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Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:(Following Clarke [5], to prove these results one could also replace the above two requirements by the single one that the weakest precondition be definable.) Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:This dose of D1 antagonist was previously shown to suppress the increase in locomotor activity measured in the open-field test, induced by BC264 (Ladurelle et al. 1997). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:A few non-axisymmetric calculations have been carried out for inclined impact of deep substrates (Chen, 2001; Peters et al., 2002). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:RNA interference in ticks Genes for RNAi were selected based on previous results in R. microplus or Dermacentor variabilis demonstrating the effect of gene knockdown on tick attachment, mortality, and/or fertility (de la Fuente et al. 2007b; 2008). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:These include the HGMD (Stenson et al. 2009), the NHGRI Catalog of Published GWAS (Hindorff et al. 2001) and the OMIM (Amberger et al. 2009). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Body weight and height were collected for all subjects using SECA 600 model while obesity was defined as BMI>30 kg/m 2 , according to the criteria of International Obesity Task Force [11]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:, 2007a) and further discussed in (Rüdiger et al., 2007b), which leads to catastrophic consequences when left. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Zambia Demographic and Health Surveys (ZDHS) The ZDHS is a nationally representative population-based survey, and HIV testing was included in selected households in its 2001/2002 and 2007 rounds [21,22,23]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:For the CVLT–II index, the probability of invalid effort was calculated by the formula developed by Wolfe et al. (2010). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:A possible cause is that few approaches take advantages of the information about relations included in ontologies [Huang et al., 2004b, 2006b], which usually are used like simple dictionaries. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Plan recognition, which seeks to infer agents’ goals along with their plans for achieving them from sequences of observable actions, has been studied for tasks ranging from traffic monitoring (Pynadath and Wellman 2000) to operating system usage (Blaylock and Allen 2003) to story understanding (Charniak and Goldman 1993). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Measurement This study assessed frustration using the four-item scale of Kammann and Flett [1983] and continuance intention using the three-item scale of Bhattacherjee and Premkumar [2004]. Intensity of gamer experience was measured using the item “On average, how many hours per week do you spend playing this game?”. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were stably transfected with either the human TNF-a gene cloned into a mammalian expression vector (TNF-a cells) or the mammalian expression vector alone (CHO cells, control) as described previously (5, 7, 8). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:, 2010) Lack of HPWS/HRM in Victorian health care organisations Victorian state public health care organisations report limited HRM/HPWS components (Leggat et al., 2008) Victorian state public hospitals report fewer aspects of HPWS then community health services (Leggat et al. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:…have also been particularly well investigated (Perez-Coll et al. 1988; Pérez-Coll & Herkovits 1990; Steele et al. 1991; Strickler-Shaw & Taylor 1991; Sobotka & Rahwan 1995; Stansley & Roscoe 1996; Stansley et al. 1997; Kumar 1999; Rice et al. 2001; Rosenberg et al. 2003; Fink & Salibian 2005). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:The bottoms of the Bohai and Yellow Seas are composed mainly of sand, mud and mixed sediment and are not suitable for the settlement of A. coerulea planula larvae (Chen & Zhu, 2012; Duarte et al., 2012). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:For a first experiment, 18 isolates representing 14 OTUs were randomly selected from the 92 OTUs (Shipunov et al., 2008) to serve as inoculants. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:In contrast, our analysis of the binding sites of 34 TFs revealed that many iUCEs likely serve as enhancers in early fly development, similarly to what has been observed in mammals (Pennacchio et al. 2006; Visel et al. 2008). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Fragments of the Dem gene were cloned by inverse PCR (IPCR) (Thomas et al., 1994) and used to screen a lgt10 cDNA library constructed using seedling mRNA. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:The Scottish translocation (St Clair et al., 1990) interrupting the coding sequence of DISC1 occurs between exons 8 and 9 (Ishizuka et al., 2006; Millar et al., 2001). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:…it induces the acrosome reaction of the spermatozoon; and, finally, immediately after fertilization, it prevents polyspermy (Baker et al. 2000; Bleil and Wassarman 1990; Herrler and Beier 1999; Serrano and Garcia-Suarez 2001;Thaler and Cardullo 2002; Yanagimachi 1994; Zhao and Dean 2002). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:In animals, supplementation with antioxidants seems to protect against CP-induced side effects (Greggi-Antunes et al., 2000; Mansour et al., 2002; Sueishi et al., 2002). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:The stress-wave velocity of each of these logs was measured using the HM-200 (Fibre-gen, Auckland, New Zealand) resonance-based tool. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Activation of both the Jak/STAT and MEK/ERK signalling pathways has been implicated on IFN-γ-induced iNOS expression (Blanchette et al., 2003; Park et al., 2005; Shen et al., 2005). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Interestingly, on average, individuals choose to exercise at intensities around VT [10-12,19] but individual differences in the chosen intensity are also demonstrated. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:However, we did expect the manipulation to modulate the processing fluency of the metaphoric target sentences, so that the metaphoric target sentence would be processed more easily in the matched than in the mixed or literal contexts (Thibodeau & Durgin, 2008). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Unfortunately, especially in cases of hereditary renal magnesium wasting, normal values for total serum magnesium are hardly achieved by oral substitution without considerable side effects, mainly resulting from the cathartic effects of magnesium salts [2]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Interestingly, CLN5 is capable of utilizing MPR-independent pathway(s) to reach the lysosomes in the absence of MPRs [12]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:We suggest that the interaction of two superimposed stimuli occurs during early sensory processing, while the interaction of two spots or separated patches of dots may occur later in sensory-motor integration or even in the motor pathways for pursuit (e.g., Kahlon and Lisberger 1999). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:…are that the flipped classroom approach focusses student-centred and collaborative, problem-based learning activities, thus enabling teachers to spend more time identifying student problems and knowledge gaps (Mason et al., 2013; McLaughlin et al., 2014; Prober & Khan, 2013; Strayer, 2012). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:In mouse models of amyloid-b accumulation, reduced cerebral blood flow occurs well before any pathological or neuro- logical abnormalities (Niwa et al., 2002a, b; Iadecola, 2004). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:In 2004 and 2005, we analysed variation in the concentration of carotenoids in relation to embryo sex in a nondestructive way (see Rubolini et al., 2006b; Saino et al., 2008a). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:A more recent study has employed a novel technique to measure body fluid compartments using bioimpedance spectroscopy, and showed increases in measured total body water (TBW) and ECFV with a trend for intracellular fluid increase in RGZ-treated mice (Fu et al., 2015). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:It is known that contractile agonists, in addition to causing smooth muscle cells to generate force by the actomyosin mechanism, also result in actin polymerization (34, 49). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Protein phosphorylation was analyzed by flow cytometry as described in detail previously [12-14]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:A novel prokaryotic immunity-like system (CRISPR/CAS) has been recently discovered (Barrangou et al., 2007; Brouns et al., 2008; Marraffini & Sontheimer, 2008), involving two main constituents: (i) clusters of regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and (ii) CAS (CRISPR-associated… Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:As observed previously (Worley et al., 1986b), 3H-forskolin binding differs strikingly from that of IP, in the hippocampus, with highest densities in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus and the mossy fiber projection to CA3. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:However, evidences of CPGs structures have been proposed for human (Duysens and Van de Crommert, 1998; Marder, 2000), initially for locomotion while recent insights suggest that the concept of CPG applies to the upper limb as well (see e. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:The left hand was used so the results could be compared with previous studies (Burnett et al. 2000; Christou et al. 2003, 2007; Laidlaw et al. 2000). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Hence, the high sensitivity of RNA and its easy degradation are consequently highly affected by the extraction procedure utilized (Schroeder et al. 2006). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Further, selection was based on the following criteria: (1) both twins completed the 1987 VETR enrollment survey and the 1992 Harvard Drug Study (HDS; Tsuang et al. 1996) survey; (2) at least one twin reported that he had children born between 1974 and 1988; and (3) at least one twin met criteria for a lifetime diagnoses of DSM-III-R alcohol dependence (for COA) or drug dependence (for TAP) (as determined by the HDS; Tsuang et al. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Another mass transfer technique for film cooled endwalls was applied by Friedrichs et al. (1996) using the Ammonia-Diazo method for discrete hole film cooling. Jabbari et al. (1996) among others used the naphthalene sublimation technique for such an application. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:In the earlier definition in Taiwan, developmental disability was attributed mainly to health conditions or impairment of body functions, likely to be lifelong in nature and to result in substantial activity limitations and restrictions in societal participation [17]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:…research quality, our results point instead to two alternative explanations: on the one hand, our findings appear to complement recent work by Stern (2004), which argues that firms benefit by promoting science not because it improves theR&Dprocess, but rather because talented employees… Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:…the AN model, each of which has been tested against physiological responses from cats to simple and complex stimuli, including tones, two-tone complexes, broadband noise, and vowels (Carney 1993; Heinz et al. 2001; Zhang et al. 2001; Bruce et al. 2003; Tan and Carney 2003; Zilany and Bruce 2006). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:This dysbiosis may impact the presence of interleukin-17 (IL17)-producing T-helper cells (Th17) and regulatory T cells (Tregs), as the development of these cells is heavily reliant on the microbial composition (Atarashi et al. 2011; Ivanov et al. 2009; Kriegel et al. 2011). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:…of the precentral sulcus, superior to the cingulate sulcus (or the paracingulate sulcus, when present), and behind the coronal plane perpendicular to the anterior commissure – posterior commissure (AC – PC) line and tangent to the posterior margin of the AC (Chainay et al. 2004; Fink et al. 1997). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:With “Ayur” meaning life and “veda” meaning knowledge or science, Ayurveda is centered on health principles (Patwardhan and Mashelkar, 2009). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Comparison of sperm retrieval rate according to testicular histology Five of the included studies made a comparison of sperm retrieval according to testicular histology (Okada et al., 2002; Tsujimura et al., 2002; Ramasamy et al., 2005; Colpi et al., 2009; Ghalayini et al., 2011). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:comparable to that in a recent study conducted in the mainland China [16], which has population health characteristics comparable to those in Taiwan. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:[30] focus on returning the fragments rooted at SLCA nodes, and propose an XML keyword search engine XSeek. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:3D organotypic culture was performed as described previously (Wescott et al. 2009). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:The contradiction between our results and those of Morrel may be explained by the fact that Morrel’s conception was based on studying neuronal plasticity in animal models and human tumorous epilepsies and not on the classic chronic human epilepsies e.g. HS-associated TLE.101 In subprimate species, the mirror focus usually develops after some days to months. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Because BOOP is generally a noninfective infiltrative lung disease, anti-infective agents are not routinely part of the treatment regimen.(3,5,17,72) Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:As otoliths grow, elements from the surrounding water mass become incorporated into the aragonite matrix, creating a chemical fingerprint that can be used to distinguish among geographic regions [36,37]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Letters The Role of Ocular Perfusion Pressure in Glaucoma Cannot Be Studied With Multivariable Regression Analysis Applied to Surrogates Ocular perfusion pressure (OPP) is not easily directly measurable, and the difference between blood pressure and intraocular pressure (IOP) has been suggested as a simple surrogate of OPP.1 We write in relation to publications in this journal2,3 and elsewhere4 that have reported a significant association between OPP surrogates and glaucoma. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:In this sense, coffee is a complex mixture, with dozens of chemicals appearing in the circulatory system after consumption, absorption and metabolism, and where individual circulating metabolites may exert different effects within the human body [20, 21]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Accumulating evidence suggests that cellular senescence is one of the intrinsic safeguards against cancer progression as well as contributes to tissue/organism aging and age-related disease [3]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Previous studies have only found an increased anteroposterior diameter of the left atrium in patients with IAF as compared to the general population(6); this condition could act as an anatomical substrate favourable for the development of IAF.(7) Epidemiological studies have shown that hypertension is the most important risk factor involved in the development of AF. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Because numerous reports have demonstrated impaired sensory filtering in schizophrenics (Adler et al., 1982; Freedman et al., 1987; Snyder, 1973; Solomon et al., 1981; Sorensen et al., 1993), the results of the present study suggest that activation of 5-HT2 receptors could improve sensory filtering in these individuals. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:…within health care organisations within Victoria showed a general lack of strategic HRM, including HPWS, within the health care organisations of this state (Leggat et al., 2008), with larger hospitals demonstrating fewer aspects of HPWS than smaller community health services (Leggat et al., 2006). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:were noted to influence pain perception in previous studies (Nafiu, Shanks, Abdo, Taylo, & Tremper, 2013; Tüfekci et al., 2009) were obtained by a research assistant from the medical records. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Our findings also confirm results from much less extensive studies in the European brown bear (Hissa et al. 1998) and the grizzly bear (Gardi et al. 2011). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Our results showed that the treatment response of the 5 mg/day vortioxetine group was greater than the placebo group, and the pooled ES of the studies (Katona et al. 2012; Mahableshwarkar et al. 2013; Henigsberg et al. 2012; Jain et al. 2013) demonstrated the antidepressant efficacy of vortioxetine. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Utilizing previously established coculture conditions (21), this study shows that 1) rat PAECs but not PASMCs synthesize serotonin, 2) PAEC-derived serotonin passes through myoendothelial gap junctions into PASMCs, and 3) PAEC-derived serotonin activates TGF- signaling and promotes PASMC differentiation. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Given the known deWcits in cortical processing of prosody in children with ASD (Erwin et al. 1991; Wang et al. 2001; Kujala et al. 2005; Korpilahti et al. 2006), one may speculate that the disrup- Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:FAF changes in early age-related maculopathy (ARM) and in atrophic ARMD [7, 10]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Dead individuals were removed, surface sterilized with 5.2% sodium hypochlorite, rinsed twice with sterile water, and plated on potato dextrose agar to confirm that mortality was due to infection by M. anisopliae (Rosengaus et al. 1998). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:We also estimated the prevalence of other risk factors for falls and fractures, including osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, ataxia, visual impairment, deafness and delirium, using ICD-10-AM codes also tested on the VAED [25]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Previous Peruvian studies have documented that children experience high rates of Giardia reinfection (19) and that children attain adult levels of seropositivity against Giardia by 6 months of age (30). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:10 Note, Filippini and Hunt (2012) utilize the Mundlak’s modification to the Pitt and Lee (1981) model instead. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:[4] The use of multiple maneuvers including swallowing water, separate-day imaging, oblique and lateral imaging, correlating with other imaging techniques, is essential for accurate diagnosis.[26] In the current study physical examinations revealed no palpable midline neck mass in any of the subjects, and postoperative US revealed no abnormally enlarged lymph nodes in the central compartment of the anterior neck. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Although McCartney and Lessios (2004) suggested a number of alternative sources of selection on E. lucunter bindin, their samples included only Panamanian populations, leaving reinforcement as a possibility. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:In general, results were consistent with any of the following possibilities: (1) language delays in ASD are not a result of implicit learning deficits; other research has proposed a variety of alternative mechanisms for atypical and delayed language development in ASD, including, for example atypically developed joint attention (Charman 2003), and poor motor control (Gernsbacher et al. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:…genes identified to play a specific role in the development of peptidergic neurons was dimmed (dimm), which encodes a basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor that is required for the differentiation of diverse peptidergic neurons (Hewes et al. 2003; Park et al. 2008; Hamanaka et al. 2010). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:The expression of ISL1 was significantly higher in gastric adenocarcinoma by immunohistochemistry and bound up with depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis, TNM stage and histological grade [16]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Potassium (Kþ) channels have the greatest amount of diversity among ion channels in the plasma membrane, which are encoded by over 75 distinct genes [2]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:We establish consistency in the well specified case by generalising the arguments of Sriperumbudur et al., 2017 to the vector-valued RKHS. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Its levels can also be elevated during menstruation or pregnancy, as well as in other benign gynaecological conditions, such as endometriosis, peritonitis or cirrhosis, especially with ascites production (Tuxen et al, 1995, Meyer and Rustin, 2000). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Anemone survival is crucial for the survival of the fish (Mariscal 1970; Elliott et al. 1995; Buston 2003a). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:…others (Roshan et al. 2003; Fisher et al. 2002), the results of SICI with threshold tracking showed two periods of maximal inhibition at ISIs 1 and 3 ms. Fisher et al. (2002) demonstrated peaks at 1 ms and between 2.2 and 2.8 ms while Roshan et al. (2003) found peaks of inhibition at 1 and 2.5 ms. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Some international studies [39–41] that did assess the relationship between patients’ knowledge about oral anticoagulants and anticoagulation control using the Rosendaal Method had results in line with our finding of no significant association between them, while a few other international surveys found that knowledge positively affects the INR control [23, 42, 43]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Moreover it is not only difficult to achieve site specific functionalization [15] but also align opposite edges of a GNR while rolling for nanotube formation [16] as suggested ear- Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:The definition we used for prolonged postoperative ileus followed the recommendations published by Vather et al. (2013): the absence of passage of flatus/stool or inability to tolerate oral diet ‚â• 4 postoperative days. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Queuing networks is one of the most used tools to model Discrete Event Dynamic System (DEDS), Cassandras and Lafortune (1999), useful to model realities like communication networks or manufacturing systems. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Whereas Qazi et al. (2013) primarily manipulated channel selection and current levels within each temporal region in order to investigate the impact of noise-induced errors in sound coding strategies, the present study manipulated the gains that are applied in a preceding noise reduction stage in… Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:However, a previous discussion of time-resolved FTIR data (Dioumaev and Braiman, 1997a) argued that a similar transition with t . Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Spacers specifically determine the targets of CRISPR-mediated immunity (Barrangou et al., 2007; Brouns et al., 2008; Marraffini & Sontheimer, 2008), most likely after a base-pairing recognition of the complementary sequence. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:An option is ‘targeted surveillance’ of patients with severe underlying disease or risk factors for ESBL-E carriage at admission [17,18]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:phospholipid degradation following tissue damage such as an ischemic brain insult (Horrocks et al., 1981). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:As in previous experiments (de la Fuente et al. 2007b, 2008), RNAi with UBQ, EF-1a, and SUB increased R. microplus mortality and reduced oviposition when compared to controls (Table 1). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Finally, quantitative analyses were restricted to EHMs with a latency larger than 65 ms (rejecting 11 responses out of 251), which is the shortest visuo-motor delay based on the estimates of afferent and efferent delays of SC motor neurons (Guitton & Munoz, 1991; Munoz et al., 1991). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Our water chemistry results are consistent with results published by Basterrechea (1988a) for Lakes SalpeteÃÅn, YaxhaÃÅ, Atescatempa, and Ayarza. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:The most extensive studies have characterized chick brain BgtRs in which three bands with molecular weights of ;50, ;57, and ;67 kDa were observed (ContiTronconi et al., 1985; Gotti et al., 1991, 1992). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:In [10] the authors analyzed the time-varying wavelet transform through changing the two-band filter banks used in the tree-structured implementation of DWTs with an simple example. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:VDR downregulation was not found to be driven by copy number variation or mutation and thus epigenetic mechanisms may be primarily responsible for altered expression(Long and Campbell, 2015) (Long et al., 2014). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:In line with our data, junior resident level has been shown to be associated with increased operative time for both open and laparoscopic hernia repair in adults compared with more senior residents.(13) Similarly, junior cardiac surgery fellows were found to have longer operative times compared with the senior fellow when performing coronary artery bypass grafting. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:The level of the participants’ dementia varied from mild to extremely severe, as assessed by Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) [20], Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) [21] or Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) [22]. Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:(2010). They collected verbal estimates and free-hand measures of outdoor hills using the present device for a set of campus paths ranging from nearly flat (0.5°) to fairly steep (8.6°). Note that the perceived orientation of any specific outdoor hill may depend on a variety of factors in addition to its physical slant (e.g., curvature and viewing distance), but if the free-hand measure represents the NSE orientation, then we should expect the relationship between verbal estimates and free hand (NSE) estimates to remain similar to that observed for near surfaces. In other words, we should be able to make a prediction about the verbal estimates based on the free-hand estimates. ----- Figure 7 to be inserted here ----Figure 7 shows Stigliani et al.’s (2010) numeric estimation data for outdoor slopes plotted against the corresponding free-hand estimates (NSE) for each physical path (physical path inclination is shown next to each data point). Category:
Evaluate the collective function of references cited together in a given text segment. Classify their combined role into one of the following categories: 'method', 'background', or 'result'. Text:Second, HASM cells in culture, when observed between 3 and 6 h after plating, were not spindle shaped or aligned in parallel, as they are at the tissue level (5); instead, they were irregularly shaped (Fig. Category: