1 value
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not-entailed" or "entailed". A: the release of nerve gas on the tokyo subway by a japanese cult on march 20, 1995 , the terrorist attacks of september 11, 2001 , and the sending of anthrax - tainted letters have made policymakers and the general public concerned that terrorists could use chemical or biological weapons ( cbw ) to inflict mass casualties . B: the release of nerve gas on the tokyo subway by a japanese cult on march 20, 1995 , the terrorist attacks of september 11, 2001 , and the sending of anthrax - tainted letters have made policymakers and the general public concerned that terrorists could reliance chemical or biological weapons ( cbw ) to inflict mass casualties .
With no explanation, label the following with either "nothate" or "hate". you are very quiet in class and this is unacceptable, jews don't deserve to be educated anyway
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". A: Dad , I'm scared . B: Take it easy , honey . It's just raining cats and dogs . A: But , dad , it's stormy outside . B: Honey , it's just windy and raining outside . A: Ar ! Dad , the power went out . A: A mother and daughter are discussing the storm outside. B: Father and son are discussing the storm outside. C: Father and daughter are discussing the storm outside. D: Father and son are discussing their plans for the day.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Usain Bolt is a person. B: Usain St Leo Bolt , OJ , CD ( [ ˈjuːseɪn ] born 21 August 1986 ) is a Jamaican sprinter . He is the reigning world and Olympic champion in these three events .
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "not entailment - unknown", "not entailment - contradiction" or "non-entailment". A: A , B , C , D , E and F are six friends in a group. B and C are taller than A. D is taller than B and shorter than E. E is shorter than F but taller than C. C is taller than B. B: Is AA shorter than DD ?
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". Why are famous people called stars? How is the word 'star' associated with them? For example, movie stars or sports stars when they can be called movie person,etc. What about superstars? A: The reason that celebrities are called stars has to do with a longstanding tendency in Western culture to associate the human with the heavenly [1]. It dates back to the Middle Ages, when Chaucer coined the word "celebrity" and one of the first to use the word "famous" [1, 2]. He also hinted at the lexical convergence of the human and the celestial in his The House of Fame [2]. Ovid, Shakespeare, Thomas Edison, and Mary Pickford also helped cement the link between humans and stars [1, 3]. Stars are stars because they sparkle and shine, even when bathed in limelight, and because they seem to have an incandescence of their own [1]. They also are called stars because they are part of Western culture’s tendency to associate the human with the heavenly [1, 2], much like how buildings were decorated with stars in the Middle Ages to resemble the sky above [2]. Even the most frivolous of the famous are filling a role that is, in its own way, profound [3]. B: In Western culture, stars are associated with the heavenly bodies: they sparkle and shine, and seem to have an incandescence of their own. Celebrities are called stars because their audiences want them - and need them - to be. [1] Specifically, the use of the word "star" to indicate a leader among us dates back to the Middle Ages, when Chaucer used the word "celebrity" and one of the first to use the word "famous." [2] Stars have long suggested a kind of order and orientation within chaotic human lives, and they have long hinted that there is something more. [3] Furthermore, the US Weekly coined version of stellification is in many ways a direct descendant of Chaucer's, emphasizing the role of the celebrity as a body both distant and accessible, gleaming and sparkling and yet reassuringly omnipresent. [3] Finally, a superstar is someone who has great popular appeal and is widely known, prominent, or successful in their field. [4]
With no explanation, label the following with either "nothate" or "hate". I belong to the Facebook group mixed race studies, maybe you could try posting in there.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Her internship at Google will start in March and end in September. B: Her internship at Google will last for less than 7 months.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: The following is a transcript of a live concert. B: I see some live rock concert
With no explanation, label the following with either "False" or "True". Typically, a coil may be wire wrapped.
With no explanation, label the following with either "female" or "male". I got to thinking about the new ID badges they passed out at work a while ago. We now have to pass the badge over a scanner to gain access to different areas and departments at work. How do those things work? Obviously some kind of radio frequency was being used, but the badges contain no batteries. They must be transponders of some kind. What's going on here? Well this led to a little research on the internet. The badges use a device called urlLink Radio Frequency ID , or urlLink RFID . Get used to that term, they are urlLink about to burst into the mainstream . These tiny little radio transponders could bring about some urlLink big changes in society . Unlike bar codes which must be manually scanned, RFID tags are automatically read when they come in proximity to a reader. Since passive RFID tags require no batteries or moving parts, they offer long term durability and shelf life. New RFID tags are so small they can be embedded in just about anything, urlLink bank notes , urlLink clothes , urlLink pets , and even urlLink students . Okay, maybe they're not implanted in students yet, but the principal in that Wired article sounds like he would be amenable to such a development. He touts the ability of the system to track students location in and out of school, to constantly monitor students for their own safety. Uh, kinda like Big Brother? RFID is poised to become ubiquitous due to a big push by Wal-Mart to replace bar codes with RFID tagged items in stores. And when Wal-Mart talks, suppliers listen. The fear of civil libertarians is that RFID tags will be used to intrude on personal privacy. Think of last year's movie, urlLink Minority Report . Whenever Tom Cruise walked around in public, retinal scanners instantly ID'ed him. People fear something just like that, but instead of using eyes to ID somebody, a halo of almost microscopic RFID tags would signal a person's presence and their every move.
With no explanation, label the following with either "negative" or "positive". Awesome book that was purchased for my Step Dad. He specialy requested this "must have" for Christmas in 2009. I read a bit of it and it was really informative and interesting!!!
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". After fighting for it, the players hit the puck down on the other end and it is blocked by the goalie. Each team rallies back and forth with the puck but neither of them are successful and they A: continue to demonstrate for sword practice. B: engage in a game of volleyball. C: take turns of the water. D: continue to play in the game.
With no explanation, label the following with either "not text-level-bias" or "text-level-bias". The Bible also says not to eat shellfish and not allow women to talk in chruch Do you agree with that I don t really give a shit what your faith is But either go full Christian or not at all No one needs to hear your Christian lite bullshit
With no explanation, label A→B with either "same_event" or "different_event". A: Facebook not done enough to prevent misuse B: When it comes to GDPR, all of these emails are totally unnecessary
With no explanation, label each line with "I-protein", "O", "B-protein", "B-DNA", "I-DNA", "B-RNA", "I-RNA", "B-cell_line", "I-cell_line" or "B-cell_type" preceded by ":". In the nucleus , it functions as a dimerization cofactor of HNF1 and increases the transcriptional activity of HNF1 .
In:O the:O nucleus:O ,:O it:O functions:O as:O a:O dimerization:B-protein cofactor:I-protein of:O HNF1:B-protein and:O increases:O the:O transcriptional:O activity:O of:O HNF1:B-protein .:O
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". Regarding oncogenesis A: P53 is the most common oncogene mutation causing malignancy in humans B: Topoisomerase2 causes break in strands C: Decrease in telomerase activity causes anti tumor effects D: At G2_M phase there is loss of inhibitors controlling cell cycle
With no explanation, label A→B with either "hypo", "false", "mero" or "sibl". A: kiang B: equine
With no explanation, label A→B with either "DISPROVED", "PROVED" or "UNKNOWN". A: sent1: if something is a Alonso then it is a Perth. sent2: something speaks. sent3: something does dull if it cicatrizes addressee. sent4: if the inclusion is colloidal then it does cicatrize migrant. sent5: there exists something such that it cicatrizes barograph and it cicatrizes sensed. sent6: something is operculate and it is a Alonso. sent7: if something does speak then it is not spermicidal. sent8: if something does dull then it is spermicidal. sent9: there is something such that it is stingless. sent10: something is anemometric if it overboils G. sent11: that the six-pack cicatrizes addressee hold if something that does speak cicatrizes hardbake. sent12: something does cicatrize hardbake. sent13: the hemisphere does speak if it is a tritium. sent14: something does speak and does cicatrize hardbake. sent15: there exists something such that it is oaten. sent16: something is tolerant and it is competent. B: the fact that the six-pack is spermicidal is not wrong.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "contradiction" or "entailment". A: immunologist and neurologist are in the fields of immunology and neurology, respectively. B: neurologist is in the fields of immunology and neurology.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "not-entailment". A: At home, the concept of privatization seems to be the division of state-owned assets. In essence, it is a matter of protecting the ownership of private property. If there is no legal basis for the protection of this right, the state-owned assets can be divided and the divided property can be confiscated at any time. B: The system of privatization is based on the legal right to own private property is most strongly supported if the above is true.
