Less funny than it should be and less funny than it thinks it is .
Behar baino gehiago eta uste baino gutxiago.
an `` O Bruin , Where Art Thou ? ''
Non zaude, zitala?
- style cross-country adventure ... it has sporadic bursts of liveliness , some so-so slapstick and a few ear-pleasing songs on its soundtrack .
Abenturazko bidaia aldi baterako ahalik eta biziagoa... Pelikuletan eztabaidatzeko aukera ematen du musika pixka bat...
A feeble Tootsie knockoff .
Txakurkume baten antzekoa da.
An awful movie that will only satisfy the most emotionally malleable of filmgoers .
Film oso itsusi batek bakarrik gerta lezake halako ikusle itsusi bat.
... the story is far-flung , illogical , and plain stupid .
Istorioa ez da logikoa, eta absurdoa.
The very simple story seems too simple and the working out of the plot almost arbitrary .
Istorio sinplea da, baina irudikatzen duena baino sinpleagoa. Eta kontakizuna sortzen duen modua, arbitrarioa da.
An allegory concerning the chronically mixed signals African American professionals get about overachieving could be intriguing , but the supernatural trappings only obscure the message .
Beltz baten burmuinak duen beste edozein jarrera ere interesgarria izan daiteke. Baina supernaturalak beti du iraingarria.
A very familiar tale , one that 's been told by countless filmmakers about Italian - , Chinese - , Irish - , Latin - , Indian - , Russian - and other hyphenate American young men struggling to balance conflicting cultural messages .
Istorio ezaguna da italiar, txinatar, irlandar, latino, indiar eta errusiar batzuei buruzkoa, gizonek osatzen dutena islatzen duena kulturaren kontraesanean oinarritzen dena.
One key problem with these ardently Christian storylines is that there is never any question of how things will turn out .
Arazo nagusienetako bat, kristau baten historia da, ez duelako zalantzarik gauzak nola bukatuko diren.
Essentially , the film is weak on detail and strong on personality
Film hau arrunt xehetasunez eta pertsonalitatez josita dago.
A relentless , bombastic and ultimately empty World War II action flick .
Bigarren Mundu Gerrako ekintza atzeraezina eta izugarria.
( Hell is ) looking down at your watch and realizing Serving Sara is n't even halfway through .
Infernua da. Erlojuari begira, eta ikusten da ez duzula bertan behera utzi.
Too long , and larded with exposition , this somber cop drama ultimately feels as flat as the scruffy sands of its titular community .
Gehiegi luzatzen da eta esposizioz betea. Polizia atsekabetuaren dramak ez du balio.
Leaves viewers out in the cold and undermines some phenomenal performances .
Ikusleak bazterrean uzten ditu eta espektakuluaren parte ematen du.
... a ho-hum affair , always watchable yet hardly memorable .
...hau da, beti arrakasta izan nahi duena eta ez duena izan nahi.
Swiftly deteriorates into a terribly obvious melodrama and rough-hewn vanity project for lead actress Andie MacDowell .
Melodrama hutsa da: Andie MacDowell-entzat grabatutako obra bat da.
The histrionic muse still eludes Madonna and , playing a charmless witch , she is merely a charmless witch .
Eta haren musa histrionoak Madonari ihes egiten dio oraindik ere. Eta bera, berriz, azti maltzurrarena eginez, azti maltzurra baino ez da.
You have no affinity for most of the characters .
Pertsonaia gehienak ez dira zure antz handikoak.
Nothing about them is attractive .
Ez dute atsegina izan behar.
What they see in each other also is difficult to fathom .
Eta zer aurkitzen duten jakin nahi nuke.
Diaz , Applegate , Blair and Posey are suitably kooky which should appeal to women and they strip down often enough to keep men alert , if not amused .
Diaz , Applegate , Blair eta Posey oso arraroak dira eta horrela emakumeak erakartzen dituzte. eta biluztu egiten dira , gizona engantxatu ordez.
A technically well-made suspenser ... but its abrupt drop in IQ points as it races to the finish line proves simply too discouraging to let slide .
Teknikoki taladro bat da, baina ez du buruko gaixotasunik, eta beraz ezin da erabili.
An inept , tedious spoof of '70s kung fu pictures , it contains almost enough chuckles for a three-minute sketch , and no more .
70eko hamarkadako kungfu-a ospetsua da. Eta grabaketa izugarri handia. 3 minutuko sketch baterako nahikoa zen.
It 's a mystery how the movie could be released in this condition .
Misterioa da nola lortu duen filma egitea egoera honetan.
Absolutely ( and unintentionally ) terrifying .
Benetan izugarria .
Eckstraordinarily lame and Severely boring .
Izugarri handiak, izugarri kaskarrak.
Eight Legged Freaks falls flat as a spoof .
Zortzi hankadun txotxolo horiek dena izorratu dute.
No matter how much he runs around and acts like a doofus , accepting a 50-year-old in the role is creepy in a Michael Jackson sort of way .
Nahiz eta narrasti maltzur eta inozo izan 50 urteko tipo bat ikustea sinestezina da Michael Jacksonena bezala.
You 'll just have your head in your hands wondering why Lee 's character did n't just go to a bank manager and save everyone the misery .
Burua hortxe izango duzu, honela esanez: "Zergatik ez diozu gizon bati, bankuari lapurretan egin?"
` Dragonfly ' dwells on crossing-over mumbo jumbo , manipulative sentimentality , and sappy dialogue .
Liburuak jan eta jan ari dira ... sentimenduzko elkarrizketetan eta hizketa trinkoan.
In his determination to lighten the heavy subject matter , Silberling also , to a certain extent , trivializes the movie with too many nervous gags and pratfalls .
Film hau egitean, Silverlingek bere bizitza pribatuan sartzen du filmaren izaera pribatuan.
Blade II has a brilliant director and charismatic star , but it suffers from rampant vampire devaluation .
"Blade II".ren zuzendaria eta izar karismatikoa. "Baina banpiroen estiloan ez da oso zuzena".
Veers uncomfortably close to pro-Serb propaganda .
Serbiar propagandarako uztailaren 4a.
Movies like High Crimes flog the dead horse of surprise as if it were an obligation .
"High Crimes" bezala, eta ezusteko film bat, baina haiek horrela, ezusteko abentura bat bezala.
How about surprising us by trying something new ?
Eta gu ere harrituko gintuzke... zerbait berria egiten saiatzean?
Final verdict : You 've seen it all before .
Azken emaitza: zuk badakizu horren berri.
Throwing in everything except someone pulling the pin from a grenade with his teeth , Windtalkers seems to have ransacked every old World War II movie for overly familiar material .
Denetik sartzen dute, norbaitek granada batekin tiro egiten duen arte, eta "Ezabagarriak" edozein film zahar bilatzen du.
If A Few Good Men told us that we `` ca n't handle the truth '' than High Crimes poetically states at one point in this movie that we `` do n't care about the truth . ''
Gizon Onek "Egia ezin da eduki" erraten zigutenean, High Crime-k modu poetikoan erraten zuen: "Egia ez da garrantzitsua".
Further sad evidence that Tom Tykwer , director of the resonant and sense-spinning Run Lola Run , has turned out to be a one-trick pony -- a maker of softheaded metaphysical claptrap .
Beste froga triste bat: Tom Tykwer , " Korri Lola Korri " filmaren zuzendaria, garunari dagokion trikimailua baliatzen duen txapelduna da.
You 'll trudge out of the theater feeling as though you rode the Zipper after eating a corn dog and an extra-large cotton candy .
Zinematik ateratzen zarenean, sentitzen duzu atean zaudela... masaje arin bat eta zapore arin bat.
The movie is a little tired ; maybe the original inspiration has run its course .
Filma apur bat aspergarria da; agian inspirazioaren jatorria galdu egin da.
This will go on so long as there are moviegoers anxious to see strange young guys doing strange guy things .
Hau horrela jarraituko du zine-bidaiari askok berehala ikusi nahi badute film bat mutil arraroren bat agertzen eta hura hiltzen .
A full-frontal attack on audience patience .
Publikoko patroiari erasotzen dio.
Any intellectual arguments being made about the nature of God are framed in a drama so clumsy , there is a real danger less sophisticated audiences will mistake it for an endorsement of the very things that Bean abhors .
Jainkoaren izaerari buruzko argudio intelektualek izugarrizko eragina dute . Publikoa konbentzitu dezake ez jakitea zer den Jainkoaren izaera.
It 's a big idea , but the film itself is small and shriveled .
Ideia bikaina da. Baina filma txikia da, eta izorratuta dago.
Debut effort by `` Project Greenlight '' winner is sappy and amateurish .
"Eusko Jaurlaritzako Hezkuntza, Hizkuntza Politika eta Kultura...
One gets the impression the creators of Do n't Ask Do n't Tell laughed a hell of a lot at their own jokes .
"Ez galdetu, ez erantzun" programaren sortzaileek barre egiten zioten beren txantxei.
Too bad none of it is funny .
Lastima da, ez dauka graziarik.
The cast has a high time , but de Broca has little enthusiasm for such antique pulp .
Talde osoak izugarri ondo pasatu du, baina Brokak ez du gauza handirik estimatzen.
The film , like Jimmy 's routines , could use a few good laughs .
Filmean bezala, Jimmyk errepikatu egingo du.
The film has too many spots where it 's on slippery footing , but is acceptable entertainment for the entire family and one that 's especially fit for the kiddies .
