. O
The O
Soil B-climate-models
and I-climate-models
Water I-climate-models
Assessment I-climate-models
Tool I-climate-models
( O
SWAT B-climate-models
) O
is O
the O
most O
used O
model O
to O
simulate O
watershed B-climate-nature
and O
BMPs B-climate-mitigations
scenarios O
. O
-DOCSTART- -X- O O 2ff9927985b0bccf130dbd23627389bf
The O
objective O
of O
this O
study O
is O
to O
examine O
UHS B-climate-properties
as O
an O
Urban B-climate-hazards
Heat I-climate-hazards
Hazard I-climate-hazards
( O
UHH B-climate-hazards
) O
based O
on O
Universal B-climate-datasets
Temperature I-climate-datasets
Climate I-climate-datasets
Index I-climate-datasets
( O
UTCI B-climate-datasets
) O
and O
Effective B-climate-datasets
Temperature I-climate-datasets
Index I-climate-datasets
( O
ETI B-climate-datasets
) O
in O
University O
of O
Indonesia O
. O
Thermal O
bands O
of O
Landsat B-climate-observations
8 I-climate-observations
images O
( O
the O
acquisition O
year O
2013 O
- O
2015 O
) O
were O
used O
to O
create O
LST B-climate-properties
model O
. O
The O
UTCI B-climate-datasets
showed O
“ O
moderate O
” O
and O
“ O
strong O
heat B-climate-hazards
stress I-climate-hazards
” O
, O