Theological matters aside , the movie is so clumsily sentimental and ineptly directed it may leave you speaking in tongues .
Teologia kontuak alde batera utzita , film sentimentala eta era ezegokian zuzendua denez hizketa arbuiagarri bat izateko arriskua dago.
This latest installment of the horror film franchise that is apparently as invulnerable as its trademark villain has arrived for an incongruous summer playoff , demonstrating yet again that the era of the intelligent , well-made B movie is long gone .
Beldurrezko film guztien azken sekuentzia ... izar amesgaiztoak bezain iraunkorra da. Udako finalak hasiko dira.
Novak contemplates a heartland so overwhelmed by its lack of purpose that it seeks excitement in manufactured high drama .
Novak-ek irudikatzen du lurralde bat, non helburu eta balio falta den, eta non jendea aztoratzen den dramatismoaren bidez.
Been there , done that , liked it much better the first time around - when it was called The Professional .
Lehen aldian , profesional gisa, askoz hobeto.
The film is all over the place , really .
Pelikula handia da, ezta?
It dabbles all around , never gaining much momentum .
Leku guztietan barrena dabil. Ez da inoiz asko mugitzen.
The beautiful , unusual music is this film 's chief draw , but its dreaminess may lull you to sleep .
Musika ederra da, ez da berezkoa eta filmaren gakoa da. Baina loarazten zaituen amets hori...
The action quickly sinks into by-the-numbers territory .
Akzioa eremu mugatura erori da.
Forages for audience sympathy like a temperamental child begging for attention , giving audiences no reason to truly care for its decrepit freaks beyond the promise of a reprieve from their incessant whining .
Publikoaren aurrean amore emateko... haur bat erreguka entzun nahi izaten du. Baina ez zaie axola. Euren narrazioa.
When ( Reno ) lets her radical flag fly , taking angry potshots at George W. Bush , Henry Kissinger , Larry King , et al. , Reno devolves into a laugh-free lecture .
Eta erradikal asaldatu zen. George W. Bush eta Henry Kissinger baita Larry King ere hileta batera joan ziren.
Such a premise is ripe for all manner of lunacy , but Kaufman and Gondry rarely seem sure of where it should go .
Horrelako premisa bat zentzugabekeria hutsa da. Baina Kaufman eta Gondry oso gutxitan dakite nora iritsi.
Burns ' fifth beer-soaked film feels in almost every possible way -- from the writing and direction to the soggy performances -- tossed off .
Badirudi erritmo guztietan nahastuta dabilena gidoi eta produkzio saiorekin .
While this one gets off with a good natured warning , future Lizard endeavors will need to adhere more closely to the laws of laughter
Aldi honetan "Txistea"k emaitza onak eman ditu. Etorkizuneko matxinatuek, gure herrialdeaz barre egin beharko dute.
Another boorish movie from the I-heard-a-joke - at-a-frat-party school of screenwriting .
Beste film txatxu bat, Hiru Legeak eta tranpa.
Too much of the movie feels contrived , as if the filmmakers were worried the story would n't work without all those gimmicks .
Film osoak sortzaileak ditu, baina filmatzaileak beldur dira filmak ez ote duen arrakasta izango trikimailuak erabiliz.
It 's hard to understand why anyone in his right mind would even think to make the attraction a movie .
Zaila da ulertzea batek zergatik pentsatuko lukeen film bat egitea.
And it 's harder still to believe that anyone in his right mind would want to see the it .
Eta zaila da sinestea inozo batek ere ez lukeela ikusi nahi.
The ethos of the Chelsea Hotel may shape Hawke 's artistic aspirations , but he has n't yet coordinated his own DV poetry with the Beat he hears in his soul .
Chelsea Hotelaren izaerak Hawken arte-ahalmenak markatuko ditu , baina ez ditu bere bertsoak lotuko bere bihotzaren taupada eta xuxurlatuarekin.
The sight of the name Bruce Willis brings to mind images of a violent battlefield action picture , but the film has a lot more on its mind -- maybe too much .
Bruce Willis-en izena entzutean gerra-zelaian huts egiten duen gerra-pelikula baten antza hartzen da. Baina filmak gehiegi kontatzen du. Gehiegi, beharbada.
Why sit through a crummy , wannabe-hip crime comedy that refers incessantly to old movies , when you could just rent those movies instead , let alone seek out a respectable new one ?
Zertarako nahi duzu eseri eta film zaharrak ikusten jarraitu film horiek alokatu ahal dituzun bitartean eta beste pelikula on batzuk egin?
The obnoxious special effects , the obligatory outbursts of flatulence and the incessant , so-five-minutes-ago pop music on the soundtrack overwhelm what is left of the scruffy , dopey old Hanna-Barbera charm .