Film honek sekulako arrakasta izan zuen eta ez dago oso erreferentziarik; baina, hala ere, umeek eta familiak ikus dezaketen zerbait da.
Purports to be a Hollywood satire but winds up as the kind of film that should be the target of something deeper and more engaging .
Hollywoodeko satira bat da, baina film hau sakonagoa eta interesgarriagoa den zerbait bihurtzeko bada.
Oh , and more entertaining , too .
Eta entretenitu ere bai , ezta?
... in the pile of useless actioners from MTV schmucks who do n't know how to tell a story for more than four minutes .
...ez dute ezagutzen ipuin bat 4 minuturik luzeena.
Though it was made with careful attention to detail and is well-acted by James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal , I felt disrespected .
Xehetasunak garrantzitsuak dira eta James Spader eta Maggie Gyllenhaal oso aktore onak dira. Baina hori ez da gure estiloa.
Humor in I Spy is so anemic .
"Espioien Jauna"ko umorea oso apala da.
The film is strictly routine .
Film hau egunerokoa da.
Skillful as he is , Mr. Shyamalan is undone by his pretensions .
Shyamalanek aurreiritziak ditu.
While the new film is much more eye-catching than its blood-drenched Stephen Norrington-directed predecessor , the new script by the returning David S. Goyer is much sillier .
Film hau aurrekoa baino askoz ere ikusgarriagoa da. Stephen Norringtonen film odoltsua baino askoz ere ikusgarriagoa. David S. Goyerren gidoia txorakeria bat da.
In addition to sporting one of the worst titles in recent cinematic history , Ballistic : Ecks Vs. Sever also features terrible , banal dialogue ; convenient , hole-ridden plotting ; superficial characters and a rather dull , unimaginative car chase .
Historiako film txarrenetariko bat izateaz gain ... film honetan bi pertsonaiak ageri dira: ... elkarrizketa gozoak, elkarrizketa hutsak... plotentzako istorioak, pertsonaiak gutxi eta autoak dituztenak.
It shares the first two films ' loose-jointed structure , but laugh-out-loud bits are few and far between .
Lehenengo bi filmekin batera arakatuko ginateke , baina ez dago kontsolamendu handirik .
The Santa Clause 2 is a barely adequate babysitter for older kids , but I 've got to give it thumbs down .
Santa Claus 2 umezain ona da, baina ez du nahi zuek jatea.
You can not guess why the cast and crew did n't sign a pact to burn the negative and the script and pretend the whole thing never existed .
Ezin duzu jakin zergatik... aktoreek ez zuten kontratua sinatu. Pelikula amaitzen zegoela, kartelean... argazkia eta gainerakoa erre egin ziren.
Barney throws away the goodwill the first half of his movie generates by orchestrating a finale that is impenetrable and dull .
Barneyk bere pelikularen hasierako gogoa puztu zuen, azken zatia hain aspergarria eta hunkigarria izanez.
If you 're really renting this you 're not interested in discretion in your entertainment choices , you 're interested in Anne Geddes , John Grisham , and Thomas Kincaid .
Baina benetan lekua alokatzen baduzue ez zaizue interesatzen... entretenimendua aukeratzea ez bada... interesatzen bazaizue Anne Geddes... John Grisham eta Thomas Kincaid izatea baino .
We get the comedy we settle for .
Komedia ukitu bat, konformatzen zarenean.
The uneven movie does have its charms and its funny moments but not quite enough of them .
Film arraro honek xarma du eta istorio xelebreak baina ez horrenbeste.
Two hours of sepia-tinted heavy metal images and surround sound effects of people moaning .
Bi orduz segidan piztu daitekeena ez da ezer.
A word of advice to the makers of The Singles Ward : Celebrity cameos do not automatically equal laughs .
"Gizon bakartiak" filmaren sortzaileei esaten diet ospetsuek ez dutela erraz barre egiten.
And neither do cliches , no matter how ` inside ' they are .
Eta ez dakite klixeak esaten ala egiten dituzten.
The campy results make Mel Brooks ' Borscht Belt schtick look sophisticated .
Emaitzek diotenez, Mel Brooks-en saioa... zirraragarria da.
Its appeal will probably limited to LDS Church members and undemanding armchair tourists .
Ziurrenik Elizak ez du aurreiritzirik .
The Hanukkah spirit seems fried in pork .
Hanuka arimak zerri gorriarekin jan duela dirudi.
Cherish would 've worked a lot better had it been a short film .
Cherish film laburra izango balitz lan hobea egingo zuen.
Manipulative claptrap , a period-piece movie-of-the-week , plain old blarney ... take your pick .
Trikimailu maltzurra , erabateko gangsterra.
All three descriptions suit Evelyn , a besotted and obvious drama that tells us nothing new .
Hiru deskribapenak Evelyn-i dagozkio . Drama erotiko eta natural bat, non ez baitago ezer berririk.
Hey Arnold !
