where does the pulmonary artery take blood to
[ "the lungs" ]
[ "\"Fetal circulation\"\nwhere it is pumped through the aorta into the body. Some of the blood moves from the aorta through the internal iliac arteries to the umbilical arteries, and re-enters the placenta, where carbon dioxide and other waste products from the fetus are taken up and enter the woman's circulation. Some of the blood from the right atrium does not enter the left atrium, but enters the right ventricle and is pumped into the pulmonary artery. In the fetus, there is a special connection between the pulmonary artery and the aorta, called the \"\"ductus arteriosus\"\", which directs most of this blood", "Fetus\ninto the left atrium, thus bypassing pulmonary circulation. The majority of blood flow is into the left ventricle from where it is pumped through the aorta into the body. Some of the blood moves from the aorta through the internal iliac arteries to the umbilical arteries, and re-enters the placenta, where carbon dioxide and other waste products from the fetus are taken up and enter the woman's circulation. Some of the blood from the right atrium does not enter the left atrium, but enters the right ventricle and is pumped into the pulmonary artery. In the fetus, there is a", "Artery\naway from the heart to the tissues, except for pulmonary arteries, which carry blood to the lungs for oxygenation (usually veins carry deoxygenated blood to the heart but the pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood as well). There are two types of unique arteries. The pulmonary artery carries blood from the heart to the lungs, where it receives oxygen. It is unique because the blood in it is not \"\"oxygenated\"\", as it has not yet passed through the lungs. The other unique artery is the umbilical artery, which carries deoxygenated blood from a fetus to its mother. Arteries have a blood", "\"Foramen secundum\"\nblood. The foramen secundum and foramen ovale act as a shunt where blood bypasses the lungs and does not become oxygenated. To provide proper blood flow as a newborn, the foramen secundum and foramen ovale must close at birth. Since the lungs now require a significant amount of blood flow, the vessels going to and from the lungs undergo dilation. While the pulmonary artery and pulmonary veins are dilating, the umbilical artery and umbilical vein are severed at the cutting of the umbilical cord, or the funiculus umbilicalis. This combination results in a reversal of pressure differences between the atria,", "\"Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension\"\nChronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a long-term disease caused by a blockage in the blood vessels that deliver blood from the heart to the lungs (pulmonary arteries), resulting in increased pressure in these arteries (pulmonary hypertension). The blockage either results from a hardened blood clot that is thought to originate from the deep veins of the body (thromboembolism) and remains in the arteries, or from a scar that forms at the site where the clot has damaged the arteries, causing permanent fibrous obstruction (blood flow blockage). Most patients have a combination of microvascular (small vessel)", "\"Fetal circulation\"\nthe placenta, where carbon dioxide and other waste products from the fetus are taken up and enter the maternal circulation. Some of the blood entering the right atrium does not pass directly to the left atrium through the \"\"foramen ovale\"\", but enters the right ventricle and is pumped into the pulmonary artery. In the fetus, there is a special connection between the pulmonary artery and the aorta, called the \"\"ductus arteriosus\"\", which directs most of this blood away from the lungs (which are not being used for respiration at this point as the fetus is suspended in amniotic fluid). The", "\"Pulmonary artery\"\nPulmonary artery A pulmonary artery is an artery in the pulmonary circulation that carries deoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs. The largest pulmonary artery is the \"\"main pulmonary artery.\"\" or \"\"pulmonary trunk\"\" from the heart, and the smallest ones are the arterioles, which lead to the capillaries that surround the pulmonary alveoli. In order of blood flow, the pulmonary arteries start as the pulmonary trunk or main pulmonary artery. The main pulmonary artery begins at the base of the right ventricle. It is short and wide—approximately in length and in diameter. The main pulmonary", "\"Shunt equation\"\ndead space. The following equation relates the percentage of blood flow that is not exposed to inhaled gas, called the shunt fraction formula_1, to the content of oxygen in venous, arterial, and pulmonary capillary blood. The blood entering the pulmonary system will have oxygen flux formula_3, where formula_4 is oxygen content of the venous blood and formula_5 is the total cardiac output. Similarly, the blood emerging from the pulmonary system will have oxygen flux formula_6, where formula_7 is oxygen content of the arterial blood. This will be made up of blood that bypassed the lungs (formula_8) and that which went", "\"Pulmonary shunt\"\nconsideration results in de-oxygenated blood going to the heart from the lungs via the pulmonary veins. If giving pure oxygen at 100% for five-ten minutes doesn't raise the arterial pressure of O2 more than it does the alveolar pressure of O2 then the defect in the lung is because of a pulmonary shunt. This is because although the PO2 of alveolar gas has been changed by giving pure supplemental O2, the PaO2 (arterial gas pressure) will not increase that much because the V/Q mismatch still exists and it will still add some de-oxygenated blood to the arterial system via the", "\"Biofluid dynamics\"\ncirculates about 5 liters of blood at a rate of approximately 6 l/m. The pulmonary and the systemic circulations are the two parts of the vasculature. The pulmonary circulation system consists of the network of blood vessels from the right heart to the lungs and back to the left heart. The rest of the blood flow loop is called systemic circulation system. The pulmonary and systemic circulations take the blood through large arteries first and then branches into smaller arteries before reaching arterioles and capillaries. After capillaries, the blood enters the venules before joining smaller veins first and then larger", "\"Bronchial artery\"\nbranches of the pulmonary arteries, and together, they supply the visceral pleura of the lung in the process. Note that much of the oxygenated blood supplied by the bronchial arteries is returned via the pulmonary veins rather than the bronchial veins. As a consequence, blood returning to the left heart is slightly less oxygenated than blood found at the level of the pulmonary capillary beds. Each bronchial artery also has a branch that supplies the esophagus. It is easy to confuse the bronchial arteries with the pulmonary arteries, because they both supply the lungs with blood, but there are important", "\"Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage\"\nfrom the bronchial circulation. Pulmonary capillary transmural pressure is determined by pulmonary capillary pressure and airway pressure. The horse has very high pulmonary vascular pressures during intense exercise, exceeding 100 mmHg in the pulmonary artery during intense exercise. During expiration the high positive pressures in the pulmonary blood vessels pushing out are opposed by high positive airway pressures pushing back and this does not place undue stress on the thin blood vessel walls. During inspiration, the high positive pressures in the pulmonary blood vessels pushing out are met by negative pressures distending the blood vessel and placing increased stress on", "\"Respiratory system\"\nlow partial pressures of oxygen in the inhaled air these sensors reflexively cause the pulmonary arterioles to constrict. (This is the exact opposite of the corresponding reflex in the tissues, where low arterial partial pressures of O cause arteriolar vasodilation.) At altitude this causes the pulmonary arterial pressure to rise resulting in a much more even distribution of blood flow to the lungs than occurs at sea level. At sea level the pulmonary arterial pressure is very low, with the result that the tops of the lungs receive far less blood than the bases, which are relatively over-perfused with blood.", "\"Pulmonary artery banding\"\n(AVSD), there may be one or multiple holes in the walls separating adjacent chambers. This causes left-to-right shunting of blood as oxygenated blood can flow back to the right side of the heart, resulting in a mixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Increased amounts of blood on the right side of the heart cause an excess of blood flow into the lungs (pulmonary circulation) and increased pulmonary resistance due to the buildup of pressure. The goal of PAB is to reduce pulmonary artery pressure and excess pulmonary blood flow. PAB involves the insertion of a band around the pulmonary artery", "\"Pulmonary artery banding\"\ncontrolled weeks or even months after the operation. Reports also show that the recovery period in patients that obtained the FloWatch device was faster and smoother in comparison to those that received the traditional PAB method. However FloWatch is only suitable for children with a body weight ranging from 3 kg to10kg. Pulmonary artery banding Pulmonary Artery Banding (PAB) was introduced by Muller and Danimann in 1951 as a surgical technique to reduce excessive pulmonary blood flow in infants suffering from congenital heart defects. PAB is a palliative operation as it does not correct the problems, but attempts to improve", "Artery\nArtery An artery (plural arteries) () is a blood vessel that takes blood away from the heart to all parts of the body (tissues, lungs, etc). Most arteries carry oxygenated blood; the two exceptions are the pulmonary and the umbilical arteries, which carry deoxygenated blood to the organs that oxygenate it. The effective arterial blood volume is that extracellular fluid which fills the arterial system. The arteries are part of the circulatory system, which is responsible for the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to all cells, as well as the removal of carbon dioxide and waste products, the maintenance of", "\"Pulmonary artery\"\nand right ventricles. As a septum develops between the two ventricles of the heart, two bulges form on either side of the truncus arteriosus. These progressively enlarge until the trunk splits into the aorta and pulmonary arteries. During early development, the ductus arteriosis connects the pulmonary trunk and the aortic arch, allowing blood to bypass the lungs. The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs. The blood here passes through capillaries adjacent to alveoli and becomes oxygenated as part of the process of respiration. In contrast to the \"\"pulmonary arteries\"\", the bronchial arteries supply nutrition", "\"Pulmonary artery banding\"\nPulmonary artery banding Pulmonary Artery Banding (PAB) was introduced by Muller and Danimann in 1951 as a surgical technique to reduce excessive pulmonary blood flow in infants suffering from congenital heart defects. PAB is a palliative operation as it does not correct the problems, but attempts to improve abnormal heart function, relieve symptoms and reduce high pressure in the lungs. The use of PAB has decreased over the years due to advancements in definitive surgical repairs, however PAB still has widespread clinical use. PAB is commonly used in patients when definitive surgical repair is not feasible. The technique was first", "\"Major aortopulmonary collateral artery\"\nMajor aortopulmonary collateral artery Major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (or MAPCAs) are arteries that develop to supply blood to the lungs when native pulmonary circulation is underdeveloped. Instead of coming from the pulmonary trunk, supply develops from the aorta and other systemic arteries. Major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCAs) develop early in embryonic life but regress as the normal pulmonary arteries (vessels that will supply deoxygenated blood to the lungs) develop. In certain heart conditions the pulmonary arteries do not develop. The collaterals continue to grow, and can become the main supply of blood to the lungs. Though it is usually associated", "\"Pulmonary hypertension\"\nwas first identified by Ernst von Romberg in 1891. The symptoms of pulmonary hypertension include the following: Less common signs/symptoms include non-productive cough and exercise-induced nausea and vomiting. Coughing up of blood may occur in some patients, particularly those with specific subtypes of pulmonary hypertension such as heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension, Eisenmenger syndrome and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary venous hypertension typically presents with shortness of breath while lying flat or sleeping (orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea), while pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) typically does not. Other typical signs of pulmonary hypertension include an accentuated pulmonary component of the second heart", "\"Arterial embolism\"\nArterial embolism Arterial embolism is a sudden interruption of blood flow to an organ or body part due to an embolus adhering to the wall of an artery blocking the flow of blood, the major type of embolus being a blood clot (thromboembolism). Sometimes, pulmonary embolism is classified as arterial embolism as well, in the sense that the clot follows the pulmonary artery carrying deoxygenated blood away from the heart. However, pulmonary embolism is generally classified as a form of venous embolism, because the embolus forms in veins. Arterial embolism is the major cause of infarction (which may also be", "\"Pulmonary circulation\"\nHuman knowledge of pulmonary circulation grew gradually over centuries, and scientists Ibn al-Nafis, Michael Servetus, and William Harvey provided some of the first accurate descriptions of this process. Deoxygenated blood leaves the heart, goes to the lungs, and then re-enters the heart; Deoxygenated blood leaves through the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery. From the right atrium, the blood is pumped through the tricuspid valve (or right atrioventricular valve), into the right ventricle. Blood is then pumped from the right ventricle through the pulmonary valve and into the main pulmonary artery. The pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs,", "\"Taussig–Bing syndrome\"\nTaussig–Bing syndrome Taussig–Bing syndrome (after Helen B. Taussig and Richard Bing) is a cyanotic congenital heart defect in which the patient has both double outlet right ventricle (DORV) and subpulmonic ventricular septal defect (VSD). In DORV, instead of the normal situation where blood from the left ventricle (LV) flows out to the aorta and blood from the right ventricle (RV) flows out to the pulmonary artery, both aorta and pulmonary artery are connected to the RV, and the only path for blood from the LV is across the VSD. When the VSD is subpulmonic (sitting just below the pulmonary artery),", "\"Aortic arches\"\nthe blood flow from the pulmonary artery which is under a higher pressure. However, it is extremely likely that the major force driving flow in this artery is the markedly different arterial pressures in the pulmonary and systemic circulations due to the different arteriolar resistances. His showed that in the early embryo the right and left arches each gives a branch to the lungs, but that later both pulmonary arteries take origin from the left arch. Most defects of the great arteries arise as a result of persistence of aortic arches that normally should regress or regression of arches that", "\"Pulmonary artery\"\nafter a period of immobility. A pulmonary embolus is a common cause of death in patients with cancer and stroke. A large pulmonary embolus which becomes lodged in the bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk with extensions into both the left and right main pulmonary arteries is called a \"\"saddle embolus\"\". Pulmonary artery A pulmonary artery is an artery in the pulmonary circulation that carries deoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs. The largest pulmonary artery is the \"\"main pulmonary artery.\"\" or \"\"pulmonary trunk\"\" from the heart, and the smallest ones are the arterioles, which lead", "\"Vascular resistance\"\nthe cardiac output is measured in units of litres per minute (L/min). The pulmonary artery wedge pressure (also called pulmonary artery occlusion pressure or PAOP) is a measurement in which one of the pulmonary arteries is occluded, and the pressure downstream from the occlusion is measured in order to approximately sample the left atrial pressure. Therefore, the numerator of the above equation is the pressure difference between the input to the pulmonary blood circuit (where the heart's right ventricle connects to the pulmonary trunk) and the output of the circuit (which is the input to the left atrium of the", "\"Fick principle\"\nsampling of blood from the pulmonary artery (low oxygen content) and from the pulmonary vein (high oxygen content). In practice, sampling of peripheral arterial blood is a surrogate for pulmonary venous blood. Determination of the oxygen consumption of the peripheral tissues is more complex. The calculation of the arterial and venous oxygen concentration of the blood is a straightforward process. Almost all oxygen in the blood is bound to hemoglobin molecules in the red blood cells. Measuring the content of hemoglobin in the blood and the percentage of saturation of hemoglobin (the oxygen saturation of the blood) is a simple", "\"Cardiac physiology\"\ncollects oxygen from the lungs and delivers carbon dioxide for exhalation. The systemic circuit transports oxygen to the body and returns relatively de-oxygenated blood and carbon dioxide to the pulmonary circuit. Blood flows through the heart in one direction, from the atria to the ventricles, and out through the pulmonary artery into the pulmonary circulation, and the aorta into the systemic circulation. The pulmonary artery (also trunk) branches into the left and right pulmonary arteries to supply each lung. Blood is prevented from flowing backwards (regurgitation) by the tricuspid, bicuspid, aortic, and pulmonary valves. The function of the \"\"right heart\"\",", "\"Pulmonary artery banding\"\nto reduce blood flow into the lungs. A variety of banding materials are used; one commonly used material is polytetrafluoroethylene. The band is wrapped around the main pulmonary artery and fixed into place. Once inserted, the band is tightened, narrowing the diameter of the pulmonary artery to reduce blood flow to the lungs and reduce pulmonary artery pressure. PAB followed by later repair is a common surgical alternative when early definitive repair is high-risk. One major difficulty with PAB is assessing the optimal tightness of band, as minimal changes to the diameter of the pulmonary artery can have drastic effects", "\"Hypoplastic right heart syndrome\"\nleft and right portions of the pulmonary artery and joined with the upper portion of the aorta.[7] The proximal pulmonary artery is connected to the aortic arch, while the narrowed segment of the pulmonary trunk is repaired. An aortopulmonary shunt is created to connect the aorta to the main pulmonary artery to provide pulmonary blood flow to the lungs.[7] The Glen procedure disconnects the superior vena cava from the heart and connects it to the right pulmonary artery so deoxygenated blood from the upper body goes directly to the lungs.[10] The Fontan procedure, done usually after the patient is two", "\"Blood vessel\"\nvessels function to transport blood. In general, arteries and arterioles transport oxygenated blood from the lungs to the body and its organs, and veins and venules transport deoxygenated blood from the body to the lungs. Blood vessels also circulate blood throughout the circulatory system Oxygen (bound to hemoglobin in red blood cells) is the most critical nutrient carried by the blood. In all arteries apart from the pulmonary artery, hemoglobin is highly saturated (95–100%) with oxygen. In all veins apart from the pulmonary vein, the saturation of hemoglobin is about 75%. (The values are reversed in the pulmonary circulation.) In", "Systole\npulmonary artery, which divides twice to connect to each of the left and right lungs. In the left ventricle, the aortic valve opens into the aorta which divides and re-divides into the several branch arteries that connect to all body organs and systems except the lungs. By its contractions, right ventricular (RV) systole pulses oxygen-depleted blood through the pulmonary valve through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs, providing pulmonary circulation; simultaneously, left ventricular (LV) systole pumps blood through the aortic valve, the aorta, and all the arteries to provide systemic circulation of oxygenated blood to all body systems. The left", "\"Blood vessel\"\nprevent backflow as a result of a decrease in blood pressure as the blood passes through the circulatory system. There are various kinds of blood vessels: They are roughly grouped as \"\"arterial\"\" and \"\"venous\"\", determined by whether the blood in it is flowing \"\"away from\"\" (arterial) or \"\"toward\"\" (venous) the heart. The term \"\"arterial blood\"\" is nevertheless used to indicate blood high in oxygen, although the pulmonary artery carries \"\"venous blood\"\" and blood flowing in the pulmonary vein is rich in oxygen. This is because they are carrying the blood to and from the lungs, respectively, to be oxygenated. Blood", "Cardiology\nOne way it can be cured is by a VSD closure and placing conduits to restart the blood flow between the left ventricle and the aorta and between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. Another way is systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunt in cases associated with pulmonary stenosis. Also, a balloon atrial septostomy can be done to fix DORV with the Taussig-Bing anomaly. There are two different types of transposition of the great arteries, Dextro-transposition of the great arteries and Levo-transposition of the great arteries, depending on where the chambers and vessels connect. Dextro-transposition happens in about 1 in 4,000 newborns", "\"Pulmonary shunt\"\nlungs become consolidated. The shunt fraction is the percentage of blood put out by the heart that is not completely oxygenated. In pathological conditions such as pulmonary contusion, the shunt fraction is significantly greater and even breathing 100% oxygen does not fully oxygenate the blood. A small degree of shunt is normal and may be described as an 'anatomical shunt'. Anatomical shunting occurs when too much of the blood supplying the lung tissues via the bronchial arteries is returned via the pulmonary veins, bypassing the gas exchange. In addition, some of the smallest cardiac veins drain directly into the left", "\"Pulmonary artery banding\"\non resistance and blood flow. The pulmonary band can also migrate away from the original placement and lead to stenosis, in which the blood vessel becomes too narrow. There have also been reports of hardening of the vessels around the band due to buildup of calcium deposits and scarring of the pulmonary artery wall beneath the band, which can also inhibit blood flow. Additional surgeries to adjust band tightness occur in up to one-third of patients. Erosion of the band through the pulmonary artery has been reported, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. This is more evident", "\"Pulmonary circulation\"\nsystemic circulation before returning again to the pulmonary circulation. From the right ventricle, blood is pumped through the semilunar pulmonary valve into the left and right main pulmonary arteries (one for each lung), which branch into smaller pulmonary arteries that spread throughout the lungs. The pulmonary circulation loop is virtually bypassed in fetal circulation. The fetal lungs are collapsed, and blood passes from the right atrium directly into the left atrium through the foramen ovale: an open conduit between the paired atria, or through the ductus arteriosus: a shunt between the pulmonary artery and the aorta. When the lungs expand", "\"Pulmonary circulation\"\nwhere carbon dioxide is released and oxygen is picked up during respiration. Arteries are further divided into very fine capillaries which are extremely thin-walled. The pulmonary vein returns oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart. The oxygenated blood then leaves the lungs through pulmonary veins, which return it to the left heart, completing the pulmonary cycle. This blood then enters the left atrium, which pumps it through the mitral valve into the left ventricle. From the left ventricle, the blood passes through the aortic valve to the aorta. The blood is then distributed to the body through the", "Heart\nand the blood is pumped into the pulmonary trunk through the pulmonary valve. The pulmonary trunk divides into pulmonary arteries and progressively smaller arteries throughout the lungs, until it reaches capillaries. As these pass by alveoli carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen. This happens through the passive process of diffusion. In the left heart, oxygenated blood is returned to the left atrium via the pulmonary veins. It is then pumped into the left ventricle through the mitral valve and into the aorta through the aortic valve for systemic circulation. The aorta is a large artery that branches into many smaller", "\"Major aortopulmonary collateral artery\"\nwith congenital heart diseases with decreased pulmonary blood flow like tetralogy of Fallot or pulmonary atresia it may be seen sometimes in isolation i.e. not associated with any congenital heart disease in that case it is termed as isolated aortopulmonary collateral artery. In these cases it may be one of the cause of congestive cardiac failure in neonates. Pulmonary arteries come from the right side of the heart, and usually carry deoxygenated blood from the body. These collateral arteries carry blood which has already been oxygenated by the lungs, so are of little use in helping the body to get", "\"Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery\"\nAnomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA or Bland-White-Garland syndrome or White-Garland syndrome) is a rare congenital anomaly in which the left coronary artery (LCA) branches off the pulmonary artery instead of the aortic sinus. After birth, the pressure in other coronary arteries (namely the RCA) will have a pressure that exceeds the LCA and collateral circulation will increase. This, ultimately, can lead to blood flowing from the RCA into the LCA (retrograde) and into the pulmonary artery, thus forming a left-to-right shunt. The syndrome is named for Edward Franklin", "\"Alveolar capillary dysplasia\"\ncapillaries and their misplacement away from the alveolar surface result in poor oxygenation and retention of carbon dioxide in the blood and high pulmonary blood pressure. There is also evidence of direct connections between pulmonary arteries and systemic vessels, which would deliver deoxygenated blood to the body, also contributing to low blood oxygenation. Another characteristic histologic finding is the presence of a pulmonary vein located next to a pulmonary artery and bronchus in the same bronchovascular bundle. In a normal lung, the pulmonary vein courses with lymphatic vessels in the lung septa. The gold standard for ACD diagnosis is by", "\"Pulmonary artery\"\nto the lungs themselves. The pulmonary artery pressure (PA pressure) is a measure of the blood pressure found in the main pulmonary artery. This is measured by inserting a catheter into the main pulmonary artery. The mean pressure is typically 9 - 18 mmHg, and the wedge pressure measured in the left atrium may be 6-12mmHg. The wedge pressure may be elevated in left heart failure, mitral valve stenosis, and other conditions, such as sickle cell disease. The pulmonary artery is relevant in a number of clinical states. Pulmonary hypertension is used to describe an increase in the pressure of", "\"Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery\"\nBland, Paul Dudley White, and Joseph Garland. Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA or Bland-White-Garland syndrome or White-Garland syndrome) is a rare congenital anomaly in which the left coronary artery (LCA) branches off the pulmonary artery instead of the aortic sinus. After birth, the pressure in other coronary arteries (namely the RCA) will have a pressure that exceeds the LCA and collateral circulation will increase. This, ultimately, can lead to blood flowing from the RCA into the LCA (retrograde) and into the pulmonary artery, thus forming a left-to-right shunt.", "\"Arteriovenous malformation\"\npain and lead to serious medical problems. Although AVMs are often associated with the brain and spinal cord, they can develop in any part of the body. Normally, the arteries in the vascular system carry oxygen-rich blood, except in the case of the pulmonary artery. Structurally, arteries divide and sub-divide repeatedly, eventually forming a sponge-like capillary bed. Blood moves through the capillaries, giving up oxygen and taking up waste products, including , from the surrounding cells. Capillaries in turn successively join together to form veins that carry blood away. The heart acts to pump blood through arteries and uptake the", "Vein\nvenules, which continue to converge and form the larger veins. The de-oxygenated blood is taken by veins to the right atrium of the heart, which transfers the blood to the right ventricle, where it is then pumped through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. In pulmonary circulation the pulmonary veins return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium, which empties into the left ventricle, completing the cycle of blood circulation. The return of blood to the heart is assisted by the action of the muscle pump, and by the thoracic pump action of breathing during respiration. Standing or", "\"Dextro-Transposition of the great arteries\"\nhowever, TGA is a more general term which may also refer to levo-transposition of the great arteries (l-TGA). Another term commonly used to refer to both d-TGA and l-TGA is transposition of the great vessels (TGV), although this term might have an even broader meaning than TGA. In a normal heart, oxygen-depleted (\"\"blue\"\") blood is pumped from the right side of the heart, through the pulmonary artery, to the lungs where it is oxygenated. The oxygen-rich (\"\"red\"\") blood then returns to the left heart, via the pulmonary veins, and is pumped through the aorta to the rest of the body,", "\"Circulatory system\"\noriginated in the heart. Blood flowed from both creating organs to all parts of the body where it was consumed and there was no return of blood to the heart or liver. The heart did not pump blood around, the heart's motion sucked blood in during diastole and the blood moved by the pulsation of the arteries themselves. Galen believed that the arterial blood was created by venous blood passing from the left ventricle to the right by passing through 'pores' in the interventricular septum, air passed from the lungs via the pulmonary artery to the left side of the", "\"Right ventricular hypertrophy\"\nGeneral ECG features include: Specific ECG features (assumes normal calibration of 1 mV = 10 mm): Other chest lead criteria: ST segment depression and T wave inversion in right precordial leads is usually seen in severe RVH such as in pulmonary stenosis and pulmonary hypertension. Right ventricular hypertrophy Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is a form of ventricular hypertrophy affecting the right ventricle. Blood travels through the right ventricle to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries. If conditions occur which decrease pulmonary circulation, meaning blood does not flow well from the heart to the lungs, extra stress can be placed", "\"Alfred Blalock\"\nresearch laboratory, which he found both challenging and exciting. While at Vanderbilt, Blalock became interested and began studying the nature and treatment of hemorrhagic and traumatic shock. At Vanderbilt, in the year 1938, Blalock conducted an experiment where the left subclavian artery was connected to the left pulmonary artery. The experiment was meant to induce pulmonary hypertension, but it ended up failing. By conducting his research and mainly experimenting on dogs, Blalock discovered that surgical shock resulted from the loss of blood, which led him to encourage the use of blood plasma or whole blood products to prevent. Blalock's innovative", "\"Levo-Transposition of the great arteries\"\naccompanying defect(s). If a right-to-left or bidirectional shunt is present, the list of symptoms may include mild cyanosis. In a normal heart, oxygen-depleted (\"\"deoxygenated\"\") blood is pumped from the right atrium into the right ventricle, then through the pulmonary artery to the lungs where it is oxygenated. The oxygen-rich (\"\"oxygenated\"\") blood then returns, via the pulmonary veins, to the left atrium from which it is pumped into the left ventricle, then through the aorta to the rest of the body, including the heart muscle itself. With l-TGA, deoxygenated blood is pumped from the right atrium into the morphological left ventricle", "\"Ventricle (heart)\"\nrelax very quickly after each contraction so as to quickly fill with the oxygenated blood flowing from the pulmonary veins. Likewise in the systolic phase, the left ventricle must contract rapidly and forcibly to pump this blood into the aorta, overcoming the much higher aortic pressure. The extra pressure exerted is also needed to stretch the aorta and other arteries to accommodate the increase in blood volume. The right ventricle receives deoxygenated blood from the right atrium via the tricuspid valve and pumps it into the pulmonary artery via the pulmonary valve, into the pulmonary circulation. The typical healthy adult", "\"Pulmonary venoocclusive disease\"\nPulmonary venoocclusive disease Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) is a rare form of pulmonary hypertension caused by progressive blockage of the small veins in the lungs. The blockage leads to high blood pressures in the arteries of the lungs, which, in turn, leads to heart failure. The disease is progressive and fatal, with median survival of about 2 years from the time of diagnosis to death. The definitive therapy is lung transplantation. The symptoms for pulmonary veno-occlusive disease are the following: <br> The genetic cause of pulmonary veno-occlusive disease is mutations in EIF2AK4 gene. Though this does not mean other possible", "\"Dextro-Transposition of the great arteries\"\nand the ductus arteriosus. The foramen ovale is a hole in the atrial septum which allows blood from the right atrium to flow into the left atrium; after birth, the left atrium will be filled with blood returning from the lungs and the foramen ovale will close. The ductus arteriosus is a small, artery-like structure which allows blood to flow from the trunk of the pulmonary artery into the aorta; after birth, the blood in the pulmonary artery will flow into the lungs and the ductus arteriosus will close. Sometimes these shunts will fail to close after birth; these defects", "\"Pulmonary artery catheter\"\npulmonary artery catheter from easiest to difficult is: right internal jugular > left subclavian > left internal jugular > right subclavian. From this entry site, it is threaded through the right atrium of the heart, the right ventricle, and subsequently into the pulmonary artery. The passage of the catheter may be monitored by dynamic pressure readings from the catheter tip or with the aid of fluoroscopy. The standard pulmonary artery catheter has two lumens (Swan-Ganz) and is equipped with an inflatable balloon at the tip, which facilitates its placement into the pulmonary artery through the flow of blood. The balloon,", "\"Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy\"\nPulmonary thromboendarterectomy In thoracic surgery, a pulmonary thromboendarterectomy (PTE) is an operation that removes organized clotted blood (thrombus) from the pulmonary arteries, which supply blood to the lungs. Surgery is indicated in patients with pulmonary artery emboli that are surgically accessible. Thrombi are typically the result of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) (pulmonary hypertension induced by recurrent/chronic pulmonary emboli). Indeed, PTE is the only definitive treatment option currently available for CTEPH. Due to the nature of the procedure patients with significant hemodynamic or ventilation complications or impairments may be unable to undergo PTE. A PTE has significant risk; mortality for", "Blood\nvary somewhat between species. In non-mammalian vertebrates, however, there are some key differences: Blood is circulated around the body through blood vessels by the pumping action of the heart. In humans, blood is pumped from the strong left ventricle of the heart through arteries to peripheral tissues and returns to the right atrium of the heart through veins. It then enters the right ventricle and is pumped through the pulmonary artery to the lungs and returns to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins. Blood then enters the left ventricle to be circulated again. Arterial blood carries oxygen from inhaled", "\"Pulmonary circulation\"\nof his theories, like those of his predecessors, were incorrect, his theory of pulmonary circulation dominated the medical community for hundreds of years after his death. Galen contradicted Erasistratus before him by proposing that arteries carried both air and blood, rather than air alone. He proposed that the liver was the point of origin for all blood vessels and that the heart was not a pumping muscle, but rather an organ which blood passed through. Galen's theory included a new description of pulmonary circulation. In it, air was inhaled into the lungs where it became the pneuma. Pulmonary veins transmitted", "\"Realdo Colombo\"\nthe fact that the brain is the source of sense and motion. Colombo made several important advances in anatomy, including the discovery of the pulmonary circuit which paved the way for William Harvey's discovery of circulation years later. In the Galenic tradition, blood passed between the ventricles of the heart through micropores in the heart's septum and venous blood became arterial blood in the left ventricle of the heart where air was supplied by the pulmonary vein. During vivisections of dogs and other animals, Colombo repeatedly found only blood, and no air, in the pulmonary vein. In his model, venous", "Fetus\nspecial connection between the pulmonary artery and the aorta, called the \"\"ductus arteriosus\"\", which directs most of this blood away from the lungs (which aren't being used for respiration at this point as the fetus is suspended in amniotic fluid). With the first breath after birth, the system changes suddenly. Pulmonary resistance is reduced dramatically, prompting more blood to move into the pulmonary arteries from the right atrium and ventricle of the heart and less to flow through the \"\"foramen ovale\"\" into the left atrium. The blood from the lungs travels through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium, producing", "\"Biofluid dynamics\"\nveins before reaching the right heart. Thus completing the cycle of blood going to heart and then coming from it and going to all parts of the body. The tricuspid valve, right heart (right ventricle), pulmonary valve, pulmonary artery, lungs, pulmonary veins and right heart are the elements of the Pulmonary Circulation System. The process of gas exchange, that is, exchange of carbon dioxide with oxygen in the lungs is the main function of the pulmonary system. The de-oxygenated blood from the right ventricle is pumped to the lungs where the capillaries surrounding the alveole sacks exchange carbon dioxide for", "\"Willis J. Potts\"\nbaby syndrome, the group of heart defects that result in insufficient blood flow to the lungs. They became intrigued by the idea of somehow connecting the body's largest artery (the aorta) - which sent blood to all of the body's tissues - to the nearby artery that sent blood to the lungs (the pulmonary artery). In 1946, Potts and Smith devised an operation for blue baby syndrome. The surgery involved making a tiny incision in the aorta and a tiny incision in the pulmonary artery and then sewing the two openings together. They performed the procedure successfully on 30 dogs", "\"Blood pressure\"\n8 mmHg in the left atrium. Variants of venous pressure include: Normally, the pressure in the pulmonary artery is about 15 mmHg at rest. Increased blood pressure in the capillaries of the lung causes pulmonary hypertension, leading to interstitial edema if the pressure increases to above 20 mmHg, and to pulmonary edema at pressures above 25 mmHg. Disorders of blood pressure control include high blood pressure, low blood pressure, and blood pressure that shows excessive or maladaptive fluctuation. Arterial hypertension can be an indicator of other problems and may have long-term adverse effects. Sometimes it can be an acute problem,", "\"Split S2\"\n\"\"Normally, blood pressure falls during inspiration (equal or less than 10 mmHg), due to an increase in blood flow into the right ventricle with displacement of the interventricular septum to the left, decreasing left ventricular filling and cardiac output\"\". The pressure in the right ventricle tries to open the pulmonary valve. The pressure in the pulmonary artery tries to close the pulmonary valve. Remember that the higher pressure will \"\"win\"\". Hence, the closure of the pulmonary valve (P) will be delayed since the pressure in the right ventricle is increased in inspiration, opposing the pressure in the pulmonary artery and", "\"Ventilation perfusion mismatch\"\nthe alveolar-arterial gradient. Let us consider some scenarios where there is a defect in ventilation and/ or perfusion of the lungs.<br> In condition such as pulmonary embolism, the pulmonary blood flow is affected, thus the ventilation of the lung is adequate, however there is a perfusion defect with defect in blood flow. Gas exchange thus becomes highly inefficient leading to hypoxemia as measured by arterial oxygenation. A ventilation perfusion scan or lung scintigraphy shows some areas of lungs being ventilated but not adequately perfused. This also leads to a high A-a gradient which is not responsive to oxygen<br> In conditions", "\"Cardiac physiology\"\nis to collect de-oxygenated blood, in the right atrium, from the body via the superior vena cava, inferior vena cava and from the coronary sinus and pump it, through the tricuspid valve, via the right ventricle, through the semilunar pulmonary valve and into the pulmonary artery in the pulmonary circulation where carbon dioxide can be exchanged for oxygen in the lungs. This happens through the passive process of diffusion. In the \"\"left heart\"\" oxygenated blood is returned to the left atrium via the pulmonary vein. It is then pumped into the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve and into the", "\"Pulmonary atresia\"\napnea. Another example of preliminary treatment is heart catheterization to evaluate the defect or defects of the heart; this procedure is much more invasive. Ultimately, however, the individual will need to have a series of surgeries to improve the blood flow permanently. The first surgery will likely be performed shortly after birth. A shunt can be created between the aorta and the pulmonary artery to help increase blood flow to the lungs. As the child grows, so does the heart and the shunt may need to be revised in order to meet the body's requirements. The type of surgery recommended", "\"Arterial blood\"\noxygen saturation of haemoglobin. The difference in the oxygen content of the blood between the arterial blood and the venous blood is known as the arteriovenous oxygen difference. Arterial blood Arterial blood is the oxygenated blood in the circulatory system found in the pulmonary vein, the left chambers of the heart, and in the arteries. It is bright red in color, while venous blood is dark red in color (but looks purple through the translucent skin). It is the contralateral term to \"\"venous blood\"\". Framed in the cardiac cycle, often historically accredited to the Wiggers diagram, arterial blood has just", "\"Portopulmonary hypertension\"\nbe increased in both cirrhosis and pulmonary hypertension. Endothelin-1 has two receptors in the pulmonary arterial tree, ET-A which mediates vasoconstriction and ET-B which mediates vasodilation. Rat models have shown decreased ET-B receptor expression in pulmonary arteries of cirrhotic and portal hypertensive animals, leading to a predominant vasoconstricting response to endothelin-1. In portal hypertension, blood will shunt from portal to systemic circulation, bypassing the liver. This leaves unmetabolized potentially toxic or vasoconstricting substances to reach and attack the pulmonary circulation. Serotonin, normally metabolized by the liver, is returned to the lung instead where it mediates a smooth muscle hyperplasia and", "\"Foramen of Panizza\"\nForamen of Panizza The foramen of Panizza (named for anatomist Bartolomeo Panizza) is a hole that connects the left and right aorta as they leave the heart of all animals of the order Crocodilia. Crocodilians have a completely separated ventricle with deoxygenated blood from the body, or systemic circulation, in the right ventricle and oxygenated blood from the lungs, or pulmonary circulation, in the left ventricle, as in birds and mammals. Two vessels, the left aorta and the pulmonary artery, exit the right ventricle. Blood from the right ventricle goes to the lungs through the pulmonary artery, as in mammals", "Embolism\narterial embolism as well, in the sense that the clot follows the pulmonary artery carrying deoxygenated blood away from the heart. However, pulmonary embolism is generally classified as a form of venous embolism, because the embolus forms in veins, e.g. deep vein thrombosis. Arterial embolism can cause occlusion in any part of the body. It is a major cause of infarction, tissue death due to the blockage of blood supply. An embolus lodging in the brain from either the heart or a carotid artery will most likely be the cause of a stroke due to ischemia. An arterial embolus might", "\"Bidirectional Glenn procedure\"\ncardiac transplantation are not feasible. The bidirectional Glenn shunt procedure involves rerouting circulation such that the superior vena cava (SVC) drains into the right pulmonary artery. This results in deoxygenated blood returning from the head and upper body directly routed to the pulmonary arteries for oxygenation by the lungs, to some extent reducing the ventricular workload. Since the blood passing from the SVC into the pulmonary arterial system flows bidirectionally to both right and left lungs, it is called a bi-directional Glenn procedure. The Glenn procedure was introduced in 1958 by William Glenn and modifications to the procedure were published", "\"Circulatory system\"\nis the portion of the cardiovascular system which transports oxygenated blood away from the heart through the aorta from the left ventricle where the blood has been previously deposited from pulmonary circulation, to the rest of the body, and returns oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart. The brain has a dual blood supply that comes from arteries at its front and back. These are called the \"\"anterior\"\" and \"\"posterior\"\" circulation respectively. The anterior circulation arises from the internal carotid arteries and supplies the front of the brain. The posterior circulation arises from the vertebral arteries, and supplies the back of", "Autopsy\nare widespread. One method is described here: The pericardial sac is opened to view the heart. Blood for chemical analysis may be removed from the inferior vena cava or the pulmonary veins. Before removing the heart, the pulmonary artery is opened in order to search for a blood clot. The heart can then be removed by cutting the inferior vena cava, the pulmonary veins, the aorta and pulmonary artery, and the superior vena cava. This method leaves the aortic arch intact, which will make things easier for the embalmer. The left lung is then easily accessible and can be removed", "\"Arterial blood\"\nArterial blood Arterial blood is the oxygenated blood in the circulatory system found in the pulmonary vein, the left chambers of the heart, and in the arteries. It is bright red in color, while venous blood is dark red in color (but looks purple through the translucent skin). It is the contralateral term to \"\"venous blood\"\". Framed in the cardiac cycle, often historically accredited to the Wiggers diagram, arterial blood has just passed through the lungs and is ready to boost oxygen to sustain the peripheral organs. The essential difference between venous and arterial blood is the curve of the", "\"Sussex Spaniel\"\nknown as ventricular hypertrophy leading to eventual heart failure. Patent ductus arteriosus also appears in the breed. It is a condition where a small blood vessel connecting two major arteries does not close following birth. It can cause complications as it is positioned to allow the blood flow to bypass the lungs. It also appears in American Staffordshire Terriers. A heart condition uncommon to the breed is tetralogy of Fallot, which is more common in the Keeshond and English Bulldog breeds relatively. It is actually a combination of up to four conditions, including the previously mentioned pulmonary valve stenosis, with", "\"Atrial septostomy\"\nseptectomy was developed by Vivien Thomas in a canine model and performed in humans by Alfred Blalock. There are two types of this procedure: balloon atrial septostomy (also called endovascular atrial septostomy, Rashkind atrial balloon septostomy, or simply Rashkind's procedure) and blade atrial septostomy (also called static balloon atrial septostomy). In a normal heart, oxygen-depleted blood (\"\"blue\"\") is pumped from the right side of the heart, through the pulmonary artery, to the lungs where it is oxygenated. This is the pulmonary circulation part of blood flow. The oxygen-rich (\"\"red\"\") blood then returns to the left heart, via the pulmonary veins,", "\"Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy\"\nand lungs and supply the body with oxygen and blood while the pulmonary vasculature is operated on. Cardioplegia is initiated as the approach to the pulmonary arteries is performed through the pericardium, a fibrous sack surrounding the heart. Furthermore, movement from the heart makes delicate work on the closely attached pulmonary arteries complex. Hypothermia is necessary as the embolus is very delicate and the risk of disruption is high, in order to appropriately visualize the clot and remove it a bloodless field is required. Clot visualization is achieved through dissection of the pulmonary arteries which is technically challenging. If possible", "\"Venous blood\"\nVenous blood Venous blood is deoxygenated blood which travels from the peripheral vessels, through the venous system into the right atrium of the heart. Deoxygenated blood is then pumped by the right ventricle to the lungs via the pulmonary artery which is divided in two branches, left and right to the left and right lungs respectively. Blood is oxygenated in the lungs and returns to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins. Venous blood is typically colder than arterial blood, and has a lower oxygen content and pH. It also has lower concentrations of glucose and other nutrients, and has", "Cardiology\nthese \"\"blue babies.\"\" They eventually figured out how to do just that by the anastomosis of the systemic artery to the pulmonary artery and called this the Blalock-Taussig Shunt. Tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary atresia, double outlet right ventricle, transposition of the great arteries, persistent truncus arteriosus, and Ebsteins anomaly are various congenital cyanotic heart diseases. Congenital cyanotic heart diseases is where something is wrong with the heart of a newborn and it is not oxygenating the blood efficiently. Tetralogy of Fallot is the most common congenital heart disease arising in 1–3 cases per 1,000 births. The cause of this defect", "\"Blalock–Taussig shunt\"\nBlalock–Taussig shunt The Blalock–Thomas–Taussig shunt (commonly called the Blalock–Taussig shunt) is a surgical procedure used to increase pulmonary blood flow for palliation in duct dependent cyanotic heart defects like pulmonary atresia, which are common causes of blue baby syndrome. In modern surgery, this procedure is temporarily used to direct blood flow to the lungs and relieve cyanosis while the infant is waiting for corrective or definitive surgery. One branch of the subclavian artery or carotid artery is separated and connected with the pulmonary artery. The first area of application was tetralogy of Fallot. The Blalock–Thomas-Taussig shunt is used in the", "\"Dextro-Transposition of the great arteries\"\nincluding the heart muscle itself. With d-TGA, deoxygenated blood from the right heart is pumped immediately through the aorta and circulated to the body and the heart itself, bypassing the lungs altogether, while the left heart pumps oxygenated blood continuously back into the lungs through the pulmonary artery. In effect, two separate \"\"circular\"\" (parallel) circulatory systems are created, rather than the \"\"figure 8\"\" (in series) circulation of a normal cardio-pulmonary system. Differences in the shape of the atrial septum and/or ventricular outflow tracts affect the relative positions of the aorta and pulmonary artery. In the majority of d-TGA cases, the", "\"Pulmonary artery catheter\"\nmethod of monitoring volume overload leading to pulmonary edema in an ICU setting. A feature of the pulmonary artery catheter that has been largely ignored in the clinical setting is its ability to monitor total body oxygen extraction by measuring the mixed venous oxygen saturation. Regardless of the value obtained by measurements of the cardiac output, the mixed venous oxygen saturation is an accurate parameter of total body blood flow and therefore cardiac output. The assumption that a low mixed venous oxygen saturation (normal = 60% except for the coronary sinus where it approximates 40% reflecting the high metabolic rate", "\"Air embolism\"\nthe right side of the heart and from there into the pulmonary arteries, where it may lodge, blocking or reducing blood flow. Gas in the venous circulation can cause cardiac problems by obstructing the pulmonary circulation or forming an air-lock which raises central venous pressure and reduces pulmonary and systemic arterial pressures. Experiments on animals show that the amount of gas necessary for this to happen is quite variable. Human case reports suggest that injecting more than 100 mL of air into the venous system at rates greater than 100 mL/s can be fatal. Very large and symptomatic amounts of", "\"Arteriovenous malformation\"\ninclude: Cerebral AVMs may present themselves in a number of different ways: In the lungs, pulmonary arteriovenous malformations have no symptoms in up to 29% of all cases. Can occur due to autosomal dominant diseases, such as hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Arteries and veins are part of the human cardiovascular system. Arteries carry blood away from the heart to the lungs or the rest of the body, where the blood passes through capillaries, and veins return the blood to the heart. An AVM interferes with this process by forming a direct connection of the arteries and veins. AVMs can cause intense", "\"Blalock–Taussig shunt\"\nfirst step of the three stage palliation (The Norwood Procedure). The procedure is no longer in use in its original form. Now a length of artificial tubing, 3 to 4 millimeters in diameter, is sewn between either the subclavian or the carotid artery and the corresponding side branch of the pulmonary artery, thus obviating the need to cut off blood supply and making it easier to regulate the blood flow to the lungs. Some centers now use a shunt directly from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery, a Sano shunt. This is done to avoid the reduced diastolic blood", "\"Pulmonary circulation\"\nPulmonary circulation The pulmonary circulation is the portion of the circulatory system which carries deoxygenated blood away from the right ventricle of the heart, to the lungs, and returns oxygenated blood to the left atrium and ventricle of the heart. The term pulmonary circulation is readily paired and contrasted with the systemic circulation. The vessels of the pulmonary circulation are the pulmonary arteries and the pulmonary veins. A separate system known as the bronchial circulation supplies oxygenated blood to the tissue of the larger airways of the lung. The earliest human discussions of pulmonary circulation date back to Egyptian times.", "\"Pulmonary circulation\"\nthis pneuma to the left ventricle of the heart to cool the blood simultaneously arriving there. This mixture of pneuma, blood, and cooling produced the vital spirits which could then be transported throughout the body via arteries. Galen also proposed that the heat of the blood arriving in the heart produced noxious vapors which were expelled through the same pulmonary veins that first brought the pneuma. He wrote that the right ventricle played a different role than the left; it transported blood to the lungs where the impurities were vented out so that clean blood could be distributed throughout the", "\"Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia\"\nor extension of a previously diagnosed blood clot, or the development of a new blood clot elsewhere in the body. This may take the form of clots either in arteries or veins, causing arterial or venous thrombosis, respectively. Examples of arterial thrombosis are stroke, myocardial infarction (\"\"heart attack\"\"), and acute leg ischemia. Venous thrombosis may occur in the leg or arm in the form of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and in the lung in the form of a pulmonary embolism (PE); the latter usually originate in the leg but migrate to the lung. In those receiving heparin through an intravenous", "Vein\nVein Veins are blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart. Most veins carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart; exceptions are the pulmonary and umbilical veins, both of which carry oxygenated blood to the heart. In contrast to veins, arteries carry blood away from the heart. Veins are less muscular than arteries and are often closer to the skin. There are valves in most veins to prevent backflow. Veins are present throughout the body as tubes that carry blood back to the heart. Veins are classified in a number of ways, including superficial vs. deep, pulmonary", "\"Bilharzial cor pulmonale\"\nBilharzial cor pulmonale Bilharzial cor pulmonale is the condition of right sided heart failure secondary to fibrosis and sclerosis of the pulmonary artery branches. It results from shifting of the \"\"Schistosoma haematobium\"\" ova from the pelvic and vescial plexus to the pulmonary artery branches where they settle and produce granuloma and fibrosis. Bilharzial cor pulmonale occurs in \"\"Schistosoma mansoni\"\", when the portal pressure rises more than the systemic pressure. So blood will pass from the portal circulation to the systemic circulation carrying \"\"Schistosoma mansoni\"\" ova to reach the lungs. This condition leads to Pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy and failure.", "\"Bilharzial cor pulmonale\"\nBilharzial cor pulmonale Bilharzial cor pulmonale is the condition of right sided heart failure secondary to fibrosis and sclerosis of the pulmonary artery branches. It results from shifting of the \"\"Schistosoma haematobium\"\" ova from the pelvic and vescial plexus to the pulmonary artery branches where they settle and produce granuloma and fibrosis. Bilharzial cor pulmonale occurs in \"\"Schistosoma mansoni\"\", when the portal pressure rises more than the systemic pressure. So blood will pass from the portal circulation to the systemic circulation carrying \"\"Schistosoma mansoni\"\" ova to reach the lungs. This condition leads to Pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy and failure.", "\"Fick principle\"\nof) a substance by the peripheral tissues is equal to the product of the blood flow to the peripheral tissues and the arterial-venous concentration difference (gradient) of the substance. In the determination of cardiac output, the substance most commonly measured is the oxygen content of blood thus giving the arteriovenous oxygen difference, and the flow calculated is the flow across the pulmonary system. This gives a simple way to calculate the cardiac output: Assuming there is no intracardiac shunt, the pulmonary blood flow equals the systemic blood flow. Measurement of the arterial and venous oxygen content of blood involves the", "\"Circulatory system\"\ninto two pumps. Amphibians have a three-chambered heart. In reptiles, the ventricular septum of the heart is incomplete and the pulmonary artery is equipped with a sphincter muscle. This allows a second possible route of blood flow. Instead of blood flowing through the pulmonary artery to the lungs, the sphincter may be contracted to divert this blood flow through the incomplete ventricular septum into the left ventricle and out through the aorta. This means the blood flows from the capillaries to the heart and back to the capillaries instead of to the lungs. This process is useful to ectothermic (cold-blooded)", "\"Right ventricular hypertrophy\"\nRight ventricular hypertrophy Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is a form of ventricular hypertrophy affecting the right ventricle. Blood travels through the right ventricle to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries. If conditions occur which decrease pulmonary circulation, meaning blood does not flow well from the heart to the lungs, extra stress can be placed on the right ventricle. This can lead to right ventricular hypertrophy. It can affect electrocardiography (ECG) findings. An ECG with right ventricular hypertrophy may or may not show a right axis deviation on the graph. There are various symptoms that can be seen: Common causes include:", "\"Pulmonary atresia\"\nPulmonary atresia Pulmonary atresia is a congenital malformation of the pulmonary valve in which the valve orifice fails to develop. The valve is completely closed thereby obstructing the outflow of blood from the heart to the lungs. The pulmonary valve is located on the right side of the heart between the right ventricle and pulmonary artery. In a normal functioning heart, the opening to the pulmonary valve has three flaps that open and close In congenital heart defects such as pulmonary atresia, structural abnormalities can include the valves of the heart, and the walls and arteries/veins near the heart muscle.", "\"Transposition of the great vessels\"\n(dextro-TGA) deoxygenated blood from the right heart is pumped immediately through the aorta and circulated to the body and the heart itself, bypassing the lungs altogether, while the left heart pumps oxygenated blood continuously back into the lungs through the pulmonary artery. In effect, two separate \"\"circular\"\" (parallel) circulatory systems are created. It is called a cyanotic congenital heart defect (CHD) because the newborn infant turns blue from lack of oxygen. Levo-Transposition of the great arteries is an acyanotic heart defect in which the primary arteries are transposed, with the aorta anterior and to the left of the pulmonary artery,", "Iloprost\nIloprost Iloprost is a drug used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), scleroderma, Raynaud's phenomenon and other diseases in which the blood vessels are constricted and blood can't flow to the tissues. This damages the tissues and causes high blood pressure. Iloprost works by opening (dilating) the blood vessels to allow the blood to flow through again. It was developed by the pharmaceutical company Schering AG and is marketed by Bayer Schering Pharma AG in Europe and Actelion Pharmaceuticals in the USA. Iloprost is a synthetic analogue of prostacyclin PGI. Iloprost dilates systemic and pulmonary arterial vascular beds. It also", "Iloprost\nand kidney failure. Warnings: Iloprost Iloprost is a drug used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), scleroderma, Raynaud's phenomenon and other diseases in which the blood vessels are constricted and blood can't flow to the tissues. This damages the tissues and causes high blood pressure. Iloprost works by opening (dilating) the blood vessels to allow the blood to flow through again. It was developed by the pharmaceutical company Schering AG and is marketed by Bayer Schering Pharma AG in Europe and Actelion Pharmaceuticals in the USA. Iloprost is a synthetic analogue of prostacyclin PGI. Iloprost dilates systemic and pulmonary arterial", "\"Arteriovenous oxygen difference\"\ncomparing the difference in the oxygen concentration of oxygenated blood in the femoral, brachial, or radial artery and the oxygen concentration in the deoxygenated blood from the mixed supply found in the pulmonary artery (as an indicator of the typical mixed venous supply). Put in simple terms: The usual unit for a-vO diff is millilitres of oxygen per 100 millilitres of blood (mL/100 mL), however, particularly in medical uses, other units may be used, such as micromoles per millilitre (μmol/mL). In practice, a-vO diff may be determined using the Fick Principle rather than by taking direct blood samples. In order" ]
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what year was huun huur tu 's album altai sayan tandy-uula released
[ "2004" ]
[ "Huun-Huur-Tu\nWestern instruments, such as the guitar. While the thrust of Huun-Huur-Tu's music is fundamentally indigenous Tuvan folk music, they also experiment with incorporating not only Western instruments, but electronic music as well. The khöömei quartet Kunggurtug (, ) was founded in 1992 by Kaigal-ool Khovalyg, brothers Alexander and Sayan Bapa, and Albert Kuvezin. Khovalyg had been involved on the khoomei scene since 1979. Not long afterwards, the group changed its name to Huun-Huur-Tu, meaning \"\"sunbeams\"\" (literally \"\"sun propeller\"\"). The focus of their music was traditional Tuvan folk songs, frequently featuring imagery of the Tuvan steppe or of horses. The ensemble", "Huun-Huur-Tu\nagain. \"\"Huun-Huur-Tu\"\"s Radik Tyulyush's song \"\"Osku Urug\"\" is featured in the American television series Season 3 \"\"Fargo\"\" episode, \"\"The Law of Vacant Places.\"\" Solo releases With Marcel Vanthilt With Kronos Quartet With The Bulgarian Voices - Angelite: With various electronic artists (remixes) With Malerija With Hazmat Modine With Sainkho Namtchylak With Ross Daly With Carmen Rizzo † \"\"Live at Fantasy Studios\"\" was initially available as an online podcast only. Now the video recording is available for download at several sites. The setlist includes several staples, such as \"\"Chiraa-Khoor\"\", \"\"Konggurey\"\", \"\"Ösküs Bodum (The Orphan's Lament)\"\" and \"\"Aa-Shuu-Dekei-Oo\"\". Huun-Huur-Tu Huun-Huur-Tu (; ;", "Huun-Huur-Tu\nsynthesiser. The album also features two excerpts of recordings made of Kaigal-ool and Anatoli singing whilst riding horseback on the Tuvan grasslands. Huun-Huur-Tu participated in the 2000 BBC Music Live event, performing the opening and closing songs for a live, early morning broadcast from Snape Maltings. The following year, the group released their first live album. In 2003, Kuular quit the group and was replaced by Andrey Mongush, an experienced teacher of khöömei and Tuvan instruments. Mongush's tenure with the group was short and in 2005 he was replaced by Radik Tyulyush, formerly of Yat-Kha fame. Huun-Huur-Tu signed with Beijing", "Huun-Huur-Tu\nHuun-Huur-Tu Huun-Huur-Tu (; ; ) are a music group from Tuva, a republic of Russia situated on the Mongolia–Russia border. The most distinctive characteristic of Huun-Huur-Tu's music is throat singing, in which the singers sing both the note (drone) and the drone's overtone(s), thus producing two or three notes simultaneously. The overtone may sound like a flute, whistle or bird, but is solely a product of the human voice. The group primarily use native Tuvan instruments such as the \"\"igil\"\", \"\"khomus\"\" (Tuvan jaw harp), \"\"doshpuluur\"\", and \"\"dünggür\"\" (shaman drum). However, in recent years, the group have begun to selectively incorporate", "Huun-Huur-Tu\nmanagement company Stallion Era in March 2015 and has since been to China for several performances. Since the group's inception, Huun Huur Tu has collaborated with musicians from many genres, such as Frank Zappa, Johnny \"\"Guitar\"\" Watson, the Kodo drummers, The Moscow Art Trio, the Kronos Quartet, The Chieftains and Bulgarian women's singing group, Angelite. Their recording \"\"Eternal\"\" is a collaborative effort with underground electronic musician, Carmen Rizzo. Huun Huur Tu appeared on three songs on \"\"Bahamut\"\", the debut of New York-based blues group Hazmat Modine. In January 2010, Hazmat Modine also announced plans to record with Huun Huur Tu", "Huun-Huur-Tu\na full-time career. He was replaced by Alexei Saryglar, formerly a member of the Russian state ensemble Siberian Souvenir. A third album, \"\"If I'd Been Born An Eagle\"\", recorded in the Netherlands, followed in 1997. This time, in addition to the traditional folk music, the group performed some rather more contemporary Tuvan songs, from the latter half of the 20th century. In early 1999, the group released its fourth album, \"\"Where Young Grass Grows\"\". For the first time on a Huun-Huur-Tu album, non-Tuvan instruments (except for the guitar) were featured, including harp, tabla, Scottish smallpipe (performed by Martyn Bennett) and", "\"Bahamut (album)\"\nBahamut (album) Bahamut is the debut album by American blues/folk/world music/jazz band Hazmat Modine. The album was released on August 26, 2006 by Barbès Records. Most tracks were composed by lead singer Wade Schuman; the album also includes arrangements of traditional songs. Tuvan folk band Huun-Huur-Tu feature on three tracks with their characteristic throat singing. \"\"Bahamut\"\" peaked at #12 on \"\"Billboard\"\"'s \"\"Top Blues Albums\"\" chart. Reviewing the album for Allmusic, Jeff Tamarkin gave it four stars out of a possible five, and termed it a \"\"stunning debut\"\". Tamarkin praised the band for successfully fusing styles as disparate as blues, jazz,", "Chirgilchin\nmusic group, Huun-Huur-Tu, and brother of Sayan Bapa of this group. In 2017, they guest performed on \"\"Somos Anormales\"\", a song by Puerto Rican singer Residente. Igor Koshkendey won the Latin Grammy Award for Best Urban Song for his work on \"\"Somos Anormales\"\". \"\"Kaldak Khamar\"\" 2009 Chirgilchin Chirgilchin, meaning \"\"dance of the air in the heat of the day\"\" or \"\"miracle\"\" in Tuvan, is a group of Tuvan musicians performing traditional Tuvan music. It was established in 1996. The group consists of Igor Koshkendey, Mongun-ool Ondar, Aldar Tamdyn, and Aidysmaa Koshkendey. Igor Koshkendey won the Grand Prix of the International", "Huun-Huur-Tu\nreleased its first album, \"\"60 Horses In My Herd\"\", the following year. The album was recorded at studios in London and Mill Valley, California. By the time recording began for the follow-up, Kuvezin had left the group to form the more rock-oriented Yat-Kha. Kuvezin was replaced by Anatoli Kuular, who had previously worked with Khovalyg and Kongar-ool Ondar as part of the Tuva Ensemble. The new line-up recorded \"\"The Orphan's Lament\"\" in New York City and Moscow, and released it in 1994. In 1995, Alexander Bapa, who had produced the first two albums, departed the group to pursue production as", "\"Tannu-Ola mountains\"\nthe Mongolian Altay Mountains and includes the salt lake Uvs Nuur. The western end is located near the northern Altay Mountains in the Russian Altai Republic. Tannu-Ola mountains The Tannu-Ola mountains , \"\"Tañdı-Uula\"\", , – Tangdy-Uula mountains; , \"\"Tağnîn nurú\"\", ) is a mountain range in southern Siberia, in the Tuva Republic of Russia. It extends in an east-west direction and curves along the Mongolian border. Its highest peak reaches . The northern slopes are part of the watershed of the Yenisei River, facing the western Sayan Mountains. The eastern end touches the large watershed of the Selenge River in", "\"Nina Nastasia\"\nwhich she collaborated with Jim White entitled \"\"You Follow Me\"\" was released through Fat Cat. All of Nastasia's albums to date were recorded by Steve Albini, who has ardently praised her music in a number of interviews. Nastasia subsequently recorded six sessions for late BBC disc jockey John Peel's show. The last one was recorded with the help of Tuvan throat singing group Huun-Huur-Tu. Two of Nastasia's songs were included in Peel's annual \"\"Festive Fifty\"\": \"\"Ugly Face\"\" (ranked 4th in 2002) and \"\"You, Her & Me\"\" (ranked 13th in 2003). A 7-inch single, titled \"\"What She Doesn't Know\"\" was released", "\"Kaigal-ool Khovalyg\"\ngroup, \"\"Huun-Huur-Tu\"\". He has performed and recorded with the Tuva Ensemble, Vershki da Koreshki, the World Groove Band, and the Volkov Trio. With a vocal range spanning tenor and bass, Khovalyg is particularly known for his skill in the \"\"khöömei\"\" and \"\"kargyraa\"\" singing styles. Kaigal-ool Khovalyg Kaigal-ool Kim-oolovich Khovalyg (Russian: Ховалыг Кайгал-оол Ким-оолович, \"\"Chovalyg Kajgal-ool Kim-oolovič\"\", Tuvan: Ховалыг Кайгал-оол Ким-оол оглу, \"\"Chovalyg Kajgal-ool Kim-ool oglu\"\", born 20 August 1960) is a Tuvan throat singer and co-founder of the Tuvan music group Huun-Huur-Tu. A self-taught overtone singer, Khovalyg worked as a shepherd until the age of 18. His musical career began", "\"Yakuza (band)\"\nRecords. In 2012 the band released \"\"Beyul\"\" again for Profound Lore Records. The Prosthetic record label describes them this way: Influence is also noted from King Crimson, John Coltrane, Tortoise, and Napalm Death. Bruce Lamont has discussed an appreciation for Pink Floyd, Huun Huur Tu, Peter Brötzmann, Battles, Enslaved, Brighter Death Now, George Orwell, Ethiopian music, and Blut Aus Nord. Yakuza (band) Yakuza is an avant-garde metal band, formed in Chicago in 1999. They have been acclaimed for their incorporation of jazz and world music elements. Yakuza was formed in 1999. The band debuted with its independently released album \"\"Amount", "\"Bahamut (album)\"\nklezmer, calypso, and ska into \"\"music that sounds at once ageless and primeval, authentically indigenous and inexplicably otherworldly, familiar and unlike anything else.\"\" He also praised the group for making \"\"listener-friendly music\"\" that doesn't \"\"require a degree in ethnomusicology to enjoy\"\". Pitchfork Media reviewer Joe Tangari gave the album's track \"\"Everybody Loves You,\"\" a collaboration with Tuvan throat singers Huun-Huur-Tu, a four-star review. Characterizing it as \"\"generalized roots music that takes from pretty much any roots it sees fit,\"\" he praised it as \"\"true world music, weird and wonderful to the last note.\"\" Bahamut (album) Bahamut is the debut album", "\"Trefor Goronwy\"\nTrefor Goronwy Trefor Goronwy is a vocalist, bass guitarist, guitarist, and percussionist. He joined This Heat, for their final European tour in 1982, and continued to work with drummer Charles Hayward and soundman Stephen Rickard in the group Camberwell Now. He has also worked as a sound technician with groups such as Pere Ubu, Towering Inferno, David Thomas and Two Pale Boys, Spearmint, Momus and the Tuvan throat-singing ensemble Huun-Huur-Tu, whose first album he recorded in London. After several years spent in Russia, he has recently been working on recordings featuring Tuvan and Kazakh traditional instruments, particularly the igil and", "\"Trefor Goronwy\"\nkobyz. Trefor Goronwy Trefor Goronwy is a vocalist, bass guitarist, guitarist, and percussionist. He joined This Heat, for their final European tour in 1982, and continued to work with drummer Charles Hayward and soundman Stephen Rickard in the group Camberwell Now. He has also worked as a sound technician with groups such as Pere Ubu, Towering Inferno, David Thomas and Two Pale Boys, Spearmint, Momus and the Tuvan throat-singing ensemble Huun-Huur-Tu, whose first album he recorded in London. After several years spent in Russia, he has recently been working on recordings featuring Tuvan and Kazakh traditional instruments, particularly the igil", "\"Hazmat Modine\"\nReviewing the album for Allmusic, Jeff Tamarkin gave it four stars out of a possible five, and termed it a \"\"stunning debut\"\". Tamarkin praised the band for successfully fusing styles as disparate as blues, jazz, calypso, and ska into \"\"music that sounds at once ageless and primeval, authentically indigenous and inexplicably otherworldly, familiar and unlike anything else.\"\" He also praised the group for making \"\"listener-friendly music\"\" that doesn't \"\"require a degree in ethnomusicology to enjoy\"\". Pitchfork Media reviewer Joe Tangari gave the album's track \"\"Everybody Loves You\"\", a collaboration with Tuvan throat singers Huun-Huur-Tu, a four-star review. Characterizing it as", "\"Early Music (Lachrymæ Antiquæ)\"\nis accompanied by the Tuvan throat singers of Huun-Huur-Tu, who also play igil (a bowed string-instrument), bysaanchi (a cello-like instrument), and doshpuluur (a lyre-like instrument). Rick Anderson on \"\"Allmusic\"\" praises the album's \"\"overriding mood...of sadness and devotion...Like most of Kronos' best work, this is dark, lovely, eerie stuff.\"\" The \"\"Jerusalem Post\"\" called it one of the most intriguing Kronos albums to date. Allan Kozinn featured it as a Critic's Choice in \"\"The New York Times\"\". Early Music (Lachrymæ Antiquæ) Early Music (Lachrymæ Antiquæ) is a studio album by the Kronos Quartet, containing 21 compositions, many of which were written, arranged,", "\"Tuvan Internationale\"\n1924 to 1950. The song was included on the Huun-Huur-Tu album. Tuvan Internationale The Tuvan Internationale () is a version of \"\"The Internationale\"\" set to the tune of a Tuvan traditional song. The song was composed during the Soviet era. When the revolutions after the First World War came to a close, the communists only managed to gain power in three countries: Russia, Tuva, and Mongolia. When Russia united with three other republics, the Soviet Union was formed and adopted the Internationale as its anthem. Tuva and Mongolia made the Tuvan Internationale and the Mongol Internationale in honour of this.", "Stimmhorn\ndeveloped by his own instrument), büchel, cornet, baroque trumpet, cornetto and tuba. In addition, the duo worked with guest musicians, such as the overtone singing group Huun-Huur-Tu from Tuva or Tomek Kolczynski (kold electronics) on their album Igloo and on a production of Faust. In November 2009, Zehnder and Streiff played for the last time as \"\"Stimmhorn\"\". They achieved national and international awards, including: Stimmhorn Stimmhorn was a Swiss band, playing experimental ethno-music, Imaginary Folklore. This band was formed in 1996 by Balthasar Streiff and Christian Zehnder. The band's name refers to their music, which consists mainly of their two", "\"Marcel Vanthilt\"\nTuvan throat singing ensemble Huun-Huur-Tu. Vanthilt tried to gain musical fame with two other groups: \"\"The Yéh-yéhs\"\" and \"\"Groep Z\"\"(in 2004). Both stints were unsuccessful. He also designed the album cover of Clouseau's record \"\"En Dans\"\" (2001). In the early 1980s Vanthilt worked for VPRO on Dutch television. One of the projects he worked on was the presentation of \"\"Big Fun In The Big Town (1986)\"\", a documentary about Hip hop music, credited for making the genre very popular in the Netherlands. It became available on DVD in 2012. From 1987 to 1990, Vanthilt lived in London. There he became", "\"Aki Nawaz\"\namong Muslim youth. Nawaz has collaborated with many traditional musicians, both in the studio and live: these include Huun Huur Tu, Rizwan Muazzam Qawwal-Mighty, Zulu Nation (a South African hip-hop group), and Gazi Khan (an artist from Rajasthan). Fun-Da-Mental worked with progressive Asian bands to help fight racism and spoke at anti-racist benefits. The group emphasizes militancy and self-defense as weapons against racism. Nawaz has been criticized by Islamic community members not only for his lyrics, but also for his group Fun-Da-Mental's recital of verses from the Qur'an over musical beats. Some Muslims believe this goes against what they regard", "\"Albert Kuvezin\"\nKuvezin.\"\" In addition to his work with Yat-Kha, Kuvezin has contributed to albums by Alisa (\"\"Duren\"\", 1997), Susheela Raman and Värttinä. Albert Kuvezin Albert Budachievich Kuvezin (Russian: \"\"Альберт Будачиевич Кувезин\"\" / Tuvan: \"\"Күвезин Альберт Будачи оглу\"\" (Küvezin Albert Budachi oglu, , alternatively spelled \"\"Kögeezin\"\" (Көгээзин, ), born 27 November 1965 in Kyzyl) is a Tuvan guitarist and throat singer. Kuvezin was one of the founding members of the Tuvan folk ensemble Huun-Huur-Tu, and is the leader of the Tuvan folk/rock/electro/post punk band Yat-Kha. He is known for his unique, contra-bass style of Tuvan kargyraa throat singing, which he calls \"\"kanzat", "Tuva\nof a few singers from Tuva to have an international following. Namtchylak is also very involved with Tuvan culture. Every year, she invites Western musicians to perform in Kyzyl and to learn about the republic, its culture, and its music. In recent years, Kongar-ool Ondar has become well known in the West as well, in large part because of the film Genghis Blues featuring Ondar and American blues singer Paul Pena. Huun-Huur-Tu has been one of the most well known Tuvan music ensembles since the late 1990s, while the Alash ensemble came to prominence in the early 2000s. The Tuvan", "\"Music in the Tyva Republic\"\n1970s, also modern genres of music developed in Tuva, mainly pop and rock music, as well as fusion of these genres with khoomei. The most popular Tuvan musical group is Huun-Huur-Tu. Notable Tuvan rock and fusion performers, include Yat-Kha, as well as, all deceased, Alexander Sarzhat-Ool (guitar), who spent 22 years in jail before starting the music career, and was self-taught, Alexander Chavynchak (guitar), who performed free jazz and blues, as well as khoomei, and Vladimir Oidupaa (bayan and khoomei). Music in the Tyva Republic Tuva is a part of Russia, inhabited by a Turkic people related to the nearby", "\"Hanggai (band)\"\n2011, drawing huge dancing crowds to each performance. The band has hosted the Hanggai Music Festival yearly since 2010, inviting acts such as Huun-Huur-Tu and The Randy Abel Stable. The band has maintained a steady popularity in the Netherlands, appearing at many summer festivals and concert venues since. The band performed at the Sziget Festival, Budapest in 2017. The band recently performed at the 2018 Battle of the Nations (Medieval Tournament) as post fight entertainment. The song 酒歌 (Jiu Ge / Drinking Song) was recorded in bits and pieces at an actual party that the band attended. The song was", "\"Zoellner Arts Center\"\nsummer at the arts center as well, though it is not affiliated with the University. The building was designed by Charles Dagit of Dagit Saylor Architects in Philadelphia. Zoellner Arts Center Zoellner Arts Center is an arts center located on the campus of Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in the United States. It opened in 1997, having been endowed by a $6 million gift from Robert Zoellner ('54) and his wife Victoria. The center houses the following facilities: The venue has had a wide array of performers, including: the New York Philharmonic and Itzhak Perlman, the Tuvan throat singers Huun-Huur-Tu", "\"Hayden Chisholm\"\nat the Salzburger Festspiele. In 2009 he composed the music for her film \"\"Fata Morgana\"\" which was premiered at the Teatro La Fenice Opera House during the Venice Biannale. In 2011 he composed the music for her documentary film \"\"Moonmirror Journey\"\" which premiered in Berlin. In 2001 he composed music for the German Theater (Deutsches Schauspielhaus) in Hamburg, working on Maria Stuart by Schiller and Arabische Nacht by Schimmelpfennig. In 2006 and 2007 he was musical director of the Earth Festival in Kenya which featured a large cast of international musicians, including Huun Huur Tu. In 2008 he performed with", "Soriah\nshow by Huun Huur Tu. He provided percussion, guitar, and vocals for numerous music and performance projects during the late 90s in Portland included Sumerland, Big Milk Bath, Black Orchid, Feral, PANDrogynous Ad Nauseum, Flail, Mesmer; and the collective known alternately as 2Gyrlz and Pan/Zen. The first public Soriah performances took place in 1999 in Portland, and he quickly achieved renown in the underground arts and music scene. He describes his circle of friends and artists at that time as \"\"neo-tribal.\"\" In addition to nightclubs and theaters, early Soriah performances often took place in unconventional locations; such as the underground", "Tuvans\nalongside Tibetan Buddhism. A unique form of music exists in Tuva – commonly known as throat singing or as khoomei. There are various techniques of khoomei, some giving the effect of multiple tones by emphasizing overtones. Some famous groups from Tuva who feature throat-singing are Yat-Kha, Huun-Huur-Tu, Chirgilchin and the Alash Ensemble. A documentary called \"\"Genghis Blues\"\" was made in 1999 about an American blues/jazz musician, Paul Pena, who taught himself overtone singing and traveled to Tuva to compete in a throat-singing competition. Tuvans The Tuvans or Tuvinians (, \"\"Tıvalar\"\"; , \"\"Tuva\"\") are an indigenous people of Siberia/Central Asia. They", "\"Ross Daly\"\nthe artistic director of the cultural program of the Olympic Games for the Olympic city of Heraklion on the island of Crete, titled \"\"Crete, Music Crossroads\"\". He organized and artistically supervised 15 concerts with the participation of 300 musicians from all over the world, including: Jordi Savall, Eduardo Niebla, Huun Huur Tu, Habil Aliyev, Dhoad Gypsies of Rajasthan, Mohammad Rahim Khushnawaz, Chemirani Trio, Adel Selameh. Ross Daly is the originator of the term Contemporary Modal Music, which refers to contemporary compositional works which draw their influences and inspiration from the broader world of Modal musical traditions which are found primarily", "\"Sainkho Namtchylak\"\nTungus-style imitative singing. Being the daughter of a pair of schoolteachers, she grew up in an isolated village on the Tuvan/Mongolian border, exposed to the local overtone singing – something that was generally reserved for the males; in fact, females were actively discouraged from learning it (even now, the best-known practitioners remain male, artists like Huun-Huur-Tu and Yat-Kha). However, she learned much of her traditional repertoire from her grandmother, and went on to study music at the local college, but she was denied professional qualifications. Quietly she studied the overtone singing, as well as the shamanic traditions of the region,", "\"Music of Russia\"\nriver), sygyt (similar to whistling), xoomii, chylandyk (likened to chirping crickets) and ezengileer (like a horse's trotting). Of particular international fame are the group Huun-Huur-Tu and master throat singer Kongar-ool Ondar. Although Ukraine is an independent country since 1991, Ukrainians constitute the second-largest ethnic minority in Russia. The bandura is the most important and distinctive instrument of the Ukrainian folk tradition, and was utilized by court musicians in the various Tsarist courts. The kobzars, a kind of wandering performers who composed dumy, or folk epics. Many of the early classical composers of Russia such as Dmitry Bortniansky, Maksym Berezovsky, Artemy", "\"Mammoth steppe\"\ndry conditions similar to the last glacial period are found today in the eastern Altai-Sayan mountains of Central Eurasia, with no significant changes occurring between the cold phase of the Pleistocene and the Holocene. Recent paleo-biome reconstruction and pollen analysis suggest that some present-day Altai-Sayan areas could be considered the closest analogy to the mammoth steppe environment. The environment of this region is considered to have been stable for the past 40,000 years. The Eastern part of the Altai-Sayan region forms a Last Glacial refugium. In both the Last Glacial and modern times, the eastern Altai-Sayan region has supported large", "\"Kaigal-ool Khovalyg\"\nKaigal-ool Khovalyg Kaigal-ool Kim-oolovich Khovalyg (Russian: Ховалыг Кайгал-оол Ким-оолович, \"\"Chovalyg Kajgal-ool Kim-oolovič\"\", Tuvan: Ховалыг Кайгал-оол Ким-оол оглу, \"\"Chovalyg Kajgal-ool Kim-ool oglu\"\", born 20 August 1960) is a Tuvan throat singer and co-founder of the Tuvan music group Huun-Huur-Tu. A self-taught overtone singer, Khovalyg worked as a shepherd until the age of 18. His musical career began when he was invited to join the Tuvan State Ensemble in 1979. He settled in Kyzyl and started teaching throat singing and igil. In 1993, after more than ten years with the State Ensemble, he left to devote his attention to his newly formed", "\"Rainforest World Music Festival\"\nnear and far. Festival acts have included: Joey Ayala (Philippines - 1998), Shooglenifty (Scotland - 1999), Inka Marka (South America - 2000), Rajery (Madagascar - 2001), Black Umfolosi (Zimbabwe - 2002), Huun Huur Tu (Tuva), Cynthia Alexander (Philippines) - 2003), Te Vaka (Samoa/New Zealand - 2004), Namgar (Mongolia - 2005), Shannon (Poland - 2005, 2007), Peatbog Faeries (Scotland - 2006), Tarika Be (Madagascar - 2007), Ross Daly (Greece - 2008) and Blackbeard's Tea Party (England - 2014). The atmosphere is very relaxed. Although there are timetables for the workshops and evening performances, visitors are free to enter and leave any", "\"Zoellner Arts Center\"\nZoellner Arts Center Zoellner Arts Center is an arts center located on the campus of Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in the United States. It opened in 1997, having been endowed by a $6 million gift from Robert Zoellner ('54) and his wife Victoria. The center houses the following facilities: The venue has had a wide array of performers, including: the New York Philharmonic and Itzhak Perlman, the Tuvan throat singers Huun-Huur-Tu and Laurie Anderson, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, MOMIX, the Aquila Theatre Company, Lily Tomlin, Bernadette Peters and Queen Latifah. The progressive rock music festival NEARFest is held each", "\"Mikhail Alperin\"\nMikhail Alperin Michail Jefimowitsch Alperin (Ukrainian: Миха́йло Юхи́мович Альпе́рін; 7 November 1956 – 11 May 2018) was a Soviet-Norwegian jazz pianist, known as a key member of the \"\"Moscow Art Trio\"\". Alperin was born in Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukrainian SSR and educated in Khmelnytskyi, Bălți and Chișinău. In 1980, he formed one of the first jazz ensembles in Moldavian SSR. He moved to Moscow in the 1980s and founded the \"\"Moscow Art Trio\"\" with Arkady Shilkloper and folk singer Sergey Nikolaevich Starostin. He has also worked with Huun Huur Tu. From 1993 to 2018 he lived in Oslo, Norway; he was professor", "\"Orient, the Festival of Eastern Music\"\nOrient, the Festival of Eastern Music Orient is an annual music festival held in the Baltic countries concentrating on Asian music, the main focus being on folk, sacred, and traditional classical music. The festival has featured Oriental musicians such as Indian flautist Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia, sitarists Pandit Ravi Shankar and Anoushka Shankar, the Japanese giant drum ensemble \"\"Kodô\"\", the Tuvinian guttural singers \"\"Huun-Huur-Tu\"\", Tibetan Buddhists monks of Gyuto and Gyume monasteries, the Turkish percussionist Burhan Öçal, the Armenian dudukist Jivan Gasparyan, and the Azeri muqam singer Alim Qasimov. The festival was founded in 1992 with composer Peeter Vähi as artistic", "\"Estonian Record Productions\"\na number of concerts have taken place in Latvia, Finland, Sweden and St. Petersburg. \"\"Orient\"\" is the first and so far only festival in the Baltic countries that is solely dedicated to Asian music, the main focus being on folk and sacred as well as traditional classical music. The festival has featured the most prominent Oriental musicians like the Indian flautist Hari Prasad Chaurasia, sitarists Ravi and Anoushka Shankar, the Japanese giant drums ensemble \"\"Kodô\"\", the Tuvinian guttural singers \"\"Huun-Huur-Tu\"\", Tibetan Buddhists monks of the Gyuto and Gyudmed monasteries, the Turkish percussionist Burhan Öçal, the Armenian dudukist Jivan Gasparyan, the", "\"Tuvan National Orchestra\"\nthe regional winners. Orchestra members include musicians known in the West for their throatsinging (members of the groups Chirgilchin, Tyva Kyzy, and Alash), Andrei Mongush (formerly of Huun-Huur-Tu), Ai-Xaan Oorzhak, Kang-Xuler Saaya, and Nikolai Damba, among others. Tuvan National Orchestra The Tuvan National Orchestra reflects the complex history of the Republic of Tuva (sometimes spelled Tyva), a country which sits at the southern edge of Siberia, with Mongolia to its south. Over the centuries, Tuva has been part of Chinese and Mongolian empires, and shares many cultural ties with Mongolia. In 1944 it joined the Soviet Union, and Tuva is", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\nthe Sayan Mountains. The Altai Mountains are a mountain range in East-Central Asia, where Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan come together, and are where the rivers Irtysh and Ob have their headwaters. The Sayan Mountains lie between northwestern Mongolia and southern Siberia. The Altai-Sayan has a total area of 1,065,000 square kilometers. Its area belongs to the territory of Russia (62%), Mongolia (29%), Kazakhstan (5%) and China (4%). Part or all of the Russian Oblasts of Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, and Irkutsk; the Krais of Altai and Krasnoyarsk; and the Autonomous Republics of Altai, Khakassia, Tuva, and Buryatia lie within the Altai-Sayan,", "\"Albert Kuvezin\"\nAlbert Kuvezin Albert Budachievich Kuvezin (Russian: \"\"Альберт Будачиевич Кувезин\"\" / Tuvan: \"\"Күвезин Альберт Будачи оглу\"\" (Küvezin Albert Budachi oglu, , alternatively spelled \"\"Kögeezin\"\" (Көгээзин, ), born 27 November 1965 in Kyzyl) is a Tuvan guitarist and throat singer. Kuvezin was one of the founding members of the Tuvan folk ensemble Huun-Huur-Tu, and is the leader of the Tuvan folk/rock/electro/post punk band Yat-Kha. He is known for his unique, contra-bass style of Tuvan kargyraa throat singing, which he calls \"\"kanzat kargyraa.\"\" According to Russian critic Artemy Troitsky, \"\"There are two unique voices on Earth right now; they belong to Pavarotti and", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\nin March 2003, However, as of 2010, the steering organization \"\"Altai, Our Common Home\"\" had played a coordinating role \"\"less in conservation and ecological themes\"\" than in \"\"economic and cultural exchange programmes\"\". Analysts stated that \"\"while the [ecosystem conservation] soil has been prepared for cultivation rather well\"\", after 10 years \"\"there are no tangible results yet\"\". They expressed concern that The Altai-Sayan region is the northernmost habitat of the snow leopard. a species listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as globally Endangered (EN). The Altai-Sayan region, or phenomena associated with it, have been the focus of various", "\"Lan Tung\"\nviolinist Dr. Alfred Gamil in Cairo. Tung is active in a number of cross-cultural musical projects. In Egypt, she joined qanoun player Hossan Shaker and his band Rahala in concerts. In Canada, she has collaborated with Persian santur player Alan Kushan, Hindustani sitar player James Hamilton, Carnatic singer Vidyasagar Vankayala, Vietnamese group Khac Chi Ensemble, Multi-instrumentalist Randy Raine-Reusch, Klezmer woodwind player Mike Braverman, African drummer Mandido Morris, Mozaico Flamenco Dance Theatre, Uzume Taiko, and Celtic band Mad Pudding. She has appeared on festival stages as a guest with the Tuvan ensemble Huun-Huur-Tu, UK’s premiere African/World Music band Baka Beyond, and", "\"Platonov Arts Festival\"\n2014, included concerts of Rokia Traore (Mali), Alim Qasimov (Azerbaijan), Huun-Huur-Tu (Tuva), Cristina Branco (Portugal), Mostar Sevdah Reunion (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Marlene Dorcena (Haiti), Dr. Lakshminarayana Subramaniam (India) and trio Loyko (Russia). Some of the artists had their first performance in Russia within Platonov Festival. Besides these main music lines one can enjoy popular bands of different genres within special festival projects like the Festival Night, pre-party or afterparty. For the past festival editions such bands as Morcheeba (UK), Gabin (Italy), Brainstorm (Latvia), Zdob și Zdub (Moldova), DakhaBrakha (Ukraine), Kakkmaddafakka (Norway), Alisa Apreleva (USA), Art Ceilidh (Russia), freak cabaret band", "\"Joseph Daley (jazz musician)\"\nGruntz, Muhal Richard Abrams, Phil Haynes, Bill Cole, Ellery Eskelin, Alan Silva, Assif Tsahar, Dave Douglas, Taylor Ho Bynum, Joe Fonda, Bill Dixon, Reggie Nicholson, Warren Smith, Natalie Merchant, Anthony Braxton, Jason Kao Hwang, Marty Ehrlich and Michael Gregory Jackson. His interest in musicology and music from around the world has resulted in collaborations with the Tuvan throat singers of Huun Huur Tu, Benin, Africa's Gangbe Brass Band, Kronos String Quartet and Natalie Merchant. Joseph has been a member of ensembles large and small including Howard Johnson and GRAVITY, Liberation Music Orchestra, Ebony Brass Quintet, Far East Side Band and", "Soriah\nFrequency; cEvin Key, Modest Mouse, The Dandy Warhols, Nachyn and Shonchalai Choduu; Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Perry Farrel, Mesmer, Mandible Chatter, Akira Kasai, Blixa Bargeld, The Living Jarboe, Psychic TV, Scott Kelly, F-Space, Chrome, Waldteufel, GWAR, Extra Action Marching Band, The Polyphonic Spree, MarchFourth Marching Band, Trance to the Sun, Huun Huur Tu, Chirgilchin, Alash, Yat-Kha, Download, The Dresden Dolls, Everyone Orchestra, P.A.N., Submarine Fleet, ¡Tchkung!, To-Ka-Ge, Sardonik Grin, Death Posture, Children of Paradise, Michael Sakamoto, Yakuza, Riververb, Hop-Frog, Legerdemain, The Moe!kestra!, Degenerate Art Ensemble, Serpentine, The Red King, CoRE, Aixela, and Venerable Showers of Beauty Gamelan. He also appeared on", "\"Carmen Rizzo\"\nCarmen Rizzo Carmen Rizzo (born April 8, 1964) is a producer, mixer, programmer, DJ, remixer and recording artist based in Los Angeles. The two-time Grammy nominee has worked with Seal, Coldplay, Paul Oakenfold, Alanis Morissette, Dido, Jem, Niyaz, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Khaled, Tiësto, BT, Esthero, A.R. Rahman and Pete Townshend. Spanning a record-making career of nearly two decades, Rizzo has worked with record producers Trevor Horn, David Foster, Marius De Vries and Rob Cavallo. In addition to collaborating with Tuvan throat singers Huun Huur Tu, Rizzo also co-founded the world/electronic act Niyaz with Azam Ali and Loga Ramin Torkian (with three", "\"Carmen Rizzo\"\nCarmen Rizzo Carmen Rizzo (born April 8, 1964) is a producer, mixer, programmer, DJ, remixer and recording artist based in Los Angeles. The two-time Grammy nominee has worked with Seal, Coldplay, Paul Oakenfold, Alanis Morissette, Dido, Jem, Niyaz, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Khaled, Tiësto, BT, Esthero, A.R. Rahman and Pete Townshend. Spanning a record-making career of nearly two decades, Rizzo has worked with record producers Trevor Horn, David Foster, Marius De Vries and Rob Cavallo. In addition to collaborating with Tuvan throat singers Huun Huur Tu, Rizzo also co-founded the world/electronic act Niyaz with Azam Ali and Loga Ramin Torkian (with three", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\nfor each of the Ob and Yenisei rivers were blocked by the Barents-Kara Ice Sheet during the Weichselian Glaciation, approximately 80,000 years ago. According to Anatoliy Mandych, a geographer at the Russian Academy of Sciences (see also WWF), Altai-Sayan is home to the Denisova cave, famous for the 2010 discovery of 50,000-year-old fossils of a new kind of human, the Denisovans. Since then, Neanderthal bones, and tools crafted by Homo sapiens have been found in the cave. This makes it the only place where all three hominins have been known to live. Conditions in the Altai-Sayan are stable, so ancient", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\nAltai-Sayan region The Altai-Sayan region is an area of central Asia proximate to the Altai Mountains and the Sayan Mountains, near to where Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan come together. This region is one of the world centers of temperate plant diversity. Its biological, landscape, historical, cultural and religious diversity is unique. 3,726 species of vascular plants are registered in the region including 700 threatened or rare species, 317 of which are endemic; fauna consists of 680 species, 6% of which are endemic. Its ecosystem is comparatively unchanged since the last ice age, and it is the host of endangered", "\"Neven (album)\"\nfor download on \"\"UULA\"\", a paid subscription smart phone entertainment application for SoftBank cellphones that began in February 2013. A music video for the song was also released on \"\"UULA\"\" in March 2013. The video was directed by drama director Masato Harada. The leading track from the album, \"\"Lover,\"\" was released in February 2013, and was their first physically released single since \"\"Love Song\"\" in 2005. The song featured a music video, which was the first to feature the members of M-Flo prominently since 2008's \"\"Love Comes and Goes.\"\" It reached number 15 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Japan Hot 100. When", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\ntypes of science and scholarship in diverse fields: Altai-Sayan region The Altai-Sayan region is an area of central Asia proximate to the Altai Mountains and the Sayan Mountains, near to where Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan come together. This region is one of the world centers of temperate plant diversity. Its biological, landscape, historical, cultural and religious diversity is unique. 3,726 species of vascular plants are registered in the region including 700 threatened or rare species, 317 of which are endemic; fauna consists of 680 species, 6% of which are endemic. Its ecosystem is comparatively unchanged since the last ice", "\"Sayan Alpine meadows and tundra\"\nSayan Alpine meadows and tundra The Sayan Alpine meadows and tundra ecoregion (WWF ID:PA1016) is an ecoregion that covers the high areas of the Sayan mountains above the treeline, between the Altai Mountains in the west and Lake Baikal in the east. The area is remote and protects diverse species of alpine flora and fauna. It has an area of . The ecoregions covers the terrain above the treeline in the high ranges of the Western Sayan Mountians, in the Altai Republic, and the Eastern Sayan Mountains, reaching almost to Irkutsk. There are also some high areas in northern Mongolia.", "\"Tannu-Ola mountains\"\nTannu-Ola mountains The Tannu-Ola mountains , \"\"Tañdı-Uula\"\", , – Tangdy-Uula mountains; , \"\"Tağnîn nurú\"\", ) is a mountain range in southern Siberia, in the Tuva Republic of Russia. It extends in an east-west direction and curves along the Mongolian border. Its highest peak reaches . The northern slopes are part of the watershed of the Yenisei River, facing the western Sayan Mountains. The eastern end touches the large watershed of the Selenge River in Mongolia. The foothills of the southern slopes cross into Mongolian territory. They form the northern limits of a large basin of steppes that extends south to", "\"Ygg huur\"\nYgg huur Ygg huur is the fifth studio album by the American black metal band Krallice. The album was recorded between July 4 and 8 at Menegroth, The Thousand Caves Studio and was self-released digitally by the band on July 30, 2015, with physical versions released in September. The album received widespread critical acclaim for its dense, complex songwriting and unique sound, featuring on a number of end-of-year lists by music publications. Ygg huur has a highly technical, dense and complex style of metal, that has been described as \"\"[branching] out kaleidoscopically, intricate riffs alternate frantically, from insanely fast tremolos", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\nthe biodiversity of the region, according to the Fund, include poaching and illegal wildlife trade, industrial development, climate change, overgrazing and competition for pastures, unsustainable forestry, water pollution, and poverty. Beginning in the late 1990s, several government-level initiatives were begun with the stated purpose that included helping to preserve the Altai-Sayan ecoregion and biodiversity. In 1998, representatives of Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and Russia met in Urumqi to organize a trans-boundary nature reserve and launch joint biodiversity conservation programs. That same year, several republics in the Russian Federation (Tyva, Khakassia and Altai) also signed an environmental protection agreement. Five years later,", "\"Khakassia Nature Reserve\"\nsectors was established in 1999, and covers a total area of . The Khakasski Reserve is a collection of nine tracts of land covering two types of habitat - steppe and mountain taiga. The Minusinsk Depression is a low plain between the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range to the west, and the Sayan mountains to the east. The Khakassia steppe, which is part of the Altai-Sayan mountain region, has characteristics of mountain steppes. Steppe Group Mountain Taiga Group Khakasski is located in the \"\"Sayan montane conifer forests\"\" ecoregion, a region of mid-elevation mountains in the Altai-Sayan mountain range of central Asia.", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\nwide reed belts within the steppe. As a key part of the Central Asian Flyway, the wetlands support a number of rare and endangered migrating birds: Eurasian spoonbill (\"\"Platalea leucorodia\"\"), black stork (\"\"Ciconia nigra\"\"), osprey (\"\"Pandion haliaetus\"\"), white-tailed eagle (\"\"Haliaeetus albicilla\"\"), swan goose (\"\"Cygnopsis cygnoides\"\"), bar-headed goose (\"\"Anser indicus\"\"), and white pelican \"\"Pelecanus onocrotalus\"\". The World Wildlife Fund has conducted studies of the region. It has identified the Altai-Sayan ecoregion as a priority region for wildlife conservation. According to the World Wildlife Fund, \"\"The Altai-Sayan ecoregion is one of the last remaining untouched areas of the world.\"\" Furthermore: Threats to", "\"Tomskaya Pisanitsa Museum\"\nis 33 meters, it was built according to the canons of Old-Russian architecture of the best types of wood (pine and larch). During the activity of museum-preserve the holiday culture became its integral part. The largest holidays are Christmas, Shrovetide, Easter, Whitsun and Ivan Kupala Day (Feast of St. John the Baptist). In March 2006 the holiday \"\"Chyl-Pazhi\"\" took place in the territory of museum for the first time. This is the New Year of the Sayan-Altai region peoples. \"\"Chyl-Pazhi\"\" is the national holiday of the peoples of the Sayan-Altai (which include Shors and Teleuts, native residents of the Kuzbass),", "\"Richard Tandy\"\nDave Morgan and Martin Smith, both of whom had worked with ELO in live concerts. In 1985, the Tandy Morgan Band released the concept album \"\"Earthrise\"\". A remastered version was released on CD on the Rock Legacy label in 2011. A follow-up to \"\"Earthrise\"\" with previously unpublished tracks was released as \"\"The BC Collection\"\", containing one track written by Tandy: \"\"Enola Sad\"\". Tandy is featured on every ELO album except 1971's \"\"No Answer\"\", recorded by Wood, Lynne, Bevan, Bill Hunt and Steve Woolam prior to his arrival, and 2015's \"\"Alone in the Universe\"\", on which all of the instruments were", "\"Southern Siberian rainforest\"\nWorld Heritage Site. The Kuznetsk Alatau Nature Reserve is located near the Sayan Mountains. The region near Lake Baikal includes the Baikal Nature Reserve. Southern Siberian rainforest The Southern Siberian rainforest is an area of temperate rainforest in South Central Siberia that occurs primarily along the Altai and Sayan mountain ranges in Khakassia and Tuva as well as a small area in the Chamar-Daban Mountains near Lake Baikal in Buryatia. The forest encompasses a total area of approximately . The larger portion of the forest in the Altai and Sayan Mountains runs across a latitude range that encompasses between 51.5", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\nspecies that include the saiga, nerpa, and snow leopard. It is the focus of ongoing international and regional environmental conservation initiatives. The area is also culturally diverse, with four language groups (Russian, Mongolian, Sinitic and Turkic; historically also Samoyedic and Yeniseian) and more than 20 indigenous ethnic groups practicing traditional land use systems. There are also a variety of religions including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Tengrism and Shamanism. The region covers more than one million square kilometers, and has a population of between 5 and 6 million inhabitants. The Altai-Sayan ecoregions contain and share a name with the Altai Mountains and", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\nwestern boundary, and the Russian city of Irkutsk lies just outside the region to its east. The Altai-Sayan region's total population is estimated as about 5.5 million. Contained within this ecoregion is the Great Lakes Hollow, a large semi-arid depression, bounded by the Altai in the West, Khangai in the East and Tannu-Ola Mountains in the North. This contains six major lakes: the saline lakes Uvs Nuur, Khyargas Nuur and Dörgön Nuur; and freshwater lake Khar-Us Nuur, Khar Nuur and Airag Nuur. These are remnants of the West Siberian Glacial Lake, a periglacial lake formed when the Arctic Ocean outlets", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\nas do parts of the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture of China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, East Kazakhstan province of Kazakhstan, and the Mongolian Aimags of Govi-Altai, Khovd, Bayan-Ölgii, Uvs, Zavkhan, and Khövsgöl. At the far north of the Altai-Sayan region, near its boundary, is the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk (population above 900,000 in 2010 census). Other towns in the region include Kyzyl in Russia (pop. about 110,000 in 2008), as well as Ulaangom, Ulgii, and Khovd, all in Mongolia (each with population under 30,000). The Russian town of Gorno-Altaysk (pop. about 60,000 in 2010) lies within the region near its", "\"Sayan Intermontane steppe\"\nfrigida (Fringed sagebrush). There are portions of two significant protected areas in the Sayan intermontane steppe ecoregion: Sayan Intermontane steppe The Sayan intermontane steppe ecoregion (WWF ID:PA0815) is sometimes referred to as a \"\"steppe island\"\", being an expanse of grassland and shrubs surrounded by mountain forests in the Tyva Republic of south central Siberia, Russia. The Altai mountains are to the west, the Sayan mountains to the north, and the Tannu-Ola mountains to the south. The ecoregion is in the Temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome, and the Palearctic ecozone, with a Humid Continental climate. For much of its length,", "\"South Central Siberia\"\narea was a center of the Afanasevo culture, a suggested homeland for the Tocharians. Later it was the home of the Yenisei Kirghiz, who gave their name to the Kirgiz further south. The Khakas of Khakassia may be their descendants. East of the Altai and southeast of Minusinsk is Tuva. Tuva is bordered on the south by the Tannu-Ola Mountains, which separate it from the Mongolian Great Lakes Depression, on the west by the Altai, on the northwest by the Western Sayans which separate it from the Minusinsk Depression, on the north by the Eastern Sayans and on the east", "\"Reindeer in Russia\"\nreindeer subspecies Sayano-Altai stock; Khakassia stock; Tyva Republic: Siberian forest reindeer, \"\"R. t. angustifrons\"\"; Magadan area: Ohota forest reindeer, \"\"R. t. phylarchus\"\". According to Sev’yan I. Vainshtein, Sayan reindeer herding \"\"is the oldest form of reindeer herding\"\" and is associated with the \"\"earliest domestication of the reindeer by the Samoyedic taiga population\"\" of the Sayan Mountains at the \"\"turn of the first millenium A.D... The Sayan region was apparently the origin of the economic and cultural complex of reindeer hunters-herdsmen that we now see among the various Evenki groups and the peoples of the Sayan area.\"\" The Sayan ethnic groups", "\"Sayan Mountains\"\nThe Eastern Sayan extends from the Yenisei River at 92° E to the southwest end of Lake Baikal at 106° E. The Western Sayan forms the eastern continuation of the Altay Mountains, stretching for from 89° E to the middle of the Eastern Sayan at 96° E. While the general elevation is 2000 to , granites and metamorphic slates reach altitudes of over , with the highest being Mönkh Saridag at . The principal mountain passes lie 1800 to above the sea, for example Muztagh pass at , Mongol pass at , Tenghyz pass at and Obo-sarym pass at .", "\"Sayan Intermontane steppe\"\nSayan Intermontane steppe The Sayan intermontane steppe ecoregion (WWF ID:PA0815) is sometimes referred to as a \"\"steppe island\"\", being an expanse of grassland and shrubs surrounded by mountain forests in the Tyva Republic of south central Siberia, Russia. The Altai mountains are to the west, the Sayan mountains to the north, and the Tannu-Ola mountains to the south. The ecoregion is in the Temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome, and the Palearctic ecozone, with a Humid Continental climate. For much of its length, it follows the course of the upper Yenisei River. It covers . The ecoregion ranges over 500", "\"Altai Mountains\"\nAltai Mountains The Altai Mountains (; also spelled Altay Mountains; , \"\"Altay tuular\"\"; , \"\"Altai-yin niruɣu\"\" (Chakhar) or , \"\"Altain nuruu\"\" (Khalkha); , \"\"Altai’ tay’lary\"\", ; , \"\"Altajskije gory\"\"; , , Xiao'erjing: ; ) are a mountain range in Central and East Asia, where Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan come together, and are where the rivers Irtysh and Ob have their headwaters. The northwest end of the range is at 52° N and between 84° and 90° E (where it merges with the Sayan Mountains to the east), and extends southeast from there to about 45° N and 99° E,", "\"Southern Siberian rainforest\"\nSouthern Siberian rainforest The Southern Siberian rainforest is an area of temperate rainforest in South Central Siberia that occurs primarily along the Altai and Sayan mountain ranges in Khakassia and Tuva as well as a small area in the Chamar-Daban Mountains near Lake Baikal in Buryatia. The forest encompasses a total area of approximately . The larger portion of the forest in the Altai and Sayan Mountains runs across a latitude range that encompasses between 51.5 degrees to 56 degrees north latitude, and a longitude range running between 86 degrees to 95 degrees east longitude. The region overlaps with the", "\"Sayan Alpine meadows and tundra\"\nof different ecological zones. From treeline up to the barren rock zone, alpine meadows and associated species predominate. There are two significant nationally protected area that reach into this ecoregion: Sayan Alpine meadows and tundra The Sayan Alpine meadows and tundra ecoregion (WWF ID:PA1016) is an ecoregion that covers the high areas of the Sayan mountains above the treeline, between the Altai Mountains in the west and Lake Baikal in the east. The area is remote and protects diverse species of alpine flora and fauna. It has an area of . The ecoregions covers the terrain above the treeline in", "\"Altai falcon\"\nAltai falcon The Altai falcon (\"\"Falco cherrug altaicus\"\"?) is a large falcon of questionable taxonomic position. It is often considered to be a subspecies of the saker falcon (\"\"Falco cherrug\"\"). It used to have a high reputation among Central Asian falconers. It is uncertain whether the bird is a saker subspecies or a hybrid. The Altai falcon breeds in a relatively small area of Central Asia across the Altai and Sayan Mountains. This area overlaps with the much larger breeding area of the saker falcon \"\"(Falco cherrug)\"\". It appears that Altai falcons are either natural hybrids between sakers and gyrfalcons", "\"Altai falcon\"\nand greyish colour varieties. Altai falcon The Altai falcon (\"\"Falco cherrug altaicus\"\"?) is a large falcon of questionable taxonomic position. It is often considered to be a subspecies of the saker falcon (\"\"Falco cherrug\"\"). It used to have a high reputation among Central Asian falconers. It is uncertain whether the bird is a saker subspecies or a hybrid. The Altai falcon breeds in a relatively small area of Central Asia across the Altai and Sayan Mountains. This area overlaps with the much larger breeding area of the saker falcon \"\"(Falco cherrug)\"\". It appears that Altai falcons are either natural hybrids", "\"Deer stone\"\ncircles, diagonal slashes in groups of two and three known as \"\"faces\"\", and \"\"necklaces\"\", collection of stone pits resembling their namesake. The Sayan-Altai stones feature some of the West Asian-European markings, including free-floating, straight-legged animals, daggers and other tools. The appearance of deer motifs is markedly diminished, and those that do appear often do not emphasise the relationship between reindeer and flying. The Sayan-Altai stones can be sub-divided into two types: There are many common images that appear in deer stones, as well as a multitude of ways they are presented. Reindeer feature prominently in nearly all of the deer", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\nhumans may have taken refuge there during glacial interchanges and lived off the diverse game species. Malaya Syya in Khakassia, another ancient archeological site in the region, has been dated to 35,000 BCE. Recent genetic studies have shown that the some indigenous peoples of the Americas are partially derived from southern Altaians. According to the \"\"New Scientist\"\", the mix of mammals in the Altai-Sayan region has been among the least changed since the last ice age, in comparison to the mammalian population of any other region on earth. Its stability over time suggests that it may have acted as a", "\"Okladnikov Cave\"\nOkladnikov Cave Okladnikov Cave () is a paleoanthropological site located in the foothills of the Altai Mountains in Soloneshensky District, Altai Krai in southern Siberia, Russia. The cave faces south and is located on a Devonian karst escarpment, lying about above the left bank of the Sibiryachikha River valley below; the river itself is a tributary of the Anuy River. Okladnikov Cave is one of the most extensively studied Paleolithic sites in the Altai-Sayan region. A rich Mousterian stone industry, dating to between 33,000 and 44,000 years ago, was discovered, as well as several highly fragmented hominin fossils. Along with", "\"Pyotr Chikhachyov\"\nthe environs of city of Nice. In 1842, he published a geological description of the southern provinces of the Neapolitan kingdom. In the same year he took charge of a large expedition to the Altai. He reached the sources of the rivers Abakan, Chu, and Chulyshman. Traveling across the Southern Altai, Chikhachyov reached territories hitherto undiscovered. He investigated also the Sayan Mountains, about which the most fantastic stories were told, not only in Western Europe but also in Russia. In the Northern Altai he found the richest coal deposits in the world, which he called the Kuznetsk Coal Basin. He", "\"Sovetsky District, Altai Krai\"\nSovetsky District, Altai Krai Sovetsky District () is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the fifty-nine in Altai Krai, Russia. It is located in the southeast of the krai. The area of the district is . Its administrative center is the rural locality (a \"\"selo\"\") of Sovetskoye. Population: The population of Sovetskoye accounts for 31.8% of the district's total population. Sovetsky District is located on the south-central edge of Altai Krai, on the border with Altai Republic to the southeast. The terrain is mostly peidmont forest-steppe, just west of the foothills of the Western Sayan Range of the", "\"Ygg huur\"\nor less complete. Or until it is time to record the album, in which case we just go for it, and hope we can make it feel finished in the moment.\"\" The album generally received positive reviews. Pitchfork was positive in its assessment of the album, writing, \"\"\"\"Ygg Huur\"\" is more vivid, vexing, and meticulous than most of what the band's old peers still call black metal—a sentence Krallice no longer need to share.\"\" The \"\"Spin\"\" critic Colin Joyce described the album as \"\"the band’s most outwardly tortured material since their 2008 debut, when their take on black metal structures", "\"Geography of Russia\"\nthe Western Sayan, 3,200 meters in the Eastern Sayan, and 4,500 meters at Belukha Mountain in the Altay Mountains. The Eastern Sayan reach nearly to the southern shore of Lake Baikal; at the lake, there is an elevation difference of more than 4,500 meters between the nearest mountain, 2,840 meters high, and the deepest part of the lake, which is 1,700 meters below sea level. The mountain systems east of Lake Baikal are lower, forming a complex of minor ranges and valleys that reaches from the lake to the Pacific coast. The maximum height of the Stanovoy Range, which runs", "\"Altai Mountains\"\nthis lake issues the Biya, which joins the Katun at Biysk, and then meanders through the prairies of the north-west of the Altai. Farther north the Altai highlands are continued in the Kuznetsk district, which has a slightly different geological aspect, but still belongs to the Altai system. But the Abakan River, which rises on the western shoulder of the Sayan mountains, belongs to the system of the Yenisei. The Kuznetsk Ala-tau range, on the left bank of the Abakan, runs north-east into the government of Yeniseisk, while a complexus of mountains (Chukchut, Salair, Abakan) fills up the country northwards", "\"Saidash Mongush\"\nSaidash Mongush Saidash Mongush () (born on August 6, 1976) is a Tuvan folk musician from Kyzyl known for his throat singing performance. He has associated acts with popular Tuvan rock band Yat Kha and another folk group Huun Huur Tuu. Honored Artist of the Republic of Tuva, Tuvan-Uryanh (Tangdy-Uraanhay), kickboxing champion of the Republic of Tuva (1993), theater and film actor. Born on August 6, 1976 in Old Shagaan-Aryg (or Shagonar), he spent his childhood in Chadan. In 1993, he won the kickboxing championship of the Republic of Tuva. After secondary school, he studied at a vocational school as", "Tuvans\nof the Ak-Sayan and Kara-Sayan live mostly around Tere-Khol rayon. The state of the Altan-Khan disappeared due to constant warring between the Oirats and the Khalka of Jasaghtu Khan aimag. The Tuvans became part of the Dzungarian state ruled by the Oirats. The Dzungars ruled over all of the Sayano-Altay Plateau until 1755. It was during this time of Dzungarian rule that many tribes and clans broke up, moved around, and intermingled. Groups of Altayan Telengits settled in western Tuva on the Khemchik and Barlyk rivers and in the region of Bai-Taiga. Some Todzhans, Sayans, and Mingats ended up in", "\"Saidash Mongush\"\na hairdresser and an automobile dealer. In 2012, Mongush represented Tuva at the Hamag Mongol music festival in Elista. Also within the Hamag Mongol project he recorded some clips, in example \"\"Өдүген-Тайга\"\". Saidash Mongush Saidash Mongush () (born on August 6, 1976) is a Tuvan folk musician from Kyzyl known for his throat singing performance. He has associated acts with popular Tuvan rock band Yat Kha and another folk group Huun Huur Tuu. Honored Artist of the Republic of Tuva, Tuvan-Uryanh (Tangdy-Uraanhay), kickboxing champion of the Republic of Tuva (1993), theater and film actor. Born on August 6, 1976 in", "\"Alpine pika\"\nOn average, the female of the western Altai Mountains produces two litters, while in the northwestern Altai and the western Sayan Mountains she produces 2.7 litters—with 10% producing up to three litters in the latter case. In 1984, G.I. Makushin and G.I. Orlov determined the average annual mortality rate of the alpine pika to be 53% for populations living in forests and 41% for those living in the alpine zones—most of them aged between one and three years. The annual population density fluctuations of most populations were insignificant. The alpine pika can emit three different vocalizations. The long call is", "\"Baikal bullfinch\"\net al. All birds belonging to Genus Pyrrhula have a common ancestor: Pinicola enucleator. In Kazakhstan the bullfinch is a rare resident and common winter visitor. It breeds in the western Altai Mountains, including the Belaya Uba valley, and the Sayan Mountains (eastern Altai) of western Mongolia; in the southern Altai it breeds in the upper reaches of the Bukhtarma River, around Lake Markakol, and in the Kara-Kaba valley (where it intergrades with the nominate subspecies). On post-breeding dispersal and in winter it occurs mainly in the foothills and plains of eastern Kazakhstan, sometimes as far west as Semipalatinsk, Kurgaldzhino", "\"Geology of Russia\"\ngrowth, representing 800 Ma of development. The part of the Belt in Russia is believed to have formed when the Kokchetav and Altai-Mongolian terranes collided with the Siberia Craton. The Altai Structures reach into Russia, representing the extent of a mobile belt primarily lying south of the border. This is known as the Altai-Sayan orogen and is part of the belt present in Russia, along with the Transbaikalia and Primorje orogens. The Baikal-Stanovoy region is commonly held to be caused by various factors to account for the differing structures throughout the region. The Baikal-Stanovoy seismic belt underlies the region and", "\"Saylyugemsky National Park\"\nSaylyugemsky National Park Saylyugemsky National Park () sits at the mountainous \"\"X\"\" where the borders of Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China meet in the Altai Mountains of central Asia. Because of its remoteness and position at the meeting points of mountains, steppes, desert and forest, it is a globally important natural reserve for biodiversity. The park was formally established in 2010–2012, with a particular purpose of protecting the vulnerable Altai argali mountain sheep and the endangered Snow leopard. The component Saylyugem Mountains are a ridge of the Altai, and stretch to the northeast to the Sayan Mountains. The climate is", "\"Iris bloudowii\"\nfound within the Siberian region, of the Russian Federation, in the states of Aga Buryat, Buryatia, Chita, Gorno-Altay, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tuva and Primorye. It is also found in Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. It is also found in China, within the Chinese provinces, of Xinjiang, (also known as 'Chinese Turkestan'). This includes the Altai Mountains, and Tien Shan Mountains. It is listed with \"\"Iris glaucescens\"\", \"\"Iris humilis\"\", \"\"Iris ruthenica\"\", \"\"Iris sibirica\"\", \"\"Iris tenuifolia\"\" and \"\"Iris tigridia\"\" being found in the Altai-Sayan region (where Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan come together). It grows on the grassy meadow slopes of mountains, on the edge", "\"Altai Mountains\"\nwhere it gradually becomes lower and merges into the high plateau of the Gobi Desert. The name \"\"Altai\"\" means \"\"Gold Mountain\"\" in Mongolian; \"\"alt\"\" (gold) and \"\"tai\"\" (suffix – \"\"with\"\"; \"\"the mountain with gold\"\") and also in its Chinese name, derived from the Mongol name (). In Turkic languages \"\"altın\"\" means gold and \"\"dağ\"\" means mountain. The controversial Altaic language family takes its name from this mountain range. In the north of the region is the Sailughem Mountains, also known as \"\"Kolyvan Altai\"\", which stretch northeast from 49° N and 86° E towards the western extremity of the Sayan Mountains", "\"Iris ludwigii\"\nLudwigia\"\" for this species. But after chromosomal studies were carried out it was then placed in \"\"Series Spuriae\"\". It was mentioned in 'Vascular Plants of Russia and Adjacent States (the Former USSR)'. It was verified by United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service on 4 April 2003. \"\"Iris ludwigii\"\" is native to temperate regions of Asia. It is found in Altai Mountains, between east Kazakhstan, and Siberia, and Altai Republic in Russia. It is listed with \"\"Iris bloudowii\"\", \"\"Iris psammocola\"\", \"\"Iris ruthenica\"\", \"\"Iris sibirica\"\", \"\"Iris tenuifolia\"\" and \"\"Iris tigridia\"\" as being found in the Altai-Sayan region (where Russia, China,", "\"Okladnikov Cave\"\nsites primarily based on their strategic locations close to rivers and within valleys, locations ideal for hunting prey. During the early to middle Late Pleistocene, the broader region in general was most likely composed of forest and forest tundra, based on a mix of conifer and some broad-leaved trees. Under these conditions, the Altai-Sayan region provided the early hominin inhabitants with a very appealing environment. Okladnikov Cave Okladnikov Cave () is a paleoanthropological site located in the foothills of the Altai Mountains in Soloneshensky District, Altai Krai in southern Siberia, Russia. The cave faces south and is located on a", "\"Altai-Sayan region\"\nrefugium for Mammoth Steppe fauna both during and between ice ages. There are three major UNESCO World Culture and Natural Heritage Sites in the ecoregion – the Golden Mountains of Altai, consisting of the Altai and Katun Natural Reserves, Lake Teletskoye, Belukha Mountain, and the Ukok Plateau; Lake Baikal, which forms part of the eastern border of the region, and Uvs Nuur Basin in the Great Lakes Hollow. The Great Lakes Hollow, in addition to its saline lakes, contains some of the most important wetlands of Central Asia. The wetlands are based on the system of interconnected shallow lakes with", "\"Altai Nature Reserve\"\nplateaus there are over 1,000 alpine lakes greater than 1 hectare in size. Altai is located in the Sayan montane conifer forests ecoregion. This ecoregion is characterized by mountains dissected by river valleys, high levels of precipitation, and high biodiversity. Flora is generally dependent on the elevation and terrain, with forest having three main subzones based on altitude: light needle-leaf sparse taiga, dark needle-leaf taiga, and dark taiga. The Altai reserve has been for the most part undisturbed by human activity, and is one of the few remaining pristine areas of this ecoregion. It covers 9.4% of the entire Republic", "\"Iris ruthenica\"\nin forest clearings in the forest-meadow mountain belt. Forming a thicket ground-cover. In Mongolia it is found under Pinus sylvestris/Betula platyphylla subtaiga forests, in montane meadow steppes with \"\"Festuca lenensis\"\" and \"\"Artemisia sericea\"\" and in \"\"Pinus sibirica\"\"/\"\"Picea obovata\"\" dark taiga forests (within the upper montane belt with \"\"Rubus saxatilis\"\" and \"\"Lathyrus humilis\"\"). Elsewhere in Eurasia, it is found in the Larch forests of Altai and Sayan mountains including Tuva). It is also found in Tuvan Forests as a subcanopy woody species. On the Altai Mountains, it is found with other mountain flowers including Siberian Dogs-tooth Violet (\"\"Erythronium krylovii\"\"), Altai Foxtail", "\"Qiu Chuji\"\nand its vicinity, the account of the land and products of Samarkand in the Ili Valley at or near Almalig-Kulja, and the description of various great mountain ranges, peaks and defiles, such as the Chinese Altay, the Tian Shan, Bogdo Uula, and the Iron Gates of Termit. There is, moreover, a noteworthy reference to a land apparently identical with the uppermost valley of the Yenisei. After his return, Changchun lived in Beijing until his death on 23 July 1227. By order of Genghis Khan, some of the former imperial garden grounds were given to him for the foundation of a", "Keraites\nKeraites The Keraites (also \"\"Kerait, Kereit, Khereid\"\" ; ) were one of the five dominant Turco-Mongol tribal confederations (khanates) in the Altai-Sayan region during the 12th century. They had converted to the Church of the East (Nestorianism) in the early 11th century and are one of the possible sources of the European Prester John legend. Their original territory was expansive, corresponding to much of what is now Mongolia. Vasily Bartold (1913) located them along the upper Onon and Kherlen rivers and along the Tuul river. They were defeated by Genghis Khan in 1203 and became influential in the rise of" ]
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when did piracy hit its apex in the caribbean
[ "1660s to 1730s" ]
[ "\"True Caribbean Pirates\"\nTrue Caribbean Pirates True Caribbean Pirates is a documentary which aired on The History Channel in 2006. The documentary tells about pirates of the Caribbean such as Blackbeard, Henry Morgan, Anne Bonny and Black Bart Roberts. Larger than life, more dangerous than legend - pirates and buccaneers set sail for plunder. True Caribbean Pirates recreates the rise of piracy in the Caribbean and its climactic, inevitable downfall. \"\"True Caribbean Pirates\"\" captures the events and tales of piracy that were said to take place in the Caribbean during the time when Christopher Columbus made his landing in the West Indies during", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nat its height and its symbolic interpretation of freedom was well received. This abstract ideal was very appealing to slaves and victims of imperialism. Even though the main European powers did not want slaves to find out about the freedom that piracy offered, “...30 percent of the 5000 or more pirates who were active between 1715 and 1725 were of African heritage.” Along with the opportunity of a new life and freedom, the indigenous people of Africa were greeted with equality when they joined pirating communities. Many slaves turned pirate “secured” a position of leadership or prestige on pirating vessels,", "\"Piracy on Lake Nicaragua\"\nPiracy on Lake Nicaragua Piracy on Lake Nicaragua refers to an era in Nicaraguan history from 1665 to 1857, when Caribbean pirates and filibusters operated in the lake and the surrounding shores. The Spanish city of Granada, located on the lake, was an important trading centre for much of its early history so it was a prime target for pirates such as Henry Morgan and freebooters like William Walker. Lake Nicaragua, then called the Sweet Sea, is the largest freshwater lake in Central America and is connected to the Caribbean Sea by the San Juan River. Due to the burning", "\"True Caribbean Pirates\"\ntruth from the tales; truly depicting the true story of Piracy’s Golden Age. True Caribbean Pirates True Caribbean Pirates is a documentary which aired on The History Channel in 2006. The documentary tells about pirates of the Caribbean such as Blackbeard, Henry Morgan, Anne Bonny and Black Bart Roberts. Larger than life, more dangerous than legend - pirates and buccaneers set sail for plunder. True Caribbean Pirates recreates the rise of piracy in the Caribbean and its climactic, inevitable downfall. \"\"True Caribbean Pirates\"\" captures the events and tales of piracy that were said to take place in the Caribbean during", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nPiracy in the Caribbean ]The era of piracy in the Caribbean began in the 1500s and phased out in the 1830s after the navies of the nations of Western Europe and North America with colonies in the Caribbean began combating pirates. The period during which pirates were most successful was from the 1660s to 1730s. Piracy flourished in the Caribbean because of the existence of pirate seaports such as Port Royal in Jamaica, Tortuga in Haiti, and Nassau in the Bahamas. Piracy in the Caribbean was part of a larger historical phenomenon of piracy, as it existed close to major", "\"Piracy on Lake Nicaragua\"\na message on a lance which read \"\"\"\"Here was Granada\"\"\"\". William Walker surrendered to the United States Navy commander Charles Henry Davis in the sloop-of-war on May 1, 1857 and he was later executed for piracy by the government of Honduras. Piracy on Lake Nicaragua Piracy on Lake Nicaragua refers to an era in Nicaraguan history from 1665 to 1857, when Caribbean pirates and filibusters operated in the lake and the surrounding shores. The Spanish city of Granada, located on the lake, was an important trading centre for much of its early history so it was a prime target for", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nmerchants and smugglers potential inroads into the traditionally closed Spanish markets in America and leading to an economic revival for the whole region. This revived Caribbean trade provided rich new pickings for a wave of piracy. Also contributing to the increase of Caribbean piracy at this time was Spain's breakup of the English logwood settlement at Campeche and the attractions of a freshly sunken silver fleet off the southern Bahamas in 1715. This last large resurgence of piracy saw a change in attitude of the colonial powers towards piracy. It had once been seen as a somewhat minor offense only", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nAmericas. This arrangement provoked constant smuggling against the Spanish trading laws and new attempts at Caribbean colonization in peacetime by England, France and the Netherlands. Whenever a war was declared in Europe between the Great Powers the result was always widespread piracy and privateering throughout the Caribbean. The Anglo-Spanish War in 1585–1604 was partly due to trade disputes in the New World. A focus on extracting mineral and agricultural wealth from the New World rather than building productive, self-sustaining settlements in its colonies; inflation fueled in part by the massive shipments of silver and gold to Western Europe; endless rounds", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nthe Caribbean due to the growth of the slave trade. Pirates saw the slave trade as a new lucrative source of income. They could easily capture a crew and ransom the valuable slaves that were their cargo. As the piracy increasingly interfered with the lucrative slave trade come from the Caribbean, colonial powers had a changing attitude towards piracy. Military presence had been growing in Caribbean waters for some time, but now the Royal Navy especially was more concerned with the growing issue of slavery, increasing the number of ships dedicated to policing slavery from two in 1670 to twenty-four", "\"Piracy in the Atlantic World\"\nthrough various lenses. Modern scholars have posited many reasons for the rise in piracy in the early eighteenth century, from a growing social emphasis on economics and capitalism to rebellion against an oppressive upper class. Recent academic books on piracy in the Atlantic World focus on the pirates and their relationships with the wider world. Piracy in the Atlantic World Piracy was a phenomenon that was not limited to the Caribbean region. Golden Age pirates roamed off the coast of North America, Africa and the Caribbean. Pirates and sailors are important in understanding how the Atlantic world looked and worked.", "Piracy\nprovided no legal representation for the pirates; and ultimately led in this era to the execution of 600 pirates, which represented approximately 10 percent of the pirates active at the time in the Caribbean region. Being an accessory to piracy was also criminalised under the statute. Piracy saw a brief resurgence between the end of the War of the Spanish Succession in 1713 and around 1720, as many unemployed seafarers took to piracy as a way to make ends meet when a surplus of sailors after the war led to a decline in wages and working conditions. At the same", "Piracy\njurisdictions lack the resources to monitor their borders adequately. The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) defines piracy as: Given the diverging definitions of piracy in international and municipal legal systems, some authors argue that greater uniformity in the law is required in order to strengthen anti-piracy legal instruments. Pirates are a frequent topic in fiction and, in their Caribbean incarnation, are associated with certain stereotypical manners of speaking and dress, some of them wholly fictional: \"\"nearly all our notions of their behavior come from the golden age of fictional piracy, which reached its zenith in 1881 with the appearance of Robert", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\ncase - for the murder of his niece. He was held in awe and dread by most of the population and was frequently seen strolling grandly about Port of Spain in the early 1950s wearing bright, stylish clothes. Mothers, nannies, and ajees would warn their children: \"\"Behave yourself, man, or Boysie goyn getchu, allyuh!\"\" Boysie Singh died in Port of Spain by being hanged in 1957 for the murder of a dancer, Hattie Werk. Piracy in the Caribbean ]The era of piracy in the Caribbean began in the 1500s and phased out in the 1830s after the navies of the", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nanother haven for Dutch sugar planters and their African slave labor. In 1648, the Dutch agreed to divide the prosperous island in half with the French. The late 17th and early 18th centuries (particularly between the years 1716 to 1726) are often considered the \"\"Golden Age of Piracy\"\" in the Caribbean, and pirate ports experienced rapid growth in the areas in and surrounding the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Furthermore, during this time period there were approximately 2400 men that were currently active pirates. The military power of the Spanish Empire in the New World started to decline when King Philip", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nof “pirate hunters” who were bribed with all or at least most of the wealth that they would find aboard pirate vessels, along with a set bounty. The most renowned pirate hunter was Captain William Kidd, who hit the peak of his legal career in 1695 but later saw the benefits of illegal piracy and made that his new vocation. The most well-known privateer corsairs of the eighteenth century in the Spanish colonies were Miguel Enríquez of Puerto Rico and José Campuzano-Polanco of Santo Domingo.Miguel Enríquez was a Puerto Rican mulatto who abandoned his work as a shoemaker to work", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nships along the Atlantic Coast, but was captured along the South Carolina coast in 1718. This early 18th century resurgence of piracy lasted only until the Royal Navy and the Spanish \"\"Guardacosta\"\"s presence in the Caribbean were enlarged to deal with the threat. Also crucial to the end of this era of piracy was the loss of the pirates' last Caribbean safe haven at Nassau. The famous pirates of the early 18th century were a completely illegal remnant of a golden buccaneering age, and their choices were limited to quick retirement or eventual capture. Contrast this with the earlier example", "\"New Orleans Squadron\"\nLafitte's ships in 1819. Both cutters were temporarily serving with the New Orleans station at the time.) On the other side of the Gulf of Mexico, and in the Caribbean, attacks on American merchant ships by Spanish and Central American pirates increased. Over the course of the next decade, thousands of attacks on merchant vessels by West Indies pirates were reported; many of the victims were American ships. In 1821, the first U.S. Navy fleet created specifically to fight piracy in the Caribbean became known as the West Indies Squadron. When this squadron was deployed, piracy in the New Orleans", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nHispaniolan settlements were becoming major importers of African slaves as French sugar plantations spread across the western coast of that island, forming the nucleus of the modern nation of Haiti. The decline of piracy in the Caribbean paralleled the decline of the use of mercenaries and the rise of national armies in Europe. Following the end of the Thirty Years' War the direct power of the state in Europe expanded. Armies were systematized and brought under direct state control; the Western European states' navies were expanded and their mission was extended to cover combating piracy. The elimination of piracy from", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nEuropean waters expanded to the Caribbean beginning as early as 1600 with the expansion of standing Royal Naval vessels in the Caribbean, numbering 124 by 1718. Other colonial powers soon followed suit and by the beginning of the nineteenth century, France, Spain, and the United States had all stationed ships in the Caribbean. Due to a high degree of tension among the colonial powers, most of the ships stationed in the Caribbean were more concerned with engaging each other than they were with engaging the pirates of the time. However, this same time period saw a resurgence of piracy in", "Piracy\nown countrymen, while the growth of Port Royal provided these raiders with a far more profitable and enjoyable place to sell their booty. In the 1660s, the new French governor of Tortuga, Bertrand d'Ogeron, similarly provided privateering commissions both to his own colonists and to English cutthroats from Port Royal. These conditions brought Caribbean buccaneering to its zenith. A new phase of piracy began in the 1690s as English pirates began to look beyond the Caribbean for treasure. The fall of Britain's Stuart kings had restored the traditional enmity between Britain and France, thus ending the profitable collaboration between English", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\ntrade and exploration routes in nearly all the five oceans. Pirates were often former sailors experienced in naval warfare. Beginning in the 16th century, pirate captains recruited seamen to loot European merchant ships, especially the Spanish treasure fleets sailing from the Caribbean to Europe. The following quote by an 18th-century Welsh captain shows the motivations for piracy: —Pirate Captain Bartholomew Roberts Piracy was sometimes given legal status by the colonial powers, especially France under King Francis I (r.1515–1547), in the hope of weakening Spain and Portugal's \"\"mare clausum\"\" trade monopolies in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. This officially sanctioned piracy", "\"Piracy in the Atlantic World\"\nwas converting a group of French ships that he had captured for his own use when the Swallow sailed up to engage. Roberts would fight Ogle despite being outmanned and outgunned; he fell during the battle. With arguably the most famous pirates of the time gone, and the American coast and Caribbean swarming with the royal navy and privateers hired by governors of the American colonies, piracy was systematically hunted to near extinction. In the Atlantic world of the 17th and 18th centuries piracy was defined as any criminal act committed on the high seas. This means that many of", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nby 1700. Despite increasing military power, Piracy saw a brief resurgence between the end of the War of the Spanish Succession in 1713 and around 1720, as many unemployed seafarers took to piracy as a way to make ends meet when a surplus of sailors after the war led to a decline in wages and working conditions. At the same time, one of the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht that ended the war gave to Great Britain's Royal African Company and other British slavers a thirty-year asiento, or contract, to furnish African slaves to the Spanish colonies, providing British", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nof Henry Morgan, who for his privateering efforts was knighted by the English Crown and appointed the lieutenant governor of Jamaica. In the early 19th century, piracy along the East and Gulf Coasts of North America as well as in the Caribbean increased again. Jean Lafitte was a pirate/privateer operating in the Caribbean and in American waters from his havens in Texas and Louisiana during the 1810s. But the records of the US Navy indicate that hundreds of pirate attacks occurred in American and Caribbean waters between the years of 1820 and 1835. The Latin American Wars of Independence led", "\"Highways in Nunavut\"\nkeep their soldiers busy while they waited for the sea-ice to open up to let them go home in the summer of 1956. The bridge across Kujesse (Apex Creek) was a gift from the Government of Ontario's Department of Highways the following year. The inaugural trip down Apex Hill led to a truckload of soldiers in the ditch. The brakes on the army vehicle had not been tested for several years in the \"\"flats\"\" of what was then Frobisher Bay, and they did not hold when tested on the new road. Only pride was injured when the truck hit the", "Piracy\nCaesar was kidnapped and briefly held by Cilician pirates and held prisoner in the Dodecanese islet of Pharmacusa. The Senate finally invested the general Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus with powers to deal with piracy in 67 BC (the \"\"Lex Gabinia\"\"), and Pompey, after three months of naval warfare, managed to suppress the threat. Though less famous and romanticized than Atlantic or Caribbean pirates, corsairs in the Mediterranean equaled or outnumbered the former at any given point in history. Mediterranean piracy was conducted almost entirely with galleys until the mid-17th century, when they were gradually replaced with highly maneuverable sailing vessels such", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nattacked by pirates, then one must fight back and attempt to resist to the capture of their ship lest they receive six months imprisonment. With royal attitudes growing so harsh towards the pirates in the Caribbean, many fled to areas of the world where piracy may still be a profitable trade. Black Bart, Bartholomew Roberts, perhaps the most successful pirate that had sailed in the Caribbean, eventually returned to Africa in 1722. Other, less successful pirates from the golden age in the Caribbean attempted to flee North to the Americas. Stede Bonnet, an accomplice of Blackbeard, supposedly began to plunder", "Piracy\ntime, one of the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht that ended the war gave to Great Britain's Royal African Company and other British slavers a thirty-year asiento, or contract, to furnish African slaves to the Spanish colonies, providing British merchants and smugglers potential inroads into the traditionally closed Spanish markets in America and leading to an economic revival for the whole region. This revived Caribbean trade provided rich new pickings for a wave of piracy. Also contributing to the increase of Caribbean piracy at this time was Spain's breakup of the English logwood settlement at Campeche and the attractions", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nmeaning they asserted they were pregnant. The judge immediately postponed their death sentence because no English court had the authority to kill an unborn child. Read died in prison of fever before the birth of the child. There is no record of Anne being executed and it was rumored her wealthy father had paid a ransom and took her home; other accounts of what happened to her include that she returned to piracy or became a nun. In the Caribbean the use of privateers was especially popular for what amounted to legal and state-ordered piracy. The cost of maintaining a", "\"Piracy in the Atlantic World\"\nPiracy in the Atlantic World Piracy was a phenomenon that was not limited to the Caribbean region. Golden Age pirates roamed off the coast of North America, Africa and the Caribbean. Pirates and sailors are important in understanding how the Atlantic world looked and worked. Defying traditional alliances, attacking and capturing merchant vessels of all nations, pirates wreaked havoc on an emerging economic system, disrupted trade routes and created a crisis within an increasingly important system of trade centered on the Atlantic world. They were ready and willing participants in the exchange of people, ideas, and commodities around the Atlantic", "Piracy\npiracy from European waters expanded to the Caribbean in the 18th century, West Africa and North America by the 1710s and by the 1720s even the Indian Ocean was a difficult location for pirates to operate. England began to strongly turn against piracy at the turn of the 18th century, as it was increasingly damaging to the country's economic and commercial prospects in the region. The Piracy Act of 1698 for the \"\"more effectual suppression of Piracy\"\" made it easier to capture, try and convict pirates by lawfully enabling acts of piracy to be \"\"examined, inquired of, tried, heard and", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\n\"\"impregnable\"\" city of Panama. Morgan's men burnt the city to the ground, and the inhabitants were either killed or forced to flee. Although the burning of Panama City did not mean any great financial gain for Morgan, it was a deep blow to Spanish power and pride in the Caribbean and Morgan became the hero of the hour in England. At the height of his career, Morgan had been made a titled nobleman by the English Crown and lived on an enormous sugar plantation in Jamaica, as lieutenant governor. Morgan died in his bed, rich and respected—something rarely achieved by", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nto use it as their primary home port in the Caribbean. Like Trinidad, merchants in the trans-Atlantic trade who based themselves on Barbados always paid good money for tobacco and sugar. Both of these commodities remained the key cash crops of this period and fueled the growth of the American Southern Colonies as well as their counterparts in the Caribbean. After the destruction of Fort Caroline by the Spanish, the French made no further colonization attempts in the Caribbean for several decades as France was convulsed by its own Catholic-Protestant religious divide during the late 16th century Wars of Religion.", "\"History of the Caribbean\"\nand others on related topics and included gruesome engravings depicting Spanish cruelty. Spain’s relations with England further soured upon the crowning of Elizabeth in 1558. She openly supported the Dutch insurrection and aided Huguenot forces in France. After decades of increasing tensions and confrontations in the northern Atlantic and the Caribbean, Anglo-Spanish hostilities broke out in 1585, when the English Crown dispatched over 7,000 troops to the Netherlands and Queen Elizabeth liberally granted licenses for privateers to carry out piracy against Spain’s Caribbean possessions and vessels. Tensions further intensified in 1587, when Elizabeth I ordered the execution of Catholic Mary", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nmilitary forces now on-station in the West Indies, letters of marque were harder and harder to obtain. Economically, the late 17th century and the early 18th century was a time of growing wealth and trade for all the nations who controlled territory in the Caribbean. Although some piracy would always remain until the mid-18th century, the path to wealth in the Caribbean in the future lay through peaceful trade, the growing of tobacco, rice and sugar and smuggling to avoid the British Navigation Acts and Spanish mercantilist laws. By the 18th century the Bahamas had become the new colonial frontier", "Buccaneer\nviewed buccaneers as trespassers and a threat to their hegemony in the Caribbean basin, over the second half of the 17th century other European powers learned to perceive them in the same way. These new powers had appropriated and secured territories in the area and needed to protect them. Buccaneers who did not settle down on agriculture or some other acceptable business after the so-called Golden Age of Piracy proved a nuisance to them, too. Spanish anti-pirate practices became thus a model for all recently arrived colonial governments. Some expanded them. When caught by anti-pirate English authorities, 17th and 18th", "\"Captaincy General of Puerto Rico\"\ncenturies, the \"\"situado\"\" often did not reach Puerto Rico. The number of permanent soldiers under Menéndez de Valdés went from fifty to just over two hundred, and was later raised to over four hundred in 1596, the number at which it would stay for the next century. The improvements to the city's defenses proved to be ready by the time they faced their first major challenge, an assault by a 27-ship fleet led by Francis Drake. The island would also serve as an important bastion in Spain's struggles against the piracy practiced by its rivals in the Caribbean; this continued", "\"Piracy in the Atlantic World\"\nwere far and wide across the Atlantic and in the Caribbean. Many Buccaneers started out in the French West India Company taking these exact routes. These routes were used for trading goods throughout Latin America and the Caribbean Islands. The Buccaneers had many successful but probably the most famous was Captain Morgan. Captain Morgan was responsible for raids in Cuba, Panama, and Venezuela. Captain Morgan like many Bucs did his time in Jamaica as a common seaman. Morgan soon became the captain of a fleet of 500 men. Privateers were sanctioned by their respective governments to raid enemy vessels. The", "\"Pirate Round\"\nin the naval and privateer services. The end of British participation in the war in 1713 led to an explosive increase in piracy in the Caribbean, but did not yet revive the Pirate Round. However, in 1718 Woodes Rogers pacified Nassau, while colonial Virginia and South Carolina prosecuted aggressive anti-pirate campaigns, destroying Blackbeard, Stede Bonnet and Richard Worley. Caribbean and Atlantic pirates began to seek safer hunting grounds, leading to a brief resurgence in the Pirate Round. Meanwhile, James Plaintain founded a new pirate base at Ranter Bay in Madagascar. Among the last pirates to frequent Madagascar waters from 1719", "\"Piracy in the 21st century\"\nPiracy in the 21st century Piracy in the 21st century has taken place in a number of waters around the world, including the Gulf of Guinea, Strait of Malacca, Indian Ocean, and Falcon Lake. Due to the crisis in Bolivarian Venezuela, issues of piracy returned to the Caribbean in the 2010s, with the increase of pirates being compared to piracy off the coast of Somalia due to the similar socioeconomic origins. In 2016, former fisherman became pirates, appearing in the state of Sucre, with attacks happening almost daily and multiple killings occurring. By 2018 as Venezuelans became more desperate, fears", "\"Western Caribbean Zone\"\non the isthmus. Pirates or buccaneers, some of whom were formerly privateers, took over much of activity of the earlier privateers, especially during the Golden Age of Piracy (1660–1720). Operating from bases within the Caribbean, such as Tortuga and later Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, pirates regularly raided Spanish possessions and shipping along the whole of the Western Caribbean. They frequently stopped to re-supply at such places as Rio de la Hacha, Darien (which they also used as a base for raids on Panama or to cross to the Pacific) or the Miskito areas. When the European colonial powers began", "\"Blackbeard's Castle\"\nthe fort itself did not provide an ideal view of incoming ships entering the harbor. It is not known what year Skytsborg took on the name of Blackbeard's Castle, but the infamous Edward Teach, commonly known as Blackbeard, did sail the Caribbean waters in the early 18th century. It has become part of the lore of the island that he used the tower as a lookout for his own purposes of piracy. It was the centerpiece of a private residence for many years, and was turned into a hotel, but is no longer open to the public. Blackbeard's Castle Blackbeard's", "\"Treaty of Madrid (1670)\"\nSpanish in Florida who despite protests had to accept the newly encroached English colony of Charleston. Although piracy was suppressed, English ships were now able to roam the Caribbean sea without hindrance.<ref name=\"\"Sankey/Francis\"\">Sankey pp. 663-64</ref> England had sought this in negotiations with Spain but they had refused in 1655 which was the original reason for the outbreak of war. Spain's acquiescence reversed their previous position that defined any English person in the West Indies as an intruder or a pirate. News of the treaty however did not reach the Caribbean in time for Henry Morgan who on 28 January 1671", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nprivateers like François Leclerc or Jean Fleury, both in the Caribbean and across the Atlantic, all along the route from the Caribbean to Seville. To combat this constant danger, in the 1560s the Spanish adopted a convoy system. A treasure fleet or \"\"flota\"\" would sail annually from Seville (and later from Cádiz) in Spain, carrying passengers, troops, and European manufactured goods to the Spanish colonies of the New World. This cargo, though profitable, was really just a form of ballast for the fleet as its true purpose was to transport the year's worth of silver to Europe. The first stage", "\"José Gaspar\"\nUnited States Navy archives have found no mention of Gaspar in ships' logs or in official court records of the hundreds of piracy trials held during the era when he was supposedly the most feared pirate on the Gulf Coast. While the \"\"USS Enterprise\"\" was assigned to the West Indies Squadron tasked with suppressing piracy in the Caribbean, it is documented to have been in Cuba in December 1821, not in Charlotte Harbor, where Gaspar's last battle is said to have taken place. There is also no physical evidence to support Gaspar's existence. Though some versions of the story claim", "\"Apex High School\"\nChampion. The marching band has performed at Walt Disney World, Universal Studios Florida, and on Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. Apex concert bands have consistently placed Superior at state concert festival. Apex High School Orchestra is known for having strong players who participate in the NC Eastern Regional Orchestra, NC Honors Orchestra and the Raleigh Sinfonietta. Under the direction of Todd Miller, they perform at the Halle Cultural Arts Center. They play music from all periods of Classical music and modern pop music. Apex High School is also known for its Guitar Ensemble, also directed by Miller. The guitar program is", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nJamaica had been taken over by England and its chief settlement of Port Royal had become a new English buccaneer haven in the midst of the Spanish Empire. Jamaica was slowly transformed, along with Saint Kitts, into the heart of the English presence in the Caribbean. At the same time the French Lesser Antilles colonies of Guadeloupe and Martinique remained the main centers of French power in the Caribbean, as well as among the richest French possessions because of their increasingly profitable sugar plantations. The French also maintained privateering strongholds around western Hispaniola, at their traditional pirate port of Tortuga,", "\"History of the Caribbean\"\nprivateering became more widespread and violent beginning in the 1620s. English incursions in the Spanish-claimed Caribbean boomed during Queen Elizabeth’s rule. These actions originally took the guise of well-organized, large-scale smuggling expeditions headed by piratical smugglers the likes of John Hawkins, John Oxenham, and Francis Drake; their primary objectives were smuggling African slaves into Spain’s Caribbean possessions in exchange for tropical products. The first instances of English mercantile piracy took place in 1562–63, when Hawkins’ men raided a Portuguese vessel off the coast of Sierra Leone, captured the 300 slaves on board, and smuggled them into Santo Domingo in exchange", "Piracy\nisland of New Providence in the Bahamas, which had been abandoned during the war. Until the arrival of governor Woodes Rogers three years later, Nassau would be home for these pirates and their many recruits. Shipping traffic between Africa, the Caribbean, and Europe began to soar in the 18th century, a model that was known as triangular trade, and was a rich target for piracy. Trade ships sailed from Europe to the African coast, trading manufactured goods and weapons in exchange for slaves. The traders would then sail to the Caribbean to sell the slaves, and return to Europe with", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nof Sail and the classical idea of pirates in the Caribbean ended. Privateering, similar to piracy, continued as an asset in war for a few more decades and proved to be of some importance during the naval campaigns of the American Civil War. Privateering would remain a tool of European states, and even of the newborn United States, until the mid-19th century's Declaration of Paris. But letters of marque were given out much more sparingly by governments and were terminated as soon as conflicts ended. The idea of \"\"no peace beyond the Line\"\" was a relic that had no meaning", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nSpanish garrisons. In these cities European manufactured goods could command premium prices for sale to the colonists, while the trade goods of the New World—tobacco, cocoa and other raw materials, were shipped back to Europe. By 1600, Porto Bello had replaced Nombre de Dios (where Sir Francis Drake had first attacked a Spanish settlement) as the Isthmus of Panama's Caribbean port for the Spanish Silver Train and the annual treasure fleet. Veracruz, the only port city open to trans-Atlantic trade in New Spain, continued to serve the vast interior of New Spain as its window on the Caribbean. By the", "\"Alan Lewrie\"\nit to include First Lord of the Admiralty, Richard Howe. As a reward for his service in the Far East, Lewrie is given command of a small vessel and dispatched once more to the Caribbean in \"\"The Gun Ketch\"\"; he also marries Caroline Chiswick. In the Bahamas, Lewrie experiences the futility of attempting to enforce the Navigation Act and rampant local corruption which turns a blind eye to piracy and shipwrecking. Lewrie places his career, and life of his new wife and infant son, in jeopardy by pursuing a piracy ring and exposing its leaders. Following several years of peaceful", "\"Barry M. Gough\"\nthat this is \"\"likely to remain the definitive work on this subject for years to come.\"\" The following year, research into Spanish and English archival sources became the 2018 book by Gough and Charles Borras, \"\"The War Against the Pirates: British and American Suppression of Caribbean Piracy in the Early Nineteenth Century\"\", which examines the roots of piracy in those seas and how its suppression laid the foundation for the decline of the Spanish empire in the Americas. Barry M. Gough Barry Morton Gough (born 17 September 1938) is a global maritime and naval historian based on Canada's Pacific coast.", "\"Piracy in the 21st century\"\nPirates in the Singapore Straits attack at night, while ships are underway or anchored. According to the Control Risks Group, pirate attacks in the Strait of Malacca had by mid-November 2013 reached a world high, surpassing those in the Gulf of Guinea. Piracy in the 21st century Piracy in the 21st century has taken place in a number of waters around the world, including the Gulf of Guinea, Strait of Malacca, Indian Ocean, and Falcon Lake. Due to the crisis in Bolivarian Venezuela, issues of piracy returned to the Caribbean in the 2010s, with the increase of pirates being compared", "Piracy\nChaloner Ogle of HMS \"\"Swallow\"\" cornered Bartholomew Roberts in 1722 at Cape Lopez, and a fatal broadside from the Swallow killed the pirate captain instantly. Roberts' death shocked the pirate world, as well as the Royal Navy. The local merchants and civilians had thought him invincible, and some considered him a hero. Roberts' death was seen by many historians as the end of the Golden Age of Piracy. Also crucial to the end of this era of piracy was the loss of the pirates' last Caribbean safe haven at Nassau. In the early 19th century, piracy along the East and", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nas a privateer. Such was the success of Enríquez, that he became one of the wealthiest men in the New World. Pirates involved specifically in the Caribbean were called buccaneers. Roughly speaking, they arrived in the 1630s and remained until the effective end of piracy in the 1730s. The original buccaneers were settlers that were deprived of their land by “Spanish authorities” and eventually were picked up by white settlers. The word \"\"buccaneer\"\" is actually from the French \"\"boucaner\"\", meaning \"\"to smoke meat\"\", from the hunters of wild oxen curing meat over an open fire. They transferred the skills which", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nTrain\"\" at Nombre de Dios (Panama's Caribbean port at the time) in 1573 his crews were rich for life. This was repeated by Piet Hein in 1628, who made a profit of 12 million guilders for the Dutch West India Company. This substantial profit made privateering something of a regular line of business; wealthy businessmen or nobles would be quite willing to finance this legitimized piracy in return for a share. The sale of captured goods was a boost to colonial economies as well. The main imperial countries operating at this time and in the region were the French, English,", "\"Golden Age of Piracy\"\nhad been abandoned during the war. Until the arrival of governor Woodes Rogers three years later, Nassau would be home for these pirates and their many recruits. Shipping traffic between Africa, the Caribbean, and Europe began to soar in the 18th century, a model that was known as Triangular Transatlantic Slave Trade, and was a rich target for piracy. Trade ships sailed from Europe to the African coast, trading manufactured goods and weapons for slaves. The traders would then sail to the Caribbean to sell the slaves, and return to Europe with goods such as sugar, tobacco and cocoa. In", "\"USS Ferret (1822)\"\naction against piracy that was out of control in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. In November 1822 when the captain of the USS \"\"Alligator\"\" was killed in a battle with the notorious Cuban pirate \"\"Domingo\"\" that was the last straw. Response was quick and by 22 December President James Monroe authorized the creation of the West Indies squadron for purposes of seeking and routing out pirates and their numerous strongholds about the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. They were also directed to suppress the international slave trade which also operated out of this region and outlawed in the United", "Piracy\nsailors began to prefer a freer existence as a pirate. The increased volume of shipping traffic also could sustain a large body of brigands preying upon it. Among the most infamous Caribbean pirates of the time were Edward Teach or \"\"Blackbeard\"\", Calico Jack Rackham, and Bartholomew Roberts. Most of these pirates were eventually hunted down by the Royal Navy and killed or captured; several battles were fought between the brigands and the colonial powers on both land and sea. Piracy in the Caribbean declined for the next several decades after 1730, but by the 1810s many pirates roamed the waters", "\"Bow Wow Wow\"\nflow/Hit it, pause it, record and play/Turn it, rewind and rub it away\"\") that promoted home taping during an era when music piracy was a hot button issue. The B-side, \"\"Sun, Sea and Piracy\"\", also promoted home taping, then lying on a beach and enjoying the fruits of this labour. Both tracks were on side 1 of the tape, making the second side blank – presumably so the listener could follow Annabella's lead. Despite its lack of promotion, \"\"C·30 C·60 C·90 Go!\"\" reached No. 34 on the UK Singles Chart and stayed on the chart for seven weeks. Following a", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nThe English had established an early colony known as Virginia in 1607 and one on the island of Barbados in the West Indies in 1625, although this small settlement's people faced considerable dangers from the local Carib Indians (believed to be cannibals) for some time after its founding. The two early colonies needed regular imports from England, sometimes of food but primarily of woollen textiles. The main early exports back to England included: sugar, tobacco, and tropical food. No large tobacco plantations or even truly organized defenses were established by the English on its Caribbean settlements at first and it", "\"Caecuban wine\"\nthan Falernian as he invites his prominent friend, Maecenas to drink with him. Horace mentions Caecuban often in connection with celebrating particularly momentous occasions, such as Octavian’s defeat of Antony and Cleopatra.(\"\"Odes 1.37.5\"\") and in \"\"Ode IX\"\" where he speaks again to Maecenas, The popularity of Caecuban seemed to have hit its apex in Horace’s time. Following the ascension of Augustus to power, Setinum was declared the Imperial wine-namely (according to Pliny) because it did not cause him indigestion and it rose in popularity accordingly (Natural History XIV.61). Pliny noted that the vineyard was starting to fall into neglect when", "\"Hendrick van Hoven\"\nHendrick van Hoven Hendrick van Hoven (died 1699, also named Hendrygo van Goven, alias Hind, Hine, Hynd, or Hynde) was a Dutch buccaneer and pirate active in the Caribbean. He was known as “the grand pirate of the West Indies.” Van Hoven had been first mate aboard the ship \"\"Fortune\"\", seized for piracy in 1698. All records of Hendrick van Hoven’s own piracy take place in 1699, beginning in March when he used his brigantine to take a sloop. Another sloop captain reported a pirate robbing several ships near Tortuga in April; this was probably Van Hoven, as over the", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nwho knew nothing about sailing. He started his piracies in 1717 by buying an armed sloop on Barbados and recruiting a pirate crew for wages, possibly to escape from his wife. He lost his command to Blackbeard and sailed with him as his associate. Although Bonnet briefly regained his captaincy, he was captured in 1718 by a privateering vessel that was employed by South Carolina. Charles Vane, like many early 18th-century pirates, operated out of Nassau in the Bahamas. He was the only pirate captain to resist Woodes Rogers when Rogers asserted his governorship over Nassau in 1718, attacking Rogers'", "Diabolito\nDiabolito Diabolito or Little Devil (died July 1823) was a 19th-century Cuban pirate. One of the more violent of the era, he engaged the United States Navy and was one of the main fugitives pursued during later American naval expeditions in the Caribbean during the 1820s. The Cuban-born Diabolito became known as a particularly dangerous pirate operating from his home island during the early 19th century. He among others including Charles Gibbs, and Roberto Cofresí were identified as key figures in piracy when President James Monroe authorized the formation of an anti-piracy squadron to combat attacks on American shipping and", "\"USS Ferret (1822)\"\nwere relentlessly ferreted out from the uncharted bays and lagoons throughout the Caribbean by U.S. sailors and the West Indies Squadron of which the USS \"\"Ferret\"\" played an important role. Within two years piracy was subdued and within ten years, piracy in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico was all but eradicated completely. \"\"Ferret\"\" sailed from Hampton Roads, Virginia, on 14 February 1823, bound for the West Indies, and became part of the West Indies Squadron, also known as the \"\"Mosquito Fleet\"\". Smaller vessels like the \"\"Ferret\"\" were employed for the task because the larger Man-of-war ships were unable to", "\"West Indies Squadron (United States)\"\nfor years operated against piracy and the slave trade in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico but it was not until 1822 that a permanent squadron was formed. American warships were assigned to anti-piracy operations in the West Indies as early as 1817 but after a September 1821 attack by pirates, in which three American merchant ships were captured, the United States Congress authorized Commodore James Biddle to dispatch a fleet to the Caribbean. This force consisted of two frigates, USS \"\"Macedonian\"\", and USS \"\"Congress\"\", two corvettes, USS \"\"Cyane\"\" and USS \"\"John Adams\"\", two sloops-of-war, USS \"\"Hornet\"\" and USS \"\"Peacock\"\",", "\"Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nas well to remind Jones he is under their control. The \"\"Dutchman\"\" accompanies Beckett's flagship, \"\"Endeavour\"\" in its mission to eradicate piracy. When the \"\"Dutchman\"\" attacks Sao Feng's ship, the \"\"Empress\"\", it takes its crew captive (Elizabeth Swan captain by the dying Sao Feng). Elizabeth and her crew escape the \"\"Dutchman\"\" with Admiral Norrington's help, although he is killed by a deranged Bootstrap Bill Turner. Jones and his crew attempt a mutiny against the East India Trading Company marines stationed on board, but Mr. Mercer, Beckett's henchman, proclaims the ship is under his command, temporarily subduing the uprising. The \"\"Dutchman\"\"", "\"Elizabeth Swann\"\nthe entire Caribbean. Honest merchants and traders are forced to pay exorbitant fees and surcharges to ply their goods in EITC-controlled ports, an action amounting to little more than legal piracy. With Jack's compass, Becket can eradicate all pirates, thus securing and expanding the company's territory and increasing its profits while consolidating his own power and wealth. Beckett implies he has a personal score to settle with Jack Sparrow, though it is never revealed in the series what this is. However, it is revealed that Beckett was responsible for branding Sparrow for piracy. Once again, Elizabeth's freedom is dependent upon", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nturn its people's maritime skills into the basis of commercial prosperity. English and French kings of the early 17th century—James I (r. 1603–1625) and Henry IV (r. 1598–1610), respectively, each sought more peaceful relations with Habsburg Spain in an attempt to decrease the financial costs of the ongoing wars. Although the onset of peace in 1604 reduced the opportunities for both piracy and privateering against Spain's colonies, neither monarch discouraged his nation from trying to plant new colonies in the New World and break the Spanish monopoly on the Western Hemisphere. The reputed riches, pleasant climate and the general emptiness", "\"Christopher Winter\"\nChristopher Winter Christopher Winter (fl. 1716–1723) was an English pirate active in the Caribbean. He is best known for sailing in Spanish service and launching the career of Edward England. Winter was active in the Nassau, Bahamas area in 1716. The following year King George offered a pardon to all pirates who surrendered within a year. Winter kept active, capturing a merchant ship near Jamaica and forcing one of its crewmen, Edward England, into piracy. England embraced piracy and Winter returned with him to New Providence. Finally electing not to accept the pardon, Winter sailed with Nicholas Brown to Cuba", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End\"\nwas a box office hit, becoming the highest-grossing film of 2007 with over $960 million. It was nominated at the 80th Academy Awards for the Academy Award for Best Makeup and the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, which it lost to \"\"La Vie en Rose\"\" and \"\"The Golden Compass\"\", respectively. A sequel, \"\"\"\", the first in the series to neither be directed by Verbinski nor star Bloom and Knightley, was released on May 20, 2011. In order to control the oceans, Lord Cutler Beckett executes anyone associated with piracy in Port Royal by ordering Davy Jones to destroy all", "\"Pirates in popular culture\"\nto a particular author's vision of a story's setting, rather than their traditional seafaring counterparts. On the other hand, they may be modeled after stereotypical sea pirates. In 1879, the comic opera \"\"The Pirates of Penzance\"\" was an instant hit in New York, and the original London production in 1880 ran for 363 performances. The piece, depicting an incompetent band of \"\"tenderhearted\"\" British pirates, is still performed widely today, and obviously corresponds to historical knowledge about the emergence of piracy in the Caribbean. While no pirates are ever on stage in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, Hamlet claims that his ship", "\"Captain Blood (1935 film)\"\nmen flogged and interrogated. Blood is spared a similar fate when a Spanish man-o-war attacks Port Royal. During the raid, Blood and his fellow slaves seize the Spanish ship from its drunken night watch, and sail away to begin lives of piracy. Blood and his men quickly achieve great fame among the brotherhood of buccaneers. When the old governor is unable to contain the pirate menace, Colonel Bishop is appointed governor. He sends Arabella to England on an extended holiday, but three years later she returns to the Caribbean. Her ship, also carrying royal emissary Lord Willoughby (Henry Stephenson), is", "\"Hurricanes and the Making of Caribbean History\"\nHurricanes and the Making of Caribbean History Caribbean hurricanes are one of the most frequent natural disasters that interact with human life. When someone mentions the Caribbean, people picture white sand, crystal clear water and swaying palm trees. It is a place known for its tropical weather that tourists flock to every chance they get, but what people don’t picture are the thousands of hurricanes that have made landfall on that very island. A hurricane is a tropical cyclone with sustained one-minute winds of at least 74 miles per hour. They are created when warm water hits the troposphere and", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nto reputation, the pirates' egalitarianism led them to liberate slaves when taking over slave ships. However, there are several accounts of pirates selling slaves captured on slave ships, sometimes after they had helped man the pirates' own vessels. In combat they were considered ferocious and were reputed to be experts with flintlock weapons (invented in 1615), but these were so unreliable that they were not in widespread military use before the 1670s. Many slaves, primarily from places in Africa, were being exported to colonies in the Caribbean for slave labour on plantations. Out of the people that were forced into", "\"Phineas Bunce\"\nPhineas Bunce Phineas Bunce (died 1718, last name occasionally Bunch) was a pirate active in the Caribbean. He was pardoned for piracy but reverted to it immediately afterwards and was killed by a Spanish pirate hunter. Along with hundreds of other pirates in the Caribbean, Bunce accepted the general pardon offered in 1717 by King George I of Great Britain to all pirates who surrendered within a year. After taking the pardon, Bunce and fellow pardoned pirate Dennis MacCarthy “began to rattle and talk with great pleasure and much boasting of their former exploits when they had been pirates, crying", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nthe political atmosphere was a form of democracy that depended on participation; in which was a rule that everyone aboard his ship had to vote on issues that arose. Efforts by the governors of Barbados and Martinique to capture him only provoked his anger; when he found the governor of Martinique aboard a newly captured vessel, Roberts hanged the man from a yardarm. Roberts returned to Africa in February 1722, where he met his death in a naval battle, whereby his crew was captured. Probably the least qualified pirate captain ever to sail the Caribbean, Bonnet was a sugar planter", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nSpain had proven they could be extremely profitable. It was the French who had established the first non-Spanish settlement in the Caribbean when they had founded Fort Caroline near what is now Jacksonville, Florida in 1564, although the settlement was soon wiped out by a Spanish attack from the larger colony of Saint Augustine. As the Treaty of Tordesillas had proven unenforceable, a new concept of \"\"lines of amity\"\", with the northern bound being the Tropic of Cancer and the eastern bound the Prime Meridian passing through the Canary Islands, is said to have been verbally agreed upon by French", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nproblems at home to turn much attention to their New World colonies. The non-Spanish colonies were growing and expanding across the Caribbean, fueled by a great increase in immigration as people fled from the chaos and lack of economic opportunity in Europe. While most of these new immigrants settled into the West Indies' expanding plantation economy, others took to the life of the buccaneer. Meanwhile, the Dutch, at last independent of Spain when the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia ended their own Eighty Years War (1568–1648) with the Habsburgs, made a fortune carrying the European trade goods needed by these new", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nof what is now known as the nation of Haiti, was one of Captain Morgan’s “30-cannon oak ships,” which was thought to have aided the buccaneer in his ventures. Another Caribbean area that was known for the headquarters of Captain Morgan was Port Royal, Jamaica. A bold, ruthless and daring man, Morgan fought England's enemies for thirty years, and became a very wealthy man in the course of his adventures. Morgan's most famous exploit came in late 1670 when he led 1700 buccaneers up the pestilential Chagres River and then through the Central American jungle to attack and capture the", "\"Sara Martin\"\nunrelaxed. ... Occasionally, she did hit a groove and when this happened, she could be quite pleasing, as on her very original \"\"Brother Ben\"\". ... The sides she did with King Oliver can be recommended, particularly \"\"Death Sting Me Blues\"\". According to the blues historian Daphne Duval Harrison, \"\"Martin tended to use more swinging, danceable rhythms than some of her peers ... when she sang a traditional blues her voice and styling had richer, deeper qualities that matched the content in sensitivity and mood: \"\"Mean Tight Mama\"\" and \"\"Death Sting Me\"\" approach an apex of blues singing\"\". Martin's stage work", "Piracy\npiracy had died out again, and the navies of the region focused on the slave trade. About the time of the Mexican–American War in 1846, the United States Navy had grown strong and numerous enough to eliminate the pirate threat in the West Indies. By the 1830s, ships had begun to convert to steam propulsion, so the Age of Sail and the classical idea of pirates in the Caribbean ended. Privateering, similar to piracy, continued as an asset in war for a few more decades and proved to be of some importance during the naval campaigns of the American Civil", "\"Tortuga (Haiti)\"\nTortuga (Haiti) Tortuga Island (, ; ; , , \"\"Turtle Island\"\") is a Caribbean island that forms part of Haiti, off the northwest coast of Hispaniola. It constitutes the \"\"commune\"\" of Île de la Tortue in the Port-de-Paix arrondissement of the Nord-Ouest department of Haiti. Tortuga is in size and had a population of 25,936 at the 2003 Census. In the 17th century, Tortuga was a major center and haven of Caribbean piracy. Its tourist industry and reference in many works has made it one of the most recognized regions of Haiti. The first Europeans to land on Tortuga were", "\"Brethren of the Coast\"\nCoasts as a purely criminal organization which preyed upon all civilian maritime shipping. This second era of the Brethren began the age of piracy and brigandage which affected the Caribbean until socioeconomic and military changes of the late 18th and early 19th century finally broke its back. Many pirates made their journeys there; one of the most famous was Alexandre Exquemelin. A fictionalized, romanticized version of the Brethren was featured in the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" films. Brethren of the Coast The Brethren or Brethren of the Coast were a loose coalition of pirates and privateers commonly known as buccaneers", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nstragglers than to engage the well-armed main vessels. The classic route for the treasure fleet in the Caribbean was through the Lesser Antilles to the ports along the Spanish Main on the coast of Central America and New Spain, then northwards into the Yucatán Channel to catch the westerly winds back to Europe. By the 1560s, the Dutch United Provinces of the Netherlands and England, both Protestant states, were defiantly opposed to Catholic Spain, the greatest power of Christendom in the 16th century; while the French government was seeking to expand its colonial holdings in the New World now that", "\"18th-century American piracy of British literature\"\nmore about how much circulation and exposure these pieces received. This feeling of inspiration eventually backfired when the American authors were intimidated by the intense connection and dependence on British authors and did not produce many. Eventually, the resentment for the lack of Americanism led to a change in Harper's to include more national, not international, authors. This change never really paid off and the magazine did not see the same amount of success and profit that it received from the British pirated material. 18th-century American piracy of British literature 18th-century American piracy of British literature refers to the practice", "\"History of the Caribbean\"\nby the colonial rulers. This left the Caribbean nations with little capital to invest towards enhancing any future industries unlike European nations which were developing rapidly and separating themselves technologically and economically from most impoverished nations of the world. The Caribbean region was war-torn throughout much of colonial history, but the wars were often based in Europe, with only minor battles fought in the Caribbean. Some wars, however, were borne of political turmoil in the Caribbean itself. Piracy in the Caribbean was often a tool used by the European empires to wage war unofficially against one another. Gold plundered from", "\"Caribbean Sea\"\nonly about 10% of the sewage from the Central American and Caribbean Island countries is properly treated before being released into the sea. The Caribbean region supports a large tourism industry. The Caribbean Tourism Organization calculates that about 12 million people a year visit the area, including (in 1991–1992) about 8 million cruise ship tourists. Tourism based upon scuba diving and snorkeling on coral reefs of many Caribbean islands makes a major contribution to their economies. The Caribbean is the setting for countless literary efforts often related to piracy acts and swashbuckling, set during the 17th and 18th centuries. One", "\"History of the Caribbean\"\nsubsided, but piratical Huguenot incursions persisted and in at least one instance led to the formation of a temporary Huguenot settlement in the Isle of Pines, off Cuba. English piracy increased during the reign of Charles I, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1625–1649) and became more aggressive as Anglo-Spanish relations tensed up further during the Thirty Years’ War. Although Spain and the Netherlands had been at war since the 1560s, the Dutch were latecomers, appearing in the region only after the mid-1590s, when the Dutch Republic was no longer on the defensive in its long conflict against Spain. Dutch", "\"Habsburg Spain\"\nspare little for their defense. Spain also had to deal with Ottoman backed Barbary piracy in the Mediterranean - a vastly greater menace than Caribbean piracy, as well as Oriental and Dutch piracy in the waters around the Philippines. The growth of Spain's empire in the New World was accomplished from Seville, without the close direction of the leadership in Madrid. Charles I and Philip II were primarily concerned with their duties in Europe, and thus control of the Americas was handled by viceroys and colonial administrators who operated with virtual autonomy. The Habsburg kings regarded their colonies as feudal", "Piracy\nbeing recognised by the British as Trucial States. The classic era of piracy in the Caribbean lasted from circa 1650 until the mid-1720s. By 1650, France, England and the United Provinces began to develop their colonial empires. This involved considerable seaborne trade, and a general economic improvement: there was money to be made—or stolen—and much of it traveled by ship. French buccaneers were established on northern Hispaniola as early as 1625, but lived at first mostly as hunters rather than robbers; their transition to full-time piracy was gradual and motivated in part by Spanish efforts to wipe out both the", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nIV of Spain was succeeded by King Charles II (r. 1665–1700), who in 1665 became the last Habsburg king of Spain at the age of four. While Spanish America in the late 17th century had little military protection as Spain entered a phase of decline as a Great Power, it also suffered less from the Spanish Crown's mercantilist policies with its economy. This lack of interference, combined with a surge in output from the silver mines due to increased availability of slave labor (the demand for sugar increased the number of slaves brought to the Caribbean) began a resurgence in", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nremained stagnant and the Spanish colonies' plantations, ranches and mines became totally dependent upon slave labor imported from West Africa. With Spain no longer able to maintain its military control effectively over the Caribbean, the other Western European states finally began to move in and set up permanent settlements of their own, ending the Spanish monopoly over the control of the New World. Even as the Dutch Netherlands were forced to renew their struggle against Spain for independence as part of the Thirty Years' War (the entire rebellion against the Spanish Habsburgs was called the Eighty Years War in the", "\"Caribbean reef shark\"\nsecond dorsal fin, and tooth shape and number. Measuring up to long, the Caribbean reef shark is one of the largest apex predators in the reef ecosystem, feeding on a variety of fishes and cephalopods. They have been documented resting motionless on the sea bottom or inside caves, unusual behavior for an active-swimming shark. If threatened, it may perform a threat display in which it frequently changes direction and dips its pectoral fins. Like other requiem sharks, it is viviparous with females giving birth to 4–6 young every other year. Caribbean reef sharks are of some importance to fisheries as", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nand Natal. From 1630 to 1654, they took control of Recife and Olinda, making Recife the new capital of the territory of Dutch Brazil, renaming the city Mauritsstad. During this period, Mauritsstad became one of the most cosmopolitan cities of the world. Unlike the Portuguese, the Dutch did not prohibit Judaism. The first Jewish community and the first synagogue in the Americas - Kahal Zur Israel Synagogue - was founded in the city. The inhabitants fought on their own to expel the Dutch in 1654, being helped by the involvement of the Dutch in the First Anglo-Dutch War. This was", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\npirates in his day or any other. Bartholomew Roberts or Black Bart was successful in sinking, or capturing and pillaging some 400 ships. and like most pirate captains of the time he looked fancy doing it. He started his freebooting career in the Gulf of Guinea in February 1719 when Howell Davis' pirates captured his ship and he proceeded to join them. Rising to captain, he quickly came to the Caribbean and plagued the area until 1722. He commanded a number of large, powerfully armed ships, all of which he named \"\"Fortune\"\", \"\"Good Fortune\"\", or \"\"Royal Fortune\"\". Aboard his vessels", "\"Roberto Cofresí\"\nCofresí into piracy. The timing of this decision was crucial in establishing him as the dominant Caribbean pirate of the era. Cofresí began his new career in early 1823, filling a role vacant in the Spanish Main since the death of Jean Lafitte, and was the last major target of West Indies anti-piracy operations. While piracy was heavily monitored and most pirates were rarely successful, Cofresí was confirmed to have plundered at least eight vessels and has been credited with over 70 captures. Unlike his predecessors, Cofresí is not known to have imposed a pirate code on his crew; his", "\"Piracy in the Caribbean\"\nwould take time for England to realize just how valuable its possessions in the Caribbean could prove to be. Eventually, African slaves would be purchased through the slave trade. They would work the colonies and fuel Europe's tobacco, rice and sugar supply; by 1698 England had the largest slave exports with the most efficiency in their labor in relation to any other imperial power. Barbados, the first truly successful English colony in the West Indies, grew fast as the 17th century wore on and by 1698 Jamaica would be England’s biggest colony to employ slave labor. Increasingly, English ships chose" ]
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how long do finch eggs take to hatch
[ "12 to 14 days" ]
[ "\"House finch\"\ntakes place in the morning, at the rate of one egg per day. The eggs are a pale bluish green with few black spots and a smooth, somewhat glossy surface. In response to mite infestation, which has a more deleterious effect on male chicks than on females, the mother finch may lay eggs containing females first, in order to reduce the length of time male chicks are exposed to mites. This strategy increases the likelihood that representative numbers of both sexes will survive. The female incubates the eggs for 12 to 14 days. Shortly after hatching, she removes the empty", "\"Seepage salamander\"\nOviposition occurs in April and May, with all eggs ready for deposition by the female being laid. The eggs hatch in the late spring and summer. There have been some discrepancies about how long it takes for the eggs to hatch. Both males and females reach sexual maturation after two years. Harrison (1967) found that eggs hatched in 43–45 days, but Marks and Collazo found 68–75 days. This may be due to different incubation temperatures, but the difference has not been fully explored. There is little diversity within \"\"Plethodontidae\"\" in regards to mating. The mating process consists of courting behavior,", "Hamerkop\nof the clutch, and from bird to bird. Both sexes incubate the eggs, but the female seems to do the most of the work. Incubation takes around 30 days from the first egg being laid to hatching, eggs are laid with intervals of one to three days, and they hatch asynchronously. Both parents feed the young, often leaving them alone for long times. This habit, which is unusual for wading birds, may be made possible because of the thick nest walls. The young hatch covered with grey down. By 17 days after hatching, their head and crest plumage is developed,", "\"Zebra finch\"\nfemale zebra finch can distinguish its own eggs on the basis of odour. This method of distinction arises from the visual similarity between parasitic and non-parasitic eggs, and the cost associated with raising an egg other than one's own. When a bird is parasitized during a nesting attempt, it is less likely to be parasitized again during that season and, at the very least, during the next season (although this could be statistical noise). Young zebra finches fledge about 17 to 18 days after hatching. They feed themselves by around 35 days after hatching, although they are still socially dependent", "\"Hemideina ricta\"\non to a nearby patch of land and repeats this process laying more eggs. This procedure takes around 10–15 minutes. The eggs are around 5.9 mm in length, weigh around 16.8 mg and are black, brown or white in color. The eggs can take several months to mature , generally hatching during spring. When eggs hatch they often do not do so all at once, a single batch of eggs may take up to two weeks to all hatch. A female weta can lay up to 200 eggs in her lifetime. It can take up to two years for juvenile", "\"Spawn (biology)\"\nCalifornia spiny lobster are carried on the female's pleopods until they hatch, with between 120,000 and 680,000 carried by a single female. The eggs begin coral red, but darken as they develop to a deep maroon. When she is carrying the eggs, the female is said to be \"\"berried\"\". The eggs are ready to hatch after 10 weeks, and spawning takes place from May to August. The larvae that hatch (called \"\"phyllosoma\"\" larvae) do not resemble the adults. Instead, they are flat, transparent animals around long, but as thin as a sheet of paper. The larvae feed on plankton, and", "\"California spiny lobster\"\nshe is carrying the eggs, the female is said to be \"\"berried\"\". The eggs are ready to hatch after 10 weeks, and spawning takes place from May to August, The larvae that hatch (called \"\"phyllosoma\"\" larvae) do not resemble the adults. Instead, they are flat, transparent animals around long, but as thin as a sheet of paper. The larvae feed on plankton, and grow through ten molts into ten further larval stages, the last of which is around long. The full series of larval molts takes around 7 months, and when the last stage molts, it metamorphoses into the \"\"puerulus\"\"", "\"Gouldian finch\"\nof about 4–8 eggs. Both parents help brood the eggs during the daytime, and it is the female who stays on the eggs at night. When the eggs hatch, both parents care for the young. Gouldian finches leave the nest after between 19 and 23 days and are completely independent at 40 days old. Gouldian finches have brightly coloured gapes and call loudly when the parent birds return so that they are able to find and feed their mouths in the dark nest. It has been shown that female Gouldian finches from Northern Australia can control the sex of their", "\"Chicken or the egg\"\ncauses the formation of the thickened calcium carbonate shell around modern chicken eggs. Because OC-17 is expressed by the hen and not the egg, the bird in which the protein first arose, though having hatched from a non-reinforced egg, would then have laid the first egg having such a reinforced shell: the chicken would have preceded this first \"\"modern\"\" chicken egg. However, the presence of OC-17 or a homolog in other species, such as turkeys, and finches suggests that such eggshell-reinforcing proteins are common to all birds, and thus long predate the first chicken. Chicken or the egg The chicken", "Viduidae\nViduidae The indigobirds and whydahs, together with the Cuckoo-finch make up the family Viduidae; they are small passerine birds native to Africa. These are finch-like species which usually have black or indigo predominating in their plumage. The birds named \"\"whydahs\"\" have long or very long tails in the breeding male. All are obligate brood parasites, which lay their eggs in the nests of estrildid finch species; most indigobirds use firefinches as hosts, whereas the paradise whydahs chose pytilias. Unlike the cuckoos and honeyguides, the indigobirds and whydahs do not destroy the host's eggs. Typically, they lay 2–4 eggs in with", "Nursehound\nnumber of eggs laid range from 9 to 41. The eggs mature and are released two at a time, one from each oviduct. Each egg is enclosed in a thick, dark brown case measuring long and wide. There are tendrils at the four corners, that allow the female to secure the egg cases to bunches of seaweed (usually \"\"Cystoseira\"\" spp. or \"\"Laminaria saccharina\"\"). Eggs in the North Sea and the Atlantic take 10–12 months to hatch, while those from the southern Mediterranean take 7 months to hatch. The length at hatching is off Britain, and off France. Newly hatched sharks", "\"Senegalese grasshopper\"\nof light at night might give the impression of swarms, Senegalese grasshoppers do not in fact form cohesive swarms like locusts do. Eggs are laid in sandy soil in small packets of about 20–40 eggs called egg pods. Practically all eggs laid by the first and second generations hatch during the same season, usually within two weeks. However, most eggs of the third generation enter into diapause and survive the long dry season as a partly developed embryo. Within two weeks of the first substantive rain (≥10 mm), about 60% of the eggs hatch, with the remaining 40% hatching after", "\"Sahel paradise whydah\"\n\"\"Pytilia melba\"\", a common species of estrildid finch. These birds do not destroy the host green-winged pytilia's eggs, but they deposit their own eggs in the nests of their hosts, adding them to those already present. As in other whydah species to attract hens the songs of the males mimic the song of their hosts. These birds are not monogamous pairs, in fact males breed with many females. In a breeding season females may lay about 22 eggs, that hatch after 12–13 days of incubation. The diet of this species consists of seeds and grain. Sahel paradise whydah The Sahel", "\"Chestnut-capped brush finch\"\nlarge cup of plant material placed less than 2.5 m up in a shrub or small tree in dense scrub or a ravine. The typical clutch is two glossy, unmarked white or pale blue eggs, which are incubated by the female alone for 12–14 days before hatching. The chestnut-capped brush finch is a large, robust, mainly terrestrial species, 19 cm long and weighing 45 g. It has a long slender bill and large feet and legs. The adult has a distinctive head pattern, with a yellow-edged chestnut crown and nape, black forehead and head sides, white spots in the centre", "\"Common waxbill\"\nlow down amongst dense vegetation. A rudimentary second nest (\"\"cock's nest\"\") may be built on top where the male sleeps. Four to seven white eggs are laid. They are incubated for 11 to 13 days and the young birds fledge 17 to 21 days after hatching. Both parents take part in incubating the eggs and feeding the chicks. The timing of the breeding season varies in different parts of the world. Nests may be parasitized by the pin-tailed whydah which lays its eggs in the nests of estrildid finches. In captivity they will breed in an aviary and can raise", "\"Oriental rat flea\"\nground or from the animal she lays on. If they are laid on an animal, they soon fall off in the dust or in the animals bedding. If the eggs do fall immediately on the ground, then they fall into crevices on the floor where they will be safe until they hatch one to ten days later (depending on the environment that they live in, it may take longer to hatch). They hatch into a larva that looks very similar to a worm and is about two millimeters long. It only has a small body and a mouth part. At", "\"Large-footed finch\"\nThe nest, built by the female, is a large loose cup of plant material placed less than 2 m up in bamboo or a dense shrub. The typical clutch is one or two brown-marked white or blue-white eggs, which are incubated by the female alone for 12–14 days before hatching. The large-footed finch is a large, robust terrestrial species, long and weighing . It has a slender bill, a modestly sized tail and very large and powerful feet and legs. This species is one of the heaviest in its diverse family. The adult has a slate grey head, becoming black", "\"Swainson's warbler\"\nout and defend a territory for nesting. Nests are fairly large and bulky, constructed from moss, grass, and small leaves situated above ground in a tangle of tall reeds or vines. The female will lay between three and five eggs. The eggs are white and sometimes, but rarely, speckled with brown. Incubation is done by the female only and lasts for about 14 days, after which the eggs will hatch. The young leave the nest about 12 days later. It is not known how long pairs stay together, although once a pair-bond has been established they do not usually mate", "\"Khaki Campbell\"\nducks seldom hatch out others' young; however, in very communal situations do hatch large broods together. Most brooding behavior has been sacrificed in exchange for prolific egg laying ability in this breed. The ducks, when raised by hand, are not usually defensive of their eggs or nests, making collection of eggs very easy. Mechanical incubators or broody chickens are used to hatch out Khaki Campbell ducklings when ducks are not present in the process. Incubation takes approximately 23 to 28 days for a Khaki Campbell duckling to hatch and eggs need to be inspected for ducklings that have not emerged", "\"The Life of Birds\"\nsteal eggs include toucans and currawongs. A number of strategies are employed to deter the thieves, as illustrated by the yellow-rumped thornbill, which builds a decoy nest atop its actual one, and the plover, which distracts marauders by feigning injury. Broadcast 16 December 1998, the penultimate installment concentrates on the ways in which birds rear their offspring. Having successfully incubated their eggs, the moment arrives when they hatch — and then the real challenge begins: feeding the chicks. Lapland buntings and dippers are shown doing so virtually non-stop throughout the day. The Gouldian finch has a further problem in that", "\"Cocos finch\"\npaler underside. The young are similar but have yellow bills. The standard clutch is two brown-spotted white eggs, which are hatched in a roughly spherical nest built at the end of a tree branch. The Cocos finch is the most abundant landbird on Cocos Island. It can be found in every habitat on the island and eats a wide range of plant and insects as food. This species qualifies as Vulnerable because of its small range. Cocos finch The Cocos finch or Cocos Island finch (\"\"Pinaroloxias inornata\"\") is the only one of Darwin's finches not native to the Galápagos Islands,", "\"Horseshoe crab\"\npolyphemus\"\", the eggs take about two weeks to hatch; shore birds eat many of them before they hatch. The larvae molt six times during the first year. Natural breeding of horseshoe crabs in captivity has proven to be difficult. Some evidence indicates that mating takes place only in the presence of the sand or mud in which the horseshoe crab's eggs were hatched. It is not known with certainty what is in the sand that the crabs can sense or how they sense it. Artificial insemination and induced spawning have been done on a relatively large scale in captivity, and", "\"Mangrove finch\"\nof the parasitic fly (\"\"Philornis downsi\"\") add an additional 14% mortality rate of newly hatched chicks. Due to high predation rates in 2007 and 2008, rat poison was spread throughout different mangrove sites where the finches lived, which decreased rat predation to 30% mortality of the finch eggs. A year before the rat poison was dispersed, predation was observed in 70% of nests and the average success of nesting was 18%. Mangrove finch The mangrove finch (\"\"Camarhynchus heliobates\"\") is a species of bird in the Darwin's finch group of the tanager family Thraupidae. It is endemic to the Galápagos Islands.", "\"Senegal parrot\"\noften oil palms, usually laying three to four white eggs. The eggs are about long by wide. The eggs are incubated by the female, starting after the second egg has been laid, for about 27 to 28 days. Newly hatched chicks have a sparse white down and they do not open their eyes until about two to three weeks after hatching. They are dependent on the female for food and warmth who remains in the nest most of the time until about four weeks after hatching when the chicks have enough feathers for heat insulation. During this time the male", "\"Australamphilina elongata\"\nin the body cavity of the eastern long-necked turtle (\"\"Chelodina longicollis\"\"), and there may be as many as thirty worms in one turtle host. It is uncertain how the worm's eggs are released into the open water, but somehow they do emerge. When the eggs hatch, the developing larvae seek out an intermediate host, a suitable freshwater crayfish, and penetrate its cuticle by chemical action and by sawing through the shell with miniature hooks. The young tapeworm then continues its development in the crustacean, and if the crayfish is eaten by a turtle, the larva forces its way through the", "\"Ascaridia galli\"\nlifecycle of \"\"A. galli\"\" is direct in a single host, involving two principal populations, namely the sexually mature parasite in the gastrointestinal tract and the infective stage (L2). The eggs are oval in shape and have thick, albuminous shells that are highly resistant to desiccation and persist for a long time in the environment. Larvae do not hatch, but moult inside the eggs until they reach the L2 stage. This can take about two weeks, but the period depends on other factors such as the weather condition. The lifecycle is completed when the infective eggs are ingested by new hosts", "Butterfly\nmost likely happens when the egg overwinters before hatching and where the host plant loses its leaves in winter, as do violets in this example. The egg stage lasts a few weeks in most butterflies, but eggs laid close to winter, especially in temperate regions, go through a diapause (resting) stage, and the hatching may take place only in spring. Some temperate region butterflies, such as the Camberwell beauty, lay their eggs in the spring and have them hatch in the summer. Butterfly larvae, or caterpillars, consume plant leaves and spend practically all of their time searching for and eating", "\"Codling moth\"\ntiny, usually about 1-1.2mm in size. As the caterpillar develops inside the egg, the egg changes color. A reddish ring forms first and then a red spot appears, which becomes the head of the caterpillar. It typically takes about 7 to 12 days for the eggs to hatch, but under optimal conditions, they can hatch in as soon as 5 days. When the caterpillar first hatches from the egg, it is about 2mm long and 0.5mm in diameter. The body is divided up into twelve segments, and the color is usually pale yellow. As the caterpillar undergoes development through five", "\"Pomacea bridgesii\"\ndistribution of this snail is Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Peru. This species is non-indigenous in Hawaii since 1960 (\"\"Pomacea bridgesii diffusa\"\"), southeast Asia since the 1980s, and Florida since the early 1980s (\"\"Pomacea bridgesii diffusa\"\"). Most apple snails lay their eggs above the water line, and can reproduce asexually. The eggs take 2–4 weeks to hatch. The snails can produce as many as two-hundred offspring from one egg-laying event. Sometimes not all of the eggs are fertilized so they don't all hatch. When they do hatch, the hatchlings run the risk of getting eaten if they share an aquarium with", "\"Gafftopsail catfish\"\nrelatively short time span (10 days) from May to August; they are mouthbreeders. The eggs are about in diameter. Males keep up to 55 eggs in their mouths until they hatch. Young are about 5 cm (2 inches) long when they hatch, and the male may continue to brood them until they are up to long. The males do not feed while they are carrying the eggs or young. The gafftopsail catfish is a common catch in the Southeastern United States, although it is also caught as far north as New York. They are taken from piers, jetties, reefs, and", "\"Lysmata amboinensis\"\ncrustaceans. In one spawning, adult shrimp will lay between 200–500 eggs which are initially attached to the pleopods and are greenish in colour; the eggs swell and lighten in colour before hatching and a few will turn silver on the day of hatching. The eggs hatch around dusk releasing long larvae into the free-floating pelagic zone. \"\"L. amboinesis\"\" do not live in large groups, more often in pairs, and while omnivorous it is believed they derive much of their nutrition from cleaning parasites and dead tissue from fish. Their mating behaviour has been observed in captivity where it involves little", "\"Cyrtophora citricola\"\ncompared to solitary specimens. Colonies often consist of the offspring of a single female, that do not disperse after hatching. Adult males do not build webs and stop eating. They die shortly after mating. Females may live long enough to guard their young, but sometimes die before hatching occurs. The flattened, elliptical egg sacs are up to 20 mm long, with a bluish to greenish hue, and up to ten egg sacs can be produced by a female. Cyrto - humpback, phora - bearing, citricola - living on citrus trees Cyrtophora citricola Cyrtophora citricola, also known as the Tropical Tent-Web", "\"Mertens' water monitor\"\nwater, where it can stay submerged for long periods. Mertens' water monitor feeds both on land and in the water, mainly on fish, frogs, and carrion, also taking terrestrial vertebrates and insects when available. It has a good sense of smell and may dig up prey when foraging, including the eggs of freshwater turtles. \"\"Varanus mertensi\"\" lays eggs in a burrow, usually with egg-laying taking place early in the dry season and hatching in the following wet season. The eggs hatch within 200–300 days after laying, depending on temperature, with the hatchlings able to enter the water and swim immediately.", "\"Pachyrhamma waitomoensis\"\nday, often breaking up and reforming in different combinations. Females leave the aggregations to lay their eggs, which they do by piercing their ovipositor into soft clay on ledges and in crevices within the cave. After being laid the eggs take about eight months to hatch. At dusk the weta emerge from the cave, seeming more likely to do so when conditions outside are darker (less moonlight) and wetter. Outside of caves the weta scavenge on and amongst plants, searching for plant, animal and fungal material to eat. The complete life cycle from hatching to death takes approximately two years.", "\"Archachatina camerunensis\"\nall other species of Archachatina: the upper half of each whorl has a prominent spiral mesh (a lattice structure), while the bottom half is smooth. The color of the foot is dark gray or black. The size of the eggs is 12–16 mm. There is no information about how long it takes for the eggs to hatch. The average life expectancy is 5–7 years. Archachatina camerunensis Archachatina camerunensis is a species of air-breathing tropical land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Achatinidae. This species is endemic to Cameroon, West Africa. It is found in the Centre Province,", "\"Bog turtle\"\nIn addition, eggs may be jeopardized by flooding, frost, or various developmental problems. It is unknown how gender is determined in bog turtles. Baby bog turtles are about long when they emerge from their eggs, usually in late August or September. Females are slightly smaller at birth, and tend to grow more slowly than males. Both genders grow rapidly until they reach maturity. Juveniles almost double in size in their first four years, but do not become fully grown until five or six years old. The bog turtle spends its life almost exclusively in the wetland where it hatched. In", "\"Gryllus firmus\"\nfly. Females of the latter morph have smaller flight muscles, greater ovarian development and produce more eggs, so the polymorphism adapts the cricket for either dispersal or reproduction. In some long-winged individuals, the flight muscles deteriorate during adulthood and the insect's reproductive capabilities improve. \"\"G. firmus\"\" is unusual among field crickets in laying a mixture of two types of egg. Some eggs develop immediately and take two to four weeks to hatch, while others have a diapause, with delayed hatching taking place after from five to twenty-eight weeks. Individual females lay both egg types, with the proportion of the quick-developing", "\"Cut-throat finch\"\nduller red band. It has an estimated global extent of occurrence of 3,300,000 km². It is found throughout much of Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in the Sahel, eastern and southern parts of the continent. Cut-throat finches usually use nests constructed by other birds . A clutch usually consists of 4 to 6 white eggs, which hatch after an incubation period of 12 days. Origin and phylogeny has been obtained by Antonio Arnaiz-Villena \"\"et al.\"\". Estrildinae may have originated in India and dispersed thereafter (towards Africa and Pacific Ocean habitats). Its closest relative is the red-headed finch. Cut-throat finch The cut-throat finch", "\"American lobster\"\nlaid in July or August, and hatch the following May or June. The developing embryo passes through several molts within the egg, before hatching as a metanauplius larva. When the eggs hatch, the female releases them by waving her tail in the water, setting batches of larvae free. The metanauplius of \"\"H. americanus\"\" is long, transparent, with large eyes and a long spine projecting from its head. It quickly molts, and the next three stages are similar, but larger. These molts take 10–20 days, during which the planktonic larvae are vulnerable to predation; only 1 in 1,000 is thought to", "Amerzone\nkeep growing after the rest of their bodies has stopped, such that they end up disproportionately long. The Birds' limited range threatens their survival, as does their method of reproduction: every three years, a single, enormous egg is laid, containing many embryos. However, the volcano's fumes will naturally make the eggs \"\"ill\"\", such that they will hatch as Black Birds. Only a nearby indigenous tribe, the Ovo-volahos, knows how to \"\"cure\"\" the eggs to make them hatch as White Birds. Most Amerzonians believe the White Birds to merely be a fanciful myth. The game proper begins in 1998 with the", "\"Hardhead catfish\"\nfrom depressions in the sand, as eggs tend to be demersal. They also die after 4 years. Like other members of the Ariidae, hardhead catfish are paternal mouthbrooders. After spawning, the male carries the eggs in his mouth until they hatch. Several nonfunctioning eggs within the brood attach to the larger, viable eggs. These nonfunctioning eggs may be used as food for the male mouthbrooder, since mouthbrooders do not feed while they are taking care of the brood. Oral incubations continue through the yolk-sac larval state, for a total length around 8–11 weeks. Under laboratory conditions, offspring can hatch in", "\"Eastern hognose snake\"\n- 40 eggs (average about 25) in June or early July, do not take care of the eggs or young. The eggs, which measure about , hatch after about 60 days, from late July to September. The hatchlings are long. Eastern hognose snake Heterodon platirhinos, commonly known as the eastern hog-nosed snake, spreading adder, or deaf adder, is a colubrid species endemic to North America. No subspecies are currently recognized. \"\"Heterodon platirhinos\"\" is found from eastern-central Minnesota, and Wisconsin to southern Ontario, Canada and extreme southern New Hampshire, south to southern Florida and west to eastern Texas and western Kansas.", "\"Earless lizard\"\nspitting the blood onto the predator giving it enough time to escape. Mating takes place in spring. Earless lizards lay their eggs between March and August, from there it takes about fifty days in order for them to hatch. They tend to lay 1-3 clutches of eggs. Clutch sizes range from 1-10 eggs. When hatched, the lizard in length are two inches long. There is no major threat that have been identified in the US or Mexico. However, habitat loss and degradation would result in an agricultural decline in the species. Earless lizards are found from the southwestern and central", "Parthenogenesis\nin a captive zebra shark, a type of carpet shark. DNA genotyping demonstrated that individual zebra sharks can switch from sexual to parthenogenetic reproduction. Parthenogenesis in birds is known mainly from studies of domesticated turkeys and chickens, although it has also been noted in the domestic pigeon. In most cases the egg fails to develop normally or completely to hatching. The first description of parthenogenetic development in a passerine was demonstrated in captive zebra finches, although the dividing cells exhibited irregular nuclei and the eggs did not hatch. Parthenogenesis in turkeys appears to result from a conversion of haploid cells", "\"Bloody Fun Day\"\nthe player from moving back to it, any Cuties destroyed in a chain outside of the initial tile become eggs. After a set period of turns the eggs hatch into random Cuties, which can again be harvested for souls. Any tiles drained by the player's presence return to life and are furnished with an egg when existing eggs hatch. The result of this is that every tile the reaper travels on takes twice as long to spawn a new Cutie compared to tiles that housed a Cutie destroyed by a chain attack. Players move to the next game level after", "Anopheles\nin captivity), but most probably do not live more than two weeks in nature. Adult females lay 50–200 eggs per oviposition. The eggs are quite small (about 0.5 × 0.2 mm). Eggs are laid singly and directly on water. They are unique in that they have floats on either side. Eggs are not resistant to drying and hatch within 2–3 days, although hatching may take up to 2–3 weeks in colder climates. The mosquito larva has a well-developed head with mouth brushes used for feeding, a large thorax and a nine-segment abdomen. It has no legs. In contrast to other", "\"Long-crested eagle\"\nanother bird, for example the black sparrowhawk or lizard buzzard. It breeds all year but most eggs are laid in July–November. The female lays 1-2 eggs, and she take most of the burden of incubating them, incubation lasting 42 days, as she incubates the male provides her with food. As is normal in birds of prey the eggs are laid asynchronously, as much as two weeks apart, and the female begins incubation as soon as the first egg is laid which mans that hatching is also asynchronous. When the young hatch they are initially mainly fed by the male. The", "\"Bigfin reef squid\"\nto 16 days, while in Thailand it takes around 20 to 22 days. They gradually enlarge by absorbing water, reaching around in length and in width. Unfertilised eggs remain milky white and do not develop further. Fertilised eggs undergo cell division reaching a diameter of with the developing embryo at on the day before hatching. Upon hatching, the paralarvae are in mantle length (excluding tentacles), with fully functioning fins and ink sacs. They resemble miniature adults and are already strong swimmers. They exhibit schooling behaviour two weeks after hatching. Hatchlings are often cannibalistic. This is regarded as the main cause", "\"Marshall's pygmy chameleon\"\ninsects, though these forests seem to be fairly depleted now. In the rains (November to March), Marshall's leaf chameleon lays a small clutch of embryonated eggs that hatch quickly. Humphreys photographed a gravid female excavating a hole in the forest soil and laying a clutch. One egg was exhumed and found to contain a fully developed embryo. After 35 days, the eggs hatched and the tiny juveniles dispersed. Juveniles are relatively large at long. Like other small mountain chameleons, this species appears to have population spikes and collapses. Their ranges do not appear to be threatened and much of their", "Seussical\nHorton sits through months of harsh weather as he tries to decide between the egg and the Whos (\"\"Horton Sits on the Egg\"\") before he is captured by hunters, who take him away along with the entire tree. Gertrude tries to stop the hunters, but cannot fly due to her heavy tail. The Cat closes the act with a reprise of \"\"How Lucky You Are\"\", and conducts the band during the intermission. Horton, still hatching the egg, is auctioned off to the traveling Circus McGurkus (\"\"Egg, Nest, and Tree\"\"/\"\"Circus McGurkus\"\"/\"\"How Lucky You Are (Reprise)\"\"). At one show in Palm Beach,", "\"Loggerhead shrike\"\nan increase in average clutch size as latitude increases. Shrikes begin incubation after laying the second to last egg, resulting in asynchronous hatching. Incubation, on average, lasts 16 days. The female lays 4 to 8 eggs in a bulky cup made of twigs and grass. Once hatched, nestlings are fed by both the male and female parent. Average fledging period is about 19 days. Young may then remain nearby and dependent on adults for 3 to 4 weeks. After that, they begin to forage independently. Oftentimes, nestlings do not survive long past hatching. In the case of dead nestlings, adult", "\"Common green bottle fly\"\nwhile \"\"L. cuprina\"\" has three or less. The lifecycle of \"\"Lucilia sericata\"\" is typical of flies in the family Calliphoridae in that the egg hatches into a larva that passes through three instars, enters a prepupal and then a pupal stage before emerging into the adult stage or imago. The female lays a mass of eggs in a wound, a carcass or corpse, or in necrotic or decaying tissue. The eggs hatch in about 9 hours in warm, moist weather, but may take as long as three days in cooler weather. In this, they differ from the more opportunistic Sarcophagidae,", "\"Egg hatch assay\"\nEgg hatch assay Egg hatch assay (EHA), also called an egg hatch test (EHT), is a method used to determine a given parasite's resistance to extant drug therapy. Fresh eggs are incubated from the parasite of interest and serial dilutions of the drug of interest are applied. The percentage of eggs that hatch or die is determined at each concentration and a drug response curve may be plotted. The data can then be transformed and analysed to give further statistics such as an effective dose. This technique is labour-intensive, expensive and can take some time, however an egg hatch assay", "\"Brahminy starling\"\nfeathers, fanning the tail, erecting the crest and raising up its bill. Both sexes take part in nest building. The nest is lined with grass, feathers and rags. The normal clutch is three to four eggs which are pale bluish green. The females do not add replacement eggs when eggs are removed nor do they stop laying if an egg is artificially added. Incubation begins only after laying the second egg with the female brooding at night with the male share limited to brief periods during the day. The eggs hatch in about 12 to 14 days. The young fledge", "\"Great spotted kiwi\"\nsurvive. Because of the large size of the egg, gestation is uncomfortable for the female, and they do not move much. To relieve the pain, females soak themselves in water when they come out of the burrows by dipping their abdomens into puddles. The egg-laying season is between August and January. After the female lays the egg, the male incubates the egg while the female guards the nest. Males only leave the nest for a few hours to hunt, and during this time, the female takes over. It takes 75 to 85 days for the egg to hatch. The kiwi", "\"Spawn (biology)\"\ngrow through ten molts into ten further larval stages, the last of which is around long. The full series of larval molts takes around 7 months, and when the last stage molts, it metamorphoses into the \"\"puerulus\"\" state, which is a juvenile form of the adult, though still transparent. The puerulus larvae settle to the sea floor when the water is near its maximum temperature, which in Baja California is in the fall. Egg-bearing female lobsters migrate inshore from deeper waters to hatch their eggs, though they do not have specific spawning grounds. These lobster migrations can occur in close", "\"Kerguelen shag\"\ntwo to four eggs, about 6.2 cm long and 3.9 cm wide. The second egg is laid 2 or 3 days after the first. Both parents incubate for an average of 29 days. Both protect the chicks from predation by skuas, gulls, and sheathbills, which nevertheless take some chicks. Chicks hatch black with a pink throat and develop blackish-brown down with greyish-white tufts. Other aspects of reproductive behavior and success are unknown. The population was about 6,000 to 7,000 pairs in 1984–1987. Interactions with human beings and introduced mammals do not appear to be damaging the population. This species has", "\"Riccardoella limacum\"\nthough they were synonymized as \"\"Riccardoella limacum\"\" in 1946. Slug mites are a one-host mite. It is possible for a mite to be born, live, and die on a single host. Mites have two sexes. Their five-stage life cycle is as follows: Females lay eggs in the host lung, and then the eggs hatch in 8–12 days as six-legged larva in the lungs of hosts and undergo three nymph stages. The whole life cycle can take place in 20 days under ideal conditions. Eggs do not hatch while the host is hibernating. Slug mites are a concern for commercial and", "\"Common walkingstick\"\nfor the last time and become an adult. Egg-laying takes place about a week after mating and the eggs, measuring across, are dropped singly to the forest floor. Here they overwinter in the leaf litter, hatching the following May or even a year later. If conditions are dry, the newly hatched young may fail to extricate themselves from their egg-capsules. Ones that succeed in doing so climb up the trunks of trees, start to feed on the foliage, and pass through four to six moults as they grow. Common walkingstick The common walkingstick or northern walkingstick (\"\"Diapheromera femorata\"\") is a", "Swallow\nEuropean subspecies does not. Even in species where the male does not incubate the eggs the male may sit on them when the female is away to reduce heat loss (this is different from incubation as that involves warming the eggs, not just stopping heat loss). Incubation stints last for 5–15 minutes and are followed by bursts of feeding activity. From laying, swallow eggs take between 10–21 days to hatch, with 14–18 days being more typical. The chicks of swallows hatch naked, generally with only a few tufts of down. The eyes are closed and do not fully open for", "\"Little skate\"\negg capsules in pairs on sandy bottoms, in water no more than deep. The egg cases are amber-colored when first laid but become greenish-brown and leathery. Each roughly rectangular case contains a single fertilized egg and measures long and wide. There are hollow horns at each corner with sticky tendrils to secure the egg case to the substrate; the anterior horns are half as long as the case and curved inward, while the posterior horns are as long as the case and nearly straight. Eggs raised in captivity hatch in 5–6 months, while those in the wild may take up", "\"Egg hatch assay\"\nwill give an accurate and reliable result. Egg hatch assay Egg hatch assay (EHA), also called an egg hatch test (EHT), is a method used to determine a given parasite's resistance to extant drug therapy. Fresh eggs are incubated from the parasite of interest and serial dilutions of the drug of interest are applied. The percentage of eggs that hatch or die is determined at each concentration and a drug response curve may be plotted. The data can then be transformed and analysed to give further statistics such as an effective dose. This technique is labour-intensive, expensive and can take", "Piyotama\nbegun, giving the player a short time to create more lines of eggs to form a combo to score more points before the eggs hatch. When the \"\"hatch\"\" timer is up any eggs that formed part of a line will hatch and the little Piyos will fly off to collect on either side of the screen. An egg will hatch even if it is no longer part of a line of matching eggs, so long as it is not being held outside of the nest. The remaining eggs will fall to fill in the gaps. When enough points are scored", "\"Deepwater (film)\"\nMaestro) soon hatches a plan to run off with Nat, planning to steal Finch's ill-gotten gains. Soon, Finch begins manipulating Nat when the latter begins questioning him about all the mysterious activities that had been taking place. Finch challenges Nat to a boxing match. If Nat won, he would be free to leave and take his car as well as the salary that he had made as Finch's handyman. Nat shows up to the fight after training himself to tip-top shape. When he steps into the ring, Finch suddenly reveals that the fight was a joke. Finch actually never intended", "Echidna\n°F), REM sleep is suppressed. The female lays a single soft-shelled, leathery egg 22 days after mating, and deposits it directly into her pouch. An egg weighs and is about long. While hatching, the baby echidna opens the leather shell with a reptile-like egg tooth. Hatching takes place after 10 days of gestation; the young echidna, called a puggle, born larval and fetus-like, then sucks milk from the pores of the two milk patches (monotremes have no nipples) and remains in the pouch for 45 to 55 days, at which time it starts to develop spines. The mother digs a", "\"Lymantria dispar dispar\"\nand inches long (19×38 mm). The egg masses are a buff yellow-brown color, likened to a manila folder, but may bleach out over the winter months. As the female lays them, she covers them with hair-like setae from her abdomen. Egg clusters contain from 100 to 1000 eggs. Due to the appearance of the eggs, several common names have emerged; \"\"Schwammspinner\"\" is German for \"\"fungus spinner\"\" and \"\"la spongieuse\"\" is French for the texture of the egg cluster. Larvae (caterpillars) emerge from egg masses in the spring. Most larvae hatch within a week, but can take as long as a", "\"Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni\"\nroughly 80% of the clutches are eaten and/or destroyed. The male frog takes precautions to keep his eggs safe, such as defending them, or urinating on the eggs to ensure that they do not dry out. The eggs hatch after approximately 10–15 days. The tadpoles that fall into the water usually remain hidden in debris at the bottom of the stream. Their growth is time-consuming, and it takes between 1–2 years for the tadpoles to fully mature. Some risks the eggs face are infections by fungus, or being eaten by larger predators such as crickets and possums. Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni Hyalinobatrachium", "\"Lucilia mexicana\"\nwith all insects, developmental rates depend on temperature and degree days. Egg hatching does not occur at temperatures below 75 °F. At 75 °F, it takes the eggs 14.03 hours to hatch. Hatching also ceases when temperatures are higher than 99 °F, and at 99 °F it takes the eggs 8.12 hours to hatch. It has been discovered that the optimal temperature is 94 °F taking 7.77 hours. The larval stage has three distinct instars. In the first instar, the spine is heavily pigmented with tubercles on the last segment. The second instar develops the spine into a complete band", "\"Short-beaked echidna\"\non her abdomen. The egg is ovoid, leathery, soft, and cream-coloured. Between laying and hatching, some females continue to forage for food, while others dig burrows and rest there until hatching. Ten days after it is laid, the egg hatches within the pouch. The embryo develops an \"\"egg tooth\"\" during incubation, which it uses to tear open the egg; the tooth disappears soon after hatching. Hatchlings are about long and weigh between . After hatching, young echidnas are known as \"\"puggles\"\". Although newborns are still semitranslucent and still surrounded by the remains of the egg yolk, and the eyes are", "\"Australasian gannet\"\nnests. One egg is laid that can weigh anywhere from , with an average of . Matt pale blue and with an elongated egg shape, it measures long by wide. The egg surface fades to a chalky white. Generally only one brood takes place each season, though eggs and chicks up to eight days old will be replaced if lost. Incubation takes 37–50 days and is done mainly by the female, keeping the eggs warm with its webbed feet. Newly hatched chicks are featherless and have black skin, their eyes opening at 2–3 days of age. They are covered with", "\"Polistes gallicus\"\nemerge, attending to tasks such as maintaining the nest and taking care of the brood inside, or defending it if threatened. The first workers take over all the duties in the colony, hunting for preys (larvae are fed with other insects that adults hunt) and collecting water, carbohydrates and nest material. The foundress is now a queen, that lays eggs and rests all day long while her workers do all the other work. More workers emerge, and the number of wasps soon increases. Newly hatched workers are bigger than the first ones, because they were well fed as larvae (unlike", "\"Palystes superciliosus\"\nwill not be present. Pompilid wasps only hunt spiders, which they paralyse by stinging them. They then drag the spider back to their nest where they lay an egg on the spider, then seal the spider and the egg in. When the egg hatches, the larva eats the paralysed spider, keeping the spider alive as long as possible by eating peripheral flesh first, and saving the vital organs till last. By doing this, the spider stays fresh long enough for the wasp larva to mature and pupate. The Pompilid wasp species \"\"Tachypompilus ignitus\"\" is at least largely a specialist hunter", "\"Bog turtle\"\nper year. A healthy female bog turtle can lay between 30 and 45 eggs in her lifetime, but many of the offspring do not survive to reach sexual maturity. Typically, older females lay more eggs than younger ones. The eggs are white, elliptical, and on average long and wide. After the eggs are laid, they are left to undergo an incubation period that lasts for 42 to 80 days. In colder climates, the eggs are incubated through the winter and hatch in the spring. The eggs are vulnerable during the incubation period, and often fall prey to mammals and birds.", "\"Curculio glandium\"\nan adaptation that specifically developed by their reliance on seeds for food and reproduction.\"\" \"\"Curculio glandium\"\" eggs are deposited in acorns by the adult weevil chewing channels into the fruit. The eggs are then released using an ovipositor, a long, narrow organ featured in female weevils. These do not reach the acorn's embryo and are healed by the plant, sealing the holes and protecting the eggs from parasites. Upon hatching, either one or two larvae consume the fruit. While they may eat the entirety of the acorn, the larvae typically do not consume the embryo itself\"\".\"\" \"\"Curculio glandium\"\" live throughout", "\"Critters (film series)\"\nNo mating rituals are shown or discussed in the films. In \"\"Critters 4\"\", Charlie tells Fran that it takes six months for Krite eggs to incubate. This is contradicted in the previous installment, however, when the eggs from the beginning of the film hatch in what appears to be a span of just a few hours, and in the second film where eggs laid in the first film appear to have remained dormant for two years before they were found. How many eggs a Krite can produce at one time is not revealed. It may be that temperature has an", "\"Philornis downsi\"\nPhilornis downsi Philornis downsi is a species of fly (Diptera, Muscidae) that was first recorded in Trinidad and Brazil in the 1990s. It has been accidentally introduced to the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador). Adult \"\"P. downsi\"\" feed on fruit. Eggs are laid in bird nests and hatch into parasitic larvae which reside in the nest material and emerge at night to feed both internally and externally on the blood and flesh of developing nestlings. The parasite is causing significant mortality in Darwin's finch nestlings and threaten the survival of some rarer species such as the mangrove finch (\"\"Camarhynchus heliobates\"\") and the", "\"Ctenomorphodes tessulatus\"\nAustralia, flick their eggs to the ground in order to attract ants to take them to the ant refinery where they hatch over seasons. Nymphs will hatch if they are in crevices in rock and will not hatch in dry conditions, whilst on sand the eggs will hatch as well. Cold conditions will hatch the eggs if they were in a non-dry environment, in a crevice, and on sand. Females are parthenogenetic so a single egg can start a population, occasionally causing plant forest defoliation. Rearing the nymphs is quick and easy, low maintenance cleaning and when adult, mating is", "\"Citrus long-horned beetle\"\nCitrus long-horned beetle The citrus long-horned beetle (\"\"Anoplophora chinensis\"\") is a long-horned beetle native to Japan, China and Korea, where it is considered a serious pest. Each female citrus long-horned beetle can make up to 200 eggs after mating, and each egg is separately deposited in tree bark. After the beetle larvae hatches, it chews into the tree, forming a tunnel that is then used as a place for beetle pupation (the process of growing from larvae to adult). From egg-laying to pupation and adult emergence can take twelve to eighteen months. Infestations by the beetle can kill many different", "\"White-necked rockfowl\"\ntypically two, are laid in each nest a day or two apart. The eggs weigh about and have an average size of . The eggs are a creamy white with dark brown blotches spread across the egg but in higher density near the larger end. Incubation, which begins after the first egg is laid, lasts for 23 to 28 days. The parents take turns incubating their eggs. Hatching typically takes at least 12 hours. The infant rockfowl's eyes open after nine to eleven days, while feathers begin to grow seven days after hatching. After the young hatch, food is brought", "\"Mountain madtom\"\nto other fish the mountain madtom has a small clutch size because they do provide a lot of parental care to the young. The breeding season was determined to be June–July, based on the time the nest was found and how developed the eggs were. Human activity that puts silt in the streams can cause the eggs to suffocate which is detrimental to the population. The ideal temperature for the eggs to hatch is 24 C. In Tennessee the mountain madtom is listed as threatened. Nationally it is listed as apparently secure. There is currently no specific management in effect", "Frogfish\nwhose eggs are attached to the male, and those in the genus \"\"Histiophryne\"\", whose brood are carried in the pectoral fins. The eggs are in diameter and cohere in a gelatinous mass or long ribbon, which in sargassumfish are up to a metre (3.3 ft) long and wide. These egg masses can include up to 180,000 eggs. For most species, the eggs drift on the surface. After two to five days, the fish hatch and the newly hatched alevin are between long. For the first few days, they live on the yolk sac while their digestive systems continue to develop.", "\"Doryteuthis opalescens\"\nantibiotic for fungal infection. Females insert the egg capsules into the sand with a sticky substance that anchors them in place so that the ocean surge can ventilate them. The presence of eggs on the bottom of tanks stimulates females to lay more eggs. Groups of capsules are placed in masses that can extend into egg beds. Some egg beds can cover acres of the ocean floor. The eggs take 3–8 weeks to hatch with warmer water shortening the incubation time. Bat stars (\"\"Asterina miniatus\"\") are the most prevalent predators of eggs. Fish do not eat them, although they will", "LarvalBase\nas identification keys, morphometrics, broodstock, spawning and nursery behaviour, prey and predators, and growth stages and rates. It also includes information of specific interest to aquaculturists, such as how long it takes egg to hatch, diagrams charting changes in anatomy at different larval stages, analysis of larval diets, and techniques for rearing fish fry. It can be difficult for fisheries, aquaculture and hatchery scientists and managers to get the information they need on the species that concern them, because the relevant facts can be scattered and buried across numerous journal articles, reports, newsletters and other sources. It can be particularly", "\"Tineola bisselliella\"\ndevelopment, larvae will still hatch and grow at temperatures as low as and can survive up to ). Unlike the caterpillars, the adult moths do not feed: they acquire all of the nutrition and moisture they need while in the larval stage, and once they hatch from cocoons their only goal is to reproduce. They have only atrophied mouth parts and cannot feed on fabric or clothing. All feeding damage is done by the caterpillar (larval) form. Heated buildings allow clothes moths to develop year-round. The overall life cycle from egg to egg typically takes 4–6 months, with two generations", "\"Caribbean reef octopus\"\nhave been known to seal themselves in their lair while pregnant. A female can lay up to 500 eggs; clusters of eggs are joined by special stalks. The female then sits with her eggs until they are ready to hatch. If any creature comes near the eggs, the female will attack it, though if it kills the creature, will not eat it. The eggs take 50 to 80 days to hatch, but will hatch more quickly in warmer waters. Newly hatched young are able to jet propel themselves round and squirt ink, much like their parents. In just 14 weeks,", "\"Nilgiri laughingthrush\"\nmade up of mosses. The eggs are laid within a few days of completing the nest construction, which can take from 5 to 18 days (average of 13 days). Nests built later in the season tend to be constructed more rapidly. The clutch consists of 2 greenish blue eggs with brown blotches and streaks. The adults tear up and destroy the nest after the young birds fledge or if the nest is predated. The eggs are about long and wide. Incubation begins after the second egg is laid and both parents take turns until the chick hatches on the 16th", "Leiopelmatidae\nof their torsos. The appearance of early jump recovery in more advanced taxa is a key innovation in anuran evolution. They are unusually small frogs, only in length. Most species lay their eggs in moist ground, typically under rocks or vegetation. After hatching, the tadpoles nest in the male's back, all without the need for standing or flowing water. However, Hochstetter's frog lays its eggs in shallow ponds and has free-living tadpoles, although they do not swim far from the place of hatching, or even feed, before metamorphosing into adult frogs. Lifespans may be long (more than 30 years) for", "\"Acleris variegana\"\nis brownish-gray. The wingspan is . The eggs are oval, light yellow for the summer generation and milky-white or orange for over-wintering eggs. The larva is yellowish with a shiny brown head. The pupa is long. Hatching caterpillars in spring eat fruit buds. Later they tie leaves into bundles with the help of webbing that they spin. They can skeletonize young leaves and also do damage to buds, flowers, ovaries and unripe fruits. In spring, eggs are laid in large batches. Moths of summer generations lay eggs one by one or in small batches of three to six eggs on", "Embryonated\nembryonic tissue is useful. Practitioners call such an egg \"\"embryonated\"\", as opposed to merely fertilised, because they're referring to an advanced stage of development, not merely after fertilisation. In entomology, an egg sometimes is called unembryonated until it contains a visibly segmented embryo. An unembryonated egg might be a trophic egg, probably (but not necessarily) unfertilised or at least infertile. Such an egg will not contain a viable zygote. Alternatively, \"\"unembryonated\"\" might refer to an egg that is \"\"immature\"\", not yet well into the process of development. These are likely to take a long time to hatch, as opposed to", "\"Philornis downsi\"\nmedium tree finch (\"\"C. pauper\"\"). Global Invasive Species Database: \"\"Philornis downsi\"\" Philornis downsi Philornis downsi is a species of fly (Diptera, Muscidae) that was first recorded in Trinidad and Brazil in the 1990s. It has been accidentally introduced to the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador). Adult \"\"P. downsi\"\" feed on fruit. Eggs are laid in bird nests and hatch into parasitic larvae which reside in the nest material and emerge at night to feed both internally and externally on the blood and flesh of developing nestlings. The parasite is causing significant mortality in Darwin's finch nestlings and threaten the survival of some", "\"Peg-billed finch\"\nfrom 1500 m altitude to the timberline. In the wet season it can descend to 1200 m altitude. Its numbers have reported to be high when the bamboo is flowering on favoured sites such as Cerro de la Muerte. The finch is seen singly, in pairs, family groups or in mixed-species feeding flocks with other small birds such as warblers. The nest, built by the female, is a cup of plant material into which she lays typically four eggs. The female alone incubates for 12–14 days to hatching. It feeds on insects and spiders, grass and bamboo seeds. It will", "\"And Tango Makes Three\"\none male penguin except for Roy and Silo, two male penguins who have fallen in love. They do everything together: they sing, swim, and even build a nest so that they can start a family. The two penguins take turns sitting on a rock, thinking that it is an egg. They wait patiently, but nothing happens. The zookeeper, Mr. Gramsay, notices this and he brings them an extra egg from another penguin couple who would not be able to care for it. Roy and Silo sit on their egg and take care of it until it hatches! The zookeepers name", "\"Pycroft's petrel\"\nto their colony; laying is synchronised and happens between 21 November and 10 December. This species lays a single egg in a burrow. The nesting burrows are long and the nesting chamber is lined with leaves. Both parents incubate the egg, with the male taking the first shift. This first incubation shift lasts 10-14 days. Chicks hatch 45 days after laying. Chicks leave the nest in around 80 days after hatching, and are not fed for the last week they are in the nest. Little is known about its diet, but it is known to eat squid and crustaceans. Outside", "\"Hemileuca lucina\"\nto fill in the gaps, which makes the batch of eggs look like a long ring. These eggs overwinter and hatch around May. Local weather conditions are one of the known factors that can change the hatching period. It was also observed that females preferred the periphery of the twig for their oviposition location as sunlight was more abundant compared to the inner side. Shady regions were avoided for most of the females but the reason is not fully understood. Larval response to predators or other harmful factors are mainly defense or escape. Defense takes on multiple forms, as larvae", "\"Oregon spotted frog\"\nand 75 individual egg masses and in British Columbia it has been recorded that each egg mass contained an average of 643 eggs. They lay their eggs in fully exposed, shallow waters that are readily warmed by the sun so that development to hatching is hastened by warm conditions. However this also increases the vulnerability of the eggs to desiccation and/or freezing. Once fertilized, the eggs of the Oregon spotted frog begin to enter the larval stage of their development very quickly. The larvae then hatch into tadpoles in 18–30 days and do not metamorphosize until 110–130 days after hatching", "\"Green and golden bell frog\"\nsinking, the orientation becomes disordered. Two to five days later, the tadpoles hatch out, but the process can take only a few hours on occasions. The hatching rate varies between 46 and 77%, and peaks at 22 °C. Hatching is less likely in acidic waters, although alkaline conditions do not lead to a lower rate compared to neutral conditions. Given the large number of eggs that hatch per female and given the scarcity of mature frogs, tadpole survival rates are believed to be very low. Upon hatching, the tadpoles are around 2.5–3 mm in snout-vent length (SVL) and about 5–6", "\"Aglossa cuprina\"\nis still being researched. Research on the species' life cycle has yet to be completed, but it has been shown to have a similar life cycle to that of \"\"Aglossa caprealis\"\". \"\"A. caprealis\"\" lays an average of 60-300 eggs during a single reproductive cycle. The eggs are commonly laid on overhanging supports. The time it takes for the eggs to hatch is temperature dependent and take between 2–14 days to hatch. Once the eggs have hatched, the larval stage will last 2–41 weeks before pupating. The larval stage prefers to live in dark secluded environments, and creates flexible tubular galleries.", "\"Hexagenia bilineata\"\nabout from the next one, stabilizing its position with its cerci. They do not bob up and down as do males of \"\"H. limbata\"\". Any female which flies into a swarm is pursued by males until copulation takes place in the air. The male then returns to the swarm, all the members of which will die before morning. The female deposits two packets, each containing several thousand eggs, into the water where they sink to the bottom and stick to the mud. She dies soon afterwards, and any undeposited egg packets may be extruded from her corpse. Each egg hatches", "\"Lucky and Zorba\"\nflying. She flies over the city until she falls on a woman's garden, right on top of her cat Zorba. Being disgusted by the petrol taste Zorba refuses to eat her. Kengah asks him three promises that he must do if she doesn't survive. The first one is that when she lays her egg he must not eat it, the second one is that he must take care of it until it hatches, and third is that he would teach the newborn how to fly. Zorba promises despite his hesitations, then he goes to find his friends to try to", "\"Xenentodon cancila\"\nanal and dorsal fins with a black edge. It reaches a length of . While aquarium books tend to describe this fish as a predator that eats animals such as fish and frogs, its natural diet appears to consist almost entirely of crustaceans. This species is oviparous. In aquaria at least, spawning takes place in the morning, with small numbers of eggs being deposited among plants. The eggs are about in diameter and are attached to plant leaves with sticky threads about . The eggs take ten days to hatch, at which point the fry are almost long. At this" ]
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where does the president 's helicopter land at the white house
[ "The south lawn" ]
[ "\"South Lawn (White House)\"\nspace for the Presidents helicopter, Marine One, to land directly on the White House grounds. The helicopter will take off and land in the grassy area directly south of the main residence. For aesthetic reasons, the lawn does not contain a full helipad, but rather three removable aluminum discs which accommodate the helicopter's individual landing gear. The climax of the 1974 White House helicopter incident occurred on the South Lawn. President Clinton had a quarter-mile long jogging track installed during his presidency in 1993. An avid runner, Clinton would regularly want to go on runs, but his doing so greatly", "\"George H. W. Bush\"\nstayed in contact with members of Congress and kept the president informed on occurrences on Capitol Hill. On March 30, 1981 (early into the administration), Reagan was shot and seriously wounded by John Hinckley Jr. in Washington, D.C. Bush was in Fort Worth, Texas, and immediately flew back to Washington D.C. because he was next in line to the presidency. Reagan's cabinet convened in the White House Situation Room, where they discussed various issues, including the availability of the \"\"nuclear football\"\". When Bush's plane landed, he was advised by his aides to proceed directly to the White House by helicopter", "\"1974 White House helicopter incident\"\nLawn, where a crash would not have injured bystanders. \"\"But here's the nub: Neither the Maryland police nor the Secret Service fired on the helicopter at any time when its downing threatened the lives of any bystanders.\"\" 1974 White House helicopter incident On February 17, 1974, Robert K. Preston stole a helicopter and landed on the south lawn of the White House, allegedly as a publicity stunt to \"\"show his skill as a pilot.\"\" At 2 A.M. on February 17, 1974, Robert K. Preston, a United States Army private first class, stole a United States Army Bell UH-1 Iroquois (\"\"Huey\"\")", "\"Marine One\"\nWhite House South Lawn as a helicopter landing zone. Ample room was present, and the protocol was established. Until 1976, the Marine Corps shared the responsibility of helicopter transportation for the President with the United States Army. Army helicopters used the call sign Army One while the president was on board. The VH-3D entered service in 1978. The VH-60N entered service in 1987 and has served alongside the VH-3D. Improvements were made to both types of helicopters since their introduction to both take advantage of technological developments as well as to meet new mission requirements. However, by about 2001, it", "\"1st Helicopter Squadron\"\nin the Capital area go back to August 1955, when Military Air Transport Service organized the 1401st Helicopter Flight at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. In July 1957, a helicopter from the 1401st landed on the lawn of the White House to transport President Eisenhower, marking the unit's first presidential airlift flight. In October 1957, the flight was transferred to Headquarters Command, which required renumbering it as the 1001st Helicopter Flight. The flight moved to Bolling Air Force Base in 1963. Expanding demands for helicopter airlift resulted in the flight expanding to the 1001st Helicopter Squadron. On 7 September 1968", "\"White House\"\nchanges were an internal matter. The story was picked up by industry trade journals. In 2013, President Barack Obama had a set of solar panels installed on the roof of the White House, making it the first time solar power would be used for the president's living quarters. The president usually travels to and from the White House grounds via official motorcade or helicopter. The journey by helicopter was inaugurated in the 1950s when President Dwight D. Eisenhower began traveling on Marine One to and from his official residence. Today the group of buildings housing the presidency is known as", "\"Mission Accomplished speech\"\nwas well within range of Bush's helicopter, and that a jet landing was not needed. Originally the White House had stated that the carrier was too far off the California coast for a helicopter landing and a jet would be needed to reach it. On the day of the speech, the \"\"Lincoln\"\" was only from shore but the administration still decided to go ahead with the jet landing. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer admitted that Bush \"\"could have helicoptered, but the plan was already in place. Plus, he wanted to see a landing the way aviators see a landing.\"\" The", "\"Evan Peter Aurand\"\nReserve Forces, he was named Naval Aide to President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956, relieving Captain Edwin (“Ned”) Beach. His duties included running Camp David and the White House Mess. He got the President on or near the water, aboard Navy vessels and involved in Naval operations at every opportunity. He suggested and implemented the use of Marine helicopters for transporting the President on short and medium length trips, allowing the President to take off and land directly on the White House lawn for the first time. During this duty, a chance meeting with Captain William Anderson, skipper of the", "\"1974 White House helicopter incident\"\n1974 White House helicopter incident On February 17, 1974, Robert K. Preston stole a helicopter and landed on the south lawn of the White House, allegedly as a publicity stunt to \"\"show his skill as a pilot.\"\" At 2 A.M. on February 17, 1974, Robert K. Preston, a United States Army private first class, stole a United States Army Bell UH-1 Iroquois (\"\"Huey\"\") helicopter from Fort Meade, Maryland, flew it to Washington, D.C. and hovered for six minutes over the White House before descending on the south lawn, about 100 yards from the West Wing. There was no initial attempt", "\"James S. Brady Press Briefing Room\"\nJames S. Brady Press Briefing Room The James S. Brady Press Briefing Room is a small theater in the West Wing of the White House where the White House Press Secretary gives briefings to the news media and the President of the United States sometimes addresses the press and the nation. It is located between the workspace assigned to the White House press corps and the office of the Press Secretary. The first presidential press conference was held on 15 March 1913 in the Oval Office, during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. Subsequently, through to 1969, communications from the President", "\"1974 White House helicopter incident\"\nfrom the Executive Protective Service to shoot the helicopter down, and he later took off and was chased by two Maryland State Police helicopters. Preston forced one of the police helicopters down through his maneuvering of the helicopter, and then returned to the White House. This time, as he hovered above the south grounds, the Executive Protective Service fired at him with shotguns and submachine guns. Preston was injured slightly, and landed his helicopter. In a plea bargain, he pleaded guilty to \"\"wrongful appropriation and breach of the peace,\"\" and was sentenced to one year in prison and fined $2,400.", "\"Ming C. Lowe\"\nDesert could afford, Lowe moved to the mountain community of Pinyon and used her self-taught architectural and construction skills to design and build a multi-dimensional house and furniture to give her home the energy her art demanded. With her art now properly housed, Lowe gained the confidence to travel and experiment in photography. She was in the top floor of the Hotel Washington across from the White House when a terrorist-piloted jet crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11. She was photographing the smoke from the crash when President Bush's helicopter emerged from the smoke to land on the White House", "\"When AIDS Was Funny\"\nWell, I just wondered, does the President— SPEAKES: How do you know? (Laughter.) KINSOLVING: In other words, the White House looks on this as a great joke? SPEAKES: No, I don't know anything about it, Lester. KINSOLVING: Does the President, does anybody in the White House know about this epidemic, Larry? SPEAKES: I don't think so. I don't think there’s been any— KINSOLVING: Nobody knows? SPEAKES: There has been no personal experience here, Lester. KINSOLVING: No, I mean, I thought you were keeping— SPEAKES: I checked thoroughly with Dr. Ruge this morning and he’s had no—(laughter)—no patients suffering from A-I-D-S", "\"Arthur E. Dewey\"\nDevelopment. In this capacity, he played a major role in coordinating United States civilian relief efforts during the Nigerian Civil War, developing the Cross River proposal for delivering humanitarian aide into the Biafra region. After his year as a White House fellow, Dewey returned to the army. In 1970, he commanded the 222nd Combat Aviation Battalion in the Vietnam War. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross for commanding the helicopter gun trips during the prisoner rescue efforts in Cambodia. He spent 1971 as Director of the President´s Commission on White House Fellowships. The next year, he was selected by the", "\"Harry S. Truman Little White House\"\nmeeting in three hours flight from Washington. Most importantly, Truman realized that where the President was, the White House was. Documents issued from the Little White House read \"\"The White House, US Naval Station, Key West, Florida.\"\" Truman spent 175 days of his presidency at the Little White House. In 1948, James Forrestal met with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to hammer out the creation of the Department of Defense. This was called the Key West Agreement, named after the place where the basic outline for the document was agreed to at a meeting that took place from March 11", "\"James S. Brady Press Briefing Room\"\npress staff. James S. Brady Press Briefing Room The James S. Brady Press Briefing Room is a small theater in the West Wing of the White House where the White House Press Secretary gives briefings to the news media and the President of the United States sometimes addresses the press and the nation. It is located between the workspace assigned to the White House press corps and the office of the Press Secretary. The first presidential press conference was held on 15 March 1913 in the Oval Office, during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. Subsequently, through to 1969, communications from", "HMX-1\ndedication of the facility, a rarity for named Marine facilities throughout the world, most of which recognize deceased Marines. Shortly after the September 7, 1957, mission from Newport, a naval aide to the President asked HMX-1 to evaluate landing helicopters on the south lawn of the White House. Preliminary assessment and trial flights concluded that ample room was present for a safe landing and departure. Formal procedures were finalized and HMX-1 began a long career of flying the President of the United States to and from the South Lawn and Andrews AFB, the home of Air Force One. Col. Olson", "\"Watergate scandal\"\nthat he had no chance of staying in office and that public opinion was not in his favor, Nixon decided to resign. In a from the Oval Office on the evening of August 8, 1974, the president said, in part: The morning that his resignation took effect, the President, with Mrs. Nixon and their family, said farewell to the White House staff in the East Room. A helicopter carried them from the White House to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. Nixon later wrote that he thought, \"\"As the helicopter moved on to Andrews, I found myself thinking not of", "HMX-1\nis credited with initiating many of the procedures which are now standard operating procedure, including painting the top of the otherwise Marine green helicopters white, thus their \"\"White Top\"\" nickname. It also was Col. Olson who conceived the placement of the large white circular target at a predetermined spot on the White House lawn for the nose of Marine One on landing, a function necessitated when the White House gardener complained to Col. Olson that the rotor craft were destroying the trees, shrubs and flowers on the South Lawn. Initially, the helicopter function was shared with the Army, but in", "\"Nixon's Florida White House\"\nwas a suspected pipeline for Mafia money from Crosby's casino in The Bahamas. By the 1960s, FBI agents monitoring the Mafia had identified Rebozo as a \"\"non-member associate of organized crime figures.\"\" President John F. Kennedy and Nixon met for the first time after the 1960 presidential election in an oceanfront villa at the old Key Biscayne Hotel. As the Watergate scandal developed, Nixon spent more time in seclusion there. The United States Department of Defense spent $400,000 constructing a helicopter landing pad in Biscayne Bay adjacent to the Nixon compound. When Nixon sold his property, including the helicopter pad,", "\"Truman Annex\"\nTruman Annex Truman Annex is both a neighborhood and military installation in Key West, Florida, United States. It is the part of the island that is west of Whitehead Street, with the exception of Bahama Village. It is where the winter White House for President Harry S. Truman is located from its days as part of the former Naval Station Key West. The Harry S. Truman Little White House in Key West, Florida was the winter White House for President Truman for 175 days during 11 visits. Formerly the Truman Annex Naval Station, this award winning, mixed use redevelopment sits", "\"Truman Annex\"\nwinters in Key West in what is now the annex. Truman Annex Truman Annex is both a neighborhood and military installation in Key West, Florida, United States. It is the part of the island that is west of Whitehead Street, with the exception of Bahama Village. It is where the winter White House for President Harry S. Truman is located from its days as part of the former Naval Station Key West. The Harry S. Truman Little White House in Key West, Florida was the winter White House for President Truman for 175 days during 11 visits. Formerly the Truman", "\"White House Military Office\"\nHouse requirements are clearly communicated to the WHMO Directorates and meet the highest standards of presidential quality. The WHMO's operational units are the most visible element of the WHMO's support to the President. The WHMO units include the: White House Communications Agency, Presidential Airlift Group, White House Medical Unit, Camp David, Marine Helicopter Squadron One, Presidential Food Service, White House Transportation Agency, White House Social Aides, and Military Aides to the President. The Social Aides, of whom there are 40-45 at a time, are uniformed officers of the rank of 1st Lieutenant / Lieutenant, junior grade to Major / Lieutenant", "\"White Legion (Zaire)\"\nfrom their sabotage troops the mercenaries also had six pilots and access to aircraft: four Mil Mi-24 helicopters, one Aérospatiale SA 330 Puma helicopter, five SA 341 Gazelle helicopters, Soko G-4 Super Galeb and Soko J-21 Jastreb and three SIAI-Marchetti S.211 aircraft. However, their use of these aircraft was not always effective due to a lack of coordination with allied forces. White Legion (Zaire) The White Legion was a mercenary unit during the First Congo War (1996–97) employed on the side of Zaire President Mobutu Sese Seko. This group of several hundred men, mostly from former Yugoslavia, was given the", "\"E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)\"\nWith only one plant left, the family runs into the house, where Lisa urges Homer to destroy it, but Homer refuses until the livestock breaks in. He tosses the plant into the air and it lands in the hands of a Laramie executive. The executives' helicopter leaves, but a tomacco-addicted sheep has sneaked on board and attacks them. The helicopter crashes, killing everyone on board except for the sheep and destroying the final tomacco plant. The Simpsons return home to find that the Southern gentleman and his wife are still waiting for Homer to go through the duel. Homer does", "\"Ōsumi-class tank landing ship\"\nconcept does not involve amphibious assault. The tempo of helicopter transport and the types of helicopters required would be very different from those in an assault amphibious landing.\"\" Osumi gives the JMSDF a modest lift capability, especially in defense of the outer islands. The \"\"Osumi\"\" type of vessel enables the efficient transport of ground troops to strategic locations, and the rescue of civilians in case of large scale natural disaster. The massive hull features armored and opening deck. The rear of hull houses an armored landing deck for two large CH-47 helicopters. The well-dock in the rear of the ship", "HMX-1\nHMX-1 Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1) is a United States Marine Corps helicopter squadron responsible for the transportation of the President of the United States, Vice President, Heads of States, DOD Officials and other VIPs as directed by the Marine Corps and White House Military Office (WHMO). A Marine helicopter which has the President aboard uses the call sign \"\"Marine One\"\". Previously, HMX-1 was also tasked with Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E). This task was reassigned to VMX-1 in Yuma, Arizona; since the contract award of the new Presidential Helicopter in 2014 to Sikorsky Aircraft, however, HMX-1 has assumed the", "\"Christmas in the post-war United States\"\nWhite House. On Christmas Eve, President Calvin Coolidge lit the 2,500 red, white and green electric bulbs on the tree. In 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had the tree moved from the Ellipse to the White House grounds, where it remained until 1954 when it was returned to the Ellipse. In 1946, the lighting ceremony became a televised event, though not with widespread telecast. From 1948 to 1951, President Harry S. Truman signalled the lighting of the tree by remote control from his Independence, Missouri home, but in 1952, he stayed at the White House for the lighting ceremony. In", "\"Harry S. Truman Little White House\"\nand family had a reunion here in 1996. In April 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell opened a week of OSCE peace talks, led by Minsk Group Co-Chairman Carey Cavanaugh between President Robert Kocharyan of Armenia and Heydar Aliyev of Azerbaijan. In January 2005, former President Bill Clinton and his wife, then Senator Hillary Clinton, spent a weekend relaxing at the house. Harry S. Truman Little White House The Harry S Truman Little White House in Key West, Florida was the winter White House for President Harry S Truman for 175 days during 11 visits. The house is located in", "\"Pitcairn Aircraft Company\"\nas a news aircraft due to it ability to fly well at low altitude and speed, land and take off from restricted spaces, and semihover for better camera shots. This PCA-2 was the ancestor of today's news helicopters. Also in 1931, pilot James G. Ray landed an autogiro on the south lawn of the White House. Harold F. Pitcairn, the pilot, and three other company members of the Pitcairn-Cierva Autogiro Company were present to receive the Collier Trophy for their development of the autogyro. In 1932, autogyro inventor Cierva was greeted by U.S. President Herbert Hoover, who predicted in the", "\"Rex (dog)\"\nand red window draperies. It was designed by Theo Hayes, great-great grandson of President Rutherford B. Hayes, and actress Zsa Zsa Gabor reportedly conducted a dedication ceremony for the new structure. Nackey Loeb, wife of publisher William Loeb III, advised the Reagans to hire a dog trainer for Rex, as she felt it was detrimental to Nancy Reagan's image to have the dog pull her around in front of the press. The President responded to Loeb, stating that Rex was still young and got easily excited when helicopters land on the White House lawn to the extent that \"\"he believes", "\"Inauguration of Gerald Ford\"\nfor his role in the Watergate scandal and alleged cover-up, announced to the nation that he would resign the Presidency of the United States \"\"effective at noon tomorrow [August 9].\"\" At 9:00 am the following morning, Nixon gave a farewell talk to an East Room assembly of White House staff and selected dignitaries, including the Cabinet and Vice President Ford. It was an emotional event, with President Nixon nearly breaking down a number of times. When it was finished, Vice President Ford escorted the President and First Lady to an Army helicopter, where the President waved his famous \"\"v-sign\"\" before", "\"State visits to the United States\"\nBedroom and Queens' Bedroom, plus their adjoining sitting rooms, dressing rooms and bathrooms. These are separated from the president's apartments by a staircase landing. During the presidency of Bill Clinton, Queen Sonja and John Major both stayed in the White House guest quarters, instead of the President's Guest House. Official and official working visits, as well as some state visits led by an executive president, generally include a luncheon at Foggy Bottom, which will be jointly hosted by the Vice President of the United States and the United States Secretary of State; the president of the United States does not", "\"White House Counsel\"\nCounsel's Office also helps define the line between official and political activities, oversees executive appointments and judicial selection, handles Presidential pardons, reviews legislation and Presidential statements, and handles lawsuits against the President in his role as President, as well as serving as the White House contact for the Department of Justice. The White House Counsel offers legal advice to the President, the Counsel in the President's official capacity but does not serve as the President's personal attorney. The scope of the attorney–client privilege between the Counsel and the President, applies to official and not strictly personal matters. It also does", "\"White House, Bishkek\"\nby government cavalry dispersed the crowd. President Akayev used this time and fled with his family by helicopter to Kazakhstan, from where he subsequently flew to Moscow. In 2010, the building became the center of the 2010 Kyrgyzstani riots. On 7 April, protesters in Bishkek filled Ala-Too Square and surrounded the White House. The police at first used non-lethal methods like teargas but after two trucks tried to ram down the gate live ammunition was used. At least forty-one protesters were killed in the ensuing engagement. After the protests subsided, the building was taken over by the provisional government. In", "\"Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant\"\nin Florida. In 1874 gold had been discovered in the Black Hills in the Dakota Territory. White speculators and settlers rushed in droves seeking riches mining gold on land reserved for the Sioux tribe by the Treaty of Fort Laramie of 1868. In 1875, to avoid conflict Grant met with Red Cloud, chief of the Sioux and offered $25,000 from the government to purchase the land. The offer was declined. On November 3, 1875 at a White House meeting, Phil Sheridan told the President that the Army was overstretched and could not defend the Sioux tribe from the settlers; Grant", "\"Landing Platform Helicopter\"\nof 2010, the former light fleet carrier also performed this role, but has now been decommissioned. The LPH classification was used by the United States Navy for the amphibious assault ships of the , a converted and three converted s. No ships of this classification are currently in active service with the United States Navy, having been replaced with multi-purpose ships classified under NATO naming conventions as Landing Helicopter Dock or Landing Helicopter Assault ships. Royal Navy \"\"Commando Carriers and \"\"Amphibious Helicopter Carrier\"\"s Landing Platform Helicopter Landing Platform Helicopter (LPH) is the hull classification used by a number of the", "\"Gene Boyer\"\nserved Presidents Johnson and Ford as a White House pilot. Gene Boyer Retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel Gene T. Boyer (born July 24, 1929) was the chief pilot of Army One, the helicopter transporting the President of the United States, between 1964 and 1975. Boyer was the pilot during President Richard Nixon's last day in office on August 9, 1974, when Nixon famously delivered the V sign just prior to leaving office. He led the restoration of the VH-3A \"\"Sea King\"\" helicopter, tail number 150617, that served as Army One that day. That helicopter is now on permanent display", "HMX-1\nleft unchanged. Marines who fly in the Executive Flight Detachment may be eligible for the Presidential Service Badge after a certain term of service. HMX-1 Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1) is a United States Marine Corps helicopter squadron responsible for the transportation of the President of the United States, Vice President, Heads of States, DOD Officials and other VIPs as directed by the Marine Corps and White House Military Office (WHMO). A Marine helicopter which has the President aboard uses the call sign \"\"Marine One\"\". Previously, HMX-1 was also tasked with Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E). This task was reassigned", "\"The Fellowship (Christian organization)\"\nPresident Jimmy Carter to issue a worldwide call to prayer with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Carter hosted Coe and former Senator Harold E. Hughes, the President of the Fellowship Foundation, for a luncheon at the White House on September 26, 1978. Six weeks later, the President and the First Lady traveled by Marine helicopter to Cedar Point Farm, Hughes' home on Maryland's Eastern Shore, where he placed a telephone call to Menachim Begin. Author Jeff Sharlet has criticized the fellowship's influence on US foreign policy. He argues that Coe and the \"\"networking\"\" (or formation", "\"Saraqib chemical attack\"\nSaraqib chemical attack The Saraqib chemical attack took place in Saraqib in Idlib Governorate in Syria on 29 April 2013. On 29 March 2013, a helicopter was seen passing above the western part of Saraqueb, a source close to the opposition claimed. The source said the helicopter was flying from north to south and that a trail of white smoke came down from the helicopter as three objects were dropped. According to the source, the first object landed in the northern area of the town, the second landed in the middle of the courtyard of a family house, and the", "\"South Lawn (White House)\"\nHouse. The South Lawn presents a long north-south vista from the house. Open to the public until the Second World War, it is now a closed part of the White House grounds that provides a setting for official events like the State Arrival Ceremony as well as informal gatherings including the annual White House Egg Rolling Contest and staff barbecues. Marine One, the presidential helicopter, departs from and lands on the South Lawn. When the White House was first occupied in 1800 the site of the South Lawn was an open meadow gradually descending to a large marsh, the Tiber", "\"Ari Fleischer\"\nit was discovered that Richard Armitage first leaked Plame's identity, not Libby or Cheney. Fleischer published a memoir, \"\"Taking Heat: The President, the Press and My Years in the White House\"\", in 2005. Michiko Kakutani wrote in \"\"The New York Times,\"\" \"\"[T]his book does not provide any new insights into the workings of the current White House. It does not present compelling portraits of cabinet members or members of the White House supporting cast. And it does not shed new light on the president or his methods of governance.\"\" She found the book \"\"insular, defensive and wholly predictable.\"\" In,", "\"Act of War: Direct Action\"\nU.S. Armored Division, taken over by the Consortium, rescues Zakharov and occupies the White House area. The President of the United States attempts to escape but his helicopter is shot down. Only with the aid of Task Force Talon, the president manages to evade capture. Eventually, the U.S. army and Task Force Talon mount a counter-attack on the occupied the White House, facing cutting-edge enemy technology that is supposed to be top-secret U.S. prototypes. Even as they take back the White House, Zakharov unleashes The Falling Star, a space-based superweapon. Having deployed Patriot batteries to counter the Falling Star, Task", "Deathstroke\nDinah lets out a canary cry that destroys the entire palace. In the chaos, Lynch is possessed by the box, but Amanda Waller knocks the box from his hands and tells Dinah to take the box away as far as possible. Lynch tries to take down the helicopter containing Dinah and the remaining team agents, but Waller shoots him from behind, seemingly killing Lynch and leading to Team 7's dissolution. During the \"\"Forever Evil\"\" storyline, Steve Trevor encounters Deathstroke, Copperhead, and Shadow Thief at the White House when he is looking for the President. Later, the party turns up in", "\"White House Cabinet Secretary\"\nWhite House.\"\" The Cabinet Secretary is a member of the Office of Cabinet Affairs within the White House Office. The Cabinet Secretary is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the President; the position does not require Senate confirmation. The Cabinet Secretary is among the twenty-two highest paid positions in the White House. Maxwell Rabb, Eisenhower's Secretary White House Cabinet Secretary The White House Cabinet Secretary is a high-ranking position within the Executive Office of the President of the United States. The Cabinet Secretary is the primary liaison between the President of the United States and the Cabinet departments", "\"Marine One\"\nSupport Facility Anacostia in the District of Columbia, but is more often seen in action on the South Lawn of the White House or at Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility in Maryland. At Andrews, the helicopter is sometimes used to connect to Air Force One for longer journeys. Marine One is met on the ground by at least one Marine in full dress uniform (most often two, with one acting as an armed guard). According to a story told by Bruce Babbitt, President Clinton, in his final days of office, while flying over and landing in a remote area", "\"White House\"\nbegan the business day. Lincoln put up with the annoyance rather than risk alienating some associate or friend of a powerful politician or opinion maker. In February 1974, a stolen army helicopter landed without authorization on the White House's grounds. Twenty years later, in 1994, a light plane flown by Frank Eugene Corder crashed on the White House grounds, and he died instantly. As a result of increased security regarding air traffic in the capital, the White House was evacuated in May 2005 before an unauthorized aircraft could approach the grounds. On May 20, 1995, primarily as a response to", "\"Attempted assassination of Harry S. Truman\"\nAttempted assassination of Harry S. Truman The second of two assassination attempts on U.S. President Harry S. Truman occurred on November 1, 1950. It was carried out by militant Puerto Rican pro-independence activists Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola while the President resided at Blair House during the renovation of the White House. Both men were stopped before gaining entry to the house. Torresola mortally wounded White House Police officer Leslie Coffelt, who killed him in return fire. Secret Service agents wounded Collazo. President Harry S. Truman was upstairs in the house and not harmed. In the 1940s, the Nationalist Party", "\"White House Correspondents' Association\"\nis the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner, which is traditionally attended by the President and covered by the news media. Not every member of the White House press corps is a member of the White House Correspondents' Association. The current leadership team of the White House Correspondents' Association includes: The WHCA is responsible for assigning seating in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room in the West Wing of the White House. The WHCA's annual dinner, begun in 1921, has become a Washington, D.C. tradition and is traditionally attended by the president and vice president. Fifteen presidents have attended at", "\"Wild Arctic\"\nthe doors close, and Captain Emerson begins departing White Thunder from the Franklin Exploration Center, explaining to guests that he expects a short, comfortable flight to Base Station \"\"Wild Arctic\"\". Soon, Emerson begins flying the helicopter down to observe a polar bear family and then pilots White Thunder to switch to a water mode to dive into the Arctic waters to observe some Narwhals. Soon after the helicopter is piloted above water again, where Emerson warns that the Arctic storm is picking up and he has a warning indicator on his computer. Emerson lands the helicopter on a glacier to", "\"Marine One\"\nhis departing press secretary, and the ignition on Marine One's engines failed. The president was forced to exit the helicopter and depart the White House in an automobile. The September 11 attacks on the U.S. led to widespread agreement that the Marine One helicopter fleet needed significant upgrades to its communication, transportation, and security systems. But these could not be made due to the weight already added to the aircraft. In April 2002, the Department of Defense (DOD) initiated the VXX program to develop a new presidential/VIP helicopter transportation system. The helicopter program was assigned to the U.S. Navy. A", "\"Marine One\"\nMarine One Marine One is the call sign of any United States Marine Corps aircraft carrying the President of the United States. It usually denotes a helicopter operated by Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1 \"\"Nighthawks\"\"), either the large Sikorsky VH-3D Sea King or the newer, smaller VH-60N \"\"White Hawk\"\". Both helicopters are called \"\"White Tops\"\" because of their livery. Any Marine Corps aircraft carrying the Vice President has the call sign Marine Two. The first use of helicopters for transporting the President was in 1957, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower traveled on a Bell UH-13J Sioux. The President needed a", "\"Trump travel ban\"\nto his actions as a \"\"travel ban\"\". In early May 2017, Spicer was asked by a reporter \"\"If this White House is no longer calling this a 'Muslim ban'...why does the president's website still explicitly call for ‘preventing Muslim immigration?'\"\" After the question was asked, the text \"\"DONALD J. TRUMP STATEMENT ON PREVENTING MUSLIM IMMIGRATION\"\" was noted to have been removed from Trump's campaign website. All three travel bans have been challenged in court. Trump travel ban The \"\"Trump travel ban(s)\"\" (sometimes called the \"\"Trump Muslim ban(s)\"\") is the colloquial name for executive actions taken by Donald Trump as President", "\"Marine Corps Air Station El Toro\"\nMiami was closed which brought the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing to El Toro. During the presidency of Richard M. Nixon, MCAS El Toro was used for flights to and from his \"\"Western White House\"\" at San Clemente, California. The land originally surrounding the base was mostly used for agricultural purposes when it first opened, but it the late 1980s and early 1990s, residential development began in the area; most of it was directly in the path of the base's runways, which proved to be a major problem as the constant loud noise produced by jets and helicopters passing overhead was", "HMX-1\nthe first few years of the war. They trained the nucleus of pilots that would form HMR-161, the first Marine helicopter transport squadron. On September 7, 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower was vacationing at his summer home in Newport, Rhode Island, when his immediate presence was needed at the White House. The President was required at the White House to deal with the \"\"Little Rock Nine\"\" crisis stemming from Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus ordering the Arkansas National Guard to block black students from attending Central High School. President Eisenhower responded by sending the 101st Airborne into Little Rock to enforce", "\"TZY UAV\"\npair of skids as landing gear. TZY-F25B is specially designed for high altitude aerial applications. TZY-GD01 is the only fixed wing UAV developed by TZY so far (as of early 2014), and it is a conventional layout with high wing configuration and tricycle landing gear. Propulsion is provided by a two-blade propeller driven tractor engine mounted in the nose. Specification: TZY-S is an unmanned helicopter in conventional helicopter layout with a pair of skids as landing gear. TZY-S is mainly intended for agricultural applications. TZY-X is an unmanned helicopter in conventional helicopter layout with a pair of skids as landing", "\"Leslie Coffelt\"\nand his country. The day room for the U.S. Secret Service's Uniformed Division at the Blair House is named for Coffelt as well. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter commuted Collazo's sentence to time served, and granted the man release. Collazo returned to Puerto Rico, where he died in 1994. Leslie Coffelt Leslie William \"\"Les\"\" Coffelt (August 15, 1910 – November 1, 1950) was an officer of the White House Police, who was killed while successfully defending U.S. President Harry S. Truman against an armed attack on November 1, 1950 at Blair House, where the president was living during renovations at", "\"Harry S. Truman Little White House\"\nHarry S. Truman Little White House The Harry S Truman Little White House in Key West, Florida was the winter White House for President Harry S Truman for 175 days during 11 visits. The house is located in the Truman Annex neighborhood of Old Town, Key West. The house was originally waterfront when it was built in 1890 as the first officer's quarters on the submarine base naval station. The house was designed in 1889 by Scott, McDermott & Higgs, a local architectural firm. The wooden duplex contained Quarters A for the base commandant and Quarters B for the paymaster.", "\"Hugh Sidey\"\nstraight and that how you said something was sometimes more important than what you said. An old Jesuit at Creighton recommended him to some former students in New York and Sidey landed a job with \"\"Life\"\" magazine where he made an immediate impact. In 2006, The Hugh S. Sidey Scholarship in Print Journalism was established at the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communications at Iowa State University by The White House Historical Association. Sidey reported on major national and international stories such as: He covered several Presidents, from Eisenhower to Clinton, and was author of the book \"\"Time Hugh Sidey's", "\"Tom Lennox\"\nTom Lennox Thomas \"\"Tom\"\" Lennox, Ph.D., is a fictional character from the television series \"\"24\"\", played by Peter MacNicol. He first appeared in the first episode of \"\"24\"\"s 6th season, where he plays the White House Chief of Staff of President Wayne Palmer. He convinces Palmer to run for president prior to Day 6. Prior to serving as White House Chief of Staff, Lennox served as Policy Director on both Wayne and David Palmers' Presidential Campaigns. Thomas Lennox is a former member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. He also serves on the boards of the Georgetown Institute, the", "\"Tom Lennox\"\nthe recording that he had made of the conversation with Lisa Miller. Tom Lennox made a brief appearance in \"\"\"\", set on President Daniels' final day in office. Tom Lennox Thomas \"\"Tom\"\" Lennox, Ph.D., is a fictional character from the television series \"\"24\"\", played by Peter MacNicol. He first appeared in the first episode of \"\"24\"\"s 6th season, where he plays the White House Chief of Staff of President Wayne Palmer. He convinces Palmer to run for president prior to Day 6. Prior to serving as White House Chief of Staff, Lennox served as Policy Director on both Wayne and", "\"Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant\"\n1870. Grant held no personal animosity towards Native Americans and personally treated them with dignity. When Red Cloud and Spotted Tail first met Grant at the White House on May 7, 1870, they were given a bountiful dinner and entertainment equal to what was shown to a young Prince Arthur at a White House visit from Britain in 1869. At their second meeting on May 8, Red Cloud informed Grant that Whites were trespassing on Native American lands and that his people needed food and clothing. Out of concern for Native Americans, Grant ordered all Generals in the West to", "\"History of Texas (1865–99)\"\nOffice Commissioner, provide punishments for those using state lands illegally, and to catalog existing public lands. In May 1888, Ross presided over the dedication of the new Texas State Capitol building. In March 1890, the U.S. Attorney General launched a suit in the Supreme Court against Texas to determine ownership of a disputed plot of land in Greer County. Determined to meet personally with the Attorney General, Ross and his wife traveled to Washington, D.C., where they visited President Benjamin Harrison at the White House. Following that visit, they traveled to New York, where they met with former president Grover", "\"White House Chief of Staff\"\nWhite House Chief of Staff The White House Chief of Staff position is the successor to the earlier role of the President's private secretary. The role was formalized as the Assistant to the President in 1946 and acquired its current title in 1961. The current official title is Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff. The Chief of Staff is a political appointee of the President who does not require Senate confirmation, and who serves at the pleasure of the President. It is not a legally required role, but every president since Harry Truman has appointed one. In the", "\"Leslie Coffelt\"\nLeslie Coffelt Leslie William \"\"Les\"\" Coffelt (August 15, 1910 – November 1, 1950) was an officer of the White House Police, who was killed while successfully defending U.S. President Harry S. Truman against an armed attack on November 1, 1950 at Blair House, where the president was living during renovations at the White House. Coffelt was wounded during the assassination attempt, which two Puerto Rican nationalists carried out. Though mortally wounded by three bullets, Coffelt returned fire moments later and killed one of the attackers with a single shot to the head. The other was convicted by a federal jury", "\"White House Medical Unit\"\nprovided. The goal is to ensure that the president is never more than 20 minutes away from a hospital with Level 1 trauma center. If this is not possible, the WHMU ensures that a military helicopter is nearby, kept in instant readiness to evacuate the president to an appropriate hospital. The total number of staff on duty at the White House Medical Unit varies over time. In 2001, there were 22 total staff, although by 2010 this had risen to 24 total staff. Although the number of physician assistants is not clear, as of 2012 there were five physicians and", "\"Timeline for the day of the September 11 attacks\"\nlater reported to have attacked Kabul's airport with helicopter gunships. 6:00: The last of the aircraft headed for the U.S. lands in Canada at Vancouver International Airport, since it was flying over the Pacific. 6:54: U.S. President George W. Bush arrives at the White House in Washington, D.C. 7:00: Efforts to locate survivors in the rubble that had been the twin towers continue. Fleets of ambulances are lined up to transport the injured to nearby hospitals, but they stand empty. \"\"Ground Zero\"\", as the site of the WTC collapse becomes known henceforth, is the exclusive domain of New York City's", "\"Ty Carter\"\nHumvee. Carter found a litter, and with a comrade carried the wounded soldier 100 meters across the original distance to an aid station; it was then about noon. The battle extended through nightfall when reinforcements could safely land by helicopter, by which time almost two-thirds of the 53 Coalition soldiers had been killed (8) or wounded (>25). President Barack Obama awarded Carter with the Medal of Honor in a White House ceremony on 26 August 2013. The following day, Carter was inducted into the Pentagon Hall of Heroes. During his military career, Carter received a number of decorations. Carter is", "\"High by the Beach\"\nlow-cut white sundress over a black bra and a sea glass blue robe entering a beach house as a helicopter hovers above her. After entering the house, the camera follows Del Rey from behind as she walks upstairs, posing in front of a mirror and collapsing on her bed, randomly rolling on it. The camera continues to follow her downstairs where she begins flipping through the pages of a tabloid. As the camera comes in front of her, the helicopter reappears closer to the house, hovering in front of the windows. In the helicopter is a photographer, who has been", "\"Jon R. Cavaiani\"\nbe evacuated, S/Sgt. Cavaiani unhesitatingly volunteered to remain on the ground and direct the helicopters into the landing zone. S/Sgt. Cavaiani was able to direct the first 3 helicopters in evacuating a major portion of the platoon. Due to intense increase in enemy fire, S/Sgt. Cavaiani was forced to remain at the camp overnight where he calmly directed the remaining platoon members in strengthening their defenses. On the morning of 5 June, a heavy ground fog restricted visibility. The superior size enemy force launched a major ground attack in an attempt to completely annihilate the remaining small force. The enemy", "\"United States Marine Corps\"\nAmerican interests. The Marine Band, dubbed the \"\"President's Own\"\" by Thomas Jefferson, provides music for state functions at the White House. Marines from Ceremonial Companies A & B, quartered in Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C., guard presidential retreats, including Camp David, and the Marines of the Executive Flight Detachment of HMX-1 provide helicopter transport to the President and Vice President, with the radio call signs \"\"Marine One\"\" and \"\"Marine Two\"\", respectively. The Executive Flight Detachment also provides helicopter transport to Cabinet members and other VIPs. By authority of the 1946 Foreign Service Act, the Marine Security Guards of the Marine Embassy", "\"Matice Wright\"\nfemale flight officer. Wright went on to served on active duty for eight years. After leaving active duty, she worked in the private sector. In 1997, Wright was appointed a White House Fellow in the United States Treasury Department. She also worked to manage Sikorsky Aircraft international military helicopter programs. She went on to become the Principal DIrector for Industrial Policy at the United States Department of Defense. In Fall 2016, former president Barack Obama appointed her to the United States Naval Academy Board of Visitors where she currently serves. She is also now a Vice President at ManTech International.", "\"White House Military Office\"\nsince. Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1) was created in 1957 when President Dwight D. Eisenhower was vacationing in Newport, Rhode Island, and had to return to the White House on short notice. He flew the first portion of the trip aboard HMX-1. On May 8, 2009, Louis Caldera, the Director of the White House Military Office, resigned amid controversy over the Air Force One photo op incident. His successor was announced on October 16, 2009, as George D. Mulligan Jr. The WHMO is headed by a Director who oversees the policies involving Department of Defense assets. He ensures that White", "\"Black helicopter\"\nother conspiracy theories or conspiracy theorists. For instance, a \"\"Slate\"\" article on basketball refereeing, said: \"\"In the wake of this scandal, every game will be in question, and not only by fans disposed to seeing black helicopters outside the arena.\"\" Vice President Joe Biden had recourse to the term in a speech responding to the National Rifle Association during the 2013 White House campaign for background checks on all gun purchasers, saying, \"\"The black helicopter crowd is really upset. It's kind of scary, man.\"\" When the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) proposed a database to monitor the activities of journalists,", "\"Sikorsky S-76\"\nin civil service around the world with airlines, corporations, hospitals, and government operators. The world's largest civilian fleet is the 79 Sikorsky S-76 helicopters operated by CHC Helicopter Corporation. Notes Bibliography Sikorsky S-76 The Sikorsky S-76 is an American medium-size commercial utility helicopter, manufactured by the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. The S-76 features twin turboshaft engines, four-bladed main and tail rotors and retractable landing gear. The development of the S-76 began in the mid-1970s as the S-74, with the design goal of providing a medium helicopter for corporate transportation and the oil drilling industry; the S-74 was later redesignated the S-76", "\"White House Card\"\nthe normal White House card, President Warren G. Harding also signed a larger white card with no lettering, but with the presidential seal embossed in gold at the top. Herbert Hoover was the last president to sign and distribute the cards routinely to anyone who asked. Starting with the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the vast increase in the president's workload meant the cards were increasingly signed mostly for friends and political supporters. Signed White House cards by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S Truman exist, but are less common than those of earlier presidents. President Dwight D. Eisenhower", "\"Cabinet of Donald Trump\"\nbranch. Members of the cabinet proper, as well as cabinet-level officials, meet with the president in a room adjacent to the Oval Office. The White House Chief of Staff has traditionally been the highest-ranking employee of the White House. The responsibilities of the chief of staff are both managerial and advisory over the president's business. The chief of staff is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the president; it does not require Senate confirmation. Trump's selection of former RNC chair Reince Priebus from Wisconsin was officially announced on November 13, 2016. This role does not require Senate confirmation.", "\"Alton Barnes White Horse\"\n2009, where a helicopter ferried 150 tonnes of fresh chalk, quarried in south Wiltshire, to the horse, giving it \"\"a pristine new coat\"\" in time for its 2012 bicentenary anniversary. As parish councillor Steve Hepworth, who worked on the project, explained, the helicopter was necessary as lorries were not allowed to transport chalk, because the horse stands \"\"in the middle of a Site of Special Scientific Interest on a national nature reserve with European protection. Natural England controls the management of the land and as part of that management there is no vehicular access.\"\" One of the best known white", "\"Meridian Hill Park\"\nThe park has also been unofficially known as \"\"Malcolm X Park\"\" by some city residents. At the time of Washington, D.C.'s creation in 1791, the land beneath present-day Meridian Hill Park was owned by Robert Peter, wealthy Georgetown merchant, and was known as Peter's Hill. In 1804 President Thomas Jefferson had a geographic marker placed on this large hill. Centered exactly north of the White House, this marker helped to establish a longitudinal meridian for the city and the nation: the \"\"White House meridian\"\". After the War of 1812, Commodore David Porter, a naval hero of that war, acquired the", "HT-8\nHT-8 Helicopter Training Squadron EIGHT (HT-8) is a United States Navy helicopter training squadron based at Naval Air Station Whiting Field in Milton, FL. The squadron's mission is helicopter pilot training for U. S. Navy, U. S. Marine Corps and U. S. Coast Guard Student Naval Aviators and for selected foreign military flight students from basic helicopter flight training through winging. Student Naval Aviators report to HT-8 for helicopter training upon completion of primary flight training conducted in the T-6B Texan II U. S. Navy primary flight trainer. HT-8 flies both the TH-57B Sea Ranger and the TH-57C Sea Ranger.", "HT-18\nHT-18 Helicopter Training Squadron EIGHTEEN (HT-18) is a United States Navy helicopter training squadron based at Naval Air Station Whiting Field in Milton, Florida. The squadron's mission is helicopter pilot training for U. S. Navy, U. S. Marine Corps and U. S. Coast Guard Student Naval Aviators and for selected foreign military flight students from basic helicopter flight training through winging, the squadron also provides indoctrination fights for Midshipmen and Flight Surgeons. Student Naval Aviators report to HT-18 for helicopter training upon completion of primary flight training conducted in the T-6B Texan II U. S. Navy primary flight trainer. HT-18", "\"Grover Clinton Tyler\"\n12:15) in the White House Tyler was one of seven aviators awarded the Airmail Flyers’ Medal of Honor by president Franklin Delano Roosevelt for extraordinary achievement. All seven of the pilots saved the mail in hazardous landings. Present at the ceremony were: President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Postmaster General, James A Farley; Lewis S Turner of Fort Worth, Texas; James H Carmichael, Jr. of Detroit, Michigan; Edward A Bellande of Los Angeles, California; Gordon S Darnell of Kansas City, Missouri; Willington P McFail of Murfreesboro, Tennessee; Roy H Warner of Portland, Oregon; And Grover Tyler of Seattle, Washington. Bellande's deed was", "\"Gordon Darnell\"\nrun between Kansas City, Missouri and Denver, Colorado. On 29 October 1935 at a ceremony in the White House, Darnell was one of seven aviators awarded the Airmail Flyers' Medal of Honor by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for extraordinary achievement. All seven of the pilots had saved the mail in hazardous landings. Present at the ceremony were President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Postmaster General James A Farley; Lewis S. Turner of Fort Worth, Texas; James H. Carmichael, Jr. of Detroit, Michigan; Edward A. Bellande of Los Angeles, California; Gordon S. Darnell of Kansas City, Missouri; Willington P. McFail of Murfreesboro, Tennessee;", "\"West Wing\"\nWest Wing The West Wing of the White House houses the offices of the President of the United States. The West Wing contains the Oval Office, the Cabinet Room, the Situation Room, and the Roosevelt Room. The West Wing's four floors contain offices for the Vice President, White House Chief of Staff, the Counselor to the President, the Senior Advisor to the President, the White House Press Secretary, and their support staffs. Adjoining the press secretary's office, in the colonnade between the West Wing and the Executive Residence is the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room along with work space", "\"John McKenna (usher)\"\nState Militia, where he reached the rank of lieutenant. From January 22, 1874, to at least 1875 McKenna also served as a porter for the Port of New York. For reasons of ill health, White House Chief Usher Edson S. Densmore resigned from his post in late July 1887. President Grover Cleveland, a former Governor of New York, appointed McKenna the Chief Usher on July 31, 1887. McKenna's tenure did not last long. Cleveland lost re-election in November 1888. Densmore was asked to rejoin the White House in February 1889 in order to oversee preparations for the inauguration of President-elect", "\"James Henry Carmichael Jr.\"\nplane wobbled from the impact steadied and came to an awkward but safe landing! Cool-headed action in a ticklish situation won Slim Carmichael's medal fairly, again proving the high caliber of America's commercial aviators. (Wheaties box #8) 29 October 1935 at a ceremony (12:00 - 12:15) in the White House Carmichael was one of seven aviators awarded the Airmail Flyers’ Medal of Honor by president Franklin Delano Roosevelt for extraordinary achievement. All seven of the pilots saved the mail in hazardous landings. Present at the ceremony were: President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Postmaster General, James A Farley; Lewis S Turner of", "\"William H. Lewis\"\nsworn into office, Lewis went to the White House, where he personally thanked President Taft for the high honor. Lewis' initial assignment was to defend the federal government against all Indian land claims. Lewis was a frequent caller at the White House and regularly attended White House functions during the Taft administration. In 1911, Lewis was among the first African Americans to be admitted to the American Bar Association (ABA). In September 1911, Lewis faced a campaign for his ouster from the ABA. Though there was no racial restriction in the organization's charter, some members threatened to resign if Lewis", "\"Derek Lyons\"\nat the White House as Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Staff Secretary. After the sudden departure of Rob Porter in February 2018, Lyons was promoted to acting White House Staff Secretary. In June he was formally appointed to the role on a permanent basis. Lyons oversees, together with the White House Chief of Staff, the flow of information to the President. Derek Lyons Derek S. Lyons is an American political advisor serving as White House Staff Secretary in the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump. Lyons was a student of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, from which he graduated", "\"British International Helicopters\"\noccasions for FOST duties. BIH also operates two Sikorsky S-61 helicopters from RAF Mount Pleasant in the Falkland Islands, where they are used for everyday military transport and land logistic support around the islands, where there are few roads and a 12-mile strip of sea separating the two main islands. Coventry Airport operator BIH (Onshore) Ltd functions as BIH’s utilities division, servicing an operational workload that includes Police and Air Ambulance capability, commercial helicopter support including surveying, pipeline patrols, TV mast calibration, load lifting, forestry and national park services and film work. BIH (Onshore) Ltd also maintains BIH’s VIP and", "\"Sikorsky S-92\"\n16 separate factors that led to the fatal crash but no single one was to blame. On December 28, 2016, a S-92 (registration G-WNSR, serial number 920250) operated by CHC Helicopter experienced \"\"unexpected control responses\"\" whilst in mid-air on a routine shuttle flight between two oil installations in the North Sea. The pilots conducted an emergency landing on the West Franklin platform. The helicopter is reported to have spun on the helideck during the landing, damaging the helicopter wheels and rotor blades. The helideck also sustained damage during the emergency landing. There were no reported injuries amongst the nine passengers", "\"Sikorsky VH-92\"\n2020. The total FY2015 program cost is $4.718 billion for 23 helicopters, at an average cost of $205M per aircraft. In July 2016, the design passed its Critical Design Review, which clears it for production. On 28 July 2017, the first VH-92A performed its maiden flight at Sikorsky Aircraft's facilities in Stratford, Connecticut. On 22 September 2018, a VH-92 was flown to the White House for take-off and landing tests landed on the spots used for Marine One. Sikorsky VH-92 The Sikorsky/Lockheed Martin VH-92 is an American helicopter under development to replace the United States Marine Corps' Marine One U.S.", "\"Joycelyn Elders\"\nthe narcotics sale. There was no further appeal. In 1994, she was invited to speak at a United Nations conference on AIDS. She was asked whether it would be appropriate to promote masturbation as a means of preventing young people from engaging in riskier forms of sexual activity, and she replied, \"\"I think that it is part of human sexuality, and perhaps it should be taught\"\". This remark caused great controversy and resulted in Elders losing the support of the White House. White House chief of staff Leon Panetta remarked, \"\"There have been too many areas where the President does", "\"White House Card\"\nWhite House Card White House Card or Executive Mansion Card refers to cards that were used by U.S. Presidents in the 19th and 20th century. The size of today's average business card - sextodecimo - these cards often contained a president's signature and sometimes a short message or sentiment. President Abraham Lincoln instituted the first printed presidential stationary, emblazoned with \"\"Executive Mansion.\"\" Executive Mansion cards were first employed by President Ulysses S. Grant. These are extremely rare as only one is known to exist and it is dated by Grant as president. It is in the collection of Stephen Koschal.", "\"Cubs–White Sox rivalry\"\nhe does not hate the Cubs and wants them to win as long as they are not playing the White Sox. On the other hand, his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, has been a lifelong Cubs fan and following the Cubs' 2016 World Series victory, Barack went as far as to invite them to the White House, tweeting that the Cubs' historic win was \"\"change that even [he] can believe in\"\". The Cubs came to the White House four days before the end of Obama's presidency. It was the last special event held at the White House before President-elect Donald", "\"Sikorsky S-76\"\nSikorsky S-76 The Sikorsky S-76 is an American medium-size commercial utility helicopter, manufactured by the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. The S-76 features twin turboshaft engines, four-bladed main and tail rotors and retractable landing gear. The development of the S-76 began in the mid-1970s as the S-74, with the design goal of providing a medium helicopter for corporate transportation and the oil drilling industry; the S-74 was later redesignated the S-76 in honor of the U.S. Bicentennial. Sikorsky's design work on the S-70 helicopter (which was selected for use by the United States Army as the UH-60 Black Hawk) was utilized in", "\"Secretary to the President of the United States\"\nthe White House\"\" and appropriated for its incumbent a salary of $2,500. The first man to hold such office officially and to be paid by the Government instead of by the President, was Buchanan's nephew J. B. Henry. By Ulysses S. Grant's presidency, the White House staff had grown to three. By 1900, the office had grown in such stature that Congress elevated the position to \"\"Secretary to the President\"\", in addition to including on the White House staff two assistant secretaries, two executive clerks, a stenographer, and seven other office personnel. The first man to hold the office of", "HT-18\n80s the TH-57A had been replaced by a version of the Bell 206B-3 designated the TH-57B Sea Ranger. Since that time, HT-18 has been training and winging Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and select foreign military pilots using the TH-57B basic helicopter trainer and the TH-57C advanced helicopter trainer. HT-18 Helicopter Training Squadron EIGHTEEN (HT-18) is a United States Navy helicopter training squadron based at Naval Air Station Whiting Field in Milton, Florida. The squadron's mission is helicopter pilot training for U. S. Navy, U. S. Marine Corps and U. S. Coast Guard Student Naval Aviators and for selected foreign", "\"JFC UAV\"\npair of skids as landing gear. JF-D10 is an unmanned helicopter developed by JFC, and it is in conventional helicopter layout with a pair of skids as landing gear. JF-D10 utilizes commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) airframe, integrated with flight control system (FCS) indigenously developed by JFC. JF-Y10 is an unmanned helicopter developed by JFC, and it is in conventional helicopter layout with a pair of skids as landing gear. JF-Y10 is the larger cousin of the smaller JF-D10, but unlike its smaller cousin, JF-Y10 does not have any aerodynamic fuselage fairings. List of unmanned aerial vehicles of the People's Republic of", "\"President of the Philippines\"\nhas the mandate of providing safe and efficient air transport for the President of the Philippines and the First Family. On occasion, the wing has also been tasked to provide transportation for other members of government, visiting heads of state, and other state guests. The fleet includes: 1 Fokker F28, which is primarily used for the President's domestic trips and it is also called \"\"Kalayaan One\"\" when the President is on board, 4 Bell 412 helicopters, 3 Sikorsky S-76 helicopters, 1 Sikorsky S-70-5 Black Hawk, a number of Bell UH-1N Twin Hueys, as well as Fokker F-27 \"\"Friendship\"\"s. For trips" ]
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what is the deepest depth in the oceans
[ "Mariana Trench" ]
[ "\"Litke Deep\"\nLitke Deep Litke Deep () is an oceanic trench in the Arctic Ocean. It is the deepest known point in the Arctic Ocean. It is the 20th deepest oceanic trench in the world. The Litke Deep is located in the southwestern part of the Eurasian Basin south of the underwater ridge Gakkel Ridge roughly 350 kilometers northeast of Svalbard and roughly 220 km north of the island of Nordaustlandet. The deepest part is at 5,449 metres (17,881 feet) under sea level. The average depth in the Arctic Ocean is about 1,000 metres and more than 60 % is less than", "Salsvatnet\nSalsvatnet Salsvatnet is a lake in the municipalities of Fosnes and Nærøy in Trøndelag county, Norway. With its deepest depth of , it is Norway's and Europe's second-deepest lake, after Hornindalsvatnet. Alternate sources give the depth as either or at the deepest point. The lake sits very close to the ocean, about above sea level at the surface and reaches to a depth of below sea level. It is a very large lake with an area of , a volume of , and a shoreline that is around. Salsvatnet is a meromictic lake, meaning that the water is permanently stratified,", "\"Indian Ocean\"\npoint of Tasmania. The northernmost extent of the Indian Ocean is approximately 30° north in the Persian Gulf. The Indian Ocean covers , including the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf but excluding the Southern Ocean, or 19.5% of the world's oceans; its volume is or 19.8% of the world's oceans' volume; it has an average depth of and a maximum depth of . The ocean's continental shelves are narrow, averaging in width. An exception is found off Australia's western coast, where the shelf width exceeds . The average depth of the ocean is . Its deepest point is Sunda", "Ocean\ncold as water at greater depths. Below the thermocline, water is very cold, ranging from −1 °C to 3 °C. Because this deep and cold layer contains the bulk of ocean water, the average temperature of the world ocean is 3.9 °C. If a zone undergoes dramatic changes in salinity with depth, it contains a halocline. If a zone undergoes a strong, vertical chemistry gradient with depth, it contains a chemocline. The halocline often coincides with the thermocline, and the combination produces a pronounced pycnocline. The deepest point in the ocean is the Mariana Trench, located in the Pacific Ocean", "Biosphere\nin the Mariana Trench, the deepest spot in the Earth's oceans. In fact, single-celled life forms have been found in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench, by the Challenger Deep, at depths of . Other researchers reported related studies that microorganisms thrive inside rocks up to below the sea floor under of ocean off the coast of the northwestern United States, as well as beneath the seabed off Japan. Culturable thermophilic microbes have been extracted from cores drilled more than into the Earth's crust in Sweden, from rocks between . Temperature increases with increasing depth into the Earth's crust.", "\"Oceanic trench\"\nfor underlying asthenosphere to flow around the edges of the sinking plate. Such slabs may have steep dips at relatively shallow depths and so may be associated with unusually deep trenches, such as the Challenger Deep. (*) The 5 deepest trenches in the world Oceanic trench Oceanic trenches are topographic depressions of the sea floor, relatively narrow in width, but very long. These oceanographic features are the deepest parts of the ocean floor. Oceanic trenches are a distinctive morphological feature of convergent plate boundaries, along which lithospheric plates move towards each other at rates that vary from a few millimeters", "\"Zhemchug Canyon\"\nZhemchug Canyon Zhemchug Canyon is an underwater canyon located in the middle of the Bering Sea. This submarine canyon is the deepest and is tied for widest canyon in the ocean. It has a vertical relief of dropping from the shallow shelf of the Bering Sea to the depths of the Aleutian Basin. Zhemchug Canyon is deeper than the Grand Canyon which is deep. It has two main branches, each larger than typical continental margin canyons such as the Monterey Canyon. What makes the Zhemchug Canyon the world's largest is not only its great depth, but its immense cross-sectional and", "\"Puerto Rico Trench\"\nPuerto Rico Trench The Puerto Rico Trench is located on the boundary between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The oceanic trench is associated with a complex transition between the Lesser Antilles subduction zone to the south and the major transform fault zone or plate boundary, which extends west between Cuba and Hispaniola through the Cayman Trough to the coast of Central America. The trench is long and has a maximum depth of or 5.373 miles at Milwaukee Deep, which is the deepest point in the Atlantic Ocean and the deepest point not in the Pacific Ocean. Scientific studies", "\"Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis\"\nPseudoliparis amblystomopsis Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis, or the hadal snailfish, is a species of snailfish from the hadal zone of the Northwest Pacific Ocean, including the Kuril–Kamchatka and Japan Trenches. In October 2008, a team from British and Japanese institutes discovered a shoal of \"\"Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis\"\" at a depth of about in the Japan Trench. These were, at the time, the deepest living fish ever recorded on film. The record was surpassed by a type of snailfish filmed at a depth of in December 2014, and extended in May 2017 when another snailfish was filmed at a depth of . This deepest-water", "\"Deep sea community\"\nboiling by the high hydrostatic pressure) while within a few meters it may be back down to 2–4 °C. Salinity is constant throughout the depths of the deep sea. There are two notable exceptions to this rule: The deep sea, or deep layer, is the lowest layer in the ocean, existing below the thermocline, at a depth of 1000 fathoms (1800 m) or more. The deepest part of the deep sea is Mariana Trench located in the western North Pacific. It is also the deepest point of the earth's crust. It has a maximum depth of about 10.9 km which", "Bathysphere\nconsecutive world records for the deepest dive ever performed by a human. The record set by the deepest of these, to a depth of 3,028 feet/922.934 meters on August 15, 1934, lasted until it was broken by Barton in 1949. In 1928, the American naturalist William Beebe was given permission by the British government to establish a research station on Nonsuch Island, Bermuda. Using this station, Beebe planned to conduct an in-depth study of the animals inhabiting an eight-mile-square/12.874 square kilometers area of ocean, from a depth of two miles/3.218 kilometers to the surface. Although his initial plan called for", "\"Blainville's beaked whale\"\nthe longest and deepest divers of any cetacean, with the deepest documented dive being 1,599 m. The species dives primarily to forage for food in the deep ocean, usually diving >800 m when foraging. It is thought that foraging at these depths helps to avoid predators that hunt in mid-depth waters, such as large sharks or killer whales. In a study published in 2008, diving statistics of beaked whales were analyzed and no significant difference was found in diving behavior between day and night. For example, mean and max duration, number of deep dives, max depth, and ascent and descent", "\"Convergent boundary\"\n- 100 km wide and can be several thousand kilometers long. Oceanic trenches form as a result of bending of the subducting slab. Depth of oceanic trenches seems to be controlled by age of the oceanic lithosphere being subducted. Sediment fill in oceanic trenches varies and generally depends on abundance of sediment input from surrounding areas. An oceanic trench, the Mariana Trench, is the deepest point of the ocean at a depth of approximately 11,000 m. Earthquakes are common along convergent boundaries. A region of high earthquake activity, the Benioff zone, generally dips 45° and marks the subducting plate. Earthquakes", "\"Pacific Ocean\"\nboth the Water Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere are in the Pacific Ocean. The equator subdivides it into the North Pacific Ocean and South Pacific Ocean, with two exceptions: the Galápagos and Gilbert Islands, while straddling the equator, are deemed wholly within the South Pacific. Its mean depth is . The Mariana Trench in the western North Pacific is the deepest point in the world, reaching a depth of . The western Pacific has many peripheral seas. Though the peoples of Asia and Oceania have traveled the Pacific Ocean since prehistoric times, the eastern Pacific was first sighted by Europeans", "\"Abyssal plain\"\narchaea found near hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. The aphotic zone can be subdivided into three different vertical regions, based on depth and temperature. First is the bathyal zone, extending from a depth of 1000 metres down to 3000 metres, with water temperature decreasing from to as depth increases. Next is the abyssal zone, extending from a depth of 3000 metres down to 6000 metres. The final zone includes the deep oceanic trenches, and is known as the hadal zone. This, the deepest oceanic zone, extends from a depth of 6000 metres down to approximately 11000 metres. Abyssal plains are", "\"Hadal zone\"\nHadal zone The hadal zone (named after the realm of Hades, the underworld in Greek mythology), also known as the hadopelagic zone, is the deepest region of the ocean lying within oceanic trenches. The hadal zone is found from a depth of around to the bottom of the ocean, and exists in long but narrow topographic V-shaped depressions. The cumulative area occupied by the 46 individual hadal habitats worldwide is less than 0.25 percent of the world's seafloor, yet trenches account for over 40 percent of the ocean's depth range. Most hadal habitat is found in the Pacific Ocean. Historically", "\"Pelagic sediment\"\neither sponge spicules, silicoflagellates or both. This type of ooze accumulates on the ocean floor at depths below the carbonate compensation depth. Its distribution is also limited to areas with high biological productivity, such as the polar oceans, and upwelling zones near the equator. The least common type of sediment, it covers only 15% of the ocean floor. It accumulates at a slower rate than calcareous ooze: 0.2–1 cm/1000 yr. \"\"Red clay\"\", also known as either \"\"brown clay\"\" or \"\"pelagic clay,\"\" accumulates in the deepest and most remote areas of the ocean. It covers 38% of the ocean floor and", "\"Marine life\"\nmatrix\"\", the mother and womb of life. The abundance of water on earth's surface is a unique feature that distinguishes earth from other planets in the Solar System. Earth's hydrosphere consists chiefly of the oceans, but technically includes all water surfaces in the world, including inland seas, lakes, rivers, and underground waters down to a depth of 2,000 m. The deepest underwater location is Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean with a depth of 10,911.4 m. The mass of the oceans is approximately 1.35 metric tons, or about 1/4400 of Earth's total mass. The oceans cover", "\"Deep sea community\"\ndeepest trenches in the world, reaching depths of below . The deepest point in the hadal zone is the Marianas Trench, which descends to and has a pressure of . The upper photic zone of the ocean is filled with particle organic matter (POM) and is quite productive, especially in the coastal areas and the upwelling areas. However, most POM is small and light. It may take hundreds, or even thousands of years for these particles to settle through the water column into the deep ocean. This time delay is long enough for the particles to be remineralized and taken", "\"Hadal zone\"\nhave occurred. \"\"HROV Nereus\"\" was thought to have imploded at a depth of 9,990 meters while exploring the Kermadec Trench in 2014. The first manned exploration to reach Challenger Deep, the deepest known part of the ocean located in the Mariana Trench, was accomplished in 1960 by Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh. They reached a maximum depth of 10,911 meters in the bathyscaphe \"\"Trieste\"\". James Cameron also reached the bottom of Mariana Trench in March 2012 using the \"\"Deepsea Challenger\"\". The descent of the \"\"Deepsea Challenger\"\" was unable to break the deepest dive record set by Piccard and Walsh by", "\"Bathyscaphe Trieste\"\nin the dive to the bottom of the Challenger Deep during January 1960. \"\"Trieste\"\" departed San Diego on 5 October 1959 for Guam aboard the freighter \"\"Santa Maria\"\" to participate in \"\"Project Nekton\"\", a series of very deep dives in the Mariana Trench. On 23 January 1960, she reached the ocean floor in the Challenger Deep (the deepest southern part of the Mariana Trench), carrying Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh. This was the first time a vessel, manned or unmanned, had reached the deepest known point of the Earth's oceans. The onboard systems indicated a depth of , although this", "\"Pelagic fish\"\nThe deepest-living fish known, the strictly benthic \"\"Abyssobrotula galatheae\"\", eel-like and blind, feeds on benthic invertebrates. At great depths, food scarcity and extreme pressure works to limit the survivability of fish. The deepest point of the ocean is about 11,000 metres. Bathypelagic fishes are not normally found below 3,000 metres. The greatest depth recorded for a benthic fish is 8,370 m. It may be that extreme pressures interfere with essential enzyme functions. Benthic fishes are likely to be found, and are more diverse, on the continental slope, where there is habitat diversity and often food supplies. About 40% of the", "\"Nereus (underwater vehicle)\"\nthis dive the \"\"Nereus\"\" reached a depth of , making the \"\"Nereus\"\" the world's second-deepest-diving vehicle in operation at the time, and the first since 1998 to explore the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean known. On 10 May 2014, \"\"Nereus\"\" was lost while exploring the Kermadec Trench at a depth of . Communications were cut off at around 2 p.m. local time, and debris retrieved later revealed that it imploded due to high pressure. Being a hybrid ROV means that the vehicle could operate untethered or tethered with a thin optic fiber cable and operated by pilots", "\"Kaikō ROV\"\nvessel is rated for diving to a maximum depth of 7,000 meters. While the temporary replacement ROV (\"\"Kaikō7000II\"\") has a remarkable performance record, it is only rated to 7,000 meters and cannot reach the deepest oceanic trenches. For this reason, JAMSTEC engineers began work on a new 11,000-meter class of ROV in April 2005. The project is called \"\"ABISMO\"\" (Automatic Bottom Inspection and Sampling Mobile), which translates to \"\"abyss\"\" in Spanish. Initial sea trials of \"\"ABISMO\"\" were conducted in 2007. The craft successfully reached a planned depth of 9,760-meters, the deepest part of Izu-Ogasawara Trench, where it collected core samples", "\"Milwaukee Deep\"\nat (), virtually identical with the \"\"Milwaukee\"\"s reading. The existence of deep water to the Atlantic Ocean side of the Caribbean has been known for more than a century. One of the area's earliest soundings was obtained June 12, 1852 by Lt. S. P. Lee, U.S. Navy brig \"\"Dolphin\"\", with a reading of at (). Milwaukee Deep Milwaukee Deep, also known as The Milwaukee Depth, () is the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean and is part of the Puerto Rico Trench. It has a maximum depth of at least . It is just north of the coast of Puerto", "\"Milwaukee Deep\"\nMilwaukee Deep Milwaukee Deep, also known as The Milwaukee Depth, () is the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean and is part of the Puerto Rico Trench. It has a maximum depth of at least . It is just north of the coast of Puerto Rico at \"\"Punto Palmas Altas\"\" in Manatí. This ocean floor feature is named for the USS \"\"Milwaukee\"\" (CL-5), a U.S. Navy Omaha class cruiser, which discovered the Milwaukee Deep on February 14, 1939 with a reading of . On August 19, 1952, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife vessel \"\"Theodore N. Gill\"\" obtained a reading of", "\"Ellwood Oil Field\"\nshale at an average depth of below the ocean floor. Beneath that, a separate pool exists in the Rincon Sand, below the ocean floor, and yet another in the Vaqueros Formation at a depth of . The deepest well drilled to date is into the Rincon Formation: age and strata information are still company-confidential to Venoco, the current operator. This was a short-lived oil field which produced for only 13 months before water appeared in the wells. Production ceased by Feb. 1928. Miley Oil Company drilled the No. Goleta 1 discovery well, with oil shows at 613 and 1,527 feet.", "Ocean\nnear the Northern Mariana Islands. Its maximum depth has been estimated to be (plus or minus 11 meters; see the Mariana Trench article for discussion of the various estimates of the maximum depth.) The British naval vessel \"\"Challenger II\"\" surveyed the trench in 1951 and named the deepest part of the trench the \"\"Challenger Deep\"\". In 1960, the Trieste successfully reached the bottom of the trench, manned by a crew of two men. Oceanic maritime currents have different origins. Tidal currents are in phase with the tide, hence are quasiperiodic, they may form various knots in certain places, most notably", "\"Arctic Ocean\"\nbasins (these being the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans) and where the circulation is dominated by thermohaline forcing”. The Arctic Ocean has a total volume of 18.07×10 km, equal to about 1.3% of the World Ocean. Mean surface circulation is predominately cyclonic on the Eurasian side and anticyclonic in the Canadian Basin. Water enters from both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and can be divided into three unique water masses. The deepest water mass is called Arctic Bottom Water and begins around depth. It is composed of the densest water in the World Ocean and has two main sources: Arctic", "\"Challenger Deep\"\nmultibeam echosounder technologies a depth uncertainty of ± (95% confidence level) on 9 degrees of freedom and a positional uncertainty of ± (2drms) remain and the location of the deepest depth recorded in the 2010 mapping conducted by the US Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center (CCOM/JHC) aboard is at (). In November 2016 sonar mapping of the Challenger Deep area was conducted by the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)/GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel aboard RV \"\"Sonne\"\". Using a Kongsberg Maritime EM 122 multibeam echosounder system coupled to positioning equipment that can determine latitude", "\"Chilean devil ray\"\nChilean devil ray The Chilean devil ray (\"\"Mobula tarapacana\"\"), also known as the box ray, greater Guinean mobula, sicklefin devil ray or the spiny mobula, is a species of ray in the family Mobulidae. It is found worldwide in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate oceans, and mainly occurs offshore, only occasionally appearing near the coast. These fish have been discovered to feed at depths up to during deep dives, and are among the deepest-diving ocean animals. There are two distinct deep dive patterns; the first, which is usually only performed once every 24 hours, is diving to the maximum depth", "\"Saltwater fish\"\ncalled estuaries, areas when oceans and rivers meet creating a mixture of salt water and freshwater making a different habitat for different types of fish and creatures to live in. The ocean is home to organisms as large as whales and as small as microscopic marine organisms such as phytoplankton. However, the vast majority of ocean life that humans are exposed to is simple saltwater fish. Saltwater fish can live in the deepest depths of the ocean where no sunlight can penetrate, but they can also live on the surface of the water. Saltwater fish Saltwater fish, also called marine", "\"Caspian Sea\"\nis the saline eastern inlet of the Caspian, which is part of Turkmenistan and at times has been a lake in its own right due to the isthmus that cuts it off from the Caspian. Differences between the three regions are dramatic. The Northern Caspian only includes the Caspian shelf, and is very shallow; it accounts for less than 1% of the total water volume with an average depth of only . The sea noticeably drops off towards the Middle Caspian, where the average depth is . The Southern Caspian is the deepest, with oceanic depths of over , greatly", "\"Abyssal plain\"\nhave been the ancestors of the organisms currently endemic to the Challenger Deep. Polychaetes occur throughout the Earth's oceans at all depths, from forms that live as plankton near the surface, to the deepest oceanic trenches. The robot ocean probe Nereus observed a 2–3 cm specimen (still unclassified) of polychaete at the bottom of the Challenger Deep on 31 May 2009. There are more than 10,000 described species of polychaetes; they can be found in nearly every marine environment. Some species live in the coldest ocean temperatures of the hadal zone, while others can be found in the extremely hot", "\"Virgin Oceanic\"\ndepths of the worlds oceans. Both the catamaran and the submersible were formerly owned by Steve Fossett, who had modified the racing catamaran to become the mothership for his planned oceanic dive record attempt. After Steve Fossett's death the project went on hold until Chris Welsh purchased the equipment from Fossett's estate and restarted the endeavor. The attempt on Challenger Deep was first announced in April 2011. This deep sea submersible, currently in the construction and testing phase, seats one person. The company has stated that it will be able to dive to the deepest part of the ocean, which", "Seabed\nvolcanic activity and in the oceanic trenches there are hydrothermal vents – releasing high pressure and extremely hot water and chemicals into the typically freezing water around it. Deep ocean water is divided into layers or zones, each with typical features of salinity, pressure, temperature and marine life, according to their depth. Lying along the top of the abyssal plain is the abyssal zone, whose lower boundary lies at about 6,000 m (20,000 ft). The hadal zone – which includes the oceanic trenches, lies between 6,000–11,000 metres (20,000–36,000 ft) and is the deepest oceanic zone. The \"\"mbsf\"\" meaning \"\"meters below", "Sea\nmany new life forms to the surface from depths of over . The first observations of deep-sea animals in their natural environment were made in 1930 by William Beebe and Otis Barton who descended to in the spherical steel Bathysphere. This was lowered by cable but by 1960 a self-powered submersible, Trieste developed by Jacques Piccard, took Piccard and Don Walsh to the deepest part of the Earth's oceans, the Mariana Trench in the Pacific, reaching a record depth of about , a feat not repeated until 2012 when James Cameron piloted the Deepsea Challenger to similar depths. An atmospheric", "\"Marine biology\"\nocean in the form of detritus. The deepest recorded oceanic trench measured to date is the Mariana Trench, near the Philippines, in the Pacific Ocean at . At such depths, water pressure is extreme and there is no sunlight, but some life still exists. A white flatfish, a shrimp and a jellyfish were seen by the American crew of the bathyscaphe \"\"Trieste\"\" when it dove to the bottom in 1960. In general, the deep sea is considered to start at the aphotic zone, the point where sunlight loses its power of transference through the water. Many life forms that live", "\"Atlantic Ocean Tunnel\"\nAtlantic Ocean Tunnel The Atlantic Ocean Tunnel () is an undersea tunnel that is part of Norwegian County Road 64 which connects Kristiansund Municipality to Averøy Municipality in Møre og Romsdal county, Norway. The eastern end of the tunnel is on Kirkelandet island in the town of Kristiansund and the western end of the tunnel is on the island of Averøya, just west of the village of Sveggen. The long tunnel runs beneath the Bremsnesfjorden, reaching a depth of , making it one of the deepest undersea tunnels in the world. Construction began in 2006, and the tunnel opened on", "Sea\ncontinental plates and more subduction trenches are formed. As they grate together, the continental plates are deformed and buckle causing mountain building and seismic activity. The Earth's deepest trench is the Mariana Trench which extends for about across the seabed. It is near the Mariana Islands, a volcanic archipelago in the West Pacific, and though it averages just wide, its deepest point is 10.994 kilometres (nearly 7 miles) below the surface of the sea. An even longer trench runs alongside the coast of Peru and Chile, reaching a depth of and extending for approximately . It occurs where the oceanic", "\"Mariana Trench\"\nMariana Trench The Mariana Trench or Marianas Trench is located in the western Pacific Ocean approximately east of the Mariana Islands, and has the deepest natural point in the world. It is a crescent-shaped trough in the Earth's crust averaging about long and wide. The maximum known depth is (± ) at the southern end of a small slot-shaped valley in its floor known as the Challenger Deep. However, some unrepeated measurements place the deepest portion at . For comparison: if Mount Everest were dropped into the trench at this point, its peak would still be over under water. At", "\"History of marine biology\"\napparatus allowing a person to breathe while being submerged 100 to 200 feet into the ocean. Submersibles were built like small submarines with the purpose of taking marine scientists to deeper depths of the ocean while protecting them from increasing atmospheric pressures that cause complications deep under water. The first models could hold several individuals and allowed limited visibility but enabled marine biologists to see and photograph the deeper portions of the oceans. Remotely operated underwater vehicles are now used with and without submersibles to see the deepest areas of the ocean that would be too dangerous for humans. ROVs", "Attenuation\nradiation reaches the sea-surface, the shortwave radiation is attenuated by the water, and the intensity of light decreases exponentially with water depth. The intensity of light at depth can be calculated using the Beer-Lambert Law. In clear open waters, visible light is absorbed at the longest wavelengths first. Thus, red, orange, and yellow wavelengths are absorbed at higher water depths, and blue and violet wavelengths reach the deepest in the water column. Because the blue and violet wavelengths are absorbed last compared to the other wavelengths, open ocean waters appear deep-blue to the eye. In near-shore (coastal) waters, sea water", "Thermocline\nthe upper 100 m (300 ft), depending on wave strength and the existence of surface turbulence caused by currents. Below this mixed layer, the temperature remains relatively stable over day/night cycles. The temperature of the deep ocean drops gradually with depth. As saline water does not freeze until it reaches −2.3 °C (colder as depth and pressure increase) the temperature well below the surface is usually not far from zero degrees. The thermocline varies in depth. It is semi-permanent in the tropics, variable in temperate regions (often deepest during the summer) and shallow to nonexistent in the polar regions, where", "Tryblidiida\nand named \"\"Neopilina galatheae\"\" by its discoverer, Danish biologist Henning Mourier Lemche (1904–1977). An expert in the field has called this discovery \"\"one of the greatest sensations in the [twentieth] century.\"\" As of 2008, there were 31 living species known, discovered in waters from 200 meters in depth to hadal depths, or more than 6,000 meters in the deepest ocean trenches. The first specimen photographed alive was \"\"Vema hyalina\"\", at a depth of 400 meters off Catalina Island, California, in 1977. Scientists believe that the taxon Monoplacophora is probably polyphyletic and have proposed including all the living members in the", "\"Mariana Trench\"\nduring the \"\"Challenger\"\" expedition in 1875, using a weighted rope, which recorded a depth of . In 1877, a map was published called \"\"Tiefenkarte des Grossen Ozeans\"\" (\"\"Deep map of the Great Ocean\"\") by Petermann, which showed a \"\"Challenger Tief\"\" (\"\"Challenger deep\"\") at the location of that sounding. In 1899, USS Nero, a converted collier, recorded a depth of . In 1951, \"\"Challenger II\"\" surveyed the trench using echo sounding, a much more precise and vastly easier way to measure depth than the sounding equipment and drag lines used in the original expedition. During this survey, the deepest part of", "\"Deep sea community\"\ntheir unanticipated discovery using a remote camera sled two days before. The Challenger Deep is the deepest surveyed point of all of Earth's oceans; it is located at the southern end of the Mariana Trench near the Mariana Islands group. The depression is named after HMS \"\"Challenger\"\", whose researchers made the first recordings of its depth on 23 March 1875 at station 225. The reported depth was 4,475 fathoms (8184 meters) based on two separate soundings. In 1960, Don Walsh and Jacques Piccard descended to the bottom of the Challenger Deep in the \"\"Trieste\"\" bathyscaphe. At this great depth a", "Sea\nin which the combination of acidification with the expected additional stressors of higher temperatures and lower oxygen levels will impact the seas. The oceans are home to a diverse collection of life forms that use it as a habitat. Since sunlight illuminates only the upper layers, the major part of the ocean exists in permanent darkness. As the different depth and temperature zones each provide habitat for a unique set of species, the marine environment as a whole encompasses an immense diversity of life. Marine habitats range from surface water to the deepest oceanic trenches, including coral reefs, kelp forests,", "\"Challenger Deep\"\nocean off the coast of the northwestern United States. According to one of the researchers, \"\"You can find microbes everywherethey're extremely adaptable to conditions, and survive wherever they are.\"\" Challenger Deep The Challenger Deep is the deepest known point in the Earth's seabed hydrosphere, with a depth of by direct measurement from submersibles, and slightly more by sonar bathymetry. It is in the Pacific Ocean, at the southern end of the Mariana Trench near the Mariana Islands group. The Challenger Deep is a relatively small slot-shaped depression in the bottom of a considerably larger crescent-shaped oceanic trench, which itself is", "\"Polychlorinated biphenyl\"\norganic fraction of soil, and in organisms. The hydrosphere is the main reservoir. The immense volume of water in the oceans is still capable of dissolving a significant quantity of PCBs. As the pressure of ocean water increases with depth, PCBs become heavier than water and sink to the deepest ocean trenches where they are concentrated. A small volume of PCBs has been detected throughout the earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere serves as the primary route for global transport of PCBs, particularly for those congeners with one to four chlorine atoms. In the atmosphere, PCBs may be degraded by hydroxyl radicals,", "\"Challenger Deep\"\nChallenger Deep The Challenger Deep is the deepest known point in the Earth's seabed hydrosphere, with a depth of by direct measurement from submersibles, and slightly more by sonar bathymetry. It is in the Pacific Ocean, at the southern end of the Mariana Trench near the Mariana Islands group. The Challenger Deep is a relatively small slot-shaped depression in the bottom of a considerably larger crescent-shaped oceanic trench, which itself is an unusually deep feature in the ocean floor. The Challenger Deep's bottom is about long and wide, with gently sloping sides. The closest land to the Challenger Deep is", "\"Ocean dynamics\"\nin the mixed layer. However, it becomes zero at the base of the mixed layer. Turbulence again increases below the base of the mixed layer due to shear instabilities. At extratropical latitudes this layer is deepest in late winter as a result of surface cooling and winter storms and quite shallow in summer. Its dynamics is governed by turbulent mixing as well as Ekman pumping, exchanges with the overlying atmosphere, and horizontal advection. The upper ocean, characterized by warm temperatures and active motion, varies in depth from 100 m or less in the tropics and eastern oceans to in excess", "\"Deep-sea exploration\"\nspace of four years. The first instrument used for deep-sea investigation was the sounding weight, used by British explorer Sir James Clark Ross. With this instrument, he reached a depth of in 1840. The \"\"Challenger\"\" expedition used similar instruments called Baillie sounding machines to extract samples from the sea bed. In 1960, Jacques Piccard and United States Navy Lieutenant Donald Walsh descended in the bathyscaphe \"\"Trieste\"\" into the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the world's oceans, to make the deepest dive in history: . On 25 March 2012, filmmaker James Cameron descended into the Mariana Trench and, for the", "\"Barbie in A Mermaid Tale\"\nHadley for help with research. They find the Celestial Comb in an underwater cave and the Dreamfish in the Adenato currents. In order to obtain Eris' necklace, Merliah, Kayla and Xylie approach Eris, performing a song and dance to distract her long enough for Merliah to grab Eris' necklace, but soon has her mermaid tail pulled off, revealing her legs. In a rage, Eris creates a whirlpool to banish Merliah to the deepest depths of the ocean. While inside the whirlpool, Merliah calls the Dreamfish for help. The Dreamfish offers to grant Merliah's deepest wish and send her back to", "\"Rolex Sea Dweller\"\nthe deepest surveyed point in the oceans. Rolex Sea Dweller The Rolex Oyster Perpetual Date Sea-Dweller is a line of diver's watches manufactured by Rolex, with an underwater diving depth rating of for the vintage models and up to 3,900 metres (12,800 ft) for the Sea-Dweller DEEPSEA model. During the 1960s, the needs of professional divers working at great depths led to the development of the first 'ultra water resistant' tool watches designed for conducting safe diving operations at 300 m (1,000 ft) depths. The Rolex Oyster Perpetual Sea-Dweller Submariner 2000 (2000 ft = 610 m) that became available in", "\"Deep-focus earthquake\"\nearthquakes therefore lies in mathematical models which use simplified material properties and rheologies to simulate natural conditions. The strongest deep-focus earthquake in seismic record was the magnitude 8.3 Okhotsk Sea earthquake that occurred at a depth of 609 km in 2013. The deepest earthquake ever recorded was a small 4.2 earthquake in Vanuatu at a depth of 735.8 km in 2004. Deep-focus earthquake A deep-focus earthquake in seismology (also called a plutonic earthquake) is an earthquake with a hypocenter depth exceeding 300 km. They occur almost exclusively at convergent boundaries in association with subducted oceanic lithosphere. They occur along a", "Polychaete\ntolerate the extremely high temperatures near hydrothermal vents. Polychaetes occur throughout the Earth's oceans at all depths, from forms that live as plankton near the surface, to a 2- to 3-cm specimen (still unclassified) observed by the robot ocean probe \"\"Nereus\"\" at the bottom of the Challenger Deep, the deepest known spot in the Earth's oceans. Only 168 species (less than 2% of all polychaetes) are known from fresh waters. Polychaetes are segmented worms, generally less than in length, although ranging at the extremes from to , in \"\"Eunice aphroditois\"\". They can sometimes be brightly coloured, and may be iridescent", "\"Earliest known life forms\"\nocean, and at least high into the atmosphere. Under certain test conditions, life forms have been observed to thrive in the near-weightlessness of space and to survive in the vacuum of outer space. Life forms appear to thrive in the Mariana Trench, the deepest spot in the Earth's oceans, reaching a depth of . Other researchers reported related studies that life forms thrive inside rocks up to below the sea floor under of ocean, off the coast of the northwestern United States, as well as beneath the seabed off Japan. In August 2014, scientists confirmed the existence of life forms", "\"Argentine Basin\"\nArgentine Basin The Argentine Basin is a region of the Atlantic Ocean floor off the east coast of Argentina, between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to the east and the Scotia Basin to the west. To the north is the Brazil Basin, with the two basins being separated by the Rio Grande Rise. The southern edge of the Argentine Basin is formed by the Malvinas/Falkland Escarpment. The Argentine Basin has an average depth of and is characterized by low temperatures. The deepest point is the Argentine Abyssal Plain at the base of the Falkland Escarpment, which reaches a depth of . The", "\"Marine outfall\"\n(India) with a length of 55 km. The depth of the deepest point of an outfall varies from 3 m to up to 60 m, the deepest registered outfall being located in Macuto, Vargas (Venezuela) for the discharge of untreated municipal wastewater. Outfall materials include polyethylene, stainless steel, carbon steel, glass-reinforced plastic, reinforced concrete, cast iron or tunnels through rock. Common installation methods for pipelines are float and sink, bottom pull and top pull. Submarine outfalls exist, existed or have been considered in the following locations, among many others: In the 1960s the city of Sydney decided to build ocean", "\"Crater Lake\"\nCanada), and the ninth-deepest lake in the world. Crater Lake is often cited as the seventh-deepest lake in the world, but this ranking excludes Lake Vostok in Antarctica, which is beneath about of ice, and the recent depth soundings of O'Higgins/San Martín Lake, which is along the border of Chile and Argentina. When considering the mean, or average depth of lakes, Crater Lake becomes the deepest lake in the Western Hemisphere and the third-deepest in the world. Crater Lake Institute Director and limnologist Owen Hoffman states \"\"Crater Lake is the deepest, when compared on the basis of average depth among", "\"Wilson Inlet\"\non a narrow coastal plain between granite hills to the north and the west and the coastal dunes to the south. The area of the inlet is and has an average depth of and its deepest point is . The inlet is long from East to West and has a width of The inlet has a total catchment area of covering parts of the Shire of Plantagenet, the Shire of Denmark and the City of Albany. The inlet discharges through Nullaki Point at the eastern end of Ocean Beach into the Southern Ocean at Ratcliffe Bay when the sandbar is", "\"Vladimir Lysenko\"\nand Kenya), Indian Ocean, Indonesia (from Padang to Biak), Pacific Ocean, South America (from Pedernales (Ecuador) to Macapa (Brazil) through Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil) and Atlantic Ocean with finish in Libreville in 2012. In his project titled \"\"From Earth's bowels to stratosphere\"\", Lysenko descended (in 2004) to the bottom of the world's deepest mine, the Mponeng Gold Mine in Carletonville, South Africa, a depth of below ground. Then he had traveled in a car from Carletonville to Moscow, passing through South Africa, Namibia, Angola, the Congo, Zaire, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Russia. And then", "\"DeepFlight Challenger\"\narc lights, and has a laser navigation system. The sub can dive to the bottom of the ocean and get back to the surface in 5 hours. The design draw from DeepFlight II, another Hawkes Ocean Technologies full depth submarine. The pressure hull is rated to withstand 20,000PSI (more than the 16,000PSI at the bottom of the Mariana Trench). The sub is smaller than James Cameron's Deepsea Challenger. Challenger represents the third generation of DeepFlight technology, one generation behind the DeepFlight Super Falcon. Richard Branson and Chris Welsh of Virgin Oceanic plan on using DeepFlight Challenger to reach the deepest", "\"Oceanic trench\"\nhydrate deposits and destabilization (e.g. Cascadia margin). High concentrations of methane and sulfide in the fluids escaping from the seafloor are the principal energy sources for chemosynthesis. There are several factors that control the depth of trenches. The most important control is the supply of sediment, which fills the trench so that there is no bathymetric expression. It is therefore not surprising that the deepest trenches (deeper than ) are all nonaccretionary. In contrast, all trenches with growing accretionary prisms are shallower than . A second order control on trench depth is the age of the lithosphere at the time", "\"Georges Houot\"\ndes Explorations et Voyages de Découverte by the French Société de Géographie and a film made by Jacques Ertaud , \"\" 4050 Depth \"\" told the story of that first dive. Between 1953 and 1960, Houot made a total of 93 dives, in the Mediterranean and off Dakar, Portugal and Japan. The success of \"\"FNRS III\"\" and the increased interest shown by the scientific community in the study of the sea bed led Houot and Willm in 1955 to consider the construction of a new submersible capable of reaching the deepest depths in the ocean (11,000 metres to the bottom", "\"Project Mohole\"\nProject Mohole Project Mohole was an ambitious attempt in the early 1960s to drill through the Earth's crust into the Mohorovičić discontinuity, and to provide an Earth science complement to the high-profile Space Race. The project was initially led by the American Miscellaneous Society with funding from the National Science Foundation. Phase One was executed in spring 1961. Five holes were drilled off the coast of Guadalupe Island, Mexico, the deepest to below the sea floor in of water. This was unprecedented: not in the hole's depth but because of the depth of the ocean and because it was drilled", "\"Hadal zone\"\nthe hadal zone was not recognized as distinct from the abyssal zone, although the deepest sections were sometimes called \"\"ultra-abyssal\"\". During the early 1950s, the Danish \"\"Galathea II\"\" and Russian \"\"Vitjaz\"\" expeditions separately discovered a distinct shift in the life at depths of , not recognized by the broad definition of the abyssal zone. The term \"\"hadal\"\" was first proposed in 1956 by Anton Frederik Bruun to describe the parts of the ocean deeper than , leaving abyssal for the parts at . The name refers to Hades, the ancient Greek god of the underworld. Depths in excess of are", "\"Hydrothermal vent\"\nthe Mid-Atlantic Ridge, elevation -4200 m) was the deepest known high-temperature hydrothermal field until 2010, when a hydrothermal plume emanating from the Beebe site (, elevation -5000 m) was detected by a group of scientists from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This site is located on the 110 km long, ultraslow spreading Mid-Cayman Rise within the Cayman Trough. In early 2013, the deepest known hydrothermal vents were discovered in the Caribbean at a depth of almost . Oceanographers are studying the volcanoes and hydrothermal vents of the Juan de Fuca mid ocean ridge where tectonic plates", "\"Lake Matano\"\nLake Matano Lake Matano (), also known as Matana, is a natural lake in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. With a depth of , it is the deepest lake in Indonesia (ranked by maximum depth), the 10th deepest lake in the world and the deepest lake on an island by maximum depth. The surface elevation from mean sea level is only , which means that the deepest portion of the lake is below sea level (cryptodepression). It is one of the two major lakes (the other being Lake Towuti) in the Malili Lake system. Lake Matano is home to many species of", "\"Sunda Trench\"\nSunda Trench The Sunda Trench, earlier known as and sometimes still indicated as the Java Trench, is an oceanic trench located in the Indian Ocean near Sumatra, formed where the Australian-Capricorn plates subduct under a part of the Eurasian Plate. It is long. Its maximum depth (at 10°19'S, 109°58'E, about 320 km south of Yogyakarta), is the deepest point in the Indian Ocean. The trench stretches from the Lesser Sunda Islands past Java, around the southern coast of Sumatra on to the Andaman Islands, and forms the boundary between Indo-Australian Plate and Eurasian plate (more specifically, Sunda Plate). The trench", "\"Geography of Japan\"\nit's the deepest part of the sea, whereas the Tsushima Basin is the shallowest with depths below . The Yamato Basin and Tsushima Basin have thick ocean crusts. The continental shelves of the sea are wide on the eastern shores along Japan. On the western shores, they are narrow particularly along the Korean and Russian coast, averaging about . The geographical location of the Japanese archipelago has defined the Sea of Japan for millions of years. Without the Japanese archipelago it would just be the Pacific Ocean. The term has been the international standard since at least the early 19th", "\"The Kraken Wakes\"\nwhere they are sailing on their honeymoon. Eventually the distribution of the objects' landing points – always at ocean depths, never on land – implies intelligence. The aliens are speculated to come from a gas giant, and thus can only survive under conditions of extreme pressures in which humans would be instantly crushed. The deepest parts of the oceans are the only parts of Earth in any way useful to them, and they presumably have no need or use for the dry land or even the shallower parts of the seas. Bocker puts forward the theory that the two species", "\"Benthic zone\"\neach other. Modern seafloor mapping technologies have revealed linkages between seafloor geomorphology and benthic habitats, in which suites of benthic communities are associated with specific geomorphic settings. Examples include cold-water coral communities associated with seamounts and submarine canyons, kelp forests associated with inner shelf rocky reefs and rockfish associated with rocky escarpments on continental slopes. In oceanic environments, benthic habitats can also be zoned by depth. From the shallowest to the deepest are: the epipelagic (less than 200 meters), the mesopelagic (200–1,000 meters), the bathyal (1,000–4,000 meters), the abyssal (4,000–6,000 meters) and the deepest, the hadal (below 6,000 meters). The", "Sognefjord\nSognefjord The Sognefjord or Sognefjorden, nicknamed the King of the Fjords, is the largest and deepest fjord in Norway. Located in Sogn og Fjordane county in Western Norway, it stretches inland from the ocean to the small village of Skjolden in the municipality of Luster. The fjord takes its name from the traditional district of Sogn, which covers the southern part of the county. The fjord runs through many municipalities: Solund, Gulen, Hyllestad, Høyanger, Vik, Balestrand, Leikanger, Sogndal, Lærdal, Aurland, Årdal, and Luster. The fjord reaches a maximum depth of below sea level, and the greatest depths are found in", "\"Diving watch\"\nto the hull of the bathyscaphe \"\"Trieste\"\" reached a record depth of of seawater during a descent to the bottom of Challenger Deep, the deepest surveyed point in the oceans. The watch survived and tested as having functioned normally during its descent and ascent. The Deep Sea Special was a technology demonstration and marketing project, and the watch never went into production. At the BaselWorld watch and jewellery show 2009, the CX Swiss Military Watch 20'000 FEET diving watch with an official depth rating of was introduced. This watch represented in its launch year, 2009, the most water resistant (mechanical)", "Foraminifera\nMariana Trench, including the Challenger Deep, the deepest part known. At these depths, below the carbonate compensation depth, the calcium carbonate of the tests is soluble in water due to the extreme pressure. The Foraminifera found in the Challenger Deep thus have no carbonate test, but instead have one of organic material. Four species found in the Challenger Deep are unknown from any other place in the oceans, one of which is representative of an endemic genus unique to the region. They are \"\"Resigella laevis\"\" and \"\"R. bilocularis\"\", \"\"Nodellum aculeata\"\", and \"\"Conicotheca nigrans\"\" (the unique genus). All have tests that", "\"Challenger Deep\"\nof ± On 31 May 2009 the United States sent the \"\"Nereus\"\" hybrid remotely operated vehicle (HROV) to the Challenger Deep. Nereus thus became the first vehicle to reach the Mariana Trench since 1998 and the deepest-diving vehicle then in operation. Project manager and developer Andy Bowen heralded the achievement as \"\"the start of a new era in ocean exploration\"\". \"\"Nereus\"\", unlike \"\"Kaikō\"\", did not need to be powered or controlled by a cable connected to a ship on the ocean surface. \"\"Nereus\"\" spent over 10 hours at the bottom of the Challenger Deep and measured a depth of at", "\"Lutjanus bohar\"\norder to approach their preys. The chambered nautilus, \"\"Nautilus pompilius\"\", is known to scavenge deceased snappers. A pair of nautiluses recorded feeding on a snapper at 703 metres below the surface constitutes the deepest recorded sighting of any nautilus species. This species is native to the Indian Ocean. It is widespreas in the Indo-Pacific from the east African coast to the western Pacific Ocean, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to Australia. It is a coral reef inhabitant, being found at depths from , though usually between . Lutjanus bohar Lutjanus bohar, the two-spot red snapper, is a species of", "\"Amundsen Basin\"\nAmundsen Basin The Amundsen Basin, with depths up to 4.4 km, is the deepest abyssal plain in the Arctic Ocean. The Amundsen Basin is embraced by the Lomonosov Ridge (from to ) and the Gakkel Ridge (from to ). It is named after the polar researcher Roald Amundsen. Together with the Nansen Basin, the Amundsen Basin is often summarized as Eurasian Basin. The Russian-American cooperation Nansen and Amundsen Basin Observational System (NABOS) aims \"\"to provide a quantitative observationally based assessment of circulation, water mass transformations, and transformation mechanisms in the Eurasian and Canadian Basins of the Arctic Ocean\"\". The Amundsen", "\"Demersal fish\"\ninside out. Some fish, such as grenadiers, also appear and start feeding on the scavenging inverebrates and amphipods. Other specialization is based on depth distribution. Some of the more abundant upper continental slope fish species, such as cutthroat eel and longfinned hake, mainly feed on epipelagic fish. But generally, the most abundant deep water demersal fish species feed on invertebrates. At great depths, food scarcity and extreme pressure limits the ability of fish to survive. The deepest point of the ocean is about 11,000 metres. Bathypelagic fishes are not normally found below 3,000 metres. It may be that extreme pressures", "\"Portuguese dogfish\"\nSea, the Azores and Madeira, as well as from southern Namibia to western South Africa. In the Indian Ocean, this species has been caught off the Seychelles. In the Pacific, this shark occurs off Japan, New Zealand, and Australia from Cape Hawke, New South Wales, to Beachport, South Australia, including Tasmania. The deepest-living shark known, the Portuguese dogfish has been reported at depths of to from the lower continental slope to the abyssal plain, and is most common between and . This species is found deeper in the Mediterranean, seldom occurring above a depth of and being most common at", "\"Lake Ogawara\"\nLake Ogawara The lake has an area of 63.2 km² and holds 0.714 km³ of water. Its circumference is 67.4 kilometers. At its deepest point, the water is 25 meters deep, with an average depth of 11 meters. The surface is at sea level. The lake is shallow (under 2 meters) from the shoreline to a distance of approximately 200 meters, whereupon the depth drops off precipitously. The edge of Lake Ogawara is very near the coast of the Pacific Ocean, and the sand bar guarding its mouth has been breached numerous times by storms or typhoons, thus accounting for", "\"Challenger expedition\"\nOn March 23, 1875, at sample station number 225 located in the southwest Pacific Ocean between Guam and Palau, the crew recorded a sounding of 4,475 fathoms, (8,184 meters) deep, which was confirmed by an additional sounding. As shown by later expeditions using modern equipment, this area represents the southern end of the Mariana trench and is one of the deepest known places on the ocean floor. Modern soundings to 10,994 meters have since been found near the site of the \"\"Challenger\"\" original sounding. \"\"Challenger\"\" discovery of this depth was a key finding of the expedition in broadening oceanographic horizons", "\"Pamlico Sound\"\neast by Oregon Inlet, Hatteras Inlet, and Ocracoke Inlet, which also provide passage to the Atlantic Ocean. The salinity of the sound averages 20 ppt, compared to an average coastal salinity of 35 ppt in the Atlantic and 3 ppt in the Currituck Sound, which is located north of the Albemarle Sound. The sound and its ocean inlets are noted for wide expanses of shallow water and occasional shoaling, making the area hazardous for larger vessels. While the deepest hole of the estuary (26') can be found in the Pamlico Sound, depths generally range from 5 to 6 feet. In", "\"Whipnose angler\"\nabout their ecology, but this species lives a benthic lifestyle while possibly swimming upside down while it is foraging. They tend to drift motionless to lure in their prey. Whipnose anglers can be found in all three major oceans. The northernmost location of the females has been recorded near southern Greenland, while the southernmost location was recorded at 50°S in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. The species may possibly be one of the deepest-living ceratoids at maximum depths exceeding 1000 m. Whipnose angler The whipnose anglers are a family, Gigantactinidae, of deep-sea anglerfishes. The family name is derived", "\"Abyssal plain\"\nflat featureless abyssal plains. As technology improved, measurement of depth, latitude and longitude became more precise and it became possible to collect more or less continuous sets of data points. This allowed researchers to draw accurate and detailed maps of large areas of the ocean floor. Use of a continuously recording fathometer enabled Tolstoy & Ewing in the summer of 1947 to identify and describe the first abyssal plain. This plain, south of Newfoundland, is now known as the Sohm Abyssal Plain. Following this discovery many other examples were found in all the oceans. The Challenger Deep is the deepest", "Bacteria\nputrefaction stage in this process. In the biological communities surrounding hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, extremophile bacteria provide the nutrients needed to sustain life by converting dissolved compounds, such as hydrogen sulphide and methane, to energy. Data reported by researchers in October 2012 and published in March 2013 suggested that bacteria thrive in the Mariana Trench, which, with a depth of up to 11 kilometres, is the deepest known part of the oceans. Other researchers reported related studies that microbes thrive inside rocks up to 580 metres below the sea floor under 2.6 kilometres of ocean off the coast of", "\"Project Nekton\"\nPiccard) and Lieutenant Don Walsh, USN. This was the first time a vessel, manned or unmanned, had reached the deepest point in the Earth's oceans. The onboard systems indicated a depth of , although this was later revised to and more accurate measurements made in 1995 have found the Challenger Deep to be slightly shallower, at . The descent to the ocean floor took 4 hours and 48 minutes at a descent rate of 0.914 m/s. After passing 9,000 metres one of the outer Plexiglas window panes cracked, shaking the entire vessel. The two men spent barely twenty minutes at", "\"Deep sea\"\nthree dives to depths exceeding 10,900 meters. It has been suggested that more is known about the Moon than the deepest parts of the ocean. Little was known about the extent of life on the deep ocean floor until the discovery of thriving colonies of shrimps and other organisms around hydrothermal vents in the late 1970s. Before the discovery of the undersea vents, it had been accepted that almost all life on earth obtained its energy (one way or another) from the sun. The new discoveries revealed groups of creatures that obtained nutrients and energy directly from thermal sources and", "\"Philippine Trench\"\na M 8.2. The trench reaches one of the greatest depths in the ocean, third only to the Mariana trench and the Tonga trench. Its deepest point is known as Galathea Depth and reaches 10,540 meters (34,580 ft) or (5,760 fathoms). Sedimentation of the Philippine trench contains slightly metamorphosed, calc-alkalic, basic, ultrabasic rock and sand grains. The southern area of the trench contains homogenous, blue, clay silt and was poor in lime. Sand grains that were also found contained fresh basaltic andesite. The sediments found in the trenches are hypothesized to have been deposited by turbidity currents. A turbidity current", "\"Don Walsh\"\nDon Walsh Don Walsh (born November 2, 1931) is an American oceanographer, explorer and marine policy specialist. He and Jacques Piccard were aboard the bathyscaphe \"\"Trieste\"\" when it made a record maximum descent into the Mariana Trench on January 23, 1960, the deepest point of the world's oceans. The depth was measured at , but later and more accurate measurements have measured it at 35,798 feet (10,911 m). Walsh has been associated with ocean science, engineering, and marine policy for more than fifty years. He was commissioned as an officer in the United States Navy upon graduation from the United", "\"Marine microorganism\"\noceans. In fact, single-celled life forms have been found in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench, by the Challenger Deep, at depths of . Other researchers reported related studies that microorganisms thrive inside rocks up to below the sea floor under of ocean off the coast of the northwestern United States, as well as beneath the seabed off Japan. The greatest known temperature at which microbial life can exist is (\"\"Methanopyrus kandleri\"\"). On 20 August 2014, scientists confirmed the existence of microorganisms living below the ice of Antarctica. According to one researcher, \"\"You can find microbes everywhere — they're", "\"Lake Matano\"\nthe beauty of Lake Matano and surrounding as a new icon of South Sulawesi, the first annually Lake Matano Festival was held in May 2015 with some attractions such as competition of running, cycling and swimming. Lake Matano Lake Matano (), also known as Matana, is a natural lake in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. With a depth of , it is the deepest lake in Indonesia (ranked by maximum depth), the 10th deepest lake in the world and the deepest lake on an island by maximum depth. The surface elevation from mean sea level is only , which means that the", "\"Shark River Reef\"\nShark River Reef Shark River Reef is an artificial reef located in the Atlantic Ocean, 15.6 miles southeast of Manasquan Inlet, off the coast of Ocean County, New Jersey. The site contains almost 4 million cubic yards of dredge rock material. Although 96% of the total reef material is rock, the site also contains numerous subway cars. It is the deepest of all New Jersey's artificial reefs, having an average bottom depth of approximately 125'. The site is located near Stolt Dagali wreck (rammed and sunk in 1964 by the SS Shalom). The site contains at least nine vessels, including", "\"Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project\"\nin such deep water and caused many problems and delays during the first month at sea. Eventually difficult engineering problems were overcome enabling retrieval of borehole core and installation of a temperature observatory across the fault zone at a depth of about 820 meters below the sea floor. New records were set for scientific drilling including, longest drilling string (7740 m) from the ocean surface and deepest core from the ocean surface (7752 m). Because of delays due to technical difficulties and bad weather, the temperature observatory could not be deployed during the main expedition. However, during the supplementary Expedition", "\"Rolex Sea Dweller\"\ndeep water atmospheric diving suits and remotely operated underwater vehicles in offshore oilfield drilling and production effectively ended the need for ever deeper, non-atmospheric manned intervention in the ocean. These practical factors make watch depth ratings of more than marketing curiosities. In late March 2012, Rolex announced that a new prototype diving watch was developed and is part of the Rolex supported attempt to dive the DSV \"\"Deepsea Challenger\"\" to the bottom of the Challenger Deep, the deepest surveyed point in the oceans. On 26 March 2012 the DSV \"\"Deepsea Challenger\"\" carried a Rolex Oyster Perpetual Date Sea-Dweller DEEPSEA CHALLENGE", "\"Crater Lake National Park\"\nthe world, but this former listing excludes the approximately depth of subglacial Lake Vostok in Antarctica, which resides under nearly of ice, and the recent report of a maximum depth for Lake O'Higgins/San Martin, located on the border of Chile and Argentina. However, when comparing its average depth of to the average depth of other deep lakes, Crater Lake becomes the deepest in the Western Hemisphere and the third-deepest in the world. The impressive average depth of this volcanic lake is due to the nearly symmetrical caldera formed 7,700 years ago during the violent climactic eruptions and subsequent collapse of", "\"Mariana Trench\"\nthe trench was recorded when the \"\"Challenger II\"\" measured a depth of at , known as the Challenger Deep. In 1957, the Soviet vessel reported a depth of at a location dubbed the \"\"Mariana Hollow\"\". In 1962, the surface ship M.V. \"\"Spencer F. Baird\"\" recorded a maximum depth of using precision depth gauges. In 1984, the Japanese survey vessel \"\"Takuyō\"\" (拓洋) collected data from the Mariana Trench using a narrow, multi-beam echo sounder; it reported a maximum depth of , also reported as ±. Remotely Operated Vehicle \"\"KAIKO\"\" reached the deepest area of the Mariana Trench and made the deepest", "\"Atolls of the Maldives\"\nthe peak of a submarine mountain, and perhaps an atoll in the process of formation. This bank is very difficult to spot for at its shallowest point there is a depth of 6 fathoms (11 m). It looks like a paler blue patch surrounded by huge expanses of the deepest ocean. There, no island can be seen in the horizon for many dozens of miles. The names of the natural atolls of the Maldives are the names given to them by the first settlers of the country or the names derived from these. The atolls are usually named after islands" ]
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who is talking at the beginning of wale matrimony
[ "Jerry Seinfeld" ]
[ "\"The Matrimony (song)\"\nThe Matrimony (song) \"\"The Matrimony\"\" is a song by American hip hop recording artist Wale. It was released on March 2, 2015, as the second single from his fourth studio album \"\"The Album About Nothing\"\" (2015). The song, produced by Jake One, features a guest appearance from Usher. The song begins with a monologue from Jerry Seinfeld. The song samples artist Daniel \"\"Danny Keyz\"\" Tannenbaum. A music video for \"\"The Matrimony\"\" was released on June 8, 2015. It was directed by Sarah McColgan. \"\"The Matrimony\"\" peaked at number 70 on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart. On June 13, 2016,", "\"The Matrimony (song)\"\nthe song was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for sales of over 500,000 digital copies in the United States. The Matrimony (song) \"\"The Matrimony\"\" is a song by American hip hop recording artist Wale. It was released on March 2, 2015, as the second single from his fourth studio album \"\"The Album About Nothing\"\" (2015). The song, produced by Jake One, features a guest appearance from Usher. The song begins with a monologue from Jerry Seinfeld. The song samples artist Daniel \"\"Danny Keyz\"\" Tannenbaum. A music video for \"\"The Matrimony\"\" was released on June 8,", "\"Divorce in England and Wales\"\nFrom beginning to end, if there are no further issues and Court permitting, it takes around six months. If there are any outstanding financial issues between the parties, most solicitors would advise resolving these by way of a 'Clean Break' Court order prior to obtaining the Decree Absolute. Divorce in England and Wales In England and Wales, divorce is allowed on the ground that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 specifies that the marriage may be found to have irretrievably broken down if one of the following is established: Civil remarriage is allowed. Religions and", "\"Divorce in England and Wales\"\nin public in the House of Commons. The Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 moved litigation from the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts to the civil courts, establishing a model of marriage based on contract rather than sacrament and widening the availability of divorce beyond those who could afford to bring proceedings for annulment or to promote a private Bill. The Matrimonial Causes Act 1937 made divorce easier to access, particularly for women, who until then could not get a divorce merely on grounds of adultery, as men could: women needed to show more causes than adultery, such as incest, sodomy, or", "\"Talking Marriage with Ryan Bailey\"\nTalking Marriage with Ryan Bailey Talking Marriage with Ryan Bailey is an American comedy web series created by married Los Angeles-based actor Ryan Bailey. It stars its creator as a combination talk show host/marriage counselor who seeks to pass on his words of wisdom for maintaining a happy state of matrimony, despite his own obvious ineptitude. Each episode contains guests playing fictionalized versions of themselves. The series is distributed via YouTube and airs biweekly, with 'web extras' (consisting of short skits, VLOGs, and commercials) featured on off-weeks. Ryan Bailey is a self-styled talk show host and marriage expert who, thanks", "\"Matrimony's Speed Limit\"\nMatrimony's Speed Limit Matrimony's Speed Limit is a 1913 silent comedy short film produced and directed by pioneering female film maker Alice Guy-Blaché. It was produced by Solax Studios when it and many other early film studios in America's first motion picture industry were based in Fort Lee, New Jersey at the beginning of the 20th century. The story concerns a young man (Fraunie Fraunholz) who refuses to accept financial assistance from his wealthy girlfriend (Marian Swayne) in favor of earning his own fortune on the stock market. She concocts a plan to convince him that he will collect an", "\"Matrimony's Speed Limit\"\nthe Women's Film Preservation Fund upon its inauguration in 1995. Subsequently, it was selected to the National Film Registry by the Librarian of Congress in 2003. Matrimony's Speed Limit Matrimony's Speed Limit is a 1913 silent comedy short film produced and directed by pioneering female film maker Alice Guy-Blaché. It was produced by Solax Studios when it and many other early film studios in America's first motion picture industry were based in Fort Lee, New Jersey at the beginning of the 20th century. The story concerns a young man (Fraunie Fraunholz) who refuses to accept financial assistance from his wealthy", "\"The Matrimony\"\nnoting some similarities between the plot of \"\"Rebecca\"\" and \"\"The Matrimony\"\". Dread Central gave the film three blades, writing that it \"\"still manages to fall into the same quasi-supernatural trappings in its final act (including the aforementioned frustrating ending), but it sure is a touching date movie if nothing else.\"\" called \"\"The Matrimony\"\" \"\"a fine example of a classic ghost story\"\". A reviewer for the Tribeca Film Festival praised the film, citing the set designs and special effects as highlights. \"\"DVD Talk\"\" wrote that while the film was a \"\"luxuriant, affective supernatural chiller\"\", some of the twists in the", "\"Thug Matrimony: Married to the Streets\"\nof November 2006 the album has sold 910,000 copies in the United States. Thug Matrimony: Married to the Streets Thug Matrimony: Married to the Streets is the sixth studio album (and first number 1 album) by Miami rapper Trick Daddy. The album debuted at #2 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" 200 with 145,000 copies sold in the 1st week released. J.O.D.D. was used in the 2005 film The 40-Year-Old Virgin. \"\"Let's Go\"\" was the single that rocketed the albums success. \"\"Sugar (Gimme Some)\"\" contains an interpolation of \"\"Sugar On My Tongue\"\" written by David Byrne of Talking Heads and was produced by", "\"History of rent control in England and Wales\"\nnon-statutory basis for shared ownership properties. Initial enthusiasm was tempered when questions of some difficulty arose in the assessment of a fair rent relating to equity stakes and premiums. These were dealt with later in the Housing and Planning Act 1986. The Matrimonial Homes Act 1983 consolidated certain enactments relating to the rights of a husband or wife to occupy a dwelling house that had been a matrimonial home. Occupation by one spouse was to be treated as occupation by the other spouse. The Act provided for the transfer of certain tenancies on divorce. The Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceedings", "\"Thug Matrimony: Married to the Streets\"\nThug Matrimony: Married to the Streets Thug Matrimony: Married to the Streets is the sixth studio album (and first number 1 album) by Miami rapper Trick Daddy. The album debuted at #2 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" 200 with 145,000 copies sold in the 1st week released. J.O.D.D. was used in the 2005 film The 40-Year-Old Virgin. \"\"Let's Go\"\" was the single that rocketed the albums success. \"\"Sugar (Gimme Some)\"\" contains an interpolation of \"\"Sugar On My Tongue\"\" written by David Byrne of Talking Heads and was produced by Mike Caren. \"\"Down Wit Da South\"\" contains an interpolation of Midnight Star's song", "Annulment\nAnnulment Annulment is a legal procedure within secular and religious legal systems for declaring a marriage null and void. Unlike divorce, it is usually retroactive, meaning that an annulled marriage is considered to be invalid from the beginning almost as if it had never taken place (though some jurisdictions provide that the marriage is only void from the date of the annulment; for example, this is the case in section 12 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 in England and Wales). In legal terminology, an annulment makes a void marriage or a voidable marriage null. A difference exists between a", "\"Matrimonial Causes Act 1973\"\nMatrimonial Causes Act 1973 The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 (c 18) is an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom governing divorce law and marriage in England and Wales. Under section 24(1), when granting a divorce, decree of nullity of marriage or judicial separation the court can order (subject to restrictions in ss 29(1) and (3) relating to children of the age of majority other than those still in school or in other special circumstances): Under s. 24(2), the court can make an order under s. 24(1)(c) even if there are no children, and under s. 24(3) orders and settlements", "\"Matrimonial Causes Act 1973\"\ntake effect only when the divorce or nullity of marriage is made absolute. Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 (c 18) is an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom governing divorce law and marriage in England and Wales. Under section 24(1), when granting a divorce, decree of nullity of marriage or judicial separation the court can order (subject to restrictions in ss 29(1) and (3) relating to children of the age of majority other than those still in school or in other special circumstances): Under s. 24(2), the court can make an order under s. 24(1)(c)", "\"National Assembly for Wales\"\nmost dramatic fashion since the beginning of the Assembly. Labour dropped from 30 to 29 seats, and Plaid Cymru moved from 11 to 12 seats. The Conservatives lost 3 seats, moving from 14 seats to 11, while the Liberal Democrats dropped from 5 to 1 seat. UKIP, who had not previously had representation, gained seven AMs. Following an initial vote on the First Minister, in which Plaid Cymru's Leanne Wood and Labour's Carwyn Jones both gained 29 votes from AMs each, a week of talks were held. A document was produced after Plaid Cymru–Labour talks entitled \"\"Moving Wales Forward\"\", which", "\"Pretty Polly (play)\"\nif she ever thinks of me!\"\". Polly admits that the answer is \"\"Yes\"\". As Brown happily moves to kiss his pretty tormenter, she stops him: \"\"One moment!\"\" she covers up the parrot. \"\"Parrots talk, you know!\"\" They kiss. The first Savoy Theatre cast was: From December 1900, the cast was: Pretty Polly (play) Pretty Polly is a one-act playlet by Basil Hood, with music composed by François Cellier. The ten-minute long piece concerns the difficulties of a shy fellow who tries to use a talking parrot as a matrimonial agent. The piece was first produced at the Theatre Royal, Colchester,", "\"Divorce in England and Wales\"\ncruelty. The need for the reforms was illustrated in the best-selling satirical novel \"\"Holy Deadlock\"\" (1934). The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 provided that a marriage had to have lasted for three years before a divorce could be applied for; the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 reduced this period to one year. Relevant laws are: There is only one 'ground' for divorce under English law. That is that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. There are however five 'facts' that may constitute this ground. They are: Here is a rough outline of the undefended divorce procedure from start to finish:", "\"Matrimonial Causes Act 1857\"\nalso an important enabling step in unifying and rationalising the legal system of England and Wales, a process that was largely effected by the Judicature Acts (1873–1875). It also catalysed the unification of the legal profession. By the abolition of any remaining important role for canon lawyers, it ultimately led to the demise of the Doctors' Commons. The Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 also had impact in some of Britain's overseas possessions. In a series of decisions, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council held that the Act was part of the local law of the four western provinces of Canada,", "\"Divorce in England and Wales\"\nDivorce in England and Wales In England and Wales, divorce is allowed on the ground that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 specifies that the marriage may be found to have irretrievably broken down if one of the following is established: Civil remarriage is allowed. Religions and denominations differ on whether they permit religious remarriage. A divorce in England and Wales is only possible for marriages of more than one year and when the marriage has irretrievably broken down. Whilst it is possible to defend a divorce, the vast majority proceed on an undefended basis.", "\"History of rent control in England and Wales\"\nAct 1976 made provision for varying rights of occupation where both spouses (and a man and woman living together as man and wife) had rights in the matrimonial home. The 1976 Act and the 1983 Acts were further developed by the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984, which also gave powers to the court in relation to the transfer of certain tenancies upon a decree of divorce, of nullity of marriage or of judicial separation. The Mobile Homes Act 1983 replaced sections 1 to 6 of the Mobile Homes Act 1976. It introduced important new rules about security of tenure", "\"Christopher Reutinger\"\nPocus — Holy Matrimony — Homeward Bound — Honey I Blew Up The Kids — Hot Shots 2—Hunchback of Notre Dame — I Spy Movie — Invasion of The Body Snatchers(78')--The Jetsons Movie — Josh and Sam — Last Action Hero — Last of The Mohicans — A League of Their Own — A Life in The Theater — Lion King 2—Little Big League — Little Nilita — Logans Run — Look Who's Talking Too — Love and Bullets Charlie — Mac and Me — Man Who Loved Women — Married to It — Marvin and Tige — Maybe Baby", "\"Collaborative law\"\ncollaborative divorce. The American Bar Association (\"\"ABA\"\"), the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (\"\"IAML\"\") all have Collaborative Law committees. IACP is an interdisciplinary organisation whose members include lawyers, mental health professionals and financial specialists. National Collaborative organisations have been established in many jurisdictions,including Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Israel, Hong Kong, Kenya, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, and Uganda, as well as the United States. There is an active on-line collaborative community on In England and Wales, Resolution, has assumed responsibility for the", "\"Forced marriage\"\na forced marriage may or may not be void or voidable. Victims may be able to seek redress through annulment or divorce. In England and Wales, the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 stipulates that a forced marriage is voidable. In some jurisdictions, people who had coerced the victim into marriage may face criminal charges. Forced marriages are often related to violence, both in regard to violence perpetrated inside the marriage (domestic violence), and in regard to violence inflicted in order to force an unwilling participant to accept the marriage, or to punish a refusal (in extreme cases women and girls who", "\"The Eve of Saint Venus\"\nThe Eve of Saint Venus The Eve of Saint Venus is a novella, or, as author Anthony Burgess put it, \"\"opusculum\"\", on the theme of marriage. It was first published in 1964. A new edition of the book, which Burgess described as a \"\"tribute to matrimony\"\", was dedicated to the Prince and Princess of Wales, and published in 1981, the year of their marriage. The Prince and Princess separated in 1992, and were divorced in 1996. Burgess wrote in the preface to another edition, that of 1984: \"\"I dedicate this work to all ... who, ... having achieved [marriage]... are", "\"The Eve of Saint Venus\"\nstill not disillusioned with it.\"\" The Eve of Saint Venus The Eve of Saint Venus is a novella, or, as author Anthony Burgess put it, \"\"opusculum\"\", on the theme of marriage. It was first published in 1964. A new edition of the book, which Burgess described as a \"\"tribute to matrimony\"\", was dedicated to the Prince and Princess of Wales, and published in 1981, the year of their marriage. The Prince and Princess separated in 1992, and were divorced in 1996. Burgess wrote in the preface to another edition, that of 1984: \"\"I dedicate this work to all ... who,", "\"Matrimonial regime\"\n(who may be same- or opposite-sex); and that the marital property attaches to that interpersonal community, rather than to the spouses themselves. There are several genres of community property system. Matrimonial regime Matrimonial regimes, or marital property systems, are systems of property ownership between spouses providing for the creation or absence of a marital estate, and if created, what properties are included in that estate, how and by whom it is managed, and how it will be divided and inherited at the end of the marriage. Matrimonial regimes are applied either by operation of law or by way of prenuptial", "\"Dating agency\"\nsays that a MATRIMONIAL PLAN is proposed to be established throughout every county, city, or town, in England or Wales. (...) The system of this curious, and it should seem actually \"\"serious\"\", plan — as far as we can learn — is as follows: — Every person, of either sex, who desires to enter into a treaty of marriage, \"\"is first to subscribe a certain sum.\"\" All ladies and gentlemen to describe themselves, by real or fictitious names, as they may choose\"\". Men and women would classify themselves into three classes, and would generally state how much money they earned,", "\"Crown Matrimonial\"\nCrown Matrimonial In law, the Crown Matrimonial is a person's right to co-reign equally with his or her spouse. The Crown Matrimonial of Scotland was sought by King Francis II of France, husband of Mary, Queen of Scots, by the Parliament of Scotland and Mary's mother, Mary of Guise, who was regent of Scotland. It would make Francis legal co-sovereign of Scotland with Queen Mary, and would also grant Francis the right to keep the Scottish throne if he outlived her. By the terms of the offer, he would be able to pass the Scottish crown to his descendants by", "\"Crown Matrimonial\"\nnever realised. Crown Matrimonial In law, the Crown Matrimonial is a person's right to co-reign equally with his or her spouse. The Crown Matrimonial of Scotland was sought by King Francis II of France, husband of Mary, Queen of Scots, by the Parliament of Scotland and Mary's mother, Mary of Guise, who was regent of Scotland. It would make Francis legal co-sovereign of Scotland with Queen Mary, and would also grant Francis the right to keep the Scottish throne if he outlived her. By the terms of the offer, he would be able to pass the Scottish crown to his", "\"Matrimonial Causes Act 1857\"\nMatrimonial Causes Act 1857 The Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The Act reformed the law on divorce, moving litigation from the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts to the civil courts, establishing a model of marriage based on contract rather than sacrament and widening the availability of divorce beyond those who could afford to bring proceedings for annulment or to promote a private Bill. It was one of the Matrimonial Causes Acts 1857 to 1878. Before the Act, divorce was governed by the ecclesiastical Court of Arches and the canon law of", "\"Holy Matrimony (1943 film)\"\ndirectly from \"\"Holy Matrimony\"\". In 1968, the Theater Guild (an organization that commissioned plays for production off-Broadway) turned the screenplay into a musical, \"\"Darling of the Day\"\". So many changes were made to the play, however, that Johnson demanded that his name be removed from it. The Musical although not a huge hit was praised for its score, by Jule Styne and E. Y. Harburg, and the performance of Patricia Routledge, who won the Tony for Best Actress in a musical. Vincent Price co-starred with her as Priam Farrl. Holy Matrimony (1943 film) Holy Matrimony is a 1943 comedy film", "BharatMatrimony\nBharatMatrimony BharatMatrimony is an online matrimony service and a part of It was founded in 1997 by Murugavel Janakiraman, who later met his wife through his own matrimony site. The company has 130 offices in India, with offices in Dubai, Sri Lanka, United States and Malaysia to cater to its customers beyond India. Murugavel Janakiraman started the BharatMatrimony website in 2000 while working as a software consultant for Lucent Technologies in Edison, N.J. In the late 1990s he set up a Tamil community web portal, which included matrimonial ads. He started BharatMatrimony after noticing the matrimonial ads generated most", "\"White v White\"\ntransfer by the husband of a capital asset, usually but not always, the matrimonial home, thus encouraging the parties to the marriage to put the past behind them. However, in the case of \"\"Minton v Minton [1979]\"\", Lord Scarman's definition of a 'clean break' is such as \"\"to begin a new life which is not overshadowed by the relationship which has broken down.\"\" It is usually not possible to come to terms with clean break on divorce when there are children under the age of 18. Much of the legislation's and statutes of this case involves the Matrimonial Causes Act", "\"Polygamy in the United Kingdom\"\nPolygamy in the United Kingdom Polygamous marriages may not be performed in the United Kingdom, and if a polygamous marriage is performed, the already-married person may be guilty of the crime of bigamy under the s.11 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. Bigamy is a statutory offence in England and Wales. It is committed by a person who, being married to another person, goes through a ceremony capable of producing a valid marriage with a third person. The offence is created by section 57 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861: This section replaced section 22 of the Offences", "\"Church in Wales\"\nof baptism and confirmation was authorised, replacing the equivalent in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. This was followed in 1974 with a definitive order for the Burial of the Dead, and in 1975 with a definitive order for Holy Matrimony. It was hoped that a new Book of Common Prayer for the church in Wales would be produced in 1981. However, in 1979 a definitive version of the Holy Eucharist failed to gain a two-thirds majority in the House of Clergy and the House of Laity at the Governing Body. A light revision of the 1966 experimental Eucharist was", "\"Pretty Polly (play)\"\nPretty Polly (play) Pretty Polly is a one-act playlet by Basil Hood, with music composed by François Cellier. The ten-minute long piece concerns the difficulties of a shy fellow who tries to use a talking parrot as a matrimonial agent. The piece was first produced at the Theatre Royal, Colchester, 26 April 1900, and then at the Savoy Theatre, from 19 May 1900 to 28 June 1900 as a companion piece to Hood and Sir Arthur Sullivan's \"\"The Rose of Persia\"\", a run of 26 performances. It then played from 8 December 1900 to 20 April 1901, together with the", "\"Talking Gravestones of Amrum\"\nand served the Turkish bey in Constantine as Casnadaye, for eleven and one-fourth years, until the bey, out of consideration for his work, granted him freedom. On 25 April in the year 1736 he reached his fatherland again. The following year was united in holy matrimony with Antje Harken, and they had five children, one son and four daughters. All survived the death of their father on 13 October in the year 1754, after 46 years and 13 weeks of life.\"\" The inscription continues on the reverse side: The largest gravestones formerly stood on the graves of Amrumers who took", "\"Church in Wales\"\nin Wales began revising the Book of Common Prayer in the 1950s. The first material authorised for experimental use was a lectionary in 1956, followed by a baptism and confirmation service in 1958, an order for Holy Matrimony in 1960, and an order for the Burial of the Dead in 1962. These did not however enjoy widespread use. In 1966 an experimental order for the Holy Eucharist was authorised. This was the first to enjoy widespread use. Revision continued throughout the 60s and 70s, with an experimental version of morning and evening prayer in 1969. In 1971 a definitive version", "\"The Matrimonial Bed\"\nThe Matrimonial Bed The Matrimonial Bed is a 1930 American pre-Code comedy film produced and released by Warner Bros.. It was based on the French play by André Mouëzy-Éon and Yves Mirande. The English version of the play, by Sir Seymour Hicks, opened in New York on October 12, 1927 and had 13 performances. Leopold Trebel (Frank Fay) is a man who was in a train wreck five years earlier and was taken for dead by his wife, Juliet (Florence Eldridge) Leopold and Juliet have both remarried. Leopold, who remembers nothing that occurred before the train wreck, is the father", "\"Alexander von Benckendorff (1849-1917)\"\nthe Ambassador to Denmark. The Copenhagen post gave him a vantage point for watching the principal moving powers of European politics since the matrimonial alliances of the Danish royal family occasionally brought together in a friendly family circle the widow of Alexander III, Nicholas II and the Prince of Wales who was to become King Edward VII. In this way, Count Benckendorff received his initiation into the spirit of an Anglo-Russian rapprochement even before it actually resulted in an entente. From 1903 until his death in 1917, he was the Ambassador to the Court of St. James's, the chief Russian", "\"Our Flat\"\nOur Flat Our Flat is a farce-comedy by Mrs. H. Musgrave first produced as a matinee performance on June 13, 1889, at the Prince of Wales Theatre. The play made its New York premier on October 21, 1889 at the Lyceum Theatre. In the mid-1890s \"\"Our Flat\"\" became a successful vehicle for actress Emily Bancker on road tours of North American venues. \"\"The Gazette\"\", January 9, 1895 The story of the play runs as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester are two young persons who have rushed into matrimony on the Micawber Principle; are living from hand to mouth in a", "\"Racism in Australia\"\nnone were enjoying the protection of decent homes. So, far the lack of better prospects, they sought the Chinamen, who at least pay them well and treat them kindly.' and these prostitutes were found in Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales in the countryside amongst the Chinese settlements. A lot of the prostitutes were Irish Catholic girls and women in colonial Australia. In late 1878, there were 181 marriages between women of European descent and Chinese men as well as 171 such couples cohabiting without matrimony, resulting in the birth of 586 children of Sino-European descent. Such a rate of", "\"Nice 'n Juicy\"\nNice 'n Juicy Nice 'n Juicy is an Australian television sitcom which first screened on the ABC in 1966. It was the first series made by the ABC which had self contained episodes, as opposed to a serial. \"\"Nice 'n Juicy\"\" was created by Colin Free, who based the show on the play he wrote titled \"\"\"\"How Do You Spell Matrimony\"\"\"\". It was directed and produced by Eric Tayler. \"\"Nice 'n Juicy\"\" is set on a rundown citrus orchard in the fictitious town of Wyvern Creek, in New South Wales. The property is left to Jack and Mort Hamlin by", "Polygamy\nare otherwise, who is there that knows not.\"\" In modern times a minority of Roman Catholic theologians have argued that polygamy, though not ideal, can be a legitimate form of Christian marriage in certain regions, in particular Africa. The Roman Catholic Church teaches in its Catechism that polygamy is not in accord with the moral law. [Conjugal] communion is radically contradicted by polygamy; this, in fact, directly negates the plan of God that was revealed from the beginning, because it is contrary to the equal personal dignity of men and women who in matrimony give themselves with a love that", "\"Wale (rapper)\"\nIt became his second #1 album in the United States. It was revealed that Wale would next serve as the Executive Producer for Maybach Music Group's next collaborative album \"\"Self Made 4\"\". Wale also recorded the original music theme for the popular ESPN sports talk show First Take, which features journalists/panelists Stephen A. Smith, Max Kellerman and moderator/host Molly Qerim. The two-hour show, which airs twice daily at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on ESPN, features Wale's theme at the beginning of the show. Wale's fifth studio album, \"\"Shine\"\" was released on April 28, 2017, selling 28,000 units in its", "\"Paul Stanley (composer)\"\nhe lived here (San Francisco) he often talked with a quaint kind of melancholy about the high ambitions of his youth, and how they had become humbler as he got older. A man’s ambitions dwindle” he once said. “like a girl’s matrimonial aims. At 10 a girl wants a fairy prince and nothing less. At 20 she is resigned to a millionaire Duke. At 25 a member of Congress is good enough. At 30 a country minister will do nicely and at 35 she’ll take anything from a song writer down.\"\" Stanley and his wife Franziska, who died in 1919,", "\"Henry Drury (educator)\"\nelected to the Roxburghe Club on its first anniversary in 1813. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in February 1818 He died at Harrow on 5 March 1841. In 1808 he married Caroline Tayler, daughter of Archdale Wilson Tayler, and sister of the artist John Frederick Tayler. Just two years after the marriage, Byron wrote to Francis Hodgson “Talking of marriage puts me in mind of Drury (who, I suppose, has a dozen children by this time, all fine, fretful brats); I will never forgive matrimony for having spoiled such an excellent bachelor.” Caroline's sister Susannah Tayler", "\"Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston\"\nelection, Palmerston passed the Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 which for the first time made it possible for courts to grant a divorce and removed divorce from the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts. The opponents in Parliament, who included Gladstone, were the first in British history to try to kill a bill by talking it out. Nonetheless, Palmerston was determined to get the bill through, which he did. In June news came to Britain of the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Palmerston sent Sir Colin Campbell and reinforcements to India. Palmerston also agreed to transfer the authority of the British East India", "\"Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, 1st Count of Gondomar\"\npeace, and made skilful use of his desire for a matrimonial alliance between the Prince of Wales and the \"\"infanta\"\" Maria Anna of Spain, the \"\"Spanish Match\"\". The British historian J. P. Kenyon calls him \"\"a cleverer man than any in England\"\", who was gifted enough to tie England to Spain's interests for the next decade. The ambassador's task in the prelude to the Thirty Years' War was to keep James from aiding the Protestant states against Spain and Habsburg Austria, and to avert English attacks on Spanish possessions in The Americas. His success made him odious to the anti-Spanish", "\"Polygamy in Christianity\"\nto convert to the Gospel, is obliged to repudiate one or more wives with whom he has shared years of conjugal life, is understandable. However polygamy is not in accord with the moral law.\"\" [Conjugal] communion is radically contradicted by polygamy; this, in fact, directly negates the plan of God which was revealed from the beginning, because it is contrary to the equal personal dignity of men and women who in matrimony give themselves with a love that is total and therefore unique and exclusive.\"\" The Christian who has previously lived in polygamy has a grave duty in justice to", "\"Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes\"\nCourt for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes The Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes was created by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1857, which transferred the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts in matters matrimonial to the new court so created. The Judge Ordinary of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes also presided over the Court of Probate, but the two Courts remained separate entities. On 1 November 1875, under the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873 and the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1875, the Judge Ordinary of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes was transferred, as its President, to", "\"Matrimonial website\"\nMatrimonial website Matrimonial websites, or marriage websites, are a variation of the standard dating websites. Matrimonial sites are popular in India and among Indians settled overseas, as an alternative to the traditional marriage broker. According to the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India, the online matrimony business is expected to be a $250 Million business by 2017. According to The New York Times, there are over 1500 matrimony websites in India. Matrimonial sites register users, after which they are able to upload their profile onto a searchable database maintained by the website. Those users looking to find suitors", "\"Harriet Mordaunt\"\nwas served on her, she was \"\"not of sound mind\"\". In her diary entry for 6 August, Princess Alexandra noted that \"\"a commission has been ordered to investigate and report if Harriet Mordaunt is truly mad\"\". The resulting case came up for trial before Lord Penzance in the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes on 23 February 1870. Having been summoned to appear as a witness, the Prince of Wales was examined for seven minutes by Lady Mordaunt's counsel, the first time that a Prince of Wales had given evidence in open court. While admitting visits to Lady Mordaunt while", "\"Like a Prayer (album)\"\nheighten the song's spiritual nature, and a rock guitar keeps the music dark and mysterious. The second track, \"\"Express Yourself\"\", talks about rejecting material pleasures and only accepting the best for oneself; throughout the song, subtexts are employed. According to the singer, the track is a tribute to Sly & the Family Stone. The third track, \"\"Love Song\"\", is a duet with recording artist Prince. The song was co-written by Madonna and Prince and features the artist's \"\"signature scratchy disco guitar breaks through Madonna's synths\"\". Originally titled \"\"State of Matrimony\"\", the song Till Death Do Us Part\"\" talks about the", "\"Joan de Geneville, 2nd Baroness Geneville\"\nhighly beneficial to Mortimer as it brought him much influence and prestige in addition to the rich estates he gained through their matrimonial alliance. Three years later in 1304 he succeeded as Baron Mortimer, making Joan Baroness Mortimer. He was knighted on Whitsunday 22 May 1306 by King Edward I. The knighting ceremony took place in Westminster Abbey and was known as \"\"the Feast of the Swan\"\" as all those present made their personal vows upon two swans. Two hundred and fifty-nine other young men received knighthoods along with Mortimer including the Prince of Wales who would shortly afterwards succeed", "\"The Album About Nothing\"\nthe album sold 88,210 copies in its first week. As of May 2015, the album has sold 138,000 copies domestically. Notes Credits for \"\"The Album About Nothing\"\" adapted from the liner notes. The Album About Nothing The Album About Nothing is the fourth studio album by American rapper Wale. It was released on March 31, 2015, by Maybach Music Group and Atlantic Records. Recording sessions took place between 2013 and 2015. The album serves as a continuation of Wale's \"\"Seinfeld\"\"-themed mixtape series. The album was supported by two singles: \"\"The Body\"\" featuring Jeremih, and \"\"The Matrimony\"\" featuring Usher. \"\"The Album", "\"The Album About Nothing\"\nThe Album About Nothing The Album About Nothing is the fourth studio album by American rapper Wale. It was released on March 31, 2015, by Maybach Music Group and Atlantic Records. Recording sessions took place between 2013 and 2015. The album serves as a continuation of Wale's \"\"Seinfeld\"\"-themed mixtape series. The album was supported by two singles: \"\"The Body\"\" featuring Jeremih, and \"\"The Matrimony\"\" featuring Usher. \"\"The Album About Nothing\"\" received generally positive reviews from music critics. The album debuted at number one on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" 200, selling 88,000 copies in its first week. In January 2013, it was", "\"LGBT rights in the United Kingdom\"\nday in Scotland and the day after that in England and Wales. Same-sex marriage in the United Kingdom has been the subject of wide debate since the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Britain. Previous legislation in England and Wales had prevented same-sex marriage, including the \"\"Marriage Act 1949\"\" which defined marriage as between a man and a woman, the \"\"Nullity of Marriage Act 1971\"\" which explicitly banned same-sex marriages, and the \"\"Matrimonial Causes Act 1973\"\" which reiterated the provisions of the \"\"Nullity of Marriage Act\"\". While civil partnerships were established nationwide, marriage law is a devolved matter in the United Kingdom", "\"Talk Dirty (album)\"\nDirty\"\" seems to lack cohesion; it’s missing something\"\". Glenn Gamboa at \"\"Newsday\"\" graded the album a C, saying that Derulo \"\"tries too hard at the wrong things... cornering the market on sex-themed pop songs.\"\" in closing Gambo called \"\"Talk Dirty\"\" a \"\"sex-obsessed album that isn't very sexy\"\". On the other hand, Robert Christgau was more enthusiastic in his column for \"\"Billboard\"\", impressed by Derulo's \"\"command of contemporary hookcraft\"\", even though the songs were about sex gratifying enough to prompt marriage: \"\"I value both sex and matrimony too much to recommend this life strategy. But compared to the predatory Chris Brown", "\"Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes\"\nthe Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice. Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes The Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes was created by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1857, which transferred the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts in matters matrimonial to the new court so created. The Judge Ordinary of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes also presided over the Court of Probate, but the two Courts remained separate entities. On 1 November 1875, under the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873 and the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1875, the Judge Ordinary of the", "\"Holy Matrimony (1994 film)\"\nHoly Matrimony (1994 film) Holy Matrimony is a 1994 comedy film directed by Leonard Nimoy and starring Patricia Arquette and Joseph Gordon-Levitt in his feature film debut. The film tells the story of a beautiful thief, hiding in a small, isolated religious community, who marries a young boy in order to retrieve a hidden fortune. It was the final feature film directed by Nimoy. A young couple, Havana and Peter (Patricia Arquette and Tate Donovan), rob a county fair of its daily receipts and escape to Canada to hide out in the Hutterite community where Peter was raised. While there,", "\"International matrimonial law\"\nto the United States Senate asking them to ratify the treaty, United States President George W. Bush called on the body to act quickly citing the increasing number of 15 million US child support cases that involved “parties who live in different nations.” International matrimonial law International matrimonial law is an area of private international law (or conflict of laws in the United States). The area specifically deals with relations between spouses and former spouses on issues of marriage, divorce and child custody. In the last 50 years, the States Members of the Hague Conference on Private International Law have", "\"Maria Anna of Spain\"\nimportant role in the matrimonial projects of her father. In adolescence she was betrothed to Archduke John-Charles, eldest son and heir of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor and his first wife Maria Anna of Bavaria; however, the marriage never took place due to Archduke John-Charles' early death in 1618. In 1622, King James I of England received an offer from the Spanish King Philip IV to strengthen the relations of their countries through a dynastic marriage between Charles, Prince of Wales, and Infanta Maria Anna. London and Madrid began active negotiations. The possible marriage between the Prince of Wales and", "\"Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle\"\nthe standard Anglican church service for Holy Matrimony published in \"\"Common Worship\"\", the liturgical text of the Church of England. Prince Harry is the second son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales. He and Meghan Markle, an American actress best known for her role in the Canadian-American legal-drama television series \"\"Suits\"\", have been in a relationship since 2016, having first met in July 2016. The relationship was officially acknowledged on 8 November 2016, when a statement was released from the royal family's communications secretary addressing the \"\"wave of abuse and harassment\"\" directed toward Markle. On 27", "\"The Great Adventure (1921 film)\"\nletters is one noting an appointment. Priam keeps the late valet's date which turns out to be with an widow who had answered Henry's matrimonial ad. Priam marries the woman under the name Henry Leek. Lack of funds causes Priam to resume his painting, and when his work is recognized he refuses to admit his identity. But when it develops that the late Leek had a wife and two children, who arrive and demand their rights, Priam begins to weaken and eventually proves that he is Priam Farll on the condition that his identity remain secret to protect against Lady", "\"Matrimonial website\"\nsearch the database with customised searches that typically include nationality, age, gender, availability of photograph and often religion, geographic location and caste (mainly for websites based in India). There have been reports of abuse of information obtained from matrimonial websites. Matrimonial website Matrimonial websites, or marriage websites, are a variation of the standard dating websites. Matrimonial sites are popular in India and among Indians settled overseas, as an alternative to the traditional marriage broker. According to the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India, the online matrimony business is expected to be a $250 Million business by 2017. According", "\"Matrimonial nullity trial reforms of Pope Francis\"\nMatrimonial nullity trial reforms of Pope Francis The matrimonial nullity trial reforms of Pope Francis are the reforms of Catholic canon law governing such trials, made public 8 September 2015. The reforms were effected by two separate apostolic letters from Pope Francis, the motu proprio \"\"Mitis iudex dominus Iesus\"\" amending the 1983 Code of Canon Law, and the motu proprio \"\"Mitis et misericors Iesus\"\" amending the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches. This was in response to the Bishops who, during the Synod on the Family of 5-9 October 2014, called for simplification of the procedure whereby a legally", "\"Holy Matrimony (1943 film)\"\nHoly Matrimony (1943 film) Holy Matrimony is a 1943 comedy film directed by John M. Stahl and released by 20th Century Fox. The screenplay was based on the novel \"\"Buried Alive\"\" by Arnold Bennett. It stars Monty Woolley and Gracie Fields, with Laird Cregar, Una O'Connor, Alan Mowbray, Franklin Pangborn, Eric Blore, and George Zucco in supporting roles. Screenwriter Nunnally Johnson was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. Priam Farll (Monty Woolley) is a famous English painter and recluse who has been living in various isolated places around the world with only his valet of 25 years,", "\"Divorce (Insanity and Desertion) Act 1958\"\nvoluntarily treated for mental illness for at least five years. The Act amended this section of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1950 to remove the need for this treatment to come after a period of being forcibly detained. Section 2 of the Act says that once the desertion begins, the courts may find that it is continuing even if the person who deserted is not capable of continuing to make that decision — for example, if he was insane. This removes the defence of \"\"supervening insanity\"\", as seen in the leading case of \"\"Crowther v Crowther\"\". The Act was repealed by", "\"Mr. Big (Sex and the City)\"\nbegins to chafe at his matrimonial bonds and pines for Carrie; he initiates an affair with her. Carrie, who is in a committed relationship (with Aidan Shaw) at the time, feels guilty but continues to see Big. The affair continues until Natasha comes home unexpectedly and discovers Carrie fleeing—half dressed—from the marital apartment. Natasha trips and breaks her tooth while chasing after Carrie, who ends up taking Natasha to the emergency room. As a result, Carrie ends the affair. Carrie later finds out that Big and Natasha have divorced. Big and Carrie eventually become close friends. He relocates to Napa", "\"Feliks Łubieński\"\nprinting press and an educated and effective civil service. During his long widowhood he took a close interest in his children's careers and welfare. He encouraged their entrepreneurial spirit by guiding them into 'beneficial' matrimony, as in the case of Józef who married into the Pudliszki estate, where he opened a sugar factory, the precursor of a fruit and vegetable processing factory that operates to this day. Or, in the case of the older brothers, led by Henryk, he donated to them Ruda Guzowska, a tract of land to begin their textile revolution. It rapidly led to the founding of", "\"Esau Khamati Oriedo\"\nKenya and Nyanza Province in Kenya). The Church of God Kima Mission also awarded them the \"\"Certificate of Marriage\"\" issued ex post facto and signed by Rev. Daudi Otieno who was a clerk at the mission at time of the original wedding in 1923.This ex post facto acknowledgement, of Mr. and Mrs. Esau Khamati Oriedo's matrimony and stewardship to the church and Christianity, ushered in the beginning of a metamorphosis of the Church of God Mission' embrace of a more open attitude towards syncretism of the Christian doctrine with customary indigenous African values, which facilitated the effectiveness in the church's", "\"History of Kuwait\"\nlate 16th century, the Portuguese built a defensive settlement in Kuwait. In 1613, the town of Kuwait was founded in the present-day location of Kuwait City. Kuwait was initially under the control of the Bani Khalid clan, who built a fishing village in present-day Kuwait Bay. The beginning of the eighteenth century witnessed the contention of Kuwait by the Bani Utub confederation. They migrated to Kuwait in 1682. As a result of successive matrimonial alliances, they were able to wrest control of Kuwait sometime after the death of Barrak Bin Urair [Bani Khaled] and the fall of the Bani Khaled", "\"You Can Make History (Young Again)\"\nversion of the song with its characteristic sitar (which can be heard at the beginning and end of the song), and one without (effectively an acoustic mix). Approximately a year after its release, the song was first released internationally when it was included as the B-side of the worldwide number-one \"\"Something About the Way You Look Tonight\"\"/\"\"Candle in the Wind 1997\"\" single, both of which were dedicated to celebrities which had died that year: Gianni Versace and Diana, Princess of Wales respectively. Lyrically, the song talks of a lover who makes one feel young again, and is said to have", "\"Phir Wohi Mohabbat\"\nto talk to her at night only. When Alishba asks, he says he's talking to a 'Canadian client'. When Ashar and Yasir wonder who this client is, Alishba grows suspicious. Alishba discovers she's pregnant and the whole family is overjoyed. Waleed tells Sana to forget him since he now has his own family. Sana is about the leave when Ramsha stops her and tells her to wait for a few more days. She clearly has a trick up her sleeves. A man is constantly calling Waleed, asking for his wife named \"\"Hina\"\". Waleed denies knowing her and the man, Rehmat,", "\"Raoul Felder\"\nRaoul Felder Raoul Lionel Felder (born in Brooklyn, New York, May 13, 1939) is an American divorce lawyer and matrimonial attorney. Felder has written eight books and has published numerous articles related to matrimonial law, politics and social issues. Felder is listed in New York Law Journal's 100 Most Powerful Lawyers in America and in all editions of Who's Who in America and Who's Who in American Law and was profiled in the cover article of the May, 2008 issue of The New Yorker Magazine. Raoul Lionel Felder was born in Brooklyn, New York; his brother Jerome became famous as", "Akbar\nMughal coins which was refined and perfected by his son, Jahangir, and later by his grandson, Shah Jahan. The practice of arranging marriages between Hindu princesses and Muslim kings was known much before Akbar's time, but in most cases these marriages did not lead to any stable relations between the families involved, and the women were lost to their families and did not return after marriage. However, Akbar's policy of matrimonial alliances marked a departure in India from previous practice in that the marriage itself marked the beginning of a new order of relations, wherein the Hindu Rajputs who married", "\"Garfield Barwick\"\nthe Liberal Party, Barwick was elected to the House of Representatives at the 1958 Parramatta by-election, beginning his parliamentary career at the relatively late age of 54. He was re-elected in the general elections of 1958, 1961, and 1963. After the 1958 election, Barwick was promoted to cabinet as Attorney-General, replacing the retiring Neil O'Sullivan. In that position, he guided through legislation amending the \"\"Matrimonial Causes Act\"\" and the \"\"Crimes Act\"\", and established a model for restrictive trade practices legislation. He also gained public notice for his role in the case of an alleged Estonian war criminal, Ervin Viks, who", "\"Sabor a ti\"\ndifficult as she has to deal with Leonardo's bitterness, his sister-in-law's Fabiana's cruelty toward's her, and the insults of Raiza, who returns to her matrimonial home to manipulate Leonardo by using their daughter's emotional problems in order to try and win him back. The only support and care she receives while in the mansion are from Salvador, Leonardo's grandfather and his two children, Carlitos and Karina. After a while, Leonardo begins to fall in love with Miranda after seeing her sweet, caring nature. However, in order for them to be happy, they will have to face the wrath of Raiza", "\"Raoul Felder\"\nHollywood Heat, E! News Daily, Ledger On The Law-KTLK AM1150 Raoul Felder Raoul Lionel Felder (born in Brooklyn, New York, May 13, 1939) is an American divorce lawyer and matrimonial attorney. Felder has written eight books and has published numerous articles related to matrimonial law, politics and social issues. Felder is listed in New York Law Journal's 100 Most Powerful Lawyers in America and in all editions of Who's Who in America and Who's Who in American Law and was profiled in the cover article of the May, 2008 issue of The New Yorker Magazine. Raoul Lionel Felder was born", "\"Laughing Stock (album)\"\nthe band in time about the contract extension, because as part of the agreement, the label had to send a written notice within three months after the completion of the album, but the band said they had notified them too late, arguing that the three-month period began once recording had finished; EMI argued that the three-month period did not begin until they were satisfied with the recording. Justice Andrew Morritt ruled in favour of EMI, but his decision was overturned in the Court of Appeal of England and Wales. Talk Talk were released from the contract. Nonetheless, in 1990, bassist", "\"Vernon Treatt\"\nthe chair, open his notes and begin reading his latest lesson. I can hear him talking about the sections of the \"\"Crimes Act 1900\"\" of New South Wales dealing with 'unnatural offences'. I can recall his rasping voice as he intoned the old provisions of section 79, spitting out the exceptionally ugly words of denunciation in the parliamentary prose\"\". In March 1928, Treatt was appointed and served as a Crown Prosecutor for the Supreme Court of New South Wales and the Court of Quarter sessions for the metropolitan district. Treatt first entered politics at the 1927 state election as an", "\"Holy Matrimony (1994 film)\"\nZeke initially uses the cash to trick his bride into doing housework. Later he shows it to the elders, who deem that it should be returned to its rightful owners. Zeke and Havana (who claims innocence of the source of the money) are sent on a quest back to the US to return the money. During this quest, the two eventually forget their initial animosity and grow protective of each other. When Havana kisses him goodbye, Zeke promises to return and give her a real kiss when he is older. \"\"Holy Matrimony\"\" received negative reviews from critics and was a", "\"Book of Common Prayer\"\nequivalent in the 1662 book of Common Prayer. This was followed in 1974 with a definitive order for the burial of the Dead and in 1975 with a definitive order for Holy matrimony. It was hoped that a new book of Common Prayer for the church in Wales would be produced in 1981. This hope suffered a major setback in 1979 when a definitive version of the Holy Eucharist failed to gain a two-thirds majority in the house of clergy and the house of laity at the Governing Body. A light revision of the 1966 experimental Eucharist did get through", "\"Teal Wicks\"\nas his ladylike love interest Emma Carew, suffers with noble fortitude as her hopes for happy matrimony begin to grow dim indeed.\"\"\"\" CurtainUp: \"\"\"\"I have to admire the restrained performance of Teal Wicks who plays Emma, Dr. Jekyll's loving and loyal fiancèe. I also commend her for not having to prove that her prettily sung aria was better than anyone else's.\"\"\"\" The Write Teacher(s): \"\"\"\"What blew me away about this production was Teal Wicks. Her presence, her vocals, her acting chops – from soup to nuts she was a pleasure to watch, and she absolutely drew me into the story,", "\"Matrimonial regime\"\nMatrimonial regime Matrimonial regimes, or marital property systems, are systems of property ownership between spouses providing for the creation or absence of a marital estate, and if created, what properties are included in that estate, how and by whom it is managed, and how it will be divided and inherited at the end of the marriage. Matrimonial regimes are applied either by operation of law or by way of prenuptial agreement in civil-law countries, and depend on the \"\"lex domicilii\"\" of the spouses at the time of or immediately following the wedding. (See e.g. Quebec Civil Code and French Civil", "\"Civil Code of Argentina\"\nleft matrimony under the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church, taking the institution of canonical marriage and giving it civil effects. But the validity of matrimony was unchanged from the canonical version and the dispositions of the ecclesiastical courts, which would remain until the sanction of the law of civil matrimony. About this, Vélez Sársfield expressed: This resolution by Vélez Sársfield is explained by the uses and customs of that time, as it shows the sanction of a law of civil matrimony by the legislature of the Santa Fe Province in 1867: the law produced a popular reaction that ended with", "\"Water Tower, Cardiff Central Station\"\nat Cadw sites across Wales. Together they secured funding for the mural from Visit Wales, Cadw and FOR Cardiff, and gained the necessary permissions and access. The mural was installed between December 2017 and April 2018. The Weird & Wonderful Wales Cardiff Water Tower Mural comprises images particularly inspired by The Mabinogion; the ancient oral stories of Wales which were written down in the Middle Ages. Depictions include the giant Bendigeidfran ('Blessed Crow’) – King of Britain – who fought the Irish and whose severed head talked to his men for eighty-seven years. There is the goddess Rhiannon, who rides", "\"Brynle Williams\"\nBrynle Williams Brynle Williams (9 January 1949 – 1 April 2011) was a North Wales Assembly Member (AM) for the Welsh Conservative Party in the National Assembly for Wales. Elected from the North Wales Regional list, he was Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs from 2007 to 2011. Williams, who was a farmer from North Wales, was a colourful political figure who was respected for his straight talking and campaigning on rural issues; although privately he admitted he never saw himself as a politician. Williams rise to prominence began in 1997–98 when he joined protesters blockading the Port of Holyhead on", "\"International matrimonial law\"\nInternational matrimonial law International matrimonial law is an area of private international law (or conflict of laws in the United States). The area specifically deals with relations between spouses and former spouses on issues of marriage, divorce and child custody. In the last 50 years, the States Members of the Hague Conference on Private International Law have attempted to harmonize domestic matrimonial laws and judicial rulings across international borders in these areas. The Hague Convention that harmonizes different marriage laws, the Convention on the Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages, was concluded at The Hague on 14 March", "\"Cardiff Metropolitan University\"\nholding the post of Vice Chancellor at UWIC. In December 2003, UWIC withdrew from merger talks with the University of Glamorgan, stating that it was not in the ‘best interests of UWIC and the students’. In December 2004, UWIC announced merger talks with University of Wales, Newport, but withdrew from merger talks in July 2005 when HEFCW stated they indicated that any proposed merger must also include the University of Glamorgan. On 4 July 2011, UWIC pulled out of merger talks with both Swansea Metropolitan University and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, for a new University of Wales", "Annulment\nto religion.\"\" England and Wales provides for both void and voidable marriages. Section 13 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 provides for certain restrictions in regard to the possibility of annulling voidable marriages, including where the petitioner knew of the \"\"defect\"\" and of the possibility of annulment, but induced the respondent to believe that s/he would not seek an annulment; or where it would be \"\"unjust\"\" to the respondent to grant the decree of nullity. There is usually a time limit of three years from the date of the marriage in order to institute the proceedings. Since 1975, Australian law", "\nwas launched in 2009. The company pioneered the personal assisted service in 2008 with the launch of BM Privilege. This was then renamed Privilege Matrimony in 2009. Later it became Assisted Matrimony. Trained relationship managers understand member preferences, search for matching profiles and send them to members. They then contact prospects and facilitate meetings on mutual consent of prospective families. Elite Matrimony, a premium matchmaking service, was launched in 2008. In 2012, the company came out with Matrimony Directory, a wedding vendors classifieds portal It features over 50,000 wedding related services in over 20 cities. BharatMatrimony has mobile apps for", "\"Anglican sacraments\"\nThe form is manifested as the vows (contrary to popular belief, the blessing and exchanging of rings is customary, and not necessary for the rite of matrimony to be valid). In marriage, the husband and wife seek God's blessing, and through the mediation of the priest, the prayer is answered. Although the couple are thus generally regarded as the ministers of the sacrament through their voluntary exchange of vows, the sacrament must be celebrated under the presidency of a clergy person, who witnesses and mediates the prayers. Matrimony was the last sacrament added, having arisen as a result of civil", "\"Cactus (2008 film)\"\nCactus (2008 film) Cactus is a 2008 Australian mystery-thriller film, it is the directing debut for Jasmine Yuen-Carrucan. \"\"Cactus\"\" is a road movie centred on a kidnapping. The movie begins with John Kelly pulling Eli Jones (David Lyons) from his city residence, drugging him and driving across regional Australia for three days. On the journey, John and Eli begin to interact and talk, as well as having a run-in with a rogue cop and encountering \"\"Thommo\"\", a trucker. The directing debut of Jasmine Yuen Carrucan was shot in New South Wales in the cities of Bathurst, Broken Hill, Cobar, Sydney", "Mulagori\nthe person was known as Mullagoray. He adds that according to Famous Pashto Poet, Hamza Shinwari said Mulagoris are behaving and talking like Mohmands so they are basically a part of the Mohmands. However, some oral sources has further clarified the situation about Mulagori's origin. They opine that Mulagori are in fact a section of Dawezai Momands. In the Dawezai area in Momand Agency, more than 600 Mulagori families still reside. On the basis of this, Mulagori are Mohmand / Momand, and in Momands belongs to Dawezai sub-section. Everywhere Mulagori resides near Momands, and in most cases are in matrimonial", "\"Matrimonial Homes Act 1967\"\nproperty right. The Act was given the Royal Assent on 27 July 1967. It was repealed by the Matrimonial Homes Act 1983 and the County Courts Act 1984. Matrimonial Homes Act 1967 The Matrimonial Homes Act 1967 (C.75) was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom designed to reverse the House of Lords decision in \"\"National Provincial Bank Ltd v Ainsworth\"\" [1965] AC 1175, where it ruled that a deserted wife had no right to stay in the family home. Under Lord Denning's decision in \"\"Bendall\"\" v \"\"McWhirter\"\" [1952] 2 QB 466, a deserted wife occupying the marital", "\"Women's Aid Federation of England\"\nthe country. It was originally known as the National Women's Aid Federation, but later the group fragmented when a separate Scottish federation was launched. This was followed by separate Federations for Northern Ireland and Wales. The first Women's Aid federation was set up in 1974, shortly after the founding of the first refuge for women experiencing domestic violence. The organisation provided practical and emotional support as part of a range of services to women and children experiencing violence. The charity was instrumental in lobbying for the 1976 Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceedings Act, and for having women and children at", "\"St. Joan's International Alliance\"\nSt. Joan's was the first group in Catholicism to work for women priests. They started publishing a journal, \"\"The Catholic Citizen\"\", in 1915. As of 1923, the organization had members in 5 continents in 24 countries. That year it changed its name to \"\"St. Joan's Social and Political Alliance.\"\" The organization presented a paper about \"\"the Condition of Women,\"\" to the League of Nations in 1937. That paper is considered an influence on International matrimonial law. The first chapter in Australia was founded in 1946, in New South Wales. Additional Australia chapters started in 1950 and the first Australian conference", "\"High Court of Justice\"\nCourt of Justice was established in 1875 by the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873. The Act merged eight existing English courts—the Court of Chancery, the Court of Queen's Bench, the Court of Common Pleas, the Court of Exchequer, the High Court of Admiralty, the Court of Probate, the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, and the London Court of Bankruptcy—into a new Supreme Court of Judicature (now known as the Senior Courts of England and Wales). The new Supreme Court was divided into the Court of Appeal, which exercised appellate jurisdiction, and the High Court, which exercised original jurisdiction." ]
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where did the french national anthem come from
[ "Strasbourg" ]
