin" isnt really a word anymore.
7Society & Culture
If you should experience one of these side effects, you are advised to contact your doctor.
5Medical Domain
eBay members are not allowed to use another eBay user's pictures or descriptions in their listings or About Me page without the owner's permission. Listings that violate eBay's Picture and Description Theft policy may be removed early. Multiple violations of this policy can result in suspension. Use the link below to report them to eBay!!!
1Computers & Internet
The best thing to do is forget about her past unless she is still doing it. \nShe doesn't want to talk about it because she knows it hurts you so let it go. Yes I dated an escort before, She lived with me.
4Family & Relationships
openings are there.\nbut i doubt if there are any for people going crazy!!
0Business & Finance
he is the only rep, to stand up to bush there next candidate he hast to soften up the bush die hard to win next election
6Politics & Government
Many grants are for a check, to do with what you will. If you spend it on books, you may not have it for rent. If you spend it on rent, you may not have it for food. Ain't college life grand! \n\nActually, when I went to college in the 1970s, there was a thing which was a federal program, later called Pell Grants, I think, and is now named after some other politician. The financial aid office would figure out a minimalist cost of survival kind of budget for freshmen, and the feds would come up with the whole thing; I used to joke that they were even paying for my tampons. The program then assumed I would work and save money over the summer (work yes; save?), and accordingly reduced the grant the second year. They also expected me to work part-time during the school year, so the grants kept getting smaller. I got loans to make up the difference. If you have no money from your parents at all, and no savings, such a program is probably still available. Ask the financial aid office about grants to "disadvantaged students." That's minorities and what we used to call po' white trash (me).
2Education & Reference
Ciprofloxacin Bayer and associated names (see Annex I) 500 mg oral suspension in single-dose sachets [See Annex I - To be completed nationally] Ciprofloxacin Oral use
5Medical Domain
Hi,\nThat isnt a dumb question. \nWell there are basically 3 types of boys. The 1st type is the shy one. If that kind of boy likes a girl, he would shy away from her and become tongue-tied and uncomfortable in her presence. Otherwise, he could be quite outspoken and garrulous.\nThe 2nd type is the guy who tries to impress. The majority of boys belong to this class. This type of boy will start showing off in front of the girl he likes. He could make jokes or show off his biceps or his brains, whichever be his strength.\nThe 3rd type of guy is the brat. There is a saying that a boy teases and bothers you only because he likes you. This is pretty true, but it isnt always true. A guy who keeps bugging you could like you, or he could be doing it just for fun.\nIt isnt neccessary that a boy would strictly adhere to any one of the 3 classes. Usually, it is a mixture of the 3 classes. That is just 1 factor which makes love so unpredictable.\n\nWhen I like a girl, I usually get a little shy and I might show off just a little bit. You just have to have a good intuition. Take a look at his body language, his eye contact, his rate of breathing etc etc. Usually, I can tell if a girl likes me. You just have to keep your senses open.\n\nWhen you know for sure that he likes you, then you could show your interest in him too, through subtle gestures and body language, and then wait for him to ask you out. Or you could make the move yourself and ask him out. It is all up to you.
4Family & Relationships
In Hindi, wallah means man - as in dhobi-wallah : laundryman.
7Society & Culture
it's a device that connects your computer to other computers, say you want to have a computer upstairs and downstairs but you don't want the wires, you can create a network, then the two computers can "see each other" and there is less wires, since the router is acting as your modem now for both connections
1Computers & Internet
Yes it could but it would ber expensive and you would need some kind of servo steering system, dependant on size of boat
George Washington the first president \nBorn: February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. \nDied: December 14, 1799 in Mount Vernon, Virginia.\nMarried to Martha Dandridge Washington.\n\nFor the biography of George Washington check out this site\n
2Education & Reference
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis\n\nA lung disease
2Education & Reference
Aww Come on if she is that hot like you said and she told you that she loved you then you are suppose to kiss her and tell her you love her too, unless you don't have the same feelings in mind and you are only looking at her because she is hot? \n\nFirst be honest with yourself are you in love with her or her looks?\n\nBut either way whatever the answer is you must be honest with her and most of all be honest with yourself. You will never forgive yourself if you don't be honest.\n\nGood luck dude!!!!!