Arnold, esan!
is now stretched to barely feature length , with a little more attention paid to the animation .
orain gutxienez film luze bat egin dugu , animazioz betea eta filmaketa luzeaz gainezka.
Still , the updated Dickensian sensibility of writer Craig Bartlett 's story is appealing .
Hala ere , Dickens jaunaren iritzi berezia eta Craig Bartlettena oso atsegina iruditzen zaizkit.
True to its title , it traps audiences in a series of relentlessly nasty situations that we would pay a considerable ransom not to be looking at .
Izenburuak dioen bezala, ikusleak egoera itsusietan erortzen dira. Askatasunaren truke ordainduko dugu ezer ez ikusteko.
Does n't come close to justifying the hype that surrounded its debut at the Sundance Film Festival two years ago .
Ez dirudi duela bi urte estreinatu zenik Sundance-n.
The plot is paper-thin and the characters are n't interesting enough to watch them go about their daily activities for two whole hours .
Gidoiak ez du funtzionatzen eta pertsonaiak ez dira oso interesgarriak. Ez da eguneroko gauza, bi orduko iraupena izan ezik.
Kaufman 's script is never especially clever and often is rather pretentious .
Kaufmanen gidoiak ez du talenturik. askotan oso ikuspegi harroa du.
The film did n't move me one way or the other , but it was an honest effort and if you want to see a flick about telemarketers this one will due .
Film honek ez nau eragin, baina beharbada bai. Teledenda Eroslearen inguruan film bat egin nahi baduzu... honetan zaude.
Queen of the Damned is too long with too little going on .
"Erregina madarikatu" gehiegi iraun du.
It collapses when Mr. Taylor tries to shift the tone to a thriller 's rush .
Taylor jauna amorruz dago horregatik.
Any film that does n't even in passing mention political prisoners , poverty and the boat loads of people who try to escape the country is less a documentary and more propaganda by way of a valentine sealed with a kiss .
Preso politikoak, pobrezia eta herrialdea uzteko itsasontziak aipatzen ez dituen film guztiak ez dira dokumentalak, baizik eta propaganda dira, San Valentin egunean musuka lotzen dituzten gutunak.
... Blade II is still top-heavy with blazing guns , cheatfully filmed martial arts , disintegrating bloodsucker computer effects and jagged camera moves that serve no other purpose than to call attention to themselves .
Blade II.a lehertu egin da ... hiltzaileak, hiltzaileak, hiltzaileak eta borrokalariak libre dira, ez dute inor beldurtu nahi.
The Rules of Attraction gets us too drunk on the party favors to sober us up with the transparent attempts at moralizing .
Partiduaren txisteek ez dute balio. Moralki ondo dago.
Though there are many tense scenes in Trapped , they prove more distressing than suspenseful .
" Trapped " filmean eszena asko zeuden tentsiozkoak eta ez hainbeste susmozkoak.
In this film we at least see a study in contrasts ; the wide range of one actor , and the limited range of a comedian .
Film honetan kontraesanen ikerketa bat ikusten da aktore baten aukera zabala eta komediante baten aukera mugatua.
Feels strangely hollow at its emotional core .
Sentipen bibratzaile bero batek tripa-zorroa astindu zidan.
You have once again entered the bizarre realm where director Adrian Lyne holds sway , where all relationships are simultaneously broadly metaphorical , oddly abstract , and excruciatingly literal .
Beste behin ere, Adrian Lynne-k zuzendutako eremua hain da bitxia, non harreman guztiak aldi berean metaforikoak diren, abstraktuak eta literalki laburrak.
The high-concept scenario soon proves preposterous , the acting is robotically italicized , and truth-in-advertising hounds take note : There 's very little hustling on view .
"Espiritismorik ez" horren antzeko proposamen bat da. eta propaganda egiteko prestatzen ari diren adituek diotenez kontzeptuaren parte garrantzitsuak... mugimenduaren parte garrantzitsuak direla defendatzen dute .
This director 's cut -- which adds 51 minutes -- takes a great film and turns it into a mundane soap opera .
Film on bat egin eta saio sinple bat egiteko aukera emango diogu.
Characterisation has been sacrificed for the sake of spectacle .
Karakterra eta nortasuna sakrifikatu dira ikuskizunaren mesedetan.
the Venezuelans say things like `` si , pretty much '' and `` por favor , go home '' when talking to Americans .
Venezuelako herritarrek " Hemen gaude " eta " Mesedez , itzuli etxera " esaten dute amerikarrei.
That 's muy loco , but no more ridiculous than most of the rest of `` Dragonfly . ''
"Burutik jota zaude , baina ez gehiago". "Dragonfly"en bertsio gehienak bezain txoroa.
It 's a movie that ends with Truckzilla , for cryin ' out loud .
Film honek " Truckzilla " filmean bukatuko du.