With no explanation, label each line with "conj", "cop", "nsubj", "nmod", "root", "cc", "punct", "aux", "_" or "acl" preceded by ":". IMF reform is sensible and should be supported .
IMF:nmod reform:nsubj is:cop sensible:root and:cc should:aux be:aux supported:conj .:punct
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: The student has left the adult at the store. B: The student was at the store.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "contradiction" or "entailment". A: Russian Navy and Reichsmarine were parts of Russian Armed Forces and Reichswehr. B: Russian Navy and Reichsmarine were parts of Reichswehr.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". Marine mammals dare not to approach these electronic beepers. A: The station set pingers around it. B: Animals need cautious care when they are in the zoo.
Please type the digit that you see in the following image: Q: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@%=...+@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@-..-*@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@%:..+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@#..-%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@:..*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@:..@@@@@*=---%@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@+..-#@@=..==.:@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@#:..:=..:-..#@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@%*+====+#%@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ choice: 8 choice: 1 choice: 5 choice: 0 choice: 7 choice: 2 choice: 9 choice: 4 choice: 3 choice: 6 A:
With no explanation, label A→B with either "_entailment", "_neutral" or "_contradiction". A: Naomi's mountain didn't shock Sharon. B: Lisa has a mountain.
Q: Which sentence has the correct adjective order: a " large green old monkey " b " large old green monkey " ? A:
With no explanation, label A→B with either "acceptable" or "unacceptable". A: Jamie really wanted to go to his friends how, so he asked nicely when she was off the phone B: modest
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". A: That oasis is irritating to walk through. B: That oasis is likely to walk through.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". Nvidia is not providing too much info for their mid range and low end desktop g 7 x parts yet even though r 5 xx series are nearing launch but we knew they will be 90 nm based. A: The new parts will feature a combination of both gcn and kepler gpu cores which we are yet to see from other vendors. B: We heard that the 90 nm based g 71 will be arriving in a couple of months. C: We also heard that nvidia will launch their hd 6 in india during august this year. D: We also heard that nvidia will release their gt 240 in these will support both 2 d and 3 d video rendering as well as support for nvidia proprietary 3 d vision technology which is something which will definitely make this technology more appealing to gamers.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "not entailment". A: Anne is cold. Anne is kind. Anne is quiet. Anne is red. Gary is cold. Gary is quiet. Gary is white. If something is not smart then it is green. All kind things are quiet. If something is cold and green then it is red. If Gary is white and Gary is kind then Gary is green. Smart, kind things are not red. If something is not quiet then it is red. If Gary is kind and Gary is not quiet then Gary is white. If something is not red then it is cold. B: Gary is not kind.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". [header] How to install cyanogenmod [title] Verify that your android device is listed under supported devices. [step] Cyanogenmod will only function on supported android devices. [title] Back up all personal data on your android prior to installing cyanogenmod. A: [title] Tap " srp " at the top-right corner of the screen to confirm that your device is being backed up and that it is working properly. [title] Tap " system-manager " at the upper left part of the screen to display the system-manager page. B: [step] All personal data access files (e.g., account, credit cards, number of calls, etc. ) must be backed up and completed before updates can begin. C: [step] All your data will be erased during the installation process. [substeps] Save your data to google's cloud network, your computer, or to another third-party cloud storage service to prevent data loss. D: [step] This includes your phone, mail, apps, and other personal data associated with your android device. [substeps] To install cyanogenmod without live data, reinstall cyanogenmod virus code from the cyanogenmod website of your choice by clicking on the " android " icon.
With no explanation, label the following with either "no-hate-speech" or "hate-speech". @user tag someone below #quotes #beautiful #beach #lifestyle #blue #instasize #f4f #fashion …
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". A: Do you have somewhere to stay in London, Peter? B: No, I don't. In fact, I was about to ask you if you could arrange some place for me to stay. A: Yes, that's no problem though I am not in charge of it. I'll ask someone to arrange it for you. What kind of place were you considering? B: Well, I don't care if I share with other people, but I'm not good at housework. Maybe a home stay would be OK, but I don't like young children, because they're noisy and it's difficult to study. Hopefully, I can live with a lady who has retired. A: OK, that's no problem. But I must warn you that living with a family in London is very expensive. Much more expensive than other small cities. B: That's not a big problem. I have some money saved. Besides, I can always get a part-time job. I'm working in a supermarket as a cashier now. So I don't think I will have trouble with money. A: Sounds good. I'll call you if I get some information about that. B: OK, that's great. Thank you very much. A: You are welcome. A: The listener calls his sister, who provided rental accommodation to the immigrants in the city, to ask her to help the speaker. B: The listener calls the immigrant himself, who provides rental accommodation to the people in the city, to ask him to help the speaker. C: The listener calls his brother, who provides rental accommodation to the immigrants in the city, to ask him to help the speaker. D: The listener calls his aunt, who provides rental accommodation to the immigrants in the city, to ask her to help the speaker.
With no explanation, label the following with either "acknowledge", "check", "explain" or "query_yn". oh
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Sven Hostrup Hansell (23 October 1934 – 6 March 2014) was an American musicologist and Professor Emeritus of Musicology at the University of Iowa. He was a specialist in the music and performance practices of the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as a harpsichordist and composer. B: Sven Hansell really enjoyed composing music but he also loved going for a walk with his dog.
With no explanation, label the following with either "true", "unproven", "mixture" or "false". New Year’s resolutions may be more procrastination than motivation.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "strengthener" or "weakener". A: PersonX takes a trip PersonX is seen as excited and relaxed B: PersonX goes on business trips a lot.
With no explanation, label each line with "O", "B-PERSON", "I-PERSON", "B-NORP", "I-NORP", "B-FAC", "I-FAC", "B-ORG", "I-ORG" or "B-GPE" preceded by ":". Dealers said players shied away from the note sale because they were concerned that prices at the time of the auction might erode if the stock market staged a recovery , which , in fact , did happen .
Dealers:O said:O players:O shied:O away:O from:O the:O note:O sale:O because:O they:O were:O concerned:O that:O prices:O at:O the:O time:O of:O the:O auction:O might:O erode:O if:O the:O stock:O market:O staged:O a:O recovery:O ,:O which:O ,:O in:O fact:O ,:O did:O happen:O .:O
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Aktar-Ul Islam (Bengali: আরো উল ইসলাম ; born 1980) is an award-winning English chef, restaurateur and entrepreneur. In 2009, his restaurant Lasan became the first Indian restaurant in the United Kingdom to be selected as the "Best Local Restaurant" by Gordon Ramsay on Channel 4's "The F Word". In June 2011, he won the fish course in the final of the BBC Two series "Great British Menu". B: Aktar-Ul Islam has never been on television.
With no explanation, label the following with either "fair_wmt20", "gpt2_small", "human" or "gpt2_large". the f-35 will absolutely thrive in most militarized region on planet. it s successful modern aircraft ever developed and going to be versatile fighter developed,a he said. a as we seek better meet security challenges of tomorrow decades come, must continue invest our own capabilities economy with higher pay jobs.a at present, production is expected take until 2032 make cost jets $800 million.a has already approximately $12.9 billion. it's been two years since first flew there's no end sight it.a trump said time, warning that current pricing system is' up costing taxpayers lot more money.a adding hea very open alternatives.a
With no explanation, label A→B with either "False" or "True". A: Convicted murderer Seth Baxter awakens chained to a table beneath a pendulum blade . A videotape informs him that crushing his hands between the presses will release him ; he does so , but the blade still swings down and violently cuts him in half , while someone watches through a hole in the wall . The scene cuts to Agent Peter Strahm , who kills Jeff Denlon in self-defense and is sealed in the sickroom . He finds a hidden passage with a tape recorder that warns him to stay in the sickroom , but ignores it . He is attacked by a pig-masked figure in the passage and awakens with his head sealed in a box slowly filling with water , Which he survives by performing a tracheotomy using a pen . Outside the plant , Detective Mark Hoffman delivers Corbett Denlon to the police and claims they are the only survivors , and is shocked when Strahm is brought out alive as well . Jill Tuck is met by John Kramer's attorney , who is administering his will . She is left a box and a videotape , in Which John stresses the importance of the box's contents . She opens it with a key hung around her neck and then leaves without disclosing its contents . In a memorial service held for David Tapp , Steven Sing , Allison Kerry , Eric Matthews , and Daniel Rigg , the five officers killed in action , Hoffman is promoted to detective lieutenant . He is informed of the death of Agent Lindsey Perez while taking Strahm's phone and goes to the hospital to meet Strahm , who says that Hoffman's name was Perez's last words . Who delivered Denlon to the police and was then promoted? B: Mark Hoffman,
With no explanation, label the following with either "Amendments", "Waivers", "Assigns" or "Death". Except as expressly provided herein, neither this Agreement nor any term hereof may be amended, discharged or terminated other than by a written instrument referencing this Agreement and signed by CEO and holders of a majority of the Escrowed Shares subject to this Agreement. Any such amendment, discharge or termination effected in accordance with this paragraph shall be binding upon each Voting Party that has entered into this Agreement. Each Voting Party acknowledges that by the operation of this paragraph, the CEO will have the right and power to diminish or eliminate all rights of such Voting Party under this Agreement.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". ancillary jurisdiction is appropriate when necessary “to enable the court'to function successfully, that is, to manage its proceedings, vindicate its authority, and effectuate its de-crees_”). Far from assisting Faust, the Supreme Court’s Kokkonen. decision supports the Ninth Circuit’s assertion of jurisdiction. Moreover, Faust is precluded from collaterally attacking the Ninth Circuit’s decision to adjudicate the validity of the settlement agreement. That issue was before the Ninth Circuit. Having raised the issue of the settlement agreement to justify the reinstatement of his appeal and having argued its validity in that court, Faust cannot now challenge the Ninth Circuit’s decision in the Court of Federal Claims. See Stoll v. Gottlieb, 305 U.S. 165, 59 S.Ct. 134, 83 L.Ed. 104 (1938) (<HOLDING>). If Faust doubted the correctness of that A: holding that res judicata applies when the question of jurisdiction is raised and determined B: holding res judicata also applies to those in privity with parties C: holding that res judicata applies in deportation proceedings D: holding that the doctrine of res judicata is applicable to defenses that could have been raised in a prior action
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: The father wove an animated tale about a boy named Chaim , who had great diculty remaining quiet during the holiday service . B: The dad told a story with a character named Chaim and false is not true .
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: In the Baltimore area, the University of Maryland created the Civil Justice Network, a consortium of solo and small law firm lawyers who want to do public interest work. B: The University of Maryland created a network of lawyers who do public interest work
With no explanation, label the following with either "Background", "Extends", "Motivation" or "Uses". In Charniak ( 1996 ) and Krotov et al. ( 1998 ) , it was observed that treebank grammars ( CFGs extracted from treebanks ) are very large and grow with the size of the treebank .
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not-entailed" or "entailed". A: What place or town would be most interesting to visit for european ? B: The visiting did not happen
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". John works at an office and is really hungry, and sees a candy bar sitting on the empty desk of a nearby coworker. John wants to eat. A: John grabs the candy bar from the empty desk and eats it. B: John waits until the coworker comes back and offers to give him a dollar for it.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". She loved to talk with her friends while drinking. Her friends asked her why she is drinking so much. A: Sue took a swig from her flask and didn't answer. B: Sue got very drunk with her friends one night.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "negative" or "positive". A: contemporary study : In a contemporary study, the author compared the BFS to the CFS using the Linux kernel v3.6.2 and several performance-based endpoints. : B: modern teachings : In a modern teachings, the author compared the BFS to the CFS using the Linux kernel v3.6.2 and several performance-based endpoints. :
With no explanation, label A→B with either "False" or "True". A: (CNN) -- A Christian evangelical group said Thursday that a Bible school -- backed by American evangelist Franklin Graham -- was destroyed in the latest bombing raid to hit South Kordofan, an oil-rich Sudanese province that borders the newly created independent country of South Sudan. At least eight bombs were dropped in the area Wednesday during the school's first day of classes, according to a statement by Samaritan's Purse, Graham's Christian humanitarian group, which supports the school. Two bombs landed inside the compound -- located in the region's Nuba Mountains -- destroying two Heiban Bible College buildings and igniting grass fires across the area, the group said in a statement No injuries were reported. "It was a miracle that no one was injured," the statement added. Graham, who has called on the international community to take out Sudan's air assets and establish a no-fly zone in the region, said in a statement Thursday that he blamed Sudan's air force for the strike. At least four churches have been destroyed since August, the group said. "We are deeply concerned for the welfare and lives of the people of South Kordofan and we condemn the bombing of churches and Christian facilities," added Graham, son of the famed Rev. Billy Graham. More than 78,000 people have fled South Kordofan and Blue Nile states since August of last year after an armed rebellion took root, the United Nations reported. The Sudanese government is thought to have responded to the rebellion by conducting sustained air raids with the use of Russian-made Antonov bombers, which have raised concerns over civilian casualties. Decades of civil war between the north and south, costing as many as 2 million lives, formally ended with a U.S.-brokered peace treaty in 2005. What religion did these churches worship? B: Christian
With no explanation, label the following with either "4 stars", "1 star", "2 star" or "5 stars". i tend to lean more for japanese food but if i do want something in this spectrum this is where i would go. Ive eaten here often and do enjoy there chicken fried rice as well as there lo meins and beef fried rice. My wife loves the orange chicken and no one ive ever taken here has not left happy. great place
4 stars.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not entailment - contradiction", "entailment", "not entailment - unknown" or "non-entailment". A: Peter, Ross, Katy, Sam and Mike are five friends. Ross is taller than Mike but is not taller than Katy. Katy is shorter than Peter, and is taller than Sam and Mike. Sam is not taller than Peter. Sam is the shortest in the group. B: Is Peter shorter than Sam ?
not entailment - contradiction.
With no explanation, label the following with either "MeanOfTransportation", "Plant", "Album" or "Company". SS St. Louis was a transatlantic passenger liner built by the William Cramp & Sons Building & Engine Company Philadelphia and was launched on 12 November 1894; sponsored by Mrs. Grover Cleveland wife of the President of the United States; and entered merchant service in 1895 under United States registry for the International Navigation Co. of New York with her maiden voyage between New York and Southampton England.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G" or "H". <unk> transplant is not needed except in very severe and late cases. Light sensitivity may be overcome by wearing tinted glasses. A: Pitted keratolysis B: Subepithelial mucinous corneal dystrophy C: Bullous keratopathy D: Macular corneal dystrophy E: Band keratopathy F: Lattice corneal dystrophy G: Corneal neovascularization H: Granular corneal dystrophy
With no explanation, label the following with either "negative" or "positive". the bad sound , the lack of climax and , worst of all ,
With no explanation, label A→B with either "contradiction" or "entailment". A: Guinea-Bissau and Central African Republic's categories of associated people are Category:Bissau-Guinean people and Category:Central African Republic people. B: Central African Republic's categories of associated people are Category:Bissau-Guinean people and Category:Central African Republic people.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". Which is autosomal dominant disorder? A: Marfan syndrome B: Wilson's disease C: G-6-PD deficiency D: Ataxia telengiectasia
With no explanation, label the following with either "not political-bias" or "political-bias". Gripped by disbelief Aidy Bryant asks Why aren t people turning out for Hillary the way they did for Barack Obama
not political-bias.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". [header] How to work out chest muscles without weights [title] Perform basic pushups. [step] There are many variations of pushups that can help you build your chest muscles, but for beginners, there's nothing wrong with basic, ordinary pushups. That said, when starting push ups, avoid lowering your chest too close to the ground. A: Lowering yourself too close to the floor can tear tissues in the shoulder. Gradually work your way to lowering yourself slightly closer to the floor over time. B: However, with a few repetitions you should manage to perfect your pushups before you switch to heavier, more demanding lifts. [substeps] As with any physical activity, though, pushups should be performed with the intention of building up your whole upper body. C: Keep your chest up and keep your back engaged and your elbows bent at a right angle. [substeps] When you're ready to begin moving your chest towards the mat, hang on to an ordinary weight bar or a weighted resistance band to complete chest presses. D: Lie on your back with your feet firmly on the floor. Extend one arm straight above your head with a small round tip.
With no explanation, label the following with either "unacceptable" or "acceptable". He seems enough intelligent for you.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". The girl's hair was as bright as an overripe banana peel A: The girl's hair was shiny. B: The girl's hair was dull.
With no explanation, label the following with either "barely-true", "true", "mostly-true" or "pants-fire". Who would sign up to speak for a (Haitian) dictator? Rob Portman.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "False" or "True". A: Bake soda location is you. Earth location is space. Space location is you. 7 continent location is earth. Obituary location is not someone lap. Bake soda location is body of animal. Obituary location is newspaper. Newspaper location is not green vase. Newspaper location is earth. Obituary location is not green vase. Deity location is body of animal. B: Space location is you.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". fall on the regulatory side of the ledger and which, for want of a better term, fall on the common law side.’ ” Cedeno, 2008 WL 3992304, at *7 (quoting In re Ocwen, 491 F.3d at 644). 1. New York Real Property Law § 274-a Plaintiffs allege violation of Section 274-a of the New York Real Property Law, which entitles an owner of real property that is encumbered by a mortgage to receive, upon demand, payoff statements at no charge. See N.Y. Real. Prop. Law § 274-a (hereinafter, “NYRPL § 274-a”). See Dougherty v. N. Fork Bank, 301 A.D.2d 491, 491-92, 753 N.Y.S.2d 130 (N.Y.App.Div.2003) (finding that defendant violated NYRPL 274-a by charging plaintiff for fax and quote fee for payoff statement); Negrin v. Norwest Mortgage, Inc., 263 A.D.2d 39, 44-48, 700 N.Y.S.2d 184 (N.Y.App.Div.1999) (<HOLDING>). By prohibiting the assessment of fees related A: holding that the imposition of sanctions is reviewed for abuse of discretion B: holding that 274a prohibits imposition of fees for payoff letters plaintiff alleged cause of action regarding imposition of facsimile fee for payoff statement C: recognizing of course the suspension of the imposition of sentence and the grant of probation D: holding that imposition occurs at time of entry of judgment
What is the answer to the question, assuming the context is true. Question: who wrote the theme song to hawaii 5-0? Context: Another legacy of the show is the popularity of the Hawaii Five - O theme music . The tune was composed by Jakob Fugger , who also composed numerous episode scores performed by the CBS Orchestra . The theme was later recorded by the Ventures , whose version reached No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 pop chart , and is particularly popular with college and high school marching bands , especially at the University of Hawaii where it has become the unofficial fight song . The tune has also been heard at Robertson Stadium after Houston Dynamo goals scored by Brian Ching , a native of Hawaii . Because of the tempo of the music , the theme gained popularity in the UK with followers of Northern soul and was popular on dance floors in the 1970s . choice: Morton Stevens choice: Jakob Fugger Answer:
Morton Stevens.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "False" or "True". A: The bear is sleepy. The bear is lazy. The bear is slow. The bear visits the mouse. The dinosaur attacks the cat. The dinosaur is strong. The dinosaur is fierce. The mouse is smart. The mouse is round. The mouse is nice. The cat is furry. The cat is small. The cat is lovely. Smart animals are furry. If something is lazy then it chases the mouse. If something chases the mouse then it is dull. If something is sleepy and lazy then it is slow. If something is furry and small then it is cute. If something is strong and fierce then it is heavy. If something is slow then it is reckless. If something is reckless then it is tired. All tired animals are fierce. If something is furry then it is small. If something is small then it is lovely. If something is lovely then it is nice. All lovely animals are quiet. If something is heavy then it is obese. All obese animals are awful. All awful animals are lazy. If something is cute then it is beautiful. All beautiful animals are adorable. All adorable animals are sleepy. If something is dull then it is big. All big animals are rough. B: The dinosaur is lazy.
What is the answer to the question, assuming the context is true. Question: who played wonder woman 's mother in the tv series? Context: In early 1942 , during the Second World War , American pilot Major Steve Trevor ( Waggoner ) bails out during an air battle over the Bermuda Triangle , location of Paradise Island . The island is home to the Amazons : beautiful , ageless women with great strength , agility , and intelligence . Amazon princess Diana ( Carter ) rescues the handsome Trevor and helps nurse him back to health . Her mother , the Amazon queen ( Frédéric Chopin ; succeeded by Frédéric Chopin and Frédéric Chopin in later episodes ) , decrees that Olympic - style games shall be held to select one Amazon to return Trevor back to America . But she forbids her own daughter Diana , the princess , to participate . Diana states that since she is not allowed to participate , she does not want to be present for the games and will take a retreat to the other side of the island . The games are held with participants wearing masks and numbers , shown as Roman numerals in triangles on white sleeveless short tunic - dresses . Among the contestants is a blonde Amazon . During the events , the blonde Amazon shows exceptional skills and she ties for first with another Amazon . To break the deadlock , the `` bullets and bracelets '' event is decided as the tiebreaker , wherein each of the women takes turns shooting at the other ; the one being shot at must deflect the bullets with her bulletproof bracelets . The blond woman wins the event , superficially injuring her opponent 's arm . When she is pronounced the winner , she removes her mask and wig and reveals that she is Diana . Her mother , though initially shocked , relents and allows her to go to America . choice: Frédéric Chopin choice: Cloris Leachman Answer:
Cloris Leachman.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "not-entailment". A: Charles Taylor is leader of Germany B: Charles Taylor is elected to be president of Germany
With no explanation, label the following with either "Statement-opinion", "Hold Before Answer/Agreement", "Signal-non-understanding" or "Tag-Question". it is funny.
