1 value
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: But when important issues can't be negotiated, both the covenant marriage and the no-fault contract become more attractive, for different reasons. B: No-fault contracts and covenant marriages are used when issues can not be negotiated.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "strengthener" or "weakener". A: PersonX hurries back PersonX is seen as fast B: PersonX is on crutches
With no explanation, label the following with either "no-hate-speech" or "hate-speech". i'll finally be legal in less than 2 months #praysgod
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: But you held it did n't you ? B: Did you hold it and true is true ?
Q: Which sentence has the correct adjective order: a " ridiculous big ancient triangular black Nigerian plastic drinking shoe " b " Nigerian ancient triangular black drinking ridiculous plastic big shoe " ? A:
With no explanation, label A→B with either "same_event" or "different_event". A: Chelsea Manning to walk free in May after Barack Obama commutes 35-year prison sentence for WikiLeaks disclosure B: Russia says Snowden can stay two more years
With no explanation, label the following with either "no-hate-speech" or "hate-speech". my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims in florida.... how can someone have so much hate in their heas?
With no explanation, label A→B with either "CON" or "PRO". A: ManBearPig is an allegory for Global Warming.I will contend that ManBearPig exists. My opponent will contend that ManBearPig does not exist. StructureR1 Acceptance & definitionsR2 Arguments, don't respond to opponent's arguments yet.R3 Rebuttals, respond directly to opponent's round two argument.R4 Defense respond directly to opponent's three argument.Burden of proofBurden of proof will be shared equally.Previous debate. [0]DefinitionsManBearPig = global warming and visa versa, these can be used interchangeably. Global warming "An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, especially a sustained increase sufficient to cause climatic change."[1]Sources.0. B: ManBearPig is real.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: But while the effort failed , it shows what Bin Ladin and his associates hoped to do . B: Despite the effort 's failure , Bin Ladin and his associates ' goals remained a mystery and true is true .
With no explanation, label A→B with either "observing", "for" or "against". A: a 50-foot crab was photographed in the u.k. B: crabzilla a 50-foot colossal conundrum
You will be presented with a document containing 10 sentences. The document will begin with a sentence written by a human. As some point within the document, the sentences will transition from being written by a human writer to being generated by a computer. Your goal is to guess this boundary by writing down the first sentence that you think is machine generated. DOCUMENT: Henry opened the door before I got a chance to knock. "Hey, Jake, great to see you! We were just about to leave for our trip. ""Yeah?" I looked at him with wide eyes. He didn't say anything and continued walking down the hallway. "What's going on here? Why are we being followed?" I called out as he walked past me. He turned around." You're probably wondering why I'm wearing that mask over my face," he said. choice: Why are we being followed?" choice: ""Yeah?" I looked at him with wide eyes. choice: He turned around." choice: I called out as he walked past me. choice: We were just about to leave for our trip. choice: "Hey, Jake, great to see you! choice: You're probably wondering why I'm wearing that mask over my face," he said. choice: He didn't say anything and continued walking down the hallway. choice: "What's going on here? choice: Henry opened the door before I got a chance to knock. FIRST COMPUTER-GENERATED SENTENCE:
You're probably wondering why I'm wearing that mask over my face," he said..
With no explanation, label the following with either "xxx", "neu", "oth" or "sur". I've been here for sixteen.