[ "\"Koste Seselwa\"\nrecorded for the first time by the French Republican Guard Band in Paris, where André had the chance to attend and witness the event. The anthem was adopted as the national anthem of Seychelles on the National Day, at 18 June 1996. Koste Seselwa \"\"\"\" (\"\"Join together all Seychellois\"\") is the national anthem of Seychelles. The anthem was created through a competition, after the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles, dated 21st June 1993. The constitution stated there was to be a national flag, a national anthem, a national emblem and a national motto. The constitution did", "\"La Brabançonne\"\nLa Brabançonne \"\"La Brabançonne\"\" (; ; ) is the national anthem of Belgium. The originally-French title refers to Brabant; the name is usually maintained untranslated in Belgium's other two official languages, Dutch and German. According to legend, the Belgian national anthem was written in September 1830, during the Belgian Revolution, by a young revolutionary called \"\"Jenneval\"\", who read the lyrics during a meeting at the Aigle d'Or café. Jenneval, a Frenchman whose real name was Alexandre Dechet (sometimes known as Louis-Alexandre Dechet), did in fact write the Brabançonne. At the time, he was an actor at the theatre where, in", "\"Karim Benzema\"\nthat I will play in French team. I will be always present for the French team. Then it's more for the sporting side, because Algeria is my country, here, my parents come from there. After, France ... It's more sporty, that's it.\"\" Benzema drew some criticism for these comments, as well as for his reluctance to sing the French national anthem, \"\"La Marseillaise\"\", before each match with the national team. On 18 April 2010, it was first reported by French television channel M6 that four members of the French national team were being investigated for their roles as clients in", "\"Saarland national football team\"\nof the World Cup in 1958. 19 matches played: 6 wins, 3 draws, 10 losses Saarland, having just been separated from Germany, did not have a national anthem of its own, and so the first international football fixture (1950 vs. Switzerland) was the reason to establish \"\"\"\" as the anthem for such events. Saarland national football team The Saarland national football team () was the association football team representing Saarland from 1950 to 1956 during the French occupation following World War II. As France opposed the inclusion of the Saarland in the Federal Republic of Germany until 1956, they administered", "\"La Marseillaise\"\nway when it was written. Strasbourg itself was attacked just a few days later. The invading forces were repulsed from France following their defeat in the Battle of Valmy. As the vast majority of Alsatians did not speak French, a German version (\"\"Auf, Brüder, auf dem Tag entgegen\"\") was published in October 1792 in Colmar. The Convention accepted it as the French national anthem in a decree passed on 14 July 1795, making it France's first anthem. It later lost this status under Napoleon I, and the song was banned outright by Louis XVIII and Charles X, only being re-instated", "\"Aux armes et cætera (album)\"\nSoon after the song's first appearance on television on April 1, 1979 (a controversial appearance followed as the recording was perceived by some as an insult to the French Republic), it became a big success. Gainsbourg received death threats upon release of his cover of the French national anthem. One journalist, Michel Droit of Le Figaro criticized the song writing that Gainsbourg was feeding antisemitism by \"\"\"\"trying to make money with the national anthem\"\"\"\". Deeply hurt, in turn the singer published a striking reply. Other critics did not like that the original text was truncated, half of the chorus line", "\"Mungu ibariki Afrika\"\nZanzibar, which created the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar (later renamed to Tanzania). The newly united country adopted \"\"Mungu ibariki Afrika\"\" as its national anthem instead of Zanzibar's anthem. Tanzania's use of \"\"Mungu ibariki Afrika\"\" led the way for other African countries such as Zimbabwe, Ciskei and Transkei adopted \"\"Nkosi Sikelel' Afrika\"\", in parts, as their national anthems. South Africa where the song comes from use only some of the words, Zambia uses only the tune and other countries have now abandoned its use. \"\"Mungu ibariki Afrika\"\" was inspired by the African National Congress's use of \"\"Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika\"\"", "\"Lebanese National Anthem\"\nLebanese National Anthem The Lebanese National Anthem ( ) was written by Rashid Nakhle and composed by Wadih Sabra. It was adopted on 12 July 1927, seven years after the proclamation of the state of Greater Lebanon during the French mandate. The Lebanese national anthem was chosen following an open nationwide competition. The music of the national anthem is influenced by Beirut's exposure to western culture by the end of the 19th century, it was composed by French trained artist Wadih Sabra in 1925. Al-Jadeed TV channel showed a mini documentary on the Lebanese National Anthem, claiming the music to", "\"Djibouti (anthem)\"\nDjibouti (anthem) \"\"Djibouti\"\" (, ) is the national anthem of the Republic of Djibouti. The Djibouti national anthem was adopted upon independence from France in 1977. The words are in Somali, and were written by Aden Elmi. The melody was composed by Abdi Robleh. The anthem was first officially played at an independence ceremony on June 27, 1977. Thematically, Elmi's lyrics reference the country's flag as it relates to Djibouti's struggle for independence. The French had staked claim to the region known as French Somaliland in the mid-1800s. For the next century, the region was overseen by a series of", "\"Anthems and nationalistic songs of Canada\"\nAnthems and nationalistic songs of Canada Patriotic music in Canada dates back over 200 years as a distinct category from British or French patriotism, preceding the first legal steps to independence by over 50 years. The earliest, \"\"The Bold Canadian\"\", was written in 1812. \"\"O Canada\"\" is the national anthem of Canada. Calixa Lavallée wrote the music in 1880 as a setting of a French Canadian patriotic poem composed by poet and judge Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier. \"\"O Canada\"\" served as one of two de facto national anthems after 1939, officially becoming Canada's singular national anthem in 1980, when the Act", "\"National Anthem of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia\"\nNational Anthem of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia The \"\"National anthem of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia\"\" (, \"\"Himna Kraljevine Jugoslavije\"\") was created in December 1918 from the national anthems of the Kingdom's main three constituent historical provinces: Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. In those times the official authorities considered the three nations, Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes as one nation with three names. The official language was thus called the Serbo-Croato-Slovene language. Although a law on the national anthem did not exist, the anthems of all three South Slavic nations were unified into a single anthem of the Kingdom. It started with a", "\"Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô!\"\ningredients that European hymns use, which are themselves based on old religious and nationalistic hymns. The national anthem of Madagascar was officially adopted on April 27, 1959, approximately one year before Madagascar achieved independence from the French, on June 26, 1960. The song was originally written in French and Malagasy, an Indonesian language, indicating both the influence of the French colonizers and the prominence of Indonesian immigration to Madagascar. Anthems are meant to be hymns to the nation, celebrating important national traditions, goals, and histories and Madagascar's anthem follows this tradition well. They are meant to create a strong sense", "\"The Star-Spangled Banner\"\na Spanish-language version from 1919. It has since been translated into Hebrew and Yiddish by Jewish immigrants, Latin American Spanish (with one version popularized during immigration reform protests in 2006), French by Acadians of Louisiana, Samoan, and Irish. The third verse of the anthem has also been translated into Latin. With regard to the indigenous languages of North America, there are versions and Cherokee. The Star-Spangled Banner \"\"The Star-Spangled Banner\"\" is the national anthem of the United States. The lyrics come from the Defence of Fort M'Henry, a poem written on September 14, 1814, by the then 35-year-old lawyer and", "\"And did those feet in ancient time\"\nat the Commonwealth Games. \"\"Jerusalem\"\" was selected by 52% of voters over \"\"Land of Hope and Glory\"\" (used since 1930) and \"\"God Save the Queen\"\". In 2005 BBC Four produced \"\"Jerusalem: An Anthem For England\"\" highlighting the usages of the song/poem and a case was made for its adoption as the national anthem of England. Varied contributions come from Howard Goodall, Billy Bragg, Garry Bushell, Lord Hattersley, Ann Widdecombe and David Mellor, war proponents, war opponents, suffragettes, trade unionists, public schoolboys, the Conservatives, the Labour Party, football supporters, the British National Party, the Women's Institute, a gay choir, a gospel", "Acadians\nthe national feast day of the Acadians at the First Acadian National Convention, held in Memramcook, New Brunswick in 1881. On that day, the Acadians celebrate by having the \"\"tintamarre\"\" which consists mainly of a big parade where people can dress up with the colours of Acadia and make a lot of noise. The national anthem of the Acadians is \"\"\"\"Ave, maris stella\"\"\"\", adopted at Miscouche, Prince Edward Island in 1884. The anthem was revised at the 1992 meeting of the Société Nationale de l'Acadie, where the second, third and fourth verses were changed to French, with the first and", "\"André-Marie Mbida\"\nchoose an anthem, a motto or a flag that could be different from those in use in France. In addition, the status of 16 April 1957 on the autonomy of the State of Cameroon should have this right. Furthermore, according to the Trusteeship Agreements for the Territory of the Cameroons under French administration of 13 December 1946, the French administration should have let floating the flag of the United Nations on the administration building in Cameroon. The French colonial administration did not respect this principle by floating only the French flag. This was not consistent with the trusteeship agreements which", "\"Pheng Xat Lao\"\n1941. The song was chosen as the national anthem of Laos in 1945, when the king was forced by the Japanese to declare Laos' independence from France. This newfound freedom was short-lived as France soon regained control of French Indochina. Two years later, the French granted Laos limited autonomy within the French Union and \"\"Pheng Xat Lao\"\" once again became the national anthem. When the Pathet Lao emerged victorious in the Laotian Civil War in 1975, the Communist government decided to change the lyrics to the anthem in order to reflect the ideology of the new regime. As a result,", "\"Lebanese National Anthem\"\nhave been plagiarized from a song dedicated to Muhammad Ibn 'Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi, the leader of the Rif Republic, which was composed by Lebanese . It later showed another documentary containing documents which proved the claim. The Lebanese National Anthem is adopted by Rashid Nakhle and Wadih Sabra. Vocal versions of the anthem can be heard at Lebanese National Anthem The Lebanese National Anthem ( ) was written by Rashid Nakhle and composed by Wadih Sabra. It was adopted on 12 July 1927, seven years after the proclamation of the state of Greater Lebanon during the French mandate. The Lebanese", "Negaraku\nNegaraku Negaraku () is the national anthem of Malaysia. It was selected as a national anthem at the time of the Federation of Malaya's independence from Britain in 1957. The tune was originally used as the state anthem of Perak, which was adopted from a popular French melody titled \"\"La Rosalie\"\" composed by the lyricist Pierre-Jean de Béranger. Some of the musical renditions were modified several times in 1992, 2003 and 2006. At the time of independence, each of the eleven states that made up the Federation of Malaya had their own anthem, but there was no anthem for the", "\"Brazilian National Anthem\"\nadoption of a national anthem. A national anthem was seen as resulting from praxis or tradition. Thus, by 1837, when it was played in all official solemnities, Francisco Manuel da Silva's composition was already the Brazilian National Anthem. A new set of lyrics was proposed in 1841, to commemorate the coming of age and Coronation of Emperor Pedro II; those lyrics, popular but also considered poor, were soon abandoned too, this time by order of Emperor Pedro II, who specified that in public ceremonies the anthem should be played with no lyrics. Emperor Pedro II directed that Francisco Manuel da", "\"National anthem of Russia\"\nthat new lyrics be written. He did not say how much of the old Soviet lyrics should be retained for the new anthem. Putin submitted the bill \"\"On the National Anthem of the Russian Federation\"\" to the Duma for their consideration on 4 December. The Duma voted 381–51–1 in favor of adopting Alexandrov's music as the national anthem on 8 December 2000. Following the vote, a committee was formed and tasked with exploring lyrics for the national anthem. After receiving over 6,000 manuscripts from all sectors of Russian society, the committee selected lyrics by Mikhalkov for the anthem. Before the", "\"National Anthem of the Sakha Republic\"\nmusic is played in F major. After the Sakha Republic became a separate sovereign state, the first constitution was adopted. At that time, no official anthem of the Sakha Republic existed. The constitution only stipulates that : After the approval of the new constitution, a commission for the creation of the national anthem was formed, with the poet Savva Tarasov as the chairman. A competition for the national anthem was announced. Hundreds of submission for the national anthem was received from throughout the country, but the commision did not approved any of the submission. This caused Savva Tarasov to be", "\"Koste Seselwa\"\nKoste Seselwa \"\"\"\" (\"\"Join together all Seychellois\"\") is the national anthem of Seychelles. The anthem was created through a competition, after the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles, dated 21st June 1993. The constitution stated there was to be a national flag, a national anthem, a national emblem and a national motto. The constitution did not mention any anthems, since the anthem is prescribed by an Act. The anthem was created by David André and Georges Payet, as an entry for a competition for a new national anthem of Seychelles. According to Payet, the anthem was written", "\"Nuestro Himno\"\nreleased in June. It will contain several lines in English that condemn U.S. immigration laws. Among them: \"\"These kids have no parents, cause all of these mean laws... let's not start a war with all these hard workers, they can't help where they were born.\"\" This is not the first time that the National Anthem has been translated into another language by ethnic and immigrant groups in the United States. In 1861, it was translated into German. It has also been translated into Yiddish by Jewish immigrants and into French by Cajuns. Although the song's creators did not claim that", "Anthem\nThe Olympic Movement also has its own anthem. Esperanto speakers at meetings often use the song \"\"La Espero\"\" as their anthem. The first South Asian Anthem by poet-diplomat Abhay K may inspire SAARC to come up with an official SAARC Anthem. \"\"Ireland's Call\"\" was commissioned as the anthem of both the Ireland national rugby union team and the Ireland national rugby league team, which are composed of players from both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland, in response to dissatisfaction among Northern Ireland unionists with the use of the Republic of Ireland's anthem. \"\"Ireland's Call\"\" has since been used by", "\"1980 Summer Olympics boycott\"\nto compete at the Games without their national flags or anthems (which allowed NOCs to send athletes in a non-national context) but this did not allow other individuals lacking NOC sanction to participate in the Games as this was perceived by the IOC as a potential weakening of their authority. Four competitors (including one athlete) from New Zealand competed independently and marched under their NOC flag because the government officially supported the boycott. The athletes of 16 countries did not fly their national flags. Instead Olympic flags were raised and the Olympic Anthem replaced their national anthems at the medal", "\"National anthem of Russia\"\nfrom members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, who wanted the Soviet anthem restored. Because any anthem had to be approved by a two-thirds supermajority, this disagreement between Duma factions for nearly a decade prevented passage of an anthem. When \"\"Patrioticheskaya Pesnya\"\" was used as the national anthem, it never had official lyrics. The anthem struck a positive chord for some people because it did not contain elements from the Soviet past, and because the public considered Glinka to be a patriot and a true Russian. However, the lack of lyrics doomed \"\"Patrioticheskaya Pesnya\"\". Various attempts were made", "\"Djibouti (anthem)\"\nvote for independence in 1977, officially marking Djibouti's independence. The melody by Abdi Robleh is written in common 4/4 time. It consists of twenty measures. Djibouti (anthem) \"\"Djibouti\"\" (, ) is the national anthem of the Republic of Djibouti. The Djibouti national anthem was adopted upon independence from France in 1977. The words are in Somali, and were written by Aden Elmi. The melody was composed by Abdi Robleh. The anthem was first officially played at an independence ceremony on June 27, 1977. Thematically, Elmi's lyrics reference the country's flag as it relates to Djibouti's struggle for independence. The French", "\"O Canada\"\namend the National Anthem Act (gender)\"\" was enacted in 2018. The French lyrics remain unaltered. \"\"O Canada\"\" had served as a \"\"de facto\"\" national anthem since 1939, officially becoming the country's national anthem in 1980 when Canada's National Anthem Act received royal assent and became effective on July 1 as part of that year's Dominion Day (now known as Canada Day) celebrations. <score vorbis=\"\"1\"\"> \\clef treble \\key f \\major \\tempo 4=100 \\set Staff.midiInstrument = \"\"piano\"\" { </score> The Queen-in-Council established set lyrics for \"\"O Canada\"\" in Canada's two official languages, English and French. The lyrics are as follows: <poem style=\"\"float:left;", "\"Music of Benin\"\nMusic of Benin Benin has played an important role in the African music scene, producing one of the biggest stars to come out of the continent in Angélique Kidjo. Post-independence, the country was home to a vibrant and innovative music scene, where native folk music combined with Ghanaian highlife, French cabaret, American rock, funk and soul, and Congolese rumba. It also has a rich variety of ethnomusicological traditions. The national anthem of Benin, adopted upon independence in 1960, is \"\"L'Aube Nouvelle\"\" (The New Dawn) by Gilbert Jean Dagnon. The Gangbe brass band is an internationally prominent Beninese ensemble. The majority", "\"Music of Benin\"\nas Richard Flash, Martin Hod, and Miss Espoir. Music of Benin Benin has played an important role in the African music scene, producing one of the biggest stars to come out of the continent in Angélique Kidjo. Post-independence, the country was home to a vibrant and innovative music scene, where native folk music combined with Ghanaian highlife, French cabaret, American rock, funk and soul, and Congolese rumba. It also has a rich variety of ethnomusicological traditions. The national anthem of Benin, adopted upon independence in 1960, is \"\"L'Aube Nouvelle\"\" (The New Dawn) by Gilbert Jean Dagnon. The Gangbe brass band", "\"The Prayer of Russians\"\nfirst true national anthem, as both its words and music were Russian. Others say the title belongs to Grom pobedy, razdavaysya!, another popular song of the time, although it never had official status. The Prayer of Russians \"\"The Prayer of Russians\"\" () was a song used as the national anthem of Imperial Russia from 1816 to 1833. After defeating the First French Empire, Tsar Alexander I of Russia recommended a national anthem for Russia. The lyrics were written by Vasily Zhukovsky, and the music of the British anthem \"\"God Save the King\"\" was used. In 1833, \"\"The Prayer of Russians\"\"", "\"National anthem\"\npresence of the Monarch in some Commonwealth realms, was first performed in 1619 under the title \"\"God Save the King\"\". It is not officially the national anthem of the UK, though it became such through custom and usage. Spain's national anthem, the \"\"Marcha Real\"\" (The Royal March), written in 1761, was among the first to be adopted as such, in 1770. Denmark adopted the older of its two national anthems, \"\"Kong Christian stod ved højen mast\"\", in 1780; and \"\"La Marseillaise\"\", the French national anthem, was written in 1792 and adopted in 1795. Serbia became the first Eastern European nation", "\"The Quebecers\"\nmatch and the titles. Their brief feud culminated in Jacques’ (first) retirement match at the Montreal Forum in 1994, which Jacques won. Retirement did not last for Jacques Rougeau, as he returned to the ring in 1996 where he reunited with Pierre in World Championship Wrestling. The team had been renamed The Amazing French Canadians and Pierre had reverted to his real name, Carl Ouellet, to avoid trademark issues with the WWF. The duo retained their patriotic nature as they would enthusiastically wave flags of Canada and Quebec during their entrances, in addition to having the Canadian national anthem as", "\"André-Marie Mbida\"\nthe beginnings of integration of Cameroon within the French Union\"\" (). On 24 October 1957, he introduced to the Legislative Assembly of Cameroon, a bill establishing an emblem of the State of Cameroon. On 26 October 1957, he filled the bill on the adoption of the national anthem \"\"The Rallying Song\"\", the motto of Cameroon \"\"Peace – Work – Fatherland\"\" and National Day \"\"on May 10, date of the first session of the Legislative Assembly of Cameroon\"\" instead of 14 July, the national day of France. Nevertheless, the autonomous State of Cameroun under French mandate did not have right to", "\"National anthem of the Korean Empire\"\nNational anthem of the Korean Empire The \"\"Patriotic Hymn of the Great Korean Empire\"\" (; ) was the national anthem of the Korean Empire, used during the early 20th century. It was the first national anthem of a unified Korean state. The national anthem was first commissioned by Emperor Gojong in 1901 and presented to the Korean court on 1 July 1902, by German composer Franz Eckert, who was the director of the Korean Empire's military band at the time. It was published in Germany in five different languages (Korean, German, English, Chinese, and French) and performed for the first", "\"Swiss Psalm\"\nSwiss Psalm The Swiss Psalm ( , , , ) is the national anthem of Switzerland. It was composed in 1841, by Alberich Zwyssig (1808–1854). Since then, it has been frequently sung at patriotic events. The Federal Council declined however on numerous occasions to accept the psalm as the official anthem. This was because the council wanted the people to express their say on what they wanted as a national anthem. From 1961 to 1981 it provisionally replaced (\"\"When You Call, My Country\"\", French ; Italian , Romansh ), the anthem by Johann Rudolf Wyss (1743–1818) which was set to", "\"U.S. national anthem protests (2016–present)\"\nBoyer, Kaepernick opted to kneel during the U.S. national anthem rather than sit as he did in their previous games. He explained his decision to switch was an attempt to show more respect to former and current U.S. military members while still protesting during the anthem. Eric Reid joined Kaepernick in kneeling during the national anthem during the final preseason game. Seattle Seahawks player Jeremy Lane also did not stand for the anthem during his final preseason game the same day, stating, \"\"It's something I plan to keep on doing until justice is being served.\"\" In Week 1, eleven NFL", "\"Patrioticheskaya Pesnya\"\nPatrioticheskaya Pesnya \"\"The Patriotic Song\"\" () was the state and national anthem of the Russian SFSR and of the Russian Federation respectively, from 1990 to 2000. It was originally the state anthem of the Russian SFSR from 1990 to 1991 before its successor state the Russian Federation was constituted in 1991. Unlike most national anthems, it had no official lyrics (although unofficial ones were written for it, they were not adopted). The song originally was not a song but a composition for piano without lyrics, written by Mikhail Glinka (1804–1857) and entitled (in French) \"\"Motif de chant national\"\". The song", "\"National anthem of Russia\"\nit was more socialist, and could not be confused with the French anthem; other persons in the new Soviet government believed \"\"La Marseillaise\"\" to be too bourgeois. \"\"The Internationale\"\" was used as the state anthem of Soviet Russia from 1918, adopted by the newly created Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1922, and was used until 1944. The music of the national anthem, created by Alexander Alexandrov, had previously been incorporated in several hymns and compositions. The music was first used in the Hymn of the Bolshevik Party, created in 1939. When the Comintern was dissolved in 1943, the government", "\"National anthem of South Africa\"\nAfrican national anthem has come under criticism for its Afrikaans verse as it originally part of the national anthem of South Africa that was used during the apartheid era, with some calling for the verse to be removed because of this connection. Others defend the inclusion of the verse, pointing out that it is included in large part due to the wishes of the first post-apartheid South African president, Nelson Mandela, who intended its inclusion as a re-conciliatory measure for the post-apartheid future of South Africa. National anthem of South Africa The current national anthem of South Africa was adopted", "\"Pacific Games\"\nof the European colonisation of the Pacific from the early part of the 18th Century onwards, many nations who participated in the first Games (of 1963) were under predominantly British or French territorial rule. Understandably this generated a certain amount of confusion as both British and French flags and national anthems dominated proceedings and were occasionally used together for winning countries.<br> Western Samoa (now Samoa) was the only country with a flag and anthem of its sovereignty as it was the only participating independent island nation at that time. As time went on, fledgling nations gradually achieving sovereignty of their", "\"France national football team\"\nThe national team's overall impact on France's efforts to integrate its minorities and come to terms with its colonial past has been mixed. In 2001, France played a friendly match at the Stade de France, the site of its 1998 World Cup triumph, against Algeria. It was the country's first meeting with its former colony, with whom it had fought a war from 1954 to 1962, and it proved controversial. France's national anthem, \"\"La Marseillaise\"\", was booed by Algerian supporters before the game, and following a French goal that made the score 4–1 in the second half, spectators ran onto", "\"Marquise de Créquy\"\nauthority. This story, widely believed in France, is her statement, with a detailed story to back it up, that Britain's national anthem, \"\"God Save the Queen\"\", was in fact written by Lully and sung by a French girls' school to greet Louis XIV. The French author of \"\"Souvenirs\"\" further states that the tune was later plagiarized by Handel and sold to the British crown as their anthem. If it is true, as some have claimed, that the story about the sale of the anthem is actually from a much later tabloid, then this anachronism is a reason why the author", "\"National anthem\"\nin a wide array of contexts. Certain etiquette may be involved in the playing of a country's anthem. These usually involve military honours, standing up/rising, removing headwear etc. In diplomatic situations the rules may be very formal. There may also be royal anthems, presidential anthems, state anthems etc. for special occasions. They are played on national holidays and festivals, and have also come to be closely connected with sporting events. Wales was the first country to adopt this, during a rugby game against New Zealand in 1905. Since then during sporting competitions, such as the Olympic Games, the national anthem", "\"La Marseillaise\"\nLa Marseillaise \"\"La Marseillaise\"\" () is the national anthem of France. The song was written in 1792 by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle in Strasbourg after the declaration of war by France against Austria, and was originally titled \"\"Chant de guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin\"\" (\"\"War Song for the Rhine Army\"\"). The French National Convention adopted it as the Republic's anthem in 1795. The song acquired its nickname after being sung in Paris by volunteers from Marseille marching to the capital. The song is the first example of the \"\"European march\"\" anthemic style. The anthem's evocative melody and lyrics have", "\"Denes nad Makedonija\"\na \"\"standard anthemic device\"\", it was subsequently expunged from the official words of the anthem. The Republic of Macedonia's Sobranie (legislative chamber) passed legislation titled \"\"The Law on the Anthem of the Republic of Macedonia\"\" on August 11, 1992. This officially adopted \"\"Denes nad Makedonija\"\" as the national anthem of the then-nascent country, with Article 2 specifically confirming the song's status as such. However, it did not stipulate which stanzas were to be recognized as official. Curiously, the statute did not technically pass with the requisite two-thirds majority as stipulated by Article 5 of the country's constitution for proposals concerning", "\"Danube Legion\"\nPoles wanted the French to continue fighting against the partitioners of Poland; the future Polish national anthem, Mazurek Dąbrowskiego, created by Józef Wybicki, promised 'the return of the Polish army from Italy to Poland'. Instead, the French used Polish troops to quell down uprisings in conquered territories, which led to much unrest amongst the Polish troops. The prospect of being assigned to Louis I of Etruria, Napoleons appointee as the King of Etruria did not sit well with their republican sympathies. As the King also felt reluctant to take financial responsibility for them, Napoleon reassigned them to quell the Haitian", "\"French Americans\"\nseveral years. Canada's national anthem was written by such a soldier named Calixa Lavallée, who wrote this anthem while he served for the Union, attaining the rank of Lieutenant. Leading Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard was a noted French American from Louisiana. Walker (1962) examines the voting behavior in U.S. presidential elections from 1880 to 1960, using election returns from 30 French American communities in New England, along with sample survey data for the 1948-60 elections. From 1896 to 1924, French Americans typically supported the Republican Party because of its conservatism, emphasis on order, and advocacy of the tariff to protect", "\"Music of Togo\"\nMusic of Togo The music of Togo has produced a number of internationally known popular entertainers including Bella Bellow, Akofah Akussah, Afia Mala, Itadi Bonney, Wellborn, King Mensah and Jimi Hope. The Togolese national anthem is \"\"Salut à toi, pays de nos aïeux\"\" (Land of our forefathers), written by Alex Casimir-Dosseh. From 1979 to 1992 it was replaced by an anthem composed by the party of the Rally of the Togolese People. French is the official and commercial language of Togo. Togo's southern plain is its most populous area, where the capital, Lomé, is situated on the Gulf of Guinea", "\"Lupang Hinirang\"\ngiven to Julián Felipe and was to replace a march which Aguinaldo had deemed unsatisfactory. The original title of this new march was \"\"Marcha Filipina-Magdalo\"\" (\"\"Philippine-Magdalo March\"\"), and was later changed to \"\"Marcha Nacional Filipina\"\" (\"\"Philippine National March\"\") upon its adoption as the national anthem of the First Philippine Republic on 11 June 1898, a day before independence was to be proclaimed. Felipe said that he had based his composition on three other musical pieces: the \"\"Marcha Real\"\", which is the current Spanish national anthem; the \"\"Grand March\"\" from Giuseppe Verdi's \"\"Aida\"\"; and the French national anthem, \"\"La Marseillaise\"\". It", "\"New National Anthem\"\nperformed on several hit singles, including Where'd You Go\"\", \"\"Coming Home\"\", \"\"I Need a Doctor\"\" and more. The song includes socially conscious lyrics centered on racism and injustice. On September 23, 2014, \"\"Paperwork\"\" was made available for pre-order with \"\"New National Anthem\"\" as the \"\"instant gratification track\"\". Also on September 23, the official audio for \"\"New National Anthem\"\" was released via T.I.'s official VEVO account. On October 20, 2014, T.I. released the official lyric video. Digital download New National Anthem \"\"New National Anthem\"\" is a political rap song by American rapper T.I., released on September 23, 2014, through Grand Hustle", "\"Amhrán na bhFiann\"\nCosgrave what the National Anthem was, but the Ceann Comhairle Michael Hayes ruled 'If the Deputy desires to investigate any problem in regard to the National Anthem, he cannot ask a question of the President. The President cannot be asked to define what is the National Anthem. It is not part of his functions.' Esmonde instead asked Minister for Defence Peter Hughes what 'as far as the Army is concerned' was the National Anthem. The draft response provided for Hughes stated that 'while no final decision has been come to', \"\"The Soldier's Song\"\" was 'at present accepted as the National", "\"National anthem of South Africa\"\nsuggested that the Springboks learn all the words of \"\"Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika\"\", and \"\"they did so with great feeling\"\", according to their instructor Anne Munnik. The practice of having two national anthems proved cumbersome as performing both of them took as much as five minutes. This was rectified when South Africa's dual national anthems were merged in abridged forms in early 1997 to form its current national anthem. The new national anthem was performed at an opening of the South African parliament in February 1997, and was published in the South African \"\"Government Gazette\"\" on 10 October 1997. During the", "\"Culture of Asia\"\ndramatist, and writer from India, became in 1913 the first Asian Nobel laureate. He won his Nobel Prize in Literature for notable impact his prose works and poetic thought had on English, French, and other national literature of Europe and the Americas. He also wrote Jana Gana Mana the national anthem of India as well as Amar Sonar Bangla the national anthem of Bangladesh. Moreover, translation of his another song “Namo Namo Matha\"\" is the national anthem of Sri Lanka. This song was collected by his student Mr. Ananda Samarakoon and M. Nallathamby translated in Tamil language. Other Asian writers", "\"Qaumi Taranah\"\nMuslim from Transvaal, South Africa, offered two prizes of five thousand rupees each for the poet and composer of a new national anthem for the newly independent state of Pakistan. The prizes were announced through a government press advertisement published in June 1948. In December 1948, the Government of Pakistan established the National Anthem Committee (NAC) with the task of coming up with the composition and lyrics for the official national anthem of Pakistan. The NAC was initially chaired by the Information Secretary, Sheikh Muhammad Ikram, and its members included several politicians, poets and musicians, including Abdur Rab Nishtar, Ahmad", "\"Amhrán na bhFiann\"\nFrank MacDermot said, 'Leaving out sentiment, I must confess, from both a literary and a musical point of view, I would regard the \"\"Soldier's Song\"\" as, shall we say, a jaunty little piece of vulgarity, and I think we could have done a lot better.' Thomas F. O'Higgins responded, \"\"National Anthems come about, not because of the suitability of the particular words or notes, but because they are adopted generally by the nation. That is exactly how the \"\"Soldier's Song\"\" became a National Anthem in this country. It happened to be the Anthem on the lips of the people when", "\"Rene Rancourt\"\nRene Rancourt Rene Rancourt (born August 4, 1939) is an American singer. Rancourt has sung the U.S. and Canadian national anthems at the National Hockey League's Boston Bruins home hockey games for over 40 years. He performed his last regular season anthem on April 8, 2018 after 42 years. He sang both anthems before Game 7 of the NHL Eastern Conference quarterfinal playoff series between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Bruins on April 25, 2018. Rancourt was born in Lewiston, Maine, the son of Leon Rancourt and Bernadette Guenette, French-Canadians from Quebec. Rancourt first began singing the anthem in Boston", "\"Anthems and nationalistic songs of Canada\"\nfilm \"\"Men with Brooms\"\" (2002). The song was partly re-written in 2005 by Canadian folk singer Dickson Reid and released on his debut album, \"\"Sugar in the Snow\"\". Anthems and nationalistic songs of Canada Patriotic music in Canada dates back over 200 years as a distinct category from British or French patriotism, preceding the first legal steps to independence by over 50 years. The earliest, \"\"The Bold Canadian\"\", was written in 1812. \"\"O Canada\"\" is the national anthem of Canada. Calixa Lavallée wrote the music in 1880 as a setting of a French Canadian patriotic poem composed by poet and", "\"Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô!\"\nnonspecific love of their beloved land. The anthem is officially written in both French (the colonial language) and Malagasy (the predominant local Indonesian language). This is because prior to Madagascar being conquered by the French in 1896, the island was already home to many different people groups, beginning with the arrival of Indonesians in AD 350. African migrants came from AD 1000 and onwards, as well as other smaller groups, making Madagascar a very diverse nation and explaining the emphasis in the anthem of uniting as a nation based on the beauty of the land rather than a specific ethnic", "\"Swiss Psalm\"\nthe melody of \"\"God Save the Queen\"\". On 1 April 1981, the Swiss Psalm was declared the official Swiss national anthem. In 2014/2015, the Société suisse d'utilité publique organized a public competition and unofficial vote to change the lyrics of the national anthem. Until the end of the 19th century, there was no Swiss national anthem. The German-language patriotic song (French , Italian , Romansh ), composed in 1811 by Johann Rudolf Wyss (1743–1818), was the first national anthem, used until 1961. The setting of the hymn to the British tune of \"\"God Save the Queen\"\" led to confusing situations", "Deutschlandlied\nConstitutional Court declared only the third stanza of Hoffmann's poem to be legally protected as a national anthem under German penitential law; Section 90a of the Criminal Code (\"\"Strafgesetzbuch\"\") makes defamation of the national anthem a crime – but does not specify what the national anthem is. This did not mean that stanzas one and two were not – at that time – part of the anthem at all, but that their peculiar status as \"\"part of the anthem but unsung\"\" disqualified them for penal law protection because the penal law must be interpreted in the narrowest manner possible, and", "\"National Anthem (Lana Del Rey song)\"\n'The Queen Of Saigon'.\"\" Digital Spy called the running theme of \"\"Born to Die\"\", \"\"demonic Stepford moll\"\", which \"\"National Anthem\"\" fit into. The track was praised for having a: \"\"laconic, anaesthetised vocal that conjures up images of her swigging from a bottle of Hendricks. There's a deep sadness underneath the sweeping string section and gangster hip-hop beats, but it's the chorus's fleeting glimpse of euphoria that'll keep you coming back.\"\" The music video for \"\"National Anthem\"\" was directed by Anthony Mandler in May 2012. It premiered on June 27, 2012. Mandler stated the concept was Del Rey's and that she", "\"The Prayer of Russians\"\nThe Prayer of Russians \"\"The Prayer of Russians\"\" () was a song used as the national anthem of Imperial Russia from 1816 to 1833. After defeating the First French Empire, Tsar Alexander I of Russia recommended a national anthem for Russia. The lyrics were written by Vasily Zhukovsky, and the music of the British anthem \"\"God Save the King\"\" was used. In 1833, \"\"The Prayer of Russians\"\" was replaced with \"\"God Save the Tsar\"\" (\"\"Bozhe, tsarya khrani\"\"). The two songs both start with the same words \"\"Bozhe, tsarya khrani\"\" but differ after that. Some consider \"\"God Save the Tsar\"\" Russia's", "\"The Power of Four\"\nthe fans did not like it. It was dropped as the Lions anthem after the 2005 tour and led to changes in the way music would be chosen in future Lions tours. Historically, the British and Irish Lions were intended as a representative team of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland however, when the Irish Free State broke away from the United Kingdom it was deemed inappropriate for the British and Irish Lions to use the British national anthem, God Save the Queen. As a result of this, the British and Irish Lions did not have an anthem", "\"French Revolution\"\nthe old religious and monarchical symbolism. To this end, symbols were borrowed from historic cultures and redefined, while those of the old regime were either destroyed or reattributed acceptable characteristics. These revised symbols were used to instil in the public a new sense of tradition and reverence for the Enlightenment and the Republic. \"\"La Marseillaise\"\" () became the national anthem of France. The song was written and composed in 1792 by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, and was originally titled \"\"\"\"Chant de guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin\"\"\"\". The French National Convention adopted it as the First Republic's anthem in 1795.", "\"Imperial anthems of the Ottoman Empire\"\nImperial anthems of the Ottoman Empire The Ottoman Empire used anthems since its foundation in the late 13th century, but did not use a specific imperial or national anthem until the 19th century. During the reign of Mahmud II, when the military and imperial band were re-organized along Western lines, Giuseppe Donizetti was invited to head the process. Donizetti Pasha, as he was known in the Ottoman Empire, composed the first Western-style imperial anthem, the \"\"Mahmudiye Marşı\"\". Like in many other monarchies of its time, the anthem of the Ottoman Empire was an imperial anthem, not a national one. Hence", "\"Anthem In\"\noff the plane, Ashley nabbed him as Anthem In’s bassist. Drummer Paul Petitto was procured by theft from the band he was playing with at the time, Russian Vogue. Rob Miller had just moved to New York from Austin where he was writing his own solo material. Allen asked him to come on as lead guitarist, and Anthem In was complete. Anthem In released its debut self-titled album in June 2008 on Quiet/Loud Records. The album entered the CMJ charts at No. 118 and continued to chart at stations across the country for 13 consecutive weeks. In April 2008 the", "\"Robert Stanley Weir\"\nthe King\"\" as co-national anthem by custom, though neither of them had been statutorily declared national anthems. At the time of confederation in 1867, many Anglophones advocated for \"\"The Maple Leaf Forever\"\" to be their national anthem. But while it was often used alongside \"\"God Save the King\"\" at official functions in Anglophone areas of the country, no French version was ever produced making it impossible for that song to ever become Canada's national anthem. Other alternatives faced similar problems. Weir's original 1908 lyrics were: <poem>O Canada! Our home, our native land. True patriot love thou dost in us command.", "\"Ave maris stella\"\nCanadian Maritimes distinct from the French-Canadians of Quebec. The Acadians were highly devout, and had and still have a high degree of devotion to the Virgin Mary. As such, Acadia's symbols reflect its people's beliefs. This is particularly evident in their anthem which instead of being written in French is written in Latin. It was adopted as the anthem of the Acadian people at the Second Acadian National Convention, held in Miscouche, Prince Edward Island in 1884. To this day, it remains a source of Acadian patriotism. The hymn was sung in its original version until French lyrics were finally", "\"Soyons unis, devenons frères\"\nSoyons unis, devenons frères Soyons unis, devenons frères (\"\"Let us unite, let us become brothers\"\") is the officially recognised anthem of New Caledonia. It is not, however, the national anthem. New Caledonia is a special collectivity of France, and remains under the sovereignty of the French Republic. Its national anthem is the national anthem of France, La Marseillaise. In 1998, the Nouméa Accord delegated greater autonomy to the territory, and provided that its people would ultimately have the right to vote for full independence, in 2014 at the earliest and in 2018 at the latest. In the meantime, the Accord", "\"La Brabançonne\"\nin all three of Belgium's official languages, similar to the bilingual version of \"\"O Canada\"\". The lyrics are from the 4th verse of the anthem. La Brabançonne \"\"La Brabançonne\"\" (; ; ) is the national anthem of Belgium. The originally-French title refers to Brabant; the name is usually maintained untranslated in Belgium's other two official languages, Dutch and German. According to legend, the Belgian national anthem was written in September 1830, during the Belgian Revolution, by a young revolutionary called \"\"Jenneval\"\", who read the lyrics during a meeting at the Aigle d'Or café. Jenneval, a Frenchman whose real name was", "Fatherland\ncurrent Dutch national anthem, Het Wilhelmus. The Ancient Greek \"\"patris\"\", fatherland, led to \"\"patrios\"\", \"\"of our fathers\"\" and thence to the Latin \"\"patriota\"\" and Old French \"\"patriote\"\", meaning compatriot; from these the English word patriotism is derived. The related Ancient Roman word \"\"Patria\"\" led to similar forms in modern Romance languages. \"\"Fatherland\"\" was first encountered by the vast majority of citizens in countries that did not themselves use it during World War II, when it was featured in news reports associated with Nazi Germany. German government propaganda used its appeal to nationalism when making references to Germany and the state.", "\"Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô!\"\nNorbert Raharisoa was raised under the French colonial education system, which explains the colonial influence on the anthem. Philibert Tsiranana, the Prime Minister of Madagascar during the independence talks with France, was content to remain within the broader influence of the French, including the franc zone. He wanted to ask for an independent ability to conduct diplomatic relations, allowing France to continue its role in other aspects of governance such as defense. Michel Debré was the French Prime Minister during this time. The anthem is written as a European-style march, consistent with many national anthems around the world. The march", "\"National anthem\"\nnational or most common language of the country, whether de facto or official, there are notable exceptions. Most commonly, states with more than one national language may offer several versions of their anthem, for instance: National anthems rose to prominence in Europe during the 19th century, but some originated much earlier. The presumed oldest national anthem belongs to the Netherlands and is called the \"\"Wilhelmus\"\". It was written between 1568 and 1572 during the Dutch Revolt and its current melody variant was composed shortly before 1626. It was a popular orangist march during the 17th century but it did not", "\"Serge Gainsbourg\"\nbiographer Michel Droit, his song earned him death threats from right-wing veteran soldiers of the Algerian War of Independence, who were opposed to their national anthem being arranged in reggae style. In 1979, a show had to be cancelled, because an angry mob of French Army parachutists came to demonstrate in the audience. Alone onstage, Gainsbourg raised his fist and answered \"\"The true meaning of our national anthem is revolutionary\"\" and sang it with the audience. The soldiers joined them, a scene enjoyed by millions as French TV news broadcast it, creating more publicity. Shortly afterward, Gainsbourg bought the original", "\"First Congress on the French Language in Canada\"\nQuebec Napoléon Drouin, ministers from the provinces of Ontario and the Maritimes, etc. The room was decorated with the flags of Great Britain, Canada, Quebec, France, the United States, and also the Carillon Sacré-Cœur. The musicians played God Save the Queen, the national anthem of both Great Britain and the Dominion of Canada, Ô Canada, then the national anthem of French Canadians, as well as other patriotic or traditional airs such as \"\"Vive la Canadienne\"\", \"\"À la claire fontaine\"\", \"\"Ô Canada! mon pays, mes amours\"\", etc. The Congress was made of four study sections: scientific, pedagogical, literary and propaganda. It", "\"Le Mali\"\nLe Mali \"\"Le Mali\"\" () is the national anthem of Mali. It was adopted in the early 1960s. It is popularly known as \"\"Pour l'Afrique et pour toi, Mali\"\" (French for: \"\"For Africa and for you, Mali\"\") or \"\"A ton appel Mali\"\" (French for: \"\"At your call, Mali\"\"). The words were written by Seydou Badian Kouyaté and the music was by Banzumana Sissoko. Adopted as the national anthem in 1962, its themes are patriotism, national, and African unity. It states the willingness of the people of Mali to lay down their lives for their nation and for liberty. A common", "\"2000 Japanese Grand Prix\"\nthe Ferrari team, their worldwide fan base, Ferrari's majority owner FIAT, and the team's sponsors and suppliers for their continued support. Former World Champion Scheckter praised both Ferrari and Michael Schumacher, though he expressed disappointment at losing his status as the final World Champion for Ferrari. However, the former President of Italy Francesco Cossiga criticised Michael Schumacher's conduct during the Italian National Anthem where the German traditionally imitated a conductor when it was heard. Michael Schumacher responded by saying that he did not mean to cause offence and insisted that he was respectful to the national anthem. Off track, the", "\"Soyons unis, devenons frères\"\nlet us sing together:<br> Land, you are our future. [Chorus] Soyons unis, devenons frères Soyons unis, devenons frères (\"\"Let us unite, let us become brothers\"\") is the officially recognised anthem of New Caledonia. It is not, however, the national anthem. New Caledonia is a special collectivity of France, and remains under the sovereignty of the French Republic. Its national anthem is the national anthem of France, La Marseillaise. In 1998, the Nouméa Accord delegated greater autonomy to the territory, and provided that its people would ultimately have the right to vote for full independence, in 2014 at the earliest and", "\"Music of the Central African Republic\"\ntwo ends and held in front of the musician's mouth. When the string is struck, the mouth is used to amplify and modulate the tone. Instruments similar to the mbela are sometimes considered the oldest ancestors of all string instruments . The national anthem of the Central African Republic is \"\"La Renaissance\"\". This song, which has been the anthem since 1960, was written by Barthélémy Boganda (words), the first President of the Central African Republic, and Herbert Pepper, who also composed the melody for the Senegalese national anthem . Popular music in the Central African Republic generally comes from the", "\"Die Stem van Suid-Afrika\"\nSteyn in England for the Zonophone record label; it was sung publicly for the first time on 31 May 1928. In 1938, South Africa proclaimed it to be one of the two co-national anthems of the country, along with \"\"God Save the King\"\". It was sung in English as well as Afrikaans from 1952, with both versions having official status, while \"\"God Save the Queen\"\" did not cease to be a co-national anthem until May 1957, when it was dropped from that role. However, it remained the country's royal anthem until 1961, as it was a Commonwealth realm until that", "\"Tautiška giesmė\"\n1992. In that year, the Constitution of Lithuania was approved; Article 19 of the document states that \"\"Tautiška giesmė\"\" will be the national anthem of Lithuania. The last law in relation to the national anthem was passed in 1999; it contained the official lyrics and protocol on how and when to play the anthem. Signed into law by President Valdas Adamkus on 9 June 1999, the \"\"Law on the National Anthem of the Republic of Lithuania\"\" details when and where the national anthem is played and its performance protocols. Article 2 of the law states that the anthem is to", "\"National anthem of Russia\"\n1837. God Save the Tsar! was used until the February Revolution, when the Russian monarchy was overthrown. Upon the overthrow, in March 1917, the \"\"Worker's Marseillaise\"\" (), Pyotr Lavrov's modification of the French anthem \"\"La Marseillaise\"\", was used as an unofficial anthem by the Russian Provisional Government. The modifications Lavrov made to \"\"La Marseillaise\"\" included a change in meter from 2/2 to 4/4 and music harmonization to make it sound more Russian. It was used at governmental meetings, welcoming ceremonies for diplomats and state funerals. After the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government in the 1917 October Revolution, the anthem of", "\"Majulah Singapura\"\nmeeting between the then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and community leaders, a group of grassroots leaders and a lawyer had suggested that \"\"adjustments\"\" be made to the national anthem. The given reason was that many Singaporeans could not sing it in Malay and so did not have \"\"strong feelings\"\" or \"\"strong emotions when they sing the national anthem\"\". In particular, some grassroots leaders argued that since the Chinese constitute a majority of the population, a Mandarin version of the anthem should be used. The Prime Minister's response was that he would keep the national anthem as it was but", "\"Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day\"\nbut did not become a widely known song for many years. English words were later written for a royal tour in 1901. In 1980, \"\"O Canada\"\" became the official national anthem of Canada. In 1908, Pope Pius X designated St. John the Baptist as the patron saint of French Canadians. From 1914 to 1923 the processions were not held. In 1925, 91 years after the Ludger Duvernay's banquet in Montreal, June 24 became provincially a legal holiday in Quebec. In Quebec, June 24 (Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day), or National Holiday, is officially a paid statutory public holiday covered under the \"\"Act Respecting", "\"Romani anthem\"\nOpen, God, White doors<br> So I can see where are my people.<br> Come back to tour the roads<br> And walk with happy Roma O Roma, O Romani youths! Up, Romani people! Now is the time<br> Come with me, Roma from all the world<br> Dark face and dark eyes,<br> I want them like dark grapes O Roma, O Romani youths! There are many versions of \"\"Gelem, Gelem\"\", notably those translated by Ronald Lee. Romani anthem \"\"Gelem, Gelem\"\" is a song composed by Žarko Jovanović, often used as the anthem of the Romani people. The title has been adapted in many countries", "\"Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô!\"\nof national unity and nationalism, and in nations like Madagascar, they are designed to supersede ethnic affiliations. Researcher Igor Cusack identified several themes under which national anthems generally fall: calls to awake, arise, or work for future progress; praise for what's already there; and/ or thanks to God. Cusack defines anthems as essentially praise hymns to God, the nation, or a parental figure, in keeping with the European origin of anthems as hymns. Writing about Madagascar, Cusack explains that it was influenced by its French colonial masters, and featured the themes: blessed by God, God save our land/people, and a", "\"Anthems and nationalistic songs of Canada\"\nan older but unofficial national anthem written by Alexander Muir in 1867. It was in consideration for official national anthem; however, as no French version was ever written, it was never popular with Francophones. \"\"Alberta\"\" is the official provincial song of Alberta, adopted in preparation for the province's centennial celebrations in 2005. The song was selected following a competition mandated by the Alberta Official Song Act, introduced in the Legislative Assembly of Alberta in May 2001 and passed in November. \"\"The Island Hymn\"\" is a provincial anthem of Prince Edward Island. The hymn's lyrics were written in 1908 by Lucy", "\"Deșteaptă-te, române!\"\ngiven state recognition as the national anthem. The overall message of the anthem is a “call to action”; it proposes a “now or never” urge for change present in many national anthems like the French revolutionary song \"\"La Marseillaise\"\". This is the reason why Nicolae Bălcescu called it the “Romanian Marseillaise”. Besides this anthem, the Romanians also have “Hora Unirii” (“The Unity Hora (dance)”), written in 1855 by the poet Vasile Alecsandri (1821–1890), which was sung a great deal on the occasion of the Union of the Principalities (1859) and on all occasions when the Romanians aspired to union and", "\"Coronation of the British monarch\"\npresented by the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Once the Bible is presented, the Holy Communion is celebrated, but the service is interrupted after the Nicene Creed. After the Communion service is interrupted, the anthem \"\"Come, Holy Ghost\"\" is recited, as a prelude to the act of anointing. After this anthem, the Archbishop recites a prayer in preparation for the anointing, which is based on the ancient prayer \"\"Deus electorum fortitudo\"\" also used in the anointing of French kings. After this prayer, the coronation anthem \"\"Zadok the Priest\"\" (by George Frederick Handel) is sung by", "\"Deutschösterreich, du herrliches Land\"\nDeutschösterreich, du herrliches Land \"\"Deutschösterreich, du herrliches Land\"\" (German for \"\"German Austria, you wonderful country\"\") was the national anthem of Austria from 1920 to 1929. Although it was used as the national anthem, it did not enjoy any official status. It is now used as the anthem of the President and the military due to its references to defend the Austrian homeland. The text was written by Chancellor Karl Renner in 1920, while the melody was composed by Wilhelm Kienzl. The Republic of German Austria was formed in 1918 as the successor to the multinational Austro-Hungarian Empire in its predominantly", "\"Come Home (Luminate album)\"\nas another rock/pop CCM boy-band fad. It is an unashamedly an 'anthem' album, offering track after track of rousing music. I'm genuinely impressed with their fusion of accessibility and creativity. Whilst they’re only just starting out on this stage of their journey, \"\"Come Home\"\" shows that they know where their roots are. Let’s hope they build from here.\"\" Christian Music Zine's Tyler Hess said \"\"this is the national debut for the self labeled pop-rock band from the Lone Star State. Although, it’s much more pop than rock. It seems this was written specifically for Christian radio. It will fit right", "\"Louis Gidrol\"\nof the anthem written by Louis Gidrol. Louis Gidrol Louis Gidrol was a Chadian musician. He wrote the national anthem for Chad with Paul Villard in 1960, along with help from his student group. He and his students were part of St. Paul's School, which is where it was composed. The anthem is called \"\"La Tchadienne\"\". It was played widely on important national events like Independence Day and to this day is one of the most important songs in Chad's history because it was named the national anthem. Gidrol was born in 1922 and has died, however when he died", "\"Humat al-Hima\"\nwas sung during the meetings of the ruling party, the Neo Destour which later changed its name to Socialist Destourian Party. \"\"Humat al-Hima\"\" was temporarily used as a national anthem between the end of the monarchy on 25 July 1957 and the adoption of \"\"Ala Khallidi\"\" as the official national anthem on 20 March 1958, when it replaced the \"\"Salam al-Bey\"\". \"\"Humat al-Hima\"\" was later replaced by \"\"Ala Khallidi\"\" but brought back again following the coup d'état which brought president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to power on 7 November 1987. Humat al-Hima The lyrics of this anthem come from", "\"Imperial anthems of the Ottoman Empire\"\nit paid homage to a specific ruler and a new anthem was composed at each imperial succession. However, in 1844, with the Tanzimat reforms, the \"\"Mecidiye Marşı\"\" was recognized as the first official Ottoman national anthem. The first official Ottoman national flag (which was in essence identical to the present-day Turkish flag) was also adopted in 1844. After the start of the imperial anthem tradition, two Sultans did not have specific anthems composed. The first is Murad V, who reigned for 3 months in 1876 and the second is the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Mehmed VI, who used", "\"Roger Doucet\"\nRoger Doucet Roger Doucet, (21 April 1919 – 19 July 1981) was a Canadian tenor best known for singing the Canadian national anthem, \"\"O Canada\"\", on televised games of the Montreal Canadiens, Montreal Alouettes, and Montreal Expos during the 1970s. He was particularly known for his bilingual version of the anthem, which began in French and ended in English, in recognition of the two languages of Canada. Doucet's first performance of the national anthem at a Canadiens game was on 13 October 1970. Author Andrew Podnieks noted that Doucet \"\"belted the anthem with an enthusiasm that energized the crowd as", "\"International Debutante Ball\"\ne.g. a national anthem or a song associated with the country where the debutante is from, is played by the renowned Lester Lanin Orchestra for the debutante when she is presented on stage. The military escort of the debutante also carries the flag of the country or US state where the debutante comes from. Each debutante must also greet approximately one thousand or more guests, from a close-knit social world, individually in the receiving line. Due to the fact that there are debutantes representing their own US state or country, the International Debutante Ball has been dubbed by publications as", "\"La Marseillaise\"\ncourage and solidarity when facing danger; that's why it is so invigorating, that's why it really is the greatest national anthem in the world, ever. Most national anthems are pompous, brassy, ceremonious, but this is genuinely thrilling. Very important in the song ... is the line 'before us is tyranny, the bloody standard of tyranny has risen'. There is no more ferocious tyranny right now than ISIS, so it's extremely easy for the tragically and desperately grieving French to identify with that\"\". La Marseillaise \"\"La Marseillaise\"\" () is the national anthem of France. The song was written in 1792 by", "\"Julio Preciado\"\nto sing the Mexican National Anthem in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico, as a part of the Opening Ceremony of the Caribbean Baseball Series (Serie del Caribe). He made several mistakes in the anthem lyrics and musical pace, being majorly booed by the audience. Some factors came into play during the failure to sing the national anthem properly since the background music did not play, so he decided to improvise by singing a cappella. He decided to extend the improvisation. The audience's reaction caused the local sound to be shut off to protect Preciado from more serious actions by an angered" ]
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dwarfs in snow white and the huntsman movie
[ "Bob Hoskins", "Ray Winstone", "Ian McShane", "Nick Frost", "Eddie Marsan", "Toby Jones", "Brian Gleeson", "Johnny Harris" ]
[ "\"Huntsman (Snow White)\"\nthat the girl would be eaten by some wild animal. He instead brings the Queen the lungs and liver of a big wild boar, which is prepared by the cook and eaten by the Queen. The Huntsman appears in \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" voiced by Stuart Buchanan. The Evil Queen is so jealous of Snow White's beauty that she orders the huntsman to take Snow White into the forest and kill her. She further demands that the huntsman return with Snow White's heart in a jewelled box as proof of the deed. But the huntsman cannot bring himself", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\nwomen. He soon returns when he sees the village being burned down by Finn's men. Snow White and the Huntsman evade them and eventually meet a band of eight dwarves. The blind dwarf Muir perceives that Snow White is the daughter of the former king, and the only person who can defeat Ravenna and end her reign. As they travel through a fairy sanctuary, Snow White encounters a White Hart, but as Snow White approaches the deer, the group is attacked by Finn and his men. A battle ensues during which one of the dwarfs, Gus, and Finn and his", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)\"\nhuntsman return with Snow White's heart in a jeweled box as proof of the deed. However, the Huntsman cannot bring himself to kill Snow White. He tearfully begs for her forgiveness, revealing the Queen wants her dead and urges her to flee into the woods and never look back. Lost and frightened, the princess is befriended by woodland creatures who lead her to a cottage deep in the woods. Finding seven small chairs in the cottage's dining room, Snow White assumes the cottage is the untidy home of seven orphaned children. In reality, the cottage belongs to seven adult dwarfs—named", "\"Seven Dwarfs\"\nfalls in love with her upon being enchanted by her beauty. The Prince kisses her which revives her. The following is a list of names of the Seven Dwarfs from multiple versions of the Snow White story. There are many adaptations to the story of Snow White; including animation, film, books, plays, etc. This is a listing of the Seven Dwarfs names based on release date. The original Snow White story, written by the Brothers Grimm, did not feature names to any of the dwarfs. \"\"Snow White & the Huntsman\"\" and \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\" feature eight dwarfs, while the", "\"Seven Dwarfs\"\nSeven Dwarfs. Seiben serves as the butler of a large estate belonging to Jacques Schnee, CEO of the Schnee Dust Company in the kingdom of Atlas. Seiben's loyalty, however, lies with Jacques's daughter Weiss, whose likeness is based on Snow White herself. Seven Dwarfs The Seven Dwarfs are a group of seven dwarfs that appear in the fairy tale \"\"Snow White\"\" and others. The Seven Dwarfs are a group of seven dwarfs that live in a tiny cottage and work in the nearby mines. Snow White happens upon their house after being told by the Huntsman to flee from the", "\"Seven Dwarfs\"\nSeven Dwarfs The Seven Dwarfs are a group of seven dwarfs that appear in the fairy tale \"\"Snow White\"\" and others. The Seven Dwarfs are a group of seven dwarfs that live in a tiny cottage and work in the nearby mines. Snow White happens upon their house after being told by the Huntsman to flee from the Queen's kingdom. The Seven Dwarfs return home and immediately notice someone has sneaked in, because the house has been cleaned. During their loud discussion, they discover the sleeping Snow White. She wakes up and explains to them what happened. The Dwarfs take", "\"Seven Dwarfs\"\nher mother before the series began, and summoning them again to help her and her allies defeat her mother's spirit in the first book in the series (she contemplated summoning them against to deal with the ruthless Wild Hunt in \"\"Red Riding's Revenge\"\", but was advised against it as the spiritual nature of the hunt meant that nobody could be sure if the dwarves could do anything against them). In \"\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\", the Seven Dwarfs started out as eight dwarfs when they are encountered by Snow White and Eric the Huntsman while fleeing Queen Ravenna. The Seven", "\"Huntsman (Snow White)\"\nto kill Snow White. After revealing the Queen wants her dead, he tearfully begs for her forgiveness. The huntsman urges her to flee into the woods and never come back to the castle. When the Evil Queen shows the Magic Mirror the heart in the jewelled box as the proof she holds of Snow White's death, the Magic Mirror reveals that the heart in the box is a pig's heart, causing the Queen to take matters into her own hands. The huntsman does not appear again afterwards in the film. In \"\"The 7 Dwarfs and King Arbor's Crystal\"\" comic that", "\"Snow White (Disney character)\"\nwhen he refuses to do so because she means no harm, the huntsman helps Snow White escape into the forest. Snow White stumbles upon the home of the Seven Dwarfs, who happily aid her. The Queen discovers that Snow White has survived, so she uses magic to disguise herself as an old hag and creates a poisoned apple that will put anyone who eats it into a “Sleeping Death\"\" from which only the kiss of true love will revive. When the dwarfs are away the hag arrives at the dwarfs’ cottage and offers Snow White the poisoned apple, unbeknownst to", "\"Snow White\"\nher to the woods, but takes her there herself to gather flowers and abandons her; in the first edition, this task was transferred to a servant. It is believed that the change to a stepmother in later editions was to tone down the story for children. One version of Snow White is the 1937 American animated film \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" by Walt Disney. Disney's variation of Snow White gave the dwarfs names and included a singing Snow White. Instead of her lungs and liver, as written in the original, the huntsman is asked by the queen to", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\nthe Duke's army to mount a siege against Queen Ravenna. The dwarves infiltrate the castle through the sewers and open the gates, allowing the Duke's army inside. Snow White confronts Queen Ravenna, but is overpowered. Queen Ravenna is about to kill Snow White and consume her heart. Eventually, Snow White uses a move the Huntsman taught her and mortally wounds Queen Ravenna, and Duke Hammond's army is victorious. With Queen Ravenna defeated, the kingdom once again enjoys peace and harmony as Snow White is crowned queen. The Dwarfs were played by actors of average height who had their faces digitally", "\"Snow White (1987 film)\"\nWhite (Nicola Stapleton). When her magic mirror tells her that Snow White is now the fairest in the land, the Evil Queen orders a huntsman (Amnon Meskin) to take Snow White into the forest and kill her, and to bring back her liver as proof of her death. During a hunting trip, the huntsman succeeds in taking Snow White away from her father, but Snow White, realizing her stepmother's plan to destroy her, manages to escape into the forest where she finds a cottage belonging to seven kindly dwarfs - Iddy, Biddy, Kiddy, Diddy, Fiddy, Giddy and Liddy - who", "\"Snow White's Scary Adventures\"\nalthough the Magic Mirror was added who said, \"\"Alas! Snow White is the fairest one of all,\"\" to which the Queen (voiced by Louise Chamis) replied, \"\"NEVER!\"\" The ride continued into the forest where the Huntsman (a newly added character in this version, and voiced by Peter Renaday) tells Snow White to run away and strobe lighting effects that resembled lightning lit up Snow White running through the tree monsters, and then into the Dwarfs' cottage where the \"\"Dwarfs' Yodel Song\"\" played. In a new scene, the riders then passed the Witch giving Snow White the apple, then emerged from", "\"Snow White (franchise)\"\ncameos such as the \"\"Snow White\"\" characters. Fantasy television series \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\" regularly include live-action interpretations of characters including Snow White, the Evil Queen, the Huntsman, the Prince, the Mirror, and Grumpy (including the other dwarves as smaller characters). Snow White appeared in the 27th episode of the American animated television series \"\"Sofia the First\"\", \"\"The Enchanted Feast\"\". The series features characters from the Disney Princess franchise. \"\"The 7D\"\" is a Disney animated series centering on the Seven Dwarfs from \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". The series premiered on July 7, 2014 on Disney XD. The Seven", "\"Snow White (1995 film)\"\ntake some rest on the small beds. Shortly after Snow White falls asleep, the owners of the cottage, seven little dwarfs appear and are surprised by their visitor. Snow White convinces them to allow her to stay in their cottage. Unfortunately, the Evil Queen soon learns from her magic mirror about the huntsman's betrayal and that Snow White is still alive, so she decides to take it upon herself to kill the princess. The Evil Queen goes to the dwarfs' cottage in disguise to kill Snow White. The first time she goes as an old beggar woman and ties laces", "\"Snow White\"\nSnow White and the Prince are married. In the 2012 adaptation \"\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\", directed by Rupert Sanders, Snow White becomes a warrior in order to overthrow the Evil Queen named Ravenna, and the huntsman named Eric is presented as her mentor and possible love interest. The movie \"\"Mirror Mirror\"\" has the queen (Julia Roberts) surviving, but she is hopelessly haggard when she attends Snow White (Lily Collins)’s wedding. The 2007 Disney movie \"\"Enchanted\"\" features a character named Giselle (Amy Adams) who is loosely based on Snow White (poisoned apple), Sleeping Beauty (fighting a dragon), and Cinderella (losing", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (book)\"\nas proof of her death. Once in the woods, Snow White pleads with the huntsmen not to hurt her, assuring him that she'll run away and never return. The huntsman agrees and brings a wild boar heart to the queen as a token. Snow White runs until she discovers a small wooden hut, inside of which are found objects in septuplicate. Snow White falls asleep on one of the little beds, and is later awoken by seven dwarfs. They agree to let her stay if she becomes their house keeper. Later, when the evil queen asks her magic mirror, \"\"Mirror,", "\"Four Great Women and a Manicure\"\nfollowing the appearance of the Blue-Haired Lawyer who tells Lisa that \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" has been copyrighted by the Walt Disney Corporation, prompting Lisa to change the characters to avoid being sued. When the wicked queen learns from her magic HD television that Snow White is fairer than she is, she dispatches her huntsman (Groundskeeper Willie) to murder the young maiden. However, Willie the huntsman cannot bring himself to cut out her heart (or to cut out a pig's heart or to cut a heart out of construction paper for that matter) and Snow White runs away", "\"Evil Queen (Disney)\"\nSnow White, using a poisoned comb, an element taken from the Grimms' version of the tale (the Dwarfs would arrive in time to remove it). The Queen was originally intended to have seven black panthers guarding the entrance to her secret room with the Mirror; a concept art of the Queen walking a pet panther can be seen in The Walt Disney Family Museum and at Disney California Adventure. The books \"\"Snow White: Magic Mirror Book\"\" and \"\"The Complete Story of Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" reveal that the Huntsman was afraid to disobey a command to", "\"Snow White (Disney character)\"\nGardner, Melissa Disney, and Katie Von Til, and portrayed live by Stephanie Bennett (\"\"Descendants\"\"). Snow White first appears in the film \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" (1937). In the film she is depicted as living under her wicked, vain stepmother, the Evil Queen, who forces Snow White to engage in menial labor, fearing that one day Snow White's beauty might become greater than her own. After many years, the Queen's Magic Mirror confirms Snow White as being the \"\"fairest of them all\"\", which causes the Queen to cast Snow White out and send a huntsman to kill her. But", "\"Snow White\"\nin while they are working in the mountains. Meanwhile, the queen, believing that Snow White is dead, asks her mirror once again: \"\"Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?\"\" The mirror tells her that Snow White is still the fairest in the land. The queen is furious when she learns that Snow White is still alive because of the huntsman, and decides to kill the girl herself with three attempts. First, the queen appears at the dwarfs' cottage, disguised as an old peddler, and offers Snow White colorful, silky laced bodices as a present; the", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)\"\nmusical. Snow White is a lonely princess living with her stepmother, a vain Queen. The Queen worries that Snow White will look better than she, so she forces Snow White to work as a scullery maid and asks her Magic Mirror daily \"\"who is the fairest one of all\"\". For years the mirror always answers that the Queen is, pleasing her. One day, the Magic Mirror informs the Queen that Snow White is now \"\"the fairest\"\" in the land. The jealous Queen orders her Huntsman to take Snow White into the forest and kill her. She further demands that the", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\nwith Emily Blunt. It was later announced that Cedric Nicolas-Troyan would take over as the new director for the film. Nick Frost will return as Dwarf Nion and Jessica Chastain will star. On March 18, 2015, Rob Brydon, Alexandra Roach and Sheridan Smith were added to the cast as dwarves. \"\"TheWrap\"\" confirmed on May 7, 2015, that Sam Claflin would return as William in this sequel. It was later revealed that the film would feature Ravenna's sister, the Ice Queen, and would reveal the origins of the Huntsman, while also continuing the story of the first film. Snow White and", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (musical)\"\nSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs (musical) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a musical with music by Frank Churchill (from the movie) and Jay Blackton, lyrics by Larry Morey (from the movie) and Joe Cook, book by Joe Cook, based on the 1937 animated film \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". The stage adaptation was originally created at The Muny in St. Louis in 1969 and was repeated there in 1972. After that, a production opened at the Radio City Music Hall on October 18, 1979 and closed on November 18, 1979 after 38 performances so Radio City", "\"Huntsman (Snow White)\"\nHuntsman (Snow White) The Huntsman is a fictional character in \"\"Snow White\"\". When the Evil Queen had learned from her Magic Mirror that Snow White will be the fairest of them all, she orders an unnamed Huntsman to take Snow White into the deepest woods to be killed. As proof that Snow White is dead, the Queen demands that he return with her lungs and liver. The Huntsman takes Snow White into the forest. But after raising his knife, he fails to kill her as she sobs heavily and begs him not to. The huntsman leaves her behind alive convinced", "\"Huntsman (Snow White)\"\nthe Evil Queen to eliminate Snow White. This plan fails when Snow White's friend Klaus buys Snow White enough time to get away. When the Huntsman goes after Snow White, he is attacked by a wild boar and knocked off the cliff into the forest below. In the four-part comic \"\"Muppet Snow White\"\" as part of \"\"The Muppet Show\"\" comics, the Huntsman is played by Sweetums. The Evil Queen (played by Miss Piggy) orders the Huntsman to kill Snow White (played by Spamela Hamderson). But the Huntsman refuses to kill Snow White, tells her that the Queen wants her dead,", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (musical)\"\nDon Smith, orchestrations by Philip J. Lang, Queen's presentation music arrangement by Ronald Melrose, masks and animal costumes by Joe Stephen, choral arrangements Jay Blackton, Don Pippen, production stage manager Jeff Hamlin, stage manager Neil Miller, and press by Gifford/Wallace, Deborah Morgenthal. Cast Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (musical) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a musical with music by Frank Churchill (from the movie) and Jay Blackton, lyrics by Larry Morey (from the movie) and Joe Cook, book by Joe Cook, based on the 1937 animated film \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". The stage adaptation was", "Chandrahasa\nand the Seven Dwarfs where the huntsman is ordered to murder Snow White but is unable to do so. The story of Chardrahas is written in Mahabharata and older than the Snow White and the Seven Dwarts. So it not possible to influence of that story. The story of Snow White itself written in the influence of the life of the Chandrahas. Many European plots of the stories, epics have been taken from Sanskrit literature. A full length biographical feature film with the title name \"\"Chandrahasa\"\" was released in 1965 in Kannada. Directed and produced by B. S. Ranga, the", "\"Snow White\"\nforest, but after raising his knife, he finds himself unable to kill her when Snow White finds out about her stepmother's plan, tearfully begging \"\"Spare me this mockery of justice! I will run away into the forest and never come home again!\"\". Eventually, the huntsman reluctantly agrees to spare Snow White and lets her go, bringing the queen the heart of a wild animal instead. After wandering through the forest for hours, Snow White discovers a tiny cottage belonging to a group of seven dwarfs. Since no one is at home, she eats some of the tiny meals, drinks some", "\"Huntsman (Snow White)\"\nfor helping him remember who he truly was. The Huntsman is one of the two title characters in the film \"\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\", played by Chris Hemsworth. Eric is a huntsman whose wife, Sara, was seemingly killed while he was fighting in a war. After Snow White escapes into the Dark Forest, Queen Ravenna and her brother Finn make a bargain with Eric the Huntsman to capture Snow White, promising to bring his wife back to life in exchange. The Huntsman tracks down Snow White, but when Finn reveals that Ravenna does not actually have the power to", "\"The Legend of Snow White\"\nrestore her rank. The court huntsman and direct subject to the sovereign and, that is, the Queen, he is obliged to take the heart of the young princess back to Chrystal, but, before he could decide not to do the deed, he saves Snow White from a ravaging black bear and tells her what her stepmothers’ plans are and advises her to go into hiding. Afterwards he himself retires to the countryside and occasionally comes across Snow White and her friends and helps them with their matters at hand. The chief of the dwarf coven and the eldest and wisest", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (book)\"\nmanner more faithful to the original Brothers Grimm story. Gag translated the text from the German and designed the illustrations. The book is printed in white and black. The cover depicts a young girl with black hair looking out the window of a small red house. A queen, used to being \"\"the fairest one of all\"\", is turned green with envy when her magic mirror says that her seven-year-old stepdaughter, Snow White, is now the fairest one of all. With fury the queen demands a huntsman to take Snow White into the woods, kill her, and bring back a token", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\nstepdaughter Snow White is destined to destroy her unless the Queen consumes the young girl's heart, which will make her truly immortal. Queen Ravenna orders Finn to bring her Snow White's heart, but Snow White escapes into the Dark Forest, where Ravenna has no power. Ravenna makes a bargain with Eric the Huntsman, a widower and drunkard, to capture Snow White, promising to bring his wife back to life in exchange. The Huntsman tracks down Snow White, but when Finn reveals that Queen Ravenna does not actually have the power to revive the dead, the Huntsman helps Snow White escape.", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\nSnow White and the Huntsman Snow White and the Huntsman is a 2012 American fantasy film based on the German fairy tale \"\"Snow White\"\" compiled by the Brothers Grimm. The film is the directorial debut of Rupert Sanders, with a screenplay by Evan Daugherty, John Lee Hancock and Hossein Amini, from a screen story by Daugherty. In the film's retelling of the tale, Snow White grows up imprisoned by her evil stepmother, Queen Ravenna, a powerful sorceress. After Snow White escapes into the forest, Ravenna tells Eric, the Huntsman that she will bring back his dead wife if he captures", "\"Someday My Prince Will Come\"\nSomeday My Prince Will Come \"\"Someday My Prince Will Come\"\" is a popular song from Walt Disney's 1937 animated movie \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". It was written by Larry Morey (lyrics) & Frank Churchill (music), and performed by Adriana Caselotti (Snow White's voice in the movie). It was also featured in the 1979 stage adaptation of the 1937 animated musical movie. In AFI's 100 Years...100 Songs, it was ranked the 19th greatest film song of all time. This song first appears 57:40 into the movie, when Princess Snow White sings a bedtime song for the dwarfs after their", "Heigh-Ho\nin a recent Levi's commercial entitled \"\"We Are All Workers\"\". In the last scene of \"\"Scared Shrekless\"\", the song can be heard as the dwarfs silhouettes are seen on a rock as the dwarfs walk along shortly before they are egged by Shrek and the gang. Brian Wilson covered it in a medley on his album \"\"In the Key of Disney\"\", which was released on October 25, 2011. Polskie Radio Program III (\"\"Trójka\"\") uses \"\"Heigh-Ho\"\" as the jingle of its Economical Informator. The song is also briefly referenced in \"\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\" when the dwarf Beith (Ian McShane)", "\"Huntsman (Snow White)\"\ndo what she promised, the Huntsman fights him and his men while Snow White runs away. Throughout the film, Eric becomes Snow White's ally in the fight against Queen Ravenna. His allegiance slowly becomes both absolute (after finding himself smitten by the same purity in the princess that he loved in his wife) and resolute (after the revelation of the Queen's duplicity having been the cause of the death of his wife). The Huntsman is the title character in the film \"\"\"\" (which is a prequel to \"\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\"). Chris Hemsworth reprises his role as Eric the", "\"Seven Dwarfs\"\nSeven Dwarfs\"\" computer-animated sequel to \"\"Snow White\"\" was officially underway. Paul and Gaëtan Brizzi was one team that was given an attempt at a movie pitch, which was to follow the Dwarfs in which they trap the villain in the magic mirror and setting it up for \"\"Snow White\"\" movie. Given the possible demand, Buena Vista Games brought in Obsidian Entertainment, a game developer, who pitched a video game focusing on the Dwarfs' similar ancestors. DTS executives were not feeling that the two franchise launching projects were coming together well enough that they turned to Mike Disa, who worked on", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\noffer. The role was then apparently offered to Michael Fassbender, and then Johnny Depp, but both claim to have declined it. Viggo Mortensen was said to have been in negotiations with Universal for the part, but supposedly turned down the role, too. It was claimed that Hugh Jackman was offered the role, but that he declined. In 2011, \"\"Thor\"\" star Chris Hemsworth was eventually cast in the role of the Huntsman. The Dwarfs were played by actors of average height who had their faces digitally superimposed onto small bodies. This caused a protest from the Little People of America. Principal", "Heigh-Ho\nversion of the song can be heard when Mrs. Travers is being given a tour of the studio. The TV series \"\"The Electric Company\"\" parodied the song twice, both in Snow White related skits; in one, \"\"Snow Ball and the Six Dwarfs\"\", the dwarfs (five of whom have \"\"ly\"\" adverbial names and the sixth is called \"\"Doc\"\") enter singing \"\"Ho-Hi, Ho-Hi\"\". Another, a \"\"director\"\" skit in which the Director is trying to direct a movie called \"\"Snow White and the Three Dwarfs\"\", the dwarfs sing \"\"Heigh-Ho\"\" as an introduction song used to start the show and introduce the dwarfs (Happy", "\"Snow White (franchise)\"\nlimited basis. \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" was released for the Game Boy Color system in 2001. Snow White also makes an appearance in the PlayStation 2 game \"\"Kingdom Hearts\"\" as one of the seven fabled Princesses of Heart. A world based on the movie, Dwarf Woodlands, appears in \"\"\"\" for the PlayStation Portable. \"\"\"\" (also known as \"\"Seven Dwarfs: The Queen's Return\"\") is a 2013 free-to-play mobile game. A non-canonical continuation of the film, the Queen has survived the fall at the climax of the film and then reverted to her youthful form to cast a curse on", "\"Huntsman (Snow White)\"\nher 'death' was staged by Freya, who used her magic to make Eric see Sara's death while Sara saw Eric apparently leave her behind. Eric is able to convince Sara of the deception, but Freya briefly uses the mirror to resurrect Ravenna, only for Freya to assist her huntsmen in killing Ravenna when she learns that her sister was responsible for the death of her baby daughter. In \"\"Ever After High\"\", the character Hunter Huntsman (voiced by Grant George) is the son of the Huntsman. Huntsman (Snow White) The Huntsman is a fictional character in \"\"Snow White\"\". When the Evil", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\nmen are killed, while William reveals himself. William joins the group which continues the journey to Hammond's castle. Halfway to Duke Hammond's castle, Queen Ravenna disguises herself as William and tempts Snow White into eating a poisoned apple, but is forced to flee when the Huntsman and William discover her. William kisses Snow White, whose body is taken to Hammond's castle. As she lies in repose, the Huntsman professes his regret for not saving Snow White, who reminds him of his late wife, Sara; and he kisses her. The spell broken, Snow White awakens and walks into the courtyard; rallying", "\"Revolting Rhymes\"\ntop. Jack's mother sends him up to fetch them, but when Jack hears the giant threaten to eat him after the giant smells him, he descends without collecting any of the gold. Jack's mother then ascends herself after accusing Jack of being smelly, but is eaten. Undeterred, Jack decides to bathe, and then climbs up and collects the leaves himself, as the giant is now unable to smell him since he is clean. Now rich, Jack resolves to bathe every day. \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" begins familiarly, but after the huntsman agrees not to kill Snow White, she", "\"Snow White\"\nbring back Snow White’s heart. While the heart is mentioned, it is never shown in the box. Snow White is much more mature (about 14). And she is discovered by the dwarfs after \"\"cleaning\"\" the house, not vandalizing it. Furthermore, in the Disney movie the evil queen tries only once to kill Snow White (by a poisoned apple) and fails (this was likely to save time). She then dies by falling down a cliff and being crushed by a boulder, after the dwarfs had chased her through the forest. In the original, the queen is forced to dance to death.", "\"Huntsman (Snow White)\"\nshowed the Evil Queen's hag form having survived the fall, the Huntsman had gotten his revenge on the Evil Queen by setting fire to her castle just as her hag form on a stretcher and the two royal guards that were loyal to her returned to the burning castle. In the musical adaptation, the Huntsman is seen with the Prince when they tell the King of the Evil Queen's plot to dispose of Snow White. The Huntsman appears in the \"\"Snow White\"\" episode of \"\"Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics\"\" voiced by Mike Reynolds in the English dub. He is sent by", "\"Histórias Que Nossas Babás Não Contavam\"\n\"\"high yellow\"\", \"\"morena clara\"\" in full). Also the name \"\"Clara das Neves\"\" may be read as a real person's name. The forest in the film is a jungle home to wild animals such as jaguars, monkeys, and some odd white rabbits. Snow White dances to a samba-canção played and sung by the Dwarfs. Characters of the Dwarfs are influenced by the Disney movie. Snow White lives in the castle with her father and her stepmother. Prince is her stepmother's lover. Her father dies and her stepmother banishes Snow White. Prince and Snow White meet accidentally and start a love affair.", "\"Snow White (Disney character)\"\nrelationship with the Prince is void of chemistry. Roger Ebert of the \"\"Chicago Sun-Times \"\"felt that had \"\"\"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" ... been primarily about Snow White, it might have been forgotten soon after its 1937 premiere, and treasured today only for historical reasons.\"\" Ebert continued, \"\"Snow White is, truth to tell, a bit of a bore, not a character who acts but one whose mere existence inspires others to act,\"\" describing Disney's tendency to \"\"confuse the titles of his movies with their subjects\"\" as a \"\"mistake\"\" as the film is more about the dwarfs and the Evil", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)\"\nCo. Music Publishers, which continues to hold these rights. In later years, the studio was able to acquire back the rights to the music from many of the other films, but not \"\"Snow White\"\". \"\"Snow White\"\" became the first American film to have a soundtrack album, released in conjunction with the feature film. Before \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\", a film soundtrack recording was unheard of and of little value to a movie studio. At this time, Disney also encouraged his staff to see a variety of films. These ranged from the mainstream, such as MGM's \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\"", "\"Snow White\"\nbeautiful than her stepmother. When the queen asks her mirror, it tells her that Snow White is the fairest. This gives the queen a great shock. She becomes envious, and from that moment on, her heart turns against Snow White, whom the queen grows to hate increasingly with time. Eventually, the angry queen orders a huntsman to take Snow White into the forest to be killed. As proof that Snow White is dead, the queen demands that he returns with her heart, which she will consume in order to become immortal. The huntsman succeeds in taking Snow White into the", "\"King (Snow White)\"\ndid appear in the live-action musical adaption of the film. Unlike the movie itself, the King appeared in the musical adaptation. At the start of the show, the Evil Queen notices how much he loves Snow White. Rather than sharing a first dance with him, the Evil Queen lies to the King saying that she must arrange for the safety of the rest of her subjects back to her homeland in order instead. The King is later seen in the second act where he is very worried about Snow White, but the Prince and Huntsman tell him of the Evil", "\"Snow White (franchise)\"\nSnow White and the dwarfs and their entire forest. \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\", the soundtrack to the 1937 Walt Disney film, was the first commercially issued film soundtrack. It was released in January 1938 as \"\"Songs from Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (with the Same Characters and Sound Effects as in the Film of That Title)\"\" and has since seen numerous expansions and reissues. Snow White (franchise) Snow White is a Disney media franchise that began in 1937 with the theatrical release of \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\"", "\"Hazel Sewell\"\nto work with manufactured materials to create colour animations. With the creation of colour animation, Disney decided to create a full-length animated motion picture, leading to the beginning of the production process for \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". During the process, Sewell set up new departments responsible for cel cutting, cel washing, and paper punching. Sewell was also put in charge of securing materials for \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". The movie’s high demand for high-grade celluloid sheets led to constant correspondence between Sewell and the studio’s celluloid manufacturers. The final product of \"\"Snow White and the Seven", "\"Magic Mirror (Snow White)\"\nreaches the age of seven, she becomes as beautiful as the day and even more beautiful than the Queen and when the Queen asks her mirror, it responds: \"\"My Queen, you are the fairest here so true. But Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than you.\"\" This resulted in the Evil Queen enlisting a huntsman to kill Snow White and bring her Snow White's lungs and liver. After eating the lungs and liver of a boar that the Huntsman passed off as Snow White's lungs and liver, the Evil Queen asked the Magic Mirror the question \"\"Magic Mirror", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\nMeanwhile, Finn gathers another band of men to find her, and the Duke and his son William learn that she is alive. William leaves the castle on his own to find her, joining Finn's band as a bowman. The Huntsman and Snow White leave the Dark Forest, where she saves his life by charming a huge troll that attacks them. They make their way to a fishing village populated by women who have disfigured themselves to make themselves useless to the Queen. While there, the Huntsman learns Snow White's true identity, and initially leaves her in the care of the", "\"Evil Queen\"\nagain. The King's new and second wife is very beautiful, but she is also a wicked and vain woman who becomes the new and second Queen, and Snow White's stepmother. She owns a magic mirror, which one day informs her that her young stepdaughter Princess Snow White has surpassed her in beauty. After deciding to eliminate Snow White, the Queen orders her Huntsman to take the princess into the forest and kill her. The Queen tells him to bring back Snow White's lungs and liver, as proof that the princess is dead. However, the Huntsman takes pity on Snow White,", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\nand the Huntsman\"\" earned $155,332,381 in North America, along with $241,260,448 in other territories, for a worldwide total of $396,592,829. In North America, the film earned $1,383,000 from midnight showings. For its opening day, the film topped the box office with $20,468,525. It debuted in first place at the box office during its opening weekend with $56,217,700. It is the seventeenth highest-grossing 2012 film. Outside North America, \"\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\" had an opening of $39.3 million, ranking second overall for the weekend behind \"\"Men in Black 3\"\"; however, it ranked number 1 in 30 countries. \"\"Snow White and", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (book)\"\nSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs (book) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a 1938 picture book written and illustrated by Wanda Gág and published by Coward-McCann. \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" was a Caldecott Medal Honor Book in 1939. The book is a twist on the classic tale of Snow White by the Brothers Grimm. Since then it has been republished several times, including in 1999, 2004, and 2013. After the success of Walt Disney's film \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\", author Anne Carroll Moore suggested that Gág retell the story of Snow White in a", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)\"\nhigh-definition version of the movie sourced from a new restoration by Lowry Digital, a DVD copy of the film, and several bonus features not included on the 2001 DVD. This set returned to the Disney Vault on April 30, 2011. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment re-released \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" on Blu-ray and DVD on February 2, 2016, as the first of the Walt Disney Signature Collection Line. It was released on Digital HD on January 19, 2016, with bonus material. Following the film's release, a number of \"\"Snow White\"\" themed merchandise were sold, including hats, dolls, garden", "\"Romano Scarpa\"\nthe world. Many of these stories have their backgrounds in movies, for example \"\"Topolino nel favoloso regno di Shan Grillà\"\" (1961) is based upon Frank Capra's \"\"Lost Horizon\"\" (1937); not to talk about all the stories starring Snow White or the Seven Dwarfs, obviously based on \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" (1937). Sometimes the exact opposite happened; the Italian movie \"\"Riusciranno i nostri eroi a ritrovare l'amico misteriosamente scomparso in Africa?\"\" (1968) is based on Scarpa's story \"\"Topolino e il Pippotarzan\"\" (1957). Around 1963, Scarpa stopped writing for 6 or 7 years. In the seventies, he moved to Spain", "\"The Huntsman: Winter's War\"\nThe Huntsman: Winter's War The Huntsman: Winter's War is a 2016 American fantasy adventure film, both a prequel and sequel to \"\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\" (2012), it takes place before and after the events of the first film. The film is the directorial debut of Cedric Nicolas-Troyan, who was a visual effects supervisor and second unit director on the first film. It is written by Craig Mazin and Evan Spiliotopoulos, based on characters created by Evan Daugherty, which like the first film were inspired by the fairy tale \"\"Snow White\"\" compiled by the Brothers Grimm, as well as \"\"The", "\"Märchen (album)\"\nwhose white skin, red lips, and black hair earned her to name of Snow White by her dying mother. Snow White's father, the king, eventually took for his new wife a cold-hearted and vain woman who possesses a magical mirror that tells her that she is the most beautiful in the land. But when Snow White reached an age where her beauty overshadows her own, the jealous Queen has a huntsman take Snow White deep into the forest and kill her. But the huntsman could not bring himself to commit the deed and, taking the innards of a young boar", "\"Snow White (1995 film)\"\nher beautiful face, but her favorite one is a magic mirror which always speaks the absolute truth. Whenever the vain queen asks the mirror who the fairest in the land is, she always expects to be told that it is her. One day, however, the Evil Queen is shocked to hear a new answer, that Snow White is the fairest in the land. Angered, the Evil Queen sends for her royal huntsman and orders him to murder Snow White so that she can be the fairest in the land once again. The Huntsman, unable to harm Snow White, tells her", "\"The Huntsman: Winter's War\"\nscale. The Huntsman: Winter's War The Huntsman: Winter's War is a 2016 American fantasy adventure film, both a prequel and sequel to \"\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\" (2012), it takes place before and after the events of the first film. The film is the directorial debut of Cedric Nicolas-Troyan, who was a visual effects supervisor and second unit director on the first film. It is written by Craig Mazin and Evan Spiliotopoulos, based on characters created by Evan Daugherty, which like the first film were inspired by the fairy tale \"\"Snow White\"\" compiled by the Brothers Grimm, as well as", "\"Sam Claflin\"\nin 2011's \"\"\"\", the fourth instalment of the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" film series. For the film, he received a nomination in the 17th Empire Awards for \"\"Best Male Newcomer.\"\" In 2012, he appeared as Jack in the six-episode miniseries \"\"White Heat\"\". Later that year, he played a supporting role in the 2012 film \"\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\", as William, Snow White's childhood friend. He received a nomination in the 2012 Teen Choice Awards for the category \"\"Best Movie Breakout.\"\" Also in 2012, he was cast in the lead role in Hammer Films' \"\"The Quiet Ones\"\", which was filmed", "\"Snow White (1987 film)\"\nSnow White (1987 film) Snow White is a 1987 American musical/fantasy film based on the classic fairytale and released as part of the \"\"Cannon Movie Tales\"\" series. The film was released straight to video. In August 2005 it was released on Region 1 DVD by MGM. The film opens with a handsome young prince traveling through the forest in winter with his men. In a forest glen, the prince finds Snow White lying in a glass coffin. The seven dwarfs arrive and tell the Prince of Snow White's story through flashback. A courageous King and his fair Queen rule their", "\"Snow White\"\nqueen and the Seven Dwarfs. The seven dwarfs were first given individual names in the 1912 Broadway play \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" and then given different names in Walt Disney's 1937 film \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". The Grimm story, which is commonly referred to as \"\"Snow White\"\", should not be confused with the story of \"\"Snow-White and Rose-Red\"\" (in German \"\"\"\"Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot\"\"\"\"), another fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm. In the Aarne–Thompson folklore classification, tales of this kind are grouped together as type 709, Snow White. Others of this kind include \"\"Bella Venezia\"\", \"\"Myrsina\"\",", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (book)\"\nare treasures, loaded with details\"\" and that \"\"inventive compositions and an asymmetrical picture shape are key features in Gág’s works\"\". Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (book) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a 1938 picture book written and illustrated by Wanda Gág and published by Coward-McCann. \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" was a Caldecott Medal Honor Book in 1939. The book is a twist on the classic tale of Snow White by the Brothers Grimm. Since then it has been republished several times, including in 1999, 2004, and 2013. After the success of Walt Disney's film \"\"Snow", "\"Snow White (franchise)\"\nthe Evil Queen (from \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\") and Disney Villains. The film features clips from Disney movies plus shorts and songs. \"\"Descendants\"\" is a live-action Disney Channel Original movie based on the lives of the children of various Disney heroes and villains when they attend the same prep school. Evil Queen appears as one of the main antagonists of the film. Snow White also makes a minor appearance as a television reporter. The film also includes Evil Queen's daughter, Evie, and Dopey's son, Doug. Disney's animated television series \"\"Disney's House of Mouse\"\" included many Disney animated character", "\"Snow White (1995 film)\"\naround Snow White's neck, which makes her unable to breathe. However, the Dwarfs come home and untie the laces, saving Snow White's life. The second time the Evil Queen goes disguised as old man and puts a poison comb in Snow White's hair, but the Dwarfs come to Snow White's rescue once again. The third time the Evil Queen is disguised as a little girl selling apples. She offers Snow White half of a poisoned apple, and when Snow White bites into it, she falls to the ground, seemingly dead. This time, the dwarfs are unable to save Snow White.", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\nthe Huntsman\"\" received mixed reviews from critics. The film has a 48% score on Rotten Tomatoes based on 221 reviews, with an average rating of 5.6/10. The site's consensus states: \"\"While it offers an appropriately dark take on the fairy tale that inspired it, \"\"Snow White & the Huntsman\"\" is undone by uneven acting, problematic pacing, and a confused script.\"\" On Metacritic, the film has a score of 57 out of 100, based on 39 critics, indicating \"\"mixed or average reviews\"\". CinemaScore polls conducted revealed the average grade that filmgoers gave the film was a \"\"B\"\" on an A+ to", "\"Snow White\"\nqueen laces her up so tightly that Snow White faints, but the dwarfs return just in time, and Snow White revives when the dwarfs loosen the laces. Next, the queen dresses as a comb seller and convinces Snow White to take a beautiful comb as a present; she brushes Snow White's hair with the poisoned comb and the girl faints again, but she is again revived by the dwarfs when they remove the comb from her hair. Last, the queen, disguising herself as a poor woman, offers Snow White a poisoned apple to her; at first Snow White is hesitant", "\"Evil Queen (Disney)\"\nHD remake of \"\"Castle of Illusion\"\", Mizrabel looks like a cross between the Queen and Maleficent in her youthful form and professes her ambition to be \"\"the fairest of them all\"\". In the 1949 audiobook release, the Queen (voiced by Eleanor Audley) wears a yellow dress and a red cape. She tells the Huntsman to take Snow White to the forest and leave her there to die. In the end of the book, after being chased by the dwarfs, the Queen dies when she slips while climbing the mountain and falls into the sea. The novel \"\"Fairest of All: A", "\"The Huntsman: Winter's War\"\nto her. Snow White's own magical spy/scryer. (Though this scene seems to have been excised from consequent broadcast versions.) A sequel to \"\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\" was initially planned with director Rupert Sanders in talks to return. The sequel plans were changed in August 2012 to a spin-off film concentrating on the Huntsman instead. Universal announced a few days later that they were not shelving the sequel. Another report stated that Universal authorised a sequel with Stewart set to reprise her role, but without Sanders to return as the director. A script was written and production was set to", "\"Huntsman (Snow White)\"\nand orders her to flee as far away from the kingdom as she can. The Huntsman appears in the first season of \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\" played by Jamie Dornan. The Huntsman is a nameless hunter who is a solitary recluse, raised by wolves. He considers the wolves to be his true family, and is greatly saddened by the deaths of animals. He is considered by the Evil Queen Regina the perfect assassin, and is hired to kill Snow White, though he spares her for selflessness. When he offers the Queen a stag's heart instead, she realizes she has been", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\nStewart's efforts.\"\" Scott Foundas states that \"\"Stewart’s Snow White... pouts her lips, bats her bedroom eyes, and scarcely seems to have more on her mind than who might take her to the senior prom—let alone the destiny of an entire kingdom.\"\" Richard Roeper gave the movie a B+, calling it \"\"Vastly superior to \"\"Mirror, Mirror\"\"\"\", and praising Theron and Stewart's performances. A sequel was planned, with director Rupert Sanders in talks to return. In August 2012, \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" reported that the sequel was shelved in the aftermath of the scandal involving Sanders cheating on his wife with Stewart and", "\"Disney Princess\"\nwas greater than hers. She asked the Huntsman to kill the princess; however, as an act of pity, he ends up setting her free and telling her the Evil Queen's plan. Snow White is often described as a kind, optimistic, tidy and happy person who sees the good in everyone. Originally voiced by Adriana Caselotti and animated by Marc Davis and Les Clark, she and her movie are based on the heroine and story of the German fairy tale \"\"Snow White\"\" (1812) by the Brothers Grimm. She has also been voiced by Mary Kay Bergman, Carolyn Gardener, Katherine Von Till,", "\"Snow White 2\"\nSnow White 2 \"\"Snow White 2\"\" is a special episode of the award-winning British comedy television series \"\"The Goodies\"\". This episode is also known as \"\"Pantomime\"\" and \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". This episode was made by LWT for ITV. Written by The Goodies, with songs and music by Bill Oddie. Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the pantomime ... The Goodies live next door to \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". When \"\"Snow White\"\" runs away with a handsome prince, she arranges for the dwarfs to be garden gnomes. When only four of", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (soundtrack)\"\nnot used include two songs for the Dwarfs: The soundtrack was first issued as a collection (Victor J-8) of three 78rpm singles. Each of the singles became a Top 10 hit simultaneously in February 1938. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (soundtrack) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the soundtrack to the 1937 Walt Disney film, was the first commercially issued film soundtrack. It was released in January 1938 as \"\"Songs from Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (with the Same Characters and Sound Effects as in the Film of That Title)\"\" and has since seen numerous expansions", "\"Someday My Prince Will Come\"\nKing\"\" at No. 99. The song was then briefly sung on the 1971 sitcom All in the Family by Edith Bunker in the episode \"\"Archie's Weighty Problem\"\". Someday My Prince Will Come \"\"Someday My Prince Will Come\"\" is a popular song from Walt Disney's 1937 animated movie \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". It was written by Larry Morey (lyrics) & Frank Churchill (music), and performed by Adriana Caselotti (Snow White's voice in the movie). It was also featured in the 1979 stage adaptation of the 1937 animated musical movie. In AFI's 100 Years...100 Songs, it was ranked the 19th", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)\"\nfeature film \"\"Gulliver's Travels\"\" in order to compete with \"\"Snow White\"\". The 1943 \"\"Merrie Melodies\"\" short \"\"Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs\"\", directed by Bob Clampett, parodies \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" by presenting the story with an all-black cast singing a jazz score. \"\"Snow White's\"\" success led to Disney moving ahead with more feature-film productions. Walt Disney used much of the profits from \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" to finance a new $4.5 million studio in Burbank – the location on which The Walt Disney Studios is located to this day. Within two years, the studio completed", "\"Snow White (Disney character)\"\nher that it is the Queen in disguise. Snow White bites into the apple and falls into a coma. Upon discovering what had happened, the dwarfs track down the Queen; a short fight ensues and the Queen is killed. Believing her dead too, the dwarfs build an open grave for Snow White to rest on. Time passes and the Prince comes across Snow White. Saddened by her apparent death, he kisses her, causing her to awaken. As the Seven Dwarfs dance with joy, Snow White and the Prince go off to live together happily ever after. Snow White is a", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)\"\nDoc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, and Dopey—who work in a nearby mine. Returning home, they are alarmed to find their cottage clean and suspect that an intruder has invaded their home. The dwarfs find Snow White upstairs, asleep across three of their beds. Snow White awakes to find the dwarfs at her bedside and introduces herself, and all of the dwarfs eventually welcome her into their home after she offers to clean and cook for them. Snow White keeps house for the dwarfs while they mine for jewels during the day, and at night they all sing, play music", "\"Snow White and the Huntsman\"\nevil queen.\"\" Michael O'Sullivan of the \"\"Washington Post\"\" also gave the film a negative review: \"\"Overlong, overcrowded, overstimulating and with an over-the-top performance by Charlize Theron as the evil queen Ravenna, the movie is a virtual orchard of toxic excess, starting with the unnecessarily sprawling cast of characters.\"\" Lisa Kennedy of the \"\"Denver Post\"\" gave the film two out of four stars and said, \"\"Only Bob Hoskins as the blind seer Muir comes close to making us care. We can almost glean Snow White's heroic possibilities through his clouded eyes. As much as we'd like to, we certainly can't from", "\"Evil Queen (Disney)\"\nkill Snow White because the Queen's might feed him to her panthers or shrink him magically \"\"to the size of a walnut\"\". In one 1937 novelization, the Queen vows the Huntsman would pay dearly for allowing her stepdaughter to escape, but first she would deal with Snow White herself. In another version, the Huntsman would too be dragged to the dungeon when the Queen finds out that he has betrayed her, and the Queen might smash her own Mirror in anger. The envious Queen would also decide to take possession of Snow White's attractive young suitor, the 18-year-old Prince (described", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)\"\nMusic Hall: In total revenue during its original release, \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" grossed $3.5 million in the United States and Canada, and by May 1939 its gross internationally amounted to $6.5 million, making it the most successful sound film of all time, displacing Al Jolson's \"\"The Singing Fool\"\" (1928) (\"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" was soon displaced from this position by \"\"Gone with the Wind\"\" in 1940). By the end of its original run, \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" had earned $7,846,000 in international box office receipts. This earned RKO a profit of $380,000. \"\"Snow", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)\"\nby her apparent death, he kisses her, which breaks the spell and awakens her. The dwarfs and animals all rejoice as the Prince takes Snow White to his castle. Development on \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" began in early 1934, and in June 1934, Walt Disney announced the production of his first feature, to be released under Walt Disney Productions, to \"\"The New York Times\"\". One evening that same year, Disney acted out the entire story of \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" to his staff, announcing that the film would be produced as a feature-length film. Before \"\"Snow", "\"Once Upon a Halloween\"\nOnce Upon a Halloween Once Upon a Halloween is a 2005 direct-to-video film in DVD made by Walt Disney Home Entertainment of Walt Disney Pictures, featuring Evil Queen (from \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\") and Disney Villains. The film which features clips from Disney movies plus shorts and songs. On the night before Halloween, the Evil Queen from \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" plans to conquer Halloween, and asks her cauldron to show you several villains, to which one of them helps her in her plan, such as Peg Leg Pete from \"\"Mickey & Co.\"\", Ursula from \"\"The", "\"Pery Ribeiro\"\nPery Ribeiro Pery Ribeiro (27 October 1937 – 24 February 2012) was a Brazilian singer of bossa nova, MPB and jazz, active as a singer from 1959 until shortly before his death. Pery Ribeiro was born Peri Oliveira Martins on 27 October 1937, son of the singer Dalva de Oliveira (1917–1972) and singer-songwriter Herivelto Martins (1912–1992). Ribeiro began his performing career as a child, dubbing the voice of the dwarf Bashful in the Walt Disney movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, while his mother dubbed the voice of Snow White. In addition, he participated in the incomplete Orson Welles", "\"Snow White (Disney character)\"\nAcademy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. There was also an honorary custom-made Academy Award with the standard Oscar statuette and seven small statuettes that represented the seven dwarfs. Snow White is one of the few fictional characters with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. On June 18, 2013, the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted the trademark application of Disney Enterprises, Inc. (filed November 19, 2008), for the name \"\"Snow White\"\" that covers all live and recorded movie, television, radio, stage, computer, Internet, news, and photographic entertainment uses, except literature works of fiction and nonfiction. Snow", "\"The Huntsman: Winter's War\"\nupon by Freya through sorcery (via a magical ice owl). Knowing the dark magic of the mirror can make Freya even stronger, perhaps invincible even, Eric agrees to investigate and attempt to retrieve the mirror. Reluctantly though, he allows Snow White's dwarf ally Nion and his annoying half-brother Gryff to come along. While travelling to the last known location of the soldiers, they discover they seemingly attacked each other. At a tavern later, the trio are attacked by a group of Freya's huntsmen, but are rescued by a very much still alive Sara. Sara reveals that she was imprisoned by", "\"Mario Besesti\"\nItaly's most significant, well-known dubbers during the Golden Ages. He worked for the and made collaborations with other dubbers which included Gualtiero De Angelis, Lauro Gazzolo, Carlo Romano, Wanda Tettoni and Nino Pavese. Besesti was also active in the Italian dubs of some of the early Disney animated films. He dubbed Stromboli in \"\"Pinocchio\"\", The Huntsman in \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" and Trusty in \"\"Lady and the Tramp\"\". Besesti died in Rome on 21 June 1968 at the age of 73. Mario Besesti Mario Besesti (November 20, 1894 – June 21, 1968) was an Italian actor and voice", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (soundtrack)\"\nSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs (soundtrack) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the soundtrack to the 1937 Walt Disney film, was the first commercially issued film soundtrack. It was released in January 1938 as \"\"Songs from Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (with the Same Characters and Sound Effects as in the Film of That Title)\"\" and has since seen numerous expansions and reissues. The songs in the film were written by Frank Churchill, Larry Morey and Leigh Harline. The musical score was composed by Paul J. Smith and Leigh Harline. Songs written for the film but", "\"Regina Mills\"\nloveless marriage and manipulated the Genie into killing her husband. She would later trap him inside her mirror so that she could spy upon her enemies. The following day, she hired the Huntsman to kill Snow White. After the Huntsman compassionately spared Snow, Regina took his heart and made him into her personal huntsman. Over the next several years, Regina terrorized the kingdom, longing to find Snow and kill her once and for all. Her tyrannical nature earned her the nickname the Evil Queen. Before he was to be executed by King George, Regina captured Prince Charming, a former shepherd", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1955 film)\"\nversion was released officially in the United States by Catcom Home Video/Krb Music and then re-issued in 2007. PR Studios then re-issued the DVD in 2008. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1955 film) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (USA: \"\"Snow White\"\", ) is a 1955 German film, directed by Erich Kobler, based on the story of Schneewittchen by the Brothers Grimm. Neuschwanstein Castle, in Bavaria, Germany was used as a film set. The Seven Dwarfs were all played by children from children's dance group led by Suse Böhm. In 2007, \"\"Schneewittchen\"\" was released on DVD in Germany. The", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)\"\nin its entirety before being cut, showed Doc and Grumpy arguing about whether Snow White should stay with them. Another, also completely animated, would have shown the dwarfs eating soup noisily and messily; Snow White unsuccessfully attempts to teach them how to eat 'like gentlemen'. A partially animated sequence involved the dwarfs holding a \"\"lodge meeting\"\" in which they try to think of a gift for Snow White; this was to be followed by the elaborate 'bed building sequence', in which the dwarfs and the forest animals construct and carve a bed for the princess. This also was cut, as", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1955 film)\"\nSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1955 film) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (USA: \"\"Snow White\"\", ) is a 1955 German film, directed by Erich Kobler, based on the story of Schneewittchen by the Brothers Grimm. Neuschwanstein Castle, in Bavaria, Germany was used as a film set. The Seven Dwarfs were all played by children from children's dance group led by Suse Böhm. In 2007, \"\"Schneewittchen\"\" was released on DVD in Germany. The film was also part of five DVD boxset, which contained other classic live-action German fairytale films made in the 1950s. In 2003, the American English-dubbed DVD", "\"Seven Dwarfs\"\nthe Tinker Bell movie story. Disa and Evan Spiliotopoulos pitched a \"\"Lord of the Rings\"\"-style epic for the dwarfs while \"\"connecting seamlessly\"\" with the original movie, which was given permission to move forward. With interfering managers wanting a tragic back story for Dopey, Disa decided that he could not go forward. Walt Disney Animation Studios chief creative officer John Lasseter about two month later ended production on the film. \"\"The 7D\"\" is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation franchise based on \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\". This series is the first Walt Disney Animation Studios", "\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)\"\nand the Seven Dwarfs are also featured in parades and character appearances throughout the parks. Disneyland's Fantasyland Theater hosted \"\"Snow White: An Enchanting Musical\"\" from 2004 to 2006. Unknown Mary Jo Salerno played Snow White in the Disney-produced \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" (also known as \"\"Snow White Live!\"\") at the Radio City Music Hall. Music and lyrics for four new songs were created by Jay Blackton and Joe Cook, respectively; titles included \"\"Welcome to the Kingdom of Once Upon a Time\"\" and \"\"Will I Ever See Her Again?\"\". It ran from October 18 to November 18, 1979, and", "\"Snow White Grotto\"\nof forced perspective to make the statues work. He put Snow white at the top of the waterfall with a Disney-made small deer and put the dwarfs close to ground-level, making Snow White to appear further away, and thus smaller. One rumor as to the origin of the statues is that they were \"\"a gift from an Italian sculptor that had never seen the film, but owned a set of soaps in the form of the princess and the dwarfs. Unfortunately, Snow White was the same size as the dwarfs in the soap set, so the sculptor made her that" ]
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when does ant and dec saturday night takeaway 2018 start
[ "24 February 2018" ]
[ "\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\nAnt & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway (referred to simply as Saturday Night Takeaway or SNT) is a British television variety show, presented by Ant & Dec, both of whom also act as the show's executive producers, and broadcast on ITV since its premiere on 8 June 2002. Its format is heavily influenced by previous Saturday night light entertainment shows, most notably \"\"Noel's House Party\"\" and \"\"Don't Forget Your Toothbrush\"\", while individual items often pay homage to Saturday night TV of the past, such as \"\"Opportunity Knocks\"\". The show is notable for a quiz show", "\"Ant & Dec\"\nCharles on 27 January 2017. Following the brief ceremony, the pair said: Law firm Olswang were commissioned to investigate the 2005 British Comedy Awards when the producers overturned the voting public's first choice, \"\"The Catherine Tate Show\"\" in favour of \"\"Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" for the People's Choice Award. The incident was also the subject of an investigation by media regulator Ofcom. Following allegations of fraud in 2007, an investigation by auditors Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu discovered that two shows, \"\"Ant & Dec's Gameshow Marathon\"\" and \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", had defrauded viewers participating in phone-ins. The", "\"Ant & Dec\"\nepisodes was broadcast in 2008, but failed to attract enough interest for a second series to be commissioned. \"\"What You Wrote\"\", another format created by the duo, was due to air in Autumn 2008 but was reportedly axed by ITV. In 2010, the duo debuted a replacement for \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", entitled \"\"Ant & Dec's Push the Button\"\". The series was a success albeit not in the same way as \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", and a second run of the programme was broadcast in 2011 but Ant and Dec later dropped the show in favour of reviving \"\"Saturday", "\"Ant & Dec\"\n\"\"Play Your Cards Right\"\", \"\"Bullseye\"\", \"\"Take Your Pick!\"\", \"\"The Golden Shot\"\" and \"\"Sale of the Century\"\". In 2002, Ant & Dec created and presented their own show, entitled \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". The show has so far run for fifteen series, with the latest, including the 100th episode, airing in early 2018. The first series was not an overall success, but with the introduction of \"\"Ant & Dec Undercover\"\", \"\"What's Next?\"\", \"\"Ant v Dec\"\" and \"\"Little Ant and Dec\"\", the show became a hit. During the fourth series, Dec broke his arm, thumb and suffered a concussion whilst", "\"Scarlett Moffatt\"\nwas younger and thinking, 'Females can present entertainment shows too. I want to do that when I'm older. It's such a fun show and it's two of my favourite things to do, chat to randomers and a love story.\"\" In January 2017, she was the backstage presenter for the \"\"National Television Awards\"\". On 9 January 2017, it was announced that Moffatt would be joining Ant & Dec on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". \"\"I've watched Saturday Night Takeaway with my family for as long as I can remember, I'm such a huge fan, so to be part of one", "\"SMTV Live\"\nhas been attributed in equal parts to Ant & Dec's original presenting partnership with Cat Deeley, its use of thinly veiled comedic innuendo aimed at older viewers, and its broadcast of the Japanese anime series \"\"Pokémon\"\". At the height of its popularity, \"\"SMTV Live\"\" regularly attracted 2.5 million viewers. Ant & Dec's former company Gallowgate Holdings Limited currently owns the rights to the show. During the final episode of the fourteenth series of \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on 8 April 2017, Ant & Dec asked Deeley if she would be up for an \"\"SMTV\"\" reunion in 2018 to", "\"Stephen Mulhern\"\npresented \"\"Pick Me!\"\", a daytime game show for ITV as well as ITV's annual charity telethon \"\"Text Santa\"\". In March 2015, Mulhern became a victim of the Ant & Dec Undercover segment on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". This involved Ant & Dec turning up at Mulhern's pantomime whilst he was in a production of Sleeping Beauty and landing him in all sorts of trouble, such as wetting his costumes, ruining his magic tricks and mixing his music records up. In February 2016, Stephen became the presenter of the 'Ant vs Dec' segment on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night", "\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\nof the tour's version of \"\"Ant vs. Dec\"\". Demand for tickets was high, and led to extra dates and venues being added on 28 November 2013, along with some shows having their dates rearranged. The tour ran for only one series of shows, between August - September 2014 across various cities in the United Kingdom, including London, Cardiff, Birmingham, Manchester, and Glasgow, and also in Dublin, Ireland. A board game of the show was released in 2016, under licensing by Paul Lamond Games. The success of \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" led to the creation of a number of international versions: Ant", "\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\nwhom either worked with/had worked with the pair and/or Cowell. The format was well liked, and led to a second mini-serial being created for the fourteenth series, entitled \"\"The Missing Crown Jewels\"\", in which the presenters became members of a special organisation called \"\"Honoured\"\", after receiving OBEs, whereupon their first mission is to recover the crown jewels from a mysterious villain. Both mini-serial were later condensed into a special feature-length episodes under the title of \"\"Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway Presents...\"\", and broadcast in late December 2017. A third mini-serial was later created for the fifteenth series, entitled \"\"Saturday", "\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\nProgramme, alongside the presenters winning the award for Entertainment Performance in 2014 and 2015 respectively. Since its thirteenth series in 2016, the show has aired its series finale outside of the UK. In 2017, \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" became the first UK show to be aired live from Walt Disney World, which it repeated again in 2018 for its series finale being aired live from Universal Orlando. On 3 March 2018, the show celebrated its 100th episode, while the penultimate episode of the fifteenth series on 31 March was the final one to be aired from The London Studios, before the", "\"Ant & Dec\"\nand a board game of the series were released during 2004. The show was rested after 2009 as Ant & Dec said they were running out of ideas and it became stale, as many of the popular features such as \"\"Little Ant & Dec\"\" and \"\"Undercover\"\" were dropped. \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" returned in 2013 and was a massive success; Ant & Dec resurrected previous hit features such as \"\"Undercover\"\", \"\"Little Ant and Dec\"\" (albeit with a new Little Ant and Dec) Win the Ads and Ant v Dec, with new host Ashley Roberts. They also brought in new features such", "\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\nstudio's closure for redevelopment as had been announced in February 2017. Starting from the sixteenth series, the programme will be aired from the newly redeveloped Television Centre; it is currently scheduled to start airing in 2020, following the decision by Anthony McPartlin to suspend his TV duties. The general set up for each episode is a selection of segments consisting of specially crafted games, comedy/entertainment films, participation by either a studio audience member, or unsuspecting viewer/public member, and a show finale consisting of a performance by a musician, dance group, singer, or group performers. Episodes of \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" are", "\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\nKnight Takeaway\"\", with the plot focusing on the presenters' tackling their second mission for the Honoured by finding out who is kidnapping its members, including the organisations' leader. Episodes On 31 October 2013, it was announced that a live tour of the show, under the title \"\"Takeaway on Tour\"\", would be co-produced between Ant & Dec, James Grant Live, and ITV Studios. Presented by the show's hosts, with Kim Gavin as the tour's artistic director, it featured appearances by various celebrities and performers and a number of segments from the programme, including an appearance by Ashley Roberts as the host", "\"Little and Large\"\nto run The \"\"Little\"\" Restaurant at The Strawberry Gardens pub and now runs a restaurant in the oldest pub in his hometown of Fleetwood called The Steamer. Eddie Large remains in showbusiness. Large said in an interview in 2010 that he had not spoken to Syd Little for several years. Little is a member of the showbiz association \"\"Christians in Entertainment\"\" run by Pastor Chris Gidney. In 2018, both Little and Large appeared on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" featuring in their sketch serial \"\"Saturday Knight Takeaway\"\". Little and Large Little and Large were a British comedy double act", "\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\nthe programme. In the majority of episodes, the opening titles are preceded by a cold open scene involving the hosts performing a comedy sketch, similar to the cold openings of US light entertainment programme \"\"Saturday Night Live\"\" and usually with celebrity guests for the episode, which ended with them or the celebrities saying - \"\"Roll the titles!\"\" Throughout the show's history, the programme has featured a variety of different segments, some based on notable elements in Saturday night TV. However, \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" features a regular selection of segments that it uses frequently in the majority of its episodes. These", "\"Ashley Roberts\"\na Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!\"\". She finished as the runner-up behind Charlie Brooks. In December 2012, it was confirmed that Roberts would be one of the judges on the British celebrity skating show \"\"Dancing on Ice\"\", from its eighth series. She returned as a judge for its ninth and final series in 2014. She hosted the \"\"Ant vs Dec\"\" segment on the revived version of \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" from 2013 to 2016. She also hosted \"\"1st Look\"\" on NBC from 2016 until 2018. In December 2014, Roberts was announced as a contestant for the second series", "\"The Keith Lemon Sketch Show\"\nhis mother. He reappeared in the 2018 series \"\"Keith Lemon - Coming In America\"\", where he has shown to have migrated to America. A bizarre take on Embarrassing Bodies. The host of the show is Dr Chrispian, a strange version of real-life host and doctor, Dr Christian Jessen. Dr Chrispian is a somewhat egotistical centaur with an \"\"incredible physique\"\". Ant & Dec go undercover for \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" but it sees their costumes as unrealistic and not very convincing. A new sketch was introduced in series 2 featuring Ant and Dec which was based on \"\"I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out", "\"Ant & Dec\"\nprogrammes were subject to a further investigation by Ofcom which found that between January 2003 and October 2006 \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" had: Between September and October 2005, \"\"Ant & Dec's Gameshow Marathon\"\" had: The pair were ridiculed for their alleged participation in the fraud on the front cover of the satirical magazine \"\"Private Eye\"\". On 10 September 2008, Ant & Dec announced that the frauds \"\"will never happen again\"\", insisting that a \"\"high-tech system\"\" and strict rules will ensure viewers cannot lose out with poorly monitored premium rate phone lines. On 30 September 2008, it was reported", "\"SMTV Live\"\n\"\"I lost on Challenge Ant\"\". Although most went forward with the Killer Question, only three challengers decided to go home with the prizes they had already won. Celebrity games were also played, and on Ant's birthday, Ant and Dec played together against their then girlfriends, Lisa Armstrong (who Ant married in 2006) and Clare Buckfield. The game was featured in the short-lived primetime show \"\"Slap Bang with Ant & Dec\"\", (the forerunner to \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\") only this time played by elderly contestants. A version involving Brian Dowling entitled \"\"Brian's Brain\"\" was introduced following Ant and Dec's departure. \"\"Challenge Ant\"\"", "\"Ant & Dec\"\nAnt & Dec Ant & Dec are an English TV presenting duo, consisting of Anthony McPartlin (born 18 November 1975) and Declan Donnelly (born 25 September 1975), from Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Formed after their meeting as actors on CBBC's drama, \"\"Byker Grove\"\", they performed together as pop musicians PJ & Duncan, the names of their characters from \"\"Byker Grove\"\". The duo have since led successful careers as television presenters, with hosting credits including \"\"SMTV Live\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Friends Like These\"\", \"\"Pop Idol\"\", \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", \"\"I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!\"\", \"\"PokerFace\"\", \"\"Push the Button\"\", \"\"Britain's", "\"Ant & Dec\"\nbudget at the box office. It has since gained a cult following from fans of the pair. In 2013, they reprised their roles as P.J and Duncan on Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway. 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 Ant & Dec Ant & Dec are an English TV presenting duo, consisting of Anthony McPartlin (born 18 November 1975) and Declan Donnelly (born 25 September 1975), from Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Formed after their meeting as actors on CBBC's drama, \"\"Byker Grove\"\", they performed together as", "\"Anthony McPartlin\"\n– along with talent shows – \"\"Pop Idol\"\", and \"\"Britain's Got Talent\"\" – and entertainment programmes – \"\"I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!\"\", and \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". The pair continued to maintain work in acting, starring in a tribute to \"\"The Likely Lads\"\", in the form of a remake of an episode from the show's sequel \"\"Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads?\"\" entitled \"\"No Hiding Place\"\". In 2006, McPartlin and Donnelly starred together in the film \"\"Alien Autopsy\"\". In 2007, it was discovered that two shows, \"\"Ant & Dec's Gameshow Marathon\"\" and \"\"Ant & Dec's", "\"Ant & Dec\"\nDec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" which powered the song to number one on the UK iTunes chart and on Sunday 31 March 2013 the track was revealed as the Official UK Number 1 single on The Official Chart on BBC Radio 1. All money made from the re-release was donated to charity. Ant & Dec got their first presenting job in 1994, while they were still releasing music under the alias of PJ & Duncan. They co-presented a Saturday-morning children's show entitled \"\"Gimme 5\"\", which was broadcast on CITV. The show only lasted two series before being dropped from the airwaves.", "\"David Dickinson\"\nhave been owned by the Doctor when he was played by Jon Pertwee. Dickinson described the extractor as \"\"a bit of a bobby dazzler\"\". In March 2014, Dickinson appeared in the eleventh series of \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". The duo disguised themselves with prosthetics and fake accents to dupe Dickinson into believing there was a live argument and subsequent car crash on the set of his new 'fake' show \"\"Long Lost Treasures\"\". During the aftermath of the wind up and following the big reveal from Ant & Dec, Dickinson said \"\"you two have done me up like a", "\"Up All Night (Take That song)\"\nUp All Night (Take That song) \"\"Up All Night\"\" is the second single from British group Take That's fifth studio album, \"\"The Circus\"\" (2008). Released on 2 March 2009, it was the second single from the album \"\"The Circus\"\". The single was only released in the UK and Ireland. The band performed \"\"Up All Night\"\" on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on 21 February 2009. It was the second live performance of the song, after they performed the song on ITV's \"\"Take That Come to Town\"\". The band also performed the song on BBC's \"\"Comic Relief Does Top of", "\"It's a Beautiful Day (Michael Bublé song)\"\nhim. On March 23, 2013 he performed the song live on long-running German-language entertainment television show \"\"Wetten, dass..?\"\". He also performed the song live on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on March 30, 2013, and during his performance, Ant & Dec, Simon Cowell and Lewis Hamilton left the ITV studios on a golf buggy, and ran into a pub, Bublé then walks across the studio to find cardboard cutouts of Ant & Dec, he then leaves the studio with his band singing and walks to the pub and has a go at the karaoke version of \"\"Let's Get Ready", "\"Up All Night (Take That song)\"\nfilming. Up All Night (Take That song) \"\"Up All Night\"\" is the second single from British group Take That's fifth studio album, \"\"The Circus\"\" (2008). Released on 2 March 2009, it was the second single from the album \"\"The Circus\"\". The single was only released in the UK and Ireland. The band performed \"\"Up All Night\"\" on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on 21 February 2009. It was the second live performance of the song, after they performed the song on ITV's \"\"Take That Come to Town\"\". The band also performed the song on BBC's \"\"Comic Relief Does Top", "\"Wayne Sleep\"\nin a performance of High Society and appeared as the Emcee in \"\"Cabaret\"\". Sleep also appeared in the 2008 series of \"\"Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" as a team member in the feature Ant v. Dec. On the first show, Ant's team lost the challenge which meant Ant had to choose one of the team members to be eliminated and chose Sleep. In January 2011, Sleep featured on British reality cooking show \"\"Come Dine with Me\"\", with presenter Terry Christian, Labour MP Diane Abbott and model Danielle Lloyd. In August 2013, Sleep joined ITV's dance show, \"\"Stepping Out\"\" as", "\"Claudia Rosencrantz\"\nnext generation of entertainment events, \"\"I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!\"\", \"\"Hell's Kitchen\"\", \"\"The X Factor\"\" and \"\"Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" remain some of ITV's highest rated shows. She is credited with shifting presenters Ant & Dec from children's television to an entertainment double act for a general audience, and for putting Simon Cowell on television. Rosencrantz was also responsible for running ITV's entertainment talent roster – a list that included Simon Cowell, Ant and Dec Chris Tarrant, Michael Parkinson, Sharon Osbourne, Paul O'Grady, Gordon Ramsay, Davina McCall, and Harry Hill. Before her departure at the", "\"Bob Holness\"\nand Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" in 2004, when he presented the last round of Ant and Dec's \"\"Blockbusters\"\", with Ant as a contestant. He also had an occasional acting career in television shows including: Thriller, Rex the Runt and The Impressionable Jon Culshaw. Holness gave his support to many charities, including the children's charities Teenage Cancer Trust, Young People's Trust for the Environment and National Children's Home (now Action for Children), of which he was vice-President from 1994. On 24 November 2002, he suffered a major stroke, following which a brain scan revealed he had previously suffered a number of", "\"Dancing (Kylie Minogue song)\"\nbased videos. Minogue told \"\"Rolling Stone\"\", \"\"I always thought I could learn routines quickly, but this was different,\"\" she said. \"\"However, by the time I had to dance with the Grim Reaper at the end I had mastered it. And if that's not a funny allegory for life I don't know what is!\"\" Minogue performed \"\"Dancing\"\" for the first time on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on 24 February 2018. The song was included on the setlist of Kylie Presents Golden concerts in March 2018. On 23 March, Minogue performed the song on Sport Relief. On 12 April 2018,", "\"Ashley Roberts\"\na judge for two seasons of \"\"Dancing on Ice\"\". Roberts co-hosted \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" from 2013 to 2016; when former \"\"Gogglebox\"\" star Scarlett Moffatt took over. She has also taken part in the 2018 series of the BBC's \"\"Strictly Come Dancing\"\", where she reached the final and currently has the highest average score of any contestant. Roberts was born in Phoenix, Arizona, and attended Shadow Mountain High School. She is of Welsh descent. She began dancing at the age of three and singing at eight. Roberts' father was a drummer for the Mamas & the Papas, later", "\"Let's Get Ready to Rhumble\"\n& Dec celebrated the 100th episode of \"\"\"\" in 2000 by performing the song once again, years after retiring from the music industry, after a viewer vote where 83% requested it. In March 2013, Ant & Dec performed the song as the closing act for the \"\"End of the Show-Show\"\" segment of their ITV show \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" at the end of a series of performances by \"\"The Big Reunion\"\" special invitees. In the segment, Blue, Atomic Kitten and Five also performed. On 23 July 1994, the song entered the UK Singles Chart at number 18, it", "\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\nin which a random member of the studio audience can win prizes based on television adverts, and for a competition in each series between the two presenters. An official \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" iOS app for iPod, iPhone and iPad was released on 15 February 2013. Despite the programme enduring a three-year hiatus between 2010–2012, while its presenters worked on other projects, it was an immense success for the broadcaster since its launch. Over the course of its history, it earned notable awards, including Best Presenters at the 18th National Television Awards on 23 January 2013, and the BAFTA for Entertainment", "\"Philip Olivier\"\nin \"\"Escape from Takeaway Prison\"\", a section on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", which he won on 21 March 2009. Philip also appeared in an episode of \"\"Missing\"\", a BBC One afternoon drama, playing club owner and gangster Mark Stone in March of the same year. 2009 also saw Olivier start to perform in musicals. He starred in \"\"Never Forget\"\" which is about a Take That tribute band forming. He played the role of former stripper Dirty Harry. He also starred in the title role of the Camberley Theatre pantomime \"\"Dick Whittington\"\". On 28 September 2010 Olivier appeared in", "\"STV (TV channel)\"\nits franchises. The only mentioning of the ITV brand on Channel 3 in the STV regions occurs during live tv shows (like Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway), ITV Breakfast (\"\"Good Morning Britain\"\" and \"\"Lorraine\"\"), which operates as a separate station, networked programmes, and national ITV News bulletins. ITV is also the network sustaining feed, which is shown if technical difficulties occur at the STV studios. One such event occurred on the 20th October 2018, when an airing of a Harry Potter movie was knocked off air by an internal power cut. STV's official website,, consists of news, sport,", "\"Don't Stop Movin' (S Club 7 song)\"\nby the Official Charts Company. The songwriters acknowledged that the verse sampled Michael Jackson's \"\"Billie Jean\"\", a fact that the group claim to have spoken about widely during the single's promotion. The official music video for the song was directed by Andy Morahan. On \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", as part of Ant vs. Dec: The Teams, their challenge was to record a charity single. Ant's team sang this song as their single. They lost the challenge, however they still managed to chart at number 79 on the UK Singles Chart. Starsailor covered this song on Radio 1's Live", "\"Ant & Dec\"\nNight Takeaway\"\". Ant & Dec have also presented the game show \"\"Red or Black?\"\", a creation of Cowell's, airing live on ITV in 2011 with a second series in 2012, but this was not a ratings success and was cancelled after the second series. On 24 December 2011, they presented ITV's charity initiative \"\"Text Santa\"\" with Holly Willoughby. \"\"Text Santa\"\" returned in 2012, 2013 and 2014 with Ant & Dec co-hosting alongside Christine Bleakley, Phillip Schofield, Holly Willoughby, Alesha Dixon and Paddy McGuinness. In January 2016, Ant and Dec presented \"\"When Ant and Dec Met The Prince: 40 Years of", "\"Cuba Gooding Jr.\"\nultimately not picked up by the network. He appeared on Channel 4's \"\"Chris Moyles' Quiz Night\"\" on August 5, 2011, closing the show dueting \"\"Bad Romance\"\" with Lulu. In 2002, he was given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Gooding starred in an online video game called \"\"The Quest For The Code\"\" which focuses on juvenile asthma management. On March 3, 2018, Gooding appeared as star guest announcer on the 100th episode of ITV's \"\"Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". In 1994, Gooding married his high school sweetheart, Sara Kapfer, with whom he has three children. In 2014,", "\"The Catherine Tate Show\"\nhad received less votes than \"\"Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". In an investigation, it was revealed in May 2008 that \"\"The Catherine Tate Show\"\" was the true winner of the British Comedy Award, and that Ant and Dec were wrongly awarded; Tate had actually received more votes from the public. A report by independent law firm, Olswang, said \"\"Robbie Williams was invited to present an award. It was understood that he would be happy [to do so] if the recipients were Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly. In order to ensure his attendance, this assurance was given\"\"; however, it is", "\"British Comedy Awards\"\n\"\"mistakenly given\"\" to \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" even though \"\"The Catherine Tate Show\"\" received the most tabulated votes and should have been declared the winner, and Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly (Ant & Dec) were asked to return their 2005 award. Charged by the awards show with investigating the allegations of irregularities, the independent law firm Olswang summarized its findings as follows: \"\"Robbie Williams was invited to present an award. It was understood that he would be happy [to do so] if the recipients were Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly. In order to ensure his attendance, this assurance", "\"Will You Tolerate This?\"\nthrough modernisation. I'm looking forward to more. Come on, it's Robin Hood — he steals from the rich to give to the poor!\"\" In the unofficial overnight viewing figures, \"\"Will You Tolerate This?\"\" gained a 37% share of the total television audience available during its timeslot, which equated to an average of 8.2 million viewers across the forty-five minutes. The viewership peaked at 8.5 million. This put the programme over a million viewers ahead of the nearest competition in its timeslot, the light entertainment show \"\"Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on ITV1. \"\"Ant and Dec\"\" gained 31.1% of the", "\"Kirsty Gallacher\"\nshe presented the morning show \"\"\"\", and in 2004 began the show \"\"Simply the Best\"\". Gallacher presented the All Star Cup on Sky1 in 2005 and on ITV in 2006. She has made guest appearances on \"\"They Think It's All Over\"\" and \"\"A Question of Sport\"\". Gallacher presented \"\"Ant vs Dec\"\" – the popular strand on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". In 2005, Gallacher won the third series of the popular Channel 4 reality television series \"\"The Games\"\". She then presented the following years alongside Jamie Theakston. In December 2005, she released a DVD entitled \"\"Body Sculpt with Kirsty", "\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\nsegments include: The following is a list of segments used on the programme in the course of its history, that have since been retired: During the thirteenth series, the show aired a mini-serial of a spoof \"\"whodunnit\"\", comedy drama, starring Ant & Dec. Entitled \"\"Who Shot Simon Cowell?\"\", the serial focused on the pair becoming caught up in a mystery surrounding an incident at Cowell's birthday party, in which Cowell is mysteriously gunned down, leading to them working together to solve who did the deed. Along with themselves, the serial also featured appearances from a variety of celebrities, many of", "\"Let's Get Ready to Rhumble\"\nclimbed seven places to number 11 in its second week and climbed to number 9 in its third week. After Ant & Dec performed the song on \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on 23 March 2013, the song topped the UK Singles Chart on 31 March 2013, as predicted after charting at number one in the Midweek Chart Update on 27 March 2013. Let's Get Ready to Rhumble \"\"Let's Get Ready to Rhumble\"\" is a 1994 song by British duo Ant & Dec, who at the time were known as PJ & Duncan. The song was released in the United Kingdom on", "\"Chris Kamara\"\nRelief Bake Off\"\" and in June 2016, he provided the commentary for \"\"\"\" alongside Clive Tyldesley. Since February 2017, Kamara has provided commentary for the 'Ant vs. Dec' segment of \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". In September 2000, Chris Kamara's Street Soccer was released for the PlayStation, for which Kamara provided both commentary and some basic motion capture for player animation, with the concept of the game pre-dating the EA Sports' \"\"FIFA Street\"\" series. He was also a commentator for 2005's \"\"This Is Football\"\", alongside Peter Drury. Kamara was formerly the chairman of the panel which chooses the Football", "\"Max Beesley\"\nstarred in the BBC Three medical drama \"\"Bodies\"\", which ran from 2004 to 2007. He also starred in the BBC One series \"\"Hotel Babylon\"\" from 2006 to 2008. He left the show in March 2008, and returned for a guest appearance in one later episode. In June 2007, Beesley starred in the ITV series \"\"Talk to Me\"\". He also appeared in the film \"\"Red Roses and Petrol\"\", and in the BBC thriller \"\"The Last Enemy\"\". In September, Beesley was a guest on ITV's \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", where he and Jonathan Wilkes were successful against Ant & Dec", "\"SMTV Live\"\nmark the show's 20th anniversary, to which she accepted. After the 2017 British Academy Television Awards, Ant & Dec confirmed that ITV had green-lit the revival and the show would air in August 2018. It was postponed to 2019 in March 2018 when it will be broadcast live with the original sketches and games and featuring celebrity guests, it will be broadcast on ITV between 7-9pm. \"\"SMTV Live\"\" was originally hosted by \"\"Byker Grove\"\" stars Ant & Dec alongside former fashion model Cat Deeley. In 2001, Ant & Dec left the show to present Saturday night talent show \"\"Pop Idol\"\"", "\"Lisa Armstrong (make-up artist)\"\nat Cliveden, a country house hotel in Buckinghamshire. The couple remained married for 11 years, before eventually announcing, January 2018, that they were divorcing. The divorce was granted on 16 October 2018. Lisa Armstrong (make-up artist) Lisa Marie Armstrong (born 25 October 1976) is a former member of pop band Deuce and was make-up expert for the ITV programme \"\"This Morning\"\", until becoming make-up supervisor for the ITV quiz show \"\"Pick Me\"\" and its prime-time entertainment series \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". Armstrong was born and brought up in Blackbird Leys, Oxford, England, living with her parents and one", "\"Phillip Schofield\"\nUK. In March 2018, Schofield reprised his role as Joseph for an episode of \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". While appearing in \"\"Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat\"\", Schofield was approached to record a cover of \"\"Close Every Door\"\" to be released as a single. The single was released in December 1992 on Polydor Records and peaked at number 27 on the UK Singles Chart. In 2013, Schofield began writing for the Waitrose \"\"Weekend\"\" newspaper, and has been the face of wine in their UK stores ever since. Schofield also has a separate Twitter account about wine called @SchofeOnWine.", "\"Ant & Dec\"\nMarch 2018, they had appeared in adverts for car company Suzuki. In 2015, the pair made a cameo appearance on the U.S. adaptation of Saturday Night Takeaway, NBC's \"\"Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris\"\". The duo are also executive producers on the show. On 10 June 2016 it was announced that the duo would be awarded OBE status by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at an investiture later that year. The pair said they were both \"\"shocked, but incredibly honoured.\"\" Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly collected their awards for services to broadcasting and entertainment at Buckingham Palace from Prince", "\"The Big Reunion\"\nwas announced that the bands would perform a four-date \"\"Christmas Party tour\"\" in December 2013. Five, B*Witched, Atomic Kitten, 911, Honeyz and Liberty X all took part, but, due to their own tour commitments, Blue did not. Three more dates were then announced on 23 April 2013. For a special \"\"Big Reunion\"\" \"\"End of the show-show\"\" segment on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on 23 March 2013, Five, Atomic Kitten and Blue all performed one song each, creating a medley. To coincide with the reunion, Ant & Dec themselves returned to their 1990s pop act PJ & Duncan for", "\"PJ & Duncan discography\"\ncover of both albums). Ant & Dec performed \"\"Lets Get Ready To Rhumble\"\" on ITV's television show \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on 23 March 2013 as part of \"\"The Big Reunion\"\". Following their performance, \"\"Lets Get Ready To Rhumble\"\" went to #1 on the iTunes charts. A few days later, on 31 March, \"\"Lets Get Ready To Rhumble\"\" became their first ever official number 1 single. From their single 'Better Watch Out' until 'Lets Get Ready To Rhumble' PJ & Duncan used their real names:Ant and Dec. PJ & Duncan discography PJ & Duncan, who were later rebranded as Ant &", "\"The London Studios\"\nof production companies including ITV Studios and Shiver based in Kent House tower, while the studios were home to many entertainment, game and daytime shows. These include \"\"Good Morning Britain\"\", \"\"The Graham Norton Show\"\", \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" and \"\"The Jonathan Ross Show\"\". The studios were also used for other programmes from various other channels including BBC and Channel 4. ITV Creative which promotes programmes on the ITV network was also based at the London Studios. The site closed in April 2018 for demolition. Initially, ITV intended to redevelop the site with three smaller studios, but by October", "\"Crashed the Wedding\"\nis heard. Willis, Bourne and Simpson portray Adam Ant, Michael Jackson and Boy George impersonators respectively. Harry Judd from McFly plays the drummer in the video. The single was also promoted by appearances on \"\"Top of the Pops\"\", \"\"Top of the Pops Saturday\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Popworld\"\", the Royal Variety Performance, and \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". In 2011, the single was chosen by listeners on BBC Radio 1's request show. The song was then campaigned to become the 2011 Christmas number one on Facebook. UK CD1 This release also includes two minutes of exclusive tour video footage. UK CD2 UK", "\"Anthony McPartlin\"\nAnthony McPartlin Anthony David McPartlin (born 18 November 1975) is an English television presenter, producer and actor. He is best known for working alongside Declan Donnelly as part of the presenting duo Ant & Dec. McPartlin came to prominence, alongside Donnelly, in the children's drama series \"\"Byker Grove\"\", with both men establishing successful careers as television presenters, in which they are most known for presenting \"\"SMTV Live\"\" (between 1998–2001), \"\"I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!\"\" and \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" (since 2002), and \"\"Britain's Got Talent\"\" (since 2007). Other notable highlights of McPartlin's career alongside Donnelly include", "\"Declan Donnelly\"\nDeclan Donnelly Declan Joseph Oliver Donnelly (born 25 September 1975) is an English television presenter, producer and actor. He is best known for working alongside Anthony McPartlin as part of the presenting duo Ant & Dec. Donnelly came to prominence, alongside McPartlin, in the children's drama series \"\"Byker Grove\"\", with both men establishing successful careers as television presenters, in which they are most known for presenting \"\"SMTV Live\"\" (between 1998–2001), \"\"I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!\"\" and \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" (since 2002), and \"\"Britain's Got Talent\"\" (since 2007). Other notable highlights of Donnelly's career alongside McPartlin", "\"Yvette Fielding\"\nthen commissioned, and aired on Living during June and July 2009. In October 2009, a further documentary entitled \"\"Yvette & Karl: Life begins at 40\"\" was broadcast. From February to March 2009, Fielding appeared in the ITV1 variety TV show \"\"Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". Fielding featured in the Ant v Dec segment of the programme, as a member of Ant's team (she was eliminated from the contest in the 5th round). On 21 May 2009, Fielding appeared for a fourth time on \"\"The Paul O'Grady Show\"\", and a day later, she appeared on \"\"Friday Night with Jonathan Ross\"\". In May 2009,", "\"Andrew Van Buren\"\nProject - creating & uniting archives, exhibitions and events all celebrating in 2018 & beyond the 250th anniversary of the first modern circus ring. Van Buren has appeared as the plate spinner, illusionist, and guest on various television programmes and specials, including the opening scene of the music video of Charlotte Church's song \"\"Call My Name\"\". He has made repeated appearances on Blue Peter, Cilla Black's \"\"Moment of Truth\"\", \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", Jim Davidson's \"\"The Generation Game\"\", Noel Edmonds' \"\"Telly Years\"\", CBBC’s children's variety show \"\"The Slammer\"\" and \"\"Best of Friends\"\", \"\"The Des O'Connor Show\"\" and \"\"The", "\"Andrew Van Buren\"\nMoney Programme\"\" as the corporate businessman plate spinner. He providing the opening credits on the series \"\"Spin Cities\"\" with international DJ Judge Jules. Van Buren provided pizza spinning for the superstore Morrisons ident advert \"\"Pizza spinner\"\" either side of the \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" TV show. In 2015 Andrew starred alongside Stephen Mulhern & Sherrie Hewson plate spinning on ITV variety show \"\"Get Your Act Together\"\". In January 2016 Andrew featured in a special 360 degree interactive film of BBC Breakfast News behind the studio scenes. On April 1, 2018 Andrew and his assistant Allyson featured on the", "\"Andy Scott-Lee\"\nhave been as a celebrity guest on ITV's The Mint; on the BBC programme \"\"Never Mind the Buzzcocks\"\" in January 2008; on the Irish singing show You're a Star in February 2008; on series nine of \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" in 2009 in their sketch \"\"Escape from Takeaway Prison\"\". He has also been seen as part of his sister's MTV reality TV show \"\"Totally Scott-Lee\"\". He married Michelle Heaton in 2006, they separated in 2008, and later divorced. He later married Lydia Louisa who competed in the 13th series of \"\"Big Brother\"\" in the UK on Channel 5", "\"Craig Phillips\"\nthe first 40 of these aired in late 2008, with a further 40 airing throughout spring 2009. February 2009 saw Phillips appear in \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" in \"\"Escape from Takeaway Prison\"\" for six weeks. Summer 2009 saw the release of his autobiography. On 29 May 2009, he talked to Petrie Hosken on LBC (London's Biggest Conversation - 97.3 FM) about his time in BB1 and how lots of wannabe's are now entering \"\"Big Brother\"\". In July 2009, Phillips returned to the Big Brother house to help celebrate the show's tenth anniversary. He competed in a task against", "\"Top Secret Drum Corps\"\nUnited States, Australia and at the 2008 South African Tattoo held from 11 to 14 September 2008. In 2011 they performed at the Quebec City Military Tattoo. They are the subject of a documentary film by Swiss television which recounts their rise to fame at the Edinburgh Tattoo. A feature film based on the Edinburgh endeavour is currently in the works with Insert Films, Switzerland. Top Secret made an appearance on an episode of the 2014 series of \"\"Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", as the act for the \"\"End of the Show\"\" show. In their routine, show presenters Ant", "\"Mr Blobby\"\nAppearances\"\", where he was seen paying an impromptu visit to Hyacinth and Richard Bucket, disrupting their kitchen. Mr Blobby made regular appearances on Saturday morning show \"\"Live & Kicking\"\" and Saturday evening show \"\"The Generation Game\"\" with Jim Davidson. The character has appeared in cameos on \"\"Dead Ringers\"\", \"\"Harry Hill's TV Burp\"\", \"\"Dick and Dom in da Bungalow\"\" and \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". The character also appeared in the music video for Peter Kay's 2005 charity single \"\"Is This the Way to Amarillo\"\". Mr Blobby has toured around the UK making public appearances at events such as university", "\"Variety show\"\nits time slot, due mainly to a strong lead-in, and spawned the May 2016 premiere of \"\"Maya & Marty\"\", adding fellow \"\"SNL\"\" cast member Martin Short. Earlier that season, NBC aired \"\"Best Time Ever\"\", an adaptation of the British variety game show \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" starring actor Neil Patrick Harris which was ultimately unsuccessful. Starting in the 1950s, some entertainers became associated with variety television specials that would reoccur on a regular basis, in some cases for decades. Such entertainers included Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Andy Williams and Mitzi Gaynor. Many of these were Christmas", "\"Keith Floyd\"\nwatched by nearly one million people. In the programme, Floyd admitted that away from the cameras, he often drank too much out of loneliness. It later emerged that Floyd had collapsed and died a few hours before the broadcast. He was the subject of \"\"This Is Your Life\"\" in 1991 when he was surprised by Michael Aspel. Floyd can also be seen in a number of episodes of the children's television series \"\"Balamory\"\", as a chef in Suzie Sweet's \"\"Suzie's Cooking\"\" song. In 2006, he also appeared on the ITV show \"\"Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", demonstrating to the", "\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\nbroadcast live during the weekend, during a prime time slot on Saturday evenings for the entire run of a series. Each episode is introduced with a line-up of what segments will be featured during its broadcast, along with an introduction of the hosts themselves - from the seventh series onwards, this responsibility was given to a special celebrity announcer, who would not only give an introduction of themselves and the hosts, but would also state what viewers would expect in the show for that episode, along with an update on what was still to come before each commercial break in", "\"Lee Sharpe\"\nAbi Titmuss. In 2007 Sharpe appeared as a contestant in ITV's Dancing on Ice. He was eliminated from the competition on 3 March 2007. He was to also appear in ITV's popular TV soap Coronation Street as an extra in the fictional pub \"\"The Rovers Return\"\" as a working class taxi driver from Manchester. Sharpe, alongside former Bucks Fizz singer Cheryl Baker, currently fronts a London Underground advertising campaign for Nourkrin, a baldness treatment. He is billed as \"\"Of Celebrity Love Island fame!\"\" In 2008, Sharpe starred in Dec's team on Ant versus Dec, on Saturday Night Takeaway ITV1. Sharpe", "\"Lisa Armstrong (make-up artist)\"\nLisa Armstrong (make-up artist) Lisa Marie Armstrong (born 25 October 1976) is a former member of pop band Deuce and was make-up expert for the ITV programme \"\"This Morning\"\", until becoming make-up supervisor for the ITV quiz show \"\"Pick Me\"\" and its prime-time entertainment series \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". Armstrong was born and brought up in Blackbird Leys, Oxford, England, living with her parents and one older brother Stephen. She attended Peers School, Oxford, but at the age of 14 won a place at BRIT School for Performing Arts & Technology in Croydon, south London. Armstrong started her", "\"Lee Latchford-Evans\"\nand Frightened!\"\", \"\"The Match\"\" and went on to win \"\"Commando VIP\"\". In 2006, he appeared in a new reality show on MTV, \"\"Totally Boyband\"\". This show was from the same creators as the show \"\"Totally Scott-Lee\"\", which featured his ex-colleague Lisa Scott-Lee and her family. In 2008, he appeared as part of Team Ant on \"\"Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". He also appeared on Never Mind The Buzzcocks in October 2010. Steps have announced that they will be filming a four-part documentary for Sky Living, which will be aired late September 2011. He appeared in \"\"Ten Dead Men\"\" (2008)", "\"Spitbank Fort\"\nwith survival, plus learning skills with a different member of the public each week. These skills were put to the test as a live insert each Saturday evening into \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". The fort was also featured on an episode of \"\"Most Haunted\"\" in series 8. It has been a Scheduled Monument since 1967. Spitbank, , is owned by Clarenco LLP (owners of Horse Sand Fort and No Man's Land Fort), and has been renovated for use as a luxury spa hotel and retreat with nine bedroom suites. Spitbank Fort Spitbank Fort or Spitsand Fort or Spit", "\"Dancing (Kylie Minogue song)\"\nAssociation for sales exceeding 35,000 units. Directed by Sophie Muller, the music video features Minogue dancing and singing in several backdrops that were inspired by the Country and Western culture, such as the work of Dolly Parton, and used motifs and imagery revolving around death. To promote the single, Minogue performed the song on her Kylie Presents Golden tour, and at several gigs and shows including \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", \"\"Sport Relief\"\", the Echo Music Prize in Germany, and when she headlined Radio 2 Live in Hyde Park. In 2016, Minogue released her final studio album with long-term", "\"Just a Little While\"\n\"\"end of tape\"\" message flashes. Jackson performed \"\"Just a Little While\"\" at \"\"Top of the Pops\"\", Channel 4, \"\"\"\", Italy's Festivalbar, and \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". It was also performed on \"\"Top of the Pops Saturday\"\", \"\"Le Grand Classement\"\", \"\"Vivement Dimanche\"\", \"\"McChart Show\"\", and \"\"Les Années Tubes\"\", in addition to Canada's \"\"Much on Demand\"\", Japan's \"\"Hey! Hey! Hey!\"\", and MSN. The performance from London's Channel 4 was included on Jackson's \"\"\"\" compilation in place of the original. It depicts Jackson and several dancers performing among various light fixtures resembling laser beams. \"\"The Toronto Sun\"\" described Jackson's performance in", "\"Mixed Signals\"\nglass of champagne. They hug and kiss as the video ends and fades to black. Williams performed \"\"Mixed Signals\"\" at the 2017 Brit Awards in a medley with \"\"The Heavy Entertainment Show\"\" and \"\"Love My Life\"\". It was the closing performance of the night. He also sang a short version of the song on the 14th season of \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" which aired on 4 March 2017. Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"\"The Heavy Entertainment Show\"\" (Columbia Records). Mixed Signals \"\"Mixed Signals\"\" is a song recorded by English singer Robbie Williams for his eleventh studio", "\"Michelle Heaton\"\nShe was the third housemate to have faced eviction. In 2009, following her appearance on \"\"Celebrity Big Brother\"\", Michelle appeared on \"\"Snog Marry Avoid?\"\" on BBC Three (Monday 23 March 2009). Michelle also appeared as an elf on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on Saturday 21 March 2009. Michelle appeared on ITV2's alongside Janice Dickinson in Australia from 16 November 2009 until 23 November. She regularly features on the ITV2 reality shows of Katie Price. She also appeared on the second-season finale of the Irish version of \"\"The Apprentice\"\", broadcast on 14 December 2009, where she was the celebrity", "\"Andy Collins (TV presenter)\"\n\"\"Dancing on Ice\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Touch Me, I'm Karen Taylor\"\", \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", series 2 of \"\"Are You Smarter Than a Ten Year Old?\"\" and the 2002 series of \"\"Family Fortunes\"\". Collins currently warms up the audiences during breaks on \"\"Strictly Come Dancing\"\", \"\"\"\" and \"\"The Paul O'Grady Show\"\". Collins regularly appears in pantomime. Collins also presents the breakfast show on BBC Three Counties Radio. A Watford F.C. supporter, Collins was Lloyd Doyley's kit sponsor when Doyley scored his first professional goal during the 2009-2010 season. Andy Collins (TV presenter) Andy Collins (born 4 July 1970) is a", "\"Anthony McPartlin\"\nSaturday Night Takeaway\"\", which he co-presented with Donnelly, had defrauded viewers participating in phone-ins. The latter was produced by the pair's own production company. In April 2009, Ant & Dec achieved wide international exposure when, as backstage commentators for \"\"Britain's Got Talent\"\", they interviewed contestant Susan Boyle, whose audition would become the most viewed YouTube video of the year and whose record album topped sales charts in dozens of countries. On 22 July 2006, McPartlin married his longtime girlfriend, make-up artist Lisa Armstrong at Cliveden, a country house hotel in Buckinghamshire. The pair remained married for 11 years before eventually", "\"Alfie Boe\"\nepisode of \"\"Mr Selfridge\"\". In 2016 & 2017, Ball and Boe appeared in two ITV Specials, the first being \"\"Ball & Boe: One Night Only\"\" and the second being \"\"Ball & Boe Back Together\"\". In December 2017, Boe replaced Aled Jones as presenter of \"\"Christmas Carols on ITV\"\". On 3 March, Boe performed in 'The End of the Show Show' on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" alongside Michael Ball. Boe met his wife Sarah while rehearsing \"\"La Bohème\"\" in San Francisco. They have two children, daughter Grace and son Alfred Robert. He is a member of the Grand Order", "\"Television Centre, London\"\non 15 April 1964 and was the fourth largest television studio in Britain (following Fountain Studios' Studio A&B, dock10's Studio 1 and The Maidstone Studios' Studio 5), and was equipped for HDTV production (as were Studio 4, Studio 6 and Studio 8). It was reopened on 1 September 2017. Studio 1 is the home of \"\"Sounds Like Friday Night\"\", \"\"The Graham Norton Show\"\", \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", \"\"The Jonathan Ross Show\"\", \"\"The Russell Howard Hour\"\" and \"\"Blind Date\"\". 223 square metres (2,400 ft²) Opened in late 1960, it housed comedy programmes such as \"\"That Was The Week That", "\"Can't Speak French\"\nthe video, individual shots of each girl in front of a coloured wall are interpolated. The \"\"Can't Speak French\"\" music video is available on iTunes as well as Girls Aloud's live DVD \"\"Tangled Up: Live from The O2 2008\"\". \"\"Can't Speak French\"\" was performed live for the first time on \"\"The Friday Night Project\"\" Christmas special on 21 December 2007, which was co-hosted by Girls Aloud. During promotion for the single, Girls Aloud appeared on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", BBC Switch's \"\"Sound\"\", \"\"The Paul O'Grady Show\"\", and \"\"T4\"\". The song was performed at a number of live concerts", "\"Dawson Bros.\"\nDawson Bros. Dawson Bros. are a team of UK comedy writers. They are brothers Steve Dawson (born 1979) and Andrew Dawson (born 1977) and their childhood friend Tim Inman (born 1979). The trio were educated at Abingdon School during the 1990s. They have written on shows including That Mitchell and Webb Look, MTV Europe Music Awards, Total Wipeout, The Jonathan Ross Show, Take Me Out, The BRIT Awards, Happy Finish, Skins, The Peter Serafinowicz Show, Derren Brown's Trick or Treat, Balls of Steel, The Friday Night Project, The Royal Variety Performance, Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway and I'm a", "\"Attraction (shadow theatre group)\"\nbeen invited to perform at the 2014 CCTV New Year's Gala on China Central Television, showing renditions of landmarks and icons of China, such as Huangshan, The Great Wall of China, The Temple of Heaven, the giant panda, and a Changzheng launch vehicle. The performance ends, in applause, with a configuration of the Chinese character for spring (春), followed by another configuration of the digits 2014 in the shape of a Horse, the Chinese zodiac for the lunar year 2014. In 2014, Attraction appeared on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" alongside fellow \"\"Britain's Got Talent\"\" winner Paul Potts. The", "\"Not Fair\"\non January and climbed the charts, still being in the top 10 in June. The single was released as a digital download on 21 March 2009 (iTunes) and on 11 May 2009 as a CD. Allen performed it live for the first time on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on 21 March 2009. The censored version of the song, which is often used on the radio, blanks out the words \"\"wet patch\"\" and \"\"I spent ages giving head\"\" on the second verse, replacing them with a burst of the background instruments. An alternative version only removes the word \"\"head\"\",", "\"Psyche (album)\"\nthe singles chart in 2013, nearly nineteen years after its release, after an impromptu performance of it by the duo on their show \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". The singles \"\"Why Me\"\" and \"\"If I Give You My Number\"\" were also released prior to the album, which was made available on 4 November 1994. Seven singles were released from the album over the course of eighteen months. The album peaked at no. 5 on the UK Albums Chart, and was certified Platinum in the UK by the BPI. The album was reissued in Singapore in 1995, under the title", "\"Declan Donnelly\"\nprogramme in 2001, the pair branched out to front other shows, including game shows – \"\"Friends Like These\"\", \"\"PokerFace\"\" and \"\"Push the Button\"\" – talent shows – \"\"Pop Idol\"\", and \"\"Britain's Got Talent\"\" – and entertainment programmes – \"\"I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!\"\", and \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". The pair continued to maintain acting careers, starring in a tribute to \"\"The Likely Lads\"\" in 2002, in the form of a remake of an episode from the show's sequel \"\"Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads?\"\", entitled \"\"No Hiding Place\"\", and in 2006 film \"\"Alien Autopsy\"\". In", "\"MV Britannia (2015)\"\nall outside cabins have balconies. \"\"Britannia\"\" has four pools including a dedicated pool for teenagers, and the Oasis Spa. \"\"Britannia's\"\" maiden voyage took place 14–28 March 2015, and included visits to Spain, Italy and France. During her summer season, \"\"Britannia\"\" sailed to the Mediterranean, Norwegian fjords, the Baltic, Canary Islands and Atlantic Islands. In winter, the ship operates 14-night Caribbean itineraries. \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" was recorded and shown live on board as the final show of the 13th series, on 2 April 2016. In 2013 Princess Cruises began operating the lead vessel in its Royal Class, \"\"Royal", "\"Emotion Production\"\nVIP\"\", \"\"Operacija trijumf\"\", \"\"Uzmi ili ostavi\"\", \"\"Wife Swap\"\", \"\"Marriage Ref\"\", \"\"The Simple Life\"\", \"\"Friday Night Project\"\", \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\", \"\"I Love My Country\"\", \"\"My Kitchen Rules\"\" , Tvoje Lice Zvuči Poznato\"\" etc. They also produced \"\"Žene sa Dedinja\"\", TV Series which aired in the whole Balkans region. Additionally, the company is responsible for putting various individual personalities on the map such as Milan Kalinić, Ana Mihajlovski, Maca Marinković, Marijana Mićić and Katarina Šišmanović. Katarina left the company in November 2012 and Kalinić about a year earlier. Ana and Marijana still host \"\"Big Brother\"\", while Maca is mostly", "\"Roy Walker (comedian)\"\nLight Entertainment\"\". And on 14 October, he appeared on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". He appeared on The Paul O'Grady Show in 2006 with Frank Carson as mystery guests, they were in disguise in the audience. On 19 February 2007, he was a guest on the Irish chat show, \"\"The Podge and Rodge Show\"\" on Radio Telefís Éireann (RTÉ). And on 30 November, he was a guest on the daytime chat show \"\"Loose Women\"\". In 2008, Walker was a guest on \"\"The Alan Titchmarsh Show\"\". He presented a six-part comedy series for BBC Radio Ulster, \"\"The Way We Tell", "\"Shaznay Lewis\"\nentertainment program \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on 21 October 2006. All Saints' comeback began well, with their single, \"\"Rock Steady\"\", reaching no. 3 in the UK Singles Chart. They followed this with the release of their comeback album \"\"Studio 1\"\". It peaked at no. 40 in the UK Albums Chart. Parlophone Records then released their second single \"\"Chick Fit\"\", but this failed to reach the chart. All Saints then parted company with their record label. In January 2008, Lewis featured on the Wideboys track, \"\"Daddy O\"\". The single was released on 5 May 2008. Lewis is currently writing", "\"The Heart Never Lies\"\ndifferent from the one at V however, as lead singer Tom Fletcher, couldn't make it to the show, leaving Danny Jones to sing the song alone. BBC Radio 1 were the first radio station to play \"\"The Heart Never Lies\"\". McFly themselves the song in to Scott Mills on 11 September 2007. McFly performed the song on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on 15 September 2007. This was the first TV performance of the single. In McFly's My Life in Music interview, Fletcher stated that the song was actually inspired by the band and that over time, it evolved", "\"Suggs (singer)\"\ntwice been a guest presenter on the BBC's long-running chart show \"\"Top of the Pops\"\", once in 1995 and again in 2005. In 2006, Suggs was the main presenter of the BBC London series \"\"Inside Out\"\", a weekly programme for Londoners looking at surprising stories in the capital. He was part of Declan Donnelly's Boy Band on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" the same year and performed \"\"It Only Takes a Minute\"\" by Take That. In 2007, Suggs starred in a series of Birds Eye commercials which feature the Madness song \"\"Our House\"\". A popular online game featuring Suggs", "\"Linda Lusardi\"\non ITV. Lusardi took part in the reality show \"\"The Games\"\" in 2004, ITV daytime programme \"\"Have I Been Here Before?\"\" and BBC One's \"\"Hole in the Wall\"\" in 2009. She also sells \"\"Lusardi My Miracle\"\", a range of skin-care products, on shopping television channel Ideal World. In 1992, she appeared in the \"\"Dead Ringer\"\" observation round of \"\"The Krypton Factor\"\" and appeared in a special edition of \"\"Bullseye\"\" presented by Jim Bowen. Lusardi appeared on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on ITV and in The Royal Variety Performance, as well as \"\"Celebrity Eggheads\"\" and \"\"Pointless Celebrities\"\" on the", "\"Waking Up in Vegas\"\nThe video ends in the laundromat where it began. The couple is broke; Moore places their single remaining coin in the slot machine and pulls the handle. Three \"\"blazing 7\"\" symbols land on the payline, and the machine delivers a jackpot in quarters. Moore and Perry look at each other in astonishment as the screen goes black. Perry performed \"\"Waking Up in Vegas\"\" on \"\"Later... with Jools Holland\"\" in September 2008. She was also a guest on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" in March 2009 where she performed \"\"Waking Up in Vegas\"\" instead of her then-current single, \"\"Thinking of", "\"British Comedy Awards\"\nwas given. But it could not be \"\"definitively\"\" established that Williams' involvement led to the wrong winner being announced\"\" [italics added]. \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" did however receive the People's Choice Award at the British Comedy Awards 2006. Beginning on 26 July 2007, British tabloid newspapers reported the alleged involvement of the British Comedy Awards in the 2007 British television phone-in scandal. According to a report in \"\"The Sun\"\", viewers telephoned a premium-rate number to vote for the People's Choice Award at the 2005 Awards during what was claimed to be a live broadcast; yet, at 22:30, the", "\"Diversity (dance troupe)\"\nChoice Awards. Following the announcement Jordan and Perri spent a week in LA filming a number of adverts and video blogs which Nickelodeon showed on their UK channel and web site in the run up to the Awards. On 1 March, Diversity performed on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" and announced that due to public demand a reboot of their Limitless tour would return in November 2014. Diversity performed with Little Mix during the final of Britain's Got Talent on the 7 June. They had previously performed on Britain's Got More Talent on their own on 29 May. Members", "\"Mitchell and Webb\"\nMac' advertisements for Apple. They also voiced a pair of peas on the \"\"Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" sponsorship adverts for Birds Eye. \"\"Magicians\"\", a film starring the pair was released on 18 May 2007. They have also released the book \"\"This Mitchell and Webb Book\"\". Mitchell and Webb Mitchell and Webb are a British comedy double act, composed of David Mitchell (born 14 July 1974) and Robert Webb (born 29 September 1972). They are best known for starring in the Channel 4 sitcom \"\"Peep Show\"\" and their sketch show \"\"That Mitchell and Webb Look\"\". The duo first met", "\"Debbie McGee\"\nin a celebrity edition of Channel 4's hit reality television show \"\"Wife Swap\"\". In 2008 McGee appeared on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". On 14 September 2010, McGee appeared on the celebrity version of \"\"Come Dine with Me\"\". In 2012, McGee made a cameo appearance as herself in an episode of the UK TV comedy drama \"\"Stella\"\". In 2017, McGee appeared alongside Nigel Havers, Simon Callow and Lorraine Chase in \"\"Barging Loving Celebs\"\". She took part in \"\"Celebrity MasterChef\"\" in 2017. In August 2017, it was announced that McGee would be appearing as a contestant on the fifteenth series", "\"Never Forget (Take That song)\"\nof a medley during the \"\"End of the Show Show\"\" on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\". Never Forget (Take That song) \"\"Never Forget\"\" is a song recorded by English boy band Take That, from their third studio album \"\"Nobody Else\"\" (1995). The song features Howard Donald on lead vocals. It was released on 24 July 1995, and achieved success in many countries, including the UK, Spain, Latvia and Ireland where it topped the singles chart. It was released on 24 July 1995 and reached number 1 in the UK Singles Chart, as the band's seventh number one single. The", "\"Lou Bega\"\nthe only artist to be asked to sing a song twice on Germany's headlining show \"\"Wetten, dass..?\"\" On New Year's Eve 2007 he performed in Poland. He has been Master of Ceremonies at the American Music Awards, the Grammy Awards, the \"\"Billboard\"\" Radio Awards and at the Love Parade in Berlin. He also performed live on television on the Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway in the United Kingdom on 4 April 2015. In July 2016 Bega performed as a special guest in several of Andre Rieu's famous Maastricht concerts. Bega sang the theme song for the Disney Channel animated", "\"Being Nobody\"\nthe noughties.\"\" Writing for, Martin P gave the song five stars out of five and called it \"\"It's pure pop perfection with a twist of R&B – one of the best Liberty X singles!\"\" Liberty X first performed \"\"Being Nobody\"\" on \"\"Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway\"\" on 8 February 2003. They also performed it twice on \"\"Top of the Pops\"\", with other performances on \"\"The National Lottery Draws\"\" and \"\"\"\". Being Nobody Being Nobody is a song produced by Richard X and recorded by English-Irish pop group Liberty X. It was released as the lead single from Richard" ]
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who sings the song where have all the flowers gone
[ "Pete Seeger" ]
[ "\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\nWhere Have All the Flowers Gone? \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\" is a modern folk-style song. The melody and the first three verses were written by Pete Seeger in 1955 and published in \"\"Sing Out!\"\" magazine. Additional verses were added in May 1960 by Joe Hickerson, who turned it into a circular song. Its rhetorical \"\"where?\"\" and meditation on death place the song in the \"\"ubi sunt\"\" tradition. In 2010, the \"\"New Statesman\"\" listed it as one of the \"\"Top 20 Political Songs\"\". The 1964 release of the song as a Columbia Records Hall of Fame series 45 single,", "\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\na special Grammy award established in 1973 to honor recordings that are at least 25 years old and that have \"\"qualitative or historical significance.\"\" Where Have All the Flowers Gone? \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\" is a modern folk-style song. The melody and the first three verses were written by Pete Seeger in 1955 and published in \"\"Sing Out!\"\" magazine. Additional verses were added in May 1960 by Joe Hickerson, who turned it into a circular song. Its rhetorical \"\"where?\"\" and meditation on death place the song in the \"\"ubi sunt\"\" tradition. In 2010, the \"\"New Statesman\"\" listed it", "\"Repetitive song\"\nBeer\"\". Another type of song describes a circular phenomenon (see Recursion). In \"\"There's a Hole in My Bucket\"\", the singer-narrator attempts to fix a leaky bucket, only to find out that ultimately one needs to have a functional bucket in order to effect the repair. In \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\", flowers were offered to soldiers, who fell in a war, new flowers grew on their graves, those flowers were given to soldiers and so on. In children's songs, repetition serves various educational purposes: repetition aids memory, can aid in learning punctuation and reading skills, and is very valuable", "\"Kisses Sweeter than Wine\"\nHave All the Flowers Gone\"\", Pete Seeger described the long genesis of this song. Apparently the folk musician Lead Belly heard Irish performer Sam Kennedy in Greenwich Village singing the traditional Irish song \"\"Drimmin Down\"\" aka \"\"Drimmen Dow\"\", about a farmer and his dead cow. (The song, in fact, is called \"\"An droimfhionn donn dilís\"\" (\"\"The whitebacked brown faithful cow/calf\"\"). It is of the type categorized as \"\"aisling\"\" (dream) where the country of Ireland is given form. Most times the form is that of a comely young woman but here it is the faithful handsome cow.) Lead Belly adapted the", "\"Judy Collins\"\nHotel in New York to announce the party's formation. In 1969, she testified in Chicago in support of the Chicago Seven; during her testimony, she began singing Pete Seeger's \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\" and was admonished by prosecutor Tom Foran and judge Julius Hoffman. Collins wrote the anti-gun song \"\"Shoot First\"\" which she released in 1984. In the late 1990s, she was a representative for UNICEF and campaigns on behalf of the abolition of landmines. Later songs include \"\"River of Gold\"\" about the environment and \"\"My Name Is Maria\"\" about dreamers. Collins contracted polio at the age of", "\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\nthe Mikhail Sholokhov novel \"\"And Quiet Flows the Don\"\" (1934), which Seeger had read \"\"at least a year or two before\"\". In a 2013 interview, Seeger explained that he borrowed the melody from an Irish lumberjack song with the words 'Johnson says he'll load more hay.' He simply slowed the tune and incorporated it to the lines. Seeger created a song which was subsequently published in \"\"Sing Out\"\" in 1962. He recorded a version with three verses on \"\"The Rainbow Quest\"\" album (Folkways LP FA 2454) released in July 1960. Later, Joe Hickerson added two more verses with a recapitulation", "\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\n13-33088, by Pete Seeger was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2002 in the Folk category. Seeger found inspiration for the song in October 1955 while he was on a plane bound for a concert at Oberlin College, one of the few venues which would hire him during the McCarthy era. Leafing through his notebook he saw the passage, \"\"Where are the flowers, the girls have plucked them. Where are the girls, they've all taken husbands. Where are the men, they're all in the army.\"\" These lines were taken from the traditional Cossack folk song \"\"Koloda-Duda\"\", referenced in", "\"Pete Seeger\"\nA prolific songwriter, his best-known songs include \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\" (with Joe Hickerson), \"\"If I Had a Hammer (The Hammer Song)\"\" (with Lee Hays of the Weavers), and \"\"Turn! Turn! Turn!\"\", which have been recorded by many artists both in and outside the folk revival movement and are sung throughout the world. \"\"Flowers\"\" was a hit recording for the Kingston Trio (1962); Marlene Dietrich, who recorded it in English, German and French (1962); and Johnny Rivers (1965). \"\"If I Had a Hammer\"\" was a hit for Peter, Paul and Mary (1962) and Trini Lopez (1963) while the", "Ding-a-dong\nEurovision Song Contest - The Official History\"\", this was the first of three occasions when the first song would win the contest, the second coming the following year in 1976, and the third in 1984. The song, performed entirely in English, was an up-tempo ode to positive thought; though the song is written entirely in a minor key. The band sings that one should \"\"sing a song that goes ding ding-a-dong\"\" when one is feeling unhappy, and continues \"\"Ding-a-dong every hour, when you pick a flower. Even when your lover is gone, gone, gone.\"\" On the night of the Dutch", "\"The Last Flower\"\nfilm \"\"The War Between Men and Women\"\", the film takes much from Thurber's life and stories. Lemmon's character - based strongly on Thurber himself - tries to show what creativity means to his stepdaughter using \"\"The Last Flower\"\" as the example. The story does have similarities to the protest song \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\", which offers a similar cycle, even though Thurber's work dates from 1939 and the song was written around 1956 by Pete Seeger; Seeger's song was inspired by a short piece in \"\"And Quiet Flows the Don\"\" the novel by Mikhail Sholokhov. Bertold Hummel and", "\"Ubi sunt\"\nlooked along the ranks in vain to find, what had become of them? Killed at Williamsburg, killed at Fair Oaks, killed at Glendale, killed at Malvern Hill; wounded or sick in the hospitals; prisoners at Richmond; deserters, we knew not where.\"\" The final verse of the Paul Simon song \"\"Mrs. Robinson\"\" uses the motif, asking, \"\"Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?\"\" Simon's later explication of the song's meaning is consistent with the \"\"ubi sunt\"\" motif. Other examples from the American Folk Era are Pete Seeger's Where Have All the Flowers Gone, and Dick Holler's Abraham, Martin and John. The entire", "\"Cy Grant\"\nLove Africa, Save The Children International Music Festival\"\" in Zimbabwe. Grant recorded five LPs. His album \"\"Cool Folk\"\" (World Record Club, 1964) – featuring \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\", \"\"Yellow Bird\"\", \"\"O Pato\"\", \"\"Blowin' in the Wind\"\", \"\"Work Song\"\", and \"\"Every Night When the Sun Goes Down\"\" – is a collector's item. Other LPs include \"\"Cy Grant\"\" (Transatlantic Records), \"\"Cy & I\"\" (World Record Club), \"\"Ballads, Birds & Blues\"\", (Reality Records) and \"\"Cy Grant Sings\"\" (Donegall Records). Two of Grant's singles, \"\"King Cricket\"\" and \"\"The Constantine Calypso\"\", recorded in 1966 for Pye Records, celebrate the lives of West Indian", "\"Where Have All the Good Times Gone\"\nWhere Have All the Good Times Gone \"\"Where Have All the Good Times Gone\"\" is a song written by Ray Davies and performed by the Kinks. It was released as the B-side to \"\"Till the End of the Day,\"\" and then on their album \"\"The Kink Kontroversy\"\" (1965 UK, 1966 US). Ray Davies said, \"\"We'd been rehearsing 'Where Have All the Good Times Gone' and our tour manager at the time, who was a lot older than us, said, 'That's a song a 40-year-old would write. I don't know where you get that from.' But I was taking inspiration from", "\"Tudo Outra Vez\"\nshe and Karin made the version of the song, and showed Rick Bonadio, who produced it, a day later. As seen in the show, Fantine would sing the entire song, leaving the girls just as \"\"backing vocals\"\", but after Patricia's quest, they all got a part of the song. The song talks about the challenges faced by girls, how good it is to meet again, and that they would do it all over again. The first stanza of the song is sung by Fantine, who sings, \"\"We have gone through so many challenges, but from these ashes I will survive.\"\"", "\"Where Have All the Rude Boys Gone?\"\nfilm \"\"Carnival of Souls\"\". Canadian folk singer-songwriter Basia Bulat performed a version of the song in August 2011 for \"\"The A.V. Club\"\" A.V. Undercover series. Where Have All the Rude Boys Gone? \"\"Where Have All the Rude Boys Gone?\"\" is a song by Ted Leo and the Pharmacists from their 2003 release \"\"Hearts Of Oak\"\". It was the single from the record, and the video received airtime on MTV. The lyrics of the song pine for an older age of ska music and the \"\"rude boys\"\" who represented its most dedicated fans. Additionally, the song is thoroughly laced with references", "\"Where Have All the Rude Boys Gone?\"\nWhere Have All the Rude Boys Gone? \"\"Where Have All the Rude Boys Gone?\"\" is a song by Ted Leo and the Pharmacists from their 2003 release \"\"Hearts Of Oak\"\". It was the single from the record, and the video received airtime on MTV. The lyrics of the song pine for an older age of ska music and the \"\"rude boys\"\" who represented its most dedicated fans. Additionally, the song is thoroughly laced with references to The Specials, The Selecter, The Beat (British band) and other ska bands from the 2-Tone era. The video is based on the 1962 horror", "\"Zhang Bichen\"\nleft the group. In 2014, Zhang competed in season 3 of the Chinese singing talent show \"\"The Voice of China\"\", and was the winner where she covered the Chinese singer Reno Wang's song \"\"Where Is the Time Gone?\"\" in the final round. In the same year, she sang the interlude song titled \"\"In the Span of a Kiss\"\" for the Chinese television drama \"\"The Young Doctor\"\". In 2015, she sang the interlude song titled \"\"Annual Ring\"\" for the Chinese television drama \"\"The Journey of Flower\"\". In the same year, she appeared on the Chinese reality show \"\"Be the Idol\"\". In", "\"A. P. Carter\"\ncalled \"\"Keep on the Sunny Side\"\". On her 2008 album \"\"All I Intended to Be\"\", Emmylou Harris includes the song \"\"How She Could Sing the Wildwood Flower\"\", co-written with Kate and Anna McGarrigle, about the relationship between A.P. and Sara, inspired by a documentary that the three of them saw on television. The song \"\"When I'm Gone,\"\" written by A.P. Carter and performed by the Carter Family in 1931, had been revived in 2009 when Lulu and the Lampshades created a reworked version using the cup game as percussion, titled \"\"Cups (When I'm Gone),\"\" which in turn was famously covered", "\"Payphone (song)\"\nprevious singles \"\"She Will Be Loved\"\" (2004) and \"\"Won't Go Home Without You\"\" (2007). On the chorus, he sings: \"\"I’m at a payphone trying to call home / All of my change I spent on you / Where have the times gone? / Baby, it’s all wrong / Where are the plans we made for two?\"\". Because this is their second song with profanity, \"\"Shit\"\" and \"\"fucking\"\" are intact, but have been replaced with \"\"it\"\" and \"\"stupid\"\" in the song's clean version. The clean version censors Wiz Khalifa's cursing as well. When Khalifa serves his verse, his rhymes don't speak", "\"Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone?\"\nindustry professionals. Three more songs (\"\"Flagpole Sitta\"\", \"\"Wooly Muffler\"\", and \"\"Wrecking Ball\"\") recorded at the June 1996 session, were sent on a one-off cassette tape to Slash/London Records at the request of Greg Glover, an intern who was convinced on the strength of the recordings that he should fund a full album. All of the recordings, save one (\"\"Carjack Fever\"\"), became \"\"Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone?\"\" The total cost of the recording was about $3,000. Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone? Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone? is the debut studio album by American rock band Harvey Danger. It", "\"Shara Barkhovot\"\nShara Barkhovot \"\"Shara Barkhovot\"\" (Hebrew script: שרה ברחובות, English translation: \"\"Singing In The Streets\"\") was the Israeli entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1990, performed in Hebrew by Rita. The song is a ballad, with Rita describing her ambiguous feelings about a relationship. She sings of her lover that \"\"you, who are all my life/Will remain a salt inscription on my hands\"\" and remarks that \"\"the great waters/Have gone far away and don't come to me anymore\"\". As a result of this, she sings that she has left her lover and is now singing in the streets to avoid confronting", "\"The Windows of the World (song)\"\n\"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\" and \"\"Blowin' in the Wind\"\", Hal David wrote lyrics for \"\"The Windows of the World\"\" which overtly but gently lament U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War (an especial concern to David, who had two young sons, one of them almost of eligible age for the draft). The arrangement for \"\"The Windows of the World\"\" has a subtle Asian flavor featuring strings plucked in the style of a koto and also finger cymbals the latter evoking the sound of raindrops on a window. \"\"The Windows of the World\"\" represented a thematic departure for Warwick who", "\"Frances Taylor\"\nincluded on the albums \"\"Spoken in Love\"\" (1995) and on \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone? The Songs of Pete Seeger\"\" (1998). The November 1966 issue of \"\"Broadside\"\" included another song with words by Taylor and music by Seeger. Titled \"\"Men of Principle,\"\" it mocked government officials who talked about open and low-cost housing, integrated schools, jobs, and peace but did nothing about them. By 1968, Taylor was writing film reviews, which she continued to do until the demise of the \"\"Long Island Press\"\" in 1977. She was a member of the New York Film Critics Circle. Her reviews were", "\"The Kingston Trio\"\nMcKuen (\"\"Ally Ally Oxen Free\"\", \"\"The World I Used to Know\"\") and Billy Edd Wheeler (\"\"Reverend Mr Black\"\"). Best of all, in 1962 they introduced listeners to one of the most poignant songs ever written, the anti-war ballad \"\"Where Have All The Flowers Gone?\"\" by Pete Seeger, formerly with the Weavers. Further, Peter Dreier points out that \"\"the group deserves credit for helping to launch the folk boom that brought recognition to older folkies and radicals like Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger, and for paving the way for newcomers like Joan Baez, Bob Dylan and Phil Ochs, who were well", "\"Heart's All Gone\"\nBlink's comeback LP reboots their bubblegum punk, setting a post-breakup bitchfest to shrink-wrapped hardcore that's pitched perfectly between the mosh pit and the food court.\"\" BBC Music described the song as \"\"blisteringly fast,\"\" commending Barker's drum work on the song. Thomas Nassiff of AbsolutePunk called the song \"\"instantly accessible,\"\" noting that, for fans, \"\"[the song] the high-energy pop-punk track we all wanted.\"\" Kyle Ryan of \"\"The A.V. Club\"\" referenced it as \"\"a stripped-down punk song that sounds like late-'90s Blink in the best way. It’s also one of the few songs where Mark Hoppus sings lead.\"\" Heart's All Gone \"\"Heart's", "\"Imphal Talkies and The Howlers\"\nHero ft.Bonbon, Ho Ya Ya, Qutub Minar, Lullaby, and Song For Bangladesh. Ever since the release of their debut album Tiddim Road in 2009, Imphal Talkies and The Howlers have been quite vocal about social and political issues. Their songs are always tuned to societal issues and needs, and to date their internationally acclaimed single, \"\"Lullaby\"\", released in late 2013, shows the continuing living situation of the children of Manipur, under political and insurgency tyranny. Their song Where Have All The Flowers Gone? named after the popular Pete Seeger song of the same name also voiced against environmental issue in", "\"Ukrainian folk music\"\nthe late 1960s and early 1970s Ukrainian folk songs and folk song elements began to be included in pop and rock music in the rock-oriented Kobza ensemble, Smerichka, Opryshky Medikus and many other ensembles. This was driven by the lack of Ukrainian pop songs of the time. In time the genre of folk inspired pop music became significant, particularly inspired by the popularity of the Belarusian group known as Piesnari. Of the Ukrainian groups the longest surviving and most significant was the group known as Kobza. Where Have All the Flowers Gone? is a folk song of the 1960s written", "\"There's a Hole in My Bucket\"\nbecame even more widespread when it was included in the famous Wandervogel songbook \"\"Der Zupfgeigenhansl\"\" in 1909. In George Korson's \"\"Pennsylvania Songs and Legends\"\" (1949) there is a song with meter closer to the modern English version and beginning thus: This was collected in 1940, and is earlier than any known English-language version. This suggests that it might be a traditional \"\"Pennsylvania Dutch\"\" (i.e. German) song. Ed McCurdy recorded it in 1958 on \"\"Children's Songs\"\". Harry Belafonte recorded it with Odetta in 1960. It was in the UK charts in 1961. In his book \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone\"\"", "\"Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?\"\nWhere Have All the Cowboys Gone? \"\"Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?\"\" is a song by American artist Paula Cole. It was released in March 1997 as the lead single from her second studio album, \"\"This Fire\"\". The song is Cole's only US Top Ten hit on \"\"Billboard\"\"s Hot 100, reaching number 8. It is also Cole's only Top-40 hit in the UK to date, reaching number 15. The song was also a Grammy success, nominated for three awards, Record of the Year, Song of the Year and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. The song helped Cole become the Best", "\"Barber's pole\"\ncurrent Royal Canadian Navy: all Atlantic fleet ships wear this insignia. is the last remaining Flower-class corvette. The \"\"Barberpole Cat\"\" group, a/k/a \"\"Polecats\"\"—perhaps a portmanteau of \"\"barber's pole\"\" and \"\"catalogue\"\"—is an essential repertoire of 12 songs that every barber shop quartet should know. The Barberpole Cat Program was created many years ago and features popular Barbershop songs arranged and voiced so \"\"all\"\" singers can learn and participate. For decades these have been the standard arrangements where singers can meet at conventions and sing together having never met before. The songs in this collection are: The Polecats have had a version", "\"The Water Is Wide (song)\"\nKishibe's 2008 album \"\"My Favorites\"\" includes a fingerstyle acoustic guitar rendition, instead incorporating the vocal melodies into the guitar melodies. American pianist, John Laing features this song on his debut album \"\"Awakened\"\" and it features Brittany Benish on guitar. Alexander Armstrong recorded the song on his 2015 solo album, \"\"A Year of Songs\"\", with an orchestral accompaniment. John Gorka sang the song on the 1998 album \"\"Where Have All The Flowers Gone\"\", a two-CD celebration of Pete Seeger songs by numerous artists. Schoonerfare sang \"\"The Water is Wide\"\" on their 2005 album, titled \"\"And Both Shall Row\"\". The second Christmas", "\"Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?\"\nwhere the video looks grainy, adding to the effect of the song. The video was nominated for Best Female Video at the 1997 MTV Video Music Awards, losing to Jewel's \"\"You Were Meant for Me\"\". Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? \"\"Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?\"\" is a song by American artist Paula Cole. It was released in March 1997 as the lead single from her second studio album, \"\"This Fire\"\". The song is Cole's only US Top Ten hit on \"\"Billboard\"\"s Hot 100, reaching number 8. It is also Cole's only Top-40 hit in the UK to date,", "\"Protest songs in the United States\"\na message type song ... 'Which side are you on?' That's such a waste? I mean, which side can you \"\"be\"\" on.'\"\" His next explicit topical protest song would be \"\"Hurricane\"\", written twelve years later, in 1976. Pete Seeger, founding member of the Almanac Singers and The Weavers, was a major influence on Dylan and his contemporaries, and continued to be a strong voice of protest in the 1960s, when he composed \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone\"\" (written with Joe Hickerson) and \"\"Turn, Turn, Turn\"\" (written during the 1950s but released on Seeger's 1962 album \"\"The Bitter and The", "\"Transcendental whistling\"\nBernhard Karlgren (1950) are cited. Two odes use \"\"xiao\"\" 嘯 along with \"\"gē\"\" 歌 \"\"sing; song\"\". Ode 22 江有汜 \"\"The Yangzi Splits and Joins\"\" is interpreted as concubines who were not allowed to accompany their bride to her new home, [江有沱]之子歸不我過 不我過其嘯也歌, translated as: Waley says the last words \"\"are certainly corrupt\"\" and suggests 宿也可 \"\"allow to lodge\"\". Karlgren explains \"\"She can do nothing but croon (wail) and resign herself to it.\"\" Ode 229 \"\"White Flowers\"\" uses \"\"xiaoge\"\" to describe a wife whose husband is gone, 嘯歌傷懷念彼碩人: These translators agree that \"\"ge\"\" means \"\"sing; song\"\" but differ over whether \"\"xiao\"\"", "\"The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai\"\nThe Sing-song Girls of Shanghai The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai, also translated as Shanghai Flowers, or Biographies of Flowers by the Seashore, is an 1892 novel by Han Bangqing. The novel, the first such novel to be serially published, chronicles lives of courtesans in Shanghai in the late 19th century. Unlike most prostitution-oriented novels in Wu, specifically the Suzhou dialect, all dialog in this novel is in Wu. The acclaimed writer Eileen Chang translated the book into Mandarin, published in two parts under the titles \"\"海上花開\"\" and \"\"海上花落\"\" (lit. \"\"The Flowers of the Sea Bloom / Fade\"\"\"\" or \"\"\"\"The Flowers", "\"Feels So Good (composition)\"\nrunning gag in which Mangione (who often guest starred on the show as himself) worked it into whatever he was playing. The song was featured in the \"\"Friends\"\" episode \"\"The One with All the Haste\"\", in which Joey and Chandler's unnamed neighbor can be heard singing made-up lyrics to the song in the morning. The song is played in the second episode of \"\"South Park\"\"s 19th season, \"\"Where My Country Gone?\"\", by Canadian students as a religious ritual performed with trumpets at 08:00 AM and at 11:00 while facing east. The song is played in the seventh episode of \"\"The", "\"BattleBlock Theater\"\nwould not move, blink, respond to hugs, and talk. He also asks \"\"Where has he gone to?\"\", meaning that Hatty may have died. The narrator sings a sad song as the credits roll, before quickly recovering and singing a more happy, upbeat song, rocking the boat and flinging Hatty into the sea, where he sinks to the bottom. The hat lands on his head and begins glowing green as opposed to its usual red, and shoots a beam skyward, where it sends the boat flying and continues into space, where it vaporizes \"\"Alien Hominid\"\" from the game of the same", "\"Where Have All the Good Times Gone\"\nolder people around me. I'd been watching them in the pubs, talking about taxes and job opportunities.\"\" The song has since gained \"\"classic\"\" status and featured on numerous compilations. Pye Records released the track as a single in November 1973 (Pye 7N 45313 b/w \"\"Lola\"\"). This re-release failed to chart. Although the Kinks had performed the song live on the TV show 'Ready Steady Go' in 1965, it would not become a staple of their live shows until the 1970s. Where Have All the Good Times Gone \"\"Where Have All the Good Times Gone\"\" is a song written by Ray", "\"Dolly Parton\"\n2005, she released \"\"Those Were The Days\"\" consisting of her interpretations of hits from the folk-rock era of the late 1960s and early 1970s, including \"\"Imagine\"\", \"\"Where Do the Children Play?\"\", \"\"Crimson and Clover\"\", and \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\" Parton earned her second Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song for \"\"Travelin' Thru,\"\" which she wrote specifically for the feature film \"\"Transamerica.\"\" (2005) Due to the song's (and film's) acceptance of a transgender woman, Parton received death threats. She returned to number one on the country chart later in 2005 by lending her distinctive harmonies to the Brad", "\"Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone?\"\nWhere Have All the Merrymakers Gone? Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone? is the debut studio album by American rock band Harvey Danger. It was initially released by the independent record label the Arena Rock Recording Company on July 29, 1997. The second song on the album, \"\"Flagpole Sitta\"\", received extensive airplay in the United States and resulted in the band's initial fame. As the song gained national attention, the album was picked up and reissued by Slash Records, a label associated with London Records. On July 29, 2014, 17 years to the day after the album's initial release, \"\"Where", "\"We Shall Overcome\"\nsong on its worship CD for that year: \"\"The Making of a Godly Man\"\", featuring worship leader Donn Thomas and the Maranatha! Promise Band. Bruce Springsteen's re-interpretation of the song was included on the 1998 tribute album \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone: The Songs of Pete Seeger\"\" as well as on Springsteen's 2006 album \"\"\"\". \"\"We Shall Overcome\"\" was adopted by various labor, nationalist, and political movements both during and after the Cold War. In his memoir about his years teaching English in Czechoslovakia after the Velvet Revolution, Mark Allen wrote: The melody was also used (crediting it to", "\"Appleseed Recordings\"\nAppleseed Recordings Appleseed Recordings is an American folk music record label founded by Jim Musselman in 1997. Appleseed's first album was a tribute to Peter Seeger. Musselman approached musicians and others (writer Studs Terkel, actor Tim Robbins) to record a song written, adapted, or performed by Seeger. The result was \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone: The Songs of Pete Seeger\"\". The album included versions of Seeger-related songs by Bruce Springsteen, Jackson Browne & Joan Baez, Judy Collins, Terkel, Robbins, and Ani DiFranco. The album won the American Federation of Independent Music Award for Top Independent Release of 1998\"\". The", "\"Guy Davis (musician)\"\neven on a Windham Hill collection of choral music, and alongside performers like Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, and Bruce Springsteen for a collection of songs written by his friend, legendary folksinger, ‘Uncle’ Pete Seeger, called, \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone\"\". However, easily the proudest recording project he’s been involved with is the one produced by his friend Larry Long, called \"\"I Will Be Your Friend: Songs and Activities for Young Peacemakers\"\", in which Davis contributed the title track. It's a CD collection of enriching songs combined together with a teacher’s aid kit to help teach diversity and understanding. It", "\"Nancy Kwan\"\nof unfavorable media attention drove filmmakers to escalate the production of Kwan's next film. In 1961, she starred in \"\"Flower Drum Song\"\" in a related role. The film was distinguished for being the \"\"first big-budget American film\"\" with an all–Asian cast. Kwan did not sing the songs in the musical film; the vocals for Linda Low were performed by B. J. Baker. Comparing \"\"Suzie Wong\"\" and \"\"Flower Drum Song\"\", she found the latter much harder because the girl she played was \"\"more go-getter\"\". Her prior ballet education provided a strong foundation for her role in \"\"Flower Drum Song\"\", where she", "\"(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay\"\nwas ranked twenty-eighth on \"\"Rolling Stone\"\"s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, the second-highest of four Redding songs on the list, after \"\"Respect\"\" (in this case the version recorded by Aretha Franklin). Jim Morrison made reference to \"\"Dock of the Bay\"\" in the Doors' song \"\"Runnin' Blue\"\", written by Robby Krieger, from their 1969 album \"\"The Soft Parade\"\". Morrison sings an a capella intro for the song, singing directly about Otis Redding. \"\"Poor Otis dead and gone, left me here to sing his song, pretty little girl with a red dress on, poor Otis dead and gone.\"\" And during the", "\"Music and politics\"\nlyrics exemplify Guthrie's socialistic patriotism. Pete Seeger's \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\", was a popular anti-war protest song. Many of these types of songs became popular during the Vietnam War era. \"\"Blowin' in the Wind\"\", by Bob Dylan, was a hit for Peter, Paul and Mary, and suggested that a younger generation was becoming more aware of global problems than many of the older generation. In 1964, Joan Baez had a top-ten hit in the UK with \"\"There but for Fortune\"\" (by Phil Ochs); it was a plea for the innocent victim of prejudice or inhumane policies. Many topical", "\"Willie Has Gone to War\"\nWillie Has Gone to War \"\"Willie Has Gone To War\"\" is a song written by Stephen Collins Foster sometime in 1862. It was considered a 'Civil War Song', though it was not as popular as some of his previous work. George Cooper wrote the lyrics. He may have composed up to 285 songs, hymns, arrangements and instrumental works during his lifetime. He also created many of the lyrics. The bluebird is singing his lay,<br> To all the sweet flow'rs of the dale,<br> The wild bee is reaming at play,<br> And soft is the sigh of the gale;<br> I stray by", "\"Face the Music (Electric Light Orchestra album)\"\na slower and softer song in contrast to its predecessor. Lynne sings the lead vocals while Groucutt sings harmony vocals on the chorus. Kaminski, McDowell and Gale all play together mixed with the backing orchestra in the songs entirety, adding an extra layer of orchestration. The guitar and orchestral outro fade into the orchestra opening to \"\"Evil Woman\"\". The song is written in D Major. The song was not released as a single anywhere with the exception of France and Australia where it became a minor hit. Jeff Lynne has gone on record saying that \"\"Waterfall\"\" is one of his", "\"Johnny Rivers\"\nnon grata from then on). Rivers' version far outsold the Chuck Berry original from August 1959, which stalled at #87 in the US. Rivers continued to record mostly live performances throughout 1964 and 1965, including Go-Go-style records with songs featuring folk music and blues rock influences including \"\"Maybellene\"\" (another Berry cover), after which came \"\"Mountain of Love\"\", \"\"Midnight Special\"\", \"\"Seventh Son\"\" (written by Willie Dixon), plus Pete Seeger's\"\" Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\", all of which were hits. In 1963, Rivers began working with writers P.F. Sloan and Steve Barri on a theme song for the American broadcast of", "\"I Believe My Heart\"\nboth wrote the original songs \"\"The Star In You\"\" and \"\"All Because Of You\"\". Both of the songs have a pop-like arrangement but are sung operatically in English. Chris Neil is responsible for the intimate \"\"One Day\"\". \"\"I Believe My Heart\"\" has three hidden tracks and two more interludes after the track 17 named only as \"\"One Day\"\". After this mini song the listener has to wait until the timer of the track has reached 7:20 when an interlude appears. When 8:38 has gone by, \"\"Lascia ch'io pianga\"\" comes on. Once twelve minutes have gone by, \"\"The Flower Duet\"\" plays.", "\"Eliza Carthy\"\nwork. She has twice been nominated for the Mercury Music Prize for UK album of the year: in 1998 for \"\"Red Rice\"\", and again in 2003 for \"\"Anglicana\"\". Eliza was a guest on the album \"\"Mermaid Avenue\"\" by Billy Bragg and Wilco. Eliza and Billy also recorded together on the song \"\"My Father's Mansions\"\" which appeared on the Pete Seeger tribute album called \"\"Where Have All The flowers Gone\"\" (1998). In September 2002 Eliza took part in the Tribute concert for Kirsty MacColl, \"\"The Song's the Thing\"\" along with other artists. In 2003 Eliza swept the boards at the Radio", "\"Joe Hickerson\"\nin New York State, Michigan, and the Chicago area. As of 2013 he is living in Portland, Oregon. \"\"The Wobblies\"\" 1979 (song performer) Joe Hickerson Joe Hickerson (born October 20, 1935 in Highland Park, Illinois) is a noted folk singer and songleader. A graduate of Oberlin College, for 35 years (1963–1998) he was Librarian and Director of the Archive of Folk Song at the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress. Joe is known for bringing together the original Russian text and his own verses to create the basis for \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\" in collaboration with", "\"And Quiet Flows the Don\"\nlibretto adapted by his brother Leonid. Premiered in October 1935, it became wildly popular after Stalin saw and praised it a few months later. The opera was proclaimed a model of socialist realism in music and won Dzerzhinsky a Stalin Prize. The lyrics for the folk song \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\" by Pete Seeger and Joe Hickerson were adapted from a cossack folk song mentioned in \"\"And Quiet Flows the Don\"\". And Quiet Flows the Don And Quiet Flows the Don or Quietly Flows the Don (, literally \"\"Quiet Don\"\") is an epic novel in four volumes by", "\"Flower Road\"\nHerman of \"\"Billboard\"\" described \"\"Flower Road\"\" as \"\"balancing out melancholy and optimism\"\", because the track \"\"is an homage\"\" to the quintet's \"\"relationship with the millions of fans around the world who have supported them for over a decade.\"\" David Watt of \"\"All-noise\"\" called the single \"\"emotional\"\", writing that it \"\"has all the right ingredients\"\" to become a K-pop hit. Watt also compliments how it \"\"feels really good as the five boys sing together.\"\" The lyrics of the track were also praised, with Julia Hur from \"\"The Kraze\"\" described them as \"\"meaningful\"\" and \"\"emotional\"\". Hur also wrote that \"\"the song holds", "\"Crossroads (2002 film)\"\nhowever, leaves without the permission of her abusive overbearing father Pete (Dan Aykroyd), who wakes up the next day to find his daughter is gone. Shortly into their journey, the car breaks down. They realize that together they don't have enough money for either the travel or the repair costs. Mimi then suggests that they sing karaoke at a local bar, where good singers are tipped well by the customers. While at the bar, the girls dress up and go to the stage to perform. However, when the song starts, Mimi develops stage fright, being unable to sing. Seeing that", "\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\nof the first in May 1960 in Bloomington, Indiana. In 2010, the \"\"New Statesman\"\" listed it as one of the \"\"Top 20 Political Songs\"\". The song appeared on the compilation album \"\"Pete Seeger's Greatest Hits\"\" (1967) released by Columbia Records as CS 9416. Pete Seeger's recording from the Columbia album \"\"The Bitter and the Sweet\"\" (November 1962), CL 1916, produced by John H. Hammond was also released as a Columbia Hall of Fame 45 single as 13-33088 backed by \"\"Little Boxes\"\" in August, 1965. Pete Seeger's recording of his composition was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame, which is", "\"Since U Been Gone\"\nin the setlist of her My December Tour as an encore. While performing at Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Connecticut, Clarkson performed \"\"Since U Been Gone\"\" and let the audience sing the song's chorus. Clarkson's performance of the song at the Beacon Theatre, New York City stirred crowd into a frenzy, causing the show to be closed abruptly. During her All I Ever Wanted Tour, Clarkson performed the song at the Hammerstein Ballroom, where Caryn Ganz of \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" remarked that \"\"the room turned into an electric sea of flailing arms and pogo-ing heads.\"\" In 2011, Clarkson performed \"\"Since U Been", "\"Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?\"\nand Cole's mezzo-soprano range. The song received Grammy nominations for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance (losing to Sarah McLachlan's \"\"Building a Mystery\"\"), Record of the Year, and Song of the Year (the latter two losing to \"\"Sunny Came Home\"\" by Shawn Colvin). The video was directed by Caitlin Felton. It is simple, primarily featuring Cole in the foreground singing or posing for the camera, while her band plays in the background. These shots are augmented by various shadowy or obscure images of people walking, sitting at a table, sitting in a car and riding a horse. There are several points", "\"Ernie Harwell\"\ndelivery, southern accent (Detroit \"\"Ti-guhs\"\"), and conversational style. Some of his trademark phrases were: Harwell would also begin the first spring training broadcast of each season with a reading from Song of Solomon 2:11-12 (KJV): \"\"\"\"For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.\"\"\"\" Harwell's 1955 essay \"\"The Game for All America\"\", originally published in \"\"The Sporting News\"\" and reprinted numerous times, is considered a classic of baseball literature. He also", "\"The Gospel of Us\"\nTeacher begins to cry out about all of the memories of the town until the skyline is lit with a burst of light and all of the town is brought back to life with old memories. After he dies, his followers wrap him in cloth and lower him gently, where his mother cradles his body and sings to him. Joanne approaches to remove the cloth to show the town their hero one last time, but when she does, his body is gone and in his place are hundreds of flowers. The Stranger appears on the podium, exclaiming, 'It is finished,", "\"Hibiscus rosa-sinensis\"\nare more than two complete sets of chromosomes, unlike most other species. A side effect of polyploidy is a condition where the phenotype of the offspring may be quite different from the parent, or indeed any ancestor, essentially allowing possibly random expression of all (or any) of the characteristics of all the generations that have gone before. Because of this characteristic, \"\"H. rosa-sinensis\"\" has become popular with hobbyists who cross and recross varieties, creating new named varieties and holding competitions to exhibit and judge the many resulting new seedlings and often strikingly unique flowers. The flowers of \"\"Hibiscus rosa-sinensis\"\" are", "\"Lunch with Marlene\"\nhugely likeable.\"\" The first act takes place in a restaurant in London in 1970, in which Dietrich and Coward meet for lunch. Dietrich seeks Coward's advice on whether or not to write an autobiography, for which she has already accepted and spent an advance payment. The two former stars reminisce and discuss Dietrich's experiences as a German American during World War II. The second act presents a musical revue, including such songs as \"\"Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans\"\", \"\"See What the Boys in the Back Room Will Have\"\", and \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\". The original London", "\"So Gone\"\nlike no holds barred, not trying to cater to any one audience.\"\" Initially recorded for the US re-release of \"\"All Eyez on Me\"\", it was later featured on the re-tooled \"\"After the Storm\"\" album only. Lyrically, the \"\"So Gone\"\" protagonist sings about almost losing her mind over an unfaithful man. \"\"The song is saying that I'm so gone that I'm not thinking straight,\"\" Monica told \"\"Jet Magazine\"\". \"\"I do that sometimes because I'm pretty hard. She [Missy Elliott] may have taken some of the real life from me and put it into song.\"\" Elliott proposed the singer to start rapping", "\"Massachusetts (Bee Gees song)\"\nWear Flowers in Your Hair)\"\" in that the protagonist had been to San Francisco to join the hippies but was now homesick. The idea of the lights having gone out in Massachusetts was to suggest that everyone had gone to San Francisco. The song was originally intended for The Seekers. Upon arriving in London from Australia (following in the path of the Seekers who had arrived several years earlier) the Bee Gees had been unsuccessful in getting the song to the group, so they recorded it themselves. During a chance meeting in London between the Seekers' lead singer Judith Durham", "\"Donna Loren\"\ndancers. On the series, Loren performed a wide range of material both in solos and work with other performers, most often Bobby Sherman. Songs included \"\"Shakin' All Over\"\", \"\"Goldfinger\"\", \"\"Ain't That Loving, You, Baby\"\", \"\"Too Many Fish in the Sea\"\", \"\"Boys\"\", \"\"I am Ready\"\", \"\"Rock Me in the Cradle\"\", \"\"Cycle Set\"\", \"\"African Waltz\"\", \"\"It's Alright\"\", \"\"The Boy from New York City\"\", \"\"The Way of Love\"\", \"\"Down the Line\"\", \"\"That's What Love\"\", \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone\"\", \"\"With the Wind & the Rain in Your Hair\"\", and \"\"Personality\"\". Loren has referred to her enjoyment of appearing on the series, telling", "\"Flagpole Sitta\"\nand weird.\"\" \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" ranked the song the 25th best of the 1990s. Flagpole Sitta \"\"Flagpole Sitta\"\" is a song by American rock band Harvey Danger from their 1997 debut album, \"\"Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone?\"\". The song was recorded during the 1996 sessions for \"\"Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone\"\". According to drummer Evan Sult, the song was written as a response to the Seattle music scene of the 1990s and its effect on mainstream culture.. The title of the song was inspired by the 1930 Marx Brothers film \"\"Animal Crackers\"\", which features a line of dialogue about", "\"In My Mind (Maty Noyes song)\"\naccount on September 7, 2016, ahead of the EP's release. It features Noyes having mixed feelings about a lover in a bedroom, and singing the song while contemplating what to do. The video also features a flower theme: Noyes can be seen singing in a bed of flowers and in a bathtub surrounded by flowers that appear to be Rhododendrons. The video has achieved over 6 million views on YouTube/Vevo. The song was written by Noyes and William Wiik Larsen and produced by the duo as well. The song utilizes G, E minor, C, and D chords. Lyrically, Maty Noyes", "\"Flagpole Sitta\"\nFlagpole Sitta \"\"Flagpole Sitta\"\" is a song by American rock band Harvey Danger from their 1997 debut album, \"\"Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone?\"\". The song was recorded during the 1996 sessions for \"\"Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone\"\". According to drummer Evan Sult, the song was written as a response to the Seattle music scene of the 1990s and its effect on mainstream culture.. The title of the song was inspired by the 1930 Marx Brothers film \"\"Animal Crackers\"\", which features a line of dialogue about the pole sitting fad of the 1920s. The band was inspired to spell", "\"Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?\"\nan original voice.\"\" Nelson wrote that the play \"\"continues his [McNally] exploration of power relations.\"\" Thomas S. Hischak (Professor of Theatre State University of New York at Cortland) wrote that the play was \"\"one of the liveliest offerings of the off-Broadway season... a breezy, frustrating, joyous ode to aimlessness by a playwright who was coming into his own.\"\" Toby Zinman commented on the character of \"\"Tommy\"\": \"\"Tommy is empty when it comes to any intelligence in dealing with life as well as any passionate respect for anything other than self-interest.\"\" Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone? Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?", "\"Cavalleria rusticana\"\nto take \"\"vendetta\"\" (revenge) which causes Santuzza to repent for having disclosed the affair and begs Alfio to stop to no avail. The square is empty as the orchestra plays the famous \"\"Intermezzo\"\". The villagers come out of the church. Turiddu is in high spirits because he is with Lola and Santuzza appears to have gone. He invites his friends to his mother’s wine shop where he sings a drinking song, \"\"Viva, il vino spumeggiante\"\" (\"\"Hail to the bubbling wine!\"\"). Alfio joins them. Turiddu offers him wine, but he refuses it. All understand that trouble is in the air. The", "\"When You're Gone (Bryan Adams song)\"\nCD single of \"\"When You're Gone\"\" also included a solo version by Adams. The song is frequently featured at Adams' concerts. He usually picks a female audience member to sing the song with him. As such, it appears on several CD and DVD releases. In recent years, he also performed it entirely solo, both fully acoustic and with his full band. Melanie C regularly features the song in her live concerts, with guitarist Greg Hatwell singing Adams' parts. The song is included on her live DVD \"\"Live Hits\"\". Melanie C and Bryan Adams have played the song together a couple", "\"Farewell, Angelina\"\nreading of \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone\"\". The cover photo was taken by Richard Avedon. In the UK the title song was issued as a single on Fontana Records. The 2002 reissue of the album by Vanguard features three previously unreleased additional tracks from the \"\"Farewell, Angelina\"\" sessions: \"\"One Too Many Mornings\"\", \"\"Rock, Salt, And Nails\"\", and \"\"The Water Is Wide\"\". In a retrospective summary for Allmusic, Bruce Eder commented on how Baez was expanding along with the folk-rock of the 60s. He felt that in addition to Baez, the album contained good work by Langhorne and Richard Romoff", "\"Joe Hickerson\"\nJoe Hickerson Joe Hickerson (born October 20, 1935 in Highland Park, Illinois) is a noted folk singer and songleader. A graduate of Oberlin College, for 35 years (1963–1998) he was Librarian and Director of the Archive of Folk Song at the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress. Joe is known for bringing together the original Russian text and his own verses to create the basis for \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\" in collaboration with Pete Seeger, and for participating in the first LP recording of \"\"Kumbayah\"\". He is currently active as a lecturer, researcher, and performer, especially", "\"Don't Call Me Shurley\"\nmeanwhile writes the final part of His autobiography, and afterwards, while an apparently moved Metatron is reading it, grabs a guitar and starts singing “Dink's Song”. In Hope Springs, Dean finds the amulet in Sam's pocket glowing brightly, and realizes that Sam has been restored and that the fog is gone. As they go outside, they find that all the townspeople have been restored to sanity, while those who had died have also been restored to life before they find Chuck helping people. With the amulet burning bright in his presence, it becomes clear of who Chuck is to the", "\"Dark Night of the Scarecrow\"\nthat Bubba has gone away where no one can hurt him. Marylee runs out of the house to look for Bubba and Mrs. Ritter goes after her. She finds Marylee sitting in the field where Bubba had been killed singing a favorite song of hers and Bubba's, and she calmly tells Mrs. Ritter that Bubba isn't gone, only hiding. A day later, Harliss finds a scarecrow in his fields like the one Bubba was hidden in; there is no indication of who put it there. Otis suspects the district attorney of putting it there to rattle the four of them", "\"That's the Way It Goes (George Harrison song)\"\nhis previous album, \"\"Somewhere in England\"\". Aside from Harrison, the musicians playing on \"\"That's the Way It Goes\"\" were Mike Moran (on keyboards), Ray Cooper (percussion), Herbie Flowers (bass) and Henry Spinetti (drums). According to Leng, the line-up of mainly English musicians on \"\"Gone Troppo\"\" was further evidence of Harrison's limited interest in music during this period, with many of the new acquaintances having come through Cooper, who also had an executive role at HandMade. Harrison's musical contributions to the recording included all the guitar parts on the song, as well as synthesizer. Leng describes the musical arrangement as typical", "\"Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?\"\nWhere Has Tommy Flowers Gone? Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone? is a play by Terrence McNally. \"\"Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?\"\" premiered at the Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, Connecticut, on January 7, 1971. Directed by Larry Arrick, the cast featured Robert Drivas as Tommy Flowers, Barbara Damashek, James Naughton and Henry Winkler. The play next was produced at the Berkshire Theatre Festival, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, on August 11, 1971. The play opened Off-Broadway at the Eastside Playhouse on October 7, 1971 and closed on December 12 after 78 performances. It was directed by Jacques Levy and the cast featured Robert", "\"Ol' Man River\"\ngone, in one of his last appearances before his death, singing the song with the changes that Robeson incorporated into it. The changes in Robeson's concert renditions of the song shift the portrayal of Joe away from a resigned and sad character who is susceptible to the forces of his world, to one who is timelessly empowered and able to persevere through even the most trying circumstances. Lawrence Tibbett, in his performances of the song, did use the word \"\"niggers\"\". Frank Sinatra famously changed \"\"Niggers all work on de Mississippi...\"\" to \"\"Here we all work on the Mississippi...\"\" in a", "\"You're Not Singing Any More\"\nChannel 4 \"\"Father Ted\"\" episode \"\"Escape from Victory\"\". The chant is simply that phrase repeated several times to the second half of the Welsh hymn tune \"\"Cwm Rhondda\"\". Alternative versions sung to the same tune include, \"\"We Can See You Sneaking Out!\"\", which is sung towards despondent fans of the opposition who are leaving early, and \"\"Shall We Sing a Song for You?\"\", which is also used when opposing fans have gone quiet. \"\"You're not singing\"\" \"\"You're not singing\"\" \"\"You're not singing any more\"\" \"\"You're not sinnnngggginggg any more\"\" \"\"You're not singing\"\" \"\"You're not singing\"\" \"\"You're not singing any more\"\"", "\"Perfect Angel\"\nTrain\"\" aired the same Saturday afternoon) and several in-person concert appearances. The album went Gold on the strength of \"\"Lovin' You\"\" and remains the only Gold Album in Riperton's career. Minnie Riperton was finally revered as the \"\"lady with the high voice and flowers in her hair.\"\" The album also featured the song \"\"Every Time He Comes Around\"\", with Deniece Williams singing the background vocals. \"\"All songs written by Minnie Riperton and Richard Rudolph except where indicated.\"\" Side One Side Two Production Singles Four artists who performed on this album (Stevie Wonder, Deniece Williams, Michael Sembello, and Ollie Brown [of", "\"Keep Singing That Love Song\"\nJim Gordon and Steely Dan regular Ben Benay. The Archers moved on to Ralph Carmichael’s Light Records shortly after its release, where they would remain for most of the following decade. Keep Singing That Love Song Keep Singin' That Love Song was The Archers first major label album. Impact Records re-released their independent recording, \"\"The Archers\"\", a year earlier and sent master producer Bob MacKenzie to the West Coast for the new project. The album included the Number One hit, “Little Flowers” and “Jesus, He Is The Son Of God”. Paul Revere and The Raiders’ arranger, Bobby Sisco who would", "\"Peter, Paul and Mary\"\nuncommercial, and Carolyn Hester. After rehearsing Yarrow, Stookey and Travers out of town in Boston and Miami, Grossman booked them into The Bitter End, a coffee house, nightclub and popular folk music venue in New York City's Greenwich Village. They recorded their debut album, \"\"Peter, Paul and Mary\"\", the following year. It included \"\"Lemon Tree\"\", \"\"500 Miles\"\", and the Pete Seeger hit tunes \"\"If I Had a Hammer\"\" (subtitled \"\"The Hammer Song\"\") and \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\". The album was listed in the \"\"Billboard Magazine\"\" Top Ten for 10 months, including seven weeks in the No. 1 position.", "\"Pete Seeger\"\nblacklist period of the late 1950s and early 1960s, Seeger worked gigs as a music teacher in schools and summer camps, and traveled the college campus circuit. He also recorded as many as five albums a year for Moe Asch's Folkways Records label. As the nuclear disarmament movement picked up steam in the late 1950s and early 1960s, Seeger's anti-war songs, such as, \"\"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?\"\" (co-written with Joe Hickerson), \"\"Turn! Turn! Turn!\"\", adapted from the Book of Ecclesiastes, and \"\"The Bells of Rhymney\"\" by the Welsh poet Idris Davies (1957), gained wide currency. Seeger also was", "\"Merry Hell\"\nPals project, collaborating with other folk artists including Lucy Ward, Christine Collister and Robb Johnson on a version of Pete Seeger's song \"\"Where Have All The Flowers Gone\"\" to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. Merry Hell's third full-length album, \"\"The Ghost In Our House and other stories ...\"\" was released in early 2015 and features a guest appearance by guitarist Gordon Giltrap. The band's fourth album \"\"Bloodlines\"\" followed in late 2016. Merry Hell Merry Hell is an English folk rock band from Wigan, Greater Manchester, formed in 2010. The core members of the band", "\"Never Gone (song)\"\nperformed this song during the semi-finals on March 5, 2013. Since Angie Miller performed it on \"\"Idol,\"\" Dixon decided to have a \"\"Never Gone\"\" cover contest, where his band will pick the three best videos and will get prizes from the Colton Dixon store. Never Gone entered the Christian Digital Songs and Christian/Gospel Digital Songs at No. 1 in both charts. Never Gone (song) \"\"Never Gone\"\" is a song recorded by American recording artist Colton Dixon, who placed seventh on the eleventh season of \"\"American Idol\"\". It was released September 25, 2012 as the first promotional single from his debut", "\"Sing-song girls\"\nman might choose a courtesan to be his concubine. Many of these courtesans would sing songs to attract potential husbands, hoping to become secondary wives. Western observers in China during the nineteenth century witnessed these women singing but had no idea what to call them since they were not classified as prostitutes. Thus the term \"\"Sing-Song Girls\"\" came about. There is another version of the source of the term. According to the 1892 fictional masterpiece by Han Bangqing called \"\"Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai\"\", also known as \"\"Flowers of Shanghai\"\", people in Shanghai called the women who performed in sing-song houses", "\"Julie Vega\"\nhits. Aside from acting, Vega also became a successful singer in her own right. She initially refused to pursue a singing career of her own, but after repeated prodding from her older brother Joey, who noticed her beautiful singing voice, she finally consented to doing so. She took formal voice lessons under renowned songwriter Cecille Azarcon to further hone her singing voice. With the training she received, she was able to sing many of the theme songs of the movies she appeared in like \"\"Dear Mama\"\", \"\"Where Love Has Gone\"\", \"\"Don't Cry for Me Papa\"\" and \"\"Iiyak Ka Rin\"\". It", "\"Ellen Emerson White\"\nall are relatable to an \"\"ordinary\"\" person. Elements of White's stories are connected within her works. For example, the character Trudy (President's Daughter series) is from Brighton, the section of Boston where Molly and Patrick (Where Have All the Flowers Gone?) live. Perhaps the most intricate cross-work involvement occurs with the character Susan McAllister/Dowd. In the final book of the President's Daughter series, Meg's JA at Williams College is Susan, whose 'life'is chronicled in Friends For Life, and Life Without Friends. Another example of these connections is the character of nurse Rebecca Phillips from The Echo Company series, who was", "\"Daddy's Gone\"\nEP, and two different 7\"\" singles. It entered the UK Singles Chart at number 12 and the Scottish Singles Chart at number two on the chart dated 31 August 2008. It also found minor popularity in Flemish Belgium, appearing on the Ultratip chart at number 12. James Allan wrote and composed the song prior to the recording sessions at Central Sound Studios in Glasgow, Scotland, where the band recorded their previous single, \"\"Go Square Go!.\"\" James Allan handled all production duties as well as its B-side, \"\"Flowers & Football Tops.\"\" \"\"Daddy's Gone\"\" is in A major and in 4/4 time.", "\"Glamorous (Fergie song)\"\nTal Herzberg, who has worked the Black Eyed Peas on previous studio recordings, performed additional engineering on the track with the use of Pro Tools. Tony Maserati was signed as the principal mix engineer while Ryan Kennedy assisted him at The Record Plant in Hollywood, California. The song was finally recorded at Tree Sound Studios in Atlanta, Georgia and The Record Plant in Hollywood, California by \"\"Angry\"\" Mike Eleopoulos. Since the song was released, the lyrics in the chorus have been a matter of dispute. It appears that Fergie sings the words \"\"Flossy Flossy\"\" or as some hear \"\"Flowers Flowers\"\",", "\"Send My Love (To Your New Lover)\"\nAdele describes it as a \"\"happy you're gone\"\" song, and commented that the opening line where she sings, \"\"This was all you/ none of it me\"\", \"\"it's fucking sick.\"\" A writer for \"\"The Guardian\"\" deemed it to be a belligerent \"\"revenge song,\"\" similar to Gloria Gaynor's \"\"I Will Survive\"\" (1978) and Beyoncé's \"\"Irreplaceable\"\" (2006). \"\"BBC News\"\" Mark Savage called \"\"Send My Love (To Your New Lover)\"\" a \"\"nimble pop/R&B song\"\" and wrote that it \"\"shows a fresh, playful side to the star\"\". Rob Garratt of \"\"The National\"\" described the song as a \"\"bouncy pop nugget\"\" and opined that it \"\"falls", "\"Flowers & Football Tops\"\nFlowers & Football Tops \"\"Flowers & Football Tops\"\" is a song by Scottish Indie rock band Glasvegas, taken from their self-titled debut album. The song first appeared in a different recording as the B-side to the band's second single release \"\"Daddy's Gone\"\" in November 2007 on Sane Man Records, and was rerecorded and released as a single in the UK on 23 February 2009. The song was written and composed by the band's singer and guitarist James Allan, who explained that the song is about the murder of Kriss Donald to \"\"The Daily Record\"\": \"\"Sometimes when you read things or", "\"Kabir Suman\"\nas Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, Wolf Biermann etc. He transcribed (with credits) Dylan's \"\"Blowin' in the Wind\"\" as \"\"Uttoro to Jana\"\" in his album \"\"Ichchhe Holo\"\" in 1993 and \"\"Farewell, Angelina\"\" (initially recorded by Joan Baez in 1965) as \"\"Biday Porichita\"\" in his 1997 album \"\"Jatismar\"\". He transcribed (with credits) Paul Simon's \"\"Sounds of Silence\"\" as \"\"Stobdhotar Gaan\"\". Pete Seeger also had an influence on his music. Suman had transcribed Pete Seeger's Where Have All The Flowers Gone to his song called \"\"Kothay Gelo Tara\"\", which he sang on various occasions but never recorded. He had sung this in his", "\"August October\"\nOctober 10, 1969 same day as \"\"Gone Gone Gone\"\" and \"\"Lord Bless All\"\".Gibb's voice on this song was low, especially on the first verse: \"\"Autumn and Friday the winds blew, July, September, I knew you, and now I sit on the sand hill, I sing our song to the sea.\"\" The Italian LP \"\"Best of Bee Gees, Volume 2\"\" has a mono mix of this song with a fadeout ending (at 2:25), but then it comes to a full ending seconds later. If this was to be a true mono mix, it was hardly used, as most Polydor divisions issued", "\"Why This Kolaveri Di\"\nsinging style of Tamil folk culture. The composer added a crescendo to make the instrumentation become more layered]. The words of the song are in a simple form of Tanglish, a mixture of Tamil and English. The song creates an imagery of an Indian boy who has gone through love failure. While singing, Dhanush creates a tone of being drunk, when he repeatedly asks why she hurt him. The words have been described as \"\"nonsensical\"\" by some and an evocation of \"\"Tamil street humour\"\". Dhanush has stated that the choice of words he chose lyrics allows it to be a", "\"I Dreamed a Dream\"\n(more than four million sold), where four other versions have also gone Gold. Numerous popular singers have recorded cover versions of \"\"I Dreamed a Dream\"\". Neil Diamond recorded the song for his 1987 live album \"\"Hot August Night II\"\" and released the song as a single. It peaked at no. 13 on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" Adult Contemporary chart in November 1987 and at no. 90 on the UK Singles Chart. Diamond's version features a lyrical alteration at the end of the song; instead of \"\"Now life has killed the dream I dreamed\"\" Diamond sings, \"\"But life can't kill the dream", "\"Spooky Swabs\"\nghosts all stop at the spot where Popeye had been and wonder where he's gone. Popeye then appears in ghost form and punches all the ghosts so hard that they become solid. The now solid ghosts then crash into a wall, which kills them and allows Olive to take the ghosts and sew them together into a new sail. With the ship now ghost free, Popeye and Olive sail off into the sunset back for civilization and sing Popeye's song as the short ends - and the cartoon series with it. Because the cartoon is in the public domain in", "\"Girl Gone Wild\"\nfor \"\"Girl Gone Wild\"\" was done mainly for stereo speakers and around the 1:45–2:00 mark, the vocal levels fluctuate with the backing music being dwarfed. Senior also observed that Madonna put the stresses of the words on the beats of the song, hence some of the enunciation are lost with the drum sounds, especially on the title hook. Lyrically, the song addresses a \"\"good girl gone wild\"\" singing about her \"\"burning hot desire\"\" to have some fun. It contains references to singer Cyndi Lauper's \"\"Girls Just Want to Have Fun\"\" (1983), with lyrics like \"\"Girls, they just wanna have some", "\"Violent Femmes discography\"\nand \"\"Gone Daddy Gone\"\", \"\"Violent Femmes\"\" became the band's biggest-selling album and was eventually certified platinum by the RIAA. Although the sales success of their debut was never matched, \"\"The Blind Leading the Naked\"\" (1986), \"\"3\"\" (1989), \"\"Why Do Birds Sing?\"\" (1991) and \"\"New Times\"\" (1994) all peaked at higher chart positions on the \"\"Billboard\"\" 200. Throughout their career, Violent Femmes' popularity remained consistent, especially in Australia where four of their albums made the Top 40 and the debut stayed on the charts for seven months. The songs \"\"Nightmares\"\" and \"\"American Music\"\" cracked the top five on the US Modern", "\"Neil Sanderson\"\nproduction and lights as we can. The seizure factor has gone way up.\"\" Speaking of the band's move to larger playing sites, he continued \"\"It's great to be able to see everybody in a smaller place. But the same people who were there in the early days are still there for us.\"\" Speaking of fan response to album songs, he said: \"\"[W]e also play a lot of album tracks, and the crowd sings along just as much for those. These days, you have to make an awesome album. I think we're getting back to where people want to hear real" ]
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when did they put warnings on cigarette packs
[ "2003" ]
[ "\"Peter Stuyvesant (cigarette)\"\nprior to the adoption of picture‐based warnings on tobacco packages, Peter Stuyvesant cigarettes were being sold in 'trendy retro‐style tins' which, unlike soft packets of cigarettes with on‐pack printed warnings, had health warning stickers that were easily peeled off. Retailers reported that the tins were very popular with younger smokers\"\"\"\", the report stated. In 2017, The Federal Health Department had conceded it will not be taking any action against Imperial Tobacco for breaching Australia's plain packaging legislation. It was reported in 2016 that Imperial Tobacco put soft packs inside Peter Stuyvesant 20-pack cigarettes which you could take out and throw", "\"Cigarette pack\"\nhealth warnings. Vending machines sometimes dispense packets containing 16 or 18 cigarettes although the dimensions of the packaging are the same as the equivalent packet that contains 20. A carton of cigarettes usually contains 10 packs, totaling 200 cigarettes. Some cartons contain twenty packs, totaling 400 cigarettes. A \"\"hard pack\"\" is the usual style of paperboard packaging for store bought cigarettes, which consists of a relatively stable box. This successfully prevents the crumpling of cigarettes when kept in a person's pocket or handbag. The flip-top hard pack cigarette case was introduced in 1955 by Philip Morris. A \"\"soft pack\"\" is", "\"Cigarette pack\"\nreduce cigarette butts of being discarded unto the street, where they contaminate the environment. Cigarette pack A pack or packet of cigarettes is a rectangular container, mostly of paperboard, which contains cigarettes. The pack is designed with a flavor-protective foil, paper or plastic, and sealed through a transparent airtight plastic film. By pulling the \"\"pull-tabs\"\", the pack is opened. Hard packs can be closed again after opening, whereas soft packs cannot. Cigarette packs often contain warning messages depending on which country they are sold in. In the European Union, most tobacco warnings are standardised (although the United Kingdom now has", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\nthe text \"\"SMOKING KILLS\"\" or \"\"TOBACCO KILLS\"\" in English, covering at least 40% of the front of the pack, and retailers must display the cigarette packs in such a way that the pictures on pack are clearly visible. In January 2012 controversy arose when it was discovered an image of English footballer John Terry was used on a warning label. On 15 October 2014, Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan announced that only 15% of the surface of a pack of cigarettes could contain branding, and that the rest must be used for graphic and text health warnings. The Union Ministry", "\"Cigarette pack\"\nCigarette pack A pack or packet of cigarettes is a rectangular container, mostly of paperboard, which contains cigarettes. The pack is designed with a flavor-protective foil, paper or plastic, and sealed through a transparent airtight plastic film. By pulling the \"\"pull-tabs\"\", the pack is opened. Hard packs can be closed again after opening, whereas soft packs cannot. Cigarette packs often contain warning messages depending on which country they are sold in. In the European Union, most tobacco warnings are standardised (although the United Kingdom now has plain tobacco packaging). The size of a pack is often regulated. Government agencies usually", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\nMalay (front) and English (back) explaining: Graphic warning messages must consist 40% of the front of cigarette packages and 60% in the back. After the introduction of graphic images in Malaysian cigarette packaging, the branding of cigarettes as \"\"light\"\", \"\"mild\"\", etc. is forbidden. In Mexico cigarette packs contain health warnings and graphic images since 2010. By law, 30% of the pack's front, 100% of the pack's rear, and 100% of one lateral must consist on images and warnings. The Secretariat of Health issues new warnings and images every six months. Images have included a dead rat, a partial mastectomy, a", "\"History of warning labels in the US\"\nHistory of warning labels in the US The history of warning labels in the United States began in 1938 when the United States Congress passed a law mandating that food products have a list of ingredients on the label. In 1966 the Federal government mandated that cigarette packs have a warning on them from the surgeon general. See Tobacco packaging warning messages. Congress voted in 1973 that products containing “toxic substances” must have labels. In 1985 there was a testimony that wanted record companies to put labels on music that contained sexual or violent lyrics. On March 29, 1990 warning", "Cigarette\nin shifting the consumer’s choice when the same product displays in an alternative package. Studies also show how companies have manipulated a variety of elements in packs designs to communicate the impression of lower in tar or milder cigarettes, whereas the components were the same. Some countries require cigarette packs to contain warnings about health hazards. The United States was the first, later followed by other countries including Canada, most of Europe, Australia, Pakistan, India, Hong Kong, and Singapore. In 1985, Iceland became the first country to enforce graphic warnings on cigarette packaging. At the end of December 2010, new", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\n1977. In 1971, tobacco companies printed on the left side of cigarette packets \"\"WARNING by H.M. Government, SMOKING CAN DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH\"\". In 1991, the E.U. tightened laws on tobacco warnings. \"\"TOBACCO SERIOUSLY DAMAGES HEALTH\"\" was printed on the front of all tobacco packs. An additional warning was also printed on the reverse of cigarette packs. In 2003, new E.U. regulations required one of the following general warnings must be displayed, covering at least 30% of the surface of the pack: Additionally, one of the following additional warnings must be displayed, covering at least 40% of the surface of the", "\"Jason Beghe\"\nsuggested that governments put up a warning sign, similar to warnings placed on packs of cigarettes, and the next day a member of Germany's Interior Department told him such a sign was placed outside a Church of Scientology building in Berlin. Beghe said that Scientology hired private investigators to follow him to Europe. Beghe was a guest in May 2009 on the BBC World Service radio program \"\"\"\", where he discussed his views on what he thought of Scientology when he first joined: \"\"I thought that it was something that was going to deliver miracles, and that it was the", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\nZealand in 1974. Warning images accompanying text have been required to appear on each packet since 28 February 2008. New Regulations were made on 14 March 2018 which provided for larger warnings and a new schedule of images and messages. By law, 75% of the cigarette pack's front and 100% of the cigarette pack's rear must consist of warning messages. Images include gangrenous toes, rotting teeth and gums, diseased lungs and smoking-damaged hearts. Cigarette packets also carry the Quitline logo and phone number and other information about quitting smoking. In total, there are 15 different warnings. A full list with", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\npack: From October 2008, all cigarette products manufactured must carry picture warnings to the reverse. Every pack must have one of these warnings by October 2009. Plain packaging, including prominent and standardised health warnings and minimal manufacturer information, became compulsory for all cigarette and hand-rolling tobacco packs manufactured after May 2016 and sold after May 2017. General warning: Ghanaian warnings are very compliant with the EU's legislations, as follows: Packaging 1 (same as in the newer UK packaging): Packaging 2 (same as in the older UK packaging): Packaging 3 (same as in the older UK packaging): Under Hong Kong Law,", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\na very small typeface along one of the sides: \"\"\"\" (It has been determined that cigarette smoking is harmful to your health, Cigarette Tax Law) Since 14 September 1978 On 24 March 2005, another warning was introduced in every cigarette pack: \"\"Este producto contiene alquitrán, nicotina y monóxido de carbono, los cuales son cancerígenos y tóxicos. No existen niveles seguros para el consumo de estas sustancias\"\" (This product contains tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide, which are carcinogenic and toxic. There are no safe levels for consumption of these substances\"\". 1978's warning, was not removed, now every cigarette pack contains both", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\nwarning is printed on cigarette packaging. On the front of cigarette packages: On the back of cigarette packages: In Laos, a variety of warnings with graphic, disturbing images of tobacco-related harms (including a mouth cancer and rotting teeth) are placed prominently on cigarette packages. In Malaysia, general warning as a mandatory on all Malaysian cigarette packaging are in force since June 1976. Starting 1 June 2009, The Malaysian government has decided to place graphic images on the cigarette packs to show the adverse long-term effects of excessive smoking replacing the general warning with text describing the graphic images printed in", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\nof India, which asks the government to stop selling of loose cigarettes and publish bigger health warnings on tobacco packs. General warning: Before 1996 1996-1999 1999–2001 2002–end of 2013 Since 2014 With the enforcement of 2012 Indonesian Government Regulation (\"\"Peraturan Pemerintah\"\") No. 109, all of tobacco products/cigarette packaging and advertisement should include warning images and age restriction (18+). Graphic warning messages must consist 40% of cigarette packages. After the introduction of graphic images in Indonesian cigarette packaging, the branding of cigarettes as \"\"light\"\", \"\"mild\"\",\"\"filter\"\", etc. is forbidden. Other alternatives: The warning below appears on the side of the cigarette packaging:", "\"Regulation of tobacco by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration\"\nproposed a mandatory cigarette label that warned, \"\"CAUTION: cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health and may cause death from cancer and other diseases.\"\" However, legislation ultimately passed by Congress required a warning label with less dire language:\"\"CAUTION: CIGARETTE SMOKING MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH.\"\" In 1965, the United States Congress passed the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act (FCLAA), which required a health warning on all cigarette packs. In 1970, President Richard Nixon signed the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act, which banned cigarettes ads on the radio or television. It also required an updated warning on the cigarette", "\"Cigarette packets in Australia\"\nwith the simple message 'Warning—Smoking is a health hazard'. Since 1 March 2006, graphic images depicting the effects of smoking cigarettes have been required to be displayed on cigarette packets. Warnings must cover 30% of the front and 90% of the back of the box. The 10% of the back not occupied by a warning is used for the message \"\"Sale to underage persons prohibited\"\". Since 1 December 2012 all forms of branding logos, colours, and promotional texts are banned from cigarette pack designs. The requirement is for plain cigarette packaging showing only brand name and health warning messages. Australia", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\nwarnings (one on each lateral). In addition, since 24 March 2005, one of the following warnings is randomly printed very prominently, along with a graphical image, occupying the 100% of the back of the pack (40% for the text warning and 60% for the image): Also, in Venezuela, tobacco advertising is strictly forbidden, so much so that the words tobacco, cigarette, cigar, etc. are not permitted in media such as radio and television and no one can smoke on television. In the campaign called: \"\"Venezuela 100% libre de humo\"\" (Venezuela, 100% smoke-free), curiously, these warnings only appear on cigarette packs", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\nfor those cigarettes included the statement \"\"Smoking is Addictive\"\". After Philip Morris acquired the three Liggett brands, it removed the statement from the packages. Though the United States started the trend of labeling cigarette packages with warnings, today the country has one of the least restrictive labelling requirements on their packages. Warnings are usually in small typeface placed along one of the sides of the cigarette packs with colors and fonts that closely resemble the rest of the package, so the warnings essentially are integrated and do not stand out with the rest of the cigarette package. However, this is", "\"Peter Stuyvesant (cigarette)\"\nAustralia had deployed a new trick to circumvent the plain packaging legislation in force since 2012 by inserting soft packs inside the hard packs, effectively allowing you to take the cigarettes out with the soft pack and throwing the hard pack with all the graphic picture warnings away. This trick was mainly used on Peter Stuyvesant cigarette packs A spokeswoman for Imperial denied the company was breaking the law before adding: \"\"\"\"we are providing a fresher, premium product to consumers\"\"\"\". The Australian Federal Department of Health said it would investigate the issue - after it was raised by Australian Regional", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\npackaging in Iceland must include warnings in the same size and format as in the European Union and using the same approved texts in Icelandic. Cigarette packets sold in India are required to carry graphical and textual health warnings. The warning must cover at least 85% of the surface of the pack, of which 60% must be pictorial and the remaining 25% contains textual warnings in English, Hindi or any other Indian language. Until 2008, cigarette packets sold in India were required to carry a written warning on the front of the packet with the text \"\"CIGARETTE SMOKING IS INJURIOUS", "\"Tobacco smoking\"\ncigarette packs warning smokers of the effects, and they include graphic images of the potential health effects of smoking. Cards are also inserted into cigarette packs in Canada. There are sixteen of them, and only one comes in a pack. They explain different methods of quitting smoking. Also, in the United Kingdom, there have been a number of graphic NHS advertisements, one showing a cigarette filled with fatty deposits, as if the cigarette is symbolizing the artery of a smoker. Many countries have a smoking age. In many countries, including the United States, most European Union member states, New Zealand,", "\"Plain tobacco packaging\"\npart of their campaign on the 2016 World No Tobacco Day and urged then-presumptive president Rodrigo Duterte to implement a law to standardize cigarette packs. The Department of Health (DOH), however, is not ready to implement plain cigarette packaging, and rather focus on enforcing graphic health warnings on cigarette packs under the Graphic Health Warning Act of 2014 that took effect in March 2016. On the 15 February 2017, the Parliament of Slovenia passed a law for the introduction of plain packaging from 2020. On 5 December 2014, Swiss parliamentarian Pierre-Alain Fridez tabled a motion for plain packaging in Switzerland.", "\"Smoking in the Philippines\"\nabout the dangers of smoking on cigarette packs. The images would occupy the lower half of the front and rear panels of a cigarette pack and could include pictures of cancerous lungs and throats. Due to persistent instances of tobacco industry interference, it took more than a year before the law's implementing rules and regulations were finalized by the Inter-Agency Committee on Tobacco (IAC-T), of which the Philippine Tobacco Institute was a member. In March 2016, implementation of the Graphic Health Warning Law came into effect requiring tobacco companies to print twelve graphic health warning templates on cigarette packages being", "\"Smoking in South Korea\"\ncancer. There is rising awareness of the health effects of tobacco. The economy of South Korea loses more than 10 trillion \"\"won\"\" a year in terms of health-care expenses and lost man-hours due to smoking-related illness. Eight out of ten teenagers were found to think they should not smoke by looking at cigarette pack warning pictures. According to the Center for Disease Control, 83.1% of teenagers who know cigarette warning pictures responded that they thought smoking cigarettes should not be allowed to smoke. The health authorities have announced that they will replace the cigarette warning label in December and will", "\"Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson\"\n\"\"It was front page news and a lead story on every radio and television station in the United States and many abroad.\"\" The report marked a major shift in the tides of public opinion regarding smoking. Terry's report prompted Congress to pass the Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act in July 1965, that required cigarette manufacturers to place a warning label on the side of cigarette packs stating: \"\"Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous to Your Health.\"\" In 1970 that warning was strengthened through the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act, which also banned cigarette advertising on television beginning in 1971. Johnson", "Beedi\nis changing. In the United States, beedies are treated like conventional cigarettes. They are taxed at the same rates, are required to have a tax stamp, and must carry the Surgeon General's warning. However, a study done in San Francisco showed that about four in ten packs of beedies did not contain the required warning label and seven in ten did not carry the tax stamp. 2006 statistics on beedi usage show that 2.9% of high school students in the United States take part in beedi smoking compared to 1.4% of those aged 18 to 24. Beedis are currently legal", "\"Smoking in India\"\n7 of COTPA deals with the \"\"Display of pictorial health warning on all tobacco products packets\"\". It prohibits the production, sale and import of cigarettes or any other tobacco product unless every package of cigarettes or any other tobacco product bears pictorial warnings on its label covering at least 40% of the package. The warnings are changed once a year. The law also prohibited more than two languages from being used on the pack to ensure that the specified warning is legible and prominent. The Cable Television Network (Regulation) Amendment Bill, in force since 8 September 2000, completely prohibits cigarette", "\"Bond Street (cigarette)\"\nthe Act. The breach of the act could possibly expose the company to massive fines of up to $1.1 million\"\"\"\". The department takes issues with the use of the word \"\"cigarettes\"\" in small type on the side of the packet, it says the outer surfaces of the packet must have a \"\"matt finish\"\" and warns the pack may not be the correct colour - Pantone 448C. The department had referred the health warnings contained on the pack to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to see if they complied with regulations. Bond Street are sold in the following countries: United", "Cigarette\nregulations from Ottawa increased the size of tobacco warnings to cover three-quarters of the cigarette package in Canada. As of November 2010, 39 countries have adopted similar legislation. In February 2011, the Canadian government passed regulations requiring cigarette packs to contain 12 new images to cover 75% of the outside panel and eight new health messages on the inside panel with full color. As of April 2011, Australian regulations require all packs to use a bland olive green that researchers determined to be the least attractive color, with 75% coverage on the front of the pack and all of the", "\"Tobacco Policy in Armenia\"\nthe 2005 law that was signed by President Kocharyan also imposed regulations on public advertisement of tobacco products and proposed a complete ban of advertisements by 2010. According to the FCTC’s requirements the law also mandated proper labeling of cigarette packs to inform the public about the health risks associated with smoking. The warning label on cigarette packs reads “Smoking is Hazardous Health” and serves as a warning label for smokers. The is in control of laws and regulations associated with tobacco use. As of 2016 the current minister of the department is Levon Altunyan. The Ministry plans to have", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\nin Ireland, in Irish and English). All cigarette packets sold in the European Union must display the content of nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide in the same manner on the side of the packet. In 2003, it was reported that sales of cigarette cases had surged, attributable to the introduction of more prominent warning labels on cigarette packs by an EU directive in January 2003. Alternatively, people choose to hide the warnings using various arguably \"\"funny\"\" stickers, such as \"\"You could be hit by a bus tomorrow.\"\" The most recent EU legislation is the Tobacco Products Directive, which became applicable", "\"Pelados em Santos\"\nbanks, whiskeys, food, etc.) in a Bombril commercials-like studio (actually, the PV was introduced by the same man that made the Bombril TV commercials), with alternate shots of naked women holding the \"\"As Dez Mais\"\" CD. In the middle of the video, a brand of giant cigarettes (\"\"Titãs lights\"\") is introduced by the Bombril man, and a warning on the upper left edge says: \"\"Os Titãs advertem: O ministério faz mal a sua saúde\"\" (\"\"Titãs warn: the Ministry is unhealthy for you\"\"), a parody of the similar warning placed in all cigarettes' packs in Brazil, as well on cigarette advertisings", "\"Cigarette pack\"\na box packaging made of thin paper, usually containing 20 cigarettes. Soft packs may be considered inconvenient as they rupture easily and cannot be resealed. They offer the immediate convenience of not having to open the package each time the smoker wants a cigarette. They require less physical 'pocket space' when fewer cigarettes remain in the pack. With American brands, cigarettes from a soft pack are usually a few millimeters longer than their hard-boxed counterparts. To encourage cigarette pack collectors, some cigarette packs were made to present a particular interest for collectors. There are cigarette packs labeled \"\"collectible\"\". Some brands", "\"Regulation of nicotine marketing\"\ntelevision as well as the usual tobacco imagery in movies and television. Health warnings – generally graphic images of the harmful effects of smoking – are also placed on all tobacco products. Some countries also impose legal requirements on the packaging of tobacco products. For example, in the countries of the European Union, Turkey, Australia Iran and South Africa, cigarette packs must be prominently labeled with the health risks associated with smoking. Canada, Australia, Thailand, Iceland, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil and some EU countries have also imposed labels upon cigarette packs warning smokers of the effects, and they include graphic images", "\"Senior Service (cigarette)\"\npack is white, with an orange-blue stripe at the top. The new pack removed the orange and instead put two seagulls on either side of the pack. The brand's emblem is a sailing ship, with on the side two olive tree branches and on top a crown. Underneath is written \"\"\"\"Senior Service\"\"\"\" with underneath that the words \"\"\"\"The perfection of Cigarette Luxury\"\"\"\". The old packs had the words \"\"\"\"Fine Virginia\"\"\"\" written instead. On the reverse side of the original packaging, the words \"\"\"\"A Product of the Master Mind.\"\"\"\" were written. James Bond smokes Senior Service cigarettes in Ian Fleming's novels,", "\"Työmies (cigarette)\"\nas an economic one: \"\"\"\"Smoking Työmies cigarettes is economical as, in terms of tobacco quantity, a box of Työmies cigarettes is equal to 2–3 boxes of cigarettes with a paper holder.\"\"\"\" (Finnish Social Democrat, May 1932) Various posters for this brand were also made during the 1930s. In the fall of 1945, when the luxury supplies were put on ration stamps, a forest worker who searched for four pinocchiometers was able to buy a \"\"\"\"forestry site power pack\"\"\"\" containing coffee, sugar and Työmies cigarettes. Boxes of Työmies cigarettes were also part of the food parcels given to Finnish soldiers fighting", "\"Smoking in Argentina\"\nof the treatment of tobacco-related diseases amounts to 6020 million Argentine pesos ($1324 million USD) per year, 15.5% of the total public expenditure on health care. The government collects 3500 million pesos per year in taxes on cigarettes. National Law 23344, passed on 29 August 1986, established restrictions on advertising and promotion of tobacco, and dictated that cigarette packs must include a legend warning that \"\"Smoking is harmful to health\"\", but did not include sanctions against violations of the law; these were added later, and then partially vetoed. In September 2003 Argentina signed the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control,", "\"Smoking in South Korea\"\nor \"\"pure\"\" on cigarette packs. From December 2016, warning photos such as rotten teeth and black lungs will be mandatory on all cigarette packs. Discussion is under way at the National Assembly to pass a law that will raise the prices every year pegged to inflation. The government will pass a law in 2015 to completely ban any form of advertising of cigarettes in convenience stores and make it illegal for tobacco companies to sponsor cultural or sport events. Smoking is illegal and strictly prohibited in the following premises: In addition to the nationwide ban laws, Seoul designates the following", "\"Golden Bat (cigarette)\"\n(cassis flavor) were put on the market in the Miyagi Prefecture, these tobaccos also did not lead to stability of purchasing and were discontinued in February 2005. Appearance of the package was changed widely in 2005 because a new text warning was put on it. Habitual smokers of Golden Bat criticized it as destroying history, however the design has changed afterwards, with silver paper and a tag. Also the roll size of cigarette was changed into the same size as the general ones, and both of the roll and flavor became thicker than before. It used to have 18 mg", "\"Cigarette packets in Australia\"\n(20 May 2019). As a result of the enactment of the December 2015 plain tobacco packaging bill, on 1 January 2017 France became the second country in the world, after Australia, and the first in the European Union to require tobacco products to be sold in plain packaging. In March 2015, the House of Commons voted 367–113 in favour of plain cigarette packaging in the United Kingdom. The sale of plain packs is compulsory since 21 May 2017. For cigarette packets, warnings include: With each warning is an accompanying graphic, and detailed information on the back of the packet. In", "\"Du Maurier (cigarette)\"\nmoney with.. Peter Jackson were a subsidiary of the International Tobacco Co., which company was taken over by Gallaher in 1934. In 1979, the brand passed to British American Tobacco, who had owned the trade mark overseas since they acquired Peter Jackson (Overseas) Ltd. in 1955. The brand became the best-selling cigarette brand in Canada with a market share of 40%, and was also sold in various other countries. In 2005, Du Maurier changed the aesthetic of their packs and cigarette vending machines to compete with the introduction of new text and picture warnings, which covered 50% of the packs.", "\"Tobacco control\"\nand consume cigarettes independent of other tobacco control measures. Smokers are not fully informed about the risks of smoking. Warnings that are graphic, larger, and more comprehensive in content are more effective in communicating the health risks of smoking. Smokers who noticed the warnings were significantly more likely to endorse health risks, including lung cancer and heart disease. In each instance where labelling policies differed between countries, smokers living in countries with government mandated warnings reported greater health knowledge. Graphic warning labels on cigarette packs are noticed by the majority of adolescents, increase adolescents’ cognitive processing of these messages and", "\"Regulation of nicotine marketing\"\nJanuary 1, 2014, a new warning is shown explaining \"\"Smoking kills you\"\" with an \"\"18+\"\" sign after it. In 2014, the Indonesian government halted the branding of cigarettes as \"\"light\"\" or \"\"mild\"\" on all smoking packages and has decided to place graphic images on the cigarette packs to show the adverse long-term effects of excessive smoking. In Malaysia, the displaying of cigarette packets in advertisements with a general warning on long-time smoking that came into effect in June 1976 has been banned since 1995. However, this has not stopped tobacco companies from advertising their products. There are also restrictions on", "\"Roxy (cigarette)\"\nto smoke consciously\"\"\"\". After complaints from mainly Konsumenten Kontakt, the ad was promptly banned by the Reclame Code Commissie (\"\"Advertising Code Committee\"\"). The brand disappeared completely from the market in 2005, after a ban on cigarettes ads was put in place by the Dutch government in 2003. The first packs had a mix of blue and black, but later a lighter shade of blue was used instead. The first cigarettes were packed in packs of 20 pieces, a box of 50 pieces, a flat tin box of 50 pieces and a round tin box of 50 pieces. There was a", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\non the packs and cartons. In 2009, the warnings were changed. The warnings which occupy not less than 30% of the front and back of cigarettes boxes shows \"\"吸烟有害健康 尽早戒烟有益健康\"\" (Smoking is harmful to your health. Quitting smoking early is good for your health) in the front, and \"\"吸烟有害健康 戒烟可减少对健康的危害\"\" ('Smoking is harmful to your health. Quitting smoking can reduce health risks) in the back. The warnings were revised in October, 2016. The warnings occupy not less than 35% of the front and back of cigarettes boxes. The following warnings shows what is printed at the current time. In Colombia,", "\"Illicit cigarette trade\"\nand the United Kingdom were found to contain five times more cadmium, six times as much lead, 160% more tar, and 133% more carbon dioxide. Consumers are warned to take caution and avoid the temptation to save money by purchasing illegal cigarettes as it poses greater health risks compared to legal cigarettes. Below are some common indicators of illicit cigarette packs: The country’s attempts to discourage smoking through higher taxes have instead fueled the illegal cigarette industry, leading to a $1.1 billion loss of taxes due to illegal cigarettes in 2012. In May 2016, it is estimated that possibly 14.3", "\"Cigarette case\"\ncases in addition to genuine sterling ones. Cigarette cases used to be popular with soldiers, and many World War I and World War II veterans (e.g., James Doohan) stated that cigarette cases saved their lives by stopping bullets. In 2003 the European Union witnessed a surge in cigarette case sales, attributable to the introduction of prominent black-bordered warning labels on cigarette packs, e.g., \"\"Smokers Die Younger\"\", etc., by an EU directive in January 2003. Cigarette cases were a way to avoid the invasive labels (another way being various satirical stickers, with slogans such as \"\"You could be hit by a", "\"R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company\"\nopen packs from the bottom, possibly to avoid crushing the filters. It was later discovered that cigarette packs were opened from the bottom for a different reason: \"\"This phenomenon traces back at least to World War II, when cigarettes were a valued commodity among soldiers. Often a soldier temporarily without cigarettes and without funds would \"\"bum\"\" a smoke from a fellow soldier. It was impolite to refuse such a request. However, there were two occasions when a refusal was not considered impolite: if there was only one cigarette left in the pack and if the pack was not yet opened.", "\"Tobacco smoking\"\nin 2002 claiming that the cost of each pack of cigarettes sold in the United States was more than $7 in medical care and lost productivity. The cost may be higher, with another study putting it as high as $41 per pack, most of which however is on the individual and his/her family. This is how one author of that study puts it when he explains the very low cost for others: \"\"The reason the number is low is that for private pensions, Social Security, and Medicare — the biggest factors in calculating costs to society — smoking actually saves", "\"Philippine Tobacco Institute\"\nhas expressed its opinion on tobacco control when it submitted a position paper to the World Health Organization during the proposal for the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2000. The PTI has also lobbied for the Bureau of Internal Revenue to reject a tax stamp system for cigarette packs and successfully reduced the size of graphic warning labels on cigarette packages. In August 2015, the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA) to call for its removal from the regulating body. In May 2017, the Philippine Tobacco Institute approved the president's move to ban smoking in public places, all", "\"Smoking in Latvia\"\nleast two warnings against the dangers of smoking tobacco. By 2005, it was entirely prohibited to smoke in schools and smoking in hospitals, restaurants, correctional facilities, workplaces, casinos, hotels, and other public spaces was prohibited unless within a designated smoking area. As of 2010, it is illegal to sell any smokeless tobacco products and to manufacture or sell cigarettes that exceed 1 mg of nicotine, and health warnings are required to cover approximately half of the surface area of all cigarette packs. In 2013, Latvia passed a by-law on the State Commission on Restriction of Smoking. This state institution was", "\"Cigarette packets in Australia\"\nCigarette packets in Australia Cigarette packets in Australia have undergone significant changes. Since 1 December 2012 all forms of branding logos, colours, and promotional texts are banned from cigarette pack designs. In turn they were replaced with drab dark brown packets (Pantone 448 C) and graphic images of smoking-related images to try to reduce the smoking population of Australia to 10% by 2018 from 15% in 2012. , Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, New Zealand, Hungary, Turkey and Thailand are the only countries to have plain packaging laws. In 1973, Australia's first health warning on cigarette packages appeared", "\"Cigarette packets in Australia\"\nquitting smoking. Cigarette packets in Australia Cigarette packets in Australia have undergone significant changes. Since 1 December 2012 all forms of branding logos, colours, and promotional texts are banned from cigarette pack designs. In turn they were replaced with drab dark brown packets (Pantone 448 C) and graphic images of smoking-related images to try to reduce the smoking population of Australia to 10% by 2018 from 15% in 2012. , Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, New Zealand, Hungary, Turkey and Thailand are the only countries to have plain packaging laws. In 1973, Australia's first health warning on cigarette", "\"Peter Stuyvesant (cigarette)\"\naway the hard pack with all the graphic picture warnings, and while court action which could see penalties worth more than a million Dollars imposed on the tobacco giant is available, the Department had instead chosen to take what it calls \"\"\"\"conciliatory\"\"\"\" approach. Imperial said at the time packaging was intended to ensure the cigarettes were \"\"\"\"fresh\"\"\"\" - not a deliberate attempt to enable purchasers to carry around a more aesthetically pleasing pack of smokes. Under the Plain Packaging Act the Commonwealth is able to pursue tobacco companies for small fines in the first instance then civil penalties - which", "\"Peter Stuyvesant (cigarette)\"\nhalf of its regular users\"\"\"\" and called the packaging changes \"\"\"\"the ultimate sick joke from big tobacco\"\"\"\". In 2013, it was reported that Imperial Tobacco Australia had sent marketing material to WA tobacco retailers which promotes limited edition packs of \"\"Peter Stuyvesant + Loosie\"\", which came with 26 cigarettes. The material included images of a young woman with pink hair putting on lipstick and men on the streets of New York and also included a calendar and small poster that were clearly intended to glamorise smoking. Anti-smoking campaigner Mike Daube said although the material did not break the law because", "\"Charles Southwood\"\nroles in spaghetti westerns. Returning to Oregon, he came up with the idea of \"\"Death Cigarettes\"\" in 1991. Deciding to be honest about the effect of cigarettes, Southwood, a smoker from age 13 to 40, decided to be brutally honest about his cigarettes. In addition to the standard warnings, Death Cigarettes were packed in their own coffin: a stark little black package bearing a skull and crossbones. Southwood traveled to the Southern United States, where the major U.S. tobacco companies found his idea \"\"antithetical to their interests.\"\" He found a small tobacco company in Holland that was willing to manufacture", "\"Death of Sandra Bland\"\nshows that Encinia's tone and attitude changes after he asks if Bland is irritated and she answers affirmatively. He initially wrote a routine traffic violation warning for Bland after she moved over but didn't signal to let him pass since he was tailing her closely. After he returns to her car and speaks briefly to her again, he asks her to put out her cigarette. She responds, \"\"Why do I have to put out a cigarette when I'm in my own car?\"\" Encinia orders her to \"\"get out of the car\"\", and, when she repeatedly refuses to exit, he tells", "\"Camel (cigarette)\"\ndisplaying the text (later removed from some packets with the introduction of health warning messages): The reverse side of unfiltered \"\"soft pack\"\" Camel cigarettes, produced by JT International reads: Camel Wides, starting in 2008, began displaying this on the reverse side of the pack: In 1936, Camel used the slogan \"\"For digestion's sake - smoke Camels.\"\" The ads ran from 1936 to 1939. In 1951, over a decade after the ad campaign ended, the FTC issued a cease-and-desist order prohibiting R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (RJR) from claiming that Camels aided digestion in any respect. In 1946, Camel advertised their", "Cigar\nare purely cigarillo brands, such as Café Crème, Dannemann Moods, Mehari's, Al Capone, and Swisher Sweets. Cigarillos are often used in making marijuana cigars. Little cigars (sometimes called \"\"small cigars\"\" or \"\"miniatures\"\" in the UK) differ greatly from regular cigars. They weigh less than cigars and cigarillos, but, more importantly, they resemble cigarettes in size, shape, packaging, and filters. Sales of little cigars quadrupled in the U.S. from 1971 to 1973 in response to the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act, which banned the broadcast of cigarette advertisements and required stronger health warnings on cigarette packs. Cigars were exempt from the", "\"Cigarette smoking for weight loss\"\nfuture ways in which the industry would posit new types of cigarettes as weight loss aids. Moreover, it would forever change the public's thoughts on women smoking, transforming the act from a transgressive one into a normalized feminine behavior. In 1964, the Surgeon General of the United States released the Surgeon General's Advisory Committee Report on Smoking and Health. This report lead to the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act in 1965, which would mandate that all cigarette packs display warning labels and would change the ways that the tobacco industry would reach consumers via advertising. In April 1964, with", "\"Foul Play (1978 film)\"\ncar on Highway 1. She impulsively accepts Scotty's invitation to join him at the movies that evening, and before they part ways he asks her to take his pack of cigarettes in order to help him curb his smoking. Unbeknownst to her, Scotty has secreted a roll of film in the pack. That evening, a seriously wounded Scotty meets Gloria in the theater and warns her to \"\"beware of the dwarf\"\" before dying. When his body mysteriously disappears while Gloria seeks help from the theater manager, she is unable to convince anyone of what has transpired. At the end of", "\"Regulation of nicotine marketing\"\nhealth warnings and graphic images, created and approved by the Secretariat of Health, that must cover 50% of the pack. In 1972 the federal government introduced mandatory health warnings for radio and television cigarette advertisements. In September 1976 a total ban on tobacco & cigarette advertisements on TV & radio commenced. In December 1989 tobacco advertising was banned from all locally produced print media — this left only cinema, billboard and sponsorship advertising as the only forms of direct tobacco advertising. In 1992 the \"\"Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992\"\" expressly prohibited almost all forms of tobacco advertising in Australia, including", "\"Cigarette packets in Australia\"\nwas the first country to have plain packaging cigarette packs. At the same time the plain packets were introduced, the size of the anti-smoking images became larger, so the two effects are difficult to separate. Canada was the first country to use graphic pictures in conjunction with written warnings on cigarette packages, with the legislation coming in 2000. Following Australia's lead a number of other countries also require standardized packaging including France (applies to cigarettes sold after 1 January 2017), United Kingdom (21 May 2017), New Zealand (6 June 2018), Norway (1 July 2018), Ireland (30 September 2018) and Hungary", "\"Raffles (cigarette)\"\nspecial offers during the 1980s and 1990s via many leaflets. If you bought a pack or a carton of Raffles cigarettes, you would get a free Tumbler glass, a T-shirt, a cafetière, a Wallet and so on. Other special offers included a 75 pence off if you handed over a voucher at a Kwik Save store in the United Kingdom, a free pack offer when the Raffles 10-pack variant was introduced, a third free pack if you bought 2 packs of Raffles cigarettes and so on. In December 1992, it was reported that an off-license manager who claimed that Norman", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\nactually reversed, the FDA will again need to go through the process of developing the new warning labels, and the timetable and final product remain unknown. Stronger warning labels started to appear in May 2010. Effective June 2010, the following labels began to appear on smokeless tobacco products (also known as chewing tobacco) and their advertisements. The new warnings are required to comprise 30 percent of two principal display panels on the packaging; on advertisements, the health warnings must constitute 20 percent of the total area. For many years in Venezuela, the only warning in cigarette packs was printed in", "\"Matinee (2012 film)\"\nmovie posters portraying Mythili with a lit cigarette and a bottle of booze. Activists of the Ernakulam district Anti-tobacco Council protested against the film and blackened several posters of the movie in the city. They also filed a petition before the police and the district collector against the movie posters. \"\"When youngsters have slowly started quitting and keeping away from cigarettes, this movie has come up with posters of its actor with a cigarette. The movie-makers have failed to put up a statutory warning too. This certainly affects the awareness created by Kerala Voluntary Health Services and other anti-tobacco organisations,\"\"", "\"Laika (cigarette)\"\nadvertisements were made for Laika cigarettes. It is unknown when the brand was discontinued, but it is speculated that Laika cigarettes were ended when the dissolution of the Soviet Union happened. It is known however, that the cigarettes were sold up until the 1980s. The pack is a mixture of blue and white, featuring the dog Laika on the front of the pack with underneath the word \"\"\"\"Лайка\"\"\"\" (\"\"\"\"Laika\"\"\"\") written in Russian, as well as the Sputnik 2, the Hammer and sickle which is placed on the rocket she was in, the Moon and various stars, representing space. The back", "\"Cigarette pack\"\nset a minimum pack size. In Australia, the most common quantity per pack is 25, but some brands have changed them to 26 or to 20 (the minimum by law). 30, 40 and even 50 packs are also sold. In Canada, most packs sold have 25 cigarettes, but packs of 20 are also popular. In many European countries, increases of cigarette tax can cause the quantity of cigarettes in the pack to change to achieve the same end price. In Malaysia, the selling of packs containing fewer than 20 cigarettes is prohibited. In the United States, the quantity of cigarettes", "\"Comprehensive Smoking Education Act\"\nsmoking and health, compiling and disseminating information on legislation related to cigarette use, and undertaking any other additional information or action that may seem appropriate in furthering the program. There is an Interagency Committee on Smoking and Health, composed of members appointed by the Secretary, that helps the Secretary fulfill some of the responsibilities, and the Secretary must publish a biennial report to Congress. Section 4 of the Comprehensive Smoking Education Act discusses cigarette warning labels, stating that any person manufacturing, packing, or importing the sale or distribution of cigarette packages within the United States must have one of the", "\"Philip Elman\"\nof the United States, but an interview with then-United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy did not go as he had hoped. Instead, Elman was nominated to a seat on the Federal Trade Commission. The United States Senate confirmed the nomination. Elman served on the FTC from 1961 to 1970. While at the FTC, his main agenda was enforcing federal laws against false advertising. His actions led to the FTC requiring warning labels on cigarette packs in the United States. One of Elman's assistants at the FTC was a young Richard Posner, who went on to become a professor at", "\"Craven A\"\nin the Jamaican Public Health Tobacco Control Regulations 2013. According to Carreras, customers could identify original products by the graphic pictorial health warnings on 60 per cent of the top front and back panels of the pack, as well as other labelling specifications stipulated in the Public Health Tobacco Control Regulations, which came into effect on April 14. Counterfeit and Illicit cigarette packs continue to bear the previous 30% textual health warnings, making them easier to identify. Additionally, the company had threatened to take legal action against people caught selling or in possession of the counterfeit product. Craven 'A' were", "\"Sax (cigarette)\"\nseason. Below is a list of all the SAX cigarette variants: The following ingredients are used in all SAX cigarette variants: Sax (cigarette) SAX (also known as SAX Musical) is an Italian brand of cigarettes, currently owned and manufactured by BAT Italia, a subsidiary of British American Tobacco. The brand was founded in 1961 and was sold in a traditional red pack with a saxophone emitting music until 1979, when the design was overhauled and the pack design was changed to dark green. It is known as one of the older-style brand of cigarettes, along with MS and Alfa. The", "\"Muratti (cigarette brand)\"\nA pack of Muratti Ambassador costed 3550 Lira at the time. In January 2016, cigarette prices in Italy went up by 20 cents, and a pack of Muratti Amabassador Blu went from €5,20 to €5,40. Various poster, billboard and magazine advertisements have been made to promote Muratti, both before and after World War II. The ones made after the war were especially promoting the \"\"\"\"Charcoal multifilter\"\"\"\" it had. A film ad was also made in 1935. A special set of cigarette cards were made for the 1936 Summer Olympics. They were given when you bought a pack of Muratti cigarettes.", "Pack-year\nsmoked. For example, 1 pack-year is equal to smoking 20 cigarettes (1 pack) per day for 1 year, or 40 cigarettes per day for half a year, and so on. One pack-year is the equivalent of 365.24 packs of cigarettes or 7,305 cigarettes. Number of pack-years = (packs smoked per day) × (years as a smoker) \"\"or\"\" Number of pack-years = (number of \"\"cigarettes\"\" smoked per day/20) × number of years smoked. Note that despite the unit being called a \"\"pack-year,\"\" the actual unit is simply a number of packs (as noted above). For example: a person who has smoked", "\"Apollo-Soyuz (cigarette)\"\nit says: \"\"\"\"Apollo Soyuz commemorative brand,\"\"\"\" and on the other \"\"\"\"Soyuz Apollo\"\"\"\". On one edge of the pack are the words, \"\"\"\"Developed by Philip Morris Inc. U.S.A. and Glavtabak, U.S.S.R. in commemoration of U.S./Soviet space cooperation\"\"\"\" in English and Russian, along with the English words, \"\"\"\"Made in U.S.S.R., Tava Factory, Moscow.\"\"\"\" Glavtabak was the Soviet State Tobacco Agency. The other edge displays the U.S. Surgeon General's warning that cigarettes are dangerous to your health. Apollo-Soyuz was only sold in the Soviet Union and the United States, but since its re-introduction it is still sold in Russia. Apollo-Soyuz cigarettes appeared in", "\"Philip Morris v. Uruguay\"\nspaces. In March 2008 the legislature approved Law 18.256 which includes six strategies of anti-smoking policy. Some of the measures by the government were the ban on selling different types of presentations of the same brand of cigarettes, the dissemination of images warning about the risks of smoking and covering at least 80% of the cigarette pack, raising of taxes, banning cigarette advertising in the media, and banning sponsorship of sports events. In addition, smoking was banned in public places such as offices, student centers, bars, restaurants, dances and public places, among others. The smokefree campaign \"\"Libre de Humo de", "\"Comprehensive Smoking Education Act\"\n($96 billion in direct medical costs and approximately $97 billion in lost productivity) in 2004–2004. The total economic costs (direct medical costs and lost productivity) associated with cigarette smoking are estimated at $10.47 per pack of cigarettes sold in the United States. Cigarette smoking results in 5.1 million years of potential life lost in the United States annually. Comprehensive Smoking Education Act The Comprehensive Smoking Education Act of 1984 (also known as the Rotational Warning Act) is an act of the Congress of the United States. A national program established in order to improve the availability of information on health", "\"Caballero (cigarette)\"\ncigarettes, there was opted to put 25 cigarettes in one pack, effectively offering more cigarettes for 1 guilder. The move turned out to be a success, increasing Caballero's market share from 4 to 36% in just a few years, also thanks to the effective advertising campaigns with the famous \"\"\"\"Mexicaantje\"\"\"\" (\"\"\"\"Mexican\"\"\"\" in English). The cigarettes were produced in the Caballero factory (part of the factories of Ed Laurens) in Nieuw Binckhorst. Production moved to Zevenaar after BAT acquired the factory in 1995. Main market is the Netherlands. Other markets are or were Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Spain. Caballero sponsored the", "Pack-year\n15 cigarettes a day for 40 years has a (15/20) x 40 = 30 pack-year smoking history. \"\"One\"\" pack-year is smoking 20 cigarettes a day for one year. If someone has smoked 10 cigarettes a day for 6 years they would have a 3 pack-year history. Someone who has smoked 40 cigarettes (2 packs) daily for 20 years has a 40 pack-year history. Quantification of pack-years smoked is important in clinical care, where degree of tobacco exposure is correlated to risk of disease such as lung cancer. Pack-year A pack-year is a clinical quantification of cigarette smoking used to measure", "\"Regulation of nicotine marketing\"\ntobacco ads, on the other hand, remained on the air until a ban took effect on 28 August 1986. Even further restrictions took effect under the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. Since 1984, cigarette companies have been forced to place Surgeon's General warnings on all cigarette packs and advertisements because of the passing of the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act. The 2010 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act prohibits tobacco companies from sponsoring sports, music, and other cultural events. It also prevents the display of tobacco logos or products on T-shirts, hats, or other apparel. The", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\nof Health amended the \"\"Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling) Rules, 2008\"\" to enforce the changes effective from 1 April 2015. However, the government decision to increase pictorial warnings on tobacco packets from April 1, was put on hold indefinitely, following the recommendations of a Parliamentary committee, which reportedly did not speak to health experts, but only spoke to tobacco lobby representatives. On April 5, 2016, the health ministry ordered government agencies to enforce this new rule. Following the intervention by the Parliamentary committee, NGO Health of Millions represented by Prashant Bhushan filed a petition in Supreme Court", "\"Lovćen (cigarette)\"\ncontrols were carried out, but no illegal cigarettes were found. Lovćen (cigarette) Lovćen is a Montenegrin brand of cigarettes, currently owned and manufactured by the \"\"Duvanski Kombinat Podgorica\"\" in Cetinjski Put, Podgorica, Montenegro (formerly called the \"\"Duvanski Kombinat Titograd\"\"). The brand is named after the Lovćen mountain. Lovćen was introduced in the 1960s in the Socialist Republic of Montenegro and was a popular brand in Montenegro, as well as the Socialist Republic of Serbia. It is one of the few brands to survive the breakup of Yugoslavia and is still being made and sold today, along with Drina. The pack", "\"Cigarette taxes in the United States\"\nfewer cigarettes that are bought and consumed. This is especially prevalent amongst teenagers. For every ten percent increase in the price of a pack of cigarettes, youth smoking rates overall drop about seven percent. This rate is also true amongst minorities and low income population smokers. The rates of calls to quitting hot-lines are directly related to cigarette tax hikes. When Wisconsin raised its state cigarette tax to $1.00 per pack, the hot-line received a record of 20,000 calls in a two-month time period versus its typical 9,000 calls annually. An analysis of smoking and cigarette tax rates in 1955", "\"Silk Cut\"\nappears on this advertisement, nor are any other objects linked to smoking visible, such as packs of cigarettes or smoke. The only hint for the viewer that this advertisement concerns a cigarette brand at all is the mandatory health warning at the bottom. Based on a series of works by avantgardist artist Lucio Fontana, this first advertisement represented a word play on the brand name Silk Cut. This kind of understated advertisement brought together art and life and was unprecedented except for a similar, but not as daring Benson and Hedges campaign in the 1970s. The campaign went on to", "Cigarette\nthat goes inside the filters, and once wet enough, releases acid that speeds up the degradation to around two weeks. The research is still only in test phase and the hope is soon it will go into production. The next option is using cigarette packs with a compartment in which to discard cigarette butts, implementing monetary deposits on filters, increasing the availability of butt receptacles, and expanding public education. It may even be possible to ban the sale of filtered cigarettes altogether on the basis of their adverse environmental impact. Recent research has been put into finding ways to use", "\"Cigarette pack\"\nintroduce promotional packs to bypass advertising laws. An example would be a limited time promotion where the pack is made from tin with the shape, purpose, and look of a cigarette case to entice potential buyers. They are distinguished by unique décor or are very old or they were removed from manufacturing for some reasons and consequently became rare. Most cigarette packs have no features at all and are just made up of a single container filled with cigarettes. However, some cigarette packs have been proposed that also contain an empty container for disposing the cigarette butts into. This could", "\"Plain tobacco packaging\"\nPlain tobacco packaging Plain tobacco packaging, also known as generic, neutral, standardised or homogeneous packaging, refers to packaging that requires the removal of all branding (colours, imagery, corporate logos and trademarks), permitting manufacturers to print only the brand name in a mandated size, font and place on the pack, in addition to the health warnings and any other legally mandated information such as toxic constituents and tax-paid stamps. The appearance of all tobacco packs is standardised, including the colour of the pack. The removal of branding on cigarette packaging aims to deter smoking by removal of positive associations of brands", "\"Smoking in the Philippines\"\n2003 and of which the Philippines is a signatory. In 2010, the Department of Health issued an administrative order requiring the inclusion of graphic warning labels on packs and prohibiting the use of misleading descriptors such as \"\"mild\"\" and \"\"light\"\" on tobacco product packaging and labels pursuant to Article 11 of the WHO FCTC. In response, the tobacco companies filed five cases against the Department of Health questioning its authority. In June 2014, a legislative committee composed of senators and congressmen passed a bill, called \"\"The Graphic Health Warnings Law\"\", compelling cigarette manufacturers to print pictures and illustrations that warn", "\"Sweet Afton (cigarette)\"\nbrand of tipped cigarettes. As of Autumn 2011, British American Tobacco no longer manufactures Sweet Afton cigarettes. The text \"\"\"\"Thank you for your loyalty, unfortunately Sweet Afton will not be available in the future. However Major, our other Irish brand with similar tobacco will still be widely available for purchase.\"\"\"\" was written on a sticker that was put on the last line of packs, before it went out of production. The brand proved particularly popular with post World War II Rive Gauche Paris. It was reputed to be Jean-Paul Sartre's preferred cigarette, and also featured prominently in Louis Malle's film", "Cigarette\nsmoked 100 cigarettes or more per year. German doctors were the first to identify the link between smoking and lung cancer, which led to the first antitobacco movement in Nazi Germany. During World War I and World War II, cigarettes were rationed to soldiers. During the Vietnam War, cigarettes were included with C-ration meals. In 1975, the U.S. government stopped putting cigarettes in military rations. During the second half of the 20th century, the adverse health effects of tobacco smoking started to become widely known and text-only health warnings became common on cigarette packets. The United States has not implemented", "\"Black Devil (cigarette)\"\nof the pack. There is also a logo consisting of a red circle with a stylized, black and smiling little devil, holding a silver fork. The three types of packets (Finest Flavour, Special Flavour, Pink) differ substantially for color: the first one is black, the second is gray, and the third is pink. The cigarettes and filter also have the colour of the package they are assigned with: black cigarettes for the black vanilla pack, pink cigarettes for the pink normal pack, green cigarettes for the green menthol pack, and so on. Black Devil cigarettes are sold in the following", "\"Sax (cigarette)\"\nSax (cigarette) SAX (also known as SAX Musical) is an Italian brand of cigarettes, currently owned and manufactured by BAT Italia, a subsidiary of British American Tobacco. The brand was founded in 1961 and was sold in a traditional red pack with a saxophone emitting music until 1979, when the design was overhauled and the pack design was changed to dark green. It is known as one of the older-style brand of cigarettes, along with MS and Alfa. The brand was originally owned by the \"\"\"\"Monopolio di Stato\"\"\"\" or State Monopoly in English, until the Ente Tabacchi Italiani company was", "\"Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act\"\ncausally related to cigarette smoking. Congress previously passed the Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act in 1965; requiring that all cigarette packages sold in the United States carry a health warning. But after a recommendation by the Federal Trade Commission, the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act amended the 1965 law so that the warnings are made in the name of the Surgeon General. One of the major advocates of the cigarette advertising ban was the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC argued that since the topic of smoking is controversial, numerous TV and radio stations continued to break the Fairness Doctrine when", "\"Death of Eric Garner\"\nbrought police brutality into wider public awareness. NYPD officers approached Garner on suspicion of selling single cigarettes from packs without tax stamps. After Garner told the police that he was tired of being harassed and that he was not selling cigarettes, the officers went to arrest Garner. When officer Daniel Pantaleo tried to take Garner's wrist behind his back, Garner pulled his arms away. Pantaleo then put his arm around Garner's neck and took him down onto the ground. After Pantaleo removed his arm from Garner's neck, he pushed the side of Garner's face into the ground while four officers", "\"Tobacco packaging warning messages\"\nthe beneficial effects of cessation, must be placed prominently on tobacco products covering 15% of the obverse, 25% of the reverse and 20% of the sides of packing. According to the draft \"\"Control of Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Bill\"\", 2018, new legislation, once enacted, will require uniform, plain colored packaging (branding and logos prohibited) containing the brand and product name in a standard typeface and color, a warning related to the harmful effects of tobacco smoking, or beneficial effects of cessation, and a graphic image of tobacco-related harm. In South Korea, general warning on cigarette packaging are in", "\"Newport (cigarette)\"\n100s\"\" for 100s were replaced simply with \"\"Cigarettes.\"\" Each variety is sold in 85mm soft packs (king size), 80mm hard packs (box), and 100mm soft and hard packs. They are available in standard packs of 20 cigarettes, as well as the more unusual 25s, containing 25 cigarettes. Prior to the signing of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement in the late 1990s, they were sold in packs of ten as well. Due to the FDA Tobacco Regulations, the terms \"\"Full Flavor,\"\" \"\"Medium,\"\" \"\"Light,\"\" \"\"Mild\"\" and \"\"Ultra Light\"\" have been discontinued. New names for Newport Cigarettes are as follows: Non-menthol Newports in", "\"Camel (cigarette)\"\nAMA Supercross Championship. When it was the sponsor, the series was called the \"\"\"\"Camel Supercross Series\"\"\"\". Camel was a sponsor of the 1986 FIFA World Cup. The Camel pack is featured prominently in Tom Robbins's 1980 novel \"\"Still Life with Woodpecker\"\", billed as \"\"a love story that happens inside a pack of cigarettes\"\". The book's artwork is modeled after a pack of Camels, and the package artwork and history are discussed extensively in the book. It is also mentioned that a pack of Camels is the best friend you have in prison. The cover of the album \"\"Mirage\"\" by the", "\"Lovćen (cigarette)\"\nLovćen (cigarette) Lovćen is a Montenegrin brand of cigarettes, currently owned and manufactured by the \"\"Duvanski Kombinat Podgorica\"\" in Cetinjski Put, Podgorica, Montenegro (formerly called the \"\"Duvanski Kombinat Titograd\"\"). The brand is named after the Lovćen mountain. Lovćen was introduced in the 1960s in the Socialist Republic of Montenegro and was a popular brand in Montenegro, as well as the Socialist Republic of Serbia. It is one of the few brands to survive the breakup of Yugoslavia and is still being made and sold today, along with Drina. The pack features a white and red colour pattern, similar to the", "\"Reval (cigarette)\"\nof filterless Reval cigarettes costed €5.40 From May 2015 onwards, the brands Eckstein No. 5, Juno and Salem No. 6 were gradually transferred to the Reval brand. In May 2016, the Reemtsma Group announced that it had discontinued production of the filtered Reval variant (Reval filter Golden blend), due to the decision of Reemtsma to focus more on its main, big brands and because the EU introduced new packaging with shock picture warnings. The filterless variant is still being made however, and is available in soft pack and as rolling tobacco in pouches. In the long span of 23 years," ]
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what afl teams home ground is the mcg
[ "Collingwood", "Essendon", "Richmond", "North Melbourne", "Hawthorn" ]
[ "\"Australian Football League\"\n44 different grounds used, with 16 used during the 2017 season. The largest capacity ground in use is the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), which has a capacity of over 100,000 people, and hosts the Grand Final each year. The MCG is shared by four teams as a home ground, while the other grounds used as home venues by multiple teams are Docklands Stadium in Melbourne (five teams), Adelaide Oval in Adelaide (two teams), and Perth Stadium in Perth (two teams). The AFL has had exclusive ownership of Docklands Stadium (commercially known as Marvel Stadium) since late 2016. Prior to the", "\"Richmond Football Club\"\nused by the club is a 1972 recording performed by the Fable Singers. In 2014, the \"\"Herald Sun\"\" named it the top club song of any AFL team. The club's home ground is the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) where the team plays most of their home matches in the regular season. The MCG has a capacity of 100,024 and the club usually draws large attendances against Victorian clubs, particularly rivals such as Essendon, Collingwood, Carlton and Hawthorn. The club also plays select home games against smaller local and interstate clubs at the smaller capacity Docklands Stadium. Richmond's training ground and", "\"2015 AFL Grand Final\"\nhome-and-away season, in round 19, also at West Coast's home ground Domain Stadium, with Hawthorn winning by 14 points. The Grand Final was held on the first Saturday in October, rather than its traditional date on the last Saturday of September, because the 2015 Cricket World Cup delayed access to some AFL grounds early in the season. The game was held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), as is traditional. The MCG serves as Hawthorn's main home ground for the home and away season, and media commentators suggested that Hawthorn would have an advantage playing there over West Coast who", "\"2008 AFL finals series\"\nhigher seed in the first two weeks, and the qualifying final winners in the third week, with games in Victoria played at the MCG, regardless of the team's usual home ground. In the third week, the winners of the semi-finals from week two play the winners of the qualifying finals in the first week, with the latter receiving home-ground advantage. The winners of those matches move on to the Grand Final at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in Melbourne, where the new premier will be crowned. St Kilda finished in 4th spot on the AFL Ladder after thrashing Essendon by 108", "\"Melbourne Cricket Ground\"\nvenue for football. Two night matches were played on the ground during the year under the newly invented electric light. In the early years, the MCG was the home ground of Melbourne Football Club, Australia's oldest club, established in 1858 by the founder of the game itself, Thomas Wills. Melbourne won five premierships during the 1870s using the MCG as its home ground. The first of nearly 3000 Victorian Football League/Australian Football League games to be played at the MCG was on 15 May 1897, with beating 64 to 19. Several Australian Football League (AFL) clubs later joined Melbourne in", "\"Melbourne Cricket Ground\"\n100,021 attending the 2017 AFL Grand Final. In the modern era, most finals games held in Melbourne have been played at the MCG. Under the current contract, ten finals (excluding the Grand Final) must be played at the MCG over a five-year period. Under previous contracts, the MCG was entitled to host at least one match in each week of the finals, which on several occasions required non-Victorian clubs to play \"\"home\"\" finals in Victoria. On 12 April 2018, the AFL, Victorian Government and Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC) announced that the MCG would continue to host the Grand Final until", "\"AFL finals series\"\nthe Cain State Government ultimately blocked this move at the end of 1983. As the Melbourne Cricket Ground was the home of (and from 1965 onwards ), those teams automatically held a home ground advantage in the finals. Prior to the nationalisation of the league, it was considered philosophically desirable that the finals be played on neutral ground, and one club delegate went as far as proposing in 1961 – after Melbourne had won five premierships in six years – that the MCG's goal posts should be moved prior to each Melbourne finals match to nullify its home ground advantage", "\"AFL finals series\"\nused for the match expected to draw the lower crowd. The current contract requires that at least ten finals matches (plus all Grand Finals) be played at the MCG during every rolling five-year period. This stipulation could require the AFL to schedule a non-Victorian team's home match at the MCG to meet the quota, in the event that non-Victorian teams dominate the competition for an extended period. The Grand Final will be played at the MCG every year until at least 2057, regardless of the state of origin of the teams involved. In the early years of the VFL finals,", "\"Culture of Melbourne\"\ngames per week attract an average of 40,000 people per game. The AFL Grand Final, one of the biggest sporting events in Australia, is played on the last Saturday of September at the sport's \"\"spiritual home\"\", the 100,000 capacity Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). Another significant Melbourne-based event on the AFL calendar is the Anzac Day clash between rival clubs Collingwood and Essendon. The city is also home to nine out of thirteen teams competing in the semi-professional Victorian Football League. Since 1999, the city has been the biennial host of the International Rules series involving the Australian national team and", "\"2014 AFL finals series\"\nheld eighth place by percentage from with 44 premiership points; (tenth) and (eleventh) had 40 points, but a superior percentage to either Richmond or Collingwood. Richmond could secure its finals place with a win, and the other teams need to win and see all clubs above them lose to qualify. Despite wins by West Coast over Gold Coast and Adelaide over , Richmond recorded an upset win over minor premiers , securing their spot within the final eight. The matches of the 2014 AFL finals series were contested at four venues. The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), the home ground of", "\"2012 AFL finals series\"\nwhen they play in week-one qualifying finals. This means that even if a top-four team loses in the first week, it still remains in the finals, playing a semi-final the next week against the winner of an elimination final. The bottom four of the eight play knock-out games, in that only the winners survive and move on to the next week. Home-state advantage goes to the team with the higher seed in the first two weeks, to the qualifying final winners in the third week. Games in Victoria are played at the MCG, regardless of the team's usual home ground,", "\"2010 AFL finals series\"\nonly the winners survive and move on to the next week. Home-state advantage goes to the team with the higher seed in the first two weeks, to the qualifying final winners in the third week. Games in Victoria are played at the MCG, regardless of the team's usual home ground, if a crowd larger than the seating capacity of Etihad Stadium (53,359) is expected. In the second week, the winners of the qualifying finals receive a bye to the third week. The losers of the qualifying final plays the elimination finals winners in a semi-final. In the third week, the", "\"2004 AFL Grand Final\"\nat the MCG since the 1948 replay), with the MCG's capacity being reduced due to construction work prior to the 2006 Commonwealth Games. This was the first ever AFL grand final in which both competing teams were based outside the state of Victoria. Port Adelaide were appearing in their first ever AFL grand final, while the Brisbane Lions were attempting to win their fourth consecutive premiership to equal Collingwood's feat of 1927-30. At the conclusion of the home and away season, Port Adelaide had finished first on the AFL ladder with 17 wins and 5 losses, winning the McClelland Trophy", "\"AFL finals series\"\nhigher placed team. Venue contracts for finals matches are held by the AFL and are not related to the clubs' home venue contracts; consequently, the home team is not necessarily entitled to play at its usual home venue if the AFL's finals contracts are held with a different venue in its state. Under the current arrangement, all Victorian finals matches are scheduled at the MCG – except in cases when two finals are to be held in Victoria on the same day, in which case Docklands Stadium or (in the event of being the home team) Kardinia Park may be", "\"AFL Grand Final\"\nrent the ground for the finals series and the first grand final at what is today considered the home of the game attracted more than 35,000 people to watch Collingwood down Essendon. The success of the finals at the MCG was proven with big attendances every year, and soon all the major competitions around Australia were employing what was known as the \"\"amended \"\"Argus\"\" system\"\" of finals. The \"\"original \"\"Argus\"\" system\"\" had been instituted by the VFL in 1901, the amended system was instituted by the VFL in 1902. By 1908, a new record attendance of 50,261 was set, on", "\"1999 AFL season\"\nteams played 22 games during the home and away season, for a total of 176. An additional 9 games were played during the finals series. Note: West Coast Eagles played its \"\"home\"\" final at the MCG despite being ranked above Carlton due to the agreement then in place with the Melbourne Cricket Club that at least one game each week of the finals be played at the MCG. 1999 AFL season The 1999 Australian Football League season was the 103rd season of the elite Australian rules football competition and the 10th under the name 'Australian Football League', having switched from", "\"2009 AFL finals series\"\nthird week. Games in Victoria are played at the MCG, regardless of the team's usual home ground. In the second week, the winners of the qualifying finals receive a bye to the third week. The losers of the qualifying final plays the elimination finals winners in a semi-final. In the third week, the winners of the semi-finals from week two play the winners of the qualifying finals in the first week. The winners of those matches move on to the Grand Final at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in Melbourne. </div> While both St Kilda and Geelong were undefeated until a", "\"2016 Melbourne Football Club season\"\nJackson, as \"\"pleasing\"\", Melbourne played four out of their first five matches at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, with twelve in total at the MCG. Melbourne featured in the only Sunday-night match of the AFL season when they hosted in the ANZAC Day eve match at the MCG. They again hosted in the annual Queen's Birthday clash in round 12 at the MCG, and due to an ongoing sponsorship deal with Tourism NT, they again played two home matches in the Northern Territory, the first against at TIO Traeger Park in round 10 and the second against at TIO Stadium in", "\"Melbourne Cricket Ground\"\nusing the MCG as their home ground for matches: (1965), (1985), (1992), (started moving in 1994, became a full-time tenant in 2000) and (2000). Melbourne used the venue as its training base until 1984, before being required to move to preserve the venue's surface when North Melbourne began playing there. The VFL/AFL Grand Final has been played at the MCG every season since 1902, except in 1924 when no Grand Final was held because of the season's round-robin finals format (it hosted three of the six games in the Finals Series) 1942–1945, when the ground was used by the military", "\"Melbourne Cricket Ground\"\nstand and came to an agreement that ensures at least 45 AFL games are played at the MCG each year, including the Grand Final in September. Another 45 days of cricket are also played there each year and more than 3.5 million spectators come to watch every year. As of the end of 2011, Matthew Richardson holds the records for having scored the most goals on the MCG, and Kevin Bartlett holds the record for playing the most matches at the MCG. Two players have scored 14 goals for an AFL or VFL game in one match at the MCG:", "\"1999 AFL Grand Final\"\nin any week would see them eliminated). The MCG finals contract was also renegotiated, with only the grand final to be committed to the MCG, freeing up higher ranked teams to be able to host finals matches in their home state should they be entitled to. This came after 2004, when the Brisbane Lions were forced to play a home Preliminary Final at the MCG, instead of the Gabba. A decision many felt had hurt the Lions' chances of a fourth consecutive premiership as they were defeated by Port Adelaide in the grand final. This finals system has been in", "\"AFL finals series\"\nto host their home finals in Victoria. This led to a renegotiation of the contract in 2005, which introduced the current requirement for ten finals matches (plus all Grand Finals) to be staged at the MCG every rolling five-year period. The AFL was forced to make some concessions to secure this renegotiation on finals matches, which included giving up the exclusivity it held over MCG access on weekends in winter, allowing the MCG new rights to schedule other major sporting events. Under the 1992–2004 contract, non-Victorian clubs were forced to play their home finals at the MCG on five occasions:", "\"Melbourne Football Club\"\nMelbourne Football Club The Melbourne Football Club, nicknamed the Demons, is a professional Australian rules football club, playing in the Australian Football League (AFL). It is named after and based in the city of Melbourne, Victoria, and plays its home games at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). Melbourne is the world's oldest professional club of any football code. The club's origins can be traced to an 1858 letter in which Tom Wills, captain of the Victoria cricket team, calls for the formation of a \"\"foot-ball club\"\" with its own \"\"code of laws\"\". An informal Melbourne team played that winter and", "\"Gaelic football\"\nthem a chance to represent their country. The GAA chooses the team to represent Ireland, while the AFL chooses the team to represent Australia. The two countries take turns hosting the series, and both countries' and sports' respective most prestigious venues – Croke Park and the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) – have hosted series Tests. What is known as the Irish experiment also occurred, with Australian rules football clubs recruiting Gaelic football players. Irishmen who have distinguished themselves in both codes include Dublin's Jim Stynes – a 1984 minor All-Ireland football champion who became the 1991 Brownlow Medallist, a recipient", "\"2011 AFL finals series\"\nto the qualifying final winners in the third week. Games in Victoria are played at the MCG, regardless of the team's usual home ground, if a crowd larger than the seating capacity of Etihad Stadium (53,359) is expected. In the second week, the winners of the qualifying finals receive a bye to the third week. The losers of the qualifying final plays the elimination finals winners in a semi-final. In the third week, the winners of the semi-finals from week two play the winners of the qualifying finals in the first week. The winners of those matches move on to", "Melbourne\nThe sport's pre-eminent professional competition, the Australian Football League (AFL), is headquartered at Docklands Stadium. Nine of the league's teams are based in the Melbourne metropolitan area: Carlton, Collingwood, Essendon, Hawthorn, Melbourne, North Melbourne, Richmond, St Kilda, and Western Bulldogs. Melbourne hosts up to five AFL matches per round during the home and away season, attracting an average of 40,000 spectators per game. The AFL Grand Final, traditionally held at the 100,000 capacity MCG, is the highest attended club championship event in the world. The city is home to many professional franchises/teams in national competitions including: Twenty20 cricket clubs Melbourne", "\"History of the West Coast Eagles\"\nwhat would normally have been a home semi final against Essendon. However, due to what Eagles fans saw as a poorly constructed contract between the league and the MCG, the game was scheduled to be played at the MCG instead of Subiaco. In all the furore the Eagles were comprehensively thrashed. On a brighter note, young Eagle Ben Cousins won the club's first AFL Rising Star award for the best rookie in the competition for 1996. The 1997 and 1998 seasons saw the Eagles mostly making up numbers in the finals, bowing out early both years, with the most notable", "\"2015 AFL finals series\"\nin four years. The made their first finals appearance since 2010 while returned to the finals after a three-year absence. The matches of the 2015 AFL finals series were contested at three venues around the country. The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) hosted two elimination finals, hosted by Richmond and the Western Bulldogs, a semi final, hosted by Hawthorn, and the Grand Final. ANZ Stadium also hosted a semi final as part of a contract which requires any final hosted by the Sydney Swans to be played there instead of their usual home ground, the SCG, until the end of 2016.", "\"Collingwood Football Club\"\nfootball for Williamstown. Collingwood ended its affiliation with Williamstown after the 2007 season. The reserves team was re-established, and has competed in the VFL since 2008. The reserves team currently splits home games between Olympic Park Oval and Victoria Park, although they do occasionally play at the MCG as a curtain raiser to Collingwood home matches, and uses the AFL team's clash guernsey as its primary guernsey. The Collingwood VFL team is composed of both reserves players from the club's primary and rookie AFL lists, and a separately maintained list of players eligible only for VFL matches. In April 2016,", "\"AFL Grand Final\"\nalways been played in Melbourne on a Saturday afternoon, and all but nine have been played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. The venues used on the other nine occasions were: The current agreement (as amended in 2018) between the Melbourne Cricket Club, the MCG Trust, the AFL and the Victorian State Government stipulates the AFL grand final will be played at the MCG every year until at least 2057. The grand final has traditionally been played on the last Saturday in September each year, and is often referred to in popular Australian culture as the \"\"One day in September\"\". In", "\"Western Bulldogs\"\nLeague from 2014 onward. Known as the Footscray Bulldogs, the team plays its home games at Whitten Oval. The team has since won two VFL premierships, in its first and third seasons of competition. In June 2013, the Western Bulldogs fielded a women's football side against in the first AFL-sanctioned women's exhibition match, held at the MCG. The two teams competed annually over the next three years for the Hampson-Hardeman Cup. In 2016, when the AFL announced plans for AFL Women's, an eight team national women's league competition, the Bulldogs were asked to submit an application for a license alongside", "\"Richmond Football Club\"\nRichmond Football Club The Richmond Football Club, nicknamed the Tigers, is a professional Australian rules football club playing in the Australian Football League (AFL), the sport's premier competition. Between its inception in Richmond, Melbourne in 1885 and 1907, the club competed in the Victorian Football Association (VFA), winning two premierships. Richmond joined the Victorian Football League (now known as the AFL) in 1908 and has since won eleven premierships, most recently in 2017. Richmond's headquarters and training facilities are located at its original home ground, the Punt Road Oval, which sits adjacent to the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), the club's", "\"Melbourne Cricket Ground\"\nAustralian rules football\"\" for its strong association with the sport since it was codified in 1859, it hosts Australian Football League (AFL) matches in the winter, with at least one game held there in most (if not all) rounds of the home-and-away season. The stadium fills to capacity for the AFL Grand Final. Home to the National Sports Museum, the MCG has hosted other major sporting events, including international rules football matches between Australia and Ireland, international rugby union matches, State of Origin (rugby league) games, and FIFA World Cup qualifiers. Concerts and other cultural events are also held at", "\"Victoria cricket team\"\nVictoria cricket team The Victoria cricket team, who were named Victorian Bushrangers between 1995 and 2018, is an Australian first class cricket team based in Melbourne, Victoria. The Victoria cricket team, which first played in 1851, represents the state of Victoria in the Sheffield Shield first-class competition and the JLT One Day Cup competition. The team's primary home ground is the MCG, but Junction Oval is used as its home ground if the MCG is not available. The team is administered by Cricket Victoria and draws its players from Victoria's Premier Cricket competition. Victoria also played in the now-defunct Twenty20", "\"Melbourne Cricket Ground\"\nat least 2057. All Melbourne based teams (and most of the time Geelong) play their 'home' finals at the MCG unless if 4 Victorian teams win the right to host a final in the first week of the finals. For many years the VFL had an uneasy relationship with the MCG trustees and the Melbourne Cricket Club. Both needed the other, but resented the dependence. The VFL made the first move which brought things to a head by beginning the development of VFL Park at Mulgrave in the 1960s as its own home ground and as a potential venue for", "\"1999 AFL Grand Final\"\nsubsequently finished a place higher than Carlton and won its first finals match, had earned the right to host the final in Perth, yet were forced to play the match at the MCG due to a contractual agreement with the AFL that required at least one match to be played at that venue every week of the finals. The AFL acted quickly, and in season 2000 the finals system was changed, requiring the need for teams that finished between 5th-8th after the home & away season needing to win all their finals matches to reach the grand final (a loss", "\"2013 AFL finals series\"\nof the first semi-final and second preliminary final. The winners of the qualifying finals play at home. The Grand Final is typically played at 2:30 PM on the last Saturday of September at the MCG in Melbourne, Victoria. Normally there is pre-match entertainment where notable Australian performers perform for the crowd of up to 100,000. After the game the winning team is presented with the premiership cup and the winning players are presented with medallions. Winning the AFL Grand Final is the pinnacle of Australian rules football. 2013 AFL finals series The 2013 Australian Football League finals series determined the", "\"AFL (video game series)\"\nstadiums which were, MCG, Telstra Dome, Optus Oval, Kardinia Park, AAMI Stadium, Subiaco Oval, Gabba, SCG. It also included all 22 home and away matches and the finals series. The game was published by Acclaim with the song Lost Control by Grinspoon as the intro song. It was developed by IR Gurus and published by Acclaim Entertainment. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2 and Xbox on 29 April 2004. The game is based on the 2004 AFL season with team rosters based on that year. It was developed by IR Gurus and was the final AFL game to", "\"AFL Challenge\"\nwas universally critically panned. GameSpot's Dan Chiappini called the game \"\"an unrewarding bore\"\", citing that \"\"the experience is nothing more than shallow and unrewarding gameplay, technical issues, and horrible difficulty scaling.\"\" He also noted its lack of multiplayer, a season mode, commentary, player numbers, and its two grounds, one being a small suburban ground, unfit for AFL football, and the other appearing to be modeled on the MCG. He gave the game a \"\"bad\"\" rating and a 3 out of 10. PALGN said \"\"AFL Challenge is a dud of the game that not even an AFL fan would enjoy\"\" and", "\"Richmond, Victoria\"\nhome games at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), which is just outside the suburb's border, and regularly attract crowds in excess of 50,000; however, can draw as large as 90,000 against fierce rivals. The team trains and runs their administration from their spiritual home ground, Punt Road Oval (adjacent to the MCG). Although the club have not played home games at the Punt Road Oval since the end of the 1964 season, the Richmond Football Club have rebuilt a new social club and training facility at the Punt Road Oval. The club have played their home games at the neighbouring", "\"Western Bulldogs\"\nGround (MCG) and reached the semi-finals before being defeated by eventual Premiers the West Coast Eagles at Subiaco Oval. On 5 August 2006, Chris Grant broke the Western Bulldogs record for the most senior AFL/VFL games at the club. On this day he played his 330th game, breaking Doug Hawkins' previous record of 329 games. Looking for new markets, the club had played one game every year at the Sydney Cricket Ground and one \"\"home\"\" game each year at Marrara Oval in Darwin. On 16 August 2006, the league announced that the Bulldogs' Sydney \"\"home\"\" game would be played at", "\"Australian Football League\"\nan AFL licence but could not enter until a Victorian team had folded or merged. At the end of 1996 Fitzroy played its last match and merged with Brisbane to form the Brisbane Lions. This allowed Port Adelaide to enter the AFL for the 1997 season as the sixth and only pre-existing non Victorian club. Through the 1990s there was a significant trend of Melbourne-based teams abandoning the use of their small (20,000–30,000 capacity) suburban venues for home matches in favour of the larger MCG and Waverley Park. The 1990s saw the last matches played at Windy Hill (Essendon), Moorabbin", "\"Carlton–Collingwood AFL rivalry\"\n1999, the AFL celebrated the start of a new millennium with an early pre-season Ansett Cup match between the two rivals at the MCG. The game and event were both disappointments; fewer than 20,000 spectators attended, when a much higher crowd was expected, and Carlton won an uncompetitive match by 88 points. The game is best remembered for a young Brendan Fevola, who at this stage had played only two senior games, kicking twelve goals for Carlton. Carlton 20.17 (137) defeated Collingwood 7.7 (49). Since 1987, games between the clubs were no longer scheduled at their traditional suburban home grounds", "\"Punt Road Oval\"\nPunt Road Oval Punt Road Oval, also known by naming rights sponsorship as the Swinburne Centre, is an Australian rules football ground and former cricket oval located in Yarra Park, East Melbourne, Victoria situated only a few hundred metres to the east of the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). Punt Road Oval was a former venue for the Victorian Football League (now Australian Football League) with 544 VFL/AFL premiership matches played there between 1908 and 1964 and as the headquarters and former home ground of the Richmond Football Club. In October 1855 an application was made for the Richmond Cricket Club", "\"History of the Brisbane Lions\"\nfour of the 22 players had not played over 100 AFL games;Jonathan Brown (90 games), Robert Copeland (74 games), Dylan McLaren (26 games) and Richard Hadley (24 games). Reaching the finals in second position, Brisbane controversially had to travel to Melbourne to play against Geelong in the preliminary final, due to a contract between the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and the Australian Football League (AFL) guaranteeing one preliminary final would be played each year at the MCG. Port Adelaide had finished on top of the ladder and hosted the other preliminary final in Adelaide. Despite this setback, Brisbane beat Geelong", "\"Fitzroy Football Club\"\nteam was thrashed week in, week out. In Round 21, 48,884 people attended the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) on 25 August 1996 for Fitzroy's last ever game in Melbourne as part of the AFL competition. They witnessed the Lions being defeated by 151 points, the second greatest loss in the club's history: Richmond 28.19 (187) defeated Fitzroy 5.6 (36). The club played its final VFL/AFL game the following week on September 1 against at Subiaco Oval, losing by 86 points. It would be thirteen years before the club would take to any football field again. The original Fitzroy Football Club", "\"Jack Watts (footballer)\"\nfor his efforts there by the media; in the three-week period following his return to the AFL side, he ranked first in the league for intercept marks and intercept possessions, and second in rebound-50s. He played particularly well in the six point win against the second-placed team, Essendon, in round ten where he recorded twenty-four disposals, seven marks, seven rebound-50s and four tackles to earn three Brownlow votes, thereby being adjudged the best player on the ground by the field umpires. Three weeks later, he played his fiftieth AFL match in the seventy-eight point win against at the MCG in", "\"Carlton–Collingwood AFL rivalry\"\n2002 AFL season. In Nathan Buckley's 200th game, Collingwood showed no mercy to the Blues with a massive record-breaking 108-point victory, helping Carlton receive their first AFL wooden spoon. To add insult to injury, Joffa Corfe waved a giant wooden spoon around throughout the game. Collingwood 21.15 (141) defeated Carlton 4.9 (33). Both teams were out of finals contention when they met in the last round of the 2004 season. But when Carlton and Collingwood came together at the MCG, the ladder positions became irrelevant, as they would record the largest home-and-away crowd for the 2004 season. Collingwood started strong", "\"Venues of the 2000 Summer Olympics\"\nStadium, now known as Canberra Stadium, is the home venue of the NRL's Canberra Raiders and Super Rugby's Brumbies as well as hosting occasional international rugby league, rugby union and soccer games. Hindmarsh Stadium in Adelaide (now Coopers Stadium), is the main home venue of the A-League's Adelaide United FC. Temporary seating used during the Olympics was removed post-games and the stadiums capacity is now 17,000. The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) underwent extensive renovations before hosting the 2006 Commonwealth Games. Now with a capacity of 100,024 it remains the home of the AFL as well as international and domestic cricket", "\"2016 AFL Grand Final\"\npremiership from seventh place on the ladder. Jason Johannisen of the Bulldogs was awarded the Norm Smith Medal as the best player on the ground. Minor premiers for the ninth time, the Sydney Swans finished the home-and-away season with a 17-5 record. They were defeated by the GWS Giants in the qualifying final by 36 points, but bounced back with a semi-final victory against , and then a 37-point preliminary final win against at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) for their third grand final appearance in five years. Injuries ended the 2016 season for key Western Bulldogs players: captain Robert", "\"2011 AFL finals series\"\nthe Grand Final at the MCG in Melbourne. For the first time since the current AFL finals system was introduced in 2000, all four finals were played in Melbourne in the first week of the finals. 2011 AFL finals series The 2011 Australian Football League finals series determined the winner of the 2011 AFL season. The series was scheduled to occur over four weekends in September 2011, culminating with the 115th AFL/VFL Grand Final at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on 1 October 2011. Traditionally held on the final Saturday in September, the Grand Final date was pushed to October to", "\"Greg Anderson (footballer)\"\nCrows. Anderson made his Crows debut against in Round 1 of the 1993 AFL season, picking up 21 kicks and 3 handballs in the Crows 94 point win at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). He would on to play 59 games for the club until his retirement from football after the 1996 AFL season. Anderson won the Fos Williams Medal for his best on ground performance against Western Australia in the AFL State of Origin game at Football Park in 1993. For his performance against the Sandgropers he was rewarded with his 2nd All-Australian selection. Anderson was also a vital", "\"Linden Stevens\"\nLinden Stevens Linden Stevens (born 13 June 1978) is a former Australian rules footballer who played with Adelaide in the Australian Football League (AFL). Selected with the 65th pick of the 1997 AFL Draft, Stevens was brought into the Adelaide team after some good performances in the SANFL with Sturt. A utility, he debuted in the final round of the 1998 home and away season against West Coast at Subiaco and came off the bench to have five disposals. The following week he played a qualifying final at the MCG against Melbourne but had just two touches and did not", "\"2004 AFL season\"\nClub that at least one game each week of the finals be played at the MCG. This was the first grand final in the history of the AFL to be played by two non-Victorian teams; Port Adelaide's first; and the Brisbane Lions' fourth consecutive. Total match attendance for all games was 5,915,407. Attendance at the grand final was 77,671. The largest non-finals attendance was 60,898 people for the Collingwood v Carlton game in round 22. Attendances during the season were affected by the ongoing reconstruction of the Ponsford, Olympic and Melbourne Cricket Club stands at the MCG to be ready", "\"Port Adelaide Football Club\"\nfor the finals since 2007. Port travelled to Melbourne to play Collingwood at the MCG in an Elimination Final where they won by 24 points; they then lost to Geelong by 16 points the following week in a Semi Final. The 2014 season saw both Port Adelaide and Adelaide move their home ground from Football Park to the redeveloped Adelaide Oval. Port Adelaide signed up a record 55,715 members for the 2014 season and averaged 44,429 at home games, a 65% increase from the previous year. Port Adelaide had its best first half of an AFL season, sitting first with", "\"Melbourne Hawks\"\nincrease every year. One of the proposed advantages of merging was playing on the MCG, and Hawthorn moved its home games there in 2000 after the AFL closed Waverley Park. The Hawks moved from their home base at Glenferrie. They relocated to the old Waverley Park, which was being carved into lucrative real estate by Mirvac. Under the terms of the deal, the oval and immediate surrounds were to remain for sporting purposes. Mirvac needed a club to occupy the oval. Hawthorn paid $1 and, in return, received the freehold on the entire oval and a portion of what is", "\"Rugby Victoria\"\nEast Melbourne Cricket Ground. Competition lapsed again after the Victorians were defeated 30-0 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) by the British Lions in 1899, but the Victorian Rugby Union was re-formed in 1908. Australia played Victoria at the MCG in August of that year, on their way to Great Britain for what became known as the First Wallabies Tour. Of the seven clubs comprising the new Union in 1909, Melbourne, East Melbourne, South Melbourne and University were the first to compete for the Dewar Shield, a trophy which is still awarded today to the premier first grade team. Competition", "\"2011 Collingwood Football Club season\"\n(to play ) and Queensland (to play ). Their matches against inter-state teams , and the were played at the MCG. 2011 Collingwood Football Club season The 2011 AFL season was the Collingwood Magpies' 115th season in the Australian Football League. Despite winning the \"\"McClelland Trophy\"\" and the 2011 pre-season cup, Collingwood lost the Grand Final to premiers Geelong. Collingwood played 22 home and away matches across 24 rounds, with byes in Rounds 7 and 13. The club played , , , , and twice and all other teams once throughout the home and away season. The Magpies travelled only", "\"Dreamtime at the 'G\"\nDreamtime at the 'G Dreamtime at the 'G is an annual Australian rules football match between Australian Football League clubs and . The name of the match comes from the Australian Aboriginal term \"\"Dreamtime\"\" and \"\"the 'G\"\", a nickname for the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) where the match takes place. Since the 2007 season the match has been held annually on the Saturday night of the AFL's \"\"Indigenous Round\"\". The game draws one of the highest crowds of the home-and-away season, with an average crowd of over 70,000 since its inception and a record attendance of 85,656 in 2017. The", "\"2018 AFL finals series\"\nthe qualifying finals in the first week. The winners of those matches move on to the Grand Final at the MCG in Melbourne.<section begin=\"\"2018\"\" afl=\"\"\"\" finals=\"\"\"\" bracket=\"\"\"\" /> <section end=\"\"2018\"\" afl=\"\"\"\" finals=\"\"\"\" bracket=\"\"\"\" /> The first qualifying final saw minor premiers and defending premier defeat the fourth placed at the MCG in the third-ever Thursday night final and first in Victoria. Despite both clubs' presence in the competition for almost 100 years, this was the first meeting between Richmond and Hawthorn in a final. The first elimination final was held between fifth placed and eighth placed at the MCG. Melbourne", "\"1998 AFL Grand Final\"\nits qualifying final against Melbourne at the MCG by 48 points, but still progressed to play a semi-final against Sydney at the SCG, which they won by 27 points. Adelaide then progressed to the preliminary final against the Western Bulldogs at the MCG, and won convincingly by 68 points. North Melbourne won its qualifying final against Essendon by 22 points at the MCG, sending them to a home preliminary final against Melbourne. They won that match by 30 points to progress to the Grand Final. The finals wins extended North Melbourne's winning streak to eleven matches entering the Grand Final.", "\"Moreton Bay Central Sports Complex\"\nMoreton Bay Central Sports Complex Moreton Bay Central Sports Complex is an Australian rules football complex in Burpengary, a suburb of the Moreton Bay Region, Queensland, Australia. It was built and opened in 2013. It is the primary home ground for Moreton Bay in the Queensland Football Association Northern Conference. It is also the primary home ground for the Brisbane Lions AFL Women's team. The Brisbane Lions' AFL Women's (AFLW) team uses the venue as a home ground. It hosted its first AFLW game on 10 March 2018, between Brisbane and . It became the Lions' primary home ground for", "\"AFL Grand Final\"\nthe city was at the game. Football served as a distraction for people on the home front during the war, particularly during the darkest days between 1941 and 1943. The Australian government requisitioned a number of VFL grounds, including the MCG. Therefore, the grand final was staged at Princes Park (Carlton) in 1942, 1943 and 1945, and at St Kilda's Junction Oval in 1944 when Fitzroy won its last premiership on the second hottest grand final day on record. The 1943 clash was a thrilling contest, Richmond defeating Essendon by five points. The 1942 and 1945 matches were marred by", "\"Victoria Park, Melbourne\"\nand the MCG. The move was a success financially for the club as it unlocked better exposure to the public as these venues had light towers enabling games to be played at night to boost television audiences and attendances. Beginning in 1994, Collingwood started moving their games to the MCG by playing all but three matches at the venue, and in 1997 only two games were being played at Victoria Park. In 1996 the cricket club moved away from the ground after a 100-year association with it. The last AFL match at Victoria Park was played in the last fixture", "\"Brisbane Bears\"\nat the Melbourne Cricket Ground (where the Bears played their first VFL/AFL game). It was against North Melbourne, their first and last ever opponents, the Bears lost by 38 points to North who would go on to win the premiership that year.When the team came off the MCG, the Bears were finished after a short and troubled existence. The Bears' mascot was the koala, which is not a Bear. Their uniform originally featured a koala. The Brisbane Football Club had 2 Club Songs in its existence. This song was an original tune.<br> The song was played in full over the", "\"AFL Players Association\"\nAFLPA moved all services provided under the Player Development Program in-house, employing experts in the fields of education, player welfare and career transition. In 2006, a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (2007–2011) was negotiated with the AFL. The key principles of the five-year agreement focused on delivering stability and opportunity, ahead of a crucial period where the game will push for unprecedented national growth. The AFLPA organised an Induction Camp on 10 January 2010 to introduce new draftees into the AFL system. The two-day event, held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), was attended by draftees from each of the 17", "\"Tom McCartin\"\nTom McCartin Tom McCartin (born 30 December 1999) is a professional Australian rules footballer playing for the Sydney Swans in the Australian Football League (AFL). He is a key forward. He made his debut in round 8 of the 2018 season against at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). McCartin originally played in the TAC Cup for the Geelong Falcons, but has also played three games in the AFL Under 18 Championships for Vic Country. He missed the whole of the 2016 season due to viral arthritis. At the AFL Draft Combine, he recorded in the running vertical leap and level", "\"Dwayne Griffin\"\nDwayne Griffin Dwayne Griffin (born 28 February 1977) is a former Australian rules footballer who played with Collingwood in the Australian Football League (AFL). and Swan Districts in the Western Australian Football League (WAFL). A defender, Griffin made his senior debut for Swan Districts aged eighteen in the 1995 WAFL season and was drafted at number 89 by Collingwood at the 1996 AFL Draft. Griffin played just one AFL game for Collingwood, in round 22 of the 1997 season, against North Melbourne at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), but didn't register a disposal. Delisted at the end of the season,", "\"Docklands Stadium\"\nground to five AFL teams. Carlton, , , and the use the stadium as their primary home ground, although all the Victorian-based teams have played home games at the ground. The AFL highest home and away attendance recorded at the Docklands Stadium was set on 5 July 2009 when 54,444 people watched St Kilda played Geelong in Round 14. Melbourne Victory also play home matches at Docklands. Originally, the plan was that the stadium would only be used for A-League games against the Victory's biggest rivals, Sydney FC, in the 2006/07 A-League season due to the prediction of a large", "\"2004 AFL season\"\n2004 AFL season The 2004 Australian Football League season was the 108th season of the elite Australian rules football competition and the 15th under the name 'Australian Football League', having switched from 'Victorian Football League' after 1989. \"\"See List of Australian Football League premiers for a complete list.\"\" \"\"See 2004 AFL Draft.\"\" The Wizard Home Loans Cup Final saw St Kilda defeat Geelong 1.14.5 (98) to 1.10.7 (76) in front of a crowd of 50,533. Note: Brisbane played its \"\"home\"\" final at the MCG despite being ranked above Geelong due to the agreement then in place with the Melbourne Cricket", "\"2004 AFL season\"\nfor the 2006 Commonwealth Games. 2004 AFL season The 2004 Australian Football League season was the 108th season of the elite Australian rules football competition and the 15th under the name 'Australian Football League', having switched from 'Victorian Football League' after 1989. \"\"See List of Australian Football League premiers for a complete list.\"\" \"\"See 2004 AFL Draft.\"\" The Wizard Home Loans Cup Final saw St Kilda defeat Geelong 1.14.5 (98) to 1.10.7 (76) in front of a crowd of 50,533. Note: Brisbane played its \"\"home\"\" final at the MCG despite being ranked above Geelong due to the agreement then in", "\"Collingwood Football Club\"\nharshly dealing with offenders. [* Accurate as of August 29th 2018] In 2011 Collingwood reached 70,000 members for the first time creating a new AFL record, beating the previous AFL record of 58,249 set by Collingwood in 2010. The club's membership base leads to large crowd pulling power which has caused the AFL to be accused of favouring Collingwood when scheduling to maximise the league's attendance figures. However the AFL states that this is due to other clubs requesting home games at the MCG against Collingwood. Collingwood was one of the last clubs to abandon its traditional stadium, the famous", "\"AFL Heritage Round\"\nAFL Heritage Round Heritage Round was a round of matches in the Australian Football League in which all the teams wore guernseys from their past. The first Heritage Round was in 2003 and had been continuing every year until 2008. The concept of the Heritage Round originated from the Centenary Celebration Round, which took place in 1996, in the centenary year of the VFL/AFL. As a tribute, the 8 original teams of the VFL played each other in Round 7, 100 years after Round 1 in the inaugural season. defeated at the MCG, while defeated Fitzroy, lost to , and", "\"Queen's Birthday match\"\nQueen's Birthday match The Queen's Birthday match is an annual Australian rules football match between the Melbourne Football Club and Collingwood Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL), held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) on the Queen's Birthday public holiday in Victoria (the second Monday in June). Football has been played on the Queen's or King's Birthday holiday since the first season of the Victorian Football League in 1897. The rivalry between Collingwood and Melbourne goes back many years. In 1958 a record non-finals crowd of 99,256 saw a top of the table match between the two teams.", "\"Elizabeth Skinner\"\nin the All-Australian team at all three Championships. Skinner starred in the first VWFL match played at the MCG, which was held on Mother's Day, Sunday May 9, 2004. In a best-on-ground performance, playing across the half-forward and full-forward lines, Skinner kicked eight goals in a match-winning performance. The match was played between the Melbourne University Mugars and the St Albans Spurs, in a rematch of the 2003 VWFL Grand Final, as a curtain-raiser before the AFL match between Melbourne Demons and the West Coast Eagles. The final score was 11.11 (77) to 7.8 (50). Skinner was named in the", "\"Trent Cotchin\"\nin a match against at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). He recorded sixteen disposals and an equal team-high two goals, one of which came with his first kick. In round 11, Cotchin recorded 17 possessions in the first half of Richmond's match against . He finished the match with 25 disposals and a goal to his name. After further impressive performances, Cotchin received the AFL Rising Star nomination for round 12. He kicked a goal and gathered 14 possessions on his way to the nomination. Cotchin did not miss a game after making his debut, finishing the season having played", "\"2017 Carlton Football Club season\"\nthe Victorian Football League, allowing Carlton-listed players to play with the Northern Blues when not selected in AFL matches. Carlton's primary home ground continueed to be the Melbourne Cricket Ground, with the club playing six home matches there and five at Etihad Stadium; traditional home ground Ikon Park continued to serve as the training and administrative base. The club also fielded its women's team in the inaugural season of the AFL Women's competition, running in February and March. Carlton was one of four Victorian clubs granted a license in June 2016 for the eight-team competition. Ikon Park served as the", "\"Tom Wills\"\nTom Wills Room in the MCG's Great Southern Stand serves as a venue for corporate functions. A statue outside the MCG, sculpted by Louis Laumen and erected in 2001, depicts Wills umpiring the famous 1858 football match between Melbourne Grammar and Scotch College. The AFL commemorated the 150th anniversary of the match by staging the Tom Wills Round during the 2008 AFL Season. The two schools played in a curtain raiser at the MCG ahead of the round opener between Melbourne and Geelong. That same year, Victoria's busiest freeway interchange, the Monash–EastLink interchange in Dandenong North, was named the Tom", "\"The Gabba\"\nSecond World War. Many of their defeats have been heavy and only seven England players have scored centuries at the ground. The Gabba was the home ground for the Brisbane Bears from 1993 to 1996 and since 1997 has been the home of the Brisbane Lions AFL team. The record crowd for an Australian rules football match is 37,224 between the Brisbane Lions and Collingwood in Round 15 of the 2005 AFL season. Australian football has a long association with the ground. The Queensland Football League, a precursor to AFL Queensland played matches at the Gabba from 1905 to 1914,", "\"Moreton Bay Central Sports Complex\"\nthe 2019 season, replacing South Pine Sports Complex. It has hosted AFL pre-season games involving the Brisbane Lions in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018. Moreton Bay Central Sports Complex Moreton Bay Central Sports Complex is an Australian rules football complex in Burpengary, a suburb of the Moreton Bay Region, Queensland, Australia. It was built and opened in 2013. It is the primary home ground for Moreton Bay in the Queensland Football Association Northern Conference. It is also the primary home ground for the Brisbane Lions AFL Women's team. The Brisbane Lions' AFL Women's (AFLW) team uses the venue as a", "\"Brisbane Lions\"\nwin three consecutive premierships and the first since the creation of the AFL. Simon Black claimed the Norm Smith Medal with a dominant 39 possession match, the most possessions ever gathered by a player in a grand final. The 2004 season saw Brisbane remain in the top portion of the ladder for most of the season. Reaching the finals in second position, Brisbane controversially had to travel to Melbourne to play against Geelong in the preliminary final, due to a contract between the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and the Australian Football League (AFL) that required one preliminary final to be", "\"Waverley Park\"\na viable alternative venue for the Grand Final and other events, the AFL possessed a critical bargaining chip in negotiations with the Melbourne Cricket Club over MCG access. Following its cessation as a venue for AFL football, the stadium fell into a state of disrepair, and anticipating complete demolition, the City of Greater Dandenong, on behalf of football patrons in southeast Victoria, moved quickly to nominate the whole of the facility and its grounds for heritage listing. The basis for the nomination is that the stadium was the first major stadium purpose built for Australian rules football, that its construction", "\"Tom Young (Australian footballer)\"\nbeing previously courted by other AFL clubs. He was named as Collingwood's best player in the reserves team in the Victorian Football League (VFL) in 2010, and was elevated to their senior list with the 104th selection in the 2010 AFL Draft. Young made his AFL debut in Round 22, 2011 where he played the Brisbane Lions at the MCG. Tom Young was traded to the Western Bulldogs during the 2012 trade period. Collingwood received pick 71 as their NSW scholarship player left after playing 9 games. Young was delisted at the conclusion of the 2014 AFL season. Tom Young", "\"Steven Motlop\"\nUnder 18 and Under 16 championships were hampered by a shoulder injury, which was operated on prior to the draft, but he still managed to kick five goals in the division two final at the MCG. Motlop dislocated his shoulder in his debut AFL match against Hawthorn during the second quarter in the 2010 Round 2 match. In Round 6 of the 2012 AFL season Motlop was awarded the round nomination for the 2012 AFL Rising Star, after gathering 28 possessions against . After a strong 2013 season, Motlop was selected in the AFL Players' Association's inaugural 22under22 team. In", "\"Interstate matches in Australian rules football\"\nDate ! width=09%| Time ! width=10%| Broadcast Network 1977 ! width=10%| Round ! width=10%| Home team ! width=10%| Home team score ! width=10%| Away team ! width=10%| Away team score ! width=10%| Ground ! width=10%| City/Town ! width=10%| Crowd ! width=10%| Date ! width=09%| Time ! width=10%| Broadcast Network After the success of the inaugural AFL Women's season the AFL announced in mid-July that a State of Origin representative match would be held for AFL Women's players during the AFL season pre-finals bye. A team of players born in Victoria played a single exhibition match against Australian Alliance \"\"(a team", "\"2018 Carlton Football Club season\"\nthe VFL/AFL competition since its inception in 1897; and, having competed in every season, it will also be the 122nd season contested by the Carlton Football Club. Carlton will continue its alignment with the Northern Blues in the Victorian Football League, allowing Carlton-listed players to play with the Northern Blues when not selected in AFL matches. Carlton's primary home ground will continued to be the Melbourne Cricket Ground; traditional home ground Ikon Park continued to serve as the training and administrative base. The club will also field its women's team in the second season of the AFL Women's competition, running", "\"Darren Bewick\"\nin an incident during the second quarter, ending his season. He played his comeback match (and 150th AFL game) against Geelong in the centenary re-enactment match at the MCG in round 7, 1996. In a best-on-ground display, Bewick kicked nine goals from 11 kicks - including a spectacular finish from the boundary for his eighth goal. Bewick retired after the 2000 AFL Grand Final, in which Essendon defeated Melbourne by 60 points, claiming the club's record 16th AFL premiership. ! scope=\"\"row\"\" style=\"\"text-align:center\"\" | 1988 ! scope=\"\"row\"\" style=\"\"text-align:center\"\" | 1989 ! scope=\"\"row\"\" style=\"\"text-align:center\"\" | 1990 ! scope=\"\"row\"\" style=\"\"text-align:center\"\" | 1991 !", "\"2006 AFL Grand Final\"\ndecider, with the Swans having won the 2005 AFL Grand Final by a margin of 4 points. At the conclusion of the home and away season, West Coast had finished first on the AFL ladder with 17 wins and 5 losses, winning the McClelland Trophy. Sydney had finished fourth with 14 wins and 8 losses. In the week leading up to the grand final, Sydney's Adam Goodes was awarded the Brownlow Medal. Prior to the match, at 10:00 a.m. the TAC Cup grand final was played. The Red Berets parachuted into the MCG delivering the match balls, followed by a", "\"Jesse Hogan\"\nlong-term injury list in May. In August, he made his return from injury playing for Casey in the team's second last game of the season. During the season, speculation arose that were trying to lure him back to Western Australia with a lucrative offer, but in July, he signed a two-year contract extension with Melbourne. After being praised by his coaches and teammates for his preparation and professionalism over the off-season, Hogan made his long-awaited AFL debut in Melbourne's 2015 season opening round, twenty-six point win against at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). He finished the game with two goals", "\"Cyril Rioli\"\nFootball Club at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) in round one 2008. He built a reputation around his ability to chase and pressure the opposition as they attempted to rebound from the forward line. In round six, he was nominated for the AFL Rising Star Award, after his display against , in which he received a nomination for Goal of the Year. Rioli appeared in every game in his debut season, including an inspirational performance in Hawthorn's defeat of Geelong in the 2008 AFL Grand Final. His impact on the game was described as instrumental as Hawthorn defeated Geelong, in", "\"Andy Lovell\"\nplayed in the VFL and AFL. Lovell was recruited to Melbourne from Tasmanian club Glenorchy and in his debut season played in their losing Grand Final to Hawthorn Football Club. A ruck-rover, Lovell was handy near goals and in a game at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) against Richmond in 1993 he kicked a career best eight goals as his side won by a record 121 points. The previous year he ran second in Melbourne's Best and fairest. Lovell was traded to West Coast for the 1996 AFL season and spent three years in their midfield before retiring. He later", "\"AFL Grand Final\"\nthe only winning team to score fewer goals than the opposition as they defeated Essendon by three points. By now, the MCG had been expanded again so that record crowds were set in 1968, 1969 and 1970. In what is commonly referred to as the greatest of all-time, the 1970 grand final saw Carlton come back from a 44-point half time deficit to beat Collingwood; it was watched by an all-time record crowd of 121,696 people. Most of the matches during this period had something to remember: Hawthorn's comeback to win in 1971, Carlton's record score in the highest scoring", "\"AFL finals series\"\nteam with the best win-loss record across the season, with the provision for a single playoff match only if two teams were tied for first place. Additionally, it was arranged that the gate from finals matches be shared amongst all teams, guaranteeing a better dividend to the league's weaker clubs. The VFL/AFL has used a total of twelve different finals tournament systems in its history: With the exception of the AFL Grand Final (which is always staged at the Melbourne Cricket Ground), finals matches are played in the state of the home team, giving a home state advantage to the", "\"Victoria Park, Melbourne\"\nof its cultural heritage significance at state level. Plans for demolition and reconstruction on the site have said that the oval will remain even if the stands do not. In 2009, the City of Yarra council voted to allow Collingwood's VFL team to recommence matches at Victoria Park. The team currently splits their home games between Victoria Park and Olympic Park Oval. Victoria Park will become the primary home ground of Collingwood's AFL Women's team for the 2019 season, replacing Olympic Park Oval. The ground is also the base for the AFL Victoria umpiring department, which officiates \"\"competitions, carnivals and", "\"Melbourne Cricket Ground\"\ndeals, half deals and possible deals were done over the years, with the Premier of Victoria, John Cain, Jr., even becoming involved. Cain was said to have promised the VFL it could use the MCG for six months of the year and then hand it back to the MCC, but this never eventuated, as the MCG Trust did not approve it. In the mid-1980s, a deal was done where the VFL was given its own members area in the Southern Stand. Against this background of political manoeuvring, in 1985 became the third club to make the MCG its home ground.", "\"Melbourne Cricket Ground\"\nNew South Wales in a first-class match on Boxing Day. Victoria also played its limited overs matches at the ground. Since the introduction of the domestic Twenty20 Big Bash League (BBL) in 2011, the Melbourne Stars club has played its home matches at the ground. It is also the home ground of the Melbourne Stars Women team, which plays in the Women's Big Bash League (WBBL). By the 1980s, the integral MCG pitch – grown from Merri Creek black soil – was considered the worst in Australia, in some matches exhibiting wildly inconsistent bounce which could see balls pass through", "\"David Mundy\"\nthe West Australian Football League (WAFL). He spent the entire 2004 season playing with Subiaco and was a part of their premiership team. Impressive WAFL form continued into 2005 and he was selected by Fremantle to make his AFL debut at the MCG against Melbourne in Round 6. His poise and composure in defence saw Mundy maintain his position in the side for all 17 remaining games for the season. In round 14 he was recognised by the AFL by being nominated for the AFL Rising Star award. In the final voting he came 3rd behind Brett Deledio and Ryan", "\"2015 Hawthorn Football Club season\"\nsurpassed John Kennedy Sr. and Allan Jeans (3) for most premiership wins as coach of Hawthorn. Hawthorn became the sixth team in VFL/AFL history to win three consecutive premierships joining (1906–1908), (4, 1927–1930), (2 times, 1939–1941, 1955–1957), and the second team in the AFL era joining the (2001–2003). The 2015 AFL season was the 119th season of the VFL/AFL competition since its inception in 1897; having entered the competition in 1925, it was the 91st season contested by the Hawthorn Football Club. The Melbourne Cricket Ground once again acted as Hawthorn's primary home ground, hosting six of the club's eleven", "\"WACA Ground\"\nthe West Coast Eagles, and from 1995 by the Fremantle Dockers, both Perth-based AFL teams. 72 AFL matches were held at the ground during this time. From 1995 to 1997 the WACA also served as the home ground for the Western Reds rugby league team. In the late 1990s the ground played host to the Perth Heat in the former Australian Baseball League (1989-1999). However, for various reasons these sports moved away from the WACA (in the case of night football, to Subiaco Oval), and as a consequence the WACA was again redeveloped in 2002. The capacity of the ground", "\"2013 Melbourne Football Club season\"\nlosing margin of 108 points in the first 3 rounds, Melbourne headed into their Round 4 clash against recent expansion team at the MCG, in what was a must win game for Mark Neeld so that he may have maintained his coaching role. In a game of sub-standard football from both sides, Melbourne looked to be set to lose at 3 quarter time trailing by 19 points however managed to blow the game away with their highest ever quarter score in VFL/AFL history of 12 goals and 2 behinds to win by 41 points. In subsequent rounds Melbourne's form didn't" ]
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who is currently the longest serving supreme court justice
[ "Anthony Kennedy" ]
[ "\"Supreme Court of Mississippi\"\ngovernor to appoint a justice to fill a seat vacated by the death or retirement of a justice. If less than half of the term remains, the appointee serves the remainder of the term. If more than half of the term remains, the appointee may serve until a special election is held. Seniority of the justices is determined by length of time in office. The chief justice is the current justice who has been in office the longest, and the presiding justices are next two in seniority. The current Mississippi Supreme Court, in order of seniority, includes: Currently King is", "\"Clarence Thomas\"\nClarence Thomas Clarence Thomas (born June 23, 1948) is an American judge, lawyer, and government official who currently serves as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He is currently the most senior associate justice on the Court following the retirement of Anthony Kennedy. Thomas succeeded Thurgood Marshall and is the second African American to serve on the Court. Among the current members of the Court he is the longest-serving justice, with a tenure of days () as of . Thomas grew up in Savannah, Georgia, and was educated at the College of the Holy Cross", "\"Clarence Thomas\"\ndinner party in 1999, when she was a Truman Foundation scholar. Thomas denied the allegations. Clarence Thomas Clarence Thomas (born June 23, 1948) is an American judge, lawyer, and government official who currently serves as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He is currently the most senior associate justice on the Court following the retirement of Anthony Kennedy. Thomas succeeded Thurgood Marshall and is the second African American to serve on the Court. Among the current members of the Court he is the longest-serving justice, with a tenure of days () as of . Thomas", "\"Supreme Court of the United States\"\nof a chief justice, currently John Roberts, and eight associate justices. Among the current members of the Court, Clarence Thomas is the longest-serving justice, with a tenure of days () as of ; the most recent justice to join the court is Brett Kavanaugh, whose tenure began on October 6, 2018. This graphical timeline depicts the length of each current Supreme Court justice's tenure (not seniority) on the Court: The Court currently has six male and three female justices. Among the nine justices, there is one African-American (Justice Thomas) and one Hispanic (Justice Sotomayor). Two of the justices were born", "\"Isaac Blackford\"\nelective, the prestige of the court that had been built up by Blackford was gradually lost as it became more political and less judicial. It was not until 1971 that the court position was again made appointive. Current Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Randall Shepard described Blackford as the \"\"leading figure in shaping Indiana's judiciary.\"\" Notes Bibliography Isaac Blackford Isaac Newton Blackford (November 6, 1786 – December 31, 1859) was the second Chief Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court, the court's longest serving Justice, and among the longest serving jurists in the history of the United States. He wrote an", "\"Jack Pope\"\nJack Pope Andrew Jackson Pope, Jr., known as Jack Pope (April 18, 1913 – February 25, 2017), was an American judge, attorney, author and legal scholar who served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas. Pope holds the record of the longest sitting justice in Texas Supreme Court history, having served for 38 years. At the time of his 100th birthday, he was the oldest living former Chief Justice of any supreme court in the United States, as well as the longest living chief justice of any supreme court of any state in United States history. Pope was", "\"Gibbs Salika\"\nGibbs Salika Sir Gibbs Salika (born August 11, 1955) is a Papua New Guinean judge serving as Chief Justice of Papua New Guinea. He is currently the longest serving judge of the National and Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea. The Honorable Gibuna Gibbs Salika who is a Seventh-day Adventist was honored as a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2014 by Queen Elizabeth II on her birthday for his service as a Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea. With great public approval, Deputy Chief Justice Gibbs Salika found guilty Governor", "\"Hugo Black\"\nthe Supreme Court for thirty-four years, making him the fifth longest-serving Justice in Supreme Court history. He was the senior (longest serving) justice on the court for an unprecedented twenty-five years, from the death of Chief Justice Stone on April 22, 1946 to his own retirement on September 17, 1971. As the longest-serving associate justice, he was acting Chief Justice on two occasions: from Stone's death until Vinson took office on June 24, 1946; and from Vinson's death on September 8, 1953 until Warren took office on October 5, 1953. There was no interregnum between the Warren and Burger courts", "\"Supreme Court of Canada\"\norder of precedence) as of . Among the current justices, Rosalie Abella is the longest-serving, with a tenure of . Michael Moldaver and Andromache Karakatsanis share the distinction of having the second-longest tenure, each, as they were both appointed puisne justice on the same day in October 2011. Richard Wagner's cumulative tenure is — as puisne justice, and as chief justice. Sheilah Martin, who succeeded to Wagner's puisne seat, has the briefest tenure, . The length of tenure for the other justices are: Clément Gascon, ; Suzanne Côté, ; Russell Brown, ; and Malcom Rowe, . The Rules of the", "\"John Paul Stevens\"\nthe Supreme Court with 34 years and six months of service and just 3 days short of tying the tenure of the second-longest serving justice in history (Stephen Johnson Field, 1863-1897). The longest-serving is his immediate predecessor, Justice William O. Douglas, who served 36 and a half years. Stevens is also the second-oldest justice, aged 90 years and two months at retirement, in the Court's history behind Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. who retired at the age of 90 years and 10 months. In July 2015, Stevens became the longest-lived retired justice, surpassing Stanley Forman Reed who died at age 95", "\"Robert D. Rucker\"\nand practiced general law in East Chicago, Indiana. Justice Rucker was appointed to the Indiana Supreme Court by Governor Frank O'Bannon in 1999. He is the second African American to serve on the Supreme Court of Indiana, succeeding Myra Selby, the first African American, and the first woman to ever serve on the Supreme Court of Indiana. Justice Rucker is the only Court of Appeals judge to ever be elevated to the Supreme Court. Since his appointment to the Supreme Court in 1999 he has served on the longest continuous group of justices to serve together in the Court's long", "\"Demographics of the Supreme Court of the United States\"\nCourt is . Just prior to the death of Chief Justice Rehnquist in September 2005, the average age was 71. After Sonia Sotomayor was appointed in August 2009, the average age at which current justices were appointed was about 53 years old. The longest period of time in which one group of justices has served together occurred from August 3, 1994, when Stephen Breyer was appointed to replace the retired Harry Blackmun, to September 3, 2005, the death of Rehnquist, totaling 11 years and 31 days. From 1789 until 1970, justices served an average of 14.9 years. Those who have", "\"John Marshall\"\nJohn Marshall John James Marshall (September 24, 1755 – July 6, 1835) was an American politician who served as the fourth Chief Justice of the United States from 1801 to 1835. Marshall remains the longest-serving chief justice in Supreme Court history, and he is widely regarded as one of the most influential justices to ever sit on the Supreme Court. Prior to joining the Supreme Court, Marshall served as the United States Secretary of State under Federalist President John Adams. Marshall was born in Fauquier County, Virginia in 1755. After the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, he joined the", "\"Harry L. Carrico\"\nHarry L. Carrico Harry Lee Carrico (September 4, 1916 – January 27, 2013) was a member, Chief Justice, and Senior Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia. His tenure as an active Justice of the Court, at more than 42 years, was the longest of any justice excluding William Fleming, who served nearly 44 years, from 1780-1824. Because current law requires active judges and Justices in Virginia to retire or take senior status on or shortly after their seventieth birthdays, Justice Carrico's longevity record likely will not be challenged. Carrico was born in Washington, D.C. and soon after moved to", "\"Judiciary of Nevada\"\nJudiciary of Nevada The Nevada Judiciary is the judicial branch of the Government of Nevada, which is responsible for applying the Constitution and law of Nevada. It consists of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, district courts, justice courts, and municipal courts. The Supreme Court oversees the administration of the judiciary. The Supreme Court of Nevada is the state supreme court, the state's highest appellate court. The Supreme Court consists of seven justices; the longest-serving member is the Chief Justice, and the rest are associate justices. Each justice is elected statewide for a six-year term. The six associate justices are", "\"John Paul Stevens\"\nJohn Paul Stevens John Paul Stevens (born April 20, 1920) is an American lawyer and jurist who served as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court from 1975 until his retirement in 2010. At the time of his retirement, he was the second-oldest serving justice in the history of the Court, the third-longest serving Supreme Court Justice in history. Stevens was considered to have been on the liberal side of the Court at the time of his retirement. Born in Chicago, Stevens served in the United States Navy during World War II and graduated from Northwestern University School", "\"Theodore G. Garfield\"\ncourt, he returned to the practice of law at Ames. Soon after his retirement, he agreed to serve as a hearing officer for University of Iowa students and groups subjected to discipline as part of antiwar activities. Until very recently, Garfield was the longest-serving justice in the history of the Iowa Supreme Court. His 28-year-tenure was exceeded in 2006 by Justice Jerry Larson, who retired soon thereafter. Theodore G. Garfield Theodore G. Garfield (November 12, 1894 – November 4, 1989) served as a justice of the Iowa Supreme Court longer than all but one other justice. A member of the", "\"Constitution of Wisconsin\"\nConstitution outlines the state's judicial branch in Article VII, granting judicial power in the state to a unified Wisconsin Supreme Court consisting of seven justices elected to ten-year terms. The justice who has been serving longest is given the powers of chief justice. In addition to the supreme court, the constitution provides for the Wisconsin Circuit Courts, which each have districts prescribed by the legislature with borders following county boundaries. An intermediary body between the supreme court and the circuit courts, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals, is also established in the state constitution. Finally, the legislature is granted power to", "\"Harry L. Carrico\"\nhis honor by the Virginia State Bar, which also named its annual professionalism award in his honor; he was the first recipient. Carrico died, aged 96, in Richmond, Virginia. Harry L. Carrico Harry Lee Carrico (September 4, 1916 – January 27, 2013) was a member, Chief Justice, and Senior Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia. His tenure as an active Justice of the Court, at more than 42 years, was the longest of any justice excluding William Fleming, who served nearly 44 years, from 1780-1824. Because current law requires active judges and Justices in Virginia to retire or take", "\"Supreme Court of Pakistan\"\nCourt. In the 1970s–1980s, Justice Dorab Patel was the first Zorastrian, followed by Justice Rustom Sidwa who served as Supreme Court justice from 1989 until 1993. Justice Rana Bhagwandas was the first Hindu jurist who has distinction being the Chief Justice of Pakistan in 2007. Justice Qazi Faez Isa is of the Hazara descent who is currently serving as the justice of the Supreme court. The jurists/judges do not represent or receive the official political endorsements from the nation's political parties which is an acceptable professional practice in the executive branch of the government. As their American counterparts in the", "\"William J. Brennan Jr.\"\nWilliam J. Brennan Jr. William Joseph Brennan Jr. (April 25, 1906 – July 24, 1997) was an American judge who served as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court from 1956 to 1990. As the seventh longest-serving justice in Supreme Court history, he was known for being a leader of the Court's liberal wing. Born in Newark, New Jersey, Brennan graduated from Harvard Law School in 1931. He entered private school in New Jersey and served in the United States Army during World War II. He was appointed in 1951 to the Supreme Court of New Jersey. Shortly", "\"Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry\"\nChairman of the Pakistan Red Crescent Society, Balochistan. On 4 February 2000 he was nominated as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. On 30 June 2005 he became the Chief Justice of Pakistan. He is said to be the youngest Chief Justice of Pakistan, who will be serving the longest period that any chief justice has ever served in the history of Pakistan's judiciary. At present, Justice Iftikhar is also functioning as Chairman of the Enrollment Committee of Pakistan Bar Council and as Chairman of the Supreme Court Building Committee. After the proclamation of PCO, on 26 January", "\"John Paul Stevens\"\nWorld Series game at which Babe Ruth hit his \"\"called shot\"\" home run. He also attended Game 4 of the 2016 World Series, wearing a red bowtie with a Chicago Cubs jacket. John Paul Stevens John Paul Stevens (born April 20, 1920) is an American lawyer and jurist who served as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court from 1975 until his retirement in 2010. At the time of his retirement, he was the second-oldest serving justice in the history of the Court, the third-longest serving Supreme Court Justice in history. Stevens was considered to have been on", "\"Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud\"\nSwapnil Tripathi v. Supreme Court of India, the judgment which allowed live streaming of Indian court cases. Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud (born 11 November 1959) is currently a sitting judge of the Supreme Court of India, He is the former Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court and a former judge of the Bombay High Court. Chandrachud was born on 11 November 1959. His father Y. V. Chandrachud was the longest serving Chief Justice of India. His mother Prabha was a classical musician. After attending Cathedral and John Connon School, Mumbai and St. Columba's School, Delhi, Chandrachud graduated", "\"University of Akron School of Law\"\nBatchelder received her J.D. from Akron in 1971 and is the longest current serving federal judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, having been appointed by George H.W. Bush in 1991. Deborah L. Cook received her J.D. from Akron in 1978. Having previously served as a justice for the Supreme Court of Ohio from 1995 to 2003, she was appointed by George W. Bush in 2003 to serve on the Sixth Circuit alongside Batchelder. They were both touted by the media as possible nominations of George W. Bush for the Supreme Court, and Cook was", "\"Stanley Mosk\"\nStanley Mosk Morey Stanley Mosk (September 4, 1912 – June 19, 2001) was an Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court for 37 years (1964–2001), and holds the record for the longest-serving justice on that court. Before sitting on the Supreme Court, he served as Attorney General of California and as a trial court judge, among other governmental positions. Mosk was the last Justice of the California Supreme Court to have served in non-judicial elected office prior to his appointment to the bench. The Los Angeles County Courthouse is named after him. Mosk was born in San Antonio, Texas. His", "\"Chief Justice of Pakistan\"\n2016. Pakistan's longest-serving Chief Justice was Mohammad Haleem for total of 3,205 days. The shortest-serving Chief Justice was Muhammad Shahabuddin, who died in office 9 days after taking oath. Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry is the only Justice to have served non-consecutive terms, for a total of three terms with total of 2,480 days. Chief Justice of Pakistan The Chief Justice of Pakistan (initials as CJP) is the head of the court system of Pakistan (the judicature branch of government) and the chief judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. The Chief Justice is the senior most of 17 Senior Justices of", "\"History of women in the United States\"\n2010, respectively, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan were confirmed as Supreme Court Associate Justices, making them the third and fourth female justices, but because Justice O'Connor had previously retired, this made the first time three women have served together on the Supreme Court. Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland was re-elected to a fifth term in 2010; when the 112th Congress was sworn in, she became the longest serving female senator ever, passing Sen. Margaret Chase Smith. During this term, she surpassed Edith Nourse Rogers as the woman to serve the longest in the U.S. Congress. In 2009, due to the", "\"Carlos Fayt\"\ndemocratic government of President Raúl Alfonsín in 1983, despite never having served as a judge. In the 1990s, when President Carlos Menem had increased the size of the Court and appointed several sympathetic Justices, Fayt was one of those who generally opposed the majority view. Fayt is the longest serving Supreme Court Justice in Argentina ever. He had previously been approached by President Arturo Illia in the 1960s to join the Supreme Court, but had turned the role down on that occasion. From July 2003 he presided over the court for some months. In 2008 Konex Foundation from Argentina granted", "\"Robert E. Healy\"\nlongest serving member of the court became Chief Justice when a vacancy occurred. Public outcry over the treatment of Munson and Haselton led to the repeal of the court reorganization laws in January 1915. As part of the repeal, Chief Justice George M. Powers agreed to serve as an Associate Justice, enabling Munson to become Chief Justice. Leighton P. Slack agreed to return to the Vermont Superior Court, where he had served prior to his 1914 appointment to the Supreme Court. In addition, Healy agreed to end his service on the Supreme Court and withdraw his request for confirmation by", "\"William O. Douglas\"\nthe Supreme Court of the United States]] [[Category:Whitman College alumni]] [[Category:World federalists]] [[Category:Yale Law School faculty]] William O. Douglas William Orville Douglas (October 16, 1898January 19, 1980) was an American jurist and politician who served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Nominated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Douglas was confirmed at the age of 40, one of the youngest justices appointed to the court. His term, lasting 36 years and 211 days (1939–75), is the longest in the history of the Supreme Court. In 1975 \"\"Time\"\" magazine called Douglas \"\"the most doctrinaire and committed", "\"Women in law in Canada\"\nis the 17th and current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, the first woman to hold this position, and the longest serving Chief Justice in Canadian history. In her role as Chief Justice, she also serves as a Deputy of the Governor General of Canada. When Governor General Adrienne Clarkson was hospitalized for a cardiac pacemaker operation on 8 July 2005, Chief Justice McLachlin served as the Deputy of the Governor General of Canada and performed the duties of the Governor General as the Administrator of Canada. In her role as Administrator, she gave royal assent to the", "\"Washington Supreme Court\"\nWashington Supreme Court The Washington Supreme Court is the highest court in the judiciary of the US state of Washington. The Court is composed of a Chief Justice and eight Justices. Members of the Court are elected to six-year terms. Justices must retire at the end of the calendar year in which they reach the age of 75, per the Washington State Constitution. The Chief Justice is chosen by secret ballot by the Justices to serve a 4-year term. The current Chief Justice is Mary Fairhurst who was elected by her peers on November 3, 2016. Chief Justice Mary Fairhurst", "\"Falak Sher (justice)\"\nJustice Nazim Hussain Siddiqui, by virtue of being the longest serving justice on the Supreme Court bench at the time, Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry was appointed as next Chief Justice. Justice Iftikhar was appointed a justice of High Court of Balochistan in 1999 and was elevated to Supreme Court on 4 February 2000. Justice Sher maintained that he was senior to Justice Chaudhry based on their respective elevation to High Courts and should be appointed as Chief Justice of Pakistan. On appointment of Justice Chaudhry as Chief Justice, he petitioned the President of Pakistan on that account for which no", "\"Rebecca Simmons\"\ntrack record on the district bench, she was selected to serve on the Fourth Court in May 2005 and then elected in 2006. Rebecca Simmons has served as an adjunct professor at St. Mary’s School of Law for over 15 years. In 2005, Justice Simmons was specially commissioned as a Supreme Court Justice to sit on a pending case before the Texas Supreme Court. In 2012 Justice Simmons lost her re-election campaign. She is currently seeking election to the Fourth Court of Appeals place 5 currently held by Justice Angelini who has announced her retirement at the end of her", "\"Washington Supreme Court\"\nhas been described as follows: Washington Supreme Court The Washington Supreme Court is the highest court in the judiciary of the US state of Washington. The Court is composed of a Chief Justice and eight Justices. Members of the Court are elected to six-year terms. Justices must retire at the end of the calendar year in which they reach the age of 75, per the Washington State Constitution. The Chief Justice is chosen by secret ballot by the Justices to serve a 4-year term. The current Chief Justice is Mary Fairhurst who was elected by her peers on November 3,", "\"Bruce Allen Murphy\"\nFortas who resigned from the U.S. Supreme Court after his close political ties to President Lyndon B. Johnson and his financial relationship with Louis Wolfson, a potential litigant before the Court, came to light. Published by William Morrow & Co.. A later biography, \"\"Wild Bill: The Legend and Life of William O. Douglas,\"\" was published in 2003 by Random House, and examines the life and work of the longest-serving Supreme Court justice in U.S. history. This biography describes, \"\"the genius and warts of William O. Douglas, arguably the greatest influence on American jurisprudence.\"\" Although Douglas served as a justice for", "\"Richard Elihu Sloan\"\nRichard Elihu Sloan Richard Elihu Sloan (June 22, 1857 – December 13, 1933) was an American jurist and politician, who served as Associate Justice of the Arizona Territorial Supreme Court, a United States District Court judge and as the 17th and final Governor of Arizona Territory. As an Associate Justice he served for 16 years, the longest service of any member of the Arizona Territorial Supreme Court, and wrote over 150 legal opinions. As governor he oversaw Arizona's transition from territory to statehood. Sloan was born on June 22, 1857 in Morning Sun, Ohio to Mary (Caldwell) and Dr. Richard", "\"John Marshall\"\nand relocated to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Marshall University, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law,John Marshall Law School, and The John Marshall Law School are also named for Marshall. Numerous elementary, middle/junior high, and high schools around the nation have been named for him. John Marshall John James Marshall (September 24, 1755 – July 6, 1835) was an American politician who served as the fourth Chief Justice of the United States from 1801 to 1835. Marshall remains the longest-serving chief justice in Supreme Court history, and he is widely regarded as one of the most influential justices to ever sit on the Supreme Court.", "\"Calcutta High Court\"\nwhen the court was founded on 1 July 1862. Justice Romesh Chandra Mitra was the first Indian officiating Chief Justice and Justice Phani Bhushan Chakravartti was the first Indian permanent Chief Justice of the court. The longest serving Chief Justice was Justice Sankar Prasad Mitra. On 20 September 1871, the acting Chief Justice, Sir John Paxton Norman, was murdered on the steps of the courthouse by Wahabi Muslims named Abdullah. \"\"For Chief Justices of the previous Supreme Court of Bengal see Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William.\"\" The neo-Gothic High Court building was constructed in 1872, ten years after", "\"Javaid Iqbal\"\nJavaid Iqbal Javed Iqbal (; b. 1 August 1946) is a retired Senior Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and a philosopher who is currently serving as the Chairman of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), appointed since 8 October 2017. A jurist and professor of law by profession, he served as the Senior Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan from 2004 until his retirement in 2011. Prior to the appointment at the Supreme Court, Justice Iqbal shortly tenured as the Chief Justice of the Balochistan High Court which lasted only a month. During his career as jurist, he", "\"Supreme Court of Indiana\"\nBlackford became the second chief justice of the Court and was the longest serving justice in the Court's history, serving 36 years, 3 months, and 24 days. Blackford recorded all of the Court's early decisions in a multivolume work titled \"\"Blackford's Reports\"\" that served for many years as a foundational text on the interpretation of state laws. In 1824 the Supreme Court relocated to Indianapolis with the rest of the state's government. Initially the Court shared space on the second floor of the Marion County Courthouse, before moving to the third Indiana Statehouse. In 1865 the Court was given its", "\"Richard Elihu Sloan\"\nthree days earlier. He was buried in Phoenix's Greenwood/Memory Lawn Mortuary & Cemetery. Richard Elihu Sloan Richard Elihu Sloan (June 22, 1857 – December 13, 1933) was an American jurist and politician, who served as Associate Justice of the Arizona Territorial Supreme Court, a United States District Court judge and as the 17th and final Governor of Arizona Territory. As an Associate Justice he served for 16 years, the longest service of any member of the Arizona Territorial Supreme Court, and wrote over 150 legal opinions. As governor he oversaw Arizona's transition from territory to statehood. Sloan was born on", "\"Mavis Gibson\"\nof Appeal of the Supreme Court of Namibia. On her retirement in April 2008 she was the longest-serving member of the High Court. Mavis Gibson Mavis Gibson is a Zimbabwean lawyer and judge who was the first black woman appointed to High Court of Zimbabwe, and the first female and longest serving-justice of the High Court of Namibia. Born Mavis Gumede in Zimbabwe, Gibson was originally a journalist. In the 1970s, she was a barrister with chambers in Lincoln's Inn, London. Gibson was a Judge of the High Court of Zimbabwe for eleven years, and the country's first black woman", "\"Supreme Court of Iceland\"\nof the longest serving Supreme Court justices, sits instead of the Supreme Court. After the transfer of power from Denmark, the Court was first housed in the Old Penitentiary Building on Skólavörðustígur in Reykjavík. In 1949 it moved to the former court building on Lindargata. 1993 saw a competition to design a new home for the Court, which was won by Margrét Harðardóttir and Steve Christer of Studio Granda, Reykjavík. The Icelandic Minister of Justice dug the first spade of ground for the new Courthouse of the Supreme Court of Iceland at Arnarhóll on 15 July 1994, laid the cornerstone", "\"Wisconsin Supreme Court\"\nvacancy on the court, the governor has the power to appoint an individual to the vacancy, but that justice must then stand for election in the first year in which no other justice's term expires. After passage of a referendum on April 7, 2015, the chief justice of the court is elected for a term of 2 years by the vote of a majority of the justices then serving on the court, although the justice so elected may decline the appointment. Previous to the change, the justice with the longest continuous service on the court served as the chief justice.", "\"Robert A. Miller (judge)\"\n1971) in Philip, SD. In 1971, Miller relocated to Pierre, SD to serve as a judge in the Sixth Circuit Court (1971-1976) and later as Presiding Judge of the Sixth Circuit Court (1976 - 1986). In 1986, Governor William Janklow appointed Miller to the South Dakota Supreme Court as an Associate Justice (1986 - 1990). Later, Miller assumed the role of Chief Justice (1990-2001). He retired holding the distinction of having served the longest term as the South Dakota Chief Justice in the history of the State Supreme Court. During Miller's time as Chief Justice (1990 - 2001), he presided", "\"Supreme Court of Israel\"\nSupreme Court of Israel The Supreme Court (, \"\"Beit HaMishpat HaElyon\"\") is the highest court in Israel. It has ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all other courts, and in some cases original jurisdiction. The Supreme Court consists of 15 Justices, who are appointed by the President of Israel, upon nomination by the Judicial Selection Committee. Once appointed, Justices serve until retirement at the age of 70, unless they resign or are removed from office. The current President (equivalent to Chief Justice) is Esther Hayut. The Court is situated in Jerusalem's Givat Ram governmental campus. When ruling as the High Court of", "\"Margaret Chutich\"\nis a graduate of Anoka High School and the University of Minnesota, as well as Michigan Law. She is married to Allina Health CEO Penny Wheeler, and is the first openly gay justice on the Minnesota Supreme Court. Chutich is one of twelve LGBT state supreme court justices currently serving in the United States. Margaret Chutich Margaret Helen Chutich (born June 18, 1958) is an American lawyer and judge, who has served as an Associate Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court since 2016, when she was appointed by Governor Mark Dayton. She previously served as a judge on the Minnesota", "\"Oregon Supreme Court\"\nappoints the Chief Judge of the Oregon Court of Appeals, assigns presiding judges for the trial level state courts, makes court rules, and is in charge of the department's budget. As administrator the chief is also the recipient of many reports from the court system including non-legal employees of the department. The first Chief Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court was William P. Bryant, while the longest serving chief was Wallace P. Carson, Jr. who held the position for 15 years. Beginning in 1853, the official court reporter for the publication of all Supreme Court decisions was the Oregon Reports,", "\"Nebraska Supreme Court\"\nthe womb of the mother has no claim to life. Chief Justice Simmons retired on January 2, 1963 after serving on the bench for slightly over twenty five years. The longest term a chief justice has served in Nebraska’s Supreme Court. Decisions of the county court can be appealed to the district court, although some cases, such as probate cases and decisions of the county court sitting as a juvenile court, may be appealed directly to the Nebraska Court of Appeals. Decisions of the district court, juvenile courts, and workers' compensation court are appealable to the Court of Appeals. Decisions", "\"William O. Douglas\"\nWilliam O. Douglas William Orville Douglas (October 16, 1898January 19, 1980) was an American jurist and politician who served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Nominated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Douglas was confirmed at the age of 40, one of the youngest justices appointed to the court. His term, lasting 36 years and 211 days (1939–75), is the longest in the history of the Supreme Court. In 1975 \"\"Time\"\" magazine called Douglas \"\"the most doctrinaire and committed civil libertarian ever to sit on the court\"\". After an itinerant childhood, Douglas attended Whitman College", "\"Robert Wilentz\"\na \"\"builder’s remedy\"\" or incentive to those developers who proposed to incorporate a \"\"substantial number\"\" of affordable housing units into their projects. In a historic, and memorable, footnote, the court suggested that 20 percent affordable housing was a \"\"reasonable minimum\"\" for a municipality. Robert Wilentz Robert Nathan Wilentz (February 17, 1927 – July 23, 1996) was Chief Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court from 1979 to 1996, making him the longest-serving Chief Justice since the Supreme Court became New Jersey's highest court in 1948. Wilentz's father, David T. Wilentz, was Attorney General of New Jersey in 1935, when he", "\"South Dakota Supreme Court\"\nnot receive its own chambers until the autumn of 1905. In 2002, Judith Meierhenry was appointed by Governor William Janklow as the first female Supreme Court Justice. She served until her retirement in 2011. In 2014, Janine Kern was appointed by Governor Dennis Daugaard. At the time of her appointment she was the only Justice on the South Dakota Supreme Court to not receive admission via diploma privilege. In 2017, she was joined by Steven R. Jensen who sat for the bar exam in 1988. The current justices of the South Dakota Supreme Court. South Dakota Supreme Court The South", "\"Chief Justice of Canada\"\nlongest serving Canadian chief justice (), and was the first woman to hold the position. The Chief Justice is appointed by the Governor General-in-Council under the federal \"\"Supreme Court Act\"\" on the advice of the Prime Minister. The appointment is subject to the \"\"Supreme Court Act\"\", which governs the administration and appointment of judges of the court. By this component of the Constitution of Canada, Judges appointed to the court must be \"\"a judge of a superior court of a province or a barrister or advocate of at least ten years standing at the bar of a province.\"\" Tradition dictates", "\"Phil S. Gibson\"\nright to criticize the court. Gibson dissented, joined by Douglas L. Edmonds. Upon appeal, in a 5-4 opinion by Justice Hugo Black, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed in \"\"Bridges v. California\"\". In June 1940, Chief Justice William H. Waste died in office, and Governor Olsen appointed Gibson to the position. Gibson served as Chief Justice from June 19, 1940, to August 30, 1964, the second longest term in that office, behind only William H. Beatty who served 25 years. At the time of Gibson's appointment, he was the second youngest Chief Justice in the court's history. In November 1940, Gibson", "\"Susan Denham\"\nSusan Denham Susan Mary Denham, SC (\"\"née\"\" Gageby; born 7 May 1945) is a retired Irish judge who served as the 11th Chief Justice of Ireland from 2011 to 2017 and was the first woman to hold the position. She served as a Justice of the Supreme Court from 1992 to 2017, and was the longest-serving member of the court on her retirement. She also served as a Judge of the High Court from 1991 to 1992. Susan Gageby was born in Dublin in 1945 and educated at Alexandra College, Dublin; Trinity College, Dublin; the King's Inns; and the Law", "\"Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt\"\nOsler, Hoskin & Harcourt Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP is a leading Toronto-based Canadian law firm founded in 1862. Clients include industry and business firms in all segments of the market and at various stages in the growth of their businesses. Two Osler partners have been appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada: Bertha Wilson, who became the first female Justice on the Supreme Court; and Suzanne Côté, who currently serves on the Court. Former Supreme Court justice Marshall Rothstein is currently an Osler partner in the firm's Vancouver office. Former Governor General of Canada David Johnston completed his articles", "\"Jack Pope\"\nChristi. On April 18, 2013 Pope was honored with a ceremony recognizing his 100th birthday in the Texas House of Representatives within the Texas State Capitol. The House passed a resolution in his honor and \"\"heard words of praise from four U.S. presidents, as well as the nine U.S. Supreme Court justices.\"\" Jack Pope Andrew Jackson Pope, Jr., known as Jack Pope (April 18, 1913 – February 25, 2017), was an American judge, attorney, author and legal scholar who served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas. Pope holds the record of the longest sitting justice in Texas", "\"Isaac Blackford\"\nIsaac Blackford Isaac Newton Blackford (November 6, 1786 – December 31, 1859) was the second Chief Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court, the court's longest serving Justice, and among the longest serving jurists in the history of the United States. He wrote an eight-volume work entitled \"\"Blackford's Reports\"\" recording all the early decisions of the court. The books became a staple legal source among Indiana's lawyers and received national and international acclaim for its style, accuracy, quality, and concision in dealing with common law. As a jurist, Blackford was the most influential ever to serve on Indiana's courts, according to", "\"William Atuguba\"\nto the retirement of Georgina Theodora Wood on 8 June 2017 until 19 June 2017 when Sophia Akuffo was sworn in by President Akufo-Addo as the new Chief Justice. He has been one of the longest serving members of the Supreme Court of Ghana. He was a judge for 44 years and a Supreme Court judge from 1995 to 2018, a total of almost 23 years. William Atuguba William Atuguba is a former justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana. Atuguba was first enrolled as a magistrate on 3 October 1974. He has worked as a private lawyer and served", "\"Oregon Supreme Court\"\nOregon Supreme Court Justices\"\" The court has had a total of 106 individuals serve on the court since its creation during the territorial period. This has ranged from a membership of three justices to seven justices. Since 1913, the number of positions on the bench has been seven. Of the current membership, five are women and two are men. Overall, the court has had nine women compared to ninety-seven men serve on the court. Additionally, there are currently two openly gay justices on the court, and one African-American justice. Thomas A. Balmer is the most senior of the seven justices,", "\"Monash University\"\nand longest-serving Treasurer of Australia; Ian MacFarlane, economist, Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia (1996–2006); George Pell, present Australian Cardinal of the Catholic Church; Anne Ferguson, Chief Justice of Victoria and Marilyn Warren, 11th and first female Chief Justice of Victoria. Notable current staff members at Monash include: Waleed Aly, Muslim community leader; Kate Burridge, linguist; John Brumby, former Premier of Victoria; Ken Coghill, former Speaker of the Parliament of Victoria; Michael Cowley, physiologist; Raymond Finkelstein, former Justice of the Federal Court of Australia; George Hampel, former Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria; Yew-Kwang Ng, economist; Graeme Pearman,", "\"Grafton Green\"\nbar that same year. He operated a law practice in Nashville until 1910, when he was elected as an associate justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court. He was subsequently re-elected in 1918, 1926, 1934, and 1942. Green became the Chief Justice of Tennessee in 1923, serving until his death. As of 2011, he holds the record as the person who served the longest on Tennessee's highest court. In 1927, Green presided over the appeal of John T. Scopes, who had been convicted of teaching evolution. The court found the law against teaching of evolution to be constitutional, but overturned Scopes'", "\"Supreme Court of Ghana\"\nappointed four new judges to the Supreme Court. They were Samuel K. Marful-Sau and Agnes M.A Dordzie, both Justices of the Appeal Court, Nii Ashie Kotey, a former Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ghana and Nene A. O. Amegatcher, a lawyer in private practice who also a former president of the Ghana Bar Association. One of the longest serving judges of the Court, William Atuguba retired in the same month. He had been on the Supreme Court after being nominated by Jerry Rawlings in November 1995 until July 2018. Since its inception in 1876, the", "\"Supreme Court of South Korea\"\nto the Supreme Court and the right to appoint judges of the inferior courts. The current Chief Justice is Kim Myeong‐soo. The 13 other Justices are appointed to the court by the President on the recommendation of the Chief Justice and the consent of the National Assembly, and serve renewable terms of six years. By law, to be eligible for appointment to the Supreme Court, a person must be over 40, and have spent at least 15 years: For the most part, Supreme Court Justices are appointed from the bench. Supreme Court Justices are required to retire at age 70.", "\"Steven Gonzalez\"\nthe contested election, and served there for 10 years. Justice Gonzalez was appointed to the Washington Supreme Court in 2012 by Governor Christine Gregoire. Gonzalez replaced Justice Gerry L. Alexander who retired following reaching the mandatory retirement age of 75. Before joining the Supreme Court, Justice Gonzalez served on the Washington State Access to Justice Board for seven years, including two as Chair. He currently chairs the Washington Interpreter Commission and the Court's Security and Technology Committees. As a judge, Justice Gonzalez has received “Judge of the Year” awards from the Washington State Bar Association, the Washington Chapter of the", "\"Supreme Court of Pennsylvania\"\njustice with the longest continuous service on the court automatically becomes Chief Justice. Justices must step down from the Supreme Court when they reach the age of 75, but they may continue to serve part-time as \"\"senior justices\"\" on panels of the Commonwealth's lower appellate courts until they reach 78, the age of mandatory retirement. Prior to 2002, judicial candidates in Pennsylvania were prohibited from expressing their views on disputed legal or political issues. However, after a similar law in Minnesota was struck down as unconstitutional (\"\"Republican Party of Minnesota v. White\"\"), the Pennsylvania rules were amended, and judicial candidates", "\"Washington Supreme Court\"\nwas sworn in on January 9, 2017, and succeeds Barbara Madsen, one of the longest-serving Chief Justices in Washington state history. Prior to January 1997 (pursuant to a Constitutional amendment adopted in 1995) the post of Chief Justice was held for a 2-year term by a justice who (i) was one of the Justices with 2 years left in their term, (ii) was the most senior in years of service of that cohort, and (iii) (generally) had not previously served as Chief Justice. The last Chief Justice under the rotation system, Barbara Durham was the architect of the present internal", "\"Administrator of the government\"\nand by convention the longest-serving state governor becomes administrator. In the states of Australia, the administrator is usually the chief justice of the state's supreme court or the next most senior justice. In 2001, the Constitution of Queensland was amended to restore the office of lieutenant-governor in that state. Links: The administrator is usually the Chief Justice of Canada. In the absence of the chief justice the senior puisne judge of the Supreme Court of Canada is appointed. Administrators can also be appointed to the Canadian provinces to perform the duties of the lieutenant governor, in which case a justice", "\"Lynn Nakamoto\"\nthe first Asian American to serve on the supreme court. Nakamoto was a founding member of the Oregon Minority Lawyers Association and sat on the board of the Q Center, an LGBT community center in North Portland. Nakamoto is a lesbian. She is one of twelve openly LGBT state supreme court justices currently serving in the United States. Nakamoto and her partner have a daughter named Eleanor adopted from Vietnam. Lynn Nakamoto Lynn R. Nakamoto (born May 24, 1960) is an American judge who is an associate justice of the Oregon Supreme Court. She was appointed to the court by", "\"Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud\"\nDhananjaya Y. Chandrachud Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud (born 11 November 1959) is currently a sitting judge of the Supreme Court of India, He is the former Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court and a former judge of the Bombay High Court. Chandrachud was born on 11 November 1959. His father Y. V. Chandrachud was the longest serving Chief Justice of India. His mother Prabha was a classical musician. After attending Cathedral and John Connon School, Mumbai and St. Columba's School, Delhi, Chandrachud graduated with honours in Economics and Mathematics from St. Stephen's College, New Delhi in 1979. He aced the", "\"Mary Yu\"\nwas appointed by Washington Governor Jay Inslee to the Washington Supreme Court, making her the first openly LGBTQ member of the court, in addition to the first Latina-American and Asian-American. She is the 11th woman to serve on the Washington Supreme Court (and one of six currently serving), the first person of Asian descent, the third person of Hispanic descent, and the first Hispanic woman. Yu, who is openly gay, is also the first LGBT person to hold this position. Yu is one of twelve LGBT state supreme court justices currently serving in the United States. She was sworn in", "\"William Johnstone Ritchie\"\n(née Vernon) and stepdaughter of Vice-Admiral William Fitzwilliam Owen, R.N. Seven sons and five daughters were born to this marriage. Sir William and Lady Ritchie are buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa. Ritchie's great-nephew, Roland Ritchie, served as a puisne justice of the Supreme Court. William Johnstone Ritchie Sir William Johnstone Ritchie (October 28, 1813 – September 25, 1892) was one of the first judges appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada. He became the second Chief Justice of the court, and the second-longest serving Chief Justice to date. Ritchie was born in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia to Thomas Ritchie and", "\"Supreme Court of Texas\"\nJustices, subject to Senate confirmation, to serve out the remainder of an unexpired term until the next general election. , seven of the current Justices, a majority, were originally appointed by Governor Rick Perry. The current Justices, like all the Judges of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, are all Republican. The place numbers have no special meaning as all justices are elected statewide, except that the Chief Justice position is considered \"\"Place 1\"\". Hortense Sparks Ward, who became the first woman to pass the Texas Bar Exam in 1910, was appointed Special Chief Justice of an all-female Texas Supreme", "\"Robert Brachtenbach\"\nSupreme Court. He accepted the appointment after rejecting previous offers for lower positions. He also served a two-year stint as chief justice. Brachtenbach served on the court for 22 years until his 1994 retirement, making his one of the longest serving justices in Washington state history. He was one of only five Yakima Valley residents to serve on the Washington Supreme Court. Robert Brachtenbach was the majority opinion, in the famous WPPSS case. He ruled that Washington local governments lacked sufficient authority to commit to paying for the costs of two nuclear power plants built by an intergovernmental power authority", "\"Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines\"\n1992. During that time, it was advocated in some sectors that Herrera, as the longest serving incumbent Associate Justice, was more qualified to succeed the resigned Chief Justice Marcelo Fernan than Andres Narvasa, who was considered as the Senior Associate Justice despite having been appointed to the Court 7 years after Melencio-Herrera. President Aquino eventually appointed Narvasa over Herrera. The incumbent Justice with the earliest date of appointment is deemed as the Senior Associate Justice. While the Senior Associate Justice has no constitutional or statutory duties, he or she usually acts as Acting Chief Justice during the absence of the", "\"Justices of the Supreme Court of Nigeria\"\nJustices of the Supreme Court of Nigeria The Justices of the Supreme Court of Nigeria are members of the Supreme Court of Nigeria headed by the Chief Justice of Nigeria. The Justices are often recommended by the National Judicial Council to the President of Nigeria, who will send the names to the Senate for confirmation. Currently, there are 16 Justices of the Supreme court of Nigeria, including the Chief Justice of Nigeria. Prior to the appointment of Justice Olukayode Ariwola and Mary Odili, the wife of Peter Odili, there were 14 Justices of the Supreme Court, including the Chief Justice", "\"Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland\"\nin an advisory capacity. The Secretary- General participates in meetings held by the Court Assembly, the Administrative Commission and the Conference of Presidents in an advisory capacity. A total of 38 justices sit on the bench of the Federal Supreme Court. Currently 14 women and 24 men serve as federal justices. Of the federal justices currently serving on the bench, three have Italian, 12 French and 23 German as their native language. The justices are forbidden from engaging in any gainful occupation outside of their work as federal justices. The federal justices have the status of government officials. The federal", "\"Michigan Supreme Court\"\nGovernor, with that appointee serving until the next general election, at which time the elected winner is seated to fill the remaining portion of the vacated term. Following the 2012 election, the court had a 4-3 conservative Republican majority, with Robert P. Young Jr. serving as Chief Justice. After the resignation of Justice Diane Hathaway and appointment of David Viviano in 2013, there was a 5-2 Republican majority. The current Justices of the Michigan Supreme Court are: Michigan Supreme Court The Michigan Supreme Court is the highest court in the U.S. state of Michigan. It is Michigan's court of last", "\"Columbia Law School\"\npast members of the U.S. federal courts who have graduated from CLS. Internationally, CLS graduates also have occupied prominent judicial positions, including Shi Jiuyong, former president of the International Court of Justice (ICJ); Xue Hanqin, current member of the ICJ; Giuliano Amato, current member of the Constitutional Court of Italy; Jan Schans Christensen ('88 LL.M.), current member of the Supreme Court of Denmark; Susan Denham, current Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Ireland; Marvic Leonen ('04 LL.M.), current member of the Supreme Court of the Philippines; Hironobu Takesaki, current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Japan; Umu Hawa Tejan-Jalloh, current", "\"Judiciary of Pennsylvania\"\nPhiladelphia County, which has the Philadelphia Municipal Court instead. These courts hear similar matters to the magisterial district courts, but the jurisdictional limit is $12,000. The Philadelphia Municipal Court has jurisdiction over all traffic offenses, misdemeanors, and preliminary hearings for felonies. The Supreme Court justice with the longest continuous service on the court automatically becomes Chief Justice. A president judge and a court administrator serve in each of the 60 judicial districts. In districts with seven or fewer judges, the president judge with the longest continuous service holds this position. In districts with eight or more judges, the president judge", "\"Justices of the Supreme Court of Nigeria\"\nof Nigeria.<ref> Justices of the Supreme Court of Nigeria The Justices of the Supreme Court of Nigeria are members of the Supreme Court of Nigeria headed by the Chief Justice of Nigeria. The Justices are often recommended by the National Judicial Council to the President of Nigeria, who will send the names to the Senate for confirmation. Currently, there are 16 Justices of the Supreme court of Nigeria, including the Chief Justice of Nigeria. Prior to the appointment of Justice Olukayode Ariwola and Mary Odili, the wife of Peter Odili, there were 14 Justices of the Supreme Court, including the", "\"Alex Bryner\"\n1980, when he was appointed to the newly created Alaska Court of Appeals. He served as that court's chief judge until he was appointed to the Supreme Court, replacing that court's longest-serving justice, Jay Rabinowitz. Bryner retired in 2007. Alex Bryner Alexander Ostroumov \"\"Alex\"\" Bryner (born July 26, 1943) is a Chinese-born American retired lawyer and jurist. Bryner was a Justice of the Supreme Court of Alaska from February 1997 to October 2007. Born in Tientsin, China in 1943 to Russian immigrant parents, Bryner was raised in Menlo Park, California. He received his J.D. from Stanford University in 1969, thereafter", "\"Kansas Supreme Court\"\nyear in office, the justice undergoes a retention vote in the next general election. If the justice receives approval from a majority of electors then he or she remain in office for a 6-year term. After the conclusion of each term the justice must face another retention vote. Retirement is mandatory at age 75 or upon completion of the justice's current term. The justice who has the longest continuous service is designated by the Kansas Constitution as the chief justice, unless he or she declines or resigns the position. The chief justice's duty is to exercise the administrative authority of", "\"Supreme Court of the United States\"\nfor Wiley Rutledge, William Rehnquist for Robert H. Jackson, Stephen Breyer for Arthur Goldberg, John Roberts for William Rehnquist, Elena Kagan for Thurgood Marshall, Neil Gorsuch for both Byron White and Anthony Kennedy, and Brett Kavanaugh for Kennedy. Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh served under Kennedy during the same term. Gorsuch is the first justice to serve alongside a justice for whom he or she clerked. With the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, for the first time a majority of the Supreme Court is composed of former Supreme Court law clerks (Roberts, Breyer, Kagan, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh). Several current Supreme Court justices", "\"Louisiana Supreme Court\"\nthe Court was authorized to sit in panels of three. The Supreme Court was also given the power to remove lower court judges from office. The current Louisiana Constitution of 1974, as amended in 1980, provides for a Supreme Court composed of a Justice elected from each of seven Supreme Court Districts, serving a term of 10 years. The Chief Justice is not elected separately from the other justices (as is the case in other states, such as with the Texas Supreme Court); under Article V, Section 6, the \"\"judge oldest in point of service on the supreme court\"\" (i.e.,", "\"Rives Kistler\"\nopenly LGBT state supreme court justice in the United States. The second was fellow Oregonian Virginia Linder, who joined Kistler on the Oregon court in 2007. Kistler is one of twelve openly LGBT state supreme court justices currently serving in the United States. Rives Kistler Rives Kistler (born 1949) is an American attorney and judge in the state of Oregon. After college and law school on the East Coast, he moved to Oregon where he worked in private practice before joining the Oregon Department of Justice. Kistler then joined the Oregon Court of Appeals before appointment to the Oregon Supreme", "\"Carlisle W. Higgins\"\nCarlisle W. Higgins Carlisle Wallace Higgins (1889–1980) was a North Carolina attorney and jurist. He was a native of Alleghany County, North Carolina. Higgins served in both houses of the North Carolina General Assembly before being appointed U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1934–1947). In 1946 he became a prosecutor for the war crimes trials in Japan. Higgins later served as an Associate Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court (1954–1974). He is among the longest-serving justices in the history of the North Carolina Supreme Court. Upon his retirement from the Court,", "\"Chief Justice of Canada\"\nofficial documents or receiving credentials of newly appointed high commissioners and ambassadors. The current Chief Justice is Richard Wagner, who took office on December 18, 2017, replacing Beverley McLachlin, the first woman to hold this position. Born in Montreal on April 2, 1957, he had been a puisne Supreme Court justice for at the time of his elevation to chief justice. He previously sat on the Quebec Court of Appeal. Since the Supreme Court was established in 1875, the following 18 persons have served as Chief Justice: This graphical timeline depicts the length of each justice's tenure as chief justice:", "\"Warren Matthews\"\nWarren Matthews Warren W. Matthews, Jr. (born April 5, 1939) is a retired jurist, who served as the 8th and 12th Chief Justice of the Alaska Supreme Court. His service as a justice of that court from May 1977 to April 2009 makes him the second-longest serving justice in Alaska history, slightly less than that of Jay Rabinowitz. Born in Santa Cruz, California, Matthews graduated from San Benito High School in Hollister, California in 1957, where he says he was inspired to become an attorney when one paid a visit to his classroom. He went on to earn his Bachelor", "\"Warren Matthews\"\nMeredith (born ca. 1978), an attorney in private practice. Warren Matthews Warren W. Matthews, Jr. (born April 5, 1939) is a retired jurist, who served as the 8th and 12th Chief Justice of the Alaska Supreme Court. His service as a justice of that court from May 1977 to April 2009 makes him the second-longest serving justice in Alaska history, slightly less than that of Jay Rabinowitz. Born in Santa Cruz, California, Matthews graduated from San Benito High School in Hollister, California in 1957, where he says he was inspired to become an attorney when one paid a visit to", "\"Supreme Court of the United States\"\nthe most junior associate justice in these conferences is charged with any menial tasks the justices may require as they convene alone, such as answering the door of their conference room, serving beverages and transmitting orders of the court to the clerk. Justice Joseph Story served the longest as junior justice, from February 3, 1812, to September 1, 1823, for a total of 4,228 days. Justice Stephen Breyer follows very closely behind serving from August 3, 1994, to January 31, 2006, for a total of 4,199 days. Justice Elena Kagan comes in at a distant third serving from August 6,", "\"Gerald W. VandeWalle\"\nGerald W. VandeWalle Gerald Wayne VandeWalle (born August 15, 1933) is the Chief Justice of the North Dakota Supreme Court. Justice VandeWalle was born in Noonan, North Dakota and graduated from the University of North Dakota in 1955 with a bachelor of science degree in Commerce. While attending the University of North Dakota he joined the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. He then received a juris doctor degree from the University of North Dakota School of Law in 1958. He has served on the Supreme Court since 1978 and has been the Chief Justice since 1993. He is the longest-serving incumbent", "\"Karin Maria Bruzelius\"\nKarin Maria Bruzelius Karin Maria Bruzelius (born 19 February 1941) is a Swedish-born Norwegian supreme court justice and the current President of the Norwegian Association for Women's Rights. She served as a justice of the Supreme Court of Norway from 1997 to 2011 and is currently affiliated with the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law at the University of Oslo Faculty of Law. Before her appointment as supreme court justice, she was Secretary-General (Permanent Secretary) of the Ministry of Transport and Communications from 1989 to 1997, as the first woman to serve as Permanent Secretary in Norway. She has previously also", "\"Charles W. Johnson (jurist)\"\nCharles W. Johnson (jurist) Charles W. Johnson (born 1951) is Associate Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Washington, United States. He was born in Tacoma, Washington, and resides in Gig Harbor, Washington. Justice Johnson has served on the Washington Supreme Court longer than any other current Justice. He was first elected to the Washington Supreme Court in 1990, gaining re-election in 1996, 2002, and 2008. He was re-elected again in 2014 and his currently serving his fifth term, which will run until 2021. Justice Johnson graduated from the University of Puget Sound School of Law (now", "\"Adrienne Nelson\"\nin February 2006, to replace Sidney Galton. She was re-elected to a new six-year term in 2012. Governor Kate Brown appointed Nelson to the Oregon Supreme Court in January 2018, to replace justice Jack Landau, who retired on December 31, 2017. Justice Nelson's current term on the Supreme Court ends in January 2019, and she is eligible to run for re-election in November 2018. Nelson is the first African-American to serve on the Oregon Supreme Court, or on any kind of appellate court in Oregon. Adrienne Nelson Adrienne Nelson (born 1967) is an American lawyer and judge who is an", "\"Uzi Vogelman\"\nto 1995, first in the Criminal Division and High Court of Justice Division, then as Deputy and Senior Deputy to the State Attorney. He served as the Director of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law from 1995 to 2000. In 2000, he was appointed a judge on the Tel Aviv District Court, and in 2007, he served as an acting justice on the Supreme Court of Israel. He became a permanent judge on the Supreme Court in 2009. Uzi Vogelman Uzi Vogelman (; born October 6, 1954) is a current justice in the Supreme Court of Israel. Vogelman was", "\"John W. Marshall\"\ntopics including criminal justice and civil rights. He is the son of Thurgood Marshall, the first African American U.S. Supreme Court Justice, and Cecilia Suyat Marshall, his Filipino American mother. He is also the brother of Thurgood Marshall, Jr., former Secretary to the Cabinet in the Clinton administration. He is not related to Supreme Court justice John Marshall. John W. Marshall John William Marshall (born July 6, 1958) served as Secretary of Public Safety in the Cabinet of Virginia Governor Tim Kaine from 2006 to 2010, and Governor Mark Warner from 2002 to 2006, and was the longest-serving member of", "\"Chief Justice of New Zealand\"\nJacinda Ardern announced that Justice Helen Winkelmann would replace the current Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias on her mandatory retirement in 2019. From 1841 to 1979 the Chief Justice served with the old Supreme Court (now called High Court of New Zealand), which was a superior court with final appeals made to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. From 1980 onwards the Chief Justice headed the current Supreme Court, which as acted as the highest court in New Zealand and final as court of last resort after 2004 replacing the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. Chief Justice of" ]
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when was the last time the death penalty was used in the us
[ "2018" ]