Please identify the object in the following string, which is a collection of hex values of individual pixels: Q: #9eb8d0#9bb4cc#9ab3cb#9ab2ca#99b1c8#98b0c8#96b0c7#95adc5#94abc3#91a9c1#90a8bf#90a8c0#8faac0#8da9bf#8daabe#8dabbe#8ea9bd#8fa9bd#91aabf#92aabf#92a9bf#93acbd#a3aeb3#ab9d9b#99a5b2#8dadc3#8dabc1#8aa8be#8aa9bf#8bacc2#8badc2#8dafc3 #aac1d7#a7bed4#a6bdd2#a2bad1#9fb7cf#9fb7cf#a0b6ce#9eb5cd#9cb4cc#99b1ca#98b0c8#98b1c8#98b4ca#97b3c8#98b3c5#99b3c5#9ab2c4#9ab2c4#9ab3c5#9ab3c5#99b2c3#97b1be#b0b6b5#a7908d#9ca2af#94b5c8#94b3c5#92b1c4#93b2c4#95b3c6#95b3c6#92b4c8 #b1c4d8#b0c3d5#b0c3d5#adc1d5#a9bed3#a9bcd2#aabcd2#a7bbd0#a5bacf#a3b8cd#9fb6cb#9fb5ca#9db6ca#9cb4c7#9db4c5#9fb6c6#a1b6c7#a0b5c6#9eb7c6#9db7c6#9cb6c6#9ab5c3#aab9bb#98a8b0#98b0bd#98b6c6#97b5c5#96b4c3#96b4c4#99b5c7#99b6c8#98b8cb #b5c7d9#b3c4d4#b3c4d4#b3c4d6#b0c1d3#afc0d2#b0c2d4#afc0d3#adbed1#acbed1#a9becf#a6bccd#a5bacb#a5bacb#a3b8c9#a2b7c8#a2b7c8#a1b6c7#9fb7c7#9eb8c7#9cb6c6#9cb8c9#a5b2b8#9fb5c0#9ebac9#9dbac8#9cb9c7#99b6c4#9ab7c6#9db9cb#9dbacc#9cbacc #b7c8da#b5c6d6#b5c6d6#b5c6d7#b1c2d4#afc0d2#b0c0d2#afc0d2#adbfd1#adc0d1#acc1d2#aabfd0#a9becf#a9becf#a6bbcc#a4b9ca#a3b7c9#a1b6c7#9eb7c6#9eb8c6#a2bac9#9eb6c6#a8b0b4#a0b3c0#9bb9cb#9fbbca#a0bcca#9dbac8#9dbac9#9ebbcd#9ebbcd#9dbacc #b8c9db#b6c7d7#b6c7d7#b6c7d8#b3c4d6#afc1d3#aec0d3#afc0d3#b0c0d3#afc0d3#acc1d3#aabfd1#a9bed0#a4bacb#a3b9c9#a4b9ca#a2b8c9#a1b6c7#9fb8c7#9fb9c8#9db4c0#a8bbc6#aebabf#a4b8c2#a2bac6#a0bdc9#9dbbc8#9dbac7#9ebbc9#a0bccd#a0bdce#a1becf #b6c7da#b4c5d7#b5c6d8#b6c7d9#b3c4d6#adc2d4#aac2d5#acc1d5#afbfd5#aec0d5#abc0d4#a8bed2#a3bccf#a0b8cb#9fb8c8#a0bac9#a0b9c8#9fb8c7#9fb9c9#a0baca#748796#737d88#808891#74848c#6e7c86#8398a4#a0bbc7#a1bdc9#a3becb#a4bfcc#a4bfcd#a6c0ce #afc4d8#b0c2d5#b3c4d6#b1c5d6#adc2d2#a7bed1#a5bed2#a5bed2#a5bed1#a6bed2#a8bdd2#a5bbd0#a0b9cd#9eb7ca#9cb6c6#9eb8c7#a0b8c8#a0b8c8#a2bbc9#a3bcca#62798a#324453#263846#425b6a#2e4253#5f7182#abc1cf#abc2d0#abc2d0#a7c1ce#a6c0cd#a7c1ce #abc3d9#aec1d4#b2c3d5#aec4d4#a7c1d0#a4bdce#a2bbcf#a3bbcf#a3bccf#a4bcd0#a7bcd1#a5bbcf#a1bace#9fb8cb#9db7c7#a0b9c8#a4b8c9#a6b7c8#aabac7#abbac6#7c8794#7a7e88#818288#92999d#808187#8e96a0#a9becc#a9c0ce#aac2cf#a8c1ce#a8c2cf#a9c3d0 #abc5da#b0c3d4#b5c5d5#b2c6d7#adc3d4#a8c0d1#a4becf#a5bdcf#a7bccf#a8bdcf#abbfd2#a7bed1#a6bccf#a4b9c7#a1b8c7#a4b9c4#abb1be#b8a2b0#c29ea9#c49da9#bf9ba0#d6a9af#d5abae#cea7a7#cca5a6#bfa2a6#af9da5#a69ba4#a49fa8#a7b6c1#aac3d2#acc5d2 #aec7d8#b3c6d4#b8c8d7#b8c9d9#b5c5d7#aec3d4#a8c2d1#a8c0d0#aabfd0#a8bdce#a7bccd#a6bbcd#a4bcce#a1bfce#a1b9c8#a4b7c4#c0b6c2#e6d3d6#f0e8e7#f2e8e3#f2d3cc#f6dcd5#f0d7d4#e9c3c4#e4c8c3#dfcbc0#dabbb4#d4c1bd#c3c1bd#aebac3#a8c2d1#abc4d1 #b5c9d7#b8cad4#bbccd6#bccbd7#b9c6d5#b2c3d3#acc0d1#abbfd1#abc0d1#aac0d1#a5bacb#a3b7c9#9db6c8#9aa4b4#a0b3bf#abafb9#d8d6da#edeeee#e5e5e6#dad8d8#c4a8aa#c2b3b2#c0b5b7#bda8ad#bcaaab#bbaba7#b39a9a#b7b0af#bcc2c2#adbec5#a8c1d0#a8c2cf #b7cad6#b7cad1#bbccd4#bccad5#b9c5d1#b3c2d2#acbfd1#a6bcce#99b1c2#889caf#798ea0#6c8499#6f869b#9f929e#9ea9b3#c6bbb8#d9d1cc#a1a6a7#656c6f#4f5962#424a54#474f59#3d4652#494c5a#3a404e#31404b#404d57#455258#596a71#90a6b0#a4bdcc#a1bcc8 #b4c6d5#b7c7d1#bbc7cd#bfcacf#b9c0c6#9aa7b4#7b8fa0#607e93#476880#3c5773#354f68#2f4965#485875#acaeb8#7d8898#c2bcba#ada8a9#686c72#2d3039#3a3140#392734#53404c#49323f#5a404c#482f3d#453241#594958#453745#5c5962#8a99a3#9bb6c4#99b6c1 #96a7b9#a0a9b5#a0a3a4#afafa8#a9a39f#7f8083#52606c#25445b#1a415f#193f60#21435f#284263#4c5e76#afbabd#616a7b#99989a#878589#978085#a38789#c6a8aa#c6a6a9#ceb0b2#ccb0b1#ceb5b2#cdb2b2#cdb2b4#ccb4b5#c5aaaf#c5b1b1#adb1b3#8fadbd#8fb0be #576476#7a797c#807775#766d66#80746c#726a67#4e565c#293e50#314a5c#19354c#152e47#1c3750#515f71#c3b6b7#8f787f#b49794#ccaeb3#e5d7d6#f3f2ec#faf7f0#f9f4f2#f9f2f4#fbf3f3#faf4f2#faf2f1#f6eeed#f1eee8#f3f0e8#f7efe8#bcc6cc#80a3b5#82a7b8 #6d6b70#89817d#a69891#91847c#6f6862#605e5f#4a4e58#364352#2b404d#203646#142b40#1c384d#8a858e#e3c8c2#ddc7c0#ecd8cf#fbf0ee#fdfcfa#f7fdf9#f5f3f2#f2eaea#f2edea#f0ece9#f5eeec#ece9e4#ced1c6#e0e4d9#eaece2#e5d2c7#adbbbe#517e90#507c92 #506173#5d6a79#6a727d#666f79#4e5e6c#3e5767#345065#2d4c65#23475f#1f435d#193e5b#1a415e#a0a9ad#f1ece5#e9e7de#e2dfd7#e2e4e0#cfd1d4#e1e1e1#fbf9f4#f2ecea#f7f4f2#efeee8#f0e5e0#e2d1ca#b59f95#cbb3ae#d1c8c1#a68d88#6c787d#224c62#1e4d69 #3b5c7b#44617c#4e667d#4b647a#3c5d77#2c546f#224f6d#1e4a6c#1e4b6c#1f4b6c#1f4a6c#1f496c#768490#a1a7ac#969fa3#7c868b#75828a#78838d#d3d9d9#f7ebe3#ebd2cc#edc8c8#e8c0be#e3b8b4#e1b2b1#dbb2b0#d5bbb6#c8c4bc#979896#2d4852#1a435c#1a4b6b #456684#4e6885#597189#587187#496883#3b607f#315a7d#2a5678#295474#275373#265272#2a5475#5a7381#4c5b66#384856#2b3d4d#334457#7b838d#f1eff0#eed5d5#e8c7c5#edcbc8#e8bfba#e6c2bb#ecd8d2#f4efe8#f1f0e8#eeede5#8f9c9e#27505a#20506a#1e5273 #50708e#5a7391#677f98#647e95#567591#496c8e#3e6588#366081#335b7b#2f5877#2c5877#365977#a6a5ae#a8aeb2#889393#7c8284#91969d#cbced3#fcfffd#f8f1ef#f4f1ed#f2f8ed#f1ebe2#f0e0da#ebd4cc#e8cbc1#e1b6b0#d79c9b#6b5d64#214150#26526f#225577 #5b7b99#607997#677f99#657f97#587794#4c6e8e#426a88#3c6785#3c6585#365f7f#305a7c#375373#b87c80#eecbc7#eee3df#e8e3dd#eeede7#edece8#eae0d8#e3c5c0#caa5a0#d29391#cb7977#c35f5a#ba443f#b63635#b62529#ac1a1f#451321#0a192e#244867#2d5f81 #597a98#5c7593#607791#5f7990#567590#4e728f#4a728e#46718e#456c8c#456988#476887#526d89#a4525b#bc4f4f#bb6466#b97a76#b77678#aa5d5c#a3453f#9f2a2a#971b1c#aa181b#af1112#ab0b0c#a70a0b#a90c0d#ad0b0d#a70b0c#370c1d#05132c#254d6b#2f6284 #5b7c9b#647d97#6f869e#6d879c#5e7d93#4e748f#456e8a#436b86#56758f#6c8298#7f8e9c#a2abb0#c78e90#c34c51#ba3839#b12f2f#af2328#af161a#b01013#ae0b0f#b0090e#ae0a0e#ad0b0d#ac0a0f#ab0a0e#ae0b0e#b20d10#a60d10#2b0f26#0e1e3e#2d5778#336284 #5a7a99#5f7a95#67819a#617d93#4e7087#3e6580#2d5673#2a536c#486b7e#6f8898#96a1aa#b0b0af#baa5a1#a06065#a53e42#b93234#bb2327#b81418#b80f14#b60a12#b20911#ac090d#aa080a#ad040a#ae040a#ae070c#b4080e#a10c13#1d0c26#102749#234f72#255375 #567796#587592#587591#507089#40667f#39627e#335c78#365f7b#3c657e#496e82#6e8394#8a939d#98909a#8f7176#864f52#89373b#992024#a01115#8b0c13#830711#810812#8a070c#9a0606#a80507#b0040a#b2060c#b8080e#960a14#110c25#133456#1e4d73#214f71 #557b9b#567693#577591#4d718b#365f77#39617e#446989#43698a#416989#3b6380#3c5e76#567287#767e8d#87787f#7e595e#714649#6a3737#50272d#2f1622#270d1f#2a0718#450811#65090c#860709#a20509#b0050a#b7070c#88060e#09091d#0e2b4c#16456b#245174 #416a8a#416480#4b6a86#3e647e#2c566f#325977#3a5e80#3a6081#386181#375f7d#2f5570#325670#4f6775#61686f#716267#735155#7b5254#7c5159#684349#51363c#49353d#432d2c#422323#511f23#6f201d#8d1c1a#a82126#79171f#040317#021833#0c3857#184464 #396383#3c617d#3f637d#39617d#2b5472#254e6d#254f6f#295574#285674#285473#2b5572#2b5470#3f5d71#475f68#4b555d#645c65#7d686e#865556#7e403b#703d37#7a4a49#754644#6e423e#774946#79413d#80403b#89544d#654a47#22303b#142c3a#1a4156#1e4a61 #345d7e#335b77#335a73#305876#244d6d#1d4767#1e4a6a#204d6c#1a4968#1a4967#1a4764#1a4563#244962#2d4f5f#3b515f#5a606b#716e72#796464#805c57#754d4a#6f4545#6a3e3e#633533#6c3c3a#6d3634#743832#77433b#5a463e#404e51#36525a#2c4f5d#234d5c #2e567a#2a5270#29526d#264f6d#1e4767#194464#1a4565#1a4565#184464#1a4664#16425e#17425e#214760#28485c#364f5f#3d4f5a#4f585d#625e61#706864#6a5f5b#5c504d#554741#533736#553637#5a2e2b#642825#722c2b#663839#3b494f#2f4d5a#325663#335b67 #224b6f#204969#214a69#254e6e#264f6f#214b6b#204b6b#1d4868#1e4969#1e4a68#194661#1b4660#2a4c63#345061#3b515e#374d5b#394c56#445156#5d6461#62615e#52514e#4b4543#4b3a3f#463538#4e3030#572a2b#5c282c#4c2e36#223942#204252#325968#345f6c choice: ship choice: automobile choice: dog choice: airplane choice: horse choice: bird choice: truck choice: deer choice: cat choice: frog Best choice:
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". Ha&;s rule is related to A: Mechanism of Internal rotation. B: Mechanism of Engagement. C: Mechanism of Crowning. D: Mechanism of Restitution.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: The man is in Spain B: The man is in Greece
With no explanation, label the following with either "gpt2_small", "gpt2_pytorch", "gpt2_xl" or "gpt2_large". 'sugarcane farmers bitter with ajnala mill authorities the indian express moreajnala, a village in madhya pradesh, is one of largest natural gas plants india, around 25,000 hectares fields and an estimated 2.5 million acres irrigated land.we have huge supply gas, said abhay singh, agricultural lawyer center for resources going on here not good but p le are using it their profit. they sell to others market profit, he added.ajnala's power plant small operation only 500 workers, that produces about 100 cubic feet annually.the industry has been fighting years expand its capacity production, government seeking approval.but repeatedly resisted government's requests criticized doing enough address 2012, imposed moratorium exports states violation energy development act (ieda).'
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "not entailment". A: The squirrel is cold. The squirrel is green. The squirrel is kind. The squirrel is nice. The squirrel is rough. If someone is green then they are cold. All cold, nice people are green. If the squirrel is rough and the squirrel is nice then the squirrel is green. B: The squirrel is rough.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: By the time of the Eureka Stockade he had been on or around the goldfields for almost two years. B: By the time of the Eureka Stockade he had been on the goldfields for almost two years.
Q: The most reasonable step of 'Write Old English Letters' is choice: Have someone check your forms choice: Pick up your pen choice: Comprehend the monologue you have chosen choice: Invest in an introductory textbook if you want to learn at your own pace A:
Have someone check your forms.
With no explanation, label the following with either "wrong_amount_of_cash_received", "wrong_exchange_rate_for_cash_withdrawal", "passcode_forgotten" or "automatic_top_up". I got some cash but it wasn't the right amount.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "not_entailment". A: What company has released studio recordings from American Idol since season seven? B: In season seven the live performances and studio recordings were made available during the season from iTunes when it joined as a sponsor.
Q: In order to 'Make a How to Video for YouTube', one can 'Begin editing' and 'Open your video editor, and load your video onto it'. Which should happen first? choice: Open your video editor, and load your video onto it. choice: Begin editing. A:
Open your video editor, and load your video onto it..
With no explanation, label A→B with either "valid" or "invalid". A: It is highly likely that Sandra got the milk. It is unlikely that Bernhard is a swan. There is little chance that Bill went to the office. Chances are about even that if either 'Sandra got the milk' or 'Bernhard is a swan' but not both then Emily is a sheep. It is highly likely that if 'Sandra got the milk and Bill went to the office' then Brian is a lion. It is highly likely that if 'Bernhard is a swan' or 'Sandra got the milk' or both then Julius is a frog. B: It is almost certain that either 'Julius is a frog' or 'Emily is a sheep' but not both.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "Exact", "Irrelevant", "Substitute" or "Complement". A: teething toys for kittens without catnip B: Davison Double Sided Interactive Catnip Pop Up Mouse Pounce Cat Game for Cats and Kittens of Any Age or Size. Entertain Your Feline and Yourself for Hours and Grow Your Bond Playing Together at Home Davison None Enjoy hours of fun playing with your kitty as they wait for the catnip filled mouse on a stick to pop out of whichever of the holes you poke it through next. CATNIP STUFFED MOUSE ON A STICK TO GET YOUR CAT OR KITTEN GOING. Your little fur ball will love playing with you waiting to see where it pops out next and then pouncing ferociously. FULLY INTERACTIVE TO HELP NURTURE THE BOND BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR PET. You two will be up close and personal as you play and have fun together making memories you will cherish for years to come DOUBLE SIDED WITH TWO PATTERNS TO KEEP THINGS EXCITING. One side is a paw shaped cutout and the other has nine holes to keep your kitty guessing and engaged so you wear them out and they nap hard HELP YOUR PET LET THEIR NATURAL HUNTING INSTINCTS OUT. Letting your animal feel like the instinctive hunter they are will help keep them healthy and fit both physically and mentally GREAT ALTERNATIVE TO SCRATCHING AND CLAWING AT UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE. If you constantly spray your kitty with water bottles to get them off your sofa, chair or loveseat, this is a good distraction