Efektu berezien talka-erritmoa eta 5 minutuko abestiak Hanna-Barbera taldekoei zor diete.
Exploring value choices is a worthwhile topic for a film -- but here the choices are as contrived and artificial as Kerrigan 's platinum-blonde hair .
Balio-hautaketa bat egitea filma egiteko baliagarria da. Baina hemen erabakiak oso artifizial daude. Kerriganen ile horia bezala.
The movie 's downfall is to substitute plot for personality .
Filmaren akatsik larriena da pertsonaiaren traizioa egitea.
It does n't really know or care about the characters , and uses them as markers for a series of preordained events .
Ez ditu pertsonaia batzuk ezagutzen. Aurrejuzku barik, egoera berean daude.
All mood and no movie .
Umore txarrez filmean ez ginen sartu.
Press the delete key .
Ezabatu dena.
Simone is not a bad film .
Simone ez da film txarra.
It just does n't have anything really interesting to say .
Ez dauka gauza interesgarririk esateko.
Once he starts learning to compromise with reality enough to become comparatively sane and healthy , the film becomes predictably conventional .
Errealitatearekin bakeak egiten ikasten duenean ... bere burua normaltzat jotzen duenean ... orduan filmaren doinua, normala eta aurresan zitekeena bihurtuko da.
... hopefully it 'll be at the dollar theatres by the time Christmas rolls around .
Espero dut " Dollarreko Filmek"ek martxan jartzea Gabonetarako.
Wait to see it then .
Ikusiko duzu.
There 's no disguising this as one of the worst films of the summer .
Udako pelikularik txarrena bihurtuko dugu.
Or for the year , for that matter .
Edo urte osorako, beharbada.
Lacks the spirit of the previous two , and makes all those jokes about hos and even more unmentionable subjects seem like mere splashing around in the muck .
Ez du aurreko bi aldietako espiritua ezaugarri . Eta putari buruzko txisteak ezerez bihurtzen ditu ... eta bereziki inporta zaizkio aldizkari arruntak .
This hastily mounted production exists only to capitalize on Hopkins ' inclination to play Hannibal Lecter again , even though Harris has no immediate inclination to provide a fourth book .
Ordezko bat aurkitu behar dugu, gero salduko dugu L.A. Hiriko poliziara.
Death to Smoochy tells a moldy-oldie , not-nearly - as-nasty - as-it - thinks-it-is joke .
" Heriotza-kausa " ez da " Heriotza-kausa " , " Heriotza-kausa " baizik.
Over and over again .
Behin eta berriz.
The threat implied in the title Pokémon 4ever is terrifying -- like locusts in a horde these things will keep coming .
Izenburuak dioen bezala, Pokemonek 4 aldizkari erasotu ditu... eta atzetik datozen izakiak dira:
The film never gets over its own investment in conventional arrangements , in terms of love , age , gender , race , and class .
Film honek ez ditu sekula bere ohiko estiloak gainditzen: maitasuna, adina, generoa, arraza eta klasea.
To call this film a lump of coal would only be to flatter it .
Film honi " ikatzaren blokeak " deitzea lorezaintza hutsa litzateke .
Entertainment more disposable than Hanna-Barbera 's half-hour cartoons ever were .
Hanna-Barbera marrazki bizidunak baino marrazki biziagoak dira.
The film falls short on tension , eloquence , spiritual challenge -- things that have made the original New Testament stories so compelling for 20 centuries .
Film honek ez ditu bere erronkak adierazten: tentsioa , hizkera gordina , erronka espirituala ... Testamentu Berriaren kontaera originalak 20 mendetan erakarri dituen gauzak .
By the end of it all I sort of loved the people onscreen , even though I could not stand them .
Nik maite nuen pantailako jende hori ... nahiz eta nazkagarria iruditu.
Perhaps the film should be seen as a conversation starter .
Agian elkarrizketa modu bat izan daiteke.
It 's not an easy one to review .
Ez da erraza berrikustea.
At best this is a film for the under-7 crowd .
7 urtetik beherakoentzat da.
But it would be better to wait for the video .
Baina bideo bat badaukagu zain.
And a very rainy day .
Eta egun euritsu oso bat.
The whole talking-animal thing is grisly .
Hitz egiten duen animalia bakarra izateak izorratzen zaitu.
Never Again , while nothing special , is pleasant , diverting and modest -- definitely a step in the right direction .
" Ez dut berriro ikusi " , bereziki " Ez dut berriro ikusiko " , gozoa eta bakana da , eta erabat nire bidean dago.