[ "\"Execution by firing squad\"\nof the newly proclaimed Republic prohibited the death penalty except for some crimes, like high treason, during wartime; no one was sentenced to death after 1947. In 2007 the Constitution was amended to ban the death penalty altogether. Firing squads were used during the French and British occupation of Malta. Ringleaders of rebellions were often shot dead by firing squad during the French period, with perhaps the most notable examples being Dun Mikiel Xerri and other patriots in 1799. The British also used the practice briefly, and for the last time in 1813, when two men were shot separately outside", "\"Historical murders and executions in Stockholm\"\non 23 November 1910, convicted robber and murderer Alfred Ander was executed by guillotine at Långholmen Prison. This was the last execution to take place in Swedish history, and the first and last time a guillotine was used. The death penalty was officially abolished in 1921 for crime during times of peace. The death penalty for crimes during war-time, however, would not be abolished until 1972. It is worth noting that crime did not increase following the abolition of death penalty. Three main categories of murder were dominant in Sweden throughout the 20th century. The first category involved unprovoked killings", "\"Capital punishment in Australia\"\nLindy Chamberlain was convicted of murdering her baby Azaria in 1982, although it was subsequently shown that she was not guilty. This miscarriage of justice has been used as a powerful example of the risks of the death penalty. However, no person of significant stature or influence has advocated the death penalty for quite some time since the last execution in 1967. The death penalty was completely abolished in Australia with the \"\"Crimes Legislation Amendment (Torture Prohibition and Death Penalty Abolition) Bill 2009\"\" passing the Australian Senate without amendments in March 2010. In 2009 a public opinion survey was conducted", "Hanging\nhanging by the Ottoman court in Sofia in 1873. Every year since Bulgaria's liberation, thousands come with flowers on the date of his death, 19 February, to his monument where the gallows stood. The last execution was in 1989, and the death penalty was abolished for all crimes in 1998. Historically, hanging was the only method of execution used in Canada and was in use as possible punishment for all murders until 1961, when murders were reclassified into capital and non-capital offences. The death penalty was restricted to apply only for certain offences to the National Defence Act in 1976", "\"Capital punishment in Israel\"\nwhen Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann was hanged for genocide and crimes against humanity. The last death sentence in Israel was handed down in 1988, when John Demjanjuk was sentenced to death for war crimes and crimes against humanity; his sentence (and conviction) was subsequently overturned. No death sentences have been sought by Israeli prosecutors since the 1990s. Israel's rare use of the death penalty may in part be due to Jewish religious law. Biblical law explicitly mandates the death penalty for 36 offenses, from murder and adultery to idolatry and desecration of the Sabbath. However, in ancient Israel, the death", "\"Capital punishment by country\"\nconduct executions. The last execution elsewhere in the region was in Saint Kitts and Nevis in 2008. The countries in the Americas that most recently abolished the death penalty are Suriname (2015), Argentina (2009), and Bolivia (2009). Guatemala abolished the death penalty for civil cases in 2017. Executions in the Americas in 2017: United States (23). \"\"Note: The tables can be sorted alphabetically or chronologically using the icon.\"\" Of the 44 independent countries in Asia that are UN member or observer states: The information above is accurate , when Mongolia abolished the death penalty, and does not include Taiwan, which", "\"Capital punishment in Greece\"\ncrimes in 2004. In 2005, Greece ratified the Protocol No. 13 to the ECHR, concerning the abolition of the death penalty under all circumstances. The Golden Dawn party called in 2013 for the restoration of the death penalty for immigrants convicted of violent crimes. Capital punishment in Greece Capital punishment in modern Greece was carried out using the guillotine (until 1913) or by firing squad. It was last applied in 1972, and the death penalty was abolished in stages between 1975 and 2005. Executions during the Greek War of Independence were carried out by firing squad, although when the monarchy", "\"Last use of capital punishment in Spain\"\nspeculation that up to 27 more prisoners could face the death penalty. Ultimately, these predictions proved ill-founded. Franco fell ill in late October 1975 and never recovered, dying on 20 November 1975. His death resulted in the de facto abolition of the death penalty, as no further executions took place. Capital punishment was abolished for all civil crimes by the Spanish Constitution of 1978, with sanctioned military executions in war time the sole exceptions. In 1995, the Spanish parliament abolished the death penalty in all circumstances. The families of those executed continued to seek the overturning of the sentences and", "\"Capital punishment in Peru\"\nthat the death penalty be restored for this crime, but the bill was rejected. Capital punishment in Peru Capital punishment in Peru was last used in 1979. In the same year, the death penalty was abolished for ordinary crimes. Capital punishment is currently legal only during times of international or civil war, with several restrictions. Death sentences during this time are allowed for specific crimes, and may only be imposed by military courts during states of war. Execution is carried out by a firing squad and is permitted for six specific crimes (if committed during wartime): The national Constitution allows", "\"Gary Lee Sampson\"\nfor ten hours after hearing six weeks of evidence. Sampson had pleaded guilty, so the jury did not need to decide whether he killed McCloskey and Rizzo, but the jury heard the murders described in graphic detail during the sentencing phase of the trial. Prosecutors portrayed Sampson as a ruthless, calculating killer who preyed on good samaritans. {Massachusetts does not have the death penalty, after having abolished capital punishment in 1984. The last time the Commonwealth used the penalty was in 1947. It was the first time anyone in Massachusetts has been sentenced to die under the federal death penalty", "\"Capital punishment debate in the United States\"\nthe death penalty last as a way of deterring or preventing violent crimes. They ranked it behind many other forms of crime control including reducing drug abuse and use, lowering technical barriers when prosecuting, putting more officers on the streets, and making prison sentences longer. They responded that a better economy with more jobs would lessen crime rates more than the death penalty. In fact, only one percent of the police chiefs surveyed thought that the death penalty was the primary focus for reducing crime. However, the police chiefs surveyed were more likely to favor capital punishment than the general", "\"Capital punishment in Illinois\"\nCapital punishment in Illinois Capital punishment was a legal form of punishment in the U.S. state of Illinois until 2011, when it was abolished. Initially, Illinois used death by hanging as a form of execution. The last person executed by this method was the public execution of Charles Birger. In 1928, the electric chair was substituted for death by hanging. After being struck down by \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\" in 1972, the death penalty was reinstated in Illinois on July 1, 1974 but voided by the Supreme Court of Illinois in 1975. Illinois officially reinstated the death penalty on July 1,", "\"Capital punishment in Illinois\"\nthe death penalty during the 2010 gubernatorial campaign after which he defeated the Republican candidate with 46.8% of the vote. In 2018, Governor Bruce Rauner made calls for the death penalty to be imposed on convicted cop killers. Capital punishment in Illinois Capital punishment was a legal form of punishment in the U.S. state of Illinois until 2011, when it was abolished. Initially, Illinois used death by hanging as a form of execution. The last person executed by this method was the public execution of Charles Birger. In 1928, the electric chair was substituted for death by hanging. After being", "\"Pat Brown\"\npenalty while serving as district attorney, as attorney general, and when first elected governor, he later became an opponent of it. During the Chessman case, Brown proposed that the death penalty be abolished, but the proposal failed. His Republican successor, Ronald Reagan, was a firm death penalty supporter and oversaw the last execution in California in 1967, prior to the US Supreme Court ruling that it was unconstitutional in \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\" (1972). Brown's decision to seek a third term as governor, violating an earlier promise not to do so, hurt his popularity. His sagging popularity was evidenced by a", "\"Capital punishment in Peru\"\nCapital punishment in Peru Capital punishment in Peru was last used in 1979. In the same year, the death penalty was abolished for ordinary crimes. Capital punishment is currently legal only during times of international or civil war, with several restrictions. Death sentences during this time are allowed for specific crimes, and may only be imposed by military courts during states of war. Execution is carried out by a firing squad and is permitted for six specific crimes (if committed during wartime): The national Constitution allows reinstating the death penalty for peacetime terrorism. In early 2007, President Alan García proposed", "\"Last use of capital punishment in Spain\"\nthe fact that the authoritarian Spanish leader, Francisco Franco, had come to power by overthrowing a democratically elected government. As a result, the executions resulted in substantial criticism of the Spanish government, both domestically and abroad. Reactions included street protests, attacks on Spanish embassies, international criticism of the Spanish government and diplomatic measures, such as the withdrawal of the ambassadors of fifteen European countries. This was the last use of the death penalty in Spain; following the death of Francisco Franco, two months later, no further executions took place. The 1978 Spanish Constitution largely abolished the death penalty, with the", "\"48 Hours (TV program)\"\nprogram's yearly ratings average. In 2009, the program featured interviews with Jodi Arias concerning the murder of her former boyfriend, Travis Alexander. These recordings were later used in 2011 as evidence in court to convict Arias, the first time the program's interviews had ever been used in a death penalty trial. On September 17, 2011, \"\"48 Hours\"\" began broadcasting in high definition, making it the last prime time newsmagazine on U.S. broadcast television to convert to the format. The program was revamped in 2002, when Lesley Stahl took over hosting duties from Dan Rather, and its title was changed to", "\"Capital punishment in Israel\"\nCapital punishment in Israel Capital punishment in Israel has only been imposed twice in the history of the state and is only to be handed out for crimes committed during war time, such as genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes against the Jewish people, treason, and certain crimes under military law. Israel inherited the British Mandate of Palestine code of law, which included the death penalty for several offenses, but in 1954 Israel abolished the penalty for murder. Although a legal option under law, Israel does not use the death penalty. The last execution was carried out in 1962,", "Hanging\nhanged. Hanging was continued in post-war Germany in the British and US Occupation Zones under their jurisdiction, and for Nazi war criminals, until well after (western) Germany itself had abolished the death penalty by the German constitution as adopted in 1949. West Berlin was not subject to the \"\"Grundgesetz\"\" (Basic Law) and abolished the death penalty in 1951. The German Democratic Republic abolished the death penalty in 1987. The last execution ordered by a West German court was carried out by guillotine in Moabit prison in 1949. The last hanging in Germany was the one ordered of several war criminals", "\"Capital punishment in South Dakota\"\nof South Dakota's death penalty in 1915. Each of these death sentences were carried out by hanging. The death penalty was reinstated in 1939 and electric chair became the sole method. George Sitts was the only person electrocuted in South Dakota. There was speculation that his 1947 execution was in an electric chair borrowed from Nebraska due to problems with South Dakota's official chair. South Dakota was the second-to-last state to use electrocution, and Sitts' execution was South Dakota's last until after \"\"Furman\"\". On January 1, 1979, Governor Bill Janklow signed South Dakota's post-\"\"Furman\"\" death penalty statute. It was the", "\"Capital punishment in the Philippines\"\nthe gas chamber (chosen by the government to replace electrocution) could be used. Executions resumed in 1999, starting with Leo Echegaray, who was put to death by lethal injection under Ramos' successor, Joseph Estrada, marking the first execution after the reinstatement of the death penalty. The next execution saw an embarrassing mishap when President Estrada decided to grant a last-minute reprieve, but failed to get through to the prison authorities in time to stop the execution. Following on a personal appeal by his spiritual advisor, Bishop Teodoro Bacani, Estrada called a moratorium in 2000 to honor the bimillenial anniversary of", "\"Capital punishment in Kazakhstan\"\nmember of the Council of Europe (which prohibits the use of the death penalty). The last known executions in Kazakhstan took place in 2003, when 17 men were executed by shooting between May and November. On December 17, 2003, President Nursultan Nazarbayev introduced a moratorium on executions, and later commuted the death sentences of some 40 inmates to life in prison. In 2007, Kazakhstan amended its Constitution abolishing the death penalty for all crimes except terrorist acts that cause loss of human life and exceptionally grave crimes committed during wartime. Amnesty International classifies Kazakhstan as \"\"Abolitionist for ordinary crimes only\"\".", "\"Shedding for the Wedding\"\nLaura and Austin, but their carefulness caused them to finish last. Allison and David finished first, and although they had a six-minute penalty, they were the winners of the competition and their dream cake. The team that came in last with the time penalties and, therefore, lost privileges to work out with the trainers, was Team Gamers, Peter and Taylor. The weigh-in elimination revealed that Lindsey and Chase was the team with the highest weight loss percent with 3.45%. The \"\"Til Death Do Us Part\"\" competition came down to Laeresa and Stephen and Taylor and Peter. The challenge was the", "\"Death penalty for homosexuality\"\nthe death penalty for homosexuality, however Amnesty International could find no instances of the death penalty. Australian states and territories inherited British laws relating to homosexuality, and laws passed in nineteenth century colonial parliaments retained the provisions which made homosexual activity a capital crime. Over time, various jurisdictions began to reduce the death penalty for sodomy to life imprisonment, with Victoria being the last to remove the death penalty for this crime, in 1949. The last person arrested for homosexual sex in Australia was a man in 1984 in Tasmania.[citation needed] The last part of Australia to legalise consensual homosexual", "\"William Gilmer\"\nAt the same time, these documents were meant to discourage the Guamanian practice of using Spanish naming customs, in which a person used the father's last name, followed by the mother's maiden name, and forced the western custom of using the father's name as the last name upon the people. Throughout his two terms, he issued over 50 orders, many of them later viewed as autocratic, and increased the use of the death penalty exponentially, which had only been used once before during America's occupation of the island before him. Eventually, Gilmer was removed from office after many of his", "\"Capital punishment\"\nwas first written down by Draco in about 621 BC: the death penalty was applied for a particularly wide range of crimes, though Solon later repealed Draco's code and published new laws, retaining only Draco's homicide statutes. The word draconian derives from Draco's laws. The Romans also used death penalty for a wide range of offences. Although many are executed in the People's Republic of China each year in the present day, there was a time in the Tang dynasty (618–907) when the death penalty was abolished. This was in the year 747, enacted by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (r.", "Theta\nmight be a possible origin of its use as the Sun's astrological glyph. It is worthwhile to note that (\"\"theta\"\") has the same numerical value in isopsephy as Ηλιος (\"\"Helios\"\"): 318. In classical Athens, it was used as an abbreviation for the Greek θάνατος (\"\"thanatos\"\", “death”) and as it vaguely resembles a human skull, theta was used as a warning symbol of death, in the same way that skull and crossbones are used in modern times. It survives on potsherds used by Athenians when voting for the death penalty. Petrus de Dacia in a document from 1291 relates the idea", "\"Capital punishment in Maryland\"\nCapital punishment in Maryland Capital punishment was abolished on May 2, 2013 in the U.S. state of Maryland. The death penalty has been in use in the state or, more precisely, its predecessor colony since June 20, 1638, when two men were hanged for piracy in St. Mary's County. A total of 309 people were executed by a variety of methods from 1638 to June 9, 1961, the last execution before \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\". Since that time, five people have been executed. The \"\"Death Row\"\" for men was in the North Branch Correctional Institution in Western Maryland's Cumberland area. The", "\"Religion and capital punishment\"\nthe Islamic nation of Tunisia only uses it in extremely rare cases. Sudan will impose the death penalty for those under the age of eighteen, while Yemen has taken a stance against using the death penalty for minors. Exceptionally, Djibouti is an Islamic nation which prohibits the death penalty in all situations. The UN has voiced concern about the sudden increase in death sentences in Iran since 2014. Although Iran has been called upon multiple times to stop utilizing the death penalty so frequently, a total of 625 executions were carried out in 2013 alone. Many of these executions consisted", "\"Human rights in Australia\"\nas Prime Minister, Quentin Bryce as Governor General of Australia and Elizabeth II as Queen of Australia. The last use of the death penalty in Australia was in Victoria in 1967. Ronald Joseph Ryan was hanged at Pentridge Prison on 3 February 1967 for the murder of a prison guard, George Hodson. However, Australian criminologist, Gordon Hawkins, director of Sydney University's Institute of Criminology, doubts that Ryan was guilty. Capital punishment was officially abolished for federal offences by the \"\"Death Penalty Abolition Act 1973\"\". The various states abolished capital punishment at various times, starting with Queensland in 1922 and ending", "\"Capital punishment by country\"\nwartime. Russia retains the death penalty in law, but there is a moratorium. The last execution on Russian territory was in Chechnya in 1999. Of the other former Soviet republics, only Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan have not formally abolished capital punishment, and only Belarus uses it in practice. In Kazakhstan, it may only be used in exceptional/special circumstances such as for crimes committed in wartime, and only one individual is on death row. Nearly all countries in this region have abolished the death penalty as a form of punishment, and the two countries that still have it in law (Papua", "\"Trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev\"\n30, 2014, United States Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the federal government would seek the death penalty against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. A plea deal failed when the government refused to rule out the possibility of the death penalty. The proceedings are led by Judge George O'Toole. Jury selection lasted two months. Opening statements took place on March 4, 2015. Assistant US Attorney William Weinreb opened for the prosecution. \"\"He pretended to be a spectator, but he had murder in his heart,\"\" Weinreb said. Weinreb gave graphic details of the aftermath, while some of the victims' family members were in the", "\"Death row phenomenon\"\nrow phenomenon, being a result of a prolonged stay on death row, is an unintentional result of the long procedures used in the attempt to ensure the death penalty is applied only to the guilty. , arguments about the death row phenomenon have never been successful in avoiding the death penalty for any person in the US, but the US Supreme Court has been aware of the theory and has mentioned it in its decisions. When a serial killer named Michael Bruce Ross agreed to be executed in 2005, this had also led to a legal dispute over whether he", "\"Drift plus penalty\"\noptimization problem. This clustering result can be used to modify the drift-plus-penalty algorithm to enable improved \"\"O\"\"(1/\"\"V\"\"), \"\"O\"\"(log(\"\"V\"\")) tradeoffs. The modifications can use either \"\"place-holder backlog\"\" or Last-in-First-Out (LIFO) scheduling. When implemented for non-stochastic functions, the drift-plus-penalty method is similar to the dual subgradient method of convex optimization theory, with the exception that its output is a time average of primal variables, rather than the primal variables themselves. A related \"\"primal-dual technique\"\" for maximizing utility in a stochastic queueing network was developed by Stolyar using a fluid model analysis. The Stolyar analysis does not provide analytical results for a performance", "\"Zacarias Moussaoui\"\nplea, Moussaoui was eligible for the death penalty. Germany said it would not release evidence against Moussaoui unless the U.S. promised not to seek death as punishment. On April 27, 2005, French Justice Minister Dominique Perben said, \"\"When France gave elements of information about Mr Moussaoui to the American justice, I obtained a written engagement of the United States not to use these elements to require or execute the death penalty.\"\" On March 14, 2006, Brinkema ruled that the prosecution could continue to seek the death penalty against Moussaoui, but could not use key witnesses coached by government lawyer Carla", "\"Capital punishment in the United Kingdom\"\nsentence of life imprisonment. These were the last civilian offences punishable by death. On 20 May 1998 the House of Commons voted to ratify the 6th Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights prohibiting capital punishment except \"\"in time of war or imminent threat of war\"\". The last remaining provisions for the death penalty under military jurisdiction (including in wartime) were removed when section 21(5) of the Human Rights Act 1998 came into force on 9 November 1998. On 10 October 2003, effective from 1 February 2004, the UK acceded to the 13th Protocol, which prohibits the death penalty", "\"Last use of capital punishment in Spain\"\ndeath, for their involvement in the killing of a civil guard, Antonio Pose, in Madrid on 16 August 1975. The final tribunal took place in Barcelona, on 19 September, and gave the death penalty to ETA member Juan \"\"Txiki\"\" Paredes Manot, for killing armed policeman, Ovidio Díaz, in Barcelona on 6 June 1975. On 26 September, the Council of Ministers, headed by Franco, confirmed the death penalty for five of those sentenced: FRAP members José Humberto Baena, Ramón García Sanz and José Luis Sánchez Bravo and ETA members Ángel Otaegui and Juan Paredes, while commuting the death penalty in the", "\"Capital punishment in Albania\"\nabolishing the death penalty under all circumstances, replacing it with life imprisonment. Capital punishment in Albania The last execution of a civilian carried out in Albania was a hanging on 29 June 1995. While capital punishment was abolished for murder on 1 October 2000, it was still retained for treason and military offences. The reason for the abolition of the death penalty in Albania as well as in other European nations is the signing of Protocol No. 6 to the ECHR. In Albania this came into force on 1 October 2000. Albania under communism the death penalty was used highly", "Praetor\ncondemnation. These quaestiones looked into \"\"crimina publica\"\", \"\"crimes against the public\"\", such as were worthy of the attention of a Praetor. The penalty on conviction was usually death, but sometimes other severe penalties were used. In the late Republic, the public crimes were: The last three were added by the Dictator Sulla in the early 1st century BC. When the Praetor administered justice in a tribunal, he sat on a \"\"sella curulis\"\", which was that part of the court reserved for the Praetor and his assessors and friends, as opposed to the \"\"subsellia\"\", the part occupied by the \"\"iudices\"\" (judges)", "\"Capital punishment in American Samoa\"\nCapital punishment in American Samoa Capital punishment is a legal penalty in American Samoa, an unincorporated territory of the United States. The only crime punishable by death is first degree murder, but American Samoa last executed a prisoner in the 1930s; the method used was hanging. Statutes require the jury to be unanimous to decide the sentence. The judge cannot impose the death penalty if the jury fails to agree on the punishment. It is unclear, however, whether in that event he can order a penalty retrial or must impose a life sentence. The only other penalty allowed for first-degree", "\"Drift plus penalty\"\nDrift plus penalty In the mathematical theory of probability, the drift-plus-penalty method is used for optimization of queueing networks and other stochastic systems. The technique is for stabilizing a queueing network while also minimizing the time average of a network penalty function. It can be used to optimize performance objectives such as time average power, throughput, and throughput utility. In the special case when there is no penalty to be minimized, and when the goal is to design a stable routing policy in a multi-hop network, the method reduces to backpressure routing. The drift-plus-penalty method can also be used to", "\"Capital punishment in Ukraine\"\namendments to the then acting Criminal Code in April 2000 that (finally) withdrew capital punishment from the list of official punishments of Ukraine (in peace and wartime). Ukraine was the last Council of Europe member state that used to be part of the Eastern Bloc to abolish the death penalty. National Corps Ukrainian far-right political party supports bringing back the death penalty. The Donetsk People's Republic, an unrecognized state, introduced the death penalty in 2014 for cases of treason, espionage, and assassination of political leaders. There had already been accusations of extrajudicial execution occurring. Capital punishment in Ukraine Capital punishment", "\"Capital punishment in Puerto Rico\"\nThe authorized method of execution was hanging, although in 1900, the American military authorities executed at least five convicted murderers using the garrotte method that was a legacy of Spanish rule. The last person executed in Puerto Rico was Pascual Ramos, hanged for murder in 1927. Two years later, in 1929, the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico abolished the death penalty. The Puerto Rico's constitution expressly states that \"\"The death penalty shall not exist\"\". Despite these provisions, the death penalty can still be applied in Puerto Rico under the federal government jurisdiction, for people tried and convicted in federal court.", "\"Capital punishment in Brazil\"\nrespondents share this opinion, practically the same percentage from a poll conducted by the same institute in January 2001. By 2018, support for the use of the death penalty had grown significantly. 57% of Brazilians support the death penalty. The age group that shows the greatest support for execution of those condemned is the 25 to 34-year-old category, in which 61% say they are in favour. Capital punishment in Brazil Capital punishment is a long unused form of punishment in Brazil. Its last recorded use was in 1876. Although virtually abolished, it is still possible during wartime, according to the", "\"Capital punishment by country\"\n1966 and 1987, respectively. The last execution in the Caribbean, and the last in the Americas outside the United States, was in Saint Kitts and Nevis in 2008. In Central and South America, the death penalty exists in Belize and Guyana, though it has not been used for years. In Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Peru, the death penalty is only legal in exceptional/special circumstances such as for crimes committed in wartime and was abolished for other crimes. Opinion polls state sentiment for governments to return to capital punishment remains high in many Caribbean countries and pressure on politicians", "\"Cannabis trafficking penalties for juveniles\"\nWeed, Grass, Pot) is an outrageous felony, punishable with life sentences or the death penalty. Other countries (mainly in the western world) consider cannabis a recreational drug and in the last decade some have even decriminalised the use of Cannabis and allow it to be used for medical purposes. Penalties for possession or trafficking of Cannabis vary a lot. Children can be held liable for a criminal offence from the age of 10. Children can be held liable for a criminal offence from the age of 10. Children can be held liable for a criminal offence from the age of", "\"David C. Baldus\"\ndeath penalty than defendants accused of killing black victims. This analysis also showed that black defendants were 1.1 times more likely than white defendants to receive the death penalty. Based on these findings, Baldus and his colleagues concluded that a black defendant accused of killing a white victim was more likely than any other type of defendant to receive the death penalty. These results were used by the defense in \"\"McCleskey v. Kemp\"\" to try to show that racial discrimination had played a role in the sentencing of Warren McCleskey. Two types of statistical studies were used in order to", "\"Touch (sport)\"\nstarted by a \"\"tap\"\" at the beginning of each half, following a touchdown and when a penalty is awarded. A penalty is granted to the non-offending team if: The ball can be passed or knocked (but not kicked) sideways or backwards between teammates who attempt to evade opposition defenders and score tries. The standard duration is 40 minutes (two x 20 minute halves) with a 5-minute halftime, though other time frames are often used to suit local conditions and competitions. In the event of a draw at full-time when a result is required, the teams enter a sudden death \"\"drop-off\"\"", "\"Capital punishment in China\"\ndeath penalty, and further found that a majority (63.8 percent) believed that the government should release execution statistics to the public. A survey conducted in 2008 by the Max Planck Institute showed that 60 percent of survey respondents in Beijing, Hubei, and Guangdong supported the death penalty. Thus, capital punishment contributes to the legitimacy of the Communist Party, as the regime is therefore satisfying public sentiment and indignation when corrupt officials are executed. In the past, the public hear few dissenting opinions towards the death penalty. However, reducing or abolishing the use of death penalty has become a topic of", "\"Capital punishment in Australia\"\nby any state or territory. Neither the Commonwealth nor any of the states will extradite or deport a prisoner to another jurisdiction if they will face the death penalty, and police co-operation with other countries which have the death penalty has been questioned. The last execution in Australia took place in 1967, when Ronald Ryan was hanged in Victoria. Between Ryan's execution in 1967 and 1984, several more people were sentenced to death, but had their sentences commuted to life imprisonment. The last death sentence was given in August 1984, when Brenda Hodge was sentenced to death in Western Australia", "\"Punishment in Australia\"\nwas the last individual to be executed in Australia after he killed a prison officer whilst attempting to escape Pentridge Prison. A few years later the Federal Parliament passed the Death Penalty Abolition Act 1973, abolishing the death penalty amongst federal law however not prohibiting its use in state or territory law. The various states and territories all formally legally abolished capital punishment in their laws, with the first being Queensland in 1922 and the last being New South Wales in 1985. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) is a multilateral treaty outlining the obligations of its", "\"Daṇḍa (Hindu punishment)\"\nrespect to the death penalty. The first difference is that in classical India the death penalty was permissible in a very large number of cases. Second, the death penalty was not prescribed solely in cases in which death resulted or was likely to result. Instead, it was also used in cases such as adultery and theft. Third, there were numerous ways to inflict the death penalty, unlike modern India which uses hanging as their only means of imposing death. Fourth, in modern India the death penalty is an exception whereas in ancient India it was a rule. Fifth, today the", "\"United Nations moratorium on the death penalty\"\ndeath penalty, in particular the minimum standards, as set out in the annexe to Economic and Social Council resolution 1984/50 of 25 May 1984; (b) Provide the Secretary-General with information relating to the use of Capital Punishment and the observance of the safeguards guaranteeing the protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty; (c) Progressively restrict the use of the death penalty and reduce the number of offences for which it may be imposed; (d) Establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty; 3. \"\"Calls upon\"\" States which have abolished the death penalty", "\"David C. Baldus\"\n27% of the time and in trials where the victim was black the death penalty was given out 7% of the time. The Charging and Sentencing study placed its emphasis on the amount of influence that racial and other illegitimate case characteristics had on the progress of cases from the point of indictment up to the death penalty sentencing decision. The Charging and Sentencing study was conducted by request from the NAACP which funded the study and which hoped to use the results from the study to challenge the death-penalty system in Georgia. The results of the Charging and Sentencing", "\"Capital punishment in Taiwan\"\nabolishing the death penalty using a phased approach. These controversial cases apparently influenced the local judicial system. When the Democratic Progressive Party first governed in 2000, the DPP government had influenced their policies that they were moving forward to abolish the death penalty. Chen Ding-nan, the first Minister of Justice of the DPP, publicly announced his intention to abolish the death penalty in May 2001 and his views were backed by President Chen Shui-bian. Although the right to abolish death penalty is held by the Legislative Yuan which is currently dominated by the opposing Pan-blue coalition, as well as being", "\"Shada (Doctor Who)\"\nproducer's hand and allow his idea to be used. Ultimately, however, Williams forced Adams to conceive a new story as a last-minute replacement, which became \"\"Shada\"\". Under its original remit, Graham Williams intended the story as a discussion about the death penalty, specifically how a civilisation like the Time Lords would deal with the issue, and treat its prisoners. As composed by Adams, the story was scheduled to span six 25-minute episodes. Location filming in Cambridge and the first of three studio sessions at BBC Television Centre were completed as scheduled; however, when the scheduled second studio block was due", "\"Capital punishment in Kansas\"\nCapital punishment in Kansas Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the U.S. state of Kansas but it is rarely used. Kansas is one of only two death-penalty states, along with New Hampshire, where no executions have been carried out since the 1976 reinstatement of capital punishment in the United States. When the prosecution seeks the death penalty, the sentence is decided by the jury and must be unanimous. In case of a hung jury during the penalty phase of the trial, a life sentence is issued, even if a single juror opposed death. There is no retrial. The Governor", "\"Historical murders and executions in Stockholm\"\n19th century, the use of pardons increased even more, and starting in the middle of the 1800s, courts were officially permitted to pick between the death penalty or lifetime in prison. The last hanging at Hammarbyhöjden occurred in 1818, and the last public execution at Hammarbyhöjden took place in 1862 when Per Viktor Göthe was beheaded for the rape and murder of Anna Sofia Forssberg (read more below). Public executions were abolished entirely in 1877, and in 1890 the last execution of a woman, Anna Månsdotter, took place for her participation in the infamous Yngsjö murder. The bloody 19th century", "\"PFC Ludogorets Razgrad\"\nof Luxembourg and Partizan. In the play-off, they defeated Steaua București in dramatic fashion to reach the group stage for the first time. Goalkeeper Vladislav Stoyanov was dismissed for a second yellow card in the last minute of extra time in the second leg, when Ludogorets had used all their substitutes. In the penalty shoot-out, centre-back Cosmin Moți, having converted the first penalty, went in goal and made two saves to put Ludogorets through 6–5 on penalties. Ludogorets made their debut in the 2014–15 Champions League group phase on 16 September 2014, grabbing a 1–1 equalizer away against Liverpool in", "\"United Nations moratorium on the death penalty\"\non Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, \"\"Reaffirming\"\" its resolutions 62/149 of 18 December 2007 and 63/168 of 18 December 2008 on the question of a moratorium on the use of the death penalty, in which the General Assembly called upon States that still maintain the death penalty to establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing it, \"\"Mindful\"\" that any miscarriage or failure of justice in the implementation of the death penalty is irreversible and irreparable, \"\"Convinced\"\" that a moratorium on the use of the death penalty contributes to respect", "Heroin\ndeath penalty in most Southeast Asian, some East Asian and Middle Eastern countries (see Use of death penalty worldwide for details), among which Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand are the most strict. The penalty applies even to citizens of countries where the penalty is not in place, sometimes causing controversy when foreign visitors are arrested for trafficking, for example the arrest of nine Australians in Bali, the death sentence given to Nola Blake in Thailand in 1987, or the hanging of an Australian citizen Van Tuong Nguyen in Singapore. The origins of the present international illegal heroin trade can be traced", "\"Capital punishment in Kansas\"\nthe only crime punishable by death. Despite reinstatement, no one has been executed since. Capital punishment in Kansas Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the U.S. state of Kansas but it is rarely used. Kansas is one of only two death-penalty states, along with New Hampshire, where no executions have been carried out since the 1976 reinstatement of capital punishment in the United States. When the prosecution seeks the death penalty, the sentence is decided by the jury and must be unanimous. In case of a hung jury during the penalty phase of the trial, a life sentence is", "\"Death penalty for homosexuality\"\ntook many of those laws as the basis of their own, in some cases verbatim. The last law where the death penalty was on the statute books was South Carolina, the old British law wasn't repealed until 1873, twelve years after the mother country. The number of times the penalty was carried out is unknown. Records support two executions, and a number of more uncertain convictions, such as \"\"crimes against nature\"\". Death penalty for homosexuality The death penalty for homosexuality has historically been implemented by a number of countries worldwide. It currently still exists in a fairly small number of", "\"National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty\"\npublishes a newsletter, \"\"Wings of Hope,\"\" four times a year. Articles are written by current inmates on death row. The publication is offered to the public, and it discusses the number of executions that has been committed in the State of Alabama or autobiographical stories of the inmates on death row. Project Hope uses Wings of Hope to educate the \"\"outside\"\" world on executions that occur in the state of Alabama. This organization has also taken strides to establish a moratorium in Alabama. New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty The New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty (NYADP) is a grassroots", "\"Drift plus penalty\"\n\"\"x\"\"(\"\"t\"\") = 0. Drift plus penalty In the mathematical theory of probability, the drift-plus-penalty method is used for optimization of queueing networks and other stochastic systems. The technique is for stabilizing a queueing network while also minimizing the time average of a network penalty function. It can be used to optimize performance objectives such as time average power, throughput, and throughput utility. In the special case when there is no penalty to be minimized, and when the goal is to design a stable routing policy in a multi-hop network, the method reduces to backpressure routing. The drift-plus-penalty method can also", "\"United Nations moratorium on the death penalty\"\nbeing its resolution 2005/59 of 20 April 2005, in which the Commission called upon states that still maintain the death penalty to abolish it completely and, in the meantime, to establish a moratorium on executions, \"\"Recalling further\"\" the important results accomplished by the former Commission of Human Rights on the question of the death penalty, and envisaging that the Human Rights Council could continue to work on this issue, \"\"Considering\"\" that the use of the death penalty undermines human dignity, and convinced that a moratorium on the use of the death penalty contributes to the enhancement and progressive development of", "\"United Nations moratorium on the death penalty\"\nwith information in this regard; \"\"(b)\"\" To make available relevant information with regard to their use of the death penalty, which can contribute to possible informed and transparent national debates; \"\"(c)\"\" To progressively restrict the use of the death penalty and to reduce the number of offences for which it may be imposed; \"\"(d)\"\" To establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty; 4. \"\"Calls upon\"\" States which have abolished the death penalty not to reintroduce it, and encourages them to share their experience in this regard; 5. \"\"Requests\"\" the Secretary-General to report to the", "\"Capital punishment in Cuba\"\nCapital punishment in Cuba Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Cuba, however it is seldom used. The last executions were in 2003. National legislation provides for death penalty for murder, threatening to commit murder, aggravated rape, terrorism, hijacking, piracy, drug trafficking and manufacturing, espionage, and treason. The typical method is execution by firing squad. The 1940 Constitution of Cuba banned capital punishment for peacetime offenses, but the penalty was officially reinstated by law as well as in practice following the Cuban Revolution, in 1959. Sources suggest many more have been executed since 1959, compared to official statistics. The last", "\"Penalty shootout\"\nfirst in super over. Penalty shootouts, properly known as \"\"kicks from the penalty mark\"\" and a nickname of \"\"spot kicks\"\", are used as a tie-breaking measure in many knock-out tournaments or cup competitions where matches cannot end in a draw. If scores are level after regular time and extra-time (if used), each team will alternately take penalty kicks against the opposition goalkeeper. If, after five pairs of kicks, an equal number have been scored by each team the shootout proceeds to sudden death. An equivalent to the shootout is in the rule books of most gridiron-style football codes, including Canadian", "\"Capital punishment in Japan\"\nof different punishments for different crimes, including the death penalty. However, beginning in the Nara period, cruel punishments and the death penalty were used less and less, probably as a result of the influence of Buddhist teachings, and the death penalty was abolished completely in the Heian period. The death penalty was not used for the next 300 years, until the Genpei War. During the following Kamakura period, capital punishment was widely used and methods of execution became increasingly cruel, and included burning, boiling and crucifixion, among many others. During the Muromachi period, even harsher methods of execution came into", "\"PFC Ludogorets Razgrad in European football\"\nLuxembourg and Partizan Belgrade. In the play-off they defeated Steaua București to reach the group stage for the first time. Goalkeeper Vladislav Stoyanov was dismissed for a second yellow card in the last minute of extra time in the second leg, when Ludogorets had used all their substitutes. In the penalty shoot-out, centre-back Cosmin Moți, having converted the first penalty, went in goal and made two saves to put Ludogorets through 6–5 on penalties. Ludogorets made their debut in the 2014–15 Champions League group phase on 16 September 2014, grabbing a 1-1 equalizer away against Liverpool in the 90th minute", "\"Buddy MacKay\"\nduties and played a very important role in Chiles' cabinet, including being co-chair of the Florida Commission on Education, Reform and Accountability. He was regarded as the most significant and powerful lieutenant governor in Florida's history. MacKay was a strong supporter of the use of capital punishment, as Chiles was. When he was asked during the 1998 gubernatorial election campaign about his positions on use of the death penalty and electric chair in Florida, he replied: \"\"I support the death penalty and support the use of the electric chair so long as it operates in a reliable fashion.\"\" However he", "\"Daniel Wilkinson (murderer)\"\ninstantly from the hanging but slowly died of strangulation. The nature of Wilkinson's death, which was similar to the executions of two other inmates the previous April, was used by anti-death penalty activists to argue that Maine should abolish the death penalty, which it did in 1887. Daniel Wilkinson (murderer) Daniel Wilkinson (c. 1845 – November 21, 1885) was the last person to be executed by Maine. He was hanged for the murder of a police officer after a burglary in Bath, Maine. In the early morning hours of September 4, 1883, Wilkinson and his accomplice John Ewitt were caught", "Hanging\nEngland. The last hanging in Britain took place in 1964, when Peter Anthony Allen, at Walton Prison in Liverpool, and Gwynne Owen Evans, at Strangeways Prison in Manchester were executed for the murder of John Alan West. Hanging was also the method used in many colonies and overseas territories. In the UK, some felons were traditionally executed by hanging with a silken rope: Capital punishment in the U.S. varies from state to state; it is outlawed in some states but used in most others. However, the death penalty under federal law is applicable in every state. The largest mass execution", "\"Capital punishment in Greece\"\nCapital punishment in Greece Capital punishment in modern Greece was carried out using the guillotine (until 1913) or by firing squad. It was last applied in 1972, and the death penalty was abolished in stages between 1975 and 2005. Executions during the Greek War of Independence were carried out by firing squad, although when the monarchy introduced the Penal Code in 1834, beheading by guillotine became the only mode of execution. In 1847, difficulties in making the guillotine available for every execution made the government establish the firing squad as an alternative mode of execution. Both would be used until", "\"Chuck Schumer\"\nof political opponents. That's not right. That's not American.\"\" In 2013 Schumer said the death penalty would be “appropriate” in the case of the Boston Marathon suspect. “The federal law allows the death penalty,” “I wrote the law in 1994 when I was head of the crime subcommittee in the House. This is just the kind of case that it should be applied to\"\". “Given the facts that I’ve seen, it would be appropriate to use the death penalty in this case,” he said. In April 2018, Schumer said that he would back efforts to decriminalize marijuana on the federal", "\"United States constitutional sentencing law\"\nthe use of capital punishment against certain classes of defendants, such as the insane, the mentally retarded, juveniles at the time of the crime, and those who are not competent at the time of the execution. Third, the Clause prevents the arbitrary and discriminatory use of the death penalty. Nor can the death penalty be mandatory for those convicted of a certain offense. Aggravating factors must be found by a jury. Aggravating factors cannot be vague. The sentencing decision-maker must have the authority to consider all mitigating factors. Fourth, the Clause requires certain additional procedural rules in capital cases. For", "\"United States men's national field hockey team\"\nGames. During group stages they lost to Australia 2-1. In the 9th-12th place playoff the US lost to Kenya in sudden death penalty strokes 6-5 after 1-1 regulation and then lost 11th/12th place game to Malaysia 9-8 in sudden death penalty strokes after 3-3 tie in regulation. The team finished last in tournament play. In Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games, again held in the USA, the squad finished last again. The USA team has not qualified for an outdoor World Cup. However, the team has competed twice for the indoor World Cup, most recently in 2011. In 2016, the USMNT competed", "\"Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty\"\nLamourie and Dave Parkinson formed the CCADP in May 1998 after researching the death penalty in the US as well as the conditions of some of the country’s prisons. Already long time human rights activists, Lamourie and Parkinson were especially inspired to form the coalition after learning of the plight of death row inmate Jimmy Dennis. After further research into the state of capital punishment in the US, they also took on the cause of Canadian citizen Stan Faulder, who was convicted of murder and was awaiting execution in the state of Texas. Jimmy Dennis, a citizen of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,", "\"Philip Alston\"\na UN human rights inquiry, the need to regulate the use of lethal force by law enforcement officers, shoot-to-kill policies, the relationship between human rights law and international humanitarian law, mercy killings in times of armed conflict, and the need to make military justice systems compatible with human rights. With respect to the death penalty, Alston's reports discussed the need for transparency, the unacceptability of the mandatory death penalty under international law, the definition of the 'most serious crimes' for which the death penalty may be imposed, the right to seek pardon or commutation of a death sentence, and the", "\"Catholic Church and capital punishment\"\n\"\"torture\"\" which, in the name of correct procedure, tends to last many years, and which oftentimes leads to illness and insanity on death row.In 2017, Francis made comments that were interpreted by Ed Morrissey as implying that the death penalty a mortal sin. However, this has not been confirmed by the church. The Vatican had also officially given support to a 2015 United Nations campaign against the death penalty. During a U.N. Human Rights Council meeting concerning the abolishment of capital punishment, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi declared that \"\"The Holy See Delegation fully supports the efforts to abolish the use of", "\"Capital punishment in Oklahoma\"\ninert gas inhalation as the primary method for death penalty executions; along with lethal injection, electrocution, and firing squad, to be used in that order. Oklahoma is the only state allowing more than two methods of execution in its statutes. The moratorium came less than a year after the botched execution of Clayton Lockett. When the prosecution seeks the death penalty, the sentence is decided by the jury and must be unanimous. In case of a hung jury during the penalty phase of the trial, a life sentence is issued, even if a single juror opposed death (there is no", "\"2009 Copa Libertadores Finals\"\nwith the best goal difference will win. If the two teams have equal goal difference, extra time will be used. The extra time will consist of two 15-minute halves. If the tie is still not broken, a penalty shoot-out, consisting of a maximum of five penalties per team, will ensue according to the Laws of the Game (although it is possible to win the penalty shootout before the fifth penalty kick is taken). If there is no clear winner after the 10 penalty kicks, then a sudden-death penalty shootout will ensue. Cruzeiro qualified to the 2009 Copa Libertadores as the", "\"David C. Baldus\"\nor not the jury imposed a death sentence after the trial. The Procedural Reform study was conducted for purely academic reasons and the researchers had no intentions of using the results in actual murder trials. The Procedural Reform study looked at murder trials which occurred both before and after \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\". Baldus's study found that in murder trials before \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\", the death penalty was given to black defendants 19% of the time and to white defendants 8% of the time. The death penalty was given to defendants with black victims 10% of the time and to defendants", "\"Capital punishment in Canada\"\nCapital punishment in Canada Capital punishment in Canada dates back to Canada's earliest history, including its period as a French colony and, after 1763, its time as a British colony. From 1867 to the elimination of the death penalty for murder on July 14, 1976, 1,481 people had been sentenced to death, and 710 had been executed. Of those executed, 697 were men and 13 were women. The only method used in Canada for capital punishment of civilians after the end of the French regime was hanging. The last execution in Canada was the double hanging of Arthur Lucas and", "\"Capital punishment in Iran\"\nby hanging, both political or criminal. Critics of the Revolutionary Courts complained about the process, stating that the trials lacked defense attorneys, were too short (often lasting hours, even minutes), and could not be appealed and that there was a lack of evidence and convictions were often based on strong rumors, with political opponents being unjustly prosecuted and sentences. Critics also complained that the judges were biased, unfair, too rigid, used the death sentence much too often, and applied the death penalty to undeserving people. There were also criticisms of confessions obtained through torture. When asked what if a person", "\"Capital punishment in American Samoa\"\nmurder is life with 40 years without parole. Statutes also provide no method of execution. Capital punishment in American Samoa Capital punishment is a legal penalty in American Samoa, an unincorporated territory of the United States. The only crime punishable by death is first degree murder, but American Samoa last executed a prisoner in the 1930s; the method used was hanging. Statutes require the jury to be unanimous to decide the sentence. The judge cannot impose the death penalty if the jury fails to agree on the punishment. It is unclear, however, whether in that event he can order a", "\"Capital punishment in Albania\"\nCapital punishment in Albania The last execution of a civilian carried out in Albania was a hanging on 29 June 1995. While capital punishment was abolished for murder on 1 October 2000, it was still retained for treason and military offences. The reason for the abolition of the death penalty in Albania as well as in other European nations is the signing of Protocol No. 6 to the ECHR. In Albania this came into force on 1 October 2000. Albania under communism the death penalty was used highly from 1941-1985. In 2007 Albania ratified Protocol No. 13 to the ECHR,", "\"Culture of life\"\nTerri Schiavo case of March 2005, when the phrase was used in support of legislative and legal efforts to prolong the life of a woman in an alleged persistent vegetative state. It has also been used to promote providing inexpensive medical care for people in impoverished countries. Following the Boston Marathon bombing, the Catholic bishops of Massachusetts opposed the death penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, citing the need to build a culture of life. In their statement, they cited a 2005 document by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, \"\"A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death,\"\" which said", "\"Capital punishment in Mexico\"\ncaused by a crime, or when used to pay taxes or other fines. Nor will it be confiscation when said assets are part of illegal activities, or when they are related to organized crime, or when proof of ownership cannot be established. In 1981, Mexico ratified the American Convention on Human Rights, a treaty of the Organization of American States, which prohibits the death penalty from being restored if eliminated. Mexico does not extradite to countries that are seeking the death penalty, and has successfully defended 400 of its citizens charged with a capital offence in the United States. This", "\"Noach (parsha)\"\nright side and one on the left, one good and one bad. Saadia Gaon read , \"\"Whoso sheds man's blood, \"\"by man\"\" shall his blood be shed,\"\" to explain why the death penalty was not imposed on Cain for killing Abel, for at the time of that murder, neither judge or witnesses yet existed to impose the penalty. Maimonides taught that when Scripture reports that God intended \"\"to descend,\"\" it signals that God meant to punish humanity, as in , \"\"And the Lord came down to see\"\"; , \"\"Let us go down and there confound their language\"\"; and , \"\"I", "\"Capital punishment by country\"\nChile, it can only be used for crimes committed in wartime. In Africa, there are several countries that use the death penalty. Chad abolished the death penalty in 2014, but reintroduced it for acts of terrorism in 2015. Botswana, Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and Nigeria are examples of countries that still execute people. Most recently, Burkina Faso repealed the death penalty in 2018. In 2018, The Gambia announced a moratorium as a first step toward abolition. In the Caribbean countries, the death penalty exists at least \"\"de jure\"\", except in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, which abolished it in", "\"Soering v United Kingdom\"\nof the European Convention on Human Rights (\"\"the Convention\"\") were he to be extradited to the USA, it being likely that the death penalty would be applied. Soering's arguments that the use by a non-Convention State of the death penalty would engage the right to life were novel, in that Article 2(1) of the Convention expressly permits the use of the death penalty, and Article 3 had never been interpreted to bring the death penalty, per se, within the prohibition of \"\"inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment\"\". The applicant, therefore, sought to make it clear that this was not the", "\"Mahmudiyah rape and killings\"\nby Brian Skaret of the United States Department of Justice's Domestic Security Section, announced that they would seek the death penalty for Green, based upon the prosecutors' belief that the rape and killings were premeditated, and were committed using a firearm. Opening arguments in Green's trial were heard on April 27, 2009. The prosecution rested its case on May 4, 2009. On May 7, 2009, a federal jury convicted Green of rape and murder, for which he could have received the death penalty. However, on May 21, 2009, Green was spared the death penalty when the jury of nine men", "\"Capital punishment in Alabama\"\ncapital punishment across the United States. That moratorium remained until July 2, 1976, when \"\"Gregg v. Georgia\"\" decided how states could impose death sentences without violating the Eighth Amendment's ban against cruel and unusual punishment. Alabama passed legislation reinstating use of the death penalty on March 25, 1976, when Alabama's legislature passed, and Governor George Wallace signed, a new death penalty statute. No execution under this law was carried out until 1983. Holman Correctional Facility has a male death row that originally had a capacity of 20, but was expanded in the summer of 2000 with the addition of 200", "\"North Carolina Republican Party\"\nupdated voter rolls and the use of photo identification to deter fraud. The party believes: The party supports the death penalty in cases of murder. According to their 2011 justice plank, the wait time for the death penalty to be executed should be cut as much as possible. North Carolina Republicans have been criticized for their support of the death penalty, as studies have shown it has been disproportionately applied to racial minorities. In an effort to repeal the Racial Justice Act, North Carolina Republicans introduced a bill that would essentially veto the act passed in 2009. In June 2013,", "\"Éamonn Ceannt\"\nto afflict the death penalty upon Ceannt and the other leaders of the Rising. However, he faced legal issues which prevented him from doing so. These legal issues only allowed the death penalty to be used if one was found aiding the enemy, being Germany at that time. Not until Maxwell obtained a letter from Patrick Pearse addressed to his mother regarding the communication with the Germans was he legally obliged to deploy the death penalty. From this point Ceannt and his comrades began facing the prospect of a firing squad. On Tuesday 2 May, Ceannt was sent to Kilmainham", "\"Death penalty (NCAA)\"\nDeath penalty (NCAA) The death penalty is the popular term for the National Collegiate Athletic Association's power to ban a school from competing in a sport for at least one year. It is the harshest penalty that an NCAA member school can receive. It has been implemented only five times: In addition to schools that received the \"\"death penalty\"\" from the NCAA, some schools voluntarily dropped sports programs for extended periods of time due to high-profile scandals. The most notable examples were in 1951, when Long Island University (LIU) shut down its entire athletic program for six years following the", "\"Burrage v. United States\"\nBurrage v. United States Burrage v. United States, 571 U.S. ___ (2014), was a United States Supreme Court case in which a unanimous Court held that a defendant cannot be liable for penalty enhancement under the penalty enhancement provision of the Controlled Substances Act unless such use is a but-for cause of the death or injury, at least when the use of a drug distributed by the defendant is not an independently sufficient cause of the victim's death or serious bodily injury. After an extended drug binge which began on April 14, 2010 involving marijuana, oxycodone (which he stole from", "\"Barbara Lee\"\nthat we deplore.\"\" On June 29, 2017, the House Appropriations Committee approved Rep. Barbara Lee's amendment to repeal the 2001 authorization for the use of military force that was the foundation of the U.S.'s post-September 11 military actions. The amendment, if passed, will require that the 2001 authorization for the use of military force be scrapped within 240 days. Lee was Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus from 2008-2010. Lee's opposition to the death penalty was recognized in 2002 by Death Penalty Focus, when they presented her with the Mario Cuomo Act of Courage Award. Although Lee is considered a" ]
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who did the killing in the first friday the 13th movie
[ "Mrs. Voorhees" ]
[ "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nthe addition of a subtitle—as opposed to just a number attached to the end—like \"\"The Final Chapter\"\" and \"\"Jason Takes Manhattan\"\", or filming the movie in 3-D, as Miner did for \"\"Friday the 13th Part III\"\". The third film would also be the birthplace of one of the most recognizable images in popular culture, that of Jason's hockey mask. Producer Frank Mancuso, Jr. eventually decided to kill Jason for good, after he experienced problems finding new films to produce that were more than just horror movies, because his name brought constant association to the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film series. Jason", "\"Jason Voorhees\"\nthe survivor of \"\"Friday the 13th: Bloodbath\"\", who is being contained by the Trent Organization in their Crystal Lake headquarters. The \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" novella storyline was not connected to the \"\"Jason X\"\" series, and did not continue the stories set forth by the films, but furthered the character of Jason in its own way. \"\"Friday the 13th: Church of the Divine Psychopath\"\" has Jason resurrected by a religious cult. Jason is stuck in Hell, when recently executed serial killer Wayne Sanchez persuades Jason to help him return to Earth in \"\"Friday the 13th: Hell Lake\"\". In \"\"Hate-Kill-Repeat\"\", two religious", "\"Final girl\"\nbut in the sequel they are either killed or institutionalized. A notable example is Alice Hardy who survives \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" (1980) only to be killed in the beginning of \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" (1981). Derek Soles argues that the tragic destiny of such final girls represents an expression of patriarchal society where capable, independent women must either be contained or destroyed. In more recent films, this has started to change, with the final girl no longer being always doomed, a notable example being the \"\"Scream\"\" series. According to Clover, the final girl in many movies shares common characteristics:", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\nMorris said \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" did have humor; he said the characters continually act the clichéd role of would-be-victim, making it hard to fear for their safety. In his opinion, the 2009 film lacked the \"\"psycho-social\"\" aspecta mother killing out of revenge for her son's deathcrafted by its 1980 predecessor, and ultimately the film is \"\"more hilarious than terrifying\"\". The \"\"New York Post's\"\" Kyle Smith said Nispel made no attempt to create a movie beyond blood and guts, and even those attempts were \"\"forgettable\"\". Smith said that apart from Clay and Trent, the rest of the cast were merely \"\"faces", "\"Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood\"\nWife\"\" by Audrey Niffenegger. The events of \"\"The New Blood\"\" are referenced in the novel \"\"Friday the 13th: Hate-Kill-Repeat\"\". Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood is a 1988 American supernatural slasher film directed by John Carl Buechler and starring Lar Park Lincoln, Kevin Blair, and Susan Blu. It is the seventh installment in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film series, and the first film with Jason Voorhees portrayed by Kane Hodder, who would continue to portray the character in three subsequent installments. The film follows a psychokinetic teenage girl who inadvertently", "\"Friday the 13th (1980 film)\"\nKing, who recounted the making of the film to fans. As of 2018, \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" has spawned ten sequels, including a crossover film with \"\"A Nightmare on Elm Street\"\" villain Freddy Krueger. \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" (1981) introduced Jason Voorhees, the son of Mrs. Voorhees, as the primary antagonist, which would continue for the remaining sequels (with exception of the fifth movie) and related works. Most of the sequels were filmed on larger budgets than the original. For comparison, \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" had a budget of $550,000, while the first sequel was given a budget of $1.25 million.", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\ndistribute the film internationally and New Line retained U.S. distribution rights. Fuller and Form said they did not want to make \"\"Friday the 13th Part 11\"\" or \"\"12\"\", but wanted to rework the mythology. They liked elements from the first four filmssuch as plot points and ways particular characters are killedand planned to use these in their remake, which they did with Paramount's approval. Fuller said, \"\"I think there are moments we want to address, like how does the hockey mask happen. It'll happen differently in our movie than in the third one. Where is Jason from, why do these", "Parody\nMore recently, parodies have taken on whole film genres at once. One of the first was \"\"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\"\" and the \"\"Scary Movie\"\" franchise. Other recent genre parodies include. \"\"Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday The 13th\"\", \"\"Not Another Teen Movie\"\", \"\"Date Movie\"\", \"\"Epic Movie\"\", \"\"Meet the Spartans\"\", \"\"Superhero Movie\"\", \"\"Disaster Movie\"\", \"\"Vampires Suck\"\", and \"\"The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It\"\", all of which have been critically panned. Many parody films have as their target out-of-copyright or non-copyrighted subjects", "\"TNT (U.S. TV network)\"\nwho hosted a pair of more contemporary horror films each week, such as \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" and \"\"Wes Craven's New Nightmare\"\". During the wraparound segments within each film, Briggs provided a running commentary, trivia, off-color jokes, and a drive-in total, as well as jokes at the expense of TNT's Standards & Practices department regarding the heavy censorship of the featured movies. This running joke culminated in a \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" all-night Halloween marathon in 1998, where it was implied that Ted Turner was out to kill him. Into the 1990s, TNT continued to air cartoons from the Turner", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nManiacs 1 collection, a figure of Jason from \"\"Jason Goes to Hell\"\" was released. Jason was one of the three most popular figures sold from the Movie Maniacs 1 collection, and the other two were Freddy Krueger and Leatherface. The following year, scale models of Jason and Freddy in a glass display case were released by MacFarlane Toys. In 2002, as part of its Movie Maniacs 5 collection, McFarlane released a model of Über-Jason from \"\"Jason X\"\". McFarlane did not release another \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" collectable until November 2006, when a 3-dimensional movie poster was released. Since 2002, there has", "\"Friday the 13th (1980 film)\"\nfranchise, \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" was a cynical, one-off attempt to make a fast buck on a sleazy slasher movie that accidentally ended up spawning a decades-spanning, multimillion-dollar phenomenon ... What's most striking about \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" is how little regard anyone but its fans seem to have for it.\"\" \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" was first released on DVD in the United States by Paramount Home Entertainment on October 19, 1999. The disc sold 32,497 units. On February 3, 2009, Paramount released the film again on DVD and Blu-ray in an unrated uncut, for the first time in the United States (previous", "\"Tony Vilgotsky\"\nClassic Rock magazine. He was the first Russian journalist who interviewed American musician and actor Ari Lehman (the first portrayer of Jason Voorhees in the first \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" movie), and famous movie composer Harry Manfredini who scored most of the \"\"Friday\"\" movies. The latter interview was published in Mir Fantastiki Later Vilgotsky interviewed many horror celebrities, including Tom Savini, Felissa Rose, Scott Derrickson, Brian Paulin, Matt Farnsworth, Dieter Laser, Victor Brooke Miller and more. Since 2012, Vilgotsky began to collaborate with Hollywood horror magazine \"\"Gore Noir\"\". Also he was noticed among authors of Australian horror magazine Midnight Echo. Vilgotsky", "\"Friday the 13th: A New Beginning\"\nFriday the 13th: A New Beginning Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (also known as Friday the 13th: Part V) is a 1985 American slasher film directed by Danny Steinmann, and starring Melanie Kinnaman, John Shepherd, and Shavar Ross. It is the fifth installment in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film series, after \"\"\"\" (1984). Narratively, \"\"A New Beginning\"\" departs from the Camp Crystal Lake setting and Jason Voorhees-themed mystery of the previous four installments and instead acts as a psychological horror film set at a fictional halfway house, where an adult Tommy Jarvis—who, as a child killed Voorhees—begins to fear", "\"Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter\"\n\"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film, complimenting both its narrative and kills. Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter is a 1984 American slasher film directed by Joseph Zito, produced by Frank Mancuso Jr., and starring Corey Feldman, Ted White, Kimberly Beck, and Crispin Glover. It is the fourth installment in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film series. Picking up immediately after the events of \"\"Friday the 13th Part III\"\", the story follows a presumed-dead Jason Voorhees brought to the morgue, where he spontaneously revives and escapes. He then returns to Crystal Lake to continue his killing spree,", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\nkill characters and paying homage to popular death scenes that appeared in previous installments of the series. To accomplish this, Shannon and Swift included the presence of a wheelchair and a sweater in Jason's tunnels; the character Mark (Tom McBride) was a paraplegic who was killed by Jason in \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" and Mrs. Voorhees wore the sweater in the original version of \"\"Friday the 13th\"\". The writers altered Jason's character. Mears describes him as a combination of John Rambo, Tarzan, and the Abominable Snowman from \"\"Looney Tunes\"\". To Mears, Jason is similar to Rambo because the audience", "\"Friday the 13th (1985 video game)\"\nFriday the 13th (1985 video game) Friday the 13th: The Computer Game is the first game adaptation based on the films of the same name. It was released in 1985 by Domark for the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum. The game was released on floppy diskette and cassette tape. The player's goal is to find and kill Jason, while making sure his friends or he himself are not killed by Jason. The player can roam around freely in the scenery, walk in and outside of buildings. Jason, as well as other characters, do the same. It is the", "\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\nthe \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" title being used for a series of films, released once a year, that would not have direct continuity with one another but be a separate \"\"scary movie\"\" of their own right. Phil Scuderi—one of three owners of Esquire Theaters, along with Steve Minasian and Bob Barsamian, who produced the original film—insisted that the sequel have Jason Voorhees, Pamela's son, even though his appearance in the original film was only meant to be a joke. Steve Miner, associate producer on the first film, believed in the idea and would go on to direct the first two sequels,", "\"Bill Randolph\"\nhorror movie \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" as Jeffrey. He also starred in the 1989 movie \"\"Penn & Teller Get Killed\"\", and his most recent movie appearance was in the 1991 film \"\"Guilty as Charged\"\". He made guest appearances on TV shows such as \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\" and \"\"As the World Turns\"\". Randolph starred in the short lived TV series \"\"Comedy Zone\"\" in 1984, and in the series \"\"Trauma Center\"\". Bill Randolph Bill Randolph (born October 11, 1953) is an American actor who has starred in films and appeared on television. He starred with Mercedes Hall (mother of Anthony Michael", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\na young age. Six weeks after her disappearance, her brother, Clay Miller (Jared Padalecki), comes to look for her. The pair reunite and work together to seemingly kill Jason. The original \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" was produced and directed by Sean S. Cunningham, who had previously worked with filmmaker Wes Craven on \"\"The Last House on the Left\"\" (1972). Cunningham, inspired by the success of John Carpenter's \"\"Halloween\"\" (1978), wanted \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" to be shocking, visually stunning, and \"\"[make] you jump out of your seat\"\". Distancing himself from \"\"The Last House on the Left\"\", Cunningham wanted \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" to", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nbe more of a \"\"roller coaster ride\"\". The first film was meant to be \"\"a real scary movie\"\", and at the same time make audiences laugh. The concept for \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" began as nothing more than a title. \"\"A Long Night at Camp Blood\"\" was the working title Victor Miller used while he drafted a script, but Cunningham believed in his \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" moniker and rushed to place an advertisement in \"\"International Variety\"\". Worrying that someone else owned the rights to the title and wanting to avoid potential lawsuits, Cunningham thought it would be best to find out", "\"Friday the 13th (1980 film)\"\ndramatic case of pulling out the gender rug\"\" in horror film history. Commenting on the first-person point-of-view shots from the killer, Clover writes: \"\"\"\"We\"\" [the audience] stalk and kill a number of teenagers over the course of an hour of movie time without even knowing who \"\"we\"\" are; we are invited, by conventional expectation and by glimpses of \"\"our\"\" own bodily partsa heavily booted foot, a roughly gloved handto suppose that \"\"we\"\" are male, but \"\"we\"\" are revealed, at the film's end, as a woman.\"\" On the killer's identity, Dimare has noted: Scholar and author Nick White examined the film", "\"Friday the 13th (1980 film)\"\nAt the time of its release, \"\"Freddy vs. Jason\"\" had the largest budget, at $25 million. All of the sequels repeated the premise of the original, so the filmmakers made tweaks to provide freshness. Changes involved an addition to the title—as opposed to a number attached to the end—like \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\", or filming the movie in 3-D, as Miner did for \"\"Friday the 13th Part III\"\" (1982). One major addition that would affect the entire film series was the addition of Jason's hockey mask in the third film; this mask would become one of the most recognizable images in", "\"Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter\"\nartist Tom Savini, who worked on the first film, returned for the sequel as he wanted to help kill off Jason, who he helped create. The film was originally scheduled to be released in October 1984, but Paramount pushed the date up to April 13, 1984. Upon its theatrical release, the film earned approximately $11 million on its opening weekend and grossed $32 million in the United States on a budget of $2.6 million, making it the fourth most attendance of any film in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" series with approximately 9,815,700 tickets sold. The film received generally negative reviews.", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nFriday the 13th (franchise) Friday the 13th is an American horror franchise that comprises twelve slasher films, a television show, novels, comic books, video games, and tie‑in merchandise. The franchise mainly focuses on the fictional character Jason Voorhees, who drowned as a boy at Camp Crystal Lake due to the negligence of the camp staff. Decades later, the lake is rumored to be \"\"cursed\"\" and is the setting for a series of mass murders. Jason is featured in all of the films, as either the killer or the motivation for the killings. The original film, created to cash in on", "\"Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday\"\nJason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday is a 1993 American slasher film directed by Adam Marcus, produced by Sean S. Cunningham, and starring John D. LeMay, Kari Keegan and Allison Smith. The ninth installment in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film series. It`s made as a standalone film, not picking up where the previous films left off. The movie begins with an FBI ambush in which Jason Voorhees's body is detonated; after, his spirit possesses the coroner examining his remains, and he uses the coroner's body to continue his killings. The film was", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\nkillings happen, and what is Crystal Lake?\"\" The producers initially expressed an interest in using Tommy Jarvis, a recurring character who first appeared in \"\"\"\", but the idea was scrapped. Though the producers decided that \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" would not be an origin story, they said that they wanted to work out a logical origin story for Jason that would provide a sense of history as the film progressed. Form and Fuller explained that the audience gets to see how Jason attains his famous hockey mask, and is given a reason for why he puts it on. Jason would transition", "\"Debi Sue Voorhees\"\nshe had several minor roles in movies and television series which included a seven episode role on the show \"\"Dallas\"\" from 1982 until 1985. And she has said of being involved with the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" movie series: \"\"I look back on Friday the 13th with is kind of neat that so many people do really enjoy them (the film series).\"\" She has also appeared in the 2009 documentary \"\"\"\" and the 2013 documentary \"\"Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th\"\". After her acting career, Voorhees worked as a literature, English, grammar, and journalism teacher in", "\"Friday the 13th (1985 video game)\"\neffect would be used in the 1989 title \"\"Project Firestart\"\". The game's main appeal was the obvious horror elements, which included atmospheric music and digitized screams. Some criticized that it changed elements from the franchise, such as Jason being dressed all in black, which has nothing in common with his appearance from the movies. The game received otherwise negative review, regardless of the platform. \"\"Zzap!64\"\" gave it 13%, \"\"Your Sinclair\"\" gave it 3/10, \"\"Crash\"\" 3/10 and \"\"Sinclair User\"\" 4/10. Friday the 13th (1985 video game) Friday the 13th: The Computer Game is the first game adaptation based on the films", "\"Ginny (Friday the 13th)\"\nher period and may gain from that some blood power against Jason. Ginny is majoring in Child Psychology, which lets her deal with Jason (who, she deduces, has the mind of child fixated on the mother he saw killed because she loved him) when she pretends to be his mother. She survives partly because she takes children's emotions seriously.\"\" In 2012, \"\"Complex\"\" ranked Ginny 16th on their list of \"\"The 25 Most Badass Horror Movie Heroines\"\". In 2016, \"\"Paste\"\" ranked Ginny 17th on their list of \"\"The 20 Best \"\"Final Girls\"\" in Horror Movie History\"\", calling her \"\"a realistic girl", "Psychobilly\nKatz notes that at the \"\"same time [in the 1980s], the revival of the B-movie, particularly the return of horror movies, occurred...[,] such as \"\"The Howling\"\", \"\"The Shining\"\", a remake of \"\"The Thing\"\", \"\"Friday the 13th\"\", and \"\"An American Werewolf in London\"\" (All 80s Movies). Psychos gravitated towards these movies due to their lack of seriousness, mindless gore, and enjoyed the throwback to the original B-movies of the 1950's.\"\" In \"\"its early days, Psychobilly relied almost entirely on word of mouth to be spread throughout London (p. 53). If your friends did not know of it [a band or gig],", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nVoorhees. Ginny fights back and slams a machete through Jason's shoulder. Jason is left for dead as Ginny is taken away in an ambulance. During the events of \"\"Friday the 13th Part III\"\" (1982), Jason (Richard Brooker) removes the machete from his shoulder and finds his way to Chris Higgins' (Dana Kimmell) local homestead. Chris returns to her property with some friends, and Jason kills anyone who wanders into the barn where he is hiding. Taking a hockey mask from a victim to hide his face, Jason leaves the barn to kill the rest of the group. Chris seemingly kills", "\"Friday the 13th (1980 film)\"\nthe counselors, because she saw them all as responsible for Jason's death. A number of scenes from the film were recreated in \"\"Friday the 13th: Pamela's Tale\"\", a two-issue comic book prequel released by WildStorm in 2007. In 2016, the book \"\"On Location in Blairstown: The Making of Friday the 13th\"\" was released detailing the planning and filming of the movie. Film scholar Williams views \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" as \"\"symptomatic of its era,\"\" particularly Reagan-era America, and part of a trajectory of films such as \"\"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre\"\" (1974) and \"\"Race with the Devil\"\" (1975), which \"\"exemplify a", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nimmediately. Cunningham commissioned a New York advertising agency to develop his visual concept of the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" logo, which consisted of big block letters bursting through a pane of glass. In the end, Cunningham believed there were \"\"no problems\"\" with the title, but distributor George Mansour contends that there was an issue: \"\"There was a movie before ours called \"\"Friday the 13th: The Orphan\"\". Moderately successful. But someone still threatened to sue. It is unknown whether Phil [Scuderi] paid them off, but the issue was eventually resolved.\"\" Following the success of \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" in 1980, Paramount Pictures began", "\"The Kills\"\nin the Fendi's TV commercial for the \"\"Fan di Fendi\"\" perfume (2010). \"\"U.R.A. Fever\"\" was played during a love scene in the 2010 movie \"\"The Losers\"\". Only the chorus of the song is played. \"\"U.R.A. Fever\"\" was heard in the 2010 film \"\"Welcome to the Rileys\"\", as well as appearing on its soundtrack. It is also heard on the 2011 movie \"\"Catch .44\"\" (partially) and the 2012 movie Detention. The bonus song \"\"Night Train\"\" appeared in the 2009 remake of the film Friday The 13th. On September 11, 2009, it was announced on the band's MySpace page that they had", "\"Friday the 13th (1980 film)\"\nthe 13th\"\" logo, which consisted of big block letters bursting through a pane of glass. In the end, Cunningham believed there were \"\"no problems\"\" with the title, but distributor George Mansour stated, \"\"There was a movie before ours called \"\"Friday the 13th: The Orphan\"\". It was moderately successful. But someone still threatened to sue. Either Phil Scuderi paid them off, but it was finally resolved.\"\" The screenplay was completed in mid-1979 by Victor Miller, who later went on to write for several television soap operas, including \"\"Guiding Light\"\", \"\"One Life to Live\"\" and \"\"All My Children\"\"; at the time, Miller", "\"Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter\"\nFriday the 13th: The Final Chapter Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter is a 1984 American slasher film directed by Joseph Zito, produced by Frank Mancuso Jr., and starring Corey Feldman, Ted White, Kimberly Beck, and Crispin Glover. It is the fourth installment in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film series. Picking up immediately after the events of \"\"Friday the 13th Part III\"\", the story follows a presumed-dead Jason Voorhees brought to the morgue, where he spontaneously revives and escapes. He then returns to Crystal Lake to continue his killing spree, targeting a family and a group of neighboring teenagers. Much", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\ncomic book covers Pamela Voorhees' journey to Camp Crystal Lake and the story of her pregnancy with Jason as she recounts it to hitchhiker Annie, a camp counselor who is killed in the original film. The miniseries pre‑sold a combined 16,051 copies. WildStorm released another comic book special, titled \"\"Friday the 13th: How I Spent My Summer Vacation\"\", consisting of two issues that were released on September 12 and October 10, 2007. The comic book provides insight into the psychology of Jason Voorhees as he befriends a boy born with a skull deformity. The first issue of \"\"How I Spent", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\ndreams. Jason accomplishes this but refuses to stop killing. A battle ensues both in the dream-world and at Crystal Lake. The outcome is left ambiguous, as Jason surfaces from the lake holding Freddy's severed head, which winks and laughs. In 2009, a new \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film which restarted the film series continuity was released. In this film, after witnessing his mother being beheaded at a young age, an adult Jason (Derek Mears) follows in her footsteps and kills anyone who comes to Crystal Lake. Jason subsequently kidnaps a young woman, Whitney Miller (Amanda Righetti), who resembles his mother at", "\"Friday the 13th: The Game\"\naid spray, Tommy is the only character capable of killing Jason. After IllFonic's polarized 2012 remake of \"\"Nexuiz\"\" and Gun Media's \"\"\"\" in 2015, IllFonic went to work on a game titled \"\"Slasher Vol. 1: Summer Camp\"\", with little details on its release date with Gun, in which the story took place in Camp Forest Green. \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" director Sean S. Cunningham was in talks about an upcoming game based on \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" with Gun. It is also the first video game IllFonic has developed with Unreal Engine 4, departing from CryEngine after the announcement of \"\"Project Advena\"\".", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nJason and Leatherface turn on each other. On May 13, 2005, New Line first exercised their rights to use the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" moniker when they, along with Avatar comics, released a special issue of \"\"Friday the 13th\"\". Written by Brian Pulido and illustrated by Mike Wolfer and Greg Waller, the story takes place after the events of \"\"Freddy vs. Jason\"\", where siblings Miles and Laura Upland inherit Camp Crystal Lake. Knowing that Jason caused the recent destruction, Laura, unknown to her brother, sets out to kill Jason with a paramilitary group so that she and her brother can sell", "\"Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives\"\nentries, which had to be edited for violence in order to avoid an \"\"X\"\" rating, the film's producers requested that McLoughlin add additional gore, violence, and murders to the film. The original cut of the film contained 13 killings as an in-joke; in order to appease the studio, McLoughlin had to add an additional three killings, bringing the total up to 16. These were the killings of Martin the gravedigger, and the recently engaged couple on a nighttime picnic. The scene of Jason killing Martin would later be cited by McLoughlin as one of his favorite parts of the movie", "\"A Bay of Blood\"\nsuch films as \"\"Scream\"\", \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\" and their respective sequels.\"\" According to Gary Johnson, \"\"\"\"Twitch of the Death Nerve\"\" is one of the most imitated movies of the past 30 years. It helped kick start the slasher genre… [Bava’s] influence still resonates today (although somewhat dully) in movies such as \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\", \"\"Scream\"\" and \"\"Urban Legend\"\".\"\" While most slasher movies owe a considerable debt to \"\"Bay\"\"<nowiki>'</nowiki>s somewhat nonsensical narrative and its emphasis on bodily mutilation, at least one film was directly imitative: \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" notoriously copied two", "\"It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One\"\nrolling blackouts. When Brian questions Peter's actions, Peter reveals that he's been using the power to reanimate actor Jim Varney's corpse (he'd actually wanted to bring back actor and \"\"Saturday Night Live\"\" alumnus John Belushi). Horror-movie legend Jason Voorhees from the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" movie series appeared twice in this episode, carrying his trademark blood-drenched machete. First, Quahog news reporter Tricia Takanawa is interviewing him by the lake, during which he kills two bathing-suit-clad women. The scene references Camp Crystal Lake, Jason's traditional haunt. Later he appears as the boss of the store where Lois tries to buy her expensive", "\"Alice (Friday the 13th)\"\nPamela's Tale\"\" by Wildstorm also features a cameo appearance by Alice, depicting the scene from the first film when she first meets Mrs. Voorhees. In the original script for \"\"Friday the 13th\"\", Alice was written as a more flawed and less sympathetic character. In early drafts, she was having an affair with a married man on the West Coast, which was the reason her relationship with Steve Christy is deteriorating and she wants to leave Crystal Lake. Adrienne King says that she portrayed the character as a traditional horror movie character, stating \"\"I think that Alice is a great scream", "\"Darna Zaroori Hai\"\na forest until they find a haunted house. Inside, there is an old woman who agrees to tell them six scary stories, and they will all compete on who is able to sit through all six stories without getting scared. The first story is about a young film-buff named Satish (Manoj Pahwa), living with his mother. Satish has a habit of watching a Bollywood movie in theaters every Friday, on the last show of the day. He decides to watch the film \"\"Darna Mana Hai\"\". His mother warns him not to take the graveyard shortcut because it's Friday the 13th,", "\"Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood\"\nFriday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood is a 1988 American supernatural slasher film directed by John Carl Buechler and starring Lar Park Lincoln, Kevin Blair, and Susan Blu. It is the seventh installment in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film series, and the first film with Jason Voorhees portrayed by Kane Hodder, who would continue to portray the character in three subsequent installments. The film follows a psychokinetic teenage girl who inadvertently unleashes Jason from his grave in Crystal Lake, where she and her friends are staying. The film was released", "\"Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood\"\nup the previous Jason Voorhees massacres in order to profitably build condos on Crystal Lake. Executive producer Frank Mancuso Jr. resisted the idea, and screenwriter Daryl Haney stated \"\"There’s always a teenage girl who’s left to battle Jason by herself. What if the girl had telekinetic powers?\"\" Sachs, who considered the \"\"Jason vs. Carrie\"\" concept to be \"\"an interesting idea\"\", wanted the installment to be more respectable than the previous entries in the series. Haney stated that \"\"She wanted it to be unlike any other \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" movie. She wanted it to win an Academy Award\"\". Several high-profile directors", "\"Adhisaya Manithan\"\nsequel. However, due to heavy losses incurred, the movie did not have any further sequel. The movie was heavily inspired by Friday the 13th Part III Soundtrack Composed by Premi-Seeni and Lyrics are Written by Muthubharathi The movie was panned by critics but bombed at the box office. Adhisaya Manithan Adhisaya Manithan (),() is a 1990 Tamil Horror film produced by Thakkali C Seenivasan and directed by Velu Prabhakaran. It is a sequel to Nalaya Manithan. The film has Gouthami in the lead role along with bunch of known faces. The film released to negative reviews and bombed at the", "\"Friday the 13th: The Game\"\nthat they were paying for a finished product. Despite showing potential that may one day be realized, Friday the 13th comes across as an unfinished game that shouldn't have been released in its current state.\"\" IGN's Daemon Hatfield scored the game a 6.9/10 with the consensus \"\"Lopsided gameplay and egregious bugs almost kill the mood of Jason's murder spree in \"\"Friday the 13th: The Game\"\".\"\" 75/100 was Tyler Wilde's score on \"\"PC Gamer\"\" with the consensus: \"\"It needs more maps, but right now \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" is a gory game of hide-and-go-seek that's fun with funny people.\"\" Austen Goslin's score", "\"Alice (Friday the 13th)\"\nAlice had the greater influence on later films.\"\" Although she is generally considered to be an early example of the final girl trope, some scholars have called her an antithesis to the trope. Philip C. DiMare references Alice in \"\"Movies in American History: An Encyclopedia [3 volumes]: An Encyclopedia\"\" stating that \"\"Even Alice (Adrienne King), the protagonist of \"\"Friday the 13th\"\", serves as a counterpoint to the \"\"Final Girl\"\" archetype of horror films: while most of the young female protagonists who appear in these films tend to be tomboyish and reject the sexual activities engaged in by their friends, Alice", "\"Friday the 13th (1980 film)\"\nax or a man stuck to a door with arrows, you should stay away from \"\"Friday the 13th\"\". It's bad luck.\"\" The film's most vocal detractor was Gene Siskel, who in his review called Cunningham \"\"one of the most despicable creatures ever to infest the movie business.\"\" He also published the address for Charles Bluhdorn, the chairman of the board of Gulf+Western, which owned Paramount, as well as Betsy Palmer's home city and encouraged fellow detractors to write to them and express their contempt for the film. To convince people not to see it, he even gave away the ending.", "\"Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan\"\nzero-star rating, writing: \"\"Make no bones about it, this is the worst of the bunch. Even fans of the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" movies will be disappointed.\"\" \"\"The Atlanta Constitution\"\"s Eleanor Ringel noted that the film \"\"isn't in the least bit scary and is only intermittently gory. It is, however, often quite funny, intentionally or not.\"\" She also criticized the film due the fact that a significant portion of it took place aboard a boat as opposed to in Manhattan, a sentiment echoed by Betsy Sherman of \"\"The Boston Globe\"\", who wrote that the film \"\"should have been called \"\"Jason Takes", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nStarz television channel during the first week of February, and afterwards it was released on DVD on February 3, 2009. The documentary is hosted by special make‑up effects artist Tom Savini, who interviews the cast and crew members of each of the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" films, asking them questions on the choices they made during filming. It also features interviews with journalists and other filmmakers who offer their opinion of the series. In September 2013, Farrands wrote and directed a second documentary film on the \"\"Friday\"\" franchise, \"\"Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th\"\", this time directly", "\"Jason Voorhees\"\n13th\"\" comics. The first, titled \"\"Friday the 13th\"\", was written by Brian Pulido and illustrated by Mike Wolfer and Greg Waller. The story takes place after the events of \"\"Freddy vs. Jason\"\", where siblings Miles and Laura Upland have inherited Camp Crystal Lake. Knowing that Jason caused the recent destruction, Laura, unknown to her brother, sets out to kill Jason using a paramilitary group, so that she and her brother can sell the property. A three-issue miniseries titled \"\"Friday the 13th: Bloodbath\"\" was released in September 2005. Written by Brian Pulido and illustrated by Mike Wolfer and Andrew Dalhouse, the", "\"Ari Lehman\"\nheard about an audition being held in Westport for the movie, \"\"Manny's Orphans\"\", about a group of inner-city orphans who play soccer, directed by Sean S. Cunningham. Lehman snuck into the audition and landed the role of \"\"Roger\"\". This role led to Lehman getting the call to play Jason Voorhees in \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" from Sean S. Cunningham. \"\"For his audition Lehman was asked one key question by the director, ‘Can you swim?’\"\" After the release of \"\"Friday the 13th\"\", Lehman returned to New York City, where he enrolled at New York University and concentrated on Big Band Orchestration and", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nbase of the franchise has become so impassioned with the series that they have created films, latex body suits to emulate Jason's appearance, and tattoos of Jason and the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" moniker on their body. S. T. Karnick, editor of \"\"American Culture\"\", wrote an article for the \"\"National Review\"\" detailing the impact \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" has had on the slasher genre and noting that the reasons critics have deplored the films are the same reasons why the franchise has had such a strong influence. Karnick explained that \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" did not try and recreate the same \"\"clever\"\" film", "\"Maniac Mansion\"\nseveral of his games for Lucasfilm. Gilbert and Winnick co-wrote and co-designed the project, but they worked separately as well: Gilbert on programming and Winnick on visuals. As both of them enjoyed B horror films, they decided to make a comedy-horror game set in a haunted house. They drew inspiration from a film whose name Winnick could not recall. He described it as \"\"a ridiculous teen horror movie\"\", in which teenagers inside a building were killed one by one without any thought of leaving. This film, combined with clichés from popular horror movies such as \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" and \"\"A", "\"Alice (Friday the 13th)\"\nis not only sexy but sexual.\"\" Alice's decayed corpse appears as a part of the model of Jason's shrine to his mother that NECA has released. Mezco Toyz has also released a screen grab statuette of Alice, which depicts the hallucination of Jason attacking her from the ending of \"\"Friday the 13th\"\". Alice is a featured character in \"\"Great Horror Movie Villains Paper Dolls: Psychos, Slashers and Their Unlucky Victims.\"\" Alice is featured on the alternate cover of the first issue for \"\"Famous Monsters Underground\"\". Alice's corpse appears next to Mrs. Voorhees' shrine in the 2017 video game \"\"\"\". Alice", "\"Friday the 13th (1980 film)\"\nat the time, no well-recognized or bankable actors; aside from well-known television and movie actress Betsy Palmer. The film would take in approximately $20 million in international box office receipts. Not factoring in international sales, or the cross-over film with \"\"A Nightmare on Elm Street\"\"'s Freddy Krueger, the original \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" is the highest-grossing film of the film series. To provide context with the box office gross of films in 2014, the cost of making and promoting \"\"Friday the 13th\"\"—which includes the $550,000 budget and the $1 million in advertisement—is approximately $4.5 million. With regard to the US box", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\n\"\"\"\" was released on January 20, 2018. In addition to the films, television series, and various literature based on the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" franchise, there are over 100 licensed products that have grossed more than $125 million in revenue. Over the years, the characters of \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" have been marketed under various toy lines. In 1988, Screamin' Toys produced a model kit of Jason Voorhees. Six years later, Screamin' Toys issued a second model kit based on Jason's appearance in \"\"Jason Goes to Hell\"\". Both kits are no longer in production. In 1998, as part of McFarlane Toys' Movie", "\"Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter\"\nGinny Field in \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\", co-starred with Peter Barton on the sitcom \"\"The Powers of Matthew Star\"\". Barton was offered the role of Doug when the sitcom was cancelled, but he was initially reluctant as he wanted no part in any horror film, especially after he disliked working on \"\"Hell Night\"\". However, because Steel was involved in \"\"Part 2\"\", she talked him into doing the film. Make-up artist Tom Savini, who had not returned for \"\"Part 2\"\" and \"\"Part III\"\", agreed to work on the film to help kill off Jason, who he helped create in the", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nthe property. The issue pre‑sold more than 17,500 copies. Avatar released a three-issue miniseries titled \"\"Friday the 13th: Bloodbath\"\" in September 2005. The series was written by Brian Pulido, illustrated by Mike Wolfer and Andrew Dalhouse, and revolves around a group of teenagers who come to Camp Tomorrow, a camp that sits on Crystal Lake, for work and a \"\"party-filled weekend\"\". The teenagers begin to discover that they share common family backgrounds and soon awaken Jason, who proceeds to kill them. Brian Pulido returned for a third time in October 2005 to write another special issue for Avatar, titled \"\"Jason", "\"A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010 film)\"\nthat feeling to a new generation with a new spin on the character and story. Fuller and Form likened the new film to their 2003 remake of \"\"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre\"\" but instead of a remake, they saw it as more of a reimagining. The pair also explained that \"\"A Nightmare on Elm Street\"\" would have a different tone than their \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" remake. Form states, \"\"I think a \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" movie like we made was really fun. You know, sex, drugs and rock and roll, and I think a Nightmare movie is not that.\"\" When asked", "\"Compound Fracture (film)\"\nCompound Fracture (film) Compound Fracture is a 2013 American supernatural thriller. Co-written and starring Tyler Mane (\"\"Halloween\"\"), the film also features veterans of the horror genre such as Derek Mears (\"\"Friday the 13th\"\") and Muse Watson (\"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\"). Movie evolves around Michael Wolffsen (Tyler Mane) who is engaged to Juliette (Renae Geerlings), and both take care of teenager Brandon (Alex Saxon). The teenager is Michael's nephew, the son of his sister Chloe (Susan Angelo) who has died. After a call from Michael and Chloe's father Gary (Muse Watson), the trio arrive to the family estate", "\"Jason Voorhees\"\nfilm \"\"Freddy vs. Jason\"\" (2003). In April 2010 Sideshow Toys released a polystone statue of Jason, based on the version appearing in the 2009 remake. NECA and Mezco Toyz also released figures of Jason in its own action figure series. Jason has made an appearance in five video games. He first appeared in \"\"Friday the 13th\"\", a 1985 Commodore 64 game. His next appearance was in 1989, when LJN, an American game company known for its games based on popular movies in the 1980s and early 1990s, released \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The premise involved the", "\"Friday the 13th Part III\"\nmost professional effort when compared to other films released at the time, stating: \"\"As in each of the other recent 3-D movies, of which this is easily the most professional, there is a lot of time devoted to trying out the gimmick. Titles loom toward you. Yo-yos spin. Popcorn bounces. Snakes dart toward the camera and strike. Eventually, the novelty wears off, and what remains is the now-familiar spectacle of nice, dumb kids being lopped, chopped and perforated.\"\" Writing for the \"\"Los Angeles Times\"\", Linda Gross noted: \"\"Ironically, \"\"Friday the 13th Part 3\"\" is so terrible that \"\"Friday the 13th", "\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\nValentine\"\", and others. Much like its predecessor, critical reception to the film was initially negative. It has a 34% approval rating at Rotten Tomatoes among 32 reviews. Roger Ebert of the \"\"Chicago Sun-Times\"\" wrote that \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" is \"\"a cross between the Mad Slasher and Dead teenager genres; about two dozen movies a year feature a mad killer going berserk, and they're all about as bad as this one. Some have a little more plot, some have a little less. It doesn't matter.\"\" Helen Verongos of \"\"The Clarion-Ledger\"\" wrote: \"\"\"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" obviously does not", "\"Jacksonburg Creek\"\nmovie's \"\"Crystal Lake,\"\" is the headwaters of Jacksonburg Creek. Jacksonburg Creek Jacksonburg Creek is a tributary of the Paulins Kill located along the eastern face of Kittatinny Mountain in Warren County in northwestern New Jersey in the United States. It rises near the Warren County-Sussex County border in Hardwick Township and enters the Paulins Kill approximately one mile south of Blairstown. The Appalachian Trail passes within its watershed and crosses the creek as it traverses the ridgeline of Kittatinny Mountain. The 1980 slasher film \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" was filmed at Camp NoBeBosCo north of Blairstown, New Jersey in Hardwick Township.", "\"Jason Voorhees\"\nhome phone. In order to survive, she must answer the man's trivia questions. One question is \"\"name the killer in \"\"Friday the 13th\"\".\"\" She incorrectly guesses Jason, who did not become the killer for the film series until \"\"Part 2\"\". Writer Kevin Williamson claimed his inspiration for this scene came when he asked this question in a bar while a group was playing a movie trivia quiz game. He received a free drink, because nobody got the answer right. In another Wes Craven film, \"\"Cursed\"\", a wax sculpture of Jason, from \"\"Jason Goes to Hell\"\", can be seen in a", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\nstart of filming. \"\"\"\"'s Richard Burgi, who was cast as Sheriff Bracke, did not sign his contract until twelve hours before he was due to start filming his scenes. When Shannon and Swift began writing the script for \"\"Friday the 13th\"\", they imposed some rules based on their experiences of writing \"\"Freddy vs. Jason\"\" on themselves. They wanted their teenage characters to \"\"sound normal\"\". Shannon and Swift said they did not want the characters to know Jason's name or to become what they considered \"\"the \"\"Scooby-Doo\"\" cliché where it's a bunch of kids trying to figure something out\"\".<ref name=\"\"Shan/Swift\"\"></ref> The", "\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\nthe 13th superstition; however, after the popularity of the original film's surprise ending where Jason Voorhees attacks the heroine Alice, the filmmakers opted to continue the story and the mythology surrounding Camp Crystal Lake, a trend which would be repeated in the following films. Like the original film, \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" faced opposition from the Motion Picture Association of America, who noted its \"\"accumulative violence\"\" as problematic, resulting in numerous cuts being made to allow an R rating. The film was released theatrically in North America on April 30, 1981. Although it did not gross as much as", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nwho had discovered the \"\"Necronomicon\"\". There have been two books released chronicling the making of the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" films. In February 2005, FAB Press published their book containing interviews with the cast and crew of the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" series of films. David Grove, a film journalist who has written for \"\"Fangoria\"\", \"\"Cinefantastique\"\", and various other British magazines detailing the creation of the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" films, wrote the comprehensive book, \"\"Making Friday the 13th: The Legend of Camp Blood\"\". Grove interviewed over 100 \"\"key personnel involved in making the films\"\" to collect \"\"detailed production histories of each of", "\"Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter\"\ncame from producer Frank Mancuso, Jr. (the son of Paramount CEO Frank Mancuso, Sr.) as he began to resent the series due to how he felt nobody respected him for working on \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" as an production assistant and \"\"Part III\"\" as producer, regardless of how much money the films earned. As a result of this and him wanting to work on different projects, he wanted to conclude the series by killing off Jason. The filmmakers wanted Joseph Zito, who had previously worked on \"\"The Prowler\"\", to direct and write the screenplay for the film. He initially", "\"Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter\"\nfilm, but Zito and Cohen eventually got into trouble with the Writer's Guild of America as a result. Previous \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" films generally favored young women being the final girl. However, this is the first film in the series to not only have two survivors instead of one, but one of them being a child. The filmmakers believed this aspect has never been done before in a slasher film, as well as them wanting to create characters that the audience don't want to see harmed or killed. By including the Jarvis family (a divorced mother, a teenage daughter, and", "\"Alice (Friday the 13th)\"\nbattle with Pamela Voorhees at the end of the first film serves as the catalyst for the events of the series, as Jason Voorhees witnessed the beheading of his mother. Alice appears briefly in the opening of the 2009 remake portrayed by Stephanie Rhodes. This opening sequence quickly recapped the events of the original film skipping past Pamela's killing spree to the final confrontation in order to quickly tell the origin story of Jason before fast-forwarding to adult Jason. In the original \"\"Friday the 13th\"\", Alice came from California and was an aspiring artist. She got a job as a", "\"Catherine Parks\"\nCatherine Parks Catherine LaBelle Parks (born December 10, 1956) is an American actress who has starred in movies and on television. She is perhaps best known for her roles in the 1982 horror movie \"\"Friday the 13th Part III\"\", as Vera Sanchez, and the 1989 comedy \"\"Weekend at Bernie's\"\". Parks was born in Tampa, Florida. She was a runner-up in the Miss America 1978 pageant. She has starred on television shows, her first being \"\"Behind the Screen\"\", and she later starred in the short-lived CBS series \"\"Zorro and Son\"\" in 1983. Parks has made guest appearances on TV shows such", "\"Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter\"\nremoved from the credits. According to White, Corey Feldman maintained a bratty attitude on set as a result from Zito's treatment. When filming the scene of Tommy hacking at Jason's body, which were two sandbags he was striking at, Feldman pretended the sandbags were Zito. According to the book \"\"Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th\"\", actress Kimberly Beck stated that she does not like the horror genre. In addition to this, she felt that the film was more of a C-movie rather than a B-movie. During filming, Kimberly Beck experienced strange encounters, including a man watching", "\"Alice (Friday the 13th)\"\nstill alive, also mentioning that Jason had tracked her down to her apartment by memorizing what her car looked like when she had made a visit to the camp. In the novelization of \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\", Alice is staying at Crystal Lake in hopes of overcoming her fear and moving past her traumatic experience. She finds Mrs. Voorhees' head in the fridge and is killed by Jason Alice also appears in the prologue of the \"\"Freddy vs. Jason\"\" novelization as a shade in Hell. In the novel \"\"Friday the 13th: The Jason Strain\"\", Jason witnesses a holographic projection", "\"Friday the 13th (1980 film)\"\n\"\"silly, boring, youth-geared horror movie,\"\" though she praised Manfredini's \"\"nervous musical score,\"\" the cinematography, as well as the performances, which she deemed \"\"natural and appealing,\"\" particularly from Taylor, Bacon, Nelson, and Bartram. \"\"Variety\"\", however, deemed the film \"\"low budget in the worst sense—with no apparent talent or intelligence to offset its technical inadequacies—\"\"Friday the 13th\"\" has nothing to exploit but its title.\"\" \"\"The Miami News\"\"s Bill von Maurer praised Cunningham's \"\"low-key\"\" direction, but noted: \"\"After building terrific suspense and turning over the audience's stomachs, he doesn't quite know where to go from there. The movie begins to sag in the", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\noriginal films with style. Lee said the film takes pleasure in killing off each of its characters, that there is a desire among cinemagoers for this type of material, and that \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" satisfies that desire. Adam Graham from \"\"The Detroit News\"\" said the film is the most effective and scary film in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" series; he praised its choice of allowing Jason to run after his victimsas opposed to slowly walking behind them, as became prominent in later sequelsbecause it made him more menacing. Graham also said the film does not \"\"soften\"\" Jason's scariness by providing", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\nfilm added freshness to the standard formula of the previous films by focusing on the chasing and killing aspects instead of lingering on the prolonged suffering of victims like the \"\"Saw\"\" films. IGN's Chris Carle said Aaron Yoo stole the film with his comic timing and with his \"\"memorable death\"\". Carle said Derek Mears' portrayal of Jason adds more to the character than being simply a stuntman; Mears's subtle movements, athleticism, and physicality created an imposing image of Jason. Friday the 13th (2009 film) Friday the 13th is a 2009 American slasher film directed by Marcus Nispel and written by", "\"Friday the 13th: The Game\"\nit further. \"\"Friday the 13th: The Game\"\" is a semi-open world third-person survival horror game set throughout the 1980s in a variety of locations in and around the fictional Camp Crystal Lake from the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" franchise. The game is an asymmetrical multiplayer video game, with up to eight people able to play in one game session. One player is randomly selected to control Jason Voorhees whose objective is to kill as many counselors as possible before time runs out. Playing as Jason grants special time-restricted abilities including being able to sense nearby counselors and to teleport anywhere on", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nX\"\" series and do not continue any story set forth by the films. Instead, each novel developed the character of Jason in its own way. \"\"Friday the 13th: Church of the Divine Psychopath\"\" has Jason resurrected by a religious cult. In \"\"Friday the 13th: Hell Lake\"\", a recently executed serial killer, Wayne Sanchez, persuades Jason to help him escape back to the real world. In \"\"Hate-Kill-Repeat\"\", two religious serial killers attempt to find Jason at Crystal Lake, believing that the three of them share the same contempt for those that break the moral code. \"\"The Jason Strain\"\" places Jason on", "\"Friday the 13th (1980 film)\"\nacross the United States, ultimately expanding its release to 1,127 theaters. It earned $5,816,321 in its opening weekend, before finishing domestically with $39,754,601, with a total of 14,778,700 admissions. It was the 18th highest-grossing film that year, facing competition from other high-profile horror releases such as \"\"The Shining\"\", \"\"Dressed To Kill\"\", \"\"The Fog\"\", and \"\"Prom Night\"\". The worldwide gross for the film was $59,754,601. Of the seventeen films distributed by Paramount in 1980, only two: \"\"Urban Cowboy\"\" and \"\"Airplane!\"\", returned more profits than \"\"Friday the 13th\"\". \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" was released internationally, which was unusual for an independent film with,", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\nplans to make a sequel and immediately acquired the worldwide distribution rights. According to Paramount Pictures' Chairman and CEO Frank Mancuso, Sr., \"\"We wanted it to be an event, where teenagers would flock to the theaters on that Friday night to see the latest episode.\"\" Initial ideas for a sequel involved the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" title being used for a series of discontinuous films, released once a year, and each would be a separate \"\"scary movie\"\" of its own right. Phil Scuderi—a co‑owner of Esquire Theaters with Steve Minasian and Bob Barsamian and a producer of the original film—insisted that", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\nJason is not a comedic character, he is not sympathetic. He's a killing machine. Plain and simple.\"\" The producers used Asylum Visual Effects to create digital effects for \"\"Friday the 13th\"\". Although director Marcus Nispel is a proponent of practical effects, Asylum had to digitally create some shots to protect the actors and to allow the director to achieve a specific look. Visual effects supervisor Mitchell Drain assigned ten crew members to work on the visual effects; they first analyzed the script in pre-production to decide which shots would need digital effects. Asylum worked on 25 shots for the film.", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\nFriday the 13th (2009 film) Friday the 13th is a 2009 American slasher film directed by Marcus Nispel and written by Damian Shannon and Mark Swift. The film is a reboot of the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film series, which began in 1980, and is the twelfth installment in the film series. \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" follows Clay Miller (Jared Padalecki) as he searches for his missing sister, Whitney (Amanda Righetti), who is captured by Jason Voorhees (Derek Mears) while camping in woodland at Crystal Lake. The 2009 film was originally conceived as an origin story, but the project evolved into a", "\"Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives\"\nthe novelization features an appearance by Elias Voorhees, Jason's father who was originally meant to appear in the film, but was cut. The book also includes various flashbacks to Jason's childhood and the backstories of characters such as Tommy and Sheriff Garris are also expanded. Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (also known on screen as Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI) is a 1986 American supernatural slasher film and the sixth installment in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film series. It was written and directed by Tom McLoughlin. Although the original", "\"Aaron Yoo\"\nAaron Yoo Aaron Yoo (born May 12, 1979) is an American actor. He is best known for appearing in the movies \"\"Disturbia\"\" (2007), \"\"21\"\" (2008) and \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" (2009) as well as playing Russell Kwon in the sci-fi show \"\"The Tomorrow People\"\" (2013–14). He starred in the 2007 films \"\"Disturbia\"\" and \"\"American Pastime\"\", the 2008 film \"\"21\"\" (with Jim Sturgess), \"\"Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist\"\", \"\"The Wackness\"\", and \"\"Labor Pains\"\", and had a role in the 2009 version of \"\"Friday the 13th\"\". Yoo had his appendix removed shortly before filming of \"\"Friday the 13\"\" began, and could not film", "\"3D television\"\n1980s to make 3D movies more mainstream with the releases of \"\"Friday the 13th Part III\"\" (1982) and \"\"Jaws 3-D\"\" (1983). 3D showings became more popular throughout the 2000s, culminating in the success of 3D presentations of \"\"Avatar\"\" in December 2009 and January 2010. Though 3D movies were generally well received by the public, 3D television did not become popular until after the CES 2010 trade show, when major manufacturers began selling a full lineup of 3D televisions. According to DisplaySearch, 3D television shipments totaled 41.45 million units in 2012, compared with 24.14 in 2011 and 2.26 in 2010. In", "\"Friday the 13th: A New Beginning\"\n13th: The Ultimate Collection\"\" features only the first eight films of the franchise. Friday the 13th: A New Beginning Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (also known as Friday the 13th: Part V) is a 1985 American slasher film directed by Danny Steinmann, and starring Melanie Kinnaman, John Shepherd, and Shavar Ross. It is the fifth installment in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" film series, after \"\"\"\" (1984). Narratively, \"\"A New Beginning\"\" departs from the Camp Crystal Lake setting and Jason Voorhees-themed mystery of the previous four installments and instead acts as a psychological horror film set at a fictional halfway", "\"Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan\"\nmillion. At the time, it was the most expensive film produced in the series. The film's musical score was composed by Fred Mollin, who worked with longtime \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" series composer Harry Manfredini on the previous installment. \"\"Jason Takes Manhattan\"\" was the first film in the series not to feature Manfredini credited on the score. On September 27, 2005, BSX records released a limited edition CD of Fred Mollin's \"\"Friday the 13th Part VII\"\" and \"\"VIII\"\" scores. The song \"\"The Darkest Side of the Night\"\" performed by Metropolis plays over the opening and ending credits to the film. Rob", "\"Stuart Charno\"\nreceived story credits on three episodes of \"\"\"\" (\"\"\"\", \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\"). Charno played a rare \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" character who is a counsellor and not a hero to have survived. In \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" his character, Ted, visits a bar in town and gets so drunk he spends the night in a motel, thus evading the murder spree. Stuart Charno Stuart Charno (born September 29, 1956) is an American actor. He has been a stand-up comic and has starred in film and on television. His first role was in the 1981 horror film \"\"Friday the 13th Part", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\nwriters also wanted to distance themselves from self-referential slasher films such as \"\"Scream\"\" and to give the film a gritty, more 1980s feel that had been lost in recent films. They wanted to create a quick, loose Jason. The writing team decided to create a version of Jason \"\"who was actually in the woods surviving off the land\"\", and whose killings are presented as a way of defending his territory rather than randomly murdering whoever came along. The writers did not want to spend a lot of time covering Jason's childhood experiences, which they felt would remove the sense of", "\"Ginny (Friday the 13th)\"\nGinny (Friday the 13th) Ginny Field is a fictional character in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" franchise, portrayed by Amy Steel. Introduced in Steve Miner's sequel \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" in 1981, Ginny is an aspiring child psychologist who is hired as an assistant to Paul Holt at the Packanack Lodge, a site Paul plans to transform into a counselor training center which is located near the infamous Camp Crystal Lake. Ginny, who believes that the legend of Jason Voorhees is more than a myth, soon encounters the vengeful killer and realizes that she must delve into his psyche if", "\"Ginny (Friday the 13th)\"\nof her time period who, at the same time, has the guts and resolve to face off against Jason (sans hockey mask, which he didn’t get until the third film) and come out on top.\"\" Ginny (Friday the 13th) Ginny Field is a fictional character in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" franchise, portrayed by Amy Steel. Introduced in Steve Miner's sequel \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" in 1981, Ginny is an aspiring child psychologist who is hired as an assistant to Paul Holt at the Packanack Lodge, a site Paul plans to transform into a counselor training center which is located", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\ngreat, but there were things I wanted to change a bit. Make it custom, but keep all the fundamental designs. Especially the markings on the forehead and cheeks. Age them down a bit. Break them up.\"\" Form and Fuller recognized the iconic status of the music used in the first four \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" films. For their 2009 film, they immediately had the studio attain the licensing rights to the music, which was composed and originally performed by Harry Manfredini. They did not plan to use the score in its entirety, but they used Steve Jablonsky to compose a score", "\"Friday the 13th (franchise)\"\ninto novels, and his adaptation of the original \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" was published in 1987, with novelizations of \"\"Part 2\"\" and \"\"3\"\" both being published in 1988. Hawke's first adaptation, \"\"Jason Lives\"\", introduced the character of Elias Voorhees, Jason's father, who was supposed to appear in the film before being cut by the studio. The book explains how Elias has Jason's body buried, instead of the planned cremation, after his death in \"\"The Final Chapter\"\". In 1994, four young adult novels were released under the title of \"\"Friday the 13th\"\". These stories focused on different people finding Jason's mask and", "\"Friday the 13th (2009 film)\"\nre-imagining of the first four \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" films. The character Jason Voorhees was redesigned as a lean, quick killer with a backstory that allows the viewer to feel a little sympathy for him, but not enough that he would lose his menace. In keeping with the tone of the film, Jason's mask was recreated from a mold of the original mask used for \"\"Part III\"\"; though there were subtle changes. \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" includes some of Harry Manfredini's musical score from the previous \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" films because the producers recognized its iconic status. \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" was released", "\"Alice (Friday the 13th)\"\nAlice (Friday the 13th) Alice Hardy is a fictional character in the \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" series, created by Victor Miller. She first appears in Sean S. Cunningham's \"\"Friday the 13th\"\" as a camp counselor, with a brief appearance in Steve Miner's 1981 sequel \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\". Alice is portrayed by Adrienne King in both films. The character has a supporting role in the comic book series and a main role in the novels. The character went through different drafts during the early stages of the screenplay, eventually moving to a more sympathetic role for the original film. Her" ]
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when did honolulu become the capital of hawaii
[ "1845" ]
[ "Hawaii\ntrack remain; preservationists occasionally run trains over a portion of this line. The Honolulu High-Capacity Transit Corridor Project aims to add elevated passenger rail on Oahu to relieve highway congestion. The movement of the Hawaiian royal family from Hawaii Island to Maui, and subsequently to Oahu, explains the modern-day distribution of population centers. Kamehameha III chose the largest city, Honolulu, as his capital because of its natural harbor—the present-day Honolulu Harbor. Now the state capital, Honolulu is located along the southeast coast of Oahu. The previous capital was Lahaina, Maui, and before that Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Some major towns are Hilo;", "\"Honolulu County, Hawaii\"\nHonolulu County, Hawaii Honolulu County (officially known as the City and County of Honolulu, formerly Oahu County) is a consolidated city–county in the U.S. state of Hawaii. The city–county includes both the city of Honolulu (the state's capital and largest city) and the rest of the island of Oahu, as well as several minor outlying islands, including all of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (islands beyond Niihau) except Midway Atoll. The consolidated city-county was established in the city charter adopted in 1907 and accepted by the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii. As a municipal corporation and jurisdiction it manages aspects", "\"Honolulu Hale\"\nHonolulu Hale Honolulu Hale (originally called the Honolulu Municipal Building), located on 530 South King Street in downtown Honolulu in the City & County of Honolulu, Hawaii, is the official seat of government of the city and county, site of the chambers of the Mayor of Honolulu and the Honolulu City Council. In the Hawaiian language, \"\"hale\"\" (pronounced HAH-leh) means house or building. \"\"Honolulu Hale\"\" means \"\"Honolulu House\"\" (although the Hawaiian language word order would be \"\"Hale Honolulu\"\"). In 1978, it was listed as a contributing property to the Hawaii Capital Historic District, which is listed on the National Register", "\"Ken Wilson (sportscaster)\"\nwhere he did play-by-play of football, basketball, hockey and baseball. Wilson then attended graduate school at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, Hawaii. While attending graduate school, Wilson worked as a disc jockey at KKUA in Honolulu. He landed a play-by-play position with the AAA Hawaii Islanders in 1970, working with Al Michaels. During a seven-year stretch living in Hawaii (1970-1976), he not only did play-by-play for the Islanders, but became sports director of the NBC affiliate in Honolulu, called University of Hawaii basketball games on radio and TV, and did play-by-play of high school football and basketball on radio.", "\"Hawaii State Legislature\"\njudicial or legislative branches). The state legislature does not have the power to override such a veto. The Hawaii State Legislature was moved to the Hawaii State Capitol in the Capital District near downtown Honolulu on March 15, 1969. The legislature moved temporarily to adjacent Capital District facilities when the Capitol was closed for four years in the 1990s for asbestos removal. The legislature moved back to the Capitol for the 1996 session. Prior to Governor John A. Burns's decision to build the new Capitol building, the Hawaii State Legislature met at Iolani Palace. Hawaii State Legislature The Hawaii State", "Honolulu\n2016. The national average was 8.7 percent in 2016. Honolulu averaged 1.4 cars per household in 2016, compared to a national average of 1.8. Honolulu currently has 29 sister cities: Domestic International Honolulu Honolulu (; ) is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Hawaii. It is an unincorporated part of and the county seat of the City and County of Honolulu along the southeast coast of the island of Oahu. The city is the main gateway to Hawaii and a major portal into the United States. The city is also a major hub for international business,", "\"Hawaii News Now\"\nand valuable local, national and international programming to viewers in Hawaii.\"\" Further controversy over the SSA grew after a November 7, 2009 report in the \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\" revealed that Raycom would pay MCG Capital Corporation $22 million (according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission) – which, in effect, would constitute a sale of KGMB from MCG Capital to Raycom. Both companies did not mention any monetary exchanges during its August SSA announcement, only \"\"assets.\"\" The FCC, in response to Media Council Hawaii's filing of an objection over the SSA, asked Raycom for detailed, unredacted agreements in relation", "Honolulu\nHonolulu Honolulu (; ) is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Hawaii. It is an unincorporated part of and the county seat of the City and County of Honolulu along the southeast coast of the island of Oahu. The city is the main gateway to Hawaii and a major portal into the United States. The city is also a major hub for international business, military defense, as well as famously being host to a diverse variety of east-west and Pacific culture, cuisine, and traditions. Honolulu is the most remote city of its size in the world", "\"Shirley Russell (artist)\"\nexhibitions at the Honolulu Museum of Art, and taught art at the University of Hawaii and the Honolulu Museum of Art. She launched many young artists on their careers when they were her students at McKinley High School, including Satoru Abe (1926-) and John Chin Young (1909–1997). Although she painted in representational style herself, she was a staunch supporter of abstract art, and did some abstract work herself throughout her career. She continued to paint almost daily until her death in Honolulu in 1985, at the age of 98. The Hawaii State Art Museum, Honolulu Museum of Art, Isaacs Art", "\"Honolulu (magazine)\"\nHonolulu (magazine) Honolulu is a city magazine covering Honolulu and the Hawaii region. It dates back to 1888 when it was called \"\"Paradise of the Pacific.\"\" It is the oldest magazine in the state of Hawaii and is the longest published magazine west of the Mississippi. \"\"Honolulu\"\" is a member of the City and Regional Magazine Association (CRMA). In 1888, when Hawaii was still a monarchy, King Kalākaua commissioned a magazine under royal charter to be Hawaii's ambassador to the world. That magazine was \"\"Paradise of the Pacific\"\". For nearly a century, \"\"Paradise of the Pacific\"\" promoted local business and", "\"YWCA Building (Honolulu, Hawaii)\"\nYWCA Building (Honolulu, Hawaii) The YWCA Building at 1040 Richards Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, popularly called the Richards Street Y, is now officially named Laniākea, which means 'open skies' or 'wide horizons' in the Hawaiian language. It was designed by San Francisco architect Julia Morgan, who considered it one of her favorites. It opened in 1927 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1978 as a contributing property within the Hawaii Capital Historic District. Julia Morgan, the first female graduate of the École des Beaux Arts in Paris, was also overseeing the restoration of Hearst Castle in", "\"U.S. national banks of Hawaii\"\nJuly 6, 1929. On November 3, 1933 the bank’s title was changed to the Bishop National Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu. On April 15, 1960 the title dropped “Honolulu” becoming The First National Bank of Hawaii. Finally, on January 2, 1969 the bank gave up its converted from a national to a state bank with the title The First Bank of Hawaii. During the course of its charter as a U.S. national bank, the First National Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu (first title) issued 977,832 large size banknotes (1900–28), the Bishop First National Bank at Honolulu (second title) issued 696,672", "Honolulu\nlate 19th century and early 20th century, such as the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893, Hawaii's subsequent annexation by the United States in 1898, followed by a large fire in 1900, and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, Honolulu remained the capital, largest city, and main airport and seaport of the Hawaiian Islands. An economic and tourism boom following statehood brought rapid economic growth to Honolulu and Hawaii. Modern air travel brings, , 7.6 million visitors annually to the islands, with 62.3% entering at Honolulu International Airport. Today, Honolulu is a modern city with numerous high-rise", "\"Kauikeaouli Hale\"\nKauikeaouli Hale Kauikeaouli Hale is a district courthouse for the Island of Oahu in Hawaii. It is located at 1111 Alakea Street between downtown Honolulu Hawaii and the Hawaii Capital Historic District at . Its lower floors house the courts of the first circuit, covering the City and County of Honolulu, and upper floors have offices of some support departments of the Hawaii Supreme Court. It is adjacent to the Hawaii State Art Museum. In the Hawaiian language, \"\"hale\"\" means \"\"house\"\" and Kauikeaouli was the birth name of the Kingdom of Hawaii’s King Kamehameha III (1813–1854). The art displayed at", "\"Kauikeaouli Hale\"\nKauikeaouli Hale includes: Kauikeaouli Hale Kauikeaouli Hale is a district courthouse for the Island of Oahu in Hawaii. It is located at 1111 Alakea Street between downtown Honolulu Hawaii and the Hawaii Capital Historic District at . Its lower floors house the courts of the first circuit, covering the City and County of Honolulu, and upper floors have offices of some support departments of the Hawaii Supreme Court. It is adjacent to the Hawaii State Art Museum. In the Hawaiian language, \"\"hale\"\" means \"\"house\"\" and Kauikeaouli was the birth name of the Kingdom of Hawaii’s King Kamehameha III (1813–1854). The", "\"Kailua, Hawaii County, Hawaii\"\nin the adjacent Kalaoa CDP. Kailua-Kona was the closest major settlement to the epicenter of the 2006 Kiholo Bay earthquake. The community was established by King Kamehameha I to be his seat of government when he was chief of Kona before he consolidated rule of the archipelago in 1795. It was later designated as the capital of the newly unified Kingdom of Hawaii. The capital was later moved to Lāhainā, and then to Honolulu. Royal fishponds at Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park were the hub of unified Hawaiian culture. The town later functioned as a retreat of the Hawaiian royal family.", "\"Honolulu (magazine)\"\ncontest, though the last contest took place in 2006. As of 2017, \"\"Honolulu\"\"'s owner, Duane Kurisu, who bought the magazines in 2001, also serves on the board of directors of Oahu Publications Inc. Honolulu (magazine) Honolulu is a city magazine covering Honolulu and the Hawaii region. It dates back to 1888 when it was called \"\"Paradise of the Pacific.\"\" It is the oldest magazine in the state of Hawaii and is the longest published magazine west of the Mississippi. \"\"Honolulu\"\" is a member of the City and Regional Magazine Association (CRMA). In 1888, when Hawaii was still a monarchy, King", "\"Wallace Rider Farrington\"\nWallace Rider Farrington Wallace Rider Farrington (May 3, 1871 – October 6, 1933) was the sixth Territorial Governor of Hawaii, serving from 1921 to 1929. Prior to his term, he was editor of \"\"The Honolulu Advertiser\"\" and \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\" newspapers. Farrington was born in Orono, Penobscot County, Maine on May 3, 1871. He graduated the University of Maine in 1891. An avid traveler, he found himself in Honolulu, Hawaii and was persuaded to stay to become the editor of the \"\"Honolulu Advertiser\"\". He left the newspaper after three years of service to become the editor of the \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\". Interested", "\"Honolulu Police Department\"\ndecided to film in Hawaii instead (having McCabe quit as DA for Los Angeles to become the Prosecuting Attorney in Honolulu), so the entire cast (including the show's mascot, a bulldog named Max) was sent to Honolulu. After two seasons in Hawaii, the series returned to L.A. In August 2004, NBC introduced the police series \"\"Hawaii\"\". The show featured an elite Honolulu Police Department detective squad charged with fighting the most notorious of Hawaii mob criminals. Starring in the show were Michael Biehn from \"\"The Terminator\"\" as Sean Harrison, Sharif Atkins from \"\"ER\"\" as John Declan, Ivan Sergei from \"\"Crossing", "KGU-FM\nKGU-FM KGU-FM is a Christian Talk formatted station based in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Salem Communications outlet broadcasts at 99.5 MHz with an ERP of 100 kW. Its studios are in Honolulu's Kalihi district, and its transmitter is near Akupu, Hawaii. The station signed on the air in 1992 as KORL, offering a Japanese tourist information format until 1999, when it made its first foray into Hawaiian AC. In 2002 it added the moniker \"\"The Breeze\"\" and changed call letters to KHUI. In 2003 KHUI would become the first station in the United States to bring the Variety Hits format when", "\"Hawaii Capital Historic District\"\nHawaii Capital Historic District The Hawaii Capital Historic District in Honolulu, Hawaii, has been the center of government of Hawaii since 1845. With the grounds of Iolani Palace and the Hawaii State Capitol at its core, the historic district reaches inland across Beretania Street to include the buildings and grounds of Washington Place and St. Andrew's Cathedral; crosses Richards Street to include the former Armed Services YMCA Building, YWCA Building, and Hawaiian Electric Company Building; crosses Queen Street on the seaward side to include State Tax Office Building; and reaches across Punchbowl Street to include the buildings and grounds of", "\"Hawaii Capital Historic District\"\nHawaii Capital Historic District The Hawaii Capital Historic District in Honolulu, Hawaii, has been the center of government of Hawaii since 1845. With the grounds of Iolani Palace and the Hawaii State Capitol at its core, the historic district reaches inland across Beretania Street to include the buildings and grounds of Washington Place and St. Andrew's Cathedral; crosses Richards Street to include the former Armed Services YMCA Building, YWCA Building, and Hawaiian Electric Company Building; crosses Queen Street on the seaward side to include State Tax Office Building; and reaches across Punchbowl Street to include the buildings and grounds of", "\"Tourism in Hawaii\"\nspending $14.7 billion. The amount increased to 9.4 million visitors spending over $16 billion in 2017. As Hawaii changed from a Kingdom to a Territory to a State, so too did the dominant industries change. Being a primarily agricultural land, producing around 80 percent of the world's pineapples in the 1960s, the addition of Pan Am’s flight route to Hawaii rapidly increased the number of visitors going to the islands. The years following statehood led to more than double the number of passengers arriving at Honolulu airport. As this trend continues to increase, Hawaii's economy has become heavily dependent on", "\"Territory of Hawaii\"\njoined their community. By 1898, most of Hawaii's population was made up of plantation workers from China, Japan, the Philippines and Portugal. Their plantation experiences molded Hawaii to become a plantation culture. The Hawaiian Pidgin language was developed on the plantations so they all could understand each other. Buddhism and Shintoism grew to become large religions. Catholicism became Hawaii's largest Christian denomination. Race relations in Hawaii took to the national spotlight on September 12, 1931 when Thalia Massie, a United States Navy officer's wife, got drunk and alleged that she was beaten and raped. That same night, the Honolulu Police", "\"Mayor of Honolulu\"\nfrom Honolulu Hale, the historic city hall building of Honolulu constructed in 1928 in classical Spanish villa architectural styles. The building is located at the northeast corner of King and Punchbowl streets in the Hawaii Capital Historic District near downtown Honolulu. Other administrative officers under the mayor of Honolulu work from separate municipal buildings on the larger civic campus of which Honolulu Hale is a part. From the courtyard of Honolulu Hale, the mayor of Honolulu is mandated by the City and County charters to make an annual \"\"State of the City\"\" address. In this speech, the mayor of Honolulu", "\"Attorney General of Hawaii\"\nIge on March 14, 2018. The Attorney General presides over an executive department administered from 425 Queen Street in the state capital of Honolulu, in a historic district that includes Aliʻiōlani Hale, Hawaii State Capitol, Honolulu Hale, ʻIolani Palace, Kamehameha Statue, Kawaiahaʻo Church, Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace, St. Andrew's Cathedral, Territorial Building and Washington Place. The department also has relative offices elsewhere. The department oversees various public services. These include administering the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center, running the Missing Child Center, Child Support Enforcement Agency, Hawaii Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Hawaii Internet and Technology Crimes", "\"Steere Noda\"\nathletes from the mainland United States, Japan, and the Philippines. Noda served as member of Territorial House of Representatives from 1948 to 1958 and was a delegate to the 1950 Hawaii State Constitutional Convention. His time in the House of Representatives ended when he entered the Hawaii State Senate in 1959. During his time in office he focused on helping the working class, and helped to end the 1949 dock strike. Throughout his life Noda did community service for the Boy Scouts and the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, and started the Honolulu chapter of the JACL. Noda died on", "\"Lahaina, Hawaii\"\neven the shelling of Lahaina by the British whaler in 1827. In response, Maui Governor Hoapili built the Old Lahaina Fort in 1831 to protect the town from riotous sailors. Lahaina was the capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii from 1820 to 1845, when the capital was moved back to Honolulu. In the 19th century, Lahaina was the center of the global whaling industry, with many sailing ships anchoring at its waterfront; today pleasure craft make their home there. Lahaina's Front Street has been ranked one of the \"\"Top Ten Greatest Streets\"\" by the American Planning Association. Lahaina is located", "Kakaako\non the roof. Kakaako Kakaako is a commercial and retail district of Honolulu, Hawaii between Ala Moana near Waikīkī to the east and downtown Honolulu and Honolulu Harbor to the west. Kakaako is situated along the southern shores of the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Kakaako was once a thriving Native Hawaiian community with agricultural terraces where Hawaiian royalty once lived. Kamehameha I had a residence with his family and personal kahuna and chief adviser Hewahewa. Hawaiians used the region for fishpond farming, salt making, wetland agriculture and human burials, according to Cultural Surveys Hawaii, which did several reports on the", "Kakaako\nKakaako Kakaako is a commercial and retail district of Honolulu, Hawaii between Ala Moana near Waikīkī to the east and downtown Honolulu and Honolulu Harbor to the west. Kakaako is situated along the southern shores of the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Kakaako was once a thriving Native Hawaiian community with agricultural terraces where Hawaiian royalty once lived. Kamehameha I had a residence with his family and personal kahuna and chief adviser Hewahewa. Hawaiians used the region for fishpond farming, salt making, wetland agriculture and human burials, according to Cultural Surveys Hawaii, which did several reports on the area. Through recent", "\"Poi Bowl\"\none game on January 8, 1945 between a Navy team and an Army Air Force team. By that time, the Poi Bowl of the 1930s had already become the Pineapple Bowl. The Navy team won the game, 14–0. Poi Bowl The Poi Bowl is a now-defunct college football bowl game played in Honolulu, Hawaii at Honolulu Stadium. Played in early January from 1936 to 1939, the Poi Bowl was renamed the Pineapple Bowl in 1940. The University of Hawaii at Manoa invited teams from the Pacific Coast Conference to participate in the Poi Bowl every year except for 1937, when", "\"National Guard of Hawaii\"\nmade up of members of the Honolulu Rifles, commanded by Hugh Gunn; and C Company made up of ethnic Portuguese volunteers, commanded by Joseph M. Camara. The regulars were D company made up, like B Company, from the Honolulu Rifles, commanded by John Good. The military was active under the Provisional Government of Hawaii where they were activated in the Leprosy War in 1893 and the Republic of Hawaii and were again activated during the 1895 Counter-Revolution in Hawaii in 1895. After Hawaii was annexed becoming the Territory of Hawaii in 1898 the companies entered the Army National Guard system", "\"Paul Neumann (Attorney General)\"\nover for the much younger William Stanley. After the islands were annexed to the United States in 1898, he became more resigned to the situation, and applied to be the first attorney from Hawaii to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States. He did think the Crown Lands of Hawaii had been seized illegally, a case that is still controversial. Although he had no government position, he was accepted in society enough to become toastmaster of the local Masonic Lodge, and president of the Hawaii Bar Association. He represented many of the Chinese victims of the Great Honolulu", "\"1996 Honolulu hostage crisis\"\n1996 Honolulu hostage crisis The 1996 Honolulu hostage crisis occurred on February 6, 1996, in Sand Island, Honolulu, Hawaii, when 28-year-old John Miranda took hostages at the Seal Masters of Hawaii building, his former place of employment. During the hostage crisis, two hostages were injured, one seriously. Miranda was the only fatality during the crisis itself. However, a few weeks after the event, he was found to have murdered his former girlfriend prior to the crisis. The incident began just before 7:00 a.m. on February 6, 1996, when 28-year-old John Nahale Miranda burst into the Seal Masters of Hawaii building.", "\"Chinn Ho\"\nthe \"\"Capital Investment Company\"\" with $200,000. Three years later, he bought $1.2 million of stock in the Waianae Sugar Company, the first time an Asian had executed such a large purchase. In 1959, he bought the Ilikai, Hawaii’s biggest condominium-apartment project, and transformed it to Hawaii’s first high-rise luxury resort when it opened in 1964. The building is featured in the balcony scene during the opening credits of the TV show \"\"Hawaii Five-O\"\". (One of the fictional detectives in the series was named Chin Ho Kelly). He was the head of the Honolulu Stock Exchange, the first Asian president of", "\"Patrick Kenji Takahashi\"\nPatrick Kenji Takahashi Patrick Kenji Takahashi (born September 6, 1940 in Honolulu, Hawaii) is an American biochemical engineer and popular science writer. He has published more than a hundred scientific papers and written four books. He is Director Emeritus of the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute at the University of Hawaii. Takahashi was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on September 6, 1940, the son of Doris and Stanley Takahashi. He attended public schools in Honolulu and in 1962 obtained a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from Stanford University. He went on to work for the sugar industry in Hawaii until 1968, when", "KHNL\nKHNL KHNL, virtual channel 13 (UHF digital channel 35), is an NBC-affiliated television station licensed to Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. The station is owned by Raycom Media, as part of a duopoly with CBS affiliate KGMB (channel 5); Raycom also operates MyNetworkTV affiliate KFVE (channel 9) under a shared services agreement with owner MCG Capital Corporation. The three stations share studios on Waiakamilo Road in downtown Honolulu; KHNL's transmitter is located in Akupu, Hawaii. On cable, the station is carried on Oceanic Spectrum channel 8 and Hawaiian Telcom channel 13. As with other major television stations in Hawaii, KHNL operates", "\"Hawaii Theatre\"\nTheatre is the last surviving, operating historic theatre in Honolulu. Guided tours of the theatre are regularly offered. Hawaii Theatre The Hawaii Theatre is a historic 1922 theatre in downtown Honolulu, Hawaii, located at 1130 Bethel Street, between Hotel and Pauahi Streets, on the edge of Chinatown. It is listed on the State and National Register of Historic Places. When Consolidated Amusement Company opened the Hawaii Theatre on September 6, 1922, local newspapers called it \"\"The Pride of the Pacific\"\" and considered it the equal in opulence to any theatre in San Francisco or beyond. When it opened, it was", "\"Roy King\"\nthere he did many small works, became popular in the local exhibits and active in the Honolulu of Artists' Association. 1942–1953 – Taught figure drawing and sculpture at the University of Hawaii, Extension Division. 1949 – Roy was chosen to be President of the Honolulu Artists’ Association. 1941–1946 and 1950–1971 – Civil Engineer – With the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 Hawaiian residents had to have essential jobs. Roy worked his way up to becoming a Senior Civil Engineer with the Navy. He left in 1946, but returned in 1950 to Pearl Harbor as an Administrative Construction Engineer, and", "\"Saint Louis School\"\n(WASC). It offers three distinct curricula. Saint Louis School plays competitively in the Interscholastic League of Honolulu (ILH) and the Hawai'i High School Athletic Association (HHSAA). Sometimes it fields members in the Pac-5, an alliance of Honolulu-area private academies. As the state has no professional sports teams, high school teams in Hawaii are extremely popular with the public. Several generations of Hawaiian residents have become avid fans of Saint Louis School athletics, especially its football team. The \"\"Honolulu Advertiser\"\" and \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\" newspapers have nicknamed Saint Louis School's team as \"\"Hawaii's Team;\"\" it has played in invitational tournaments throughout the", "\"Honolulu County, Hawaii\"\nUniversity, Hawaii Pacific University, and Remington College (Honolulu Campus) in the Honolulu CDP and Brigham Young University–Hawaii in Laie CDP. Hawaii Department of Education operates public schools in Honolulu. Hawaii State Public Library System operates public libraries. The Hawaii State Library in the Honolulu CDP serves as the main library of the system, while the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, also in the CDP, serves handicapped and blind people. In addition the system operates 22 branch libraries throughout the county. Established in 1900, the Honolulu Symphony is the oldest US symphony orchestra west of the Rocky Mountains. Other", "\"Hawaii State Legislature\"\nHawaii State Legislature The Hawaii State Legislature is the state legislature of the U.S. state of Hawaii. The state legislature is a bicameral body consisting of a lower house, the Hawaii State House of Representatives, with 51 representatives, and an upper house, the 25-member Hawaii State Senate. There are a total of 76 representatives in the legislature, each representing single member districts across the islands. The powers of the legislature are granted under Article III of the Constitution of Hawaii. The legislature convenes at the Hawaii State Capitol building in the state capital of Honolulu, on the island of Oahu.", "\"East Honolulu, Hawaii\"\non the island of Oahu. It consists of mostly upscale neighborhoods. East Honolulu, Hawaii East Honolulu is a census-designated place (CDP) located in Honolulu County, Hawaii, United States. As of the 2010 Census, the CDP had a population of 49,914, making it the 2nd most populated CDP in Hawaii, behind Honolulu. East Honolulu is centered on (21.2891, -157.7173). According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of , of which is land and , or 33.22%, is water. East Honolulu consists of the area directly east of the center of Honolulu, beginning at the Wai'alae", "\"East Honolulu, Hawaii\"\nEast Honolulu, Hawaii East Honolulu is a census-designated place (CDP) located in Honolulu County, Hawaii, United States. As of the 2010 Census, the CDP had a population of 49,914, making it the 2nd most populated CDP in Hawaii, behind Honolulu. East Honolulu is centered on (21.2891, -157.7173). According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of , of which is land and , or 33.22%, is water. East Honolulu consists of the area directly east of the center of Honolulu, beginning at the Wai'alae Country Club and extending east to Makapu'u Point, the easternmost point", "\"Samuel B. Kemp\"\nserving in that capacity until 1916, when he moved to Honolulu to become assistant United States Attorney. Kemp was appointed to the First Circuit court of Hawaii on March 20, 1917, by President Woodrow Wilson. On March 7, 1918, Wilson elevated Kemp to serve as an associate justice of the Territorial Supreme Court. Kemp retired from the court on April 17, 1922, when Kemp \"\"retired to private practice in partnership with S. C. Huber, former United States attorney for Hawaii\"\", also serving as president and director of the Hawaii Lumber Co., Ltd. Kemp returned to public service in the 1930s,", "\"Aviation in Hawaii\"\nwith a Bellanca CH-300 Pacemaker. Go! Mokulele which is a joint venture between Mesa Airlines and Republic Airways Holdings also provides inter-island service. The General Aviation Council of Hawaii is headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii. All flight operations in Hawaii are conducted within FAA oversight. The Hawaii Air National Guard was activated in 1946. The Honolulu Police Department started air operations in 1970. It currently operates two MD520 NOTAR helicopters. Aviation in Hawaii Hawaii's first aeronautical event was on 2 March 1889, when Emil L. Melville hung from a trapeze in a balloon. Hawaii's first aircraft flight was on 31 December", "Honolulu\nin Polynesia. Evidence of the first settlement of Honolulu by the original Polynesian migrants to the archipelago comes from oral histories and artifacts. These indicate that there was a settlement where Honolulu now stands in the 11th century. However, after Kamehameha I conquered Oahu in the Battle of Nuuanu at Nuuanu Pali, he moved his royal court from the Island of Hawaii to Waikīkī in 1804. His court relocated in 1809 to what is now downtown Honolulu. The capital was moved back to Kailua-Kona in 1812. In 1794, Captain William Brown of Great Britain was the first foreigner to sail", "\"Hanalei Pier\"\nHanalei Pier Hanalei Pier is a pier built into Hanalei Bay on the northern shore of the island of Kauai in the state of Hawaii. The wetlands of Hanalei Bay were used to grow taro by ancient Hawaiians. By the 1860s, the shrinking population of native Hawaiians was being replaced by ethnic Chinese people when their contracts expired on sugarcane plantations in Hawaii, such as the one directly to the north in Princeville. The new crop was rice, which was shipped to Honolulu to become the second largest export crop of the islands. After the annexation of Hawaii to the", "\"Federal Detention Center, Honolulu\"\nfederal law; the Hawaii state prison system did not have enough capacity for these prisoners. The facility opened in 2001. The first 25 inmates to occupy the facility were scheduled to arrive at FDC Honolulu on July 31 of that year; previously they were held in facilities in the Mainland United States. The first five groups, each consisting of 25 inmates, were made up of inmates within their final two years of their federal prison sentences. FDC Honolulu relieved the Oahu Community Correctional Center, operated by the Hawaii Department of Public Safety. As of June 2001, the Oahu Community Correctional", "\"Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii\"\nJapanese Cultural Center of Hawaii The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii (JCCH) is a cultural center and history museum in Moiliili, Hawaii that focuses on the Japanese-American experience in Hawaii, especially internment. Plans to build the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii began in 1982, when the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce began planning to create a space where groups involved with Japanese culture could meet and practice their traditions. The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii opened on May 28, 1987 in Moiliili, a majority-Japanese neighborhood in Honolulu. By 1989, the fundraising committee had raised $7.5 million from the Keidanren and", "\"Washington Place\"\nto 1891. The house served in this role until 2002, when it was converted into a historic house museum. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on June 18, 1973, and was designated a National Historic Landmark on March 29, 2007. In 2008 a new Governor's residence was built behind the historic Washington Place, within its grounds, and continues to serve the same purpose. Washington Place Washington Place is a Greek Revival palace in the Hawaii Capital Historic District in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was where Queen Liliuokalani was arrested during the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Later", "\"Kirk Caldwell\"\nwas unable to run for council as he had not formally withdrawn from the election for the House of Representatives. On July 20, 2010, Caldwell assumed the position of interim mayor after Mufi Hannemann resigned to compete in the 2010 Hawaii gubernatorial election. Caldwell held the office of mayor until a special election was held to determine a permanent successor. Caldwell served as the acting mayor of Honolulu, Hawaii's capital and largest city, during the tsunami evacuation in the absence of Mayor Hannemann following the 2010 Chile earthquake. Caldwell lost to former Honolulu Prosecuting Attorney Peter Carlisle in the 2010", "KGMB\nRaycom Media president Paul McTear staunchly defended the SSA, stating it would \"\"preserve three stations that provide important and valuable local, national and international programming to viewers in Hawaii.\"\" Further controversy over the SSA grew after a November 7, 2009 report in the \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\" revealed that Raycom would pay MCG Capital Corporation $22 million (according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission) – which, in effect, would constitute a sale of KGMB from MCG Capital to Raycom. Both companies did not mention any monetary exchanges during its August SSA announcement, only \"\"assets.\"\" The FCC, in response to", "\"Poi Bowl\"\nPoi Bowl The Poi Bowl is a now-defunct college football bowl game played in Honolulu, Hawaii at Honolulu Stadium. Played in early January from 1936 to 1939, the Poi Bowl was renamed the Pineapple Bowl in 1940. The University of Hawaii at Manoa invited teams from the Pacific Coast Conference to participate in the Poi Bowl every year except for 1937, when they had to play the Honolulu All-Stars. The University of Hawaii website does not list their only victory as an official bowl game, but the College Football Data Warehouse website does. The Poi Bowl name was resurrected for", "Naihekukui\nNaihekukui Naihe-Kukui Kapihe (died 1825), known as \"\"Captain Jack\"\" or \"\"Jack the Pilot\"\" to visitors, served as Honolulu harbor master and admiral of the royal fleet in the early Kingdom of Hawaii. His daughter would become a Queen consort. He was royal harbor pilot at Honolulu during the time of Kamehameha I, and was the commander of native fleet of the Kingdom of Hawaii. He was known as \"\"Captain Jack\"\" by the non-Hawaiians visiting or living in Hawaii. His name was also sometimes spelled \"\"Naihi-kukui\"\" or \"\"Naihi tutui\"\". Other times he is mentioned having the name \"\"Kapihe\"\". He is recorded", "\"Downtown Honolulu\"\ncompanies and most of the skyscrapers. Buildings in this area include: Located between Nuuanu Stream and Nuuanu Avenue, Chinatown at one time was the center of Chinese cultural contact on the island. Central to this area is the open-air Oahu Market. The area around Nuuanu Avenue has become an Arts District, thanks to the renovation of the Hawaii Theatre. Buildings in this area include: Honolulu's waterfront area centers on Aloha Tower, which was once the tallest building in Hawaii and where cruise ships would dock before the advent of air travel between Hawaii and the U.S. Mainland. Recently, cruise ships", "\"Waimea River (Oahu, Hawaii)\"\nWaimea River (Oahu, Hawaii) The Waimea River is a river in Honolulu County on the island of Oahu in the U.S. state of Hawaii. The river's main channel is long (complete length is 64.4 miles including all tributaries), and has a watershed spanning 13.6 square miles. It is formed by the confluence of the Kamananui stream and the Kaiwikoele stream northeast of Haleiwa and flows northwest through the Waimea Valley to the Pacific Ocean at Waimea Bay. The name Waimea translates to \"\"red water.\"\" The mouth of the river has become famous for its waves that are created when residents", "\"Mayor of Honolulu\"\nMayor of Honolulu The Mayor of Honolulu is the chief executive officer of the City and County of Honolulu and considered the third most powerful official in the U.S. state of Hawaii, behind the Governor of Hawaii and the Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii. An office established in 1900 and modified in 1907, the mayor of Honolulu is elected by universal suffrage of residents of Honolulu to no more than two four-year terms. The mayor of Honolulu is one of only two officers elected countywide; the other is the prosecuting attorney. The Mayor of Honolulu is the successor of the Royal", "KGMB\nKGMB KGMB, virtual channel 5 (UHF digital channel 23), is a CBS-affiliated television station licensed to Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. The station is owned by Raycom Media, as part of a duopoly with NBC affiliate KHNL (channel 13); Raycom also operates MyNetworkTV affiliate KFVE (channel 9) under a shared services agreement with owner MCG Capital Corporation. The three stations share studios on Waiakamilo Road in Honolulu's Kapālama neighborhood; KGMB's transmitter is located in Akupu, Hawaii. On cable, the station is carried on Oceanic Spectrum channel 7 on Oahu and the Big Island, and channel 9 on Maui and Kauai. The", "\"Hawaii's 2nd congressional district\"\nHawaii's 2nd congressional district Hawaii's 2nd congressional district is a congressional district in the U.S. state of Hawaii. The district encompasses all rural and most suburban areas of Oahu/Honolulu County, as well as the entire state outside of Oahu. Besides Honolulu, the district includes the counties of Kauai, Maui, Kalawao and Hawaii (\"\"the Big Island\"\"). The district spans 331 miles. The most populous community entirely within the district is Hilo. Major segments of the economy include tourism, ranching and agriculture, especially pineapple and sugarcane cultivation. The district is represented by Democrat Tulsi Gabbard. When Hawaii and Alaska were admitted to", "\"Bertha Kawakami\"\ndied in Honolulu, Hawaii. Bertha Kawakami Bertha Bicenta Leinaala Ching Kawakami (July 28, 1931 – November 30, 2017) was an American politician and educator. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Kawakami received her bachelor's degree in education from University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1952 and her master's degree from New York University in 1962. Kawakami was a teacher and a school principal. She lived in Hanapepe, Hawaii. Kawakami was appointed to the Hawaii House of Representatives in March 1987 when her husband Richard Kawakami died while still in office. Kawakami served in the Hawaii Legislature until her retirement in 2006 and", "\"Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite\"\nAloha from Hawaii Via Satellite Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite is a concert that was headlined by Elvis Presley, and was broadcast live via satellite on January 14, 1973. The concert took place at the Honolulu International Center (HIC) in Honolulu (now known as the Neal S. Blaisdell Center) and aired in over 40 countries across Asia and Europe (who received the telecast the next day, also in primetime). Despite the satellite innovation, NBC did not broadcast an edited version of the concert in the United States until April 4, 1973 because the concert took place the same day as", "\"Media in Honolulu\"\nnot reachable, although Sirius XM programming could've been reached through other outlets via internet or through subscription from various phone providers. XM programming was featured on DIRECTV channels in Honolulu, but DIRECTV dropped the lineup in February 2010 in favor of Sonic Tap. That all changed in 2011, when Sirius XM received approval from the FCC to begin transmission to Hawaii and Alaska as it prepares to place a 1.8Kw transmitter in downtown Honolulu in anticipation for a future launch. Sirius XM had been trying to expand service into Hawaii since 2007 but had opposition from the Hawaii Association of", "\"Honolulu (magazine)\"\nAina Awards. Under Pelligrin in 1984, \"\"Honolulu\"\" established the awards as the islands’ first local restaurant awards. Before then, culinary awards in the Islands had only been given by mainland travel interests. In 2001, Duane Kurisu, the owner of PacificBasin Communications, acquired the magazine from the Honolulu Publishing Company. The company also publishes \"\"Hawaii Business\"\", \"\"Hawaii Home and Remodeling\"\", \"\"Hawaii\"\", \"\"Honolulu Family\"\", \"\"Lei Chic\"\", \"\"Whalers Village\"\" and \"\"Honolulu Shops Waikiki\"\". Since 2004, \"\"Honolulu\"\" has held a photo contest which asks people to submit photos they have taken of Hawaii throughout the previous year. \"\"Honolulu\"\" also has an annual statewide fiction", "\"Hawaii State Art Museum\"\nin Spanish mission style by Lincoln Rogers of the firm Emory & Webb. The new building was dedicated on March 16, 1928. The two-story U-shaped building includes a swimming pool in its courtyard. It is located at , 250 South Hotel Street, Honolulu, Hawaii. Across Richards Street is the Hawaii State Capitol building. The area was added to the National Register of Historic Places listings in Oahu as the Hawaii Capital Historic District on December 1, 1978. The Hawaii State Art Museum is operated by the Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, and is located on the second", "\"Volney V. Ashford\"\nIn 1884 his brother and future Attorney General of Hawaii, Clarence W. Ashford, invited him to visit Honolulu. After moving to Hawaii he joined the Honolulu Rifles, a militia. Ashford became responsible for the Rifles' growth from 100 men in 1886 to a battalion of three companies in 1887 and recognition as a paramilitary force. He rapidly moved up the ranks entering with his Canadian rank of Captain, he rose through Major and Lieutenant Colonel becoming Colonel in 1887, the highest rank and commander of the Rifles itself. Shortly after becoming Colonel, a group of conspirators within the Missionary Party", "\"Farewell to Manzanar\"\nto Honolulu, Hawaii and then to Idaho, running away with his wife and abandoning his family. Stubborn and proud, he did not cope well with his isolation: he drank and abused his family. Woody (Jeanne's brother) wants to preserve his family's honor by joining the U.S. Army. After joining (and fighting in the Pacific theater) he visits his father's Aunt Toyo, who gave his father money for the trip to Hawaii. After the visit, Woody feels a new pride in his ancestry. He becomes the man of the family, leading them early in their internment. On the morning of December", "\"1996 Honolulu hostage crisis\"\nmaking him appreciate everything that he has. 1996 Honolulu hostage crisis The 1996 Honolulu hostage crisis occurred on February 6, 1996, in Sand Island, Honolulu, Hawaii, when 28-year-old John Miranda took hostages at the Seal Masters of Hawaii building, his former place of employment. During the hostage crisis, two hostages were injured, one seriously. Miranda was the only fatality during the crisis itself. However, a few weeks after the event, he was found to have murdered his former girlfriend prior to the crisis. The incident began just before 7:00 a.m. on February 6, 1996, when 28-year-old John Nahale Miranda burst", "\"49th State Hawaii record company\"\nthe listening experience to be just like it was when these recordings were brand new- only better.\"\" 49th State Hawaii record company At the end of WWII 49th State Hawaii Record Company was founded by Honolulu, Hawaii record store owner George K. Ching. It was so named because many businessmen were anticipating Hawaii's eventual attainment of statehood, however no one realized then that Alaska would actually gain that distinction, and Hawaii would end up as the 50th State. Ching wanted to manufacture Hawaiian records to answer the demand for music in his downtown Honolulu record store. To guarantee authenticity in", "\"Honolulu Harbor\"\nHonolulu Harbor Honolulu Harbor, also called Kulolia and Ke Awa O Kou, is the principal seaport of Honolulu and the State of Hawaii in the United States. It is from Honolulu Harbor, that the City & County of Honolulu was developed and urbanized, in an outward fashion, over the course of the modern history of the island of Oahu. It includes Matson, Inc. harbors on Sand Island. Honolulu Harbor is administered by the Hawaii State Department of Transportation Harbors Division. Honolulu Harbor handles over 11 million tons of cargo annually. The services that the harbor provides are crucial as Hawaii", "\"2018 Hawaii false missile alert\"\na concrete bunker in the mountains by staff and told to shelter in place there. Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa later said her husband had been driving on a Honolulu-area freeway and saw cars speeding at up to after the alert was sent out. Many Hawaii residents and visitors sought shelter or rushed through emergency preparations where they were. Some discounted the alarm when they realized that they heard no sirens, and that they personally saw no immediate coverage on television or local radio. Others were in areas where sirens did go off; in addition, some television stations did broadcast the alert.", "\"Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite\"\ncited Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite is a concert that was headlined by Elvis Presley, and was broadcast live via satellite on January 14, 1973. The concert took place at the Honolulu International Center (HIC) in Honolulu (now known as the Neal S. Blaisdell Center) and aired in over 40 countries across Asia and Europe (who received the telecast the next day, also in primetime). Despite the satellite innovation, NBC did not broadcast an edited version of the concert in the United States until April 4, 1973 because the concert took place the same day", "\"Kamehameha Statue (Honolulu cast)\"\ntourist trade, have capitalized on the resulting popularity of the sculpture; its image has been used to decorate brochures, postcards, T-shirts, folk-art, etc., and small reproductions of the sculpture are popular souvenirs in many shops. The statue also features a prominent role in Kamehameha Day celebrations, the annual Hawaiian holiday celebrating the Kingdom of Hawaii’s first monarch. During the festivities, the statue is ceremoniously draped in long lei, meant to honor Kamehameha I and his accomplishments. Several additional casts and reproductions of Kamehameha I exist throughout Hawaii and the continental United States, including: Kamehameha Statue (Honolulu cast) The \"\"Kamehameha I\"\"", "\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\nthe \"\"Honolulu Advertiser\"\" that allowed the two papers to use the same printing facilities and sales personnel (the Hawaii Newspaper Agency) while maintaining separate fully competitive editorial staffs and providing Honolulu with two distinct editorial \"\"voices.\"\" Gannett Pacific Corporation, a subsidiary of Gannett Corporation, purchased the \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\" in 1971 under the terms of the existing joint operating agreement. The terms of the joint operating agreement did not allow one company to own both newspapers, so in 1992, Gannett sold the Honolulu Star-Bulletin to Liberty Newspapers so that it could purchase the \"\"Honolulu Advertiser.\"\" The \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin's\"\" circulation was allowed", "\"Honolulu County, Hawaii\"\nsporting events, especially football, are especially popular. Venues for spectator sports in Honolulu include: Honolulu's mild climate lends itself to year-round fitness activities as well. In 2004, \"\"Men's Fitness\"\" magazine named Honolulu the fittest city in the nation. Honolulu is home to three large road races: Honolulu County is home to numerous forms media including newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Honolulu County has sister city relationships with the following cities: 38. ^ Honolulu County, Hawaii Honolulu County (officially known as the City and County of Honolulu, formerly Oahu County) is a consolidated city–county in the U.S. state of Hawaii. The", "\"Takie Okumura\"\ntook over Okabe's ministry in 1895 when Okabe returned to Japan. One of the first things Okumura did after taking over Okabe's congregation in 1895 is start a Japanese kindergarten. His goal was to teach Japanese children living in Hawaii the Japanese language, because many spoke pidgin, English, or Hawaiian. He established the Honolulu Japanese Elementary school a year later in 1896. The school later expanded and was renamed the Hawaii Chuo Gakuin. The schools he founded were the first Japanese language schools in Hawaii. In 1896 Okumura founded the \"\"Okumura Boys and Girls Home\"\" after taking in a young", "\"2000 World Open Water Swimming Championships – Women's 10 km\"\n5K on Tuesday. \"\"When I saw the others go off course, I took my time and swam a better way.\"\" Key: DNS - Did not start, DNF - Did not finish, DQ = Disqualified 2000 World Open Water Swimming Championships – Women's 10 km The Women's 10 km Open Water event at the 2000 World Open Water Swimming Championships was held on November 2, 2000 in Honolulu. Edith van Dijk from Netherlands led the 10K event from start to finish in today's FINA World Open Water Swimming Championships on Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii and defeated Melissa Pasquali from Italy", "\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\nHonolulu Star-Bulletin The Honolulu Star-Bulletin was a daily newspaper based in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. At the time publication ceased on June 6, 2010, it was the second largest daily newspaper in the state of Hawaii (after the \"\"Honolulu Advertiser\"\"). The \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\", along with a sister publication called \"\"MidWeek\"\", was owned by Black Press of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and administered by a council of local Hawaii investors. The daily merged with the \"\"Advertiser\"\" on June 7, 2010, to form the \"\"Honolulu Star-Advertiser\"\", after Black Press's attempts to find a buyer fell through. The \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\" traces its roots", "KLHT\nThe station also airs live broadcasts of Calvary Chapel Honolulu's Sunday morning and evening services. KLHT KLHT (1040 AM and CP 91.5 FM) is a radio station in Honolulu, Hawaii with a Christian radio format. KLHT broadcasts with 10,000 watts while KLHT-FM station will operate with 100,000 watts when it signs on. (The Federal Communications Commission has granted KLHT a construction permit for a new FM station in Honolulu.) The station is owned and operated by Calvary Chapel Honolulu, its on-air branding is \"\"K-Light 1040 AM\"\" and its slogan is \"\"The Pure Light of Hawaii.\"\" KLHT first signed on the", "\"Hawaii Department of Public Safety\"\nHawaii Department of Public Safety The Hawaii Department of Public Safety is a department within the executive branch of the government of the U.S. state of Hawaii. It is headquartered in Room 400 in the 919 Ala Moana Boulevard building in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Department of Public Safety is made up of three divisions. The Administration Division provides support services that enable the corrections staff to fulfill their responsibilities. Some of these services include training and staff development, fiscal and personnel management, management of the operating budget and capital improvements program budget, procurement, and management information systems and research. The", "Hawaii\nAmerican and East Asian cultures, in addition to its indigenous Hawaiian culture. Hawaii has over a million permanent residents, along with many visitors and U.S. military personnel. Its capital is Honolulu on the island of Oahu. Hawaii is the 8th-smallest and the 11th-least populous, but the 13th-most densely populated of the 50 U.S. states. It is the only state with an Asian plurality. The state's oceanic coastline is about long, the fourth longest in the U.S. after the coastlines of Alaska, Florida, and California. The state of Hawaii derives its name from the name of its largest island, Hawaii. A", "\"Kingdom of Hawaii\"\nthe Guano Islands Act of 1856. The Stewart Islands, or Sikaiana Atoll, near the Solomon Islands, were ceded to Hawaii in 1856 by its residents, but the cession was never formalized by the Hawaiian government. Early in its history, the Kingdom of Hawaii was governed from several locations including coastal towns on the islands of Hawaii and Maui (Lāhainā). It wasn't until the reign of Kamehameha III that a capital was established in Honolulu on the Island of Oahu. By the time Kamehameha V was king, he saw the need to build a royal palace fitting of the Kingdom of", "\"Brigham Young University–Hawaii\"\nschool was governed as a satellite campus of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah until 2004, when it was announced that the school would report directly to the Commissioner of Church Education. In 2007, Steven C. Wheelwright was appointed the university's president. On May 12, 2015, Russell M. Nelson, chairman of the Executive Committee of the BYU-Hawaii Board of Trustees announced that effective July 27, 2015, John S. Tanner would succeed Wheelwright as president. Tanner becomes the university's 10th president. BYU-Hawaii is located in Laie on the north shore of Oahu, about north of Honolulu. The campus covers between the", "\"Honolulu Marathon\"\nHonolulu Marathon The Honolulu Marathon (branded JAL Honolulu Marathon for sponsorship reasons) is a major marathon in Honolulu, Hawaii. It is one of the world's largest marathons, taking place annually on the second Sunday in December. The marathon is popular for its exotic location in Hawaii, and is also popular among first-time marathoners, many of whom are visitors from Japan. The 2012 Honolulu Marathon was held on Sunday, December 9, 2012. The field for the 40th Honolulu Marathon reached 30,898 entries at the marathon expo at the Hawaii Convention Center. 16,067 of those registered entrants were from Japan. The 2012", "\"Frank Fasi\"\nHonolulu where he became an entrepreneur, opening his own contracting, building demolition and salvage company. In 1958, Fasi entered politics, winning his first race to represent his district in the senate of the Territory of Hawaii. His term was cut short when Hawaii achieved statehood and the territorial legislature was dissolved in 1959. After returning to his business, Fasi once again ran for office in 1965 winning a seat on the Honolulu City Council where he served as a councilman through 1968. By the late 1960s, Fasi had gained a colorful reputation. The Honolulu Advertiser and Honolulu Star-Bulletin newspapers were", "\"Media in Hawaii\"\nto 8:00 AM. The future of television broadcasts in Hawaii took a major turn down the road on August 18, 2009, when KGMB's owner, MGC Capital Corporation, and Raycom Media, owners of KHNL and KFVE, announced a shared services agreement under which Raycom merged the three stations' operations. KGMB relocated their operations to the building that houses the KHNL/KFVE operations, and the stations' news operations were consolidated under one umbrella. Non-news programming arrangements remained in place, though KGMB and KFVE would see their channel positions in Honolulu swapped—with KFVE and its programming moving to channel 9 (under MCG ownership) and", "\"2012 Honolulu mayoral election\"\nbut finished third in the primary and did not proceed to the runoff election. 2012 Honolulu mayoral election The 2012 Honolulu mayoral election was held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, to elect the Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu. Kirk Caldwell was elected mayor, beating opponent and former Hawaii governor Ben Cayetano. The position of Mayor of Honolulu is non-partisan. A non-partisan blanket primary was held on 11 August 2012. Because no candidate received an outright majority of the vote in the primary, the top two finishers, Ben Cayetano and Kirk Caldwell, advanced to the November general election", "\"Honolulu County, Hawaii\"\npartnered with the University of Hawaii and other universities worldwide. Established for appreciation and botany, Honolulu is home to several gardens: Foster Botanical Garden, Liliuokalani Botanical Garden, Walker Estate, among others. Currently, Honolulu has no professional sports teams. Honolulu's Aloha Stadium was a long time host of the NFL's annual Pro Bowl from 1980 to 2016. The NCAA's Hawaii Bowl is played at Aloha Stadium annually. Games are hosted at Les Murakami and Hans L'Orange Park. Fans of spectator sports in Honolulu generally support the football, volleyball, basketball, and baseball programs of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. High school", "\"Media in Hawaii\"\nMedia in Hawaii The state of Hawaii has the following popular media: The first newspaper was \"\"Ka Lama Hawaii\"\", printed by the students of Lorrin Andrews in 1834. Honolulu is served by one daily Newspaper, \"\"The Honolulu Star-Advertiser\"\", owned by Black Press of British Columbia in Canada. The \"\"Star-Advertiser\"\" began publishing on June 7, 2010 after Black Press merged Honolulu's two daily newspapers, \"\"The Honolulu Advertiser\"\" and the \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\". The \"\"Star-Bulletin\"\" was the primary competitor to the \"\"Advertiser\"\" until it scaled back statewide distribution. In 2010 Gannett Company sold the \"\"Advertiser\"\" to Black Press. The merger was due to", "\"Linda Lingle\"\nChoice. Barred from seeking a third term, Cayetano announced his retirement from political service in 2002. Having become even more popular among Hawaii residents, Lingle was nominated as the Republican candidate for the office of Governor of Hawaii. Her campaign was substantially aided when the popular favorite, Democratic Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu Jeremy Harris withdrew after allegations of campaign finance irregularities. Hawaii Democrats then nominated incumbent Lieutenant Governor Mazie Hirono; it was one of the few gubernatorial races in which both major candidates were women. Lingle ran on her \"\"Agenda for New Beginnings,\"\" a campaign platform", "Honolulu\nJapanese nationals. In addition Honolulu has other weekend programs for the Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish languages. Honolulu is served by one daily newspaper (the \"\"Honolulu Star-Advertiser\"\"), \"\"Honolulu Magazine\"\", several radio stations and television stations, among other media. Local news agency and CNN-affiliate Hawaii News Now broadcasts and is headquartered out of Honolulu. Honolulu and the island of Oahu has also been the location for many film and television projects, including \"\"Hawaii Five-0\"\" and \"\"Lost\"\". Located at the western end of the CDP, Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL) is the principal aviation gateway to the state of Hawaii. Kalaeloa Airport", "\"Honolulu Weekly\"\nHonolulu Weekly Honolulu Weekly was an alternative weekly newspaper published in Honolulu, Hawaii. Founded by Laurie V. Carlson, it began publishing in the summer of 1991, ostensibly to fill gaps in investigative reporting left by the two main dailies, \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\" and \"\"The Honolulu Advertiser\"\", which were under a joint operating agreement at the time, but creating new gaps in taste and perspective. In May 2005 the \"\"Weekly\"\" acquired the Kona-based \"\"Hawaii Island Journal\"\". The Hawaii Island Journal published its last issue on Friday, June 13, 2008. The Honolulu Weekly published its final issue on June 5, 2013 and ceased", "\"Honolulu County, Hawaii\"\nIn December 2012, a court order allowed the rail project to resume in all but the one of the two phases so more burial sites could be uncovered. Colleges and universities in Honolulu County include The University of Hawaii System, consisting of University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu Community College and Kapiolani Community College in the Honolulu CDP, Leeward Community College in Pearl City, University of Hawaii-West Oahu in Kapolei, and Windward Community College in Kaneohe. UH Manoa houses the main offices of the University of Hawaii System. New Hope Christian College The private institutions serving the county include Chaminade", "\"Liliʻuokalani\"\nnews of Kalākaua's death did not reach Hawaii until January 29 when the \"\"Charleston\"\" returned to Honolulu with the remains of the king. On January 29, 1891, in the presence of the cabinet ministers and the supreme court justices, Liliʻuokalani took the oath of office to uphold the constitution, and became the first and only queen of the Kingdom of Hawaii. The first few weeks of her reign were obscured by the funeral of her brother. After the end of the period of mourning, one of her first acts was to request the formal resignation of the holdover cabinet from", "\"Eastern Catholic Community in Hawaii\"\nChurch in Hawaii, the Greek Orthodox Church in Hawaii, and the American Orthodox Church in Hawaii. These communities are members of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Eastern Catholic Community in Hawaii The Eastern Catholic Community in Hawaii encompasses all Catholics of the Eastern Catholic Churches. It is based in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Ukrainian church is no longer at 5919 Kalanianaole Hwy., Honolulu, Hawaii. A physical location resides at 1300 Pali Hwy, Suite 204, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Please contact 808-781-1549 for information. Eastern Catholics from western Ukraine began arriving in 1897, as part of a wave of emigration from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.", "\"USCGC Blackhaw (WLB-390)\"\nfrom USS Kearsarge off Honolulu. \"\"Blackhaw\"\" operated off Alaska on Special Arctic Operation, including icebreaking. From 9-14 November 1957, she searched for Pan American Flight 944 off Hawaii. On 24 December 1957 the ship assisted FV Hawaiian Fisherman off Kahului, Hawaii and later, on 15 October 1958, did likewise for FV Flying Fish Victor 3. Following a fire onboard MV Nicoline Maersk, Blackhaw responded and escorted the vessel to Honolulu, HI from 23-24 November 1958. On 18 July 1959 Blackhaw relieved USCGC Dexter of tow of FV Cloud Nine and proceeded to Hawaii. \"\"Blackhaw\"\" was stationed at Sangley Point, Philippines", "\"Sand Island (Hawaii)\"\nSand Island (Hawaii) Sand Island, formerly known as Quarantine Island, also known as Kush Island is a small island within the city of Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. The island lies at the entrance to Honolulu Harbor. It was known as Quarantine Island during the nineteenth century, when it was used to quarantine ships believed to carry contagious passengers. During World War II, Sand Island was used as an Army internment camp to house Japanese Americans as well as expatriates from Germany, Italy and other Axis countries living in Hawaii. The camp opened in December 1941, soon after the Japanese attack", "\"Honolulu Cookie Company\"\nHonolulu Cookie Company Honolulu Cookie Company is a food and gift producer and retailer based in Honolulu, Hawaii. iT was founded in 1998 by Keith and Janet Sung. In 1998, the company began producing shortbread cookies with a signature pineapple shape. The pineapple shape was chosen because it's a symbol of hospitality associated with Hawaii. In 1998, Honolulu Cookie Company introduced its first cookies to the wholesale market. In 2001 the factory and retail store opened in Honolulu, Hawaii. Over the next few years, shops opened all over Oahu, with the Ward Warehouse store in 2002, a store in the", "\"Honolulu Weekly\"\noperations. Publisher Carlson cited low ad revenues and the failure to find a buyer as among the primary reasons for shutting the paper down. Honolulu Weekly Honolulu Weekly was an alternative weekly newspaper published in Honolulu, Hawaii. Founded by Laurie V. Carlson, it began publishing in the summer of 1991, ostensibly to fill gaps in investigative reporting left by the two main dailies, \"\"Honolulu Star-Bulletin\"\" and \"\"The Honolulu Advertiser\"\", which were under a joint operating agreement at the time, but creating new gaps in taste and perspective. In May 2005 the \"\"Weekly\"\" acquired the Kona-based \"\"Hawaii Island Journal\"\". The Hawaii", "\"David Alan Ezra\"\n1972, where he graduated first in his class. He was a commissioned officer in the United States Army Reserve from 1971 to 1977, and was a law clerk in the Office of the Corporation Counsel for the City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii in 1972. Ezra was in private practice in Honolulu, Hawaii from 1972 to 1988 becoming a partner in the law firm of Anthony, Hoddick, Reinwald, and O'Connor in 1980. Ezra became the Managing Partner of the law firm of Ezra, O'Connor, Moon and Tam in 1981. Adjunct professor of law at the William S. Richardson School of" ]
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what episode of law and order svu is mike tyson in
[ "Monster 's Legacy" ]
[ "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nhis episode complete, he also commented that Mariska Hargitay was \"\"very quiet\"\" on the set of \"\"SVU\"\". Adding to the controversy surrounding the casting choice was that the air date originally planned, February 13, 2013, coincided with One Billion Rising, a global movement to end violence against women and girls. On January 30, NBC switched \"\"Monster's Legacy\"\" with \"\"Secrets Exhumed\"\" so that Tyson's episode would air on February 6 instead. Four days before the episode, \"\"Law & Order\"\" creator Dick Wolf announced that he supported NBC's decision to produce the episode and hire Mike Tyson to guest star. This angered", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nthe casting of Mike Tyson seems inappropriate to some SVU fans. While in no way excusing his past actions, it's worth noting MT was convicted over twenty years ago, and served his time. In recent years he has found sobriety, and started a foundation to meet the comprehensive needs of children from broken homes. The episode itself deals with many issues, including the ongoing effects of childhood abuse, the possibility of rehabilitation, and the potential for disastrous results when individuals and/or the justice system pre-judge or fail to contextualize. Because of SVU's subject matter, all of us have a profound", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nguest star in the episode \"\"Monster's Legacy\"\". Due to Mike Tyson's rape conviction in 1992, this triggered a series of protests by fans and sexual assault survivors, who felt that a TV series whose goal is partly to speak out against sex crimes should not help boost the career of a convicted rapist. At least three petitions were created to convince NBC to reverse the decision, the most popular one started by Marcie Kaveney. On January 19, 2013, Pauley Perrette, a star of \"\"NCIS\"\", a fan of \"\"SVU\"\" and a rape survivor herself, stated her disapproval of the casting", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nrape apology. \"\"It's kind of being a rape apologist, saying 'Maybe he's had this violent childhood and that's why he's become this violent person.'\"\" Further criticism came from Lindy West of \"\"Jezebel\"\" who wrote on January 25, 2013 that an appearance by Mike Tyson would be hypocritical to the message of the show: \"\"In addition to being a colossal display of poor taste, Mike Tyson playing a murderer on SVU is directly counter to the implied mission of the show. Either you're a genuine advocate for victims, or you don't give a shit. You don't get to do both.\"\" On", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nchoice on Twitter. She included a link to Kaveney's petition which caused the number of signatures to shoot up to over 15,000. In an interview with \"\"The Wrap\"\" Kaveney revealed that \"\"As soon as I saw it, I was just floored by the news, 'SVU' is a show I've followed for a long time... I think survivors consider this their show\"\" and stated, \"\"I don't know if it's for ratings or to clean up Mike Tyson's image.\"\" In response to the plot summary of \"\"Monster's Legacy\"\" she also opined that giving Tyson this particular sympathetic role is a form of", "\"Rosie Perez\"\nan episode of \"\"\"\" in October 2009 about pedophiles' rights. Executive producer Neal Baer said the writers had Perez in mind when they wrote the role of a young sexual abuse victim's mother. She suffered a serious injury during the filming of the episode. Most recently, Perez is the subject of an album by Felt entitled \"\"\"\". Perez was in a Mike Nichols production of \"\"The Play What I Wrote\"\". Rosie Perez injured her neck in 2009 while filming an episode of \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" and underwent surgery to heal a herniated disc. One year after the accident, she", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 18)\"\nshowrunner and executive producer for Dick Wolf's \"\"Chicago Justice\"\" series, as well as a former executive producer and writer for many past incarnations of the \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise, was selected as SVU's new showrunner. It was announced at the end of the seventeenth season that recurring star Andy Karl (who portrayed Sergeant Mike Dodds) would be departing the cast due to his Broadway work. He was killed off on the season finale by corrupt corrections officer Gary Munson. It was announced on July 22, 2016, that \"\"SVU\"\" would do a ripped from the headlines episode based on Netflix documentary", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nfans, as he did not acknowledge any of the petitions or ethical concerns. \"\"Monster's Legacy\"\" aired on February 6, 2013, becoming Mike Tyson's first acting appearance not playing himself. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\" was moved back to NBC Wednesdays at 9:00PM (Eastern)/8:00PM (Central) for the 2012-13 network television season, its lead-ins being new comedies, \"\"Guys With Kids\"\" and \"\"Animal Practice\"\" (which was canceled by NBC on October 18, 2012, \"\"Whitney\"\" replacing it in November). \"\"SVU\"\" weekly airs up against the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) comedies \"\"Modern Family\"\" and \"\"Suburgatory\"\" with FOX's \"\"The X Factor\"\" and in", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 10)\"\nADA Alexandra Cabot in the same episode. Until \"\"Lead\"\", Stephanie March's last appearance as ADA Cabot was in the spin-off series \"\"Conviction\"\". However, her last \"\"SVU\"\" appearance was in the which depicted her as still living in hiding. When asked if her reintroduction to \"\"SVU\"\" would finally explain how she got out of the witness protection program, March answered \"\"I think this will be nice and neat and make sense.\"\" The episode was dedicated to deceased crew member Dennis Radesky. The season finale \"\"\"\" was the last episode to star Mike Doyle. His recurring character Ryan O'Halloran is killed after", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\nsimultaneously, two episodes after the original airing in the US. In Venezuela, the cable network \"\"Fox Life\"\" airs Law & Order: SVU starting from season 1 every Monday to Friday at 9:05pm. \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" is broadcast at 9.30 pm on Tuesdays on TV3 in New Zealand. Series 18 premiered on 11 April 2017. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (often abbreviated to Law & Order: SVU or just SVU) is an American police procedural, legal, crime drama television series set in New York City, where it is also primarily produced. In the", "\"Michael Cutter\"\nMichael Cutter Michael \"\"Mike\"\" Cutter is a fictional character on the long-running NBC series \"\"Law & Order\"\" and its spinoff \"\"\"\" played by Linus Roache. The character debuted in the eighteenth season premiere of \"\"Law & Order\"\", broadcast on January 2, 2008, and remained until its series finale \"\"Rubber Room\"\" on May 24, 2010. The character returned to television in the thirteenth season premiere of \"\"Special Victims Unit\"\", broadcast on September 21, 2011. He has appeared in sixty-three episodes of \"\"L&O\"\" and four episodes of \"\"SVU\"\". Within the continuity of \"\"Law & Order\"\", Cutter is an Executive Assistant District Attorney,", "\"Chicago Crossover\"\nAndrew Llewellyn (the fire victim who had the child porn photos), and the officer guarding him were shot and killed. Benson comments that their suspect fled back to Chicago. \"\"Chicago Crossover\"\" was written by long-time \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise writer (teleplay), \"\"SVU\"\" executive producer/show runner Warren Leight and \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" creator Dick Wolf, and was directed by Steve Shill. This episode marks the first episode to credit Dick Wolf as a writer since the 100th episode of \"\"SVU\"\", \"\"Control\"\", back in the . In this episode, Raúl Esparza (Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba) and newcomer Peter Scanavino (Detective", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nhave remembered.\"\" In September, Leight said in an interview with \"\"TV Guide\"\" that this season's theme would revolve around \"\"everybody having secrets\"\". On September 17, 2012, both Mariska Hargitay and Danny Pino tweeted that filming on \"\"SVU\"\" episode 300 started. Mariska tweeted \"\"Can't believe we started filming our 300 episode today! #svu\"\" and Pino tweeted with, \"\"Congrats on 300 SVU's. Proud 2 contribute 28 to the tally. #quality&quantity\"\". Production on season 14 of \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" (along with other New York City based TV series) was halted by NBC starting October 29, 2012 in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)\"\nof \"\"SVU\"\" (\"\"Something Happened\"\"). Walters played the rape victim, Laurel Linwood, who knows she was raped but can't remember what happened. Going played Laurel's sister, Leah, who is brought in to help fill in the blanks. On September 20, 2017, it was announced Sam Waterston would guest star in an upcoming episode of \"\"SVU\"\" as his \"\"Law & Order\"\" character, Jack McCoy. Waterston was re-united with show runner/EP Michael S. Chernuchin, who also held the same position at the time Waterston joined the original series in 1994; Chernuchin is credited as the creator of the McCoy character. This also marked", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\non Syfy in 2006. In Australia, \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" airs on Network Ten and Australia's cable channel Universal Channel (formerly aired on TV1 which ceased to broadcast in December 2013). In the UK \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" originally aired on the Hallmark Channel (which in 2012 became the Universal Channel) with a terrestrial TV airing on Channel 5 in 2016 which then switched to Five USA. The UK is two and half weeks behind the US. In Brazil and rest of Latin America, \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" also airs on Universal Channel, with weekdays episodes from past seasons and", "\"Rhodium Nights\"\nthe second most watched program in its time slot, behind ABC's \"\"Revenge\"\" but ahead of a repeat episode of CBS's \"\"Criminal Minds\"\". Kristen Elizabeth of \"\"TV Equals\"\" said of the season finale, \"\"Wow. After a somewhat lackluster season, \"\"Law and Order: SVU\"\" came to life in \"\"Rhodium Nights,\"\" their season finale, and gave us one crazy cliff-hanger. I certainly didn’t see it coming, but I will back in the fall to see what happens, so score one for \"\"SVU\"\"!\"\" Teresa L. of \"\"TV Fanatic\"\" ranked the episode a 5.0/5.0 and noted, \"\"The cliffhanger really renewed my interest in catching the", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)\"\nSVU squad to three female suspects with possible motives. Cleveland Cavaliers point guard Isaiah Thomas, made a cameo appearance as himself in an October episode (\"\"Complicated\"\") of \"\"SVU\"\". Thomas' cameo appearance occurs in the midst of a missing persons investigation. Mike Faist, a Tony Award-nominated actor starring as Connor Murphy in Broadway musical \"\"Dear Evan Hansen\"\", guest starred as a young man struggling with the long-ago disappearance of his sister in \"\"Complicated\"\". \"\"The Walking Dead\"\" alum, Brighton Sharbino guest starred as a teenager who disappears when her classmates make her the subject of a cyberbullying attack. Madison Pettis also guest", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)\"\nnicest person our characters have ever met. What he's going to be doing, too, is basically bringing all of the franchises into one. He's connecting \"\"Law & Order\"\", the \"\"Chicago\"\" franchises and now \"\"SVU\"\".\"\" His character debuted in the thirteenth episode of the season. In the thirteenth episode, Raúl Esparza departed the cast after six seasons on the show. He told Natalie Abrams of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" that it was his decision to leave, adding \"\"I've done six seasons, I felt like it was time to go. I had explored a lot of what I thought Barba was about. I just", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\nLaw & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (often abbreviated to Law & Order: SVU or just SVU) is an American police procedural, legal, crime drama television series set in New York City, where it is also primarily produced. In the style of the original \"\"Law & Order\"\", episodes are often \"\"ripped from the headlines\"\" or loosely based on real crimes that have received media attention. Created by Dick Wolf, the series premiered on NBC on September 20, 1999, as the second series in Wolf's successful \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise. \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\"", "\"Cold (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\n\"\"superb actor.\"\" Wolf said, \"\"He did a terrific job this season on 'SVU', and I look forward to working with him again in the near future.\"\" Beach joined \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" on the heels of his starring role in Dick Wolf's Emmy-winning HBO film \"\"Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee\"\", which earned the actor a Golden Globe nomination. \"\"I very much enjoyed my year on \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\",\"\" Beach said. \"\"Now I'm looking forward to new adventures.\"\" Beach also guest-starred in two episodes as Detective Lake, \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\", prior to fully joining the cast. For , Dick", "\"Connie Rubirosa\"\nher the fifth-longest serving ADA in the \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise history, surpassed by Rafael Barba (\"\"SVU\"\"), Alexandra Cabot (\"\"SVU\"\"), Ron Carver (\"\"CI\"\"), and Casey Novak (\"\"SVU\"\"). Connie Rubirosa Consuelo \"\"Connie\"\" Rubirosa is a fictional character, portrayed by Alana de la Garza, who joined the cast of long-running NBC drama series \"\"Law & Order\"\" during the 17th-season premiere episode \"\"Fame\"\". She is the only second-chair assistant district attorney of \"\"Law & Order\"\" to have appeared in four complete seasons. She later appeared on \"\"\"\" as a series regular until the show's cancellation in May 2011. In January 2014, she appeared", "\"Behave (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\na portion of this episode, late August 2010 in Los Angeles with \"\"\"\" star, Skeet Ulrich. Hargitay was attending the Primetime Emmy Awards, in which she was nominated for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series. This episode was the first time \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" had shot an episode on the West Coast. \"\"Behave\"\" is inspired by rape survivor and advocate Helena Lazaro, who spoke at a fundraiser for Hargitay's Joyful Heart Foundation; several years earlier, she submitted to an exam for a rape evidence collection kit that was ignored by police. \"\"I'm so honored that the \"\"SVU\"\" writers", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)\"\nannounced that \"\"Chicago PD\"\", \"\"Chicago Fire\"\", and also \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\", could continue to have crossover episodes during the 2014–15 season. The episode entitled \"\"Chicago Crossover\"\" aired on November 12, 2014, as part of a crossover between \"\"Chicago P.D.\"\", \"\"Chicago Fire\"\", and \"\"SVU\"\". Additionally, the episode entitled \"\"Daydream Believer\"\", served as the second crossover with the three aforementioned shows. Peter Scanavino joined, originally in a recurring capacity, as Detective Dominick \"\"Sonny\"\" Carisi Jr., beginning with the season premiere episode \"\"Girls Disappeared\"\". Detective Carisi is \"\"going to come in [to SVU] and shake things up...a guy who maybe", "\"Dominick Carisi Jr.\"\nstar. However, he was promoted to the main cast in the fifth episode of the same season, \"\"Pornstar's Requiem\"\". Carisi is not the only character Scanavino has portrayed in the \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise. In 2013, Scanavino guest-starred in \"\"SVU\"\"'s episode, \"\"Monster's Legacy\"\", as an attempted murderer, Johnny Dubcek. Prior to that, he had appeared in \"\"\"\", \"\"\"\" and \"\"Law & Order\"\" in various roles. Dominick Carisi Jr. Dominick \"\"Sonny\"\" Carisi Jr. is a fictional character on the NBC police procedural drama \"\"\"\", portrayed by Peter Scanavino. Carisi is a detective with the Manhattan SVU at the 16th Precinct of", "\"Peter Stone (Chicago and Law & Order character)\"\nStone being dropped. Philip Winchester was first announced to be starring in \"\"Chicago Law\"\" (later renamed \"\"Chicago Justice\"\") on February 19, 2016. It was later reported that Winchester would first appear in a backdoor pilot episode embedded in \"\"Chicago P.D.\"\" Winchester continued to guest star in \"\"P.D.\"\" and made also a appearance in \"\"Chicago Med\"\". Following the cancellation of \"\"Justice\"\", it was announced that Winchester would move to \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" in a starring capacity. Winchester replaced Raúl Esparza on \"\"SVU\"\" who departed the series in Winchester's debut episode. Peter Jankowski, COO and President of Wolf Films, stated \"\"When", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 13)\"\nMeloni. NBC and creator Dick Wolf aimed for a younger female and male actor as they try to extend the series' lifespan by several more years. On June 27, 2011, NBC announced that Kelli Giddish and Danny Pino would be brought on as the new series regulars. Stephanie March and Diane Neal returned to \"\"SVU\"\" in their roles as Assistant District Attorneys Alexandra Cabot and Casey Novak respectively for \"\"an undetermined number of episodes\"\". Neal told TV Guide, \"\"It's back on track to what the original \"\"SVU\"\" was intended to be, which is about sex crimes and crimes against children,", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 9)\"\nwith the abortion debate. A 2008 article for Newsday that criticized American media for avoiding any mention of abortion called \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" the \"\"one exception... willing to take such risks.\"\" This season of \"\"SVU\"\" also coincided with the 2007 Writers Guild of America strike for which Neal Baer served on the negotiating committee. With all of the writing staff participating in the strike, episodes stopped airing for nearly three whole months after the January 22, 2008 episode \"\"Inconceivable\"\". With Geoffrey Erb having left during the , George Pattison became the show's director of photography. When discussing the visuals", "\"Chance Kelly\"\nIntent\"\" episode #115 \"\"Semi Professional\"\" 2002); Det. Finch (\"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" episode #318 \"\"Ill Bred\"\" 2004); Kyle Marsden (\"\"Law & Order\"\": episode #1503 \"\"The Brotherhood\"\" 2004); Fireman Charlie Hugo (\"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" episode #604 \"\"Maltese Cross\"\" 2006); State Trooper Lawley (\"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" episode #819 \"\"Florida\"\" 2007); Elvis Howell (\"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" episode #910 \"\"Disciple\"\" 2010); and Sergeant Forde (\"\"Law & Order: Los Angeles\"\" episode #113 \"\"Reseda\"\" 2011). Kelly continues his writing pursuits and has several scripts in development. Kelly's grandfather was screenwriter William Fay (Kid Galahad, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Schlitz Playhouse). Kelly", "\"BD Wong\"\nOrphan of Zhao\"\" was a co-production with La Jolla Playhouse. Wong announced his departure from the cast of \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" in July 2011, to join another NBC police drama, \"\"Awake\"\", in which he portrayed Dr. Johnathan Lee, a confrontational therapist of an LAPD detective (portrayed by Jason Isaacs) who lived in two realities. Wong guest starred in a episode of \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" titled \"\"Father Dearest\"\" (which aired May 2, 2012). In 2015, he was named Artist-in-Residence at La Jolla Playhouse. Wong guest starred on a \"\"\"\" Episode 1.13 titled \"\"The Walking Dead\"\" (which aired February 3,", "\"Lost Reputation\"\nSimmons objected to using the word \"\"burgeoning\"\" to identify the scandal in the episode. Dani Bradford of \"\"TV Equals\"\" managed to see the premiere episode prior to the episode's original airing and left a mixed advance review of the episode, saying the premiere was \"\"underwhelming\"\". \"\"I have to admit that I was not a big fan of this premiere. [...] I thought that the plot was too focused on conspiracies and less upon what draws me to the show. For me, \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" has always been about the ripped-from-the-headlines stories and watching how those murders or sexual assaults", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nversion of himself, Tyson said, \"\"I have no emotional connection to the role. As a human being I can relate to it, but it has nothing to do with me.\"\" He also mentioned being a fan of \"\"SVU\"\", calling it \"\"the most exciting show on TV\"\" and saying \"\"My wife [Lakiha Spicer, whom he wed in 2009] and I looked on this show a lot, especially when I was going through my relapse and drug periods.\"\" In response to the criticism, Tyson maintained, as he has since 1992, that he was innocent of raping Desiree Washington. With the filming of", "\"Alexandra Cabot\"\nAlexandra Cabot Alexandra \"\"Alex\"\" Cabot is a fictional character within the \"\"Law & Order\"\" universe portrayed by Stephanie March. She is a primary character in \"\"\"\" and \"\"Conviction\"\". Cabot first appears in the \"\"SVU\"\" episode \"\"Wrong Is Right\"\", when she is hired to work with SVU as their permanent assistant district attorney (ADA) overseeing the legality of its arrests, following a rotating mix of ADAs, among them Abbie Carmichael (Angie Harmon) of the original \"\"Law & Order\"\". She is a graduate of Harvard Law School, and has an \"\"uncle Bill\"\" who is a federal judge. While Cabot has great compassion", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 15)\"\nco-worker, Baltimore Detective Meldrick Lewis (Clark Johnson). Kirk Acevedo appeared as Eddie Garcia in \"\"October Surprise\"\", a childhood friend of ADA Rafael Barba (Raúl Esparza). Originally, Acevedo played District Attorney investigator Hector Salazar in the short-lived \"\"Law & Order\"\" spin-off, \"\"\"\". He had made an appearance on \"\"SVU\"\" in the \"\"TBJ\"\"-\"\"SVU\"\" crossover episode \"\"Night\"\". Tony Award winner Billy Porter guest starred in \"\"Dissonant Voices\"\" as singing coach and television personality Jackie Walker, who was accused of sexual abuse by his students. \"\"The X Factor\"\" season 2 contestant Carly Rose Sonenclar portrayed Grace Belsey in this episode. Ashanti, Clay Aiken and", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 7)\"\nof serial rapes.\"\" Keri Lynn Pratt guest starred in the episode \"\"Rockabye\"\" as a teenage mother who self-aborts. In a 2012 interview, shortly after he departed as the \"\"SVU\"\" showrunner, Neal Baer recalled \"\"I just loved doing shows on SVU that raised these really tough trenchant issues. Could we still do those? SVU is still on. Could we still do a show about a teen access to abortion? I'm not sure.\"\" In the eleventh episode \"\"Alien\"\", Raquel Castro played the child of a lesbian couple named Emma. When one of her mothers dies, she lies about being sexually abused as", "\"Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nand ensure no one is wrongfully imprisoned. Cragen says the Conviction Integrity Unit will start with the SVU and Haden is the attorney in charge. Benson and Haden meet for drinks and decide to end their relationship in order to protect the integrity of the SVU and avoid a conflict of interest. \"\"Justice Denied\"\" was written by (teleplay and story) and showrunner/executive producer, Warren Leight (story), and directed by Michael Slovis. This episode was the final episode of the thirteenth season for both recurring guest stars Andre Braugher and Harry Connick, Jr., who portrayed defense attorney Bayard Ellis and Executive", "\"Law & Order (season 19)\"\nepisodes spiking when \"\"CSI: NY\"\" episodes were repeats (or replaced with other programming) when \"\"Law & Order\"\" episodes were new. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> Law & Order (season 19) The 19th season of \"\"Law & Order\"\" premiered on NBC on November 5, 2008, and concluded on June 3, 2009. This was the third time in the series where there were no changes in the cast from the previous season and the last season to air on Wednesday nights at 10PM/9c, \"\"\"\" has claimed the slot off-and-on (\"\"SVU\"\" often placed at 9PM/8c to lead other programming that later gets moved or taken off", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 8)\"\nto the use of a name that was similar to her own and called for a boycott of \"\"SVU\"\" based on this. With the sixth episode \"\"Infiltrated\"\", Vincent Spano began playing FBI Agent Dean Porter, the case agent for Detective Benson's undercover work. The character would go on to cross paths with SVU detectives again in later episodes. In the seventh episode \"\"Underbelly\"\", Diane Neal had a scene with her husband Marcus Fitzgerald who played an ADA. In the eighth episode \"\"Cage\"\", Margo Martindale played Rita Gabler, a foster parent whose methods have a devastating effect on a young girl.", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 11)\"\nstarred in the first episode as a police officer named Nate Kendall, who saves a rape victim in the beginning of the episode and helps SVU solve the case. In the second episode Eric McCormack played the CEO of a \"\"sugar daddy\"\" dating website named Vance Shepard. Scott Foley played a real-estate developer with severe alcoholism in the fourth episode \"\"Hammered\"\". He said that the interesting role attracted him to the show with: \"\"the character was fully developed with addictions and problems both personally and professionally. Plus... it's \"\"SVU\"\", come on!\"\" His character is suspected of murdering an abortion doctor.", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 4)\"\ncharacter's mind.\"\" The decorated actress Pam Grier appeared in the fifth episode \"\"Disappearing Acts\"\". She appeared again in the fifteenth episode \"\"Pandora\"\" and was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series for her time on \"\"SVU\"\". The episode \"\"Angels\"\" guest starred Pablo Santos as Ernesto Diaz, a Guatemalan boy who endured years of living as a sex slave. Of the previous \"\"SVU\"\" episodes focusing on child molestation, most of them were careful not to expose the child actors to the actual content of the sex crimes. However, Santos discussed several details in his", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)\"\nafter Eid left SVU to be showrunner for the fifth season of \"\"Chicago P.D.\"\" Production on the season started on July 20, 2017. On January 9, 2018, NBC ordered an extra two episodes for Season 19, as confirmed in a tweet by Robert Brooks Cohen, rounding the episode count to 24. Chernuchin told \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" that this season of \"\"SVU\"\" would involve more ripped-from-the-headlines plots focusing on current events such as the Charlottesville riots. \"\"Conflict. It's just the state of the world today with everybody,\"\" he said. \"\"Everybody's political now and everything is political now, and we want to", "\"Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\n[on SVU].\"\" In an interview with \"\"TV Guide\"\" in February 2012, showrunner/executive producer Warren Leight initially spoke of what was to come in this episode. Leight suggested that it is possible Connick, Jr. will return to the show after his initial four-episode arc. \"\"Originally [Connick] was booked for four episodes, but I'm under no obligation to kill him off at the end of those four. He seems to be having a good time. They seem to be working pretty well together, but at some point drama must rear its head. One thing I will say is we will not reveal", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 7)\"\nfeatured Marcia Gay Harden playing an undercover agent. Her character is initially believed to be a white-supremacist named Star Morrison and is later revealed to be Dana Lewis of the FBI. Harden would go on to play the character thrice more in \"\"SVU\"\". In the following episode \"\"Name\"\", detectives investigate a perpetrator played by Richard Bright. This episode was the last of Richard Bright's works that was released before his death in 2006. Dean Cain starred in the eighth episode \"\"Starved\"\" as what Neal Baer called \"\"a very handsome guy who may or may not be involved in a series", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 15)\"\nJohn Munch) would depart the main cast in the fifth episode, \"\"Wonderland Story.\"\" The storyline showed Munch retiring from the Special Victims Unit after 15 years in order to move onto becoming a Special District Attorney Investigator, which allowed the character to make future recurring appearances on the series. Belzer, one of the series' original cast members, collectively portrayed Munch for 20 years as a regular on \"\"\"\" (1993–99) and later \"\"SVU\"\", in conjunction with guest appearances in other \"\"Law & Order\"\" universe shows. On December 10, 2013, it was announced that Dann Florek (Captain Donald Cragen) would depart \"\"SVU\"\"", "\"Comic Perversion\"\nyou were – if these guys gang raped you right here? And, you know, at SVU we don’t think that’s funny. And then there was Dane Cook had certain jokes.\"\" The episode received 7.78 million viewers. The Pop Break wrote \"\"Oh, SVU why did you have to do this? After weeks of steady improvement (particularly from the show’s terrible mid-season premiere) the series took a massive, massive step backwards with “Comic Perversion.”\"\" Erin Whitney of Screen Crush rated this episode 352 out of 399 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episodes. She wrote about the episode \"\"The best part is", "\"Comic Perversion\"\nas her character Erin Lindsay. It was said, \"\"Sophia Bush, who plays Det. Erin Lindsay on the new NBC drama, is traveling to New York this coming week to shoot a scene for Law & Order: SVU with star Mariska Hargitay.\"\" The Comic's Comic wrote about Silverman's casting, \"\"Jonathan Silverman plays Josh Galloway, a stand-up comedian who makes a name for himself with rape jokes and a crime for himself in alleged rapes in tonight’s episode, “Comic Perversions.”\"\" It was posted on Skyler Day's website \"\"Skyler is bringing her character “Renee Clark” back to Law & Order: SVU on February", "\"Rafael Barba\"\nEsparza is \"\"most familiar to TV viewers as Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba on 'Law & Order: SVU.'\"\" According to Esparza, Barba's \"\"flashy, high-fashion suits ... and snappy suspenders\"\" are popular online, with Kate Stanhope of \"\"TV Guide\"\" adding that the character's \"\"designer duds have been a hit with fans\"\". Esparza has been credited in 115 episodes of \"\"SVU\"\" (appearing in 85) as Barba, making him the 2nd longest serving ADA in the \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise history after Jack McCoy. Rafael Barba Rafael Barba is a fictional character portrayed by Raúl Esparza, who joined the cast of the", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 10)\"\nShe received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series for this episode. The seventeenth episode \"\"Hell\"\" focused on the lives of child soldiers. Mike Colter portrayed a warlord named Joseph Serumaga. Verne Gay of News 12 Networks exclaimed that Colter's character was \"\"played with scary... conviction.\"\" Cicely Tyson played an adoptive parent in the episode. According to Neal Baer, she was contracted to appear with short notice. The episode \"\"Selfish\"\" involved the discovery of a dead baby and the fact that her mother, played by Hilary Duff, covered it up. Initial reports about the episode claimed", "\"Trevor Berbick vs. Mike Tyson\"\nheavyweight titles, a match Tyson would win via unanimous decision to become the Undisputed Heavyweight champion. This fight was mentioned in the animated TV series Mike Tyson Mysteries episode \"\"Ultimate Judgement Day\"\" from 2014. In the episode Mike Tyson says Trevor Berbick wanted to call their 1986 fight 'Ultimate Judgement Day', but then ghost of Berbick appears to correct Tyson, saying that it was actual Tyson was the boxer that wanted to call it 'Ultimate Judgement Day.' Tyson thanks Berbick for the correction, and then says, \"\"Rest in Peace, Trevor Berbick!\"\" while waving his hand to make the ghost of", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)\"\nRifkin returns to \"\"SVU\"\" portraying defense attorney Marvin Exley in an episode which aired in October, \"\"Producer’s Backend\"\". Exley represents Tensley (portrayed by Stevie Lynn Jones), a young Hollywood celebrity in conflict with the law. Brian d'Arcy James stars as the top-level producer who gave Tensley a score. Dana Wheeler-Nicholson also guest stars as Tensley's mother. Delaney Williams returns to \"\"SVU\"\" as Counselor John Buchanan in the episode, \"\"Pornstar's Requiem\"\". Buchanan represents a student accused of raping a pornstar. Buchanan may have a difficult case but there are certain elements that play in his and his clients favor. He makes", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 2)\"\nfifteen, \"\"Countdown,\"\" Andrea Bowen played a key witness who helps the SVU track a serial killer. In the episode \"\"Runaway\"\", Kelly Karbacz played a teenage girl who goes missing. Sean Nelson guest-starred as an informant who helps the SVU search for her. About \"\"Runaway\"\" showrunner Neal Baer said, \"\"That's the only episode ever broadcast just once on the network — because it was stinky.\"\" However, the producers still decided to showcase a scene from the episode in the Season 1 DVD extras to help analyze Cragen's character. In the eighteenth episode, \"\"Manhunt\"\", noted for exploring the partnership between Detectives Munch", "\"Above Suspicion (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\n\"\"\"\"SVU\"\" opened its season with a roller-coaster of a double episode.\"\" Leotta gave the episode an \"\"A-\"\", saying \"\"Perhaps the least plausible part of the story, however, was that Cragen hired those prostitutes just for their conversation and companionship. Still, it was a strong episode, well-written, compelling and grounded in authentic details. I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of the season brings!\"\" In its original American broadcast on September 26, 2012, both \"\"Lost Reputation\"\" and \"\"Above Suspicion\"\" aired as a two-hour season premiere on NBC, viewed by 7.19 million viewers and acquired a 2.1 rating/6% share in the", "\"Hudson University\"\non Law and Order: SVU\"\". SVU often references crimes among students occurring at Hudson University. In episode 2 of season 1, Hudson University is mentioned at a bar by a graduate student who claims to be teaching there. Unlike on most shows, it is said to be located not in New York but in Williamsburg, Virginia, and is loosely based on the College of William & Mary. (The SEAL Team members on the show, like those in real life, live and work in nearby Virginia Beach when not on missions.) In season 3 episode 5 uranium is stolen from a", "\"Behave (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\n10.63 million households with a 3.2 rating / 10% share in the key demographic. \"\"SVU\"\" that night was beat out by a new episode of: \"\"Criminal Minds\"\" on CBS which was viewed by an estimated 14.56 million households with a 3.6 rating / 10% share and in the first half-hour, by the ABC comedy, \"\"Modern Family\"\", which was viewed by an estimated 11.91 million homes and had a 4.6 rating / 13% share. In the last half-hour, \"\"SVU\"\" beat the ABC comedy, \"\"Cougar Town\"\" which was only viewed by 6.96 million homes, but it tied with \"\"SVU\"\" in the 18-49", "\"Scorched Earth (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nMike Hale felt that the departure of Christopher Meloni was a relief to the show, as his \"\"tightly wound\"\" character had a \"\"wack-a-doodle intensity [that] had taken 'SVU' way off track\"\", but still found it hard to imagine the show without him. He said that Meloni's absence turned the episode \"\"into the best showcase his partner, Olivia, had been given in years.\"\" He called the addition of Michael Cutter was \"\"a big gain\"\" for the show, but felt uncertain about the addition of Detective Rollins, writing: \"\"A scene in which she tried to sweet-talk information out of a jailed suspect", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nthe Winter, \"\"American Idol\"\", \"\"Supernatural\"\" on CW, and CBS's veteran drama \"\"Criminal Minds\"\" (this occurring for the third time \"\"SVU\"\" has been pushed back to 9:00PM (Eastern). Season fourteen premiered (episodes: \"\"Lost Reputation\"\" & \"\"Above Suspicion\"\") fairly well earning approximately 7.19 million total viewers with a 2.1 in the age 18-49 demographic with a 6% share. The series' 300th episode (\"\"Manhattan Vigil\"\") was watched by approximately 6.77 million total viewers and earned a 1.9 in the age 18-49 demographic with a 5% share. Leading into Thanksgiving, \"\"SVU\"\" saw a sharp decline in the 18-49 demographic with the episode \"\"Lesson's Learned\"\",", "\"Father Dearest (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nD. Wong returns for this episode, portraying his character Dr. George Huang, who helps the SVU detectives find out who is raping young girls who have a common biological father, an unknown sperm donor. Wong was officially cast to the series in and stayed until the end of Season 12, his last on-screen appearances in the episode \"\"\"\". Wong left \"\"SVU\"\" to star in another NBC series, \"\"Awake\"\", where he also portrays a psychiatrist. Behind the scenes, B. D. Wong shared his character's fascination with the macabre subject matter in this episode: When \"\"TV Guide\"\" announced that James Van Der", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nHarden returned as in \"\"Secrets Exhumed,\"\" (aired February 6, 2013). Agent Lewis partners with the SVU when she suspects a rape-murder case is connected to several cases across the country. This marked Harden's fourth episode on \"\"SVU\"\". Harold Perrineau guest starred in the same episode as career criminal Brian Traymor, Jay Karnes also guest stars. The band Jane's Addiction's Dave Navarro guest starred in the episode \"\"Funny Valentine\"\" as a sound engineer (instead of a musician), named Ferrari who is a part of the entourage for one of hip-hop's rising stars. Ferrari witnesses a crime, but refuses to rat out", "\"George Huang (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\ntruly participate in the therapy. This is also why he went from helping sex offenders to putting them in prison. Huang is SVU's resident psychiatrist from seasons 3 through 12. He left the main cast after the season 12 episode \"\"Bombshell\"\" and no reason was originally given for his departure. However, Huang returns to aid an SVU investigation in the season 13 episode \"\"Father Dearest\"\"; he facetiously comments that his new assignment in Oklahoma City is \"\"heaven\"\" for a single, gay, Chinese-American man who is opposed to the death penalty. Huang returns to New York in the episode, \"\"Born Psychopath\"\",", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 5)\"\nLaw & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 5) The fifth season of the television series, \"\"\"\" premiered September 23, 2003, and ended May 18, 2004, on NBC. \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" moved away from its Friday night slot to Tuesday nights at 10pm/9c. Casey Novak, the unit's longest-serving ADA, was introduced in the fifth episode when Diane Neal joined the cast to fill the absence left by Stephanie March. Early reports about Stephanie March leaving the cast at the end of indicate that the first Season 5 episodes were written if not filmed by May 2003. The sixth episode, \"\"Coerced\"\",", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 20)\"\nLaw & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 20) The twentieth season of \"\"\"\" premiered on Thursday, September 27, 2018, at 9PM ET with a two-part premiere episode. The following Thursday, the series started airing new episodes at 10PM ET. This landmark season of \"\"SVU\"\" tied it with both the original \"\"Law & Order\"\" series and \"\"Gunsmoke\"\" as longest-running scripted non-animated U.S. primetime TV series. \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\" was renewed for a twentieth season on May 9, 2018. Production started on July 16, 2018. On July 12, 2018, Executive Producer Julie Martin posted a photo of a script", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 7)\"\nan appearance by Isabel Gillies as Kathy Stabler. This is because the actress was in Ohio pursuing a failed marriage. Dr. Rebecca Hendrix, the recurring character from the previous season was brought back for the episode \"\"Ripped\"\". Played by Mary Stuart Masterson, she helps Detective Stabler come to terms with unresolved issues in what Neal Baer called \"\"an emotionally devastating scene\"\". In addition, the guest star Ernest Waddell from the previous season had his character, Ken Randall, further explored in the episodes \"\"Strain\"\" and \"\"Venom\"\". Season 7 was Fred Thompson's last season on \"\"SVU\"\" even though he continued to play", "\"Revenge (season 1)\"\nand 18–49 age demographics ahead of \"\"CSI\"\" and \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\". After a nearly two-month hiatus since February 29, 2012, \"\"Revenge\"\" returned on April 18, 2012 at No. 1 in the Nielsen ratings and won its timeslot against every other television network with a first-place finish among Total Viewers, Adults 18–49 and Adults 25–54. \"\"Revenge\"\" won over an original episode of NBC's \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" in Total Viewers (+33%), Adults 18–49 (+53%) and Adults 25–54 (+45%) and generated big year-to-year time-period gains in Total Viewers (+81%), Adults 18–49 (+35%) and Adults 25–54 (+38%), rising over first-run programming on", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 7)\"\na great actor who for whatever reason, you'll speak the same language.\"\" The second episode \"\"Design\"\" was a crossover with the \"\"Law & Order\"\" episode \"\"Flaw\"\". Estella Warren and Lynda Carter starred in the episodes as April Troost and Lorraine Dillon respectively, a mother-daughter pair of con-artists. When discussing her role, Carter said \"\"Having so often been the heroine, I thoroughly enjoyed playing a grifter and exploring some of the darker aspects of human nature.\"\" In the same episode, one of their marks was played by Bobby Flay, the then-husband of former \"\"SVU\"\" star Stephanie March. The sixth episode \"\"Raw\"\"", "\"Raúl Esparza\"\nof the show's 14th season. On July 17, 2013, he was upgraded to series regular for the show's 15th season. His character became the first series regular ADA since Stephanie March in the 11th season and the first regular male ADA in series history. His role on \"\"SVU\"\" was not his first \"\"Law & Order\"\" role, however, as he had previously portrayed an ADA in a 2009 episode of \"\"\"\", and a suspect in a 2010 episode of the original \"\"Law & Order\"\". On February 7, 2018, Esparza left the series after six seasons in the episode \"\"\"\". Esparza married", "\"Behave (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nby long-time \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" writer, and was directed by Helen Shaver. It was inspired by the backlog of rape kits across the United States and the story of California rape victim, Helena Lazaro, whose evidence went unprocessed for years. Skeet Ulrich made a special guest appearance in this episode as his \"\"\"\" character, , who was on Vicki's rape case when she lived in Los Angeles. \"\"Law & Order: Los Angeles\"\" originally premiered on NBC directly after this episode. \"\"Behave\"\" was given generally positive reviews from critics, especially Hewitt's portrayal of Vicki Sayers, and according to the Nielsen", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 6)\"\n\"\"Charisma\"\" was dedicated to her memory. Towards the end of the season, \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\" crossed over with the third \"\"Law & Order\"\" spin-off, \"\"\"\" with two episodes: \"\"Night\"\" in \"\"SVU\"\" and \"\"Day\"\" in \"\"TBJ\"\". In the episode Casey Novak is beaten unconscious by an Islamic fundamentalist. In an interview for USA Network, Diane Neal, who did her own stunts, revealed that she indeed passed out due to an error in how they acted out the scene. In an interview about Season 6, Mariska Hargitay mentioned that filming of the night time scenes took place on Tuesday", "\"Smoked (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nin the 10:00 p.m. time slot, beating both \"\"\"\" on CBS and \"\"Happy Endings\"\" on ABC. Lucy Tonic of \"\"Yahoo\"\" said: \"\"'Smoked' ends with chaos in the precinct, resulting from a literal smoking gun, yet it's unfortunate that writers tried to introduce the issue of America's gun problem within the last ten minutes of the episode. Sadly, the conclusion of \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" Season 12 was predictable and more dramatized than needed.\"\" Smoked (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) \"\"Smoked\"\" is the finale of the police procedural television series \"\"\"\" and the 272nd overall episode. It originally aired on", "\"Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nAssistant District Attorney David Haden in four episodes, respectively. In an interview close to the episodes original airing, Connick, Jr. enjoyed his time on \"\"SVU\"\", stating; \"\"The greatest thing for me is that I became friends with Mariska [Hargitay], she's an incredible woman, has an amazing family, and I really feel that although my time on \"\"SVU\"\" has come to an end, that I made a really good life-long friend, and if I have the good fortune of coming back I'd be very happy about that and if not, I feel really proud of the work I've done thus far", "\"Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas\"\ntitle, \"\"Rocky Lives!\"\" after the popular film series about a similarly underestimated boxing hero. For Tyson, though he retained a menacing aura for years afterwards, \"\"the mystique of the untouchable, invincible 'Baddest Man on the Planet' had been shattered.\"\" The fight is often ranked among the biggest upsets in sports history. The fight appeared in the \"\"Mike Tyson Mysteries\"\" episode \"\"Help a Brother Out.\"\" The fight is referenced in The Killers song \"\"Tyson vs. Douglas\"\", which also features audio of the commentators for the fight. Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas, billed as \"\"Tyson Is Back!\"\",", "\"Cold (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\n4.0 rating / 11% share. Overall \"\"SVU\"\" averaged a 3.8 in the demographic vs. a 2.1 for \"\"Women's Murder Club\"\" on ABC and a 2.1 for a rerun of \"\"Criminal Minds\"\" on CBS. Cold (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) \"\"Cold\"\" is the 19th episode and season finale of the of the police procedural television series \"\"\"\" and the 202nd episode overall. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on May 13, 2008. In the episode, Detective Chester Lake (Adam Beach) refuses to cooperate after fatally shooting a police officer, causing the Special Victims Unit squad to investigate", "\"Mike Tyson\"\ntalks about his personal and professional life on stage. The one-man show was aired on HBO on November 16, 2013. In October 2012, Tyson launched the Mike Tyson Cares Foundation. The mission of the Mike Tyson Cares Foundation is to \"\"give kids a fighting chance\"\" by providing innovative centers that provide for the comprehensive needs of kids from broken homes. In August 2013, Tyson teamed up with Acquinity Interactive CEO Garry Jonas to form Iron Mike Productions, a boxing promotions company, formerly known as Acquinity Sports. In September 2013, Tyson was featured on a six-episode television series on Fox Sports", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 9)\"\nfilming in April 2007 making it the first episode of the ninth season produced. In \"\"Savant\"\", a child played by Paulina Gerzon becomes the key to solving a case when the SVU learns about her extremely sensitive hearing. Children's author Robert Black praised \"\"SVU\"\"'s ability to find good child actors and said that Gerzon \"\"was fantastic as a girl with Williams Syndrome, even having to deliver her lines through a set of oversized false teeth.\"\" This episode also showed Vincent Spano reprising his role as FBI Agent Dean Porter. In \"\"Harm\"\", Elizabeth McGovern played Dr. Faith Sutton, a doctor who", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\n2012, showrunner/EP Warren Leight tweeted that along with Gould and Grodin; Buck Henry, Frank Wood, Robert Sella, Anthony Rapp, and Elizabeth Marvel would also be guest starring in \"\"Lessons Learned\"\". Patricia Arquette and Anne Meara guest starred as daughter and mother in the \"\"SVU\"\" episode \"\"Dreams Deferred\"\". The episode revolved around an armed and dangerous man who goes on a killing spree with Arquette's Jeannie - a prostitute with whom he has a long-standing relationship - representing the last person he calls. When Jeannie goes missing, the SVU is tasked with convincing their NYPD cohorts that her life is worth", "\"Mike Tyson Mysteries\"\nMike Tyson Mysteries Mike Tyson Mysteries is an American adult animated television series, and the first to be produced by Warner Bros. Animation for Adult Swim. It premiered October 27, 2014. The series features Mike Tyson solving mysteries, in the style of \"\"\"\", \"\"Scooby-Doo!\"\", \"\"Jonny Quest\"\", and \"\"Mr. T\"\". On December 10, 2014, Adult Swim renewed the series for a second season, which premiered on November 1, 2015. A third season premiered on May 14, 2017, and the remaining Season 3 episodes aired from March 4, 2018 to May 13, 2018. The show follows Mike Tyson, the ghost of the", "\"Behave (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nacting: \"\"Her pain and fear is palpable through every moment of this scene. I wanted to scream and cry in the scene where she begs her rapist to forgive her for getting the police involved because she’s afraid for her life. In other words, Jennifer Love Hewitt knocked this one out of the park.\"\" She adds, \"\"It’s episodes like this that remind me why I’ve watched SVU for a number of years.\"\" Behave (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) \"\"Behave\"\" is the third episode of the of the police procedural \"\"\"\" and the 251st episode overall. It originally aired on", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)\"\nstarred in the episode, titled \"\"No Good Reason\"\", which aired on NBC, October 18, 2017. Another Broadway star, Christiane Noll, guest starred in the episode \"\"Unintended Consequences\"\" as Sarah Curtis \"\"After 19 years on the air, I will finally be appearing as a guest star on episode #19006 of \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\"! I am really excited because this is my first big guest starring role,\"\" Noll told \"\"Playbill\"\". Peter Scolari guest starred along with Noll in \"\"Unintended Consequences\"\" as Dr. Dennis Barkley. In October 2017, \"\"THR\"\" announced Melora Walters and Joanna Going would guest star in a special episode", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 9)\"\nLaw & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 9) The ninth season of the police procedural/legal drama, \"\"\"\" premiered September 25, 2007 and ended May 13, 2008 on NBC. It aired on Tuesday nights at 10pm/9c. Mariska Hargitay, having won a Golden Globe Award in 2005, received her second Golden Globe nomination for her work in the ninth season. Show runner / executive producer Neal Baer was more hands-on in the ninth season of \"\"SVU\"\" writing episodes \"\"Alternate\"\" and \"\"Authority\"\". The last episode crediting Baer as the primary writer was the episode \"\"Storm\"\". Multiple episodes of the ninth season dealt openly", "\"Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nproducer Warren Leight (story), and directed by freshman \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" director Michael Slovis. This episode is notable for ending the season thirteen story arcs for characters and , who were portrayed by Harry Connick, Jr. and Andre Braugher respectively; this episode also ending Detective Benson's relationship with EADA Haden who is promoted at the end of the episode. \"\"Justice Denied\"\" earned generally positive reviews, critics praising the break-up scene between Benson and Haden and Benson accepting Amaro as \"\"a good partner\"\"; the break-up scene made number 21 out of 25 on \"\"TV Guide's\"\" 2012 Best TV Episodes. According", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nmillion total viewers. This is the first season of \"\"SVU\"\" to have any kind of crossover with now-ended \"\"Law & Order\"\" spinoff \"\"\"\", with Kathryn Erbe guest starring in two episodes \"\"\"\" and \"\"Poisoned Motive\"\" as her \"\"LOCI\"\" character, Alexandra Eames, and Denis O'Hare guest starring in the episode \"\"Presumed Guilty\"\" as his \"\"LOCI\"\" character, . \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\" was renewed for a fourteenth season on May 9, 2012. Prior to the season fourteen renewal, cast members Ice-T (Detective Fin Tutuola) and Mariska Hargitay (Detective Olivia Benson) had already renewed their contracts through the fourteenth season. Ice-T", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 12)\"\na teen (Sterling Beaumon) under investigation in the episode, \"\"Delinquent\"\". <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 12) The twelfth season of \"\"\"\" premiered in the United States on the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) on September 22, 2010, and concluded on May 18, 2011. This was the first season that the show did not air alongside the original \"\"Law & Order\"\". Episodes initially aired on Wednesdays between 9pm/8c and 10pm/9c Eastern except for the season premiere which aired from 9pm/8c to 11pm/10c. After the winter hiatus, \"\"SVU\"\" returned with another two-hour showing on January 5, 2011, before the", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)\"\na further appearance in \"\"Forgiving Rollins\"\" and \"\"Devastating Story\"\". \"\"Chicago P.D.\"\"s Sophia Bush (Det. Erin Lindsay), Jesse Lee Soffer (Det. Jay Halstead), and Jason Beghe (Sgt. Hank Voight) take part in a crossover event between \"\"Chicago Fire\"\", \"\"Chicago P.D.\"\" and \"\"SVU\"\" in the November episode \"\"Chicago Crossover\"\". Specifically, they are involved in a joint case involving child sex internet ring. Additionally, Bush and Soffer, with Marina Squerciati (Ofc. Burgess), Brian Geraghty (Ofc. Roman) and Stella Maeve (Nadia Decotis), also took part in the second crossover event between the three shows (\"\"Daydream Believer\"\"). In this episode, SVU works with Chicago Intelligence", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nsaving. Meara played Jeannie's mother, Irene, who worries for her daughter's health and safety. The duo joined previously announced guest star Jason Gedrick in the episode. Denis O'Hare guest starred in \"\"Presumed Guilty\"\" as Father Shea, a priest who is pulled from his car and brutally beaten. O'Hare played Father Shea in the \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" episode \"\"\"\" under showrunner/executive producer Warren Leight in 2008. This marks O'Hare's second stint on \"\"SVU\"\", following an appearance in 2000. He guest-starred on the original \"\"Law & Order\"\" four times, most recently in 2003 also playing a priest, Father Hogan. Erik", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\nbrings empathy to his cases while dealing with a stressful home life, while Rollins' dogged persistence and instincts help her close cases, but her secrets could derail her career. In the current seasons, the Manhattan SVU is now run by Lieutenant Olivia Benson. \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\" has started its twentieth season. Each season has aired on NBC and consists of 19 to 25 episodes, each lasting approximately forty minutes (sixty minutes including commercials). \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\" premiered on Monday, September 20, 1999. After nine episodes, the show was moved to Friday nights, where it", "\"Brian Cassidy\"\non \"\"\"\", where Belzer was a regular. Wolf invited Belzer to join the cast of his new \"\"Law & Order\"\" spinoff after \"\"Homicide\"\" was cancelled, and Belzer told Wolf he would only join the cast if Winters was his partner on the show. Winters had a role at the same time on the HBO drama \"\"Oz\"\" and, while the \"\"SVU\"\" role was initially only supposed to last a few episodes, he was contractually obligated to \"\"Oz\"\", and eventually departed \"\"SVU\"\" completely to focus on \"\"Oz\"\". Winters believed that Cassidy was not unintelligent, but simply naive. He voiced early on a", "\"Especially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order SVU\"\nliving Stabler and Benson's lives better than Stabler and Benson are. \"\"The Huffington Post\"\" included it on a list of \"\"the 10 Best Short Stories You've Never Read\"\", describing it as \"\"funny, disturbing, canny, and inventive\"\", and \"\"engaging, strange, and wholly original.\"\" At \"\"National Public Radio\"\", K. Tempest Bradford compared it to \"\"Lovecraft meets Dick Wolf\"\", stating that it is her \"\"favorite\"\" of Machado's work, while \"\"Strange Horizons\"\" called it a \"\"highlight of the year\"\". Especially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order SVU Especially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order SVU is a 2013 weird fiction novella by", "\"Especially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order SVU\"\nEspecially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order SVU Especially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order SVU is a 2013 weird fiction novella by Carmen Maria Machado, told in the form of 272 capsule synopses for the first 12 seasons of the police procedural, \"\"\"\". It was first published in \"\"The American Reader\"\", in May 2013. As Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson investigate standard cases of horrific depravity and cruelty, they gradually find themselves enmeshed in a mysterious situation involving alien abductions, ghosts with bells for eyes, and—perhaps most disturbingly—the appearance of Abler and Henson, two doppelgängers who are", "\"Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nthis episode were taken from another \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" episode in the titled, \"\"\"\", which originally aired January 25, 2005. The episode \"\"Quarry\"\" was actually about a seven-year-old who was found dead and sexually assaulted by a serial killer. In its original American broadcast on April 11, 2012, \"\"Justice Denied\"\" was approximately viewed by an estimated 5.57 million households with a 1.7 rating/4% share in the age 18–49 demographic. \"\"Justice Denied\"\" was the top performer on NBC that night, beating comedies \"\"Betty's White's Off Their Rockers\"\" and \"\"Best Friends Forever\"\" along with poorly rated NBC new's magazine, \"\"Rock Center", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\ntitle, however, and it was changed to \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\" to reflect the actual unit of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) that handles sexually based offenses that are especially heinous. The first episode, \"\"\"\", premiered on NBC on September 20, 1999. Executive producer Neal Baer left \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" as showrunner at the end of , after eleven years (seasons 2–12) on the show, in order to sign a three-year deal with CBS Studios. Baer was replaced by former \"\"\"\" showrunner Warren Leight. In March 2015, it was announced that Warren Leight signed a", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nin trouble, which prompted a return visit for Kathryn Erbe as Lt. Alexandra Eames. This episode also guest starred: Emilio Rivera, Yul Vazquez and Cathy Moriarty. Richard Thomas starred in the May 15 episode, \"\"Brief Interlude\"\", as a husband and father, whose wife, Kerry Butler, was attacked while attending music festivals in New York City. Pablo Schreiber and Lauren Ambrose guest star in the season finale (May 22), that starts out as a routine arrest by Detective Rollins and ends up being some much worse. On January 10, 2013, NBC announced that former boxer Mike Tyson had been cast to", "\"Warren Leight\"\njoined \"\"SVU\"\" over choosing to launch a new show. Regarding Meloni's character's departure, he noted \"\"the character most affected by his departure is Olivia. I think in the old days of \"\"Law & Order\"\", you'd rip a limb off, attach a new limb, and go back and pitch. Rub some dirt in the wound and go out there. We're trying to do that a little. To my mind and to Mariska's mind, [Stabler's exit] will be playing out over several episodes — sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes in overt ways.\"\" When Leight was asked how he felt running what is", "\"Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne\"\nMike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne, billed as \"\"Back to Business\"\", was a professional boxing match contested on February 22, 2003. In his previous fight on June 8, 2002, Mike Tyson had met WBC and IBF heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis. In what would prove to be the final title match of Tyson's career, he was thoroughly outboxed by Lewis, who from the second round on, won every round on the judge's scorecards before knocking out Tyson in the eighth. Though Tyson's plans were not immediately known after his defeat, he announced in November that he would", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\nspinoff, \"\"\"\", until it was pulled from the network in January 2011 to be retooled. \"\"SVU\"\" moved back to 10:00 p.m. on January 12, 2011, until the end of the 13th season. With season 14, \"\"SVU\"\" moved back to 9:00 p.m. after a two-hour season premiere event on September 26, 2012. Beginning with Season 20, SVU will air on Thursday nights at 10 PM, after NBC decided to devote their entire Wednesday primetime lineup to the Chicago Med, PD, and Fire trilogy. This will mark the first time ever that Law & Order SVU has held this timeslot on Thursday", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 13)\"\n\"\"I don't know if or when I'll be back [on SVU]! It was amazing to have such a cool job for 11 years and to be a real NY Actor.\"\" Wong reprised his role in the episode \"\"\"\", which aired on May 2, 2012. Tamara Tunie was moved from the main cast credits to a \"\"special guest\"\" starring role. Linus Roache reprised his role of ADA Michael Cutter from the original \"\"Law & Order\"\" series in the season premiere episode. Cutter has been promoted at the DA's office to Bureau Chief ADA in which he oversees the ADAs assigned to", "\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\nshow runner/executive producer on \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\", tweeted that Erbe's first episode would be the fourth of the season, \"\"\"\". In February 2013, Warren Leight further tweeted on \"\"LOCI's\"\" ending, \"\"... simply put, USA didn't make enough money on LOCI to justify even the final 8 [episodes] they did. they felt they owed it to the fans. ... And they certainly showed LOCI more loyalty than NBC did the Mothership.\"\" Leight further tweeted, \"\"I think fans should enjoy the long run we had, and maybe hope for a MadeForTV movie if anyone ever makes those in future.\"\" Starting September", "\"Richard Belzer\"\nin his performance. In addition, Belzer has played Munch in episodes on seven other series and in a sketch on one talk show, making Munch the only fictional character to appear on eleven different television shows played by a single actor. These shows were on six different networks: In March 2016, executive producer Warren Leight announced Belzer would return to reprise the role in a May 2016 episode of \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\", titled \"\"Fashionable Crimes\"\". Belzer portrayed Det. Munch for 22 consecutive seasons on \"\"Homicide\"\" (7 seasons) and \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" (15 seasons), which exceeded the", "\"Gerry Bamman\"\nwith Fran Brill and Alyssa Milano in \"\"Old Enough\"\" (1984). He had a minor role in Cocktail before portraying his most notable character as Uncle Frank McCallister in \"\"Home Alone\"\" and \"\"\"\" in 1990 and 1992 respectively. Also in 1992 Bamman appeared briefly as Kevin Costner's former colleague Ray Court in the box office smash The Bodyguard. Bamman appeared as defense attorney Stan Gillum in several episodes of \"\"Law & Order\"\" and \"\"Law & Order SVU\"\". Bamman was also in the first season episode \"\"The Blue Wall\"\" playing Lt. Kennedy of Internal Affairs. Bamman co-starred in \"\"Runaway Jury\"\" as the", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)\"\nthe same day, the Joyful Heart Foundation released a statement apologizing to the viewers who feel betrayed. While the executives of the JHF reiterated that they have no say over the production of \"\"SVU\"\" episodes, they indicated that \"\"We were not aware of this casting choice and we have formally expressed our concerns to the executives and producers at SVU.\"\" Despite being the foundation's president, the personal opinion of Mariska Hargitay, whose contract with NBC contains a publicity clause, was not mentioned. Warren Leight began responding to the controversy on January 12, 2013, by writing a seven-part tweet \"\"We understand", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 6)\"\nis prompted by an overprotective mother played by Dana Delany. \"\"SVU\"\" writers had been asking Delany to do a show for years and wrote the part with her in mind. According to Delany, \"\"It deals with First Amendment rights and a Howard Stern type character. I think it presents both sides of the argument well.\"\" Kyle MacLachlan starred in the episode \"\"Conscience\"\" as a grieving father who notices an opportunity to eliminate a sociopath. MacLachlan later pointed out \"\"I took matters into my own hands and actually got away with it which was one of the few times on SVU", "\"John Munch\"\nadmitting his feelings to be \"\"slightly hurt\"\". Following season nine, in which Munch appeared in just over half of the episodes, Belzer reiterated his mystification at the development, but also seemed to want to tone it down: \"\"It's like yanking the tonsils out of the gift horse if I complain too much. I've been lucky over the years [...] \"\"c'est la vie\"\": I'm not starving.\"\" Although \"\"Homicide\"\" and \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" officially share the same continuity, they provide conflicting accounts of Munch's childhood, and \"\"SVU\"\" rarely mentions Munch's past as a Baltimore detective. Four regular actors from \"\"Homicide\"\" (Peter", "\"Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne\"\nsubsequently filing a $100 million lawsuit against Don King. After a 17-month layoff, Tyson would finally return to boxing on July 30, 2004 to take on Danny Williams. Though he came into the fight as a 9–1 underdog, Williams would upset Tyson by knocking him out in the fourth round. Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne, billed as \"\"Back to Business\"\", was a professional boxing match contested on February 22, 2003. In his previous fight on June 8, 2002, Mike Tyson had met WBC and IBF heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis. In what would prove to be" ]
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when did the grand canyon became a national monument
[ "1908" ]
[ "\"Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument\"\nthe elk hide.\"\" Grand Canyon-Parashant includes the following wilderness areas: So far, a 2005 expedition to examine 24 caves in the park has produced two new species of millipede, the first barklouse discovered in North America, a whole new genus of cricket and four new cricket species. Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (sometimes referred to as Parashant National Monument) is located on the northern edge of the Grand Canyon in northwest Arizona. The monument was established by Presidential on January 11, 2000. The national monument is a very remote and undeveloped place jointly managed by the National", "\"Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument\"\nGrand Canyon-Parashant National Monument Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (sometimes referred to as Parashant National Monument) is located on the northern edge of the Grand Canyon in northwest Arizona. The monument was established by Presidential on January 11, 2000. The national monument is a very remote and undeveloped place jointly managed by the National Park Service (NPS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). There are no paved roads into the monument and no visitor services. The monument is larger than the state of Rhode Island. The BLM portion of the monument consists of . The NPS portion contains of lands", "\"History of the Grand Canyon area\"\nRim by stagecoach. In 1901 the Grand Canyon Railway was opened from Williams, Arizona, to the South Rim, and the development of formal tourist facilities, especially at Grand Canyon Village, increased dramatically. The Fred Harvey Company developed many facilities at the Grand Canyon, including the luxury El Tovar Hotel on the South Rim in 1905 and Phantom Ranch in the Inner Gorge in 1922. Although first afforded federal protection in 1893 as a forest reserve and later as a U.S. National Monument, the Grand Canyon did not achieve U.S. National Park status until 1919, three years after the creation of", "\"Grand Canyon\"\nMarble Canyon: Stanton made new boats and proceeded to explore the Colorado all of the way to the Gulf of California. The Grand Canyon became an official national monument in 1908 and a national park in 1919. U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt visited the Grand Canyon in 1903. An avid outdoorsman and staunch conservationist, Roosevelt established the Grand Canyon Game Preserve on November 28, 1906. Livestock grazing was reduced, but predators such as mountain lions, eagles, and wolves were eradicated. Roosevelt along with other members of his conservation group, the Boone and Crockett Club helped form the National Parks Association, which", "\"Southwestern United States\"\nBig Bend National Park in Texas, Great Basin National Park in Nevada, and White Sands National Monument in New Mexico. Arizona parks and monuments include the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley (a Navajo Nation park), Petrified Forest National Park, Saguaro National Park, Agua Fria National Monument, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Chiricahua National Monument, Ironwood Forest National Monument, Montezuma Castle National Monument, Navajo National Monument, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Pipe Spring National Monument, Sonoran Desert National Monument, Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument, Tonto National Monument, Tuzigoot National Monument, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Walnut Canyon National", "\"National Monument (United States)\"\nproclaimed Katmai National Monument in Alaska, comprising more than . Katmai was later enlarged to nearly by subsequent Antiquities Act proclamations and for many years was the largest national park system unit. Petrified Forest, Grand Canyon, and Great Sand Dunes were also originally proclaimed as national monuments and later designated as national parks by Congress. In response to Roosevelt's declaration of the Grand Canyon monument, a putative mining claimant sued in federal court, claiming that Roosevelt had overstepped the Antiquities Act authority by protecting an entire canyon. In 1920, the United States Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the Grand Canyon", "\"History of the Grand Canyon area\"\n1920 and bought William Wallace Bass out of business. An area of almost 310 square miles (800 km²) adjacent to the park was designated as a second Grand Canyon National Monument on December 22, 1932. Marble Canyon National Monument was established on January 20, 1969, and covered about 41 square miles (105 km²). An act signed by President Gerald Ford on January 3, 1975, doubled the size of Grand Canyon National Park by merging these adjacent national monuments and other federal land into it. That same act gave Havasu Canyon back to the Havasupai tribe. From that point, the park", "\"Glen Canyon National Recreation Area\"\nGlen Canyon National Recreation Area Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (shortened to Glen Canyon NRA or GCNRA) is a recreation and conservation unit of the National Park Service (USA) that encompasses the area around Lake Powell and lower Cataract Canyon in Utah and Arizona, covering 1,254,429 acres (5,076 km) of mostly desert. The recreation area borders Capitol Reef National Park and Canyonlands National Park on the north, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument on the west, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument and the northeasternmost reaches of Grand Canyon National Park on the southwest, and the Navajo Nation on the southeast. The Glen Canyon", "\"Grand Canyon\"\nGrand Canyon The Grand Canyon (Hopi: \"\"Ongtupqa\"\"; , Navajo: \"\"Tsékooh Hatsoh\"\", Spanish: \"\"Gran Cañón\"\") is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in Arizona, United States. The Grand Canyon is long, up to wide and attains a depth of over a mile (). The canyon and adjacent rim are contained within Grand Canyon National Park, the Kaibab National Forest, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, the Hualapai Indian Reservation, the Havasupai Indian Reservation and the Navajo Nation. President Theodore Roosevelt was a major proponent of preservation of the Grand Canyon area, and visited it on numerous occasions to hunt and enjoy", "\"Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument\"\nthe monument is dominated by the Paunsaugunt Plateau and the Paria River, and is adjacent to Bryce Canyon National Park. This section shows the geologic progression of the Grand Staircase. Features include the slot canyons of Bull Valley Gorge, Willis Creek, and Lick Wash which are accessed from Skutumpah Road. The center section is dominated by a single long ridge, called Kaiparowits Plateau from the west, and called Fifty-Mile Mountain when viewed from the east. Fifty-Mile Mountain stretches southeast from the town of Escalante to the Colorado River in Glen Canyon. The eastern face of the mountain is a escarpment.", "\"Grand Canyon National Park Act of 1919\"\nGrand Canyon National Park Act of 1919 Grand Canyon National Park Act of 1919 is a United States statute establishing Grand Canyon National Park in the state of Arizona. The Act of Congress describes geographic metes and bounds relative to the tract of land designating the Grand Canyon Park. The public law authorizes provisions for agricultural purposes, mineral prospecting rights, irrigation projects, and railroad easements. The Act provides restrictions for building on private land, game preserve exclusion, and rescinding the Grand Canyon National Monument as created by Presidential Proclamation 794 in 1908. The S. 390 legislation was passed by the", "\"Grand Canyon National Park\"\nbuilt upriver.) In 1975, the former Marble Canyon National Monument, which followed the Colorado River northeast from the Grand Canyon to Lee's Ferry, was made part of Grand Canyon National Park. In 1979, UNESCO declared the park a World Heritage Site. The 1987 the National Parks Overfights Act found that \"\"Noise associated with aircraft overflights at the Grand Canyon National Park is causing a significant adverse effect on the natural quiet and experience of the park and current aircraft operations at the Grand Canyon National Park have raised serious concerns regarding public safety, including concerns regarding the safety of park", "\"Hull Cabin Historic District\"\nthe cabins became property of the Department of the Interior. The cabin site was located near the somewhat boundary between Grand Canyon National Monument and Coconino National Forest, and at various times was considered to be within either property. However, on February 21, 1907 the cabin and its dependencies were transferred to Coconino National Forest, becoming the Hull Tank Ranger Station. In 1910 the cabin became the Hull Tank Ranger Station, the headquarters for Tusayan National Forest, which was created from Coconino. The forest managed the Grand Canyon area until the creation of the national park in 1919, working from", "\"Antiquities Act\"\nTower National Monument on September 24, 1906. President Roosevelt also used it to create the Grand Canyon National Monument (now Grand Canyon National Park). At , Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument is the largest protected area proclaimed. The smallest, Father Millet Cross National Monument (now part of a state park), was a mere . For any excavation, the Act requires that a permit (Antiquities Permit) be obtained from the Secretary of the department which has jurisdiction over those lands. Presidential powers under the Act have been reduced twice. The first time followed the unpopular proclamation of Jackson Hole National Monument in", "\"Marble Canyon Dam\"\nholding water. By 1968, as part of a bargain between the Arizona delegation to Congress, which supported the Central Arizona Project, and the California delegation, which opposed the project and the dam, the Marble Canyon project was dropped from the plan. In 1969 President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaimed the establishment of Marble Canyon National Monument, effectively forestalling the possibility of a dam in Marble Canyon. In 1975 the monument was added to Grand Canyon National Park by the Grand Canyon Enlargement Act. The lower dam would have flooded a number of natural features, including Redwall Cavern and Vasey's Paradise. The", "\"Rose E. Collom\"\nthe cofounder of the Grand Canyon National History Association (the predecessor to the Grand Canyon Association). He offered her a grant to enable her to collect specimens in the Grand Canyon area. In accepting this grant and undertaking the work she became the first paid botanist of the Grand Canyon National Park. She conducted her botanical work at the Grand Canyon, visiting to collect specimens or work at the Grand Canyon Museum Herbarium, every year from that time until 1954, excepting 1948 when her husband was ill. The herbarium at the Grand Canyon National Park museum has over 800 of", "\"Humpback chub\"\nColorado, and Wyoming. Presently the species is restricted to six population centers in: 1) the Colorado and Little Colorado rivers in Grand Canyon, Arizona; 2) the Colorado River in Cataract Canyon, Utah; 3) the Colorado River in Black Rocks, Colorado, and Westwater Canyon, Utah; 4) the Green River in Desolation and Gray canyons, Utah; 5) the Green River in Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado and Utah; 6) and the Yampa River in Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado. The Humpback Chub is found in Arizona at and around Coconino County, Colorado and Little Colorado rivers in the Grand Canyon. In general, species persists", "\"U.S. Route 89\"\nand the Hohokam Pima National Monument, before reaching Phoenix. Approaching Flagstaff there is a quartet of parks, including Tuzigoot National Monument, Walnut Canyon National Monument, Sunset Crater National Monument, and Wupatki National Monument. North of Flagstaff is the Grand Canyon National Park, the second of the seven national parks along this highway. Continuing northward, U.S. 89 divides into U.S. 89 and U.S. 89A. The northern mainline route passes by Page, Arizona, and through the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area before leaving the state and Lake Powell. U.S. 89A turns westward, and it serves Lees Ferry, and then it goes over", "\"Colorado Plateau\"\ncountry outside the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Among its nine National Parks are Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, Arches, Mesa Verde, and Petrified Forest. Among its 18 National Monuments are Bears Ears, Rainbow Bridge, Dinosaur, Hovenweep, Wupatki, Sunset Crater Volcano, Grand Staircase-Escalante, Natural Bridges, Canyons of the Ancients, Chaco Culture National Historical Park and the Colorado National Monument. This province is bounded by the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, and by the Uinta Mountains and Wasatch Mountains branches of the Rockies in northern and central Utah. It is also bounded by the Rio Grande Rift, Mogollon Rim and", "\"Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument\"\nroad maintenance in the national monument is an ongoing issue. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) is a United States national monument that originally designated of protected land in southern Utah in 1996. The monument's size was later reduced by a succeeding presidential proclamation in 2017. The land is among the most remote in the country; it was the last to be mapped in the contiguous United States. There are three main regions: the Grand Staircase, the Kaiparowits Plateau, and the Canyons of the Escalante (Escalante River). All regions are administered by the Bureau of Land", "\"Marble Canyon\"\nMarble Canyon Marble Canyon is the section of the Colorado River canyon in northern Arizona from Lee's Ferry to the confluence with the Little Colorado River, which marks the beginning of the Grand Canyon. Lee's Ferry is a common launching point for river runners starting their journey through the Grand Canyon. Marble Canyon is also well known for the Navajo Bridge, where US Highway 89A crosses the Colorado River. Marble Canyon marks the western boundary of the Navajo Nation. In 1975, the former Marble Canyon National Monument, which followed the Colorado River northeast from the Grand Canyon to Lee's Ferry,", "\"Escalante National Monument\"\npart of the Manti-La Sal National Forest south and east of Canyonlands National Park. This area was part of the 1936 proposed national monument. Escalante National Monument Escalante National Monument was proposed by Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes in the 1930s as a unit of the U.S. National Park Service in the canyonlands of south central Utah. Centering on the canyons of the Escalante River, the proposed monument encompassed portions of present-day Canyonlands and Capitol Reef national parks, Natural Bridges and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. The proposed national monument was to encompass about", "\"Kanab, Utah\"\nKanab, Utah Kanab ( ) is a city in and the county seat of Kane County, Utah, United States. It is located on Kanab Creek just north of the Arizona state line. This area was first settled in 1864 and the town was founded in 1870 when ten Latter-Day Saint families moved into the area. The population was 4,312 at the 2010 census. Kanab is situated in the \"\"Grand Circle\"\" area, centrally located among Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Bryce Canyon National Park, the Grand Canyon (North Rim), Zion National Park, and Lake Powell. Other nearby attractions include Grand Staircase-Escalante National", "\"Grand Canyon\"\nin turn lobbied for the Antiquities Act of 1906 which gave Roosevelt the power to create national monuments. Once the act was passed, Roosevelt immediately added adjacent national forest lands and redesignated the preserve a U.S. National Monument on January 11, 1908. Opponents such as land and mining claim holders blocked efforts to reclassify the monument as a U.S. National Park for 11 years. Grand Canyon National Park was finally established as the 17th U.S. National Park by an Act of Congress signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on February 26, 1919. The federal government administrators who manage park", "\"Shivwits Plateau\"\nReservation along the course of the Colorado River, the section named the \"\"Lower Granite Gorge\"\". The north section is enclosed within Grand Canyon National Park and the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument. The Hurricane Cliffs are on the east and the Grand Wash Cliffs are at the west. Shivwits Plateau The Shivwits Plateau is a large plateau in northwest Arizona, and in the northwest of the Grand Canyon region. Just like the Kaibab Plateau in the east Grand Canyon forces the course of the Colorado River encircling it, the Shivwits Plateau is the major course changer of the Colorado in west", "\"History of the National Park Service\"\nLassen Peak and Cinder Cone, created within Lassen Peak National Forest, California, on May 6, 1907, to preserve evidence of what was then the most recent volcanic activity in the United States south of Alaska. In 1916 these two monuments formed the nucleus for Lassen Volcanic National Park. Fourteen of the other Department of Agriculture National Monuments were established to preserve \"\"scientific objects\"\". Moved by a report of plans to build an electric railway along its rim, President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed Grand Canyon National Monument on lands within the Grand Canyon National Forest, Arizona, on January 11, 1908. In 1919", "\"Escalante National Monument\"\nEscalante National Monument Escalante National Monument was proposed by Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes in the 1930s as a unit of the U.S. National Park Service in the canyonlands of south central Utah. Centering on the canyons of the Escalante River, the proposed monument encompassed portions of present-day Canyonlands and Capitol Reef national parks, Natural Bridges and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. The proposed national monument was to encompass about . The Second World War interrupted Ickes initiative, which had encountered resistance from Utah politicians. The scheme was partially fulfilled with the establishment of", "\"Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument\"\nGrand Staircase-Escalante National Monument The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) is a United States national monument that originally designated of protected land in southern Utah in 1996. The monument's size was later reduced by a succeeding presidential proclamation in 2017. The land is among the most remote in the country; it was the last to be mapped in the contiguous United States. There are three main regions: the Grand Staircase, the Kaiparowits Plateau, and the Canyons of the Escalante (Escalante River). All regions are administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as part of the National Conservation Lands system.", "\"Grand Canyon National Park\"\nGame Preserve by proclamation on 28 November 1906, and the Grand Canyon National Monument in 1908. Further Senate bills to establish the site as a national park were introduced and defeated in 1910 and 1911, before the Grand Canyon National Park Act was finally signed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919. The National Park Service, established in 1916, assumed administration of the park. The creation of the park was an early success of the conservation movement. Its national park status may have helped thwart proposals to dam the Colorado River within its boundaries. (Later, the Glen Canyon Dam would be", "\"Colorado National Monument\"\na beautiful view of the Grand Valley. Corkscrew Trail, closed for many years but re-opened in mid-2006, branches off the Liberty Cap and skirts a small canyon and cliffs that cannot be seen from the valley floor. This trail, the only loop trail on the Monument, is about 3 miles long and features a less rigorous climb than Liberty Cap. Monument Canyon trail, also popular, follows Monument Canyon for about 5 miles. This trail is often hiked up-and-back, and provides close-up views of Independence Monument, the Colorado National Monument's most distinct feature, as well as a formation named Kissing Couple.", "\"Southwestern United States\"\nNational Historical Park, Pecos National Historical Park, Carson National Forest, Gila National Forest, Lincoln National Forest, Santa Fe National Forest, and Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. West Texas parks and monuments include Big Bend and Guadalupe Mountains National Parks, Chamizal National Memorial, and Fort Davis National Historic Site. Utah parks and monuments include Arches, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, and Zion National Parks, Bears Ears National Monument, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Hovenweep National Monument (also in Colorado), Natural Bridges National Monument, Rainbow Bridge National Monument, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Dixie National Forest, and Manti-La Sal National", "\"Grand Staircase\"\nGrand Staircase The Grand Staircase refers to an immense sequence of sedimentary rock layers that stretch south from Bryce Canyon National Park and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, through Zion National Park, and into the Grand Canyon National Park. In the 1870s, geologist Clarence Dutton first conceptualized this region as a huge stairway ascending out of the bottom of the Grand Canyon northward with the cliff edge of each layer forming giant steps. Dutton divided this layer cake of Earth history into five steps from the youngest (uppermost) rocks: Since then, modern geologists have further divided Dutton's steps into individual rock", "\"Slot canyon\"\nslot canyons in the desert lands south of Interstate 70. Utah's slot canyons are found in Zion National Park at \"\"The Narrows\"\", along Canyonlands National Park's \"\"Joint Trail\"\", throughout Capitol Reef National Park, within the San Rafael Swell and the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, especially along the Escalante River drainage including Coyote Gulch. Many more slot canyons are located on public Bureau of Land Management and state-owned lands in southern Utah, in areas surrounding the aforementioned parks and monuments. Buckskin Gulch—one of the longest slot canyons in the world—begins in southern Utah and continues into northern Arizona within the Paria", "\"Zion National Park\"\nThe Behunin family lived in Zion Canyon near the site of today's Zion Lodge during the summer, and wintered in Springdale. Behunin is credited with naming Zion, a reference to the place of peace mentioned in the Bible. Two more families settled Zion Canyon in the next couple of years, bringing with them cattle and other domesticated animals. The canyon floor was farmed until Zion became a Monument in 1909. The Powell Geographic Expedition of 1869 entered the area after their first trip through the Grand Canyon. John Wesley Powell visited Zion Canyon in 1872 and named it \"\"Mukuntuweap\"\", under", "\"Wayne N. Aspinall\"\nrevenue and energy for communities in the Lower Basin of the Colorado River without using much of the Upper Basin's river water. The primary focus of the project was the Central Arizona Project (CAP). CAP supporters, among other demands, wanted to build two dams, one that would flood Grand Canyon National Monument and part of Grand Canyon National Park (Bridge Canyon Dam), with the other on the edge of the Grand Canyon (Marble Canyon Dam). Aspinall originally supported this, claiming it would generate revenue for all Colorado River Basin states. In turn, however, he demanded that his district receive five", "\"Timothy H. Heaton\"\ncareer in geology. He soon became an active hiker and caver in the Grand Canyon. As a graduate student, Heaton learned that the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) was conducting tours through the Grand Canyon teaching that the Earth was only a few thousand years old. This notion fueled his study of the canyon and also led to his review of a publication titled Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe edited and primarily written by Steve A. Austin, the chairmen of ICR’s geology department. In Dr. Heaton’s review of Austin’s publication, Heaton refuted Austin’s assertion that the Grand Canyon was formed", "\"History of the National Park Service\"\nthe National Monument became the nucleus of Grand Canyon National Park. Two days before leaving office, on March 2, 1909, Roosevelt proclaimed Mount Olympus National Monument, from lands in the Olympic National Forest, Washington. It was established to protect the Olympic elk and important stands of Sitka spruce, western hemlock, Douglas-fir, and Alaska cedar and redcedar. It formed the nucleus for Olympic National Park in 1938. The authority to proclaim National Monuments on National Forest lands is still valid, only two others have been created between the Reorganization of 1933 and 1974. Both were placed under the jurisdiction of the", "\"Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument\"\nthat were previously part of Lake Mead National Recreation Area. There are also about of Arizona State Land Department lands and of private lands within the monument boundaries. Grand Canyon-Parashant is not considered a separate unit of the NPS because its NPS area is counted in Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Elevation ranges from above sea level near Grand Wash Bay at Lake Mead, to at Mount Trumbull. The Interagency Information Center is located in the BLM Office in St. George, Utah. The name Parashant is derived from Paiute word \"\"Pawteh 'ee oasoasant\"\", meaning \"\"tanned elk hide,\"\" or \"\"softening of", "\"History of the Grand Canyon area\"\n1906. Livestock grazing was reduced, but predators such as mountain lions, eagles, and wolves were eradicated. Roosevelt added adjacent national forest lands and re-designated the preserve a U.S. National Monument on January 11, 1908. Opponents, such as holders of land and mining claims, blocked efforts to reclassify the monument as a National Park for 11 years. Grand Canyon National Park was finally established as the 17th U.S. National Park by an Act of Congress signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on February 26, 1919. The National Park Service declared the Fred Harvey Company to the official park concessionaire in", "\"Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument\"\nThe western side (the Kaiparowits Plateau) is a shallow slope descending to the south and west. East of Fifty-Mile Mountain are the Canyons of the Escalante. The monument is bounded by Glen Canyon National Recreation Area on the east and south. The popular hiking, backpacking and canyoneering areas include the slot canyons of Peekaboo, Spooky and Brimstone Canyons, and the backpacking areas of lower Coyote Gulch and Harris Wash. The Devil's Garden is also located in this area. Access is via the Hole-in-the-Rock Road which extends southeast from the town of Escalante, along the base of Fifty-Mile Mountain. The road", "\"U.S. Route 89\"\nDam. The two highways rejoin in Kanab, Utah. The main branch passes over the Colorado River just south of the Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell near Page, Arizona, and then it enters Utah. The 89A branch crosses the Colorado River at Navajo Bridge and then skirts the North Rim of the Grand Canyon before entering Utah. National Park Highway - Starting just north of the Mexican border in Arizona is the Tumacacori National Monument. Saguaro National Park is the first national park by title, in Tucson. Short links from Highway 89 take motorists to the Casa Grande National Monument", "\"Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument\"\nlabor, including excavation and the use of explosives to shift rock, they rigged a pulley system to lower their wagons and animals down the resulting road and off the cliff. There they built a ferry, crossed the river and climbed back out through Cottonwood Canyon on the other side. The national monument was declared on September 18, 1996 at the height of the 1996 presidential election campaign by President Bill Clinton, and was controversial from the moment of creation. The declaration ceremony was held at Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, rather than in Utah. Local officials such as Democratic", "\"Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument\"\ngroups grew corn, beans, and squash, and built brush-roofed pithouses and took advantage of natural rock shelters. Ruins and rock art can be found throughout the monument. The first record of white settlers in the region dates from 1866, when Captain James Andrus led a group of cavalry to the headwaters of the Escalante River. In 1871 Jacob Hamblin of Kanab, on his way to resupply the second John Wesley Powell expedition, mistook the Escalante River for the Dirty Devil River and became the first Anglo to travel the length of the canyon. In 1879 the San Juan Expedition crossed", "\"History of the Grand Canyon area\"\nHistory of the Grand Canyon area The known human history of the Grand Canyon area stretches back 10,500 years, when the first evidence of human presence in the area is found. Native Americans have inhabited the Grand Canyon and the area now covered by Grand Canyon National Park for at least the last 4,000 of those years. Ancestral Pueblo peoples, first as the Basketmaker culture and later as the more familiar Pueblo people, developed from the Desert Culture as they became less nomadic and more dependent on agriculture. A similar culture, the Cinchona, also lived in the canyon area. Drought", "\"Navajo Sandstone\"\nNavajo Sandstone Navajo Sandstone is a geological formation in the Glen Canyon Group that is spread across the U.S. states of southern Nevada, northern Arizona, northwest Colorado, and Utah as part of the Colorado Plateau province of the United States. The Navajo Sandstone is particularly prominent in southern Utah, where it forms the main attractions of a number of national parks and monuments including Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Zion National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and Canyonlands National Park. Navajo Sandstone frequently overlies and interfingers with the Kayenta Formation", "\"Navajo Sandstone\"\nMars. Navajo Sandstone Navajo Sandstone is a geological formation in the Glen Canyon Group that is spread across the U.S. states of southern Nevada, northern Arizona, northwest Colorado, and Utah as part of the Colorado Plateau province of the United States. The Navajo Sandstone is particularly prominent in southern Utah, where it forms the main attractions of a number of national parks and monuments including Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Zion National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and Canyonlands National Park. Navajo Sandstone frequently overlies and interfingers with the Kayenta", "\"History of the Grand Canyon area\"\nlike the Grand Canyon. National Parks in Yellowstone and around Yosemite Valley were established by the early 1890s. U.S. Senator Benjamin Harrison introduced a bill in 1887 to establish a national park at the Grand Canyon. The bill died in committee, but on February 20, 1893, Harrison (then President of the United States) declared the Grand Canyon to be a National Forest Preserve. Mining and logging were allowed, but the designation did offer some protection. President Theodore Roosevelt visited the Grand Canyon in 1903. An avid outdoorsman and staunch conservationist, he established the Grand Canyon Game Preserve on November 28,", "\"El Tovar Hotel\"\nRoosevelt's executive order in 1906, expanding protections granted by President Benjamin Harrison in 1893. The Grand Canyon National Monument was proclaimed in 1908, and Grand Canyon National Park was finally established by Congress in 1919 The Santa Fe Railway initially planned for a relatively small hotel, but increased the size in view of increasing traffic to the Grand Canyon. The site was an area of granted by the U.S. Government for use as a train terminal. The design was carried out by the railroad's architect Charles Whittlesey, of Topeka, Kansas and was projected to cost $250,000 to build. Rejecting an", "Havasupai\nIn 1897 construction opened on a spur line of the Santa Fe Railroad, which was to lead directly to the Grand Canyon; by 1901 the line was open. During his visit to the Grand Canyon in 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt met two Havasupais at Indian Garden. Roosevelt told them about the park that was being created, and that they would have to leave the area. In 1908 the Grand Canyon was declared a national monument, and by 1919 it had received National Park status. However, it was not until 1928 that the Havasupai finally left Indian Garden, forced out by", "\"Mountain states\"\nparts of the state. These desert lands in Colorado are located in and around areas such as Royal Gorge, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Pueblo, the San Luis Valley, Cortez, Dove Creek, Delta, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, the Roan Plateau, Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado National Monument, and the Grand Mesa. The San Luis Valley is the largest high valley desert in the world. In the far-eastern portions of the Mountain West are the High Plains, a portion of the Great Plains. These plains mainly consist of flat rolling land, with scattered buttes, canyons, and forests located in these", "\"Supai Group\"\n(Dinosaur National Monument region, northeast of the Uncompahgre Uplift). From Middle to Late Pennsylvanian, the Ancestral Rocky Mountains, the northeast spur from Colorado, (the Uncompahgre Uplift) became the source region for further continental river and stream deposits. Rising sea levels and erosion led to the deposition of the Wescogame Formation, (Grand Canyon) by Late Pennsylvanian time, and in east Utah, (Paradox Basin, southwest of Uncompahgre Uplift, the Honaker Trail Formation); northeast of the Uncompahgre Uplift, the Weber Sandstone continued deposition. By Permian time, the Esplanade Sandstone (Supai Group member 4) was being laid down in northwest Arizona (Grand Canyon), and", "\"History of the Grand Canyon area\"\nalso created a noise problem, so the number of flights over the park has been restricted. Havasupai–Hualapai language History of the Grand Canyon area The known human history of the Grand Canyon area stretches back 10,500 years, when the first evidence of human presence in the area is found. Native Americans have inhabited the Grand Canyon and the area now covered by Grand Canyon National Park for at least the last 4,000 of those years. Ancestral Pueblo peoples, first as the Basketmaker culture and later as the more familiar Pueblo people, developed from the Desert Culture as they became less", "Colorado\nscenic area of rocky hills, canyons, arid desert, and streambeds. Here, the Green River briefly crosses over into Colorado. Desert lands in Colorado are located in and around areas such as the Pueblo, Canon City, Florence, Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, San Luis Valley, Cortez, Canyon of the Ancients National Monument, Hovenweep National Monument, Ute Mountain, Delta, Grand Junction, Colorado National Monument, and other areas surrounding the Uncompahgre Plateau and Uncompahgre National Forest. The Western Slope of Colorado is drained by the Colorado River and its tributaries (primarily the Gunnison River, Green River, and the San Juan River),", "\"Grand Staircase\"\nthe actions of roots and soil bacteria. In southern Utah, there are enough strong and wet storms to cause episodic rapid erosion and the consequent exposure of fossil remains, but with insufficient annual average rainfall to support destructive, deep-rooted plant life. Grand Staircase The Grand Staircase refers to an immense sequence of sedimentary rock layers that stretch south from Bryce Canyon National Park and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, through Zion National Park, and into the Grand Canyon National Park. In the 1870s, geologist Clarence Dutton first conceptualized this region as a huge stairway ascending out of the bottom of the", "\"Navajo Generating Station\"\nHealth Organization. Visibility in the Grand Canyon region has also been among the best in the nation since before NGS installed scrubbers and low NO-SOFA burners. Within Coconino County, visibility is generally better in the Page/ Glen Canyon area at the north end of the county than at the Grand Canyon and areas further south (Sunset Crater, Walnut Canyon, Wupatki National Monuments). Visibility in the Page/ Glen Canyon area averages 3.5 deciviews above natural background conditions, within less than one deciview of the best visibility listed in the contiguous U.S. (The DV scale is near zero for a pristine atmosphere,", "\"Grand Canyon National Park\"\nof the Grand Canyon. The Toroweap Overlook is located in the western part of the park on the North Rim. Access is via unpaved roads off Route 389 west of Fredonia, Arizona. The roads lead through Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument and to the overlook. A variety of activities at the South Rim cater to park visitors. A driving tour () along the South Rim is split into two segments. The western drive to Hermit's Point is with several overlooks along the way, including Mohave Point, Hopi Point, and the Powell Memorial. From March to December, access to Hermit's Rest is", "\"Somoto Canyon National Monument\"\nSomoto Canyon National Monument Somoto Canyon National Monument (Spanish: Monumento Nacional Cañón de Somoto) is a canyon located in the Madriz department of Nicaragua. The Somoto Canyon National Monument protected area covers an area of approximately , of which are in the actual zone of the canyon. The Somoto Canyon was declared a national monument on November 29, 2006. The Somoto Canyon National Monument comprises one of 78 protected areas of Nicaragua and is managed by Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA). The Somoto Canyon had not been explored systematically until a group of scientists from the Czech", "\"Shivwits Plateau\"\ncanyons, called Sanup Plateau, and bordering the section of the Colorado called the Lower Granite Gorge. (The Lower Granite Gorge starts on the east side at the start of its due-south excursion around Shivwits Plateau.) The Shivwits Plateau is named for the Shivwits section of the Paiute Indian tribes. The plateau is also one of the major areas of the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument that is bordered by the Lake Mead National Recreation Area (west), the Hualapai Indian Reservation (southeast), and Grand Canyon National Park (east). The southwest, south, and southeast around the plateau is composed of the Hualapai Indian", "\"Walnut Canyon National Monument\"\nCanyon lies on the Colorado Plateau and cuts through the Permian Kaibab Limestone, which exposes the Toroweap Formation and Coconino Sandstone. The Kaibab formation also forms the rim of the Grand Canyon. Crossbedding is present in the Coconino Sandstone. The Walnut Canyon site contains Walnut Creek, which carved a 600 foot deep canyon that flows east. The creek joins into the Little Colorado River en route to the Grand Canyon. The creek has also created a varied and abundant array of vegetation. The shaded, north- facing walls are covered in fir and ponderosa pine trees. The sunny, south facing slopes", "\"Plateau Point Trail\"\noverlooks the Granite Gorge between Pipe Creek Canyon and Monument Canyon. It provides a view of the Colorado River from about above, while still below the south rim. There is water available at Indian Garden and near the end of the trail when turned on. Plateau Point Trail The Plateau Point Trail is a hiking and pack trail located on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, located in the U.S. state of Arizona. The trail is accessed by the Bright Angel Trail, at Indian Garden. The trail begins at Indian Garden, from the rim on the Bright", "\"Colorado Plateau\"\nIn fact, this region has the highest concentration of parklands in North America. Lake Powell, in foreground, is not a natural lake but a reservoir impounded by Glen Canyon Dam. National parks (from south to north to south clockwise): National monuments (alphabetical): Wilderness areas (alphabetical): Other notable protected areas include: Barringer Crater, Dead Horse Point State Park, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Goblin Valley State Park, Goosenecks State Park, the Grand Gulch Primitive Area, Kodachrome Basin State Park, Monument Valley, and the San Rafael Swell. Sedona, Arizona and Oak Creek Canyon lie on the south-central border of the Plateau. Many", "\"Southwestern United States\"\nRock Canyon National Conservation Area, and Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site. Nevada parks and monuments include Great Basin National Park, Basin and Range National Monument, Gold Butte National Monument, Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, and Lake Mead National Recreation Area. New Mexico monuments and forests include White Sands and Aztec Ruins National Monuments, Bandelier National Monument, El Malpais National Monument, El Morro National Monument, Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument, Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument, Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument, Petroglyph National Monument, Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, Chaco Culture", "\"Canyons of the Escalante\"\nCanyons of the Escalante The Canyons of the Escalante is a collective name for the erosional landforms created by the Escalante River and its tributariesthe \"\"Escalante River Basin\"\". Located in southern Utah in the western United States, these sandstone features include high vertical canyon walls, numerous slot canyons, waterpockets (sandstone depressions containing temporary rainwater deposits), domes, hoodoos, natural arches and bridges. This areaextending over and rising in elevation from to over is one of the three main sections of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and also a part of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, with Capitol Reef National Park", "\"Scenic Airlines\"\nBoulder City Airport providing services to Grand Canyon West, Grand Canyon, Page, Arizona, Monument Valley, Utah, and Rainbow Bridge, Utah. At that time, Scenic Airlines continued to operate sightseeing flight services to the Grand Canyon every day of the year. On March 19, 2009 Scenic Airlines moved its operations at the Boulder City Municipal Airport (BLD) into the company's new \"\"Boulder City Aerocenter\"\", a terminal. Although operations were merged, both Scenic and Grand Canyon initially operated under two different operating certificates. Scenic no longer existed after April 30, 2009 when both airlines were completely merged and then began to operate", "\"Bears Ears National Monument\"\nbones and tracks, among many of the other fragile features in Bears Ears. On December 28, 2016, President Obama proclaimed the Bears Ears National Monument, including the eponymous buttes and the surrounding landscapes, using his authority under the Antiquities Act to create national monuments by proclamation. The intertribal coalition proposed the inclusion of several areas that did not make it into the final monument designation; these included the Abajo Mountains (also called the Blue Mountains); the lower reach of Allen Canyon; Black Mesa; a \"\"large, arcing strip of land\"\" next to the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, surrounding Mancos Mesa;", "\"Bill Hall Trail\"\nBill Hall Trail The Bill Hall Trail is a hiking trail in Grand Canyon National Park, located in the U.S. state of Arizona. The trail begins at \"\"Monument Point\"\" along the north rim of the canyon on the boundary of the National Park, about west of the park services at North Rim, Arizona. Access to the trailhead is over of forest roads made of graded dirt, and a four-wheel drive vehicle is recommended for travel in the area. When roads are dry the trailhead can be accessed by a passenger car. From the dirt parking lot at the trailhead, the", "\"Phoenix, Arizona\"\n40 million passengers a year, ranking it among the 10 busiest airports in the nation. One of the biggest attractions of the Phoenix area is golf, with over 200 golf courses. In addition to the sites of interest in the city, there are many attractions near Phoenix, such as Agua Fria National Monument, Arcosanti, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Lost Dutchman State Park, Montezuma's Castle, Montezuma's Well, and Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. Phoenix also serves as a central point to many of the sights around the state of Arizona, such as the Grand Canyon, Lake Havasu (where the London", "\"Bridge Canyon Dam\"\nas a concrete arch-gravity structure high above its foundations, with a hydraulic head from . It would raise the water behind it for upstream to an elevation of just below the mouth of Kanab Creek. After proposals for the dam surfaced, they met with almost immediate opposition from environmental groups such as the Sierra Club, as well as an outcry from recreation-minded general public. The reason for this was because the dam would back water up for along the border of Grand Canyon National Park, and through Grand Canyon National Monument. The resistance was strengthened by previous controversies relating to", "\"Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument\"\nNortheast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument is a marine national monument of the United States off the coast of New England, on the edge of Georges Bank. It was created by President Barack Obama on September 15, 2016. It is the first U.S. national marine monument in the Atlantic Ocean. President Barack Obama designated the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument (NCSMNM) on September 21, 2016, using the Antiquities Act of 1906. The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument is the first and only Marine National Monument in the", "\"Skywire Live\"\nThe Reuters news agency described the location as simply \"\"the Grand Canyon\"\", while the Associated Press described it as a \"\"gorge near the Grand Canyon.\"\" Commentary by \"\"Forbes\"\" writer Andrew Bender said there was \"\"one problem\"\" with the walk – \"\"It [wasn't] at the Grand Canyon\"\". He did, however, say the risks were as real and the visuals as spectacular at the location. \"\"National Geographic\"\" described the location as \"\"the Grand Canyon\"\" but noted that, like previous \"\"Grand Canyon\"\" stunts, it was taking place outside the park's borders. According to the United States Geological Survey, the Grand Canyon geological area", "\"Fruita, Colorado\"\nrafting. Boaters also put into the Colorado River at the James M. Robb – Colorado River State Park off State Highway 340. Adobe Creek National Golf Course, located at 876 18 1/2 Road, offers three nine-hole courses nestled along Adobe Creek and the Colorado River. There are four golf courses available in Grand Junction. There are hiking and horseback riding trails of variable lengths available in nearby McInnis Canyons National Conservation Area including Devil’s Canyon, Pollock Bench, Black Ridge Canyons Wilderness (Knowles Canyon, Mee Canyon, Moore Canyon, Rattlesnake Canyon), Colorado National Monument (Canyon Rim Trail, Coke Ovens Trail, Liberty Cap", "\"Bryce Canyon National Park\"\nmuch higher elevation than nearby Zion National Park. The rim at Bryce varies from . The Bryce Canyon area was settled by Mormon pioneers in the 1850s and was named after Ebenezer Bryce, who homesteaded in the area in 1874. The area around Bryce Canyon was originally designated as a national monument by President Warren G. Harding in 1923 and was redesignated as a national park by Congress in 1928. The park covers and receives substantially fewer visitors than Zion National Park (nearly 4.3 million in 2016) or Grand Canyon National Park (nearly 6 million in 2016), largely due to", "\"Grand Canyon Village Historic District\"\nthe Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, who owned the Grand Canyon spur. A new train depot was built next to the hotel by the railway in 1909. Nearly all early development at the village was undertaken by concessioners. In 1910, while the Grand Canyon was still designated a national monument, Secretary of the Interior Richard A. Ballinger suggested that a plan be established before further development took place at the South Rim. Mark Daniels, the general superintendent of the parks from 1914, called for similar comprehensive planning to establish water and sewer systems, power distribution and telephone networks. A", "\"Cedar Mesa\"\nalso includes large canyons, including John's and Slickhorn Canyons, and the combination of Grand Gulch and Bullet Canyon known as the Grand Gulch Primitive Area. To the northwest is the Natural Bridges National Monument and Stimper Arch. State Route 95 crosses the northern part of Cedar Mesa, while U.S. Route 163 passes to the south. Running up the center of the mesa is State Route 261. Gravel and dirt roads provide access in dry weather to the individual canyons, through the Valley of the Gods, and to Comb Wash. As early as 13,000 years ago Clovis people, who are considered", "\"Caja del Rio\"\nRock Canyon forms the northwestern edge of the plateau. This canyon, through which the Rio Grande flows, has a maximum depth of over 1000 feet. Bandelier National Monument lies directly across the river to the west of the plateau. Along the eastern edge is Canada Ancha, an ephemeral stream that flows northward into the Rio Grande near Buckman. Another deep canyon (approximately 400 feet in depth) runs along the southern edge of the Caja, and is cut by the Santa Fe River. The canyon of the Santa Fe River separates the Caja from another land grant to the south: the", "\"Ralph H. Cameron\"\nMost residents of northern Arizona Territory believed that mining was vital to the economic development of the area and opposed any efforts to give the canyon park status. Cameron felt that Washington tended to favor big business over the interests of local government and individuals. Despite the local opposition, President Roosevelt established Grand Canyon National Monument on January 22, 1908. In 1908 Cameron proposed creation of the Grand Canyon Scenic Railroad Company to build a scenic rail line along the south rim of the canyon and submitted a bill to gain Congressional approval for a right of way the next", "\"State highways deleted by the Utah State Legislature in 1969\"\nthe state highway system in December 1915. In 1919, the state legislature redefined the state highway system to include only a short list of roads and any federal aid projects. The road to Cedar City was kept since it was improved with federal aid, and the road to Parowan was dropped, but restored in 1921. The Union Pacific Railroad began to promote a \"\"circle tour\"\" connecting Bryce Canyon National Park, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Zion National Park, Pipe Spring National Monument, and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park in 1922. A new Cedar City Branch from Lund", "\"Brighty of the Grand Canyon\"\nPat Conway appears as Jake Irons, who murders Old Timer for his copper ore. Uncle Jim then proceeds to help bring Irons to justice. Parts of the film were shot at the Colorado River in Utah and the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Brighty is honored with a bronze statue in the lobby of Grand Canyon Lodge, a National Historic Landmark, located near Arizona State Route 67 approximately 43 miles south of the junction with U.S. Route 89 alternate route. The monument of stone walls and timbers has a memorial inscription written by Marguerite Henry: \"\"the artist captured the soul of", "\"Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument\"\nMonument, NOAA and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will administer a management plan for the area, adapting to requests and changes. Stakeholders will continue to be engaged throughout the process through meetings with administrators. Five commercial fishing industries, Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association, Atlantic Offshore Lobstermen’s Association, Long Island Commercial Fishing Association, Garden State Seafood Association, and Rhode Island Fishermen’s Alliance, took the creation of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument to court in the beginning of March 2017. They state that President Barack Obama did not have the right to designate the Marine National Monument under the Antiquities Act.", "\"Jewel Cave National Monument\"\nthe scenic loop. There are 3 surface trails varying in length and difficulty. Jewel Cave National Monument Jewel Cave National Monument contains Jewel Cave, currently the third longest cave in the world, with of mapped passageways. It is located approximately west of the town of Custer in Black Hills of South Dakota. It became a national monument in 1908. Frank and Albert Michaud, two local prospectors, discovered the cave in 1900, when they felt cold air blowing out of a small hole in a canyon. It is unknown whether any previous inhabitants of the area were aware of the natural", "\"Jewel Cave National Monument\"\nJewel Cave National Monument Jewel Cave National Monument contains Jewel Cave, currently the third longest cave in the world, with of mapped passageways. It is located approximately west of the town of Custer in Black Hills of South Dakota. It became a national monument in 1908. Frank and Albert Michaud, two local prospectors, discovered the cave in 1900, when they felt cold air blowing out of a small hole in a canyon. It is unknown whether any previous inhabitants of the area were aware of the natural cave opening, which was not large enough for a person to enter. After", "\"1956 Grand Canyon mid-air collision\"\n1956 Grand Canyon mid-air collision The Grand Canyon mid-air collision occurred on June 30, 1956, when a United Airlines Douglas DC-7 struck a Trans World Airlines Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation over the Grand Canyon National Park. All 128 on board both flights perished, making it the first commercial airline crash to result in more than 100 deaths. The collision took place in uncontrolled airspace, where it was the pilots' own responsibility to maintain separation (\"\"See and be seen\"\"). This highlighted the antiquated state of air traffic control, which became the focus of major aviation reforms. Trans World Airlines Flight 2,", "\"Glen Canyon\"\nGlen Canyon Glen Canyon is a natural canyon in the Vermilion Cliffs area of southeastern and south-central Utah and north-central Arizona in the United States. Like the Grand Canyon to the south, Glen Canyon is part of the immense system of canyons carved by the Colorado River and its tributaries. In 1963, a reservoir, Lake Powell, was created by the construction of the Glen Canyon Dam, flooding much of Glen Canyon beneath water hundreds of feet in depth. Lake Powell was the result of negotiations over the controversial damming of the Green River within Dinosaur National Monument, a project which", "\"Marble Canyon Dam\"\ninvestigations, the dam was abandoned as a project in order to facilitate legislation creating the Central Arizona Project. The dam sites were incorporated into Marble Canyon National Monument in 1968, which was absorbed into Grand Canyon National Park in 1975. First proposed in the 1940s by the United States Bureau of Reclamation, the location in Marble Canyon was regarded as one of the most remote and difficult-to-access dam sites in the United States, about below the rim of the canyon. The proposed dam was of moderate size, about high, using a thin-arch concrete design and retaining about 363,000 acre-feet. To", "\"Walnut Canyon National Monument\"\nWalnut Canyon National Monument Walnut Canyon National Monument (Hopi: Wupatupqa) is a United States National Monument located about southeast of downtown Flagstaff, Arizona, near Interstate 40. The canyon rim elevation is ; the canyon's floor is 350 ft lower. A long loop trail descends into the canyon passing 25 cliff dwelling rooms constructed by the Sinagua, a pre-Columbian cultural group that lived in Walnut Canyon from about 1100 to 1250 CE. Other contemporary habitations of the Sinagua people are preserved in the nearby Tuzigoot and Montezuma Castle national monuments. Sinagua is Spanish for \"\"without water\"\", an acknowledgement that the Sinagua", "\"Walnut Canyon National Monument\"\nregion now forms the central attraction of the national monument. There are other ruins in the surround area which are not open to the public. Other dwellings of the Sinagua people can be found in the nearby Tuzigoot and Montezuma Castle monuments. The Old Headquarters is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Walnut Canyon National Monument Walnut Canyon National Monument (Hopi: Wupatupqa) is a United States National Monument located about southeast of downtown Flagstaff, Arizona, near Interstate 40. The canyon rim elevation is ; the canyon's floor is 350 ft lower. A long loop trail descends into the", "\"U.S. Route 89 in Utah\"\nof Big Water, the highway curves west through the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. US-89 stays near the monument's southern boundary, crossing the East Clark Bench and The Cockscomb and passing south of the Vermilion Cliffs of the Grand Staircase. At the city of Kanab, US-89 meets the north end of US-89A, an alternate route south into Arizona, and abruptly turns north and begins climbing the staircase. Here the Mount Carmel Scenic Byway begins; one of the Utah Scenic Byways, it stretches north to SR-12 at Bryce Canyon Junction. The Vermilion Cliffs are ascended via the canyon carved by Kanab Creek.", "\"History of the Grand Canyon area\"\nColter in 1902 as company architect. She was responsible for five buildings at the Grand Canyon: Hopi House (1905), Lookout Studio (1914), Hermit's Rest (1914), Desert View Watchtower (1932), and Bright Angel Lodge (1935). She stayed with the company until her retirement in 1948. A cable car system spanning the Colorado went into operation at Rust's Camp, located near the mouth of Bright Angel Creek, in 1907. Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt stayed at the camp in 1913. That, along with the fact that while president he declared Grand Canyon a U.S. National Monument in 1908, led to the camp", "\"Grand Canyon Association\"\nGrand Canyon Association Grand Canyon Association was founded in 1932 as the Grand Canyon Natural History Association by naturalist Edwin \"\"Eddie\"\" McKee. A ranger working on the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park, McKee saw the need for a park partner that would support interpretive programs and publications about the canyon, and from its beginnings the natural history association did just that, funding interpretive talks, research, and scientific papers. In 1937, the GCNHA was legally established as a cooperating association, a private, nonprofit organization whose mission was to support the education and preservation programs of federally protected lands. The", "\"Grand Canyon Scenic Airlines\"\nGrand Canyon Scenic Airlines. The airline continued to operate from the Boulder City Airport providing services to Grand Canyon West, Grand Canyon, Page, Arizona, Monument Valley, Utah, and Rainbow Bridge, Utah. At that time, Grand Canyon Scenic Airlines continued to operate sightseeing flight services to the Grand Canyon every day of the year. On March 19, 2009 Grand Canyon Scenic Airlines moved its operations at the Boulder City Municipal Airport (BLD) into the company's new \"\"Boulder City Aerocenter\"\", a terminal. According to the Scenic Airlines December 1, 1977 system timetable route map, the airline was operating independently with the following", "\"National Monument (United States)\"\nas national monuments, \"\"the limits of which in all cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected.\"\" The reference in the act to \"\"objects of...scientific interest\"\" enabled President Theodore Roosevelt to make a natural geological feature, Devils Tower in Wyoming, the first national monument three months later. Among the next three monuments he proclaimed in 1906 was Petrified Forest in Arizona, another natural feature. In 1908, Roosevelt used the act to proclaim more than of the Grand Canyon as a national monument. In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson", "\"Browns Canyon National Monument\"\nwhich claimed that a wilderness designation would limit hunting in Browns Canyon. An attempt to reintroduce the Act by Senator Ken Salazar once again failed to clear its committee. Mark Udall and Michael Bennet attempted to introduce legislation designating the canyon as a national monument in 2013, but it, too, failed. Udall's bill also contained over of wilderness protections, which are not included in the proclamation, as such protections may only be enacted by Congress. The monument as designated otherwise substantially follows the acreage designated in the bill. Browns Canyon National Monument Browns Canyon National Monument is a national monument", "Utah\ncentral feature of protected state and federal parks such as Arches, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, and Zion national parks, Cedar Breaks, Grand Staircase-Escalante, Hovenweep, and Natural Bridges national monuments, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (site of the popular tourist destination, Lake Powell), Dead Horse Point and Goblin Valley state parks, and Monument Valley. The Navajo Nation also extends into southeastern Utah. Southeastern Utah is also punctuated by the remote, but lofty La Sal, Abajo, and Henry mountain ranges. Eastern (northern quarter) Utah is a high-elevation area covered mostly by plateaus and basins, particularly the Tavaputs Plateau and San Rafael", "\"Grand Canyon Backcountry Camping\"\nGrand Canyon Backcountry Camping The Grand Canyon National Park is a U.S. National Park located in the state of Arizona. The Park encompasses the Grand Canyon and the surrounding rim areas. The Park maintains an intricate trail system both above and below the rims of the canyon. To properly maintain and supervise the many trails and campgrounds in the backcountry of the Grand Canyon, Park implemented a system of zoning the different areas of the canyon and the surrounding rim area into backcountry \"\"use areas,\"\" designated by a two-letter, one-number code system. This code is used when applying for the", "\"Gold Butte National Monument\"\nrusting equipment remains. The monument is managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The monument consists of . The Gold Butte National Monument fills a gap between Lake Mead National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, creating a continuous swath of conserved land and establishing a wildlife corridor. Significant wildlife within the borders of the park include Mojave Desert tortoise (a threatened species), bighorn sheep, and mountain lion, as well as Gambel's quail and chukar partridge. Important cultural and natural resources within the monument include rock art and sandstone formations. Within the park, \"\"weather-chiseled red sandstone is incised with", "\"Canyons of the Ancients National Monument\"\nCanyons of the Ancients National Monument Canyons of the Ancients National Monument is a national monument protecting an archaeologically-significant landscape located in the southwestern region of the U.S. state of Colorado. The monument's are managed by the Bureau of Land Management, as directed in the Presidential proclamation which created the site on June 9, 2000. Canyons of the Ancients National Monument is part of the National Landscape Conservation System, better known as the National Conservation Lands. This system comprises 32 million acres managed by the Bureau of Land Management to conserve, protect, and restore these nationally significant landscapes recognized for", "\"Bryce Canyon Airport\"\nBryce Canyon Airport Bryce Canyon Airport is a public airport located four miles (6 km) north of Bryce Canyon, in Garfield County, Utah, United States. It is owned by Garfield County. The airport is near Bryce Canyon National Park and the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Bryce Canyon Airport covers an area of which contains one asphalt paved runway (3/21) measuring 7,395 x 75 ft (2,254 x 23 m). For the 12-month period ending December 31, 2004, the airport had 3,132 aircraft operations: 57% general aviation, 26% air taxi and 17% scheduled commercial. The Garfield County Airport Hangar is significant as", "\"Garfield County, Utah\"\nthrough a deep gorge, forms the eastern boundary. Westward, the cliffs of tributary canyons give way to the barren stretches of the San Rafael Desert, beyond which a variety of mountains, plateaus and canyons make up the terrain. Most of Bryce Canyon National Park lies in the southwestern part of the county and the northern half of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument occupies the middle of the county. A large portion of Capitol Reef National Park lies in the east-central part of the county. A very small part of Canyonlands National Park lies in the northeast corner of the county.", "\"Cottonwood Canyon Road\"\nCottonwood Canyon Road Road 400 (Cottonwood Canyon Road) is a scenic dirt road in Kane County, Utah, United States that connects U.S. Route 89 (US-89) with South Kodachrome Road (which, within a few more miles connects with Cannonville and Utah State Route 12). The road traverses portions of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument offering a unique view into the heart of the Monument. This road is considered impassable in wet weather and high clearance vehicles are recommended. Patient drivers of this road will be rewarded with a closer look at spectacular natural features, including one known as the Cockscomb. Topography here", "\"Comb Wash\"\ndraining Cedar Mesa. To the north is Arch Canyon, which has Texas Canyon as an upper tributary. In the central section are Mule Canyon, Dry Wash, and the combined outlet of Fish and Owl canyons. To the south are McCloyd's Canyon (containing the Moon House ruin) and Road Canyon. Scattered throughout these canyons are cliff dwellings of the Ancestral Puebloans. SR-95 crosses the northern part of Comb Wash, while U.S. Route 163 crosses further south. Running along the wash is a primitive road, often impassable after floods. Nearby are the Natural Bridges National Monument, the Grand Gulch Primitive Area, the" ]
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who discovered some islands in the bahamas in 1492
[ "Christopher Columbus" ]
[ "\"Samana Cay\"\nSamana Cay Samana Cay is now an uninhabited island in the Bahamas, believed by some researchers to have been the location of Columbus's first landfall in the Americas, on October 12, 1492. It is an islet, located in the eastern Bahamas, northeast of Acklins Island. About long and up to wide with an area of about it is bound by reefs. The verdant cay has long been uninhabited, but figurines, pottery shards, and other artifacts discovered there in the mid-1980s have been ascribed to Lucayan Indians living on the cay about the time of Christopher Columbus' voyages. The indigenous people", "\"Spanish immigration to Cuba\"\nSpanish immigration to Cuba Spanish immigration to Cuba began in 1492, when Christopher Columbus first landed on the island, and continues to the present day. The first sighting of a Spanish boat approaching the island was on 27 or 28 October 1492, probably at Bariay on the eastern point of the island. Columbus, on his first voyage to the Americas, sailed south from what is now The Bahamas to explore the northeast coast of Cuba and the northern coast of Hispaniola. Columbus discovered the island believing it to be a peninsula of the Asian mainland. In 1511, Diego Velázquez de", "\"Grand Turk Island\"\nthat caused misreadings in Columbus' compasses demonstrate that several of the recorded moorings using a rope-secured anchor to a clear sandy bottom would not have been possible had Columbus sailed from the islands of the Bahamas. In addition, the latitudes recorded in Columbus' diary place the landfall island at 90 nautical miles from Hispaniola, too close for the Bahamas, but almost exactly the distance from Grand Turk. On the contrary, historian Gregory McIntosh has concluded that Grand Turk was not Guanahani but Babueca, an island separately discovered by Martín Alonso Pinzón in November - December 1492. Grand Turk Lighthouse was", "\"The Bahamas\"\nsouthern Bahamas from Hispaniola and Cuba around the 11th century, having migrated there from South America. They came to be known as the Lucayan people. An estimated 30,000 Lucayan inhabited the Bahamas at the time of Christopher Columbus's arrival in 1492. Columbus's first landfall in the New World was on an island he named San Salvador (known to the Lucayan as \"\"Guanahani\"\"). Some researchers believe this site to be present-day San Salvador Island (formerly known as Watling's Island), situated in the southeastern Bahamas. An alternative theory holds that Columbus landed to the southeast on Samana Cay, according to calculations made", "\"History of the Bahamas\"\nHistory of the Bahamas The earliest arrival of humans in the islands now known as The Bahamas was in the first millennium AD. The first inhabitants of the islands were the Lucayans, an Arawakan-speaking Taino people, who arrived between about 500 and 800 AD from other islands of the Caribbean. Their ancestors came from mainland South America, where Arawakan-language peoples were present in most territories, and especially along the northeastern coast. Recorded history began on 12 October 1492, when Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Guanahani, which he renamed San Salvador Island on his first voyage to the New", "\"The Bahamas\"\nwith the Turks and Caicos Islands. The Royal Bahamas Defence Force describes the Bahamas territory as encompassing of ocean space. The Bahamas is the site of Columbus's first landfall in the New World in 1492. At that time, the islands were inhabited by the Lucayan, a branch of the Arawakan-speaking Taino people. Although the Spanish never colonised The Bahamas, they shipped the native Lucayans to slavery in Hispaniola. The islands were mostly deserted from 1513 until 1648, when English colonists from Bermuda settled on the island of Eleuthera. The Bahamas became a British crown colony in 1718, when the British", "\"San Salvador Island\"\nSan Salvador Island San Salvador Island (known as Watlings Island from the 1680s until 1925) is an island and district of the Bahamas. It is widely believed that during Christopher Columbus' first expedition to the New World, San Salvador Island was the first land he sighted and visited on 12 October 1492; he named it \"\"San Salvador\"\" after Christ the Saviour. Columbus' records indicate that the native Lucayan inhabitants of the territory, who called their island \"\"Guanahani,\"\" were \"\"sweet and gentle\"\". When he made landfall on the small island of San Salvador in 1492, Columbus thought he had reached the", "\"History of the Catholic Church in Cuba\"\nHistory of the Catholic Church in Cuba Christopher Columbus, on his first Spanish-sponsored voyage to the Americas in 1492, sailed south from what is now the Bahamas to explore the northeast coast of Cuba and the northern coast of Hispaniola. Columbus, who was searching for a route to India, believed the island to be a peninsula of the Asian mainland. The first sighting of a Spanish ship approaching the island was on 28 October 1492, probably at Bariay, Holguín Province, on the eastern point of the island. During a second voyage in 1494, Columbus passed along the south coast of", "\"History of the Bahamas\"\nOctober 1492 Columbus reached an island in the Bahamas and claimed it for Spain, an event long regarded by Europeans as the 'discovery' of America. This island was called \"\"Guanahani\"\" by the Lucayan, and San Salvador by the Spanish. The identity of the first American landfall by Columbus remains controversial, but many authors accept Samuel E. Morison's identification of Columbus' San Salvador as what was later called Watling (or Watling's) Island. Its name has been officially changed to San Salvador. Columbus visited several other islands in the Bahamas before sailing to present-day Cuba and afterwards to Hispaniola. The Bahamas held", "\"Catholic Church in the Bahamas\"\nCatholic Church in the Bahamas The Catholic Church in the Bahamas is part of the worldwide Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope in Rome. Columbus landed on one of the islands of the Bahamas in 1492, where the first Mass was celebrated in the New World. The Catholic Church became organized in the Bahamas in the mid-19th century, and in the second part of the century US influence became even more important, so that in 1885 the islands — considered as part of the US diocese of Charleston since 1866 — were formally included in the Archdiocese", "\"Catholic Church in the Bahamas\"\n2004, the diocese contains 30 parishes, 15 active diocesan priests, 14 religious priests, and 48,000 Catholics. It also has 28 Women Religious, 14 Religious Brothers, and 13 permanent deacons. Catholics make up 19% of population. \"\"This article incorporates text from the entry \"\"The Bahama Islands\"\" in the public-domain \"\"Catholic Encyclopedia\"\" of 1907.\"\" Catholic Church in the Bahamas The Catholic Church in the Bahamas is part of the worldwide Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope in Rome. Columbus landed on one of the islands of the Bahamas in 1492, where the first Mass was celebrated in the New", "\"Rodrigo de Jerez\"\nRodrigo de Jerez Rodrigo de Jerez was one of the Spanish crewmen who sailed to the Americas on the Santa Maria as part of Christopher Columbus's first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492. He is credited with being the first European smoker. On 12 October 1492, the crew first encountered tobacco at San Salvador island in the Bahamas, known to the natives as Guanahani. The natives presented them with apparently valuable \"\"dry leaves that spread a peculiar fragrance\"\". The crew later discarded the leaves. In November 1492, Jerez and Luis de Torres first observed natives smoking. They were searching", "\"Discovery Day\"\nDiscovery Day Discovery Day is the name of several holidays commemorating the discovery of land, gold, and other significant national discoveries. In the Bahamas Discovery Day was a public holiday on October 12, that celebrated the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World in 1492. It coincided with the Columbus Day celebrations of many other countries in the Americas. Columbus's initial landfall was on the now-unknown island of Guanahani in the Bahamas in 1492. It was last observed as a holiday in 2012 and has been replaced by National Heroes Day holiday, which is a public holiday observed on", "\"Discovery Day\"\nthe Dominican Republic which both recognize the holiday. Discovery Day Discovery Day is the name of several holidays commemorating the discovery of land, gold, and other significant national discoveries. In the Bahamas Discovery Day was a public holiday on October 12, that celebrated the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World in 1492. It coincided with the Columbus Day celebrations of many other countries in the Americas. Columbus's initial landfall was on the now-unknown island of Guanahani in the Bahamas in 1492. It was last observed as a holiday in 2012 and has been replaced by National Heroes Day", "\"Samana Cay\"\nthe present-day Samana Cay. Samana Cay had a permanent population during the first half of the 20th century and the ruins of this settlement are visible on the south side of the island, near the western end. The island is now uninhabited, but residents of nearby Acklins Island visit occasionally to collect cascarilla bark, which grows in abundance on the island. Samana Cay Samana Cay is now an uninhabited island in the Bahamas, believed by some researchers to have been the location of Columbus's first landfall in the Americas, on October 12, 1492. It is an islet, located in the", "\"Egg Island (Bahamas)\"\nwater behind the reef is generally less than deep making it a good place to swim or watch the sea life. Since the water is so shallow and well protected, it tends to be warmer than the surrounding sea. Egg Island gained some fame in the 1980s when Arne Molander claimed that this was the first island where Columbus landed in his 1492 voyage to the New World. Off the island is the wreck of the \"\"Arimoroa\"\". Recently, Egg Island has gained international recognition after Disney Cruise Lines started exploring the area for possible development of a cruise ship port.", "\"Spice trade\"\ngrow from the spice trade. It was during this time that Spanish and Portuguese explorers first set foot on the New World. Christopher Columbus was the first to do so in 1492 while sailing westward across the Atlantic Ocean on an expedition to the indies. Instead of reaching Asia, Colombus discovered the Americas, landing on an island in what is now the Bahamas. Believing to have in fact reached India, the crew named the natives \"\"Indians\"\", a name which has continued in use to this day, to describe the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Just eight years later in 1500,", "\"Age of Discovery\"\nwhat turned out to be a five-week voyage across the ocean, crossing a section of the Atlantic that became known as the Sargasso Sea. Land was sighted on 12 October 1492, and Columbus called the island (now The Bahamas) \"\"San Salvador\"\", in what he thought to be the \"\"West Indies\"\". Columbus also explored the northeast coast of Cuba (landed on 28 October) and the northern coast of Hispaniola, by 5 December. He was received by the native cacique Guacanagari, who gave him permission to leave some of his men behind. On the return, a storm forced him to dock in", "\"History of the Bahamas\"\nLucayan settlement sites are confined to the nineteen largest islands in the archipelago, or to smaller cays located less than one km. from those islands. Population density in the southern-most Bahamas remained lower, probably due to the drier climate there (less than 800 mm of rain a year on Great Inagua Island and the Turks and Caicos Islands and only slightly higher on Acklins and Crooked Islands and Mayaguana). In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain on his first voyage with three ships, the \"\"Niña,\"\" the \"\"Pinta,\"\" and the flagship, \"\"Santa Maria,\"\" seeking a direct route to Asia. On 12", "\"Lucayan people\"\nDuhos made of wood and stone have both been found, though those made of wood tend not to last as well as the stone chairs and are, therefore, much rarer. There are intact wooden duhos in the collections of the Musée de l'Homme in Paris and British Museum in London (the latter found on the island of Eleuthera). In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain with three ships, seeking a direct route to Asia. On October 12, 1492 Columbus reached an island in the Bahamas, an event long regarded as the 'discovery' of America. This first island to be visited", "\"John Watling\"\nJohn Watling John, or George, Watling (died 1682) was a 17th-century English buccaneer. It was said that he would never plunder on the Sabbath and refused to allow his crew to play cards on this holy day. John Watling is best known for making his headquarters on the island currently dubbed San Salvador and naming it Watling Island. It is believed to be the island \"\"Guanahani,\"\" as named by the indigenous Lucayan people, which Christopher Columbus first saw in 1492 and renamed San Salvador. This is disputed by some. In 1925, the Bahamas officially named the island San Salvador after", "\"Grand Turk Island\"\nto the Grand Turk Island airport. In 1966 at least five Arcas (All-Purpose Rocket for Collecting Atmospheric Soundings) sounding rockets were launched from Grand Turk Island by the USA. Grand Turk has been put forward as the possible landfall island of Christopher Columbus during his first voyage to the New World in 1492. San Salvador Island or Samana Cay in the Bahamas is traditionally identified with Guanahani, the site of Columbus' first landfall, but some believe that studies of Columbus' journals show that his descriptions of Guanahani much more closely fit Grand Turk than they do other candidates. Magnetic variations", "\"Rodrigo de Jerez\"\nfrom his mouth\"\". When he was released seven years later, smoking tobacco had caught on. Rodrigo de Jerez Rodrigo de Jerez was one of the Spanish crewmen who sailed to the Americas on the Santa Maria as part of Christopher Columbus's first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492. He is credited with being the first European smoker. On 12 October 1492, the crew first encountered tobacco at San Salvador island in the Bahamas, known to the natives as Guanahani. The natives presented them with apparently valuable \"\"dry leaves that spread a peculiar fragrance\"\". The crew later discarded the leaves.", "\"Catholic Monarchs\"\nactually landed in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492. Since Queen Isabella had provided the funding and authorization for the voyage, the benefits accrued to the Kingdom of Castile. \"\"Although the subjects of the Crown of Aragon played some part in the discovery and colonization of the New World, the Indies were formally annexed not to Spain but to the Crown of Castile.\"\" He landed on the island of Guanahani, and called it San Salvador. He continued onto Cuba, naming it Juana, and finished his journey on the island of the Dominican Republic and Haiti, calling it Hispaniola, or \"\"La", "\"Niña\"\nto sail the Mediterranean sea, not the open ocean. It was greatly surpassed in size by ships like of the Hanseatic League, built in 1462, in length, and the English carrack , built during the period 1420–1439, weighing between 1,400 and 2,750 tons, and long, in both weight and length. On Columbus' first expedition, \"\"Niña\"\" carried 26 men, captained by Vicente Yáñez Pinzón. They left Palos de la Frontera on 3 August 1492, stopping at the Canary Islands on 12 August 1492, and continued westward. Landfall was made in the Bahamas at dawn on 12 October 1492. On 14 February", "\"History of cartography\"\naround Africa to India, arriving in Calicut and starting a maritime route from Portugal to India. Soon, after Pedro Álvares Cabral reaching Brazil (1500), explorations proceed to Southeast Asia, having sent the first direct European maritime trade and diplomatic missions to Ming China and to Japan (1542). In 1492, when a Spanish expedition headed by Genoese explorer Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route to the Far East but inadvertently found the Americas. Columbus's first two voyages (1492–93) reached the Bahamas and various Caribbean islands, including Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and Cuba. The post-1492 era is known as", "\"Territorial evolution of North America prior to 1763\"\nthe Clovis peoples. Upon the arrival of the Europeans in the \"\"New World\"\", Native American population declined substantially, primarily due to the introduction of European diseases to which the Native Americans lacked immunity. There was limited contact between North American people and the outside world before 1492. Several theoretical contacts have been proposed, but the earliest physical evidence comes from the Norse or Vikings. Norse captain Leif Ericson is believed to have reached the Island of Newfoundland circa 1000 AD. In 1492 Columbus reached land in the Bahamas. Almost 500 years after the Norse, John Cabot explored the east coast", "\"Settler colonialism\"\npopulation ultimately made the Norse abandon those settlements. Extensive European colonization began in 1492, when a Spanish expedition headed by Genoese Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route to the Far East but inadvertently landed in the Americas. European conquest, large-scale exploration, colonization and industrial development soon followed. Columbus's first two voyages (1492–93) reached the Bahamas and various Caribbean islands, including Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and Cuba. In 1497, sailing from Bristol on behalf of England, John Cabot landed on the North American coast, and a year later, Columbus's third voyage reached the South American coast. As the", "\"Long Island, Bahamas\"\nmaking it more than double the depth of most other large holes. Long Island is surrounded by small bays and inlets, including the large New Found Harbour west of Deadman's Cay, at approximately the midsection of the island. There are also smaller islands off-shore, including Sandy Cay. The island was originally called by the Arawak name \"\"Yuma.\"\" It was rechristened \"\"Fernandina\"\" by Christopher Columbus on his first voyage in 1492, during which Long Island is believed to have been his third stop, following San Salvador and Rum Cay to the east. Archaeological evidence, including ceremonial stools called \"\"duhos\"\", shows that", "Guanahani\nanother 11 leagues west when they sighted the Ragged Islands, which he called the \"\"Islas de Arena\"\" (\"\"Sand Islands\"\") running north-south at a distance of five leagues. Guanahani Guanahani is an island in the Bahamas that was the first land in the New World sighted and visited by Christopher Columbus' first voyage, on October 12, 1492. It is not known precisely which island it was, and several theories have been put forth by historians. \"\"Guanahani\"\" is the native Taíno name; Columbus called it San Salvador. Upon his return to Spain in the spring of 1493, Columbus wrote a letter to", "Cay\nCay A cay ( or ), also spelled caye or key, is a small, low-elevation, sandy island on the surface of a coral reef. Cays occur in tropical environments throughout the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans (including in the Caribbean and on the Great Barrier Reef and Belize Barrier Reef). The 1492 indigenous people of Bahamas were called \"\"Lucayan\"\", an Anglicization of the Spanish \"\"Lucayos\"\", derived in turn from the Taíno \"\"Lukku-Cairi\"\" (which the people used for themselves), meaning \"\"people of the islands\"\". The Taíno word for \"\"island\"\", \"\"cairi\"\", became \"\"cayo\"\" in Spanish and \"\"cay\"\" in English (spelled \"\"key\"\" in", "\"History of the Catholic Church in Cuba\"\nmembers of the Communist Party. The subsequent flight of 300,000 people from the island also helped to diminish the Church there. In 1992, Cuba declared itself a secular state and permitted Catholics and others to join the Communist Party. However, religious schools have remained closed since the early 1960s. History of the Catholic Church in Cuba Christopher Columbus, on his first Spanish-sponsored voyage to the Americas in 1492, sailed south from what is now the Bahamas to explore the northeast coast of Cuba and the northern coast of Hispaniola. Columbus, who was searching for a route to India, believed the", "\"History of the Azores\"\nby Prince Henry's personal chronicler, who wrote that the Prince \"\"ordered [them] to find the islands\"\" (referring to the Portuguese navigators and captains), rather than just sending his fleets into the unknown to discover what they could. The exact date of this re-discovery of the Atlantic islands is not clear, though historical accounts indicate that the islands of Santa Maria and São Miguel were the first to be discovered by navigator Diogo de Silves around 1427. One fact often debated is the origin of the name \"\"Azores\"\" used to identify the archipelago. By 1492, in the globe of Martin Behaim,", "\"Martinique macaw\"\nbetween the Caribbean islands and from mainland South America both in historic times by Europeans and natives, and prehistoric times by Paleoamericans. Parrots were important in the culture of native Caribbeans, were traded between islands, and were among the gifts offered to Christopher Columbus when he reached the Bahamas in 1492. It is therefore difficult to determine whether the numerous historical records of macaws on these islands refer to distinct, endemic species, since they could have been based on escaped individuals or feral populations of foreign macaws of known species that had been transported there. As many as thirteen extinct", "\"Parliament of the Bahamas\"\nParliament of the Bahamas The Parliament of The Bahamas is the bicameral national parliament of Commonwealth of The Bahamas. The parliament is formally made up by the Queen (represented by the Governor-General), an appointed Senate, and an elected House of Assembly. It currently sits at Nassau, the national capital. The structure, functions, and procedures of the parliament are based on the Westminster system. Originally inhabited by the Lucayans, a branch of the Arawakan-speaking Taino people, the Bahamas were the site of Columbus' first landfall in the New World in 1492. Although the Spanish never colonized the Bahamas, they shipped the", "Guanahani\nGuanahani Guanahani is an island in the Bahamas that was the first land in the New World sighted and visited by Christopher Columbus' first voyage, on October 12, 1492. It is not known precisely which island it was, and several theories have been put forth by historians. \"\"Guanahani\"\" is the native Taíno name; Columbus called it San Salvador. Upon his return to Spain in the spring of 1493, Columbus wrote a letter to Luis de Santangel, one of his patrons at the Spanish court. The letter was printed widely and translated into many languages, spreading the news of the discovery", "\"Taíno\"\nthe first Europeans to encounter the Taíno people, as they landed in The Bahamas on October 12, 1492. After their first interaction, Columbus described the Taínos as a physically tall, well-proportioned people, with a noble and kind personality. In his diary, Columbus wrote: At this time, the neighbors of the Taíno were the Guanahatabeys in the western tip of Cuba, the Island-Caribs in the Lesser Antilles from Guadeloupe to Grenada, and the Calusa and Ais nations of Florida. Guanahaní was the Taíno name for the island that Columbus renamed as \"\"San Salvador\"\" (Spanish for \"\"Holy Savior\"\"). Columbus called the Taíno", "\"Ara (genus)\"\nprehistoric times, by Paleoamericans. Parrots were important in the culture of native Caribbeans, were traded between islands, and were among the gifts offered to Christopher Columbus when he reached the Bahamas in 1492. It is therefore difficult to determine whether or not the numerous historical records of macaws on these islands mention distinct, endemic species, since they could have been escaped individuals or feral populations of foreign macaws of known species, that had been transported there. As many as thirteen extinct macaws have at times been suggested to have lived on the islands until recently. Only three endemic Caribbean \"\"Ara\"\"", "\"Territorial evolution of the Caribbean\"\ncolonial struggles of the European powers since Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492. In the 20th century the Caribbean was again important during World War II, in the decolonization wave in the post-war period, and in the tension between Communist Cuba and the United States (U.S.). Genocide, slavery, immigration and rivalry between world powers have given Caribbean history an impact disproportionate to the size of this small region. At the time of the European discovery of most of the islands of the Caribbean, three major Amerindian indigenous peoples lived on the islands: the Taíno in the Greater Antilles, The Bahamas and", "\"Christopher Columbus\"\nastronomy, and history. He formulated a plan to seek a western sea passage to the East Indies, hoping to profit from the lucrative spice trade. After years of lobbying, the Catholic Monarchs of Spain agreed to sponsor a journey west, in the name of the Crown of Castile. Columbus left Spain in August 1492 with three ships, and after a stopover in the Canary Islands made landfall in the Americas on 12 October (now celebrated as Columbus Day). His landing place was an island in the Bahamas, known by its native inhabitants as Guanahani; its exact location is uncertain. Columbus", "Cay\nof all the debate around the future of cays, there is consensus that these island environments are very complex and somewhat fragile. Examples of cays include: Cay A cay ( or ), also spelled caye or key, is a small, low-elevation, sandy island on the surface of a coral reef. Cays occur in tropical environments throughout the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans (including in the Caribbean and on the Great Barrier Reef and Belize Barrier Reef). The 1492 indigenous people of Bahamas were called \"\"Lucayan\"\", an Anglicization of the Spanish \"\"Lucayos\"\", derived in turn from the Taíno \"\"Lukku-Cairi\"\" (which the", "\"Lesser Antillean macaw\"\nnative Caribbeans, and were among the gifts offered to Christopher Columbus when he reached the Bahamas in 1492. Historical records of macaws on these islands, therefore, may not have represented distinct, endemic species; it is also possible that these macaws were escaped or feral birds that had been transported to the islands from elsewhere. All the endemic Caribbean macaws were likely driven to extinction by humans in historic and prehistoric times. The identity and distribution of indigenous macaws in the Caribbean is only likely to be further resolved through paleontological discoveries and examination of contemporary reports and artwork. The Lesser", "\"Ragged Island, Bahamas\"\nBahama, at a cost of $60 million. The island relies on the \"\"mail boat\"\" for transportation to and from the major islands, as well as for freight and commerce. The island is also served by Duncan Town Airport. Upgrades to the Duncan Town Airport (funded by the European Union) were commenced in 2006 at a cost of $650,000. The dredging and construction of a dock in Ragged Island commenced in 2006, at an estimated cost of some $3.5 million. Ragged Island, Bahamas Ragged Island is a small island (9 square miles) and district in the southern Bahamas. Ragged Island is", "\"History of cricket in the West Indies to 1918\"\nHistory of cricket in the West Indies to 1918 This article describes the history of West Indies cricket to 1918. The development of cricket in all countries has been shaped by historical events but perhaps nowhere else is this more so than in the West Indies where not only colonialism but also slavery shaped society. In 1492, the \"\"New World\"\" was discovered by a Spanish naval expedition under Columbus which reached the Caribbean Sea and found the Bahamas; and hence the West Indies. In 1609, the first British settlement in the West Indies was on Bermuda by shipwrecked English colonists", "Liguria\nhis first voyage in 1492, instead of reaching Japan as he had intended, Columbus landed in the Bahamas archipelago, at a locale he named \"\"San Salvador\"\". Over the course of three more voyages, Columbus visited the Greater and Lesser Antilles, as well as the Caribbean coast of Venezuela and Central America, claiming them for the Spanish Empire. The value of trade routes through Genoa to the Near East declined during the Age of Discovery, when Portuguese explorers discovered routes to Asia around the Cape of Good Hope. The international crises of the seventeenth century, which ended for Genoa with the", "\"Geography of the Bahamas\"\ncoral, but much of the rock is oolitic limestone; the stone is derived from the disintegration of coral reefs and seashells. The land is primarily either rocky or mangrove swamp. Low scrub covers much of the surface area. Pineyards are found on four of the northern islands: Grand Bahama, Great Abaco, New Providence, and Andros. On some of the southern islands, low-growing tropical hardwood flourishes. Although some soil is very fertile, it is also very thin. Only a few freshwater lakes and just one river, located on Andros Island, are found in the Bahamas. The climate of the Bahama islands", "\"Religion in the Turks and Caicos Islands\"\n2006, the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos were reassigned to the Jamaica Kingston Mission. Prior to 1984, Turks and Caicos Islands was a part of Archdiocese of Nassau in the Bahamas. In 1984, it became a mission sui iuris (Independent Mission), the first Ecclesiastical Superior being Archbishop Lawrence Aloysius Burke. During that time the islands were served by a number of priests who stayed anywhere from a few months to a year and a half. In the three years prior to 1998 the islands were served by a priest who came for some eight months of the year. The remaining", "Hinche\nHinche Hinche (; ) is a commune in the Centre department Haiti. It has a population of about 50,000. It is the capital of the Centre department. Hinche is the hometown of Charlemagne Péralte, the Haitian nationalist leader who resisted the United States occupation of Haiti that lasted between 1915–1934. The island of Hispaniola was discovered by the navigator Christopher Columbus in 1492. The original population of the island, the Tainos, were gradually destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors. The village of Hincha was founded in 1704, by Spanish settlers from the Canary Islands. In 1739 its population was of 500", "\"Crown of Castile\"\nconvert to Catholicism, in some cases persecuted by the Inquisition. Finally in 1492, the monarchs decided that those who would not convert would be expelled. It is estimated that between 50,000 and 70,000 people were expelled from Castile. From 1502 onwards, they began to convert the Muslim population. Between 1478 and 1497 the monarchs' forces conquered the three Canary Islands of Gran Canaria, La Palma and Tenerife. On 2 January 1492 the monarchs entered Granada's Alhambra marking the completion and end of the \"\"Reconquista\"\". Also in 1492, the Christopher Columbus maritime expedition claimed the newly found lands in the Americas", "\"Transport in the Bahamas\"\nTransport in the Bahamas This article talks about transportation in the Bahamas, a North American archipelagic state in the Atlantic Ocean. Approximately of road in the Bahamas is classified as highway. Of these, approximately are paved. As a former British colony, drivers drive on the left. Marinas and harbours are plentiful on The Bahamas islands, making aquatic travel an easy way to navigate between the islands group. Boat travel can be the only way to reach some of the smaller islands. Travelers entering the island will need to clear customs first, but boatsmen can enter any of the following ports", "\"Taíno\"\nTaíno The Taíno were an indigenous people of the Caribbean. At the time of European contact in the late fifteenth century, they were the principal inhabitants of most of Cuba, Hispaniola (the Dominican Republic and Haiti), Jamaica, Puerto Rico, The Bahamas and the northern Lesser Antilles. The Taíno were the first New World peoples to be encountered by Christopher Columbus during his 1492 voyage. They spoke the Taíno language, an Arawakan language. The ancestors of the Taíno originated in South America, and the Taíno culture as documented developed in the Caribbean. Taíno groups were in conflict with the Island Caribs", "\"Taíno\"\nof the southern Lesser Antilles. At the time of contact, the Taíno were divided into several groups. Western Taíno groups included the Lucayans of the Bahamas, the Ciboney of central Cuba, and the inhabitants of Jamaica. The Classic Taíno lived in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, while the Eastern Taíno lived in the northern islands of the Lesser Antilles. At the time of Columbus's arrival in 1492, there were five Taíno chiefdoms in Hispaniola, each led by a principal (chief), to whom tribute was paid. The Taíno name for Hispaniola was (\"\"land of high mountains\"\"), which is the source of the", "\"Culture of the Bahamas\"\nspeaks Bahamian Dialect, which is a dialect of English intermediate between Standard English and Bahamian Creole. There are some minor regional differences from island to island in terms of pronunciation, but generally all are the same. In Bahamian dialect, some African words and expressions have been retained, such as: The first known published work by a Bahamian is \"\"A narrative of facts, relative to the conduct of Vice-Admiral Gambier, during his late command in North America published in 1782\"\", it was written by James Gambier, 1st Baron Gambier who was born on New Providence Island in The Bahamas in 1756.", "Cuba\npeople), the Guanahatabey and the Ciboney people. The ancestors of the Ciboney migrated from the mainland of South America, with the earliest sites dated to 5,000 BP. The Taíno arrived from Hispanola sometime in the 3rd century A.D. When Columbus arrived they were the dominant culture in Cuba, having an estimated population of 150,000. The Taíno were farmers, while the Ciboney were farmers as well as fishers and hunter-gatherers. After first landing on an island then called Guanahani, Bahamas, on 12 October 1492, Christopher Columbus commanded his three ships: \"\"La Pinta,\"\" \"\"La Niña\"\" and the \"\"Santa María,\"\" to land on", "\"Harbour Island, Bahamas\"\nHarbour Island, Bahamas Harbour Island is an island and administrative district in the Bahamas and is located off the northeast coast of Eleuthera Island. It has a population of 1,762 (2010 census). The only town on the island is Dunmore Town, named after the governor of the Bahamas from 1786 to 1798, John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore, who had a summer residence on Harbour Island. Harbour Island is famous for its pink sand beaches, which are found all along the east side of the island. The pink hue comes from foraminifera, a microscopic organism that actually has a reddish-pink", "\"Andros, Bahamas\"\ntheir free-diving skills used in fishing conch; they enslaved the natives and transported them to Cubagua to work as pearl divers. The Lucayans suffered high mortality due to new infectious diseases carried by the Spanish, as the Lucayans had no immunity to these. A 1520 expedition by the Spanish to round up the remaining Lucayans discovered only 11 people in the Bahamas; they were effectively extinct. After the Lucayans became extinct, there were no known permanent settlements in the Bahamas—including Andros Island—for approximately 130 years. The Bahamas passed back and forth between Spanish and British rule for 150 years. Britain", "\"European colonization of the Americas\"\nthe 7th century; the site became the first permanent European settlement in the Americas. Western European conquest, large-scale exploration and colonization soon followed. Columbus's first two voyages (1492–93) reached the Bahamas and various Caribbean islands, including Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. In 1497, Italian explorer John Cabot, on behalf of England, landed on the North American coast, and a year later, Columbus's third voyage reached the South American coast. As the sponsor of Christopher Columbus's voyages, Spain was the first European power to settle and colonize the largest areas, from North America and the Caribbean to the southern tip of", "\"Christopher Columbus\"\nwith the Indies. Columbus's project, though far-fetched, held the promise of such an advantage. Though Columbus was wrong about the number of degrees of longitude that separated Europe from the Far East and about the distance that each degree represented, he did possess valuable knowledge about the trade winds, which would prove to be the key to his successful navigation of the Atlantic Ocean. During his first voyage in 1492, the brisk trade winds from the east, commonly called \"\"easterlies\"\", propelled Columbus's fleet for five weeks, from the Canary Islands to The Bahamas. The precise first land sighting and landing", "\"Maritime history of Europe\"\nscale. Christopher Columbus set sail in the \"\"Santa Maria\"\" on what is probably history’s most well known voyage of discovery on August 3, 1492. Leaving from the town of Palos, in southern Spain, Columbus headed west. After a brief stop in the Canary Islands for provisions and repairs, he set out for Asia. He reached San Salvador first, it is believed, (easternmost of the Bahamas) in October, and then sailed past Cuba and Hispaniola, still searching for Asia. He returned home in 1493 to a hero's welcome, and within six months had 1,500 men and 17 vessels at his command.", "\"1926 Atlantic hurricane season\"\nat least 287 deaths—the fourth deadliest July hurricane since 1492— and $16.4 million (1926 USD) in losses, at least $8 million of which were in the Bahamas. It remains only the second of three recorded hurricanes since 1851 to have struck the east coast of Florida north of Cape Canaveral from the Atlantic Ocean, the others being a hurricane in 1915 and Hurricane Dora in 1964. The Nova Scotia Hurricane of 1926 <br> Early on July 29, a tropical depression formed more than east of the Leeward Islands. Over the next few days, it moved west-northwest, becoming a tropical storm", "\"Xibalbanus tulumensis\"\nCaribbean, the Canary Islands and Western Australia. They are free-swimming crustaceans, typically living in low-oxygen, brackish waters of near-marine caves, and their distribution is linked to the ancient Tethys Sea. The first member of the class Remipedia to be discovered and described, by Jill Yager in the \"\"Journal of Crustacean Biology\"\" in 1981, was \"\"Speleonectes lucayensis\"\" from Lucayan Cavern on the Grand Bahama Island. The feeding technique of \"\"X. tulumensis\"\" is unique among crustaceans, and its venom is a useful adaptation that to some extent compensates for being sightless in a nutrient-poor or oligotrophic environment. Venom is common in all", "\"Île des Cygnes (former island)\"\nbuilt with fir plugs, discovered in August 1806 during the construction of the footings for Pont d'Iéna, was thought to be a Norman boat dating to the Siege of Paris in 885/86, although some scholars believe that it may have dated to the Sequani tribe from the first century B.C. In the 13th century the peasants of Chaillot on the opposite bank had the right to graze their cattle on the île Maquerelle, in exchange for a payment in kind paid to the Abbaye de Saint-Germain-des-Prés. The right to \"\"fermage\"\" was 20 livres in 1492, and the \"\"bail de l'herbe\"\"", "\"William Sayle\"\nHowever, on 31 August 1649 \"\"The Journal\"\" does record that \"\"An Act for Settling the Islands in the West Indies betwixt the Degrees of Twenty-four and Twenty-nine North Latitude was passed.\"\" Though the Act does not mention William Sayle specifically, a letter from lawyer John Bolles dated 15 August 1654 refers to an act passed in 1650 \"\"for encouragement of adventurers to some newly discovered Islands,\"\" and Bolles mentions \"\"William Saile\"\" as one of the twenty-six proprietors. Authorisation, then, may have come after the fact. Sayles was the only one of the twenty-six proprietors to settle in the Bahamas, and", "\"Egg Island (Bahamas)\"\nevaluate the potential of Egg Island as a cruise destination.\"\" Egg Island (Bahamas) Egg Island is an uninhabited island, officially an islet, comprising in the Bahamas. It's thought to be named because of the supposed chickens owned by residents of other nearby islands who travel here to collect the eggs; however, there are no chickens on Egg Island. Another theory is that local sea bird eggs were often collected here by the first settlers, these were then wiped out by the introduction of goats to the island a long time ago. The island has a crescent shaped beach that is", "\"Lucayan people\"\nthe islands\"\". (The Taíno word for \"\"island\"\", \"\"cairi\"\", became \"\"cayo\"\" in Spanish and \"\"cay\"\" in English [spelled \"\"key\"\" in American English].) Some crania and artifacts of \"\"Ciboney type\"\" were reportedly found on Andros Island, but if some Ciboney did reach the Bahamas ahead of the Lucayans, they left no known evidence of occupation. Some possible \"\"Ciboney\"\" archaeological sites have been found elsewhere in the Bahamas, but the only one subjected to radiocarbon dating dated to the mid- to late-12th century, contemporaneous with Lucayan occupation of the islands. Christopher Columbus's \"\"diario\"\" is the only source of first-hand observations of the Lucayans.", "\"1877 Atlantic hurricane season\"\nresponsible for 84 deaths. On September 24 a tropical storm was discovered north of Hispaniola. It tracked through the Bahamas over the next few days. After passing the Bahamas, it moved parallel to the southeastern coast of the United States.The storm reached peak intensity on September 28. It apparently dissipated on September 29. A tropical storm was discovered roughly halfway between Bermuda and the Cape Verde Islands on October 13. It headed generally northward and did not strengthen. It became extratropical to the southeast of Cape Race on October 16. This extratropical storm lasted until October 18. A tropical storm", "\"Egg Island (Bahamas)\"\nEgg Island (Bahamas) Egg Island is an uninhabited island, officially an islet, comprising in the Bahamas. It's thought to be named because of the supposed chickens owned by residents of other nearby islands who travel here to collect the eggs; however, there are no chickens on Egg Island. Another theory is that local sea bird eggs were often collected here by the first settlers, these were then wiped out by the introduction of goats to the island a long time ago. The island has a crescent shaped beach that is protected by a reef that protects the entire beach. The", "\"Diogo Cão\"\nand granted him an annuity and a coat of arms. On his return he discovered the Island of Annobón. That Cão, on his second voyage of 1484–1486, was accompanied by Martin Behaim (as alleged on the latter's Nuremberg globe of 1492) is very doubtful. But it is known that the explorer revisited the Congo and erected two more padrão on land beyond his previous voyage. The first was at Cabo Negro, Angola, the second at Cape Cross. The Cape Cross pillar probably marked the end of his progress southward, some 1,400 kilometers. Cão ascended the Kongo River (which he thought", "\"Hurricane Andrew\"\nPrime Minister Hubert Ingraham, who took office while the storm was active, urged residents to \"\"take this hurricane seriously\"\". Before the hurricane passed through the Bahamas, forecasters predicted a storm surge of up to , as well as up to of rain. On August 22, hurricane watches were issued from Andros and Eleuthera islands northward through Grand Bahama and Great Abaco. They were upgraded to hurricane warnings later that day, and on August 23, additional warnings were issued for the central Bahamas, including Cat Island, Exuma, San Salvador Island, and Long Island, Bahamas. All watches and warnings were discontinued on", "\"William Sayle\"\nreach a compromise with the London Government which kept the Parliamentary forces out, and preserved the status quo within the colony. William Sayle established the first English settlement of the Bahamas between 1646–48 on the island of Eleuthera, establishing England's claim to the Bahamas archipelago. He left Bermuda with seventy settlers, mostly Bermudians and some English, who were looking for a place where they could worship God freely. To this end they settled on the Island of Segatoo which they gave the name \"\"Eleuthera\"\", from the Greek word meaning \"\"freedom\"\". This settlement was planned and authorised from England, and did", "\"Grand Bahama\"\nGrand Bahama Grand Bahama is the northernmost of the islands of The Bahamas, lying off Palm Beach, Florida. It is the fourth largest island in the Bahamas island chain of approximately 700 islands and 2,400 cays. The island is roughly in area and approximately long west to east and at its widest point north to south. Administratively, the island consists of the Freeport Bonded Area and the districts of East Grand Bahama and West Grand Bahama. Grand Bahama Island has a tropical savanna climate, with a hot and wet season from May through October, and warm and dry season from", "\"Bahama Banks\"\nBahama Banks The Bahama Banks are the submerged carbonate platforms that make up much of the Bahama Archipelago. The term is usually applied in referring to either the Great Bahama Bank around Andros Island, or the Little Bahama Bank of Grand Bahama Island and Great Abaco, which are the largest of the platforms, and the Cay Sal Bank north of Cuba. The islands of these banks are politically part of the Bahamas. Other banks are the three banks of the Turks and Caicos Islands, namely the Caicos Bank of the Caicos Islands, the bank of the Turks Islands, and wholly", "\"Bahama nuthatch\"\nBahama nuthatch The Bahama nuthatch (\"\"Sitta\"\" pusilla insularis\"\") is an endangered subspecies of nuthatch endemic to the pineyards of Grand Bahama island in the Bahamas. It is usually considered a subspecies of the brown-headed nuthatch, although some authorities recognize it as a distinct species. It has some notable differences from its mainland counterpart, including a darker brown facial stripe, a longer bill, shorter wings, and a unique warbling call. Research using genetic markers indicates that both species likely diverged around 685,000 years prior. Due to its very restricted range, it is highly threatened by habitat destruction and degradation, fires, and", "\"Bahama nuthatch\"\nextinct as there had been no sightings between 2016 and 2018. Bahama nuthatch The Bahama nuthatch (\"\"Sitta\"\" pusilla insularis\"\") is an endangered subspecies of nuthatch endemic to the pineyards of Grand Bahama island in the Bahamas. It is usually considered a subspecies of the brown-headed nuthatch, although some authorities recognize it as a distinct species. It has some notable differences from its mainland counterpart, including a darker brown facial stripe, a longer bill, shorter wings, and a unique warbling call. Research using genetic markers indicates that both species likely diverged around 685,000 years prior. Due to its very restricted range,", "\"Grand Bahama\"\na whole is derived from. However, the Lucayan (pre-Columbian) name for the island was \"\"Bahama\"\". Grand Bahama's existence for almost two centuries was largely governed by the nature of these \"\"great shallows\"\" - the coral reefs surrounding the island were treacherous, and repelled its Spanish claimants (who largely left it alone apart from infrequent en route stops by ships for provisions) while attracting pirates, who would lure ships onto the reefs where they would run aground and be plundered. The Spaniards took little interest in the island after enslaving the native Lucayan inhabitants. The islands were claimed by Great Britain", "\"Great Isaac Cay, Bahamas\"\nsaid to haunt the island to this very day, wailing in sorrow during the full moon. On August 4, 1969, the station was discovered to have been abandoned by its two keepers, who were never found. Many believers in the Bermuda Triangle claim that the keepers were two more victims lost to its mysterious forces. However, the hurricane record from 1969 indicates that Hurricane Anna , the first hurricane of 1969, on 1–2 August, passed close enough to Great Isaac Island to cause dangerous weather for the tiny rock island. By the 4th of August, the hurricane was well into", "\"Andros, Bahamas\"\nis unique to Andros Island. Critically endangered, it has an estimated remaining population of as few as several hundred. The great lizard cuckoo is found only on Andros, New Providence, and Eleuthera. The rare Kirtland's warbler—an estimated 600 remain—was first seen on the island in 1879 and some individuals winter on Andros. The endangered migratory Atlantic subspecies of the piping plover favours the rocky shores and sandy beaches of Andros. Other rare and uncommon birds found in the Andros environ include the Bahama yellowthroat, Bahama woodstar, Bahama swallow, West Indian whistling duck and Key West quail dove. Other birds found", "\"Joulter Cays\"\ncalled Joulter Cays a true paradise and treasure of the Bahamas, rich in birds, fisheries, and other wildlife. However, some local residents are concerned that a national park status would prohibit their bonefish guiding service to tourists. Joulter Cays Joulter Cays are small uninhabited islands to the north of Andros Island in the Bahamas. Oolitic sand dominates the intertidal zone around the small islands that are covered with vegetation. The Joulter Cays were designated as an Important Bird Area for the endangered piping plover and short-billed dowitcher in 2012. The National Audubon Society's International Alliances Program and the Bahamas National", "\"Saint Brendan's Island\"\nSaint Brendan's Island Saint Brendan’s Isle, also spelled St Brendan’s Isle, is a phantom island or mythical island, supposedly situated in the North Atlantic somewhere west of Northern Africa. It is named after Saint Brendan of Clonfert. He and his followers are said to have discovered it while travelling across the ocean and evangelising its islands. It appeared on numerous maps in Christopher Columbus's time, most notably Martin Behaim's Erdapfel of 1492. It is denominated \"\"La isla de San Borondón\"\" and \"\"isla de Samborombón\"\" in Spanish. The first mention of the island was in the Latin text \"\"Navigatio Sancti Brendani", "\"Parque Nacional Submarino La Caleta\"\nof the arrival of conquistadors in 1492, La Caleta was a major Indian settlement. The settlement, known as Herds led Toto, included La Caleta and its surrounding area. According to tradition, it was inhabited by native people who were engaged in fishing and agriculture. In 1972, families living around the \"\"little beach\"\" were evicted to start the excavation and construction of the Pantheon Archaeological Museum as well as the national park. In 1972, the La Caleta Centre was established by the scientific community when archaeologists discovered 373 skeletons of indigenous pre-Columbian people who had inhabited the island of Santo Domingo.", "\"Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries\"\ndiscovery of evidence that Luis de Torres, who sailed with Columbus in 1492, was a Marrano is memorialized in the naming of Luis de Torres Synagogue in the Bahamas. Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries is a scholarly work by Meyer Kayserling, translated into English and published in 1894. In it, Keyserling reports on an extensive search of Spanish archives including those at Alcalá de Henares, Barcelona, Madrid, and Seville. His research showed that Marranos, who attempted to", "\"Narendra Ekanayake\"\nNarendra Ekanayake Narendra Harshanaath Ekanayake (born 8 November 1977) is a Sri Lankan born Bahamian cricketer. Ekanayake is a left-handed batsman who bowls slow left-arm orthodox and who currently represents the Bahamas national cricket team. Ekanayak is the former captain of the Bahamas national cricket team. Ekanayake made his debut for the Bahamas in the 2004 Americas Affiliates Championship against the Turks and Caicos Islands. Ekanayake made his Twenty20 debut for the Bahamas against the Cayman Islands in the 1st round of the 2006 Stanford 20/20. He failed to take a wicket in the match. Ekanayake played his second and", "\"Cat Island, Bahamas\"\nCat Island, Bahamas Cat Island is in the central Bahamas, and is one of its districts. Cat Island also has the nation's highest point, Mount Alvernia (also known as Como Hill). It rises to and is topped by a monastery called \"\"The Hermitage\"\". This assembly of buildings was erected by the Franciscan \"\"Brother Jerome\"\" (John Hawes). The first European settlers were Loyalists fleeing the American Revolution, who arrived in 1783. The island may have been named after Arthur Catt, a pirate, or the name may refer to its one-time large population of feral cats. Current residents often complain about wanting", "\"Bahama Banks\"\nthat created the caves and sinkholes common to karst terrain, resulting in structures like blue holes. Bahama Banks The Bahama Banks are the submerged carbonate platforms that make up much of the Bahama Archipelago. The term is usually applied in referring to either the Great Bahama Bank around Andros Island, or the Little Bahama Bank of Grand Bahama Island and Great Abaco, which are the largest of the platforms, and the Cay Sal Bank north of Cuba. The islands of these banks are politically part of the Bahamas. Other banks are the three banks of the Turks and Caicos Islands,", "\"History of the Caribbean\"\nThey remained dominant until the Spanish conquest. At the time of the European arrival, three major Amerindian indigenous peoples lived on the islands: the Taíno in the Greater Antilles, The Bahamas and the Leeward Islands; the Island Caribs and Galibi in the Windward Islands; and the Ciboney in western Cuba. The Taínos are subdivided into Classic Taínos, who occupied Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, Western Taínos, who occupied Cuba, Jamaica, and the Bahamian archipelago, and the Eastern Taínos, who occupied the Leeward Islands. Trinidad was inhabited by both Carib speaking and Arawak-speaking groups. New scientific DNA studies have changed some of", "\"Diocese of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands\"\nDiocese of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands The Anglican Diocese of the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands was originally established in 1861 as the Diocese of Nassau. Retitled the Diocese of Nassau and The Bahamas in 1942 it is now known as the Diocese of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands. It is a Church in the Province of the West Indies. When the Bahamas was granted to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina by the English Crown in 1670 one of the conditions was the establishment of the Anglican church on the islands.", "\"Long Island, Bahamas\"\nLong Island, Bahamas Long Island is an island in the Bahamas that is split by the Tropic of Cancer. Its capital is Clarence Town. Long Island is one of the Districts of the Bahamas and is known as the most scenic island in the Bahamas. The population is 3,094 inhabitants. Long Island is about 130 kilometers (80 mi) long and wide at its widest point. The land area is . Long Island is situated about southeast of the Bahamian capital of Nassau, which is located on the island of New Providence. The Tropic of Cancer runs through the northern quarter", "\"Spanish conquest of Petén\"\nthe Chinamita had their polities in the southeastern Petén. The Manche territory was to the southwest of the Mopan. Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas for the Kingdom of Castile and León in 1492. By 1580 this had unified with neighbouring kingdoms to form one Spanish kingdom. Private adventurers thereafter entered into contracts with the Spanish Crown to conquer the newly discovered lands in return for tax revenues and the power to rule. In the first decades after the discovery, the Spanish colonised the Caribbean and established a centre of operations on the island of Cuba. They heard rumours of the", "\"Columbian Viceroyalty\"\nwas also graced with the hereditary dignity of I Marquis of Jamaica and the lordship of the island, putting an end to the Viceroyalty of the Indies Columbian Viceroyalty The Columbian Viceroyalty, Viceroyalty of India or First Viceroyalty in the Indies is the name that designates the number of titles and rights granted to Christopher Columbus by the Catholic Monarchs in 1492 on the lands discovered and undiscovered, before embarking on his first trip that culminated in the discovery of the Americas. The titles and powers over discovered lands granted to Christopher Columbus were entered in the capitulations of Santa", "\"Old Bahama Channel\"\nOld Bahama Channel The Old Bahama Channel () is a strait of the Caribbean region, between Cuba and the Bahamas. The strait/channel is located off the Atlantic coast of north-central and northeastern mainland and the Sabana-Camagüey Archipelago of Cuba, and south of the Great Bahama Bank of the Bahamas. It is approximately long and wide. It divides the northernmost bank of the Caribbean islands into two nearly equal parts. To the north and northeast is the Great Bahama Bank and the Bahama Islands; and to the south the bank on which the island of Cuba rests. The Old Bahama Channel", "\"Bahama woodstar\"\nsuch as cotton and down, woven together with lichen and various plant materials such as twigs and bark The height of these nests varies, some recorded as low as 2 feet and as high as 12 feet. Females lay 2 white oval shaped eggs which incubate for approximately two weeks. Bahama woodstar The Bahama woodstar (\"\"Calliphlox evelynae\"\") is a species of hummingbird endemic to the Caribbean, including the Bahama and Turks and Caicos islands. It is named the \"\"Hummer\"\" by locals due to a distinct humming sound it makes while feeding. The Bahama woodstar is a small hummingbird, growing to", "\"Wind from the Carolinas\"\nWind from the Carolinas Wind from the Carolinas is a 1964 novel by Robert Wilder based on the history of a Bahamas family of American loyalists. It was first published by G.P. Putnam's, New York and re-published by Bluewater Books & Charts in 1997. Set against the exotic background of the Bahama Islands, it's the saga of wealthy, aristocratic families from the Carolinas, Georgia, and Virginia who, following the American Revolution, fled the South for the Bahamas, where they remained loyal to England. Abandoning their plantations for the islands, they established new dynasties in the Bahamas, where the Crown rewarded", "\"Lucayan people\"\nexpanded throughout the Bahamas Islands in some 800 years (c. 700 – c. 1500), growing to a population of about 40,000. Population density at the time of first European contact was highest in the south central area of the Bahamas, declining towards the north, reflecting the progressively shorter time of occupation of the northern islands. Known Lucayan settlement sites are confined to the nineteen largest islands in the archipelago, or to smaller cays located less than one kilometre from those islands. Keegan posits a north-ward migration route from Great Inagua Island to Acklins and Crooked Islands, then on to Long", "\"Diocese of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands\"\nthe following year, she became the first Bahamian woman to be ordained as an Anglican priest. Diocese of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands The Anglican Diocese of the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands was originally established in 1861 as the Diocese of Nassau. Retitled the Diocese of Nassau and The Bahamas in 1942 it is now known as the Diocese of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands. It is a Church in the Province of the West Indies. When the Bahamas was granted to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina by the English Crown", "\"Hurricane Erin (1995)\"\nkilled on a football field in Braeton, Saint Catherine Parish, when lightning associated with Erin struck them. All of the Bahamian islands sustained damage, characterized by the Bahamas Department of Meteorology as mostly minor. Much of the damage came from sunken boats. Some of the other losses resulted from structural damage and crop loss. Damage totaled at least $400,000 (1995 USD). The highest sustained wind in the Bahamas was 70 knots at Cat Island. A gust of 89 knots was reported in Grand Bahama, and a gust of 128 knots in association with a tornado occurred at Providenciales in the", "\"History of the Bahamas\"\nWilliam Keegan argues that the most likely route was from Hispaniola or Cuba to Great Inagua. Granberry and Vescelius argue for two migrations, from Hispaniola to the Turks and Caicos Islands, and from Cuba to Great Inagua. From the initial colonization(s), the Lucayan expanded throughout the Bahamas in some 800 years (c. 700 – c. 1500), growing to a population of about 40,000. Population density at the time of first European contact was highest in the south-central area of the Bahamas, declining towards the north, reflecting the migration pattern and progressively shorter time of occupation of the northern islands. Known", "\"Capture of the Bahamas (1783)\"\nApril and huddled within the main fort, before deciding to surrender it two days later. Over 600 Spaniards surrendered, and 50 cannon and seven ships were captured. Some of the ships that had been scuttled were later refloated and the Spaniards were repatriated to Cuba. By this time, Britain had already given up East Florida in exchange for the Bahamas in the preliminary talks of the Treaty of Paris. As a reward for his efforts in the Bahamas, Deveaux was given a large portion of Cat Island, where he built a mansion at Port Howe, Cat Island, the remains of", "\"Man Island (Bahamas)\"\nwith the east side having beaches on the Atlantic Ocean and the west side facing a natural harbor. Man Island (Bahamas) Man Island is a small, undeveloped island located near Eleuthera in the Bahamas Islands. Man Island is located in a group of islands that form a natural harbor and the largest island in this chain is Harbour Island. Man Island is situated between Harbour Island and the island of Spanish Wells. Man Island's area is approximately owned by a number of individuals residing in the Bahamas, The United States and Europe. The island's proximity to Harbour Island (capital Dunmore", "\"Geography of the Bahamas\"\nCat Island, San Salvador Island, Acklins, Crooked Island, and Mayaguana. Nassau is the capital and largest city, located on New Providence. The islands have a tropical climate, moderated by the Gulf Stream. The islands are surface projections of the three oceanic Bahama Banks - the Little Bahama Bank, the Great Bahama Bank, and the westernmost Cay Sal Bank. The highest point is only above sea level on Cat Island; the island of New Providence, where the capital city of Nassau is located, reaches a maximum elevation of only thirty-seven meters. The land on the Bahamas has a foundation of fossil", "\"Stafford Sands\"\nStafford Sands Sir Stafford Lofthouse Sands (23 September 1913 – January 23, 1972) was a former finance minister of the Bahamas, who held other high positions in the islands until his self-chosen exile in 1967. He helped create the Bahamas' tourism industry and is credited with being an architect of Bahamian post-war prosperity. He has been dubbed the \"\"Father of Tourism\"\" in The Bahamas. Sands was a lawyer who, from 1946, represented Wallace Groves and other Americans who sought to establish casinos, resorts, free-trade areas, and other developments in the islands, primarily at Freeport. From 1958, when party politics began," ]
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when did italy host the fifa world cup
[ "1934", "1990" ]
[ "\"England at the FIFA World Cup\"\nFIFA World Cup, the 1958 FIFA World Cup and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Their best ever performance is winning the Cup in the 1966 tournament held in England, whilst they also finished in fourth place in 1990, in Italy, and in 2018 in Russia. Other than that, the team have reached the quarter-finals on nine occasions, the latest of which were at the 2002 (South Korea/Japan) and the 2006 (Germany). England are the only team not representing a sovereign state to win the World Cup, which they did in 1966 when they hosted the finals. They defeated West Germany", "\"1934 FIFA World Cup qualification\"\n1934 FIFA World Cup qualification The 1934 FIFA World Cup was the first World Cup for which teams had to qualify. In the inaugural World Cup of 1930, the participating teams were invited to play by FIFA.) When 32 teams entered the 1934 competition, FIFA organized qualification (or preliminary) rounds to select 16 teams for the final tournament. Even Italy, the host of the World Cup, had to qualify (the only time the hosts had to qualify, and one of only two occasions on which the hosts have ever taken part in the qualification process), The previous champions, Uruguay, refused", "\"History of the FIFA World Cup\"\nto host the 1942 FIFA World Cup at the 23rd FIFA Congress on 13 August 1936 in Berlin. In June 1939, Brazil also applied to host the tournament. The beginning of European hostilities in September 1939 prompted further plans for the 1942 World Cup to be cancelled, before a host country was selected. The FIFA tournament did not take place. During World War II, FIFA struggled to keep itself afloat, and it had no financial or personnel resources with which to plan a peacetime tournament for when hostilities ended. When the war ended in 1945, it was clear that FIFA", "\"1938 FIFA World Cup\"\n1950. As a result, Italy were the reigning World Cup holders for a record 16 years, from 1934 to 1950. The Italian Vice-President of FIFA, Dr. Ottorino Barassi, hid the trophy in a shoe-box under his bed throughout the Second World War and thus saved it from falling into the hands of occupying troops. Ten cities were planned to host the tournament; of these, all hosted matches except Lyon, which did not due to Austria's withdrawal. For a list of all squads that appeared in the final tournament, see \"\"1938 FIFA World Cup squads\"\". With seven goals, Leônidas is the", "\"Czechoslovakia national football team\"\nqualify for the 1978 FIFA World Cup, as Scotland won their group. The country did qualify for Euro 1980, and by coming second in its group behind West Germany faced the hosts Italy in a third-place play-off, which it won on sudden-death penalties at the Stadio San Paolo in Naples. At the 1982 FIFA World Cup in Spain, Czechoslovakia was eliminated in the group stage after draws with Kuwait and France and losing 2–0 to England. The country's last ever major tournament was the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy, where in the group it opened with a 5–1 win", "\"History of the FIFA World Cup\"\n2018 tournament). Austria's place was offered to England, but they declined. This left the finals with 15 nations competing. France hosted, but for the first time the hosts did not win the competition, as Italy retained their title, beating Hungary in the final. Polish striker Ernest Willimowski became the first player to score four goals in a World Cup game during Poland's 6–5 loss against Brazil; his record was later equalled by other players, but was bettered only 56 years later in the 1994 World Cup. The FIFA World Cup was planned to take place in 1942. Germany officially applied", "\"2010 FIFA World Cup qualification\"\nthe finals, with CONCACAF's fourth-place team facing CONMEBOL's fifth-placed team, and AFC's fifth-placed team facing the winner of the OFC. As the host nation, South Africa qualified automatically. As in 2006, the current cup holders – Italy – did not qualify automatically. For FIFA World Cup qualifying stages the method used for separating teams level on points is the same for all Confederations, as decided by FIFA itself. If teams were even on points at the end of group play, the tied teams would be ranked by: This is a change from 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification, where results between", "\"1990 FIFA World Cup\"\nWorld Cup finals based on progress in the competition, overall results and quality of the opposition. 1990 FIFA World Cup The 1990 FIFA World Cup was the 14th FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial international football tournament. It was held from 8 June to 8 July 1990 in Italy, the second country to host the event twice (the first being Mexico in 1986). Teams representing 116 national football associations entered and qualification began in April 1988. 22 teams qualified from this process, along with host nation Italy and defending champions Argentina. The tournament was won by West Germany, their third World", "\"2014 FIFA World Cup Group D\"\n1998 FIFA World Cup, but did not appear in any match), the fifth Italian player to do so. <section begin=d4 /><section end=d4 /> The two teams had met in eight previous matches, including twice in the FIFA World Cup (1970, group stage: Italy 0–0 Uruguay; 1990, round of 16: Italy 2–0 Uruguay). Their most recent meeting was in the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup third place match, won by Italy 3–2 on penalties (2–2 draw after extra time). After a goalless first half, Italy were reduced to 10 men in the second half when Claudio Marchisio was sent off for a", "\"1990 FIFA World Cup\"\n1990 FIFA World Cup The 1990 FIFA World Cup was the 14th FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial international football tournament. It was held from 8 June to 8 July 1990 in Italy, the second country to host the event twice (the first being Mexico in 1986). Teams representing 116 national football associations entered and qualification began in April 1988. 22 teams qualified from this process, along with host nation Italy and defending champions Argentina. The tournament was won by West Germany, their third World Cup title. They beat Argentina 1–0 at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, a rematch of the", "\"1978 FIFA World Cup Group 1\"\n1978 FIFA World Cup Group 1 Group 1 of the 1978 FIFA World Cup was one of four groups of nations competing at the 1978 FIFA World Cup. The group's first round of matches began on 2 June and its last matches were played on 10 June. All six group matches were played either at Estadio José María Minella in Mar del Plata, or Estadio Monumental in Buenos Aires. The group consisted of Argentina (the host of the tournament) as well as Italy, France and Hungary. The first game of the 1978 FIFA World Cup pitted Italy against France. Italy", "\"Hungary at the FIFA World Cup\"\nthe quarter-final. They have been runners-up on two occasions, in 1938 and 1954. They have failed to qualify for the FIFA World Cup since 1986. The third edition of the FIFA World Cup was the first without the host team competing in the final. At half-time, defending champions Italy were leading by 3-1 and Hungary did not manage to get back into the game. The Hungarian Golden Team were favourites for winning the World Cup in Switzerland in 1954 after 31 unbeaten games in the previous five years, among them a recent 7-1 against England and an 8-3 against their", "\"1986 FIFA World Cup qualification\"\nwould be banned from competing in the 1990 finals due to the Cachirules scandal, bringing the total number of teams who did not qualify for the subsequent tournament to 12.\"\" 1986 FIFA World Cup qualification A total of 121 teams entered the 1986 FIFA World Cup qualification rounds, competing for a total of 24 spots in the final tournament. Mexico, as the hosts, and Italy, as the defending champions, qualified automatically, leaving 22 spots open for competition. The draw took place on 7 December 1983 at Zürich, Switzerland. The 24 spots available in the 1986 World Cup would be distributed", "\"1938 FIFA World Cup\"\n1938 FIFA World Cup The 1938 FIFA World Cup was the third staging of the World Cup, and was held in France from 4 to 19 June 1938. Italy retained the championship by beating Hungary 4–2 in the final. Italy's 1934 and 1938 teams became the only ones to have won two World Cups under the same coach, Vittorio Pozzo. France was chosen as host nation by FIFA in Berlin on 13 August 1936. France was chosen over Argentina and Germany in the first round of voting. The decision to hold a second consecutive tournament in Europe (after Italy in", "\"Loftus Versfeld Stadium\"\nhas been upgraded on several occasions, most recently in 1984, when the Northern Pavilion received an upgrade. Loftus hosted some matches during the 1995 Rugby World Cup. Loftus Versfeld was one of the venues for the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup. It hosted the Group B matches USA vs. Italy, USA vs. Brazil and Brazil vs. Italy. Minimal upgrading was undertaken in order for Loftus Versfeld to qualify as a venue for first and second round matches for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The floodlights, sound system, scoreboards and stadium roof were improved, as roads and parking facilities around it. While", "\"Japan 2022 FIFA World Cup bid\"\nJapan 2022 FIFA World Cup bid The Japan 2022 FIFA World Cup bid is the second official bid from the Japan Football Association or the JFA. Had this bid been successful (the bid was won by Qatar), Japan would have been hosting their second World Cup Finals and it would have been their first solo hosting since they shared the 2002 FIFA World Cup with other co-host South Korea, becoming the sixth nation to host the tournament twice, after Italy, France, Mexico, Brazil and (West) Germany. On May 4, 2010, the Japanese Football Association Bid team decided to concentrate solely", "\"1966 FIFA World Cup\"\n1966 FIFA World Cup The 1966 FIFA World Cup was the eighth FIFA World Cup and was held in England from 11 to 30 July 1966. England beat West Germany 4–2 in the final, winning the Jules Rimet Trophy. It is England's only FIFA World Cup title. They were the fifth nation to win and the third host nation to win after Uruguay in 1930 and Italy in 1934. Notable performances were made by the two debutants Portugal, ending third, and North Korea, getting to the quarter finals after a 1–0 win against Italy. Also notable was the elimination of", "\"2002 FIFA World Cup\"\nthe second being the 2026 World Cup, which will be hosted by the United States, Mexico and Canada. The general secretary of South Korea's bidding committee, Song Young-shik, stated that FIFA was interested in staging some matches in North Korea in order to aid Korean reunification, but it was ruled out. At the time the decision was made, Japan had never qualified for a World Cup finals (although the Japanese did subsequently qualify for the 1998 competition). The only other countries to have been awarded a World Cup without previously having competed in a final tournament are Italy in 1934", "\"1978 FIFA World Cup\"\n1978 FIFA World Cup The 1978 FIFA World Cup, the 11th staging of the FIFA World Cup, quadrennial international football world championship tournament, was held in Argentina between 1 and 25 June. The Cup was won by the Argentine hosts, who defeated the Netherlands 3–1 in the final, after extra time. The final was held at River Plate's home stadium, Estadio Monumental, in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires. This win was the first World Cup title for Argentina, who became the fifth team (after Uruguay, Italy, England and West Germany) to be both hosts and world champions. Argentina, the", "\"1978 FIFA World Cup\"\n1978 FIFA World Cup The 1978 FIFA World Cup, the 11th staging of the FIFA World Cup, quadrennial international football world championship tournament, was held in Argentina between 1 and 25 June. The Cup was won by the Argentine hosts, who defeated the Netherlands 3–1 in the final, after extra time. The final was held at River Plate's home stadium, Estadio Monumental, in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires. This win was the first World Cup title for Argentina, who became the fifth team (after Uruguay, Italy, England and West Germany) to be both hosts and world champions. Argentina, the", "\"2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA)\"\n2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA) The 2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualifiers for (UEFA) was the first FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification championship for Europe, held in May 2008, in Benidorm, Spain. Hosts Spain won the championship, with Portugal finishing second and Russia winning the third place play of to finish third, beating Italy who finished fourth. The four nations moved on to play in the 2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup in Marseille, France from July 17 - July 27. France qualified as the fifth European nation, being the hosts of the world cup.", "\"FIFA World Cup hosts\"\ncountry is now chosen in a vote by FIFA's Congress. This is done under an exhaustive ballot system. The decision is currently made roughly seven years in advance of the tournament, though the hosts for the 2022 tournament were chosen at the same time as those for the 2018 tournament. Only Mexico, Italy, France, Germany (West Germany until shortly after the 1990 World Cup) and Brazil have hosted the event on two occasions. Mexico City's Estadio Azteca and Rio de Janeiro's Maracanã are the only venues ever to have hosted two FIFA World Cup finals. Only the 2002 FIFA World", "\"2013 FIFA Confederations Cup\"\n2013 FIFA Confederations Cup The 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup was the ninth FIFA Confederations Cup, which was held in Brazil from 15 June to 30 June 2013 as a prelude to the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The most recent winners of the six continental championships appeared in the tournament, along with hosts Brazil and UEFA Euro 2012 runners-up Italy, who qualified because the Euro 2012 winners, Spain, had also won the most recent FIFA World Cup in 2010 thus securing a spot in the tournament. Host nation, Brazil successfully defended their title with a 3–0 win over Spain in the", "\"FIFA World Cup hosts\"\nthe first World Cup coincided with the centennial anniversary of the first Constitution of Uruguay. For that reason, the main stadium built in Montevideo for the World Cup was named Estadio Centenario. Bids: Sweden decided to withdraw before the vote, allowing the only remaining candidate Italy to take the hosting job for the 1934 World Cup. The decision was ratified by the FIFA Congress in Stockholm, Sweden and Zürich, Switzerland on 14 May 1932. The Italian Football Federation accepted the hosting duties on 9 October 1932. Results: Bids: Without any nations withdrawing their bids, the FIFA Congress convened in Berlin,", "\"1998 FIFA World Cup\"\nAfrica made their first appearances in the finals. France was awarded the 1998 World Cup on 2 July 1992 by the executive committee of FIFA during a general meeting in Zürich, Switzerland. They defeated Morocco by 12 votes to 7. Switzerland withdrew, due to being unable to meet FIFA's requirements. This made France the third country to host two World Cups, after Mexico and Italy in 1986 and 1990 respectively. France previously hosted the third edition of the World Cup in 1938. England, who hosted the competition in 1966 and won it, were among the original applicants, but later withdrew", "\"2002 FIFA World Cup seeding\"\nThe seedings table uses these points obtained from the 1990 FIFA World Cup, 1994 FIFA World Cup and the 1998 FIFA World Cup averaged in a 1:2:3 ratio respectively, added to the average amount of points derived from the World Rankings at three given dates (at ratio 1:1:1), December 1999, December 2000, and November 2001. All totals are rounded. South Korea and Japan were seeded as hosts, France as defending champions. The other seeds were: Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Germany and Spain. 2002 FIFA World Cup seeding To calculate the seeding for the 2002 FIFA World Cup, FIFA used the FIFA", "\"Timeline of association football\"\nfootball tournament is played for the first time at the Island Games, by FAs not admitted to FIFA, hosted and won by Faroe Islands. Saudi Arabia win the FIFA U-17 World Cup, the first time an Asian team wins a FIFA World Cup. For the first time three clubs from the same country, Italy's Juventus, Sampdoria and A.C. Milan wins all four UEFA club competitions in the same season, a feat no more possible since the Cup Winner's Cup no longer exists. West Germany wins the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Rome, Italy, defeating defending champion Argentina 1–0 in the", "\"1998 FIFA World Cup\"\n1978 after losing to Italy in the play-off round); and the Republic of Ireland, who had qualified for the previous two tournaments. As of 2018, this is the most recent time Austria, Scotland, Norway, Bulgaria, Romania, and Jamaica have qualified for a FIFA World Cup finals, as well as the last time Portugal missed out. The highest ranked team not to qualify was Czech Republic (ranked 3rd), while the lowest ranked team that did qualify was Nigeria (ranked 74th). The following 32 teams, shown with final pre-tournament rankings, qualified for the final tournament. France's bid to host the World Cup", "\"Stadio Artemio Franchi\"\nhad agglomerated high in the atmosphere. The stadium was one of the venues of the 1934 FIFA World Cup, and held the following matches: The stadium was one of the venues of the 1990 FIFA World Cup, and held the following matches: Stadio Artemio Franchi The Stadio Artemio Franchi is a football stadium in Florence, Italy. It is currently the home of ACF Fiorentina. The stadium was temporarily noticed as the host of Italy's Six Nations matches from 2012. The old nickname of the stadium was \"\"Comunale.\"\" When it was first constructed, it was known as the Stadio Giovanni Berta,", "\"Italy national baseball team\"\nsoftball were voted out of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, becoming the first sports voted out of the Olympics since Polo was eliminated from the 1936 Summer Olympics. Italy's best finish in the Amateur World Series has been fourth place, which they did in . In , the event became known as the International Baseball Federation's (IBAF) World Cup. Italy's best finish in a Baseball World Cup is also fourth place, which they did when they served as the host nation in . Italy also hosted the and games. The 2009 IBAF World Cup was hosted by Europe. It", "\"Italy 1990 (video game)\"\nthe previous World Cup in 1986 (\"\"World Cup Carnival\"\"). Possibly because of that, they were not given the licence in 1990 (with Virgin Mastertronic releasing the official game \"\"\"\"). U.S. Gold did however reclaim the licence for the 1994 World Cup for the release of \"\"World Cup USA '94\"\". Italy 1990 (video game) Italy 1990 is a soccer video game published by U.S. Gold Ltd. and programmed by Tiertex Ltd. in 1990. It features the 1990 FIFA World Cup held in Italy but is not part of the official \"\"FIFA World Cup\"\" series. For the American market it was branded", "\"1998 FIFA World Cup seeding\"\nCup and the 1994 FIFA World Cup averaged in a 1:2:3 ratio respectively, added to the average amount of points derived from the World Rankings at three given dates (at ratio 1:1:1), December 1995, December 1996, and November 1997 at a 3:2 ratio. All totals are rounded. France were seeded as hosts, Brazil as defending champions. The other seeds were: Germany, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Romania and the Netherlands. The 1998 FIFA World Cup seeding are broadcast live on TF1, France Television and Canal+ 1998 FIFA World Cup seeding To calculate the seeding for the 1998 FIFA World Cup, FIFA used", "\"History of the Scotland national football team\"\nBurke and Kris Boyd scoring two goals each. Scotland then kept out the hosts Japan to secure a goalless draw that won the trophy. The results under Smith had given the country hope, but the UEFA Euro 2008 qualifying group looked horrendously difficult, as Scotland were drawn with France, Italy and Ukraine, who had all qualified for the 2006 FIFA World Cup. The extraordinary difficulty of the group was confirmed when Ukraine reached the quarter-final, while France and Italy both reached the 2006 FIFA World Cup Final, which Italy won on penalties. Scotland at least got off to a good", "\"2014 FIFA World Cup qualification – UEFA Group B\"\n2014 FIFA World Cup qualification – UEFA Group B The 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification UEFA Group B was a UEFA qualifying group for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The group comprised Italy, Denmark, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Armenia and Malta. The group winners, Italy, qualified directly for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Denmark finished runners-up, but were ranked as the poorest of the nine group runners-up and so did not advance to the play-offs. Denmark was ranked as the worst runner-up among all nine groups (having scored fewer points than the other eight) and so they failed to advance to", "\"Stadio San Nicola\"\nhosted the UEFA Euro 2008 qualifying Group B between Italy and Scotland in March 2007, which Italy won 2–0, and was also a deciding match for the Unofficial World Football Championships. The Stadio San Nicola hosted Italy's 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification against the Republic of Ireland on 1 April 2009. Italy were booed off the field after Ireland shocked the nation by scoring in the 87th minute. The match ended in a 1–1 draw. The stadium was one of the venues of the 1990 FIFA World Cup, and held the following matches: Stadio San Nicola The Stadio San Nicola", "\"FIFA World Cup hosts\"\nin 2010. denotes the best result in the team's history, - the best result at the time of the competition (improved later). Bids: Before the FIFA Congress could vote on the first-ever World Cup host, a series of withdrawals led to the election of Uruguay. The Netherlands and Hungary withdrew, followed by Sweden withdrawing in favour of Italy. Then both Italy and Spain withdrew, in favour of the only remaining candidate, Uruguay. The FIFA Congress met in Barcelona, Spain on 18 May 1929 to ratify the decision, and Uruguay was chosen without a vote. Results: Notice that the celebration of", "\"2015 FIFA corruption case\"\nin or around 1992 to facilitate the acceptance of a bribe in conjunction with the selection of the host nation for the 1998 World Cup. I and others on the FIFA executive committee agreed to accept bribes in conjunction with the selection of South Africa as the host nation for the 2010 World Cup\"\". On 6 June, Phaedra Almajid, who had been placed under the protective custody of the FBI, claimed that FIFA would be forced to strip Qatar from hosting the 2022 World Cup. On 9 June, Italian-Argentinian Alejandro Burzaco was arrested in Italy. The two remaining Argentinian businessmen", "\"2014 FIFA World Cup\"\nconsecutive title won by a European team, after Italy in 2006 and Spain in 2010. In March 2003, FIFA announced that the tournament would be held in South America for the first time since 1978, in line with its then-active policy of rotating the right to host the World Cup among different confederations. With the 2010 FIFA World Cup hosted in South Africa, it would be the second consecutive World Cup outside Europe, which was a first for the tournament. It was also second in the Southern Hemisphere. Only Brazil and Colombia formally declared their candidacy but, after the withdrawal", "\"2015 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup\"\nwhile Oman defeated Japan in the final to win the tournament. The UEFA qualifiers took place in Jesolo, Italy on 5–14 September 2014. A total of 23 teams took part in the tournament (Georgia entered but withdrew). The top four teams qualified for the 2015 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup. Switzerland became the first team (other than host nation Portugal) to qualify for the 2015 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup on 11 September 2014. On the next day, Russia, Spain and Italy also booked a place in the World Cup by advancing to the semi-finals, with Russia defeating Switzerland in", "\"2014 FIFA World Cup\"\nand Italy. Uruguay were eliminated in the round of 16, and France exited in the quarter-finals. Host nation Brazil, who had won the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup, lost to Germany 7–1 in the semi-finals and eventually finished in fourth place. In the final, Germany defeated Argentina 1–0 to win the tournament and secure the country's fourth world title, the first after the German reunification in 1990, when as West Germany they also beat Argentina in the World Cup final. Germany became the first European team to win a World Cup staged in the Americas, and this result marked the third", "\"FIFA Women's World Cup\"\nmatch: One past award is no longer presented: <nowiki>*</nowiki>\"\"Did not play but was part of the squad\"\". FIFA Women's World Cup The FIFA Women's World Cup is an international football competition contested by the senior women's national teams of the members of Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport's international governing body. The competition has been held every four years since 1991, when the inaugural tournament, then called the FIFA Women's World Championship, was held in China. Under the tournament's current format, national teams vie for 23 slots in a three-year qualification phase. (The host nation's team is automatically", "\"2010 FIFA World Cup Group F\"\npart to Spain's defeat to Switzerland in their Group H game. Italy, placed last, making it the first time since 1974 that the Italians did not advance beyond the first round. \"\"All times local (UTC+02)\"\" 2010 FIFA World Cup Group F Group F of the 2010 FIFA World Cup began on 14 June 2010 and ended on 24 June 2010. The group consisted of 2006 winner Italy, Paraguay, New Zealand and Slovakia. Italy and Paraguay previously met in the first round of the 1950 tournament, with Italy winning 2–0; neither qualified for the next round. Italy were eliminated from the", "\"Portugal–Spain 2018 FIFA World Cup bid\"\non the assumption that FIFA allows twelve venues for the tournament, nine venues would be allocated to Spain and the remaining three would go to Portugal. The following are the 21 venues that were submitted to FIFA on 14 May 2010 as part of the FPF–RFEF's bid to host the 2018/2022 FIFA World Cup: The following is a list of stadiums that were considered at one time as part of the FPF–RFEF's bid to host the 2018/2022 FIFA World Cup, but did not make the final cut: Portugal–Spain 2018 FIFA World Cup bid Spain and Portugal 2018 was an official", "\"2001 FIFA Confederations Cup\"\n2001 FIFA Confederations Cup The 2001 FIFA Confederations Cup was the fifth FIFA Confederations Cup and the third to be organised by FIFA. It was also the first in which the original hosts, Saudi Arabia, did not participate (they were the nation who founded the tournament, previously known as the King Fahd Cup). The tournament was played from 30 May to 10 June 2001, and co-hosted by South Korea and Japan, who were also hosts for the 2002 FIFA World Cup finals. It was won by France, beating hosts Japan 1–0, with a goal from Patrick Vieira. By winning the", "\"2010 FIFA World Cup\"\nworld title. Spain became the eighth nation to win the tournament and the first European nation to win a World Cup hosted outside its home continent: all previous World Cups held outside Europe had been won by South American nations. They are also the only national team since 1978 to win a World Cup after losing a game in the group stage. As a result of their win, Spain represented the World in the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup. Host nation South Africa and both 2006 World Cup finalists Italy and France were all eliminated in the first round of the", "\"FIFA World Cup hosts\"\nbribe\"\" him had become too much for him. On 4 August 2000, consequently, FIFA decided to rotate the hosting of the final tournaments between its constituent confederations. This was until October 2007, during the selection of the host for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, when they announced that they will no longer continue with their continental rotation policy (see below). Bids: The first World Cup bidding process under continental rotation (the process of rotating hosting of the World Cup to each confederation in turn) was the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the first World Cup to be held in Africa. On", "\"2017 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA)\"\n2017 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA) The 2017 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualifiers for UEFA was a beach soccer tournament played in Jesolo, Italy, from 2 to 11 September 2016, which determined the four teams that qualify to the 2017 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup in the Bahamas. Despite having five allocated spots for European nations at the World Cup, this was reduced to four for the 2017 edition as the World Cup hosts, the Bahamas, automatically claimed one of the two spots allocated to CONCACAF. And so as the confederation with the most slots, one UEFA", "\"Australia 2022 FIFA World Cup bid\"\nThe following are the 12 venues that were submitted to FIFA on 14 May 2010 as part of the FFA's bid to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup: The following is a list of stadiums that were considered at one time as part of the FFA's bid to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup, but did not make the final cut: Of the Australian stadiums that meet FIFA's seating criteria, none are primary association football venues. They are predominantly cricket, Australian rules football and rugby league playing venues. At the proposed time of the World Cup during the northern hemisphere", "\"1991 FIFA Women's World Cup Final\"\n1991 FIFA Women's World Cup Final The 1991 FIFA Women's World Cup Final was a football match that took place on 30 November 1991 at Tianhe Stadium in Guangzhou, China. It was played between Norway and the United States to determine the winner of the 1991 FIFA Women's World Cup. The United States beat Norway 2–1, with two goals from Michelle Akers-Stahl, to become winners of the first ever FIFA Women's World Cup. The final was contested by Norway, who rebounded from a stunning 4–0 defeat by host nation China PR to qualify from their group. They then dispatched Italy", "\"Ottorino Barassi\"\nOttorino Barassi Ottorino Barassi (5 October 1898 – 24 November 1971) was an Italian sports official. The first action of his career was to help organise the 1934 FIFA World Cup, which was played in his native Italy. His notability in World Cup history continued, as Italy won the 1938 FIFA World Cup in France. Because the World Cup did not take place for another 12 years (due to World War II), he famously had possession of the Jules Rimet trophy until the 1950 FIFA World Cup. He secretly took the trophy home from a bank in Rome, and kept", "\"Morocco 2026 FIFA World Cup bid\"\nthe Western Sahara conflict. South Africa did not support the bid, after ties between the two nations were strained since 2004 over the Western Sahara issue. Other countries such as Namibia also ruled out voting for Morocco, after it claimed, \"\"It will never support nor align itself with a coloniser\"\". Morocco 2026 FIFA World Cup bid The Morocco 2026 FIFA World Cup bid was Morocco's unsuccessful bid to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup. It competed with the United 2026 bid of Canada, Mexico, and the United States for hosting rights. The 2026 bid was Morocco's fifth bid to host", "\"Association football in New Zealand\"\na senior men's FIFA tournament after drawing 0–0 with Iraq. In the 2010 World Cup, they again exited in the first round, but had far more success on the field than in 1982 or in the Confederations Cup. The All Whites drew 1–1 with Slovakia and defending champion Italy and 0–0 with Paraguay. New Zealand hosted the 1999 FIFA U-17 World Championship, with matches played in North Shore City, Napier, Christchurch and Dunedin. New Zealand also hosted the inaugural FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup in 2008, with matches hosted in North Shore City, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch. New Zealand's under-23", "\"1950 FIFA World Cup qualification\"\naccording to some reports, it was caused by a FIFA ruling that players were not allowed to play barefoot. FIFA decided not to invite anyone else, leaving the World Cup three teams short. \"\"6 of the 13 teams subsequently failed to qualify for the 1954 finals: Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Spain, Sweden and United States.\"\" 1950 FIFA World Cup qualification A total of 34 teams entered the qualification rounds of the 1950 FIFA World Cup, competing for a total of 16 spots in the final tournament. Brazil, as the hosts, and Italy, as the defending champions, qualified automatically, leaving 14 spots", "\"FIFA Confederations Cup\"\nto participate in the tournament. Germany did so twice, in 1997 (replaced by Euro 1996 runners-up Czech Republic) and in 2003 when Germany were awarded a place as the 2002 World Cup runners-up, replaced by the third-placed team Turkey. World champions France declined a place in the 1999 Confederations Cup, replaced by Brazil, the 1998 World Cup runners-up. Italy, UEFA Euro 2000 runners up, declined their place in the 2003 FIFA Confederations Cup. An earlier tournament that invited former World Cup winners, the Mundialito, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the first World Cup. The Artemio Franchi Trophy, contested in 1985", "\"North, Central American and Caribbean nations at the FIFA World Cup\"\nover Mexico after trailing 0–1. The host took the lead against Italy with a José González goal, but his teammate Gustavo Pena equalised with an own goal before half-time. Italy then took over, and dominated the second half. Two goals from Luigi Riva and one from Gianni Rivera saw them go through 4–1. Mexico finished sixth overall. The North, Central American and Caribbean zone was allocated 1 place (out of 16) in the World Cup. The qualifiers would be concurrent to the 1973 CONCACAF Championship. Host country Haiti won the tournament and the berth to West Germany '74. Haiti did", "\"France–Italy football rivalry\"\nNotable matches in the World Cup and the European Football Championship include the 2006 World Cup Final, when the Italians defeated the French 5–3 in the penalty shoot-out, after a 1–1 draw, and the 2000 European Championship, won by France with an extra-time golden goal by David Trezeguet. \"\"Denotes which team finished better in that particular competition\"\"<br> DNQ – Did not qualify<br> DNP – Did not participate On 12 June, France and Italy were matched up in the quarter final of the 1938 FIFA World Cup, which ended 3–1 in favour of Italy with goals by Gino Colaussi in the", "\"2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA)\"\n24 teams confirmed their participation in the competition. The 24 teams were drawn into 6 groups of 4 teams. 2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA) The 2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualifiers for (UEFA) was the first FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification championship for Europe, held in May 2008, in Benidorm, Spain. Hosts Spain won the championship, with Portugal finishing second and Russia winning the third place play of to finish third, beating Italy who finished fourth. The four nations moved on to play in the 2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup in Marseille, France", "\"1962 FIFA World Cup\"\n1962 FIFA World Cup The 1962 FIFA World Cup was the seventh FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial international football championship for men's national teams. It was held from 30 May to 17 June 1962 in Chile. The qualification rounds took place between August 1960 and December 1961, with 56 teams entering from six confederations, and fourteen qualifying for the finals tournament alongside Chile, the hosts, and Brazil, the defending champions. Brazil successfully defended their World Cup title, defeating Czechoslovakia 3–1 in the final in the Chilean capital of Santiago. They became the second team, after Italy in 1934 and 1938,", "\"Saudi Arabia national football team\"\nfor the next three World Cups, but did not win a group stage match in any of them. They failed to qualify for the 2010 and 2014 tournaments. Saudi Arabia secured qualification for the 2018 tournament, ahead of Australia. However, they started on a sour note by letting host Russia rout them 0–5 on the opening match, making this the second largest victory of any host nation at the FIFA World Cup. The record of the host's largest opening victory is still by Italy, beating the United States 7–1, in 1934. Once again, Saudi Arabia failed to reach the next", "\"1994 FIFA World Cup Final\"\n1994 FIFA World Cup Final The 1994 FIFA World Cup Final was a football match that took place at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, United States, on 17 July 1994 to determine the winner of the 1994 FIFA World Cup. Brazil beat Italy 3–2 on penalties to claim their fourth World Cup title when the match finished 0–0 after extra time; this meant that Brazil surpassed Italy and Germany as the tournament's most successful nation. It was the first World Cup final to be both scoreless in regular and extra time and to be decided by a penalty shoot-out.", "\"1938 FIFA World Cup qualification\"\n1938 FIFA World Cup qualification A total of 37 teams entered the 1938 FIFA World Cup qualification rounds, competing for a total of 16 spots in the final tournament. For the first time the title holders and the host country were given automatic qualification. Therefore, France, as the hosts, and Italy, as the defending champions, qualified automatically, leaving 14 spots open for competition. Due to the Spanish Civil War, Spain withdrew from the competition. The remaining 34 teams were divided into 12 groups, based on geographical considerations, as follows: However, due to the withdrawal of Austria after qualifying (they had", "\"2026 FIFA World Cup\"\nbidding to host the following tournament, before the rule was changed back to its prior state of two World Cups. However, the FIFA Council did make an exception to potentially grant eligibility to member associations of the confederation of the second-to-last host of the FIFA World Cup in the event that none of the received bids fulfill the strict technical and financial requirements. In March 2017, FIFA president Gianni Infantino confirmed that \"\"Europe (UEFA) and Asia (AFC) are excluded from the bidding following the selection of Russia and Qatar in 2018 and 2022 respectively.\"\" Therefore, the 2026 World Cup could", "\"1998 FIFA World Cup\"\nat a World Cup, having recorded its only previous win 12 years earlier on 11 June 1986. Scotland managed only one point, coming in a 1–1 draw against Norway, and failed to get out of the first round for an eighth time in the FIFA World Cup, a record that stands to this date. Italy and Chile progressed to the second round, while Austria failed to score any win for the first time since 1958 and Cameroon failed to get out of the group stage for the second time in a row. France, the host nation, swept Group C when", "\"2017 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup\"\nby an Asian nation in the history of the competition. On 17 April 2013, FIFA announced that bidding had begun for five competitions between 2016 and 2017, including the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup. Declarations of interest were made by May 15 deadline whilst the hosts were scheduled to be revealed in December 2013. The following 10 countries made an official bid for the World Cup, as revealed by FIFA on 28 May 2013. Due to undisclosed circumstances, FIFA did not pick a host from the first round of bidding by December 2013. And so on 6 March 2014, FIFA", "\"1954 FIFA World Cup qualification\"\nTurkey would have been eliminated. This is the first time Spain failed to qualify. (h) – qualified automatically as hosts (c) – qualified automatically as defending champions \"\"6 of the 16 teams subsequently failed to qualify for the 1958 finals: Belgium, Italy, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey and Uruguay.\"\" 1954 FIFA World Cup qualification A total of 37 teams entered the 1954 FIFA World Cup qualification rounds, competing for a total of 16 spots in the final tournament. Switzerland, as the hosts, and Uruguay, as the defending champions, qualified automatically, leaving 14 spots open for competition. 37 teams were divided into", "CONCACAF\nFinals. The 1970 Finals attracted a new record television audience for the FIFA World Cup and, for the first time, in colour. In 1986, Mexico became the first country to host the FIFA World Cup twice when it stepped in to stage the 1986 FIFA World Cup after the original host selection, Colombia, suffered financial problems. Colombia was originally chosen as hosts by FIFA in June 1974. However, the Colombian authorities eventually declared in November 1982 that they could not afford to host the World Cup because of economic concerns. Mexico was selected on 20 May 1983 as the replacement", "\"Marco Tardelli\"\nhead wildly. This celebration has been called the \"\"Tardelli cry\"\", and was considered one of the defining images of Italy's 1982 World Cup triumph; Tardelli later reflected: In 2014, his iconic 1982 FIFA World Cup Final goal celebration was named the fourth greatest World Cup moment of all time by the BBC. He won a total of 81 caps for Italy, playing his final game for them against Norway in September 1985, and also served as Italy's captain between 1983 and 1985. He was part of the squad for 1986 FIFA World Cup, but did not play. He retired as", "\"Willie McLean (soccer, born 1904)\"\nto select the roster for the 1930 FIFA World Cup team. He was not selected. In 1934, McLean made the U.S. national team for the 1934 FIFA World Cup. McLean gained his first cap when the U.S. defeated Mexico, 4-2, in a World Cup qualifier. The U.S. then lost to Italy in the first round of the World Cup. While recovering from his 1936 collapse, McLean was called up to the national team for a three-game series with Mexico in 1937, but did not play. After returning to Chicago in 1937, McLean seemed to have kept a low profile. In", "\"Sports in Canada\"\nin 2015. The country has also hosted four age-grade World Cups—the FIFA U-17 World Cup in 1987 (when the age limit was 16 instead of the current 17), the inaugural FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup in 2002 (when the age limit was 19 instead of 20), the FIFA U-20 World Cup in 2007, and the U-20 Women's World Cup for a second time in 2014. Canada will host the 2026 FIFA World Cup sharing with Mexico and United States. The sport of bowling takes several forms in Canada, including ten-pin and lawn bowling, but most notably Canada has its own", "\"1990 FIFA World Cup\"\nleading to a two-horse race in the final vote. The Soviet boycott of the 1984 Olympic Games, announced on the eve of the World Cup decision, was speculated to have been a major factor behind Italy winning the vote so decisively, although this was denied by the FIFA President João Havelange. 116 teams entered the 1990 World Cup, including Italy as host nation and Argentina as reigning World Cup champions, who were both granted automatic qualification. Thus, the remaining 22 finals places were divided among the continental confederations, with 114 initially entering the qualification competition. Due to rejected entries and", "\"1990 FIFA World Cup\"\nHDTV by the Italian broadcaster RAI in association with Japan's NHK. The huge success of the broadcasting model has also had a lasting impact on the sport. At the time it was the most watched World Cup in history in non-unique viewers, but was bettered by the 1994 and 2002 World Cups. The vote to choose the hosts of the 1990 tournament was held on 19 May 1984 in Zürich, Switzerland. Here, the FIFA Executive Committee chose Italy ahead of the only rival bid, the USSR, by 11 votes to 5. This awarding made Italy only the second nation to", "\"African nations at the FIFA World Cup\"\nbefore playing any matches. No African countries applied to compete at the 1950 FIFA World Cup. Egypt was the only African country to apply to compete at the 1954 World Cup. They were placed in a two-team group with Italy, but lost 1–2 in Cairo and 1–5 in Milan, and thus did not qualify for the World Cup. Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan all applied to enter the qualification process for the 1958 FIFA World Cup, but Ethiopia's entry was rejected by FIFA. Egypt and Sudan competed in an Africa/Asia zone with ten Asian countries for one spot at the World", "\"France–Italy football rivalry\"\nmade it out of the group, however France did not. On 17 June, Italy and France met in the round of 16 of the 1986 FIFA World Cup, which ended with France eliminating Italy from the tournament 2–0 with goals by Michel Platini in the 15th minute and Yannick Stopyra in the 57th minute. On 3 July, Italy and France were matched up for a quarter-final of the 1998 FIFA World Cup, which ended in a goalless draw after 120 minutes. In the shoot-out, France won 4–3 to advance and went on to win the 1998 World Cup 3–0 over", "\"2018 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup\"\nIn principle, FIFA preferred the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup and the 2018 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup to be hosted by the same member association, but if circumstances required, FIFA reserved the right to award the hosting of the events separately. The following countries made official bids for hosting the 2018 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup and the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup by submitting their documents by 31 October 2014: The following countries withdrew their bid for hosting the 2018 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup and the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup: France were awarded the hosting rights", "\"Pietro Vierchowod\"\n21, during a 1–1 friendly draw against the Netherlands in Montevideo, in the 1981 \"\"Mundialito\"\" tournament. He was one of the players in the Italian squad, although he did not play, that won the 1982 FIFA World Cup, under manager Enzo Bearzot. Verchowod was a member of the Italian squad that took part at the 1986 FIFA World Cup, and he also made three appearances at the 1990 FIFA World Cup, as Italy finished in third place on home soil, under manager Azeglio Vicini, after reaching the semi-finals. He is also the oldest goalscorer in the history of the Italy", "\"1934 FIFA World Cup\"\nonly one in which the reigning champions did not participate. The British Home Nations, in a period of self-imposed exile from FIFA, also refused to participate, even though FIFA had offered England and Scotland direct entry to the tournament without qualification. Football Association committee member Charles Sutcliffe called the tournament \"\"a joke\"\" and claimed that \"\"the national associations of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland have quite enough to do in their own International Championship which seems to me a far better World Championship than the one to be staged in Rome\"\". Despite their role as hosts, Italy were still required", "\"Gian Piero Ventura\"\nteam's opening 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification tie away to Israel, 3–1. On 9 August 2017, his contract was extended until 2020. Italy failed to qualify for the 2018 FIFA World Cup after a 1–0 aggregate loss to Sweden in the play-offs; this was the first time since the 1958 FIFA World Cup that Italy had failed to qualify for the tournament. In the events after the match, Ventura stated, \"\"I apologised to Italians for this result. It's horrible to see a World Cup without Italy, but it's done now and I can't do anything about it.\"\" Also when asked", "\"1990 FIFA World Cup qualification\"\n1990 FIFA World Cup qualification The qualification competition for the 1990 FIFA World Cup was a series of tournaments organised by the six FIFA confederations. Each confederation — the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), Confederation of African Football (CAF), CONCACAF (North America), CONMEBOL (South America), Oceania Football Confederation (OFC), and UEFA (Europe) — was allocated a certain number of the 24 places at the tournament. A total of 116 teams entered the competition, with Italy, as the host, and Argentina, as the holders, qualifying for the final tournament automatically. The first qualification match was played on 17 April 1988 and qualification", "\"Timeline of association football\"\nsuicide. The USA, the hosting nation, defeat China in a penalty shootout to win the Women's World Cup in front of the largest crowd ever to witness a women's sporting event. Organized in Italy by UEFA the first continental tournament for regions: the UEFA Regions' Cup, won by Veneto. Mexico win the Confederations Cup: for the first time a male national team form Northern America win a FIFA tournament. The UEFA Cup Winners' Cup is abolished. France wins their second European Championship title after beating Italy 2–1, with a golden goal in extra time. First FIFA Club World Cup, won", "\"1958 FIFA World Cup\"\nmatch, something that had happened in several previous World Cups. Wales won the play-off and qualified for the first, and so far only, time. With Northern Ireland making its debut, and England and Scotland also qualifying, this World Cup was the only one to feature all four of the United Kingdom's Home Nations. This World Cup also saw the entry and qualification of the Soviet Union for the first time, while Argentina appeared for the first time since 1934. Until 2018, this FIFA World Cup was the only one for which Italy failed to qualify (Italy did not take part", "\"FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA)\"\nFIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA) The FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA) is a European beach soccer tournament to qualify for the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup. The tournament was introduced by FIFA as qualification event for the 2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup. Before 2008, the top teams from the Euro Beach Soccer League qualified for the World Cup but the new format gives more countries an opportunity to qualify. They are similar to the beach soccer championships in other confederations. Times when only four teams qualify is when the host nation of the World Cup", "\"England 2006 FIFA World Cup bid\"\nEngland 2006 FIFA World Cup bid The England 2006 FIFA World Cup bid was the Football Association's unsuccessful bid for the right to host the 2006 FIFA World Cup. The other official bids came from Brazil, South Africa, Morocco and successful bidder Germany. England hosted the 1966 FIFA World Cup and had the campaign been successful, England would have become the fourth nation to host the World Cup for a second time. The country had also hosted Euro 96. England had unsuccessfully attempted to host the 1990 FIFA World Cup and 1998 FIFA World Cup. Amongst the bid submission delegation", "\"Slovenia national football team\"\nlater, qualifying for the 2002 FIFA World Cup, this time defeating Romania in a playoff. The team did not lose a match in its whole qualifying campaign, finished in second place with six wins and six draws, but did not obtain any points in the group stage of the finals. Despite failing to qualify for the 2006 FIFA World Cup, Slovenia was the only team to defeat the eventual World Cup winners Italy during the campaign. Slovenia qualified for its last major tournament in 2009 after defeating Russia in a playoff to clinch a berth for the 2010 FIFA World", "\"2002 FIFA World Cup knockout stage\"\nobliquely accused FIFA of ordering the official to ensure a Korean victory so that one of the two host nations would remain in the tournament. FIFA President Sepp Blatter stated that the linesmen had been a \"\"disaster\"\" and admitted that Italy suffered from bad offside calls from the group matches, but he denied conspiracy allegations. While he criticised Totti's sending off by Moreno, Blatter refused to blame Italy's loss on the officials, stating: \"\"Italy's elimination is not only down to referees and linesmen who made human not premeditated errors ... Italy made mistakes both in defense and in attack.\"\" Co-hosts", "\"Venues of the 1984 Summer Olympics\"\nit was reconstructed in 2006, reducing its capacity to 50,000. For the 1994 FIFA World Cup, Stanford and the Rose Bowl both hosted matches. Stanford hosted the quarterfinal match between Sweden and Romania while the Rose Bowl hosted the final match between Brazil and Italy, both matches were decided by penalty kicks. Five years later, the two venues would be used to host FIFA Women's World Cup matches. Stanford hosted the semifinal match between the United States and Brazil while the Rose Bowl hosted the final match between the United States and China, also decided in a shootout. Prior to", "\"FIFA Futsal World Cup qualification (CONMEBOL)\"\n2016 when Colombia were the World Cup hosts. FIFA Futsal World Cup qualification (CONMEBOL) The South American Futsal World Cup qualifiers () is a futsal tournament organized by CONMEBOL to determine which South American teams qualified for the FIFA Futsal World Cup. The tournament has been organized every four years since 2012. Prior to it, the Copa América de Futsal was used as the South American qualifying tournament. In general, the top four teams of the tournament qualify for the FIFA Futsal World Cup. However, if the World Cup hosts are from South America, only the top three teams plus", "\"1934 FIFA World Cup\"\nEuropean team to win, beating Czechoslovakia 2–1 in the final. Like the Berlin Olympics two years later, the 1934 World Cup was a high-profile instance of a sporting event being used for overt political gain. Benito Mussolini was keen to use the tournament as a means of promoting fascism. The Federale 102, which was manufactured in Italy, was the match ball provided for the 1934 World Cup. After a lengthy decision-making process in which FIFA's executive committee met eight times, Italy was chosen as the host nation at a meeting in Stockholm on 9 October 1932. The decision was taken", "\"1991 FIFA U-17 World Championship\"\nItaly, which hosted the previous year's World Cup. This is the second time a FIFA event was moved from its original hosting country, after the 1986 World Cup was moved from Colombia to Mexico. Africa (African U-16 Championship 1991) Asia (AFC U-17 Championship 1990) Europe (UEFA U-16 Championship 1991) North America (CONCACAF U-17 Championship 1991) South America (Sudamericano Sub-17 1991) Oceania (OFC U-17 Qualifying Tournament 1991) Host Nation Automatic Qualification For a list of all squads that played in the final tournament, see \"\"1991 FIFA U-17 World Championship squads\"\" Asia Africa CONCACAF South America Europe Oceania Venue: Carrara Venue: Massa", "\"2014 FIFA World Cup qualification\"\n2014 FIFA World Cup qualification The 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification was a series of tournaments organised by the six FIFA confederations. The 2014 FIFA World Cup featured 32 teams, with one place reserved for the host nation, Brazil. The remaining 31 places were determined by a qualification process, in which the other 207 teams, from the six FIFA confederations, competed. Most of the successful teams were determined within these confederations, with a limited number of inter-confederation play-offs occurring at the end of the process. Bhutan, Brunei, Guam and Mauritania did not enter, and South Sudan joined FIFA after the", "\"United Arab Emirates Football Association\"\nassociations in the game for development and training, including Germany, Spain, Czech, Italy and Egypt. The national coaches took over the youth and junior national teams and they were provided with the sufficient financial support to hit the highest levels of success. At the organizational level, the FA hosted the FIFA Club World Cups in 2009 and 2010, the 2009 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup and other friendly and official championships and supported the women football and launched the Futsal in collaboration with sports council within the country. The next step is to organize and host the 2013 FIFA U-17", "\"1962 FIFA World Cup qualification (CONMEBOL)\"\n1962 FIFA World Cup qualification (CONMEBOL) The South American section of the 1962 FIFA World Cup qualification saw 7 teams competing 3 berths in the finals. Among the 7 teams, Paraguay were drawn to play in the CONMEBOL / CCCF / NAFC Intercontinental Play-off. The remaining 6 teams were divided into 3 groups of 2 teams each. The teams played against each other on a home-and-away basis. The group winners would qualify. Brazil did not participate, as they were granted a spot in the finals after winning the 1958 World Cup and Chile did not participate, as hosts. Venezuela did", "\"2023 FIFA Women's World Cup bids\"\nhost the Women's World Cup should they bid. Colombia's earlies interest in hosting the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup came as early as 2016. Colombian Football Federation President Ramon J Franco has expressed an intent for Colombia to host the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup. Colombia has hosted two previous soccer tournaments before but none as big as the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup. 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup bids The 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup bidding process resulted in the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) selecting the joint by country bid as the location for the 2023 FIFA", "\"1986 FIFA World Cup qualification\"\n1986 FIFA World Cup qualification A total of 121 teams entered the 1986 FIFA World Cup qualification rounds, competing for a total of 24 spots in the final tournament. Mexico, as the hosts, and Italy, as the defending champions, qualified automatically, leaving 22 spots open for competition. The draw took place on 7 December 1983 at Zürich, Switzerland. The 24 spots available in the 1986 World Cup would be distributed among the continental zones as follows: A total of 110 teams played at least one qualifying match. A total of 308 qualifying matches were played, and 801 goals were scored", "\"2026 FIFA World Cup bids\"\nCouncil went back and forth between 2013 and 2017 on limitations within hosting rotation based on the continental confederations. Originally, it was set that bids to be host would not be allowed from countries belonging to confederations that hosted the two preceding tournaments. It was temporarily changed to only prohibit countries belonging to the confederation that hosted the previous World Cup from bidding to host the following tournament, before the rule was changed back to its prior state of two World Cups. However, the FIFA Council did make an exception to potentially grant eligibility to member associations of the confederation", "\"Rose Bowl (stadium)\"\nMajor League Soccer club Los Angeles Galaxy, who still host occasional matches there. The Rose Bowl is one of two stadiums to have hosted the FIFA World Cup finals for both men and women. The Rose Bowl hosted the men's final in 1994 and the women's final in 1999. (The only other stadium with this honor is the Råsunda Stadium near Stockholm, Sweden, which hosted the men's final in 1958 and the women's final in 1995.) Both Rose Bowl finals were scoreless after extra time and decided on penalty shootouts; Brazil defeating Italy in the 1994 FIFA World Cup Final,", "\"Sarrià Stadium\"\nstadium were when it hosted the 1982 FIFA World Cup. The stadium held the three matches of Group C in the second round round robin matches, with three of the favourites for the cup playing in this group: Argentina (Diego Maradona, Mario Kempes, Daniel Passarella), Brazil (Zico, Sócrates, Falcão, Éder Assis), and eventual champions Italy (Dino Zoff, Claudio Gentile, Marco Tardelli, Paolo Rossi, Giancarlo Antognoni). The key game was the third in which Italy defeated Brazil 3-2, in a match widely regarded as one of the best ever played at a World Cup. But the Sarrià stadium was heavily criticized", "\"FIFA World Rankings\"\nseven years, until they were surpassed by a strong France team that captured both the 1998 FIFA World Cup and the 2000 European Football Championship. Success at the 2002 FIFA World Cup restored Brazil to the top position, where they remained until February 2007, when Italy returned to the top for the first time since 1993 following their 2006 FIFA World Cup win in Germany. Just one month later, Argentina replaced them, reaching the top for the first time, but Italy regained its place in April. After winning the Copa América 2007 in July, Brazil returned to the top, but", "\"Olympiastadion (Berlin)\"\nfootballing tradition. Since 1963, it has been the home ground of the Hertha BSC football team. It hosted three matches in the 1974 FIFA World Cup. It was renovated for the 2006 FIFA World Cup, when it hosted six matches, including the final. The German Cup (DFB-Pokal) final match is held each year at the venue. The Olympiastadion Berlin served as a host for the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup as well as the 2015 UEFA Champions League Final. During the 1912 Summer Olympics, the city of Berlin was designated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to host the 1916", "\"2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup Final\"\nIn Italy's final game they went down 3-0 to Portugal. Italy battled back and took it into extra time at 4-4. It looked to be heading for penalties but a last minute goal by Madjer meant Portugal won the game and the group. As Italy were the runners-up of group B, they met the winners of group A, France in the quarter-finals. As France were the hosts they were the favorites to reach the semi-finals. Surprisingly, Italy went up 5-0. France did all they could to get back into the game but Italy held out. With the final score at", "\"Football in Switzerland\"\nnational team participated in the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany and were narrowly beaten by Ukraine in penalties. Switzerland co-hosted the UEFA Euro 2008 tournament together with Austria. They did not make further than the preliminary stage, although they did record one win against Portugal, a game in which Portugal played their B squad as they already secured the division. The best international result was probably in 1954 when Switzerland as the host reached the quarter-finals of the World Cup. They also reached the World Cup quarter-finals in 1934 as well as 1938. The first football club in Switzerland" ]