Q: "Some football fans admire various clubs, others love only a single team. But who is a fan of whom precisely? The following argument pertains to this question: First of all, every opponent to FC Internazionale Milano is an ex-supporter of NK Domžale. Next, being an ex-supporter of NK Domžale is necessary for being a fan of Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC. Plus,everyone who is not an opponent to FC Utrecht and not a follower of FC Rubin is an opponent to FC Internazionale Milano or a fan of Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC. Therefore, not being an ex-supporter of NK Domžale is sufficient for being an opponent to FC Utrecht or not being a follower of FC Rubin." Is the argument, given the explicitly stated premises, deductively valid or invalid? A:
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". claim would also be brought against the educational institution which trained its allegedly negligent alumnus. Id. at 115. Fourth, the court explained that recognizing a third-party educational malpractice action would force the courts to interfere with the internal operations of an educational institution, which the court was reluctant to do. Id. at 115. 10 . Dram Shop cases assert either direct or third-party causes of action against tavern owners for injuries caused to or by intoxicated patrons. 11 . See also Travelers Indem. Co. v. Lake, Del. Supr., 594 A.2d 38 (1991) (abandoning doctrine of lex loci delicti and adopting "most significant relationship" test for resolving choice of law questions in tort actions); Garrison v. Medical Ctr. of Del., Inc., Del.Supr., 581 A.2d 288 (1989) (<HOLDING>); Unocal Corp. v. Mesa Petroleum Co., A: recognizing actionable claim for negligent performance of medical procedure and negligent delay in transmitting results of tests as they relate to child born with birth defect but refusing to recognize action for wrongful life B: recognizing as viable actions in tort negligent hiring and negligent retention C: holding that section 4149 did not apply to the plaintiffs state law claims of breach of duty to protect foster care children from harm and of negligent supervision negligent entrustment and negligent failure to warn D: recognizing negligent procurement to be a negligence cause of action
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". A: Where is my back pack ? B: I don't know . Where did you leave it ? A: I just put it on the chair a while ago , but now it's gone . B: Are you sure ? A: Of course , I am sure . I bet someone stole it . B: Well , you should have kept an eye on it . A: The speaker got a bag pack while he was travelling from one railway station to another. B: The speaker lost his bag pack while he was travelling from one hotel to another. C: The speaker carried his bag pack while travelling from one railway station to another. D: The speaker lost his bag pack while he was travelling from one railway station to another.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: After 10 months, I will start my office leave. B: Before 401 days, I will start my office leave.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "Restatement", "Pragmatic condition", "List" or "Alternative". A: the p53 gene has just been implicated in lung cancer B: that about half the cells taken from lung cancer tissue they tested are missing this gene
With no explanation, label A→B with either "acceptable" or "unacceptable". A: When it came time to discuss new ideas, mark stood up and shared his. B: tolerant
With no explanation, label the following with either "Business", "Sports", "Sci/Tech" or "World". Host Marriott Quarterly Loss Narrows Hotel owner Host Marriott Corp. (HMT.N: Quote, Profile, Research) on Wednesday said its third-quarter loss narrowed as revenue per room rose, driven by an increase in room rates.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "Clarification needed", "Irrelevant", "No" or "Yes". A: ## If your benefits stop Some benefits stop if you go back to work, work more hours or earn more money. B: My payments stopped last month, but I really need them. I still haven't gone back to my job. Can some of my benefit stop?
Clarification needed.
With no explanation, label the following with either "indUnk", "Telecommunications", "Fashion" or "Sports-Recreation". So far so good. Another day without a visitor. This morning my temp was again 97.9, so while I wish I was still back up in the 98's I'm still above coverline and no change from yesterday. Let's cross our fingers that today, like yesterday, brings no visitors. Yesterday I really felt nauseous all day long. I also had a headache for most of the afternoon. Eric and I went to Steak and Shake for dinner, but I couldn't even eat my sandwich. Not sure what that means, but I'll take what I can get. I lied. I couldn't wait until Monday so I took another test. Still negative. So that's three this month. I bought some more yesterday, but now I really will wait until Monday. Stupid tests.
With no explanation, label the following with either "xlm", "gpt2_medium", "xlnet_large" or "transfo_xl". 'hard to establish if walmart bribed officials: panel the indian express no 2 -- /s --- / poem * panels - 3 & 4 are missing. 's... and other things ; money, cash!.. etc.etc. papers paper books documents photos vid pictures music songs movies movie song films film picture frames frame cameras camera phones phone messages sms calls incoming call end message tone ringing ring ding dong bang boom bing sing se singing ending note notes ends in view on screen off side out over there here this is it then again back inside that wall behind me thats all i see now outside of walls within doors beyond door between rooms across room through window glass windows at home away far distant somewhere near something else someplace different still another place yet one time a moment ago just once only ever always forever never sometime someday soon maybe tomorrow or today yesterday sometimes tonight often not usually but occasionally almost everyday happens when times change what changes? why does everything go wrong suddenly so quickly how can anything happen sudden too fast because its happening slowly enough slow going slower moving faster traveling quicker walking running sitting standing falling lying sleeping resting waiting watching listening thinking wondering worrying dreaming waking up talking whispering yelling shouting screaming crying praying begging pleading wishing hoping longing fearing forgetting remembering recalling knowing realizing believing understanding imagining seeing hearing feeling reminding photographs asleep loving sorry asking laughing breathing albums every worried questioning wanting anytime emails doorway before hating trying around sobbing caring concentrating cds letters searching smiling meeting email questions calling looking telephone knocking fighting past leaving coming alone blaming nightmare reaching writing letter words whenever sounding deciding tasting together also giving spying stories frowning seeking chasing interviews finding fearful good-bye reading greeting hugging warning office where someone saying sending visiting soothing flying dancing dream pieces explaining smelling calming sleep goodbye night kissing speaking doing down answering embracing perhaps taking staying parting glad dying liking naming angry sighing word making hiding gone departing news living while twice morning working new awakening telling awake shaking wink prayer beginning learning lingering rising stirring pausing frightening tea story relaxing job touching sleepy day from joining sunset though nights bending calm crossing burying mourning burning eating breaking choosing about sewing mixing wings weaving guarding right cooking turning becoming dawn striking wandering midnight work exploding'
With no explanation, label the following with either "negative", "neutral" or "positive". Beyond under seasoned burger.