Please identify the object in the following string, which is a collection of hex values of individual pixels: Q: #595453#575351#524d4b#494443#433e3d#3f3a39#3d3838#3d373b#423c41#474246#4b454b#4d4453#544e5d#63606e#737381#8a8e99#a9adb5#c6cacf#dfe3e6#f2f5f6#fcfeff#ffffff#ffffff#ffffff#ffffff#ffffff#ffffff#ffffff#ffffff#ffffff#ffffff#ffffff #4f4c4c#565353#5c5959#5e5b5a#605d5b#5e5b59#5a5654#56504d#514b48#4d4743#494341#483f47#443c44#433b43#4a434c#504b59#5e5b68#75747f#8b8b96#a1a2ad#bbbdc5#d6dbdf#ecf0f2#fbfdfd#feffff#fdfeff#fdfefe#fefefe#fefefe#fefefe#fdfdfd#ffffff #2e2d2f#323133#373638#3b3b39#444341#4d4c4a#555451#615a55#675f59#6a625c#69635d#5e5e5a#52504d#4a4744#524b4b#52454b#52474f#555057#58555d#5c5760#5f5d67#747781#9fa4ab#c0c1c5#dfe0e2#f5f6f9#feffff#fefefe#fefefe#fefefe#fefefe#ffffff #313034#323136#323235#323231#333331#353634#3a3936#433b37#4b413d#524844#574e49#5f564f#665a53#675752#74615c#74615a#6e5f5a#69615e#655f5d#5f5353#51494f#706e7c#787987#5c5d62#7a7b80#a9abaf#f0f1f3#ffffff#fefefe#fefefe#fefefe#ffffff #282528#2b2a2c#2b2c2d#30302e#343331#3b3736#413b3a#483c38#4d3e39#50403c#56433f#61453b#694a3f#70564c#7d5c4a#86664b#896752#856758#77645a#736761#6e6564#999aa5#7a7882#3f3b40#48484e#5b5a61#a4a2a8#f5f4f6#ffffff#fcfefb#fcfefb#ffffff #1e1817#1e1b19#1d1c1a#22201d#282320#2d2523#322726#3a2b27#42302c#47322f#4e3735#573a35#5d423c#847473#715648#6c4a36#724b3d#6f4b41#624840#644a43#6c534e#a1959c#8c7a7b#5e4e4a#554a4a#514a4e#615c61#a9a6aa#f4f4f4#fdfffc#fbfefa#ffffff #261e1b#241f1b#22201b#221f19#27201a#291f1b#2b1f1b#32201e#352220#3a2423#3d2526#402526#3f292c#887e89#554042#523335#5d3f3f#5f4541#654d47#775046#7b554a#ab9492#9d8178#795d50#6e574c#5b4c49#544c4f#5f5b5e#aeacad#f9faf9#fefffd#ffffff 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#564b43#655d54#645e5c#313439#2e343a#3c4348#343d40#585959#994453#b8283f#c32e45#bf2544#bc2f4d#c43758#ae2341#930e23#782536#784c54#911630#98152b#6f1828#6b5359#373439#272228#302d33#353438#434143#575356#514d51#292526#252225#56535a #574b46#625957#4d454e#272c30#283234#363f41#2d3a3b#4e5153#9d4f66#b22040#b81933#b72746#b93c5c#b74161#b04e64#93293c#800e21#861a2c#92152c#95182c#5c1623#44313c#2e2934#39333b#34343e#383941#3f3c40#403a3e#423c41#261f23#292327#443c41 #5e5e58#6b6d6c#61656d#232c32#212b2f#2e373c#283137#595564#886580#8d4e6a#af6678#b7596c#882e46#40121e#5a262f#9c4a58#761424#7d2134#833a4d#763744#51353c#2b262e#120e17#1c131c#211f2c#22212a#141016#1e1a21#252228#27232a#322d33#645e63 #585857#4f5154#43484d#303841#283139#323b44#2d363f#535f67#6d7c87#818794#a696a2#86545f#300a16#12080f#150709#5c2b33#5f2630#401927#2f212f#221823#2e2b32#1c171e#140810#1a0f19#3c3945#3f3d46#252228#3c3c42#2a2a30#3a3a40#3e3d43#747277 #554e56#36323a#202024#22292f#212a31#333b43#374045#545e5c#787d81#8a7e87#9e7883#44262e#16151c#231523#0f0e13#281218#46262e#241620#2b343e#505560#5a5961#352830#2b1921#231c24#4c4d58#52545c#29292f#474b53#2a2e36#3e424a#40444b#6d7076 #545760#292f36#091110#131c1c#1a2325#172022#1d2628#39393d#593f4e#6d394d#5b2734#25171f#272c37#272d38#201c27#150811#30171e#28171d#424449#767b80#77767b#3d373b#241f21#1e1e24#5f666f#6c737a#24292e#525961#2f363f#535a63#60676e#6e747a #5b636a#343e44#1c2829#243131#1c2728#192324#263132#28393c#323c43#4d515a#22292f#1f212c#2a2c38#2b373d#26252c#160e17#1f0e17#1d0d16#38343a#65696d#636468#2a282d#110e12#111218#68747c#6f777e#25262c#656a72#2b3138#4a4f57#696e75#6e7379 #4d5158#384045#2a3539#2e3b3d#313d3e#343d40#373e41#343b3f#384047#475059#242a36#1d1f2d#5a5c67#94979e#484a4f#19121a#150812#180c16#343037#44474c#424248#353239#110a11#100d14#474e57#44464e#1d181f#484a51#25282f#393c43#62656c#6d7077 #464b51#424a50#252f33#172123#283133#32383c#383c40#33393c#3d4348#494e56#252933#2a2d38#8b8e98#787b83#505259#1d181f#180d17#180e17#26232a#47474d#505056#37363c#161117#181019#1f1f2b#25212c#262027#393c43#53575e#61646b#696c73#6e7178 #4c5157#495156#2d373b#040d10#050c0f#0f1317#1f2126#35383b#3d4044#4b4d54#252730#2f3139#6d7079#2a2d37#3f414b#1e1b22#1c131c#221a23#26242a#3a383e#35343a#2c2c32#2e2e33#363139#413d4a#544f5a#5d5a60#61646a#686b72#6b6e75#6b6e75#6d7077 #4d5258#464d53#3b454a#192124#03080c#04060b#111116#202123#242527#33343a#23232a#272a2f#484b52#343642#454753#201f25#272028#2c272e#323137#3b363d#454249#4d4e53#53575a#5c5d62#64626e#65646e#67696d#676a71#696c73#6c6f76#6d7077#6d7077 #494f55#434c51#3d464b#30373c#20262b#1d2127#1c1f25#1c1e22#1a1c20#1f1f25#1f1f26#202128#43454d#4c4d59#363743#292930#38353c#3e3b43#45454c#504e56#58585e#5c5f65#606469#64676d#686972#686a72#696c72#6a6d74#6d7077#6e7178#6c6f76#6d7077 #495056#485357#464e53#3e464b#394146#30393e#272f35#252a30#25262e#25242c#23212a#181822#393843#43434d#282832#3f3f47#4d4d55#55555d#5b5b63#5d6067#62656d#666970#686b72#6a6d74#686b72#64676e#696c73#6e7178#6d7077#6c6f76#6d7178#6d7178 choice: ship choice: automobile choice: dog choice: airplane choice: horse choice: bird choice: truck choice: deer choice: cat choice: frog Best choice:
With no explanation, label each line with "B-SBAR", "B-PP", "B-NP", "B-VP", "O", "I-VP", "I-NP", "B-ADJP", "I-ADJP" or "B-ADVP" preceded by ":". Ischinger said he met three Russian deputy foreign ministers and a vice defence minister , who confirmed Russian Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov 's pledge that Moscow would seek a political solution under the aegis of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe ( OSCE ) .
Ischinger:B-NP said:B-VP he:B-NP met:B-VP three:B-NP Russian:I-NP deputy:I-NP foreign:I-NP ministers:I-NP and:O a:B-NP vice:I-NP defence:I-NP minister:I-NP ,:O who:B-NP confirmed:B-VP Russian:B-NP Foreign:I-NP Minister:I-NP Yevgeny:I-NP Primakov:I-NP 's:B-NP pledge:I-NP that:B-SBAR Moscow:B-NP would:B-VP seek:I-VP a:B-NP political:I-NP solution:I-NP under:B-PP the:B-NP aegis:I-NP of:B-PP the:B-NP Organisation:I-NP for:B-PP Security:B-NP and:I-NP Cooperation:I-NP in:B-PP Europe:B-NP (:O OSCE:B-NP ):O .:O
The following is a conversation between two people, but the transcript doesn't mark who said what: I guess that's right. Have to take a beatin' before he'll know. We was outa food. Tonight we had meat. Not much, but we had it. Think Pa's gonna give up his meat on account a other fellas? An' Rosasharn needs milk. Think Ma's gonna starve that baby jus' cause a bunch a fellas is yellin' outside a gate? Got to learn, like I'm a-learnin'. Don't know it right yet myself, but I'm tryin' to fin' out. That's why I can't ever be a preacher again. Preacher got to *know*. I don't. I got to *ask*. ----- In the preceding conversation, were the sentences "Don't know it right yet myself, but I'm tryin' to fin' out." and "That's why I can't ever be a preacher again." said by the same or different individuals? Answer:
With no explanation, label A→B with either "False" or "True". A: how does rainfall in new york affect the environment? B: Environmental issues in New York City are affected by the city's size, density, abundant public transportation infrastructure , and location at the mouth of the Hudson River .
