Patient age and father's name informations in the forensic reports were the most frequently identified missing data (respectively83.5%, 82.2%).
Otherwise they may be faced with penalties and compensation cases.
To raise awareness of this issue of the legal duties and responsibilities of physicians should be emphasized with in-service training.
In the investigation of sexual abuse allegations, the delay of disclosure, limitations in physical, anogenital and forensic psychiatric evidences, the low probability of the existance of eyewitness and the problems in forming causal relationship between observed psychological symptoms of the alleged victim and the sexual abuse revealed the importance of child victims' testimony as well as the veracity of victims・statements.
One of the most known method in the evaluation of veracity of victims statement in sexual abuse cases is Criterian Based Content Analysis (Vrij, 2005) The main aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Criterian Based Content Analysis (CBCA) which is one of the most prominant part of Statement Validity Analysis (Köhnken, 2002) and to investigate whether it is a reliable method for judicial process.
One of the most known method in the evaluation of veracity of victims statement in sexual abuse cases is Criterian Based Content Analysis (Vrij, 2005) The main aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Criterian Based Content Analysis (CBCA) which is one of the most prominant part of Statement Validity Analysis (Köhnken, 2002) and to investigate whether it is a reliable method for judicial process.
The research sample consists of 69 sexual abuse case files gathered from Üsküdar Juvenile High Criminal Court.
While 51 (73,9%) of the child victim testimonies are categorized as truthful, the remaining 18 (26,1%) are referred to deceptive allegations.
The content analysis is based on Criterian Based content Analysis Coding Manual(Quandre,2009).
It is found that, the means of CBCA scores are9.43±2.531 for trutful statements 5.00±1.815 for deceptive statements.
When each of the criterion in CBCA is analyzed, 10 out of 19 criteria are found to have a unique power to differentiate the trutful statements from deceptive ones and these criteria are logical structure, unstructured productions, quantity of the details, contextual embedding, reproduction of conversations, superfluous details, accurately reported details misunderstood, related external associations, spontanious corrections, details characteristic of the offense.
This study aims to determine parents' level of consciousness of child sexual abuse (CSA), the level of anxiety of child sexual abuse, the precautions taken to protect children from sexual abuse; and to reveal the relationship between the level of consciousness, the level of anxiety and the precautions.
The research sample consists of 474 participants, 296 female – 178 male, living in socio-economically different regions of Mersin and İstanbul; whose children are either in pre-school and secondary education institutions.
In the study four questionnaires prepared by the researchers are used to collect data: Demographic Information Questionnaire, Consciousness of Child Sexual Abuse Questionnaire – which has correct answers based on a literature review about features of the abuse, characteristics of the victim and the perpetrator, the effect of the abuse on child and the proper attitude towards abused child, Anxiety of Child Sexual Abuse Questionnaire – to specify the anxiety of parents' about child sexual abuse, and Precautions Against Child Sexual Abuse Questionnaire - to determine the proper and faulty precautions taken by parents against CSA.
There is no difference between the level of consciousness of CSA of mothers and fathers; however, mothers are more anxious about the issue and their precautions are more proper when compared to the precautions taken by the fathers.
There is a negative correlation between the consciousness level of parents and the number of faulty precautions taken by them (r: -0.21, p<0.0001).
There is a positive correlation between the anxiety level of parents and the faulty precautions they get (r: 0.26, p<0.0001); parents get more faulty precautions against CSA when the level of their anxiety increases. There is a negative correlation between the consciousness level of parents and the number of faulty precautions taken by them (r: -0.21, p<0.0001).
The effect of the level of academic education and the number of sources used to get information about the issue is analyzed; when the level of academic education and the number of sources are higher, the participants' level of consciousness of abuse and the proper precautions against abuse is significantly higher.
Nowadays violence behavior constitute a major problem with its psychological, sociological and legal/forensic aspects.
This study aimed to examine the relationship between verbal and physical violence and anger level and impulsivity in adult population.
This study is conducted with 570 volunteers, out of which 285 are male and 285 are female.The participants are given a 34 four-likert type items State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAS) with Turkish standardization to measure anger level, a 45 four-likert type items UPPS Impulsive Behaviour Scale (UPPS) with Turkish standardization to measure impulsivity, a 28 item questionnaire (Anket) developed by researcher to measure the physical and verbal vialonce the participants showed, and a 10 items demographic questionnaire to collect demographic information.
The average age of the participants is 32,7 ± 9,15.
Men, before and after age of 18, show more verbal and physical violence behaviour, compared to women.
A high positive corelation has been identified between trait anger, anger expression-out and anger expression-in scores and showing verbal and physical violence behaviour.