With no explanation, label the following with either "Hope_speech", "Non_hope_speech" or "not-English". I’m still trying to save animals from humans so you lot carry on with your stupidness as usual and I’ll save innocent lives that don’t have a voice. 🦜
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: A dad is entertaining his family by playing the guitar. B: There is a man playing an instrument.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B" or "C". suppose stronger winds will transport a lot more sediment happens, how will it affect MORE sediment being transported. A: less B: more C: no effect
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". All of the following fluoroquinolones have been withdrawn Except A: Gatifloxacin B: Grepafloxacin C: Gemifloxacin D: Trovafloxacin
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not-entailed" or "entailed". A: as a result of armistice agreements in 1949 , jerusalem was divided : west jerusalem was to be under israeli control , and east jerusalem ( including the old city , with its jewish , muslim , christian , and armenian quarters ) came under jordanian authority . B: as a result of armistice agreements in 1949 , jerusalem was divided : west jerusalem was to be under israeli control , and east jerusalem ( including the old urban , with its jewish , muslim , christian , and armenian quarters ) came under jordanian authority .
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not-entailed" or "entailed". A: someone terrorized a particular person to do a particular thing . B: that person didn't do that thing .
With no explanation, label A→B with either "non-entailment" or "entailment". A: The managers next to the lawyers supported the artists . B: The managers supported the artists .
With no explanation, label A→B with either "same_event" or "different_event". A: Campaigners make final pitches on eve of Ireland's abortion referendum B: Ireland abortion referendum: PM hails 'quiet revolution'
With no explanation, label A→B with either "valid" or "invalid". A: Two young women celebrating a birthday with cake and wine . B: There is a very good chance that two women celebrating an anniversary .
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". He was as depressed as a kid on his birthday A: he was happy B: he was sad
With no explanation, label A→B with either "strengthener" or "weakener". A: PersonX makes sense in terms PersonX is seen as responsible B: PersonX is looking in the best interest of her client.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". infringe upon” his right to a jury trial under Part I, Article 15 of the New Hampshire Constitution. Id. In Bousquet, by holding that the defendant could “reasonably be deemed to have waived his right to a trial by jury,” id. (emphasis added), we recognized that in cases such as this, “the issue [is] not ‘waiver’ in the sense of voluntary relinquishment of a known right, but ‘deemed waiver,’ ” Preston v. Seay, 541 F. Supp. 898, 899 (D. Mass. 1981), aff'd, 684 F.2d 172 (1st Cir. 1982). In other words, RSA 502-A:12 dictates that by taking a direct appeal from a class A misdemeanor conviction to this court, a defendant must forego an appeal to superior court for a de novo trial to a jury; thus, he is deemed to have waived his right to a jury trial. Cf. Preston, 541 F. Supp. at 900 (<HOLDING>). The task before us is to determine whether A: recognizing the right to waive a jury trial B: recognizing doctrine C: holding that the selection of the jury constitutes part of a public trial D: recognizing massachusetts doctrine that solid default of appearance constitutes a deemed waiver of the right to jury trial
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". The library brings community together as a center for development. We need libraries A: there are regular city meetings to bring the community together as well as numerous events B: there are not regular city meetings to bring the community together nor are there numerous events
With no explanation, label the following with either "inform", "commissive", "directive" or "question". you have to pay to use the copier .
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". The employee is as hard-working as a slug A: The employee is hard-working. B: The employee is lazy.
With no explanation, label the following with either "neg" or "pos". I saw this cinematic wretchedness in a dollar theater with a friend in 1979 (back when the tickets actually sold for $1). This is the only film I have ever walked out on (with my friend, while the idiocy that is the "Laser Bra 2000" sketch was on screen). Evidently, my and my friend's reaction to the film was a common one. It is not that I found the film offensive (either as an 18-year-old or now), but rather that it is mind-numbingly stupid and patently unfunny, devoid even of the unintended humor that makes a Ed Wood film watchable. This is the real reason why NBC refused to air it, rather than a failure to comprehend Mr. Mike's "vision" (unless, of course, his vision was to drive the film's backers into bankruptcy).<br /><br />I remained surprised to this day that this film does not seem to have made any published "10 worst films of all time" list. It certainly makes mine. You have been warned.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". Please answer the following questions about which words certain pronouns refer to. They broadcast an announcement, but a subway came into the station and I couldn't hear over it . The 'it' refers to the subway because subway came into the station and I couldn't hear over it. The above reasoning is A: correct B: incorrect
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: nancy does n't play *football* B: nancy doesn't play tennis professionally.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Virginia and Thomas are from Hungary and Iran respectively. B: Virginia is not from Iran.