4Family & Relationships
Lowes chevy. Jimmie Johnson had nothing to do with it. Just sayin, I don like JJ.
Its fiction but its very interesting you should give it a read, it does seem so real and i had to keep reminding myself that it wasn't - i think it offends some catholics but i'm a catholic and wasnt offended its very entertaining.\n\nThe Da Vinci Code is a novel written by American author Dan Brown and published in 2003 by Doubleday Fiction (ISBN 0385504209). It is a worldwide bestseller with 36 million copies in print (as of August 2005) and has been translated into 44 languages. Combining the detective, thriller and conspiracy theory genres, the book is part two of a trilogy that started with Brown's 2000 novel Angels and Demons, which introduced the character Robert Langdon. In November 2004, Random House published a "Special Illustrated Edition", with 160 illustrations interspersed with the text.\n\nThe plot of the novel involves a conspiracy by the Catholic Church to cover up the true story of Jesus. This implies that the Vatican consciously knows it is living a lie, but does so to keep itself in power. The novel has helped generate popular interest in speculation concerning the Holy Grail legend and the role of Mary Magdalene in the history of Christianity. Fans have lauded the book as creative, action-packed and thought-provoking. Critics have attacked it as inaccurate and poorly written, and decry the many negative implications about the Christian Church.\n\nThe book opens with the claim by Dan Brown that "all descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate"; but this claim is disputed by academic scholars in the fields the book discusses (see Criticisms of The Da Vinci Code and the further reading list below). As widely noted in the media, there has been substantial confusion among readers about whether the book is factual.
0Business & Finance
4Family & Relationships
one day would not do it. and just postponing the day you fill up wont do it either. it won't affect the bottom line.\n\nit's possible if a noticable segment of Americans stopped driving their cars for a week (not using gas would affect the bottom line) and used feet, bikes, public trans (it will be running anyway), then, just maybe the big oil CEO's and OPEC would notice.\n\nAs for who is to blame, this is a two parter.\nFirst it's the tight clique that exists between big oil, politicians and 'friendly' Arab nations.\nBut perhaps the biggest to blame are the American people for being so apathetic that they allowed this to happen by not voting or even paying attention to the corruption going on in Washington,DC and being to lazy to walk down to the corner market. Maybe this is also tied to the obesity problem, but that's another ball of wax!
6Politics & Government
try use mcafee internet security package. one of the component that u can use to limit user to use internet access is privacy service. after install, configure it and add the necessary user. remember. if u not login to privacy services, u cannot use internet. regarding to your purpose to block certain user to use internet. so dont leave your account for privacy serice login state, logout when u leave your computer
1Computers & Internet
Dosage in renal impairment:
5Medical Domain
0Business & Finance
It's not possible you have to buy it just like everyone else who plays, there is no way around it.
0Business & Finance
She should wait until she's at least 18 to make such a life changing decision. They really could be in love, I believe that. But she needs to think of her future before tying herself down at such a young age. And if he really loves her, he'll give her the freedom to do that.
4Family & Relationships
Amare Stoudemire was a bust, but T-Mac didn't do so great either.
In patients with hypertension and type 2 diabetes, Irbesartan Krka is added to other treatments for hypertension.
5Medical Domain
click add, type in their yahoo ID, click next, click next, then finish
1Computers & Internet
Just because the Prosecution has evidence, it doesn’t mean their interpretation of it is representative of reality. It is the job of the defense attorney to find fault with the prosecution’s interpretation of that evidence. To do that the needs a working understanding of the law and how it works. \n\nAll of the work of the prosecution and the defense attorney is judged by the jury as to its validity. \n\nTogether their goal is to produce justice as allowable within the context of the law and the common sense of the jury.