Would n't it be funny if a bunch of Allied soldiers went undercover as women in a German factory during World War II ?
Bitxia geratuko litzateke soldadu aleman bat ezkutuan sartuko balitz alemaniarren lantegi batean?
Um , no. .
Ez, ez da hori.
But here 's a movie about it anyway .
Baina badago pelikula bat horretaz.
Has not so much been written as assembled , Frankenstein-like , out of other , marginally better shoot-em-ups .
Ez da idazkera hutsa; Frankenstein-en antzekoa da, beste film handi askotako aktoreak konbinatzen dituena.
The punch lines that miss , unfortunately , outnumber the hits by three-to-one .
Zoritxarrez, hiru aldiz handiagoa moztu duena baino,... dozenaka argazki egin ditu eta.
But Death to Smoochy keeps firing until the bitter end .
Baina "Smoke"ren heriotzak ez du azken irudia desagerrarazten.
Mushes the college-friends genre ( The Big Chill ) together with the contrivances and overwrought emotion of soap operas .
" Unibertsitateko lagunak " bezalakoa da , telenobelako lagunen estiloan , hunkigarria eta sofistikatua.
Showtime 's starry cast could be both an asset and a detriment .
Showtime-ko talentua aldi berean ona edo txarra izan daiteke.
Those who trek to the ` plex predisposed to like it probably will enjoy themselves .
Eta gustura hartuko dute txangoa hango jendetza horrek.
But ticket-buyers with great expectations will wind up as glum as Mr. De Niro .
Baina ilusioak horrenbeste itsutuko dira... ezen atea ireki orduko, De Niro jaunaren porrota izango den.
A determined , ennui-hobbled slog that really does n't have much to say beyond the news flash that loneliness can make people act weird .
Aspergarria da sukaldean aritzea eta norbaitekin hitz egitea. Ez du askorik esateko. Baina bakarrik nagoenean...
Too daft by half ... but supremely good natured .
Erdi zoratuta, baina oso ondo.
Fails in making this character understandable , in getting under her skin , in exploring motivation ... Well before the end , the film grows as dull as its characters , about whose fate it is hard to care .
Film honen helburua pertsonaia osotsu baten izaera ulertaraztea da, bere izaeraren sakon-sakonean eta motibazioaren inguruko ikerketan huts eginez, eta amaieran, pertsonaia osotsu horien patua bost axola zaigun moduan azaltzea da.
It 's a shame that the storyline and its underlying themes ... finally seem so impersonal or even shallow .
Lastima da, zeren eta istorioaren zati honek, azkenean, hain azalekoa baldin bada,
Woody , what happened ?
Woody, zer gertatu da?
Juliette Binoche 's Sand is vivacious , but it 's hard to sense that powerhouse of 19th-century prose behind her childlike smile .
Juliette Binocheren " Harea " diskoak bizia du baina ez da nabari XIX. mendeko prosa indartsua haurtzaroko irribarrearen atzean dagoela.
It 's supposed to be post-feminist breezy but ends up as tedious as the chatter of parrots raised on Oprah .
Feminismoa abestu nahi dute , baina Oprah-rekin dantzan hasten direnak bezain aspergarriak dira.
You can tell almost immediately that Welcome to Collinwood is n't going to jell .
Berehala jakin genuen Collinwood ez zela izorratuko.
Throughout all the tumult , a question comes to mind : So why is this so boring ?
Eta halako zalaparta zerbaitetan zehar , beti bueltatzen da galdera: zergatik da hain aspergarria?
Cattaneo reworks the formula that made The Full Monty a smashing success ... but neglects to add the magic that made it all work .
Cattaneok bere lanari eutsi dio ... baina ezin izan dio dena eragin.
Routine and rather silly .
Errutina... eta ergelkeria.
A rip-off twice removed , modeled after ( Seagal 's ) earlier copycat Under Siege , sometimes referred to as Die Hard on a boat .
Gezurra da. Ez da egia. Gezurra da.
Totally overwrought , deeply biased , and wholly designed to make you feel guilty about ignoring what the filmmakers clearly believe are The Greatest Musicians of All Time .
Guztiz alaia eta zitala, eta guztiz errugabe. Film honen egileek diote... "Inoizko musikaririk onena" ez aipatzeak erruak eragingo dizula.
You can practically hear George Orwell turning over .
Ia entzun daiteke Orwell bizkarrean biratzen ari dela.
Behan 's memoir is great material for a film -- rowdy , brawny and lyrical in the best Irish sense -- but Sheridan has settled for a lugubrious romance .
Behanen autobiografia filmarentzako material ona da. Irlandar zoriontsuek egiten duten zarata da, baina Sheridanek maitasun erromantiko tristea du.