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when did butterfly effect come out travis scott
[ "May 15 , 2017" ]
[ "\"Travis Scott\"\nthe only track. The music video for \"\"Butterfly Effect\"\" was released on July 14, 2017. On August 10, 2017, Scott tweeted \"\"ALBUM MODE\"\" as he had just finished the \"\"DAMN. Tour\"\" as a supporting act for Kendrick Lamar, the night before. This tweet signified that he was now working on his album \"\"AstroWorld\"\" full-time. On August 27, 2017, Scott performed with Thirty Seconds to Mars at the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards on their single \"\"Walk On Water\"\". On September 18, 2017, Quavo and the Migos did an interview. Quavo stated that his album with Travis Scott is coming \"\"real", "\"Butterfly Effect (Travis Scott song)\"\nButterfly Effect (Travis Scott song) \"\"Butterfly Effect\"\" (stylized in all caps on \"\"Astroworld\"\") is a song by American rapper Travis Scott. It was released by Epic Records on May 15, 2017, as the lead single from Scott's third studio album, \"\"Astroworld\"\" (2018). The song was written by Scott with Canadian producers Murda Beatz and Felix Leone. During a performance in Portsmouth, Virginia on May 4, 2017, Scott hinted at the release of new music in a freestyle. Scott can be heard saying: \"\"Dropping new music in a few days. Bout to go crazy for a few days.\"\" The song was", "\"Butterfly Effect (Travis Scott song)\"\n2017, he performed the song with Thirty Seconds to Mars at the MTV Video Music Awards. Scott also performed the song at the MTV Europe Music Awards on November 12, 2017. Credits adapted from Tidal. Butterfly Effect (Travis Scott song) \"\"Butterfly Effect\"\" (stylized in all caps on \"\"Astroworld\"\") is a song by American rapper Travis Scott. It was released by Epic Records on May 15, 2017, as the lead single from Scott's third studio album, \"\"Astroworld\"\" (2018). The song was written by Scott with Canadian producers Murda Beatz and Felix Leone. During a performance in Portsmouth, Virginia on May 4,", "\"Butterfly Effect (Travis Scott song)\"\n99 on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 on the week of June 17, 2017, and peaked at number 50 following the release of \"\"Astroworld\"\". The single was certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for combined sales and streaming equivalent units of 2,000,000 units in the United States. The music video was released on July 13, 2017 via Travis Scott's Vevo channel. It was directed by BRTHR, who also directed the video to Scott's \"\"Goosebumps\"\". On May 17, 2017, Scott performed \"\"Butterfly Effect\"\" for the first time at a show in St. Louis. On August 27,", "\"Butterfly Effect (Travis Scott song)\"\nreleased alongside two other songs from Scott on SoundCloud, including \"\"A Man\"\" and \"\"Green & Purple\"\", which featured American rapper Playboi Carti. Lawrence Burney of \"\"Vice\"\" magazine said: \"\"'Butterfly Effect' is textbook slurred Scott number, with backing vocals that sounds eerily similar to Migos' 'Slippery.'\"\" Madeline Roth of MTV said the song is \"\"hazy\"\" and \"\"low-key\"\". Similarly, Tom Breihan of \"\"Stereogum\"\" said: \"\"'Butterfly Effect' is low-key and melodic, with some sharp production from Drake collaborator Murda Beatz.\"\" Former President of the United States Barack Obama noted the track as one of his favorites in 2017. \"\"Butterfly Effect\"\" debuted at number", "\"Butterfly effect in popular culture\"\nbeen no Thatcherism and the post-war consensus would have continued indefinitely. The 2014 video game \"\"Until Dawn\"\" features the butterfly effect as a central plot point, using the term to describe how the player's choices can drastically affect the outcome of the game's events. Hip-hop artist Travis Scott mentions this phenomenon in his 2017 single \"\"Butterfly Effect\"\". Butterfly effect in popular culture The butterfly effect is the phenomenon in chaos theory whereby a minor change in circumstances can cause a large change in outcome. The butterfly metaphor was created by Edward Norton Lorenz to emphasize the inherent unpredictable results of", "\"Travis Scott\"\npark of the same name, is nearing completion and would most likely be released in 2017. Scott was also featured on a track from Canadian rapper Drake's project \"\"More Life\"\" (2017), titled \"\"Portland\"\". The song peaked at number nine on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100, becoming his first top ten song as a featured artist. On May 16, 2017, Scott released three new tracks on SoundCloud, after teasing on social media for some time. The tracks were named \"\"A Man\"\", \"\"Green & Purple (featuring Playboi Carti)\"\", and \"\"Butterfly Effect\"\". The latter was also released on every other streaming service, as", "\"Scott Travis\"\nnotice him as they went past with their tour bus. He finally decided to wait at the back of the arena to hand the band a tape of his playing. Holland was still the band's drummer at the time, so nothing ever came out of the encounter. When Holland did leave Judas Priest in 1989, Jeff Martin heard about it through his friendship with Rob Halford. Martin called up Travis one day and said \"\"Guess who needs a drummer?\"\" Travis auditioned for the vacant position and in 1989 got the job, thus becoming the first non-Briton to play for the", "\"Scott Smith (fighter)\"\nreferee called for a break, which Smith adhered to but Terrell did not hear. When Smith stopped fighting, Terrell quickly locked in a rear naked choke, which the referee did not break. Smith was forced to tap out and protested immediately. Smith was then seen as a middleweight contestant on The Ultimate Fighter: The Comeback, where he quickly lost his quarterfinal matchup against Travis Lutter. Smith appeared on the season finale, knocking out Pete Sell in the second round of a very exciting fight in a sequence that saw Smith sustain a hard punch to the liver, and throw the", "\"Hostel: Part III\"\nCarter says he was disappointed that Amy stayed with Scott after Carter told her about Scott's infidelity. He says that once Scott dies, he will comfort Amy and she will want to be with him. Flemming orders Scott to be let go from the chair, and Scott and Carter fight. Scott ends up stabbing Carter, and then breaks out hidden by special effect smoke. Victor kills one of the guards and frees himself but is killed by another guard. Scott calls the cops and frees Kendra, who is shot dead by Travis. Flemming orders all the prisoners to be killed.", "\"Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven\"\nand rough around the edges (perhaps more so than anything Scott has ever released), but there’s also something about it that’s admirably unique.\"\" Kris Ex of \"\"Billboard\"\", who gave the album four out of five stars wrote \"\"\"\"Speedin\"\"' is an uncomfortably internal album that's a pleasurable listen. It's not as gleefully nihilistic as Future, but comes across just as revelatory. And it's more pointed than the fabricated faux-rebellion of Travi$ Scott.\"\" On the other hand, it received high praises from a number of prominent artists, most notably André 3000, who called it \"\"the best thing to come out in a", "\"The Story of My Life (musical)\"\nwhich belonged to his deceased mother, over a bridge. Alvin is sad but hopeful that “People Carry On” after a loss. In another story, Thomas reads his college entrance essay on the Butterfly Effect (“The Butterfly”) to Alvin. Thomas is accepted into college and leaves Alvin, who is now working at his father’s bookstore, behind (“Saying Goodbye, Part 1”). When Thomas comes home for Christmas, he talks about his creative process; this bores Alvin, who wants to play in the snow as they did when they were young (“Here’s Where It Begins”). Thomas leaves, graduates, and becomes a semi-famous writer.", "\"Travis Scott\"\nthat he had dropped out of school, eventually cut him off financially. With longtime friend Chris Holloway he formed the duo The Graduates. In 2008, the duo released their untitled first EP on social networking website Myspace. The following year, Scott and OG Chess, one of Travis's schoolmates, formed the group The Classmates. The Classmates released two projects, with \"\"Buddy Rich\"\" in 2009 and \"\"Cruis'n USA\"\" in 2010. Scott mainly handled production work on both projects. The duo remained together until late 2012, when personal conflicts and financial disputes led to the disbandment of the group. After leaving college, Scott", "\"Dead Letter Circus\"\nand Apply\"\", \"\"Next in Line\"\" and \"\"The Space on the Wall\"\". \"\"Disconnect and Apply\"\" received significant radio play on Triple J, where it became one of their most played tracks. They performed at the Big Day Out, Come Together Music Festival in Sydney and the Over-Cranked Music Festival in Brisbane - performing with bands such as Judas Priest, Cog, Karnivool, The Butterfly Effect, Chevelle and Helmet. They also toured Australia extensively on their own headline tours. In 2008, drummer Scott Davey left the group and was replaced by Luke Williams from Melodyssey. On 30 October 2008, Dead Letter Circus began", "\"Travis Van Winkle\"\nTravis Van Winkle Travis Scott Van Winkle (born November 4, 1982) is an American actor. Travis was born in Victorville, California, the middle of three children of Sally (née Fitzgerald) and Charles Van Winkle. He remained in Victorville until he was two years old, and then moved to Oscoda, Michigan. When he was eight, his family moved again to Peachtree City, Georgia, where he graduated from McIntosh High School and attended college but did not graduate, leaving at age 20 to go to Hollywood to pursue his acting endeavors. Van Winkle made his television debut in a December 2004 episode", "\"Antidote (Travis Scott song)\"\nAntidote (Travis Scott song) \"\"Antidote\"\" is a song by American rapper Travis Scott. It was released on July 28, 2015, as the second single from his debut studio album, \"\"Rodeo\"\" (2015). The song was produced by WondaGurl and Eestbound. The song peaked at number 16 on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart. Since then it has been certified triple platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). The song was first heard when Travis Scott performed it live at JMBLYA. It was later released on June 21, 2015. \"\"Antidote\"\" was not initially intended to appear on \"\"Rodeo\"\", as confirmed", "\"The Butterfly Effect (Heroes)\"\nepisode was watched by 9.57 million viewers. Sean O'Neal of \"\"The A.V. Club\"\" rated this episode, together with the previous episode, a B+. Robert Canning of IGN gave the episode 6.7 out of 10. The Butterfly Effect (Heroes) \"\"The Butterfly Effect\"\" is the second episode of the third season of the NBC science fiction drama series \"\"Heroes\"\" and thirty-sixth episode overall. It was written by series creator/executive producer Tim Kring and directed by Greg Beeman. The episode aired on September 22, 2008 immediately after \"\"The Second Coming\"\" as part of the three-hour premiere event. Claire Bennet realizes that she no", "\"K. K. Downing\"\ntalking to Ian about it, having a change of mind and doing it — and then suddenly it was released and it was all too late and it was over and done.\"\" According to Downing, he said that drummer Scott Travis was the only member to contact him following his departure. Although he was not surprised that Travis contacted him, he was however surprised that the other members did not. He said that he thought that he was friends with all of the other members before his departure, he singled out Hill as the one he was most disappointed in.", "\"Cohen and Tate\"\ntanks in an oil field. Cohen reappears and handcuffs Travis to his wrist. Tate stalks them in the dark. When Cohen moves abruptly to shoot where he thinks Tate is, he loses his hearing aid. Travis finds it but hesitates about speaking out. Cohen looks at Travis with fear in his eyes, and pleads for help. Travis gives him the hearing aid and Cohen thanks him. While escaping, Tate suddenly comes out and shoots Cohen, who takes a round to the shoulder and appears to pass out. Tate advances on Travis before being shot by Cohen, causing him to fall", "\"The Butterfly Effect (Heroes)\"\nThe Butterfly Effect (Heroes) \"\"The Butterfly Effect\"\" is the second episode of the third season of the NBC science fiction drama series \"\"Heroes\"\" and thirty-sixth episode overall. It was written by series creator/executive producer Tim Kring and directed by Greg Beeman. The episode aired on September 22, 2008 immediately after \"\"The Second Coming\"\" as part of the three-hour premiere event. Claire Bennet realizes that she no longer feels pain when injured. Claire films herself trying to be hit by a train, but Future Peter, masquerading as Present Peter, intervenes before the impact. After exchanging words with Claire, he then teleports", "\"Goosebumps (Travis Scott song)\"\nGoosebumps (Travis Scott song) \"\"Goosebumps\"\" (styled as \"\"goosebumps\"\" on the album) is a song by American rapper Travis Scott. It serves as the second single from his second studio album \"\"Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight\"\". It was sent to rhythmic radio on December 13, 2016 by Grand Hustle Records and Epic Records. The song features vocals from American rapper Kendrick Lamar. On October 12, 2018, the soundtrack for the film The Hate U Give featured the song. When Travis was doing an interview with \"\"Billboard\"\" about the album and how he linked with Kendrick Lamar for “Goosebumps” he said:", "\"Crimson Avenger (Lee Travis)\"\nby Wing, the Crimson was able to subdue the criminals and retrieve the money. Among the effects were Claudia's gold lighter inscribed with \"\"Qui Vindicet Ibit\"\", which is Latin for \"\"The avenger will come\"\" (\"\"Who will go for revenge?\"\" properly translated). When the police arrived, Travis and How quickly drove away, letting it be said that a mysterious \"\"Crimson Avenger\"\" stopped the thieves, and giving Lee Travis a more meaningful purpose to his life. The second, extended origin appeared in \"\"Golden Age Secret Files & Origins #1\"\" (2001). In this tale Lee Travis was a war-weary man of the world", "\"Terry Ryan (baseball)\"\nRick Aguilera, Scott Erickson, Mark Guthrie, and Kevin Tapani. To make matters worse, the prospects he received in these trades did not pan out. In particular, Scott Klingenbeck and Frank Rodriguez were expected to be solid major league players. Instead, they were busts who did not last in the majors. In 1996, Ryan botched the signing of first baseman Travis Lee during the amateur draft. Lee exploited a never-before used clause that allows a draft pick to become a free agent if a team does not make an offer within 15 days of the draft. After the Twins failed to", "\"Yosemite (song)\"\nYosemite (song) \"\"Yosemite\"\" is a song by American rapper Travis Scott. It was released on November 20, 2018, as the third single from Scott's third studio album, \"\"Astroworld\"\" (2018), and contains guest vocals from Gunna and Nav. When \"\"Yosemite\"\" was originally released, Nav had an unusually quiet voice in the song, which went viral, resulting in memes regarding the rapper. It was later remastered. The official music video for the song was released on Travis Scott's YouTube channel on November 30, 2018. In the video, a young Travis Scott is seen looking for Astroworld through a dense jungle. The kid's", "\"Troublemakers (1994 film)\"\nleaving and setting up camp, Travis finds Stone and gang, talking about robbing a bank, the next day at noon. The next day, the brothers plan a trap to catch Stone. The plan backfires when they come in at the wrong time. The sheriff and his deputy mistake Travis and Moses as part of Stone's gang and arrest them. Bridget bails Travis out, revealing that Stone took their beloved bear. When Moses is sentenced to hang the next morning, Travis tries to free him in the same way he freed Stone (shooting the noose.) A dog attacks Travis and Moses", "\"The Butterfly (2002 film)\"\ntraveling with Julien. Julien calls the authorities who come to rescue Elsa. However Julien is suspected of kidnapping and is taken into custody for a short time. A young boy named Sebastian helps get Elsa out of the hole, and she is able to go home with her mother. When Julien and Elsa come back from their journey to find the Isabelle butterfly, they see that the chrysalis that Julien had received contained the Isabelle butterfly all along. Julien sends the butterfly on its way to see his deceased son. It all ends very happily as Julien is released when", "\"Sinead O'Connor (Hollyoaks)\"\nSinead's divorce from Freddie comes through leaving him free to marry Lindsey. Her step-cousin, Scott Drinkwell (Ross Adams) arrives in Hollyoaks and helps her try to get Ste by meddling with his marriage to John Paul. She tries to use Harry to get together with John Paul but her plan fails and causes Ste to get attacked. When Sinead finds out that Harry was there she calls the police. She is shocked however when Harry under pressure from the real attackers and not wanting his sexuality to come out says he did it. She, John Paul, Ste and Scott all", "\"The Dreamscape\"\nwith telling a complete-in-one story. But perhaps because I've come to trust \"\"Fringe\"\" more over its recent run of entertaining episodes, I enjoyed it fairly well, and found myself trying to figure out what kind of thematic connections I could make using the notion of the body reacting to mere thoughts.\"\" Travis Fickett of IGN rated the episode 7.8/10, explaining that it \"\"certainly moves in the right direction\"\". Fickett found the \"\"coolest moment\"\" to be when Olivia witnesses John Scott's memory, and he also appreciated Peter's backstory (\"\"It's more than Peter usually gets, but what we know isn't much and", "\"Travis Van Winkle\"\nVan Winkle guest starred in an episode of \"\"Scorpion\"\", where he played Ensign Nathan Hall, who gets trapped with Walter (Elyes Gabel), Happy (Jadyn Wong) and Cabe (Robert Patrick) in a downed submarine and must figure out how to escape before they run out of air. In 2015, he starred in the PixL original movie \"\"Bound & Babysitting\"\" alongside Tammin Sursok. In 2017, Van Winkle starred as Scott Hays in Hallmark channel original movie \"\"Christmas Getaway\"\" alongside Bridget Regan. Van Winkle is a member of the Bahá'í Faith. Travis Van Winkle Travis Scott Van Winkle (born November 4, 1982) is", "\"Astroworld (album)\"\nand \"\"Butterfly Effect\"\". \"\"Butterfly Effect\"\" was released on May 15, 2017, for streaming and digital download as the album's lead single. It peaked at number 50 on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. The single, \"\"Watch\"\" featuring Kanye West and Lil Uzi Vert, was released on May 4, 2018. The song peaked at number 16 on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. On July 27, 2018, a giant sculpture of Scott's head appeared on top of a Amoeba Music store in Los Angeles. Multiple copies of the sculpture appeared in various other locations, including Scott's hometown of Houston, Texas. After significant internet", "\"Rodeo (Travis Scott album)\"\nKevin Ritchie of \"\"Now\"\" stated, \"\"Scott goes for spacey sounds, stoner vibes and vocal filters, but despite the eclecticism, he's too elusive and bland for \"\"Rodeo\"\" to amount to a stylistic--let alone a subversive--statement.\"\" Sheldon Pearce from \"\"Pitchfork\"\" stated, \"\"He is most effective when he harshly distorts his vocals to create texture, and in the company of others he can serve as a welcome change of pace.\"\" David Turner from \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" stated, \"\"Left on his own, Scott can grow tiresome. \"\"I Can Tell\"\" sounds monochromatic without another voice to push this astute curator. Some rock stars are better leading", "\"Daisha Anderson\"\nscenes play out on-screen when Daisha joins Specialist registrar Joseph Byrne (Luke Roberts) on a night out. When they visit an Indian restaurant for a meal a gunman takes her hostage. The events of which were played out during an experimental style of story telling for the show. Two episodes (\"\"The Butterfly Effect – Part 1\"\" and \"\"The Butterfly Effect – Part 2\"\") were created to focus on the events telling the same story from different character's perspectives. Joseph risks his life to save Daisha from the crisis but in the commotion shots are fired. Daisha and Joseph make it", "\"Butterfly effect in popular culture\"\nButterfly Effect was also mentioned in \"\"The Amazing World Of Gumball\"\" in which a butterfly is let out of a jar which causes a series of events leading to a tornado. The films \"\"The Butterfly Effect\"\" (and its sequels \"\"The Butterfly Effect 2\"\" and \"\"\"\") and \"\"Havana\"\" mischaracterize the butterfly effect in the typical fashion of its pop-culture understanding, asserting that the butterfly effect can be calculated with certainty, which is the opposite of its meaning in chaos theory about the unpredictability of certain physical systems. Jeff Goldblum's character Dr. Ian Malcolm from the 1993 movie \"\"Jurassic Park\"\" attempts to", "\"Travis (chimpanzee)\"\nlaw took effect in 2004, and as of Travis's death in 2009, no one in the state had applied to adopt a chimpanzee. The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) did not enforce the law on the Herolds because they had owned Travis for so long and the DEP did not believe Travis posed a public safety risk. On February 16, 2009, Travis attacked Sandra Herold's 55-year-old friend Charla Nash, inflicting devastating injuries to her face and limbs. Travis had left the house with Sandra Herold's car keys, and Nash came to help get the chimp back in the house;", "\"Hannah Montana: The Movie\"\ntwo places at once but accidentally lets her guard down and is caught by Travis mid-switch. Miley finishes writing \"\"Butterfly Fly Away\"\" which she and Robby sing together to cheer up. Miley completes the chicken coop that she and Travis were building; touched by this, Travis goes to the concert to support Miley. Seeing Travis arrive, Hannah stops mid-song and explains to the crowd that she cannot live a lie anymore, especially when she is home. Hannah then removes her blond wig, revealing her secret identity. She then sings \"\"The Climb\"\" and announces that she's not going to be Hannah", "\"Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho\"\nscore of 66, based on six reviews. Brian Joseph of \"\"Pitchfork\"\" commended the album's exciting production, but criticized the performances of the artists: \"\"But like any Travis Scott album, it's the sterling production that carries the project. The beats are as elegant as they are variegated. In a fatal irony, \"\"Huncho Jack\"\"s liveliness tends to come from everywhere except Quavo and Travis Scott. The protean energy that buoy their respective works are sadly absent.\"\" Aaron McKrell of \"\"HipHopDX\"\" stated that \"\"Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho\"\" is \"\"an album that basks in each artists' signature sound to the benefit of its groove", "\"Antidote (Travis Scott song)\"\nmodels Yaris Sanchez and Ayisha Diaz. On September 23, 2015, Travis Scott performed \"\"Antidote\"\", live on national television, on \"\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\"\". On November 17, 2015, in between dates on The Weeknd's \"\"Madness Fall Tour,\"\" Travis Scott appeared on \"\"Late Night with Seth Meyers\"\", where he performed a medley of \"\"Antidote\"\" and \"\"Pray 4 Love\"\". Antidote (Travis Scott song) \"\"Antidote\"\" is a song by American rapper Travis Scott. It was released on July 28, 2015, as the second single from his debut studio album, \"\"Rodeo\"\" (2015). The song was produced by WondaGurl and Eestbound. The song peaked at number 16", "\"Travis Scott\"\nTravis Scott Jacques Berman Webster II (born April 30, 1992), known professionally as Travis Scott (formerly stylized as Travi$ Scott), is an American rapper, singer, songwriter and record producer. In 2012, Scott signed his first major-label deal with Epic Records. In November of the same year, Scott signed a deal with Kanye West's GOOD Music, as part of its production wing Very GOOD Beats, after appearing on the label's 2012 compilation album \"\"Cruel Summer\"\". In April 2013, Scott signed a record deal with T.I.'s Grand Hustle imprint. Scott's first full-length project, a mixtape titled \"\"Owl Pharaoh\"\", was self-released in May", "\"Avalon Drive\"\nHoobastank and also joined Fall out Boy on their Australian tour, as their single \"\"Make Your Move\"\" debuted on radio nationally and was released commercially as a digital single on 21 May 2007. Lead vocalist Damion Page cited the track as \"\"a very small taste of what is to come.\"\" \"\"Make Your Move\"\" was produced by Melbourne producer, Forrester Savell, best known for his production on The Butterfly Effect's \"\"Imago\"\" (which reached #2 in Australia), Human Nature's \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\" (both Australian #1 albums), and Karnivool's \"\"Themata\"\". \"\"We all have very different ideas when it comes to writing so working", "\"Travis Scott\"\nApril 2017. On February 1, 2018, Jenner gave birth to their first child, daughter Stormi Webster. Studio albums Collaborative albums Mixtapes The Grammy Awards are awarded annually by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. Scott has six nominations. Headlining Supporting Travis Scott Jacques Berman Webster II (born April 30, 1992), known professionally as Travis Scott (formerly stylized as Travi$ Scott), is an American rapper, singer, songwriter and record producer. In 2012, Scott signed his first major-label deal with Epic Records. In November of the same year, Scott signed a deal with Kanye West's GOOD Music, as part of", "\"Side Effects (Mariah Carey song)\"\na kid, let's separate for a while,' I probably would've.\"\" \"\"Butterfly\"\" became what Carey later described as her \"\"favorite and most heartfelt ballad.\"\" Its lyrics were very personal, linking to her personal life and relationship with Mottola. Carey wrote \"\"Butterfly\"\" for Mottola, hoping he would say its contents to her, and choose to do what was best for her. She described it as \"\"the best ballad she had ever written\"\" and credited it as the epitome of \"\"Butterfly\"\". \"\"Side Effects\"\" was written by Carey, Scott Storch, Crystal Johnson and featured artist Young Jeezy. It was produced by Carey for Maroon", "Screamland\nthat was deliberately kept out of the public eye. Carl and Travis solve the mystery, but almost ruining their fragile friendship in the process when Travis is told that \"\"Phantasmagorgya\"\" was never released because it was a sex tape turned snuff film that could ruin the lives of multiple monster stars. (Prior to this Travis believed that the film was merely a sex tape recorded during a party he and Carl had attended in the 1970s.) Travis is horrified that Carl and other monsters murdered two women during \"\"Phantasmagorgya\"\", as the monsters covered it up and did not do \"\"the", "\"Travis Scott\"\nsoon\"\". He also stated that he and Travis Scott have over 20 records ready. In October 2017, Scott was featured in a special piece titled \"\"Deserve\"\", by Chinese born Canadian rapper Kris Wu. On December 7, 2017, a clip of Quavo being interviewed by Zane Lowe was posted on the official Twitter account for Beats 1. When asked about the title of their upcoming project, he confirmed it would be \"\"Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho.\"\" Scott was featured on Trippie Redd's \"\"Dark Knight Dummo\"\" on December 6, 2017. The song peaked at 72 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. On December 21,", "\"Goosebumps (Travis Scott song)\"\nMarch 28, 2017, Travis announced that the song has been certified Platinum. On January 21, 2017, Travis Scott performed \"\"Goosebumps\"\" on \"\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\"\". On April 19, 2017, he performed the song on \"\"The Ellen Degeneres Show\"\". ! scope=\"\"row\"\"| Portugal (AFP) Goosebumps (Travis Scott song) \"\"Goosebumps\"\" (styled as \"\"goosebumps\"\" on the album) is a song by American rapper Travis Scott. It serves as the second single from his second studio album \"\"Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight\"\". It was sent to rhythmic radio on December 13, 2016 by Grand Hustle Records and Epic Records. The song features vocals from American", "\"The Butterfly Effect Part 1\"\ntogether. It was important to me and America that the change not come because someone says, \"\"You need to change.\"\" I think the look is still her. Sure, she's never worn pants before, but she wears a butterfly pin. The trick is: How far do you take it?\"\" He also revealed that the opening scene in this episode that was inspired from \"\"\"\" was his idea. The Butterfly Effect Part 1 \"\"The Butterfly Effect Part 1\"\" is an episode from the dramedy series \"\"Ugly Betty\"\", which aired on October 16, 2009. It is the first episode from Season 4, the", "\"Cohen and Tate\"\nstops driving and parks beside a mailbox. Without saying a word, with an expression of grief (coming from the suspicion of what could be his last job), he sends part of his payment and his money clip in a letter to his wife. Travis finally manages to turn his captors on each other, when he realizes that Tate is about to shoot the sleepy Cohen while he is driving. He shouts at Cohen, warning him. This enrages Tate, who calls Travis a liar. Travis spits at Tate, and when Tate tries to harm him, he gets shot and chucked out", "\"War & Leisure\"\nlike right now\"\". He also announced that a Spanish version of the album is in the works. An early version of the song \"\"Come Through and Chill\"\" was uploaded to Miguel's SoundCloud page on June 23, 2016. It did not feature vocals by J. Cole, but ended up on the final version. The album's lead single, \"\"Sky Walker\"\", featuring American rapper Travis Scott was released on August 24, 2017. The song charted at number 29 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100, making it Miguel's second-highest charting single as a lead artist since 2012's \"\"Adorn\"\". The song was certified platinum by the", "\"Rough Trade Records\"\nrecord shop, opened by Geoff Travis on Kensington Park Road, West London, in February 1976. It was inspired by what Travis has described as the \"\"community-based environment\"\" of the City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco, and specialised in garage rock and reggae. Steve Montgomery, initially a customer of the shop, was offered a job soon after it opened and became its effective co-manager. Travis and Montgomery were joined by a further employee, Richard Scott, in June 1977. Rough Trade produced its own record for the first time after French punk band Métal Urbain came into the shop asking for assistance", "\"Angela Petrelli\"\nto interpretation, like the dreams of the heroes dying (\"\"The Butterfly Effect\"\"), although several events seem to appear as exactly as they are going to happen, like the interview with Dr. Chandra Suresh (\"\"1961\"\"). People with this power can also apparently have the same dream as when Peter copied it from her, he had the same precognitive dream that she did. Angela states that her dreams always come true and indicates she believes that what she sees is fated. (\"\"Heroes Reborn: June 13 - Part 1\"\") Further demonstrations of her ability have shown that it goes beyond merely seeing the", "\"Rodeo (Travis Scott album)\"\non 15 reviews. Roger Krastz of \"\"XXL\"\" stated, \"\"Overall, \"\"Rodeo\"\" has plenty of bangers and noteworthy collaborations that help bring out a fantastic trap sound that could bleed into the mainstream of hip-hop in no time.\"\" Jason Bisnoff of \"\"HipHopDX\"\" stated, \"\"\"\"Rodeo\"\"s back end after \"\"Antidote\"\" begin to mesh together and gets repetitive... Nonetheless, the originality of Scott's sound within this new movement provides for a strong rookie effort leaving the listener excited for a career that is just getting started.\"\" Trazier Tharpe of \"\"Complex\"\" stated, \"\"Travis Scott made an enjoyable album for his fans peppered with undeniable bangers for", "\"Khalifa (album)\"\nEx of \"\"Billboard\"\" said, \"\"On \"\"Khalifa\"\", he's characteristically mellow and melodic, mixing rhymes that are part equal parts braggadocio and motivational slogans in an almost singular pursuit of highs and riches. By design, none of the songs stand out, save for the Travis Scott featuring 'Bake Sale', which wins mostly by sounding like an aired-out version of Scott's own hit 'Antidote'.\"\" David Jeffries of AllMusic questioned the exclusion of \"\"See You Again\"\" and said, \"\"These expansive cuts surely benefit the Wiz discography, and will do best when shuffled into his canon, but lump them together into one LP and take", "\"Dear Zoe\"\nthen warns her to stay away from him. One day when she is sitting outside on the porch, Travis approaches her. Travis is a \"\"friend\"\" of her father’s. Travis gives him money to give to her dad, which Tess finds weird. He asks her if she has ever had some of the \"\"product\"\" but Tess did not understand. Travis then asks her if she would like to smoke weed but Tess denies it. After Travis leaves, Tess confronts her dad about him selling weed. After their encounter, Tess starts hanging out with Jimmy Freeze without telling her dad. One night,", "\"The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations\"\nThe Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations is a 2009 American science fiction psychological thriller film directed by Seth Grossman that is the third film in the \"\"Butterfly Effect\"\" franchise. The film is set in Detroit, Michigan with most of the filming done there. The film did not receive a positive reception, with one critic calling it a minor improvement over the un-watchable previous sequel. Sam Reide (Chris Carmack) witnesses a woman being killed, then wakes up in an ice-filled bathtub, his vitals being monitored by his sister Jenna (Rachel Miner). Sam can travel back to any", "\"23 Blast\"\nhigh school junior. Living in the town of Corbin, Kentucky, his inner circle includes his supporting parents, girlfriend, and childhood best friend, Jerry Baker (Bram Hoover) Life is normal for Travis until one day he is stricken with a series of severe headaches and a bacterial meningitis infection. After being rushed to the hospital, Travis undergoes surgery to remove the infection and save his life. He comes out of the procedure alive, but he is now blind. After losing his sight, Travis experiences depression as he adjusts to life without sight. When forced to abandon football, Travis’ shallow, cheerleader girlfriend", "\"Travis (chimpanzee)\"\nthat went through a partially open window and struck Travis while they were stopped at a traffic light. Startled, Travis unbuckled his seat belt, opened the car door and chased the man, but did not catch him. When police arrived, they lured the chimpanzee into the car several times only to have Travis let himself out of another door and occasionally chase the officers around the car. The 2003 incident led to the passing of a Connecticut law prohibiting people from keeping primates weighing more than as pets and requiring owners of exotic pets to apply for permits. The new", "\"Scott Travis\"\nScott Travis Mark Scott Travis (born September 6, 1961) is an American rock musician, best known as the drummer for the English heavy metal band Judas Priest, the Irish rock band Thin Lizzy, and the American heavy metal band Racer X. Born in Norfolk, Virginia, Scott was a well-known drummer in the local music scene of a region known as Hampton Roads during the early 1980s. Playing with bands in clubs throughout Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and Newport News. Travis moved to California in the early/mid 1980s and played in various local bands, such as Hawk, and later on moved to", "WondaGurl\nplace, earning a trophy and a Roland GAIA Synthesizer. WondaGurl became a protege of Boi-1da and often works with Travis Scott. WondaGurl sent a beat to Drake via Instagram, which landed two placements, \"\"Used To\"\" and \"\"Company\"\", featuring and co-produced by Travis Scott, on Drake's mixtape \"\"If You're Reading This It's Too Late\"\". WondaGurl also sent a beat to Travis Scott, who passed it on to Jay Z, which became the song \"\"Crown\"\". WondaGurl has worked with other major artists and producers since then. WondaGurl also produced the Top 40 hit single \"\"Antidote\"\" by Travis Scott, which was co-produced by", "\"The Smiths (album)\"\nstudios. Travis, harbouring reservations about the group's session with Troy Tate, gave Porter a cassette of the sessions beforehand in the hopes that he could remix them. Porter told Travis that the sessions were \"\"out of tune and out of time\"\". Feeling the Tate sessions were unsalvageable, Porter offered to re-record the album himself. Despite praising the work with Tate only a week prior to the press by stating \"\"we've done everything exactly right and it'll show\"\", Smiths singer Morrissey accepted (as did Travis), while Marr hesitantly agreed. Marr would later claim in his autobiography that when the band heard", "\"Social facilitation\"\nmen and women. In 1920, when asked to write out as many words as possible in response to a given word, 93% of participants produced more words in the presence of another person than alone. However, when this study was replicated with individuals who stuttered when they spoke, 80% of the participants produced more words when alone rather than in the presence of another person. Lee Edward Travis conducted a study to find what kind of effect an audience has on an individual. Travis used an eye–hand coordination test (holding a flexible pointer on a revolving target) for his study.", "\"The Butterjunk Effect\"\nAmy, to be brutish, unromantic and abusive while on the influence of Nectar. Soon, their Nectar supplier runs out when the reigning champions buy out the remaining supply. The Professor realizes that Nectar is a substance created by a flower on Kif's home planet, Amphibios 9, and Kif, Fry, Bender, Leela, and Amy set off to collect more. At a butterfly preserve on Kif's home planet, they are told to beware the male butterflies by the Grand Butterfly Curator. Fry discovers the insect first, who sprays Fry with copious amounts of liquid in self-defense. Having collected enough of the nectar,", "\"Kacy Hill\"\nmusically. The Express Tribune named her one of 10 new music artists you are bound to have on repeat. Additional accolades have come from GQ who stated \"\"Hill's barreling towards the big time\"\" and NY Magazine who stated she was \"\"ethereal yet catchy\"\" and \"\"one to watch.\"\" Her first major feature was on the song \"\"90210\"\" on labelmate Travis Scott's \"\"Rodeo\"\". On her Facebook stream, which singer did in July, she confirmed that the next single is expected to be a new song called \"\"Hard to Love\"\". Hill finished recording her debut album in December 2016. In early May 2017,", "\"Pick Up the Phone (Young Thug and Travis Scott song)\"\nPick Up the Phone (Young Thug and Travis Scott song) \"\"Pick Up the Phone\"\" (stylized as \"\"pick up the phone\"\" on \"\"Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight\"\") is a song by American hip hop recording artists Young Thug and Travis Scott. It was released on June 3, 2016, by Grand Hustle Records, Epic Records, Atlantic Records and 300 Entertainment. It is the lead single from Young Thug's mixtape \"\"Jeffery\"\" (2016) and Travis Scott's second studio album \"\"Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight\"\" (2016). The song features vocals from Atlanta rapper Quavo from the hip hop trio Migos and additional vocals", "\"The Scream (band)\"\nThe Scream (band) The Scream was a Los Angeles-based hard rock band formed in 1989 as Saints Or Sinners. The band originally featured former Angora singer John Corabi and former Racer X members guitarist Bruce Bouillet, bassist Juan Alderete, and drummer Scott Travis. However, Scott Travis quickly left to join Judas Priest, and was replaced by former Shark Island drummer Walt Woodward III. Scott Travis co-wrote \"\"I Don't Care\"\" on \"\"Let It Scream\"\", though he didn't actually play on the album. They changed their name from Saints Or Sinners to The Scream shortly after Walt Woodward III replaced Scott Travis.", "\"Scott Masters\"\ndebut of popular star Jon Vincent. Once at Catalina, Masters also hired Chet Thomas, his former editor at Nova Studios. During his time at Catalina, Masters also became good friends with director John Travis. Travis had been working for Brentwood Studios and Falcon Studios since the early 1970s. In 1988, Masters hired him away from Falcon. The first film Travis helmed under Masters' supervision was \"\"My Best Buddy\"\" (1988). Masters is also partly responsible for the career of gay adult film director Chi Chi LaRue. LaRue had come to California in 1987 and gotten a job in Catalina's sales department.", "\"Coming Around (Travis song)\"\na reference to the band's earlier single, \"\"More Than Us\"\", which featured a similar image, except with four chairs instead of two. In 2012, the band Counting Crows re-recorded this song for their album \"\"Underwater Sunshine (or What We Did on Our Summer Vacation)\"\". Coming Around (Travis song) \"\"Coming Around\"\" is a song by Scottish indie rock band Travis, released in June 2000 as a stand-alone single, although it was subsequently added to a limited edition Special Live Edition of \"\"The Man Who\"\". The single peaked at number five on the UK Singles Chart and became the band's first number-one", "\"Son in Law\"\nand she soon begins to acclimate; cutting and dyeing her hair, dressing in a more Californian manner, and even getting a tattoo of a butterfly on her ankle. When Thanksgiving break approaches, Becca realizes that Crawl has nowhere to go, and she invites him to visit her family. Shocked by her changes, the Warners and Becca's boyfriend Travis try to take it in stride and decide to put up with Crawl, who had gotten off on the wrong foot with Walter, Becca's father, when he dropped her off at college. At dinner, Becca realizes that Travis wants to propose marriage", "\"Herb Tarlek\"\nfish\"\"). Several episodes of the series involve Tarlek and Andy Travis personally courting companies to advertise on the station. Herb's most effective talent is knowing how to collect money from deadbeat clients, often by blackmailing them. He admits to program director Andy Travis that it took time to develop that skill, saying of one client: \"\"He did that to me [failed to pay up] twenty times. Then I got smart.\"\" Herb also repeats this skill in \"\"The New WKRP in Cincinnati\"\", where he bails rookie salesman Arthur Carlson, Jr. out of a ticket trade scam for a freak show operator.", "\"Entourage (film)\"\nhim no answer, Travis puts the post-production on hold. Vince and Eric \"\"E\"\" Murphy visit Travis to come up with a solution, but this results in Travis saying he did not like Vince's performance either and wants the entire movie to be redone with a new lead and director. In addition, studio CEO John Ellis removes Ari from the production. The boys soon realize the reason Travis is angry over the movie is because Vince is spending time with Emily Ratajkowski, with whom Travis is infatuated. Learning of this, Ari interrupts Ellis in a boardroom meeting with Larsen and Travis", "\"2013 DRIVE4COPD 300\"\nwhich flew into the grandstand (including its engine and both wheels), as did some debris into the second level. Ultimately, 28 fans were injured, with two of them in critical condition. In the midst of the chaos, Tony Stewart escaped the wreck, and won the race, tying Dale Earnhardt for the most Nationwide Series wins at the track with seven. Alex Bowman; Dale Earnhardt, Jr.; and Parker Kligerman closed out the Top 5 while Brian Scott, Justin Allgaier, Eric McClure; Robert Richardson, Jr.; and Travis Pastrana rounded out the Top 10. Much of the tragedy was due to the car", "\"Antidote (Travis Scott song)\"\non Scott's SoundCloud on June 23, 2015: \"\"This is for the real fans; the real ragers! This is some vibes for the summer. This isn’t on \"\"Rodeo\"\"… it’s coming soon.\"\" However, due to the song's popularity, Scott included the track on his debut album. On July 29, 2015, \"\"Antidote\"\" was released via digital distribution as the album's second single. The song samples \"\"All I Need\"\" by Lee Fields and The Expressions. On September 3, 2015, a teaser for the \"\"Antidote\"\" music video was uploaded on Scott's Vevo channel. The video premiered on September 18, 2015. The music video features Dominican", "\"Travis Scott\"\ncritical acclaim, and debuted at number one on the \"\"Billboard\"\" 200. \"\"Sicko Mode\"\", the album's second single, peaked at number one on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100, becoming Scott's highest charting solo single. Scott was featured on five tracks of Metro Boomin's \"\"Not All Heroes Wear Capes\"\". Scott has stated that he is influenced by Bon Iver, Kid Cudi, M.I.A., Kanye West, Toro y Moi, Tame Impala, T.I. and Thom Yorke \"\"Spin\"\" magazine compared his 2013 mixtape \"\"Owl Pharaoh\"\" to that of Kid Cudi's \"\"\"\". Scott makes heavy use of audio manipulation effects such as Auto-tune, phasing, delays, and stereo-sculpted chorusing", "\"The Butterfly Effect (Heroes)\"\nher car in the parking garage, is confronted by a reporter, (cameo by \"\"Hero\"\" William Katt), who uses a video feed of Nathan and Jessica Sanders (from season 1) to try to blackmail her to get her to admit she is Niki, a stripper from Las Vegas. An angry Tracy grabs him, and her emotions trigger her ability of cryokinesis. She accidentally freezes him solid, and he shatters on the ground, dead. Tracy flees the scene. Later, Nathan is playing a game of chess with Linderman when a nurse comes in to tell him it is time for lights out,", "\"The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations\"\nhe takes Det. Glenn's (Lynch Travis) evidence notebook, which he uses to look at the scene of the crime and travel back to September 2004, before the bodies were found by the police. He returns to the present to find himself on Jenna's couch as she leaves for work, reminding him to clean up after himself and have dinner ready for her return; their positions now effectively reversed from the beginning of the film. Sam returns to the auto plant, where the police lie in wait to arrest him. Sam convinces Det. Glenn to release him by telling him how", "\"Date of Death (Fear the Walking Dead)\"\nhis friends, who think he's dying, will kill him under the misguided belief that it will be a mercy killing as well. Chris arrives to deliver food, but it turns out to be a trick when the other two tourists ambush Travis and execute James. Travis tries one last time to convince Chris to come with him, but Chris leaves with the remaining two tourists. Back in the present, Travis laments to Madison how he failed to take care of Chris, and regrets that he never told him he loved him before parting ways. Madison then talks with Alicia and", "\"Taming the Star Runner\"\na fire. Travis is a tough kid living in a big city. When he comes home to find his stepfather cramming the fireplace with his writing, Travis assaults him with a fireplace poker. As a result, he is sent to live with his paternal uncle, Ken, on his ranch outside of Tulsa. Travis, used to living in the city, soon finds country life to be boring. Formerly the coolest, toughest kid in school, he is now an out-of-place loner, torn between his desire to fit in and his contempt for country living. Even Ken seems too busy for him, between", "\"Travis Scott\"\nthe upcoming album as, \"\"very youthful, straight to the point, like the illest ever, man, like the illest album.\"\" Scott performed at All-Star Weekend on February 16, 2017, in New Orleans at Champion Square. He also performed at New Orleans BUKU Music + Art Project festival on March 10, 2017. On March 5, Scott announced a concert tour called \"\"Birds Eye View\"\". The next day, the dates and cities for the tour were unveiled, with it beginning on March 10, in New Orleans, Louisiana, and coming to an end on June 2, in Eugene, Oregon. In March 2017, Scott announced", "\"Scott Travis\"\nusing a DW kit at the NAMM show with his band Racer X. His DW setup is: two 23\"\"x24\"\" bass drums, 14\"\"x6.5\"\" snare,8\"\"x8\"\" 10\"\"x9\"\" 12\"\"x9\"\" and 14\"\"x10\"\" rack toms and 16\"\"x14\"\" and 18\"\"x16\"\" floor toms. Scott has played Paiste cymbals since May 1987. Scott also plays Evans drum heads and uses Vater drumsticks. Scott Travis Mark Scott Travis (born September 6, 1961) is an American rock musician, best known as the drummer for the English heavy metal band Judas Priest, the Irish rock band Thin Lizzy, and the American heavy metal band Racer X. Born in Norfolk, Virginia, Scott was", "\"Pick Up the Phone (Young Thug and Travis Scott song)\"\nfrom American singer-songwriter Starrah. Young Thug first previewed the song in a snippet that he posted on his Instagram account in March 2016. The song was originally a collaboration between Young Thug and Starrah. Starrah sang the hook instead of Travis. Travis was in the studio when Thug recorded the song, and he wrote the bridge Young Thug sings. About a month later, Travis started playing the song in clubs, but instead of Starrah on the hook, Travis replaced her, and he had his own verse too. He also called the song his own single for his own album without", "\"This Is America Tour\"\nNicki Minaj, Travis Scott, Kanye West, Beyoncé, Lil Wayne, and Michael Jackson. In September 2018, Glover made two previously unreleased songs, \"\"Algorhythm\"\" and \"\"All Night\"\", exclusively available to fans who bought tickets to his upcoming This Is America Tour. During the first show of the tour in Atlanta, Glover confirmed that this is the last Gambino tour ever, telling the audience: \"\"I love you forever for supporting me and coming out for this shit. Second, if you're in here, that means you bought a ticket, so you don't need to film this shit. Experience this shit. This is not a", "\"Ashley Scott\"\nwas cast as Helena Kyle/Huntress on the WB television drama series \"\"Birds of Prey\"\". She starred as Emily Sullivan for both seasons (2006—2009) on the CBS series \"\"Jericho\"\". She was cast as series regular Mary in the first season (2015) of the Lifetime network's comedy-drama series \"\"UnREAL\"\". Since 2010, Scott has starred in a number of made for television movies, primarily for the Lifetime network. In 2013, Scott voiced the character Maria in the video game \"\"The Last of Us\"\". Scott was married to producer Anthony Rhulen (\"\"The Butterfly Effect\"\", \"\"Lucky Number Slevin\"\") from 2004 to 2008. Scott has been", "\"Imago (The Butterfly Effect album)\"\nImago (The Butterfly Effect album) Imago is the second full-length album by the Brisbane band, the Butterfly Effect. It was recorded by the line-up of Clint Boge on lead vocals, Glenn Esmond on bass guitar, Kurt Goedhart on lead guitar and Ben Hall on drums, with Joe Barresi producing. It was released on 17 June 2006 and debuted on the ARIA Albums Chart at number 2, which is the group's first top 10 album and their highest charting one. The track \"\"Phoenix\"\", which was released to Australian radio in 2005 prior to \"\"Imago\"\"s release, did not make the cut for", "\"Hostel: Part III\"\na hotel room. When they get there, everyone is kidnapped by Travis and wake up in individual cells along with Victor. The two guards take Justin away, and Carter calls the guard, and tells him that he is also a client. Justin is strapped into a chair and Carter, Flemming, and Travis watch as a woman shoots him with crossbows. The main event starts and Scott is strapped into the killing chair. He asks Carter why he is doing this, and Carter reveals he wants Amy for himself, as they were in a relationship before she ended up with Scott.", "\"1991 Austin yogurt shop murders\"\n24, 2009, Judge Mike Lynch ruled, in response to Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg's request that one of the trials be continued, that defendants Springsteen and Scott be freed on bond pending their upcoming trials. At 2:50 p.m. that day, they both walked out of the Travis County Jail with their attorneys. Later that day, Lehmberg responded to Lynch's decision with the following statement: On October 28, 2009, all charges were dismissed against Scott and Springsteen. On December 23, 2010, Austin police officer Frank Wilson and his rookie partner conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle driven by Maurice", "\"Guilt Trip (song)\"\nGuilt Trip (song) \"\"Guilt Trip\"\" is a song by American hip hop recording artist Kanye West, which lies on his sixth solo studio album \"\"Yeezus\"\" (2013). It was produced by West, Mike Dean, S1, Travis Scott and Ackeejuice Rockers. The song includes uncredited vocals from Kid Cudi, who felt negatively about his feature. The song had the lowest debut from the album in the United States out of all of the album's tracks. \"\"Guilt Trip\"\" samples the songs \"\"Chief Rocka\"\" by Lords of the Underground and \"\"Blocka\"\" by Pusha T featuring Popcaan & Travis Scott throughout it. The song's outro", "\"Travis Manawa\"\nTravis asks that Luciana is dying and needs medical attention, but Troy says everyone dies there and tells Travis to take a seat, he refuses until he has a gun pointed at him. While Travis is sitting one of the men along with him: Steven tells him his women are in danger, Travis tells Steven he's causing attention, but he says he could get them out of there and just needs someone to watch his back and h's the only fit person left and he can get them out of there if he helps, but the guard men come in", "\"Feels (album)\"\nwas our first choice and that scott knew him and had recorded him a bunch, and that he lived in the seattle area. when i first asked him if he'd be interested his crucial question was what we wanted out of a violin part in a song. did we want it to stand out melodically so a listener would say, oh here comes the violin part, or did we want him to explore the violin and how it would fit into the song (i.e. doing noise, more textural parts)? i replied the latter and he was stoked. that was the", "\"Merle Travis\"\ncourse of his life. He suffered from serious stage fright, though amazed fellow performers added that once onstage, he was an effective and even charismatic performer. In spite of his problems he was respected and admired by his friends and fellow musicians. Longtime Travis fan Doc Watson named his son Merle Watson, and Travis admirer Chet Atkins named his daughter Merle Atkins, in Travis' honor. Travis' string of chart-topping honky-tonk hits in the 1940s did not continue into the 1950s, despite the reverence of friends like Grandpa Jones and Hank Thompson, with whom he toured and recorded as lead guitarist", "\"Travis Scott discography\"\nTravis Scott discography American rapper Travis Scott has released three studio albums, three mixtapes, one collaborative album, four extended plays (EP) and 29 singles. In 2012, Scott signed his first major-label deal with Epic Records, before eventually signing to Kanye West's GOOD Music production wing known as Very G.O.O.D. Beats. In April 2013, it was announced he signed a recording contract with T.I.'s Grand Hustle imprint. The following years he released the mixtapes \"\"Owl Pharaoh\"\" (2013) and \"\"Days Before Rodeo\"\" (2014). Scott's debut studio album \"\"Rodeo\"\", was released on September 4, 2015. His debut album's lead single \"\"3500\"\", featuring Future", "\"Madama Butterfly\"\nButterfly tells Kate, \"\"I will give my child to her only if he comes himself. In half an hour, come up the hill again.\"\" Suzuki escorts Kate and Sharpless out, and Butterfly falls weeping. 33. \"\"Come una mosca\"\" (\"\"Like a little fly\"\"). Butterfly stands, sees Suzuki and tells her to close up the house, because it is too light and spring-like. Then she orders her to go to the other room where the child is playing. Butterfly then kneels before the statue of Buddha and prays to her ancestral gods. She rises, takes down her father's knife, kisses the blade,", "\"History of Hollyoaks\"\nsoap operas. Marquess then signed another former \"\"The Bill\"\" actor, Scott Neal, into a regular role and repositioned Cheryl as a central character. An interview on \"\"This Morning\"\", an ITV television programme, in September 2010 saw actor Kieron Richardson come out as homosexual and also reveal that a new storyline was being developed in which the character he played, Ste Hay, would embark on a homosexual relationship with Brandan Brady. The same month also saw a considerable number of cast changes. Popular actress Georgina Hale guested as Blanche Longford and Rachel Doherty joined as Eileen Brady Travis Yates also joined", "\"Huncho Jack\"\nHuncho Jack Huncho Jack is an American hip hop duo formed in 2016 by rappers Travis Scott and Quavo of Migos. The group released its debut studio album \"\"Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho\"\" on December 21, 2017. The group's name is derived from Quavo's nickname \"\"Huncho\"\" and Travis Scott's record label Cactus Jack Records, which in turn is derived from legal first name of Jacques which is pronounced as Jack in English. In December 2016, Quavo announced a collaborative album with Travis Scott on Scott's Apple Music \"\"Wav Radio\"\" show, previewing numerous recorded tracks. On April 3, 2017, it was further", "\"Butterfly effect\"\nButterfly effect In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. The term, coined by Edward Lorenz, is derived from the metaphorical example of the details of a tornado (the exact time of formation, the exact path taken) being influenced by minor perturbations such as the flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly several weeks earlier. Lorenz discovered the effect when he observed that runs of his weather model with initial condition data", "Butterflying\nButterflying Butterflying is a way of preparing meat, fish, or poultry for cooking by cutting it almost in two, but leaving the two parts connected; it is then often boned and flattened. \"\"Butterfly\"\" comes from the resemblance of the cut to the wings of a butterfly. In butchery, butterflying transforms a thick, compact piece of meat into a thinner, larger one. The meat is laid out on a cutting board and cut in half parallel to the board almost all the way to the other, leaving a small \"\"hinge\"\", which is used to fold the meat out like a book.", "\"Miley Stewart\"\nFly Away\"\" and \"\"The Climb\"\". Stewart wrote \"\"Butterfly Fly Away\"\" after an argument with Travis (Till) and her dad breaking off his relationship for her. In the story, \"\"The Climb\"\" began when she was in the hen house writing. Travis (Till) told her that the song didn't represent who she is or how she feels. Later in a concert, she performs it live revealing the entire song with its new lyrics. Then, in the episode \"\"He Could Be the One\"\" Miley wrote a song called \"\"I'm Just Having Fun\"\". While practicing with her band, Miley decided the song needed lyrical", "\"Travis Scott\"\nleg started on the June 23 in Paris, and concluded on July 9 in Turku, Finland. This leg was mainly festival sets or in smaller club settings. On April 3, 2017, it was reported Scott had been working on a collaborative album with Atlanta-based rapper Quavo of Migos, potentially to be released later in 2017. Speaking to GQ, he confirmed: 'The Quavo album is coming soon. I’m dropping new music soon. You know how I do it though: I like surprises. In addition to the collaborative album, Scott announced his third studio album \"\"Astroworld\"\", named after the defunct Houston theme", "\"Jeremy Travis\"\n(2005). But They All Come Back: Facing the Challenges of Prisoner Reentry. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press. Travis, J., Visher, C. (Eds.) (2005). Prisoner Reentry and Crime in America. New York. Cambridge University Press. Travis, J., Waul, M. (Eds.) (2003). Prisoners Once Removed: The Effect of Incarceration and Reentry on Children, Families, and Communities. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press. Travis has received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor by the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations (NECO), the Amalia Betanzos Distinguished Service Award by Fedcap Rehabilitation Services for his service to New York City, and the Distinguished Achievement Award in Evidence-based", "\"Rodeo (Travis Scott album)\"\nRodeo (Travis Scott album) Rodeo is the debut studio album by American rapper Travis Scott. It was released on September 4, 2015, by Epic Records and Grand Hustle Records. The album features guest appearances from Quavo, Future, 2 Chainz, Juicy J, Kacy Hill, The Weeknd, Swae Lee, Chief Keef, Kanye West, Justin Bieber, Young Thug, Toro y Moi and Schoolboy Q, while the production was provided by Scott himself, alongside several high-profile record producers such as Allen Ritter, Mike Dean, Metro Boomin, Frank Dukes, Sonny Digital and WondaGurl, among others. \"\"Rodeo\"\" was supported by two singles: \"\"3500\"\" and \"\"Antidote\"\". The", "\"Rodeo (Travis Scott album)\"\n1,000,000 units. Credits were adapted from the album's liner notes and Tidal. Track notes Sample credits Credits adapted from the album's liner notes and Tidal. Musicians Additional personnel Technical personnel Rodeo (Travis Scott album) Rodeo is the debut studio album by American rapper Travis Scott. It was released on September 4, 2015, by Epic Records and Grand Hustle Records. The album features guest appearances from Quavo, Future, 2 Chainz, Juicy J, Kacy Hill, The Weeknd, Swae Lee, Chief Keef, Kanye West, Justin Bieber, Young Thug, Toro y Moi and Schoolboy Q, while the production was provided by Scott himself, alongside", "\"Party Monster (song)\"\nscene, said panther jumps out of a television screen, causing The Weeknd to sink into his bed. As faces continue to melt around him near the end of the video, he’s back on the road. Recklessly, he drives at lightning quick speed, before watching a car drive off a cliff.\"\" BRTHR directed Travis Scott's \"\"goosebumps\"\" in a similar style. Party Monster (song) \"\"Party Monster\"\" is a song by Canadian singer The Weeknd, from his third studio album\"\" Starboy\"\" (2016). The song was released for digital download on November 18, 2016, alongside \"\"I Feel It Coming\"\" featuring French electronic duo Daft", "\"Butterfly effect\"\nby Martin Gutzwiller and Delos and co-workers. Other authors suggest that the butterfly effect can be observed in quantum systems. Karkuszewski et al. consider the time evolution of quantum systems which have slightly different Hamiltonians. They investigate the level of sensitivity of quantum systems to small changes in their given Hamiltonians. Poulin et al. presented a quantum algorithm to measure fidelity decay, which \"\"measures the rate at which identical initial states diverge when subjected to slightly different dynamics\"\". They consider fidelity decay to be \"\"the closest quantum analog to the (purely classical) butterfly effect\"\". Whereas the classical butterfly effect considers" ]
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which technique measures the electrical activity of brain cells directly
[ "Electroencephalography ( EEG )" ]
[ "\"N400 (neuroscience)\"\nfew factors (aging and disease states and language proficiency being rare examples) alter the timing of the N400 component. Although localization of the neural generators of an ERP signal is difficult due to the spreading of current from the source to the sensors, multiple techniques can be used to provide converging evidence about possible neural sources. Using methods such as recordings directly off the surface of the brain or from electrodes implanted in the brain, evidence from brain damaged patients, and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings (which measure magnetic activity at the scalp associated with the electrical signal measured by ERPs), the", "\"Functional magnetic resonance imaging\"\nis too difficult to measure, external agents such thulium compounds are used to enhance the effect. Contrast based on pH depends on changes in the acid/alkaline balance of brain cells when they go active. This too often uses an external agent. Calcium-sensitive agents make MRI more sensitive to calcium concentrations, with calcium ions often being the messengers for cellular signalling pathways in active neurons. Neuronal magnetic field contrast measures the magnetic and electric changes from neuronal firing directly. Lorentz-effect imaging tries to measure the physical displacement of active neurons carrying an electric current within the strong static field. Some experiments", "\"Electrophysiological techniques for clinical diagnosis\"\nas brain electrical activity mapping or BEAM ) The heart is the muscle that pumps oxygenated blood to the whole body. As a very active muscle, it has peculiar electrical activity that can be measured and analyzed. Electrocardiography is the measurement of these signals. Electromyography is the measurement and analysis of the electrical activity in skeletal muscles. This technique is useful for diagnosing the health of the muscle tissue and the nerves that control them. EMG measures action potentials, called Motor Unit Action Potentials (MUAPs), created during muscle contraction. A few common uses are determining whether a muscle is active", "\"Sleep and memory\"\nprocedure that records electrical activity along the scalp. This procedure cannot record activity from individual neurons, but instead measures the overall average electrical activity in the brain. Electrooculography (EOG) measures the difference in electrical potential between the front and the back of the eye. This does not measure a response to individual visual stimuli, but instead measures general eye movement. Electromyography (EMG) is used to records the electrical activity of skeletal muscles. A device called an electromyograph measures the electrical potential of muscle cells to monitor muscle movement. Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) measures the electrical depolarization of the heart muscles", "\"Human brain\"\nthe scalp. Invasive measures include electrocorticography, which uses electrodes placed directly on the exposed surface of the brain. This method is used in cortical stimulation mapping, used in the study of the relationship between cortical areas and their systemic function. By using much smaller microelectrodes, single-unit recordings can be made from a single neuron that give a high spatial resolution and high temporal resolution. This has enabled the linking of brain activity to behaviour, and the creation of neuronal maps. Functional neuroimaging techniques show changes in brain activity that relate to the function of specific brain areas. One technique is", "\"Alcohol-related brain damage\"\nThe recordings are averaged by a technique known as Event-Related Potentials (ERP). This is done to determine the time sequence of activity after being exposed to a stimulus, such as a word or image. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is another imaging method that utilizes sensors. This measures the magnetic field created as a result of the brain’s electrical activity. These techniques are noninvasive, harmless, and provide a large amount of detail regarding the order and timing of electrical activity. The poor spatial imaging of these methods are a large downside. These neuroimaging methods have found that alcohol alters the nervous system on", "\"Electroencephalography functional magnetic resonance imaging\"\nElectroencephalography functional magnetic resonance imaging EEG-fMRI (short for \"\"EEG-correlated fMRI\"\" or \"\"electroencephalography-correlated functional magnetic resonance imaging\"\") is a multimodal neuroimaging technique whereby EEG and fMRI data are recorded synchronously for the study of electrical brain activity in correlation with haemodynamic changes in brain during the electrical activity, be it normal function or associated with disorders. Scalp EEG reflects the brain’s electrical activity, and in particular post-synaptic potentials (see Inhibitory postsynaptic current and Excitatory postsynaptic potential) in the cerebral cortex, whereas fMRI is capable of detecting haemodynamic changes throughout the brain through the BOLD effect. EEG-fMRI therefore allows measuring both neuronal", "\"Functional magnetic resonance imaging\"\nflow (hemodynamic response) related to energy use by brain cells. Since the early 1990s, fMRI has come to dominate brain mapping research because it does not require people to undergo shots nor surgery, to ingest substances, nor to be exposed to ionising radiation. This measure is frequently corrupted by noise from various sources; hence, statistical procedures are used to extract the underlying signal. The resulting brain activation can be graphically represented by color-coding the strength of activation across the brain or the specific region studied. The technique can localize activity to within millimeters but, using standard techniques, no better than", "Neuroimaging\nimages the subject is viewing. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is an imaging technique used to measure the magnetic fields produced by electrical activity in the brain via extremely sensitive devices such as superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) or spin exchange relaxation-free (SERF) magnetometers. MEG offers a very direct measurement of neural electrical activity (compared to fMRI for example) with very high temporal resolution but relatively low spatial resolution. The advantage of measuring the magnetic fields produced by neural activity is that they are likely to be less distorted by surrounding tissue (particularly the skull and scalp) compared to the electric fields measured", "Dielectrophoresis\nDNA, chromosomes, proteins and viruses. DEP can be used to separate particles with different sign polarizabilities as they move in different directions at a given frequency of the AC field applied. DEP has been applied for the separation of live and dead cells, with the remaining live cells still viable after separation or to force contact between selected single cells to study cell-cell interaction. DEP is mainly used for characterising cells measuring the changes in their electrical properties. To do this, many techniques are available to quantify the dielectrophoretic response, as it is not possible to directly measure the DEP", "\"Rapid eye movement sleep\"\nenergy use in REM sleep, as measured by oxygen and glucose metabolism, equals or exceeds energy use in waking. The rate in non-REM sleep is 11 – 40% lower. Neural activity during REM sleep seems to originate in the brain stem, especially the pontine tegmentum and locus coeruleus. REM sleep is punctuated and immediately preceded by PGO (ponto-geniculo-occipital) waves, bursts of electrical activity originating in the brain stem. (PGO waves have long been measured directly in cats but not in humans because of constraints on experimentation; however comparable effects have been observed in humans during \"\"phasic\"\" events which occur during", "\"Brain fingerprinting\"\nBrain fingerprinting Brain fingerprinting is a lie detection technique which uses electroencephalography (EEG) to determine whether specific information is stored in a subject's brain. The technique consists of measuring and recording a person's electrical brainwaves and brain response when asked questions about a crime, attempting to elicit a \"\"P300 response\"\" that indicates familiarity with the details of the crime. The technique is controversial, unproven and of questionable accuracy. Comparison of brain fingerprinting with polygraphy showed mixed results consistent with \"\"a mix of proven techniques and dangerously exaggerated benefits\"\". Brain fingerprinting was invented by Dr. Lawrence Farwell. In 2001, the technique", "\"Neuroscience and race\"\nto these simulated racial interactions. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures the brain activity through measuring the blood oxygen level in the brain. This test gives insight into which regions of the brain are active during a certain event. Event-related potentials (ERPs) measure the brain's activity through measuring electrical impulses by electrodes on the head. This test gives insight in rapid changes in the brain. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) measures the response of a region of the brain once activated through magnetism. This test gives insight into causality of occurrences and gives specific insight in what the brain regions are", "Hemoencephalography\ninto an auditory signal in which higher pitch corresponds to greater oxygenation. During a HEG training session patients attempt to increase the signal generated by the HEG sensor. Progress is measured by reduced variability. Currently, the most popular neurotherapy techniques utilize electroencephalography (EEG), which measures electrical brain activity rather than blood flow. Proponents of hemoencephalography maintain that HEG has advantages over EEG, namely: The main practical limitations of HEG as compared to EEG are: Other disadvantages of HEG mirror current frustrations with fMRI and stem from the indirect nature of both techniques and reliance on individual patterns of cerebral blood", "\"Michel Ter-Pogossian\"\nareas in medicine. The technique uses the injection of ultrashort acting radioactive substances commonly bound to water or deoxyglucose. The deoxyglucose method directly measures brain metabolism whereas the radioactively labeled water is effective at measuring brain blood flow. Michel Ter-Pogossian Michel Matthew Ter-Pogossian (April 21, 1925 – June 19, 1996) was an Armenian-American nuclear physicist who is one of the fathers of positron emission tomography (PET), the first functional brain imaging technology. PET could effectively be used to evaluate what areas of the brain were active during various mental processes versus looking at the structure of the brain through conventional", "\"Electronic tongue\"\nthe brain into electric signals. E-tongue sensors process is similar: they generate electric signals as potentiometric variations. Taste quality perception and recognition is based on building or recognition of activated sensory nerve patterns by the brain and on the taste fingerprint of the product. This step is achieved by the e-tongue’s statistical software which interprets the sensor data into taste patterns. One variation was developed by Professor Fredrik Winquist of Linköping University, Sweden. Liquid samples are directly analyzed without any preparation, whereas solids require a preliminary dissolution before measurement. Reference electrode and sensors are dipped in a beaker containing a", "\"Haemodynamic response\"\nMRI and PET scan are the most common techniques that use haemodynamic response to map brain function. Physicians use these imaging techniques to examine the anatomy of the brain, to determine which specific parts of the brain are handling certain high order functions, to assess the effects of degenerative diseases, and even to plan surgical treatments of the brain. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), is the medical imaging technique used to measure the haemodynamic response of the brain in relation to the neural activities. It is one of the most commonly used devices to measure brain functions and is relatively", "\"Instrumental chemistry\"\nwhich aspects of the cell are controlled and which are measured. The three main categories are potentiometry (the difference in electrode potentials is measured), coulometry (the cell's current is measured over time), and voltammetry (the cell's current is measured while actively altering the cell's potential). Calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis measure the interaction of a material and heat. Separation processes are used to decrease the complexity of material mixtures. Chromatography and electrophoresis are representative of this field. Combinations of the above techniques produce \"\"hybrid\"\" or \"\"hyphenated\"\" techniques. Several examples are in popular use today and new hybrid techniques are under development.", "\"Sleep and memory\"\nand emits gamma rays which are detected by an imaging scanner. Computer analysis then allows for a 3-dimensional reconstruction of the brain region or body part of interest. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a type of brain imaging that measures the change of oxygen in the blood due to the activity of neurons. The resulting data can be visualized as a picture of the brain with colored representations of activation. Although this may be seen as similar to neuroimaging techniques, molecular measures help to enhance areas of activation that would otherwise be indecipherable to neuroimaging. One such technique that", "\"Statistical parametric mapping\"\nStatistical parametric mapping Statistical parametric mapping or SPM is a statistical technique created by Karl Friston for examining differences in brain activity recorded during functional neuroimaging experiments using neuroimaging technologies such as fMRI or PET. It may also refer to a specific piece of software created by the \"\"Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience\"\" (part of University College London) to carry out such analyses. Functional neuroimaging, one type of 'brain scanning', involves the measurement of brain activity. The specific technique used to measure brain activity depends on the imaging technology being used (see fMRI and PET for examples). Regardless of which", "Electrophysiology\nelectrodiagnosis and monitoring. Electrophysiology is the branch of physiology that pertains broadly to the flow of ions (ion current) in biological tissues and, in particular, to the electrical recording techniques that enable the measurement of this flow. Classical electrophysiology techniques involve placing electrodes into various preparations of biological tissue. The principal types of electrodes are: The principal preparations include: If an electrode is small enough (micrometers) in diameter, then the electrophysiologist may choose to insert the tip into a single cell. Such a configuration allows direct observation and recording of the intracellular electrical activity of a single cell. However, this", "\"Functional neuroimaging\"\nfMRI does a much better job of localizing brain activity for spatial resolution, but with a much lower time resolution. The measure used in a particular study is generally related to the particular question being addressed. Measurement limitations vary amongst the techniques. For instance, MEG and EEG record the magnetic or electrical fluctuations that occur when a population of neurons is active. These methods are excellent for measuring the time-course of neural events (on the order of milliseconds,) but generally bad at measuring where those events happen. PET and fMRI measure changes in the composition of blood near a neural", "\"Evoked potential\"\nspinal cord. Sensory evoked potentials may also be used during surgeries which place brain structures at risk. They are effectively used to determine cortical ischemia during carotid endarterectomy surgeries and for mapping the sensory areas of the brain during brain surgery. Electrical stimulation of the scalp can produce an electric current within the brain that activates the motor pathways of the pyramidal tracts. This technique is known as transcranial electrical motor potential (TcMEP) monitoring. This technique effectively evaluates the motor pathways in the central nervous system during surgeries which place these structures at risk. These motor pathways, including the lateral", "Neurolinguistics\ndiffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which shows the neural pathways that connect different brain areas, thus providing insight into how different areas interact. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is another hemodynamic method used in language tasks. Electrophysiological techniques take advantage of the fact that when a group of neurons in the brain fire together, they create an electric dipole or current. The technique of EEG measures this electric current using sensors on the scalp, while MEG measures the magnetic fields that are generated by these currents. In addition to these non-invasive methods, electrocorticography has also been used to study language processing. These", "\"Resting state fMRI\"\nblood flow. More specifically, brain activity is measured through low frequency BOLD signal in the brain. The procedure is similar to MRI but uses the change in magnetization between oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood as its basic measure. This measure is frequently corrupted by noise from various sources and hence statistical procedures are used to extract the underlying signal. The resulting brain activation can be presented graphically by color-coding the strength of activation across the brain or the specific region studied. The technique can localize activity to within millimeters but, using standard techniques, no better than within a window of a", "\"George Wald\"\nmethods to extract pigments from the retina. Then, using a spectrophotometer, they were able to measure the light absorbance of the pigments. Since the absorbance of light by retina pigments corresponds to the wavelengths that best activate photoreceptor cells, this experiment showed the wavelengths that the eye could best detect. However, since rod cells make up most of the retina, what Wald and his colleagues were specifically measuring was the absorbance of rhodopsin, the main photopigment in rods. Later, with a technique called microspectrophotometry, he was able to measure the absorbance directly from cells, rather than from an extract of", "\"Adequate stimulus\"\nthroughout the body, and they take a certain amount of a stimulus to trigger these receptors. The use of these sensory receptors allows the brain to interpret the signals to the body which allow a person to respond to the stimulus if the stimulus reaches a minimum threshold to signal the brain. The sensory receptors will activate the sensory transduction system which will in turn send an electrical or chemical stimulus to a cell, and the cell will then respond with electrical signals to the brain which were produced from action potentials. The minuscule signals, which result from the stimuli,", "\"Electrical brain stimulation\"\nElectrical brain stimulation Electrical brain stimulation (EBS), also referred to as focal brain stimulation (FBS), is a form of electrotherapy and technique used in research and clinical neurobiology to stimulate a neuron or neural network in the brain through the direct or indirect excitation of its cell membrane by using an electric current. It is used for research or for therapeutical purposes. Electrical brain stimulation was first used in the first half of the 19th century by pioneering researchers such as Luigi Rolando (1773–1831) and Pierre Flourens (1794–1867), to study the brain localization of function, following the discovery by Italian", "\"Electrical brain stimulation\"\nvariety of treatments, such as for Parkinson's disease, focal epilepsy and psychosurgery. Sometimes the same electrode is used to probe the brain for finding defective functions, before passing the lesioning current (electrocoagulation). Electrical brain stimulation Electrical brain stimulation (EBS), also referred to as focal brain stimulation (FBS), is a form of electrotherapy and technique used in research and clinical neurobiology to stimulate a neuron or neural network in the brain through the direct or indirect excitation of its cell membrane by using an electric current. It is used for research or for therapeutical purposes. Electrical brain stimulation was first used", "\"Hal Blumenfeld\"\nimportant evidence that early and effective medical treatment of both animal models and human patients with absence epilepsy improves long-term outcome. This is a major shift from current treatment strategies which view seizure medications as suppressing the symptoms, not the underlying disease. Through active collaborations with Fahmeed Hyder (also at Yale) Blumenfeld’s direct recordings of the electrical activity of brain cells improves the analysis of indirect neuroimaging measurements of brain functions by fMRI. Dr. Blumenfeld and his team have been able to determine that so called generalized tonic-clonic seizures are in fact localized to specific bilateral cortical-subcortical networks. These findings", "\"Human brain\"\nthe structure and function of the human brain comes from a variety of experimental methods, including animals and humans. Information about brain trauma and stroke has provided information about the function of parts of the brain and the effects of brain damage. Neuroimaging is used to visualise the brain and record brain activity. Electrophysiology is used to measure, record and monitor the electrical activity of the cortex. Measurements may be of local field potentials of cortical areas, or of the activity of a single neuron. An electroencephalogram can record the electrical activity of the cortex using electrodes placed non-invasively on", "\"Fetal EEG\"\nthe distance between the recording electrode and the neural activity that they want to detect. Given the difficulty of attaching electrodes to a fetus inside a uterus, doctors and scientists use a variety of techniques to record fetal brain activity. The three most common techniques for recording electrical brain activity before birth include: The recording of the youngest fetus was performed between 43 and 45 days gestation and revealed some EEG features observed in newborns. In 1942, Dr. Lindsley recorded the first electrical activity from the brain of an unborn infant when he noticed that an electrical recording from his", "\"Long-term video-EEG monitoring\"\nin the 1950s. From these easy uses and techniques, a longer-term method of EEG monitoring was developed called long-term video-EEG monitoring which applies these same brain-wave monitoring techniques in a long-duration test format. This test format allows at-home or extended monitoring in clinics and hospitals where the standard EEG monitoring was previously unable to be used. In either case, these EEG measuring techniques allow one to non-invasively measure action potentials of groups of neurons within the brain using transducers called electrodes. The electrical signals from these electrode transducers are then amplified using differential amplifiers to measure potential differences from one", "\"Blood-oxygen-level dependent imaging\"\nresult, and therefore which areas of the brain are most active during that thought, action or experience. Although most fMRI research uses BOLD contrast imaging as a method to determine which parts of the brain are most active, because the signals are relative, and not individually quantitative, some question its rigor. Other methods which propose to measure neural activity directly have been attempted (for example, measurement of the Oxygen Extraction Fraction, or OEF, in regions of the brain, which measures how much of the oxyhemoglobin in the blood has been converted to deoxyhemoglobin), but because the electromagnetic fields created by", "\"Mental chronometry\"\nthe parts of the brain which are involved in the cognitive process. With the invention of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), techniques were used to measure activity through electrical event-related potentials in a study when subjects were asked to identify if a digit that was presented was above or below five. According to Sternberg’s additive theory, each of the stages involved in performing this task includes: encoding, comparing against the stored representation for five, selecting a response, and then checking for error in the response. The fMRI image presents the specific locations where these stages are occurring in the brain", "Electromyoneurography\nElectromyoneurography Electromyoneurography (EMNG) is the combined use of electromyography and electroneurography This technique allows for the measurement of a peripheral nerve’s conduction velocity upon stimulation (electroneurography) alongside electrical recording of muscular activity (electromyography). Their combined use proves to be clinically relevant by allowing for both the source and location of a particular neuromuscular disease to be known, and for more accurate diagnoses. Electromyoneurography is a technique that uses surface electrical probes to obtain electrophysiological readings from nerve and muscle cells. The nerve activity is generally recorded using surface electrodes, stimulating the nerve at one site and recording from another with", "\"Single-unit recording\"\nwithin (or close to) the cell membrane, allowing the ability to record intracellularly or extracellularly. Single-unit recordings are widely used in cognitive science, where it permits the analysis of human cognition and cortical mapping. This information can then be applied to brain machine interface (BMI) technologies for brain control of external devices. There are many techniques available to record brain activity—including electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)—but these do not allow for single-neuron resolution. Neurons are the basic functional units in the brain; they transmit information through the body using electrical signals called action potentials. Currently,", "\"Transcranial magnetic stimulation\"\ncurrent across the scalp and skull. A plastic-enclosed coil of wire is held next to the skull and when activated, produces a magnetic field oriented orthogonally to the plane of the coil. The magnetic field passes unimpeded through the skin and skull, inducing an oppositely directed current in the brain that activates nearby nerve cells in much the same way as currents applied directly to the cortical surface. The path of this current is difficult to model because the brain is irregularly shaped and electricity and magnetism are not conducted uniformly throughout its tissues. The magnetic field is about the", "\"Social neuroscience\"\nmeasures, and lesion methods. Bodily response methods include GSR (also known as skin conductance response (SCR)), facial EMG, and the eyeblink startle response. Electrophysiological methods include single-cell recordings, EEG, and ERPs. Hemodynamic measures, which, instead of directly measuring neural activity, measure changes in blood flow, include PET and fMRI. Lesion methods traditionally study brains that have been damaged via natural causes, such as strokes, traumatic injuries, tumors, neurosurgery, infection, or neurodegenerative disorders. In its ability to create a type of 'virtual lesion' that is temporary, TMS may also be included in this category. More specifically, TMS methods involve stimulating one", "\"Visual memory\"\ntypes of brain imaging techniques designed to measure timing or activation within the brain. The data collected from neuroimaging studies gives researchers the ability to visualize which brain regions are activated in specific cognitive visual memory tasks. With the use of brain imaging devices researchers able to further investigate memory performance above and beyond standard tests based on exact response times, and activation. The subject's resting brain activation level is first determined in order to form a control or 'baseline' to measure from. Subjects are blindfolded and instructed to lay motionless while simultaneously eliminating any visual imagery present in their", "Attention\nmonkey brains. With the development of these technological innovations, neuroscientists became interested in this type of research that combines sophisticated experimental paradigms from cognitive psychology with these new brain imaging techniques. Although the older technique of electroencephalography (EEG) had long been used to study the brain activity underlying selective attention by cognitive psychophysiologists, the ability of the newer techniques to actually measure precisely localized activity inside the brain generated renewed interest by a wider community of researchers. In cognitive psychology there are at least two models which describe how visual attention operates. These models may be considered loosely as metaphors", "\"Cell counting\"\nno electricity. In a Coulter counter the cells, swimming in a solution that conducts electricity, are sucked one by one into a tiny gap. Flanking the gap are two electrodes that conduct electricity. When no cell is in the gap, electricity flows unabated, but when a cell is sucked into the gap the current is resisted. The Coulter counter counts the number of such events and also measures the current (and hence the resistance), which directly correlates to the volume of the cell trapped. A similar system is the CASY cell counting technology. Coulter and CASY counters are much cheaper", "\"Induced stem cells\"\ninto induced neural stem cells have been described. Proof of principle experiments demonstrate that it is possible to convert transplanted human fibroblasts and human astrocytes directly in the brain that are engineered to express inducible forms of neural reprogramming genes, into neurons, when reprogramming genes (Ascl1, Brn2a and Myt1l) are activated after transplantation using a drug. Astrocytes – the most common neuroglial brain cells, which contribute to scar formation in response to injury – can be directly reprogrammed in vivo to become functional neurons that formed networks in mice without the need of cell transplantation. The researchers followed the mice", "\"Brain fingerprinting\"\navailable at Raksha Shakti University (RSU) in Ahmedabad. In June 2016, another report published in \"\"The Indian Express\"\" stated that brain Fingerprinting technology used at Raksha Shakti University was utilized in cold case of a 25 year old woman from Kerala who went missing in Dubai. The brain fingerprinting test was conducted for Central Bureau of Investigation officials following the order of the Kerala High Court. Brain fingerprinting Brain fingerprinting is a lie detection technique which uses electroencephalography (EEG) to determine whether specific information is stored in a subject's brain. The technique consists of measuring and recording a person's electrical", "Paleoneurobiology\nrespective opinion. Although there have been no definitive conclusions about the fossils in question, many techniques were created or critically analyzed and refined as a result of the conflict. These new techniques in endocast analysis included the use of stereoplotting to transfer sulci between differently shaped endocasts, measurement of indexes from photographs rather than directly from specimens, and confounding of measurements taken directly from specimens and those taken from photographs. A brain endocast is the imprintation of the inner features of a cranium that captures the details created from pressure exerted on the skull by the brain itself. Endocasts can", "Neurolinguistics\ntechniques are able to measure brain activity from one millisecond to the next, providing excellent \"\"temporal resolution\"\", which is important in studying processes that take place as quickly as language comprehension and production. On the other hand, the location of brain activity can be difficult to identify in EEG; consequently, this technique is used primarily to \"\"how\"\" language processes are carried out, rather than \"\"where\"\". Research using EEG and MEG generally focuses on event-related potentials (ERPs), which are distinct brain responses (generally realized as negative or positive peaks on a graph of neural activity) elicited in response to a particular", "\"Comparison of neurofeedback software\"\nComparison of neurofeedback software Neurofeedback (NFB), also called neurotherapy, neurobiofeedback or EEG biofeedback (EEGBF) is a therapy technique that presents the user with real-time information about activity within their brain, as measured by electrical or blood-flow sensors on the scalp. Brain activity is monitored and processed to provide feedback to the user in one of several ways, for example a video game rocket ship might accelerate when desired brainwaves are produced (positive feedback), or a film or music might pause when undesired brainwaves are produced (negative feedback). The user then uses this feedback to develop the brainwaves they wish to", "\"Comparison of neurofeedback software\"\ncreate and as a consequence, learn to gain more control over their brainwaves and therefore how they think and feel in every day situations. It has been used to help a range of conditions including ADHD and addictions. Comparison of neurofeedback software Neurofeedback (NFB), also called neurotherapy, neurobiofeedback or EEG biofeedback (EEGBF) is a therapy technique that presents the user with real-time information about activity within their brain, as measured by electrical or blood-flow sensors on the scalp. Brain activity is monitored and processed to provide feedback to the user in one of several ways, for example a video game", "Optogenetics\ngenerally applicable optogenetic tool. Zhuo-Hua Pan of Wayne State University, researching on restore sight to blindness, thought about using channelrhodopsin when it came out in late 2003. By February 2004, he was trying channelrhodopsin out in ganglion cells—the neurons in our eyes that connect directly to the brain—that he had cultured in a dish. Indeed, the transfected neurons became electrically active in response to light. In 2005, Zhuo-Hua Pan reported successful in-vivo transfection of channelrhodopsin in retinal ganglion cells of mice, and electrical responses to photostimulation in retinal slice culture In April 2005, Susana Lima and Miesenböck reported the first", "\"Automated patch clamp\"\nAutomated patch clamp Automated patch clamping is beginning to replace manual patch clamping as a method to measure the electrical activity of individual cells. Different techniques are used to automate patch clamp recordings from cells in cell culture and in vivo. This work has been ongoing since the late 1990s by research labs and companies trying to reduce its complexity and cost of patch clamping manually. Patch clamping for a long time was considered an art form and is still very time consuming and tedious, especially in vivo. The automation techniques try to reduce user error and variability in obtaining", "\"Triple phase boundary\"\ntechniques like FIB-SEM to measure TPB density as a way of characterizing cell activity. Recently, processing techniques such as infiltration have been shown to substantially increase TPB density, leading to higher efficiency and, potentially, more commercially viable SOFCs. Triple phase boundary A \"\"triple phase boundary\"\" (TPB) is a region of contact between three different phases. This concept is particularly important in the field of fuel cells, where the three phases are an electrolyte, an electrode, and a gaseous fuel. The electrochemical reactions that fuel cells use to produce electricity occur in the presence of these three phases, so the triple", "\"Gate control theory\"\nto inhibit transmission cell activity). So, the more large fiber (touch, pressure, vibration) activity relative to thin fiber activity at the inhibitory cell, the less pain is felt. The authors had drawn a neural \"\"circuit diagram\"\" to explain why we rub a smack. They pictured not only a signal traveling from the site of injury to the inhibitory and transmission cells and up the spinal cord to the brain, but also a signal traveling from the site of injury directly up the cord to the brain (bypassing the inhibitory and transmission cells) where, depending on the state of the brain,", "Neuromarketing\nproduct. Some of the conventional research techniques used in this type of study are the measurement of cardiac electrical activity (ECG) and electrical activity of the dermis (AED) of subjects. However, it results in an incompatibility between market research findings and the actual behavior exhibited by the target market at the point of purchase. Human decision-making is both a conscious and non-conscious process in the brain, and while this method of research succeeded in gathering explicit (or conscious) emotions, it failed to gain the consumer's implicit (or unconscious) emotions. Non-conscious information has a large influence in the decision-making process. A", "\"Bar-Ilan University\"\nhosts the only magnetoencephalography facility in Israel, operated by the Electromagnetic Brain Imaging Unit established in 2008. Magnetoencephalography is a brain imaging technique that allows studying human brain responses by measuring the magnetic fields produced by electrical brain activity at superb (millisecond) temporal resolution. The unit is headed by Professor Abraham Goldstein. It is equipped with a 248 magnetometer sensors whole-head system, positioned inside a double-wall magnetically shielded room by IMEDCO. Once a week, magnetoencephalography is dedicated to serving the community by providing clinical and diagnostic services, such as localization of epileptic foci, via BrainMap. Bar-Ilan University Bar-Ilan University (", "Electroretinography\nand in clinical trails for testing ocular safety and efficacy of new or existing drugs and treatment modalities. A 2013 study by Nasser et al. found that the retinal dopaminergic response to eating a brownie is equivalent in magnitude to the response to a 20 mg dose of methylphenidate, which implies that the activity of dopamine neurons in the retina reflects brain dopaminergic activity. The study concludes that, if verified by further research, \"\"ERG could provide the neurotransmitter specificity of PET at a much lower cost\"\". Electroretinography Electroretinography measures the electrical responses of various cell types in the retina, including", "Hemoencephalography\nHemoencephalography Hemoencephalography (HEG) is a relatively new neurofeedback technique within the field of neurotherapy. Neurofeedback, a specific form of biofeedback, is based on the idea that human beings can consciously alter their brain function through training sessions in which they attempt to change the signal generated by their brain and measured via some neurological feedback mechanism. By so doing, participants increase cerebral blood flow to a specified region of the brain, consequently increasing brain activity and performance on tasks involving that region of the brain. Both approaches to hemoencephalography, near infrared and passive infrared, are indirect measures of neural activity", "Amperometry\nAmperometry Amperometry in chemistry is detection of ions in a solution based on electric current or changes in electric current. Amperometry is used in electrophysiology to study vesicle release events using a carbon fiber electrode. Unlike patch clamp techniques, the electrode used for amperometry is not inserted into or attached to the cell, but brought in close proximity of the cell. The measurements from the electrode originate from an oxidizing reaction of a vesicle cargo released into the medium. Another technique used to measure vesicle release is capacitive measurements. Electrochemical or amperometric detection as it was first used in ion", "\"Electroanalytical methods\"\nElectroanalytical methods Electroanalytical methods are a class of techniques in analytical chemistry which study an analyte by measuring the potential (volts) and/or current (amperes) in an electrochemical cell containing the analyte. These methods can be broken down into several categories depending on which aspects of the cell are controlled and which are measured. The three main categories are potentiometry (the difference in electrode potentials is measured), coulometry (the cell's current is measured over time), and voltammetry (the cell's current is measured while actively altering the cell's potential). Potentiometry passively measures the potential of a solution between two electrodes, affecting the", "\"Pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease\"\ncells can release factors to increase the activation of M1 microglia, leading to a positive feedback loop which causes continually increasing cell death. The fifth proposed major mechanism for cell death is the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB has three cell types which tightly regulate the flow of molecules in and out of the brain: endothelial cells, pericytes, and astrocytes. In neurodegenerative diseases, BBB breakdown has been measured and identified in specific regions of the brain, including the substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease and hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease. Protein aggregates or cytokines from neuroinflammation may interfere with", "\"Charles M. Lieber\"\nalso developed nanoelectronic devices for cell/tissue electrophysiology, showing that electrical activity and action potential propagation can be recorded from cultured cardiac cells with high resolution. Most recently, Lieber realized 3D nanoscale transistors in which the active transistor is separated from the connections to the outside world. His nanotechnology-enabled 3D cellular probes have shown point-like resolution in detection of single-molecules, intracellular function and even photons. Nanoelectronics and brain science. The development of nanoelectronics-enabled cellular tools underpins Lieber’s views on transforming electrical recording and modulation of neuronal activity in brain science. Examples of this work include the integration of arrays of nanowire", "\"Sensory neuroscience\"\nsuch as electrophysiology, the use of electrodes to record the electrical activity of single neurons or groups of neurons. fMRI measures changes in blood flow which related to the level of neural activity and provides low spatial and temporal resolution, but does provide data from the whole brain. In contrast, Electrophysiology provides very high temporal resolution (the shapes of single spikes can be resolved) and data can be obtained from single cells. This is important since computations are performed within the dendrites of individual neurons. In most of the central nervous system, neurons communicate exclusively by sending each other action", "Electromyoneurography\ndiseases, whereas an increase in these demonstrates reinervation, or repair by new nerve connections to the muscles, has occurred. Electromyoneurography Electromyoneurography (EMNG) is the combined use of electromyography and electroneurography This technique allows for the measurement of a peripheral nerve’s conduction velocity upon stimulation (electroneurography) alongside electrical recording of muscular activity (electromyography). Their combined use proves to be clinically relevant by allowing for both the source and location of a particular neuromuscular disease to be known, and for more accurate diagnoses. Electromyoneurography is a technique that uses surface electrical probes to obtain electrophysiological readings from nerve and muscle cells. The", "\"Methods used to study memory\"\nlarge neural networks so that these regions can be further studied using more traditional electrophysiological recording devices. Single-unit recording directly measures action potentials and can be used in a variety of animals. This technique employed in the macaque monkey led to the discovery of the mirror neuron which has major implications for learning, memory and the perception of self. Single cell recordings can be used to record the activity of single neurons while animals perform tasks related to memory. Cortical cooling is a relatively new technique that allows for a temporary disruption of function in a chosen area of the", "\"Brain activity and meditation\"\nas a complete, unbiased attention to the current moment. Electroencephalography (EEG) has been used in many studies as a primary method for evaluating the meditating brain. Electroencephalography uses electrical leads placed all over the scalp to measure the collective electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. Specifically, EEG measures the electric fields of large groups of neurons. EEG has the benefit of excellent temporal resolution and is able to measure aggregate activity of portions or the entire cortex down to the millisecond scale. Unlike other imaging based methods, EEG does not have good spatial resolution and is more appropriately used to", "\"Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing\"\nwell as chemical, biological or physical stimuli, the ECIS technique is applied in various experimental settings in cell biological research laboratories. It can be used as a sensor in cytotoxicity studies, drug development or as a non-invasive means to follow cell adhesion to \"\"in vitro\"\" surfaces. Equipments based on the ECIS technique are also dedicated to monitor the chemokinetic activity of adherent cells spread on the electrode surface (micromotion) as well as their chemotactic activities in ECIS-based wound healing assays. Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing or ECIS (a trademark of Applied BioPhysics Inc.) refers to a non-invasive", "Neurotechnology\nTypically EEGs are used when dealing with sleep, as there are characteristic wave patterns associated with different stages of sleep. Clinically EEGs are used to study epilepsy as well as stroke and tumor presence in the brain. EEGs are a different method to understand the electrical signaling in the brain during activation. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is another method of measuring activity in the brain by measuring the magnetic fields that arise from electrical currents in the brain. The benefit to using MEG instead of EEG is that these fields are highly localized and give rise to better understanding of how specific", "\"Fetal EEG\"\nFetal EEG Fetal electroencephalography, also known as prenatal EEG includes any recording of electrical fluctuations arising from the brain of an unborn child. Doctors and scientists use EEGs to detect and characterize brain activity, such as sleep states, potential seizures, or levels of a coma. EEG captures the electrical activity in the vicinity of the recording electrodes. The majority of the neural electrical activity arises from the flow of current from the cell bodies of pyramidal neurons to their apical dendrites, which become depolarized by excitatory inputs from other neurons. To record the most accurate signals, scientists try to minimize", "Neurochip\nwill become a novel tool for medium throughput drug screening, in addition to its usefulness for basic biomedical research”. \"\"In previous studies, researchers developed a neurochip that could directly stimulate and record brain cell activity. Now, Orly Yadid-Pecht and Naweed Syed have successfully developed a novel lab-on-a-chip technology that, through an ultra-sensitive component built directly on the microchip, also enables direct imaging of activity in brain cells.\"\" Present applications are neuron research. Future applications (still in the experimental phase) are retinal implants or brain implants. Neurochip A neurochip is a chip (integrated circuit/microprocessor) that is designed for the interaction with", "Electroencephalography\nof EEG is detailed by Barbara E. Swartz in \"\"Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology\"\". In 1875, Richard Caton (1842–1926), a physician practicing in Liverpool, presented his findings about electrical phenomena of the exposed cerebral hemispheres of rabbits and monkeys in the \"\"British Medical Journal\"\". In 1890, Polish physiologist Adolf Beck published an investigation of spontaneous electrical activity of the brain of rabbits and dogs that included rhythmic oscillations altered by light. Beck started experiments on the electrical brain activity of animals. Beck placed electrodes directly on the surface of brain to test for sensory stimulation. His observation of fluctuating brain activity", "Biofeedback\ndisorder (COPD), essential hypertension, panic attacks, and stress. Rheoencephalography (REG), or brain blood flow biofeedback, is a biofeedback technique of a conscious control of blood flow. An electronic device called a rheoencephalograph [from Greek rheos stream, anything flowing, from rhein to flow] is utilized in brain blood flow biofeedback. Electrodes are attached to the skin at certain points on the head and permit the device to measure continuously the electrical conductivity of the tissues of structures located between the electrodes. The brain blood flow technique is based on non-invasive method of measuring bio-impedance. Changes in bio-impedance are generated by blood", "Electroencephalography\nthe brain's electrical activity directly, while other methods record changes in blood flow (e.g., SPECT, fMRI) or metabolic activity (e.g., PET, NIRS), which are indirect markers of brain electrical activity. EEG can be used simultaneously with fMRI so that high-temporal-resolution data can be recorded at the same time as high-spatial-resolution data, however, since the data derived from each occurs over a different time course, the data sets do not necessarily represent exactly the same brain activity. There are technical difficulties associated with combining these two modalities, including the need to remove the \"\"MRI gradient artifact\"\" present during MRI acquisition and", "\"Rafael Yuste\"\nin the laboratory of the Nobel laureate Sydney Brenner at the University of Cambridge, but the budget cuts of Margaret Thatcher's government made him look for PhD opportunities in the United States. In 1987 he was admitted to Rockefeller University and joined the group of Nobel laureate Torsten Wiesel working with Lawrence C. Katz. There he developed the calcium imaging technique to measure and monitor neural activity. The technique is based on the fact that when an electric signal depolarizes a neuron, the Calcium channels are activated allowing Ca ions to enter the cell. If one brings a calcium-sensitive dye", "Flatline\nFlatline A flatline is an electrical time sequence measurement that shows no activity and therefore, when represented, shows a flat line instead of a moving one. It almost always refers to either a flatlined electrocardiogram, where the heart shows no electrical activity (asystole), or to a flat electroencephalogram, in which the brain shows no electrical activity (brain death). Both of these specific cases are involved in various definitions of death. A cardiac flatline is also called asystole. It can possibly be generated by malfunction of the electrocardiography device, but it is recommended to first rule out a true asystole because", "\"Selfish brain theory\"\ntheory was supported by work at the University of Luebeck involving state-of-the-art magnetic resonance procedures, e.g. during metabolic stress. The ATP content in the brain and musculature of test subjects was examined by a magnetic resonance technique while either an energy deficit or surplus was induced in the blood by insulin or glucose injection. In both situations a sufficiently high ATP-concentration was measured in the brain. The measured high-energy-rich substances changed throughout to the benefit of the brain and to the disadvantage of the body cells. The glucose-supply of the brain had priority despite the physical stress that was being", "Brain\nthe development of better cell stains and better microscopes. Neuroanatomists study the large-scale structure of the brain as well as the microscopic structure of neurons and their components, especially synapses. Among other tools, they employ a plethora of stains that reveal neural structure, chemistry, and connectivity. In recent years, the development of immunostaining techniques has allowed investigation of neurons that express specific sets of genes. Also, \"\"functional neuroanatomy\"\" uses medical imaging techniques to correlate variations in human brain structure with differences in cognition or behavior. Neurophysiologists study the chemical, pharmacological, and electrical properties of the brain: their primary tools are", "Neuroimaging\ntomography (DOT) is a medical imaging modality which uses near infrared light to generate images of the body. The technique measures the optical absorption of haemoglobin, and relies on the absorption spectrum of haemoglobin varying with its oxygenation status. High-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT) has been compared directly to fMRI using response to visual stimulation in subjects studied with both techniques, with reassuringly similar results. HD-DOT has also been compared to fMRI in terms of language tasks and resting state functional connectivity. Event-related optical signal (EROS) is a brain-scanning technique which uses infrared light through optical fibers to measure changes", "\"Amplitude integrated electroencephalography\"\nAmplitude integrated electroencephalography Amplitude integrated electroencephalography (aEEG) or cerebral function monitoring (CFM) is a technique for monitoring brain function in intensive care settings over longer periods of time than the traditional electroencephalogram (EEG), typically hours to days. By placing electrodes on the scalp of the patient, a trace of electrical activity is produced which is then displayed on a semilogarithmic graph of peak-to-peak amplitude over time; amplitude is logarithmic and time is linear. In this way, trends in electrical activity in the cerebral cortex can be interpreted to inform on events such as seizures or suppressed brain activity. aEEG is", "\"Electrophysiological techniques for clinical diagnosis\"\npatient care. Electrophysiology allows for the investigation of abnormal electrical signals in the body’s tissues. It provides quantitative data to clinicians, supporting diagnostic processes and evaluating treatment success. Often, biological measures such as electrophysiology are more useful in assessing symptom severity than existing clinical measurement scales. Their objective nature removes subjective assignment of scores to symptom severity, subsequently leading to better informed healthcare decisions. There are various techniques available to study and measure the electromagnetic signals of the body. The brain, the heart and skeletal muscles are prime sources of electric and magnetic fields that can be recorded and the", "Biogeophysics\nBiogeophysics Biogeophysics is a subdiscipline of geophysics concerned with how plants, microbial activity and other organisms alter geologic materials and affect geophysical signatures. The activities of the microbes are measured using geophysical imaging techniques. A lot of these techniques are based on the measurement of electric potential anomalies, which in this case can arise from microbes, their growth, metabolic by-products, and microbially mediated processes. The primary way in which these anomalies are generated can be explained by the electrical double layer. The effects are most visible when low frequency field is used as the surface charge of microbes is of", "Biogeophysics\nlow mobility. Biogeophysics Biogeophysics is a subdiscipline of geophysics concerned with how plants, microbial activity and other organisms alter geologic materials and affect geophysical signatures. The activities of the microbes are measured using geophysical imaging techniques. A lot of these techniques are based on the measurement of electric potential anomalies, which in this case can arise from microbes, their growth, metabolic by-products, and microbially mediated processes. The primary way in which these anomalies are generated can be explained by the electrical double layer. The effects are most visible when low frequency field is used as the surface charge of microbes", "\"Upper motor neuron\"\ncontraction/relaxation of a muscle), and an extensor plantar response known as the Babinski sign. Upper motor neuron Upper motor neurons (UMNs) are the main source of voluntary movement. They are found in the brain and carry motor information down the spinal cord to activate the lower motor neurons, which in turn directly signal muscles to contract. They are a type of giant pyramidal cell called \"\"Betz cells\"\" and are found just below the surface of the cerebral cortex within layer V of the primary motor cortex. The cell bodies of \"\"Betz cell\"\" neurons are the largest in the brain, approaching", "\"Upper motor neuron\"\nUpper motor neuron Upper motor neurons (UMNs) are the main source of voluntary movement. They are found in the brain and carry motor information down the spinal cord to activate the lower motor neurons, which in turn directly signal muscles to contract. They are a type of giant pyramidal cell called \"\"Betz cells\"\" and are found just below the surface of the cerebral cortex within layer V of the primary motor cortex. The cell bodies of \"\"Betz cell\"\" neurons are the largest in the brain, approaching nearly 0.1mm in diameter. The primary motor cortex, or precentral gyrus, is one of", "\"Media naturalness theory\"\nspeech generation and recognition, are performed effortlessly by humans. Cognitive effort is defined in media naturalness theory as the amount of mental activity, or, from a biological perspective, the amount of brain activity involved in a communication interaction. It can be assessed directly, with the use of techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging. Cognitive effort can also be assessed indirectly, based on perceptions of levels of difficulty associated with communicative tasks, as well as through indirect measures such as that of fluency. Fluency is defined as the amount of time taken to convey a certain number of words through different", "\"Dual-coding theory\"\nblood flow, which allows researchers to identify the amount of glucose and oxygen being consumed by a specific part of the brain, with an increase in blood flow providing a measure of brain activity. Second, an event related potential (ERP) can be used to show the amount of electrical brain activity that is occurring due to a particular stimulus. Researchers have used both methods to determine which areas of the brain are active with different stimuli, and results have supported the dual-coding theory. Other research has been done with positron emission tomography (PET) scans and fMRI to show that participants", "\"David Sulzer\"\ngenres including avant-garde, classical, and jazz. Sulzer works on basal ganglia and dopamine neurons, brain cells of central importance in translating will to action. His team have introduced new methods to study synapses, including the first means to measure the fundamental \"\"quantal\"\" unit of neurotransmitter release from central synapses. They reported the first direct recordings of quantal neurotransmitter release from brain synapses using an electrochemistry technique known as amperometry, based on the method of Mark Wightman, a chemist at the University of North Carolina, to measure release of adrenaline from adrenal chromaffin cells. They showed that the quantal event at", "\"Binocular disparity\"\nmeasured in pixels. Brain cells (neurons) in a part of the brain responsible for processing visual information coming from the retinae (primary visual cortex) can detect the existence of disparity in their input from the eyes. Specifically, these neurons will be active, if an object with \"\"their\"\" special disparity lies within the part of the visual field to which they have access (receptive field). Researchers investigating precise properties of these neurons with respect to disparity present visual stimuli with different disparities to the cells and look whether they are active or not. One possibility to present stimuli with different disparities", "\"Autonoetic consciousness\"\nand the event from the perspective of an external observer. A growing body of research suggests that the visual perspective from which a memory is retrieved has important implications for a person's thoughts, feelings, and goals, and is integrally related to a host of self- evaluative processes. Event-related potentials (ERPs) can measure autonoetic consciousness scientifically. Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) are a non-invasive method of measuring brain activity during cognitive processing. The transient electric potential shifts (so-called ERP components) are time-locked to the stimulus onset (e.g., the presentation of a word, a sound, or an image). Each component reflects brain activation", "\"Neuroimaging intelligence testing\"\nlower IQs, and may have less variability in their ERPs. The lack of variability suggests that individuals with a high IQ will have good scores in a variety of testing situations. ERPs can be measured using electroencephalography (EEG), which uses electrodes placed on the scalp to measure the electrical activity of the brain. The ERP waveform itself is constructed from the averaged results of many trials (100 or more). The average reduces signal noise from random-brain activity, leaving just the ERP. An advantage of ERPs are that they measure processing between stimulus and response continuously. Having this stream of information", "\"Frontal lobe epilepsy\"\nbrain and prevent electrical impulses from being able to travel horizontally to other areas of the brain. The last surgical procedure that can be done to help prevent the reoccurrence of seizures in the frontal lobes is to implant a stimulator on the vagus nerve. This device is a self-activating device that is inserted directly under the skin and can be controlled directly by the patient. When a patient is feeling the onset of an aura, he/she can activate the stimulator which in turn will provide stimulation to the left vagus nerve (the left vagus nerve is used because the", "\"Experimental psychology\"\nof the water. The EEG is an instrument that can reflect the summed electrical activity of neural cell assemblies in the brain. It was originally used as an attempt to improve medical diagnoses. Later it became a key instrument to psychologists in examining brain activity and it remains a key instrument used in the field today. The fMRI is an instrument that can detect changes in blood oxygen levels over time. The increase in blood oxygen levels shows where brain activity occurs. These are rather bulky and expensive instruments which are generally found in hospitals. They are most commonly used", "\"History of pain theory\"\nthe inhibitory cell, the less pain is felt. The authors had drawn a neural \"\"circuit diagram\"\" to explain why we rub a smack. They pictured not only a signal traveling from the site of injury to the inhibitory and transmission cells and up the spinal cord to the brain, but also a signal traveling from the site of injury directly up the cord to the brain (bypassing the inhibitory and transmission cells) where, depending on the state of the brain, it may trigger a signal back down the spinal cord to modulate inhibitory cell activity (and so pain intensity). The", "\"Electrophysiological techniques for clinical diagnosis\"\nalways provide the desired information from the signals of interest. In such cases, the application of a stimulus to the desired target can produce transient evoked potentials that can provide further insight not obtained from solely passive recording methods such as EEG, ECG, EMG or MEG. The measurement of the naturally occurring magnetic fields produced by the brain's electrical activity is called magnetoencephalography. This method differs from magnetic resonance imaging in that it passively measures the magnetic fields without altering the body's magnetization. However, data from MEG and MRI can be combined to create images that approximately map the estimated", "\"Neonatal seizure\"\nunnecessary radiation exposure. Seizure activity in a neonate is difficult to diagnose, as many seizures have no clinical correlate. Altered level of consciousness is often the only clue, and in a neonate this can be difficult to accurately assess. Thus, diagnosis relies on attempting to directly measurement the abnormal electrical activity in the brain with electroencephalography (EEG). EEG is combined with video recording of the infant to correlate any seizure movements with EEG recordings. There are several modes of EEG that are commonly used in the NICU to diagnose neonatal seizures. Conventional continuous multichannel conventional EEG is the gold standard", "\"Electroencephalography functional magnetic resonance imaging\"\ninvestigations, but recent researches suggest an acceptable reliability for EEG-fMRI studies and better sensitivity in higher field scanner. Outside the field of epilepsy, EEG-fMRI has been used to study event-related (triggered by external stimuli) brain responses and provided important new insights into baseline brain activity in during resting wakefulness and sleep. Electroencephalography functional magnetic resonance imaging EEG-fMRI (short for \"\"EEG-correlated fMRI\"\" or \"\"electroencephalography-correlated functional magnetic resonance imaging\"\") is a multimodal neuroimaging technique whereby EEG and fMRI data are recorded synchronously for the study of electrical brain activity in correlation with haemodynamic changes in brain during the electrical activity, be it", "\"Direct borohydride fuel cell\"\npiped to a conventional hydrogen fuel cell. Either fuel cell will produce water, and the water can be recycled to allow for higher concentrations of NaBH. More importantly, the process of creating electricity via a DBFC is not easily reversible. For example, after sodium borohydride (NaBH) has released its hydrogen and has been oxidized, the product is NaBO (sodium metaborate). Sodium metaborate might be hydrogenated back into sodium borohydride fuel by several different techniques, some of which might theoretically require nothing more than water and electricity or heat. However, these techniques are still in active development. As of June 30,", "\"Haemodynamic response\"\nlack of nutrients to power their metabolism and to a toxic brain environment, full of free radicals and excess ions that damage normal cell organelle function. Changes in brain activity are closely coupled with changes in blood flow in those areas, and knowing this has proved useful in mapping brain functions in humans. The measurement of haemodynamic response, in a clinical setting, can be used to create images of the brain in which especially active and inactive regions are shown as distinct from one another. This can be a useful tool in diagnosing neural disease or in pre-surgical planning. Functional", "\"Long-term video-EEG monitoring\"\nAdolf Beck as developments to the technique were enhanced through animal studies of rhythmic oscillations in the brain due to light stimuli. In these studies, electrodes were placed directly on the surface of the brain. Additional developments made using animal subjects persisted through the early 1900s including the work of Vladimir Vladimirovich Pravdich-Neminsky in 1912, Napoleon Cybulski and Jelenska-Macieszyna in 1914, as well as by Hans Berger in 1924 with the first human EEG recording. These developments lead to the modern EEG techniques which allow for non-invasive measurements using externally placed EEG caps and were established by William Grey Walter", "\"Vigilance (psychology)\"\nemission tomography (PET), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and Transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) have been employed to independently assess brain activation and mental workload during vigilance experiments. These neuroimaging techniques estimate brain activation by measuring the blood flow (fMRI and TCD) or glucose metabolism (PET) associated with specific brain regions. Research employing these techniques has linked increases in mental workload and allocation of attentional resources with increased activity in the prefrontal cortex. Studies employing PET, fMRI and TCD indicate a decline in activity in the prefrontal cortex correlates with vigilance decrement. Neouroimaging studies also indicate that the control of vigilance", "\"Wilder Penfield\"\non Sargent's Bay, Lake Memphremagog. Penfield was a groundbreaking researcher and original surgeon. With his colleague Herbert Jasper, he invented the Montreal procedure in which he treated patients with severe epilepsy by destroying nerve cells in the brain where the seizures originated. Before operating, he stimulated the brain with electrical probes while the patients were conscious on the operating table (under only local anesthesia), and observed their responses. In this way he could more accurately target the areas of the brain responsible, reducing the side-effects of the surgery. This technique also allowed him to create maps of the sensory and", "\"Stimulus (physiology)\"\ndigestive juices from the pancreas and liver can be secreted to aid in metabolism and breakdown of food. Intracellular measurements of electrical potential across the membrane can be obtained by microelectrode recording. Patch clamp techniques allow for the manipulation of the intracellular or extracellular ionic or lipid concentration while still recording potential. In this way, the effect of various conditions on threshold and propagation can be assessed. Positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) permit the noninvasive visualization of activated regions of the brain while the test subject is exposed to different stimuli. Activity is monitored in relation" ]
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the part of peripheral nerve tissue that forms the myelin sheath is the
[ "Schwann cells" ]
[ "Endoneurium\nEndoneurium The endoneurium (also called endoneurial channel, endoneurial sheath, endoneurial tube, or Henle's sheath) a layer of delicate connective tissue around the myelin sheath of each myelinated nerve fiber. Its component cells are called endoneurial cells. The endoneuria with their enclosed nerve fibers are bundled into groups called nerve fascicles, each fascicle within its own protective sheath called a perineurium. In sufficiently large nerves multiple fascicles, each with its blood supply and fatty tissue, may be bundled within yet another sheath, the epineurium. The endoneurium contains a liquid known as endoneurial fluid, which contains little protein. In the peripheral nervous", "\"Peripheral nerve injury classification\"\nIt is a temporary interruption of conduction without loss of axonal continuity.In neurapraxia, there is a physiologic block of nerve conduction in the affected axons. Other characteristics: It involves loss of the relative continuity of the axon and its covering of myelin, but preservation of the connective tissue framework of the nerve ( the encapsulating tissue, the epineurium and perineurium, are preserved ). Other characteristics: It is a total severance or disruption of the entire nerve fiber.A peripheral nerve fiber contains an axon (Or long dendrite), myelin sheath (if existence), their schwann cells, and the endoneurium. Neurotmesis may be partial", "\"Theodor Schwann\"\nto his republican sentiments. There is no evidence to suggest that Schwann and Raspail were aware of each other's work. Schwann was particularly interested in nervous and muscular tissues. As part of his efforts to classify bodily tissues in terms of their cellular nature, he discovered the cells that envelope the nerve fibers, which are now called Schwann cells in his honor. How the fatty myelin sheaths of peripheral nerves were formed was a matter of debate that could not be answered until the electron microscope was invented. All axons in the peripheral nervous system are now known to be", "Endoneurium\nmeshes. Similar structures occur around some nervous components elsewhere in the body, for example around the Schwann cells on the peripheral side of the transitional zone on the auditory nerve. Endoneurium The endoneurium (also called endoneurial channel, endoneurial sheath, endoneurial tube, or Henle's sheath) a layer of delicate connective tissue around the myelin sheath of each myelinated nerve fiber. Its component cells are called endoneurial cells. The endoneuria with their enclosed nerve fibers are bundled into groups called nerve fascicles, each fascicle within its own protective sheath called a perineurium. In sufficiently large nerves multiple fascicles, each with its blood", "\"Metachromatic leukodystrophy\"\n5~20% of normal controls does not cause MLD. Without this enzyme, sulfatides build up in many tissues of the body, eventually destroying the myelin sheath of the nervous system. The myelin sheath is a fatty covering that protects nerve fibers. Without it, the nerves in the brain (central nervous system – CNS) and the peripheral nerves (peripheral nervous system – PNS) which control, among other things the muscles related to mobility, cease to function properly. Arylsulfatase A is activated by saposin B (Sap B), a non-enzymatic proteinaceous cofactor. When the arylsulfatase A enzyme level is normal but the sulfatides are", "\"Myelin protein zero\"\nbelonging to immunoglobulin superfamily Besides existing as a monomer, myelin protein zero is also known to form dimers and tetramers with other myelin protein zero molecules in vertebrates. The myelin sheath is a multi-layered membrane, unique to the nervous system, that functions as an insulator to greatly increase the velocity of axonal impulse conduction. Myelin protein zero, absent in the central nervous system, is a major component of the myelin sheath in peripheral nerves. Mutations that disrupt the function of myelin protein zero can lead to less expression of myelin and degeneration of myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system.", "Perineurium\nPerineurium In the peripheral nervous system, the myelin sheath of each axon in a nerve is wrapped in a delicate protective sheath known as the endoneurium. Within the nerve, axons targeting the same anatomical location are bundled together into groups known as fascicles, each surrounded by another protective sheath known as the perineurium. Several fascicles may be in turn bundled together with a blood supply and fatty tissue within yet another sheath, the epineurium. This grouping structure is analogous to the muscular organization system of epimysium, perimysium and endomysium. The perineurium is composed of connective tissue, which has a distinctly", "\"Schwann cell\"\nSchwann cells. Schwann cells are a variety of glial cells that keep peripheral nerve fibres (both myelinated and unmyelinated) alive. In myelinated axons, Schwann cells form the myelin sheath. The sheath is not continuous. Individual myelinating Schwann cells cover about 100 μm of an axon—equating to about 10,000 Schwann cells along a 1-m length of the axon. The gaps between adjacent Schwann cells are called nodes of Ranvier. 9-O-Acetyl GD3 ganglioside is an acetylated glycolipid which is found in the cell membranes of many types of vertebrate cells. During peripheral nerve regeneration, 9-O-acetyl GD3 is expressed by Schwann cells. The", "Axon\nsystem Schwann cells form the myelin sheath of a myelinated axon. In the central nervous system oligodendrocytes form the insulating myelin. Along myelinated nerve fibers, gaps in the myelin sheath known as nodes of Ranvier occur at evenly spaced intervals. The myelination enables an especially rapid mode of electrical impulse propagation called saltatory conduction. The myelinated axons from the cortical neurons form the bulk of the neural tissue called white matter in the brain. The myelin gives the white appearance to the tissue in contrast to the grey matter of the cerebral cortex which contains the neuronal cell bodies. A", "\"Nerve tissue protein\"\nNerve tissue protein Nerve tissue is a biological molecule related to the function and maintenance of normal nervous tissue. An example would include, for example, the generation of myelin which insulates and protects nerves. These are typically calcium-binding proteins. There are two types of myelin the first is ogliodendrocyte- Myelin which can be found in the mammalian Central Nervous System (CNS) and the second is Schwann cells which are found in the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). Myelination of axons by these Schwann cells are essential for normal nerve function. Peripheral nerves rely on communication between axons and Schwaan cells. Prion", "Neurilemma\nfunction for peripheral nerve fibers. Damaged nerve fibers may regenerate if the cell body is not damaged and the neurilemma remains intact. The neurilemma forms a regeneration tube through which the growing axon re-establishes its original connection. A neurilemoma is a tumor of the neurilemma. Neurilemma Neurilemma (also known as neurolemma, sheath of Schwann, or Schwann's sheath) is the outermost nucleated cytoplasmic layer of Schwann cells (also called neurilemmocytes) that surrounds the axon of the neuron. It forms the outermost layer of the nerve fiber in the peripheral nervous system. The neurilemma is underlain by the myelin sheath (referred to", "Neurilemma\nNeurilemma Neurilemma (also known as neurolemma, sheath of Schwann, or Schwann's sheath) is the outermost nucleated cytoplasmic layer of Schwann cells (also called neurilemmocytes) that surrounds the axon of the neuron. It forms the outermost layer of the nerve fiber in the peripheral nervous system. The neurilemma is underlain by the myelin sheath (referred to as the medullary sheath in the included illustrations). In the central nervous system, axons are myelinated by oligodendrocytes, thus lack neurilemma. The myelin sheaths of Oligodendrocytes do not have neurilemma because excess cytoplasm is directed centrally toward the oligodendrocyte cell body. Neurilemma serves a protective", "Cryoneurolysis\ntissue layer. These axons are bundled into fascicles surrounded by the perineurium connective tissue layer. Multiple fascicles are then surrounded by the epineurium, which is the outermost connective tissue layer of the nerve. The axons of myelinated nerves have a myelin sheath made up of Schwann cells that coat the axon. Classification of nerve damage was well-defined by Sir Herbert Seddon and Sunderland in a system that remains in use. The adjacent table details the forms (neurapraxia, axonotmesis and neurotmesis) and degrees of nerve injury that occur as a result of exposure to various temperatures. Cryoneurolysis treatments that use nitrous", "\"Luxol fast blue stain\"\nLuxol fast blue stain Luxol fast blue stain, abbreviated LFB stain or simply LFB, is a commonly used stain to observe myelin under light microscopy, created by Heinrich Klüver and Elizabeth Barrera in 1953. LFB is commonly used to detect demyelination in the central nervous system (CNS), but cannot discern myelination in the peripheral nervous system. Luxol fast blue is a copper phthalocyanine dye that is soluble in alcohol and is attracted to bases found in the lipoproteins of the myelin sheath. Under the stain, myelin fibers appear blue, neuropil appears pink, and nerve cells appear purple. Tissues sections are", "\"Luxol fast blue stain\"\nLuxol fast blue stain Luxol fast blue stain, abbreviated LFB stain or simply LFB, is a commonly used stain to observe myelin under light microscopy, created by Heinrich Klüver and Elizabeth Barrera in 1953. LFB is commonly used to detect demyelination in the central nervous system (CNS), but cannot discern myelination in the peripheral nervous system. Luxol fast blue is a copper phthalocyanine dye that is soluble in alcohol and is attracted to bases found in the lipoproteins of the myelin sheath. Under the stain, myelin fibers appear blue, neuropil appears pink, and nerve cells appear purple. Tissues sections are", "\"Myelin incisure\"\ninitially around only part of its circumference. Secondary incisures appear later, in regions of a compact myelin sheath, initially traversing only part of its radial thickness but commonly occupying its whole circumference. Myelin incisure Myelin incisures (a.k.a. Schmidt-Lanterman clefts, Schmidt-Lanterman incisures, clefts of Schmidt-Lanterman, segments of Lanterman, medullary segments), are small pockets of cytoplasm left behind during the Schwann cell myelination process. They are histological evidence of the small amount of cytoplasm that remains in the inner layer of the myelin sheath created by Schwann cells wrapping tightly around an axon (nerve fiber). In the peripheral nervous system (PNS) axons", "Neurapraxia\nopposed to the distal site. Neurapraxia occurs in the peripheral nervous system typically in the ulnar, median, and radial nerves of the upper body and in the sciatic and peroneal nerves of the lower body. Peripheral nerves are myelinated, relatively large, spatially complex cells whose size and connectivity typically make them more susceptible to damage and compromise their capacity to self-repair, although this is not the case in neurapraxia. Microscopic evidence has shown that there is damage to the myelin sheath, but not to the axon. Therefore, distal nerve fibers do not degenerate and the myelin damage can be repaired.", "\"Nervonic acid\"\nNervonic acid Nervonic acid (24:1, n-9) is a fatty acid. It is a monounsaturated analog of lignoceric acid (24:0). It is also known as selacholeic acid and \"\"cis\"\"-15-tetracosenoic acid. It exists in nature as an elongation product of oleic acid (18:1 Δ9), its immediate precursor being erucic acid. Nervonic acid is particularly abundant in the white matter of animal brains and in peripheral nervous tissue where nervonyl sphingolipids are enriched in the myelin sheath of nerve fibers. In the same way, recent studies have concluded that nervonic acid is implicated as an intermediate in the biosynthesis of nerve cell myelin.", "\"Anti-MAG peripheral neuropathy\"\naround the axons that they serve. Damage to these cells result in degeneration of the myelin sheath and inevitably lead to problems in communication for the nervous system. Myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) is a glycoprotein that is specific to Schwann cells, which create myelin for nerve cells in the peripheral nervous system. Research through cloning of the rat MAG gene has shown that it is a type I transmembrane protein meaning that it contains domains both inside the cell membrane and outside the cell membrane. Expression of this glycoprotein is very specific to myelin-forming cells and begins very early in the", "\"Nervous tissue\"\nnerve tissue, containing myelinated axons bundles, carry action potential nerve impulses. Neoplasms (tumours) in nervous tissue include: Nervous tissue Nervous tissue, also called neural tissue or nerve tissue, is the main tissue component of the nervous system. The nervous system regulates and controls bodily functions and activity and consists of two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) comprising the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the branching peripheral nerves. It is composed of neurons, or nerve cells, which receive and transmit impulses, and neuroglia, also known as glial cells or glia, which assist the propagation", "\"Anti-MAG peripheral neuropathy\"\nto travel at a much faster rate, about fifteen times faster in certain cases. This ability allows the nervous system to send messages faster and more accurately. Disruption of the myelin sheath on cells that are normally myelinated allows leakage of action potential much like a faulty wire will allow leakage of electricity in a circuit. This slows the messages being sent along those nerves and disrupts normal function. Schwann cells are the cells in the peripheral nervous system that create and maintain myelin sheaths on neurons. These are the glial cells of the peripheral nervous system and are located", "\"Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor\"\nMalignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor A malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) (also known as \"\"malignant schwannoma\"\", \"\"neurofibrosarcoma\"\", and \"\"neurosarcoma\"\") is a form of cancer of the connective tissue surrounding nerves. Given its origin and behavior it is classified as a sarcoma. About half the cases are diagnosed in people with neurofibromatosis; the lifetime risk for an MPNST in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 is 8–13%. MPNST with rhabdomyoblastomatous component are called malignant triton tumors. The first-line treatment is surgical resection with wide margins. Chemotherapy (e.g. high-dose doxorubicin) and often radiotherapy are done as adjuvant and/or neoadjuvant treatment. Malignant peripheral", "\"Vestibular schwannoma\"\nVestibular schwannoma A vestibular schwannoma (VS) is a benign primary intracranial tumor of the myelin-forming cells of the vestibulocochlear nerve (8th cranial nerve). A type of schwannoma, this tumor arises from the Schwann cells responsible for the myelin sheath that helps keep peripheral nerves insulated. Although it is also called an acoustic neuroma, this a misnomer for two reasons. First, the tumor usually arises from the vestibular division of the vestibulocochlear nerve, rather than the cochlear division. Second, it is derived from the Schwann cells of the associated nerve, rather than the actual neurons (neuromas). Approximately 2,000 to 3,000 cases", "\"Central nervous system\"\nsystem, which consists of neurons, axons and Schwann cells. Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells have similar functions in the central and peripheral nervous system respectively. Both act to add myelin sheaths to the axons, which acts as a form of insulation allowing for better and faster proliferation of electrical signals along the nerves. Axons in the central nervous system are often very short (barely a few millimeters) and do not need the same degree of isolation as peripheral nerves do. Some peripheral nerves can be over 1m in length, such as the nerves to the big toe. To ensure signals move", "\"Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor\"\nMPNSTs are extremely threatening in NF1. In a 10-year institutional review for the treatment of chemotherapy for MPNST in NF1, which followed the cases of 1 per 2,500 in 3,300 live births, chemotherapy did not seem to reduce mortality, and its effectiveness should be questioned. Although with recent approaches with the molecular biology of MPNSTs, new therapies and prognostic factors are being examined. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor A malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) (also known as \"\"malignant schwannoma\"\", \"\"neurofibrosarcoma\"\", and \"\"neurosarcoma\"\") is a form of cancer of the connective tissue surrounding nerves. Given its origin and behavior it", "\"Nerve allograft\"\nbecome more relevant. An axon is the part of a neuron which conducts electrical impulses. Axons are surrounded by myelin, which contain Schwann cells. Schwann cells improve the electrical conduction. The myelin is surrounded by endoneurium, which is a protective sheath of connective tissue. This is surrounded by perineurium and epineurium, of which the latter is the outmost layer of dense connective tissue. When it comes to nerve repair, it is crucial that those layers make a good connection. There are several kinds of organ transplantation techniques. The nervus suralis, a nerve from the lower leg, is most often used.", "\"Site-specific recombinase technology\"\na promoter results in localized, tissue-specific expression. As an example, Leone et al. have placed the transcription unit under the control of the regulatory sequences of the myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) gene, leading to induced removal of targeted gene sequences in oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells. The specific DNA fragment recognized by Cre remains intact in cells, which do not express the PLP gene; this in turn facilitates empirical observation of the localized effects of genome alterations in the myelin sheath that surround nerve fibers in the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Selective Cre expression has", "Schwannoma\nSchwannoma A schwannoma is a usually benign nerve sheath tumor composed of Schwann cells, which normally produce the insulating myelin sheath covering peripheral nerves. Schwannomas are homogeneous tumors, consisting only of Schwann cells. The tumor cells always stay on the outside of the nerve, but the tumor itself may either push the nerve aside and/or up against a bony structure (thereby possibly causing damage). Schwannomas are relatively slow-growing. For reasons not yet understood, schwannomas are mostly benign and less than 1% become malignant, degenerating into a form of cancer known as neurofibrosarcoma. These masses are generally contained within a capsule,", "\"Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor\"\nnerve sheath tumors are a rare type of cancer that arise from the soft tissue that surrounds nerves. They are a type of sarcoma. Most malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors arise from the nerve plexuses that distribute nerves into the limbs—the brachial and lumbar plexuses—or from nerves as they arise from the trunk. Symptoms may include: Soft tissue sarcomas have been linked within families, so it is hypothesized that neurofibrosarcoma may be genetic, although researchers still do not know the exact cause of the disease. Evidence supporting this hypothesis includes loss of heterozygosity on the 17p chromosome. The p53 (a", "Mesaxon\nconnection of the outer cell membrane to the compact myelin sheath. The inner mesaxon (Terminologia histologica: Mesaxon internum) is the connection between the myelin sheath and the inner part of the cell membrane of the Schwann cell which is directly opposite the axolemma, i.e. the cell membrane of the nerve fibre ensheathed by the Schwann cell. Mesaxon In neurobiology, a mesaxon is a pair of parallel plasma membranes of a Schwann cell, marking the point of edge-to-edge contact by the Schwann cell encircling the axon. A single Schwann cell of the peripheral nervous system will wrap around and support only", "\"Alcoholic polyneuropathy\"\nglucose. Neural tissues depend on this process for energy, and disruption of the cycle would impair cell growth and function. Schwann cells produce myelin that wraps around the sensory and motor nerve axons to enhance action potential conduction in the periphery. An energy deficiency in Schwann cells would account for the disappearance of myelin on peripheral nerves, which may result in damage to axons or loss of nerve function altogether. In peripheral nerves, oxidative enzyme activity is most concentrated around the nodes of Ranvier, making these locations most vulnerable to cofactor deprivation. Lacking essential cofactors reduces myelin impedance, increases current", "\"Schwann cell\"\nlikely is the primary variant of NRG1 responsible for survival signals. In mice that lack the transmembrane III isoform, Schwann cell precursors are eventually eliminated from spinal nerves. Myelin protein zero (P0) is a cell-adhesion molecule belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily and is the major component of peripheral myelin, constituting over 50% of the total protein in the sheath. P0 has been shown to be essential for the formation of compact myelin, as P0 null mutant (P0-) mice showed severely aberrant peripheral myelination. Although myelination of large caliber axons was initiated in P0- mice, the resulting myelin layers were very", "\"Nerve injury\"\nbefore nerve regeneration and can be described as a cleaning or clearing process that essentially prepares the distal stump for reinnervation. Schwann cells are glial cells in the peripheral nervous system that support neurons by forming myelin that encases nerves. During Wallerian degeneration Schwann cells and macrophages interact to remove debris, specifically myelin and the damaged axon, from the distal injury site. (medscape) Calcium has a role in the degeneration of the damage axon. Bands of Büngner are formed when un-innervated Schwann cells proliferate and the remaining connective tissue basement membrane forms endoneurial tubes. Bands of Büngner are important for", "\"Nervous tissue\"\ntheir function. Neuroglial cells are classified as follows: In the central nervous system: In the Peripheral Nervous System: The three layers of connective tissue surrounding each nerve are: The function of nervous tissue is to form the communication network of the nervous system by conducting electric signals across tissue. In the CNS, grey matter, which contains the synapses, is important for information processing. White matter, containing myelinated axons, connects and facilitates nerve impulse between grey matter areas in the CNS. In the PNS, the ganglion tissue, containing the cell bodies and dendrites, contain relay points for nerve tissue impulses. The", "Myelin\nthe nerve fiber. Some regenerated nerve fibers do not find the correct muscle fibers, and some damaged motor neurons of the peripheral nervous system die without regrowth. Damage to the myelin sheath and nerve fiber is often associated with increased functional insufficiency. Unmyelinated fibers and myelinated axons of the mammalian central nervous system do not regenerate. Some studies have revealed that optic nerve fibers can be regenerated in postnatal rats. This regeneration depends upon two conditions: axonal die-back has to be prevented with appropriate neurotrophic factors, and neurite growth inhibitory components have to be inactivated. These studies may lead to", "\"Schwann cell\"\nSchwann cell Schwann cells (named after physiologist Theodor Schwann) or neurolemmocytes are the principal glia of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Glial cells function to support neurons and in the PNS, also include satellite cells, olfactory ensheathing cells, enteric glia and glia that reside at sensory nerve endings, such as the Pacinian corpuscle. The two types of Schwann cells are myelinating and nonmyelinating. Myelinating Schwann cells wrap around axons of motor and sensory neurons to form the myelin sheath. The Schwann cell promoter is present in the downstream region of the human dystrophin gene that gives shortened transcript that are", "\"Eric Manvers Shooter\"\nof Joshua Lederberg he spent three years intensively studying the structure and mechanisms of the canonical neurotrophin NGF. He also characterized the PMP22 gene in mice, defects in which cause the myelin sheath that protects nerve cells to break down in a way that resembles human neurological diseases called demyelinating peripheral neuropathies. These discoveries provided part of the foundation for understanding how nerves repair themselves. His group remained productive into the early 2000s with the discovery that the neurotrophin BDNF enhances myelin formation. Shooter was awarded two international prizes jointly with the Swiss neuroscientist Hans Thoenen: the Ralph W. Gerard", "\"Motor nerve\"\nnerves, each axon is wrapped by the endoneurium, which is a layer of connective tissue that surrounds the myelin sheath. Bundles of axons are called fascicles, which are wrapped in perineurium. All of the fascicles wrapped in the perineurium are wound together and wrapped by a final layer of connective tissue known as the epineurium. These protective tissues defend nerves from injury, pathogens and help to maintain nerve function. Layers of connective tissue maintain the rate at which nerves conduct action potentials. Most motor pathways originate in the motor cortex of the brain. Signals run down the brainstem and spinal", "Perineurium\nlamellar arrangement consisting of one to several concentric layers. The perineurium is composed of perineurial cells, which are epithelioid myofibroblasts. Perineurial cells are sometimes referred to as myoepithelioid due to their epithelioid and myofibroblastoid properties including tight junctions, gap junctions, external laminae and contractility. The perineurium is a smooth, transparent tubular membrane which may be easily separated from the fibers it encloses. In contrast, the epineurium is a tough and mechanically resistant tissue which is not easily penetrated by a needle. Perineurium In the peripheral nervous system, the myelin sheath of each axon in a nerve is wrapped in a", "\"Myelin incisure\"\nMyelin incisure Myelin incisures (a.k.a. Schmidt-Lanterman clefts, Schmidt-Lanterman incisures, clefts of Schmidt-Lanterman, segments of Lanterman, medullary segments), are small pockets of cytoplasm left behind during the Schwann cell myelination process. They are histological evidence of the small amount of cytoplasm that remains in the inner layer of the myelin sheath created by Schwann cells wrapping tightly around an axon (nerve fiber). In the peripheral nervous system (PNS) axons can be either myelinated or unmyelinated. Myelination refers to the insulation of an axon with concentric surrounding layers of lipid membrane (myelin) produced by Schwann cells. These layers are generally uniform and", "Schwannoma\nsurfaces of the limbs. Rare occurrences of these tumors in the penis have been documented in the literature. Verocay bodies are seen histologically in schwannomas. Schwannoma A schwannoma is a usually benign nerve sheath tumor composed of Schwann cells, which normally produce the insulating myelin sheath covering peripheral nerves. Schwannomas are homogeneous tumors, consisting only of Schwann cells. The tumor cells always stay on the outside of the nerve, but the tumor itself may either push the nerve aside and/or up against a bony structure (thereby possibly causing damage). Schwannomas are relatively slow-growing. For reasons not yet understood, schwannomas are", "Myelin\nfurther understanding of nerve fiber regeneration in the central nervous system. Demyelination is the loss of the myelin sheath insulating the nerves, and is the hallmark of some neurodegenerative autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, neuromyelitis optica, transverse myelitis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, Guillain–Barré syndrome, central pontine myelinosis, inherited demyelinating diseases such as leukodystrophy, and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Sufferers of pernicious anaemia can also suffer nerve damage if the condition is not diagnosed quickly. Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord secondary to pernicious anaemia can lead to slight peripheral nerve damage to severe damage to the central nervous system,", "Neurotmesis\nOf these cases, the ulnar nerve was most often injured. Peripheral nerves are structured so that the axons are surrounded by most often a myelinated sheath and then an endoneurium. A perineurium surrounds that and the outermost layer is considered the epineurium. When injury occurs, “local vascular trauma leads to hemorrhage and edema (swelling), which results in vigorous inflammatory response resulting in scarring of the injured segment. In most cases, due to the extreme nature of the injury, there is typically complete loss of function. Trauma is the most frequent cause of peripheral nerve lesions. There are two classifications of", "Nerve\nNerve A nerve is an enclosed, cable-like bundle of nerve fibres called axons, in the peripheral nervous system. A nerve provides a common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses called action potentials that are transmitted along each of the axons to peripheral organs or, in the case of sensory nerves, from the periphery back to the central nervous system. Each axon within the nerve is an extension of an individual neuron, along with other supportive cells such as Schwann cells that coat the axons in myelin. Within a nerve, each axon is surrounded by a layer of connective tissue called", "\"Facial nerve decompression\"\nFacial nerve decompression Facial nerve decompression is a type of nerve decompression surgery where abnormal compression on the facial nerve is relieved. Pressure and compression of any cause on a peripheral nerve can cause nerve impulse block. That is, the nerve is no longer able to send electrochemical impulses, and hence does not send signals to the brain or from the brain to muscles. There may also be demyelination (loss of the nerve's myelin sheath) and degeneration of the nerve in the affected area but it does not effect axons beyond this site. The facial nerve is a mixed nerve", "\"Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials\"\nnervous system is much poorer than the peripheral nervous system and does not show the same capacity to regenerate itself. This is primarily due to the multifaceted nature of spinal cord injury. The multifaceted nature of spinal cord injuries presents a major challenge to therapeutic development however, as primary mechanical trauma to the cord induces secondary injury consisting of a complex cascade of molecular events that lead to the loss of the conductive myelin sheath (myelin degeneration) and the formation of an inhibitory glial scar. Transplantation of peripheral nerve grafts and/or the introduction of a variety of cell types has", "Neuroma\nNeuroma A neuroma (; plural: neuromata or neuromas) is a growth or tumor of nerve tissue. Neuromas tend to be benign (i.e. not cancerous); many nerve tumors, including those that are commonly malignant, are nowadays referred to by other terms. Neuromas can arise from different types of nervous tissue, including the nerve fibers and their myelin sheath, as in the case of genuine neoplasms (growths) like ganglioneuromas and neurinomas. The term is also used to refer to any swelling of a nerve, even in the absence of abnormal cell growth. In particular, traumatic neuroma results from trauma to a nerve,", "\"Pathology of multiple sclerosis\"\nthe reasons why, especially in early phases of the disease, symptoms tend to decrease or disappear temporarily. Nevertheless, nerve damage and irreversible loss of neurons occur early in MS. The oligodendrocytes that originally formed a myelin sheath cannot completely rebuild a destroyed myelin sheath. However, the central nervous system can recruit oligodendrocyte stem cells capable of proliferation and migration and differentiation into mature myelinating oligodendrocytes. The newly formed myelin sheaths are thinner and often not as effective as the original ones. Repeated attacks lead to successively fewer effective remyelinations, until a scar-like plaque is built up around the damaged axons.", "\"Anti-MAG peripheral neuropathy\"\ndegeneration of the myelinated axons further suggesting the need for these glycoproteins in maintenance of the sheaths. While it is still unclear as to the exact mechanism or pathway by which MAG affects myelination, studies suggest that MAG serves in a receptor role to begin a signaling cascade begun by activation from an external source. MAG has also been shown to bind as a ligand to a receptor on the axonal surface which suggests that the external stimulus activating the creation of myelin comes from the nerve cell or cells that these glycoproteins are bound to. Antibodies are created by", "\"Multiple sclerosis\"\nthe destruction of myelin sheaths of neurons. These features interact in a complex and not yet fully understood manner to produce the breakdown of nerve tissue and in turn the signs and symptoms of the disease. Cholesterol crystals are believed to both impair myelin repair and aggravate inflammation. Additionally, MS is believed to be an immune-mediated disorder that develops from an interaction of the individual's genetics and as yet unidentified environmental causes. Damage is believed to be caused, at least in part, by attack on the nervous system by a person's own immune system. The name \"\"multiple sclerosis\"\" refers to", "\"Visual learning\"\nfound that learning about emotional events, such as the Holocaust, with visual aids increase middle aged children's empathy. Gray matter is responsible for generating nerve impulses that process brain information, and white matter is responsible for transmitting that brain information between lobes and out through the spinal cord. Nerve impulses are transmitted by myelin, a fatty material that grows around a cell. White matter has a myelin sheath (a collection of myelin) while gray matter doesn't, which efficiently allows neural impulses to move swiftly along the fiber. The myelin sheath isn't fully formed until around ages 24–26. This means that", "Sulfatide\nis a major component in the nervous system and is found in high levels in the myelin sheath in both the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system. Myelin is typically composed of about 70 -75% lipids, and sulfatide comprises 4-7% of this 70-75%. When lacking sulfatide, myelin sheath is still produced around the axons; however, when lacking sulfatide the lateral loops and part of the nodes of Ranvier are disorganized, so the myelin sheath does not function properly. Thus, lacking sulfatide can lead to muscle weakness, tremors, and ataxia. Elevated levels of sulfatide are also associated with Metachromatic", "Myelin\nMyelin Myelin is a lipid-rich (fatty) substance formed in the central nervous system (CNS) by glial cells called oligodendrocytes, and in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) by Schwann cells. Myelin insulates nerve cell axons to increase the speed at which information (encoded as an electrical signal) travels from one nerve cell body to another (as in the CNS) or, for example, from a nerve cell body to a muscle (as in the PNS). The myelinated axon can be likened to an electrical wire (the axon) with insulating material (myelin) around it. However, unlike the plastic covering on an electrical wire,", "\"Schwann cell\"\nagain synthesized in a tissue-specific manner. During the development of the PNS, the regulatory mechanisms of myelination are controlled by feedforward interaction of specific genes, influencing transcriptional cascades and shaping the morphology of the myelinated nerve fibers. Schwann cells are involved in many important aspects of peripheral nerve biology—the conduction of nervous impulses along axons, nerve development and regeneration, trophic support for neurons, production of the nerve extracellular matrix, modulation of neuromuscular synaptic activity, and presentation of antigens to T-lymphocytes. Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, Guillain–Barré syndrome (acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy type), schwannomatosis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and leprosy are all neuropathies involving", "Axon\ndifferent sets of motor proteins. Outgoing transport is provided by kinesin, and ingoing return traffic is provided by dynein. Dynein is minus-end directed. There are many forms of kinesis and dynein motor proteins, and each is thought to carry a different cargo. The studies on transport in the axon led to the naming of kinesin. In the nervous system, axons may be myelinated, or unmyelinated. This is the provision of an insulating layer, called a myelin sheath. In the peripheral nervous system axons are myelinated by glial cells known as Schwann cells. In the central nervous system the myelin sheath", "Synkinesis\nand not only at the site of the lesion. Previously, many developed treatment strategies (that inevitably failed) were invented based on the original hypothesis by only focusing on the lesion site for improving the organization of regeneration. The new modification to the hypothesis could allow for better success in developing treatments. Ephaptic transmission is when two nerves communicate with each other via an artificial synapse between nerves. Healthy peripheral nerves are insulated with a myelin sheath that helps to both enhance electric transmission and to prevent cross-talk between parallel nerves. After a lesion, it has been observed that regenerating nerves", "\"Wallerian degeneration\"\nbecause the gap is too wide or scar tissue has formed, surgery can help to guide the sprouts into the tubes. Regeneration is efficient in the PNS, with near complete recovery in case of lesions that occur close to the distal nerve terminal. However recovery is hardly observed at all in the spinal cord. One crucial difference is that in the CNS, including the spinal cord, myelin sheaths are produced by oligodendrocytes and not by Schwann cells. Wallerian degeneration is named after Augustus Volney Waller. Waller experimented on frogs in 1850, by severing their glossopharyngeal and hypoglossal nerves. He then", "Adrenoleukodystrophy\nAdrenoleukodystrophy Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a disease linked to the X chromosome. It is a result of fatty acid buildup caused by the relevant enzymes not functioning properly, which then causes damage to the myelin sheath of the nerves, resulting in seizures and hyperactivity. Other symptoms include problems with speaking, listening, and understanding verbal instructions. In more detail, it is a disorder of peroxisomal fatty acid beta oxidation which results in the accumulation of very long chain fatty acids in tissues throughout the body. The most severely affected tissues are the myelin in the central nervous system, the adrenal cortex, and", "EMP3\nin humans. However, some animal experiments have showed a positive result on suppressing the tumorous tissues by modifying the EMP3 gene. EMP3 Epithelial membrane protein 3 (EMP3) is a trans-membrane signaling molecule that is encoded by the myelin-related gene EMP3. EMP3 is a member of the peripheral myelin protein gene family 22-kDa (PMP22), which is mainly responsible for the formation of the sheath of compact myelin. Although the detailed functions and mechanisms of EMP3 still remain unclear, it is suggested that EMP3 is possibly epigenetically linked to certain carcinomas. EMP3 is a protein composed of a 163-amino acid sequence, which", "Myelin\nrecorded conduction speed (across both vertebrates and invertebrates) is found in the ensheathed axons of the Kuruma shrimp, an invertebrate, ranging between 90 and 200 m/s (cf 100–120 m/s for the fastest myelinated vertebrate axon.) Myelin Myelin is a lipid-rich (fatty) substance formed in the central nervous system (CNS) by glial cells called oligodendrocytes, and in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) by Schwann cells. Myelin insulates nerve cell axons to increase the speed at which information (encoded as an electrical signal) travels from one nerve cell body to another (as in the CNS) or, for example, from a nerve cell", "\"Guillain–Barré syndrome\"\nsyndrome is caused by an immune attack on the nerve cells of the peripheral nervous system and their support structures. The nerve cells have their body (the soma) in the spinal cord and a long projection (the axon) that carries electrical nerve impulses to the neuromuscular junction where the impulse is transferred to the muscle. Axons are wrapped in a sheath of Schwann cells that contain myelin. Between Schwann cells are gaps (nodes of Ranvier) where the axon is exposed. Different types of Guillain–Barré syndrome feature different types of immune attack. The demyelinating variant (AIDP, see below) features damage to", "\"Nerve conduction velocity\"\nincludes the difference between sensory nerve conduction velocities in the pinkie finger and index finger. In most instances of CTS, symptoms will not present until this difference is greater than 8 m/s. Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is a peripheral neuropathy involving the degeneration of myelin sheathing and/or nerves that innervate the head, body, and limbs. This degeneration is due to an autoimmune response typically initiated by various infections. Two primary classifications exist: demyelinating (Schwann cell damage) and axonal (direct nerve fiber damage). Each of these then branches into additional sub-classifications depending on the exact manifestation. In all cases, however, the condition", "\"Peripheral myelin protein 22\"\nSchwann cell proliferation, suggesting a role in cell-cycle regulation. PMP22 is detectable in non-neural tissues, where its expression has been shown to serve as growth-arrest-specific (gas-3) function. Improper gene dosage of the PMP22 gene can cause aberrant protein synthesis and function of myelin sheath. Since the components of myelin are stoichiometrically set, any irregular expression of a component can cause destabilization of myelin and neuropathic disorders. Alterations of PMP22 gene expression are associated with a variety of neuropathies, such as Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 1A (CMT1A), Dejerine–Sottas disease, and Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsy (HNPP). Too much PMP22 (e.g. caused", "\"Peripheral myelin protein 22\"\nPeripheral myelin protein 22 Growth arrest-specific protein 3 (GAS-3), also called peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22), is a protein which in humans is encoded by the \"\"PMP22\"\" gene. PMP22 is a 22 kDa transmembrane glycoprotein made up of 160 amino acids, and is mainly expressed in the Schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system. Schwann cells show high expression of PMP22, where it can constitute 2-5% of total protein content in compact myelin. Compact myelin is the bulk of the peripheral neuron's myelin sheath, a protective fatty layer that provides electrical insulation for the neuronal axon. The level of PMP22", "\"Induced stem cells\"\nfor nearly a year to look for signs of tumor formation and reported finding none. The same researchers have turned scar-forming astrocytes into progenitor cells called neuroblasts that regenerated into neurons in the injured adult spinal cord. Without myelin to insulate neurons, nerve signals quickly lose power. Diseases that attack myelin, such as multiple sclerosis, result in nerve signals that cannot propagate to nerve endings and as a consequence lead to cognitive, motor and sensory problems. Transplantation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), which can successfully create myelin sheaths around nerve cells, is a promising potential therapeutic response. Direct lineage conversion", "\"Multiple sclerosis\"\nthe scars (sclerae – better known as plaques or lesions) that form in the nervous system. These lesions most commonly affect the white matter in the optic nerve, brain stem, basal ganglia, and spinal cord, or white matter tracts close to the lateral ventricles. The function of white matter cells is to carry signals between grey matter areas, where the processing is done, and the rest of the body. The peripheral nervous system is rarely involved. To be specific, MS involves the loss of oligodendrocytes, the cells responsible for creating and maintaining a fatty layer—known as the myelin sheath—which helps", "Axon\nis considered a mild form of diffuse axonal injury. Axonal injury can also cause central chromatolysis. The dysfunction of axons in the nervous system is one of the major causes of many inherited neurological disorders that affect both peripheral and central neurons. Demyelination of axons causes the multitude of neurological symptoms found in the disease multiple sclerosis. Dysmyelination is the abnormal formation of the myelin sheath. This is implicated in several leukodystrophies, and also in schizophrenia. A traumatic brain injury can result in widespread lesions to nerve tracts damaging the axons in a condition known as diffuse axonal injury. This", "Myelin\nthe lifelong myelination process they support. By increasing oligodendrocyte cholinergic stimulation, AChEIs, and other cholinergic treatments, such as nicotine, possibly could promote myelination during development and myelin repair in older age. Glycogen synthase kinase 3β inhibitors such as lithium chloride have been found to promote myelination in mice with damaged facial nerves. Cholesterol is a necessary nutrient for the myelin sheath, along with vitamin B12. Dysmyelination is characterized by a defective structure and function of myelin sheaths; unlike demyelination, it does not produce lesions. Such defective sheaths often arise from genetic mutations affecting the biosynthesis and formation of myelin. The", "\"Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein\"\nMyelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is a glycoprotein believed to be important in the myelination of nerves in the central nervous system (CNS). In humans this protein is encoded by the \"\"MOG\"\" gene. It is speculated to serve as a necessary \"\"adhesion molecule\"\" to provide structural integrity to the myelin sheath and is known to develop late on the oligodendrocyte. While the primary molecular function of MOG is not yet known, its likely role with the myelin sheath is either in sheath \"\"completion and/or maintenance\"\". More specifically, MOG is speculated to be \"\"necessary\"\" as an \"\"adhesion molecule\"\" on", "\"Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor\"\ntumor suppressor gene in the normal population) genome on 17p in neurofibrosarcoma patients is mutated, increasing the probability of cancer. The normal p53 gene will regulate cell growth and inhibit any uncontrollable cell growth in the healthy population; since p53 is inactivated in neurofibrosarcoma patients, they are much more susceptible to developing tumors. A malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor is rare, but is one of the most common frequent soft tissue sarcoma in the pediatrics population. About half of these cases also happen to occur along with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1), which is a genetic mutation on the 17th chromosome", "Axonotmesis\nAxonotmesis Axonotmesis is an injury to the peripheral nerve of one of the extremities of the body. The axons and their myelin sheath are damaged in this kind of injury, but the endoneurium, perineurium and epineurium remain intact. Motor and sensory functions distal to the point of injury are completely lost over time leading to Wallerian Degeneration due to ischemia, or loss of blood supply. Axonotmesis is usually the result of a more severe crush or contusion than neurapraxia. Axonotmesis mainly follows a stretch injury. These stretch injuries can either dislocate joins or fracture a limb, due to which peripheral", "\"Nerve guidance conduit\"\nof glial and Schwann cells by activating MAP kinases. When implanted into the PLGA conduits, the EMSCs maintained long-term survival and promoted peripheral nerve regeneration across a 10 mm gap, which usually demonstrates little to no regeneration. Myelinated axons were present within the grafts and basal laminae were formed within the myelin. These observations suggest that EMSCs may promote myelination of regenerated nerve fibers within the conduit. Inserting neurons into a bioartificial nerve conduit seems like the most obvious method for replacing damaged nerves; however, neurons are unable to proliferate and they are often short-lived in culture. Thus, neural progenitor", "\"Optic nerve\"\ncentral nervous system, rather than the peripheral nervous system because it is derived from an out-pouching of the diencephalon (optic stalks) during embryonic development. As a consequence, the fibers of the optic nerve are covered with myelin produced by oligodendrocytes, rather than Schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system, and are encased within the meninges. Peripheral neuropathies like Guillain–Barré syndrome do not affect the optic nerve. However, most typically the optic nerve is grouped with the other eleven cranial nerves and considered to be part of the peripheral nervous system. The optic nerve is ensheathed in all three meningeal layers", "\"Myelin incisure\"\ncontinuous, but due to imperfect nature of the process by which Schwann cells wrap the nerve axon, this wrapping process can sometimes leave behind small pockets of residual cytoplasm displaced to the periphery during the formation of the myelin sheath. These pockets, or \"\"incisures\"\", can subdivide the myelinated axon into irregular portions. These staggered clefts also provide communication channels between layers by connecting the outer collar of cytoplasm of the Schwann cell to the deepest layer of myelin sheath. Primary incisures which appear ab initio in myelination and always extend across the whole radial thickness of the myelin sheath but", "\"CNS demyelinating autoimmune diseases\"\nCNS demyelinating autoimmune diseases CNS demyelinating autoimmune diseases are autoimmune diseases which primarily affect the central nervous system. Examples include: The brain and the spinal cord are the essential components of the central nervous system and it is responsible for the integration of the signals received from the afferent nerves and initiates action. The nerve cells, known as neurons, carry impulses throughout the body and the nerve impulses are carried along the axon. These microscopic nerve fibers, where the action potential occurs, are protected by a white, fatty tissue that surrounds and insulates it, known as the myelin sheath. This", "\"Adrenergic nerve fibre\"\nheart rate, slows digestion, dilates pupils, and also controls the secretion of apocrine sweat glands in the dermal layer of skin, in addition to other responses. The nerve fibre is a thread-like extension of a nerve cell that includes the axon which may or may not be encased in a myelinated sheath. The androgenic nerve fibre when myelinated increases the speed of transmission for an action potential across the length of the cell. The gaps in the sheath along the axon are call the node of ranvier. There are several types of adrenergic receptors which are identified by their differing", "Cryoneurolysis\noxide (boiling point of -88.5 °C) as the coolant fall in the range of an axonotmesis injury, or 2nd degree injury, according to the Sunderland classification system. Treatments of the nerve in this temperature range are reversible. Nerves treated in this temperature range experience a disruption of the axon, with Wallerian degeneration occurring distal to the site of injury. The axon and myelin sheath are affected, but all of the connective tissues (endoneurium, perineurium, and epineurium) remain intact. Following Wallerian degeneration, the axon regenerates along the original nerve path at a rate of approximately 1–2 mm per day. Cryoneurolysis differs", "Neuroregeneration\nNeuroregeneration Neuroregeneration refers to the regrowth or repair of nervous tissues, cells or cell products. Such mechanisms may include generation of new neurons, glia, axons, myelin, or synapses. Neuroregeneration differs between the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and the central nervous system (CNS) by the functional mechanisms and especially the extent and speed. When an axon is damaged, the distal segment undergoes Wallerian degeneration, losing its myelin sheath. The proximal segment can either die by apoptosis or undergo the chromatolytic reaction, which is an attempt at repair. In the CNS, synaptic stripping occurs as glial foot processes invade the dead synapse.", "\"Wallerian degeneration\"\nof their myelin sheaths, downregulation of myelin genes, dedifferentiation and proliferation. They finally align in tubes (Büngner bands) and express surface molecules that guide regenerating fibers. Within 4 days of the injury, the distal end of the portion of the nerve fiber proximal to the lesion sends out sprouts towards those tubes and these sprouts are attracted by growth factors produced by Schwann cells in the tubes. If a sprout reaches the tube, it grows into it and advances about 1 mm per day, eventually reaching and reinnervating the target tissue. If the sprouts cannot reach the tube, for instance", "Cerebroside\nis the only glycosphingolipid common to plants, fungi and animals. It is usually considered to be the principal glycosphingolipid in plants. It is a major component of the outer layer of the plasma membrane. Galactosylceramides have not been found in plants. Monogalactosylceramide is the largest single component of the myelin sheath of nerves. Cerebroside synthesis can therefore give a measurement of myelin formation or remyelination. The sugar moiety is linked glycosidically to the C-1 hydroxyl group of ceramide, such as in lactosylceramide. Cerebrosides containing a sulfuric ester (sulfate) group, known as sulfatides, also occur in the myelin sheath of nerves.", "\"Guillain–Barré syndrome\"\nthe myelin sheath by white blood cells (T lymphocytes and macrophages); this process is preceded by activation of a group of blood proteins known as complement. In contrast, the axonal variant is mediated by IgG antibodies and complement against the cell membrane covering the axon without direct lymphocyte involvement. Various antibodies directed at nerve cells have been reported in Guillain–Barré syndrome. In the axonal subtype, these antibodies have been shown to bind to gangliosides, a group of substances found in peripheral nerves. A ganglioside is a molecule consisting of ceramide bound to a small group of hexose-type sugars and containing", "\"Friedreich's ataxia\"\ntime this deficiency causes the aforementioned damage, as well as frequent fatigue due to effects on cellular metabolism. The ataxia of Friedreich's ataxia results from the degeneration of nervous tissue in the spinal cord, in particular sensory neurons essential (through connections with the cerebellum) for directing muscle movement of the arms and legs. The spinal cord becomes thinner and nerve cells lose some of their myelin sheath (the insulating covering on some nerve cells that helps conduct nerve impulses). The condition is named after the German physician Nikolaus Friedreich, who first described it in the 1860s. Symptoms typically begin sometime", "Brain\nis widely believed that activity-dependent modification of synapses is the brain's primary mechanism for learning and memory. Most of the space in the brain is taken up by axons, which are often bundled together in what are called \"\"nerve fiber tracts\"\". A myelinated axon is wrapped in a fatty insulating sheath of myelin, which serves to greatly increase the speed of signal propagation. (There are also unmyelinated axons). Myelin is white, making parts of the brain filled exclusively with nerve fibers appear as light-colored white matter, in contrast to the darker-colored grey matter that marks areas with high densities of", "\"Myelin protein zero\"\nMyelin protein zero Myelin protein zero (P0, MPZ) is a single membrane glycoprotein which in humans is encoded by the \"\"MPZ\"\" gene. P0 is a major structural component of the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Myelin protein zero is expressed by Schwann cells and accounts for over 50% of all proteins in the peripheral nervous system, making it the most common protein expressed in the PNS. Mutations in myelin protein zero can cause myelin deficiency and are associated with neuropathies like Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease and Dejerine–Sottas disease. In humans, the gene that encodes myelin protein zero is located", "\"Myelin protein zero\"\nresult in neuropathy because the cytoplasmic domain has been demonstrated to be necessary for homotypic interactions. Myelin protein zero Myelin protein zero (P0, MPZ) is a single membrane glycoprotein which in humans is encoded by the \"\"MPZ\"\" gene. P0 is a major structural component of the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Myelin protein zero is expressed by Schwann cells and accounts for over 50% of all proteins in the peripheral nervous system, making it the most common protein expressed in the PNS. Mutations in myelin protein zero can cause myelin deficiency and are associated with neuropathies like", "\"Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease\"\nexchange molecular signals that regulate survival and differentiation. These signals are disrupted in CMT. Demyelinating Schwann cells causes abnormal axon structure and function. They may cause axon degeneration, or they may simply cause axons to malfunction. The myelin sheath allows nerve cells to conduct signals faster. When the myelin sheath is damaged, nerve signals are slower, and this can be measured by a common neurological test, electromyography. When the axon is damaged, though, this results in a reduced compound muscle action potential. CMT can be diagnosed through symptoms, through measurement of the speed of nerve impulses (nerve conduction studies), through", "\"Morton's neuroma\"\nalso has an increased risk that scar tissue will form in a location that causes ongoing pain. Cryogenic neuroablation is a lesser known alternative to neurectomy surgery. Cryogenic neuroablation (also known as cryo injection therapy, cryoneurolysis, cryosurgery or cryoablation) is the destruction of axons to prevent them from carrying painful impulses. This is accomplished by making a small incision (~3 mm) and inserting a cryoneedle that applies extremely low temperatures of between −50 °C to −70 °C to the nerve/neuroma. This results in degeneration of the intracellular elements, axons, and myelin sheath (which houses the neuroma) with wallerian degeneration. The", "Glia\nearlier developmental state to encourage regrowth of the axon. This difference between the CNS and the PNS, raises hopes for the regeneration of nervous tissue in the CNS. For example, a spinal cord may be able to be repaired following injury or severance. Schwann cells are also known as neuri-lemmocytes. These cells envelop nerve fibers of the PNS by winding repeatedly around a nerve fiber with the nucleus inside of it. This process creates a myelin sheath, which not only aids in conductivity but also assists in the regeneration of damaged fibers. Oligodendrocytes are another type of glial cell of", "Stringhalt\ndigital flexor. The location of neuromuscular lesions in Australian stringhalt may be explained by the susceptibility of longer, larger myelinated nerve fibres to injury. Regenerating nerve fibres with disproportionately thin myelin sheaths are more common in the proximal parts of affected nerves in horses with Australian stringhalt. Distal axonopathy occurs most severely in the longest nerve in the horse. The cause for this distal axonopathy remains unknown. Horses affected with this condition rarely recover without surgical intervention, although there have been some instances where horses have recovered without treatment. The recovery time in affected horses can range from three months", "\"Pain in fish\"\nthat are similar in function to those in mammals. There are two types of nerve fibre relevant to pain in fish. Group C nerve fibres are a type of sensory nerve fibre which lack a myelin sheath and have a small diameter, meaning they have a low nerve conduction velocity. The suffering that humans associate with burns, toothaches, or crushing injury are caused by C fibre activity. A typical human cutaneous nerve contains 83% Group C nerve fibres. A-delta fibres are another type of sensory nerve fibre, however, these are myelinated and therefore transmit impulses faster than non-myelinated C fibres.", "\"Node of Ranvier\"\nof the action potential. Many vertebrate axons are surrounded by a myelin sheath, allowing rapid and efficient saltatory (\"\"jumping\"\") propagation of action potentials. The contacts between neurons and glial cells display a very high level of spatial and temporal organization in myelinated fibers. The myelinating glial cells; oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS), and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), are wrapped around the axon, leaving the axolemma relatively uncovered at the regularly spaced nodes of Ranvier. The internodal glial membranes are fused to form compact myelin, whereas the cytoplasm-filled paranodal loops of myelinating cells are spirally", "\"Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy\"\nHNPP is part of the group of hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN) disorders and is linked to Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease (CMT). Among the signs/symptoms of hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy are the following (different symptoms are caused by different nerves, such as the \"\"foot drop\"\" is caused by the \"\"peroneal nerve\"\"): Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy is an autosomal dominant genetic disease (which means one parent must be affected). A mutation in one copy of the gene PMP-22 (Peripheral myelin protein 22, 17p11.2) that makes the peripheral myelin protein causes haploinsufficiency, where the activity of the", "Cholesterol\nlayers, cholesterol and phospholipids, both electrical insulators, can facilitate speed of transmission of electrical impulses along nerve tissue. For many neuron fibers, a myelin sheath, rich in cholesterol since it is derived from compacted layers of Schwann cell membrane, provides insulation for more efficient conduction of impulses. Demyelination (loss of some of these Schwann cells) is believed to be part of the basis for multiple sclerosis. Within cells, cholesterol is also a precursor molecule for several biochemical pathways. For example, it is the precursor molecule for the synthesis of vitamin D and all steroid hormones, including the adrenal gland hormones", "Glia\nthe CNS. These dendrocytes resemble an octopus bulbous body and contain up to fifteen arm-like processes. Each “arm” reaches out to a nerve fiber and spirals around it, creating a myelin sheath. This myelin sheath insulates the nerve fiber from the extracellular fluid as well as speeds up the signal conduction in the nerve fiber. Recent research indicates that glial cells of the hippocampus and cerebellum participate in synaptic transmission, regulate the clearance of neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft, and release gliotransmitters such as ATP, which modulate synaptic function. Astrocytes are crucial in clearance of neurotransmitters from within the synaptic", "\"Alcoholic polyneuropathy\"\nleakage, and slows signal transmission. Disruptions in conductance first affect the peripheral ends of the longest and largest peripheral nerve fibers because they suffer most from decreased action potential propagation. Thus, neural deterioration occurs in an accelerating cycle: myelin damage reduces conductance, and reduced conductance contributes to myelin degradation. The slowed conduction of action potentials in axons causes segmental demyelination extending proximally; this is also known as retrograde degeneration. Acetaldehyde is toxic to peripheral nerves. There are increased levels of acetaldehyde produced during ethanol metabolism. If the acetaldehyde is not metabolized quickly the nerves may be affected by the accumulation", "Oligodendrocyte\nOligodendrocyte Oligodendrocytes (), or oligodendroglia, are a type of neuroglia discovered by Pío del Río Hortega. Their main functions are to provide support and insulation to axons in the central nervous system of some vertebrates, equivalent to the function performed by Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system. Oligodendrocytes do this by creating the myelin sheath, which is 80% lipid and 20% protein. A single oligodendrocyte can extend its processes to 50 axons, wrapping approximately 1 μm of myelin sheath around each axon; Schwann cells, on the other hand, can wrap around only one axon. Each oligodendrocyte forms one segment", "Neurapraxia\nin which external pressure causes decreased blood flow to the nerve and deformation of the nerve fibers. Repeated or prolonged compression of the nerve results in ischemia and ultimately edema above and below the source of the pressure (I). The thinning of myelin sheaths or focal demyelination are the main consequences of the injury that lead to conduction blockage. There are three distinct classifications and degrees of nerve injury: There are two different forms of mechanical nerve injury involving neurapraxia. The underlying causes of transient nerve injury typically include a brief ischemic episode or any form of compression. More persistent", "\"Nervous tissue\"\nNervous tissue Nervous tissue, also called neural tissue or nerve tissue, is the main tissue component of the nervous system. The nervous system regulates and controls bodily functions and activity and consists of two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) comprising the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the branching peripheral nerves. It is composed of neurons, or nerve cells, which receive and transmit impulses, and neuroglia, also known as glial cells or glia, which assist the propagation of the nerve impulse as well as provide nutrients to the neurons. Nervous tissue is made up", "\"Node of Ranvier\"\nnodes and the degeneration and regeneration of cut fibers had a great influence on Parisian neurology at the Salpêtrière. Soon afterwards, he discovered gaps in sheaths of nerve fibers, which were later called the Nodes of Ranvier. This discovery later led Ranvier to careful histological examination of myelin sheaths and Schwann cells. Node of Ranvier Nodes of Ranvier ( , ), also known as myelin-sheath gaps, occur along a myelinated axon where the axolemma is exposed to the extracellular space. Nodes of Ranvier are uninsulated and highly enriched in ion channels, allowing them to participate in the exchange of ions", "\"Tissue (biology)\"\nwhich generate gross movement; and cardiac muscle, found in the heart where it contracts to pump blood throughout an organism. Cells comprising the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system are classified as nervous (or neural) tissue. In the central nervous system, neural tissues form the brain and spinal cord. In the peripheral nervous system, neural tissues form the cranial nerves and spinal nerves, inclusive of the motor neurons. The epithelial tissues are formed by cells that cover the organ surfaces such as the surface of skin, the airways, the reproductive tract, and the inner lining of the digestive tract." ]
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who won last year 's baseball all star game
[ "American" ]
[ "\"1971 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1971 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1971 Major League Baseball All-Star Game, the 42nd such game, was played on July 13, 1971. The all-stars from the American League and the National League faced each other at Tiger Stadium, home of the Detroit Tigers. The American League won by a score of 6–4. This was the third time that the Tigers had hosted the All-Star Game (at the previous two in 1941 and 1951, Tiger Stadium had been called \"\"Briggs Stadium\"\"). This would be the last time Tiger Stadium hosted the All-Star Game, as when it returned to Detroit in", "\"1986 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1986 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1986 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 57th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 15, 1986, at the Astrodome in Houston, Texas, the home of the Houston Astros of the National League. The game resulted in the American League defeating the National League 3-2 and ended a streak where the NL won 13 of the last 14 games. Boston Red Sox pitcher Roger Clemens was named the Most", "\"1963 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1963 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1963 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 34th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 9, 1963 in Cleveland, Ohio, at Cleveland Municipal Stadium, home of the American League's Cleveland Indians. The game was won by the National League 5–3. From 1959 to 1962, baseball experimented with a pair of All-Star Games per year. That ended with this 1963 game, which also marked the 30th anniversary of the inaugural", "\"1963 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1963 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1963 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 34th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 9, 1963 in Cleveland, Ohio, at Cleveland Municipal Stadium, home of the American League's Cleveland Indians. The game was won by the National League 5–3. From 1959 to 1962, baseball experimented with a pair of All-Star Games per year. That ended with this 1963 game, which also marked the 30th anniversary of the inaugural", "\"Washington Nationals\"\nannounced that Nationals Park was selected by Major League Baseball to host the 2018 All Star Game. In 2016, the Nationals acquired Mets infielder Daniel Murphy, who has made the All Star Game in each of his two years as a National. On July 31, 2018, the Nationals set a scoring record with a 25-4 win over the Mets. The Montreal Expos-Washington Nationals franchise is the only National League franchise and one of only two MLB franchises – with the American League′s Seattle Mariners – which has never reached the World Series. Although the Expos won one postseason series —", "\"Sandy Guerrero\"\nRickie Weeks. Most recently he pitched to Prince again as the BP pitcher in the 2012 All-Star Game at Kauffman Stadium Guerrero and Fielder have won the Home Run Derby twice in 2009 & 2012. Guerrero has been invited the last 4 years to the Major League All-Star Game. In 2015, Sandy pitched once again to Prince Fielder in the 2015 MLB All Star Home Run Derby. Sandy Guerrero Epifanio \"\"Sandy\"\" Obdulio Guerrero Jiménez (born April 6, 1966 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) is a former minor league baseball infielder, who currently serves as the Milwaukee Brewers minor league hitting", "\"All Star Baseball\"\nAll Star Baseball All Star Baseball is one of the two most popular baseball board games of the last sixty years, and has been honored as one of the fifty most influential American board games of all time. It was manufactured by Cadaco-Ellis and designed by baseball player Ethan Allen. The game first appeared in 1941 and a special version is still sold today. It was the best-selling baseball board game of all time, and is the only such game to have been distributed through mass market channels and toy stores for any extended period of time. The annual versions", "\"1934 St. Louis Cardinals season\"\nPaul Dean, the '34 Cardinals won 95 games, the NL pennant, and the World Series in seven games over the Detroit Tigers. The team featured five regulars who hit at least .300, a 30-game winner in Dizzy Dean (the last National League pitcher to win 30 games in a single season, and the last pitcher in Major League Baseball to do so until Denny McLain accomplished the feat for the 1968 Detroit Tigers), and four All-Stars, including player-manager Frisch. Not among the All-Stars was Collins, the first baseman who led the team in 16 offensive categories, with stats like a", "\"Major League Baseball All-Star Game Most Valuable Player Award\"\n2014 and 2015. Alex Bregman of the Houston Astros is the most recent MLB All-Star Game MVP, winning the award in 2018. Only six players have won the MVP award in the only All-Star Game in which they appeared; LaMarr Hoyt, Bo Jackson, J. D. Drew, Melky Cabrera, Eric Hosmer, and Alex Bregman. Major League Baseball All-Star Game Most Valuable Player Award The Major League Baseball All-Star Game Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award is an annual Major League Baseball (MLB) award which is presented to the most outstanding player in each year's MLB All-Star Game. Awarded each season since 1962", "\"1982 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1991 Major League Baseball All-Star Game in Toronto nine years later. It is also the last All-Star Game in which the manager of the runner-up for any league pennant managed in place of the manager of the defending league champions due to the latter's unemployment; Billy Martin of the Oakland Athletics managed in place of Bob Lemon, who had been fired by the New York Yankees, Martin's former team. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. The AL drew first blood in the first off NL starter Steve Rogers when Reggie Jackson drove", "\"All Star Baseball\"\nmarket for older cards, which are broken down into several eras (all years are approximate) as printing technology evolved: The published 1941 game was considered only a first draft. In 1975, Cadaco did try a version with 8 categories instead of 14, but the cards were already collected by dedicated players and the re-design was abandoned by Cadaco. Despite the increases in complexity, the game was intended for boys, not adults. All Star Baseball All Star Baseball is one of the two most popular baseball board games of the last sixty years, and has been honored as one of the", "\"2012 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n, clear; Wind: 11 mph, in from left field <br> Time of Game: 2:59 <br> Attendance: 40,933 2012 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2012 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 83rd edition of the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. It was held on July 10, 2012, during the 2012 Major League Baseball season at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri, home of the Kansas City Royals. This marked the third time the Mid-summer Classic had been played in Kansas City, with Kauffman Stadium (then named Royals Stadium) last hosting the event in 1973, the stadium's first year of", "\"1997 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nin the 1993 All-Star Game, in which he also threw over his head. In spite of garnering a reputation of avoiding Johnson, Walker batted .393 (11 hits in 28 at bats) against him in his career, nearly double the rate of all left-handed batters at .199. After the game, Major League Baseball CEO Paul Beeston presented Alomar with the All-Star Game MVP Award in lieu of the Commissioner of Baseball, who would not be named until after the next All-Star Game, when then-Chairman of the Executive Committee Bud Selig was officially named Commissioner. This was the last All-Star Game in", "\"2012 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n2012 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2012 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 83rd edition of the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. It was held on July 10, 2012, during the 2012 Major League Baseball season at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri, home of the Kansas City Royals. This marked the third time the Mid-summer Classic had been played in Kansas City, with Kauffman Stadium (then named Royals Stadium) last hosting the event in 1973, the stadium's first year of existence. The event was also held at Municipal Stadium in 1960, when the Athletics were still based", "\"Lee Hedges\"\nPierremont Oaks, until he was into his eighties. Hedges was a three-sport star (football, basketball, baseball) at Fair Park, an All-State running back in 1947 who help Fair Park run its winning streak against crosstown rival Byrd to five years in a row in the annual Thanksgiving Day game at Louisiana State Fair Stadium in Shreveport. He then played football and baseball at LSU. He was a quarterback for a time at LSU, then switched to running back and was part of the \"\"Cinderella\"\" 1949 Tigers team that won its last six games and took an 8–2 record into the", "\"1979 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1979 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1979 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 50th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues constituting Major League Baseball. It was held on Tuesday, July 17, at the Kingdome in Seattle, Washington, the home of the third-year Seattle Mariners of the American League. The National League won for their eighth The game featured memorable defensive play by outfielder Dave Parker, as he had two assists on putouts: one at third base and one at home plate. With Parker receiving", "\"1972 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nwas 5–0 in those extra inning games. The home run hit by Hank Aaron was the last one in an All-Star Game by a player from the host team for 25 years. This did not happen again until Sandy Alomar, Jr. of the Cleveland Indians homered at Jacobs Field in the 1997 All-Star Game. The homer by Cookie Rojas, a native of Cuba, was the first one ever hit in an All-Star Game for the American League by a player who was born outside the United States. Nate Colbert, who scored the winning run, brought the wrong uniform with him", "\"2004 Atlanta Braves season\"\nGames pitched; W = Wins; L = Losses; SV = Saves; ERA = Earned run average; SO = Strikeouts\"\" Houston wins series, 3-2. Atlanta suffered a 1st round elimination for the third consecutive postseason and fourth time out of the last five. 2004 Major League Baseball season 2004 Major League Baseball All-Star Game Johnny Estrada represented the Atlanta Braves as a catcher for the National League All-Star team. 2004 Atlanta Braves season The 2004 Atlanta Braves season marked the franchise's 39th season in Atlanta and 134th overall. The Braves won their 13th consecutive division title under Manager of the Year", "\"2006 Major League Baseball season\"\nin the BALCO scandal, surpassed Babe Ruth for second place on the career home runs list. <section begin=postseason /><section end=postseason /> ±hosted the MLB All Star Game The following players reached major home run milestones in 2006: 2006 in baseball 2006 Major League Baseball season The 2006 Major League Baseball season ended with the National League's St. Louis Cardinals winning the World Series with the lowest regular season victory total in a non-strike season in history. The American League continued its domination at the All-Star Game by winning its fourth straight game; the A.L. has won nine of the last", "\"1945 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nPress and or the \"\"Sporting News\"\" (Fred Lieb) All-Star rosters who had not been an official MLB All-Star before and after the 1945 season are: 1945 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1945 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was cancelled on April 24 after the Major League Baseball (MLB) season began on April 17. The July 10 game was cancelled due to wartime travel restrictions in World War II. 1945 is the only year since 1933 when the first official All-Star Game was played, that an All-Star Game was cancelled and All-Stars were not officially selected. This was to have", "\"Labatt Park\"\nwhen Paige was barnstorming with a baseball version of the Harlem Globetrotters. Paige pitched the last three innings of an exhibition game against another legendary barnstorming ream—The House of David baseball team, who all sported beards and long hair and travelled with their own generator-powered lights (before Labatt Park installed lights in the 1940s), which featured noted baseball clown, Frank (Bobo) Nickerson. As of October 1, 1923, The London Colored Stars, a Negro baseball team, had won 15 of 19 games and announced they \"\"are looking for more engagements.\"\" Additionally, numerous former players with the Negro Leagues played in the", "\"2011 Australian Baseball League All-Star Game\"\nWorld All-Stars. The World All-Stars defeated Team Australia 8–5. Tyler Collins, designated hitter for the World All-Stars won the game's Most Valuable Player award. 2011 Australian Baseball League All-Star Game The 2011 Australian Baseball League All-Star Game, known as the 2011 ConocoPhillips Australia ABL All-Star Game due to naming rights sponsorship from ConocoPhillips, was the first exhibition game held by the Australian Baseball League (ABL) between Team Australia and a team of World All-Stars. The game was held on Wednesday, 21 December 2011 at Baseball Park in Perth, Western Australia, home of the Perth Heat. The players involved were selected", "\"2003 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nAL would win the next six years, as well as the last four. The winning league had a 9-5 record in the corresponding year's World Series, with the AL winning in six years, and the NL in eight. This All-Star Game marked the seventh All-Star appearance for the Naval Station Great Lakes color guard from Waukegan, Illinois, who this year was joined by police officers from the Kane County Sheriff's Department who presented the Canadian and American flags in the outfield. Both the five-man color guard and the sheriff's department officers accompanied Michael Bublé, who sang O Canada, and Vanessa", "\"1954 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nHodges and Randy Jackson for the last three outs of the game. The win broke a four-game All-Star losing streak for the American League. After this game, the AL led the all-time All-Star Series 13–8. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. <br> \"\"Play-by-play at Retrosheet\"\" 1954 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1954 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 21st playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 13,", "\"2001 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n2001 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2001 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 72nd playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 10, 2001 at Safeco Field in Seattle, Washington, home of the Seattle Mariners of the American League. The American League defeated the National League, 4–1. This was Cal Ripken, Jr.'s 19th and final All-Star Game. It was also the final All-Star Game for San Diego Padres legendary right fielder Tony Gwynn. In the first", "\"2001 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nAL. Cal Ripken was awarded the game's MVP, becoming the fourth player ever to win two All-Star Game MVP awards. 2001 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2001 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 72nd playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 10, 2001 at Safeco Field in Seattle, Washington, home of the Seattle Mariners of the American League. The American League defeated the National League, 4–1. This was Cal Ripken, Jr.'s 19th and final All-Star", "\"2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 87th edition of the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. The game was hosted by the San Diego Padres and was played at Petco Park on July 12, 2016. It was televised nationally on Fox. The American League All-Stars defeated the National League All-Stars by a score of 4–2 to win home field advantage for the 2016 World Series (which went to the Cleveland Indians). This was also the last time home-field advantage for the World Series was determined by the outcome of the All-Star Game.", "\"Nashville Sounds all-time roster\"\nalso won the Comeback Player of the Year Award. Fourteen alumni have won a Rawlings Gold Glove Award, and thirteen have won a Silver Slugger Award. Sixty-two former players have been selected to play in the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. Prince Fielder is the only former Sound to be chosen as the All-Star Game MVP. Trevor Hoffman, Barry Larkin, and Tim Raines have been elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Nashville Sounds all-time roster The Nashville Sounds Minor League Baseball team has played in Nashville, Tennessee, since its inception in the 1978 season. As of the completion", "\"Yankee Stadium (1923)\"\n62,000. This was the second All-Star Game held in New York; the Polo Grounds had hosted the event in 1934. From 1959 to 1962, Major League Baseball held two All-Star Games each year. On July 13, 1960, Yankee Stadium hosted baseball's second All-Star Game in three days. The National League won both games. In the latter game, Whitey Ford was the starting pitcher. Yogi Berra (catcher), Mickey Mantle (outfield), Roger Maris (outfield) and Bill Skowron (first base) were in the starting lineup; Jim Coates (pitcher) and Elston Howard (catcher) were reserves. The National League won the Yankee Stadium game, 6–0,", "\"2008 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nhis place in the starting lineup. Selected to start but unable to play due to injury. Matt Holliday took his place in the starting lineup. David Wright took his place on the roster. Won the Monster All-Star Final Vote. Unable to play due to injury. Carlos Mármol took his place on the roster. <br>Lincecum was not available to the National League due to flu-like symptoms he suffered earlier in the day. To commemorate the last all-star game at Yankee Stadium, every living member of the Baseball Hall of Fame was invited to the game. Forty-nine players, coaches, and administrators accepted", "\"2013 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nfield <br> Time of Game: 3:06 <br> Attendance: 45,186 2013 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2013 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 84th edition of the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. It was held on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at Citi Field in Queens, New York City, the home of the New York Mets. This was the first time that the Mets have hosted an All-Star Game since 1964, the team's inaugural season at Shea Stadium, and the ninth time the All-Star Game was held in New York City. The game was last held in New York City", "\"1993 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1993 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1993 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 64th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 13, 1993, at Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Baltimore, Maryland, the home of the Baltimore Orioles of the American League. The game resulted in the American League defeating the National League 9-3. This is also the last Major League Baseball All-Star Game to date to be televised by CBS. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have", "\"1988 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nTwins was the winning pitcher. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. 1988 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1988 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 59th playing of the \"\"Midsummer Classic\"\" between Major League Baseball's American League (AL) and National League All-Star teams. The All-Star Game was held on July 12, 1988, at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati, Ohio, the home of the NL's Cincinnati Reds. The game resulted in the AL defeating the NL 2-1. Terry Steinbach, a catcher for the AL's Oakland Athletics, won the All-Star game's most valuable player", "\"2006 Major League Baseball season\"\n2006 Major League Baseball season The 2006 Major League Baseball season ended with the National League's St. Louis Cardinals winning the World Series with the lowest regular season victory total in a non-strike season in history. The American League continued its domination at the All-Star Game by winning its fourth straight game; the A.L. has won nine of the last ten contests (the 2002 game was a tie). This season, the Atlanta Braves failed to qualify for the postseason for the first time since 1990. Individual achievements included Barry Bonds who, despite questions surrounding his alleged steroid use and involvement", "\"Triple-A All-Star Game\"\nis the only player to win the Triple-A Home Run Derby and the Major League Baseball Home Run Derby. He won the Triple-A version in 1990 and the MLB version in 1993. The winners of each year's contest are as follows. Triple-A All-Star Game The Triple-A All-Star Game is an annual baseball game sanctioned by Minor League Baseball between professional players from the two affiliated Triple-A leagues—the International League (IL) and the Pacific Coast League (PCL). Each league fields a team composed of players in their respective leagues as voted on by fans, the media, and each club's field manager,", "\"1960 Major League Baseball All-Star Game (second game)\"\n1960 Major League Baseball All-Star Game (second game) The second 1960 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 29th playing of Major League Baseball's annual midsummer exhibition game. The game took place at Yankee Stadium in New York City, home of the American League's New York Yankees. The National League won the game by a score of 6–0. The National League hit four home runs, tying an All-Star Game record. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. For many local New York fans, the second All-Star Game marked the return of Willie Mays", "\"2013 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n2013 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2013 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 84th edition of the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. It was held on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at Citi Field in Queens, New York City, the home of the New York Mets. This was the first time that the Mets have hosted an All-Star Game since 1964, the team's inaugural season at Shea Stadium, and the ninth time the All-Star Game was held in New York City. The game was last held in New York City in 2008, when the old Yankee Stadium hosted it", "\"2013 Kansas City Royals season\"\nfirst since 2003. During the offseason, the Kansas City Royals donated over $4 million in funds raised during the 2012 All-Star game for various projects in the Kansas City area communities, including building two baseball facilities for disabled children. Alex Gordon signed a $37.5 million four-year deal last season with the Royals. The team lost Eric Hosmer to the United States team for the World Baseball Classic. Right-handed pitcher Zack Greinke, who won the 2009 AL Cy Young Award while with Kansas City, signed a $147 million six-year contract to join the Los Angeles Dodgers in the offseason but was", "\"2015 NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race\"\nmore last year than the year before that and so I’m sure that this year was nothing different. I think I got close at the end and they came through. They always come through. I am lucky to have such great fans.\"\" Denny Hamlin won the pole for the All-Star Race with a cumulative time of 1:51.227 and a speed of . Like the Kansas race the previous week, the qualifying session started on Fox News Channel, due to a Major League Baseball game running long, the qualifying session went on Fox Sports 1 13 minutes later. The Sprint All-Star", "\"1988 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1988 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1988 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 59th playing of the \"\"Midsummer Classic\"\" between Major League Baseball's American League (AL) and National League All-Star teams. The All-Star Game was held on July 12, 1988, at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati, Ohio, the home of the NL's Cincinnati Reds. The game resulted in the AL defeating the NL 2-1. Terry Steinbach, a catcher for the AL's Oakland Athletics, won the All-Star game's most valuable player award. Steinbach was credited with both of the AL's two runs in the game. Frank Viola of the Minnesota", "\"1999 Baseball Hall of Fame balloting\"\nplayers were elected and 16 who last played during 1980–93 were forwarded to next year. Mickey Lolich and Minnie Miñoso were on the ballot for the 15th and final time, although Miñoso's term as a candidate was not consecutive. The field of newly-eligible candidates, who played their last games during 1993, included 19 All-Stars (ten on the ballot) with a total of 63 All-Star selections. Some of them were 13-time All-Star George Brett, 11-time All-Star Carlton Fisk, 8-time All-Star Nolan Ryan and 7-time All-Star Dale Murphy. There were two Most Valuable Players in the field (Brett, Murphy, Robin Yount and", "\"Freddie Freeman\"\nLeague Baseball All-Star Game Final Vote, where he won with a record-setting total of 19.7 million fan votes, but was unable to play because of a thumb injury suffered three days prior to the game. Freeman finished the 2013 season with a .319 batting average, along with 23 homers and 109 RBI in 147 games played. He finished 5th on the National League Most Valuable Player award voting. On February 4, 2014, Freeman agreed to an eight-year, $135 million extension. Freeman was named an All-Star for the second time in 2014, and played the last three innings of the game.", "\"Major League Baseball All-Star Game Most Valuable Player Award\"\nMajor League Baseball All-Star Game Most Valuable Player Award The Major League Baseball All-Star Game Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award is an annual Major League Baseball (MLB) award which is presented to the most outstanding player in each year's MLB All-Star Game. Awarded each season since 1962 (two games were held and an award was presented to each game winner in 1962), it was originally called the \"\"Arch Ward Memorial Award\"\" in honor of Arch Ward, the man who conceived of the All-Star Game in 1933. The award's name was changed to the \"\"Commissioner's Trophy\"\" in 1970 (two National League", "\"The Baseball Network\"\nAll-Star Game television rights were supposed to alternate. When ABC and NBC last covered baseball together from 1976 to 1989, ABC had the rights to the World Series in odd-numbered years while NBC would cover the All-Star Game and both League Championship Series in said years. Likewise, this process would alternate in even numbered years, with ABC getting the All-Star Game and both LCS in years that NBC had the World Series. The networks also promised not to begin any World Series weekend broadcasts after 7:20 p.m. Eastern Time. When CBS held the television rights, postseason games routinely aired on", "\"1977 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nwould win the World Series in the same year. As of 2008, the 1977 Yankees were the last team to accomplish this. The previous teams to accomplish this were the 1939 New York Yankees and the 1959 Los Angeles Dodgers. This was Yankee Stadium's third time as host of the All-Star Game, and it would be its last until 2008; the last year of the park's use by the Yankees. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. The National League started with Joe Morgan blasting American League starter Jim Palmer's sixth pitch into", "\"2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nTenors until further notice. 2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 87th edition of the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. The game was hosted by the San Diego Padres and was played at Petco Park on July 12, 2016. It was televised nationally on Fox. The American League All-Stars defeated the National League All-Stars by a score of 4–2 to win home field advantage for the 2016 World Series (which went to the Cleveland Indians). This was also the last time home-field advantage for the World Series was determined by the outcome", "\"1955 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nin the last six All-Star games, even though the American League still held a 13–9 overall advantage. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. \"\"Play-by-play at Retrosheet\"\" 1955 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1955 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 22nd playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 12, 1955, at Milwaukee County Stadium, the home of the Milwaukee Braves of the National League. The National League overcame", "\"1999 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nthe American League by the final score of 4-1. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. This was the last All-Star Game with umpires from separate leagues. In 2000, Major League Baseball unified the umpiring staffs under its control. Four umpires in this game (Evans, Tata, Ford and Johnson) lost their jobs less than two months later as part of the 1999 Major League Umpires Association mass resignation. 1999 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1999 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 70th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of", "\"Rick Sutcliffe\"\nYoung voting to Steve Bedrosian despite playing for a last-place Cubs team which also featured National League Most Valuable Player Andre Dawson. He also was presented 1987's Roberto Clemente Award, given annually to a Major League player who demonstrates sportsmanship and community involvement. On July 29, 1988 in Philadelphia, Rick achieved one of baseball's rarest feats, especially for a pitcher, by stealing home plate during an 8-3 win over the Phillies, in which he also notched the victory. In , Sutcliffe won 16 games and made his final All-Star appearance, where he was managed once again by Tommy Lasorda. He", "\"1985 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nAL's second home run. Attendance was announced as 54,960. 1985 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1985 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 56th playing of the game, annually played between the All-Stars of the National League and the All-Stars of the American League. The game was played on July 16, 1985, in the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minnesota, home of the Minnesota Twins. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. NL Batting Order AL Batting Order The National League won the game 6–1, with the winning pitcher being LaMarr", "\"1977 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1977 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1977 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 48th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 19, 1977, at Yankee Stadium in The Bronx, New York, New York the home of the New York Yankees of the American League. The game resulted in the National League defeating the American League 7–5. The host Yankees won the World Series; the third time in history that a team hosting the All-Star Game", "\"1985 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1985 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1985 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 56th playing of the game, annually played between the All-Stars of the National League and the All-Stars of the American League. The game was played on July 16, 1985, in the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minnesota, home of the Minnesota Twins. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. NL Batting Order AL Batting Order The National League won the game 6–1, with the winning pitcher being LaMarr Hoyt of the San Diego Padres and the losing", "\"Major League Baseball on ESPN Radio\"\nBaseball beginning the following year. CBS Radio had been the national radio broadcaster since 1976. The agreement lasted seven years through 2004 and gave ESPN Radio the rights to broadcast numerous games including \"\"Sunday Night Baseball\"\", Saturday \"\"Game of the Week\"\", Opening Day and holiday games, September weekday pennant race games, the All-Star Game and Home Run Derby, and all of the playoffs, including the World Series. In 2004, ESPN Radio extended the deal with a five-year, $55 million dollar contract extension through the 2010 season. The agreement also added a weekly program devoted to baseball, which became \"\"The Baseball", "\"2014 Washington Nationals season\"\nGames pitched; GS = Games started; SV = Saves; IP = Innings pitched; R = Runs allowed; ER = Earned runs allowed; BB = Walks allowed; K = Strikeouts\"\" \"\"Complete postseason pitching statistics are available here.\"\" Both Zimmermann and Clippard were selected as all-stars for the second time. Zimmermann did not appear in the 2014 Major League Baseball All-Star Game due to injury. Matt Williams became only the fourth Major League baseball manager to win the Manager of the Year award in his first season as a manager, joining Houston's Hal Lanier, who won in 1986, San Francisco's Dusty Baker,", "\"Ed Reulbach\"\nsecond one-hitter in Series history, only to be surpassed by Don Larsen's perfect game in Game 5 of the 1956 World Series. His best year was 1908, when he won 24 games for the National League and World Series champion Cubs, their last Series championship until they won it again in 2016. He pitched two shutouts in one day against the Brooklyn Dodgers on September 26, 1908. No other pitcher has ever accomplished this feat in the major leagues. In a 1976 \"\"Esquire\"\" magazine article, sportswriter Harry Stein published an \"\"All Time All-Star Argument Starter\"\", consisting of five ethnic baseball", "\"1962 National League tie-breaker series\"\nNew York Yankees defeated them in seven games. In baseball statistics, the tie-breaker series counted as the 163rd, 164th, and 165th regular-season games for both teams, with all events in the series added to regular-season statistics. The 1962 series was the fourth tie-breaker playoff in the National League's 87 years of operation, with all four happening within 17 years, following 1946, 1951 and 1959. Moreover, all four involved the Dodgers' franchise, which won one of those series (1959's) and lost the other three. It was the last MLB tie-breaker to use a best-of-three games format, as the NL subsequently adopted", "\"Elmwood Giants\"\nLeague. The Elmwood Giants have always been and are a Canadian minor league baseball organization, based in the Elmwood community of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Teams operated by the organization at various levels have known considerable success. Last year's (2010) edition of the Junior team won the MJBL pennant and the Western Canada Baseball Association Junior AAA championship. Last year's (2010 edition of the Senior team won the WSBL pennant and the Baseball Manitoba Senior AA All-Stars tournament. They were also finalists (Silver medailsts) in the Western Canada Baseball Association Senior AA Championship. They will compete again this year in that same", "\"Tetelo Vargas\"\nan active player in the Negro leagues. Meanwhile, in Caguas, Puerto Rico, Vargas established himself as an All-Star, playing in the Puerto Rican All-Star game multiple times during the 1940s. At the time, a series of different sports competitions preceded the All-Star game in Puerto Rico, all of them involving baseball players and for the All-Star game's public's enjoyment. Vargas, who won various stolen base titles through his career, won a number of sprint races as an All-Star player in Puerto Rico. He went on to play with the Guayama Witches and the Santurce Crabbers before heading to the Mexican", "\"1994 NECBL All-Star Game\"\nleague be sanctioned by Major League Baseball. This followed a presentation of a letter of thanks to him during the game by the Chief Financial Officer of Major League Baseball, Jeff White. 1994 NECBL All-Star Game The 1994 NECBL All-Star Game was the 1st exhibition game between all-stars of the New England Collegiate Baseball League. The game was contested between the league-leading Bristol Nighthawks and an All-Star team from the league's other four teams. The game, played at Muzzy Field in Bristol, Connecticut, was won 6-0 by the Nighthawks. Ryan Fitzgerald, of Brandeis University and South Hadley, Massachusetts, led the", "\"Fritz Peterson\"\nsuccessful left handed pitchers in baseball; only Mike Cuellar, Mickey Lolich and Dave McNally won more games in the American League than Peterson did during those four years. He is ninth on the Yankees All-Time Games Started list, and tenth on the All-Time Yankees Innings Pitched list. Peterson never played in a post-season game with the Yankees. “Mediocre at best,” Peterson said of the Yankee teams that followed the Mantle-Maris era of the mid to late 1960's. “Pathetic at worst.” He was named to the 1970 AL All-Star team. The American League team was leading 4–1 in the bottom of", "\"Angelo State Rams baseball\"\nConference selections, 40 All-Region picks and 23 All-American selections. Brooks has also prepared his players for the next level as 22 former Rams have played or are currently playing professional baseball, including 7 in the last 2 years. In 2016, the Rams once again won the regular season Lone Star Conference title and swept their way to the D2 World Series winning 4 straight games at the South Central Regional to advance in back to back years, a feat never accomplished before in the South Central region. In 2015, Brooks and the Rams advanced to the College World Series for", "\"1971 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nflannels full-time. Players from the Orioles, Pirates and Cardinals wore polyester uniforms in this All-Star Game. Yankee catcher, Thurman Munson, did not hit but came in to catch in the top of the eighth inning. 1971 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1971 Major League Baseball All-Star Game, the 42nd such game, was played on July 13, 1971. The all-stars from the American League and the National League faced each other at Tiger Stadium, home of the Detroit Tigers. The American League won by a score of 6–4. This was the third time that the Tigers had hosted the All-Star", "\"2009 PBA All-Star Week\"\n2009 PBA All-Star Week The 2009 PBA All-Star Week was the annual all-star weekend of the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA)'s 2008–09 PBA season. This year's all-star game was totally different from the past All-Star games, as this year's event had 3 all-star games in different cities: Victorias, Negros Occidental (April 22), Panabo, Davao del Norte (April 24), and Quezon City (April 26). Mick Pennisi won the game's MVP honors. Jared Dillinger won the game's MVP honors. Held prior to the All-Star Game at the Araneta Coliseum on April 26. Time in seconds. David Noel was named as the All-Star MVP.", "\"2009 PBA All-Star Week\"\n2009 PBA All-Star Week The 2009 PBA All-Star Week was the annual all-star weekend of the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA)'s 2008–09 PBA season. This year's all-star game was totally different from the past All-Star games, as this year's event had 3 all-star games in different cities: Victorias, Negros Occidental (April 22), Panabo, Davao del Norte (April 24), and Quezon City (April 26). Mick Pennisi won the game's MVP honors. Jared Dillinger won the game's MVP honors. Held prior to the All-Star Game at the Araneta Coliseum on April 26. Time in seconds. David Noel was named as the All-Star MVP.", "\"1977 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\noff Rich Gossage for the final margin. 1977 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1977 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 48th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 19, 1977, at Yankee Stadium in The Bronx, New York, New York the home of the New York Yankees of the American League. The game resulted in the National League defeating the American League 7–5. The host Yankees won the World Series; the third time in history", "\"The Greatest Baseball Game Never Played\"\nThe Greatest Baseball Game Never Played The Greatest Baseball Game Never Played was a 1982 simulated broadcast of a hypothetical baseball game between all-time Major League Baseball greats. The broadcast was aired on 200 radio stations in the United States and Canada and also released as a record album. The simulated game was announced by Jack Buck and Lindsey Nelson and set in Philadelphia's Shibe Park. Following the format of the All-Star Game, it featured National League players against players from the American League. The National League won 5-4. The Greatest Game Never Played documents the perception of who the", "\"2020 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n40 years that Dodger Stadium will host the game. 2020 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2020 Major League Baseball All-Star Game will be the 91st Major League Baseball All-Star Game, held between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and the National League (NL). The game will be hosted by the Los Angeles Dodgers of the NL. This will be the second All-Star Game held at Dodger Stadium, following the 1980 All-Star Game, and the fourth hosted by the Dodgers. Bidding for the 2020 All-Star Game began in 2017. It was awarded on April 11, 2018, by MLB Commissioner", "\"Jim Duncan (cornerback)\"\nto playing on the school's baseball and basketball teams. He earned all-conference honors in football in 1967 and appeared in the 1968 Chicago College All-Star Game. Duncan was selected by the Colts in the fourth round of the 1968 NFL Draft. In 1970, Duncan won a starting position during the season and he intercepted two passes in the team's last four games. On special teams that year, he averaged 35.4 yards per return on 20 kick returns. He was a starter for the Colts in their Super Bowl V victory that year. In 1971, Duncan began the season with a", "\"1973 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nbefore (1960) when the Kansas City Athletics had been the host team at Kansas City's Municipal Stadium. After this game was played, the Royals did not host another All-Star Game until they were awarded the 2012 All-Star Game. Arrowhead Stadium, which shares the same parking lot as part of the Harry S. Truman Sports Complex, hosted the 1974 Pro Bowl about six months after this game. This game marked the 40th anniversary year of the first All-Star Game in 1933. As a part of that recognition, some of the surviving stars from that first game, including Dick Bartell, Joe Cronin,", "\"Springfield Sallies\"\nSpringfield Sallies The Springfield Sallies were a women's professional baseball team who joined the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League in the 1948 season. The team represented Springfield, Illinois, and played their games at Jim Fitzpatrick Memorial Stadium. The helpless Sallies were the worst in the league, getting roughed up as a last-place expansion club with a 41-84 record, ending 35 and a half games behind the Racine Belles in the Western Division. The club was managed by former bigleaguer Carson Bigbee, but had no All-Stars, and the only players to have a significant year were second sacker Evelyn Wawryshyn, who", "\"Under Armour All-America Baseball Game\"\nextra innings and featured a walk-off hit, both firsts in the game's history, and was won by the American team, 2–1 in 11 innings. Note: games broadcast on MLB Network are usually streamed on Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Under Armour All-America Baseball Game The Under Armour High School All-America Baseball Game is a high school baseball all-star game held annually to spotlight the United States' top high school players who are juniors or seniors. The game is played in late July or August, at Wrigley Field in Chicago. Since 2008", "\"2008 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n2008 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2008 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 79th midseason exhibition between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and the National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was played at Yankee Stadium in The Bronx, New York City, home of the New York Yankees, on July 15, 2008 and began at 8:47 p.m. ET. The game ended at 1:38 a.m. ET the following morning. The home American League won 4–3 in 15 innings, giving home field advantage in the 2008 World Series to the AL champion, which", "\"High Heat Major League Baseball\"\nrights to the High Heat franchise from 3DO, however, Microsoft has yet to develop a new title in the series. \"\"High Heat\"\" was traditionally known for possessing more simulation-style qualities than competitors \"\"World Series Baseball\"\", \"\"All Star Baseball\"\", or \"\"Triple Play Baseball\"\", but frequently lagged behind in graphical quality. At the core of \"\"High Heat\"\"′s gameplay was its batter-pitcher interface, which was often hailed as the most realistic of its era. According to GameDaily, \"\"Although [the original] \"\"High Heat Baseball\"\" was not a big seller, the game won numerous awards\"\". \"\"Computer Games Magazine\"\" and \"\"PC Gamer US\"\" both named \"\"High", "\"1996 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1998 Major League Baseball All-Star Game, Selig was officially named Commissioner of Baseball. This is the only All-Star Game in which not a single pitcher walked a batter; appropriately, Braves closer Mark Wohlers was the final pitcher of the game. Veterans Stadium also held the \"\"distinction\"\" of being the most recent host stadium to be closed down, a distinction it lost after Yankee Stadium closed at the conclusion of the 2008 season. This is also, as of the end of the 2017 MLB season, the last MLB All-Star Game to be played on artificial turf (there are now only two", "\"Josh Whitesell\"\nJosh Whitesell Joshua S. Whitesell (born April 14, 1982, in Durham, North Carolina) is an American former professional baseball first baseman who played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Arizona Diamondbacks and in Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) for the Tokyo Yakult Swallows and Chiba Lotte Marines. In the minor leagues, Whitesell was a Carolina League mid-season All Star in 2005, and an Eastern League mid-season All-Star team in 2007. In 2008, Whitesell was voted the Diamondbacks' 2008 Minor League Player of the Year, a \"\"Baseball America\"\" Triple-A All Star, and the Pacific Coast League Rookie of the Year. \"\"Baseball", "\"Vic Power (baseball)\"\nwhen he played winter baseball in Puerto Rico. He was an AL All-Star for four seasons playing in five of the six All-Star games that were played, and won seven consecutive Gold Glove Awards. Pellot was born in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, the second child in a family of six. Pellot showed an interest in baseball at a young age, however his father didn't want him to play baseball and would punish him if he caught him doing so. When he was 13 years old, his father died and it was only then that he was able to play the game", "\"1997 Australian Baseball League All-Star Game\"\nwho were at the time playing in the Australian Baseball League. 1997 Australian Baseball League All-Star Game The 1997 Australian Baseball League All-Stars Weekend, was the first series of All-Star exhibition games held by the Australian Baseball League. The games were contested over two nights at Carrara Oval on the Gold Coast, The then home of the Gold Coast Cougars franchise.<ref name=\"\"FAI Cup Pitches new finals format and all star competition as baseball bats up for the summer of 1997/1998.\"\"></ref> The games were played between the Australian All-Stars, USA All-Stars and the 1997 Japanese Industrial League Champions the Mitsubishi Juko", "\"2009 NBA All-Star Game\"\nDerrick Rose won the Three-Point Shootout and Skills Challenge respectively. Team Detroit won their second Shootings Stars Competition, beating the home team, Team Phoenix in the final round. Kevin Durant also took home another trophy by winning the inaugural H–O–R–S–E Competition. The coaches for the All-Star game are the head coaches who currently lead the teams with the best winning percentage in their conference through the Sunday two weeks before the All-Star game. The head coaches from the previous year, Doc Rivers and Byron Scott were not eligible for selection. The coach for the Western Conference team was Los Angeles", "\"1994 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nby stabbing Joe Carter's line drive up the middle and then throwing to first to double off Thomas who had taken off for second. In the bottom of the first the NL got to starter Jimmy Key with a double into the left field corner by the Cardinals' Gregg Jeffries and a sac fly by Barry Bonds who was booed lustily by his former fans in Pittsburgh. The NL, who had been dominated in the All Star Games the last 2 years, appeared to be pulling away in the third inning against that season's AL Cy Young Award winner David", "\"Lincoln Stars (baseball)\"\nlost the last two games. The 1917 Stars team failed to finish the season. Many of the players moved on to play with the Pennsylvania Red Caps of New York. Lincoln Stars (baseball) The Lincoln Stars (also known as the Lincoln Stars of New York or the New York Lincoln Stars) were a Negro league baseball team that played in New York City from 1914 to 1917. Their home stadium was the Lenox Oval, located at Lenox Avenue and 145th Street in Manhattan. Although they lasted less than four years, they were a good team that featured three players who", "\"Season Ticket: A Baseball Companion\"\nsubsequent collections, 1977's \"\"Five Seasons\"\" and 1982's \"\"Final Innings\"\", have also won raves. His prose, however, has the grace of Mays and the charm of Stengel: \"\"\"\"One begins to see at last that the true function of the Red Sox may be not to win but to provide New England authors with a theme, now that guilt and whaling have gone out of style.\"\"\"\" \"\"... Angell's prose is like a sunny afternoon in the bleachers at Wrigley Field or Fenway Park: filled with wonder and good cheer and the warm-all-over-feeling of baseball's - and we're talking the game of baseball,", "\"Baseball in Puerto Rico\"\nCaribbean Series were not held that year. On January 2, 1981, Rickey Henderson established a new stolen bases record with 42. Orlando Gómez made his debut as a manager for Mayagüez and won the Manager of the Year award. Dickie Thon won the first of two back-to-back batting titles this season. This also marked Alomar, Sr.'s last active season, retiring forth on the fourth place of league's all-time hit leaders. In 1981-82, the \"\"Lobos de Arecibo\"\" recessed and their native star players, Edwin Núñez, Candy Maldonado and Ramón Avilés were drafted by the remaining teams. The team returned the following", "\"2000 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\noccurrences in which the manager of the host team also managed the home team of the game, in this case, the National League (Bobby Cox had led the Braves to the World Series the previous year earning the right to manage the National League). The result of the game was the American League defeating the National League by a score of 6–3. The game is remembered for Chipper Jones' home run off James Baldwin. This was also the last MLB All-Star Game that was broadcast on NBC. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of", "\"1983 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\ngame. This was the 54th game as no game was held in 1945, and two were held each year from 1959 through 1962. This was the fifth All-Star Game to be played in Chicago, and the third to be hosted by the White Sox at Comiskey Park (the other two being hosted by the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field). This would be the last time that the All-Star Game would be hosted in the stadium where the annual exhibition began. When the White Sox next hosted the All-Star Game in 2003, they had moved across the street to their new", "\"Aaron Cook (baseball)\"\nteam option for the 2012 season. He won six consecutive starts from April 13, 2008 to May 9, 2008. He is one of only four Rockies pitchers to have won 11 games before the All Star break through 2010; the only others are Shawn Chacón (2003) Jason Marquis (2009)and Ubaldo Jiménez (2010). On July 6, 2008, Cook was named an All-Star to the 2008 Major League Baseball All-Star Game. The All-Star selection was the first of his career. He pitched three scoreless innings in the All-Star Game, and at one point pitched out of a no-out, bases loaded jam after", "\"Mark Ballinger\"\nthe minors. After not playing in 19741, he spent the next five years alternating between the Suns and the Omaha Royals. His minor league career lasted all or parts of 12 seasons; he appeared in 260 games and won 54 of 115 decisions. Mark Ballinger Mark Alan Ballinger (January 31, 1949 – June 13, 2014) was an American Major League Baseball pitcher who appeared in 18 games, all in relief, for the Cleveland Indians. The right-hander stood tall and weighed , and entered professional baseball after Cleveland selected him in the second round of the 1967 Major League Baseball Draft.", "\"Chicago College All-Star Game\"\ndominate the series. The qualifying criteria for the College All-Star squad was loose, as the 1945 game featured Tom Harmon, who had begun his professional career in 1941 but had been interrupted by military service. The all-stars last won consecutive games in 1946 and 1947, and won only four of the final 29 games. The Philadelphia Eagles fell in 1950, the Cleveland Browns in 1955, and the Detroit Lions in 1958. The last all-star win came in 1963, when a college team coached by legendary quarterback Otto Graham beat Vince Lombardi's Green Bay Packers, 20–17. In 1949, Ward, who by", "\"1945 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1945 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1945 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was cancelled on April 24 after the Major League Baseball (MLB) season began on April 17. The July 10 game was cancelled due to wartime travel restrictions in World War II. 1945 is the only year since 1933 when the first official All-Star Game was played, that an All-Star Game was cancelled and All-Stars were not officially selected. This was to have been the 13th annual playing of the \"\"Midsummer Classic\"\" by MLB's American League (AL) and National League (NL) All-Star teams. The game was to be", "\"Joc Pederson\"\nand OPS, while stealing 30 bases. He was named the PCL Most Valuable Player, to both the mid-season and postseason PCL All-Star teams, and was selected as \"\"Baseball America\"\"'s AAA Player of the Year. In 2015, he was named the 8th-best prospect in baseball by \"\"Baseball America\"\". He began the 2015 season as the Dodgers' starting center fielder, and the third-youngest player in the NL. Pederson was selected to the NL team in the 2015 Major League Baseball All-Star Game, and was chosen to start in left field. He made it to the final round of the 2015 Major League", "\"2010 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nBaseball game. Kenny Albert and Mark Grace called the 3D telecast. ESPN Radio also broadcast the game, with Jon Sciambi and Dave Campbell announcing. The National League won the game 3–1, ending a 13-game winless streak. This was the third All-Star Game hosted by the city of Anaheim, California, which previously hosted the game in 1967 and 1989. From 2003-16, the winning team earned home field advantage for the World Series. This was the first All Star Game the National League won since 1996, giving the NL said advantage in the World Series for the first time since 2001 –", "\"World Series\"\nyear between the NL and AL. After the 2002 Major League Baseball All-Star Game ended in a tie, MLB decided to award home-field advantage in the World Series to the winner of the All-Star Game. Originally implemented as a two-year trial from 2003 to 2004, the practice was extended. The American League had won every All-Star Game since this change until 2010 and thus enjoyed home-field advantage from 2002, when it also had home-field advantage based on the alternating schedule, through 2009. From 2003 to 2010, the AL and NL had each won the World Series four times, but none", "\"2009 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n2009 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2009 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 80th midseason exhibition between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and the National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 14, 2009, at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, Missouri, the home of the National League St. Louis Cardinals. The game was the first All-Star Game held in St. Louis since 1966. This was the seventh year in which the All-Star Game determined home field advantage in the World Series, with the American League winning all seven", "\"Major League Baseball on CBS Radio\"\nWeek\"\" broadcasts. By , CBS Television would get into the Major League Baseball broadcasting business (having last done so in ). This particular partnership would last through the season. Meanwhile, CBS Radio would pay Major League Baseball US$50 million for 1990–1993 radio rights to the \"\"Game of the Week\"\" and \"\"Sunday Night Baseball\"\" as well as the All-Star Game, League Championship Series, and World Series. Following the season, CBS Radio signed a six-year contract worth US$50.5 million. Following the 1994 strike and the dissolving of \"\"The Baseball Network\"\" (a planned six-year-long television joint venture involving ABC, NBC and Major League", "\"Major League Baseball on television\"\nYork Yankees, played at home. The new package under NBC called for 28 games compared to 1960's three-network 123. Under the new deal, NBC paid roughly $6 million per year for the 25 \"\"Games of the Week\"\", $6.1 million for the 1967 World Series and 1967 All-Star Game, and $6.5 million for the 1968 World Series and 1968 All-Star Game. This brought the total value of the contract (which included three Monday night telecasts) up to $30.6 million. By 1969, Major League Baseball had grown to 24 teams and the net local TV revenues had leaped to $20.7 million. This", "\"1983 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1983 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1983 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 54th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on Wednesday, July 6, 1983, at Comiskey Park in Chicago, Illinois, the home of the Chicago White Sox of the American League. The game resulted in the American League defeating the National League 13-3. The game celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the All-Star Game, and occurred exactly 50 years to the date of the first All-Star", "\"1958 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1958 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1958 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 25th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 8, 1958, at Memorial Stadium in Baltimore, Maryland, the home of the Baltimore Orioles of the American League. This was the first Major League Baseball All-Star Game without an extra base hit. For this Diamond Jubilee game, the opening pitch was made by U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon, who was to become President 10", "\"1970 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\n1970 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1970 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 41st midseason exhibition between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and the National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was played on the evening of July 14, 1970, at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati, Ohio, home of the Cincinnati Reds of the National League, and resulted in a 5–4 victory for the NL. This was the first MLB All-Star Game ever played at night, coinciding with prime time in the Eastern United States. (The previous year's All-Star Game was originally", "\"1998 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nUnited States Air Force Academy who provided the five-man color guard, flag presentations, and, at the end of country music singer Faith Hill's performance of the U.S. National Anthem, the flyover ceremonies. Hill's National Anthem performance was preceded by actress Gloria Reuben's performance of The Canadian National Anthem. Twelve-year-old Elias Kurts was given the honor of throwing out the ceremonial first pitch, the first \"\"non-celebrity\"\" so honored. Players in \"\"italics\"\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. 1998 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1998 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 69th playing of the", "\"2011 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\nchange in 2010. The NL came into the game having won the previous year's match, their first victory since 1996. Some, such as New York Congressman José Serrano and sportswriter Mike Lupica, had suggested that Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig should move the game because of the controversial SB1070 anti-illegal immigration bill passed by the Arizona legislature and signed into law by Governor Jan Brewer. Others considered asking club owners, sponsors and even players to boycott the All-Star Game if the law was implemented and the game remained in Phoenix. However, Selig announced on May 13, 2010 that the", "\"2017 Major League Baseball All-Star Game\"\none off Ervin Santana in the sixth inning, tying the game at one. Reggie Smith was the last Cardinal to hit an All-Star Game home run in the 1974 game. Robinson Canó hit the game-winning home run in the tenth inning off Wade Davis, and was named the All-Star Game Most Valuable Player. He is the first second baseman since 1998 who was named All-Star Game MVP. Andrew Miller struck out Cody Bellinger swinging to end the night and earned his first career All-Star save. Umpires: Home Plate – Joe West (crew chief); First Base – Angel Hernandez; Second Base" ]
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who is the actor that plays tobias on ncis
[ "Joseph Peter Spano" ]
[ "\"JAG (TV series)\"\n2003) and three episodes of NCIS (2004-2005). While several other actors who played major roles on \"\"JAG\"\" have also appeared on \"\"NCIS\"\", such as Scott Lawrence (Sturgis Turner on \"\"JAG\"\"), Steven Culp (Clayton Webb on \"\"JAG\"\"), Randy Vazquez (Victor Galindez on \"\"JAG\"\"), and Michael Bellisario (Mikey Roberts on \"\"JAG\"\"); they played completely different characters when appearing on \"\"NCIS\"\". First introduced in the NCIS back-door pilot, Alicia Coppola appeared as Navy judge advocate Lieutenant Commander Faith Coleman in several episodes of \"\"NCIS\"\". Adam Baldwin played the same guest role, Navy SEAL Commander Michael Rainer, in one episode of each show. \"\"First", "\"NCIS (season 12)\"\nby Tobias Fornell, who was also married to Diane at one point and who was dealing with intense grief and depression following Diane's murder. It is revealed that Sergei and Ari Haswari are half brothers from Ari's mother, whereas Ari and Ziva David were half brother and sister from their father, Eli David. On March 13, 2014, CBS renewed \"\"NCIS\"\" for this season. On June 11, 2014, at the Cannes Film Festival, NCIS was awarded the honor of being the most-watched drama in the world, with 57.6 million viewers worldwide. Gary Glasberg, the executive producer of the show, said, \"\"As", "\"Joe Spano\"\nJoe Spano Joseph Peter Spano (born July 7, 1946) is an American actor who was originally best known for his role as Lt. Henry Goldblume on \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\". Spano is now best known for his work on \"\"NCIS\"\" as FBI Special Agent Tobias C. Fornell. Joe Spano was a member of the San Francisco improv group The Wing, and in college debuted as Paris in a production of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" in 1967. In 1968, he helped found the Berkeley Repertory Theatre, appearing in its first production, and stayed with the company for 10 years. He moved to Hollywood", "\"Joe Spano\"\nwife Joan Zerrien, a therapist, were married in 1980. They have two adopted daughters. Ovation Awards Joe Spano Joseph Peter Spano (born July 7, 1946) is an American actor who was originally best known for his role as Lt. Henry Goldblume on \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\". Spano is now best known for his work on \"\"NCIS\"\" as FBI Special Agent Tobias C. Fornell. Joe Spano was a member of the San Francisco improv group The Wing, and in college debuted as Paris in a production of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" in 1967. In 1968, he helped found the Berkeley Repertory Theatre, appearing", "\"Giles Matthey\"\nin the CBS drama series \"\"NCIS\"\" playing Daniel Budd, a young man who is the leader of the terrorist group, the Calling. Matthey's role on \"\"NCIS\"\" ended when his character died in the \"\"NCIS\"\" Season 13 premiere episode as Budd was shot dead by NCIS Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo, played by Michael Weatherly. He landed a recurring role in the sixth season of the fantasy-drama series \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\", portraying the grown-up version of Belle and Rumplestiltskin's newborn son Gideon. Giles Matthey Giles Ingram Matthey (born 11 November 1987) is a British-Australian actor best known for his role as", "\"Joe Spano\"\nGreg in A. R. Gurney's \"\"Sylvia\"\" and Vladimir in \"\"Waiting for Godot\"\". He is a member of the Antaeus Theater Company and a founding member of three other theater companies. He played a seductive vampire in the cult musical \"\"Dracula: A Musical Nightmare\"\" in a small LA theatre. He also appeared in the TV movie \"\"Brotherhood of Justice\"\" with Keanu Reeves and Kiefer Sutherland. Spano has been a recurring character in \"\"NCIS\"\" since its premiere episode, \"\"Yankee White\"\", playing FBI Special Agent Tobias Fornell, the FBI counterpart to NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, portrayed by Mark Harmon. In Season", "\"Yankee White (NCIS)\"\ncommander was murdered and that it might be connected to a possible assassination attempt on the President of the United States. The episode introduces Caitlin \"\"Kate\"\" Todd (as a replacement for NCIS agent Vivian \"\"Viv\"\" Blackadder), and FBI Agent Tobias Fornell, who would later become a major recurring character of the show. The rest of the team were all introduced in a double episode of JAG season 8, \"\"Ice Queen\"\" and \"\"Meltdown\"\". The episode title (Yankee White) is the administrative nickname for a background check conducted on Department of Defense personnel and prospective US citizens. While on Air Force One,", "\"Twilight (NCIS)\"\nlives. Both Tony and Gibbs were in real danger, which kept the viewers unsure about who would die. \"\"It was one of the best kept secrets,\"\" according to producer Mark Horowitz. The producers wanted to mark the departure of Alexander with a bang. \"\"That didn't just happen\"\" was the response they wanted from the viewers. Bellisario remarked, \"\"In reality, things like that happen in \"\"NCIS\"\". People die, and I wanted to make this death really impactful when it happened.\"\" Four characters are recurring in this episode. Brian Dietzen as Medical Assistant Jimmy Palmer, Joe Spano as Senior FBI Agent Tobias", "\"Michael Weatherly\"\nand the independent film \"\"Trigger Happy\"\" opposite Rosario Dawson. Weatherly starred in \"\"Dark Angel\"\" for the two seasons it was on the air. This role earned him three award nominations; two Saturn Awards for best supporting actor on television in 2001 and 2002, and one Teen Choice award for choice actor in 2001. In 2003 he appeared as Senior NCIS Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo in two episodes of the CBS series \"\"JAG\"\", a role he continued to portray in the spin-off series \"\"NCIS\"\"; making subsequent guest appearances on both \"\"\"\" (2014) and \"\"\"\" (2015). Together with Pauley Perrette, who plays", "\"Ziva David\"\nthe two actors (Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo) share\"\" after \"\"Housekeeping\"\" aired. On July 10, 2013, CBS announced that Cote de Pablo would leave the series during the eleventh season of \"\"NCIS\"\" for undisclosed reasons. The network released the following statement: \"\"We respect Cote's decision, thank her for being an important part of the 'NCIS' team, and for eight terrific years playing Ziva David. Cote and CBS share a great respect for the 'NCIS' audience, and we look forward to working with her and the producers on appropriate closure in this chapter of Ziva's story.\"\" De Pablo, who agreed", "\"NCIS (season 10)\"\nthat picks up with the explosion that they go through, with the post-traumatic stress that they all experienced because of that\"\". As a part of the \"\"theme\"\", a two-part episode \"\"Shell Shock\"\" aired in November, which focused on post-traumatic stress in the Navy, while the January episodes \"\"Shabbat Shalom\"\" and \"\"Shiva\"\" included the deaths of Eli David and Jackie Vance. The season includes several recurring characters known from earlier seasons of \"\"NCIS\"\", as well as \"\"JAG\"\". Joe Spano, who portrays FBI agent Tobias Fornell, appeared in \"\"Extreme Prejudice\"\", \"\"Devil's Trifecta\"\", and \"\"Damned If You Do\"\". Diane Neal (Abigail Borin), Ralph", "\"Tobias Mehler\"\nTobias Mehler Tobias Mehler (born April 1, 1976) is a Canadian actor who has appeared in film and television productions. Some notable roles include ' d'Artagnan on \"\"Young Blades\"\", Zak Adama on \"\"Battlestar Galactica\"\" and Lieutenant Graham Simmons in \"\"Stargate SG-1\"\". He appears opposite Charlize Theron in \"\"Battle in Seattle\"\", was a regular on the Canadian series \"\"Robson Arms\"\" for two seasons, and played a lead in the Fox pilot \"\"Killer App\"\" written by Garry Trudeau and directed by Robert Altman. He also played Harvey in \"\"Sabrina the Teenage Witch\"\" in 1996, Andy Effkin In \"\"Disturbing Behavior\"\" in 1998 and", "\"Tobias Mehler\"\nTommy Ross in \"\"Carrie\"\". Tobias Mehler Tobias Mehler (born April 1, 1976) is a Canadian actor who has appeared in film and television productions. Some notable roles include ' d'Artagnan on \"\"Young Blades\"\", Zak Adama on \"\"Battlestar Galactica\"\" and Lieutenant Graham Simmons in \"\"Stargate SG-1\"\". He appears opposite Charlize Theron in \"\"Battle in Seattle\"\", was a regular on the Canadian series \"\"Robson Arms\"\" for two seasons, and played a lead in the Fox pilot \"\"Killer App\"\" written by Garry Trudeau and directed by Robert Altman. He also played Harvey in \"\"Sabrina the Teenage Witch\"\" in 1996, Andy Effkin In \"\"Disturbing", "\"Tobias Segal\"\nTobias Segal Tobias Segal is an American actor, best known for his work on stage and in the independent film \"\"The Other America\"\", which appeared at the SlamDance Film Festival and Philadelphia Film Festival in April 2004. In 2002 he became one of the youngest actors to win a Barrymore Award, which he won for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a play for his performance in \"\"Equus\"\". He appeared in \"\"The Bridge Project\"\" at Kevin Spacey's Old Vic Theatre (spring and summer 2009) under the direction of Sam Mendes, followed by a brief Broadway run of \"\"The Miracle Worker.\"\" He currently", "\"Oliver Tobias\"\nOliver Tobias Oliver Tobias Freitag (born 6 August 1947), known professionally as Oliver Tobias, is a Swiss-born UK-based film, stage, and television actor and director. Born in Zürich, Switzerland, he is the son of the Austrian-Swiss actor Robert Freitag and the German actress Maria Becker. He came to the United Kingdom at the age of eight and trained at East 15 Acting School, London. In 1968, he appeared in the original London production of \"\"Hair\"\", playing the prime rebel role of Berger. The following year, he starred in, directed, and choreographed the rock opera in Amsterdam and, in 1970, directed", "\"Oliver Tobias\"\nhe married Arabella Zamoyska, with whom he has two boys. Oliver Tobias Oliver Tobias Freitag (born 6 August 1947), known professionally as Oliver Tobias, is a Swiss-born UK-based film, stage, and television actor and director. Born in Zürich, Switzerland, he is the son of the Austrian-Swiss actor Robert Freitag and the German actress Maria Becker. He came to the United Kingdom at the age of eight and trained at East 15 Acting School, London. In 1968, he appeared in the original London production of \"\"Hair\"\", playing the prime rebel role of Berger. The following year, he starred in, directed, and", "\"Michael Weatherly\"\nAbby Sciuto, he is one of only two actors who have appeared in all four shows (\"\"JAG, NCIS, NCIS: LA, NCIS: NO\"\"). In 2004 he starred in the television film \"\"The Mystery of Natalie Wood\"\", portraying Robert Wagner. Since 2010, Robert Wagner had made eight guest appearances on \"\"NCIS\"\" as Anthony DiNozzo, Sr., the father of Weatherly's character. He was a guest presenter at the Australian Logie Awards of 2007 on May 6, 2007, and was a guest on \"\"Rove Live\"\". Weatherly made his directing debut with the season-eight episode of \"\"NCIS\"\" titled \"\"One Last Score\"\", which aired March 1,", "\"Who Ya Gonna Call?\"\ngags were created by the action of one of the actors. The installment featured several guest stars. Kirsten Nelson, Sage Brocklebank, and Liam James all reprised their roles as the reoccurring characters police chief Karen Vick, officer Buzz McNab, and Young Shawn Spencer, respectively. Nico McEown played the young bully in the flashback introduction, Tracy Trueman played Robert Dunn's ex-girlfriend Amy, and John Dadey acted as the murdered Dr. Blinn. The episode's main guest star was Frank Whaley, who played Robert/Regina/Martin. Whaley had been an actor on \"\"NCIS\"\" and \"\"The Dead Zone\"\" before his role on the episode, and was", "\"Tobias Moretti\"\nstage at the renowned Otto-Falckenberg-Schule. After graduation he was a permanent member of the Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel ensemble (Frank Baumbauer) and played at the Munich Kammerspiele (Dieter Dorn) from 1985 to 1995 where he earned critical praise in a sweeping variety of productions, appearing in Bertolt Brecht's \"\"Man is Man\"\", Achternbusch's \"\"Der Frosch\"\" (\"\"The Frog\"\") and playing the lead in Shakespeare's \"\"Troilus and Cressida\"\". Moretti appeared in the TV series \"\"Inspector Rex\"\" from 1994 to 1998 as Richard Moser, the main policeman in the murder unit. Tobias Moretti Tobias Moretti (born Tobias Bloéb on 11 July 1959) is an Austrian actor.", "\"Charlie Hofheimer\"\n\"\"The Village\"\". In 2008 Hofheimer Produced, Directed, Wrote and Edited a short film, \"\"Baggage\"\". Hofheimer's television credits include \"\"Are You Afraid of the Dark?\"\", \"\"Law & Order\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"NCIS\"\", \"\"Numb3rs\"\", \"\"Medium\"\", \"\"House M.D.\"\", and \"\"Mad Men\"\". Hofheimer has also starred in several theatre productions. In 1996 he played Kenny Simmonds in \"\"Minor Demons\"\" at the Currican Theatre in New York City, and then again in 1997 at the Century Theatre in New York City. In 2000 he played Ovid Bernstein and Tobias Pfeiffer II in \"\"Old Money\"\" at the Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater in New York City. His other stage", "\"Devil's Trifecta\"\nDevil's Trifecta \"\"Devil's Trifecta\"\" is the ninth episode of the tenth season of the American police procedural drama \"\"NCIS\"\", and the 219th episode overall. It originally aired on CBS in the United States on December 11, 2012. The episode is written by Steven D. Binder and directed by Arvin Brown, and was seen by 17.65 million viewers. Diane, the ex-wife of Gibbs and Fornell, returns in the middle of an NCIS investigation. Late one evening, whilst at a Drive-thru, FBI Agent Tobias Fornell is attacked. He is shot at while in his car, only to return fire and kill the", "\"Devil's Trifecta\"\nMcGraw).\"\" Devil's Trifecta \"\"Devil's Trifecta\"\" is the ninth episode of the tenth season of the American police procedural drama \"\"NCIS\"\", and the 219th episode overall. It originally aired on CBS in the United States on December 11, 2012. The episode is written by Steven D. Binder and directed by Arvin Brown, and was seen by 17.65 million viewers. Diane, the ex-wife of Gibbs and Fornell, returns in the middle of an NCIS investigation. Late one evening, whilst at a Drive-thru, FBI Agent Tobias Fornell is attacked. He is shot at while in his car, only to return fire and kill", "\"Tobias Menzies\"\n2018 it was announced that Menzies was cast to play Prince Philip in seasons 3 and 4 of \"\"The Crown\"\" TV series, opposite Olivia Colman as Queen Elizabeth II. Tobias Menzies Hanan Tobias Simpson Menzies (born 7 March, 1974) is an English stage, television and film actor. While working in theatre, he starred in television shows such as \"\"Rome\"\" (2005–2007) where he played Brutus and \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" (2013–2016) where he played Edmure Tully. He is probably best known for his dual role as Frank Randall and Jonathan \"\"Black Jack\"\" Randall in \"\"Outlander\"\" (2014–2018), for which he received a Golden", "\"Andy's Play\"\nof the musical featured in the episode, guest actors and actresses were required. Actor Robert Mammana portrayed Mitchel Walsh, who played the title role in the play within the play. Heather Marie Marsden played Mrs. Lovett, Maxwell Glick appeared as Tobias, and Phil Abrams appeared as Shelby Thomas Weems, the musical's director. The Season Seven DVD contains a number of deleted scenes from this episode. Notable cut scenes include Andy discussing the \"\"crowd dynamic\"\" at musicals and music events, Gabe discussing his history of playing Ichabod Crane in three separate play productions, Pam and Jim discussing how hard it is", "\"Michael Bellisario\"\ndelivery to a police station. Michael has two other siblings that are actors; half-sister Troian Bellisario (Spencer Hastings on \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\") and stepbrother Sean Murray (Timothy McGee on \"\"NCIS\"\"). Michael Bellisario Michael Angelo Bellisario (born April 7, 1980) is an American actor and the son of scriptwriter and producer Donald P. Bellisario. Bellisario has mostly had parts in series produced by his father, he played Midshipman Michael \"\"Mikey\"\" Roberts in \"\"JAG\"\" and also appeared during the first part of \"\"NCIS\"\" season 3 as Charles \"\"Chip\"\" Sterling. He has also appeared in four episodes of \"\"Quantum Leap\"\". In the pilot", "\"Tobias Exxel\"\nTobias Exxel Tobias \"\"Eggi\"\" Exxel (born 27 February 1973) is the current bass player for the power metal band Edguy. Tobias was hired by Edguy in 1998 when vocalist Tobias Sammet, who had played bass since the band's formation in 1992, decided the band should have someone who could focus on playing the instrument full-time. Tobias had previously played guitar and bass in the band Squealer and would also go on to perform both roles in his side-project, Taraxacum, which was active between 2000 and 2005. After Taraxacum was put to rest, Tobias formed Everleaf. Prior to these bands, he", "\"A Delicate Balance (play)\"\nwith alcohol. It is Tobias's friend Harry (and his wife, Edna) who bring the play to its conclusion, forcing Tobias to define what friendship is all about. In the end, Tobias proclaims that friendship is not about wants but rather about rights. Tobias's friend Harry has the right to move into Tobias's house even if that is not what Tobias, or the rest of his family, wants. Contradicting this conclusion is the story concerning his cat that Tobias tells in the middle of the play. In this case, the cat wanted to be left alone. Tobias was uncomfortable with the", "\"A Delicate Balance (play)\"\n“the way a nurse speaks to a disturbed patient”. He often writes directions about how the actors should hold their hands, turn their heads, or change their facial expressions to include a narrowing of their eyes. The longest script notation that Albee writes occurs toward the end of act 3 before a monologue delivered by the character Tobias. Albee's directions read: \"\"This next is an aria. It must have in its performance all the horror and exuberance of a man who has kept his emotions under control too long. Tobias will be carried to the edge of hysteria, and he", "\"Tobias Menzies\"\nTobias Menzies Hanan Tobias Simpson Menzies (born 7 March, 1974) is an English stage, television and film actor. While working in theatre, he starred in television shows such as \"\"Rome\"\" (2005–2007) where he played Brutus and \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" (2013–2016) where he played Edmure Tully. He is probably best known for his dual role as Frank Randall and Jonathan \"\"Black Jack\"\" Randall in \"\"Outlander\"\" (2014–2018), for which he received a Golden Globe Award nomination. His film work includes \"\"Casino Royale\"\" and \"\"\"\". Menzies will portray Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh in the third and fourth seasons of the original Netflix", "\"Tobias Schönenberg\"\nTobias Schönenberg Tobias Schönenberg (born 17 August 1986 in Hagen, West Germany) is a German actor and photomodel. In 2003, Tobias began earning money as a photomodel. He had always planned to study medicine, but a year and a half later, his career took off when he was offered a part in the German television soap \"\"Verbotene Liebe\"\" (Forbidden love), which has been running on the national television network Das Erste (The first) since 1995. Tobias made his debut on 15 April 2005 as Paul Brandner, the handsome teenager with green eyes and blond hair, who is every woman's dream", "\"Steven Brand\"\nand OVA \"\"Hellsing Ultimate\"\", as well as the voice of Richard Hellsing in the OVA. He also appeared in the \"\"NCIS\"\" Season 2 episode, \"\"Pop Life\"\" as Ian Alfred \"\"Bulldog\"\" Hitch. He would later go on to guest in \"\"NCIS\"\"'s spin-off series, \"\"\"\", playing Jon Craig in the episode, \"\"Black Widow\"\". In addition, he played Ned Baker, a fellow lawyer on Illinois' 8th Circuit with Abraham Lincoln, in the movie \"\"Saving Lincoln\"\". Brand starred 2014 in the Drama horror film \"\"Echoes\"\" and was nominated at FilmQuest Cthulhu as Best Supporting Actor for this role. In 2016, he was nominated Saturn", "\"Devil's Triangle (NCIS)\"\nMcGraw was cast as Diane Sterling, who portrays one of Gibbs' ex-wives. Joe Spano also reprises his role as Tobias Fornell, Gibbs friend from the FBI who also share Diane as an ex-wife. \"\"Devil's Triangle\"\" was seen by 19.71 million live viewers following its broadcast on November 1, 2011, with a 12.2/19 share among all households, and 3.9/11 share among adults aged 18 to 49. A rating point represents one percent of the total number of television sets in American households, and a share means the percentage of television sets in use tuned to the program. In total viewers, \"\"Devil's", "\"Toby Flood\"\nToby Flood Tobias Gerald Albert Cecil Lieven Flood (born 8 August 1985) is an English rugby union player. He currently plays at fly half or inside centre for Newcastle Falcons having previously played for Toulouse and Leicester Tigers. He has also played 60 international matches for England. Flood was born in Frimley, Surrey. Both of his grandfathers were actors. His paternal grandfather, Gerald Flood, featured in the television drama series \"\"The Ratcatchers\"\". His maternal grandfather was German actor Albert Lieven, who appeared in \"\"The Guns of Navarone\"\", and his maternal grandmother was English actress Susan Shaw. Flood's father, Tim, is", "\"Leonardo DiCaprio\"\n400 young actors to play the lead role in \"\"This Boy's Life\"\" adapted from Tobias Wolff's memoir of the same name. He played opposite De Niro, who was acting as his stepfather, and Ellen Barkin as his mother. The film was directed by Michael Caton-Jones and released in 1993. In 1993, DiCaprio co-starred as the mentally handicapped brother of Johnny Depp's character in \"\"What's Eating Gilbert Grape\"\", a comic-tragic odyssey of a dysfunctional Iowa family. Director Lasse Hallström admitted he was initially looking for a less good-looking actor but finally settled on DiCaprio as he had emerged as \"\"the most", "\"Teddybears (TV series)\"\nat No. 8 Green Street, Bearbridge. According to actress Louise Conran, who played Sara, she had to \"\"wear a lycra body suit, padding on top of that and then the costumes which are about half an inch thick\"\". Since the teddybear masks were fastened to their faces with glue, the teddybear actors had to keep the masks on the entire day, even when eating dinner. The actors are adults but play child-sized bears on a set in which everything they interact with is oversized. Puppeteers Cheryl Blaize, Louise Conran, Tim Hulse, James O' Donnell, Carl Matthewman, John Tobias, Rebbeca Clow,", "Polruan\nis on St Saviour's Hill adjacent to the NCI Watch house, above the main village carpark. Exercises of the HM Coastguard continue.) The current Polruan watchtower overlooks the Fowey estuary and the bay beyond the village. It was constructed in the nineteenth century. Calvin Dean, the actor from the film Tormented grew up in Polruan. Daphne du Maurier once lived in the village. Peter Skellern, the singer was resident in the village. Actor Patrick Malahide, who amongst other roles, played Inspector Chisholm in the popular television series \"\"Minder\"\" was also another Polruan resident. The film \"\"Stolen Hours\"\" featuring Susan Hayward", "\"Herbert Tobias\"\nHerbert Tobias Herbert Tobias (14 December 1924 – 17 August 1982) was a German photographer who first became well known for his fashion photography during the 1950s. His portrait studies, his photographs of Russia during World War II and his homoerotic pictures of men are all of artistic value. He was one of the first well-known people in Germany to die from AIDS. Herbert Tobias was born in Dessau, the son of a gunmaker. He taught himself photography from the age of ten. His ambition was to become an actor, but the early death of his father in 1936 prevented", "\"Yankee White (NCIS)\"\nfor this kind of role\"\", and is replaced by a new and different character in this episode. Portrayed by Sasha Alexander, Secret Service agent Caitlin Todd is recruited by Gibbs at the end of the episode, filling Blackadder's place at Gibbs' team. Together with Alexander's character, two recurring characters were introduced. FBI agent Tobias C. Fornell (portrayed by Joe Spano), who still is a part of the series, and medical assistant Gerald Jackson (Pancho Demmings). Jackson departed from the series later in season 1 before returning for one final time in the Season 3 opening episodes, \"\"Kill Ari (Part I)\"\"", "\"Baltimore (NCIS)\"\nepisodes of 'NCIS'\"\" in January 2012, saying, \"\"I don't think there has been another 'NCIS' character that has matured as much in the series' nine seasons as Michael Weatherly's Tony DiNozzo. When the writers give DiNozzo a meaty storyline, and they do a few times a year, Weatherly is at the top of his game as an actor. The 'Baltimore' episode from season eight is one of Weatherly's finest performances as it's an origins episode that shows how the brash Baltimore detective came to join Gibbs' NCIS team.\"\" Baltimore (NCIS) \"\"Baltimore\"\" is the 22nd episode in the eighth season, and", "\"Tobias Moretti\"\nTobias Moretti Tobias Moretti (born Tobias Bloéb on 11 July 1959) is an Austrian actor. Born in Gries am Brenner, Tyrol, Moretti is the eldest of four brothers. His brothers are named Thomas, Christoph and Gregor. Since 1997 he has been married to Julia Moretti (née Wilhem), an oboist. They have three children, Antonia (born August 1998), Lenz Valentino (born February 2000) and Rosa Cäcilia (born February 2011). His professional surname comes from his mother, who is of Italian descent. Moretti studied composition at the Vienna University of Music and Applied Arts, then went to Munich to train for the", "\"Fred Dryer\"\nplayed \"\"Ed Donovan\"\", McEwen's engine builder, who coined the nickname \"\"Mongoose\"\". Dryer appeared in the NBC series \"\"Crisis\"\" in 2014. In 2015, Dryer joined the ranks of the Marvel Cinematic Universe when he played the evil HYDRA leader, Octavian Bloom, in an episode of \"\"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\"\" On October 23, 2018, he played a Vietnam veteran on the CBS show NCIS. Fred Dryer John Frederick Dryer (born July 6, 1946) is an American actor, radio host, and former American football defensive end in the National Football League (NFL). He played for 13 years in the NFL, in 176 games starting", "\"Gregory Itzin\"\nGuest Actor in a Drama Series. Somewhat coincidentally, before this role, Itzin played a Presidential Candidate in a commercial for cheese products, who was deemed a \"\"doofus\"\" for not liking cheese. In 2007, he made a guest appearance as William Adama, Dick Tracy, and a police officer at Randy's Halloween night in an episode of \"\"Robot Chicken\"\". Itzin has held recurring roles on popular TV series such as \"\"Friends\"\" as Theodore Hannigan, father of Mike Hannigan, \"\"Murder One\"\", \"\"NCIS\"\", and \"\"The Mentalist\"\". He played the head of the unit in the latter for 13 episodes, before leaving to return to", "\"Tobias Truvillion\"\nTobias Truvillion Tobias Truvillion (born October 1, 1975) is an American actor and model. In 2006, he received his first major role on ABC series \"\"One Life to Live\"\", playing Vincent Jones. He is also known for his roles on \"\"Empire\"\" (2016-17) and \"\"In Contempt\"\" (2018). Truvillion was born in Flushing, Queens in New York City. He attended Bayside High School in Bayside, Queens. In 1999, Truvillion embarked on his pursuit of acting at the National Black Theater in Harlem. In 2001, he received AUDELCO Award for his performance in the \"\"Oya\"\" musical. Truvillion started his acting career appearing briefly", "\"Tobias Truvillion\"\nFox drama series \"\"Empire\"\". In 2018, Truvillion starred on BET drama series \"\"In Contempt\"\". Tobias Truvillion Tobias Truvillion (born October 1, 1975) is an American actor and model. In 2006, he received his first major role on ABC series \"\"One Life to Live\"\", playing Vincent Jones. He is also known for his roles on \"\"Empire\"\" (2016-17) and \"\"In Contempt\"\" (2018). Truvillion was born in Flushing, Queens in New York City. He attended Bayside High School in Bayside, Queens. In 1999, Truvillion embarked on his pursuit of acting at the National Black Theater in Harlem. In 2001, he received AUDELCO Award", "\"Paul Tobias\"\nN' Roses played their first concerts in eight years at Las Vegas's House of Blues and Rock in Rio III, Rose introduced Tobias on stage in both shows as someone who had helped him in keeping the band together during the past years. In Las Vegas, Rose also noted that Tobias had previously played live in only a handful of shows. The band would play their next two concerts in December 2001, again in Las Vegas. They proved to be Tobias' last appearances as a band member. Tobias was replaced in the band by Richard Fortus in the summer of", "\"NCIS (TV series)\"\nher role as Special Agent Lara Macy. Linda Hunt and Adam Jamal Craig were confirmed to replace her in starring roles, playing OSP Manager Henrietta Lange and Special Agent Dom Vail respectively. Craig, who left the series in episode 21 of season 1, was replaced by Eric Christian Olsen playing Marty Deeks. Characters from \"\"NCIS\"\" have appeared in the spin-off. Rocky Carroll portrayed Leon Vance in a recurring role, while Pauley Perrette portrayed Abby Sciuto and appeared in the season 1 episodes \"\"Killshot\"\" and \"\"\"\". \"\"NCIS: Los Angeles\"\" was created by Shane Brennan. In April 2011, \"\"NCIS\"\" creator Donald Bellisario", "\"Malvino Salvador\"\nof models Duomo, going next to the agencies BRM Models and L'equipe. His first role in a \"\"Novela\"\" (Latin American Soap Opera), \"\"Cabocla\"\" he played Tobias, one of the main antagonists. Soon after Cabocla, Malvino starred \"\"Alma Gêmea\"\", the role of chef \"\"Vitório\"\". In \"\"O Profeta\"\", the actor again played one of the main antagonists, Camilo who ended up being murdered and his death was a major mystery in the plot. In the \"\"novela\"\" \"\"Sete Pecados\"\" he played Regis, a character who was always running away from marriage and commitment. His first protagonist was Gabriel in \"\"Caras & Bocas\"\". In", "\"W. Morgan Sheppard\"\nalso a runner-up for the role of Ambassador G'Kar on the series, though the role eventually went to Andreas Katsulas. Sheppard was one of several \"\"Star Trek\"\" actors who voiced characters on the animated series \"\"Gargoyles\"\"—he played the father of Jonathan Frakes' character David Xanatos and the Norse god Odin. Sheppard and his son, Mark Sheppard have acted together in a few productions. Sheppard appeared in the television series \"\"NCIS\"\", in the Season 6 episode \"\"Broken Bird\"\", where he played the older version of a man named \"\"Marcin Jerek\"\", while his son played the younger version. He appeared in the", "\"Brian Dietzen\"\nBrian Dietzen Brian Dietzen (born November 14, 1977) is an American actor who has played the supporting role of Dr Jimmy Palmer on \"\"NCIS\"\" since 2004. In 2012, he was promoted to a series regular at the beginning of the show's tenth season. Dietzen was born in Barrington, Illinois but moved to Colorado as a child. He first started acting in elementary school plays. Later, he studied theatre at the University of Colorado at Boulder's Bachelor of Fine Arts program. Dietzen has appeared in productions of \"\"Equus\"\", and \"\"Waiting for Godot\"\" and joined The Colorado Shakespeare Festival for two years.", "\"Brian Dietzen\"\nDietzen lives in Los Angeles with his wife Kelly and their two children. Brian Dietzen Brian Dietzen (born November 14, 1977) is an American actor who has played the supporting role of Dr Jimmy Palmer on \"\"NCIS\"\" since 2004. In 2012, he was promoted to a series regular at the beginning of the show's tenth season. Dietzen was born in Barrington, Illinois but moved to Colorado as a child. He first started acting in elementary school plays. Later, he studied theatre at the University of Colorado at Boulder's Bachelor of Fine Arts program. Dietzen has appeared in productions of \"\"Equus\"\",", "\"Sam Hanna (character)\"\nSam Hanna (character) Sam Hanna (portrayed by LL Cool J) is a fictional character in the show \"\"\"\". He is a former U.S. Navy SEAL and a Senior NCIS Special Agent. He first appeared in the \"\"NCIS\"\" season six episode \"\"Legend (Part I)\"\". The son of a Marine colonel, Hanna attended a military school and excelled in football, playing wide receiver. Like the actor, Hanna is a native of New York City. Outside his job, Hanna has a varied range of interests, including boxing, origami and collecting vinyl records and antique cars. He also tends to follow the latest health", "\"NCIS (franchise)\"\nDave, and Gillian Alexy was cast as Claire. Kim Raver was the last actor cast in the pilot, playing the lead role of Paris. The pilot episodes, titled \"\"Red\"\" and \"\"Red-2\"\", aired on March 19 and March 26, 2013, during \"\"NCIS: Los Angeles\"\" fourth season. On May 15, 2013, CBS announced that the pilot would not be taken to series. On May 21, 2013 CBS President Nina Tassler stated that \"\"sometimes [spinoffs] work and sometimes they don't. Protecting [the franchise] was really important.\"\" CBS was reportedly \"\"open to redeveloping the pilot with a new cast attached\"\", though a second franchise", "\"Rocky Carroll\"\nRocky Carroll Roscoe \"\"Rocky\"\" Carroll (born July 8, 1963) is an American actor. He is best known for his roles as Joey Emerson on the FOX comedy-drama \"\"Roc\"\" (1991–94) as Dr. Keith Wilkes on the CBS medical drama \"\"Chicago Hope\"\", and as NCIS Director Leon Vance on the CBS drama \"\"NCIS\"\" and its spinoffs \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\". He also played a supporting role in the 1995 thriller film \"\"Crimson Tide\"\". Carroll was born Roscoe Carroll in Cincinnati, Ohio, on July 8, 1963. His acting career is rooted in the theater. In 1981, Carroll graduated from the famed School for Creative", "\"Romney Brent\"\nof the Rev Phosphor Hammingtrap in Shaw's \"\"The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles\"\", which he also directed. In London he played Tobias in James Bridie's \"\"Tobias and the Angel\"\" and Bottom in \"\"A Midsummer Night's Dream\"\". After that, his main work in the theatre was in America, both in the classics and in modern works, as actor and director. For example, in 1946–47 he starred on Broadway in \"\"Joan of Lorraine\"\". In Mexico he directed plays in Spanish. Brent appeared in numerous television shows from 1930 into the 1960s. Among other films, he appeared in \"\"East Meets West\"\" (1936), \"\"Under", "\"Sidney Tobias\"\nHe is the son of former Springbok fly-half Errol Tobias. Sidney Tobias Sidney McNeil Tobias (born 20 March 1989 in Caledon, South Africa) is a South African rugby union player, who most recently played with Italian Pro12 side Zebre. His regular position is hooker. Tobias went to school at Paul Roos Gymnasium in Stellenbosch, where he earned a selection to play for the side that participated at the Grant Khomo Week in 2005. He progressed further through the youth structures at Western Province, also playing for their Under-18 sides at the Academy Week in 2006 and the Craven Week competition", "\"NCIS (season 6)\"\nthe team who would later go on to appear in the spin-off TV series \"\"\"\". <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> NCIS (season 6) The sixth season of the police procedural drama \"\"NCIS\"\" premiered on September 23, 2008. The new NCIS Director Leon Vance (played by Rocky Carroll) became a regular cast character and Agent Gibbs' new team members were introduced: NCIS Agents Michelle Lee from Legal, Daniel Keating from Cybercrime, and Special Agent Brent Langer from the FBI. Langer is killed in the first episode of the season. After the end of the second episode, McGee, Ziva, and Tony return to the team,", "\"Richard Moser\"\n'border-line psychopath' played by famous German actor Ulrich Tukur while Moser is rescuing his lover, Patricia Neuhold (a psychologist who has been helping with the case). The escapee commits suicide just after he kills Moser, and Rex shows almost-human emotion over Moser's body at the hospital. Richard Moser Richard Moser is a fictional character from the police drama television series \"\"Inspector Rex\"\", which airs on ORF and Sat.1 in the Austria. The character was created by series' producer and Peter Moser, and is portrayed by Actor Tobias Moretti.The first \"\"team leader\"\", Richard \"\"Richie\"\" Moser is a hard-bitten cop who, as", "\"A Delicate Balance (play)\"\nalthough he does nothing but ask Agnes to console her. It is Tobias who takes the gun away from his daughter, and it is Tobias to whom Julia apologizes for her outburst. If Agnes is the fulcrum, then Tobias is the energy behind the fulcrum that works at keeping a balance in this dysfunctional family. He constantly is asking people to talk more kindly about one another. Or, in the least, it is Tobias who keeps silent while fury flares around him. It is also Tobias who serves everyone drinks as if trying to soften the edges of their grievances", "\"Tobias Segal\"\nin \"\"Body of Proof\"\" in episode 3, \"\"Helping Hand\"\". In 2012, he starred in the independent comedy-drama Petunia opposite Thora Birch and Michael Urie. He won a Best Supporting Actor award at the Orlando Film Fest in 2013 for his role in B-Side. Tobias Segal Tobias Segal is an American actor, best known for his work on stage and in the independent film \"\"The Other America\"\", which appeared at the SlamDance Film Festival and Philadelphia Film Festival in April 2004. In 2002 he became one of the youngest actors to win a Barrymore Award, which he won for Outstanding Supporting", "\"Rocky Carroll\"\nSeason 12 episode, \"\"We Build, We Fight\"\". Carroll married architect Gabrielle Bullock in 1996; They have one daughter, Elissa. Rocky Carroll Roscoe \"\"Rocky\"\" Carroll (born July 8, 1963) is an American actor. He is best known for his roles as Joey Emerson on the FOX comedy-drama \"\"Roc\"\" (1991–94) as Dr. Keith Wilkes on the CBS medical drama \"\"Chicago Hope\"\", and as NCIS Director Leon Vance on the CBS drama \"\"NCIS\"\" and its spinoffs \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\". He also played a supporting role in the 1995 thriller film \"\"Crimson Tide\"\". Carroll was born Roscoe Carroll in Cincinnati, Ohio, on July 8,", "\"David McCallum\"\nDavid McCallum David Keith McCallum, Jr. (born 19 September 1933) is a Scottish-American actor and musician. He first gained recognition in the 1960s for playing secret agent Illya Kuryakin in the television series \"\"The Man from U.N.C.L.E.\"\". In recent years, McCallum has gained renewed international recognition and popularity for his role as NCIS medical examiner Dr. Donald \"\"Ducky\"\" Mallard in the American television series \"\"NCIS\"\". McCallum was born in Maryhill, Glasgow, the second of two sons of Dorothy Dorman, a cellist, and orchestral violinist David McCallum Sr. When he was three, his family moved to London for his father to", "\"Jay Ellis\"\n\"\"Related\"\". In 2011-2012, he made appearances on the series \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", \"\"NCIS\"\" and \"\"How I Met Your Mother\"\". His first major acting role was in 2013, starring in BET's series \"\"The Game\"\". In August 2015, it was announced that Ellis has joined the cast of HBO's comedy series \"\"Insecure\"\", which premiered in October 2016. He plays the role of Lawrence Walker, who has a long-term relationship with main character Issa Dee played by Issa Rae. For his work on the show, Ellis received the Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series award at the 49th NAACP Image Awards. In 2017,", "\"Eyal Podell\"\nEyal Podell Eyal Podell (; ; born November 11, 1975) is an Israeli-American actor who is known for his portrayal of Professor Adrian Korbel on the CBS soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". Podell played the role of Dr. Evram Mintz on the ABC sci-fi drama series Defying Gravity. He also played Namir Eschel in NCIS. Podell was born in Tel Aviv, Israel. After spending the first two years of his childhood in Israel, Eyal and his family relocated to the United States for a year and then moved to Hong Kong, China, where he lived until the age", "\"Antjuan Tobias\"\nAntjuan Tobias Antjuan Tobias Taylor is an American actor. Antjuan has appeared in the Lifetime television series \"\"Army Wives\"\". as PFC Guy Riggs, a young soldier who is deployed in Afghanistan. Born in Birmingham, Alabama, Taylor attended The University of Alabama where he studied Communications and Information Sciences. He receives a Bachelor of Arts & Sciences in May 2014 in Interdisciplinary Studies. While studying at The University, Antjuan worked as the Online Newspaper Editor for The Crimson White student-run newspaper which received a Mark of Excellence Award by the Society of Professional Journalists as well as the Mark of Excellence", "\"Toby Ziegler\"\nToby Ziegler Tobias Zachary \"\"Toby\"\" Ziegler is a fictional character in the television serial drama \"\"The West Wing\"\", played by Richard Schiff. The role earned Schiff the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series in 2000. For most of the series' duration he is White House Communications Director. According to series creator Aaron Sorkin, Schiff was cast in the role of Toby Ziegler over many other actors who auditioned, including Eugene Levy. Schiff created a backstory for the character as a widower and wore his own wedding ring, something Sorkin and fellow executive producer Thomas Schlamme,", "\"Bob Newhart\"\na dedicated character actor. This led to other series such as: \"\"Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre\"\", \"\"Captain Nice\"\", two episodes of \"\"Insight\"\", and \"\"It's Garry Shandling's Show\"\". He reprised his role as Dr. Bob Hartley on \"\"Murphy Brown\"\", and appeared as himself on \"\"The Simpsons\"\", and as a retired forensic pathologist on \"\"NCIS\"\". Newhart guest-starred on three episodes of \"\"ER\"\", for which he was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award, as well as on \"\"Desperate Housewives\"\" and a role on \"\"NCIS\"\" as Ducky's mentor and predecessor, who was discovered to have Alzheimer's disease. In 2013, he also appeared on", "\"Mark Griffin (actor)\"\n2\"\", \"\"The Hard Corps\"\", and most recently in 2014 taking the lead role in Mark L. Lester directed movie \"\"Dragons of Camelot\"\". He also had TV roles in \"\"Curb Your Enthusiasm\"\", \"\"NCIS\"\", \"\"Doctor Who\"\" and \"\"\"\" During May 2015 Griffin starred in the Simon Stephens play Bluebird at the Tabard Theatre London. Griffin appeared on \"\"Gladiators\"\" from 1993 to 1996, leaving to concentrate on his acting career. Griffin appeared on \"\"Action Man\"\" where he played the main character from 1995 to 1997. Griffin wrote a book about his time on \"\"Gladiators\"\" in 1995 called Trojan: My Life with the Gladiators", "\"Norbert Weisser\"\nMoon\"\", \"\"Alias\"\", \"\"The Agency\"\", \"\"NCIS\"\", \"\"ER\"\", \"\"Breaking Bad\"\", and \"\"Ghost Whisperer\"\". In 2014, Weisser appeared in a commercial for Pepsi's new \"\"Mini\"\"-style can. Norbert Weisser Norbert Weisser (born July 9, 1946) is a German and American film and theatre actor who is best known for his many roles in Albert Pyun-directed films. Weisser is a founding member of the Odyssey Theater and the Padua Hills Playwrights Festival, where he developed the role of Trickster in Murray Mednick's epic seven-hour \"\"The Coyote Cycle\"\". He has played roles in theaters throughout Europe and the US, including Broadway, where he played Rode opposite", "\"Sidney Tobias\"\nSidney Tobias Sidney McNeil Tobias (born 20 March 1989 in Caledon, South Africa) is a South African rugby union player, who most recently played with Italian Pro12 side Zebre. His regular position is hooker. Tobias went to school at Paul Roos Gymnasium in Stellenbosch, where he earned a selection to play for the side that participated at the Grant Khomo Week in 2005. He progressed further through the youth structures at Western Province, also playing for their Under-18 sides at the Academy Week in 2006 and the Craven Week competition in 2007. In joined their academy, the Western Province Rugby", "\"Tobias Holmen Johansen\"\nTobias Holmen Johansen Tobias Holmen Johansen (born 29 August 1990) is a Norwegian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Norwegian club Kongsvinger. He joined the club from Manchester City in 2010, where he played together with his younger brother Eirik. Johansen has represented Norway at youth international level. Johansen was born in Tønsberg and grew up in Nøtterøy where he played for Teie IF during his youth, before he became a goalkeeper-reserve in the 2. Divisjon club FK Tønsberg. Johansen's younger brother Eirik, who also plays as a goalkeeper, was invited for a trial with Manchester City during", "\"Lance Henriksen\"\n6 episode of \"\"NCIS\"\" (2009) playing an Arizona sheriff, and appeared in a recurring role as The Major on NBC's \"\"The Blacklist. In the years after \"\"Millennium\"\", Henriksen has become an active voice actor, lending his distinctive voice to a number of animated features and video game titles. In Disney's \"\"Tarzan\"\" (1999) and its direct-to-video followup, he is Kerchak, the ape who serves as Tarzan's surrogate father. He provided the voice for the alien supervillain Brainiac in \"\"\"\" (2006) and for the character Mulciber in \"\"Godkiller\"\" (2009). Henriksen is the voice of the character Molov in the video game \"\"Red", "\"Antjuan Tobias\"\nABC Lifetime (TV network)'s Army Wives in 2010. His character's arch spanned over the show's top rated seasons and episodes making ABC Lifetime TV's history books. He has also appeared on the BET Network's first scripted television show Somebodies, as well as the Tyler Perry TBS sitcom, \"\"Meet The Browns\"\". Antjuan Tobias Antjuan Tobias Taylor is an American actor. Antjuan has appeared in the Lifetime television series \"\"Army Wives\"\". as PFC Guy Riggs, a young soldier who is deployed in Afghanistan. Born in Birmingham, Alabama, Taylor attended The University of Alabama where he studied Communications and Information Sciences. He receives", "\"Leonardo DiCaprio filmography\"\nActor. His current filmography is composed of 26 feature films. Leonardo DiCaprio filmography Leonardo DiCaprio is an American actor and producer who started his career performing as a child on television. He appeared on the shows \"\"The New Lassie\"\" (1989) and \"\"Santa Barbara\"\" (1990) and also had long running roles in the comedy-drama \"\"Parenthood\"\" (1990) and the sitcom \"\"Growing Pains\"\" (1991), before making his film debut in the 1991 direct-to-video release \"\"Critters 3\"\". Two years later, he played Tobias Wolff opposite Robert De Niro in \"\"This Boy's Life\"\" (1993). He followed this with a supporting role in \"\"What's Eating Gilbert", "\"Kåre Hedebrant\"\nto a small Norwegian town, and falls in love with the goalkeeper on the local girls football team. The film premiered in Norway on 25 March 2011. In 2012, he played the role of Tobias in the Swedish sci-fi drama series \"\"Real Humans\"\". Hedebrant is member of a band called The Broadcasting Service, who play alternative rock, \"\"stuff like The Hives\"\". Kåre Hedebrant Kåre Hedebrant (born 28 June 1995) is a Swedish actor. He lives in Hässelby, near Stockholm. Hedebrant currently attends Kungsholmens Gymnasium's Choir Section, and during middle school he attended the Adolf Fredrik's Music School. Hedebrant played the", "\"Up in Smoke (NCIS)\"\nwhich leads Gibbs to wonder whether Dr Ryan is really on their side or not. After receiving a text from Dearing, Gibbs calls DiNozzo and finds out from DiNozzo and Ziva that Director Vance has gone missing. Richard Schiff is introduced as the character of Harper Dearing, who since last episode was NCIS' most wanted fugitive. First revealed in the episode \"\"Playing with Fire\"\", Dearing is haunted by the loss of his son, who died in a terrorist bombing some years ago. According to Executive producer Gary Glasberg, Schiff is joining NCIS for a multi-episode storyline. \"\"This arc is something", "\"Errol Tobias\"\ninternational political pressure to sever cultural and sporting ties with South Africa because of apartheid, the tour was wrapped in secrecy, and matches played against Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile drew crowds as small as one hundred. In 1981 Tobias was selected at centre for the Springboks to play against the touring Irish team. In the first test at Newlands on 30 May, a crowd of 37,000 watched as Tobias broke, then gave an inside pass to Rob Louw, who scored. Prior to the test Danie Craven warned Tobias that the game would be over before he would even realize that", "\"Tobias and the Angel (opera)\"\nproper burial. The next morning Tobit is blinded by a group of sparrows (played by a children's chorus) who throw their droppings in his eyes. Remembering that he is owed money by Raguel, a relative in Ecbatana, he sends his son Tobias to reclaim it. A stranger offers to help guide Tobias on his way. On the way, the stranger encourages Tobias, who is something of a good-for-nothing and only interested in dancing, to pay attention to the world around him – to listen to the songs of the trees, the mountains, the river. In the river, they are attacked", "\"Wes Brown (actor)\"\nWes Brown (actor) James Wesley \"\"Wes\"\" Brown (born January 26, 1982) is an American actor. Brown is known for playing Luke McDonald in season two of HBO's \"\"True Blood\"\". He is also known for recurring roles as Judson Lyons in \"\"Hart of Dixie\"\" and as Ryan Kerrigan in \"\"Private Practice\"\". Brown starred in four Hallmark Channel films, \"\"Love's Everlasting Courage\"\" and \"\"Love Begins\"\", in 2011 \"\"Christmas Cookies\"\" in 2016 and \"\"Christmas at Graceland\"\" in 2018. He also appeared on \"\"\"\", \"\"Criminal Minds\"\", \"\"NCIS\"\", \"\"Scandal\"\" and \"\"Desperate Housewives\"\". In 2012 Brown was cast as series regular on the NBC primetime show", "\"Ted King (actor)\"\nwas cast as the mysterious character Downey on the hit series \"\"Prison Break\"\", making his first appearance on December 22. The role lasted until the end of the season (May 2009). In February 2011, King began the role of Tomás, long lost brother of Téa Delgado and romantic interest of Blair Cramer, on \"\"One Life to Live\"\" remaining until the soap's cancellation in January 2012. In April 2015, King played the role of Corporal Daniel Collins on the \"\"NCIS\"\" season 12 episode \"\"Lost in Translation\"\". Ted King (actor) Theodore William \"\"Ted\"\" King (born October 1, 1965) is an American actor,", "Ninotchka\nlater during World War II was suppressed on the grounds that the Soviets were then allies of the West. In 1955, the musical \"\"Silk Stockings\"\" opened on Broadway. Written by Cole Porter, the stage production was based on the 1939 story and script and starred Hildegard Neff and Don Ameche. The musical was then adapted by MGM as a 1957 film directed by Rouben Mamoulian and starring Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse. Actor George Tobias, who played the commissar in \"\"Silk Stockings\"\", also appeared in an uncredited small role in \"\"Ninotchka\"\" as the Russian official who gets punched by Leon", "\"Michael Graziadei\"\ndaytime soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". He is 14 years younger than the actress who plays his mother on the show, Michelle Stafford. In 2013 he left from soap for career in primetime television. In 2005 and in 2006, he was nominated an Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series. In film, Graziadei starred in the films \"\"Boogeyman 2\"\" (2007), \"\"\"\" (2009), and \"\"The Outside\"\" (2009). Graziadei guest-starred in number of television series, including \"\"NCIS\"\", \"\"Criminal Minds\"\", \"\"90210\"\", \"\"Castle\"\", \"\"\"\", and \"\"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\"\". He had a recurring roles on FX's \"\"\"\" as Travis", "\"Sean Murray (actor)\"\nSean Murray (actor) Sean Harland Murray (born November 15, 1977) is an American actor known for his role as Special Agent Timothy McGee on the American TV drama \"\"NCIS\"\". He also played Thackery Binx in Disney's Halloween film \"\"Hocus Pocus\"\" and Danny Walden in the military drama series \"\"JAG\"\". Murray's mother is Vivienne Bellisario, fourth wife of American television producer and screenwriter Donald P. Bellisario, making him Bellisario's stepson. He has one brother, Chad W. Murray (\"\"\"\" producer), and seven stepsiblings, including \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" actress Troian Bellisario and \"\"JAG\"\" actor Michael Bellisario. Murray's TV credits include a starring role", "\"J. P. Blecksmith\"\nat Flintridge Preparatory School in La Cañada. On April 20, 2005 James Patrick Blecksmith was awarded the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star for his courage and bravery. In a season 4 episode of \"\"NCIS\"\", actor Mark Harmon wears a J.P. Blecksmith memorial t-shirt in the episode \"\"In The Dark.\"\" In the September 29, 2009 episode of \"\"NCIS\"\" \"\"Reunion\"\", Mark Harmon (Gibbs) wears a J.P. Blecksmith memorial t-shirt in an early scene. J. P. Blecksmith James Patrick Blecksmith (September 26, 1980 – November 11, 2004) was an American military officer who was the first officer killed in Operation Phantom Fury", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2014)\"\nseries looking for what they described as a \"\"charactery\"\" actor to play the role. In response, \"\"On-Air On-Soaps\"\" likened this description to the character Damien Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) from \"\"General Hospital\"\" with \"\"an edge\"\". Todd's casting was announced on November 3, having begun filming on October 24. Tobias is a lab tech in Jabot, working for Ashley, but quickly appears to be a spy hired by Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) to divulge details to him about Ashley's developing fragrance. Ashley realizes that Tobias is a spy for Victor, and feeds him misinformation about the scent. After showing up at an", "\"Tobias Sana\"\nbut plays for the Swedish national team. Burkina Faso expressed interest in adding the young footballer to their national squad, however Sana expressed his desire to play for the Swedish national team, being the country of his birth. His younger brother Muba is also a footballer and plays for BK Häcken since 2012. Tobias Sana Tobias Sana (born 11 July 1989) is a Swedish footballer of both Swedish and Burkinabé descent who plays for AGF in the Danish Superliga. Sana began his professional football career in 2007–2008, playing for Qviding FIF, having spent his youth years playing for Marieholms BoIK,", "\"Chris Ellis (actor)\"\nreputation for portraying Southern lawmakers or serious military or police-type characters. He played a priest in \"\"The Dark Knight Rises\"\" (2012). He appeared in \"\"Criminal Minds\"\" as Sheriff Jimmy Rhodes. He had two guest appearances in \"\"NCIS\"\" as Gunnery Sergeant John Deluca. Ellis's appearance in the Season 1 episode \"\"The Curse\"\" was uncredited while his second and final appearance in the Season 2 episode \"\"The Bone Yard\"\" was credited. Chris Ellis (actor) Chris Ellis (born April 14, 1956) is an American film and television actor. Ellis was born in Dallas, Texas. He grew up in Frayser, a suburb of Memphis,", "\"George Tobias\"\n1952 presidential election. On February 27, 1980, Tobias died of cancer at the age of 78 at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. He is buried in Mount Carmel Cemetery, Glendale, Queens, New York City. George Tobias George Tobias (July 14, 1901 – February 27, 1980) was an American film and television actor. He had character parts in several major films of Hollywood's Golden Age, but today he is probably best known for his role as Abner Kravitz on the TV sitcom \"\"Bewitched\"\". Born to a Jewish family in New York, Tobias attended the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the", "\"Tobias Schönenberg\"\nman. Paul, the adopted son of Susanne Brandner, finds himself in the midst of several troubled love triangles. In 2010, Tobias starred alongside his twin brother Stefan in Florian Gottschick's \"\"Twins\"\", a short film that explores how the eponymous twins' incestuous sexual relationship influences and is influenced by one of the twins' impending nuptials. His surname, Schönenberg, aptly means ‘beautiful mountain’. Tobias Schönenberg Tobias Schönenberg (born 17 August 1986 in Hagen, West Germany) is a German actor and photomodel. In 2003, Tobias began earning money as a photomodel. He had always planned to study medicine, but a year and a", "\"Louise Griffiths\"\nNBC series \"\"The Event\"\". The film also starred the well-known American character actor Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa. Griffiths starred in \"\"All's Faire in Love\"\", released in October 2011, opposite Christina Ricci, Matthew Lillard, Cedric the Entertainer, and Ann-Margret. She also played the role of \"\"Mary Gardocki\"\" on \"\"NCIS\"\" in episode 21 from Season 9 \"\"Rekindled\"\", which aired on 17 April 2012. Griffiths played \"\"Denese Saintclaire\"\" alongside Jaime Pressly in the \"\"Axe cleans your balls\"\" campaign for Axe shower gel. Griffiths appears as \"\"Josephine White\"\" in the film \"\"The Mudman\"\" released in 2011. Other actors in the film include Time Winters and Samuel", "\"Ross Thomas (actor)\"\nwhich went on to win the GLAAD Outstanding Film Award in 2009. On the small screen, Thomas was a series regular on the Nickelodeon original teen series \"\"Beyond the Break\"\". Thomas played ‘Bailey,’ a stellar surfer who had a reputation for being a playboy. The show aired from 2006-2009. He also had a recurring role on \"\"General Hospital\"\" as 'Brandon,' a hardened criminal just released from jail. Thomas has also appeared on \"\"NCIS\"\" \"\"Lie to Me\"\" \"\"\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Cold Case\"\",& \"\"Living with Fran\"\" Thomas had a starring role in the film \"\"Soul Surfer\"\", based on the true story of shark", "\"Ned Vaughn\"\nquickly took off and in 1989, he was cast as Seaman Beaumont of the USS Dallas in the blockbuster film \"\"The Hunt for Red October\"\". The same year, Vaughn joined the ABC television series \"\"China Beach\"\", playing the role of Corporal Jeff Hyers. Throughout his career, Vaughn has gravitated toward characters who serve in the military (\"\"24\"\", \"\"The Tuskegee Airmen\"\", \"\"JAG\"\", \"\"NCIS\"\"), law enforcement (\"\"Heroes\"\", \"\"Frost/Nixon\"\"), politics (\"\"The Unit\"\"), and even Starfleet (\"\"\"\"). In 1995, Vaughn was honored as a member of the cast of \"\"Apollo 13\"\", which received that year's Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a", "\"Rob Locke\"\n\"\"2 Broke Girls,\"\" appeared in various roles on \"\"Jimmy Kimmel Live!\"\", made 3 appearances as Father Stanislov on \"\"General Hospital\"\", and as Viktor Lopuchin in a single episode of \"\"NCIS\"\". Rob Locke Rob Locke is a British actor, television host and voice-over artist who lives in Los Angeles. Locke was born in Lincoln, Lincolnshire on 7 October 1971 and grew up in London. His first acting experience was a school play, at the age of six, after which he performed regularly in youth theatre. At the age of eighteen, he left school and started working in the television industry. In", "\"Donald P. Bellisario\"\nSean Murray, the latter an actor who plays Timothy McGee on \"\"NCIS\"\". In 2001, Penn State named Bellisario a Distinguished Alumnus—the highest honor bestowed on a graduate. In 2006, Bellisario endowed a $1 million Trustee Matching Scholarship in the Penn State College of Communications. He recalled: On October 27, 2016, Donald received a Visionary Award at the UCLA Neurosurgery Visionary Ball. On April 21, 2017 the Pennsylvania State University Board of Trustees voted to rename the College of Communications the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications in recognition of a $30 million endowment from Bellisario. The donation is one of", "\"Faran Tahir\"\nrecurring role as the Commander on \"\"Supergirl\"\". He appeared in \"\"JAG\"\" in the episodes \"\"Ice Queen\"\" and \"\"Meltdown\"\" which served as the two pilot episodes for the series \"\"NCIS\"\". Seven years later, Tahir appeared in the spin-off \"\"\"\". In 2016 Tahir joined \"\"American Crime\"\" as Rhys Bashir, and was cast as Captain Nemo on \"\"Once Upon a Time \"\"In 2017, Tahir played the role of Mallick in Syfy's TV show, 12 Monkeys.\"\" Faran Tahir Faran Haroon Tahir (born February 16, 1964) is a Pakistani-American actor who appears in American television series and films, best known for his roles as Raza", "\"Blood of My Blood\"\nreturning to the show as Walder Frey, who last appeared in the aftermath of the Red Wedding, as well as Tobias Menzies as Edmure Tully, who also had not appeared since the Red Wedding episode \"\"The Rains of Castamere\"\", in the third series. Tim Plester, who plays one of Walder's sons also returned but his other son, Lothar, was re-cast, with Daniel Tuite taking over the role. Several new actors were cast as Samwell Tarly's family in Horn Hill. Samwell's father, Randyll Tarly, had been referenced several times and had been described as \"\"cruel\"\" in his treatment of his oldest", "\"Tobias Holmen Johansen\"\nat youth international level, and played two matches for the under-16 team in 2006 before he played four matches for the under-19 team in 2009. Tobias Holmen Johansen Tobias Holmen Johansen (born 29 August 1990) is a Norwegian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Norwegian club Kongsvinger. He joined the club from Manchester City in 2010, where he played together with his younger brother Eirik. Johansen has represented Norway at youth international level. Johansen was born in Tønsberg and grew up in Nøtterøy where he played for Teie IF during his youth, before he became a goalkeeper-reserve in", "\"NCIS (TV series)\"\nand Pauley Perrette. \"\"NCIS\"\" follows a fictional team of Naval Criminal Investigative Service Major Case Response Team (MCRT) special agents based at the Washington, D.C. field office in Washington Navy Yard. In real life, the field office is based at the nearby Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling while the Navy Yard is home to the museum and several military commands within the Department of the Navy. It is described by the actors and producers (on special features on DVD releases in the United States) as being distinguished by its comedic elements, ensemble acting, and character-driven plots. The NCIS is the primary law", "\"Playing with Fire (NCIS)\"\nPlaying with Fire (NCIS) \"\"Playing With Fire\"\" is the 22nd episode of the ninth season of the American police procedural drama \"\"NCIS\"\", and the 208th episode overall. It aired on CBS in the United States on May 1, 2012. The episode was written by George Schenck and Frank Cardea and directed by Dennis Smith, and was seen by 17.58 million viewers. In the aftermath of the arson attack aboard the USS \"\"Brewer\"\", the NCIS team discovers evidence of it being caused by the same arson explosive from earlier. The explosive went off prematurely, causing only minor damage to the ship", "\"Playing with Fire (NCIS)\"\nless rushed and often feel more organic.\"\" Playing with Fire (NCIS) \"\"Playing With Fire\"\" is the 22nd episode of the ninth season of the American police procedural drama \"\"NCIS\"\", and the 208th episode overall. It aired on CBS in the United States on May 1, 2012. The episode was written by George Schenck and Frank Cardea and directed by Dennis Smith, and was seen by 17.58 million viewers. In the aftermath of the arson attack aboard the USS \"\"Brewer\"\", the NCIS team discovers evidence of it being caused by the same arson explosive from earlier. The explosive went off prematurely,", "\"George Tobias\"\nGeorge Tobias George Tobias (July 14, 1901 – February 27, 1980) was an American film and television actor. He had character parts in several major films of Hollywood's Golden Age, but today he is probably best known for his role as Abner Kravitz on the TV sitcom \"\"Bewitched\"\". Born to a Jewish family in New York, Tobias attended the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre. Tobias began his acting career at the Pasadena Playhouse in Pasadena, California. He then spent several years in theater groups before moving on to Broadway and, eventually, Hollywood. His Broadway credits include \"\"Silk Stockings\"\" (1955)," ]
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who are the heirs to the british throne
[ "Charles , Prince of Wales", "Prince Henry", "Prince George" ]
[ "\"House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha\"\nducal branch is eponymous with the dynasty, its head is not the senior member of the family genealogically or agnatic. In 1893, the reigning duke Ernest II died childless, whereupon the throne would have devolved, by male primogeniture, upon the descendants of his brother Prince Albert. However, as heirs to the British throne, Albert's descendants consented and the law of the duchy ratified that the ducal throne would not be inherited by the British monarch or heir apparent. Therefore, the German duchy became a secundogeniture, hereditary among the younger princes of the British royal family who belonged to the House", "\"Oath of Allegiance (United Kingdom)\"\nrather than the (\"\"singular\"\") heir and successor, or even, heir and/or successor. This (\"\"plural\"\") anomaly indicates that any oath given to the Queen is equally given to all of her heirs, i.e., her/their children, and her/their grandchildren, and equally to all successors to the British throne, currently listed in the line of succession to the British throne, in the event that any one of them should accede to the throne. This oath to the Queen, her heirs, and successors is now administered in citizen ceremonies to immigrants becoming naturalized British subjects. Members of the judiciary (Justices of the Peace, District", "Yuyan\nImperial Heir in the People's Republic of China\"\" (1993) by the British journalist Tony Scotland. Scotland was searching for an heir to the imperial throne of China. Yuyan Yuyan (1918–1997), courtesy name Yanrui, nickname Xiaoruizi, was a Chinese calligrapher of Manchu descent. He was a member of the Aisin Gioro clan, the imperial clan of the Qing dynasty. He claimed that he was appointed by Puyi, the Last Emperor of China, as the heir to the throne. His claim is the subject of the travel adventure book \"\"The Empty Throne\"\" by British journalist Tony Scotland. Born in Wangfujing, Beijing, Yuyan", "\"Heir apparent\"\nleast one daughter, then the eldest daughter would replace her father as heir apparent to whatever throne or title is concerned, but only when it has become clear that the widow of the deceased is not pregnant. Then, as the representative of her father's line she would assume a place ahead of any more distant relatives. Such a situation has not to date occurred with the English or British throne; several times an heir apparent has died, but each example has either been childless or left a son or sons. However, there have been several female heirs apparent to British", "\"Dukedoms of the British Isles by reign\"\nDukedoms of the British Isles by reign This page lists extant dukedoms in the Peerages of the British Isles, listed by the monarch who created them—see also List of dukedoms in the peerages of Britain and Ireland. King Edward III first created the title Duke of Cornwall, the first dukedom in the British Isles, for his son and heir Edward, called the Black Prince. Since 1421 the title has automatically been held by the eldest son of and heir apparent to the sovereign. Since his mother's taking the throne in 1952 the title has been held by Prince Charles, who", "\"Heir (tournament)\"\nHeir (tournament) Heir is an annual British \"\"Super Smash Bros. Melee\"\" tournament that began in 2014. The event has also featured a \"\"Project M\"\" tournament on several editions. The Heir to the Thrones tournament series began on the weekend of August 28, 2014, in Birmingham. It featured \"\"Super Smash Bros.Melee,\"\" \"\"Project M\"\" and \"\"Super Smash Bros.Brawl.\"\" Heir II The Throne was held on the weekend of August 14, 2015, in Nottingham. The \"\"Project M\"\" tournament was the biggest in European history, and the whole competition attracted players from 13 different countries. Heir 3 was won by Armada again, followed by", "\"Hedvig Taube\"\ntime united by a personal union. This crisis was used by the British-supported Caps party, who believed that they would be given the king's support, if only Taube, the Hats pressure tool, was removed. The king's brother William of Hesse, regent of Hesse in his absence and heir to the throne of Hesse, were also i strong opposition to Taube, due to her allowance was taken from the Hessian state and because of his fear that the king would marry her in the future and make her sons heirs to the Hessian throne, and through his envoy in Sweden, he", "\"Succession to the British throne\"\nmarried Roman Catholics were excluded. Upon William's death, Anne became Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland. Because the Parliament of England settled on Sophia as Anne's heir-presumptive without consulting Scottish leaders, the Estates of Scotland retaliated by passing the Scottish Act of Security. The Act provided that, upon the death of Anne, the Estates would meet to select an heir to the throne of Scotland, who could not be the same person as the English Sovereign unless numerous political and economic conditions were met. Anne originally withheld the Royal Assent, but was forced to grant it when the Estates refused", "\"Sophia of Hanover\"\nby the Roman Catholic James Francis Edward Stuart, who would have become James III and VIII, but also to deny the throne to the many other Roman Catholics and spouses of Roman Catholics who held a claim. The act restricts the British throne to the \"\"Protestant heirs\"\" of Sophia of Hanover who had never been Roman Catholic or married a Roman Catholic. Some British politicians attempted several times to bring Sophia to England in order to enable her to assume government immediately in the event of Anne's death. It was also argued that such a course was necessary to ensure", "\"Prince Joseph Wenzel of Liechtenstein\"\nto the throne. Joseph Wenzel is third in line and heir-apparent of his mother to the Jacobite succession to the British crown. Joseph Wenzel's grand-uncle Franz, Duke of Bavaria, is the current Jacobite heir-general, although he has made no claim to the British throne, nor have any of his ancestors in the Jacobite line of succession since 1807. Prince Franz is elderly and has no children. Accordingly, on his death the position of Stuart heir is almost certain to fall to his younger brother Prince Max, if he is still alive, and after that to Max's eldest daughter Sophie, Joseph", "\"Succession to the French throne\"\nkingdom during the final days of the reign of Charles X of France, overthrew the senior line by accepting kingship for himself. The Legitimist stand is that the succession to the throne is based on customs and precedents thereafter unalterable. The heir to the throne, according to those customs, is the heir of Louis XIV, who cannot be excluded. The Orléanist stand is that the laws of succession could be altered, and that among those customs and precedents is the requirement that the heir must be French. The heir to the throne, according to them, is the Orléans line, since", "\"Duke of Rothesay\"\nachievement of the current Duke's arms are a variation of the Royal coat of arms of Scotland used prior to the Union of the Crowns in 1603. Duke of Rothesay Duke of Rothesay (, ) is a dynastic title of the heir apparent to the British throne, currently Prince Charles. It was a title of the heir apparent to the throne of the Kingdom of Scotland before 1707, of the Kingdom of Great Britain from 1707 to 1801, and now of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is the title mandated for use by the heir", "\"Alternative successions of the English and British crown\"\nAlternative successions of the English and British crown British history provides several opportunities for alternative claimants to the Crown to arise, and historical scholars have on occasion traced to present times the heirs of those alternative claims. Throughout this article, the names of \"\"would-have-been\"\" monarchs are in \"\"italics\"\". Richard II abdicated in favour of Henry Bolingbroke on 29 September 1399. However, Henry was not next in the line to the throne; the heir presumptive was Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March, who descended from Edward III's second surviving son, Lionel of Antwerp, whereas Henry's father, John of Gaunt, was Edward's third", "\"Duke of Rothesay\"\nDuke of Rothesay Duke of Rothesay (, ) is a dynastic title of the heir apparent to the British throne, currently Prince Charles. It was a title of the heir apparent to the throne of the Kingdom of Scotland before 1707, of the Kingdom of Great Britain from 1707 to 1801, and now of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is the title mandated for use by the heir apparent when in Scotland, in preference to the titles \"\"Duke of Cornwall\"\" (which also belongs to the eldest living son of the monarch, when and only when", "\"Line of succession to the Bhutanese throne\"\nLine of succession to the Bhutanese throne The line of succession to the throne of Bhutan is based on the constitution of Bhutan. Currently the line of succession is according to male-preference cognatic primogeniture with males preceding females who are in the same degree of kinship. If the heir apparent has reached the age of majority of 21, the monarch would step down at age 65. If the heir apparent and the nearest people in the line of succession are deemed unsuitable, it is up to the monarch to decide who will be the next heir. If the monarch violates", "\"Catholic emancipation\"\na Papist\"\", \"\"be reconciled to or ... hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome\"\". A Roman Catholic heir can therefore only inherit the throne by changing religious allegiance. Ever since the Papacy recognized the Hanoverian dynasty in January 1766, none of the immediate royal heirs has been a Roman Catholic, and thereby disallowed by the Act. Many more distantly related potential Roman Catholic heirs are listed on the line of succession to the British throne. Section 2 of the Succession to the Crown Act 2013, and similar provisions in the law of other signatories to the Perth Agreement,", "\"Sivaganga estate\"\narmed force and alliance with Gopala Nayaker and Hyder Ali. In 1780, she became the first queen in India, who fight against the British colonial power. Accompanied by Maruthu brothers she recaptured Sivaganga and make her daughter to heir. According to East India Company documents, the queen died under somewhat suspicious circumstances. In 1803, the British restored the rightful heir Udayathevan on the throne. The kingdom was subsequently reduced to a \"\"zamindari\"\" by the permanent settlement of Lord Wellesley. The estate was ruled by the descendants of Udayathevan till India's independence when the \"\"zamindari\"\" was abolished. Sivaganga estate The estate", "\"William IV of the United Kingdom\"\nWales, then second-in-line to the British throne, in 1817, the king was left with twelve children, but no legitimate grandchildren. The race was on among the royal dukes to marry and produce an heir. William had great advantages in this race—his two older brothers were both childless and estranged from their wives, who were both beyond childbearing age anyway, and William was the healthiest of the three. If he lived long enough, he would almost certainly ascend the British and Hanoverian thrones, and have the opportunity to sire the next monarch. William's initial choices of potential wives either met with", "\"Prince of Wales\"\nmedieval England extending principally over the counties of Cheshire and Flintshire. A Prince of Wales also holds a number of additional titles. As heir apparent to the English/British throne he is—if the eldest living son of the monarch—Duke of Cornwall. As heir apparent to the Scottish throne he is Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, and Prince and Great Steward of Scotland. Individual princes have also held additional titles, which were theirs prior to becoming Prince of Wales. Before ascending the throne Henry VIII, Charles I and George V were each Duke of", "\"Prince Kamal el Dine Hussein\"\nPrince Kamal el Dine Hussein Prince Kamal el Dine Hussein () (20 December 1874 – 6 August 1932) was the son of Sultan Hussein Kamel of Egypt. Several otherwise reliable sources mistakenly assert that Kamal el Dine Hussein held the position of heir during his father's three-year reign. In reality, Hussein Kamel had agreed with the British government upon his ascension to the throne to postpone the establishment of new rules of succession for the sultanate, meaning that the position of heir to the throne remained vacant. The succession issue was discussed between Hussein Kamel and British High Commissioner Henry", "\"Kashyapa I of Anuradhapura\"\nwas later defeated by Moggallana, who had fled to South India and returned with an army to regain the throne. Kashyapa was killed in the battle that ensued. Though Kashyapa was the eldest son of the king, he was not the heir to the throne. Moggallana was the son of the royal consort and the rightful heir to the throne, while Kassapa was born to a non-royal concubine. However, Kashyapa sought to acquire the throne by usurping Moggallana. He was assisted by the commander of the king’s army, Migara, who sought vengeance for a disagreement between himself and the king.", "\"Succession to the British throne\"\nin the UK and in those realms that, by their laws, have as their monarch automatically whoever is monarch of the UK. Other realms passed their own legislation. Anyone ineligible to succeed is treated as if they were dead. That person's descendants are not also disqualified, unless they are personally ineligible. The Act of Settlement 1701 provides that Protestant \"\"heirs of the body\"\" (that is, legitimate descendants) of Sophia, Electress of Hanover, are eligible to succeed to the throne, unless otherwise disqualified. The meaning of \"\"heir of the body\"\" is determined by the common law rules of male preference primogeniture", "\"Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland\"\nEstelle is second in the line of succession to the Swedish throne and the first female in Swedish history to be born with a right to inherit the crown that cannot be superseded by the birth of a male heir, as well as the first person in Swedish history to be born of a female heir apparent. The only two princesses of Sweden to be born first in line for the throne were heir presumptive at their birth: Christina (who eventually became queen regnant) and Hedwig Sophia (who was superseded by a younger brother). As second in line to the", "\"Crown Prince of Thailand\"\naffected the individuals who could become Crown Prince. Since its creation three Princes have been raised to this title, and two have succeeded to the throne. List of heirs apparent and heirs presumptive since 1886, those in bold succeeded to the throne as King. Crown Prince of Thailand The Crown Prince of Thailand (or Siam; ; ) is a title held by the heir apparent to the Thai throne. First created by King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) in 1886, for his son Prince Maha Vajirunhis, the king's eldest son by a royal wife Queen Savang Vadhana. Prior to this, the Siamese", "Rothesay\nthrone; after the Union of the Crowns, in 1603, this became the heir to the British throne. Unlike the equivalent English title of Duke of Cornwall, there is no land attached in the form of a Duchy. Control of the land had been handed to Robert III's half-brother, and the latter's descendants, who acquired the title Marquess of Bute in the 18th century; the Marquess remains the main landowner on the island, and has his principal seat, Mount Stuart, a few miles to the south. Rothesay is no longer the seaside town it used to be, with more tourists going", "\"Duchies in England\"\nDevon, with other large holdings in Cornwall, Herefordshire, Somerset and almost all of the Isles of Scilly. The duchy also has a financial investments portfolio. The income of the Duchy of Cornwall accrues to the Duke of Cornwall, who is the monarch's eldest child if heir to the throne (and thus currently the Prince of Wales). The eldest son of the reigning British monarch inherits possession of the duchy and title of Duke of Cornwall at birth or when his parent succeeds to the throne, but may not sell assets for personal benefit and has limited rights and income as", "\"Hedvig Taube\"\nreturned to her former position and her residence in the capital as soon as the Riksdag of 1741 was dissolved. In accordance with the abdication document of 1720, were the queen abdicated in favor of the king on condition that she succeed him if he should die before her, the queen had in effect been the heir to the throne of Sweden. Upon her death in November 1741, the question of succession to the Swedish throne was raised. Hedvig Taube, who was well aware that her exile was due to the efforts of the British- and Hessian supported Capts party,", "\"Monarchy of the Bahamas\"\nthe rules that the Monarch cannot be a Roman Catholic and must be in communion with the Church of England upon ascending the throne. As the Bahamas's laws governing succession are currently identical to those of the United Kingdom (by the \"\"Statute of Westminster\"\") see Succession to the British Throne for more information. The heir apparent is Elizabeth II's eldest son, Charles, who has no official title outside of the UK, but is accorded his UK title, Prince of Wales, as a courtesy title. All laws in the Bahamas are enacted with the sovereign's, or the vice-regal's signature. The granting", "\"Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein\"\nthe house he heads include the reigning monarchs of Denmark and Norway, the deposed monarch of Greece, and the heir-apparent to the British throne. The House of Oldenburg — in one of its cadet branches — is patrilineally the royal house of Denmark (since 1448) and Norway (1450–1818 and since 1905), has been the reigning dynasty of several other countries including Greece, Sweden and Russia, and also includes the heir to the throne of the United Kingdom. As such, Christoph is the agnatic head of the family that today includes Margrethe II of Denmark, Harald V of Norway, Constantine II", "\"Monarchy of Grenada\"\nparliament only. This legislation lays out the rules that the Monarch cannot be a Roman Catholic, nor married to one, and must be in communion with the Church of England upon ascending the throne. As Grenada's laws governing succession are currently identical to those of the United Kingdom (by the \"\"Statute of Westminster\"\") see Succession to the British Throne for more information. The heir apparent is Elizabeth II's eldest son, Charles, who has no official title outside of the UK, but is accorded his UK title, Prince of Wales, as a courtesy title. All laws in Grenada are enacted with", "\"Succession to the French throne\"\nSpain — has been served, since the King of Spain is not the heir to France. For Orléanists the treaty is a valid alteration to the French law of succession. Further, Louis Philippe was the last official \"\"First Prince of the Blood\"\", who were, by tradition, immediate heir to the throne after the royal family itself. The second point of contention between the Legitimists and the Orléanists is the nationality requirement. For Orléanists, foreign-born heirs forfeit their right of succession to estates in France by the law of aubain. Foreigners include, apart from the usual definition, those Frenchmen who left", "\"Bakht Buland Shah\"\nsuffered a defeat at Sitabuldi in present-day Nagpur city. The fierce battle was a turning point as it laid the foundations of the downfall of the Bhonsles and paved the way for the British acquisition of Nagpur city. Mudhoji was deposed after a temporary restoration to the throne, after which the British placed Raghoji III the grandchild of Raghoji II, on the throne. During the rule of Raghoji III (which lasted till 1840), the region was administered by a British resident. In 1853, the British took control of Nagpur after Raghoji III died without leaving an heir. Bakht Buland Shah", "\"Succession to the British throne\"\nsucceeding ... to the imperial crown of this realm\"\". Since the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, the maximum penalty has been life imprisonment. In the Commonwealth realms, upon the death of a sovereign, the heir apparent or heir presumptive succeeds to the throne immediately, with no need for confirmation or further ceremony. Nevertheless, the Accession Council meets and decides upon the making of the accession proclamation, which by custom has for centuries been ceremonially proclaimed in public places, in London, York, Edinburgh and other cities. The anniversary is observed throughout the sovereign's reign as Accession Day, including royal gun salutes", "\"Heir apparent\"\nHeir apparent An heir apparent or heiress apparent is a person who is first in a line of succession and cannot be displaced from inheriting by the birth of another person. An heir presumptive, by contrast, is someone who is first in line to inherit a title but who can be displaced by the birth of a more eligible heir. Today these terms most commonly describe heirs to hereditary titles (e.g. titles of nobility) or offices, especially when only inheritable by a single person. Most monarchies refer to the heir apparent of their thrones with the descriptive term of \"\"crown", "Mandaragirau\ntake over the throne, Mai Mari who was a brother to Mai Ali took over with a promise that he would relinquish the chieftaincy to Ndalimari the right heir to the throne when he (Ndalimari) grew up. That promise was not fulfilled up to the time the Europeans came and removed the Chieftaincy of Mandargirau. Ali Boy therefore requested the British authority to re-institute the Chiefdom of Mandaragirau and make his father the chief. In response to the petition Cpt A. L. Milroy, the Assistant District Officer Biu (10/3/1927-7/11/1927) wrote to the Resident Bornu Province on 16 April 1927 on", "\"Edward IV of England\"\nthe reign of the House of York and of the Plantagenet family, which ruled for the longest period of any dynasty in English history. Henry Tudor, soon after taking the throne as Henry VII, married Edward's eldest daughter Elizabeth of York, who was at that point the family heiress, thus forestalling any claims by Yorkist sympathizers that Edward's heirs had a better right to the throne. Through her, the Plantagenet family and the House of York continue in the line of English and British sovereigns. Edward IV had ten children by Elizabeth Woodville, seven of whom survived him. They were", "\"Young Catherine\"\nYoung Catherine Young Catherine is a 1991 British TV miniseries based on the early life of Catherine II of Russia. It stars Julia Ormond as Catherine and Vanessa Redgrave as Empress Elizabeth. The year is 1744, and the beautiful young Catherine (Julia Ormond) is torn from her homeland to marry Peter (Reece Dinsdale), the heir to the Russian throne. However his aunt, Elizabeth, Empress of Russia (Vanessa Redgrave), rules the empire with an iron hand, and Peter proves neither fit for the throne nor the marriage bed. Treated as an outsider and at great risk from enemies who influence her", "\"Whigs (British political party)\"\nin the Parliament of England wished to exclude the Duke of York (who later became King James II) from the throne due to his Roman Catholicism, his favouring of monarchical absolutism, and his connections to France. They believed the heir presumptive, if allowed to inherit the throne, would endanger the Protestant religion, liberty and property. The first Exclusion Bill was supported by a substantial majority on its second reading in May 1679. In response, King Charles prorogued Parliament and then dissolved it, but the subsequent elections in August and September saw the Whigs' strength increase. This new parliament did not", "\"Count Ingolf of Rosenborg\"\na place in line to the British throne. He was born at Sorgenfri Palace, Sorgenfri, as His Highness Prince Ingolf of Denmark. He was the elder son of Hereditary Prince Knud, by his wife and first cousin, Hereditary Princess Caroline-Mathilde. From the death of his grandfather in 1947, Ingolf stood only behind his father in the order of hereditary succession to the throne and was expected to become king in his turn. His father Prince Knud was then the heir presumptive, due to succeed Ingolf's uncle King Frederick IX, who had three daughters but no sons. In 1953, the Constitution", "\"Thibaw Min\"\nat the Mandalay court during Mindon's final days. Under the guise that Mindon wanted to bid his children (other princes and princesses) farewell, Hsinbyumashin had all royals of close age (who could potentially be heir to the throne) mercilessly slaughtered by edict, to ensure that Thibaw and her daughter Supayalat would assume the throne. At the time of his accession, Lower Burma, half of the kingdom's former territory, had been under British occupation for thirty years and it was no secret that the King intended to regain this territory. Relations had soured during the early 1880s when the King was", "\"Bakht Buland Shah\"\nand the rightful heirs placed on the throne. After 1743, a series of Maratha rulers came to power, starting with Raghoji Bhonsle, who conquered the territories of Deogarh, Chanda and Chhattisgarh by 1751. In 1803 Raghoji II joined the Peshwa against the British in the Second Anglo-Maratha War, but the British prevailed. After Raghoji II's death in 1816, his son Parsaji was deposed and murdered by Mudhoji II. Despite the fact that he had entered into a treaty with the British in the same year, Mudhoji joined the Peshwa in the Third Anglo-Maratha War in 1817 against the British, but", "\"Princess of Orange (by marriage)\"\nthe accession of her father, Willem-Alexander, to the Dutch throne, Catharina-Amalia became Princess of Orange and heir apparent to the throne. Princess of Orange (by marriage) This is a list of women who held the title Princess of Orange by marriage. Princess of Orange is the title used by the female heirs apparent and, prior to 2002, spouses of male heirs apparent. The present Princess of Orange, Catharina-Amalia, is the first \"\"suo jure\"\" holder since Marie (1393–1417), who co-reigned with her husband John (1393–1418). From 1171 to 1815 the title was also used by women married to the Sovereign Princes", "\"Francis I of France\"\nwas not expected to inherit the throne, as his third cousin King Charles VIII was still young at the time of his birth, as was his father's cousin the Duke of Orléans, later King Louis XII. However, Charles VIII died childless in 1498 and was succeeded by Louis XII, who himself had no male heir. The Salic Law prevailed in France, thus females were ineligible to inherit the throne. Therefore, the four-year-old Francis (who was already Count of Angoulême after the death of his own father two years earlier) became the heir presumptive to the throne of France in 1498", "\"Succession to the British throne\"\nhim, becoming Edward VI. Edward VI was the first Protestant Sovereign to succeed to the rule of England. He attempted to divert the course of succession in his will to prevent his Catholic half-sister, Mary, from inheriting the throne. He excluded Mary and Elizabeth, settling on the Duchess of Suffolk's daughter, Lady Jane Grey. Jane was also originally excluded on the premise that no woman could reign over England. Nonetheless, the will, which originally referred to Jane's heirs-male, was amended to refer to Jane \"\"and\"\" her heirs-male. Upon Edward VI's death in 1553, Jane was proclaimed Queen of England and", "\"Kingdom of Hawaii\"\ninnuendo. David Kalākaua became the second elected King of Hawaii but without the ceremonial popular vote of Lunalilo. The choice of the legislature was controversial, and U.S. and British troops were called upon to suppress rioting by Queen Emma's supporters, the \"\"Emmaites\"\". Hoping to avoid uncertainty in the monarchy's future, Kalākaua proclaimed several heirs to the throne to define a line of succession. His sister Liliuokalani would succeed the throne upon Kalākaua's death, with Princess Victoria Kaiulani to follow. If she could not produce an heir by birth, Prince David Lamea Kawananakoa then Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaole would rule after", "\"El mahdi Mohammad Senosi\"\nare difficult to verify. Making the matter more complicated it that El mahdi Senosi is only the third son of Sayyid Abdullah al-Abid senosi, not his first born. Furthermore, his mother, Ghalia bin Nur Saleh, was only his father's second wife. This makes his claim to the throne difficult. In the early 2000s, El mahdi Senosi lobbied the British government to support his claim by officially recognising him as the rightful heir to the Libyan throne. He spent almost £50,000 on these efforts but was only partially successful. While London did not officially recognise him as the heir to the", "\"Bourbon claim to the Spanish throne\"\nwife, Marie Louise. This spelled good news for his French relatives as they could now forward their dormant claims to the Spanish throne. Initially, Louis XIV wished to further his own ambitions by placing himself on the throne and gaining control of the vast Spanish empire, using his claim as heir to the Spanish throne, through his mother, daughter of Philip III. Among all the contenders, it was Louis XIV's son, Louis the Grand Dauphin, who was the closest heir, as the son of the oldest sister of Charles II. So when Charles II died in 1700, the line of", "\"Somaliland Campaign\"\nthe Mad Mullah will become a myth for the British, who will never come across him, and a serious worry for ... our sphere of influence.\"\" The relationship between Hobyo and Italy soured when Sultan Kenadid refused the Italians' proposal to allow British troops to disembark in his Sultanate so that they might then pursue their battle against Hassan's Dervish forces. Viewed as too much of a threat by the Italians, Kenadid was exiled first to the British-controlled Aden Protectorate, and then to Italian Eritrea, as was his son Ali Yusuf, the heir apparent to his throne. In May, the", "\"George I of Great Britain\"\nmany cultural icons such as the mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Leibniz and the composers George Frideric Händel and Agostino Steffani. Shortly after George's accession to his paternal duchy, Prince William, Duke of Gloucester, who was second-in-line to the English and Scottish thrones, died. By the terms of the English Act of Settlement 1701, George's mother, Sophia, was designated as the heir to the English throne if the then reigning monarch, William III, and his sister-in-law, Anne, died without surviving issue. The succession was so designed because Sophia was the closest Protestant relative of the British royal family. Fifty-six Catholics with", "\"Jacobite line of succession to the English and Scottish thrones in 1714\"\nsuccession crisis which ultimately led to an Act of Parliament to designate Anne's successor. The Act of Settlement, drawn up in 1701, settled the succession on Sophia of the Palatinate, Electress of Hanover, and the heirs of her body, barring any Roman Catholics or spouses of Roman Catholics from the succession. This was a deliberate attempt to disinherit Anne's nearest blood relation, the exiled Roman Catholic James Stuart (who would later be known as the 'Old Pretender'), her half-brother, from inheriting the throne. The Act changed the course of British history and had many political consequences, primarily leading to the", "\"Alternative successions of the English and British crown\"\nqueen and the throne would have been inherited by her eldest child, and so on. Friederike is not considered a pretender to the British throne, as this alternative line of succession is completely hypothetical. Next in line would be her eldest child, Felicitas Catharini Malina Johanna von Reiche. Alternative successions of the English and British crown British history provides several opportunities for alternative claimants to the Crown to arise, and historical scholars have on occasion traced to present times the heirs of those alternative claims. Throughout this article, the names of \"\"would-have-been\"\" monarchs are in \"\"italics\"\". Richard II abdicated in", "\"Gowri Lakshmi Bayi\"\nhave to take over Travancore and rule it as regent till such an heir would be born to her. However her accession was not easy because a member from the Mavelikara branch of the royal family, a distant cousin, Prince Kerala Varma, who was the pet of the previous ruler, staked a claim on the throne which was anything but substantiated. The Princess placed in the hands of the British Resident Col. John Munro, one of Travancore's most loved British Residents, a document asserting her claim and proving the claim of Kerala Varma untenable. This irked Kerala Varma who resorted", "\"Afonso, Duke of Porto\"\na legitimate Braganza heir, and their anxiety redoubled at the news of Afonso's marriage to a commoner, especially one of such a dubious reputation. In Portugal, morganatic marriage was not recognized. Any legitimate child of Afonso and Nevada could become the lawful heir to the Portuguese throne. Nearly as disturbing was the prospect that both Manuel and Afonso would fail to produce an heir. In this event, the claimant to the Portuguese throne would be a descendent of Miguel I, the absolutist king who, in 1834, lost the Portuguese War of the Two Brothers to the liberal line of constitutional", "\"Duke of Braganza\"\nascended the royal throne, he elevated his son and heir Teodósio to the newly created rank of Prince of Brazil in 1645, but granted the Duchy of Braganza to his brother, the Infante Duarte, who died in 1649 in Spanish captivity. Then it was granted to the king's second son, the future Afonso VI of Portugal. From this time onwards, the title \"\"Duke of Braganza\"\" was kept for the heir apparent of the throne – in its strictest sense. Although the other title for an unavoidable heir, that of \"\"Prince of Brazil\"\", was from time to time granted even to", "\"Trastámaran Castile\"\n1468 and named Isabella heir to Henry's throne, as she and the nobles renewed their allegiance to Henry in return. A quick marriage for Isabella was a condition of the agreement, however Henry objected to her 1469 marriage to Ferdinand, who was the King of Sicily and the heir to the Aragonese throne, as a breach of the pact. He once again named Infanta Juana as his heir, and a civil war ensued throughout the next decade. Isabella's military factions were eventually victorious with the help of Aragon, making her queen and uniting the crowns of Aragon and Castile. The", "Coronation\nof monarchs if they predeceased their fathers. The nobility disliked this custom, as it reduced their chances to benefit from a possible succession dispute. The last heir apparent to the French throne to be crowned during his father's lifetime was the future Philip II, while the only crowned heir apparent to the English throne was Henry the Young King, who was first crowned alone and then with his wife, Margaret of France. The practice was eventually abandoned by all kingdoms that had adopted it, as the rules of primogeniture became stronger. The last coronation of an heir apparent, with the", "\"Qian Hongzun\"\ncompletely honorary title as Guo was then under the control of Later Shu). In 937, by which time Later Tang had fallen and Wuyue was a vassal state of Later Jin, Qian Yuanguan assumed the title of king. He created Qian Hongzun as his heir apparent, and had a mansion built for Qian Hongzun. Qian Hongzun, however, would die in 940, before his father, who would eventually pass the throne to Qian Hongzuo. Qian Hongzun Qian Hongzun (錢弘僔) (925-June 7, 940), formally Heir Apparent Xiaoxian (孝獻世子, \"\"the filial and wise heir apparent\"\"), was an heir apparent to the throne of", "\"Anglo-Zulu War\"\nrepeat of Isandlwana. One of the early British casualties was the exiled heir to the French throne, Imperial Prince Napoleon Eugene, who had volunteered to serve in the British army and was killed on 1 June while out with a reconnoitering party. Cetshwayo, knowing that the newly reinforced British would be a formidable opponent, attempted to negotiate a peace treaty. Chelmsford was not open to negotiations, as he wished to restore his reputation before Wolseley relieved him of command, and he proceeded to the royal kraal of Ulundi, intending to defeat the main Zulu army. On 4 July, the armies", "\"First Anglo-Maratha War\"\nwho was legal heir to the throne. The newborn infant was named 'Sawai' Madhavrao (\"\"Sawai\"\" means \"\"One and a Quarter\"\"). Twelve Maratha chiefs, led by Nana Phadnavis directed an effort to name the infant as the new Peshwa and rule under him as regents. Raghunathrao, unwilling to give up his position of power, sought help from the British at Bombay and signed the Treaty of Surat on 6 March 1775. According to the treaty, Raghunathrao ceded the territories of Salsette and Bassein to the British, along with part of the revenues from Surat and Bharuch districts. In return, the British", "Thanjavur\nthe whole of the 18th century. The Maratha rulers patronized Carnatic music. In 1787, Amar Singh, the regent of Thanjavur, deposed the minor Raja, his nephew Serfoji II (1787–93) and captured the throne. Serfoji II was restored in 1799 with the assistance of the British, who induced him to relinquish the administration of the kingdom and left him in charge of Thanjavur fort and surrounding areas. The kingdom was eventually absorbed into British India in 1855 by the Doctrine of Lapse when Shivaji II (1832–55), the last Thanjavur Maratha ruler, died without a legitimate male heir. The British referred to", "\"Second Battle of Vailele\"\nIn response, the British Royal Navy and the U.S. Navy landed forces at Apia in support of Prince Tanu who was the legitimate heir to the Samoan throne which had already been taken over by the German-backed Mataafa. The first battle of the conflict involving the British and Americans was fought at Apia, when the naval forces landed they occupied much of the city, Mataafan forces attacked, so British and American warships in Apia Harbor began bombarding enemy positions around the city. After the conflict, Mataafaite forces, as they were sometimes called, retreated to the stronghold of Vailele and thus", "\"Amy Hoggart\"\nrole outside of standup comedy was \"\"Almost Royal\"\", a faux-reality show on BBC America, in which Hoggart portrays a low-ranking heir to the British throne, Poppy Carlton, 51st in line to the British throne, and her brother, Georgie (Ed Gamble), as they tour the United States speaking to unsuspecting members of the public, in a style similar to the character Borat. When cast, Hoggart, whose background includes living in places such as Washington, D.C. and London, was expected to be able to affect the manner of British royalty, saying, \"\"They asked if I could do an aristocratic accent.\"\" \"\"Almost Royal\"\"", "\"House of Tudor\"\nineligible ever to inherit the throne. Nevertheless, the Beauforts remained closely allied with Gaunt's legitimate descendants from his first marriage, the House of Lancaster. However the descent from the Beauforts, despite the above, did not render Henry of Richmond a legitimate heir to the throne nor did the fact that his father's mother was a former Queen of England make him an heir. The legitimate heir, or, in this case, heiress, was the Countess of Salisbury who was descended from the second son of Edward III, Lionel, Duke of Clarence and also his fourth son, the Duke of York. This", "\"Bogdan Willewalde\"\ncoronation of Czar Alexander II. Following this success, he was asked to depict the anointment of Grand Duke Nicholas as heir to the Imperial throne. The painting titled \"\"The Oath of His Imperial Highness Prince Nikolai Alexandrovich at the Georgiev Throne Hall of the Winter Palace. September 8, 1859.\"\" Six years later, following the untimely death of the heir apparent, Willewalde was commissioned to paint the anointment of the Czar's second son, Alexander Alexandrovich, as the new heir to the Imperial throne: \"\"The Oath of His Imperial Highness the Heir Apparent Prince Alexander Alexandrovich at the Georgiev Throne Hall in", "\"The Indian Queen (play)\"\nreceives the information that he is actually the heir of the Mexican throne, the very person who can with all justification marry the Peruvian princess. A number of conflicts run through the play: can the throne be usurped by an unlawful queen? The answer is no. Zempoalla remains haunted by her past deeds; her son does not develop the necessary eagerness to inherit a crown unlawfully gained. Fate turns against the usurper and an insurgence seals that fate. The legitimate heir regains his position even though he is at that moment not aware of his rights to the throne. Fate,", "\"Finnikin of the Rock\"\ncaptured along with his hand-picked guard, they were sent to work in the mines of their neighbouring countries. He hasn't seen his son Finnikin since then. Sir Topher – Finnikin's guardian while his father remains in the mines. Sir Topher was tutor to the heir of Lumatere. Prince Balthazar. The heir to the throne of Lumatere, Finnikin's childhood friend. Evanjalin – A novice of the goddess Lagrami who joins Finnikin and his guardian Sir Topher on their quest to build a second Lumatere. She leads them to believe that Prince Balthazar, the heir to the throne of Lumatere, is alive", "\"Lady Davina Lewis\"\nWhale Rider\"\" which became a film of the same name. Gary Lewis is also the first person of known Māori descent to join the extended Royal Family, or to marry the daughter of a British prince. As she is a legitimate descendant in the male line of King George II and therefore a potential heir to the British throne, the Royal Marriages Act 1772 required that Royal Assent to the wedding be obtained in advance for the marriage to be legal and the descendants thereof to inherit rights of succession to the thrones of the Commonwealth realms, including that of", "\"Bourbon claim to the Spanish throne\"\nhis son, Felipe on 19 June 2014. He and his wife will retain their titles. Bourbon claim to the Spanish throne After the death of the last Habsburg monarch of Spain in 1700, the childless Charles II, the Spanish throne was up for grabs between the various dynasties of Europe despite Charles having left a will naming his heir. In this will, Charles left Philip, Duke of Anjou, grandson of the French king, the possessions of the Spanish Crown. The Austrian Habsburgs, who considered themselves the rightful heirs of Charles II, fearing that the vast domain of the Spanish Crown", "\"Şehzade Bayezid\"\nŞehzade Bayezid Şehzade Bayezid (1525 – 25 September 1561) was an Ottoman prince as the son of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and his legal wife Hürrem Sultan. After the death of three of Suleiman's sons, only Bayezid and Selim were alive. Bayezid had a good skill in military tactic. After the death of Sehzade Mustafa (who was the heir apparent to the Ottoman throne) Bayezid became the popular heir to the Ottoman throne among the army. Through the 1550s, when Suleiman was already in his 60s, a protracted competition for the throne between Bayezid and Selim was evident. Bayezid had", "\"Bourbon claim to the Spanish throne\"\nBourbon claim to the Spanish throne After the death of the last Habsburg monarch of Spain in 1700, the childless Charles II, the Spanish throne was up for grabs between the various dynasties of Europe despite Charles having left a will naming his heir. In this will, Charles left Philip, Duke of Anjou, grandson of the French king, the possessions of the Spanish Crown. The Austrian Habsburgs, who considered themselves the rightful heirs of Charles II, fearing that the vast domain of the Spanish Crown would be taken over by the French monarchy, formed a European coalition against the Bourbon", "\"Spain–United Kingdom relations\"\n1888, over fifty years after the practice was outlawed across the British Empire. During the Carlist Wars, Spain was wracked by civil war, as a result of a power struggle between the royal heir, Isabella and Carlists, led by the Pretender, Don Carlos, her uncle. Fearing a resurgent theocratic Spain, the possible re-emergence of long-silent pretenders to the British throne, a new Spanish monarch that might refuse to accept the independence of Spain's lost Latin American colonies, and domestic secessionism (particularly amongst Irish Catholics), the United Kingdom steadfastly supported Isabella who was a liberal instead of the Carlist pretenders who", "\"Alternative successions of the English and British crown\"\nBeaufort dynasty. Heir apparent: Henry Robert FitzRoy Somerset, Marquess of Worcester (b. 1989), first son of the 12th Duke. The Marquess of Worcester's heir presumptive: Lord Alexander Lorne Somerset (b. 1993), his brother Henry VIII's Third Succession Act granted Henry the right to bequeath the Crown in his Will. His Will specified that, in default of heirs to his children, the throne was to pass to the heirs of his younger sister Mary Tudor, Queen of France, bypassing the line of his elder sister Margaret Tudor, represented by the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots. Edward VI confirmed this by letters", "\"Anti-Catholicism in the United Kingdom\"\nto Catholicism before he became king and favoured the Catholics, and his replacement by son-in-law William III, a Dutch Protestant. The Act of Settlement 1701, which was passed by the Parliament of England, stated the heir to the throne must not be a \"\"Papist\"\" and that an heir who is a Catholic or who marries one will be excluded from the succession to the throne. This law was extended to Scotland through the Act of Union which formed the Kingdom of Great Britain. The Act was amended in 2013 as regards marriage to a Catholic and the ecumenical movement has", "\"Baron of Renfrew (title)\"\nBaron of Renfrew (title) Baron of Renfrew is a dignity held by the heir apparent to the British throne, currently Prince Charles. It was held by the Scottish heir apparent beginning in 1404. It is closely associated with the title Duke of Rothesay. An act of the Scottish Parliament passed in 1469 confirmed the pattern of succession. Renfrew, a town near Glasgow, is sometimes called the \"\"cradle of the royal Stewarts.\"\" In Scotland, barons hold feudal titles, not peerages: a Scottish lord of Parliament equates to an English or British baron. Some, however, claim that the Act of 1469 effectively", "\"A United Kingdom\"\nof the heir to the throne of Bechuanaland, Seretse Khama of the Bamangwato people, who studies law in London immediately after World War II. There he meets a white woman, Ruth Williams, whom he eventually marries, despite the protests of both their families and opposition from the British government, which is concerned about relations with South Africa and the stability of the entire region of southern Africa. The National Party government in South Africa fears that the marriage of a black king to a white woman in neighboring Bechuanaland will inspire unrest, and pressures the British government to end the", "Vishalgad\nbesieged at Panhala Fort in 1660 and in 1844 it was one of the forts of Kolhapur State that initiated a rebellion against a Brahmin regent called Daji Krishna Pandit who had been installed by the British to govern the state in 1843 at a time when the natural heir to the throne was underage. He took direction from a political agent of the East India Company and among their actions were reforms to the tax of land. These reforms caused much resentment and, despite Kolhapur having refrained from involvement in the previous Anglo-Maratha Wars, a revolt against the British", "Nagpur\nthe Maratha leader Raghoji Bhosale of Berar in the interest of her sons Akbar Shah and Burhan Shah. The usurper was put to death and the rightful heirs placed on the throne. After 1743, a series of Maratha rulers came to power, starting with Raghoji Bhosale, who conquered the territories of Deogarh, Chanda and Chhattisgarh by 1751. Nagpur was burnt substantially in 1765 and again partially in 1811 by marauding Pindaris. However, the development of city of Nagpur continued. In 1803 Raghoji II Bhosale joined the Peshwa against the British in the Second Anglo-Maratha War, but the British prevailed. After", "\"Infante João, Duke of Beja\"\nhis brother the Duke of Porto, heir presumptive to the throne, when they were summoned to return to Portugal by their brother King Pedro V who was dying of typhoid fever or cholera. Their brother died on 11 November 1861 before they could return along with their fifteen-year-old brother Fernando. With his death the Duke of Porto became King Luís I and João became heir presumptive to the throne. He did not remain heir for long as he died a month later of the same illness that killed his brothers in Lisbon on 27 December 1861 aged 19 and unmarried.", "\"Selim I\"\nBayezid, who was reluctant to continue his rule over the empire, announced Ahmet as heir apparent to the throne. Angered with this announcement, Selim rebelled, and while he lost the first battle against his father's forces, Selim ultimately dethroned his father. Selim ordered the purge of Bayezid to a far away \"\"sanjak\"\", Dimetoka. Bayezid died immediately thereafter. Selim put his brothers (Şehzade Ahmet and Şehzade Korkut) and nephews to death upon his accession in order to eliminate potential pretenders to the throne. His nephew Şehzade Murad, son of the legal heir to the throne Şehzade Ahmet, fled to the neighboring", "\"Harald V of Norway\"\nwas the sole heir to the throne. The couple have two children, Princess Märtha Louise and Crown Prince Haakon, heir apparent to the Norwegian throne. On the death of his father on 17 January 1991, Harald succeeded automatically to the Norwegian throne. He became the first Norwegian-born monarch since Magnus VII abdicated in 1343, a gap of 648 years. Harald is the sixth King of Norway to bear that name, and the first in 855 years. The five other kings who have borne the name are Harald Fairhair, Harald Greycloak, Harald Bluetooth, Harald Hardrada, and Harald Gille. Harald Bluetooth is", "\"Evelyn Baring, 1st Baron Howick of Glendale\"\nGarter in 1972. He married, in 1935, Mary Cecil Grey, who was the daughter of The 5th Earl Grey. She inherited the 18th-century mansion Howick Hall from her father when he died in 1963, thus providing the name used for Baring's eventual peerage. In 1949, as British High Commissioner in South Africa, Baring played a key role in preventing Seretse Khama, the heir to the throne of the British protectorate of Bechuanaland, from becoming its king. This action he recommended to the British government on the grounds that Khama had wed a white English woman, Ruth Williams, and that the", "\"Heir presumptive\"\nHeir presumptive An heir presumptive or heiress presumptive is the person entitled to inherit a throne, peerage, or other hereditary honour, but whose position can be displaced by the birth of an heir apparent, male or female, or of a new heir presumptive with a better claim to the position in question. The position is however subject to law and/or conventions that may alter who is entitled to be heir presumptive. Depending on the rules of the monarchy the heir presumptive might be the daughter of a monarch (if males take priority over females and the monarch has no sons),", "\"High treason in the United Kingdom\"\ntwo ways. Whereas it had been treason to encompass the death of the monarch's eldest \"\"son\"\" and heir, this was amended to cover an heir of either sex. It had also been treason to \"\"violate\"\" the wife of the monarch's eldest son, but the 2013 Act restricted this to cases where the eldest son is also the heir to the throne. As a general rule, no British criminal court has jurisdiction over the Sovereign, from whom they derive their authority. As Sir William Blackstone writes, \"\"the law supposes an incapacity of doing wrong from the excellence and perfection ... of", "\"Prince Ernst August of Hanover (born 1954)\"\nretain her claim to the throne of Monaco and to transmit succession rights to future offspring, the couple were also obliged to obtain the approval of yet a third nation, in the form of official consent to the marriage of Caroline's father, Prince Rainier III as the sovereign of Monaco. Nonetheless, Caroline was a Roman Catholic and Ernst August the heir male of George III when the couple wed, at which time a provision of the Act of Settlement 1701 stipulated that in the event the British crown is to devolve upon an heir married to \"\"a Papist\"\", that heir", "\"England in the Late Middle Ages\"\nson Edward to Margaret, Maid of Norway, who was the sole heir of Alexander III of Scotland. When Margaret died there was no obvious heir to the Scottish throne. Edward was invited by the Scottish magnates to resolve the dispute. Edward obtained recognition from the competitors for the Scottish throne that he had the 'sovereign lordship of Scotland and the right to determine our several pretensions'. He decided the case in favour of John Balliol, who duly swore loyalty to him and became king. Edward insisted that Scotland was not independent and that as sovereign lord he had the right", "\"Order of succession\"\nIn this system, the throne passed not linearly from father to son, but laterally from brother to brother and then to the eldest son of the eldest brother who had held the throne. The system was begun by Yaroslav the Wise, who assigned each of his sons a principality based on seniority. When the Grand Prince died, the next most senior prince moved to Kiev and all others moved to the principality next up the ladder. Order of succession can be arranged by appointment: either the incumbent monarch or some electoral body appoints an heir or a list of heirs", "Wolfcry\nWolfcry Wolfcry is the fourth installment of the Kiesha'ra Series by American author Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. The book is narrated by Oliza Shardae Cobriana, a fictional character who is the daughter of Zane Cobriana, a cobra shapeshifter, and Danica Shardae, a hawk shapeshifter. She lives in a world of cobra, avian, and falcon shapeshifters, and is currently heir to the throne of both cobras and avians in an attempt by her parents to unite both cultures, who have been at war with each other for countless years. Oliza relating her troubles in being heir to the throne of a divided nation.", "\"Charles VII of France\"\nthrone pass to the infant King Henry VI of England, the son of the recently deceased Henry V and Catherine of Valois, daughter of Charles VI; however, Frenchmen loyal to the king of France regarded the treaty as invalid on grounds of coercion and Charles VI's diminished mental capacity. For those who did not recognize the treaty and believed the Dauphin Charles to be of legitimate birth, he was considered to be the rightful heir to the throne. For those who did not recognize his legitimacy, the rightful heir was recognized as Charles, Duke of Orléans, cousin of the Dauphin,", "\"Succession to the Jordanian throne\"\nSuccession to the Jordanian throne Line of succession to the Jordanian throne is the line of people who are eligible to succeed to the throne of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The succession is regulated by Article 28 of the Constitution of Jordan. The throne passes according to agnatic primogeniture, which can be bypassed by decree. The only people eligible to succeed are mentally sound Muslim men who are legitimate and agnatic descendants of Abdullah I of Jordan, born to Muslim parents. The king has the right to appoint one of his brothers as heir apparent. If the king dies", "\"Baiza Bai\"\nwas adopted as heir to the throne, and given the royal name Jankoji Rao Scindia. Baiza Bai intended to keep the rule of the Scindia kingdom in her hands. There is some evidence that she attempted to keep Jankoji reined in by marrying him off to her granddaughter; though the (child) marriage took place, the granddaughter died. She then tried to persuade the British that her married daughter's unborn child might become the Scindia heir. The British government rejected the argument on the basis that the Scindia court and the military had both accepted Jankoji's adoption. In 1830 she informed", "\"Mrs. Pack\"\nthe deaths of all fourteen of her children, took the throne in 1702, Parliament passed the Act of Settlement, 1701. Taking note of the loss of the \"\"most hopeful\"\" Duke of Gloucester, the Act settled the throne of England, after the deaths of King William and of Anne, on Electress Sophia of Hanover and her heirs. Queen Anne survived the much older (and, it was thought, healthier) Sophia by only two months; in August 1714 Sophia's son George took the British throne as George I of Great Britain. Mrs. Pack Mrs. Pack (died 1694) was a wet nurse to the", "\"Maratha Empire\"\nheir to the throne against rival claimants and they signed a treaty with the new Maharaja recognising his independence from the Maratha Empire in return for his acknowledgement of British paramountcy. Before the Second Anglo-Maratha War (1803–1805), the Peshwa Baji Rao II signed a similar treaty. The defeat in Battle of Delhi, 1803 during Second Anglo-Maratha War resulted in the loss of the city of Delhi for the Marathas. The Second Anglo-Maratha War represents the military high-water mark of the Marathas who posed the last serious opposition to the formation of the British Raj. The real contest for India was", "\"Princess Feodora of Leiningen\"\nHer father died in 1814. On 29 May 1818, her mother remarried to Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, the fourth son of King George III of the United Kingdom. The following year, the household was moved to the United Kingdom since the duchess' pregnancy was coming to an end and so that the new potential heir to the British throne could be born on British soil. By all accounts, Feodora enjoyed a very close relationship with her sister Victoria, who was devoted to her elder half-sister. Despite this, Feodora was eager to leave their residence at Kensington", "\"Hari Rao Holkar\"\nwith members of the royal family and was imprisoned at Maheshwar for leading an insurrection. After the crowning of Marthand Rao in January 1834, Hari was freed by supporters, who then convinced Krishna Bai to agree to his succession instead. He was subsequently adopted by the widow of the deceased Maharaja on 18 March and formally installed on the throne on 17 April 1834 at the Juna Rajwada Palace. The British Government remained neutral regarding these succession struggles. Later, however, as Hari Rao's health deteriorated, the British Resident pressed him to appoint an heir. On 2 July 1841, Hari Rao", "\"Princess Louisa of Great Britain\"\nrepresented by proxies. She was reportedly close to her sister Caroline Matilda, who was of roughly the same age and was raised with her. Her health was delicate throughout her life. According to Walpole, she \"\"never appeared more than an unhealthy child of thirteen or fourteen\"\". In 1764, negotiations were made between the British and Danish royal houses of a marriage between the Danish heir to the throne and a British princess. The marriage was considered suitable in status and welcomed by both houses, as there were few royal Protestant houses to choose between at that point for either party.", "\"Frederick, Prince of Wales\"\nFrederick, Prince of Wales Frederick, Prince of Wales, KG (Frederick Lewis; 1 February 1707 – 31 March 1751), was heir apparent to the British throne from 1727 until his death from a lung injury at the age of 44 in 1751. He was the eldest but estranged son of King George II and Caroline of Ansbach, and the father of King George III. Under the Act of Settlement passed by the English Parliament in 1701, Frederick was fourth in the line of succession to the British throne at birth, after his great-grandmother, paternal grandfather and father. He moved to Great", "\"Qian Hongzun\"\nQian Hongzun Qian Hongzun (錢弘僔) (925-June 7, 940), formally Heir Apparent Xiaoxian (孝獻世子, \"\"the filial and wise heir apparent\"\"), was an heir apparent to the throne of the Chinese Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period state Wuyue during most of the reign of his father Qian Yuanguan (né Qian Chuanguan, King Wenmu), but did not inherit the throne on account of his predeceasing his father. Qian Hongzun was born in 925. He was the fifth son of his father Qian Chuanguan, who then was still serving under his father (Qian Hongzun's grandfather), Wuyue's first king Qian Liu (King Wusu), as", "\"Line of succession to the former Georgian throne\"\nabroad until the fall of the Soviet Union (whereupon the heir repatriated), unbeknownst to the West the main Gruzinzky line remained in Georgia under Russian domination, explicitly advancing his claim in 2006, after Georgia obtained official independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The two branches were united in 2009 by the marriage of Princess Anna Bagration-Gruzinky (Prince Nugzar's daughter) to Prince David Bagration-Mukhransky, who became the parents of Prince George Bagration-Bagrationi (born on September 27, 2011). George can claim to be the heir eventual to the abolished throne by reckoning descent from Georgia's kings through either his father (heir-male", "\"Charles, Prince of Wales\"\nCharles, Prince of Wales Charles, Prince of Wales (Charles Philip Arthur George; born 14 November 1948) is the heir apparent to the British throne as the eldest child of Queen Elizabeth II. He has been Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Rothesay since 1952, and is the oldest and longest-serving heir apparent in British history. He is also the longest-serving Prince of Wales, having held that title since 1958. Charles was born at Buckingham Palace as the first grandchild of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. He was educated at Cheam and Gordonstoun Schools, which his father, Prince Philip, Duke", "\"William, Prince of Orange\"\nWilliam, Prince of Orange William, Prince of Orange (Willem Nicolaas Alexander Frederik Karel Hendrik; 4 September 1840 – 11 June 1879), was heir apparent to the Dutch throne as the eldest son of King William III from 17 March 1849 until his death. Prince William was the eldest son of King William III of the Netherlands and his first wife, Princess Sophie of Württemberg. His nickname was \"\"Wiwill\"\". At his birth, he held the third position in the line of succession to the Dutch throne and the seventeenth position in the line of succession to the British throne. A month" ]
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which type of wave requires a medium for transmission
[ "mechanical waves", "heat energy", "Sound" ]
[ "\"Transmission medium\"\nconcrete. Sound is, by definition, the vibration of matter, so it requires a physical medium for transmission, as do other kinds of mechanical waves and heat energy. Historically, science incorporated various aether theories to explain the transmission medium. However, it is now known that electromagnetic waves do not require a physical transmission medium, and so can travel through the \"\"vacuum\"\" of free space. Regions of the insulative vacuum can become conductive for electrical conduction through the presence of free electrons, holes, or ions. A physical medium in data communications is the transmission path over which a signal propagates. Many transmission", "\"Transmission medium\"\nTransmission medium A transmission medium is a material substance (solid, liquid, gas, or plasma) that can propagate energy waves. For example, the transmission medium for sounds is usually a gas, but solids and liquids may also act as a transmission medium for sound. The absence of a material medium in vacuum may also constitute a transmission medium for electromagnetic waves such as light and radio waves. While material substance is not required for electromagnetic waves to propagate, such waves are usually affected by the transmission media they pass through, for instance by absorption or by reflection or refraction at the", "\"Transmission medium\"\nto a channel to follow. Following are unguided media used for data communication: Transmission and reception of data typically is performed in four steps. Transmission medium A transmission medium is a material substance (solid, liquid, gas, or plasma) that can propagate energy waves. For example, the transmission medium for sounds is usually a gas, but solids and liquids may also act as a transmission medium for sound. The absence of a material medium in vacuum may also constitute a transmission medium for electromagnetic waves such as light and radio waves. While material substance is not required for electromagnetic waves to", "\"Telecommunications cable\"\nTelecommunications cable Telecommunications cables are a type of guided transmission mediums. Cables are usually known to transmit electric energy (AC/DC); however, cables in telecommunications fields are used to transmit electromagnetic waves; they are called \"\"electromagnetic wave guides\"\". Telecommunications are based on transmitting modulated waves/signals through a medium and receiving them. When the distance between the transmitter and receiver is far, or an unguided medium transmission is used, antennas are used; otherwise, telecommunications cables are used in guided medium transmission. There are several types of telecommunications cable: Telecommunications power cable products, as described in Telcordia GR-347, consist of a stranded copper", "\"Telecommunications engineering\"\nsignals to long distances using relatively low amounts of power. Another example of a physical medium is optical fiber, which has emerged as the most commonly used transmission medium for long-distance communications. Optical fiber is a thin strand of glass that guides light along its length. The absence of a material medium in vacuum may also constitute a transmission medium for electromagnetic waves such as light and radio waves. Receiver (information sink) that receives and converts the signal back into required information. In radio communications, a radio receiver is an electronic device that receives radio waves and converts the information", "\"Transmission line\"\nas stripline and microstrip. The higher the frequency of electromagnetic waves moving through a given cable or medium, the shorter the wavelength of the waves. Transmission lines become necessary when the transmitted frequency's wavelength is sufficiently short that the length of the cable becomes a significant part of a wavelength. At microwave frequencies and above, power losses in transmission lines become excessive, and waveguides are used instead, which function as \"\"pipes\"\" to confine and guide the electromagnetic waves. Some sources define waveguides as a type of transmission line; however, this article will not include them. At even higher frequencies, in", "\"Wave propagation\"\nWave propagation Wave propagation is any of the ways in which waves travel. With respect to the direction of the oscillation relative to the propagation direction, we can distinguish between longitudinal wave and transverse waves. For electromagnetic waves, propagation may occur in a vacuum as well as in a material medium. Other wave types cannot propagate through a vacuum and need a transmission medium to exist . The propagation and reflection of plane waves, i.e. Pressure waves (P-wave) or Shear waves (SH or SV-waves), in a homogeneous half-space have been of significant interest in the classical seismology. The analytical solution", "\"Observation tower\"\na sufficiently stable construction, which permits a permanent safe visitor entrance without interruption of the transmission services. This is the case for towers for radio services in the UHF/VHF-range the case, not however for most types of radio towers for long and medium wave, why a use of these structures as observation tower is impossible in most cases. That the use of a tower as radio tower for medium wave and observation tower not well fits, showed up in Radio Tower Berlin, which originally carried together with an 80 metres high mast a t-antenna for medium wave and stands on", "\"Mechanical wave\"\nMechanical wave A mechanical wave is a wave that is an oscillation of matter, and therefore transfers energy through a medium. While waves can move over long distances, the movement of the medium of transmission—the material—is limited. Therefore, the oscillating material does not move far from its initial equilibrium position. Mechanical waves transport energy. This energy propagates in the same direction as the wave. Any kind of wave (mechanical or electromagnetic) has a certain energy. Mechanical waves can be produced only in media which possess elasticity and inertia. A mechanical wave requires an initial energy input. Once this initial energy", "\"Telecommunications cable\"\nand analysis criteria and QMS programs are given in GR-347 for telecommunications power cables for telecommunications equipment in COs and within OSP facilities. Telecommunications cable Telecommunications cables are a type of guided transmission mediums. Cables are usually known to transmit electric energy (AC/DC); however, cables in telecommunications fields are used to transmit electromagnetic waves; they are called \"\"electromagnetic wave guides\"\". Telecommunications are based on transmitting modulated waves/signals through a medium and receiving them. When the distance between the transmitter and receiver is far, or an unguided medium transmission is used, antennas are used; otherwise, telecommunications cables are used in guided", "\"Wave impedance\"\nthe impedance is imaginary (reactive) and the wave is evanescent. These expressions neglect the effect of resistive loss in the walls of the waveguide. For a waveguide entirely filled with a homogeneous dielectric medium, similar expressions apply, but with the wave impedance of the medium replacing \"\"Z\"\". The presence of the dielectric also modifies the cut-off frequency \"\"f\"\". For a waveguide or transmission line containing more than one type of dielectric medium (such as microstrip), the wave impedance will in general vary over the cross-section of the line. Wave impedance The wave impedance of an electromagnetic wave is the ratio", "\"Delimara Transmitter\"\nDelimara Transmitter The Delimara Transmitter was a relay station of Deutsche Welle near Cyclops on Malta. It was used as short- and medium wave transmission site. For the medium wave transmissions, which took place on 1557 kHz with a transmission power of 600 kW, it had two guyed masts, insulated against ground, which were guyed with polymeric guyes. The short wave antennas were mounted on free-standing lattice towers. Originally, the medium wave antenna consisted of three masts, each 88 metres tall, but at one mast one guy melted as a result of the high electric field values at the anchor", "Wave\nwith no delay in the transmission of the vibration and therefore no wave motion. On the other hand, if all the parts were independent, then there would not be any transmission of the vibration and again, no wave motion. Although the above statements are meaningless in the case of waves that do not require a medium, they reveal a characteristic that is relevant to all waves regardless of origin: within a wave, the phase of a vibration (that is, its position within the vibration cycle) is different for adjacent points in space because the vibration reaches these points at different", "\"Delimara Transmitter\"\npoint. Unfortunately there was also a storm at this time, which resulted in mast collapse. Delimara Transmitter was shut down in 1996. The site is now a nature reserve. Delimara Transmitter The Delimara Transmitter was a relay station of Deutsche Welle near Cyclops on Malta. It was used as short- and medium wave transmission site. For the medium wave transmissions, which took place on 1557 kHz with a transmission power of 600 kW, it had two guyed masts, insulated against ground, which were guyed with polymeric guyes. The short wave antennas were mounted on free-standing lattice towers. Originally, the medium", "\"Wireless telegraphy\"\nuntil 1920 transmitted damped waves, which had very large bandwidth and tended to interfere with other transmissions. This type of emission was banned by 1930. The vacuum tube (valve) transmitters which came into use after 1920 transmitted code by pulses of unmodulated sinusoidal carrier wave called continuous waves (CW), which is still used today. To make CW transmissions audible, the receiver requires a circuit called a beat frequency oscillator (BFO). A third type of modulation, frequency shift keying (FSK) was used mainly by radioteletypes. Morse code radiotelegraphy was gradually replaced by radioteletype networks (RTTY) in most high volume applications by", "\"Weiskirchen transmitter\"\nalso digitalized by using DRM transmissions. Weiskirchen transmitter Weiskirchen transmitter, which is property of the Hessian broadcasting company (German: Hessischer Rundfunk) is a mediumwave broadcasting facility, situated in the northwest area of the hessian village Weiskirchen, which is a part of Rodgau, close of the motorway A 3. The quarter Weiskirchen of Rodgau is since 1967, location of a medium-wave transmitter of the Hessian broadcasting company for the frequency 594 kHz. Until the conversion of medium-wave transmission frequencies to by nine divisible kilohertz values according to the wave plan of Geneva wave in 1978, its transmission frequency was 593 kHz.", "\"Berlin-Köpenick transmitter\"\ntransmissions from Köpenick had ceased, however, when the Berlin TV tower went into service. After 1989, the old medium wave transmitters were dismantled and three modern Telefunken transmitters installed in the antenna tuner building. The 1959 transmitter, shut down and replaced in 1993, was rebuilt in Königs Wusterhausen radio museum on the site of the former longwave transmission station. One of the smaller medium wave transmitters is now at \"\"Museum für Kommunikation Berlin\"\". Other equipment has been lost. The aerial for medium wave transmissions consisted of one 248 metre high guyed steel tube mast, which was insulated against ground, and", "\"Transmission medium\"\nmode are two types of commonly used optical fiber. Multimode fiber uses LEDs as the light source and can carry signals over shorter distances, about 2 kilometers. Single mode can carry signals over distances of tens of miles. Wireless media may carry surface waves or skywaves, either longitudinally or transversely, and are so classified. In both communications, communication is in the form of electromagnetic waves. With guided transmission media, the waves are guided along a physical path; examples of guided media include phone lines, twisted pair cables, coaxial cables, and optical fibers. Unguided transmission media are methods that allow the", "\"Metamaterial antenna\"\nemission of an electromagnetic radiation source located inside the material in order to collect all the energy in a small angular domain around the normal. By using a slab of a metamaterial, diverging electromagnetic waves are focused into a narrow cone. Dimensions are small in comparison to the wavelength and thus the slab behaves as a homogeneous material with a low plasma frequency. A transmission line is the material medium or structure that forms all or part of a path from one place to another for directing the transmission of energy, such as electromagnetic waves or electric power transmission. Types", "\"Quantum tunnelling\"\nwave-equation to light) and the application of the non-dispersive wave-equation from acoustics applied to \"\"waves on strings\"\". Evanescent wave coupling, until recently, was only called \"\"tunnelling\"\" in quantum mechanics; now it is used in other contexts. These effects are modelled similarly to the rectangular potential barrier. In these cases, there is one transmission medium through which the wave propagates that is the same or nearly the same throughout, and a second medium through which the wave travels differently. This can be described as a thin region of medium B between two regions of medium A. The analysis of a rectangular", "\"Weiskirchen transmitter\"\nWeiskirchen transmitter Weiskirchen transmitter, which is property of the Hessian broadcasting company (German: Hessischer Rundfunk) is a mediumwave broadcasting facility, situated in the northwest area of the hessian village Weiskirchen, which is a part of Rodgau, close of the motorway A 3. The quarter Weiskirchen of Rodgau is since 1967, location of a medium-wave transmitter of the Hessian broadcasting company for the frequency 594 kHz. Until the conversion of medium-wave transmission frequencies to by nine divisible kilohertz values according to the wave plan of Geneva wave in 1978, its transmission frequency was 593 kHz. Until 1994 the transmitting power was", "\"Null (physics)\"\nmultiple small lobes off the main direction with nulls between them. Standing waves can be caused by a wave being reflected back through the transmission medium in which it arrived. If the incident and reflected waves are transmitted without loss then there will be points along the transmission path where the incident and reflected waves exactly cancel each other due to them being in antiphase. Standing waves are found in wind musical instruments. Wind instruments consist of a tube which acts as an acoustic transmission line in which standing waves are set up. Open ended tubes must have zero air", "\"Wiederau transmitter\"\nRadio Moscow transmitter at Wachenbrunn in 1989, it also served to transmit Radio Moscow programming. After German reunification, the number of FM transmitters at Wiederau increased, but the short wave transmitter was shut down in 1993 and all shortwave antennas were dismantled. In 1995, the medium wave transmitter moved its frequency from 531 kHz to 783 kHz, which ended its interference with German speaking medium-wave broadcasting stations. In 1998 a fully transistorized medium-wave transmitter was installed at the Wiederau transmitter. During this work one of the triangular antennas was replaced, which is now in use for the medium wave transmissions.", "\"Optical medium\"\nOptical medium An optical medium is material through which electromagnetic waves propagate. It is a form of transmission medium. The permittivity and permeability of the medium define how electromagnetic waves propagate in it. The medium has an \"\"intrinsic impedance\"\", given by where formula_2 and formula_3 are the electric field and magnetic field, respectively. In a region with no electrical conductivity, the expression simplifies to: For example, in free space the intrinsic impedance is called the characteristic impedance of vacuum, denoted \"\"Z\"\", and Waves propagate through a medium with velocity formula_6, where formula_7 is the frequency and formula_8 is the wavelength", "\"Michelson–Morley experiment\"\nthe 10 level. Together with the Ives–Stilwell and Kennedy–Thorndike experiments, Michelson–Morley type experiments form one of the fundamental tests of special relativity theory. Physics theories of the late 19th century assumed that just as surface water waves must have a supporting substance, i.e. a \"\"medium\"\", to move across (in this case water), and audible sound requires a medium to transmit its wave motions (such as air or water), so light must also require a medium, the \"\"luminiferous aether\"\", to transmit its wave motions. Because light can travel through a vacuum, it was assumed that even a vacuum must be filled", "\"Wiederau transmitter\"\nThe previously mentioned 236-metre-tall mast is only used for FM and TV transmissions today. Wiederau transmitter The Wiederau transmitter is the oldest broadcasting facility in Saxony. It is located near Wiederau, a village which is part of the municipality of Pegau, and is used for medium-wave, FM and Television broadcasting. Wiederau transmitter went into service on October 28, 1932 as medium-wave transmitter for broadcasting supply of Saxony on 782 kHz. It had a transmission power of 120 kW and used a T-antenna, which was mounted on two 125-metre-tall wooden lattice towers. In spite of its high transmission power, reception of", "\"Standing wave ratio\"\nWhenever the delay times for a signal going back down and then again up the line are comparable to the modulation time constants, effects occur. For this reason, these types of transmissions require a low SWR on the feedline, even if SWR induced loss might be acceptable and matching is done at the transmitter. Many different methods can be used to measure standing wave ratio. The most intuitive method uses a slotted line which is a section of transmission line with an open slot which allows a probe to detect the actual voltage at various points along the line. Thus", "\"Impedance matching\"\nwhich side is medium 2. With a single transmission line it is customary to define the voltage reflection coefficient for a wave incident on the boundary from the transmission line side, regardless of whether a source or load is connected on the other side. In a transmission line, a wave travels from the source along the line. Suppose the wave hits a boundary (an abrupt change in impedance). Some of the wave is reflected back, while some keeps moving onwards. (Assume there is only one boundary, at the load.) Let On the line side of the boundary formula_25 and formula_26", "\"Non-line-of-sight propagation\"\nfrom one dielectric medium to another. For example, if the intrinsic impedance of the first and second media were formula_25 and formula_26 respectively, the reflection coefficient of medium 2 relative to 1, formula_27, is given by: The logarithmic measure in decibels (formula_29) of how the transmitted RF signal over the NLOS link is affected by such a reflection is given by: formula_30 Most materials of the type affecting radio wave transmission over NLOS links are intermediate: they are neither good insulators nor good conductors. Radio waves incident upon an obstruction comprising a thin intermediate material are partly reflected at both", "\"Transmitter Stallupöner Allee, Berlin\"\nTransmitter Stallupöner Allee, Berlin The Transmitter Stallupöner Allee, Berlin is a transmission site for medium wave radio broadcasts situated on the Stallupöner Allee (\"\"Stallupone Avenue\"\") in Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany. This transmission site was established in 1948. It uses as aerial a 130 metre high guyed steel framework mast with triangular section, which is insulated against ground. Until 1998 there was a second insulated guyed steel framework mast on the site. It was replaced by a small freestanding steel framework tower. The transmission power of the medium wave transmitter was reduced during the nineties from 100 kilowatts to 2.5 kilowatts. List of", "\"Transmitter Stallupöner Allee, Berlin\"\nmasts Transmitter Stallupöner Allee, Berlin The Transmitter Stallupöner Allee, Berlin is a transmission site for medium wave radio broadcasts situated on the Stallupöner Allee (\"\"Stallupone Avenue\"\") in Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany. This transmission site was established in 1948. It uses as aerial a 130 metre high guyed steel framework mast with triangular section, which is insulated against ground. Until 1998 there was a second insulated guyed steel framework mast on the site. It was replaced by a small freestanding steel framework tower. The transmission power of the medium wave transmitter was reduced during the nineties from 100 kilowatts to 2.5 kilowatts. List", "\"Breaking (martial arts)\"\nfrom wave transmission (e.g. as an ocean wave hits a beach). The mass of the hand/foot/etc. typically does not travel through the medium, but only goes as far as necessary to deliver the wave—this results in an extremely brief contact with the face of the brick or board and it's the wave itself that causes the striking surface to flex and buckle. The less flexible the striking surface, the more likely it is to break. An advanced aspect of this type of break can be seen where several bricks are placed on supports without spacers, and the person performing the", "\"Thomson Broadcast\"\nby 20 percent; this growth led to a global increase of 440 percent from 2012 to 2015. The Cape Verde digital transition was achieved with a Thomson Broadcast transmission turnkey system in 2015, and the company competed in other African projects against the Chinese media company StarTimes. Proposing DTT system and medium-wave radio transmission systems around the world, Thomson Broadcast is involved in Digital Video Broadcasting and Digital Radio Mondiale. Products manufactured by Thomson Broadcast include: Thomson Broadcast Thomson Broadcast is a French electronics manufacturer which designs, produces, deploys and services television and medium-wave radio transmission systems. Thomson Broadcast is", "\"Fresnel equations\"\nthe transmittance (or \"\"transmissivity\"\", or \"\"power transmission coefficient\"\") \"\"T\"\". Note that these are what would be measured right \"\"at\"\" each side of an interface and do not account for attenuation of a wave in an absorbing medium \"\"following\"\" transmission or reflection. The reflectance for s-polarized light is while the reflectance for p-polarized light is where \"\"Z\"\" and \"\"Z\"\" are the wave impedances of media 1 and 2, respectively. We restrict our scope to non-magnetic media (i.e. materials for which \"\"μ\"\" = \"\"μ\"\" = \"\"μ\"\") which is typically true at optical frequencies (and most other problems). Then the wave impedances are", "\"Transmission medium\"\ninterfaces between media. The term transmission medium also refers to a technical device that employs the material substance to transmit or guide waves. Thus, an optical fiber or a copper cable is a transmission medium. Not only this but also is able to guide the transmission of networks. A transmission medium can be classified as a: Electromagnetic radiation can be transmitted through an optical medium, such as optical fiber, or through twisted pair wires, coaxial cable, or dielectric-slab waveguides. It may also pass through any physical material that is transparent to the specific wavelength, such as water, air, glass, or", "\"Metamaterial absorber\"\nneither reflects nor transmits the incident radiation. Therefore, the power of the impinging wave is mostly absorbed in the absorber materials. The performance of an absorber depends on its thickness and morphology, and also the materials used to fabricate it.\"\" \"\"A near unity absorber is a device in which all incident radiation is absorbed at the operating frequency–transmissivity, reflectivity, scattering and all other light propagation channels are disabled. Electromagnetic (EM) wave absorbers can be categorized into two types: resonant absorbers and broadband absorbers. A metamaterial absorber utilizes the effective medium design of metamaterials and the loss components of permittivity and", "\"Wiederau transmitter\"\nWiederau transmitter The Wiederau transmitter is the oldest broadcasting facility in Saxony. It is located near Wiederau, a village which is part of the municipality of Pegau, and is used for medium-wave, FM and Television broadcasting. Wiederau transmitter went into service on October 28, 1932 as medium-wave transmitter for broadcasting supply of Saxony on 782 kHz. It had a transmission power of 120 kW and used a T-antenna, which was mounted on two 125-metre-tall wooden lattice towers. In spite of its high transmission power, reception of the Wiederau transmitter was not satisfactory at night times in areas more than 80", "\"Löffelstelzen radio transmitter\"\nmetre tall concrete tower. This tower is not equipped with an antenna for medium wave broadcasting, because this was ceased in 2000 at the Löffelstelzen transmission site. Löffelstelzen radio transmitter Löffelstelzen Transmitter is a broadcasting facility of SWR at Bad Mergentheim-Löffelstelzen in northern Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It was inaugurated at the beginning of the 1950s and used at those days a guyed mast, which was insulated against ground, because it was used for medium-wave broadcasting with a butterfly antenna for FM- and TV-transmission on its top. Later this mast was replaced by a concrete tower, which carried an antenna for FM-/TV-broadcasting", "RTHK\nappearances in with their normal daily working schedule. In 1969, the station's medium wave AM transmitting station was moved from a waterfront site in Hung Hom to the summit of Golden Hill in the New Territories. Although the new transmitters were much more powerful, the mountain-top site proved unsuitable for medium wave transmissions and reception in some areas has remained problematic ever since. In March 1969, RHK moved its headquarters to new purpose-built studios located at Broadcasting House () in Kowloon Tong. A Public Affairs Television Unit was established in 1970 to produce TV programmes for required broadcast by independent", "\"Telecommunications engineering\"\na transmitter or radio transmitter is an electronic device which, with the aid of an antenna, produces radio waves. In addition to their use in broadcasting, transmitters are necessary component parts of many electronic devices that communicate by radio, such as cell phones, Transmission medium over which the signal is transmitted. For example, the transmission medium for sounds is usually air, but solids and liquids may also act as transmission media for sound. Many transmission media are used as communications channel. One of the most common physical medias used in networking is copper wire. Copper wire is used to carry", "\"Ultrasound energy\"\nUltrasound energy Ultrasound energy, simply known as ultrasound, is a type of mechanical energy called sound characterized by vibrating or moving particles within a medium. Ultrasound is distinguished by vibrations with a frequency greater than 20,000 Hz, compared to audible sounds that humans typically hear with frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hz. Ultrasound energy requires matter or a medium with particles to vibrate to conduct or propagate its energy. The energy generally travels through most mediums in the form of a wave in which particles are deformed or displaced by the energy then reestablished after the energy passes. Types of", "\"Berlin-Köpenick transmitter\"\nBerlin-Köpenick transmitter Berlin-Köpenick transmitter was a transmission facility for broadcasting on medium wave, short wave, and VHF in Berlin-Köpenick, Germany, near the suburb of Uhlenhorst, after which it was occasionally named. Decisions of the construction of new medium wave transmitting facilities for the GDR were taken in 1950. One of them was originally planned at Nauen, but objections of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany led to the construction of \"\"Funkstelle Köpenick\"\". The first 250 kW transmitter produced by Funkwerk Köpenick was installed here, and the site served as the prototype for the following medium wave transmitter installations in the", "Sound\nsuch low frequency are too low for humans to hear, whales, elephants and other animals can detect infrasound and use it to communicate. It can be used to detect volcanic eruptions and is used in some types of music. Sound In physics, sound is a vibration that typically propagates as an audible wave of pressure, through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid. In human physiology and psychology, sound is the \"\"reception\"\" of such waves and their \"\"perception\"\" by the brain. Humans can only hear sound waves as distinct pitches when the frequency lies between about 20", "\"Optical microcavity\"\none wavelength that can be transmitted and will be formed as a standing wave inside the resonator. Depending on the type and quality of the mirrors, a so-called stop-band will form in the transmission spectrum of the microcavity, a long range of wavelengths, that is reflected and a single one being transmitted (usually in the centre). There are different means of fabricating standing-wave microcavities, either by evaporating alternating layers of dielectric media to form the mirrors (DBR) and the medium inside the spacer layer or by modification of semiconductor material or by metal mirrors. Often just called \"\"microresonators\"\", traveling wave", "\"Jülich\"\nof the shortwave transmission facility also a transmitting plant for medium wave was installed, using a long wire antenna which is spun at a tower on the transmitter site. It was intended to be used for transmission of the programme of radio Viva on 702 kHz, but it never went into regular service for this broadcaster. From December 6, 2004 to May 2006, the medium-wave transmitter was used to broadcast the programme of the German commercial broadcaster \"\"TruckRadio\"\" on 702 kHz. In 2006 the shortwave-facilities were sold to the British entrepreneur Robert Edmiston and his Christian Vision-organization. However, on October", "\"Qatar Radio\"\nof one hour at that time, eventually increasing to 19 hours by 2004. In 1979, Qatar Radio installed a new short-wave transmitter which assisted in increasing the amount of programs and transmission time. The station began broadcasting Urdu transmissions in 1980 on a medium wavelength for a duration of one hour. This time was raised to three hours in 1989. A program for French speakers was launched in 1985 on a medium wave, having a daily up-time of three hours. The Holy Quran service was launched by Qatar Radio in 1992. It discusses various aspects of the Quran and tackles", "\"Negative-index metamaterial\"\ntype of medium with broader bandwidth abilities, negative refraction, backward waves, and focusing beyond the diffraction limit. They dispensed with split-ring-resonators and instead used a network of L–C loaded transmission lines. In the metamaterial literature this became known as artificial transmission-line media. At that time it had the added advantage of being more compact than a unit made of wires and split ring resonators. The network was both scalable (from the megahertz to the tens of gigahertz range) and tunable. It also includes a method for focusing the wavelengths of interest. By 2007 the negative refractive index transmission line was", "\"Tuner (radio)\"\nsecond AM broadcast band is used for longwave broadcasting, tuners may be fitted with both the standard medium wave and the additional longwave band. However, radios with only medium wave are also common, especially in countries where there are no longwave broadcasters. Rarely, radios are sold with only FM and longwave, but no medium wave band. Some tuners may also be equipped with one or more short wave bands. A \"\"television tuner\"\" converts a radio frequency analog television or digital television transmission into audio and video signals which can be further processed to produce sound and a picture. Different tuners", "\"Fresnel equations\"\nleft) is \"\"opposite\"\" that of a reflected wave (also to its left); for \"\"s\"\" polarization both are the same (upward). Using these conventions. One can see that and . One can write similar equations applying to the ratio of magnetic fields of the waves, but these are usually not required. Because the reflected and incident waves propagate in the same medium and make the same angle with the normal to the surface, the power reflection coefficient R is just the squared magnitude of \"\"r\"\": On the other hand, calculation of the power transmission coefficient is less straight-forward, since the light", "\"Longitudinal wave\"\ncan be calculated as the relation between a wave's speed and ordinary frequency. For sound waves, the amplitude of the wave is the difference between the pressure of the undisturbed air and the maximum pressure caused by the wave. Sound's propagation speed depends on the type, temperature, and composition of the medium through which it propagates. In an elastic medium with rigidity, a harmonic pressure wave oscillation has the form, where: The restoring force, which acts to return the medium to its original position, is provided by the medium's bulk modulus. Maxwell's equations lead to the prediction of electromagnetic waves", "\"Longitudinal wave\"\nLongitudinal wave Longitudinal waves are waves in which the displacement of the medium is in the same direction as, or the opposite direction to, the direction of propagation of the wave. Mechanical longitudinal waves are also called \"\"compressional\"\" or \"\"compression waves\"\", because they produce compression and rarefaction when traveling through a medium, and \"\"pressure waves\"\", because they produce increases and decreases in pressure. The other main type of wave is the transverse wave, in which the displacements of the medium are at right angles to the direction of propagation. Some transverse waves are mechanical, meaning that the wave needs a", "\"Transmission coefficient\"\nreflection coefficient: and to the transmission coefficient: Transmission coefficient The transmission coefficient is used in physics and electrical engineering when wave propagation in a medium containing discontinuities is considered. A transmission coefficient describes the amplitude, intensity, or total power of a transmitted wave relative to an incident wave. Different fields have different definitions for the term. In optics, \"\"transmission\"\" is the property of a substance to permit the passage of light, with some or none of the incident light being absorbed in the process. If some light is absorbed by the substance, then the transmitted light will be a combination", "\"Wachenbrunn transmitter\"\nWachenbrunn transmitter The Wachenbrunn transmitter was a large broadcasting facility for medium wave in Wachenbrunn near Themar, Thuringia, Germany, established in the 1950s. Until 1993 the main transmitter of this facility, the medium wave transmitter for 882 kHz was run with 250 kilowatts. In that year the transmission power of this transmitter, which was formerly used for transmitting the \"\"Voice of DDR\"\" and since the beginning of the 1990s for \"\"MDR info\"\" was reduced to 20 kilowatts. Since 1988 the transmitter Wachenbrunn has also been the site of a medium wave transmitter of the Russian foreign radio service Voice of", "\"Metamaterial antenna\"\nwave impedance in the metamaterial remains unhanged. The index of refraction in the medium compensates for the dispersion effects associated with the microstrip geometry itself; making the effective refractive index of the pair that of free space. Part of the design strategy is that the effective permittivity and permeability of such a metamaterial should be negative – requiring a DNG material. Combining left-handed segments with a conventional (right-handed) transmission line results in advantages over conventional designs. Left-handed transmission lines are essentially a high-pass filter with phase advance. Conversely, right-handed transmission lines are a low-pass filter with phase lag. This configuration", "\"Transmission coefficient\"\nTransmission coefficient The transmission coefficient is used in physics and electrical engineering when wave propagation in a medium containing discontinuities is considered. A transmission coefficient describes the amplitude, intensity, or total power of a transmitted wave relative to an incident wave. Different fields have different definitions for the term. In optics, \"\"transmission\"\" is the property of a substance to permit the passage of light, with some or none of the incident light being absorbed in the process. If some light is absorbed by the substance, then the transmitted light will be a combination of the wavelengths of the light that", "Wave\nmolecules collide, they also bounce away from each other (a restoring force). This keeps the molecules from continuing to travel in the direction of the wave. Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium. Instead, they consist of periodic oscillations of electrical and magnetic fields originally generated by charged particles, and can therefore travel through a vacuum. These types vary in wavelength, and include radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays. Waves are described by a wave equation which sets out how the disturbance proceeds over time. The mathematical form of this equation varies depending", "\"Gliwice Radio Tower\"\nin Gleiwitz situated nearby on Raudener Straße and went in service on 23 December 1935. On 31 August 1939, the German SS staged a 'Polish' attack on Gleiwitz radio station, which was later used as justification for the invasion of Poland. The transmission facility was not demolished in World War II. From 4 October 1945 until the inauguration of the new transmitter in Ruda Śląska in 1955 the Gliwice transmitter was used for medium-wave transmissions by the Polish state broadcaster Polskie Radio. After 1955, it was used to jam medium-wave stations (such as Radio Free Europe) broadcasting Polish-language programmes from", "Diplexer\nand generally not a technique used at VHF/UHF. Many other large UHF-/VHF-transmitters use diplexers. The number of transmitters which can share an antenna is restricted by the spacing of their frequency bands. Transmitters whose frequencies are too close together cannot be combined successfully by a diplexer. Diplexers are also used at medium wave broadcasting stations. However their use is not that common in this frequency range because the corresponding wavelength varies much more across the medium wave band than across the FM band and so it is more practicable to use a separate antenna for each frequency: medium wave transmission", "\"Holzkirchen, Upper Bavaria\"\nThere were also claims that it was so strong that locals could hear the radio programmes through their faucets . Subsequent to the relocation of RFE studios from Munich to Prague, the medium wave transmitter was shut down in 2001, following which the short wave transmissions continued on reduced power. The final transmissions were made in 2005, after which the transmission equipment was packed up to be sent to the Philippines and the masts were scrapped. Nowadays Holzkirchen is well known as a location for pharmaceutical research and production. The European center of Sandoz and HEXAL are located in the", "Bodenseesender\nBodenseesender Bodenseesender () was a radio transmission facility of SWR (until 1998 SWF) near Messkirch-Rohrdorf in Southern Germany for medium wave established in 1964. It shut down on January 8, 2012, and one month later, on February 7, 2012, the last mast was demolished. Bodenseesender had been used since July 1, 2002 for the propagation of SWR Cont.Ra on the medium wave frequency 666 kHz. Until 1978 the aerial of the medium wave transmitter consisted of 4 guyed steel framework masts, which are insulated against ground. In the mid 1970s two of these masts were dismantled. One of them was", "Bodenseesender\nBodenseesender Bodenseesender () was a radio transmission facility of SWR (until 1998 SWF) near Messkirch-Rohrdorf in Southern Germany for medium wave established in 1964. It shut down on January 8, 2012, and one month later, on February 7, 2012, the last mast was demolished. Bodenseesender had been used since July 1, 2002 for the propagation of SWR Cont.Ra on the medium wave frequency 666 kHz. Until 1978 the aerial of the medium wave transmitter consisted of 4 guyed steel framework masts, which are insulated against ground. In the mid 1970s two of these masts were dismantled. One of them was", "\"Burghead Transmitting Station\"\nBurghead Transmitting Station The Burghead transmitting station is a broadcasting facility near Burghead () in Scotland for long wave and medium wave radio transmission that started service on 12 October 1936. The site is owned by Arqiva and houses a long wave radio transmitter on 198 kHz broadcasting BBC Radio 4 and two medium wave radio transmitters, broadcasting BBC Radio 5 Live on 693 kHz and BBC Radio Scotland on 810 kHz. The long wave transmitter is part of a network transmitting on the same frequency, the other transmitters being Droitwich and Westerglen. The station has three masts, which are", "Holography\nbeams are incident on the recording medium from the same side. In practice, several more mirrors may be used to direct the beams in the required directions. Normally, transmission holograms can only be reconstructed using a laser or a quasi-monochromatic source, but a particular type of transmission hologram, known as a rainbow hologram, can be viewed with white light. In a reflection hologram, the object and reference beams are incident on the plate from opposite sides of the plate. The reconstructed object is then viewed from the same side of the plate as that at which the re-constructing beam is", "Multilateration\nFor trilateration or multilateration, calculation is done based on distances, which requires the frequency and the wave count of a received transmission. For triangulation or multiangulation, calculation is done based on angles, which requires the phases of received transmission plus the wave count. For lateration compared to angulation, the numerical problems compare, but the technical problem is more challenging with angular measurements, as angles require two measures per position when using optical or electronic means for measuring phase differences instead of counting wave cycles. Trilateration in general is calculating with triangles of known distances/sizes, mathematically a very sound system. In", "\"Color blindness\"\ndeuteranomalous father. Such a woman would have a normal and an abnormal long wave receptor, a normal and abnormal medium wave receptor, and a normal autosomal short wave receptor—5 different types of color receptors in all. The degree to which women who are carriers of either protanomaly or deuteranomaly are demonstrably tetrachromatic and require a mixture of four spectral lights to match an arbitrary light is very variable. In many cases it is almost unnoticeable, but in a minority the tetrachromacy is very pronounced. However, Jameson \"\"et al.\"\" have shown that with appropriate and sufficiently sensitive equipment it can be", "\"Stereophonic sound\"\nand local BBC stations broadcasting the left channel by medium wave. The BBC repeated the experiment in 1926, using 2LO in London and 5XX at Daventry. Following experimental FM stereo transmissions in the London area in 1958 and regular Saturday morning demonstration transmissions using TV sound and medium wave (AM) radio to provide the two channels, the first regular BBC transmissions using an FM stereo signal began on the BBC's Third Programme network on August 28, 1962. Chicago AM radio station WGN (and its sister FM station, WGNB) collaborated on an hourlong stereophonic demonstration broadcast on May 22, 1952, with", "\"Theory of relativity\"\nfirst principles in 1905, but these three experiments allow the transformations to be induced from experimental evidence. Maxwell's equations—the foundation of classical electromagnetism—describe light as a wave that moves with a characteristic velocity. The modern view is that light needs no medium of transmission, but Maxwell and his contemporaries were convinced that light waves were propagated in a medium, analogous to sound propagating in air, and ripples propagating on the surface of a pond. This hypothetical medium was called the luminiferous aether, at rest relative to the \"\"fixed stars\"\" and through which the Earth moves. Fresnel's partial ether dragging hypothesis", "\"Ultrasound energy\"\nfield of prostate cancer. Ultrasound energy Ultrasound energy, simply known as ultrasound, is a type of mechanical energy called sound characterized by vibrating or moving particles within a medium. Ultrasound is distinguished by vibrations with a frequency greater than 20,000 Hz, compared to audible sounds that humans typically hear with frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hz. Ultrasound energy requires matter or a medium with particles to vibrate to conduct or propagate its energy. The energy generally travels through most mediums in the form of a wave in which particles are deformed or displaced by the energy then reestablished after the", "\"Horn antenna\"\nimpedance matching transformer, allowing most of the wave energy to radiate out the end of the horn into space, with minimal reflection. The taper functions similarly to a tapered transmission line, or an optical medium with a smoothly varying refractive index. In addition, the wide aperture of the horn projects the waves in a narrow beam. The horn shape that gives minimum reflected power is an exponential taper. Exponential horns are used in special applications that require minimum signal loss, such as satellite antennas and radio telescopes. However conical and pyramidal horns are most widely used, because they have straight", "\"Mechanical wave\"\na surface wave having horizontal waves that are shear or transverse to the direction of propagation. They usually travel slightly faster than Rayleigh waves, at about 90% of the body wave velocity, and have the largest amplitude. Mechanical wave A mechanical wave is a wave that is an oscillation of matter, and therefore transfers energy through a medium. While waves can move over long distances, the movement of the medium of transmission—the material—is limited. Therefore, the oscillating material does not move far from its initial equilibrium position. Mechanical waves transport energy. This energy propagates in the same direction as the", "\"Occam's razor\"\nby Albert Einstein. In the same way, postulating the aether is more complex than transmission of light through a vacuum. At the time, however, all known waves propagated through a physical medium, and it seemed simpler to postulate the existence of a medium than to theorize about wave propagation without a medium. Likewise, Newton's idea of light particles seemed simpler than Christiaan Huygens's idea of waves, so many favored it. In this case, as it turned out, neither the wave—nor the particle—explanation alone suffices, as light behaves like waves and like particles. Three axioms presupposed by the scientific method are", "\"Corporación Estatal de Radio y Televisión\"\nbroadcasting networks for medium and short wave and frequency modulated for the transmission and broadcasting of radio and TV programming, as well as the transmission and broadcasting of these programs by other media types that exists or could exist in the future. Corporación Estatal de Radio y Televisión Corporación Estatal de Radio y Televisión (CERTV, \"\"State Radio and Television Corporation\"\") is a radio and television network operating from Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. It is a public television channel operated and owned by the Dominican government. Following the frequency unification of 1996, CERTV has been aired throughout the country", "\"Berlin-Köpenick transmitter\"\ntop of the tube mast, until the modernisation of the Berlin TV tower. Berlin-Köpenick transmitter Berlin-Köpenick transmitter was a transmission facility for broadcasting on medium wave, short wave, and VHF in Berlin-Köpenick, Germany, near the suburb of Uhlenhorst, after which it was occasionally named. Decisions of the construction of new medium wave transmitting facilities for the GDR were taken in 1950. One of them was originally planned at Nauen, but objections of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany led to the construction of \"\"Funkstelle Köpenick\"\". The first 250 kW transmitter produced by Funkwerk Köpenick was installed here, and the site", "Poromechanics\nand 1957 Biot developed the theory of dynamic poroelasticity (now known as Biot theory) which gives a complete and general description of the mechanical behaviour of a poroelastic medium. Biot's equations of the linear theory of poroelasticity are derived from One of the key findings of the theory of poroelasticity is that in poroelastic media there exist three types of elastic waves: a shear or transverse wave, and two types of longitudinal or compressional waves, which Biot called type I and type II waves. The transverse and type I (or fast) longitudinal wave are similar to the transverse and longitudinal", "\"Doppler effect\"\nfrequency is also affected. It may also be said that the velocity of the wave remains constant whereas wavelength changes; hence frequency also changes. With an observer stationary relative to the medium, if a moving source is emitting waves with an actual frequency formula_2 (in this case, the wavelength is changed, the transmission velocity of the wave keeps constant formula_19 note that the \"\"transmission velocity\"\" of the wave does not depend on the \"\"velocity of the source\"\"), then the observer detects waves with a frequency formula_1 given by A similar analysis for a moving \"\"observer\"\" and a stationary source (in", "\"Reflection coefficient\"\nReflection coefficient In physics and electrical engineering the reflection coefficient is a parameter that describes how much of an electromagnetic wave is reflected by an impedance discontinuity in the transmission medium. It is equal to the ratio of the amplitude of the reflected wave to the incident wave, with each expressed as phasors. For example, it is used in optics to calculate the amount of light that is reflected from a surface with a different index of refraction, such as a glass surface, or in an electrical transmission line to calculate how much of the electromagnetic wave is reflected by", "\"Mechanical wave\"\nSome of the most common examples of mechanical waves are water waves, sound waves, and seismic waves. There are three types of mechanical waves: transverse waves, longitudinal waves, and surface waves. It is the form of wave in which particles of medium vibrates about their mean position perpendicular to the direction of motion of wave. To see an example, move an end of a Slinky (whose other end is fixed) to the left-and-right of the Slinky, as opposed to to-and-fro. Light also has properties of a transverse wave, although it is an electromagnetic wave. Longitudinal waves cause the medium to", "\"Total internal reflection microscopy\"\nto the interface. Under conditions of total internal reflection, the electromagnetic field in the transmission medium takes on the form of an evanescent wave, whose intensity formula_6 decays exponentially with distance from the interface such that, with formula_8. For practical purposes, the transmission medium is often chosen to be a fluid—usually water—in which a microscopic object can be immersed. The object, when brought close to the interface, is expected to scatter light proportional to the intensity of the field at its height, formula_9. Since the penetration depth of the evanescent field is on the order of hundreds of nanometers, this", "\"Wind power\"\ninterconnected with a medium voltage (often 34.5 kV), power collection system and communications network. In general, a distance of 7D (7 × Rotor Diameter of the Wind Turbine) is set between each turbine in a fully developed wind farm. At a substation, this medium-voltage electric current is increased in voltage with a transformer for connection to the high voltage electric power transmission system. Induction generators, which were often used for wind power projects in the 1980s and 1990s, require reactive power for excitation so substations used in wind-power collection systems include substantial capacitor banks for power factor correction. Different types", "\"QMA and QN connector\"\nshortest of any QMA connector on the market to date. This miniaturization, in addition to its snap-on coupling mechanism and electronic performance equivalent to SMA up to 18 GHz, make the Mini-QMA an excellent choice for applications in which space is limited but performance is required. QMA and QN connector QMA and QN connectors are quick-connect RF connectors that were designed to replace the widely used SMA (used in low power transmissions; DC–18 GHz) and Type N (used in medium power transmissions; DC–11 GHz) connectors. The connectors have been available since 2003. The connector family was created by the Quick", "\"Surface wave\"\nSurface waves have been studied as part of transmission lines and some may be considered as single-wire transmission lines. Characteristics and utilizations of the electrical surface wave phenomenon include: The surface plasmon polariton (SPP) is an electromagnetic surface wave that travels along an interface between two media with different dielectric constants. It exists under the condition that the permittivity of one of the materials forming the interface is negative, while the other one is positive, as is the case for the interface between air and a lossy conducting medium below the plasma frequency. The wave propagates parallel to the interface", "\"Nonlinear metamaterial\"\nleft-handed or negative index metamaterials were focused on the linear properties of the medium during wave propagation. In such cases, the view was that magnetic permeability and material permittivity are each non-dependent on the intensity of the electromagnetic field. However, creating tunable structures requires knowledge of non-linear properties where the intensity of the electromagnetic field alters the permittivity, or permeability, or both, which in turn affects the range of transmission spectra or stop band spectra. Hence, the effective permeability is dependendent on the macroscopic magnetic field intensity. As the field intensity is varied, switching between its positive and negative values", "\"Freinberg Transmitter\"\nwere replaced by a new device. At the beginning of the 1980s, medium wave broadcasting ceased at Freinberg. The mast is now used for FM transmission. Freinberg Transmitter The Freinberg Transmitter is a broadcasting transmitter on the Freinberg near Linz. It was established in 1928 as medium wave broadcasting station and used until 1936 a T-antenna, which hung up on two guyed masts, which were 45 metres tall. In 1936, the T-antenna was replaced by a 165 metre tall mast, insulated against ground. In summer 1950, the antenna mast was shortened to 120 metres, because it was too long for", "\"Löffelstelzen radio transmitter\"\nLöffelstelzen radio transmitter Löffelstelzen Transmitter is a broadcasting facility of SWR at Bad Mergentheim-Löffelstelzen in northern Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It was inaugurated at the beginning of the 1950s and used at those days a guyed mast, which was insulated against ground, because it was used for medium-wave broadcasting with a butterfly antenna for FM- and TV-transmission on its top. Later this mast was replaced by a concrete tower, which carried an antenna for FM-/TV-broadcasting on its top and a cage and a wire antenna for medium-wave broadcasting at its site. This tower was replaced between 1998 and 2000 by a 179", "\"Velocity factor\"\npermeability, formula_4, is 1. In the most general case: which includes unusual magnetic conducting materials, such as ferrite. The velocity factor for a lossless transmission line is given by: where formula_7 is the distributed inductance (in henries per unit length), formula_8 is the capacitance between the two conductors (in farads per unit length), and formula_9 is the speed of light in vacuum. VF equals the reciprocal of the refractive index formula_10 of the medium, usually optical fiber. Velocity factor The velocity factor (VF), also called wave propagation speed or velocity of propagation (VoP or of a transmission medium is the", "\"Skip zone\"\nSkip zone A skip zone, also called a silent zone or zone of silence, is a region where a radio transmission can not be received. The zone is located between regions both closer and farther from the transmitter where reception is possible. When using medium to high frequency radio telecommunication, there are radio waves which travel both parallel to the ground, and towards the ionosphere, referred to as a ground wave and sky wave, respectively. A skip zone is an annular region between the farthest points at which the ground wave can be received and the nearest point at which", "\"Nucleus accumbens\"\npromotes aversion. In late 2017, studies on rodents which utilized optogenetic and chemogenetic methods found that the indirect pathway (i.e., D2-type) medium spiny neurons in the nucleus accumbens core which co-express adenosine A receptors and project to the ventral pallidum are involved in the regulation of slow-wave sleep. In particular, optogenetic activation of these indirect pathway NAcc core neurons induces slow-wave sleep and chemogenetic activation of the same neurons increases the number and duration of slow-wave sleep episodes. Chemogenetic inhibition of these NAcc core neurons suppresses sleep. In contrast, the D2-type medium spiny neurons in the NAcc shell which express", "\"AM broadcasting\"\nlistener desires; in such cases the transmitter, which is designed to cover only the immediate property and perhaps nearby areas, is connected to a computer, an FM radio or an MP3 player. Microbroadcasting and pirate radio have generally been supplanted by streaming audio on the Internet, but some schools and hobbyists still use LPAM transmissions. AM broadcasting AM broadcasting is a radio broadcasting technology, which employs amplitude modulation (AM) transmissions. It was the first method developed for making audio radio transmissions, and is still used worldwide, primarily for medium wave (also known as \"\"AM band\"\") transmissions, but also on the", "\"Wavre transmitter\"\nthe mast used for FM/TV transmissions which fell during a storm on October 13, 1983. Wavre transmitter The Wavre radio transmitter is a facility for mediumwave, shortwave, FM and TV broadcasting near Wavre in Belgium. For the mediumwave transmissions it uses a grounded 250-metre-high guyed mast. Furthermore, there is a backup mast for medium wave transmissions, which is 90 metres high. For shortwave broadcasting several directional antennas and a curtain antenna are used. The towers are two of the tallest structures in Belgium. For the FM/TV transmission a free-standing lattice tower with a height of 232 metres is used. This", "\"Super high frequency\"\nthe radio waves arrive at the feed point in phase. At microwave frequencies, the types of cable (transmission line) used to conduct lower frequency radio waves, such as coaxial cable, have high power losses. Therefore, to transport microwaves between the transmitter or receiver and the antenna with low losses, a special type of metal pipe called waveguide must be used. Because of the high cost and maintenance requirements of long waveguide runs, in many microwave antennas the output stage of the transmitter or the RF front end of the receiver is located at the antenna. SHF frequencies occupy a \"\"sweet", "\"Wiederau transmitter\"\n1958 a dam was built around the site. In 1959, the 156-metre mast of the station had an antenna for TV and FM-transmission added on top, increasing its height to 236 metres. During this work, the medium wave program was temporarily transmitted from a triangular antenna installed at the site of the former 150-metre-tall wooden tower. After completion of the work, the medium-wave transmission frequency was changed from 722 kHz to 575 kHz. While this frequency also had better groundwave propagation, the change also had the goal of making reception of the Mühlacker transmitter working on the same frequency very", "\"Radar detector\"\nspeed detection devices use pulsed laser light, commonly referred to as LIDAR, rather than radio waves. Radar detectors, which detect radio transmissions, are therefore unable to detect the infrared light emitted by LIDAR guns so a different type of device called a LIDAR detector is required. LIDAR detection, however, is not nearly as effective as radar detection because the output beam is very focused. While radar's radio waves can expand to across at from their source, LIDAR's light beam diffuses to only about . Also, a police officer targeting a car will most likely aim for the centre mass or", "\"Transparency and translucency\"\nBravais lattice. For example, the seven different crystalline forms of quartz silica (silicon dioxide, SiO) are all clear, transparent materials. Optically transparent materials focus on the response of a material to incoming light waves of a range of wavelengths. Guided light wave transmission via frequency selective waveguides involves the emerging field of fiber optics and the ability of certain glassy compositions to act as a transmission medium for a range of frequencies simultaneously (multi-mode optical fiber) with little or no interference between competing wavelengths or frequencies. This resonant mode of energy and data transmission via electromagnetic (light) wave propagation is", "\"Nuremberg-Kleinreuth radio transmitter\"\nNuremberg-Kleinreuth radio transmitter The Transmitter Nuremberg-Kleinreuth was a broadcasting facility for medium wave at Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. It was founded in 1927 in Nuremberg-Kleinreuth at the former Broadcast Street 24, now Sigmund Street 181, in order to supply the northern areas of Bavaria with broadcast programs in the medium-wave band. Between 1927 and 1935 this plant's transmission antenna was a t-antenna, which was spun between two 75 meter high freestanding steel framework towers. In 1935 this antenna was replaced by a 124 metre tall tower built of wood, which became available at the change of the antenna system at transmitter", "\"Content format\"\nvia a single channel (e.g. wire, carrier wave) of a transmission medium. With multimedia, multiple tracks containing multiple content formats are presented simultaneously. Content formats may either be recorded in secondary signal processing methods such as a software container format (e.g. digital audio, digital video) or recorded in the primary format (e.g. spectrogram, pictogram). Observable data is often known as raw data, or raw content. A primary raw content format may be directly observable (e.g. image, sound, motion, smell, sensation) or physical data which only requires hardware to display it, such as a phonographic needle and diaphragm or a projector", "\"Dispersion relation\"\nto causality in the scattering theory of all types of waves and particles. Dispersion relation In physical sciences and electrical engineering, dispersion relations describe the effect of dispersion in a medium on the properties of a wave traveling within that medium. A dispersion relation relates the wavelength or wavenumber of a wave to its frequency. From this relation the phase velocity and group velocity of the wave have convenient expressions which then determine the refractive index of the medium. More general than the geometry-dependent and material-dependent dispersion relations, there are the overarching Kramers–Kronig relations that describe the frequency dependence of", "\"Reflection phase change\"\nReflection phase change A phase change sometimes occurs when a wave is reflected. Such reflections occur for many types of wave, including light waves, sound waves, and waves on strings. Light waves change phase by 180° when they reflect from the surface of a medium with higher refractive index than that of the medium in which they are travelling. A light wave travelling in air that is reflected by a glass barrier will undergo a 180° phase change, while light travelling in glass \"\"will not\"\" undergo a phase change if it is reflected by a boundary with air. For this", "Metamaterial\ndevelopments include a transmission line, woodpiles made of square dielectric bars and several different types of low gain antennas. Double positive mediums (DPS) do occur in nature, such as naturally occurring dielectrics. Permittivity and magnetic permeability are both positive and wave propagation is in the forward direction. Artificial materials have been fabricated which combine DPS, ENG and MNG properties. Categorizing metamaterials into double or single negative, or double positive, normally assumes that the metamaterial has independent electric and magnetic responses described by ε and µ. However, in many cases, the electric field causes magnetic polarization, while the magnetic field induces", "\"Bad Dürrheim transmitter\"\nBad Dürrheim transmitter Bad Dürrheim transmitter was a facility for medium wave and short wave broadcasting at 48°00'12\"\" N and 8°31'28\"\" E at Bad Dürrheim-Ankenbuck. It was built by the Südwestfunk in 1951 and used for mediumwave and shortwave broadcasting. Regarding the transmission antenna for mediumwave, a 120 metre tall guyed mast, which was insulated against ground was used. For the shortwave transmissions a 12 metre tall mast with a diameter of 4 metres was used. In 1962 the facility was given to German Federal Post (Deutsche Bundespost) in order to use it for transmitting the program of Deutschlandfunk. These", "\"Standing wave\"\nfrequency. For waves of equal amplitude traveling in opposing directions, there is on average no net propagation of energy. As an example of the first type, under certain meteorological conditions standing waves form in the atmosphere in the lee of mountain ranges. Such waves are often exploited by glider pilots. Standing waves and hydraulic jumps also form on fast flowing river rapids and tidal currents such as the Saltstraumen maelstrom. Many standing river waves are popular river surfing breaks. As an example of the second type, a \"\"standing wave\"\" in a transmission line is a wave in which the distribution" ]
