[ "why is polynomial regression considered a special case of multiple linear regression?", "why is polynomial regression considered a special case of multiple linear regression?", "why is polynomial regression considered a special case of multiple linear regression?", "why is polynomial regression considered a special case of multiple linear regression?", "why is polynomial regression considered a special case of multiple linear regression? quizlet", "why is polynomial regression considered a special case of multiple linear regression?", "why is polynomial regression considered a special case of multiple linear regression?", "why is polynomial regression considered a special case of multiple linear regression?", "why is polynomial regression statistically significant", "why is polynomial regression considered a special case of multiple linear regression?", "why is polynomial regression considered a nonlinear model?", "what is polynomial regression", "what is polynomial regression", "what is polynomial regression", "when you use polynomial regression for multiple linear regression, does it work", "why is polynomial regression a special case of multiple linear regression?", "what is the difference between a polynomial and multiple linear regression", "why is polynomial regression special case of multiple linear regression?", "is polynomial regression a type of multiple linear regression", "when is polynomial regression the same as multiple linear regression" ]
[ "why are nonlinear statistical methods used", "why use statistical methods in nonlinear relationships", "what is statistical analysis", "what is non-linear analysis", "what kind of analysis is used for nonlinear statistics", "which statistical methods use linear relationships?", "which statistical approach is most appropriate to linear regression", "what are nonlinear statistics", "how do you analyze non linear relationships", "what is nonlinear statistics", "statistical methods based on gaussian distributions", "what is nonlinear statistical method", "what are non linear statistics?", "what methods do statistical analysis use", "what are nonlinear methods for statistics", "what methods are used for non linear statistics", "which method is best for nonlinear statistics?", "what is non linear statistics", "what is non-linear statistics?", "what type of methods used for nonlinear statistics" ]
[ "how to deconvolution matrix", "what is the result of a deconvolution of the matrix of ff", "what is the function of deconvolution", "what is deconvolution", "what is the deconvolution of sum used for?", "how to calculate deconvolution of sum", "how to deconvolution math", "deconvolution matrix", "what's the deconvolution math", "can you deconvolution", "which is correct for the deconvolution in matlab", "what is the deconvolution", "what is the general shape of deconvolution in matlab", "how to deconvolve matrix", "which function is used to compute the deconvolution matrix of the matrix?", "what is the deconvolution of the matrix", "what are the results of a deconvolution matrix", "what is the function to deconvolution", "what is the deconvolution matrix for?", "what is the deconvolution function" ]
[ "n=1 in confidence interval", "confidence range of the asymptotic confidence interval", "what is the asymptotic confidence interval for", "what is the confidence interval for the test?", "how to find the asymptotes of confidence intervals", "what % of confidence is an empty asymptotic", "which of the following is an empty asymptotic confidence interval?", "what is asymptotic confidence interval", "which of the following values is a confidence interval?", "what is the value of asymptotic confidence interval", "if confidence interval is empty", "if confidence interval is empty", "what is the asymptotic confidence interval", "what's a asymptotic confidence interval?", "which value indicates an empty asymptotic confidence interval", "what is the confidence interval in asymptotic probability?", "which is a empty confidence interval?", "which confidence interval is empty", "what is confidence interval", "what is the confidence interval" ]
[ "r average model standard error", "if there is an interaction between an ordinal and categorical variable, the standard error for calculating this interaction would be", "what is the normal standard error in logistic regression?", "what is the standard error in a logistic regression model?", "standard error in logistic regression", "if an interaction is not found between the ordinal and categorical variables, what is the standard error", "what is standard errors for logistic regression?", "how to calculate standard error of logistic regression", "how does a logistic regression model predict std", "what is standard error for r", "how to test the relationship between ordinal and categorical variables in r with glm", "what is the standard error in glm?", "what does glm mean", "which model is good for estimating std?", "what is the standard error of a logistic regression", "how do you get std in logistic regression", "if the logistic regression model is using a variable that contains an interaction term of the variable a,b and b, the standard error of the model is", "average logistic regression error estimate", "which term is used to predict an expected standard error?", "what is the standard error of a logistic regression?" ]
[ "why use glm in an experiment", "what is glm?", "what is glm used for", "what is the glm for regression analysis", "what is glm used for", "what is glm?", "how to reference glm", "what is glm analysis", "what is glm used for", "what is glm", "what is glm", "what is the purpose of glm regression", "what is golm", "why use glm", "what is glm in statistics?", "what is glm for", "what is glm", "what is the glm", "why use glm model", "what is glm" ]
[ "is it possible to extrapolate errors to cells", "is it possible to extrapolate from the standard deviation", "can a sample of a population extrapolate a rate", "how do we extrapolate the error distribution", "is it possible to extrapolate the standard deviation of an experimental error to a population.", "can the average rate of protein degradation be extrapolated from the total rate", "which term refers to the difference between the sample standard deviation and the standard deviation of a rate of degradation?", "is it possible to extrapolate errors from a subset of a data set?", "why do we get experimental errors from small sample", "how to extrapolate experimental error", "how can an error be extrapolated", "is it possible to extrapolate experimental error from a subset of a data set?", "why should i extrapolate experiments", "if the error distribution is random can you extrapolate to the protein rate?", "can you extrapolate rate errors from a subset of a large group of proteins?", "what is meant by a subset of a protein", "can you extrapolate experimental errors", "which statement best describes an extrapolation of the variance between the rates", "how to extrapolate bacterial genome rate", "how to extrapolate protein degradation" ]
[ "how to factorize two binary variables", "how can i factor-analyse only two binary variables", "how to factor analyze two binary variables only", "how to factor analyze binary variable", "how to factor analysis two binary variables only", "which factor factor can be used to reduce a binary variable to a single variable?", "can factor analysis use two binary variables", "which factor analysis is appropriate for binary variables", "how to factor analyze two variables", "which of the following variable types can be factorized?", "what is the principle analysis of factor analysis", "how to factorize two binary variables", "how do you factorise binary variable", "how to analyze two binary variables", "what does factor analysis do", "how to factorize two independent variables", "why factor analysis is used", "how to factorize binary variables", "how do i factor analyze two binary variables", "how is factor analysis appropriate" ]
[ "what is the best solution for determining symmetric data", "how is the kmeans set symmetric?", "what is the optimal kmeans solution", "why is a set symmetric vs completely symmetric", "why would kmeans be used", "which of the following data sets is fully symmetric", "what makes a set of data symmetric", "which kmeans objective is used to prove the symmetry of a set of unique observations?", "why is kmeans symmetric", "why is the optimal solution of kmeans objective semi-symmetric?", "what is kmeans objective", "when are d-dimensional unique observations fully symmetric, which of them are optimal?", "which data model uses symmetric data", "which is less optimal than a full symmetric set?", "kmeans definition of symmetric data", "which condition is true for symmetric sets?", "what is the optimal solution to the kmeans objective", "which is the optimal solution for kmeans in the objective equation?", "which condition is true about a set of fully-symmetric data?", "are sets symmetric" ]
[ "equality of distribution test for panel data", "does equality of distribution test", "can I test for equality of distribution", "why can't equality of distribution test for panel data", "what is the equality of distribution test", "how to test equality of distributions for panel data", "how is the equality of distributions test used", "why is equality of distributions test used", "how to test k-sample equality", "what tests are used to compare athlete performance", "how do you test equality of distributions", "equality of distribution test for panel data", "what test is needed to test for equality of distributions?", "what is the test of equality", "what is the equality-of-distribution tests for panel data?", "equality of distribution tests definition", "what test can be used to test for equality of distribution", "what is the equality of distribution test for panel data", "equality of distribution test for panel data", "how to test equality of distributions of athletes" ]
[ "what scoring system is needed for a college competition?", "what is the scoring system for a contest", "what is the scoring system for the ny state contest", "what is the scoring method used in college", "what is the scoring system for a group competition?", "which method is fair based on raw data and corresponding percentages", "how does a score system work", "what percent of student populations won the scoring system?", "what is the score system for a grad competition", "what is the scoring system in math", "how many students make a college program competitive", "why is the score system unfair", "which percent of student participants won the most", "how many students are in a group for a contest", "what is the current scoring system", "what percentage do you find out about the score of a competition?", "how to devise a scoring system for competition that is more fair than straight percentages", "how do you tell the winner of a standardized test for students", "what score to give to a group of students", "when to use a scoring system in math" ]
[ "when to use egger's test in meta analysis of symptom scores", "what is publication bias and where should it be evaluated", "what is the standard method for assessing publishing bias in a meta analysis", "how to assess publication bias", "what is the method of assessing publication bias", "how is the publication bias of single study meta-analysis assessed", "why is publication bias in meta-analysis of case studies", "how to assess published bias in a meta-analyser", "how to assess publication bias", "how to assess publication bias", "what method would be used to assess publication bias", "how to find the publication bias of a meta-analysis", "is there a way of investigating published bias in meta-analysis of single case studies?", "when is publication bias assessed", "which method is best to assess publication bias in meta-analysis of single case studies?", "how to assess publication bias in a meta-analysis", "how is publication bias a problem in a meta-analysis", "what is the standard method used in a meta-analysis of single case studies?", "what is publication bias in a metaanalysis", "how to assess publication bias" ]