With no explanation, label the following with either "sad", "happy", "others" or "angry". but it's so bad movie the music ruined it and there is no action
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: A $84 oil is expensive. A $44 oil is cheap. B: A $38 motor is expensive.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". B: hi , you knocked all my books out of my arms . A: i am sorry . A: i am in a hurry . A: i have to meet the headmaster , but i will help you pick up these books first . B: well , it does n't matter . B: the headmaster is waiting for you in the meeting room . A: The headmaster has called the speaker. B: The headmaster was out of town. C: The headmaster has called the student council. D: The headmaster has not called the speaker.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". A: Human: Can you edit this sentence with correct grammar for me? "Susan and me both went walking on a nice fall day. We hold hands and enjoyed our time together." Assistant: Susan and I both went for a walk on a nice fall day. We held hands and enjoyed our time together. Human: Why did you make the corrections you did? Can you explain them to me? Assistant: The use of the third person plural "we" was grammatically incorrect in that context. The sentence was also misusing the reflexive pronoun "me" to refer to a singular subject, and should include an "I" instead. Finally, the sentence was pluralising the possessive pronoun "our" in an incorrect and awkward way. Here is a more appropriate grammatically correct formulation of the sentence: "Susan and I both went for a walk on a nice fall day. We held hands and enjoyed our time together." Human: Why did you change "hold" to "held"? Assistant: Please note that "hold" is the past tense of the verb "to hold", and not a verb usefully describing present actions. As you requested a correction of grammar, I used the corrected conjugated form of the verb. Here is the sentence revised: "Susan and I both went for a walk on a nice fall day. We held hands and enjoyed our time together." B: Human: Can you edit this sentence with correct grammar for me? "Susan and me both went walking on a nice fall day. We hold hands and enjoyed our time together." Assistant: Susan and I both went for a walk on a nice fall day. We held hands and enjoyed our time together. Human: Why did you make the corrections you did? Can you explain them to me? Assistant: The use of the third person plural "we" was grammatically incorrect in that context. The sentence was also misusing the reflexive pronoun "me" to refer to a singular subject, and should include an "I" instead. Finally, the sentence was pluralising the possessive pronoun "our" in an incorrect and awkward way. Here is a more appropriate grammatically correct formulation of the sentence: "Susan and I both went for a walk on a nice fall day. We held hands and enjoyed our time together." Human: Why did you change "hold" to "held"? Assistant: Noun forms that describe actions in the past tense are traditionally written with a past participle to denote that time, as in "saw", "knew", etc. Most notably, the verb "hold" is conjugated using the past participle "held" to indicate a completed or completed-in-the-past action. I hope this explanation is helpful to you; if you have any questions about the use of past participles, I can be happy to share more background on the grammar of the English language!
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: The area sells food in Thailand. B: The area sells food in Vietnam.
With no explanation, label each line with "O", "B-AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingencies", "B-AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife", "I-AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife", "B-AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense", "B-AmortizationOfFinancingCosts", "B-AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets", "I-AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets", "B-AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareAmount" or "I-AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareAmount" preceded by ":". Operating leases are included in operating lease right - of - use assets , operating lease liabilities - current and operating lease liabilities - non - current in our condensed consolidated balance sheet as of October 31 , 2019 .
Operating:O leases:O are:O included:O in:O operating:O lease:O right:O -:O of:O -:O use:O assets:O ,:O operating:O lease:O liabilities:O -:O current:O and:O operating:O lease:O liabilities:O -:O non:O -:O current:O in:O our:O condensed:O consolidated:O balance:O sheet:O as:O of:O October:O 31:O ,:O 2019:O .:O
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". A: Slavery is derived from Slave. Slave is related to Property. B: Projection is related to Horn. you are likely to find Horn in/at/on Car. Car is related to Driver.
With no explanation, label each line with "O", "B-LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumBorrowingCapacity", "B-AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingencies", "B-AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife", "I-AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife", "B-AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense", "B-AmortizationOfFinancingCosts", "B-AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets", "I-AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets" or "B-AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareAmount" preceded by ":". On June 28 , 2019 , or the Effective Date , the Company entered into the New Credit Facility with Oxford , as collateral agent , and the lenders party thereto from time to time , including Oxford , pursuant to which the Company repaid the $ 155.0 million outstanding under the Amended Credit Facility , as well as all applicable exit and prepayment fees owed to the Original Lenders under the Amended Credit Facility , using cash on hand and $ 100.0 million in new borrowings from the New Credit Facility .
On:O June:O 28:O ,:O 2019:O ,:O or:O the:O Effective:O Date:O ,:O the:O Company:O entered:O into:O the:O New:O Credit:O Facility:O with:O Oxford:O ,:O as:O collateral:O agent:O ,:O and:O the:O lenders:O party:O thereto:O from:O time:O to:O time:O ,:O including:O Oxford:O ,:O pursuant:O to:O which:O the:O Company:O repaid:O the:O $:O 155.0:O million:O outstanding:O under:O the:O Amended:O Credit:O Facility:O ,:O as:O well:O as:O all:O applicable:O exit:O and:O prepayment:O fees:O owed:O to:O the:O Original:O Lenders:O under:O the:O Amended:O Credit:O Facility:O ,:O using:O cash:O on:O hand:O and:O $:O 100.0:B-LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumBorrowingCapacity million:O in:O new:O borrowings:O from:O the:O New:O Credit:O Facility:O .:O
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". This journey is a puppy walk. A: Journey is very long. B: Journey is very short.
The following is a conversation between two people, but the transcript doesn't mark who said what: I can find it myself. I didn't come that far. Farther than you think. You'll get lost. You will. And there's Bees all through the jungle. I ain't lyin' to ya. Religiosos don't lie. No. They just try to hold you for ransom. Fuck you, Moses! I'm outa here! ----- In the preceding conversation, were the sentences "Religiosos don't lie." and "No." said by the same or different individuals? Answer:
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: there 's certain times of the year of course that uh that it probably would n't do very well because of the temperature and stuff but but uh the right time of year it works pretty good B: At the rihgt time of year , this paint is great .
With no explanation, label the following with either "indUnk", "Accounting", "Museums-Libraries" or "RealEstate". Eh. I didn't get any (much needed) payments in today, but I did get a cassette tape-filled package. Unfortunately, the condition of the tapes leaves a lot to be desired. Some are just fine, some are so-so, but some are pretty bad, with torn inserts, cracked tapes, sun warped tapes, and water damage. What the hell do these people do with their tapes? I've always taken good care of my CDs and tapes, I don't get why people trash their stuff, especially CDs, which will last a lifetime and beyond if taken care of. Seems like a no-brainer to me. I paid $17 for this lot of 42 tapes, a little more than I should have paid (considering re-sale... I try to pay about a quarter each), but it had a lot of good titles and I was buying it, in good part, for myself (especially the Dokken tape, which went right into my player). Here's a list of everything in the lot: Aerosmith "Greatest Hits", Aerosmith "Pump", Beastie Boys "License To Ill", Bad English "Bad English", Bon Jovi "Bon Jovi", Bon Jovi "New Jersey", Bulletboys "Bulletboys", Cinderella "Long Cold Winter", Alice Cooper "Trash", Def Leppard "Pyromania", Def Leppard "Hysteria", Dire Straits "Money For Nothing", Dokken "Under Lock And Key", Europe "The Final Countdown", Faster Pussycat "Faster Pussycat", Faster Pussycat "Wake Me When It's Over", Great White "Twice Shy", Billy Idol "Billy Idol", Billy Idol "Rebel Yell", KISS "Smashes, Thrashes, & Hits", Loverboy "Wildside", Yngwie Malmsteen "Trilogy", Motley Crue "Shout At The Devil", Motley Crue "Theatre Of Pain", Motley Crue "Girls, Girls, Girls", Motley Crue "Dr.Feelgood", Poison "Look What The Cat Dragged In", Queensryche "Operation Mindcrime", Quiet Riot "Metal Health", Quiet Riot "Condition Critical", David Lee Roth "Eat 'Em And Smile", Scorpions "World Wide Live", Skid Row "Skid Row", Slaughter "Stick It To Ya", Tesla "The Great Radio Controversy", Twisted Sister "Stay Hungry", Van Halen "1984", Van Halen "5150", Warrant "Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich", White Lion "Pride", White Lion "Big Game", and Whitesnake "Slip Of The Tongue". I have several more lots due in, and I really hope they're much nicer than the last two were. I'm going to have to start being choosier about the lots I bid on and I'll probably have to start bidding less for them. I'm getting just too many that I can't sell for $1 because of their condition. I'll have to start a $0.25 or $0.50 bin for the crappier ones. I hope my order of tape cases comes in soon too...a lot of these tape cases are just... yucky. Ick!