While Holm is terrific as both men and Hjejle quite appealing , the film fails to make the most out of the intriguing premise .
Holm izugarria da gizonak bezala eta Hjejle erakargarria filmak ez du arrakasta irabazten premisa interesgarri hori gabe
Lazy filmmaking , with the director taking a hands-off approach when he should have shaped the story to show us why it 's compelling .
Zuzendariak berari buruz ez hitz egitea erabaki du ... istorioa berak idatzi beharrean.
If it were any more of a turkey , it would gobble in Dolby Digital stereo .
Indioilarra balitz, irentsi egingo luke.
If nothing else , `` Rollerball '' 2002 may go down in cinema history as the only movie ever in which the rest of the cast was outshined by LL Cool J.
2002ko " Rollerball" agian filme bakarra izango da L.L. Cool J-k bere gain hartzen duena.
A movie that falls victim to frazzled wackiness and frayed satire .
Film bat, zeinak erakusten duen erotzeko modua zera dela, irudi arraro eta satirikoekin.
How do you make a movie with depth about a man who lacked any ?
Nola egin film sakona, sakontasunik gabeko gizon batenaz?
On the evidence before us , the answer is clear : Not easily and , in the end , not well enough .
Datu multzo hauekin, lagin oso sinplea da, eta oinarrian, "ez da batere ona".
The film 's trailer also looked like crap , so crap is what I was expecting .
Trailerra zabor hutsa zen; beraz , zaborra espero nuen.
More trifle than triumph .
Triunfoa baino gehiago, inozokeria.
The movie is almost completely lacking in suspense , surprise and consistent emotional conviction .
Film honek ez du suspense edo sorpresarik eta ez du emoziorik.
Festers in just such a dungpile that you 'd swear you were watching monkeys flinging their feces at you .
Kakaz beteriko putzu batean amaitzen dute. Imajinatu tximino bat zarela eta gorotzak zuri botatzen dizkizula.
Lyne 's latest , the erotic thriller Unfaithful , further demonstrates just how far his storytelling skills have eroded .
Lyne-ren azken lana, thriller erotikoa "Infideltasuna" da eta kontatzeari utzi dio oso ondo kontatzen.
It sounds like another clever if pointless excursion into the abyss , and that 's more or less how it plays out .
Beste irteera azkar eta alferrikakoa iruditu zait, eta horrela amaituko da.
Rumor , a muddled drama about coming to terms with death , feels impersonal , almost generic .
Zurrumurruak , antzezpen nahasgarria da ... heriotza eta geroari buruz . Ia-ia generikoa da.
Report card : Does n't live up to the exalted tagline - there 's definite room for improvement .
Ez da zenbaki lehena, ez da azpititulu bat, ehuneko ehunekoa baizik.
Does n't deserve a passing grade ( even on a curve ) .
Ez du merezi.
The pacing is deadly , the narration helps little and Naipaul , a juicy writer , is negated .
Pauso suntsitzailea eta narratiba laburra, eta Naipaul ... idazle bikaina, baina hankaz gora.
As his circle of friends keeps getting smaller one of the characters in Long Time Dead says ` I 'm telling you , this is f \*\*\* ed ' .
Bere lagun-taldea gero eta txikiagoa da. "Hildakoen garaia" pertsonaiak dio: "Esan dizut", "Hau isilpean" da.
Maybe he was reading the minds of the audience .
Agian, ikusleen buruetan zegoen.
... if it had been only half-an-hour long or a TV special , the humor would have been fast and furious -- at ninety minutes , it drags .
... ordu erdiko saioak edo telebistako saioak, umorea azkartu eta lehertu egiten zen, hamarkada bateko iraupena izango zuen.
Bean drops the ball too many times ... hoping the nifty premise will create enough interest to make up for an unfocused screenplay .
Bean-ek gehiegi atzeratu du. filmaren interesak, interes gehiena filmaren inguruan jarrita dagoelako.
A well-acted , but one-note film .
Aktore bikaina, baina oso txarra.
Blood Work is laughable in the solemnity with which it tries to pump life into overworked elements from Eastwood 's Dirty Harry period .
" Odolaren lana " , barregarria da bere seriotasunean baina bizitza berri bat ekartzen die " Harry Zikina " , Eastwooden garaietan bezalaxe.
The movie is too amateurishly square to make the most of its own ironic implications .
Film oso bat da, baina ez da sartzen.
( Lee ) treats his audience the same way that Jim Brown treats his women -- as dumb , credulous , unassuming , subordinate subjects .
Jim Brownek bere emakumeak bezala tratatzen ditu. ergelak, fidakaitzak, harroputzak eta desleialrak.