A significant negative corelation exists between anger management scores and verbal and physical violence behaviour. A high positive corelation has been identified between trait anger, anger expression-out and anger expression-in scores and showing verbal and physical violence behaviour.
A high positive corelation has been identified between trait anger, anger expression-out and anger expression-in scores and showing verbal and physical violence behaviour. A highly significant positive corelation exists between sensation seeking and urgency subscales of impulsivity and verbal and physical violence behaviour.
In the multiple regression analysis it is found that high trait anger scores and low lack of premeditation scores predict physical and verbal violence both for under 18 and over 18 years old.
Subjects and Method: In the first stage of the present study tibia length and in the second stage hand dimensions were evaluated related with stature estimation.
Results: Determination co-efficiencies for the regression equations based on tibia length was R2 = 0.618 for males and R2 = 0.394 for females.
For male R2 = 0.365 – 0.395, for females R2 = 0.347 – 0.336.
Conclusion: Group-specific regression formulae, calculated taking mother education in to consideration, do not help investigators to make more accurate estimations in practice.
Keywords: Tibia length, hand dimensions, mother education, stature estimation
In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the availability of the 1. cervical vertebrae anterior and posterior arch thickness measurements for age and sex determination.
The average thickness for the anterior arch of the 1. cervical vertebrae found 6,98 ± 0,93 mm (4,3-10,2) in male, 6,33 ± 0,77 mm (4,0-8,3) in female group. The average thickness for the posterior arch found 7,39 ± 1,39 mm (3,9-12,4) in male, 6,93 ± 1,40 mm (3,3-11,6) in female group.
The average age of the gorup found 51,05 ± 19,17 (13-93).
There was no corelation between age and the anterior and posterior arch thicknesses of 1. cervical vertebrae.Significant corelation found between anterior and posterior arch thicknesses of 1. cervical vertebrae (R= 0,258; p<0,0001).
To this end police officers were given traumatic police events list, post traumatic stress disorder scale and coping strategies scale and asked them to determine most disturbing event experienced and all events had experienced.
After some statistical analysis of variance, correlation, and partial correlation to the data obtained, it is found out that if police officers encounter of traumatic events increase their trauma points are also increase and the use of religious coping strategies increases.
Keywords: psychological survival, coping strategies, police, post traumatic stress
ANALYSIS OF ZO DYES IN CLOTHING MATERIALS AND LEGAL ASPECTS Responding to one of man's greatest needs, the lifeblood of the textile industry is garment production.
In this stages, garments are treated with some chemicals to in corporate colour, durability and other technical specifications.
Especially the chemicals that having different features by means of rising technology can cause from skin susceptibility to carcinogenic effects at users due to their structures and concentrations.
As a result of investigations initiated towards the end of nineteen century, when the using of some of toxical chemicals in clothing material are restricted with certain concentrations, using of some are strictly prohibited.
The presence of chemicals in product is provided by controlling laws and regulations created by the states.
In addition, consumer awareness and to show product quality 'Eco-Textile Lables  EcoTex' was created.
In each country, regulations on clothing products and eco-label criterions are determined according to that counrty's decisions.
In this study; the practices of toxical chemicals thar may exist in clothing material, toxic effects and their govarnances and gas chromatography mass spectrum (GC/MS) with the qualitative and quantitative analyses of carcinogenic aryl amine groups that formed because of banned azo dyes's reduction in uncontrolled sold products were made.
Today this determination can be made by invasive techniques like amniocentesis and CVS.
Owing the maternal and fetal risks, these tecniques are rarely used by judicial offices.
We took informed consents from volunteer participants for their blood and saliva samples examined according to DNA profiling.
The laboratory part of the study is performed in Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice Forensic Medicine Institution Biology Specialization Office Laboratory under the permission number B.03.1.ATK. of Education and Scientific Research Comission of Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice.
And we compared the Y-STR profile results with the probable father's results.
Among this patients 595 of them screened for alcohol and 66 of these patient exceeded the alcohol level.
Avarage age of the patients is 30.99±16.8 .
Victims were mostly 15 to 25 age interval, 87.2 % of the patients were 50 years old and under.
71.5 % of the patients were men , 28.5 % women.
The victims had mostly (22.2 %) head and neck injury and extremity injury(13 %).
Most of the injury origins (46.6 %) were not known.
Among the injuries 18.7 % did not have bone fractures but 10.9 % lower extremity bone fractures.
In this thesis, the problem of age estimation of those who are depicted in obscene pictures and are suspected of being under 18 has been studied.
The examinations revealed the extent to which the age indicators might be used in age estimations from pornographic images, also explaining the technical and biological issues that might mislead investigators during age estimations.