[ "when using a correlated time series what does the variance of the random data indicate?", "how to calculate variance of a series", "average variance of a time series", "how to find the variance of a random series", "how do i calculate variance of a series of correlated variables", "how do you determine random variability", "what is the variance on a random variable matrix", "how to calculate variance of a random variable", "which statement best explains the variance of a simulated random time series?", "can you find the variance of a time series", "how to find the correlation coefficient in a sequence of random numbers", "how do you find the variance of a time series", "variance of correlated time series", "when do you find the variance of correlated variables", "how to calculate variance of random time series", "how to calculate range of correlated time series", "how to measure variance of a random correlated time series", "how to predict variability in a series of random numbers", "what does the variance of a time series consist of", "how to calculate random variance of time series" ]
[ "can mutual information enable us to find if there exists a positive or negative relationship between two variables.", "how to find the positive and negative relationship of two variables", "what is the relationship between mutual information and the sign of the relationship?", "how the relationship between mutual information and the sign of the relationship is determined", "relationship between mutual information and the sign of a relationship", "relationship between mutual information and sign", "the sign of an interaction with mutual information is", "how do we find the relationship between two variables?", "how to check mutual information", "what is the relationship between mutual information and the sign of the relationship?", "relationship between mutual information and the sign of the relationship definition", "how is relationship between mutual information and signs of relationship found in math", "relationship between mutual data and the sign of the relationship", "how is mutual information used in a relationship", "which variable indicates positive mutual information?", "what is the relationship between the two variables that can be found in the _______ relationship?", "what is the relationship between mutual information and the sign of the relationship?", "what is the relationship between mutual information and the sign of a relationship", "what is the relationship between two mutual information values that can be used to indicate positive or negative", "relationship between mutual information and sign of relationship" ]
[ "how to interpret pca plot", "what is the meaning of pca values", "why do pca arrows point down", "what is the difference between arrows and dots in a pca chart?", "how to interpret the relationship between pca and gender data", "what are the arrows in the pca?", "pca plot gender vs gender", "what does pca mean for gender and age", "why do arrows point down in the pca plot", "what is the relationship between color and pca variables?", "what are the main variables in pca plot analysis", "what is the difference between genders and pca colors", "what are gender pca arrows?", "what is the plot for pca", "pca meaning of colors", "how do you correctly interpret group differences", "how to correctly interpret a pca plot", "do male pca arrows show up", "when pca plot is used", "how to correctly interpret group differences on a pca plot" ]
[ "what is the dependent and independent variable of war", "why would I have a yeo-johnson transformation", "can you transform dependent and independent variables in multiple regression", "which variable is the dependent variable in r", "when using r how to transform a variable", "convert dependent and independent variables", "transforming a variable for multiple regression in r", "transformation of dependent variable", "how to do transformation on dependent variable", "can you transform two independent variables in r", "what type of plot is a disturbance in r", "how to perform multiple regression", "when to use transform in multiple regression", "what is the dependent variable on the r regression matrix", "what does transformation of variable mean", "what is the underlying function of the transform", "what is the difference between dependent and independent variables", "what is the dependent and independent variable of the regression model", "transformation of dependent variable", "how to transform independent variable multiple regression in r" ]
[ "what is the bias in internal validation", "can holdout validate bias", "how is holdout validation biased", "why is holdout validation biased", "can holdout be biased", "why does the holdout method of internal validation contain an error of optimistically corrected bootstrap?", "can holdout be biased", "which method is bias biased", "which method is systematically biased", "can a model be held based on the assumptions outlined below?", "how often can internal validation be used", "why is the bootstrap approach used", "when using a holdout method, is the variance systematically biased?", "is holdout validation biased", "what is the difference between bootstrap and holdout", "is the holdout method systematically biased", "why would an internal model be biased?", "how does resubstitution bias bias occur", "how can resubstitution errors be biased?", "how is the resubstitution error biased?" ]
[ "how do probabilities and covariance matrices constrain each other for a correlated multivariate random variable?", "how do choices of probability constrain each other?", "bernoulli definition", "how do bernoulli random variables constrain each other?", "how do choices of probabilities and covariance matrices constrain each other for a correlated multivariate bernoulli random variable?", "how do choices of probabilities and covariance matrices constrain each other for a correlated multivariable random variable", "which covariant constraints choices", "how do choices of probabilities and covariance matrices constrain each other?", "how does a covariance bind to an independent random variable", "how do bnoilli random variables constrain each other?", "which is a constraint in a correlated random variable", "how do choices of probabilities and covariance matrices constrain each other for a correlated multivariate bernoulli random variable?", "bernoulli ________ random variable", "how do choices of probabilities and covariance constrain each other in a correlated multivariate bernoulli random variable?", "how do choices of probabilities and covariance matrices constrain each other in a correlated multivariate random variable?", "what constrains a covariance matrix", "how do choice choices constrain covariance matrices?", "what constrains choice of a bernoulli", "how do probabilities constrain each other in bournoulli data", "how do choices of probabilities constrain each other?" ]
[ "how to do propensity score matching with panel data", "when does ps match work for age group", "how to use propensity score matching", "when do you match propensity scores", "what age can you match propensity score", "age of propensity match analysis", "what are the characteristics of propensity match", "age of propensity matching", "when does propensity score match with panel", "when is psmatch matching set", "when to use propensity score to match with data", "age for propensity test match", "how to pair the propensity score in stata", "age difference in differences stata", "age matching in stata", "what is the propensity score", "what does propensity score match mean", "can propensity score be used to match a panel?", "how to do the propensity score match with panel data", "how is propensity score matching performed" ]
[ "r p value of probability distribution", "how to measure a discrete distribution", "how to fit a discrete distribution on count data?", "how to find the parameters of a histogram", "what does r fitdistr mean", "how to fit a discrete distribution on a histogram", "do you need a histogram for a discrete distribution", "how do i get the parameters of a discrete distribution to fit to the histogram", "does the histogram have a discrete distribution", "how do i fit a discrete distribution into the histogram", "r how to fit a discrete distribution", "fitdistr function in r", "how to fit a discrete distribution", "what is the method for fitting a discrete distribution on a histogram?", "can you fit a discrete distribution on counts to a histogram", "how to fit a discrete distribution", "what is the best method to fit a discrete distribution in r?", "when to use a discrete distribution in r", "how to model a discrete histogram", "fitdistr function" ]
[ "what is bound output from regression model", "how to bound the output of a regression model?", "can a linear regression model be bound", "why would you expect to get an output for regression", "how to bound a regression model output", "can i bound the output of a regression model", "if an output value is greater than 0 does this model get bound?", "how to bound the output of a regression model", "why is it difficult to constrain a regression model r?", "how do you bound output of data in r", "what is the output for regression model?", "how to bound output in regression", "can you bound the output of a regression", "how do you bound data in r", "what is the bounds in a regression", "if regression model bounds are not true what is the true range", "does a regression model need bounds", "which of the following is an example of a bound function in a logistic regression model?", "how to bound the output of a regression model", "how bound is input of regression model" ]
[ "how to use search logs in search", "can a search log be used to improve autocomplete", "why is my url not always useful", "what is the purpose of searching in log", "what do you find if you search for someone else's name in a database?", "do you use search logs for your character", "why do people use search logs", "what is search log data used for in a database", "what is the purpose of using search logs?", "search logs for characters wiki", "how do i mine search logs", "how to use logs in autocomplete", "why do we need to use logs in search", "how to search using search logs", "how do we get the search logs for each character in an opera query", "which search log is useful to find the character", "how can i get search log results", "can you use the search logs as a character in an autocomplete form", "can you use query logs in an autocomplete", "search logs are useful when a search fails. why is this important" ]
[ "how to use particle filter in r", "what is r's particle filter", "r - how to run a particle filter", "how do i run a particle filter r", "example of a particle filter r", "example of a particle filter in r", "what is a particle filter", "r if you want to use a particle filter", "what is the particle filter in r", "how to run particles filter in r", "how to run a filter in r", "why do you do a particle filter", "code to run a particle filter in r", "how to write csv from csv to pomp object", "can you create a particle filter in r", "r code examples for particle filter", "what is pomp example r", "r code for particle filter", "how to use a particle filter in r", "how to run a particle filter in r" ]
[ "how to classify groups for bird", "what two variables are categorical in r", "what is the range of species of a bird", "where do bird populations overlap", "what is a categorical snp for", "what types of variables for hierarchical clustering?", "which variable represents the presence of a heterozygote?", "what is the colour of an individual bird in sweden", "what is the variable for classification in hierarchical clustering", "what is the range of the categorical variable", "what's the smallest variable in the hierarchical cluster", "how to do hierarchical clustering", "which type of cluster is used for categorical clusters", "which is the most categorical variable of r?", "which variable is categorical", "what is the name of the variable for the migratory divergence", "which variable is classified as continuous", "___________ is a categorical variable", "which variable is categorical", "why are hierarchical clustering variables useful?" ]