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who is the only bowler who take hattrick in both innings of test match
[ "Jimmy Matthews" ]
[ "\"Victory Tests\"\nwere kept to under 250 runs in both of their innings, but none of the bowlers - bar seam bowler Dick Pollard, who took 25 wickets in his four matches - were very consistent, or indeed selected with any regularity. George Pope took eight wickets in the second match, only to miss the third, and then came back to take six in the fourth match. The series was drawn 2-2, with one match drawn. Following on from the success of the tour of England, the Australian Services XI traveled through India and Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) for four months at", "\"Ryan Harris (cricketer)\"\nDurham with 2 wickets in the first innings and 7 in the second innings. During the 3rd test match against South Africa, he took his 100th test wicket when he trapped Alviro Petersen leg before wicket. This made him one of only four test bowlers, who made their test debut after the age of 30, to take 100 test wickets. The other three are Clarrie Grimmett, Dilip Doshi and Saeed Ajmal. He is the only fast bowler to do so. In March 2014 it was announced that Harris would be out for about six months following knee surgery. He announced", "\"Cecil Boyle\"\n1874. As a fast round-arm bowler, Boyle took 30 wickets during his short first-class career, at an average of 10.30. On his debut, against the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) he took 7/40 in the first innings. His match tally of nine wickets was bettered the next time Oxford University played the MCC, at Lord's, when he took 7/33 in the second innings after taking four in the first. The uncle of Test cricketer Lionel Tennyson, Boyle also took a first-class hattrick for Oxford University, against Middlesex. Boyle was a Captain in the Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars (Oxfordshire Yeomanry), when in", "\"Jim Burke (cricketer)\"\nboth innings. He made a duck in the following match against Victoria, but claimed his maiden five-wicket innings haul, taking 5/38 in the second innings. He removed Test batsmen Meuleman and Loxton before returning to dismiss Test bowlers Ian Johnson and Bill Johnston. Burke then scored half-centuries in consecutive Shield matches and was selected for an Australian XI to play against England in a Test trial. He scored 128 in his only innings and took the wicket of Denis Compton but this was not enough for Test selection. He had another opportunity against England two weeks later in a match", "\"Herbert Sutcliffe's cricket career (1928–32)\"\nhis greatest Test innings of 169, held things together and England reached 521. Hendren shared an 8th wicket partnership of 124 with pace bowler Harold Larwood who then won the match for England by taking 8 wickets and 4 catches. In the England second innings, Hobbs and Sutcliffe put on only 25 and Sutcliffe scored 32. England's team at this time has been called its best ever but, ominously, the match featured the Test debut of Don Bradman, though he could only make 18 and 1 as England won by the massive margin of 675 runs. In the Second Test", "\"Steve O'Keefe\"\nthe same figures (6/35) in the second inning a day later, as Australia won by 333 runs. His match figures of 12/70 were the second best bowling by a visiting bowler in a Test in India. This was the second time in the history of Test cricket that a bowler had recorded six wickets and an identical number of runs in both innings of a Test after B. S. Chandrasekhar of India, who had figures of 6/52 in both innings in 1977, coincidentally against Australia at the MCG, with O'Keefe's figures setting the record for the best identical bowling figures", "\"Jim Laker\"\nWanderers, in Johannesburg, against South Africa in December 1913. Barnes remains the only bowler other than Laker to take seventeen in a test match. Two common factors link Laker and Barnes. They are the only two bowlers who have taken seventeen or more wickets in a test match and they both played for Saltaire in the Bradford League, Barnes from 1915 to 1923, Laker from 1938 to 1940. Laker remains the only bowler to have taken more than seventeen wickets in a first-class match. There had been twenty previous instances of seventeen in a match but, since Laker's feat, only", "\"Douglas Jardine\"\nscore in each innings, scoring 74 not out in the fourth innings to help his team to draw the game on a difficult pitch, against international bowlers Maurice Tate and Harold Larwood. Immediately after this match, Jardine made his Test debut against the West Indies who were touring England that season. This was West Indies' first ever Test match. The team possessed several fast bowlers who had enjoyed some success on the tour of England. Many batsmen only played them with difficulty, particularly on the occasional fast-paced pitch, but Jardine played them confidently. Jardine played in the first two Tests,", "\"Jim Laker\"\non a cricket field\"\". Laker's ten for 53 was the first time a bowler had taken all ten wickets in a test innings. The only other bowler to achieve the feat is India's Anil Kumble, who took ten for 74 at Delhi's Feroz Shah Kotla against Pakistan in 1999. Having already taken nine for 37 in the first innings, Laker's match bowling figures of nineteen for 90 remain a world record in first-class cricket. The record for the most wickets taken in a test match was previously held by England's Sydney Barnes who took seventeen for 159 at the Old", "\"Arnold Warren\"\nit was owing to his superiority as a batsman and fieldsman that Warren gained the pair's only England cap against Australia at Headingley in 1905. He played in the Headingley (Leeds) Ashes Test of 1905. A very tall, right-arm fast bowler who operated off a long, bounding approach, he took 5 for 57 in the first innings of a drawn match. Although he dismissed the cream of Australia's batting, taking the prized wicket of Victor Trumper in both innings, he was not selected again. In 1910, when playing against Warwickshire at Blackwell Warren scored 123 in less than three hours", "\"Pradeep Sunderam\"\nGundibail Sunderam, a former Rajasthan fast bowler who played for India in two Test matches. Like his father, Sunderam also became a fast bowler and made his first-class cricket debut for Rajasthan in 1982/83. In a Ranji Trophy match in 1985/86 against Vidarbha, Sunderam famously claimed all ten wickets in an innings, becoming only the second bowler in the history of Ranji Trophy to achieve the feat. He had figures of 10/78 in 22 overs of Vidarbha's first innings and 6/76 in 22 overs in the second innings. His match figures of 16/154 also became the best match figures in", "\"Patrick Leeson\"\nPatrick Leeson Patrick George Leeson (17 July 1915 – 12 May 1997) was an English first-class cricketer: a right-handed batsman who played a single first-class match for Worcestershire against Northamptonshire in July 1936. Oddly, in that game he was dismissed in both innings by a Test bowler who was to take seven wickets in that innings: first for a duck by Vallance Jupp, and then for 7 by Austin Matthews. Leeson made one catch, to dismiss another Test player, Fred Bakewell. Leeson bowled right arm off-breaks, but never sent down a delivery in first-class cricket. He was born in Darjeeling,", "\"Patrick Leeson\"\nBengal, India; he died in Leicester at the age of 81. Patrick Leeson Patrick George Leeson (17 July 1915 – 12 May 1997) was an English first-class cricketer: a right-handed batsman who played a single first-class match for Worcestershire against Northamptonshire in July 1936. Oddly, in that game he was dismissed in both innings by a Test bowler who was to take seven wickets in that innings: first for a duck by Vallance Jupp, and then for 7 by Austin Matthews. Leeson made one catch, to dismiss another Test player, Fred Bakewell. Leeson bowled right arm off-breaks, but never sent", "\"Sivert Samuelson\"\nSivert Samuelson Sivert Vause Samuelson (21 November 1883 in York, near New Hanover, Natal – 18 November 1958 in Durban, Natal) was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1910. Samuelson was a tail-end right-handed batsman and an off-spin bowler who took five MCC wickets in an innings in his third first-class game and found himself in the Test team for the final match in the 1909-10 series, played at Newlands, Cape Town. He failed to take a wicket as England scored 417, with Jack Hobbs making 187. He batted at No 11 in both innings. Samuelson", "\"Peter Siddle\"\nto the Test team for the series against Sri Lanka, he registered his career-best bowling figures in Test cricket, taking nine wickets across both of Sri Lanka's innings. Siddle then struggled to make an impact with his bowling in India, though he did make history by becoming the first number 9 batsman to score a half century in both innings of a Test match. Despite nearly constant speculation about his place in the Test team, Siddle was the only Australian bowler to play all ten Tests across the 2013 and 2013–14 Ashes series against England, bowling reliably throughout the two", "\"W. G. Grace in the 1878 English cricket season\"\nIn cold, damp conditions it was therefore a bowlers' match. Grace was dismissed in both innings by Tom Emmett, who was well supported by Billy Midwinter and Alex Watson. The MCC attack was led by Alfred Shaw, who took 10 wickets. Grace bowled in the first innings only and returned figures of 3–43. Grace's 47 in the first innings was the top score in the game, the second highest being 30 by Arthur Shrewsbury for England. Grace sustained a thumb injury during the match which prevented him taking part in the England second innings. Grace was inactive for over a", "\"Fazal Mahmood\"\nin India's first innings, his maiden wicket was Indian captain, Lala Amarnath. Pakistan were dismissed cheaply twice to lose by an innings, Fazal was the only Pakistani player to reach double figures in both innings. Pakistan reversed the result in the second Test at Lucknow, played on a jute matting pitch Fazal took 5/52 in the first innings and 7/42 in the second as Pakistan won by an innings in only their second ever Test. His match figures of 12/94 are the best by a Pakistani bowler away from home, and were the best by any bowler against India until", "\"Rangana Herath\"\nfor 127 runs, the best figures for a left-arm bowler in Test cricket. He was man of the match in both Test matches and also man of the series. During the Sri Lankan cricket team against Pakistan in the UAE in 2013–14, Herath became the first Sri Lankan and 16th overall to be dismissed for a king pair in test history. In the second innings of the first Test against India in 2015, Herath took seven wickets for 48 runs, where Sri Lanka only had 175 runs behind India's total of 375. Herath was only able to take a single", "\"Eric Hollies\"\nEric Hollies William Eric Hollies (5 June 1912 – 16 April 1981) was an English cricketer, who is mainly remembered for taking the wicket of Donald Bradman for a duck in Bradman's final Test match innings, in which he needed only four runs for a Test average of 100. Hollies played all his first-class cricket career for Warwickshire, taking 2,323 wickets at less than 21 apiece. Cricket writer, Colin Bateman, noted: \"\"Hollies was one of cricket's most extraordinary characters, whose meagre thirteen Tests in no way reflected his contribution to the game. He was a fastish leg-break bowler who rarely", "\"Old Wanderers\"\nbowling analysis for a Test match at the ground was Sydney Barnes's 17/159 for England in the 2nd Test in 1913/14 (8/56 and 9/103) in a victory by England by an innings and 12 runs.. The only other bowler to take 8 wickets in an innings at Old Wanderers was Tip Snooke in the 3rd Test against England (and only his third Test match) in 1905/06. A railways-related test match record at Old Wanderers occurred when South African batsman Jimmy Sinclair hit the ball for six. It landed in a train standing at one of the platforms at the adjacent", "\"Lucy Pearson (cricketer)\"\nLucy Pearson (cricketer) Lucy Charlotte Pearson (born 19 February 1972 in King's Lynn) is a teacher and former English cricketer who played 12 Women's Test matches and 62 Women's One Day Internationals. Pearson also played in the inaugural Women's Twenty20 International, taking one wicket against New Zealand. A Fast-Medium left-arm opening bowler, her best performance was against Australia Women, taking 7–51 in the first innings of the second Test in 2003, winning the Player-of-the-Match award for match figures of 58–21–107–11, becoming only the second English woman to take 11 wickets against Australia in over 70 years. As a result, Lucy", "\"Mick Harvey (umpire)\"\nan opening batsman, he made 10 and 13 on debut against Queensland, and was trapped leg before wicket (lbw) in both innings in an eight-wicket win. In the next match against New South Wales, who boasted Australia's new ball opening bowlers Ray Lindwall and Keith Miller, Harvey made 19 and 33 in a drawn match. In the subsequent match against South Australia, he made 4 and 12, again being trapped lbw in both innings. The 1948–49 season was purely domestic with no touring Test team, so all of Australia's international representatives were available for the whole season. Having scored only", "\"1912 Triangular Tournament\"\nof the series was Australian bowler Jimmy Matthews taking two hat-tricks in the same Test match, one in each innings of the opening match against South Africa, the only time a bowler has taken two hat-tricks in the same Test. 1912 Triangular Tournament The 1912 Triangular Tournament was a Test cricket competition played between Australia, England and South Africa, the only Test-playing nations at the time. The ultimate winners of the tournament were England, with four wins in their six matches, but the tournament was deemed a failure, with disappointing crowds and uncompetitive cricket, caused in part by a weakened", "\"Mitchell Starc\"\nfastest bowler to take (over) 100 ODI wickets on 21 August 2016 against Sri Lanka, doing so in 52 innings and breaking Saqlain Mushtaq's 19-year-old record, of taking 100 wickets in 53 innings, before Rashid Khan owned the record on 25 March 2018 by taking 100 wickets in only 44 innings. On 30 December 2016 against Pakistan in the Boxing Day test, he broke Andrew Symonds' record of the most sixes at the MCG in one innings, hitting 7 sixes. In November 2017, he became the first bowler to take a hat-trick in each innings of a Sheffield Shield match,", "\"Trevor Gripper\"\nplay another match at that level until the aforementioned game against England A in February 1999. Gripper made his Test match debut in October 1999 against Australia at Harare; the selectors' decision was somewhat surprising since at the time Gripper had still not recorded a first-class century. He made 60 in the second innings. His maiden Test hundred came against Bangladesh in 2001, as Zimbabwe piled up 542/7 declared. Although only taking six wickets in his test career, he will be forever remembered as the bowler who dismissed Matthew Hayden for 380 runs (Second highest runs scored in a Test", "\"Soumya Sarkar\"\ntest match,scoring 61 in the first innings and took 5 catches in that match,the most by any player for Bangladesh in a single test match. Sarkar also set the record for taking the most test catches for Bangladesh in a test innings(4) In October 2018, he was named in the squad for the Rajshahi Kings team, following the draft for the 2018–19 Bangladesh Premier League. Soumya Sarkar Soumya Sarkar (Bengali: সৌম্য সরকার) (born 25 February 1993) is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman, right arm fast-medium bowler. Sarkar was born in Satkhira. He is a top-order batsman, who", "\"Bill O'Reilly (cricketer)\"\nthree matches: Australia were handicapped not only by the tactics, but also by a lack of quality fast bowlers; O'Reilly also opened the bowling in both the Third and Fourth Tests in Adelaide and Brisbane respectively due to the selection of only one paceman. He was hindered by a decline in the form of Grimmett, who was dropped after the Third Test. O'Reilly took 2/83 and 4/79 in Adelaide, collecting the wicket of Sutcliffe for single figures in the first innings of a match overshadowed by near-riots after captain Bill Woodfull was struck in the heart. Australia were crushed by", "\"Graham McKenzie\"\n6/48 to have England out for 241 and Australia won by an innings. He took 3/17 in the second innings in the Fifth Test to finish with 16 wickets (29.18), the chief wicket taker along with Neil Hawke who took 16 wickets (26.18). Thereafter McKenzie became one of the most consistent opening bowlers in the world. He toured South Africa in 1966–67 and in 1967–68 was dropped for the final two Tests after taking his only ten wicket match haul against India. This was speculated to be due to fears that his dominance over the Indian batsmen was diminishing public", "\"Hines Johnson\"\nbody apart from Australia\"\". As well as the captaincy changing hands, five different fast bowlers were used (not including two medium pace bowlers) each playing a single match, including Hines Johnson. Johnson debuted in the fourth Test against England, with his team leading 1–0. When the match started on 27 March 1948, Johnson was 37 years old. Statistically he was the most successful of the West Indian fast bowlers who played in the series, taking five wickets in each innings to lay the foundations of victory in the final Test. His haul of 10 wickets for 97 runs marked the", "\"Bangladeshi cricket team in Australia in 2003\"\ntaking Australia to 2/105. Both Lehmann and Waugh continued with their Darwin form, scoring 177 and 156 respectively. This was Waugh's 32nd Test century, taking him ahead of Sachin Tendulkar and behind only Sunil Gavaskar (34). Lehmann's innings included 105 runs between tea and the close of play on day two. When eventually dismissed, Martin Love compiled his first Test century. With 2/128, Hossain was the only bowler who took more than one wicket. His suspect bowling action would later be reported to the International Cricket Council. Sarkar scored another half-century in Bangladesh's second innings before succumbing to a 'wild", "\"Neil Adcock\"\nNeil Adcock Neil Amwin Treharne Adcock (8 March 1931 – 6 January 2013) was a South African international cricketer who played in 26 Tests. A tall aggressive fast bowler, he could lift the ball sharply off a length. He was the first South African fast bowler to take 100 Test wickets. Adcock was born on 8 March 1931 in Sea Point, Cape Town. He made his Test debut in 1953 at home against New Zealand, after only nine first-class games. He finished the series with 24 wickets, including 8 for 87 in his second Test (total for both innings). Adcock", "\"Tom Cole (umpire)\"\nTom Cole (umpire) Nicholas \"\"Tom\"\" Cole (12 July 1844 – 27 January 1924), sometimes known as T. N. Cole, was an umpire who officiated in one Test match in Australia in 1884. Cole was born in Australia. He was a left-arm round-arm bowler who was the first exponent of round-arm bowling in Adelaide. He was the first bowler in Adelaide cricket to take ten wickets in an innings. He played senior club cricket in Adelaide and represented South Australia in several matches in the 1870s. He took nine wickets in the match against W. G. Grace's English team in 1873-74.", "\"Ross Duncan\"\nRoss Duncan John Ross Frederick Duncan (born 25 March 1944 in Herston, Queensland) is a former Australian cricketer who played one Test in 1971. He was brought into the Test team for the Fifth Test at Melbourne which replaced the Victoria second tour match against the MCC in the 1970-71 Ashes series. Brought in as a fast-medium seam bowler to replace the injured Garth McKenzie, the unfortunate Duncan could only make 3 with the bat and take 0/30 with the ball in the first innings, but did not bat or bowl in the second and took no catches. He was", "\"Yasir Shah\"\ncricket is Charles Turner of Australia, who accomplished the feat in only six matches. Shah then picked up 3 consecutive five-wicket hauls in three Tests against Sri Lanka, further improving his Test record. In July 2016, while on tour against England, Shah became the first leg spinner to take a five-wicket haul in a Test match at Lord's since Mushtaq Ahmed in 1996. He also became the highest wicket-taking bowler in a single match from any Asian side at Lord's. On 18 July 2016, Shah reached No. 1 in the ICC rankings for Test bowlers, becoming the first Pakistani bowler", "\"Tom Cole (umpire)\"\nas a bootmaker in Adelaide. He died at his home in Adelaide aged 79. Tom Cole (umpire) Nicholas \"\"Tom\"\" Cole (12 July 1844 – 27 January 1924), sometimes known as T. N. Cole, was an umpire who officiated in one Test match in Australia in 1884. Cole was born in Australia. He was a left-arm round-arm bowler who was the first exponent of round-arm bowling in Adelaide. He was the first bowler in Adelaide cricket to take ten wickets in an innings. He played senior club cricket in Adelaide and represented South Australia in several matches in the 1870s. He", "\"Yasir Shah\"\nin Dubai, Shah took his 100th Test wicket and became the second fastest ever to achieve this milestone, with only George Lohmann bettering it. He is fastest Pakistani to take 50 and 100 wickets in Tests. On 28 September 2017, during the first Test against Sri Lanka, he became the joint-second fastest bowler of all time and quickest spinner to take 150 wickets in Tests. In November 2018, in the second Test against New Zealand, Shah took fourteen wickets in the match. In the first innings, he took eight wickets for 41 runs, the best for any bowler against New", "\"Old Trafford Cricket Ground\"\nall 10 wickets in a Test match innings, achieving figures of 10 for 53 in the fourth Test against Australia (the only other bowler to take all 10 wickets in an innings is Anil Kumble of India in 1999). Having also taken 9 for 37 in the first innings, Laker ended the match with record figures of 19 for 90, which remain unmatched to this day. On 1 May 1963 the first ever one day cricket match took place at Old Trafford, as the Gillette Cup was launched. Lancashire beat Leicestershire in a preliminary knock-out game, as 16th and 17th", "\"Greg Matthews\"\n600/4 in the Tests and Matthews suffered with the other Australian bowlers, taking only two wickets (118.00) in the series. In the Second Test at Melbourne he came in at 109/5 and made 100 not out adding 46 for the last wicket with his New South Wales teammate Dave Gilbert (4)—who came in when Matthews was 59—to hoist the Australian total up to 262. Lacklustre Indian batting and late rain saved the match after Allan Border (163) and Gilbert (10 not out) made another rear-guard action in the second innings. Though they outplayed Australia in all three Tests this was", "All-rounder\nwith the bat. For example, West Indies pace bowler Malcolm Marshall achieved ten scores of 50 or above in 107 Test innings between 1978 and 1991, but had a batting average of less than 19. He would be termed a \"\"useful lower-order batsman\"\", or indeed \"\"a bowler who bats a bit\"\". Equally, a specialist batsman/woman may be termed a \"\"useful change bowler\"\" and a good example of this is Australian Allan Border, who in a Test match against the West Indies in Sydney in January 1989 took 11 wickets for 96 runs (7/46 in the first innings and 4/50 in", "\"Colin McCool with the Australian cricket team in England in 1948\"\nas Australia scored 400 in their only innings. McCool did not get any more opportunities to push for selection, as he was rested from the next two matches against Hampshire and Sussex. Australia won the former by eight wickets after conceding a first innings lead for the first time on the tour, before winning the second by an innings by 325 runs. Bill Johnston—a left arm bowler who could bowl both pace and spin—was not initially in Bradman's plan for the First Test at Trent Bridge. However, Bradman changed his mind on the morning when rain was forecast. Johnston was", "\"Herman Griffith\"\nHerman Griffith Herman Clarence Griffith (1 December 1893 – 18 March 1980) was a West Indian cricketer who played in West Indies' first Test match in their inaugural Test tour of England and was one of the leading bowlers on that tour. Griffith was born in Arima, Trinidad. His first tour was to England in 1928. He took 11 wickets in the three Tests, the most of any West Indian bowler. England only gave up 30 wickets in the three Tests, as they won each by an innings. Griffith's best bowling of the tour, and his best in Test cricket,", "\"Hedley Verity\"\nplayed in a negative fashion, despite pitches that were very good for batting. High scoring games left the bowlers with expensive figures and Verity had the best bowling average on either side, bowling accurately and reliably. He played in all five Test matches, taking 19 wickets at 29.05. The first two matches were drawn: in the first innings of the opening Test, he took four for 61 in 44 eight-ball overs; in the first innings of the second Test, he took five for 70 in nearly 37 overs. England won the third match, the only result in the series and", "\"Javagal Srinath\"\nthree test matches that year and took nine wickets, for an average of 18.00. He played four test matches and 23 ODI matches in 1994, taking 13 test wickets and 33 ODI wickets for an average of 25.00. Srinath received his second test-cricket man-of-the-match award against the West Indies in Bombay, scoring 60 runs off 72 balls coming at ninth place and taking four wickets in the second innings. Although Srinath became the main bowler in 1995 after Kapil Dev's retirement, he played only three test matches and 12 ODIs for the Indian team due to injuries. With his spell", "\"Barbados national cricket team\"\nthe squad but did not play any matches. Marshall, who had only made his Test debut the previous year, was one of the world's leading fast bowlers during the 1980s, and established a new record for the most Test wickets taken by a West Indian (since beaten by Courtney Walsh). The West Indian opening batsmen throughout the 1980s were Gordon Greenidge and Desmond Haynes, both Barbadians. Greenidge and Haynes opened the batting together in 148 innings between 1978 and 1991, and put on 6,482 runs together, both records for opening batsmen that have yet to be beaten. At the 1998", "\"Alf Valentine\"\nhe took the first eight wickets, five of them before lunch on the first day. He finished with 8 for 104 in the innings, and 11 for 204 in the match off 106 overs. He was the first bowler ever to take eight wickets in his first Test innings, a feat which has only been achieved three times since . England won that match, but in the second Test, at Lord's, the West Indies recorded a 326-run victory, thanks to Clyde Walcott's 168 not out in the second innings, and to the bowling of Ramadhin (11 for 152) and Valentine", "\"George Lohmann\"\nof today), Lohmann was so unplayable that he took 35 wickets for the remarkable average of just 5.80 runs each. During this series Lohmann twice broke the record for best analysis in Test cricket: he took 15 for 45 in the first Test, including a hat trick (the fourth Test cricket hat-trick) at the end of the second innings to win the match; and after not being put on initially in the second Test, he became the first bowler to take nine wickets in a Test innings (a feat subsequently emulated only 14 times and surpassed only twice). In 1896,", "\"Fazal Mahmood\"\nthat Fazal sent down 85.2 overs, what \"\"Wisden\"\" described as 'a phenomenal number of overs for a bowler of his pace'. Fazal conceded 247 runs in the innings and took the only two wickets to fall. Fazal's bowling analysis places him fifth in Test history for most overs bowled and most runs conceded in an innings. Pakistan lost the Test by an innings and by losing the next match in Guyana they lost the series. Pakistan achieved a consolation victory in the fifth Test, Fazal taking 6/83 in the first innings including the wicket of Conrad Hunte with the first", "\"Anil Kumble\"\nof the 4 bowlers, alongside Richard Hadlee, Shane Warne and Muttiah Muralitharan, and the only Indian bowler ever, to have taken 5 wickets in a Test innings more than 30 times. He also holds the world record for the largest number of caught-and-bowled dismissals in tests, 35 – which forms 5.65% of his total wickets. He is also one of 4 Indian bowlers to have conceded over 250 runs in a Test match, although he took 12 wickets in that match. He is known for bowling tirelessly, having bowled 72 overs in a Test innings once. He is also remembered", "\"Wally Grout\"\nhepatitis, and the exhausted Grout and Ray Lindwall were the only two test players able to play for Queensland in a match against Western Australia, but during the match Grout picked up eight wickets in a single innings. Grout had his jaw broken while keeping to Queensland's West Indian fast-bowler Wes Hall in their match against the MCC a week before the First Test of the 1962-63 Ashes series. He was replaced in the first three Tests by South Australia's Barry Jarman, who played only seven Tests until Grout retired in 1966. In 1964 he famously refused to run out", "\"Anil Kumble\"\nTest of the series played at Bombay as India went on to win the match by an innings and 15 runs. He was adjudged man of the match for his performance. Kumble took his first 50 Test wickets in 10 matches; the record remained the fastest by an Indian bowler till Ravichandran Ashwin surpassed him achieving the feat in nine matches. His 100 Test wickets in 21 Test matches, the second fastest by an Indian bowler after Erapalli Prasanna (who took 100 wickets in 20 matches). On 27 November 1993, he took six wickets for 12 runs in an ODI", "\"Women's Test cricket\"\ncricket; the highest of these was the 242 runs scored by Pakistan's Kiran Baluch against the West Indies in 2004. Mary Duggan, who played for England between 1949 and 1963 is the leading wicket-taker in women's Test cricket, claiming 77 wickets from 17 matches. The next most prolific bowler is Australia's Betty Wilson, who claimed her 68 wickets at the lowest bowling average, 11.80 and the first hat-trick in Women's Test cricket. Both of the players with the best bowling figures, in an innings and in a match, are from the Indian subcontinent; India's Neetu David holds the record for", "\"Australian cricket team in Australia in 1965–66\"\nin the First Test and almost in the Fourth. Allan had taken 10/61 in the Sheffield Shield, the third best innings return in Australia, and was recalled for the Fourth Test, but was injured and McKenzie returned to take a match-winning 6/48. McKenzie's new-ball partner was Neil Hawke a strong fast-medium bowler who played Aussie Rules football, but like McKenzie ended his career with a Test average of 29. After this the quality of Australian bowling fell away sharply. Alan Connolly was a decent fast-medium bowler, but he failed in the series and in the end Australia used the batsmen", "\"Ravenor Nicholson\"\nRavenor Nicholson Ravenor Nicholson (born 6 October 1943) is a former South African cricketer, who played four seasons of first-class matches for Natal cricket team. A right-hand batsman and medium pace bowler, his only first-class half century was 89 not out for Natal B against Transvaal B in December 1967. Nicholson's best bowling came in the following match against Griqualand West, taking 5 wickets in each innings, finishing with match figures of 10/63. Nicholson is the cousin of Test match brothers Peter and Graeme Pollock. His brother Christopher played one first-class match for South African Universities in 1967. He was", "\"Ravenor Nicholson\"\nborn in Durban, Natal, South Africa. Ravenor Nicholson Ravenor Nicholson (born 6 October 1943) is a former South African cricketer, who played four seasons of first-class matches for Natal cricket team. A right-hand batsman and medium pace bowler, his only first-class half century was 89 not out for Natal B against Transvaal B in December 1967. Nicholson's best bowling came in the following match against Griqualand West, taking 5 wickets in each innings, finishing with match figures of 10/63. Nicholson is the cousin of Test match brothers Peter and Graeme Pollock. His brother Christopher played one first-class match for South", "\"Arthur Mailey\"\nArthur Mailey Arthur Alfred Mailey (3 January 188631 December 1967) was an Australian cricketer who played in 21 Test matches between 1920 and 1926. Mailey used leg-break and googly bowling, taking 99 Test wickets, including 36 in the 1920–21 Ashes series. In the second innings of the fourth Test at Melbourne, he took nine wickets for 121 runs, which is still the Test record for an Australian bowler. In first-class cricket at Cheltenham during the 1921 tour, he took all ten Gloucestershire wickets for 66 runs in the second innings. His 1958 autobiography was accordingly titled \"\"10 for 66 and", "\"Quintin McMillan\"\nCambridge University he took five for 45. McMillan's Test debut came at Lord's but as a bowler he was unable to make any impact, failing to take a wicket; he scored 17 in his only innings. His Test innings, according to later reports, included a hit for six off England captain and off-spinner Jack White which landed on the head of a lieutenant-general in the stands. Vincent was fit again for the third and fourth Tests, but immediately after the fourth Test, McMillan took eight first-innings wickets for 50 runs against Somerset and 10 for 86 in the match. This", "\"Sam Cook (Gloucestershire cricketer)\"\nEngland team to play the South Africans on the batsman's pitch at Trent Bridge in 1947, after taking six South African wickets in the second innings of the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) match in May. However, in the Test match, he took no wickets for 127 runs, scored 0 and 4, and was never picked again. The Kent fast bowler Jack Martin, who had done equally well in the MCC match, was also picked for the Trent Bridge Test, also fared badly, and was likewise discarded, never to appear in Test cricket again. In 1948, with the Bristol pitch dressed", "\"Rangana Herath\"\nconsecutive Test against Australia in where he has taken four or more wickets in the opponent's first innings. His 25th fifer mark is the highest by a bowler to take fifers since 2009. In this period, no other bowler has taken even 20 such hauls. His ten wicket haul in the match gave the series whitewash against Number 1 ranked Australia for the first time in history. He took 13 wickets in the last test match and 28 wickets in the series. Both these wicket figures are record for a Sri Lankan against Australia. After usual captain Angelo Mathews injured", "\"Vernon Philander\"\nin the first test at Dunedin, which ended a draw. He followed this up with a match-winning performance in the second test at Hamilton where he picked up 4–70 and 6–44 for the second 10-wicket haul of his career. In the third test at Wellington, he excelled once again, picking up 6–81 in the first innings. During the course of this innings, he bowled New Zealand batsman Doug Bracewell for his 50th test wicket in only his 7th match, and thus became the second-fastest bowler ever to claim 50 wickets. The only bowler to get to the mark faster was", "\"Rose Fernando\"\nLanka at the 2009 Women's Cricket World Cup. In a World Cup match against England, Fernando was reported for an illegal bowling action, as well as England bowler Jenny Gunn. Rose Fernando Warnakolasooriya Rose Priyanka Fernando (born 28 July 1979) is a former Sri Lankan women's cricketer who represented the country in one Women's Test match, 37 WODIs and three WT20I. Her sister Hiruka also played cricket for Sri Lanka. Fernando made her only Women's Test cricket appearance in a 1998 match against Pakistan. She scored 44 runs in the first innings, and took three wickets in the second innings.", "\"Hugh Trumble\"\nHugh Trumble Hugh Trumble (19 May 1867 – 14 August 1938) was an Australian cricketer who played 32 Test matches as a bowling all-rounder between 1890 and 1904. He captained the Australian team in two Tests, winning both. Trumble took 141 wickets in Test cricket—a world record at the time of his retirement—at an average of 21.78 runs per wicket. He is one of only four bowlers to twice take a hat-trick in Test cricket. Observers in Trumble's day, including the authoritative \"\"Wisden Cricketers' Almanack\"\", regarded him as ranking among the great Australian bowlers of the Golden Age of cricket.", "\"Saqlain Mushtaq\"\nin 1999, where he achieved his first ten-wicket haul in a Test match. He took five-wicket hauls in both innings of the match, In the first Test, with India needing only 17 runs to win, Saqlain effectively sealed Pakistan's win by taking the wicket of Sachin Tendulkar, who had scored 136. In the second Test of the series at the Feroz Shah Kotla Ground, Delhi, he once again took five-wicket hauls in both innings but could not prevent defeat. He ended the series with 20 wickets at an average of 20.15, which earned him the man-of-the-series award. In November 1999,", "\"Ejection (sports)\"\nmatch who, as was the case in the prior Laws, may take additional disciplinary action after the match. Additionally, the umpires have the power to eject a bowler from the team's bowling attack for the remainder of the innings (or in the case of a one-innings match or the second innings of a two-innings match, the remainder of the match) if the bowler, after having received one or two prior warnings (depending on prior offences), is guilty of throwing (law 21.3), ball-tampering (law 41.3), dangerous and unfair bowling (laws 41.6 to 41.8), time wasting (law 41.9) or running onto the", "\"George Parker (cricketer)\"\ntaking six of the ten wickets that fell for 152 runs. In the second Test, which England won by the same margin of an innings and 18 runs, Parker was the only bowler to take a wicket, taking the two wickets that fell for 121 runs in an innings declared for 531 runs. However, Parker was not able to play in matches against counties and, despite having taken two-thirds of the wickets that had fallen in the first two Tests, he was not given a further trial. He never played first-class cricket again. Parker returned to South Africa and in", "\"Phillip Hughes\"\non 6 March 2009, before adding another hundred in the second Innings. In doing so, at the age of 20 years and 96 days, he became both the youngest Australian since Doug Walters to score a Test century and the youngest player from any country to score a century in both innings of a Test match. During the 2009 Ashes campaign, Hughes' unorthodox technique was exploited by fast bowlers, who targeted his upper body and avoided bowling wide outside off stump, restricting his opportunities to play shots through the offside, most notably the cut shot. He was dropped from the", "\"Ottis Gibson\"\nwon the first Test, they lost the second by 405 runs. In the third Test England regained the lead with James Anderson taking 6-47 in Australia's first innings and Steven Finn taking 6-79 in their second innings. England's bowlers were instrumental in England winning the fourth Test, with Stuart Broad taking 8-15 to help England dismiss Australia for 60 and Ben Stokes taking 6-36 in the second innings as England secured a victory by a margin of an innings and 78 runs. England lost the final match of the series by an innings, but won the series 3-2 to regain", "\"Brian Statham\"\nproblem for opposing batsmen at Old Trafford, especially so on good pitches which didn't help other bowlers. The Test series was against South Africa and ended in a 3–2 win for England who had won the first two matches only for South Africa to win the next two and level the series for a decider at the Oval. Statham played in four Tests but missed the third at Old Trafford. He opened the bowling with Tyson in the first Test at Trent Bridge, where England won by an innings and 5 runs. He took only one wicket in the match", "\"Rangana Herath\"\nthe match by 221 runs, Herath took the wicket of Joe Root as his 100th wicket in Galle International Stadium. With that, he became only the second Sri Lankan, third bowler and first left arm bowler to take 100 Test wickets at a single venue. In the second innings, Herath took two wickets and finished his 19 years of career. As said by skipper Chandimal, the match was dedicated to Herath. The ground was covered by many tributes to Herath highlighting that \"\"Good Bye Legend Herath\"\", and \"\"Thank You Herath\"\". Until his retirement from Tests, Herath is the 8th highest", "\"Jason Krejza\"\nIt also beat his best first-class bowling of 4 for 91. In the second innings he took a further 4 wickets for 143 runs, leaving him with figures of 12 wickets for 358 runs in his first test. He is the second on the list of Test bowlers who have conceded most runs in a single Test match, beaten only by Tommy Scott's match return of 9 for 374, for the West Indies against England in Kingston, Jamaica, in 1929/1930. He was named man of the match despite Australia's defeat. Krejza was then dropped for the First Test against New", "\"Second Test, 1948 Ashes series\"\nEdrich, who had opened the bowling in the previous Test. O'Reilly regarded Edrich as a mediocre bowler and thought the extra burden with the ball was detracting from his main duty, batting. Australia retained the same XI from the First Test at Trent Bridge. Ian Johnson was retained despite taking match figures of 1/85, as was Bill Brown, the opener who was batting out of position in the middle-order. Brown had scored 25, 26 and 17 in his three innings in the middle-order during the tour. O'Reilly criticised the selection of Brown, who had appeared to be noticeably uncomfortable in", "\"Bob Blair (cricketer)\"\nBob Blair (cricketer) Robert William \"\"Bob\"\" Blair (born 23 June 1932) is a former cricketer who played 19 Tests for New Zealand. Blair was a fast bowler who was never quite able to carry his enormous success for Wellington in the Plunket Shield over into the Test arena. In 59 matches for Wellington from 1951–52 to 1964–65 he took 330 wickets at an average of 15.16. In his best season, he took 46 wickets in the five matches of 1956–57 at an average of 9.47, twice taking nine wickets in an innings. The next season, he took 34 at 11.20,", "\"Ricky Ponting\"\nby New Zealand, sweeping both Tests. Ponting scored only 100 runs at 33.33. In the first Test against South Africa in Perth, starting in December, Ponting again had to reduce his reliance on his preferred pace bowlers, and rely more on spinners due to a slow over rate. His persistent problems with the over rate prompted some commentators to criticise him for spending too much time during the match conferring with bowlers. In the first innings he scored a duck, and managed 32 in Australia's second innings. Ponting's inexperienced attack had trouble dismissing the opposition batsmen, and South Africa made", "\"Kuldeep Yadav\"\nmatch against Bangladesh. He made his Test debut for India against Australia on 25 March 2017, at the Dharamshala Cricket Stadium, taking four wickets in the first innings. Kuldeep Yadav is the first Slow-left-arm chinaman bowler to represent India national cricket team in Test cricket. He is also only the third chinaman bowler in Test cricket to take four wickets on debut. The others are Australian Chuck-Fleetwood-Smith (4/64) against South Africa and Sri Lanka's Lakshan Sandakan (4/58) against Australia. In June 2017, he was named in India's squad for a limited overs tour to the West Indies. He made his", "\"Charlie McLeod\"\nAshes series, when he scored 352 runs at an average of 58.66. Opening the batting in the Second Test on New Year's Day 1898, he scored his only Test century, 112 in 245 minutes, the only century of the match, which Australia won by an innings. He toured England in 1899 and 1905. His brother Bob also played Test cricket for Australia. Charlie McLeod Charles Edward McLeod (24 October 1869 – 26 November 1918) was an Australian cricketer who played in 17 Tests from 1894 to 1905. McLeod was a patient batsman and accurate bowler who represented Victoria in first-class", "\"James Anderson (cricketer)\"\nTim Southee) – was part of just the third quartet of opening bowlers to take all 20 wickets in the first innings of each team in a single Test match (and the first since 1912). In the same Test series, Anderson set another milestone by becoming the most heavily-used fast bowler ever in Test history, surpassing Courtney Walsh's record of 30,019 deliveries in a Test career. He was the second highest wicket-taker in the 2 match Test series, taking 8 wickets with England eventually losing the series 1-0. In the 2015 Queen's Birthday Honours, Anderson was appointed an Officer of", "\"Katherine Brown\"\nKatherine Brown Katherine Mary Brown (born 24 January 1953) is an English cricketer who participated in matches during the 1970s. Born in Essex, Katherine Brown and her twin sister Caroline both became cricket players. A right-arm off-break bowler, Katherine played a test match for the English women's cricket team in 1979 against West Indies, scoring 16 in her only innings and, bowling off breaks, took two wickets in the match for 56 runs. She also played five one-day internationals, making her debut against Australia for the Young England women's team in the 1973 World Cup and playing her last match", "\"Economy rate (cricket)\"\nwickets in both the innings. A bowler's economy rate is normally calculated from their career record, but one might also calculate it for a specific period of time, such as a calendar year or the duration of a World Cup tournament. In one day matches, a career economy rate of less than five runs per over is good. Conceding too many quick runs in a Test match is sure to get you taken off by your captain and replaced with another bowler, while taking a wicket in limited overs matches invariably slows the run rate. Like many aspects of cricket,", "\"Sid Pegler\"\nDespite taking only seven wickets in the Test series, it was no surprise when Pegler was chosen for the 1912 \"\"Triangular Tournament\"\" tour. On this tour, Pegler was a resounding success, playing in all but three of the South Africans' thirty-seven first-class matches and in an extremely wet summer being the leading first-class wicket-taker with 189 (eleven more than leading English bowler Colin Blythe). He took twenty-nine wickets in the six Tests despite the fact that South Africa only once bowled through two full innings owing to their being outclassed against both England and Australia. Pegler also did fairly well", "\"Katherine Brown\"\nagainst the West Indies in July 1979. Katherine Brown Katherine Mary Brown (born 24 January 1953) is an English cricketer who participated in matches during the 1970s. Born in Essex, Katherine Brown and her twin sister Caroline both became cricket players. A right-arm off-break bowler, Katherine played a test match for the English women's cricket team in 1979 against West Indies, scoring 16 in her only innings and, bowling off breaks, took two wickets in the match for 56 runs. She also played five one-day internationals, making her debut against Australia for the Young England women's team in the 1973", "\"Ian Meckiff\"\nquick wickets as the hosts slumped from 0/99 to 4/116 before a recovery which prevented their defeat. Meckiff continued to hold the upper hand over Borde, dismissing him in both innings. The Victorian bowler had little success in the final two Tests, taking only three wickets as Australia won the series 2–1. He ended the subcontinental tour with 15 wickets at 35.73, and scored 70 runs at 23.33. He had particular success against Borde, dismissing him five times in as many Tests. Meckiff returned to Australia in time to play his solitary Sheffield Shield match for the 1959–60 season, taking", "\"Laurie Mayne\"\nLaurie Mayne Lawrence Charles Mayne (born 23 January 1942 in Westonia, Western Australia) is a former Australian cricketer who played in six Tests. A strongly built right-arm fast bowler, Laurie Mayne played his first match for Western Australia in 1961–62, taking seven for 75 in the second innings against New South Wales in Perth. He established himself in the state team in 1964–65, taking 22 wickets, and was selected for the Australian team to tour the West Indies at the end of the season. He made his Test debut in the First Test at Kingston, taking four wickets in each", "\"Neil Harvey\"\ntheir first Tests on Pakistani and Indian soil respectively. In a short tour, the four Tests were the only fixtures. Harvey failed to pass double figures in a one off Test against Pakistan in Karachi, the first between the two countries. Moving to India, he scored 140 in the drawn Second Test in Bombay, scoring runs all around the ground. Due to injuries and illness to many of the bowlers, the Australians were unable to dismiss their hosts twice. In the final match, Australia were in trouble after taking a 41-run first innings lead. In the second innings they were", "\"Michael Beer (cricketer)\"\ninnings. Beer was picked for Australia's 2012 tour to the West Indies. He was not picked for the first Test, but in the second Test, he opened the bowling in both West Indies' innings. Michael Beer (cricketer) Michael Anthony Beer (born 9 June 1984) is an Australian cricketer who plays for the Victorian cricket team. He is a slow left-arm orthodox spin bowler. He made his Test debut in the final match of the 2010–11 Ashes series. After several seasons playing for the Western Australian cricket team, in the 2016–17 season Beer returned to his home state of Victoria to", "\"Sandy Bell\"\nAfrican bowler with four wickets for 123 runs. \"\"Wisden\"\" noted that \"\"Bell bowled splendidly throughout the long innings\"\". In terms of the result, the second Test was similar, but there was no weather excuse this time, and the South Africans lost by an innings in three days: Bell was again the most successful South African bowler in Australia's single innings, taking five wickets for 140 runs. He was much less expensive and no less effective in Australia's first innings in the third match of the series: Bell and Quinn dismissed the hosts for 198, with Bell taking five for 69", "\"Gerald Bond\"\nfour wickets for 17 runs with his medium-pace, the best bowling performance of his career. Bond's Test career was fleeting. He took two wickets (including Wally Hammond) in Western Province's match against the England team in 1938-39 and scored 13 in each innings. He was then picked for the first Test of a five-match series. When England batted, he was the sixth bowler used and was given only two overs, in which he failed to take a wicket and conceded 16 runs; in the South African innings, the unsuccessful promotion of a nightwatchman meant that he batted at No 9", "\"1970–71 Ashes series\"\nthe destroyer was debutant fast bowler Ken Shuttleworth who took 5/47, his best bowling for England and his only 5 wicket haul in Tests. Needing 183 in just over an hour England were unlikely to win and when Terry Jenner caught and bowled Boycott for 16 it was decided to call an end to the match. England were left on 39/1, paying the price for their slow first innings. \"\"Next morning Bobby Simpson wrote, 'England have come out of the Test with a moral victory.' They could have had a flesh and blood triumph.\"\" Despite the Australians collapsing in both", "\"Javagal Srinath\"\nthat. They played a full three-test series in January 1995, when they won their first test match (defeating Pakistan by an innings and 64 runs and scoring 544/4 declared in their only innings), but they said they never faced anyone as quick as Srinath. His fastest recorded ball was . Srinath was India's only regular fast bowler for many years, and his workload is believed to have caused his injuries; he underwent surgery on his right shoulder in 1997. He had more success against South Africa than any other Indian player, taking more than 60 test wickets with an average", "\"Wisden Trophy\"\nenough for victory and the game ended in a draw. As a result of this drawn match Lara was criticised by Ricky Ponting who stated that the whole West Indies first innings revolved around Lara's score who let the Test match slip for his own personal gain. The series finished 3–0 to England. England dominated the 2004 series and claimed the first English whitewash in the Wisden Trophy's history. England won each Test comfortably, as the West Indian bowlers struggled to get wickets. Only Chris Gayle and Dwayne Bravo had bowling averages lower than 30. This whitewash meant that England", "\"Stuart Boyes\"\nStuart Boyes George Stuart Boyes (31 March 1899 – 11 February 1973) was an English first-class cricketer, born in Southampton, who played for Hampshire. Boyes was a slow left-arm bowler with a high action, taking 1415 wickets for Hampshire. He took 100 wickets in a season three times, his best year being 111 at 26.75 in 1933. He twice took a hattrick, one of them when he took his career best figures of 9 for 57 against Somerset at Yeovil in 1938. With the bat he took 413 matches before making his maiden century, only three players in history have", "\"Henry FitzRoy (cricketer)\"\nHenry FitzRoy (cricketer) The Honourable Henry FitzRoy (born 13 September 1765 in Southampton; died 19 March 1794 in England) was a son of the 1st Baron of Southampton who, as a member of Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), regularly took part in important matches as an amateur player. He made 44 known appearances from the 1788 season to the 1793 season. FitzRoy is believed to have been right-handed as both batsman and bowler. He was a very useful bowler (underarm, pace unknown) who took 38 known wickets in his 44 matches, twice taking at least four in an innings. As a", "\"England women's cricket team\"\nEngland's reply began poorly when they slumped to 9-3, but Lydia Greenway, who made an unbeaten 80 off 64 balls, led England to both victory in the match and series, with the number of commentators praising her innings for its quality under pressure. England then thumped a deflated Australia in the final match of the series, taking the Ashes 12-4. Australia could only manage 91-7 off their 20 overs against a very disciplined performance from England's bowlers and fielders, and after the loss of three early wickets, Greenway and Sciver saw England to a comfortable win. Knight, who tore her", "\"Jack Cowie\"\nhe also took six Scottish wickets in the second innings at a cost of 66 runs, all six batsmen being bowled. His best bowling on the tour was in an early match against Leicestershire when he took six wickets for 54 runs. Cowie played in all four Tests of the summer, all four matches being drawn. In the first game, he bowled 36 overs on the first day of the match and he was, said Wisden, \"\"the only bowler who presented England with any serious problem\"\". He took five wickets in the England first innings for 127 runs, but pulled", "\"Fazal Mahmood\"\nwicket-keeper Imtiaz Ahmed taking over captaincy duties in a match Australia won by seven wickets. Fazal returned for the third Test in Karachi and took another five wicket haul with 5/74 in Australia's first innings. Pakistan gained a lead on first innings but after three early wickets their second innings slowed and the match petered out to a draw. Despite missing a match Fazal was Pakistan's leading wicket-taker for the series, taking 11 at 19.36. These efforts led him to achieve the number 1 ranking in ICC Test Bowlers ranking for 1959. Pakistan toured India during the 1960–61 season but", "\"Claude Newberry\"\nEngland toured South Africa in 1913-14, the First Test resulted in an innings victory to England. In the next match of the tour, against Transvaal, Newberry was the most successful of the local bowlers, taking 3 for 109 as MCC again won by an innings. Newberry was brought into the South African side for the Second Test, one of four changes, and retained his place for the rest of the series, taking 11 wickets at an average of 24.36, making him South Africa's second-most successful bowler in the series. He dismissed Frank Woolley four times. In World War I Newberry", "\"Taj Mohammad (cricketer)\"\nKarachi Whites. In that match, which Hyderabad lost by 370 runs, he opened the batting with Anwar Iqbal in both innings. His second innings score of 47 was the highest of the innings. Taj Mohammad (cricketer) Taj Mohammad (born 5 March 1965) is a former Pakistani cricketer who played two first-class matches for Hyderabad during the 1984–85 season. He was born in Bahrain. A right-handed batsman and occasional off spin bowler, both matches Taj played for Hyderabad came in October 1984, in the Patron's Trophy. On debut against Sukkur, he made 40 not out coming in sixth in Hyderabad's only", "\"Vernon Philander\"\nCharles Turner who did it in six matches. He went wicketless in the second innings as New Zealand held on for a draw. In October 2012, alongside Dale Steyn and Morné Morkel, Philander was part of a South African pace attack bowling coach and former test cricketer Allan Donald called the best the country had ever produced. In 2013, he was one of the South African bowlers who bowled out New Zealand for 45, the lowest Test Match total of the millennium. As of May 2013 he was rated by the ICC as the second-best bowler and the third-best all-rounder", "\"Ray Harvey\"\nand scored 97 in an innings win. In the subsequent fixture against New South Wales, who were in the process of completing a sixth consecutive Shield title, Harvey faced a full-strength team with Australia's two leading Test bowlers Benaud and Davidson. He made 86 in the first innings but managed only 6 in the second before being removed by Benaud, as the Victorians ended 37 runs short of victory with five wickets in hand when time ran out. Harvey made six in his only innings in the last match of the season against Queensland. He ended the season with 233", "\"Ron Hamence with the Australian cricket team in England in 1948\"\nonly six players currently in England's Test team be allowed to play for the hosts. Bradman then fielded a full-strength team, so Hamence was left out. Australia led by 312 on the first innings and were well in control, but the match ended in a draw after multiple rain delays. The tour ended with two non-first-class matches against Scotland. Hamence batted once in each match, scoring six and 15 as Australia ended the tour with two innings victories. During the tour, Hamence played 19 first-class matches and scored 582 runs at an average of 32.33. An occasional bowler who delivered", "\"Australian cricket team in India in 1997–98\"\nwith 7 wickets in hand. On the 5th day Australia, offered little resistance and only Steve Waugh, Healey and Warne passed 20. Australia were eventually dismissed for 168, giving India a win in the first Test by 179 runs. Kumble again took 4 wickets in the innings to be by far the best bowler in the match. Australia were in trouble from the start of their innings with Srinath taking two wickets in the opening over of the Test, only the second such instance (prev. SJ Snooke, South Africa v England at Cape Town, 1909–10). With the dismissal of Mark", "\"Guy Earle\"\njudged to be Test matches, though several regular England players sat out both tours and other players received their only Test caps by playing in the matches on the twin tours. Earle was not one of these players: in seven first-class matches in Australia and New Zealand, he failed to pass 50 in any innings and he was not picked for any of the four matches against New Zealand. In one of the matches in Australia on the way to New Zealand, Earle hit Australian spin bowler Clarrie Grimmett for 22 runs in an over, with three sixes; in New" ]
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land conversion through burning of biomass releases which gas
[ "traces of methane", "carbon monoxide", "hydrogen" ]
[ "Biofuel\nthrough the process of photosynthesis. Other renewable biofuels are made through the use or conversion of biomass (referring to recently living organisms, most often referring to plants or plant-derived materials). This biomass can be converted to convenient energy-containing substances in three different ways: thermal conversion, chemical conversion, and biochemical conversion. This biomass conversion can result in fuel in solid, liquid, or gas form. This new biomass can also be used directly for biofuels. Biofuels are in theory carbon-neutral because the carbon dioxide that is absorbed by the plants is equal to the carbon dioxide that is released when the fuel", "\"Drax power station\"\n15% by 2011. Drax's annual report for 2013 reported that Drax's annual emissions were at 20,612,000 tonnes of . This was a slight decrease from 2007 levels due to the burning of biomass. Drax remained the UK's largest single emitter of carbon dioxide up until 2016, when the power station claimed that its improvement programmes and conversion to burning biomass, had meant a drastic decrease in greenhouses gases being released into the atmosphere. Drax has opted in to the Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD) and thus is permitted to continue operating beyond 2015. The use of flue gas desulfurisation ensures", "\"Mercury regulation in the United States\"\nas natural gas, biomass, coal and oil to produce heat or electricity; CISWIs burn solid waste. The Boiler MACT rules create emission limits for mercury, particulate matter and carbon monoxide for all new coal-fired boilers with heat input greater than 10 million Btu per hour and particulate matter emission limits for new biomass and oil-fired boilers. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act establishes emergency release, inventory, and release reporting requirements. The requirement includes the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), which requires facilities in the manufacturing sector (SIC codes 20-39) to report releases to air, water, and land for all listed chemicals,", "\"Atmospheric methane\"\nsludge. Incomplete burning of both living and dead organic matter results in the emission of methane. While natural wildfires can contribute to methane emissions, the bulk majority of biomass burning occurs as a result of humans – including everything from accidental burnings by civilians to deliberate burnings used to clear out land to biomass burnings occurring as a result of destroying waste. Methane is a primary component of natural gas, and thus during the production, processing, storage, transmission, and distribution of natural gas, a significant amount of methane is lost into the atmosphere. According to the EPA \"\"Inventory of U.S", "\"E. J. Stoneman Generating Station\"\nof WPS Resources, and put Stoneman back into operation. In 2007, WPS Resources merged with a group of Illinois natural gas utilities, forming Integrys Energy. In 2008, Integrys sold Stoneman to DTE Stoneman, LLC, a non-utility subsidiary of DTE Energy. One week later, Dairyland Power announced an agreement to purchase the facility’s entire 40 MW net output from DTE upon conversion to a biomass burning plant. Between 2008 and 2010, Stoneman was converted by facility owner DTE Energy Services from a 100% coal-burning to 100% woody biomass-burning plant. Commercial operation of the 40 MW biomass facility began on October 8,", "\"Energy in India\"\nsurplus agriculture/crop residue biomass is burnt in the fields causing pollution problems. As traditional use of biomass is being replaced by LPG at faster pace, biomass burning in agriculture fields would become major source for causing higher level air pollution. Bio gas which is mainly methane/natural gas can also be used for generating protein rich cattle, poultry and fish feed in villages economically by cultivating Methylococcus capsulatus bacteria culture with tiny land and water foot print. The carbon dioxide gas produced as by product from these plants can be put to use in cheaper production of algae oil from algae", "\"Renewable energy\"\ncan be burned to produce heat or electricity. Plant biomass can also be degraded from cellulose to glucose through a series of chemical treatments, and the resulting sugar can then be used as a first generation biofuel. Biomass can be converted to other usable forms of energy such as methane gas or transportation fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel. Rotting garbage, and agricultural and human waste, all release methane gasalso called landfill gas or biogas. Crops, such as corn and sugarcane, can be fermented to produce the transportation fuel, ethanol. Biodiesel, another transportation fuel, can be produced from left-over food", "Biomass\nfor furnace oil in direct heat applications. Because any biomass material can undergo gasification, this process is far more attractive than ethanol or biomass production, where only particular biomass materials can be used to produce a fuel. In addition, biomass gasification is a desirable process due to the ease at which it can convert solid waste (such as wastes available on a farm) into producer gas, which is a very usable fuel. Conversion of biomass to biofuel can also be achieved via selective conversion of individual components of biomass. For example, cellulose can be converted to intermediate platform chemical such", "Biomass\nof traditional logging operations that were previously left in the forest. Environmental groups also cite recent scientific research which has found that it can take many decades for the carbon released by burning biomass to be recaptured by regrowing trees, and even longer in low productivity areas; furthermore, logging operations may disturb forest soils and cause them to release stored carbon. In light of the pressing need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the short term in order to mitigate the effects of climate change, a number of environmental groups are opposing the large-scale use of forest biomass in energy", "\"Attribution of recent climate change\"\ndirectly, together with aerosols, through biomass burning that frequently accompanies it. A second reason that climate change has been attributed to land use is that the terrestrial albedo is often altered by use, which leads to radiative forcing. This effect is more significant locally than globally. Worldwide, livestock production occupies 70% of all land used for agriculture, or 30% of the ice-free land surface of the Earth. More than 18% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to livestock and livestock-related activities such as deforestation and increasingly fuel-intensive farming practices. Specific attributions to the livestock sector include: With virtual certainty,", "Biomass\nare wheat, which typically yields 7.5–8 tonnes of grain per hectare, and straw, which typically yields 3.5–5 tonnes per hectare in the UK. The grain can be used for liquid transportation fuels while the straw can be burned to produce heat or electricity. Plant biomass can also be degraded from cellulose to glucose through a series of chemical treatments, and the resulting sugar can then be used as a first-generation biofuel. The main contributors of waste energy are municipal solid waste, manufacturing waste, and landfill gas. Energy derived from biomass is projected to be the largest non-hydroelectric renewable resource of", "\"Ethanol fuel energy balance\"\nmore energy balanced bioethanol. Clean production bioethanol is a biofuel obtained by maximizing non-greenhouse gas emitting (renewable) resources: Using ethanol returns carbon to the atmosphere whereas burning gasoline adds carbon to the atmosphere. Thus the effects of gasoline burning increase over time. Ethanol fuel energy balance In order to create ethanol, all biomass needs to go through some of these steps: it needs to be grown, collected, dried, fermented, and burned. All of these steps require resources and an infrastructure. The ratio of the energy released by burning the resulting ethanol fuel to the energy used in the process, is", "\"Energy forestry\"\nEnergy forestry Energy forestry is a form of forestry in which a fast-growing species of tree or woody shrub is grown specifically to provide biomass or biofuel for heating or power generation. The two forms of energy forestry are short rotation coppice and short rotation forestry: The main advantage of using \"\"grown fuels\"\", as opposed to fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil, is that while they are growing they absorb the near-equivalent in carbon dioxide (an important greenhouse gas) to that which is later released in their burning. In comparison, burning fossil fuels increases atmospheric carbon unsustainably,", "FortisBC\nWakefield Beach, Sechelt. Biomass power plants use wood and wood by-products from forestry and sawmills, methane from landfills, and animal manure from farms, to generate heat and power. In the simplest method of converting biomass into energy, organic matter is burned in a boiler to make steam, which then turns a turbine generator. Heat can be distributed directly to nearby buildings. The carbon dioxide emitted would have been released by the natural decomposition of the biomass, so the plant does not contribute additional CO emissions. Renewable natural gas is produced when organic material from sources such as landfills, wastewater treatment", "\"Environmental impact of biodiesel\"\nproduces carbon dioxide emissions similar to those from ordinary fossil fuels, the plant feedstock used in the production absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere when it grows. Plants absorb carbon dioxide through a process known as photosynthesis which allows it to store energy from sunlight in the form of sugars and starches. After the biomass is converted into biodiesel and burned as fuel the energy and carbon is released again. Some of that energy can be used to power an engine while the carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere. When considering the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions", "\"Biomass heating system\"\nat levels above those from traditional fuel sources such as coal or natural gas. Black carbon – a pollutant created by incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, biofuels, and biomass – is possibly the second largest contributor to global warming. In 2009 a Swedish study of the giant brown haze that periodically covers large areas in South Asia determined that it had been principally produced by biomass burning, and to a lesser extent by fossil-fuel burning. Researchers measured a significant concentration of C, which is associated with recent plant life rather than with fossil fuels. On combustion, the carbon from biomass", "\"Trace gas\"\ncaused by human related activities such as fossil fuel combustion (e.g. in transportation), fossil fuel mining, biomass burning, and industrial activity. In contrast, a \"\"sink\"\" is when a trace gas is removed from the atmosphere. Some of the sinks of trace gases are chemical reactions in the atmosphere, mainly with the OH radical, gas-to-particle conversion forming aerosols, wet deposition and dry deposition. Other sinks include microbiological activity in soils. Below is a chart of several trace gases including their abundances, atmospheric lifetimes, sources, and sinks. Table of Several Trace Gases – taken at pressure 1 atm, A few examples of", "Meat\nloss of lands and species. Currently, livestock make up 60% of the biomass of all mammals on earth, followed by humans (36%) and wild mammals (4%). In November 2017, 15,364 world scientists signed a Warning to Humanity calling for, among other things, drastically diminishing our per capita consumption of meat and \"\"dietary shifts towards mostly plant-based foods\"\". A July 2018 study in \"\"Science\"\" says that meat consumption is set to rise as the human population increases along with affluence, which will increase greenhouse gas emissions and further reduce biodiversity. Meat-producing livestock can provide environmental benefits through waste reduction, e.g. conversion", "\"Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage\"\ncaptured CO. If biomass sources are not close by the combustion unit, transporting biomass emits CO offsetting the amount of CO captured by BECCS. BECCS also face technical concerns about efficiency of burning biomass. While each type of biomass has a different heating value, biomass in general is a low-quality fuel. Thermal conversion of biomass has a typical efficiency of 20-27%. Coal-fired plant has an efficiency of about 37% for comparison. BECCS also faces a question whether the process is actually energy positive. Low energy conversion efficiency, energy-intensive biomass supply, combined with the energy required to power the CO capture", "\"Project Gaia\"\nand deaths each year. Kerosene releases carcinogenic emissions and is often poorly refined or adulterated by the time it is acquired for domestic use. Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) burns cleanly but is expensive and cannot be produced locally. Charcoal, a processed biomass fuel, burns with less smoke, but emits carbon monoxide. Meanwhile, coal produces all of the dangerous emissions of traditional biomass fuels and depending on its quality, also produces sulfur oxides and toxic elements such as arsenic, lead, fluorine, and mercury. Aid initiatives and emergency response projects rarely provide energy for cooking, focusing instead on food rations and necessary", "\"Hydrothermal carbonization\"\nbacterial conversion of the biomass. The major problem in the production of synthesis gas from biomass is the formation of tar, which can avoided during hydrothermal process management. However, it is not easy to see why this is the best way to process biocarbon. A biomass slurry should be decomposed into CO and H under supercritical conditions at 400°C and a pressure of at least 221.2 bar (critical temperature of water is 374°C), which requires a high energy input. An appropriate process management as well as problems in the collection, transportation and storage of accumulated biomass are unresolved in this", "\"Synthetic fuel\"\ndifferent types of fuels. More traditional definitions, example: definition given by the International Energy Agency, define 'synthetic fuel' or synfuel' as any liquid fuel obtained from coal or natural gas. The Energy Information Administration defines synthetic fuels in its Annual Energy Outlook 2006, as fuels produced from coal, natural gas, or biomass feedstocks through chemical conversion into synthetic crude and/or synthetic liquid products. A number of synthetic fuel's definitions include fuels produced from biomass, and industrial and municipal waste. The definition of synthetic fuel also allows oil sands and oil shale as synthetic fuel sources, and in addition to liquid", "\"Tilbury power stations\"\nthe B station to burn biomass only. They hoped for the conversion to allow 750 MW of electricity to be generated from burning wood pellets imported from a pelleting plant in Georgia, USA, and other sources from Europe by the winter of 2011. This conversion would make the station the biggest biomass generating site in the world. In July 2013 RWE npower announced they were halting the conversion due to difficulty in converting and financing the plant. It was mothballed after failing to receive a government grant and is now being decommissioned. In early 2007, npower announced plans to replace", "\"Renewable natural gas\"\ncontinue to manufacture gas at the full utilisation rate even during periods of weak demand, helping minimise manufacturing capital costs per unit of gas produced. Renewable gas can be produced through three main processes Göteborg Energi opened the first demonstration plant for large scale production of bio-SNG through gasification of forest residues in Gothenburg, Sweden within the GoBiGas project. The plant had the capacity to produce 20 megawatts-worth of bioSNG from about 30 MW-worth of biomass, aiming at a conversion efficiency of 65%. From December 2014 the bioSNG plant was fully operational and supplied gas to the Swedish natural gas", "\"Manomet, Inc.\"\nword, the name Manomet means portage path. Manomet focuses its programs where they will have measurable impact and opportunity for scale: In June 2010, Manomet published the Biomass Sustainability and Carbon Policy Study. The study, which was commissioned by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, investigated questions about generating electricity from biomass fuel, including the net effect of biomass energy on atmospheric carbon balance. The study concluded that greenhouse gas emissions from burning wood are initially higher than from fossil fuels, but the carbon sequestered by regrowing forests can yield lower greenhouse gas levels over time. Manomet is also known", "\"Clean Development Mechanism\"\ni.e. kept out of the atmosphere, are known as \"\"sinks\"\". The world's forests, particularly rain forests, are important carbon sinks, both because of their uptake of CO through photosynthesis and because of the amount of carbon stored in their woody biomass and the soil. When rain forests are logged and burned, not only do we lose the forests' capacity to take up CO from the atmosphere, but also the carbon stored in that biomass and soil is released into the atmosphere through release of roots from the soil and the burning of the woody plant matter. An emerging proposal, Reduced", "\"Synthetic fuel\"\na large synthetic fuel establishment. The numerous processes that can be used to produce synthetic fuels broadly fall into three categories: Indirect, Direct, and Biofuel processes. Indirect conversion has the widest deployment worldwide, with global production totaling around , and many additional projects under active development. Indirect conversion broadly refers to a process in which biomass, coal, or natural gas is converted to a mix of hydrogen and carbon monoxide known as syngas either through gasification or steam methane reforming, and that syngas is processed into a liquid transportation fuel using one of a number of different conversion techniques depending", "\"Renewable fuels\"\nare causing this field to evolve rapidly. The biological production of hydrogen fuel has been a topic of research since at least the 1970s. Hydrogen gas can be produced from biomass sources like agricultural and forest residues, consumer waste and other specific agricultural crops. Specifically, hydrogen fuel is produced by a process called gasification, where biomass is processed into a combustible gas and then burned, or by pyrolysis, a related process which can lead to hydrogen gas suitable for fuel-cell applications. One continuing subject of research regards the production of unwanted co-products in both of these processes. The presence of", "\"Drax Group\"\nlargest steam turbine modernisation programme in UK history – upgrading its high-pressure and low-pressure turbines. This saves one million tonnes of CO2 a year, which is the equivalent of taking 275,000 cars off the road. The vast majority of the UK’s tens of millions of homes depend on fossil fuels for their heating, mainly gas but also fuel oil. These energy sources are unsustainable, have question marks over security of supply and produce more carbon dioxide emissions than sustainably sourced biomass over its lifecycle. By 2014, the conversion of the first two generating units at Drax power station from burning", "\"Electricity sector in Armenia\"\nby compressing straw, sawdust, and the pods of sunflowers in a crusher into granules, which are then burned. It is feasible to receive 2 cubic meters (m) of gas from the burning of 1 kilogram (kg) of those granules. Scientists believe this will give Armenia the opportunity to provide heat for houses and to produce electricity, which would not be dependent on gas pipes or oil. The second one is biomass. Scientists share the opinion that Armenia has the most energy-diverse market in the Caucasus. The reason for this is that, in addition to gas and electricity used for heating,", "\"Micro combined heat and power\"\nlowest emissions of particulates and net-carbon dioxide include solar power, hydrogen, biomass (with two-stage gasification into biogas), and natural gas. Due to the high efficiency of the CHP process, cogeneration has still lower carbon emissions compared to energy transformation in fossil driven boilers or thermal power plants. The majority of cogeneration systems use natural gas for fuel, because natural gas burns easily and cleanly, it can be inexpensive, it is available in most areas and is easily transported through pipelines which already exist for over 60 million homes. Reciprocating internal combustion engines are the most popular type of engine used", "\"Renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan\"\nwhy medium, small and micro hydroelectric power stations need to be set up in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Biomass is also an alternative source of energy. There are following sources of biomass in Azerbaijan: industrial waste which has ability to burn, wastes from forestry and wood processing field, agricultural crops and organic compounding wastes, wastes of household and communal areas, wastes from polluted areas by oil and oil products. According to the research, most of the production of waste is composed of biomass products in all sectors of the economy. It is possible to obtain gas, liquid and solid biomass", "Biomass\nproceed (mainly controlled by the availability of oxygen and conversion temperature). These processes reduce carbon emissions during processing of biomass while providing useful byproducts which can later be used in several applications. Energy created by burning biomass is particularly suited for countries where the fuel wood grows more rapidly, such as in tropical countries. There are other less common, more experimental or proprietary thermal processes that may offer benefits, such as hydrothermal upgrading. Some have been developed for use on high moisture content biomass, including aqueous slurries, and allow them to be converted into more convenient forms. Some of the", "\"Thermal power station\"\nexhaust gas, can be used to raise steam, by passing this gas through a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) the steam is then used to drive a steam turbine in a combined cycle plant that improves overall efficiency. Power stations burning coal, fuel oil, or natural gas are often called \"\"fossil fuel power stations\"\". Some biomass-fueled thermal power stations have appeared also. Non-nuclear thermal power stations, particularly fossil-fueled plants, which do not use cogeneration are sometimes referred to as \"\"conventional power stations\"\". Commercial electric utility power stations are usually constructed on a large scale and designed for continuous operation. Virtually", "\"Energy development\"\nand biochemical conversion. This biomass conversion can result in fuel in solid, liquid, or gas form. This new biomass can be used for biofuels. Biofuels have increased in popularity because of rising oil prices and the need for energy security. Bioethanol is an alcohol made by fermentation, mostly from carbohydrates produced in sugar or starch crops such as corn or sugarcane. Cellulosic biomass, derived from non-food sources, such as trees and grasses, is also being developed as a feedstock for ethanol production. Ethanol can be used as a fuel for vehicles in its pure form, but it is usually used", "\"Renewable heat\"\nHigh efficiency stoves should meet the following design criteria: Renewable natural gas is defined as gas obtained from biomass which is upgraded to a quality similar to natural gas. By upgrading the quality to that of natural gas, it becomes possible to distribute the gas to customers via the existing gas grid. According to the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, renewable natural gas is 'cheaper than alternatives where biomass is used in a combined heat and power plant or local combustion plant'. Energy unit costs are lowered through 'favourable scale and operating hours', and end-user capital costs eliminated through", "\"Biomass briquettes\"\nwould be required for implementing biomass briquettes into the combustion process. Cofiring is considered the most cost-efficient means of biomass. A higher combustion rate will occur when cofiring is implemented in a boiler when compared to burning only biomass. The compressed biomass is also much easier to transport since it is more dense, therefore allowing more biomass to be transported per shipment when compared to loose biomass. Some sources agree that a near-term solution for the greenhouse gas emission problem may lie in cofiring. The use of biomass briquettes has been steadily increasing as industries realize the benefits of decreasing", "\"Sustainable living\"\n(the source of the biofuel is also the same source of food), and may use unsustainable growing methods (such as the use of environmentally harmful pesticides and fertilizers). Digestion of organic material to produce methane is becoming an increasingly popular method of biomass energy production. Materials such as waste sludge can be digested to release methane gas that can then be burnt to produce electricity. Methane gas is also a natural by-product of landfills, full of decomposing waste, and can be harnessed here to produce electricity as well. The advantage in burning methane gas is that is prevents the methane", "Hydromethanation\nfinance and construct the first phase of a one trillion cubic feet per year coal to natural gas production facility in China. The deal between GreatPoint Energy and Wanxiang was the largest US venture capital investment in 2012. Hydromethanation Hydromethanation, [hahy-droh- meth-uh-ney-shuhn] is the process by which methane (the main constituent of natural gas) is produced through the combination of steam, carbonaceous solids and a catalyst in a fluidized bed reactor. The process, developed over the past 60 years by multiple research groups, enables the highly efficient conversion of coal, petroleum coke and biomass (e.g. switchgrass or wood waste) into", "\"Ontario electricity policy\"\nas conservation measures. Thunder Bay Generating Station, the last coal-fired electricity plant in Ontario was shut down in April 2014, completing the phase-out. The plant has since been restored to service fueled by biomass. Natural gas is a fossil fuel composed mainly of methane, which can be burned to release heat that is then used to produce electricity. It contains very little sulphur, no ash and almost no metals; therefore, unlike with coal, heavy metal and SO (sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide) pollution is not a major concern. In the United States the average natural gas-fired plant emits 516 kg", "Paludiculture\nPaludiculture Paludiculture is wet agriculture and forestry on peatlands. Paludiculture combines the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from drained peatlands through rewetting with continued land use and biomass production under wet conditions . Peatlands store an enormous amount of carbon. Covering only 3 % of the land surface they store more than 450 GT of carbon which is more than the amount of carbon stored by forests (covering 30% of the land surface) , . Drained peatlands cause numerous negative environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas and nutrient emissions, subsidence and loss of biodiversity. Although only 0.3 % of all", "Levoglucosan\nLevoglucosan Levoglucosan (CHO) is an organic compound with a six-carbon ring structure formed from the pyrolysis of carbohydrates, such as starch and cellulose. As a result, levoglucosan is often used as a chemical tracer for biomass burning in atmospheric chemistry studies, particularly with respect to airborne particulate matter. Along with other tracers such as potassium, oxalate, and gaseous acetonitrile, levoglucosan has been shown to be highly correlated with regional fires. This is because the gas emitted by the pyrolysis of wood (biomass) contains significant amounts of levoglucosan. Levoglucosan has been described as \"\"an unequivocal biomass burning tracer\"\" in the context", "\"World energy resources\"\nthe Earth is 13,000,000 YJ. Production of biomass and biofuels are growing industries as interest in sustainable fuel sources is growing. Utilizing waste products avoids a food vs fuel trade-off, and burning methane gas reduces greenhouse gas emissions, because even though it releases carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide is 23 times less of a greenhouse gas than is methane. Biofuels represent a sustainable partial replacement for fossil fuels, but their net impact on greenhouse gas emissions depends on the agricultural practices used to grow the plants used as feedstock to create the fuels. While it is widely believed that biofuels can", "\"Fluidized bed combustion\"\nFluidized bed combustion Fluidized bed combustion (FBC) is a combustion technology used to burn solid fuels. In its most basic form, fuel particles are suspended in a hot, bubbling fluidity bed of ash and other particulate materials (sand, limestone etc.) through which jets of air are blown to provide the oxygen required for combustion or gasification. The resultant fast and intimate mixing of gas and solids promotes rapid heat transfer and chemical reactions within the bed. FBC plants are capable of burning a variety of low-grade solid fuels, including most types of coal and woody biomass, at high efficiency and", "\"Black carbon\"\nfrom diesel engines and marine vessels therefore presents a significant opportunity to reduce black carbon’s global warming impact. Biomass burning emits greater amounts of climate-cooling aerosols and particulate matter than black carbon, resulting in short-term cooling. However, over the long-term, biomass burning may cause a net warming when CO emissions and deforestation are considered. Reducing biomass emissions would therefore reduce global warming in the long-term and provide co-benefits of reduced air pollution, CO emissions, and deforestation. It has been estimated that by switching to slash-and-char from slash-and-burn agriculture, which turns biomass into ash using open fires that release black carbon", "\"Fossil fuel phase-out\"\nmany of the biofuels that are currently being supplied have been criticised for their adverse impacts on the natural environment, food security, and land use. Biomass is biological material from living, or recently living organisms, most often referring to plants or plant-derived materials. As a renewable energy source, biomass can either be used directly, or indirectly once or converted into another type of energy product such as biofuel. Biomass can be converted to energy in three ways: \"\"thermal conversion\"\", \"\"chemical conversion\"\", and \"\"biochemical conversion\"\". Using biomass as a fuel produces air pollution in the form of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,", "\"Base load\"\nmet by the appropriate quantity of intermittent power sources and dispatchable generation. Unvarying power plants can be coal, nuclear, combined cycle plants, which may take several days to start up and shut down, hydroelectric, geothermal, biogas, biomass, solar thermal with storage and ocean thermal energy conversion. Supply interruptions can affect all plants from breakdowns, and also hydroelectric plants from droughts, coal plants if their coal stockpiles freeze, and gas plants from pipeline leaks and closures. The desirable attribute of dispatchability applies to some gas plants, wind (through blade pitch) and hydroelectricity. Grid operators also use \"\"curtailment\"\" to shut plants out", "\"Drax power station\"\nsubsidies for the conversion of the third unit to biomass burning. The station started to trial the co-firing of petcoke (petroleum coke) in one of its boilers in June 2005, ending in June 2007, burning 15% petcoke and 85% coal. Petcoke was burned to make the electricity more competitive as the price of running the FGD equipment was making the electricity more expensive. The Environment Agency (EA) granted permission for the trial in June 2004, despite the plans being opposed by Friends of the Earth and Selby Council. To meet their concerns, emissions were constantly monitored through the trial, and", "Bioenergy\nforests and remains of traditional logging operations that were previously left in the forest. Environmental groups also cite recent scientific research which has found that it can take many decades for the carbon released by burning biomass to be recaptured by regrowing trees, and even longer in low productivity areas; furthermore, logging operations may disturb forest soils and cause them to release stored carbon. In light of the pressing need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the short term in order to mitigate the effects of climate change, a number of environmental groups are opposing the large-scale use of forest", "\"Hydrothermal carbonization\"\nso that so-called synthesis gas, a gas mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, is formed: formula_2 This synthesis gas could be used to produce gasoline via the Fischer-Tropsch process. Alternatively, the liquid intermediates that are formed during the incomplete conversion of the biomass could be used for fuel and plastic production. In addition, the resulting carbon mud can be briquetted and marketed as an environmentally friendly carbon dioxide-neutral \"\"natural carbon\"\" - Compared with the starting biomass, this can be dried by means of deposition or filtering or pressing with a lower energy consumption and, due to its higher energy content", "Bioenergy\nthis means there is no competition between fuel and food production, although this is not always the case. Land use, existing biomass industries and relevant conversion technologies must be considered when evaluating suitability of developing biomass as feedstock for energy. Biomass is the material derived from recently living organisms, which includes plants, animals and their byproducts. Manure, garden waste and crop residues are all sources of biomass. It is a renewable energy source based on the carbon cycle, unlike other natural resources such as petroleum, coal, and nuclear fuels. Another source includes Animal waste, which is a persistent and unavoidable", "\"Wind power in Texas\"\nMW of renewable energy capacity by 2025. Qualifying renewable energy sources include solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, wave or tidal energy, biomass, or biomass-based waste products, including landfill gas. Qualifying systems are those installed after September 1999. The RPS applies to all investor-owned utilities. Municipal and cooperative utilities may voluntarily elect to offer customer choice. The PUCT established a renewable-energy credit (REC) trading program that began in July 2001 and will continue through 2019. Under PUCT rules, one REC represents one megawatt-hour (MWh) of qualified renewable energy that is generated and metered in Texas. A capacity conversion factor (CCF) is used", "\"Wood gas\"\nWood gas Wood gas is a syngas fuel which can be used as a fuel for furnaces, stoves and vehicles in place of gasoline, diesel or other fuels. During the production process biomass or other carbon-containing materials are gasified within the oxygen-limited environment of a wood gas generator to produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide. These gases can then be burnt as a fuel within an oxygen rich environment to produce carbon dioxide, water and heat. In some gasifiers this process is preceded by pyrolysis, where the biomass or coal is first converted to char, releasing methane and tar rich in", "\"Natural gas\"\nand some off-grid engine-generators use natural gas. Particularly high efficiencies can be achieved through combining gas turbines with a steam turbine in combined cycle mode. Natural gas burns more cleanly than other fuels, such as oil and coal. Because burning natural gas produces both water and carbon dioxide, it produces less carbon dioxide per unit of energy released than coal, which produces mostly carbon dioxide. Burning natural gas produces only about half the carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour (kWh) that coal does. For transportation, burning natural gas produces about 30% less carbon dioxide than burning petroleum. The US Energy Information Administration", "\"Hydrothermal carbonization\"\nHydrothermal carbonization Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) (also referred to as \"\"aqueous carbonization at elevated temperature and pressure\"\") is a chemical process for the conversion of organic compounds to structured carbons. It can be used to make a wide variety of nanostructured carbons, simple production of brown coal substitute, synthesis gas, liquid petroleum precursors and humus from biomass with release of energy. The process, which technically imitates the brown coal formation (german \"\"\"\" literally \"\"to coal process\"\") taking place in nature within 50,000 to 50 million years within a few hours, was investigated by Friedrich Bergius and first described in 1913. The", "\"Hydrothermal carbonization\"\nthe field of hydrothermal carbonisation\"\" [6]. AVA is alsothe first company in the world to establish a HTC plant on industrial level in 2010.[7] Hydrothermal carbonization Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) (also referred to as \"\"aqueous carbonization at elevated temperature and pressure\"\") is a chemical process for the conversion of organic compounds to structured carbons. It can be used to make a wide variety of nanostructured carbons, simple production of brown coal substitute, synthesis gas, liquid petroleum precursors and humus from biomass with release of energy. The process, which technically imitates the brown coal formation (german \"\"\"\" literally \"\"to coal process\"\") taking", "Cofiring\nof fuels with low energy content. For example, landfill gas contains a large amount of carbon dioxide, which is non-combustible. If the landfill gas is burned without removing the carbon dioxide, the equipment may not perform properly or emissions of pollutants may increase. Co-firing it with natural gas increases the heat content of the fuel and improves combustion and equipment performance. As long as the electricity or heat produced with the biomass and landfill gas was otherwise going to be produced with non-renewable fuels, the benefits are essentially equivalent whether they are cofired or combusted alone. Also, co-firing can be", "\"Didcot power stations\"\n500 MWe generating units. In 2003 Didcot A burnt 3.7Mt of coal. The station burned mostly pulverised coal, but also co-fired with natural gas. Didcot was the first large power station to be converted to have this function. In addition, a small amount of biomass, such as sawdust, was burned at the plant. This was introduced to try to depend more on renewable sources following the introduction of the Kyoto Protocol and, in April 2002, the Renewables Obligation. It was hoped that biomass could replace 2% of coal burnt. In 1996 and 1997, Thales UK was awarded contracts by Innogy", "\"Environmental issues in India\"\nfuelwood and biomass burning, fuel adulteration, vehicle emission and traffic congestion. Air pollution is also the main cause of the Asian brown cloud, which is causing the monsoon to be delayed. India is the world's largest consumer of fuelwood, agricultural waste and biomass for energy purposes. Traditional fuel (fuelwood, crop residue and dung cake) dominates domestic energy use in rural India and accounts for about 90% of the total. In urban areas, this traditional fuel constitutes about 24% of the total. Fuel wood, agri waste and biomass cake burning releases over 165 million tonnes of combustion products into India's indoor", "\"Thermal depolymerization\"\nthere were 251 million tons of municipal solid waste, or 4.6 pounds generated per day per person in the USA. Much of this mass is considered unsuitable for oil conversion. The process only breaks long molecular chains into shorter ones, so small molecules such as carbon dioxide or methane cannot be converted to oil through this process. However, the methane in the feedstock is recovered and burned to heat the water that is an essential part of the process. In addition, the gas can be burned in a combined heat and power plant, consisting of a gas turbine which drives", "\"Biofuel in Australia\"\ngreenhouse gas balances with the lowest environmental, economic and social costs. There are potential negative impacts on the environment due to land use change. Biofuel crops are grown using monoculture farming methods, which may reduce biodiversity. Direct and indirect land use change can result in changes in carbon stocks on land through a loss of above and below ground biomass and soil organic carbon, which can lead to an increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Also, when crop-based biofuels contribute to deforestation or fragmentation, the pollution benefits of biofuels can be compromised or eliminated producing a net increase in", "\"Indirect land use change impacts of biofuels\"\ntheir soil and biomass as plants grow each year, clearance of wilderness for new farms translates to a net increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Due to this change in the carbon stock of the soil and the biomass, indirect land use change has consequences in the greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of a biofuel. Other authors have also argued that indirect land use changes produce other significant social and environmental impacts, affecting biodiversity, water quality, food prices and supply, land tenure, worker migration, and community and cultural stability. The estimates of carbon intensity for a given biofuel depend on the assumptions", "Methanobacteria\nMethanobacteria In taxonomy, the Methanobacteria are a class of the Euryarchaeota. Several of the classes of the Euryarchaeota are methanogens and the Methanobacteria are one of these classes. Methanobacteria can be used in biomass conversion as well as energy production through Anaerobic digestion (AD) process. Microbial community is used in Anaerobic digestion(AD) to convert organic wastes into clean energy by reducing chemical and biological oxygen demand in the wastes. Solid-state anaerobic digestion, which contains six genera of methanogens including Methanobacteria, can ferment rice straw and then produce methane. Since conventional treatment is burning rice straw in field, applying Methanobacteria to", "\"Range Fuels\"\nRange Fuels Range Fuels was a company that tried to develop technology for the conversion of biomass into ethanol without the use of enzymes. The technology employed was biomass gasification followed by syngas conversion over heterogeneous molybdenum-based catalysts to a mixture of aliphatic alcohols. The company began in 2006 as Kergy and changed its name to Range Fuels in 2007.The company broke ground on its first commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol facility in November 2007. According to the \"\"Washington Examiner\"\", Range Fuels' Soperton, GA plant closed down in January 2011 after receiving a $76 million grant from the US Department of Energy,", "\"Range Fuels\"\nRange Fuels Range Fuels was a company that tried to develop technology for the conversion of biomass into ethanol without the use of enzymes. The technology employed was biomass gasification followed by syngas conversion over heterogeneous molybdenum-based catalysts to a mixture of aliphatic alcohols. The company began in 2006 as Kergy and changed its name to Range Fuels in 2007.The company broke ground on its first commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol facility in November 2007. According to the \"\"Washington Examiner\"\", Range Fuels' Soperton, GA plant closed down in January 2011 after receiving a $76 million grant from the US Department of Energy,", "\"Environmental impact of electricity generation\"\ncan be generated by burning anything which will combust. Some electrical power is generated by burning crops which are grown specifically for the purpose. Usually this is done by fermenting plant matter to produce ethanol, which is then burned. This may also be done by allowing organic matter to decay, producing biogas, which is then burned. Also, when burned, wood is a form of biomass fuel. Burning biomass produces many of the same emissions as burning fossil fuels. However, growing biomass captures carbon dioxide out of the air, so that the net contribution to global atmospheric carbon dioxide levels is", "Hydromethanation\nHydromethanation Hydromethanation, [hahy-droh- meth-uh-ney-shuhn] is the process by which methane (the main constituent of natural gas) is produced through the combination of steam, carbonaceous solids and a catalyst in a fluidized bed reactor. The process, developed over the past 60 years by multiple research groups, enables the highly efficient conversion of coal, petroleum coke and biomass (e.g. switchgrass or wood waste) into clean, pipeline quality methane. The chemistry of catalytic hydromethanation involves reacting steam and carbon to produce methane and carbon dioxide, according to the following reaction: 2C + 2HO -> CH + CO The process utilizes a specially designed", "\"Indoor air pollution in developing nations\"\nsource is biomass, providing more than 90 per cent of rural household energy needs, about one-third in the form of charcoal and the rest from firewood. Biomass energy sourced primarily from savannah woodlands includes firewood for inhabitants and charcoal for urban use. A small percentage is sourced by neighboring communities from closed and protected forests which are generally found in high population density areas. While biomass harvesting in sensitive areas is problematic, it is now determined that the great majority of biomass clearing is due to agricultural expansion and land conversion. Approximately 38% of households 'in high agro-ecological zones' utilize", "\"Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage\"\nwhich is around 62% - 100%. Besides, some researches also proved that instead of using a biomass/water slurry fuel feed, using a dry system is more thermally efficient and also more practical for biomass. See also: Oxy-fuel combustion process Oxy‐fuel combustion has been a common process in the glass, cement and steel industries. It is also a promising technological approach for CCS. In oxy‐fuel combustion, the main difference from conventional air firing is that the fuel is burned in a mixture of O and recycled flue gas. The O is produced by an air separation unit (ASU), which removes the", "\"Fossil fuel phase-out\"\nAsia determined that it had been principally produced by biomass burning, and to a lesser extent by fossil fuel burning. Denmark has increased the use of biomass and garbage, and decreased the use of coal. The 2014 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report identifies nuclear energy as one of the technologies that can provide electricity with less than 5% of the lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of coal power. There are more than 60 nuclear reactors shown as under construction in the list of Nuclear power by country with China leading at 23. Globally, more nuclear power reactors have closed than", "\"Port of London\"\nfor delivery to other gasworks. A considerable proportion of the drop in London's trade since the 1960s is accounted for by loss of the coal trade, the gas works having closed following discovery of North Sea Gas, domestic use of coal for heating being largely replaced by gas and electricity, and closure of all the coal-burning power stations above Tilbury. In 2011, when Tilbury Power Station switched fully to burning biomass, London's coal imports fell to zero. With the use of larger ships and containerisation, the importance of the upstream port declined rapidly from the mid-1960s. The enclosed docks further", "\"Poultry litter\"\nGlanford (13.5 MWe - now switched to burning meat and bonemeal). The fourth, Westfield (9.8 MWe), was developed by Energy Power Resources, which now owns all four. Simon Fraser's son and partner, Rupert Fraser, went on to develop the first US plant through his company Fibrowatt LLC., at Benson, MN (55 MWe). On a smaller scale, poultry litter is used in Ireland as a biomass energy source. This system uses the poultry litter as a fuel to heat the broiler houses for the next batch of poultry being grown thus removing the need for LPG gas or other fossil fuels.", "\"Energy density\"\nelements on earth, though the full potential of this source can only be realised through breeder reactors, which are, apart from the BN-600 reactor, not yet used commercially. Coal, gas, and petroleum are the current primary energy sources in the U.S. but have a much lower energy density. Burning local biomass fuels supplies household energy needs (cooking fires, oil lamps, etc.) worldwide. The density of thermal energy contained in the core of a light water reactor (PWR or BWR) of typically 1 GWe (1 000 MW electrical corresponding to ~3 000 MW thermal) is in the range of 10 to", "Lumber\ngreenhouse gas emissions by reducing consumption of oil and gas while supporting the growth of forestry, agriculture and rural economies. Studies by the U.S. government have found the country's combined forest and agriculture land resources have the power to sustainably supply more than one-third of its current petroleum consumption. Biomass is already an important source of energy for the North American forest products industry. It is common for companies to have cogeneration facilities, also known as combined heat and power, which convert some of the biomass that results from wood and paper manufacturing to electrical and thermal energy in the", "\"Gas exchange\"\nwhich form the inner surface of the mammalian lung, the spongy mesophyll, which is found inside the leaves of some kinds of plant, or the gills of those molluscs that have them, which are found in the mantle cavity. In aerobic organisms, gas exchange is particularly important for respiration, which involves the uptake of oxygen () and release of carbon dioxide (). Conversely, in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms such as most land plants, uptake of carbon dioxide and release of both oxygen and water vapour are the main gas-exchange processes occurring during the day. Other gas-exchange processes are important in less", "\"Project Gaia\"\ndirty and inefficient (e.g. biomass) to clean and efficient (e.g. biogas, LPG, ethanol, methanol). Project Gaia believes in gradual introduction of ethanol-burning appliances into both the private household market and the small or large institutional market, to ensure widespread acceptance. As the alcohol fuel market increases, and acceptance of clean cookstoves grows, Project Gaia sees the potential for the use of other high-performing alcohol appliances that provide lighting, refrigeration and air-tempering, and generation. Ethanol can be produced locally from byproducts that would otherwise cause environmental damage. It can be produced from biomass, natural gas, coal, and even landfill gas—resources plentiful", "\"Extended discrete element method\"\nal. describe discrete particle-continuum fluid modelling of gas-solid fluidised beds. Further applications of XDEM include thermal conversion of biomass on a backward and forward acting grate. Heat transfer in a packed bed reactor was also investigated for hot air streaming upward through the packed bed to heat the particles, which dependent on position and size experience different heat transfer rates. The deformation of a conveyor belt due to impacting granular material that is discharged over a chute represents an application in the field of stress/strain analysis. Extended discrete element method The extended discrete element method (XDEM) is a numerical technique", "Biochar\nand emissions from nitrogen fertilizers. Pyrolysis technologies for processing loose and leafy biomass produce both biochar and syngas. Alternatively, \"\"thermo-catalytic depolymerization\"\", which utilizes microwaves, has recently been used to efficiently convert organic matter to biochar on an industrial scale, producing ~50% char. The burning and natural decomposition of biomass and in particular agricultural waste adds large amounts of to the atmosphere. Biochar is a stable way of storing carbon in the ground for centuries, potentially reducing or stalling the growth in atmospheric greenhouse gas levels; at the same time its presence in the earth can improve water quality, increase soil", "\"Fossil fuel power station\"\neat the fish regularly. The largest source of mercury contamination in the United States is coal-fueled power plant emissions. Several methods exist to improve the efficiency of fossil fuel power plants. A frequently used and cost-efficient method is to convert a plant to run on a different fuel. This includes conversions of coal power plants to biomass or waste and conversions of natural gas power plants to biogas. Conversions of coal powered power plants to waste-fired power plants have an extra benefit in that they can reduce landfilling. In addition, waste-fired power plants can be equipped with material recovery, which", "Biomass\nelectricity in the US between 2000 and 2020. Biomass can be converted to other usable forms of energy like methane gas or transportation fuels like ethanol and biodiesel. Rotting garbage, and agricultural and human waste, all release methane gas, also called landfill gas or biogas. Crops such as corn and sugarcane can be fermented to produce the transportation fuel ethanol. Biodiesel, another transportation fuel, can be produced from leftover food products like vegetable oils and animal fats. Several biodiesel companies simply collect used restaurant cooking oil and convert it into biodiesel. Also, biomass-to-liquids (called \"\"BTLs\"\") and cellulosic ethanol are still", "\"Gryllotalpa major\"\nmajor\"\" has been observed calling on recently burned sites within 24 hours of the site being burned. The warmer soil as a result of the fire is thoughr ro have metabolic advantages for the cricket, allowing them to increase their chirp frequency, and overall the burned land allows their song to travel more efficiently, increasing to attraction of females to the area. The belowground grass biomass on which the cricket feeds remains intact after a burn, and no evidence of direct mortality of the cricket has been documented. The grass height of the prairie land has a marked effect on", "\"Renewable resource\"\nmost often referring to plants or plant-derived materials. Sustainable harvesting and use of renewable resources (i.e., maintaining a positive renewal rate) can reduce air pollution, soil contamination, habitat destruction and land degradation. Biomass energy is derived from six distinct energy sources: garbage, wood, plants, waste, landfill gases, and alcohol fuels. Historically, humans have harnessed biomass-derived energy since the advent of burning wood to make fire, and wood remains the largest biomass energy source today. However, low tech use of biomass, which still amounts for more than 10% of world energy needs may induce indoor air pollution in developing nations and", "\"Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation\"\ncomplementary to those decisions. Below follows a – no doubt incomplete – list of such concepts and approaches. Deforestation and forest degradation account for 17-29% of global greenhouse gas emissions, the reduction of which is estimated to be one of the most cost-efficient climate change mitigation strategies. Regeneration of forest on degraded or deforested lands can remove CO₂ from the atmosphere through the build-up of biomass, making forest lands a sink of greenhouse gases. The REDD+ mechanism addresses both issues of emission reduction and enhanced removal of greenhouse gases. Emissions of greenhouse gases from forest land can be reduced by", "\"Renewable Fuel Standard (United States)\"\nand the Secretary of Agriculture, based on a review of the implementation of the program during calendar years specified in the tables...\"\" EISA defined \"\"renewable fuel\"\" as being made from biomass but also restricted the type of land on which permissible feedstock could be grown. Land put into cultivation after December 13, 2007 was excluded. Tree crops, tree residues, and biomass grown on federal land were all excluded as permissible feedstock. EISA defined air pollution standards that require various levels of greenhouse gas reductions according to the type of biofuel used and the fuel being displaced. Cellusoic biofuels must have", "\"E. J. Stoneman Generating Station\"\nfailure of biomass electrical generation in general. Low natural gas prices benefiting competitors and high transportation costs for biomass fuel were cited as reasons for closure. Stoneman's Electrostatic Precipitator (“ESP”) was upgraded during the conversion from a coal plant to a wood-fired biomass facility. The modifications to the ESP allow the system to collect more particulate and work more efficiently. Also installed: a Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction system (“SNCR”) to reduce NOx emissions. A continuous emission monitoring system automatically records data that are used for reports to regulatory agencies. All received fuel is screened; all fuel must comply with strict regulations.", "\"Kamrun Nahar\"\nBangladesh. With rapidly growing urban and national population growth rate, Bangladesh's growing demand for energy with urban expansion has led to deforestation and a steady loss of arable lands, which may result in future food shortages, where she proposes a simple required land use per capita model .\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\left[ for establishing a relationship between the biomass production, associated crop yields, the biomass to biofuel conversion methods and the overall fuel demand, as a plan to meet the national energy and habitable land demands while considering the looming environmental effects related to energy usage. Kamrun Nahar Kamrun Nahar is a Bangladeshi soil", "\"Landfill diversion\"\nissues that may have positive or negative results. In addition to reusing materials waste products can go through biological treatment. There are two types of biological treatments anaerobic digestion or composting. Simply stated, biological treatment is the breaking down of material through the action of micro-organisms. Materials are broken down to carbon dioxide, water and biomass. Biomass consists of wood, crops, yard and animal waste. Biomass is considered a renewable energy because more can be grown in a short amount of time. Biomass contributes to roughly four percent of our energy. Biomass energy although its burned, does not pollute the", "\"Synthetic fuel\"\nand biomass feedstocks, creating hybrid-feedstock synthetic fuels known as Coal and Biomass To Liquids (CBTL). Indirect conversion process technologies can also be used to produce hydrogen, potentially for use in fuel cell vehicles, either as slipstream co-product, or as a primary output. Direct conversion refers to processes in which coal or biomass feedstocks are converted directly into intermediate or final products, avoiding the conversion to syngas via gasification. Direct conversion processes can be broadly broken up into two different methods: Pyrolysis and carbonization, and hydrogenation. One of the main methods of direct conversion of coal to liquids by hydrogenation process", "Biofuel\ngreenhouse effect than carbon dioxide (CO). Converting rainforests, peatlands, savannas, or grasslands to produce food crop–based biofuels in Brazil, Southeast Asia, and the United States creates a “biofuel carbon debt” by releasing 17 to 420 times more CO than the annual greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions that these biofuels would provide by displacing fossil fuels. Biofuels made from waste biomass or from biomass grown on abandoned agricultural lands incur little to no carbon debt. In addition to crop growth requiring water, biofuel facilities require significant process water. Scientific research (20th century) shows that carbon dioxide emissions from all forms of surface", "Biomass\nsynthesis, methanol production, olefins (ethylene and propylene), and similar chemical or fuel feedstocks. In most cases, the first step involves gasification, which step generally is the most expensive and involves the greatest technical risk. Biomass is more difficult to feed into a pressure vessel than coal or any liquid. Therefore, biomass gasification is frequently done at atmospheric pressure and causes combustion of biomass to produce a combustible gas consisting of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and traces of methane. This gas mixture, called a producer gas, can provide fuel for various vital processes, such as internal combustion engines, as well as substitute", "\"Soil carbon\"\nconstitute a large pool of carbon. Anthropogenic activities such as deforestation cause releases of carbon from this pool, which may significantly increase the concentration of greenhouse gas (GHG) in the atmosphere. Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), countries must estimate and report GHG emissions and removals, including changes in carbon stocks in all five pools (above- and below-ground biomass, dead wood, litter, and soil carbon) and associated emissions and removals from land use, land-use change and forestry activities, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's good practice guidance. Tropical deforestation represents nearly 25 percent of", "Biofuel\nof biogas, is produced in landfills through naturally occurring anaerobic digestion. If it escapes into the atmosphere, it is a potential greenhouse gas. Farmers can produce biogas from manure from their cattle by using anaerobic digesters. Syngas, a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and other hydrocarbons, is produced by partial combustion of biomass, that is, combustion with an amount of oxygen that is not sufficient to convert the biomass completely to carbon dioxide and water. Before partial combustion, the biomass is dried, and sometimes pyrolysed. The resulting gas mixture, syngas, is more efficient than direct combustion of the original biofuel;", "\"Energy policy of India\"\nsurplus agriculture/crop residual biomass is available. Biomass power plants can also get extra income by selling the Renewable Purchase Certificates (RPC). In cement production, carbon neutral biomass is being used to replace coal for reducing carbon foot print drastically. Biogas or natural gas or methane produced from farm/agro/crop/domestic waste can also be used for producing protein rich feed for cattle/fish/poultry/pet animals economically by cultivating \"\"Methylococcus capsulatus\"\" bacteria culture in a decentralised manner near to the rural / consumption areas with tiny land and water foot print. With the availability of CO gas as by product from these units, cheaper production", "\"Synthetic fuel\"\nSynthetic fuel Synthetic fuel or synfuel is a liquid fuel, or sometimes gaseous fuel, obtained from syngas, a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, in which the syngas was derived from gasification of solid feedstocks such as coal or biomass or by reforming of natural gas. Common methods for manufacturing synthetic fuels include the Fischer Tropsch conversion, methanol to gasoline conversion, or direct coal liquefaction. As of July 2009, worldwide commercial synthetic fuels production capacity was over , with numerous new projects in construction or development. The term 'synthetic fuel' or 'synfuel' has several different meanings and it may include", "Biomass\norganizations, including Greenpeace and the Natural Resources Defense Council, for the harmful impacts it can have on forests and the climate. Greenpeace recently released a report entitled \"\"Fuelling a BioMess\"\" which outlines their concerns around forest-based biomass. Because any part of the tree can be burned, the harvesting of trees for energy production encourages whole-tree harvesting, which removes more nutrients and soil cover than regular harvesting, and can be harmful to the long-term health of the forest. In some jurisdictions, forest biomass removal is increasingly involving elements essential to functioning forest ecosystems, including standing trees, naturally disturbed forests and remains", "\"Environmental impact of paper\"\nreleases in 2015 Of this total waste released by the pulp and paper industry in the U.S., 66% was released into the air, 10% into water and 24% onto land whereas in Canada, most of the waste (96%) was released into the air. Worldwide, the pulp and paper industry is the fifth largest consumer of energy, accounting for four percent of all the world's energy use. However, the entire paper and printing sector contributes less than 1% to the global greenhouse gas inventory due to the very high use of renewable energy, mostly biomass. The pulp and paper industry uses", "\"Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage\"\nsuch as K and Na that could accumulate in the system and finally cause the degradation of the mechanical parts. Thus, further developments of the separation techniques for those trace elements are needed. And also, after the gasification process, CO takes up to 13% - 15.3% by mass in the syngas stream for biomass sources, while it is only 1.7% - 4.4% for coal. This limit the conversion of CO to CO in the water gas shift, and the production rate for H will decrease accordingly. However, the thermal efficiency of the pre-combustion capture using biomass resembles that of coal", "\"North Blyth Biomass Project\"\nmegawatts (MW) of electricity. This would equate to over 750 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity a year, enough to power 170,000 average British homes. through burning a mixture of biomass fuels. In a year the station would burn between 500,000 and 900,000 tonnes of woodchips, wood pellets, wood briquettes and recycled chipped wood. This fuel would be delivered to the station via the nearby port. The electricity generated would be enough to cut carbon dioxide emissions by over 300,000 tonnes per year. The cancellation of the project was announced on 6 March 2014 and RES withdrew. North Blyth Biomass", "\"Electricity sector in India\"\nare used as fuel to produce electricity. Nearly 750 million tons of non edible (by cattle) biomass is available annually in India which can be put to use for higher value addition. Biomass is a renewable energy source as it is generated by extracting the carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere. Its use for electricity generation is carbon-neutral fuel because it would also release global warming green house gasses like methane and carbon dioxide when it is left to decay / degenerate without using as an energy source. The total biomass traditional use in India is nearly 177 Mtoe in", "\"Ammonia production\"\nbiomass/biowastes or natural gas deposits. Conversion of such wastes into ammonia solves the problem of hydrogen storage, as hydrogen can be released economically from ammonia on-demand, without the need for high-pressure or cryogenic storage. In 2018, a test was successfully performed by CSIRO, filling two different manufacturers' fuel cell vehicles, with hydrogen extracted directly from ammonia. It is also easier to store ammonia on-board of vehicles than to store hydrogen, as ammonia is less flammable than gasoline or LPG. Waste water is often high in ammonia. Because discharging ammonia laden water into the environment, even in wastewater treatment plants, can" ]
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the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of all particles in the system is called the
[ "internal energy" ]
[ "\"Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)\"\nphysics. The Hamiltonian is the sum of the kinetic energies of all the particles, plus the potential energy of the particles associated with the system. For different situations or number of particles, the Hamiltonian is different since it includes the sum of kinetic energies of the particles, and the potential energy function corresponding to the situation. By analogy with classical mechanics, the Hamiltonian is commonly expressed as the sum of operators corresponding to the kinetic and potential energies of a system in the form where is the potential energy operator and is the kinetic energy operator in which \"\"m\"\" is", "\"Invariant mass\"\nframe, where net momentum is zero, the magnitude of the system's invariant mass is not equal to the sum of the rest masses of the particles within it. The kinetic energy of such particles and the potential energy of the force fields increase the total energy above the sum of the particle rest masses, and both terms contribute to the invariant mass of the system. The sum of the particle kinetic energies as calculated by an observer is smallest in the center of momentum frame (again, called the \"\"rest frame\"\" if the system is bound). They will often also interact", "\"Internal energy\"\nthe reference state to the given state. It is the energy needed to create the given state of the system from the reference state. From a non-relativistic microscopic point of view, it may be divided into microscopic potential energy, , and microscopic kinetic energy, , components: The microscopic kinetic energy of a system arises as the sum of the motions of all the system's particles with respect to the center-of-mass frame, whether it be the motion of atoms, molecules, atomic nuclei, electrons, or other particles. The microscopic potential energy algebraic summative components are those of the chemical and nuclear particle", "\"Lagrangian mechanics\"\nall physical systems. Any function which generates the correct equations of motion, in agreement with physical laws, can be taken as a Lagrangian. It is nevertheless possible to construct general expressions for large classes of applications. The \"\"non-relativistic\"\" Lagrangian for a system of particles can be defined by where is the total kinetic energy of the system, equalling the sum Σ of the kinetic energies of the particles, and \"\"V\"\" is the potential energy of the system. Kinetic energy is the energy of the system's motion, and \"\"v\"\" = v · v is the magnitude squared of velocity, equivalent to", "\"Virial theorem\"\nof the system results from a potential energy that is proportional to some power of the interparticle distance , the virial theorem takes the simple form Thus, twice the average total kinetic energy equals times the average total potential energy . Whereas represents the potential energy between two particles, represents the total potential energy of the system, i.e., the sum of the potential energy over all pairs of particles in the system. A common example of such a system is a star held together by its own gravity, where equals −1. Although the virial theorem depends on averaging the total", "\"Lagrangian mechanics\"\nof mass \"\"m\"\" moves under the influence of a conservative force derived from the gradient ∇ of a scalar potential, If there are more particles, in accordance with the above results, the total kinetic energy is a sum over all the particle kinetic energies, and the potential is a function of all the coordinates. The Lagrangian of the particle can be written The equations of motion for the particle are found by applying the Euler–Lagrange equation, for the \"\"x\"\" coordinate with derivatives hence and similarly for the \"\"y\"\" and \"\"z\"\" coordinates. Collecting the equations in vector form we find which", "\"König's theorem (kinetics)\"\nto the inertial frame N. König's theorem (kinetics) In kinetics, König's theorem or König's decomposition is a mathematical relation derived by Johann Samuel König that assists with the calculation of kinetic energy of bodies and systems of particles. The theorem expresses the kinetic energy of a system of particles in terms of the velocities of the individual particles. Specifically, it states that the kinetic energy of a system of particles is the sum of the kinetic energy associated to the movement of the center of mass and the kinetic energy associated to the movement of the particles relative to the", "\"König's theorem (kinetics)\"\nKönig's theorem (kinetics) In kinetics, König's theorem or König's decomposition is a mathematical relation derived by Johann Samuel König that assists with the calculation of kinetic energy of bodies and systems of particles. The theorem expresses the kinetic energy of a system of particles in terms of the velocities of the individual particles. Specifically, it states that the kinetic energy of a system of particles is the sum of the kinetic energy associated to the movement of the center of mass and the kinetic energy associated to the movement of the particles relative to the center of mass. The theorem", "\"Conservation of mass\"\ninertial frames may result in a change of the total energy (relativistic energy) for systems, and this quantity determines the relativistic mass. The principle that the mass of a system of particles must be equal to the sum of their rest masses, even though true in classical physics, may be false in special relativity. The reason that rest masses cannot be simply added is that this does not take into account other forms of energy, such as kinetic and potential energy, and massless particles such as photons, all of which may (or may not) affect the total mass of systems.", "\"Classical mechanics\"\ntheorem states that for a particle of constant mass \"\"m\"\", the total work \"\"W\"\" done on the particle as it moves from position r to r is equal to the change in kinetic energy \"\"E\"\" of the particle: Conservative forces can be expressed as the gradient of a scalar function, known as the potential energy and denoted \"\"E\"\": If all the forces acting on a particle are conservative, and \"\"E\"\" is the total potential energy (which is defined as a work of involved forces to rearrange mutual positions of bodies), obtained by summing the potential energies corresponding to each force", "\"Binding energy\"\nBinding energy Binding energy (also called separation energy) is the \"\"minimum\"\" energy required to disassemble a system of particles into separate parts. This energy is equal to the mass defect - the amount of energy, or mass, that is released when a bound system (which typically has a lower potential energy than the sum of its constituent parts) is created, and is what keeps the system together. If the energy supplied is more than the binding energy, then the disassembled constituents possess non-zero kinetic energy. In general, binding energy represents the mechanical work that must be done against the forces", "Energy\nor lose energy in association with matter transfer (both of these process are illustrated by fueling an auto, a system which gains in energy thereby, without addition of either work or heat). Denoting this energy by formula_16, one may write Internal energy is the sum of all microscopic forms of energy of a system. It is the energy needed to create the system. It is related to the potential energy, e.g., molecular structure, crystal structure, and other geometric aspects, as well as the motion of the particles, in form of kinetic energy. Thermodynamics is chiefly concerned with changes in internal", "\"Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)\"\nFor this reason cross terms for kinetic energy may appear in the Hamiltonian; a mix of the gradients for two particles: where \"\"M\"\" denotes the mass of the collection of particles resulting in this extra kinetic energy. Terms of this form are known as \"\"mass polarization terms\"\", and appear in the Hamiltonian of many electron atoms (see below). For \"\"N\"\" interacting particles, i.e. particles which interact mutually and constitute a many-body situation, the potential energy function \"\"V\"\" is \"\"not\"\" simply a sum of the separate potentials (and certainly not a product, as this is dimensionally incorrect). The potential energy function", "\"Virial coefficient\"\nthe pressure, formula_6 is the volume of the vessel containing the particles, formula_7 is Boltzmann's constant, formula_8 is the absolute temperature, formula_9 is the fugacity, with formula_10 the chemical potential. The quantity formula_11 is the canonical partition function of a subsystem of formula_12 particles: Here formula_14 is the Hamiltonian (energy operator) of a subsystem of formula_12 particles. The Hamiltonian is a sum of the kinetic energies of the particles and the total formula_12-particle potential energy (interaction energy). The latter includes pair interactions and possibly 3-body and higher-body interactions. The grand partition function formula_17 can be expanded in a sum of", "\"Relativistic Lagrangian mechanics\"\nalso true that if the Lagrangian is explicitly independent of time and the potential \"\"V\"\"(r) independent of velocities, then the total relativistic energy is conserved, although the identification is less obvious since the first term is the relativistic energy of the particle which includes the rest mass of the particle, not merely the relativistic kinetic energy. Also, the argument for homogenous functions does not apply to relativistic Lagrangians. The extension to \"\"N\"\" particles is straightforward, the relativistic Lagrangian is just a sum of the \"\"free particle\"\" terms, minus the potential energy of their interaction; where all the positions and velocities", "Four-momentum\n(not independent, the last two implies the first) conservation laws: Note that the invariant mass of a system of particles may be more than the sum of the particles' rest masses, since kinetic energy in the system center-of-mass frame and potential energy from forces between the particles contribute to the invariant mass. As an example, two particles with four-momenta and each have (rest) mass 3 GeV/\"\"c\"\" separately, but their total mass (the system mass) is 10 GeV/\"\"c\"\". If these particles were to collide and stick, the mass of the composite object would be 10 GeV/\"\"c\"\". One practical application from particle", "\"Newtonian dynamics\"\nspace whose points are marked by the pair of vectors formula_11 is called the phase space of the dynamical system (). The configuration space and the phase space of the dynamical system () both are Euclidean spaces, i. e. they are equipped with a Euclidean structure. The Euclidean structure of them is defined so that the kinetic energy of the single multidimensional particle with the unit mass formula_9 is equal to the sum of kinetic energies of the three-dimensional particles with the masses formula_3: In some cases the motion of the particles with the masses formula_3 can be constrained. Typical", "\"Schrödinger equation\"\nprobability the particles are in some spatial configuration at some instant of time. Solving the equation for can be used to predict how the particles will behave under the influence of the specified potential and with each other. The Schrödinger equation was developed principally from the De Broglie hypothesis, a wave equation that would describe particles, and can be constructed as shown informally in the following sections. For a more rigorous description of Schrödinger's equation, see also Resnick \"\"et al\"\". The total energy of a particle is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy , this sum is also", "\"Mass in special relativity\"\nto make measurements of the mass of particles like the Z boson or the top quark. Total energy is an additive conserved quantity (for single observers) in systems and in reactions between particles, but rest mass (in the sense of being a sum of particle rest masses) may not be conserved through an event in which rest masses of particles are converted to other types of energy, such as kinetic energy. Finding the sum of individual particle rest masses would require multiple observers, one for each particle rest inertial frame, and these observers ignore individual particle kinetic energy. Conservation laws", "\"Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)\"\ncan only be written as above: a function of all the spatial positions of each particle. For non-interacting particles, i.e. particles which do not interact mutually and move independently, the potential of the system is the sum of the separate potential energy for each particle, that is The general form of the Hamiltonian in this case is: where the sum is taken over all particles and their corresponding potentials; the result is that the Hamiltonian of the system is the sum of the separate Hamiltonians for each particle. This is an idealized situation - in practice the particles are almost", "\"Zero-point energy\"\nas the combination of all zero-point fields. In quantum field theory this combination of fields is called the vacuum state, its associated zero-point energy is called the vacuum energy and the average energy value is called the vacuum expectation value (VEV) also called its condensate. In classical mechanics all particles can be thought of as having some energy made up of their potential energy and kinetic energy. Temperature, for example, arises from the intensity of random particle motion caused by kinetic energy (known as brownian motion). As temperature is reduced to absolute zero, it might be thought that all motion", "\"Virial theorem\"\nthe time derivative of this moment of inertia In turn, the time derivative of can be written where is the mass of the th particle, is the net force on that particle, and is the total kinetic energy of the system The total force on particle is the sum of all the forces from the other particles in the system where is the force applied by particle on particle . Hence, the virial can be written Since no particle acts on itself (i.e., for ), we split the sum in terms below and above this diagonal (proof of this equation):", "\"Euler's three-body problem\"\nboth the planar two fixed centers problem and the three dimensional problem. The problem of two fixed centers conserves energy; in other words, the total energy \"\"E\"\" is a constant of motion. The potential energy is given by where r represents the particle's position, and \"\"r\"\" and \"\"r\"\" are the distances between the particle and the centers of force; μ and μ are constants that measure the strength of the first and second forces, respectively. The total energy equals sum of this potential energy with the particle's kinetic energy where \"\"m\"\" and p are the particle's mass and linear momentum,", "\"Mechanical energy\"\nMechanical energy In physical sciences, mechanical energy is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy. It is the energy associated with the motion and position of an object. The principle of conservation of mechanical energy states that in an isolated system that is only subject to conservative forces, the mechanical energy is constant. If an object is moved in the opposite direction of a conservative net force, the potential energy will increase and if the speed (not the velocity) of the object is changed, the kinetic energy of the object is changed as well. In all real systems, however,", "\"Zero-point energy\"\nceases and particles come completely to rest. In fact, however, kinetic energy is retained by particles even at the lowest possible temperature. The random motion corresponding to this zero-point energy never vanishes as a consequence of the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics. The uncertainty principle states that no object can ever have precise values of position and velocity simultaneously. The total energy of a quantum mechanical object (potential and kinetic) is described by its Hamiltonian which also describes the system as a harmonic oscillator, or wave function, that fluctuates between various energy states (see wave-particle duality). All quantum mechanical systems", "\"Mass–energy equivalence\"\nDe Pretto, following Le Sage, imagined that the universe was filled with an ether of tiny particles that always move at speed . Each of these particles has a kinetic energy of up to a small numerical factor. The nonrelativistic kinetic energy formula did not always include the traditional factor of , since Leibniz introduced kinetic energy without it, and the is largely conventional in prerelativistic physics. By assuming that every particle has a mass that is the sum of the masses of the ether particles, the authors concluded that all matter contains an amount of kinetic energy either given", "\"Energy–depth relationship in a rectangular channel\"\npressure term neglected, energy exists in two forms, potential and kinetic. Assuming all the fluid particles are moving at the same velocity, the general expression for kinetic energy applies (KE = ½mv). This general expression can be written in terms of kinetic energy per unit weight of fluid, The kinetic energy, in feet, is represented as the velocity head, The fluid particles also have potential energy, which is associated with the fluid elevation above an arbitrary datum. For a fluid of weight (ρg) at a height y above the established datum, the potential energy is wy. Thus, the potential energy", "\"Elastic scattering\"\nElastic scattering Elastic scattering is a form of particle scattering in scattering theory, nuclear physics and particle physics. In this process, the kinetic energy of a particle is conserved in the center-of-mass frame, but its direction of propagation is modified (by interaction with other particles and/or potentials). Furthermore, while the particle's kinetic energy in the center-of-mass frame is constant, its energy in the lab frame is not. Generally, elastic scattering describes a process where the total kinetic energy of the system is conserved. During elastic scattering of high-energy subatomic particles, linear energy transfer (LET) takes place until the incident particle's", "\"Negative mass\"\nby manipulation of gravitational fields within a finite region of space; this proves, for example, that a finite Tipler cylinder cannot be used as a time machine. For energy eigenstates of the Schrödinger equation, the wavefunction is wavelike wherever the particle's energy is greater than the local potential, and exponential-like (evanescent) wherever it is less. Naively, this would imply kinetic energy is negative in evanescent regions (to cancel the local potential). However, kinetic energy is an operator in quantum mechanics, and its expectation value is always positive, summing with the expectation value of the potential energy to yield the energy", "\"Hamiltonian mechanics\"\ncoordinates , where each component of the coordinate is indexed to the frame of reference of the system. The time evolution of the system is uniquely defined by Hamilton's equations: </math> where is the Hamiltonian, which often corresponds to the total energy of the system. For a closed system, it is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy in the system. In Newtonian mechanics, the time evolution is obtained by computing the total force being exerted on each particle of the system, and from Newton's second law, the time-evolutions of both position and velocity are computed. In contrast, in", "\"Potential energy\"\nfor why this is physically reasonable, see below. Given this formula for \"\"U\"\", the total potential energy of a system of \"\"n\"\" bodies is found by summing, for all formula_31 pairs of two bodies, the potential energy of the system of those two bodies. Considering the system of bodies as the combined set of small particles the bodies consist of, and applying the previous on the particle level we get the negative gravitational binding energy. This potential energy is more strongly negative than the total potential energy of the system of bodies as such since it also includes the negative", "\"Path integral formulation\"\nclassical correlation function) as a weighted sum of all possible histories of the system from the initial to the final state. A Feynman diagram is a graphical representation of a perturbative contribution to the transition amplitude. One common approach to deriving the path integral formula is to divide the time interval into small pieces. Once this is done, the Trotter product formula tells us that the noncommutativity of the kinetic and potential energy operators can be ignored. For a particle in a smooth potential, the path integral is approximated by zigzag paths, which in one dimension is a product of", "\"Density functional theory\"\nThe variational problems of minimizing the energy functional can be solved by applying the Lagrangian method of undetermined multipliers. First, one considers an energy functional that does not explicitly have an electron–electron interaction energy term, where denotes the kinetic energy operator and is an external effective potential in which the particles are moving, so that . Thus, one can solve the so-called Kohn–Sham equations of this auxiliary noninteracting system, which yields the orbitals that reproduce the density of the original many-body system The effective single-particle potential can be written in more detail as where the second term denotes the so-called", "\"Bernoulli's principle\"\na fluid along a streamline is the same at all points on that streamline. This requires that the sum of kinetic energy, potential energy and internal energy remains constant. Thus an increase in the speed of the fluid – implying an increase in its kinetic energy (dynamic pressure) – occurs with a simultaneous decrease in (the sum of) its potential energy (including the static pressure) and internal energy. If the fluid is flowing out of a reservoir, the sum of all forms of energy is the same on all streamlines because in a reservoir the energy per unit volume (the", "\"Available energy (particle collision)\"\nAvailable energy (particle collision) In particle physics, the available energy is the energy in a particle collision available to produce new matter from the kinetic energy of the colliding particles. Since the conservation of momentum must be held, a system of two particles with a net momentum may not convert all their kinetic energy into mass - and thus the available energy is always less than or equal to the kinetic energy of the colliding particles. The available energy for a system of one stationary particle and one moving particle is defined as: where This derivation will use the fact", "\"Hamiltonian mechanics\"\ndescribe simple systems such as a bouncing ball, a pendulum or an oscillating spring in which energy changes from kinetic to potential and back again over time, its strength is shown in more complex dynamic systems, such as planetary orbits in celestial mechanics. The more degrees of freedom the system has, the more complicated its time evolution is and, in most cases, it becomes chaotic. A simple interpretation of Hamiltonian mechanics comes from its application on a one-dimensional system consisting of one particle of mass . The Hamiltonian represents the total energy of the system, which is the sum of", "\"Mechanical energy\"\nmechanical energy is conserved – the sum of the mechanical energies of the colliding objects is the same before and after the collision. After an inelastic collision, however, the mechanical energy of the system will have changed. Usually, the mechanical energy before the collision is greater than the mechanical energy after the collision. In inelastic collisions, some of the mechanical energy of the colliding objects is transformed into kinetic energy of the constituent particles. This increase in kinetic energy of the constituent particles is perceived as an increase in temperature. The collision can be described by saying some of the", "\"Binding energy\"\nduring the collision, the gained kinetic energy (related to speed) begins to revert into potential energy, driving the collided particles apart. The decelerating particles will return to the initial distance and beyond into infinity, or stop and repeat the collision (oscillation takes place). This shows that the system, which loses no energy, does not combine (bind) into a solid object, parts of which oscillate at short distances. Therefore, to bind the particles, the kinetic energy gained due to the attraction must be dissipated by resistive force. Complex objects in collision ordinarily undergo inelastic collision, transforming some kinetic energy into internal", "\"Conjugate variables (thermodynamics)\"\nis volume, formula_19 is the chemical potential of the formula_12-th particle type, and formula_21 is the number of formula_12-type particles in the system. Here, the temperature, pressure, and chemical potential are the generalized forces, which drive the generalized changes in entropy, volume, and particle number respectively. These parameters all affect the internal energy of a thermodynamic system. A small change formula_23 in the internal energy of the system is given by the sum of the flow of energy across the boundaries of the system due to the corresponding conjugate pair. These concepts will be expanded upon in the following sections.", "\"Mechanical energy\"\nsteam engine converts heat energy to mechanical energy. Energy is a scalar quantity and the mechanical energy of a system is the sum of the potential energy which is measured by the position of the parts of the system. The kinetic energy which is also called the energy of motion: The potential energy, \"\"U\"\", depends on the position of an object subjected to a conservative force. It is defined as the object's ability to do work and is increased as the object is moved in the opposite direction of the direction of the force. If \"\"F\"\" represents the conservative force", "\"Thermal energy\"\na system. In an ideal gas, the internal energy is the sum total of the gas particles' kinetic energy, and it is this kinetic motion that is the source and the effect of the transfer of heat across a system's boundary. For this reason, the term \"\"thermal energy\"\" is sometimes used synonymously with internal energy. (Heat and work depend on the way in which an energy transfer occurred, whereas internal energy is a property of the state of a system and can thus be understood even without knowing how the energy got there.) The term \"\"thermal energy\"\" is also applied", "\"Classical central-force problem\"\nacceleration a scaled by the mass \"\"m\"\" of the particle For attractive forces, \"\"F(r)\"\" is negative, because it works to reduce the distance \"\"r\"\" to the center. Conversely, for repulsive forces, \"\"F(r)\"\" is positive. A central force is always a conservative force; the magnitude \"\"F\"\"(\"\"r\"\") of a central force can always be expressed as the derivative of a time-independent potential energy function \"\"U\"\"(\"\"r\"\") Thus, the total energy of the particle—the sum of its kinetic energy and its potential energy \"\"U\"\"—is a constant; energy is said to be conserved. To show this, it suffices that the work \"\"W\"\" done by the", "\"Lagrangian mechanics\"\nthe dot product of the velocity with itself. The kinetic energy is a function only of the velocities v, not the positions r nor time \"\"t\"\", so \"\"T\"\" = \"\"T\"\"(v, v, ...). The potential energy of the system reflects the energy of interaction between the particles, i.e. how much energy any one particle will have due to all the others and other external influences. For conservative forces (e.g. Newtonian gravity), it is a function of the position vectors of the particles only, so \"\"V\"\" = \"\"V\"\"(r, r, ...). For those non-conservative forces which can be derived from an appropriate potential", "\"Schrödinger equation\"\nthe frequent expression for the Hamiltonian in classical mechanics: Explicitly, for a particle in one dimension with position , mass and momentum , and potential energy which generally varies with position and time : For three dimensions, the position vector and momentum vector must be used: This formalism can be extended to any fixed number of particles: the total energy of the system is then the total kinetic energies of the particles, plus the total potential energy, again the Hamiltonian. However, there can be interactions between the particles (an -body problem), so the potential energy can change as the spatial", "\"Particle in a box\"\nbut the momentum spectrum is continuous (momentum can vary continuously) and in particular, the relation formula_15 for the energy and momentum of the particle does not hold. As said above, the reason this relation between energy and momentum does not hold is that the particle is not free, but there is a potential \"\"V\"\" in the system, and the energy of the particle is formula_16, where \"\"T\"\" is the kinetic and \"\"V\"\" the potential energy. The size (or amplitude) of the wavefunction at a given position is related to the probability of finding a particle there by formula_17. The wavefunction", "\"Relativistic mechanics\"\nand gravitons are thought to be massless; and neutrinos are nearly so. The relativistic energy–momentum equation holds for all particles, even for massless particles for which \"\"m\"\" = 0. In this case: When substituted into \"\"Ev\"\" = \"\"c\"\"\"\"p\"\", this gives \"\"v\"\" = \"\"c\"\": massless particles (such as photons) always travel at the speed of light. Notice that the rest mass of a composite system will generally be slightly different from the sum of the rest masses of its parts since, in its rest frame, their kinetic energy will increase its mass and their (negative) binding energy will decrease its mass.", "\"Relativistic mechanics\"\nIt should be noted that the invariant mass of a system is different from the sum of the rest masses of the particles of which it is composed due to kinetic energy and binding energy. Rest mass is not a conserved quantity in special relativity unlike the situation in Newtonian physics. However, even if an object is changing internally, so long as it does not exchange energy with surroundings, then its rest mass will not change, and can be calculated with the same result in any frame of reference. A particle whose rest mass is zero is called \"\"massless\"\". Photons", "\"Bohr–van Leeuwen theorem\"\nthe system is allowed time to return to equilibrium after a field is applied, then there will be no magnetization. The probability that the system will be in a given state of motion is predicted by Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics to be proportional to formula_1, where formula_2 is the energy of the system, formula_3 is the Boltzmann constant, and formula_4 is the absolute temperature. This energy is equal to the kinetic energy formula_5 for a particle with mass formula_6 and speed formula_7 and the potential energy. The magnetic field does not contribute to the potential energy. The Lorentz force on a particle", "\"Ideal gas law\"\nvolume, and undergo only elastic collisions with each other and the sides of the container in which both linear momentum and kinetic energy are conserved. Let q = (\"\"q\"\", \"\"q\"\", \"\"q\"\") and p = (\"\"p\"\", \"\"p\"\", \"\"p\"\") denote the position vector and momentum vector of a particle of an ideal gas, respectively. Let F denote the net force on that particle. Then the time-averaged kinetic energy of the particle is:<br> where the first equality is Newton's second law, and the second line uses Hamilton's equations and the equipartition theorem. Summing over a system of \"\"N\"\" particles yields By Newton's third", "\"Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)\"\nthe mass of the particle, the dot denotes the dot product of vectors, and is the momentum operator where an ∇ is the del operator. The dot product of ∇ with itself is the Laplacian ∇. In three dimensions using Cartesian coordinates the Laplace operator is However, complications can arise in the many-body problem. Since the potential energy depends on the spatial arrangement of the particles, the kinetic energy will also depend on the spatial configuration to conserve energy. The motion due to any one particle will vary due to the motion of all the other particles in the system.", "\"Isoenthalpic–isobaric ensemble\"\nIsoenthalpic–isobaric ensemble The isoenthalpic-isobaric ensemble (constant enthalpy and constant pressure ensemble) is a statistical mechanical ensemble that maintains constant enthalpy formula_1 and constant pressure formula_2 applied. It is also called the formula_3-ensemble, where the number of particles formula_4 is also kept as a constant. It was developed by physicist H. C. Andersen in 1980. The ensemble adds another degree of freedom, which represents the variable volume formula_5 of a system to which the coordinates of all particles are relative. The volume formula_5 becomes a dynamical variable with potential energy and kinetic energy given by formula_7. The enthalpy formula_8 is a", "\"Relativistic mechanics\"\ndoes momentum. However, for single particles the rest mass remains constant, and for systems of particles the invariant mass remain constant, because in both cases, the energy and momentum increases subtract from each other, and cancel. Thus, the invariant mass of systems of particles is a calculated constant for all observers, as is the rest mass of single particles. For systems of particles, the energy–momentum equation requires summing the momentum vectors of the particles: The inertial frame in which the momenta of all particles sums to zero is called the center of momentum frame. In this special frame, the relativistic", "\"Rutherford scattering\"\nnon-relativistic kinetic energy of the particle in MeV, and . For head-on collisions between alpha particles and the nucleus (with zero impact parameter), all the kinetic energy of the alpha particle is turned into potential energy and the particle is at rest. The distance from the center of the alpha particle to the center of the nucleus () at this point is an upper limit for the nuclear radius, if it is evident from the experiment that the scattering process obeys the cross section formula given above. Applying the inverse-square law between the charges on the alpha particle and nucleus,", "\"Classical mechanics\"\nthe line integral If the work done in moving the particle from r to r is the same no matter what path is taken, the force is said to be conservative. Gravity is a conservative force, as is the force due to an idealized spring, as given by Hooke's law. The force due to friction is non-conservative. The kinetic energy \"\"E\"\" of a particle of mass \"\"m\"\" travelling at speed \"\"v\"\" is given by For extended objects composed of many particles, the kinetic energy of the composite body is the sum of the kinetic energies of the particles. The work–energy", "\"Kinetic energy\"\nwhen some of the kinetic energy is converted to heat. If the orbit is elliptical or hyperbolic, then throughout the orbit kinetic and potential energy are exchanged; kinetic energy is greatest and potential energy lowest at closest approach to the earth or other massive body, while potential energy is greatest and kinetic energy the lowest at maximum distance. Without loss or gain, however, the sum of the kinetic and potential energy remains constant. Kinetic energy can be passed from one object to another. In the game of billiards, the player imposes kinetic energy on the cue ball by striking it", "\"Internal energy\"\nespecially through thermodynamics, it is impossible to calculate the total internal energy. Therefore, a convenient null reference point may be chosen for the internal energy. The internal energy is an extensive property: it depends on the size of the system, or on the amount of substance it contains. At any temperature greater than absolute zero, microscopic potential energy and kinetic energy are constantly converted into one another, but the sum remains constant in an isolated system (cf. table). In the classical picture of thermodynamics, kinetic energy vanishes at zero temperature and the internal energy is purely potential energy. However, quantum", "\"Equipartition theorem\"\ngas is therefore formula_34, where \"\"N\"\" is the number of particles in the gas, and the factor is needed because summation over all the particles counts each interaction twice. Adding kinetic and potential energies, then applying equipartition, yields the \"\"energy equation\"\" A similar argument, can be used to derive the \"\"pressure equation\"\" An anharmonic oscillator (in contrast to a simple harmonic oscillator) is one in which the potential energy is not quadratic in the extension \"\"q\"\" (the generalized position which measures the deviation of the system from equilibrium). Such oscillators provide a complementary point of view on the equipartition theorem.", "\"Cluster expansion\"\nfunction can be calculated (for the classical case) as From the partition function, one can calculate the Helmholtz free energy formula_3 and, from that, all the thermodynamic properties of the system, like the entropy, the internal energy, the chemical potential etc. When the particles of the system interact, an exact calculation of the partition function is usually not possible. For low density, the interactions can be approximated with a sum of two-particle potentials: For this interaction potential, the partition function can be written as and the free energy is where Q is the configuration integral: The configuration integral formula_8 cannot", "\"Isoenthalpic–isobaric ensemble\"\nconserved quantity. Isoenthalpic–isobaric ensemble The isoenthalpic-isobaric ensemble (constant enthalpy and constant pressure ensemble) is a statistical mechanical ensemble that maintains constant enthalpy formula_1 and constant pressure formula_2 applied. It is also called the formula_3-ensemble, where the number of particles formula_4 is also kept as a constant. It was developed by physicist H. C. Andersen in 1980. The ensemble adds another degree of freedom, which represents the variable volume formula_5 of a system to which the coordinates of all particles are relative. The volume formula_5 becomes a dynamical variable with potential energy and kinetic energy given by formula_7. The enthalpy formula_8", "\"Internal energy\"\ndensity called \"\"specific internal energy\"\" which is internal energy per unit of mass (kilogram) of the system in question. The SI unit of specific internal energy is J/kg. If the specific internal energy is expressed relative to units of amount of substance (mol), then it is referred to as \"\"molar internal energy\"\" and the unit is J/mol. From the standpoint of statistical mechanics, the internal energy is equal to the ensemble average of the sum of the microscopic kinetic and potential energies of the system. The internal energy, , expresses the thermodynamics of a system in the \"\"energy-language\"\", or in", "\"Invariant mass\"\ngeneral not an additive quantity (although there are a few rare situations where it may be, as is the case when massive particles in a system without potential or kinetic energy can be added to a total mass). Consider the simple case of two-body system, where object A is moving towards another object B which is initially at rest (in any particular frame of reference). The magnitude of invariant mass of this two-body system (see definition below) is different from the sum of rest mass (i.e. their respective mass when stationary). Even if we consider the same system from center-of-momentum", "\"Mass in special relativity\"\nallowed across it.) The term \"\"relativistic mass\"\" is also sometimes used. This is the sum total quantity of energy in a body or system (divided by \"\"c\"\"). As seen from the center of momentum frame, the relativistic mass is also the invariant mass, as discussed above (just as the relativistic energy of a single particle is the same as its rest energy, when seen from its rest frame). For other frames, the relativistic mass (of a body or system of bodies) includes a contribution from the \"\"net\"\" kinetic energy of the body (the kinetic energy of the center of mass", "Temperature\na species being all alike. It explains macroscopic phenomena through the classical mechanics of the microscopic particles. The equipartition theorem of kinetic theory asserts that each classical degree of freedom of a freely moving particle has an average kinetic energy of where denotes Boltzmann's constant. The translational motion of the particle has three degrees of freedom, so that, except at very low temperatures where quantum effects predominate, the average translational kinetic energy of a freely moving particle in a system with temperature will be . It is possible to measure the average kinetic energy of constituent microscopic particles if they", "Energy\ntwo points in the oscillation cycle it is entirely kinetic, and at two points it is entirely potential. Over the whole cycle, or over many cycles, net energy is thus equally split between kinetic and potential. This is called equipartition principle; total energy of a system with many degrees of freedom is equally split among all available degrees of freedom. This principle is vitally important to understanding the behaviour of a quantity closely related to energy, called entropy. Entropy is a measure of evenness of a distribution of energy between parts of a system. When an isolated system is given", "\"Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)\"\na uniform, electrostatic field (time-independent) E, positioned in one place, the potential is: the dipole moment itself is the operator Since the particle is stationary, there is no translational kinetic energy of the dipole, so the Hamiltonian of the dipole is just the potential energy: For a magnetic dipole moment μ in a uniform, magnetostatic field (time-independent) B, positioned in one place, the potential is: Since the particle is stationary, there is no translational kinetic energy of the dipole, so the Hamiltonian of the dipole is just the potential energy: For a Spin-½ particle, the corresponding spin magnetic moment is:", "\"Radioactive decay\"\nThe decay energy is initially released as the energy of emitted photons plus the kinetic energy of massive emitted particles (that is, particles that have rest mass). If these particles come to thermal equilibrium with their surroundings and photons are absorbed, then the decay energy is transformed to thermal energy, which retains its mass. Decay energy therefore remains associated with a certain measure of mass of the decay system, called invariant mass, which does not change during the decay, even though the energy of decay is distributed among decay particles. The energy of photons, the kinetic energy of emitted particles,", "\"Molecular Hamiltonian\"\npoint particle with mass equal to the sum \"\"M\"\" of the masses of all the particles. In quantum mechanics a free particle has as state function a plane wave function, which is a non-square-integrable function of well-defined momentum. The kinetic energy of this particle can take any positive value. The position of the COM is uniformly probable everywhere, in agreement with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. By introducing the coordinate vector X of the center of mass as three of the degrees of freedom of the system and eliminating the coordinate vector of one (arbitrary) particle, so that the number of", "\"Lagrangian mechanics\"\nanother Lagrangian \"\"L\"\" containing information about the interaction, This may be physically motivated by taking the non-interacting Lagrangians to be kinetic energies only, while the interaction Lagrangian is the system's total potential energy. Also, in the limiting case of negligible interaction, \"\"L\"\" tends to zero reducing to the non-interacting case above. The extension to more than two non-interacting subsystems is straightforward – the overall Lagrangian is the sum of the separate Lagrangians for each subsystem. If there are interactions, then interaction Lagrangians may be added. The following examples apply Lagrange's equations of the second kind to mechanical problems. A particle", "\"Kinetic energy\"\nthe total kinetic energy of a system of objects cannot be reduced to zero by a suitable choice of the inertial reference frame, unless all the objects have the same velocity. In any other case, the total kinetic energy has a non-zero minimum, as no inertial reference frame can be chosen in which all the objects are stationary. This minimum kinetic energy contributes to the system's invariant mass, which is independent of the reference frame. The total kinetic energy of a system depends on the inertial frame of reference: it is the sum of the total kinetic energy in a", "\"Beta decay\"\nbe taken into consideration. The value is defined as the total energy released in a given nuclear decay. In beta decay, is therefore also the sum of the kinetic energies of the emitted beta particle, neutrino, and recoiling nucleus. (Because of the large mass of the nucleus compared to that of the beta particle and neutrino, the kinetic energy of the recoiling nucleus can generally be neglected.) Beta particles can therefore be emitted with any kinetic energy ranging from 0 to . A typical is around 1 MeV, but can range from a few keV to a few tens of", "\"Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution\"\nand the speeds of gas particles. All that is needed is to discover the density of microstates in energy, which is determined by dividing up momentum space into equal sized regions. The potential energy is taken to be zero, so that all energy is in the form of kinetic energy. The relationship between kinetic energy and momentum for massive non-relativistic particles is where \"\"p\"\" is the square of the momentum vector p = [\"\"p\"\", \"\"p\"\", \"\"p\"\"]. We may therefore rewrite Equation () as: where \"\"Z\"\" is the partition function, corresponding to the denominator in Equation (). Here \"\"m\"\" is the", "\"Lagrangian mechanics\"\nfollows by direct calculation, or use of Euler's theorem for homogenous functions, that Under all these circumstances, the constant is the \"\"total conserved energy\"\" of the system. The kinetic and potential energies still change as the system evolves, but the motion of the system will be such that their sum, the total energy, is constant. This is a valuable simplification, since the energy \"\"E\"\" is a constant of integration that counts as an arbitrary constant for the problem, and it may be possible to integrate the velocities from this energy relation to solve for the coordinates. In the case the", "Heat\nof constituent particles, such as electrons, atoms, and molecules. The immediate meaning of the kinetic energy of the constituent particles is not as heat. It is as a component of internal energy. In microscopic terms, heat is a transfer quantity, and is described by a transport theory, not as steadily localized kinetic energy of particles. Heat transfer arises from temperature gradients or differences, through the diffuse exchange of microscopic kinetic and potential particle energy, by particle collisions and other interactions. An early and vague expression of this was made by Francis Bacon. Precise and detailed versions of it were developed", "\"Internal energy\"\nmechanics has demonstrated that even at zero temperature particles maintain a residual energy of motion, the zero point energy. A system at absolute zero is merely in its quantum-mechanical ground state, the lowest energy state available. At absolute zero a system of given composition has attained its minimum attainable entropy. The microscopic kinetic energy portion of the internal energy gives rise to the temperature of the system. Statistical mechanics relates the pseudo-random kinetic energy of individual particles to the mean kinetic energy of the entire ensemble of particles comprising a system. Furthermore, it relates the mean microscopic kinetic energy to", "\"Graham's law\"\nThe rationale of the above can be summed up as follows: Kinetic energy of each type of particle (in this example, Hydrogen and Oxygen, as above) within the system is equal, as defined by thermodynamic temperature: formula_5 Which can be simplified and rearranged to: formula_6 or: formula_7 Ergo, when constraining the system to the passage of particles through an area, Graham's Law appears as written at the start of this article. Graham's law Graham's law of effusion (also called Graham's law of diffusion) was formulated by Scottish physical chemist Thomas Graham in 1848. Graham found experimentally that the rate of", "\"Potential energy\"\nnuclear force or weak nuclear force acting on the baryon charge is called nuclear potential energy; work of intermolecular forces is called intermolecular potential energy. Chemical potential energy, such as the energy stored in fossil fuels, is the work of the Coulomb force during rearrangement of mutual positions of electrons and nuclei in atoms and molecules. Thermal energy usually has two components: the kinetic energy of random motions of particles and the potential energy of their mutual positions. Forces derivable from a potential are also called conservative forces. The work done by a conservative force is where formula_2 is the", "\"Kinetic energy\"\nsystem, we get Solving for \"\"u\"\" gives Thus for a stationary observer (\"\"v\"\"= 0) and thus the kinetic energy takes the form Factoring out the rest energy gives: This expression reduces to the special relativistic case for the flat-space metric where In the Newtonian approximation to general relativity where Φ is the Newtonian gravitational potential. This means clocks run slower and measuring rods are shorter near massive bodies. In quantum mechanics, observables like kinetic energy are represented as operators. For one particle of mass \"\"m\"\", the kinetic energy operator appears as a term in the Hamiltonian and is defined in", "\"Time-of-flight mass spectrometry\"\nby the voltage \"\"U\"\", its potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of any mass is: In effect, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, meaning that equations () and () are equal The velocity of the charged particle after acceleration will not change since it moves in a field-free time-of-flight tube. The velocity of the particle can be determined in a time-of-flight tube since the length of the path (\"\"d\"\") of the flight of the ion is known and the time of the flight of the ion (\"\"t\"\") can be measured using a transient digitizer", "\"Mechanical energy\"\nand \"\"x\"\" the position, the potential energy of the force between the two positions \"\"x\"\" and \"\"x\"\" is defined as the negative integral of \"\"F\"\" from \"\"x\"\" to \"\"x\"\": The kinetic energy, \"\"K\"\", depends on the speed of an object and is the ability of a moving object to do work on other objects when it collides with them. It is defined as one half the product of the object's mass with the square of its speed, and the total kinetic energy of a system of objects is the sum of the kinetic energies of the respective objects: The principle", "Energy\nexample, macroscopic mechanical energy is the sum of translational and rotational kinetic and potential energy in a system neglects the kinetic energy due to temperature, and nuclear energy which combines utilize potentials from the nuclear force and the weak force), among others. The word \"\"energy\"\" derives from the , which possibly appears for the first time in the work of Aristotle in the 4th century BC. In contrast to the modern definition, energeia was a qualitative philosophical concept, broad enough to include ideas such as happiness and pleasure. In the late 17th century, Gottfried Leibniz proposed the idea of the", "\"Mechanics of planar particle motion\"\nto uniquely characterize the state of the system: they need not be (although they could be) the coordinates of the particles in the system. Instead, they could be the angles and extensions of links in a robot arm, for instance. If a mechanical system consists of \"\"N\"\" particles and there are \"\"m\"\" independent kinematical conditions imposed, it is possible to characterize the system uniquely by \"\"n\"\" = 3\"\"N - m\"\" independent generalized coordinates {\"\"q\"\"}. In classical mechanics, the Lagrangian is defined as the kinetic energy, formula_21, of the system minus its potential energy, formula_22. In symbols, Under conditions that are", "\"Classical-map hypernetted-chain method\"\nare of great importance to the physics of many-particle systems. The HNC and PY integral equations provide the pair distribution functions of the particles in a classical fluid, even for very high coupling strengths. The coupling strength is measured by the ratio of the potential energy to the kinetic energy. In a classical fluid, the kinetic energy is proportional to the temperature. In a quantum fluid, the situation is very complicated as one needs to deal with quantum operators, and matrix elements of such operators, which appear in various perturbation methods based on Feynman diagrams. The CHNC method provides an", "\"Conservation of energy\"\nthe article on invariant mass). The relativistic energy of a single massive particle contains a term related to its rest mass in addition to its kinetic energy of motion. In the limit of zero kinetic energy (or equivalently in the rest frame) of a massive particle, or else in the center of momentum frame for objects or systems which retain kinetic energy, the total energy of particle or object (including internal kinetic energy in systems) is related to its rest mass or its invariant mass via the famous equation formula_26. Thus, the rule of \"\"conservation of energy\"\" over time in", "\"Thermodynamic temperature\"\nthe thermodynamic temperature to a very high degree of accuracy. Roughly, the temperature of a body at rest is a measure of the mean of the energy of the translational, vibrational and rotational motions of matter's particle constituents, such as molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles. The full variety of these kinetic motions, along with potential energies of particles, and also occasionally certain other types of particle energy in equilibrium with these, make up the total internal energy of a substance. Internal energy is loosely called the heat energy or thermal energy in conditions when no work is done upon the", "\"Fermi–Dirac statistics\"\nof \"\"N\"\" identical fermions that have negligible mutual interaction and are in thermal equilibrium. Since there is negligible interaction between the fermions, the energy formula_26 of a state formula_27 of the many-particle system can be expressed as a sum of single-particle energies, where formula_29 is called the occupancy number and is the number of particles in the single-particle state formula_30 with energy formula_31. The summation is over all possible single-particle states formula_30. The probability that the many-particle system is in the state formula_27, is given by the normalized canonical distribution, where formula_35, \"\"e\"\" is called the Boltzmann factor, and the", "\"Harmonic oscillator\"\nthe datum is defined at the equilibrium position, when the spring reaches its maximal potential energy, the kinetic energy of the mass is zero. When the spring is released, it tries to return to equilibrium, and all its potential energy converts to kinetic energy of the mass. Harmonic oscillator In classical mechanics, a harmonic oscillator is a system that, when displaced from its equilibrium position, experiences a restoring force \"\"F\"\" proportional to the displacement \"\"x\"\": where \"\"k\"\" is a positive constant. If \"\"F\"\" is the only force acting on the system, the system is called a simple harmonic oscillator, and", "\"Molecular modelling\"\nspace or in internal coordinates, and can also be assigned velocities in dynamical simulations. The atomic velocities are related to the temperature of the system, a macroscopic quantity. The collective mathematical expression is termed a potential function and is related to the system internal energy (U), a thermodynamic quantity equal to the sum of potential and kinetic energies. Methods which minimize the potential energy are termed energy minimization methods (e.g., steepest descent and conjugate gradient), while methods that model the behaviour of the system with propagation of time are termed molecular dynamics. This function, referred to as a potential function,", "\"Particle in a spherically symmetric potential\"\neigenstates of the system have the form in which the spherical polar angles θ and φ represent the colatitude and azimuthal angle, respectively. The last two factors of ψ are often grouped together as spherical harmonics, so that the eigenfunctions take the form The differential equation which characterizes the function formula_13 is called the radial equation. The kinetic energy operator in spherical polar coordinates is The spherical harmonics satisfy Substituting this into the Schrödinger equation we get a one-dimensional eigenvalue equation, Note that the first term in the kinetic energy can be rewritten If subsequently the substitution formula_18 is made", "\"Angular momentum\"\nof the \"\"moment arm\"\", a line dropped perpendicularly from the origin onto the path of the particle. It is this definition, to which the term \"\"moment of momentum\"\" refers. Another approach is to define angular momentum as the conjugate momentum (also called canonical momentum) of the angular coordinate formula_23 expressed in the Lagrangian of the mechanical system. Consider a mechanical system with a mass formula_2 constrained to move in a circle of radius formula_25 in the absence of any external force field. The kinetic energy of the system is And the potential energy is Then the Lagrangian is The \"\"generalized", "\"Schrödinger equation\"\ncreated by a second particle, usually much heavier, particle (but not a magnetic field; see the Pauli equation):) where is the particle's \"\"reduced mass\"\", is its potential energy, is the Laplacian (a Differential Operator), and is the wave function (more precisely, in this context, it is called the \"\"position-space wave function\"\"). In plain language, it means \"\"total energy equals kinetic energy plus potential energy\"\", but the terms take unfamiliar forms for reasons explained below. Given the particular differential operators involved, this is a linear partial differential equation. It is also a diffusion equation, but unlike the heat equation, this one", "\"Chemical potential\"\nall other species' concentrations in the mixture remaining constant. The molar chemical potential is also known as partial molar free energy. When both temperature and pressure are held constant, chemical potential is the partial molar Gibbs free energy. At chemical equilibrium or in phase equilibrium the total sum of the product of chemical potentials and stoichiometric coefficients is zero, as the free energy is at a minimum. In semiconductor physics, the chemical potential of a system of electrons at a temperature of zero Kelvin is known as the Fermi energy. Particles tend to move from higher chemical potential to lower", "Collision\nenergy is equal to the total kinetic energy before the collision in a center of momentum frame with respect to the system of two particles, because in such a frame the kinetic energy after the collision is zero. In this frame most of the kinetic energy before the collision is that of the particle with the smaller mass. In another frame, in addition to the reduction of kinetic energy there may be a transfer of kinetic energy from one particle to the other; the fact that this depends on the frame shows how relative this is. With time reversed we", "\"Virial theorem\"\nof the particles by a factor equal to the Lorentz factor of the particles at the center of the system. Under normal conditions we can assume that , then we can see that in the virial theorem the kinetic energy is related to the potential energy not by the coefficient , but rather by the coefficient close to 0.6. The difference from the classical case arises due to considering the pressure field and the field of particles’ acceleration inside the system, while the derivative of the scalar is not equal to zero and should be considered as the material derivative.", "\"Poynting's theorem\"\nproperty that the response happens only due to electric currents, while the D × H form uses only (fictitious) magnetic monopole currents. The other two forms (Abraham and Minkowski) use complementary combinations of electric and magnetic currents to represent the polarization and magnetization responses of the medium. The \"\"mechanical\"\" energy counterpart of the above theorem for the \"\"electromagnetic\"\" energy continuity equation is where \"\"u\"\" is the (mechanical) kinetic energy density in the system. It can be described as the sum of kinetic energies of particles \"\"α\"\" (e.g., electrons in a wire), whose trajectory is given by \"\"r\"\"(\"\"t\"\"): where S\"\"\"\" is", "\"Electron temperature\"\nElectron temperature Temperature is a statistical quantity. The formal definition is T = dU/dS, the change in internal energy with respect to entropy holding volume and particle number constant. A practical definition comes from the fact that the atoms, molecules, or whatever particles in a system have an average kinetic energy. The average means to average over the kinetic energy of all the particles in a system. If the velocities of a group of electrons, e.g., in a plasma, follow a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution, then the electron temperature is defined as the temperature of that distribution. For other distributions, not assumed", "\"N-body problem\"\nacceleration is equal to the sum of the forces on the mass. Newton's law of gravity says that the gravitational force felt on mass by a single mass is given by where is the gravitational constant and is the magnitude of the distance between and (metric induced by the norm). Summing over all masses yields the -body equations of motion: where is the \"\"self-potential\"\" energy Defining the momentum to be , Hamilton's equations of motion for the -body problem become where the Hamiltonian function is and is the kinetic energy Hamilton's equations show that the -body problem is a system", "\"Elastic collision\"\nElastic collision An elastic collision is an encounter between two bodies in which the total kinetic energy of the two bodies after the encounter is equal to their total kinetic energy before the encounter. Perfectly elastic collisions occur only if there is no net conversion of kinetic energy into other forms (such as heat or noise) and therefore they do not normally occur in reality. During the collision of small objects, kinetic energy is first converted to potential energy associated with a repulsive force between the particles (when the particles move against this force, i.e. the angle between the force", "\"Elastic collision\"\nproduct (or dot product) of two vectors. Elastic collision An elastic collision is an encounter between two bodies in which the total kinetic energy of the two bodies after the encounter is equal to their total kinetic energy before the encounter. Perfectly elastic collisions occur only if there is no net conversion of kinetic energy into other forms (such as heat or noise) and therefore they do not normally occur in reality. During the collision of small objects, kinetic energy is first converted to potential energy associated with a repulsive force between the particles (when the particles move against this", "\"Escape velocity\"\nequation in circular orbit). This corresponds to the fact that the potential energy with respect to infinity of an object in such an orbit is minus two times its kinetic energy, while to escape the sum of potential and kinetic energy needs to be at least zero. The velocity corresponding to the circular orbit is sometimes called the first cosmic velocity, whereas in this context the escape velocity is referred to as the second cosmic velocity. For a body in an elliptical orbit wishing to accelerate to an escape orbit the required speed will vary, and will be greatest at", "\"Moment of inertia\"\nenergy of a rigid system of particles can be formulated in terms of the center of mass and a matrix of mass moments of inertia of the system. Let the system of formula_114 particles formula_115 be located at the coordinates formula_125 with velocities formula_117, then the kinetic energy is where formula_183 is the position vector of a particle relative to the center of mass. This equation expands to yield three terms The second term in this equation is zero because formula_129 is the center of mass. Introduce the skew-symmetric matrix formula_182 so the kinetic energy becomes Thus, the kinetic energy" ]
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who used the springfield rifle in the civil war
[ "United States", "Confederate States of America" ]
[ "\"Springfield rifle\"\nused during the American Civil War may also be referred to as \"\"Springfield rifles\"\". Springfield rifle The term Springfield rifle may refer to any one of several types of small arms produced by the Springfield Armory in Springfield, Massachusetts, for the United States armed forces. In modern usage, the term \"\"Springfield rifle\"\" most commonly refers to the Springfield Model 1903 for its use in both world wars. Rifled musket: Single-shot rifle: Repeating rifle: Autoloading rifle: There were also numerous limited production, experimental, marksmanship, and sporting rifles produced by the Springfield Armory which are referred to as \"\"Springfield rifles\"\". Some examples", "\"Springfield Model 1865\"\nUS for shorter cadet-style rifles. To satisfy this need, these dealers cut the barrels and stocks to make short rifles with 33\"\" and 36\"\" barrel lengths. Likewise, the stock wrists were often thinned for cadet use. Springfield Model 1865 The Springfield Model 1865 was an early breech-loading rifle manufactured by U.S. Armory in Springfield, Massachusetts. It was a modification of the Springfield rifled musket Model 1861. It was later replaced with the Model 1866. During the U.S. Civil War, the advantage of breech-loading rifles became obvious. The rifled muskets used during the war had a rate of fire of 2", "\"Springfield Model 1842\"\nModel 1855 and Springfield Model 1861. Both the original smoothbore version and the modified rifled version of the Model 1842 were used in the American Civil War. The smoothbore version was produced without sights (except for a cast one on the barrel band). When Model 1842 muskets were modified to have rifled barrels, sights were usually added at the same time as the rifling. The 1842 musket was effectively used during the American Civil War. Springfield Model 1842 The US Model 1842 Musket was a .69 caliber musket manufactured and used in the United States during the 19th Century. It", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nAlong with a revised 1863 model, it was the last muzzle-loading weapon ever adopted by the US Army. By the end of the war, approximately 1.5 million Springfield rifle muskets had been produced by the Springfield Armory and 20 subcontractors. Since the South lacked sufficient manufacturing capability, most of the Springfields in Southern hands were captured on the battlefields during the war. Many older Springfield rifle muskets, such as the Model 1855 and 1842, were brought out of storage and used due to arms shortages. Many smooth bore muskets dating all the way back to the Springfield Model 1812 were", "\"Minié rifle\"\n15. The Minié rifle saw limited distribution in the Crimean War and similar rifles using Minié bullets (such as the Pattern 1853 Enfield, the Springfield Model 1861 and the Lorenz rifle) were the dominant infantry weapons in the American Civil War. The large-caliber, easily deformed conical lead bullets, ranging in diameter from .54 to .58 inches (14-18mm), combined with the high-speed spin from the rifling, created terrible wounds. The Pattern 1851 Minié rifle was in use by the British Army from 1851 to 1855. The Minié system was also used extensively by various manufacturers, such as Springfield (the Springfield Model", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nwas eventually replaced in the Union ranks by 1861 Springfields). The Model 1841 Mississippi Rifle, the progenitor of the Model 1855 and 1861 Springfield, was still used in the Civil War to a fair degree, especially by Confederate non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and sharpshooters. The Confederacy also produced a variety of weapons itself, standardizing on .58 caliber in 1862. These were usually clones of existing designs and tended to be poor quality due to shortages of raw material and skilled labor. Some such weapons included clones of the Sharps carbine, the Richmond/Fayetteville rifles (a Springfield clone) and imitations of Enfield rifles", "\"Springfield Model 1865\"\nSpringfield Model 1865 The Springfield Model 1865 was an early breech-loading rifle manufactured by U.S. Armory in Springfield, Massachusetts. It was a modification of the Springfield rifled musket Model 1861. It was later replaced with the Model 1866. During the U.S. Civil War, the advantage of breech-loading rifles became obvious. The rifled muskets used during the war had a rate of fire of 2 or 3 rounds per minute. Breech-loading rifles increased the rate of fire to 8 to 10 rounds per minute with the additional advantage that they can be easily loaded from a prone, rather than standing, position,", "\"Springfield Model 1855\"\nSpringfield Model 1855 The Springfield Model 1855 was a rifle musket widely used in the American Civil War. It exploited the advantages of the new conical Minié ball, which could be deadly at over 1,000 yards. About 60,000 of these rifles were made, and it was a standard infantry weapon for Union and Confederates alike, until the Model 1861 supplanted it, obviating the use of the insufficiently waterproof Maynard tape primer. The Model 1855 Springfield was a rifled musket used in the mid 19th century. It was manufactured by the Springfield Armory in Massachusetts and at the Harper's Ferry in", "\"Springfield Model 1855\"\nSpringfield Model 1855 The Springfield Model 1855 was a rifle musket widely used in the American Civil War. It exploited the advantages of the new conical Minié ball, which could be deadly at over 1,000 yards. About 60,000 of these rifles were made, and it was a standard infantry weapon for Union and Confederates alike, until the Model 1861 supplanted it, obviating the use of the insufficiently waterproof Maynard tape primer. The Model 1855 Springfield was a rifled musket used in the mid 19th century. It was manufactured by the Springfield Armory in Massachusetts and at the Harper's Ferry in", "\"Armies in the American Civil War\"\nby the Civil War, ensured that the rifled shoulder weapon would be the basic weapon used by infantrymen in both the Federal and Confederate armies. The standard and most common shoulder weapon used in the American Civil War was the Springfield .58‑caliber rifle musket, models 1855, 1861, and 1863. In 1855, the US Army adopted this weapon to replace the .69‑caliber smoothbore musket and the .54‑caliber rifle. In appearance, the rifle musket was similar to the smoothbore musket. Both were single‑shot muzzleloaders, but the rifled bore of the new weapon substantially increased its range and accuracy. The rifling system chosen", "\"Rifled musket\"\nat the projectile end and intended to be inserted and used as a paper patch. A ramrod was used to fully seat the round. Rifled muskets were heavily used in the American Civil War. The American-made Springfield Model 1861 was the most widely used weapon in the war, followed by the British Pattern 1853 Enfield. The Lorenz rifle was the third most used rifle during the Civil War The Enfield was also used in the Crimean War where its greater range was a significant advantage over the much shorter-ranged Russian smoothbore muskets. However, soldiers armed with rifled muskets were not", "\"Springfield Model 1835\"\nhad their barrels rifled during this same period, if the barrel was deemed to be thick enough to be structurally sound after rifling. The model 1835 was used by both the North and South during the American Civil War. The model 1835 was also used in the Mexican–American War. Springfield Model 1835 The Springfield Model 1835 Musket was a .69 caliber flintlock musket used in the United States during the early 19th Century. The Model 1835 was manufactured by the United States Armory and Arsenal at Springfield, and was also produced by the United States Armory and Arsenal at Harper's", "\"French weapons in the American Civil War\"\nmuzzle swell. Confederate Napoleons were produced in at least six variations, most of which had straight muzzles, but at least eight cataloged survivors of 133 identified have muzzle swells. Additionally, four iron Confederate Napoleons produced by Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, Virginia have been identified, of an estimated 125 cast. The Minié rifle and Minié ball comprised the most widely used firearms system of the American Civil War. The Minié system was used extensively by various manufacturers, such as Springfield. The Springfield Model 1861 was most widely used rifle of the American Civil War. The Minié ball produced terrible wounds,", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nin the war (April 1865) and likely was never used in action. However, it established the single-shot metallic cartridge breechloader as a standard infantry weapon, which eventually all modern armies adopted in one form or another. The US adopted the breechloading 1866 Springfield \"\"Trapdoor\"\" infantry rifle built from surplus rifle-musket parts after the war. The new repeater rifles would see fairly limited use in the Civil War. The first such weapon used by the US Army was the Model 1855 Colt Revolving Rifle (and a companion carbine), but it had a serious defect in that the gun would sometimes discharge", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nfrom ( in later models) in 100 yard increments. Realistically, though, hitting anything beyond 500 yards was mostly a matter of luck. The third most widely used weapon of the Civil War was the Lorenz Rifle. This rifle was invented in 1854 by Austrian lieutenant Joseph Lorenz. This rifle had first seen action in the Second Italian War of Independence. The Lorenz rifle was similar in design to the Enfield rifle-musket. It used a percussion lock, was similar in length, and had three barrel bands, like the Springfield and Enfield. The Lorenz rifle was originally .54 caliber. A large number", "\"Springfield Model 1861\"\nSpringfield Model 1861 The Springfield Model 1861 was a Minié-type rifled musket shoulder-arm used by the United States Army and Marine Corps during the American Civil War. Commonly referred to as the \"\"Springfield\"\" (after its original place of production, Springfield, Massachusetts), it was the most widely used U.S. Army weapon during the Civil War, favored for its range, accuracy, and reliability. The barrel was forty inches (102 cm) long, firing a .58 caliber Minié ball, and the total weight was approximately nine pounds (4,9 kg). The Springfield had a general effective range of 200 to 300 yards (183–274 m) but", "\"Lorenz rifle\"\nthe British Enfield or the American Springfield rifle-muskets whenever these were available. A fair number of Lorenz rifles had also been used in the 1859 conflict with France and were worn and not in pristine condition when they reached the United States. Lorenz rifles in the Civil War were generally used with .54 caliber cartridges designed for the Model 1841 \"\"Mississippi\"\" rifle. These differed from the cartridges manufactured in Austria and may have contributed to the unreliability of the weapons. Many of the rifles were bored out to .58 caliber to accommodate standard Springfield rifle ammunition, which also created problems", "\"Springfield Model 1861\"\nIndian Wars and all U.S. military actions until the end of the 19th century. The Springfield Model 1861 is very popular today among Civil War reenactors and collectors alike for its accuracy, reliability and historical background. Original antique Springfields are expensive, so companies such as Davide Pedersoli & C., Armi Sport and Euro Arms make modern reproductions at much more affordable prices. Springfield Model 1861 The Springfield Model 1861 was a Minié-type rifled musket shoulder-arm used by the United States Army and Marine Corps during the American Civil War. Commonly referred to as the \"\"Springfield\"\" (after its original place of", "\".50-70 Government\"\nalso ordered both Rolling Block rifles and carbines in caliber 50-70 and also made some Rolling Blocks at their Springfield Armory facility in this caliber. The US Army also had a large supply of percussion fired Sharps carbines at the close of the Civil War and had the Sharps Rifle company convert about 31,000 of those to caliber 50-70 for cavalry use. Meanwhile, the Army, which had exited the Civil War with an inventory of almost a million percussion fired muzzle loaders converted Springfield Model 1863 and Model 1864 muskets to metallic cartridge ammunition using the Allin conversion (trapdoor) method,", "\"Springfield Model 1863\"\nrifles therefore represented a significant cost savings to the U.S. military. Springfield Model 1863 The Springfield Model 1863 is a .58 caliber rifled musket manufactured by the Springfield Armory between 1863 and 1865. The Model 1863 was only a minor improvement over the Springfield Model 1861. As such, it is sometimes classified as just a variant of the Model 1861. The Model 1861, with all of its variants, was the most commonly used longarm in the American Civil War, with over 700,000 manufactured. The Model 1863 also has the distinction of being the last muzzle-loading longarm produced by the Springfield", "\"Infantry in the American Civil War\"\nof a brigade in line one behind the other in close formation), and other formations. Trained in the era of short-range smoothbore muskets, such as the Springfield Model 1842, which was issued to many units immediately prior to the war, many generals often did not fully appreciate or understand the importance and power of the new weapons introduced during the war, such as the 1861 Springfield rifled musket and comparable rifles which had longer range and were more powerful than the weapons used by the antebellum armies. Its barrel contained several rifled grooves that provided increased accuracy, and fired a", "\"Springfield Model 1865\"\nthe firing pin. The breech mechanism employed a hinged breechblock that rotated up and forward, resembling the movement of a trapdoor, to open the breech of the rifle and permit insertion of a cartridge. The hinged breechblock caused these rifles to be named \"\"Trapdoor Springfields\"\". Approximately 5,000 Civil War Model 1861 rifled muskets were converted at the Springfield Armory in 1866. It soon became apparent that many of the small working parts in the breech system were not going to have a long service life, and the action was too complicated for normal service use. Therefore, before the Model 1865", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\narmory at Springfield, Massachusetts quickly increased their production of rifles; Springfield alone increased its annual output from 20,000 to 200,000. The North was thus able to supply its own small arms needs while the South had to continue to rely on foreign sources, eventually purchasing 580,000 rifles. Various modifications were made to standard rifle and musket ammunition in the Civil War. One such practice with Minie balls was to carve an X in them so the round would expand more when it hit the target. In addition, exploding bullets were occasionally employed by drilling a hole in a rifle bullet,", "\"Joslyn rifle\"\nJoslyn rifle The term Joslyn Rifle refers to a series of rifles produced in the mid-19th century. The term is often used to refer specifically to the Joslyn Model 1861/1862, which was the first mass-produced breech-loading rifle produced at the Springfield Armory. Benjamin Franklin Joslyn was known as one of the most interesting gun designers during the U.S. Civil War, but he was known more for his constant clashes with sub-contractors and the Federal Government than he was for the quality of his arms. His disputes with the government lasted long after the Civil War had ended. In 1855, Joslyn", "\"Caplock mechanism\"\nbut by the time of the Franco-Prussian War this had evolved into modern brass ammunition. After the American Civil War, Britain, France and America began converting existing caplock guns to accept brass rimfire and centrefire cartridges. For muskets such as the 1853 Enfield and 1861 Springfield, this involved installing a firing pin in place of the nipple, and a trapdoor in the breech to accept the new bullets. Examples include the Trapdoor Springfield, Tabatiere rifle, Westley Richards and Snider Enfield conversions. The British army used Snider Enfields contemporaneously with the Martini-Henry rifle until the .303 bolt action Lee-Metford repeating rifle", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nthe Model 1861 reverted to the more reliable percussion lock. The first Model 1861 Springfields were delivered late in that year and during 1862 gradually became the most common weapon carried by Union infantry in the eastern theater. Western armies were slower to obtain Springfield rifles, and they were not widely used there until the middle of 1863. Rifles were more accurate than smooth bore muskets, and could have been made using shorter barrels. However, the military was still using tactics such as firing by ranks, and feared that shorter barrels would result in soldiers in the back ranks accidentally", "Single-shot\nthe United States standardized on the .50-70 cartridge, chambered in trapdoor conversions of rifled muskets that had been used in the American Civil War. The trapdoor mechanism continued with the adoption of the Springfield 1873 rifle, chambered in the new .45-70 cartridge. The Springfield stayed in service until 1893, when it was replaced by the Krag–Jørgensen bolt-action rifle. Another muzzleloader conversion similar in concept to the Allin action was the British Snider–Enfield, also introduced in 1866, which hinged to the side rather than forward. Unlike the US Army, which kept its trapdoors for decades, the British soon moved beyond the", "\"Armies in the American Civil War\"\nin the South. The Confederacy also produced a 9-inch version of the Dahlgren shellgun that apparently found use both afloat and ashore. The wide variety of infantry weapons available to Civil War armies is clearly evident at Vicksburg. A review of the Quarterly Returns of Ordnance for April-June 1863 reveals that approximately three-quarters of Grant's Army of the Tennessee carried \"\"first class\"\" shoulder weapons, the most numerous of which were British 1853 Enfield rifle-muskets (.577 caliber). Other \"\"first class\"\" weapons used in the Vicksburg campaign included American-made Springfield rifle-muskets (.58 caliber), French rifle-muskets (.58 caliber), French \"\"light\"\" or \"\"Liege\"\" rifles", "\"Springfield rifle\"\nSpringfield rifle The term Springfield rifle may refer to any one of several types of small arms produced by the Springfield Armory in Springfield, Massachusetts, for the United States armed forces. In modern usage, the term \"\"Springfield rifle\"\" most commonly refers to the Springfield Model 1903 for its use in both world wars. Rifled musket: Single-shot rifle: Repeating rifle: Autoloading rifle: There were also numerous limited production, experimental, marksmanship, and sporting rifles produced by the Springfield Armory which are referred to as \"\"Springfield rifles\"\". Some examples of the smoothbore Springfield Model 1842 musket that were later modified with rifling and", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nwere bored out to .58 caliber so that they could use the same ammunition as the Springfield and Enfield rifle-muskets. The quality of Lorenz rifles during the Civil War was not consistent. Some were considered to be of the finest quality, and were sometimes praised as being superior to the Enfield. Others, especially those in later purchases, were described as horrible in both design and condition. The bored out versions were not consistent in caliber, ranging from .57 to .59. Many of these poorer quality weapons were swapped out on the battlefield for Enfield rifle-muskets whenever one became available. The", "\"78th Illinois Infantry Regiment\"\nCorps. The regiment received the blue United States uniform, typical of the civil war. Initially, the regiment was armed with .69 caliber rifled muskets, altered to use a percussion cap. In 1863, the regiment saw more modern arms provisioned to the soldiers; a mixture of the Enfield rifle and Springfield Rifle Muskets were carried. In 1864, all troops were armed with the Springfield Rifle Muskets. Operations In North Georgia and North Alabama against Forest and Hood (September 29 — November 3, 1864) When the regiment mustered in on September 1, 1862, it included 862 enlisted men. The regiment suffered 9", "\"Springfield model 1880\"\nSpringfield model 1880 The Springfield model 1880 was a trapdoor rifle based on the design of the Springfield model 1873. In the years following the U.S. Civil War, Springfield Armory had produced bayonets by re-working older bayonets left over from the war. By 1880, their supply of bayonets had been almost completely exhausted. Rather than re-tool their production equipment to make an item that was now considered obsolete, Springfield Armory chose instead to modify the model 1873 to use a new bayonet system. In the days of smooth bore muskets, bayonets had played a considerable role on the battlefield, often", "\"Springfield Model 1861\"\n1861 was relatively scarce in the early years of the Civil War (many troops were still using Model 1842 smoothbored muskets and Model 1816/1822 muskets converted to percussion cap primers, both in .69 caliber). It is unlikely that any of these were available for use in the First Battle of Bull Run. However, over time, more and more regiments began receiving Model 1861 rifled muskets, though this upgrade appeared somewhat quicker in the Eastern Theater of Operations. Over 1,000,000 Model 1861 rifles were produced, with the Springfield Armory increasing its production during the war by contracting out to twenty other", "\"North-South Skirmish Association\"\nof original Civil War small arms. Six major types of small arms are used in N-SSA competition. The standard infantry arm of the American Civil War was the rifle-Musket. These arms were muzzle-loading rifles firing the Minie ball. Major types of musket used by combatants during the Civil War were the Model 1861 and 1863 Springfield, as well as the British-made Pattern 1853 and 1858 Enfield. Although the long 'three-band' muskets (so called because they had three bands fastening the barrel to the stock) were the most widely issued, many N-SSA competitors favor the shorter 'two-band' muskets due to their", "\"Springfield Model 1865\"\nproduction order was completed, a less complex rifle was already being tested. This caused the Model 1865 to be called the \"\"First Allin\"\", and the following revised model, the Springfield Model 1866, to be called the \"\"Second Allin\"\". The Springfield model 1865 fired a rimfire .58-60-500 cartridge (.58 inch bullet, of black powder), the caliber matching that of the Civil War Minié ball, which was originally used in these rifles. The Model 1865 quickly became obsolete, and most of them were sold in the 1870s to several American arms dealers. At the time, there was a large demand in the", "\"Springfield model 1880\"\nballistics of the weapon, and the sights had to be modified to compensate for the changes. Because of these problems, the model 1880s were all returned from the field and were placed into storage. After a failed successor design, the 1882, further attempts at improvement succeeded with the 1884, 1886 and 1888 rifles. Springfield model 1880 The Springfield model 1880 was a trapdoor rifle based on the design of the Springfield model 1873. In the years following the U.S. Civil War, Springfield Armory had produced bayonets by re-working older bayonets left over from the war. By 1880, their supply of", "\"Springfield musket\"\nthe original percussion lock. The model 1863 featured only minor improvements to the Model 1861, and is often considered to be a variant of that model. After the U.S. Civil War, many Model 1861/1863 muskets were converted to breech-loading weapons, creating the Model 1865 rifle. After the change from muzzle-loading to breech-loading, these weapons were no longer referred to as rifled muskets and instead were simply referred to as rifles. Springfield musket Springfield musket may refer to any one of several types of small arms produced by the Springfield Armory in Springfield, Massachusetts, for the United States armed forces. In", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nbrought out of storage for similar reasons. These old and obsolete weapons were replaced by newer weapons as they became available. The second most widely used weapon of the Civil War, and the most widely used weapon by the Confederates, was the British Pattern 1853 Enfield. Like the Springfield, this was a three-band, single-shot, muzzle-loading rifle musket. It was the standard weapon for the British Army between 1853 and 1867. Confederate soldiers liked it because its .577 cal. barrel allowed the use of .58 cal. ammunition used by both sides. The Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield, England, was forbidden", "\"Springfield Rifle (film)\"\ndown hill in the early 1950s, until \"\"High Noon\"\" opened in 1952, and labelled \"\"Springfield Rifle\"\" a \"\"mediocre\"\" western. Rebecca Fish Ewan called the film \"\"confusing\"\" and said that Cooper looked \"\"ever perplexed\"\". \"\"New York\"\" magazine said \"\"even Cooper can't keep this film from being just another ho- hum Western.\"\" However, \"\"New York Life\"\" described it as an \"\"exciting military melodrama of espionage and counterespionage in a frontier fort.\"\" Springfield Rifle (film) Springfield Rifle is a western film, directed by Andre DeToth and released by Warner Bros. Pictures in 1952. The film is set during the American Civil War and", "\"Armies in the American Civil War\"\nthe percussion cap on the cone or nipple, which, when struck by the hammer, ignited the gunpowder. The average rate of fire was three rounds per minute. A well‑trained soldier could possibly load and fire four times per minute, but in the confusion of battle, the rate of fire was probably slower, two to three rounds per minute. In addition to the Springfields, over 100 types of muskets, rifles, rifle muskets, and rifled muskets—ranging up to .79 caliber—were used during the American Civil War. The numerous American-made weapons were supplemented early in the conflict by a wide variety of imported", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nto sell arms to the Confederacy, but private contractors who manufactured the weapon under license were not. Approximately 900,000 of these muskets were imported during 1861–1865, seeing use in every major battle from Shiloh onward. Many officers preferred Springfield muskets over the Enfield — largely due to the interchangeability of parts that the machine-made Springfields offered. But some soldiers liked the Enfield better because its blued steel barrel and fittings did not have to be continually polished to ward off rust like the bright metal of the Springfield did. The Enfield had a stepped flip-up rear sight, which was adjustable", "\"Trapdoor mechanism\"\nwere not going to have a long service life, and the action was too complicated for normal service use. Therefore, before the Model 1865 production order was completed, a less complex rifle was already being tested. This caused the Model 1865 to be called the \"\"First Allin\"\", and the following revised model, the Springfield Model 1866, to be called the \"\"Second Allin\"\". The Springfield model 1865 fired a rimfire .58-60-500 cartridge (.58 inch bullet, of black powder), the caliber matching that of the Civil War Minié ball, which was originally used in these rifles. The Model 1865 quickly became obsolete,", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nand musketoons. The only breech-loading rifle (not built as a carbine like the Burnside) firing a primed-metallic cartridge (a .50 cal. rimfire) made by the Federal Government (at Springfield Armory) and actually designed for issue to infantrymen was the Model 1865 Springfield Joslyn Rifle, of which only 3,007 were made. In fact, this rifle was the first breechloader ever made in any national armory that fired a primed metallic cartridge. It was basically a Joslyn Carbine action mated to a heavily modified 1863 Springfield barrel and stock. It was issued to disabled soldiers of the Veteran Reserve Corps very late", "\"Springfield Model 1863\"\nSpringfield Model 1863 The Springfield Model 1863 is a .58 caliber rifled musket manufactured by the Springfield Armory between 1863 and 1865. The Model 1863 was only a minor improvement over the Springfield Model 1861. As such, it is sometimes classified as just a variant of the Model 1861. The Model 1861, with all of its variants, was the most commonly used longarm in the American Civil War, with over 700,000 manufactured. The Model 1863 also has the distinction of being the last muzzle-loading longarm produced by the Springfield Armory. The Model 1863 was produced in two variants. The Type", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nthe Battle of Gettysburg was the first engagement in which the army had no smoothbore muskets. Enfield and Springfield rifles were the primary infantry arms in the Army of Northern Virginia during the second half of the war, along with some Confederate clones of the Springfield such as the Richmond rifle. In the Western theater, Union armies still carried a significant number of smoothbore muskets into 1863, during the Vicksburg Campaign, Ulysses Grant's Army of The Tennessee had numerous \"\"mule guns\"\" and \"\"pumpkin slingers\"\" (nicknames for inferior shoulder arms). These included a high percentage of Liege rifles and M1809 Potsdam", "\"Lorenz rifle\"\nin two different patterns, the 1854 and the 1862. The Pattern 1862 had a different type of lock plate that more closely resembled that used on the Enfield. Pattern 1862 rifles were also more consistent in their manufacturing. A large number of Lorenz rifles purchased by the Union during Civil War had their barrels bored to .58 caliber, so that they could fire the same ammunition as the Enfield and Springfield rifle-muskets. The boring on these rifles suffered from the same lack of consistency that was found in the original manufacture of the rifles. Confederate purchased rifles were kept in", "\"M1903 Springfield\"\nM1903 Springfield The M1903 Springfield, formally the United States Rifle, Caliber .30-06, Model 1903, is an American five-round magazine fed, bolt-action service repeating rifle, used primarily during the first half of the 20th century. It was officially adopted as a United States military bolt-action rifle on June 19, 1903, and saw service in World War I. It was officially replaced as the standard infantry rifle by the faster-firing semi-automatic eight-round M1 Garand starting in 1936. However, the M1903 Springfield remained in service as a standard issue infantry rifle during World War II, since the U.S. entered the war without sufficient", "\"M1903 Springfield\"\nand M1917 Enfield Rifles. The M1903 became one of the primary rifles used by French forces until the end of the war, and was afterwards used in Indochina and by local militia and security forces in French Algeria. Large numbers of M1903 Springfields were sent to China. Springfield M1903 rifles captured by the Germans were designated Gewehr 249(a). After the Korean War, active service (as opposed to drill) use of the M1903 was rare. Still, some M1903A4s remained in sniper use as late as the Vietnam War; and technical manuals for them were printed as late as 1970. The U.S.", "\"Springfield Model 1855\"\nwas captured by the Confederate Army in early 1861. The captured machinery to produce rifle muskets was taken to Richmond, where it formed the \"\"backbone\"\" of Confederate weapon manufacturing capability. The Rifle machinery was taken to Fayetteville, North Carolina where it too was put to use for significant arms production throughout the War. As a result of using the original arsenal machinery, the Richmond rifle muskets and the Fayetteville rifles were two of the finest weapons produced by the Confederacy. The Model 1855 was in production until 1860 and was the standard-issue firearm of the regular army in the pre-Civil", "\"Springfield Model 1861\"\nbeen overstated. While more accurate in the hands of an experienced marksman, the rifled musket's accuracy was often lost in the hands of recruits who received only limited marksmanship training (the emphasis was on rate of fire). Further, most Civil War firefights were waged at a relatively close range using massed-fire tactics, minimizing the effect of the new rifle's long-range accuracy. Lastly, the .58 caliber bullet, when fired, followed a rainbow-like trajectory. As a result, many inexperienced soldiers who did not adjust their sights would shoot over their enemies' heads in combat. There are numerous accounts of this happening in", "\"James Paris Lee\"\nin gunsmithing and invention. In 1858, James Lee and his wife Caroline Lee (née Chrysler, of the later automotive family) moved to Wisconsin in the USA, where they had two sons- William (born in 1859) and George (1860). In 1861, Lee developed a breech loading cartridge conversion for the Springfield Model 1861 rifle musket, managing to acquire a contract for 1,000 rifles from the US Army during the American Civil War. The Lee Civil War carbine was manufactured in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 200 were delivered but due to a bore diameter error, these were rejected by the army and the weapon", "\"Springfield Rifle (film)\"\nSpringfield Rifle (film) Springfield Rifle is a western film, directed by Andre DeToth and released by Warner Bros. Pictures in 1952. The film is set during the American Civil War and stars Gary Cooper, with Phyllis Thaxter and Lon Chaney Jr.. It is described as \"\"essentially an espionage thriller that pits a Union intelligence officer (Gary Cooper) against a Confederate spy ring.\"\" A confederate spy has been informing rustlers about the timing and route of horse herds being driven by the Union Army, enabling the herds to be seized. Charged with cowardice when he abandons such a herd in the", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nshooting front rank soldiers in the back of the head. Bayonet fighting was also important at this time, which also made militaries reluctant to shorten the barrels. The Springfield Model 1861 therefore used a three-band barrel, making it just as long as the smoothbore muskets that it had replaced. The 38-inch-long rifled barrel made it a very accurate weapon, and it was possible to hit a man sized target with a Minié ball as far away as . To reflect this longer range, the Springfield was fitted with two flip up sights, one set for and the other for 500.", "\"Battle of the Little Bighorn\"\nModel 1873 rifle and carbine, and was not considered a significant shortcoming in the overall worthiness of the shoulder arm. With the ejector failure in US Army tests as low as 1:300, the Springfield carbine was vastly more reliable than the muzzle-loading Springfields used in the Civil War. Gallear addresses the post-battle testimony concerning the copper .45-55 cartridges supplied to the troops in which an officer is said to have cleared the chambers of spent cartridges for a number of Springfield carbines. This testimony of widespread fusing of the casings offered to the Chief of Ordnance at the Reno Court", "\"M1903 Springfield\"\nM1 rifles to arm all troops. It also remained in service as a sniper rifle during World War II, the Korean War, and even in the early stages of the Vietnam War. It remains popular as a civilian firearm, historical collector's piece, and as a military drill rifle. During the 1898 war with Spain, the M1893 Mauser used by the Spanish Army gained a deadly reputation, particularly from the Battle of San Juan Hill where 750 Spanish regulars significantly delayed the advance of 15,000 U.S. troops armed with outclassed Springfield Model 1892–99 Krag–Jørgensen bolt-action rifles and older single-shot Springfield rifles.", "\"Rifled musket\"\nused percussion lock systems, with some exceptions like the Springfield Model 1855, which also was equipped with the Maynard tape primer system. Since rifle muskets were meant as a direct replacement for smoothbore muskets, they were fitted with bayonets. Their designers envisioned that they would be used in battle much like the bayonets on older smoothbore muskets. However, in practice, the longer range of the rifle musket and changes in tactics rendered the bayonet almost obsolete. During the U.S. Civil War, bayonets accounted for less than one percent of battlefield casualties. In military use, rifle musket loading was simplified somewhat", "\"Springfield Model 1863\"\nrear sight with single leaf sight. A total of 255,040 of these were manufactured from 1864 to 1865. By the end of the Civil War, muzzle-loading rifles and muskets were considered obsolete. In the years following the Civil War, many Model 1863 muskets were converted into breech-loading \"\"Trapdoor Springfields\"\". The breech-loading weapons increased the rate of fire from three to four rounds per minute to eight to ten rounds per minute. The Model 1863 could be converted to breech-loading for about five dollars, at a time when a new rifle would cost about twenty dollars. The conversion of Model 1863", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\narsenal there. The arsenal boasted state-of-the-art machine tools for manufacturing firearms and the Confederates managed to dismantle all of the equipment and transport it by rail to Richmond and Fayetteville, North Carolina, where it became central to the Confederate war effort. At the First Battle of Bull Run in July 1861, US Regular Army regiments had Model 1855 Springfield rifles and some companies also had Model 1841 \"\"Mississippi\"\" rifles, however most soldiers in both armies had smoothbore muskets, primarily the Model 1842 musket or percussion-converted Model 1816/1822 musket (as well as some muskets still using the original flintlock mechanism). The", "\"Pattern 1853 Enfield\"\nof the Enfield Muskets in the Armed Constabulary's armouries were sold off to members of the public, and they remained a popular sporting and hunting arm in New Zealand well into the late 19th century, long after the introduction of metallic cartridge-loading firearms. The Enfield 1853 rifle-musket was also used by both the North and the South in the American Civil War, and was the second most widely used infantry weapon in the war, surpassed only by the Springfield Model 1861 Rifled Musket. The Confederates imported more Enfields during the course of the war than any other small arm, buying", "\"Rifled musket\"\nbattlefield. At the beginning of the American Civil War, some infantry regiments chose to leave the old smooth-bore muskets, considering that the muskets are much better than rifles due to the ability to shoot ball and buck. In the 1850s and 1860s, new weapons produced with rifled barrels continued to be referred to as \"\"rifled muskets\"\" or \"\"rifle-muskets\"\" even though they had not originally been produced as smoothbore weapons. The term was only used for weapons that directly replaced smoothbore muskets. For example, the Springfield Model 1861 with its typical musket style lock mechanism and long barrel length was called", "\"Springfield model 1871\"\nSpringfield model 1871 The Springfield model 1871 rolling-block U.S. Army rifle was manufactured in 1871–72 by Springfield Armory, using the design originated by Remington Arms Company, under a royalty agreement. During the U.S. Civil War, Joseph Rider experimented with several breech loading weapon designs. In 1865, he was issued the first patent for what would evolve into the Remington rolling block action. The Remingtons continued to invest in Rider's work, and met with Ordnance Department officials in the hope of interesting them in this new design. The U.S. Navy Ordnance Department became interested in the design, and purchased several different", "\"Springfield Model 1861\"\nfirms in the Union. The number of Model 1861 muskets produced by the Springfield Armory was 265,129 between January 1, 1861 and December 31, 1863. According to United States Muskets, Rifles and Carbines by Arcadi Gluckman Colonel Infantry, United States Army, published 1949. The Model 1861 was certainly a step forward in U.S. small arms design, being the first rifled shoulder weapon to be produced on such a large scale (relatively few Model 1855 rifled muskets were produced, and the 1803 Harper's Ferry rifle was, and is, genuinely rare). However, some argue that its impact on the Civil war has", "\"M1841 Mississippi rifle\"\nhis men be armed with them. The incident was the start of a lifelong feud between Davis and Scott. The Model 1841 was replaced by minie ball firing Model 1855 US Rifle, which became the standard issue weapon for regular army infantry, and ultimately the Model 1861 & Model 1863 Springfield. By the time of the Civil War, the Mississippi rifle was generally considered old-fashioned but effective. In the rush to arm troops in 1861 many new soldiers considered themselves fortunate to have any rifled arm while many of their comrades carried smoothbore muskets. It was carried by some Union", ".45-70\n.45-70 The .45-70 rifle cartridge, also known as .45-70 Government, was developed at the U.S. Army's Springfield Armory for use in the Springfield Model 1873, which is known to collectors as the \"\"Trapdoor Springfield\"\". The new cartridge was a replacement for the stop-gap .50-70 Government cartridge which had been adopted in 1866, one year after the end of the American Civil War. The new cartridge was completely identified as the .45-70-405, but was also referred to as the \"\".45 Government\"\" cartridge in commercial catalogs. The nomenclature of the time was based on three properties of the cartridge: The minimum acceptable", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nonly soldiers at First Bull Run who may have had foreign muskets were Wade Hampton's Hampton Legion, as he had ordered Enfield rifles from England to arm it with, however it is unclear if any reached his troops in time for the battle. Late in the year, the first shipments of European muskets began arriving, which included a wide range of weapons ranging from the modern (Model 1853 Enfield rifles) to antiquated ones from the Napoleonic Wars (Model 1809 Potsdam muskets). By early 1862, the first significant deliveries of Model 1861 Springfields began. The regular army received first pick of", "\"Armies in the American Civil War\"\nby the United States was designed by Claude Minié, a French Army officer. Whereas earlier rifles fired a round nonexpanding ball, the Minié system used a hollow‑based cylindro‑conoidal projectile slightly smaller than the bore that dropped easily into the barrel. When the powder charge was ignited by a fulminate of mercury percussion cap, the released powder gases expanded the base of the bullet into the rifled grooves, giving the projectile a ballistic spin. The model 1855 Springfield rifle musket was the first regulation arm to use the hollow‑base .58‑caliber minie bullet. The slightly modified model 1861 was the principal infantry", "Tallow\nissue with the rifle were greased with lard (pork fat), which was regarded as unclean by Muslims, or tallow (cow fat), which is incompatible with Hindu dietary laws. Tallow, along with beeswax, was also used in the lubricant for American Civil War ammunition used in the Springfield rifled musket. A combination of mutton tallow, paraffin wax and beeswax is still used as a patch or projectile lubricant in present-day black powder arms. Tallow is used to make a biodegradable motor oil by a Stamford, Connecticut–based company called Green Earth Technologies. Tallow finds a number of uses in woodworking. It can", "\"Springfield model 1870 Remington—Navy\"\njust a minor improvement to the model 1870 and included changes such as the correction of the location of the rear sight. Springfield model 1870 Remington—Navy The Springfield rolling-block U.S. Navy rifle was a shipboard small arm for use by the United States Navy, employing the Remington Arms Company rolling-block design, and manufactured under a royalty agreement with Remington. During the U.S. Civil War, Joseph Rider experimented with several breech loading weapon designs. In 1865, he was issued the first patent for what would evolve into the Remington rolling block action. The Remingtons continued to invest in Rider's work, and", "\"Springfield Model 1892–99\"\nand civilian designs. The trials were held at Governors Island, New York. Despite protests from domestic inventors and arms manufacturers—two designers, Russell and Livermore, even sued the U.S. government over the choice—the Krag–Jørgensen design was chosen by the board of officers. Approximately 500,000 \"\"Krags\"\" were produced at the Springfield Armory in Massachusetts from 1894 to 1904. It was the U.S. Army's primary rifle from 1894 to 1903 (when it was replaced by the M1903 Springfield rifle with its ballistically similar .30-03 cartridge), and found use in the Spanish–American War and the Philippine–American War. In this later war the rifle was", "\"Bolt action\"\nArmy in 1841. However, it was not the first bolt-action weapon to see combat, for it was not fielded until 1864. The United States purchased 900 Greene rifles (an under-hammer, percussion-capped, single-shot bolt action that utilized paper cartridges and an ogivial-bore rifling system) in 1857, which saw service at the Battle of Antietam in 1862, during the American Civil War; however, this weapon was ultimately considered too complicated for issue to soldiers, and was supplanted by the Springfield Model 1861, a conventional muzzle-loading rifle. During the American Civil War, the bolt-action Palmer carbine was patented in 1863, and by 1865,", "\"Springfield model 1870 Remington—Navy\"\nSpringfield model 1870 Remington—Navy The Springfield rolling-block U.S. Navy rifle was a shipboard small arm for use by the United States Navy, employing the Remington Arms Company rolling-block design, and manufactured under a royalty agreement with Remington. During the U.S. Civil War, Joseph Rider experimented with several breech loading weapon designs. In 1865, he was issued the first patent for what would evolve into the Remington rolling block action. The Remingtons continued to invest in Rider's work, and met with Ordnance Department officials in the hope of interesting them in this new design. The U.S. Navy Ordnance Department became interested", "\"Springfield Model 1865\"\nreducing the rifleman's visible cross section and thus vulnerability to counter-fire. As the Civil War drew to a close, the U.S. Ordnance Department requested prototypes of breech-loading weapons from arms manufacturers all over the world. After considerable testing, the prototype developed by Erskine S. Allin of the government-operated Springfield Armory was chosen for its simplicity and the fact that it could be produced by the modification of existing Springfield Model 1863 muskets. These modifications cost about $5 per rifle (around $73 adjusted for inflation), which was a significant savings at a time when new rifles cost about $20 each (around", "\"Minié ball\"\nthe spiral grooves, which then had to be cleaned out. The development of the Minié ball was significant because it was the first projectile which was small enough to be easily put down the barrel of a rifled long gun. Both the American Springfield Model 1861 and the British Pattern 1853 Enfield rifled muskets – the most common weapons used during the American Civil War – used the Minié ball. The Minié ball was a conical bullet with three exterior grease-filled grooves and a conical hollow in its base. The bullet was designed by Minié with a small iron plug", "\"Springfield Model 1888\"\nSpringfield Model 1888 The Springfield Model 1888 was one of several models of \"\"Trapdoor Springfield\"\" rifles produced in the late 19th century. It was the final design in a long line of Springfield Trapdoor rifles, built since the 1860s, and the last single-shot rifle to see American military service. Despite the replacement of the Trapdoor rifles by the adoption of newer repeating arms, they were manufactured until 1893 and saw combat during the Spanish–American War, a war that was dominated by the newer Krag bolt-action rifle. The Model 1888, despite its aged technology, was built in large numbers and was", "\"Harpers Ferry, West Virginia\"\nHarpers Ferry in 1799. This was one of only two such facilities in the U.S., the other being Springfield, Massachusetts. Together they produced most of the small arms for the U.S. Army. The town was transformed into an industrial center; between 1801 and 1861, when it was destroyed to prevent capture during the Civil War, the armory produced more than 600,000 muskets, rifles and pistols. Inventor Captain John H. Hall pioneered the use of interchangeable parts in firearms manufactured at his rifle works at the armory between 1820 and 1840; his M1819 Hall rifle was the first breech-loading weapon adopted", "\"M1903 Springfield\"\nThe M1906 cartridge is better known as the .30-06 Springfield round used in many rifles and machine guns, and is still a popular civilian cartridge to the present day. The rifle's sights were again re-tooled to compensate for the speed and trajectory of the new cartridge. By the time of U.S. entry into World War I, 843,239 of these rifles had been produced at Springfield Armory and Rock Island Arsenal. Pre-war production utilized questionable metallurgy. Some receivers constructed of single-heat-treated case-hardened steel were improperly subjected to excessive temperatures during the forging process. The carbon could be \"\"burnt\"\" out of the", "\"Company A 1-181 Infantry\"\nand Kapisa Provinces in Afghanistan. King Philip's War, Springfield Train Band French and Indian wars, Springfield Foot American Revolutionary War, Burt's Company American Civil War, Company E, 10th Massachusetts Infantry Spanish–American War, Springfield Rifles, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry Mexican Border campaign, H Company, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry World War I, B Company, 104th Infantry Regiment (United States) World War II, B Company, 104th Infantry Regiment (United States) Global War on Terror, Company A 1-104 IN / Company A 1-181 Infantry Company A 1-181 Infantry Company A 1st Battalion 181st Infantry Regiment is the oldest active company in the 181st Infantry Regiment. In", "\"Springfield Model 1888\"\nalso the most advanced and efficient of all the Springfield Trapdoor rifles, and is still popular for this reason among military enthusiasts today. The Trapdoor Springfields had originally been produced with reworked bayonets left over from the Civil War. When supplies of these bayonets ran low, Springfield Armory attempted to create a new design, as these bayonets were considered to be obsolete. For the Springfield Model 1880, Springfield Armory had attempted to combine the bayonet and cleaning rod into a single unit. This model had not been successful, due to problems with the bayonet/ramrod retaining mechanism and poor ballistic performance", "\".30-06 Springfield\"\na different lead alloy, and weighed instead of . This 1938 pattern cartridge, the cartridge, caliber .30, ball, M2, achieved a muzzle velocity of and muzzle energy of . The round weighed and its maximum range was approximately . In military service, the 30-06 was used in the bolt-action M1903 Springfield rifle, the bolt-action M1917 Enfield rifle, the semi-automatic M1 Garand rifle, the semi-automatic M1941 Johnson rifle, the Famage Mauser, the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), and numerous machine guns, including the M1917 and M1919 series. It served the United States in both World Wars and in the Korean War, its", "Sniper\nbook \"\"\"\", to which reference is still made by modern authors regarding the subject. The main sniper rifles used during the First World War were the German Mauser Gewehr 98; the British Pattern 1914 Enfield and Lee–Enfield SMLE Mk III, the Canadian Ross Rifle, the American M1903 Springfield, and the Russian M1891 Mosin–Nagant. During the interbellum, most nations dropped their specialized sniper units, notably the Germans. Effectiveness and dangers of snipers once again came to the fore during the Spanish Civil War. The only nation that had specially trained sniper units during the 1930s was the Soviet Union. Soviet snipers", "Sniper\ncould be determined after the sniper had fired a few shots. The Allies used their own snipers in the Pacific, notably the U.S. Marines, who used M1903 Springfield rifles. Common sniper rifles used during the Second World War include: the Soviet M1891/30 Mosin–Nagant and, to a lesser extent, the SVT-40; the German Mauser Karabiner 98k and Gewehr 43; the British Lee–Enfield No. 4 and Pattern 1914 Enfield; the Japanese Arisaka 97; the American M1903A4 Springfield and M1C Garand. The Italians trained few snipers and supplied them with a scoped Carcano Model 1891. Military sniper training aims to teach a high", "\"Springfield model 1880\"\naccounting for as many as a third or more of all battlefield casualties. The more accurate rifled muskets of the Civil War and the switch to breech loading weapons in the years after the Civil War made older bayonet tactics obsolete. Many military leaders believed that soldiers would benefit more from a bayonet that functioned more as a trench digging instrument than a traditional combat style bayonet. Many of these new trowel type bayonets were fielded. However, in the late 1870s the U.S. Army high command remained unconvinced of the usefulness of this style of bayonet, and informed commanders in", "\"Joslyn rifle\"\nweapons started in 1863, but by the time the Civil War came to an end only about half of these had been delivered. In 1865, Joslyn submitted two carbine designs for trial, both based on the Model 1864 carbine. Despite the difficulties between Joslyn and the U.S. Government, an order was placed for 5,000 of these weapons. Springfield Armory produced approximately 3,000 Joslyn rifles before hostilities ended. After the war ended, the U.S. Government canceled all remaining contracts, claiming that the rifles failed to meet specifications. Litigation related to these contracts persisted for many years after the war ended. In", "\"Red Cloud's War\"\nin the army since the Civil War. Previous military expeditions against the Sioux by Alfred Sully, Henry Hastings Sibley, and Patrick Edward Connor from 1863 to 1865 had numbered more than 2,000 soldiers. Five hundred of Carrington's men were new recruits and most were infantry, rather than cavalry. He had much less ammunition than the 100,000 rounds promised him. Carrington's men were armed with muzzle-loading Springfield rifles from the Civil War rather than new, faster-firing Spencer carbines and breech loading rifles. He had been \"\"equipped with the men, arms, and supplies to build and garrison forts, not to wage war", "\"Mexican–American War\"\ntheir weapons. The Mexican army was using surplus British muskets (e.g. Brown Bess) from the Napoleonic Wars period. While at the beginning of the war the majority of American soldiers were still equipped with the very similar Springfield 1816 flintlock muskets, more reliable caplock models gained large inroads within the rank and file as the conflict progressed. Some US troops carried radically modern weapons that gave them a significant advantage over their Mexican counterparts, such as the Springfield 1841 rifle of the Mississippi Rifles and the Colt Paterson revolver of the Texas Rangers. In the later stages of the war,", "\"Whitworth rifle\"\nof these rifles in September 2015. These rifles are used by Civil War re-enactors and those who have an interest in 19th century firearms, however the Civil War military variants were all \"\"2-band\"\" with 33\"\" barrels, while the reproduction rifles made as of 2017 are all the longer barreled, \"\"3-band\"\", civilian versions of the famed rifle. Many riflemen enjoy using these rifles in target shooting competition at ranges up to 1,000 yards. Whitworth rifle The Whitworth rifle was an English-made muzzle-loading single-shot rifled musket used in the latter half of the 19th century. Possessing excellent long range accuracy for its", "\"Winchester Model 70\"\ncar. The FN Patrol Bolt Rifle is also marketed with a compensator on the muzzle of the rifle's barrel. The United States Marine Corps purchased 373 Model 70 rifles in May, 1942. Although the Marine Corps officially used only the M1 Garand and the M1903 Springfield as sniper rifles during the Second World War, \"\"many Winchester Model 70s showed up at training camps and in actual field use during the Pacific campaign.\"\" These rifles had 24-inch sporter barrels chambered for .30-06 Springfield. They were serial numbered in the 41000 to 50000 range and were fitted with leaf sights and checkered", "\"M1903 Springfield\"\nsights, to take all his big game, including lions, on his first African safari in 1933. That safari is the subject of \"\"Green Hills of Africa\"\", published in 1935. M1903 Springfield The M1903 Springfield, formally the United States Rifle, Caliber .30-06, Model 1903, is an American five-round magazine fed, bolt-action service repeating rifle, used primarily during the first half of the 20th century. It was officially adopted as a United States military bolt-action rifle on June 19, 1903, and saw service in World War I. It was officially replaced as the standard infantry rifle by the faster-firing semi-automatic eight-round M1", "\"Springfield, Massachusetts\"\nthe Springfield Armory for its central location. The Armory would play a pivotal role in the Civil War with its manufacture of the famed \"\"Springfield Rifles\"\"; closing during the Kennedy administration, today this national park historic site features the largest collection of historic American firearms in the world. Today the city is the largest in western New England, and the urban, economic, and cultural capital of Massachusetts' Connecticut River Valley (colloquially known as the Pioneer Valley). It is the third-largest city in Massachusetts and fourth-largest in New England after Boston, Worcester, and Providence. Springfield has several nicknames – \"\"The City", "\"Springfield Armory\"\nArmory produced over 265,620 Model 1903 rifles. In addition, the War Department contracted for production of the M1917 Enfield Rifle to help aid American troops. These, along with the additional 47,251 rifles produced by the Rock Island Arsenal and the weapons already in service, were enough to supply the war effort. During World War I the Springfield Armory produced ≈25,000 M1911 pistols before all facilities were dedicated to production of M1903 rifles. In 1919, when John Garand was 31, he came to Springfield, where he worked to develop a semi-automatic rifle. Over the next five years many designs were submitted", "\"Massachusetts in the American Civil War\"\none of only two federal armories in the country, the other being the Harpers Ferry Armory. After the attack on Fort Sumter and the commencement of hostilities, Governor Andrew wrote Secretary of War Simon Cameron, urging him to discontinue the Harpers Ferry Armory (which was at that time on Confederate soil) and to channel all available federal funds towards enhancing production at the Springfield Armory. The armory produced the primary weapon of the Union infantry during the war—the Springfield rifled musket. By the end of the war, nearly 1.5 million had been produced by the armory and its numerous contractors", "\"M14 rifle\"\nother U.S. infantry rifle, surpassing the Springfield M1903 rifle. It also holds the distinction of serving as the standard infantry rifle of the U.S. Army for the second-shortest span of time of any service rifle, only surpassed by the short-lived US Krag–Jørgensen rifles and carbines. The Philippines issues M14 rifles, M1/M2 carbines, M1 rifles, and M16 rifles, to their civilian defense forces and various cadet corps service academies. The Hellenic Navy uses the M14. The M14 production Springfield tooling and assembly line was sold in 1967 to the Republic of China (Taiwan), who in 1968 began producing their Type 57", "\"Horace Dimick\"\npublicize his shops products, and entered the shop's weapons in regional competitions and fairs with great success. At the 1858 Third Annual Fair of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Association, H.E. Dimick and Company won the Grand Silver Medal in all categories the company competed in: Target Pistols; Shotguns; and Rifles. Dimick's rifles, cost $5 more than standard-issued Springfields ($25 to 20), were used as a sharpshooter weapon with the Col. Bérge's regiment during the Civil War. Dimick died in St.Louis in August, 1874. Horace Dimick Horace E. Dimick was a gunsmith and firearms dealer active in St. Louis,", "\"Rifles in the American Civil War\"\nKentucky \"\"Orphan\"\" Brigade replaced their flintlock muskets with Enfields dropped by Union troops during the fighting at the Hornet's Nest. During the Peninsula Campaign, the Army of the Potomac was more than 50% armed with Enfield and Springfield rifles, while the Army of Northern Virginia may have been using close to 40% smoothbore muskets. This may account for the lopsided casualty figures in the Seven Days Battles (15,000 Union casualties versus 20,000 Confederates). By the Battle of Antietam in September 1862, the Army of the Potomac had mostly phased out smoothbore muskets aside from the Irish Brigade, which by choice", "\"Blockade runners of the American Civil War\"\nseveral trips to Europe and back aboard these vessels. In April 1861, Huse departed the South for New York, where he met with James Welsman of Trenholm Brothers, and received funds for his trip to England. After stopping at Portland, Maine, he sailed to Liverpool, arriving there on May 10, 1861. He began to search the market for Enfield rifles, a weapon comparable to the popular Springfield rifle used by the Union Army. Because the market was already flooded with orders, Huse finally sought out S. Isaac, Campbell and Company to purchase the supplies needed. His purchase did not reach", "\"Lorenz rifle\"\nAustro-Sardinian War, not all Austrian units had received the new rifle. The Lorenz rifle was a percussion-type muzzle loader, and as such was similar in design to the British Pattern 1853 Enfield and the American Springfield Model 1861 rifle-muskets. It had a 37.5 inch barrel which was held into place by three barrel bands. The barrel was .54 caliber, which was slightly smaller than the .577 used by the Enfield and the .58 standardized in later Springfields. The stock was made of beech or occasionally walnut. The Lorenz could have either block or leaf-sights. The rifle was fitted with a", "\"Battle of the Little Bighorn\"\ncaliber rifled muskets of American Civil War vintage such as the Enfield and Springfield. Metal cartridge weapons were prized by native combatants, such as the Henry and the Spencer lever-action rifles, as well as Sharps breechloaders. Bows and arrows were utilized by younger braves in lieu of the more potent firearms; effective up to 30 yards (27 meters), the arrows could readily maim or disable an opponent. Sitting Bull's forces had no assured means to supply themselves with firearms and ammunition. Nonetheless, they could usually procure these through post-traders, licensed or unlicensed, and from gunrunners who operated in the Dakota", "\"The History Channel: Civil War – A Nation Divided\"\nThe game fails to separate the two factions and has one rifled musket, the Springfield. While the Confederates used them as field pickups they primarily used the Pattern 1853 Enfield. Melee combat is also a large part of the game, just as it was during the war. The Bowie knife and the cavalry saber are some of the melee weapons. Each battle can be played on one of three difficulty modes: Easy, Normal and Hard. Completing the game on any mode unlocks an achievement. No multiplayer features are present in the title, but the Xbox 360 version does support Leaderboards", "\"M1903 Springfield\"\nA3 and A4) were delivered in February 1944. By then, most American combat troops had been re-equipped with the M1 Garand. However, some front-line infantry units in both the U.S. Army and Marine Corps retained M1903s as infantry rifles beyond that date and continued to use them alongside the M1 Garand until the end of the Second World War in 1945. The Springfield remained in service for snipers (using the M1903A4), grenadiers (using a spigot type rifle 22 mm grenade launcher), and Marine Scout Sniper units. The M1903A4 was the U.S. Army's sniper rifle of choice during the Second World", "Rifle\nthe problem that earlier tight fitting bullets were difficult to load as black powder residue fouled the inside of the barrel. The Minié system allowed conical bullets to be loaded into rifles just as quickly as round balls in smooth bores, which allowed rifle muskets to replace muskets on the battlefield. Minié system rifles, notably the U.S. Springfield and the British Enfield of the early 1860s, featured prominently in the U.S. Civil War, due to their enhanced power and accuracy. Over the 19th century, bullet design also evolved, the bullets becoming gradually smaller and lighter. By 1910 the standard blunt-nosed" ]
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who is the chair person of rajya sabha
[ "Venkaiah Naidu )" ]
[ "\"Member of parliament, Rajya Sabha\"\nA person must satisfy all following conditions to be qualified to become a member of parliament of the Rajya Sabha; A person would be ineligible for being a Member of the Rajya Sabha if the person; Member of parliament, Rajya Sabha A member of parliament in the Rajya Sabha (abbreviated: MP) is the representative of the Indian states to the upper house of the Parliament of India (Rajya Sabha). Rajya Sabha MPs are elected by the electoral college of the elected members of the State Assembly with a system of proportional representation by a single transferable vote. Parliament of India", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nthe President. The 12 nominated members of the Rajya Sabha are persons who are eminent in particular fields, and are well known contributors in the particular field. Members of Rajya Sabha by their political party (As of 16 December 2018): Besides the Chairman (Vice-President of India) and the Deputy Chairman, there is also a position called \"\"Leader of the House\"\". This is a cabinet minister – the Prime Minister if he is a member of the House, or another nominated Minister. The Leader has a seat next to the Chairman, in the front row. Besides the Leader of the House,", "\"Member of parliament\"\nPradesh has the greatest number of representatives in both houses. The person which secures the support of more than half the seats in the Lok Sabha forms the Government. To form the government, parties may form a coalition. The Lok Sabha is the lower house and the Rajya Sabha is the upper house of the bicameral Indian Parliament. The term of a member of the Rajya Sabha is 6 years long, while the Lok Sabha members are elected for a term of 5 years, unless the house is dissolved sooner. Rajya Sabha is a permanent house, and is not subject", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\ninfluence in a joint sitting of Parliament. A joint session is chaired by the Speaker of Lok Sabha. Also, because the joint session is convened by the President on advice of the government, which already has a majority in Lok Sabha, the joint session is usually convened to get bills passed through a Rajya Sabha in which the government has a minority. Joint sessions of Parliament are a rarity, and have been convened three times in last 71 years, for the purpose of passage of a specific legislative act, the latest time being in 2002: Unlike the Lok Sabha, a", "\"Saroj Khaparde\"\nwas the Vice-Chairman of the Rajya Sabha from 1994-2000. She also chaired several boards in the Rajya Sabha during her tenure. She was the Chairman of the House Committee from 1982-1984, the Committee on Government Assurances, from 1996 to 98 and the Committee on Subordinate Legislation, in 1996 and then from 1998 to 2000. Khaparde also introduced 28 private-member bills in the Rajya Sabha, some of which are stated below. Khaparde introduced the Housewives (Compulsory Weekly Holiday from Domestic Chores) Bill in 1996. The bill provides that notwithstanding any custom, convention, ritual and tradition, it shall be the duty of", "\"D.B. Singh\"\nD.B. Singh D.B. \"\"Dinesh Bahadur\"\" Singh is a career India civil servant who formerly served as Secretary of Rajya Sabha and Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Parliament of India, i.e. the Upper House in the Indian Parliament (similar to the House of Lords but different as most Rajya Sabha members are elected by people's representatives, unlike most of the members of the House of Lords who have peerages bestowed upon them). He was appointed as Advisor in Rajya Sabha in 2014 and previously served as Additional Secretary and Joint Secretary in Rajya Sabha. He is a 1981 batch Central Secretariat Service officer.", "\"Parliamentary Committees of India\"\nre-structuring of DRSCs in July, 2004 each DRSC consists of 31 members—21 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha. There are 24 Department-related Standing Committees (DRSCs). Each of these committees have 31 members - 21 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha. These members are to be nominated by the Speaker of Lok Sabha or the Chairman of Rajya Sabha respectively. The term of office of these committees does not exceed one year. These committees are serviced either by Lok Sabha secretariat or the Rajya Sabha secretariat depending on who has appointed the chairman of that committee. <nowiki>**</nowiki>", "\"Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014\"\nThe Chapter IX details the offenses and penalties. The maximum penalty for hate speech against transgender people in 1 year imprisonment with fine. Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014 The Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014 is a proposed Act of the Parliament of India which seeks to end the discrimination faced by transgender people in India. The Bill was passed by the upper house Rajya Sabha on 24 April 2015. It was introduced in the lower house Lok Sabha on 26 February 2016. The Bill was introduced in the Rajya Sabha by Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) leader Tiruchi Siva", "\"Vice President of India\"\nin order to be qualified to be elected as Vice-President, a person must: While in order to be a President, a person must be qualified for election as a member of the Lok Sabha (House of Peoples), the Vice-President must be qualified for election as a member of the Rajya Sabha (Council of States). This difference is because the Vice-President is to act as the \"\"ex officio\"\" Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. The Vice-President is elected indirectly, by an electoral college consisting of members {elected as well as nominated} of both houses of the Parliament. The election of the Vice-President", "\"Member of parliament, Rajya Sabha\"\nMember of parliament, Rajya Sabha A member of parliament in the Rajya Sabha (abbreviated: MP) is the representative of the Indian states to the upper house of the Parliament of India (Rajya Sabha). Rajya Sabha MPs are elected by the electoral college of the elected members of the State Assembly with a system of proportional representation by a single transferable vote. Parliament of India is bicameral with two houses; Rajya Sabha (Upper house i.e. Council of States) and the Lok Sabha (Lower house i.e. House of the People). Total number of members of Rajya Sabha are lesser than member of", "\"Joint parliamentary committee\"\nprejudicial to the safety or interest of State. The Speaker has the final word on any dispute over calling for evidence against a person or production of a document. The first JPC was formed in August 1987 to investigate the Bofors scandal. It was chaired by Congress politician B. Shankaranand. It was formed on a motion moved by the then defence minister K.C. Pant in the Lok Sabha on August 6, 1987. The Rajya Sabha endorsed it a week later. The committee, held 50 sittings and gave its report on April 26, 1988. Opposition parties boycotted the committee on the", "\"Member of parliament, Rajya Sabha\"\nparliament in the Lok Sabha and have more restricted power than the lower house (Lok Sabha). Unlike membership to the Lok Sabha, membership to the Rajya Sabha is permanent for a term of six years cannot be dissolved at any time. Broad responsibilities of the members of parliament of Rajya Sabha are; Rajya Sabha enjoys certain special powers which in effect gives special powers and responsibilities to the Rajya Sabha MPs. The special powers are; Unlike membership to the Lok Sabha, membership to the Rajya Sabha is permanent for a term of six years cannot be dissolved at any time.", "\"Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014\"\nRights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014 The Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014 is a proposed Act of the Parliament of India which seeks to end the discrimination faced by transgender people in India. The Bill was passed by the upper house Rajya Sabha on 24 April 2015. It was introduced in the lower house Lok Sabha on 26 February 2016. The Bill was introduced in the Rajya Sabha by Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) leader Tiruchi Siva as a private member's bill. Some Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders initially tried to convince Siva to withdraw the bill citing anomalies and", "\"Majeed Memon\"\nMajeed Memon Majeed Memon (born 12 December 1945) is an Indian Politician and Member of Parliament in Rajya Sabha of India from Maharashtra . He is a criminal lawyer by profession and leader of Nationalist Congress Party. Memon is a Member of Parliament (M.P) of Rajya Sabha. He is a noted criminal lawyer who defended Indian personalities including politicians, human rights activists and film actors. He defended high-profile Indians overseas in various extradition matters. Memon is also a human rights activist. In July, 2005 Majeed Memon was shot at by unknown persons. Later criminal charges were filed. Majeed Memon is", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nlower house is more powerful in comparison with Rajya Sabha, the upper house. Hence, Rajya Sabha can only give recommendations for a money bill but Rajya Sabha cannot amend a money bill this is to ensure that Rajya Sabha must not add any non money matters in money bill. Lok Sabha can reject all the recommendations of Rajya Sabha or can accept some or all of the recommendations. Decisions of the speaker of the Lok Sabha are final. There is no joint sitting of both the houses with respect to money bills, because all final decisions are taken by the", "\"Lawmaking procedure in India\"\nof the recommendations of the Rajya Sabha with regard to a Money Bill. If Lok Sabha accepts any of the recommendations of Rajya Sabha, the Money Bill is deemed to have been passed by both Houses with amendments recommended by Rajya Sabha and accepted by Lok Sabha. If Lok Sabha does not accept any of the recommendations of Rajya Sabha, the Money Bill is deemed to have been passed by both Houses in the form in which it was passed by Lok Sabha without any of the amendments recommended by Rajya Sabha. If a Money Bill passed by Lok Sabha", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nsupport to the effective functioning of the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) possible to Members of Rajya Sabha; (iv) servicing the various Parliamentary Committees; (v) preparing research and reference material and bringing out various publications; (vi) recruitment of manpower in the Sabha Secretariat and attending to personnel matters; and (vii) preparing and publishing a record of the day-to-day proceedings of the Rajya Sabha and bringing out such other publications, as may be required concerning the functioning of the Rajya Sabha and its Committees. In the discharge of his constitutional and statutory responsibilities, the Chairman, Rajya Sabha is assisted by the", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nSecretary-General, who holds the rank equivalent to the Cabinet Secretary to the Government of India. The Secretary-General, in turn, is assisted by senior functionaries at the level of Secretary, Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary and other officers and staff of the Secretariat. Present secretary-general is Desh Deepak Sharma, IAS. Rajya Sabha Television (RSTV) is a 24-hour a day, seven day a week parliamentary TV channel fully owned and operated by the Rajya Sabha. The channel is aimed at providing in-depth coverage and analysis of parliamentary affairs especially the functioning of and developments related to Rajya Sabha. During sessions of Parliament, apart", "\"Rajya Sabha TV\"\nRajya Sabha TV Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) is an Indian cable television network channel owned and operated by Rajya Sabha that covers the proceedings of Rajya Sabha (the Upper House of the Parliament of India). Apart from telecasting live coverage of Rajya Sabha proceedings, RSTV also brings incisive analysis of parliamentary affairs. While focusing on current national and international affairs, it provides a platform for knowledge-based programmes for the discerning viewer. The channel offers special attention to legislative business undertaken by the Parliament. Conscious of its role as a public broadcaster, RSTV has conceptualised programmes on the basis of the", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nmeets in continuous sessions, and unlike the Lok Sabha, the lower house of Parliament, is not subject to dissolution. However, the Rajya Sabha, like the Lok Sabha can be prorogued by the President. The Rajya Sabha has equal footing in all areas of legislation with the Lok Sabha, except in the area of supply, where the Lok Sabha has overriding powers. In the case of conflicting legislation, a joint sitting of the two houses can be held. However, since the Lok Sabha has twice as many members as the Rajya Sabha, the former would normally hold the greater power. Joint", "\"Press Council of India\"\nare to be working journalists other than editors. 6 are to be from among persons who own or carry on the business of management of newspapers. One is to be from among the persons who manage news agencies. Three are to be persons having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of education and science, law and literature and culture. The remaining five are to Members of Parliament : three from Lok Sabha, and two from Rajya Sabha. The members serve on the Council for a term of three years. The Council was last reconstituted on 22 May 2001. The", "\"Derek O'Brien (politician)\"\nDerek O'Brien (politician) Derek O’Brien (born 1961) is an Indian politician, author, television personality, public speaker and quiz show host. He is a member of the Rajya Sabha (Upper House of India’s Parliament) from Bengal, representing the All India Trinamool Congress. He is the chief national spokesperson as well as leader of the Trinamool Congress Parliamentary party in the Rajya Sabha. O’Brien comes from an Anglo-Indian family and can trace his paternal origins to an Irish soldier who came to India in the early 1860s and whose descendants married into the Bengali community. O’Brien is based in Kolkata and speaks,", "\"Majeed Memon\"\nthe father of Mumbai based criminal lawyer Zulfiquar Memon. Majeed Memon Majeed Memon (born 12 December 1945) is an Indian Politician and Member of Parliament in Rajya Sabha of India from Maharashtra . He is a criminal lawyer by profession and leader of Nationalist Congress Party. Memon is a Member of Parliament (M.P) of Rajya Sabha. He is a noted criminal lawyer who defended Indian personalities including politicians, human rights activists and film actors. He defended high-profile Indians overseas in various extradition matters. Memon is also a human rights activist. In July, 2005 Majeed Memon was shot at by unknown", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nfor a member of Rajya Sabha are same as for a member of Lok Sabha. Rajya Sabha members are elected by state legislatures rather than directly through the electorate by single transferable vote method. From 18 July 2018, Rajya Sabha MPs can speak in 22 Indian languages in House as the Upper House has facility for simultaneous interpretation in all the 22 official languages of India. Article 84 of the Constitution lays down the qualifications for membership of Parliament. A member of the Rajya Sabha must: In addition, twelve members are nominated by the President of India having special knowledge", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nmember of the Rajya Sabha cannot bring to the house a no-confidence motion against the government. In the Indian federal structure, the Rajya Sabha is a representative of the States in the Union legislature (hence the name, Council of States). For this reason, the Rajya Sabha is granted powers that protect the rights of States against the Union. The Constitution empowers the Parliament of India to make laws on the matters reserved for States. However, this can only be done if the Rajya Sabha first passes a resolution by a two-thirds supermajority granting such a power to the Union Parliament.", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nsittings of the Houses of Parliament of India are rare, and in the history of the Republic, only three such joint-sessions have been held; the latest one for the passage of the 2002 Prevention of Terrorism Act. The Vice President of India (currently, Venkaiah Naidu) is the \"\"ex-officio\"\" Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, who presides over its sessions. The Deputy Chairman, who is elected from amongst the house's members, takes care of the day-to-day matters of the house in the absence of the Chairman. The Rajya Sabha held its first sitting on 13 May 1952. The salary and other benefits", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nfrom telecasting live coverage of the proceedings of Rajya Sabha, RSTV presents incisive analysis of the proceedings of the House as well as other day-to-day parliamentary events and developments. Rajya Sabha The Rajya Sabha or Council of States is the upper house of the Parliament of India. Membership of Rajya Sabha is limited by the Constitution to a maximum of 250 members, and current laws have provision for 245 members. Most of the members of the House are indirectly elected by state and territorial legislatures using single transferable votes, while the President can appoint 12 members for their contributions to", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nRajya Sabha The Rajya Sabha or Council of States is the upper house of the Parliament of India. Membership of Rajya Sabha is limited by the Constitution to a maximum of 250 members, and current laws have provision for 245 members. Most of the members of the House are indirectly elected by state and territorial legislatures using single transferable votes, while the President can appoint 12 members for their contributions to art, literature, science, and social services. Members sit for staggered terms lasting six years, with a third of the members up for election every two years. The Rajya Sabha", "\"1952 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n1952 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 1952, to elect members of the Council of States ( the Rajya Sabha), Indian Parliament's upper chamber. Elections were held in 1952 to elect members from various states of Independent India. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The members are elected in the elections held in 1952. As per the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the Rajya Sabha was first constituted 3 April 1952. and consist of 216 members of which 12 members were to be nominated by the President and the remaining 204 elected to represent the States.As", "\"Rajya Sabha TV\"\nvibrant relationship between the Parliament and the people of India. It aims at providing an objective perspective on national and international affairs to the people. RSTV touches upon all the aspects of political, economic, social and cultural life of the people, while promoting scientific temper among masses. With a vision to document the story of how the Constitution of India was created, Rajya Sabha TV produced the 10-part TV mini-series \"\"Samvidhaan\"\", which was directed by the noted film director Shyam Benegal. The following is a list of programmes which are telecast on Rajya Sabha TV: Rajya Sabha TV Rajya Sabha", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nwho is leading the majority, there is also a Leader of the Opposition (LOP) – leading the opposition parties. The function was only recognized in the Salary and Allowances of Leaders of the Opposition in Parliament Act, 1977. This is commonly the leader of the largest non-government party, and is recognized as such by the Chairman. The following is the list of the Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha: The Secretariat of Rajya Sabha was set up pursuant to the provisions contained in Article 98 of the Constitution. The said Article, which provides for a separate secretarial staff", "\"2013 Rajya Sabha election in Tamil Nadu\"\n2013 Rajya Sabha election in Tamil Nadu Rajya Sabha election in Tamil Nadu was the indirect election to the Rajya Sabha which is the upper house of the Parliament of India to elect members from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The election were held for six seats on 27 June 2013. The elections for which voting was held for the first time in 17 years. The term of six members of Rajya Sabha from Tamil Nadu expired on 27 July. Hence, the Election Commission of India decided to hold a biennial election for the six seats. The candidates were", "\"2000 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nthe resignation or death before the term. State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year 2000. State - Member - Party 2000 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 2000, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held to elect respectively 3 seats from Delhi and 1 seat from Sikkim, 58 members from 15 states and 3 members from Kerala a for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held in 2000 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\"", "\"2001 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nyear 2001. State - Member - Party 2001 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2001, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 2 members from Assam and 6 members from Tamil Nadu were elected to Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 2001.They are members for the term 2001-2007 and retire in year 2007, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The", "\"2004 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2004 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 2004, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber.The elections were held to elect respectively 13 members from 6 states , 49 members from 12 states 6 members from Andhra Pradesh, and 2 members from Haryana, for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held in 2004 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The following members are elected in the elections held in 2004. They are members for the term 2004-2010 and retire in year 2010, except in case of", "\"2011 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2011 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2011, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held on 22 July to elect respectively 1 member from Goa, 3 members from Gujarat and 6 members from West Bengal for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from Goa, Gujarat and West Bengal. The following members are elected in the elections held in 2011. State - Member - Party The bye-elections were also held for the vacant seats from the State of Karnataka,", "\"2001 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2001 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2001, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 2 members from Assam and 6 members from Tamil Nadu were elected to Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 2001.They are members for the term 2001-2007 and retire in year 2007, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the", "\"2018 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nelected unopposed for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 14 June 2018, to replace members retiring on 1 July 2018. In addition to scheduled elections, unforeseen vacancies, caused by members' resignation, death or disqualification, may also be filled via By-elections. 2018 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections are held in 2018 to elect the retiring members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held on January 16 to elect 3 members from Delhi and 1 member from Sikkim. The elections were held on March 23 to elect 58 members from 16 States and a by-election was", "\"2006 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2006 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2006, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber.The elections were held to elect respectively 1 member from Sikkim, 58 members from 15 states , 2 members from Jharkhand and 3 members from Kerala, for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 2006. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year 2006. State -", "\"2006 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nMember - Party 2006 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2006, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber.The elections were held to elect respectively 1 member from Sikkim, 58 members from 15 states , 2 members from Jharkhand and 3 members from Kerala, for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 2006. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year", "\"2010 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nfrom the State of Gujarat, Rajashthan, Uttar Pradesh. 2010 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2010, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held to elect respectively 13 members from 6 states, 49 members from 12 states, 6 members from Andhra Pradesh and 2 members from Haryana for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from various states . The following members are elected in the elections held in 2010. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The", "\"2008 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2008 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2008, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held to elect respectively 55 members from 15 states , 4 members from Karnataka and 1 member from Mizoram and Aruncahl Pradesh and 11 members from 2 states for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from various states . The following members are elected in the elections held in 2008. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The bye-elections were also held", "\"2008 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nfor the vacant seats from the State of Bihar, Nagaland, West Bengal and Bihar , and West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh. 2008 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2008, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held to elect respectively 55 members from 15 states , 4 members from Karnataka and 1 member from Mizoram and Aruncahl Pradesh and 11 members from 2 states for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from various states . The following members are", "\"2000 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2000 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 2000, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held to elect respectively 3 seats from Delhi and 1 seat from Sikkim, 58 members from 15 states and 3 members from Kerala a for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held in 2000 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The following members are elected in the elections held in 2000. They are members for the term 2000-2006 and retire in year 2006, except in case of", "\"2002 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2002 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 2002, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held to elect respectively 56 members from 17 states and 4 seats from Karnataka , 4 members from Jammu and Kashmir and 11 members from 2 states for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held in 2002 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The following members are elected in the elections held in 2002. They are members for the term 2002-2008 and retire in year 2008, except", "\"2002 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nin case of the resignation or death before the term. State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year 2002. State - Member - Party 2002 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 2002, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held to elect respectively 56 members from 17 states and 4 seats from Karnataka , 4 members from Jammu and Kashmir and 11 members from 2 states for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held in 2002 to elect members from", "\"2009 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2009 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2009, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held to elect respectively 4 members from Jammu and Kashmir, 3 members from Kerala and 1 members from Pondicherry for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from states of J&K, KL, PY. The following members are elected in the elections held in 2009.They are members for the term 2009-2015 and retire in year 2015, except in case of the resignation or death before the", "\"2009 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nterm. The list is incomplete. Member - Party - State State - Member - Party The bye-elections were also held for the vacant seats from the State of Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar . 2009 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2009, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held to elect respectively 4 members from Jammu and Kashmir, 3 members from Kerala and 1 members from Pondicherry for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from", "\"2016 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2016 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in India on March 14, and June 11, 2016, to elect 13 and 57 members of the Rajya Sabha respectively. The election of March 14, 2016 was held to elect 13 members for duration of 6 years from 6 states to the Rajya Sabha. The seats in following states were up for election with terms of sitting members ending as: Assam - 2 seats, Himachal Pradesh - 1 seat, Kerala - 3 seats, Tripura - 1 seat all term ending on 2 April 201; Nagaland - 1 seat with term", "\"2016 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nending on 2 April 2016 but vacant since 26 November 2015 and Punjab - 5 seats with term ending on 9 April 2016. The election of June 11, 2016 was held to elect 57 members from 15 states to the Rajya Sabha. The seats in following states were up for election: 2016 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in India on March 14, and June 11, 2016, to elect 13 and 57 members of the Rajya Sabha respectively. The election of March 14, 2016 was held to elect 13 members for duration of 6 years from 6", "\"2011 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nMadhya Pradesh, Maharashtra & Tamil Nadu, Assam and Bihar. 2011 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2011, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held on 22 July to elect respectively 1 member from Goa, 3 members from Gujarat and 6 members from West Bengal for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from Goa, Gujarat and West Bengal. The following members are elected in the elections held in 2011. State - Member - Party The bye-elections were also held", "\"2018 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nmembers are elected unopposed for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 15 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 2 April 2018. From Bihar State, 6 members are elected unopposed for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 15 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 2 April 2018. From Chhattisgarh State, 1 member is elected for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seat on 23 March 2018, to replace member retiring on 2 April 2018. From Gujarat State, 4 members are elected unopposed for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 15 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 2 April 2018. From Haryana State, 1 member", "\"2018 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nis elected unopposed for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 15 March 2018, to replace member retiring on 2 April 2018. From Himachal Pradesh State, 1 member is elected unopposed for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 15 March 2018, to replace member retiring on 2 April 2018. From Jharkhand State, 2 members are elected for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 23 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 3 May 2018. From Karnataka State, 4 members are elected for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 23 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 2 April 2018. From Madhya Pradesh State, 5 members", "\"2018 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nare elected unopposed for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 15 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 2 April 2018. From Maharashtra State, 6 members are elected unopposed for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 15 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 2 April 2018. From Odisha State, 3 members are elected unopposed for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 15 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 3 April 2018. From Rajasthan State, 3 members are elected unopposed for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 15 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 3 April 2018. From Telangana State, 3 members", "\"2018 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nare elected for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 23 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 2 April 2018. From Uttarakhand State, 1 member is elected unopposed for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 15 March 2018, to replace member retiring on 2 April 2018. From Uttar Pradesh State, 10 members are elected for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 23 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 2 April 2018. From West Bengal State, 5 members are elected for the \"\"Rajya Sabha\"\" seats on 23 March 2018, to replace members retiring on 2 April 2018. From Kerala State, 3 members are", "\"2010 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2010 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2010, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held to elect respectively 13 members from 6 states, 49 members from 12 states, 6 members from Andhra Pradesh and 2 members from Haryana for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held to elect members from various states . The following members are elected in the elections held in 2010. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The bye-elections were also held for the vacant seats", "\"2004 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nthe resignation or death before the term. State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year 2004. State - Member - Party 2004 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 2004, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber.The elections were held to elect respectively 13 members from 6 states , 49 members from 12 states 6 members from Andhra Pradesh, and 2 members from Haryana, for the Council of States, the Rajya Sabha. Elections were held in 2004 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\"", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nSabha for 14 days during which it can make recommendations. Even if Rajya Sabha fails to return the money bill in 14 days to the Lok Sabha, that bill is deemed to have passed by both the Houses. Also, if the Lok Sabha rejects any (or all) of the amendments proposed by the Rajya Sabha, the bill is deemed to have been passed by both Houses of Parliament of India in the form the Lok Sabha finally passes it. This is because the Lok Sabha has largest number of representatives of peoples of India and so the Lok Sabha, the", "\"S. S. Ahluwalia\"\ninto the Parliament as an MP from Bihar, in 1986. Over the years of his career, he has held the posts of Minister for Urban Development, and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs in the Union Government headed by P. V. Narasimha Rao. He was Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, till 2012 when he lost his Rajya Sabha seat in the Jharkhand Rajya Sabha elections. He subsequently entered the Lok Sabha, winning the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections from Darjeeling. Ahluwalia is a lawyer by education. Ahluwalia was a Member of Parliament from Rajya Sabha representing Bihar and Jharkhand", "\"Derek O'Brien (politician)\"\ncast by an elected member of the Anglo-Indian community—as members of the community have previously been \"\"nominated\"\" to the Lok Sabha and other assemblies and are not eligible to vote. Derek O'Brien (politician) Derek O’Brien (born 1961) is an Indian politician, author, television personality, public speaker and quiz show host. He is a member of the Rajya Sabha (Upper House of India’s Parliament) from Bengal, representing the All India Trinamool Congress. He is the chief national spokesperson as well as leader of the Trinamool Congress Parliamentary party in the Rajya Sabha. O’Brien comes from an Anglo-Indian family and can trace", "\"Vice President of India\"\nThe Constitution does not provide a mechanism of succession to the office of Vice-President in the event of an extraordinary vacancy, apart from a re-election. However, the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha can perform the Vice-President's duties as the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha in such an event. The Constitution states that the Vice-President can be removed by a resolution of the Rajya Sabha passed by an effective majority (50% of effective strength of house, here effective strength equals the total number strength minus the number of vacancies) and a simple majority (50% of total members who are present", "\"G. C. Chandrashekhar\"\ncommunication for those looking for information on Chennai floods. Chandrashekhar received the Guard of Honor on the occasion of 67th Republic Day on 26 January 2016, which is a ceremonial ritual practiced in the commonwealth countries. Chandrashekhar took oath in Kannada as a member of Rajya Sabha. The Vice President of India, Venkaiah Naidu, who is also the chairman of Rajya Sabha acknowledged the efforts of Chandrashekhar. G. C. Chandrashekhar G. C. Chandrashekhar (born 12 February 1963) is an Indian politician from the Indian National Congress. He is also a member of the Rajya Sabha for Karnataka. He took oath", "\"Jharna Das\"\nRajya Sabha elections from Tripura by receiving 49 votes, defeating Congress candidate Jyotirmoy Nath, who secured only 10 votes. This will be her second term in the Rajya Sabha. Jharna Das Jharna Das is an Indian politician from the Communist Party of India (Marxist). She is a Member of the Parliament of India, representing Tripura in the Rajya Sabha. She was elected unopposed in March 2010. Das is a member of the Tripura State Committee of the CPI(M). Before being elected to parliament, she served as the chairperson of the State Social Welfare Board. Das is the first Dalit to", "\"Twenty-fifth Amendment of the Constitution of India\"\nlaw for the acquisition of such property is such as would not restrict or abrogate the right guaranteed under that clause\"\". This amendment was accepted by the House, and the clause, as amended, was adopted by the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha on 1 and 8 December 1971, respectively. Clauses 1 and 3 of the Bill were adopted, in the original form, by the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha on 1 and 8 December 1971, respectively. The Bill, as passed by the Lok Sabha, was considered by the Rajya Sabha on 7 and 8 December and passed on", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nrepresentation in Rajya Sabha. Hence, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu & Lakshadweep do not send any representatives to Rajya Sabha. 12 members are nominated by the President. As per the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of India on 26 January 1950, the Rajya Sabha was to consist of 216 members of which 12 members were to be nominated by the President and the remaining 204 elected to represent the States. The present strength, however, is 245 members of whom 233 are representatives of the states and union territories and 12 are nominated by", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nin various areas like arts and science. However, they are not entitled to vote in Presidential elections as per Article 55 of the Constitution. The Constitution of India places some restrictions on the Rajya Sabha which makes the Lok Sabha more powerful in certain areas. The definition of a money bill is given in article 110 of constitution of India. A money bill can be introduced only in the Lok Sabha by a minister and only on recommendation of President of India. When the Lok Sabha passes a money bill then the Lok Sabha sends money bill to the Rajya", "\"Ripun Bora\"\nthe election even when it had earlier committed to support Mahabir Jain who had filed nomination papers as Independent. Ripun Bora Ripun Bora is a leader of the Indian National Congress party hailing from Assam. He is currently President, Assam Pradesh Congress Committee,MP of Rajya Sabha for Assam and Ex-Minister Govt of Assam. On 21 March 2016, he has been elected to the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of Indian Parliament along with Ranee Narah also from the Indian National Congress. Congress got support from AIUDF for the biennial Rajya Sabha election held on that day.Out of 114 MLAs, 85", "\"Parliament of India\"\nof the states. The Rajya Sabha can have a maximum of 250 members. It currently has a sanctioned strength of 245 members, of which 233 are elected from States and Union Territories and 12 are nominated by the President. The number of members from a state depends on its population. The minimum age for a person to become a member of Rajya Sabha is 30 years. The period during which the House meets to conduct its business is called a session. The Constitution empowers the president to summon each House at such intervals that there should not be more than", "\"Standing Committee on Finance\"\nfor the setting up of the seventeen Departmentally Related Standing Committees (DRSCs) covering under their jurisdiction all the ministries or departments of the Government of India. Formally set up in April 1993, the committee used to consist of 45members— 30 nominated by the Speaker from amongst the members of Lok Sabha and 15members nominated by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha from amongst the members of Rajya Sabha. However, during the re-structuring of DRSCs in July 2004 by the 14th Lok Sabha, the membership was reduced to 31members—21 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha. The inaugural chairperson of the committee", "\"K. Rahman Khan\"\nHouse from May 2000 to July 2004. He was inducted in the Union Cabinet as Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers and thereafter elected Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha from 22 July 2004 to 2 April 2006. Was re-elected to the Rajya Sabha for a third term in April 2006. He was re-elected Deputy Chairman Rajya Sabha on 12 May 2006. He was re-elected to the Rajya Sabha for a fourth term in April 2012. He was sworn in as Cabinet Minister as Minister of Minority Affairs on 28 October 2012 and remained in office till 25 May 2014. He", "\"1952 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n1952-58. Some members did not complete the term in case of the resignation or death before the term ending in 1958. In such cases the bye-elections were held. State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year 1952. 1952 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 1952, to elect members of the Council of States ( the Rajya Sabha), Indian Parliament's upper chamber. Elections were held in 1952 to elect members from various states of Independent India. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The members are elected in the elections held in 1952. As", "\"2003 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2003 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2003, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 3 members from Kerala and 1 member from Puducherrywere elected. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 2003. They are members for the term 2003-2009 and retire in year 2009, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year 2003. State -", "\"2003 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nMember - Party 2003 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2003, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 3 members from Kerala and 1 member from Puducherrywere elected. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 2003. They are members for the term 2003-2009 and retire in year 2009, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year", "\"1995 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n- Member - Party 1995 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 1995, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 2 members from Assam and 6 members from Tamil Nadu were elected. Elections were held in 1995 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The following members are elected in the elections held in 1995. They are members for the term 1995-2001 and retire in year 2001, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in", "\"1997 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n1997 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 1997, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 3 members from Kerala and 1 member from Puducherry were elected. Elections were held in 1997 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The following members are elected in the elections held in 1997. They are members for the term 1997-2003 and retire in year 2003, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year 1997. State -", "\"1997 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nMember - Party 1997 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 1997, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 3 members from Kerala and 1 member from Puducherry were elected. Elections were held in 1997 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The following members are elected in the elections held in 1997. They are members for the term 1997-2003 and retire in year 2003, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year", "\"2015 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2015 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in India in 2015 to elect eight members of the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament. Several bye-elections were also held. The regular elections were held to fill seats in the States of Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, and the Union Territory of Pondicherry. Jammu and Kashmir had an election on February 7, 2015. Kerala was supposed to have an election on April 16, 2015. But, the election was postponed to April 20. Pondicherry held the election on September 28, 2015 to elect one Member of Parliament. The", "\"Raashid Alvi\"\nto get a Rajya Sabha renomination and was dropped as the party spokesperson in 2013. Raashid Alvi Raashid Alvi (), is an Indian politician who served as a member of the Indian Parliament from both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. He is currently a member of the Indian National Congress party. Raashid Alvi was born in Chandpur, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, on 15 April 1956, to Islama Khatoon and Malik Irfan Ahmad Alvi, a freedom fighter He served as the All India general secretary of the Yuva Janata Dal In 1999, he was elected to the Lok Sabha from the", "\"Jai Narain Prasad Nishad\"\nSabha in April 2008 under the Anti-defection Law by the Vice President of India who is also the chairman of Rajya Sabha for switching sides. He was removed as a member of Rajya Sabha. He has changed five political parties fifteen times but got elected from the same seat five times. Jai Narain Prasad Nishad Jai Narain Prasad Nishad (born 18 November 1930) is an Indian politician and former Member of parliament from Muzaffarpur Lok Sabha Constituency in the Indian State of Bihar. He was a Union Minister for State in 1996-98 and has been a member of Lok Sabha", "\"Harivansh Narayan Singh\"\nto become one of the top newspapers in India, in terms of circulation. The newspaper was known for investigating many high-profile stories, including the Fodder scam In 2014, the Janata Dal (United) nominated Singh to the Rajya Sabha from the state of Bihar for a six-year term. On August 8th, 2018, he was elected as Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha for a six-year term as the candidate of the National Democratic Alliance, winning the election by a vote of 125 to 105 against the opposition candidate. He is the third person ever and first in forty years to hold", "\"Rajya Sabha\"\nfor each House of Parliament, reads as follows:- 98. Secretariat of Parliament – Each House of Parliament shall have a separate secretarial staff: Provided that nothing in this clause shall be construed as preventing the creation of posts common to both Houses of Parliament. (2) Parliament may by law regulate the recruitment and the conditions of service of persons appointed to the secretarial staff of either House of Parliament. The Rajya Sabha Secretariat functions under the overall guidance and control of the Chairman. The main activities of the Secretariat \"\"inter alia\"\" include the following : (i) providing secretarial assistance and", "\"1994 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n1994 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 1994, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 3 seats from Delhi & 1 seat from Sikkim, 58 members from 12 states and 3 members from Kerala State are elected. Elections were held in 1994 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The following members are elected in the elections held in 1994. They are members for the term 1994-2000 and retire in year 2000, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. State - Member - Party The", "\"1994 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nfollowing bye elections were held in the year 1994. State - Member - Party 1994 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 1994, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 3 seats from Delhi & 1 seat from Sikkim, 58 members from 12 states and 3 members from Kerala State are elected. Elections were held in 1994 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The following members are elected in the elections held in 1994. They are members for the term 1994-2000 and retire in year 2000, except in case", "\"1999 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n1999 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 1999, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 1 member grom Goa, 3 members from Gujarat and 6 members from West Bengal were elected. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 1999. They are members for the term 1999-2005 and retire in year 2005, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held", "\"1999 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nin the year 1999. State - Member - Party 1999 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 1999, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 1 member grom Goa, 3 members from Gujarat and 6 members from West Bengal were elected. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 1999. They are members for the term 1999-2005 and retire in year 2005, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State -", "\"2005 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2005 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2005, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 1 member from Goa, 3 members from Gujarat and 6 members from West Bengal were elected. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 2005. They are members for the term 2005-2011 and retire in year 2011, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held", "\"2005 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nin the year 2005. State - Member - Party 2005 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 2005, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 1 member from Goa, 3 members from Gujarat and 6 members from West Bengal were elected. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 2005. They are members for the term 2005-2011 and retire in year 2011, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State -", "\"1995 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n1995 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 1995, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 2 members from Assam and 6 members from Tamil Nadu were elected. Elections were held in 1995 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The following members are elected in the elections held in 1995. They are members for the term 1995-2001 and retire in year 2001, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year 1995. State", "\"1993 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n1993 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 1993, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber.1 member from Goa, 3 members from Gujarat and 6 members from West Bengal are elected. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 1993. They are members for the term 1993-1999 and retire in year 1999, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in", "\"1993 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nthe year 1993. State - Member - Party 1993 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held on various dates in 1993, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber.1 member from Goa, 3 members from Gujarat and 6 members from West Bengal are elected. Elections were held to elect members from various states. The following members are elected in the elections held in 1993. They are members for the term 1993-1999 and retire in year 1999, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" State - Member -", "\"1998 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n1998 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 1998, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 13 members from 6 states and 57 members from 14 states were elected. Elections were held in 1998 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The following members are elected in the elections held in 1998. They are members for the term 1998-2004 and retire in year 2004, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. State - Member - Party The following bye elections were held in the year 1998.", "\"1998 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nState - Member - Party 1998 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in 1998, to elect members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. 13 members from 6 states and 57 members from 14 states were elected. Elections were held in 1998 to elect members from various states. \"\"The list is incomplete.\"\" The following members are elected in the elections held in 1998. They are members for the term 1998-2004 and retire in year 2004, except in case of the resignation or death before the term. State - Member - Party The following bye elections were", "\"2015 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\nfollowing bye-elections were also held in 2015. 2015 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections were held in India in 2015 to elect eight members of the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament. Several bye-elections were also held. The regular elections were held to fill seats in the States of Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, and the Union Territory of Pondicherry. Jammu and Kashmir had an election on February 7, 2015. Kerala was supposed to have an election on April 16, 2015. But, the election was postponed to April 20. Pondicherry held the election on September 28, 2015", "\"Liberhan Commission\"\ninflux of visitors, pilgrims, sadhus and sants, monks, travellers, tourists.” BJP president Rajnath Singh will open the debate on the Liberhan Commission report in the Lok Sabha while Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley is expected to lead the party charge in the Rajya Sabha. The Lok Sabha debated the report on 1 December 2009 and the Rajya Sabha on 7 December 2009. The BJP had initially decided to field Sushma Swaraj as the lead speaker in the Lower House, but she will now be the second speaker on the issue. The performance of its star speakers in", "\"2013 Rajya Sabha election in Tamil Nadu\"\nindirectly elected by the Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) of Tamil Nadu using a single transferable vote with proportional representation. Each candidate should have 34 number of MLAs. Therefore, the party which has 34 MLAs can elect one member. The party which has less than 34 MLAs can get support from other parties. The results to the election were declared on June 27. Three MLAs of PMK boycotted the elections. 2013 Rajya Sabha election in Tamil Nadu Rajya Sabha election in Tamil Nadu was the indirect election to the Rajya Sabha which is the upper house of the Parliament", "\"2018 Indian Rajya Sabha elections\"\n2018 Indian Rajya Sabha elections Rajya Sabha elections are held in 2018 to elect the retiring members of the Rajya Sabha, Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held on January 16 to elect 3 members from Delhi and 1 member from Sikkim. The elections were held on March 23 to elect 58 members from 16 States and a by-election was held to elect 1 member from Kerala. The elections were held on June 21 to elect 3 members from Kerala. The elections were held to elect 3 members from National Capital Territory of Delhi and 1 member from Sikkim.", "Jayalalithaa\nwanted her to be a member of the Rajya Sabha because of her fluency in English. Indira Gandhi lauded Jayalalitha for the various speeches she made on issues including the one on internal security in Rajya Sabha. Jayalalithaa was elected to that body in 1984 and retained her seat until 1989. Her success in her role as propaganda secretary caused resentment among high-ranking members of the party. By engineering a rift between her and MGR, these members influenced MGR to stop her writing about her personal life in a Tamil magazine. Despite these machinations, she remained admired by the rank", "\"Ronen Sen\"\nmade the impugned remarks and that the same were unwarranted, and having tendered his unconditional apology, the Committee recommends that the matter should be allowed to rest here,\"\" the Rajya Sabha Committee said, in its report, tabled in the House. In its uncharacteristic censure, The Rajya Sabha panel felt his remarks were: \"\"not only in poor taste but also unwarranted .. personal frame of mind should not have influenced public utterances of a senior and experienced diplomat .. The Committee expects that such lapses, as admitted by him, shall not recur\"\" Ronen Sen Ranendra \"\"Ronen\"\" Sen (born 9 April 1944)", "\"Joginapally Santosh Kumar\"\nof TRS party and is personal secretary of K. Chandrashekhar Rao. He is running for Rajya Sabha to take care of important party affairs in Delhi. He is married to Rohini. They have two sons, Ishaan and Shreyaan. Joginapally Santosh Kumar Joginapally Santosh Kumar (born 7 December 1976) is a political leader from the Telangana Rashtra Samithi party and presently a Member of the Parliament of India representing Telangana in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament. He won the election on 23 March 2018. He is the Managing Director of Telugu media house, Namasthe Telangana in", "\"H. K. Dua\"\n1998. He was nominated by the UPA Government to the Rajya Sabha in November 2009, with his term expiring in November 2015. H. K. Dua Hari Krishan Dua (born 1 July 1937) is an Indian journalist, diplomat, and nominated member of the Rajya Sabha. Dua was the editor of the \"\"Hindustan Times\"\" from 1987–94, editor-in-chief of \"\"The Indian Express\"\" from 1994–96, and editor of \"\"The Tribune\"\" from 2003–09. During his time at the \"\"Indian Express\"\", Dua was adjudged the 'media person for 1994' by \"\"India Media\"\", an organization to promote mass communication. From to he served as India's Ambassador to" ]
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where is the university of northern iowa located
[ "Cedar Falls , Iowa" ]
[ "\"Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball\"\nNorthern Iowa Panthers women's basketball The Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team represents the University of Northern Iowa, located in Cedar Falls, Iowa, in NCAA Division I basketball competition. UNI is currently a member of the Missouri Valley Conference. On March 4, 2017, Tanya Warren became the all-time wins leader in Northern Iowa women's basketball history. She reached her 184th career win with a victory over Missouri State. The school has several statewide and national rivalries. In Iowa, typically UNI plays two, if not three of its Iowa neighbors each season. The university plays the University of Iowa, Iowa State", "\"Iowa Field\"\nIowa Field Iowa Field was a stadium in Iowa City, Iowa. It hosted the University of Iowa Hawkeyes football team until they moved to Iowa Stadium (now Kinnick Stadium) in 1929. The stadium held 30,000 people at its peak and was opened in 1890. Iowa Field was located on the east bank of the Iowa River where a parking lot currently exists across the railroad tracks from the university's Main Library. The northern third of this area was a baseball field, while the southern two-thirds consisted of the football field and stands. This strip of land was so narrow that", "\"Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball\"\nUniversity, and Drake University. Additionally, other UNI basketball rivals include, but are not limited to, Creighton University, Indiana State, Southern Illinois, and Wichita State. Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball The Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team represents the University of Northern Iowa, located in Cedar Falls, Iowa, in NCAA Division I basketball competition. UNI is currently a member of the Missouri Valley Conference. On March 4, 2017, Tanya Warren became the all-time wins leader in Northern Iowa women's basketball history. She reached her 184th career win with a victory over Missouri State. The school has several statewide and national rivalries.", "\"Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball\"\nbut are not limited to, Creighton University, Indiana State, Southern Illinois, and Wichita State. Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball The Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team represents the University of Northern Iowa, located in Cedar Falls, Iowa, in NCAA Division I basketball competition. UNI is currently a member of the Missouri Valley Conference. Jacobson's biggest coaching accomplishment to date was in the 2009–10 season, when the Panthers made a run into the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA Tournament highlighted by an upset of top national seed Kansas. columnist Pat Forde called the Panthers' win \"\"the biggest tourney upset in", "\"2017–18 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team\"\nMilwaukee in the first round. They advanced to the championship game of the Missouri Valley Tournament where they lost to Drake. They received an at-large to the NCAA Women's Tournament for the first time since 2011 where they lost to DePaul in the first round. !colspan=9 style=| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=| Missouri Valley Conference Regular season !colspan=9 style=| Missouri Valley Women's Tournament !colspan=9 style=| WNIT 2017–18 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team 2017–18 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team The 2017–18 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team represents the University of Northern Iowa in the 2017–18", "\"Annabeth Gish\"\nstarting in January 2018. Gish was born Anne Elizabeth Gish in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the daughter of Judy and Robert Gish. When she was two, her family moved to Cedar Falls, Iowa, where she grew up with her brother Tim and her sister Robin. Her father was an English professor at the University of Northern Iowa; her mother was an elementary school teacher. Gish went to Northern University High School in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where she graduated in 1989. She attended Duke University, where she was a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and focused her energies on the", "\"Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball\"\nNorthern Iowa Panthers men's basketball The Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team represents the University of Northern Iowa, located in Cedar Falls, Iowa, in NCAA Division I basketball competition. UNI is currently a member of the Missouri Valley Conference. Jacobson's biggest coaching accomplishment to date was in the 2009–10 season, when the Panthers made a run into the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA Tournament highlighted by an upset of top national seed Kansas. columnist Pat Forde called the Panthers' win \"\"the biggest tourney upset in years,\"\" and called the clinching shot by Panthers guard Ali Farokhmanesh \"\"the greatest early-round", "\"History of collegiate wrestling\"\nOhio State Buckeyes (Ohio State University), the Oregon State Beavers (Oregon State University), the Lehigh Mountain Hawks (Lehigh University), the Penn State Nittany Lions (Pennsylvania State University), the Pittsburgh Panthers (University of Pittsburgh), the now-defunct Omaha Mavericks (University of Nebraska Omaha), the Northwestern Wildcats (Northwestern University), the Northern Iowa Panthers (University of Northern Iowa), Augsburg College, and Wartburg College. Collegiate wrestling teams compete for the NCAA wrestling championship each year. The NCAA awards individual championships in the 10 weight classes, as well as a team title. The Dan Gable International Wrestling Institute and Museum is located in Waterloo, Iowa. The", "\"2017–18 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team\"\n2017–18 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team The 2017–18 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team represents the University of Northern Iowa in the 2017–18 NCAA Division I women's basketball season. The Panthers, led by eleventh year head coach Tanya Warren, play their home games at McLeod Center and are members of the Missouri Valley Conference. They finished the season 19–14, 13–5 in MVC play to finish in third place. They advanced to the championship game of the Missouri Valley Tournament where they lost to Drake. They received an at-large bid to the Women's National Invitation Tournament where they lost to", "\"Eddie Berlin\"\nEddie Berlin Edward Walton Berlin (born January 14, 1978), is a former American football wide receiver. He was originally drafted by the Tennessee Titans in the fifth round of the 2001 NFL Draft out of the University of Northern Iowa. He played for the Chicago Bears in 2005. Berlin was born in Urbandale, Iowa, where he attended Urbandale High School and won varsity letters in football, baseball, and track. In baseball, he was a two-time All-State honoree. He has a younger brother, Tommy, who also played football and went to Northern Iowa. Berlin attended University of Northern Iowa and was", "\"2010 Northern Iowa Panthers football team\"\n2010 Northern Iowa Panthers football team The 2010 Northern Iowa Panthers football team represented the University of Northern Iowa in the 2010 NCAA Division I FCS football season. The Panthers are a members of the Missouri Valley Football Conference, were coached by Mark Farley and played their home games in the UNI-Dome. They finished the season 7–5, 6–2 in MVFC play to claim the conference championship. They earned an automatic berth in the FCS playoffs, where they lost in the first round to Lehigh, 14–7. Northern Iowa was picked to finish fourth in the Missouri Valley Football Conference preseason poll.", "\"2016–17 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team\"\n2016–17 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team The 2016–17 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team will represent the University of Northern Iowa in the 2016–17 NCAA Division I women's basketball season. The Panthers, led by tenth year head coach Tanya Warren, played their home games at McLeod Center and were members of the Missouri Valley Conference. They advanced to the champiopnship game of the Missouri Valley Tournament where they lost to Drake. They received an at-large to the NCAA Women's Tournament for the first time since 2011 where they lost to DePaul in the first round. !colspan=9 style=\"\"background:#660099; color:#FFD700;\"\"| Exhibition", "\"2018 Northern Iowa Panthers football team\"\n2018 Northern Iowa Panthers football team The 2018 Northern Iowa Panthers football team represented the University of Northern Iowa in the 2018 NCAA Division I FCS football season. The team was led by Mark Farley in his 18th season and played their home games in the UNI-Dome in Cedar Falls, Iowa as a member of the Missouri Valley Football Conference. They finished the season 7–6, 5–3 in MVFC play to finish in a tie for third place. They received an at-large bid to the FCS Playoffs, where they defeated Lamar in the first round before losing to UC Davis in", "\"Greene, Iowa\"\nGreene, Iowa Greene is a city in Butler County, Iowa, along the Shell Rock River, and along Butler County's northern border, where Butler and Floyd counties meet. The population was 1,130 at the 2010 census. Greene is the headquarters of the Iowa Northern Railway. The city was first called \"\"Elm Springs\"\", but changed its name when Judge George Greene, president of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway, donated $1,000,000 for the establishment of a library. The city is located along the northern edge of Butler County, with a small portion extending north into Floyd County. According to the United", "\"2017 Northern Iowa Panthers football team\"\n2017 Northern Iowa Panthers football team The 2017 Northern Iowa Panthers football team represented the University of Northern Iowa in the 2017 NCAA Division I FCS football season. The team was coached by Mark Farley in his 17th season and played their home games in the UNI-Dome in Cedar Falls, Iowa as members of the Missouri Valley Football Conference. They finished the season 8–5, 6–2 in MVFC play to finish in a tie for second place. The Panthers received an at-large bid to the FCS Playoffs where they defeated Monmouth in the first round before losing in the second round", "\"University of Northern Iowa\"\nTeaching and Research Greenhouse is a greenhouse complex incorporating botanical gardens for research and education. It is located on the campus of the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Iowa. The greenhouse contains plants from many ecotypes, including 250 tropical plants, an extensive collection of arid climate plants, and the Aquatic Learning Center. From 2014 through 2018 the UNI hosted the \"\"Midwest Summer Institute: Inclusion and Communication for All\"\", a two-day conference on Facilitated communication sponsored by the Inclusion Connection and Syracuse University's Institute on Communication and Inclusion. In 2018, just before the fifth annual conference held on June", "\"University of Northern Iowa\"\nUniversity of Northern Iowa The University of Northern Iowa (UNI) is a public university in Cedar Falls, Iowa. UNI offers more than 90 majors across the colleges of Business Administration, Education, Humanities, Arts, and Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences and graduate college. The fall 2018 enrollment is 11,212. More than 88 percent of its students are from the state of Iowa. The University of Northern Iowa was founded as a result of two influential forces of the nineteenth century. First, Iowa wanted to care for orphans of its Civil War veterans, and secondly, Iowa needed a public teacher training institution.", "\"Northern Iowa Panthers football\"\nNorthern Iowa Panthers football The first year of Northern Iowa Panthers football was in 1895. They represent the University of Northern Iowa. They have fielded a football team every year since 1895 with the exceptions of 1906–1907 and 1943–1944. The Panthers currently compete in college football at the NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision level. The UNI-Dome opened in 1976, as the home of the UNI Panthers football team. The facility's capacity for football is 16,324. At football games, where cold temperatures are frequently an issue for fans, the UNI-Dome announcers have a tradition during pre-game rituals. The announcers will", "\"Camp Adventure\"\nlocations. The counselors train for several months during the spring semester at the University of Northern Iowa and other Universities across the nation, including California State University, Chico, California State University, Sacramento, University of California, Davis, Florida A & M University, Iowa State University, University of Iowa, University of Oregon, Oregon State University, San Diego State University, University of Toledo, and Washington State University. They are then sent to the destination for the summer, usually for 10 weeks. The counselors report directly to their camp director on site, who reports to the project coordinator, who oversees multiple sites in the", "\"University of Northern Iowa\"\nranked #11 by the AP Poll, the highest ranking in school history, and #9 by USA Today. There are many traditions at UNI. Since its founding, the University has had eleven presidents. University of Northern Iowa The University of Northern Iowa (UNI) is a public university in Cedar Falls, Iowa. UNI offers more than 90 majors across the colleges of Business Administration, Education, Humanities, Arts, and Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences and graduate college. The fall 2018 enrollment is 11,212. More than 88 percent of its students are from the state of Iowa. The University of Northern Iowa was founded", "\"2011 Northern Iowa Panthers football team\"\n2011 Northern Iowa Panthers football team The 2011 Northern Iowa Panthers football team represented the University of Northern Iowa in the 2011 NCAA Division I FCS football season. The Panthers were coached by Mark Farley and played their home games at the UNI-Dome. They are members of the Missouri Valley Football Conference. They finished the season 10–3, 7–1 in MVFC play to share the conference championship with North Dakota State. They received an at-large bid into the FCS playoffs where they defeated Wofford in the second round before falling to Montana in the quarterfinals. L. J. Fort was named MVFC", "\"2011 Northern Iowa Panthers football team\"\ndefensive player of the year. 2011 Northern Iowa Panthers football team The 2011 Northern Iowa Panthers football team represented the University of Northern Iowa in the 2011 NCAA Division I FCS football season. The Panthers were coached by Mark Farley and played their home games at the UNI-Dome. They are members of the Missouri Valley Football Conference. They finished the season 10–3, 7–1 in MVFC play to share the conference championship with North Dakota State. They received an at-large bid into the FCS playoffs where they defeated Wofford in the second round before falling to Montana in the quarterfinals. L.", "\"2014 Northern Iowa Panthers football team\"\n2014 Northern Iowa Panthers football team The 2014 Northern Iowa Panthers football team represented the University of Northern Iowa in the 2014 NCAA Division I FCS football season. The team was coached by Mark Farley and played their home games in the UNI-Dome. They were a member of the Missouri Valley Football Conference. They finished the season 9–5, 6–2 in MVFC play to finish in third place. They received an at-large bid to the FCS Playoffs where they defeated Stephen F. Austin in the first round before losing in the second round to Illinois State. The Panther Sports Network broadcast", "\"2015 Northern Iowa Panthers football team\"\n2015 Northern Iowa Panthers football team The 2015 Northern Iowa Panthers football team represented the University of Northern Iowa in the 2015 NCAA Division I FCS football season. The team is coached by Mark Farley in his 15th season and played their home games in the UNI-Dome. They were a member of the Missouri Valley Football Conference. They finished the season 9–5, 5–3 in MVFC play to finish in a three–way tie for second place. They received an at-large bid to the FCS Playoffs where they defeated Eastern Illinois in the first round and Portland State in the second round", "\"2015 Northern Iowa Panthers football team\"\nbefore losing in the quarterfinals to North Dakota State. 2015 Northern Iowa Panthers football team The 2015 Northern Iowa Panthers football team represented the University of Northern Iowa in the 2015 NCAA Division I FCS football season. The team is coached by Mark Farley in his 15th season and played their home games in the UNI-Dome. They were a member of the Missouri Valley Football Conference. They finished the season 9–5, 5–3 in MVFC play to finish in a three–way tie for second place. They received an at-large bid to the FCS Playoffs where they defeated Eastern Illinois in the", "\"Makinton Dorleant\"\nMakinton Dorleant Makinton Dorleant (born October 6, 1992) is an American football cornerback who is currently a free agent. He played college football at Northern Iowa. Dorleant was signed by the Green Bay Packers as an undrafted free agent in 2016. Dorleant attended The University of Northern Iowa, where he played for coach Mark Farley's Northern Iowa Panthers football team from 2013 to 2015 after transferring from The University of Maryland. After going undrafted in the 2016 NFL Draft, Dorleant signed with the Green Bay Packers on May 6, 2016. On September 5, 2016, he was placed on injured reserve.", "\"2014–15 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team\"\n2014–15 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team The 2014–15 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team represented the University of Northern Iowa during the 2014–15 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Panthers, led by ninth year head coach Ben Jacobson, played their home games at McLeod Center and were members of the Missouri Valley Conference (The Valley). They finished the season 31–4, 16–2 in MVC play to finish in second place. They defeated Bradley, Loyola–Chicago, and Illinois State to become champions of the Missouri Valley Tournament. They received an automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament where they defeated Wyoming in", "\"2015–16 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team\"\n2015–16 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team The 2015–16 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team will represent the University of Northern Iowa in the 2015–16 NCAA Division I women's basketball season. The Panthers, led by ninth year head coach Tanya Warren, played their home games at McLeod Center and are members of the Missouri Valley Conference. They finished the season 24–11, 15–3 in Missouri Valley League play to win the Missouri Valley Regular season title. They advanced to the semifinals of the Missouri Valley Tournament where they lost to Missouri State. They were invited to the Women's National Invitation Tournament", "\"2012–13 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team\"\n2012–13 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team The 2012–13 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team represented the University of Northern Iowa during the 2012–13 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Panthers, led by seventh year head coach Ben Jacobson, played their home games at McLeod Center and were members of the Missouri Valley Conference. They finished the season 21–15, 11–7 in MVC play to finish in third place. They lost in the quarterfinals of the Missouri Valley Tournament to Illinois State. They were invited to the 2013 CIT where they defeated North Dakota, UIC and Bradley to advance to", "\"Riverside, Iowa\"\nthe townsite's location on the English River. The Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway built a branch from Iowa City to What Cheer via Riverside in 1879. Riverside was just west of Iowa Junction, where the lines east to Muscatine and north to Iowa City diverged. Riverside is located at (41.481891, -91.576631). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , all of it land. Riverside is approximately south of Iowa City along U.S. Route 218 and west of Muscatine on Iowa Highway 22. Riverside is on the north bank of the English River.", "\"2015–16 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team\"\nwhere they defeated Nebraska and Drake in the first and second rounds before losing to South Dakota in the third round. !colspan=9 style=\"\"background:#660099; color:#FFD700;\"\"| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=\"\"background:#660099; color:#FFD700;\"\"| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=\"\"background:#660099; color:#FFD700;\"\"| Missouri Valley Conference Regular season !colspan=9 style=\"\"background:#660099; color:#FFD700;\"\"| Missouri Valley Tournament !colspan=9 style=\"\"background:#660099; color:#FFD700;\"\"| WNIT 2015–16 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team 2015–16 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team The 2015–16 Northern Iowa Panthers women's basketball team will represent the University of Northern Iowa in the 2015–16 NCAA Division I women's basketball season. The Panthers, led by ninth year head coach Tanya Warren, played their home", "\"2010–11 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team\"\nin Missouri Valley play and lost in the quarterfinals of the 2011 Missouri Valley Conference Men's Basketball Tournament. They were invited to the 2011 Tournament where they defeated Rider in the first round and received a second round bye before falling to SMU in the quarterfinals. !colspan=9| Exhibition !colspan=9| Regular Season !colspan=9| Missouri Valley Conference Basketball Tournament !colspan=9| Tournament 2010–11 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team The 2010–11 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team represented the University of Northern Iowa during the 2010–11 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Panthers, led by fifth year head coach Ben", "\"2011–12 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team\"\nTournament where they defeated Saint Joseph's in the first round before falling in the second round to Drexel. !colspan=9| Exhibition !colspan=9| Regular Season !colspan=9| Missouri Valley Conference Tournament !colspan=9| 2012 NIT 2011–12 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team The 2011–12 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team represented the University of Northern Iowa during the 2011–12 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Panthers, led by sixth year head coach Ben Jacobson, played their home games at McLeod Center and are members of the Missouri Valley Conference. They finished the season 20–14, 9–9 in MVC play to finish in a five", "\"2012–13 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team\"\nthe semifinals where they lost to Weber State. !colspan=9| Exhibition !colspan=9| Regular Season !colspan=9| 2013 Missouri Valley Conference Tournament !colspan=9| 2013 CIT 2012–13 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team The 2012–13 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team represented the University of Northern Iowa during the 2012–13 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Panthers, led by seventh year head coach Ben Jacobson, played their home games at McLeod Center and were members of the Missouri Valley Conference. They finished the season 21–15, 11–7 in MVC play to finish in third place. They lost in the quarterfinals of the Missouri Valley", "\"James Cloyd Bowman\"\nJames Cloyd Bowman James Cloyd Bowman (January 18, 1880 – September 27, 1961) was an American teacher and author primarily of children's books, college text books and journals. Born in Leipsic, Ohio. Bowman grew up in Ohio and attended Ohio Northern University (B.S. 1905) with graduate studies at Harvard University (A.M. 1910). He taught English at Iowa State College (now Iowa State University of Science and Technology), and then at Northern State Teachers College (now Northern Michigan University) at Marquette, MI, where he was chair of the English department from 1921-39. Bowman received a Newbery Honor in 1938 for \"\"Pecos", "\"Larry McKibben\"\nLarry McKibben Larry E. McKibben (born January 5, 1947 in Marshalltown, Iowa) was the Iowa State Senator from the 22nd District. He had served in the Iowa Senate since 1997 and was an assistant minority leader until he retired in 2008. He received his B.A. (1970) from the University of Northern Iowa and his J.D. (1972) from the University of Iowa College of Law. He was admitted to the Iowa bar in 1973. McKibben served on several committees in the Iowa Senate - the Commerce committee; the State Government committee; the Veterans Affairs committee; the Judiciary committee, where he was", "\"Michelle Kaufmann\"\nin Iowa where she developed an understanding of the relationship between humankind and the environment. Kaufmann received her undergraduate degree from Iowa State University and her Masters from Princeton University. Prior to founding Michelle Kaufmann Designs, Kaufmann was an Associate with Frank O. Gehry and had worked with him in Santa Monica. She also worked with Michael Graves. Kaufmann relocated to Northern California, where she founded Michelle Kaufmann Designs. She has been a lecturer and keynote speaker for numerous events, and has taught at Iowa State University and Woodbury University. Kaufmann currently lives with her husband and their two dogs", "\"Chris Klieman\"\nfootball team. His father Bob, a Hall of Fame official and was a long time coach of both golf and football at Columbus Catholic High School, is also a member of the Upper Iowa University's Athletic Hall of Fame. Chris has two siblings, a sister Sarah and a brother Scott. After high school, he attended the University of Northern Iowa where he played in the defensive secondary for the Panthers football team from 1986 to 1990. After graduating from Northern Iowa in 1990, Klieman began coaching for the Panthers under then head coach Terry Allen until 1993. Kleiman accepted a", "\"University of Iowa\"\nFebruary 25, 1847, just 59 days after Iowa was admitted to the Union. The Constitution of the State of Iowa refers to a State University to be established in Iowa City \"\"without branches at any other place.\"\" The legal name of the university is the State University of Iowa, but the Board of Regents approved using the \"\"University of Iowa\"\" for everyday usage in October 1964. The first faculty offered instruction at the university beginning in March 1855 to students in the Old Mechanics Building, located where Seashore Hall is now. In September 1855, there were 124 students, of whom", "\"Northern Iowa Panthers\"\nNorthern Iowa Panthers The Northern Iowa Panthers are the athletic teams of the University of Northern Iowa. The university is a member of the Missouri Valley Conference and competes in NCAA Division I (Division I FCS in football). The school's mascot is the Panther. They participate in the Missouri Valley Conference for all sports except football and wrestling, in which they are a member of the Missouri Valley Football Conference (formerly the Gateway Football Conference) and the Mid-American Conference. Northern Iowa previously competed in the Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, North Central Conference, and the Mid-Continent Conference. On September 8, 1931,", "\"Hawkeye Marching Band\"\ngroups, the HMB performs the traditional school songs like On Iowa, The Iowa Fight Song, and \"\"Roll Along Iowa\"\", and the different halftime selections from throughout the year. Every third year, the band travels to Cedar Rapids, Iowa where seven local metropolitan Cedar Rapids high school bands, along with the HMB, hold an exhibition of their halftime shows at the Cedar Rapids Indoor Marching Classic. The Hawkeye Marching Band rotates every third year with the Iowa State University Cyclone Football 'Varsity' Marching Band and the University of Northern Iowa Panther Marching Band. Following are those who have held the position", "\"Polly Granzow\"\nPolly Granzow Polly Granzow (born September 29, 1941) is a former Iowa State Representative from the 44th District. She served in the Iowa House of Representatives from 2003 to 2009. She received her BA from the University of Iowa and her MA from the University of Northern Iowa. Granzow served on several committees in the Iowa House - the Economic Growth committee; the Veterans Affairs committee; and the Human Resources committee, where she is the ranking member. She also serves on the Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee. Granzow was re-elected in 2006 with 5,559 votes (50%), defeating Democratic opponent", "\"University of Iowa Children's Hospital\"\nof the 2017 season against Penn State, the fan site where the idea of \"\"The Wave\"\" originated encouraged fans to turn on their cell phone flashlights while they waved to the patients. University of Iowa Children's Hospital University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital is a teaching hospital for children founded in 1919, located in a standalone structure that opened in early 2017 next to University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and overlooking the university's football home of Kinnick Stadium. It benefits from the services of University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. UI Children's Hospital also has an extensive library", "\"Northern Iowa Panthers wrestling\"\nNorthern Iowa Panthers wrestling The Northern Iowa Panthers wrestling team represents University of Northern Iowa and competes in the Big 12 Conference of NCAA Division I. The team is coached by Doug Schwab. The University of Northern Iowa Wrestling team, founded in 1923, won the NCAA (Single division) national championship in 1950 and the NCAA Division II national championships in 1975 and 1978. They competed in the Western Wrestling Conference until 2012, when UNI became an associate member of the Mid-American Conference since the Missouri Valley Conference is a non-wrestling conference. The Panthers continued to compete in the MAC through", "\"James Hynes\"\nJames Hynes James Hynes (born August 23, 1955) is an American novelist. He was born in Okemos, Michigan, and grew up in Big Rapids, Michigan. He currently resides in Austin, Texas, where he has taught creative writing at the University of Texas. He has also taught at the Iowa Writers' Workshop, the University of Michigan, Miami University, and Grinnell College. Hynes received a B.A. in philosophy from the University of Michigan and an M.F.A. from the Iowa Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa. His first novel, \"\"The Wild Colonial Boy,\"\" deals with terrorism in Northern Ireland. Hynes three subsequent", "\"Local Color (University of Northern Iowa Jazz Band One album)\"\nLocal Color (University of Northern Iowa Jazz Band One album) Local Color is a compact disc by the University of Northern Iowa Jazz Band One produced in the recording studio at Russell Hall in the University of Northern Iowa School of Music. This is their 25th CD release in as many years. This group has been consistently recognized as one of the top collegiate jazz ensembles in the United States having won numerous Down Beat awards and accolades from music industry professionals. \"\"..(the professors) have a magical way with these kids. Each time I hear one of (the) groups, I'm", "\"Oakdale, Iowa\"\nUniversity of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in 1981. The university established its Agricultural Medical Research Facility at Oakdale in 1966 as the first step of a major evolution of this rural satellite campus, which now also houses the State Hygienic Laboratory in a new facility, as well as the university's 197-acre Oakdale Research Park, where, among many other facilities, the National Advanced Driving Simulator is located. A separate entity that also carries the Oakdale name because of its proximity but was never a part of historic Oakdale, the Iowa prison system's Iowa Medical and Classification Center is located immediately across", "\"Wave on Wave (song)\"\ncampaign. It is currently used by the Washington Nationals during their \"\"Wave your caps\"\" salute. \"\"Wave On Wave\"\" was performed at halftime on the University of Iowa Football Team's home field, Kinnick Stadium, at halftime of the Hawkeye game versus Northern Iowa. Pat Green and a combined ensemble of performers from the University of Iowa Hawkeye Marching Band and the University of Northern Iowa Panther Marching Band joined together to perform the song at halftime. The University of Iowa Football team has been feted for starting \"\"The Wave,\"\" a tradition of turning toward the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's", "\"Michael Hogan (academic)\"\nMichael Hogan (academic) Michael J. Hogan (born 1943) is an American academic who has served in the administrations or on the faculty of many American universities, wrote or edited numerous books, contributed as an adviser to the U. S. Department of State and several documentaries. Currently he is a distinguished professor of history at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Born and raised in Waterloo, Iowa, Hogan earned his B.A. degree at the University of Northern Iowa, where he majored in English with minors in history and classics; his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees were conferred by the University of Iowa.", "\"Northern Iowa Panthers football\"\nannounce the weather in the town where the visiting team is from, and then will say \"\"The temperature in Cedar Falls, no wind, 72 degrees, Welcome to the UNI-DOME!\"\" to emphasize the fact that a domed stadium is not affected as much by the weather. As of December 1, 2018, the Panthers have a home record of 213-56-1. Northern Iowa has won thirty-three conference titles, the most out of the four Iowa Division I institutions. The Panthers have won two Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference championships, twelve North Central Conference championships, three Association of Mid-Continent Universities football championships and sixteen Missouri", "\"Justin Sandy\"\nJustin Sandy Justin Michael Sandy (born February 22, 1982) is a former American football safety. He was signed by the Tennessee Titans as an undrafted free agent in 2004. He played college football at Northern Iowa. Sandy attended East (Sioux City, Iowa) High School where he made 58 receptions for 957 yards and 28 touchdowns. He was voted at the 4A State Player of the Year in the State of Iowa. Sandy played college football for the University of Northern Iowa. Originally recruited to play wide receiver Sandy was moved to Safety his sophomore season. He played in 47 games", "\"Upper Iowa Peacocks\"\nUpper Iowa Peacocks The Upper Iowa Peacocks (also UIU Peacocks) are the athletic teams that represent Upper Iowa University, located in Fayette, Iowa, in NCAA Division II intercollegiate sports. The Peacocks compete as members of the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference for all 13 varsity sports except for men's soccer, which is an associate member of the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association. Men's sports Women's sports Upper Iowa's softball team appeared in two Women's College World Series in 1970 and 1971. Upper Iowa's men's soccer team won the MIAA Conference in 2015. In the same year they reached the 'Sweet 16' stage", "\"Upper Iowa Peacocks\"\nof the NCCA tournament. Upper Iowa Peacocks The Upper Iowa Peacocks (also UIU Peacocks) are the athletic teams that represent Upper Iowa University, located in Fayette, Iowa, in NCAA Division II intercollegiate sports. The Peacocks compete as members of the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference for all 13 varsity sports except for men's soccer, which is an associate member of the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association. Men's sports Women's sports Upper Iowa's softball team appeared in two Women's College World Series in 1970 and 1971. Upper Iowa's men's soccer team won the MIAA Conference in 2015. In the same year they reached", "\"Bill Stewart (musician)\"\nof Iowa. The largely self-taught drummer began playing at the age of seven. While in high school, he played in a Top 40 cover band and the school orchestra, and went to a summer music camp at Stanford Jazz Workshop, where he met jazz legend Dizzy Gillespie. After high school graduation, Stewart attended the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Iowa, playing in the jazz and marching bands as well as the orchestra. He then transferred to William Paterson University (then William Paterson College), where he played in ensembles directed by Rufus Reid, studied drums with Eliot Zigmund and", "\"Local Color (University of Northern Iowa Jazz Band One album)\"\nproves a worthy addition to UNI's expanding catalog of admirable recordings.\"\" \"\"Jack Bowers, senior contributor, All About Jazz\"\" Local Color (University of Northern Iowa Jazz Band One album) Local Color is a compact disc by the University of Northern Iowa Jazz Band One produced in the recording studio at Russell Hall in the University of Northern Iowa School of Music. This is their 25th CD release in as many years. This group has been consistently recognized as one of the top collegiate jazz ensembles in the United States having won numerous Down Beat awards and accolades from music industry professionals.", "\"Reginald Shepherd\"\nReginald Shepherd Reginald Shepherd (April 10, 1963 – September 10, 2008) was an American poet, born in New York City and raised in the Bronx. He died of cancer in Pensacola, Florida, in 2008. Shepherd, African-American and gay, graduated from Bennington College in 1988, and received MFAs from Brown University and the University of Iowa, where he attended the prestigious Iowa Writers Workshop. He subsequently taught at Northern Illinois University and Cornell University. In his last year at the University of Iowa, he received the \"\"Discovery\"\" prize from the 92nd Street Y, and his first collection, \"\"Some Are Drowning\"\" (1994),", "\"Jon Gjerde\"\nJon Gjerde Jon Gjerde (February 25, 1953 – October 26, 2008) was an American historian and the Alexander F. and May T. Morrison Professor of American History and American Citizenship at the University of California, Berkeley, where he also served as dean of the Division of Social Sciences in the College of Letters and Science at the University of California, Berkeley. Gjerde was born in Waterloo, Iowa, and grew up in Cedar Falls, Iowa, the youngest of three children in a family of Norwegian immigrants. His father, Waldemar Gjerde, was a professor of education at the University of Northern Iowa,", "\"Veterans Memorial Stadium (Cedar Rapids)\"\nAthletic Conference baseball tournament. It hosted the annual \"\"Corridor Classic\"\" between the Iowa Hawkeyes and the Northern Iowa Panthers until the University of Northern Iowa discontinued its baseball program. The city of Cedar Rapids owns Veterans Memorial Stadium, which was named to honor veterans of all wars, and the city's Veterans Memorial Commission operates and maintains the stadium. The Linn County All Veterans Memorial is located next to the stadium. In March 2004 the Kernels and the city agreed to a new 40-year lease agreement that reduced the ballclub's monthly payments from the original 20-year agreement that they had signed", "\"Joey Woody\"\n2004 Olympics. Woody qualified for the 2003 World Championships in Paris and made it to the finals, winning the silver medal behind 2001 World Champion Félix Sánchez. This was the largest success of his running career. Woody is now the Director of Track and Field and Cross Country at the University of Iowa. Joey Woody Joey Woody (born May 22, 1973 in Iowa City, Iowa) is an American track and field athlete in the 400 meter hurdles event. Woody attended the University of Northern Iowa, where he was the 1997 NCAA champion in the 400 m hurdles. Woody placed third", "\"Bob Bowlsby\"\nBob Bowlsby Robert Addison Bowlsby (born January 10, 1952) is the fourth commissioner of the Big 12 Conference replacing Dan Beebe. Prior to that position, he served as the athletic director at the University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, and Stanford University. Born in Waterloo, Iowa, Bowlsby was the AD at the University of Northern Iowa, until taking over as the athletic director at the University of Iowa from 1990 to 2006 prior to becoming Stanford's sixth athletic director in 2006. In 2012, he was hired to be commissioner of the Big 12 Conference. Bowlsby was selected as the", "\"Paul Jesperson\"\nPaul Jesperson Paul Jesperson (born December 2, 1992) is an American basketball player for Unión Financiera Baloncesto Oviedo of the Spanish LEB Oro. He played college basketball for the Northern Iowa Panthers. Jesperson attended Merrill High School where he became the schools all-time leading scorer. Jesperson attended the University of Virginia for two years before transferring to the University of Northern Iowa. In an NCAA tournament game versus the sixth seeded University of Texas Jesperson hit a half-court buzzer beating shot to win the game. The shot was featured in the 2016 edition of One Shining Moment. Jesperson averaged 10.5", "\"Rebecca Johns\"\nRebecca Johns Rebecca Johns (born 1971) is an author and educator. She is a graduate of the University of Missouri's School of Journalism and the Iowa Writers' Workshop. She is the author of \"\"Icebergs\"\" and \"\"The Countess\"\". Johns is a member of the DePaul University English Department and teaches annually at the Iowa Summer Writing Festival in Iowa City. Rebecca Johns grew up in northern Illinois and attended Antioch Community High School. She then attended University of Missouri at Columbia, where she majored in Journalism and English (1993). Johns has written for several notable publications, including \"\"Mademoiselle, Woman's Day, Self,", "\"Curt Hanson\"\nCurt Hanson Curtis Dean \"\"Curt\"\" Hanson (August 13, 1943 – June 16, 2017) was an American politician. He was born and raised on a Kossuth County, Iowa farm near Swea City. He was also a resident of Fairfield for fifty-two years. Hanson received his B.A. from the University of Northern Iowa and his M.A. from the University of Iowa. He was a driver education teacher at Fairfield High School for forty-three years, where he received the Fairfield Jaycee Outstanding Young Education Award and was named Fairfield Teacher of the Year Award. Hanson also was president of the Iowa Association of", "\"Massillon, Iowa\"\nMassillon, Iowa Massillon is an unincorporated community in Massillon Township, Cedar County, Iowa, United States. It is located south of the Wapsipinicon River on County Road Y24 west of Toronto and north of Lowden in the northeastern corner of the county, at 41.914844N, -90.922851W. The area where the town of Massillon was founded was originally known as Denson's Ferry, named after a Joseph Denson who ran a ferry on the Wapsipinicon River. The town plat was founded in 1854 and was a station along the Davenport & Northern Railroad. The town was named after the city of Massillon, Ohio located", "\"Everette Pedescleaux\"\nEverette Pedescleaux Everette Pedescleaux (born January 19, 1985) is a former American football defensive end. He was signed by the Denver Broncos as an undrafted free agent in 2009. He played college football at Northern Iowa. A native of Plymouth, Minnesota, Pedescleaux originally signed a football scholarship with the University of Minnesota with the intention to play basketball. However, he left the program before playing a game for the Gophers. He attended the University of Northern Iowa, where he has played football in the defensive line for the Panthers. He started only 20 of 51 games for the Panthers. He", "\"Iowa Highway 86\"\ntwo sharp curves located at the state line, right-of-way widening, and \"\"flattening\"\" the road by cutting down the high points and filling in the low points. Iowa Highway 86 Iowa Highway 86 (Iowa 86) is a state highway that runs from north to south in northwest Iowa. It begins at U.S. Highway 71 (US 71) in northern Milford and ends at the Minnesota border northwest of Spirit Lake, where it continues onward as Minnesota State Highway 86. Iowa Highway 86 begins at an intersection with US 71 north of Milford. It heads westward from this point before turning northward, passing", "\"Upper Iowa University\"\nUpper Iowa University Upper Iowa University (UIU) is a private institution of higher education with its residential campus located in northeast Iowa, United States near the Volga River in the rural community of Fayette, where around 900 students are enrolled. The university offers distance education programs that include 15 centers in the U.S., an online program, an independent study program, and centers in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. UIU has a total student enrollment of more than 6,000 students with a 24:1 student-to-faculty ratio (based on university-wide enrollment). Upper Iowa offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in more than 40", "\"Marcella Frevert\"\nMarcella Frevert Marcella R. Frevert (born October 26, 1937) was the Iowa State Representative from the 7th District. She served in the Iowa House of Representatives from 1996 through 2011. She received her AA from Emmetsburg Junior College, her BS from Minnesota State University, Mankato, and her MA from the University of Northern Iowa. Frevert currently serves on several committees in the Iowa House – the Agriculture committee; the Ways and Means committee; and the Environmental Protection committee, where she is vice chair. She also serves on the Education Appropriations Subcommittee. Frevert was re-elected in 2006 with 7,335 votes, running", "\"Marcella Frevert\"\nunopposed. Marcella Frevert Marcella R. Frevert (born October 26, 1937) was the Iowa State Representative from the 7th District. She served in the Iowa House of Representatives from 1996 through 2011. She received her AA from Emmetsburg Junior College, her BS from Minnesota State University, Mankato, and her MA from the University of Northern Iowa. Frevert currently serves on several committees in the Iowa House – the Agriculture committee; the Ways and Means committee; and the Environmental Protection committee, where she is vice chair. She also serves on the Education Appropriations Subcommittee. Frevert was re-elected in 2006 with 7,335 votes,", "\"University of Northern Iowa\"\nover 40 programs. The mission of the Study Abroad Center at the University of Northern Iowa is to provide service and leadership in international education to UNI students, faculty, staff, the community and the State of Iowa. The Culture and Intensive English Program (CIEP) is an intensive program in English for non-native speakers. It is designed to prepare students for academic work at the undergraduate or graduate degree level. University of Northern Iowa students are also encouraged to participate in the Conversation Partner Program to help foreign students with their English ability and foster cross-cultural relationships while gaining mutual understanding.", "\"U.S. Route 20 in Iowa\"\nold-growth woodland of the Iowa River valley with minimal impact. U.S. Highway 20 continues east towards Cedar Falls where it overlaps Iowa Highway 58 for just over . The western junction of Iowa 58 (Hudson Road) connects traffic to the University of Northern Iowa while the eastern junction of Iowa 58 is also the western junction of Iowa Highway 27, the Avenue of the Saints. Another mile east, in Waterloo, US 20 intersects U.S. Route 63 (Sergeant Road). On the southeast side of Waterloo, Interstate 380 joins US 20/IA 27 for before exiting with Iowa 27 south towards Cedar Rapids.", "\"Interstate 80 in Iowa\"\ninterchange that serves the Iowa Speedway. Now in Iowa County, I-80 continues towards the eastern end of the stretch of straight highway. It turns slightly to the southeast near the Ladora exit and straightens again at the Marengo interchange, where Kinze Manufacturing, a farm implement manufacturer, advertises its business to passing travelers by arranging farm implements into sculptures. A few miles east, in Williamsburg, is the northern end of Iowa 149. The Williamsburg exit is the location of a Tanger Outlet Mall. The next interchange marks the southern end of US 151. Both the Iowa 149 and US 151 interchanges", "\"Wapsie Valley High School\"\na career. McKowen was the 2003 \"\"Mr. Basketball\"\" for the state of Iowa, and had a successful career at Northern Iowa, spanning from 2003-2007. He is current the head basketball coach at Upper Iowa University. Former professional runner for Team USA Minnesota. Formerly a member of the Brooks Hanson Project. Placed 2nd at the USATF 10-mile Championships among many other accomplishments. Wapsie Valley High School Wapsie Valley High School (WVHS) is a secondary school in northeastern Iowa, United States. It is located equidistantly between Readlyn and Fairbank. Former player for Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa. He started coaching at Kirkwood", "\"Jean Ray Laury\"\nthe pioneers\"\" of non-traditional quilts. Born on March 22, 1928 in Doon, Iowa, Jean Ray Laury was the daughter of Ralph and Alice Ray. She was the second of four girls. Growing up, Laury's \"\"mother encouraged her to 'do what you want to do, and don't do what everybody else does.'\"\" As a child, Laury loved drawing and painting. The family moved to Oak Ridge, Tennessee where she graduated from high school. She returned to Iowa to attend Iowa State Teachers' College (now University of Northern Iowa), where she earned her bachelor's degree in Art and English in 1950. After", "\"Edwin K. Barker\"\nEdwin K. Barker Edwin K. Barker (born 8 August 1928) was the first principal of Iowa City West High School, and was chosen as one of the 150 most notable people in the 150 year history of Iowa City, Iowa. He retired as principal in 1979 to pursue business activities. Edwin Barker is a native of Indianola, Iowa, where his ancestors were pioneer settlers. He attended the University of Northern Iowa and served in the U.S. Army as part of the U.S. occupation of Japan. Barker was principal of high schools in Coon Rapids, Chariton, and Boone, Iowa before becoming", "\"Bill Hager\"\nBill Hager Bill Hager (born February 6, 1947) is a Republican politician from Florida. He served four terms in the Florida House of Representatives, representing parts of coastal Palm Beach County from 2010 to 2018. Hager was born in Pipestone, Minnesota, and later moved to Iowa, where he attended the University of Northern Iowa, graduating with a bachelor's degree in mathematics. He then moved to Hawaii, where he worked as a middle school math teacher and attended the University of Hawaii, receiving his Master of Education in educational psychology in 1972. Hager then attended the University of Illinois College of", "\"Northern Iowa Panthers wrestling\"\nthe 2016–17 season, after which they moved to the Big 12. Doug Schwab is the current head coach for the Northern Iowa Wrestling Team. Mission Statement - To communicate with UNI wrestling fans to support, encourage, promote a successful UNI wrestling tradition. In the 2013-2014 season, head coach Doug Schwab led the Panthers to a perfect 13-0 season in dual meets, the only division one wrestling team to go undefeated. Northern Iowa Panther Wrestling Accomplishments: Notable wrestlers: Northern Iowa Panthers wrestling The Northern Iowa Panthers wrestling team represents University of Northern Iowa and competes in the Big 12 Conference of", "\"2008 Northern Iowa Panthers football team\"\n2008 Northern Iowa Panthers football team The 2008 Northern Iowa Panthers football team represented the University of Northern Iowa in the 2008 NCAA Division I FCS football season. The previous year's team finished first (of nine) in the Gateway Football Conference. The Gateway Football Conference was renamed the Missouri Valley Football League in June 2008. The team was coached by Mark Farley and played their home games in the UNI-Dome. On November 14, 2008 Northern Iowa won its first back-to-back conference championships since the 1995 and 1996 seasons. Northern Iowa was awarded the third seed in the 2008 FCS playoffs.", "\"2008 Northern Iowa Panthers football team\"\n2008 Northern Iowa Panthers football team The 2008 Northern Iowa Panthers football team represented the University of Northern Iowa in the 2008 NCAA Division I FCS football season. The previous year's team finished first (of nine) in the Gateway Football Conference. The Gateway Football Conference was renamed the Missouri Valley Football League in June 2008. The team was coached by Mark Farley and played their home games in the UNI-Dome. On November 14, 2008 Northern Iowa won its first back-to-back conference championships since the 1995 and 1996 seasons. Northern Iowa was awarded the third seed in the 2008 FCS playoffs.", "\"Northern University High School\"\na 120–49 record under Coach Aldrich, who was a member of the Iowa High School Coaches Hall of Fame. Despite its small size, students from Northern University High School were consistently accepted into the Iowa All State Orchestra, Band and Choir. The school became a subject of controversy in July 2009 after local media agencies reported that nine families had defrauded the school in order to receive discounted tuition. One person implicated in this scandal is Iowa State Representative Kerry Burt. Northern University High School Northern University High School, or Price Lab, was a small private high school in Cedar", "\"2008–09 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team\"\nState College of Iowa Panthers team. On February 2, 2008 Northern Iowa received 1 point in the AP Top 25 poll which had them ranked 45th. On March 9, 2008 Northern Iowa received 3 points in the AP Top 25 poll which had them ranked T-37th. 2008–09 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team The 2008–09 Northern Iowa Panthers men's basketball team represents University of Northern Iowa in the 2008-09 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The team, which plays in the Missouri Valley Conference (MVC), is led by third-year head coach Ben Jacobson. In 2007–08, the Panthers finished 18–14 (9–9", "\"Northern Iowa Panthers\"\nWrestling Accomplishments: Notable wrestlers: UNI's men's baseball program was discontinued after the 2008-2009 season. In 1961, the Panthers led by future Baltimore RP Eddie Watt qualified for the NCAA Division 1 Baseball Tournament losing in the District 5 Final to eventual CWS Runner-Up Oklahoma State in Stillwater. Other MLB players who attended UNI include Duane Josephson, the first Panther named All-American and who led the nation in HR's. Northern Iowa Panthers The Northern Iowa Panthers are the athletic teams of the University of Northern Iowa. The university is a member of the Missouri Valley Conference and competes in NCAA Division", "\"David Johnson (running back)\"\na junior. He helped lead the River Kings to the state tournament during his senior season, where he averaged a team-best 15.7 points and 7.9 rebounds per game. He was a first-team All-league selection in the Mississippi Athletic Conference and a third-team All-State pick by the Iowa Newspaper Association. He was also a second-team All-state selection by \"\"The Des Moines Register\"\". Johnson committed to the University of Northern Iowa to play college football. The only other school to offer Johnson an athletic scholarship was Illinois State. Johnson attended Northern Iowa from 2010 to 2014. After redshirting in 2010, he played", "\"U.S. Route 30 in Iowa\"\n30 crosses Iowa 4 and Iowa 144 on the northern edge of Jefferson and Grand Junction, the latter of the cities named for its location at the junction of the historic Chicago & Northwestern and Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroads, now both owned by Union Pacific, respectively. East of Grand Junction, the highway passes over the Overland Route where it stays south of the railroad until Le Grand. west of Ogden, US 30 is joined by US 169 from the north. The two highways run concurrently until reaching Ogden, where the road becomes a four-lane expressway. US 169 exits", "\"Iowa Board of Regents\"\nIowa Board of Regents The Board of Regents, State of Iowa (commonly referred to as the Iowa Board of Regents) is the 9-member governing body overseeing the three public universities in the state of Iowa: the University of Iowa, Iowa State University, and the University of Northern Iowa. The board also serves the Iowa School for the Deaf and the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School, the state's two public special schools. The governor of Iowa appoints regents to six-year terms, which are subject to Iowa Senate confirmation by a two-thirds vote. Terms begin May 1 and end April 30.", "\"Dave Heaton\"\nDave Heaton David Edward \"\"Dave\"\" Heaton (born February 2, 1941) is the Iowa State Representative from the 91st District, representing all of Henry County and the northern portion of Lee County. He has served in the Iowa House of Representatives since January 1995. Born and raised in Sigourney, Iowa, he received his B.A. in history in 1964 from Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, where he currently resides. For 40 years, he and his family owned and operated a popular restaurant operation, The Iris, located in Mount Pleasant. He and his wife, Carmen, are the parents of two grown", "\"Ryan Hannam\"\nRyan Hannam Ryan Hannam (born February 24, 1980) was an American football tight end in the National Football League for the Seattle Seahawks and Dallas Cowboys. He played college football at the University of Northern Iowa. Hannam attended St. Ansgar High School, where he played football, baseball, track and basketball. He was a three-time All-district selection at defensive tackle and a National Honor Society Member. He accepted a football scholarship from the Division I-AA University of Northern Iowa. As a freshman, he saw limited action, catching 2 passes for 39 yards and one touchdown. As a sophomore, he made 4", "\"Ryan Hannam\"\nMarch 1, 2007. Ryan Hannam Ryan Hannam (born February 24, 1980) was an American football tight end in the National Football League for the Seattle Seahawks and Dallas Cowboys. He played college football at the University of Northern Iowa. Hannam attended St. Ansgar High School, where he played football, baseball, track and basketball. He was a three-time All-district selection at defensive tackle and a National Honor Society Member. He accepted a football scholarship from the Division I-AA University of Northern Iowa. As a freshman, he saw limited action, catching 2 passes for 39 yards and one touchdown. As a sophomore,", "\"Dedric Ward\"\nDedric Ward Dedric Lamar Ward (born September 29, 1974) is a former American football wide receiver in the National Football League for the New York Jets, Miami Dolphins, Baltimore Ravens, New England Patriots and Dallas Cowboys. He also was an assistant coach in the National Football League. He played college football at Northern Iowa University. Ward attended Washington High School, where he played as a running back and wide receiver. He also practiced basketball. He accepted a football scholarship from Division I-AA Northern Iowa University. He became a starter at wide receiver as a sophomore. As a junior, he caught", "\"Brian Schoenjahn\"\nBrian Schoenjahn Brian H. Schoenjahn (born 1949) is an Iowa State Senator from the 12th District. A Democrat, he has served in the Iowa Senate since 2005. He received his B.A. in Social Science and his M.A. in Political Science from the University of Northern Iowa. Schoenjahn currently serves on several committees in the Iowa Senate - the Appropriations committee; the Judiciary committee; the Local Government committee; the Natural Resources committee; and the Education committee, where he is vice chair. He also serves as chair of the Education Appropriations Subcommittee. Prior political experience includes serving as mayor of Arlington, Iowa", "\"Iowa Big Four men's college basketball\"\nconsiderably so the event was moved back to the third Saturday, although all four universities host December Commencement exercises on the day. The event consists of two games played back to back. Initially, in even numbered years, Iowa played Northern Iowa and Drake played Iowa State. In odd numbered years, Iowa played Drake and Northern Iowa played Iowa State. The even-odd rotation was switched as part of the 2016-2019 extension. The schools also rotate hosting duties in this order: Iowa, Drake, Iowa State, Northern Iowa. Which game is first/second and at what times is largely determined by television. Initially there", "\"AIB College of Business\"\ncenter is in theory open to the UI, Iowa State University, and the University of Northern Iowa, though only the UI currently plans to offer programs on site. The regents asked a consultant to review whether the AIB site is the best fit for the resource center in the long term and left open the possibility of selling the campus. The site is worth about $20.4 million. The consultant found that the campus is not the \"\"most positive\"\" location for such for such a center. Bruce Rastetter, Board of Regents President, commented that the AIB Campus \"\"is downtown!\"\" during a", "\"Iowa Board of Regents\"\nThe board has nine members. Under state law, one of the regents must be a student of one of the three public universities, and no more than five members can be of the same political affiliation or gender. The current members of the Board of Regents are as follows: Iowa Board of Regents The Board of Regents, State of Iowa (commonly referred to as the Iowa Board of Regents) is the 9-member governing body overseeing the three public universities in the state of Iowa: the University of Iowa, Iowa State University, and the University of Northern Iowa. The board also", "\"Iowa Public Radio\"\nIowa Public Radio Iowa Public Radio is a state network in the U.S. state of Iowa that combines the operations of the National Public Radio member stations run by Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, and University of Northern Iowa. They broadcast programs from National Public Radio, Public Radio International and American Public Media, along with local content (notably music) on weekends and evenings. The network is headquartered in Des Moines, with studios on the ISU campus in Ames, the University of Iowa campus in Iowa City and the UNI campus in Cedar Falls. For many years, Iowa's three", "\"Mark Nook\"\nMark Nook Mark A. Nook is an American higher education administrator, currently serving as the 11th president of the University of Northern Iowa. Prior to this, he was the chancellor of Montana State University Billings. Nook hold a bachelor's degree degree in mathematics and physics from Southwest Minnesota State University, a master's degree in astrophysics from Iowa State University, and a Ph.D in astronomy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Nook began teaching physics and astronomy at Concordia College in 1983, where he was an instructor until 1986. Following this, he worked on the Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-Polarimeter Experiment until 1991.", "\"Iowa Field\"\nthe upper portion of the west stands stuck out over the Iowa River and the upper section of the east stands rose directly over the railroad tracks, as shown in rare photographs of that era. Iowa Field Iowa Field was a stadium in Iowa City, Iowa. It hosted the University of Iowa Hawkeyes football team until they moved to Iowa Stadium (now Kinnick Stadium) in 1929. The stadium held 30,000 people at its peak and was opened in 1890. Iowa Field was located on the east bank of the Iowa River where a parking lot currently exists across the railroad", "\"Cedar Falls, Iowa\"\nlong community-wide celebration named in their honor – the Sturgis Falls Celebration. Because of the availability of water power, Cedar Falls developed as a milling and industrial center prior to the Civil War. The establishment of the Civil War Soldiers' Orphans Home in Cedar Falls changed the direction in which the city developed when, following the war, it became the first building on the campus of the Iowa State Normal School (now the University of Northern Iowa). Cedar Falls is located at (42.523520, −92.446402). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , of", "\"Mark Nook\"\nStudent Affairs from 2012 to 2014. From 2014 to December 2016, Nook was the chancellor of Montana State University Billings. He currently serves as the president of the University of Northern Iowa. Mark Nook Mark A. Nook is an American higher education administrator, currently serving as the 11th president of the University of Northern Iowa. Prior to this, he was the chancellor of Montana State University Billings. Nook hold a bachelor's degree degree in mathematics and physics from Southwest Minnesota State University, a master's degree in astrophysics from Iowa State University, and a Ph.D in astronomy from the University of", "\"Clear Lake (Iowa)\"\nmade canals and harbors on the northern shore of the lake. Clear Lake is also home to the historic Surf Ballroom which was where Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, and Ritchie Valens made their last performance on Feb. 3, 1959 before being killed hours later in a tragic plane crash. Often Feb. 3, 1959 is referred to as \"\"The Day the Music Died\"\" as highlighted in the Don McLean hit \"\"American Pie.\"\" Clear Lake (Iowa) Clear Lake is the name of a natural spring fed body of water located in Cerro Gordo County, Iowa near Clear Lake, Iowa. It is", "\"Iowa Public Radio\"\napplications are in competition with other groups. Iowa Public Radio Iowa Public Radio is a state network in the U.S. state of Iowa that combines the operations of the National Public Radio member stations run by Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, and University of Northern Iowa. They broadcast programs from National Public Radio, Public Radio International and American Public Media, along with local content (notably music) on weekends and evenings. The network is headquartered in Des Moines, with studios on the ISU campus in Ames, the University of Iowa campus in Iowa City and the UNI campus in" ]
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who played jack frost in the santa clause movie
[ "Martin Short" ]
[ "\"The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause\"\nstating the Escape Clause. Scott has Lucy steal Frost's snow globe and bring it to him; when Frost finds out and takes the globe back, Scott plays the recording of Frost saying, \"\"I wish I'd never been Santa at all\"\", invoking the Escape Clause and causing Scott and Frost to be sent back again to 1994. Scott restrains Jack long enough to let the 1994 Scott get the coat, making him Santa Claus again and taking him back to the North Pole in the present, where no time has passed. Scott reconciles with his family and Jack is arrested by", "\"The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause\"\nSanta, Jack Frost negotiates a light sentence of community service at the North Pole, helping Scott and the elves put up various Canadian-themed paraphernalia, as Carol's parents believe Scott is a toymaker in Canada, which Scott agrees. However, Frost's ultimate goal is to trick Santa into renouncing his position. When elf Curtis inadvertently reveals the \"\"Escape Clause,\"\" Frost sneaks into Santa's hall of snow globes and steals one containing Scott as Santa. If Scott holds the globe and says, \"\"I wish I'd never been Santa at all,\"\" he will go back in time and undo his career as Santa. When", "\"The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause\"\nThe Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause is a 2006 American Christmas fantasy comedy adventure film directed by Michael Lembeck. It is the third and final film in the \"\"Santa Clause\"\" film series following \"\"The Santa Clause\"\" and \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\". The film stars Tim Allen returning as Scott Calvin/Santa Claus and Martin Short as Jack Frost. Allen and Short had previously worked together in the 1997 Disney comedy feature film, \"\"Jungle 2 Jungle\"\". Most of the supporting actors from the first two films reprise their roles, with the exception of David", "\"Robin Cousins\"\nfrom 2006 to 2014, but did not return to the show when it was revived in 2018. Cousins has also performed on stage. He played the Prince in Rodgers and Hammerstein's \"\"Cinderella\"\", Munkustrap in \"\"Cats\"\", and Frank N Furter in \"\"The Rocky Horror Show\"\" in the West End. He has performed pantomime, playing Jack Frost in \"\"Santa Clause\"\" and the \"\"Return of Jack Frost\"\" at the Mayflower Theatre, Southampton. Prior to this he played the Prince in \"\"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\"\" at the Grand Opera House, Belfast. Cousins has worked with the British synchronized swimming team. In 2005,", "\"The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause\"\nLucy discovers this, Frost freezes her parents and locks her in a closet. He then orchestrates situations that make Scott think he must resign to make things better. Frost tricks Scott into invoking the Escape Clause and both are sent to Scott's front yard in 1994, when Scott caused the original Santa to fall off of his roof and had to replace him. Frost causes the original Santa to fall off the roof and grabs Santa's coat before Scott can, making Frost the new Santa. Scott is sent back to the present day, where he has been CEO of his", "\"Santa Claus in film\"\nmagic to look the part. Reluctant at first, he falls in love with his newfound role. This film spawned two sequels. In 2002's \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\", he must find a wife (the \"\"Mrs. Clause\"\") and in 2006's \"\"\"\", he must battle Jack Frost for control of the North Pole. A recent and unique television special also draws upon the succession theme. In \"\"Call Me Claus\"\" (2001), Lucy Cullins (Whoopi Goldberg) is an African American woman destined to become the next Santa Claus. She, too, is reluctant to take on the role. In \"\"The Hebrew Hammer\"\" (2003), the role of", "\"The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause\"\nto reveal their baby boy, Buddy Claus. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 17% based on 65 reviews, with an average rating of 3.7/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"Playing Jack Frost as an evil cross between Liza Minnelli and Liberace, Martin Short is a welcome presence, but this tired series continues drawing from its bag of bland gags and dumb slapstick.\"\" On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 32 out of 100, based on 17 critics, indicating \"\"generally unfavorable reviews\"\". Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of \"\"B+\"\"", "\"The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause\"\nalong with Scott's former wife, Laura, her husband, Neil, their daughter, Lucy, and Scott's son, Charlie. Meanwhile, he is summoned to a meeting of the Council of Legendary Figures, consisting of Mother Nature, Father Time, the Easter Bunny, Cupid, the Tooth Fairy, and the Sandman, concerning the behavior of Jack Frost, who is jealous that he has no holiday or special occasion in his honor. Because he has been promoting himself during the Christmas season, Mother Nature suggests sanctions against him. When Scott says he is dealing with how to get the in-laws to come without revealing that he is", "\"Judd Nelson\"\nKindle: \"\"The Power of Speech\"\", \"\"Nine of Diamonds\"\", \"\"The Gig\"\" and \"\"Water Music\"\". Nelson played a pivotal role in the final season of \"\"Nikita\"\". Nelson played a lead role in the 2010 Hallmark movie, \"\"Cancel Christmas\"\". He portrayed Chris Frost, who is also Santa Claus. Judd Nelson Judd Asher Nelson (born November 28, 1959) is an American actor who is best known for his roles as John Bender in \"\"The Breakfast Club\"\", Alec Newbary in \"\"St. Elmo's Fire\"\", Hot Rod and Rodimus Prime in \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\", Joe Hunt in \"\"Billionaire Boys Club\"\", Nick Peretti in \"\"New Jack City\"\", Billy", "\"25 Days of Christmas\"\naveraging less than 2mil per airing. The 25 Days of Christmas schedule was released in late October by Freeform. While notable absences include Jim Carrey's \"\"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\"\", \"\"Home Alone\"\", and the second and third \"\"Santa Clause\"\" films, the schedule still includes many classics. The schedule includes 25 days of classics like, \"\"Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory\"\", \"\"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation\"\", \"\"The Santa Clause\"\", Tim Burton's \"\"The Nightmare Before Christmas\"\", \"\"Jack Frost\"\", Disney's \"\"A Christmas Carol\"\", \"\"The Polar Express\"\", \"\"The Holiday\"\", \"\"Elf\"\", \"\"Jingle All The Way\"\", \"\"Scrooged\"\", \"\"Deck the Halls\"\", \"\"Toy Story\"\", \"\"Frozen\"\", and \"\"Happy Feet\"\". 2016", "\"Jack Frost\"\nyet have different folklore to them. Jack Frost has appeared as a character in television and movies. He was mentioned in the wintertime song \"\"The Christmas Song\"\" (aka \"\"Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire\"\"). He has been presented as a villain in some media and a hero in others. Jack Frost has appeared in many video games including: Jack Frost is also the official corporate mascot for the Japanese video game company, Atlus. Jack Frost Jack Frost is a personification of frost, ice, snow, sleet, winter, and freezing cold. He is a variant of Old Man Winter who is held", "\"The Santa Clause (film series)\"\nson, Charlie (Eric Lloyd), landed on this year's naughty list, but Scott discovers that he must marry by Christmas Eve -- just a month away! -- or he will stop being Santa Claus forever. Christmas cheer turns into holiday chaos when Scott Calvin (Tim Allen), aka Santa, invites his in-laws (Ann-Margret, Alan Arkin) for a visit and must, simultaneously, contend with Jack Frost's (Martin Short) scheme to take over the North Pole. Scott, his family and Head Elf Curtis (Spencer Breslin) must join forces to foil the nefarious plot. Scott Foundas of \"\"Variety\"\" called the 1994 film was \"\"a full-on", "\"Snow dance\"\nQueen\"\", has the powers to create and manipulate ice and snow. The movie brought in more than $1.2 billion in ticket sales. The booming popularity created a \"\"Frozen\"\" phenomenon resulting in movie fans blaming snowfall on the animated character of Queen Elsa. Jack Frost is a common figure associated with frost, snow, sleet, and other weather related extremities. The exact origin of Jack Frost remains unclear with suspicions of Norse and Ango-Saxon history. Jack is mentioned in holiday song “The Christmas Song” and has a presence among movies and wintertime specials including movies ‘’Jack Frost” and “Rise of the Guardians”", "\"The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause\"\nelf police. He reveals he cannot unfreeze his victims unless he unfreezes himself. Scott convinces Lucy via a snow globe he had given her earlier of her warmly hugging a snowman, to give Frost a \"\"magic hug\"\" to unfreeze and reform him. It works, Laura and Neil unfreeze and Frost becomes a new person. The \"\"Canada\"\" ruse is dropped and Scott appears as Santa to Carol's parents. With two hours remaining before Santa must leave for his Christmas deliveries, Carol goes into labor. Back to the present time, while Carol is telling the tale to her students, Scott walks in", "\"Jack Frost (1997 film)\"\nJack Frost (1997 film) Jack Frost is a 1997 American horror comedy film written and directed by Michael Cooney. The movie takes place in the fictional town of Snowmonton, where (on the week before Christmas) a truck carrying serial killer Jack Frost (Scott MacDonald) to his execution crashes into a genetics truck. The genetic material causes Jack's body to mutate and fuse together with the snow on the ground. Jack is presumed dead and his body melts away. However, he comes back as a killer snowman and takes revenge on the man who finally caught him, Sheriff Sam Tiler (Christopher", "\"The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause\"\nold company for the last 12 years and business takes priority over family. Scott also learns that Laura and Neil divorced and Carol moved away years ago. Scott goes to find Lucy and Neil, who are vacationing at the North Pole, which Frost has turned into a tourist resort. Christmas is now \"\"Frostmas\"\", the elves are miserable, and the reindeer are confined to a petting zoo. When Scott finds Lucy and Neil, Neil states that Charlie didn't want him to be his father, causing the divorce between him and Laura. Scott confronts Frost and tricks him into recording his voice", "\"Santa Claus in film\"\nwhere he referred often to as North (Alec Baldwin), is shown as one of the main characters and leader of the guardians, who are the heroes of movie. In the show \"\"South Park\"\", Santa is often depicted with firearms; in the episode \"\"Red Sleigh Down\"\", he battles Iraqis to try to bring Christmas to Iraq. In the episode \"\"A Woodland Critter Christmas\"\", he uses a combat shotgun to blast away satanic animals who try to give birth to the AntiChrist. Santa (played by Nick Frost) made a brief appearance at the end of the \"\"Doctor Who\"\" episode, \"\"Death in Heaven\"\".", "\"The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause\"\nKrumholtz, who played Bernard the Arch-elf. As a result of his absence, Curtis (played by Spencer Breslin), who was previously the Assistant Head Elf, has now been promoted to Bernard's former position. Like the previous film, this film was shot in the Canadian cities of Vancouver and Calgary. This was Peter Boyle's final film to be released before he died from cancer one month after its release. (The 2008 film \"\"All Roads Lead Home\"\" would be released posthumously.) Its production was completed in February 2006. The movie was released in theaters on November 3, 2006 in the US followed by", "\"Rise of the Guardians\"\nabout Guardians Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and the Sandman, who enlist Jack Frost to stop Pitch Black from engulfing the world in darkness. The film was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film. This was the last DreamWorks Animation film to be distributed by Paramount Pictures. Jack Frost awakens from a frozen pond with amnesia. Upon realizing no one can see or hear him, he disappears. Three hundred years later, Jack, as the young Spirit of Winter, enjoys delivering snow days to school kids, but resents that they do not believe in", "\"Jack Frost (footballer, born 1992)\"\nJack Frost (footballer, born 1992) Jack Frost (born 25 February 1992) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Collingwood Football Club and Brisbane Lions in the Australian Football League (AFL). He was recruited by Collingwood with forty-first selection in the 2013 rookie draft. He made his debut in round 1, 2013, against at Etihad Stadium. After being out of contract with Collingwood at the conclusion of the 2016 season, he nominated the as his preferred new club. He was officially traded to Brisbane in October. He is the older brother of Sam Frost, who plays for", "\"The Santa Clause 2\"\nreleased as a 3-Movie Collection Blu-ray set on October 16, 2012. The Santa Clause 2 The Santa Clause 2 is a 2002 Christmas family comedy film directed by Michael Lembeck. It is a sequel to \"\"The Santa Clause\"\" (1994) and the second installment in the \"\"Santa Clause\"\" film series. All the principal actors from the first film, including Tim Allen, Eric Lloyd, Wendy Crewson and Judge Reinhold, reprise their roles. Released on November 1, 2002, the film received mixed reviews from critics and grossed $172 million worldwide on a $65 million budget. It was followed by another sequel, \"\"\"\", released", "\"Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman\"\nJack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman is the 2000 sequel to the 1997 horror comedy film \"\"Jack Frost\"\". It has since attracted a cult following for its B movie effects and comical death scenes. Sam Tiler (Christopher Allport) has been struggling to recover from the encounter with the Mutated Snowman known as Jack Frost (much to everyone else's disbelief and amusement), ever since he rampaged through his hometown last Christmas. To get away from the stress, Sam's wife Anne (Eileen Seeley) suggests a tropical vacation in a cabana", "\"Spencer Breslin\"\nJoey in the Disney Channel Original Movie \"\"The Ultimate Christmas Present\"\", a comedy, and garnered a 2000 Young Artist Award nomination for Best Performance in a TV Movie (Comedy or Drama) Young Actor Age 10 or Under. He played whiz-kid Curtis the Elf in the 2002 romantic comedy-drama-fantasy film \"\"The Santa Clause 2: The Mrs. Clause\"\", marking the first of four films in which he co-starred alongside actor Tim Allen. The movie was a great financial success, raking in $173 million in gross sales, and was the fifth-highest-grossing holiday movie ever and the 28th-highest-grossing movie worldwide of the year, making", "\"The Santa Clause 2\"\nreviews\"\". Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of \"\"A\"\" on an A+ to F scale. \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\" was nominated for Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Film. \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\" grossed $139.2 million in the United States and Canada, and $33.6 million in other territories, for a total of $172.8 million, against a production budget of $65 million. It was the fifth-highest-grossing holiday movie. Original Release Date: November 1, 2002 The film was released on DVD and VHS on November 18, 2003. It was re-released as 3-Movie Collection DVD set in 2007 and first", "\"Henry Sutton (novelist)\"\nin me would provide great source material\"\". Sutton's protagonist in Kids' Stuff (2005), his fifth book, is Mark – a practical man who is reunited with a long lost daughter, and is set in Norwich. His next book, First Frost (2011) was a collaborative effort with James Gurbutt. They co-authored the novel, which is set in Denton, Greater Manchester, in 1981, and illuminates Detective Sergeant Jack Frost's backstory. Actor David Jason, who played Jack Frost (detective) in A Touch of Frost, \"\"not only a gripping mystery, but an exclusive look at Jack Frost's early years.\"\" His eighth novel, Get Me", "\"Jack Frost (1997 film)\"\ntime on Blu-ray. It includes the film digitally remastered in a 2K presentation. Special features included an audio commentary, a video introduction by director Michael Cooney, and a video interview with actor Scott MacDonald and director of photography Dean Lent. Jack Frost (1997 film) Jack Frost is a 1997 American horror comedy film written and directed by Michael Cooney. The movie takes place in the fictional town of Snowmonton, where (on the week before Christmas) a truck carrying serial killer Jack Frost (Scott MacDonald) to his execution crashes into a genetics truck. The genetic material causes Jack's body to mutate", "\"Rankin/Bass Productions\"\nof Rudolph and Frosty in 1979's \"\"Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July,\"\" with the voice of Ethel Merman as the ringmistress of a seaside circus, and Rooney again returning as Santa. The special features cameos by characters from several other Rankin-Bass holiday specials, including Big Ben from \"\"Rudolph's Shiny New Year\"\" and Jack Frost. Jack appeared in his own special later that year. \"\"Jack Frost\"\", narrated by Buddy Hackett, tells the story of the winter sprite's love for a mortal woman menaced by the evil Cossack king, Kubla Kraus (Paul Frees, in addition to Kubla, voiced Jack Frost's overlord, Father", "\"Jack Brennan\"\nNixon's staff. The Nixon interviews drew the largest television audience for a political interview in history. Those interviews became the basis for a 2006 Tony Award-winning play, entitled \"\"Frost/Nixon\"\", which itself was turned into a 2008 Academy Award-nominated movie of the same name. Brennan felt Frost's own book about the interviews, which served as writer Peter Morgan's basis for the play and movie, was \"\"fairly accurate\"\"; however, he felt Morgan's scripts were \"\"a complete fiction\"\" based on actual events. Brennan was consulted for the film version. His input led the set designer to remove a bar from the Nixon house", "\"Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman\"\nexpressed interest a few years before in making the third installment, due to the advance in special effects and would be happy if someone would be willing to help him make it as it holds a special place in his heart. Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman is the 2000 sequel to the 1997 horror comedy film \"\"Jack Frost\"\". It has since attracted a cult following for its B movie effects and comical death scenes. Sam Tiler (Christopher Allport) has been struggling to recover from the encounter with", "\"Jack Frost (1964 film)\"\nEastern Europe. The movie has been shown on Czechoslovak (now Czech and Slovak) TV channels (under name \"\"Mrazík\"\" or \"\"Mrázik\"\") annually around Christmas or New Year's Day since 1965. According to some critics, Czech dubbing may overcome the Russian version. Baba Yaga was dubbed in the Czech Republic by František Filipovský. Steven Spielberg said that the film \"\"Jack Frost\"\" was the forerunner of many Hollywood blockbusters. Jack Frost (1964 film) Jack Frost (, Morózko) is a 1964 Soviet romantic fantasy film made by Gorky Film Studio. It was based on a traditional Russian fairy tale \"\"Morozko\"\". A version with an", "\"Frost/Nixon (film)\"\n2008 that, \"\"Jack Brennan is portrayed as a stern military guy,\"\" citing both the play and what she'd heard about the film version. \"\"And he’s the funniest guy you ever met in your life, an irreverent, wonderful guy. So there you go. It's the movies.\"\" An early scene in the film set on the southern shore of Sydney Harbour in 1974, with the Sydney Opera House as a backdrop, shows buildings adjacent to the iconic structure which did not exist until 1998. Frost/Nixon (film) Frost/Nixon is a 2008 British-American historical drama film based on the 2006 play of the same", "\"Frost at Christmas\"\nFrost at Christmas Frost at Christmas (1984) is the first of the series of novels written by R. D. Wingfield, the creator of the character Detective Inspector Jack Frost, who is more famously known in the television series \"\"A Touch of Frost\"\", where the character is played by Sir David Jason. This novel was adapted into the TV episode 'Care and Protection', which was also the first in the series. As Christmas approaches Detective Inspector Jack Frost is on the trail of a sensitive case with limited time to solve it. Tracy Uphill, an eight-year-old child, goes missing after attending", "\"The Santa Clause (film series)\"\ncharmer pic\"\". Foundas said the 2002 follow-up had too many writers and executives involved during the long development process, which he said led to \"\"systematically pulverizing most of the original's simple delights\"\". The critic said, \"\"\"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\" is a movie conscious, at every waking moment, of trying to out-do its predecessor.\"\" \"\"Variety\"\"s Justin Chang said \"\"The Santa Clause 3\"\" was \"\"a much cleaner, more streamlined ride than its overstuffed predecessor\"\". Chang said, \"\"Michael Lembeck directs the action with a surer touch and more consistent tone than he brought to \"\"Santa Clause 2\"\", and effortlessly pulls off the pic's", "\"I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (film)\"\n\"\"The Movie Scene\"\" gave the film two out of five stars and stated: \"\"What this all boils down to is that \"\"I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus\"\" is a misguided movie. It's misguided because the fact it basically debunks Santa Clause means it doesn't have a target audience and those who are young enough to find the jokes funny are the ones who don't need the magic of Christmas spoilt.\"\" Justin Oberholtzer from \"\"Freakin' Awesome Network\"\" gave it a D+ and wrote: \"\"It baffles me that it took four men to write this script. How hard is it to knock", "\"Jack Frost (detective)\"\nJack Frost (detective) Detective Inspector William Edward \"\"Jack\"\" Frost, GC, is a fictional detective created by R. D. Wingfield—characterised as sloppy, untidy, hopeless with paperwork—but unmatched at solving mysteries. The character has appeared in two radio plays, ten published novels, and a TV series spanning 42 episodes between 1992 and 2010. \"\"Jack\"\" is a nickname, alluding to Jack Frost. The character first appeared in a radio play entitled \"\"Three Days of Frost\"\" first transmitted on BBC Radio 4 on 12 February 1977. He was portrayed by Leslie Sands. The character's second appearance was also on BBC Radio 4, in a", "\"Terry Frost (actor)\"\nTerry Frost (actor) Terry Frost (October 26, 1906, in Bemidji, Minnesota – March 1, 1993, in Los Angeles, California) was an American actor who appeared in dozens of Western films during the 1940s and 1950s. Before Frost became an actor, he spent six years working as a cowboy, jack-of-all-trades, lumberjack, miner, and salesman across the United States. Frost began his entertainment career in vaudeville in 1929. In 1941, his film career began when he portrayed Sam Emery in \"\"Law of the Range\"\". He spent the 1940s and 1950s appearing in dozens of B-movie westerns for the studios Monogram and PRC,", "\"Terry Frost (actor)\"\nTerry Frost (actor) Terry Frost (October 26, 1906, in Bemidji, Minnesota – March 1, 1993, in Los Angeles, California) was an American actor who appeared in dozens of Western films during the 1940s and 1950s. Before Frost became an actor, he spent six years working as a cowboy, jack-of-all-trades, lumberjack, miner, and salesman across the United States. Frost began his entertainment career in vaudeville in 1929. In 1941, his film career began when he portrayed Sam Emery in \"\"Law of the Range\"\". He spent the 1940s and 1950s appearing in dozens of B-movie westerns for the studios Monogram and PRC,", "\"Taylor Handley\"\nTaylor Handley Taylor Laurence Handley (born June 1, 1984) is an American actor. In 1998, Taylor played Rory Buck in the movie \"\"Jack Frost\"\". In 2000, Handley starred in the Disney Channel Original Movie, \"\"Phantom of the Megaplex\"\". Handley appeared in three episodes during the last season of \"\"Dawson's Creek\"\" and guest starred during an episode of \"\"\"\". In 2003/2004, Handley appeared in six episodes of the first season of \"\"The O.C.\"\", as Oliver Trask, a mentally unstable teenager who, after meeting Marissa Cooper in a therapy clinic, becomes infatuated with her to the point of nearly committing suicide over", "\"The Santa Clause\"\ncounted and an average rating of 6/10. The consensus from the site is \"\"\"\"The Santa Clause\"\" is utterly undemanding, but it's firmly rooted in the sort of good old-fashioned holiday spirit missing from too many modern yuletide films.\"\" Note that songs listed here (and in the movie credits) cannot always be found on CD soundtracks. The film's soundtrack was released on October 10, 1994 in the United States. This film was first released on Home Video (VHS) on October 20, 1995. The first DVD was released in October 29, 2002. \"\"The Santa Clause\"\" along with its sequels were released in", "\"Jim O'Heir\"\nof a couch store, and later in the year he had a main role in the Ion Television movie \"\"My Santa\"\", as Jack, Santa's right-hand man. That same year, he appeared on \"\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\"\" as real-life Toronto mayor Rob Ford, who had recently been involved in a crack-smoking scandal. O'Heir played Scientist Hathaway in the 2016 movie, \"\"Range 15\"\". In 2016, he voiced the character \"\"Aiden\"\" on Harvey Beaks, the grandfather of the titular character. In 2016, he appeared as Sheriff Reynolds in two episodes of \"\"Brooklyn Nine-Nine\"\" and as Constable Jim in four episodes of the YouTube series", "\"Santa Claus in film\"\nChristmas\"\" (1988), Ernest P. Worrell (Jim Varney) joins the challenge of Santa Claus, alias Seth Applegate (Douglas Seale), to convince Florida kids' show host Joe Carruthers (Oliver Clark) to become the next Santa. In \"\"The Santa Clause\"\" (1994), Tim Allen plays Scott Calvin, who accidentally causes Santa Claus to fall off the roof of his house. After he puts on Santa's robes, he becomes subject to the \"\"Santa clause\"\" (like a contract), which requires him to become the next Santa. Despite his average appearance, over the next year he grows fat, his hair whitens, and he grows a beard by", "\"Jack Frost\"\nJack Frost Jack Frost is a personification of frost, ice, snow, sleet, winter, and freezing cold. He is a variant of Old Man Winter who is held responsible for frosty weather, nipping the fingers and toes in such weather, coloring the foliage in autumn, and leaving fern-like patterns on cold windows in winter. Starting in late 19th century literature, more developed characterizations of Jack Frost depict him as a sprite-like character, sometimes appearing as a sinister mischief-maker or as a hero. Jack Frost is traditionally said to leave the frosty, fern-like patterns on windows on cold winter mornings (window frost", "\"Jack Frost (musician)\"\nJack Frost (musician) Jack Frost (real name John Dempsey, born in Jersey City, NJ) is the guitarist/founder of the heavy metal band Seven Witches and also a part of The Bronx Casket Company. Frost is also known for playing guitar on Savatage's tour in support of \"\"Poets and Madmen\"\" in 2001 and 2002 before being dismissed from the band for unspecified reasons. He is currently touring in Anthrax vocalist Joey Belladonna's backing band. Jack also currently hosts the annual ronny dude class at Brookdale College. He also played in a New Jersey-based cover band called Diesel which features Taz Marazz", "\"Jack Frost (footballer, born 1992)\"\nMelbourne. At the end of the 2018 season, concussion symptoms forced him to retire. ! scope=\"\"row\"\" style=\"\"text-align:center\"\" | 2013 ! scope=\"\"row\"\" style=\"\"text-align:center\"\" | 2014 ! scope=\"\"row\"\" style=\"\"text-align:center\"\" | 2015 ! scope=\"\"row\"\" style=\"\"text-align:center\"\" | 2016 ! colspan=3| Career ! 54 ! 0 ! 0 ! 239 ! 210 ! 449 ! 150 ! 142 ! 0.0 ! 0.0 ! 4.4 ! 3.9 ! 8.3 ! 2.8 ! 2.6 Jack Frost (footballer, born 1992) Jack Frost (born 25 February 1992) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Collingwood Football Club and Brisbane Lions in the Australian Football League", "\"Not Forgotten (film)\"\nthe final scene, we see Jack and Toby fleeing deeper into Mexico on an old bus. As she sits and watches the countryside go by, we hear Toby reciting the same Santa Muerta chant for power that others (including Jack) said throughout the movie. The film stars Simon Baker, who was cast just before his great success with the hit TV show \"\"The Mentalist\"\", and Paz Vega who was previously known for her work as the star of \"\"Sex and Lucia\"\" & the co-star of \"\"Spanglish\"\" and Michael DeLorenzo, who played a lead role as Detective Eddie Torres in the", "\"Jack Frost (musician)\"\nof Seven Witches, Mike Lepond of Symphony X on bass and Jim Pepe on lead vocals 2000 - 2002 Played guitar on tour for their Poets and Madmen Tour Jack Frost (musician) Jack Frost (real name John Dempsey, born in Jersey City, NJ) is the guitarist/founder of the heavy metal band Seven Witches and also a part of The Bronx Casket Company. Frost is also known for playing guitar on Savatage's tour in support of \"\"Poets and Madmen\"\" in 2001 and 2002 before being dismissed from the band for unspecified reasons. He is currently touring in Anthrax vocalist Joey Belladonna's", "\"Jack Bauer\"\n\"\"which is like making 12 movies, so there are going to be mistakes along the way, but I am incredibly surprised by how many things work well as a result of working at that pace.\"\" In 2006, Sutherland signed a contract to play the role of Bauer for three seasons following season five. The contract was reported to be worth $40 million. Sutherland is also an executive producer of \"\"24\"\". Jack Bauer was born in Santa Monica, California, on February 18, 1966, to Phillip Bauer, who placed his livelihood in his company, BXJ Technologies. The name of Jack's mother is", "\"Steve Kilbey\"\nthe Gold Afternoon Fix album in the USA and touring to support it with the Church until mid-1990, Kilbey returned to Australia and made the \"\"Jack Frost\"\" album with Grant McLennan. He then went on a solo acoustic tour of the US, playing mostly clubs. After this tour, he and McLennan toured the USA together on the back of the Jack Frost project. The Jack Frost band name was derived from mutual friend of Kilbey and McLennan, Joel Eaves of Canberra, whose expression of \"\"another Jack Frost day in Oceana\"\", became a popular Sydney expression during the period. In 1990", "\"Jack Frost (1979 film)\"\nJack Frost (1979 film) Jack Frost is a 1979 Christmas stop motion animated television special produced by Rankin/Bass Productions. It was directed by Jules Bass and Arthur Rankin, Jr., written by Romeo Muller and premiered on NBC on December 13, 1979. The special tells the tale of Jack Frost, the winter sprite, and his adventures as a human. It airs annually on Freeform as a part of its \"\"25 Days of Christmas\"\" programming block. The story is narrated by a groundhog named Pardon-Me-Pete (voiced by Buddy Hackett), who has a deal with Jack Frost to extend winter by six weeks,", "\"Jack Frost (1998 film)\"\nJack Frost (1998 film) Jack Frost is a 1998 American Christmas fantasy comedy-drama film, starring Michael Keaton and Kelly Preston. Keaton stars as the title character, a man who dies in a car accident and comes back to life as a snowman. Three of Frank Zappa's four children, Dweezil Zappa, Ahmet Zappa, and Moon Unit Zappa, appear in the film. The costume for Jack Frost's snowman form was created by Jim Henson's Creature Shop. The film was released in Australia on December 10, 1998 before the United States' release. Jack Frost is the lead singer in a rock band simply", "\"Lili Haydn\"\nex-wife, Kate Columbo/Callahan (Kate Mulgrew) in the \"\"Columbo\"\" spin-off series \"\"Mrs. Columbo\"\". In 1983, she starred as Belinda Capuletti, the smart and sassy daughter of Rodney Dangerfield's character in the comedy film \"\"Easy Money\"\". She also appeared in the first \"\"Not Quite Human\"\" TV movie in 1987, and was a regular cast member on the syndicated sitcom \"\"The New Gidget\"\". She has a bit part in the Michael Keaton movie \"\"Jack Frost\"\" for which Trevor Rabin composed the score. Haydn began playing the violin at the age of eight. She played her first professional gig in 1990. In 1992, Haydn", "\"The Santa Clause\"\nThe Santa Clause The Santa Clause (stylized as The Santa Claus) is a 1994 American Christmas fantasy family comedy film written by Leo Benvenuti and Steve Rudnick, and directed by John Pasquin. The first film in the \"\"Santa Clause\"\" film series, it stars Tim Allen as Scott Calvin, an ordinary man who accidentally causes Santa Claus to fall from his roof on Christmas Eve. When he and his young son, Charlie, finish St. Nick's trip and deliveries, they go to the North Pole where Scott learns that he must become the new Santa and convince those he loves that he", "\"Relative pronoun\"\na main clause, a relative pronoun functions similarly to a subordinating conjunction. Unlike a conjunction, however, a relative pronoun does not simply mark the subordinate (relative) clause, but also plays the role of a noun within that clause. For example, in the relative clause \"\"which Jack built\"\" given above, the pronoun \"\"which\"\" functions as the object of the verb \"\"built\"\". Compare this with \"\"Jack built the house after he married,\"\" where the conjunction \"\"after\"\" marks the subordinate clause \"\"after he married\"\", but does not play the role of any noun within that clause. For more information on the formation and", "\"The Runaway Shadows\"\nFrost to play pranks on humans. Jack Frost comes upon the Prince of Thumbumbia and his cousin Lady Lindeva, who have insisted on being allowed to play outside despite the bitter cold. The children have been so well-bundled-up by the royal servants that Jack is unable to pinch their ears or noses; frustrated, he hits upon the idea of freezing the children's shadows. Solidified into independent entities, the shadows run off to the Forest of Burzee to enjoy their newfound freedom. They prove impervious to an attack by the ferocious tiger Kahtah; but a passing ryl convinces the shadows to", "\"Rise of the Guardians: The Video Game\"\nRise of the Guardians: The Video Game Rise of the Guardians is an action-adventure video game (with role playing elements) based on the film of the same name. It is developed by Torus Games and published by D3 Publisher. The game was released on November 20, 2012 in North America and November 23, 2012 in Europe for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Wii U, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo 3DS. The player is able to play as Jack Frost with the help of Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and the Sandman as they battle the evil Pitch Black", "\"25 Days of Christmas\"\nincluded: \"\"Home Alone\"\", \"\"Elf\"\", \"\"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation\"\", \"\"Four Christmases\"\" (Freeform network premiere), \"\"'Twas the Night Before Christmas\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Frosty's Winter Wonderland\"\", \"\"Jack Frost\"\", \"\"The Year Without a Santa Claus\"\", \"\"A Christmas Carol\"\", \"\"A Dennis the Menace Christmas\"\", \"\"Richie Rich's Christmas Wish\"\", \"\"Jack Frost\"\", \"\"Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July\"\", \"\"Arthur Christmas\"\", \"\"Rudolph's Shiny New Year\"\", \"\"Eloise at Christmastime\"\", and \"\"The Nightmare Before Christmas\"\". On May 15, 2018, Freeform announced that the \"\"Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas\"\" will be renamed as \"\"Kickoff to Christmas\"\" for November 2018. The 2018 \"\"Kickoff to Christmas\"\" schedule was released on October 10, 2018.", "\"The Santa Clause\"\nthe number (which turned out to be an actual, working sex line number) and racked up a $400 phone bill. On television airings, the phone number is changed to \"\"1-800-POUND\"\". The line remains intact on the 1995 VHS release. The Santa Clause The Santa Clause (stylized as The Santa Claus) is a 1994 American Christmas fantasy family comedy film written by Leo Benvenuti and Steve Rudnick, and directed by John Pasquin. The first film in the \"\"Santa Clause\"\" film series, it stars Tim Allen as Scott Calvin, an ordinary man who accidentally causes Santa Claus to fall from his roof", "\"Frank Frost\"\nNighthawk. Soon after touring, he toured again with Sonny Boy Williamson II for several years, who helped teach him how to play the harmonica. While playing with guitarist Big Jack Johnson, Frost attracted the interest of the record producer Sam Phillips, founder of Sun Records. Some recordings of note that followed included \"\"Hey Boss Man\"\" and \"\"My Back Scratcher\"\". Frost also recorded for the Jewel label, four years later. The Sun Records and Jewel Records material was re-released on one CD by Charly Records of London, England. In the late 1970s, Frost was re-discovered by a blues enthusiast, Michael Franks,", "\"Tim Allen\"\nScott Calvin in \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\". Two years later, he starred as Luther Krank in \"\"Christmas with the Kranks\"\". In 2006, \"\"Zoom\"\" was released, starring Allen as Jack Shepard. The same year, he also starred in \"\"The Shaggy Dog\"\" and \"\"The Santa Clause 3\"\". Allen began narrating the \"\"Pure Michigan\"\" television and radio commercials for the \"\"Travel Michigan\"\" agency. These commercials can be seen and heard throughout the Midwest and began airing nationally in 2009. In December 2009, he started a preview tour of \"\"Crazy on the Outside\"\", a film that debuted in January 2010. Allen accompanied the film,", "\"David Holt (voice actor)\"\nand audio books. He also has voiced commercials for L'Oreal Kids, Guess Who? and Burger King. He had provided the voice to the UK version of Face from Nick Jr from its launch in 1995 until 2004. He played the voices of Jack Frost in the movie \"\"Rainbow Magic Return to Rainspell Island\"\" and the Bengal Tiger Shere Khan and Kaa in the TV series \"\"The Jungle Book\"\". In his writing career, he has been writing for various radio or television productions like \"\"In the Name of the Wee Man\"\", \"\"Cold Call\"\", \"\"Tales From The Tower\"\", \"\"Proof of the Pudding\"\",", "\"John W. Frost\"\nthe University of California, Santa Barbara (June 15, 1974). Simultaneously, through a series of National Defense Foreign Language grants, he was able to become proficient in Arabic and Swahili and eventually was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to cover a year abroad, some four months of it to be spent in Khartoum (Sudan). Later he participated in writing an academic history of the British in the Sudan. and contributed a review to the journal of the American Historical Association. More recently he published a specialized history of the Monterey Peninsula. John W. Frost John W. \"\"Jack\"\" Frost (born October 23, 1934,", "\"Kristen Painter\"\nruns into Malkolm, a vampire under a terrible curse. As the series progresses the two are repeatedly thrown into danger, courtly intrigues, and wars between the various othernatural factions. The \"\"Jayne Frost\"\" series is a mystery series and spin-off from \"\"Nocturne Falls\"\". It is set within the same town and follows the titular Jayne Frost, the daughter of Jack Frost. In the series' first novel Jayne is sent undercover to investigate the disappearance of elves from the town's Santa's workshop store. There she runs into her ex-fiance Cooper and also meets the handsome vampire Garrett, which causes her to become", "\"Jack Frost (1964 film)\"\nJack Frost (1964 film) Jack Frost (, Morózko) is a 1964 Soviet romantic fantasy film made by Gorky Film Studio. It was based on a traditional Russian fairy tale \"\"Morozko\"\". A version with an English dub was released in 1966 in the U.S. It was directed by Aleksandr Rou, and starred Eduard Izotov as Ivan, Natalya Sedykh as Nastenka, and Alexander Khvylya as Father Frost. The script was written by Nikolai Erdman. The soundtrack was composed by Nikolai Budashkin, who was inspired by the works of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. The lovely, humble Nastya is despised by her stepmother who favors her", "\"Fairy Tale about Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya\"\nFairy Tale about Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya Fairy Tale about Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya (Czech: Pohádka o Mrazíkovi, Ivanovi a Nastěnce) is a 2000 Czech adventure game developed by Bohemia Interactive and Centauri Production. It was published by Bohemia Interactive. The game is heavily inspired by the 1964 Soviet Union fairy-tale movie \"\"Jack Frost\"\" (\"\"Морозко\"\"). \"\"Fairy Tale about Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya\"\" was included free with the January 2009 issue of \"\"Počítač pro každého.\"\" felt the game would appeal to children because it was simple, clear, nice, and interesting. Just Adventure felt the title would appeal", "\"Sam Frost\"\nin the South Australian National Football League (SANFL) during the 1980s and his older brother, Jack Frost played fifty-four matches for the Collingwood Football Club and now plays for the Brisbane Lions. Sam Frost Samuel Frost (born 28 August 1993) is a professional Australian rules footballer playing for the Melbourne Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). A utility, tall and weighing , Frost has the ability to play as either a forward or defender, and is capable of also playing in the ruck. He entered top-level football early when he played as a bottom-aged player for the Sandringham", "\"Jack Frost (1979 film)\"\na spirit again for good, and blows ice onto Elisa's wedding bouquet, turning it white. When asked about the change, she sheds a tear, saying \"\"An old friend just kissed the bride.\"\" Snip calls out to Jack that winter wouldn't be the same without him. Before heading back to sleep, Pardon-Me-Pete says that Jack Frost still plays his tricks on him to ensure that there are six more weeks of winter, but he doesn't mind because he enjoys the extra sleep. © 1979 Rankin/Bass Productions, Inc. The licensing for \"\"Jack Frost\"\" was relatively lax for many years and as early", "\"Jack Frost (detective)\"\nplay entitled \"\"A Touch of Frost\"\", transmitted on 6 February 1982. In the second radio play the character was portrayed by Derek Martin. Wingfield published six novels about DI Frost, starting with \"\"Frost at Christmas\"\" in 1984. In 2011, 2012 and 2013, three new Frost books were published under the name James Henry. In the case of \"\"First Frost\"\", this pseudonym refers to James Gurbutt and Henry Sutton, but in \"\"Fatal Frost\"\" and \"\"Morning Frost\"\" it refers to Gurbutt only. Beginning in 1992, television adaptations of the novels, and further stories based on the characters have been transmitted on ITV", "\"Jack Frost (1979 film)\"\nletting him sleep that much longer. Pardon-Me-Pete starts to talk about the legend of Jack Frost. It all starts when Jack Frost (voiced by Robert Morse), an immortal winter sprite, falls in love with a human girl named Elisa (voiced by Debra Clinger), who proclaims her love for Jack after he rescues her. Jack asks Father Winter (voiced by Paul Frees) if he can become human in order to be with her. Father Winter gives him a chance, but warns that Jack must prove he can succeed as a human, by earning a house, a horse, a bag of gold,", "\"The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause\"\na release date of November 24 for the UK. The DVD and Blu-ray were released on November 20, 2007 in the U.S. and November 12, 2007 for the UK. Twelve years have passed since Scott Calvin took on the mantle of Santa Claus and became subject to the Santa Clause and married Carol Newman, who has now become a teacher in the North Pole. On Christmas Eve, she tells a group of young elves a story from her life with Scott Calvin/Santa Clause while expecting their first child. Scott invites his in-laws, Sylvia and Bud Newman, to the North Pole,", "\"The Nightmare Before Christmas\"\nwill end in disaster, but Jack dismisses this and assigns her the task of sewing him a red coat to wear. He also tasks Lock, Shock and Barrel, a trio of mischievous trick-or-treating children, to abduct Santa Claus and bring him back to Halloween Town. Jack tells Santa he will be bringing Christmas to the world in his place this year. Jack orders the trio to keep Santa safe, but the children instead deliver Santa to Oogie Boogie, a gambling-addicted bogeyman, who plots to play a game with Santa's life at stake. Sally attempts to rescue Santa so he can", "Jack-in-the-box\nthe village of North Marston in Buckinghamshire. In French, a jack-in-the-box is called a \"\"\"\"diable en boîte\"\"\"\" (literally \"\"devil in a box\"\"). Originally, the jack-in-the-box was a made out of wood however, as new technology began to come out the toy transformed into printed cardboard, then around the 30s, the jack-in-the-box became a wind up toy made from tin. Over the years, the jack-in-the-box has evolved into characters other than the clown, such as Winnie the Pooh, the Cat in the Hat, the Three Little Pigs, kittens, dogs, Curious George, Santa Clause, giraffes, and so on. Starting in 1935 and", "\"The Santa Clause\"\nis indeed Father Christmas. This was Pasquin and Allen's first movie collaboration after they both worked together on the TV series \"\"Home Improvement\"\". Pasquin and Allen would later work again on the films \"\"Jungle 2 Jungle\"\" and \"\"Joe Somebody\"\", and on the television series \"\"Last Man Standing\"\". The film was followed by two sequels, \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\" (2002) and \"\"\"\" (2006). In comparison to the original, the former received mixed critical response while the latter was panned by most critics. Scott Calvin (Tim Allen), a successful toy salesman, prepares to spend Christmas Eve with his son Charlie (Eric Lloyd).", "\"Jack Frost Ski Resort\"\nJack Frost Ski Resort The Jack Frost Ski Resort which opened in 1972, is located in Kidder Township, Carbon County, near White Haven, Pennsylvania. It is part of the Pocono region. Operated by Peak Resorts, it offers 20 trails and a terrain park for skiing and snowboarding. While it does have ski trails, \"\"Big Boulder\"\" is more of a snowboarders mountain. Its partner, \"\"Jack Frost\"\" is what local snowboarders call the \"\"Skiers Mountain.\"\" The slopes of Big Boulder are much older than Jack Frost. The owners of Big Boulder built Jack Frost with a longer runs and a higher vertical", "\"Jack Frost (manhwa)\"\nJack Frost (manhwa) Jack Frost (잭 프로스트) is a complete manwha series by Jinho Ko (고진호). In May 2009, the first volume of Jack Frost was released by Yen Press in English. \"\"Jack Frost\"\" follows the story of Noh-A Joo, the new student at Amityville High School. Things start off rather poorly for Noh-A as she quickly comes to realize that the school is not as it appears. Caught in an interschool war between vampires, monsters, and other creatures, she must quickly learn what her new role is as the \"\"mirror image,\"\" and how to handle the mysterious Jack Frost.", "\"The Santa Clause (film series)\"\nThe Santa Clause (film series) The Santa Clause (also known as The Santa Clause Trilogy) is a series of comedy films starring Tim Allen. The film series began with \"\"The Santa Clause\"\" (1994). It was followed by \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\" (2002) and \"\"\"\" (2006). The series experienced a diminishing critical reception with each subsequent film. Divorced dad Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) has custody of his son Charlie (Eric Lloyd) on Christmas Eve. After he accidentally causes the death of a man in a Santa suit, they are magically transported to the North Pole, where an elf explains that Scott", "\"The Rainbow Fairies\"\nFairy is in a spin. Perhaps the colourful carousel horses can lead Rachel and Kirsty to the final fairy? In the movie, , she is voiced by \"\"Clarie Morgan\"\". The main characters are: - Rachel Walker (in the movie, \"\"\"\", she is voiced by \"\"Grace Vance\"\") - Kirsty Tate (in the movie. \"\"\"\", she is voiced by \"\"Lucy Delaiche\"\") - Ruby - Amber - Saffron/Sunny - Fern - Sky - Izzy/Inky - Heather - Jack Frost (in the movie, \"\"\"\", he is voiced by \"\"David Holt (voice actor)\"\") - The Goblins (in the movie, \"\"\"\", the three Goblins shown are", "\"Wendy Crewson\"\nWendy Crewson Wendy Jane Crewson (born May 9, 1956) is a Canadian actress and producer. She began her career appearing on Canadian television, before her breakthrough role in 1991 dramatic film \"\"The Doctor\"\". Crewson has appeared in many Hollywood films, including \"\"The Good Son\"\" (1993), \"\"The Santa Clause\"\" (1994) and its sequels \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\" (2002) and \"\"\"\" (2006), as well as \"\"Air Force One\"\" (1997), \"\"Bicentennial Man\"\" (1999), \"\"What Lies Beneath\"\" (2000), \"\"The 6th Day\"\" (2000), and \"\"Eight Below\"\" (2006). She also starred in a number of independent movies, such as \"\"Better Than Chocolate\"\" (1999), \"\"Suddenly Naked\"\" (2001),", "\"Phil Regan (actor)\"\nMore Mesa in Santa Barbara, California, which required a permit from Santa Barbara County. He was aware that three of the five supervisors were in favor, but he wanted to find a fourth vote for Halimi to avoid an appeal. He approached Frank Frost in December 1972. Frost had just been elected to the Board of Supervisors and would take office in January. Frost perceived that an attempt at bribery was being arranged and reported his suspicions to the county district attorney and sheriff. A \"\"sting\"\" was planned and Regan passed $1000 to a friend of Frost's who posed as", "\"Kenny Vadas\"\nKenny Vadas Ken \"\"Kenny\"\" Vadas is a Canadian actor. In his early career Vadas acted in several commercials; he was a regular on the television series \"\"Eric's World\"\" and had guest roles on television series such as \"\"Are You Afraid of the Dark?\"\", \"\"Goosebumps\"\", and \"\"The Adventures of Sinbad\"\" which filmed in South Africa. He acted in several made-for-television movies and is famous for his role as the E.L.F.S. Leader in the Disney blockbuster \"\"The Santa Clause\"\" with Tim Allen in which he saved Santa and his son Charlie and is quoted frequently for his line in the movie; \"\"We're", "\"The Santa Clause (film series)\"\nsentimental, life-affirming moments without tugging too hard.\"\" \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\" on its opening weekend grossed more than its predecessor. The opening weekend was a personal best to date for Tim Allen. \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" said its performance \"\"exceeded expectations\"\". \"\"The Santa Clause\"\" strongest market outside the United States was Germany, and \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\" had in Germany an opening weekend of $892,000, which was 50% larger than the opening weekend of the original film. In the United States, \"\"The Santa Clause 3\"\" had an opening weekend of , which was less than the grossed by \"\"The Santa Clause", "\"The Santa Clause (film series)\"\n2\"\". \"\"Box Office Mojo\"\" reported, \"\"More often than not, second sequels in the family genre make significantly less than their predecessors.\"\" After in theaters, the third film had grossed , which \"\"Box Office Mojo\"\" said was \"\"lagging behind its predecessors by a wide margin\"\". In the United Kingdom, \"\"The Santa Clause 3\"\" had an opening weekend of at , which was 40% better than the opening weekend of \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\". In Mexico, \"\"The Santa Clause 3\"\" had an opening weekend of at , which was three times better than \"\"The Santa Clause 2\"\"s opening weekend. The Santa Clause", "\"Mark Canton\"\naction movie of all time\"\") and \"\"The Cable Guy\"\", before his final string of movies could become blockbusters. Described at the time as both \"\"known for enthusiasm, rapid-fire talk, a sleek Italian wardrobe and a youthful style\"\" and \"\"a braggart who was lucky to have become chairman of a studio in the first place\"\", Canton was in those years \"\"one of the most powerful executives in Hollywood\"\". In 1998, Canton became an independent film producer, with \"\"Jack Frost\"\" starring Michael Keaton as his first major production. Backed by the German company Senator Entertainment from August 2000 onwards, he struck a", "\"Jack Frost\"\nor fern frost) and nipping the extremities in cold weather. Over time, window frost has become far less prevalent in the modern world due to the advance of double-glazing, but Jack Frost remains a well-known figure in popular culture. He is sometimes described or depicted with paint brush and bucket coloring the autumnal foliage red, yellow, brown, and orange. Sometimes he is portrayed as a dangerous giant:The Hindus derive the name of Hindu Kush from the tradition that a giant used to lie there in wait to kill (\"\"kesh\"\") all the Hindus who passed that way. This giant was probably", "\"The Graveyard Book\"\nlives in the house that Bod once lived in. Bod visits the house, in an effort to learn more about his family. When showing Bod the room he lived in as a baby, Mr. Frost reveals that he actually is the man Jack; Jack Frost is his full, true name. Bod is chased by the man Jack and four other members of the Order, the Jacks of All Trades. Bod and Scarlett escape to the graveyard where Bod is able to defeat each Jack separately, except for Jack Frost. Jack Frost takes Scarlett captive in the chamber of the Sleer", "\"Jack Frost (Australian band)\"\nJack Frost (Australian band) Jack Frost was an Australian rock band, a side project of The Go-Betweens' Grant McLennan and The Church's Steve Kilbey. Jack Frost released two albums, \"\"Jack Frost\"\" in 1991 (released on Arista) and \"\"Snow Job\"\" in 1996 (on Beggars Banquet Records). The line up on the first album was McLennan, Kilbey and Pryce Surplice on drums and sundries, plus \"\"special guests\"\" including Karin Jansson on backing vocals. The album was recorded over the span of two weeks, and was rereleased on Karmic Hit with three bonus tracks after McLennan's 2006 death: \"\"Persuasion\"\", \"\"Bad For You\"\" and", "\"The Santa Clause 2\"\nthe mantle of Santa Claus and became subject to The Santa Clause. Now he has become a great Santa at the North Pole, until Head Elf Bernard and Curtis, the Keeper of the \"\"Handbook of Christmas\"\" break the news that there is another clause – the \"\"Mrs. Clause\"\". Scott is now pressed to get married before the next Christmas Eve, or the clause will be broken and he will stop being Santa forever. At the same time, Abby the Elf delivers news that is more distressing: Scott's own son Charlie is on the naughty list. Scott must return to his", "\"Jack Frost (manhwa)\"\ncharacters as being \"\"almost all one-note\"\". Snow Wildsmith of \"\"School Library Journal\"\" reviewed the chapter placed in Yen Press's \"\"Yen Plus\"\" magazine She criticised it as having not \"\"much plot to tie it together\"\", and that the \"\"combination of fan service and gruesome decapitations\"\" made reading \"\"uncomfortable\"\". Jack Frost (manhwa) Jack Frost (잭 프로스트) is a complete manwha series by Jinho Ko (고진호). In May 2009, the first volume of Jack Frost was released by Yen Press in English. \"\"Jack Frost\"\" follows the story of Noh-A Joo, the new student at Amityville High School. Things start off rather poorly for", "\"Jack Frost Ski Resort\"\nand distance from New York City and Philadelphia as factors for purchasing local properties. Jack Frost Ski Resort The Jack Frost Ski Resort which opened in 1972, is located in Kidder Township, Carbon County, near White Haven, Pennsylvania. It is part of the Pocono region. Operated by Peak Resorts, it offers 20 trails and a terrain park for skiing and snowboarding. While it does have ski trails, \"\"Big Boulder\"\" is more of a snowboarders mountain. Its partner, \"\"Jack Frost\"\" is what local snowboarders call the \"\"Skiers Mountain.\"\" The slopes of Big Boulder are much older than Jack Frost. The owners", "\"A Touch of Frost\"\nof David Jason from a predominantly comic actor to a dramatic actor. At a press conference in London on 15 September 2008, David Jason announced that he would be quitting the role of DI Jack Frost. Jason's main reason for quitting the role was that Frost was by now the oldest detective on television and he felt that it was 'natural' to retire as Frost. At 68, a police detective would already have been retired for eight years. Sir David said: \"\"You wouldn't want me to play Frost in a wheelchair, would you?... Frost is getting a little long in", "\"Snow dance\"\nto appease the gods, included the sacrifice of children and of prisoners of war. Unlike the rain dance or blood sacrifice, however, these rites were performed in response to calamity rather than to usher in a specific weather pattern. Similar to characters such as Santa Claus, Befana, and Hajji Firuz, who symbolize a particular holiday, there are also figures that resemble the bringing of winter and snow that many cultures associate with the weather. Such characters include Heikki Lunta, Jack Frost, Yuki-onna, Old Man Winter, Snow Queen, and many more. Oftentimes these characters are popular figures in a culture’s history,", "\"Relative pronoun\"\nRelative pronoun A relative pronoun marks a relative clause; it has the same referent in the main clause of a sentence that the relative modifies. An example is the English word \"\"which\"\" in the sentence \"\"This is the house which Jack built.\"\" Here the relative pronoun \"\"which\"\" marks the relative clause \"\"which Jack built\"\", which modifies the noun \"\"house\"\" in the main sentence. \"\"Which\"\" has an anaphoric relationship to its antecedent \"\"house\"\" in the main clause. In English the following are the most common relative pronouns: which, that, whose, whoever, whomever, who and whom. In linking a subordinate clause and", "\"Jack Frost (Australian band)\"\nEye Records/Polydor CD; RED CD 18 - 847 548-2) Tracks on \"\"Snow Job\"\" (2nd album) (Karmic Hit/Beggars Banquet/Rough Trade) Jack Frost (Australian band) Jack Frost was an Australian rock band, a side project of The Go-Betweens' Grant McLennan and The Church's Steve Kilbey. Jack Frost released two albums, \"\"Jack Frost\"\" in 1991 (released on Arista) and \"\"Snow Job\"\" in 1996 (on Beggars Banquet Records). The line up on the first album was McLennan, Kilbey and Pryce Surplice on drums and sundries, plus \"\"special guests\"\" including Karin Jansson on backing vocals. The album was recorded over the span of two weeks,", "\"Sam Carr (musician)\"\nLittle Sam Carr and the Blue Kings, which initially featured Nighthawk's second wife, Early Bea, on drums, until Carr decided to take on that role. The band played mostly in \"\"low-class clubs\"\" in poor neighborhoods of St. Louis. In 1956, Carr began working regularly with Frank Frost, who played the harmonica and guitar. In 1962, the Carrs and Frost moved to Mississippi, where they joined with Clarksdale-based guitarist Big Jack Johnson to form the Jelly Roll Kings. Doris sang with the band for several years. They recorded the album \"\"Hey Boss Man\"\" for Phillips International Records in 1962. The album", "\"Last Orders\"\nTucker: an undertaker/funeral director. The backbone of the group, who mediates and keeps the peace when conflicts arise. Many parallels are drawn between Jack's profession and Vic's, in that they both handle bodies. Played by Tom Courtenay in the movie. Amy Dodds: Jack's wife, who declines to join the men when they scatter Jack's ashes. Amy and Jack had a mentally disabled daughter, June. On the day the four men travel to Margate to scatter the ashes, Amy visits June in a Home. Played by Helen Mirren in the movie. Mandy Dodds: Left her home in Blackburn at age 15", "\"Jack Frost (1998 film)\"\ntitled \"\"The Jack Frost Band\"\", based in the fictional town of Medford, Colorado, USA, who make their living performing blues covers and an assortment of their own songs in the hope of signing a record deal. He returns to his 11-year-old son Charlie, who has just returned from a snowball fight against local bully Rory Buck. After they build a snowman in their front yard, Jack gives him his best harmonica, which he got the day Charlie was born, jokingly telling him that it's magical, and he'll be able to hear it wherever he is. Jack promises his wife Gabby", "\"Valerie Tian\"\nFilm Festival in 2003. In 2004, she played alongside Jean-Claude Van Damme in the action movie \"\"Wake of Death\"\". She also had a cameo appearance in \"\"The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants\"\", and leading roles in the \"\"Wake of Death\"\" and the short film, \"\"Chika's Bird\"\". She also appeared as an \"\"X\"\" kid in \"\"X2\"\" and \"\"X-Men United\"\", and as an elf in Disney’s \"\"Santa Clause 2\"\". Tian was a series regular on the Warner Brothers' television series, \"\"Black Sash\"\", and appeared in a cameo role in the ABC series \"\"The Days\"\". She is currently a series regular on the", "\"Jack Russell Terrier\"\nfor the part. Actor Gene Hackman's pet in the 1995 movie \"\"Crimson Tide\"\" was a smooth-coated Jack Russell terrier named \"\"Bear\"\". Max, a Jack Russell terrier, played the role of Milo who is one of Stanley Ipkiss's only friends in the 1994 U.S film \"\"The Mask\"\" starring Jim Carrey. Max also played the female dog Audrey in the 2000 film Mr. Accident. In the 2009 movie \"\"Hotel for Dogs\"\", Friday, one of the main characters is a Jack Russell, played by the dog actor Cosmo. Cosmo went on to appear in the films \"\"\"\" and \"\"Beginners\"\". Jack Russell: Dog Detective", "\"The Santa Clause 2\"\nThe Santa Clause 2 The Santa Clause 2 is a 2002 Christmas family comedy film directed by Michael Lembeck. It is a sequel to \"\"The Santa Clause\"\" (1994) and the second installment in the \"\"Santa Clause\"\" film series. All the principal actors from the first film, including Tim Allen, Eric Lloyd, Wendy Crewson and Judge Reinhold, reprise their roles. Released on November 1, 2002, the film received mixed reviews from critics and grossed $172 million worldwide on a $65 million budget. It was followed by another sequel, \"\"\"\", released in 2006. Eight years have passed since Scott Calvin took on", "\"Sam Bond\"\nand Gauntlet. Then from late 2009 to early 2010 he starred, at the Mayflower Theatre, in the pantomime \"\"Santa Claus and the Return of Jack Frost\"\" as Thaw the Glaciator. In 2010 he appeared as the saxophone player in the Crunchie Rocks advert. In America he has found fame as a book cover model for romance writers. Sam Bond Sam Bond (born 6 December 1983 in Christchurch, England) is an English amateur natural bodybuilder, weightlifter and television personality who has competed for the British National Bodybuilding Federation and the National Physiques Competition. He attended St. Peter's School and spent summers", "\"Going Places (U.S. TV series)\"\nPasadena, the Hollywood Sign and the entrance of the Santa Monica Pier. These lead into an overhead shot of Charlie, Jack, Alex and Kate running down the sands of Santa Monica Beach in the late afternoon, where in the next scene the four (in different clothes) play a game of beach volleyball in the early afternoon. The volleyball scenes are arranged so that Charlie serves the ball to Alex, who in turn hits the ball to Kate, who then aims the ball to Jack. Jack palms the ball, which appears to travel back to Kate, and a close-up shot follows" ]