Also, the thesis ascertains many important facts including; investigators/forensic examiners should not aim to appoint a chronological age to those depicted in pornographic images especially if they seem to be adolescencents; age estimations should not be based solely on Tanner's sexual development stages; investigators/forensic examiners should be well aware of both biological and technical issues which may mislead them during age estimations; unless growth-and-development indicators produce 100% certainty, forensic reports should avoid definite statements like "it is child pornography".
Such quantity of 367 persons were distributed as 297 lawyers , 35 psychologists , 17 pedagogues and 18 social service specialists.
20 variables oriented to impose such punishment in Türkiye as well, have been separately examined , and majoritiy of the participants have been agreed on this opinion.
Pedagogues in particular have adopted practically a negative attittude against using chemical castrastion as a punishment while lawyers constituting the 81 %,of the sampling mass among the accupations have supported the punishment much more with respect to other occupational groups .
To use all this information, the biology of insects must be known very well.
Our goal is to contribute the time of death for the suspicious deaths by using entomological evidences.
Flies were belonging to Diptera: Calliphora vicina, Calliphora vomitoria, Chrysomya albiceps and Lucilia sericata, in Turkey on human remains.
Keywords: Forensic Entomology, postmortem interval, determining time of death, ADH/ADD, standardization.
Bone age (skeletal age) estimation has an important role in both medical and forensic applications.
Sexual maturation and mineralization of teeth in these cases have also been completed.Since in adult group hand and wrist radiograph is not used, as an alternative method , fusion degree between sternum elements can be used to estimate age.
Considering early fusion of sternabral segments around 20s and late fusion between corpus – xiphoid process around 50s , between 20-50 age fusion degree between sternum elements will be examined in Turkish Population in order to estimate age.In our study , Multislice Thorax CT images of 620 patients of 20-50 age with equal numbers of sex who has been to Istanbul Medical School Hospital Emergency and Radiology Departments with various causes are taken into study with approval of Ethics commitee and examined retrospectively.
In our study , we found out that complete fusion between manubrium and Corpus starts at 31 age in men and 26 age in women.Complete fusion between corpus (sternebrae) segments starts by 36 age in men.We also found that nonossification of Xiphoid means the patient is below 30 years old.
No statisticaly significant relationship between sternum size and age can be shown.Nonetheless , taking min-max values into account , via sternal element sizes we can determine the sex of the subject.
In this study, the effect of common ( frequently seen), silent C1236T MDR1 gene polymorphism on passing/ transition of toxic metal arsenic through the placenta is aimed to be determined. Althought a statistically significant correlation was not found /determined between C1236T MDR1 gene polymorphism and arsenic levels in the placenta of the individuals who participated in our study (p>0,05); in terms of gene polymorphism, the amount of arsenic in placenta of the individuals with typical homozygous (CC), was found lower than the amount of arsenic in placenta of the individuals with heterozygous (CT) and homozygous atypical (TT).
In our study, arsenic concentrations in the placenta samples of 112 volunteer mothers who gave birth was measured by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (GFAAS).
MDR1 C1236T genetic polymorphism analysis was performed using PCR-RFLP and whether there is a relationship between them or not was statistically evaluated.
Althought a statistically significant correlation was not found /determined between C1236T MDR1 gene polymorphism and arsenic levels in the placenta of the individuals who participated in our study (p>0,05); in terms of gene polymorphism, the amount of arsenic in placenta of the individuals with typical homozygous (CC), was found lower than the amount of arsenic in placenta of the individuals with heterozygous (CT) and homozygous atypical (TT). In this study, the effect of common ( frequently seen), silent C1236T MDR1 gene polymorphism on passing/ transition of toxic metal arsenic through the placenta is aimed to be determined.
Consequently, C1236T MDR1 gene polymorphism was observed to affect the passage/transition of arsenic into placenta. In this study, the effect of common ( frequently seen), silent C1236T MDR1 gene polymorphism on passing/ transition of toxic metal arsenic through the placenta is aimed to be determined.
Considering arsenic exposure, it was reached that the babies of individuals with typical homozygous (CC) are observed to be more advantageous against exposure, in other words, the babies of atypical homozygous (TT) individuals are found to be more risky against exposure.
Besides, a statistically significant relationship was not detected between mother' smoking and arsenic level of placenta (p>0,05), but the arsenic levels in the placenta of smoking mothers was found to be higher than those of nonsmokers. Althought a statistically significant correlation was not found /determined between C1236T MDR1 gene polymorphism and arsenic levels in the placenta of the individuals who participated in our study (p>0,05); in terms of gene polymorphism, the amount of arsenic in placenta of the individuals with typical homozygous (CC), was found lower than the amount of arsenic in placenta of the individuals with heterozygous (CT) and homozygous atypical (TT).