[ "can logistic regression be used for an asymmetric classification?", "what techniques are used to perform asymmetric classification", "can lda methods be used to perform asymmetric classifying?", "which classification technique uses logistic regression?", "what techniques are used to perform asymmetric classification? how?", "what technique is used to perform asymmetric classification", "what is the standard classification technique used in statistical methods?", "what methods can be used to perform asymmetric classification", "what is lda asymmetric classifying", "what classification techniques can be used for logistic regression?", "can logistic regression be used for asymmetric classification", "what is lda used for", "what is logistic regression used for", "what classification techniques can be used to perform asymmetric classification", "what is the use of logistic regression id for classification", "which of the following techniques can be used on asymmetric classification", "why do classification techniques need to be used in asymmetric", "can regression be used for asymmetric classification", "which classification technique is best used to perform asymmetric classification?", "what statistical techniques can be used to perform asymmetric classification?" ]
[ "how to build a profitable betting tip system", "are stats profitable for betting", "are tennis betting tips profitable", "can you use stats to analyze previous tennis match", "is betting on matches lucrative", "can you analyze previous tennis matches", "what to use to bet on previous tennis matches", "do you think tennis betting tip is profitable?", "how to make betting tips for professional tennis player", "why would you analyze a player's previous match?", "can you use stats to analyze past matches", "how to make bets on previous players", "can you bet on previous matches", "can i use stats to predict betting tips", "how to calculate betting tips", "how to analyze the previous match of tennis players to make an informed bet", "how to make betting tips on tennis", "how do you build a bet system", "how to make a profitable betting tip", "can you analyze a previous match to make a tipping system" ]
[ "why do binary time series need references", "which is a useful reference for plotting binary time sequences?", "when plotting categorical time series what is the difference", "what is binary data in statistics", "why use binary data", "when to use binary plot", "are there references for plotting binary time series", "which is more appropriate for binary data or categorical data?", "is time series binary?", "can you use binary time in a plot", "what is the binary nature of a time series?", "what type of variables are used for binary time series plots?", "when analyzing a binary time series", "what is the binary nature of time series", "is categorical time series a binary time series", "how to plot binary time series", "what type of data is used to plot binary", "does sparklines provide justification", "what is binary time series", "when to use binary time series" ]
[ "what is the purpose of the matrix analysis toolbox", "what is the purpose of a matlab analysis method", "which variable explains the best variations of $y$?", "which variables explain best variation of $x_m$", "how can i assess the effect of several categorical predictors on an outcome variable?", "how do categorical predictors work in matlab", "which predictors have best variations of the variable x_m$?", "how can I assess the effect of several categorical predictors on an outcome variable?", "how to assess the effect of several categorical predictors on an outcome variable", "how can you assess the effect of several categorical predictors on an outcome variable?", "can we use matlab to analyze a relationship", "how can i assess the effect of several categorical predictors on an outcome variable? a-c_____.", "how to find clusters in matlab statistics", "which variable describes the best variation of the variable $y?", "which variables explain best variations of variables", "which variables explain the best variations of an outcome variable", "how can i assess the effect of several categorical predictors on an outcome variable", "how can you assess the effect of a categorical predictor", "how to determine an outcome variable from several categorical constructs", "how to assess the effect of categorical predictors on an outcome variable" ]
[ "what is the validity coefficient of a valid test", "validating coefficient", "validity coefficients formula", "what is the validity coefficient?", "what is the validity coefficient?", "what is the validity coefficient of", "what is the validity coefficient in excel", "how to calculate validity coefficient", "which statement is a valid coefficient?", "what is the validity coefficient of an equation", "what is the validity coefficient", "what is the coefficient of validity in a function", "what is validity coefficient", "is validity coefficient the same as value in sql", "what is the validity coefficient", "what is the validity coefficient", "how valid is v", "what is the validity coefficient in graphs", "what is the valid coefficient of this formula", "how to find the validity coefficient on an equation" ]
[ "if two variable can be defined as functions of two chi squared random variables with four degrees of freedom, how to compute the joint pdf", "what is the joint pdf", "what is the joint pdf", "what is the common distribution function of a variable called", "how does pdf of two random variables", "how are the joints pdf of two random variables defined?", "how to determine whether two variables are chi squared", "what kind of function is u in the joint pdf", "how to find the joint pdf of two random variables", "what is joint pdf math", "what does random variable u mean", "what is the purpose of the joint pdf?", "what is the joint pdf of two random variables defined as the function of two iid chi square distributed random variables", "what is the joint pdf", "how do we get the joint pdf of a function of a random variable?", "how to find a joint pdf of two random variables", "what's the chi square distribution for randomness", "what is joint pdf", "what is joint pdf of two random variables", "what is the function of a joint pdf" ]
[ "which class of non linear functions can be modeled by a neural network", "which class of non linear functions can be modeled", "which class of non linear functions can be modeled by a neural network if machine is viewed as function approximation?", "what class of non linear function can be modeled by a neural network?", "what class of non linear functions can be modeled by a neural network", "what class of functions in a neural network can be modeled by a neural network?", "which class of non linear functions can be modeled by a neural network?", "when you are viewed as a function approximation, which class of functions are modeled?", "which class of functions can be modeled by a neural network if machine is viewed as function approximation?", "what class of non linear functions can be modeled by a neural network?", "which class of functions can be modeled by a neural network", "what class of non linear functions can be modeled by a neural network", "what class of non linear functions can be modeled by a neural network", "what type of functions can be model in a neural network?", "what class of functions can be modeled by a neural network", "which class of nonlinear functions can be modeled by a neural network", "what class of non linear functions can be modeled", "what class of non linear functions can be modeled by a neural network", "what classes of non linear functions can be modeled?", "which class of non linear functions can be modeled by a neural network if machine is viewed as" ]
[ "temperature ranges in 3718", "weather in 3719", "what is the typical weather for indiana", "what is the weather for 324", "what is the weather standard for 3719", "what is nrm standard weather", "what is the standard weather ad observation number", "what is the weather at 3719", "what is the weather on 3719", "what is the forecast for 3719", "standard weather for dummies", "what is the weather in 3719", "what is the standard weather for 3717", "what is the weather like in 3719", "what is the weather in ohio", "how to fit mixed model to the weather", "what is the weather for 3719", "what is the standard rainfall in 7172?", "what's the average temperature for 3719", "weather forecast for 2720" ]
[ "what is standard deviation of the forecast using the arma models", "how to combine arman models", "how to combine an arma forecast with a standard deviation", "avg standard deviation", "what is standard deviation for arma model", "average forecast and standard deviation", "how to calculate a standard deviation using arma models", "which two models are normally distributed", "which model can be combined to produce an average forecast", "how to use forecasts in arma models", "how to combine forecasts from arma models", "average forecast formula for a pq model", "if i combine irms model and arma model how can i find standard deviation in the forecast", "how to combine arma models", "how to calculate average forecast with arma model", "average forecast p q model", "how to combine forecasts in arma", "what is standard deviation in arma model", "average forecast from pq arga model", "what is the standard deviation in arma model" ]
[ "is a disjoint set necessary", "why is a supervised clustering used?", "why is consistency necessary", "why is a disjoint data set necessary", "do you split supervised learning data in clustering", "is a disjoint set used for clustering", "when is it necessary to split data", "why split data in clustering", "is it necessary to split data in clustering?", "is split data necessary for cluster based learning", "how is consistency evaluated in clustering", "why is it necessary to split data in supervised learning", "why split data in clustering", "why would clustering model need to split", "is consistency necessary for clustering", "are disjoint data sets necessary", "why is it necessary to split data in clustering", "why is the data set in disjoint", "why split data in clustering", "why is it necessary to split a data set in clustering" ]
[ "when does a typical posterior be based on a regularist", "when to make a bayesian interpretation", "does an mcmc sampler allow for a 'beans' interpretation?", "when are bayesian posteriors appropriate", "if a model is frequently fitting in a bayesian way which of the following will be the best prior to make it?", "when can a Bayesian model be used", "what is the posterior of a probability model fit", "why is it important to understand prior models in the Bayesian method", "when is a prior a Bayesian model", "when do you make a bayesian interpretation", "when can you interpret probability model with commonist data", "what makes a typical interpretation of a commonist model valid?", "when may i make a bayesian interpretation of posterior data", "when is considered a frequentist interpretation", "when is it possible to use a bayesian model", "what makes a Bayesian interpretation", "when is it ok to make a bayesian interpretation", "when can i make a bayesian interpretation", "when to use mcmc sampling and repeat inference", "when can you use bayesian interpretation of posterior" ]
[ "what design are non-equivalent groups", "how to analyze data for non-equivalent studies", "what is the purpose of a quasi-experimental design?", "why do researchers study _intact groups_", "which statistical method should i use to analyze the data?", "why use an experimental design?", "which statistical methodology is used in analyzing data from non-equivalent groups in a quasi -experimental design?", "why use non-equivalent design", "what is the purpose of the two design", "what is quasi experiment design", "why are quasi-equivalent groups chosen?", "what is the purpose of the quasi experimental design?", "statistical analysis for non-equivalent data", "interpreting qualitative data in quasi experimental design", "which statistical method should I use to analyze the data?", "how to analyze data from a quasi experiment", "which statistical method should i use to analyze the data?", "what is the purpose of the quasi experimental design?", "why use the statistical approach to analyze data from non-equivalent groups", "what is the purpose of the design" ]