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how many volumes of darkwing duck are there
[ "six volumes" ]
[ "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nis currently available for purchase on Amazon Instant Video in Germany. The first season (comprising the show's first two seasons) is available in six volumes while the second season (comprising the third season) is available in one volume. \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" was named the 93rd Best Animated Series by IGN, calling it \"\"one of the many reasons why after-school cartoons rule\"\". \"\"Torgo's Pizzeria Podcast\"\" gave a favorable retrospective review to \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" in April 2012; the podcast did however note some weaknesses with the series. Disney Comics published a four-issue \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" comic book mini-series in late 1991, right around the", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nthe United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released a three-disc DVD box set entitled \"\"\"\"Darkwing Duck\"\": Volume 1\"\" on August 29, 2006. It included 25 episodes, plus the two-part pilot \"\"Darkly Dawns the Duck\"\", as opposed to the uncut version's release on VHS. The second volume, containing the next 27 episodes, was released on August 7, 2007. The sets do not contain any special features. It is currently unknown if Disney has any intentions of releasing the remaining 37 episodes on DVD. No official releases have been made outside the United States. The entire series", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\ncassettes, each containing one or two episodes (a total of 6 episodes) of \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", were released under the title \"\"Darkwing Duck: His Favorite Adventures\"\" in the United States on March 23, 1993, individually titled \"\"Darkly Dawns the Duck\"\", \"\"Justice Ducks Unite!\"\", \"\"Comic Book Capers\"\" and \"\"Birth of Negaduck!\"\". However, most countries around the world only received releases of \"\"Darkly Dawns the Duck\"\" and \"\"Justice Ducks Unite!\"\" Each video came with two \"\"glow-in-the-Darkwing\"\" trading cards. Featured on the cards were Darkwing Duck, Launchpad, Gosalyn, Honker, Negaduck, Bushroot, Megavolt, and Taurus Bulba. The videotapes also included a \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" music video", "\"Darkwing Duck (Capcom)\"\nDarkwing Duck (Capcom) Darkwing Duck is a platformer video game based on the Disney television series \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". The game was developed by Capcom for the NES in 1992 and was ported to the Game Boy in 1993. A mysterious crime wave has hit St. Canard and S.H.U.S.H. requires the services of the caped crime fighter Darkwing Duck to stop it as it appears that F.O.W.L. and their valued operative Steelbeak is behind the uprising. They have hired six of Darkwing's greatest foes to wreak havoc in different areas throughout St. Canard. Darkwing must subdue each of these criminals in", "\"Darkwing Duck (TurboGrafx-16)\"\nDarkwing Duck (TurboGrafx-16) Darkwing Duck is a video game for the TurboGrafx-16 console based on the animated series \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". It was designed by Interactive Designs and Radiance Software. It was published by Turbo Technologies Inc. in 1992. Steelbeak has recruited some of St. Canard's dangerous criminals to help to build an ultimate crime weapon. As a result, S.H.U.S.H. requires the help of Darkwing Duck to stop them. There are few clues, except a picture of the criminals looking at stolen artwork. Darkwing must bring Steelbeak to justice by scouring the city to find jigsaw puzzle pieces that reveal the", "\"Darkwing Duck (TurboGrafx-16)\"\nvarious effects such as increasing remaining lives or granting temporary invulnerability. Darkwing Duck (TurboGrafx-16) Darkwing Duck is a video game for the TurboGrafx-16 console based on the animated series \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". It was designed by Interactive Designs and Radiance Software. It was published by Turbo Technologies Inc. in 1992. Steelbeak has recruited some of St. Canard's dangerous criminals to help to build an ultimate crime weapon. As a result, S.H.U.S.H. requires the help of Darkwing Duck to stop them. There are few clues, except a picture of the criminals looking at stolen artwork. Darkwing must bring Steelbeak to justice by", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nBooks Twitter feed reported that \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" would be returning to monthly comics beginning in April 2016 with Sparrow and Silvani at the helm. According to Silvani's Twitter account, \"\"Dangerous Currency\"\" has been declared non-canon by Disney, and will not be referenced within the new series. Darkwing Duck Darkwing Duck is an American animated action-adventure comedy television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation that first ran from 1991 to 1992 on both the syndicated programming block \"\"The Disney Afternoon\"\" and Saturday mornings on ABC. It featured the adventures of Darkwing Duck, who is the superheroic alter-ego of an ordinary", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\ncreator Jymn Magon, and \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" comic artist James Silvani, associations which would seem to further corroborate his version of events. In 2013, Disney European publisher Egmont Group released a compendium of several of the BOOM! Studios \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" stories, including \"\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\", \"\"Crisis On Infinite Darkwings\"\", and \"\"F.O.W.L. Disposition\"\". Aaron Sparrow's story credits were not only restored, but he and Silvani created an all-new 3-page introduction, and Brill's dialogue was replaced with original dialogue by Sparrow. On October 22, 2014, comic news website \"\"Bleeding Cool\"\" announced that the first 16 issues of \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" would be packaged", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nword for \"\"duck\"\".) \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" was developed as a last-minute replacement for a proposed reboot of \"\"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\"\", when the creative team realized that Disney did not own the rights to the characters (Disney merely held home video rights to the series). The show was a spin-off of the very successful series \"\"DuckTales\"\". \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" entered production roughly one year after \"\"DuckTales\"\" ended. \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" was inspired by two specific episodes of \"\"DuckTales\"\": \"\"Double-O-Duck\"\" starring Launchpad McQuack as a secret agent, and \"\"The Masked Mallard\"\" in which Scrooge McDuck becomes a masked vigilante superhero wearing a purple", "\"Darkwing Duck (Capcom)\"\nreleased in North America in June 1992. The Game Boy version was released in North America in February 1993. The NES version of the game was included in \"\"The Disney Afternoon Collection\"\" compilation for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in April 2017. The game has been considered an example of the quality Disney games produced by Capcom. \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" gave the game a B and noted the similarities between the game and the \"\"Mega Man\"\" series. Darkwing Duck (Capcom) Darkwing Duck is a platformer video game based on the Disney television series \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". The game was developed by", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nThough originally believed by some fans to be a spin-off of the 1987 \"\"DuckTales\"\" series, creator Tad Stones stated in a 2016 report that he believes the two shows exist in different universes, despite \"\"DuckTales\"\" supporting character Launchpad McQuack appearing on the series in a similar role to that the character plays in \"\"DuckTales\"\", and the fact that Scrooge McDuck, the main character of \"\"DuckTales\"\", is mentioned in \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" episode \"\"Tiff of the Titans\"\". Additionally, the 2011 comic series \"\"DuckTales\"\" makes reference to Darkwing Duck and features various villains from the series. A crossover between the \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" comic", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nDarkwing Duck Darkwing Duck is an American animated action-adventure comedy television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation that first ran from 1991 to 1992 on both the syndicated programming block \"\"The Disney Afternoon\"\" and Saturday mornings on ABC. It featured the adventures of Darkwing Duck, who is the superheroic alter-ego of an ordinary suburban person named \"\"Drake Mallard\"\". On April 2, 2015, a rumor surfaced that Disney would be rebooting the series for a 2018 premiere. This has since been debunked, instead it has returned as a comic book published by Joe Books, which premiered on April 27, 2016.", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\ntime of the show's syndicated premiere. This mini-series was an adaptation of a draft of the script for \"\"Darkly Dawns the Duck\"\". Like the \"\"TaleSpin\"\" comic before it, it was meant to spin off a regular comic series, but the Disney Comics implosion happening at the time prevented that plan. However, \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" stories were regularly printed in \"\"Disney Adventures\"\" magazine between the November 1991 and January 1996 issues. Additionally, \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" stories were also regularly featured in Marvel Comics' short-lived \"\"Disney Afternoon\"\" comic book. On March 13, 2010, BOOM! Studios announced that they would be releasing a four-issue \"\"Darkwing", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nwhich played at the end of each tape. Additionally, on September 28, 1993, the \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" episode \"\"It's a Wonderful Leaf\"\" was released together with the \"\"Goof Troop\"\" episode \"\"Have Yourself a Goofy Little Christmas\"\" on one VHS cassette as a special release called \"\"Happy Holidays with Darkwing Duck and Goofy!\"\" On September 3, 1996, the \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" episode \"\"Ghoul of My Dreams\"\" was released together with the \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\" episode \"\"Good Times, Bat Times\"\" on one VHS cassette as a special release called \"\"Witcheroo!\"\" Six VHS cassettes containing 10 episodes of the series were released in", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nuniform and cape. The name \"\"The Masked Mallard\"\" became an epithet often used in the new show to refer to Darkwing himself. Tad Stones was directed to come up with a series for The Disney Afternoon around the premise of \"\"Double-O-Duck\"\", as an executive liked the title \"\"Double-O Duck\"\" as a spoof of James Bond and felt Launchpad McQuack would take the starring role. It turned out that the title \"\"Double-O Duck\"\" could not be used as the Broccoli family owned the 'double-o' title. A new name was selected, \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". Thus, Stones designed a new character for the lead,", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nDrake Mallard, while selecting McQuack as the sidekick. This name would result in a new look (Double-O Duck was to wear a white tuxedo and black domino mask). Other elements of the show, such as Darkwing's habit of coining new catchphrases every time he announced himself, would be invented during production. (As an in-joke, the episode \"\"A Duck by Any Other Name\"\" had Drake suggest \"\"Double-O Duck\"\" as his new secret identity and Launchpad remarked that it \"\"seems kinda silly\"\".) Where most prior \"\"Disney Afternoon\"\" series included at least some preexisting animated characters, \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" featured a completely original cast.", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nGosalyn and help do good in St. Canard. Most episodes put these two aspects of Darkwing's character in direct conflict, though Darkwing's better nature usually prevails. The show was the first Disney Afternoon series to emphasize action rather than adventure, with Darkwing routinely engaging in slapstick battles with both supervillains and street criminals. While conflict with villains was routine in earlier Disney Afternoon shows, actual fight scenes were relatively rare. \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" was also the first Disney Afternoon property that was produced completely as a genre parody. Prior shows would contain elements of parody in certain episodes, but would otherwise", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nbe straight-faced adventure concepts, this in the tradition of Carl Barks' work in the Disney comics. By contrast, every episode of \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" is laden with references to superhero, pulp adventure, or super-spy fiction. Darkwing Duck himself is a satirical character. His costume, gas gun and flashy introductions are all reminiscent of pulp heroes and Golden Age superheroes such as The Shadow, The Sandman, Doc Savage, Batman, The Green Hornet and the Julius Schwartz \"\"Flash\"\", as well as The Lone Ranger and Zorro. The fictional city of St. Canard is a direct parody of Gotham City. (\"\"Canard\"\" is the French", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nof BOOM! Studios' \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" comic series, there was controversy as to who was responsible for the series. Editor Aaron Sparrow is largely credited with the idea to relaunch the property and has claimed to have plotted the first arc and come up with many of the concepts for following story arcs. This has been publicly disputed by Boom and credited series writer Ian Brill. However, artist James Silvani has publicly credited Sparrow not only with the idea of bringing the series back, but assisting him in ghost-writing much of the series and changing a lot of the concepts Brill", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\ntried to get a job with Gadget Hackwrench of the Rescue Rangers from \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\". The eighteenth issue, which shipped in October 2011, was the end of the series due to BOOM! Studios prematurely losing the Disney Comics license. \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" Vol. 5 \"\"Dangerous Currency\"\" crossover, released in November 2011, was the final printing. On January 20, 2016, it was reported that the series would be returning to the comic book format. Writers Aaron Sparrow and artist James Silvani, both of whom worked on the previous Darkwing Duck comic book that was published by Boom! returned to", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nbrought to the series following Sparrow's departure from BOOM! Studios. This seems to be further corroborated by the fact that Sparrow and Silvani have both stated they did not write any of the final arc of the series, \"\"Dangerous Currency\"\", which was largely panned by fans for having many glaring character inconsistencies, particularly in the case of the character Gizmoduck. \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" creator Tad Stones has also publicly credited Sparrow as bringing the character back in a 2010 BOOM Kids! \"\"Get A Sketch\"\" panel at Comic-Con International. Sparrow continues to make public appearances with Silvani and Stones, and Brill does", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nsyndicated reruns on \"\"The Disney Afternoon\"\" until 1995 and then returned to the line-up from 1996 to 1997. Starting on October 2, 1995, \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" was rerun on The Disney Channel as part of a two-hour programming block called \"\"Block Party\"\" which aired on weekdays in the late-afternoon/early-evening and which also included \"\"TaleSpin\"\", \"\"DuckTales\"\", and \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\". On September 3, 1996, \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" was dropped from the beginning of the block when \"\"Goof Troop\"\" was added to the end. The series was last seen in the U.S. on Toon Disney on January 19, 2007 as part of", "\"Andrew Cosby\"\npublishing comics based on the Darkwing Duck TV show. Eighteen issues were published before the series wrapped up in October 2011. A 4-part crossover story with Disney's DuckTales titled \"\"Dangerous Currency\"\" ran before the series ended, with parts 1 and 3 in DuckTales #5 and #6 and parts 2 and 4 running in Darkwing Duck #17 and #18. Launching in May 2011, KaBOOM! published six issues based on the television show DuckTales. Notable video game designer Warren Spector wrote the series and the fifth and sixth issues featured a crossover with Darkwing Duck in the storyline \"\"Dangerous Currency\"\".[59] Spinning out", "\"Tad Stones\"\nHell\"\" and \"\"Bob's Burgers\"\". He has also contributed a script for the first annual of the comic book revival of \"\"Darkwing Duck.\"\" Although \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" is a spin-off of \"\"DuckTales\"\", Tad Stones stated in a 2016 interview that in his opinion the two shows exist in alternate universes. Tad Stones Tad Stones (born 1952, Burbank, California) is an American animator, screenwriter, producer and director, best known for his work for The Walt Disney Company, where he worked from 1974 to 2003. His most notable credits for Disney include creating, writing and producing the animated series \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" and producing \"\"Chip", "\"Boom! Studios\"\ncomics based on the \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" TV show. Eighteen issues were published before the series wrapped up in October 2011. A 4-part crossover story with Disney's \"\"DuckTales\"\" titled \"\"Dangerous Currency\"\" ran before the series ended, with parts 1 and 3 in \"\"DuckTales\"\" #5 and #6 and parts 2 and 4 running in \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" #17 and #18. Launching in May 2011, KaBOOM! published six issues based on the television show \"\"DuckTales\"\". Notable video game designer Warren Spector wrote the series and the fifth and sixth issues featured a crossover with \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" in the storyline \"\"Dangerous Currency\"\". Other licensed series", "\"Lorenzo Music\"\nthan 12 television specials and in the \"\"Garfield and Friends\"\" animated television series that ran from 1988-1994. Music voiced characters for shows such as \"\"TaleSpin\"\" as Sgt. Dunder, \"\"The Real Ghostbusters\"\", \"\"Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears\"\" as Tummi Gummi, \"\"Fluppy Dogs\"\" as Ozzie the Green Cool Fluppy, \"\"Pac-Man\"\", \"\"Pound Puppies\"\" as Teensy in the season 2 episode \"\"Little Big Dog\"\", and \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". In the mid-1990s, after \"\"Garfield and Friends\"\", \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" and \"\"Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears\"\" concluded, Music retired from cartoon voice acting. During the 1980s, Music also did voice-overs for many commercials for prime-time TV,", "\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\nThe Duck Knight Returns The Duck Knight Returns is a four issue comic plotted by editor Aaron Sparrow, written by Ian Brill and illustrated by James Silvani, based upon Disney's \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", and published by Boom! Studios. The title was originally announced on March 13, 2010, at the Emerald City Comic-Con as a mini-series. However, positive fan reaction prompted Boom! to extend it to an ongoing, with \"\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\" comprising the book's first story arc. The title parodies Frank Miller's 1986 Batman comic \"\"The Dark Knight Returns\"\". A year after the last public appearance of Darkwing Duck, the", "\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\ncrimebots are decommissioned, the criminals are thrown in prison, and Launchpad is made the new CEO of Quackwerks (to Darkwing's bewilderment). Gosayln is allowed to keep the Gizmosuit but Darkwing states it is only for emergencies. While everything appears to be going well for the restored superhero, it is revealed that he's being watched through a crystal ball by Negaduck and Magica De Spell. And Negaduck is not happy about Darkwing's current \"\"happy ending.\"\" The Duck Knight Returns was compiled into a trade paperback, released in December 2010. In 2013, German publisher Egmont released a compendium reprinting several of the", "\"Darkwing Duck (Capcom)\"\norder to find Steelbeak and save the city. Darkwing Duck is a platformer with a couple of elements similar to Capcom's \"\"Mega Man\"\" video game series. The gameplay is based on typical platforming while using a Gas Gun to take down enemies. The player may choose from three different stages at the start of the game with another set of three becoming available after that. Once all six stages are clear, Darkwing proceeds to F.O.W.L.'s Floating Fortress for his final confrontation with Steel Beak. It is said that the game itself is actually running on a tweaked Mega Man 5", "\"Magica De Spell\"\ncomic published by Boom! Studios, teaming up with Negaduck (whom she had saved from the Crimebots from \"\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\") in the story \"\"Crisis on Infinite Darkwings\"\". By combining their powers and knowledge, they intended to unleash an army of brainwashed, alternate universe Darkwing Ducks on St. Canard, as it would be of benefit to both their agendas – her hope is to force Darkwing's ally Launchpad McQuack to lead her to Scrooge's Number One Dime. Magica and Negaduck had contempt for each other, which they kept hidden behind a 'friendly' facade; early on, Negaduck sarcastically refers to his", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nseries and the \"\"DuckTales\"\" comic series occurs respectively in the seventeenth and eighteenth issues and the fifth and sixth issues of the series. \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" tells the adventures of the titular superhero, aided by his sidekick and pilot Launchpad McQuack (from \"\"DuckTales\"\"). In his secret identity of Drake Mallard (a parody of Kent Allard, the alter ego of the Shadow), he lives in an unassuming suburban house with his adopted daughter Gosalyn, next door to the bafflingly dim-witted Muddlefoot family. Darkwing struggles to balance his egotistical craving for fame and attention against his desire to be a good father to", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nDuck\"\" miniseries, titled \"\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\", starting in June of that year. The series was written by Aaron Sparrow (uncredited), Ian Brill and drawn by James Silvani, and was set one year after the end of the show. BOOM! later announced that due to positive fan reaction, the comic series would be extended indefinitely as an ongoing title. This first trade paperback collection of the initial four issues of the comic was released in the fall of 2010 Unlike the original show, the comic strengthened \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\"'s ties to the parent show \"\"DuckTales\"\" and began to use a number", "\"Plunder & Lightning\"\ncut out for time. Like with the \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" pilot episode \"\"Darkly Dawns the Duck\"\", these scenes were not restored when the pilot was released on the \"\"TaleSpin\"\": Volume 1 DVD set on August 29, 2006. However, most of these edited scenes \"\"do\"\" appear in the four-issue comic book adaptation. Among the scenes that were cut are the following: Furthermore, some scenes were altered rather than cut, and there were also some scenes that were not in the TV-movie version but were added to the four-part version (for example, the scene where Baloo and Kit square-dance with two air pirates", "\"Donald Duck universe\"\nand all of the \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" material does not appear in Barks' comics, as the two TV series was created decades after Barks's active years as a comic artist. Later, a few characters would be the main characters in the show \"\"Quack Pack\"\". However, in the magazine \"\"Disney Adventures\"\", there was a five-part crossover/storyline titled \"\"Legend of the Chaos God\"\" which began with \"\"TaleSpin\"\", and continued with \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\", \"\"Goof Troop\"\", and \"\"DuckTales\"\", then concluded with \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". Duckburg was the setting of the 1987 animated series \"\"DuckTales\"\". The cartoon's version of Duckburg was based loosely on", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nit aired on \"\"The Disney Afternoon\"\". The two-part episode \"\"Darkly Dawns the Duck\"\" originally aired as an hour-length TV special on September 6, 1991, as part of a larger syndicated TV special, \"\"The Darkwing Duck Premiere / Back to School with the Mickey Mouse Club\"\". The film served as the show's pilot. Seasons 1 and 2 were aired simultaneously in the autumn of 1991. Season 1 aired in syndication as part of \"\"The Disney Afternoon\"\" block of shows. Seasons 2 and 3 aired on Saturday mornings on ABC. The final episode aired on December 12, 1992. All episodes remained in", "\"Magica De Spell\"\nthe Duck family's trust in order to acquire Scrooge's Dime to regain her body during an eclipse which occurs in the season one finale. While Magica eventually regains her corporeal form before proceeding to decimate Duckburg, she is defeated and forced to flee after being stripped of her powers by the combined efforts of Scrooge and his family destroying her staff. Magica makes a cameo appearance in the \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" episode \"\"In Like Blunt\"\" along with the Beagle Boys and Flintheart Glomgold, among the bidders for the secret S.H.U.S.H. agent list. She had a proper role in the Darkwing Duck", "\"Scrooge McDuck\"\ngives Ventus three passes to the Dream Festival in Disney Town. Young reprises the role in the English version of \"\"Birth by Sleep\"\". Scrooge has appeared in the Boom! Studios \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" comic, playing a key role at the end of its initial story, \"\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\". Later he would also play a key role on the final story arc \"\"Dangerous Currency\"\", where he teams up with Darkwing Duck in order to stop the Phantom Blot and Magica De Spell from taking over St. Canard and Duckburg. In 2015, Scrooge was seen in the \"\"Mickey Mouse\"\" short \"\"Goofy's First", "\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\nCrimebots. The team is now led by Quackerjack who appears to have slipped even further into insanity and explodes with rage whenever someone mentions Negaduck. Sneaking into Quackwerks HQ, Darkwing is unable to gain any useful information on the corporation, and is found and attacked by an army of Crimebots. Fortunately, Gosalyn had taken a bus to Duckburg in order to find Launchpad, and they arrive just in time to rescue Darkwing in their jet, the Thunderquack. While escaping, Darkwing recounts the events from a year ago that prompted his retirement. Due to Launchpad's carelessness, Darkwing's arch-foe Negaduck had discovered", "\"Darkwing Duck (Capcom)\"\nengine. Darkwing begins with his standard Gas Gun but can collect different types of gas throughout each stage: Thunder, Heavy, and Arrow. Each special gas requires having ammunition and take up different amounts and function differently, but the player can only have one type of special gas at a time. Picking up a different type of special gas replaces the one Darkwing currently has. The player can freely switch between the special gas and the standard gas by hitting Select. Darkwing can also deflect certain projectiles with his cape by hitting Up on the control pad. The Nintendo version was", "DuckTales\nin \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". In February 2015, Disney XD announced the revival of the show, with the intention of rebooting the series. The rebooted series premiered on August 12, 2017. When Donald Duck decides to join the US Navy, he enlists his uncle Scrooge McDuck to look after his nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Although reluctant to do so due to their hyperactivity, along with his continual pursuit of increasing his wealth and maintaining harsh business ethics, he eventually warms to them upon seeing how smart and resourceful they are, and takes them into his manor as well as a number", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nEven the \"\"DuckTales\"\" characters it reused had no counterpart in early Disney shorts or the comics. The only exception was the episode \"\"In Like Blunt\"\", which featured cameo appearances by the Beagle Boys, Flintheart Glomgold and Magica De Spell. \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" first aired on The Disney Channel on March 31, 1991, as a \"\"sneak preview\"\", and then from April 6 into July 14 of that year as a regularly scheduled run on weekend mornings, as it was advertised to be \"\"The newest animated TV series exclusively to The Disney Channel\"\". In reality, this was a preview-run of the series before", "\"Donald Duck universe\"\nstories being based on the works by Barks. Additionally, the stories by Al Taliaferro and Ted Osborne are also considered canon by many fans, being that they are the creators of Huey, Dewey and Louie and Grandma Duck, and part of their work precedes Barks' work. Most of the characters have appeared in the 1980s Disney cartoon series \"\"DuckTales\"\". Disney's \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" series is nominally set in the separate \"\"DuckTales\"\" universe, in a metropolis called St. Canard, although aside from sharing the denizen Launchpad McQuack, and a few crossover episodes involving Gizmoduck, there is no interaction. Much of the \"\"DuckTales\"\"", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nthis comic. Additionally Andrew Dalhouse, Deron Bennett and Jesse Post assumed their roles on the creative team, with R. Janice Orlando, who worked on \"\"The Definitively Dangerous Edition,\"\" returning as Assistant Editor. Darkwing Duck is now wearing a purple necktie instead of his usual turtleneck. The first issue debuted on April 27, 2016. Titled \"\"Orange is the New Purple\"\". The comic was cancelled after eight issues due to poor sales. On July 25, 2018, it was announced that the Boom! Studios would be reprinted in \"\"Disney's Afternoon Giant\"\". The first issue will be released in October 2018. Throughout the run", "\"Alan Zaslove\"\nvideo films including \"\"DuckTales\"\", \"\"Aladdin\"\", \"\"Adventures of the Gummi Bears\"\", \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\" (in which he co-created with Tad Stones), \"\"The Return of Jafar\"\", \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\". He shared Daytime Emmy Award nominations for that and work on \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". When not working at Disney, Zaslove worked as a supervising producer and director on \"\"The New Woody Woodpecker Show\"\". Alan Zaslove Alan Zaslove (born April 6, 1927) is an American retired animator, producer and director of animated series. He started in 1943 as an \"\"office boy\"\" for Leon Schlesinger's studios and went on to work for", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nthe Toon Disney Wild Card Stack. Certain episodes from the show's original run rarely re-aired while the show was on Toon Disney. These episodes appear to have been removed for content reasons. The most prominent of the rarely seen episodes is \"\"Hot Spells\"\", which was never re-aired after its initial broadcast on ABC because of its religiously sensitive subject matter. \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" was one of the first American animated TV series to be officially broadcast in syndication in the former Soviet Union. The show currently airs on Disney XD in various countries such as the Netherlands and Germany. Four VHS", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\nof Carl Barks characters like Magica De Spell (allied to Negaduck in the second story) and cameoing Scrooge McDuck and Gyro Gearloose. A 4-part crossover story with Disney's \"\"DuckTales\"\", titled \"\"Dangerous Currency\"\", was released with parts 1 and 3 for \"\"DuckTales\"\" #5 and #6, and parts 2 and 4 for \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" #17 and #18. The comic also made a lot of homages to other Disney shows: Magica's powered up form in #7 has emblems that reference film villains like Hades and Jafar, someone holds a sign saying \"\"Bring Back Bonkers\"\" in the background of #6, and #3 shows Launchpad", "\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\nBulba's flying base with Launchpad catching Darkwing. Refusing to be defeated again, Bulba takes control of nanite weapons he had installed in the Quackwerks building in order to destroy Saint Canard, and Darkwing along with it. Gosalyn flies down and uses her suit to discharge Bulba and seemingly destroys him. But for a moment it looks like the shock killed her too, with Darkwing sobbing that she was his strength and his superhero. She then wakes up and replies \"\"Likewise...Dad.\"\" In the aftermath Scrooge McDuck is called in by the government to re-organize Quackwerks. The city regains its autonomy, the", "\"Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers\"\nthe Disney Afternoon comic book published by Marvel Comics. They also had a series from Boom Studios that was published for 8 issues from December 2010 to June 2011. In the first Darkwing Duck comic story from Kaboom!, Gadget makes a cameo gag. From September 2010, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers was revived by comics publisher Boom! Studios, as an ongoing monthly series slated to begin in December of the same year. This choice was based on the extreme and unexpected popularity of Darkwing Duck, another Disney Afternoon property which BOOM! revived earlier in 2010. The series featured comics writer", "\"Terry McGovern (actor)\"\nJim Coyle in the CBS series \"\"Charlie & Co.\"\" and has helped to create hundreds of television and radio commercials. McGovern starred in Walt Disney’s animated series \"\"DuckTales\"\" and \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" as the characters Launchpad McQuack and Babyface Beagle (only as Launchpad in Darkwing Duck). On theatrical stages, McGovern has had roles ranging from musical comedies to Shakespeare. Since 1999, McGovern has voiced \"\"Dan Stevens\"\", fictional play-by-play announcer, for the \"\"NFL 2K\"\" series of sports video games, alongside voice actor Jay Styne (as \"\"Peter O' Keefe\"\"). Both have provided their voices for all seven games in the series, the last", "\"Disney comics\"\nof comics including their classic characters as well as those from the \"\"Disney Afternoon\"\" format uncertain. In October 2014, \"\"Comic Book Resources\"\" (CBR) reported that Joe Books, a small new Canadian publisher founded by former BOOM! vice president Adam Fortier, had acquired the rights to a \"\"remastered\"\" omnibus reprint of BOOM's entire \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" comic series that would lead into an all-new on-going \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" series produced by Joe Comics, and in February 2015, CBR ran an interview with series artist James Silvani and series writer Aaron Sparrow on the new \"\"remastered\"\" omnibus collection published by Joe Books that month,", "DuckTales\nThe series was written by Warren Spector (author of the \"\"Epic Mickey\"\" videogame) with art by Leonel Castellani and Jose Massaroli. It lasted for 6 issues, with the final two crossing over with \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". The BOOM! Studios comic will be reprinted in IDW Publishing's \"\"Disney's Afternoon Giant\"\" in October 2018. Prior to its updated \"\"DuckTales\"\" comic book, BOOM Kids (later called Kaboom!) featured internationally produced \"\"DuckTales\"\" comic book stories never before seen in the US in issues 392–399 of the \"\"Uncle Scrooge\"\" comic book. These issues, published 2010-2011, were collected into two trade paperback volumes. The success of \"\"DuckTales\"\"", "\"Goof Troop\"\nHolidays with Darkwing Duck and Goofy!\"\" On October 5, 1993, the \"\"Goof Troop\"\" episode \"\"Hallow-Weenies\"\" was released together with the \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\" episode \"\"Ghost of a Chance\"\" on one VHS cassette as a special release called \"\"Boo-Busters\"\". The episode \"\"FrankenGoof\"\" was released with the \"\"DuckTales\"\" episode \"\"Ducky Horror Picture Show\"\" on another special VHS release titled \"\"Monster Bash\"\". On November 26, 1993, three VHS cassettes containing 6 episodes of the series were released in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. On February 14, 2006, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released \"\"Goof Troop\"\": Volume 1 on DVD", "\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\ncity of St. Canard is in the firm grip of the mega-corporation Quackwerks. The company controls nearly every aspect of the city, and employs the majority of its citizens. Crime has been nearly eradicated due to the Crimebots, Quackwerk's robotic police force. Darkwing Duck himself, in his civilian guise of Drake Mallard, is employed in one of Quackwerk's many offices, alongside Elmo Sputterspark, the former villain known as Megavolt. Retired from crime fighting, and having had a falling out with his former partner Launchpad McQuack, Drake was forced to take on the job in order to pay the tuition for", "\"John Blair Moore\"\nJohn Blair Moore John Blair Moore (1948 – August 5, 2018) was an American comic book writer/artist best known for \"\"Invaders from Home\"\", published in six issues in 1990 by Piranha Press. He was married with two daughters. Moore spent 10 years writing and occasionally drawing stories for Disney characters Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge, Roger Rabbit and Darkwing Duck, first for Disney Comics, briefly for Marvel Comics, and for Disney's global franchisee Egmont in Denmark. Moore's stories have been translated into many languages. Moore has also drawn editorial cartoons for the \"\"St. Louis Post Dispatch\"\", and illustrated children's", "\"Dan Castellaneta\"\nDan Castellaneta Daniel Louis Castellaneta (; born October 29, 1957) is an American actor, voice actor, comedian and screenwriter, best known for his long-running role as Homer Simpson on the Fox Broadcasting Company animated sitcom \"\"The Simpsons\"\". He also voices many other characters for the show like Abraham \"\"Grampa\"\" Simpson, Barney Gumble, Krusty the Clown, Sideshow Mel, Groundskeeper Willie, Mayor Quimby and Hans Moleman. Castellaneta also had roles in several other programs, including \"\"Futurama\"\" for Fox Broadcasting Company, \"\"Sibs\"\" and \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" for ABC, \"\"The Adventures of Dynamo Duck\"\" for Fox Kids, \"\"\"\" for CBS, \"\"Aladdin\"\" for Toon Disney, Taz-Mania", "\"Michael Bell (actor)\"\nhis human side, Bruce Banner was played by Michael Bell. In a 2004 interview, he joked about how Bob Holt would be annoyed that he was growling his throat out while Bell got the easier stuff. During this time, the actor also played Hiro Taka on \"\"Spiral Zone\"\" and Allstar Seaworthy on \"\"The Snorks\"\" (1984-1989) Bell continues to work in animation in the 1990s and into the 21st century in movies and television, with roles such as Quackerjack from Disney's \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", Aziz on \"\"Aladdin\"\", Ixus Naugus on \"\"Sonic the Hedgehog\"\" and Ezekiel Rage on \"\"The Real Adventures of Jonny", "\"Donald Duck universe\"\nwith varying degrees of consistency. Disney comics are the primary medium for Donald Duck stories. Contributors include Americans Carl Barks, Ted Osborne, Don Rosa, Tony Strobl, Al Taliaferro, and William Van Horn, as well as Italians Giovan Battista Carpi, Marco Rota, and Romano Scarpa. Other media includes short films in the \"\"Donald Duck\"\" series, children's books such as Little Big Books and Little Golden Books, television series such as \"\"DuckTales\"\" (1987–1990), \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" (1991–1992), and the \"\"Ducktales\"\" reboot (2017–), and video games such as \"\"QuackShot\"\" (1991), \"\"\"\" (2000), and \"\"\"\" (2013). \"\"Donald Duck universe\"\" is not an official Disney term,", "\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\nbeen \"\"painstakingly rewritten\"\" by Aaron Sparrow. The Duck Knight Returns The Duck Knight Returns is a four issue comic plotted by editor Aaron Sparrow, written by Ian Brill and illustrated by James Silvani, based upon Disney's \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", and published by Boom! Studios. The title was originally announced on March 13, 2010, at the Emerald City Comic-Con as a mini-series. However, positive fan reaction prompted Boom! to extend it to an ongoing, with \"\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\" comprising the book's first story arc. The title parodies Frank Miller's 1986 Batman comic \"\"The Dark Knight Returns\"\". A year after the last", "\"Super Chicken\"\nchicken coop with a glass canopy, airplane wings and a jet engine. Also absent was the need for Super Sauce to institute the change into Super Chicken. Super Chicken's sidekick Fred was fundamentally the same, except that instead of sneakers, he wore black boots. In 1969, Gold Key Comics published two issues of a \"\"George of the Jungle\"\" comic book. Each issue contained a story featuring Super Chicken. The artist and writer of the stories, Paul Fung, Jr. was not credited in the comic. In an episode of \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", Darkwing references a line from the \"\"Super Chicken\"\" series. When", "\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\nlab with the ability to control all technology except a prototype Gizmoduck suit. The fact that the suit did not register Bulba as a person due to his machine nature hurt his pride. He decided to take over everything so he could make people say every word, until someone said the password so as to make the suit his slave. The password turns out to be Keen Gear, and the suit attaches to Gosayln, making her GosmoDuck. Taurus Bulba then returns in a stronger battle body, overpowering the trio and belittling Darkwing. Darkwing causes both of them to fall from", "\"Darkwing Duck (TurboGrafx-16)\"\nvillain's location. Players battle enemies while collecting puzzle pieces scattered throughout each of the first three levels. Levels are timed and Darkwing is crushed by a falling safe for prolonged idling. The player's primary attack is jumping on enemies heads. The player can also use a gas gun, which can only be used when the player has gas pellets as ammunition. Three colors of gas pellets correspond to confusing, sleeping and knock out gases, which describe the effects inflicted on enemies. Cherry bombs can be used to defeat all enemies on the screen and scattered power-ups can be collected for", "\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\nCrimebots and taken back to Quackwerks HQ. All seven of them are restrained and brought before Quackwerk's CEO, revealed to be one of Darkwing's most dangerous foes, Taurus Bulba. While Bulba is gloating, Megavolt shorts out the restraints. All seven attack Bulba, but he quickly dispatches the Fearsome Four by dropping them down to face a demonic human resource robot. Darkwing and Launchpad get the upper hand on Bulba and his motivations for creating Quackwerks are revealed. At some point Bulba's body had been destroyed but he continued to exist as an electronic consciousness. He re-built himself in Gyro Gearloose's", "DuckTales\nled to the translation of the show into many languages. Featured together with \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\" in a Sunday morning program titled \"\"Walt Disney Presents\"\", the show premiered in the former Soviet Union in 1991, the first American cartoon shown in the region after the Cold War. One year later, \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" was also added to this lineup. However, the show's theme song (written by Mark Mueller and originally sung by Jeff Pescetto) remained in English for a number of episodes. The first Russian version of the song was replaced midway through the series with an alternate rendition", "\"Duck family (Disney)\"\nthe most common supporting character in Moby's stories. Dimwitty is incredibly clumsy but he's loyal and subservient, and maybe that's the reason why Moby keeps him as his ship hand. But a close kinship between them could also explain this fact. Dimwitty is taller than Donald and Moby. In some 1970s stories, Dimwitty was shown as a friend of Gus Goose. There are some old stories where it's revealed that Dimwitty's surname is also \"\"Duck\"\". The first one was \"\"The Fix-it-fiasco\"\", which also features Daisy. Just like Moby, Dimwitty had also a cameo appearance in the \"\"Darkwing Duck / Ducktales\"\"", "\"Duck family (Disney)\"\nPorpy\"\"' pretended to be a threatening shark. Later that year Moby got his own comic book title which ran 11 issues until 1970, and then from 1973 to 1978 (issues #12-30). Illustrators of American Moby Duck stories include Strobl, Kay Wright, and Pete Alvarado. Not seen in the USA for two decades, he was used in a comic subseries produced in Italy during the 2000s. Curiously, Moby had two cameo appearances in the 2010s already. The first one was in an Italian story from 2010, and the second one was in the \"\"Darkwing Duck / Ducktales\"\" crossover called \"\"Dangerous Currency\"\"", "Televen\n\"\"Buffy the Vampire Slayer\"\" and \"\"Freakazoid\"\" (\"\"Fenomenoide\"\"). Televen also aired Club Disney, a block of Disney cartoons including \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" (\"\"El Pato Darkwing\"\"), \"\"Ducktales\"\" (\"\"Pato Aventuras\"\"), \"\"Goof Troop\"\" (\"\"La Tropa Goofy\"\"), \"\"\"\" (\"\"101 Dalmatas\"\"), \"\"Doug\"\" (\"\"Doug de Disney\"\"), \"\"Bonkers\"\", and \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\". Televen also aired cartoon shows including \"\"Earthworm Jim\"\" (\"\"Jim el Gusano\"\"), \"\"Freakazoid\"\" (\"\"Fenomenoide\"\"), \"\"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles\"\" (\"\"Las Tortugas Ninjas\"\"), \"\"Dennis the Menace\"\" (\"\"Daniel el Travieso\"\"), \"\"Poochini\"\", \"\"The ThunderCats\"\" (\"\"Los ThunderCats\"\"), \"\"Scooby-Doo\"\", \"\"The Smurfs\"\" (\"\"Los Pitufos\"\"), \"\"Popeye the Sailor\"\" (\"\"Popeye El Marino\"\"), \"\"Merrie Melodies\"\" (\"\"Fantasias Animadas de Ayer y Hoy\"\"), \"\"Tom & Jerry\"\" (\"\"Tom y", "\"Aladdin (animated TV series)\"\nAladdin (animated TV series) Aladdin is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation which aired from September 5, 1994, to November 25, 1995, based on the original 1992 Disney film of the same name. The series is set after \"\"The Return of Jafar\"\" and picked up where the installment left off. The \"\"Aladdin\"\" TV series is considered one of Disney's finest television animation work. The series was produced by Alan Zaslove and Tad Stones, who were already renowned for their work on \"\"\"\" and \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". Many of the films' stars provided the voices of their", "\"Eddie Deezen\"\non the animated series \"\"Grimmy\"\", \"\"Duckman\"\", \"\"Kim Possible\"\" and \"\"What's New, Scooby-Doo?\"\", as well as guest spots on many others, including \"\"Johnny Bravo\"\", \"\"Recess,\"\" and \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". His best-known voice-over character, however, is that of Mandark, the nemesis of the eponymous Dexter on Cartoon Network's \"\"Dexter's Laboratory\"\", a role he played for the series' entire run from 1996–2003. Deezen also voiced the character on the TV special \"\"\"\" and the video games \"\"Cartoon Network Racing\"\" and \"\"\"\". In 2004, Deezen returned to the big screen once again under the direction of Robert Zemeckis to supply voice and motion capture performance", "\"Tino Insana\"\nTino Insana Silvio Peter \"\"Tino\"\" Insana (February 15, 1948 – May 31, 2017) was an American actor, producer, writer, voice artist, and comedian. He is best known as the voice of Uncle Ted on \"\"Bobby's World\"\", Bushroot on \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", and Pig in \"\"Barnyard\"\" and \"\"Back at the Barnyard\"\". Insana was born in Chicago, Illinois on February 15, 1948, the son of Silvio A. Insana, a musician, and Hiloray (Swanson). In 1971, Insana co-founded a local comedy troupe known as the West Compass Trio, along with Steve Beshekas and John Belushi. Insana's highly-distinguishable voice has been featured in many animated", "\"Sunwoo Entertainment\"\nSunwoo Entertainment Sunwoo Entertainment, Co., Ltd. () was an animation studio located in South Korea. It was established as Sunwoo Production Inc. in 1974. It began by producing animation mainly for Disney Afternoon TV series, such as \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\" and \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", and soon expanded by providing animation services for Nickelodeon shows like \"\"Rocko's Modern Life\"\" and \"\"Invader Zim\"\", and other series like \"\"Duckman\"\" on USA Network and \"\"Fatherhood\"\" on Nick at Nite. Many studios have been \"\"spun off\"\" from Sunwoo; the first to do so was Anivision, which was established in March 1991. Anivision worked on", "\"Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears\"\njump start the television animation boom of the late 1980s and 1990s. Consequently, it also became the forerunner to Disney's famous Disney Afternoon timeslot, which gave way to other famous serialized Disney television series, such as \"\"DuckTales\"\", \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\", \"\"TaleSpin\"\", \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", \"\"Goof Troop\"\", \"\"Bonkers\"\", and \"\"Gargoyles\"\". Although many of these subsequently-created shows exceeded \"\"Gummi Bears\"\" in budget and length, the show is often credited as a sort of prototype for all of the animation which followed it. The show was so successful in the United Kingdom that the episodes \"\"A New Beginning\"\" and \"\"Faster than a", "\"Robert Ito\"\nvoiced characters in many cartoon shows and films, including \"\"\"\", \"\"Captain Planet and the Planeteers\"\", \"\"Animaniacs\"\", \"\"Bonkers\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Jackie Chan Adventures\"\", \"\"Fantastic Max\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"My Little Pony and Friends\"\", \"\"Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?\"\", \"\"Biker Mice from Mars\"\", \"\"Quack Pack\"\", \"\"Capitol Critters\"\", \"\"ProStars\"\", \"\"Justice League\"\", \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\", \"\"Iron Man\"\", \"\"The Karate Kid\"\", \"\"A Pup Named Scooby-Doo\"\", \"\"Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures\"\", \"\"Rambo and the Forces of Freedom\"\", \"\"Savage Dragon\"\", \"\"The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan\"\", \"\"TaleSpin\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries\"\", \"\"All Grown Up!\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"The Woody Woodpecker Show\"\" (the", "\"Tad Stones\"\nSoccermania\"\". He was one of the writers and producers of \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\" and \"\"Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears\"\" (third season only). In 1990, Stones was asked to develop an original concept inspired by two episodes of \"\"Ducktales\"\"; he illustrated what would eventually become known as \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". Stones wrote and produced the pilot film for the show, \"\"Darkly Dawns the Duck\"\", which premiered in April 1991. After the success of the pilot, Stones served as writer and producer of the show until the end of its run in late 1992. According to an interview, the character", "\"Dan Castellaneta\"\nHe provided the voice of the eponymous character in \"\"The Adventures of Dynamo Duck\"\", Megavolt in \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", \"\"Doc\"\" Emmett Brown in \"\"\"\", the lead character in \"\"Earthworm Jim\"\" and several characters, including Grandpa Phil and the Jolly Olly Man, the mentally unstable ice cream truck driver, on Nickelodeon's \"\"Hey Arnold!\"\". He guest starred as The Robot Devil in five episodes of \"\"Futurama\"\", as well as the film \"\"\"\". Castellaneta has also made guest appearances in a number of television series episodes. In 1992, he guest-starred in an episode of the legal drama \"\"L.A. Law\"\", as a Homer Simpson meetable", "\"The Duck Knight Returns\"\nBOOM! Studios stories, with an all-new introduction by Aaron Sparrow and James Silvani, colored by Andrew Dalhouse. This version not only restored Aaron Sparrow to the plotting credits of the BOOM! Studios produced books, but also featured an updated script by Sparrow and Silvani. On October 22, 2014 comic news website Bleeding Cool announced that the first 16 issues of Darkwing Duck would be packaged together and published in an omnibus by Joe Books. On his tumblr account, James Silvani stated that the omnibus would be a remastered edition, featuring revised art, a new epilogue, and that the script had", "\"Ian Akin\"\nreprints, including for Darkwing Duck. He continued to produce work steadily for Marvel through the 1990s, notably as the regular inker on Marvel's \"\"Darkhawk\"\" from 1993–1995, and \"\"Professor Xavier and the X-Men\"\" from 1995–1997. He was a regular inker on the 1990s incarnation of \"\"What If...\"\", but since the mid-1990s, Akin has no significant published credits. Ian Akin Ian Akin (born July 28, 1959 in California) is a comic book artist, known primarily for inking. Along with his inking partner, Brian Garvey, Akin worked on many superhero comics (mostly for Marvel Comics) from 1982–1988. Akin grew up in southern California,", "\"Phantom Blot\"\nand power is only surpassed by his desire to immortalize his name in \"\"the annals of crime\"\". Along with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Scrooge McDuck, Gyro Gearloose, Super Goof, Eega Beeva, Minnie Mouse, and Chief O'Hara have all encountered the Blot, and thus successfully tried to stop him. The Blot sometimes teams up with other bad guys like the Beagle Boys and Mad Madam Mim, the latter of whom is madly in love with him (while he secretly considers her a lunatic). In 2011, the Phantom Blot appeared as a major antagonist in the Ducktales and Darkwing Duck comics", "\"DuckTales (2017 TV series)\"\nrole as Donald Duck, were announced, and during the 2017 San Diego Comic-Con, Disney announced that Darkwing Duck would also make an appearance in the TV series. The art style of the show is heavily influenced not just by Carl Barks' original \"\"Uncle Scrooge\"\" comics, but also some of Barks' paintings. The theme song, written by Mark Mueller for the 1987 series, was re-recorded for the 2017 reboot. It was arranged by Michael \"\"Smidi\"\" Smithand and TJ Stafford and sung by Felicia Barton. Released through the Disney XD YouTube channel ahead of the show's premiere, these shorts spotlight several characters.", "\"Fearsome Five\"\nto bring the Fearsome Five down from the inside. On \"\"Just Us Justice Ducks\"\", a two-part episode of the animated TV series \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", the title character's enemies Negaduck (in his first appearance), Bushroot, Quackerjack, Megavolt, and the Liquidator join together and become the Fearsome Five. However, the group bears no similarities outside of its name. Fearsome Five The Fearsome Five or Fearsome Hive or Hive Five is a fictional group of comic book supervillains from DC Comics. Dr. Light & Psimon are leader of Fearsome Five. They are enemies of Teen Titans. They were created by George Pérez and", "\"Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers\"\nlast few minutes of the episode, the case was resolved, usually in dramatic fashion and the final moments would have a humorous wrap up scene between the Rangers. \"\"Rescue Rangers\"\" was originally conceived as the first of three new companion shows to Disney's popular \"\"DuckTales\"\" series, which had more than doubled the ratings among child audiences in its time slots after its debut in the fall of 1987. Disney had originally invested $20,000,000 in \"\"DuckTales\"\" and then invested $28,000,000 in \"\"Chip 'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers\"\". It, along with \"\"TaleSpin\"\" and a third series, \"\"Double-O Duck\"\" (which ultimately became \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\"),", "\"Disney comics\"\nto Slave Labor Graphics (\"\"Gargoyles\"\") and BOOM! Kids (\"\"The Muppet Show\"\", \"\"The Incredibles\"\", and \"\"Cars\"\"). Boom eventually also got the license for the classic characters, and began publishing comic books with them in 2009. Although cancelling two titles previously published by Gladstone and Gemstone (\"\"Donald Duck Adventures\"\" and \"\"Uncle $crooge Adventures\"\"), Boom! expanded their Disney portfolio in 2010-'11 by launching three new titles based upon the 1990s Disney Afternoon TV format (\"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\", and \"\"DuckTales\"\"). However, in August 2011, it was reported that Disney and Boom! were to end the licensing agreement, leaving the future", "\"John Blair Moore\"\nbooks and humor books for various authors. John Blair Moore's daughter reported on Facebook in August 2018, that her father had died on August 5, 2018, after 12 days of hospitalization. John Blair Moore John Blair Moore (1948 – August 5, 2018) was an American comic book writer/artist best known for \"\"Invaders from Home\"\", published in six issues in 1990 by Piranha Press. He was married with two daughters. Moore spent 10 years writing and occasionally drawing stories for Disney characters Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge, Roger Rabbit and Darkwing Duck, first for Disney Comics, briefly for Marvel Comics,", "\"Darkwing (Transformers)\"\nDarkwing (Transformers) Darkwing (sometimes called Darkwind or Blackwing) is a fictional character from the various Transformers series. He is a Decepticon jet. Initially called Darkwing, the name was changed to Darkwind - possibly for trademark purposes. All his fictional appearances use his original Darkwing name, although the latest toy is officially called Blackwing. Darkwing never has anything nice to say, but says it anyway. He believes life is pain, and it's his goal to make sure others suffer it more than he does. Darkwing combines with Dreadwind to form the super jet Dreadwing. Darkwing and Dreadwind are considered highly collectible.", "\"Invincible (comics)\"\nViltrumites, Anissa attacks him and informs him that a replacement will come soon to take over Earth. Mark begins preparing for the invasion. Mark flies to Africa to talk with Eve, when Cecil pages him that Doc Seismic is holding all of Earth's superheroes captive. Mark destroys Seismic and many of the monsters, but passes out from exhaustion. Cecil sends Sinclair's Reaniman and Darkwing II (a former superhero turned killed) to rescue the heroes. Mark, enraged that two killers are working for the government, attacks Darkwing, but is stopped by the heroes, who are unaware of Darkwing's criminal activities due", "\"Old MacDonald Duck\"\nshort are shown in \"\"Donald Duck's 50th Birthday\"\" where Donald explains to Dick Van Dyke how animation works. The short can be found on \"\"The Chronological Donald Volume 1 disc 2. Old MacDonald Duck Old MacDonald Duck is an animated cartoon from 1941 in which Donald Duck is a farmer. Donald is disturbed by an insect when he tries to milk the cow Clementine. Donald Duck works as a farmer in a farm. The cartoon takes its title from the children's song Old MacDonald Had a Farm that Donald sings while feeding his animals. Later on, while milking Clementine, Donald", "\"Darkwing (Transformers)\"\nof Darkwing, known as Hydra, appeared as a regular in the Masterforce series in Japan. Darkwing's only true appearance in animated form was in the commercials for Powermaster toys. Darkwing was among the Decepticons featured in the 1988 book and audio adventure \"\"Autobot Hostage\"\" by Ladybird books. Although Darking and Throttle did not appear in any fiction by Dreamwave Productions they did get a full bio in their \"\"More Than Meets The Eye\"\" series. Darkwing made his first IDW Publishing appearance in \"\"\"\", where he led an infiltration cell on the planet Nebulos. When Thunderwing arrived, Darkwing and the other", "\"The Duck Variations\"\nAlthough their conversations seem misguided, as they talk about the ducks, many wise conversations are actually discussed. They talk about the leader of the ducks, and how every other duck follows that leader. When the leader duck dies, then a new leader must be chosen. They also talk about how everything the ducks do has a purpose. Within the dialog of the men, they talk about why things occur naturally, friendship, and death, not only in reference to the ducks, but also in human nature. The play was initially performed in 1972 at the Saint Nicholas Theatre, directed by Mamet.", "\"Duck call\"\nDuck call A duck call may be either the sound-imitation process by which a hunter lures waterfowl, or the actual tool which the person uses to do so. Early duck call tools were basic woodwind instruments, while later innovations are constructed of rubber and plastic, and allow the hunter to adjust the volume and tone of the calls with reeds. Today's duck calls usually fall into three main categories: a single, double, or triple reed call with many variations. The goal of a duck call is to sound like a realistic live duck. As a tool, a duck call is", "\"Darkwing (Transformers)\"\nas one of Bludgeon's troops in the \"\"Generation 2\"\" comics. He attempted to sneak up on the newly enhanced Megatron, but was shot out of the sky in issue #5, \"\"The Power and the Glory\"\". In issue #6 Frenzy and Rumble worked to rebuild Darkwing. In issue #7 Darkwing sent to steal Rheanimum, a potent substance Megatron intended to use in his quest for power, from the planet Tykos. Darkwing's rebuilt body based on the \"\"Generation 2\"\" Dreadwing toy. The U.S. animated series was canceled before Darkwing was produced, so he did not appear in the series, however, the redeco", "\"Ron Palillo\"\nsupporting roles in various television series and films. He voiced characters on such animated series as \"\"Laverne & Shirley in the Army\"\", \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", and \"\"Rubik, the Amazing Cube\"\", in which he played the lead character. In 1996, Palillo played himself in several episodes of the television sitcom \"\"Ellen\"\", playing the love interest of Ellen’s friend Audrey. Palillo also spent a year on the daytime show \"\"One Life to Live\"\" and also acted in \"\"\"\" (1986), and the lead in \"\"The Curse of Micah Rood.\"\" He returned to New York in 1991, and played such roles as Mozart in \"\"Amadeus\"\"", "\"Jack Angel\"\nalso voiced Wet Suit on Sunbow's \"\"\"\" and several characters on \"\"Dino-Riders\"\". In 1995, he was the voice of Nikki in the animated film \"\"Balto\"\". He played the SWATbots on \"\"Sonic the Hedgehog\"\", The Liquidator on \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", The Chief of Police in \"\"Goof Troop\"\", and Nick Fury on \"\"Spider-Man: The Animated series\"\". In 2001, Angel was the voice of \"\"Teddy\"\" in the movie \"\"A.I. Artificial Intelligence\"\". He provided voices for animated films such as \"\"A Bug's Life\"\", \"\"Monsters, Inc.\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Cars\"\", \"\"Horton Hears a Who\"\", \"\"The Prince of Egypt\"\", \"\"The Iron Giant\"\", and \"\"Aladdin\"\". Angel has also ventured into", "\"Goof Troop\"\nseries in the United States, titled \"\"Banding Together\"\", \"\"Goin' Fishin, and \"\"The Race is on!\"\". They included the episodes \"\"Shake, Rattle & Goof\"\", \"\"Close Encounters of the Weird Mime\"\", \"\"Slightly Dinghy\"\", \"\"Wrecks, Lies & Videotape\"\", \"\"Meanwhile, Back at the Ramp\"\", and \"\"Tub Be or Not Tub Be\"\". The videotapes included a \"\"Goof Troop\"\" music video which played at the end of each tape. Additionally, on September 28, 1993, the \"\"Goof Troop\"\" episode \"\"Have Yourself a Goofy Little Christmas\"\" was released together with the \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" episode \"\"It's a Wonderful Leaf\"\" on one VHS cassette as a special release called \"\"Happy", "\"Diane Pershing\"\nfor providing the voice of the villainess Poison Ivy on \"\"\"\" and its subsequent spin-offs. She has also lent her voice to series such as \"\"Inspector Gadget\"\", \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", \"\"The New Adventures of Flash Gordon\"\", \"\"The Centurions\"\" (as Crystal Kane), \"\"Dungeons & Dragons\"\", \"\"\"\" and \"\"The Smurfs\"\". Diane Pershing Diane Pershing (born in Queens, New York) is an American voice actress, singer, and writer. She began her singing career as a back-up singer for Johnny Mathis and went on to appear in the show group, The Establishment, on tour and on TV. As a writer, she has written for TV", "\"Darkwing Duck\"\ntogether and published in an omnibus by Joe Books. On his Tumblr account, Silvani stated that the omnibus would be a remastered edition, featuring revised art, a new epilogue, and that the script had been \"\"painstakingly rewritten\"\" by Sparrow. It was also announced that the omnibus would lead into a new monthly series written by Sparrow and drawn by Silvani, with no involvement by Brill. The omnibus only collects the first 16 issues and the annual, omitting the final \"\"Dangerous Currency\"\" crossover with \"\"DuckTales\"\", seeming to further call into question Brill's claims of sole authorship. On January 18, 2016, Joe", "\"Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck Cartoon Collections\"\nMickey Mouse, two each starring Pluto and two each starring Donald Duck. There were no cartoons that starred Goofy (the only time Goofy appeared in a cartoon was if he costarred alongside Mickey and/or Donald). Other patterns seemed to include at least one 1930s Mickey short each and one short each placing Donald opposite Chip 'n' Dale. Many of the presented shorts were reissued on later Disney releases on video and DVD. The Laserdisc version of Volume 1 also includes the shorts that were on the VHS and Beta version of Volume 2. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck Cartoon Collections", "\"IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth\"\nFuture. \"\"Reflections of Earth\"\" (Working title: \"\"Earth 2000\"\") \"\"We Go On\"\" \"\"Promise\"\" The complete show soundtrack can be found on these releases: Jim Cummings (the voice of Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Darkwing Duck as well as other characters) provides the narration at the beginning of \"\"Reflections of Earth\"\": The original narration substituted the first two sentences with \"\"Good evening and welcome\"\" but was changed for the Year of a Million Dreams. Mary Thompson Hunt was the female voice who did the pre-show announcements stating that the show will be starting shortly. In recent years, the voice has been changed to", "TaleSpin\nand which also included \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", \"\"DuckTales\"\", and \"\"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\"\". Later, the show was aired on Toon Disney, where it was first aired from April 1998 until January 2006 (with a hiatus between 2001 and 2002) and later from January 2007 until May 2008. Throughout its broadcast history, the series has been subjected to numerous edits. \"\"TaleSpin\"\" is set in the fictional city of Cape Suzette (a pun on the dish Crêpe Suzette), in a fictional country called Usland. The city lies in a harbor protected by an enormous natural cliff wall. A single cleft in the", "\"The Walt Disney Company\"\ncommercial and critical successes with such films as \"\"The Little Mermaid\"\" (1989), \"\"Beauty and the Beast\"\" (1991), \"\"Aladdin\"\" (1992) and \"\"The Lion King\"\" (1994). In addition, the company successfully entered the field of television animation with a number of lavishly budgeted and acclaimed series such as \"\"Adventures of the Gummi Bears\"\", \"\"DuckTales\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", \"\"TaleSpin\"\" and \"\"Gargoyles\"\". Disney moved to first place in box office receipts by 1988 and had increased revenues by 20% every year. In 1989, Disney signed an agreement-in-principle to acquire The Jim Henson Company from its founder, Muppet creator Jim Henson. The deal included Henson's", "\"Flintheart Glomgold\"\nand sneaky as he is.\"\" Yet in the final pages of the comic, Glomgold seems to be perfectly content, living in a wooden shanty in Duckburg's slums, sharing a meager meal with one of his former clerks. As Glomgold explains, now that he has nothing left, there's nothing further that Scrooge can do to him, and Glomgold is looking forward to making himself rich again, since making a fortune is much more satisfying than having one. In this he reflects much of Scrooge's own philosophy. In the Disney series \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\" episode \"\"In Like Blunt\"\", Glomgold makes a cameo appearance-along", "\"Linda Gary\"\nMorbidia & Nicara in \"\"The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo\"\". \"\"The ABC Weekend Special\"\" was a Saturday morning TV series that aired from 1977 to 1997. It featured stories in both the live-action and animated realms. Linda's voice could be heard on \"\"Scruffy\"\", \"\"The Puppy Saves the Circus\"\", \"\"The Amazing Bunjee Venture\"\", \"\"The Return of the Bunjee\"\", \"\"The Velveteen Rabbit\"\" and \"\"The Magic Flute\"\". During the 1980s, Gary did several guest voice-over appearances in such Disney television series as \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\", \"\"DuckTales\"\", \"\"TaleSpin\"\", \"\"The Little Mermaid series\"\" and \"\"Bonkers\"\". She voiced a gazelle and a hippo on the Lion King read-along" ]
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who does rachel end up with in friends
[ "Ross Geller" ]
[ "\"The Rachel Papers\"\nby some of Rachel's habits, Charles becomes bored and is seduced by, and later sleeps with, his old flame Gloria (Skinner), ending his relationship with Rachel, who subsequently moves to New York. Charles still ends up going to Oxford University, but he does not enjoy his time there, feeling that his life is missing something following the end of his relationship with Rachel. Rachel and Charles accidentally meet up again in a museum and spend the whole day together, but at the end, Rachel kisses him only on the cheek, and leaves. We hear Charles in voiceover saying that he", "\"Rachel Gannon\"\nthen end their relationship and Rachel succumbs to her attraction for Greg and they begin dating. Unfortunately for Rachel and Greg, the two broke up in March 2010 when Greg thought Rachel was having feelings for her friend Schuyler Joplin (which she doesn't) and walked out on her. Feeling she doesn't have anything left in Llanview, Rachel moved back to Chicago to help a friend who is a patient in rehab. When her mother remarries Bo, Nora chooses Rachel as her maid of honor. However, Rachel informs her mother that she will be un-able to attend the ceremony because she", "\"The Bubble (30 Rock)\"\nEric was based on pictures of him in his younger days, a reference to the animated character from the movie \"\"The Little Mermaid\"\" (1989). Jenna talks about the Rachel haircut, made famous by actress Jennifer Aniston, as the character Rachel Green on the show \"\"Friends\"\". Later, Jenna says she does not want to make the wrong choice with her hair explaining she does not want to end up like actress Keri Russell from \"\"Felicity\"\" season two. Kenneth tells Jack that when he and Tracy watch the show \"\"Lost\"\" he always holds Tracy's hand, due to the show's mysterious plots. After", "Friends\nher mother committed suicide. However, the rest of the group loves her regardless. Chandler breaks up with his girlfriend, Janice (Maggie Wheeler), who frequently returns in later seasons. Carol delivers a baby boy who is named Ben. At the end of the season, Chandler accidentally reveals that Ross loves Rachel, who realizes that she feels the same way. The season ends with Rachel waiting at the airport for Ross' arrival from a trip. The second season begins with Rachel waiting at the gate for Ross to declare her love for him. However, she discovers that he is dating Julie (Lauren", "\"The One with the Sonogram at the End\"\nalone. Barry reveals that he went on their honeymoon with Mindy, Rachel's best friend and maid of honour, who he had been seeing behind her back. The final scene is at Monica & Rachel's apartment. Ross has brought over a video of the sonogram and the group are watching it on tv. Rachel is on the phone, talking to Mindy. She ends the conversation by telling Mindy that if everything works out and the two get married, she hopes their kids will have Barry's receding hair and Mindy's old nose. Rachel hangs up and tells the group that she knows", "Friends\ncommunication with Rachel. Ross agrees, but during a last dinner with all six main characters together, Emily phones Ross and, upon discovering Rachel is there, realizes she does not trust him, which ends the marriage. Phoebe begins a relationship with a police officer, Gary (Michael Rapaport), after finding his badge and using it as her own. Monica and Chandler go public with their relationship, to the surprise and happiness of their friends. They decide to get married on a trip to Las Vegas, but change their plans after witnessing Ross and Rachel drunkenly stumble out of the wedding chapel. In", "Friends\ngives birth to baby Emma in the season finale. At the hospital, Ross's mother offers him an engagement ring because she wants him to marry Rachel. Ross does not intend to ask Rachel to marry him, but he takes the ring anyway and puts it in his jacket pocket. Meanwhile, in the post-delivery room, Joey looks for some tissue for an upset Rachel, picks up Ross's jacket, and the ring falls to the floor. He kneels to pick it up and turns to Rachel, still on his knees and still holding the ring. Rachel accepts what she thinks is his", "Friends\ndream job. Rachel says a tearful goodbye to everyone but Ross. A hurt and angry Ross confronts Rachel, and they end up sleeping together. Rachel leaves, and Ross, realizing he loves her, chases after her to the airport. Rachel realizes she loves him too, and cancels her flight to Paris, agreeing to stay with him. The series ends with all friends plus Monica and Chandler's new babies leaving the apartment, heading to Central Perk for a final cup of coffee. The finale dialogue used in this series is by Chandler, making a joke for the last time. The camera's last", "\"Thanksgiving (Glee)\"\nroom. In New York City, Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) confronts Brody Weston (Dean Geyer) over having sex with Rachel's enemy, dance instructor Cassandra July. Brody reminds Rachel that she ignored him once Finn briefly appeared in NYC, and recognizing her mistake, she invites him to celebrate Thanksgiving with her and Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer), who also invites his boss, Isabelle Wright (Sarah Jessica Parker). Isabelle brings her friends to Rachel and Kurt's apartment, where they end up having a party, performing a mash-up of \"\"Let's Have a Kiki\"\" and \"\"Turkey Lurkey Time\"\". Isabelle advises Kurt to call his ex-boyfriend Blaine", "\"Wintle's Wonders\"\nmusical comedy. Cora Wintle is Rachel and Hilary's aunt, a former dancer who now runs a dance academy. Tom Lennox is Cora's husband, a painter who does not take much interest in dance. He becomes Rachel's friend and protector. Dulcie Wintle is Cora and Tom's daughter, a talented but proud and snobbish dancer. She is jealous of Hilary, and detests Rachel. Mrs Purser, known as Pursie, is the costumer and housekeeper at Mrs Wintle's school. Mrs Storm is Dulcie, Rachel, and Hilary's schoolteacher, who introduces Rachel to elocution and acting. Pat and Ena are dance teachers at Mrs Wintle's school.", "\"No More Dead Dogs\"\nhis miraculous recovery. Meanwhile, Wallace figures out that the culprit is Rachel's brother Dylan, who wanted revenge because he felt the play had ruined the famous Wallace Wallace. Consequently, Wallace tells his first lie to spare Rachel's feelings. He tells her that it was him vandalizing the play. After her initial anger at Wallace, she realizes on her own that Dylan was behind the attacks. Wallace and Rachel recognize their mutual attraction, and plan to go on a date together. As for Trudi, she ends up falling in love with Cavanaugh. Furthermore, Cavanaugh and Wallace make up and are friends", "\"The One Where Rachel Smokes\"\nThe One Where Rachel Smokes \"\"The One Where Rachel Smokes\"\" is the eighteenth episode of the fifth season of \"\"Friends\"\" and 115th overall. It first aired on NBC in the United States on April 8, 1999. In the episode, Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) starts her new job at Ralph Lauren and soon feels left out because all the decision making takes place on smoking breaks and she does not smoke. Rachel attempts to solve the problem by taking up the habit, which proves difficult. Meanwhile, Ben auditions for a soup commercial and Joey (Matt LeBlanc) decides to come along to try", "\"Rachel Green\"\nthe break up, Rachel and Ross are initially hostile towards each other, but continue to harbor feelings for each other. During a beach house vacation with their friends, Rachel and Ross briefly reconcile when he ends his relationship with Bonnie (Christine Taylor), only to break up once again due to a disagreement. During season four, Rachel dates her customer Joshua (Tate Donovan), while Ross dates her boss' niece Emily (Helen Baxendale), to whom he eventually gets engaged. Competitively, Rachel proposes to recent divorcee Joshua, frightening him off. Rachel indirectly contributes to the demise of Ross and Emily's relationship when he", "\"Here's to You, Rachel Robinson\"\nmuch attention from teenage girls, especially her friends, Stephanie and Alison. In the book, Rachel has to deal with her crush on Charles' tutor, Paul Medeiros, (who ends up dating their cousin Tarren), her worries that Stephanie and Alison prefer each other to her, her frequent invitations to join high-achieving school societies, and the fact that the best looking boy in ninth grade (at least, to Stephanie, Alison and Rachel), Jeremy \"\"Dragon\"\" Kravitz, may be interested in her. Through family counseling and a trip to Ellis Island, the Robinson family begin to learn how to put aside their differences and", "\"Dear Friend: Kay Tagal Kitang Hinintay\"\nOrtaleza), an ecstatic bride who picks Rachel as the wedding coordinator for her wedding. Rachel's life is turned upside down when she discovers that Michael (Polo Ravales), her ex-boyfriend and former groom to be who didn't show up on their wedding day, is engaged to her client, Dianne. How will Rachel confront her past and face the man who made her life miserable? Will there be a second chance for the former lovers to reunite?. Dear Friend: Kay Tagal Kitang Hinintay Dear Friend: Kay Tagal Kitang Hinintay () is a Philippine television drama series broadcast by GMA Network. It is", "\"Ty Harper\"\nattacked Ty who was coming home. Rachel accuses Ty of being the stalker and he is taken to the hospital to get checked over. Ty questions how anyone thought that he could do that to Rachel and he asks her how she does not know how he feels about her. Rachel discovers that a classmate is responsible for stalking her and she apologises to Ty. He does not accept the apology and tells Rachel that he is hurt. Rachel invites Ty to a mystery gig at Charlie's and when he turns up, they kiss. They then begin a relationship. When", "\"Never Quite the Same\"\nactually died in 1986. The film starts just before a party in the summer of 1984, in a country lane, where a drug dealer is preparing to set off for a village hall party. At the party, Simon Kelly meets Rachel Burton, who has only gone to the party to buy drugs, and ends up back at her house. During the course of their conversations, Rachel tells him she will be dead by the time she's 25, adding that she believes life is pointless. After spending the night with her, Simon meets one of his friends from the party, who", "\"Joey Tribbiani\"\nThey have a great time, and afterwards, Joey starts developing feelings for Rachel. He does not act on his feelings out of loyalty to Ross. However, upon discovering Joey's feelings for Rachel, Ross encourages his friend to talk to her. Joey tells Rachel about his feelings, but she does not return them, and things are awkward between them for a while. In late season 9, Rachel starts developing feelings for Joey, but fears he does not feel the same way anymore and has already moved on, especially when he starts dating Ross' colleague Charlie Wheeler (Aisha Tyler). When the gang", "\"Monica Geller\"\nprivileged, inexperienced childhood best friend Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), with whom she had long lost contact, suddenly arrives in her neighborhood unannounced as a runaway bride after abandoning her own wedding, Monica allows her to move in with her while she attempts to reorganize her life, and the two reconnect. Monica begins dating Dr. Richard Burke (Tom Selleck), an older man who is also one of her father's best friends and 21 years her senior. However, the couple mutually agrees to end their long-running relationship after realizing that Richard does not want children, while Monica aspires to eventually raise a family", "\"Rachel, Rachel\"\nneed for the love of Jesus Christ. Rachel is overwhelmed by God's grace, baring so much pent-up emotion, that she is humbled after the service; comforting her, Calla suddenly begins to kiss Rachel passionately. Is Calla a lesbian, bisexual, or did she merely react to the emotion of the moment? The film does not answer this question, but Rachel's reaction is to withdraw from the friendship for the time being. Into the void steps Rachel's high-school classmate Nick Kazlik (James Olson), a fellow teacher who teaches at an inner city school in The Bronx who is in town to visit", "\"Rachel Green\"\nAniston ultimately became \"\"One of the most popular television actresses of her era\"\". According to \"\"Jennifer Aniston: From Friends to Films\"\" author Kim Etingoff, the actress' own fame \"\"outshone\"\" those of her co-stars, becoming the first cast member to \"\"rise to prominence\"\"; the actress continues to experience the most post-\"\"Friends \"\"success. Aniston's performance in \"\"Friends\"\" led to a successful film career. According to \"\"The Inquisitr News\"\", Rachel is \"\"the role that would end up launching [Aniston's] success\"\", while Bradford Evans of Splitsider believes \"\"that Jennifer Aniston likely wouldn't have become a major movie star without \"\"Friends\"\"\"\". While ranking Aniston the", "\"Friend zone\"\nguy\"\" male friend's affection is viewed negatively or seen to be at fault. \"\"\"\" contributor Ally Fogg argues that while the friend zone does not exist in a literal sense, men who use the term \"\"friend zone\"\" are not necessarily misogynists who feel entitled to sex. He states the term's usage reflects a genuine emotional experience for straight men with low self-esteem and self-confidence. He places blame on ingrained gender roles. The term was popularized by a 1994 episode of the American sitcom \"\"Friends\"\" entitled \"\"The One with the Blackout\"\", where the character Ross Geller, who was lovesick for Rachel", "\"2009 (Glee)\"\nson, but Kurt hesitates to tell his dad that he is gay. Rachel tries to befriend Mercedes, and asks to come to her church to hear her sing. When she does, Rachel is worried, and tells Mercedes that she has a great future as a soul singer, but Mercedes tells her that whatever type of music is being sung, Rachel will have to compete with her for it. Tina Cohen-Chang (Jenna Ushkowitz) is rebelling by using a fake stutter to drive most people away, and dressing as a goth. She is friends with Artie Abrams (Kevin McHale), who really likes", "\"El Dorado Jane Doe\"\nforced her into prostitution in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. According to McAlphin, by the time she was an adult she came to do it willingly. He further shared that Mercedes had avoided being trafficked to Mexico by developing a relationship with a pimp named Jeffrey \"\"JJ\"\" Davis of Dallas before running away with another pimp named Tyrone. McAlphin has also claimed that Mercedes grew up being friends with three girls (Julie Ann Moseley, Rachel Trlica and Lisa Renee Wilson) who were abducted and trafficked in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Police have dismissed McAlphin as unreliable. El Dorado Jane Doe El", "Friends\nthe finale to hear Ross give a keynote speech at a palaeontology conference, where they stay at a hotel. Joey and his girlfriend Charlie (Aisha Tyler) break up, and she begins a relationship with Ross. Upon seeing Ross and Charlie kiss each other, Joey goes to Rachel's hotel room, and the finale ends with them kissing. The tenth season closes several long-running storylines. Charlie breaks up with Ross to get back together with her ex-boyfriend. Joey and Rachel try to contend with Ross' feelings about them being together and decide it would be best to remain friends. Phoebe and Mike", "\"Mermaids (1990 film)\"\nhave sex. Unbeknownst to them, Kate falls into a river and almost drowns due to her inebriation, but is saved by the nuns and taken to the hospital. Outraged at the turn of events, Rachel and Charlotte argue, ending with Rachel slapping Charlotte across the face. This finally leads to them understanding each other as mother and daughter and not just friends. Charlotte convinces Rachel to stay in Eastport for at least another year. Time passes and Rachel's relationship with Lou continues. Joe moves to California and opens up a plant nursery, but keeps in touch with Charlotte via postcards.", "\"The Fifth of March\"\nBostonians are unhappy with this new change and begin rioting. Nevertheless, the British post sentries outside of many residences, including the Adamses. While coming back from the bakery, the sentry outside of the Adamses house, Private Matthew Kilroy, challenges Rachel. She notices that he is fearful and hungry looking. Taking pity on him, she gives the freezing sentry a few scraps of food. As their friendship develops, Matthew begins pushing Rachel for more and wants her to kiss him. However, Rachel does not want to do so, and would rather remain friends. Their relationship is very tumultuous. Rachel's close friend,", "\"Afternoon Delight (film)\"\nwent through a lot of effort buying things for the girls' party. While the women are out, and all the men are at Jeff and Rachel's house, McKenna comes in and starts acting provocatively. She ends up sleeping with one of Jeff's friends, but his wife and Rachel walk in on them. McKenna is thrown out of their house. Rachel tells Jeff that she wants out of this life, and out of her head, which he takes to mean he should leave. At a visit to Lenore, Rachel comforts Lenore when she starts crying and telling her how her partner", "\"Open Air PM\"\nthe \"\"Post\"\" writers refused to work with Abe and it ended up a turbulent time. Pete Hamill, the \"\"Post\"\"s editor ran a cover photo of Alexander Hamilton, the \"\"Post\"\" founder, with a tear in his eye. Rachel Hirschfeld was a close friend of the wife of Ben Blank, one of the largest advertisers in the \"\"New York Post\"\". Ben then introduced Rachel to Rupert Murdoch. After talking with Rachel, Rupert Murdoch flew into New York from Australia and met with Rachel and Abe. At that meeting, an agreement was reached and Murdoch bought the New York Post from Abe on", "\"Friends (season 10)\"\nkissing and spending the night together. Ross expects Rachel to cancel her plans, but she still wants to go to Paris. In the season's (and series') final episode, Erica delivers Monica's and Chandler's baby, although, to their surprise, she had twins, a boy and a girl. Phoebe and Ross go to the airport to try to convince Rachel to stay, but they end up going to the wrong airport. After Phoebe causes a delay in the departure, they meet Rachel at the gate before she boards, but even though Ross tells her how he feels, Rachel still boards. Ross goes", "\"In Her Skin\"\nhousehold and reveal Rachel is dead, and her body recovered, and Caroline is in custody. The film ends with Caroline in prison awaiting trial, and Rachel's funeral being attended by her family, boyfriend, friends and many others, mourning Rachel's misfortune and death. \"\"In Her Skin\"\" is inspired by the book \"\"Perfect Victim\"\" by Elizabeth Southall and Megan Norris. Elizabeth Southall is the pen name of Elizabeth Barber, Rachel Barber's mother. Megan Norris is an investigative reporter who as a court reporter followed the case of the murder of Rachel Barber. The film was shot in 2008 in Brisbane and Melbourne", "\"Ross Geller\"\nRoss unsuccessfully tries to follow her, and Rachel ends up going on their honeymoon alone. Emily, later, calls Ross only to confront him by saying that he has to stop calling / harassing her relatives, but Ross makes her reveal her love for him. She said that she will return only if Ross stops being friends with Rachel. Unable to do so, Ross ends his marriage with Emily. Ross Geller has become a well-known figure in pop culture, in particular due to his relationship with Rachel Green, his neurotic nature, and his love for dinosaurs. In 2015, a play titled", "\"The One with the Morning After\"\nbetween the girl he slept with, and the girl he does not want to find out what happened. Chandler traces the trail from Chloe to her coworker Isaac, who has a sister Jasmine, who works with Phoebe, who is best friends with Rachel. As Ross goes down 'the trail' to prevent the news from getting to Rachel, he finds out that Chloe had already told Isaac, who had already told his sister Jasmine. While talking to Jasmine, he manages to get her to promise to not say anything to Phoebe. But, she mentions that he should talk to her roommate", "\"And in the End...\"\nLewis (Sherry Stringfield) among the guests. He named the facility after his late son, Joshua. After the event, he has an awkward reunion with Joshua's mother Kem (Thandie Newton), who is briefly in town; she isn't particularly happy to see Carter and coldly rebuffs his efforts to re-connect with her, but does reluctantly agree with his plan to join her at the airport for her flight back to Paris. He also has drinks with his old friends plus Elizabeth Corday (Alex Kingston), who brought Rachel to Chicago for her med school interview. Benton and Corday linger together after everyone else", "\"Friends (season 10)\"\nher unemployed. While departing her old job, she runs into Mark, her old colleague from Bloomingdale's in Season 3, who offers her a job with Louis Vuitton in Paris. Ross, still being secretly in love with her, doesn't want her to leave and tries to make her get her old job at Ralph Lauren back by convincing her boss to increase her salary. Rachel decides she wants to go to Paris and says goodbyes to everyone personally except Ross. Ross reacts harshly and tells her that it's not fair. When Rachel goes to Ross' apartment to explain, they end up", "\"The Unquiet Earth\"\ncurrent, but luckily she was dragged out by the mule she was riding. They rush her home, and Dillon watches through a window as his mother helps a cold and naked Rachel recover. The story continues as they grow older and continue to fight for love. Rachel ends up leaving the Homeplace to attend a nursing school, where she spends several subsequent years. Dillon then, in what everyone believes is out of anger of Rachel leaving him, enlists in the British army to fight against Hitler. Upon Rachel's graduation from nursing school, she and her friend Tommie Justice enlist as", "\"Graham Clark (Emmerdale)\"\nGraham pretended to be grief-stricken and told Eric Pollard that Rachel had accepted his marriage proposal to her. But Eric had spoken to Rachel the day before her death and knew that she had been thinking of ending her relationship with Graham. Eric was suspicious of Graham and, believing he had killed Rachel, he tried to find incrimination evidence against Graham but was unsuccessful. After Rachel's death Graham moved on to her friend Kathy Glover. Kathy had been engaged to Biff Fowler but Biff was convinced that Kathy was attracted to Graham. In an attempt to break up their relationship", "\"The To Do List\"\npushes Willy, who does not know how to swim, into the pool. She agrees to teach him how to swim in exchange for ending the hazing. Brandy gets advice from her sister, Amber (Rachel Bilson), her mother, and her two best friends, while her father, a conservative judge, is uncomfortable with the talk of sex. Using this information, she makes a \"\"to do list\"\" of sexual acts to learn and perform. As the summer progresses, Brandy has several sexual encounters with Cameron and other boys, all while trying to catch Rusty's eye. Cameron begins to fall in love with her", "\"Rachel, wife of Rabbi Akiva\"\na prime example of a wife who encourages her husband to pursue Torah study and is willing to make personal sacrifices to achieve that goal. The story of Rachel's marriage to Akiva and their subsequent lives appears in three classical sources. They are: Rachel's name does not appear in the Talmud, which refers to her as the daughter of Kalba Savu'a. Her name is found in the aggadic work \"\"Avot of Rabbi Natan\"\". Ilan postulates that the latter work may have derived her name from two Talmudic proverbs printed at the end of the story of Rachel and Akiva in", "Friends\ntakes another pregnancy test, which Phoebe at first claims is negative, in order to find Rachel's real emotions on the realization of being pregnant. Rachel projects feelings of sadness when she thinks she's not pregnant, so Phoebe tells her the truth. The two of them and Monica then rejoice in the bathroom. The season revolves around Rachel's pregnancy; Ross is revealed to be the father after an investigation involving a red sweater. Rachel and Ross decide to have the baby but do not resume their romantic relationship. Joey develops romantic feelings for Rachel, but she does not reciprocate them. Rachel", "\"Henry Ramsay (Neighbours)\"\nthe Ramsay garden. He does not find anything, but begins searching the other gardens in Ramsay Street. Henry finds a gun in Mrs. Mangel's (Vivean Gray) garden that belonged to her estranged son, Joe (Mark Little). Henry helps Mrs Mangel's granddaughter Jane Harris (Annie Jones) track Joe down. Henry and Joe later become friends and go into partnership together in a gardening business. Henry falls for Bronwyn Davies (Rachel Friend) when she arrives in Ramsay Street. Bronwyn likes Henry, but as a friend and she begins dating Mike Young (Guy Pearce). Bronwyn and Mike eventually end their relationship, but it", "\"Escape to Margaritaville\"\nfriends warn the two women of the land sharks. Tammy and Rachel laugh their warning off and travel to the hotel (\"\"Fins\"\"). Rachel is disappointed with the condition of the hotel, even though Tammy is just happy to be on vacation. Tully flirts with Rachel, who is more concerned about work, and has Brick bring tequila shots, to which Rachel questions if it's the appropriate time to start drinking. Tully, Brick, J.D., and the patrons insist that (\"\"It's Five O'Clock Somewhere\"\"). Tully and Brick take the women's bags to their room, along with some margaritas. Rachel insists going up to", "\"Something Borrowed (film)\"\nit eventually develops into an ongoing affair, continuously lying to Darcy and others in order to cover up their sexual encounters. Rachel lies to Darcy that she is having sex with two other men, friend Ethan and acquaintance Marcus. Ethan, who has been friends with both Rachel and Darcy since childhood, reluctantly agrees to play along with Rachel’s lies. Dex's mother suffers from depression and it seems that Dex and Darcy's upcoming wedding is the only thing keeping her happy. Months after they started having sex behind Darcy’s back, they skip out on Darcy’s 4th of July weekend in the", "\"Rachel (play)\"\nfeels she must protect. However, though Rachel cannot quite pinpoint why she feels uneasy for the children, she knows something is wrong. Her fears become more realized when she discovers that her friend, Mary, does not want to be seen with her because Rachel is black. This is a clear point at which the innocence of childhood begins to crack. Rachel is around nineteen years old. She is at an age when social pressure influences people. Rachel (play) Rachel is a play that was written in 1920 by African American teacher, playwright and poet Angelina Weld Grimké (February 27, 1880", "\"Speak (Anderson novel)\"\nsinks into depression. Melinda is befriended by Heather, a new girl, who clings to Melinda only to ditch her for \"\"the Marthas\"\", so she can belong to a clique instead of being an outcast like Melinda. As Melinda's depression deepens, she begins to skip school, withdrawing from her already distant parents and other authority figures, who see her silence as means of getting \"\"attention\"\". She slowly befriends her lab partner, David Petrakis, who encourages her to speak up for herself. Near the end of the book, Melinda's ex-best friend Rachel, who was dating Andy, breaks up with him on prom", "\"The Visitor (novel)\"\nRachel follows Melissa and learns that she is not a Controller, but has pulled away from her friends because she believes her parents — now both Controllers — don't love her anymore. Rachel decides to keep the encounter with Visser Three a secret from her friends, and convinces them that she needs to infiltrate Chapman's house again. She does a few nights later, this time with Jake stowed away on her back as a flea. Rachel is careful to stay out of Chapman's and Visser Three's sights, but is again found out. Visser Three is sure now that she is", "\"The Guild (web series)\"\nby Clara, who brings back his old personality, ending his involvement with the seat-saving network. Bladezz and Vork's booth becomes successful, but Vork rejects all of the celebrities who want to spend time with Bladezz. His attention, however, is turned towards Madeline (Erin Gray), an actress who played his favorite character, Charity, on the show \"\"Time Rings\"\". The two are invited to a party that night, but Bladezz realizes that all the celebrities lead normal lives, finding them boring. Still, he rejects Rachel and her friends for the celebrities and openly humiliates them. Vork, on the other hand, ends up", "\"Chandler Bing\"\nwith the same person. Chandler works in statistical analysis and data reconfiguration, which he takes up as temporary work. Despite disliking his job, Chandler stays because they keep giving him promotions and raises, eventually becoming boss to his old workmates. His friends do not understand what he does; during the contest for Monica and Rachel's apartment, Rachel guesses \"\"Transponster\"\" for his job title. In the episode \"\"The One Where Emma Cries\"\", Chandler falls asleep during a meeting and on waking, realizes that he had agreed to head the new division in Tulsa. Chandler quits his job on Christmas, so that", "\"The Rage: Carrie 2\"\nhis spear gun to free herself while he drowns. When Barbara sees Rachel's current state, she believes Rachel is possessed and flees. Rachel prays for help to die. Jesse and Tracy find the house in flames and their friends dead. When Rachel sees Tracy, she kills her without hesitation. The videotape of Rachel and Jesse is still playing; when he sees it Jesse tells her he did not know they were taped. Rachel calls him a liar as a notebook hits him, opening to the score page. Jesse says he loves her, but she does not believe him until she", "Gothika\nhim that Rachel’s death was no suicide and that she was raped and murdered by Doug, both feeling betrayed. Miranda also believes that \"\"Not Alone\"\" meant that Rachel wasn’t Doug’s only victim. Sheriff Ryan, who was Douglas's best friend, talks to Miranda and quizzes her on how she knew all these things. Miranda then discovers the real meaning of \"\"Not Alone\"\"; that there was a second killer. Ryan does not believe her claim that ghosts told her everything, and asks her what sort of person the accomplice would be. Miranda uses her experience as a psychiatrist to give a psychological", "\"The Way We Were\"\nto come for a drink with his lady friend, but he turns down the invitation. Hubble inquires about their daughter Rachel, and if Katie's new husband is a good father to her. He shows no intention of meeting her, implying that he has not been a part of Rachel's life in the past, nor does he plan to be in her life in the future, to which Katie seems resigned, but content. Katie has remained faithful to who she is: flyers in hand, she is agitating now for \"\"Ban the bomb\"\", the new political cause. Their past is behind them,", "\"Mulheres de Areia\"\nthe fictional city of Pontal D' Areia to assist in the businesses of the Assunção family. The young man meets Ruth, daughter of a poor fisherman, and falls in love with her, but he ends up involved with Rachel, the twin sister of Ruth. The sisters are identical, but of opposite personalities. While Ruth truly loves the young man, Rachel desires his position and riches. She also has a lover, Wanderley, an outlaw. Tonho da Lua, best friend of Ruth, is mentally disturbed and famous for creating sculptures of women with the sand of the beach. Rachel must also face", "\"Heart Series 2\"\nwho feel that they are the ones who are idolized was puzzled why he did not get a gift at all. Farel, Rachel, Bevan and Endo briefly as four people who were good friends like friends. Rachel likes Farel since they are friends from childhood. But Farel was never aware of it. Likewise with the ignorant and slengekan Endo. Bevan's just the start feeling suspicious of Rachel on Farel. Meanwhile, the figure Vandra (Sahila Hisham), a beautiful girl, rich and sexy at the school, was jealous of Rachel ever closer to Farel. Though Bevan and Endo infatuated with Vandra. Vandra", "\"Crazy Rich Asians\"\nattempts to use to drive Rachel out of Nick's life, but ultimately results in her son freezing her out of his life. Rachel is shocked when she learns who her father, Zhou Fang Min, is and leaves to stay with her friend, Goh Peik Lin and her family. Astrid Teo is Nick's famous cousin whose beauty is well-known all across Asia. Although she maintains a positive image to her family and society, her marriage is suffering. Michael, her long-suffering husband, is a self-made young man who is looked down upon because he does not come from money. Astrid discovers that", "Lyddie\ntwo weeks. She writes to Charlie and tells him of Rachel and the farm but is upset when he does not reply. Luke proposes marriage to her, but she is revolted by the letter and nearly rips it up, when she stops as she almost tears Charles' name. Rachel takes up a job at the mill as a doffer but soon gets sick with a cough like Betsy's. Charlie visits Lyddie and offers to take Rachel with him to the Phinney family, who owns the mill where Charlie works and treats him like family. Lyddie reluctantly agrees. Lyddie tries to", "\"Rachel Berry\"\nshe does not appear. Most of Rachel's songs are solos, with some being group tracks and a few being duets. About one song in every episode is led by Rachel. Depending on the theme, her song choice changes from Broadway to Top 40 to '60s music. In college, she leaned more into Broadway songs, because she was at a musical theater college, but did match mostly with whatever theme the Glee club was doing that week. Rachel is the daughter of an interracial same-sex couple, and is Jewish. Her fathers named her after Rachel Green from \"\"Friends\"\". She joins the", "\"Jimmy Kudo\"\nlove with his childhood best friend Rachel Moore, but refuses to admit his feelings due to both stubbornness and shyness. Later while on a date with Rachel to a theme park, Jimmy leaves Rachel and follows two suspicious characters, Gin and Vodka, suspecting they are criminals. Gin ends up attacking Jimmy and forces him to drink an experimental poison APTX (Apotoxin) which is supposed to kill him, and then leaves him for dead. However, instead of killing Jimmy, a rare side-effect occurs, causing his age to regress, and he shrinks into the form of a young child. With advice from", "\"Violetta (TV series)\"\ntell him who is his father, who abandoned him is. Marco does everything to date Francesca, who doesn't know what she feels for him. Camila and Broduey start the season fighting, but end up friends,Camila meets DJ and he liked her,but he left. Camila and Maxi kissed but didn't feel anything, Sebas(Rock Bones)comes and they fell in love, until they get together at the end. Naty, Ludmila's best friend, and Maxi,also split up at first, but come back in full force. Francesca falls in love with Marco(Xabiani Ponce de León) after many doubts and thoughts (Diego's best friend). Ludmila starts", "\"Joey Tribbiani\"\nwith Rachel instinctively slapping Joey away when he tries to touch her as she suddenly finds herself unable to get past the fact that it's Joey touching her. After Chandler mentions how natural it was for him and Monica to make the transition from friends to lovers, Joey and Rachel realize they aren't on the same path and go back to being friends. At the end, when Chandler and Monica announce that they are moving into a house, Joey presents them with a housewarming gift of a chick and a duck, who are named Chick Jr. and Duck Jr. The", "\"The One with Rachel's Date\"\nThe One with Rachel's Date \"\"The One with Rachel's Date\"\" is the fifth episode of \"\"Friends<nowiki>'</nowiki>\"\" eighth season. It first aired on NBC in the United States on October 25, 2001. During the episode, Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) begins dating Tim, a sous-chef from Monica's (Courteney Cox) restaurant. When Phoebe decides to end the relationship, it coincides with Monica wanting to fire him, with both fighting over who is going to dump Tim first. In the subplot, Joey (Matt LeBlanc) introduces Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) to his Days of Our Lives co-star, Kash Ford, and they go out on a date, which", "\"Afternoon Delight (film)\"\na private lap dance from McKenna; Rachel finds out that McKenna is only 19. But afterwards, Rachel and Jeff continue not having sex. Rachel drives to the neighborhood of the strip club, hoping to see McKenna. At an espresso hut, she sees McKenna and they start talking. She introduces herself and they become friends, having coffee together regularly. One day, Rachel finds McKenna thrown out of her residence, and now homeless, so she invites her to stay at her large house. While Jeff is less than happy, Rachel does not feel that she can kick her out, as she feels", "\"Afternoon Delight (film)\"\nhad left, saying \"\"I don't want to start all over again.\"\" That night, Rachel goes to Jeff (he is staying in the garage of one of his friends) and they reconcile, being happier than ever. One day while driving, Rachel sees McKenna on the street, and starts to stop but changes her mind. She tells her friend that she had nothing to say to her. Rachel and Jeff are happy together again. The film ends with Rachel and Jeff having passionate sex while Rachel moans with orgasm. The film premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. The film was given", "\"Monica Geller\"\nScott Silveri and Shana Goldberg-Meehan, who first observed the characters' chemistry in the season two episode \"\"The One Where Ross Finds Out\"\", in which an idle and unemployed Monica is temporarily acting as Chandler's personal trainer. However, Silveri's suggestion was initially vetoed by the other writers, who felt that it was simply too soon to introduce another main couple to \"\"Friends\"\" having just recently paired off Ross and Rachel. Following Ross and Rachel's break up in season three, the writers felt that the timing was just about right to officially introduce Monica and Chandler as a couple, deciding that \"\"Friends\"\"", "\"Summer Hoyland\"\nand Rachel, but she and Rachel eventually make friends. A few months later, Max brings Summer home to recover after she contracts Dengue fever in Fiji following a visit to Rosie. Steph gives birth to Charlie and Summer is happy to have a baby brother. Summer catches up with Bree, Rachel and Zeke Kinski (Matthew Werkmeister) before going back to school. Summer returns briefly to see Boyd marry Janae Timmins (Eliza Taylor-Cotter). Max and Steph's marriage ends and Summer thinks about returning home, but Lyn Scully tells her to stay at her school for her father. Steph tells Summer that", "\"Rachel Berry\"\nto Brody is because she still thinks they will end up together. They sleep together after the reception, but Rachel leaves after Finn falls asleep. She is later shown taking a pregnancy test; Santana, who has recently moved in, snoops and discovers the discarded test, and confronts Rachel, who then bursts into tears. The two go together to get Rachel checked at a clinic, where she is informed that it was a false alarm. She later breaks up with Brody after Santana reveals that he is a male escort and is stunned to find out Finn flew to New York", "\"Rachel Rising\"\nbrief appearances in the second issue of \"\"Strangers in Paradise XXV\"\" in March 2018. Moore plans to do a second volume of \"\"Rachel Rising\"\" in 2019 after he completes \"\"Strangers in Paradise XXV\"\", saying the story was unfinished. Rachel Beck wakes up in a shallow grave in the woods with rope burns on her neck and no memory of how she got there. She hitchhikes to her house in the fictional town of Manson, Massachusetts, where her friends and family do not immediately recognize her. Her Aunt Johnny, who is a mortician, examines her and determines that Rachel should not", "\"Rachel Rising\"\nRachel Rising Rachel Rising is a 42-issue American comic book series created by Terry Moore and published through Abstract Studios. The first issue was released on August 3, 2011, to positive reviews. Reviewers sometimes criticized the pace later in the run, but the series won industry awards throughout its publication. Plans for a television adaptation were announced April 17, 2013, but was still in the scripting stage in 2015. The story follows Rachel Beck, a young woman who wakes up in a shallow grave after being strangled. She does not remember the circumstances of the attack, but begins trying to", "\"The One Where Ross Can't Flirt\"\nshe ends up losing it. Fearing that Monica will kill her if she finds out, Phoebe takes the blame instead of Rachel, but Monica is understanding with her. Rachel steps in and explains everything to Monica, who immediately loses it with Rachel. Monica ends up wearing another pair of earrings, which luckily for her, Chandler doesn't notice. Monica and Chandler leave for dinner, and Chandler thanks Ross for the earrings he picked up for Monica. \"\"The One Where Ross Can't Flirt\"\" was written by Doty Abrams, her first writing credit of the season. The episode was directed by Gail Mancuso.", "\"The Fashionista Diaries\"\nlooking for a place to live in New York, he suggests that she move in with him. She accepts the offer. Later in the episode, Nicole becomes discouraged while working an event. She doubts the sincerity of the partygoers and is feels unsettled when Mandie does not acknowledge her. Episode 2: \"\"Where's Nicole?\"\"<br> Bridget is frustrated when Nicole does not show up for work. Nicole tells her friends that she couldn't get out of bed to go to work and contemplates whether or not she's subconsciously ruining this opportunity for herself. Tina and Janjay clash at a meeting. Rachel and", "\"Finn Hudson\"\nthink it's important, and I think they're endgame, but I can't be sure of when. I try not to get too attached to the pairing, so I can focus on storyline that does come my way.\"\" Falchuk said of the Finn–Rachel relationship ahead of the third season, \"\"We're not interested in breaking them up this year but at the same time the challenge is they are graduating, they are different kinds of people and where does that take you?\"\" During the PaleyFest2011 \"\"Glee\"\" cast interview, Monteith said, \"\"There are a lot of people who really, really want Finn and Rachel", "\"Chandler Bing\"\nChandler pick out his wedding suit. Rachel also sets up Chandler with her boss Joanna (Alison LaPlaca). Rachel and Chandler never have any romantic relationships apart from a glance back to their time in college when they made out. Chandler and Phoebe are good friends. They sometimes are goofy and have fun with one another. In \"\"The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel\"\", Phoebe and Chandler play hide and seek. They also play games, like coming up with superhero names and reclining the Barcaloungers like cowboys. They share a duet of \"\"Endless Love\"\" at the end of one episode, when Chandler", "\"Joey Tribbiani\"\nproposes, claiming the world is too scary for a single mother. This proposal is apparently made entirely without romantic intentions. Phoebe says yes and accepts his ring, but Monica tells Joey that it is Rachel who is pregnant, so Joey proposes to Rachel and must retrieve the ring from a reluctant Phoebe. Phoebe also sets up Joey with many of her friends. On a double date, Joey sets her up with a stranger, Mike (Paul Rudd), whom she eventually marries. In one episode, after persuasion from Rachel, he reads \"\"Little Women\"\" and she reads \"\"The Shining\"\". She finds out that", "\"Red Pottage (novel)\"\nRed Pottage (novel) Red Pottage is an 1899 novel by English author Mary Cholmondeley. \"\"Red Pottage\"\" follows a period in the lives of two friends, Rachel West and Hester Gresley. Rachel is a wealthy heiress who falls in love with the weak-willed Hugh Scarlett after he has broken off an affair with Lady Newhaven (which he does not originally realize has been discovered by her husband). Hester, a novelist, lives with her judgmental brother, the pompous vicar of the fictional village of Warpington. Hester's brother disapproves of her writing and eventually burns the manuscript of a novel she has been", "\"Elizabeth Corday\"\nRachel. Greene eventually leaves Chicago to spend his final days with his daughter in Hawaii. On the walk home after a day of surfing, Mark suffers a seizure and in a panic, Rachel calls Elizabeth, who arrives in Hawaii soon after with Ella. The four spend Mark's last few days bonding and overcoming obstacles. Corday tells Rachel after the funeral that it would be all right for her to visit her sister, and later on she does so and Elizabeth bemusedly helps Rachel acquire birth control pills when her stepdaughter shows up with her teenage boyfriend. Elizabeth's tension with her", "Friends\nthe sixth-season premiere, Ross and Rachel's marriage is established to be a drunken mistake. Ross and Rachel try to get an annulment because he does not want to have three divorces. However, he realizes he could not do so and tries to keep their wedding a secret from Rachel. Nonetheless, they divorce several episodes later. Monica and Chandler move in together, causing Rachel to move in with Phoebe. Joey lands a role on a cable television series called \"\"Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.\"\", where he stars alongside a robot. Ross gets a job lecturing at New York University and starts dating one", "\"Imagine Me & You\"\nrun into Luce and a woman friend, Edie. Heck then tells Rachel that Luce is gay. Heck inquires as to the relationship of Luce and Edie, but they assure Rachel and him that nothing is going on. Edie says Luce \"\"loves another\"\". It becomes apparent that Rachel is trying to avoid Luce when she spots her one night. When Heck has to work long hours at his unsatisfying job, he sets Luce and Rachel up to spend time together as friends, despite Rachel's reluctance at the time. The two spend an evening together, visiting a football match and an arcade,", "\"Misfits (TV series)\"\nVirtue cult, a group of young people who have begun adopting ultra-conservative behaviour. Nathan and Simon discover that this is the fault of Rachel, a conservative young woman who gained the power of suggestion due to the storm. During a struggle on a rooftop, both Rachel and Nathan are killed and the brainwashed youth freed. As his friends mourn, Nathan's power is finally revealed to be immortality as he awakens in his coffin, unharmed and buried alive. As the gang are approaching the end of their community service, they are stalked by a mysterious masked man who had previously saved", "\"The Unquiet Earth\"\nmarry her. After Rachel returned home there was never any news from Fred again. The two never married in West Virginia. Arthur Lee Sizemore Arthur Lee is the head of the mine who is first engaged to Rachels best friend (who dies in the war) but later falls for Rachel. Rachel moves in with him but never marries him. \"\"Toejam Day' Toejam is Jackie’s friend at number 13. Agent Temple Agent Temple is an FBI agent who investigates the conflict between the miners and the coal company. Tom Kolwiecki Tom is a volunteer from New Jersey who comes to Number", "\"Something Borrowed (film)\"\nSomething Borrowed (film) Something Borrowed is a 2011 American romantic comedy film based on Emily Giffin's 2005 book of the same name, directed by Luke Greenfield, starring Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson, Colin Egglesfield, and John Krasinski and was distributed by Warner Bros. Rachel is an unmarried attorney in New York City. After too many drinks on her 30th birthday, Rachel wakes up in bed with Dex, who is engaged to her best friend, Darcy. Rachel and Dex discuss how they have had crushes on each other since law school. Rachel initially believes the encounter is a one night stand, but", "\"Blood Ties (McKenzie novel)\"\nup with Theo, who goes on to tell her that his father may have worked with her father and that he would like to see if Richard knew anything about James Lawson. Rachel agrees, so they both go to her house, where he asks Richard about the bombing of the research clinic. He looks terrified and denies it. Later, Theo gives Rachel his number and tells her to contact him if she gets anymore details. Later on, Theo contacts his hacker friend, Max, who says that she is happy to help if needed. At school, Rachel is confronted by the", "\"Imagine Me & You\"\nfigures out that it was Luce with whom Rachel fell in love. Heck does not want to be her second choice or to live a lie, but does want her to be happy, so he leaves. Rachel then confesses to her parents that she is in love with a woman and, with their help, she tracks down Luce, who has already taken a taxi to the airport. Rachel gets stuck in traffic and tries to call Luce, who ignores her. However, Rachel realizes Luce is in the same traffic jam when she hears the same man on a bicycle singing", "\"Nick Harrison\"\none hit Nick in the face and temporarily blinded him and in the aftermath, he dated Ramona (Ashleigh Seagar) but they broke up when Nick clumsily misplaced her baby, Lucy. Nick started an awkward fling with Rachel when she was struck by lightning which soon ended when Rachel recovered. Nick dated a woman named Vanessa but when Waverley returned to town, the two finally reconciled. Nick forgave Waverley when she cheated on him but couldn't accept her when she cut his hair without consent. The two broke up. Nick saved good friend Minnie Crozier (Katrina Devine) from entering prostitution and", "\"Mitchell Whitfield\"\nvoiced Phobos on \"\"W.I.T.C.H.\"\" and Donatello in the \"\"TMNT\"\" film. He played Benjamin, a Marine friend of Eddie Birdlace, in \"\"Dogfight\"\". As of 2015, Whitfield does the voice of Fixit on \"\"\"\". Mitchell Whitfield Mitchell Whitfield (born September 8, 1964) is an American actor and voice actor. Whitfield was born in Brooklyn, New York. He guest-starred in several episodes of \"\"Friends\"\" as Dr. Barry Farber, Rachel's orthodontist ex-fiancé, whom Rachel left at the altar on their wedding day. He also appeared in \"\"Dharma & Greg\"\"; \"\"Murder, She Wrote\"\"; Diagnosis Murder and \"\"\"\" as well as \"\"Curb Your Enthusiasm\"\". In the", "\"Georgia Rule\"\nthat she told Lily lies because she does not want her to be upset anymore. On the way back to San Francisco, Arnold tells Lily that he is giving Rachel his Ferrari, and Lily realizes that he is guilty. Lily starts a raging argument/attack and Arnold finally admits to having molested Rachel numerous times, using the excuse that Rachel seduced him, Lily's alcoholism drove him to it, and that Rachel enjoyed it. So, Arnold drives off and leaves Lily to walk home. Georgia, Simon, Rachel and Harlan catch up with Lily in Harlan's pick-up truck, and a tearful Rachel apologizes", "\"China Rich Girlfriend\"\nand apologizes to Rachel for her behavior. In doing so, they start to get along. The police discover that Colette's assistant Roxanne was behind the poisoning, which was done in response to Colette's tearful concerns that her inheritance would be reduced through Carlton and her father would less likely approve of their match. Despite Colette's lack of knowledge to the situation, Carlton blames Colette and breaks up with her. Nick is hesitant and does not trust her, but Rachel agrees to meet with Colette, and accepts her apology. Colette later demands that Rachel help her and Carlton reconcile. Rachel does", "\"Building Harlequin's Moon\"\nand Rachel to return to Selene, and that as a leader Rachel would be most useful with the longer lifespan that is conferred by the suspended animation process, and has himself and Rachel frozen for a year. Problems with radiation flares intervene, and without Gabriel to stand up for her, they are left frozen for twenty years. Rachel returns to Selene to find her best friend killed in an accident, her boyfriend married and with children almost her own age, and her remaining friends more than twice as old as she is. She also realizes that the moon-born are being", "\"Rachel Green\"\naccidentally utters Rachel's name while exchanging their wedding vows. Ross ultimately divorces a jealous Emily, choosing his friendship with Rachel instead. At the end of season five, Ross and Rachel drunkenly get married while vacationing with their friends in Las Vegas. In season six, their annulment request is denied because of Rachel having leveled unfounded allegations against Ross, forcing the two to file for a divorce instead. In season seven, Ross and Rachel have sex, and Rachel gets pregnant. Rachel gives birth to a girl in season eight, naming the baby Emma Geller-Green; the name Emma is a gift from", "\"Krysten Ritter\"\nand Rachel Bilson. Co-written by Ritter with director Kat Coiro, the film is about two best friends dealing with the pregnancy and subsequent motherhood of Ritter's character. In early February 2011, Ritter joined the cast of the ABC sitcom \"\"Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23\"\", playing the title role of Chloe, a New York City party girl and con artist who tries to rip off her new roommates after they move in, but who ends up befriending and \"\"mentoring\"\" one of the applicants. The series was canceled on January 22, 2013 after two seasons. On February 15, 2013, it", "\"Ty Harper\"\nRachel's brother, Zeke (Matthew Werkmeister), goes missing following a rafting accident, Rachel turns to Ty for support. Rachel receives a scholarship to a school in London and she nearly declines as she could stay with Ty. Zeke encourages Ty to break up with her, which he does. However, he realises his mistake and races to the airport to say goodbye to Rachel properly. Ty misses Rachel and almost gives up his music career, but he is eventually talked out of selling his guitar. When he receives a text from Rachel meant for her cousin, Ty jumps to the conclusion that", "\"Shortland Street cliffhangers\"\ntaken away by the police. While at the calendar competition, Ula breaks up with Garrett, saying he is trying to be something he isn't. After claiming victory, Dallas calls Bella but to no avail. Dallas and Ula converse as they both relate to each other in which both their relationships have ended. While being treated in ED, Chris and Rachel share a moment together, and Chris sees this as a golden opportunity to reunite with her, although Rachel is only grateful and does not want anything more. The following morning, she is treated to a large bouquet of flowers and", "\"Disturbing Behavior\"\nRachel return to Cradle Bay to plan to rescue Lindsay and Gavin's friend, U.V. before fleeing town. They have a run-in with the town's police chief Cox (Steve Railsback) who is also involved in the conspiracy. He tries to arrest them for being out after curfew, but Dorian shows up under the pretense that he is disposing of dead rats, then knocks out the police chief and frees Steve and Rachel, telling them to leave town and go public with what they know. When Rachel and Steve return to Steve's home to get Lindsay, Steve's parents reveal that they moved", "\"The One Where Rachel Smokes\"\nof the fifth season DVD: \"\"Although I don't like the cutesy kid who plays Ben, the audition bits become funny due to Joey’s screw-ups. His inability to correctly read the line \"\"mmm – soup!\"\" becomes very amusing and offers the show's highlights.\"\" The episode was released as part of Friends: The Complete Fifth Season in Regions 1, 2 and 4. There are two extra scenes included in the DVD: one with Carol at the audition and Chandler at the party attempting to sneak a cigarette. The One Where Rachel Smokes \"\"The One Where Rachel Smokes\"\" is the eighteenth episode of", "\"The One with Rachel's Date\"\nLeBlanc) on the set of \"\"Days of Our Lives\"\", where she meets Kash, another actor on the soap opera. She asks Joey to set them up on a date. Joey is at first pessimistic because of Rachel's pregnancy. Rachel convinces him and then struggles to persuade Ross, who is fearful about what impact the date would have on the baby. The date ends early when Rachel tells Kash that she is pregnant. Rachel is reassured by Ross after she bumps into him on the street. Having initially declined an offer to join Ross at Central Perk for a coffee, Rachel", "\"Tina in the Sky with Diamonds\"\nmuch-awaited standing ovation. Rachel is surprised at the diner by Mr. Campion (Peter Facinelli), the \"\"Funny Girl\"\" director, who tells her she has been cast as Fanny Brice. In Lima, cheerleading coach Roz Washington (NeNe Leakes) informs Sue that Bree is behind the prank and demands that she is punished. Sue instead promotes Bree to captain of the Cheerios and encourages her to torment New Directions as much as she can, in order to toughen them up in preparations for Nationals. Rachel, Kurt, Santana, and Dani perform \"\"Let It Be\"\" in celebration of Rachel's achievements, while New Directions does the", "\"Rachel Green\"\nthe couple's dynamics \"\"had grown mightily tedious\"\" by season ten. E! cable network ranked Rachel and Ross the ninth greatest \"\"Friends\"\" couple, writing that their relationship gave \"\"\"\"Friends\"\" fans enough iconic quotes to fill a book\"\", considering Phoebe's line \"\"See? [Ross is] her lobster!\"\" to be among show's most iconic. Ross and Rachel's season three breakup has spawned a debate among \"\"Friends \"\"fans, who continue to argue over which of the two was at fault: Rachel for suggesting that they take a break from their relationship, or Ross for sleeping with another woman immediately afterwards. Writing for \"\"E!\"\", Jenna Mullins", "\"Rachel Bradley\"\nhas recently taken a job in Hong Kong and does not want to \"\"burden\"\" Rachel with deciding whether to emigrate with him. Shortly afterwards, her car collides with that of Adam Williams on a supermarket car park. The two get into a row over whose fault the crash was and he smoothes things over by giving him her phone number, ostensibly in case there is a problem with the insurance. She writes her number in the muck on his rear windscreen but it later washes off in the rain. Some time later, Rachel's friend Karen advises her to call Adam", "\"Me and Earl and the Dying Girl\"\nbetween the two. Greg is ready to give up, but his mother forces him to meet up with Rachel. Eventually, Greg and Rachel start spending more time with each other. One day at school, Greg gets a text from Rachel saying that she would be starting chemotherapy the next day. Although he and Earl are accidentally on drugs at that moment, they make it to Rachel's, where Greg introduces her to Earl. The three go out for ice-cream, and Earl invites Rachel to watch some of their films. Greg is furious but does not stop him. At school, Greg begins", "\"The Pumpkin Karver\"\nand Spinner, Tammy's ex, Lance, the sexy-blonde Rachel, Lance's friend, Brian, best friends Yolanda & Vicki and the old carver, Ben Wicket, as well as other party-goers. After a fight with Lance, Jonathan starts thinking that Alec is there at the party, but chooses to ignore this. At night, Rachel has sex in her van with Lance's friend, A.J, but he leaves angrily after Rachel hits him. Rachel goes looking for A.J, but when she doesn't find him, goes back to her van. However, she's attacked, by a supposed Alec, who carves her face. Later, Brian reveals to Tammy that", "\"Finn Hudson\"\ninforms Finn, he attacks Puck, breaks up with Quinn, and quits the glee club in a fury; but after cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) sabotages the glee club's first show choir competition, he is able to set aside his anger and return to lead the club to victory. He and Rachel briefly date, but he ends the relationship to concentrate on his own well-being. By the time Finn realizes that he truly does want to be with Rachel, he is chagrined to discover that she has started dating Jesse St. James (Jonathan Groff), the lead singer of rival glee", "\"Rachel Green\"\nRachel Green Rachel Karen Green is a fictional character, one of the six main characters who appeared in the American sitcom \"\"Friends\"\". Portrayed by actress Jennifer Aniston, the character was created by show creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman, and appeared in each of the show's 236 episodes during its decade-long run, from its premiere on September 22, 1994 to its finale on May 6, 2004. Introduced in the show's pilot as a naive runaway bride who reunites with her childhood best friend Monica Geller and relocates to New York City, Rachel gradually evolves from a spoiled, inexperienced \"\"daddy's girl\"\"" ]
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how many sword art online games are there
[ "Six" ]
[ "\"Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment\"\nSword Art Online: Infinity Moment The gameplay has many similarities to MMORPGs, though it is not an online game, including the ability to buy and upgrade weapons, go on missions, and fight in a group with other characters. The protagonist, Kirito, can equip ten types of weapons, such as swords and axes. The game follows an alternate storyline from the end of the first arc of the original story, in which a glitch causes Kirito and the other players to remain in Sword Art Online despite defeating Heathcliff, and players from other VRMMORPGs, such as second and third arc protagonists", "\"Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment\"\nwas remade into HD for the PlayStation Vita in the form of \"\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment\"\". Some features, like the player's points and skills, can be transferred from \"\"Infinity Moment\"\" to \"\"Hollow Fragment\"\". Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment The gameplay has many similarities to MMORPGs, though it is not an online game, including the ability to buy and upgrade weapons, go on missions, and fight in a group with other characters. The protagonist, Kirito, can equip ten types of weapons, such as swords and axes. The game follows an alternate storyline from the end of the first arc of", "\"Sword Art Online: Code Register\"\nSword Art Online: Code Register , also sometimes known as Sword Art Online: Code Resister, is a 2014 video game for iOS and Android devices released in Japan only. \"\"Sword Art Online: Code Register\"\" is a Japanese role-playing game with a simple tap-and-play battle system. Players can put together groups of characters with different skills and actions to take on opponents and explore different worlds. The game features multiple worlds and characters featured in the franchise, including the eponymous \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", \"\"ALfheim Online\"\", and \"\"Gun Gale Online\"\", as well as its own original characters. The game features a \"\"Duel", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nFebruary 23, 2018. Bandai Namco Entertainment released the \"\"Sword Art Online VR: Lovely Honey Days\"\" mobile game for iOS and Android devices in Japan. The game's first episode is free-to-play, while the second episode and so on can be purchased as additional content. Bandai Namco has announced \"\"\"\", an exploration action RPG that supports up to three players in online co-op and it is the first arcade game in the \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" series. It will launch in Japanese arcades in spring 2019. \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" is a planned American live-action television adaptation of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\". Skydance Television announced", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nGames for the PlayStation Portable. The game follows an alternate storyline, in which a glitch causes Kirito and the other players to remain in Sword Art Online despite defeating Heathcliff, and players from other VMMORPGs such as Leafa and Sinon get sucked into the game themselves. The game was released in both regular and limited edition box sets on March 14, 2013. \"\"\"\" is a PlayStation Vita game released in Japan on April 24, 2014. \"\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment\"\" takes place in the same alternative storyline as \"\"Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment\"\", and it includes all content of \"\"Floor", "\"Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet\"\nSword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet is an third-person shooter action role-playing video game developed by Dimps for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows based on the \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" light novel series. It is the fifth game in the series and is the successor to the 2016 game \"\"\"\". The PlayStation 4 version were released in Japan on February 8, 2018, with a worldwide release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows on February 23. Taking place in the virtual reality MMORPG (VRMMORPG) \"\"Gun Gale Online\"\", \"\"Fatal Bullet\"\" features an alternate timeline", "\"Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet\"\nby Dimps, \"\"Fatal Bullet\"\" runs on Unreal Engine 4; a Siliconera writer described the gameplay as bearing some similarity to \"\"Freedom Wars\"\", another game produced by Dimps. \"\"Fatal Bullet\"\" is the first in the \"\"SAO\"\" series to be available on Xbox One and PC, the latter being downloadable through Steam. The game received mixed reviews. Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet is an third-person shooter action role-playing video game developed by Dimps for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows based on the \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" light novel series. It is the fifth game in", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nOnline\"\" in an interview, noting how he met its writer Reki Kawahara at an event in Japan where they discussed how they independently developed similar ideas related to virtual reality. On June 12, 2015, the Chinese Ministry of Culture listed \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\" among 38 anime and manga titles banned in China. In September 2018, AbemaTV hosted an election for \"\"Sword Art Online\"\". The character that received the most retweets would be crowned the winner and become the focus of a smartphone wallpaper. According to the poll, Yuuki Konno had the most votes, with 2,243 points, followed by Shino", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nprint worldwide. Richard Eisenbeis of Kotaku hails \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" as the smartest series in recent years, praising its deep insight on the psychological aspects of virtual reality on the human psyche, its sociological views on creating a realistic economy and society in a massively multiplayer online game setting, and the writing staff's ability to juggle a wide variety of genres within the series. Eisenbeis particularly noted how the romance between Kirito and Asuna is explored bringing \"\"definition to exactly what love is like in a virtual world.\"\" However, at the time of this preliminary review, he had only watched", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nof \"\"Sword Art Online\"\". Each world is built on a game engine called the World Seed, which was initially developed specifically for \"\"SAO\"\" by Akihiko Kayaba, but was later duplicated for \"\"ALO\"\", and later willed to Kirito, who had it leaked online with the successful intention of reviving the virtual reality industry. In 2022, a virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game (VRMMORPG) called \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" (\"\"SAO\"\") is released. With the NerveGear, a helmet that stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds. Both the game and the", "\"Asuna (Sword Art Online)\"\nspeed, earned her the nickname \"\"The Flash\"\". The main heroine of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" and main protagonist of the seventh volume, Asuna is a friend and later to be wife of Kirito and a sub-leader of the \"\"Knights of the Blood Oath\"\", a medium-sized guild acknowledged as the strongest guild in Aincrad. Being one of the few girls that play \"\"SAO\"\" and extremely attractive, she receives many invitations and proposals. Asuna is a strong-willed, accomplished player known in-game as the \"\"Flash\"\" for her extraordinary fast sword skill. Later, she falls in love with Kirito and they marry in-game. Towards the", "\"Sword Art Online\"\non smartphones was released on February 10, 2015. In 2016, Bandai Namco released \"\"Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag\"\" for Android and iOS. Kirito, Asuna, Leafa, Yuuki and \"\"SAO Alternative: Gun Gale Online\"\" protagonist LLENN appear in \"\"\"\", a fighting game by Sega featuring various characters from works published under the \"\"Dengeki Bunko\"\" imprint. A browser game titled \"\"Sword Art Quest\"\" and its sequel smartphone game, \"\"Sword Art Quest II\"\" provide challenges to users to upgrade their characters to receive rewards. There is also a paid Android game titled \"\"SAO -Log Out-\"\" that users can download and play with characters from", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nthe series and obtain wallpapers from it. A virtual reality massive multiplayer online game was in development by Kadokawa and IBM Japan, but was only a demo and will not be released as a full game. An action role-playing game titled \"\"Accel World VS Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight\"\" was announced in October 2016. The game is a crossover with \"\"Accel World\"\", developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Windows via Steam, and was released to western audiences on July 7, 2017. \"\"Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag\"\", launched by Bandai Namco Entertainment, was released outside of", "\"Sword Art Online: Code Register\"\nBride Silica\"\" designs in June. Another 2016 crossover effort features \"\"Cross Register\"\" and \"\".hack\"\" mobile game \"\"New World\"\", with \"\"Code Register\"\" receiving a Black Rose costume and \"\"New World\"\" receiving Kirito and Asuna costumes and a Yui accessory, amongst other character and equipment cards. Geoff Thew of \"\"Hardcore Gamer\"\" complained about the lack of meaningful user interaction, claiming it \"\"looks as exciting as data entry.\"\" Sword Art Online: Code Register , also sometimes known as Sword Art Online: Code Resister, is a 2014 video game for iOS and Android devices released in Japan only. \"\"Sword Art Online: Code Register\"\" is", "\"Sword Art Online: Lost Song\"\n(Vita), and 18,000 (PS4). In a January 2016 interview, producer Yousuke Futami stated the game had sold 100,000 copies in North America—30,000 of which were downloaded—and 50,000 in Europe. The sequel, \"\"\"\", was released in October 2016. Sword Art Online: Lost Song \"\"Lost Song\"\" story is based on an alternate timeline of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" that does not follow the canon storyline of the light novels. It follows series protagonist Kirito and his friends as they play the Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) called \"\"ALfheim Online\"\" (\"\"ALO\"\"). The game introduces a guild named Shamrock, led by scientist", "\"Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online\"\nSword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online Due to the incident that occurred in VR MMORPG \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" — where 10,000 players were trapped in the game on launch day — the popularity of VR games has plummeted due to fear of similar incidents. The NerveGear, SAO's VR device, was recalled and destroyed, but with the launch of its successor, the AmuSphere, combined with release of the license-free development support package the \"\"Seed,\"\" the popularity of VR games saw a sudden resurgence. The story follows Karen Kohiruimaki, a university student with a complex about her abnormal height. She begins", "\"Sword Art Online: Lost Song\"\nSword Art Online: Lost Song \"\"Lost Song\"\" story is based on an alternate timeline of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" that does not follow the canon storyline of the light novels. It follows series protagonist Kirito and his friends as they play the Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) called \"\"ALfheim Online\"\" (\"\"ALO\"\"). The game introduces a guild named Shamrock, led by scientist and idol Seven, who Kirito competes against to be the first to clear \"\"ALO\"\" expansion, Svart ALfheim. \"\"Lost Song\"\" received mostly mixed reviews, with the multiplayer and controls being praised; however, the game's dungeons were criticized for", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nbehind \"\"Bloodborne\"\" taking the top spot. A fourth game titled \"\"\"\" was released in Japan for the PS4, Vita, and Windows on October 27, 2016 and worldwide on November 8, 2016 for the PS4 and Vita. A social network game called \"\"Sword Art Online: End World\"\" was released for Japanese feature phones and smartphones on February 28, 2013 with more than 1 million registered users. Another freemium game for Android and iOS titled \"\"\"\" launched in 2014, and over 3,000,000 users have downloaded the game. Another game called \"\"Sword Art Online: Progress Link\"\" designed for the Mobage browser game platform", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization\"\nand Seven, a new PvP feature, and an additional story. The paid expansion pack \"\"Shrine Maiden of the Abyss\"\", to be released in 2017, will add an additional three chapters into the game. \"\"Hollow Realization\"\" takes place in \"\"Sword Art: Origin\"\", a restoration of Aincrad titled Ainground, with intentions of research and development in the year 2026, three years after the original \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" event. However, unlike in \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", Aincrad is one large floor, instead of multiple, while the castle itself was renamed to Ainground, where several monsters can be battled. The main character of the game", "\"Sword Art Online: Lost Song\"\nand \"\"Woglinde\"\", a grassy area with windmills. Based in the same continuity as \"\"Hollow Fragment\"\", the game follows an alternate timeline from the original series; instead of escaping \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" on floor 75 like in canon, the players were forced to progress through the game's remaining 25 floors. \"\"Lost Song\"\" occurs at the same chronological point as the \"\"Gun Gale Online\"\" arc in \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\", but the characters are instead exploring \"\"ALfheim Online\"\", the newest virtual reality MMORPG to be released. \"\"Lost Song\"\" introduces three new characters that play a role in the plot: Nanairo \"\"Seven\"\" Arshavin,", "\"Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online\"\nbe the 25th best-selling novel during the first half of 2016. As of May 2018, the series had 1 million copies in print. Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online Due to the incident that occurred in VR MMORPG \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" — where 10,000 players were trapped in the game on launch day — the popularity of VR games has plummeted due to fear of similar incidents. The NerveGear, SAO's VR device, was recalled and destroyed, but with the launch of its successor, the AmuSphere, combined with release of the license-free development support package the \"\"Seed,\"\" the popularity of", "\"Sword Girls\"\nproduced but are only available in Korean and lack individual card lore details that the online cards have. The following physical pre-constructed decks and booster packs have been released: In addition to those cards, several promo cards were released as well. The Japanese and English online game are no longer officially supported as of 2013, but the Korean online game no longer works as of November 2017. Sword Girls Sword Girls () was an online Korean digital collectible card game developed by Zeonix (제오닉스), released in 2011. The game art was influenced by manga art style. The original Korean server", "\"Sword Girls\"\nSword Girls Sword Girls () was an online Korean digital collectible card game developed by Zeonix (제오닉스), released in 2011. The game art was influenced by manga art style. The original Korean server shutdown suddenly in 2017 without any prior explanation and remain closed. The Korean website is also inaccesible. There were online Japanese and English version as well but all have since shut down, leaving the several smartphone spin-off games as the only ones available for play. The online version has a connected smaller version called Sword Girls S for smartphones. There are fangame versions that are available to", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment\"\nSword Art Online: Hollow Fragment A \"\"Director’s Cut\"\" edition of the game titled \"\"Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment\"\" was released on PlayStation 4 within North America, Europe, Australia, and the Middle-East in July and August 2015, and was released in Japan in November 2015. This version comes with new features, including an online play mode, additional bosses, the ability to play as a female character, among others. \"\"Hollow Fragment\"\" was succeeded by \"\"\"\", which was released in 2015 for the PlayStation 4 and Vita. The game has over 100 recruitable characters which can be chosen to accompany the player", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nAs I write the story, the girls become what they are now. So, somehow, I don’t know exactly, but somehow, my subliminal idea or some hidden emotion creates the characters to be strong and capable.\"\" He added that he wrote the series to demonstrate that he views online gaming not as a social ill or escape from real life, but rather decided to show games in a more positive light in his light novels. He noted that \"\"the character of Asuna I might have created a little too perfectly for \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"\"\". After Kawahara's request for \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment\"\nthe game's minor flaws. However, Hardcore Gamer rated \"\"Hollow Fragment\"\" a score of 1.5 out of 5, referring to it as a \"\"bad game... the most debased, pandering garbage Japan has to offer... (a) rushed, broken, and imbecilic excuse for software\"\" with \"\"awful story, tedious combat, and inexcusable translation.\"\" Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment A \"\"Director’s Cut\"\" edition of the game titled \"\"Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment\"\" was released on PlayStation 4 within North America, Europe, Australia, and the Middle-East in July and August 2015, and was released in Japan in November 2015. This version comes with new features,", "\"Asuna (Sword Art Online)\"\nTitania versions), Leafa, and Suguha. Asuna has featured in several \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"-related video games. This includes \"\"\"\", in which several characters appearing under the \"\"Dengeki Bunko\"\" imprint are featured. Asuna, Kirito and Leafa appeared in a campaign by the \"\"Manga Anime Guardians\"\" project in combating anime and manga piracy, with the being project supported by 15 anime production studios and manga publishers. Asuna (Sword Art Online) Both Asuna and Kirito have become popular characters in anime and manga fandom, frequently appearing on lists of the most popular anime characters. Additionally, Asuna has featured in numerous official \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nof character songs were included in the Blu-ray and DVD volume releases of the anime. These were collected into two compilation albums: \"\"Sword Art Online Song Collection\"\", which included character songs released in the season one volumes, was released on August 27, 2014, while \"\"Sword Art Online Song Collection II\"\", which included character songs released in the season two volumes, was released on March 22, 2017. A stage event at the Dengeki Bunko Autumn Festival 2011 revealed that Reki Kawahara's light novels would get video game adaptations. The first \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" adaptation, titled , was developed by Namco Bandai", "\"Kirito (Sword Art Online)\"\nan eventual crossover between \"\"Accel World\"\" and \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", to which he answered that while he had already written a scenario where Kirito and Haruyuki Arita meet and fight, such a prospect would be difficult due to \"\"SAO\"\" taking place in 2022 and \"\"Accel World\"\" in 2046. In a review, Richard Eisenbeis of Kotaku hailed \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" as the smartest series in recent years; Eisenbeis particularly noted how the romance between Kirito and Asuna is explored bringing \"\"definition to exactly what love is like in a virtual world.\"\" However, the two characters' relationship in the second half of", "\"Accel World\"\ngame titled \"\"Accel World VS Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight\"\" was announced in October 2016. The game is a crossover with \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita and released on July 7, 2017. The Windows PC version was released on September 12, 2017. Anime News Network reviewed the series and gave a story rating of A-, stating a similar basis of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" with improved characters. Richard Eisenbeis of Kotaku praised the anime for its well-thought out story, relatable main character, and great villain protagonist, but criticizes the anime for its", "\"Sword Art Online\"\ngrow, and references the Oculus Rift as a prime example of the starting point of virtual reality. It also praises \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" for exploring the psychological and social aspects of virtual reality gaming. Adam Facey of \"\"The Muse,\"\" criticized the series as being sexist and the female characters as being overly sexualized. Kirito has a cameo appearance in episode 8 of the anime series \"\"Eromanga Sensei\"\", with Yoshitsugu Matsuoka reprising his role. Steven Spielberg's 2018 film \"\"Ready Player One\"\" contains a reference to \"\"Sword Art Online\"\". Ernest Cline, the writer of 2011 novel \"\"Ready Player One\"\", discussed \"\"Sword Art", "\"Sword Art Online: Lost Song\"\ncostumes for \"\"God Eater 2\"\", and 14 days later, released a code of \"\"GE2\"\" characters Julius and Alisa's costumes for \"\"Lost Song\"\". At Tokyo Game Show 2015, Kuroyukihime, from \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" author Reki Kawahara's series \"\"Accel World\"\", was added as another playable character in \"\"Lost Song\"\". \"\"Lost Song\"\" was released in Japan for the PS3 and Vita on March 26, 2015, while a Traditional Chinese version was released on April 28. An English-subtitled version of the game was released in Asia on May 12, the PAL regions on November 13, and North America on November 17. \"\"Sword Art Online:", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization\"\nthe \"\"Abyss of the Shrine Maiden\"\" saga and it was titled \"\"Chapter III: The One Who Opposes God\"\" released on September 26, 2017. \"\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization\"\" received \"\"mixed or average\"\" reviews, according to video game review aggregator Metacritic. Both PlayStation 4 and Vita versions received final scores of 32/40 by \"\"Famitsu\"\", being awarded 9, 8, 7 and 8 by four individual reviewers. Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Unlike in \"\"\"\" and \"\"Lost Song\"\", a party in \"\"Hollow Realization\"\" consists of four characters including the player, instead of three. While \"\"HF\"\" is played like a role-playing game and \"\"LS\"\"", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment\"\nin the game's dungeons. Gameplay combines elements of a MMORPG—albeit in a simulated fashion as it is not an online game, though it does include limited multiplayer via ad hoc for up to four players—as well as elements of a dating sim. The game takes place in the same continuity as the prior game in the series, \"\"\"\", which exists in an alternate storyline from the \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" anime storyline. The player controls the main character Kirito, who has been trapped in the titular virtual reality MMORPG where dying in the game will lead to his death in real", "\"Sinon (Sword Art Online)\"\nOsawa, a woman who had survived the post office incident, who convinces her that she had saved her and her daughter's life. Sinon eventually decides to play \"\"ALfheim Online\"\" with Kirito and his friends. During her time with Kirito, Sinon develops romantic feelings for him, but decides not to pursue them due to her close friendship with his girlfriend, Asuna. However, she does on occasion, show Kirito her true feelings for him. Sinon appears in the \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" video games. In \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\", she is trapped in \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" as a result of a glitch while testing", "\"Sinon (Sword Art Online)\"\nfrench maid clothing with cooking utensils, with Anime News Network humorously noting that they have \"\"brought in a pretty penny for the franchise's creators.\"\" There are also Kirito, Asuna, and Sinon \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"-branded perfumes for sale; \"\"Sinon\"\" is described as \"\"a mature scene of marin citrus and herbs. It uses green apple, herbs and lime above muguet, rose, jasmine and cyclamen above musk and brandy.\"\" Replica Sinon glasses were created by Cospa and serve both as a cosplay prop and also as prescription glasses. She also appeared in promotional advertisements for the video game \"\"Sword Art Online: Lost Song\"\".", "\"Sword Art Online: Lost Song\"\nSumeragi, who challenges him to a duel. After being teleported to a different area, the two begin fighting. With the usage of Skill Connect, a game exploit in which two consecutive Sword Skills are used without delay, Kirito defeats Sumeragi. Kirito advances through the dungeon to confront Seven, while Sumeragi and other Shamrock members transfer their Original Sword Skills (OSS) to her. Upon reaching the boss room, Kirito finds out that Seven had already defeated it by herself. While she discusses the results of the project, Rain questions her actions and how they interfere with her idol status. The three", "\"Luna Haruna\"\nmusician and an artist.\"\" She started singing full-time in 2011, and released her debut single on May 2, 2012, which is used as the second ending theme to the 2011 anime series: \"\"Fate/Zero\"\". Her second single \"\"Overfly\"\", released on November 28, 2012, was used as the second ending theme to the 2012 anime series \"\"Sword Art Online\"\". Another single \"\"Startear\"\" was used as the first ending theme to \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"s sequel \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\", while was used in the video game \"\"\"\". She also covered the song \"\"Kisaragi Attention\"\" in the 2014 anime series \"\"Mekakucity Actors\"\". In January", "\"Kirito (Sword Art Online)\"\ntype character, Karen Mead of wrote that \"\"I don't think we ever see enough of Kirito's weaknesses to balance out his strengths: he's pretty much a genius at video games, as well as a kind, giving person, and those are some pretty major positives.\"\" However, she praised the positive aspects of Kirito's character, and his \"\"competent and noble\"\" self distinguishes him from other harem protagonists in that he actually earns the girls' affection. Carly Smith of \"\"The Escapist\"\" criticized \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\" and compared it unfavourably to the original storyline, summarizing \"\"welcome to \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\": the", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nSword Art Online An anime television series produced by A-1 Pictures, known simply as \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", aired in Japan between July and December 2012, with television film \"\"Sword Art Online: Extra Edition\"\" airing on December 31, 2013, and a second season, titled \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\", airing between July and December 2014. An animated film titled \"\"\"\" featuring an original story by Kawahara premiered in Japan and Southeast Asia on February 18, 2017, and was released in the United States on March 9, 2017. A spin-off anime series titled \"\"Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online\"\" premiered in April", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment\"\nlife as well. Part of the game is actually a high definition recompilation of \"\"Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment\"\", the original game in the series released for the PlayStation Portable, including all content of \"\"Floor Clearing\"\" from the previous game with the addition of new unexplored \"\"Hollow Area\"\" of Aincrad. The game was released on April 23, 2014 in Japan and May 29, 2014 in Taiwan, Hong Kong, as well as some Southeast Asian countries with Chinese and English subtitles. It had also been announced that the game would be localized into English and released August 19, 2014 in North", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment\"\nin the west, the game received mixed reviews. It has a score of 67 out of 100 on Metacritic. IGN awarded it a score of 5.5 out of 10, saying \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" excellent combat is marred by a juvenile romance system, a horrible translation. Destructoid gave the game a rating of 7/10, noting that the game is solid and provides a fun experience, however may lack replay value, while \"\"Gaming Age\"\" gave the game a \"\"B\"\" score, praising the game environment and mechanics, although noting that the camera controls feel flawed. PlayStation Universe awarded it a score of 5.5", "\"Sword Art Online\"\n2018, while a third season titled \"\"Sword Art Online: Alicization\"\" premiered on October 7, 2018. A live-action series will be produced by Netflix. Six video games based on the series have been released for multiple consoles. \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" has received widespread commercial success, with the light novels having over 20 million copies sold worldwide. The anime series has received mixed to positive reviews, praised for its animation, musical score, and exploration of the psychological aspects of virtual reality, but criticized for its pacing and writing. The light novel series spans several virtual reality worlds, beginning with the titular world", "\"Sword Art Online: Lost Song\"\n, featured in the game as the opening and ending themes, respectively. As a supplement, \"\"Re: Hollow Fragment\"\", an improved version of \"\"Hollow Fragment\"\", was bundled with \"\"Lost Song\"\" as \"\"Sword Art Online: Game Director's Edition\"\" and released in Japan on November 19. \"\"Re: Hollow Fragment\"\" was also available as a free downloadable if players pre-ordered \"\"Lost Song\"\". At Dengeki Game Festival 2015, it was announced that \"\"Lost Song\"\" and \"\"God Eater 2\"\", also published by Bandai Namco Games, would have DLC from the other game: on April 9, \"\"Dengeki PlayStation\"\" magazine released a serial code of Kirito and Sinon's", "\"Kirito (Sword Art Online)\"\nin these games a lot.\"\" He also added that he wrote the series to change popular opinion of online gaming; viewing it not a social ill or just an escape from real life, and thus decided to show games in a more positive light in his light novels. When fans asked him about Kirito using a sword in a gun-based game, Kawahara responded that the energy sword in \"\"Halo\"\" can be the most powerful weapon if used properly. Kirito is voiced in Japanese by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka and in English by Bryce Papenbrook. In an interview with Matsuoka on the similarities", "\"Sinon (Sword Art Online)\"\nWhich works when you're stuck in a gun-based mmo.\"\" A \"\"Newtype\"\" character poll had Sinon placed first in female characters, notably edging out fellow \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" character Asuna. In a fan contest where respondents chose between 41 options for the next \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" figurine, Sinon placed fourth (\"\"Gun Gale Online\"\" version) and ninth (\"\"ALfheim Online\"\" version). The popularity of the character has resulted in several official \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" merchandise featuring her, for example as a 1/8th scale Sinon statue. \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" girls (including Sinon) feature in a merchandise lottery by Bandai, where they are depicted in", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment\"\nout of 10, saying \"\"\"\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment\"\" will only offer the most enjoyment to hardcore fans of the franchise that are willing to slog through the uninspired, tedious gameplay to get to the ample fan service on offer.\"\" GameZone gave a rating of 8/10, praising the amount of content available within the game. Twinfinite gave the game a 4/5, criticizing the steep learning curve and the dialogue translation, while finding the combat and game design to be positive, while Attack of the Fanboy referred to it as a solid RPG experience as long as one can look beyond", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization\"\nin September with the working title of \"\"SAO IV\"\". It was officially announced at Dengeki Bunko Fall Fest by Bandai Namco on October 3. According to Bandai Namco Games producer Yosuke Futami, the game was devised with the idea of Kirito starting the game at level one. A Western release date was later announced, with \"\"Hollow Realization\"\" releasing in Japan on October 27 and internationally on November 8. The North American Vita release is digital-only. Players who pre-ordered \"\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization\"\" via the PlayStation Store in Japan gain a one-week early access into part of the game's main", "\"Sinon (Sword Art Online)\"\na full-dive machine known as the Medicuboid. In the sequel \"\"\"\", she becomes a playable character. Richard Eisenbeis of Kotaku praised Sinon's role in \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\", describing her as \"\"easily the deepest character to come out of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"\"\". Likewise, Carly Smith of \"\"The Escapist\"\" found Sinon to be a \"\"breath of fresh air\"\" in a show like \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", which could have \"\"ended after its first arc, halfway through the first season.\"\" In reviewing the second episode of the \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\" anime, Salvador GRodiles of wrote that \"\"Sinon isn't a pushover in", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nHong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan before the television premiere between June 29 and July 4, 2014. At Katsucon, it was announced that the English dub of the second season would air on Toonami beginning March 28, 2015. An animated film titled \"\"\"\", featuring an original story by Kawahara set after the events of \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\", premiered in Japan and Southeast Asia on February 18, 2017, and was released in the United States on March 9, 2017. The third season of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", titled \"\"Sword Art Online: Alicization\"\", and a spin-off anime, titled \"\"Sword Art Online Alternative", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization\"\nSword Art Online: Hollow Realization Unlike in \"\"\"\" and \"\"Lost Song\"\", a party in \"\"Hollow Realization\"\" consists of four characters including the player, instead of three. While \"\"HF\"\" is played like a role-playing game and \"\"LS\"\" like an action role-playing game, \"\"HR\"\" is based on \"\"HF\"\" style, but with action elements integrated. Characters can be customized through in-game character creation, with gender, height, figure, weapons, and physical appearance changeable. Additionally, over 300 non-player characters appear in the game, with all of them being recruitable to join the player's party. Players can create special bonds with these characters by giving equipment", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nAsada with 2,145 points and Asuna Yuuki with 1,345 points. Sword Art Online An anime television series produced by A-1 Pictures, known simply as \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", aired in Japan between July and December 2012, with television film \"\"Sword Art Online: Extra Edition\"\" airing on December 31, 2013, and a second season, titled \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\", airing between July and December 2014. An animated film titled \"\"\"\" featuring an original story by Kawahara premiered in Japan and Southeast Asia on February 18, 2017, and was released in the United States on March 9, 2017. A spin-off anime series titled", "\"Asuna (Sword Art Online)\"\nHowever, after living in \"\"SAO\"\" and meeting Kirito, she gains a different perspective and looks back on her past with disgust. She officially becomes Kazuto's real-life girlfriend and dreams of marrying him and having a family with him in the future. In a review, Richard Eisenbeis of Kotaku hailed \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" as the smartest series in recent years; Eisenbeis particularly noted how the romance between Kirito and Asuna is explored bringing \"\"definition to exactly what love is like in a virtual world.\"\" However, in the second half of the novels, criticism was levied at the aspect of turning Asuna", "\"Asuna (Sword Art Online)\"\ninto a damsel in distress trope, stating that a strong female lead was \"\"reduced to nothing but the quest item the male lead is hunting for.\"\" Eisenbeis further complained that \"\"in the first arc of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", Asuna was a strong fighter and one of the leaders who thousands depended on to get them through the death game alive. In the second arc, she was powerless, locked in a literal bird cage and molested by her captor while waiting for her hero to rescue her. In \"\"Gun Gale Online\"\", she was little more than a spectator cheering on her", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nGun Gale Online\"\", were announced in 2017. \"\"Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online\"\", animated by 3Hz, premiered in April 2018. \"\"Sword Art Online: Alicization\"\" began airing on October 7, 2018, with a one-hour world premiere which aired in Japan, the United States, Australia, France, Germany, Russia and South Korea on September 15, 2018. It will air for four cours (around 50 episodes) and will adapt from the novel's ninth volume, \"\"Alicization Beginning\"\", to the eighteenth volume, \"\"Alicization Lasting\"\". Yuki Kajiura composed the soundtrack for the \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" anime, which was later released in the limited edition of the", "Leafa\nand Leafa appeared in a campaign by the \"\"Manga Anime Guardians\"\" project in combating anime and manga piracy, with the project being supported by 15 anime production studios and manga publishers. Leafa has also appeared in \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"-related video games, including crossover title \"\"\"\". A pre-release promotion by Bandai Namco for video game \"\"\"\" allows already registered users to be entered into a lottery where the winner receives a Leafa figure. \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" girls (including Leafa) feature in a merchandise lottery by Bandai, where they are depicted in french maid clothing with cooking utensils, with Anime News Network", "\"Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online\"\nplaying a VR game called \"\"Gun Gale Online\"\" after it gives her the short, cute avatar that she has always wanted. Dengeki Bunko announced on September 18, 2014 that Keiichi Sigsawa would be writing a light novel based on Reki Kawahara's \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" light novel series. The series is supervised by Kawahara and illustrated by Kouhaku Kuroboshi, and ASCII Media Works published the first novel under the Dengeki imprint on December 10, 2014. During their panel at Anime NYC on November 18, 2017, Yen Press announced that they had licensed the series. Tadadi Tamori launched a manga adaptation in", "\"Sinon (Sword Art Online)\"\nmuch more interesting character\"\" than both Kirito or Asuna, as \"\"what makes Sinon a more successful character than any to previously appear in the main series is that she has more depth. Rather than being just a scared or traumatized character, she's someone who is actively working to change herself [...] it feels like this is a turning point for Kawahara's writing skill. Sinon isn't perfectly depicted, but she's got more going on than previous characters.\"\" Sam of \"\"The Otaku's Study\"\" similarly noted how Sinon already established herself as \"\"one of the most developed \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" characters\"\" despite appearing", "\"Sinon (Sword Art Online)\"\na woman; thus destroying any distractions that would prevent the show's plot from moving forward.\"\" In a review of the first Blue-Ray disc of the \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\" anime, Theron Martin of Anime News Network praised Sinon as a \"\"strong female co-lead\"\", noting how unlike the other recurring female characters of the franchise, she is the only one not defined by her relationship with Kirito, but rather an incident from her past. Martin continued his review in part two, where he lauded the writing of Sinon's backstory and sufferance of PTSD as \"\"masterful\"\", writing \"\"The way she falls apart", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nfollowing chapters being digitally serialized on Kadokawa's Comic Walker website. A seventh manga, titled \"\"Sword Art Online: Calibur\"\" and illustrated by Shii Kiya, was serialized in \"\"Dengeki G's Comic\"\" between the September 2014 and July 2015 issues. A single compilation volume was released on August 10, 2015. An eighth manga, titled \"\"Sword Art Online: Mother's Rosario\"\" and also by Tsubasa, is based on the seventh volume of the novel series and began serialization in the July 2014 issue of \"\"Dengeki Bunko Magazine\"\". A ninth manga, an adaptation of \"\"Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online\"\", began serialization in the November", "\"Kirito (Sword Art Online)\"\nRin Matsuoka from \"\"Free!\"\", Godoka from \"\"Puella Magi Madoka Magica\"\", and Kirito. He has also appeared in several \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"-related video games. This includes \"\"\"\", in which several characters appearing under the \"\"Dengeki Bunko\"\" imprint are featured. In a costume swap between video games \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\", \"\"Lost Song\"\" received a Julius costume for Kirito and an Alisa costume for Asuna whilst \"\"Rage Burst\"\" received costumes of Kirito and Sinon. Asuna, Kirito and Leafa appeared in a campaign by the \"\"Manga Anime Guardians\"\" project in combating anime and manga piracy, with the project being supported by 15 anime production", "\"Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale\"\nSword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale In the year 2026, the Augma is released to the public as an alternative system to the AmuSphere, due to its function to simulate reality while the player is conscious rather than using FullDive. The most prominent combat-based game is Ordinal Scale, in which a player's abilities are ranked by ordinal numbers. Asuna, Lisbeth and Silica encourage Kirito to play OS upon hearing that Aincrad bosses have appeared. Kirito joins Asuna and Klein in a boss fight where the game's mascot, AI idol singer Yuna, appears and gives players buff effects as she", "\"Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale\"\nwhilst also avoiding nearly all of its most aggravating faults.\"\" Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale In the year 2026, the Augma is released to the public as an alternative system to the AmuSphere, due to its function to simulate reality while the player is conscious rather than using FullDive. The most prominent combat-based game is Ordinal Scale, in which a player's abilities are ranked by ordinal numbers. Asuna, Lisbeth and Silica encourage Kirito to play OS upon hearing that Aincrad bosses have appeared. Kirito joins Asuna and Klein in a boss fight where the game's mascot, AI idol", "\"Sword Art Online\"\ngo \"\"back to the real world.\"\" The Unital Ring story arc began in volume 21, which was released in Japan on December 7, 2018. Kawahara also writes the \"\"Sword Art Online: Progressive\"\" series, which covers Kirito's adventures on the first few floors of Aincrad. The first volume of \"\"Progressive\"\" was released on October 10, 2012, and four volumes have been released as of December 10, 2015. The first volume of a light novel series based on \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" titled \"\"Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online\"\", written by Keiichi Sigsawa with illustrations by Kouhaku Kuroboshi, was published by ASCII", "\"Reki Kawahara\"\nas well as four volumes of \"\"Sword Art Online: Progressive\"\". An anime series premiered in July 2012, and was followed by a for-TV movie \"\"Sword Art Online Extra Edition\"\" on December 31, 2013 as well as a second anime series, \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\", in July 2014, and a film adaptation, \"\"\"\". Sword Art Online is a virtual world in which it is impossible to log out before having defeated the Floor Boss of all 100 floors of the Aincrad Tower. In 2012, Kawahara made voice cameos in several episodes of the \"\"Accel World\"\" anime series as Tin Writer. Reki", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization\"\nto them. Strengthening the bond also increases the character's strength. A new battle system also features in \"\"Hollow Realization\"\", where the four-person team of players fight monsters using sword skills in a similar fashion to the original \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" game. Players can also direct and receive guidance from party members in collaborating to perform team strategies and attacks. Players perform chain attacks with party members using a \"\"Switch\"\" system for greater damage output against powerful monsters, including charged attacks and aerial combos. This includes \"\"Named Monsters\"\", which are monsters with significant strength that appear without warning. Set in a", "\"Sinon (Sword Art Online)\"\nin only 7 episodes thus far, praising her backstory and contrast between her in-game and out-of-game personas. Sinon is regarded as one of the most popular characters in \"\"Sword Art Online\"\". A Charapedia poll which asked fans to list their favorite \"\"cool\"\" women in anime, had Sinon placed 13th with 203 votes. She also placed 8th on another Charapedia poll of the \"\"top 20 female anime/manga characters not to provoke.\"\" Sinon was awarded third in a Dengeki Bunko character poll for their light novels. A third Charapedia poll asking respondents to rank their favourite \"\"Short-Haired Anime Girls\"\" ranked Sinon 16th,", "\"Asuna (Sword Art Online)\"\nAsuna (Sword Art Online) Both Asuna and Kirito have become popular characters in anime and manga fandom, frequently appearing on lists of the most popular anime characters. Additionally, Asuna has featured in numerous official \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" merchandise, and has been the subject of mixed to mostly positive critical reception, with focus on her relationship with Kirito, attractiveness, and role in the series. In an interview with series creator Reki Kawahara, the author noted that the female characters in \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" were not based on anyone he knew in the real world, with him stating \"\"I don’t usually make", "\"Asuna (Sword Art Online)\"\nvideo game character art, including Kirito and Asuna. The character has received positive critical reception, and her popularity has led to her being featured in several promotional efforts or merchandise of the series. This includes two swimsuit figures of Asuna and Leafa, another character from \"\"Sword Art Online\"\". There is also a \"\"cooking version\"\" figurine of Asuna, which is set for a May 2016 release. She also features in promotional advertisements for a series of Umaibo puffed corn snacks by Namco. A interactive digital assistant app titled \"\"Wake Me Up Asuna\"\", in which Asuna provides the user with information such", "\"Sinon (Sword Art Online)\"\nwith 136 points. In a poll by the app Otamart asking users to rank the anime characters they would want to give and receive chocolates from for Valentine's Day, Sinon was ranked 14th and 16th, respectively among male voters. Dorkly listed Kirito and Sinon beating the Death Gun tournament as one of the greatest moments in \"\"Sword Art Online\"\". In a poll to determine the characters who would appear on the cover of abec's \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" art book, Sinon finished with the third-most votes. Anime website GoBoiano listed \"\"Sharp Shooter Sinon\"\" as one of the positive aspects of \"\"Sword", "\"Sword Art Online: Code Register\"\na special Kirito avatar. A pre-release promotion by Bandai Namco allows registered users to help decide the voice actress for the new original character Sayuki. They are also entered into a lottery where the winner receives a Leafa figure. \"\"Sword Art Online: Code Register\"\" featured in a 2015 crossover collaboration with the \"\"Tales\"\" franchise, with characters from \"\"Tales of Link\"\" making their way into the game, along with various events and illustrations. \"\"Snow White of Saintly Healing Asuna\"\" and \"\"Gluttonous Reindeer Silica\"\" outfits were available in December 2015 as part of a Christmas promotion, after \"\"Lovely Bride Asuna\"\" and \"\"Pretty", "\"Kirito (Sword Art Online)\"\nsixth in the male top 8 and Asuna third in the female top 8. Asuna and Kirito were awarded first and second respectively in a character poll by Dengeki Bunko (the publisher of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\") for their light novels. Asuna and Kirito once again made a list of the \"\"[Top] 7 Couples Who Make Love and War\"\" by Anime News Network, writing \"\"love blossoms on the virtual battlefield and the two wed before taking on the game's creator together. Otamart, a popular Japanese app that specializes in anime, manga and idol products, polled users in which characters look best", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nto be published was approved, he started working with illustrator abec on the light novel series. The first volume was published in print on April 10, 2009, and 20 volumes have been published as of September 8, 2017. The first eight volumes of the light novel series told the story arcs for \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", \"\"Alfheim Online\"\", and \"\"Gun Gale Online\"\". The Alicization story arc was covered by volumes 9 through 18, while volumes 19 and 20 told a side story called Moon Cradle. Kawahara plans on writing \"\"one more big arc\"\" called \"\"Sword Art Online: Unital Ring\"\" that will", "\"Sword Art Online: Lost Song\"\nto other guild members, followed by capitalizing on the time between her removal and the official de-registration of her guild status to steal information. After the events of \"\"Hollow Fragment\"\" and escaping Sword Art Online, Kirito expresses an interest in playing \"\"ALO\"\", and decides to join after hearing of Seven's work in the game. Rain, aware of Kirito's feats in SAO, decides to follow him, though he notices her presence. The two eventually meet when she was attacked by a field monster in a valley, and Kirito invites her to join his adventures. Kirito begins to express doubts about Shamrock", "\"Sinon (Sword Art Online)\"\nSinon (Sword Art Online) When she was eleven, Shino was involved in a post office robbery where she accidentally killed the armed robber. As a result, she began to develop a fear of guns, deciding to play \"\"Gun Gale Online\"\" in hopes it would mend her trauma. The character has achieved popularity in anime and manga fandom, often appearing in fan polls and official merchandise, and has received positive critical reception, with acclaim directed at her appearance and depth of character. In an interview with series creator Reki Kawahara, the author noted that the female characters in \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"", "\"Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale\"\nApril 19, 2017. The film was set to play in about 1,000 theaters worldwide. A few days after the world premiere, a leak of the film was found online, tracing the source back to Malaysia and Singapore. The Blu-ray and DVD home video release volumes of \"\"Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale\"\" were released in Japan on September 27, 2017 and North America on December 19, 2017. The Japanese home video release features a sequel novel titled \"\"Sword Art Online: Cordial Code\"\" written by Kawahara and illustrated by abec, set eight days after the events of \"\"Ordinal Scale\"\". The", "\"Log Horizon\"\nWorld*\"\", both performed by Yunchi. Rebecca Silverman of the Anime News Network noted that the series has \"\"its own unique take on what has become a subgenre of fantasy\"\" when compared to the previous \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" and the earlier \"\".hack\"\" series. With respect to the anime adaptation, Silverman noted that one of the major drawbacks was the artistry. She held the designs of the characters with small regard, calling them \"\"somewhat bland and generic in design, which is a bit of an accomplishment given how many character creation options there apparently are\"\". She used the design of Akatsuki as", "\"The Return of Heracles\"\nReturn of Herakles\"\"; it was also bundled with another adventure game of Smith's, \"\"Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves\"\", in a compilation called \"\"Age of Adventure\"\", published by Electronic Arts. The Return of Heracles is an RPG adventure game. Each character was defined by three basic characteristics: strength, dexterity, and speed. Strength and dexterity determine how effective a character is in combat, while speed determines how many squares you can move in one turn. Characters may also have special training in defensive techniques, use of the sword, and use of the dagger. \"\"Softline\"\" called \"\"Heracles\"\" \"\"Lively and colorful ... truly a", "\"Kirito (Sword Art Online)\"\nrapiers have been built by the Man At Arms team of blacksmiths and craftsmen. There are also Kirito, Asuna, and Sinon \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"-branded perfumes for sale; \"\"Kirito\"\" is described as \"\"dry citrus with a touch of brandy, meant to evoke a mature spirit. It uses green apple, apricot and lime above Muguet, Rose, Jasmine, grapefruit and a musk and brandy base.\"\" \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" glasses based on the characters had a \"\"Kirito\"\" model; \"\"these matte black frames feature a cross and the excalibur on each arm [of the glasses].\"\" A series of anime-inspired Christmas cards featured characters such as", "\"Kirito (Sword Art Online)\"\nKirito (Sword Art Online) Due to the initial popularity of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", Kirito has become an extremely recognized character in the anime and manga fandom. In an interview with series creator Reki Kawahara, when asked whether Kirito's personality and character were based off his own, the author responded that he does not usually put aspects of himself into his characters, and jokingly remarked that \"\"but if I had to say there was a point of similarity between Kirito and myself, it is the fact that neither of us are good at forming parties. We [both] tend to play solo", "\"Kirito (Sword Art Online)\"\nstudios and manga publishers. Kirito (Sword Art Online) Due to the initial popularity of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", Kirito has become an extremely recognized character in the anime and manga fandom. In an interview with series creator Reki Kawahara, when asked whether Kirito's personality and character were based off his own, the author responded that he does not usually put aspects of himself into his characters, and jokingly remarked that \"\"but if I had to say there was a point of similarity between Kirito and myself, it is the fact that neither of us are good at forming parties. We [both]", "Leafa\na review of episode 15 – 25 in the \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" anime, went on to say that \"\"Leafa shows more emotional strength as a heroine than Asuna ever did\"\", and she \"\"also stand[s] out as one of the more interesting, developed characters\"\", due to not being overly reliant on Kirito. Silverman also found Kirito and Leafa's relationship to have developed more naturally than Kirito and Asuna's. In his \"\"Sword Art Online: Girls' Ops\"\" review, Theron Martin also wrote that \"\"given the immense success of the \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" franchise, it should not be a surprise that it would eventually", "\"Asuna (Sword Art Online)\"\ncontested, citing his relationship with Asuna. Nevertheless, Eisenbeis praised the fourth arc of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" as it focuses primarily on Asuna's point of view – an \"\"excellent choice\"\" in his opinion, as it \"\"allows Asuna, who suddenly went from strong female lead to weak damsel in distress in the series’ second arc, to once again come into her own and develop as a character.\"\" The arc as a whole was called \"\"both heartbreaking and beautiful.\"\" Asuna is one of the most popular characters in \"\"Sword Art Online\"\". In a fan poll by anime website Charapedia, 10,000 respondents voted on", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nClearing\"\" from that previous game with the addition of new unexplored \"\"Hollow Area\"\" of Aincrad. The protagonist Kirito will cross swords with a mysterious player who would become one of the key characters in the game. The game sold 145,029 physical retail copies within the first week of release in Japan, topping the Japanese software sales charts for that particular week. The game had also been released in Taiwan by Namco Bandai Games Taiwan with Chinese and English subtitles. A digital-only North American, European and Australian release was released in August 2014. A third video game developed by Artdink and", "\"Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet\"\nto the canon in the light novels and anime. Unlike past installments, \"\"Fatal Bullet\"\" features the usage of firearms in battle, though other weapons like Kirito's photon sword are also available. As the player progresses through the story, they can also unlock the ability to dual-wield a gun and photon sword in a similar manner to Kirito. A third-person shooter and role-playing game hybrid, players can level up and gain skills as the game progresses. While fighting, players are provided with a wire that can allow them to quickly move around; although the wire is not in the canonical \"\"Gun", "\"Asuna (Sword Art Online)\"\nas wake-up calls, current weather, fortune, and appointments, was released on June 2015 in Japan, followed by an international release in English. In the app, Asuna herself appears in multiple costumes, including her Knights of the Blood uniform and a yellow sweater. The app itself is free though users have to pay for English voice recognition and subtitles. \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" girls (including Asuna) feature in a merchandise lottery by Bandai, with Anime News Network humorously noting that \"\"the girls of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" have brought in a pretty penny for the franchise's creators, whether the characters are lounging under", "\"Asuna (Sword Art Online)\"\nparasols or starring in their own manga spin-off.\"\" Replicas of Asuna's \"\"Wind Fleuret\"\" and Kirito's \"\"Elucidator\"\" rapiers have been built. There are also Kirito, Asuna, and Sinon \"\"Sword Art Online\"\"-branded perfumes for sale; \"\"Asuna\"\" is described as \"\" a sweet, irresistibly refreshing scent of galbanum and jasmine.\"\" \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" glasses based on the characters had a \"\"Fairy Dance Asuna\"\" model \"\"inspired by [her] time in Yggdrasil, the World Tree\"\", and \"\"these glasses have pale pink frames with a red ribbon and flowing hair depicted on each arm.\"\" There are also earphone jack figures of Asuna (in both regular and", "\"Sword Art Online\"\non August 2, 2016, that they had acquired the global rights to produce a live-action television adaptation of Reki Kawahara's \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" light novel series. Laeta Kalogridis has been attached to write a script for the pilot, and will also serve as executive producer for the series alongside Skydance CEO David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, and Marcy Ross. Skydance has stated their intent to \"\"fast-track\"\" the launch of the series, along with plans to follow the TV series with the release of a \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" virtual reality experience. In February 2018, it was reported that the live-action series had", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nbeen sold to Netflix. According to Oricon, \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" was the top selling light novel series of 2012, with eight volumes figuring among the top selling light novels. It was ranked first in the 2012 and 2013 \"\"Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi!\"\" rankings, as well as top ten placement in 2011, 2014 and 2015. It was also the second best selling light novel series for the first half of 2016 in Japan, selling 489,374 copies. \"\"Sword Art Online: Progressive\"\" sold 321,535 copies in the same time period. As of 2017, the series has an estimated 20 million copies in", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization\"\nstory. The game will feature Japanese voices coupled with English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish subtitles. The opening theme is \"\"Windia\"\" by Luna Haruna. The ending theme is \"\"Two of Us\"\" by Haruka Tomatsu. An advertising campaign for the game, titled \"\"Sword Art On-Nyaine\"\", featured cats playing with toys but with \"\"Hollow Realization\"\" sounds dubbed over them. A DLC called \"\"Chapter 1: Explorer of Illusory Mists\"\" became available starting on May 16, 2017.On July 21, 2017 the second expansion was released with the title \"\"Chapter II: Tuner of Causality.\"\" The last post-release content was released on September 26, 2017 closing", "\"Sinon (Sword Art Online)\"\nbattle\"\" and is also \"\"a force to be reckoned with\"\", and found her character to be enjoyable. In concluding his review of \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\", Sinon's character and story were praised again, writing \"\"Overall, A-1 were able to wrap up \"\"Sword Art Online II\"\"'s Phantom Bullet nicely. We got to see Shino slowly recover from her trauma and the show did a decent job in explaining the process behind Shinkawa and his older brother's evil scheme – even if their scheme had some far-fetched elements. To top it all off, they were able set things up for the next", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nMay 19, 2015. A manga adaption of \"\"Sword Art Online: Progressive\"\", illustrated by Kiseki Himura, began serialization in the August 2013 issue of \"\"Dengeki G's Magazine\"\". The manga ended serialization in the magazine's May 2014 issue and was transferred to \"\"Dengeki G's Comic\"\" starting with the June 2014 issue. The \"\"Progressive\"\" manga adaption has been licensed by Yen Press, with the first two volumes released in January and April 2015, respectively. A sixth manga, titled \"\"Sword Art Online: Phantom Bullet\"\" and illustrated by Kōtarō Yamada, had its first chapter serialized in the May 2014 issue of \"\"Dengeki Bunko Magazine\"\", with", "\"Sword Art Online\"\n2015 issue of \"\"Dengeki Maoh\"\". A tenth manga, titled \"\"Sword Art Online: Project Alicization\"\" and illustrated by Kōtarō Yamada, based on the Alicization arc of the light novel series, began serialization in the September 2016 issue of \"\"Dengeki Bunko Magazine\"\". An anime adaptation of \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" was announced at Dengeki Bunko Autumn Festival 2011, along with Reki Kawahara's other light novel series, \"\"Accel World\"\". The anime is produced by Aniplex and Genco, animated by A-1 Pictures and directed by Tomohiko Ito with music by Yuki Kajiura. The anime aired on Tokyo MX, tvk, TV Saitama, TV Aichi, RKB, HBC", "\"Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms\"\nSword and Dragon Sabre, the 'Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms' is practiced by Shi Huolong, the leader of the Beggar Sect. However, he only mastered 12 of the 18 palm techniques. Shi Houlong uses the technique after he is ambushed by Cheng Kun,the main antagonist. The 'Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms' is one of the most well known martial arts in the wuxia genre, and has been featured in many wuxia themed movies, television, and video games, such as the Stephen Chow film King of Beggars and the popular online game Age of Wushu. It's also briefly referenced at the end of", "\"Sword Art Online\"\nEntertainment released the first series on BD/DVD in the United Kingdom in December 2013, whilst Madman Entertainment released the series in Australia and the English-language version began airing on ABC3 on June 7, 2014. \"\"Sword Art Online\"\" has been available on Netflix in North America since March 15, 2014. A year-end special, titled \"\"Sword Art Online Extra Edition\"\", aired on December 31, 2013. The special recapped the previously aired anime series and included some new footage. \"\"Extra Edition\"\" was streamed worldwide a few hours after its airing in Japan. The two-hour-long special was available on Daisuki worldwide except for French-speaking", "\"Virtual world\"\nstory of an individual immersed in the virtual world of a massively multiplayer online game. The plots of \"\".hack\"\", \"\"Sword Art Online\"\", \"\"Accel World\"\" and \"\"Summer Wars\"\" also involve the virtual worlds of massively multiplayer online games. The fourth series of the New Zealand TV series \"\"The Tribe\"\" features the birth of Reality Space and the Virtual World that was created by Ram, the computer genius-wizard leader of The Technos. In 2009, BBC Radio 7 commissioned \"\"Planet B\"\", set in a virtual world in which a man searches for his girlfriend, believed to be dead, but in fact still alive", "\"Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization\"\n\"\"wider world\"\", \"\"Hollow Realization\"\" features monsters new to the series. A healing system in the game allows defeated characters to rejoin the battle as long as teammates are still fighting. The game features online multiplayer. \"\"Hollow Realization\"\" is approximately 30 to 40 hours in length; however, completely finishing the game such as leveling up to the highest level and completing all the quests will take the player approximately 70 to 100 hours. The game will eventually feature downloadable content. For example, the free expansion pack \"\"Fighters of the Blue Sky\"\", to be released in 2016, will feature \"\"\"\" characters Rain", "\"Catherine (video game)\"\nPlayStation Vita, \"\"Catherine: Full Body\"\", which will feature new gameplay features, an online mode, a third character as a love interest named Rin, and additional endings and chapters. It will be released in Japan on February 14, 2019, with a Western release planned for sometime after. Haruka Tomatsu (The voice of Asuna Yuuki from the anime Sword Art Online) will be added as the 8th Additional Voice DLC for Catherine: Full Body Catherine (video game) Catherine is a puzzle platformer video game developed by Atlus. The game was released by Atlus for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in Japan", "\"Virtual goods\"\naccrue exchangeable points. The first virtual goods to be sold were items for use in MUDs, early, graphical online multiplayer games on the PLATO system and text-only games on other computers. This practice continued with the advent of MMORPGs. Players would sell virtual goods, such as swords, coins, potions, and avatars, to each other in the informal sector. While this practice is forbidden in most blockbuster online games, such as World of Warcraft, many online games now derive revenue from the sale of virtual goods. When Iron Realms Entertainment began auctioning items to players of its MUD, Achaea, Dreams of", "AmaLee\nAmaLee Amanda Lee (born March 13, 1992), also known as AmaLee, is an American singer and voice actress. She is known for her English-language interpretations of songs from anime and video games on YouTube, which have been viewed over 300 million times and subscribed over 1 million subscribers. A few of her most popular covers include \"\"Crossing Field\"\" (\"\"Sword Art Online\"\"), \"\"aLIEz\"\" (\"\"Aldnoah.Zero\"\"), and \"\"Papermoon\"\" (\"\"Soul Eater\"\"). In voice acting, she has voiced in titles such as \"\"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2\"\", \"\"\"\", and \"\"Yandere Simulator\"\". Amanda has also provided vocals for many independent video-game soundtracks and theme songs - including" ]
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who did the us lend money to in ww1
[ "Germany" ]
[ "\"History of the Jews in Asti\"\ndeath, allowing them to practice loans. And many Jews did practice money lending, such as Isaac and Jacob Puget and Elijah from Nice who opened two loan banks in Asti after they were granted permission to do so. The rulers of Asti and Savoy had a strong interest in maintaining the Jewish money lending businesses since the latter paid fees for licensing and other grants to the rulers. In 1565, two money lending businesses were active in Asti, by the three Jews mentioned earlier. Prohibitions and regulations by the rulers made it illegal and impossible to open any other money", "\"Anglo-American loan\"\nif Britain withdrew from all major overseas commitments. Additionally, Britain's lend-lease balance was paid off for $650 million (US$900 million) in 2006. At the start of the war, Britain had spent the money that they did have in normal payments for materiel under the \"\"US cash-and-carry\"\" scheme. Basing rights were also traded for equipment, e.g., the Destroyers for Bases Agreement, but by 1941 Britain was no longer able to finance cash payments and Lend-Lease was introduced. Lend Lease aid did not have to be paid back, but the other loans did. Large quantities of goods were in Britain or in", "\"Money market\"\nfor the global financial system, and capital markets make up the financial market. The money market consists of financial institutions and dealers in money or credit who wish to either borrow or lend. Participants borrow and lend for short periods, typically up to twelve months. Money market trades in short-term financial instruments commonly called \"\"paper\"\". This contrasts with the capital market for longer-term funding, which is supplied by bonds and equity. The core of the money market consists of interbank lending—banks borrowing and lending to each other using commercial paper, repurchase agreements and similar instruments. These instruments are often benchmarked", "Manisaspor\nthe clubs foundation year (1965). The club has a loyal following in the city. Their ultras are known as ‘Tarzanlar’, named after a local hero known as ‘Manisa Tarzanı’ (Tarzan of Manisa). He was a veteran of WW1 decorated with military honors who gave up his privileges, giving all his money to the poor, to commit his life to the reforrestation of Manisa after most of the city's trees and green areas were burned down during WW1. Manisaspor Manisaspor is a professional Turkish football club located in the city of Manisa. Originally formed in 1931 as Sakaryaspor, the club changed", "\"Securities lending\"\nnote include the Australian Securities Lending Association (ASLA), the Canadian Securities Lending Association (CASLA), the Pan Asia Securities Lending Association (PASLA), and the South African Securities Lending Association (SASLA). Typical borrowers include hedge funds and the proprietary trading desks of investment banks. In investment banking, the term \"\"securities lending\"\" is also used to describe a service offered to large investors who can allow the investment bank to lend out their shares to other people. This is often done to investors of all sizes who have pledged their shares to borrow money to buy more shares, but large investors like pension", "\"Repurchase agreement\"\nit is called a \"\"customer repo\"\". Until 2003 the Fed did not use the term \"\"reverse repo\"\"—which it believed implied that it was borrowing money (counter to its charter)—but used the term \"\"matched sale\"\" instead. In India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) uses repo and reverse repo to increase or decrease money supply in the economy. The rate at which the RBI lends to commercial banks is called the repo rate. In case of inflation, the RBI may increase the repo rate, thus discouraging banks to borrow and reducing the money supply in the economy. As of June 2017,", "\"Direct lending\"\nto find enough direct lending opportunities to invest in. Asset managers cite the higher returns available from direct lending strategies as a main reason that people should invest in direct lending. US pension funds are among the investor who are reported to have made allocations to direct lending strategies, especially in Europe. Several European governments have taken initiatives to boost direct lending to smaller companies since the financial crisis. For example, in 2012 the UK government introduced a scheme to lend £700 million of public money to smaller companies in partnership with asset managers. A large number of asset management", "Wevelgem\nof money with flax, many people came to Wevelgem and stayed there for many generations. Nowadays, the cultivation of flax is not so important, but there are still some factories where they process flax. During the First World War, the Germans constructed an airport. The airport still exists and is now used for private purposes. Also remaining is the German Military cemetery, which is also partly situated in Menen. There are 47,864 soldiers buried there, who all died during WW1. This makes the cemetery the biggest German cemetery in Belgium. Across the cemetery, there used to be a (fake) airport,", "\"Justin Welby\"\nWelby wrote: In July 2013, Welby spoke out against the payday lending sites and met with Errol Damelin, chief executive of Wonga. Welby pledged that the Church of England would support credit unions as society needs to \"\"provide an alternative\"\" to the \"\"very, very costly forms of finance\"\" that payday lending services represent. He noted that he did not want to make legal payday lending illegal as this would leave people with no alternative to using criminal loan sharks. Shortly after this well-publicised intervention in the public debate, it emerged that the Church of England's pension fund had invested money", "\"Monetary system\"\nreceive the money created by new lending may take actions that affect the stock of money – they could quickly ‘destroy’ the money or currency by using it to repay their existing debt, for instance. Central banks control the creation of money by commercial banks, by setting interest rates on reserves. This limits the amount of money the commercial banks are willing to lend, and thus create, as it affects the profitability of lending in a competitive market. This is the opposite of what many people believe about the creation of fiat money. The most common misconception was that central", "Eurodollar\nthree months starting on the contract settlement date. Buying the contract is equivalent to lending money, and selling the contract short is equivalent to borrowing money. Consider an investor who agreed to lend US$1,000,000 on a particular date for three months at 5.00% per annum (months are calculated on a 30/360 basis). Interest received in 3 months' time would be US$1,000,000 × 5.00% × 90 / 360 = US$12,500. This demonstrates the similarity. However, the contract is also different from a loan in several important respects: 40 quarterly expirations and 4 serial expirations are listed in the Eurodollar contract. This", "\"Financial market\"\nmaturity transformation). Without financial markets, borrowers would have difficulty finding lenders themselves. Intermediaries such as banks, Investment Banks, and Boutique Investment Banks can help in this process. Banks take deposits from those who have money to save. They can then lend money from this pool of deposited money to those who seek to borrow. Banks popularly lend money in the form of loans and mortgages. More complex transactions than a simple bank deposit require markets where lenders and their agents can meet borrowers and their agents, and where existing borrowing or lending commitments can be sold on to other parties.", "\"Kana Kandaen\"\nfor helping her, but she soon realizes his love for her. Madan (Prithviraj) is a college mate of Archana. He gets acquainted with their family. Coming to know of their troubles, the rich Madan volunteers to help them and lends money. However, Madan is a 'business consultant' who lends money to companies, corporates, and individuals at exorbitant rates of interest and uses his might to recover them. In Bhaskar's case, he fakes the bond papers Bhaskar has signed and begins to trouble them, demanding his money back and threatening to take over Bhaskar's research works with which he aspires to", "\"Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis\"\ngoals only contributed marginally to Fannie’s and Freddie’s participation in \"\"risky mortgages\"\". Economists Paul Krugman and David Min point out that the simultaneous growth of the residential, commercial real estate—and also consumer credit—pricing bubbles in the US and general financial crisis outside it, undermines the case that Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, CRA, or predatory lending were primary causes of the crisis, since affordable housing policies did not effect either US commercial real estate or non-US real estate. [T]here was no federal act driving banks to lend money for office parks and shopping malls; Fannie and Freddie weren’t in the CRE", "\"Charles O. Boynton House\"\nHistoric District. Charles O. Boynton was born in 1826 in Rockingham, Vermont. He came to Illinois in 1847 and opened a dry goods store in Chicago. Two years later he moved to Sycamore and opened another store, this time a general store. He began lending money in 1852 by obtaining capital from back East at lower interest rates and then lending locally at a higher rate. He did this until the early 1870s and made a significant amount of money. After lending Boynton moved on to land speculation. Boynton owned farmland in DeKalb County as well as almost 75,000 acres", "\"Sung Jae-gi\"\nPlease lend us 100 million won which will be used for paying back debt and seed money of our organization\"\". Sung's announcement was met with indifference. \"\"Ridiculous. He is begging for money and he’s holding himself as a hostage\"\", read a post on the Man of Korea homepage. Another read, \"\"Threat fund-raiser? That’s creative. Just jump off the bridge like you promised\"\". Sung later said that he did not intend to commit suicide, but wanted to draw attention to his group; he would jump, whether or not he received the money. He posted on Twitter, \"\"Why do you all assume", "\"Solidarity lending\"\nVancouver operations, continues to use peer lending. Tapping social capital to lend money is not new to microfinance. Earlier precedents include the informal practices of ROSCAs and the bonds of association used in credit unions. In India, the practice of self-help group banking is inspired by similar principles. However, solidarity groups are distinctly different from earlier approaches in several important ways. First, solidarity groups are very small, typically involving 5 individuals who are allowed to choose one another but cannot be related. Five is often cited as an ideal size because it is: Much evidence has also shown that social", "\"Central bank\"\nwill have other tools and rates that are used, but only one that is rigorously targeted and enforced. \"\"The rate at which the central bank lends money can indeed be chosen at will by the central bank; this is the rate that makes the financial headlines.\"\" – Henry C.K. Liu. Liu explains further that \"\"the U.S. central-bank lending rate is known as the Fed funds rate. The Fed sets a target for the Fed funds rate, which its Open Market Committee tries to match by lending or borrowing in the money market ... a fiat money system set by command", "\"Monetary system\"\nPut simply, banks lending currency to customers creates more deposits and deficit spending. In normal times, the central bank does not fix the amount of money in circulation, nor is central bank money ‘multiplied up’ into more loans and deposits. Although commercial banks create money through lending, they cannot do so freely without limit. Banks are limited in how much they can lend if they are to remain profitable in a competitive banking system. Prudential regulation also acts as a constraint on banks’ activities in order to maintain the resilience of the financial system. And the households and companies who", "\"Napoleon and the Jews\"\n17 March 1808), declaring all debts with Jews to be annulled, reduced or postponed. The Infamous Decree imposed a ten-year ban on any kind of Jewish money-lending activity. Similarly, Jewish individuals who were in subservient positions -- such as a Jewish servant, military officer, or wife -- were unable to engage in any kind of money-lending activity without the explicit consent of their superiors. Napoleon's goal in implementing the Infamous Decree of 1808 was to integrate Jewish culture and customs into those of France. By restricting money-lending activity, Jews would be forced to engage in other practices for a living.", "\"Private money\"\nPrivate money \"\"For non-government backed currency see:Private currency\"\" Private money is a commonly used term in banking and finance. It refers to lending money to a company or individual by a private individual or organization. While banks are traditional sources of financing for real estate, and other purposes, private money is offered by individuals or organizations and may have non traditional qualifying guidelines. There are higher risks associated with private lending for both the lender and borrowers. There is traditionally less \"\"red tape\"\" and regulation. Private money can be similar to the prevailing rate of interest or it can be", "Usury\nthe property, regardless of value, to satisfy the debt.) The JAK members bank is a usury-free saving and loaning system. Growth of the Internet internationally has enabled both business micro-lending through sites such as Kickstarter as well as through global micro-lending charities where lenders make small sums of money available on zero-interest terms. Persons lending money to on-line micro-lending charity Kiva for example do not get paid any interest, although the end users to whom the loans are made may be charged interest by Kiva's partners in the country where the loan is used. Usury Usury () is, as defined", "Commingling\nFor example, a tenant who deposits money with a landlord has not lent money to the landlord – the tenant is not a creditor – and is entitled to their deposit back even in case that the landlord declares bankruptcy, assuming property is in good condition – the tenant is responsible for the \"\"property,\"\" but is not undertaking credit risk. Similarly, a client who invests with a fund or broker is investing, not lending, so the fiduciary must keep the client money separate and not use it for their own purposes, but only for approved investment purposes: the client is", "\"Community banking models\"\nCommunity banking models Community banking is a non-traditional form of money-lending. Unlike banks or other classic lending institutions, the funds that community banks lend to borrowers are gathered by the local community itself. This tends to mean that the individuals in a neighborhood or group have more control over who is receiving the capital and how that capital is being spent. This practice has existed in some form for centuries; in ancient Egypt, for example, when grain was often used as currency, local granaries would store and distribute the community’s food supply. Since that time, a variety of community banking", "\"Community banking models\"\nCommunity banking models Community banking is a non-traditional form of money-lending. Unlike banks or other classic lending institutions, the funds that community banks lend to borrowers are gathered by the local community itself. This tends to mean that the individuals in a neighborhood or group have more control over who is receiving the capital and how that capital is being spent. This practice has existed in some form for centuries; in ancient Egypt, for example, when grain was often used as currency, local granaries would store and distribute the community’s food supply. Since that time, a variety of community banking", "\"Money multiplier\"\ncommercial banks to curtail lending (one can \"\"pull\"\" money via this mechanism), but input of central bank money does not compel commercial banks to lend (one cannot \"\"push\"\" via this mechanism). This described growth in excess reserves has indeed occurred in the Financial crisis of 2007–2010, US bank excess reserves growing over 500-fold, from under $2 billion in August 2008 to over $1,000 billion in November 2009. Money multiplier In monetary economics, a money multiplier is one of various closely related ratios of commercial bank money to central bank money under a fractional-reserve banking system. Most often, it measures an", "\"Social enterprise lending\"\ndepositors and investors who want to encourage corporate social responsibility and a sustainable society. It is a pioneer in ethical banking. Triodos Bank finances companies which it expects will add cultural value and benefit both people and the environment. The bank uses money deposited by close to 100,000 savers and lends it to hundreds of organisations, such as fair trade initiatives, organic farms and social enterprises. Charity Bank provides loan finance and advice to enable charities, community associations, voluntary organisations, community businesses and social enterprises across the UK to grow. It often lends where banks or building societies either will", "\"Patrick Hastings\"\nhis career through an association with Gill, but Gill did not actually know Hastings and had no reason to offer him a place in his chambers. Hastings decided he would spend the court vacation writing a law book, and introduce himself to Gill by asking if he would mind having the book dedicated to him. Hastings wrote the book on the subject of the law relating to money-lending, something he knew very little about. He got around this by including large extracts from the judgements in cases related to money-lending, which increased the size of the book and reduced how", "\"History of banking\"\ncentury for Jews living within Christian societies in Europe to justify lending money for profit. As this conveniently side stepped the rules against usury in both Judaism and Christianity as the Jews could lend to the Christians as they are not Israelites and the Christians were not involved in the lending but were still free to take the loans. Originally, the charging of interest, known as usury, was banned by Christian churches. This included charging a fee for the use of money, such as at a bureau de change. However over time the charging of interest became acceptable due to", "\"Huey, Dewey, and Louie\"\nlast one for Donald). Donald uses his money for a down payment of a new car, now being $1,000 in debt. Gladstone, considering himself too lucky to need the money this soon, hides the money for when and if he needs it, causing Scrooge to consider him a better option than Donald. Huey, Dewey, and Louie lend their money to a man who claims to need the money to search for a treasure. Initially thinking they were tricked out of the money, Scrooge actually considers leaving his fortune to Gladstone, even though he sees that as \"\"\"\"an awful injustice to", "\"Valerio Ricetti\"\nfor a while, then he worked out that he could earn more money by opening a boarding house for other miners. He did well, then in the early 1900's he heard that land was being sold off cheaply in North Queensland to encourage new farming. He sold up and moved to Innisfail North Queensland, where he established a successful sugarcane farm. Bortolo returned to Italy (Tirano, his birth place) and with the impending WW1 looming, he encouraged his nephews to leave Italy and travel to Australia. Bortolo passed on his sugarcane farm to his eldest nephew, Giacomo (Jack) Bombardieri (his", "\"Subprime lending\"\nProponents of subprime lending maintain that the practice extends credit to people who would otherwise not have access to the credit market. Professor Harvey S. Rosen of Princeton University explained, \"\"The main thing that innovations in the mortgage market have done over the past 30 years is to let in the excluded: the young, the discriminated against, the people without a lot of money in the bank to use for a down payment.\"\" The term subprime refers to the credit quality of particular borrowers, who have weakened credit histories and a greater risk of loan default than prime borrowers. As", "Usury\ngrowth of the Lombard bankers and pawnbrokers, who moved from city to city, was along the pilgrim routes. In the 16th century, short-term interest rates dropped dramatically (from around 20–30% p.a. to around 9–10% p.a.). This was caused by refined commercial techniques, increased capital availability, the Reformation, and other reasons. The lower rates weakened religious scruples about lending at interest, although the debate did not cease altogether. The papal prohibition on usury meant that it was a sin to charge interest on a money loan. As set forth by Thomas Aquinas, the natural essence of money was as a measure", "\"Mission Asset Fund\"\nand Ethnicity\"\" series highlighted the story of one participant, Alicia Villanueva, who used her MAF savings to expand her tamale business. In 2014, California State Senator Lou Correa collaborated with MAF to pass legislation \"\"SB 896,\"\" a bill that exempts organizations like MAF from being required to hold lending licenses, as such organizations do not lend any money, they merely facilitate and back the circulation of funds. Mission Asset Fund Mission Asset Fund (MAF) is a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization that seeks to offer financial stability to low-income families by facilitating zero-interest lending and simultaneous credit building. Their model, based", "\"Los chiflados del rock and roll\"\nrancher, who lives in San Miguel el Alto. When they travel to ask Apolonio to lend them the money, he denies and lies, saying that his millions were swindled from him. Though Apolonio is reluctant to lend money to Luis, he sees his nephew as a potential husband for his tough, orphaned goddaughter Paloma who, in fact, falls in love with Luis. Luis, already in a relationship with Ana, decides to obtain the money from Paloma by inviting her to become a partner of the cabaret, which she misinterprets, believing that he is proposing marriage to her. Paloma accepts and", "Crowdfunding\nto individual borrowers or bundles of borrowers. Investors make money from interest on the unsecured loans; the system operators make money by taking a percentage of the loan and a loan servicing fee. In 2009, institutional investors entered the P2P lending arena; for example in 2013, Google invested $125 million in Lending Club. In 2014 in the US, P2P lending totalled about $5 billion. In 2014 in the UK, P2P platforms lent businesses £749 million, a growth of 250% from 2012 to 2014, and lent retail customers £547 million, a growth of 108% from 2012 to 2014. In both countries", "\"Central bank\"\ncontrol the money supply by placing limits on the amount banks can lend to various sectors of the economy. Central banks can also control the amount of lending by applying credit quotas. This allows the central bank to control both the quantity of lending and its allocation towards certain strategic sectors of the economy, for example to support the national industrial policy. The Bank of Japan used to apply such policy (\"\"window guidance\"\") between 1962 and 1991. To influence the money supply, some central banks may require that some or all foreign exchange receipts (generally from exports) be exchanged for", "\"The Gold Diggers' Song (We're in the Money)\"\nlandlord,\"\" \"\"We can look that guy right in the eye!\"\" \"\"We're in the money!\"\" \"\"Come on, my honey!\"\" \"\"Let's lend it, spend it, send it rolling along!\"\" Early popular recordings of this song were by performed by Ted Lewis & His Band and by Hal Kemp & His Orchestra. Dick Powell, who does not sing a note of \"\"The Golddigger's Song\"\" in the motion picture, recorded a version that also sold well. Other 1933 versions were by The Dorsey Brothers (vocal by The Boswell Sisters), and Leo Reisman and His Orchestra (vocal by Fred Astaire). He probably did not know", "\"Money supply\"\nthe reserve requirements on deposits started to fall with the emergence of money funds, which require no reserves. Then in the early 1990s, reserve requirements, for example in Canada, were dropped to zero on savings deposits, CDs, and Eurodollar deposit. At present, reserve requirements apply only to \"\"transactions deposits\"\" – essentially checking accounts. The vast majority of funding sources used by private banks to create loans are not limited by bank reserves. Most commercial and industrial loans are financed by issuing large denomination CDs. Money market deposits are largely used to lend to corporations who issue commercial paper. Consumer loans", "\"Alan Greenspan\"\ncontribute to the giant housing bubble and the worst worldwide crash since the Great Depression. In 2004 he lowered interest rates to 1%, enabling banks to borrow money for free, adjusted for inflation. Naturally, the banks wanted to borrow as much as they possibly could, then lend it out, earning nice profits. The situation screamed for government oversight of lending institutions, lest the banks lend to unfit borrowers. He refused, trusting the market to weed out bad credit risks. It did not.\"\" In congressional testimony on October 23, 2008, Greenspan finally conceded error on regulation. \"\"The New York Times\"\" wrote,", "Zencap\nGrobe, \"\"We are very strict with the risk assessment.\"\" Once approved, businesses post their loan request on the Zencap marketplace, where private lenders are able to choose which businesses they want to lend money to. Zencap Zencap is a German company, operating a peer-to-peer lending platform, which allows private savers to lend money directly to small and medium sized businesses in Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands. Using the crowdfunding model, the company based in Berlin, Germany aims to create a direct link between private lenders and small businesses seeking loans. As of December 2014, Zencap had facilitated 5 million Euro", "YiNongDai\nplatform. The lender is free to keep on lending or to withdraw his/her money. A single loan could be from CNY 2,000 to 5,000. The rural borrower could use the money to buy feed and seed, to add additional livestocks, or simply to expand their business. Up to 5 September 2011, YND has successfully helped 1537 rural women with 21035 donations from 23895 Internet donors. The total amount of loans is CNY 4,898,894 (equivalent to USD 766,892). YiNongDai YND (YiNongDai, Chinese: 宜农贷) is the one of the largest online P2P (Peer-to-peer) lending platforms in China. It allows people to lend", "Riba\ninjustice and hardship.\"\" Modernists believe pre-Islamic lending practices in Makka constituted \"\"riba\"\" and are much different from and more problematic than contemporary bank lending, which do not involve \"\"riba\"\", according to sources such as M.A. Khan and \"\"The Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World\"\". Makkan lending (\"\"Riba an-jahiliya\"\") involved high interest rates charged by rich money lenders to poor customers who borrowed for purposes of consumption, and led to the accumulation of large debts and often financial slavery. In contrast, most money loaned in contemporary society is for commercial purposes and investment, transacted between sophisticated parties, offering/paying interest rates", "\"Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility\"\nrecently originated consumer and small business loans. As TALF money did not originate from the U.S. Treasury, the program did not require congressional approval to disburse funds, but an act of Congress forced the Fed to reveal how it lent the money. The Fed explained the reasoning behind the TALF as follows: According to the plan, the NY Fed would spend up to $200 billion in loans to spur the market in securities backed by lending to small business and consumers. Yet, the program closed after only funding the purchase of $43 billion in loans. Barbara Kiviat, TALF money was", "\"Ekeines Kai Ego\"\nand anger against her. Ortansia (Nteniz Mpaltsavia in 1st season, Anna Paitatzi in the 2nd season) is the elderly sister of Zahos late mother. She tries to correct Zahos's behavior and is very fond of Eleni, working with her usually to help her reach wedding with Zachos. She has a phlegmatic and patient butler, Ioulios, who tolerates her old-styled and dominating behavior and seems to despise her, although in fact he is very careful of her. She has money and a comfortable income but she uses to hide her money for \"\"future use\"\" and lends money from Zahos all the", "\"Federal Reserve responses to the subprime crisis\"\nloans they receive from their regional Federal Reserve Bank's lending facility via the Discount window. The Fed can electronically create money and use it to lend against collateral of various types, such as agency mortgage-backed securities or asset-backed commercial paper. This is effectively \"\"printing money\"\" and increases the money supply, which under normal economic conditions creates inflationary pressure. Ben Bernanke called this approach \"\"credit easing\"\", possibly to distinguish it from the widely used expression Quantitative easing, which however originally also referred to the expansion of \"\"credit creation\"\" (reference: Richard Werner, Keizai Kyoshitsu: Keiki kaifuku, Ryoteiki kinyu kanwa kara, Nikkei, Nihon", "\"Consumer Action\"\nhighlighted predatory lending practices; and has been used to gain the attention of lawmakers. Don Oldenburg, of \"\"The Washington Post\"\" sites the highlighting of questionable lending and payment practices as one of the resources used for Congress and federal bank regulators to these questionable and costly practices. Congress, a House bill called \"\"The Consumer Credit Card Protection Act\"\" would prohibit arbitrary universal default penalties. Another bill, \"\"The Loan Shark Prevention Act,\"\" would establish a fair cap on credit card interest rates. The survey has been quoted and used local and national sources, such as \"\"Smart Money\"\", \"\"CNN Money\"\", and \"\"The", "\"Debt levels and flows\"\nof exchange, hence credits or access to money. All currencies are notes (\"\"This note is legal tender for...\"\"). Money is based on a fiat whereupon all agree upon the exchange values of any one currency for another. This extends to savings and checking accounts which are depository receipts for money loaned to bankers who in turn lend it to other borrowers. And thus it multiplies, a deposit becomes a loan that becomes another deposit and so on. The terms of the lending agreement are the key elements of the contractual terms of a promissory note regarding repayment including the amount(s)", "\"Financial history of the Dutch Republic\"\nwhen its receipts for foreign coin and bullion were accepted as fiduciary money. Those \"\"kassiers\"\" engaged also in fractional-reserve banking, as did the other \"\"wisselbanken\"\" outside Amsterdam, though this \"\"risky\"\" practice was officially frowned upon. During the crisis of 1672 the Middelburg \"\"wisselbank\"\", that had actively lent deposited funds to local businessmen, faced a bank run which forced it to suspend payments for a while. The Amsterdam \"\"wisselbank\"\", at least at first, officially did not engage in this practice. In reality it did lend money to the city government of Amsterdam and to the East-India Company, both solid credit risks", "\"Virji Vora\"\n\"\"the town (Surat) is very empty of moneys; Virji Vora is the only master of it\"\" and \"\"none but Virgee Vorah hath moneye to lend or will lend.\"\" Some of his credits to the English include: Most of the capital lent to the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in India also came from Virji Vora and his close associate Shantidas Jhaveri. Virji also lent money to individual Englishmen to finance their own private trade, a practice denounced by the Company's London office. The Dutch and the English often used his facilities for transmitting large amounts of money from Surat to", "\"Quantitative easing\"\npension funds could then use the money they received for lending or even to buy back more bonds from the bank. Further, the central bank could lend the new money to private banks or buy assets from banks in exchange for currency. These measures have the effect of depressing interest yields on government bonds and similar investments, making it cheaper for business to raise capital. Another side effect is that investors will switch to other investments, such as shares, boosting their price and thus encouraging consumption. QE can reduce interbank overnight interest rates and thereby encourage banks to loan money", "\"Reserve Bank of India\"\nthe opposite of repo rate. Reverse Repo rate is the short term borrowing rate at which RBI borrows money from banks. The reserve bank uses this tool when it feels there is too much money floating in the banking system. An increase in the reverse repo rate means that the banks will get a higher rate of interest from RBI. As a result, banks prefer to lend their money to RBI which is always safe instead of lending it to others (people, companies etc.) which is always risky. Repo Rate signifies the rate at which liquidity is injected into the", "\"Funding Circle\"\nSavings Account. Investors make money from the interest charged on purchased loans while Funding Circle makes money by charging borrowers an origination fee on each funded loan and by charging investors an annual servicing fee on the unpaid principal balance of outstanding loans. Within the UK, until September 2017, Funding Circle permitted lenders to either use an autobidding feature, or to manually choose who to lend money to. In September 2017, Funding Circle withdrew the manual choice functionality. Unlike a savings account, investments with Funding Circle are not guaranteed and may lose money if the underlying loan goes into default.", "\"Bank run\"\ntime to generate returns before full repayment, and will prefer long maturity loans, which offer little liquidity to the lender. The same principle applies to individuals and households seeking financing to purchase large-ticket items such as housing or automobiles. The households and firms who have the money to lend to these businesses may have sudden, unpredictable needs for cash, so they are often willing to lend only on the condition of being guaranteed immediate access to their money in the form of liquid demand deposit accounts, that is, accounts with shortest possible maturity. Since borrowers need money and depositors fear", "\"Overnight rate\"\nany) or deposit them with other banks, who borrow from them. The overnight rate is the amount paid to the bank lending the funds. Banks will also choose to borrow or lend for longer periods of time, depending on their projected needs and opportunities to use money elsewhere. Most central banks will announce the overnight rate once a month. In Canada, for example, the Bank of Canada sets a target bandwidth for the overnight rate each month of +/- 0.25% around its target overnight rate: the Bank of Canada does not interfere in the overnight market so long as the", "\"The Giant Pool of Money\"\nquestion “why are they lending money to people who can’t afford to pay it back?” The episode's name \"\"The Giant Pool of Money\"\" is derived from the description used in the show of fixed-income securities; it was identified in passing with the global saving glut. Davidson described it as follows: The show begins at a black tie gala, where an award is being presented for CDO of the year. The show does not lay blame on the financiers directly, going so far as to say \"\"Let me just say, they’re aware that there’s a certain irony, giving awards to the", "\"Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act 1996\"\nmarkets. 9. Management of minor water bodies PESA gives to the Gram Panchayats the power to manage minor water bodies. Minor Water Bodies are generally water bodies which irrigate up to 100 Hectares of land. The rights to fishery and other riparian rights also accrue to the Gram Panchayats. 10. Exercising control over money lending Money Lending, especially usurious money lending, has been a problem of long-standing in the Scheduled areas. This arises, especially because of lack of institutional credit. PESA allows Gram Sabhas to exercise control over money-lending activities. 11. Power of Gram Sabha to exercise control over institutions", "\"National Coffee Park\"\nGrowers in 1982, he proposed the creation of the museum, but was told by the secretary of the Congress that he did not have the quorum to pass the proposal. Over the following years, Arango continued to work toward the creation of the museum, despite lack of financial support from banks unwilling to lend money for an enterprise they saw as non-profitable, and opposition from delegates from three other departments of Colombia who lobbied for the museum to be constructed in their departments, as well from other towns within the department of Quindío itself who objected to Arango's choice of", "\"Peer-to-peer lending\"\nfederal securities laws during that period. Plaintiffs further allege that Prosper acted as an unlicensed broker/dealer in California. The Plaintiffs were seeking rescission of the loan notes, rescissory damages, damages, and attorneys' fees and expenses. On July 19, 2013 the class action lawsuit was settled. Under the settlement terms Prosper will pay $10 million to the class action members. Peer-to-peer lending sponsors are organizations that handle loan administration on behalf of others including individual lenders and lending agencies, but do not loan their own money. Peer-to-peer lending Peer-to-peer lending, also abbreviated as P2P lending, is the practice of lending money", "\"Economy of China\"\nwas issued by China's bank regulator to use caution with respect to lending money to steel companies who, as profits from the manufacture and sale of steel have fallen, have sometimes used borrowed money for speculative purposes. According to the China Iron and Steel Association the Chinese steel industry lost 1 billion Rmb in the first quarter of 2012, its first loss since 2000. By 2006 China had become the world's third largest automotive vehicle manufacturer (after US and Japan) and the second largest consumer (only after the US). Automobile manufacturing has soared during the reform period. In 1975 only", "\"Muhammad Yunus\"\ninterest to the poor due to high risk of default. But Yunus believed that, given the chance, the poor will repay the money and hence microcredit was a viable business model. Yunus lent US$27 of his money to 42 women in the village, who made a profit of BDT 0.50 (US$0.02) each on the loan. Thus, Yunus is credited with the idea of microcredit. In December 1976, Yunus finally secured a loan from the government Janata Bank to lend to the poor in Jobra. The institution continued to operate, securing loans from other banks for its projects. By 1982, it", "\"Asset-based lending\"\nmoney owed to the company should the company default on its obligations to the lender. Factoring of receivables is a subset of asset-based lending (which uses inventory or other assets as collateral). The lender mitigates its risk by controlling who the company does business with to make sure that the company's customers can actually pay. Lines of credits may require that the company deposit all of its funds into a \"\"blocked\"\" account. The lender then approves any withdrawals from that account by the company and controls when the company pays down the line of credit balance. Still another subset of", "\"Monetary policy of the United States\"\nand this equilibrium is simply distorted by government intervention. This distortion, in their view, is the cause of the business cycle. Some Austrian economists—but by no means all—also support full reserve banking, a hypothetical financial/banking system where banks may not lend deposits. Others may advocate free banking, whereby the government abstains from any interference in what individuals may choose to use as money or the extent to which banks create money through the deposit and lending cycle. The Federal Reserve regulates banking, and one regulation under its direct control is the reserve requirement which dictates how much money banks must", "\"Peer to peer investing\"\nenables individuals to lend money without using an official financial institution as an intermediary. While P2PI removes the middleman from the process, it also involves more time, effort, and risk than general brick-and-mortar lending scenarios. Peer-to-peer lending does not fit cleanly into any of the three traditional types of financial institutions—deposit takers, investors, insurers and is sometimes categorized as an alternative financial service. The key characteristics of peer-to-peer lending are: Most peer-to-peer intermediaries provide the following services: Early peer-to-peer lending was also characterized by disintermediation and reliance on social networks, but these features have started to disappear. While it is", "\"Peer-to-peer lending\"\nPeer-to-peer lending Peer-to-peer lending, also abbreviated as P2P lending, is the practice of lending money to individuals or businesses through online services that match lenders with borrowers. Since peer-to-peer lending companies offering these services generally operate online, they can run with lower overhead and provide the service more cheaply than traditional financial institutions. As a result, lenders can earn higher returns compared to savings and investment products offered by banks, while borrowers can borrow money at lower interest rates, even after the P2P lending company has taken a fee for providing the match-making platform and credit checking the borrower. There", "\"Interbank lending market\"\nmanage any potential bank runs by clients. If a bank cannot meet these liquidity requirements, it will need to borrow money in the interbank market to cover the shortfall. Some banks, on the other hand, have excess liquid assets above and beyond the liquidity requirements. These banks will lend money in the interbank market, receiving interest on the assets. The interbank rate is the rate of interest charged on short-term loans between banks. Banks borrow and lend money in the interbank lending market in order to manage liquidity and satisfy regulations such as reserve requirements. The interest rate charged depends", "\"Overnight rate\"\nOvernight rate The overnight rate is generally the interest rate that large banks use to borrow and lend from one another in the overnight market. In some countries (United States Of America, for example), the overnight rate may be the rate targeted by the central bank to influence monetary policy. In most countries, the central bank is also a participant on the overnight lending market, and will lend or borrow money to some group of banks. There may be a published overnight rate that represents an average of the rates at which banks lend to each other; certain types of", "Kedoshim\nto borrow a hatchet and the person refuses to lend it. On the following day, the person who refused asks to borrow a hatchet from his colleague. The colleague responds that just as the person did not lend it to the colleague, the colleague will not lend it to the person. This is considered taking revenge. Instead, when the person comes to ask for the hatchet, the colleague should give it to the person with a full heart, without repaying the person for what the person did. Similarly, Maimonides taught that anyone who holds a grudge against another Jew violates", "\"Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority\"\nUganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority The Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority (UMRA), is a government agency responsible for the licensing, supervision and regulation of Tier-4 micro finance institutions, money lenders, savings cooperatives and any money-lending institution with capital of less that USh500 million (US$140,000). Tier-4 institutions are those that do not accept financial deposits and are not under the supervision of the Bank of Uganda, the central bank and national banking regulator. As far back as 2013, the government of Uganda announced its intentions to create a government agency to regulate money lenders who were not regulated by the central bank. In", "\"Funding Circle\"\nFunding Circle Funding Circle is a peer-to-peer lending marketplace that allows investors to lend money directly to small and medium-sized businesses. Funding Circle was the first website to use the process of peer-to-peer lending for business funding in the UK, and now operates in the UK, US, Germany, and the Netherlands. As of June 2018, Funding Circle has facilitated over £5 billion in loans to small and medium-sized firms. The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange. Funding Circle was launched in the UK in August 2010. It received £2.5 million in funding from Index Ventures in April 2011.", "Peerform\nIn April 2014, Peerform entered into several agreements under which institutional lenders will fund whole loans on Peerform’s platform with a fixed interest rate set by Peerform’s algorithm. Time (magazine) has since listed Peerform as one of the \"\"three principal U.S. players\"\" in the peer-to-peer lending industry. Peerform provides an online personal loan platform which acts as a marketplace between potential borrowers and investors who lend money. By matching borrowers with investors, Peerform offers its investors access to a personal loan asset class in a US market which is reported to have grown by 176.6% per year between 2008 and", "\"Social finance\"\nSocial finance Social finance is an approach to managing money which delivers a social dividend and an economic return. Social finance is often used to describe the lending and investment into companies who consider themselves social enterprises, charities, co-operatives, and other impact-focused organisations. The term can include community investing, microfinance, investing in socially-responsible and sustainable businesses, social impact bonds, and social enterprise lending. Outcome-based philanthropic grantmaking and program-related investments, sometimes referred to as venture philanthropy, also fall under the umbrella of social finance. A social investment loan is not a grant or donation; it’s repayable, often with interest. These approaches", "\ntax-free individual savings account (ISA) for people who want to lend out money. The new ISA would be for people who lend money via peer-to-peer borrowing sites. Rebuilding Society opened IFISA (innovative finance ISA) pre-registrations in March 2017. In January 2015, announced a new partnership with SIPPclub, which will allow qualifying Rebuilding Society investors to invest through a specially-designed self-invested personal pension (SIPP). The platform’s investors will be able to invest via an EvolutionSIPP. All investments made through a SIPP are tax-free – meaning participating investors will stand to recoup higher rates of interest through the Rebuilding Society platform.", "\"History of banking in China\"\nmost \"\"qianzhuang\"\" were local and functioned as commercial banks by conducting local money exchange, issuing cash notes, exchanging bills and notes, and discounting for the local business community. \"\"Qianzhuang\"\" maintained close relationships with Chinese merchants, and grew with the expansion of China's foreign trade. When Western banks first entered China, they issued \"\"chop loans\"\" (\"\"caipiao\"\") to the \"\"qianzhuang\"\", who would then lend this money to Chinese merchants who used it to purchase goods from foreign firms. It is estimated that there were around 10,000 \"\"qianzhuang\"\" in China in the early 1890s. British and other European banks entered China around the", "\"Banking in China\"\nIn 1776, several of these banks in Shanghai organised themselves into a guild under the name of qianye gongsuo.[5] In contrast to piaohao, most qianzhuang were local and functioned as commercial banks by conducting local money exchange, issuing cash notes, exchanging bills and notes, and discounting for the local business community. Qianzhuang maintained close relationships with Chinese merchants, and grew with the expansion of China's foreign trade. When Western banks first entered China, they issued \"\"chop loans\"\" (caipiao) to the qianzhuang, who would then lend this money to Chinese merchants who used it to purchase goods from foreign firms. It", "\"Kenneth Clark (financial writer)\"\nbasic lending philosophy has always emphasized the character of the borrower and their overall use of credit. Those who avoid becoming overly reliant on credit and who put some money away each month are better risks, he found, than those making more money and with large amounts of credit available. The former are more likely to keep making mortgage payments, while the latter, despite having higher credit scores, are quicker to become overextended and default on their loans. Clark believes that most people are ethical and eager to meet their financial obligations, and that most of the problems they are", "Partnership\nbearing interest. Hence, pragmatism and common sense called for a fair compensation for the risk of lending money, and a compensation for the opportunity cost of lending money without using it for other fruitful purposes. In order to circumvent the usury laws edicted by the Church, other forms of reward were created, in particular through the widespread form of partnership called \"\"commenda\"\", very popular with Italian merchant bankers. Florentine merchant banks were almost sure to make a positive return on their loans, but this would be before taking into account solvency risks. In the Middle East, the \"\"Qirad\"\" and \"\"Mudarabas\"\"", "\"Virgin Money US\"\nof Virgin Money. Virgin Money US focused solely on formalizing and servicing loans between friends and family, a business model which differentiated it from later social lending and crowdfunding businesses which encouraged loans between strangers. In 2008 the company bought Lendia, and renamed it Virgin Money USA Inc., but sold it back to its founder, Greg O'Connor, the following year. O'Connor's company, formerly Lendia, continues to operate as Clearpoint Funding, Inc. Founder Advani left the company in 2009. In 2010, during the financial crisis of 2007–2010, Virgin Money began its withdrawal from the US market. Virgin Money US withdrew from", "\"Pushing on a string\"\nthat The appearance of the phrase in a 1910 medical book suggests that it was proverbial at the time Goldsborough used it: \"\"Pushing on a string\"\" is particularly used to illustrate limitations of monetary policy, particularly that the money multiplier is an \"\"inequality,\"\" a \"\"limit\"\" on money creation, not an \"\"equality\"\". In modern economies with fractional-reserve banking, money creation follows a two-stage process. First, a central bank introduces new base money into the economy (termed 'expansionary monetary policy') by purchasing financial assets from or lending money to financial institutions. Second, the new money introduced by the central bank is multiplied", "\"Foley v Hill\"\ncreditor. When the customer deposits money in the account it becomes the bank's money, and the bank's obligation to repay an equivalent sum (and any agreed interest) to the customer or the customer's order. The decision was crucial to the modern evolution of banking. Had the appellant's argument that the bank should be treated as a trustee succeeded then a bank would not be entitled to use the sums deposited with it for lending to other parties because of the rule against trustee's making a profit out of the trust property. Edward Thomas Foley and Sir Edward Scott (who was", "\"Commercial lender (U.S.)\"\nwhere many companies refer loans to one another (brokering), increasing the price and loan points with each referral. There is also great concern about the practices of some lending companies in the industry who require upfront payments to investigate loans and refuse to lend on virtually all properties while keeping this fee. Borrowers are advised not to work with hard money lenders who require exorbitant upfront fees prior to funding in order to reduce this risk. In recent years there have been some significant advances. A good example is that credit unions are now allowed to engage in commercial lending", "\"Walter E. Heller\"\nWalter E. Heller Walter E. Heller (1891–1969) was a US financier and philanthropist, who founded Walter E. Heller and Company, Inc., Chicago, Illinois with money borrowed from his father in 1919. He originally started the company to do \"\"automobile financing\"\" as autos became more popular in the 1920s. The firm developed into a highly successful, multi-faceted international financial company that was a leader in various fields of finance, particularly in factoring. Walter E. Heller and Co., Inc. was a finance company involved in leasing, factoring, asset-based commercial lending, commercial real estate lending and owned manufacturing companies located throughout the United", "\"Edo period\"\nagain between 1787 and 1793 by the shogun's chief councilor Matsudaira Sadanobu (1759-1829). Others shoguns debased the coinage to pay debts, which caused inflation. By 1800, the commercialization of the economy grew rapidly, bringing more and more remote villages into the national economy. Rich farmers appeared who switched from rice to high-profit commercial crops and engaged in local money-lending, trade, and small-scale manufacturing. Some wealthy merchants sought higher social status by using money to marry into the samurai class. A few domains, notably Chōsū and Satsuma, used innovative methods to restore their finances, but most sunk further into debt. The", "\"Steel industry in China\"\nfall over the previous year. The decline ended China's decade-old steel export growth. As of 2012 steel exports faced widespread anti-dumping taxes and had not returned to pre-2008 levels. Domestic demand remained strong, particularly in the developing west where steel production in Xinjiang was expanding. On 26 April 2012 a warning was issued by China's bank regulator to use caution with respect to lending money to steel companies who, as profits from the manufacture and sale of steel have fallen, have sometimes used borrowed money for speculative purposes. According to the China Iron and Steel Association the Chinese steel industry", "Charlemagne\nthe realm. Charlemagne instituted principles for accounting practice by means of the Capitulare de villis of 802, which laid down strict rules for the way in which incomes and expenses were to be recorded. Charlemagne applied this system to much of the European continent, and Offa's standard was voluntarily adopted by much of England. After Charlemagne's death, continental coinage degraded, and most of Europe resorted to using the continued high-quality English coin until about 1100. Early in Charlemagne's rule he tacitly allowed Jews to monopolise money lending. Then lending of money for interest was proscribed in 814 because it violated", "\"Infamous Decree\"\nwas one consistory for every town that contained 2,000 or more Jews. The Infamous Decree, also known as the \"\"third decree,\"\" presumed all Jews guilty of chicanery (the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial or legal purpose) unless proven innocent, and restricted Jewish commerce and money lending for a period of 10 years.\"\" This decree was put into place to end Jewish money lending. It annulled all debts owed to Jews by married women, minors, and soldiers and voided any loan that had interest rates exceeding 10 percent. This was an attempt by Napoleon to get rid of", "\"Christianity and antisemitism\"\nthey remind us of what Our Lord suffered. They are not to be persecuted, killed, or even put to flight.\"\" Jews were subject to a wide range of legal disabilities and restrictions in Medieval Europe. Jews were excluded from many trades, the occupations varying with place and time, and determined by the influence of various non-Jewish competing interests. Often Jews were barred from all occupations but money-lending and peddling, with even these at times forbidden. Jews' association to money lending would carry on throughout history in the stereotype of Jews being greedy and perpetuating capitalism. In the later medieval period,", "\"Money changer\"\nchangers grew they began to provide a lending facility, by adding the lending-fee to the foreign exchange rates. Later the Knights Templar provided this service to pilgrims traveling to and from the Holy Land. A money changer (or coin changer or coin dispenser) is a device that changes or dispenses coins. It can take various forms. One type is a portable coin dispenser, invented by Jacques L. Galef, often worn on a belt, used by conductors and other professions for manual fare collection. It dispenses a single coin when a lever is depressed. Another type is a fixed coin dispenser", "\"Mt. Pleasant Military Academy\"\nthan the Federal Government for the success of the operations on the Canada–US border, pledging his personal and official credit when the New York banks refused to lend money on the security of the U.S. Treasury notes without his endorsement. He advanced the means to maintain the military school at West Point, to continue the recruiting service in Connecticut, and to pay the workmen that were employed in the manufacture of arms at Springfield\"\". But he did not overlook the movement for better education in his native county. There is scant record of the conduct of the school from 1814", "\"STX Finland\"\nDemocrats. While the sum was relatively small, financial status of STX was poor and according to an analysis the actually needed sum would be larger. It looked obvious that STX tried to press the Finnish government to first give a smaller sum which it would later use as a leverage for subsequent demands. The government was in a politically difficult situation, as the public, opposition parties and also own party members wanted to lend the money in order to secure the valuable order. The other option would have been becoming joint owner but the government did not want to have", "\"Joseph Knecht\"\nJoseph Knecht Joseph M. Knecht (1864 - May 30, 1931) was the conductor of the Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra from 1908 to 1925. Joseph Knecht was born in 1864 in Bukovina in Southern Austria, part of Romania since WW1, where he played the violin from an early age. Knecht studied civil engineering at the Vienna University of Technology, earning money by playing in the Vienna Hofburg theater. He abandoned civil engineering to study violin at the Vienna Conservatory, after which he played in the orchestra of the Vienna State Opera under Hans Richter. It was apparently Wilhelm Gericke who offered him a", "Deflation\nwilling to lend, and fell in the depression years of 1818 and 1839 when banks called in loans. Also, there was no national paper currency at the time and there was a scarcity of coins. Most money circulated as banknotes, which typically sold at a discount according to distance from the issuing bank and the bank's perceived financial strength. When banks failed their notes were redeemed for bank reserves, which often did not result in payment at par value, and sometimes the notes became worthless. Notes of weak surviving banks traded at steep discounts. During the Great Depression, people who", "Bhowanipore\nand some decades later to Ballygunge, which was then developing as a suburb. In the first half of the 20th century, “in the milieu of relative urban prosperity... Calcutta’s rich citizens – those connected with jute, coal, tea, other industries, trade, money-lending and rentier income from urban property – did fabulously well for themselves.” Many of the mansions in Ballygunge, Bhowanipore and Alipore were built by the city’s Bengali and new Marwari elite who wanted to move from the “dirtier sections of north Calcutta to the more fashionable areas in the south”. Again, it was in the first half of", "\"Medici Bank\"\nin 1441 against the slow Bishop of Nevers), or they could block appointments, as they threatened to do to John Kemp, whose nephew had just been appointed to the bishopric of London with their aid, if the proper payments were not soon made. Officially, the branch could not make its money by lending at a profit to the Popes (who were lax in repaying the Medici), and taking in many deposits at interest. The branch did this to some extent, but the principal means of profit came from commercial transactions. Rather than charging interest, \"\"the Medici overcharged the pope on", "\"Lending Club\"\nthe slowing United States economy caused a large drop in Lending Club's share price. In April 2016, a Lending Club employee reported to Laplanche that the dates on approximately $US 3 million in the firm's loans appeared to have been altered. Lending Club's internal auditor engaged an outside firm to investigate the report. This investigation found additional problems with loans, including that $US 22 million in loans which had been sold to the Jefferies investment bank did not in fact meet the bank's investment criteria. Lending Club bought these loans back from the bank and resold them. The \"\"New York", "\"Virgin Money\"\nMoney launched in the USA after the Virgin Group made a majority stake investment in CircleLending, a company that facilitated peer-to-peer loans. Virgin Money USA entered into dissolution on 1 November 2010, and is no longer listed as a Virgin property on the Virgin Money home page; the Virgin Money US site itself was also dismantled. Virgin Money subsequently withdrew entirely from the US market and its social lending servicing was transferred to its servicing partner, Graystone Solutions, which continues to service the social loans under its own brand. Virgin Money's logo is focused around the main logo of Virgin", "\"Air Europe\"\norganisation with a high-risk strategy made lending money to ILG and its subsidiaries a far riskier proposition than lending to Davies and Newman Holdings, the parent company of Air Europe's ailing rival Dan-Air. Not only did Davies and Newman/Dan-Air actually own many of the aircraft in the ailing airline's fleet, which were mainly older, less efficient planes with a generally low re-sale value, but it also held the title to the freehold of a number of commercial properties, including prime real estate in the City of London. Moreover, Davies and Newman was the owner of Dan-Air Engineering, a sister company", "\"Mortgage calculator\"\nmonthly payment is chosen so that the loan is paid off in full with interest at the end of its term and no more money is owed. While adjustable-rate mortgages have been around for decades, from 2002 through 2005 adjustable-rate mortgages became more complicated as did the calculations involved. Lending became much more creative which complicated the calculations. Subprime lending and creative loans such as the “pick a payment”, “pay option”, and “hybrid” loans brought on a new era of mortgage calculations. The more creative adjustable mortgages meant some changes in the calculations to specifically handle these complicated loans. To", "\"European Stability Mechanism\"\nsovereign debt crisis that resulted in the lending of money to EU states, there has been a drive to reform the functioning of the eurozone in the event of a crisis. This led to the creation, amongst other things, of a loan (pejoratively called \"\"bailout\"\" in the media) mechanism: the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and the European Financial Stability Mechanism (EFSM). These, together with the International Monetary Fund, would lend money to EU states in trouble, in the same way that the European Central Bank can lend money to European banks. However, the EFSF and EFSM were intended only", "\"Blacklist (employment)\"\nselling price rather than setting the value based on an inspection of the property and comparable market prices in the area as required by appraisal standards. Misrepresenting the value of a property allowed Countrywide to lend more money to more buyers at higher risks with less collateral. Countrywide could then make more money off the loans by selling them on secondary markets as mortgage backed securities. Appraisers who refused to misrepresent property values were put in a \"\"do not use\"\" or \"\"Field Review List\"\" data base, in essence a blacklist. When an appraisal was submitted by an appraiser on the" ]
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how many states in the us have the death penalty 2018
[ "31" ]
[ "\"Capital punishment debate in the United States\"\nracial, socio-economic, geographic, and gender bias in its implementation as evidence of how the practice is illegitimate and in need of suspension or abolition. Anti-death penalty groups specifically argue that the death penalty is unfairly applied to African Americans. African Americans have constituted 34.5 percent of those persons executed since the death penalty's reinstatement in 1976 and 41 percent of death row inmates as of April 2018, despite representing only 13 percent of the general population in 2010. Furthermore, the race of the victim has also been demonstrated to affect sentencing in capital cases, with those murders with white victims", "\"Catholic Church and capital punishment\"\nthe death penalty.\"\" The Archbishop stated: On 2 August 2018, it was announced that the \"\"Catechism of the Catholic Church\"\" would be revised to state that the Church teaches that \"\"the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person\"\". A full letter to the Bishops regarding the change stated that it was consistent with the previous teachings of the Catholic Church regarding the dignity of human life, and that it reflected how modern society had better prison systems with a goal of criminal rehabilitation that made the death penalty unnecessary for", "\"Capital punishment in Georgia (U.S. state)\"\nCapital punishment in Georgia (U.S. state) Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the U.S. state of Georgia. Georgia reintroduced the death penalty in 1973 after \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\" ruled all states' death penalty statutes unconstitutional. The first execution to take place afterwards occurred in 1983. As of May 5, 2018, 72 people in total have been executed since 1983. As of May 5, 2018, 52 men are on death row awaiting execution. When the prosecution seeks the death penalty, the sentence is decided by the jury and must be unanimous. In case of a hung jury during the penalty", "\"Capital punishment by country\"\nChad abolished the death penalty in 2014, but restored it for terrorism in 2015. In 2018, The Gambia announced a moratorium as a first step toward abolition. Executions in Africa in 2017: Egypt (35+), Somalia (24), South Sudan (4)<br> \"\"Note: The tables can be sorted alphabetically or chronologically using the icon.\"\" Of the 35 independent states in the Americas that are UN members: Many Caribbean countries have carried out no executions for over 10 years, but are not believed to have an abolitionist policy or established practice. Currently (2018), the United States is the only country in the Americas to", "\"Death Penalty Information Center\"\nDeath Penalty Information Center The Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., that focuses on disseminating studies and reports related to the death penalty by itself and others to the news media and general public. DPIC was founded in 1990 and is primarily focused on the application of capital punishment in the United States. DPIC does not take a formal position on the death penalty, but is critical of how it is administered. As a result, some have referred to it as an anti-death penalty organization. According to a pro-death penalty prosecutor, DPIC is", "\"International Commission Against the Death Penalty\"\nCommonwealth Caribbean, Tunisia and Lebanon) and engage dialogue with different stakeholders working on the abolition, such as NGOs, government representatives, members of parliament. For example, Commissioner Ruth Dreifuss visited Tajikistan in 2011 and 2013 “to advocate for full abolition of the death penalty in the national law”. Several reports and opinion pieces have been published by ICDP, including a report on How States abolish the death penalty “which reviews the processes towards abolition of capital punishment by analysing the experiences of 13 States”. International Commission Against the Death Penalty The International Commission against the Death Penalty (ICDP or Commission) was", "\"Capital punishment in the United States\"\n2018, Washington state became the 20th state to abolish capital punishment when its state Supreme Court deemed the death penalty unconstitutional on the grounds of racial bias. Since \"\"Furman\"\", 11 states have organized popular votes dealing with the death penalty through the initiative and referendum process. All resulted in a vote for reinstating it, rejecting its abolition, expanding its application field, specifying in the state constitution that it is not unconstitutional, or expediting the appeal process in capital cases. 20 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have abolished the death penalty for all crimes. Below is a", "\"Hurst v. Florida\"\nprocedure violates the Sixth Amendment, and I would not extend \"\"Ring\"\" to cover the Florida system.\"\" Florida has about 400 inmates on death row, the most of any state except California. It is unclear how many may receive new re-sentencing hearings as a result of this decision. As of late January 2016, about 40 inmates have appeals pending. The Florida legislature needs to revise its death penalty law to address the Court's concerns about ensuring that the jury determines what aggravating facts are to be considered in a capital case for which the death penalty might be chosen. The Florida", "\"Capital punishment in Singapore\"\nBloomberg, a former Mayor of New York City, said that the United States could learn a thing or two from nations like Singapore when it came to drug trafficking, noting that \"\"executing a handful of people saves thousands and thousands of lives.\"\" The last execution in New York took place in 1963. Several courts have ruled that the death penalty violates the New York Constitution (see \"\"People v. LaValle\"\"). In 2007, the state of New York abolished the death penalty. 20 states, plus Washington D.C., have abolished the death penalty, with the most recent being Washington state in 2018. However,", "\"Capital punishment in Arkansas\"\nCapital punishment in Arkansas Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the U.S. state of Arkansas. Since 1820, a total of 505 individuals have been executed. According to the Arkansas Department of Correction, as of March 13, 2018, a total of 29 men were under a sentence of death in the state. When the prosecution seeks the death penalty, the sentence is decided by the jury and must be unanimous. In case of a hung jury during the penalty phase of the trial, a life sentence is issued, even if a single juror opposed death (there is no retrial). The", "\"Capital punishment by country\"\nChile, it can only be used for crimes committed in wartime. In Africa, there are several countries that use the death penalty. Chad abolished the death penalty in 2014, but reintroduced it for acts of terrorism in 2015. Botswana, Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and Nigeria are examples of countries that still execute people. Most recently, Burkina Faso repealed the death penalty in 2018. In 2018, The Gambia announced a moratorium as a first step toward abolition. In the Caribbean countries, the death penalty exists at least \"\"de jure\"\", except in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, which abolished it in", "\"Catholic Church and capital punishment\"\nlegitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not however with regard to abortion and euthanasia. Pope Francis has stated that he is against the death penalty. In 2015, Pope Francis addressed the International Commission against the Death Penalty, stating that: \"\"Today the death penalty is inadmissible, no matter how serious the crime committed.\"\" Francis argued that the death penalty is no longer justifiable by society's need to defend itself, and the death penalty has lost all legitimacy due to the possibility of judicial error. He stated that capital punishment is an", "\"Capital punishment in the United States\"\nin 1996, 55% in 2014, and 49% in 2016. The 2014 poll showed significant differences by race: 63% of whites, 40% of Hispanics, and 36% of blacks, respectively, supported the death penalty in that year. However, in 2018 Polls showed Public support for the death penalty increased to 54% up from 49%. Since 2016, opinions among Republicans and Democrats have changed little, but the share of independents favoring the death penalty has increased 8 percentage points (from 44% to 52%). A 2010 poll found that 61% of voters would choose a penalty other than the death sentence for murder. When", "\"Capital punishment\"\nthe death penalty, as do religious crimes such as Hudud and Qisas crimes, such as apostasy (formal renunciation of the state religion), blasphemy, moharebeh, hirabah, Fasad, Mofsed-e-filarz and witchcraft. In many countries that use the death penalty, drug trafficking is also a capital offence. In China, human trafficking and serious cases of corruption and financial crimes are punished by the death penalty. In militaries around the world courts-martial have imposed death sentences for offences such as cowardice, desertion, insubordination, and mutiny. Elaborations of tribal arbitration of feuds included peace settlements often done in a religious context and compensation system. Compensation", "\"Malaysians Against Death Penalty & Torture (MADPET)\"\nRespect privacy; no to monitoring of internet usage in Malaysia(ALIRAN, 25/8/2018) - a joint statement of 14 groups - Detention without trial: Use of Sosma, Poca most disturbing(ALIRAN, 11/9/2018) - Fair trial for Najib, pre-trial disclosure a fundamental right — MADPET(Malay Mail, 17/8/2018) - Why are the Sedition Act and CMA being used against Fadiah?(Malaysiakini, 15/7/2018) - Extrajudicial killings need speedy independent investigations, says Malaysian NGO (The Online Citizen, 11/6/2018) - Judges should decide on bail, not the public prosecutor(Malaysiakini, 15/2/2017) Malaysians Against Death Penalty & Torture (MADPET) Malaysians Against Death Penalty & Torture (MADPET) is a movement for the", "\"Murder (United States law)\"\nhe commits first degree murder and have an aggravating circumstance, for example if he kills a public safety official, such as a police officer, firefighter, or paramedic/EMT. In this case he can receive the death penalty. However, in October of 2018, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled that execution could no longer be used as a penalty for any crime. Murder (United States law) In the United States, the law regarding murder varies by jurisdiction. In most U.S. jurisdictions there is a hierarchy of acts, known collectively as homicide, of which \"\"first degree murder\"\" and \"\"felony murder\"\" are the most", "\"Capital punishment debate in the United States\"\nthe Oregon Council to Abolish the Death Penalty, and the national Committee to Abolish the Federal Death Penalty. In addition to growing organizations, the movement also profited from growing European abolishment of the death penalty and from the controversial executions of Barbara Graham and Caryl Chessman. Success mounted in the late 1950s as Alaska, Hawaii, and Delaware abolished capital punishment. Oregon and Iowa followed their leads in the 1960s. Many other states added laws that restricted the use of the death penalty except in cases of extreme serious offenses. Abolitionists began to strongly challenge the constitutionality of the death penalty", "\"Capital punishment in South Dakota\"\nfirst act he signed as governor. All subsequent executions have been by lethal injection. Capital punishment in South Dakota Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the U.S. state of South Dakota. As of October 2018, four condemned, all white males, have been executed since capital punishment was reinstated in the state in 1979; two of those cases were prisoners who waived their normal appeals and choose to be put to death. When the prosecution seeks the death penalty, the sentence is decided by the jury and must be unanimous. In case of a hung jury during the penalty phase", "\"Libertarian perspectives on capital punishment\"\nwent so far as to say, \"\"We have seen that in the libertarian philosophy, the death penalty is justified for those whose crimes rise to a sufficient degree of severity. Surely, there are heads of state whose evil deeds many times eclipse such a level. Thus, it would altogether be justified to end their lives by violence.\"\" Libertarian perspectives on capital punishment Most libertarians believe that the capital punishment (death penalty) is an extreme exertion of state power and is of little use in a free society, while it is of great use to a tyrannical government. Proponents of capital", "\"Capital punishment\"\nJapan, and most Islamic states. The United States is the only Western country to still use the death penalty. Since World War II, there has been a trend toward abolishing the death penalty. 58 countries retain the death penalty in active use, 102 countries have abolished capital punishment altogether, six have done so for all offences except under special circumstances, and 32 more have abolished it in practice because they have not used it for at least 10 years and are believed to have a policy or established practice against carrying out executions. According to Amnesty International, 23 countries are", "\"Innocence Protection Act\"\nto provide money to states to defray the costs of post-conviction DNA testing. The program is named for the first man to be exonerated by use of post-conviction DNA testing. The act additionally contains provisions for increasing the quality of representation for indigent defendants in state capital cases, and for compensating victims of wrongful conviction. The Innocence Protection Act is the first federal death penalty reform to be enacted. The United States Supreme Court in 1972 suspended use of existing death penalty statutes because of inconsistencies in how they were applied. It ordered the states to pass new legislation to", "\"2005 Virginia gubernatorial election\"\nto the mention of Hitler combined with Kaine's pledge to carry out the death penalty and explanation of his personal opposition as arising from his Catholic faith helped to neutralize what many observers thought would've been a potent issue for Kilgore. In trying to explain how a solid Republican could lose a traditionally Republican state by such a large margin, political commentators cited numerous key factors. Kaine's campaign had many political advantages, including his association with the state's popular Democratic Governor Mark Warner and defense of Warner's 2004 budget priorities, his \"\"response ads\"\" to Kilgore's death penalty advertisements, which featured", "\"Consistent life ethic\"\nstate to use capital punishment. However, they reject the necessity of this type of punishment for many reasons, arguing that there are more appropriate and effective ways for the state to defend its people. Many consistent life ethic advocates call for a total abolition of the death penalty. The consistent ethic's opposition to capital punishment is rooted in the conviction that an atmosphere of respect for life must pervade a society, and resorting to the death penalty does not support this attitude. Adherents argue that the result of the death penalty – removing the criminal from society, enacting justice on", "\"Capital punishment in Florida\"\ncommutations were granted out of 268 cases. Since 1972, when the death penalty was re-instituted, only six commutations have been granted, all under the administration of Governor Bob Graham. Capital punishment in Florida Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the U.S. state of Florida. Since 1976, the state has executed 97 convicted murderers, all at Florida State Prison. As of December 14, 2018, 344 offenders are awaiting execution. Florida performed its last pre-\"\"Furman\"\" execution in 1964 (Sie Dawson). After the Supreme Court of the United States struck down all states' death penalty procedures in the \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\" ruling,", "\"Decriminalization of non-medical cannabis in the United States\"\nDecriminalization of non-medical cannabis in the United States In the United States, the non-medical use of cannabis is decriminalized in 13 states (plus the U.S. Virgin Islands), and legalized in another 10 states (plus the District of Columbia and Northern Mariana Islands), as of November 2018. \"\"Decriminalization\"\" refers to a policy of reduced penalties for cannabis offenses, typically involving a civil penalty for possession of small amounts (similar to how a minor traffic violation is treated), instead of criminal prosecution or the threat of arrest. In jurisdictions without any penalties the policy is referred to as legalization, although the term", "\"Benjamin Netanyahu\"\nparticular, Ronald Reagan was an admirer of Netanyahu's work on counter-terrorism, and Reagan recommended Netanyahu's book \"\"Terrorism: How the West Can Win\"\" to all senior figures in his administration. In 2017 Netanyahu called for the death penalty to be imposed on the perpetrator of the 2017 Halamish stabbing attack. Representatives in his government plans to introduce a bill, which would allow the death penalty for terrorism, to the Knesset. In January 2018, 52 of 120 members of the Israeli parliament voted in favor, while 49 opposed, making easier for judges to hand down the death penalty. Netanyahu supports equal rights", "\"Religion and capital punishment\"\ncapital punishment. Cambodia is the only nation to have officially outlawed the use of the death penalty while neither Thailand or Bhutan have utilized capital punishment in many years. Thailand is home to about 63 million people, 95% of these people follow Theravada Buddhism and it has become central to the culture and identity of Thailand. It has been observed that few Buddhist monks and authorities have taken action against the death penalty. Many monks in Thailand have been surprisingly tolerant. This might be because they come from rural areas of the country where the death penalty is strongly supported,", "\"National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty\"\nthe state legislature debates whether or not lethal injection is considered unconstitutional, how the act will be carried out, and whether a doctor should be present during a lethal injection procedure. Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty( Project Hope) is an organization established in 1989 in the state of Alabama. It is a non-profit, non-denominational religious organization founded and operated by Death Row inmates. Project Hope strives to educate the public on the death penalty and to raise awareness to gain support for abolition of the death penalty in Alabama. Project Hope", "\"Religion and capital punishment\"\nVatican had officially given support to a 2015 United Nations campaign against the death penalty. During a U.N. Human Rights Council meeting concerning the abolishment of capital punishment, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi declared that \"\"The Holy See Delegation fully supports the efforts to abolish the use of the death penalty.\"\" The Archbishop stated: On August 2, 2018, Pope Francis changed Catechism of the Catholic Church 2267 to the following: Various Orthodox churches have issued statements opposing capital punishment, including the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Church in America, the Greek Orthodox Church, and the Georgian Orthodox Church.", "\"United Nations moratorium on the death penalty\"\ndeath penalty, in particular the minimum standards, as set out in the annexe to Economic and Social Council resolution 1984/50 of 25 May 1984; (b) Provide the Secretary-General with information relating to the use of Capital Punishment and the observance of the safeguards guaranteeing the protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty; (c) Progressively restrict the use of the death penalty and reduce the number of offences for which it may be imposed; (d) Establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty; 3. \"\"Calls upon\"\" States which have abolished the death penalty", "\"Capital punishment in South Dakota\"\nCapital punishment in South Dakota Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the U.S. state of South Dakota. As of October 2018, four condemned, all white males, have been executed since capital punishment was reinstated in the state in 1979; two of those cases were prisoners who waived their normal appeals and choose to be put to death. When the prosecution seeks the death penalty, the sentence is decided by the jury and must be unanimous. In case of a hung jury during the penalty phase of the trial, a life sentence is issued, even if a single juror opposed", "\"Human rights in the United States\"\nSecurity and Cooperation in Europe to have carried out executions in 2011. As of April 2015, only 18 states and the District of Columbia do not have the death penalty. Capital punishment is controversial. Death penalty opponents regard the death penalty as inhumane and criticize it for its irreversibility and assert that it lacks a deterrent effect, as have several studies and debunking studies that claim to show a deterrent effect. According to Amnesty International, \"\"the death penalty is the ultimate, irreversible denial of human rights.\"\" The 1972 US Supreme Court case \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\" held that arbitrary imposition of", "\"United Nations moratorium on the death penalty\"\ndeath penalty to establish a moratorium on the use of the death penalty with a view to abolition, and in the meantime, to restrict the number of offences which it punishes and to respect the rights of those on death row. It also calls on States that have abolished the death penalty not to reintroduce it. Like all General Assembly resolutions, it is not binding on any state. On 18 December 2007, the United Nations General Assembly voted 104 to 54 in favour of resolution A/RES/62/149, which proclaims a global moratorium on the death penalty, with 29 abstentions (as well", "\"Michael L. Radelet\"\ndeath penalty and how Radelet's experience may change people’s views. Radelet has uncovered many facts and statistics relating to the problem of racial disparities in the federal death penalty. He has statistics dating back to 1991 during the first federal death penalty prosecution. In the history of those who were prosecuted and sentenced to the death penalty, most were of color. These injustices continue today, more and more whites are able to evade the death penalty better than blacks. These injustices revealed by Radelet made the notion that racism is apparent in the justice system. These studies triggered an uprising", "\"Democratic Party (United States)\"\nled efforts to overturn state death penalty laws, particularly in New Jersey and in New Mexico. They have also sought to prevent the reinstatement of the death penalty in those states which prohibit it, including Massachusetts and New York. During the Clinton administration, Democrats led the expansion of the federal death penalty. These efforts resulted in the passage of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, signed into law by President Clinton, which heavily limited appeals in death penalty cases. In 1992, 1993 and 1995, Democratic Texas Congressman Henry González unsuccessfully introduced the which prohibited the use of", "\"Austin Sarat\"\nhe refers to as \"\"state killing.\"\" He believes that the death penalty, due to the extreme nature of its punishment, provides a unique opportunity to examine American values and beliefs and how they are manifested in the American legal system. His most recent book, Gruesome Spectacles: Botched Executions and America's Death Penalty, tells the extended tale of inhumane lethal punishment in the United States. His earlier book, Mercy On Trial: What it Means To Stop an Execution, investigated the use of executive clemency, particularly Illinois Governor George Ryan's decision to commute all impending death sentences in the Illinois state penitentiary", "\"Gavin Newsom\"\nalso supported failed Proposition 62 in 2016, which also would have repealed the death penalty in California. He argued that Prop 62 would get rid of a system \"\"that is administered with troubling racial disparities\"\". He also stated that the death penalty was fundamentally immoral and did not deter crime. On February 11, 2015, Newsom announced that he was opening a campaign account for governor in the 2018 elections, allowing him to raise funds for a campaign to succeed Jerry Brown as the fortieth Governor of California. On June 5, 2018, he finished in the top two of the non-partisan", "\"United Nations moratorium on the death penalty\"\nwith information in this regard; \"\"(b)\"\" To make available relevant information with regard to their use of the death penalty, which can contribute to possible informed and transparent national debates; \"\"(c)\"\" To progressively restrict the use of the death penalty and to reduce the number of offences for which it may be imposed; \"\"(d)\"\" To establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty; 4. \"\"Calls upon\"\" States which have abolished the death penalty not to reintroduce it, and encourages them to share their experience in this regard; 5. \"\"Requests\"\" the Secretary-General to report to the", "\"Aum Shinrikyo\"\nbeen on the run for 17 years. On July 6, 2018, Asahara and six other Aum Shinrikyo members were executed by hanging. Japan's Justice Minister Yōko Kamikawa stated that the crimes \"\"plunged people, not only in Japan but in other countries as well, into deadly fear and shook society to its core.\"\" Amnesty International criticized use of the death penalty in the case. While executions are rare in Japan, they have public support according to surveys. There were 13 members on death row at the time: Aum Shinrikyo members executed on 6 July 2018: The six remaining Aum Shinrikyo members", "\"Human rights in China\"\nand Singapore) have higher official execution rates. Reliable NGOs such as Amnesty International and Human Rights in China have informed the public that the total execution numbers, with unofficial death penalties included, greatly exceed officially recorded executions; in 2009, the Dui Hua Foundation estimated that 5,000 people were executed in China – far more than all other nations combined. The precise number of executions is regarded as a state secret. PRC authorities have recently been pursuing measures to reduce the official number of crimes punishable by death and limit how much they officially utilise the death penalty. In 2011, the", "\"Death and culture\"\nthe use of the death penalty is common but not universal. In most places that practice capital punishment today, the death penalty is reserved as punishment for premeditated murder, espionage, treason, or as part of military justice. In some countries, sexual crimes, such as adultery and sodomy, carry the death penalty, as do religious crimes such as apostasy, the formal renunciation of one's religion. In many retentionist countries, drug trafficking is also a capital offense. In China human trafficking and serious cases of corruption are also punished by the death penalty. In militaries around the world courts-martial have imposed death", "\"Capital punishment in Alabama\"\ncapital punishment across the United States. That moratorium remained until July 2, 1976, when \"\"Gregg v. Georgia\"\" decided how states could impose death sentences without violating the Eighth Amendment's ban against cruel and unusual punishment. Alabama passed legislation reinstating use of the death penalty on March 25, 1976, when Alabama's legislature passed, and Governor George Wallace signed, a new death penalty statute. No execution under this law was carried out until 1983. Holman Correctional Facility has a male death row that originally had a capacity of 20, but was expanded in the summer of 2000 with the addition of 200", "\"Lee Boyd Malvo\"\nhe cannot face the death penalty, but still may be extradited to Alabama, Louisiana and other states for prosecution. At the outset of the Beltway sniper prosecutions, the primary reason for extraditing the two suspects from Maryland, where they were arrested, to Virginia was the differences in how the two states deal with the death penalty. While the death penalty was allowed in Maryland, it only applied to persons who were adults at the time of their crimes, whereas Virginia had also allowed the death penalty for offenders who had been juveniles when their crimes were committed. A death sentence", "\"Capital punishment in Illinois\"\nthe death penalty during the 2010 gubernatorial campaign after which he defeated the Republican candidate with 46.8% of the vote. In 2018, Governor Bruce Rauner made calls for the death penalty to be imposed on convicted cop killers. Capital punishment in Illinois Capital punishment was a legal form of punishment in the U.S. state of Illinois until 2011, when it was abolished. Initially, Illinois used death by hanging as a form of execution. The last person executed by this method was the public execution of Charles Birger. In 1928, the electric chair was substituted for death by hanging. After being", "\"Emperor Renzong of Song\"\nstopped him and explained that this might cause wastage if the cooks kept cooking mutton from then on, and hence, he preferred to suffer from hunger rather than waste too much. Renzong ordered that officers of government must be very cautious in using the death penalty, and if an officer wrongly sentenced an innocent person to death even once, he would never be promoted. Renzong once said to his near ministers : \"\"I have never used the word 'death' to scold others, how dare I abuse the death penalty?\"\" During Emperor Renzong's reign, the culture of Song Dynasty, especially literature,", "\"Execution chamber\"\nof the states which allow capital punishment are equipped with a death chamber, but many states rarely put them to use. The sole exception is New Hampshire, which has no execution chamber (although one inmate remains on death row). Kansas, Nevada, Wyoming, and California are the only states to have an execution chamber, which is equipped to execute an inmate by lethal injection, which has never been used, while the states of New Jersey and New York formerly had lethal injection chambers which were never used while the death penalty remained legal. Notes: In the United Kingdom, the execution chamber", "\"Constitution Party (United States)\"\nConstitution Party calls for the use of the United States military to enforce the strict immigration policy. The party opposes euthanasia, suicide, and abortion, including in cases of rape and incest. The party supports the ability of states to administer a death penalty: Our support of a State's option to impose the death penalty is limited to those who have been convicted of capital crimes. This is consistent with protecting innocent life because the death penalty would only be applied to those who have proven to be a threat to innocent life. The party opposes same-sex marriage, and believes state", "\"Jerry Kilgore (politician)\"\ndeath row; the father expressed doubt that the sentence would be carried out if Kaine were elected and alleged that Kaine would not even have authorized the execution of Adolf Hitler, based on an interview with the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The negative reaction to the mention of Hitler combined with Kaine's pledge to carry out the death penalty and explanation of his personal opposition as arising from his Catholic faith helped to neutralize what many observers thought would've been a potent issue for Kilgore. In trying to explain how a solid Republican could lose a traditionally Republican state by such a", "\"Religion and capital punishment\"\nthe death penalty. Many Islamic nations have governments run directly by the code of Sharia law. The Qur'an explicitly states that the taking of a life results in the taking of ones own, leading most Islamic governments to support capital punishment. There are certain actions in Islam, such as adultery, that are recognized to result in the death penalty and the concept of religious \"\"fatwas\"\", in which the government allows an individual or a group of people to kill, is found only in Islam. However, not all Islamic nations have the death penalty, for example Djibouti is an Islamic abolitionist", "\"Capital punishment in Washington (state)\"\nmoratorium. All death penalty cases that come to Inslee will result in him issuing a reprieve, not a pardon or commutation. On January 16, 2017, Governor Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson introduced legislation to abolish the death penalty in Washington state. Though the legislation failed to pass, Governor Inslee stated a commitment to ending capital punishment in the future. On October 11, 2018, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled the current death penalty statute unconstitutional, on the ground that it resulted in racial bias, thus abolishing capital punishment in the state. It became the 20th state in the nation", "\"Capital punishment in Kansas\"\nCapital punishment in Kansas Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the U.S. state of Kansas but it is rarely used. Kansas is one of only two death-penalty states, along with New Hampshire, where no executions have been carried out since the 1976 reinstatement of capital punishment in the United States. When the prosecution seeks the death penalty, the sentence is decided by the jury and must be unanimous. In case of a hung jury during the penalty phase of the trial, a life sentence is issued, even if a single juror opposed death. There is no retrial. The Governor", "\"Atkins v. Virginia\"\nAmendment forbids the imposition of the death penalty in these cases because \"\"most of the legislatures that have recently addressed the matter\"\" have rejected the death penalty for these offenders, and the Court will generally defer to the judgments of those bodies. The Court then described how a national consensus that the mentally retarded should not be executed had emerged. In 1986, Georgia was the first state to outlaw the execution of the mentally retarded. Congress followed two years later, and the next year Maryland joined these two jurisdictions. Thus, when the Court confronted the issue in \"\"Penry\"\" in 1989,", "\"Capital punishment in Thailand\"\nand 7.51 percent disagreed. Another survey indicated that 41 percent wanted to retain the death penalty as a sentencing option. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha in 2018 said that the death penalty is necessary to maintain peace and order and deter severe crimes in spite of general acknowledgement that the possibility of execution does not serve to deter crime. Capital punishment in Thailand Thailand, as of 2018, is one of 58 nations that retains capital punishment. Of the 10 ASEAN nations, only Cambodia and the Philippines have outlawed it. Thailand retains the death penalty, but rarely employs it. Since 1935 Thailand", "\"Malaysians Against Death Penalty & Torture (MADPET)\"\nthe promotion of human rights and justice. MADPET also is a founding member of ADPAN(Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network) Death Penalty - Working for Abolition, including the mandatory Death Penalty MADPET have been actively campaigning for the abolition of death penalty in Malaysia since inception in 2006. Over the years, it has succeeded in getting more persons and civil society organisations and groups in Malaysia to join the campaign for abolition. This, it has done through media statements(some of with jointly with other groups), talks, programs and other interventions. In 2018, we find that even the Malaysian Bar and the [Human", "\"Capital punishment in South Africa\"\nreturn of the death penalty. They are the National Party South Africa, the African Christian Democratic Party, Economic Freedom Fighters and the National Conservative Party of South Africa. 2018 saw growing calls for the return of the death penalty. On 20 July the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) stated that the time had come to discuss the possibility of reinstating the death penalty in South Africa, and on the 8th of August the National Freedom Party called for the restoration of the death penalty in South Africa after the death of Khensani Maseko, in a call similar to that of the", "\"Capital punishment in Kansas\"\nthe only crime punishable by death. Despite reinstatement, no one has been executed since. Capital punishment in Kansas Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the U.S. state of Kansas but it is rarely used. Kansas is one of only two death-penalty states, along with New Hampshire, where no executions have been carried out since the 1976 reinstatement of capital punishment in the United States. When the prosecution seeks the death penalty, the sentence is decided by the jury and must be unanimous. In case of a hung jury during the penalty phase of the trial, a life sentence is", "\"Jimmy Carter\"\nand gross racial and class-based disparities that make impossible the fair implementation of this ultimate punishment.\"\" In 2012, Carter wrote an op-ed in the \"\"LA Times\"\" supporting passage of a state referendum which would have ended the death penalty. He opened the article: \"\"The process for administering the death penalty in the United States is broken beyond repair, and it is time to choose a more effective and moral alternative. California voters will have the opportunity to do this on election day.\"\" Carter has also called for commutations of death sentences for many death-row inmates, including Brian K. Baldwin (executed", "\"Capital punishment in the United Kingdom\"\ndeath penalty for treason and piracy in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Since then, the death penalty has been outlawed under all circumstances in all the UK's overseas territories. Under section 94 of the Extradition Act 2003, it is unlawful for an extradition of an individual to take place if the individual is accused of a capital crime, unless the Home Secretary has received assurances that the death penalty would not be applied in that case. Regardless of this, in July 2018, the Government said it will not object to the United States seeking the death penalty for two suspected", "\"Malaysians Against Death Penalty & Torture (MADPET)\"\nRights Commission of Malaysia](SUHAKAM) are committed to move towards total abolition of the death penalty. In 2017, as a first step, we found the Malaysian government tabling a law to abolish mandatory death penalty for the offence of drug trafficking, which came into effect in 2018. The new Pakatan Harapan-led government, who managed to oust the previous UMNO-BN government that have been in power since Independence was achieved in 1957, has in its election manifesto the promise to abolish the mandatory death penalty for all remaining offences in Malaysia. Some of the relevant media statements concerning death penalty(most of which", "\"Religion and capital punishment\"\nis rumored to live. Out of compassion, the Buddha finds him and teaches him how to be a monk. This exemplifies the Buddhist concept of rehabilitation, however, Angulimata had built up too much bad karma previously and died a painful death as a result. Historically, many Buddhist Kings in India did not impose the death penalty. They charged fines instead and cut off a hand at worst. Some people view this as surprising because many pre-modern societies used capital punishment often. Many places used banishment instead and sent murders off to mountains in the desert with just enough food to", "\"Darryl Hunt\"\nlife imprisonment. (State lawmakers repealed the act in 2013, but many appeal cases are pending.) In 2016, both candidates for North Carolina State Attorney General campaigned on the basis of retaining the death penalty in the state. After Hunt was released, his attorneys began negotiation with the city of Winston-Salem over his wrongful conviction and damages. This was during the period when the Sykes Committee was investigating how the city had responded to his case. After the committee made its report, on February 19, 2007, Winston-Salem settled with Hunt, awarding him $1,650,000. He used much of the money to support", "\"Religion and capital punishment\"\nby the death penalty with the option of life imprisonment as an alternative. This likely stems from the belief that revenge is forbidden and that people should await the prescribed punishment for their offenses. Buddhism has a strong belief in compassion for the lives of others, as stated in the panca-sila (five precepts). There is an understanding of healing people who have committed crimes rather than retaliation against them. For these reasons, Buddhism has generally opposed the death penalty. Christianity has changed its perspective on the death penalty over time and different Christian denominations have different teachings on it. Many", "\"Capital punishment\"\nstates, the EU has also banned detainee transfers in cases where the receiving party may seek the death penalty. Sub-Saharan African countries that have recently abolished the death penalty include Burundi, which abolished the death penalty for all crimes in 2009, and Gabon which did the same in 2010. On 5 July 2012, Benin became part of the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which prohibits the use of the death penalty. The newly created South Sudan is among the 111 UN member states that supported the resolution passed by the United Nations", "\"Coker v. Georgia\"\npenalty. The case was struck down by the US Supreme Court in \"\"Kennedy v. Louisiana\"\" (2008), thus expanding \"\"Coker\"\". The court ruled that the death penalty is unconstitutional in all cases that do not involve murder or crimes against the State. Coker v. Georgia Coker v. Georgia, 433 U.S. 584 (1977), held that the death penalty for rape of an adult woman was grossly disproportionate and excessive punishment, and therefore unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution. A few states continued to have child rape statutes that authorized the death penalty. In \"\"Kennedy v. Louisiana\"\" (2008), the", "\"Constance N. Johnson\"\nJohnson has continued to work towards marijuana reform. She assisted with the petition to place SQ 788 legalizing medical marijuana on the ballot in 2018, and circulated a full legalization petition focused on use for agricultural, medicinal and recreational purposes. Elected to chair the Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (OK-CADP) in 2015 and again in 2016, Johnson led the Say No To SQ 776/Think Twice Oklahoma campaign to keep the death penalty out of Oklahoma’s state constitution. While the state question was predicted to pass with overwhelming support, the \"\"Say No\"\" effort successfully kept the win margin at", "\"United Nations moratorium on the death penalty\"\nHuman Rights, that there is no conclusive evidence that the death penalty's deterrent value and that any miscarriage or failure of justice in the death penalty's implementation is irreversible and irreparable, \"\"Welcoming\"\" the decisions taken by an increasing number of States to apply a moratorium on executions, followed in many cases by the abolition of the death penalty, 1. \"\"Expresses its deep concern\"\" about the continued application of the death penalty; 2. \"\"Calls upon\"\" all States that still maintain the death penalty to; (a) Respect international standards that provide safeguards guaranteeing the protection of the rights of those facing the", "\"Capital punishment debate in the United States\"\non a stake. In an 1898 op-ed in \"\"The New York Times\"\", prominent physician Austin Flint called for the abolition of the death penalty and suggested more criminology-based methods should be used to reduce crime. Anti-death penalty activism of this period was largely state and locally based. An organization called the Anti-Death Penalty League was established Massachusetts in 1897. However, national leagues, such as the Anti-capital Punishment Society of America and the Committee on Capital Punishment of the National Committee on Prisons, developed shortly after. Many judges, prosecutors, and police opposed the abolition of capital punishment. They believed capital punishment", "\"Capital punishment in Europe\"\n2018, the last executions by a European country occurred in Kazakhstan in 2003, and Ukraine in 1997. The Council of Europe has two main instruments against capital punishment: Protocol no.6 and Protocol no.13. The Protocol no.6 which prohibits the death penalty during peacetime has been ratified by all members of the Council of Europe, except Russia (which has signed, but not ratified). Protocol no.13 prohibits the death penalty in all circumstances (including for war crimes). All member states of the Council of Europe have ratified it, except Azerbaijan and Russia, which have not signed it, and Armenia, which has signed", "\"Fred Neulander\"\nJim Lynch submitted to the jury the question of whether or not the death penalty should be sought. The jury panel decided not to recommend the death penalty. Neulander was sentenced to serve 30 years to life at the New Jersey State Prison in Trenton. In an interview by ABC's Barbara Walters after his incarceration, he told her \"\"You have no idea how much rage I have.\"\" He was also saddened that two of his three adult children testified against him. In December 2006, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Courts denied Fred Neulander's appeal. His appellate counsel had", "\"Capital punishment in Pennsylvania\"\ndeath row. This number has gone down to 149 as of June, 2018. All of these inmates are male. 74% of inmates in Pennsylvania who are on death row have been on it for more than 10 years. Some inmates who were facing death row have received re-trials or different sentencing strategies due to Governor Wolf's moratorium. Pennsylvania has only executed three inmates since 1976 and the most recent execution was carried out in 1999. This makes the state of Pennsylvania one of the least active states involving the death penalty. Even so, Pennsylvania is one of the states with", "\"Disneyland with the Death Penalty\"\nwith the death penalty\"\" became a byword for bland authoritarianism that the city-state could not easily discard. The title \"\"Disneyland with the Death Penalty\"\" refers to the subject of the article, the Southeast Asian city-state of Singapore, whose strictly guarded sterility Gibson describes with horror. After opening the article with the Disneyland metaphor, Gibson cites an observation attributed to Laurie Anderson that virtual reality \"\"would never look real until they learned how to put some dirt in it\"\" in relation to the immaculate state of the Changi Airtropolis, Singapore's international airport. Beyond the airport, he notes that the natural environment", "\"Reflections on the Guillotine\"\nonly breeds further violence, fueled only by sadism and perpetuated by tradition. He likened this act of state revenge to the concept of an eye for an eye and stated that justice should be based on law and principles and not instinct and emotions. Although Camus opposed the use of capital punishment today, he gives examples in the essay of how it may have been logical and appropriate in pious civilizations. In such civilizations Camus states that the death penalty was usually administered by the Church in order to deprive the convicted of the divine gift of life. However, by", "\"Religion and capital punishment\"\nand one of the monks stated that \"\"the people involved in politics and government are a different group of people than those pursuing spiritual goals.\"\" Christian tradition from the New Testament have come to a range of conclusions about the permissibility and social value of capital punishment. While some hold that a strict reading of certain texts forbids executions, others point to various verses of the New Testament which seem to endorse the death penalty's use. Many early Christians were strongly opposed to the death penalty. A church order from Rome dated to around 200 AD forbids any Christian magistrate", "\"Frank K. Richardson\"\nand 1980, he wrote two bellwether opinions reaffirming the constitutionality of California's death penalty law: \"\"People v. Frierson\"\" and \"\"People v. Jackson\"\" (1980); Richardson's opinions helped guide the liberal court toward a judicial acceptance of the death penalty. Of Richardson's dissenting opinions, many served as models for majority decisions in later years of both the United States Supreme Court and the California Supreme Court. One example of how Richardson was belatedly vindicated is his dissenting opinion in \"\"Royal Globe Ins. Co. v. Superior Court\"\", 23 Cal. 3d 880 (1979), in which he articulated a conservative, strict constructionist theory of statutory", "\"Apostasy in Islam\"\npersonal opinions. Enayatullah Subhani argues that death penalty mentioned in the Hadith is not for the apostates, rather it is the punishment of collective conspiracy and treason against the government. Writing in the \"\"Encyclopedia of Islam\"\", Heffening holds that contrary to the Qur'an, \"\"in traditions [i.e. hadith], there is little echo of these punishments in the next world... and instead, we have in many traditions a new element, the death penalty.\"\" Wael Hallaq states the death penalty reflects a later reality and does not stand in accord with the deeds of Muhammad. Ayatollah Montazeri holds that it is probable that", "\"Capital punishment in Rhode Island\"\nLaw section 11-23-2. Many pieces of legislation have been introduced since then to reinstate the death penalty for specific crimes, but none have passed. Capital punishment in Rhode Island Rhode Island was one of the earliest states in the United States to abolish capital punishment, having abolished it for all crimes in 1852. The death penalty was reintroduced in 1872, but it was never carried out before being abolished again in 1984. Of all the states, Rhode Island has had the longest period with no executions, none having taken place since 1845. Rhode Island performed 52 executions from 1673 to", "\"Religion and capital punishment\"\nconsider intrinsically immoral. In 2015, Pope Francis stated in an address to the International Commission against the Death Penalty that: \"\"Today the death penalty is inadmissible, no matter how serious the crime committed.\"\" Francis argued that the death penalty is no longer justified by a society's need to defend itself and has lost all legitimacy due to the possibility of judicial error. He further stated that capital punishment is an offense \"\"against the inviolability of life and the dignity of the human person, which contradicts God's plan for man and society\"\" and \"\"does not render justice to the victims, but", "\"Capital punishment by the United States federal government\"\neligible for the death penalty as he was frustrated by the lack of a death penalty in his home state. Prior to the 1990s bills, federal death penalty cases only covered crimes not in state criminal codes such as treason. Since the 1990s some federal death penalty laws cover acts already covered under state criminal codes. However, before 2001, federal attorneys had a policy stating that there would be no reason to seek a federal death penalty in a state that does not have its own death penalty, and until that point federal attorneys never pursued capital punishment in states", "\"Lynching in the United States\"\nlinks the decline in lynching in the early twentieth century with \"\"the advent of the modern death penalty\"\": \"\"legislators renovated the death penalty...out of direct concern for the alternative of mob violence\"\". He also cites \"\"the modern, racialized excesses of urban police forces in the twentieth century and after\"\" as having characteristics of lynching. \"\"More black people [were] killed by cops in 2015 than were lynched in the worst year of Jim Crow.\"\" On April 26, 2018, in Montgomery, Alabama, the National Memorial for Peace and Justice opened. Founded by the Equal Justice Initiative of that city, it is the", "\"Religion and capital punishment\"\nnation. Judaism has a history of debate over the death penalty but generally disagrees with the practice. Although the Torah describes over 30 situations where the death penalty would be appropriate, there are many limitations that have made it difficult to implement. Since 1954 Israel has outlawed the use of the death penalty, except for cases of genocide and treason. The Baha'i faith is in favor of capital punishment. The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, the central book of the Bahá'í Faith written by Bahá'u'lláh, includes death by immolation as a potential punishment for murder or arson, along with life imprisonment. The details of", "\"Capital punishment in Florida\"\nCapital punishment in Florida Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the U.S. state of Florida. Since 1976, the state has executed 97 convicted murderers, all at Florida State Prison. As of December 14, 2018, 344 offenders are awaiting execution. Florida performed its last pre-\"\"Furman\"\" execution in 1964 (Sie Dawson). After the Supreme Court of the United States struck down all states' death penalty procedures in the \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\" ruling, essentially ruling the imposition of the death penalty at the same time as a guilty verdict unconstitutional, Florida was the first state to draft a newly written statute on", "\"Act II: The Father of Death\"\n(\"\"The State Vs. Thomas Light\"\"). He barely escapes the death penalty, but is a pariah afterwards, forced to leave the city by train in the face of the bloodthirsty crowd of citizens who believe Wily's lies (\"\"Give Us the Rope\"\"). With his former partner now ostracized, Wily is free to enact his plans without resistance. As the years pass, the citizens of the city slowly begin to depend more and more on the robots who have become a part of their everyday life, turning the city into a technological marvel (\"\"How the World Fell Under Darkness\"\"). Years later, a generation", "\"Capital punishment in Nauru\"\nGeneral Assembly on a moratorium on the death penalty in December 2014. Despite having abolished the death penalty, Nauru voted against the UN Moratorium Resolution in 2018. Capital punishment in Nauru Capital punishment in Nauru was used prior to its independence in 1968. Prior to the abolition of capital punishment on 12 May 2016, with the passage of the \"\"Crimes Act 2016\"\", Amnesty International categorised Nauru as abolitionist in practice. Nauru is not yet party to the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In December 2012, Nauru voted in favour of the Resolution on", "\"Democratic Party (United States)\"\nstated that he thinks the \"\"death penalty does little to deter crime\"\" and that it is used too frequently and too inconsistently. In June 2016, the Democratic Platform Drafting Committee unanimously adopted an amendment to abolish the death penalty, marking the first time the party had done so in its history. Many Democrats are opposed to the use of torture against individuals apprehended and held prisoner by the United States military and hold that categorizing such prisoners as unlawful combatants does not release the United States from its obligations under the Geneva Conventions. Democrats contend that torture is inhumane, decreases", "\"Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty\"\nand by supplying them with stamps for written correspondence. Prisoners can also solicit for pen pals. In most states, inmates do not have Internet or e-mail access. For many, this site is their only link to the outside world. As of 2005 the site had hosted over 500 death row inmate pages. The site currently (on 7 Nov 2017) redirects to CCADP's YouTube channel. The coalition has received criticisms from grieving victims and their families as well as other death-penalty proponents who do not agree with giving assistance to those convicted of crimes worthy of the death penalty. Some of", "\"Capital punishment by the United States federal government\"\nexecutions by the United States include Juan Raul Garza on June 19, 2001, and Louis Jones Jr. on March 18, 2003. Sentences of death handed down by a jury cannot be rejected by the judge. The use of the federal death penalty increased in the 2000s, with the number of those sentenced to death federally climbing from 18 to 50 by 2007. Most such sentences were given in states which have active death state penalty statutes, with the largest number of federal death sentences handed down in Texas. However U.S. attorneys increasingly began pursuing death sentences in states with no", "\"Thought of Thomas Aquinas\"\nthere should be no use of the death penalty if there was a chance of injuring the innocent. The prohibition \"\"Thou shall not kill\"\", was superseded by Exodus 22,18: \"\"Wrongdoers you shall not suffer to live.\"\" The argument that evildoers should be allowed to live in the hope that they might be redeemed was rejected by Aquinas as frivolous. If they would not repent in the face of death, it was unreasonable to assume they would ever repent. \"\"\"\"How many people are we to allow to be murdered while waiting for the repentance of the wrongdoer?\"\"\"\", he asked, rhetorically. Using", "\"Capital punishment\"\nGeneral Assembly that called for the removal of the death penalty, therefore affirming its opposition to the practice. South Sudan, however, has not yet abolished the death penalty and stated that it must first amend its Constitution, and until that happens it will continue to use the death penalty. Among non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are noted for their opposition to capital punishment. A number of such NGOs, as well as trade unions, local councils and bar associations formed a World Coalition Against the Death Penalty in 2002. The world's major faiths have differing views depending", "\"Wilbert Rideau\"\n1972, following the US Supreme Court ruling in \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\", finding the current state laws unconstitutional in how they applied the death penalty, the court ordered states to void the death sentences of persons on death row. They ordered their sentences to be amended to the next most severe level, generally life imprisonment. Some 587 men and 26 women were moved off death rows across the country. Rideau's sentence was amended by Louisiana to life in prison. He was moved from death row in Louisiana State Penitentiary to the general prison population. After another appeal, based on the exclusion", "\"Department of Corrections (Thailand)\"\nPrison will be used as a prison for LGBT prisoners under a pilot scheme. There are 4,448 prisoners self-identified as LGBT: 2,258 females, 2,156 males, and 34 transgender individuals. LGBT inmates account for about one percent of Thailand's total of 300,000 prisoners. Thailand, as of 2018, is one of 58 nations that retain the death penalty. Of the 10 ASEAN nations, only Cambodia and the Philippines have outlawed it. Thailand retains the death penalty, but rarely employs it. Since 1935 Thailand has executed 326 persons, 319 by firing squad (the last was shot on 11 December 2003), and seven by", "\"Capital punishment in Tennessee\"\n1am until 2009 and 10am from 2009-2018). In 2007, Tennessee established by legislation a \"\"Committee to Study the Administration of the Death Penalty\"\". After 16 months of analysis and hearings, the study committee on the death penalty suggested reform of the death penalty without abolishing it, including the creation of an independent authority to review death sentences. Of the two women sentenced to death, Gaile Owens was pardoned in July 2010, owing to a sentence deemed \"\"disproportionate\"\" (she was convicted in 1986 for having killed her husband who beat her). The second woman, Christa Pike, who was convicted in 1996", "\"Execution by firing squad\"\nIreland, 15 of the 16 leaders who were executed were shot by British military authorities under martial law. The executions have often been cited as a reason for how the Rising managed to galvanise public support in Ireland after the failed rebellion. Italy had used the firing squad as its only form of death penalty, both for civilians and military, since the unification of the country in 1861. The death penalty was abolished completely by both Italian Houses of Parliament in 1889 but revived under the Italian dictatorship of Benito Mussolini in 1926. Mussolini was himself shot in the last", "\"Ellis Wayne Felker\"\nDNA testing in the Felker case to try to determine if he was innocent. The \"\"Chicago Tribune\"\" had run a series on inequities in application of the death penalty in Illinois. Concerned that several convicted men had been exonerated, Illinois Governor George Ryan declared a moratorium on executions in the state in 2000 and said that there appeared to be too many inequities in how the penalty was sentenced and administered. A Middle Georgia judge, Houston County Senior Superior Court Judge L.A. McConnell, ordered evidence in Felker's case to be made available for DNA testing, saying that it was part", "\"Capital punishment in Washington (state)\"\nCapital punishment in Washington (state) Capital punishment in the state of Washington was abolished on October 11, 2018 when the state Supreme Court ruled it was unconstitutional as applied. When the prosecution sought the death penalty, the sentence was decided by the jury and had to be unanimous. In case of a hung jury during the penalty phase of the trial, a life sentence would be issued, even if a single juror opposed death (there is no retrial). The governor had the power of clemency with respect to death sentences. The following are considered circumstances for aggravated first degree murder:", "\"Capital punishment in Malaysia\"\nCapital punishment in Malaysia Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Malaysia. It is a mandatory punishment for murder, drug trafficking, treason, and waging war against Yang di-Pertuan Agong (the King). Recently, the law was extended to include acts of terrorism. Any terrorists, and anyone who aids terrorists, financially or otherwise, is liable to face the death penalty. Since January 2003, the death penalty in Malaysia has been a mandatory punishment for rapists that cause death and child rapists. A 1961 law states that kidnapping carried a life sentence or a death sentence, preceded by a whipping. In October 2018,", "\"Boyce F. Martin Jr.\"\nthe death penalty: I have been a judge on this Court for more than twenty-five years. In that time I have seen many death penalty cases and I have applied the law as instructed by the Supreme Court and I will continue to do so for as long as I remain on this Court. This my oath requires. After all these years, however, only one conclusion is possible: the death penalty in this country is arbitrary, biased, and so fundamentally flawed at its very core that it is beyond repair. After discussing many of the studies and cases that have", "\"Sikhism in Canada\"\ngave a speech to the Punjabi Community as to how the Gur Sikh Temple is a shrine to all immigrants into Canada, not just Sikh ones. 2011 was declared the Centennial year for Canadian Sikhs. In 2005, it was announced that Balwant Singh Rajoana would be hanged under the death penalty for the murder of former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh on March 31 in Patiala. Beant Singh was the chief minister of the Indian State of Punjab, considered a hero among many Sikh youths in Canada, who stated that upon death he would become a martyr. The announcement angered", "\"Robert Lee Yates\"\nInslee cited the high cost of the appeals process, the randomness with which death sentences are sought, and a lack of evidence that the penalty serves as a deterrent to other criminals. In July 2015, the Washington Supreme Court once again rejected an effort by Yates to overturn his conviction and death sentence. After the Washington State Supreme Court ruled in 2018 that the death penalty violated the state constitution, Yates's death sentence, as well as that of Washington's other death row inmates, was commuted to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Robert Lee Yates Robert Lee Yates", "\"Chuck Schumer\"\nof political opponents. That's not right. That's not American.\"\" In 2013 Schumer said the death penalty would be “appropriate” in the case of the Boston Marathon suspect. “The federal law allows the death penalty,” “I wrote the law in 1994 when I was head of the crime subcommittee in the House. This is just the kind of case that it should be applied to\"\". “Given the facts that I’ve seen, it would be appropriate to use the death penalty in this case,” he said. In April 2018, Schumer said that he would back efforts to decriminalize marijuana on the federal", "\"Capital punishment debate in the United States\"\nthe death penalty last as a way of deterring or preventing violent crimes. They ranked it behind many other forms of crime control including reducing drug abuse and use, lowering technical barriers when prosecuting, putting more officers on the streets, and making prison sentences longer. They responded that a better economy with more jobs would lessen crime rates more than the death penalty. In fact, only one percent of the police chiefs surveyed thought that the death penalty was the primary focus for reducing crime. However, the police chiefs surveyed were more likely to favor capital punishment than the general" ]
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what brings in more money nba or nfl
[ "National Football League" ]
[ "\"NBA fines\"\ndoes not publicize what specific charities receive donations. The NFL has contributed a large sum to retired players with health problems, and to charities. The MLB has had several instances where they have let players choose their own charity. The program NBA Cares is in charge of choosing what charities the NBA will support; some of these include UNICEF, Habitat for Humanity, Boys and Girls Club of America, and Feed the Children. The fine money of NBA players isn't donated to charities directly, according to NBA collective bargaining agreement, The NBA and National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) first equally split", "\"ABA–NBA merger\"\nSpirits of St. Louis, folded, with their players entering a dispersal draft. From the very beginning, the ABA hoped to force a merger with the NBA, thus repeating the American Football League (AFL)'s successful effort to force a merger with the National Football League (NFL). According to \"\"The NBA Encyclopedia\"\", ABA officials told prospective owners that they could get an ABA team for half of what it cost to get an NBA expansion team at the time. The upstart league's officials confidently predicted that if and when a merger occurred, any surviving owners would see their investment more than double.", "\"Terrell Brandon\"\nchurch. Brandon's mother, Charlotte, was one of the founders of Mothers of Professional Basketball Players, an organization for mothers of NBA players. Though Brandon was considered \"\"underpaid\"\" by NBA standards, he told his mom to retire immediately after he signed his first contract. In late February 2008, Brandon and former NFL defensive back Anthony Newman were the victims of an extortion attempt. Both Brandon and Newman received letters demanding money. Brandon and his friend, Timothy Upshaw, went along with the letter's request for Brandon to leave a bag outside of his garage with money inside (though they only placed a", "Cleveland\nArt Modell's relocation of the Browns after the 1995 season (to Baltimore creating the Ravens), caused tremendous heartbreak and resentment among local fans. Cleveland mayor, Michael R. White, worked with the NFL and Commissioner Paul Tagliabue to bring back the Browns beginning in 1999 season, retaining all team history. In earlier NFL history, the Cleveland Bulldogs won the NFL Championship in 1924, and the Cleveland Rams won the NFL Championship in 1945 before relocating to Los Angeles. The Cavaliers won the Eastern Conference in 2007, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 but were defeated in the NBA Finals by the San", "\"Sports agent\"\nbetween 4 and 10% of the athlete's playing contract, and 10 to 20% of the athlete's endorsement contract, although these figures vary. NFL agents are not permitted to receive more than 3%, and NBA agents not more than 4%, of their client's playing contracts. The popularity of television shows such as \"\"Entourage\"\", which stars a talent agent named Ari Gold, and \"\"Arliss\"\", have helped glamorize the profession. Prior to that, movies such as \"\"Jerry Maguire\"\", \"\"Two for the Money\"\", and \"\"Any Given Sunday\"\" depicted sports agents. In England, ITV's \"\"Footballers' Wives\"\" put a new spin on sports agents by casting", "\"Scoring the Deal\"\n\"\"Scoring the Deal.\"\" Episode 1: A one of a kind Miami condo with killer views for NFL star Clinton Portis Episode 2: NBA star Jordan Farmar looks in New Jersey while the NFL's Davis Brothers, Vernon and Vontae, sell in Miami Episode 3: A family friendly luxury Manhattan condo for NFL Champ Cato June Episode 4: NFL pro Joe Haden lists the family Maryland estate and NBA star Greivis Vasquez moves to New Orleans Episode 5: A uniquely royal Miami home for NFL Pro Adewale Ogunleye Episode 6: NFL pro Derrick Morgan looks for a more private Nashville home HGTV", "\"Sports league\"\nfrom the remnants of the American Football League after it merged with the NFL, though it now contains three original NFL teams and three expansion teams. Both the National Basketball Association (NBA) and National Hockey League (NHL) are divided into Eastern and Western Conferences. The conferences in the NFL, NBA, and NHL are further divided into subsets, all of which are called \"\"divisions.\"\" These are geographically based, and teams play their divisional opponents more than any others, and then play the other clubs in their conference more than their non-conference opponents. Baseball has a unique nomenclature, with \"\"Major League Baseball\"\"", "\"1925 NFL Championship controversy\"\nseason. Ironically, Frankford was hurriedly substituted for the game at Providence. Meanwhile, Chicago scheduled and won two hastily arranged games against teams that had already disbanded for the season. This was within the NFL's rules at the time; teams were required to play eight league games, after which point they could either wrap up for the season, or schedule additional games to make more money. Hoping for some more cash, the Cardinals arranged to play the Milwaukee Badgers and the Hammond Pros, both of whom had already dispersed. Indeed, the Badgers were unable to bring back their full roster and", "\"NBA Jam (1993 video game)\"\nof money for arcades after its release, creating revenue of $1 billion in quarters. In early 1994, the Amusement & Music Operators Association reported that \"\"NBA Jam\"\" had become the highest-earning arcade game of all time. The release of \"\"NBA Jam\"\" gave rise to a new genre of sports games which were based around fast, action-packed gameplay and exaggerated realism, a formula which Midway would also later apply to the sports of football (\"\"NFL Blitz\"\"), hockey (\"\"2 on 2 Open Ice Challenge\"\") and baseball (\"\"MLB Slugfest\"\"). \"\"NBA Jam\"\", which featured 2-on-2 basketball, is one of the first real playable basketball", "\"Seed (sports)\"\nWimbledon Championships, in what was also a rematch of a quarter-final from the previous year. Rankings of tennis players, based on a history of performance, tend to change positions gradually, and so a more \"\"equitable\"\" method of determining the pairings might result in many of the same head-to-head match-ups being repeated in successive tournaments. An example of a seeded 16-team bracket: In American team sports, MLS, NFL and WNBA employ re-seeding in MLS Cup Playoffs, NFL playoffs & WNBA Playoffs, respectively, while the NBA playoffs and the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament do not; the NHL's Stanley Cup Playoffs", "\"NBA on CBS\"\nlike NBC could because of their NFL and college basketball coverage. Plus around this time, CBS had signed deals with Major League Baseball and the Winter Olympics, making it even more difficult to accommodate the NBA’s request for more over the air telecasts. All in all, CBS was by 1990 pretty much destined to cut ties with the NBA. From 1986 to its final year in 1990, CBS paid about US$47 million per year for the NBA broadcast contract. The final NBA game that CBS televised to date occurred on June 14, 1990. It was Game 5 of the NBA", "\"The Carolinas\"\ntextiles, apparel, and furniture industries combined with the decline of the tobacco industry, many rural and small urban communities suffered. However, during the 1990s, both states began to experience growth in the technological and banking sectors, bringing jobs and population growth. These changes, as with earlier industrialization, were more pronounced in North Carolina, and South Carolina has experienced a slower rate of economic growth for several years. The Carolinas have three professional sports teams in the Big Four major leagues: the Carolina Panthers of the NFL, the Charlotte Hornets of the NBA, and the Carolina Hurricanes of the NHL. Supported", "\"Washington Redskins\"\nthe grass and his knee gave way, injuring him and bringing his season and hall of fame career to an unusual end. In what became an early rivalry in the NFL, the Redskins and Bears met two more times in the NFL Championship Game. The third time in 1942 on December 13, where the Redskins won their second championship, The final time the two met was the 1943 on December 26, which the Bears won The most notable accomplishment achieved during the Redskins' 1943 season was Sammy Baugh leading the NFL in passing, punting, and interceptions. The Redskins played in", "\"Beyond Sport\"\nsport is being used to create positive social change in communities around the world. Every organization that makes the shortlist has successfully showcased how they align and work towards one or more of the UNSDG’s. Beyond Sport United showcases how teams, their brands and their historic resonance have the profound ability to become hubs of positive influence and resource in their communities. Backed by the major U.S. Leagues - MLB, MLS, NHL, NFL, NBA & WNBA - Beyond Sport United is an annual one-day event that brings together the most powerful sport-led social innovators and global leaders around the role", "\"World Series Baseball 2K1\"\ntime. Unfortunately, a lack of features, shoddy audio presentation, and major gameplay flaws meant that \"\"WSB2K1\"\" was not well received by critics despite its fantastic graphics. The game is notorious for its sometimes-unresponsive controls, as well as the fact that manual fielding—a staple of baseball games for a half-decade prior to \"\"WSB2K1\"\"'s release—isn't even an option available to players. After the debacle that was \"\"World Series Baseball 2K1\"\", Sega decided to bring Visual Concepts (the developer behind the Dreamcast's far more successful \"\"NBA 2K\"\" and \"\"NFL 2K\"\" series) in for the next version of the game. The result was \"\"World", "\"History of ESPN\"\nbeat reporter Ed Werder and Major League Baseball expert Jayson Stark. The layoffs come as ESPN continues to shed viewers, more than 10 million over a period of several years, while forking over big money for the broadcast rights to such properties as the NFL, NBA and College Football Playoff. Further cost-cutting measures taken include moving the studio operations of ESPNU to Bristol from Charlotte, North Carolina, reducing its longtime MLB studio show \"\"Baseball Tonight\"\" to Sundays as a lead-in to the primetime game and adding the MLB Network-produced \"\"Intentional Talk\"\" to ESPN2's daily lineup. History of ESPN ESPN is", "\"NBA salary cap\"\nto reduced privileges in free agency. If the team goes above the tax line - typically about 10 million dollars higher than the salary cap - they will be subject to the luxury tax (for every dollars a team goes over they are subject to a variable amount of tax per dollar). Hard salary caps forbids teams from going above that salary cap no matter what the circumstance. The majority of leagues (NFL, NHL, MLS) have hard caps while the NBA has a soft salary cap. The NBA had a salary cap in the mid-1940s, but it was abolished after", "\"2004 NBA Finals\"\nfifth time in the team's history. Jackson returned to the Lakers in the offseason; despite writing a book called \"\"\"\", in which he voiced disdain for Kobe Bryant by calling him 'uncoachable', he and Bryant would bury the hatchet once the season began. Jackson and Bryant would later produce three more NBA Finals appearances and two more NBA championships in six seasons before Jackson retired at the conclusion of the 2011 NBA Playoffs after the Lakers were swept by the Mavericks. The Pistons' win was the 21st championship among the four professional sports teams in Detroit (NFL's Lions, MLB's Tigers", "WLON\nshow would be heard on all four KTC stations. News for the entire area would be expanded. The four stations aired UNC football and basketball, Atlanta Braves baseball, Dallas Cowboys and Washington Redskins NFL football, and CBS coverage of such events as The World Series and The Super Bowl. Some WLON listeners did not like hearing their station lose its local focus, and they signed a petition to bring back the old WLON. The four stations added the NFL Carolina Panthers when the team began playing in 1995. They also aired games of the NBA Charlotte Hornets. In 2000, the", "\"2018 NBA All-Star Game\"\nnationally by TNT for the 16th consecutive year. On October 3, 2017, the NBA announced that the format would change from the traditional Eastern Conference versus Western Conference format, and would instead switch to a draft-style format, similar to the format used by the NHL All-Star Game from 2011 through 2015 and the NFL Pro Bowl from 2014 through 2016. The team captains were determined by the most votes received in their respective conference. Each team will pick a charity to play for, and the winning team will have money donated to their charity. The winning team will receive $100,000", "\"Luxury tax (sports)\"\nAssociation (NBA), National Football League (NFL), and National Hockey League (NHL)), there are three different methods employed to limit individual teams payroll: hard salary cap, soft salary cap with luxury tax, and luxury tax. A hard salary cap is where the league sets a maximum amount of money allowed for player salaries, and no team can exceed that limit. A soft salary cap has a set limit to player salaries, but there are several major exceptions that allow teams to exceed the salary cap. For example, in the case of the NBA, teams can exceed the salary cap when keeping", "\"Kentucky Colonels\"\nThe six remaining ABA teams began negotiations for the eventual ABA–NBA merger. In the end, the NBA agreed to take in four teams—but the Colonels weren't among them. On July 17, 1976 the Kentucky Colonels ceased to exist as John Y. Brown, Jr. agreed to fold the Colonels in exchange for $3 million. Brown used the money to purchase the Buffalo Braves of the NBA, bringing Colonels head coach Joe Mullaney and point guard Bird Averitt with him to Buffalo. The Braves are now known as the Los Angeles Clippers. The Colonels players were put into a dispersal draft. The", "\"ABA–NBA merger\"\nyou know what happened—the ABA teams won nearly as often as the NBA did ... Those NBA–ABA games were intense\"\". Longtime NBA coach Larry Brown said of the ABA vs. NBA games, \"\"When some exhibition games were arranged in the 1970s to make some money and we (the ABA) beat them, the NBA said they weren't up for the games. Come on. When I coached Carolina, we played the Knicks after they won a championship. I looked at their guys shooting around and I looked at my guys and I didn't want my players to take off their warm-ups because", "\"Andrew Shulkind\"\nrange of Hollywood studios and advertising clients, E-Sports leagues, traditional sports leagues (NFL, NBA, MLS, MLB), in addition to documentary work, including Merck for Mothers in Uganda for the World Economic Forum and \"\"Left Behind\"\" from Project Empathy, which sought to bring attention to prison reform, and new media distributors, including Facebook, Oculus, Viveport, Steam, Littlest, PlayStation VR, WEVR/Transport, YouTube, and Snapchat. He maintains the same cinematic merit and quality of production in immersive work as in his more well-known work in advertising, documentary, and narrative work. In 2016, Shulkind and \"\"M[i]ss[i]ng P[i]eces\"\" director Ray Tintori created the first mixed", "\"Rick Barry\"\nupholding the validity of the reserve clause in his contract. He preceded St. Louis Cardinals' outfielder Curt Flood, whose better-known challenge to the reserve clause went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, by two years as the first American major-league professional athlete to bring a court action against it. The ensuing negative publicity cast Barry in a negative light, portraying him as selfish and money-hungry. However, many NBA players at the time were looking at jumping to the ABA for more lucrative contracts. Barry would star in the ABA, twice averaging more than 30 points per game. After", "\"Career mode\"\nstatistics such as eye color, weight, height, and date of birth may also be editable. Career mode may also span in-game years, taking a player from rookie year to retirement. While video games with career mode have been exclusively single-player in the past, \"\"Madden NFL 13\"\" brings a true multiplayer career mode experience by allowing multiple players to play their career modes with each other at the same time. The only limitation is that players cannot be on a team that is controlled by a human-controlled coach. Recent games like \"\"NBA 2K13\"\" and \"\"Madden NFL 13\"\" have a fake social", "\"Guy Torry\"\nGiving Back the Love Foundation in 1996 and ever since then Guy has been an avid supporter of the program. This foundation gives back to his hometown community (St. Louis) through youth and community programs. He also donated his time and sometimes money to other charity foundations of celebrity athletes such as: NFL Football players Terrell Owens, Marshall Faulk, Torrey and Terrence Holt, Ronald Curry, Andre Johnson, Ray Lewis, NBA Basketball players Shaquille O'Neal, Jim Jackson, Magic Johnson, Tarence Kinsey, Chris Webber, The NBA Entertainment League, and several other charities, including the Celebrity Cat Walk, Shoes For Africa,and the LA", "\"The Experts Network\"\nincludes multiple Hall of Famers, MVPs, World Champions, All-Stars, Pro Bowlers and Emmy Award winners including Turner Sports roster of marquee on-air personalities. Featured Analysts for Behind the Mic presented by Allstate include: Charles Barkley, 1993 NBA MVP & Basketball Hall of Famer (NBA) Cris Collinsworth, 3-time Pro Bowler (NFL) Boomer Esiason, 1988 NFL MVP & 4-time Pro Bowler (NFL) Nick Faldo, 6-time Major Winner (Golf) Doug Flutie, Heisman Trophy Winner (NCAA Football) Howie Long, 8-time Pro Bowler & Pro Football Hall of Famer (NFL) Kevin McHale, 7-time NBA All-Star & Basketball Hall of Famer Reggie Miller, 5-time NBA All-Star", "\"Sirius Satellite Radio\"\nSirius’s business strategy is to pursue exclusive sports content. It now has exclusive satellite radio broadcasting rights to all NFL, CFL and NBA games. In December 2005, Sirius announced a multi-year deal with the NBA, which made the satellite radio company the broadcaster of more live NBA games than any other radio outlet. Sirius airs Full Court Press, weekdays from 12 pm – 3 pm ET; FCP is the only all-NBA show on Sirius/XM. That agreement also created a 24-hour NBA Radio Channel, which was located on channel 127. However, as of November 12, 2008, NBA games have switched to", "\"East Coast bias\"\nmore densely populated and was settled and developed much earlier than the West. Fox Sports sportscaster Joe Buck attributes the shift to the economics of running a business: \"\"If you think there is a perceived East Coast bias, guess what? You're right. That's where people are watching, that's where the numbers are.\"\" ESPN ombudsman Le Anne Schreiber wrote that fans should forget about expecting equity in teams the network selects to broadcast. \"\"It is long proven in NBA and NFL and MLB that spreading the wealth to 30 or 32 teams is a prescription for deflating ratings,\"\" said Len DeLuca,", "\"NFL 2K\"\nNFL\"\" the only series allowed to use NFL team and player names.Comparatively, the NFL signed a similar six year exclusivity deal with Visa Inc. worth $400 million in January 2004. EA also signed an agreement with ESPN to become the only licensee of ESPN's brand in sports games on all platforms. This was an immense blow to Sega's franchise in their MLB, NBA, and NHL series. As of June 2014, EA's NFL licensing rights were due to end in \"\"a couple more years.\"\" The commentary is by the fictional Dan Stevens (Terry McGovern) and Peter O'Keefe (Jay Styne), who narrate", "\"U.S. cities with teams from four major league sports\"\nthe same two baseball teams since the American League was established in 1901. In 2006, Philadelphia was the largest television market without two baseball teams, with Dallas being the next-largest. New York and Los Angeles are the only two metropolitan areas with two or more teams in all four major sports (New York has MLB's Yankees and Mets, the NBA's Knicks and Nets, the NFL's Giants and Jets, and the NHL's Rangers, Islanders, and Devils. While Los Angeles has MLB's Dodgers and Angels, the NBA's Lakers and Clippers, the NFL's Rams and the Chargers, the NHL's Kings and the Ducks.)", "\"World Football League\"\neven some official team materials as the \"\"Grizzlies\"\", which was what they officially renamed themselves the following season (not to be confused with the current NBA team of the same name). The WFL suffered an even more serious blow when the CFL and NFL reached agreements with its striking players that ensured the upstart league would be forced to compete with both of its established rivals. The original schedule called for a four-team playoff, with semifinal games held on Wednesday-Thursday November 20-November 21, and the World Bowl on Friday, November 29 (the night after Thanksgiving) at the Gator Bowl Stadium", "Chicago\nNational Football League (NFL), have won nine NFL Championships, including the 1985 Super Bowl XX. The other remaining charter franchise, the Chicago Cardinals, also started out in the city, but is now known as the Arizona Cardinals. The Bears have won more games in the history of the NFL than any other team, and only the Green Bay Packers, their longtime rivals, have won more championships. The Bears play their home games at Soldier Field. Soldier Field re-opened in 2003 after an extensive renovation. The Chicago Bulls of the National Basketball Association (NBA) is one of the most recognized basketball", "\"Kevin Calabro\"\nthe national level with TNT, TBS, ESPN Radio, and NBA TV. He has also lent his voice to several Microsoft games, including \"\"NBA Inside Drive\"\", \"\"NBA Full Court Press\"\", and \"\"NFL Fever\"\" and more recently has been the play-by-play voice of the Sony PlayStation NBA game franchise. Calabro's brother, David Calabro, is a sportscaster and the sports director with the NBC-affiliate station WTHR in Indianapolis, as well as the public address announcer at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Kevin Calabro Kevin Paul Calabro (born June 27, 1956) is an American sportscaster based in Seattle, Washington. The longtime voice of the former", "SegaNet\nyear. There are some private servers still online that can be played with the following games: \"\"Phantasy Star Online Ver. 1\"\" and \"\"Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2\"\", \"\"Sega Swirl\"\", \"\"4x4 Evolution\"\", \"\"Quake III Arena\"\", \"\"Maximum Pool\"\", \"\"Planet Ring\"\", \"\"Toy Racer\"\", \"\"Starlancer\"\", \"\"ChuChu Rocket!\"\", \"\"The Next Tetris On-line Edition\"\", \"\"PBA Tour Bowling 2001\"\", \"\"Sonic Adventure\"\", \"\"Alien Front Online\"\", \"\"Worms World Party\"\", \"\"Racing Simulation 2 On-line: Monaco Grand Prix\"\", \"\"POD: Speedzone\"\", \"\"Ooga Booga\"\", \"\"World Series Baseball 2K2\"\", \"\"Jet Set Radio\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"NFL 2K1\"\", \"\"NFL 2K2\"\", \"\"NBA 2K1\"\", \"\"NBA 2K2\"\" and many more coming soon. SegaNet originally offered a $200 rebate with a", "\"NFL Street 2\"\nNFL Street 2 NFL Street 2 is American football video game developed by EA Sports BIG and published by Electronic Arts. It was originally released for the PlayStation 2, GameCube and Xbox on December 22, 2004. It features then-New York Giants tight end Jeremy Shockey and rapper Xzibit on the cover. The game is compatible with \"\"Madden NFL 06\"\", as players can import their \"\"Own The City\"\" players to it. The game's compatibility also extends to other EA games like \"\"\"\", \"\"SSX 3\"\", \"\"Madden NFL 2005\"\", \"\"NCAA Football 2005\"\", \"\"NFL Street\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"NBA Live 2005\"\", and \"\"NBA Street Vol. 2\"\",", "\"Mike Breen\"\nMike Breen Michael Breen (born May 22, 1961) is an American play-by-play sports commentator for \"\"NBA on ABC\"\" and is the lead announcer for New York Knicks games on the MSG Network. Breen also calls NBA games for ESPN and was formerly a play-by-play announcer for the New York Giants' preseason games. Breen also called regular NFL season games for both \"\"NFL on Fox\"\" and \"\"NFL on NBC\"\". Breen also regularly calls the NBA Finals on ABC. Breen is known for his yelling of the word \"\"BANG!\"\" after a clutch or big shot is made, usually during the end of", "\"NFL 2K\"\n2 and the \"\"NFL Fever\"\" (Microsoft Game Studios) franchise, the series truly became \"\"Madden NFL\"\"'s primary competition. In what Grantland later called \"\"one of the greatest, most insidious guerrilla-warfare moves in the history of video game competition\"\", Sega released \"\"ESPN NFL 2K5\"\" in July 2004 for $19.99, giving the game significant market share versus the $49.95 \"\"Madden NFL\"\". One EA developer recalled that Sega's aggressive pricing \"\"scared the hell out of us\"\"; EA later reduced \"\"Madden NFL\"\"s price to $29.95. In December 2004, however, EA signed an exclusive agreement with the NFL for an undisclosed amount of money, making \"\"Madden", "\"Dave Finocchio\"\nthey were working in Silicon Valley—four friends and sports fans who had been high school classmates at Menlo School in Atherton, California. They saw that sports was not entertaining enough for younger fans, and sports journalists were out of touch with the college demographic. Finocchio found that events such as the NFL draft, the NBA free-agency window and the NBA trade deadline were not fully covered by sports journalism at the time. Using Google Insights, Finocchio discovered the stories people were searching for to build a media company. He mined data based on search traffic to discover what people wanted", "\"Douglas Pitt\"\nto Tanzania, raising funds for clean water. In 2016, was formed. Featured in an NFL network commercial, hosted by Matthew McConaughey, the mission to bring life-sustaining well water to east African communities in need was introduced nationally, featuring NFL defensive end, Chris Long. Through the Chris Long Foundation, Long and Pitt launched this initiative to utilize Long's NFL connections to join fellow football players, their fans and their locker rooms to raise money to fund Waterboys in Africa. In 2017, ended the year with 31 wells funded and provided clean water to over 100,000 people. Pitt has been", "\"Hulu Theater\"\nthe theater. Hosted by Nick Arcade host Phil Moore, the show featured the game, stunts, and slop of Double Dare, as well as games and activities from Nickelodeon's What Would You Do It was the home of the NFL draft from 1995 until 2004. In 2005 the NFL Draft moved to the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, after MSG management opposed a new stadium for the New York Jets. It also hosted the NBA draft from 2001 to 2010. The fall 1999 \"\"Jeopardy!\"\" Teen Tournament as well as a \"\"Celebrity Jeopardy!\"\" competition were held at the theater. \"\"Wheel of Fortune\"\"", "\"Oregon Lottery\"\nworld was negative. The NFL was highly displeased by this move, though legally powerless to stop the Oregon Lottery as the game took care to avoid infringing upon any NFL trademark (no NFL team names were used; NFL teams were identified by city). They even stated that Oregon would never have an NFL team as long as the betting continued. The revenues were used to provide funding to intercollegiate athletics in the state. In 1990, National Basketball Association (NBA) games were added (excluding games involving the Portland Trail Blazers.) This prompted a lawsuit from the NBA; however, betting on basketball", "\"Expansion of the National Basketball Association\"\nLeague team in the city for next season. This was furthered fueled by Commissioner Adam Silver's statement that the NBA has been in discussions to place a G League team in Mexico City as well opening of NBA Academy in that city for Latin American and Caribbean players. None of the four major sports leagues (MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL) have ever put a major league team in Mexico, although the region is found to more accommodating with its proximity than any attempts for teams in other regions such as Europe. Montreal is one of the largest markets in North", "\"Northwestern University\"\nRadin, Gilbert Harry Trythall, members of Arcade Fire, The Lawrence Arms, Pharrell Williams, Chavez, Dawen, and OK Go. Northwestern alumni involved in professional sports include Rick Sund (NBA), Billy McKinney (NBA), Mark Loretta (MLB), Joe Girardi (MLB), Luis Castillo (NFL), Ernie Adams (NFL), Otto Graham (NFL), Mike Adamle (NFL), Mike Kafka (NFL), Trevor Siemian (NFL), six-time Olympic medalist Matt Grevers, and PGA Tour star Luke Donald. Northwestern University Northwestern University (NU) is a private research university based in Evanston, Illinois, United States, with other campuses located in Chicago and Doha, Qatar, and academic programs and facilities in Miami, Florida; Washington,", "\"National Basketball Association criticisms and controversies\"\nthe following about the series, particularly about his supervisor during the series, Tommy Nuñez: The 2007 NBA Finals are considered to have the lowest television ratings in NBA history, after the San Antonio Spurs swept the Cleveland Cavaliers. Many fans instead expected a Detroit Pistons rematch with Spurs the from the 2005 NBA Finals. Rasheed Wallace, who then played power forward for the Pistons following the 2006–07 NBA season, claimed that the league wanted to make more money by featuring LeBron James into the Finals instead of them, just to make more excitement rather than the boring matches like they", "\"Blackout (broadcasting)\"\nnow restricted to games on NBA TV, WatchESPN and other streaming providers. The NFL has engaged in various blackout policies to protect both local ticket sales, and local rightsholders of specific games. In the NFL, any broadcaster that has a signal that hits any area within a radius of an NFL stadium may only broadcast a game if that game is a road game (also known as an away game), or if the game sells out 72 hours or more before the start time for the game. If sold out in less than 72 hours, or is close to being", "\"American Foundation for Suicide Prevention\"\nsettings, including colleges, police departments, workplaces and the NFL Players Union. More Than Sad: Suicide Prevention Education for Teachers and Other School Personnel was designed to inform teachers and school administrators about their role in suicide prevention. It is also used to teach high school students about depression and ways to get help if they feel suicidal. International Survivors of Suicide Day is one where the AFSP brings together survivors of suicide loss at locations in the United States and Canada, to raise money and promote healing and connect with others that have had similar experiences. It is officially observed", "\"Grant Hill\"\nGrant Hill Grant Henry Hill (born October 5, 1972) is an American former basketball player. He is currently a host of NBA TV's \"\"NBA Inside Stuff\"\". Hill played for four teams in his professional career in the National Basketball Association (NBA); the Detroit Pistons, Orlando Magic, Phoenix Suns, and Los Angeles Clippers. Hill's parents are retired NFL Pro Bowl running back Calvin Hill and Janet Hill. He and his father were Rookies of the Year in their respective sports; Hill in the NBA in 1995 (shared with Jason Kidd), and his father in the NFL with the Dallas Cowboys in", "\"Xtreme Pro Wrestling\"\nTrash Johhny Webb, Cast Iron Cothern and The Fabulous Thunderkitty) taking on Team SPW (Sacramento based promotion Supreme Pro Wrestling) (Dante, \"\"The British Messiah\"\" Timothy Thatcher, El Chupacabra, Dante and Christina von Eerie). Team SPW won following Dante's 450 frog splash. Mr. McPhenom, (a character based on Vince McMahon) announced his plans to takeover XPW. McPhenom stated he would make XPW to more family friendly and sports-entertainment based. GQ Money was introduced as the financial-adviser to Mr. McPhenom. McPhenom told Money to bring the green, however when McPhenom realized what Money brought wasn't money but marijuana, McPhenom attacked Monday and", "\"1976–77 Denver Nuggets season\"\nSpirits of St. Louis, both of which were folded as part of the league merger. The Nuggets and the other ABA teams were given harsh obstacles as part of their entry to the NBA. Each team had to pay an entry fee; for the Nuggets it was $3.2 million. The Denver and the other four ABA team also received no television money for their first three NBA seasons in the NBA, were not allowed to participate in the 1976 NBA draft, had to be classified as \"\"expansion franchises\"\" (despite longer histories and more success than many NBA teams) and had", "\"NFL Films\"\nof NFL Films is how it packages and sells the game and many credit it as a key reason that the NFL has become the most watched league in the United States. In addition to covering the National Football League, NFL Films has also ventured into other unrelated documentary films, such as documenting the Munich Olympics massacre for one of NBC's Olympics telecasts, and serving as back-up film photography for other major events, including the Stanley Cup Finals (NHL Original Productions), the NBA Finals (NBA Entertainment) and the World Series (MLB Productions). It also produced the video for Journey's 1983", "\"Sports betting\"\nVegas in 2019, the NFL has positioned itself for legalization, while simultaneously contradicting its long-held position that sports betting in NFL markets would lead to potential match-fixing. Commissioner Roger Goodell agreed with Manfred in a July 2017 seminar that betting on in-game events, as opposed to the outcome of games, was a more palatable form of sports betting. The National Hockey League (NHL) has not stated a public position for or against sports betting, with Commissioner Gary Bettman noting that they are smaller than the NBA and NFL and less vulnerable to negative issues as a result. The American Gaming", "\"NBA salary cap\"\nable to opt out after the 2022–23 season. NBA Salary Cap in USD NBA Salary Cap in 2016 USD (Inflation rate through May 2016) Unlike the NFL and NHL, the NBA features a so-called soft cap, meaning that there are several significant exceptions that allow teams to exceed the salary cap to sign players. This is done to allow teams to keep their own players, which, in theory, fosters fan support in each individual city. By contrast, the NFL and NHL salary caps are considered hard, meaning that they offer relatively few (if any) circumstances under which teams can exceed", "\"Tamba Hali\"\nNFL-caliber player because he thought it would help him raise the money to reunite with his mother, Rachel Keita, and bring her to the United States after not having seen her for more than twelve years. Hali attended Teaneck High School in Teaneck, New Jersey, where he played for the high school football team. He was named a high school All-American. He also lettered in basketball. Considered a four-star recruit by, Hali was listed as the No. 5 strongside defensive end in the nation in 2002. Hali received an athletic scholarship to attend Pennsylvania State University, where he played", "\"Lowes Moore\"\nspeaker at various sites, which include NFL and NBA Pre-Game Chapels, corporations, businesses, churches, schools and community agencies. Elder Moore prides himself on being a student of the gospel and life. Wherever you see him, he is learning, so that he can become a better teacher. He not only practices what he preaches, but he preaches and teaches what he practices. He will often tell someone to make sure they give back what they’ve been given, and he has done that. Moore has been a leader of men in the Mt. Vernon Community for many years. Over the past several", "\"Multiple major sports championship seasons\"\nNBA Finals, and the 1979-80 Philadelphia Flyers lost the Stanley Cup Finals. Multiple major sports championship seasons In the history of North American major professional sports league championships (which include the NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL) a city/metropolitan area has been home to multiple championships in a season fifteen times, most recently in 2008-2009, when the Pittsburgh Penguins and Pittsburgh Steelers won their respective leagues, in February and June 2009. Only Detroit has been host to more than two major league championship teams in a season, although in 2002 Los Angeles metropolitan area's Lakers and Angels won the NBA and", "\"Tom Hammond\"\n2010, as Cris Collinsworth partnered with Al Michaels in the 2009 season due to the retirement of John Madden after the 2008 season. Hammond also filled in for Bryant Gumbel as play-by-play announcer on the NFL Network's December 13, 2007 game featuring the Denver Broncos and Houston Texans on \"\"Thursday Night Football\"\", once more teaming with Collinsworth. The pair also serve as the announcing team on the \"\"Madden NFL 10\"\" video game. Hammond's work at NBC also included play-by-play commentary for \"\"The NBA on NBC\"\" and \"\"The NFL on NBC\"\". He called gymnastics, figure skating, the WNBA, the Orange Bowl", "\"Allegiant Athletic Agency\"\ncharge of a3 Events Development and Player Marketing is Hunter Baddour. a3 also has a host of interns from undergraduate and graduate school. a3 trains its athletes at a number of different complexes, but the main training ground is Competitive Edge Sports (CES) . More professional athletes and NFL talents have trained at CES than anyone else in the world. CES has trained notable NFL figures like Albert Haynesworth, Brian Urlacher, and Champ Bailey. CES was founded by Chip Smith . Allegiant Athletic Agency Allegiant Athletic Agency (a3) is an athletic agency that represents professional football (NFL) and Basketball (NBA,", "\"Bob Whitsitt\"\nBob Whitsitt Bob Whitsitt is a former sports executive in both the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the National Football League (NFL). He has served as the general manager (or in an equivalent role) for three teams: the Seattle SuperSonics and Portland Trail Blazers of the NBA, and the Seattle Seahawks of the NFL. Whitsitt, commonly known as \"\"Trader Bob\"\" for his penchant for making blockbuster deals, has met with mixed success in both leagues. He was hailed as the architect of the 1995-1996 Sonics team that went to the NBA Finals (and lost to the Chicago Bulls); several years", "\"1968–69 NBA season\"\n1968–69 NBA season The 1968–69 NBA season was the 23rd season of the National Basketball Association. The season ended with the Boston Celtics winning the NBA Championship, beating the Los Angeles Lakers 4 games to 3 in the NBA Finals. The Philadelphia 76ers, champions two seasons ago and the favorites last year, lost two key leaders before the season. Coach Alex Hannum jumped to the ABA for more money. Wilt Chamberlain, who absorbed criticism after their loss to Boston last year just days after the King murder, demanded a trade out of his hometown. Hollywood was calling. So he would", "\"Professional sports leagues in the United States\"\nthe NBA with the ABA–NBA merger in 1976. It has 30 teams, 29 in the United States and 1 in Canada. The NBA is watched by audiences both domestically and internationally. The National Football League was founded in 1920 as a combination of various teams from regional leagues such as the Ohio League, the New York Pro Football League, and the Chicago circuit. The NFL partially absorbed the All-America Football Conference in 1949 and merged with the American Football League in 1970. It has 32 teams, all located in the United States. NFL games are the most attended of domestic", "\"Athletes and domestic violence\"\nplayers with young men from similar racial backgrounds, they discovered that the arrest rates for NFL players were less than half that of the other group for crimes of domestic violence and nondomestic assaults. Woods brings attention to issue of Male Entitlement, a topic that Benedict and Yaeger also shed light on. Some athletes develop a sense of entitlement as their fame grows. Whatever city they’re in, male athletes are surrounded by female groupies. The athletes often treat these women with disdain and yet are still tempted by their offers of sex. Wilt Chamberlain, a former great NBA player, boasted", "\"MLB Network\"\nRaptors but uses much of the content of the league's U.S. channel NBA TV. It was reported initially that Rogers intended to pursue this approach to bring MLB Network to Canada. However, the licence was issued on the condition the channel launch by August 2011, which did not occur. Rogers ultimately agreed to sponsor MLB Network's request to be added to the CRTC's list of approved foreign television services, which would permit Canadian cable and satellite providers to import the American feed, as has occurred previously with similar niche-sports services such as Big Ten Network, NFL Network and Golf Channel.", "\"National Basketball Association\"\nother in three NBA Finals (1984, 1985, and 1987, featuring 11 players and coaches who would later be inducted to the Basketball Hall of Fame). Like the 1960s, when the Celtics and Lakers faced each other in six NBA Finals, the two teams again dominated the NBA. In the 10 seasons of the 1980s, Johnson led the Lakers to five titles in eight Finals while Bird led the Celtics to three titles in five Finals. Also in the early 1980s, the NBA added one more expansion franchise, the Dallas Mavericks, bringing the total to 23 teams. Later on, Larry Bird", "\"Birmingham Americans\"\nto secure \"\"local money\"\" to invest in the franchise was that local interests were still hoping to bring an NFL franchise to the city. To attempt to pay back the debt and to allow the World Bowl to be played, the teams negotiated a deal with creditors to accept a portion of the gate receipts. After paying fixed costs associated with the game, the IRS and others due money would split 30 percent of the revenue with the teams receiving the remaining 70 percent to pay long-overdue player salaries. This revenue was split by the Americans and Blazers on a", "\"Nikola Peković\"\nfirst round. This meant that the team that drafted him would be able to pay him more than those players selected later in the first round. Due to the amount of money Peković was making in Europe already, he likely would not have made the jump to the NBA for the amount of money that could be paid to a late first round player. On June 30, 2010, two years after being drafted, Peković signed a three-year, $13 million contract with the Timberwolves. As a rookie in the NBA in 2010–11, Peković averaged 5.5 points and 3.0 rebounds per game.", "\"Fall Experimental Football League\"\nrequest of the NFL. Initial plans for the league had punting, the PAT and kickoffs taken out of the game, but this proposal was scrapped prior to the start of the season. Woods was quoted as saying about the new league: \"\"Our long-term goal is to establish a partnership with the NFL and we feel can do that on many platforms. It would give them a way to work with younger players that they don't currently have. We can help them train prospective NFL officials—in the NBA, every referee entering the league (in recent years) comes from NBA Development League.", "\"NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC\"\nNBA Showtime: NBA on NBC NBA Showtime is a basketball video game by Midway. A descendant of \"\"NBA Jam\"\" and \"\"NBA Hangtime\"\", \"\"Showtime\"\" is modeled after the NBA presentations on NBC. The original arcade version features team rosters from the beginning of the 1998-99 NBA season, while the console versions feature team rosters that were accurate just prior to the 1998-99 NBA season. A newer \"\"Gold\"\" version for arcades features another roster update from later in the 1999-2000 NBA season. \"\"Showtime\"\" was also featured in a dual game cabinet along with \"\"NFL Blitz 2000\"\". Midway followed up the game with", "\"The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money\"\nAnd it would remain for separate decision on what scale and by what means it is right and reasonable to call on the living generation to restrict their consumption, so as to establish in course of time, a state of full investment for their successors. In some other respects the foregoing theory is moderately conservative in its implications... Thus, apart from the necessity of central controls to bring about an adjustment between the propensity to consume and the inducement to invest, there is no more reason to socialise economic life than there was before. ... the ideas of economists and", "\"Bud Grant\"\ndischarged from the service, Grant decided to attend the University of Minnesota instead. He was a three-sport, nine-letterman athlete in football, basketball, and baseball for the Minnesota Golden Gophers, earning All-Big Ten honors in football twice. After leaving the University of Minnesota, Grant was selected in both the NFL and NBA Draft. He was selected in the first round (fourteenth overall) of the 1950 NFL Draft by the Philadelphia Eagles and fourth round (forty-second overall) selection of the Minneapolis Lakers in the 1950 NBA draft. He played thirty-five games during the 1949–50 NBA season and signed with the Lakers for", "\"1967 NBA draft\"\nas a coach. They were also named among the Top 10 Coaches in NBA History announced at the league's 50th anniversary in 1996. First pick Jimmy Walker was also drafted in the 1967 National Football League (NFL) Draft, despite never having played college football. He was drafted last in the 17-round draft by the New Orleans Saints. He stayed with his basketball career and became a two-time All-Star. On the other hand, the first pick in the 1967 NFL Draft, Bubba Smith, was drafted by an NBA team. He was selected with the 114th pick in the 11th round by", "\"2011 NBA lockout\"\nlast offer and dissolved the union. The NBPA was converted into a trade association, enabling the players as individual employees to participate in a class action antitrust lawsuit against the league, calling the lockout an illegal group boycott. Attorney David Boies, who represented the NFL owners in their 2011 lockout, agreed to represent the players and join Keesler, who also represented the players in the NFL lockout. On November 15, one group of NBA players (including Carmelo Anthony, Chauncey Billups, Kawhi Leonard, and Leon Powe) filed an antitrust lawsuit against the NBA in a California federal court, while another (including", "\"Al Joyner\"\nUCLA in Los Angeles' track and field staff as an assistant coach/women's jumps coach from 1999 to 2003. \"\"Al Joyner brings to our program world-class experience and recognition in the jumps, both as a competitor and coach,\"\" said Jeanette Bolden, UCLA's women's head coach. \"\"I have known Al since 1983. I have always found him to be an extremely hard worker who is enthusiastic and very knowledgeable about the jumps and sprints. Joyner has also worked with a host of professional players from the NFL, NBA, MLB, and Soccer. He was the sprint & jump coach for the 2005 USOC", "\"JaMarcus Russell\"\nstated that players like Russell often get a second chance in the NFL. However, due in part to concerns about his work ethic, he has never played another down in an NFL game. The Raiders filed a grievance on May 28, 2010, seeking $9.55 million back from Russell for what was paid as salary advances for the 2010–12 NFL seasons. Russell's agent said \"\"The money in question was fully guaranteed. That is why JaMarcus was forced to hold out and miss all of training camp as a rookie. The Raiders know that and this is our only comment.\"\" On September", "\"Deion Sanders\"\n(which fell in Week 2 of that NFL season), Sanders signed a lucrative contract with the Dallas Cowboys (seven years, $35 million with a $12.999 million signing bonus, because owner Jerry Jones was superstitious of the number 13), essentially making him, at the time, the highest-paid defensive player in the NFL. Sanders later stated in his book \"\"Power, Money & Sex: How Success Almost Ruined My Life\"\" that the Oakland Raiders offered him more money than any other team, but he chose to play in Dallas for more time on the offensive side of the ball, a chance to win", "\"Money belt\"\njewellery. A significant problem is that scammers, pickpockets, beggars, and the like, know that the presence of a money belt brings a high likelihood of the bearer being a tourist, and therefore a high-value target, bringing more attention upon the wearer than desirable. Money belt Money belts are belts with secret compartments often worn by tourists. One form of money belt is a belt with a pouch attached to the front which is worn under a shirt to protect valuables from thieves and/or pickpockets. Another form appears to be an ordinary belt when worn, but contains one or more hidden", "\"NBA 2K (video game)\"\nin the game, the entire package is rock solid.\"\" Ryan MacDonald gave the game a score of 8.8 out of 10, writing: \"\"In the end, \"\"NBA 2K\"\"s dazzling graphics, superb control, and strong AI make it the most dynamic basketball video game ever. However, Visual Concepts fell just short of delivering the same seamless gameplay of \"\"NFL 2K\"\". The game's visuals and control, while both outstanding, just don't have the same cohesion that made \"\"NFL 2K\"\" so flawless. But even with these few problems, playing \"\"NBA 2K\"\" will just about ruin you for all other basketball games.\"\" Brandon Justice of", "\"ABA–NBA merger\"\nSt. Louis rosters (1974–76) played in the NBA during the 1976–77 season and beyond: Maurice Lucas, Ron Boone, Marvin Barnes, Caldwell Jones, Lonnie Shelton, Steve Green, Gus Gerard, Moses Malone, Don Adams, Don Chaney, M. L. Carr and Freddie Lewis. The NBA imposed the following terms on the four ABA refugees—the Denver Nuggets, Indiana Pacers, New York Nets and San Antonio Spurs: The indemnities and other penalties were as draconian as the penalties that the AFL teams faced as a consequence of the AFL–NFL merger in 1970, with the notable exception that the NFL continues to recognize AFL records. The", "\"Athletes for Hope\"\nAthletes for Hope Athletes for Hope is a nonprofit organization that works to educate professional athletes about philanthropy, connect them with charitable causes, recognize these efforts and inspire others to get involved in the community. AFH emphasizes that its focus is on the athlete's time and not their money. Athletes for Hope has grown from its original Founders to over 4,000 athletes across many sports leagues, including the WNBA, NBA, NFL, NHL, NASCAR, MLB, MLS, USATF, and the Olympic movement. These athletes take part in their Causeway program, which provides education workshops and subsequently one-on-one guidance for each athlete through", "DraftKings\nDraftKings DraftKings is a Boston, MA, daily fantasy sports contest provider. The company allows users to enter daily and weekly fantasy sports-related contests and win money based on individual player and team performances in five major American sports (MLB, the NHL, the NFL, the NBA and the PGA), Premier League and UEFA Champions League soccer, NASCAR auto racing, Canadian Football League, the Arena Football League, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Tennis. As of April 2016 the majority of U.S. states consider fantasy sports (including daily fantasy sports) a game of skill and not gambling, although a number of states have", "\"Steve Bornstein\"\ndistribution deals with Cablevision and Time Warner Cable in 2012. Currently in more than 72 million homes, NFL Network now has carriage agreements with each of the country’s largest television providers including Comcast, DirecTV, DISH Network, Cablevision, Cox, Charter, Time Warner Cable, Verizon FiOS and AT&T U-Verse. Ultimately, Bornstein would bring the league’s internet and mobile assets in-house and help build NFL Media into a collection of league-owned media assets including NFL Network,, NFL Mobile, NFL RedZone, NFL Now, and NFL Films along with the NFL’s highly visible social media platforms. While building out and growing the NFL’s own", "\"Christmas traditions\"\nChristmas. As of 2015, the NBA now schedules five games on Christmas, usually including classic rivalry games as well as a rematch of the previous season's NBA Finals. Christmas for El Salvador still carries a strong meaning that brings families together. Despite the business on the streets and the red, green and white colors flooding the environment, Salvadoran people try to honor what they consider to be the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus. In El Salvador children celebrate Christmas by playing with firecrackers, fountains, such as the small \"\"volcancitos\"\" (\"\"little volcanos\"\") and sparklers, \"\"estrellitas\"\" (\"\"little stars\"\"). Teenagers", "\"NBA Ballers: Chosen One\"\n1-v-1-v-1 matches. As well as online play, downloadable content is available and features over 500 new items including players. Hip-hop legend Chuck D calls the play-by-play action while hip-hop producer Just Blaze created over 30 custom tracks for the game. The gameplay itself, however, has taken a more realistic approach this time, as the 'Baller On Fire' and 'Bring Down the House' abilities from the first two games do not return in Chosen One. NBA Ballers: Chosen One NBA Ballers: Chosen One is a video game for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is the sequel to \"\"\"\". NBA", "\"Mr. Haney\"\nraise money to pay the settlement brings him in more than if he had peddled the stuff in his normal fashion. Further, Lisa buys some of it. In another episode, Haney examines what he believes is a dead cow (actually a plastic promotional item that fell off a meat truck), hoping to parlay the find into a profit, and refers to it as the “corpus delicious”. Another time, Haney had what seemed to be an entire company in the back of his truck. One person comes out to speak to him. He then yells into the door for everyone to", "\"United States Department of State\"\nBenjamin Franklin, and aims to bring mid-career professionals to enrich and expand the Department's capabilities. Unlike the Jefferson Science Fellows Program this is based on volunteer work as you do not get paid to be a part of this. Rather you have sponsors or you contribute your own money in order to fulfill what it will take to do the year long program. The more seniority you have in this program determines what kind of topics you work on and the priority that the issues are to the country. Although the bottom line is that the other Fellows are the", "\"Charles Barkley\"\nall this money, so we're going to make it tough on him. And what they're really doing is telling kids to look up to someone they can't become, because not many people can be like we are. Kids can't be like Michael Jordan. The trade to the Houston Rockets in the 1996–97 season was Barkley's last chance at capturing an NBA championship title. He joined a veteran team that included two of the NBA's 50 Greatest Players, Hakeem Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler. To begin the season, Barkley was suspended for the season opener and fined $5,000 for fighting Charles Oakley", "\"Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel\"\nfollowing remarks about former NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue and National Football League Players Association president Gene Upshaw and directed these comments to new commissioner Roger Goodell: In response, Tagliabue said, \"\"What Gumbel said about Gene Upshaw and our owners is about as irresponsible as anything I've heard in a long time.\"\" Gumbel replied with, \"\"It's a lot like covering any story [...] You see what is in front of you and you report on it.\"\" On the October 18, 2011 episode, Gumbel invoked slavery in his criticism of NBA Commissioner David Stern over the league's lockout. Real Sports with Bryant", "\"The Sports Network\"\nTSN serves as the exclusive cable rightsholder of the National Football League in Canada, alongside terrestrial rightsholder CTV, carrying \"\"Sunday Night Football\"\", \"\"Monday Night Football\"\", and \"\"Thursday Night Football\"\" (whose rights were previously held by Rogers and Sportsnet, and will be simulcast with CTV Two for simsub purposes), as well as Sunday afternoon games. TSN also carries ESPN's NFL studio programs, including \"\"NFL Live\"\", \"\"Sunday NFL Countdown\"\", and \"\"Monday Night Countdown\"\". TSN currently serves as the main Canadian outlet for TNT's NBA coverage, along with exclusive Canadian rights to the NBA Finals. TSN also currently airs Formula One and NASCAR", "\"Clutch City\"\nthe same fate as the city's National Football League (NFL) club at the time (the Houston Oilers) did; the Oilers blew a 32-point lead during a January 3, 1993 NFL playoff game versus the Buffalo Bills; the Bills won the game 41-38 in overtime. During this era, no Houston-based professional sports team from an existing sports league (the NFL, NBA, or Major League Baseball) had won a championship. In Rudy Tomjanovich's second full season as head coach, the Rockets began the 1993–94 season by tying an NBA record with start of 15–0. Led by Hakeem Olajuwon, who was named the", "\"Sports in Philadelphia\"\n1900. Note that the Philadelphia Field Club was actually four different franchises.\"\" Championships won by Philadelphia teams in the five major leagues (MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS): The following Philadelphia players won the regular season most valuable player award of the NFL (AP), MLB, NHL, NBA, or MLS. Note that MLB confers an MVP award to one player in the American League and one player in the National League. Philadelphia has hosted the following all-star games and drafts, including the first NFL Draft: Philadelphia has rivalries with three of the four other major cities in the \"\"Northeast megalopolis\"\", particularly New", "\"Franklin Mieuli\"\nmore than fifty years. In 2007, Mieuli was inducted into the <nowiki>Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame</nowiki> as a member of the second class to be honored. He was the recipient of five Super Bowl rings as a part-owner of the 49ers, as well as one NBA Championship trophy as the owner of the Warriors. He died at a hospital in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2010. His firm, Franklin Mieuli & Associates, continues to produce radio broadcasts for many professional teams in the NFL, NBA, NHL, and Major League Baseball; as well as NCAA teams. Franklin Mieuli Franklin", "\"Don Hutson\"\nJohn \"\"Blood\"\" McNally. Before the draft existed, college players could sign with any team they wanted, and while Hutson did sign a contract with Green Bay, he had also signed a contract with the NFL's Brooklyn Dodgers. Both contracts came to the NFL office at the same time, and NFL president Joseph Carr declared that Hutson would go to Green Bay, as the Green Bay contract had an earlier date of signing. Hutson later stated he chose the Packers because they offered the most money—$300 a game. \"\"That was far and above what they had ever paid a player,\"\" said", "\"NBA Jam (1993 video game)\"\nthe improvements were not enough to make the game worthwhile for those who already had a home version of \"\"NBA Jam\"\". \"\"GamePro\"\" commented of the Game Boy version, \"\"Obviously the GB is far too limited a system to capture more than a fraction of what made NBA Jam an arcade smash, but at least it has that fraction.\"\" \"\"Next Generation\"\" reviewed the Sega CD version of the game, and stated that \"\"It's good, but it could have been so much more.\"\" In 1996, \"\"Next Generation\"\" listed \"\"NBA Jam\"\" at number 99 in their \"\"Top 100 Games of All Time\"\", commenting", "\"Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore\"\ntheir anniversary. After being thrown out of the bar, Homer sits on the street and people start giving him money. He dances and earns enough money to buy Marge some flowers. He also does a rendition of the song \"\"Mr. Bojangles\"\" and asks for money. Homer continues his panhandling, and eventually makes enough money to buy Marge a pair of diamond earrings. When he continues panhandling afterward, angry bums bring Marge to see what Homer is doing. Marge is mortified and angry, but cannot bring herself to throw the earrings away. Milhouse returns to Springfield when his father wins custody", "\"The Experts Network\"\nCal Ripken, 19-time MLB All-Star & MLB Hall of Famer (MLB) Phil Simms, 2-time Super Bowl Champion & Super Bowl XX MVP (NFL) Kenny Smith, 2-time NBA Champion (NBA) Cris Collinsworth is the Emmy Award-winning analyst and the lead analyst of NBC Sports Sunday Night Football and contributor to Showtime's Inside the NFL. Boomer Esiason is an analyst for CBS Sports The NFL Today and the co-host of Boomer and Carton on WFAN NY. He is also the lead analyst of Monday Night Football on Westwood One Radio Network. Nick Faldo is the lead analyst of golf for CBS", "YinzCam\nYinzCam YinzCam is an American software company that builds mobile applications, IPTV platforms and augmented-reality experiences. It specializes in creating applications for professional sports organizations. As of 2018, YinzCam's software had been downloaded over 55 million times and used by 170+ sports properties, including NFL clubs, NBA/WNBA teams, AFL clubs (Australia), La Liga clubs (Spain), as well as in the La Liga official league app and the NBA's G-League app and the NBA2k app. The applications generally offer real-time statistics, multimedia, streaming radio, social media. The live video technology offering instant replay, including NFL RedZone, is offered within NFL stadiums.", "\"What the Snow Brings\"\nMakie, the jockey who seems to have lost her touch. He also finds Unryu at the stable, the horse that cost him his money at the \"\"banmei\"\", and who may be heading for the slaughterhouse. \"\"What the Snow Brings\"\" played at the Tokyo International Film Festival in October 2005 and was released theatrically in Japan on May 20, 2006. In September 2007, it had a showing at the 2007 Raindance Film Festival. 18th Tokyo International Film Festival 28th Yokohama Film Festival 31st Hochi Film Awards What the Snow Brings Manabu Yazaki had left his family's home in Hokkaidō years before", "\"Devarim (parsha)\"\nare selected; if people possessing four qualities are not available, then those possessing three are selected; and if even these are not available, then those possessing one quality are selected, for as says, \"\"A woman of valor who can find?\"\" Arius asked Rabbi Jose what the difference is between \"\"wise\"\" and \"\"discerning\"\" in Rabbi Jose answered that a wise person is like a rich money-changer. When people bring coins to evaluate, the rich money-changer evaluates them, and if people do not bring coins to evaluate, the rich money-changer seeks out coins to evaluate. A discerning person is like a poor", "\"The Pearl (novel)\"\npearl dealers is another character that demonstrates greed and manipulation. When Kino tries to sell the pearl, the pearl dealer refuses to take the pearl for its actual price. Instead, he says it is worth less so that he could make more money. He heightens the difference between what Kino wants from the pearl and what it actually brings. These publications praised the novel as a \"\"major artistic triumph\"\" and emphasizes how Steinbeck understands \"\"the universal significance of life.\"\" This novel did not have as great of a review later on. Though many still believe that Steinbeck's work was a" ]
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who did seattle beat in the super bowl
[ "Denver Broncos" ]
[ "\"Super Bowl\"\nJersey's MetLife Stadium in February 2014, was the first Super Bowl held outdoors in a cold weather environment. The Seattle Seahawks won their first NFL title with a 43–8 defeat of the Denver Broncos, in a highly touted matchup that pitted Seattle's top-ranked defense against a Peyton Manning-led Denver offense that had broken the NFL's single-season scoring record. In Super Bowl XLIX, the Patriots beat the defending Super Bowl champions, the Seahawks, 28–24 as Malcolm Butler intercepted a Seattle pass in the end zone with the Seahawks poised to take the lead. In Super Bowl 50, the Broncos, led by", "\"2017 Philadelphia Eagles season\"\nwon 24–21. Backup quarterback Nick Foles was named Super Bowl MVP and became the first backup to receive this award since his opponent, Tom Brady, did in Super Bowl XXXVI. The Eagles defeated both Super Bowl teams from the previous NFL season (the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons) in the playoffs. They also defeated both teams who had beaten them in their only two previous Super Bowl appearances. They defeated the Oakland Raiders in the regular season, who beat them in Super Bowl XV and the Patriots in the Super Bowl, who previously beat them in Super Bowl", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\nthe first time in the team's history. They were the NFC representative in Super Bowl XL, a game they lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Seahawks compiled a 13-3 record in the regular season, easily winning the NFC West and clinching home field advantage in the NFC playoffs. There, they beat the Washington Redskins and Carolina Panthers to win the George Halas Trophy and advance to the Super Bowl, the first in franchise history. Seattle fell short in its bid for its first NFL title, losing to the Pittsburgh Steelers at Super Bowl XL in Detroit, Michigan on February 5,", "\"Super Bowl XLI\"\npoints gave him 49 points for the entire 2006 post-season, an NFL record. The Colts' win was the first major professional championship for Indiana since the Indiana Pacers' ABA title in the 1972–73 season. Hester's touchdown for the Bears on the opening kickoff was the first one in Super Bowl history, and the ninth kick return for a touchdown in a Super Bowl; only three of the nine teams who did this went on to win the game (the Green Bay Packers in Super Bowl XXXI, the Baltimore Ravens in Super Bowls XXXV and XLVII, and the Seattle Seahawks in", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\ntiebreaker. They were the only team to beat both Super Bowl teams (Denver and the New York Giants) in 1986. 1987 began with great expectations and predictions of a Super Bowl appearance. The Seahawks had won a lottery for the first pick in a supplemental draft, and they selected Oklahoma University linebacker Brian Bosworth, the 1985 and 1986 Dick Butkus award winner. The 1987 team, like Bosworth, never did live up to expectations. After an early-season 24-day labor dispute, the team qualified for the playoffs as a wild card with a 9-6 record. A 23-20 overtime loss to the Houston", "\"Super Bowl XL\"\nfor a 75-yard touchdown run, giving his team a 14–3 lead and setting a record for the longest run in Super Bowl history, beating Marcus Allen's Super Bowl XVIII mark by one yard. The Seahawks drove into Pittsburgh territory on the next drive, sparked by a 21-yard run by Alexander, but Brown again missed a field-goal attempt, this one from 50 yards, as Seattle was unable to close the 11-point deficit. Pittsburgh drove 54 yards to the Seattle six-yard line to put themselves in position to take a large lead, but Seahawks defensive back Kelly Herndon intercepted a pass from", "\"Mickey Marvin\"\nBowl XV and Super Bowl XVIII. In the 1980 AFC championship game of the 1980–81 NFL playoffs, the Raiders beat the San Diego Chargers, rushing for 138 yards and passing for 261 yards. The Raiders then beat the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl XV, rushing for a 117 yards and passing for 261 yards again, as Marvin outplayed Eagle nosetackle Charlie Johnson and inside linebackers Bill Bergey and Frank LeMaster. In the 1983 AFC championship game of the 1983–84 NFL playoffs, the Raiders beat the Seattle Seahawks, rushing for 205 yards and passing for 209 yards, as Marvin pushed around", "\"2005 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n2005 Seattle Seahawks season The 2005 Seattle Seahawks season saw them win a conference championship for the first time in the team's history. They were the NFC representative in Super Bowl XL, a game they lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Seahawks compiled a 13–3 record in the regular season, easily winning the NFC West and earning the NFC top seed, thus clinching home field advantage in the NFC playoffs for the first time in franchise history. There, they beat the Washington Redskins and Carolina Panthers to win the George Halas Trophy, and advance to their first ever Super Bowl.", "\"Carolina Panthers\"\n2015 season the next year, the teams faced off in Seattle, where the Panthers won another close game, 27–23. In the divisional round of the playoffs, the Panthers faced Seattle at Bank of America stadium, where they had yet to beat a Russell Wilson-led Seahawks team. By halftime they led 31–0, but the Seahawks rebounded and scored 24 unanswered points before the Panthers were able to seal the victory, 31–24. The Panthers would go on to lose Super Bowl 50. In the 2016 season, the teams met in Seattle, where the Panthers were beaten, 40–7. The teams did not face", "\"2005 Indianapolis Colts season\"\ngo on to beat Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XL. Roethlisberger’s game-saving tackle would later be known as \"\"The Immaculate Tackle\"\" and \"\"The Tackle II\"\". 2005 Indianapolis Colts season The 2005 Indianapolis Colts season was the franchise’s 53rd season in the National Football League and 22nd in Indianapolis. The 2005 Colts improved on their 12–4 record from 2004 and finished the season 14–2, but ended in a devastating loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers who eventually went on to win the Super Bowl. Indianapolis started the season with a 13-game winning streak and were heavily favored to go to the Super", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\nand seal Seattle's fate. The Seahawks became the tenth consecutive team to be dethroned of their Super Bowl title, creating a record for the most years without a repeat Super Bowl champion. The 2015 season marked the 40th season of play for the Seahawks. Prior to the 2015 draft, the Seahawks made a blockbuster trade with the New Orleans Saints, trading Seattle's first-round pick for All-Pro Saints tight end Jimmy Graham. For this reason, the Seahawks did not have a first-round pick, but did make a total of eight picks in the draft, including defensive end Frank Clark in the", "\"Bob Socci\"\nZolak on Patriots broadcasts. Since joining the Patriots broadcast, Socci and Zolak have called three Super Bowl Championships. In February 2015 the Patriots won the franchises fourth Super Bowl defeating the Seattle Seahawks when rookie cornerback Malcolm Butler intercepted a pass at the goal line sealing the title. In February 2017 the duo called \"\"The Greatest Comeback in Super Bowl History\"\" when the Patriots rallied from a 28-3 third quarter deficit to beat the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 in the first overtime game in 51 years of the Super Bowl. Before joining the Patriots, Socci's previous broadcasting experience included 15 seasons", "\"Dwaine Board\"\nwas a member of the San Francisco 49ers' Super Bowl winning teams; Super Bowl XVI, Super Bowl XIX and Super Bowl XXIII as a player, and Super Bowl XXIX as a coach. On March 25, 2015, he was hired as the defensive line coach for Seattle Seahawks. Dwaine Board Dwaine P. Board (born November 29, 1956) is a defensive line coach for the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League. He is also a former American football defensive end who played for the San Francisco 49ers and the New Orleans Saints from 1979 to 1988. Board played college football at", "\"Super Bowl XLVIII\"\nthe Broncos 27–3 in Super Bowl XXIV. In order to avoid a big kickoff return, Matt Prater kicked the second half kickoff short, hitting the ground at the Seattle 12-yard line. But it did not stop Harvin from picking the ball out of the air and taking off for an 87-yard touchdown return that increased Seattle's lead to 29–0. The touchdown took place 12 seconds into the second half, exactly the same amount of time that the Seahawks took to score the safety in the first half. It was also the first time that consecutive Super Bowls had kickoff returns", "\"Max Unger\"\nbelieve he is ready to start and be a productive player in this league immediately,\"\" Unger was named starting right guard over Mansfield Wrotto. In 2012, Unger signed a four-year extension worth a maximum of $24 million making him one of the top 5 paid centers in the NFL. He was one of only three members to remain on the Seahawks from before John Schneider's arrival in Seattle in January 2010, along with Brandon Mebane and Jon Ryan. Unger won his first Super Bowl title with the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XLVIII, beating the Denver Broncos by a score", "\"Bill Bates\"\nBates earned three Super Bowl rings with the Cowboys, playing in Super Bowl XXVIII and Super Bowl XXX. He was on injured reserve during the 1992 season, when the Cowboys played in Super Bowl XXVII, due to a knee injury. Tom Landry once said, “If we had 11 players on the field who played as hard as Bill Bates does and did their homework like he does, we’d be almost impossible to beat”. He described Bates and Cliff Harris as \"\"the hardest hitters I ever saw.\"\" Referring to Bates' reputation as a hard hitter, John Madden stated, \"\"Every game starts", "\"2005 Pittsburgh Steelers season\"\nThey defeated the NFC Champion Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XL to secure their league-tying fifth Super Bowl title. In doing so, they also became the first team since the 1970 AFL-NFL merger to win a Super Bowl without playing a single home playoff game until the 2007 Giants. They are also the first 6th seeded team to beat the top 3 seeds on the road. Notable additions include Heath Miller and Nate Washington. \"\"at Paul Brown Stadium, Cincinnati, Ohio\"\" \"\"at RCA Dome, Indianapolis, Indiana\"\" \"\"at INVESCO Field at Mile High, Denver, Colorado\"\" \"\"at Ford Field, Detroit, Michigan\"\" The Pittsburgh", "\"Tyrone Poole\"\nvictory in Super Bowl XXXVIII over the Carolina Panthers. Poole started the 2004 season again as a starting cornerback, but injured his knee in a Week 6 matchup with Seattle. Poole returned briefly for a few snaps near the end of a Week 14 game against Cincinnati, but was shut down after this and did not play again for the rest of the season. Still, the Patriots went on to win Super Bowl XXXIX, giving Poole his second Super Bowl ring, even though Poole did not play in the game due to his knee injury. For the 2005 season, Poole", "\"Hines Ward\"\npasses for 68 receiving yards as the Steelers beat the Indianapolis Colts 21-18. In the 2005 AFC Championship game at the Denver Broncos, he had 59 receiving yards on 5 receptions while also making a touchdown catch, as the Steelers won 34-17. On February 5, 2006, Ward played in his first career Super Bowl. In Super Bowl XL, he accumulated 5 receptions, 123 receiving yards, and caught a 43-yard touchdown reception from wide receiver Antwaan Randle El, to seal the Steelers' 21–10 victory over the Seattle Seahawks. He was named the MVP in Super Bowl XL. This made him the", "\"Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)\"\nthe league with eight interceptions. Seattle finished the season with the most interceptions in the NFL. Sherman and Thomas were named first-team AP All-Pro, while Chancellor was named to the second team. Sherman, Chancellor, and Thomas were also named to the 2014 Pro Bowl, but did not play due to the Seahawks playing in Super Bowl XLVIII. In their rout of the Denver Broncos, they held Peyton Manning and the record-setting Broncos offense to only eight points, intercepting Manning twice, forcing two fumbles, and playing a major part in securing the first Super Bowl championship in franchise history. On June", "\"Super Bowl XLII\"\nthe Super Bowl without playing a single home game in the preceding playoffs. They joined the Green Bay Packers (who won Super Bowl I against the Kansas City Chiefs), the Kansas City Chiefs (who won Super Bowl IV against the Minnesota Vikings) and the Pittsburgh Steelers (who won Super Bowl XL against the Seattle Seahawks) in accomplishing this feat. However, Green Bay had to win two games, Kansas City three, and Pittsburgh and the Giants, four, in order to accomplish this. Since, the Green Bay Packers accomplished it in 2010 by winning three road playoff games en route to their", "\"1976 NFL season\"\nfirst (and as of 2018, only) man to serve as the referee for four Super Bowls (XVII, XXI, XXVI and XXIX). Another distinguished new official was Bob McElwee, who was promoted to referee in 1980. McElwee was the referee in Super Bowl XXII, Super Bowl XXVIII and Super Bowl XXXIV. Norm Schachter retired after officiating Super Bowl X, his third after previously serving as crew chief for Super Bowl I and Super Bowl V. Red Cashion and Don Wedge were promoted after each had worked four seasons in the league. The two expansion clubs, Tampa Bay and Seattle, were “swing”", "\"History of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers\"\noff to a 2–0 start in 2010 by beating Cleveland and Carolina, but both proved weak opponents and they could never handle Pittsburgh, a team only two years removed from its 2008 Super Bowl win, losing 38–13. Following their bye week, they beat the Bengals in Cincinnati 24–21. After the road victory in Cincinnati, the Bucs came home to face the defending Super Bowl champion Saints, who were struggling after a loss to the Arizona Cardinals in which the Cardinals did not score an offensive touchdown, but capitalized on New Orleans turnovers. A victory would have helped the Bucs towards", "\"2014 NFL season\"\nballs before the game, giving the game the title 'Deflategate'. This was the most lopsided AFC championship victory since the Buffalo Bills defeated the Los Angeles Raiders 51–3 in the 1990 season. Super Bowl XLIX, the 49th contesting of the Super Bowl, decided the 2014 NFL champion on February 1, 2015, with the New England Patriots defeating the defending Super Bowl XLVIII champions Seattle Seahawks, who were looking to repeat, by a score of 28–24. With a controversial play call by Seattle's head coach, Pete Carroll, they decided to try to pass the ball in for a touchdown at the", "\"Super Bowl XL\"\nSuper Bowl XL Super Bowl XL was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Seattle Seahawks and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Pittsburgh Steelers to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2005 season. The Steelers defeated the Seahawks by the score of 21–10. The game was played on February 5, 2006 at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan. With the win, the Steelers tied the San Francisco 49ers and the Dallas Cowboys with the then-record five Super Bowls. The Steelers' victory was their first Super Bowl victory since Super Bowl XIV. Pittsburgh, who", "\"Seattle Seahawks\"\nplay in the Pro Bowl, as the Seahawks defeated the New Orleans Saints 23–15 and the San Francisco 49ers 23–17, in the playoffs to advance to Super Bowl XLVIII against the Denver Broncos. On February 2, 2014, the Seahawks won the franchise's first Super Bowl Championship, defeating Denver 43–8. The Seahawks' defense performance in 2013 was acclaimed as one of the best in the Super Bowl era. The following season, Seattle advanced to Super Bowl XLIX, their second consecutive Super Bowl, but they were dethroned of their title by the New England Patriots by a score of 28–24. They got", "\"Super Bowl XLIII\"\nthe second team to have their city/state location painted in their end zone for a Super Bowl, as their end zone read \"\"Arizona Cardinals.\"\" In Super Bowl XL, the Seattle Seahawks became the first team to have this, as their end zone read \"\"Seattle Seahawks.\"\" For all other Super Bowl teams, end zones have just featured the team nickname. This was also the first Super Bowl to have the updated NFL logo painted at midfield. With all the cutbacks resulting from the severe economic downturn in the United States, the game was dubbed \"\"The Recession Bowl.\"\" Restaurants were slow in", "\"Super Bowl XXXV\"\nSuper Bowl XXXVI, there were ten different NFC Champions in ten years. Once again, the Giants ended the trend and started another one. Beginning with the 2008 Super Bowl XLIII participant Arizona Cardinals, there were 6 different NFC Champions in 6 years. This streak was finally ended by the Seattle Seahawks, who advanced to the Super Bowl in both 2013 and 2014. The Baltimore Ravens would later win Super Bowl XLVII in 2013 against the San Francisco 49ers (which was also aired on CBS). Ray Lewis was a member of both Ravens' Super Bowl wins. In between the Ravens' victories,", "\"Super Bowl XLIX\"\nto Kearse, sending the Seahawks to the Super Bowl for the second year in a row. Super Bowl XLIX was the first Super Bowl matchup, and the first postseason matchup, between the Patriots and Seahawks; while Seattle was part of the AFC before moving to the NFC in the NFL's 2002 realignment, the teams had never met beyond the regular season. The game was notable for featuring the coach of one team who had replaced the other as head coach; Patriots head coach Bill Belichick was hired in 2000 to replace Pete Carroll, who went on to become the coach", "\"Jeff Hartings\"\nJeff Hartings Jeffrey Alan Hartings (born September 9, 1972) is a former American college and professional football player who was a center in the National Football League (NFL) for eleven seasons. He played college football for Penn State University, and earned all-American honors. A first-round pick of the Detroit Lions in the 1996 NFL Draft, he played professionally for the Lions and Pittsburgh Steelers. He was a member of the Steelers' Super Bowl championship team in 2005, beating the Seattle Seahawks, and he was a two-time Pro Bowl selection. He is Currently the head football coach at Worthington Christian High", "\"Joey Porter\"\nbackup, James Harrison (who would ultimately replace Porter in the starting lineup after Porter left Pittsburgh), would get his first NFL start in place of Porter. Porter had one of his best years in 2005 as his team went on to beat the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XL. He was named to the third Pro Bowl of his career and the second in two years. On the year, he tied a career-high with 10.5 sacks while adding 56 tackles, two interceptions and four forced fumbles. He recorded a sack in four of the team's first five games of the", "\"Ted Thompson\"\na scout for the Green Bay Packers. Thompson worked for the Packers through the 1999 season when former Packers' head coach Mike Holmgren recruited Thompson to join the Seattle Seahawks. During Thompson's time with the Packers as a scout, the Packers advanced to the playoffs six times, participating in two Super Bowls and winning Super Bowl XXXI. Thompson worked for the Seattle Seahawks as Vice President of Football Operations, also heading Seattle's scouting department and running the draft boards. He worked alongside former Packers and Seahawks coach Mike Holmgren, who was Seattle's GM at the time. During Thompson's tenure in", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\nsix plays worth 87 yards in 3:19, capped off with a 35-yard touchdown pass from Russell Wilson to Jermaine Kearse, who had been Wilson's intended target on all four of Seattle's interceptions. The final score was Seattle 28, Green Bay 22. Thus Seattle became the first defending champion since the 2004 New England Patriots to return to the Super Bowl the next season. They also became the first NFC team since the 1997 Green Bay Packers to repeat as NFC Champions, the first team to go to consecutive Super Bowls as the #1 seed in the playoffs since the 1990–1991", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\nquarterback John Elway 31-7. The next week at the Miami Orange Bowl the Seahawks beat the Miami Dolphins in a dramatic fashion, coming from behind, driving 66 yards in 5 plays, ending with a dramatic Curt Warner TD run. Seattle then recovered a fumble on Miami's kick return to seal the 27-20 victory, defeating an up-and-coming rookie quarterback Dan Marino. The Seahawks' miracle season ended in the AFC Championship Game as they lost to the eventual Super Bowl XVIII champion Los Angeles Raiders 30-14. Despite the 1983 season ending on a sour note, it was the first breakthrough season for", "\"Tom Sifferman\"\nTom Sifferman Tom Sifferman (born September 27, 1943) is an American football official in the National Football League (NFL) since the 1986 NFL season. Sifferman is notable for being the only official in NFL history assigned to three consecutive Super Bowls, which include Super Bowl XXXVII in 2003, Super Bowl XXXVIII in 2004, and Super Bowl XXXIX in 2005. He served as a field judge and wore uniform number 118. Sifferman is now a Replay Official, a duty he performed at Super Bowl LI. Sifferman is a native of Seattle, Washington and is a 1961 graduate of Seattle Preparatory School.", "\"Super Bowl XXXIX\"\n13-3 record, when they beat the Falcons and Vikings in the reverse order that they did in the 2004-05 playoffs. They exacted revenge on New England in Super Bowl LII, edging them 41–33. This is the last time that a team has won back-to-back Super Bowls, with the Patriots losing their second playoff game a year later and then, for the next eight years, every team either losing their first playoff game or missing them altogether. The streak was broken in 2014 when the Seahawks defeated the Panthers and ultimately advanced to the Super Bowl, only to lose to a", "\"Super Bowl XLIV\"\nSuper Bowl XLIV, which he ranked the fifth best, he had this to say: \"\"...coming as it did five years after New Orleans was flooded in Hurricane Katrina, the Saints' victory actually \"\"mattered\"\".\"\" The Saints finished the next season with an 11–5 record, but failed to defend their league title after they were eliminated by the Seattle Seahawks in the Wild Card playoff round. Super Bowl XLIV later became the subject of the wider New Orleans Saints bounty scandal, also known as \"\"Bountygate\"\", in which the NFL alleged in 2012 that several Saints defenders operated a slush fund that was", "\"2006 Oakland Raiders season\"\ninterception return. The Raiders move to 9–8 against the Steelers in regular season matchups. The Raiders are also now 4–2 (Since 2001) against opponents that were in the Super Bowl the previous season. Both losses came last year when they lost to the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles (both on the road). In 2004, the Raiders defeated the Super Bowl runner up Carolina Panthers in Carolina, defeated the Patriots at home in 2002 and beat the New York Giants at Giants Stadium in 2001. \"\"at Qwest Field, Seattle, Washington\"\" Hoping to continue building off of their two-game win", "\"Cedrick Wilson Sr.\"\nCedrick Wilson Sr. Cedrick Wilson Sr. (born December 17, 1978) is a former American football wide receiver in the National Football League (NFL). He was drafted by the San Francisco 49ers in the sixth round of the 2001 NFL Draft. He was picked up by the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2005. Wilson earned a Super Bowl ring with the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XL, beating the Seattle Seahawks. With that achievement, he became one of very few football players to earn a championship ring at all three levels of football - high school, college, and professional. Wilson played high school", "\"Cedrick Wilson Sr.\"\nwide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League. Cedrick Wilson Sr. Cedrick Wilson Sr. (born December 17, 1978) is a former American football wide receiver in the National Football League (NFL). He was drafted by the San Francisco 49ers in the sixth round of the 2001 NFL Draft. He was picked up by the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2005. Wilson earned a Super Bowl ring with the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XL, beating the Seattle Seahawks. With that achievement, he became one of very few football players to earn a championship ring at all three levels of", "\"Chris Maragos\"\nthe Seahawks secured the top playoff seed in the NFC with a conference-best 13-3 record. After a bye week, Seattle defeated the New Orleans Saints in the playoffs. The Seahawks then beat the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC Championship Game to advance to Super Bowl XLVIII. On February 2, 2014, Maragos and the Seahawks defeated the Denver Broncos 43–8 in the third-most lopsided Super Bowl in history. It was the most-watched program in the history of American television. On March 12, 2014, Maragos signed a three-year, $4 million contract with the Philadelphia Eagles. On December 6, 2015, his blocked", "\"Seattle Seahawks\"\nlosing 21–10 to the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XL, defeating the Denver Broncos 43–8 for their first championship in Super Bowl XLVIII, and losing 28–24 to the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX. As per one of the agreed parts of the 1970 AFL–NFL merger, the NFL began planning to expand from 26 to 28 teams. In June 1972, Seattle Professional Football Inc., a group of Seattle business and community leaders, announced its intention to acquire an NFL franchise for the city of Seattle. In June 1974, the NFL gave the city an expansion franchise. That December, NFL", "\"Super Bowl XLVIII\"\nmaking their second Super Bowl appearance in eight years. The Broncos were making their seventh Super Bowl appearance after also posting a 13–3 record. The game also featured the league's top offense (Denver) against the top defense (Seattle), the first time this occurred since Super Bowl XXXVII (2003). Seattle built a 22–0 halftime lead, and then a 36–0 advantage before allowing Denver's first and only score on the final play of the third quarter. The Seahawks defense scored a safety on the first play from scrimmage, the quickest score in Super Bowl history (coincidentally, the final play from scrimmage of", "\"Super Bowl XL\"\nHerndon's Super Bowl record 76-yard interception return set up a Seattle touchdown to cut the lead 14–10. But Pittsburgh responded with Antwaan Randle El's 43-yard touchdown pass to Hines Ward, the first time a wide receiver threw a touchdown pass in a Super Bowl, to clinch the game in the fourth quarter. Ward, who caught 5 passes for 123 yards and a touchdown, while also rushing for 18 yards, was named Super Bowl MVP. The officiating in Super Bowl XL however was met with criticism from members of the media soon after the game, leading NFL Films to rank it", "\"Super Bowl XL\"\nlast Super Bowl team, their Super Bowl XXX loss to the Dallas Cowboys following the 1995 season. (Defensive backs coach Darren Perry was also a player on the Super Bowl XXX team. Both were starters in that game.) Ironically, Williams, who was in his second stint with the Steelers at the time, played with Seattle from 1997–2003. He was inactive for Super Bowl XL, which, like Bettis, turned out to be his final NFL game before retiring that offseason. The chart below provides a comparison of regular season statistics in key categories (overall rank amongst 32 teams in parentheses). The", "\"Super Bowl XXXIII\"\nin Weeks 15 and 16, and won both games. The Falcons did not return to play in another Super Bowl until 2016, when they lost 28–34 to the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LI. The Broncos demolished the Miami Dolphins 38–3 and beat the New York Jets 23–10 in the playoffs. Meanwhile, the Falcons were victorious against the San Francisco 49ers, 20–18 and then upset the heavily favored 15-1 Minnesota Vikings on the road, 30–27 in overtime. This was the third Super Bowl in history that featured two teams with two losses or less. Both teams came into the", "\"Kyle Arrington\"\n2014, Arrington did not record an interception, but scored two touchdowns on special teams, returning a fumbled kickoff return 9 yards against Cincinnati and a blocked field goal 62 yards against Miami. Arrington earned a Super Bowl ring as the Patriots defeated the Seattle Seahawks 28-24 in Super Bowl XLIX. During that game, Arrington was benched and replaced by eventual Super Bowl hero Malcolm Butler. On May 11, 2015, Arrington was released by the Patriots. On May 13, 2015, Arrington signed a three-year contract with the Baltimore Ravens. He played in 15 games with four starts in 2015, recording 28", "\"Super Bowl XL\"\nthe Detroit community because the band did not represent the music of Detroit and no other artist from the area was included. The post-game presentation saw Bart Starr, the MVP of Super Bowls I and II, take the Vince Lombardi Trophy to the podium, whence it was presented to Steelers owner Dan Rooney. After the first four possessions of the Super Bowl XL ended with punts, Seahawks punt returner Peter Warrick gave his team good field position by returning Chris Gardocki's 37-yard punt 12 yards to Seattle's 49-yard line. Quarterback Matt Hasselbeck then started off the drive with a pair", "\"Shawne Merriman\"\ndefending Super Bowl champion New England Patriots and the 14–0 Indianapolis Colts On January 4, 2006, Merriman was awarded with The Associated Press Defensive Rookie of the Year award. He received 28 votes of a panel of 50 NFL sportswriters and broadcasters. He beat Seattle Seahawks linebacker Lofa Tatupu, who received 16 votes, Cincinnati linebacker Odell Thurman, with 4, and Dallas linebacker DeMarcus Ware, with one. On February 12, 2006, Merriman participated in the 2006 NFL Pro Bowl in Honolulu, Hawaii. Although in a losing effort, Merriman made 3 tackles and forced one fumble. \"\"I enjoyed myself the whole entire", "\"Colin Kaepernick\"\npassing yards, one passing touchdown, 15 rushing yards, and one rushing touchdown as the 49ers beat the Panthers 23-10. In the NFC Championship Game, against eventual Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks, Kaepernick had 153 passing yards, one passing touchdown, two interceptions and rushed for 130 yards as the 49ers lost to the Seahawks 17-23, ending the 49ers' season and attempt to return to the Super Bowl. On June 4, Kaepernick signed a six-year contract extension with the 49ers, worth up to $126 million, including $54 million in potential guarantees, and $13 million fully guaranteed. On September 17, Kaepernick was fined", "\"Dan Ross (American football)\"\n23, and Dan Jr., then 22. Ross's record 11 receptions in a Super Bowl was eventually shared by three other players: It was finally broken in Super Bowl XLVIII by Demaryius Thomas, who caught 13 passes. Ross' record of receiving yards in a Super Bowl (104) by a tight end has been tied once, by Vernon Davis in Super Bowl XLVII. Dan Ross (American football) Daniel R. Ross (February 9, 1957 – May 16, 2006) was a professional American football tight end who played for the Cincinnati Bengals (1979–1985), the Seattle Seahawks (1985), and the Green Bay Packers (1986). He", "\"2005 NFL season\"\nDivisional Playoff Round by the Denver Broncos, and eventually the NFL title was won by the Pittsburgh Steelers, who defeated the Seattle Seahawks 21–10 in Super Bowl XL at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan on February 5 for their fifth Super Bowl win. This also marked the first time that a sixth-seeded team, who by the nature of their seeding would play every game on the road, would advance to and win the Super Bowl. The season formally concluded with the Pro Bowl, the league’s all-star game, at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, Hawaii on February 12. This marked the final", "\"Super Bowl XXXI\"\nBowl XII, the Oakland Raiders defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 27–10 in Super Bowl XV, the Chicago Bears beat the New England Patriots 46–10 in Super Bowl XX, and the San Francisco 49ers beat the Denver Broncos 55–10 in Super Bowl XXIV. The Packers also became the first dark-colored team to win a Super Bowl indoors. Sources: Super Bowl XXXI, Super Bowl XXXI Play Finder GB, Super Bowl XXXI Play Finder NE Completions/attempts Carries Long gain Receptions Times targeted The following records were set in Super Bowl XXXI, according to the official boxscore, the 2016 NFL Record & Fact", "\"Tommy Maddox\"\nagainst the Ravens in the 2004 season, Maddox again became a backup quarterback to Steelers first-round draft pick Ben Roethlisberger. In this backup role, Maddox earned a Super Bowl ring when Pittsburgh won Super Bowl XL after the 2005 season, beating the Seattle Seahawks. The 2005 season was also his final season as a professional football player. After retiring from football, Maddox became a youth baseball coach in his native Dallas/Fort Worth area. Born in Shreveport, Louisiana, Maddox graduated from L. D. Bell High School at Hurst, Texas in 1990. At L. D. Bell, Maddox lettered in football, basketball, and", "\"Alan Roach\"\n2014 Olympic Winter Games hockey match between Team Russia and Team USA when TJ Oshie took the game-winning shot as the Americans beat the Russians on February 15, 2014. Roach also announced the gold medal win by the Canadians over Sweden, and the Swiss women's hockey team's first ever medal, a bronze, on February 22, 2014. Roach handled public address announcing duties for Super Bowls from 2006 - 2013, starting with Super Bowl XL in Detroit through Super Bowl XLVII in New Orleans, Louisiana. Fans did not get to hear Roach's voice during the 2014 Super Bowl, as the NFL", "\"Jesse Williams (American football)\"\nhe did not play a down during the season due to his injury, Williams became the first Australian to win a Super Bowl ring after Seattle's victory in Super Bowl XLVIII. On 1 August 2014, Williams was again placed on the injured reserve list for the 2014 season once again as the result of a knee injury. After not playing during the regular season for a second consecutive year due to injury, the Seahawks waived Williams on 6 March 2015. On 16 March 2015, Williams did an interview with \"\"The Courier-Mail\"\" in Brisbane, Australia. Williams said that he'd agreed to", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\nSeahawks won Super Bowl XLVIII by a final score of 43-8. The win marked the Seahawks' first Super Bowl Championship in franchise history. Russell Wilson finished with 206 passing yards and two touchdowns having won the Super Bowl in just his second year in the NFL, while the Seahawks defense logged four takeaways. Malcolm Smith was named Super Bowl MVP thanks in large part to his interception return and a fumble recovery in the second half. Upon returning to Seattle, the Seahawks, in true fashion, put together a parade to thank their fans (The 12th Man) and their city of", "\"Super Bowl XVIII\"\nby the Green Bay Packers in 1998 (won Super Bowl XXXI, lost Super Bowl XXXII), the Seattle Seahawks in 2015 (won Super Bowl XLVIII, lost Super Bowl XLIX), and the New England Patriots in 2018 (won Super Bowl LI, lost Super Bowl LII). Sources: Super Bowl XVIII, Super Bowl XVIII Play Finder LA, Super Bowl XVIII Play Finder Was Completions/attempts Carries Long gain Receptions Times targeted The following records were set in Super Bowl XVIII, according to the official boxscore, the 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book and the ProFootball game summary. <br>Some records have to meet", "\"Super Bowl XXXII\"\nXIII) and the Washington Redskins (won Super Bowl XVII, lost Super Bowl XVIII), and would be later joined by the Seattle Seahawks in 2015 (won Super Bowl XLVIII, lost Super Bowl XLIX) and the New England Patriots in 2018 (won Super Bowl LI, lost Super Bowl LII). Sources: Super Bowl XXXII, Super Bowl XXXII Play Finder Den, Super Bowl XXXII Play Finder GB Completions/attempts Carries Long gain Receptions Times targeted One new record was set and several were tied in Super Bowl XXXII, according to the official boxscore, the 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book and the ProFootball", "\"Panthers–Seahawks rivalry\"\nPanthers 34–14 and advancing to Super Bowl XL. The teams later met in the divisional rounds of the playoffs in 2014 and 2015, with the victor of each match eventually going on to represent the NFC in the Super Bowl. Panthers–Seahawks rivalry The Panthers-Seahawks rivalry is a National Football League (NFL) series between the Carolina Panthers and Seattle Seahawks. Both franchises have combined for 5 Super Bowl appearances, 23 playoff appearances, and 16 division championships (10 for Seattle and 6 for Carolina). Seattle leads the series 9–4, while matches between quarterbacks Russell Wilson and Cam Newton have drawn comparisons to", "\"Bill Walsh (American football coach)\"\ncoaches went on to be head coaches themselves, including George Seifert, Mike Holmgren, Ray Rhodes, and Dennis Green. After Walsh's retirement from the 49ers, Seifert succeeded him as 49ers head coach, and guided San Francisco to victories in Super Bowl XXIV and Super Bowl XXIX. Holmgren won a Super Bowl with the Green Bay Packers, and made 3 Super Bowl appearances as a head coach: 2 with the Packers, and another with the Seattle Seahawks. These coaches in turn have their own disciples who have used Walsh's West Coast system, such as former Washington Redskins head coach Mike Shanahan and", "\"Super Bowl XLIX\"\nSeahawks became the fourth defending Super Bowl champions to lose in the following year's title game, after the 1978 Dallas Cowboys, 1983 Washington Redskins and the 1997 Green Bay Packers. After finishing the previous season by defeating the Denver Broncos, 43–8, in Super Bowl XLVIII, Seattle completed the 2014 regular season with a 12–4 record. The Patriots, who also posted a 12–4 record, joined the Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers as one of the three teams to have made eight appearances in the Super Bowl. For the second straight season, but only the third time in the prior 21 seasons,", "\"Russell Okung\"\n2013, but the Seahawks finished the season 13-3. In the playoffs, the Seahawks beat both the New Orleans Saints and San Francisco 49ers to reach Super Bowl XLVIII. The Seahawks won the Super Bowl 43-8 after they beat the Denver Broncos to give Okung his first Super Bowl ring. Okung started 14 games in the 2014 season and help the Seahawks finish with a 12-4 record. The Seahawks beat both the Carolina Panthers and Green Bay Packers to reach Super Bowl XLIX. The Seahawks failed to repeat as Super Bowl champions after they lost 28–24 to the New England Patriots.", "\"Super Bowl XXXV\"\nthe record. Overall, both teams combined for only 396 total yards, the lowest in Super Bowl history. The Ravens joined Super Bowl XVIII's Los Angeles Raiders in the record books as the only teams to score offensive, defensive and special teams touchdowns in the same Super Bowl. The third team to do the same were the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XLVIII. Super Bowl XXXV was the second Super Bowl since 1975 in which the losing team failed to score at least 10 points, after Super Bowl XVIII. All the main contributors for the Ravens on offense, defense, and special", "\"Super Bowl XLIX\"\nknelt one more time and the Patriots were victorious. Brady completed 37 of 50 passes for 328 yards and four touchdowns, with two interceptions. His 37 completions set a new Super Bowl record, surpassing Peyton Manning's 34 set the previous year against Seattle in Super Bowl XLVIII. He also surpassed Joe Montana's record for career touchdown passes in Super Bowls, setting a new record with 13. His top receiver was Edelman, who caught 9 passes for 109 yards and a touchdown, while also rushing for seven yards and returning three punts for 27 additional yards. Vereen caught 11 passes for", "\"Super Bowl XLIII\"\nwas required to wear their team colored jerseys) and against the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XL despite being the \"\"home team\"\" that season but having road success in the playoffs. In addition, teams wearing white jerseys in the Super Bowl extended their winning streak to five games, dating back to Super Bowl XXXIX, currently the longest such streak between white and team colored jerseys in Super Bowl history. Pittsburgh also improved to 3–0 lifetime against NFC West teams in the Super Bowl, having previously beaten the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl XIV and the Seahawks in XL. Another", "\"Rick Tuten\"\npoints of his career. Tuten also received a ring as a member of the St. Louis Rams' Super Bowl XXXIV championship team. However, he did not play in the game itself due to injury. In 1998, while with the Seattle Seahawks, he won the designation as the league's strongest man pound-for-pound in FLEX magazine. On June 13, 2017, Tuten died while on vacation in Costa Rica. Rick Tuten Richard Lamar Tuten (January 5, 1965 – June 13, 2017) was an American football punter in the National Football League who played most of his career with the Seattle Seahawks. He punted", "\"2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season\"\n2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season The 2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season was the franchise’s 27th season in the National Football League and was their most successful season in franchise history as they won Super Bowl XXXVII. The season began with the team trying to improve on a 9–7 season and did so with a franchise-best 12–4 record. It was Jon Gruden’s first season as the Buccaneers head coach. They won the Super Bowl for the first time in the team’s history, beating the Oakland Raiders 48–21. To date, this is Tampa Bay’s only Super Bowl appearance: they are along with", "\"Super Bowl 50\"\nin Super Bowl XXXII, Denver wore blue jerseys, which was their primary color at the time. They also lost Super Bowl XXI when they wore white jerseys, but they are 0–4 in Super Bowls when wearing orange jerseys, losing in Super Bowl XII, XXII, XXIV, and XLVIII. The only other AFC champion team to have worn white as the designated home team in the Super Bowl was the Pittsburgh Steelers; they defeated the Seattle Seahawks 21–10 in Super Bowl XL 10 seasons prior. The Broncos' decision to wear white meant the Panthers would wear their standard home uniform: black jerseys", "\"2002 San Diego Chargers season\"\n2002 San Diego Chargers season The 2002 San Diego Chargers season began with the team trying to improve on their 5–11 record in 2001. It was Marty Schottenheimer's first season as the team's head coach. Their stadium, Qualcomm Stadium, hosted Super Bowl XXXVII at the end of the season, but the Chargers' failure to secure a playoff berth marked the 18th straight time that the Super Bowl did not include the team in whose region the game was being played. Their division was reduced to four teams at the start of the season with the Seattle Seahawks moving to the", "\"Greg Schorp\"\nSeattle Seahawks, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Dallas Cowboys, with which he had two stints, and was given a Super Bowl XXX championship ring in 1996. As a member of the team's practice squad; Greg was given a Super Bowl ring, as were members of the teams office staff and various employees of the organization. He is, to date, the last tight end to earn first-team all-conference honors for the Aggies. Greg Schorp Greg Schorp is a former tight end for Texas A&M University who went on to play professionally for the NFL's Dallas Cowboys, Seattle Seahawks, and Jacksonville Jaguars. Schorp won", "\"Super Bowl 50\"\ntheir own Doritos ads for a chance to have it aired during the game. Nintendo and The Pokémon Company also made their Super Bowl debut, Hyundai placed in both first and fifth place respectively on \"\"USA Today\"\"s Super Bowl Ad Meter survey, with their ads \"\"First Date\"\" (for the Hyundai Genesis) and \"\"Ryanville\"\" (for the 2017 Hyundai Elantra). First-time advertisers at Super Bowl 50 included, Colgate toothpaste, Death Wish Coffee (who beat 10 other small businesses in a contest held by Intuit, who paid for the ad time as a prize), LG Electronics, Marmot, Nintendo (promoting the 20th anniversary", "\"Super Bowl XXXIX\"\nof four years. The Patriots' Super Bowl win was the third championship for Boston-area sports teams in 12 months, following the Patriots winning Super Bowl XXXVIII the year before and the Red Sox winning the World Series–first in 86 years–three months earlier. This marked the first time since 1989–1990 in the San Francisco Bay Area that the same market has had 2 Super Bowl and World Series winners in 12 months. The Patriots would later appear in Super Bowl XLII and Super Bowl XLVI, losing both to Eli Manning's New York Giants, before winning Super Bowl XLIX against the Seattle", "\"Super Bowl XL\"\nthe U.S. automotive industry. In a related note, Roger Penske, owner of a car dealership, racing team, and other related companies, headed the Super Bowl XL host committee. This was the first Super Bowl to be played on the newer FieldTurf surface; each of the previous Super Bowls had been played either on natural grass or on the first-generation AstroTurf. The Seahawks became the first team to have their full team name painted in their end zone for a Super Bowl, as their geographic location name (Seattle) was painted above the team nickname (Seahawks). In Super Bowl XLIII, the Arizona", "\"Jamie Sharper\"\nin that period with 301. After the 2004 season he signed with the Seattle Seahawks for one season, helping the team reach their first Super Bowl. Sharper then retired after one season with Seattle due to a knee injury. During his 9-year career Sharper only missed 8 games, and did not miss a game until his final season, playing in 136 straight games. Jamie Sharper Harry James Sharper, Jr. (born November 23, 1974) is a former American football player who played in the NFL from 1997 through 2005. He played college football at the University of Virginia. He is the", "\"Jim Harbaugh\"\n3, Harbaugh faced his older brother, John Harbaugh and the Ravens in the Super Bowl. It was the first time that the opposing teams' head coaches in the Super Bowl were brothers; the Ravens won the game with a score of 34–31 despite a third quarter comeback by the 49ers. In the 2013 season, Jim Harbaugh led his team to a 12–4 regular-season record and a third consecutive appearance both in the playoffs and NFC title game where they lost to the Seattle Seahawks, who went on to win the Super Bowl. In doing so, Harbaugh became the first NFL", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\nfinal minute. With 36 seconds left to play, however, Kaepernick's throw to receiver Michael Crabtree in the end zone was deflected by Sherman into the hands of Malcolm Smith, securing the victory for the Seahawks in a play that has since gone down in Seahawks lore as \"\"The Tip\"\". The Seahawks won by a final score of 23-17, sending the Seahawks to Super Bowl XLVIII as the NFC representative, their second trip to the Super Bowl in franchise history. On February 2, 2014, the Seahawks played in Super Bowl XLVIII against the Denver Broncos, pitting the league's #1 defense (Seattle)", "\"Super Bowl XLIX\"\nand not allowed any touchdowns in the previous 10 quarters. Their defense ranked first in the NFL in fewest points allowed (254) and their offense was tied at first in rushing yards (2,762). The Seahawks defeated the Carolina Panthers 31–17 in the NFC Divisional playoffs, and then defeated the Green Bay Packers 28–22 in overtime in the NFC Championship Game. Seattle became the first NFC team to advance to consecutive Super Bowls since the 1996–97 Packers in Super Bowls XXXI and XXXII. Quarterback Russell Wilson was back in control of the Seattle offense, completing 63.1 percent of his passes for", "\"Caylin Hauptmann\"\nseason. In 2015, Hauptmann signed with the New England Patriots. Hauptmann won his second straight Super Bowl when the Patriots defeated his old team Seattle Seahawks 28–24 in Super Bowl XLIX. On August 2, 2016, Hauptmann signed with the Buccaneers. On August 6, 2016, Hauptmann was waived by the team. Caylin Hauptmann Caylin Hauptmann (born July 10, 1991) is an American football offensive lineman who is currently a free agent. He signed with the Cleveland Browns as an undrafted free agent in 2013. He was signed to the Seattle Seahawks in September 2013. Hauptmann was born in Los Angeles, California.", "\"Million Dollar Game\"\nthe 2002 season and led the Steelers into the playoffs. That performance earned NFL Comeback Player of the Year honors. Maddox lost his starting job to Ben Roethlisberger in 2004, and was released in 2006, however still became the first former XFL player to be a part of a Super Bowl champion after the Steelers won Super Bowl XL over the Seattle Seahawks. Cortez, however, did not enjoy the degree of success Maddox has. Although he scored over 100 points in the 2001 and 2002 NFL seasons, he was mostly a journeyman, called in to fill in for a team's", "\"2013 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nBuffalo Bills to not have any players on the roster have experience in a Super Bowl. It was Seattle's first major championship in 35 years since the 1979 Seattle SuperSonics. Linebacker Malcolm Smith would end up earning the Super Bowl MVP award for his 69-yard interception, 1 fumble recovery, and 6 tackles. 2013 Seattle Seahawks season The 2013 Seattle Seahawks season was the franchise's 38th season in the National Football League, and the fourth under head coach Pete Carroll. With the Seahawks 10th win only eleven weeks into the season, the team secured double digit victories in consecutive seasons for", "\"Who Dat?\"\nthe Minnesota Vikings in the Superdome, fans from all across New Orleans, including fans who were exiting the game, started a Mardi Gras-style \"\"Who Dat\"\" on Bourbon Street with modified lyrics, chanting, \"\"Who Dat, Who Dat, Who Dat in the Super Bowl!\"\" in reference to the Saints advancing to the Super Bowl for the first time ever in their 43-year history. In Super Bowl XLIV, on February 7, 2010, the Saints beat the Indianapolis Colts 31-17. \"\"Drew Dat\"\" has occasionally been used in honor of quarterback Drew Brees. In recent years the phrase \"\"Who Dat Nation\"\" has become a popular", "\"Super Bowl XXVI\"\ncatches for 114 yards and a touchdown and Monk added seven for 113 yards (Clark and Monk became the third pair of teammates to each have 100 yards receiving in a Super Bowl; they joined the Steelers' John Stallworth and Lynn Swann, who did it in Super Bowl XIII and the Bengals' Cris Collinsworth and Dan Ross, who did it in Super Bowl XVI). Ervins was the top rusher of the game with 72 yards. Byner recorded 49 rushing yards, and 3 receptions for 24 yards and a touchdown. On defense, Edwards recorded four tackles, broke up five passes, and", "\"1979 NBA Finals\"\nthe Miami Heat in 5 games. The city of Seattle did not win another men's professional sports championship until the National Football League's Seahawks defeated the Denver Broncos in Super Bowl XLVIII on 2 February 2014. The next time Seattle played Washington for a championship was in the 2018 WNBA Finals, when the Seattle Storm swept the Washington Mystics in 3 games to win their third overall championship. Coincidentally, as of the Seattle Mariners and Washington Nationals are the only two Major League Baseball franchises that have never played in a World Series. 1979 NBA Finals The 1979 NBA World", "\"Super Bowl XXVI\"\nThis was the first time that a major television network successfully scheduled Super Bowl counterprogramming: Fox aired a special live football-themed episode of its popular sketch comedy show \"\"In Living Color\"\" during the halftime show. NFL owners voted to award Super Bowl XXVI to Minneapolis during their May 24, 1989 meeting in New Orleans. Indianapolis, Pontiac and Seattle also made bids for the game. Super Bowl XXVI became the second Super Bowl to be played in a cold, winter climate city. The first one was Super Bowl XVI on January 24, 1982 at the Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan, a suburb", "\"Super Bowl XXXV\"\nbeen named Super Bowl MVP: Tampa Bay Buccaneers safety Dexter Jackson in Super Bowl XXXVII, Seattle Seahawks linebacker Malcolm Smith in Super Bowl XLVIII, and Denver Broncos linebacker Von Miller in Super Bowl 50). Jamal Lewis was the top rusher of the game, Jermaine Lewis notched 145 yards and a touchdown on special teams. In addition, the Ravens defense was coached by Marvin Lewis. The Ravens defense has since been considered among the greatest of all time. The Ravens defense became the third to shut-out their opponent in Super Bowl history; the Giants' only points came on a kickoff return.", "\"Super Bowl XLVIII\"\nSuper Bowl XLVIII Super Bowl XLVIII was an American football game between the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos and National Football Conference (NFC) champion Seattle Seahawks to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2013 season. The Seahawks defeated the Broncos 43–8, the largest margin of victory for an underdog and tied for the third largest point differential overall (35) in Super Bowl history with Super Bowl XXVII (1993). It was the first time the winning team scored over 40 points, while holding their opponent to under 10. This became the first Super Bowl victory for", "\"John Schneider (American football executive)\"\nroster transactions, including trading for Marshawn Lynch. On February 2, 2014, the Seahawks won Super Bowl XLVIII, their first championship in their existence. Of those on the championship roster, only Max Unger, Red Bryant, Jon Ryan and Brandon Mebane were Seahawks prior to Schneider's arrival in Seattle. Schneider and Seattle followed their Super Bowl win with another NFC Championship, but lost to New England in Super Bowl XLIX. In 2015, the Seahawks clinched a wild card berth, but fell in the NFC Divisional Round to the Panthers. Schneider signed a 5-year contract extension with the Seahawks in July 2016 that", "\"Super Bowl XL\"\nSeahawks became the first team to advance to the Super Bowl without playing a division champion in the playoffs (later matched by the Colts in 2009, Steelers in 2010, and the Seahawks again in 2013, with the 2013 Seahawks being the only one of the four to win the Super Bowl). Off a first-round bye, Seattle defeated the sixth-seeded Washington Redskins, 20–10, before eliminating the fifth-seeded Carolina Panthers, 34–14, in the NFC Championship Game. These were Seattle's first playoff victories since the 1984 season when they defeated the Los Angeles Raiders 13–7, when the team was still in the AFC", "\"Peter McLoughlin\"\nModa Center, while serving as an Alternate Governor for the Trail Blazers and representing the franchise at NBA owners meetings. In 2016, McLoughlin’s seventh season with Seattle, the Seahawks reached the playoffs for the fifth-consecutive year while finishing the season with 122-consecutive sellouts. The Seahawks won their first NFL title in Super Bowl XLVIII, defeating the Denver Broncos, 43–8. In 2014, Seattle reached the Super Bowl for the second-consecutive season as the Seahawks faced the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX. In September 2018, left the position on amicable terms, being succeeded by Chuck Arnold. McLoughlin graduated from Deerfield", "\"History of the Green Bay Packers\"\nhome games while Dallas had gone undefeated in away games. Green Bay defeated Dallas 26-21 to advance to the NFC Championship, where they faced the defending Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks. After leading throughout most of regulation they lost 28-22 in a historic overtime rally by Seattle, who came up short in their bid for a second consecutive league title when they lost to the New England Patriots 28-24 in Super Bowl XLIX two weeks later. In 2015, the Packers lost wide receiver Jordy Nelson to a torn ACL in the preseason. The Packers got off to a 6-0 start,", "\"Carolina Panthers\"\nNFC Championship Game. They did not have another winning season until 2003, when they won the NFC Championship Game and reached Super Bowl XXXVIII, losing 32–29 to the New England Patriots. After recording playoff appearances in 2005 and 2008, the team failed to record another playoff appearance until 2013, the first of three consecutive NFC South titles. After losing in the divisional round to the San Francisco 49ers in 2013 and the Seattle Seahawks in 2014, the Panthers returned to the Super Bowl in 2015, but lost to the Denver Broncos. The Panthers have reached the playoffs seven times, advancing", "\"Paul Allen\"\nTimes\"\" about Allen's decision to buy the team, \"\"I'm not sure anybody else in this community would have done what [Allen] did.\"\" The Seahawks are valued at $1.33 billion in August 2014 by \"\"Forbes\"\", which says the team has \"\"one of the most rabid fan bases in the NFL\"\". Under the helm of Allen, the Seahawks went to the Super Bowl three times winning Super Bowl XLVIII and three NFC Championships (2005, 2013, 2014). Allen's Vulcan Sports & Entertainment is part of the ownership team of the Seattle Sounders FC, a Major League Soccer (MLS) franchise that began play in", "\"Super Bowl XLIX\"\nrepeat winner (with the last one being the Patriots in Super Bowl XXXIX). In a poll conducted by a couple of months after the game, Super Bowl XLIX was voted by its readers as the \"\"greatest Super Bowl game\"\" of all time. The article does report that the voting was structured to try to account for \"\"recency bias\"\" in relation to the game at the time when the poll was conducted, but voters still \"\"pushed it through the competition\"\". Most lists of greatest Super Bowls continue to list it in the top few games. After the game, Seattle faced", "\"Super Bowl XXVII\"\nand dominate Dallas' young defense. Finally, Jimmy Johnson was looking to become the first head coach to win a college football national championship (University of Miami in 1987) and a Super Bowl. As of today, Johnson, Cowboys' successor Barry Switzer, and current Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll remain the only coaches ever to achieve this goal. This became last of five Super Bowl games played at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Two other Super Bowl games were played nearby at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. As previously mentioned, this would be the seventh and final (to date) Super Bowl", "\"Jerome Bettis\"\ncampaign visit to the US Steel plant in Braddock, Pennsylvania. Jerome Bettis Jerome Abram Bettis Sr. (born February 16, 1972), nicknamed The Bus, is a former American football halfback who played for the Los Angeles Rams/St. Louis Rams and Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL). Bettis is seventh on the list of NFL rushing yards leaders. He retired in 2006 after the Steelers won Super Bowl XL in his native Detroit, Michigan, beating the Seattle Seahawks. Bettis was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2015. Bettis was born February 16, 1972, in Detroit, Michigan. He", "\"Jerome Bettis\"\nJerome Bettis Jerome Abram Bettis Sr. (born February 16, 1972), nicknamed The Bus, is a former American football halfback who played for the Los Angeles Rams/St. Louis Rams and Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL). Bettis is seventh on the list of NFL rushing yards leaders. He retired in 2006 after the Steelers won Super Bowl XL in his native Detroit, Michigan, beating the Seattle Seahawks. Bettis was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2015. Bettis was born February 16, 1972, in Detroit, Michigan. He is the oldest of three children of Gladys Elizabeth (née", "\"2005 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nthe calls made by the officials.\"\" The game ended a playoffs season that was plagued by complaints about officiating. On August 6, 2010, while visiting the Seahawks' preseason training camp for an annual rules interpretation session with the Seattle media, head official Bill Leavy brought up Super Bowl XL without being asked, while admitting to having blown calls: 2005 Seattle Seahawks season The 2005 Seattle Seahawks season saw them win a conference championship for the first time in the team's history. They were the NFC representative in Super Bowl XL, a game they lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Seahawks", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\nthe second consecutive season and a final regular season record of 12-4, tied with the Packers and Cowboys for best in the NFC. Due to tiebreakers (Seattle had the best record in inter-conference games out of the three), Seattle clinched the #1 seed in the NFC playoffs for the 2nd consecutive season. They were the first team in either conference to repeat as their conference's #1 seed since the 2013 Denver Broncos did it and the first NFC team to do it since the 2004 Philadelphia Eagles. As the Seahawks were the defending Super Bowl champions, this marked the first", "\"Super Bowl XL\"\nin 1999. He became the fifth coach to take two franchises to the Super Bowl. Joe Jurevicius became the sixth player to play in a Super Bowl with three teams. Behind running back Shaun Alexander, Seattle finished the 2005 season as the league's top offense, scoring 452 points. Meanwhile, quarterback Matt Hasselbeck completed 65.5 percent of his passes for 3,455 yards and 24 touchdowns (against just nine interceptions) and added 124 yards and one touchdown on the ground. Alexander, who had scored at least 16 touchdowns in each of the previous four seasons, had the best campaign of his career," ]
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what is the american indian name for mount rushmore
[ "The Six Grandfathers" ]
[ "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nthe American Indian leader as a response to Mount Rushmore. Upon completion, it will be larger than Mount Rushmore and has the support of Lakota chiefs. The Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation has rejected offers of federal funds, but it is the subject of controversy, even among Indian tribes. Because of its fame as a monument, Mount Rushmore has been depicted in multiple places in popular culture. It is often depicted as a cover for a secret location; shown with faces removed or modified (as in \"\"Superman II\"\"), or added; or parodied. Trey Parker and Matt Stone used the location as", "\"Corwin Clairmont\"\nunderpasses and one wildlife overpass.\"\" In 1993 Clairmont created \"\"Paha Sapa\"\", the Lakota word for the Black Hills, and the location of Mount Rushmore. In \"\"Paha Sapa\"\" Clairmont created life-sized silhouettes of two families, one Indian and one Euroamerican. The silhouetted family members wear reflective sunglasses, with the Euroamerican sunglasses reflecting the presidential images on Mount Rushmore. In contrast, the Indian family sunglasses show four skulls, making a powerful statement about the history of genocide towards indigenous peoples, and simultaneously raising the question of what this largest of all Presidential memorials is actually showing us—do we see the gigantic faces", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nstill disputed on the basis of the 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie (see section \"\"Controversy\"\" below). Among American settlers, the peak was known variously as Cougar Mountain, Sugarloaf Mountain, Slaughterhouse Mountain, and Keystone Cliffs. It was named Mount Rushmore during a prospecting expedition by Charles Rushmore, David Swanzey (husband of Carrie Ingalls), and Bill Challis. Historian Doane Robinson conceived the idea for Mount Rushmore in 1923 to promote tourism in South Dakota. In 1924, Robinson persuaded sculptor Gutzon Borglum to travel to the Black Hills region to ensure the carving could be accomplished. Borglum had been involved in sculpting the", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nBlack Hills region of South Dakota in order to promote tourism in the region. His initial idea was to sculpt the Needles; however, Gutzon Borglum rejected the Needles because of the poor quality of the granite and strong opposition from American Indian groups. They settled on Mount Rushmore, which also has the advantage of facing southeast for maximum sun exposure. Robinson wanted it to feature American West heroes such as Lewis and Clark, Red Cloud, and Buffalo Bill Cody, but Borglum decided that the sculpture should have broader appeal and chose the four presidents. Senator Peter Norbeck sponsored the project", "\"Charles E. Rushmore\"\nof the four presidents' heads on the mountain - the largest single contribution. The Memorial was dedicated by President Coolidge on August 10, 1927. Rushmore was also a member of the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. Mr. Rushmore was also a member of Kane Lodge No. 454, F&AM (NYC). Charles E. Rushmore Charles Edward Rushmore (December 2, 1857 – October 31, 1931) was an American businessman and attorney for whom Mount Rushmore is named. Born in New York City, he was the son of Edward Carman Rushmore and Mary Eliza (née Dunn) Rushmore, of Tuxedo Park, NY. He was married to", "\"Charles E. Rushmore\"\nbig game. One day, while accompanied by Ted Brockett of Keystone, South Dakota, Rushmore asked the name of the mountain and was told that it was Slaughterhouse Rock. Rushmore joked that his annual treks to the Hills had earned him the right to have the mountain named after himself. \"\"So just for the hell of it,\"\" Urbanek claimed, the locals started calling the hill Mount Rushmore. Whatever the precise story, the United States Board of Geographic Names officially recognized the name \"\"Mount Rushmore\"\" in June 1930. Forty years after the initial 1885 naming, Rushmore donated $5000 towards Gutzon Borglum's sculpture", "\"Charles E. Rushmore\"\nCharles E. Rushmore Charles Edward Rushmore (December 2, 1857 – October 31, 1931) was an American businessman and attorney for whom Mount Rushmore is named. Born in New York City, he was the son of Edward Carman Rushmore and Mary Eliza (née Dunn) Rushmore, of Tuxedo Park, NY. He was married to the former Jeanette E. Carpenter. In 1883, a tin mine, the Etta, was opened, which caused excitement among Eastern investors. In 1885 Rushmore was in the Black Hills of South Dakota to check the titles to properties for an eastern mining company owned by James Wilson. Although an", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nto an accuracy of three millimeters. The site was digitally recorded in 2009 using a terrestrial laser scanning method as part of the international Scottish Ten project, providing a high resolution record to aid the conservation of the site. This data was made publicly accessible online. The Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868) had granted the Black Hills to the Lakota people in perpetuity, but the United States took the area from the tribe after the Great Sioux War of 1876. Members of the American Indian Movement led an occupation of the monument in 1971, naming it \"\"Mount Crazy Horse\"\", and", "Pan-Indianism\nin the history of American Indians\"\" and other members of the NIYC considered the protesting to be \"\"the greatest Indian victory of modern day.\"\" In August 1970 and in June 1971, two separate occupations of Mount Rushmore occurred. These were efforts to reclaim the Black Hills and to insist that the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 be honored and recognized by the United States of America. In November 1972, the Trail of Broken Treaties Caravan occurred. This involved the American Indian Movement, the National Indian Brotherhood (a Canadian organization), the Native American Rights Fund, the National Indian Youth Council, the", "\"Mount Rushmore in popular culture\"\nyears and thus be one of the longest-lasting human artifacts. Because of this enduring structure, it has appeared in some science fiction set in the distant future: In addition to in \"\"Pilotwings 64\"\", Mount Rushmore also appears: American composer Michael Daugherty's 2010 piece for chorus and orchestra, \"\"Mount Rushmore,\"\" depicts each of the four presidents in separate movements. The piece sets texts by George Washington, William Billings, Thomas Jefferson, Maria Cosway, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. Alice Cooper references Mount Rushmore in his album DaDa on the song \"\"I love America\"\" with the words, \"\"I love that mountain with those", "\"Native American self-determination\"\nIndians and Alaska Natives. A renewal of Indian activism since the 1960s saw the rise of a new generation of leaders. Public protests created publicity for their cause, such as the occupation of Alcatraz and Mount Rushmore, the Wounded Knee Incident, and other examples of American Indians uniting to change their relationship with the United States government. Strong Indian leaders traveled across America to try to add unification to the Indian cause. The leaders arose in different fields, starting independent newspapers, promoting educational independence, working to reclaim lands, and to enforce treaty rights. Another campaign occurred in the Pacific Northwest", "KILI\nAmerican Indian issues, entitled \"\"Native America Calling\"\". KILI KILI (90.1 FM), licensed to Porcupine, South Dakota, is a non-profit radio station broadcasting to the Lakota people on the Pine Ridge, Cheyenne River, and Rosebud Indian Reservations, part of the Great Sioux Nation. The station started broadcasting in 1983 as the first American Indian-owned radio station in the United States. Owned and operated by Lakota Communications, KILI serves 30,000 people on the three reservations, along with the large American Indian urban community in Rapid City, using a translator in the Mount Rushmore State's second-largest city. It seeks to preserve Native American", "\"Lincoln Borglum\"\nLincoln Borglum James Lincoln de la Mothe Borglum (April 9, 1912 – January 27, 1986) was an American sculptor, photographer, author and engineer; he was best known for overseeing the completion of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial after the death in 1941 of the project's leader, his father, Gutzon Borglum. One of his best-known works, a bust of his father, is on display outside the \"\"Lincoln Borglum Visitors Center\"\" at Mount Rushmore. Named after his father's favorite president, Abraham Lincoln, and called by his middle name, Lincoln Borglum was the first child of Gutzon Borglum and his second wife, Mary", "\"Lincoln Borglum\"\nLincoln Borglum James Lincoln de la Mothe Borglum (April 9, 1912 – January 27, 1986) was an American sculptor, photographer, author and engineer; he was best known for overseeing the completion of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial after the death in 1941 of the project's leader, his father, Gutzon Borglum. One of his best-known works, a bust of his father, is on display outside the \"\"Lincoln Borglum Visitors Center\"\" at Mount Rushmore. Named after his father's favorite president, Abraham Lincoln, and called by his middle name, Lincoln Borglum was the first child of Gutzon Borglum and his second wife, Mary", "\"Russell Means\"\nthe Puritans' and United States' mistreatment of Native Americans. In 1971 Means was one of the leaders of AIM's takeover of Mount Rushmore, a federal monument. Rushmore is within the Black Hills, an area sacred to the Lakota tribe. In November 1972, he participated in AIM's occupation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) headquarters in Washington, D.C. to protest abuses. Many records were taken or destroyed, and more than $2 million in damages was done to the building. In 1973, Dennis Banks and Carter Camp led AIM's occupation of Wounded Knee, which became the group's most well-known action. Means", "\"Mount Rushmore in popular culture\"\nRich family has their own version of Mount Rushmore, named Mount Richmore in the movie, built on their property with their own faces sculpted into it. It becomes the setting for the film's finale, echoing the finale of \"\"North by Northwest\"\". The WWE had their own version of Mount Rushmore consisting of the best wrestlers in the company's history. The ones sculpted into the mountain are The Undertaker, Steve Austin, John Cena, and Hulk Hogan. The memorial was famously used as the location of the climactic chase scene in Alfred Hitchcock's 1959 movie \"\"North by Northwest\"\". The scene was developed", "\"Skins (2002 film)\"\nU.S. 7th Cavalry were killed during what has now been named the Wounded Knee Massacre. Mogie and Rudy tell the story of Wounded Knee over dinner with Herbie and Aunt Helen. “At that time, all Indian religious ceremonies were banned because [white soldiers] were afraid of them” Rudy tells Herbie. It is obvious through Mogie’s anger during the story that the injustice of the Wounded Knee Massacre still haunts him. Through the rest of the film, Mogie’s satirical humor makes it clear that the white man’s power still looms over Pine Ridge through the faces of Mount Rushmore that ironically", "KILI\nKILI KILI (90.1 FM), licensed to Porcupine, South Dakota, is a non-profit radio station broadcasting to the Lakota people on the Pine Ridge, Cheyenne River, and Rosebud Indian Reservations, part of the Great Sioux Nation. The station started broadcasting in 1983 as the first American Indian-owned radio station in the United States. Owned and operated by Lakota Communications, KILI serves 30,000 people on the three reservations, along with the large American Indian urban community in Rapid City, using a translator in the Mount Rushmore State's second-largest city. It seeks to preserve Native American culture and instill pride in the peoples'", "\"National Treasure: Book of Secrets\"\nand commissioned Gutzon Borglum to carve Mount Rushmore to erase the map's landmarks in order to protect the treasure. However, FBI Agent Sadusky tracks Ben to the Library, and the three narrowly escape capture. Ben, Riley, Abigail, and Patrick then head to Mount Rushmore, where they meet Mitch, who has kidnapped Emily. Mitch helps them find the entrance of a cave containing the legendary Native American city of gold, Cíbola. Once inside, they encounter several traps and everyone gets separated. Eventually, they find the city of solid gold underneath Mount Rushmore and it begins flooding with water. In order to", "\"Luigi Del Bianco\"\nhome country, eventually returning to Vermont in 1920. Bianco's brother-in-law introduced him to Mount Rushmore designer Gutzon Borglum, and Bianco began working at Borglum's studio. In 1933, Borglum hired Bianco as chief stone carver on the Mount Rushmore National Memorial. Paid $1.50 an hour, Bianco was charged with carving the detail in the faces. He carved Lincoln's eyes, and patched a crack in Jefferson's lip, saving the sculpture. Luigi Del Bianco Luigi Del Bianco (May 8, 1892 - January 20, 1969) was a French-born Italian-American sculptor, and chief carver of Mount Rushmore. Bianco was born on a ship near La", "\"Rushmore Memorial Library\"\nRushmore Memorial Library The Rushmore Memorial Library, also known as the Rushmore Memorial Building, is located at the junction of NY 32 and Weygant Hill Road in Highland Mills, New York, United States. It is a small Arts and Crafts-style stone building constructed in the 1920s with a donation from Charles E. Rushmore, a local resident for whom Mount Rushmore is also named. It served as the Town of Woodbury public library until the mid-1980s, when a larger modern library was built. Today it is the headquarters of the town historical society. It was listed on the National Register of", "\"Mount Rushmore in popular culture\"\nfour big heads.\"\" Adam Young composed a score in based on the shrine called \"\"Mount Rushmore.\"\" It was released November 1, 2016. Mount Rushmore in popular culture Because of its fame as a monument, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota has appeared frequently in works of fiction, and has been discussed or depicted in other popular works. Several films and other media depict Mount Rushmore as a secret base of operations for the government or another clandestine group, or as having some comparable significance other than as a monument. In the early 1980s television series, \"\"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century\"\",", "\"Rushmore Memorial Library\"\nthe National Register, but both applications failed. In 2008, with help from New York's Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, they were successful. Rushmore Memorial Library The Rushmore Memorial Library, also known as the Rushmore Memorial Building, is located at the junction of NY 32 and Weygant Hill Road in Highland Mills, New York, United States. It is a small Arts and Crafts-style stone building constructed in the 1920s with a donation from Charles E. Rushmore, a local resident for whom Mount Rushmore is also named. It served as the Town of Woodbury public library until the mid-1980s, when", "\"Skins (2002 film)\"\nThe Pine Ridge Reservation is in the shadow of Mount Rushmore, a gigantic monolith of American expansion and the desecration of sacred tribal grounds. America's founding fathers were carved into a mountain sacred to the Sioux, highlighting the lack of respect by Euro-American cultures for Native Americans. This theme becomes especially prevalent in the final scene, which takes place with Mount Rushmore hovering ominously in the background. Another aspect of western expansion explored in the film is the fact that the location of the Wounded Knee Massacre is located on the Pine Ridge Reservation. The mention of the massacre and", "\"USS Rushmore (LSD-47)\"\nUSS Rushmore (LSD-47) USS \"\"Rushmore\"\" (LSD-47) is a of the United States Navy. She was the second navy ship to be named for the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota. She is the seventh ship in her class of dock landing ships and the fourth ship in that class to serve in the United States Pacific Fleet. \"\"Rushmore\"\" was laid down on 9 November 1987, by the Avondale Shipyards, New Orleans; launched on 6 May 1989, sponsored by Mrs. Meredith Brokaw, wife of NBC News anchorman Tom Brokaw; and commissioned on 1 June 1991, at", "\"American Indian Movement\"\nin Boston. In 1971, members occupied Mount Rushmore for a few days, as it was created in the Black Hills of South Dakota, long sacred to the Lakota. This area was within the Great Sioux Reservation as created by the Treaty of Fort Laramie in 1868. After the discovery of gold, in 1874, the federal government took the land in 1877 and sold it for mining and settlement to European Americans. Native American activists in Milwaukee staged a takeover of an abandoned Coast Guard station along the Lake Michigan. The takeover was inspired by the 1969 Alcatraz occupation. Activists cited", "\"USS Rushmore (LSD-14)\"\nUSS Rushmore (LSD-14) USS \"\"Rushmore\"\" (LSD-14) was a \"\"Casa Grande\"\"-class dock landing ship of the United States Navy. She was named in honor of Mount Rushmore National Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The ship was originally authorized under the Lend-Lease Act as BAPM-6, the sixth of seven British Mechanized Artillery Transports. Reclassified a Landing Ship Dock, LSD-14, on 1 July 1942, the contract for LSD-14 was awarded to Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Virginia, on 10 September 1942. She was laid down on 31 December 1943, originally to be named HMS \"\"Sword\"\", and", "\"USS Rushmore (LSD-14)\"\ndock landing ship was finally sunk as a target on 16 April 1993. \"\"Rushmore\"\" earned three battle stars for World War II service. USS Rushmore (LSD-14) USS \"\"Rushmore\"\" (LSD-14) was a \"\"Casa Grande\"\"-class dock landing ship of the United States Navy. She was named in honor of Mount Rushmore National Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The ship was originally authorized under the Lend-Lease Act as BAPM-6, the sixth of seven British Mechanized Artillery Transports. Reclassified a Landing Ship Dock, LSD-14, on 1 July 1942, the contract for LSD-14 was awarded to Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock", "\"Mount Rushmore in popular culture\"\noperates as the Hotel Alex Johnson. The \"\"North by Northwest\"\" appearance has been parodied in several venues. In \"\"North by North Quahog\"\", a 2005 episode of the animated series \"\"Family Guy\"\", Mount Rushmore's forested plateau was the location of the villain's home, and characters Peter and Lois are chased down the monument by Mel Gibson. In \"\"Richie Rich\"\", the Rich family's imitation of Mount Rushmore becomes the setting for the film's finale, echoing the finale of \"\"North by Northwest\"\". Alan Weisman, in his book \"\"The World Without Us\"\", suggests that the Mount Rushmore memorial could last up to 7.2 million", "\"Mount Rushmore in popular culture\"\nMount Rushmore in popular culture Because of its fame as a monument, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota has appeared frequently in works of fiction, and has been discussed or depicted in other popular works. Several films and other media depict Mount Rushmore as a secret base of operations for the government or another clandestine group, or as having some comparable significance other than as a monument. In the early 1980s television series, \"\"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century\"\", a flashback sequence in the episode, \"\"Testimony of a Traitor\"\", shows Rogers meeting with the President of the United States in a", "\"Mount Rushmore in popular culture\"\nthe final battle with the Forever King. Another group shown as having a secret base inside the mountain is the \"\"All Purpose Enforcement Squad\"\" of \"\"Young Justice\"\", in the DC Universe series. The comic book superhero Mister Majestic, a character in the Wildstorm Productions universe, also had a secret base of operations inside Mount Rushmore, analogous to Superman's \"\"Fortress of Solitude\"\". In \"\"\"\", a 1981 animated movie jointly produced by Hanna-Barbera and Tsuburaya Productions, the heroic Ultra Force is headquartered within Mount Rushmore. Mount Rushmore was a primary location of interest in the plot of the 2007 film \"\"\"\" starring", "\"David Humphreys Miller\"\nof Fame. His other works included the mural commissions of Mount Rushmore, and at the Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina. His writings included the books \"\"Custer's Fall: The Indian Side of the Story\"\" (1957), and \"\"Ghost Dance\"\" (1959). David Humphreys Miller David Humphreys Miller (June 8, 1918 – August 21, 1992) was an American artist, author, and film advisor who specialized in the culture of the northern Plains Indians. He was most notable for painting his 72 portraits of the survivors of the Battle of the Little Bighorn. In addition to his portraiture, he was also featured as a technical advisor", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nConfederate Memorial Carving, a massive bas-relief memorial to Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia, but was in disagreement with the officials there. The original plan was to make the carvings in granite pillars known as the Needles. However, Borglum realized that the eroded Needles were too thin to support sculpting. He chose Mount Rushmore, a grander location, partly because it faced southeast and enjoyed maximum exposure to the sun. Borglum said upon seeing Mount Rushmore, \"\"America will march along that skyline.\"\" Congress authorized the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission on March 3, 1925. Between October 4, 1927, and October", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nselected Mount Rushmore as the site for several reasons. The rock of the mountain is composed of smooth, fine-grained granite. The durable granite erodes only every 10,000 years, thus was more than sturdy enough to support the sculpture and its long-term exposure. The mountain's height of above sea level made it suitable, and because it faces the southeast, the workers also had the advantage of sunlight for most of the day. The Mount Rushmore area is underlain by well drained alfisol soils of very gravelly loam (Mocmount) to silt loam (Buska) texture, brown to dark grayish brown. Mount Rushmore has", "\"Crazy Horse\"\nincomplete Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota, near the town of Berne. Like the nearby Mount Rushmore National Memorial, it is a monument carved out of a mountainside. The sculpture was begun by Polish-American sculptor Korczak Ziółkowski, who had worked under Gutzon Borglum on Mount Rushmore, in 1948. Plans call for the completed monument to be wide and high. Ziółkowski was inspired to create the Crazy Horse Memorial after receiving a letter from native Lakota chief Henry Standing Bear, who asked if Ziółkowski would be interested in creating a monument for the native North Americans to", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nMount Rushmore Mount Rushmore National Memorial is centered around a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills in Keystone, South Dakota. Sculptor Gutzon Borglum created the sculpture's design and oversaw the project's execution from 1927 to 1941 with the help of his son Lincoln Borglum. The sculptures feature the heads of Presidents George Washington (1732–1799), Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919), and Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865). The memorial park covers and is above sea level. South Dakota historian Doane Robinson is credited with conceiving the idea of carving the likenesses of famous people into the", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nreading Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore National Memorial is centered around a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills in Keystone, South Dakota. Sculptor Gutzon Borglum created the sculpture's design and oversaw the project's execution from 1927 to 1941 with the help of his son Lincoln Borglum. The sculptures feature the heads of Presidents George Washington (1732–1799), Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919), and Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865). The memorial park covers and is above sea level. South Dakota historian Doane Robinson is credited with conceiving the idea of carving the likenesses of famous people into", "\"USS Rushmore (LSD-47)\"\nin Exercise Eager Mace in Kuwait; a brief port visit to Naval Support Activity Bahrain; participation in Exercise Iron Magic in UAE; participation in Exercise Red Reef in Saudi Arabia; a port visit to Kahlifa Port near Abu Dhabi, UAE; and an equipment washdown and aqricultural inspection in Aqaba, Jordan. In June 2015, \"\"Rushmore\"\" made news for rescuing 65 people who were stranded on a makeshift raft in the Makassar Strait after their ferry capsized. USS Rushmore (LSD-47) USS \"\"Rushmore\"\" (LSD-47) is a of the United States Navy. She was the second navy ship to be named for the Mount", "\"Carrie Ingalls\"\npart in the naming of Mount Rushmore. She became mother to Swanzey's two children: Mary Swanzey (1904-1969, married Monroe Harris, 14 children) and Harold Swanzey (1908–1936). Harold was one of the workers who helped carve Mount Rushmore, and his name can be found on the granite walls below the monument. He was later killed in a car accident. David Swanzey died in Keystone, South Dakota on April 9, 1938. With her sister Grace's help, Carrie took care of their blind sister Mary after their mother's death in 1924. Carrie was enthusiastic about her sister's books and helped her by sharing", "\"Peter Norbeck\"\nPeter Norbeck Peter Norbeck (August 27, 1870December 20, 1936) was an American politician from South Dakota. After serving one term as the ninth Governor of South Dakota, Norbeck was elected to three consecutive terms as a United States Senator. Norbeck was the first native-born Governor of South Dakota to serve in office (Norbeck was born in the portion of the Dakota Territory that would later become the state of South Dakota). He is best remembered as \"\"Mount Rushmore's great political patron\"\", for promoting the construction of the giant sculpture at Mount Rushmore and securing federal funding for it. Norbeck was", "\"Crazy Horse Memorial\"\nout of Thunderhead Mountain, on land considered sacred by some Oglala Lakota, between Custer and Hill City, roughly from Mount Rushmore. The sculpture's final dimensions are planned to be long and high. The arm of Crazy Horse will be long and the head high; by comparison, the heads of the four U.S. Presidents at Mount Rushmore are each high. The monument has been in progress since 1948 and is far from completion. If completed as designed, it would become the world's second tallest sculpture, after the Statue of Unity. Crazy Horse was a Native American war leader of the Oglala", "\"Construction of Mount Rushmore\"\nMount Rushmore for the sculpture, since it seemed to be the easiest and most stable of the cliffs to work on. Having decided on the location of the sculpture, Borglum decided to make the monument of four presidents of the United States. He chose the two most famous presidents in American history, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. He chose Thomas Jefferson because Jefferson nearly doubled the size of the United States in the 1803 Louisiana Purchase (which included the land that became South Dakota). The last president Borglum chose was Theodore Roosevelt, suggested by President Calvin Coolidge (who insisted that", "\"National Treasure: Book of Secrets\"\nthere were no plans for a sequel, but due to the first film's impressive box-office performance (earning $347.5 million worldwide), a sequel was given the go-ahead in 2005. Many scenes of historic locations were filmed on location, including the scenes at Mount Vernon and Mount Rushmore. Filming at Mount Rushmore took longer than initially scheduled, due to inclement weather and the decision to change the setting of additional scenes to the area around Mount Rushmore to take advantage of Black Hills backdrop. The soundtrack to \"\"National Treasure: Book of Secrets\"\" was released on December 18, 2007. \"\"National Treasure: Book of", "\"Mount Rushmore in popular culture\"\nsecret base inside Mount Rushmore. In \"\"\"\", it is the secret base of operations for the protagonists. In the film, the base, along with the sculptures on the surface, are severely damaged in a suicide bombing by Michael Moore. In the universe of the \"\"Ben 10\"\" franchise, Mount Rushmore is the location of the main Plumbers (a sort of intergalactic police force) complex, and plays a key role in multiple episodes of the series, including \"\"Secrets,\"\" \"\"Truth\"\", the \"\"Ben 10,000\"\" episodes, and \"\"Ben 10 vs. The Negative 10.\"\" The monument is inadvertently destroyed by Upchuck in the latter episode, during", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\n31, 1941, Gutzon Borglum and 400 workers sculpted the colossal 60 foot (18 m) high carvings of U.S. presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln to represent the first 130 years of American history. These presidents were selected by Borglum because of their role in preserving the Republic and expanding its territory. The carving of Mount Rushmore involved the use of dynamite, followed by the process of \"\"honeycombing\"\", a process where workers drill holes close together, allowing small pieces to be removed by hand. In total, about of rock were blasted off the mountainside. The image of", "\"Norbeck-Williamson Act of 1929\"\non February 29, 1929. The Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission Act was drafted as six sections describing the purposes of the United States statute. U.S. Congressional amendments to the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission Act. Norbeck-Williamson Act of 1929 Norbeck-Williamson Act of 1929 established the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission defining the powers and purpose of the twelve member committee. The Act of Congress authorized the Mount Harney Memorial Association of South Dakota to stone carve models of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt in the Harney National Forest. The granite sculpture was to be created in", "\"Crazy Horse\"\nshow that the Indian nations also have their heroes. The Native Americans consider Thunderhead Mountain, where the monument is being carved, to be sacred ground. Thunderhead Mountain is situated between Custer and Hill City. Upon completion, the head of Crazy Horse will be the world’s largest sculpture of the human head, measuring approximately tall, more than 27 feet taller than the 60-foot faces of the U.S. Presidents depicted on Mount Rushmore, and the Crazy Horse Memorial as a whole will be the largest sculpture in the world. The memorial is funded entirely by private donations, with no assistance from the", "\"Mount Rushmore in popular culture\"\nin the course of screenwriting, as Hitchcock and scriptwriter Ernest Lehman were struggling to develop an idea. As Lehman would later recall, Hitchcock \"\"murmured wistfully, 'I always wanted to do a chase across the faces of Mount Rushmore.'\"\" While writing the script, Lehman took a trip to Mount Rushmore to scale the faces of the famous monument; he only got halfway to the top, and bought a camera to give to the park ranger to photograph the famous monument for him. However, the scene was not actually filmed at the monument, since permission to shoot an attempted killing on the", "\"Mount Rushmore in popular culture\"\nface of a national monument was refused by the National Park Service. In the movie, the villain's house is located on a fictitious forested plateau above the monument. Other scenes, including the view of the Memorial's parking lot, the patio at the Memorial concession, the scene in the dining room of the concession and the loading of the body into the ambulance, were actually shot at Mount Rushmore. All of the other scenes involving Mount Rushmore were filmed on Hollywood soundstages. The reference in the movie to the Sheraton-Johnson Hotel in Rapid City, South Dakota is accurate, the hotel still", "\"Construction of Mount Rushmore\"\nstudio, now a museum with information about the construction of the monument and the tools used by workers. Construction of Mount Rushmore The construction of Mount Rushmore National Memorial took 14 years, from 1927 to 1941. Doane Robinson of the South Dakota Historical Society wanted a monument to be built in South Dakota in order to help the economy of the state by attracting tourism. In 1923, he proposed that this monument should be built from the granite cliffs in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Senator Peter Norbeck of South Dakota approved the proposal, and federal funding helped the", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nbirds, including songbirds, nuthatches, and woodpeckers, inhabit the surrounding pine forests. Terrestrial mammals include the mouse, least chipmunk, red squirrel, skunk, porcupine, raccoon, beaver, badger, coyote, bighorn sheep, bobcat, elk, mule deer, yellow-bellied marmot, and American bison. The striped chorus frog, western chorus frog, and northern leopard frog also inhabit the area, along with several species of snake. Grizzly Bear Brook and Starling Basin Brook, the two streams in the memorial, support fish such as the longnose dace and the brook trout. Mountain goats are not indigenous to the region. Those living near Mount Rushmore are descendants of a tribe", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nService took Mount Rushmore under its jurisdiction. Julian Spotts helped with the project by improving its infrastructure. For example, he had the tram upgraded so it could reach the top of Mount Rushmore for the ease of workers. By July 4, 1934, Washington's face had been completed and was dedicated. The face of Thomas Jefferson was dedicated in 1936, and the face of Abraham Lincoln was dedicated on September 17, 1937. In 1937, a bill was introduced in Congress to add the head of civil-rights leader Susan B. Anthony, but a rider was passed on an appropriations bill requiring federal", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\ncenter, finished in 1957. These structures were part of the Mission 66 effort to improve visitors' facilities at national parks and monuments across the country. On October 15, 1966, Mount Rushmore was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. A 500-word essay giving the history of the United States by Nebraska student William Andrew Burkett was selected as the college-age group winner in a 1934 competition, and that essay was placed on the Entablature on a bronze plate in 1973. In 1991, President George H. W. Bush officially dedicated Mount Rushmore. In a canyon behind the carved faces is", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\ncommunity. Recent pine beetle infestations have threatened the forest. Mount Rushmore is largely composed of granite. The memorial is carved on the northwest margin of the Black Elk Peak granite batholith in the Black Hills of South Dakota, so the geologic formations of the heart of the Black Hills region are also evident at Mount Rushmore. The batholith magma intruded into the pre-existing mica schist rocks during the Proterozoic, 1.6 billion years ago. Coarse grained pegmatite dikes are associated with the granite intrusion of Black Elk Peak and are visibly lighter in color, thus explaining the light-colored streaks on the", "\"Construction of Mount Rushmore\"\nConstruction of Mount Rushmore The construction of Mount Rushmore National Memorial took 14 years, from 1927 to 1941. Doane Robinson of the South Dakota Historical Society wanted a monument to be built in South Dakota in order to help the economy of the state by attracting tourism. In 1923, he proposed that this monument should be built from the granite cliffs in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Senator Peter Norbeck of South Dakota approved the proposal, and federal funding helped the project. Robinson asked architect and sculptor Gutzon Borglum to sculpt and design the monument. Borglum decided to use", "\"Skins (2002 film)\"\nAunt Helen have dinner, and Mogie brings up American Horse, an Oglala Indian who testified against the 7th Cavalry. This conversation brings up the story of the Wounded Knee Massacre, which Rudy tells to Herbie. Rudy tells Mogie that he started the fire, and Mogie replies that the one thing he can do to make up for it is blow the nose off of George Washington's face on Mount Rushmore. Rudy calls the idea crazy, and refuses. Responding to a police call of a man stuck in a trap, Rudy arrives outside a house to find that the victim, now", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nclimbers to monitor and seal cracks annually. Due to budget constraints, the memorial is not regularly cleaned to remove lichens. However, on July 8, 2005, Alfred Kärcher GmbH, a German manufacturer of pressure washing and steam cleaning machines, conducted a free cleanup operation which lasted several weeks, using pressurized water at over . The flora and fauna of Mount Rushmore are similar to those of the rest of the Black Hills region of South Dakota. Birds including the turkey vulture, bald eagle, hawk, and meadowlark fly around Mount Rushmore, occasionally making nesting spots in the ledges of the mountain. Smaller", "\"Mount Rushmore in popular culture\"\nof Konohagakure, in a style similar to that of Mount Rushmore (with Tsunade's face added later, in \"\"Shippuuden\"\". (Hatake Kakashi) and (Uzumaki Naruto) were the 6th and 7th face to be added to the mountain in the last chapter). The village was designed by Japanese manga artist Masashi Kishimoto. The fictional nuclear-equipped warship Outer Haven, in the video game \"\"\"\", features a Mount Rushmore-esque sculpture of the four \"\"Snake\"\" characters that have appeared thorough the \"\"Metal Gear\"\" series (Solidus Snake, Old Snake, Liquid Snake and Big Boss). In the 1994 live action version of \"\"Richie Rich\"\" starring Macaulay Culkin, the", "\"Mount Rushmore (band)\"\nMount Rushmore (band) Mount Rushmore was a rock band in the late 1960s from San Francisco, California that played a heavy blues rock style with psychedelic elements. The band formed in early 1967 at 1915 Oak Street, a large Victorian rooming house in the Haight-Ashbury district. The original members were Ed Levin (ex-Vipers), Warren Phillips (ex Blue House Basement), Thomas Dotzler, Mike Bolan and Danny Wei. Wei was soon replaced by Terry Kimble on bass guitar. In June and July 1967 they were featured on posters for shows at the Avalon Ballroom with many other bands including The Doors, Procol", "\"Mount Rushmore (band)\"\nCD was released by Lizard that combined the two albums, with the songs from the '69 album first. Mount Rushmore (band) Mount Rushmore was a rock band in the late 1960s from San Francisco, California that played a heavy blues rock style with psychedelic elements. The band formed in early 1967 at 1915 Oak Street, a large Victorian rooming house in the Haight-Ashbury district. The original members were Ed Levin (ex-Vipers), Warren Phillips (ex Blue House Basement), Thomas Dotzler, Mike Bolan and Danny Wei. Wei was soon replaced by Terry Kimble on bass guitar. In June and July 1967 they", "\"Gilbert Fite\"\nhow Peter Norbeck, a South Dakota politician, helped secure federal support for agricultural programs and the Mount Rushmore National Monument. In 1991, Fite completed a biography of Richard B. Russell, a prominent Georgian politician for which the named chair that Fite occupied at the University of Georgia was named after. Fite's greatest impact to American historiography came in the field of agricultural history. Most of his historical analyses focused on either farming impacted the direction of the United States or how farmers and farming communities responded to larger societal changes in American life. The most prominent of these works are", "\"Madonna Thunder Hawk\"\nThunder Hawk was involved in the two occupations of Mount Rushmore, a part of the Black Hills seized by the US government in 1877. The occupation protested continued violations of the 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie. Thunder Hawk joined the American Indian Movement in its early years and was present at AIM's occupation of the Wounded Knee. She was a member of the Pie Patrol, a group of women active in AIM, which also included Thelma Rios, Theda Nelson Clarke, Lorelei DeCora Means, and Mary Crow Dog (née Moore), wife of civil rights activist Leonard Crow Dog. Madonna took part", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nthe headquarters for their film \"\"\"\". \"\"\"\" also depicts this location as a secret cover for a fictional gold city. The memorial was also famously used as the location of the climactic chase scene in Alfred Hitchcock's 1959 movie \"\"North by Northwest\"\". Deep Purple's breakthrough album, 1970's \"\"In Rock\"\", parodies the sculpture. On August 11, 1952, the U.S. Post Office issued the Mount Rushmore Memorial commemorative stamp on the 25th anniversary of the dedication of the Mt. Rushmore National Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota. On January 2, 1974, a depicting the monument was also issued. Notes Further", "\"Gutzon Borglum\"\nGutzon Borglum John Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum (March 25, 1867 – March 6, 1941) was an American artist and sculptor. He is most associated with his creation of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Keystone, South Dakota. He was associated with other public works of art, including a bust of Abraham Lincoln exhibited in the White House by Theodore Roosevelt and now held in the United States Capitol Crypt in Washington, D.C.. The son of Danish immigrants, Gutzon Borglum was born in 1867 in St. Charles in what was then Idaho Territory. Borglum was a child of Mormon polygamy.", "\"American Crane Corporation\"\nIt consisted of a revolving derrick and steam hoist mounted on a rail-car like wheels. The ditcher, a flatcar-mounted crane designed to excavate soil on either side of a railroad, was invented by Oliver Crosby in 1904. The first crawler was established in 1923 and made cranes mobile. The company became international when the Yokohama Warehouse was constructed in 1905. Major construction projects such as the Panama Canal and Mount Rushmore used cranes from American Hoist & Derrick. American Hoist & Derrick reached 467 on the Fortune 500 list with a total revenue of $464.2 million. In 1985 American Hoist", "\"Republic of Lakotah proposal\"\nCity, South Dakota; Mandan, North Dakota; Casper, Wyoming; Bellevue, Nebraska; and Mount Rushmore. In addition to containing all the Indian reservations of the Lakota people, the territory which the republic claims includes reservations inhabited by non-Lakota Siouan peoples (the Dakota people and their communities, the Winnebago Indian Reservation and the Omaha Indian Reservation), and part of one non-Sioux reservation (the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in western North Dakota). Lakotah would also contain some of the poorest counties in the United States. On January 1, 2008, the republic announced that it would file liens on all U.S. government-held lands within their", "\"History of Italian Americans in Boston\"\na bas-relief sculpture memorializing Sacco and Vanzetti. The piece, created by Gutzon Borglum (of Mount Rushmore fame), had been repeatedly offered as a gift to the city and rejected. In 1937, Massachusetts Governor Charles Hurley called it \"\"a patently absurd gesture\"\", while Boston mayor Frederick Mansfield said it had \"\"no possible chance of acceptance.\"\" It was rejected again in 1947 and 1957. The piece now hangs in the Special Collections lobby of the Boston Public Library. It shows the two men in profile, with a quote from Vanzetti's final prison letter: What I wish more than all in this last", "\"Montgomery County, Arkansas\"\nIndians were gone. Some of the native Indian women had intermingled and intermarried with local white settlers. Whittington opened a general store that drew customers from the surrounding area, and in 1842 he opened the Mount Ida Post Office in Mount Ida. West of the Ouachita River, settlers from a wagon train wintered in what is now Oden, and decided to stay when the weather cleared. Montgomery County was named after General Richard Montgomery, an American general who died during the American Revolution. Originally part of the Louisiana Purchase, it was first claimed by Spain, then France, and in 1813", "\"Lincoln Borglum\"\nthat capacity until May 15, 1944. Borglum continued to work as a sculptor after leaving Mount Rushmore. He created several religious works for churches in Texas, including the well-known shrine \"\"Our Lady of Loreto\"\" in Goliad. Borglum also wrote three books, all about the sculpting of Mount Rushmore. Lincoln Borglum was a member of Battle River Masonic Lodge No. 92 in Hermosa, South Dakota. Like many of the men who worked on the Rushmore project, Borglum's lungs were permanently scarred from breathing in granite dust associated with the blasting. Borglum died in Corpus Christi, Texas, at the age of 73.", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\nand secured federal funding; construction began in 1927, and the presidents' faces were completed between 1934 and 1939. Gutzon Borglum died in March 1941, and his son Lincoln took over as leader of the construction project. Each president was originally to be depicted from head to waist, but lack of funding forced construction to end on October 31, 1941. Mount Rushmore attracts more than two million visitors annually. Originally known to the Lakota Sioux as \"\"The Six Grandfathers\"\" (Tunkasila Sakpe) or \"\"Cougar Mountain\"\" (Igmu Tanka Paha), the mountain was renamed after Charles E. Rushmore, a prominent New York lawyer, during", "\"Rushmore Cave\"\nRushmore Cave Rushmore Cave is the closest show cave to Mount Rushmore National Memorial in the United States. It contains a wide variety of natural formations. It is the ninth longest cave in South Dakota. It measures a distance of . It was discovered in 1876 when a log flume that supplied water to mining operations in town of Hayward broke and spilled onto the side of the hill. As the water flowed down the hill it started flowing into a small hole in the hillside. The local miners who went up to fix the flume noticed this abnormality and", "\"Beeville, Texas\"\nMount Rushmore, and son Lincoln, took up residence in the city during the time Rushmore was being sculpted. The original site on the Poesta River was first settled by the Burke, Carroll and Heffernan families in the 1830s. Present-day Beeville was established on a 150-acre land donation made by Ann Burke in May 1859 after the Republic of Texas was annexed by the United States. It was first named \"\"Maryville\"\" for pioneer Mary Heffernan. It was renamed \"\"Beeville\"\" after Barnard E. Bee, Sr., who had served as Secretary of State and Secretary of War for the Republic of Texas. It", "\"Howard Rushmore\"\nHoward Rushmore Howard Clifford Rushmore (July 2, 1913 – January 3, 1958) was an American journalist, nationally known for investigative reporting. As a communist, he reported for \"\"The Daily Worker\"\"; later, he became anti-communist and wrote for publications including the \"\"New York Journal-American\"\" and \"\"Confidential\"\" magazine. He was born Howard Rushmore in Mitchell, South Dakota, the only child to Clifford Glen Rushmore (1877–1947) and Rosa Lee Rushmore née Palmer (1882–1955). Rushmore was a 10th-generation American whose father's New England ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War. His mother's ancestors \"\"came to the dark and bloody ground\"\" of the Great Plains \"\"with", "\"Rushmore Cave\"\ninto a rock known as limestone. The cave has a cornucopia of rooms including the Entrance Room, Post Office, Image Room, Big Room, Fairyland, Rope Room, Geode Room, The Rouge Room (Party Room), Arrowhead Room, and the Floral Room. The cave also includes boxwork and many dripstone formations including stalactites, stalagmites, columns, helictites and flowstone. Rushmore Cave Rushmore Cave is the closest show cave to Mount Rushmore National Memorial in the United States. It contains a wide variety of natural formations. It is the ninth longest cave in South Dakota. It measures a distance of . It was discovered in", "\"Rushmore Mall\"\nRushmore Mall Rushmore Mall is a shopping mall located in Rapid City, South Dakota. It opened in 1978 and fulfills the needs of residents in a sprawling western South Dakota/northwestern Nebraska/northeastern Wyoming market area. The center also does a thriving business with the throngs of summer and fall tourists visiting Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone National Park and other points reached via Interstate 90. The mall is currently owned by Washington Prime Group. The mall's anchors are JCPenney, Herberger's, and At Home with one vacant anchor last occupied by Sears. Target added as a third anchor in 1982. At Home is located", "\"Rushmore Mall\"\nAugust 2018 as parent company The Bon-Ton is going out of business which will leave At Home and JCPenney as the only anchors left. Rushmore Mall Rushmore Mall is a shopping mall located in Rapid City, South Dakota. It opened in 1978 and fulfills the needs of residents in a sprawling western South Dakota/northwestern Nebraska/northeastern Wyoming market area. The center also does a thriving business with the throngs of summer and fall tourists visiting Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone National Park and other points reached via Interstate 90. The mall is currently owned by Washington Prime Group. The mall's anchors are JCPenney,", "\"Harvey W. Scott (sculpture)\"\nHarvey W. Scott (sculpture) Harvey W. Scott, or simply Harvey Scott, is a 1933 bronze sculpture by Gutzon Borglum depicting American pioneer, newspaper editor and historian Harvey W. Scott, located at Mount Tabor Park in the Mount Tabor neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. The statue is a bronze portrait of Harvey W. Scott, an American pioneer best known as the long-time editorialist of \"\"The Oregonian\"\", wearing a knee-length coat and with his right arm extended and pointing. It was designed by Gutzon Borglum (of Mount Rushmore fame), originally modeled in 1930, and dedicated in June 1933. Kunst Foundry served as the", "\"American Indian Movement\"\nhonor Native Americans. AIM has been committed to improving conditions faced by native peoples. It founded institutions to address needs, including the Heart of The Earth School, Little Earth Housing, International Indian Treaty Council, AIM StreetMedics, American Indian Opportunities and Industrialization Center (one of the largest Indian job training programs), KILI radio and Indian Legal Rights Centers. In 1971, several members of AIM, including Dennis Banks and Russell Means, traveled to Mt. Rushmore. They converged at the mountain in order to protest the illegal seizure of the Sioux Nation's sacred Black Hills in 1877 by the United States federal government,", "\"Doane Robinson\"\nDoane Robinson Jonah LeRoy \"\"Doane\"\" Robinson (October 19, 1856 – November 27, 1946) was a state historian of South Dakota who conceived of the idea for the Mount Rushmore National Memorial. Robinson was born in Sparta, Wisconsin. His sister could not pronounce his name (Jonah LeRoy), so she called him Doane. Robinson became a farmer in Minnesota, but soon abandoned the job to become a lawyer. Later, he took interest in history, and received the position as South Dakota's state historian. In that position, he conceived the idea of the Mt. Rushmore monument. After reading about Stone Mountain, Robinson was", "\"Doane Robinson\"\nRushmore. He died on November 27, 1946 in Pierre, South Dakota. Doane Robinson Jonah LeRoy \"\"Doane\"\" Robinson (October 19, 1856 – November 27, 1946) was a state historian of South Dakota who conceived of the idea for the Mount Rushmore National Memorial. Robinson was born in Sparta, Wisconsin. His sister could not pronounce his name (Jonah LeRoy), so she called him Doane. Robinson became a farmer in Minnesota, but soon abandoned the job to become a lawyer. Later, he took interest in history, and received the position as South Dakota's state historian. In that position, he conceived the idea of", "\"Mt. Rushmore Broadcasting, Inc.\"\nMt. Rushmore Broadcasting, Inc. Mt. Rushmore Broadcasting, Inc. is a broadcasting company, Since the station's change of ownership from \"\"Elk Mountain Broadcasting\"\" to current owner \"\"Mount Rushmore Broadcasting\"\", six of their stations have received huge fines. Most recent penalties include a $20,000 fine for \"\"failing to maintain the operational readiness of the EAS (Emergency Readiness System) equipment (see FCC Rules/11.35(a)), as well as other equipment issues and violations and failure to maintain a complete public records file.\"\" Sources connected to the FCC say that more and significantly higher fines/penalties are forthcoming. They continue by stating that any station owned or", "\"Doane Robinson\"\nOn Borglum’s second meeting with Robinson, Borglum switched the location of the carving from the Needles to Mount Rushmore. Borglum also decided that the sculptures should have a larger national focus, and he selected the four presidents. The headquarters of the project, south of Mount Rushmore, became known as Doane Mountain. In 1929, president Calvin Coolidge finally signed a bill which created to a commission to oversee the sculpting. Robinson failed to become part of the commission, which greatly disappointed him. Following his retirement from being a historian, he returned to farming, and lived to see the completion of Mount", "\"Treasure Hunters (TV series)\"\ndifferent way (by placing the cylinder in the middle of the painting on the back of the map), an image of Mount Rushmore would have been revealed. All teams deduced or guessed the correct destination except for the Young Professionals/Geniuses. After a fruitless search at Mount Roosevelt eventually the Young Professionals/Geniuses called the Wild Hanlons, who gave away the correct destination. At Mount Rushmore, the teams, no longer working in two-team pairings, had to find a spot on the Presidential Trail where only two of the four presidents could be seen and then follow a smaller path until they found", "\"Post-presidency of George Washington\"\n21, 1885. In 1923, historian Doane Robinson had developed an idea to make a gigantic sculpture on the Black Hills of South Dakota. Robinson hired renowned sculptor Gutzon Borglum for the job. Borglum, at the time, was making a Confederate memorial on Stone Mountain. Borglum searched for a mountain suitable for his project and he found Mount Rushmore, composed of granite, named after a New York attorney Charles E. Rushmore. Four prominent presidents were chosen for the sculptor to bring national recognition, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. Washington was chosen to represent a \"\"light for", "\"Mt. Rushmore Broadcasting, Inc.\"\nwas terminated. <nowiki>*</nowiki>Off the air. Mt. Rushmore Broadcasting, Inc. Mt. Rushmore Broadcasting, Inc. is a broadcasting company, Since the station's change of ownership from \"\"Elk Mountain Broadcasting\"\" to current owner \"\"Mount Rushmore Broadcasting\"\", six of their stations have received huge fines. Most recent penalties include a $20,000 fine for \"\"failing to maintain the operational readiness of the EAS (Emergency Readiness System) equipment (see FCC Rules/11.35(a)), as well as other equipment issues and violations and failure to maintain a complete public records file.\"\" Sources connected to the FCC say that more and significantly higher fines/penalties are forthcoming. They continue by stating", "\"Tribune Tower\"\nMcGraw-Hill Building and Rockefeller Center. The 1929 Gulf Building in Houston, Texas, designed by architects Alfred C. Finn, Kenneth Franzheim, and J. E. R. Carpenter, is a close realization of that Saarinen design. César Pelli's 181 West Madison Street Building in Chicago is also thought to be inspired by Saarinen's design. Other Tribune tower entries by figures like Walter Gropius, Bertram Goodhue, Bruno Taut, and Adolf Loos remain intriguing suggestions of what might have been, but perhaps not as intriguing as the one surmounted by Rushmore-like head of an American Indian. These entries were originally published by the Tribune Company", "\"Mount Rushmore in popular culture\"\ninstead of the four presidents. The title is an obvious pun, the music genre of the album being rock music, while the monument is carved from what is essentially a very large rock. In turn, the English cover of the volume 4 DVD release of the anime series \"\"Cromartie High School\"\" (entitled \"\"Mount Rockmore\"\") is a parody of the Deep Purple album. Here, the anime characters' faces replace those of the band members. In the Japanese manga, \"\"Naruto\"\", four of the main leaders (Hokage) of Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf Village) have had their faces carved into a mountain overlooking the village", "\"South Dakota Highway 40\"\nSouth Dakota Highway 40 South Dakota Highway 40 (SD 40) is a state highway in southwest South Dakota. The highway is just over long and runs from U.S. Route 16A (US 16A) in Keystone to Bureau of Indian Affairs Highway 41 in Red Shirt. The highway runs near Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Keystone, and its eastern terminus is on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation near the edge of Badlands National Park. SD 40 was established along its current route in 1976; the SD 40 designation was originally used on a highway that is now part of SD 44. SD", "\"Black Elk Peak\"\nBlack Elk Peak Black Elk Peak (formerly Harney Peak) is the highest natural point in South Dakota, United States. It lies in the Black Elk Wilderness area, in southern Pennington County, in the Black Hills National Forest. The peak lies west-southwest of Mount Rushmore. At , it has been described by the Board on Geographical Names as the highest summit in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. Although part of the North American Cordillera (the Rocky Mountains in a broader sense) the Chisos Mountains of the Big Bend of Texas are far east of the continental divide and", "\"Black Elk Peak\"\ninterred near the base of the tower and a plaque reads, \"\"Valentine McGillycuddy, Wasicu Wakan.\"\" \"\"Wasicu Wakan\"\" is Lakota for \"\"Holy White Man.\"\" Black Elk Peak Black Elk Peak (formerly Harney Peak) is the highest natural point in South Dakota, United States. It lies in the Black Elk Wilderness area, in southern Pennington County, in the Black Hills National Forest. The peak lies west-southwest of Mount Rushmore. At , it has been described by the Board on Geographical Names as the highest summit in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. Although part of the North American Cordillera (the", "\"Black Elk Wilderness\"\nBlack Elk Wilderness The Black Elk Wilderness is located in the U.S. state of South Dakota. The wilderness was designated by an act of Congress in 1980. Managed by the U.S. Forest Service, Black Elk Wilderness is part of Black Hills National Forest. This 13,426 acre (54 km²) region is considered sacred to Native Americans, especially the Sioux and is named after Black Elk, an Oglala Sioux holy man. Mount Rushmore National Memorial is immediately to the north and much of the rest of the wilderness is bordered by other protected land under the jurisdiction of state and federal agencies.", "\"Howard Rushmore\"\n26-year-old an instant celebrity in anti-communist circles. One of the most prominent columnists of the era, Westbrook Pegler, gave Rushmore rousing support in his December 29, 1939 column. After the firing, Rushmore joined the anti-communist \"\"New York Journal-American\"\". On December 22, 1939, the day most papers published news of the firing, the \"\"Worker\"\" published a notice that Rushmore was officially fired and gave an itinerary of the reasons. The next day, the \"\"Journal-American\"\" published \"\"Red Paper's Lies Bared by Ex-Critic, in which Rushmore defended his review. In early 1940, Rushmore applied for a job at \"\"Time\"\" magazine via fellow ex-communist", "\"Howard Rushmore\"\nRushmore would dine with \"\"his wife (Frances), Roy Cohn and his girl-friend.\"\" On November 27, 1949, Rushmore published in the \"\"Journal-American\"\" allegations of communist infiltration of US naval vessels. Though the facts of the article were invented by Rushmore, by coincidence the FBI was conducting its own investigation on the same matter. Initially, J. Edgar Hoover thought that Rushmore had access to genuine intelligence. Hoover then had Rushmore's telephone tapped. Later in Olympia, Washington, Rushmore testified before the Canwell Committee, a state committee to investigate subversive activities at the University of Washington. Rushmore switched the subject to Washington, D.C. He", "\"Rushmore Farm\"\n(b. 1720), Sarah (b. 1722), Thomas (b.I724), Silas (b. 1727), Stephen (b. 1731), and Isaac (b.1733 ). Thomas Rushmore's son Silas is believed to be the Silas Rushmore listed in Greene County history. Silas married Phebe Titus in 1753. The pair had six children: Martha (b. 1754), Samuel (b. 1761), Jacob (b. 1755), Jeremiah (1765–1828), Sarah (no date) and Mary (no date), all of whom were born on Long Island. It is unclear when the Rushmores arrived in what was then Albany County; however, Silas Rushmore, along with Thomas, Jeremiah, and Jacob, who appear to be relatives (brothers or sons),", "\"Rushmore (film)\"\nRushmore (film) Rushmore is a 1998 American comedy-drama film directed by Wes Anderson about an eccentric teenager named Max Fischer (Jason Schwartzman in his film debut), his friendship with rich industrialist Herman Blume (Bill Murray), and their mutual love for elementary school teacher Rosemary Cross (Olivia Williams). The film was co-written by Anderson and Owen Wilson. The soundtrack was scored by regular Anderson collaborator Mark Mothersbaugh and features several songs by bands associated with the British Invasion of the 1960s. The film helped launch the careers of Anderson and Schwartzman while establishing a \"\"second career\"\" for Murray as a respected", "\"Brulé (band)\"\ntour, the bands largest and most successful tour to date. Covering nine cities, the full stage production featured new video, dancers and lighting. 2007 ushered in a history-making year for the group, Paul released his final CD for SOAR entitled \"\"Kinship\"\", and Paul was able to realize a lifelong dream for Brulé & AIRO. On July 13 and 14, 2007 the group presented the \"\"Brulé & AIRO Concerts for Reconciliation of the Cultures at Mount Rushmore\"\" Performed at the Mount Rushmore Amphitheater at the base of the monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Performed in front of record", "\"Rushmore (film)\"\nJanuary 18, 2000, by The Criterion Collection with remastered picture and sound, along with various bonus features, including an audio commentary by Wes Anderson, Owen Wilson and Jason Schwartzman, a behind-the-scenes documentary by Eric Chase Anderson, Anderson and Murray being interviewed on \"\"The Charlie Rose Show\"\", and theatrical \"\"adaptations\"\" of \"\"Armageddon\"\", \"\"The Truman Show\"\" and \"\"Out of Sight\"\", staged specially for the 1999 MTV Movie Awards by the Max Fischer Players. A Criterion Collection Blu-ray was released on November 22, 2011. Rushmore (film) Rushmore is a 1998 American comedy-drama film directed by Wes Anderson about an eccentric teenager named Max", "\"Adam Lerner\"\nmost playful, most inviting arts and culture program suburbia had ever seen.” Since the early 1990s, Lerner’s scholarship has focused on the relationship between art and public life. Lerner co-edited the book \"\"Reimagining the Nation,\"\" published by Open University Press (1993), including his own essay on nineteenth-century sculpture and French nationalism. He wrote his dissertation on early twentieth-century American monuments, emphasizing the career of Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor of Mount Rushmore. His contribution to the Corcoran Gallery of Art’s 2002-03 biennial exhibition catalogue “The Museum and the Multiplex” was the subject of a symposium of the same name at the", "\"Faceless Hunters\"\n16 (December 2006 - January 2007), written by Geoff Johns, and most recently in \"\"\"\" #9 (November 2009). The Faceless Hunters first come to public attention in 1961 after one of them, Klee Pan, is intercepted trying to steal major world sculptures such as the Mount Rushmore heads and the Easter Island statues. Oregon Highway Patrolmen Bob Colby and Jim Boone are assigned to Mount Rushmore, and confront Klee Pan, who explains that he \"\" 'comes from Klaramar - a world revolving within an atom on the planet Saturn' \"\" and he is looking for a stone face left on", "\"Mount Rushmore\"\na humid continental climate (\"\"Dwb\"\" in the Köppen climate classification). It is inside a USDA Plant Hardiness Zone of 5a, meaning certain plant life in the area can withstand a low temperature of no less than . The two wettest months of the year are May and June. Orographic lift causes brief but strong afternoon thunderstorms during the summer. Tourism is South Dakota's second-largest industry, and Mount Rushmore is the state's top tourist attraction. In 2012, 2,185,447 people visited the park. In the 1950s and 1960s, Sioux Benjamin Black Elk (son of medicine man Black Elk) was the \"\"Fifth Face" ]
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when was the last time university of michigan won the ncaa men 's basketball tournament
[ "1989" ]
[ "\"Northern Illinois Huskies men's basketball\"\nNorthern Illinois Huskies men's basketball The Northern Illinois Huskies men's basketball team represents Northern Illinois University (NIU) in DeKalb, Illinois. The school's team currently competes in the Mid-American Conference (MAC). The team last played in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament in 1996. The Huskies are coached by Mark Montgomery. Mark Montgomery spent 10 years on the Michigan State University Staff under Coach Tom Izzo. The Huskies have won the MAC Tournament once in 1982. The Huskies have won the Horizon League Tournament once in 1996. The Huskies have appeared in the NCAA Tournament three times. Their overall record", "\"Michigan Wolverines men's basketball\"\nMichigan Wolverines men's basketball The Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team is the intercollegiate men's basketball program representing the University of Michigan. The school competes in the Big Ten Conference in Division I of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The Wolverines play home basketball games at the Crisler Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Michigan has won one NCAA Championship as well as two National Invitation Tournaments (NIT), fourteen Big Ten Conference titles and two Big Ten Tournament titles. In addition, it has won an NIT title and a Big Ten Tournament that were vacated due to NCAA sanctions. The team", "\"Central Michigan Chippewas men's basketball\"\nCentral Michigan Chippewas men's basketball The Central Michigan Chippewas team is the basketball team that represent Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. The school's team currently competes in the Mid-American Conference. The team last played in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament in 2003. The Chippewas are currently coached by Keno Davis. The Chippewas have appeared in four NCAA Tournaments. Their combined record is 3–4. The Chippewas have appeared in the National Invitation Tournament (NIT) twice. Their combined record is 0–2. The Chippewas have appeared in the Postseason Tournament (CIT) two times. Their combined record is 2–2.", "\"Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball\"\n(CIT) two times. Their combined record is 1–2. \"\"Through 2017–18 season\"\" Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball The Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team represents Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The school's team competes in the Mid-American Conference (MAC). The team last played in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament in 2014. The Broncos are coached by Steve Hawkins. The Broncos have appeared in four NCAA Tournaments. Their combined record is 2–4. The Broncos have appeared in three National Invitational Tournaments (NIT). Their combined record is 2–3. The Broncos have appeared in one College Basketball Invitational (CBI). Their record", "\"Rutgers Scarlet Knights men's basketball\"\nRutgers Scarlet Knights men's basketball The Rutgers Scarlet Knights men's basketball team represents Rutgers University in NCAA Division I college basketball competition. Rutgers competes in the Big Ten Conference. The Rutgers men's basketball team played in the Final Four in the 1976 NCAA Tournament and ended the 1976 season ranked fourth in the nation, after an 86–70 loss against the Michigan Wolverines in the semifinal round and a 106–92 loss to the UCLA Bruins in the tournament's third-place consolation game. This was the last men's Division I tournament to date to feature two unbeaten teams, as both Indiana, who won", "\"Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball\"\nWestern Michigan Broncos men's basketball The Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team represents Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The school's team competes in the Mid-American Conference (MAC). The team last played in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament in 2014. The Broncos are coached by Steve Hawkins. The Broncos have appeared in four NCAA Tournaments. Their combined record is 2–4. The Broncos have appeared in three National Invitational Tournaments (NIT). Their combined record is 2–3. The Broncos have appeared in one College Basketball Invitational (CBI). Their record is 2–1. The Broncos have appeared in the Postseason Tournament", "\"2018 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game\"\nNCAA Basketball Tournament Most Outstanding Player. The Michigan Wolverines last won the NCAA Tournament in 1989. Their most recent appearance in the championship game was in 2013. At one point unranked in the AP Poll, Michigan won their final 14 games before the title game to end the 2017–18 regular season with a 28–7 win-loss record after winning the 2018 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament. They earned the No. 3 seed in the West Regional. Michigan defeated the No. 14 Montana Grizzlies in the first round by a score of 61–47. They then reached the Sweet 16 by defeating", "\"Michigan State Spartans men's basketball\"\nMichigan State Spartans men's basketball The Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represents Michigan State University (MSU) and competes in the Big Ten Conference of NCAA Division I College basketball. Their home games are played at the Breslin Student Events Center. Tom Izzo has been the head coach since 1995. The Spartans have won two NCAA championships and 14 Big Ten Conference Championships. Their two National Championships came in the 1979 NCAA Tournament and the 2000 NCAA Tournament. The 1979 National Championship Game was the most watched college basketball game in history, with 35.11 million television viewers. The 1979 National", "\"2018 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game\"\n2018 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game The 2018 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game was the final game of the single-elimination tournament to determine the men's National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I college basketball national champion for the 2017–18 season. The game was played on April 2, 2018, at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas, between the Michigan Wolverines and the Villanova Wildcats. Michigan last won the NCAA championship in 1989, while Villanova won the championship in 2016. Villanova defeated Michigan, 79–62. Donte DiVincenzo, a reserve player, scored 31 points for Villanova, and was named the", "\"Central Michigan Chippewas men's basketball\"\nCentral Michigan went to the NAIA Tournament twice, garnering a record of 2–2. Former coach Ted Kjolhede was named NAIA Coach of the Year for 1966. Central Michigan Chippewas men's basketball The Central Michigan Chippewas team is the basketball team that represent Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. The school's team currently competes in the Mid-American Conference. The team last played in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament in 2003. The Chippewas are currently coached by Keno Davis. The Chippewas have appeared in four NCAA Tournaments. Their combined record is 3–4. The Chippewas have appeared in the National", "\"2009 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament\"\n2009 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament The 2009 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament was a tournament involving 65 schools playing in a single-elimination tournament to determine the national champion of men's NCAA Division I college basketball as a culmination of the 2008–09 basketball season. It began on March 17, 2009, and concluded with the championship game on April 6 at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan, where the University of North Carolina defeated Michigan State to become the champion. The 2009 tournament marked the first time for a Final Four having a minimum seating capacity of 70,000 and by", "\"2008–09 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\ntop five in the AP Poll, and by the team's first trip to the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament since the 1998 Tournament. Although the team had appeared in the 1998 NCAA tournament, the last appearance in the NCAA tournament that had been recognized in official NCAA records as not having been tainted by the University of Michigan basketball scandal was their 1995 Tournament appearance. The team was in its first year off scholarship probation, which following the scandal had restricted the number of available scholarships. However, the team continued to be prohibited from affiliating with implicated athletes (Chris", "\"2018 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game\"\n180 countries. In Canada, the game aired on TSN. Radio coverage in the United States was provided by Westwood One. 2018 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game The 2018 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game was the final game of the single-elimination tournament to determine the men's National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I college basketball national champion for the 2017–18 season. The game was played on April 2, 2018, at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas, between the Michigan Wolverines and the Villanova Wildcats. Michigan last won the NCAA championship in 1989, while Villanova won the championship", "\"2002–03 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nRound was followed by a rout of No. 10 Florida to reach the Sweet Sixteen for the fifth time in six years. The Spartans defeated No. 17 Maryland to advance to the Elite Eight for the fourth time in five years. However, MSU fell to No. 5 Texas in the Regional Final. !colspan=9 style=| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten Tournament !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament <nowiki>*</nowiki>AP does not release post-NCAA tournament rankings 2002–03 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2002–03 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2002–03 NCAA Division I men's basketball", "\"Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament\"\nweek before Selection Sunday. On six occasions, the champion of the tournament has gone on to reach the Final Four of the NCAA Tournament (Michigan State in 1999 and 2000, Illinois in 2005, Ohio State in 2007, Wisconsin in 2015, and Michigan in 2018). In 2000, champion Michigan State won the NCAA Tournament. The No. 1 seed has won the tournament eight times, the most of any seed. The lowest seed to win the tournament was Michigan as a No. 8 seed in 2017. The Big Ten Men's Basketball tournaments have been held at neutral sites every year. The first", "\"1976–77 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\n1976–77 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team The 1976–77 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team represented the University of Michigan in intercollegiate college basketball during the 1976–77 season. The team played its home games in the Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and was a member of the Big Ten Conference. Under the direction of head coach Johnny Orr, the team won the Big Ten Conference Championship. The team earned the last of four consecutive NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament invitations. Steve Grote and John Robinson served as team captains, while Phil Hubbard earned team MVP. As a team, they led", "\"1965–66 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\n1965–66 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team The 1965–66 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team represented the University of Michigan in intercollegiate college basketball during the 1965–66 season. The team played its home games at Fielding H. Yost Field House (renamed Yost Ice Arena in 1973) on the school's campus in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Under the direction of head coach Dave Strack, the team won the Big Ten Conference Championship. This was the last of three consecutive Big Ten titles and NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament appearances. The team earned the Big Ten team statistical championships for both scoring offense (95.4)", "\"Villanova Wildcats\"\nJack Kraft to Final Four of the 1971 NCAA University Division Basketball Tournament. Coach Rollie Massimino took Villanova to a surprising 1985 National Championship. Current Coach Jay Wright reached the Final Four at the 2009 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament behind Dante Cunningham and Scottie Reynolds. The team most recently won the 2018 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament for their third National Championship. Villanova won the 1985 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament with a historic 66-64 win over top-seeded Georgetown. The eighth-seeded Wildcats (unranked in the final AP poll) beat Dayton (at Dayton), top-seeded Michigan, Maryland and", "\"2017–18 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nnearly two weeks off before the NCAA Tournament. As a result, it the Big Ten regular season will begin in early Dec. A previously-scheduled road game against Florida was moved to the 2018–19 season due to scheduling conflicts. !colspan=9 style=|Exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten Tournament !colspan=12 style=| NCAA Tournament Source Source ^Coaches Poll did not release a Week 2 poll at the same time AP did.<br> <nowiki>*</nowiki>AP does not release post-NCAA tournament rankings. 2017–18 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2017–18 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2017–18 NCAA Division", "\"2008–09 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\nTen Conference Men's Basketball Tournament !colspan=9| 2009 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament Bold text indicates game high; (nth time player led stat) 2008–09 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team The 2008–09 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team represented the University of Michigan in competitive college basketball during the 2008–09 NCAA Division I season. The 2008–09 season marked the team's ninety-second consecutive season as a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association's (NCAA) Big Ten Conference. The team finished the season with a 21–14 overall record and a 9–9 conference record. The 9–9 conference record tied for seventh place in the 2008–09", "\"Michigan Wolverines men's basketball\"\nDecember 13, 1997 81–73 over Duke at home) have defeated the number one ranked team. The following table summarizes Michigan history in the AP Poll: Michigan Wolverines men's basketball The Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team is the intercollegiate men's basketball program representing the University of Michigan. The school competes in the Big Ten Conference in Division I of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The Wolverines play home basketball games at the Crisler Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Michigan has won one NCAA Championship as well as two National Invitation Tournaments (NIT), fourteen Big Ten Conference titles and two Big", "\"2003–04 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nout in the First Round, this time by Nevada. !colspan=9 style=| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten Tournament !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament <nowiki>*</nowiki>AP does not release post-NCAA tournament rankings 2003–04 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2003–04 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2003–04 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Spartans played their home games at Breslin Center in East Lansing, Michigan. They were coached by Tom Izzo in his ninth year as head coach. MSU finished the season with a record of 18–12, 12–4", "\"Xavier Musketeers men's basketball\"\nXavier Musketeers men's basketball The Xavier Musketeers men's basketball team represents Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. The school's team currently competes in the Big East Conference. Of all Division I programs yet to make a Final 4, Xavier has the most all-time tournament wins with 27. Xavier has appeared in the NCAA Tournament 27 times, 15 times in the last 17 years. On March 11, 2018, Xavier earned its first ever No. 1 seed for the NCAA Tournament. Xavier won four Atlantic 10 Tournament Championships (1998, 2002, 2004 and 2006). Xavier has won or shared 17 regular season conference championships,", "\"Utah Utes men's basketball\"\nUtah Utes men's basketball The Utah Utes men's basketball team represents the University of Utah as an NCAA Division I program that plays in the Pac-12 Conference. They are currently led by head coach Larry Krystkowiak and play their home games at the Jon M. Huntsman Center. The school has made the NCAA Tournament 27 times, which ranks 20th in NCAA history and tied for third most appearances behind UCLA and the University of Arizona in the Western United States. They last made the tournament in 2016. Utah won the NCAA Championship in 1944, defeating Dartmouth College 42–40 for the", "\"1975–76 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team\"\n1975–76 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team The 1975–76 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team was a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I college basketball team that played in the Mid-American Conference (MAC). The Broncos, representing Western Michigan University (WMU), finished the season 25–3 overall and 15–1 in the conference, won the MAC championship and reached the Sweet Sixteen of the 1976 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament. They finished the season ranked No. 10 in the AP Poll and No. 19 in the UPI Poll. The Broncos were featured in a \"\"Sports Illustrated\"\" article in the February 9,", "\"1965 NCAA University Division Basketball Tournament\"\n1965 NCAA University Division Basketball Tournament The 1965 NCAA University Division Basketball Tournament involved 23 schools playing in single-elimination play to determine the national champion of men's NCAA Division I college basketball. It began on March 8, 1965, and ended with the championship game on March 20 in Portland, Oregon. A total of 27 games were played, including a third-place game in each region and a national third-place game. UCLA, coached by John Wooden, won the national title with a 91–80 victory in the final game over Michigan, coached by Dave Strack. Bill Bradley of Princeton was named the tournament's", "\"NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament\"\nwhen the tournament expanded to 64 teams, Duke has won five championships; North Carolina and Connecticut have each won four; Kentucky & Villanova have three; Kansas & Florida have two; and UCLA, Indiana, Michigan State, and Louisville have one. During that time Villanova, Michigan, UNLV, Duke, Arkansas, Arizona, Connecticut, Maryland, Syracuse, and Florida all won their first championships. The NCAA has changed the tournament format several times since its inception, most often representing an increase of the number of teams. This section describes the tournament as it has operated since 2011. A total of 68 teams qualify for the tournament", "\"1989 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament\"\n1989 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament The 1989 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament involved 64 schools playing in single-elimination play to determine the national champion of men's NCAA Division I college basketball. It began on March 16, 1989, and ended with the championship game on April 3 in Seattle. A total of 63 games were played. Michigan, coached by Steve Fisher, won the national title with an 80–79 overtime victory in the final game over Seton Hall, coached by P. J. Carlesimo. Glen Rice of Michigan set an NCAA tournament record by scoring 184 points in six games", "\"Big Eight Conference Men's Basketball Tournament\"\nBig Eight Conference Men's Basketball Tournament The Big Eight Conference was an NCAA athletic conference that existed from 1907 to 1996, when it and the Southwest Conference disbanded to create the Big 12 Conference. The post-season conference tournament was instituted in 1977 and from that time the winner won the conference's automatic NCAA Tournament bid. From 1977 until 1985, the quarterfinals were played on the campus sites of the higher seeded teams. The last Big Eight men's basketball tournament ran through the conference's final season in 1996. Missouri won the most Big Eight tournament titles with six. Colorado was the", "\"Marshall Thundering Herd men's basketball\"\nMarshall Thundering Herd men's basketball The Marshall Thundering Herd men's basketball team represents Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. They compete in the NCAA Division I as a member of Conference USA. Marshall has advanced to the NCAA Tournament five times through the years (their 1987 appearance having been vacated), most recently in 2018. The Thundering Herd has also played in the NIT five times, last appearing in 2012. Marshall won the NAIA National Championship in 1947, and is 7-2 all-time in the first collegiate basketball tournament, one year older than the NIT and four years older than the NCAA", "\"Indiana Hoosiers men's basketball\"\nIndiana Hoosiers men's basketball The Indiana Hoosiers men's basketball team represents Indiana University in NCAA Division I college basketball and competes in the Big Ten Conference. The Hoosiers play on Branch McCracken Court at Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall in Bloomington, Indiana on the Indiana University Bloomington campus. Indiana has won five NCAA Championships in men's basketball (1940, 1953, 1976, 1981, 1987) — the first two under coach Branch McCracken and the latter three under Bob Knight. Indiana's 1976 squad remains the last undefeated NCAA men's basketball champion. The Hoosiers are sixth in NCAA Tournament appearances (39), sixth in NCAA Tournament", "\"2011–12 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nTournament !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament <nowiki>*</nowiki>AP does not release post-NCAA tournament rankings Source 2011–12 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2011–12 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2011–12 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Spartans' head coach was Tom Izzo, who was in his 17th year at Michigan State. The team played its home games at the Breslin Center in East Lansing, Michigan, and were members of the Big Ten Conference. MSU finished with a record of 29–8, 13–5 in Big Ten play to finish in a three-way tie for first place. The", "\"Fab Five (University of Michigan)\"\nIce Hockey Tournament) that the basketball team went to the championship game. In addition, the basketball team had won the championship two years before the Fab Five arrived on campus. Originally, the players rebelled against the moniker and attempted to give themselves the nickname Five Times' (written 5X's). In the elite eight round of the 1992 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament, Michigan earned a rematch against a Jimmy Jackson-led Ohio State Buckeyes team that had beaten them twice during the regular season by double digits. Michigan won the rematch as all but two Wolverines points were scored by the", "\"Eastern Michigan Eagles men's basketball\"\nEastern Michigan Eagles men's basketball The Eastern Michigan Eagles men's basketball team represents Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The team currently competes in the West division of the Mid-American Conference (MAC). They have appeared in four NCAA Division I tournaments and have a 3–4 record, tied for third best among Michigan colleges. They reached the Sweet Sixteen in the 1991 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament and defeated the Duke Blue Devils in the first round of the 1996 tournament. EMU has competed in the MAC since joining in 1972, and previously competed in the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association", "\"Lipscomb Bisons men's basketball\"\nLipscomb Bisons men's basketball The Lipscomb Bisons men's basketball team is the men's basketball team that represents Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee, United States. The school's team currently competes in the Atlantic Sun Conference. They are coached by Casey Alexander. The Bisons made their first ever trip to the NCAA tournament in school history in 2018, when they defeated Florida Gulf Coast University in the Atlantic Sun Conference tournament final. Lipscomb has a 177–179 all-time record in NCAA basketball and a 96–76 record in Atlantic Sun games. Lipscomb won their first Atlantic Sun Men's Basketball Tournament title in 2018, despite", "\"Isaiah Livers\"\nthe 2018 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game to (#2 Coaches Poll/#2 AP Poll) Villanova. Isaiah Livers Isaiah M. Livers (born July 28, 1998) is an American basketball player for the Michigan Wolverines who is playing his sophomore season for the 2018–19 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team. He attended Kalamazoo Central High School where he won the Mr. Basketball of Michigan. He was part of the 2017–18 team that won the 2018 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament and reached the Championship Game of the 2018 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament. Livers was born on July 28, 1998", "\"Temple Owls\"\nHead Basketball coach. Dunphy had coached the Quakers for 17 straight seasons prior to the move. Dunphy and his Owls won the Atlantic-10 tournament in 2008 beating St. Joseph's University. The Owls were rewarded with a 12 seed in the NCAA Tournament and paired against 5th-seeded Michigan State, losing that game 72–61. In 2009, the Owls won their second consecutive Atlantic-10 tournament against Duquesne, for their conference leading 13th title. Entering the 2009–10 season, Temple Men's Basketball program ranked sixth in NCAA All-Time wins with 1711. The Owls football team participates in the NCAA's Football Bowl Subdivision, but because the", "\"1973 NCAA College Division Basketball Tournament\"\n1973 NCAA College Division Basketball Tournament The 1973 NCAA College Division Basketball Tournament involved 42 schools playing in a single-elimination tournament to determine the national champion of men's NCAA College Division basketball as a culmination of the 1972-73 NCAA College Division men's basketball season. It was won by Kentucky Wesleyan College and Kentucky Wesleyan's Mike Williams was the Most Outstanding Player. This was the last College Division basketball tournament. Effective with the next school year of 1973–74, the NCAA adopted the three-division setup that exists to this day. The top-level University Division was renamed Division I, while the College Division", "\"2015–16 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\n2015–16 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2015–16 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2015–16 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Spartans, led by 21st-year head coach Tom Izzo, played their home games at the Breslin Center and were members of the Big Ten Conference.They finished the season 29–6, 13–5 in Big Ten play to finish in second place. They defeated Ohio State, Maryland, and Purdue to win the Big Ten Tournament. As a result, they received the conference's automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament, their 19th straight NCAA Tournament appearance. As", "\"2013–14 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team\"\n2013–14 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team The 2013–14 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team represented Western Michigan University (WMU) during the 2013–14 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Broncos were Mid-American Conference (MAC) overall and West Division co-champions with Toledo, received the No. 1 seed in the conference tournament and defeated Toledo in the conference finals to receive the MAC's automatic berth into the 2014 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament. WMU is led by 11th year head coach Steve Hawkins and play their home games at University Arena in Kalamazoo, Michigan. WMU was given a 14 seed", "\"1996–97 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nin conference. The Spartans received an invitation to the NIT for the second consecutive year. MSU beat George Washington in the first round and lost in the second round to Florida State. As of 2018, this was the last year MSU failed to make the NCAA Tournament. !colspan=9 style=| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=6 style=|Big Ten regular season !colspan=6 style=|NIT 1996–97 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 1996–97 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 1996–97 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The team played their home games at Breslin Center in", "\"2006–07 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nRound of the Tournament was followed by a loss to No. 3 North Carolina in the Second Round. !colspan=9 style=| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten Tournament !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament <nowiki>*</nowiki>AP does not release post-NCAA tournament rankings 2006–07 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2006–07 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2006–07 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The head coach was Tom Izzo who was in his 12th year. The team played their home games at the Breslin Center in East Lansing, MIichigan. MSU", "\"1989 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game\"\nto cut the Seton Hall lead to 79-78. After a defensive stop, Gerald Greene fouled Rumeal Robinson with three seconds left in overtime. Robinson made both free throws and after Seton Hall's last-second shot came up short, Michigan won its first national championship. 1989 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game The 1989 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game was the final round of the 1989 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament and determined the national champion for the 1988–89 NCAA Division I men's basketball season The 1989 National Title Game was played on April 3, 1989 at the", "\"2000 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament\"\n2000 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament The 2000 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament was the postseason men's basketball tournament for the Big Ten Conference and was played from March 9 to March 12, 2000 at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. The championship was won by Michigan State who defeated Illinois for the second consecutive year in the championship game. As a result, Michigan State received the Big Ten's automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament. Due to NCAA sanctions, Ohio State has vacated the records from this tournament. All Big Ten schools played in the tournament. Teams were", "\"1997–98 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nCarolina in the Sweet Sixteen. As of 2018, no MSU team has failed to make the NCAA tournament, a streak which began with the 1997–98 team. !colspan=9 style=\"\"\"\"| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=\"\"\"\"|Big Ten regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten Tournament !colspan=9 style=\"\"|NCAA Tournament 1997–98 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 1997–98 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 1997–98 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The team played their home games at Breslin Center in East Lansing, Michigan as members of the Big Ten Conference. They were coached by third-year head", "\"2009–10 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\n!colspan=9 style=|Big Ten Tournament !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament <nowiki>*</nowiki>AP does not release post-NCAA tournament rankings 2009–10 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2009–10 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2009–10 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. Their head coach was Tom Izzo who was in his 15th year. The Spartans played their home games at the Breslin Center in East Lansing, Michigan and were members of the Big Ten Conference. MSU finished the season 28–9, 14–4 in Big Ten play to earn a share of the Big Ten regular season championship for the 12th", "\"1989–90 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nthe Spartans 12-game winning streak came to end as they lost to fourth-seeded Georgia Tech. The game featured a controversial last second basket by Tech's Kenny Anderson to force overtime where the Spartans fell 80–81. !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=| Big Ten regular season !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament 1989–90 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 1989–90 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 1989–90 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The team played their home games at newly-openedBreslin Center in East Lansing, Michigan and were members of the Big Ten Conference. They were", "\"2015–16 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team\"\n2015–16 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team The 2015–16 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team represented Western Michigan University (WMU) during the 2015–16 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Broncos, led by 13th year head coach Steve Hawkins, played their home games at University Arena as members of the West Division of the Mid-American Conference (MAC). They finished the season 13–19 overall and 7–11 in MAC play to finish in last place in the West Division. They lost in the first round of the MAC Tournament to Northern Illinois. WMU tied Eastern Michigan for the Michigan MAC Trophy with", "\"1995–96 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nFresno State in the second round. The season marked the last time to date that Michigan State did not have a winning record. The Spartans finished the 1994–95 season with an overall record of 22–6, 14–4 in second place in the Big Ten. Michigan State received an at-large bid as a No. 3 seed to the NCAA Tournament and lost in the First Round to Weber State. !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten regular season !colspan=9 style=|NIT 1995–96 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 1995–96 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the", "\"2013–14 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\n2013–14 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2013–14 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2013–14 college basketball season. The Spartans, led by 19th year head coach Tom Izzo, played their home games at the Breslin Center in East Lansing, Michigan as members of the Big Ten Conference. MSU finished the season with a record of 29–9, 12–6 to finish in a tie for second place in Big Ten play. The Spartans won the Big Ten Tournament Championship and received the conference's automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament, MSU's 17th straight trip. MSU reached", "\"2012–13 Eastern Michigan Eagles men's basketball team\"\n2012–13 Eastern Michigan Eagles men's basketball team The 2012–13 Eastern Michigan Eagles men's basketball team represented Eastern Michigan University during the 2012–13 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Eagles, led by second year head coach Rob Murphy, played their home games at the Eastern Michigan University Convocation Center and were members of the West Division of the Mid-American Conference. They finished the season 16–18, 7–9 in MAC play to finish in fourth place in the West Division. They won two games in the MAC Tournament to advance to the quarterfinals where they lost to Western Michigan. Ray Lee Ranked", "\"2013–14 Big Ten Conference men's basketball season\"\n2013–14 Big Ten Conference men's basketball season The 2013–14 Big Ten men's basketball season began with practices in October 2013, followed by the start of the 2013–14 NCAA Division I men's basketball season in November. Michigan won the regular season title, but lost to Michigan State in the championship game of the 2014 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament. Following the season 9 teams participated in post season tournaments. Six teams were invited to participate in the 2014 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament; two teams were selected for the 2014 National Invitation Tournament and one team competed in the", "\"2003–04 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\n2003–04 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team The 2003–04 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team represented the University of Michigan in intercollegiate college basketball during the 2003–04 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The team played its home games in the Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and was a member of the Big Ten Conference. Under the direction of head coach Tommy Amaker, the team finished tied for fifth in the Big Ten Conference. The team earned a fifth place seed and advanced to the semifinals of the 2004 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament. The team won the 2004 National", "\"1998 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament\"\n1998 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament The 1998 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament was the inaugural postseason men's basketball tournament for the Big Ten Conference and was played from March 5 through March 8, 1998 at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. The championship was won by Michigan who defeated Purdue in the championship game. As a result, Michigan received the Big Ten's automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament. Due to the Michigan basketball scandal, Michigan has vacated the records from this tournament. Similarly, due to the Minnesota academic scandal, Minnesota's appearance in this tournament was vacated. All", "\"1999 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament\"\n1999 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament The 1999 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament was the second annual postseason men's basketball tournament for the Big Ten Conference and was played from March 4 through March 7, 1999 at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. The championship was won by Michigan State who defeated Illinois in the championship game. As a result, Michigan State received the Big Ten's automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament. Due to Michigan basketball scandal, Michigan has vacated the records from this tournament. Similarly, due to the Minnesota academic scandal, Minnesota's appearance in this tournament was", "\"Big Eight Conference Men's Basketball Tournament\"\nonly conference member not to win at least one tournament title during its existence. Big Eight Conference Men's Basketball Tournament The Big Eight Conference was an NCAA athletic conference that existed from 1907 to 1996, when it and the Southwest Conference disbanded to create the Big 12 Conference. The post-season conference tournament was instituted in 1977 and from that time the winner won the conference's automatic NCAA Tournament bid. From 1977 until 1985, the quarterfinals were played on the campus sites of the higher seeded teams. The last Big Eight men's basketball tournament ran through the conference's final season in", "\"2016–17 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\nin a tournament game since Dwyane Wade in 2003. On March 19, Michigan defeated Louisville 73–69 in a rematch of the 2013 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game to advance to the Sweet 16 for the first time since 2014, and third time in the past five seasons. Michigan was led by Wagner with a career-high 26 points. Wagner's 26 points were the most by a Wolverine in an NCAA Tournament game since Ray Jackson scored 28 points against Western Kentucky in the first round of the 1995 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament. Michigan led the country in", "\"2015–16 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\never to be named AP National Player of the Year. On April 4, Izzo was named to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. !colspan=9 style=| European summer exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten Tournament !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament <nowiki>*</nowiki>AP does not release post-NCAA tournament rankings Denzel Valentine Bryn Forbes Matt Costello 2015–16 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2015–16 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2015–16 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Spartans, led by 21st-year head coach Tom Izzo, played", "\"1963 NCAA University Division Basketball Tournament\"\nEd Jucker. Art Heyman, of Duke University, was named the tournament's Most Outstanding Player. This tournament marked the last time that a city was host to two straight Final Fours. For the fourth time, Louisville and Freedom Hall hosted the Final Four, the last time a host repeated in back-to-back years. Like the preceding year, all nine venues were either on-campus arenas or the primary off-campus arena for college teams. The tournament saw three new venues being used. For the first time, the tournament came to the state of Michigan, when Jenison Fieldhouse on the campus of Michigan State University", "\"Michigan Wolverines men's basketball\"\nBig Ten Defensive Player of the Year All-Americans National Coach of the Year Big Ten Coach of the Year The University of Michigan has an all-time 59–27* (52–23) record overall and 1–6* (1–4) championship game record in the NCAA Tournaments in 28* (24) appearances. Glen Rice holds the NCAA single-tournament scoring record with 184 points in 1989. The 1992 Final Four and all 1993, 1996, & 1998 games have been forfeited due to NCAA sanctions. The NCAA began seeding the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament with the 1979 edition. The 64-team field started in 1985, which guaranteed that a", "\"2011 Atlantic Sun Men's Basketball Tournament\"\nUniversity of South Carolina Upstate were not eligible to compete due to NCAA reclassification. Asterisk denotes game ended in overtime. 2011 Atlantic Sun Men's Basketball Tournament The 2011 Atlantic Sun Men's Basketball Tournament was the 33rd edition of the Atlantic Sun Conference (A-Sun)'s Men's Basketball Tournament. It took place from March 2–5, 2011 at the University Center on the campus of Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. The Belmont University Bruins won the tournament, defeating the University of North Florida Ospreys 87-46 in the final. The top eight eligible men's basketball teams in the Atlantic Sun Conference received a berth in", "\"2010–11 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\n#8 Seed in the 2011 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament, where they defeated Tennessee by a 75–45 margin in the first round. During the victory, they established two NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship records: The largest victory margin by an eight seed, and the first team to ever win a tournament game without making a free throw. The game was the second largest NCAA tournament victory margin in Michigan history (surpassed by the 1989 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament victory over ). It also marked the ninth straight time that John Bielien led a team victory in", "\"1993 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game\"\n1993 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game The 1993 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game took place on April 5, 1993 between the North Carolina Tar Heels and Michigan Wolverines at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. The match-up was the final one of the fifty-fifth consecutive NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship single-elimination tournament — commonly referred to as the NCAA Tournament — organized by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and is used to crown a national champion for men's basketball at the Division I level. The Tar Heels won their third NCAA Men's Basketball", "\"John Beilein\"\nhas been vacated. With wins over 10th-seeded Oklahoma State and 2nd-seeded Louisville, the Wolverines advanced to the Sweet 16 of the NCAA Tournament. The 2017–18 Wolverines won the 2018 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament to claim their second consecutive Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament championship. They became the first team to win consecutive tournament championships since Ohio State in 2010 and 2011. On March 24, Michigan defeated Florida State 58–54 in the West regional finals of the 2018 NCAA Tournament. With the win, Michigan advanced to the Final Four for the eighth time in program history and set", "\"1987–88 Kansas Jayhawks men's basketball team\"\nAllen Fieldhouse in Lawrence, Kansas. In the last three games of the NCAA tournament, the Jayhawks avenged their three home losses to Kansas State, Duke, and Oklahoma. !colspan=8| Regular season !colspan=8| Big 8 Tournament !colspan=8| NCAA Tournament 1987–88 Kansas Jayhawks men's basketball team The 1987–88 Kansas Jayhawks men's basketball team represented the University of Kansas for the NCAA Division I men's intercollegiate basketball season of 1987–1988. The team won the 1987–1988 NCAA Division I men's basketball championship, the second in the school's history. They were led by Larry Brown in his fifth and final season as head coach. Their star", "\"Eastern Michigan University\"\nrecord for most MAC titles out of all the EMU athletics teams. Eastern's men's basketball team has appeared in four NCAA Division I tournaments, and have a 3-4 record, tied for third best among Michigan colleges. In the 1996 Men's Basketball Tournament, Eastern Michigan defeated the Duke Blue Devils in the opening round. The 2006–2007 season was a successful one for Eastern Michigan, as they won an EMU and Mid-American Conference record eight conference titles: Men's Cross Country, Men's Swimming And Diving, Women's Swimming And Diving, Softball, Men's Indoor Track, Women's Gymnastics, Men's Golf and Men's Outdoor Track. This beat", "\"1974–75 Georgetown Hoyas men's basketball team\"\n1974–75 Georgetown Hoyas men's basketball team The 1974–75 Georgetown Hoyas men's basketball team represented Georgetown University during the 1974-75 NCAA Division I college basketball season. John Thompson, Jr., coached them in his third season as head coach. Georgetown was an independent that played its home games at McDonough Gymnasium on the Georgetown campus in Washington, D.C., and finished the season with a record of 18-10. The team won the 1975 ECAC South Region Tournament and appeared in the 1975 NCAA Tournament – the Hoyass first appearance in that tournament since 1943 – and lost to Central Michigan in the first", "\"1988–89 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\n1988–89 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team The 1988–89 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team represented the University of Michigan in intercollegiate college basketball during the 1988–89 season. The head coach was Bill Frieder, who was dismissed before the 1989 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament and replaced by assistant Steve Fisher. They played their home games at Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor, Michigan as members of the Big Ten Conference. They finished the season 30–7, 12–6 in Big Ten play to finish in third place. The Wolverines received an at-large bid to the NCAA Tournament as the No. 3 seed in", "\"2014 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament\"\n2014 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament The 2014 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament was the postseason men's basketball tournament for the Big Ten Conference held from March 13 through March 16, 2014 at Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana. The tournament was the 16th annual Big Ten Tournament and third and final year to feature 12 teams. The championship was won by Michigan State who defeated Michigan in the championship game. As a result, Michigan State received the conference's automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament. The win marked Michigan State's fourth tournament championship (tying them with Ohio State", "\"1984–85 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\n1984–85 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team The 1984–85 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team represented the University of Michigan in intercollegiate college basketball during the 1984–85 season. The team played its home games in the Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and was a member of the Big Ten Conference. Under the direction of head coach Bill Frieder, the team won the Big Ten Conference. The team earned the number one seed in the 1985 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament where it advanced one round before losing. Although the team began the season unranked it was in the Associated Press", "\"1964–65 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\n1964–65 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team The 1964–65 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team represented the University of Michigan in intercollegiate college basketball during the 1964–65 season. The team played its home games at Fielding H. Yost Field House (renamed Yost Ice Arena in 1973) on the school's campus in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Under the direction of head coach Dave Strack, the team won the Big Ten Conference Championship. This was the second of three consecutive Big Ten titles and Michigan's second visit to the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament final four. The team earned the Big Ten team statistical", "\"1947–48 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\n1947–48 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team The 1947–48 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team represented the University of Michigan in intercollegiate college basketball during the 1947–48 season. The team played its home games at Yost Arena on the school's campus in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The team won the Western Conference Championship. Under the direction of head coach Osborne Cowles, the team earned Michigan's first invitation to the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament in 1948. The team was led the school's first two All-Big Nine honorees: Bob Harrison and Pete Elliott as well as the team's leading scorer Mack Suprunowicz. The", "\"1947–48 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\nteam earned the Big Nine team statistical championships for both scoring defense (46.3) and scoring margin (7.6). Harrison served as team captain and Elliott earned team MVP. 1947–48 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team The 1947–48 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team represented the University of Michigan in intercollegiate college basketball during the 1947–48 season. The team played its home games at Yost Arena on the school's campus in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The team won the Western Conference Championship. Under the direction of head coach Osborne Cowles, the team earned Michigan's first invitation to the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament in", "\"2010–11 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\n2010–11 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2010–11 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2010–11 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. Tom Izzo led the Spartans in his 16th year at Michigan State. The team played their home games at the Breslin Center in East Lansing, Michigan, and competed in the Big Ten Conference. The Spartans finished the season 19–15, 9–9 in Big Ten play to finish in a tie for fourth place. The Spartans lost in the semifinals of the Big Ten Tournament and received an at-large bid to the NCAA Tournament,", "\"1985–86 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nand Georgetown before losing to No. 1-seeded Kansas in the Sweet Sixteen. The Spartans finished the 1984–85 season with a record of 19–10, 10–8 to finish in fifth place in Big Ten play. They received an at-large bid to the NCAA Tournament as a No. 10 seed. There they lost to UAB in the First Round. !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=| Big Ten regular season !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament 1985–86 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 1985–86 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 1985–86 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The team", "\"2017–18 Central Michigan Chippewas men's basketball team\"\ndefeated Fort Wayne and Wofford to advance to the quarterfinals where they lost to Liberty. The Chippewas finished the 2016–17 season 16–16, 6–12 in MAC play to finish in last place in the West Division. As the No. 11 seed in the MAC Tournament, they lost in the first round to Kent State. !colspan=9 style=| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=| MAC regular season !colspan=9 style=| MAC Tournament !colspan=9 style=| CIT 2017–18 Central Michigan Chippewas men's basketball team The 2017–18 Central Michigan Chippewas men's basketball team represented Central Michigan University during the 2017–18 NCAA Division I men's basketball", "\"2007–08 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nthe Spartans, leading 50–20 at the half and cruising to 18-point win over MSU. Goran Suton led the Spartans with 23 points and Chris Allen had 20. It marked senior Drew Neitzel's final game for the Spartans. !colspan=9 style=| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten Tournament !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament <nowiki>*</nowiki>AP does not release post-NCAA tournament rankings Source</small> 2007–08 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2007–08 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2007–08 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. They played their home games at Breslin", "\"2004–05 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nNorth Carolina loomed as the opponent for MSU in the Final Four. MSU took the halftime lead at 38–33, but North Carolina's Sean May scored 22 points and Spartans were outscored by 19 in the second half, losing 87–71. !colspan=9 style=| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=|Regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten Tournament !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament <nowiki>*</nowiki>AP does not release post-NCAA tournament rankings 2004–05 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2004–05 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2004–05 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Spartans, led by 10th-year head coach Tom Izzo, played their home games", "\"1971–72 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\n1971–72 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team The 1971–72 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team represented the University of Michigan in intercollegiate college basketball during the 1971–72 NCAA University Division men's basketball season. The team played its home games at Crisler Arena on the school's campus in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Under the direction of head coach Johnny Orr, the team finished with a 14–10 overall record and a 9–5 conference record. This tied the team for third in the Big Ten Conference but failed to get an invitation to either the 1972 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament or the 1972 National", "\"Duke–Michigan men's basketball rivalry\"\nDuke–Michigan men's basketball rivalry The Duke–Michigan men's basketball rivalry is a college basketball rivalry between the Duke Blue Devils men's basketball team of Duke University and Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team of the University of Michigan. The two teams played annual, regularly scheduled contests between 1963 and 1970 and between 1989 and 2002. They also scheduled meetings in 2007 and 2008 and had a 2013 ACC–Big Ten Challenge contest as the most recent meeting. In addition, the teams have had five unscheduled meetings in tournaments, three of which were in the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament including the 1992", "\"1988–89 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\ncontinues to rank second in NCAA history in single-season team field goal percentage: 56.6% (1325 of 2341). !colspan=9 style=|Non-confernece regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten regular season !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament The team posted the following statistics: Five players from this team were selected in the NBA Draft. 1988–89 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team The 1988–89 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team represented the University of Michigan in intercollegiate college basketball during the 1988–89 season. The head coach was Bill Frieder, who was dismissed before the 1989 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament and replaced by assistant Steve Fisher. They played their home", "\"Oregon Ducks men's basketball\"\nOregon Ducks men's basketball The Oregon Ducks men's basketball team is an intercollegiate basketball program that competes in the NCAA Division I and is a member of the Pac-12 Conference, representing the University of Oregon. The Ducks play their home games at Matthew Knight Arena. Oregon, then coached by Howard Hobson, won the first NCAA men's basketball national championship in 1939. The basketball team has appeared in the NCAA tournament 15 times and has won the conference championship six times. The University of Oregon men's basketball team played its first season in 1902–03 with Charles Burden as the head coach.", "\"Michigan Wolverines men's basketball\"\nwon the 1997 NIT tournament with a team that compiled a 25–9 overall (11–5) record. Many of Fisher's accomplishments were tarnished by NCAA sanctions. He left the job due to the University of Michigan basketball scandal. Brian Ellerbe assumed the title of interim coach less than five months after becoming an assistant coach. He was named full-time coach following the 25–9 (11–5) 1997–98 season in which he led the team to victories over Iowa, Minnesota and Purdue to capture the Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament championship. His subsequent teams never finished better than seventh in the conference. Tommy Amaker", "\"2005–06 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nTournament. In the Tournament, they lost to eventual Final Four Cinderella, No. 11-seeded George Mason, in the First Round. Following the season, Shannon Brown declared for the NBA Draft, leaving the Spartans one year prior to graduation, just the fourth player under Izzo to declare early. !colspan=9 style=| Exhibition Games !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten regular season !colspan=9 style=|Big Ten Tournament !colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament 2005–06 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2005–06 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2005–06 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. Their head coach was Tom", "\"1959 NCAA University Division Basketball Tournament\"\nCruces High School Arena. This would mark the third time in three years a high school hosted the tournament, and the last time it would happen. The next time the Aggies would host the tournament would be at their own on-campus arena, the Pan American Center. All other venues, and all nine host cities, would host tournament games again in the future. 1959 NCAA University Division Basketball Tournament The 1959 NCAA University Division Basketball Tournament involved 23 schools playing in single-elimination play to determine the national champion of men's NCAA Division I college basketball in the United States. It began", "\"Loyola Marymount Lions men's basketball\"\nLoyola Marymount Lions men's basketball The Loyola Marymount Lions men's basketball team represents Loyola Marymount University in men’s college basketball. The team currently competes in the West Coast Conference. The team has played its home game at Gersten Pavilion since 1981. Loyola Marymount'’s last appearance in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament was in 1990, where they advanced to the Elite Eight. They lost to eventual national champion UNLV. Prior to the NCAA Tournament, Lions star player Hank Gathers died during the West Coast Conference Men's Basketball Tournament from a heart condition. The Lions defeated New Mexico State, defending", "\"2010–11 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\n!colspan=9 style=|NCAA Tournament 2010–11 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2010–11 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2010–11 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. Tom Izzo led the Spartans in his 16th year at Michigan State. The team played their home games at the Breslin Center in East Lansing, Michigan, and competed in the Big Ten Conference. The Spartans finished the season 19–15, 9–9 in Big Ten play to finish in a tie for fourth place. The Spartans lost in the semifinals of the Big Ten Tournament and received an at-large bid to", "\"Chattanooga Mocs men's basketball\"\nChattanooga Mocs men's basketball The Chattanooga Mocs men's basketball team represents the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in NCAA Division I men's competition. On April 4, 2017, Lamont Paris was hired as the new head coach. The Mocs won the 1977 NCAA Men's Division II Basketball Tournament, while still in Division II. They are also very well known for being the original Cinderella in the NCAA Tournament. During the 1997 tournament they progressed to the Sweet Sixteen by defeating both Georgia and Illinois. They eventually lost to Providence. The Mocs have appeared in the NCAA Division I Tournament 11 times.", "\"1995–96 Drexel Dragons men's basketball team\"\n1996 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament 1995–96 Drexel Dragons men's basketball team The 1995–96 Drexel Dragons men's basketball team represented Drexel University during the 1995–96 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Dragons, led by 5th year head coach Bill Herrion, played their home games at the Daskalakis Athletic Center and were members of the North Atlantic Conference (which has since changed name). In the 1995–96 season, the Dragons won a school record 27 games, won the North Atlantic Conference Men's Basketball Tournament for the third season in a row, qualified for the NCAA Tournament for the fourth time", "\"2011–12 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\n2011–12 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2011–12 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2011–12 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The Spartans' head coach was Tom Izzo, who was in his 17th year at Michigan State. The team played its home games at the Breslin Center in East Lansing, Michigan, and were members of the Big Ten Conference. MSU finished with a record of 29–8, 13–5 in Big Ten play to finish in a three-way tie for first place. The Spartans also won the Big Ten Tournament. The Spartans received a No.", "\"2017 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament\"\n2017 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament The 2017 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament was the postseason men's basketball tournament for the Big Ten Conference held from March 8 through March 12, 2017 at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C. It was the first Big Ten Conference Tournament held outside the conference's traditional heartland in the Midwest. The championship was won by Michigan, which defeated Wisconsin in the championship game. As a result, Michigan received the conference's automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament. The championship was Michigan's first (after having their win of the inaugural tournament vacated) and they", "\"2016 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament\"\n2016 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament The 2016 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament was the postseason men's basketball tournament for the Big Ten Conference held from March 9 through March 13 at Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was the 17th annual Big Ten Tournament and was the second tournament to feature 14 teams of the expanded Big Ten, including Maryland and Rutgers. The championship was won by Michigan State who defeated Purdue in the championship game. As a result, Michigan State received the conference's automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament. The win marked Michigan State's fifth", "\"2009–10 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team\"\n2009–10 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team The 2009–10 Western Michigan Broncos men's basketball team was a NCAA Division I college basketball team representing Western Michigan University. The team was the two-time defending Mid-American Conference (MAC) West Division champion. WMU was coached by Steve Hawkins who was in his seventh season as head coach of the school. The Broncos played their home games at University Arena in Kalamazoo, Michigan. They finished the season 18–15, 8–8 in MAC play and lost in the semifinals of the 2010 MAC Men's Basketball Tournament. Western Michigan was picked to finish fifth in the MAC's", "\"Niels Giffey\"\nNiels Giffey Niels Giffey (born June 8, 1991) is a German basketball player who plays for Alba Berlin of the Basketball Bundesliga. Standing at , he plays at the shooting guard and small forward positions. He also represented German national basketball team in the international competitions. He played collegiately for the University of Connecticut Huskies men's basketball team. In his freshman year, he was part of the team that won the 2011 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament. He was again one of UConn's key players when they won the NCAA tournament for a second time in four years in", "\"Fab Five (University of Michigan)\"\nplayed in terms of households (although not viewers), and were a marketing juggernaut whose merchandise sales even dwarfed those of the national champion 1988–89 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team. In the documentary, Jackson noted that this was a special era for Michigan Wolverines athletics. During the 1991 NCAA Division I-A football season, Desmond Howard won the Heisman Trophy playing for the 1991 Michigan Wolverines football team. Also, the 1991–92 and 1992–93 Michigan Wolverines men's ice hockey team reached the Frozen Four in the same two springs (1992 NCAA Division I Men's Ice Hockey Tournament & 1993 NCAA Division I Men's", "\"Monmouth University\"\nfacility as the OceanFirst Bank Center in June, 2016. It houses a 4,100 seat competition arena; a 200-meter; six-lane indoor track; locker rooms; educational and conference space; ground-level bookstore; and fitness center. The new facility adjoins the William T. Boylan Gymnasium a 2,500-seat arena built in 1965. Monmouth has been in the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament in 1996, 2001, 2004, and 2006. Monmouth won their first NCAA men's basketball tournament game in 2006 when they beat Hampton University in that year's play-in game. It was the first time a Northeast Conference school won a game in the NCAA", "\"2000 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game\"\nSpartans with 21 points. As of 2018, Michigan State's 2000 team is the last Big Ten Conference team to win a National Championship. 2000 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game The 2000 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game was the finals of the 2000 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament and it determined the national champion for the 1999–2000 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The National title game was played on April 3, 2000 at the RCA Dome in Indianapolis, Indiana. The game matched No. 1-seeded Michigan State against No. 5-seeded Florida. The Spartans defeated the Gators,", "\"Isaiah Livers\"\nIsaiah Livers Isaiah M. Livers (born July 28, 1998) is an American basketball player for the Michigan Wolverines who is playing his sophomore season for the 2018–19 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team. He attended Kalamazoo Central High School where he won the Mr. Basketball of Michigan. He was part of the 2017–18 team that won the 2018 Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament and reached the Championship Game of the 2018 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament. Livers was born on July 28, 1998 in Kalamazoo, Michigan to Angela and Morris Livers. He started playing basketball at the age of", "\"2013–14 Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team\"\n2014 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament. Michigan opened the tournament by defeating Wofford 57–40, the fewest points scored by a Michigan opponent that season, and the victory ensured that the Wolverines would not have consecutive NCAA Tournament losses for the first time since 1993. Michigan then defeated Texas 79–65, advancing to the Sweet 16 for the second straight season. The team's back-to-back trips marked the first time Michigan played in consecutive Sweet 16s since its three straight appearances in 1992–94. Michigan recorded 14 three-pointers in the game, setting a school record in NCAA tournament play and giving Beilein his", "\"2001–02 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team\"\nTournament 2001–02 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team The 2001–02 Michigan State Spartans men's basketball team represented Michigan State University in the 2001–02 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. They were coached by Tom Izzo in his seventh season. The Spartans played their home games at Breslin Center in East Lansing, Michigan and were members of the Big Ten Conference. MSU finished the regular season 19–12, 10–6 to finish in a tie for fourth place in the Big Ten. The Spartans received a bid to the NCAA Tournament for the fifth consecutive year where they lost in the First Round" ]
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who was the voice of sally in a charlie brown christmas
[ "Kathy Steinberg" ]
[ "\"Sally Dryer\"\nSally Dryer Sally Dryer (also known as Sally Dryer-Baker; born 10 February 1957) is an American former child voice actress best known for her voice-over work in the 1960s. Dryer provided the voices for several \"\"Peanuts\"\" characters in television specials and film from 1965 to 1969. Dryer first started as the voice of Violet in \"\"A Boy Named Charlie Brown\"\" (1963) and \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" (1965), before going on to Lucy in four \"\"Peanuts\"\" specials \"\"Charlie Brown's All-Stars\"\" (1966), \"\"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown\"\" (1966), \"\"You're in Love, Charlie Brown\"\" (1967), and \"\"He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown\"\" (1968).", "\"Sally Brown\"\nother. But Sally does get angry at her at times, for example when Eudora shows feelings towards Sally's crush, Linus. Sally is notoriously defensive of Linus, instantly jealous of and hostile toward any other girl who shows any sort of affection toward him. Sally is shown to be best friends with Lucy Van Pelt despite Lucy playing tricks and being mean to Sally. Kathy Steinberg was the first to voice Sally Brown in A Charlie Brown Christmas in 1965. Various actresses have voiced her since. Linda Jenner voiced her from It's a Mystery, Charlie Brown (1974) to Be My Valentine,", "\"Sally Dryer\"\nDryer then provided the voice of Patty (not to be confused with the character of Peppermint Patty) in the feature film \"\"A Boy Named Charlie Brown\"\". Dryer's last stint with the \"\"Peanuts\"\" gang was performing the voices of Clara, Shirley, and Sophie in \"\"It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown\"\". Dryer also starred as herself in a pair of recent documentaries on the 1960s Peanuts television phenomenon. Dryer was interviewed on the special documentary \"\"You Don't Look 40, Charlie Brown\"\" (1990); and on the documentary \"\"The Making of \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\"\"\" (2001). Sally Dryer Sally Dryer (also known as", "\"Sally Brown\"\nCharlie Brown (1975). In Its Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown (1984), Snoopy's Getting Married, Charlie Brown (1985), and the 1983 season of The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show, Sally was voiced by Stacy Ferguson, better known as Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas. In It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown (1992), Sally was voiced by Jodie Sweetin (Stephanie on Full House and Fuller House). Other voice actresses who have played Sally include: Kristin Chenoweth played Sally in the Broadway revival of the musical You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, winning the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress. The character of Sally had not", "\"Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales\"\nSally has always used to refer to Linus. Charlie points out it's a Brown family expression. Charlie Brown and Sally prepare for Christmas together. Sally thinks she has spotted Santa Claus, but it turns out to be Snoopy in his Santa outfit. She later is haunted by \"\"visions of sugarplums\"\" and is relieved when Charlie Brown tells her they are simply a type of candy. In the final vignette, Sally is complaining that she never received a bicycle for her dollhouse; Charlie Brown said it was likely delivered to the wrong address. Sally, still angry, replies that she hopes whoever", "\"Hilary Momberger\"\nHilary Momberger Hilary Momberger (born June 16, 1962) is a former child actress from the late 1960s and early 1970s. Momberger, who hails from Los Angeles, was the voice of Sally Brown in five \"\"Peanuts\"\" specials \"\"It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown\"\" (1969), \"\"Play It Again, Charlie Brown\"\" (1971), \"\"You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown\"\" (1972), \"\"There's No Time for Love, Charlie Brown\"\" (1973), and \"\"A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving\"\" (1973). She also voiced Sally in the second \"\"Peanuts\"\" movie \"\"Snoopy, Come Home\"\" (1972). In recent years Momberger has become a successful script supervisor working on varied film titles including: \"\"Being", "\"Hilary Momberger\"\nJohn Malkovich\"\" and \"\"Rat Race\"\" and TV series including: \"\"Dawson's Creek\"\", \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" and \"\"Ally McBeal\"\". Hilary Momberger Hilary Momberger (born June 16, 1962) is a former child actress from the late 1960s and early 1970s. Momberger, who hails from Los Angeles, was the voice of Sally Brown in five \"\"Peanuts\"\" specials \"\"It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown\"\" (1969), \"\"Play It Again, Charlie Brown\"\" (1971), \"\"You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown\"\" (1972), \"\"There's No Time for Love, Charlie Brown\"\" (1973), and \"\"A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving\"\" (1973). She also voiced Sally in the second \"\"Peanuts\"\" movie \"\"Snoopy, Come Home\"\" (1972). In", "\"It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown\"\nIt Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown is the sixth prime-time animated TV specials based upon the popular comic strip \"\"Peanuts,\"\" created by Charles M. Schulz. It was directed by Bill Meléndez and originally aired on CBS on 27 September 1969. This was also the first \"\"Peanuts\"\" special not to feature the majority of the original voice cast from the inaugural \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\", except for Ann Altieri, Bill Melendez, Peter Robbins, and Sally Dryer. Among the notable additions to the cast for this special was Pamelyn Ferdin, Robbins's co-star on \"\"Blondie\"\".", "\"Extraordinary Merry Christmas\"\nalso all she wants, but gives Finn (Cory Monteith) a long list of Christmas present suggestions. Her dialogue, \"\"All I want is what I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share\"\" is a verbatim homage to Sally's Christmas list scene with Charlie Brown in the Christmas classic, \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\". Just as Charlie Brown is with Sally, Finn is appalled by how much Rachel wants, though she assures him that five of the items are enough. When she later hints that an early gift would not be amiss, he surprises her with the donation of", "\"Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales\"\nday to Susan. Linus tries to ask for her address to send her a Christmas card, and she gives an address that turns out to be fake when the card is returned. When Lucy asks Linus why he's so interested in her, he replies flatly: \"\"She fascinates me.\"\" Sally decides to give everyone paper airplanes for Christmas and writes her Christmas letter to \"\"Samantha Claus\"\" (her beard being a disguise). After school, a furious Sally blames Charlie Brown for not telling her that she was thinking of Santa Claus. Not knowing how to cut down a Christmas tree, Sally decides", "\"Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales\"\nto go out and \"\"fall down\"\" a tree: look at it and hope it falls on its own. Her first target turns out to be in the yard of a hostile \"\"ugly kid,\"\" who, in disbelief, flippantly tells her she can have the tree if it falls down. In what Sally describes as \"\"a Christmas miracle,\"\" the tree does fall down on its own. The ugly kid comes to the Browns' house and demands the tree back, but Sally refuses. The night before Christmas Eve, Sally is overcome with guilt and decides to return the tree anyway, but the ugly", "\"Mrs. Claus\"\nwrites to Santa and asks, \"\"How is your wife?\"\" Later, in \"\"It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown\"\", she writes Santa's wife herself, and, when Charlie Brown comments that some people call her \"\"Mary Christmas,\"\" Sally congratulates her on choosing to keep her own surname. In \"\"Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales\"\", Sally writes Santa Claus as \"\"Samantha Claus\"\", inadvertently thinking Samantha Claus is Santa Claus's wife. Mrs. Claus appears in \"\"A Chipmunk Christmas\"\", where she buys Alvin a harmonica after he gives his old one to a sick boy. Her identity isn't revealed until the end, when Santa returns home and she greets", "\"You're a Good Sport, Charlie Brown\"\nBrown\"\" in 1977. \"\"You're a Good Sport, Charlie Brown\"\" won Schulz his third Emmy Award for Outstanding Children Special. He previously earned the award for \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" and \"\"A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving\"\". You're a Good Sport, Charlie Brown You're a Good Sport, Charlie Brown is the 14th prime-time animated TV specials based upon the popular comic strip \"\"Peanuts,\"\" by Charles M. Schulz. It was originally aired on the CBS network on October 28, 1975. The cartoon begins with Snoopy playing tennis against Woodstock while Linus and Sally are unable to play due to the courts being occupied. (Sally", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\nhelp him do so; Charlie Brown jumps at the opportunity to have a leadership role. At Snoopy's doghouse, Charlie Brown is further disgusted when he finds out that his dog has entered the doghouse into a lights and display contest with a cash prize. He is finally accosted by his sister Sally, who asks him to write her letter to Santa Claus. When she hints at having an extremely long and specific list of requests, and says she will accept large sums of money as a substitute (\"\"tens and twenties\"\"), Charlie Brown becomes even more dismayed and runs off. Charlie", "\"Christmas creep\"\nAdditionally, in 1973's \"\"A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving\"\", Sally complains that she was looking for a turkey tree for Thanksgiving but had only found Christmas supplies. Several songs satirize the phenomenon, including Loudon Wainwright III's \"\"Suddenly It's Christmas\"\" (from his 1993 live album \"\"Career Moves\"\"), Straight No Chaser's \"\"The Christmas Can-Can\"\" (from their 2009 album \"\"Christmas Cheers\"\"), Paul and Storm's \"\"The Way-Too-Early Christmas Song\"\" (from their 2010 album \"\"Do You Like Star Wars?\"\"). Christian singer/songwriter Brandon Heath voiced his feelings on Christmas creep in the song \"\"The Day After Thanksgiving\"\" (from his 2013 album \"\"Christmas Is Here\"\"). In Jim Butcher's 2012", "\"Stacy Heather Tolkin\"\nStacy Heather Tolkin Stacy Heather Tolkin is a former child actress who played the part of Irina in \"\"The Concorde ... Airport '79\"\", and voiced a number of 1983 television productions featuring Charles Schulz Peanuts characters. Tolkin also voiced Sally Brown and Truffles in \"\"Is This Goodbye, Charlie Brown?\"\", \"\"What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown?\"\", and \"\"The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show\"\". She also played Herb Tarlek's daughter in a few episodes of \"\"WKRP In Cincinnati\"\". As a child actress, Tolkin was in over a hundred commercials including McDonald's, Grandma's Cookies, and Kellogg's Corn Flakes. She was also on the", "\"Stacy Heather Tolkin\"\ncover of the Kellogg's Corn Flakes box. Tolkin played Bonnie Franklin's daughter in the TV movie, \"\"Portrait of a Rebel: Margaret Sanger\"\". Stacy Heather Tolkin Stacy Heather Tolkin is a former child actress who played the part of Irina in \"\"The Concorde ... Airport '79\"\", and voiced a number of 1983 television productions featuring Charles Schulz Peanuts characters. Tolkin also voiced Sally Brown and Truffles in \"\"Is This Goodbye, Charlie Brown?\"\", \"\"What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown?\"\", and \"\"The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show\"\". She also played Herb Tarlek's daughter in a few episodes of \"\"WKRP In Cincinnati\"\". As a", "\"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown\"\nher and sending her into the same circling frenzy as she did in \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\". Then, he is entertained by Schroeder's playing of World War I tunes on his piano, though the sad songs make him cry. Embarrassed, Snoopy leaves. Linus and Sally are still in the pumpkin patch. When Linus sees a shadowy figure rising from the moonlit patch, he assumes the Great Pumpkin is there and faints. Sally sees that it is only Snoopy. When Linus wakes, she furiously yells at him for making her miss the Halloween festivities when Charlie Brown and the others come", "\"Mrs. Claus\"\nvampiress who, angry that Santa leaves most of the work for her, turns him into a vampire so she can take a break (which is about the six or seventh time she's done so), when she gets the idea from Mandy to try and take over the world before Billy reconciles them. Another unusual appearance is in the \"\"Robot Chicken Christmas Special,\"\" during which, in a \"\"Dragon Ball Z\"\" parody sketch, she gains powers from the North Pole's radiation, and becomes a giant monster that Goku, Gohan, and Rudolph must destroy. In \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\", Charlie Brown's sister Sally", "\"Sally Brown\"\nbeen in the original production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. In the revival Sally replaced Patty (not to be confused with the later character Peppermint Patty) who had long since disappeared from the comic strip. Sally was most recently played by Milly Shapiro in the 2016 revival of You're a Good Man Charlie Brown Sally Brown Sally Brown is the younger sister of Charlie Brown in the comic strip \"\"Peanuts\"\" by Charles Schulz. She was first mentioned in early 1959 and throughout a long series of strips before her first appearance in August 1959. Kathy Steinberg was the", "\"Sally Brown\"\nSally Brown Sally Brown is the younger sister of Charlie Brown in the comic strip \"\"Peanuts\"\" by Charles Schulz. She was first mentioned in early 1959 and throughout a long series of strips before her first appearance in August 1959. Kathy Steinberg was the first to voice Sally in 1965. Sally has flipped blonde hair with a cluster of curls like Schroeder and Patty. In the early 1960s and in her early television appearances, she is shown to have a bow in her curls. However, this was dropped by 1969. She wears a polka dot dress. In the TV specials,", "\"Charlie Brown's All Stars!\"\nin the pouring rain; during the closing credits. 5 also appears, but is silent. This is also the first Peanuts special to not feature Tracy Stratford as Lucy van Pelt, she has been replaced with Sally Dryer, who previously voiced Violet in the previous special. This is also the first special where Karen Mendelson voices Violet. A book about the show came out around the time show premiered. In the book, Charlie Brown just goes up to the team and said the whole simple \"\"we don't need them\"\" line, then turns and walks away as the whole team heaps verbal", "\"Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales\"\nand cutting out the closing song of \"\"Hark! The Herald Angels Sing\"\". Fans of the special were angered by the cuts. In response, ABC increased the special to a one-hour block when it acquired the rights to the special shortly before creator Charles Schulz's death. However, this left about eighteen extra minutes to be filled. During 2001, the first year ABC aired \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\", the show was followed by a retrospective hosted by Whoopi Goldberg featuring the voice cast and producers of the special. \"\"Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales\"\" was created to replace that retrospective in rounding out the", "\"It's a Mystery, Charlie Brown\"\nrun back to Woodstock's tree, whereupon Snoopy re-installs the domicile for his overjoyed and grateful friend. The next day, Sally complains to Charlie Brown that her science exhibit has been stolen. When she reveals her exhibit was a so-called \"\"prehistoric bird's nest\"\", Charlie Brown puts two and two together and realizes it was Sally who took Woodstock's nest. Even with Charlie Brown's explanation that the nest was made by Woodstock, Sally is convinced that since she found the nest, it belongs to her. When she encounters Snoopy and Woodstock, she demands that they return \"\"her\"\" nest. The three are about", "\"I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown\"\nfourth wall at the end of the special by saying, \"\"I always lie awake wondering, when will it all end? Then a voice tells me, 'Right after the credits.'\"\" Shermy, Eudora, and Patty also appear, but are silent. I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown is one of Charles M. Schulz's \"\"Peanuts\"\" made-for-television specials. The special first aired on ABC on December 9, 2003. It was released to DVD and VHS by Paramount on October 26, 2004, and Warner Home Video released it as a remastered deluxe edition on DVD on", "\"It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown\"\nand Sally accuses Linus of ruining her Easter, is the funeral march from the second movement of the same Beethoven symphony. The music heard when the dancing bunnies went in circles was later heard in \"\"Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas\"\" during the Belles on Ice episode as a set of bars heard in the credits with the train scene's music. The rest of the music score features funk-inspired guitar riffs, a departure from the usual Vince Guaraldi jazz compositions used in previous \"\"Peanuts\"\" specials. It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown! is the 12th prime-time", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\ncasting the silent comic strip characters of \"\"Peanuts\"\", the trio pulled from their personalities. Lead character Charlie Brown's voice was decided to be downbeat and nondescript (\"\"blah,\"\" as Mendelson noted), while Lucy be bold and forthright. Linus' voice, it was decided, would combine both sophistication with childlike innocence. Mendelson recognized that the character of Snoopy was the strip's most popular character who seemed to seize \"\"the best jokes,\"\" but realized they could not cast a voice for the cartoon dog. \"\"In the process, we gained a veritable 'canine Harpo Marx,'\"\" Mendelson later wrote. Melendez suggested he provide gibberish for Snoopy's", "\"A Boy Named Charlie Brown\"\na Short Summer, Charlie Brown\"\", replacing old with two new voice actors of Sally and Schroeder. The film received generally positive reviews from critics and audiences, and was a box office success, grossing $12 million. \"\"Snoopy, Come Home\"\" came three years later, in 1972, as a standalone sequel. When Charlie Brown's baseball team loses the first Little League game of the season, he becomes convinced that he will never win anything. Linus encourages him to maintain a positive attitude and suggests that people learn more from losing. When Charlie Brown remains morose (\"\"That makes me the smartest person in the", "\"Peggy Jean\"\ngloves for Christmas but didn't have the money for them (Linus suggested he send her a card advising her to keep her hands in her pockets). Charlie Brown sold his entire comic collection in order to buy the gloves, only to meet Peggy Jean in the shop and her telling him that her mother had bought her the same sort of gloves; in the end, Charlie Brown gives the gloves he bought to Snoopy. This storyline was adapted as a portion of the animated special \"\"It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown\"\", in which, she is voiced by Deanna Tello (who also", "\"Peter Robbins (actor)\"\nMost distinctly, at the age of nine, Robbins provided Charlie Brown's voice in one television documentary, six \"\"Peanuts\"\" television specials and one movie from 1963–69, including the film \"\"A Boy Named Charlie Brown\"\" and the television specials \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" and \"\"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown\"\". While Robbins, aged 14 in 1971, was replaced by younger child actors in the \"\"Peanuts\"\" specials produced after the 1960s, his trademark scream of \"\"AUGH!!\"\", first used in \"\"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown\"\", continued to be used in the later specials for Charlie Brown and other characters. Robbins appeared in an", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\nis where the special currently airs, usually twice, in December. The original broadcasts included references to the sponsor, Coca-Cola. Subsequent broadcasts and home media releases have excised all references to Coca-Cola products. Later subsequent broadcasts of the special also had some scenes, animation, including sound effects being redone for correction. Snoopy's dog bowl was given a new color, Charlie Brown no longer looked off-model in Lucy's psychiatric booth, new animation was placed in scenes where Charlie Brown was giving directions at the auditorium, the hearts when Sally gets enamored in Linus were redone, and Snoopy no longer sings like a", "\"He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown\"\nHe's Your Dog, Charlie Brown He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown is the fifth prime-time animated TV special based upon the popular comic strip \"\"Peanuts,\"\" by Charles M. Schulz. It was originally aired on the CBS network on February 14, 1968. This was also the last \"\"Peanuts\"\" special featuring the majority of the original voice cast from the first \"\"Peanuts\"\" special, \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\". Both \"\"He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown\"\" and \"\"You're in Love, Charlie Brown\"\" were nominated for an Emmy award for Outstanding Achievement in Children's Programming in 1968. Snoopy is beginning to get into constant mischief, angering the", "\"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown\"\npumpkin patch to jeer at Linus for missing the festivities, just as he did the previous year. Undeterred, Linus is convinced that the Great Pumpkin will come to his sincere pumpkin patch, and tries to convince Sally to join him. Sally, acting almost entirely on her infatuation with Linus, agrees to skip trick-or-treating. During \"\"tricks or treats,\"\" the kids get their goodies (except for Charlie Brown, who gets nothing but rocks). After going back to the pumpkin patch to tease Linus and Sally, the gang goes to Violet's Halloween party. Violet and Lucy ask Charlie Brown to serve as their", "\"Sally Brown\"\na pupil in Sally's class later that year and was Sally's closest friend for most of her run in Peanuts. In the later years of the strip, Sally started developing \"\"Philosophies\"\" on life. They were not the most well thought out philosophies, basically being phrases such as, \"\"Who cares?\"\", \"\"Why me?\"\", and \"\"How should I know?\"\" Being Charlie Brown's sister, she refers to him as \"\"big brother\"\", having called him by his full name only on very rare occasions (and usually only in her early years in the strip). Charlie Brown doted on her in the beginning, and was usually", "Peanuts\nthe strip's first black character, Franklin; a Mexican–Swedish kid named José Peterson; and Peppermint Patty's bookish sidekick Marcie, who calls Peppermint Patty \"\"Sir\"\" and Charlie Brown \"\"Charles\"\" and sometimes \"\"Chuck\"\" (most characters only call him \"\"Charlie Brown\"\", though he was known as \"\"Charles\"\" to Eudora, \"\"big brother\"\" to his sister Sally Brown, \"\"that round-headed kid\"\" to Snoopy, and \"\"Brownie Charles\"\" to Peggy Jean after misspeaking his name out of nervousness). Several additional family members of the characters were also introduced: Charlie Brown's younger sister Sally, who became fixated on Linus; Linus and Lucy van Pelt's younger brother Rerun, who for", "\"Wesley Singerman\"\nin \"\"A Charlie Brown Valentine\"\", \"\"Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales\"\" and \"\"Lucy Must Be Traded, Charlie Brown\"\". After \"\"Meet the Robinsons\"\", Singerman announced that he was retiring from his voice acting career to focus on music. Wesley Singerman Wesley Steven Singerman (born August 23, 1990) is an American record producer, songwriter and guitarist, and voice actor. Singerman was born in Downingtown, Pennsylvania on August 23, 1990. He moved to California in 1993. As a record producer, songwriter and guitar player, Singerman has worked on releases by Kendrick Lamar, Ty Dolla $ign, and Rich Brian, among others, Singerman announce that he will", "\"Fergie (singer)\"\nHer ancestry includes English, Irish, Mexican, Native American, and Scottish. She was raised Roman Catholic and attended Mesa Robles Middle School and Glen A. Wilson High School. She was a cheerleader, straight-A student, spelling bee champion, and Girl Scout. Fergie studied dance and began to do voiceover work; she provided the voice for Sally in two made-for-television \"\"Peanuts\"\" cartoons, \"\"It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown\"\" (1984) and \"\"Snoopy's Getting Married, Charlie Brown\"\" (1985), as well as on four episodes of \"\"The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show\"\". From 1984 to 1989, she starred on the TV show \"\"Kids Incorporated\"\" and was the longest", "\"Sally Brown\"\nvery patient with her. Yet Sally has never developed proper respect for her big brother, and invariably ends up disappointed in him when he fails to protect her from being teased or threatened by bullies. However, Sally constantly relies on Charlie Brown to help her with her homework, which usually results in his doing her assignments for her. Sally often annoys Charlie Brown and regularly complains to him. She obviously thinks that Charlie Brown has a better bedroom than she does because she often tries to take it over from him. However, deep down Sally loves her big brother. Like", "\"Bill Melendez\"\nhave been involved in a previous \"\"Peanuts\"\" project, save for Kristin Chenoweth, who won a Tony Award for her performance as Sally Brown in \"\"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown\"\" on Broadway. Bill Melendez José \"\"Bill\"\" Cuauhtémoc Meléndez (November 15, 1916 – September 2, 2008) was a Mexican–American character animator, voice actor, film director and producer known for his cartoons for Walt Disney Productions (working on four Disney films \"\"Pinocchio\"\", \"\"Fantasia\"\", \"\"Dumbo\"\" and \"\"Bambi\"\"), Warner Bros. Cartoons, UPA and the \"\"Peanuts\"\" series. Melendez provided the voices of Snoopy and Woodstock in the latter as well. A native of Hermosillo, Sonora,", "Shermy\n\"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" in 1965, where he has one line of dialogue. Upon being cast as a shepherd in the gang's Christmas pageant, he laments being typecast: \"\"Every Christmas it's the same: I always end up playing a shepherd.\"\" His appearances also include (sometimes with dialogue and sometimes without) \"\"Charlie Brown's All-Stars\"\", \"\"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown\"\", \"\"You're in Love, Charlie Brown\"\", \"\"It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown\"\", \"\"You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown\"\", \"\"Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown\"\", \"\"It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown\"\", \"\"Is This Goodbye, Charlie Brown?\"\", \"\"Why, Charlie Brown, Why?\"\", \"\"It's Spring Training, Charlie", "\"A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving\"\nCharlie Brown\"\" in 1966. Charlie Brown and Sally are preparing to go to their grandmother's for Thanksgiving dinner when Charlie Brown gets a phone call from Peppermint Patty, who invites herself over to Charlie Brown's house for the holiday dinner. Two quick subsequent phone calls from Peppermint Patty add Marcie and Franklin to the guest list, but since Charlie Brown cannot get a word in edgewise with Patty, he quickly finds himself in a quandary with no easy solution, at least not until Linus shows up. Linus suggests to Charlie Brown that he could have two Thanksgiving dinners, the first", "\"Serena Berman\"\nof Elyon Brown. As the voice of Elyon Brown, she was often a guest at various fan conventions. Berman also made appearances in \"\"Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide\"\" as Marty's sister Marva, and as Lucy van Pelt in both \"\"Lucy Must Be Traded, Charlie Brown\"\" and \"\"Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales\"\". Serena Berman Serena Berman (born December 30, 1990) is an American actress. She has done voice-over work for animated series and films. Serena began working as an actress from a young age. She grew up in Santa Monica, California. In her later teen years, Serena focused more closely on her", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\nA Charlie Brown Christmas A Charlie Brown Christmas is a 1965 animated television special based on the comic strip \"\"Peanuts\"\", by Charles M. Schulz. Produced by Lee Mendelson and directed by Bill Melendez, the program made its debut on CBS on December 9, 1965. In the special, lead character Charlie Brown finds himself depressed despite the onset of the cheerful holiday season. Lucy suggests he direct a neighborhood Christmas play, but his best efforts are ignored and mocked by his peers. After Linus tells Charlie Brown about the true meaning of Christmas, Charlie Brown cheers up, and the Peanuts gang", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas (soundtrack)\"\nSing\"\" and when the kids all shout \"\"Merry Christmas Charlie Brown\"\" were performed by members of the choir of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in San Rafael, California. Several months before the making of Charlie Brown Christmas this choir was featured on the Vince Guaraldi recording \"\"Vince Guaraldi at Grace Cathedral\"\". Original production Production A Charlie Brown Christmas (soundtrack) A Charlie Brown Christmas is a 1965 studio album by American jazz pianist Vince Guaraldi (later credited to the Vince Guaraldi Trio). The album was released in December 1965 in the U.S. by Fantasy. It is the soundtrack to the Christmas television", "Peanuts\nthe treatment of Snoopy. In the strip, the dog's thoughts are verbalized in thought balloons; in animation, he is typically mute, his thoughts communicated through growls or laughs (voiced by Bill Meléndez), and pantomime, or by having human characters verbalizing his thoughts for him. These treatments have both been abandoned temporarily in the past. For example, they experimented with teacher dialogue in \"\"She's a Good Skate, Charlie Brown\"\". The elimination of Snoopy's \"\"voice\"\" is probably the most controversial aspect of the adaptations, but Schulz apparently approved of the treatment. The success of \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" was the impetus for", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\nhave been staged. ABC currently holds the rights to the special and broadcasts it at least twice during the weeks leading up to Christmas. The Peanuts are celebrating the start of the winter season by ice skating on a frozen pond and singing \"\"Christmas Time Is Here.\"\" Leaning against a nearby fence, Charlie Brown tells Linus that despite all the traditions of Christmas presents, Christmas cards and decorations, he still winds up depressed, but is not sure why. Linus dismisses Charlie Brown's attitude as typical, quoting Lucy: \"\"Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you're the Charlie Browniest.\"\" Charlie", "\"Charlie Brown\"\nMarcie is infatuated with Charlie Brown and they are good friends and while she is usually too shy, she has occasionally managed to confess to him. Marcie often asks Charlie Brown if he likes her. As he does with Peppermint Patty, Charlie Brown often responds to Marcie's inquiries by trying to evade the issue, though it seems as if Charlie has feelings for her, which more than once has made Marcie so angry that she kicked him in the shins out of frustration. Marcie often calls him \"\"Charles\"\". Charlie Brown is frequently bothered by his younger sister Sally, who often", "\"One More Drifter in the Snow\"\nSnow\"\", deciding to \"\"go the Mel Tormé, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, lounge-y, sort of Julie London record\"\" rather than make an album in the style of \"\"the groovy modern Christmas records\"\". Another inspiration for the album was the Vince Guaraldi Trio's soundtrack for the 1965 film \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" (see \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" soundtrack), which Mann said \"\"has a lot of dark and mysterious undertones. First, Charlie Brown is depressed by the commercialism of Christmas and then there's Linus, who steps out to tell the story of the nativity, with this heartbreakingly moral stance. We wanted our take", "\"Christmas tree\"\nCharlie Brown Christmas\"\" (1965) was influential on the pop culture surrounding the Christmas tree. Aluminum Christmas trees were popular during the early 1960s in the US. They were satirized in the Charlie Brown show and came to be seen as symbolizing the commercialization of Christmas. The term \"\"Charlie Brown Christmas tree\"\", describing any poor-looking or malformed little tree, also derives from the 1965 TV special, based on the appearance of Charlie Brown's Christmas tree. Since the early 20th century, it has become common in many cities, towns, and department stores to put up public Christmas trees outdoors, such as the", "\"Sally Brown\"\nin the strip from July 10, 1979, when he gets lost in the woods in a series of strips from November 1980, and when Snoopy accidentally turns him invisible in the TV special \"\"It's Magic, Charlie Brown\"\". Unlike most of the Peanuts gang, Sally does not seem to have much interest in playing sports. On the rare occasions when she does play, it is usually because Linus invites her. She is one of the few children in the neighborhood who has never played on Charlie Brown's baseball team, and her attempts to play catch with a football usually lead to", "\"Great Pumpkin\"\nCharlie Brown (even saying \"\"Good grief!\"\" at one point). A redesigned version of Santa's Little Helper can be seen sleeping atop his dog house a la Snoopy, while Homer is seen sleeping on top of the family house in a similar manner. When Marge first speaks, her voice is replaced with a muted trombone sound, a parody of the \"\"wah wah wah\"\" voice that is used for adults in all \"\"Peanuts\"\" specials. The dance scene during the Halloween party is a parody of the dance scene in \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" right down to Kang and Kodos in a nonspeaking", "\"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown\"\nyearly letter to the Great Pumpkin, despite Charlie Brown's disbelief, Snoopy's laughter, Patty's assurance that the Great Pumpkin is a fake, and even his own sister Lucy, who threatens to \"\"pound\"\" him. (She is watching TV and reading a \"\"TV Guide\"\" with her picture on it.) Only Sally, Charlie Brown's younger sister, smitten with Linus, supports him—until Charlie Brown takes her away. Linus goes out to mail the letter but cannot reach the mailbox. Lucy refuses to help him, so he lassos the mailbox handle with his security blanket, opening the box to waft in the letter. Charlie Brown gets", "\"It's Magic, Charlie Brown\"\nhe prepares to roam the world as a lost soul, and Sally begins moving her stuff into his room. Before Charlie starts roaming, he decides to feed Snoopy to show him what has happened. When Snoopy realizes he cannot yet reverse the trick, he tries a couple of different ideas to make Charlie Brown somewhat visible again, including draping a sheet over his head and scaring Sally, and when Charlie Brown looks in the mirror and sees that Snoopy made him a ghost, he faints. Despite this shortcoming, Charlie Brown realizes he has a golden opportunity to kick Lucy's infamous", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\nafter the special first aired, they were no longer being regularly manufactured. The \"\"Charlie Brown Christmas Tree\"\" has been used to comedic effect with people familiar with the special and has become synonymous with poorly executed or minimalist Christmas decorating. A model of the tree is offered by various retailers. Three lesser-known Christmas specials were produced decades after the 1965 original. A Charlie Brown Christmas A Charlie Brown Christmas is a 1965 animated television special based on the comic strip \"\"Peanuts\"\", by Charles M. Schulz. Produced by Lee Mendelson and directed by Bill Melendez, the program made its debut on", "\"Snoopy's Reunion\"\nhas been replaced by a five story parking garage. Then he drops the sign back in the dirt pile. Charlie Brown turns to Sally and asks her if she realizes what happened; then he turns to Snoopy and his siblings and says that it's parking on their memories. Then Sally responds, \"\"You know big brother? What's his name is right. You can't go home again\"\". Despite this, Snoopy and his siblings seem happy to be together again, and continue to play more music. Everyone then returns to Charlie Brown's house, and Charlie Brown is now with Linus. Charlie Brown declares", "\"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown\"\npreviews and 149 performances. It featured new dialogue by Michael Mayer, who also directed, and additional songs and orchestration written by Andrew Lippa; choreography was by Jerry Mitchell and sets by David Gallo, Mayer's frequent collaborator. In this revival, the character of Patty was replaced with Sally Brown. The cast featured Anthony Rapp as Charlie Brown, B.D. Wong as Linus, Ilana Levine as Lucy, and Stanley Wayne Mathis as Schroeder. Also featured were Kristin Chenoweth and Roger Bart as Sally and Snoopy, with each winning the Tony award in the respective category. The revival closed on Broadway one week later.", "\"Ami Foster\"\nthat year in \"\"COTS.\"\" Following the end of \"\"Punky Brewster\"\" in 1988, Foster appeared in various guest roles: on \"\"The Wonder Years\"\", \"\"Quantum Leap,\"\" and \"\"Life Goes On\"\". In 1986-87 she was the voice of Holly, the young owner of the Puppy Pound in the Pound Puppies television series. She also voiced Sally Brown in the 1988 animated Peanuts special \"\"Snoopy!!! The Musical\"\" and Lucy van Pelt in an episode of \"\"This Is America, Charlie Brown\"\". In 1989, she had a role in the film \"\"Troop Beverly Hills\"\". Foster's last role to date was in a 1995 episode of \"\"CBS", "\"Rerun van Pelt\"\nChristmas, Charlie Brown\"\". This episode uses Rerun as its primary character. Rerun's most recent television appearance is in the 2006 television special \"\"He's a Bully, Charlie Brown\"\". He was also not seen, let alone mentioned in \"\"The Peanuts Movie.\"\" Various actors have voiced the animated Rerun since 1976, including Vinny Dow, Jason Mendelson, Timmy Deters, and Jimmy Bennett. Neither of the Broadway productions of \"\"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown\"\" and \"\"Snoopy! The Musical\"\" (aside from a cameo in the animated adaptation) featured Rerun, but various local and regional productions have included Rerun as a character. Rerun van Pelt Rerun", "\"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (TV special)\"\nCharlie Brown pleads his baseball team to win the game by chanting \"\"T-E-A-M\"\" but fails. Lucy dreams of becoming a queen but gives up dreaming. Charlie Brown tries to get the Little Red-Haired Girl to know him better but fails. Schroeder's Sing Along has songs for the play in \"\"The Concert\"\" by singing \"\"Home On the Range\"\" with his friends. And the five friends sing while Lucy, Linus, and Sally argue. Lucy wanting her pencil back from Linus, and threatening to tell Sally what he said about her if he didn't give back the pencil (Linus called Sally an Enigma).", "\"Sally Brown\"\nthe house yelling that he had a new baby sister. She was given the name \"\"Sally\"\" on June 2, 1959. Although Sally was often talked about and was the cause for a celebration that included Charlie Brown passing out chocolate cigars, it was not until August 23, 1959 that she finally made her first appearance in the strip. As a baby Sally liked playing with empty baby bottles, which she used for everything from building blocks to bowling pins, and being taken out for walks. The latter caused poor Charlie Brown no small amount of frustration when he had to", "Pig-Pen\nclean. In 2015, \"\"Pig-Pen\"\" appeared in a commercial for All laundry detergent for a tie-in with \"\"The Peanuts Movie\"\". In the commercial, Snoopy, dressed as a magician, puts a cloth over \"\"Pig-Pen\"\" and instantly makes him clean, causing Snoopy to get dirty. This is also one of the few times where he remains clean. Geoffrey Ornstein first voiced \"\"Pig-Pen\"\" in the 1965 movie \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\". Although he also later played the role in \"\"A Boy Named Charlie Brown\"\", other various actors have voiced him ever since. He last appeared in the \"\"Peanuts\"\" comic strip on September 8, 1999.", "\"Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales\"\nCharlie Brown's Christmas Tales Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales is one of many prime-time animated TV specials based on characters from the Charles M. Schulz comic strip \"\"Peanuts\"\". It originally aired on ABC December 8, 2002. It has since been broadcast each Christmas season after that as a companion segment in an hour-long slot featuring an unedited version of \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\". It is the only TV special to credit Charles M. Schulz posthumously for writing. Other TV credits do not credit Schulz writing it. The special consists of a series of vignettes, each one starring a different member of", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\nBrown's depression is only made worse by the goings-on in the neighborhood, most of which show his peers' rampant commercialism. He encounters Violet and sarcastically \"\"thanks\"\" her for the Christmas card he never received, only for Violet to proudly snipe back that she never sent him one. At the psychiatric booth, Lucy expresses joy in the sound of jingling money, tries to diagnose Charlie Brown with various phobias, admits she never receives her Christmas wish of real estate, and ultimately decides that Charlie Brown needs more involvement. Lucy recommends that Charlie Brown direct an upcoming Christmas play and offers to", "\"Charlie Brown\"\nnaturally curly hair. She seemed to be one of the few characters that Charlie Brown felt confident enough to stand up to, as he did once when she was badgering Snoopy about chasing rabbits and he told her to mind her own business. Charlie Brown is the only \"\"Peanuts\"\" character to unconditionally accept \"\"Pig-Pen\"\" for who he is, even defending \"\"Pig-Pen's\"\" uncleanliness in one strip (which was re-used in \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\"): Rerun has come to admire Charlie Brown, often calling him \"\"the master\"\". Rerun looks up to Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown became his mentor and friend. Charlie Brown", "\"It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown\"\nIt's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown is the 36th prime-time animated TV special based on the comic strip \"\"Peanuts,\"\" by Charles M. Schulz. It originally aired on the CBS network on November 27, 1992. The program is composed of various storylines from the comic strip. It was the first Christmas-themed \"\"Peanuts\"\" special since the inaugural \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" in 1965, though an episode of \"\"The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show\"\" featured a new Christmas vignette in 1985. This was the final \"\"new\"\" \"\"Peanuts\"\" animated special to air on CBS. The network cancelled all future animated", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\ninstructs him, and the accompanying Linus, to get an aluminum Christmas tree that is big, shiny and pink from a nearby tree lot. When they get to the lot, filled with numerous trees fitting Lucy's description, Charlie Brown ironically and symbolically chooses the only real tree there (in disbelief that wooden Christmas trees still exist)—a tiny sapling. Linus is unsure about Charlie Brown's choice, but Charlie Brown is convinced that all it needs is some decoration and it will be just right. While those two get the tree, Schroeder tries to pass off \"\"Für Elise\"\" as a Christmas song, as", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas (soundtrack)\"\nA Charlie Brown Christmas (soundtrack) A Charlie Brown Christmas is a 1965 studio album by American jazz pianist Vince Guaraldi (later credited to the Vince Guaraldi Trio). The album was released in December 1965 in the U.S. by Fantasy. It is the soundtrack to the Christmas television special of the same name. Guaraldi was contacted by television producer Lee Mendelson to compose music for a documentary on the comic strip \"\"Peanuts\"\" and its creator, Charles M. Schulz. Although the special went unaired, these selections were released in 1964 as \"\"Jazz Impressions of \"\"A Boy Named Charlie Brown\"\"\"\". Coca-Cola commissioned a", "\"It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown\"\nMunsen for \"\"It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown\"\" and \"\"What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown!\"\"), although Benoit had scored an episode of \"\"This is America, Charlie Brown\"\" prior to this special. It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown is the 36th prime-time animated TV special based on the comic strip \"\"Peanuts,\"\" by Charles M. Schulz. It originally aired on the CBS network on November 27, 1992. The program is composed of various storylines from the comic strip. It was the first Christmas-themed \"\"Peanuts\"\" special since the inaugural \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" in 1965, though an episode of \"\"The", "\"Is This Goodbye, Charlie Brown?\"\nto pick her up and take her to a movie. The Van Pelts' going away party is catered by Snoopy, who feeds everyone dog biscuits, and dog food with water (to pour over the dog food, ala Gravy Train), which causes everyone to leave disgusted. The next day, Linus and Lucy say their sad goodbyes to Charlie Brown. As they are pulling out, Linus throws Snoopy his security blanket, as a way to remember him. After the Van Pelts leave, Charlie Brown sadly walks home. When Charlie Brown gets home, Sally is sitting on the porch, still waiting for Linus", "\"Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown\"\nBirchwood School, Schroeder explains a box labelled \"\"VALENTINES FOR THOSE WE LOVE\"\" with a slot for putting the cards in. Charlie Brown brings a briefcase hoping he will get lots of valentines. However, after the cards are passed out, it turns out Charlie Brown got nothing. He got nothing except for a candy heart (a candy heart which reads an impolite comment; \"\"FORGET IT, KID!\"\"). Angry, Charlie Brown throws the valentine box out the classroom window. Linus also never gave his candy to Miss Othmar because she left with her boyfriend. Sally who still believes the box of candy is", "\"Charlie Brown\"\nand Patrick McDonnell (\"\"Mutts\"\"). The special's score made an equally pervasive impact on viewers who would later perform jazz, among them David Benoit and George Winston. The special was honored with both an Emmy and Peabody Award. The success of \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas \"\"is followed by the creation of a second television special starring Charlie Brown, \"\"Charlie Brown's All-Stars\"\", which was originally aired on June 8, 1966. Later that year, Charlie Brown made his appearance in a third \"\"Peanuts\"\" special: the Halloween-themed \"\"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. \"\"For the rest of the decade, three television specials starring Charlie", "\"Is This Goodbye, Charlie Brown?\"\nchanged its cost from 5 cents to 50 cents. Linus then tells Charlie Brown that he is playing his last baseball game with him later on. Lucy then walks over to the Brown house, and finds Sally waiting out in front, saying she is waiting for Linus to take her to the movie. Lucy tells her that they are moving, so he will never pick her up, but she refuses to believe that. Linus then invites Charlie Brown to his and Lucy's going away party. He asks Sally if she wants to come, but she insists that Linus is going", "\"Sally Brown\"\nplayground (Snoopy would bark loudly at anyone who threatened Sally, leading Snoopy to comment, \"\"I feel like a can of mace!\"\"), but this ended in disaster when Snoopy saw an old girlfriend of his and ran off to meet her, abandoning Sally and leaving her to get \"\"slaughtered\"\" by the playground bullies. Sally has a strong crush on Charlie Brown's friend Linus Van Pelt. She calls him her \"\"Sweet Babboo\"\" and when Linus says something Sally finds especially witty or intelligent, she expresses her admiration by asking, \"\"Isn't he the cutest thing?\"\" Her crush is a frequent source of embarrassment", "\"Sally Brown\"\nIn a strip appearing shortly after Sally's birth, Linus is seen scribbling calculations on a fence. When Charlie Brown wanders by, Linus asks him, \"\"When I'm 22 and Sally is 17, do you think she'll go out with me?\"\" When Schulz revived the joke more than a year later, though, it was Sally who fell for Linus rather than the other way around. In a storyline which began on November 29, 1965, Sally was diagnosed with amblyopia ex anopisa (lazy eye) which required her to wear an eye patch for a while. Her eye patch often went missing because Snoopy", "\"Sally Brown\"\non. When Charlie Brown tells her the day is Wednesday, she says \"\"That's no excuse\"\". Sally has wanted Charlie Brown's bedroom for years. Every time he either leaves home for a while (such as going to summer camp) or talks about leaving, the first thing she always wants to know is if she can have his room while he is gone. A few times, she has actually begun to move her possessions into her brother's room when she thinks he is never coming home, such as when Charlie Brown fails to come home after falling ill during a baseball game", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\nby Paramount on VHS. A laserdisc was released by Paramount (distributed by Pioneer) in 1996; Side 2 contained the 1979 special \"\"You're the Greatest, Charlie Brown\"\". In September 2000 it was released on DVD. Bonus features included the 1992 special \"\"It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown\"\". On September 23, 2008, Warner Home Video (to which the rights to the Peanuts specials reverted earlier in the year, due to Melendez's connections to WB) released a \"\"remastered\"\" DVD. Bonus features include a restored version of \"\"Christmastime Again\"\" and a new documentary titled \"\"A Christmas Miracle: The Making of \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\"\"\". On", "\"Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo\"\nUniversity Professor Alison Halsall said of this aspect of the episode, \"\"Again, Parker and Stone blur the sacred and the profane, in this instance, to gut holidays of their traditional meanings.\"\" The episode has also been described as simultaneously embracing and parodying animated Christmas specials like \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\", \"\"Frosty the Snowman\"\" and \"\"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown\"\". It has also been described as a commentary on the way Jewish children are overlooked during the Christmas holiday; this theme is overtly stated by Stan, who says at the end of the episode that Jews and Hanukkah \"\"can be", "\"It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown\"\nhim for oversleeping while others work. Sally Brown takes a groggy Snoopy to school for Show and Tell. After one boy talks about his pet chameleon, Sally is up, but Snoopy lies there motionless. However, when the owner of the chameleon plays his boom box which has the third and final verse of \"\"Flashbeagle\"\" Snoopy gets up and starts dancing, and all the children gradually join in. The special ends with Charlie Brown saying to his sister that he thinks he should do something about his dog's behavior. Sally disagrees with him because, thanks to Snoopy, she got an \"\"A\"\"", "\"Snoopy's Reunion\"\nCharlie Brown notices that Snoopy appears melancholy. He discusses this with Sally, and she suggests that perhaps he misses his family. Charlie Brown agrees, and suggests to Snoopy that they organize a family reunion, and maybe even visit the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm; he eagerly agrees. Invitations are sent to Belle, Spike, Olaf, Marbles, Molly, Rover, and Andy. A montage shows their reactions; the response is unanimously positive. Each one excitedly heads to the reunion, carrying their respective instruments. They all arrive at Charlie Brown's house. He, Sally, Snoopy, and Snoopy's siblings get on a bus to visit the Daisy", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\nLucy tries to get him to play the perfect rendition of \"\"Jingle Bells;\"\" after two failed attempts, Schroeder tersely pecks the keys on his toy piano, which is exactly what Lucy seeks. Linus and Charlie Brown return to the auditorium with the tree, only to be scorned by Lucy for disobeying her instructions and mocked by the other girls who, along with Snoopy, walk off laughing. At his wit's end, Charlie Brown loudly asks if \"\"anybody\"\" knows what Christmas is all about. Linus says he does and, after walking to center stage, recites the annunciation to the shepherds from the", "\"Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales\"\nalthough not on the UK release or the later Warner Home Video US re-release. Warner Home Video released it on its own DVD, with \"\"Is This Goodbye, Charlie Brown?\"\" as a bonus feature, released on November 3, 2009 as a CVS Pharmacy exclusive and then expanded to the wider market in 2010. It was re-released as part of the box set Snoopy's Holiday Collection on October 1, 2013. Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales is one of many prime-time animated TV specials based on characters from the Charles M. Schulz comic strip \"\"Peanuts\"\". It originally aired on ABC", "\"I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown\"\nI Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown is one of Charles M. Schulz's \"\"Peanuts\"\" made-for-television specials. The special first aired on ABC on December 9, 2003. It was released to DVD and VHS by Paramount on October 26, 2004, and Warner Home Video released it as a remastered deluxe edition on DVD on October 6, 2009. This special was re-released as part of the box set Snoopy's Holiday Collection on October 1, 2013. Having seen the relationship between Snoopy and Charlie Brown, Rerun van Pelt is desperate for a dog of", "\"Charlie Brown\"\nand hand signals (one finger means..., two fingers means..., etc.). Charlie Brown received Schroeder's most significant act of friendship in \"\"Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown\"\". When Violet offers Charlie Brown one of her used Valentine cards (since Charlie received no Valentines the prior day at his school's party), Schroeder thoroughly chastises her, Frieda, Lucy and Sally for their disregard for his feelings and their selfish motive of relieving their own personal guilt. Charlie Brown, however, tells the girls not to listen to him and accepts the card, although he expressed appreciation for Schroeder's gesture. Peppermint Patty is perhaps Charlie Brown's", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\nBrown\"\", and the \"\"Making of...\"\" documentary from previous editions. On October 31, 2017, it was released on 4K UHD Blu-ray disc containing \"\"It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown\"\" and the \"\"Making of...\"\" special. \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" became a Christmas staple in the United States for several decades afterward. Within the scope of future \"\"Peanuts\"\" specials, it established their style, combining thoughtful themes, jazzy scores, and simple animation. It also, according to author Charles Solomon, established the half-hour animated special as a television tradition, inspiring the creation of numerous others, including \"\"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\"\" (1966) and \"\"Frosty the Snowman\"\"", "\"It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown\"\ngives Charlie Brown an embarrassed smile as there is no egg for Charlie Brown. After Sally, Lucy, and Linus receive their eggs, Sally believes that Linus was right. There really was an Easter Beagle. Lucy says that the Easter Beagle gave her own egg to her. When Peppermint Patty and Marcie receive their eggs, Marcie asks what she should do with it. Patty tells her that they put salt on them and eat them. Marcie salts her egg and takes a bite...without removing the shell. Lucy soon realizes that Snoopy gave her one of her own eggs. Ten weeks pass,", "\"You're a Good Sport, Charlie Brown\"\nYou're a Good Sport, Charlie Brown You're a Good Sport, Charlie Brown is the 14th prime-time animated TV specials based upon the popular comic strip \"\"Peanuts,\"\" by Charles M. Schulz. It was originally aired on the CBS network on October 28, 1975. The cartoon begins with Snoopy playing tennis against Woodstock while Linus and Sally are unable to play due to the courts being occupied. (Sally tries to intimidate those playing by stating \"\"her boyfriend\"\" was going to clobber them, causing Linus to flee.) After failing to beat Woodstock, Snoopy destroys his racket in frustration. Peppermint Patty arrives on a", "\"Charlie Brown's All Stars!\"\nhardware store, is offering to sponsor Charlie Brown's team, place them in an organized league, and even buy them new uniforms. While Linus is inflating a pool, Charlie Brown's sister, Sally, appears in her bikini bathing suit. The excitement gets the better of Charlie Brown, and he eagerly tells the team the good news. Lucy is apprehensive, but states that if Charlie Brown can really get the team uniforms, they will give him another chance and return to the team. Later at home, Charlie Brown gets a phone call from Mr. Hennessey, and is told that the league does not", "\"What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown?\"\nwe learned, Charlie Brown?\"\". The scene flashes back to him and Sally. She then tells him that he is pasting the pictures upside down. The special won a Peabody Award for \"\"distinguished achievement and meritorious public service\"\" in broadcasting. Schulz would later say of the acclaim, The special was released on VHS in 1996. The special is available for purchase on iTunes together with \"\"You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown\"\" and \"\"He's a Bully, Charlie Brown\"\", and is now available on DVD in the \"\"Peanuts Emmy Honored Collection\"\". What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown? What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown? A", "\"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown\"\nthe Red Baron and returns to the aerodrome in France. Sally is clearly cross about a D her teacher gave her on her homework assignment. In response, she says, \"\"Oh, yeah? That's what you think!\"\" Schroeder hears and asks why Sally is telling him that. It quickly becomes Sally's new \"\"philosophy\"\", and she bursts into song about her philosophies. Schroeder, after failing to explain to her how philosophies work, leaves in bafflement while Sally continues (\"\"My New Philosophy\"\"). Charlie Brown returns, and, with his friends, plays the Little League Baseball Championship. After some mishaps, the team finally manages to make", "\"A Charlie Brown Christmas (soundtrack)\"\nmusic featured in the holiday special was released on the soundtrack. For example, \"\"Surfin' Snoopy\"\" didn't make the cut, but it was released on \"\"Charlie Brown Holiday Hits\"\". On August 19, 2016, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified the album quadruple platinum for sales of four million copies. \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" first appeared on a \"\"Billboard\"\" magazine music sales chart on the week of 19 December 1987, when it debuted and peaked at No. 13 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Christmas Albums sales chart. The album charted on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Christmas Albums chart every Christmas/holiday season from 1988 through", "\"Patty (Peanuts)\"\n1960s era of the strip and used characters exclusively from that era. Patty's birthday is November 4. She plays outfield on Charlie Brown's baseball team; though on an early occasion she was seen as catcher before Schroeder was introduced. It was Patty who first introduced Charlie Brown to Schroeder, claiming he lived next-door to her. Patty was one of the featured characters in the original 1967 off-Broadway production of \"\"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown\"\" (played by Karen Johnson), but by the time the show was revived on Broadway in the late 1990s, Patty's character was replaced by Sally, since", "\"Schroeder (Peanuts)\"\nthe few people Schroeder will allow to lounge against his piano, as he and Charlie Brown are good friends, and knows that Charlie Brown respects his love of Beethoven. When they were younger, Charlie Brown would read Schroeder the story of Beethoven's life. Charlie Brown was also the one who introduced Schroeder to the piano. Schroeder also generally does not mind Snoopy lounging against his piano until, moved by the music, Snoopy generally ends up dancing on top of the piano, much to Schroeder's annoyance. In one famous scene of A Charlie Brown Christmas, Schroeder is playing part of Linus", "Peanuts\njoin snowman-building leagues and criticize Charlie Brown when he insists on building his own snowmen without leagues or coaches. \"\"Peanuts\"\" touched on religious themes on many occasions, most notably the classic television special \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" in 1965, which features the character Linus van Pelt quoting the King James Version of the Bible (Luke 2:8–14) to explain to Charlie Brown what Christmas is all about (in personal interviews, Schulz mentioned that Linus represented his spiritual side). Because of the explicit religious material in \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\", many have interpreted Schulz' work as having a distinct Christian theme, though", "\"A Charlie Brown Valentine\"\nthis means she nibbles on her pencil, and is human. Charlie Brown wants to use the Little Red Haired Girl's lost pencil as an excuse to talk to her while returning it to her, but unfortunately, Lucy takes the pencil from Charlie Brown and returns it to the Little Red Haired Girl before Charlie Brown has a chance to. Later that day, Charlie Brown buys a cheap box of chocolates for the Little Red Haired Girl, and decides to hide behind a tree and give it to her, commenting \"\"Love makes you do strange things\"\". Throughout the cartoon Sally Brown", "\"You're in Love, Charlie Brown\"\nway home, Lucy and Violet jeer at Charlie Brown for a ridiculous answer he gave in class. Linus defends him by revealing that he loves the Little Red-Haired Girl, but this only gives the girls another way to humiliate Charlie Brown. At home Charlie Brown finds out that his sister is wearing her graduation clothes and Sally tells Charlie Brown that she is graduating kindergarten and is going to the 1st grade. That afternoon, Charlie Brown goes over to Lucy's psychiatry booth, but Lucy, already upset over Schroeder ignoring her after she breaks his piano and Beethoven bust, is not", "\"A Boy Named Charlie Brown (1963 film)\"\nA Boy Named Charlie Brown (1963 film) A Boy Named Charlie Brown is an unreleased television documentary film about Charles M. Schulz and his creation \"\"Peanuts\"\", produced by Lee Mendelson with some animated scenes by Bill Meléndez and music by Vince Guaraldi. Although never aired on television, this 30-minute 1963 documentary was instrumental in garnering commercial support and the creative teamwork that resulted in \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" in 1965 and the ensuing series of \"\"Peanuts\"\" television specials. Portions of the film were used in commercials for \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\" in 1965. An album by the Vince Guaraldi Trio", "\"A Charlie Brown Celebration\"\nFullerton voice Lucy in this episode, she voiced Lucy in \"\"Life Is a Circus, Charlie Brown\"\" and \"\"A Charlie Brown Celebration\"\", in the next special, Fullerton was replaced by Angela Lee. This is the first hour-long animated \"\"Peanuts\"\" special. Scenes from this special recycles footage and ideas from \"\"There's No Time for Love, Charlie Brown\"\" and \"\"Play It Again, Charlie Brown\"\". In \"\"The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show\"\" episode \"\"Linus' Security Blanket\"\" the footage scene where Charlie Brown and his kite get stuck in a tree is different but in \"\"You Can't Win, Charlie Brown\"\" the scene where Charlie Brown,", "\"Charlie Brown's All Stars!\"\nhold up against his cheek like at the end of the show. The special was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program in 1967, along with \"\"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown\"\". However both lost out to Hanna-Barbera's \"\"Jack and the Beanstalk\"\", starring Gene Kelly. Charlie Brown's All Stars! Charlie Brown's All Stars! is the second prime-time animated TV special based upon the popular comic strip \"\"Peanuts,\"\" by Charles M. Schulz. It was the second such TV special (following \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\") to be produced by Lee Mendelson and Bill Melendez (who also directed), and originally", "\"Schroeder (Peanuts)\"\ncartoon, he limits Charlie Brown to only two pitches, a high and low straight ball. Schroeder's most significant act of friendship came in \"\"Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown\"\". When Violet offers Charlie Brown one of her used Valentine cards (since Charlie received no Valentines the previous day at his school's party), Schroeder thoroughly chastises her, Frieda, Lucy and Sally for their disregard for his feelings and their selfish motive of relieving their guilt. Charlie Brown, however, tells the girls not to listen to him and accepts the card, although he expresses appreciation for Schroeder's gesture. Charlie Brown is one of", "Peanuts\nspecials. This came after Coca-Cola asked Mendelson if he had a Christmas special. He said \"\"yes.\"\" The next day he called Schulz up and said they were making \"\"A Charlie Brown Christmas\"\". The animated version of \"\"Peanuts\"\" differs in some aspects from the strip. In the strip, adult voices are heard, though conversations are usually only depicted from the children's end. To translate this aspect to the animated medium, the sound of a trombone with a solotone mute (created by Vince Guaraldi played by Dean Hubbard) was used to simulate adult \"\"voices.\"\" A more significant deviation from the strip was" ]
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how many episodes are going to be in game of thrones season 7
[ "seven" ]
[ "\"Game of Thrones (season 7)\"\nDrama Series. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The recurring actors listed here are those who appeared in season 7. They are listed by the region in which they first appear. Series creators and executive producers David Benioff and D. B. Weiss serve as showrunners for the seventh season. The directors for the seventh season are Jeremy Podeswa (episodes 1 and 7), Mark Mylod (episodes 2 and 3), Matt Shakman (episodes 4 and 5) and Alan Taylor (episode 6). This marks Taylor's return to the series after an absence since the second season. Shakman is a first-time \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" director, with the rest each", "\"Dave Hill (screenwriter)\"\neach. Dave Hill (screenwriter) Dave Hill is an American television writer. He is known for writing three episodes of the HBO series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\": in season 5, \"\"Sons of the Harpy\"\"; in season 6, \"\"Home\"\"; and in season 7, \"\"Eastwatch\"\". Dave Hill began working as an assistant to \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" executive producers/writers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss in season 2. In 2014, Hill became a staff writer for the fifth season and was assigned to write an episode. He was credited as story editor on Season 6 and executive story editor on Season 7, and wrote an episode", "\"Dave Hill (screenwriter)\"\nDave Hill (screenwriter) Dave Hill is an American television writer. He is known for writing three episodes of the HBO series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\": in season 5, \"\"Sons of the Harpy\"\"; in season 6, \"\"Home\"\"; and in season 7, \"\"Eastwatch\"\". Dave Hill began working as an assistant to \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" executive producers/writers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss in season 2. In 2014, Hill became a staff writer for the fifth season and was assigned to write an episode. He was credited as story editor on Season 6 and executive story editor on Season 7, and wrote an episode for", "\"Game of Thrones (season 7)\"\non-demand viewing for one hour before being removed. Data from piracy monitoring firm MUSO indicates that season seven was pirated more than one billion times mostly by unauthorized streaming, with torrent and direct downloads accounting for about 15 percent of this piracy. On average, each episode is estimated to have been pirated 140 million times, making \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" the most-pirated television series in 2017. Game of Thrones (season 7) The seventh and penultimate season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered on HBO on July 16, 2017, and concluded on August 27, 2017. Unlike previous seasons", "\"Dragonstone (Game of Thrones)\"\na blistering opening salvo, \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" charts an assured path for its anxiously-anticipated final stretch.\"\" Matt Fowler of IGN wrote in his review for the episode \"\"'Dragonstone' sublimely set the stage for \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" Season 7 with some righteous revenge, a new alliance, a dramatic (and quiet) homecoming, and a surprisingly great sequence from The Hound as he began to atone for his old life.\"\" He gave the episode an 8.8 out of 10. Erik Kain of \"\"Forbes\"\" similarly gave praise to the episode, writing \"\"This was easily one of my favorite season premieres of any season of", "\"Game of Thrones (season 7)\"\nseason of the series includes its longest episode, with the finale running for 81 minutes. The penultimate episode also runs for 71 minutes – around 16 minutes longer than an average \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" episode. The first five episodes mostly run longer than average (55 minutes), at 59, 59, 63, 50, and 59 minutes respectively. The previous longest episode in the series was the sixth-season finale, \"\"The Winds of Winter\"\", which ran for 69 minutes. Ramin Djawadi returned as the composer of the show for the seventh season. On Metacritic, the season (based on the first episode) has a score", "Oathkeeper\nto think that what happened last week wasn't, in any way, rape\"\" and wondered \"\"whether the show is going to acknowledge it at all.\"\" Adams notes how the episode serves as a \"\"bridge\"\" between episodes and plotlines well under way, but that there are \"\"thematic riches\"\" to be found; namely, the multiple searches for justice. Oathkeeper \"\"Oathkeeper\"\" is the fourth episode of the fourth season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 34th overall. The episode was written by Bryan Cogman, and directed by Michelle MacLaren. It aired on April 27, 2014. The title refers to the", "\"Game of Thrones (season 7)\"\nGame of Thrones (season 7) The seventh and penultimate season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered on HBO on July 16, 2017, and concluded on August 27, 2017. Unlike previous seasons that consisted of ten episodes each, the seventh season consisted of only seven. Like the previous season, it largely consisted of original content not found in George R. R. Martin's \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" series, while also incorporating material Martin revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series. The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss.", "\"Mastodon (band)\"\nThrone Vol. 2\"\" mixtape to promote the fifth season of the HBO TV series Game of Thrones. Dailor, Hinds, and Kelliher also appeared in episode 8 of the season as wildlings. This mixtape will also feature songs by various other acts, ranging from Killswitch Engage to Snoop Dogg. Hinds and Kelliher once again returned to Game of Thrones as wights among the White Walker army for the season 7 finale episode, \"\"The Dragon and the Wolf\"\". The band's seventh studio album \"\"Emperor of Sand\"\" was released on March 31, 2017. The theme for the album was cancer, inspired by Troy's", "\"The Most Dangerous Game\"\nSeason 7, Episode 12 of \"\"Futurama\"\", \"\"31st Century Fox\"\", Bender becomes the target of a fox hunting club and is referred to as 'the most dangerous game.' In Season 2 Episode 6 of \"\"The Blacklist\"\", Elizabeth Keen and her FBI task force encounters a family in Idaho who trained the mother's youngest son to hunt and kill humans kidnapped by the eldest son. In the Season 3, Episode 5 episode of \"\"Archer\"\", \"\"El Contador\"\", Lana and Archer are hunted by a drug lord. In an episode of Season 5 of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", there is a scene in which Ramsay", "\"Game of Thrones (season 7)\"\nfifth season. New York Mets baseball pitcher Noah Syndergaard made a background cameo as a javelin-throwing Lannister soldier in \"\"The Spoils of War.\"\" On April 21, 2016, HBO officially ordered the seventh season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", just three days prior to the premiere of the show's sixth season. In a June 2016 interview with \"\"Variety\"\", co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss revealed the seventh season would likely consist of fewer episodes, stating at the time of the interview that they were \"\"down to our final 13 episodes after this season. We're heading into the final lap.\"\" Director Jack", "\"The Winds of Winter (Game of Thrones)\"\na way to go out. Season 6 has already proved to be a great season of TV, but it saved its best for last.\"\" Tim Surette of called the episode, \"\"the best episode ever.\"\" Brian Lowry of CNN wrote in his review for the episode, \"\"At this point it's hard to second-guess producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, who, working with Martin, have created a series for the ages.\"\" Willa Paskin of \"\"Slate\"\" wrote in his review, \"\"Revenge, a dish \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" has almost always made taste awful, served hot or cold, became, in the finale, a delicacy.", "\"After the Thrones\"\nalso part of the show. The series began on Monday, April 25, 2016, on HBO Now, HBO Go, HBO On Demand and HBO. The stated purpose of the show is to \"\"recap the latest episode, explaining the who, what, when and where, exploring the complicated politics and history of \"\"Thrones\"\", and offering absurd and not-so-absurd theories about future episodes.\"\" For the seventh season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", the after show changed its name to Talk the Thrones and moved from HBO to the social media site Twitter, where it will stream live every week after an episode airs. Simmons said", "\"Game of Thrones (season 7)\"\nNow and HBO Go apps are included. Over the season, the viewer numbers averaged at over 30 million per episode across all platforms. The season was simulcast around the world by HBO and its broadcast partners in 186 countries. In some countries, it aired the day after its first release. On July 23, 2016, a teaser production trailer was released by HBO at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con. The trailer mostly consisted of voice overs, and shots of crew members creating sets and props. The first footage from the season was revealed in a new promotional video released by HBO", "\"The Winds of Winter (Game of Thrones)\"\nof \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" stated he felt the episode introduced new conflicts to look forward to in the next season, saying \"\"Though the finale shifted from the battlefield, the events were, if anything, far more seismic, with game-changing revelations and huge moves from every corner of the realm that established some very clear new conflicts going into season 7.\"\" Sarah Larson of \"\"The New Yorker\"\" wrote in her review, \"\"It's a beautiful image. Boats, clouds, sun, dragons, and two female ship captains, pointing their armada toward a Westeros ruled by a queen.\"\" James Hunt of WhatCulture wrote in his review, \"\"What", "\"Mark Mylod\"\nand executive-produced the pilot episode of the U.S. version of the dramedy, \"\"Shameless\"\", for Showtime. He remains a co-executive producer and frequent director on the series. In 2011, Mylod directed and executive-produced the pilot of the ABC fantasy series \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\". In 2014, he directed the pilot episode for American TV Series \"\"The Affair\"\". In 2014 he directed episodes 3 and 4 of Season 5 of the HBO series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\". He came back for Season 6, where he directed episode 7 and 8 and episode 2 of season 7. Mylod is married to costume designer Amy", "\"Bryan Cogman\"\nBryan Cogman Bryan Cogman is an American television writer and producer. He is known for writing ten episodes of the HBO series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\": in season 1, \"\"Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things\"\"; in season 2, \"\"What Is Dead May Never Die\"\"; in season 3, \"\"Kissed by Fire\"\"; in season 4, \"\"Oathkeeper\"\" and \"\"The Laws of Gods and Men\"\"; in season 5, \"\"Kill the Boy\"\" and \"\"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken\"\"; in season 6, \"\"Blood of My Blood\"\" and \"\"The Broken Man\"\"; and in season 7, \"\"Stormborn\"\". He is the author of the book \"\"Inside HBO's Game of Thrones\"\" which features a", "\"The Ghost of Harrenhal\"\nThe Ghost of Harrenhal \"\"The Ghost of Harrenhal\"\" is the fifth episode of the second season of HBO's medieval fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\". The episode is written by series co-creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and directed, for the second time in this season, by David Petrarca. It premiered on April 29, 2012. “The Ghost of Harrenhal” is how Arya Stark describes herself while at Harrenhal in \"\"A Clash of Kings\"\", the novel on which the season is based, although the phrase is not heard in the episode. This episode marks the final appearance of Gethin Anthony (Renly", "\"Game of Thrones (season 8)\"\nto premiere in April 2019. Ramin Djawadi is set to return as the composer of the show for the eighth season. On December 6, 2018, HBO released the first official teaser trailer for the eighth season. Game of Thrones (season 8) The eighth and final season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" was announced by HBO in July 2016. Unlike the first six seasons that each had ten episodes and the seventh that had seven episodes, the eighth season will have only six episodes. Like the previous season, it will largely consist of original content not found", "\"Game of Thrones (season 4)\"\nWeiss co-directed the season premiere after making their directorial debut in season 3, although only Weiss is credited as Benioff received credit for their previous directed episode; Alex Graves, who directed two episodes in season 3, returned and directed episodes 2, 3, 8 and 10; Michelle MacLaren, who also directed two episodes in season 3, returned to direct episodes 4 and 5; former series cinematographer Alik Sakharov, who directed in seasons 2 and 3, returned to direct episodes 6 and 7; and Neil Marshall directed episode 9 after previously directing \"\"Blackwater\"\", the ninth episode of season 2. The fourth season", "\"Game of Thrones (season 6)\"\nfor the sixth season includes executive producers and showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, producer Bryan Cogman and Dave Hill. Author George R. R. Martin, who had written one episode for each of the first four seasons, did not write an episode for the sixth season, as he was working to finish writing the sixth \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" novel, \"\"The Winds of Winter\"\". The directing staff for the sixth season was Jeremy Podeswa (episodes 1 and 2), Daniel Sackheim (episodes 3 and 4), Jack Bender (episodes 5 and 6), Mark Mylod (episodes 7 and 8), and", "\"Game of Thrones (season 5)\"\nCogman, and Dave Hill, who was promoted to staff writer this season after previously working as an assistant to Benioff and Weiss. Author George R. R. Martin, who had written one episode for each of the first four seasons, did not write an episode for the fifth season as he was working to finish writing the sixth novel of the series, \"\"The Winds of Winter\"\". The directing staff for the fifth season is Michael Slovis (episodes 1 and 2), Mark Mylod (episodes 3 and 4), Jeremy Podeswa (episodes 5 and 6), Miguel Sapochnik (episodes 7 and 8), and David Nutter", "\"Game of Thrones (season 8)\"\nGame of Thrones (season 8) The eighth and final season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" was announced by HBO in July 2016. Unlike the first six seasons that each had ten episodes and the seventh that had seven episodes, the eighth season will have only six episodes. Like the previous season, it will largely consist of original content not found currently in George R. R. Martin's \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" series and will also adapt material Martin has revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series, \"\"The Winds of Winter\"\" and \"\"A", "\"Game of Thrones (season 5)\"\n18 million different IP addresses downloaded the leaked episodes, totaling 32 million downloads during the first week. The fifth season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" was the most-pirated TV series in 2015. Game of Thrones (season 5) The fifth season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered on HBO on April 12, and concluded on June 14, 2015. It was broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm in the United States, consisting of 10 episodes, each running approximately 50–60 minutes. The season primarily adapts material from \"\"A Feast for Crows\"\" and \"\"A Dance with Dragons\"\", the fourth and fifth", "\"Noah Syndergaard\"\nwhich raises money to fight Sjögren's disease, an autoimmune disease from which his mother suffers. In 2017 the Mets collaborated with Marvel Comics to put out a Noah Syndeggard as Thor bobblehead and held fan giveaways of the souvenir at games at Citi Field during the 2017 and 2018 seasons. Syndergaard has made several appearances on television shows. In 2017, he made a cameo appearance in \"\"The Spoils of War\"\", a Season 7 episode of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" on HBO, in which he played an unnamed Lannister spearman in the episode's climactic battle. Syndergaard appeared in a Season 1 episode", "\"No One (Game of Thrones)\"\nend of Arya's arc along with Jaime's scheme to take Riverrun - though I'm curious to see what comes of the Tully angle. Brienne failed to get an army for Sansa and Jaime's just going to head back home now? It seems like there should be more to this that him just winning one for the Lannister name. Though regardless of what the payoff might be, it was still good to see how so much of this story tied back to the first three seasons and Jaime's time as Catelyn's prisoner.\"\" He gave the episode an 8.2 out of 10.", "\"The Specials (TV series)\"\nweb series by D. B. Weiss (co-creator of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\"). Together, and with the help of Rosie O'Donnell they brought it to executives at OWN, including Oprah Winfrey. OWN acquired two seasons of the show. Season 1 consists of the web series with some extra footage recut into six 21-minute episodes. It launched together with season 2 on OWN as a back-to-back marathon on 7 September 2014. Season 2 consists of seven 21-minute episodes. It premiered together with season 2 on OWN as a back-to-back marathon on 7 September 2014. It picks up 2 years after the end of", "\"The Mole (U.S. season 4)\"\n\"\"Clucks for Bucks\"\": When Ahmad explained the rules of the Clucks for Bucks game, the example he showed had the number 7, which even Angie noted. Episode 4 \"\"Still Life\"\": The painting with Ahmad and a mole also contained a flag with the number 7. Episode 5 \"\"Donkey Rally\"\": Angie convinced Mark to take a chihuahua with the number 7 on it. \"\"The Graduate\"\": The answer to the first question, \"\"The Earth has how many continents?\"\", was 7. The answers to the next two questions started with the mole's initials, Antarctica & Equator. The answer to the 7th question, \"\"Make", "Oathkeeper\npredecessors, 'Oathkeeper' is nonetheless a rock-solid installment of Game of Thrones – one that features assured direction, strong action scenes, and intriguing plot developments.\"\" Eric Goldman and Roth Cornet of IGN commented on the episode being a \"\"game changer\"\" because it diverges from the book series more than any other \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" episode; a few of the changes include Jon's and Bran's storylines, how Daenerys conquered Meereen, and new information with regard to how White Walkers multiply their army. Goldman and Cornet stated that much of the episode feels like a spoiler for readers of the series because of", "\"George R. R. Martin\"\na dozen Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Drama Series. By the end of 2016, all seasons up to season 6 (which premiered on April 24, 2016) had been aired on HBO and all seasons had been released on DVD and/or Blu-ray for home viewing (see List of Game of Thrones episodes). The company confirmed on July 18, 2016 that season 7 would consist of seven episodes instead of the usual ten, and would premiere later than usual, in mid-2017, because of the later filming schedule. This was necessary in order to be shooting during the winter season in Europe. Season 7", "\"Game of Tones\"\nGame of Tones \"\"Game of Tones\"\" is the twenty-third episode of the seventh season of the animated sitcom \"\"Futurama\"\". It originally aired on Comedy Central on August 14, 2013. The episode was written by Michael Rowe and directed by Edmund Fong. The Planet Express crew enter Fry's dreams and find themselves back in the year 1999 in search of a mysterious alien song. The title is a spoof of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", while the episode as a whole makes many references to \"\"Close Encounters of the Third Kind\"\" and \"\"Inception\"\", and the plot contains many similarities to \"\"\"\". Earth is", "\"David Benioff\"\nthe finale season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" is completed in 2019. Benioff and D.B. Weiss together directed two episodes of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", but used a coin-flip to decide who would get the credit on the show. Benioff was given the credit for episode 3 of the third season, \"\"Walk of Punishment\"\", while Weiss was credited with \"\"Two Swords\"\", the first episode of season 4. Benioff and Weiss will direct the series finale of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\". On September 30, 2006, Benioff married actress Amanda Peet in New York City. Together they have three children: Frances \"\"Frankie\"\" Pen Friedman, born", "\"Black Friday (South Park)\"\nwanting to doing something bigger even more. With four episodes left to be produced for this season, Parker and Stone contemplated making a four-part storyline but wrapped it up at three. As for what the three-part storyline would be about, Parker and Stone said that they had been talking about doing a \"\"Game of Thrones\"\"-themed episode for a long time since they both watched the show and found many things to satirize. Butters' scenes in the three episodes which centered on his understanding of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" were the first jokes that were visualized by Parker and Stone as being", "\"High Sparrow (Game of Thrones)\"\nHigh Sparrow (Game of Thrones) \"\"High Sparrow\"\" is the third episode of the fifth season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 43rd overall. The episode was written by series co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Mark Mylod, his directorial debut for the series. It aired on April 26, 2015. Prior to airing, this episode along with the other first four episodes of the season were leaked online. Tommen and Margaery are wed, and that night, they consummate their marriage. Margaery then manipulates Tommen into trying to persuade his mother, Cersei, to return", "\"Telltale Games\"\nleast 60 days notification before issuing mass layoffs. Telltale has not officially commented on the status of its in-progress games, including \"\"The Wolf Among Us: Season Two\"\", \"\"Game of Thrones: Season Two\"\", and the untitled \"\"Stranger Things\"\" project, but laid-off employees alleged that teams working on these games had all been let go. On September 24, Netflix announced that it is \"\"in the process of evaluating other options for bringing the \"\"Stranger Things\"\" universe to life in an interactive medium.\"\" It also confirmed that it plans to go ahead with releasing \"\"Minecraft: Story Mode\"\" as planned. The first three episodes", "\"Game of Thrones\"\ncontent. In April 2016, the showrunners' plan was to shoot 13 more episodes after the sixth season: seven episodes in the seventh season and six episodes in the eighth. Later that month, the series was renewed for a seventh season with a seven-episode order. Eight seasons were ordered and filmed, adapting the novels at a rate of about 48 seconds per page for the first three seasons. The first two seasons adapted one novel each. For the later seasons, its creators see \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" as an adaptation of \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" as a whole rather than", "\"Game of Thrones (2014 video game)\"\nfantasy drama video game, released as 6 episodes following the model of Telltale's previous adventure games. The player is able to move their character around some scenes, interacting with objects and initiating conversation trees with non-player characters. Choices made by the player influence events in future episodes. The game switches between the viewpoints of five different characters. Each episode contains five points where the player must make a significant decision, choosing from one of two available options. Through Telltale's servers, the game tracks how many players selected which option and lets the player compare their choices to the rest of", "\"Game of Thrones (season 7)\"\nBender, who worked on the show's sixth season, said that the seventh season would consist of seven episodes. Benioff and Weiss stated that they were unable to produce 10 episodes in the show's usual 12 to 14 month time frame, as Weiss said \"\"It's crossing out of a television schedule into more of a mid-range movie schedule.\"\" HBO confirmed on July 18, 2016, that the seventh season would consist of seven episodes, and would premiere later than usual in mid-2017 because of the later filming schedule. Later it was confirmed that the season would debut on July 16. The seventh", "\"Oathbreaker (Game of Thrones)\"\nthe heavy action of the season's first two hours, Sunday's Game of Thrones, called \"\"Oathbreaker,\"\" was more about putting pieces on the chess board into place.\"\" Sarah Larson of \"\"The New Yorker\"\" wrote in her review, \"\"Last week, we saw Jon Snow reënter life; this week, we may have been in proximity to him entering it, the first time, in the usual way.\"\" Tim Surette of called the episode, \"\"Exhilarating\"\". Oathbreaker (Game of Thrones) \"\"Oathbreaker\"\" is the third episode of the sixth season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 53rd overall. It was written by", "\"Beyond the Wall (Game of Thrones)\"\nBeyond the Wall (Game of Thrones) \"\"Beyond the Wall\"\" is the sixth and penultimate episode of the seventh season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 66th overall. It was written by series co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Alan Taylor. At 70 minutes, it was the series' longest episode until the airing of the season's finale. The episode's main plot focuses on Jon Snow's raiding party as they journey north of the Wall; they successfully capture a wight to prove the threat, though Thoros is killed. Daenerys rescues the group from the", "\"Game of Thrones: Season 4 (soundtrack)\"\nGame of Thrones: Season 4 (soundtrack) The soundtrack album of the fourth season of HBO series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", titled Game of Thrones: Season 4 was released digitally on June 10, 2014, and on CD on July 1, 2014. Season 4 of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" saw the Icelandic band Sigur Rós perform their rendition of \"\"\"\" in a cameo appearance at King Joffrey's wedding in the second episode, \"\"The Lion and the Rose\"\". The soundtrack received mostly positive reviews from critics. The soundtrack was awarded a score of 4/5 by Heather Phares of AllMusic. Personnel adapted from the album liner", "\"Game of Thrones: Season 4 (soundtrack)\"\nnotes. Game of Thrones: Season 4 (soundtrack) The soundtrack album of the fourth season of HBO series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", titled Game of Thrones: Season 4 was released digitally on June 10, 2014, and on CD on July 1, 2014. Season 4 of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" saw the Icelandic band Sigur Rós perform their rendition of \"\"\"\" in a cameo appearance at King Joffrey's wedding in the second episode, \"\"The Lion and the Rose\"\". The soundtrack received mostly positive reviews from critics. The soundtrack was awarded a score of 4/5 by Heather Phares of AllMusic. Personnel adapted from the album", "\"Game of Thrones (season 4)\"\nreceived a 97% average episode score. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"\"\"Game of Thrones\"\" continues to be one of the best shows on TV, combining meticulously-plotted character arcs with the spectacular design of the Seven Kingdoms.\"\" Season 4 obtained the strongest viewer numbers of all seasons aired up until that point, with a series high of 7.20 million viewers of the first airing of the seventh episode. With its fourth season, \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" has become the most-watched HBO series in history (surpassing the fourth season of \"\"The Sopranos\"\" which had a gross audience of 18.2 million viewers), averaging 18.4", "\"Ceremonials (album)\"\n\"\"Seven Devils\"\" appeared in the trailer to promote the second season of the HBO series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", as well as in the season one finale of the ABC series \"\"Revenge\"\", which was broadcast 23 May 2012. It was also used in the trailer for the 2013 romantic fantasy film \"\"Beautiful Creatures\"\". \"\"Never Let Me Go\"\" was used in the 19th episode of the third season of \"\"The Vampire Diaries\"\" on 19 April 2012, in the pilot of \"\"Beauty & the Beast\"\" on 11 October 2012 and in the second episode of the third season of \"\"Nikita\"\" on 26 October", "\"Game of Thrones\"\nas Córdoba. The sixth season, which began filming in July 2015, returned to Spain and filmed in Navarra, Guadalajara, Seville, Almeria, Girona and Peniscola. Filming also returned to Dubrovnik, Croatia. Filming of the seven episodes of season 7 began on August 31, 2016, at Titanic Studios in Belfast, with other filming in Iceland, Northern Ireland and many locations in Spain, including Seville, Cáceres, Almodovar del Rio, Santiponce, Zumaia and Bermeo. The series also filmed in Dubrovnik, which is used for location of King's Landing. Filming continued until the end of February 2017 as necessary to ensure winter weather in some", "\"Game of Thrones (season 7)\"\nof 77 out of 100 based on 12 reviews, indicating \"\"generally favorable reviews\"\". On Rotten Tomatoes, the seventh season has a 94% approval rating from 46 critics with an average rating of 8.31 out of 10, and a 92% average episode score, with the site's consensus reading, \"\"After a year-long wait, \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" roars back with powerful storytelling and a focused interest in its central characters—particularly the female ones.\"\" The series premiere surpassed 30 million viewers across all of the network's domestic platforms weeks after its release. The show's numbers continued to climb in other countries as well. In", "\"Beyond the Wall (Game of Thrones)\"\nother episode to date from the rushed, truncated storytelling in Season 7.\"\" Schwartz went on to also praise the interactions between the northern raiding party on their journey to find the White Walkers, and ultimately gave the episode a 6.9 out of 10. Daniel D'Addario of \"\"Time Magazine\"\" wrote in his review of the episode \"\"This episode, occupying the penultimate-in-the-season slot that has historically been the spot where the biggest moments occur, was ever-so-slightly less a barnburner than last year's \"\"Battle of the Bastards,\"\" for instance. But that's in part due to the increasing obviousness of the stakes.\"\" Myles McNutt", "\"No One (Game of Thrones)\"\nepisode \"\"The Bear and the Maiden Fair\"\", before returning for the sixth season. Dormer was previously asked about returning to \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" in an interview in February 2015, saying at the time that he was doubtful about coming back to the series, stating \"\"they haven't told me about it, so I don't think so.\"\" He also noted about his portrayal of the character, \"\"Beric was a noble character, a leader of men. Kind of like Robin Hood. So I thought, that's how I'll play the guy.\"\" Paul Kaye's participation in the series was confirmed in mid-April 2016, with his", "\"My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (season 6)\"\nshow's upcoming sixth season depicting the baby daughter of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, who will be introduced into the season as a new character. On March 7, 2016, a \"\"Game of Thrones\"\"-style teaser trailer for the season was released, hinting several locations of that season. Ed Valentine, writer of the Season 4 episodes \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\" with the latter being a collaboration alongside headwriter Meghan McCarthy, confirmed via Twitter that he wrote two episodes for Season 6. At the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con, while the show was in its fifth season, it was revealed that there will", "\"How I Met Your Mother (season 4)\"\nseason seemed to settle down the chase for the titular mother. While Ted was busy dating Stella, the gang settled into many stand alone episodes which were every bit as entertaining as episodes devoted to Ted's love life,\"\" later going on to say, \"\"A stellar Robin-Marshall episode, titled \"\"Little Minnesota,\"\" makes it clear that these two do not get enough screen time together. With Robin homesick and unemployed (and at risk of being deported), this pairing brought out the best Robin Sparkles reference of the season, when Marshall leads a rousing karaoke version of \"\"Let's Go to the Mall!\"\" How", "\"Game of Thrones (season 4)\"\nseries won for Best Stunt Team. For the 72nd Golden Globe Awards, the series was nominated for Best Television Series – Drama. For the 67th Directors Guild of America Awards, Alex Graves was nominated for Outstanding Directing – Drama Series for the episode \"\"The Children\"\". The fourth season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" was released on DVD and Blu-ray in region 1 on . Between January 30 and February 5, 2015, the last two episodes of season four were shown in 205 IMAX theaters in the U.S. \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" is the first TV series released in this format. The show", "\"Game of Thrones\"\nGame of Thrones\"\" () by series writer Bryan Cogman, was published on September 27, 2012. The 192-page book, illustrated with concept art and behind-the-scenes photographs, covers the creation of the series' first two seasons and its principal characters and families. \"\"After the Thrones\"\" is a live aftershow in which hosts Andy Greenwald and Chris Ryan discuss episodes of the series. It airs on HBO Now the Monday after each sixth-season episode. The Game of Thrones Live Concert Experience, a 28-city orchestral tour which will perform the series' soundtrack with composer Ramin Djawadi, is scheduled to begin February 15, 2017 in", "\"The Climb (Game of Thrones)\"\nthe episode a \"\"B+\"\" for people who have read the novels. The Climb (Game of Thrones) \"\"The Climb\"\" is the sixth episode of the third season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 26th episode of the series. Directed by Alik Sakharov and written by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, it aired on May 5, 2013. The episode's title comes from climbing of the wall by Jon Snow and Ygritte, and also the references from dialogue between Lord Petyr Baelish and Lord Varys. The episode marks the final appearance of Esmé Bianco. Lord Tywin Lannister meets", "\"Game of Thrones (season 2)\"\nthe mythology of Westeros and Essos. The second season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" was the most-pirated TV series in 2012. Game of Thrones (season 2) The second season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered in the United States on HBO on April 1, 2012, and concluded on June 3, 2012. It was broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm in the United States, consisting of 10 episodes, each running approximately 50–60 minutes. The season mostly covers the events of \"\"A Clash of Kings\"\", the second novel of the \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" series by George", "\"Dark Wings, Dark Words\"\n\"\"Burdened with character and plot reintroductions, 'Dark Wings, Dark Words' starts slow before revving up and delving into the real intrigues of the season.\"\" IGN's Matt Fowler gave the episode an 8.5/10, writing \"\"Not many big moments in this week's Game of Thrones, but a lot of new characters came into play.\"\" David Sims, reviewing for The A.V. Club, rated the episode with a B+ for newbies. Todd VanDerWerff, rating for experts, also gave the episode a B+. Dark Wings, Dark Words \"\"Dark Wings, Dark Words\"\" is the second episode of the third season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game", "\"Game of Thrones (2014 video game)\"\n72/100 based on 10 reviews. \"\"Episode Six – The Ice Dragon\"\" received \"\"generally positive\"\" reviews. Aggregating review websites GameRankings and Metacritic gave the Microsoft Windows version 70/100 based on 24 reviews, the PlayStation 4 version 75/100 based on 13 reviews and the Xbox One version 80/100 based on 7 reviews. The first series proved successful, leading Telltale to begin development of a second episodic season. In November 2015, Telltale's Kevin Bruner affirmed that a second season was currently in development. Telltale's Job Stauffer said in an August 2017 interview that while they were still planning on Season 2, the series", "\"Fire and Blood (Game of Thrones)\"\nFire and Blood (Game of Thrones) \"\"Fire and Blood\"\" is the tenth and final episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\". First aired on June 19, 2011, it was written by the show's creators and executive producers David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Alan Taylor. The title of the episode is the motto of House Targaryen, and alludes to the aftermath of the previous episode's climactic events. The episode's action revolves around the Starks' reactions to Eddard Stark's execution: Sansa is taken hostage, Arya flees in disguise, Robb and", "\"Winter Is Coming\"\nWinter Is Coming \"\"Winter Is Coming\"\" is the first episode of the HBO medieval fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\". It was written by the show creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, in a faithful adaptation of the first chapters of George R. R. Martin's book \"\"A Game of Thrones\"\". The episode was directed by Tim Van Patten, redoing the work done by director Tom McCarthy in an unaired pilot. As the first episode of the series, it introduces the setting and the main characters of the show. The episode centers on the Stark family, and how its lord,", "\"Game of Thrones (season 3)\"\nas a digital download on the iTunes store, in Australia only, in parallel to the U.S. premiere. However, on May 14, 2013, Foxtel blocked the Australian iTunes store from making the episodes available soon after they screened in the U.S. Season 3 was reported to be the most infringed TV show via torrents during spring 2013, estimated to be 5.2 million downloads via BitTorrent. The third season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" was the most-pirated TV series in 2013. Game of Thrones (season 3) The third season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered in the United States", "\"Game of Thrones (season 6)\"\nofficial \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" Twitter account. A 41-second teaser trailer was released on December 3, featuring Jon Snow from the fifth season episode \"\"Hardhome\"\", as well as many of the previous seasons' highlights, and a voice-over from Max von Sydow as the Three-Eyed Raven and Isaac Hempstead Wright as Bran Stark. The first footage from the season was revealed in a new promotional video released by HBO highlighting its new and returning original shows for the coming year on December 6, 2015, showcasing scenes involving Daenerys Targaryen, Ramsay Bolton, Cersei Lannister, and Tommen Baratheon. On December 28, 2015, \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\"", "\"Game of Thrones (season 7)\"\nAugust 4, 2017, it was reported that, two days before its original broadcast, the fourth episode of the season was leaked online from Star India, one of HBO's international network partners. The leaked copy has the \"\"for internal viewing only\"\" watermark. On July 31, 2017, due to a security breach, HBO was the victim of 1.5 terabytes of stolen data. However, \"\"this was not related to this episode leak\"\", according to \"\"The Verge\"\". On August 16, 2017, four days before its intended release, it was reported that HBO Spain and HBO Nordic accidentally allowed the sixth episode of the series", "\"Game of Thrones (season 5)\"\nan increase in overall viewer numbers this season taking into account streaming services, which are not included in Nielsen ratings. The dip in ratings did not extend to the eighth and ninth episodes, \"\"Hardhome,\"\" and \"\"The Dance of Dragons\"\", which were both seen by over 7 million viewers. The season finale, \"\"Mother's Mercy\"\" was seen by 8.11 million people, setting a new record and making it the most watched episode of the series. For the 5th Critics' Choice Television Awards, the series was nominated for Best Drama Series. For the 31st TCA Awards, the series was nominated for Program of", "\"The Gift (Game of Thrones)\"\ninstallment that delivers long-awaited plot turns in a satisfying manner, even though it continues a disturbing theme from the previous episode.\"\" Erik Kain of \"\"Forbes\"\" called this a \"\"terrific, exciting, tense episode,\"\" though, like Myles McNutt of \"\"The A.V. Club\"\", he questioned both the \"\"anemic\"\" Dorne storyline and the gratuitousness of Tyene exposing her breasts in the prison scene. The Gift (Game of Thrones) \"\"The Gift\"\" is the seventh episode of the fifth season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 47th overall. The episode was written by the series' creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss,", "\"Fire and Blood (Game of Thrones)\"\nget higher. Dragons aren't cheap, but they're also amazing.\"\" Fire and Blood (Game of Thrones) \"\"Fire and Blood\"\" is the tenth and final episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\". First aired on June 19, 2011, it was written by the show's creators and executive producers David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Alan Taylor. The title of the episode is the motto of House Targaryen, and alludes to the aftermath of the previous episode's climactic events. The episode's action revolves around the Starks' reactions to Eddard Stark's execution: Sansa", "\"Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions\"\nwas killed as a \"\"consequence of his own error\"\"; Black takes it to mean that there is a larger mystery to which his own involvement is only tangential. \"\"Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions\"\" is the third of four episodes of \"\"Millennium\"\" to have been written by Ted Mann, who had previously written \"\"The Judge\"\" and \"\"Loin Like a Hunting Flame\"\", and would go on to write the first season finale \"\"Paper Dove\"\". Director Thomas J. Wright would go on to direct twenty-six episodes across all three seasons. Wright would also direct \"\"Millennium\"\", the series' crossover episode with its sister show", "\"Game of Thrones (season 4)\"\nearned $686,000 in its opening day at the box office and $1.5 million during its opening weekend. The one-week release grossed $1,896,092. The fourth season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" was the most-pirated TV series in 2014. Game of Thrones (season 4) The fourth season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered in the United States on HBO on April 6, 2014, and concluded on June 15, 2014. It was broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm in the United States, consisting of 10 episodes, each running approximately 50–60 minutes. The season is adapted primarily from the second half", "\"First of His Name\"\nreads: \"\"Only slow by \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" standards, \"\"First of His Name\"\" demonstrates how carefully constructed this show has been since season one.\"\" Matt Fowler of \"\"IGN\"\" gave the episode a 9/10 writing that the episode \"\"gave us a much-needed look back at some past events on the series.\"\" He highlighted the revelation that Littlefinger's actions \"\"put the story of the entire series into motion.\"\" Erik Adams of \"\"The A.V. Club\"\" gave the episode an A and praised the writers for their focus on the female characters. First of His Name \"\"First of His Name\"\" is the fifth episode of", "\"D. B. Weiss\"\ndirector Francis Lawrence stated that he did not think the prequel was ever going to happen. Weiss currently works with David Benioff on the television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", based on George R. R. Martin's book series \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\". Benioff and Weiss also directed two episodes together, but used a coin-flip to decide who would get the credit on the show. Weiss received directing credit for \"\"Two Swords\"\", the first episode of season 4, while Benioff was credited for \"\"Walk of Punishment\"\", the third episode in season 3. Benioff and Weiss will direct the series finale", "\"Game of Thrones (season 6)\"\n50 chart. The season received highly positive reviews, with special praise directed at the episodes \"\"The Door\"\", \"\"Battle of the Bastards\"\" and \"\"The Winds of Winter\"\". On Metacritic, the season (based on the first episode) has a score of 73 out of 100 based on 9 reviews, indicating \"\"generally favorable reviews\"\". On Rotten Tomatoes, the sixth season has a 95% approval rating from 30 critics with an average rating of 8.33 out of 10. The season also received a 94% episode average score on Rotten Tomatoes. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"Bloody and captivating as always, \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" plunges", "\"Game of Thrones (2014 video game)\"\nor mediocre critical responses, George R. R. Martin opined that he wanted \"\"a Game of Thrones game to be made by a studio that knows how to create a thrilling and interesting story\"\". Telltale Games has found critical success in several licensed adventure games, including their \"\"The Wolf Among Us\"\" and \"\"The Walking Dead\"\" episodic video game series. \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" arose from internal discussions within Telltale of what other popular franchises they wanted to write games around, with much support given for \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", considering its emotional equivalence to \"\"The Walking Dead\"\". They approached HBO with the concept,", "\"Blackwater (Game of Thrones)\"\nthe performances of both Headey and costar Peter Dinklage as \"\"wonderful\"\", going on to say of Headey's Cersei that she \"\"displayed a terrifying strength\"\" and that her final scene with Tommen was \"\"gut-wrenching.\"\" The episode also received praise for its unsentimental depiction of warfare as a harrowing and costly enterprise, interpreted also as a critique of \"\"the sorts of political systems that perpetuate it\"\". The episode's director Neil Marshall called the fan and critical reaction to the episode \"\"overwhelming...I've never seen anything like it for a TV episode.\"\" Blackwater (Game of Thrones) \"\"Blackwater\"\" is the ninth and penultimate episode of", "\"The Climb (Game of Thrones)\"\nThe Climb (Game of Thrones) \"\"The Climb\"\" is the sixth episode of the third season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 26th episode of the series. Directed by Alik Sakharov and written by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, it aired on May 5, 2013. The episode's title comes from climbing of the wall by Jon Snow and Ygritte, and also the references from dialogue between Lord Petyr Baelish and Lord Varys. The episode marks the final appearance of Esmé Bianco. Lord Tywin Lannister meets Lady Olenna Tyrell to discuss having Ser Loras Tyrell marry Tywin's", "\"Book of the Stranger\"\naction in both of the signature halves of the story.\"\" Brandon Nowalk of \"\"The A.V. Club\"\" wrote, \"\"Now that is how you set the table. \"\"Book Of The Stranger\"\" doesn't just check off plot points. In fact, there aren't a lot of plot points to check off. It's an episode of introductions, reunions, and wall-to-wall scheming,\"\" giving the episode an A. Eliana Dockterman of \"\"Time\"\" wrote about the strong female storylines in the episode, stating \"\"The creators of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" have been touting the sixth season of the show as the year when women finally wreak vengeance. The fourth", "\"The Winds of Winter (Game of Thrones)\"\nDjawadi spoke about the score he created for the beginning of the episode, titled \"\"Light of the Seven\"\", which largely consisted of piano, something unusual for the series. Djawadi stated, \"\"The interesting thing to me was the use of the piano. When we started the season, showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss, and Miguel Sapochnik, the director of the episode, reached out to me and said, 'There's something coming up in episode 10.' We talked about 'The Light of the Seven', and how it needed to be a new piece of music. Any kind of character theme could tip it,", "\"Garbage Island (How I Met Your Mother)\"\nfrom the wedding, but Wendy interrupts saying they have to go. Ted immediately calls Marshall about the encounter. Robert Canning of IGN gave the episode a rating of 7 out of 10. Donna Bowman of The A.V. Club gave the episode an A−. Garbage Island (How I Met Your Mother) \"\"Garbage Island\"\" is the 17th episode of the sixth season of the CBS sitcom \"\"How I Met Your Mother\"\" and the 129th episode overall. It aired on February 21, 2011. At Hong Kong International Airport in 2021, Ted's flight to New York City has been cancelled. While arguing with an", "\"Game of Thrones (season 1)\"\nGame of Thrones (season 1) The first season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered on HBO on April 17, 2011 in the U.S., and concluded on June 19, 2011. It consists of ten episodes, each of approximately 55 minutes. The series is based on \"\"A Game of Thrones\"\", the first novel in the \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" series by George R. R. Martin, adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO had ordered a television pilot in November 2008; filming began the following year. However, it was deemed unsatisfactory and later", "\"Game of Thrones (season 1)\"\ncategorized as \"\"generally favorable\"\". On Rotten Tomatoes, the first season has an 90% approval rating from 36 critics with an average rating of 8.39 out of 10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"Its intricate storytelling and dark themes may overwhelm some viewers, but \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" is a transportive, well-acted, smartly written drama even non-genre fans can appreciate.\"\" The season also received a 97% episode average score on Rotten Tomatoes, which is tied with Season 4 for the highest season episode average of the show. The first episode attracted 2.2 million viewers its initial airing on April 17 in the", "\"The Locket (How I Met Your Mother)\"\nmany \"\"annoying little things, and a few big ones\"\" but one big thing they got absolutely right: That was the Mother. Bill Kuchman of Popculturology said the episode paled in comparison to the previous season's premiere, saying, \"\"You want a legendary \"\"HIMYM\"\" season premiere? Go watch \"\"Farhampton,\"\" last season’s premiere. ... That’s a season premiere. And that’s the promise that \"\"HIMYM\"\"s final season holds.\"\" Max Nicholson of IGN gave the episode a 7.8/10 rating saying it \"\"delivered a relatively promising start to the wedding weekend.\"\" The Locket (How I Met Your Mother) \"\"The Locket\"\" is the first episode of the", "\"Blackwater (Game of Thrones)\"\nBlackwater (Game of Thrones) \"\"Blackwater\"\" is the ninth and penultimate episode of the second season of HBO's medieval fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\". The episode is written by George R. R. Martin, the author of the \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" novels of which the series is an adaptation, and directed by Neil Marshall, his directorial debut for the series. The entire episode is dedicated to the climactic Battle of the Blackwater, in which the Lannister army, commanded by acting Hand of the King Tyrion Lannister, defends the city of King's Landing as King Stannis Baratheon's fleet stages", "\"Game of Thrones\"\nof the European locations. Each ten-episode season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" has four to six directors, who usually direct back-to-back episodes. Alan Taylor has directed seven episodes, the most episodes of the series. Alex Graves, David Nutter, Mark Mylod and Jeremy Podeswa have directed six each. Daniel Minahan directed five episodes, and Michelle MacLaren, Alik Sakharov, and Miguel Sapochnik directed four each. Brian Kirk directed three episodes during the first season, and Tim Van Patten directed the series' first two episodes. Neil Marshall directed two episodes, both with large battle scenes: \"\"Blackwater\"\" and \"\"The Watchers on the Wall\"\". Other directors", "\"The Night Lands\"\nThe Night Lands \"\"The Night Lands\"\" is the second episode of the second season of HBO's medieval fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\". The episode is written by the showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Alan Taylor. It was first released on April 2, 2012 via the online service HBO GO in some European countries, including the Netherlands, Poland and Slovenia. Cable television first broadcast it on April 8, 2012. The plot continues with some of the storylines from the season premiere: the Night's Watch caravan heading to the Wall is interrupted by a pair of", "\"Ian Gelder\"\nthe HBO series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" in Season 5 and Season 6 as Kevan Lannister. Gelder starred in 12 episodes of Game of Thrones. In August 2017, he starred in a BBC4 monologue entitled \"\"Queers: I Miss the War\"\". Gelder's partner is actor Ben Daniels. They met in 1993 while they were both involved in a production of \"\"Entertaining Mr Sloane\"\". Ian Gelder Gelder appeared in the TV movie of \"\"Rumpole of the Bailey\"\" as Rumpole's university lecturer son. He has also played many other roles on stage and screen. His stage work includes \"\"The Low Road\"\" (2013). From May", "\"After the Thrones\"\nthat \"\"We love Game of Thrones and we love the way Twitter is thinking about content right now, so we jumped at the chance to blow out our Thrones show into an interactive multimedia experience — something that reacts immediately to what just happened, almost like a postgame show in sports - Nobody is equipped to do that better than Twitter. It's the natural evolution of what we had already established with Chris, Andy, Mallory and Jason.\"\" These episodes discuss season six of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\". Starting from the first episode, \"\"The Red Woman\"\". After the Thrones After the Thrones", "\"Worth (The Walking Dead)\"\nepisode “It was a dialogue-heavy episode, but because there was so much going on it felt brisk, tense and urgent, and left behind the promise of a finale with all the extraneous gristle removed.” Matt Fowler of IGN gave the episode a score of 7.3 out of 10 and commented \"\"\"\"Worth,\"\" Season 8's penultimate episode, wrapped up the current Savior game o' thrones storyline involving Simon's attempt to take over as the lead Negan of the Negans, but it seemed like a lot (and a lot of time spent with some uninteresting Saviors) just to get Negan to a place", "\"The Door (Game of Thrones)\"\nto have been copied. Upon learning of the incident, we used the available means to limit further access to the episode.\"\" The Door (Game of Thrones) \"\"The Door\"\" is the fifth episode of the sixth season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 55th overall. The episode was written by series co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Jack Bender. Bran Stark learns the origin of the White Walkers, Jon Snow plans to unite the north against the Boltons, Euron Greyjoy reveals his return to the Iron Islands at the Kingsmoot, Tyrion Lannister meets", "\"The Children (Game of Thrones)\"\nthe same time. The Children (Game of Thrones) \"\"The Children\"\" is the tenth and final episode of the fourth season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 40th overall. The episode was written by series co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Alex Graves. \"\"The Children\"\" received overwhelming acclaim from critics, with praise directed at the deaths of Shae and Tywin Lannister, Bran reaching the Heart Tree and the fight scene between Brienne and Sandor \"\"The Hound\"\" Clegane. This episode marks the final appearances of Sibel Kekilli (Shae), Rose Leslie (Ygritte) and Thomas Brodie-Sangster", "\"The Gift (Game of Thrones)\"\nThe Gift (Game of Thrones) \"\"The Gift\"\" is the seventh episode of the fifth season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 47th overall. The episode was written by the series' creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Miguel Sapochnik, his directorial debut for the series. This episode marks the final appearance for Peter Vaughan. Jon leaves for Hardhome with Tormund and some rangers, in spite of Ser Alliser's complaints. Before they leave, Sam gives Jon a bag of dragonglass weapons, reminding him of their use against the White Walkers. Afterward, Sam and Gilly", "\"Music of Game of Thrones\"\nmusic of Game of Thrones, notably in its title theme. The process of composition is essentially the same throughout the series. Once the filming is nearly completed, episodes are sent to Djawadi in batches as they're being edited together but often before any special effects added in the footage, and these episodes may be sent singly or in set of multiple episodes. Benioff and Weiss would also inform Djawadi in advance of the need to expand a theme or create new themes for characters. Asked in interview about the overall process of composing the music and how it is used", "\"And Now His Watch Is Ended\"\nfeat to have achieved a climax so satisfying for the viewer with only a relatively small number of scenes building up to it in the first three episodes. VanDerWerff considered that Emilia Clarke's acting was Emmy worthy. HitFix's Alan Sepinwall also praised her performance, remarking that \"\"her big moment comes in a (fictional) foreign language, and the subtitles are barely necessary. That's how good she is.\"\" And Now His Watch Is Ended \"\"And Now His Watch Is Ended\"\" is the fourth episode of the third season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 24th episode of the", "\"Home (Game of Thrones)\"\nin on-camera dialogue during actual taping of the series. \"\"Home\"\" was directed by Jeremy Podeswa. He had previously directed the fifth season episodes \"\"Kill the Boy\"\" and \"\"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken\"\". In an interview following the airing of the episode, Podeswa stated about the scene in which Jon Snow is resurrected; \"\"I think just establishing the right amount of tension through the scene, so you really didn't know up until the last second which way it was going to go. That was the biggest thing, creating a sense of mystery and magic around the whole thing. We really wanted that scene", "\"Art Parkinson\"\nZealand Herald\"\" on 7 April 2015, Parkinson admitted that he was put-off watching \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" after seeing a three-year old child getting his throat slit in one episode. Parkinson played the role of 'Young Kenneth' in the movie \"\"Freakdog\"\". He also appeared in the Irish horror film \"\"Dark Touch\"\". In July 2014, Parkinson was cast in the 2014 American dark fantasy epic action \"\"Dracula Untold\"\" directed by Gary Shore. On 6 October 2014, Parkinson confirmed that his character and Natalia Tena's character Osha would not be returning for the fifth Season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\". Parkinson also starred in", "\"David Nutter\"\ncharacter Green Arrow, starring Stephen Amell. In 2014, he returned to the HBO series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" to direct episodes 9 and 10 of Season 5. For episode 10, he received a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series. In September 2017, it was announced that Nutter would return to direct at least two episodes of the eighth season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", alongside Miguel Sapochnik, David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for the remainder of the episodes. The first sixteen pilots that Nutter directed have all gone to series. This streak was broken in 2011 when", "\"Game of Thrones (season 6)\"\n\"\"Game of Thrones\"\" was the most-pirated TV series in 2016. Game of Thrones (season 6) The sixth season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered on HBO on April 24, 2016, and concluded on June 26, 2016. It consists of ten episodes, each of approximately 50–60 minutes long, largely of original content not found in George R. R. Martin's \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" series. Some story elements were derived from the novels and from information Martin revealed to the show-runners. The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO ordered", "\"Legion (season 1)\"\nor 11 days filming to meet Hawley's vision, which he said were \"\"not good calls to have but what are you going to do? It's a huge show.\"\" Keller felt that each episode in the season was noticeably different from the others, calling the series a uniquely \"\"director-driven show. It's almost like the episode prior doesn't set you up for how the next episode is going to go.\"\" Hawley noted that many US television series are filmed in Vancouver, and it \"\"offers an amazing array of looks and feels and, obviously, a great crew base and everything.\"\" Sets for the", "\"Tim Porter\"\nTim Porter Tim Porter is a British television editor, best known for his work on the HBO series, \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", as well as several other British television series. In 2018, he received his third consecutive American Cinema Editors, Eddie nomination for his work on Game of Thrones, for the episode, 'Beyond The Wall', directed by Alan Taylor. He won the 2016 Emmy Award for Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series, again for his work on Game of Thrones, season 6, episode 9, 'Battle of the Bastards', directed by Miguel Sapochnik. For this episode he 'sifted through nearly", "\"The Children (Game of Thrones)\"\nThe Children (Game of Thrones) \"\"The Children\"\" is the tenth and final episode of the fourth season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 40th overall. The episode was written by series co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Alex Graves. \"\"The Children\"\" received overwhelming acclaim from critics, with praise directed at the deaths of Shae and Tywin Lannister, Bran reaching the Heart Tree and the fight scene between Brienne and Sandor \"\"The Hound\"\" Clegane. This episode marks the final appearances of Sibel Kekilli (Shae), Rose Leslie (Ygritte) and Thomas Brodie-Sangster (Jojen Reed). Daenerys", "\"No One (Game of Thrones)\"\nand kill her faster, stronger nemesis in this episode. Hanh Nguyen of Indiewire also felt the Riverrun sequence ended in an anticlimactic fashion as well. No One (Game of Thrones) \"\"No One\"\" is the eighth episode of the sixth season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 58th episode overall. It was written by series co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Mark Mylod. Arya Stark fights for her life and chooses her destiny; Jaime Lannister returns Edmure Tully to Riverrun; Cersei Lannister is thwarted; Daenerys Targaryen returns to Meereen; and Sandor Clegane tracks", "\"Two Swords (Game of Thrones)\"\nTwo Swords (Game of Thrones) \"\"Two Swords\"\" is the first episode of the fourth season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 31st overall. The episode was written by series co-creators and showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Weiss. It premiered on April 6, 2014. The title of the episode refers to the two swords Tywin Lannister forges from Ice, Ned Stark's large Valyrian steel sword, in the opening sequence. Tywin Lannister has the Stark family's ancestral greatsword, Ice, melted down and reforged into two new swords. One is given to his son", "\"Mockingbird (Game of Thrones)\"\nMockingbird (Game of Thrones) \"\"Mockingbird\"\" is the seventh episode of the fourth season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 37th overall. The episode was written by series co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Alik Sakharov. It aired on May 18, 2014. The title refers to the symbol of House Baelish, Littlefinger's house. This episode marks the final appearance of Kate Dickie (Lysa Arryn). In the dungeons, Jaime Lannister berates Tyrion Lannister for his outburst against the people of King's Landing and ruining the deal Jaime had made with Tywin Lannister. Tyrion angrily", "\"Game of Thrones (2012 video game)\"\nout how the tales of Mors and Alester twist and turn on their way to conclusion.\"\" \"\"Digital Spy\"\" gave the PC version two stars out of five and said that it \"\"takes a while to get going, but perseverance is rewarded with an engaging story full of tough choices and interesting dilemmas. Unfortunately, the plot is let down by poor storytelling, sloppy visuals and mediocre gameplay, despite a relatively deep combat system.\"\" Game of Thrones (2012 video game) Game of Thrones is an action role-playing video game based on \"\"A Game of Thrones\"\", the first of the \"\"A Song of" ]
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name of bad witch on wizard of oz
[ "Wicked Witch of the West" ]
[ "Mombi\nby John R. Neill. The Wicked Witch of the West is given the similar name, \"\"Momba\"\" in the 1910 silent film \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", but is based on that character, not Mombi. A witch named Mombi also appears in the 1914 film \"\"His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz\"\". The character resembles W. W. Denslow's depiction of the Wicked Witch of the West (complete with eyepatch, pigtails and umbrella), and her role in the story is based on the Wicked Witch of the West in \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" and inspired the witch Blinkie in the novel \"\"The", "\"Glinda the Good Witch\"\nWizard's High Council. It is revealed that she in fact conspires against the Wizard's rule and prepares to overthrow him, using the Wizard's councilwomen as spies and aiming to use the secretly raised young witches for war. \"\"Emerald City\"\" also have another witch half based on the Witch of the South, named Mother South, that is a cardinal witch together with her daughters Glinda, West and East. Mother South gave birth to all of the witches in Oz, over a thousand years ago. Glinda appears in the cartoon series \"\"Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz\"\", voiced by Grey DeLisle. In", "\"Good Witch of the North\"\nwho attend Ozma's birthday party. She amuses the attendees by transforming ten stones into ten birds, the ten birds into ten lambs, and the ten lambs into ten little girls, who gave a pretty dance and were then transformed back into ten stones once again. The name of the Good Witch of the North in Baum's own stage version of \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\" is Locasta. In the classic 1939 MGM movie \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\", the Good Witch of the North is called Glinda, which is the name of the Good Witch of the South in the Oz novels.", "\"Wizard of Oz (character)\"\nundermined by Dorothy's own refusal to go along with his orders. Although he is able to mass produce more guns to use against the witches, proclaiming them to be the Beast Forever in an attempted propaganda coup, his plans fail as it is revealed that only witches can kill witches, the series ending with the assembled witches confronting the Wizard as the Beast Forever approaches Oz. Wizard of Oz (character) Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs (also known as the Wizard of Oz and, during his reign, as Oz, the Great and Terrible) is a fictional character", "\"The Unknown Witches of Oz\"\nnovel is the first volume of a planned trilogy. Locasta is the name that Baum provided his Good Witch of the North in his 1902 dramatization of \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\". The Three Adepts are characters that Baum introduced in his final Oz book, \"\"Glinda of Oz\"\" — though Hardenbrook changes their names and particulars, making them Locasta's granddaughters. Locasta, the Good Witch of the North, is forced out of Oz by the evil witch Mombi. Locasta solicits help to return to Oz, from a boy named Dan, a sixteen-year-old orphan she meets at the Los Angeles Public Library.", "\"Political interpretations of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\npeople (and even the Good Witches) into believing he is benevolent, wise, and powerful when really he is a selfish, evil humbug. He sends Dorothy into severe danger hoping she will rid him of his enemy the Wicked Witch of the West. He is powerless and, as he admits to Dorothy, \"\"I'm a very bad Wizard\"\". Hugh Rockoff suggested in 1990 that the novel was an allegory about the demonetization of silver in 1873, whereby “the cyclone that carried Dorothy to the Land of Oz represents the economic and political upheaval, the yellow brick road stands for the gold standard,", "\"Good Witch of the North\"\nGood Witch of the North The Good Witch of the North, sometimes named Locasta or Tattypoo, is a fictional character in the Land of Oz, created by American author L. Frank Baum. She is the elderly and mild-mannered Ruler of the Gillikin Country. Her only significant appearance in Baum's work is in Chapter 2 of \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" (1900), in which she introduces Dorothy to Oz and sends her to meet the Wizard, after placing a protective kiss on her forehead. She makes a brief cameo appearance at Princess Ozma's birthday party in \"\"The Road to Oz\"\" (1909),", "\"Land of Oz\"\nthe West was so powerful, even Glinda feared her. After Dorothy's house crushes the Wicked Witch of the East, thereby liberating the Munchkins from bondage, the Good Witch of the North tells Dorothy that she (the Witch of the North) is not as powerful as the Wicked Witch of the East had been, or she would have freed the Munchkins herself. During the first scene in Oz in \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", the Good Witch of the North (Locasta or Tattypoo) explains to Dorothy that Oz still has witches and wizards, not being civilized, and goes on to explain", "\"Land of Oz\"\ninitials on his balloon and took them as a message that he was to be their king. She relates that the country was already named Oz (a word which in their language means \"\"great and good\"\"), and that it was typical for the rulers to have names that are variations of Oz (King Pastoria being a notable exception to this rule). Ozma elaborates further, saying that there were once four Wicked Witches in Oz, who leagued together to depose the King, but the Wicked Witches of the North and South were defeated by Good Witches before the Wizard arrived in", "\"The Wizard of Oz (pinball)\"\nruby slipper flippers, Munchkin huts and roofs, the disappearing witch, the witch legs in the house, the witch castle walls, the throwing apple trees, the state fair balloon, the topper, the laser-cut Oz head, a crystal ball that displays videos, a spinning house and flying monkey assemblies. The machine includes 5 flippers with a reverse flippers mode, 4 pop bumpers, 2 slingshots, 5 magnets, 2 in front of the wicked witch, 2 vertical up-kickers, 1 drop target and 1 spinning target. The Wizard of Oz (pinball) The Wizard of Oz is a Jersey Jack Pinball, Inc. pinball machine designed by", "\"The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)\"\nand surround them. When the Witch sets fire to the Scarecrow, Dorothy tosses a bucket of water at him; water also splashes the Witch, who melts away. The guards rejoice and give Dorothy the broomstick. Back in the Emerald City, as the Wizard stalls in fulfilling his promises Toto pulls back a curtain and exposes the \"\"Wizard\"\" as a middle-aged man speaking through a microphone. He denies Dorothy's accusation that he is a bad man, but admits to being a humbug. He then gives the Scarecrow a diploma, the Lion a medal, and the Tin Man a ticking heart-shaped watch,", "\"Magician (fantasy)\"\nmay derive from its use in sword and sorcery, where the hero would be the sword-wielder, leaving the sorcery for his opponent. \"\"Witch\"\" also carries evil connotations. L. Frank Baum named Glinda the \"\"Good Witch of the South\"\" in \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\". In \"\"The Marvelous Land of Oz, \"\"he dubbed her \"\"Glinda the Good,\"\" and from that point forward and in subsequent books, Baum referred to her as a sorceress rather than a witch to avoid the term that was more regarded as evil. \"\"Wizard\"\" and \"\"warlock\"\" usually refer to a male, while \"\"witch\"\" usually refers to a", "\"Soldier with the Green Whiskers\"\nin his bid to conquer the Emerald City. It is initially suspected to be the red magic of Jinnicky, but Gloma, the Witch of the Black Forest (implicitly the Good Witch of the West), assures Dorothy that it is green magic at work. With Ozma and many of her advisers, he is imprisoned at the bottom of Lake Lightning. In \"\"Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz\"\", author Ruth Plumly Thompson constructed an elaborate family history for him under the name Wantowin Battles. In this book, Thompson portrays Wantowin as a pompous coward with bad aim who loves to eat pickles.", "\"Glinda the Good Witch\"\nviewpoints, rivalry over the same love-interest, reactions to the Wizard's corrupt government and, ultimately, Elphaba's public fall from grace. Glinda the Good Witch Glinda, also known as the Good Witch of the South, is a fictional character created by L. Frank Baum in his \"\"Oz\"\" novels. She first appears in Baum's classic children's novel, \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" (1900), and is the most powerful sorceress in the Land of Oz, ruler of the Quadling Country south of the Emerald City, and protector of Princess Ozma. Baum's 1900 children's novel \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" refers to Glinda as the", "\"Wizard of Oz (character)\"\nhe shortened his name further and called himself \"\"Oz\"\". When Ozma rescues them from the underground kingdoms, he recounts his story of becoming the ruler of Oz, and Ozma explains that before the witches usurped her grandfather's throne (an occurrence happening long before the wizard arrived), the ruler of Oz had always been known as Oz or (if female) Ozma. Ozma then permits him to live in Oz permanently. He becomes an apprentice to Glinda (the most powerful magic-worker in Oz). Ozma decrees that, besides herself, only The Wizard and Glinda are allowed to use magic unless the other magic", "\"Land of Oz\"\nthat witches and wizards can be both good and evil, unlike the evil witches that Dorothy had been told of. That book contained only the four witches (besides the humbug wizard), but despite Ozma's prohibition on magic, many more magicians feature in later works. Baum tended to capitalize the word \"\"Witch\"\" when referring to the Witches of the North, South, East or West, but did not do so when referring to witches in general. For example, in the aforementioned first scene of \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", Locasta (or Tattypoo) thanks Dorothy for killing the \"\"Wicked Witch of the East\"\",", "\"Glinda the Good Witch\"\nGlinda the Good Witch Glinda, also known as the Good Witch of the South, is a fictional character created by L. Frank Baum in his \"\"Oz\"\" novels. She first appears in Baum's classic children's novel, \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" (1900), and is the most powerful sorceress in the Land of Oz, ruler of the Quadling Country south of the Emerald City, and protector of Princess Ozma. Baum's 1900 children's novel \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" refers to Glinda as the Good Witch of the South; she does not appear in the novel until late in its development. After the", "\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\ncyclone that deposits her farmhouse into Munchkin Country in the magical Land of Oz. The falling house has killed the Wicked Witch of the East, the evil ruler of the Munchkins. The Good Witch of the North arrives with three grateful Munchkins and gives Dorothy the magical Silver Shoes that once belonged to the Wicked Witch. The Good Witch tells Dorothy that the only way she can return home is to go to the Emerald City and ask the great and powerful Wizard of Oz to help her. As Dorothy embarks on her journey, the Good Witch of the North", "Broom\nknown reference to witches flying on broomsticks dates to 1453, confessed by the male witch Guillaume Edelin. The concept of a flying ointment used by witches appears at about the same time, recorded in 1456. In Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's 1939 film, \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\", the Wicked Witch of the West used a broomstick to fly over Oz. She also used it to skywrite \"\"Surrender Dorothy\"\" above the Emerald City. The Wizard commands Dorothy and her three traveling companions to bring the Wicked Witch's broomstick to him in order to grant their wishes. Dorothy carries it to the Wizard with the Scarecrow,", "\"Land of Oz\"\nof emerald or other green materials. The Wizard was a young man when he first arrived in Oz, and grew old while he was there. Afraid of the Wicked Witches of the West and the East, who, unlike him, could do real magic, the Wizard hid away in a room of his palace and refused to see visitors. He lived in this way until the arrival of Dorothy in the first book. In \"\"The Marvelous Land of Oz\"\" the prehistory was changed slightly. Glinda, the Good Witch of the South, reveals that the Wizard usurped the previous king of Oz", "\"Wizard of Oz (character)\"\nlion), and the China Girl (a living china doll and the sole survivor of an attack on China Town whose legs he repaired with glue). The Wizard of Oz appears in the \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\" episodes \"\"New York City Serenade\"\", \"\"A Curious Thing\"\" and \"\"Kansas\"\" portrayed by Christopher Gorham. Originally, Walsh is from Kansas, but finds himself in the Land of Oz. Giving himself the name \"\"Oz the Great and Terrible\"\", he masquerades as an all-knowing wizard. This hoax upsets Glinda the Witch of the South, as she knows he only gives false hope to those who seek out", "\"The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)\"\nshould have no trouble apprehending Dorothy and her friends because \"\"I've sent a little insect on ahead to take the fight out of them.\"\" Another musical number cut before release occurred right after the Wicked Witch of the West was melted and before Dorothy and her friends returned to the Wizard. This was a reprise of \"\"Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead\"\" (blended with \"\"We're Off to See the Wizard\"\" and \"\"The Merry Old Land of Oz\"\") with the lyrics altered to \"\"Hail! Hail! The Witch is Dead!\"\" This started with the Witch's guard saying \"\"Hail to Dorothy! The Wicked Witch", "\"Glinda the Good Witch\"\nbook by Winnie Holzman. It is based on the 1995 Gregory Maguire novel \"\"\"\", an alternative telling of the 1939 film \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\" and L. Frank Baum's classic 1900 story, \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\". The musical is told from the perspective of the witches of the Land of Oz; its plot begins before and continues after Dorothy's arrival in Oz from Kansas, and it includes several references to the 1939 film and Baum's novel. \"\"Wicked\"\" tells the story of two unlikely friends, Elphaba (the Wicked Witch of the West) and Glinda, who struggle through opposing personalities and", "\"The Unknown Witches of Oz\"\nThe Unknown Witches of Oz The Unknown Witches of Oz: Locasta and the Three Adepts is a 2000 novel written by Dave Hardenbrook, with illustrations by Kerry Rouleau. As its title indicates, the book is an entry in the long-running series of books about the Land of Oz, written by L. Frank Baum and his successors. The publication of \"\"The Unknown Witches of Oz\"\" was timed to coincide with the centennial of the original Oz book, \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" (as was also true of Gina Wickwar's \"\"The Hidden Prince of Oz\"\" and Edward Einhorns's \"\"Paradox in Oz\"\"). Hardenbrook's", "\"Land of Oz\"\ndifferent direction with her Oz books, introducing European elements such as the title character of \"\"The Yellow Knight of Oz\"\", a knight straight out of Arthurian Legend. At the time of \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", the lands in the North, South, East and West of Oz are each ruled by a Witch. The Witches of the North and South are good, while the Witches of the East and West are wicked. Glinda (the Good Witch of the South) is later revealed to be the most powerful of the four, although later Oz books reveal that the Wicked Witch of", "\"Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz\"\nbravery and farm girl feistiness. And whether it’s magic, Munchkins, flying monkeys or her arch-nemesis Wilhelmina, the wicked witch-in-training and niece of the Wicked Witch of the West, Dorothy is ready to track down and put a stop to any problem that comes Oz’s way with help from her dog Toto and their friends Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion. At the start of the second season, the Wizard of Oz ends up back in Oz after getting mixed up in another tornado. Now that he has returned at last, he plots to make himself into a real wizard by", "\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1986 TV series)\"\nshe just killed the Wicked Witch of the East, as her house landed directly on top of her, and by doing so she freed the Munchkins from slavery. She also tells her that the only person able to send her back home is the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy is given the Silver Shoes of the Wicked Witch of the East and sent off along the Yellow Brick Road towards the Emerald City to see the Wonderful Wizard of Oz in hope of getting back to Kansas. On her way to the Wizard, Dorothy meets the Scarecrow, made entirely of straw", "\"Son of a Witch\"\nnot Dorothy's Scarecrow and since, when Liir meets Tip and Mombi, they are driving home a newly acquired four-horned cow (which is mentioned at the opening of \"\"The Marvelous Land of Oz\"\" as Mombi's \"\"especial pride\"\"), it is likely that \"\"Son of a Witch\"\" takes place between \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" and \"\"The Marvelous Land of Oz\"\". \"\"Out of Oz\"\", the fourth and final volume in \"\"The Wicked Years\"\", includes elements from \"\"The Marvelous Land of Oz\"\" and depicts an somewhat altered version of the events of that story. The use of Glinda's last name Upland comes directly from", "Elphaba\nElphaba Elphaba Thropp is a fictional character in \"\"\"\" by Gregory Maguire, as well as in the Broadway and West End adaptations, \"\"Wicked\"\". In the original L. Frank Baum book \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", the Wicked Witch of the West is unnamed and little is explained about her life. Elphaba is modeled after the Witch portrayed by Margaret Hamilton in the classic 1939 film \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\": green-skinned, clad entirely in black and wearing a tall peaked hat. Maguire formulated the name \"\"Elphaba\"\" from the phonetic pronunciation of Baum's initials L.F.B. In both adaptations, Elphaba is also called", "\"Dorothy and the Witches of Oz\"\nDorothy and the Witches of Oz Dorothy and the Witches of Oz is a 2012 film directed by Leigh Scott, based on the novels \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", \"\"Ozma of Oz\"\", \"\"The Road to Oz\"\" and \"\"The Magic of Oz\"\" by L. Frank Baum. The film stars Paulie Redding, Billy Boyd, Eliza Swenson, Mia Sara, Lance Henriksen, and Christopher Lloyd. A longer version of the film was originally released as a TV miniseries in 2011 called The Witches of Oz, distributed by MarVista Entertainment. The miniseries was over an hour longer and had earlier versions of the special effects.", "\"The Wizard of Oz (2011 musical)\"\nCentre,the Capitol Theatre in Sydney, and at the Adelaide Festival Theatre. The cast includes Anthony Warlow as the Wizard with Lucy Durack as Glinda the Good Witch and Jemma Rix as Wicked Witch of the West. \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\" was first turned into a musical extravaganza by Baum himself. A loose adaptation of his 1900 novel (there is no Wicked Witch or Toto, and there are some new characters), it first played in Chicago in 1902 and was a success on Broadway the following year. It then toured for nine years. The 1939 film adaptation bore a closer resemblance", "\"Glinda the Good Witch\"\ndress like Princess Ozma. Glinda is portrayed by Michelle Williams, in the 2013 Disney film \"\"Oz the Great and Powerful\"\". In this prequel, she is Glinda the Good Witch of the South as well as the daughter of the slain king of Oz. Her sisters, Theodora (Mila Kunis) and Evanora (Rachel Weisz), are the future Wicked Witches of the West and East, respectively. In the film, she helps a good-hearted con artist named Oscar Diggs (James Franco) defeat her sisters and become the Wizard of Oz. Glinda was voiced by Bernadette Peters in the 3D animated film \"\"\"\", which was", "\"Land of Oz\"\nexchange promises to grant her request to be sent home. Surprisingly, Dorothy \"\"destroys\"\" the Witch by throwing a pail of water on her, causing her to melt. Defeated, the Wizard reveals to the group that he is in fact not a real wizard and has no magical powers, but he promises to grant Dorothy's wish and take her home himself in his balloon. He leaves the Scarecrow in his place to rule Oz. Finally, it is discovered that the wizard had given the daughter of the last king of Oz, Princess Ozma, to the old witch Mombi to have her", "\"L. Frank Baum bibliography\"\n\"\"Return to Oz\"\" (1985), \"\"The Muppets' Wizard of Oz\"\", \"\"Tin Man\"\" (a re-imagining of the story televised in late 2007 on the Sci Fi Channel), and a variety of animated productions. Today's most successful Broadway show \"\"Wicked\"\" provides a history to the two Oz witches used in the classic MGM film. Gregory Maguire, author of the novel \"\"Wicked\"\" on which the musical is based, chose to honor L. Frank Baum by naming his main character Elphaba—a phonetic play on Baum's initials. The film \"\"Oz the Great and Powerful\"\" (2013) pays homage to MGM's film \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\" (1939) and", "\"Paradox in Oz\"\nObsidian City, the alternative version of Omby Amby calls himself Wantowin Battles — a name introduced by Ruth Plumly Thompson in her \"\"Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz\"\" (1939). When dealing with Dorothy, the Evil Version of the Wizard makes a reference to the 1939 movie version, by reversing part of the Wizard's dialog, describing himself, as \"\"a very bad man, but I am a very good wizard,\"\" before performing a wicked spell on the girl. Eric Shanower's black-and-white illustrations for \"\"Paradox in Oz\"\" are faithful to the richly romantic style that Shanower has developed for Oz illustration, from \"\"The", "\"Wicked Witch of the West\"\nwith her, the Wicked Witch of the South and Mombi to conquer the Land of Oz and divide it among themselves, as recounted in L. Frank Baum's \"\"Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz\"\". She shows no interest in the death of the Eastern Witch, and all she cares about is obtaining the Silver Shoes which will increase her power. W. W. Denslow's illustrations for \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" depict her as a paunched old hag with three pigtails and an eye-patch. L. Frank Baum himself specified that she only had one eye, but that it \"\"was as powerful as", "\"Land of Oz\"\npresent. In both the book and musical, several characters from the traditional Oz stories are present with different names. Glinda is originally called Galinda, but changes her name. The Wicked Witch of the West is called Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the East is called Nessarose. In the musical, but not in the book, Boq becomes the Tin Man, and Fiyero becomes the Scarecrow. Alexander Melentyevich Volkov was a Russian author best known for his translation of \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\" into Russian, and for writing his own original sequels, which were based only loosely on Baum's. Volkov's books have", "\"Munchkin Country\"\nbut her corrupt rule earns her loathing by the Munchkinlanders and the name, \"\"Wicked Witch of the East\"\". Like all the countries of Oz, the Munchkin Country contains various unusual sights, creatures, and places. Among them are: Munchkin Country Munchkin Country or Munchkinland, as it is referred to in the famous MGM musical film version, is the fictional Eastern region of the Land of Oz in L. Frank Baum's Oz books, first described in \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" (1900). Munchkin Country is in the East, noted by later being ruled by the Wicked Witch of the East. In \"\"The", "\"Wicked Witch of the East\"\nNorth was able to defeat Mombi, but was powerless to overthrow the witch of the east and free the Munchkins. She was not in any way related to the Wicked Witch of the West, (as is made out to be in several adaptions) but leagued together with her, and also the Wicked Witch Mombi and the Wicked Witch of the South, to conquer and divide Oz among themselves in four sections as recounted in Baum's fourth Oz book, \"\"Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz\"\" (1908). After the fall of Pastoria, the last mortal King of Oz, the old witch conquered", "\"The Wizard of Oz (1993 video game)\"\nThe Wizard of Oz (1993 video game) The Wizard of Oz is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System video game which is loosely based on the 1939 film \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\". It was developed by Manley & Associates and published by SETA Corporation in 1993. The object in the game is to defeat the Wicked Witch of the West that is trying to take Dorothy's ruby slippers so that Dorothy can return to Kansas. In this video game adaptation of The Wizard of Oz, Dorthy finds herself traveling in never-before-seen locations. These include Shy Village, Gamboge Gorge, Maize Meadow, Saffron", "\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film)\"\nThe Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a 1910 American silent fantasy film and the earliest surviving film version of L. Frank Baum's 1900 novel \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", made by the Selig Polyscope Company without Baum's direct input. It was created to fulfill a contractual obligation associated with Baum's personal bankruptcy caused by \"\"The Fairylogue and Radio-Plays\"\", from which it was once thought to have been derived. It was partly based on the 1902 stage musical \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\", though much of the film deals with the Wicked Witch of the", "\"Dorothy and the Witches of Oz\"\nfilm a positive review, and stated that \"\"hopefully this won't be the only trip to Oz we'll get to take\"\". The soundtrack to the film, composed by Eliza Swenson, was released on iTunes, and then on a soundtrack CD in February 2012. Dorothy and the Witches of Oz Dorothy and the Witches of Oz is a 2012 film directed by Leigh Scott, based on the novels \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", \"\"Ozma of Oz\"\", \"\"The Road to Oz\"\" and \"\"The Magic of Oz\"\" by L. Frank Baum. The film stars Paulie Redding, Billy Boyd, Eliza Swenson, Mia Sara, Lance Henriksen,", "\"Wicked Witch of the West\"\nthe Witch\"\" (Compare the character Mombi from \"\"The Marvelous Land of Oz\"\"). In the film, Momba has an unspecified hold over the Wizard, who promises his crown to anyone who can release him from Momba's power. Momba captures Dorothy and her companions, evoking the events in Baum's original novel, and is destroyed when Dorothy throws a bucket of water over her. Mombi's likeness and costume in the 1914 silent film, \"\"His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz\"\" is based on Denslow's illustrations of the Wicked Witch of the West. In the 1939 version of \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\", Margaret Hamilton plays", "\"The Wizard of Oz (1993 video game)\"\nfourth and final character you receive. At the end of the game, after defeating the Wicked Witch of the West, they confront the Wizard. He informs Dorothy she has used up all the power in her shoes but he will still send her home. She floats away back to Kansas, with Toto, in the Wizard's balloon. The Wizard of Oz (1993 video game) The Wizard of Oz is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System video game which is loosely based on the 1939 film \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\". It was developed by Manley & Associates and published by SETA Corporation in", "\"The Wizard of Oz (1942 musical)\"\nThe water shrinks the Wicked Witch away to nothing (\"\"Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead\"\" (reprise)). The friends return to the Emerald City, but the Wizard tries to put them off. The Wizard turns out to be an ordinary old man who had journeyed to Oz from Omaha long ago. However, the Wizard provides the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion with a diploma, a watch to show large heartedness, and a medal of \"\"courage\"\", respectively, and convinces them all that these items solve their problems. In order to help Dorothy get home, the Wizard personally takes her in", "\"Wizard of Oz (character)\"\nfrom the land. His real name is revealed to be Frank Morgan. Having travelled to Oz through an early experiment, he remained there as he felt that he could be a greater success in Oz than he was in Kansas. Despite establishing his authority over Oz and banishing magic, he attempts to use the witches to maintain his authority over areas such as a mystical prison. He seeks to prove his superiority over magic by vanquishing the Beast Forever through duplicating Dorothy's gun after she uses it to trick the Witch of the East into killing herself, but he is", "\"Political interpretations of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\nboth her own sister witch (Witch of the West) and the Wizard of Oz, leaving herself as undisputed master of all four corners of Oz: North, East, West and South (and presumably the Emerald City). She even showed her truest \"\"Machiavellian brilliance\"\" by allowing the story to be entitled after the weakest of her three opponents. Glinda could have told Dorothy that the \"\"silver slippers would easily do the job [of returning Dorothy to her beloved home] but decided that a destabilizing force such as Dorothy might be just the thing to shake up her other rival [The Wizard of", "\"The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road\"\nfriends as they complete a task for the Wizard of Oz. He asks them to defeat four different witches. After this, he promises to grant each of the companions' wishes. Each of the witches has magical eggs that the player is supposed to collect. There are ten in all: three each in the spring, summer, and fall levels, and one in the winter level. After the player gets these, Oz turns against them and they have to travel the yellow brick road to defeat him. Once in the castle there is only one way out, which is to defeat Oz.", "\"Land of Oz\"\nPastoria and hid away his daughter Ozma. This was Baum's reaction to the popular 1903 Broadway extravaganza Baum adapted from his book, \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", in which the Wizard took the role of the main antagonist and the Wicked Witch of the West was left out. The Wizard, however, had been more popular with his readers than he thought. In \"\"Ozma of Oz\"\", he omitted any mention of the Wizard's having usurped the throne of Ozma's father, but the largest changes occurred in the next book. In the preface to \"\"Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz\"\", Baum remarks", "\"Wizard of Oz (character)\"\nsisterhood of witches as the Witch of the West, but is \"\"defeated\"\" by a young girl named Dorothy Gale. Rather than become the new Witch of the West, Dorothy only wishes to go home; a desire Glinda grants by taking her back to see the Wizard, who is presumed to have reverted to his old form since Zelena's magic has been undone. From behind the green curtain, Zelena impersonates the Wizard's voice and gives Dorothy the silver slippers to send her home. Walsh meets Emma Swan and they begin dating. Over the course of eight months, he gets to know", "\"Lion of Oz and the Badge of Courage\"\nthe witch. After landing in the land of Oz, \"\"Lion in Oz\"\" depicts the Lion on a quest to reunite with his friend, the Wizard of Oz. For the duration of the quest, the Lion has a Badge of Courage which makes him exceedingly brave. As he travels across the land, he finds himself repeatedly threatened and manipulated by the Wicked Witch of the East. At the end of this story, he befriends the Flower of Oz, a seemingly great magical power that the witch seeks; Together the two defeat the Witch. However, the Lion's Badge of Courage is broken", "\"Good Witch of the North\"\nWitch of the North had banned the practice of magic by any other witch in Gillikin Country (thereby minimizing potential future threats). The Gillikin Country had once been under the power of Mombi, but she was overpowered and routed by the Good Witch of the North, as revealed in \"\"Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz\"\". Thus, the Wicked Witch of the North was forced to be no more than a lowly wizardess, under the Good Witch of the North's rule. In Baum's fifth Oz book, \"\"The Road to Oz\"\", the Witch of the North is one of the many guests", "\"Land of Oz\"\nonly because she had killed the Wicked Witch of the East, but because her dress is blue and white checked. Ozma, once on the throne, prohibits the use of magic by anyone other than Glinda the Good, the Wizard of Oz, and herself – as, earlier, the Good Witch of the North had prohibited magic by any other witch in her domains. The illicit use of magic is a frequent feature of villains in later works in the series, appearing in \"\"The Scarecrow of Oz\"\", \"\"Rinkitink in Oz\"\", \"\"The Lost Princess of Oz\"\", \"\"The Tin Woodman of Oz\"\", and \"\"The", "Nessarose\nfeels bad that Elphaba never received such a gift, and although she is embarrassed by Elphaba's sudden outbursts of magic, she is thrilled and excited when her older sister is invited by the Wizard to be his right-hand. Unlike in the novel, Nessarose does not oppose the Wizard, but rather respects and fears him like everyone else in Oz. In fact, she becomes truly incensed with Elphaba when the green-skinned witch opposes the Wizard and goes renegade, especially because this leads to her beloved father dying \"\"of shame.\"\" Nessarose explains that she can't hide a fugitive like Elphaba because she", "\"Wizard of Oz (character)\"\na great sorcerer. As Oz had no leadership at the time, he became Supreme Ruler of the kingdom, and did his best to sustain the myth. He leaves Oz at the end of the novel, again in a hot air balloon. After the Wizard's departure, the Scarecrow is briefly enthroned, until Princess Ozma (the rightful hereditary ruler of Oz) is freed from the witch Mombi at the end of \"\"The Marvelous Land of Oz.\"\" In \"\"The Marvelous Land of Oz\"\", the Wizard is described as having usurped the throne of King Pastoria and handed over the baby princess to Mombi.", "Pastoria\nOz\"\" also describes Princess Ozma as \"\"the only child of the former Ruler of Oz, and was entitled to rule in his place.\"\" L. Frank Baum's fourth Oz book, \"\"Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz\"\", chronicles that Pastoria's father (Ozma's grandfather) ruled Oz before the wicked witches conquered the land and divided it among themselves, but makes it unclear as to whether Pastoria himself ruled Oz. Ozma explains in this book that all Ozian rulers were named \"\"Oz\"\" if male and \"\"Ozma\"\" if female; the fact that her father had a personal name makes it questionable as to whether he", "\"Wicked Witch of the East\"\nof Oz\"\" and Disney's 2013 theatrical film \"\"Oz the Great and Powerful\"\". Wicked Witch of the East The Wicked Witch of the East is a fictional character created by American author L. Frank Baum. She is a crucial character but appears only briefly in Baum's classic children's series of \"\"Oz\"\" novels, most notably \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" (1900). The Wicked Witch was a middle aged, malevolent woman who conquered and tyrannized the Munchkin Country in Oz's eastern quadrant, forcing the native Munchkins to slave for her night and day. Her charmed Silver Shoes (famously changed to magic ruby slippers", "\"Wicked (musical)\"\nof the West and Galinda, the beautiful, blonde, popular girl who grows up to become Glinda the Good Witch of the South. The story is divided into five different sections based on the plot location, and presents events, characters, and situations from L. Frank Baum's \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" (1900) and its 1939 film adaptation in new ways. It is designed to set the reader thinking about what it really is to be \"\"Wicked\"\", and whether good intentions with bad results are the same as bad intentions with bad results. Schwartz considered how best to condense the novel's dense", "\"The Wizard of Oz (1942 musical)\"\ngreat Wizard of Oz to help her return home. The Wicked Witch of the West, sister of the late Wicked Witch of the East, vows revenge upon Dorothy. Dorothy meets the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. The Scarecrow wants to get a brain, and the Tin Woodman needs a heart (\"\"If I Only Had a Brain\"\"/\"\"If I Only Had a Heart\"\"). Dorothy suggests that the Wizard can help them too (\"\"We're Off to See the Wizard\"\"). They then meet the Cowardly Lion (\"\"If I Only Had the Nerve\"\"). The four friends travel down the yellow brick road, having been warned", "\"Wicked Witch of the West\"\nof the dark in Baum's original story for reasons unknown. For that reason, the Witch never tried to steal the Silver Shoes while Dorothy was sleeping. Despite her fear of water and the dark, the Wicked Witch of the West was one of the most powerful witches in all of Oz. In ensuing Oz books, her power is described as having been so great that even Glinda the Good Witch of the South feared her. The 1910 silent film \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" features a character similar to the Wicked Witch of the West, identified in intertitles as \"\"Momba", "\"Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz\"\nDorothy and the Wizard of Oz Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz is an American animated children's television series based on L. Frank Baum's novel \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" and its subsequent books, as well as its 1939 film adaptation. The series debuted on Boomerang SVOD on June 29, 2017. The series was picked up for a second and third season. After the Wicked Witch of the West was melted by water, Queen Ozma has appointed Dorothy Gale the Princess of Emerald City. With her feet firmly grounded in her ruby slippers, Dorothy tackles her royal duties with enthusiasm,", "\"Silver Shoes\"\nto obtain them. Using the Silver Slippers again she returns to Oz and dethrones the Wizard. In \"\"Kansas\"\" the Slippers appear again, as Zelena, posing as the Wizard of Oz, gives Dorothy the Silver Slippers in order to send her back to Kansas, in the hopes that it would keep Dorothy from becoming a powerful witch herself, and from defeating and replacing Zelena as the Witch of the West. In \"\"Our Decay\"\", an adult Dorothy has returned to Oz via the Slippers to face down Zelena and rescue the Scarecrow from her. In \"\"Ruby Slippers\"\", the Silver Slippers appear one", "\"The Marvelous Land of Oz (comics)\"\nThe Marvelous Land of Oz (comics) The Marvelous Land of Oz is a comic book series published by American company Marvel Comics based on \"\"The Marvelous Land of Oz\"\" book written by L. Frank Baum. It is an eight issue limited series written by Eric Shanower, penciled by Skottie Young, and colored by Jean-Francois Beaulieu. It is a sequel to a previous adaptation of \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" from the same team. A boy named Tip is being raised by an old witch named Mombi who mistreats him. One day Tip decides to build a Pumpkin headed man named", "\"Land of Oz\"\nkillable. \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" shows an early example of the problem: although the Tin Woodman does not die when his limbs and head are severed, the two wicked witches are killed (the Wicked Witch of the East could be explained that she was simply crushed and not really dead, but could not do anything anyway, and in \"\"The Oz Odyssey\"\", the Wicked Witch of the West comes back to life). One theory brought forth as to why the Tin Woodman does not die is discussed in Edward Einhorn's book \"\"Paradox in Oz\"\", where King Oz says that the", "\"The Wizard of Oz (1987 musical)\"\nthen finally reach the Emerald City. The Emerald City's Gatekeeper tries to discourage the travelers, but they are persistent and gain entry (\"\"The Merry Old Land of Oz\"\"). They are washed, combed and buffed, but the Wizard refuses to meet them. The Wicked Witch makes another ominous appearance, and the Lion wishes more than ever for courage (\"\"If I Were King of the Forest\"\"). Finally taken to see the fearsome Wizard, the four friends are given a quest to prove themselves worthy of his assistance: they must bring him the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West, and the", "\"The Wizard of Oz (2011 musical)\"\nWinkies are thrilled to be free of the wicked witch (\"\"Hail – Hail! The Witch is Dead\"\"). Dorothy and her friends return with the broomstick to see the Wizard. Toto reveals that the Wizard's fearsome visage is an illusion; he is just an ordinary man. Still, he gives the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion tokens of the brains, heart and courage that they already had inside of them. He tells Dorothy that he himself will take her to Kansas in his hot air balloon, appointing the Scarecrow as prime minister of Oz, with the Tin Man and Lion as other", "\"The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)\"\nadaptation of what L. Frank Baum envisioned. In 1995, Gregory Maguire published the novel \"\"Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West\"\", which was adapted into the wildly successful Broadway musical \"\"Wicked\"\". The story describes the life of the Wicked Witch of the West and other events prior to Dorothy's arrival. For the film's 56th anniversary, a 1995 stage show also titled \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\" was based upon it and the book by L. Frank Baum. It toured from 1995 to 2012, except for 2004. In 2005, The Muppets Studio produced \"\"The Muppets' Wizard of", "\"The Muppets' Wizard of Oz\"\nToto discover that they are in Munchkinland, a small town part of the vast Land of Oz. After discussing her situation with the town's people, the Munchkins (played by Rizzo the Rat and the other rats), she learns that the land's ruler the Wizard, has the power to grant her wish of becoming a famous singer. She meets the Good Witch of the North (Miss Piggy), and receives a pair of magic silver slippers from the Wicked Witch of the East (Miss Piggy), the Witch of the North's sister who was killed when Dorothy's trailer fell on her. Soon after,", "\"Adaptations of The Wizard of Oz\"\nall of which are considered \"\"official\"\" sequels or prequels to \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\". In addition, the following books use the Oz milieu as settings for their tales: Kevin Scott Collier. \"\"The Wonderful Animated World of the Wizard of Oz: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!\"\" CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018. Adaptations of The Wizard of Oz \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" is a 1900 children's novel written by American author L. Frank Baum. Since its first publication in 1900, it has been adapted many times: for film, television, theatre, books, comics, games, and other media. Many of", "\"The Muppets' Wizard of Oz\"\ntheir wishes granted. When they all storm into the Wizard's room, they discover it is merely a Hollywood effects stage and that the Wizard (Jeffrey Tambor) is just an ordinary man, pretending. He asked for the witch's eye so that she could not see him for who he really was. Even so, he still proceeds to grant their wishes. Dorothy finally becomes a singer in the Land of Oz, but she realizes that all she ever really wanted was to go back home and be with her family. After traveling back to Munchkinland, she meets Glinda the Good Witch of", "\"Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz\"\nGlinda, gave the witch's Ruby slippers to Dorothy, but the Wicked Witch of the West appeared and swore to claim the slippers for herself. Glinda sent down Dorothy the Yellow Brick Road to reach the Emerald City and find the famed Wizard of Oz in order to get back home. Tuffy advises them not to follow, but Tom and Jerry keep their promise to protect her and insist on following her. Tuffy wishes to be taller, so he decides to accompany them as he wants to see the Wizard as well. Tom, Jerry, and Tuffy soon reunite with Dorothy and", "\"Lion of Oz and the Badge of Courage\"\nup with the Wicked Witch of the East. The witch sends Lion on a journey to find the Flower of Oz, the source of all things good in the land. On his way he meets a mysterious girl who is accompanied by animated toys, and they set off together to find the Flower of Oz. On the way they come to many adventures, an evil seamstress who's working for the Wicked Witch of the East, mini munchkins, and The Wizard of Oz himself. But if Lion doesn't find the flower in time, he will lose his badge of courage to", "\"The Muppets' Wizard of Oz\"\nthe Emerald City and meeting the Wizard, Dorothy and her friends are sent to retrieve the Wicked Witch of the West's magic eye, a tool she uses to see anything she desires in the Land of Oz. The group assumes that completing this task will result in the granting of their wishes. The Wicked Witch of the West (Miss Piggy) sees them coming and consults with her pet Foo-Foo and her henchman Johnny Fiama. When the Wicked Witch of the West plans to have either her pack of 40 great man-eating wolves, a flock of 40 crows of despair, a", "\"The Wizard of Oz (2011 musical)\"\nthe Wicked Witch of the West. Glinda tells Dorothy that the Wizard of Oz might be able to help her return home, and how to find him (\"\"Follow the Yellow Brick Road\"\"). Dorothy sets off toward the Emerald City to speak to the great Oz (\"\"You’re Off to See the Wizard\"\"). On her way, she meets the Scarecrow, who feels inadequate with a head full of only stuffing (\"\"If I Only Had a Brain\"\"). Dorothy invites him to travel with her, hoping the Wizard can help him (\"\"We’re Off to See the Wizard\"\"). They soon meet the Tin Man, who", "\"Wizard of Oz (character)\"\ngood and bad, he comes to realize how much the people of Oz need him and devises a way to use his skill in illusions to free them, using his balloon to create the idea that he has been physically killed while hiding in a caravan so that he can use smoke and a makeshift cinema to project the illusion of his face, subsequently claiming that his 'death' has simply allowed him to shed his mortal form. He also forms a makeshift \"\"family\"\" in the form of himself, Glinda the Good Witch, Finley (a winged monkey he rescued from a", "\"Munchkin Country\"\nMunchkin Country Munchkin Country or Munchkinland, as it is referred to in the famous MGM musical film version, is the fictional Eastern region of the Land of Oz in L. Frank Baum's Oz books, first described in \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" (1900). Munchkin Country is in the East, noted by later being ruled by the Wicked Witch of the East. In \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", it was originally called \"\"the land of Munchkins\"\", but is referred to as \"\"Munchkin Country\"\" in all subsequent Oz books. Munchkin Country is linked to Oz's imperial capital the Emerald City by means", "\"The Wizard of Oz (1902 musical)\"\nwhich Tryxie Tryfle sings of a lost love before King Pastoria, though the only surviving recording of the piece was sung by a man (Harry Macdonough). The witches are largely absent in this version; The Good Witch of the North appears, named Locasta, and The Wicked Witch of the East is a special effect. Toto, Dorothy's dog, was replaced by a cow named Imogene. The Wicked Witch of the West does not appear, and Glinda the Good Witch of the South, who had appeared only in Act Three, was written out by Mitchell in 1903. His re-write of that act", "\"Copyright status of The Wizard of Oz and related works in the United States\"\nof the West are \"\"Elphaba\"\" (\"\"Wicked\"\"), \"\"Theodora\"\" (\"\"Oz the Great and Powerful\"\"), \"\"Zelena\"\" (\"\"Once Upon a Time\"\"), \"\"Evillene\"\" (\"\"The Wiz\"\"), and \"\"Azkadellia\"\" (\"\"Tin Man\"\"). There are similar issues regarding portrayals of the Wicked Witch of the East, but she is not as prevalent in the public conscious as her Western sister. Copyright status of The Wizard of Oz and related works in the United States The copyright status of \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\" and related works is complicated for several reasons. The book series is very long-running, and written by multiple authors, so the books often fall on opposite sides", "\"Copyright status of The Wizard of Oz and related works in the United States\"\nversion of the Wicked Witch is not even green. Most modern portrayals of the Wicked Witch of the West do make her green, because that is how the public thinks of the Wicked Witch, but they all strive to make her appearance somehow distinctive. The Wicked Witch is not given a name in the books, so subsequent authors gave her their own names. All of these names are protected under copyright as part of their respective works, which means new creators have to keep coming up with their own version. Some of the most well-known incarnations of the Wicked Witch", "\"Rachel Cosgrove Payes\"\nOz\"\", was published by Reilly & Lee in 1951. Her second, \"\"The Wicked Witch of Oz\"\" (1954) was denied publication on the grounds that the Oz books were not selling. The book was published by The International Wizard of Oz Club in 1993. She had a tendency to dismiss adult Oz fans and insist that Oz books are \"\"for kids!\"\", a view she expressed in the documentary, \"\"\"\". The bulk of Cosgrove's work consisted of historical romance novels, many published by Playboy Press, one under the name Joanne Kaye. She also wrote science fiction novels for Avalon Books under the", "\"The Wicked Witch of Oz\"\nflight on hummingbird wings. Singra enchants Dorothy into a statue, but her friends, Ozma, the Wizard, Jellia Jamb, and the rest, manage to unravel Singra's scheme. Singra drinks from the Forbidden Fountain, and is purged of her malicious intent along with her memory. Good triumphs in the end. The Wicked Witch of Oz The Wicked Witch of Oz is a novel by Rachel Cosgrove Payes. Written in the early 1950s but not published until four decades later, the book is a volume in the series of Oz books by L. Frank Baum and his successors. Cosgrove Payes had published her", "\"The Wizard of Oz (1987 musical)\"\nOut\"\"; \"\"Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead\"\"). The Wicked Witch of the West (who resembles Miss Gulch) arrives to claim her sister's magic ruby slippers and vows to avenge her death. Glinda has already put the slippers on Dorothy's feet, further infuriating the witch. Dorothy wants to go home to Kansas. The Munchkins tell her that the Wizard of Oz will know what to do (\"\"Follow the Yellow Brick Road\"\"). She starts off towards the Emerald City. Dorothy and Toto meet three strange traveling companions, each of whom needs help: The Scarecrow's head is full of straw (\"\"If I Only", "\"Glinda the Good Witch\"\n(based on between the characters of Glinda the Good Witch and the Good Witch of the North from the L. Frank Baum's Oz Books). The Mistress of the North \"\"Maiden of the Northern Light, Mother of the Sound and Pure\"\" and one of the last Cardinal Witches of Oz, Glinda is an authoritative woman who has had a deep-seated hatred towards the Wizard (Vincent D'Onorio) ever since he outlawed magic. Since the change of regime in Oz, Glinda also runs a boarding house for orphaned girls where she oversees their education and chooses the best of them to join the", "\"Oz Park\"\n& Toto became citizens of Oz Park in May 2007. Commissioned by the Oz Park Advisory Council, created by Sculptor John Kearney, and made possible by three very generous donors: Wonderful Wizards, Good Witch Glindas, Emerald City Citizens.\"\" The names of the donors are written below each of the donor categories. Oz Park has been the setting for many public events in the past. Some notable events include: <br>The Chicago Park District also hosts many programs for children at Oz Park including day camps, golf, \"\"Kicker's Clinic\"\", and t-ball. Oz Park Oz Park is a public park in the Lincoln", "\"The Wizard of Oz in Concert: Dreams Come True\"\n(Joel Grey) toward the end with a pleasant \"\"Thank you from the bottom of my heart!\"\". The Wizard did not depart from the Emerald City inside a hot-air balloon due to being in the same scene as Glinda the Good Witch. The performance was originally broadcast November 22 on both TNT and TBS, and issued on CD and VHS video in 1996. The video has not yet been released on DVD. Both the CD and video are currently out-of-print. The Wizard of Oz in Concert: Dreams Come True The Wizard of Oz in Concert: Dreams Come True is a 1995", "\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film)\"\nthe cottage, they are all captured and led into the witch's jail-house. Dorthy splashes water on Momba and kills her. After defeating the witch, the travelers arrive at the Emerald City for the retirement party of the Wizard, who names the Scarecrow king and leaves in a balloon. The credits to this film are lost, and the identity of the director and actors are disputed. There is no definitive proof who is in the cast, or who directed the film. Otis Turner may have directed the film, but Mark Evan Swartz points out that it is highly unlikely that both", "\"Land of Oz\"\nThe term \"\"Ozian\"\" appears in the script for the Royal Shakespeare Company's stage adaptation of the MGM movie and in the non-canonical modern work \"\"Wicked\"\". \"\"Ozmite\"\" was used in Reilly & Lee marketing in the 1920s, which has suggested to some critics that \"\"Ozmie\"\" may have been a typographical error. Oz is, in the first book \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", distinguished from Dorothy's native Kansas by not being civilized; this explains why Kansas does not have witches and wizards, while Oz does. In the third book, \"\"Ozma of Oz\"\", Oz is described as a \"\"fairy country\"\", new terminology that", "\"Wicked Witch of the East\"\nWicked Witch of the East The Wicked Witch of the East is a fictional character created by American author L. Frank Baum. She is a crucial character but appears only briefly in Baum's classic children's series of \"\"Oz\"\" novels, most notably \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" (1900). The Wicked Witch was a middle aged, malevolent woman who conquered and tyrannized the Munchkin Country in Oz's eastern quadrant, forcing the native Munchkins to slave for her night and day. Her charmed Silver Shoes (famously changed to magic ruby slippers in the 1939 film musical) held many mysterious powers and were her", "\"Glinda the Good Witch\"\nthe adult anchor in the Oz books, because she is never distracted or swayed, and always maintains absolute firmness of purpose - something that cannot be said for the other adult characters in the series such as the Wizard and the Shaggy Man or even the Good Witch of the North. They all fall short of Glinda's wisdom and resoluteness. In Baum's final book, \"\"Glinda of Oz\"\", we learn that Glinda resides in a castle with one hundred of the most beautiful women in Oz at her beck and call. In Alexandr Volkov's Magic Land series, the witch is called", "\"The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)\"\nShe awakens to see various figures fly by, including Miss Gulch, who transforms into a witch on a broomstick. The house lands in Munchkinland in the Land of Oz. Glinda the Good Witch of the North and the Munchkins welcome her as a heroine, as the falling house has killed the Wicked Witch of the East; only the witch's legs and the ruby slippers on her feet are visible. Her sister, the Wicked Witch of the West, arrives to claim the slippers, but Glinda transports them onto Dorothy's feet first. The Wicked Witch of the West swears revenge on Dorothy", "\"The Wizard of Oz (2011 musical)\"\nthe Lion to sleep. Glinda counters with a snowfall that nullifies the poison, so the friends may continue on their journey (\"\"Optimistic Voices\"\"). Arriving at the Emerald City, Dorothy and company persuade the gatekeeper to admit them. They are welcomed with open arms and are groomed in preparation for a meeting with the Wizard (\"\"The Merry Old Land of Oz\"\"). The Wicked Witch flies down into the City with more threats, still angry that she doesn’t have the ruby slippers. The four friends and Toto go into the Wizard’s chamber. The great Oz appears as a frightening, disembodied head and", "\"The Wicked Witch of Oz\"\n& Lee cancelled the project, since the Oz books were no longer selling well. The book remained unpublished until the International Wizard of Oz Club brought out the first edition in 1993, with illustrations by Eric Shanower. The club declared it book 45 in the series. In the documentary, \"\"\"\", Payes states that she refused all requests to read her manuscript with \"\"not 'til it's a book.\"\" The Wicked Witch of Oz is followed by The Emerald Wand of Oz, a 2005 book by Sherwood Smith which was commissioned by the Baum Family Trust. The title character is Singra, the", "\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1986 TV series)\"\nCity to find the Wizard not only invisible but still unwilling to grant their wishes, asking them to return later. However Dorothy and her friends refuse to be turned away again and start to argue with the Wizard as Toto reveals the Wizard is actually a normal man. The Wizard reveals he is actually a traveling magician from Nebraska who was accidentally swept away to Oz in his hot air balloon, and decided to pretend to be a Wizard as it was only the fear of a powerful magician that stopped the two Wicked Witches from taking over the whole", "\"Land of Oz\"\na name, Nessarose), ruler of the Munchkins. In an attempt to get back to her home, she journeys to the Emerald City. Along the way, she meets the Tin Woodman, the Cowardly Lion, and the Scarecrow, all of whom accompany her. Once there, they become the first people to gain an audience with the Wizard since he went into seclusion, although he disguises himself because Dorothy now has the Wicked Witch of the East's magic silver shoes, and he is afraid of her. The Wizard sends Dorothy and her party to destroy the Wicked Witch of the West and in", "\"Dorothy Gale\"\nbaby and only recently getting back in touch with Dorothy. Months after receiving the letter, Dorothy makes her first official visit to her biological mother when the tornado occurs that takes her to Oz. Faced with an Oz that is increasingly opposed to magic on the Wizard's orders and accused of the death of the Witch of the East- which was initially an accident and later self-defence when the Witch survived her injuries- Dorothy learns more about her true ties to this world as she searches for answers, accompanied by a police German Shepherd she names 'Toto' and the amnesic", "\"Silver Shoes\"\nSilver Shoes The Silver Shoes are the magical shoes that appear in L. Frank Baum's 1900 novel \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" as heroine Dorothy Gale's transport home. They are originally owned by the Wicked Witch of the East but passed to Dorothy when her house lands on the Witch. As gathered from the clues throughout the various books and films, the Silver Shoes will only pass to a new owner if they have physically defeated the previous owner, or the previous owner willingly hands them over. \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" (1900) is the only book in the original", "\"Scarecrow (Oz)\"\nthe Wicked Witch of the West, the Wizard gives the Scarecrow brains (made out of bran, pins and needles – in reality a placebo, as he has been the most intelligent of the travelers all along). Before he leaves Oz in a balloon, the Wizard appoints the Scarecrow to rule the Emerald City in his stead. He accompanies Dorothy and the others to the palace of the Good Witch of the South Glinda, and she uses the Golden Cap to summon the Winged Monkeys, who take the Scarecrow back to the Emerald City. His desire for a brain notably contrasts", "\"Oz the Great and Powerful\"\nVillain for her performance as the Wicked Witch of the West. In 1905 Kansas, Oscar Diggs is a magician and con artist in a traveling circus. The circus strongman learns Oscar has flirted with his wife and threatens him. Oscar escapes in a hot air balloon but is sucked into a tornado that takes him to the Land of Oz. There he encounters the beautiful and naïve witch Theodora, who believes him to be the wizard prophesied to become King of Oz by destroying the Wicked Witch, who killed the previous king. The idea of being a wealthy monarch makes", "\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1986 TV series)\"\nby L. Frank Baum. The first story arc is an adaptation of the first Oz book, \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\". It follows the adventures of Dorothy, an orphan girl living out in the gray prairies of Kansas with her Aunt Em, her Uncle Henry and her dog Toto. One day, After Em and Uncle Henry leave Dorothy and Toto alone in order to travel into town. A tornado appears, uproots the farmhouse, with Dorothy and Toto inside, and transports it to the Land of Oz. In Oz Dorothy meets the Good Witch of the North, who tells her that", "\"Wizard of Oz (character)\"\nto the \"\"Oz\"\" series. The film centers on Oscar Diggs (portrayed by James Franco), and follows his journey from small-time magician to the ruler of the Land of Oz. In it, he is portrayed as an overly flirtatious and overconfident con artist and stage magician who upon meeting Theodora (the future Wicked Witch of the West), and inadvertently sparking her obsession with him, is keen on fulfilling his role as the legendary Wizard destined to restore order to Oz (primarily due to the promise of the Oz Treasury). However, throughout his journey and seeing the impact of his actions both" ]
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who sang the original shake your tail feather
[ "The Five Du - Tones" ]
[ "\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\nShake a Tail Feather \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" (Otha Hayes, Verlie Rice, and Andre Williams) is a song originally recorded in 1963 by the Chicago-based group The Five Du-Tones. (This version was featured on the soundtrack of the 1988 film \"\"Hairspray\"\"). A 1967 version by James & Bobby Purify reached #25 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" has been covered by many other artists over the years. Ray Charles covered and performed the song during his scenes in the 1980 film \"\"The Blues Brothers\"\" in a version that included calls for various 1960s dances, such as the", "\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\ntheir 1994 10\"\" vinyl release \"\"Audio Recording\"\". In 2012, one of the songwriters, Andre Williams included the song on his 2012 Alive album, \"\"Life\"\". In November 2013 The Overtones recorded the song for their album \"\"Saturday Night at the Movies\"\". Other artists who have recorded the song include Ike & Tina Turner with the Ikettes, The Ikettes alone, and imitated as re-created in the film \"\"What's Love Got to Do with It\"\", Mitch Ryder, Gerry & The Pacemakers, Tommy James and the Shondells, and The Romantics. Shake a Tail Feather \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" (Otha Hayes, Verlie Rice, and Andre", "\"It's Not Me, It's You (game show)\"\nIn Episode 1, this was followed by a round called \"\"Shake Your Tail Feather\"\" due to that show's panellists including Anton du Beke and Frankie Bridge and was where they demonstrated a dance which the rest of the panellists have to guess whether the dance originated from a man or from a beast; the fourth episode saw the panellists trying to guess the opposing team's celebrity crushes. The second episode included \"\"Steph & Dom's Love Potions\"\", where two of its panellists tried to identify a concoction's purpose from drinking it, and also included a round called \"\"Bonkbusters\"\", where teams had", "\"The Playboy Club\"\nFred Fisher's \"\"Chicago (That Toddlin' Town)\"\" during a scene from the pilot. Also in that episode, actress Karen LeBlanc portrayed Tina Turner, appearing with others portraying singer Ike Turner and the backing vocalists The Ikettes. She sang \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" and \"\"Tina's Wish\"\". Those songs were immediately made available on iTunes. Cast members Leah Renee and Naturi Naughton were also to sing in future episodes. Pop singer and songwriter Colbie Caillat appeared in the third episode as Lesley Gore and sang her hit song \"\"It's My Party\"\". Javier Colon, the first season winner of the NBC reality talent series", "\"The Cheetah Girls tours\"\nCalifornia\"\", which included surf boards with the girls' names on them. The Cheetah Girls also sang songs from the first Cheetah Girls soundtrack, the cover of \"\"I Won't Say (I'm in Love)\"\" (from DisneyMania 3), and their version of \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" (from the Chicken Little soundtrack). The One World Tour is the final concert tour by the American group, The Cheetah Girls. It supports the soundtrack to their third film, \"\"\"\". The tour played over 40 concerts in the United States and Canada. The tour was announced August 12, 2008, ten days before the premiere of their final", "\"The Cheetah Girls (group)\"\ntropical theme for their song \"\"Christmas in California\"\", which included surf boards with the girls' names on them. The Cheetah Girls also sang songs from the first \"\"Cheetah Girls\"\" soundtrack, their song \"\"I Won't Say (I'm in Love)\"\" (from \"\"Disneymania 3\"\"), and their version of \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" (from the \"\"Chicken Little\"\" soundtrack). The Party's Just Begun Tour In July 2006, the girls stated to Disney 365, a brief Disney Channel So Hot Summer news program, that they would be hitting the road again in September 2006, however they didn't state whether or not Raven-Symoné would be joining them.", "\"Cheetah-licious Christmas\"\nTime\"\", their first album. The holiday theme of the concert included giant presents (in which the Cheetah Girls performed in), Winter clothes, and even a tropical theme for their song \"\"Christmas in California\"\", which included surfboards with the girls' names on them. The Cheetah Girls also sang songs from the first Cheetah Girls soundtrack, their song \"\"I Won't Say (I'm in Love)\"\" (from \"\"DisneyMania 3\"\"), and their version of \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" (from the \"\"Chicken Little\"\" soundtrack). The girls went on tour to support this album entitled the Cheetah-licous Christmas Tour. Cheetah-licious Christmas Cheetah-licious Christmas is a Christmas album", "\"Trinity College (Connecticut)\"\nbarnyard on different principles, and the most marked outcome of his collegiate training is the fostering of a habit which leads him to size things from his own standpoint, and not have somebody else size them for him.\"\" He continued, saying: \"\"You will therefore understand, gentlemen, the spirit in which the Trinity bantam, game from comb to spur, crows at your door, hops in, shakes his tail feathers, and with a sociable nod to the venerable John, and a good natured \"\"How d'ydo\"\" to the ponderous old Elihu steps into the collegiate cock pit, makes his best bow to the", "\"Calumet City, Illinois\"\nBlues Brothers\"\" were born in Calumet City, and so is the orphanage they grew up in which they save \"\"on a mission from God\"\" by paying $5000 in property taxes from a $10,000 record deal at their concert, as well as \"\"Ray's Music Exchange\"\" that holds the famed Ray Charles \"\"Shake Your Tail-Feather\"\" scene of the movie. In the book and film \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\", Buffalo Bill is thought to be hiding in Calumet City, when he is actually in Belvedere, Ohio. The Calumet City scenes in the film were filmed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, however. Lily Tomlin's prim", "\"Dazed and Confused (film)\"\nalso has enough buoyant '70s music to shake anybody's tail feather, and a kind of easy jubilance of narrative and character\"\". Owen Gleiberman of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" gave the film an \"\"A\"\" rating, and wrote, \"\"Yet if Linklater captures the comic goofiness of the time, he also evokes its liberating spirit. The film finds its meaning in the subtle clash between the older, sadistic macho-jock ethos and the follow-your-impulse hedonism that was the lingering legacy of the '60s\"\". Quentin Tarantino included it on his list of the 10 greatest films of all time in the 2002 \"\"Sight and Sound\"\" poll. In", "\"Papa Don Schroeder\"\npair's recordings as James & Bobby Purify, including the hits \"\"I'm Your Puppet\"\" - written by Dan Penn and Spooner Oldham - and \"\"Shake A Tail Feather\"\", which was the first of Schroeder's productions to be recorded at Chips Moman's American Sound Studio in Memphis, Tennessee. Schroeder also co-wrote several of the Purifys' recordings, and recorded two albums with the pair. He also recorded and produced soul singer Oscar Toney, Jr.. In 1968, he built his own studio in Pensacola, but failed to recruit the musicians to make it successful. After disagreements with James Purify, he closed down his record", "\"Britney Spears Live: The Femme Fatale Tour\"\nsaid the special \"\"proves once and for all that Spears has lost the ability to dance. The expensive set pieces are impressive, but the 'singer's' inability to shake her tail feather is downright criminal.\"\" Kelsea Stahler of the \"\"New York Post\"\" criticized many elements of the show, including the storyline and the costumes, and added that \"\"you [know] you [are] headed for disappointment, but it's Britney. You have to watch. [...] Your pimply, adolescent self said you'd love Britney forever no matter what; and part of you still believes that.\"\" Britney Spears Live: The Femme Fatale Tour Britney Spears Live:", "\"The Five Du-Tones\"\nLeaner's One-derful Records. \"\"Please Change Your Mind\"\" failed to chart, as did \"\"Come Back Baby\"\". The group's third release in 1963 finally got them noticed: \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" (co-written by Andre Williams and Otha Hayes) was played on R&B stations across the country, but it failed to make the sales and chart position the airplay justified. The track peaked at #28 on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" R&B chart, and #51 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. The group continued to record fun dance tunes that helped bridge the gap between doo-wop and soul music. 1963's \"\"The Chicken Astronaut\"\" was an exemplary", "\"Spinifex pigeon\"\nthis is unknown. On occasion, this species engages in a spectacular bowing display, where the tail is spread erect like fan, the folded wings are raised and the pupils contract. The shining patches of the secondary feathers flash into view at the same time that the black outer tail feathers become visible. The display is not always directed at other individuals and may simply self-assertive. This species also has a head-shaking display that appears as a greeting between pairs and in threat to other individuals. The bird assumes a crouched over position with head lowered and crest flattened and thrusts", "\"The Detroit Wheels\"\nin the group Cactus. Take a Ride (1966) <br> 1. Shake A Tail Feather <br> 2. Come See About Me <br> 3. Let Your Lovelight Shine <br> 4. Just A Little Bit <br> 5. I Hope <br> 6. Jenny Take A Ride <br> 7. Please, Please, Please <br> 8. I'll Go Crazy <br> 9. I Got You <br> 10. Sticks And Stones <br> 11. Bring It On Home To Me <br> 12. Baby Jane (Mo-Mo Jane) <br> 13. Joy Re-released on the Sundazed Music Inc. label, ASIN B000003GX4. Breakout...!!! (1966) <br> 1. Walking The Dog <br> 2. I Had It", "\"The Detroit Wheels\"\nRide <br> 3. Joy <br> 4. Breakout <br> 5. In The Midnight Hour <br> 6. Sock It To Me - Baby! <br> 7. Little Latin Lupe Lu <br> 8. Takin' All I Can Get <br> 9. Too Many Fish In The Sea/Three Little Fishes <br> 10. I'd Rather Go To Jail <br> 11. Shake A Tail Feather <br> 12. (You've Got) Personality/Chantilly Lace (bonus track) <br> 13. Baby I Need Your Loving/Theme For Mitch (bonus track) Re-released on the Sundazed Music Inc. label, ASIN B000003GXU. The Band Detroit \"\"featuring; Mitch Ryder\"\" (1971 album). MCA label, ASIN B00004VPJG. 1. Long Neck", "\"Major Israel McCreight\"\noften referred to as the \"\"First Scalp for Custer\"\", was dramatized with Captain Jack in their consolidated theater act. Buffalo Bill displayed the fallen warrior's scalp, feather war bonnet, knife, saddle and other personal effects. However, scalping Indians become loathsome to Buffalo Bill. In 1915, McCreight hosted a grand reception for Chief Iron Tail and Chief Flying Hawk at The Wigwam. When Chief Iron Tail was finished with greeting the long line of judges, bankers, lawyers, business men and neighbors who filed past in a receiving line just as the President is obliged to receive and shake the hands of", "\"Shake Your Foundations\"\n48 seconds. Also, Johnson's vocals can be heard more clearly in the remix. Vinyl releases of the album include the remix, while most CD releases include the original version. Shake Your Foundations \"\"Shake Your Foundations\"\" is a song and single by Australian hard rock band AC/DC, written by Angus and Malcolm Young and Brian Johnson. The single was released in February 1986, taken from their 1985 album \"\"Fly on the Wall\"\". The track was remixed by Harry Vanda and George Young, who worked with AC/DC on earlier albums, and released on \"\"Who Made Who\"\", the soundtrack to the Stephen King", "\"Peaches & Herb\"\nPeaches & Herb Peaches & Herb are an American vocalist duo. Herb Fame (born October 1, 1942) has remained a constant as \"\"Herb\"\" since the duo was created in 1966; seven different women have filled the role of \"\"Peaches\"\", most notably Francine \"\"Peaches\"\" Hurd Barker (April 28, 1947 – August 13, 2005), the original \"\"Peaches\"\" who lent her nickname to the duo, and Linda Greene, the third \"\"Peaches\"\" who appeared on the duo's biggest hits \"\"Shake Your Groove Thing\"\" (1978) and \"\"Reunited\"\" (1979). Herb Fame (born Herbert Feemster, October 1, 1942, in Anacostia, Washington, D.C.), sang in church and neighborhood", "Tail\noriginal. Various species of rat demonstrate a similar function with their tails, known as degloving, in which the outer layer is shed in order for the animal to escape from a predator. Most birds' tails end in long feathers called rectrices. These feathers are used as a rudder, helping the bird steer and maneuver in flight; they also help the bird to balance while it is perched. In some species—such as birds of paradise, lyrebirds, and most notably peafowl—modified tail feathers play an important role in courtship displays. The extra-stiff tail feathers of other species, including woodpeckers and woodcreepers, allow", "\"Sitting on Top of the World\"\nFitzgerald sang, \"\"If you don't like my peaches, why do you shake my tree? / Stay out of my orchard, and let my peach tree be\"\". In 1929 Blind Lemon Jefferson recorded \"\"Peach Orchard Mama\"\" (\"\"... you swore nobody'd pick your fruit but me / I found three kid men shaking down your peaches free\"\"). In later years lines using similar imagery were used in \"\"Matchbox\"\" by Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis; \"\"The Joker\"\" by the Steve Miller Band; an early version of \"\"Pipeliner Blues\"\" by Moon Mullican; and, most directly, \"\"If You Don't Want My Peaches, Don't Shake", "\"Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)\"\nShake Your Body (Down to the Ground) \"\"Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)\"\" is a song recorded by The Jacksons for their 1978 album \"\"Destiny\"\", and released as a single in 1979. It peaked at No. 7 in the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 in May 1979. The most successful of the Jacksons' recordings for Epic, \"\"Shake Your Body\"\" (originally demoed as \"\"Shake a Body\"\") was produced by the Jackson brothers, written by Randy and Michael, and featured Michael on lead vocals. The chorus \"\"let's dance/let's shout (shout)/shake your body down to the ground\"\" was inspired by an ad-lib from Marvin", "\"Indian peafowl\"\nof mate choice. They concluded that female choice might indeed vary in different ecological conditions. A 2013 study that tracked the eye movements of peahens responding to male displays found that they looked in the direction of the upper train of feathers only when at long distances and that they looked only at the lower feathers when males displayed close to them. The rattling of the tail and the shaking of the wings helped in keeping the attention of females. Peacocks are polygamous, and the breeding season is spread out but appears to be dependent on the rains. Peafowls usually", "\"James & Bobby Purify\"\nbiggest hit, they had several further successes on both the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 and R&B chart in the US in the late 1960s, including a revival of \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\", originally by The Five Du-Tones, and \"\"Let Love Come Between Us\"\". Oliver's cover of the twosome's 1968 hit \"\"I Can Remember\"\" reached the top 25 of the Billboard Easy Listening Chart in the mid summer of 1970. The duo continued to record and tour together until 1971, when Dickey retired from the music business for health reasons and returned to Tallahassee, where he worked as a city maintenance supervisor", "\"The Playboy Club\"\n\"\"You can shake a Bunny tail and be empowered, no argument. It depends on what's going on in the rest of your life. But shaking a Bunny tail isn't enough to demonstrate empowerment if you have to go to Eddie Cibrian or Hugh Hefner for help every time you have a problem, and having the right not to be slapped on the behind when you deliver a cocktail isn't exactly a societal advance on the order of universal suffrage.\"\" The series, she concluded, might have been better served had those involved positioned it as a camp soap opera and not", "\"The Duck's Yas-Yas-Yas\"\nThe Duck's Yas-Yas-Yas \"\"The Duck's Yas-Yas-Yas\"\" or \"\"The Duck's Yas Yas Yas\"\" is a hokum jazz-blues song, originally recorded by James \"\"Stump\"\" Johnson, but the most well known version was recorded by Oliver Cobb and his Rhythm Kings. The song is perhaps best known for the lyrics: The song is a \"\"whorehouse tune\"\", \"\"a popular St. Louis party song.\"\" The song's title is explained by quoting the lyrics more fully: \"\"Shake your shoulders, shake 'em fast, if you can't shake your shoulders, shake your yas-yas-yas\"\". \"\"The Duck's Yas Yas Yas\"\" was originally recorded in the origin of St. Louis by", "\"Long-tailed sylph\"\ncharacteristic elongated tail feathers. These feathers are so ridiculously long that they hinder his flight: it is difficult for him to carry such finery every day when he relies on his flying skills to survive . Female sylphs, whose tails are of a more modest size, pick out and mate with the males with the longest tail feathers. They therefore ensure that they are mating with a male who is so fit and healthy that he can live well enough to come into breeding condition even when carrying a heavy load. Females do not possess these long tail feathers, as", "\"The Blues Brothers (film)\"\nwhich also toured that year to promote the film. \"\"Gimme Some Lovin'\"\" was a Top 20 Billboard hit, peaking at number 18. The album was a followup to their debut, the live album, \"\"Briefcase Full of Blues\"\". Later that year they released a second live album, \"\"Made in America\"\", which featured the Top 40 track, \"\"Who's Making Love\"\". The songs on the soundtrack album are a noticeably different audio mix than in the film, with a prominent baritone saxophone in the horn line (also heard in the film during \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\", though no baritone sax is present), and", "\"Maxwell & Jill Scott: The Tour\"\nwas time for me to do something new, to stretch a bit. You've got to think big. I like to walk around during sound check. Then I know, 'Oh, this is what it's like to be over here, looking at the stage.'\"\" Scott was set to release her fourth album during the run of the tour, however, it was postponed until 2011. To introduce the tour, she stated:\"\"[The show] a great night for music lovers. And everyone who wants to shake a little tail feather or feel romantic, whatever the case may be\"\" Despite the success of the first leg", "Scansoriopterygidae\nlarge front teeth, and long arms. Tail length, however, varied significantly among scansoriopterygids. \"\"Epidexipteryx\"\" had a short tail (70% the length of the torso), anchoring long tail feathers, while \"\"Scansoriopteryx\"\" had a very long tail (over three times as long as the torso) with a short spray of feathers at the tip. All three described scansoripterygid specimens preserve the fossilized traces of feathers covering their bodies. Scansoriopterygidae was created as a family-level taxon by Stephen Czerkas and Yuan Chongxi in 2002. Some scientists, such as Paul Sereno, initially considered the concept redundant because the group was originally monotypic, containing only", "\"Hokey cokey\"\nof the song turned it into a nationwide sensation. The distinctive vocal was by singer Jo Ann Greer, who simultaneously sang with the Les Brown band and dubbed the singing voices for such film stars as Rita Hayworth, Kim Novak, June Allyson, and Esther Williams. (She also charted with Anthony later the same year with the song \"\"Wild Horses\"\".) In 1978, Mike Stanglin produced a \"\"skating version\"\" of the Hokey Pokey, for use in skating rinks. The instruction set goes as follows: <poem> You put your [left arm] in, Your [left arm] out: In, out, in, out. You shake it", "\"Bloodshot Records\"\nroster includes Andre Williams, who wrote \"\"Shake a Tail Feather,\"\" faced challenges, and then had a career renaissance making records at Bloodshot. Bloodshot includes bands and projects by many members of The Mekons, including Jon Langford, Sally Timms, and Rico Bell. ‡ denotes active Bloodshot artists Bloodshot Records began its life as a label by releasing compilations. Bloodshot Revival/Soundies: A series of historic transcription acetate recordings that were leased to radio stations for airplay but never sold at the time of recording. The label planned to release a 10th anniversary DVD \"\"(Bloodied But Unbowed: Bloodshot Records' Life In The Trenches)\"\"", "\"Turquoise-browed motmot\"\nquarry or fresh-water well. Its name originates from the turquoise color of its brow. The bird is approximately long and weighs about . It has a mostly green-blue body with a rufous back and belly. There is a bright blue stripe above the eye and a blue-bordered black patch on the throat. The flight feathers and upperside of the tail are blue. The tips of the tail feathers are shaped like rackets and the bare feather shafts are longer than in other motmots. Although it is often said that motmots pluck the barbs off their tail to create the racketed", "Similicaudipteryx\nwhich preserved feather traces. These specimens (both juveniles, though one closer to maturity than the other) showed that the feathers were similar to the related \"\"Caudipteryx\"\", with long (symmetrical) vaned feathers on the hand and tail, and the rest of the body covered in simpler, downy feathers. The nature of the feathers preserved in the two immature Yixian specimens of \"\"Similicaudipteryx\"\" appeared to Xu and colleagues, who described the two feathered specimens, to change with age. The youngest specimen had relatively short primary feathers (those anchored to the hand) compared to its tail feathers. In the older specimen, the primary", "\"Arisa II: Shake Your Body for Me\"\nArisa II: Shake Your Body for Me Arisa II: Shake Your Body for Me is the second studio album by Japanese recording artist Arisa Mizuki, released through Nippon Columbia on October 1, 1992. \"\"Arisa II: Shake Your Body for Me\"\" is predominately a pop and dance music album. It is written and produced by an array of famous Japanese musicians, including Anri, , , and Tetsuya Komuro. The Komuro-produced \"\"Too Shy Shy Boy!\"\" was released as the album's lead single and became Mizuki's most successful single, selling over 360,000 copies. The original version of the song is not featured on", "\"Shake Your Head\"\nShake Your Head \"\"Shake Your Head\"\" is a song by the band Was (Not Was). It was originally released in 1983 on the album \"\"Born to Laugh at Tornadoes\"\". In 1992, it was re-recorded and remixed by house music producer Steve \"\"Silk\"\" Hurley, and features actress Kim Basinger alongside a re-recorded Ozzy Osbourne on vocals. It appeared on the group's compilation album, \"\"Hello Dad... I'm in Jail\"\". The original version features Black Sabbath singer Ozzy Osbourne on lead vocals. A pre-fame Madonna had auditioned for the vocal but was not used on the final release. In 1992, it was re-recorded", "\"Andre Williams\"\nAndre Williams Zephire Andre Williams (born November 1, 1936) is an American R&B musician who started his career in the 1950s at Fortune Records in Detroit. His most famous songs include the hits \"\"Jail Bait,\"\" \"\"Greasy Chicken,\"\" \"\"Bacon Fat\"\" (1957) and \"\"Cadillac Jack\"\" (1966). He is also the co-author of the R&B hit \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\". Born in Bessemer, Alabama, United States, Williams lived in a housing project with his mother until she died when he was six years of age. A sly and smart young boy, his \"\"aunties\"\" raised him until he was around 16. He then set", "\"Shake Your Moneymaker (song)\"\nand Break It\"\") and Bukka White (1937 \"\"Shake 'Em on Down\"\"). However, the song has been also identified as an Elmore James \"\"original\"\". \"\"Shake Your Moneymaker\"\" is an up-tempo twelve-bar blues featuring slide guitar. James frequently repeats the phrase \"\"shake your money maker\"\" throughout the song, but provides little context for the lyric. Just as \"\"rock and roll\"\" was once a musical euphemism for sex, so \"\"moneymaker\"\" was a euphemism for a woman's sexual parts; and the song is a pimp's exhortation to a woman to go out and earn some money \"\"on the game\"\". The tune became one of", "\"Shuti hieroglyph (two-feather adornment)\"\norder, etc., in the kingdom, the iconographic headdress implies her role, to the one who wears the \"\"shuti two-feather adornments\"\". Shuti hieroglyph (two-feather adornment) The ancient Egyptian Shuti, a \"\"two-feather adornment\"\" for crowns, is part of a series of hieroglyphs for \"\"crowns\"\"; usage as a hieroglyph is not as common as the actual crown represented in Egyptian art, and artworks. One popular use of the \"\"Shuti, two-feather crown\"\" is by the deity Amun, one of his many crowns he is portrayed wearing. The tail feathers in this crown are generally straight, and are assumed to be the tail feathers of", "\"Buff-breasted paradise kingfisher\"\ntail feathers. An adult male is in length including the tail feathers which extend beyond the rest of the tail. An adult female is , including much shorter tail feathers, extending beyond the rest of the tail. Tails vary in length but are approximately . Tail-feathers of juveniles and immatures are shorter than adults. The tail feathers are often damaged towards the end of the breeding season, most likely from entering and leaving the burrow and regrow before the next mating season. The wingspan for an adult male is and adult female is . They weigh . The species shows", "\"Dear Old Donegal\"\non his album \"\"My Son, the Folk Singer\"\", as \"\"Shake Hands With Your Uncle Max\"\", using Jewish references rather than Irish. The tune of the song was used in the US comedy \"\"Family Guy\"\" for the song \"\"Drunken Irish Dad\"\", which was sung by Peter Griffin in the episode \"\"Peter's Two Dads\"\". The song was even nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics at the 59th Primetime Emmy Awards. Forrest Tucker sang a portion of the song in his role as Sergeant Morgan O'Rourke in an episode of the television series \"\"F Troop\"\" (Season 1,", "\"Time Stands Still (Degrassi: The Next Generation)\"\nnot there. He then pulls out a box from a drawer, opens it, and finds his father's gun. He takes off his glasses, shakes, and intently stares at it. Part two picks up where it left off in part one where Rick opens the box and finds his father's gun, takes off his glasses, shakes, and intently stares at it. Rick comes back to school, still coated in the feathers and paint, after being humiliated during the \"\"Whack Your Brain\"\" contest. He has become the laughing stock of many people in the school, including JT and Danny. Toby Isaacs and", "\"Overheard 2\"\nThe film was released on 18 August in China, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Manson Lo, the head broker of Man Sang Securities is shown giving his prediction of the Hong Kong stock market on television. Through the viewpoint of an eavesdropper, it is revealed that Lo works for five of the richest in Hong Kong to manipulate the prices of shares in the stock market. When leaving his office, he realizes that he is being tailed (by Joe Sze-ma) and though successful in shaking off the tail, is involved in a traffic accident. Inspector Ho and his team discover a", "\"Don't Stop the Music (Rihanna song)\"\nBreihan—who characterized \"\"Don't Stop the Music\"\" as \"\"an amazing bit of euroclub insanity combined with synth and bass\"\"—the hook from Jackson's track smoothly blends into the song's powerful beat. Nick Levine of Digital Spy called \"\"Don't Stop the Music\"\" \"\"brilliant and unwitting\"\", and said that it was the best single with a Jackson writing credit since his 1997 \"\"Blood on the Dance Floor\"\". \"\"PopMatters\"\" Quentin B. Huff wrote that \"\"the Michael Jackson-sampling 'Don't Stop the Music', inspires the type of tail feather shaking you can only produce when you're chanting, 'Mama-say, mama-sa, ma-ma-ko-ssa. McAlpine called Rihanna's vocals \"\"emotionally removed, a", "\"Australian logrunner\"\nspines. This appearance gives rise to some of the common names for the bird such as spine-tail or spine-tailed logrunner. There appears to be some debate about the number of tail feathers possessed by the Australian logrunner. For example, some references state that the logrunner only has 10 tail feathers whilst other references describe the bird as having 12 tail feathers. Most birds are described as having 12 tail feathers but there are notable exceptions to this. The logrunner is not unique in having atypical tail feather structures. Other birds, such as the Greater Melampitta (\"\"Melampitta gigantea\"\"), also have spiny", "\"Crazy Charlie\"\nwing of white calf tail is tied in at the hook eye and topped with a few strands of flash. The original Crazy Charlie quickly evolved into a generalized fly style and fly tiers created many variations using different materials for the body, wing and flash components as well as different color combinations. The Crazy Charlie fly style is easily adapted to shrimp and crab imitations. The wing can be crafted from buck tail, fur, feathers or synthetics. The body can be crafted with dubbing, chenille and varieties of synthetics including epoxies for durability. Tails using furs, feathers, buck tail", "\"Choucoune (song)\"\nLucy\"\" episode, \"\"Lucy Goes Hawaiian,\"\" which aired February 15 and Feb. 22, 1971. Vance sang it in a high falsetto, with a calypso beat—dressed in yellow with feathers like a canary (including a long tail feather)—and perched on a swing decorated as a nest. The 23 October 1989 broadcast of the CBS TV series \"\"Murphy Brown\"\" entitled \"\"Miles' Big Adventure\"\" ends with guest star Yeardley Smith serenading her unwilling object of desire Miles Silverberg with a snippet of \"\"Yellow Bird\"\". A Portuguese percussion band plays the song in a \"\"Full House\"\" episode, \"\"The House Meets the House - Part 2\"\"", "\"Specimens of Archaeopteryx\"\nthe base of the primaries, which show fine details of the barbs. He noted the similarity in shape and structure of these covert feathers to the original feather specimen described by von Meyer. The tail shows completely preserved retrices along each side of the long, bony tail. They are paired, with one feather on each side of each vertebra from the sixth caudal onward to the tip. The proximal five pairs are 60 mm in length, and increase strongly in size until reaching a maximum length of 120 mm at the eleventh caudal; here they begin decreasing until a terminal", "Hongshanornis\nplowshare-shaped pygostyle bone, to which the tail feathers anchored. A mass of muscles, called the rectorial bulb, probably was present to control the fanning of the trail feathers. The tail feathers were long, with symmetrical vanes. There were at least 10 tail feathers (\"\"rectrices\"\"), more than in other primitive fan-tailed birds. The overall shape of the tail was rounded and wedge-shaped when viewed from above; due to the symmetrical feathers, the sides of the tail were probably not held fully fanned into the wind but swept back, forming a partially fanned wedge, as in some modern birds like accipiters, tyrant", "\"Jesse Itzler\"\nlater obtained a degree in justice, law, and society. After graduating college, Itzler signed with Delicious Vinyl records as a songwriter/artist. He released his debut album \"\"Thirty Footer in Your Face\"\" using the pseudonym Jesse Jaymes in 1991. He co-wrote songs for various artists including Tone Lōc. His first single, \"\"Shake It Like A White Girl\"\", reached 74 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1991 and was featured in the soundtrack of the 2004 movie \"\"White Chicks\"\". In 1992, Itzler wrote and sang the New York Knicks theme song \"\"Go NY Go\"\" as well as original songs for more", "\"Shake Your Love\"\nShake Your Love \"\"Shake Your Love\"\" (Atlantic 89187, Atlantic UK A9187) is the second single by American singer-songwriter-actress Debbie Gibson, and the lead off single for her album \"\"Out of the Blue\"\" (LP 81780). Originally recorded in the spring of 1987, the song is written by Gibson and produced by Fred Zarr and engineered by Don Feinberg for BiZarr Music, Inc., with Douglas Breitbart as executive producer. It was released in September 1987 and reached No. 4 on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 singles chart in December that year. It was her breakthrough single in the UK, reaching No. 7", "Zhenyuanlong\nalula feathers which attach to the first finger in modern birds and possibly \"\"Microraptor\"\". Long vaned feathers were also present along the length of the tail, and are preserved as a series of long projections of vanes at a 45-degree angle from the tail vertebrae. While preservation makes symmetry difficult to assess, these feathers appear generally similar to the tail feathers of other birdlike dinosaurs that preserve this region, including \"\"Sinornithosaurus\"\", \"\"Jinfengopteryx\"\", \"\"Anchiornis\"\", \"\"Eosinopteryx\"\", and \"\"Archaeopteryx\"\". This differentiates the tail of \"\"Zhenyuanlong\"\" from \"\"Microraptor\"\" and the related \"\"Changyuraptor\"\", which had shorter feathers along the base and middle of the tail", "Yixianornis\nbelow) as in modern birds. The feathers of \"\"Yixianornis\"\" are unique among those preserved in other Mesozoic bird specimens, and have allowed scientists to infer its probable lifestyle. The wings were broad and rounded, with similarly large, rounded feathers. The tail feathers were arranged in a graduated series, with the outer feathers anchored closer to the base of the tail. This would have given the tail a slightly rounded silhouette. Additionally, carbonized tissue impressions show that it had a \"\"rectrical bulb\"\", the muscles around the tail which allow the tail feathers to be fanned out during flight, and retraced when", "\"Red-tailed hawk\"\nAmerican indigenous people and, like the feathers of the bald eagle and golden eagle, are sometimes used in religious ceremonies and found adorning the regalia of many Native Americans in the United States; these parts, most especially their distinctive tail feathers, are a popular item in the Native American community. As with the other two species, the feathers and parts of the red-tailed hawk are regulated by the eagle feather law, which governs the possession of feathers and parts of migratory birds. Red-tailed hawk The red-tailed hawk (\"\"Buteo jamaicensis\"\") is a bird of prey that breeds throughout most of North", "\"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty\"\na good time except for some minority. The song inspired people to \"\"get off their can and get out there and do it\"\". The B-side of Shake Your Booty was \"\"Boogie Shoes\"\", which later became a hit on its own when it appeared on the \"\"Saturday Night Fever\"\" soundtrack in 1977. \"\"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty\"\" holds the record for being the only number-one song title with a word repeated more than three times in it. The chorus consists of the title expression with the word \"\"shake\"\" appearing \"\"eight\"\" times. (Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty \"\"(Shake, Shake, Shake)", "Jeholornis\ntail feathers. The feathers were short and pointed, and arched away from the body of the tail, so that the entire array of tail feathers resembled a palm frond. The tail feathers did not overlap, and so could not have formed a lift-generating surface, so the tail was probably used mainly for display. \"\"Jeholornis\"\" contains at least three species: the type species, \"\"Jeholornis prima\"\" (named in reference to the Jehol group of fossil beds where it was found, and the primitive appearance of the tail) and two referred species, \"\"Jeholornis palmapenis\"\" described by Jingmai O'Connor and colleagues in 2012, and", "Enantiornithes\nnone had preserved tail feathers that formed a lift-generating fan, as in modern birds. They found that all avialans outside of Euornithes (the clade they called Ornithurae) with preserved tail feathers had only short coverts or elongated paired tail plumes. They suggested that the development of the pygostyle in enantiornitheans must have been a function of tail shortening, not the development of a modern tail feather anatomy. These scientists suggested that a fan of tail feathers and the associated musculature needed to control them, known as the \"\"rectrical bulb\"\", evolved alongside a short, triangular pygostyle, like the ones in modern", "Jianianhualong\npotentially \"\"Jinfengopteryx\"\", the feathers are curved, with at the end of the tail a convex front edge and a concave back edge; at the base of the tail it is the other way around. Feathers from the middle of the tail are long and at least wide. Like in \"\"Archaeopteryx\"\", at least some of the long pennaceous feathers lining the tail are asymmetric; one feather at the middle of the tail has a trailing (hind) vane that is about twice as wide as the leading (front) vane, with the barbs being respectively at angles of 10° and 15° for the", "Bird\nstarting with the innermost pair. Centripetal moults of tail feathers are however seen in the Phasianidae. The centrifugal moult is modified in the tail feathers of woodpeckers and treecreepers, in that it begins with the second innermost pair of feathers and finishes with the central pair of feathers so that the bird maintains a functional climbing tail. The general pattern seen in passerines is that the primaries are replaced outward, secondaries inward, and the tail from centre outward. Before nesting, the females of most bird species gain a bare brood patch by losing feathers close to the belly. The skin", "\"Champion Jack Dupree\"\nDomino into \"\"The Fat Man\"\", Domino's first hit record. Some of Dupree's songs had gloomy topics, such as \"\"TB Blues\"\" and \"\"Angola Blues\"\" (about Louisiana State Penitentiary, the infamous Louisiana prison farm), but he also sang about cheerful subjects, as in \"\"Dupree Shake Dance\"\": \"\"Come on, mama, on your hands and knees, do that shake dance as you please\"\". He was a noted raconteur and transformed many of his stories into songs, such as \"\"Big Leg Emma's\"\", a rhymed tale of a police raid on a barrelhouse. The lyrics of Jerry Lee Lewis's version of \"\"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On\"\"—\"\"You", "Lillend\nalso has feathered wings coming from the back, feathers on the end of the tail, and feathers for hair. The lillend is described as both a lover and protector of music, art, clothing, literature, and all other forms of culture. In addition to being fine at these things themselves, they defend others who create it, and seek out and punish those who despoil it. They can attack by constricting with their tails, and can cast all sorts of spells. They also sometimes carry weapons. They can also play soothing music on their harps. Being highly civilized, they will not always", "\"Shake Your Foundations\"\nShake Your Foundations \"\"Shake Your Foundations\"\" is a song and single by Australian hard rock band AC/DC, written by Angus and Malcolm Young and Brian Johnson. The single was released in February 1986, taken from their 1985 album \"\"Fly on the Wall\"\". The track was remixed by Harry Vanda and George Young, who worked with AC/DC on earlier albums, and released on \"\"Who Made Who\"\", the soundtrack to the Stephen King film \"\"Maximum Overdrive\"\". In this short remix, the song is shortened from 4:10 to 3:53. The drum track begins at seventeen seconds and the full band kicks in at", "\"Cape robin-chat\"\nsimilar. It measures 16–17 cm from bill tip to tail tip and weighs 28 g. The adult’s upper parts are grey, with the mantle and secondary feathers tinged brownish olive. The blackish lores and ear coverts are separated from the crown by a prominent white supercilium. The chin, throat, central breast, rump, upper tail coverts and outer tail feathers are orange. The breast plumage moults to a deeper orange in colour for the non-breeding season. The central tail feathers are greyish-brown, and obscures the bright rufous outer tail feathers when the tail is closed. The belly is pale grey to", "Serama\nto the body of the bird with no space between the body and tail. The sickle feathers are relatively straight and spear like. A minimum of one inch longer than the other tail feathers, but ideally no more than a couple of inches above the head is desirable. The remaining tail feathers should ideally be no higher than the top of the comb when the bird is standing to attention. The Main tail feathers should be broad and should over lap neatly. The tail should be open and when viewed from behind should be open to an angle of 45", "\"Covert feather\"\nCovert feather A covert feather or tectrix on a bird is one of a set of feathers, called coverts (or \"\"tectrices\"\"), which, as the name implies, cover other feathers. The coverts help to smooth airflow over the wings and tail. The ear coverts are small feathers behind the bird's eye which cover the ear opening (the ear of a bird has no external features) The uppertail and undertail coverts cover the base of the tail feathers above and below. Sometimes these coverts are more specialised. The \"\"tail\"\" of a peacock is made of very elongated uppertail coverts. The upperwing coverts", "\"Stealin' Home (album)\"\nselect two songs: \"\"Shake It\"\" and \"\"Don't Hang Up Your Dancing Shoes\"\", to record for \"\"Stealin' Home\"\". \"\"Don't Hang Up Your Dancing Shoes\"\" would be the third single from the US release of \"\"Stealin' Home\"\", the immediate followup to \"\"Shake It\"\" being the Robert Palmer composition \"\"Give Me an Inch\"\": having heard the original version of \"\"Give Me an Inch\"\" - introduced on the 1975 Robert Palmer album \"\"Pressure Drop\"\" - Matthews had wanted to put his own spin on the song. Co-produced by Matthews with Sandy Robertson - who had produced Matthews' 1972 Plainsong project - , \"\"Stealin' Home\"\"", "\"Mashed Potato (dance)\"\nand R&B novelty hit by Ray Stevens, \"\"Land of a Thousand Dances\"\", \"\"Having a Party\"\" by Sam Cooke, \"\"Do the Strand\"\" by Roxy Music and in Ray Charles' version of \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\". A variation on the Mashed Potato was danced to Bobby \"\"Boris\"\" Pickett's novelty hit \"\"Monster Mash\"\", in which the footwork was the same, but monster gestures were made with the arms and hands. The dance was one of the inspirations for the Exodus song \"\"The Toxic Waltz\"\", from their 1989 album \"\"Fabulous Disaster\"\". Mashed Potato (dance) The Mashed Potato is a dance move which was a", "\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\nTwist, the Monkey, The Fly, The Swim, The Frug and the Mashed Potato, The Boogaloo to be performed by a crowd gathered outside Ray's Music Exchange. The song was covered by The Cheetah Girls for the 2005 Walt Disney Pictures film, \"\"Chicken Little\"\". The Kingsmen included the song on their 1966 \"\"The Kingsmen Up And Away\"\" album. The Monkees performed the song in 1968 on the band's television special, \"\"33 Revolutions Per Monkee\"\". Hanson included the song in a medley with \"\"Gimme Some Lovin'\"\" on their 1998 release, \"\"Live from Albertane\"\". Japanese garage punk band Teengenerate recorded the song for", "\"In Concert: The Party's Just Begun Tour\"\nas well as the first \"\"Cheetah Girls\"\" soundtrack. The song \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\", from the \"\"Chicken Little\"\" soundtrack and the group's rendition of \"\"Route 66\"\" is also included on the CD. The track \"\"Falling for You\"\", which was from the group's debut studio album TCG\"\" but was cut at the last minute, is also included on the album. The track listing for the album includes the song \"\"Dance with Me\"\", which was used in \"\"The Cheetah Girls 2\"\" movie. However, this song is performed by Drew Seeley and Belinda and not by The Cheetah Girls. The song was used", "\"Dinosaur behavior\"\ncomes from a site in Inner Mongolia that has yielded the remains of over twenty \"\"Sinornithomimus\"\", from one to seven years old. This assemblage is interpreted as a social group that was trapped in mud. Tooth wear patterns hint that complex head shaking behaviors may have been involved in tyrannosaur feeding. The partially healed tail of an \"\"Edmontosaurus\"\" is damaged in such a way that shows the animal was bitten by a tyrannosaur but survived. The Mongolian oviraptorid \"\"Citipati\"\" was discovered in a chicken-like brooding position in 1993, which may mean it was covered with an insulating layer of feathers", "\"Blue-winged racket-tail\"\nBlue-winged racket-tail The blue-winged racket-tail or Sulu racquet-tail (\"\"Prioniturus verticalis\"\") is a species of parrot in the family Psittaculidae. It is endemic to Tawi-Tawi island in the Philippines. \"\"Prioniturus verticalis\"\" has mainly dark green plumage on back, an olive/green on its breast and belly. Male birds have a pale blue with small red patch on its forehead and forecrown. Females look identical to the male except, they do not have a red spot on their forecrown. The primary feathers blue on outer webs while the middle tail feathers green. Racquet feathers black tinged with blue. Their side tail feathers are", "\"Pilot (The Playboy Club)\"\nfor the sanctimonious mythology it's trying to peddle.\"\" In conclusion, Blake and Nugent gave the episode a 'C' grade. NPR writer Linda Holmes challenged the show's assertions of female empowerment. Finding the episode itself \"\"silly and full of bad dialogue\"\" and \"\"cheesy more than offensive\"\", Holmes questioned how a series about women whose conduct and appearance were micromanaged could simultaneously claim that those regimented women were uniformly empowered by the experience. She opined that \"\"you can shake a Bunny tail and be empowered, no argument. It depends on what's going on in the rest of your life. But shaking a", "\"Lesser Antillean macaw\"\nAntillean macaw was described as having similar coloration to the scarlet macaw, but with shorter tail feathers between 38 and 51 cm (15 and 20 in) long. In contrast, the tail feathers of the scarlet macaw are 61 cm (2 ft) long and have blue tips, and the outer feathers are almost entirely blue. In spite of the tail feathers being shorter, it is not certain whether the Lesser Antillean macaw was smaller than the scarlet macaw overall, as the relative proportions of body parts vary between macaw species. The tail feathers were longer than those of the Cuban macaw,", "Similicaudipteryx\ninterpreted the stark differences in the feathers of the two specimens as primarily age-related. They speculated that hatchling \"\"Similicaudipteryx\"\" would have been covered in natal down like modern birds. As the animal aged, the down would be replaced by vaned pennaceous feathers on the hands and tail, but ribbon-like and primitive in form, similar to the tail feathers of \"\"Confuciusornis\"\", \"\"Epidexipteryx\"\", and some enantiornithines. These feathers would be lost through moulting as the animal aged, and replaced with more modern-style barbed feathers. The primary feathers grew more slowly than the tail feathers, not reaching equal size until the animal was", "Confuciusornis\ncentral quill and barbs for most of their length. Rather, most of the feather formed a ribbon-like sheet, about six millimetres wide. Only at the last one quarter of the feather, towards the rounded tip, does the feather become differentiated into a central shaft with interlocking barbs. Many individuals of \"\"Confuciusornis\"\" lacked even these two tail feathers, possibly due to sexual dimorphism. The rest of the tail around the pygostyle was covered in short, non-aerodynamic feather tufts similar to the contour feathers of the body, rather than the familiar feather fan of modern bird tails. Laser fluorescence of two \"\"Confuciusornis\"\"", "Probot\nthe movie SuicideGirls: The First Tour. In the video, the band is represented with Dave Grohl on drums, Lemmy on lead vocals and bass, and Wino (who sang on the Probot track \"\"The Emerald Law\"\") on lead guitar. Lemmy regarded the performance as \"\"just like a tour in the '60s, when things were a lot more fun.\"\" Foo Fighters performed \"\"Shake Your Blood\"\" live with Lemmy at their 2006 Hyde Park (UK) show, and in June 18, 2011 at Foo Fighters concert in Berlin. \"\"My Tortured Soul\"\" was performed live on \"\"Headbangers' Ball\"\" in 2004, with Eric Wagner on lead", "Beipiaosaurus\nSoft-tissue impressions from the type specimen of \"\"B. inexpectus\"\" indicated that the body was covered predominately by downy feather-like fibers, similar to those of \"\"Sinosauropteryx\"\", but longer, and oriented perpendicular to the arm. Xu \"\"et al.\"\", who described the specimen, suggested that these downy feathers represent an intermediate stage between \"\"Sinosauropteryx\"\" and more advanced birds (Avialae). The tail was covered in feathers between four and seven centimeters long, consisting of parallel filaments with a width of 1.5 millimeters, without a trace of pennaceous feathers or a tail fan. Unique among known theropods, \"\"Beipiaosaurus\"\" also possessed a secondary coat of much", "\"Shake Your Thang\"\nThang\"\" express these feminist themes of female autonomy. A1. \"\"Shake Your Thang\"\" – 5:16 <br> A2. \"\"Shake Your Thang\"\" – 3:59<br> A3. \"\"Shake Your Thang\"\" – 4:02<br> A4. \"\"Shake Your Thang\"\" – 0:28<br> B1. \"\"Spinderella's Not A Fella\"\" – 4:24<br> B2. \"\"Spinderella's Not A Fella\"\" – 4:17<br> B3. \"\"Spinderella's Not A Fella\"\" – 0:36 Shake Your Thang \"\"Shake Your Thang\"\" is a 1988 single released by American R&B and hip-hop group Salt-N-Pepa. The single was released as the first single taken from their second studio album \"\"A Salt with a Deadly Pepa\"\". It's credited as featuring Washington, D.C. based go-go", "Lyrebird\na spectacular tail, consisting of 16 highly modified feathers (two long slender \"\"lyrates\"\" at the centre of the plume, two broader \"\"medians\"\" on the outside edges and twelve \"\"filamentaries\"\" arrayed between them), which was originally thought to resemble a lyre. This happened when a superb lyrebird specimen (which had been taken from Australia to England during the early 19th century) was prepared for display at the British Museum by a taxidermist who had never seen a live lyrebird. The taxidermist mistakenly thought that the tail would resemble a lyre, and that the tail would be held in a similar way", "\"Thinking 'bout Somethin'\"\nApril 15, 2010. Weird Al Yankovic has a cameo appearance as the tambourine player. The filming of the music video was not done using a regular video camera but instead using the Canon EOS 7D dSLR and Nikon AI lenses. This was done to mimic vintage filming. The video is also a pastiche of the \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" number from the 1980 film \"\"The Blues Brothers\"\". Written by Isaac Hanson, Taylor Hanson and Zac Hanson. Thinking 'bout Somethin' \"\"Thinking 'bout Somethin'\"\" is a song written and performed by American pop/rock band Hanson. It is the first single from their", "\"The Five Du-Tones\"\nand \"\"The Woodbine Twine\"\". The last Five Du-Tones single, a ballad called \"\"Mountain of Love\"\" was released in 1966; they disbanded in 1967. The group's lead singer, Andrew Butler, eventually moved to Los Angeles and joined a latter-day version of The Rivingtons. After their dissolution due to illness, Butler worked in various versions of other 1950s doo-wop groups such as Billy Richard's Coasters and The Robins. \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" was covered by Ray Charles together with the Blues Brothers and featured in a prominent choreography scene in The Blues Brothers film (1980). It was also featured on the soundtrack", "\"The Invictas\"\nby Detroit's Mitch Ryder, backed by \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" on the B-side. Facing the prospect of the Vietnam draft after graduation, Jim Kohler joined the Air Force and Dave Hickey followed suit. The band continued with modified lineups for several more years, but with the constant grind of touring finally taking its toll, the band broke up in the early 1970s. Herb Gross started an advertising firm and has been active with it for many years. Jim Kohler became involved the printing business. The Invictas had a brief and temporary reunion in the 1980. In 2004, Herb Gross and", "Seussical\na brochure, they decide to send Jojo to a military school run by General Genghis Khan Schmitz, who is preparing to go to war with those who eat their bread with the butter side down (\"\"The Military\"\"). While there, Jojo meets Horton, and finds a mutual friend in him (\"\"Alone in the Universe\"\"). Gertrude, meanwhile, has fallen in love with Horton, but is afraid he does not notice her because of her own tail, which consists of only \"\"one droopy-droop feather\"\" (\"\"The One Feather Tail of Miss Gertrude McFuzz\"\"). At the advice of Mayzie, whose tail is enormous and dazzling,", "Praeornis\nthe authors conducted a biochemical analysis of a \"\"Praeornis\"\" feather and other fossils from the same site, including plants and fish. The analysis showed that the chemical markers of the \"\"Praeornis\"\" fossil was more similar to the fish scales than to the plant leaves, supporting the hypothesis that the feathers were animal in origin. Besides identifying \"\"Praeornis\"\" as a feather, Dzik et al. also noticed similarities between the purported feathers of \"\"Longisquama\"\" and those of \"\"Praeornis\"\". In 2017, a fossil of an enantiornith found in Brazil was shown to have a pair of rachis-dominated tail feathers very similar to the", "\"Fantail pigeon\"\nFantail pigeon The Fantail is a popular breed of fancy pigeon. It is characterised by a fan-shaped tail composed of 30 to 40 feathers, abnormally more than most members of the pigeon family, which usually have 12 to 14 feathers. The breed is thought to have originated in Pakistan, India, China or Spain. There are several subvarieties, such as the English Fantail, the Indian Fantail, and the Thai Fantail. Charles Darwin used it as one of the examples in the first chapter of On The Origin Of Species. There is a feather mutation called \"\"Silky\"\" that gives an interesting lace", "\"Shake Your Moneymaker (song)\"\nand Roll Hall of Fame's list of the \"\"500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll\"\". A number of artists have recorded the song: In addition, the 2006 Ludacris dirty rap song \"\"Money Maker\"\" uses the refrain \"\"shake your money maker\"\". Shake Your Moneymaker (song) \"\"Shake Your Moneymaker\"\" or \"\"Shake Your Money Maker\"\" is a song recorded by Elmore James in 1961 that has become a blues standard. Inspired by earlier songs, it has been interpreted and recorded by several blues and other artists. \"\"Shake Your Moneymaker\"\" is included in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's list of the \"\"500", "\"Scarlet macaw\"\nscarlet macaw has a larger percentage of tail than the other large macaws. The average weight is about . The plumage is mostly scarlet, but the rump and tail-covert feathers are light blue, the greater upper wing coverts are yellow, the upper sides of the flight feathers of the wings are dark blue as are the ends of the tail feathers, and the undersides of the wing and tail flight feathers are dark red with metallic gold iridescence. Some individuals may have green in the wings. There is bare white skin around the eye and from there to the bill.", "\"Sirkeer malkoha\"\nolive brown on the back, wings and the central tail feathers. The underside is rufous. A greenish gloss is visible on the wing and dark parts of the tail feathers. The feathers have dark shafts which are especially prominent on the breast as streaks. The tail is graduated (with outer feathers being sequentially shorter) and tipped broadly in white. The upper tail coverts are long. The chin, throat and breast are pale. The most distinctive feature is the curved red bill with a yellow tip. The eyes have curved and long bristles around the eye but not behind it that", "\"Feather bonnet\"\nostrich feathers to decorate it. This decoration evolved into a full covering of the original bonnet. The ostrich feathers were then entwined into a lightweight cage, producing the height. The feather bonnet has one or more (usually 4 or 5) \"\"tails\"\" that hang down below the headband, and the regimental badge and hackle are displayed on the left. There are parallels between the evolution of the Highland bonnet between 1760 and 1790 and the stationing of Highland regiments in North America in this period. The influence of the head-dresses of Native Americans on the bonnets of these troops is likely", "\"Chilean woodstar\"\nthighs. The tail is short and slightly graduated with green inner feathers. The outer feathers are black with a rufous base and white tips. Immature males are similar to the female, but have a mottled throat and may have elongated outer tail feathers. The Peruvian sheartail is similar, but the male has two elongated white feathers in its tail, while the female tends to have a whiter belly and more buff throat than the woodstar. The tail is rarely cocked, but is frequently pumped vigorously up and down unlike the woodstar. The call is a series of rasping notes, quieter", "Protopteryx\nof \"\"Protopteryx\"\" is that the tail consisted of two long feathers which only had barbs at their tips. Closer to the body, the long tail feathers were thin and needle-like. The only modern bird to share a feather type similar to \"\"Protopteryx\"\" is the red bird-of-paradise. The tail feathers also lack rami on the proximal end of the tail. \"\"Protopteryx\"\" is one of the most primitive known members of the group Enantiornithes. It appeared after \"\"Archaeopteryx\"\", one of the most primitive birds, and \"\"Confuciusornis\"\". \"\"Protopteryx\"\" is more primitive than the species \"\"Eocathayornis\"\" and \"\"Paraprotopteryx\"\". \"\"Protopteryx\"\" was discovered in the Sichakou", "\"Australian logrunner\"\none of only three species within the single Orthonyx genus; the other two are the chowcilla (\"\"Orthonyx spaldingii\"\") from northern Queensland and the New Guinean logrunner (\"\"Orthonyx novaeguineae\"\") from Papua New Guinea. Logrunners as a group are characterised within their group by their distinctive tail feathers where the rachis (or central shafts) of the tail feathers protrude and are stiffened. The broad tail of the bird is less than four inches (10 cm) in length and the strong protruding rachis at the ends of the tail feathers are almost void of the usual barbs, giving the feather the appearance of", "\"Eastern ground parrot\"\nand is most common in south west Tasmania. Up to 30 cm long. Plumage grass green, each feather with black and yellow markings; narrow orange-red band to forehead; head, nape, upper back and breast green, each feather with black shaft marking; feathers of abdomen, thighs and under tail-coverts greenish yellow with black barring; under wing-coverts green; primary coverts green; flight-feathers green with pale stripe across them; underside of flight-feathers with pale yellow wing-stripe; upperside of tail-feathers green with yellowish striped markings, underside brownish; outer tail-feathers yellow with brownish-black striping; bill greyish brown to horn-colour; cere greyish pink; narrow periophthalmic ring", "\"Specimens of Archaeopteryx\"\ncomplete specimens, but is missing the skull and one forelimb. It is privately owned and has yet to be given a name. Paleontologists of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich are currently studying it. This specimen reveals previously unknown features of the plumage. Foth et al. (2014) describe pennaceous feathers not only on the wings and tail, but on the body and legs, features previously unseen in \"\"Archaeopteryx\"\". The eleventh specimen provides insight into the original function of pennaceous feathers. An analysis of the phylogenetic distribution of pennaceous feathers on advanced maniraptoran theropod dinosaurs and basal birds suggests an original function other", "\"The Cheetah Girls (group)\"\nCheetah Girls 2 Special Edition Soundtrack. A 20-minute highlights DVD of the Girls' The Party's Just Begun Tour was released on July 10, 2007 along with a live audio CD of the tour. The first DVD released has sold over 800,000 copies. The Cheetah Girls have also released a \"\"California Adventures\"\" DVD and two compilation DVDs, \"\"DisneyMania 3 in Concert\"\" and \"\"Radio Disney's Totally 15th Birthday\"\". Toothbrushes In 2006, Tooth Tunes released a toothbrush featuring a picture of The Cheetah Girls and plays a clip of their single \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\". It was one of the most popular toothbrushes", "\"What's Love Got to Do with It (album)\"\nthe album omits two tracks; \"\"Shake a Tail Feather\"\" and \"\"Tina's Wish\"\". Tina's version of \"\"You Know I Love You\"\" was not the B.B. King song but a slightly different, more blues rock song Tina wrote herself with her band mates though she still credited the song to King on the soundtrack. Tina recalls singing the B.B. King ballad on her 1986 memoirs, \"\"I, Tina\"\". What's Love Got to Do with It (album) What's Love Got to Do with It is the eighth solo studio album by Tina Turner, released on Parlophone in 1993. It was the soundtrack album for", "\"33⅓ Revolutions per Monkee\"\nas \"\"idolized, plasticized, psychoanalyzed, and sterilized\"\". The four, dressed in outlandish 1950s vocal group gear, are then immediately launched into a classic '50s rock medley: \"\"At The Hop,\"\" \"\"Shake A Tail Feather\"\" \"\"Little Darlin',\"\" \"\"Peppermint Twist,\"\" backed up by Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, Fats Domino, We Three, and The Clara Ward Singers. The guest performers contributed their own songs to the medley, with the Ward Singers performing \"\"Them Bones\"\" as the segment's finale. Peter Tork's girlfriend Reine Stewart stood in as drummer for Fats Domino when his regular drummer couldn't attend. At the end of the medley, Auger and", "\"Red-tailed tropicbird\"\na degree, aggressively defending the nest site and pecking radius around it, commencing around three months before breeding. Birds are more aggressive at crowded colonies, where numbers are large or suitable nest sites less common. They adopt a defence posture, which consists of raising the humeri up and bringing the wrists together, drawing the neck into the body and shaking the head sideways, fluffing up the head feathers and squawking. Bill-jabbing and fights can break out, the two combatants locking bills and wrestling for up to 90 minutes. Mate choice is likely to be partially based on the length of", "\"Brown-headed apalis\"\nare more olive above and slightly yellowish below. In \"\"A. a. alticola\"\", the outer tail-feathers have white tips and outer webs and the next three pairs of tail-feathers have small white tips. \"\"A. a. dowsetti\"\" has entirely white outer tail-feathers. The grey apalis is similar but has a grey-brown head and dark eye. The outer tail-feathers are white like those of \"\"A. a. dowsetti\"\" but it does not overlap in range with that subspecies. The song of the brown-headed apalis is a series of loud, high-pitched \"\"chip\"\" notes. It has a patchy distribution in central and east Africa. It inhabits", "\"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty\"\n(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty \"\"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty\"\" is a song recorded and released in 1976 by KC and the Sunshine Band for the album \"\"Part 3\"\". The song became their third number-one hit on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100, as well as their third number-one on the Hot Soul Singles chart. The song was met with a degree of controversy, since the lyrics were interpreted or likely speculated by many as having sexual connotations. However, according to KC, it had a lot more meaning and depth. During his performance he would witness the entire crowd having" ]
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what team has the most super bowls in the nfl
[ "the New England Patriots" ]
[ "\"Rose Bowl (stadium)\"\nStanford Stadium) to host a Super Bowl though having never served as the full-time home stadium for an NFL or AFL team (Stanford Stadium hosted one San Francisco 49ers game after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake). Because the NFL has a policy limiting the hosting of a Super Bowl to metropolitan areas with NFL teams, the Super Bowl has not been played at the Rose Bowl since the Rams and Raiders departed the Los Angeles area in . The most recent Super Bowl held in southern California was XXXVII in San Diego in January 2003. The next L.A.-based Super Bowl", "\"National Football League\"\nhold a common draft and championship game. The game, the Super Bowl, was held four times before the merger, with the NFL winning Super Bowl I and Super Bowl II, and the AFL winning Super Bowl III and Super Bowl IV. After the league merged, it was reorganized into two conferences: the National Football Conference (NFC), consisting of most of the pre-merger NFL teams, and the American Football Conference (AFC), consisting of all of the AFL teams as well as three pre-merger NFL teams. Today, the NFL is considered the most popular sports league in North America; much of its", "\"Super Bowl\"\nNFL franchise has ever hosted a Super Bowl, and the presence of an NFL team in a market or region is now a \"\"de jure\"\" requirement for bidding on the game. The winning market is not, however, required to host the Super Bowl in the same stadium that its NFL team uses, and nine Super Bowls have been held in a stadium other than the one the NFL team in that city was using at the time. For example, Los Angeles's last five Super Bowls were all played at the Rose Bowl, which has never been used by any NFL", "\"Active NFL head coach career Super Bowl history\"\nActive NFL head coach career Super Bowl history There are 32 head coaches in the National Football League (NFL) for the 32 respective teams. Twenty-one of the current head coaches have won at least one Super Bowl as either a head coach, assistant coach, or as a player throughout their career in the NFL while all but 5 have participated in at least one. Bill Belichick has the most Super Bowl wins throughout his career among active head coaches with 7 (5 as a head coach and 2 as a defensive coordinator), as well the most losses with 4 (3", "\"Super Bowl IX\"\n158 yards (more than the entire Minnesota offense) and a touchdown, was named the Super Bowl's Most Valuable Player. The NFL awarded Super Bowl IX to New Orleans on April 3, 1973 at the owners meetings held in Scottsdale, Arizona. Pittsburgh advanced to their first Super Bowl and were playing for a league championship for the first time in team history. Their 73-year-old owner Art Rooney founded the Steelers as a 1933 NFL expansion team, but suffered through losing seasons for most of its 42-year history and had never made it to an NFL championship game or a Super Bowl.", "\"Associated Press NFL Most Valuable Player Award\"\nrunning backs. Two defensive players have won the award: Alan Page in 1971 as a defensive tackle, and Lawrence Taylor as a linebacker in 1986. The sole special teams player to be named AP NFL MVP was Mark Moseley, who won as a placekicker in 1982. Thirteen awardees also won the Super Bowl (or NFL Championship Game prior to 1966) in the same season. However, this has not occurred since 1999, when MVP Kurt Warner won Super Bowl XXXIV with the St. Louis Rams. Since then, nine AP NFL MVPs have led their team to the Super Bowl and were", "\"Super Bowl XXXVIII\"\nFrom Super Bowls XXXI through XXXVII, the Super Bowl logo was painted at midfield, and the helmets of the teams painted at the 30-yard lines. From Super Bowl VI through Super Bowl XXX, the NFL logo was painted on the 50-yard line, except for Super Bowls XXV and XXIX. The Super Bowl XXV logo was painted at midfield and the NFL logo was painted at each 35-yard line. In Super Bowl XXIX, the NFL 75th Anniversary logo was painted at midfield with the Super Bowl logo at each 30-yard line. The most controversial and widely discussed moment of Super Bowl", "\"Tom Landry\"\nthe Cowboys in the 1970s. That gave Landry an edge in preparation, because he knew what to expect from his opponent based on down and distance. Now, every NFL team has a quality control coach, and most have two. Landry produced a very large coaching tree. In 1986, five NFL head coaches were former Landry assistants: Mike Ditka, Dan Reeves, John Mackovic, Gene Stallings, and Raymond Berry. While Tom Landry's Cowboys are known for their two Super Bowls against Chuck Noll and the Pittsburgh Steelers, Landry also led Dallas to three other Super Bowls, and they were a Bart Starr", "\"Miami Dolphins\"\nlosing to the Dallas Cowboys, 24–3. The following year, the Dolphins completed the NFL's only perfect season, culminating in a Super Bowl win, winning all 14 of their regular season games, and all three of their playoff games, including Super Bowl VII. The 1972 Dolphins were the third NFL team to accomplish a perfect regular season, and won Super Bowl VIII, becoming the first team to appear in three consecutive Super Bowls, and the second team (the first AFL/AFC team) to win back-to-back championships. Miami also appeared in Super Bowl XVII and Super Bowl XIX, losing both games. For most", "\"Paul Allen\"\nTimes\"\" about Allen's decision to buy the team, \"\"I'm not sure anybody else in this community would have done what [Allen] did.\"\" The Seahawks are valued at $1.33 billion in August 2014 by \"\"Forbes\"\", which says the team has \"\"one of the most rabid fan bases in the NFL\"\". Under the helm of Allen, the Seahawks went to the Super Bowl three times winning Super Bowl XLVIII and three NFC Championships (2005, 2013, 2014). Allen's Vulcan Sports & Entertainment is part of the ownership team of the Seattle Sounders FC, a Major League Soccer (MLS) franchise that began play in", "\"Super Bowl curse\"\nSuper Bowl curse The Super Bowl curse or Super Bowl hangover is a phrase that refers to one of three phenomena that may occur in the National Football League (NFL). First, that host teams rarely qualify for the Super Bowl during the year their city will host. Second, that teams rarely win consecutive Super Bowls. Third, that a participating team will follow their Super Bowl appearance with sub-par seasons. These interpretations of the Super Bowl curse are not mutually exclusive. The term has been used since at least 1992, when \"\"The Washington Post\"\" used the term in print. Former NFL", "\"Ben Roethlisberger\"\nSeattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XL at the age of 23. Roethlisberger led the Steelers to a second Super Bowl title in four seasons as they defeated the Arizona Cardinals in Super Bowl XLIII, 27–23, after completing a game-winning touchdown pass to Santonio Holmes with 35 seconds left in the game. He appeared in his third Super Bowl in Super Bowl XLV, but the team would fall by a score of 31-25 to the Green Bay Packers. Roethlisberger has been one of the most efficient passers in NFL history. He currently ranks 9th all-time in NFL passer rating (94.0), tied", "\"Super Bowl\"\nof the Super Bowl, while the Jaguars (1995) and Texans (2002) are both recent NFL expansion teams. (Detroit, Houston, and Jacksonville, however, have hosted a Super Bowl, leaving the Browns the only team to date who has neither played in nor whose city has hosted the game.) The Minnesota Vikings won the last NFL Championship before the merger but lost to the AFL champion Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl IV. The Green Bay Packers won the first two Super Bowls (Known as the AFL-NFL World Championship Game for these first two contests), defeating the Kansas City Chiefs and Oakland", "\"Pro Bowl\"\na televised \"\"schoolyard pick\"\" prior to the game. Unlike most major sports leagues, which hold their all-star games roughly midway through their regular seasons, the Pro Bowl is played around the end of the NFL season. Between 1970 and 2009, it was usually held the weekend after the Super Bowl. Since 2010, the Pro Bowl has been played the weekend before the Super Bowl. Players from the two teams competing in the Super Bowl do not participate. Observers and commentators expressed their disfavor with the Pro Bowl in its current state. It draws lower TV ratings than regular season NFL", "\"National Football League\"\nthe Green Bay Packers with thirteen (nine NFL titles before the Super Bowl era, and four Super Bowl championships afterwards); the team with the most Super Bowl championships is the Pittsburgh Steelers with six. The current NFL champions are the Philadelphia Eagles, who defeated the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII, their first Super Bowl championship after winning three NFL titles before the Super Bowl era. On August 20, 1920, a meeting was held by representatives of the Akron Pros, Canton Bulldogs, Cleveland Indians, and Dayton Triangles at the Jordan and Hupmobile auto showroom in Canton, Ohio. This meeting", "\"Super Bowl\"\nnomenclature returned to Roman numerals for Super Bowl LI, following the 2016 regular season. The most recent Super Bowl was Super Bowl LII, on February 4, 2018, following the 2017 regular season. The game was created as a part of a merger agreement between the NFL and its then-rival league, the American Football League (AFL). It was agreed that the two leagues' champion teams would play in the AFL–NFL World Championship Game until the merger was to officially begin in 1970. After the merger, each league was redesignated as a \"\"conference\"\", and the game has since been played between the", "\"Green Bay Packers\"\nPackers have won 13 league championships, the most in NFL history, with nine pre–Super Bowl NFL titles and four Super Bowl victories. The Packers won the first two Super Bowls in 1967 and 1968 and were the only NFL team to defeat the American Football League (AFL) prior to the AFL–NFL merger. The Vince Lombardi Trophy is named after the Packers' coach of the same name, who guided them to their first two Super Bowls. Their two subsequent Super Bowl wins came in 1996 and 2010. The Packers are long-standing adversaries of the Chicago Bears, Minnesota Vikings, and Detroit Lions,", "\"Super Bowl LII\"\nthe Eagles advanced to their third Super Bowl appearance, having previously lost to the Oakland Raiders in Super Bowl XV and to the Patriots in Super Bowl XXXIX. Several records were set during Super Bowl LII, including most yards gained in an NFL game by both teams combined (1,151), the fewest punts from both teams in a Super Bowl (one), and the most points scored by a Super Bowl losing team (33). The game was settled after the Eagles converted a fumble recovery deep within Patriots territory to a field goal with 1:05 remaining to extend their lead to eight", "\"Super Bowl Most Valuable Player Award\"\nfrom the winning team every year except 1971, when Dallas Cowboys linebacker Chuck Howley won the award despite the Cowboys' loss in Super Bowl V to the Baltimore Colts. Harvey Martin and Randy White were named co-MVPs of Super Bowl XII, the only time co-MVPs have been chosen. Including the Super Bowl XII co-MVPs, seven Cowboys players have won Super Bowl MVP awards, the most of any NFL team. Quarterbacks have earned the honor 29 times in 52 games. Super Bowl Most Valuable Player Award The Super Bowl Most Valuable Player Award, or Super Bowl MVP, is presented annually to", "\"AFC West\"\nEastern Division 1st place team in an Interdivisional game. Updated through the 2017-18 NFL playoffs AFC West The AFC West is a division of the National Football League (NFL)'s American Football Conference (AFC), formerly known as the AFL West. The division comprises the Denver Broncos, Los Angeles Chargers, Kansas City Chiefs, and Oakland Raiders. The division has sent teams to the Super Bowl sixteen times beginning with Super Bowl I vs. Green Bay. Currently, as of the 2017 season, the Broncos and Raiders are tied with the most Super Bowl wins within the division with 3 each; Denver and Oakland", "\"Brett Favre\"\ntwo seasons with the Vikings. In that time, he made an NFL-record 297 consecutive starts, 321 including the playoffs. Favre's eleven Pro Bowl invitations is the third most among quarterbacks in NFL history. He is the only player to win the Associated Press NFL Most Valuable Player Award three consecutive times, doing so from 1995 to 1997, and is one of only six quarterbacks to have won the award as well as the Super Bowl in the same season. He led teams to eight division championships, five NFC Championship Games, and two Super Bowl appearances: Super Bowl XXXI and Super", "\"Super Bowl Most Valuable Player Award\"\nXXXV, held in 2001, was the first Super Bowl with fan voting. The Super Bowl MVP has been awarded annually since the game's inception in 1967. Through 1989, the award was presented by \"\"SPORT\"\" magazine. Bart Starr was the MVP of the first two Super Bowls. Since 1990, the award has been presented by the NFL. At Super Bowl XXV, the league first awarded the Pete Rozelle Trophy, named after former NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle, to the Super Bowl MVP. Ottis Anderson was the first to win the trophy. Most award winners have received cars from various sponsors. The most", "\"Tex Schramm\"\nhad built the Cowboys into an elite team. The Cowboys, despite two consecutive losses to the Green Bay Packers in the NFL Championship Game in 1966 and '67, had 20 consecutive winning seasons, and won the most games of any NFL team of the 1970s. They appeared in five Super Bowls that decade, winning Super Bowls VI and XII, and losing Super Bowls V, X, and XIII by a combined 11 points. The Cowboys became a marquee NFL franchise, their popularity inspiring the nickname \"\"America's Team\"\". In 1966, Schramm met secretly with American Football League (AFL) founder Lamar Hunt to", "\"Super Bowl XXXIII\"\nBowls VII and VIII, and Emmitt Smith in Super Bowls XXVII and XXVIII). Davis became just the second player to be on a Super Bowl-winning team after being named the NFL Most Valuable Player and leading the league in rushing. Emmitt Smith was the first one, but also was named Super Bowl MVP for Super Bowl XXVIII during that year. Marcus Allen is the only other player to win all three of these honors during his career. Allen won the 1985 NFL MVP Award and rushing title while being named Super Bowl XVIII MVP at the conclusion of the 1983", "\"History of the National Football League in Los Angeles\"\nBruins football team since 1982, but has never been a permanent home for an NFL team. The Rose Bowl instead has hosted the Super Bowl, and with five editions (XI, XIV, XVII, XXI, and XXVII) has the second most tenants of any venue. During the two decades without the NFL in L.A., a renovated Rose Bowl was a strong candidate to host a relocated or expansion team. However, after many years of varying offers, no deal could be struck between the NFL owners, the stadium's owner, and the City of Pasadena. On November 7, 2006, Pasadena voters overwhelmingly (72% opposition)", "\"Super Bowl XLIII\"\nThe ball got knocked loose and was rolling in his hand before it started forward. He has to have total control.\"\" It was the first and only Super Bowl in which Warner was involved not to be decided on the final play of the game. Roethlisberger's ensuing kneeldown secured the Steelers' sixth Super Bowl victory, surpassing the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers to set a new NFL record for most Super Bowl wins by a team. In Super Bowl XLIII, Arizona and Pittsburgh combined for the fewest rushing attempts (38) and the fewest rushing yards (91) in Super Bowl", "\"Sports in Florida\"\nStadium. The Jacksonville Jaguars joined the NFL as an expansion team in the 1995 season; they play their home games at EverBank Field. In 2005, Jacksonville hosted Super Bowl XXXIX. The Orange Bowl, a member of the Bowl Championship Series, hosts their college football championship games at New Miami Stadium. The stadium has also hosted the Super Bowl; the Miami metro area has hosted the game a total of ten times (five Super Bowls at the current New Miami Stadium, including Super Bowl XLI and five at the Miami Orange Bowl), tying New Orleans for the most games. Camping World", "\"Super Bowl XXX\"\na franchise (5). The Cowboys, who posted a 12–4 regular season record, were making their eighth Super Bowl appearance, while the Steelers, who recorded an 11–5 regular season record, were making their fifth appearance. This game was also the fifth rematch between Super Bowl teams. Moreover, it was the third meeting between the two longtime rivals in a Super Bowl (after Super Bowl X and Super Bowl XIII), the most between any two NFL teams. Dallas became the first team to win three Super Bowls in four years, while Pittsburgh's defeat was their first Super Bowl loss in team history.", "\"Adam Vinatieri\"\nAdam Vinatieri Adam Matthew Vinatieri (born December 28, 1972) is an American football placekicker for the Indianapolis Colts of the National Football League (NFL). He has played in five Super Bowls: four with the New England Patriots and one with the Colts. Vinatieri won Super Bowls in 2001, 2003, and 2004 with the Patriots and in 2006 with the Colts. Among placekickers, he holds NFL records for most Super Bowl appearances (5) and most Super Bowl wins (4). He also holds NFL records, among all players, for most points scored (2,570), most postseason points scored (234), most field goals made", "\"Tecmo Super Bowl\"\nand PS3 feature generic players and teams, due to Electronic Arts obtaining the exclusive NFL and NFLPA licenses in 2004 for the Madden NFL series. With the advent of modern console emulation on computers, \"\"Tecmo Super Bowl\"\" may be one of the most hacked and modified NES games in existence. This has contributed greatly to the game's cult following, as the game can be constantly modified and updated. There exist numerous websites for pickup games, online leagues and message boards dedicated not only to the original \"\"Tecmo Super Bowl\"\" but also to ROMs that contain current-day rosters while maintaining the", "\"Super Bowl XVII\"\nand ran into the end zone for a touchdown to take the lead. Wide receiver Charlie Brown then added an insurance touchdown with his 6-yard scoring reception. Riggins was named Super Bowl MVP, finishing the game with 2 Super Bowl records: the most rushing yards in a Super Bowl game (166), and the most rushing attempts (38). He was the first player from an NFC team to rush for 100 yards in a Super Bowl. Riggins also recorded a reception for 15 yards, giving him more total yards than the entire Miami team. The NFL awarded Super Bowl XVII to", "\"John Mara\"\nhave won Super Bowl XLII and Super Bowl XLVI. Mara has served for 15 years on the NFL Competition Committee, which suggests rule and policy changes to all NFL teams. He is the current chairman of the NFL Management Council Executive Committee. Mara, alongside Steve Tisch and Woody Johnson, brought Super Bowl XLVIII to MetLife Stadium in February 2014. Mara is the third generation of his family to own the Giants. His grandfather, Tim, founded the team in 1925. Tim's sons, Wellington and Jack (John's uncle), inherited the team in 1959, when Tim died. Among NFL franchises, only the Chicago", "\"Super Bowl\"\ndifferent stadiums, six of which no longer exist and one of which does not yet exist, either have hosted or are scheduled to host Super Bowls. The years listed in the table below are the years the game was actually played (\"\"will be played\"\") rather than what NFL season it is considered to have been. Future venues: The game has never been played in a region that lacked an NFL or AFL franchise, though London, England has occasionally been mentioned as a host city for a Super Bowl in the near future. Wembley Stadium has hosted several NFL games as", "\"2000 NFL Draft\"\nYork Jets had four first-round draft picks, the most by any team in the history of the draft (17 teams have had three picks but no other has had four). The draft was notable for the selection of Michigan quarterback Tom Brady at the 199th pick in the sixth round by the New England Patriots; Brady has gone on to win 3 NFL MVP awards, a record 5 Super Bowl titles and 4 Super Bowl MVPs. It was also the first year since 1966 that a pure placekicker was drafted in the first round, with the Oakland Raiders selecting Florida", "\"Super Bowl III\"\nSuper Bowl III Super Bowl III was the third AFL–NFL Championship Game in professional American football, and the first to officially bear the trademark name \"\"Super Bowl\"\". The game, played on January 12, 1969, at the Orange Bowl in Miami, Florida, is regarded as one of the greatest upsets in American football history. The heavy underdog American Football League (AFL) champion New York Jets defeated the National Football League (NFL) champion Baltimore Colts by a score of 16–7. This was the first Super Bowl victory for the AFL. Before the game, most sports writers and fans believed that AFL teams", "\"Super Bowl XXXVII\"\nas the only NFL players at that time to earn 5 Super Bowl rings (Haley was also with the 49ers for Super Bowls XXIII and XXIV, and later earned rings when the Dallas Cowboys won Super Bowls XXVII, XXVIII, and XXX). The Raiders became the first team to appear in Super Bowls under four head coaches. John Rauch coached them in Super Bowl II, John Madden (who himself called Super Bowl XXXVII on ABC), coached them in Super Bowl XI and Tom Flores coached them in Super Bowl XV and XVIII. The teams combined for the most second half points", "\"National Football League\"\nprofessional sports league in the world and is the most popular sports league in the United States. The Super Bowl is among the biggest club sporting events in the world and individual Super Bowl games account for many of the most watched television programs in American history, all occupying the Nielsen's Top 5 tally of the all-time most watched U.S. television broadcasts by 2015. The NFL's executive officer is the commissioner, who has broad authority in governing the league. The players in the league belong to the National Football League Players Association. The team with the most NFL championships is", "\"Sports in Florida\"\noccurred. The team made its first Super Bowl appearance in Super Bowl VI, but lost to the Dallas Cowboys. The following year, the Dolphins completed the NFL's only perfect season culminating in a Super Bowl win. The 1972 Dolphins were the third NFL team to accomplish a perfect regular season, and won Super Bowl VIII, Miami also appeared in Super Bowl XVII and Super Bowl XIX, losing both games. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers began in 1976 as an expansion team of the NFL. They struggled at first, losing their first 26 games in a row to set a league record", "\"New York Jets\"\nSince 1968, the Jets have appeared in the playoffs 13 times, and in the AFC Championship Game four times, most recently losing to the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2010. However, the Jets have never returned to the Super Bowl, making them one of three NFL teams to win their lone Super Bowl appearance, along with the New Orleans Saints and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Apart from the Cleveland Browns and Detroit Lions, who have never reached the Super Bowl (although both won NFL championships prior to 1966), the Jets' drought is the longest among current NFL franchises. The team's training facility, Atlantic", "\"Tecmo Super Bowl\"\nBowl\"\" in 1991 in both North America and Japan. The original NES version of \"\"Tecmo Bowl\"\" was licensed by the National Football League Players Association, but was unable to obtain an NFL team license because another NES football game, \"\"NFL\"\", had an exclusive licensing agreement with the NFL. The sequel, \"\"Tecmo Super Bowl\"\", acquired an NFL license, making it the first NES game to feature real NFL teams and players. Unlike the original \"\"Tecmo Bowl\"\" for the NES, which consisted of twelve teams, a truncated roster and limited play selection, \"\"Tecmo Super Bowl\"\" featured the complete league of (then) 28", "\"Super Bowl XVIII\"\nNFL minimum number of attempts to be recognized. The minimums are shown (in parenthesis). Source: Super Bowl XVIII Super Bowl XVIII was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Washington Redskins and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Los Angeles Raiders to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1983 season. The Raiders defeated the Redskins by the score of 38–9. The Raiders' 38 points scored and 29-point margin of victory broke Super Bowl records; it remains the most points scored by an AFC team in a Super Bowl. The game was played on", "\"Looney's Pub\"\nof Maryland wrestler, Spencer Myers, and NFL athletes, Matt Robinson and Pro Bowl and Super Bowl XLVII player Vonta Leach. In 2016, boxer Sam “The Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed starred in a Super Bowl commercial with Mike Tyson and Tyson’s son, Amir where he got knocked out. He watched the commercial live during the Super Bowl at Looney's Pub - Canton. After playing in the Big Ten Conference, the University of Maryland Baseball team has watched the rest of the NCAA Baseball Tournament at Looney's - College Park to see what their seed would be. On September 4, 2017, Looney's Pub", "Pittsburgh\nlong waiting list for season tickets, and have sold out every home game since 1972. The team won four Super Bowls in a six-year span in the 1970s, a fifth Super Bowl in 2006, and a league record sixth Super Bowl in 2009. Since the AFL-NFL merger in 1970 they have qualified for the most NFL playoff berths (28) and have played in (15) and hosted (11) the most NFL conference championship games. High school football routinely attract 10,000 fans per game and extensive press coverage. The Tom Cruise film \"\"All the Right Moves\"\" and ESPN's \"\"Bound for Glory\"\" with", "\"Super Bowl XXXVIII\"\nDay, granting a bye week to each team during the sixteen-game season, and granting a bye week to the teams qualifying for the Super Bowl after each wins their respective conference championship game. Consequently, the Super Bowl is currently scheduled no earlier than February 1 and no later than February 7. This game set the record for most Roman numerals in a Super Bowl title (seven). This will not be matched until Super Bowl LXXVIII after the 2043 NFL season and Super Bowl LXXXVII after the 2052 season, and not surpassed until Super Bowl LXXXVIII after the 2053 season. The", "\"Super Bowl XXXIV\"\ntime, his 414 passing yards and 45 pass attempts without an interception broke Super Bowl records. As of 2018, this was the most recent Super Bowl that featured two teams who never won a ring before. This game is often referred to as the \"\"Dot-com Super Bowl\"\" due to the large amount of advertisements purchased by dot-com companies. This game was later featured as one of \"\"NFL's Greatest Games\"\" as The Longest Yard. NFL owners awarded Super Bowl XXXIV to Atlanta during their October 31, 1996 meeting held in New Orleans. Other cities under consideration were Miami, Tampa, and Los", "\"Chuck Howley\"\nof that season, Howley was named to \"\"The Sporting News\"\" All-East NFL team for the first time. Howley holds the record for the second most interceptions by a linebacker in a season with six, which he accomplished in . Howley played with the Cowboys for 165 games over thirteen seasons, in two NFL championship games and two Super Bowls. The Cowboys finished in the top seven in the NFL in scoring defense and yards allowed in 10 of Howley’s 13 seasons with the team. He was also named most valuable player of Super Bowl V, intercepting two passes and forcing", "\"Super Bowl XLVII\"\na subsequent Super Bowl. Baltimore's victory made them the only current NFL franchise to have appeared in at least two Super Bowls without ever losing any of their appearances. Three cities presented bids for the game: The league then selected the New Orleans bid during the NFL's Spring Ownership Meetings in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on May 19, 2009. This was the tenth time that the city has hosted the Super Bowl, by far the most by an individual city and once again tying with the Miami area for the most Super Bowls hosted by a metropolitan area. It was the", "\"Super Bowl V\"\ncompletion of the AFL–NFL merger. Beginning with this game and continuing to the present day, the Super Bowl has served as the NFL's league championship game, with the winner of the AFC Championship Game and the winner of the NFC Championship Game facing off in the culmination of the NFL playoffs. As per the merger agreement, all 26 AFL and NFL teams were divided into two conferences with thirteen teams in each. Along with the Colts, the Cleveland Browns and Pittsburgh Steelers agreed to join the ten AFL teams to form the AFC; the remaining 13 NFL teams formed the", "\"Jeff Rutledge\"\nin the ninth round of the 1979 NFL Draft (246th overall pick) by the Los Angeles Rams, Rutledge played in 14 NFL seasons from 1979 to 1992 for three different teams. Rutledge spent most of his career as a back-up quarterback and a holder on kicks. He was a backup in Super Bowl XIV as a member of the Los Angeles Rams, he was a backup to Super Bowl MVP Phil Simms in Super Bowl XXI as a member of the New York Giants, and was a backup in Super Bowl XXVI as a member of the Washington Redskins. His", "\"Tom Brady\"\nthe Patriots in the sixth round of the 2000 NFL Draft. Due to his late draft selection, Brady is considered to be the biggest \"\"steal\"\" in the history of the NFL Draft. In Brady's sixteen seasons as a starter, he has quarterbacked the Patriots to eight Super Bowl appearances, the most for any player in history. Brady is also one of only two quarterbacks to win the Super Bowl in their first season as a starter, the other being Kurt Warner. Brady has been honored with four Super Bowl MVP awards (Super Bowl XXXVI, XXXVIII, XLIX, and LI), the most", "\"Super Bowl curse\"\nthere previously, but moved to the Astrodome several years prior to Super Bowl VIII. The Miami Orange Bowl was the only AFL stadium to host a Super Bowl and the only stadium to host consecutive Super Bowls, hosting Super Bowl II and III. MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, which hosted Super Bowl XLVIII, is the home stadium of two NFL teams: the New York Giants and the New York Jets. This list of examples is not exhaustive; no team has ever qualified for the Super Bowl played in their home stadium. Since 1993, few winning teams have followed up their", "\"Mercedes-Benz Superdome\"\nOrleans Saints. The team regularly draws capacity crowds. The NFL has hosted seven Super Bowls at the Superdome, most recently Super Bowl XLVII in 2013. The 1976 Pro Bowl was held at the Superdome on Monday, January 26, 1976. It was the NFL's 26th annual all-star game. Tulane University played their home games at the stadium from 1975 to 2013 (except 2005) before moving to on-campus Yulman Stadium. The BCS National Championship Game was played at the Superdome four times. The College Football Playoff semifinal game is played every three years in the stadium. Two other bowl games are also", "\"2010–11 NFL playoffs\"\n2010–11 NFL playoffs The National Football League playoffs for the 2010 season began on January 8, 2011. The postseason tournament concluded with the Green Bay Packers defeating the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XLV, 31–25, on February 6, at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas. This was the first Super Bowl in which the NFC representative was a #6 seed, and only the second time one has made the Super Bowl (the previous being the 2005 Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XL). This was only the second postseason in NFL history that included a team with a losing record, and the", "\"Super Bowl\"\nany stadium outside the NFL's footprint could serve as host would be Super Bowl LIX in 2025. The NFL is very active on stopping what it says is unauthorized commercial use of its trademarked terms \"\"NFL\"\", \"\"Super Bowl\"\", and \"\"Super Sunday\"\". As a result, many events and promotions tied to the game, but not sanctioned by the NFL, are asked to refer to it with euphemisms such as \"\"The Big Game\"\", or other generic descriptions. A radio spot for Planters nuts parodied this, by saying \"\"it would be \"\"super\"\" have a \"\"bowl\"\"...of Planters nuts while watching the big game!\"\" and", "\"NFC North\"\nthe Lions are 89 years old (founded 1929 in Portsmouth, Ohio; moved to Detroit in 1934), and the Vikings are 57 years old (founded 1961). The division has a total of 11 Super Bowl appearances. The Packers have the most appearances in the Super Bowl with 5, the most recent happening at the conclusion of the 2010 season. The Bears and the Packers have the only Super Bowl wins of this division, a total of 5 (4 for the Packers and 1 for the Bears). Of the top 10 NFL teams with the highest winning percentage throughout its franchise history,", "Wisconsin\nthe city of Green Bay the nickname \"\"Titletown USA\"\". The Packers are the smallest city franchise in the NFL and the only one owned by shareholders statewide. The franchise was founded by \"\"Curly\"\" Lambeau who played and coached for them. The Green Bay Packers are one of the most successful small-market professional sports franchises in the world and have won 13 NFL championships, including the first two AFL-NFL Championship games (Super Bowls I and II), Super Bowl XXXI and Super Bowl XLV. The state's support of the team is evidenced by the 81,000-person waiting list for season tickets to Lambeau", "\"Brady/Belichick Era\"\npredictability of opposing teams, and meetings with Tom Brady that only covered how to beat Baltimore Ravens All-Pro safety Ed Reed. Belichick is third all-time for wins as a coach. He is the longest tenured active coach in the NFL, and has won the most postseason games, at 28. He is the only coach to win three Super Bowls in four years and the only head coach in NFL history to have won 5 Super Bowls. Brady attended college at University of Michigan, where he battled for the starting role. He would lead the Wolverines to the 1999 Rose Bowl,", "\"Super Bowl XXXVIII\"\nmade it the second straight year that a team from the NFC South division made the Super Bowl, with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers winning Super Bowl XXXVII. The Patriots were seeking their second Super Bowl title in three years after posting a 14–2 record. NFL fans and sports writers widely consider this game one of the most well-played and thrilling Super Bowls; \"\"Sports Illustrated\"\" writer Peter King hailed it as the \"\"Greatest Super Bowl of all time.\"\" Although neither team could score in the first and third quarters, they ended up with a combined total of 868 yards and 61", "\"America's Game: The Super Bowl Champions\"\nAmerica's Game: The Super Bowl Champions America's Game: The Super Bowl Champions is an annual documentary series created by NFL Films (broadcast on NFL Network and CBS). Its 52 installments profile the first 52 winning teams of the National Football League's annual Super Bowl championship game; each episode chronicles an individual team. A spin-off debuted on September 18, 2008, titled \"\"America's Game: The Missing Rings\"\" which chronicled five of the best teams to never win the Super Bowl. \"\"America's Game\"\" weaves together archival NFL Films footage, videotape, audio clips, and interviews into a new program with new talking head style", "\"2008 Pittsburgh Steelers season\"\n2008 Pittsburgh Steelers season The 2008 Pittsburgh Steelers season was the franchise's 76th season in the National Football League (NFL). The season concluded with the team winning Super Bowl XLIII to become the first franchise in the NFL with six Super Bowl titles. The Steelers entered the season as defending champions of the AFC North Division, coming off a 10–6 record in 2007. Based on the previous season's results, the team faced the most difficult schedule in over 30 years; however, they were called Super Bowl contenders by ESPN. The Steelers opened their regular season on September 7, with a", "\"Super Bowl LI\"\nReeves. This was also Brady's seventh Super Bowl appearance, the most appearances by a player in Super Bowl history. The Atlanta Falcons, under second-year head coach Dan Quinn, finished the 2016 season with an 11–5 record, earning them the No. 2 seed in the NFC playoffs. It was a big reversal of declining fortunes for the team, who had failed to qualify to play in the playoffs in each of the last three seasons. The Falcons were loaded with offensive firepower, leading all NFL teams in scoring with 540 points. Nine-year veteran quarterback Matt Ryan earned the NFL MVP and", "\"Chris Mohr\"\nMohr was with the Bills from 1991 to 2000, during which time he appeared in three Super Bowls with the team—Super Bowl XXVI, Super Bowl XXVII, and Super Bowl XXVIII. He signed with his hometown Atlanta Falcons before the 2001 NFL season, where he played for four years before being waived in 2005. He was signed by the Washington Redskins before the 2005 NFL season began, but was cut a few days later. He officially retired from the NFL in 2007 by signing a one-day contract with the Buffalo Bills. Mohr has four boys. Garrett, Harrison, Quinn and Chapman. Garrett", "\"Bill Belichick\"\nin Super Bowl LII was the Patriots' tenth, the most of any team. Belichick is the NFL's longest-tenured active head coach, and currently third all-time in regular season coaching wins in the NFL at 251, and first in playoff coaching wins with 28. He completed his 40th season as an NFL coach in 2014 and won his fifth Super Bowl as a head coach following the 2016 season, surpassing former Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Chuck Noll as the only head coach to win five Super Bowls. He is one of only five head coaches with four or more titles in", "\"AFC West\"\nAFC West The AFC West is a division of the National Football League (NFL)'s American Football Conference (AFC), formerly known as the AFL West. The division comprises the Denver Broncos, Los Angeles Chargers, Kansas City Chiefs, and Oakland Raiders. The division has sent teams to the Super Bowl sixteen times beginning with Super Bowl I vs. Green Bay. Currently, as of the 2017 season, the Broncos and Raiders are tied with the most Super Bowl wins within the division with 3 each; Denver and Oakland have appeared in the Super Bowl 5 and 2 additional times respectively. The Chiefs are", "\"Super Bowl XX\"\nSuper Bowls IV, VI, and IX; while the Louisiana Superdome previously hosted XII and XV. As of 2016, Super Bowl XX remains the last Super Bowl to feature two teams both making their first appearance in the game. It was the fourth overall following Super Bowl I, Super Bowl III, and Super Bowl XVI. Any future Super Bowl that would have such a combination would have to have the Detroit Lions playing either the Cleveland Browns, Houston Texans, or Jacksonville Jaguars in the game. All 16 NFC teams have played in an NFL championship game (Detroit last made an NFL", "\"America's Game: The Super Bowl Champions\"\nBowl teams, as determined by the experts. The teams listed below were revealed in countdown form in the weeks leading up to Super Bowl XLI. The first 18 episodes aired on NFL Network, while the top two teams' specials were shown on CBS on February 3, the day before Super Bowl XLI.\"\" Each episode in the top 20 would be introduced with, \"\"NFL Network presents America's Game, a countdown of the 20 greatest Super Bowl champions, and now its number ___\"\" \"\"Beginning February 8, NFL Network began to broadcast the remaining twenty champions' episodes.\"\" The 2005 Steelers were not eligible", "\"Super Bowl IV\"\nthem to reuse the videotape. The night before the game, Ed Sabol of NFL Films met with Hank Stram and convinced Stram to wear a hidden microphone during the game so his comments could be recorded for the NFL Films Super Bowl IV film. They agreed the microphone would be kept secret. This would be the first time that a head coach had worn a microphone during a Super Bowl. This has led to one of the best-known and most popular of the NFL Films Super Bowl films due to the constant chatter and wisecracking of Stram. Ed Sabol had", "\"Super Bowl curse\"\nyears before the game is played, without regard to the teams that qualify. Only two NFL teams have reached the Super Bowl hosted in their home region: the San Francisco 49ers, who played Super Bowl XIX in Stanford Stadium, rather than Candlestick Park, and the Los Angeles Rams, who played Super Bowl XIV in the Rose Bowl, rather than the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Besides Stanford Stadium and the Rose Bowl, the only other Super Bowl venue that was not the home stadium to an NFL team at the time was Rice Stadium in Houston: the Houston Oilers had played", "\"Marvin Harrison\"\nMarvin Harrison Marvin Darnell Harrison (born August 25, 1972) is a former American football wide receiver in the National Football League (NFL). He played college football for Syracuse University, and was drafted by the Indianapolis Colts in the first round of the 1996 NFL Draft. He spent all 13 of his NFL seasons with the Colts, most of them with quarterback Peyton Manning, and is widely considered as one of the greatest and most productive wide receivers in NFL history. He earned a Super Bowl ring with the team in Super Bowl XLI over the Chicago Bears. Harrison was a", "\"Super Bowl II\"\ndefensive backs: Willie Brown, who led the team with 7 interceptions, and Kent McCloughan, who had 2 interceptions. Safety Warren Powers recorded 6 interceptions, returning them for 154 yards and 2 touchdowns. Despite Oakland's accomplishments, and expert consensus that this was the weakest of all the Packer NFL championship teams, Green Bay was a 14-point favorite to win the Super Bowl. Like the previous year, most fans and sports writers believed that the top NFL teams were superior to the best AFL teams. Thus, most of the drama and discussions surrounding the game focused not on which team would win,", "\"Norv Turner\"\nreceived a standing ovation in his final meeting with them after being fired. San Diego never made the Super Bowl under Turner despite having what was perceived as one of the league's most talented rosters. Turner believed the Chargers were the most talented team in the AFC West in his first three seasons, but not in his final three when the team lost talented players. He inherited a team with 11 Pro Bowl players in 2006, but had no players voted to the NFL's All-Star game in 2012. During Smith’s tenure, the Chargers lost players such as LaDainian Tomlinson, Darren", "\"Super Bowl\"\nthe Green Bay Packers and New York Giants have four Super Bowl championships. Fourteen other NFL franchises have won at least one Super Bowl. Eight teams have appeared in Super Bowl games without a win. The Minnesota Vikings were the first team to have appeared a record four times without a win. The Buffalo Bills played in a record four Super Bowls in a row and lost every one. Four teams (the Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Houston Texans) have never appeared in a Super Bowl. The Browns and Lions both won NFL Championships prior to the creation", "\"NFL on CBS\"\ncrew had little to no control over how the game was shot. The next three AFL-NFL World Championship Games, later renamed the Super Bowl, were then divided by the two networks: CBS televised Super Bowls II and IV while NBC covered Super Bowl III. When CBS decided to abandon its practice of using dedicated announcing crews for particular teams in 1968, the network instituted a semi-merit system in its place, with certain crews (such as Ray Scott and Paul Christman or Jack Buck and Pat Summerall) being assigned to each week's most prominent games regardless of the participating teams. On", "\"Super Bowl IX\"\nhome for much of their history aside from a few games in the 1960s, when the NFL was encouraging (but not requiring) teams to wear white at home. This was the only one of the four Super Bowls the Steelers of the 1970s played in that the team wore their white jerseys, and the only Super Bowl the team would wear white at all until Super Bowl XL 31 years later. When the NFL awarded Super Bowl IX to New Orleans on April 3, 1973, the game was originally scheduled to be played at the Louisiana Superdome. By July 1974,", "\"Lee Roy Caffey\"\nthe San Diego Chargers. He had 9 starts before announcing his retirement. Caffey is considered one of the most underrated linebackers in the NFL. He is a member of the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame and was selected to the 75th Anniversary All Time Packer Team, the Texas High School All Super Bowl Team, and was nominated for ESPN's All Time Super Bowl Team. In 2006, the Green Bay Packers' linebacking corps of Ray Nitschke, Dave Robinson, and Lee Roy Caffey was named one of the NFL's Top 10 Greatest Linebacking Trios in the history of the NFL. In", "\"Super Bowl V\"\nNFC. This explains why the Colts represented the NFL in Super Bowl III, but the AFC for Super Bowl V. Baltimore advanced to Super Bowl V after posting an regular season record. Meanwhile, the Cowboys were making their first Super Bowl appearance after posting a regular season record. The game is sometimes called the \"\"Blunder Bowl\"\", \"\"Blooper Bowl\"\" or \"\"Stupor Bowl\"\" because it was filled with poor play, a missed PAT, penalties, turnovers, and officiating miscues. The two teams combined for a Super Bowl record eleven turnovers, with five in the fourth quarter. The Colts' seven turnovers remain the most", "\"Super Bowl VI\"\nfeatured a plane in the missing man formation. The halftime show was a \"\"Salute to Louis Armstrong\"\" featuring jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald, actress and singer Carol Channing, trumpeter Al Hirt and the U.S. Marine Corps Drill Team. Armstrong, a New Orleans native, died in July 1971. Despite being the second Super Bowl after the AFL–NFL merger, Super Bowl VI was the first one to have the NFL logo painted at the 50-yard line. The NFL would do this for all but one Super Bowl after this until Super Bowl XXXI (the exception was Super Bowl XXV, when the Super Bowl", "\"Super Bowl\"\nand \"\"The Game\"\", the Associated Press reported that \"\"Super Bowl\"\" \"\"grew and grew and grew-until it reached the point that there was Super Week, Super Sunday, Super Teams, Super Players, ad infinitum\"\". \"\"Super Bowl\"\" became official beginning with the third annual game. Roman numerals were first affixed for the fifth edition, in January 1971. After the NFL's Green Bay Packers won the first two Super Bowls, some team owners feared for the future of the merger. At the time, many doubted the competitiveness of AFL teams compared with their NFL counterparts, though that perception changed when the AFL's New York", "\"Demaryius Thomas\"\nHe was selected to the Associated Press All-Pro team for the first time in his career. Thomas averaged 9.33 receptions and 102 yards per game during the 2013-2014 playoffs, including the Super Bowl. He also scored a touchdown in every playoff game. Thomas set a then NFL record for most catches in a Super Bowl game by a player (James White broke the record in Super Bowl LI with 14 catches), despite reportedly playing most of the game with a separated shoulder. In Super Bowl XLVIII, Thomas had a then-Super Bowl record 13 receptions for 118 yards and a touchdown,", "\"Bill Belichick\"\nappearances in the AFC Championship Game, and eight Super Bowl appearances. He was named the AP NFL Coach of the Year for the 2003, 2007, and 2010 seasons. His teams won Super Bowls XXXVI, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XLIX, and LI and lost Super Bowls XLII, XLVI, and LII. Belichick's appearance in Super Bowl LII extended his record to eight Bowls as a head coach, as well as being a record eleventh participation in a Super Bowl in any capacity. This also tied him with Neal Dahlen for the most Super Bowl wins in any capacity with seven. In addition, their appearance", "\"Walt Anderson (American football)\"\nAt the college level, Anderson was scouted by ex-NFL officials who were looking to fill openings at the professional football level. Anderson joined the NFL in 1996 and, as of 2015, he has officiated in 17 playoff games, including eight Wild Card, two Divisional, five Conference Championship games, and two Super Bowls: Super Bowl XXXV in 2001 (as line judge) and Super Bowl XLV in 2011 (as referee). He was the referee in the January 18, 2015 AFC Championship game, known for the deflategate controversy. Anderson cites Super Bowl XXXV as being his most memorable game. Anderson's 2018 NFL officiating", "\"Super Bowl VI\"\nfewest points scored in a Super Bowl, with three, and the only team not to score a touchdown. No team has been shutout in a Super Bowl. Sources:\"\"The NFL's Official Encyclopedic History of Professional Football\"\", (1973), p. 153, Macmillan Publishing Co. New York, LCCN 73-3862, Super Bowl VI, Super Bowl VI Play Finder Dal, Super Bowl VI Play Finder Mia, Super Bowl VI Play by Play Completions/attempts Carries Long gain Receptions Times targeted The following records were set or tied in Super Bowl VI, according to the official boxscore and the ProFootball game summary. Some records have", "\"History of the Pittsburgh Steelers\"\ngo to the Super Bowl and win. Their playoff campaign included defeating the first (Indianapolis), second (Denver), and third (Cincinnati) seeded AFC teams en route to the Super Bowl victory against the first seeded Seahawks from the NFC. Also, they are the first NFL team to win 9 road games. Roethlisberger became the youngest QB to win a Super Bowl. They successfully tied with the San Francisco 49ers and the Dallas Cowboys for the most Super Bowl titles with five. The 2006 Pittsburgh Steelers season began with the team trying to improve on their 11–5 record from 2005 and trying", "\"2007 New York Giants season\"\nXLII. There, they defeated the heavily favored and previously undefeated 18–0 New England Patriots and spoiled their perfect season. The 2007 New York Giants became the 9th wild card team in NFL history to reach the Super Bowl and the 5th wild card team to win the Super Bowl, and the very first NFC wild card to accomplish the feat. They were the third team in history to win three road playoff games en route to a Super Bowl and set a league record for most consecutive road wins in a single season (11), though the Super Bowl is played", "\"Super Bowl II\"\nSuper Bowl II The second AFL-NFL World Championship Game in professional football, known retrospectively as Super Bowl II, was played on January 14, 1968, at the Orange Bowl in Miami, Florida. The National Football League (NFL)'s defending champion Green Bay Packers defeated the American Football League (AFL) champion Oakland Raiders by the score of 33–14. This game and Super Bowl III are the only two Super Bowl games to be played in back-to-back years in the same stadium. Coming into this game, like during the first Super Bowl, many sports writers and fans believed that any team in the NFL", "\"Super Bowl XXXI\"\nbe called by Summerall and Madden while with Fox (Super Bowls XXXIII and XXXVI being the others). Starting with this game, through Super Bowl XXXVII, the Super Bowl logo was painted at the 50-yard line, and the teams' helmets were placed on the 30-yard lines. In the past Super Bowl games since Super Bowl VI, the NFL logo was painted on the 50-yard line, except for Super Bowls XXV and XXIX. The Super Bowl XXV logo was painted at midfield, and the NFL 75th Anniversary logo was painted at midfield in Super Bowl XXIX. The league started to put the", "\"Sport in Miami\"\nin the Little Havana section of the city on the site of the old Orange Bowl stadium. The city's first entry into the American Football League was the Miami Dolphins, which competed in the fourth AFL league from 1966 to 1969. In 1970 the Dolphins joined the NFL when the AFL–NFL merger occurred. The team made its first Super Bowl appearance in Super Bowl VI, but lost to the Dallas Cowboys. The following year, the Dolphins completed the NFL's only perfect season culminating in a Super Bowl win. The 1972 Dolphins were the third NFL team to accomplish a perfect", "\"Cincinnati Bengals\"\nto a consistency that had long escaped the franchise. However, the team has remained unable to win in the postseason and have not won a playoff game since 1990, which is the longest such drought in the NFL. The Bengals are one of the 12 NFL teams to not have won a Super Bowl ; however, they are also one of 8 NFL teams that have been to at least one Super Bowl, but have not won the game. In 1967, an ownership group led by Paul Brown was granted a franchise in the American Football League. Brown named the", "\"Sports-related curses\"\ncursed by Vince Lombardi; that beating Lombardi meant never winning the trophy named after him. The Eagles broke the alleged curse in 2018 by defeating the New England Patriots by a score of 41–33 in Super Bowl LII. The Super Bowl curse or Super Bowl hangover is a phrase referring to one of three things that occur in the National Football League (NFL): Super Bowl participant clubs that follow up with lower-than-expected performance the following year; NFL teams that do not repeat as Super Bowl champions; and host teams of the Super Bowl that do not play the game on", "\"National Football League\"\nthe regular season. At the local level, NFL games were the highest-ranked shows in NFL markets 92% of the time. Super Bowls account for the 22 most-watched programs (based on total audience) in US history, including a record 167 million people that watched Super Bowl XLVIII, the conclusion to the 2013 season. In addition to radio networks run by each NFL team, select NFL games are broadcast nationally by Westwood One (known as Dial Global for the 2012 season). These games are broadcast on over 500 networks, giving all NFL markets access to each primetime game. The NFL's deal with", "\"Madden NFL\"\nbeen held since 1995 during Super Bowl weekend in the host city and, in the past, participation included NFL players and celebrities. The Madden Bowl's participation has changed over the years from being an event held with athletes, musicians, and celebrities, to become an event where only NFL players who are invited to participate get a chance to play. Participants in the Madden Bowl are free to choose whichever team they like. Winners receive a Madden Bowl trophy and recognition in the upcoming \"\"Madden\"\" video game. The 2006 Madden Bowl, held during the weekend of Super Bowl XL in Detroit,", "\"History of the Green Bay Packers\"\nfootball team (including 4 Super Bowls). Their arch-rivals the Chicago Bears are second, with nine NFL championships (including one Super Bowl). The historical rivalry with Chicago extends to the Hall of Fame - the Packers have the second most Hall of Famers (21, behind the Bears' 26). The Packers are also the only team to win three straight NFL titles, which they did twice (1929–1931 and 1965–67). After going through modest winning seasons during most of the 1920s, the Packers began to build a championship-caliber team, as they signed three future Hall of Famers in \"\"Johnny Blood\"\" McNally, Cal Hubbard,", "\"History of the Denver Broncos\"\ndefense created three lost fumbles and an interception and scored a defensive touchdown to power the team to a 24-10 victory, the third NFL title for the franchise. Von Miller, who had 2.5 sacks and two forced fumbles, was named the game's Most Valuable Player. Peyton Manning made history as the first quarterback to start and win a Super Bowl for two teams. Gary Kubiak became the fourth coach to win a Super Bowl in his first year with a new team. The Broncos' third championship tied them for seventh-most Super Bowl wins all-time, along with the Washington Redskins and", "\"Derrick Brooks\"\nlinebackers in NFL history. From 1995 to 2008, Brooks started 221 of 224 games, recording 1,698 tackles, 13.5 sacks, 25 interceptions, and six touchdowns (tied for the most in NFL history by a linebacker with Bobby Bell). He was selected to the Pro Bowl 11 times, including 10 straight from 1997 to 2006, was an All-Pro nine times, was the AP NFL Defensive Player of the Year in 2002, and led the team to the franchise's first Super Bowl win in Super Bowl XXXVII. As a rookie in 1995, Brooks started 13 of 16 games. He finished the season with", "\"America's Team\"\nthe 1966-67 league championships) and five Super Bowls, and was exemplified on the field by the iconic Hall of Fame quarterback Roger Staubach, but the team's popularity has continued over the decades during periods of both mediocrity and dynastic success. In 2003, NFL Films released a DVD collection chronicling the Dallas Cowboys franchise entitled \"\"The Dallas Cowboys: The Complete History of America's Team 1960-2003\"\". In 2008, NFL Films would release an updated DVD of The History of the Dallas Cowboys. The popularity of the Cowboys as America's Team has been supported by such NFL records as \"\"Team with Most Consecutive", "\"1998 NFC Championship Game\"\nSuper Bowl. The game is considered one of the most memorable conference championship games in NFL history. In 1998, the Vikings were the favorite to win the Super Bowl, as they had set the NFL record for most points scored by a team in a single season. They had gone undefeated in their home stadium, the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, during the regular season, and their placekicker, Gary Anderson, had become the first kicker in NFL history to convert every field goal and extra point attempt in a season. At a critical moment late in the game, Anderson missed a", "\"Super Bowl VIII\"\nThis was the first Super Bowl in which a former AFL franchise was the favorite. The 1970 AFC champion Baltimore Colts had been the favorite in Super Bowl V, but they were an original NFL franchise prior the 1970 merger. This was also the first Super Bowl played in a stadium that was not the current home to an NFL or AFL team, as no team had called Rice Stadium home since the Houston Oilers moved into the Astrodome in 1968. It was also the first Super Bowl game played on the then-popular AstroTurf artificial playing surface. The Vikings complained", "\"Super Bowl XVIII\"\nSuper Bowl XVIII Super Bowl XVIII was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Washington Redskins and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Los Angeles Raiders to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1983 season. The Raiders defeated the Redskins by the score of 38–9. The Raiders' 38 points scored and 29-point margin of victory broke Super Bowl records; it remains the most points scored by an AFC team in a Super Bowl. The game was played on January 22, 1984, at Tampa Stadium in Tampa, Florida, the first time the Super Bowl", "\"Arena football\"\non the signal from the referee. Some AFL players have gone on to have successful careers in the NFL, most notably Kurt Warner. Warner played college football at University of Northern Iowa and then quarterbacked the AFL's Iowa Barnstormers to ArenaBowl X in 1996 and ArenaBowl XI in 1997, before earning two NFL MVP Awards, a Super Bowl MVP Award and quarterbacking two teams to the Super Bowl, winning Super Bowl XXXIV. Warner was later inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, the only person to play a substantial portion of his professional career (as opposed to a short", "\"Vince Lombardi Trophy\"\nback to Tiffany's to be engraved with the names of the participating teams, the date, location, and the game's final score. It is then sent back to the winning team for them to keep. Smaller replicas are made for each person on the winning team. For the first four championship games, both the NFL and the AFL logos were in the center of the trophy. Starting from Super Bowl V, only the NFL shield was on the front. Beginning with Super Bowl XXXVIII, the shield took on a frosted appearance. Starting with Super Bowl XLIII, the slightly redesigned NFL shield" ]