6Politics & Government
Actually I think that "countries" is more accurate.\n\nEver since the separation of Eritrea from Ethiopia, one should include both Eritrea and Ethiopia as part of the horn as a minimum. \n\nHowever, the horn of Africa is commonly referred to as a region in Africa. The region includes Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and of course the tiny country of Djibouti.\n\nThe common claim that only Ethiopia is the horn of Africa is quite odd because the horn extends out into into the Arabian Sea and Ethiopia is a landlocked country. Ethiopia does not include any of the coastal land of the Horn of Africa.
2Education & Reference
Why use a macro? Why not just save your word document as html?
2Education & Reference
Moksha is liberty from birth and rebirth cycle and to achieve the closeness of Supreme Lord. But in our present life, we should pray to God to give His Love and shower His blessings on us rather than Moksha. \nVaram Devam Moksham Na Moksham Vadhi Va\nNa Chaianyam Vrinaham Vareshadapia\nIdam te vapurnath Gopal Balam \nSadaa me manasya Virastam Kimanye
0Business & Finance
2Education & Reference
download a messenger first since you have yahoo you should download yahoo messenger and sign in with the same pasword and user id as yahoo mail and then it will show you who is online and who isnt click on the name and start im ing
0Business & Finance
You can have two (or more) hard drives in once machine. The second (slave) harddrive does not need to have Windows installed on it, but it does need to be formatted by windows. Plug in the new harddrive, boot up the machine and it will pretty much do the work for you. Then you'll see a new drive under My Computer, and you can just drag and drop files between the two drives.\n\nDoes that answer the question?
1Computers & Internet
It is recommended that following recovery from neutropenia, weekly CBC, WBC, neutrophil and platelet counts continue to be obtained for three consecutive weeks, to ensure that the patient recovers fully.
5Medical Domain
Myrrh is a resin (tree sap) and is used in making incense. It used to be and still is to some extent very valuable.
0Business & Finance
LHRH-Antagonist, ATC code:
5Medical Domain
simple here are the reasons per priority\n\n1- There is no commercial break. Teams have to play 45 mins without interruption and this would only allow for commercials during half time. The US is learning that there are other ways to commercialize this sport by having brands sponsor the team shirts and by having logo placements around the field. (Red Bull has even purchased the MLS team in NY and changed the name to the NY Red Bulls, very smart move) (you also have Chivas USA, lets not forget). So this is becoming better and the sport will grow even more.\n\n2- The US has a lot of other sports: Baseball, Football, Golf, Hockey, etc... It hard to push one more sport to the market.\n\n3- There aren't a lot of points scored so you need a history of rivalry to make it exciting, the sport in the US is not there yet as the teams need a more impact history!!! \n\nHope this helps
Direc. del Depto. del Registro Civil\nReforma e Hidalgo Col. Centro\nPalacio del Gobierno\nI found this on the web. Below is the website from which it came. I hope this helps. Best Wishes.\n\n\nC.P. 28000\nColima, Col.\nMéxico \n\nTel.: 91 331 218 10, fax: 04 35 08 (Sria. Privada del Gob.)\nHours: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm\nFees: US$13 (Birth, marriage, or death certificates)
6Politics & Government
5Medical Domain
At this time, it might be too late. You can start a petition drive to change the rules that have been adopted by your state Medical Board. Your group should have an association to lobby to maintain the option for your field. You will probably have to get your field to start calling the Medical Board or you state legislators to get the Board to change its rules.
6Politics & Government
Is this a riddle? I guess between 7th grade and freshman. Do I win a prize at the end?
A girl
0Business & Finance
The final opinion was converted into a Decision by the European Commission on 1 October 2007.
5Medical Domain
Here you are:\n
1Computers & Internet
They have components so you can get exactly the type of computer you want.\n\nIf you buy a computer from the Gateway or Dell web sites, they make it easy to pick the right components.
1Computers & Internet
Canada and US, the two major countries for hockey, started using this timer. For sports in all other countries, the timers all counted up to make it easier to announce. (ie: A goal with 7:47 left on the olympic clock would be read as 12:13, which is the time they announce.)
Stored pipettes must be kept in the intact foil package.
5Medical Domain
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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