[ "what is the difference between probability and fuzzy logic?", "what is the difference between probabilistic and fuzzy", "difference between probability and fuzzy logic", "what is the difference in probability and fuzzy logic", "what is the difference in fuzzy logic and probability", "difference between probability and fuzzy logic", "what is the difference between fuzzy logic and probability?", "what is the difference between probability and fuzzy logic?", "what's the difference between probability and fuzzy", "what is the difference between fuzzy logic and probability", "what is the difference between probability and fuzzy logic in computing?", "difference between probability and fuzzy logic", "what is the difference between probability and fuzzy logic", "what is the difference between probability, logic, and fl", "difference between probability and probability", "difference between probability and fuzzy logic", "what is the difference between fuzzy logic and probability", "what is the difference between probability and fuzzy logic", "what is the difference between probability and fuzzy logic", "what is the difference between probability and fuzzy logic" ]
[ "what is the upper bound of mark and recapture", "what is the bound for mark and recapture", "why is it called overestimating the population", "which of the following is larger than the true population?", "how to limit population with known upper bound", "what is the upper bound of a population ratio", "can i use a known upper bound to overestimate a population", "what is the difference between the known and known population", "what is the upper bound for the mark and recapture", "how to estimate true population", "what is the upper bound for a mark and recapture", "why would a population be greater than the known population?", "what is the upper bound of mark and recapture for an estimate?", "what is the upper bound for determining true population size", "what is the upper bound for mark recapture in population", "if the population is larger than the known population what would be the upper bound", "which population is greater than known population", "which of the following is true of the known population?", "what is the difference between estimate and estimate", "which condition is used to determine whether a ratio estimate is greater than the known population?" ]
[ "what to use for mixed models in r", "what plots are useful to illustrate mixed effect linear equations?", "mixed effects in r what to use", "what kind of plots are used for mixed effect modelling?", "what kind of graph can be used to illustrate mixed effect model", "why use nlme plot in r", "what is a mixed effect linear model", "mixed effects linear model in r", "what is mixed effect models used for in r", "why use residual plots in mixed effect modelling", "what is the plots for mixed effect modelling r", "when to use mixed effect graphs in r", "what r plots mixed effects", "what are mixed effects graphs used for", "what plot to use in mixed effect modelling", "how to illustrate mixed effects modelling in r", "what to do for mixed effects in r", "can mixed effects be coloured in plots", "what plots should be used to illustrate mixed effects in r", "r mixed model plots" ]
[ "which classifier for classification is based on a choice test", "how to test a test set", "can you choose a test set", "what is the choice of test set in classification", "what is the choice of test set for classification", "what test sets can be used for classification", "is test set the same as decision tree", "different type of test sets", "can you select which test set", "how to do a classification procedure", "which classifier to use", "which test set to use", "why use test set", "what is choice of test set", "which test set is a classification procedure?", "what is choice of test set for classification", "what is the choice of test set used for classification", "what is a test set and classifier", "can you choose test set and test set for classification", "what is the choice of test set?" ]
[ "what is the rate of an intercept", "what is the rate of a 1 on the data", "what is the rate of an event in logistic regression", "what is the rate of 1s in the universe", "what is a 1 in logistic regression", "logistic regression with bias correction", "how to estimate a statistic in logistic regression", "how to calculate the rate of a match", "what is the rate of 1's in the random universe", "what is the rate of one's", "what is the sigma value for a logistic regression", "what is the ratio between 0s and 0's in a logistic regression", "what is the rate of a 0 in logistic regression", "what is the normal rate of one in the universe", "how to do logistic regression for matchmaking", "when is a 0 in logistic regression", "what is the rate of a 1 in logistic regression", "how to make a prior correction on a random intercept in a logistic regression", "what is the statistic of the rate of a 0 in the universe", "how to make a prior correction for a logistic regression model" ]
[ "does r use chi squared or exact test", "how do i get a chi square test", "how to do chi square in r", "what does chi squared mean?", "how to find the chi squared statistic in r", "when chi squared can you use n-1 in r", "which test uses pearson's chi square test?", "what test uses pchisq", "how to do chi square test in r", "how to do chi squared in r", "how would you measure the accuracy of a chi square test", "chi square test r", "how to calculate p value from chi square", "what is n-1 in n harper's exact test", "r chi squared statistic", "what is the n-1 correction in pchisq.test", "how to run p test with chi square test", "how to do chi square testing in r", "how to use pchi", "how to calculate p value from chi squared" ]
[ "what is the regularization of two vectors", "how to do regularization", "what is the simplest way to calculate the rank of the vector", "how to regularize two vectors?", "what is the rank of an array", "how to compute rank of a vector", "how to find rank of a vector", "what is regulating and determining rank", "how to compute rank of two vectors", "how to calculate rank of some unordered vector", "how do you find the rank of a vector", "which function is used to penalize vector", "how to find the rank of two vectors", "how to find the rank of an order with a regularized vector", "what is the rank of a vector and the rank of a mismatch?", "calculate the difference when the rank of a vector changes", "how to compute rank of vectors", "how do you do regularization in an algorithm", "what is the function r_u", "how to compute rank of an unequal vector" ]
[ "can you measure the standard deviation", "can gps measure standard deviation from mean", "what is the difference between standard deviation and mean?", "why do you measure standard deviation from true value", "can i measure standard deviation", "is it reasonable to measure standard deviation instead of mean", "what is meant in standard deviation of a gps", "is standard deviation a mean", "can gps accuracy be measured as a measure", "can gps be used to calculate mean", "should i measure standard deviations instead of mean", "why is it useful to measure standard deviation", "what is standard deviation for gps", "why measure the mean vs standard deviation", "can i measure the standard deviation rather than mean?", "how to do the measure of standard deviation", "what is the difference between mean and standard deviation", "which is the proper measurement of the standard deviation", "what is it reasonable to measure standard deviation from true value rather than mean?", "why does a measurement of deviations differ from mean and mean" ]
[ "when are inconsistent tests acceptable", "why would you use inconsistent tests", "why use inconsistent test", "are consistency points useful", "is inconsistent a test", "why is there an inconsistent test", "what is the difference between a consistent vs a consistency test", "why are inconsistent tests bearable", "why use inconsistent test", "what is the difference between inconsistent and nonparametric tests? quizlet", "why use inconsistent test", "why use inconsistent test", "why are inconsistent tests bearable?", "why is inconsistent test bearable", "why use inconsistency test", "why use inconsistent tests", "what test is inconsistent", "why is it ok to use an inconsistent test", "is inconsistent test necessary", "why is there an inconsistent test" ]
[ "test logit model", "how accurate is logit in r", "how to test a logit model in r", "logit model r", "what is the test range for logit", "how to test logit model", "how to test a logit model in r", "how to test logit model in r", "how to test logit model", "what is logit", "how to test r logit", "how to test a logit model in r", "how to test logging model in r", "how to test a logit model", "____ is the accuracy of a logit model.", "how does a logit test in r", "test logit model in r", "test logit model", "what is logit model used for", "r test logit model" ]
[ "why combine probability and outcome", "how to combine probability", "what is the probability for a market", "which probability is the outcome for every market event?", "how do you combine probabilities", "when the probability of a market is one in a market", "how is probability calculated", "what is the probability of a market?", "what is probability in a market", "how to combine probability", "how do you combine probabilities", "what is the probability of a market", "how to combine probability of outcome", "which probability would be the result of the market?", "how to combine market probabilities", "if the outcome of a market can be expressed as a probability, it might be", "when you add market probability to market price it might come out as", "probability of any single outcome", "how many % is probability", "probability of a move" ]
[ "how to do metaanalysis on study with 0-frequency cells", "how to crosstabulate a study of a mother to a baby", "what does meta analysis of data look like", "how to test whether an unborn child gets the virus", "what is the difference between an unborn child and a mother", "how to find the odds of child transmission to mother", "how to calculate a study's odds ratio", "how to use a meta-analysis in an example of a study in which all mothers get infectious", "how does meta analysis work", "what is the difference between a study which includes a meta-analysis and one that uses odds ratios (or)?", "can a mother cause an unborn child to have a disease", "when can a mother give an unborn child a virus?", "what is an example of a meta analysis in statistics", "when to use odds ratio and meta analysis for studies", "what is meta analysis used for", "how can you determine whether a child has a positive or negative mother", "does an unborn child get the rabies in mother", "can a negative mom have a positive unborn baby", "why is the pos hypothesis tested in meta regression", "how to test the hypothesis that the mother is the only one affected by the unborn baby" ]
[ "num_heads regress", "what is the best way to figure out the weights of a coin", "how to figure the weight of two coins", "if the amount of coins you flip in a day is negative is", "how do i know the weight of a coin", "if the coin weight is negative is the intercept used", "how to calculate a coin's weight by an intercept", "how to figure the number of heads for a coin", "how can i use a latent variable for toy regression?", "can a toy regression be used to calculate a coin's volume", "how to regress the number of flips on coin", "why is intercept important", "when doing a regressive regression the number of flips of the coin is recorded in the data", "should intercept be positive for weighted coins", "how does a toy regression work", "how to figure the weight of each coin", "how do you regress numbers of flips of a coin", "which variable is not included in the regression for the tenth day of a flip?", "how to figure out the weights of a coin", "how to measure latent variables in dummies" ]
