Made changes to the datacard

by C-G-L - opened
HDR Imageomics Institute org

Filled in more information needed to the best of my ability.

HDR Imageomics Institute org
edited Oct 23, 2023

Curation Rationale would be the purpose of the dataset or why it was put together, so we could include something like

This dataset was curated for training a model to classify different Heliconius mimics.

Thoughts @C-G-L ?

HDR Imageomics Institute org

for training a model to classify different species of Heliconius Butterflies and to take into account mimicry between species.

HDR Imageomics Institute org

Great, can you add that in?

HDR Imageomics Institute org

@C-G-L one last note (line 177): "take into account mimicry between species aand accuity of the observer." --> "take into account mimicry between species and acuity of the observer (bird, butterfly, or human/other)."

HDR Imageomics Institute org

Awesome, merge when ready :)

C-G-L changed pull request status to merged

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