With no explanation, label the following with either "no" or "yes". A drink is a word for alcoholic beverage.
Based only on the information contained in a brief quote from Wikipedia, answer whether the related claim is True, False or Neither. Use Neither when the Wikipedia quote does not provide the necessary information to resolve the question. Passage: Field goal: The longest field goal made was 65 yards by Justin Tucker of the Baltimore Ravens on December 22 , 2018 . Claim: Justin Tucker of the Baltimore Ravens made the longest field goal that was more than 64 yards . True, False, or Neither?
With no explanation, label the following with either "hate-speech" or "not hate-speech". Actually these days one is not allowed to say that intelligent people are superior to less intelligent people or that skilled individuals are superior to the unskilled For shame that you consider some people superior to others
not hate-speech.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not_paraphrase" or "paraphrase". A: Both Phasael and Herod started their careers under their father Antipater , who was appointed Judea Procurator for the Roman Republic by Julius Caesar . B: Both Phasael and Antipater began their careers under their father , Herod , who was appointed procurator of Judea for the Roman Republic by Julius Caesar .
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not-entailed" or "entailed". A: Gun instructors provide the best tips and practices to keep their students safe from firearm usage since they have years of experience from handling guns in their lifetime . B: Gun instructors provide the best tips and practices to keep their students safe from firearm usage since their students have years of experience from handling guns in their lifetime .
With no explanation, label the following with either "fair_wmt20", "gpt2_large", "transfo_xl" or "ctrl". italian marines row: india reviews italy ties,rome mission stays headless the indian express: shame on italy. cricket team: don't play game or die 'french mafia... want to kill me': cricketers. pakistan: 'i am not anti-polio vaccine': pakistani cricketers... welcome 'isn't a game'? ': pakistan team wins world cup. india: 'poor pakistan, we are all indian.' 'pakistan is disaster, playing cricket': 'preparing for war': bihar cricketers' strike - india's women cricketers have called their national side boycott match against bangladesh tomorrow, in protest at refusal scheduled day after assassination of muslim politician. pakistan's army: 'i'
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "neutral". A: Heat and hot water meters; B: The water in some springs are hot because they're heated by hot magma.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: A 360 cm sculpture is abstract. A 240 cm sculpture is concrete. B: A 210 cm sculpture is abstract.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B" or "C". When a multicellular organism is damaged, it will repair itself as A: it mutates. B: the cells work together. C: the cells move.
With no explanation, label the following with either "RIGHT" or "WRONG". I‘m on the phone and English is my second language, sorry for any mistakes! So, I have this classmate that has ADHD and depression. We have some similar interests so we usually got along pretty good. But recently he started taking out his moods on me. One minute he would be having a friendly chat with me, the other he would insult me, shove me away and mess with my things. He has no respect for other people‘s belongings and never knows when to stop. A week ago I told him that I didn‘t want to be friends with him anymore because I wasn‘t interessted in being his personal punch bag. He then told me that he was only being an asshole because of his mental problems and self hate. At the time I kinda accepted that and was cool with him again, but he kept being like this, even though he promised me to stop. Now, am I an asshole for wanting to cut him out of my life because I feel like he‘s trying to guilt me into staying friends with him? One time he even texted me that „if I fuck up my relationship with you aswell, I can end it [his life] anyway.“ after having a fight with another friend. I know that he goes to therapy but I‘m still worried he‘s gonna do something to himself if I hurt him.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". A: Human: What do the people in the Army reserves do? Assistant: Well, the Army Reserve consists of individuals who don’t serve full time in the Army, and who train part-time, just in case the Army needs them. They are also eligible to serve full-time if they are called to active duty. Human: Do they get called to go full time much? Assistant: From what I understand, the Reserve is usually called up if there are emergencies or other temporary issues. In other words, they don’t get called up all that often, but when they do, they are generally asked to be part-time reservists for several years at a time. B: Human: What do the people in the Army reserves do? Assistant: Well, the Army Reserve consists of individuals who don’t serve full time in the Army, and who train part-time, just in case the Army needs them. They are also eligible to serve full-time if they are called to active duty. Human: Do they get called to go full time much? Assistant: No, they don’t. They are not a part of the regular, full-time Army, they don’t have to do regular training, and they don’t really have anything to do. They have to do call-ups, and they might go on exercises, but they don’t really have a job or a mission.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: A 1840 kg sculpture is heavy. A 1220 kg sculpture is light. B: A 1220 kg sculpture is light.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "neutral". A: I ca n't laugh or cry . B: I ca n't laugh
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". a boat running up stram takes 6 hours to cover a certain distance , while it takes 7 hours to cover the same distance running down stream . what is the ratio between the speed of the boat and the speed of water current respectively ? A: 4 : 5 B: 13 : 1 C: 5 : 6 D: 2 : 3
With no explanation, label A→B with either "False" or "True". A: Fiona is strong. Fiona is huge. Fiona is high. Harry is short. Harry is thin. Charlie is smart. Charlie is quiet. Charlie is wealthy. Erin is rough. Erin is imperfect. Erin is sad. Strong people are smart. If someone is short and thin then they are small. If someone is rough and imperfect then they are dull. If someone is smart and quiet then they are kind. If someone is small then they are little. All little people are tiny. If someone is smart then they are quiet. All quiet people are wealthy. If someone is kind then they are nice. All nice people are clever. If someone is dull then they are bad. All bad people are poor. B: Charlie is not clever.
With no explanation, label the following with either "False" or "True". Misty had a tie and a cake. She dropped the cake off the roof. True or false: the thing she dropped would likely be damaged when it hits the concrete.
The following is a conversation between two people, but the transcript doesn't mark who said what: What? ! You're steppin' on sign. ----- In the preceding conversation, were the sentences "!" and "You're steppin' on sign." said by the same or different individuals? Answer:
With no explanation, label the following with either "false" or "true". If you go to Cancún you will be very cold.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "_entailment", "_neutral" or "_contradiction". A: Both cashiers who fired Walter have donated. B: There are exactly two cashiers who fired Walter
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: In this group, it's common for moms to march into school at the beginning of the year and obtain several months' worth of assignments in advance so their children can get a head start. B: Moms get work for their children ahead of time so that they can get a head start on school.
With no explanation, label the following with either "neg" or "pos". never inspires more than an interested detachment .
With no explanation, label the following with either "angry", "happy", "sad" or "others". but way how explain goodbye don't talk to me
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: A $1440 gold is expensive. A $960 gold is cheap. B: A $1656 basketball is expensive.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: The Concise Oxford allows both pronunciations . B: The Concise Oxford only providse single word pronunciations .
With no explanation, label the following with either "3 stars", "5 stars", "2 star" or "1 star". Had planned to hit La Mestiza on Monday night, but... surprise! La Mestiza is closed on Mondays. So, we drove a block or so to the Odana Road Tienda Los Gemelos. Time: 7:30pm.\n\n+ Still located within the grocery store\n+ Looks like they recently expanded; there is a *ton* of seating that wasn't here when I last visited in 2012.\n+ Tables, booths, etc - all are updated, and there's also a new little bar area\n\n+ Nice selection of Mexican brews, including Micheladas\n+ Reasonable pricing on drinks\n\n+ Perfect menu. Not overwhelming; covers the staples and does so well\n+ Reasonable prices\n\n+ 3 tacos: $6. Went with steak, pastor, and chicken. Shockingly, the chicken was the best of the bunch. The steak had a nice sear, but was under-seasoned. The pastor was chewy and largely bland. The chicken was excellent.\n- Tri-color chips (red, green, white) were a bit stale and from a bag\n+ Salsa was delicious, as were the two complimentary hot sauces (tomatillo and chipotle)\n\n- Service. It was prompt initially, but then we never saw our server (or anyone) afterward. It would've been nice to grab a refill of drinks, but despite standing at the cash register for a few minutes, we couldn't flag anyone down for help. We never received a check; we had to go to the front of the grocery store, find someone working there, explain to them that we needed to pay, and then waited while she went and got someone from the kitchen to help us close out. \n\nThey're open until 9pm, but we didn't see a soul after 7:45pm... not sure what was going on. \n\nSo, while it's good, it's not great. I'd much prefer La Mestiza on any given day.
3 stars.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". The token was being wished upon desperately, where was it bound for? A: slot machine B: ashtray C: coin collection D: loans
With no explanation, label the following with either "acceptable" or "unacceptable". Aren't you supposed to feed the fish now?
With no explanation, label the following with either "Exchange", "Joke", "Deliver" or "Join". I want to give you bow and spear.