Key words: Arsenic, Atomic Absorbtion spectroscopy, Gene polymorphism, MDR1, Placenta.
The aim of this study was to investigate the association of lymphocyte DNA damage with XRCC1 and XRCC3 gene polymorphisms in individuals exposed to arsenic. Blood As level was detected by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS) and X‐ray repair cross complementing group 1 (XRCC1) Arg399Gln and X-ray cross-complementing group 3 (XRCC3) Thr241Met gene polymorphisms were analyzed by Polymerase Chain Reaction- Restriksiyon Fragman Lenght Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique to detect individual susceptibility.
In this study, DNA damages of the peripheral blood lymphocytes were evaluated according to the alkaline comet assay parameters including Comet Lenght (CL), Tail Intensity(TI), Tail Lenght (TL) in 175 individuals exposed to arsenic.
Blood As level was detected by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS) and X‐ray repair cross complementing group 1 (XRCC1) Arg399Gln and X-ray cross-complementing group 3 (XRCC3) Thr241Met gene polymorphisms were analyzed by Polymerase Chain Reaction- Restriksiyon Fragman Lenght Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique to detect individual susceptibility. Lymphocyte DNA damages were found significantly higher in individuals exposed to arsenic with XRCC1 Arg399Gln homozygous atypical (Gln/Gln) genotype and heterozygote (Arg/Gln) genotype than those with homozygous typical (Arg/Arg) genotype (p<0.01).
A statistically significant association was found between blood As level and comet parameters CL, TI (p<0.001), TL (p<0.05).
Lymphocyte DNA damages were found significantly higher in individuals exposed to arsenic with XRCC1 Arg399Gln homozygous atypical (Gln/Gln) genotype and heterozygote (Arg/Gln) genotype than those with homozygous typical (Arg/Arg) genotype (p<0.01). It was detected that lymphocyte DNA damages were significantly higher in individuals with XRCC3 Thr241Met homozygous atypical (Met/Met) and heterozygote (Thr/Met) genotypes than those with homozygous typical (Thr/Thr) genotype.
There was a statistically significant association between XRCC3 Thr241Met polymorphism and comet parameters (p<0.05).
It was detected that lymphocyte DNA damages were significantly higher in individuals with XRCC3 Thr241Met homozygous atypical (Met/Met) and heterozygote (Thr/Met) genotypes than those with homozygous typical (Thr/Thr) genotype. Lymphocyte DNA damages were found significantly higher in individuals exposed to arsenic with XRCC1 Arg399Gln homozygous atypical (Gln/Gln) genotype and heterozygote (Arg/Gln) genotype than those with homozygous typical (Arg/Arg) genotype (p<0.01).
Furthermore, it was suggested that variant genotypes of XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism and XRCC3 Thr241Met polymorphism may be associated with decreased DNA repair capacity against As exposure induced base damage and strand breaks. Blood As level was detected by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS) and X‐ray repair cross complementing group 1 (XRCC1) Arg399Gln and X-ray cross-complementing group 3 (XRCC3) Thr241Met gene polymorphisms were analyzed by Polymerase Chain Reaction- Restriksiyon Fragman Lenght Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique to detect individual susceptibility.
KeyWords: Arsenic, XRCC1, XRCC3, polymorphism, metal, lymphocyte DNA damage
Sexually transmitted pathogens of some subtypes present techniques that elicit negative of biological evidence in cases of sexual assault as evidence that these pathogens.
However, in clinical and epidemiological studies data were not concerned about compatibility issues, despite the existing facilities within the forensic purposes in Turkey for the defendant has not been investigated in identification availability.
In this regard, hpv's 20 female patients known to be positive and biological partners' samples taken the cervical smears and urethral discharge and these samples are performed by Linear Array and HPV typing method.
In these study at least one HPV type considered compatible when matched sample; Concordance was not detected in 9 of 16 pairs.
Concordance observed in 4 of the 7 partners all types were matched, while the remaining third part of the present type matched.
However there is no relationship with a statistically significant effect on the alignment of partners time (p> 0.05).
Working of cases expected and observed values when calculating concordance; HPV types depending on the observed value match expected based 1.60-8.01 fold increase observed.
In forensic medicine practice, hanging cases has an important place and in autopsy the discrimination of antemortem-postmortem hangings has to be done.
Until today, a lot of wound age and vitality estimation studies have been made, but it has not revealed a clear conclusion yet.