[ "r definition of step", "r lm aic formula formula", "how to interpret the r table output", "aic value for a model", "how to find swiss aic", "what is aic formula", "what is the output of step in r", "step aic r example", "r aic number of variables", "step model r", "what is the difference between agricultural and education r", "r step function", "what is the step in r", "r how to find the input variable for agriculture in swiss", "what does the lm table do in r", "what is the output of step r", "how does step aic work in r", "r step output", "what is the r step in education", "what is the formula in r for fertility" ]
[ "what is the correct way to deal with multiple fixed effects when dealing with a large number of observations in a panel data regression?", "how to handle fixed effects", "how to deal with fixed effects regression", "how many variables can be used in dummy data", "how to handle single variable fixed effect", "how do you handle multiple fixed effects in stata", "when to use dummy variables in stata", "when to deal with variable fixed effects statistics", "which of these variables can be used to control for fixed effects", "how can you handle fixed effects in stata", "how to use multiple fixed effects in stata", "how many variables are in the stata", "fixed effect stata", "what is the proper way to deal with multiple fixed", "how to control for fixed effects in stata", "how to handle multiple fixed effects in stata", "how to handle fixed effects in stata", "what's the correct way to deal with multiple fixed effects when dealing with a large number of observations in a panel data regression?", "how to deal with multiple fixed effects", "what is the way to deal with multiple fixed effects in panel data" ]
[ "distribution of the maximum of samples with replacement", "distribution of max of samples with replacement", "distribution of max samples with replacement", "distribution of max number of samples with replacement", "what is the max number distribution for the samples with replacement", "what is the distribution of max of samples with replacement?", "distribution of max of samples with replacement", "what is max distribution", "what is the distribution of max of samples based on substitution", "what is the distribution of max in text", "what is the distribution", "what is the distribution of max", "distribution of max of samples with replacement", "what is the distribution of max of samples with replacement", "what is the distribution of max of samples with replacement", "what is the distribution of max of samples", "what is the distribution of max of samples with replacement", "distribution of a max of samples with replacement", "what is the distribution of max of samples with replacements in word", "what is the distribution of max of samples with replacement" ]
[ "a function of random variable that is an example of pmf", "how to use pmf on a function of random variables", "what is pmf", "what is an independent sequence of random variables", "pmf function definition", "how to do pmf function", "what is the function of pmf for the sequence of random variables?", "what is mif for a function of random variables", "what is pmf in a function", "pmf function", "what is pmf?", "how do i find my pmf function", "pmf for a function", "how to find y_n to y in pmf", "function of pmf", "when do you find the p($x_n = pm1) of a function of random variables", "calculate pmf function of random variables", "what is pmf a function of", "function of random variables in pmf", "what is the definition of pmf" ]
[ "which of the following can be used to determine age differences for birth groups?", "why do i do two anovas", "do you use anova first", "what test to use to determine the difference between different birth groups and different age groups", "is there a difference between birth group vs age group", "how to determine age groups", "what to use to determine baby birth group", "what tests do i use to test differences", "how to find age group differences in birth weight", "how many different birth groups in a cohort", "how to know the baby weight of an age group", "what test is used to find birth groups for a research project", "age of birth group versus age groups", "how many age groups in an age comparison", "how do you compare baby age groups on anova", "can an anova be used on birth groups of three different age groups?", "why use anavar to compare birth group", "when do you need to test a birth group", "how many age groups for an anova", "how does the anova measure birth weight" ]
[ "why is it wrong to use the same data for efa", "how is cross validation justified", "what is the difference between efa and cfa", "why is it wrong to cross validate a factor model", "why is it wrong to cross validate a factor", "when should it be used to cross validate", "why is it wrong to check factor models", "why is it wrong to cross validate using efa", "why is it wrong to cross-validate using EFA then use cfa", "why is it so wrong to cross-validate models?", "why would cfa be used to cross validate", "why is it wrong to use the same data for efa", "does efa validate the model", "why is it wrong to cross-validate with efa and cfa", "why cross verify models", "why is it wrong to cross validate", "why would i use a factor model on efa", "why is it wrong to find factors using efa then use cfa?", "why is it wrong to discover factors using efa then use cfa on the same data?", "why is it wrong to cross validate using the same data as efa?" ]
[ "is normal mixture normal", "how to specify skew normal", "how to specify normal log normal in a jags model", "how can i specify skew normal distribution in winbugs", "how to set skew normal distribution model", "what is normal-log normal mix in jars", "what is normal log normal mix in winbugs", "when setting the normal mixture in winbags, what should my model parameters be", "how to specify skewed normal distribution in winbush", "how to find the log normal mix", "javags how to do skew normal", "skew normal", "what is the normal log normal distribution in a jags model", "how to use skew normal in winbush java", "what is the skew normal for the normal vs. log normal range?", "how to specify skew normal in winbugs", "what is normal normal mix", "what is log normal mix", "how to specify skew normal distribution", "what type of model does skew normal fit" ]
[ "when using pooled ols how is this accomplished", "what to do with pooled observations", "when to use pooled observation for a dataset?", "are there a pooling data", "can observation pooled ols", "how to use the pooled ols command", "when are observations pooled", "are it possible to pool observations", "when do you pool observations", "why do you pool observations", "how many countries are included in pooled ols", "can you pool observations", "what is the difference between pooled ols and unbalanced data", "how many countries are pooled", "can you pool data with ols", "when using pooled ols how many observations", "can you pool the same countries in the same year", "do you pool observations on each country", "can you pool observations in java", "can we use pooled ols on same countries" ]
[ "logistic regression on r", "logistic regression r package", "logistic regression in data", "how to fit logistic regression on big data", "chi square logistic regression", "logistic regression with big data", "logistic regression of a large data sets", "how to fit logistic regression in big data", "logistic model for big data", "how to do logistic regression", "logistic regression in big data", "how to fit chi square", "logistic regression on big data", "how does logistic regression work in data", "how to fit logistic regression on big data", "what package to use for logistic regression", "how to do logistic regression in big data", "logistic regression in big data", "how many data sets in logistic regression", "how many variables can fit a logistic regression model" ]
[ "how to find probability of height over 176", "when do you round the observations", "how to find probability of height of a sample", "how does a rounded data set affect the probability of a normal sample height?", "what is the normal height for a student", "why is the standard deviation of the height rounded to the nearest integer?", "if the sample is rounded to the nearest integer, how do you find the probability that the mean height is more than 176cm", "what does 176 cm mean in math", "when the sampling is rounding the observations, it will be called", "what is normal height in hspace", "when the sampling population is rounded to the nearest integer, the probability that the mean height is more than 176 cm is", "how to find the probability of the student having a height of 176cm", "how do you find the probability of a mean height of 176cm", "how to find the average height of a college student", "what is the maximum standard deviation of the students", "how to find standard deviation for standard deviation", "what is normal height for a sample", "how much is normal height in a sample", "when to p the normal height", "how do you find the probability of the normal height of a student?" ]
[ "finite correction factor formula", "finite correction formula", "fpc sample size definition", "what is the fpc in a finite population", "what is the fic factor", "when sampling from a finite population a threshold is set at 5%.", "what does fpc mean", "finite correction factor", "what is the finite correction in statistics", "what is the formula to determine correction", "why is the threshold set at 5%", "what is the finite correction factor in statistics", "what is fpc formula", "what is the purpose of the finite correction factor formula?", "what is the definition of finite correction?", "finite correction formula", "finite correction of sampling formula", "when sampling a population, what is the finite correction factor?", "what is finite correction factor", "what is finite correction factor" ]
[ "which is a clustering algorithm", "what is clustering in a matrix for clusters", "how to find clusters in matrix", "find independent clusters in a matrix", "how to find clusters in a matrix", "clusters of indices", "how to find clusters in the matrix", "how to extract clusters in matrix", "what is clustering matrix examples", "what are independent clusters in a matrix", "cluster in a matrix", "why is it not possible to find independent clustered matrix", "which clustering algorithm is used in cluster analysis?", "clustering matrix definition", "how to find clusters in a graph", "clustering in matrix definition", "what is clustering in matrix", "why is cluster clustering important to java", "what is clustering in a matrix", "clustering matrix example" ]
[ "which is a threshold for biometric authentication", "what is a threshold for biometric authentication", "how to find a threshold for biometric authentication", "threshold for biometric authentication", "why choose similarity score", "what is the threshold for biometric authentication", "what is the threshold for biometric authentication", "can I find the threshold for biometric testing", "what is the threshold of a biological trait?", "what is the threshold for biometric authentication", "how to find the threshold biometric authentication", "what is a threshold in biometric verification", "what should the similarity score be for biometric authentication", "how to select the correct biometric threshold", "what is the threshold for biometric authentication", "how can i find the thresholds used in biometric authentication system", "what is similarity score threshold for biometric authentication", "what is the threshold in a biometric authentication system", "threshold for biometric authentication", "what is threshold for biometric authentication" ]
[ "missing information in survival analysis", "what is missing in survival analysis", "what is miss values in survival analysis", "which is a missing value for survival analysis?", "what is missing in survival analysis", "what is the missing values for survival analysis", "missing information in survival analysis", "missing information in survival analysis", "how to do missing hazard models", "missing values in survival analysis", "missing values in survival analysis", "missing values in survival analysis", "what missing value is a survival analysis", "what is the missing value of survival analysis", "which of the following is missing in survival analysis", "why does survival analysis use hazard model", "what is missing from sensitivity analysis in survival", "when can i use a cox proportional hazard model", "missing information in survival study", "missing information in survival analysis" ]
[ "which statistical blog would you recommend", "what statistical blog would you recommend", "which statistical blogs would you recommend?", "what statistical blogs would you recommend", "statistical blogging", "what statistical blogs do you recommend?", "how would you rate research blogs", "what statistical blogs would you recommend", "what statistical blogs would you recommend", "what statistical blogs are recommended", "what statistical blogs would you recommend", "what statistics blogs would you recommend", "statistical blogs would you recommend", "which statistical blog would you recommend", "which statistical blog would you recommend??aab", "what statistical blogs would you recommend", "statistical blog", "what statistical blogs would you recommend", "statistical blog", "what statistical blogs would you recommend" ]
[ "what is the method selection framework?", "what framework is used to select a method", "definition of method selection in psychology", "what is method selection", "what is method selection theory", "selection methods", "which frameworks are used to select methods", "what is method selection", "what is methodology selection?", "what is method selection", "what is method selection", "what is method selection", "what is method selection", "what are some good methods selection frameworks?", "what is method selection", "what kind of theory is in the selection framework", "which method selection is best for machine learning", "what is the purpose of selection method? quizlet", "what is method selection", "what is the role of method selection in learning" ]
[ "how to compare age distribution", "why use a pearson correlation test instead of spearman", "can we compare two age distributions with a single age distribution", "which test can be used to compare the age distributions", "how to find correlation of age distributions", "what is the p value for the correlation test", "when to use pearson correlation test", "how accurate is the test of correlation", "can a correlation test be used to compare two distributions of age", "what is the p-value of a pearson correlation test", "how to tell between the age and age distributions", "when we compare age distribution of subset vs all, can we infer that both distributions are not true or false?", "can we compare age distributions", "when comparing age distributions can we infer that they are the same", "when do i compare the distribution of age of all or all", "can we compare the age distribution of a subset of an all distribution to the age distribution of the subset?", "can we compare a distribution of age and age", "does the correlation test show that a population consists of all or a subset", "what is the difference between a subset of a distribution and a correlation test?", "what is the p value of the shardman test" ]
[ "logistic regression errors", "what would be the residuals of a logistic regression", "logistic regression es", "logistic error definition regression", "logistic regression definition", "logistic regression vs error terms", "logistic regression and error terms", "what terms do regression regressions use", "what's the value of residual in logistic regression", "what is the logistic error term", "what is log regression error terms", "which of the following would be the least important residual in logistic regression? a. residual value", "logistic regression definition if residuals", "what is logistic regression", "what is the term used for logistic regression", "what would the residuals look like in a logistic regression?", "logistic regression definition", "logistic regression error definition", "logistic regression definition", "what is the logistic regression / error term" ]
[ "how do you deduce printout function in autoregressive model", "how to derive pdf", "how to derive pdf in autoregressive model", "what is pdf?", "how to derive pdf in autoregressive model", "which statement best describes the ability to derive the probability function x(t) in an autoregressive model?", "calculating pdf", "what is pdf in model", "how to deduce pdf", "calculating pdf in autoregressive model", "what is pdf derivation", "when to derive PDF", "how to derive pdf", "how to derive pdf model", "what is the probability density function of x(t)", "how to derive pdf from a pdf model", "what is the probability density function in an arc model", "which of these functions is deduced in an autoregressive model", "how to derive PDF in autoregressive model", "how is pdf used in autoregressive model" ]
[ "how do you get percentage variance in cforest", "can you get a partial dependence plot in a party", "which package of statistics is best to use to find the percent variance of a single variable?", "cforest what is the relationship of the two variables", "how to explain the variance in cforest", "what is the difference between a random forest and cforest", "what is random forest", "what package is random forest", "can you get variance and a dependence plots in cforest", "can you get percent variance plots with random forest", "what is the difference between random forest and cforest", "why use cforest package", "what is cforest?", "can you get variance in cforest", "which package allows partial dependence plots", "can i get a partial dependence plot if the variable selectivity bias is present?", "what is the difference between random forest and cforest", "what are percent variance plots", "what is the difference between random forest and c forest?", "difference between random forest plot and c forest plot" ]
[ "what does a chi square test mean", "what does chi square test mean", "what does chi square test mean?", "what does chi square test mean", "what is the difference between chi square and chi square", "does chi square tests show no p value", "what's the significance of chi square testing", "what does chi square mean in statistics", "what does the chi square test mean", "what does it mean when there is no p value returned in a chi square test", "what does chi- square mean with no p value?", "what does chi square test mean in regression", "what does it mean when p value is no longer returned", "what is the significance of chi square test", "what does chi square mean in a logistic regression", "what does chi square mean in logistic regression", "what does chi square test mean", "what is chi square test when no p value is returned", "what does chi square mean in regression", "what is the value of chi square" ]
[ "how to find the total waiting time for the parson process", "what is the function of the pvalue in a poisson distribution", "how do i calculate a poisson process", "how to do a poisson simulation on a computer", "what happens between parsons in a sequence?", "why do the total waiting tme until $k$ occurences have to be less than or equal to one?", "when do you use poisson in a simulation", "what is the probability distribution for a parson", "when the probability of a poisson distribution is used for a process,", "simulation probability definition", "what is the point of a parson method", "what is the tme in parsimony", "what is a parsons process", "when calculating a poisson process, you have to find that", "how do you simulate poissons", "how to use the parse distribution to simulate a poisson process", "what is the probability distribution when it occurs", "can you predict a poisson event?", "which equation is a function of the iid", "how to do a poisson simulation on an event" ]
[ "which factor extraction method should be used with optimally scaled variables in spss", "which method of analysis avoids the distributional assumption?", "which method should be used when the optimally scaled variables are optimally scaled?", "which factor extraction method would be useful with optimally scaled variable", "when to use principal factors method", "which method of factor extraction is used when calculating optimally scaled variables?", "what is factor extraction oblique", "what should be used in a factor analysis?", "what is the optimal sampling method for factor extraction", "which method of factor extraction should be used for optimally scaled variables?", "what type of oblique rotation is used in factor analysis", "what factor extraction procedure to use in factor analysis with optimally scaled variables?", "what method should be used for optimally scaled variables?", "which technique should i use to obtain optimal scaling", "which method for factor extraction is not applicable?", "which method should be used for optimally scaled variables?", "when is oblique factor extraction used", "which procedure should be used in the factor extraction with optimally scaled variables", "which method should be used for the optimally scaled variable?", "which method is best for optimally scaled variable" ]
[ "threshold for decline", "how to predict decline of a patient", "how to identify changes in physiological parameters", "threshold for significant change", "which thresholds are required when predicting decline in clinical practice", "what is the threshold for detecting decline", "thresholds for detection of significant change", "thresholds for detecting decline", "threshold thresholds in clinical data", "threshold analysis of decline", "threshold for significant change", "threshold change analysis", "threshold definition for evidence based practice", "can threshold be used to detect decline", "threshold detection in clinical settings", "threshold for detecting significant decline", "threshold for significant change", "what is the most appropriate method to determine a threshold for a decline", "threshold for significant change", "what is the threshold of significant a trend and how do we determine that trend?" ]
[ "how to find the mle of a function", "what is the mele a function of a parameter", "define mle of functions", "what is the definition of MLE", "what is mle of a function", "what is a mle of a function", "which is the function that uses an mle?", "mle math problem", "what is mle for an example of a function", "what is the mle of a function", "mle of function of parameter", "what a MLE of a function is", "how to find a mle of a function of a parameter", "what is mle in a function", "function of two parameters mle", "what is mle of a function", "define mle in math", "mle of two parameters", "what is the mle of a function", "define mle function" ]
[ "how often do you play against each other if you learn a skill", "how often would player a get to win", "how often do you beat players in a game", "how many times will player b beat player a", "how often does skill count in a game", "how often does player b lose", "how often does a player win", "how often does c win", "how often can skill rank rank based on a pair", "how often do you get to play in an ebol", "how often do you get ranked on skill", "how often do you beat your opponent in a game", "how often would a player beat c", "how often would a player beat a", "how often does a win against a", "how often would c beat a player", "how many times does a player beat b in the pool", "how often will b beat c", "how often does a player win against a?", "how often does someone beat a player by chance" ]
[ "what is the difference between individual score and consensus score", "what is the meaning of kappa score", "what is meant by agreement between a score", "what is kappa in maths", "who is a group score based analysis", "what is the differences between a consensus and an individual-agreed score?", "what is the difference between a group score and a individual score", "when do you compare the agreement between kappa scores?", "how to assess agreement and agreement", "differences between individual and group scores", "what is the definition of consensus?", "how to assess agreement between scores", "what is meant for a group score to be a consensus?", "what is the difference between consensus and individual mean score", "what's the difference between individual and a group score", "which of the following measures how agreement and agreement are achieved?", "what is the difference between a group score and an individual score", "why is agreement between scores important", "what is the difference between individual and a group score", "why is it important to compare agreement between groups?" ]
[ "what is a concentration of occurrence index", "what is concentration of event occurrence", "how do i calculate the concentration of an event", "how to determine the concentration of an event in the interval", "what is the concentration of event", "which describes the concentration of an event occurrence", "what is concentration index", "what is the concentration of an event", "how do you measure the concentration of the event in an interval", "which statement would be an example of a concentration index for an event?", "how do you find the concentration in an event", "how to find out concentration of activity of an event", "how to determine the concentration of event occurrence", "how to find the concentration of event occurrence from a time interval", "what does concentration mean?", "what is the concentration of events", "what is the concentration of an event", "why is the concentration index important in calculating the index of event occurrences", "how can you find the concentration of one particular event", "what is the concentration of event occurrence in the index" ]
[ "how to rank graduate students", "which model uses gaussian mixture models", "what kind of data is used for a mixture of income distributions in r", "how can you predict undergrad income", "how to predict mixture distribution", "how to model a mixture distribution", "when building a mixture distribution", "how do you model a mixture distribution", "how to model income and mixture in r", "why can't i use a simple mix model in r", "what is a mixed distribution", "which r model can i use to rank a graduate student", "can you use mixture distribution for ranking", "what is the r mixture distribution", "how to model a mixture model in r", "how to model mixture distributions", "which regression model can i use to rank undergrad student income", "how do you model mixture distributions", "what is mixture distribution", "can mix distributions in math be used to rank students" ]
[ "how to statistically compare the performance of machine learning classifiers?", "how to statistically compare the performance of machine learning classifiers", "how to statistically compare the performance of machine learning classifiers?", "how to test the performance of machine learning classifiers?", "how to test the performance of a classifier", "how to compare the performance of a machine learning classifier", "what does the classification accuracy measure?", "how to statistically compare classifiers", "how to compare the performance of machine learning classifiers", "how to compare machine learning classifiers", "how do you statistically compare different classifiers", "how to compare machine learning classifiers", "how to compare the performance of a classifier?", "how to statistically compare the performance of machine learning classifiers?", "how to compare performance of machine learning classifiers", "how do you check the accuracy of a classifier in machine learning?", "how to compare the performance of machine learning classifiers?", "how to compare the performance of machine learning classifiers?", "how to compare performance of machine learning classifiers?", "calculating the classifiers" ]
[ "how many couples have two or more personality preferences", "what is the confidence interval for a personality test", "average number of personality preferences married", "what is the confidence interval in a random sample of married couples", "which sample of married couples has two or more personality preferences", "average number of married couples with personality preferences", "how to find the confidence interval for p2", "how to identify married couples who have a range of personality preferences", "how to predict the probability of a personality test in the dna of two married couples", "how many couples have two or more personality preferences in common", "how many couples have personality traits in common", "what is the confidence interval for personality", "what is p1 confidence interval", "how many couples have two personality preferences in common", "who would have two or more personality preferences in common?", "which random sample would be used to find that all married couples would share a similar personality pattern?", "what is the confidence interval for a random sample", "how do we find the confidence interval?", "how many couples has one or two personality choices", "when a sample of married couples has two or more personalities how to find the percent of confidence interval" ]
[ "how many seconds should i load an excel page", "why is this graph used as an example of a graph with an outlier", "what is the best way to display page load time", "how long does it take a page to load on excel", "how can you show page load time", "how long does a site take to load", "how to display data with outliers", "why does the page take so long?", "how to display page load time with outliers", "how long does it take for a page to load on an excel", "what model to use for page load time?", "which is the best way to display data with outliers?", "how long does it take to load a page in excel", "when does the average web page take more than two seconds", "how to show outliers on a graph", "when are page load times longer", "how to find the average page time", "how long does excel show the page load time", "how long for a page to load in excel", "what is the best way to display an outlier" ]
[ "what is the pdf of $x$ if $x and $y$ are independent", "which of these is a pdf of two independent random variables and is usually chi squared?", "what is pdf for the y of x", "which of the following is a pdf of x and y, if they are independent", "what is the pdf of xy", "what is pdf of x in z$", "what is the pdf", "what is pdf of $z$ if $x$ and $y$ are independent", "what is pdf of the product of two independent random variables, normal and chi square, if", "what is the pdf of $x$ if x$ and y$ is independent", "what is the pdf of $Z$ if x and y are independent", "what is pdf of $Z$", "what is the pdf of $Z$", "what is pdf of x", "what is the pdf of $X$ when x and y are independent?", "what is pdf of x", "what is pdf of $z", "what is pdf for y and x if x and y$ are independent", "what is the pdf function of x$", "if $x$ is independent what is the pdf" ]
[ "which exponential family is an example of a gamma?", "what are the two-parameter exponential families", "what is an example of two-parameter exponential family", "exponential family conjugate prior", "which gamma model can be a member of the two-parameter exponential family", "which exponential family has two prior functions", "what is the conjugate prior function in two exponentials", "which family does the gamma distribution belong to?", "which family includes the exponential family?", "where are the gamma distributions given", "which exponential family is gamma in?", "two-parameter exponential family conjugate prior example", "what is the conjugate prior for gamma", "what is gamma and conjugate prior", "what is the conjugate prior of gamma", "what is the prior form for two exponential family", "what is the gamma gamma", "what is two-parameter exponential family", "what is the prior form for gamma", "what is two-parameter exponential family" ]
[ "how to examine the polychoric correlation of statistics", "how to generate a polychoric correlation matrix", "how to generate pca and components in stata", "what is pca and polychoric correlation? how to use it?", "what is polychoric pca?", "how do i see the scoring coefficients on a data component", "how to load polychoric pca with stata", "how to use polychoric pca in stata", "how to use polychoric correlation in stata", "how to generate polychoric correlation matrix", "how to calculate pca in stata", "how to see scoring in stata", "how to use polychoric correlation matrix", "can you see the coefficients of each item in a polychoricpca", "how many pca items in a logistic regression", "when to use polychoricpca to generate load?", "calculate composite loadings with stata", "how many components can you generate with polychoric regression statistics", "how many variables can be generated with polychoricpca stata", "how to generate pca and component load" ]
[ "what variable has failed the proportionality test?", "do you have to build a pre-existing survival analysis", "why is my survival analysis model failing", "what is survival analysis", "which variable failed to pass the proportionality test in survival analysis?", "can a survival analysis be used with retail data", "which analysis has all the variables fail", "what is survival analysis", "is a cox model the same as a proportional model?", "is survival analysis proportional?", "do i have to test proportionality in survival", "why do survival analyses fail", "what variables fail in an analysis of survival", "what does survival analysis fail", "does a survival analysis test fail the proportionality test?", "do cox survival analysis variables fail proportionality test", "what is the proportionality test on survival analysis", "what is conditional survival analysis for consumer", "which of the survival analysis variables fails the proportionality test?", "what does survival analysis include" ]
[ "what is the formula for proving the same distribution as a normal distribution?", "how to prove sample median", "how to calculate median distribution of a sample", "what is the median distribution of a random sample?", "mathbf how to find distribution", "how to find symmetric distribution", "what does x mean in mathbf", "how to find distribution", "how to find a distribution for a symmetrical distribution", "how to find distribution of a median sample", "what is the distribution of a median for a statistical procedure", "what is the normal distribution of the median in a statistical sample", "is distribution of a sample in a symmetric distribution", "what is median for sample", "what is the distribution of the median", "what is the distribution of the median", "what is the normal distribution of the sample", "how to find the distribution of a median for a sample", "what is a symmetric distribution in math", "what is the distribution of the median for an even sample" ]
[ "why center the variable in a r regression", "can centering variables in r produce centered responses?", "why centering response variable when compared to noncentered response?", "which variables are not centered in multiple regression", "which variable can be centered", "is it appropriate to center a regression variable", "can you center a variable in multiple regression", "how centered is the response", "how do you center responses", "why is it necessary to center a data variable in multiple regression?", "why would you center your response variable in a logistic regression", "which variable is used to center the response variable?", "centered response definition", "what is centering in a regression", "how do you center a response in a mri", "how to center an aNOVA response", "why would you center a centered response?", "when centered response in multiple regression", "which variable is centered", "why center data for multiple regression" ]
[ "how to test for ship distance", "why is the kolmogorov sirovov test used", "do ships affect flight", "how to calculate flight distance with kolmogorov", "how do we use the kolmogorov smirnov test", "does kolmogorov-smirnov test determine ship distance", "is flight and distance independent", "which distribution can be used when all observations of the bird are independent?", "how to test for the relationship between the ship distance and flight", "can you use the kolmogorov-smirnov test and plot it?", "what is the correlation between flight distance and the distance from the nearest ship?", "can you test if flight is a function of distance", "which of the following is a function of the cumulative distribution of flight observations?", "how to find what is the correlation between ship distance and flying distance vs flight distance?", "what is the kolmogorov-smirnov test", "can we test for an independent distribution", "can you use kolmogorov smirnov test", "what would a kolmogorov-smirnov statistic test for", "kolmogorov-smirnov test", "can you test for a flight" ]
[ "how to check ergodicity of a stochastic process from its sample path(s)?", "can you check ergodicity", "how check ergodicity of a stochastic process", "how do i check ergodicity of a stochastic process", "can we check ergodicity from a single sample path?", "what is ergodicity", "how to check ergodicity of a stochastic process", "how to check ergodicity in stochastic models", "how to check ergodicity of a stochastic process from its sample path(s)?", "how do you check ergodicity of a stochastic process from its sample path(s)?", "do you check ergodicity of a stochastic process", "how to check ergodicity of a stochastic process", "when do we check ergodicity", "how do you check ergodicity of a stochastic process", "how to evaluate ergodicity of stochastic processes", "how to check ergodicity", "how to check ergodicity of stochastic processes and their sample paths", "how can we check ergodicity of stochastic processes", "what is the purpose of checking the ergodicity of a stationary stochastic process?", "how to check ergodicity" ]
[ "what is the confidence interval of a patient who has a stroke", "which is the confidence interval for a stroke", "how confidence interval can we infer", "what is the confidence interval for a stroke test", "what is the confidence interval for a study", "what is the confidence interval for a trial", "confidence interval for strokes", "what is the confidence interval for a study of stroke", "what is the confidence level of a random trial", "which confidence level can be used to infer that at least 4% of the people who were in a group had a stroke?", "what is the confidence interval for a stroke", "confidence interval for a stroke", "what is the confidence interval for a stroke", "what is the confidence interval for a stroke", "what is confidence level of a stroke", "confidence level question", "what is the confidence interval of a treatment for a stroke", "how is confidence level calculated for a stroke", "how many people had strokes", "confidence interval in stroke treatment" ]
[ "what is hurdle model", "hurdle model stata", "hurdle model definition stata", "hurdle model definition stata", "what hurdle model is used by stata", "can you use the hurdle model in stata panel data", "hurdle model to panel", "how do you use hurdle model", "what is hurdle model in stata", "hurdle model", "how to use hurdle model in stata", "how does a hurdle model work in stata", "hurdle model in stata how to do", "can you use hurdle model for panel data", "hurdle model definition in stata", "hurdle modeling definition stata", "can a hurdle model for stata be fixed", "hurdle model stata re probit truncated", "how do you use hurdle models in stata", "which hurdle model would i use" ]
[ "what is familyid in sas modeling", "what is the residual of homoskedasticity", "what is the model for heteroskedasticity?", "how does heteroskedasticity compare to homoskedastic model", "heteroskedasticity between class", "how to determine heteroskedasticity of the model using nls", "what does heteroskedastic mean in sas regression?", "sas model heteroskedasticity", "sas proc mixed model", "which model does heteroskedasticity depend", "sas covtest noclprint", "what is the relationship between the twilight and the twin groups in a sas model?", "is heteroskedasticity a model variable", "how does sas combine variability", "sas model of heteroskedasticity", "does sas combine dependent with independent", "how to calculate heteroskedasticity in mixed models", "when you run a normal sas mixed model do you get the residual", "which variable is a dependent variable of the model?", "what is the dependent variable for homoskedasticity in a mixed model of sas" ]
[ "what is the scale of the exponential distribution", "what is a transformation function for a distribution", "what is the difference between r-p and r-p in a distribution", "how to find a distribution rp", "what is the scale for a criterion in algebra", "what is the transformation function of an exponential distribution", "what is the scale of exponential data", "how to find transformation functions", "what is the scale of a exponential distribution", "what is the criterion of r-p", "how to create exponential curve", "what is an example of the transformation function", "how do you find transformation function for a distribution", "how to find a transformation function", "what is a transformation function", "what is the transformation function of criterion", "how to find transformation function for exponential", "what does rp mean in algebra", "how to find transformation function for criterion", "how do i know which transform of a criterion is stronger?" ]
[ "when reward vector is available, multi armed bandit problem", "can a bandit be a supervised learner", "can bandits learn full reward vector", "what is multi armed bandit", "what is multi armed bandit", "when does multi armed bandit problem occur?", "how do you learn the payoff for armed bandits", "can bandits be learned for action", "what kind of problem is multi armed bandit in supervised reinforcement learning", "why is multi armed bandit adaptive", "what makes multi armed bandits different", "when supervised reinforcement learning is available, how can payoff", "can a bandit payoff be learned for actions not taken", "what is the ucb algorithm?", "can you teach multiarmed bandit", "why is ucb1 a multiarmed bandit", "when do bandits learn the payoff for actions not taken", "what is multiarmed bandit", "why does multi armed bandit work in ucb1", "when reward vector is fully available, multi-armed bandit is a behavior problem." ]
[ "what is the proper way to estimate the cdf", "what is the proper way to estimate the cdf", "cdf for a distribution", "how to estimate the cdf of continuous data in math", "what is the proper way to estimate the cdf for a distribution from samples taken from a continuous distribution", "what is the proper way to estimate the cdf for a distribution from samples taken from a continuous distribution x?", "cdf symmetry definition", "which is a proper way to estimate the cdf for a distribution from samples taken from the distribution?", "what is the proper way to estimate the cdf?", "how to make estimate cdf", "which of the following is the proper way to estimate cdf?", "what is the proper way to use cdf in a continuous distribution", "what is the appropriate way to estimate cdf", "what is the proper way to estimate the cdf for a distribution", "cdf is divided in what way", "what is the proper way to estimate the cdf for a distribution", "which type of distribution is optimal for an interpolation", "how would the cdf estimate be calculated?", "how to calculate cdf distributions", "what is the proper way to estimate the cdf for a distribution from a sample taken from a continuous distribution x?" ]
[ "why do studies report as risk ratios, hazards ratios, and rate ratios?", "how to do a meta analysis of some studies", "do studies report odds and hazards ratios", "what is the best method of conducting a meta-analysis of studies", "can you perform a meta-analysis on a study that reports results", "what is metaanalysis methodology", "how do you conduct a meta- analysis of studies", "how to do a metaanalyser on a study", "what is the standard method of conducting a metaanalysis", "what to use when conducting a meta-analysis of a study?", "do meta analyses report results as odds ratios, hazards ratios, or rate ratios", "do you need a rate ratio to perform a meta-analysis", "what kind of study is risk ratio", "how to conduct a meta-analysis for study", "what is the difference between hazard ratios and metaanalytical analysis", "what is the meta-analysis method for a survey", "when is a meta analysis done?", "how to conduct a meta-analysis on studies that report results variously as odds ratios, hazards ratios, or rate ratios", "do meta-analysis include odds ratios", "what is the risk ratio for a metaanalyse" ]
[ "what does emotional numbing predict?", "does emotional numbing improve communication", "is emotional numbing a predictor of intimacy?", "what is the best hypothesis test?", "is emotional numbing better than re-experiencing?", "why is emotional numbing a better predictor than reexperiencing", "which is a better predictor of intimacy than hyperarousal", "psychological effects of emotional numbing in relationships", "why is numbing an apt predictor", "how to test the effectiveness of hotelling's t. in relation to intimate relationships", "what is the best predictive test for intimacy", "what is the best predictor of intimacy?", "which predictor is better than reexperiencing or hyperarousal", "does emotional numbing affect dyadic adjustment", "is emotional numbing better than reexperiencing", "what is emotional numbing", "how to test for emotional numbing", "emotional numbing is a significantly better predictor than re-experiencing or re-hyperarousal symptoms.", "why is emotional numbing a predictor of intimacy", "what predictor is better than reexperiencing" ]
[ "what is an economics topic", "what is the topic of a data mining paper", "what is data mining in economics", "why is data mining used in economics", "what is a good topic for a research thesis", "what is the best topic to use for your ae thesis", "what is an application of data mining", "what is data mining in economics", "application of data mining", "what is a good thesis topic for economics", "what is the topic for a data mining thesis", "what is data mining for economics", "what is the best topic for a math thesis", "what topic is data mining", "what could you use data mining for in economics", "uses of data mining statistics", "why is data mining useful for economics", "is data mining useful for a mathematician", "what is the best thing to write about a data mining thesis", "what is the topic of my economic thesis?" ]
[ "what distribution does arrival follow on a calendar", "how do people arrive at a particular time?", "what is the distribution of arrival of people?", "what is the distribution of arrival at an event", "when do people arrive for a match", "why does arrival of people increase", "when do people arrive at the stadium", "what is the distribution of arriving people?", "when do they arrive at a time", "what is the distribution of the arrival of people in an event in time?", "when do people arrive at a stadium", "what is the distribution of arrival of people at an event in time?", "what is the _____________________ distribution does “arrival of people follow?", "what is the distribution of arrival at an event in time?", "when do people usually arrive at a match", "what is the distribution of arrival in a particular time period?", "what is the distribution of arrival of people", "what is the distribution of arrival", "what is the distribution of arrival?", "what is the distribution of arrival of people at an event in time?" ]
[ "what is loc r", "what is loc parameter in r", "what is loc parameter in a gpd distribution", "what is loc parameter in gpd", "what is loc parameters in git", "what is loc and scale of a gpd in r package", "what is loc parameter in rot distribution", "what is loc parameter in python", "what is loc", "what is the loc in rot packages", "what is loc in gpd distribution", "what is loc in a rot distribution", "what is loc in gpd distribution", "gpd loc definition", "what is loc in r", "where is the loc parameter in a roth roth distribution", "what is loc parameter in rot package", "which parameter is loc a function of a roth pareto distribution", "loc parameter rothpackage", "what is loc parameter in a pareto distribution" ]