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who plays davy jones in pirates of the caribbean
[ "Bill Nighy" ]
[ "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End\"\nPirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is a 2007 American epic fantasy swashbuckler film directed by Gore Verbinski, the third in the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" film series and the sequel to \"\"\"\" (2006). The plot follows Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Hector Barbossa, and the crew of the \"\"Black Pearl\"\" rescuing Captain Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' Locker, and then preparing to fight the East India Trading Company, led by Cutler Beckett, who controls Davy Jones and plans to extinguish piracy forever. It is the last film in the series to be", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nthe \"\"At World's End\"\" set, which has more greenish tentacles. He was made as a Lego minifigure in November 2011, with 4184 Black Pearl. A children's and adult Halloween costumes were released for Halloween 2007. Davy Jones was released as a PEZ dispenser, along with Jack Sparrow and Will Turner. Hot Toys also announced plans to make a 1:6 version of Davy Jones which became available Q2 2008, and is widely regarded as more detailed than those produced by NECA. Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean) Davy Jones is a fictional character in the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" film series,", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nDavy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean) Davy Jones is a fictional character in the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" film series, portrayed by Bill Nighy. He appears in the second film \"\"\"\" and returns in the third film \"\"\"\". He is the captain of the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" (based on the ghost ship of the same name). The computer-generated imagery used to complete Jones was named by \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" as the tenth favorite computer generated film character in film history, behind King Kong in 2007. The work on Davy Jones by Industrial Light and Magic earned them the 2006 Academy Award for", "\"Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island\"\nfirst major interactive feature guests will encounter is the Chest of Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean films. Upon touching the chest, lighting will change, Davy Jones' disembodied voice will utter words of warning, and guests will be able to feel the heartbeat of Jones' heart from within the chest. Skeletons of previous explorers and pirates litter the pits of the cave, implying danger to those who continue to press onward. Additional features in the cave include \"\"pop-up\"\" gags featuring Pintel and Ragetti from the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" films who are guarding cursed treasure as well as", "\"Davy Jones' Locker\"\ncontains the lines: \"\"I saw you swim / Sink to your grave / Down to Davy Jones' locker / Under the waves...\"\" In the cartoon \"\"The Haunted Ship\"\", from the Aesop's Fables series produced by the Van Beuren animation studios, Davy Jones is depicted as a living skeleton wearing a pirate's bicorn. The concept of Davy Jones was conflated with the legend of the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" in the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" film series, in which Davy Jones's locker is portrayed as a purgatory place of punishment for those who crossed Davy Jones. Jones is portrayed as a captain assigned", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nencounter the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\". Jones also appears in the about Jack's first years as a captain. He helps the Brethren Court to identify the traitor among them, who turns out to be Borya Palachnik, the Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea. Before the events of the first film, Davy Jones approaches Sparrow with a deal: Jones will raise the \"\"Black Pearl\"\" back from Davy Jones' Locker, allowing Sparrow to be captain for 13 years if Sparrow agrees to serve on the \"\"Dutchman\"\" for 100 years. This event, referenced in the films, also appears in the book series. Davy Jones first", "\"Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nFlying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean) The Flying Dutchman, or simply referred to as the Dutchman, is a fictional ship in Disney's \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\". The ship made its first appearance in \"\"\"\" under the command of the fictional captain, Davy Jones. The story and attributes of the ship were inspired by the actual \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" of nautical lore. As explained in the movie, the character of Davy Jones was given the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" by Calypso, his lover, to ferry souls lost at sea to the afterlife. When she neglected to meet him after his first ten years of", "\"Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\n\"\"Pearl\"\" in less than a minute). Jones unleashes the Kraken, which attacks the \"\"Pearl\"\" and drags Sparrow to Davy Jones' Locker. In \"\"\"\", Captain Davy Jones now serves Lord Cutler Beckett, who possesses Jones' heart and forcibly controls him and the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\", which is first seen rising from the sea, mercilessly destroying pirate ships with its powerful cannons. This irritates Lord Beckett who wants survivors to interrogate. So to ensure Jones does as he is ordered to, Beckett places Admiral James Norrington and a squad of East India Trading company marines and the Dead Man's chest placed on board", "\"Jack Sparrow\"\nJones's Locker. The surviving crew seeks refuge with Tia Dalma who produces a captain she says can rescue Sparrow: it was her doing that brought Barbossa back to life. Two months following the events of the second film, with Davy Jones's heart in his possession and the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" under his command, Cutler Beckett begins exterminating all pirates. To combat Beckett, the nine pirate lords of the Brethren Court convene at Shipwreck Cove. Only Jack Sparrow is missing, killed and sent to Davy Jones's Locker at the end of the previous film. Sparrow, as Pirate Lord of the Caribbean, must", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nDavy Jones is really alive. In the films, Jones possesses a locket that plays a distinct melody, and he is known to play the same melody on his pipe organ. This melody is also his character's theme, and can be heard throughout the film's score. It comes in two variations: The soundtrack version and the film version. The melody of the soundtrack version is heard only in \"\"\"\". The film version is played in both films multiple times, and is heard last during the climax of the film. Because Jones and Calypso own matching locket lockets, Tia Dalma's theme is", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (video game)\"\nPirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (video game) Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is a video game based on the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" films \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\", published by Buena Vista Games for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, PSP, Nintendo DS and the Wii. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End follows the events of Pirates of the Caribbean movies \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\" with some additional missions and characters. In game location include locales such as the \"\"Black Pearl\"\", the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\", Tortuga, Davy Jones Locker, Shipwreck Cove, Port Royal and a", "\"Kraken (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nof Lord Cutler Beckett. When reminded of this killing, Davy Jones appears distraught and plays sad music on his pipe organ. After Jack Sparrow is rescued from Davy Jones' Locker, he proclaims his desire to become \"\"Immortal Jack Sparrow, the last pirate\"\"; but when Sparrow and Captain Barbossa find the Kraken's carcass, Barbossa remarks that 'the problem with being the last of anything [means that] by and by, there be none left at all'. This statement implies that the Kraken was the last of its species. The Kraken was designed by the producers of \"\"\"\", and brought to life by", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nhand could, and his crab claw hand possesses enough strength to bend or sever sword blades. He also demonstrates more general superhuman strength when he throws Jack off the crossbeam using only one arm. Davy Jones was part of Series One of the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest\"\" action figure set produced by NECA. Although the initial run of figures had a sticker on the box that proclaimed that the figure came with the Dead Man's Chest and Jones' heart, both props (as well as the key) were released with the Bootstrap Bill figure in Series Two. Jones", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nfilm \"\"\"\", Jones is under the control of Cutler Beckett and the East India Trading Company. Beckett possesses the heart, and threatens to have soldiers shoot it if Jones disobeys. Beckett orders Jones to sink pirate ships, but is infuriated when Jones leaves no survivors; Beckett wants prisoners to interrogate about the Brethren Court. Beckett orders Jones to kill the Kraken. Later, he orders Jones attack the Pirate Lord Sao Feng; Jones subsequently kills Sao and captures Elizabeth Swann, who had been named captain by Sao Feng upon his death. When Admiral James Norrington dies on board the \"\"Dutchman\"\" helping", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean (attraction)\"\nscene in March 2018 and Disneyland's version received it in June 2018 after a scheduled refurbishment. In addition to the inclusion of Jack Sparrow, the Disneyland Paris attraction included an animatronic of Captain Barbossa and images of Davy Jones and Blackbeard when it reopened on July 24. In June 2017, Disney added back the talking skull to Magic Kingdom version. In June 2018 the Disneyland version of the attraction reopened after a refurb which saw the replacement of the Davy Jones mist waterfall with a new scene of a skeleton who transforms into a live pirate as the boat passes", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End\"\npirate ships in the seas. Condemned prisoners sing \"\"Hoist the Colours\"\" to compel the nine Pirate Lords to convene at Shipwreck Cove to hold the Brethren Court. Because Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirate Lord of the Caribbean Sea, never named a successor before being dragged to Davy Jones locker, Captain Barbossa, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Tia Dalma, and the crew of the \"\"Black Pearl\"\" plot to rescue Jack. Traveling to Singapore, the crew meet Captain Sao Feng (Pirate Lord of the South China Sea), who owns navigational charts to the Locker. Beckett's soldiers invade, but the crew escape. Will secretly promises", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure\"\nPirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure is a magnetic powered dark ride at Shanghai Disneyland. Based on the eponymous film series, the attraction features a different storyline from previous \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" attractions. The ride opened along with the rest of the park on June 16, 2016. Walt Disney Imagineering designed the attraction and Industrial Light & Magic created the computer-generated visual effects. The ride includes Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones. It features new technology not used in previous Pirates rides. Guests start at the Royal Navy’s", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nsummons the Kraken to destroy the ship carrying Turner, who actually survives. The \"\"Dutchman\"\" then sails to Isla Cruces to stop Sparrow from getting the Chest. Arriving, Jones sends his crew to retrieve the Chest; they return to him with it. The \"\"Dutchman\"\" then chases after the \"\"Black Pearl\"\", but is outrun. Jones summons the Kraken, which drags Jack Sparrow and the \"\"Pearl\"\" to Davy Jones's Locker. He afterwards opens the Chest only to find his heart missing; it having been taken by James Norrington, who gives it to Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company. In the third", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nto use his real eyes, if necessary to get the proper lighting, in the digital character; he also wore make-up on his lips and around his mouth, to assist in the motion capture of his character's Scottish accent. Briefly during the third film, Jones appears as a human for a single scene, played by Nighy in costume. Several reviewers have in fact mistakenly identified Nighy as wearing prosthetic makeup or a latex mask due to the computer-generated character's photorealism. Davy Jones' physique was designed by the films' producers to be a mixture of various aquatic flora and fauna features. Jones'", "\"Kraken (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nof the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest\"\", it is summoned by the men of the Flying Dutchman turning a capstan that lifts and drops a large wooden drop hammer that sends a large shock wave through the hull of the Dutchman, presumably calling the kraken from the depths, in \"\"Dead Man's Chest\"\", It is also implied that this Kraken was the last of its kind. The Kraken first appears in \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest\"\", brought to life using the most advanced computer-generated imagery (CGI) from Industrial Light & Magic. Davy Jones, who seeks Jack Sparrow's soul to recoup", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End\"\nas part of the plan to seize control of the \"\"Dutchman\"\". Sao Feng tells Elizabeth that the first Brethren Court bound Calypso in human form after she betrayed her lover, Davy Jones. He plans to release her to defeat Beckett. Davy Jones attacks Feng's ship, the \"\"Empress\"\", mortally wounding Feng in the process. Feng appoints Elizabeth his successor as Pirate Lord before dying. Elizabeth and the crew are locked in the brig of the \"\"Dutchman\"\", where she finds a partially insane Bootstrap Bill Turner. In a moment of clarity, Bootstrap reveals that whoever kills Davy Jones must take his place,", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nthis task. She swore that after ten years, she would meet him and they would spend one day together before he returned to his duties. However, when Jones returned to shore after ten years, Calypso failed to appear. Believing Calypso had betrayed him, a heartbroken and enraged Davy Jones turned the Pirate Brethren against her, saying that if she were removed from the world, they would be able to claim the seas for themselves. They assembled in the First Brethren Court and Jones taught them how to imprison her into her human form. Despite betraying her, Jones still loved Calypso,", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)\"\nin exchange for 100 years of service aboard Jones' ship, the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\". Lord Beckett gains power over Davy Jones and, with the help of the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\", he is now executing his plans to extinguish piracy forever. To stand against the East India Trading Co., Will, Elizabeth, Barbossa, and the crew of the \"\"Black Pearl\"\" set out to rescue Captain Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' Locker. As one of the Nine Pirate Lords, Jack is needed in order to release an ancient goddess with the power to defeat Beckett's forces. Captain Jack Sparrow is on a quest to find", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nsimilar to that of Davy Jones, albeit in a different arrangement. The theme is also heard briefly after Jones' appearance in \"\"\"\". Davy Jones possesses a large number of supernatural abilities. Jones is capable of teleportation on board the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" and the \"\"Black Pearl\"\", and he can pass through solid objects. Jones is immortal, capable of surviving injuries that would be fatal to mortals. However, he is not impervious to pain, as demonstrated when Jack was able to cut off some of his facial tentacles during their battle. Jones can also track any soul that is owed to him", "\"Hector Barbossa\"\ncrew of rogue pirates, and he is narrowly saved from drowning by his crew members Pintel and Ragetti. After managing to reach Tortuga, the then-Pirate Lord of the Caribbean brings them to Shipwreck Cove to report the incident to an assembly of pirates. A few months later, Jack Sparrow finds out that the attacker is Barbossa's old friend Boris Palachnik, the Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea. The attackers are brought before a pirate court that summons Davy Jones, who confirms Palachnik's guilt. Visiting Palachink in prison, Barbossa is unknowingly granted the title of Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea,", "\"Pirates: Quest For Davy Jones' Gold\"\nPirates: Quest For Davy Jones' Gold Pirates: Quest For Davy Jones' Gold is the board game version of the popular Pirates of the Spanish Main tabletop game. It is produced by WizKids. It represents a simplification of the tabletop game, while retaining most of the crucial elements of gameplay from it. It can be played by two to four players. Unlike the Tabletop game, where it is possible to collect different fleets by buying packs from stores, Pirates: Quest For Davy Jones' Gold comes with set fleets comprising a four-mast and a three-mast ship in each of four different colours,", "\"Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nfrom the sea to claim its victims' souls following a Kraken attack (instigated by Davy Jones). The \"\"Dutchman\"\", able to sail on the sea and underwater, emits terror and potency to those unfortunate enough to cross its path. Davy Jones captures from the ship wreckage and demands that Jack Sparrow settle his overdue debt. Sparrow bargains for his life, and Jones finally agrees to accept 100 souls in exchange for Sparrow's, keeping Turner as \"\"a good faith payment\"\". Will is reunited with his father, \"\"Bootstrap Bill\"\" Turner, who is an indentured sailor aboard the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\". Shipboard life is harsh,", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure\"\nformer fortress and pass the Barbossa’s Bounty restaurant. From there, guests enter the Caves of Misfortune, where Jack Sparrow is. Afterwards, guests enter the Graveyard of Lost Ships, where the \"\"Flying Dutchman's\"\" remains and the Kraken await. After that, the guests will sail through the graveyard of lost ships surrounded by treasures followed by Davy Jones' lair. Next, guests enter a sea battle between two ships. Finally, after a drop, guests return to the fort, which Jack has now filled with his gold. Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken", "\"Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nduty, he was both heartbroken and enraged. He abandoned his duties and chose to wander the seas, doing as he pleased. This violation of his duty placed a curse on Jones and his crew, slowly transforming them into monsters. Apparently, the \"\"Dutchman\"\" is also believed to be nautical lore in the \"\"Pirates\"\" universe, as character James Norrington mockingly remarks, \"\"[Davy Jones]...captain of the \"\"Flying Dutchman?\"\".\"\" The fictional \"\"Dutchman\"\" is also known as a fearful ship to those who are superstitious, and able to destroy any vessel (using the Kraken). In \"\"\"\", the \"\"Dutchman\"\" makes its first appearance when it rises", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nhis original human form. Jones tells her that his heart will always belong to her. Calypso, unaware that Jones betrayed her to the first Brethren Court, says that after her release, she will fully give her love to him. Jones participates in a parley in which the EITC trades Turner for Sparrow. After Calypso is freed, Will reveals that Jones betrayed her. She escapes, refusing to aid either the pirates or Jones. Her fury creates a monstrous maelstrom. The \"\"Dutchman\"\" and the \"\"Pearl\"\" enter it and battle. During the battle Jones kills Mercer and retrieves the key to the Chest.", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nmaelstrom. In the post-credits scene of the fifth film \"\"\"\", Will (no longer bound to the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" after the destruction of the Trident of Poseidon) and Elizabeth are sleeping in their bed together, when their room is entered by the silhouette of an apparently resurrected Davy Jones. Just as Jones raises his clawed arm to strike at the couple, Will awakens and the room is empty. Assuming Jones's appearance to be a nightmare, Will goes back to sleep, oblivious to the presence of barnacles on the floor amid a small puddle of seawater, revealing it was no dream and", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\n\"\"Still Game\"\" influenced his choice of accent, stating: \"\"I had to find an accent no one else had. Although Alex Norton is Scottish, mine was slightly different. We wanted something that was distinctive and authoritative...I have seen \"\"Still Game\"\" and I am a fan. The sort of extremity of the accent was inspired in that area.\"\" Davy Jones, a human and a great sailor, fell in love with Calypso, a sea goddess. She entrusted him with the task of ferrying the souls of those who died at sea to the next world. Calypso gave him the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" to accomplish", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nhis physical appearance merging with various aquatic fauna. Sailors everywhere would fear him to the death, for Davy Jones had turned fierce and cruel, with an insatiable taste for all things brutal. Jones recruits dying sailors by promising them a reprieve from death in exchange for 100 years of service aboard the \"\"Dutchman\"\". He comes to command the Kraken, a feared mythological sea monster. In the about Jack Sparrow's earlier adventures, Davy Jones shows interest in the Sword of Cortes, also sought by Jack. He is a minor character, but appears in the seventh book as Jack and his crew", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End\"\nJones and Jack engage in a duel for control of Davy Jones' heart. Jones stabs Will, mortally wounding him. Jack gives up his chance for immortality and instead helps Will stab the heart, killing Jones, whose body falls into the maelstrom. Jack and Elizabeth escape the \"\"Dutchman\"\" as it is sucked into the maelstrom. As Beckett's ship, the \"\"Endeavour\"\", approaches to destroy the \"\"Pearl\"\", the \"\"Dutchman\"\" rises from the sea, now captained by Will; the crew has been freed from Jones' curse. Together, the two pirate ships destroy the \"\"Endeavour\"\". A stunned Beckett goes down with his ship while his", "\"Pirates: Quest For Davy Jones' Gold\"\nset by the game or chosen by your opponents and failure to escape damages your ships (i.e. you must lose a mast) Two sea monsters (Kraken and Sea Serpent) and five crew/treasure cards are also included, with Davy Jones appearing in order to hinder the players and it is only by defeating Davy Jones and obtaining his treasure that the game can be completed. The winner, as always, is the player who obtains the most gold from the Wild Islands and returns it to his or her own island. Pirates: Quest For Davy Jones' Gold Pirates: Quest For Davy Jones'", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nappears in the second film, \"\"\"\", in which he attempts to collect on his bargain with Jack Sparrow: Davy Jones raised the \"\"Black Pearl\"\" from the sea for Sparrow. In exchange for being captain for 13 years, Sparrow promised Jones his soul. Sparrow argues that he was only captain for two years before Hector Barbossa committed mutiny. Jones rejects this explanation, explaining that despite the mutiny, Jack still gave himself the title \"\"Captain\"\". Sparrow then attempts to escape the deal by providing Will Turner as a substitute for himself. Jack strikes a new deal with Jones; Jack will be spared", "\"Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island\"\nfeatures a couple of hidden pirate chests and themed barrels bearing the East India Trading Company stamp. That official description of the Shipwreck alludes to the Kraken creature featured in the Pirates of the Caribbean films. The shipwreck is a minor feature, only being a small walk-through feature with no interactive elements. Inside the Shipwreck, Davy Jones' ghostly voice can be heard whispering warnings to those who dare inspect the wreckage. The inside of the wreckage features more state-of-the-art LED lighting design, similar to what is seen on a larger scale in Dead Man's Grotto. The wreckage is littered with", "\"Kraken (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\n\"\"Dutchman\"\"; though broken and unusable, it is still able to rotate, as shown during Sparrow and Jones' duel. The lines chanted by Davy Jones as the Kraken is summoned (\"\"Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no man look up at the sky with hope! And let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake...the Kraken!\"\") are similar to the lines from the Book of Job: \"\"Lo, let that night be solitary, let no joyful voice come therin. Let them curse it that curse the day, who are ready to raise up their mourning.\"\" The Kraken attacks anyone", "\"Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\na victim, but only Jones can remove it. The \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" is supposedly the \"\"fastest ship\"\" in the Caribbean, however the only ship that can surpass the \"\"Dutchman\"\" for speed is the \"\"Black Pearl\"\". Similarly, because Jones abandoned his soul-ferrying duty, he and the crew bear a curse that gradually mutates them into anthropomorphic amalgamations of Sea creatures. In the \"\"\"\" DVD commentary, writers Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio mention that the crew actually become less and less human until they are literally absorbed into the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" (Davy Jones knows this, but fails to inform new recruits). One character,", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nalso made an appearance as a smaller figure with crew members Angler, Wheelback and Penrod. Jones was issued as a plush toy as part of Sega's \"\"Dead Man's Chest\"\" plush assortment. Jones was also part of a 3 figure pack as a 3.75 inch figure with Hector Barbossa and a limited edition gold Jack Sparrow for \"\"At World's End\"\". Davy Jones and his ship, the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\", were produced as a Mega Blocks set for the movies \"\"Dead Man's Chest\"\" and \"\"\"\". Although his minifigure counterpart in the \"\"Dead Man's Chest\"\" set has more bluish tentacles then his counterpart in", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest\"\nflagship, HMS \"\"Dauntless\"\", in a hurricane while pursuing Jack. Meanwhile, Jack is visited by Will's father, Bootstrap Bill Turner, aboard the \"\"Black Pearl\"\". Bootstrap is now a crewman on the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\", captained by Davy Jones. Jack previously bartered a deal with Jones to raise the \"\"Pearl\"\" from the depths; now Jack must join Jones' crew or be dragged to Davy Jones' Locker by the Kraken. Beckett, meanwhile, promises to free Elizabeth if Will brings him Jack's magic compass which points to whatever the holder wants most. Will finds Jack and the crew on an island and frees them from", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nVisual Effects for \"\"Dead Man's Chest\"\". The character is based on the superstition of Davy Jones' Locker. Before officially casting Bill Nighy, producers also met with Jim Broadbent, Iain Glen and Richard E. Grant for the role. Like the entire crew of the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\"'s (except \"\"Bootstrap Bill\"\"), Davy Jones's physical appearance is completely computer-generated. Nighy's performance was recorded using motion capture during actual filming on the set, with Nighy wearing several markers in both a grey suit and his face, rather than in a studio during post-production. Nighy also wore make-up around his eyes, since the original plan was", "\"Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game\"\nsame two player drop in drop out co-op mechanics used in all the Lego video games. The hub in this game is called The Port. From here, players advance through the game, unlock characters and extras, and as players get further through the game, The Port will evolve and get bigger, revealing new areas to unlock and discover new things. Like past titles, different characters have different abilities. For example, everyone (except characters like Davy Jones who can walk under water) can swim under water, and members of Davy Jones's crew can breathe whilst doing so, Captain Jack Sparrow has", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides\"\na cameo, reprising his role as Captain Teague from \"\"At World's End\"\"; he and Depp tried to persuade Mick Jagger to audition for the part of a pirate elder. Previous cast members Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley stated that they would not reprise their roles, as they wanted to be involved in different films. They both thought the storyline involving their characters had gone as far as it could. On August 1, 2009, Bill Nighy expressed his desire to return as Davy Jones, who died in the saying the possibility to resurrect the character, but at the end, his inclusion", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nSparrow and Jones fight for control of the chest in the rigging of the \"\"Dutchman\"\". Jack acquires both the Chest and the key while Jones battles Will and Elizabeth. Jones quickly overpowers Elizabeth, and is subsequently impaled through the back by Will. Jones, unharmed, holds Will at sword-point. Jack threatens to stab the heart, and Jones cruelly stabs Will. Remembering Will as his son, Bootstrap Bill briefly fights and overpowers Jones, but is quickly defeated. Jones attempts to kill Bootstrap, but Jack helps Will stab the heart. Jones then calls out for Calypso, before tumbling to his death in the", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest\"\nChest. Sparrow discovers his debt to Davy Jones (Bill Nighy) is due. Two sequels to \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl\"\" were conceived in 2004, with Elliott and Rossio developing a story arc that would span both films. Filming took place from February to September 2005 in Palos Verdes, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, and The Bahamas, as well as on sets constructed at Walt Disney Studios. It was shot back-to-back with the third film of the series, \"\"\"\". \"\"Dead Man's Chest\"\" was released in the United States on July 7, 2006, and received mixed", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean (attraction)\"\n(the left) and the other is the \"\"Pirate\"\" side (the right, which is now the Fastpass Plus queue). Both these queues converge with the loading area known as Pirate's Cove . Riders board their boats before entering a cavern that is similar to Dead Man's Cove in the Anaheim version. Guests pass through a mist waterfall with projections of Davy Jones and Blackbeard warning of the dangers ahead, before passing a pirate and mermaid skeleton on a beach. The same ship has run aground in a storm, with the pilot being nothing more than a skeleton. A talking skull takes", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nmost striking feature is his cephalopod-like head, with octopus-like appendages giving the illusion of a thick beard. A prominent sac bulges from under his barnacle-encrusted tricorne. In addition to his \"\"bearded\"\" face, he breathes through a siphon located on the left side of his face. Jones has a crustacean-style claw for his left arm, a long tentacle in place of the index finger on his right hand, and the right leg of a crab (resembling a pegleg). Some commentators compare Davy Jones' physique to the creature Cthulhu created by H. P. Lovecraft, but the designers have not verified this claim.", "\"Black Pearl\"\nit, \"\"strapped a cannon to old Bootstrap's bootstraps and the last we saw of old Bill Turner, he was sinking to the crushing black oblivion of Davy Jones' locker\"\" in retaliation. He later struck a deal with Davy Jones for one hundred years of service on the Flying Dutchman. Only then did they learn they also needed Bootstrap's blood to break the curse, and by throwing him overboard they had, in fact, doomed themselves to continued damnation. Over the next decade, the \"\"Pearl\"\" menaced the Caribbean as the pirates searched for the coins until all but one was found. As", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest\"\nKraken, which devours most of the crew and destroys all but one of the \"\"Pearl\"\"s lifeboats, but Jack, who briefly flees the battle, returns and wounds the Kraken with a net full of gunpowder and rum. Jack orders the survivors to abandon ship, but Elizabeth, realizing the Kraken only wants Jack, tricks him and chains him to the mast so that the crew can escape. The Kraken drags Jack and the \"\"Pearl\"\" to Davy Jones' Locker. Jones opens the chest to discover his heart is gone. In Port Royal, Norrington gives Beckett the heart and the Letters of Marque meant", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nenslavement on the \"\"Dutchman\"\" if he brings Jones one hundred souls to replace his own within the next three days. Jones accepts, removes the black spot from Jack's hand, and retains Will, keeping him as a \"\"good faith payment.\"\" While on the \"\"Dutchman\"\", Will challenges Jones at a game of liar's dice. They wager Will's soul for an eternity of service against the key to the \"\"Dead Man's Chest\"\". Bootstrap Bill joins the game and purposefully loses to save Will. During the game, Will learns where Jones keeps the key. The next morning, Jones realizes the key is gone and", "\"Magic Adventures of Mumfie\"\nis voiced by Britt Allcroft instead of Breen due to his inability to speak in a female voice. These two married people were having a dream of living an underwater house (despite the fact that humans can't breathe underwater) until one day Mr Admiral was kidnapped by Davy Jones and his pirates which was a big blow to Mrs Admiral. Mumfie first met Eel in the cave that lead them to the pirates and Davy Jones because she was glowing in the dark. Davy Jones is the leader of the pirates (who lived in their underwater ship) when he left", "\"Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nWyvern, is so transformed that he is now integrated into the ship's hull. The crew has little or no human flesh remaining on them, although newer members, like Bootstrap Bill, are only partially encrusted with sea life. Nearly all the crew members' time in servitude is spent toiling on board the ship. For amusement, the crew play a game called Liar's Dice, in which they gamble years of service. In one scene of \"\"\"\", the crew works on well into the night, and even in the rain, while Davy Jones plays on with his pipe organ. When Will is wrongly", "\"Kraken (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nbarrels, blasting the monster's tentacles in the resulting explosion, whereupon the Kraken again withdraws. However, knowing that they have only enraged the beast, Sparrow orders the crew to abandon ship; but recognizing that the Kraken is only hunting Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann distracts Jack with a kiss and chains him to the mast, then escapes with the crew. The Kraken makes its final assault just as Sparrow frees himself, after which the Kraken drags Sparrow and the \"\"Black Pearl\"\" to Davy Jones' Locker. The Kraken is briefly seen in \"\"\"\", wherein it has been killed by Davy Jones under the order", "\"Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nby Calypso, which Davy Jones had captained for a century prior to the events of the films which are set around 1740. This would place the Flying Dutchman right in the prime of the Dutch Republic's high watermark for their global naval supremacy - clear evidence for her highly powerful armament. In addition to her overwhelming firepower, the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" also has the Kraken Hammer, a massive hammer in the form of a capstan to summon the mighty Kraken. The Kraken can also be summoned by the \"\"Black Spot\"\". Any member of Davy Jones' crew can deliver the mark to", "\"Kraken (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nmarked with the Black Spot, which is delivered to its victims by \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" crewmen and can only be removed by its captain, Davy Jones. According to the writers' commentary on the \"\"Dead Man's Chest\"\" DVD, those marked with the Black Spot are taken by the Kraken to Davy Jones' Locker, where they must experience their worst fears for eternity. The Kraken attacks by stealthily approaching a ship, slithering its tentacles up the hull's sides, and gripping tightly, yanking it underwater. If the crew can fight back, the Kraken smashes the hull and masts with its tentacles, probing the decks", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nElizabeth escape, Jones claims Norrington's sword (originally crafted by Will Turner). Jones then attempts mutiny against the EITC. However, Mercer successfully defends the Chest, forcing Jones to continue under Beckett's service. Beckett later summons Jones to his ship, the \"\"Endeavour\"\". Jones confronts Will Turner and divulges his past with Calypso, while learning of Jack Sparrow's escape from the Locker. The three men then arrive at Shipwreck Cove. Jones confronts Calypso, locked in the brig of the \"\"Black Pearl\"\". The two former lovers discuss Calypso's betrayal and Jones's curse. Calypso temporarily lifts his curse, allowing him to be seen briefly in", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)\"\nhim stranded on an island before stealing his ship, the \"\"Black Pearl\"\", along with 882 pieces of cursed Aztec Gold. Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company arrests Will and Elizabeth for aiding Captain Jack Sparrow in the previous film. Beckett offers clemency if Will agrees to search for Jack's compass in a bid to find the Dead Man's Chest—and inside, the heart of villainous Davy Jones—which would give Beckett control of the seas. However, Jack wants the Chest to escape from an unpaid debt with Jones, who made Jack captain of the \"\"Black Pearl\"\" for 13 years", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (video game)\"\nprison. As Captain Jack Sparrow the player visits several locations to find the pirate lords and tell them of the meeting at Shipwreck Cove requiring the player to battle the pirate lords and their guards or perform favors for them. Near the end of the game the player must battle across the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" as both Will and Jack for the Dead Man's Chest. The battle ends with Will killing Davy Jones and remaining behind as Jack returns to the \"\"Black Pearl.\"\" On the \"\"Pearl,\"\" the player has to defend the ship against the \"\"Endeavour\"\" and Lord Cutler Beckett until", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean (attraction)\"\ncan be seen from the queue. The attraction, guarded by the Caribbean watchtower Torre del Sol, is housed in a golden Spanish fort called Castillo Del Morro, inspired by Castillo de San Felipe del Morro in the Old San Juan in San Juan. The queue winds through the fort, passing supplies and cannons, and a pair of pirate skeletons sit at a chessboard. The chess-playing skeletons gag was specifically designed for the Magic Kingdom by Imagineer Marc Davis, who was tasked with designing the attraction. There are two queues designed to evoke a different atmosphere, one is the \"\"Soldier\"\" side", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nand in despair and guilt for what he had done, he carved out his own heart from his chest and placed it in the \"\"Dead Man's Chest\"\". The Chest was sealed and placed within a larger wooden chest, along with Jones' numerous love letters to Calypso and all other items having to do with her, except his matching musical locket. The chest was then buried on Isla Cruces. Jones kept the chest's key with him at all times. With Calypso gone, Jones abandoned his duties and returned to the Seven Seas. As a result of this, Jones gradually became monstrous,", "\"Davy Jones' Locker\"\nDavy Jones!\"\" Herman Melville mentions Jones in the 1851 classic \"\"Moby-Dick\"\": In Charles Dickens's \"\"Bleak House\"\" (1852–53), the character Mrs. Badger quotes her former husband's work ethic, portraying Davy Jones in a formidable light: In Robert Louis Stevenson's 1883 novel \"\"Treasure Island\"\", Davy Jones appears three times, for example in the phrase \"\"in the name of Davy Jones\"\". In J. M. Barrie's 1904 play and 1911 novel \"\"Peter and Wendy\"\", Captain Hook sings a song: A US Navy song, \"\"Anchors Aweigh\"\", refers to Davy Jones in its current lyrics adopted in the 1920s: The comic strip Terry and the Pirates", "\"Dead Man's Dice\"\nA turn is over when a pirate is marooned and cannot place a die on their pile - a round is over when a pirate’s pistol is empty and has no more dice to play.<br> Pirates then add up the points on the tops of the dice in their pile o’ treasure. A pirate who falls overboard \"\"(knocks their own pile over)\"\", returns any plundered dice and starts again on their next turn. A pirate who fires a broadside with their rolled die and blows an opponent’s pile to Davy Jones’ Locker \"\"(knocks it over)\"\", walks the plank and deducts", "\"Will Turner\"\nwith Elizabeth, but a post-credits sequence reveals that the Trident's destruction has also resurrected Davy Jones, who now seeks revenge against him, Jack and Elizabeth. Will Turner appears in the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" world, Port Royal, of \"\"Kingdom Hearts II\"\". In the Japanese version of \"\"Kingdom Hearts II\"\" as well as in the movies he's voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa, who was also the Japanese voice for Legolas, another famous character portrayed by Bloom. Crispin Freeman provided the voice of Will for the U.S. version of the game since Orlando Bloom was unavailable due to the filming of \"\"Dead Man's", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End\"\nbound to serve the \"\"Dutchman\"\" forever. He reiterates that \"\"the \"\"Dutchman\"\" must always have a captain.\"\" Admiral Norrington frees Elizabeth and her new crew from the \"\"Dutchman\"\", but is killed by Bootstrap Bill. The \"\"Black Pearl\"\" arrives at Shipwreck Cove, where Barbossa attempts to persuade the Brethren Court to release Calypso. Davy Jones visits Tia Dalma in the \"\"Pearl\"\"<nowiki>'</nowiki>s brig, revealing she is Calypso. Jack's father Captain Teague, Keeper of the Pirate Code, informs the Court that only an elected Pirate King can decide on going into battle. A vote is taken. To avoid a stalemate, Jack casts his vote", "\"Bill Nighy\"\nBill Nighy William Francis Nighy (; born 12 December 1949) is an English actor. He worked in theatre and television before his first cinema role in 1981, and made his name in television with \"\"The Men's Room\"\" in 1991, in which he played the womaniser Professor Mark Carleton. Nighy became widely known for his performance as Billy Mack in \"\"Love Actually\"\". Other notable roles in cinema include his portrayal of Davy Jones in \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" film series, as well as Viktor in the \"\"Underworld\"\" film series. He is also known for his roles in the films \"\"Lawless Heart\"\",", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales\"\na trace of wet barnacles on the floor amid a puddle of seawater. Additionally, Keira Knightley briefly appears at the end in a non-speaking role as Elizabeth Swann, Will's wife and Henry's mother. Adam Brown, Danny Kirrane, and Delroy Atkinson appear as members of Jack's crew, and in the prison scene, Paul McCartney briefly appears as Jack's paternal uncle, Uncle Jack. Alexander Scheer plays a young Captain Edward Teague in a flashback sequence. A silhouette of Davy Jones, one of the series' former villains, is seen in the post-credits scene, but actor Bill Nighy had stated that he was not", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)\"\nthe first film, and initially considered the Fountain of Youth as the plot device. They settled on introducing Davy Jones, the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" and the Kraken, a mythology mentioned twice in the first film. They introduced the historical East India Trading Company (also mentioned in the first film), which for them represented a counterpoint to the themes of personal freedom represented by pirates. Filming for the sequels began on February 28, 2005, with \"\"\"\" finishing on March 1, 2006, and \"\"\"\" on January 10, 2007. The second film was also the first Disney theatrical feature film with the computer-generated Walt", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End\"\nto give Jack to Feng in return for the \"\"Pearl\"\", which he will use to rescue his father Bootstrap Bill Turner from the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\". The crew travels to the Locker and rescues Jack. The crew encounters many dead souls, including Elizabeth's father Governor Swann, who was executed by Beckett. Tia Dalma reveals that the Goddess Calypso charged Davy Jones with the job to guide the souls of those who died at sea to the next world. Once every ten years he could come ashore to be with the woman he loved. But he corrupted his purpose and was cursed", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End\"\nspa culture, with fungi growing throughout the set. Continuing this natural feel, the floorboards of Sao Feng's bathhouse had to be cut by hand, and real humidity was created by the combination of gallons of water and the lighting equipment on the set. Filming resumed on August 3, 2006 at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah for 70 days off the California coast, as all the shooting required in the Caribbean had been conducted in 2005. Davy Jones' Locker was shot at Utah, and it was shot in a monochromatic way to represent its different feeling from the usual colorful", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean (attraction)\"\nreferred to these \"\"softening\"\" touches as \"\"Boy Scouts of the Caribbean\"\". To coincide with the release of the 2011 film \"\"\"\", a projection of Captain Blackbeard from the film (portrayed by original actor Ian McShane) temporarily replaced the 2006 projection of Davy Jones in the Disneyland and Magic Kingdom version of the attraction beginning on May 20, 2011. On April 26, 2017, the Disneyland attraction closed during the afternoon in order to temporarily remove the first Jack Sparrow animatronic hiding behind the dresses, with Johnny Depp taking its place, interacting with guests as they passed by. This was part of", "\"Still Game\"\nshow was funny in a \"\"straight down the line way\"\". \"\"Still Game\"\" has attracted interest from known screen legends, such as Sean Connery (who even requested a role in the show). Actor Bill Nighy is also reported to be a fan, calling upon the distinct Glaswegian accent for his role as Davy Jones in \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\". The show has won awards in both the 2004 and 2005 \"\"BAFTA Scotland\"\" awards and was named as the winner in the Best Broadcast category at the 2004 Glenfiddich Spirit of Scotland Awards. In 2006, \"\"Still Game\"\" was once again nominated for", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest\"\nthe chest in return for Jack's compass. Jack tricks Will, who is shanghaied into service aboard the \"\"Dutchman\"\". Jones agrees to release Jack from their bargain in exchange for one hundred souls. Will meets his father aboard the \"\"Dutchman\"\" and learns that Jones possesses the key to the chest. They play a game of Liar's Dice against Jones to try and win the key, but they lose. Despite this, Will escapes with the key and is taken aboard the same ship Elizabeth was on. Jones sends the Kraken after him, sinking the ship, but Will escapes. In Tortuga, Jack hires", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales\"\nbeginning of the final adventure, implying that it would not be the last film of the franchise, and that a sixth film could be released. The post-credits scene of \"\"Dead Men\"\" shows Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, and Davy Jones. In September 2017, producer Jerry Bruckheimer indicated that another \"\"Pirates\"\" sequel is still possible if \"\"Dead Men Tell No Tales\"\" does well in its home release. In October 2017, the sixth film was confirmed and Kaya Scodelario said that she was contracted to return. Shortly after, it was announced that Rønning is being eyed to return to direct the sequel. As", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean (attraction)\"\nroom full of the hidden treasure (the treasure vault as mentioned by the Pooped Pirate). He is draped over a large throne-like chair and waves his new treasures around happily while chattering to himself and to passing guests. Every once in a while he sings, \"\"Drink up, me hearties. Yo ho!\"\". The boats proceed up a lift hill, and Davy Jones' and Blackbeard's voices are alternatively heard, encouraging riders to come back soon. The boats reach the top of the hill and spill back into the sleepy bayou where the journey began, passing by a parrot on a sandbar that", "\"Shanghai Disneyland Park\"\nPooh\"\". Treasure Cove is themed to an 18th-century Spanish harbor town located on a Caribbean island that has been captured by Captain Jack Sparrow from \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\". The land's marquee attraction is , a dark ride based on the films. Guests, riding in magnetically propelled boats, travel past audio-animatronic and projected depictions of Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones as the two battle against each other in attempt to seize the cove's sunken riches. The land also is home to \"\"Eye of the Storm: Captain Jack’s Stunt Spectacular\"\", a stunt show inspired by the films and Siren's Revenge, a", "\"Kraken (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nand holds with its sensitive suckers seeking out its prey. The destruction is catastrophic, and its two forearms are so powerful it can easily rip a ship apart in mere seconds. Davy Jones uses some, but not all of these attacks to acquire new crewmen for the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\". As he surveys one wrecked ship's survivors, he offers them an opportunity to delay their final judgment by joining his crew for 100 years. Those who refuse are killed and thrown over-board. A somewhat notable aspect is that the Kraken displays a degree of intelligence. When it was hurt by the", "LeChuck\nthe subsequent chapters. Boen returned to the role for the final two chapters, in which LeChuck is restored to his undead form; Boen has since recorded Harrington's lines for the first chapter for the DVD release of the game. Gilbert has drawn parallels between LeChuck and the character of Davy Jones in the later \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" film series, implying that LeChuck may have served as an inspiration for the character's attitude, tone and design. Regarding Jones' appearance, Gilbert wrote that \"\"if I'd thought of the squid tentacles for a beard, I would have done that\"\". Though intelligent, LeChuck", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest\"\nand crew. Writer Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio decided not to make the sequels new adventures featuring the same characters, as with the \"\"Indiana Jones\"\" and \"\"James Bond\"\" series, but to retroactively turn \"\"The Curse of the Black Pearl\"\" into the first of a trilogy. They wanted to explore the reality of what would happen after Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann's embrace at the end of the first film, and initially considered the Fountain of Youth as the plot device. They settled on introducing Davy Jones, the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" and the Kraken. They also introduced the historical East India Trading", "\"Sailors' superstitions\"\nSailors would look for mermaid's purses on beaches for signs of mermaids in the area. Davy Jones is a popular character in sailor's yore, especially of the gothic fictional variety. Davy Jones' Locker is an idiom for the bottom of the sea: the state of death among drowned sailors. It is used as a euphemism for death at sea (to be \"\"sent to Davy Jones' Locker\"\"). The origins of the name are unclear, and many theories have been put forth, including an actual David Jones, who was a pirate on the Indian Ocean in the 1630s; a pub owner who", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nusing the black spot, with which any member of his crew can mark a victim. Jones has also the power to control and call forth the Kraken, a sea monster which can destroy ships upon command. In a physical confrontation, Jones' physiology also gives him various advantages; his facial tentacles allow him to manipulate objects while leaving his hands free, such that he is able to restrain Mercer's arms with his hands while smothering him with his tentacles. His tentacle finger allows him to exert a much stronger grip and control his sword more quickly and precisely than a normal", "\"Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nIt is revealed in the bonus features of the Special Edition DVD that the face's color was partly inspired by a coffee-stained styrofoam cup which was then scanned into ILM's computers to be used as the skin. He speaks with a clearly distinguishable, albeit thick, Scottish accent that's slightly altered to account for his lack of a nose, and presumably, a nasal cavity and/or sinuses. Originally, director Gore Verbinski wanted Jones to be Dutch, as he is the captain of the \"\"Dutch-man\"\". Nighy however responded, \"\"I don't do Dutch. So I decided on Scottish.\"\" Nighy later revealed that Scottish sitcom", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales\"\nRoyal, where Will appears, free from the \"\"Dutchman\"\". His wife, Elizabeth, appears moments later and the Turner family reunites. Henry and Carina begin a relationship as well. Jack watches from the \"\"Pearl\"\" in faux-disgust before sailing away into the horizon, having been accepted by his crew as their captain once again. In a post-credits scene, Will and Elizabeth sleep in their bed together, when their room is raided by an apparently resurrected Davy Jones. Will awakens and finds that the room is empty. Assuming Jones' appearance to be a nightmare, Will goes back to sleep, oblivious to the presence of", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest\"\nfor Jack, allowing him back into the navy as well as allowing Beckett to gain control of Davy Jones and the seas. The \"\"Pearl\"\"s crew take shelter with Tia Dalma, where they all agree to rescue Jack. Tia Dalma introduces the captain who will guide them: the resurrected Hector Barbossa. In a post-credits scene, the cannibalistic tribe now worships the prison dog in replacement of Jack. Following the success of \"\"\"\" (2003), the cast and crew signed on for two more sequels to be shot back-to-back, a practical decision on Disney's part to allow more time with the same cast", "\"Kraken (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\na debt, dispatches Bootstrap Bill Turner to deliver Sparrow the \"\"Black Spot\"\" and announce that Jones' \"\"terrible leviathan\"\" is stalking him. When a Cypriot sailor retrieves Sparrow's lost hat from the sea, he unwittingly calls the Kraken, which then destroys his vessel. The Kraken later attacks an English ship, whereof Will Turner boards the wreckage in search of the \"\"Dutchman\"\", to find the surviving crew psychologically traumatized by the Kraken's attack. Davy Jones later summons the Kraken to destroy the \"\"Edinburgh Trader\"\", a Scottish merchant ship that rescues Will Turner, killing nearly all the crew and breaking the ship clean", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest\"\nwas dubbed \"\"Bouillabaisse\"\" on set. Captain Davy Jones had originally been designed with chin growths, before the designers made the move to full-blown tentacles; the skin of the character incorporates the texture of a coffee-stained Styrofoam cup among other elements. To portray Jones on set, Bill Nighy wore a motion capture tracksuit that meant the animators at Industrial Light & Magic did not have to reshoot the scene in the studio without him or on the motion capture stage. Nighy wore make-up around his eyes and mouth to splice into the computer-generated shots, but the images of his eyes and", "\"Francis Verney\"\nin Verney carried over into the 20th century as part of the era's popular culture. He was referenced in Dashiell Hammett's 1930 detective novel \"\"The Maltese Falcon\"\" as one of the people who possessed the jeweled bird. The title character of the 1940 swashbuckler film \"\"The Sea Hawk\"\", played by Errol Flynn, was inspired by the lives of both Verney and Sir Henry Mainwaring. He and Mainwaring were also among the real-life pirates chosen by Disney Imagineer Marc Davis to be portrayed in Disneyland's \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" amusement ride along with Anne Bonny & Mary Read, Charles Gibbs, and", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Mobile\"\nform Guilds and challenge other Guilds for domination of the harbors, bays and islands of the Caribbean. And to keep things interesting, the world of play is ever changing, as more areas to explore are unlocked and new treasures are discovered.\"\" The game received a positive review from IGN who rated it 7.8 from 10. Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Mobile Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Mobile is a massively multiplayer mobile game based on the series of films and the Disney theme park attraction of the same name. Set in the swashbuckling world of Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean,", "\"Black Pearl\"\nwho desires to free his father from Jones; and Beckett, who wants the only ship that can outrun the \"\"Dutchman\"\". The \"\"Pearl\"\" sails to the fourth meeting of the \"\"Brethren Court\"\", and becomes the flagship of the Pirate Armada, led by the new Pirate King Elizabeth Swann, and Jack Sparrow, the real captain of the \"\"Black Pearl\"\". The \"\"Pearl\"\" and the \"\"Dutchman\"\" engage in a sea battle in a maelstrom during the battle between the pirates and Lord Cutler Beckett's armada, with Davy Jones and the \"\"Dutchman\"\" under his command. The two ships are evenly matched, and both are damaged", "\"Seafair Pirates\"\nand talents toward the promotion and production of Seattle's annual Seafair festivities. Every summer since 1950 the Seafair festivities have begun with the annual proclamation of Davy Jones' renewed warfare upon the upstart, so-called \"\"King\"\" Neptune. In due course the city falls and the Mayor hands over the keys to the city at the Pirate's Landing. The Seafair Pirates have triumphed again! In early days the Seafair Pirates' triumph often included the burning of Neptune's flagship, complete with fire-works. That stopped when the supply of derelict ships became depleted. The Seafair Pirates are led by Captain Kidd and Davy Jones.", "\"Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)\"\nblamed for causing a work disruption, the boatswain proclaims that he is to be punished with a whip. In a later scene, the crew is excited when Jones commands the ship to submerge, and others continue on their duties unhampered. However, it is likely that, as Will is now captain, things have changed on board the ship, and after he becomes captain, the crew are all returned to human form. Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean) The Flying Dutchman, or simply referred to as the Dutchman, is a fictional ship in Disney's \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\". The ship made its", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Mobile\"\nPirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Mobile Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Mobile is a massively multiplayer mobile game based on the series of films and the Disney theme park attraction of the same name. Set in the swashbuckling world of Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean, the multiplayer mobile game puts you at the helm of three types of ships: You can choose your ship type according to the area of the Caribbean you'll be menacing, the game mode you're playing, and the ships that your mates are sailing. The game has three play modes: Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer is", "\"Adventureland (Disney)\"\nDJ Albert Awol who plays big band music from the 1930s. In 1999, the Swiss Family Treehouse was transformed into Tarzan's Treehouse. Adventureland has remained the same since, until 2008 with the former summer event, Indiana Jones Summer of Hidden Mysteries. The Adventureland at Walt Disney World is divided into two main sub-areas, one being the Arabian Village and the other one being Caribbean Plaza, which is home to Pirates of the Caribbean. The original Polynesian motif is still visible with the prominence of jungle surrounding the Swiss Family Treehouse and Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room. The 1930s adventurer/explorer vibe", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (soundtrack)\"\nPirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (soundtrack) Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides—Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack album to the 2011 . Hans Zimmer, who produced Klaus Badelt's score for \"\"\"\" and composed the music for \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\", returned to score the fourth installment of the \"\"Pirates\"\" franchise. Collaborators included Rodrigo y Gabriela, which are listed as featured artists, and composers Eric Whitacre, and Geoff Zanelli. Zimmer said that his music for the series is \"\"making orchestras play rock 'n' roll\"\" as he felt that \"\"pirates were the rock 'n' rollers of many many years", "\"Pirates at Ocean's Edge\"\nwhich are currently the only way to get sea dragons, windcatchers or catamarans. The story has been developed. Davy Jones, from \"\"Pirates of Davy Jones' Curse\"\" has returned with more power. Also a number of ships from South China Seas have been converted to English, French or Cursed. There is a new promotion, a Pirate 10-masted Junk, the Zeus, linked to Emperor Blackheart (often listed as 'King Blackheart'), as well as some other ships. This is the first set to feature 32 Islands instead of the customary 16. This set featured some new Mechanics: Zeus-The largest Pirate ship in the", "\"Flying Dutchman\"\nin Pandora. In the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" films, the ship made its first appearance in under the command of the fictional captain, Davy Jones. The story and attributes of the ship were inspired by the actual \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" of nautical lore. The 1797–98 poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, \"\"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner\"\", contains a similar account of a ghost ship, which may have been influenced by the tale of the \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\". One of the first \"\"Flying Dutchman\"\" short stories was titled \"\"Vanderdecken's Message Home; or, the Tenacity of Natural Affection\"\" and was published in \"\"Blackwood's\"\" during", "Starkiller\n\"\"The Force Unleashed\"\"\"\" and comparing it to how people see Bill Nighy as Davy Jones in the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" movies. Blackman noted that Witwer brought new ideas and a sense of humanity to Starkiller. Sam Witwer has said that Starkiller would be a character he wouldn't mind revisiting. During the concept stages of \"\"Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II\"\", the developers considered replacing the character with either a new Force wielder or a previously named \"\"Star Wars\"\" character; however, they decided to keep Starkiller as the player character as they were fond of and attached to him. Also,", "\"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End\"\nfor Elizabeth, making her King. The Brethren Court and Beckett's fleets emerge for war. On a sandbank, Elizabeth, Jack, Barbossa, Beckett, Jones, and Will parley, trading Will for Jack. Barbossa steals Jack's piece of eight, all of which are owned by the Pirate Lords and required to free Calypso. Barbossa frees Calypso, but when Will reveals it was Jones who betrayed her and made it possible for the first Court to imprison her, Calypso vanishes and summons an enormous maelstrom. The \"\"Pearl\"\" and the \"\"Dutchman\"\" battle in the maelstrom. Elizabeth and Will are wed by Barbossa. On board the \"\"Dutchman\"\",", "\"Carole Boyce Davies\"\nfitting given how Jones expanded Marxism-Leninism to incorporate gender and race in her political critique and activism. She is also the editor of \"\"Claudia Jones: Beyond Containment\"\" (Ayebia Clarke Publishing, 2011), which brings together for the first time the essays, poetry, and autobiographical and other writings of Claudia Jones. Carole Boyce Davies has also established herself as a major scholar of Caribbean women writers. Along with Elaine Savory Fido, she coedited \"\"Out of Kumbla: Caribbean Women and Literature\"\", the first collection of critical essays on Caribbean women’s literature. The book not only created a field of literary criticism which engaged", "\"James Norrington\"\na Hat and a pistol. Both figures are scarce, with the Admiral Norrington figure seldom being found, making it the 2nd rarest Zizzle 3.75 inch \"\"Pirates of The Caribbean\"\" figure. In 2013, a French toy company called Papo made a figure called \"\"Royal Navy Captain\"\" for their toy line. Though not called \"\"James Norrington\"\", it closely resembles Lieutenant Norrington and Commodore Norrington from \"\"\"\". The toy was only released in the UK. Playsets for \"\"At World's End\"\" depicting the Singapore Escape scene show Admiral Norrington fighting Sao Feng and stealing the map to Davy Jones' locker. The description says that" ]
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what is the name of the girl romeo loved before juliet
[ "Rosaline" ]
[ "\"Julio Sanchez (The Closer)\"\nyoung man and badly injuring her boyfriend faces off with Sanchez who makes fun of his No Romeo license plate. The young man tells him that what it means is that before meeting Juliet, Romeo was in love with another girl but let go of his love for when he saw Juliet. The young man is no Romeo as he would never do that to the girl he loves. Upon hearing that, Sanchez softens towards the man and twists his wedding ring, showing he feels the same about his deceased wife. In season three episode \"\"Internal Affairs\"\", Sanchez is ordered", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\nPersuaded by Benvolio and Mercutio, Romeo attends the ball at the Capulet house in hopes of meeting Rosaline. However, Romeo instead meets and falls in love with Juliet. Juliet's cousin, Tybalt, is enraged at Romeo for sneaking into the ball but is only stopped from killing Romeo by Juliet's father, who does not wish to shed blood in his house. After the ball, in what is now called the \"\"balcony scene\"\", Romeo sneaks into the Capulet orchard and overhears Juliet at her window vowing her love to him in spite of her family's hatred of the Montagues. Romeo makes himself", "\"Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)\"\nto dress as a man so that Constance will desire her. Romeo and Juliet begin to fight over Constance, and Constance tells them to apologize. In scene 5, Juliet enters dressed in Romeo's clothing and woos Constance from below her balcony. They discover that they have the same birthday. Constance resists Juliet and tells her of her bitterness about love. Juliet tells her that she knows the name of the Wise Fool and will trade it for one kiss. Romeo then enters in Juliet's clothing, but Constance leaves before he can woo her. Scene 6 takes place in the graveyard", "\"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet\"\nnamed Romeo he would still be handsome and be Juliet's love. This states that if he were not Romeo, then he would not be a Montague and she would be able to get married with no problem at all. In Act II, Scene II of the play, the line is said by Juliet in reference to Romeo's house: Montague. The line implies that his name means nothing and they should be together. Juliet: O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no", "\"Characters in Romeo and Juliet\"\nof the Shrew\"\". Rosaline is an unseen character and niece of Capulet. Although silent, her role is important: her lover, Romeo, first spots her cousin Juliet while trying to catch a glimpse of Rosaline at a Capulet gathering. Before Juliet, Romeo was deeply intrigued with another woman that didn't return his feelings. Scholars generally compare Romeo's short-lived love of Rosaline with his later love of Juliet. Rosaline means \"\"fair rose\"\". The poetry he writes for Rosaline is much weaker than that for Juliet. Scholars believe his early experience with Rosaline prepares him for his relationship with Juliet. Later performances of", "\"Nurse (Romeo and Juliet)\"\nkilled, he's dead!\"\" The Nurse is the one to deliver the news of Romeo's banishment to Juliet; in spite of Tybalt's murder coming from Romeo's hands, Juliet bids the Nurse to seek out Romeo for her at Friar Laurence's cell for one final night with him before he flees to Mantua. When Juliet learns that her parents expect her to marry Paris, the Nurse urges the girl to go ahead with the marriage. Even though Juliet was already married to Romeo, the Nurse felt that Juliet would never see her husband again. Following this, Juliet feels betrayed and decides never", "\"Romeo and Juliet (Tchaikovsky)\"\nJuliet\"\" was adapted in 1939 by bandleader Larry Clinton as popular song \"\"Our Love\"\" (lyrics by Buddy Bernier and Bob Emmerich) and recorded by Clinton and by Jimmy Dorsey. Excerpts of the overture for the fireworks at the opening of APEC China 2014 held in Beijing before Vladimir Putin, Joko Widodo, Stephen Harper, Barack Obama, Park Geun-hye and other leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Romeo and Juliet (Tchaikovsky) Romeo and Juliet, TH 42, ČW 39, is an orchestral work composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. It is styled an \"\"Overture-Fantasy\"\", and is based on Shakespeare's play of the same name.", "\"Romeo + Juliet\"\nto the mansion, hiding under Juliet's balcony. Juliet emerges into the courtyard and proclaims her love for Romeo before he sneaks up behind her. Juliet warns him that he is risking his life, but Romeo tells her he doesn't care whether he is caught. Knowing her nurse is looking for her, Juliet tells him that, if he sends word by the following day, they will be betrothed. The next day, Romeo visits Father Laurence, telling him he wants to marry Juliet. He agrees to marry the pair in hopes that their marriage will end the violence between the families. Romeo", "Rosaline\nhim for his relationship with Juliet. Later performances of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" have painted different pictures of Romeo and Rosaline's relationship, as filmmakers have experimented with making Rosaline a more visible character. Before Romeo meets Juliet, he loves Rosaline, Capulet's niece and Juliet's cousin. He describes her as wonderfully beautiful: \"\"The all-seeing sun / ne'er saw her match since first the world begun.\"\" Rosaline, however, chooses to remain chaste; Romeo says: \"\"She hath forsworn to love, and in that vow / Do I live dead that live to tell it now.\"\" This is the source of his depression, and he", "Mercutio\nfacetious or even coarse, much to his friends' annoyance. Moreover, he is moody and given to sudden outbursts of temper, one of which sets a key plot development in motion. One of Romeo's closest friends, Mercutio, entreats Romeo to forget about his unrequited love for a girl named Rosaline and come with him to a masquerade ball at Lord Capulet's estate, through use of his Queen Mab speech. There, Mercutio and his friends become the life of the party, but Romeo steals away to Juliet, Capulet's daughter, with whom he has fallen in love, and he falls out of love", "\"Romeo and Juliet (1968 film)\"\nfrom Juliet. Friar Laurence eventually convinces Romeo that he is very lucky and that he should be more thankful for what he has. Romeo then secretly spends his wedding night together with Juliet and the couple consummate their marriage before Romeo flees. Juliet's father and mother, unaware of their daughter's secret marriage, have arranged for Juliet to marry wealthy Count Paris. Juliet pleads with her parents to postpone the marriage, but they refuse and threaten to disown her. Juliet seeks out Friar Laurence for help, hoping to escape her arranged marriage to Paris and remain faithful to Romeo. At Friar", "\"Romeo and Juliet effect\"\npromising basis for a sound marriage. In Shakespeare's telling of the Romeo and Juliet story -- where the parents never actually learn about the love between the two main characters -- the intense feelings last a mere five days, and would hardly seem to have been the basis for a long and happy union. Romeo and Juliet effect The Romeo and Juliet effect is when of parental opposition to a relationship intensifies the romantic feelings of those in the relationship. The effect gets its name from the relationship between the protagonists in William Shakespeare's late 16th-century play, \"\"Romeo and Juliet,\"\"", "Rosaline\nagain in 1597 to create the final copy, the change in Romeo's language for Rosaline and Juliet may mirror Shakespeare's increased skill as a playwright: the younger Shakespeare describing Rosaline, and the more experienced describing Juliet. In this view, a careful look at the play reveals that Romeo's love for Rosaline is not as petty as usually imagined. Critics also note the ways in which Romeo's relationship with Rosaline prepares him for meeting Juliet. Before meeting Rosaline, Romeo despises all Capulets, but afterwards looks upon them more favourably. He experiences the dual feelings of hate and love in the one", "\"Such Tweet Sorrow\"\nwhat is love? Juliet's followers discover that she writes her own songs and demand lyrics and uploads of her singing. While being grounded Romeo spends the day playing Xbox and chatting with a female player named Rosaline on Xboxlive. Mercutio is starting a #freeromeo campaign on Twitter, Juliet is thinking about a theme for her birthday party and Laurence Friar is taking his time to plan his table tennis tournament. Juliet has finally found a theme for her birthday party, a masked ball, and tweets away the news while Romeo still spends the day at home and develops feelings for", "Romeo\nby several actors, including: Romeo Romeo Montague is the protagonist of William Shakespeare's tragedy, \"\"The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet\"\". The son of Lord Montague and his wife, Lady Montague, he secretly loves and marries Juliet, a member of the rival House of Capulet, through a priest named Friar Laurence. Forced into exile after slaying Juliet's cousin, Tybalt, in a duel, Romeo commits suicide upon hearing falsely of Juliet's death. The character's origins can be traced as far back as Pyramus, who appears in Ovid's \"\"Metamorphoses\"\", but the first modern incarnation of Romeo is Mariotto in the 33rd of Masuccio", "Romeo\nRomeo Romeo Montague is the protagonist of William Shakespeare's tragedy, \"\"The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet\"\". The son of Lord Montague and his wife, Lady Montague, he secretly loves and marries Juliet, a member of the rival House of Capulet, through a priest named Friar Laurence. Forced into exile after slaying Juliet's cousin, Tybalt, in a duel, Romeo commits suicide upon hearing falsely of Juliet's death. The character's origins can be traced as far back as Pyramus, who appears in Ovid's \"\"Metamorphoses\"\", but the first modern incarnation of Romeo is Mariotto in the 33rd of Masuccio Salernitano's \"\"Il Novellino\"\" (1476).", "\"Mädchen in Uniform (1958 film)\"\ndisagrees with the militaristic regime at the school and encourages the girls' self-expression through the arts. All Manuela's affection is poured out on the attractive Miss von Bernburg, who says that she belongs to all the girls and cannot have favourites. For the annual play, performed before parents and the princess who is patron of the school, Romeo and Juliet is chosen and the previously shy Manuela emerges as a forceful Romeo. Unfortunately, the cook puts rum in the punch served to the girls at the party after the play, where a drunken Manuela proclaims publicly her love for Miss", "Rosaline\nand weak. By the time he meets Juliet his poetic ability has improved considerably. Gender studies critics have argued that Rosaline's name suggests that Romeo never really forgets her but rather replaces her with Juliet. Thus, when Juliet cries \"\"What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,\"\" she is ironically expressing Romeo's own view of her as a substitute for Rosaline. That is to say, Rosaline, replaced in name only by Juliet, is just as sweet to Romeo. Gender critics also note that the arguments used to dissuade Romeo from pursuing Rosaline are similar", "\"Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)\"\nscene 4, Romeo and Juliet enter the masked ball, sulking at each other. Romeo thinks that Tybalt is Constance and puts his hand on Tybalt's bottom. Constance enters, and Romeo tells her that he loves her. Tybalt sees Romeo kiss Constance and sends Juliet to interrupt them. Romeo introduces Constance to Juliet, and Juliet falls in love with her. Juliet dances with Constance while Romeo and Tybalt watch suspiciously. Tybalt resolves to kill Constance. Romeo decides to dress as a woman so that Constance will desire him, and he cuts in to dance with her. Juliet sees them and determines", "\"Friar Laurence\"\nFriar Laurence Friar Laurence is a character in William Shakespeare's play \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\". Friar Laurence is a friar who plays the part of a wise advisor to Romeo and Juliet, along with aiding in major plot developments. Alone, he foreshadows the later, tragic events of the play with his soliloquy about plants and their similarities to humans. When Romeo requests the Friar marry him to Juliet, he is shocked, because only days before, Romeo had been infatuated with Rosaline, a woman who did not return his love. Nevertheless, Friar Laurence decides to marry Romeo and Juliet in the attempt", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\nthe main characters. For example, when the play begins, Romeo is in love with Rosaline, who has refused all of his advances. Romeo's infatuation with her stands in obvious contrast to his later love for Juliet. This provides a comparison through which the audience can see the seriousness of Romeo and Juliet's love and marriage. Paris' love for Juliet also sets up a contrast between Juliet's feelings for him and her feelings for Romeo. The formal language she uses around Paris, as well as the way she talks about him to her Nurse, show that her feelings clearly lie with", "Rosaline\nRosaline Rosaline () is an unseen character and niece of Lord Capulet in William Shakespeare's tragedy \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" (1597). Although silent, her role is important. Romeo is at first deeply in love with Rosaline and expresses his dismay at her not loving him back. Romeo first spots Juliet while trying to catch a glimpse of Rosaline at a gathering hosted by the Capulet family. Scholars generally compare Romeo's short-lived love of Rosaline with his later love of Juliet. The poetry Shakespeare writes for Rosaline is much weaker than that for Juliet. Scholars believe Romeo's early experience with Rosaline prepares", "\"Romeo and Juliet on screen\"\n1960 \"\"Romeo, Juliet a Tma\"\". As a result of this ubiquity, any film about young love and its challenges will court comparison with \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\", as \"\"Roseanna McCoy\"\" did in 1949, and two James Dean films – \"\"East of Eden\"\" and \"\"Rebel Without a Cause\"\" – did in the 1950s. In 1960, Peter Ustinov's stage parody of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\", \"\"Romanoff and Juliet\"\" was filmed – dramatising true love interfering with the cold-war superpowers' attempts to control the fictional state of Concordia. In 1980 an episode of the anime Astro Boy was based on the Romeo and Juliet story.", "\"Romeo and Juliet effect\"\nRomeo and Juliet effect The Romeo and Juliet effect is when of parental opposition to a relationship intensifies the romantic feelings of those in the relationship. The effect gets its name from the relationship between the protagonists in William Shakespeare's late 16th-century play, \"\"Romeo and Juliet,\"\" whose families were opposed to their union. The term was coined by Richard Driscoll who was the first author on a research paper which first suggested a there was a real world basis for the effect. An early review of romantic love in the Western world emphasized the persistent association of obstacles or grave", "\"Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)\"\narrives and tackles Romeo to the ground before Tybalt can stab Mercutio under Romeo's arm. Romeo tells her, \"\"Speak, boy\"\", confusing her gender because Desdemona has ripped off Constance's skirt. Calling herself Constantine, Constance explains that they should stop fighting, because Romeo has married Juliet and they are all family now. They agree, and Romeo falls in love with Constance. The men make lewd jokes and go to the bathhouses. Constance wishes that she could go back home. In scene 2, Juliet and Romeo wake up together and describe their declining interest in each other. They fight over their turtle,", "\"Romeo, Juliet and Darkness\"\nRomeo, Juliet and Darkness Romeo, Juliet and Darkness () is a 1960 Czech drama film directed by Jiří Weiss. Inspired by William Shakespeare's \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\", the film is about problems experienced by a young Jewish woman who is hidden from the Gestapo by a student lover. In 1997 a TV adaptation of the same name was directed by Karel Smyczek. In Nazi-occupied Prague in May 1942, Pavel (Ivan Mistrík) hides the young Jew Hanka (Daniela Smutná) to keep her from being sent to a concentration camp. Over the following three weeks the two fall in love. But when Hanka", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\nare joined with their loves in paradise. Romeo and Juliet's love seems to be expressing the \"\"Religion of Love\"\" view rather than the Catholic view. Another point is that although their love is passionate, it is only consummated in marriage, which keeps them from losing the audience's sympathy. The play arguably equates love and sex with death. Throughout the story, both Romeo and Juliet, along with the other characters, fantasise about it as a dark being, often equating it with a lover. Capulet, for example, when he first discovers Juliet's (faked) death, describes it as having deflowered his daughter. Juliet", "\"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet\"\nA rose by any other name would smell as sweet \"\"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet\"\" is a popular reference to William Shakespeare's play \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\", in which Juliet seems to argue that it does not matter that Romeo is from her family's rival house of Montague, that is, that he is named \"\"Montague\"\". The reference is often used to imply that the names of things do not affect what they really are. This formulation is, however, a paraphrase of Shakespeare's actual language. Juliet compares Romeo to a rose saying that if he were not", "\"Romance (love)\"\nromance are not harmoniously \"\"in tune\"\" with each other. In Shakespeare's \"\"Measure for Measure\"\", for example, \"\"...there has not been, nor is there at this point, any display of affection between Isabella and the Duke, if by affection we mean something concerned with sexual attraction. The two at the end of the play love each other as they love virtue.\"\" In \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\", in saying \"\"all combined, save what thou must combine By holy marriage\"\", Romeo implies that it is not marriage with Juliet that he seeks but simply to be joined with her romantically. Kierkegaard addressed these ideas", "\"Romeo and Juliet on screen\"\nits fourth episode \"\"Rosie, Oh! Rosie, Oh!\"\" in 1995 featuring the titular Jack Russell terrier as Romeo Montague in a television stage production of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\". The name of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" has become synonymous with young love. Tony Howard concludes that \"\"we inherit so many of our images of romance, generational discord and social hatred from the play that it is impossible to list all its cinematic reincarnations\"\", citing works as disparate as the Polish 1937 \"\"Romeo i Julieta\"\", the Swiss 1941 \"\"Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorf\"\", the French 1949 \"\"Les amants de Vérone\"\" and the Czech", "\"Romeo and Juliet (1968 film)\"\nRomeo and Juliet\"\"\"\" The film's love theme was widely disseminated, notably in \"\"Our Tune\"\", a segment of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)'s disc jockey Simon Bates's radio show. In addition, various versions of the theme have been recorded and released, including a highly successful one by Henry Mancini, whose instrumental rendition was a Number One success in the United States during June 1969. There are two different sets of English lyrics to the song. Notes Further reading Romeo and Juliet (1968 film) Romeo and Juliet is a 1968 British-Italian romantic drama film based on the play of the same name,", "\"Angelo (song)\"\n\"\"\"\"were simply writing in the style of the day\"\"\"\". Other male member and co-writer, Lee also denies the allegation, but admits that \"\"\"\"they were pretty close\"\"\"\". The song tells of a shepherd in Mexico who falls in love with a rich girl, but he is met with resistance from her family. Both aware that her family would never allow the union, they run away together and commit suicide. According to co-writer Hiller, the lyrics were based on \"\"\"\"Romeo and Juliet - the great love story. The idea was to create a modern day Romeo and Juliet romance\"\"\"\". The song is", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\nand Criseyde\"\". There was a trend among writers and playwrights to publish works based on Italian \"\"novelles\"\"—Italian tales were very popular among theatre-goers—and Shakespeare may well have been familiar with William Painter's 1567 collection of Italian tales titled \"\"Palace of Pleasure\"\". This collection included a version in prose of the \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" story named \"\"\"\"The goodly History of the true and constant love of Romeo and Juliett\"\"\"\". Shakespeare took advantage of this popularity: \"\"The Merchant of Venice\"\", \"\"Much Ado About Nothing\"\", \"\"All's Well That Ends Well\"\", \"\"Measure for Measure\"\", and \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" are all from Italian \"\"novelle\"\". \"\"Romeo", "Lammas\nof Juliet, \"\"Come Lammas Eve at night shall she [Juliet] be fourteen.\"\" Since Juliet was born Lammas eve, she came before the harvest festival, which is significant since her life ended before she could reap what she had sown and enjoy the bounty of the harvest, in this case full consummation and enjoyment of her love with Romeo. Another well-known cultural reference is the opening of \"\"The Battle of Otterburn\"\": \"\"It fell about the Lammas tide when the muir-men win their hay\"\". William Hone speaks in \"\"The Every-Day Book\"\" (1838) of a later festive Lammas day sport common among Scottish", "\"Characters in Romeo and Juliet\"\nHistory of Romeus and Juliet\"\", which Shakespeare later used to create \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\". Brooke's version made Mercutio a rival for Juliet's love. Shakespeare's addition of Valentine as Mercutio's brother diffuses this rivalry. Thus, because the first time we hear of Mercutio he is associated with Valentine, rather than Juliet, he is changed from a rival to a friend and brotherly figure of Romeo. Characters in Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare's play \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" contains a diverse cast of characters. In addition to the play's eponymous protagonists, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, the play contains roles for members of", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\nhandsome man. When Romeo and Juliet meet, the poetic form changes from the Petrarchan (which was becoming archaic in Shakespeare's day) to a then more contemporary sonnet form, using \"\"pilgrims\"\" and \"\"saints\"\" as metaphors. Finally, when the two meet on the balcony, Romeo attempts to use the sonnet form to pledge his love, but Juliet breaks it by saying \"\"Dost thou love me?\"\" By doing this, she searches for true expression, rather than a poetic exaggeration of their love. Juliet uses monosyllabic words with Romeo but uses formal language with Paris. Other forms in the play include an epithalamium by", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\nand Capulet servants who, like their masters, are sworn enemies. Prince Escalus of Verona intervenes and declares that further breach of the peace will be punishable by death. Later, Count Paris talks to Capulet about marrying his daughter Juliet, but Capulet asks Paris to wait another two years and invites him to attend a planned Capulet ball. Lady Capulet and Juliet's nurse try to persuade Juliet to accept Paris's courtship. Meanwhile, Benvolio talks with his cousin Romeo, Montague's son, about Romeo's recent depression. Benvolio discovers that it stems from unrequited infatuation for a girl named Rosaline, one of Capulet's nieces.", "\"Such Tweet Sorrow\"\nto keep the party a drug-free zone. Romeo is still depressed about Rosaline ditching him and is cheered up by Mercutio who is planning to crash Juliet's party. Tybalt, who is suspecting them to crash, is posting threats for them on Twitter. At Juliet's party, Tybalt and Laurence are useless as bouncers so crashers are inevitable. Mercutio and Romeo are having fun crashing and Romeo spots a cute girl in a pink mask. Juliet's date for the night gets off with another girl but she sees a boy in funny mask. Jess sees Romeo and Juliet snogging later that night.", "\"Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet\"\nLove Theme from Romeo and Juliet \"\"Love Theme from \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\"\"\", also known as \"\"A Time for Us\"\", is an instrumental arranged by Henry Mancini (from Nino Rota's music written for Franco Zeffirelli's film of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\", starring Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey). It was a number-one pop hit in the United States during the year 1969. It topped the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 singles chart on June 28, 1969, and remained there for two weeks; it was also his only Top Ten single on that chart. Rearranged by Mancini, the song started competing with rock and roll songs", "\"Romeo & Juliet (2013 film)\"\npersuades him to forget Rosaline but Romeo rebuffs him. Later that night, there is a party held by Lord Capulet. Romeo sneaks in with Benvolio and Mercutio hoping to meet Rosaline. Instead, Romeo sees Juliet who is Lord Capulet's daughter and falls in love with her. Juliet feels the same and they share a dance. They go together to a quiet place and share a passionate kiss. Juliet's Nurse interrupts and when Romeo talks to the nurse, he discovers that Juliet is a Capulet. After the party ends, Romeo sneaks into Juliet's garden secretly where he witnesses Juliet expressing her", "\"Characters in Romeo and Juliet\"\nRomeo's banishment. The Nurse is a major character in the play, and like the Friar she is a neutral character. There has been speculation about her name, as Capulet refers to as \"\"Angelica\"\", but the line can be addressed to either the nurse or Lady Capulet. She is the personal servant (and former nurse) of Juliet's. As the primary person who raised Juliet, she is Juliet's confidante and effectively more of a mother to the girl than Lady Capulet. She was also the one who breastfed Juliet as a child. Peter is the personal servant of the Nurse's. He appears", "\"Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet\"\nand published in 1971 on a LP \"\"\"\"Rakkaustarina\"\"\"\". The song has been very popular in Finland and several Finnish artists have covered it after Simola. A third version is called \"\"\"\"Ai Giochi Addio\"\"\"\", featuring lyrics by Elsa Morante, and has been performed by opera singers including Luciano Pavarotti and Natasha Marsh. Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet \"\"Love Theme from \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\"\"\", also known as \"\"A Time for Us\"\", is an instrumental arranged by Henry Mancini (from Nino Rota's music written for Franco Zeffirelli's film of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\", starring Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey). It was a number-one", "\"Romeo + Juliet\"\nRomeo + Juliet William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (often shortened to Romeo + Juliet) is a 1996 American romantic crime film directed, co-produced, and co-written by Baz Luhrmann, co-produced by Gabriella Martinelli, and co-written by Craig Pearce. It is an adaptation and modernization of William Shakespeare's tragedy \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\". The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes in the leading roles of Romeo and Juliet, who instantly fall in love when Romeo crashes a party and meets her, despite being members of feuding families. Brian Dennehy, John Leguizamo, Pete Postlethwaite, Paul Sorvino, and Diane Venora star in supporting roles.", "Rosaline\nline ties the young man to both Rosaline and Romeo in Juliet's \"\"What's in a name?\"\" soliloquy. When Juliet says \"\"...that which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet\"\", she may be raising the question of whether there is any difference between the beauty of a man and the beauty of a woman. Rosaline is used as a name for only one other Shakespearean character—the one of the main female figures in \"\"Love's Labours Lost\"\" (1598), although Rosalin\"\"d\"\" is the name of the main female character in \"\"As You Like It\"\". Scholars have found", "\"Chicken Rice War\"\nthe same market, something that the authorities say is impossible, since it is not allowed. The underlying conflict is about the secret family recipes that has been kept secret for generations, but apart from that nobody really knows what the fight is about. Audrey Chan is a beautiful, vain and spoilt girl who is the most popular girl in school. Fenson Wong is an insecure young man with a stutter who, of course, is madly in love with Audrey. Their only common interest is Shakespeare and the version of Romeo and Juliet that they are setting up at school. When", "\"Romeo + Juliet\"\nmansion. The effects of the drug and the party overwhelm Romeo, who goes to the restroom. While admiring an aquarium, he sees Juliet on the other side, and the two instantly fall in love. Tybalt spots Romeo and vows to kill him for invading his family's home, but Fulgencio stops him. Romeo and Juliet sneak into an elevator and kiss. The nurse spots them when the doors open and drags Juliet away, telling her that Romeo is a Montague. At the same time, Romeo realizes that Juliet is a Capulet. Mercutio removes Romeo from the party, but he sneaks back", "\"Count Paris\"\ntypical age of marriage for Italian men in this period was 29 and women was about 25, for the higher class, including the aristocracy and wealthy merchant class, arranged marriages were common during the teenage years. Although Paris is not as developed as other characters in the play, he stands as a complication in the development of Romeo and Juliet's relationship. His love of Juliet stands as he overthrows Romeo's impetuous love. In Act V, Scene III, Paris visits the crypt to quietly and privately mourn the loss of his would-be fiancée, before approaching Romeo whom he thinks has returned", "Rosaline\nof the play. Rosaline is a variant of Rosalind, a name of Old French origin: (\"\"hros\"\" = \"\"horse\"\", \"\"lind\"\" = \"\"soft, tender\"\"). When it was imported into English it was thought to be from the Latin \"\"rosa linda\"\" (\"\"lovely rose\"\"). Romeo sees Rosaline as the embodiment of the rose because of her name and her apparent perfections. The name Rosaline commonly appears in Petrarchan sonnets, a form of poetry Romeo uses to woo Juliet and to describe both Rosaline and Juliet. Since Rosaline is unattainable, she is a perfect subject for this style; but Romeo's attempt at it is forced", "\"Characters in Romeo and Juliet\"\nthe quarrel by murdering Mercutio, a kinsman to the prince. He yells at Lord Montague for engaging in the feud, which really is the root cause which led to Tybalt killing Mercutio. Prince Escalus returns in the final scene—V.iii—following the double suicide of Romeo and Juliet, and at last declares the Lords Montague and Capulet guilty of Romeo and Juliet's death, and angrily tells them that their totally useless feud resulted in the deaths of not only their own loved ones (Lady Montague, Romeo, Juliet, and Tybalt), but also in the deaths of Escalus' loved ones (Mercutio and Paris). He", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\nof more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.\"\" \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" borrows from a tradition of tragic love stories dating back to antiquity. One of these is Pyramus and Thisbe, from Ovid's \"\"Metamorphoses\"\", which contains parallels to Shakespeare's story: the lovers' parents despise each other, and Pyramus falsely believes his lover Thisbe is dead. The \"\"Ephesiaca\"\" of Xenophon of Ephesus, written in the 3rd century, also contains several similarities to the play, including the separation of the lovers, and a potion that induces a deathlike sleep. One of the earliest references to the names \"\"Montague\"\" and \"\"Capulet\"\"", "\"Count Paris\"\nthis sonnet form to describe Count Paris to Juliet as a handsome man. When Romeo and Juliet meet, the poetic form changes from the Petrarchan (which was becoming archaic in Shakespeare's day) to a then more contemporary sonnet form, using \"\"pilgrims\"\" and \"\"saints\"\" as metaphors. Finally, when the two meet on the balcony, Romeo attempts to use the sonnet form to pledge his love, but Juliet breaks it by saying, \"\"Dost thou love me?\"\" By doing this, she searches for true expression, rather than a poetic exaggeration of their love. Juliet uses monosyllabic words with Romeo, but uses formal language", "\"Romeo + Juliet\"\nStory” and “China Girl”), but I have never seen anything remotely approaching the mess that the new punk version of “Romeo & Juliet” makes of Shakespeare's tragedy.\"\" The film was nominated to appear on the American Film Institute's \"\"100 Years...100 Passions\"\" list in 2002. The film was originally released on VHS and DVD in 1997. A 10th anniversary special edition DVD containing extra features and commentary was released on February 6, 2007, while a Blu-ray edition was released on October 19, 2010. Romeo + Juliet William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (often shortened to Romeo + Juliet) is a 1996 American", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\na surrounding darkness. Romeo describes Juliet as being like the sun, brighter than a torch, a jewel sparkling in the night, and a bright angel among dark clouds. Even when she lies apparently dead in the tomb, he says her \"\"beauty makes This vault a feasting presence full of light.\"\" Juliet describes Romeo as \"\"day in night\"\" and \"\"Whiter than snow upon a raven's back.\"\" This contrast of light and dark can be expanded as symbols—contrasting love and hate, youth and age in a metaphoric way. Sometimes these intertwining metaphors create dramatic irony. For example, Romeo and Juliet's love is", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\nrepeating the same musical theme at the ball, in the balcony scene, in Juliet's bedroom and in the tomb has been used by subsequent directors: for example, Nino Rota's love theme is used in a similar way in the 1968 film of the play, as is Des'ree's Kissing You in the 1996 film. Other classical composers influenced by the play include Henry Hugh Pearson (\"\"Romeo and Juliet, overture for orchestra\"\", Op. 86), Svendsen (\"\"Romeo og Julie\"\", 1876), Delius (\"\"A Village Romeo and Juliet\"\", 1899–1901), Stenhammar (\"\"Romeo och Julia\"\", 1922), and Kabalevsky (\"\"Incidental Music to Romeo and Juliet\"\", Op. 56, 1956).", "\"Juliet (novel)\"\nher twin sister become closer and make the journey together, finding not only their real names, life and ancestors but love, true and real love. Juliet (novel) Juliet is a novel by Danish American author Anne Fortier. It was first published in 2010 by Random House. Paramount Pictures owns the movie rights to the book. \"\"Juliet\"\" is about a woman named Julie Jacobs who discovers that her ancestor Giulietta is the real-life Juliet of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" fame. In her encounters with various descendants of the young lovers' families, she realizes that the curse from the story—\"\"A plague on both", "\"What Is Love? (Twice song)\"\nVincent from \"\"Pulp Fiction\"\", Jeongyeon and Tzuyu are Romeo and Juliet from \"\"Romeo + Juliet\"\", Jihyo and Jeongyeon are Itsuki/Hiroko and male Itsuki from \"\"Love Letter\"\", Momo and Tzuyu are Mia and Sebastian from \"\"La La Land\"\", and Dahyun and Chaeyoung are Léon and Mathilda from \"\"\"\". The music video also has scenes showing the song's choreography, Twice at a sleepover watching the movies on TV, and Dahyun's \"\"commercial break\"\" that includes product placement for Acuvue contact lenses. The song debuted atop Gaon's Digital Chart and \"\"Billboard Korea\"\"'s Kpop Hot 100. It also peaked at No. 3 and 6 on", "\"Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss\"\nRomeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss is a 2006 American animated romantic fantasy comedy-drama film loosely following the play \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" by William Shakespeare. The film is about two star-crossed seals, Romeo and Juliet (voiced by Daniel and Patricia Trippet respectively), who fall in love against the wishes of their warring families. It was released in Europe in mid-2006 and on October 27 in the United States. The film was written, animated, and directed entirely by one man, former Disney animator Phil Nibbelink. The film, created on an estimated budget of", "\"Such Tweet Sorrow\"\nThe party ends with Juliet going upstairs to her room and waiting for Romeo. After a few moments hesitating he runs upstairs. Jess wakes up the next day with the house looking like a bomb-site and discovering Juliet in bed with Romeo. After advising her to get her lover out of the house before Tybalt wakes up she rushes off to the London marathon. Tybalt drags himself down to London to support his sister after having a quick look on Romeos tweets about a little girl he spent the night with. Mercutio discovers a change while hanging out with Romeo", "\"Love Theme from \"\"Romeo And Juliet\"\" (A Time for Us)\"\nthe liner notes for \"\"\"\": Love Theme from \"\"Romeo And Juliet\"\" (A Time for Us) Love Theme from \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" (A Time for Us) is an album by American pop singer Johnny Mathis that was released on July 30, 1969, by Columbia Records. Of its 11 tracks, eight had been hits for other performers earlier that year, and one of the remaining three, \"\"I'll Never Fall in Love Again\"\", would become a huge success for Dionne Warwick several months later. The Mathis recording of \"\"I'll Never Fall in Love Again\"\" made its first appearance on \"\"Billboard\"\" magazine's list of", "\"Love Theme from \"\"Romeo And Juliet\"\" (A Time for Us)\"\nLove Theme from \"\"Romeo And Juliet\"\" (A Time for Us) Love Theme from \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" (A Time for Us) is an album by American pop singer Johnny Mathis that was released on July 30, 1969, by Columbia Records. Of its 11 tracks, eight had been hits for other performers earlier that year, and one of the remaining three, \"\"I'll Never Fall in Love Again\"\", would become a huge success for Dionne Warwick several months later. The Mathis recording of \"\"I'll Never Fall in Love Again\"\" made its first appearance on \"\"Billboard\"\" magazine's list of the 40 most popular Easy", "\"Thumbelina (1994 film)\"\nnamed Jacquimo entering Paris, introducing himself to the viewers and then entering Notre Dame where he shows them storybooks about \"\"people with impossible problems\"\" such as Samson and Delilah and Romeo and Juliet before the film zooms onto the storybook entitled \"\"Thumbelina\"\", which opens itself to present illustrations of what will happen. In the story, a lonely widow, who was longing for a child of her own, is given a barley seed by a good witch. Once planted in the flower pot as being directed, the seed grows into a flower, and a tiny girl emerges from inside the blossom,", "\"Love Lessons (novel)\"\nwalks in and sees Prue hugging Rax and telling him she loves him. After Prue's English class goes badly, Ms Godfrey asks them to name some modern-day versions of Romeo and Juliet, before Sarah says Prue and Rax. Ms Godfrey contacts Ms Wilmot, who sees Sarah and then Prue, whom she expels. After her last session in the Success Maker, Prue is met by Grace, who tells her what she has heard. Prue tells her that she has been expelled. Rax is waiting for her in his car. They drive off, and although Prue begs to go with him, they", "\"Romeo and Juliet on screen\"\nHoward describes as the \"\"playing Shakespeare is a gateway to self-fulfilment\"\" plot. As he explains it, \"\"an ill-matched crew of Elizabethan theatre people are transformed and united by the process of creating \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\"\"\". The film's climax includes Judi Dench's Elizabeth I declaring that Shakespeare's play \"\"can show us the very truth and nature of love.\"\" For comprehensive list, see Romeo and Juliet (films). All references to \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\", unless otherwise specified, are taken from Gibbons, Brian \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" Arden Shakespeare second series (London, Methuen, 1980, ). Under its referencing system, which uses Roman numerals, II.ii.33 means", "Benvolio\nin the final scene \"\"Enter Lord Montague and others\"\", and he is sometimes doubled with Balthasar). Part of Benvolio's role is encouraging Romeo to go to the party, where he falls in love with Juliet. A mock-Victorian revisionist version of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\"'s final scene (with a happy ending, Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio and Paris restored to life, and Benvolio revealing that he is Paris's love, Benvolia, in disguise) forms part of the 1980 stage-play \"\"The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby\"\". He also attempts to romance Rosaline in Sharman Macdonald's \"\"After Juliet\"\". Benvolio Benvolio is a fictional character in Shakespeare's", "Rosaline\nthis as a re-enactment of his failed relationship with his mother. Rosaline's absence is symbolic of his mother's absence and lack of affection for him. Romeo's love for Juliet is similarly hopeless, for she is a Capulet and Romeo pursues his relationship with her; the difference being that Juliet reciprocates. This does not seem likely seeing as his mother died of grief after his banishment, indicating that she probably loved him deeply. Rosaline has been portrayed in various ways over the centuries. Theophilus Cibber's 1748 version of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" replaced references to Rosaline with references to Juliet. This, according", "\"Xiomara Reyes\"\nin the Underworld, Desdemona is Othello, Olga in Onegin, the Ballerina in Petrouchka, the Youngest Sister in Pillar of Fire, Raymonda in Raymonda, the Cowgirl in Rodeo, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet (Romeo’s Farewell to Juliet), Princess Aurora and Princess Florine in The Sleeping Beauty, the Young Girl in Le Spectre de la Rose, the pas de trois and the Hungarian Princess in Swan Lake, the third movement in Symphony in C, the Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux, and leading roles in Brief Fling, The Brahms-Haydn Variations, Clear, Études, Glow - Stop, The Leaves Are Fading,", "\"Romeo × Juliet\"\nRomeo × Juliet On the floating island of Neo Verona, Leontes Montague and his men lead a bloody coup and murder all the members of ruling House Capulet. Only Lord Capulet's young daughter, Juliet, is able to escape. Fourteen years later, Leontes rules the land with an iron fist and crushes anyone who opposes him. Juliet, now sixteen, fights against House Montague's oppression as the masked vigilante \"\"The Red Whirlwind\"\". While attending the Rose Ball hosted by the Montagues with a friend, Juliet meets Romeo, Prince Montague's son, and both of them fall deeply in love at first sight. Romeo", "\"Romeo and Juliet (1968 film soundtrack)\"\n\"\"a period ballad with lyric by Eugene Walter, 'What Is a Youth', provides the perfect setting for the meeting of the two lovers at the Capulet party\"\". Subsequently Professor of English and Shakespearean literature scholar Jill L. Levenson wrote that Rota's score \"\"heightened the sentiment of the lovers' relationship, doing little for their verisimilitude\"\". According to a BBC review, \"\"the suite from Romeo and Juliet is a florid symphony drawing on Rota's classical background for its lush themes – swaggering hunting horn for the amorous swain, mournful lute for the awakening girl\"\". On the other hand, critic Jack Jorgens dismissed", "\"Such Tweet Sorrow\"\nsneak off to a hotel that night without telling anybody. Juliet tells Jess that she is not moving to Australia and also married Romeo at the registry office yesterday – no joke. Laurence tells Tybalt that Romeo and Juliet have been meeting up at the coffee shop and Mercutio finds out about Juliet being Romeo's mystery girl. As a result, Tybalt is out for Romeo's blood and Mercutio wants to beat up some Capulets at the night's football game. Romeo tries to calm everybody down, he wants no fight at all. Everybody goes to the football match and Jess loses", "\"(Don't Fear) The Reaper\"\nand in 2004, \"\"(Don't Fear) The Reaper\"\" was listed at number 405 on the \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" list of the top 500 songs of all time. The song is about the inevitability of death and the foolishness of fearing it, and was written when Dharma was thinking about what would happen if he died at a young age. Lyrics such as \"\"Romeo and Juliet are together in eternity\"\" have led many listeners to interpret the song to be about a murder-suicide pact, but Dharma says the song is about eternal love, rather than suicide. He used Romeo and Juliet as motifs", "\"China Girl (1987 film)\"\nthe film is a, \"\"superior exploitation picture is a tough, stylish but often painfully misjudged reworking of Romeo and Juliet, with rival teenage gangs battling it out, sparked by the inter racial love affair between an Italian (Panebianco) and a Chinese girl (Chang), Ferrara makes excellent use of the Chinatown and Little Italy locations, and delivers the choreographed violence with his usual muscular panache.\"\" and that \"\"The major strength of the script is its accommodation of three generations: the elders and their aspiring sons are seen to conspire against the warring youngsters, putting money before family.\"\" Jonathan Rosenbaum of the", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\nPeter Ustinov's cold-war stage parody, \"\"Romanoff and Juliet\"\" was filmed. The 1961 film of \"\"West Side Story\"\"—set among New York gangs–featured the Jets as white youths, equivalent to Shakespeare's Montagues, while the Sharks, equivalent to the Capulets, are Puerto Rican. In 2006, Disney's \"\"High School Musical\"\" made use of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" plot, placing the two young lovers in different high school cliques instead of feuding families. Film-makers have frequently featured characters performing scenes from \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\". The conceit of dramatising Shakespeare writing \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" has been used several times, including John Madden's 1998 \"\"Shakespeare in Love\"\", in", "\"Jack Ryder (actor)\"\nin the play \"\"The Safari Party\"\" by Tim Firth and in Kenneth Branagh's production of \"\"The Play What I Wrote\"\" which toured the UK extensively. In Spring 2008 he was in Christopher Luscombe's production of Alan Bennett's play \"\"Single Spies\"\" playing opposite Nigel Havers. Then Ryder played Romeo in Michael Bogdanov's production of \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" with Sara Lloyd-Gregory as Juliet. In October 2008, Ryder joined \"\"The Archers\"\" as Ryan. From 2009, he played the photographer Laurence in the West End production of \"\"Calendar Girls\"\" at the Noël Coward Theatre, where he was also the assistant director. He currently continues", "\"Shakespeare in Love\"\nof \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" as he simply adapted an existing story for theatre. The Italian verse tale \"\"The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet\"\" had been translated into English by Arthur Brooke in 1562, 32 years before Shakespeare's \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\". Janet Maslin made the film an \"\"NYT Critics' Pick\"\", calling it \"\"pure enchantment\"\". According to Maslin, \"\"Gwyneth Paltrow, in her first great, fully realized starring performance, makes a heroine so breathtaking that she seems utterly plausible as the playwright's guiding light.\"\" Roger Ebert, who gave the film four stars out of four, wrote: \"\"The contemporary feel of the humor", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\nor the power of tragic fate. None of these have widespread support. However, even if an overall theme cannot be found it is clear that the play is full of several small, thematic elements that intertwine in complex ways. Several of those most often debated by scholars are discussed below. \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" is sometimes considered to have no unifying theme, save that of young love. Romeo and Juliet have become emblematic of young lovers and doomed love. Since it is such an obvious subject of the play, several scholars have explored the language and historical context behind the romance", "\"Descriptive psychology\"\nis designed to accomplish two purposes. The first of these is to provide an adequate answer to an old and perplexing question: \"\"What is romantic love?\"\", and to do so in a way that illuminates why this one relationship possesses the extraordinary importance and centrality in human existence that it so clearly does. The second is to identify and discuss the most common barriers to persons being able to love that are encountered in clinical practice.\"\" \"\"To say that \"\"Romeo loves Juliet\"\" (or vice versa) in the romantic sense of that term is to say that Romeo has a certain", "\"Shakespeare in Love\"\nWessex threatens to kill him. Shakespeare sneaks into Viola's garden, finding her on her balcony, where they briefly confess their mutual attraction to each other before he is discovered by her nurse and flees. Inspired by Viola, Shakespeare writes quickly, completely transforming the play into what will become \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\". Rehearsals begin, with \"\"Thomas Kent\"\" as Romeo, the leading tragedian Ned Alleyn as Mercutio and the stagestruck Fennyman given a small role as the Apothocary. Shakespeare soon discovers Viola's true identity, and they begin a secret affair. Viola is summoned to court to receive approval for her proposed marriage", "\"Romeo and Juliet on screen\"\nthe story have also been filmed, most notably \"\"West Side Story\"\", Prokofiev's ballet \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" and \"\"Romanoff and Juliet\"\". Several theatrical films, such as \"\"Shakespeare in Love\"\" and \"\"Romeo Must Die\"\", consciously use elements of Shakespeare's plot. Producer Irving Thalberg pushed MGM for five years to make a \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\", in the face of the studio's opposition: which stemmed from Louis B. Mayer's belief that the masses considered the Bard over their heads, and from the austerity forced on the studios by the depression. It was only when Jack L. Warner announced his intention to film Max Reinhardt's", "\"Roméo et Juliette (musical)\"\nis (L'amour heureux). Tybalt recognize Romeo and informs Juliet's parents. Romeo and Juliet learn from the Nurse who they are (Le bal 2). Tybalt, broken (he loves Juliet in secret), acknowledges that he is the son of hate and contempt (C'est pas ma faute). After the ball, Juliet takes refuge in her room and dreams of Romeo (Le poète), who woos her at great personal risk in the Capulets' garden. They exchange lovers' vows and plan to marry in secret as soon as possible (Le balcon). Knowing that their families will never agree to their marriage, Romeo meets Friar Lawrence", "\"Nurse (Romeo and Juliet)\"\nNurse (Romeo and Juliet) The Nurse is a major character in William Shakespeare's classic drama \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\". She is the personal servant, guardian (and former wet nurse) of Juliet Capulet, and has been since Juliet was born. She had a daughter named Susan who died in infancy, and then became wetnurse to Juliet. As the primary person to like, she is therefore Juliet's foremost confidante. She is very important to Juliet and Juliet's life. She is one of the few people, along with Friar Laurence, to be made aware of the blossoming romance between Romeo and Juliet. Her personal", "\"Count Paris\"\nto Verona to vandalise the Capulet tomb. After refusing Romeo's pleas for him to leave, Paris and Romeo draw their swords and fight. Romeo eventually kills him during the sword fight, and his dying wish is for Romeo to lay him next to Juliet, which Romeo does. This scene is often omitted from modern stage and screen performances as it complicates what would otherwise be a simple love story between the title characters. Men often used Petrarchan sonnets to exaggerate the beauty of women who were impossible for them to attain, as in Romeo's situation with Rosaline. Capulet's wife uses", "Romeo\naffection due to an ancient family quarrel, and later kills himself due to mistakenly believing her to have been dead. Although it is unlikely that Shakespeare directly borrowed from Ovid while writing \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\", the story was likely an influence on the Italian writers whom the playwright was greatly indebted to. The two sources which Shakespeare most likely consulted are Brooke's translation of de Porta and William Painter's \"\"The goodly historye of the true, and constant Love between Romeo and Juliet\"\". \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" has been adapted into film several times, and the part of Romeo has been played", "\"Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss\"\ngroups that, should there be any more disturbance, the seal who caused it shall be exiled to Shark Island, a fin shaped rock where his henchman, Sharky, a shark lives. Romeo (Daniel Tripett), Montague's only son, is depressed, wishing to fall in love with someone. His humorous friend, Mercutio (Chip Albers), urges him and another of his friends, Benvolio (Sam Gold), to go to a Capulet party later that evening. They attend the party, covered in white sand to look like Capulets, and Romeo falls in love with Juliet at first sight. Juliet, however, was promised by her father to", "\"Romeo and Juliet on screen\"\nand the Lubavitch Jewish community come into conflict. In 2005, \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" became a high-profile six-minute H&M advertising campaign, directed by David LaChapelle, featuring Tamyra Gray as Juliet and Gus Carr as Romeo, to a musical background sung by Mary J. Blige. The play has also been used to advertise Polo mints and Rolo. In 2006, Nate Parker debuted as a male lead in \"\"Rome and Jewel\"\", a hip-hop take on \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\". In the 2005 anime Basilisk the story about two rival ninja clans fighting each other but one of their members love each other is similar", "\"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet\"\na man’ could be reconnected into verse through correction with Q1. Modern editors have generally concurred. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet \"\"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet\"\" is a popular reference to William Shakespeare's play \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\", in which Juliet seems to argue that it does not matter that Romeo is from her family's rival house of Montague, that is, that he is named \"\"Montague\"\". The reference is often used to imply that the names of things do not affect what they really are. This formulation is, however, a paraphrase", "\"Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss\"\nHowever, even the other sea and land animals strongly oppose their being together. A kissing fish named Kissy finds them a lovely couple, but warns them that they will be in big trouble if the Prince finds out. Back on the beach, Mercutio is telling many jokes, which leads to him making insulting jokes against the Capulets, and the Prince is headed in that direction. When he arrives, Mercutio mocks him as well. Romeo rushes to aid his friend, but after a struggle Mercutio falls off the cliff where Juliet met Romeo the previous evening, and everyone thinks that he", "\"Romeo & Juliet (2013 film)\"\nlove for him. He climbs the balcony and they quickly decide to get married the next day. Romeo seeks help from Friar Laurence to wed them and the Friar agrees thinking that their love may end the violent war between Capulets and Montagues. They perform the ceremony and afterwards Juliet returns home. Romeo catches up with Mercutio and Benvolio but they meet Tybalt and his men on the way. This starts another violent brawl during which Tybalt stabs Mercutio. Romeo is enraged and runs after Tybalt seeking revenge. They fight and Romeo slays Tybalt. As the result of this loss,", "\"Romeo and Juliet (Tchaikovsky)\"\nplayed in the original \"\"The Sims\"\" video game, when two Sims successfully performed the \"\"Kiss\"\" interaction. How \"\"powerful\"\" the theme was depended on how compatible, or how in love, the interacting Sims were with each other. Along with another Tchaikovsky piece, \"\"Dance of the Reed Flutes\"\" from the ballet \"\"The Nutcracker\"\", the \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" love theme was sampled at the same time to the song \"\"Love, so Lovely\"\" for the direct-to-video Disney film \"\"\"\". Excerpts from the score were used in the 2005 ballet \"\"Anna Karenina\"\", choreographed by Boris Eifman. The main theme of the overture to \"\"Romeo and", "\"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet\"\nlonger be a Capulet Romeo: [Aside] Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this? Juliet: 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for that", "\"Roméo et Juliette (musical)\"\nfor her husband. Romeo goes to Friar Lawrence's. He thinks banishment is worse than death (Duo du désespoir). Romeo and Juliet spend their wedding night together and Romeo makes his escape to Mantua (Le chant de l'alouette). Shortly after her husband has left, Juliet is informed by her parents that she is to be married to Paris. She refuses and they threaten to disown her (Demain). Upset, Lord Capulet sings about the love he has for his daughter (Avoir une fille). In her room, Juliet asks why she has to obey (Pourquoi). In Mantua, Romeo thinks of Juliet. In desperation,", "\"Romeo and Juliet (Dire Straits song)\"\nI used to have a scene with him,\"\" refers to an interview with Vincent, where she says \"\"What happened was that I had a scene with Mark Knopfler and it got to the point where he couldn't handle it and we split up.\"\" The song has become a classic love song with a wide range of artists covering the track. Indigo Girls covered the track in a solo rendition by Amy Ray on the duo's album \"\"Rites of Passage\"\". The song was also covered by Australian musician Lisa Mitchell for Australian radio station Triple J for the Like a Version", "\"Natalie Portman\"\nhad several film roles, including \"\"Heat\"\", \"\"Everyone Says I Love You\"\", and \"\"Mars Attacks!\"\". Her performance in the small ensemble film \"\"Beautiful Girls\"\" garnered significant acclaim. She was the first choice to play Juliet in \"\"William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet\"\", but producers felt her age wasn't suitable. In 1997, Portman played the role of Anne Frank in a Broadway adaptation of \"\"The Diary of Anne Frank\"\". It was after 1996's \"\"Beautiful Girls\"\" that Portman grew reluctant to accept roles where her character was a sexualized youngster. In an interview with \"\"Guardian\"\" feature writer Simon Hattenstone asked if Portman was aware", "\"Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss\"\nis dead. The Prince, jealous of Juliet's affection for Romeo, exiles Romeo to Shark Island. In despair, Juliet seeks the Friar's help, and he gives her a potion to put her in a deathlike state. Mercutio is revealed to be alive and sees the whole thing, remarking, \"\"What a tangled web we weave.\"\" Lawrence shows the Capulet seals that Juliet is \"\"dead\"\", right as they were celebrating the marriage. But Benvolio sees her as well, and swims to Shark Island to tell Romeo. The Friar chases him to stop him, but is attacked by Sharky. After receiving the terrible news", "\"Characters in Romeo and Juliet\"\nRomeo kills Count Paris, whom he finds weeping near Juliet's corpse, then commits suicide, by drinking poison that he bought from an impoverished apothecary, over what he thinks is Juliet's dead body. Friar Lawrence arrives just as Juliet awakes from her chemically induced slumber. He urges Juliet not to be rash, and to join a society of nuns, but he hears a noise from outside and then flees from the tomb. Juliet then kills herself with Romeo's dagger, completing the tragedy. The Friar is forced to return to the tomb, where he recounts the entire story to Prince Escalus, and", "\"Declaration of love\"\nDeclaration of love A declaration of love is a form of expressing one's love for someone or something. It can be presented in various forms, such as love letters, speeches, or love songs. A love declaration is more often than not explicit and straightforward. A declaration of love from one person to another is \"\"a statement made by one person to another in which they say they are in love with the other person.\"\" One widely referenced declaration of love comes from Shakespeare's \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\". In the balcony scene, Juliet declares her love for Romeo who stands outside her", "\"After Juliet\"\nleft open ended. A 2009 youth, stage version of the show featured Valentine as the twin sister of Mercutio; this added an extra storyline where Valentine is in love with Benvolio and is jealous of Rosaline. Benvolio's final scene ends with Valentine running off stage after his rejection. After Juliet After Juliet is a play written by Scottish playwright Sharman Macdonald. It was commissioned for the 1999 NT Shell Connections programme, in which regional youth theatre groups compete to stage short plays by established playwrights. The basic premise of the play, following on from Shakespeare's \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" is \"\"What", "\"Romeo and Juliet\"\nof Romeo and Juliet's passion for each other. That hatred manifests itself directly in the lovers' language: Juliet, for example, speaks of \"\"my only love sprung from my only hate\"\" and often expresses her passion through an anticipation of Romeo's death. This leads on to speculation as to the playwright's psychology, in particular to a consideration of Shakespeare's grief for the death of his son, Hamnet. Feminist literary critics argue that the blame for the family feud lies in Verona's patriarchal society. For Coppélia Kahn, for example, the strict, masculine code of violence imposed on Romeo is the main force", "\"Romeo and Juliet (1954 film)\"\nRomeo and Juliet (1954 film) Romeo and Juliet is a 1954 film adaptation of William Shakespeare's play of the same name. It was directed by Renato Castellani and stars Laurence Harvey as Romeo, Susan Shentall as Juliet, Flora Robson as the Nurse, Mervyn Johns as Friar Laurence, Bill Travers as Benvolio, Sebastian Cabot as Lord Capulet, Ubaldo Zollo as Mercutio, Enzo Fiermonte as Tybalt and John Gielgud as the Chorus. The film won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, and was named the best foreign film by the National Board of Review, which also named Castellani as best", "Juliet\nJuliet Juliet Capulet is the female protagonist in William Shakespeare's romantic tragedy \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\". Juliet is the only daughter of the patriarch of the House of Capulet. She falls in love with Romeo, a member of the House of Montague (with which the Capulets have a blood feud). The story has a long history that precedes Shakespeare himself. One aspect of the story which now seems problematic is Juliet's age. As the story occurs, Juliet is approaching her fourteenth birthday. She was born on \"\"Lammas Eve at night\"\" (1 August), so Juliet's birthday is 31 July (1.3.19). Her birthday", "\"Romeo and Juliet on screen\"\nof the protagonists, and ending with their tragic deaths. The conceit of dramatising Shakespeare writing Romeo and Juliet has been used several times. The oddball 1944 B-movie \"\"Time Flies\"\" features the comedy duo Susie and Bill Barton, who, time travelling, encounter a Shakespeare struggling for words for his balcony scene, which Susie (Evelyn Dall) supplies from memory, while Bill interrupts with quips. John Madden's 1998 \"\"Shakespeare in Love\"\" depicts Shakespeare's process in composing \"\"Romeo and Juliet\"\" against the backdrop of his own doomed love affair. Writers Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard exploited another commonplace of Shakespeare-related films, which scholar Tony" ]
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which is the biggest airport in saudi arabia
[ "Jeddah" ]
[ "\"Udhayliyah Airport\"\nUdhayliyah Airport Udhayliyah Airport is a small airport located in the village of Udhayliyah, 150 km southwest of Dammam in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It occupies a small area of 0.55 km² east of the residential camp. Saudi Aramco, the national oil company in Saudi Arabia, owns the airfield and was being operated for domestic General Aviation used by the company for logistics. However, the company realized the opportunity of the utilization of the nearby airport in Hofuf which resulted in the local airport in Udhayliyah to become unused at the present time except for special flights by", "\"Legal system of Saudi Arabia\"\nSaudi royal family. Article 14 of the Basic Law states: The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources is responsible for general strategy in the oil and gas sectors and for monitoring the state-owned oil company, Saudi Aramco. The oil, gas and refining industries in Saudi Arabia are controlled by law by Saudi Aramco, which has a near monopoly in these areas. It is the world's biggest oil producer, the Middle East's biggest company and is generally considered to be the most important energy company in the world. However, in 2003, the law was changed to allow foreign companies to look", "\"Duba, Saudi Arabia\"\n(or even more for nearby attractions). Some individuals do operate their cars as private taxis but they are difficult to trace. The neighboring cities Tabuk (180 km) and Al Wajh (about 160 km) have airport facilities that connect the region with major national and international airports of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saptco Saudi Road Transport offers bus services from Jeddah and Mecca to Tabuk, Saudi Arabia via Duba. It takes about 12 hours to reach Duba from Jeddah. Duba, Saudi Arabia Duba () is a small city on the northern Red Sea coast, of Saudi Arabia. It is", "\"Qatar–Saudi Arabia diplomatic conflict\"\nQatar are now Hamas's biggest supporters, up until 2011, the start of the Arab Spring, Iran and Syria used to be Hamas's biggest supporters. Al Jazeera coverage of 2011 protests against President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Mediation by the Gulf Cooperation Council, including both Saudi Arabia and Qatar, ends when Saleh refuses to resign. Saleh ousted in 2012 Yemeni Revolution after returning from Saudi Arabia for medical care. In 2015, Salman of Saudi Arabia ascends to the throne and Houthis take over the capital, leading to a civil war met by Saudi intervention to support the post-Saleh national unity government led", "\"Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport\"\nPrince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport or Medina Airport is a regional airport in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Opened in 1950, it handles domestic flights, while it has scheduled international services to regional destinations such as Cairo, Doha, Dubai, Istanbul and Kuwait City. Medina Airport also handles charter international flights during the Hajj and Umrah seasons. The Pilgrims for Hajj and Umrah can enter Saudi Arabia through this airport or through Jeddah Airport only. It is the fourth busiest airport in Saudi Arabia, handling 6,572,787 passengers in 2016, including 719,638 Hajj charter and 818,092 Umrah", "\"King Fahd International Airport\"\nand Careem are also available. Rail In August 2016, the airport authority announced that it will connect the airport to the Dammam–Jubail railway, which is currently in its last stages of construction. King Fahd International Airport King Fahd International Airport (KFIA) () is an airport in Dammam, Saudi Arabia northwest of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. The airport's basic infrastructure was complete by the end of 1990, which allowed the Allied forces engaged in the first Gulf War in early 1991 to use the field for the storage of military aircraft. KFIA was the base used by all USAF A-10s (144), as", "\"Riyadh Air Base\"\nRiyadh Air Base Riyadh Air Base (, Arabic: قاعدة الرياض الجوية) formerly Riyadh International Airport until 1982 is an airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Originally used for commercial flights by Saudi Arabia Airlines, the airport witnessed the destruction of Saudia Flight 163 on the night of August 19 1980. The Lockheed L-1011-200 was attempting to return when it burst into flames on the tarmac. In 1982, King Khalid International Airport was opened which lead to this airport becoming a Military base for the Royal Saudi Air Force. K. Faisal Academy is on the air base and uses Pilatus PC-9's for", "\"Sport in Saudi Arabia\"\nLanka. There are many cricket associations Saudi Arabia, with Yanbu Al Sinaiyah Cricket Association being the largest. Each major city has its own organisation which holds its own domestic cup for each format. Since 2010 Saudi Arabia has gained quite a lot of fame for its style of cricket, as it has won several regional tournaments on turf, even though back home players only play on concrete. Saudi Arabia's biggest win to date was in September 2016, where they beat a Namibian national side by 141 runs. 2 months later they also won their first major series which came in", "\"Iran–Saudi Arabia relations\"\npermit to enter Saudi Arabia. In April 13, Iran suspended minor hajj trips to Saudi Arabia until the Saudi government \"\"applies a strong attitude\"\" to the case. Saud al-Faisal, foreign minister of Saudi Arabia have pledged to Iran's Ambassador that his government will punish the two Saudi policemen, very soon. Mansour al-Turki, spokesman of Interior ministry of Saudi Arabia, informed that the accused airport staff members have been arrested and referred to court and Iranian ambassador to Saudi Arabia has been informed and the suspects have been referred for investigation. The 2015 Hajj stampede escalated tensions between Saudi Arabia and", "\"Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz International Airport\"\nto the hangar. There were no human casualties. Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz International Airport Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz International Airport , formerly Qassim International Airport and widely known in the air-travel industry as \"\"Gassim\"\" (from Gassim Province in which it lies), is an airport in the Mulayda district () west of Buraydah, Saudi Arabia. It primarily serves the region in addition to the neighbor provinces of Hail and Riyadh. Currently, 11 airlines serve the airport with 15 destinations in 5 countries (Saudi Arabia included). The airport was established in 1964 and is owned and operated by the General Authority of", "\"Highway 613 (Saudi Arabia)\"\nHighway 613 (Saudi Arabia) Highway 613, also known as the Dhahran–Jubail Highway, is an important highway located in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It connects Dhahran in the south and Jubail in the north, Saudi Arabia's largest industrial cities, crossing the cities between which are Dammam, Saihat, Qatif, Safwa City and nearby Ras Tanura. The distance to Persian Gulf from the highway varies from 2 to 14 kilometers, with 2 roads connecting it with King Fahd International Airport which is 15 kilometers to the west. The speed limit is and the highway suffers from traffic jams most of the", "\"Egypt–Saudi Arabia relations\"\ndetention of the Egyptian lawyer Ahmed al-Gizawi in Saudi Arabia. Earlier in April 2012, al-Gizawi was detained shortly after his arrival in Saudi Arabia which some believe was because he defamed King Abdullah by filing a lawsuit in a South Cairo court against Saudi monarch King Abdullah on behalf of Egyptian citizens held without charge in Saudi prisons. Saudi authorities said he was arrested at the King Abdulaziz International Airport near Jeddah on 17 April for possession of 21,000 Xanax anti-anxiety pills, which are banned in the country. They expressed doubt that he intended to go on a pilgrimage, as", "\"Khurais Airport (old)\"\nKhurais Airport (old) Khurais Airport (old) is a small airport near the oil complex of Khurais in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport occupies a small area of 0.28 km² south of the new complex. Saudi Aramco, the national oil company of Saudi Arabia, owns and used to operate the airport providing logistic support to the remote oil complex. However airport has been abandoned for a long time since the old complex was demolished and a new airport (Khurais Airport) was built next to the newly established complex as part of the Khurais Project The airport has poor", "\"Khurais Airport\"\nbe found there in addition to a helipad. Khurais Airport Khurais Airport is a small airport in the oil complex of Khurais in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport occupies an area of 1.2 km² next to the residential camp. It has replaced the previous Khurais Airport (old). Saudi Aramco, the national oil company of Saudi Arabia, owns and operate the airport providing logistic support to the remote oil complex. Using Boeing 737 and Dash 8 aircraft, the company operates scheduled flights to Dammam for the headquarters in Dhahran. The airport is equipped with one runway, 2,430 meters", "\"Haradh Airport\"\nbe found there in addition to a helipad. Haradh Airport Haradh Airport is a small airport in the oil complex of Haradh in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport occupies an area of 1.1 km² next to the residential camp. Saudi Aramco, the national oil company of Saudi Arabia, owns and operate the airport providing logistic support to the remote oil complex. Using Boeing 737 and Dash 8 aircraft, the company operates scheduled flights to Dammam for the headquarters in Dhahran. The Airport still closed and is under renovation. The airport is equipped with one runway, 2,430 meters", "\"Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz International Airport\"\nPrince Nayef bin Abdulaziz International Airport Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz International Airport , formerly Qassim International Airport and widely known in the air-travel industry as \"\"Gassim\"\" (from Gassim Province in which it lies), is an airport in the Mulayda district () west of Buraydah, Saudi Arabia. It primarily serves the region in addition to the neighbor provinces of Hail and Riyadh. Currently, 11 airlines serve the airport with 15 destinations in 5 countries (Saudi Arabia included). The airport was established in 1964 and is owned and operated by the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA). It was renamed to Prince", "\"Turaif (Saudi Arabia)\"\nAl-Mudwah Hotel and SWISS SPIRIT located along Highway 85 as it cuts through the town. Turaif Domestic Airport is located approximately from town and has a daily flight to Riyadh. Other nearby airports are Gurayat Domestic Airport in Gurayat (Qurayyat) and Arar Domestic Airport in Arar. Turaif has desert climate with hot summers and cold winters (at least for Saudi Arabia's standards). Frost is not unheard of in the winter months. Snow may also fall at times. Turaif experienced the lowest recorded temperature in Saudi Arabia (and one of the lowest in the southern Middle East region), at -12C, beating", "\"Haradh Airport\"\nHaradh Airport Haradh Airport is a small airport in the oil complex of Haradh in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport occupies an area of 1.1 km² next to the residential camp. Saudi Aramco, the national oil company of Saudi Arabia, owns and operate the airport providing logistic support to the remote oil complex. Using Boeing 737 and Dash 8 aircraft, the company operates scheduled flights to Dammam for the headquarters in Dhahran. The Airport still closed and is under renovation. The airport is equipped with one runway, 2,430 meters long and 30 meters wide. 10 parking/gates can", "\"Ta'if Regional Airport\"\nDespite being named as a \"\"Regional\"\" airport, the airport actually has international flights destinations in half a dozen countries outside of Saudi Arabia. Ta'if Regional Airport Ta'if Regional Airport is an airport in Ta'if, Saudi Arabia. Despite its name, it also offers many international flights as well. The airport is located 30 km to the east of Taif and 70 km from Mecca. The airport is considered important in Saudi aviation history as it witnessed the first landing of Ibn Saud's plane, founder of the Kingdom. It was converted to a regional airport in 2009 when GACA allowed international airlines", "\"Khurais Airport\"\nKhurais Airport Khurais Airport is a small airport in the oil complex of Khurais in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport occupies an area of 1.2 km² next to the residential camp. It has replaced the previous Khurais Airport (old). Saudi Aramco, the national oil company of Saudi Arabia, owns and operate the airport providing logistic support to the remote oil complex. Using Boeing 737 and Dash 8 aircraft, the company operates scheduled flights to Dammam for the headquarters in Dhahran. The airport is equipped with one runway, 2,430 meters long and 30 meters wide. 7 parking/gates can", "\"India–Saudi Arabia relations\"\nthe first nations to establish ties with the Third Saudi State. During the 1930s, India heavily funded Nejd through financial subsidies. Formal diplomatic relations between contemporary India and Saudi Arabia were established soon after India gained independence in 1947. Relations between the two countries have strengthened considerably owing to collaboration in regional affairs and trade. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest suppliers of oil to India, who is one of the top seven trading partners and the fifth biggest investor in Saudi Arabia. In history there have been four visits to Saudi Arabia by an Indian Prime Minister: Jawaharlal", "\"Indonesians in Saudi Arabia\"\nalso employees to the world's biggest oil company Saudi Aramco with their families locating in the Dhahran area. Most of Indonesians in Saudi Arabia reside in Riyadh, Jeddah, Mecca, Medina, and all around Dammam area. The Indonesian government signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern governments on manpower exports in 1983; in that year 47,000 Indonesians went to Saudi Arabia. Their numbers grew rapidly; in the five-year period starting in 1989, Saudi Arabia took in a total of 384,822 Indonesian workers, 59% of all labour migration from Indonesia during that period. Indonesian domestic workers find themselves quite", "\"Pump Station 3 Airport\"\nPump Station 3 Airport Pump Station 3 Airport is a small airport in the oil complex of Pump Station 3 in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport occupies an area of 1.1 km² next to the complex. Saudi Aramco, the national oil company of Saudi Arabia, owns and operate the airport providing logistic support to the remote oil complex. Using Boeing 737 and Dash 8 aircraft, the company operates scheduled flights to Dammam for the headquarters in Dhahran. The airport is equipped with one runway, 2,430 meters long and 30 meters wide. Only one parking/gate can be found", "\"Pump Station 3 Airport\"\nthere. Pump Station 3 Airport Pump Station 3 Airport is a small airport in the oil complex of Pump Station 3 in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport occupies an area of 1.1 km² next to the complex. Saudi Aramco, the national oil company of Saudi Arabia, owns and operate the airport providing logistic support to the remote oil complex. Using Boeing 737 and Dash 8 aircraft, the company operates scheduled flights to Dammam for the headquarters in Dhahran. The airport is equipped with one runway, 2,430 meters long and 30 meters wide. Only one parking/gate can be", "\"Khurais Airport (old)\"\ninfrastructure as it is equipped with one old runway, 1,870 meters long and 30 meters wide without taxiways or terminals. A small area of 2,200 m² can be found between the runway and the entrance of the airfield for aircraft parking/movement. Khurais Airport (old) Khurais Airport (old) is a small airport near the oil complex of Khurais in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport occupies a small area of 0.28 km² south of the new complex. Saudi Aramco, the national oil company of Saudi Arabia, owns and used to operate the airport providing logistic support to the remote", "\"King Fahd International Airport\"\nKing Fahd International Airport King Fahd International Airport (KFIA) () is an airport in Dammam, Saudi Arabia northwest of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. The airport's basic infrastructure was complete by the end of 1990, which allowed the Allied forces engaged in the first Gulf War in early 1991 to use the field for the storage of military aircraft. KFIA was the base used by all USAF A-10s (144), as well as the US Army's 101st Airborne's AH-64, CH-47, UH-60, and OH-58 helicopters during the Gulf War. It was much more than a storage area. The US Army had many units there", "\"Armed Forces of Saudi Arabia\"\nIndustries signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ROSOBORONEXPORT for the local production of the 9M133 Kornet-EM anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) system, the TOS-1A advanced multiple rocket launcher and AGS-30 automatic grenade launchers with grenades and Kalashnikov AK-103. China, Russia, Saudi Arabia Boosted Defense Most as U.S. Cut Armed Forces of Saudi Arabia The armed forces are mainly the responsibility of the Ministry of Defense and Aviation, which also oversees the construction of civilian airports as well as military bases, and meteorology departments. Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz was Saudi Arabia's Minister of Defence and Aviation from 1962 to 2011.", "Abha\nof Nejd loyal to Ibn Saud during the Unification of Saudi Arabia. Abha has many historic places such as forts and other locations, thanks to the region's cultural heritage. A coastal road connecting Jeddah and Abha was completed in 1979. A SAPTCO bus station connects Abha to other destinations within Saudi Arabia. Abha Regional Airport (, IATA: AHB[3], ICAO: OEAB) is Abha's main airport. International connections are available to Yemen (Sana'a), Egypt (Cairo), Qatar (Doha) and the UAE (Dubai, Sharjah), as well as to other destinations within Saudi Arabia. Construction of Dutch-designed Abha Airport began in mid-1975, and flights began", "\"King Abdulaziz Air Base\"\nKing Abdulaziz Air Base King Abdulaziz Air Base , formerly Dhahran International Airport and Dhahran Airfield is a Royal Saudi Air Force Air Base located in Dhahran in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It's the first airport ever built in Saudi Arabian soil. It was operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) from 1945 until 1962. After use by the USAF, Dhahran Airfield became Dhahran International Airport, as well as the co-located King Abdulaziz Air Base of the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF). The military relationship that exists today between the United States and Saudi Arabia was highly", "\"King Abdulaziz Air Base\"\none A319. King Abdulaziz Air Base King Abdulaziz Air Base , formerly Dhahran International Airport and Dhahran Airfield is a Royal Saudi Air Force Air Base located in Dhahran in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It's the first airport ever built in Saudi Arabian soil. It was operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) from 1945 until 1962. After use by the USAF, Dhahran Airfield became Dhahran International Airport, as well as the co-located King Abdulaziz Air Base of the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF). The military relationship that exists today between the United States and Saudi Arabia", "\"Egypt–Saudi Arabia relations\"\nAirlines and King Abdulaziz International Airport authorities in Jeddah. They wanted the Saudi ambassador, Hisham Nazer, to exit the country immediately. The protesters argued that the airport did not arrange enough flights back to Egypt in time for Eid ul-Fitr after thousands were stranded in the country. They also expressed disgust over how Saudi Arabian Airlines officials treated pilgrims at the airport, and protested that Saudi officials had meddled in Egyptian affairs during the revolution. On 28 April 2012, Saudi Arabia announced the closure of its Cairo embassy and its consulates in Alexandria and Suez, following Egyptian protests over the", "\"Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport\"\ncharter passengers. The existing airport achieved international status in 2007. The winning consortium comprised TAV Airports of Turkey and Saudi Oger Limited and Al Rajhi Holding Group, both of Saudi Arabia. In October 2011, the consortium entered into a contract with the Civil Aviation Authority of Saudi Arabia (GACA) to build and operate the Prince Muhammad Bin Abdulaziz International Airport in Al Madinah Al-Munawarah under a 25-year concession. The project reached financial close on 30 June 2012, securing a total of US$1.2 billion financing package from a club of Saudi Arabian banks. The project has been structured as a Build-Transfer-Operate", "\"Udhayliyah Airport\"\ncompany executives. The airport has one runway that is 2,185 meters long and 30 meters wide. Two parking/gates are available for medium-sized airplanes. Parking lot is located just outside the terminal. Udhayliyah Airport Udhayliyah Airport is a small airport located in the village of Udhayliyah, 150 km southwest of Dammam in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It occupies a small area of 0.55 km² east of the residential camp. Saudi Aramco, the national oil company in Saudi Arabia, owns the airfield and was being operated for domestic General Aviation used by the company for logistics. However, the company realized", "\"Abu Ali Airport\"\nAbu Ali Airport Abu Ali Airport is a small airstrip in the Island of Abu Ali, part of Jubail area in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It is located about north of the city and about from the shores of the Persian Gulf, occupying a small land area of about 0.5 km². The airstrip is owned and was operated by Saudi Aramco, the national oil company of Saudi Arabia. It was used for the employees traveling between the island and other airports. However, during the last decade it has been idle for the reason that employees no longer need", "\"King Fahd International Airport\"\nbefore the start of the war, as well as during redeployment from Iraq after. The General Authority of Civil Aviation of Saudi Arabia finally opened the new Dammam King Fahd International Airport on 28 November 1999 to commercial traffic, and all airlines transferred their operations from Dhahran International Airport, which had been in use until then. The new Dammam airport serves most of Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia and in particular the growing urban complex made up of Dammam, Dhahran, Khobar, Qatif, Ras Tanura, while its catchment area also covers Jubail with total population of about 2.5 million served. The", "\"Riyadh Air Base\"\npilot training. OERY has two crossing runways. 19-01 is the alpha and 15-30 is the bravo. It is home to the Civil Defense fleet as well. Riyadh Air Base Riyadh Air Base (, Arabic: قاعدة الرياض الجوية) formerly Riyadh International Airport until 1982 is an airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Originally used for commercial flights by Saudi Arabia Airlines, the airport witnessed the destruction of Saudia Flight 163 on the night of August 19 1980. The Lockheed L-1011-200 was attempting to return when it burst into flames on the tarmac. In 1982, King Khalid International Airport was opened which lead", "\"Developments in Dubai\"\ncomplex. Upon completion it will be the fourth largest air facility in land area (physical size). Only three other air facilities are larger than Dubai World Central: King Fahd International Airport, Damman, Saudi Arabia, which is larger than the country of Bahrain, at 780 square kilometers; Montréal-Mirabel International Airport, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, at 392 square kilometers; and King Khalid International Airport, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, at 225 square kilometers. Due to the massive physical scale of the masterplan, others would come to claim that Dubai World Central would be the most ambitious airport project ever envisioned. The latest estimates by the", "\"2015 Blackbushe Phenom 300 crash\"\nlight business jet manufactured in 2010, serial number 50500040 and registered in Saudi Arabia as . The plane was owned by Salem Aviation of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which was the aircraft's first owner. Salem Aviation is owned by the bin Laden family. At the time of the crash, the aircraft was on a flight from Milan Malpensa Airport, Italy, to Blackbushe Airport with three passengers, all Saudi nationals, and one crew member, a Jordanian pilot, on board. The passengers were Rajaa Hashim, one of the wives of Osama bin Laden's father Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (who had died in", "\"King Abdullah Sports City\"\nKing Abdullah Sports City King Abdullah Sports City (Arabic: مدينة الملك عبدالله الرياضية), also nicknamed The Shining Jewel, in Arabic (al-Jawharaa Al-Moshe'ah) (Arabic: الجوهرة المشعة) or simply The Jewel, in Arabic (al-Jawhara) (Arabic: الجوهرة), is a multi-use stadium and sports city located 60 kilometers north of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The City was named after Abdullah, King of Saudi Arabia when the stadium opened. The main stadium (King Abdullah International Stadium) is used for football, reaching a full capacity of 62,241 spectators. It is the biggest stadium in Jeddah, and the second biggest in Saudi Arabia, coming after Riyadh's King Fahd", "\"Dubai International Airport\"\nPassenger traffic for 2014 grew by 7.5% as 70.48 million passengers passed through Dubai International, compared to 66.43 million during the corresponding period in 2013. Growth slowed down in 2014 due to the 80-day runway resurfacing project, which saw DXB operate with only one runway between May and July. In 2014, India was DXB's biggest destination with 8.91 million passengers. The UK, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan followed with 5.38 million, 4.88 million and 3.13 million, respectively. London's Heathrow became the top city destination, recording 2,626,357 passengers. Doha followed it with 2,355,959. The airport handled 2.37 million tonnes of air cargo", "\"Saudia Flight 163\"\nSaudia Flight 163 Saudia Flight 163 was a scheduled Saudia passenger flight which caught fire after takeoff from Riyadh International Airport en route to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on 19 August 1980. All 287 passengers and 14 crew on board the Lockheed TriStar 200 died from smoke inhalation after the aircraft made a successful emergency landing at Riyadh. Flight 163 departed Qu'aid-e-Azam International Airport (now Jinnah International Airport) in Karachi, Pakistan at 18:32 Pakistan time (13:32 UTC) bound for Jeddah International Airport in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with a scheduled intermediate stop at Riyadh Airport. The flight arrived in Riyadh at 19:06", "\"Dawadmi Domestic Airport\"\nDawadmi Domestic Airport Dawadmi Airport (, ), also known as Dawadmi Domestic Airport (), is an airport serving Dawadmi, a city in the Riyadh province in Saudi Arabia. The airport lies in the Najd some west of the town center of Dawadmi. The airport has a single runway in roughly NNW to SSE direction. In April 2003, the new airport in the city was inaugurated by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. The airport resides at an elevation of above mean sea level. It has one runway designated 15/33 with an asphalt surface measuring . Airlines offering scheduled passenger service:", "\"Dawadmi Domestic Airport\"\nDawadmi Domestic Airport Dawadmi Airport (, ), also known as Dawadmi Domestic Airport (), is an airport serving Dawadmi, a city in the Riyadh province in Saudi Arabia. The airport lies in the Najd some west of the town center of Dawadmi. The airport has a single runway in roughly NNW to SSE direction. In April 2003, the new airport in the city was inaugurated by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. The airport resides at an elevation of above mean sea level. It has one runway designated 15/33 with an asphalt surface measuring . Airlines offering scheduled passenger service:", "Udhailiyah\ncontractor employees There is a small single strip airport near Udhailiyah (Udhayliyah Airport) operated by Saudi Aramco and not open for commercial air traffic. Saudi Aramco also utilizes the nearby airport in Hofuf which is 30 km away from Udhailiyah which now operates international flights to regional destinations such as Dubai and Doha. Full international air transportation is available at the King Fahd International Airport which is about 190 km away. Udhailiyah Udhailiyah (Arabic: العضيلية \"\"ʿuḍayliyyah\"\") is a small oil company compound in the interior of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia located in the desert southwest of the Dhahran-Dammam-Khobar", "\"Overseas Indonesians\"\nwith a minority of other types of labour migrants and students. Most of the \"\"santri\"\" extension studied in Saudi, as well as Islamic University in Madina. A number of Indonesian expatriates in Saudi Arabia work in diplomatic sectors or are employees to local or foreign companies located in various province of Saudi Arabia such as SABIC, Schlumberger, Halliburton, or Indomie. Many of Indonesians are also employees to the world's biggest oil company Saudi Aramco. Most Indonesians in Saudi Arabia reside in Riyadh, Jeddah, and all around Dammam area. There are about 39,000 Indonesian citizens in the State of Qatar according", "\"Red Sea Mall\"\nRed Sea Mall The Red Sea Mall is a shopping mall located in the northern suburb of Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The mall is located on the western side of the King Abdulaziz Road (طريق الملك عبدالعزيز) between the King Abdulaziz International Airport and the Red Sea coast. It covers approximately 242,200 square meters of built area. There's a hotel attached to it called \"\"Elaf Jeddah\"\". Main facilities are a Danube supermarket, Sparky's Games City and the Virgin Megastore. On opening it had both the \"\"biggest indoor water fountain\"\" and the largest glass covered area in Saudi", "\"El Arish International Airport\"\nin 2001. The airport has been mainly used for Palestinian passengers traveling to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for the annual Hajj Muslim pilgrimage. El Arish International Airport El Arish International Airport () is an airport near El Arish, Egypt. In 2011 the airport served 5,991 passengers (-45.4% vs. 2010). The airport is home to Palestinian Airlines. In May 2012, the company restarted two-weekly flights to Amman, with flights to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to follow soon . It is one of the closest airports to the Gaza Strip; El Gora Airport is slightly closer but has no scheduled air service. Palestinian Airlines", "\"Saudi–Yemeni border conflict (2015–present)\"\nmissile hit its target causing a major fire, while Saudi Arabia has claimed that it was due to the extreme heat that caused one of the generators to blow up. On July 27, the Houthis forces launched approximately 4 Volcano 1 missiles at King Fahad Air Base; the Houthis said that the missiles had successfully hit their targets. On November 5, the Houthi Forces successfully launched a Volcano H-2 on Saudi Arabia targeting the capital Riyadh which garnered worldwide media attention. According to a Houthi spokesperson the missile hit its target, King Khalid International Airport, while Saudi Arabia claimed that", "\"Semnan Municipal Airport\"\nIraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia. The airport hopes to establish direct flight routes to Karbala, Iraq; Najaf, Iraq; Damascus, Syria; and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as soon as the international situation allows the proper atmosphere for such services. Some of the wealthy agribusiness managers also utilize the airport for the domestic transportation of their crops. The Semnan Municipal Airport is accessible via the A83 highway, and is situated a few kilometers east of the Islamic Azad University, itself only a few kilometers east of the city boundaries. Semnan Municipal Airport Semnan Municipal Airport () is an airport serving the", "\"King Khalid International Airport\"\nstation on the southeastern part of the airport to be linked with the terminal through the metro system. King Khalid International Airport King Khalid International Airport ( \"\"\"\", ) is located north of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, designed by the architectural firm HOK, and Arabian Bechtel Company Limited served as the construction manager on behalf of the Saudi government. This airport consists of five passenger terminals (only three of which are in use), with eight aero-bridges each, a mosque, covered and uncovered car parking for 11,600 vehicles, an additional Royal Terminal (for the kingdom's guests, government heads, and Saudi royal family", "\"Jeddah Tower\"\na welfare state, which spends billions of dollars on job creation and housing for its lower income residents. Just as the Jeddah Tower will complement the Jeddah Economic City development that will be built around it, there are many infrastructure and revitalisation projects underway and planned throughout Saudi Arabia, such as the US$7.2 billion (SR27.1 billion) new airport terminal under construction at King Abdulaziz (Jeddah) International Airport, that will complement the Jeddah Economic City as well as develop Saudi Arabia, which has been likened to a Third World country with crumbling infrastructure and widespread disasters, including severe flooding, such as", "\"King Khalid International Airport\"\nKing Khalid International Airport King Khalid International Airport ( \"\"\"\", ) is located north of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, designed by the architectural firm HOK, and Arabian Bechtel Company Limited served as the construction manager on behalf of the Saudi government. This airport consists of five passenger terminals (only three of which are in use), with eight aero-bridges each, a mosque, covered and uncovered car parking for 11,600 vehicles, an additional Royal Terminal (for the kingdom's guests, government heads, and Saudi royal family use), a central control tower (one of the world's tallest), and two parallel runways, which are each long.", "Dhahran\nthe Dhahran, Khobar, Dammam area serves the strategically important national oil industry, led by Saudi Aramco, as well as the local population. However, car ownership in the Kingdom has soared which often leaves non-highway roads congested at peak times. Formerly one of Saudi Arabia's three major international airports, Dhahran Airport (DHA), which opened in 1946 as Dhahran Airfield, is now a Royal Saudi Air Force air-base. Today, King Fahad International Airport (DMM), which replaced Dhahran International for commercial, private and cargo, serves the entire Metropolitan Area of Dhahran, Dammam, and Khobar, the distance to the airport terminal is about 40", "\"Armed Forces of Saudi Arabia\"\nArmed Forces of Saudi Arabia The armed forces are mainly the responsibility of the Ministry of Defense and Aviation, which also oversees the construction of civilian airports as well as military bases, and meteorology departments. Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz was Saudi Arabia's Minister of Defence and Aviation from 1962 to 2011. The vice minister, Abdulrahman bin Abdulaziz, was his full brother and served until November 2011. His oldest son, Khalid bin Sultan, was appointed assistant minister in 2001 and was in office until April 2013. In 1987, members of the air force, army, and navy are mainly recruits from", "\"Yemeni Civil War (2015–present)\"\nforces hit a \"\"mercenary camp\"\" in Saudi Arabia with artillery and rocket fire (which killed and wounded some people at the mercenary camp), targeted a power plant in the Najran region of Saudi Arabia, and targeted an airport in Jizan. Saudi Arabia later carried out a series of airstrikes in northwestern Sa'ada that destroyed three houses, as well as an aerial attack in southwestern Yemen that left 20 people dead. The same day, two leaders of Al-Qaeda in Yemen were killed on Thursday after a security raid was carried out by Yemeni forces in the province of Abyan. The security", "\"Qurayyat, Saudi Arabia\"\nNICU. We have a separate burn unit where major burns are treated. The city has a domestic airport (IATA: URY, ICAO: OEGT) about 10 km from the center. It operates by Saudia to Riyadh and Jeddah. The nearest airport is Turaif Domestic Airport. Other transport include the main bus facilities There is a new proposed railway facility going under construction, the Saudi Railway (SAR) to link Qurayyat, Saudi Arabia and Riyadh. At 31.585774 N 37.900386 E there is a 468 metres high guyed radio mast. Close to this, at 31.583635 N 37.903883 E, there is a 458 metres high guyed", "\"Saudi Arabia\"\nnotified Congress of its intention to make the biggest arms sale in American history—an estimated $60.5 billion purchase by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The package represents a considerable improvement in the offensive capability of the Saudi armed forces. 2013 saw Saudi military spending climb to $67bn, overtaking that of the UK, France and Japan to place fourth globally. The United Kingdom has also been a major supplier of military equipment to Saudi Arabia since 1965. Since 1985, the UK has supplied military aircraft—notably the Tornado and Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft—and other equipment as part of the long-term Al-Yamamah arms", "\"Iran–Saudi Arabia football rivalry\"\nsword-danced in front of 100,000 angry Iranian fans in Azadi Stadium. When Zob Ahan eliminated Al-Hilal in the 2010 AFC Champions League semi-final, Iranian players mocked the dance in front of Saudi fans. When Persepolis was scheduled to play away at Ittihad in the 2011 AFC Champions League, Saudi immigration authorities forced Iranian players to be fingerprinted and irises scanned upon their arrival at Jeddah airport. The Iranians refused to do so and were held at the airport for 8 hours. Iranian football fans take most pleasure in defeating Saudi Arabia, alongside Bahrain, whose players used to wave Saudi Arabian", "\"Park and ride\"\nexperimental service operating part-time from a motel on the A34 in the 1960s and then on a full-time basis from 1973. Better Choice Parking first offered an airport park and ride service at London Gatwick Airport in 1978. Oxford now operates park and ride from 5 dedicated parking lots around the city. As of 2015, Oxford has the biggest urban park & ride network in the UK with a combined capacity of 5,031 car parking spaces. One of the largest park and rides in Saudi Arabia is located at Kudai in Mecca. It helps people go the Masjid al-Haram. There", "Majlis\nairport in Abha has recently been designed to reflect the cultural heritage of the region, an airport official said: “Abha is the first city in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to have its airport decorated in a local-heritage style,” said Provincial Airport Director Abdul Aziz Abu Harba. “The seating arrangement at the airport lounge has been in the form of a traditional majlis and the walls are painted in various colors reflecting the natural beauty of Asir.” In the Najd province of Saudi Arabia, wall coverings include stars shapes and other geometric designs carved into the wall covering itself. \"\"Courtyards", "\"Mohammad bin Salman\"\nkilometre area across a lagoon of 50 islands on Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea coastline into a luxury tourism destination with laws on a par with international standards. In a further effort to boost the tourism industry, in November 2017 it was announced that Saudi Arabia would start issuing tourist visas for foreigners, beginning in 2018. Prince Mohammed bin Salman's biggest bet was his plan to restore the Saudi kingdom's dominance in global oil markets by driving the new competition into bankruptcy, by keeping the oil price low enough for a long enough period. Saudi Arabia persuaded OPEC to do the", "\"Prince Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz Domestic Airport\"\nPrince Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz Domestic Airport Prince Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz Domestic Airport is located southeast of Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia. It was named after Prince Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz. The planned capacity of the airport was 100,000 passengers per year, particularly both tourists and locals. The airport began operations on 31 October 2011 when the first flight from Riyadh operated by Saudia. It is the closest airport to the pre-Islamic archaeological site of Mada'in Saleh and Al Ula Heritage Village. The airport is the first one in Saudi Arabia specifically designed to serve people coming to the region for", "\"Prince Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz Domestic Airport\"\nvisiting purposes. Prince Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz Domestic Airport Prince Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz Domestic Airport is located southeast of Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia. It was named after Prince Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz. The planned capacity of the airport was 100,000 passengers per year, particularly both tourists and locals. The airport began operations on 31 October 2011 when the first flight from Riyadh operated by Saudia. It is the closest airport to the pre-Islamic archaeological site of Mada'in Saleh and Al Ula Heritage Village. The airport is the first one in Saudi Arabia specifically designed to serve people coming to the", "\"Adel al-Jubeir\"\nSaudi Arabia on a two-day official visit to Saudi Arabia. President Obama was received by King Abdullah, Second Deputy Prime Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz and Ambassador Al-Jubeir at King Khalid International Airport. During his visit to Saudi Arabia, President Obama stated that he chose Saudi Arabia as the first stop on his Middle East tour because the Kingdom is a key ally and the cradle of Islam. The President and King Abdullah met and held extensive bilateral talks at the King’s ranch in al-Janadriyah on the outskirts of Riyadh. During their discussions, the two leaders focused on regional and", "Flyadeal\nFlyadeal flyadeal () is a Saudi low-cost airline based at King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah. It is owned by Saudi flag carrier Saudia. The airline began operations on 23 September 2017 with flights to domestic destinations. Saudia, the flag carrier of Saudi Arabia, announced the creation of flyadeal on 17 April 2016. The venture is part of Saudia Group's SV2020 Transformation Strategy, which aims to elevate the group's units into world-class organisations by 2020. flyadeal will cater to domestic travellers, Hajj and Umrah pilgrims, and the rising number of tourists to Saudi Arabia, among other groups. The airline launched", "\"Jeddah Tower\"\nSaudi Binladin Group is the largest construction firm in the Middle East, with over 35,000 workers and hundreds of projects. They recently constructed the topped-out Abraj Al-Bait Clock Tower in Mecca, which is the tallest building in Saudi Arabia and third tallest in the world, as well as the largest skyscraper in the world by floor area and volume. Aside from buildings, the firm has also constructed many major infrastructure projects, such as the King Abdulaziz (Jeddah) International Airport expansion and the six lane Al Qassim Expressway through Saudi Arabia. Saudi Binladin Group is owned by the family of the", "\"Petromin Corporation\"\nset up fuel stations along highways in Saudi Arabia. In 2017 the company first announced its plans to build 240 gas stations across the Kingdom. Petromin has entered a partnership with Nissan, becoming the official authorized distribution agent in Saudi Arabia. The first showroom was opened in Riyadh on October 10, 2016. Its Jeddah plant is now one of the biggest oil and mobilization plants in the middle east and Petromin Corporation is the largest maker of lubricants in Saudi Arabia, with a present production capacity of 300,000 metric tons. Petromin Corporation The Petromin Corporation is a Saudi Arabian lubricants", "\"Saleh Abdullah Kamel\"\nInstitutions, Jeddah Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Council of Saudi Chambers and Federation of GCC Chambers. On 4 November 2017, Saleh Abdullah Kamel was arrested in Saudi Arabia in a \"\"corruption crackdown\"\" conducted by a new royal anti-corruption committee. This was done on authority of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to amass power in the Kingdom. This purge marks the biggest corruption crackdown in the history of Saudi Arabia. Kamel has been honored by many medals, titles and prizes including: Kamel is the owner of Durrat Al-Arus, a resort in Saudi Arabia. He owned the ART TV network, the only", "\"Foreign relations of India\"\nis one of the top seven trading partners and the 5th biggest investor in Saudi Arabia. India was one of the first nations to establish ties with the Third Saudi State. During the 1930s, India heavily funded Nejd through financial subsidies. India's strategic relations with Saudi Arabia have been affected by the latter's close ties with Pakistan. Saudi Arabia supported Pakistan's stance on the Kashmir conflict and during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 at the expense of its relations with India. The Soviet Union's close relations with India also served as a source of consternation. During the Persian Gulf War", "\"Smoking in Saudi Arabia\"\nSmoking in Saudi Arabia Smoking in Saudi Arabia is banned in airports, workplaces, universities, research centers, hospitals, government buildings, all public places, places involved with tourism, and in and around all places associated with religion, education, public events, sporting establishments, charity associations, all forms of public transport and their associated facilities, plants for manufacturing or processing items, and a large proportion of public places. Statistics taken by the Ministry of Health (Saudi Arabia) in 2007 indicated that 75.4% of the population believed public smoking should be prohibited. \"\"Official figures\"\" from 2012 indicate there were somewhere around six million smokers in", "\"Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud\"\na discord with King Abdullah. During the same period he led the group called Sudairi Seven, being the eldest of the group after King Fahd's demise. Prince Sultan was Saudi Arabia's Inspector General. He was chairman of the board of Saudi Arabia's national airline, Saudi Arabian Airlines. As chairman, he approved a ban on smoking inside all Saudi airports. In 1986, he founded the Saudi National Commission for Wildlife Conservation. He was chairman of the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs, which financially supports Muslim communities around the world. A non-profit charity organization, Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Foundation, was set", "\"Dina Ali Lasloom\"\nis an extreme form of gender apartheid. I would like to ask, if the Foreign Minister agrees, that Norway raise the matter with Saudi Arabia.\"\" said parliamentary representative Jan Bøhler. A meeting has been set for spring 2018. Dina Ali Lasloom Dina Ali Lasloom (; born March 29, 1993) is a Saudi woman who attempted to seek asylum in Australia to escape Saudi guardianship laws. She was stopped during transit at Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila on April 10, 2017, and sent back to Saudi Arabia on April 11, 2017. Lasloom's documents were confiscated by Filipino airport officials in", "\"Cyclone Gonu\"\nInternational Airport) and Salalah International Airport canceled all flights after 2000 UTC on June 5 due to the cyclone. In Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, both members of OPEC, no official warnings had been issued due to Gonu. The storm was not expected to disrupt oil supplies from these two nations. However, oil prices rose early on June 5 because of concerns of disruptions caused by Gonu, as well as the threat of nationwide strikes in Nigeria, Africa's biggest oil producer. Crude oil for July delivery rose $1.13, or 1.7 percent, to $66.21 Monday on the New York", "\"Blockade of Yemen\"\nthe international airport of King Khalid which is located thirty-five kilometers north of Riyadh as the capital of Saudi, in reaction to Saudi Arabia’s devastating aerial bombardment campaign over Yemenis. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi declared that they are aware that what (targets) could cause big trouble and of course how to reach them. The leader of Ansar Allah emphasized that Saudi Arabia and UAE are within range of the missiles, and Yemeni’s UAVs will begin bombing the targets over Saudi. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi also warned the companies and investors who are in UAE that all companies in UAE ought not to consider United", "\"Al-Qassim Region\"\nis located in the center of Saudi Arabia approximately 400 km northwest of Riyadh, the capital. It is bordered by Riyadh Region to the south and east, by Ha'il Region to the north, and by Al Madinah Region to the west. The region is connected to almost every part of Saudi Arabia by a very complicated network of highways. The regional airport, Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz Regional Airport, connects Al Qassim (Gassim) to the other provinces of the country. There is not much information known about Al Qassim the province in the times of Pre-Islamic Arabia. Unaizah was repeatedly mentioned", "\"Abqaiq Airport\"\nAbqaiq Airport Abqaiq Airport is a small airstrip located 10 km west to the center of Abqaiq city in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It occupies an area of about 0.35 km², surrounded by farms and desert. It is about 65 km southwest of Dammam, the Province's largest city. The closest major city, however, is Al-Mubarraz, which is located about 55km to the south. Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) owns the airfield and used to operate it for its domestic flights around the kingdom, until it was abandoned from regular use due to the completion of the King", "\"Dallah Al-Baraka\"\nTrans Arabia Company, which specialized in airport construction, operation, and maintenance. Dallah Avco Arabia attained a large number of airport and related operations in Saudi, such as the 1988 contract to maintain and run the Saudi’s air traffic control system. In 2012 DHBC, the Islamic Development Bank, and the Qatari government signed a memorandum of understanding to establish an Islamic Bank with $1 billion in capital. The huge Islamic Bank shall provide “liquidity-management solutions in an effort to create an Islamic inter-bank market,” said Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani, chairman of Jeddah-based IDB. The Doha-based bank had a subscribed capital of", "\"Ras Tanajib Airport\"\nlong and 30 meters wide, with lights and ILS support. There are 6 parking/gates for medium-sized airplanes, many helipads can be found in the airport. Car parking is available outside the airport gate. Ras Tanajib Airport Ras Tanajib Airport is a small airport located in the oil complex of Tanajib about northwest of Jubail in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport is 4.1 km away from the Persian Gulf and occupies an area of 3 km². The airport was built and being operated by the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) to replace the old airport in Safaniya,", "\"Fahd of Saudi Arabia\"\nfamily's lavish spending of the country's wealth reached its height. In addition, the biggest and most controversial military contract of the century, the Al-Yamamah arms deal was signed on his watch. The contract has cost the Saudi treasury more than $90 billion. These funds were originally allocated to building hospitals, schools, universities and roads. As a result, Saudi Arabia endured a stagnation in infrastructure development from 1986 till 1999 when the new King, Abdullah, fully came into power. Like all the countries bordering the Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia under King Fahd has focused its industrial development on hydrocarbon installations. Up", "\"Mexico–Saudi Arabia relations\"\nbetween both nations Banks for Development and Exportations (2016); Agreement on Air Services (2016); Agreement on Tourism Cooperation (2016); Memorandum of Understanding in Cooperation the Oil and Gas Sectors (2016); Memorandum of Understanding between Pemex and Saudi Aramco (2016) and an Agreement of Cooperation to Combat Organized Crime (2017). In 2017, two-way trade between both nations amounted to $219.6 million USD. Saudi Arabia is Mexico's biggest trading partner among the Arab nations and 41st globally. Mexico's main exports to the kingdom include: copper wires, aluminium alloy and honey. Saudi Arabia's main exports to Mexico include: gas and propane gas. Mexican", "\"Dina Ali Lasloom\"\nTwitter purports to be her testimony before being kidnapped and returned to Saudi Arabia. No face is shown in the video. In the testimony, she claims that she will be killed upon return to her family. Dina stated in the self-recorded video that the Philippine authorities had held her at the Manila airport, and confiscated her passport. She is quoted to have said, \"\"My name is Dina Ali and I'm a Saudi woman who fled Saudi Arabia to Australia to seek asylum. If my family come they will kill me. If I go back to Saudi Arabia I will be", "\"Ras Tanura Airport\"\nRas Tanura Airport Ras Tanura Airport is a small airport in the western side of Ras Tanura city in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport occupies an area of 1.9 km², surrounded by residential areas and oil pipelines. It is located about north of Dammam, but is also close to other cities in the Province like Jubail, Khobar and Al-Thuqbah. The airport is owned and operated by the Saudi Arabian oil company Saudi Aramco for logistics operations. The airport was used for Aramco jets and helicopters until the completion of the nearby King Fahd International Airport in Dammam,", "\"Ras Tanajib Airport\"\nRas Tanajib Airport Ras Tanajib Airport is a small airport located in the oil complex of Tanajib about northwest of Jubail in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport is 4.1 km away from the Persian Gulf and occupies an area of 3 km². The airport was built and being operated by the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) to replace the old airport in Safaniya, as logistic support for the remote complex. Nowadays, it serves both Tanajib and the nearby Safaniya. It was also utilized during operation Desert storm in 1991. The airport has one runway, 2,440 meters", "\"Kamal Adham\"\na significant figure in the Club and worked for it for a long time. Adham also had business activities, for which he used his connections with the House of Saud. His business dealings began in 1957, long before his post as the head of the GIP. He founded the Kamal Adham Group in Saudi Arabia, which became one of the biggest companies in the country. Raymond Close, a former CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia, left CIA and began to work for Adham in 1977 when he was the head of the GIP. Adham was also one of the major", "Megacorpstate\nreserve the oil for future investments or as an alternative to generating current revenues. Other economists believe that its motivation to establish low prices is due to a force that is present within its own organization and call the force Saudi Arabia. Oil state Saudi Arabia has always been adamant in maintaining low prices. Saudi Arabia is by far the biggest producer in OPEC and supplies approximately 30% of total OPEC output. Consequently, it is the most influential member of the organization. OPEC claims to generate profits for oil firms by adjusting the petroleum supply and supporting prices. However, the", "\"Turkish Airlines Flight 5904\"\nTurkish Airlines Flight 5904 Turkish Airlines Flight 5904 was a Boeing 737-400 on an international repositioning flight from Adana Şakirpaşa Airport in Adana, Turkey to King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia which crashed on 7 April 1999 in the vicinity of Ceyhan, Adana Province in southern Turkey some eight minutes after takeoff. The flight was on its way to Saudi Arabia to pick up pilgrims from Jeddah and as such took off without any passengers on board. All six crew members however were killed in the crash. The aircraft operating Flight 5904 was a 1995-built Boeing 737-400, registered", "\"Shaybah Airport\"\nShaybah Airport Shaybah Airport is a small airfield located in the remote Shaybah oil complex in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport is adjacent to the employees accommodation compound. The airport was built and being operated by the Saudi Arabian Oil Company Saudi Aramco, providing vital logistic support to this remote isolated area in the desert. Using Boeing 737, the company operates regular flights to Dammam and Al-Hasa, the capital and the largest city of the province. The airport has one paved runway in addition to an old unpaved runway that is no longer used. The paved runway", "\"Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia\"\nand Europe. Other international airports in the province are Al-Ahsa International Airport and Al Qaisumah/Hafr Al Batin Airport. The King Abdul Aziz Sea Port, located on the coast of the Persian Gulf, is the second largest and second busiest port in Saudi Arabia. It is also the largest port in the Persian Gulf. It was founded in the late 1940s. It has large equipment that allows it to receive various types of vessels. The most important equipments are 56 multi-purpose hoist, 8 container cranes, and 524 tanker containers. There are a number of berths for ships and fishing, as well", "\"Dina Ali Lasloom\"\nDina Ali Lasloom Dina Ali Lasloom (; born March 29, 1993) is a Saudi woman who attempted to seek asylum in Australia to escape Saudi guardianship laws. She was stopped during transit at Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila on April 10, 2017, and sent back to Saudi Arabia on April 11, 2017. Lasloom's documents were confiscated by Filipino airport officials in the International Zone. Her case spread widely on social media after she recorded a video with the help of a Canadian tourist at the Manila airport, in which she said she feared her family would kill her if", "\"Sana'a International Airport\"\ntheir nationals. The militaries of India and Pakistan evacuated their citizens from Yemen as the war began. On 29 April 2015, the airport was the target of severe bombardment from the Royal Saudi Air Force. The only runway and the passenger terminal building have been severely damaged and are unusable for the foreseeable future. On 9 August 2016, the airport was closed down once again after resumption of services by Yemenia due to closure of airspace by the Saudi-led coalition. On 6 November 2017, in response to a Houthi missile landing in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi authorities closed the airport", "\"Wayne's Coffee\"\nleading coffee shop chain. New shops are constantly opening in more places, more cities, more towns and more countries, and now in United Kingdom. Wayne's Coffee has coffeehouses in the following European countries: Finland's Restamax owns the Finnish rights. Wayne's Coffee opened its first coffeehouse in Nicosia, Cyprus, in March 2012. The company also opened a second coffeehouse in Saudi Arabia at the Panorama Mall in Riyadh. The opening event was hosted by the Swedish ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Jan Thesleff. He commented, \"\"Saudi Arabia is the biggest market in the region\"\" with the franchise market expected to grow by", "\"Al Qaisumah/Hafr Al Batin Airport\"\nAl Qaisumah/Hafr Al Batin Airport Al Qaisumah/Hafr al Batin Airport (, ) is an airport serving Al Qaisumah (also spelled Al Qaysumah), a village near the city of Hafar Al-Batin in Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. The airport itself is about southeast of Hafar Al-Batin. The airport began in 1962 as a dusty runway for a Dakota aircraft which was used at that time for transporting Saudi Aramco employees between stations in the northern region. Today, the airport has a 3000 metres runway capable of handling Boeing 737, a total of 11 million square metre area, a passenger terminal, a sewage", "\"Tourism in the Arab world\"\nSome other spots are hard to reach, such as the Nabatean ruins, a four-hour drive from Medina, the nearest city with an airport for visitors to fly into. The Kingdom is almost totally dependent on oil, a habit Prince Sultan Bin Salman wants to change by forming the Saudi Commission for Tourism & Antiquities in 2000. There are several museums in Saudi Arabia like the Royal Saudi Air Force Museum and the National Museum of Saudi Arabia. The Royal Saudi Air Force Museum or \"\"Saqr Al-Jazira\"\" is located on the East Ring Road of the Saudi capital Riyadh between exits", "\"Shaybah Airport\"\nis 2,440 meters long and 27 meters wide. A space allocated to four airplanes to park at the airport. Parking lot is located just outside the terminal across the street. Shaybah Airport Shaybah Airport is a small airfield located in the remote Shaybah oil complex in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The airport is adjacent to the employees accommodation compound. The airport was built and being operated by the Saudi Arabian Oil Company Saudi Aramco, providing vital logistic support to this remote isolated area in the desert. Using Boeing 737, the company operates regular flights to Dammam and Al-Hasa,", "\"Sudair Industrial City\"\nSudair Industrial City It is located directly on the road linking Riyadh city with northern part of Saudi Arabia which is connected with road network. In addition to that, Riyadh Airport is closely adjacent to the site. The establishment of the dry port in the Sudair city is also planned, as well as the privilege of the presence of the South – North land railway which links the central part of Saudi Arabia, including the Southern part of Riyadh, with the Northern boundaries of the Kingdom. The type of industries will mostly consist of light-to-medium and the master plan will", "\"Panda Retail Company\"\nAzizia Panda United opens its fifth hypermarket in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. April 2006: United Azizia Panda opens its first outlet outside the kingdom of Saudi Arabia with an investment of AED 50 million (US$ 13.6 million). The outlet is located in Dubai’s Festival City. December 2007: United Azizia Panda makes sales worth SR3.7 billion in 2007, a 35% increase from 2006. June 2008: Al Azizia Panda United acquires Giant Stores in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and merges it into its operations. March 2009: Azizia Panda unveils the biggest bottle of shampoo in the world with 4,000 liters", "\"Women's education in Saudi Arabia\"\non how women can receive education in Saudi Arabia. One example of how women are checked for guardian consent is in many airports, officials ask women of all ages for written proof that their guardian has allowed them to travel. Many women have to receive consent to travel, even for educational reasons. Although the government has taken some steps to limit the power of guardians, there is little support showing that officials are backing down from guardian consent. The struggle for women's education is an ongoing battle in Saudi Arabia. There is no schooling that allows men and women to", "\"National Desert Storm and Desert Shield War Memorial Act\"\nIraq by members of the U.N. Security Council. U.S. President George H. W. Bush deployed U.S. forces into Saudi Arabia, and urged other countries to send their own forces to the scene. An array of nations joined the Coalition, the biggest coalition since World War II. The great majority of the Coalition's military forces were from the U.S., with Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Egypt as leading contributors, in that order. Saudi Arabia paid around US$36 billion of the US$60 billion cost. Operation Desert Shield was the codename for a \"\"wholly defensive\"\" United States mission to prevent Iraq from", "\"Saudi foreign assistance\"\nhelp feed 3.5 million Kenyans during the drought. Saudi foreign assistance Since the 1980s Saudi Arabia has provided foreign assistance to many countries and organizations. Between 1976 and 1987, Saudi developmental aid amounted to USD49 billion, second only to the United States of America. The ODA/GNP ratio averaged 4.2% over this period, well above the highest amount provided by Development Assistance Committee countries (the DAC average is 0.35%). On a per-capita basis, the country is the biggest worldwide donor, though the aid has only been given to Muslim countries. In 2005, IMF Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato appreciated Saudi Arabia's", "\"Saudi foreign assistance\"\nSaudi foreign assistance Since the 1980s Saudi Arabia has provided foreign assistance to many countries and organizations. Between 1976 and 1987, Saudi developmental aid amounted to USD49 billion, second only to the United States of America. The ODA/GNP ratio averaged 4.2% over this period, well above the highest amount provided by Development Assistance Committee countries (the DAC average is 0.35%). On a per-capita basis, the country is the biggest worldwide donor, though the aid has only been given to Muslim countries. In 2005, IMF Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato appreciated Saudi Arabia's role in providing economic and financial support to" ]
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which is the reserved word in java programming language
[ "keyword" ]
[ "\"Reserved word\"\nwhere codice_32 and codice_1 are reserved words — they have no meaning in Java but they also cannot be used as identifiers. By reserving the terms, they can be implemented in future versions of Java, if desired, without breaking older Java source code. For example, there was a proposal in 1999 to add C++-like codice_32 to the language, which was possible using the codice_32 word, since it was reserved but currently unused; however, this proposal was rejected – notably because even though adding the feature would not break any existing programs, using it in the standard library (notably in collections)", "\"Reserved word\"\nas a user-defined name. The meaning of keywords — and, indeed, the meaning of the notion of \"\"keyword\"\" — differs widely from language to language. Concretely, in ALGOL 68, keywords are stropped (in the strict language, written in bold) and are not reserved words – the unstropped word can be used as an ordinary identifier. The \"\"Java Language Specification\"\" uses the term \"\"keyword\"\". The ISO 9899 standard for the C programming language uses the term \"\"keyword\"\". In many languages, such as C and similar environments like C++, a \"\"keyword\"\" is a reserved word which identifies a syntactic form. Words used", "\"Static (keyword)\"\nStatic (keyword) In the C programming language (and its close descendants such as C++ and Objective-C), codice_1 is a reserved word controlling both lifetime (as a static variable) and visibility (depending on \"\"linkage\"\"). The word codice_1 is also used in languages influenced by C, such as Java. In C, codice_1 is a storage class (not to be confused with classes in object-oriented programming), as are codice_4, codice_5 and codice_6 (which are also reserved words). Every variable and function has one of these storage classes; if a declaration does not specify the storage class, a context-dependent default is used: In these", "\"Reserved word\"\ncan be implemented as predefineds, which can be overridden, thus not breaking existing programs. Reasons for flexibility include allowing compiler vendors to extend the specification by including non-standard features, different standard dialects of language to extend it, or future versions of the language to include additional features. For example, a procedural language may anticipate adding object-oriented capabilities in a future version or some dialect, at which point one might add keywords like codice_30 or codice_31. To accommodate this possibility, the current specification may make these reserved words, even if they are not currently used. A notable example is in Java,", "\"Reserved word\"\nThe terms \"\"reserved word\"\" and \"\"keyword\"\" are often used interchangeably – one may say that a reserved word is \"\"reserved for use as a keyword\"\" – and formal use varies from language to language; for this article we distinguish as above. In general reserved words and keywords need not coincide, but in most modern languages keywords are a subset of reserved words, as this makes parsing easier, since keywords cannot be confused with identifiers. In some languages, like C or Python, reserved words and keywords coincide, while in other languages, like Java, all keywords are reserved words, but some reserved", "\"Const (computer programming)\"\nhave codice_1 – it instead has codice_138, which can be applied to local \"\"variable\"\" declarations and applies to the \"\"identifier,\"\" not the type. It has a different object-oriented use for object members, which is the origin of the name. The Java language specification regards codice_1 as a reserved keyword – i.e., one that cannot be used as variable identifier – but assigns no semantics to it: it is a \"\"reserved word\"\" (it cannot be used in identifiers) but not a \"\"keyword\"\" (it has no special meaning). It is thought that the reservation of the keyword occurred to allow for an", "\"Foreach loop\"\nlanguage)|Java]] (since 1.5, using the [[reserved word]] codice_1 for the for loop and the foreach loop), [[JavaScript]], [[Lua (programming language)|Lua]], [[Objective-C]] (since 2.0), [[ParaSail (programming language)|ParaSail]], [[Perl]], [[PHP]], [[Python (programming language)|Python]], [[REALbasic]], [[Ruby (programming language)|Ruby]], [[Scala (programming language)|Scala]], [[Smalltalk]], [[Swift (programming language)|Swift]], [[Tcl]], [[tcsh]], [[Unix shell]]s, [[Visual Basic .NET]], and [[Windows PowerShell]]. Notable languages without foreach are [[C (programming language)|C]], and [[C++]] pre-C++11. [[ActionScript]] supports foreach loops by key/index and by value: Typical usage is as shown, but someArray could be any object, and someObject could be an array. [[Ada (programming language)|Ada]] supports foreach loops as part of the normal", "\"Kawa (Scheme implementation)\"\nKawa (Scheme implementation) Kawa is a language framework written in the programming language Java that implements the programming language Scheme, a dialect of Lisp, and can be used to implement other languages to run on the Java virtual machine (JVM). It is a part of the GNU Project. The name \"\"Kawa\"\" comes from the Polish word for coffee; a play on words, since Java is another familiar name for coffee. Besides using the language Scheme, Java object fields and methods can be accessed using code such as: . This will invoke a Java method, and does the same thing as", "\"Kawa (Scheme implementation)\"\nalso possible to create an applet or servlet (to compile a servlet, codice_4 must be in the codice_5 variable). Kawa (Scheme implementation) Kawa is a language framework written in the programming language Java that implements the programming language Scheme, a dialect of Lisp, and can be used to implement other languages to run on the Java virtual machine (JVM). It is a part of the GNU Project. The name \"\"Kawa\"\" comes from the Polish word for coffee; a play on words, since Java is another familiar name for coffee. Besides using the language Scheme, Java object fields and methods can", "\"Reserved word\"\nusers to learn because of a long list of reserved words to memorize which can't be used as identifiers. It may be difficult to extend the language because addition of reserved words for new features might invalidate existing programs or, conversely, \"\"overloading\"\" of existing reserved words with new meanings can be confusing. Porting programs can be problematic because a word not reserved by one system/compiler might be reserved by another. Microsoft’s .NET Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) specification allows code written in 40+ different programming languages to be combined together into a final product. Because of this, identifier/reserved word collisions can", "\"Reserved word\"\nnumbers of reserved words. For example, Java (and other C derivatives) has a rather sparse complement of reserved words—approximately 50 – whereas COBOL has approximately 400. At the other end of the spectrum, pure Prolog and PL/I have none at all. The number of reserved words in a language has little to do with how “powerful” a language is. COBOL was designed in the 1950s as a business language and was made to be self-documenting using English-like structural elements such as verbs, clauses, sentences, sections and divisions. C, on the other hand, was written to be very terse (syntactically) and", "\"C (programming language)\"\nwords that cannot be used for any purposes other than those for which they are predefined: C99 reserved five more words: C11 reserved seven more words: Most of the recently reserved words begin with an underscore followed by a capital letter, because identifiers of that form were previously reserved by the C standard for use only by implementations. Since existing program source code should not have been using these identifiers, it would not be affected when C implementations started supporting these extensions to the programming language. Some standard headers do define more convenient synonyms for underscored identifiers. The language previously", "\"Static (keyword)\"\nC++, member variables declared as codice_1 inside class definitions are class variables (shared between all class instances, as opposed to instance variables). Similarly, a static methoda method declared as codice_1 inside a class definitionis meant to be relevant to all instances of a class rather than any specific instance. Static (keyword) In the C programming language (and its close descendants such as C++ and Objective-C), codice_1 is a reserved word controlling both lifetime (as a static variable) and visibility (depending on \"\"linkage\"\"). The word codice_1 is also used in languages influenced by C, such as Java. In C, codice_1 is", "\"Reserved word\"\neither a keyword or an identifier, without depending on context; thus keywords are usually a subset of reserved words. However, reserved words need not be keywords – for example, in Java, codice_1 is a reserved word, but has no meaning and does not appear in any production rules in the grammar. This is usually done for forward compatibility, so a reserved word may become a keyword in a future version without breaking existing programs. Conversely, keywords need not be reserved words, with their role understood from context, or they may be distinguished in another manner, such as by stropping. For", "\"Reserved word\"\nand keywords in a language are defined when a language is developed, and both form part of a language's formal specification. Generally one wishes to minimize the number of reserved words, to avoid restricting valid identifier names. Further, introducing new reserved words breaks existing programs that use that word (it is not backwards compatible), so this is avoided. To prevent this and provide forward compatibility, sometimes words are reserved without having a current use (a reserved word that is not a keyword), as this allows the word to be used in future without breaking existing programs. Alternatively, new language features", "\"Foreach loop\"\ndefined order, processing each item in the collection from the first to the last. The \"\"foreach\"\" statement in many other languages, especially [[array programming]] languages, does not have any particular order. This simplifies [[loop optimization]] in general and in particular allows [[vector processing]] of items in the collection concurrently. Syntax varies among languages. Most use the simple word codice_1, roughly as follows: [[Programming language]]s which support foreach loops include [[ABC (programming language)|ABC]], [[ActionScript]], [[Ada (programming language)|Ada]], [[C++11]], [[C Sharp (programming language)|C#]], [[ColdFusion Markup Language]] (CFML), [[Cobra (programming language)|Cobra]], [[D (programming language)|D]], [[Daplex]] (query language), [[ECMAScript]], [[Erlang (programming language)|Erlang]], [[Java (programming", "\"Sun Microsystems\"\nHotJava Views suite. However, since then Java has been more successful on the server side of the Internet. The platform consists of three major parts: the Java programming language, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and several Java Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The design of the Java platform is controlled by the vendor and user community through the Java Community Process (JCP). Java is an object-oriented programming language. Since its introduction in late 1995, it became one of the world's most popular programming languages. Java programs are compiled to byte code, which can be executed by any JVM, regardless of the", "\"Java (software platform)\"\nimplementations of each platform. The codice_1 and codice_2 libraries implement an abstraction layer in native OS code, then provide a standard interface for the Java applications to perform those tasks. Finally, when some underlying platform does not support all of the features a Java application expects, the class libraries work to gracefully handle the absent components, either by emulation to provide a substitute, or at least by providing a consistent way to check for the presence of a specific feature. The word \"\"Java\"\", alone, usually refers to Java programming language that was designed for use with the Java platform. Programming", "\"Factor (programming language)\"\nto write. The Java implementation initially consisted of just an interpreter, but a compiler to Java bytecode was later added. This compiler only worked on certain procedures. The Java version of Factor was replaced by a version written in C and Factor. Initially, this consisted of just an interpreter, but the interpreter was replaced by two compilers, used in different situations. Over time, the Factor implementation has grown significantly faster. Factor is a dynamically typed, functional and object-oriented programming language. Code is structured around small procedures, called words. In typical code, these are 1-3 lines long, and a procedure more", "\"Java memory model\"\nJava memory model The Java memory model describes how threads in the Java programming language interact through memory. Together with the description of single-threaded execution of code, the memory model provides the semantics of the Java programming language. The original Java memory model, developed in 1995, was widely perceived as broken, preventing many runtime optimizations and not providing strong enough guarantees for code safety. It was updated through the Java Community Process, as Java Specification Request 133 (JSR-133), which took effect in 2004, for Tiger (Java 5.0). The Java programming language and platform provide thread capabilities. Synchronization between threads is", "\"Interface-based programming\"\nInterface-based programming Interface-based programming, also known as interface-based architecture, is an architectural pattern for implementing modular programming at the component level in an object-oriented programming language which does not have a module system. An example of such a language is Java, which (), does not have a module system at the level of components. Java has a \"\"package\"\" system, but Java software components typically consist of multiple Java packages and in any case, interface programming can provide advantages over merely using Java packages, even if a component only consists of a single Java package. Interface-based programming defines the application as", "\"Comparison of Java and C++\"\nComparison of Java and C++ This is a comparison of Java and C++, two prominent object-oriented programming languages. The differences between the programming languages C++ and Java can be traced to their heritage, as they have different design goals. C++ was designed for systems and applications programming (\"\"i.e.\"\" infrastructure programming), extending the procedural programming language C, which was designed for efficient execution. To C, C++ added support for object-oriented programming, exception handling, lifetime-based resource management (RAII), generic programming, template metaprogramming, and the C++ Standard Library which includes generic containers and algorithms (the Standard Template Library or STL), and many other", "SableVM\nstandard Java debugging interfaces are used for example by Eclipse to provide a rich and user-friendly Java development environment. Some versions of the SableVM use Java Intermediate Language, an intermediate language (which is a subset of XML) representing the type structure of a Java program. The language was proposed by the team of SableVM in McGill University in January 2002 to aid the analysis of a Java program with the goals of scalability and good performance. The language has not been widely adopted. Consider the following piece of Java code. This piece can be expressed in the language, as follows:", "\"Java ConcurrentMap\"\nLock-free pattern, which is more general. The replace(\"\"k,v1,v2\"\") does not accept null parameters, so sometimes a combination of them is necessary. In other words, if \"\"v1\"\" is null, then putIfAbsent(\"\"k, v2\"\") is invoked, otherwise replace(\"\"k,v1,v2\"\") is invoked. The Java collections framework was designed and developed primarily by Joshua Bloch, and was introduced in JDK 1.2. The original concurrency classes came from Doug Lea's collection package. Java ConcurrentMap The Java programming language's Java Collections Framework version 1.5 and later defines and implements the original regular single-threaded Maps, and also new thread-safe Maps implementing the interface among other concurrent interfaces. In Java", "\"Foreign function interface\"\nForeign function interface A foreign function interface (FFI) is a mechanism by which a program written in one programming language can call routines or make use of services written in another. The term comes from the specification for Common Lisp, which explicitly refers to the language features for inter-language calls as such; the term is also used officially by the Haskell and Python programming languages. Other languages use other terminology: the Ada programming language talks about \"\"language bindings\"\", while Java refers to its FFI as the JNI (Java Native Interface) or JNA (Java Native Access). Foreign function interface has become", "NetRexx\nNetRexx NetRexx is an open source, originally IBM's, variant of the REXX programming language to run on the Java virtual machine. It supports a classic REXX syntax, with no reserved keywords, along with considerable additions to support object-oriented programming in a manner compatible with Java's object model, yet can be used as both a compiled and an interpreted language, with an option of using only data types native to the JVM or the NetRexx runtime package. The latter offers the standard Rexx data type that combines string processing with unlimited precision decimal arithmetic. Integration with the JVM platform is tight,", "NetRexx\nfew syntactical elements (codice_1, codice_2) not found in classical REXX. NetRexx is written in NetRexx and uses the decimal arithmetic of REXX specified in ANSI X3.274. NetRexx NetRexx is an open source, originally IBM's, variant of the REXX programming language to run on the Java virtual machine. It supports a classic REXX syntax, with no reserved keywords, along with considerable additions to support object-oriented programming in a manner compatible with Java's object model, yet can be used as both a compiled and an interpreted language, with an option of using only data types native to the JVM or the NetRexx", "\"Scala (programming language)\"\nScala (programming language) Scala ( ) is a general-purpose programming language providing support for functional programming and a strong static type system. Designed to be concise, many of Scala's design decisions aimed to address criticisms of Java. Scala source code is intended to be compiled to Java bytecode, so that the resulting executable code runs on a Java virtual machine. Scala provides language interoperability with Java, so that libraries written in either language may be referenced directly in Scala or Java code. Like Java, Scala is object-oriented, and uses a curly-brace syntax reminiscent of the C programming language. Unlike Java,", "\"Naming convention (programming)\"\nin identifiers, a method of delimiting each word is needed (to make it easier for subsequent readers to interpret which characters belong to which word). Historically some early languages, notably FORTRAN (1955) and ALGOL (1958), allowed spaces within identifiers, determining the end of identifiers by context. This was abandoned in later languages due to the difficulty of tokenization. It is possible to write names by simply concatenating words, and this is sometimes used, as in codice_1 for Java package names, though legibility suffers for longer terms, so usually some form of separation is used. One approach is to delimit separate", "\"Real time Java\"\nfor Java\"\" (RTSJ) is a set of interfaces and behavioral refinements that enable real-time computer programming in the Java programming language. RTSJ 1.0 was developed as JSR 1 under the Java Community Process, which approved the new standard in November, 2001. RTSJ 2.0 is being developed under JSR 282. A draft version is available at JSR 282 JCP Page. More information can be found at RTSJ 2.0 Real time Java Real time Java is a catch-all term for a combination of technologies that enables programmers to write programs that meet the demands of real-time systems in the Java programming language.", "\"Kotlin (programming language)\"\nKotlin (programming language) Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on the Java virtual machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or use the LLVM compiler infrastructure. It is sponsored and developed by JetBrains. While the syntax is not compatible with Java, the JVM implementation of the Kotlin standard library is designed to interoperate with Java code and relies on Java code from the existing Java Class Library, such as the collections framework. Kotlin uses aggressive type inference to determine the types of values and expressions for which type has been left unstated. This reduces", "\"Java (programming language)\"\nJava (programming language) Java is a general-purpose computer-programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers \"\"write once, run anywhere\"\" (WORA), meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture. , Java is one of the most popular programming languages in use, particularly for client-server web applications, with a reported 9 million developers. Java was", "\"Nice (programming language)\"\nthrough multimethods, and many concepts drawn from functional programming such as anonymous functions, tuples, pattern matching (“value dispatch”), and parametric polymorphism. Source programs are compiled to Java bytecode, and can therefore interact with libraries written in Java and other programming languages targeting the Java Virtual Machine. Work on the Nice language appears to have slowed since early 2006. Nice (programming language) Nice is an object-oriented programming language released under the GNU General Public License. It features a powerful type system which can help eliminate many common bugs, such as null pointer dereferences and invalid casts, by detecting potential runtime errors", "\"Scala (programming language)\"\nto the next. Scala (programming language) Scala ( ) is a general-purpose programming language providing support for functional programming and a strong static type system. Designed to be concise, many of Scala's design decisions aimed to address criticisms of Java. Scala source code is intended to be compiled to Java bytecode, so that the resulting executable code runs on a Java virtual machine. Scala provides language interoperability with Java, so that libraries written in either language may be referenced directly in Scala or Java code. Like Java, Scala is object-oriented, and uses a curly-brace syntax reminiscent of the C programming", "\"Deterministic Parallel Java\"\nDeterministic Parallel Java Deterministic Parallel Java (DPJ) is an extension of the Java programming language which adds parallel constructs that provide a deterministic programming model for object-oriented languages. The language extensions define a type system that a programmer (or interactive porting tool) can use to annotate Java code with type information, and a compiler can use to type-check that a DPJ program has deterministic semantics, i.e., produces the same visible output for a given input, in all executions. Parallel algorithms that cannot be expressed entirely in the statically checked type system require run-time mechanisms to enforce determinism: two key research", "\"Comparison of Java and C++\"\nLanguage Specification\"\", a book which is published by Oracle. The Java language continuously evolves via a process called the Java Community Process, and the world's programming community is represented by a group of people and organizations - the Java Community members—which is actively engaged into the enhancement of the language, by sending public requests - the Java Specification Requests - which must pass formal and public reviews before they get integrated into the language. The lack of a firm standard for Java and the somewhat more volatile nature of its specifications have been a constant source of criticism by stake-holders", "\"Flow-based programming\"\ncomputers, except that decks of cards had to be hand-carried from one machine to another. Implementations of FBP may be non-preemptive or preemptive - the earlier implementations tended to be non-preemptive (mainframe and C language), whereas the latest Java implementation (see below) uses Java Thread class and is preemptive. FBP components often form complementary pairs. This example uses two such pairs. The problem described seems very simple as described in words, but in fact is surprisingly difficult to accomplish using conventional procedural logic. The task, called the \"\"Telegram Problem\"\", originally described by Peter Naur, is to write a program which", "\"Java performance\"\nJava performance In software development, the programming language Java was historically considered slower than the fastest 3rd generation typed languages such as C and C++. The main reason being a different language design, where after compiling, Java programs run on a Java virtual machine (JVM) rather than directly on the computer's processor as native code, as do C and C++ programs. Performance was a matter of concern because much business software has been written in Java after the language quickly became popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Since the late 1990s, the execution speed of Java programs improved", "\"Java Modeling Language\"\nJava Modeling Language The Java Modeling Language (JML) is a specification language for Java programs, using Hoare style pre- and postconditions and invariants, that follows the design by contract paradigm. Specifications are written as Java annotation comments to the source files, which hence can be compiled with any Java compiler. Various verification tools, such as a runtime assertion checker and the Extended Static Checker (ESC/Java) aid development. JML is a behavioural interface specification language for Java modules. JML provides semantics to formally describe the behavior of a Java module, preventing ambiguity with regard to the module designers' intentions. JML inherits", "Applet\nobserve and control any applet in a browser successfully. Applet In computing, an applet is any small application that performs one specific task that runs within the scope of a dedicated widget engine or a larger program, often as a plug-in. The term is frequently used to refer to a Java applet, a program written in the Java programming language that is designed to be placed on a web page. Applets are typical examples of transient and auxiliary applications that don't monopolize the user's attention. Applets are not full-featured application programs, and are intended to be easily accessible. The word", "Applet\nApplet In computing, an applet is any small application that performs one specific task that runs within the scope of a dedicated widget engine or a larger program, often as a plug-in. The term is frequently used to refer to a Java applet, a program written in the Java programming language that is designed to be placed on a web page. Applets are typical examples of transient and auxiliary applications that don't monopolize the user's attention. Applets are not full-featured application programs, and are intended to be easily accessible. The word \"\"applet\"\" was first used in 1990 in PC Magazine.", "\"Reserved word\"\n\"\"would\"\" break compatibility. JavaScript also contains a number of reserved words without special functionality; the exact list varies by version and mode. Languages differ significantly in how frequently they introduce new reserved words or keywords and how they name them, with some languages being very conservative and introducing new keywords rarely or never, to avoid breaking existing programs, while other languages introduce new keywords more freely, requiring existing programs to change existing identifiers that conflict. A case study is given by new keywords in C11 compared with C++11, both from 2011 – recall that in C and C++, identifiers that", "\"Fortress (programming language)\"\nthe \"\"Hello, World!\"\" words on the screen. Fortress (programming language) Fortress is a discontinued experimental programming language for high-performance computing, created by Sun Microsystems with funding from DARPA's High Productivity Computing Systems project. One of the language designers was Guy L. Steele Jr., whose previous work includes Scheme, Common Lisp, and Java. The name \"\"Fortress\"\" was intended to connote a secure Fortran, i.e., \"\"a language for high-performance computation that provides abstraction and type safety on par with modern programming language principles\"\". Language features included implicit parallelism, Unicode support and concrete syntax similar to mathematical notation. The language was not designed", "\"Java virtual machine\"\nof the program can then be executed much more quickly than they could be interpreted. This technique gets applied to those parts of a program frequently executed. This way a JIT compiler can significantly speed up the overall execution time. There is no necessary connection between the Java programming language and Java bytecode. A program written in Java can be compiled directly into the machine language of a real computer and programs written in other languages than Java can be compiled into Java bytecode. Java bytecode is intended to be platform-independent and secure. Some JVM implementations do not include an", "\"Join Java\"\nHardware semantics. This language extended the semantics of Join Java to FPGA applications. Join Java Join Java is a programming language based on the join-pattern that extends the standard Java programming language with the join semantics of the join-calculus. It was written at the University of South Australia within the Reconfigurable Computing Lab by Dr. Von Itzstein. The Join Java extension introduces three new language constructs: Concurrency in most popular programming languages is implemented using constructs such as semaphores and monitors. Libraries are emerging (such as the Java concurrency library JSR-166) that provide higher-level concurrency semantics. Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP),", "\"Claire (programming language)\"\ncan be used for complete projects, it is designed to integrate smoothly with C++ or Java: Claire programs may include C++ or Java code, and Claire code may be translated into C++ or Java for use in C++ or Java projects. The key set of features that distinguishes Claire from other programming languages has been dictated by experience in solving complex optimization problems. Two features not found in other mixed functional/object-oriented languages, such as OCaml, Scala and F#, are \"\"versioning\"\" and \"\"production rules\"\". Versions can be viewed as a stack of snapshots of some part of the system, which can", "\"Deterministic Parallel Java\"\ngoals are to make the type system more expressive and to minimize the need to fall back to run-time techniques. With minor modifications, language extensions should be applicable to other base OO languages, such as C++ and C#. This work is funded by NSF grants CSA 07-02724 and CNS 07-20772, and by Intel and Microsoft through the UPCRC Illinois. Deterministic Parallel Java Deterministic Parallel Java (DPJ) is an extension of the Java programming language which adds parallel constructs that provide a deterministic programming model for object-oriented languages. The language extensions define a type system that a programmer (or interactive porting", "\"Criticism of Java\"\nCriticism of Java A number of criticisms have been levelled at the Java programming language and the Java software platform for various design choices in the language and platform. Such criticisms include the implementation of generics, forced object-oriented programming, the handling of unsigned numbers, the implementation of floating-point arithmetic, and a history of security vulnerabilities in the primary Java VM implementation, HotSpot. Additionally, Java, especially its early versions, has been criticized for its performance compared to other programming languages. Developers have also remarked that differences in various Java implementations must be taken into account when writing complex Java programs that", "Physlet\n2E\"\", was released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License on the ComPADRE National Science Digital Library. Physlets are small, flexible Java applets that can be used in the teaching of physics and other sciences. In particular: Physlets were created using the Java programming language, and they are accessed via a web browser as Java applets. Java Virtual Machines (JVM) are available for many different platforms; Physlets have been tested and run on the Windows, Macintosh (OSX), and Linux platforms. As \"\"Physlet\"\" is a registered trademark, this word may not be appropriate to name arbitrary Java applet that demonstrates physical laws", "\"Business Operating System (software)\"\nwere initially compiled to a \"\"p-code\"\" and interpreted as they ran. BOS had a p-code interpreter so efficient that programs, even the BOS/Writer word processor, ran sufficiently fast to satisfy users. Apart from a 2-kilobyte (Kb) server (computing)/host kernel, BOS is written in BOS/MicroCobol, a language based on COBOL but with system-level programming constructs added and elements of structured programming, which bore a vague similarity to Pascal. In recent computing, programming languages such as Java have re-introduced the concept of p-code \"\"virtual machines\"\". As the BOS system evolved, the need for programming in developed for quicker accessibility and cloud", "\"Java (programming language)\"\nby later, standards-based Java ME configuration-profile pairings. One design goal of Java is portability, which means that programs written for the Java platform must run similarly on any combination of hardware and operating system with adequate runtime support. This is achieved by compiling the Java language code to an intermediate representation called Java bytecode, instead of directly to architecture-specific machine code. Java bytecode instructions are analogous to machine code, but they are intended to be executed by a virtual machine (VM) written specifically for the host hardware. End users commonly use a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on their own", "\"Mirah (programming language)\"\nMirah (programming language) Mirah (formerly Duby) is a programming language based on Ruby language syntax, local type inference, hybrid static–dynamic type system, and a pluggable compiler toolchain. Mirah was created by Charles Oliver Nutter to be \"\"a 'Ruby-like' language, probably a subset of Ruby syntax, that [could] compile to solid, fast, idiomatic JVM bytecode.\"\" The word \"\"\"\" refers to the gemstone ruby in the Javanese language, a play on the concept of Ruby in Java. To foster more participation in the JRuby project from Ruby community members, Nutter began to explore the possibility of presenting Ruby syntax, but with a", "\"Mirah (programming language)\"\nMirah (programming language) Mirah (formerly Duby) is a programming language based on Ruby language syntax, local type inference, hybrid static–dynamic type system, and a pluggable compiler toolchain. Mirah was created by Charles Oliver Nutter to be \"\"a 'Ruby-like' language, probably a subset of Ruby syntax, that [could] compile to solid, fast, idiomatic JVM bytecode.\"\" The word \"\"\"\" refers to the gemstone ruby in the Javanese language, a play on the concept of Ruby in Java. To foster more participation in the JRuby project from Ruby community members, Nutter began to explore the possibility of presenting Ruby syntax, but with a", "\"Control flow\"\ncan be used above. If there is no codice_82 matching a particular codice_84, control percolates back through subroutine calls and/or nested blocks until a matching codice_82 is found or until the end of the main program is reached, at which point the program is forcibly stopped with a suitable error message. Via C++'s influence, codice_82 is the keyword reserved for declaring a pattern-matching exception handler in other languages popular today, like Java or C#. Some other languages like Ada use the keyword codice_87 to introduce an exception handler and then may even employ a different keyword (codice_46 in Ada) for", "Java-gnome\nJava-gnome java-gnome is a set of language bindings for the Java programming language for use in the GNOME desktop environment. It is part of the official GNOME language bindings suite and provides a set of libraries allowing developers to write computer programs for GNOME using the Java programming language and the GTK+ cross-platform widget toolkit. Up until version 2.0, java-gnome was written by a project team, the current version 4.0 was originally an internal project of Operational Dynamics, a change management consultancy group. This new version is a complete re-write of java-gnome and was originally written for creating business tools", "\"Strict programming language\"\nStrict programming language A strict programming language is a programming language which employs a strict programming paradigm, allowing only strict functions (functions whose parameters must be evaluated completely before they may be called) to be defined by the user. A non-strict programming language allows the user to define non-strict functions, and hence may allow lazy evaluation. Nearly all programming languages in common use today are strict. Examples include C#, Java (prior to Java 8), Perl (through version 5), Python, Ruby, Common Lisp, and ML. Examples for non-strict languages are Haskell, Miranda, and Clean. Languages whose ordinary functions are strict but", "\"Scala (programming language)\"\nlanguage, mainly because it was designed to be mainly a scripting language. , all JVM-based languages (Clojure, Groovy, Kotlin, Scala) are significantly less popular than the original Java language, which is usually ranked first or second, and which is also simultaneously evolving over time. The Popularity of Programming Language Index, which tracks searches for language tutorials, ranked Scala 15th in April 2018 with a small downward trend. This makes Scala the most popular JVM-based language after Java, although immediately followed by Kotlin, a JVM-based language with a strong upward trend ranked 16th. The TIOBE index of programming language popularity employs", "\"Java (software platform)\"\nthe Java language. These include: The success of Java and its write once, run anywhere concept has led to other similar efforts, notably the .NET Framework, appearing since 2002, which incorporates many of the successful aspects of Java. .NET in its complete form (Microsoft's implementation) is currently only fully available on Windows platforms, whereas Java is fully available on many platforms. .NET was built from the ground-up to support multiple programming languages, while the Java platform was initially built to support only the Java language, although many other languages have been made for JVM since. .NET includes a Java-like language", "\"C Sharp (programming language)\"\nJava, called C# an \"\"imitation\"\" of Java; Gosling further said that \"\"[C# is] sort of Java with reliability, productivity and security deleted.\"\" Klaus Kreft and Angelika Langer (authors of a C++ streams book) stated in a blog post that \"\"Java and C# are almost identical programming languages. Boring repetition that lacks innovation,\"\" \"\"Hardly anybody will claim that Java or C# are revolutionary programming languages that changed the way we write programs,\"\" and \"\"C# borrowed a lot from Java - and vice versa. Now that C# supports boxing and unboxing, we'll have a very similar feature in Java.\"\" In July 2000,", "\"Link grammar\"\nlanguage support, prototypes for German, Hebrew, Lithuanian, Vietnamese and Turkish, and programming API's for Python, Java, Common LISP, AutoIt and OCaml, with 3rd-party bindings for Perl, Ruby and JavaScript node.js. A current major undertaking is a project to learn the grammar and morphology of new languages, using unsupervised learning algorithms. The \"\"link-parser\"\" program along with rules and word lists for English may be found in standard Linux distributions, e.g., as a Debian package, although many of these are years out of date. AbiWord, a free word processor, uses Link Grammar for on-the-fly grammar checking. Words that cannot be linked anywhere", "\"Android Studio\"\nJune 2014. The first stable build was released in December 2014, starting from version 1.0. The current stable version is 3.2.1, which was released in October 2018. The following features are provided in the current stable version: Android Studio supports all the same programming languages of IntelliJ, and CLion e.g. Java (programming language), and C++; and Android Studio 3.0 or later supports Kotlin and \"\"Java 7 language features and a subset of Java 8 language features that vary by platform version.\"\" External projects backport some Java 9 features. The following is a list of Android Studio's release versions. Android Studio", "\"Python (programming language)\"\nto Python (commonly used to create games); PyQt and PyGTK, which bind Qt and GTK to Python respectively; and PyPy, a Python implementation originally written in Python. Python API documentation generators include: Since 2003, Python has consistently ranked in the top ten most popular programming languages in the TIOBE Programming Community Index where, , it is the third most popular language (behind Java, and C). It was selected Programming Language of the Year in 2007 and 2010. An empirical study found that scripting languages, such as Python, are more productive than conventional languages, such as C and Java, for programming", "\"Java (programming language)\"\nof applications in Java, the Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) garbage collector is sufficient. Oracle aims to replace CMS with the Garbage-First collector (G1). The syntax of Java is largely influenced by C++. Unlike C++, which combines the syntax for structured, generic, and object-oriented programming, Java was built almost exclusively as an object-oriented language. All code is written inside classes, and every data item is an object, with the exception of the primitive data types, (\"\"i.e.\"\" integers, floating-point numbers, boolean values, and characters), which are not objects for performance reasons. Java reuses some popular aspects of C++ (such as the method). Unlike", "\"Java Modeling Language\"\non JML annotations. The Iowa State JML tools provide an assertion checking compiler codice_27 which converts JML annotations into runtime assertions, a documentation generator codice_28 which produces Javadoc documentation augmented with extra information from JML annotations, and a unit test generator codice_29 which generates JUnit test code from JML annotations. Independent groups are working on tools that make use of JML annotations. These include: Java Modeling Language The Java Modeling Language (JML) is a specification language for Java programs, using Hoare style pre- and postconditions and invariants, that follows the design by contract paradigm. Specifications are written as Java annotation", "\"Unified Expression Language\"\nUnified Expression Language The Java Unified Expression Language is a special purpose programming language mostly used in Java web applications for embedding expressions into web pages. The Java specification writers and expert groups of the Java web-tier technologies have worked on a unified expression language which was first included in the JSP 2.1 specification (JSR-245), and later specified by itself in JSR-341, part of Java EE 7. The expression language started out as part of the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) and was originally called SPEL (Simplest Possible Expression Language), then just Expression Language (EL). It was a scripting", "\"Google Developers\"\ntheir AdWords accounts and campaigns. Google App Engine lets developers run web applications on Google's infrastructure. Google App Engine supports apps written in several programming languages. With App Engine's Java runtime environment, one can build their app using standard Java technologies, including the JVM, Java servlets, and the Java programming language—or any other language using a JVM-based interpreter or compiler, such as JavaScript or Ruby. App Engine also features a dedicated Python runtime environment, which includes a fast Python interpreter and the Python standard library. Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE) is a set of software development tools that enables Java", "\"Jolie (programming language)\"\nJolie (programming language) Jolie (Java Orchestration Language Interpreter Engine) is an open-source programming language for developing distributed applications based on microservices. In the programming paradigm proposed with Jolie, each program is a service that can communicate with other programs by sending and receiving messages over a network. Jolie supports an abstraction layer that allows services to communicate using different mediums, ranging from TCP/IP sockets to local in-memory communications between processes. Jolie is currently supported by an interpreter implemented in the Java language, which can be run in multiple operating systems including Linux-based operating systems, OS X, and Windows. The language", "\"Whiley (programming language)\"\nfor writing specifications. For example, ESC/Java and the Java Modeling Language add annotations for specifying preconditions and postconditions to Java. Likewise, Spec# and Frama-C add similar constructs to the C# and C programming languages. However, these languages are known to contain numerous features which pose difficult or insurmountable problems for verification. In contrast, the Whiley language was designed from scratch in an effort to avoid common pitfalls and make verification more tractable. The syntax of Whiley follows the general appearance of imperative or object-oriented languages. Indentation syntax is chosen over the use of braces to delineate statement blocks, given a", "\"Join Java\"\nJoin Java Join Java is a programming language based on the join-pattern that extends the standard Java programming language with the join semantics of the join-calculus. It was written at the University of South Australia within the Reconfigurable Computing Lab by Dr. Von Itzstein. The Join Java extension introduces three new language constructs: Concurrency in most popular programming languages is implemented using constructs such as semaphores and monitors. Libraries are emerging (such as the Java concurrency library JSR-166) that provide higher-level concurrency semantics. Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) and Pi have higher-level synchronization behaviours defined implicitly", "\"Java performance\"\nopen-source high performance computing project written in Java) based cluster was able to sort a terabyte and petabyte of integers the fastest. The hardware setup of the competing systems was not fixed, however. Programs in Java start slower than those in other compiled languages. Thus, some online judge systems, notably those hosted by Chinese universities, use longer time limits for Java programs to be fair to contestants using Java. Java performance In software development, the programming language Java was historically considered slower than the fastest 3rd generation typed languages such as C and C++. The main reason being a different", "\"Java (programming language)\"\nJava bytecode into the platform's machine language. Programs written in Java have a reputation for being slower and requiring more memory than those written in C++. However, Java programs' execution speed improved significantly with the introduction of just-in-time compilation in 1997/1998 for Java 1.1, the addition of language features supporting better code analysis (such as inner classes, the StringBuilder class, optional assertions, etc.), and optimizations in the Java virtual machine, such as HotSpot becoming the default for Sun's JVM in 2000. With Java 1.5, the performance was improved with the addition of the java.util.concurrent package, including lock free implementations of", "\"Unified Expression Language\"\ntag: An expression that calls a method with a parameter: Unified Expression Language The Java Unified Expression Language is a special purpose programming language mostly used in Java web applications for embedding expressions into web pages. The Java specification writers and expert groups of the Java web-tier technologies have worked on a unified expression language which was first included in the JSP 2.1 specification (JSR-245), and later specified by itself in JSR-341, part of Java EE 7. The expression language started out as part of the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) and was originally called SPEL (Simplest Possible Expression", "Jabaco\nnot been done after BETA 1.5.2 was released. But Jabaco is an important useful programming environment yet because it works on Windows 7 and Java 8. If you are an experienced Visual Basic programmer, you can create a program which runs on JVM easily. Jabaco Jabaco is a freeware programming language for Java Virtual Machine. It allows you to program using the syntax of Visual Basic 6, but also allows for the implementation of object-oriented programming. Jabaco is in itself not a new language, but rather an implementation of the Visual Basic 6 syntax code for the Java virtual machine.", "\"Sigil (computer programming)\"\nstropping (identifier syntax) nor a sigil (identifier semantics), but it is syntactically similar. Compare Java annotations such as @Override and @Deprecated. In some cases the same syntax can be used for distinct purposes, which can cause confusion. For example, in C#, the \"\"codice_6\"\" prefix can be used either for stropping (to allow reserved words to be used as identifiers), or as a prefix to a literal (to indicate a raw string); in this case neither use is a sigil, as it affects the syntax of identifiers or the semantics of literals, not the semantics of identifiers. Sigil (computer programming) In", "\"Pizza (programming language)\"\nPizza (programming language) Pizza is an open-source superset of Java 1.4, prior to the introduction of generics for the Java programming language. In addition to its own solution for adding generics to the language, Pizza also added function pointers and algebraic types with case classes and pattern matching. In August 2001, the developers made a compiler capable of working with Java. Most Pizza applications can run in a Java environment, but certain cases will cause problems. Work on Pizza has more or less stopped since 2002. Its main developers have concentrated instead on the Generic Java project, another attempt to", "Xtend\nXtend Xtend is a general-purpose high-level programming language for the Java Virtual Machine. Syntactically and semantically Xtend has its roots in the Java programming language but focuses on a more concise syntax and some additional functionality such as type inference, extension methods, and operator overloading. Being primarily an object-oriented language, it also integrates features known from functional programming, e.g. lambda expressions. Xtend is statically typed and uses Java's type system without modifications. It is compiled to Java code and thereby seamlessly integrates with all existing Java libraries. The language Xtend and its IDE is developed as a project at", "Xtend\nXtend Xtend is a general-purpose high-level programming language for the Java Virtual Machine. Syntactically and semantically Xtend has its roots in the Java programming language but focuses on a more concise syntax and some additional functionality such as type inference, extension methods, and operator overloading. Being primarily an object-oriented language, it also integrates features known from functional programming, e.g. lambda expressions. Xtend is statically typed and uses Java's type system without modifications. It is compiled to Java code and thereby seamlessly integrates with all existing Java libraries. The language Xtend and its IDE is developed as a project at", "\"Ceylon (programming language)\"\nCeylon (programming language) Ceylon is an object-oriented, strongly statically typed programming language with an emphasis on immutability, created by Red Hat. Ceylon programs run on the Java virtual machine (JVM), and can be compiled to JavaScript. The language design focuses on source code readability, predictability, toolability, modularity, and metaprogrammability. Important features of Ceylon include: The name \"\"Ceylon\"\" is an oblique reference to Java, in that Java and Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, are islands known for growth and export of coffee and tea. In August 2017, Ceylon was donated to the Eclipse Foundation. Ceylon is heavily influenced by Java's", "\"Jolie (programming language)\"\nXML-like data structures. Jolie (programming language) Jolie (Java Orchestration Language Interpreter Engine) is an open-source programming language for developing distributed applications based on microservices. In the programming paradigm proposed with Jolie, each program is a service that can communicate with other programs by sending and receiving messages over a network. Jolie supports an abstraction layer that allows services to communicate using different mediums, ranging from TCP/IP sockets to local in-memory communications between processes. Jolie is currently supported by an interpreter implemented in the Java language, which can be run in multiple operating systems including Linux-based operating systems, OS X, and", "\"Virtual machine\"\nprovides a high-level abstraction that of a high-level programming language (compared to the low-level ISA abstraction of the system VM). Process VMs are implemented using an interpreter; performance comparable to compiled programming languages can be achieved by the use of just-in-time compilation. This type of VM has become popular with the Java programming language, which is implemented using the Java virtual machine. Other examples include the Parrot virtual machine and the .NET Framework, which runs on a VM called the Common Language Runtime. All of them can serve as an abstraction layer for any computer language. A special case of", "BASICODE\nhome computers. The underlying concept of BASICODE, which is the definition of a language standard for platform-independent software development and the implementation of said standard as system-specific runtimes (Bascoder) was later revisited in the programming language Java, in the form of the operating system-specific Java Virtual Machines which execute Java programs. Additionally, the distribution of data and information in the BASICODE data format is reminiscent of current platform-agnostic document types like the Portable Document Format (PDF) and the PDF reader applications it necessitates. In the BASICODE format, the recording of programs is analogous to the recording of data. So, when", "\"Java (software platform)\"\nwritten in the Java programming language. A Java platform will include an execution engine (called a virtual machine), a compiler and a set of libraries; there may also be additional servers and alternative libraries that depend on the requirements. Java is not specific to any processor or operating system as Java platforms have been implemented for a wide variety of hardware and operating systems with a view to enable Java programs to run identically on all of them. Different platforms target different classes of device and application domains: The Java platform consists of several programs, each of which provides a", "\"Java Native Interface\"\nJava Native Interface The Java Native Interface (JNI) is a foreign function interface programming framework that enables Java code running in a Java virtual machine (JVM) to call and be called by native applications (programs specific to a hardware and operating system platform) and libraries written in other languages such as C, C++ and assembly. JNI enables programmers to write native methods to handle situations when an application cannot be written entirely in the Java programming language, e.g. when the standard Java class library does not support the platform-specific features or program library. It is also used to modify an", "\"Java virtual machine\"\nCard Byte Code) For each hardware architecture a different Java bytecode interpreter is needed. When a computer has a Java bytecode interpreter, it can run any Java bytecode program, and the same program can be run on any computer that has such an interpreter. When Java bytecode is executed by an interpreter, the execution will always be slower than the execution of the same program compiled into native machine language. This problem is mitigated by just-in-time (JIT) compilers for executing Java bytecode. A JIT compiler may translate Java bytecode into native machine language while executing the program. The translated parts", "\"Pizza (programming language)\"\nadd generics to Java which was eventually adopted into the official language version 1.5. The pattern matching and other functional programming-like features have been further developed in the Scala programming language. Martin Odersky remarked, \"\"we wanted to integrate the functional and object-oriented parts in a cleaner way than what we were able to achieve before with the Pizza language. [...] In Pizza we did a clunkier attempt, and in Scala I think we achieved a much smoother integration between the two.\"\" Pizza (programming language) Pizza is an open-source superset of Java 1.4, prior to the introduction of generics for the", "Language-agnostic\nLanguage-agnostic Language-agnostic programming or scripting (also called language-neutral, language-independent, or cross-language) is a software development paradigm where a particular language is chosen because of its appropriateness for a particular task (taking into consideration all factors, including ecosystem, developer skill-sets, performance, etc.), and not purely because of the skill-set available within a development team. For example, a language agnostic Java development team might choose to use Ruby or Perl for some development work, where Ruby or Perl would be more appropriate than Java. \"\"Cross-Language\"\" in programming and scripting describes a program in which two or more languages must be implemented into", "\"Kotlin (programming language)\"\nGoogle, Kotlin has already been adopted by several major developers — Expedia, Flipboard, Pinterest, Square, and others — for their Android production apps. Kotlin (programming language) Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on the Java virtual machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or use the LLVM compiler infrastructure. It is sponsored and developed by JetBrains. While the syntax is not compatible with Java, the JVM implementation of the Kotlin standard library is designed to interoperate with Java code and relies on Java code from the existing Java Class Library, such as the collections", "\"Java API for XML Web Services\"\nJava API for XML Web Services The Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) is a Java programming language API for creating web services, particularly SOAP services. JAX-WS is one of the Java XML programming APIs. It is part of the Java EE platform. The JAX-WS 2.2 specification JSR 224 defines a standard Java- to-WSDL mapping which determines how WSDL operations are bound to Java methods when a SOAP message invokes a WSDL operation. This Java-to-WSDL mapping determines which Java method gets invoked and how that SOAP message is mapped to the method’s parameters. This mapping also determines how the", "\"Gosu (programming language)\"\nGosu (programming language) Gosu is a statically-typed general-purpose programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. Its influences include Java, C#, and ECMAScript. Development of Gosu began in 2002 internally for Guidewire Software, and the language saw its first community release in 2010 under the Apache 2 license. Gosu can serve as a scripting language, having free-form Program types (.gsp files) for scripting as well as statically verified Template files (.gst files). Gosu can optionally execute these and all other types directly from source without precompilation, which also distinguishes it from other static languages. Gosu began in 2002 as", "\"Class invariant\"\nas Eiffel, Ada, and D, will also provide full support for class invariants. For Java, there is a more powerful tool called Java Modeling Language that provides a more robust way of defining class invariants. D programming language has native support of class invariants, as well as other contract programming techniques. Here is an example from the official documentation. In Eiffel, the class invariant appears at the end of the class following the keyword codice_1. This is an example of a class invariant in the Java programming language with Java Modeling Language. The invariant must hold to be true after", "\"Apache Groovy\"\nApache Groovy Apache Groovy is a Java-syntax-compatible object-oriented programming language for the Java platform. It is both a static and dynamic language with features similar to those of Python, Ruby, Perl, and Smalltalk. It can be used as both a programming language and a scripting language for the Java Platform, is compiled to Java virtual machine (JVM) bytecode, and interoperates seamlessly with other Java code and libraries. Groovy uses a curly-bracket syntax similar to Java's. Groovy supports closures, multiline strings, and expressions embedded in strings. Much of Groovy's power lies in its AST transformations, triggered through annotations. Groovy 1.0 was", "\"Object-oriented programming\"\nones are class-based, meaning that objects are instances of classes, which typically also determine their type. Many of the most widely used programming languages (such as C++, Object Pascal, Java, Python etc.) are multi-paradigm programming languages that support object-oriented programming to a greater or lesser degree, typically in combination with imperative, procedural programming. Significant object-oriented languages include Java, C++, C#, Python, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, Perl, Object Pascal, Objective-C, Dart, Swift, Scala, Common Lisp, and Smalltalk. Object-oriented programming uses objects, but not all of the associated techniques and structures are supported directly in languages that claim to support OOP. The features", "\"Grace Hopper\"\nher program linker (originally called a compiler), which was written for the A-0 System. In 1954, Eckert–Mauchly chose Hopper to lead their department for automatic programming, and she led the release of some of the first compiled languages like FLOW-MATIC. In 1959, she participated in the CODASYL consortium, which consulted Hopper to guide them in creating a machine-independent programming language. This led to the COBOL language, which was inspired by her idea of a language being based on English words. In 1966, she retired from the Naval Reserve, but in 1967, the Navy recalled her to active duty. She retired", "\"Java security\"\nJava security The Java platform provides a number of features designed for improving the security of Java applications. This includes enforcing runtime constraints through the use of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), a security manager that sandboxes untrusted code from the rest of the operating system, and a suite of security APIs that Java developers can utilise. Despite this, criticism has been directed at the programming language, and Oracle, due to an increase in malicious programs that revealed security vulnerabilities in the JVM, which were subsequently not properly addressed by Oracle in a timely manner. The binary form of programs", "SuperWaba\nSuperWaba SuperWaba is a discontinued Java-like virtual machine (VM) that targets portable devices. Software developers use application programming interfaces (APIs), accessed through associated libraries (packaged as Jars) and small tools (together composing a software development kit), to create applications that can run within the VM on supported platforms. The SuperWaba VM and API implement a subset of the Java programming language, which allows it to run under a standard Java VM or as a Java applet. This is in contrast to the Java Micro Edition which was designed under a different Java specification than that used by the Java Standard", "\"E (programming language)\"\nE (programming language) E is an object-oriented programming language for secure distributed computing, created by Mark S. Miller, Dan Bornstein, and others at Electric Communities in 1997. E is mainly descended from the concurrent language Joule and from Original-E, a set of extensions to Java for secure distributed programming. E combines message-based computation with Java-like syntax. A concurrency model based on event loops and promises ensures that deadlock can never occur. The E language is designed with secure computing in mind; this is accomplished chiefly by strict adherence to the object-oriented computing model, which in its pure form has properties", "\"Declaration (computer programming)\"\nalways include the body, and the word \"\"definition\"\" has no technical meaning in Java. In the C-family of programming languages, declarations are often collected into header files, which are included in other source files that reference and use these declarations, but don't have access to the definition. The information in the header file provides the interface between code that uses the declaration and that which defines it, a form of information hiding. A declaration is often used in order to access functions or variables defined in different source files, or in a library. A mismatch between the definition type and", "\"Oak (programming language)\"\nOak Technology. Java 1.0 was finally shipped in 1996. Oak was the basis for what Java 1.0 became later, but there were also some differences: Several concepts were planned in the Oak specification but remained not implemented in the original language because of time constraints: Other concepts were different from, or improved later, for Java: And finally some concepts were later scraped out: Oak (programming language) Oak is a discontinued programming language created by James Gosling in 1991, initially for Sun Microsystems' set-top box project. The language later evolved to become Java. The name \"\"Oak\"\" was used by Gosling after", "\"Kotlin (programming language)\"\nlanguage verbosity relative to Java, which demands often entirely redundant type specifications prior to version 10. Kotlin code can run on JVM up to latest Java 11. As of Android Studio 3.0 (released in October 2017), Kotlin is fully supported by Google for use with their Android operating system, and is directly included in the IDE's installation package as an alternative to the standard Java compiler. The Android Kotlin compiler lets the user choose between targeting Java 6, or Java 8-compatible bytecode. In July 2011, JetBrains unveiled Project Kotlin, a new language for the JVM, which had been under development", "JNAerator\nJNAerator JNAerator is a computer programming tool for the Java programming language which automatically generates the Java Native Access (JNA) or BridJ code needed to call C and Objective-C libraries from Java code. It reads in ANSI C header files and emits Java code. Some optional customization can be done through command line options, which can be saved in configuration files. JNAerator does not need any native compiling beyond that of the targeted dynamic library (all of the glue code is in Java), which helps simplify the process of binding Java to C native libraries when compared to Java Native" ]
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who was entombed in the great pyramid of giza
[ "fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu" ]
[ "\"Pyramid of Nyuserre\"\nSaqqara and the Giza Plateau. Abusir assumed great import in the Fifth Dynasty after Userkaf, the first ruler, built his sun temple and, his successor, Sahure inaugurated a royal necropolis there with his funerary monument. Sahure's immediate successor and son, Neferirkare Kakai became the second king to be entombed in the necropolis. Nyuserre's monument completed the tight architectural family unit that had grown and centered around the pyramid complex of his father, Neferirkare, alongside his mother's pyramid and brother's mastaba. He was the last king to be entombed in the Abusir necropolis. In contrast to his predecessors, Nyuserre's mortuary complex", "\"Giza pyramid complex\"\npyramid not only served as a tomb for the Pharaoh, but also as a storage pit for various items he would need in the afterlife. \"\"The people of Ancient Egypt believed that death on Earth was the start of a journey to the next world. The embalmed body of the King was entombed underneath or within the pyramid to protect it and allow his transformation and ascension to the afterlife.\"\" The sides of all three of the Giza pyramids were astronomically oriented to the north-south and east-west within a small fraction of a degree. Among recent attempts to explain such", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\nGreat Pyramid of Giza The Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops) is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex bordering what is now El Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact. Based on a mark in an interior chamber naming the work gang and a reference to the fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu, Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb over a 10- to 20-year period", "\"Pyramid of Neferirkare\"\ndifferent rulers, all four of these monuments were completed during the reign of Nyuserre. The Pyramid of Neferirkare is situated on the necropolis at Abusir, between Saqqara and the Giza Plateau. Abusir assumed great import in the Fifth Dynasty after Userkaf, the first ruler, built his sun temple and, his successor, Sahure inaugurated a royal necropolis there with his funerary monument. Sahure's successor, his son Neferirkare, was the second ruler to be entombed in the necropolis. The Egyptologist Jaromír Krejčí proposes a number of hypotheses for the position of Neferirkare's complex in relation to Sahure's complex: (1) that Neferirkare was", "\"Imprisoned with the Pharaohs\"\nImprisoned with the Pharaohs \"\"Imprisoned with the Pharaohs\"\" (called \"\"Under the Pyramids\"\" in draft form, also published as \"\"Entombed with the Pharaohs\"\") is a short story written by American fantasy author H. P. Lovecraft in February 1924. Commissioned by \"\"Weird Tales\"\" founder and owner J. C. Henneberger, the narrative tells a fictionalized account in the first-person perspective of an allegedly true experience of escape artist Harry Houdini. Set in 1910, in Egypt, Houdini finds himself kidnapped by a tour guide, who resembles an ancient pharaoh, and thrown down a deep hole near the Great Sphinx of Giza. While attempting to", "\"Giza pyramid complex\"\nGreat Pyramid was listed by Antipater of Sidon as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It is by far the oldest of the ancient Wonders and the only one still in existence. The Pyramids of Giza consist of the Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as the Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu and constructed ), the somewhat smaller Pyramid of Khafre (or Chephren) a few hundred meters to the south-west, and the relatively modest-sized Pyramid of Menkaure (or Mykerinos) a few hundred meters farther south-west. The Great Sphinx lies on the east side of the complex. Current consensus", "\"Old Kingdom of Egypt\"\npyramid style of building was reached not at Saqqara, but during the building of 'The Great Pyramids' at Giza. Sneferu was succeeded by his son, Khufu (2589–2566 BC), who built the Great Pyramid of Giza. After Khufu's death, his sons Djedefra (2566–2558 BC) and Khafra (2558–2532 BC) may have quarrelled. The latter built the second pyramid and (in traditional thinking) the Sphinx in Giza. Recent reexamination of evidence has led Egyptologist Vassil Dobrev to propose that the Sphinx had been built by Djedefra as a monument to his father Khufu. Alternatively, the Sphinx has been proposed to be the work", "\"Giza pyramid complex\"\nGiza pyramid complex The Giza pyramid complex is an archaeological site on the Giza Plateau, on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. It includes the three Great Pyramids (Khufu/Cheops, Khafre/Chephren and Menkaure/Mykerinos)), the Great Sphinx, several cemeteries, a workers' village and an industrial complex. It is located in the Western Desert, approximately 9 km (5 mi) west of the Nile river at the old town of Giza, and about 13 km (8 mi) southwest of Cairo city centre. The pyramids, which have historically been common as emblems of ancient Egypt in the Western imagination, were popularised in Hellenistic times, when the", "\"Giza pyramid complex\"\nto as the king's resthouse. During the 19th dynasty, Seti I added to the temple of Hauron-Haremakhet, and his son Ramesses II erected a stela in the chapel before the Sphinx and usurped the resthouse of Tutankhamun. During the 21st dynasty, the Temple of Isis Mistress-of-the-Pyramids was reconstructed. During the 26th dynasty, a stela made in this time mentions Khufu and his Queen Henutsen. Giza pyramid complex The Giza pyramid complex is an archaeological site on the Giza Plateau, on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. It includes the three Great Pyramids (Khufu/Cheops, Khafre/Chephren and Menkaure/Mykerinos)), the Great Sphinx, several cemeteries,", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\nBC and recounts a story that he was told concerning vaults under the pyramid built on an island where the body of Cheops lies. Edwards notes that the pyramid had \"\"almost certainly been opened and its contents plundered long before the time of Herodotus\"\" and that it might have been closed again during the Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt when other monuments were restored. He suggests that the story told to Herodotus could have been the result of almost two centuries of telling and retelling by Pyramid guides. Great Pyramid of Giza The Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as the", "\"Fishing vessel\"\nwork. Then they built boats large enough to cross the oceans. These boats had sails and oarsmen, and were used for travel and trade. By 3000 BC, the Egyptians knew how to assemble planks of wood into a ship hull. They used woven straps to lash planks together, and reeds or grass stuffed between the planks to seal the seams. An example of their skill is the Khufu ship, a vessel in length entombed at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2,500 BC and found intact in 1954. At about the same time, the Scandinavians were also", "Giza\nas the location of the Giza Plateau: the site of some of the most impressive ancient monuments in the world, including a complex of ancient Egyptian royal mortuary and sacred structures, including the Great Sphinx, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and a number of other large pyramids and temples. Giza has always been a focal point in Egypt's history due to its location close to Memphis, the ancient Pharaonic capital of the Old Kingdom. Its St. George cathedral is the episcopal see of the Coptic Catholic Eparchy of Giza. The \"\"city\"\" of Giza is the capital of the Giza Governorate,", "Pyramidology\nPyramidology Pyramidology (or pyramidism) refers to various religious or pseudoscientific speculations regarding pyramids, most often the Giza pyramid complex and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Some \"\"pyramidologists\"\" also concern themselves with the monumental structures of pre-Columbian America (such as Teotihuacan, the Mesoamerican Maya civilization, and the Inca of the South American Andes), and the temples of Southeast Asia. Some pyramidologists claim that the Great Pyramid of Giza has encoded within it predictions for the exodus of Moses from Egypt, the crucifixion of Jesus, the start of World War I, the founding of modern-day Israel in 1948, and future", "Ship\nthe Khufu ship, a vessel in length entombed at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2500 BC and found intact in 1954. It is known that ancient Nubia/Axum traded with India, and there is evidence that ships from Northeast Africa may have sailed back and forth between India/Sri Lanka and Nubia trading goods and even to Persia, Himyar and Rome. Aksum was known by the Greeks for having seaports for ships from Greece and Yemen. Elsewhere in Northeast Africa, the Periplus of the Red Sea reports that Somalis, through their northern ports such as Zeila and Berbera,", "\"Traditional fishing boat\"\ngrass stuffed between the planks to seal the seams. An example of their skill is the Khufu ship, a vessel in length entombed at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2500 BC and found intact in 1954. A further development was the use of timber frames, to which the planks could be lashed, stitched or nailed. With the use of frames, it is possible to develop carvel-style and clinker-style planking (in the USA the term \"\"lapstrake\"\" is used instead of \"\"clinker\"\"). Scandinavians were using clinker construction by at least 350 BC. Carvel construction dates back even earlier.", "\"Pyramid G1-a\"\nPyramid G1-a G1-a is one of the subsidiary pyramids of the Giza East Field of the Giza Necropolis, located immediately to the eastern side of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was built during the Fourth dynasty of Egypt. The tomb is the northernmost of the three pyramids of the queens and has a base of wide and originally a height of ; the pyramid has lost two-thirds of its original height. In the west wall of the burial chamber a small niche was dug in which were found fragments of basalt. It is also known as the Pyramid of", "\"Ancient Egyptian solar ships\"\nbeing used in water, and it is possible that these ships were funerary barges. Seven boat pits have been identified around the Great Pyramid. Five of which belong to the Great Pyramid proper. The other 2 are associated with the pyramid of Hetepheres (GIa) and the pyramid of the Ka (GId). Khufu's boat pits are located on the eastern side of the pyramid and the southern side. The Khufu ship is an intact full-size vessel from Ancient Egypt that was sealed into a pit in the Giza pyramid complex at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2500", "\"Pyramid G1-c\"\nPyramid G1-c G1-c is one of the subsidiary pyramids of the Giza East Field of the Giza Necropolis immediately to the eastern side of the Great Pyramid of Giza, built during the Fourth dynasty of Egypt. It is the southern of the three pyramids of the queens and is the one of Queen Henutsen. It is 46.25 metres wide and had a height of 29.60 metres. A niche, four inches deep was dug in the south wall of the burial chamber. Pyramid G 1c was originally not a part of Khufu's pyramid complex, as its southern side is aligned not", "Seked\nin Egypt have varying slopes; however, like the Great Pyramid of Giza, the pyramid at Meidum is thought to have had sides that sloped by 51.842° or 51° 50' 35\"\", which is a seked of 5 palms. The Great Pyramid scholar Professor I.E.S Edwards considered this to have been the 'normal' or most typical slope choice for pyramids. Flinders Petrie also noted the similarity of the slope of this pyramid to that of the Great Pyramid at Giza, and both Egyptologists considered it to have been a deliberate choice, based on a desire to ensure that the circuit of the", "\"Pyramid G1-c\"\nby incorporating elements of an ancient funerary chapel. A stele from the New Kingdom was discovered in the remains of the temple. This monument bears an inscription epigraph allowing us to attribute the pyramid of Queen Henutsen: Pyramid G1-c G1-c is one of the subsidiary pyramids of the Giza East Field of the Giza Necropolis immediately to the eastern side of the Great Pyramid of Giza, built during the Fourth dynasty of Egypt. It is the southern of the three pyramids of the queens and is the one of Queen Henutsen. It is 46.25 metres wide and had a height", "\"Pyramid G1-a\"\nHetepheres I as discovered by Mark Lehner; it was originally thought to belong to Queen Meritites I. Pyramid G1-a G1-a is one of the subsidiary pyramids of the Giza East Field of the Giza Necropolis, located immediately to the eastern side of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was built during the Fourth dynasty of Egypt. The tomb is the northernmost of the three pyramids of the queens and has a base of wide and originally a height of ; the pyramid has lost two-thirds of its original height. In the west wall of the burial chamber a small niche", "\"Pyramid G1-d\"\nPyramid G1-d Pyramid G1-d (also known as 'G Id', 'G1d', or 'GId') is a satellite pyramid within the Khufu Pyramid complex. It was discovered in 1993 during work to remove a road near the pyramid G1 (the Great Pyramid of Giza). It is located about 25m southeast of the southeast corner of the Great Pyramid of Giza and about 7 m west of the subsidiary pyramids G1–b and G1–c. All the stonework of the pyramid core had been removed in ancient times. What remains of the superstructure core is two courses of stone. There was also a substructure which was", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\nchoice alone, with no regard to the overall size and proportions of the finished building. In 2013, rolls of papyrus called the Diary of Merer were discovered written by some of those who delivered limestone and other construction materials from Tora to Giza. The Great Pyramid consists of an estimated 2.3 million blocks which most believe to have been transported from nearby quarries. The Tura limestone used for the casing was quarried across the river. The largest granite stones in the pyramid, found in the \"\"King's\"\" chamber, weigh 25 to 80 tonnes and were transported from Aswan, more than away.", "\"Ancient Egyptian technology\"\nwith its architectural monuments, which include the pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx—among the largest and most famous buildings in the world. The most famous pyramids are the Egyptian pyramids—huge structures built of brick or stone, some of which are among the largest constructions by humans. Pyramids functioned as tombs for pharaohs. In Ancient Egypt, a pyramid was referred to as \"\"mer\"\", literally \"\"place of ascendance.\"\" The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest in Egypt and one of the largest in the world. The base is over in area. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the", "\"Alpha Phi Alpha\"\nnew meanings and these are interpreted with new significance to others.\"\" The Great Pyramids of Giza, symbols of foundation, sacred geometry and more, are other African images chosen by Alpha Phi Alpha as fraternity icons. The fraternity's 21st General President, Thomas W. Cole once said, \"\"Alpha Phi Alpha must go back to her ultimate roots; only then can she be nurtured to full bloom.\"\" Fraternity members make pilgrimages to its spiritual birthplaces of Egypt to walk across the sands of the Giza Plateau to the Great Sphinx of Giza and the Great Pyramids of Giza, and to Ethiopia. Alpha Phi", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\ndragging and lifting them into place. There are three known chambers inside the Great Pyramid. The lowest chamber is cut into the bedrock upon which the pyramid was built and was unfinished. The so-called Queen's Chamber and King's Chamber are higher up within the pyramid structure. The main part of the Giza complex is a set of buildings that included two mortuary temples in honour of Khufu (one close to the pyramid and one near the Nile), three smaller pyramids for Khufu's wives, an even smaller \"\"satellite\"\" pyramid, a raised causeway connecting the two temples, and small mastaba tombs surrounding", "\"Giza Governorate\"\nindustrial zones are located in this governorate: The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and people come from all over the world each year to see it. It is located in the Giza pyramid complex. In 1981, the Basic Village Service Program (BVS), under the auspices of USAID, had several water, and road projects, going on in several markazes in the Giza Governorate. In a program that began on August 28, 2012 (through 2018), the European Union invested 40 million Euros on upgrading the infrastructure of informal areas in Giza Governorate. Giza", "\"Giza pyramid complex\"\nnumber of workers needed for a building project of this magnitude. When Greek historian Herodotus visited Giza in 450 BC, he was told by Egyptian priests that \"\"the Great Pyramid had taken 400,000 men 20 years to build, working in three-month shifts 100,000 men at a time.\"\" Evidence from the tombs indicates that a workforce of 10,000 laborers working in three-month shifts took around 30 years to build a pyramid. The Giza pyramid complex is surrounded by a large stone wall, outside which Mark Lehner and his team discovered a town where the pyramid workers were housed. The village is", "\"Giza pyramid complex\"\nin the afterlife. The tombs' proximity to the pyramids and the manner of burial supports the theory that they were paid laborers who took great pride in their work and were not slaves, as was previously thought. Evidence from the tombs indicates that a workforce of 10,000 laborers working in three-month shifts took around 30 years to build a pyramid. Most of the workers appear to have come from poor families. Specialists such as architects, masons, metalworkers and carpenters, were permanently employed by the king to fill positions that required the most skill. During the New Kingdom, Giza was still", "\"Rosalba Neri\"\npart was in Roberto Rosselini's prize winning drama \"\"Era notte a Roma\"\" in 1960. Many sources list some earlier films for her, but this is a confusion with another Italian actress, the very similarly named Rosalina Neri. In 1960, she appeared in two sword and sandal films set in the Ancient world. The first was \"\"Il Sepolcro dei Re\"\" (\"\"The Tomb of the King\"\"). This film tells the story of Nemorat, an Egyptian pharaoh who was instrumental in the creation of the pyramids of Giza due to the intrigues surrounding his death and entombment. The second was Raoul Walsh's \"\"Esther", "Sphinx\nto other cultural traditions. Sphinxes depictions are generally associated with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples. The oldest known sphinx was found near Gobekli Tepe at another site, Nevali Çori, or possibly 195 kilometres (120 mi) to the east at Kortik Tepe, Turkey, and was dated to 9,500 B.C. The largest and most famous sphinx is the Great Sphinx of Giza, situated on the Giza Plateau adjacent to the Great Pyramids of Giza on the west bank of the Nile River and facing east (). The sphinx is located southeast of the pyramids. Although the date of", "\"Sister M. T. Martin\"\n1914. After the war ended she returned to Australia on 9 November 1918. She found employment at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, where she worked for the next ten years. Mary Martin's life was probably no different from numerous others who joined and served in the Armed Forces in WWI. However, through one small incident – a memorable visit to the Great Pyramid of Giza – she left her name to posterity. Whilst in Egypt with thousands of other Australian troops waiting to be deployed, Mary Martin visited the Great Pyramid of Giza and painted her name on the", "\"Diary of Merer\"\nis Ankhhaf, who is also known from other sources. In the papyri he is called a \"\"nobleman\"\" (\"\"iry-pat\"\") and \"\"overseer of Ra-shi-Khufu\"\". The latter place was the harbour at Giza where the stones for the pyramid construction arrived. Several places are mentioned in the logbooks. Tura North and Tura South are the quarries. Ra-shi-Khufu is the harbour of Giza. The diary of Merer is the first historical reference that describes the daily life of the people who worked with the building of the great pyramid. The Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass describes the texts as “the greatest discovery in Egypt in", "\"Tourism in Egypt\"\nResort 25 km Hurghada. The civilization of Ancient Egypt left many monuments and temples that have become attractions for modern-day visitors to Egypt. These include: Pyramids: there are more than 70 pyramids along the Nile, with the three pyramids of Giza being the best-known. The Sphinx, a lion-bodied guard, stands beside pyramids in Giza. The pyramids were built more than 4,000 years ago in the eras of Kings Cheops, Kefren and Mykerinos. These three kings' bodies were buried within the pyramids. The pyramid of Cheops is the largest at 145 metres in height, and is referred to as the Great", "\"Egyptian pyramids\"\n(or Chephren); the relatively modest-sized Pyramid of Menkaure (or Mykerinus), along with a number of smaller satellite edifices known as \"\"Queen's pyramids\"\"; and the Great Sphinx of Giza. Of the three, only Khafre's pyramid retains part of its original polished limestone casing, near its apex. This pyramid appears larger than the adjacent Khufu pyramid by virtue of its more elevated location, and the steeper angle of inclination of its construction – it is, in fact, smaller in both height and volume. The Giza pyramid complex has been a popular tourist destination since antiquity and was popularized in Hellenistic times when", "\"Meritites I\"\nconstruction of pyramid G 1a. The queen's pyramids are part of the East Field at Giza, which also includes some royal mastabas. Pyramid G 1a (the northernmost of three small pyramids east of the Great Pyramid of Giza) was at first thought to belong to Meritites, but it is now thought to belong to Khufu’s mother, Hetepheres I. More recently Pyramid G 1b is thought to be the tomb of Meritites. It had a small mortuary temple and a boat pit associated with it. No boat was found in the rock-cut boat pit however. The mortuary temple was decorated with", "\"Giza pyramid complex\"\npossible the method was. In building the pyramids, the architects might have developed their techniques over time. They would select a site on a relatively flat area of bedrock—not sand—which provided a stable foundation. After carefully surveying the site and laying down the first level of stones, they constructed the pyramids in horizontal levels, one on top of the other. For the Great Pyramid of Giza, most of the stone for the interior seems to have been quarried immediately to the south of the construction site. The smooth exterior of the pyramid was made of a fine grade of white", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\nGiza. These limestone casings can still be seen as parts of these structures. Later explorers reported massive piles of rubble at the base of the pyramids left over from the continuing collapse of the casing stones, which were subsequently cleared away during continuing excavations of the site. Nevertheless, a few of the casing stones from the lowest course can be seen to this day \"\"in situ\"\" around the base of the Great Pyramid, and display the same workmanship and precision that has been reported for centuries. Petrie also found a different orientation in the core and in the casing measuring", "\"Ancient Egyptian architecture\"\nas grave sites and also as a way to make their names last forever. The size and simple design show the high skill level of Egyptian design and engineering on a large scale. The Great Pyramid of Giza, which was probably completed c. 2580 BC, is the oldest of the Giza pyramids and the largest pyramid in the world, and is the only surviving monument of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The pyramid of Khafre is believed to have been completed around 2532 BC, at the end of Khafre's reign. Khafre ambitiously placed his pyramid next to his", "Muography\ncomposed of an international team of scientists from Egypt, France, Canada, and Japan, has started utilizing muography and thermography imaging to survey the Giza pyramid complex. In 2017, scientists involved in the project discovered a large cavity, named ScanPyramids Big Void, above the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The 3rd largest pyramid in the world, the Pyramid of the Sun, situated near Mexico City in the ancient city of Teotihuacan was surveyed with muography. One of the motivations of the team was to discover if inaccessible chambers inside the Pyramid might hold the tomb of a Teotihuacan", "\"Egyptian pyramids\"\nmonumental structures constructed of dressed masonry. The most famous Egyptian pyramids are those found at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. Several of the Giza pyramids are counted among the largest structures ever built. The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still in existence. By the time of the Early Dynastic Period, those with sufficient means were buried in bench-like structures known as mastabas. The second historically-documented Egyptian pyramid is attributed to the architect Imhotep, who planned what Egyptologists believe to be a", "\"Solar deity\"\nclans were really warriors who founded the clans not many centuries ago, and were the ancestors of the present chieftains. A \"\"solar barge\"\"—also known as a \"\"solar bark\"\", \"\"solar barque\"\", \"\"solar boat\"\", or \"\"sun boat\"\"—is a mythological representation of the sun riding in a boat. The most famous of these is the \"\"Atet\"\", the barge of the Egyptian sun god Ra. The \"\"Khufu ship\"\", a 43.6-meter-long vessel that was sealed into a pit in the Giza pyramid complex at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2500 BC, is a full-size surviving example which may have fulfilled the", "\"Karl Richard Lepsius\"\nin November 1842 and spent six months making some of the first scientific studies of the pyramids of Giza, Abusir, Saqqara, and Dahshur. They discovered 67 pyramids recorded in the pioneering Lepsius list of pyramids and more than 130 tombs of noblemen in the area. While at the Great Pyramid of Giza, Lepsius inscribed a \"\"graffito\"\" written in Egyptian hieroglyphs that honours Friedrich Wilhelm IV above the pyramid's original entrance; it is still visible. In 1843 he visited Naqa and copied some of the inscriptions and representations of the temple standing there. Working south, stopping for extended periods at important", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\nfull height but the fourth was so ruined that its existence was not suspected until the recent discovery of the first course of stones and the remains of the capstone. Hidden beneath the paving around the pyramid was the tomb of Queen Hetepheres I, sister-wife of Sneferu and mother of Khufu. Discovered by accident by the Reisner expedition, the burial was intact, though the carefully sealed coffin proved to be empty. The Giza pyramid complex, which includes among other structures the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, is surrounded by a cyclopean stone wall, the Wall of the Crow. Mark", "\"Giza Governorate\"\nGiza Governorate Giza Governorate ( \"\"\"\") is one of the governorates of Egypt. It is in the center of the country, situated on the west bank of the Nile River opposite Cairo. Its capital is the city of Giza. It includes a stretch of the left bank of the Nile Valley around Giza, and acquired a large stretch of Egypt's Western Desert, including Bahariya Oasis when the 6th of October Governorate was merged into it on 14 April 2011. The Giza Governorate is also home to the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza. The rate of poverty is more", "Pyramidology\norganic material.\"\" French Egyptologist and architect Jean-Philippe Lauer undertook a scientific analysis of several pyramidologists' claims by reconstructing their reasoning step by step and redoing their mathematical calculations. In 1974, he concluded that those intuitions, though fascinating and made by people in good faith, have little to no regard to archaeology needs, if not to any other science at all. Pyramidology Pyramidology (or pyramidism) refers to various religious or pseudoscientific speculations regarding pyramids, most often the Giza pyramid complex and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Some \"\"pyramidologists\"\" also concern themselves with the monumental structures of pre-Columbian America (such", "\"Khufu ship\"\nKhufu ship The Khufu ship is an intact full-size vessel from Ancient Egypt that was sealed into a pit in the Giza pyramid complex at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2500 BC. The ship now is preserved in the Giza Solar boat museum. The ship was almost certainly built for Khufu (King Cheops), the second pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom of Egypt. Like other buried Ancient Egyptian ships, it was apparently part of the extensive grave goods intended for use in the afterlife, and contained no bodies, unlike northern European ship burials.", "\"Great Pyramid Monument\"\nGreat Pyramid Monument The Great Pyramid Monument is a German proposal for a mausoleum, patterned after the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. The concept of constructing a modern pyramid was originally proposed by German writer Ingo Niermann. He suggested a memorial be erected in the former East Germany, to serve as a democratic tomb for people from any ethnic, ethical and religious group. If developed correctly it could also become a tourist attraction, and a beginning point for intercultural dialog. The Great Pyramid is envisioned as the world's largest monument, potentially serving every human being as a grave or", "Abuwtiyuw\nfour days later. The find was recorded by the main expedition photographer, Mohammedani Ibrahim, who took more than 9,321 large-format glass-plate images on Reisner's expeditions. The tablet is now held by the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (inventory number JE 67573). Neither the dog's grave nor mummy have been recovered. The tomb in which the tablet was unearthed is in Cemetery G 2100 in Giza West Field, close to the western side of the Great Pyramid of Giza (Pyramid of Khufu/Kheops). The white limestone tablet measures 54.2×28.2×23.2 cm (21.3×11.1×9.1 in) and is inscribed with ten vertical rows of hieroglyphs, separated from", "\"Khufu ship\"\nfloor. Floor to ceiling windows allow for much sunlight and the wooden walkway takes the visitor around the boat where the visitor can get a close view of its impressive size- 143 feet long (44m) and 19.5 feet wide (6m). Khufu ship The Khufu ship is an intact full-size vessel from Ancient Egypt that was sealed into a pit in the Giza pyramid complex at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2500 BC. The ship now is preserved in the Giza Solar boat museum. The ship was almost certainly built for Khufu (King Cheops), the second pharaoh", "\"Charles Piazzi Smyth\"\nSmyth subsequently published his book \"\"Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid\"\" in 1864 (which he expanded over the years and is also titled \"\"The Great Pyramid: Its Secrets and Mysteries Revealed\"\"). Smyth claimed that the measurements he obtained from the Great Pyramid of Giza indicated a unit of length, the pyramid inch, equivalent to 1.001 British inches, that could have been the standard of measurement by the pyramid's architects. From this he extrapolated a number of other measurements, including the pyramid pint, the sacred cubit, and the pyramid scale of temperature. Smyth claimed that the pyramid inch was a God-given", "Ankhhaf\nrelated to the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza. The records refer to an administrative center named \"\"Ro-She Khufu\"\" which was under the authority of the Vizier Ankhhaf. This dates some of Ankhhaf's work to year 27 of Khufu, and places him in charge of the construction of the pyramid towards the end of the project as the operations refer to the delivery or the Tura limestone used for the casing. In the papyrus he Ankhkhaf is called \"\"nobleman\"\" (\"\"iry-pat\"\") and \"\"overseer of Ra-shi-Khufu\"\". The latter place was the harbour at Giza where the stones for the pyramid building", "\"Mastaba of Kaninisut\"\nwhite Tura limestone and decorated with fine, raised reliefs, which mainly depict offerings, scenes of funerary ritual and Kaninisut with his family. Kaninisut's descendants built additional smaller tombs within the large mastaba. The Mastaba of Kaninisut lies in the Giza West Field, the western cemetery of Giza. There are clearly planned fields of mastabas to the east and west of the Great Pyramid. The closest relatives of Khufu, the owner of the Great Pyramid, were buried in the East Field and high officials and dignitaries were buried in the West Field. Through this privilege, the deceased could be included in", "\"Great Pyramid of Cholula\"\n2.5 million cubic metres. However the Great Pyramid of Giza is higher at . The ceramics of Cholula were closely linked to those of Teotihuacan, and both sites appeared to decline simultaneously. The Postclassic Aztecs believed that Xelhua built the Great Pyramid of Cholula. At its peak, Cholula had the second largest population in Mexico of an estimated 100,000 people living at this site. Though the prehispanic city of Cholula remained inhabited, residents abandoned the Great Pyramid in the 8th century as the city suffered a drastic population drop. Even after this population drop, the Great Pyramid retained its religious", "\"Giza pyramid complex\"\nlimestone that was quarried across the Nile. These exterior blocks had to be carefully cut, transported by river barge to Giza, and dragged up ramps to the construction site. Only a few exterior blocks remain in place at the bottom of the Great Pyramid. During the Middle Ages (5th century to 15th century), people may have taken the rest away for building projects in the city of Cairo. To ensure that the pyramid remained symmetrical, the exterior casing stones all had to be equal in height and width. Workers might have marked all the blocks to indicate the angle of", "\"Orion correlation theory\"\npublications. The basis of this theory concerns the proposition that the relative positions of three main Ancient Egyptian pyramids on the Giza plateau was by design correlated with the relative positions of the three stars in the constellation of Orion which make up Orion's Belt— as these stars appeared in 10,000 BC. Their initial ideas regarding the alignment of the Giza pyramids with Orion (\"\"…the three pyramids were a terrestrial map of the three stars of Orion's belt\"\"— Hancock's \"\"Fingerprints of the Gods\"\", 1995, p. 375) are later joined with speculation about the age of the Great Sphinx (Hancock and", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\nthe pyramid for nobles. Egyptologists believe the pyramid was built as a tomb for the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Khufu (often Hellenized as \"\"Cheops\"\") and was constructed over a 20-year period. Khufu's vizier, Hemiunu (also called Hemon) is believed by some to be the architect of the Great Pyramid. It is thought that, at construction, the Great Pyramid was originally 280 Egyptian Royal cubits tall (), but with erosion and absence of its pyramidion, its present height is . Each base side was 440 cubits, long. The mass of the pyramid is estimated at 5.9 million tonnes. The volume, including", "\"Egyptian pyramids\"\nin the area (North Sudan). The following table lays out the chronology of the construction of most of the major pyramids mentioned here. Each pyramid is identified through the pharaoh who ordered it built, his approximate reign, and its location. Constructing the pyramids involved moving huge quantities of stone. Papyri discovered at the Egyptian desert near the Red Sea, in 2013 by archaeologist Pierre Tallet, revealed the journal of Merer, an official of Egypt involved in transporting limestone along the Nile River. These papyri reveal processes in the building of the Great Pyramid at Giza, the tomb of the Pharaoh", "\"The Indestructibles\"\nthem not to be completely perfect). Hancock and Bauval claim these inaccuracies mean that the Great Pyramid and by extension the Sphinx were built \"\"c\"\". 10,500 BC, a suggestion not widely accepted. The entrances to all the Fourth Dynasty pyramids at Giza (the Great Pyramid, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Menkaure) are in their north faces and the corridors are sloped down from the entrances in such a way that both the circumpolar stars and the pole star were visible. The positioning of the pyramids is such that they do not block each other's views of these", "Giza\nnot including the Al-Ḥawāmidiyah kism separated by Giza markiz. Its unclear that the 9 urban kisms represent a single entity; the structure may be similar to that of 23 wards of Tokyo in that all local units are simply subordinate to the Governorate without any intermediate municipal structure. Giza's most famous land form and archaeological site, the Giza Plateau, holds some major monuments of Egyptian history, and is home to the Great Sphinx. Once thriving with the Nile that flowed right into the Giza Plateau, the pyramids of Giza were built overlooking the ancient Egyptian capital city of Memphis, across", "\"Great Pyramid Monument\"\nboard, comprising Omar Akbar, Architect and Executive Director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, Stefano Boeri, Architect and Editor of the magazine Abitare, Milan, Rem Koolhaas (President of the Jury), Architect, Rotterdam, for the group themselves Ingo Niermann, writer and journalist, as well as Miuccia Prada, designer and entrepreneur from Milan. Great Pyramid Monument The Great Pyramid Monument is a German proposal for a mausoleum, patterned after the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. The concept of constructing a modern pyramid was originally proposed by German writer Ingo Niermann. He suggested a memorial be erected in the former East Germany, to", "\"Eschatology of Jehovah's Witnesses\"\n\"\"Zion's Watch Tower\"\" in July 1879. Influenced by the pyramidology theories of John Taylor and Charles Piazzi Smyth, Nelson Barbour and Charles Russell taught that the Great Pyramid of Giza contained prophetic measurements in \"\"pyramid inches\"\" that pointed to both 1874 and 1914. Russell viewed the Great Pyramid as \"\"God's Stone Witness and Prophet\"\". Smyth reviewed Russell's manuscript on the Great Pyramid before publication and Russell credited him and Scottish writer Robert Menzies for the view \"\"that the Great Pyramid is Jehovah's 'Witness', and that it was as important a witness to divine truth as to natural science.\"\" Prophetic dates", "\"Environmental issues in Egypt\"\ninstalled inside the Great Pyramid and in other structures on the Giza Plateau in order to lessen the impact of tourists' breath. Another problem that tourism brings is graffiti. Graffiti has been left in the chambers of the pyramids since they were being built over 4,000 years ago when workers building the pyramids left their mark on the walls. However, more recent graffiti at the Giza necropolis has damaged sites. Monuments often must be closed and renovated to remove marks made by modern visitors. In 2013, a Chinese tourist carved his name into a wall of the Luxor Temple, in", "\"Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum\"\nofficials were interred, queens often in small pyramids of their own, others entombed in underground apartments but memorialized above ground by a substantial building for the deceased's offering chapels and grave goods, the mastaba. This rectangular monument is often 60 feet (18m) or more on its long side and 15 feet (5m) high, and erected directly over the burial site. At Giza, these tombs formed a city of the dead, laid out on a grid of streets and avenues, although later in this article, we see that the necropolis was a bustling center of activity for the living. Layout at", "\"Great Sphinx of Giza\"\nof the Sphinx, the Giza pyramids and the Nile directly corresponds with Leo, Orion and the Milky Way respectively. Sometimes cited as an example of pseudoarchaeology, the theory is at variance with mainstream scholarship. The Sphinx water erosion hypothesis contends that the main type of weathering evident on the enclosure walls of the Great Sphinx could only have been caused by prolonged and extensive rainfall, and must therefore predate the time of the pharaoh Khafra. The hypothesis is championed by René Schwaller de Lubicz (1887–1961), who lived and studied Egyptology for 12 years in Egypt, and by Robert M. Schoch,", "\"Egyptian pyramid construction techniques\"\nGreeks, many years after the event, believed that the pyramids must have been built by slave labor. Archaeologists now believe that the Great Pyramid of Giza (at least) was built by tens of thousands of skilled workers who camped near the pyramids and worked for a salary or as a form of tax payment (levy) until the construction was completed, pointing to workers' cemeteries discovered in 1990 by archaeologists Zahi Hawass and Mark Lehner. For the Middle Kingdom Pyramid of Amenemhat II, there is evidence from the annal stone of the king that foreigners from Canaan were used. Pseudoscientific theories", "\"Pyramid inch\"\nPyramid inch The pyramid inch is a unit of measure claimed by pyramidologists to have been used in ancient times. Supposedly it was one twenty-fifth of a \"\"sacred cubit\"\", 1.00106 imperial inches, or 2.5426924 centimetres. The first suggestion that the builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza used units of measure related to modern measures is attributed to Oxford astronomy professor John Greaves (1602–1652), who journeyed to Egypt in 1638 to make measurements of the pyramid. His findings were published in his \"\"Pyramidographia\"\" and under his name in an anonymous tract. More than a century later, Greaves' measurements and additional", "Pyramid\nSudan has 220 extant pyramids, the most numerous in the world. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is the only one to survive into modern times. The Ancient Egyptians covered the faces of pyramids with polished white limestone, containing great quantities of fossilized seashells. Many of the facing stones have fallen or have been removed and used for construction in Cairo. Most pyramids are located near Cairo, with only one royal pyramid being located south of Cairo, at the Abydos temple complex. The pyramid at Abydos, Egypt were commissioned by", "\"Pseudoscientific metrology\"\nGreat Pyramid\"\" (1864), claiming that the measurements he obtained from the Great Pyramid of Giza indicated a unit of length, the pyramid inch, equivalent to 1.001 British inches, that could have been the standard of measurement by the pyramid's architects. From this he extrapolated a number of other measurements, including the pyramid pint, the sacred cubit, and the pyramid scale of temperature. Smyth claimed—and presumably believed—that the inch was a God-given measure handed down through the centuries from the time of Israel, and that the architects of the pyramid could only have been directed by the hand of God. To", "\"History of the world's tallest buildings\"\nto be tall, but its true height is not known. For thousands of years, the Great Pyramid in Egypt was the tallest \"\"structure\"\" in the world, but the Great Pyramid is not considered a building since it is not habitable. The earliest structures now known to be the tallest in the world were the Egyptian pyramids, with the Great Pyramid of Giza, at an original height of , being the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years, until the construction of Lincoln Cathedral in 1300. From then until the completion of the Washington Monument (capped in 1884)", "\"Pyramid of Menkaure\"\na high degree of detail evident. The pyramid's date of construction is unknown, because Menkaure's reign has not been accurately defined, but it was probably completed in the 26th century BC. It lies a few hundred yards southwest of its larger neighbours, the Pyramid of Khafre and the Great Pyramid of Khufu in the Giza necropolis. Richard Vyse, who first visited Egypt in 1835, discovered on 28 July 1837 in the upper antechamber the remains of a wooden anthropoid coffin inscribed with Menkaure's name and containing human bones. This is now considered to be a substitute coffin from the Saite", "Khafra\nhighest year date is the \"\"Year of the 13th occurrence\"\" which is a painted date on the back of a casing stone belonging to mastaba G 7650. This would imply a reign of 24–25 years for this king if the cattle count was biannual during the Fourth Dynasty. Khafra built the second largest pyramid at Giza. The Egyptian name of the pyramid was \"\"Wer(en)-Khafre\"\" which means \"\"Khafre is Great\"\". The pyramid has a subsidiary pyramid, labeled GII a. It is not clear who was buried there. Sealings have been found of a King's eldest son of his body etc. and", "\"Khafre Enthroned\"\nka statue, which would have been located in the Valley temple of Khafre, was only one part of an extremely intricate system used in Egyptian funerary rituals. Located at the Pyramids of Gizeh, the necropolis included the Valley Temple of Khafre, a mortuary temple, the Great Sphinx, and a causeway leading to the pyramid of Khafre. The Great Pyramids of Gizeh (Pyramids of Giza), located on the outskirts of present-day Cairo, are three enormous pyramids for three Egyptian pharaohs with multiple smaller ones, housing the mummies of the royal family and nobles. From largest to smallest, the pyramids of Khufu,", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\nconcluding around 2560 BC. Initially at , the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for more than 3,800 years. Originally, the Great Pyramid was covered by limestone casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface; what is seen today is the underlying core structure. Some of the casing stones that once covered the structure can still be seen around the base. There have been varying scientific and alternative theories about the Great Pyramid's construction techniques. Most accepted construction hypotheses are based on the idea that it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and", "\"Geographical centre of Earth\"\nGreat Pyramid of Giza. In addition, in October of that year, Smyth proposed to position the prime meridian at the longitude of the Great Pyramid because there it would \"\"pass over more land than any other\"\". He also argued the cultural significance of the location and its vicinity to Jerusalem. The expert committee deciding the issue, however, voted for Greenwich because \"\"so many ships used the port of London\"\". Referring to Smyth's book, Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard wrote in his 1884 book, \"\"The imaginary metrological system of the Great pyramid of Gizeh\"\", that the perfect location of the Great Pyramid", "\"Southern South Saqqara pyramid\"\nwere useless and plunderers managed to make their way to the burial chambers, only to find them empty and unused; Gustave Jéquier was able to reach the chambers either through the corridor and through the thieves' tunnel.<br> There are indications that the pyramid was first violated in antiquity and at least another time much later, likely during the times of the Abbasid caliph al-Ma'mūn (9th century CE), the same who entered the Great Pyramid of Giza. Among the many objects recovered from the pyramid complex, no one provides the name of the owner, although control notes referring to a regnal", "\"Peter Martyr's mission to Egypt\"\nreceived any tangible concessions in return for agreeing to the ambassador's terms, given that no commercial affairs were discussed in the \"\"Legatio\"\". In a separate development, while the document was being drafted, Martyr was given the Sultan's permission to visit the pyramids of Giza, whose silhouettes he could see from Cairo. He left early before dawn on February 7, as part of an expedition of nobles led by an Egyptian guide who was commissioned by al-Ghuri. Martyr evaluated the design and measured the perimeter of the two largest pyramids, the Great Pyramid and the Pyramid of Khafre, describing his findings", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\nestimated that the total project required an average workforce of about 14,500 people and a peak workforce of roughly 40,000. Without the use of pulleys, wheels, or iron tools, they used critical path analysis methods, which suggest that the Great Pyramid was completed from start to finish in approximately 10 years. The original entrance to the Great Pyramid is on the north, vertically above ground level and east of the centre line of the pyramid. From this original entrance, there is a Descending Passage 0 high and wide, which goes down at an angle of 26° 31'23\"\" through the masonry", "\"Pyramid of Menkaure\"\nPyramid of Menkaure The Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three main Pyramids of Giza, located on the Giza Plateau in the southwestern outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. It is thought to have been built to serve as the tomb of the fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Menkaure. Menkaure's pyramid had an original height of 65.5 meters (215 feet) and was the smallest of the three major pyramids at the Giza Necropolis. It now stands at 61 m (204 ft) tall with a base of 108.5 m. Its angle of incline is approximately 51°20′25″. It was constructed of limestone and", "Pyramidology\nattempting to prove that the pyramids on the Giza plateau were built to mimic the stars in the belt of the constellation Orion, a claim that came to be known as the Orion correlation theory. The main types of pyramidological accounts involve one or more aspects which include: Metrological pyramidology dates to the 17th century. John Greaves, an English mathematician, astronomer and antiquarian, first took precise measurements of the Great Pyramid at Giza using the best mathematical instruments of the day. His data was published in \"\"Pyramidographia\"\" (1646) which theorized a geometric cubit was used by the builders of the", "\"New7Wonders of the World\"\n2014. The Great Pyramid of Giza, largest and oldest of the three pyramids at the Giza Necropolis in Egypt and the only surviving of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, was granted honorary status. In 2007, the New7Wonders Foundation contracted a partnership with the United Nations in recognition of the efforts to promote the UN's Millennium Development Goals\"\". The UN posted on its website: However, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), in a press release on June 20, 2007, reaffirmed that it has no link with the \"\"private initiative\"\". The press release concluded: In Brazil", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\nsmaller, pyramid-building continued until the end of the Middle Kingdom. However, as authors Brier and Hobbs claim, \"\"all the pyramids were robbed\"\" by the New Kingdom, when the construction of royal tombs in a desert valley, now known as the Valley of the Kings, began. Joyce Tyldesley states that the Great Pyramid itself \"\"is known to have been opened and emptied by the Middle Kingdom\"\", before the Arab caliph Abdullah al-Mamun entered the pyramid around AD 820. I.E.S. Edwards discusses Strabo's mention that the pyramid \"\"a little way up one side has a stone that may be taken out, which", "\"Great Pyramid of Cholula\"\nits final dimensions of 450 metres on each side at the base and 66 metres tall. This base, measuring a total of 160,000 square meters is three times the area of the 53,056.5 square meter base area of Pharaoh Khufu's Great Pyramid of Giza and is the largest pyramid base in the Americas. The earliest construction phase features talud-tablero architecture that is characteristic of the region, and that became strongly associated with the great metropolis of Teotihuacan. Some of the pyramid constructions have had burials, with skeletons found in various positions, with many offerings, especially ceramics. The last state of", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\nTraditionally, ancient Egyptians cut stone blocks by hammering into them wooden wedges, which were then soaked with water. As the water was absorbed, the wedges expanded, causing the rock to crack. Once they were cut, they were carried by boat either up or down the Nile River to the pyramid. It is estimated that 5.5 million tonnes of limestone, 8,000 tonnes of granite (imported from Aswan), and 500,000 tonnes of mortar were used in the construction of the Great Pyramid. At completion, the Great Pyramid was surfaced by white \"\"casing stones\"\"—slant-faced, but flat-topped, blocks of highly polished white limestone. These", "\"The Dream Concert: Live from the Great Pyramids of Egypt\"\nThe Dream Concert: Live from the Great Pyramids of Egypt The Dream Concert: Live from the Great Pyramids of Egypt is the seventh live album and concert video by contemporary instrumentalist Yanni, officially released on June 3, 2016. The two concerts were performed outdoors on October 30 and 31, 2015, on the grounds of the Egyptian pyramids and Great Sphinx of Giza, Yanni's first performance in Egypt. The concerts included fireworks and a video broadcast from International Space Station commander Scott Kelly, and were recorded in 4K HD for subsequent broadcast on PBS. To convey an image of stable security", "Giza\nthe river from modern day Cairo. The Giza Plateau is also home to Egyptian monuments such as the tomb of Pharaoh Djet of the First Dynasty, as well as that of Pharaoh Ninetjer of the Second Dynasty. The Great Pyramid of Giza at one time was advocated (1884) as the location for the Prime Meridian, a reference point used for determining a base longitude. Giza experiences a hot desert climate like arid climate (Köppen: BWh). Its climate is similar to Cairo, owing to its proximity. Wind storms can be frequent across Egypt in spring, bringing Saharan dust into the city", "Teotihuacan\nby impressive ceremonial architecture, including the immense Pyramid of the Sun (third largest in the World after the Great Pyramid of Cholula and the Great Pyramid of Giza). Pyramid of the Moon and The Ciudadela with Temple of the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl are placed at the both ends of Avenue while Palace-museum Quetzalpapálot, fourth basic structure of site, situated between two main pyramids. Along the Avenue are many smaller talud-tablero platforms also. The Aztecs believed they were tombs, inspiring the name of the avenue. Scholars have now established that these were ceremonial platforms that were topped with temples. The Avenue", "Necropolis\nGlasgow Necropolis. The Giza Necropolis of ancient Egypt is one of the oldest and probably the most well-known necropolis in the world since the Great Pyramid of Giza was included in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Aside from the pyramids which were reserved for the burial of Pharaohs the Egyptian necropoleis included mastabas, a typical royal tomb of the early Dynastic period. Naqsh-e Rustam is an ancient necropolis located about northwest of Persepolis, in Fars Province, Iran. The oldest relief at Naqsh-i Rustam dates to . Though it is severely damaged, it depicts a faint image of a", "\"Great Sphinx of Giza\"\ngod Ra in order to restore respect for their dynasty. Dobrev also notes, like Stadelmann and others, the causeway connecting Khafre's pyramid to the temples was built around the Sphinx, suggesting it was already in existence at the time. The Orion correlation theory, as expounded by popular authors Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, is based on the proposed exact correlation of the three pyramids at Giza with the three stars ζ Ori, ε Ori and δ Ori, the stars forming Orion's Belt, in the relative positions occupied by these stars in 10500 BC. The authors argue that the geographic relationship", "\"ArcelorMittal Orbit\"\nthan double the height\"\" of Nelson's Column, the monument honouring Admiral Nelson in Trafalgar Square. Others reports described how it was \"\"just short of\"\" or \"\"almost as tall as\"\" the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the ancient tomb of the Pharaoh Khufu. Big Ben is tall, Nelson's Column is tall, including statue and column. The Giza Pyramid was thought to have been constructed as 280 Egyptian cubits or tall, although with erosion it has reduced in height by nearly 10 metres. \"\"Orbit\"\" is located in the southern area of the Olympic Park, between Olympic Stadium and the Aquatics Centre.", "\"Memphis Pyramid\"\nRiver. The largest of the three would have been two-third scale of the Great Pyramid of Giza near Memphis, Egypt; the flanking structures would have been scaled at two-thirds the size of the main pyramid. The project languished for three decades until Mark's younger son, Memphian Jon Brent Hartz, resurrected the concept. Mark C. Hartz, who was well known for his architectural renderings, rendered a new bronze glass-glazed pyramid. After years of negotiations, the younger Hartz's concept was adopted by entrepreneur John Tigrett as a symbol for the city of Memphis. The groundbreaking ceremony was held on September 15, 1989", "Pyramidology\n10,500 BC, but that the pyramids were built around 2,500 BC. This theory was based on their initial claims regarding the alignment of the Giza pyramids with Orion (\"\"…the three pyramids were a terrestrial map of the three stars of Orion's belt\"\"— Hancock's \"\"Fingerprints of the Gods\"\", 1995, p. 375) are later joined with speculation about the age of the Great Sphinx (Hancock and Bauval, \"\"Keeper of Genesis\"\", published 1996, and in 1997 in the U.S. as \"\"The Message of the Sphinx\"\"). Linked to the pseudoarchaeological ancient astronaut theory and Orion correlation theory are related claims that the Great Pyramid", "\"6th of October (city)\"\nPalestinian territories, who study at its private universities. The settlement was established in 1979 by the 504th presidential decree of Egyptian president Anwar El Sadat. It is from the great pyramids of Giza and from downtown Cairo. The city has a total area of and, eventually, is expected to have 6 million inhabitants, although there are many unoccupied or incomplete buildings. It was announced as the capital of the 6th of October Governorate in April 2008. Following the governorate's dissolution in April 2011, in the wake of the Egyptian revolution, it was reincorporated into the Giza Governorate, to which it", "Maeshowe\nof genius within a group of people whose other tombs were claustrophobic chambers in smaller mounds.\"\". A potential explanation for the extraordinary genius of Maeshowe engineering and the lack of human remains was described by Tompkins (1971) who compared the structure at \"\"Maes-Howe\"\" to the Great Pyramid (p. 130-133), suggesting the site was used as an observatory, calendar, and for May Day ceremonies rather than as a tomb. Tompkins (1971) extensively studied numerous documents related to the measurement and exploration of the Great Pyramid of Giza. He stated the central \"\"observation chamber\"\" (p. 130) at Maeshowe was \"\"corbeled like the", "\"Ancient Egypt\"\none as early as Hor-Aha. Early Egyptians also knew how to assemble planks of wood with treenails to fasten them together, using pitch for caulking the seams. The \"\"Khufu ship\"\", a vessel sealed into a pit in the Giza pyramid complex at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza in the Fourth Dynasty around 2500 BC, is a full-size surviving example that may have filled the symbolic function of a solar barque. Early Egyptians also knew how to fasten the planks of this ship together with mortise and tenon joints. Large seagoing ships are known to have been heavily", "\"Howard Vyse\"\ninstead to stand elsewhere. Vyse held this seat until the dissolution of Parliament in 1818. He also served as High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire in 1830. At Giza he and John Shae Perring worked with gunpowder forcing their way into several monuments, including the burial chamber of the pyramid of Menkaure. Vyse's gunpowder archaeology made one highly notable discovery in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Giovanni Battista Caviglia had blasted on the south side of the stress-relieving chamber (Davison's Chamber) on top of the King's Chamber, a chamber discovered by Nathaniel Davison in 1765, hoping to find a link to the", "\"Great Pyramid of Giza\"\na level bed, which enabled the masons to set the stones exactly. Many alternative, often contradictory, theories have been proposed regarding the pyramid's construction techniques. Many disagree on whether the blocks were dragged, lifted, or even rolled into place. The Greeks believed that slave labour was used, but modern discoveries made at nearby workers' camps associated with construction at Giza suggest that it was built instead by tens of thousands of skilled workers. Verner posited that the labour was organized into a hierarchy, consisting of two \"\"gangs\"\" of 100,000 men, divided into five \"\"zaa\"\" or \"\"phyle\"\" of 20,000 men each,", "\"Egyptian pyramid construction techniques\"\nTheir calculations suggest the workforce could have sustained a rate of 180 blocks per hour (3 blocks/minute) with ten-hour work days for putting each individual block in place. They derived these estimates from modern third-world construction projects that did not use modern machinery, but conclude it is still unknown exactly how the Great Pyramid was built. As Dr. Craig Smith of the team points out: The entire Giza Plateau is believed to have been constructed over the reign of five pharaohs in less than a hundred years, which generally includes: the Great Pyramid, Khafre and Menkaure's pyramids, the Great Sphinx,", "\"Djedi Project\"\nDjedi Project The Djedi Project is intended to explore the interior of the Great Pyramid of Giza and pyramid Temple 20 at Palenque. The project team is made up of international and Egyptian experts. The name derived from Djedi, the ancient Egyptian magician consulted by Pharaoh Khufu when planning his famous pyramid. As Dr. Zahi Hawass announced on his blog: \"\"\"\"The purpose of this project is to send a robotic tunnel explorer into the two “air shafts” that lead from the Queen's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Khufu to gather evidence to determine the purpose of the shafts.\"\"\"\" The", "\"Djedi Project\"\ntaken of markings within the shafts. Djedi Project The Djedi Project is intended to explore the interior of the Great Pyramid of Giza and pyramid Temple 20 at Palenque. The project team is made up of international and Egyptian experts. The name derived from Djedi, the ancient Egyptian magician consulted by Pharaoh Khufu when planning his famous pyramid. As Dr. Zahi Hawass announced on his blog: \"\"\"\"The purpose of this project is to send a robotic tunnel explorer into the two “air shafts” that lead from the Queen's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Khufu to gather evidence to determine" ]
[ false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ]
when did dodge caravan start stow and go
[ "2005" ]
[ "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nis no longer an option on 2011 and later Chrysler and Dodge vans. However, the seats can still be installed by modifying the van with a few basic tools and parts. However, it is impossible to install the table. The long-wheelbase Dodge Grand Caravan with \"\"Stow 'n Go\"\" seats are built in Windsor, Ontario, Canada at Windsor Assembly (WAP Plant 3) by members of Canadian Auto Workers Local 444. Both wheelbase models were also produced in Fenton, Missouri at Saint Louis Assembly by members of the United Auto Workers Local 110 until 31 October 2008. Dodge Caravan The Dodge Caravan", "\"Chrysler Town & Country\"\nWhat's New\"\" for 2005 award. The Stow 'n Go system was not offered on the (now discontinued) Volkswagen Routan, a rebadged nameplate variant of the Chrysler minivans. The Stow 'n Go seating and storage system in the Town & Country and Dodge Grand Caravan was improved, revised and renamed \"\"Super Stow 'n Go\"\" for the 2011 model year. This system is still on the Grand Caravan and was adapted for the new Pacifica. Chrysler introduced a seating system in 2008, marketed as \"\"Swivel'n Go\"\". In the system, the two second row seats swivel to face the third row. A detachable", "\"Louis Rhodes\"\nis also responsible for the creation of Stow ’n Go seating in the Chrysler Town & Country and the Dodge Grand Caravan minivans. Stow ’n Go seating became known to be a reality after Louis Rhodes and his son, Jon Rhodes, had been tinkering with an Erector Set in their kitchen . Stow ’n Go seating was revolutionary because while fold on to the floor seating was the new option to be offered in minivans, Stow ’n Go seating allows the second and third-rows of seats to fold in to the floor . For this revolutionary idea, Louis Rhodes received", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nA detachable table can be placed between the second and third row seats. The Swivel 'n Go seating system includes the third row seating from the Stow 'n Go system. The system is offered on the Dodge Grand Caravan and Chrysler Town & Country, but not the Volkswagen Routan, a rebadged nameplate variant of the Chrysler minivans. These Swivel 'n Go Seats are manufactured by Intier Corp. a division of Magna. The tracks, risers and swivel mechanisms are assembled by Camslide, a division of Intier. The swivel mechanism was designed by and is produced by Toyo Seat USA Corp. The", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nrow three-person 50/50 split \"\"bench\"\" – with each section weighing under . The Easy-out system remained in use through Generation V – where certain models featured a two-person bench \"\"and\"\" the under-floor compartments from the \"\"Stow'n Go\"\" system. All the rebadged nameplate variants of the Chrysler minivans use the Easy Out Roller Seats on their second row seating, where not the Stow and Go system. In 2004, Dodge introduced a system of second- and third-row seating that folded completely into under-floor compartments. It was marketed as \"\"Stow 'N Go\"\" and was available exclusively on long-wheelbase models. In a development program", "\"Windsor Assembly\"\nwheel-base version. The Generation III (NS) minivan production began in 1995 — with dual sliding doors. Starting in July 2000 the Generation IV (RS) minivan, which included the \"\"Stow'n Go\"\" seating, was produced until July 2007. In August 2007 the Generation IV (RT) minivan was introduced which continues with the \"\"Stow 'n Go\"\" and features the new \"\"Swivel'n Go\"\" seating. The plant operates with 3 shifts and produces about 1,426 vehicles per day. Windsor Assembly started assembling the new Volkswagen Routan (RM) on the same platform as the Dodge Grand Caravan and Chrysler Town & Country models in August 2008.", "\"Chrysler Town & Country\"\nTown & Country and Dodge Grand Caravan minivans with \"\"Stow 'n Go\"\" & \"\"Swivel 'n Go\"\" seats are built in Windsor, Ontario. Two plants have had the task of building the Town & Country, with Saint Louis Assembly building it from 1989 to 2001, and Windsor from 2001 to the present. As of May 2006, Windsor Assembly will be the lead producer of the RT, but will not fully take over until 2009 when they phase out current production of the Pacifica (CS). Saint Louis Assembly minivan plant was closed in October 2008 making Windsor the sole producer of the", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nnever offered on the Volkswagen Routan, the rebadged nameplate variant of the Chrysler minivans. For model year 2011 Chrysler revised the system, rebranding it as \"\"Super Stow 'n Go\"\". New pivoting head restraints with taller seatbacks and a revised folding mechanism (marketed as \"\"single action\"\") improved stowage ease – with the head restraints folding on themselves automatically and the entire seat automatically folding down to a position just over its floor recess. Dodge introduced a seating system in 2007, marketed as \"\"Swivel 'n Go\"\". In the seating system, two full size second row seats swivel to face the third row.", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\ndisappearance of the AutoStick Transmission option. This year also saw the appearance of an optional factory-installed rear seat DVD system with single disc player mounted below the HVAC controls. 2004 offered an exclusive one year only \"\"Anniversary Edition\"\" package to mark Caravan's 20th year in production. This package was offered on higher level SXT models, and included chrome wheels, body color moldings, special interior accents and a unique fender badge. 2005 changes to the Caravan included a revised grille, new foglight fascia, and a system of in-floor folding second and third row seats, marketed as \"\"Stow 'n Go seating\"\". Production", "\"Chrysler minivans (RT)\"\nsuccessor to the current Dodge Grand Caravan, which would be based on the Chrysler Pacifica, saying that the Grand Caravan successor would be \"\"a Caravan-like vehicle\"\" . Marchionne is quoted as saying, \"\"The replacement of the Caravan will be a Caravan-like vehicle. I need another minivan. It's going to be in line with the Pacifica architecture\"\". Chrysler minivans (RT) The RT-platform Chrysler minivans are a series of passenger minivans marketed by Chrysler starting in model year 2008, the fifth in six generations of Chrysler minivans. Depending on the market, these vans were known as the Dodge Grand Caravan, Chrysler Town", "\"Chrysler Town & Country\"\ntable can be placed between the second and third row seats. Swivel'n Go is available with Stow 'n Go seating after 2008 models. The Swivel 'n Go system is offered on the Dodge Caravan, but not the Volkswagen Routan, a rebadged nameplate variant of the Chrysler minivans. These Swivel 'n Go Seats were manufactured by Intier Corp. a division of Magna. The tracks, risers and swivel mechanisms are assembled by Camslide, a division of Intier. The swivel mechanism was designed by and is produced by Toyo Seat USA Corp. The system is noted for its high strength. The entire load", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nof this generation continued in China from 2008, when the Taiwanese Chrysler Town & Country production line was relocated there, until late 2010 when the fifth generation Chrysler Voyager was introduced to the Chinese market. The Caravan was subsequently replaced by the Journey, although a page for the Caravan still exists on the Dodge China site. The Chinese Caravan was produced alongside the Town & Country, now using the Grand Voyager nameplate, by Soueast, and did not share any aesthetic components with the North American Caravan aside from the wheels. Instead, the Chinese Caravan was identical to the Taiwanese Town", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\ncosting $400 million, engineers initially used an Erector Set to visualize the complex interaction of the design and redesigned under-floor components. The system included the spare tire well, fuel tank, exhaust system, parking brake cables, rear climate control lines, and rear suspension but precluded all-wheel drive (AWD). The system, in turn, creates a combined volume of of under-floor storage when second-row seats are deployed. With both rows folded, the vans have a flat-load floor and a maximum cargo volume of . The Stow 'n Go system received the Popular Science Magazine's \"\"Best of What's New\"\" for 2005 award, and was", "\"Chrysler minivans (RT)\"\nIn this seating system, two full size second row seats swivel to face the third row. A detachable table can be placed between the second and third row seats. The Swivel 'n Go seating system includes the 3rd row seating from the Stow 'n Go system, but not the second row, which must be manually removed from the vehicle. This model was exported as the Dodge Grand Caravan and Chrysler Town & Country to the Philippines, Chrysler Town & Country to Central and South America, and Chrysler Grand Voyager to all other markets. The Volkswagen Routan is a seven-seat rebadged", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nAuto Show. Sales began in autumn of 2008, and features neither Chrysler's Stow'n Go nor Swivel'n Go seating systems. When the Chrysler and Dodge badged versions received new features for 2011, not all were shared with the Routan. Total sales as of September 2010 were reported as being under 10,000 units, far lower than the target of 5% of the minivan market. The Routan was discontinued after the 2013 model year. A total of 2,500 were produced by Chrysler during the calendar year. The Caravan has incorporated numerous seating systems for their minivans to enhance interior flexibility. In 1991, Dodge", "\"Chrysler minivans (RT)\"\nonly offered as an extra-cost option on some trim levels. Dodge did not start production of the 2018 Grand Caravan until November 2017 because of this. With the all-new 2017 Chrysler Pacifica introduced to replace the Chrysler Town & Country, the Dodge Grand Caravan was due to be discontinued after the 2016 model year. However, it was later announced that the Grand Caravan would be sold alongside the Chrysler Pacifica unchanged from the 2016 model, with a simplified model lineup. At the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan, Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne said there may be a", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nand together they created what was internally designated the T-115 minivan – a prototype that was to become the Caravan and Voyager, known in initial marketing as the Magic-wagons. Chrysler introduced the Dodge Caravan and the Plymouth Voyager in November 1983 for the 1984 model year, using the Chrysler S platform, an extended derivative of the Chrysler K platform. The Renault Espace launched in Europe the same year, and Chrysler began selling the Chrysler Voyager in Europe four years later. During the 1960s, Dodge did sell a small cargo van adapted for passenger use, called the Dodge A100 which was", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nDodge Caravan The Dodge Caravan is a minivan manufactured and marketed by Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (and predecessor Chrysler companies) and marketed under the Dodge brand. Introduced for the 1984 model year, it is the longest-used nameplate currently in use by Chrysler. Introduced as the Dodge version of the Chrysler minivans alongside the Plymouth Voyager (and the later Chrysler Town & Country), the Dodge Caravan is currently in its fifth generation of production. Largely marketed in the United States and Canada, outside North America, the Dodge Caravan was marketed as the Chrysler Voyager. In North America, the Grand Caravan served as", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nmanual transmission, and included many outdoor amenities, such as a built-in ice pack. The Chrysler Pacifica, based on the Town & Country, was more luxurious, had power leather seats and footrests, overhead bins and lighting, an LHS grille, and roof-long skylights. The skylight feature was used by Nissan in the Quest. The Pacifica actually did come to be in 2004, based on the fifth generation Caravan, except that it became a crossover SUV rather than a minivan; the nameplate was eventually applied to a minivan in 2016. In 1999, Dodge introduced the Caravan EPIC, a fully electric minivan. The EPIC", "\"Hearth and Home\"\nstarted out covering both agriculture and literature, it eventually became a \"\"home literary miscellany.\"\" It did serialize some notable works including Edward Payson Roe's \"\"A Chestnut Burr\"\" and Edward Eggleston's \"\"The Hoosier Schoolmaster\"\". Hearth and Home Hearth and Home was an American weekly illustrated magazine which was published from 1868 to 1875. The advertising company of Pettengill, Bates & Company founded the publication, which had a debut issue dated December 26, 1868. The original editors were Donald G. Mitchell and Harriet Beecher Stowe, joined by Mary Mapes Dodge and Joseph B. Lyman as associate editors. Lyman and Stowe left after", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nthe \"\"AVP\"\" trim starting MSRP reduced by $1,000 from the year before. For the 2014 model year, three new packages are introduced: American Value Package (US; Canada Value Package in Canada), Blacktop package (US only) and the 30th Anniversary Edition. They are all different sets of the SE and SXT trims, and include new luxury features for basically the same price. The Grand Caravan AVP also gained easy-clean floor mats that came with the optional second-row Stow'n Go seats (standard on SE, SXT and R/T). The \"\"Blacktop package\"\", based on SE and SXT, came equipped with 17-inch polished aluminum wheels", "\"Chrysler minivan (AS)\"\nIn 1994, the Chrysler Voyager began production with a 2.5L VM Motori diesel engine; as of 2017, these are the only diesel-powered Chrysler minivans. As with the first generation minivans, the Dodge Caravan and Plymouth Voyager were trimmed nearly identically, with the exception of cargo vans marketed exclusively by the Dodge division (as the Dodge Caravan C/V and Grand Caravan C/V. With the exception of the steering wheel, second-generation Dodge and Plymouth minivans are nearly identical internally across comparable trim levels; Dodge Caravans are fitted with a four-spoke steering wheel while Plymouth and Chrysler minivans use a two-spoke steering wheel.", "\"Dodge Rampage\"\nexpected. Sales totals for the Plymouth Scamp were 2,184 base models and 1,380 Scamp GT models. Dodge resurrected the Rampage name at the 2006 Chicago Auto Show with a front-wheel drive concept pickup. As opposed to the original Rampage, this concept vehicle was as large as the full-size Dodge Ram. It was powered by the 5.7 L Hemi V8 and featured \"\"Stow 'n Go\"\" seating taken from the Chrysler minivans. Dodge Rampage The Dodge Rampage was a subcompact, unibody coupe utility based on Chrysler's L platform and manufactured from 1982 to 1984. First released as a 1982 model, the Rampage", "\"Chrysler minivans (NS)\"\nfocus the Plymouth brand on entry-level vehicles. In place of serving as a direct counterpart of the Dodge Caravan, the third-generation Plymouth Voyager became the entry-level Chrysler minivan. In a major change, for the first time, the Voyager and Caravan visually differed from one another. Along with a dark gray eggcrate grille (a body-colored grille became optional starting with model year 1998), the Voyager adopted matte gray bumpers across all trim levels along with matte gray side moldings. Voyagers featured unique front bumpers not shared with other models and did not come with fog lights in all trim levels. 1996", "\"Chrysler Town & Country (1941–1988)\"\nreturned in the spring of 1989 as an early 1990 model year introduction, only this time around, it became part of the new Chrysler Town & Country luxury minivan line up, which was based on the Dodge Grand Caravan and Plymouth Grand Voyager minivan cousins, each of which, were added to Chrysler's corporate minivan line up during the start of the 1987 model year as long wheelbase/extended length versions of their standard wheelbase/standard length Dodge Caravan and Plymouth Voyager minivan cousins, which had been introduced for the first time ever during the start of the 1984 model year line up.", "\"Hearth and Home\"\nHearth and Home Hearth and Home was an American weekly illustrated magazine which was published from 1868 to 1875. The advertising company of Pettengill, Bates & Company founded the publication, which had a debut issue dated December 26, 1868. The original editors were Donald G. Mitchell and Harriet Beecher Stowe, joined by Mary Mapes Dodge and Joseph B. Lyman as associate editors. Lyman and Stowe left after a year, though Stowe's association with the periodical is the primary reason it receives any modern attention. Dodge, who oversaw the children's pages, remained until 1873 when she became the first editor of", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nthe 1998 model year, prior to the 1998–2007 DaimlerChrysler era; it was the only exterior update of the NS Dodge Caravan. Other plans for this model year included three minivan concepts all to be made in the Windsor Assembly, the Dodge Caravan R/T, Voyager XG, and the Chrysler Pacifica 1999 concept. The Caravan R/T (originally ESS) was to include the most powerful engine ever for a minivan, rated at . It had two Dodge Viper hoodscoops, a brushed aluminum instrument panel, racing-style pedals, and black and white rubber flooring. The Voyager XG was more rugged, featured a diesel engine and", "Dodge\nto the short-wheelbase B Series Ram Vans, and later naming it the Caravan C/V, the C/V stood for Cargo Van. For model year 2011, the Caravan C/V was rebranded as a Ram, and was renamed the Ram C/V. Dodge's first experiments with anything like a sport utility vehicle appeared in the late 1950s with a windowed version of their standard panel-truck – known as the Town Wagon. These were built in the same style through the mid-1960s. But the division did not enter the SUV arena in earnest until 1974, with the purpose-built Ramcharger. Offering the then-popular open body style", "\"Dieter Zetsche\"\nof American and German engineering and design built into every Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge vehicle. One included Zetsche riding in a Jeep Liberty crossing a pile of logs, another showed him at the trunk of a Dodge Caravan minivan heading a soccer ball, and the last showed him at the wheel of a Chrysler Pacifica when it undergoes a crash test where he emerges from the wreckage unscathed. As a response of shrinking sales, the Employee Pricing Plus program was extended through the end of August, three new TV ads, which did not feature Dr. Z, were added to the", "Dodge\nthe Caravan for the Chinese market. Dodge began marketing its vehicles in South Korea in 2004, starting with the Dakota. Dodge re-entered the Australian market in 2006 with the Caliber, their first offering since the AT4/D5N trucks in 1979 and the first Dodge passenger car to be marketed in Australia since the Phoenix sedan was discontinued in 1973. The second model to be introduced was the Nitro, with the Avenger and Journey followed. Dodge chose not use the full model lines and engines available to them, the 2.7L V6 being available in the Journey and Avenger instead of the 3.2", "\"Chrysler Voyager\"\nwith the exception of China, where it is used on a rebadged Chrysler Pacifica. 1988–1990 models sold in Europe were Dodge Caravans rebranded as Chryslers. In America, the Caravan was sold alongside a similar Plymouth Voyager counterpart. Europe's Chrysler Voyager was nearly identical to the American Dodge Caravan except that a turbocharged four-cylinder engine and the 3.3 L Chrysler \"\"EGA\"\" V6 were never made available. Introduced for the 1991 model year, the Chrysler Voyager in Europe continued to be identical to the Dodge Caravan in the United States except that the 3.8 L V6 was not available for the Chrysler", "\"Mary Mapes Dodge\"\nYork, 1865); translated into Dutch, French, German, Russian and Italian, and was awarded a prize of 1,500 francs by the French Academy. With Donald G. Mitchell and Harriet Beecher Stowe, Dodge was one of the earliest editors of \"\"Hearth and Home\"\", and for several years, she conducted the household and children's department of that journal. In 1873, when \"\"St. Nicholas Magazine\"\" was started, she became its editor. Her other published volumes were \"\"A Few Friends, and How They Amused Themselves\"\" (Philadelphia, i860), \"\"Rhymes and Jingles\"\" (New York, 1874), \"\"Theophilus and Others\"\" (New York, 1876) \"\"Along the Way\"\", poems (New York,", "\"Chrysler minivans (NS)\"\nminivan produced with a manual transmission). In Brazil, Chrysler minivans were offered under the Chrysler Caravan nameplate, using Dodge Caravan bodyshells. In a break from its predecessors, the third-generation Dodge Caravan was marketed distinctly from the Plymouth Voyager. Replacing its role as the Dodge counterpart of the Voyager, the Caravan was remarketed to serve as the mid-range model of the Chrysler minivan product line. In contrast to the chrome trim moldings of the Chrysler Town & Country, base, SE and LE trims shared gray moldings with the Voyager with model-specific front bumpers; the ES trim and vans equipped with the", "\"Car Allowance Rebate System\"\n\"\"USA Today\"\", the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revised its mileage estimate list just before the start of the Car Allowance Rebate System program. For example, the 1991 Dodge Grand Caravan is listed below as ineligible because the 1991 Dodge Grand Caravan with a 4 cylinder engine has an EPA combined mileage of 19 and is not eligible; however, the V6 3.3 L and 3.8 L engines in these vehicles have EPA combined mileage of 18 and thus are eligible. The changes made some of the following cars with certain engine configurations ineligible: The EPA \"\"gave no reason its ratings", "\"Chrysler Town & Country\"\nChrysler Town & Country and Dodge Grand Caravan. Taiwanese-market Town & Country minivans were assembled in Yangmei, Taiwan under license by the China Motor Corporation, starting with the 2006 model year. They are similar to the North American model, with minor variations for the local market. The most obvious difference is the front bumper, taillights, and headlights, which are shared with the European market Chrysler Grand Voyager. In 2007, production ended and the production line was relocated to China where Soueast continued to assemble it under the Chrysler Grand Voyager and Dodge Grand Caravan nameplates from 2008 until late 2010.", "\"Chrysler minivans (RT)\"\nChrysler minivans (RT) The RT-platform Chrysler minivans are a series of passenger minivans marketed by Chrysler starting in model year 2008, the fifth in six generations of Chrysler minivans. Depending on the market, these vans were known as the Dodge Grand Caravan, Chrysler Town & Country, Chrysler Grand Voyager, Lancia Voyager and the Volkswagen Routan, a modified version sold by Volkswagen in North America. Only long wheelbase models were offered with the Dodge Journey replacing the short wheelbase model. While most versions were discontinued in 2016 with the launch of the Chrysler Pacifica minivan, the Grand Caravan remains in production", "\"Dodge Ram van\"\nroom and allowed better access when moving between the front seats. The 1978-style dashboard and door panels were finally replaced with a modern design using components from contemporary Chrysler products. The side-view mirrors were now break-away units mounted to the sail portion of the front window openings. This change resulted in the elimination of the front door vent windows. The van remained mostly unchanged until it was discontinued after the 2003 model year, ending production that June. In 2012, a Dodge Caravan-based cargo van, previously sold as the Dodge Caravan C/V, was renamed the Ram C/V Tradesman. In 2013, a", "\"Dodge Rampage Concept\"\nthis engine was used in contemporary production vehicles such as the Dodge Ram and Dodge Charger. Like its namesake, the Rampage Concept used front-wheel drive, unusual for a pickup truck. The Rampage also had flared fenders and 22-inch aluminum wheels. The Rampage Concept featured \"\"Stow 'n Go\"\" seating used in Chrysler minivans of the time, where the seats folded down flush with the cabin floor; this feature was a first for any Chrysler truck. It was also the first Chrysler vehicle to apply this feature on the front passenger seat in addition to the rear seats. Combined with a retractable", "\"Chrysler minivans (RT)\"\n6 speed 62TE automatic transmission. In 2011, the 3.3L, 3.8L and 4.0L engines were all dropped, replaced with the \"\"Pentastar\"\" 3.6 L V6, which came with the 62TE transmission. Grand Caravan: Automotive news reported that, from January to October in 2010, Dodge sold about a third of its 2010 Grand Caravans to rental fleets. The number of returned ex-rental 2010 Grand Caravan to the market jumped fourfold between July to October, depressing prices of used 2009 and 2010 Dodge minivans by as much as 20%. Town & Country: For 2018, the Dodge Grand Caravan is only available in three trim", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nthe short wheelbase Caravan had a dramatic effect on the captive import from Mitsubishi, called the Dodge Colt Vista, and was no longer imported to North America starting in 1991. The second generation had features including: 1992 models included revised roof-racks and doorhandles. 1993 marked the final year for optional woodgrain and wire wheels on higher level models. 1994 models had a redesigned interior, with slightly different seat contours/fabrics, along with a new dash, in order to accommodate a passenger-side air bag. 1994 exterior trim changes included a body colored grill and moldings on certain models, as well as the", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nCaravan would be discontinued, and that they would have to look into offering \"\"some level of affordable access to the Pacifica at the lower end to try and replace the outgoing models\"\". Despite the introduction of the higher-cost Pacifica model, sales of the Caravan increased by 26% in 2016. Production of Grand Caravans was temporarily suspended from September to November 2017 with the assembly of the 2018 model year versions starting in December 2017. The production line required changes to install airbags that meet U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 226 calling for larger and more robust side-impact air curtains,", "\"Chrysler minivans (RS)\"\ncontinued in China under the Chrysler Grand Voyager and Dodge Grand Caravan nameplates from 2008, when the Taiwanese Town & Country production line was relocated to Soueast (a joint venture between CMC, Mitsubishi Motors and the Fujian Motors Group, until late 2010 when the facelifted fifth generation Chrysler Grand Voyager was introduced there. The Grand Caravan was replaced in this market by the JCUV. The Chinese Grand Voyager was identical to the Taiwanese Town & Country, while the Grand Caravan was not based on the RS Grand Caravan sold in the United States and Canada. Instead, it was a modified", "Dodge\nDodge during the 1980s, including the groundbreaking Dodge Caravan. The Caravan not only helped save Chrysler as a serious high-volume American automaker, but also spawned an entirely new market segment that remains popular today: the minivan. Through the late 1980s and 1990s, Dodge's designation as the sporty-car division was backed by a succession of high-performance and/or aggressively styled models including the Daytona, mid-sized 600 and several versions of the Lancer. The Dodge Spirit sedan was well received in numerous markets worldwide. The Omni remained in the line through 1990. Dodge-branded Mitsubishi vehicles were phased out by 1993 except for the", "Dodge\ndealers since 1973, continued without change. All Plymouth-Chrysler and Dodge-Chrysler dealers became Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep dealers. The diluting of the Chrysler name did not go well in Canada, especially as the nameplate had been pushed as a luxury line since the 1930s. For 2003, the revamped Neon appeared in Canada as the Dodge SX 2.0. Since then, all new Dodge models have been sold in Canada under the Dodge name. Dodge started assembling lorries (trucks) in the United Kingdom, from imported parts, in 1922. In 1933 it began to manufacture a British chassis, at its works in Kew, using American engines and", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nthe European market, the Lancia/Chrysler Voyager will be available in three trim levels (Silver, Gold and Platinum) and two choices of engine: a 3.6-liter V6 petrol unit and a 2.8-liter CRD diesel with particulate filter as standard delivering and . For more information on the European specification Voyager, see Chrysler Voyager. The Ram Cargo Tradesman, or Ram C/V Tradesman, debuted for the 2012 model year, replacing the Dodge Grand Caravan C/V. It is based on the Dodge Grand Caravan, but with solid metal instead of rear windows and a flat load space with of interior storage, and a . cargo", "\"Dodge Aspen\"\nwere noted for having numerous problems with their carburetors, which resulted in the cars to have a tendency of stalling, and also have difficulty in starting, even after leaving the engine off for a minute or two. This resulted in several recalls, which did not solve the problems, resulting in Chrysler almost going bankrupt, and for the discontinuation for both models. R. M. \"\"Ham\"\" Schirmer, manager of Dodge car and corporate advertising for Chrysler, said that the Aspen name originated from the codename \"\"Aspen-Vail\"\" when the project for it and the Plymouth \"\"sister car\"\" began in 1971. \"\"Aspen is a", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\ndebuted at the 2007 North American International Auto Show with exterior styling by Ralph Gilles. Beginning with Generation V in model year 2008, Chrysler only made the long wheelbase Grand Caravan. With discontinuation of the short-wheelbase Caravan, Dodge offered the Journey on nearly an identical wheelbase and as a crossover rather than a minivan. Although the SWB model, which had accounted for half of all sales in Canada, cost approximately $2,000 less and offered a four-cylinder engine option with improved fuel economy, Chrysler executives stated the SWB Caravan was discontinued to accommodate new features offered in the Grand Caravan, consistent", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nof the range SXT models. In 2011 the six-speed transmission was specified as standard on the Town & Country. In the U.S. the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) New Car Assessment Program crash testing, the 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan achieved a five star (top safety) rating in several categories. The Grand Caravan underwent a mid-cycle refresh for the 2011 model year, which included major changes in both styling and functionality. The suspension was heavily re-tuned, with both Dodge and Chrysler minivans gaining a larger front sway bar and new rear sway bar, increased rear roll center height, adjusted spring", "\"Chrysler minivan (AS)\"\nthe Caravan) and the LX (for the short-wheelbase Voyager). Sharing its model features with LE-trim models included as standard equipment, the LX/ES trims served as a cosmetic upgrade similar to namesake trims in the Plymouth Acclaim and Dodge Spirit. In place of woodgrain trim, the LX was given color-keyed two-tone exterior; the ES was given nearly monochrome trim (as with the Dodge Spirit, ES-trim Caravans were fitted with white-painted wheels). In line with the European Chrysler Voyager, the Dodge Caravan ES was not fitted with a stand-up hood ornament (with a body-color Chrysler Pentastar affixed directly onto the hood). Following", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nIII, Chrysler introduced a seat management system marketed as \"\"Easy Out Roller Seats\"\". A conventional door handle and lock was added to the rear hatch, eliminating the confusing pop-and-lift maneuver which had been required on earlier models. Base models of the Caravan were offered in most states with either a 2.4 L four-cylinder or the 3.0 L Mitsubishi 6G72 V6 engine, except in several northeastern states, where the Mitsubishi did not meet emissions standards. In those areas, the 3.3 L engine was offered as the V6 option from 1997 through 2000. The 1996 Caravan, along with the Plymouth Voyager and", "\"Chrysler minivans (NS)\"\nSport package featured body-colored moldings. As with the AS-platform vans, 7-passenger seating was offered on the Dodge Caravan, regardless of body length. In 1999, the driver-side sliding door became an option on all versions of the Caravan. For 1999, the Dodge Caravan ES was equipped with an Autostick gear selector for its automatic transmission, a first for a minivan. In contrast to previous uses (the Eagle Vision TSi and the Plymouth Prowler), the Caravan ES placed the system selector on the end of the column-mounted shifter. In an effort to reposition the Plymouth division during the mid-1990s, Chrysler sought to", "\"Plymouth Voyager\"\nsold through 2003. From 1988 to 2016, Chrysler used the Chrysler Voyager name for export-market minivans; during the existence of the Plymouth brand, export-market Voyagers were produced with the body and trim of the Dodge Caravan. When including the Plymouth Voyager and Dodge Caravan with their rebadged Chrysler, Lancia, and Volkswagen variants, the Chrysler minivans collectively rank as the 13th best-selling automotive model line worldwide. The Plymouth Voyager minivan was assembled by Chrysler at its Windsor Assembly facility (Windsor, Ontario, Canada); from 1987 to 2000, the Voyager was also assembled at Saint Louis Assembly (Fenton, Missouri). The full-size Plymouth Voyager", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nsystem is noted for its high strength. The entire load of the seat in the event of a crash is transferred through the swivel mechanism, which is almost twice as strong as the minimum government requirement. The swivel mechanism includes bumpers that stabilize the seat while in the lock position. When rotated the seat comes off these bumpers to allow easy rotation. The seat is not meant to be left in an unlocked position or swiveled with the occupant in it, although this will not damage the swivel mechanism. \"\"Swivel 'n Go\"\" was dropped after the 2010 model year and", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nall Dodge vehicles. In 2003, the Caravan C/V and Grand Caravan C/V returned after having been discontinued in 1995. The C/V featured the option of deleted side windows (replaced by composite panels), optional rear seats, a cargo floor made of plastic material similar to pickup truck bedliners, rubber flooring in lieu of carpeting and normal hatch at the rear. Minor changes were made to the Grand Caravan ES including many of the features included in Option Group 29S becoming standard, the 17 inch Titan Chrome wheels no longer being an option replaced with standard 16 inch chrome wheels, and the", "\"Chrysler minivans (S)\"\nfor a reduction of wind noise and drag. To further reduce costs, a number of visible interior components were shared with the Dodge Aries/Plymouth Reliant, including the instrument panel, interior controls, radio, and various trim items. Launched in November 1983 for the 1984 model year, Chrysler marketed the first-generation minivans as the Dodge Caravan and Plymouth Voyager, along with the Mini Ram Van cargo van. While the Dodge Caravan nameplate was used for the first time, Plymouth had used the Voyager nameplate since 1974 on its version of the Dodge Sportsman full-size passenger van. Initially released in a single 112-inch", "\"Chrysler minivans (NS)\"\n253 hp, paired with the 4-speed AutoStick transmission. The Dodge Caravan adapted several styling elements from the Dodge Viper RT/10, including hoodscoops (carried directly over from the Viper), and a redesigned lower fascia that shifted the Dodge \"\"crosshair\"\" grille into the lower bumper (with the addition of foglamps from the Viper). The interior featured a performance-oriented theme, with brushed aluminum trim for the trim and door panels, with black leather seats and racing-style pedals.From 2011 to 2016, Dodge produced the Grand Caravan R/T as an trim variant, though the option was largely cosmetic. Derived from the Plymouth Voyager, the Plymouth", "\"Chrysler minivans (S)\"\nand Plymouth Voyager were both offered in three trim levels, an unnamed base trim level, mid-range \"\"SE\"\", and top-range \"\"LE\"\"; LE-trim minivans were marketed with the option of simulated woodgrain paneling. In 1989, as part of a minor exterior update, Dodge and Plymouth each gained an additional trim level for the top of the model range, the Dodge Caravan ES and Plymouth Voyager LX, available only in standard-wheelbase configuration. Chrysler produced two cargo van variants of the S platform, both based upon the Dodge Caravan. From 1984 to 1988, Dodge marketed the Mini Ram Van. Distinguished by a \"\"Ram\"\" nameplate", "\"Sune's Summer\"\nout to be too expensive, especially when Håkan destroys a shelf in the travel agency. Rudolf decides that they should go on a caravan holiday instead. When they start the journey, Karin runs over Rudolf's foot with the caravan and they have to go into a hospital. There, Rudolf gets his foot bandaged by Lenny, a medic who is pretending to be a doctor. At the hospital Sune meets a girl named Cornelia and falls in love with her, but he makes a fool of himself at a candy vending machine. The next day they arrive at the \"\"Jonsson camp\"\"", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nwith the demands of the majority of the minivan market. A new six-speed automatic transmission became standard with the 3.8 L V6 and the new 4.0 L V6. The four-speed automatic transmission is standard with the 3.3 L Flex-Fuel V6. This generation of Grand Caravan and its Town & Country counterpart were not available with an all-wheel-drive system. The previously unavailable Electronic Stability Control was made standard on this generation. Chrysler introduced a seat management system marketed as \"\"Swivel'n Go\"\" seating, the MyGIG entertainment system (a stereo with built in hard drive for recording, storing, and playing music), second and", "\"Fenton, Missouri\"\nsupplier, is based in Fenton. The former Chrysler North and South assembly plants were located on North Highway Drive in Fenton. In their later years, the South plant assembled Chrysler minivans such as the Chrysler Town & Country and the Dodge Grand Caravan, while the North plant assembled the Dodge Ram truck. The South plant ceased operations in 2008, while the North plant shut down for good in July 2009. In 2013 the site was considered as a possible location for a new stadium for the St. Louis Rams if renovations to the Edward Jones Dome did not materialize. In", "\"Belmont, North Carolina\"\nclubs. The Caravan Coffee and Dessert Bar is a coffee shop in the downtown part of Belmont next to Stowe Park that hosts the \"\"Caravan Jam\"\" every Wednesday night and \"\"Piano Nights\"\" every other Thursday. The Stowe Mercantile Co., a downtown general store, and Bill's Belmont Drive-In, more commonly known just as the \"\"Drive-In\"\", have been a major part of the Belmont community for a long time. Cherub's Café & Candy Bouquet is an outreach of Holy Angels and is a café that provides vocational training and meaningful supported employment options for individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities. Kevin Jonas, Sr.", "\"Five Go Off in a Caravan\"\nFive Go Off in a Caravan Five Go Off In A Caravan is the fifth book in the Famous Five series by the British author, Enid Blyton and published by Hodder and Stoughton. The Famous Five go on a caravan holiday, which ends up in another adventure for the intrepid gangsters when they meet a travelling circus, where some of the circus folk have more sinister plans than just clowning around. The story begins on a hot sunny day when the children see a circus go by. This gives George an idea for a camping holiday. The others are excited", "\"Volkswagen Routan\"\nVolkswagen Routan The Volkswagen Routan is a seven-seat minivan and rebadged variant of the Chrysler RT platform, with revised styling, content features, and suspension tuning from the fifth-generation Dodge Grand Caravan and Chrysler Town & Country. Manufactured alongside the Chrysler and Dodge minivans at Windsor Assembly and marketed in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, the Routan debuted at the 2008 Chicago Auto Show and went on sale in the United States in September 2008. The Routan's minivan variants include the Dodge Caravan, Ram C/V, Chrysler Town & Country, and Lancia Voyager (export)—that by 2009 have ranked as the 13th", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nthird row video screens, powered second row windows, standard side curtain airbags, and dashboard-mounted transmission controls. The gear shift lever moved to the instrument panel, the location used by competitors. The market shifted briefly away from minivans and SUVs with the gasoline price spikes of the earlier part of 2008. This trend began to reverse itself towards the fall of 2008. In 2009 and 2010 the Dodge Grand Caravan continued to be the top selling minivan in Canada, with over 60% of the market's monthly sales. \"\"Automotive News\"\" reported that, from January to October in 2010, Dodge sold about a", "Ultradrive\na four-speed transmission fitted on 1989 Dodge/Plymouth vehicles with the 3.0 L 6G72 V6. Applications include (but are not limited to) the Dodge Caravan/Grand Caravan, Plymouth Voyager/Grand Voyager, Dodge Shadow, Chrysler LeBaron and Chrysler Sebring (1995-1997). Applications: The 41AE is a variant of the 41TE that was originally used for the all-wheel drive variants of the minivans, and was also used for the Chrysler Pacifica from its 2004-model-year introduction until the model was discontinued in 2008. Applications: Since 2003 (2004 model year), the 41TE was replaced by a similar but cheaper and lighter 40TE transmissions in cars equipped with inline-four-cylinder,or", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\n& Country, aside from the lack of chrome trim on the exterior door panels, and used a modified version of the Town & Country front bumper with a Dodge grille. Chinese vans were equipped with Mitsubishi 6G72 engines, and came in three trim levels: Classic, SXT, and Luxury. In Canada, the 3.3 L V6 was standard on all models. The 2001 model of this version earned a \"\"Poor\"\" rating in the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety 's 40 mph offset test. It did protect its occupants reasonably well, and the dummy movement was well controlled, however, a fuel leak occurred.", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nthird of its 2010 Grand Caravans to rental fleets. The number of returned ex-rental 2010 Grand Caravan to the market jumped fourfold between July to October, depressing prices of used 2009 and 2010 Dodge minivans by as much as 20%. Both the 3.8 L and 4.0 L engines were paired with Chrysler's 62TE 6-speed automatic transmission with variable line pressure (VLP) technology (See Ultradrive#62TE). In Canada (2008–2010) the 3.3 L was the standard engine across the range, combined with the 4-speed 41TE automatic transmission. The 4.0 L engine and six-speed combination was available as an option on only the top", "\"Chrysler minivans (NS)\"\nfitted with power-operated middle-row seats (with power-operated footrests). The exterior adapted design elements of the flagship Chrysler LHS sedan, including a (smaller) version of its grille and modified versions of its headlamps.From 2004 to 2008, the Chrysler Pacifica nameplate saw use on a production vehicle, as a CUV derived from the Grand Caravan/Town & Country. For 2017, the Pacifica nameplate was again revived, used on the current generation of Chrysler-division minivans. As a follow-up to the 1996 Dodge Caravan ESS, the 1999 Dodge Caravan R/T replaced the 3.8L V6 with the 3.5L V6 of the Chrysler 300M, increasing output to", "\"Downsize (automobile)\"\nto withdraw production of full-size station wagons after the 1978 model year; after 1982, the wagon version of the K-car was the sole station wagon sold by Chrysler. Introduced in 1984, the Plymouth Voyager and Dodge Caravan were the first minivans to reach production by an American manufacturer. While three inches shorter than the K-cars, the Voyager and Caravan could be configured to hold up to 7 passengers; with seats removed, interior volume closely matched the cargo-carrying capability of a full-size station wagon. While the Dodge Caravan was an all-new nameplate, the introduction of minivans effectively downsized the Plymouth Voyager,", "\"Chrysler minivans (NS)\"\nrating called \"\"Safest\"\" (at least 30% safer than the average car.) Introduced in March 1995 for the 1996 model year, the third-generation Chrysler minivans were marketed by the Chrysler, Dodge, and Plymouth divisions. In line with the second generation, Chrysler marketed the minivans as the Plymouth Voyager, Dodge Caravan, and Chrysler Town & Country in both standard wheelbase and long-wheelbase (\"\"Grand\"\") configurations. The Dodge Caravan C/V was withdrawn from the model line; all NS-platform vans were of passenger van configuration. Again positioned as the flagship of the Chrysler minivans, the third-generation marked a major expansion of the Town & Country", "\"Volkswagen Routan\"\nthe Routan's base price of nearly $28,000 was far more than the basic $21,000 Grand Caravan, while the Routan's list of equipment was less than included on the upscale Town & Country. The Routan features a rebranded version of Chrysler's hard drive-based audio and navigation system—marketed by Chrysler as the MyGig system and by Volkswagen as the Joybox, but has neither Chrysler's Stow'n Go nor Swivel'n Go seating systems. Instead, the second row seats in the Routan feature the Easy Out Roller Seat system, but can be modified using Chrysler or Dodge parts to have Stow'n Go or have Swivel'n", "\"Dodge Magnum\"\non March 28, 2008. The Dodge Magnum, (along with the short-wheelbase Dodge Caravan), has been replaced by the Dodge Journey. Dodge Magnum The Dodge Magnum is a nameplate used by several Dodge vehicles, prominently as a large coupe marketed from 1978 to 1979 in the United States as well as a rear-wheel drive station wagon introduced in 2004 for the 2005 model year and produced until the end of the 2008 model year and assembled at Brampton Assembly Plant, near Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In Brazil, the Magnum was a top of the line version of the local Dodge Dart from", "\"Chrysler minivans (S)\"\nas an option, the 50/50 doors were constructed of fiberglass; custom-installed by an outside vendor, the doors were installed between the factory and shipment to a dealer. As with the larger Dodge Ram Van, the Mini Ram Van and Caravan C/V also served as a basis for conversion vans, sold through Chrysler dealers as well as through converters themselves. Starting for the 1988 model year, Chrysler began exports of minivans to Europe. As neither the Plymouth nor the Dodge brands were marketed outside of North America by Chrysler, minivans were exported under the Chrysler Voyager nameplate, competing against the Renault", "\"Chrysler minivans (RT)\"\nvariant of the RT minivans with revised styling, content features and suspension tuning. Manufactured alongside the Chrysler and Dodge minivans at Windsor Assembly and marketed in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, the Routan debuted at the 2008 Chicago Auto Show and went on sale in the United States in September 2008. The Routan's minivan variants include the Dodge Caravan, Ram C/V, Chrysler Town & Country, and Chrysler Grand Voyager (export)—that by 2009 have ranked as the 13th bestselling automotive nameplate worldwide, with over 12 million sold. The Routan marked the start of Volkswagen's business strategy to offer additional vehicles", "\"Mark Dodge\"\non life; you never know when it can end, you got to take every day as it is. Enjoy every day. I mean, I go out to practice now and love it at practice for every practice because I know I could be doing something a whole lot worse,\"\" Dodge said. Having won the starting position, Dodge played linebacker for two seasons at Texas A&M in 2006 and 2007. As a junior in 2006, Dodge tied for the leading number of interceptions for the team with two. As a senior in 2007, he led the team with 117 total tackles.", "Dodge\nMotor Company focusing on performance and mid-luxury, respectively. (Among the American press, it has drawn comparisons to the decades-long set up of Chevrolet and Pontiac at General Motors before the phase-out of Pontiac in 2010.) As part of the restructuring, Dodge will discontinue the Dodge Grand Caravan (after 32 years) and Dodge Avenger without replacements, while launching a sporty subcompact below the Dart in 2018. Additionally, while the Ram Trucks division will remain separate (although the Dodge Durango will remain in production as a Dodge), the SRT division was merged back into Dodge. Over the decades, Dodge has become well", "\"Mary Mapes Dodge\"\nwere Harriet Beecher Stowe and Donald G. Mitchell. On this journal, she took charge of the household and juvenile departments, and before long, Dodge's reputation as editor equaled that which she had already attained as author. The circulation of the periodical was greatly increased, and the department itself rapidly grew into a very prominent feature of the weekly issues. It was her work in this field which first attracted the attention of Dr. J. G. Holland and Roswell Smith when, early in the 1870s, as directors of the company which published \"\"The Century Magazine\"\", they began to consider the publication", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nbezels, and bright chrome accents throughout. Both 30th Anniversary Editions included an available special body color, Granite Crystal Pearl Coat, a customized gauge cluster with 30th Anniversary badging, as well as the UConnect Handsfree Group (SiriusXM Satellite Radio with a one-year subscription, Bluetooth streaming audio and voice command and an auto-dimming rear view mirror). The vehicles arrived at dealerships at Q3 2013. Also new for the 2014 model year, the Grand Caravan R/T gained standard auto headlamps with black bezels and the Security Group featuring remote start and security alarm. A small 2017 model year update yields SE, SE Plus,", "\"Chrysler minivans (S)\"\nwheelbase, Chrysler introduced a 119-inch wheelbase as part of a 1987 update, launching the Grand Caravan/Grand Voyager. Starting in 1988, the Chrysler Voyager was exported to markets outside of the United States and Canada. For 1990, Chrysler began production of the Chrysler Town & Country, among the first luxury vehicles produced as a minivan. Designed as an alternative to full-size station wagons, the standard-length Dodge Caravan/Plymouth Voyager (two inches shorter and two inches wider than a K-car station wagon), presented nearly double the cargo space of a K-car station wagon with a 7-foot long cargo floor. Similar to the K-car", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nSXT, and GT models. The 6.5\"\" Touchscreen (Radio 430 and 430 NAV) became standard equipment. (Navigation is standard on GT and optional on SXT.) FCA unveiled the Chrysler Pacifica, a new crossover minivan for the 2017 model year, at the 2016 North American International Auto Show. The Pacifica replaced the Chrysler Town & Country, but it was originally stated that the 2016 model of the Dodge Caravan would be produced for one more model year as a lower-cost alternative to the Pacifica, before being discontinued. In January 2017, FCA CEO Sergio Marchionne stated that it was not clear if the", "\"Ford VX54 platform\"\nFord VX54 platform The Ford VX54 platform was a mid-size minivan platform developed by a joint venture with American automaker, Ford Motor Company and Japanese automaker, Nissan Motors. The platform was specifically developed in 1993 for production of the Mercury Villager and Nissan Quest. The goal was to market a smaller and more stylish minivan that was comfortable and more family-oriented. The minivans were designed to be in between the sizes of Chrysler's Dodge Caravan and Dodge Grand Caravan. It is a modified version of the J30 Nissan Maxima platform. Both minivans continued to be built on the platform until", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nintroduced a second row bench seat integrating two child booster seats on 1992 models. These seats continued as an available option through Generation V until they were discontinued in 2010. In 1995, Dodge introduced a system of seats to simplify installation, removal, and re-positioning, marketed as \"\"Easy-Out Roller Seats\"\". When installed, the seats are latched to floor-mounted strikers. When unlatched, eight rollers lift each seat, allowing it to be rolled fore and aft. Tracks have locator depressions for rollers, to simplify installation. Ergonomic levers at the seat backs release the floor latches single-handedly, without tools, and raise the seats onto", "\"Dodge Omni\"\nDodge Omni The Dodge Omni and Plymouth Horizon were subcompact cars produced by Chrysler from December 1977 to 1990. The Omni and Horizon were re-engineered variants of the European Chrysler Horizon, and were the first of many front-wheel drive Chrysler products to follow, including the Dodge Aries/Plymouth Reliant and the Dodge Caravan/Plymouth Voyager/Chrysler Town and Country. The Dodge Omni and the Plymouth Horizon were front-wheel drive, five-door hatchbacks, introduced by the Dodge and Plymouth divisions of Chrysler in North America in January 1978. The Omni and Horizon were the first front-wheel drive cars produced by Chrysler, and among the first", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nwere available with all inline-four engines, including the turbocharged 2.5-liter (this was a rare combination). The Plymouth Voyager, which was a rebadged version of the Caravan, was also available with a manual transmission. The Chrysler Town & Country, which was a more luxurious repackaged version of the Caravan, had no manual transmission option. Manual transmissions were not available on V6 models of the passenger Caravan, but were an option on the Mini Ram Van and Caravan C/V's long wheelbase models with a 3.0 L V6. The V6 engines were only offered with the venerable fully hydraulically operated TorqueFlite, until the", "\"Charlene Robinson\"\nat Charlene's caravan by Lassiter's lake, the couple argued about Charlene spending time with Warren Murphy (Ben Mendelsohn) and Scott decided to leave. When Charlene started to go after Scott, she found herself trapped by a fire that had been accidentally started by Greg Davis (Alex Papps). Greg had been storing petrol under the caravan and spilled it as he was removing the cans, causing the petrol to head towards the still burning barbecue. Scott rescued \"\"a terrified\"\" Charlene from the flames, but an explosion threw them both to the ground and Charlene was knocked unconscious. Donovan commented that Scott", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nwas powered by 28 12-volt NiMH batteries and was capable of traveling up to on a single charge. The EPIC was sold as a fleet-only lease vehicle. Production of the EPIC was discontinued in 2001. Only a few hundred of these vehicles were produced and sold. After the leases expired they were returned and crushed. Approximately 10 vans remain in private hands today. The 1996–2000 Dodge Grand Caravan received a \"\"Marginal\"\" rating in the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's 40 mph offset test. The structural performance and restraints were graded \"\"Acceptable\"\", but the foot injuries were very high. In the", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nNHTSA crash tests, it received 4 stars for the driver and front passenger in the frontal-impact. In the side-impact test, it received 5 stars for the driver, and 3 stars for the rear occupant, and resulted in a fuel leak that could cause a fire hazard. Unveiled at the 2000 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) on Monday, January 10, 2000, the redesigned 2001 Dodge Caravan and 2001 Chrysler Town & Country were released for sale in August 2000. The release was part of a promotional tie-in with Nabisco, which unveiled their new \"\"Mini Oreos\"\" inside the van during the", "\"Summer Lightning\"\nas Carmody takes the pig to a new hiding spot. Baxter accuses Beach in front of Emsworth, and the three of them head to the cottage, Emsworth growing ever warier of Baxter's sanity. They find no pig, Carmody having moved it to Baxter's caravan, where Pilbeam, also caught in the rain, saw him stow it. While Emsworth, Lady Constance, Gally and Millicent go to dinner with Parsloe-Parsloe (lured away to leave the memoirs unguarded), Ronnie Fish confronts Pilbeam, and learns that Sue was indeed out in London with Carmody, and that she has come to Blandings to be near Ronnie.", "\"Bionicle Chronicles\"\nthe Chronicler, having stowed away on board the Ussanui, is ordered to summon all of the Matoran of Mata Nui underground to witness the final confrontation between Toa and the Master of Shadows. It is not long before Makuta comes forth from the shadows of his lair and challenges Takanuva to a kolhii match. In this more dangerous version of the game, the object was not to score a point, but to hit the other player. Takanuva successfully dodged every attack Makuta attempted. Meanwhile, Hahli convinced the Toa Nuva and the Turaga to go down to Makuta's lair and help", "Ultradrive\nUltradrive The Ultradrive is a 4-speed automatic transmission from Chrysler Corporation beginning in 1989, originally paired with the Mitsubishi 3.0 (6G72) engine in vehicles with transverse engines. In 1990, application was expanded to the Chrysler 3.3 & 3.8 V6 engines in Dodge Caravan/Grand Caravan, Plymouth Voyager/Grand Voyager, Chrysler Town & Country, Dodge Dynasty & Chrysler New Yorker. A 6-speed variant was introduced in 2006. The Ultradrive is produced at Kokomo Transmission in Kokomo, Indiana, a plant which still made front wheel drive Chrysler automatic transmissions. The Ultradrive was a significant technological advancement in transmission operation, one of the first electronically", "\"Chrysler minivans (RT)\"\nhave sales operations in those markets. The Ram Cargo Tradesman, or Ram C/V Tradesman, debuted for the 2012 model year, replacing the Dodge Grand Caravan C/V. It is based on the Dodge Grand Caravan, but with solid metal instead of rear windows and a flat load space with of interior storage, and a . cargo payload plus a towing capability of up to . The Ram C/V is offered with a 3.6-liter Pentastar V-6 engine and 6-speed automatic transmission. The C/V Tradesman was discontinued after the 2015 model year in favor of the ProMaster City. In the U.S. the National", "\"Chrysler Town & Country\"\nChrysler Town & Country The Chrysler Town & Country is a minivan that was manufactured and marketed by Chrysler. It was introduced in 1989 for the 1990 model year. Chrysler group minivans, which include the Dodge Caravan/Dodge Grand Caravan and included the Plymouth Voyager/Plymouth Grand Voyager/Chrysler Voyager, have ranked as the 13th bestselling automotive nameplates worldwide, with over 12 million sold. After five generations and 27 model year runs, the Town & Country nameplate was discontinued at the end of the 2016 model year run and was replaced by the 2017 model-year Chrysler Pacifica minivan. Originally planned to be introduced", "\"Ralph \"\"Bucky\"\" Phillips\"\noff his trail. June 10: State Trooper Sean Brown is shot in the abdomen during a traffic stop near Elmira in New York's Southern Tier. State police say they're looking for Phillips as a \"\"person of interest\"\". June 15: Police continue scouring the Elmira-Binghamton area, but set up checkpoints in Pomfret, New York as Phillips has significant ties to the area. June 20: Phillips is believed to have stolen a Dodge Caravan in the town of Hancock, east of Binghamton. June 24: The Dodge Caravan stolen in Hancock is found in the town of Sheridan, and police believe Phillips is", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nthe basis for the Volkswagen Routan assembled by Chrysler. Since 1984, more than 11 million Chrysler minivans (including rebadged variants and export versions) have been sold worldwide. Since its 1983 introduction, the Dodge Caravan has been assembled at Windsor Assembly, in Windsor, Ontario, Canada; prior to 2010, Saint Louis Assembly (in Fenton, Missouri) was an additional source of production. Lee Iacocca and Hal Sperlich had conceived their idea for this type of vehicle during their earlier tenure at Ford Motor Company. Henry Ford II rejected the idea (and a prototype) of a minivan in 1974. Iaccoca followed Sperlich to Chrysler,", "\"DeSoto (automobile)\"\nthe Custom 880, the price gap caused by the demise of DeSoto was effectively closed. Going in the opposite direction, Chrysler pushed into the luxury market by marketing the luxury 'Imperial' as a separate make and division starting in 1955. To make room for the new make, Chrysler Division began expanding downward, while Dodge Division began expanding upward, with larger and more luxurious models. Both Chrysler and Dodge began eating into DeSoto's already small market; and Chrysler's upper management did nothing to stop them. Chrysler Corporation introduced the DeSoto brand of trucks in 1937 to provide a greater number of", "\"Dodge Ram van\"\nnew Mexican-built full-sized van based on the Fiat Ducato was introduced and sold under the name Ram ProMaster, which fills the marketing slot once held by the original Dodge B-Series full-size van. The Ram ProMaster City, a Fiat Doblo-based replacement for the Dodge Grand Caravan C/V Tradesman, was introduced in 2014. The Turkish-sourced Promaster City is said to be a modern descendant of the Dodge A100 compact van in the showroom lineup. Both of these vehicles are FWD. Dodge Ram van The Dodge B series was a range of full-size vans that were produced by Chrysler Corporation from 1971 to", "Rebadging\ntrade off products that each brand lacks in its line-up. A prime example of this would be the first-generation Honda Odyssey being rebadged as an Isuzu Oasis because Isuzu needed a minivan, while the Isuzu Rodeo was rebadged as the Honda Passport because Honda had the need for an SUV. Another example is the Mitsubishi GTO/3000GT, which was sold as the Dodge Stealth in the North American market. Badge engineering may occur when one company allows another, otherwise unaffiliated, company to market a revised version of their product, as with Volkswagen marketing a re-skinned version of the Dodge Caravan or", "\"Scott Brown (baseball)\"\nan article appearing in the \"\"Dayton Daily News\"\", Baseball Hall of Fame writer Hal McCoy recounted a story with clubhouse manager Rick Stowe. “We had this big ol’ country boy pitcher back in the early 1980s,” said Stowe. “He could really throw hard. But he didn’t have a breaking pitch. Somebody told him he needed a curveball. So he asked my dad (long-time Reds clubhouse manager Bernie Stowe), ‘Where do I get one of those curveballs?’ True story, Somebody told him to go to a sporting good store and buy them. And he did go to a sporting goods store", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\ndiscontinued in 1970 and replaced by the larger, fullsized Dodge B-series van in 1971. Interior trim, controls, and instrumentation were borrowed from the Chrysler K platform, and coupled with the lower floor enabled by the front-wheel-drive, the Caravan featured car-like ease of entry. There were three trim levels: base, SE, and LE. Base vans came equipped for five passengers in two rows of seating. The LE came with seven passengers standard in three rows of seating. The base van had two bucket seats with attached armrests and open floor space between them in the front, a three-person bench seat in", "\"Dodge Caravan\"\nrates, a new steering gear, a revised front static camber setting, and lowered ride height. This dramatically improved handling in both the Chrysler and Dodge. All three of the former engine choices were replaced by the new Pentastar 3.6-liter V6 with six-speed automatic transmission, now the sole powertrain choice for all models. Interior trim was restyled on both vans, in addition to major exterior revisions highlighted by the new \"\"double-crosshair\"\" grille on the Grand Caravan and a new chrome grille for the Town & Country. Other changes included extra sound insulation, acoustic glass, new seats, softer-touch surfaces, new LED ambient" ]
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who will get relegated from the premier league 2016/17
[ "Middlesbrough", "Sunderland", "Hull City" ]
[ "\"2017–18 Jordan League Division 1\"\nsides from the 2016–17 season, two relegated from the 2016–17 Premier League, and two promoted from the 2016–17 Jordan League Division 2. The following teams have changed division since the 2016–17 season. Promoted from 2016–17 Division 2 Relegated from 2016–17 Premier League <section begin=map /><section end=map /> Table as of 2017–18 Season: 2017–18 Jordan League Division 1 The 2017–18 Jordan League Division 1 started on 26 February 2018 and is scheduled to conclude on 15 May 2018. The league featured 10 teams from the 2016–17 campaign, two new teams relegated from the 2016–17 Premier League: Al-Sareeh and Sahab, and two", "\"2016–17 Welsh Football League Division One\"\nfor the 2017–18 season. Cardiff Metropolitan University were champions in the previous season and were promoted to the 2016–17 Welsh Premier League; they were replaced by Haverfordwest County and Port Talbot Town who were both relegated from the 2015–16 Welsh Premier League. Aberbargoed Buds, Aberdare Town, Briton Ferry Llansawel and Garden Village were all relegated to 2016–17 Welsh Football League Division Two; they were replaced by Caldicot Town, Cwmbran Celtic and Undy Athletic who were all promoted from Division Two the previous season. 2016–17 Welsh Football League Division One The 2016–17 Welsh Football League Division One (known as the Nathaniel", "\"2016–17 National League\"\nNorthern Premier League Relegated from National League Relegated to Northern Premier League Relegated to Isthmian League Promoted to National League Promoted from Isthmian League Promoted from Southern Football League Relegated from National League Relegated to Isthmian League Relegated to Southern Football League Promoted to National League 2016–17 National League The 2016–17 National League season, known as the Vanarama National League for sponsorship reasons, was the second season under the new title of National League, thirteenth season consisting of three divisions and the thirty-eighth season overall. The National League covers the top two levels of non-League football in England. The National", "\"2017–18 National League 2 North\"\ncases teams may join the southern regional leagues). The results of the matches contribute points to the league as follows: Eleven of the teams listed below participated in the 2016–17 National League 2 North season. The 2016–17 champions, Caldy, were promoted into the 2017–18 National League 1, replacing Blaydon and Macclesfield who were relegated from the 2016–17 National League 1. The three teams relegated last season were Preston Grasshoppers and Harrogate (both to North Premier) and Scunthorpe (Midlands Premier). The promoted teams are Huddersfield, who were promoted as champions of National League 3 North (now North Premier) and Sheffield (play-offs)", "\"2017–18 National League 2 South\"\nthe Midlands regional leagues). The results of the matches contribute points to the league as follows: Twelve of the teams listed below participated in the 2016–17 National League 2 South season. The 2016–17 champions Bishop's Stortford and play-off winners Old Elthamians, who won the promotion play-off against Sale FC, were promoted into the 2017–18 National League 1, while no sides located in the south were relegated. The two relegated sides from National League 2 South are Exmouth (who drop to South West Premier) and Barnes (who drop to London & South East Premier). Usually three sides are relegated but when", "\"2016–17 EFL Championship\"\nMay 2017. The fixtures were announced on 22 June 2016. A total of 24 teams are contesting the league, including 18 sides from the 2015–16 season, three relegated from the 2015–16 Premier League and three promoted from the 2015–16 Football League One. The 2016–17 season is the first in which former European Cup winners Aston Villa are competing outside of the top flight since the beginning of the Premier League era in 1992. Promoted from League One Relegated from Premier League Relegated to League One Promoted to Premier League The four teams that finished from third to sixth played off,", "\"2016–17 Liga Leumit\"\n2016–17 Liga Leumit The 2016–17 Liga Leumit is the 18th season as second tier since its re-alignment in 1999 and the 75rd season of second-tier football in Israel. A total of sixteen teams are contesting in the league, including twelve sides from the 2015–16 season, the two promoted teams from 2015–16 Liga Alef and the two relegated teams from 2015–16 Israeli Premier League. F.C. Ashdod and Hapoel Ashkelon, were promoted to the 2016–17 Israeli Premier League. Maccabi Netanya and Hapoel Akko were relegated after finishing as the two bottom-placed clubs in the 2015–16 Israeli Premier League. Maccabi Kiryat Gat, and", "\"2017–18 Liga Leumit\"\n2017–18 Liga Leumit The 2017–18 Liga Leumit is the 19th season as second tier since its re-alignment in 1999 and the 76th season of second-tier football in Israel. A total of sixteen teams are contesting in the league, including twelve sides from the 2016–17 season, the two promoted teams from 2016–17 Liga Alef and the two relegated teams from 2016–17 Israeli Premier League. Maccabi Netanya and Hapoel Acre, were promoted to the 2017–18 Israeli Premier League. Hapoel Tel Aviv and Hapoel Kfar Saba were relegated after finishing as the two bottom-placed clubs in the 2016–17 Israeli Premier League. Maccabi Sha'arayim,", "\"2016–17 Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League\"\n2016–17 Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League The 2016–17 Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League was the fourth edition of the Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League, a List A cricket competition that was held in Bangladesh between April and June 2017. The tournament started on 12 April 2017 with player transfers beginning on 17 March 2017. Abahani Limited were the defending champions. The first part of the tournament was played as a round-robin, before progressing to the championship and relegation phase. In the first relegation play-off match, Khelaghar Samaj Kallyan Samity defeated Partex Sporting Club by 8 wickets, therefore relegating Partex and", "\"2016–17 Southern Football League\"\nin Division One South & West. As a consequence, the team with the best record among those relegated at level 7 - Stamford - were reprieved from relegation. Corby Town, who were originally placed in the Premier Division, were transferred to the Southern Football League to take the vacated place. On 14 June 2016, Evesham United, who had been transferred from the Southern League Division One South & West to the Northern Premier League First Division South due to Cinderford's refusal to accept promotion, had an appeal against the decision to transfer them leagues heard by the Football Association. On", "\"2016–17 Russian Premier League\"\n2016–17 Russian Premier League The 2016–17 Russian Premier League is the 25th season of the premier league football competition in Russia since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the 14th under the current Russian Premier League name. CSKA Moscow came into the season as the defending champions of the 2015-16 season. Fixtures for the 2016–17 season were announced on 20 June 2016. As in the previous season, 16 teams played in the 2016–17 season. After the 2015–16 season, FC Kuban Krasnodar, FC Dynamo Moscow and FC Mordovia Saransk were relegated to the 2016–17 Russian National Football League. They were", "\"2016–17 Israeli Premier League\"\n2016–17 Israeli Premier League The 2016–17 Israeli Premier League was the eighteenth season since its introduction in 1999 and the 75th season of top-tier football in Israel. It began on 20 August 2016 and ended on 20 May 2017. Hapoel Be'er Sheva won a back-to-back title, finishing 13 points ahead of Maccabi Tel Aviv. A total of fourteen teams were competing in the league, including twelve sides from the 2015–16 season and two promoted teams from the 2015–16 Liga Leumit. Maccabi Netanya and Hapoel Acre were relegated to the 2016–17 Liga Leumit after finishing the 2015–16 Israeli Premier League in", "\"2016–17 Lesotho Premier League\"\n2016–17 Lesotho Premier League The 2016–17 Lesotho Premier League is the 49th season of top-tier football in Lesotho. The season began on 27 August 2016 and concluded on 6 May 2017. Bantu won their second league title and will represent the Lesotho Premier League in the 2018 CAF Champions League. The league is comprised 14 teams with the bottom two, Butha-Buthe Warriors and Rovers being relegated to the 2017-18 A Division. A total of 14 teams will contest the league, including 12 sides from the 2015–16 season and two promoted from the 2015–16 A Division, Butha-Buthe Warriors and Sky Battalion.", "\"2016–17 Ethiopian Premier League\"\n2016–17 Ethiopian Premier League The 2016–17 Ethiopian Premier League is the 70th season of top-tier football in Ethiopia as well as the 19th season of the Premier League. The season began play on 12 November 2016. Saint George SC are the defending champions, having won their 25th championship. The top flight has been expanded to 16-teams up from 14, and is expected to be more competitive and exciting with more matches to play. The bottom three finishers will be relegated to the Ethiopian Super League for 2017-18. A total of 16 teams will contest the league, including 12 sides from", "\"2016–17 Middlesbrough F.C. season\"\nthe table. Their total of 27 goals scored throughout the season was the lowest in the Premier League, leading to manager Aitor Karanka's dismissal in March. Caretaker manager Steve Agnew could not improve the team's fortunes as they were mathematically relegated back to the Championship on 8 May 2017 following their 3-0 away defeat to Chelsea, who would go on to become champions. 2016–17 Middlesbrough F.C. season The 2016–17 season was Middlesbrough's fifteenth season in the Premier League, their first since relegation in the 2008–2009 season, after gaining promotion the previous season in their 141st year in existence. Along with", "\"2017–18 Egyptian Second Division\"\nLeague Relegated to Third Division Promoted to Premier League A total of forty-eight teams competed in the league, including thirty-six sides from the 2016–17 season, three relegated from the 2016–17 Egyptian Premier League and nine promoted from the 2016–17 Egyptian Third Division. 2017–18 Egyptian Second Division The 2017–18 Egyptian Second Division was the 38th edition of the Egyptian Second Division, the top Egyptian semi-professional level for football clubs, since its establishment in 1977. The season began on 14 September 2017 and concluded on 19 April 2018. Fixtures for the 2017–18 season were announced on 30 August 2017. El Gouna, Nogoom", "\"2016–17 West of Scotland Super League\"\nturnover of membership for the 2016–17 season with seven new clubs. Irvine Meadow and Petershill were automatically relegated from the Super League Premier Division and were joined by Shettleston who lost the West Region League play-off to Kilwinning Rangers. Girvan and Irvine Victoria were promoted from the Ayrshire District League while Maryhill and Renfrew joined after gaining promotion from the Central District First Division. 2016–17 West of Scotland Super League The 2016–17 West of Scotland Super League was the fifteenth Super League competition since the formation of the Scottish Junior Football Association, West Region in 2002. The league comprised two", "\"2016–17 South West Peninsula League\"\nMay 2016. The Premier Division featured 20 teams, the same as the previous season, after Stoke Gabriel were relegated to Division One East, and Elburton Villa were relegated to Division One West. Two new clubs joined the league: Reserve sides are not eligible for promotion to Step 5. With the news that Tiverton Town Reserves were resigning from the league for financial reasons at the end of the season, only one club would be relegated from the Premier Division. Also, as only three clubs satisfied the requirements for promotion from the feeder leagues, only two clubs were relegated from Division", "\"2016–17 Maltese Premier League\"\nremained in the Maltese First Division. 2016–17 Maltese Premier League The 2016–17 Maltese Premier League was the 102nd season of the Maltese Premier League. The season began on 19 August 2016 and concluded on 6 May 2017; the relegation play-off took place on 12 May 2017. Valletta were the defending champions, having won their 23rd title the previous season. On 30 April 2017, Hibernians defeated St. Andrews 3–1 to clinch their 12th Maltese league title. For this season, in a change from recent previous seasons, points earned in the first 22 matches were no longer halved. Each team therefore played", "\"2016–17 Calcutta Premier Division\"\n7th consecutive season. This is also the 3rd time that they have won the league without dropping a single point. 2016–17 Calcutta Premier Division The 2016–17 Calcutta Premier Division season is the 118th season of the Calcutta Premier Division, a state league within the Indian state of West Bengal. The league is divided into two groups – Group A and Group B. The Championship title is awarded only to the Group A winner, while four teams from Group A are relegated to Group B at the end of the season and 4 teams from Group B are simultaneously promoted to", "\"2016–17 Western Football League\"\nand Street applied for promotion to Step 4 for 2017–18. With the news that Gillingham Town were resigning from the Western League for financial reasons at the end of the season, and the fact that the Premier Division is already two clubs short, only one club was relegated. The First Division was increased from 21 clubs to 22, and featured three new clubs after the promotion of Chipping Sodbury and Wells City to the Premier Division: 2016–17 Western Football League The 2016–17 Western Football League season (known as the 2016–17 Toolstation Western Football League for sponsorship reasons) was the 115th", "\"2016–17 Maltese Premier League\"\n2016–17 Maltese Premier League The 2016–17 Maltese Premier League was the 102nd season of the Maltese Premier League. The season began on 19 August 2016 and concluded on 6 May 2017; the relegation play-off took place on 12 May 2017. Valletta were the defending champions, having won their 23rd title the previous season. On 30 April 2017, Hibernians defeated St. Andrews 3–1 to clinch their 12th Maltese league title. For this season, in a change from recent previous seasons, points earned in the first 22 matches were no longer halved. Each team therefore played 33 matches, home-and-away against each other", "\"2016–17 Cymru Alliance\"\nLeague. Caernarfon Town were champions in the previous season but were ineligible for promotion to the 2016–17 Welsh Premier League; the promotion spot instead passed to runners-up Cefn Druids. No teams in the previous season were relegated from the top-flight into the Cymru Alliance; both Haverfordwest County and Port Talbot Town dropped into the 2016–17 Welsh Football League Division One. Only the bottom-placed team from the 2015–16 Cymru Alliance, Rhayader Town, were relegated to a third-tier district league for 2016–17, the Mid Wales Football League Division One. Two teams were successful in the 2015–16 Welsh third-tier leagues and were promoted", "\"2016–17 Western Football League\"\n2016–17 Western Football League The 2016–17 Western Football League season (known as the 2016–17 Toolstation Western Football League for sponsorship reasons) was the 115th in the history of the Western Football League, a football competition in England. Teams were divided into two divisions; the Premier and the First. The Premier Division was reduced from 21 clubs to 20, and featured two new clubs after Barnstaple Town were promoted to Southern League Division One South & West, Winterbourne United resigned from the league, and Welton Rovers were relegated to the First Division. Bristol Manor Farm, Buckland Athletic, Clevedon Town, Melksham Town", "\"2017–18 Israeli Premier League\"\n2017–18 Israeli Premier League The 2017–18 Israeli Premier League, also known as Ligat Winner for sponsorship reasons, was the nineteen season since its introduction in 1999 and the 76th season of top-tier football in Israel. It begins on 19 August 2017 and ended in 21 May 2018. A total of fourteen teams are competing in the league, including twelve sides from the 2016–17 season and two promoted teams from the 2016–17 Liga Leumit. Hapoel Tel Aviv and Hapoel Kfar Saba were relegated to the 2017–18 Liga Leumit after finishing the 2016–17 Israeli Premier League in the bottom two places. Maccabi", "\"2016–17 Calcutta Premier Division\"\n2016–17 Calcutta Premier Division The 2016–17 Calcutta Premier Division season is the 118th season of the Calcutta Premier Division, a state league within the Indian state of West Bengal. The league is divided into two groups – Group A and Group B. The Championship title is awarded only to the Group A winner, while four teams from Group A are relegated to Group B at the end of the season and 4 teams from Group B are simultaneously promoted to Group A for the next season. The fixtures of Group A kicked off on 27 July 2016, while the fixtures", "\"2016–17 East Superleague\"\nRegion Super/Premier League Play Off. Forfar West End, who finished third in the East Premier League, defeated Newtongrange Star 3–2 on aggregate in the East Region Super/Premier League play-off. Forfar will replace Newtongrange in the 2017–18 East Superleague. 2016–17 East Superleague The 2016–17 East Superleague was the fifteenth Superleague competition since the formation of the Scottish Junior Football Association, East Region in 2002. The winners of this competition are eligible to enter the 2017–18 Scottish Cup. The season began on 6 August 2016. Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic were the reigning champions. St Andrews United and Tayport were relegated to the East", "\"FC Dynamo-2 Moscow\"\nFC Dynamo-2 Moscow FC Dynamo-2 Moscow () was a Russian football team from Moscow. It was the farm-club for FC Dynamo Moscow. In 2016, it was revived after the parent club, Dynamo, was relegated from the Russian Football Premier League (which holds its own competition for the Under-21 teams of the Premier League clubs) and licensed to play in the third-tier Russian Professional Football League for the 2016–17 season. Majority of the squad participated in the 2016–17 UEFA Youth League as well. On 17 June 2017, the parent club announced that, following Dynamo's return to the Premier League, the reserves", "\"2016–17 Israeli Premier League\"\nthat Championship round teams will play in 36 matchdays, and the Relegation round teams will compete in only 33 matches. Football clubs with an average home attendance of at least 10,000: 2016–17 Israeli Premier League The 2016–17 Israeli Premier League was the eighteenth season since its introduction in 1999 and the 75th season of top-tier football in Israel. It began on 20 August 2016 and ended on 20 May 2017. Hapoel Be'er Sheva won a back-to-back title, finishing 13 points ahead of Maccabi Tel Aviv. A total of fourteen teams were competing in the league, including twelve sides from the", "\"2016–17 South African Premier Division\"\n2016–17 South African Premier Division The 2016–17 South African Premier Division season (known as the ABSA Premiership for sponsorship reasons) is the 21st season of the Premier Soccer League since its establishment in 1996. Mamelodi Sundowns were the defending champions, having won the previous 2015–16 South African Premier Division (PSL) season. The season featured 14 teams from the 2015–16 season and two new teams promoted from the 2015–16 National First Division: Baroka and Highlands Park who replace relegated Jomo Cosmos and University of Pretoria. Highlands Park promotion was won via the PSL Playoff Tournament. Cape Town City bought over the", "\"2016–17 National League\"\nthe bottom four are relegated to the North or South divisions. The champions of the North and South divisions will be promoted to the Premier division, alongside the play-off winners from each division. The bottom three in each of the North and South divisions are relegated to the premier divisions of the Northern Premier League, Isthmian League or Southern League. The fixtures were announced on 6 July 2016. The following teams changed divisions after the 2015–16 season. Solihull Moors were the first team to be promoted after North Ferriby United's 2–0 loss to Stalybridge Celtic on 13 April 2016 clinched", "\"Partex Sporting Club\"\nPartex Sporting Club Partex Sporting Club is a team that has played List A cricket in the Dhaka Premier League in 2014-15 and 2016-17. Promoted from the lower division, Partex won their first match in 2014-15 but finished the season with only three wins from 13 matches, and were demoted for the 2015-16 season. In 2015-16 they finished first in Group A of the non-List-A Dhaka First Division League, and were promoted back to the Dhaka Premier League for 2016-17. However, they won only one match and in May 2017 they were relegated from the 2016–17 Dhaka Premier Division Cricket", "\"2016–17 Senegal Premier League\"\nteams, with the bottom two relegated to the 2018 Ligue 2. A total of 14 teams will contest the league, including 12 sides from the 2015–16 season and two promoted from the 2015–16 Ligue 2, Génération Foot and Teungueth. On the other hand, ASC Suneor and Olympique Ngor were the last two teams of the 2015–16 season and are playing in Ligue 2 for the 2016-17 season. Gorée are the defending champions from the 2015–16 season. 2016–17 Senegal Premier League The 2016–17 Ligue 1 was the 52nd season of top-tier football in Senegal and the ninth professional season. The season", "\"2016–17 Wessex Football League\"\n2016–17 Wessex Football League The 2016–17 Wessex Football League season (known as the Sydenhams Football League (Wessex) for sponsorship reasons) was the 31st in the history of the Wessex Football League since its establishment in 1986. The league consisted of two divisions: the Premier Division and Division One. The constitution was announced on 12 May 2016. The Premier Division was increased from 21 teams to 22 after Salisbury were promoted to the Southern League, and Folland Sports were relegated to Division One. Three teams joined the division: AFC Portchester, Blackfield & Langley and Moneyfields have applied for promotion to Step", "\"2016–17 Isthmian League\"\nand Burgess Hill Town were reprieved from relegation. On 12 May 2016 the league constitution was announced. The Premier Division featured six new clubs: Havant & Waterlooville were pronounced champions of the Premier Division on 22 April 2017. On 12 May 2016 the league constitution was announced. Wroxham were reprieved from relegation as a level 8 club with the best record among clubs finishing in the relegation zone, due to insufficient level 9 teams available for promotion. One Division One North club were moved to the parallel division: Cray Wanderers were transferred to Division One South. Thus, Division One North", "\"2017–18 Jordan League Division 1\"\n2017–18 Jordan League Division 1 The 2017–18 Jordan League Division 1 started on 26 February 2018 and is scheduled to conclude on 15 May 2018. The league featured 10 teams from the 2016–17 campaign, two new teams relegated from the 2016–17 Premier League: Al-Sareeh and Sahab, and two new teams promoted from the 2016–17 Jordan League Division 2: Dar Al-Dawa and Shabab Al-Hussein. Al-Salt won the league title and promoted to 2018–19 Jordan League along with Al-Sareeh. Al-Asalah and Al-Jalil were relegated to the 2017–18 Jordan League Division 2. A total of 14 teams are contesting the league, including 10", "\"Fisher F.C.\"\nLeague for the 2009–10 season, and were unanimously elected into the Premier Division at the league's AGM in June 2009. Former Fisher Athletic assistant manager Gary Lisney was appointed manager on 26 June. Fisher finished bottom of the Kent League in 2010–11, but were not relegated. In 2013 the league was renamed the Southern Counties East League, and when the Kent Invicta League became its Division One in 2016, Fisher became members of the Premier Division. They finished second-from-bottom of the Premier Division in 2016–17 and were relegated to Division One. The club initially groundshared at Dulwich Hamlet's Champion Hill,", "\"2015–16 Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina\"\nrelegated as the league decided to reduce the number of participants from the current 16 to 12 for the 2016–17 season. The 2015–16 season will see the return of FK Rudar Prijedor and newcomer FK Mladost Doboj Kakanj to top flight as promoted teams, in place of FK Mladost Velika Obarska who returns to Prva liga RS after two seasons in top flight and NK Zvijezda Gradačac who were relegated to the Prva liga FBiH after spending 7 seasons in the Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo are the defending champions. A total of 16 teams will contest the", "\"Victoria Sporting Club\"\nVictoria Sporting Club Victoria Sporting Club is a team that played List A cricket in the Dhaka Premier League up to the 2016–17 season. Victoria Sporting Club won the Dhaka Premier League title four times in the years before it became a List A competition. In May 2017, they were relegated from the 2016–17 Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League down to the Dhaka First Division Cricket League. Nasir Hossain was captain in 2013-14, Nadif Chowdhury in 2014-15 and 2015–16, and Monir Hossain in 2016-17. The highest score is 161 not out (off 136 balls) by Chamara Kapugedera in 2014-15, and", "\"Victoria Sporting Club\"\nthe best bowling figures are 6 for 35 by Chaturanga de Silva in 2015-16. Victoria Sporting Club Victoria Sporting Club is a team that played List A cricket in the Dhaka Premier League up to the 2016–17 season. Victoria Sporting Club won the Dhaka Premier League title four times in the years before it became a List A competition. In May 2017, they were relegated from the 2016–17 Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League down to the Dhaka First Division Cricket League. Nasir Hossain was captain in 2013-14, Nadif Chowdhury in 2014-15 and 2015–16, and Monir Hossain in 2016-17. The highest", "\"2016–17 Ukrainian Premier League\"\nfrom 7th place to 12th which will play to avoid relegation. The bottom two teams will be relegated and would be replaced by the champion and the runner-up of the 2016–17 Ukrainian First League. The points gained in the first stage are passed on to the second stage. The new format was to be presented by the FFU Executive Committee. On 29 April 2016, the FFU Executive Committee approved the changes to the new UPL format for 2016–17 season. The fixtures were announced on 7 June 2016. The competition commenced on 21 July when Shakhtar Donetsk hosted Zirka Kropyvnytskyi in", "\"2016–17 Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League\"\nVictoria Sporting Club to the Dhaka First Division Cricket League. The tournament was won by Gazi Group Cricketers, their first title. Gazi Group, along with Abahani Limited and Prime Doleshwar Sporting Club finished level on points at the end of the Super League phase of the tournament. Therefore, with Gazi Group winning the most head-to-head matches between the three teams, they were crowned champions. Group stage Super League Relegation League 2016–17 Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League The 2016–17 Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League was the fourth edition of the Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League, a List A cricket competition that", "\"2016–17 Hull City A.F.C. season\"\nYear. 2016–17 Hull City A.F.C. season The 2016–17 season is Hull City's first season back in the Premier League following their promotion via the 2016 Football League play-offs last season in their 113th year in existence. Along with the Premier League, the club competed in the FA Cup and EFL Cup. Hull were relegated back to the Championship on 14 May 2017, following their 4–0 away defeat to Crystal Palace. The season covers the period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017. The Tigers will hold a pre-season training camp in Portugal from 5 to 16 July 2016. On", "\"2016–17 Hull City A.F.C. season\"\n2016–17 Hull City A.F.C. season The 2016–17 season is Hull City's first season back in the Premier League following their promotion via the 2016 Football League play-offs last season in their 113th year in existence. Along with the Premier League, the club competed in the FA Cup and EFL Cup. Hull were relegated back to the Championship on 14 May 2017, following their 4–0 away defeat to Crystal Palace. The season covers the period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017. The Tigers will hold a pre-season training camp in Portugal from 5 to 16 July 2016. On 13", "\"2016–17 Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina\"\n2015–16 season and two promoted from each of the second-level league. In contrast to previous seasons, this season has a two-stage format. In the regular season, each of the 12 teams play home-and-away once, resulting in 22 games played each. The top six teams in the regular season qualify for the \"\"Championship round\"\", the bottom six teams qualify for the \"\"Relegation round\"\". Each team then plays home-and-away against the other teams within their own group, for an additional ten games played each, a season total of 32 games. 2016–17 Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina The 2016–17 Premier League of", "\"2016–17 Combined Counties Football League\"\nthe relegation of Chessington & Hook United, Cove and Redhill to the First Division: In June 2016, North Greenford United successfully appealed against their placement in the Hellenic Football League following relegation from the Southern Football League, and were placed in the Combined Counties Premier Division. Camberley Town, Epsom & Ewell, Hartley Wintney, Walton & Hersham and Westfield applied for promotion to Step 4 for 2017–18. Division One was increased from 17 to 18 clubs, and featured six new teams after CB Hounslow United, Bedfont & Feltham and Abbey Rangers were promoted to the Premier Division, Dorking Wanderers Reserves left", "\"2015–16 Russian Premier League\"\nFNL teams respectively in two playoff games with the winners securing Premier League spots for the 2016–17 season. The draw for relegation play-offs scheduling took place on 10 May 2016. \"\"Anzhi Makhachkala won 3–0 on aggregate and remained in the 2016–17 Russian Premier League.\"\" \"\"Tom Tomsk won 2–1 on aggregate and were promoted to the 2016–17 Russian Premier League.\"\" The table lists the positions of teams after each week of matches. In order to preserve chronological evolvements, any postponed matches are not included to the round at which they were originally scheduled, but added to the full round they were", "\"2016–17 Senegal Premier League\"\nand their 72 points made in 2003-04 season, Génération Foot's records are one of the highest in Senegalese top flight football competition, but the highest in the professional Ligue 1. Niane was the best scorer for the season scoring a record number of 19 goals. Last two positions were ASC Linguère and US Gorée who was last year's champion, Gorée was relegated. Due to the Demba Diop stadium crush which occurred on 15 June which was not in the Premier League, US Ouakam was demoted from Ligue 1 and ASC Linguère was relieved from their relegation. The league comprised 14", "\"2017–18 Russian Premier League\"\n2017–18 Russian Premier League The 2017–18 Russian Premier League was the 26th season of the premier football competition in Russia since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the 15th under the current Russian Premier League name. Spartak Moscow came into the season as the defending champions. As in the previous season, 16 teams played in the 2017–18 season. After the 2016–17 season, FC Orenburg, FC Tom Tomsk and FC Krylia Sovetov Samara were relegated to the 2017–18 Russian National Football League. They were replaced by three clubs from the 2016–17 Russian National Football League, FC Dynamo Moscow, FC Tosno", "\"2017–18 Isle of Man Premier League\"\nthe previous season, and two teams promoted from Division Two. The clubs to be promoted were Braddan and Douglas Royal. The two clubs who were relegated following the 2016–17 Isle of Man Premier League were Ayre United and Union Mills. 2017–18 Isle of Man Premier League The 2017–18 Isle of Man Premier League (also known as the Canada Life Premier League for sponsorship reasons) will be the 11th season of the Premier League, the top league for association football clubs on the Isle of Man, since its establishment in 2007. The season is scheduled to start in August 2017 and", "\"Sunderland A.F.C. Reserves and Academy\"\nof over 18,000. Sunderland's best U18 Premier League finish was in 2015–16 when they finished fifth. In 2016–17, the U21 Premier League was rebranded \"\"Premier League 2\"\", and was widened to U23 level. A second division was added, with Promotion and relegation between the two. Sunderland finished seventh in the first season of the Premier League 2, but finished second bottom (ahead of Manchester United) in the 2017–18 season, and were relegated to Division 2. Selected players who came through Sunderland youth system. \"\"1966 onwards\"\" Previously called Sunderland 'A', Sunderland II, Sunderland Reserves and Sunderland U21s, the Sunderland U23 team", "\"2016–17 Cayman Islands Premier League\"\n2016–17 Cayman Islands Premier League The 2016–17 Cayman Islands Premier League season is the 38th season of top-tier football in the Cayman Islands. It began on 2 October 2016. Scholars International were the defending champions, having won their 10th title last season. George Town SC finished 8th at the conclusion of last season and were relegated. Taking their place in this season is Latinos FC. Sunset FC finished 7th at the conclusion of last season and had to participate in a play-off against North Side SC, which Sunset won 3-0. Therefore, they remain in the Premier League for this season.", "\"Premier League Parachute and Solidarity Payments\"\na similar structure but with payments spread over 4 years. If a club is promoted back to the Premier League during the parachute payment period, then it no longer receives parachute payments. The EFL also operates a Parachute Payment system within the EFL Leagues and the National League. From 2016-17 season onwards payments are: Clubs within the EFL who are not eligible for Parachute Payments receive Solidarity Payments. These are calculated as a percentage of the third year Parachute Payment amount a club relegated from the Premier League would receive (currently 20% of the equally shared element of Premier League", "\"2011–12 Football Conference\"\npromoted from 2010–11 Conference North Teams promoted from 2010–11 Conference South Teams relegated from 2010–11 Football League Two <nowiki>*</nowiki> Restricted due to stadium expansion or FA ruling. A total of 22 teams contested the division, including 17 sides who competed in the 2010–11 season, one transferred from the Conference South, two relegated from the Conference Premier and two promoted from the Northern Premier League. Teams promoted from 2010–11 Northern Premier League Premier Division Teams relegated from 2010–11 Conference Premier Teams transferred from 2010–11 Conference South A total of 22 teams contested the division, including 17 previously competing sides, one relegated", "\"2016 League of Ireland Premier Division\"\nplay-off, to decide who will play in the 2017 Premier Division. \"\"Drogheda United are promoted to the 2017 Premier Division; Wexford Youths are relegated to the 2017 First Division.\"\" 2016 League of Ireland Premier Division The 2016 League of Ireland Premier Division was the 32nd season of the League of Ireland Premier Division. The league began on 4 March 2016 and concluded on 28 October 2016; the relegation play-offs followed on 31 October and 4 November 2016. The prize fund for the SSE Airtricity League Premier and First Divisions was €475,500 for the 2016 season. Dundalk were crowned champions for", "\"2016–17 Isthmian League\"\n2016–17 Isthmian League The 2016–17 season was the 102nd season of the Isthmian League, which is an English football competition featuring semi-professional and amateur clubs from London, East and South East England. Also, it was the eleventh season for the current incarnations of Division One North and Division One South. The league constitution was announced on 12 May 2016 and concluded on 1 May 2017. Farnborough were required by the Isthmian League to pay their creditors in full before the league's 2016 AGM. As this was not fulfilled, the league relegated the club from the Premier Division to Step 4,", "\"Vadim Skripchenko\"\nmanager. On 3 November 2016, he was appointed the manager of FC Krylia Sovetov Samara. He was replaced as a manager of Krylia Sovetov after the club was relegated from the Russian Premier League at the end of the 2016–17 season. On 14 August 2017, he was hired by FC Anzhi Makhachkala. Anzhi was relegated from the Russian Premier League at the end of the season after losing to FC Yenisey Krasnoyarsk in relegation play-offs and his contract was not extended. Dinamo-93 Minsk BATE Borisov Minsk Vadim Skripchenko Vadim Viktorovich Skripchenko (; ; born 26 November 1975) is a Belarusian", "\"2016–17 Swiss Challenge League\"\ntop flight immediately following their relegation the previous season. 2015–16 Swiss Challenge League champions FC Lausanne-Sport were promoted to the 2016–17 Swiss Super League. They were replaced by FC Zürich, who got relegated after last place finish in the 2015–16 Swiss Super League. FC Biel-Bienne got relegated from the Challenge League as the Swiss Football League stripped Biel-Bienne of their league licence. Servette FC won promotion from the 2015–16 1. Liga Promotion. 2016–17 Swiss Challenge League The 2016–17 Challenge League was the 14th season of the Challenge League, the second tier in the Swiss football pyramid. It began", "\"2015–16 West of Scotland Super League Premier Division\"\nwon the championship on 25 May 2016, claiming a record fifth West of Scotland Super Premier League title. Auchinleck Talbot were the reigning champions. Pollok and Shettleston were promoted from the Super League First Division, replacing the automatically relegated Clydebank and Cumnock Juniors. Kirkintilloch Rob Roy claimed a third promotion spot after defeating Shotts Bon Accord in the West Region League play-off. Kilwinning Rangers, who finished third in the Super League First Division, defeated Shettleston 5–3 on aggregate in the West Region League play-off. Kilwinning will replace Shettleston in the 2016–17 West of Scotland Super League Premier Division. 2015–16 West", "\"2016–17 FC Volyn Lutsk season\"\n2016–17 FC Volyn Lutsk season The 2016–17 season was 16th season in the top Ukrainian football league for Volyn Lutsk. Volyn competed in Premier League and in the Ukrainian Cup. On May 12, 2017 Football Federation of Ukraine deducted six points from Volyn in order to implement the decision of FIFA Disciplinary Committee of 15 March 2017. The club was penalized for failing to clear their debts with former player Saša Stević. As a result club lost all chances to stay in Premier League three matchdays ahead of season finish and was relegated to Ukrainian First League. Notes: ! colspan=14", "\"2016–17 Russian Premier League\"\nreplaced by three clubs from the 2015–16 Russian National Football League, FC Arsenal Tula, FC Orenburg and FC Tom Tomsk. The 16 teams will play a round-robin tournament whereby each team plays each one of the other teams twice, once at home and once away. Thus, a total of 240 matches will be played, with 30 matches played by each team. The teams that finish 15th and 16th will be relegated to the FNL, while the top 2 in that league will be promoted to the Premier League for the 2016–17 season. The 13th and 14th Premier League teams will", "\"2017–18 NIFL Premier Intermediate League\"\n2017–18 NIFL Premier Intermediate League The 2017–18 NIFL Premier Intermediate League ran from 12 August 2017 to 4th May 2018. Dundela were crowned as champions, winning promotion to the 2018–19 NIFL Championship. Twelve teams will compete in the 2017–18 NIFL Premier Intermediate League. Armagh City and Annagh United from were relegated the 2016–17 NIFL Championship and Portstewart were promoted as the winners of the 2016–17 Northern Ireland Intermediate League. During matches 1–22 each team plays every other team twice (home and away). During matches 23–27 each team will play every other team in their half of the table once. The", "\"Swanage Town & Herston F.C.\"\nin the Dorset Combination league, the club rejoined the Wessex league. However they could only spend two seasons in the league as their second season back saw them finish bottom of the league and relegated to the Dorset Premier Football League The 2007–08 season saw the club finish bottom of the Premier League, but they escaped relegation to the Dorset Football League as luckily for them there was no relegation that season. Two seasons later the club under the management of Jason Phillips, became winners of the Dorset Premier Football League Cup. In the 2016-17 season the Swans regained the", "\"2016–17 Maltese Premier League\"\nteam (22 matches), and then one more match (either home \"\"or\"\" away) against each other team. Naxxar Lions and Qormi were relegated to the 2016–17 Maltese First Division after they finished eleventh and twelfth, respectively, the previous season. They were replaced by Gżira United and Ħamrun Spartans, champions and runners-up respectively of the 2015–16 Maltese First Division. A play-off match took place between the eleventh-placed team from the Premier League, Mosta, and the fourth-placed team from the First Division, Qormi, for a place in the 2017–18 Maltese Premier League. Mosta retained their spot in the Maltese Premier League, while Qormi", "\"FC Arsenal Tula\"\nArsenal back to the Premier League, with the club finishing as runners-up with 82 points. In the 2016–17 Russian Premier League, Arsenal started poorly, and in October 2016, Pavlov was sacked and replaced with Sergei Kiriakov. Arsenal finished in 14th place and advanced to the relegation play-offs against Yenisey Krasnoyarsk, which Arsenal survived and stayed in the Premier League because of the away goals rule, as Arsenal had won 1-0 in Tula and lost 2-1 in Krasnoyarsk. In the 2017–18 season Arsenal hired Miodrag Božović, who led them to their highest ever position of 7th in the Premier League. \"\"As", "\"Professional Development League\"\nElite Player Performance Plan (EPPP). From 2012 to 2016, EPPP Category 1 academies' most senior youth league was an under-21 league known as the U21 Premier League, with four overage outfield players being permitted to play. From the 2016–17 season onwards, the competition is known as the Premier League 2 and the age limit increased from under-21 to under-23. The competition is split into two divisions, with promotion and relegation between each. Clubs in Premier League 2 can also compete in the Premier League Cup, the Premier League International Cup and the EFL Trophy, which is restricted to under-21 players.", "\"Kansai Plascon FC\"\nKansai Plascon FC Kansai Plascon FC (formerly known as Sadolin Paints FC) are a Ugandan football club from Bugembe, Uganda. They were relegated from the Uganda Premier League in the 2016-17 season and currently play in the FUFA Big League. They were promoted from the FUFA Big League in 2013-14 and spent three years in the Uganda Premier League. Sadolin Paints reached the Ugandan cup semifinals in 2016-17, losing to second division side Paidha Black Angels 3-2 on aggregate. In 2015, they were managed by Dutch coach Jacques Van der Walt, only the second foreign manager in the Uganda Premier", "\"2016–17 Cayman Islands Premier League\"\nThe 7th place team in this competition, Sunset, will face the runners-up of the First Division, Cayman Brac, for a place in next season's competition. Sunset retained their place in the competition. 2016–17 Cayman Islands Premier League The 2016–17 Cayman Islands Premier League season is the 38th season of top-tier football in the Cayman Islands. It began on 2 October 2016. Scholars International were the defending champions, having won their 10th title last season. George Town SC finished 8th at the conclusion of last season and were relegated. Taking their place in this season is Latinos FC. Sunset FC finished", "\"2017–18 Cymru Alliance\"\nby both relegated teams from the 2016–17 Welsh Premier League, Airbus UK Broughton and Rhyl. The bottom four teams from the previous season, Llanfair United, Mold Alexandra, Conwy Borough and Buckley Town, were all relegated to various third-tier district leagues for 2017–18. Three teams were successful in the 2016–17 Welsh third-tier leagues and were promoted in their place: Llandudno Junction (Welsh Alliance League runners-up, champions Glantraeth declined promotion), Queens Park (Welsh National League champions) and Rhayader Town (Mid Wales Football League champions). On 27 July 2017, Rhayader Town withdrew from the league, citing that their players were unwilling to commit", "\"2016–17 English Football League\"\nOrient, were relegated to the National League. It is the league's first season after rebranding from the Football League to the English Football League. 2016–17 English Football League The 2016–17 English Football League was the 118th season of the English Football League. It began on 6 August 2016 and concluded with the Championship promotion play-off final at Wembley Stadium on 29 May 2017. The EFL is contested through three divisions. The divisions are the Championship, League One and League Two. The winner of the Championship, Newcastle United, and runner-up Brighton & Hove Albion were automatically promoted to the Premier League", "\"2017–18 Maltese Premier League\"\nas a result Valletta were crowned champions for the 24th time in their history. Pembroke Athleta are relegated after they finished twelfth the previous season. They are replaced by Lija Athletic the 2016–17 Maltese First Division champions, Senglea Athletic the 2016–17 Maltese First Division runners-up, and Naxxar Lions the 2016–17 Maltese First Division Third Place. Each team plays every other team in the league home-and-away for a total of 26 matches played each. A play-off match took place between the twelfth-placed team from the Premier League, Tarxien Rainbows, and the third-placed team from the First Division, Zejtun Corinthians, for a", "\"2016–17 Slovenian Basketball League\"\n2016–17 Slovenian Basketball League The 2016–17 Slovenian Basketball League, also known as Liga Nova KBM due to sponsorship reasons, was the 26th season of the Premier A Slovenian Basketball League. Helios Suns were the defending champions. KK Union Olimpija won their 16th national title, defeating KK Rogaška 3–1 in the final. The 12 teams of the league play a double-legged round-robin competition where the six first qualified teams will join the playoffs for the title. The four last qualified teams will join the relegation group where the three worst qualified teams will be relegated. Sixt Primorska was created after the", "\"2016–17 Middlesbrough F.C. season\"\n2016–17 Middlesbrough F.C. season The 2016–17 season was Middlesbrough's fifteenth season in the Premier League, their first since relegation in the 2008–2009 season, after gaining promotion the previous season in their 141st year in existence. Along with the Premier League, the club will also compete in the FA Cup and EFL Cup. The season covers the period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017. Middlesbrough's long-awaited return to the top flight proved to be disastrous, as the team struggled to score goals all season, despite boasting a strong defensive record compared to other teams in the bottom half of", "\"2016–17 East Superleague\"\n2016–17 East Superleague The 2016–17 East Superleague was the fifteenth Superleague competition since the formation of the Scottish Junior Football Association, East Region in 2002. The winners of this competition are eligible to enter the 2017–18 Scottish Cup. The season began on 6 August 2016. Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic were the reigning champions. St Andrews United and Tayport were relegated to the East Premier League at the end of the 2015–16 season and are replaced by Jeanfield Swifts and Dundonald Bluebell. Lochee United were also promoted from the East Premier League after defeating Sauchie Juniors 10–0 on aggregate in the East", "\"Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina\"\n2002–03 season, the season the league became a unified country-wide league.\"\" \"\"As of the end of 2016–17 season.\"\" Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina The BH Telecom Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina (), also known as Liga 12, is the top tier football league in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is operated by the Football Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As the country's most prestigious level of football competition, the league changed format in 2016–17 season and is contested by 12 clubs with last two teams relegated at the end of every season. The League is, as of season 2018–19,", "\"2016–17 West of Scotland Super League\"\n2016–17 West of Scotland Super League The 2016–17 West of Scotland Super League was the fifteenth Super League competition since the formation of the Scottish Junior Football Association, West Region in 2002. The league comprised two divisions, a West of Scotland Super League Premier Division of twelve clubs and a West of Scotland Super League First Division of fourteen clubs. There were two automatic relegation places between the divisions, while the third-bottom placed side in the Premier Division entered the West Region league play-off, a two-legged tie against the third placed side in the First Division, to decide the final", "\"2016–17 Sri Lanka Football Premier League\"\nthat take first place in the group will be the Champions.Pelicans SC,Highlanders SC, Kalutara Park SC and Don Bosco were relegated in the previous tournament. The winners of the competition were given a cash award of Rs. 700000. 2016–17 Sri Lanka Football Premier League 2016–17 is the 32nd Sri Lanka Football Premier League season. The defending champions are Colombo Football Club.They have regained the champions title for the second time by defeating Renown SC 3-1 in the championship round. If this season is playing according to the previous season. The competition was played with 18 teams.The teams were divided into", "\"2016–17 Ligat Nashim\"\n2016–17 Ligat Nashim The 2016–17 Ligat Nashim is the 19th season of women's league football under the Israeli Football Association. League schedule began on 8 November 2016. The defending champions are F.C. Ramat HaSharon, having won the title the previous season. Prior to the beginning of the season the two divisions were renamed, Ligat Nashim Rishona becoming Women's Premier League and Ligat Nashim Shniya becoming Women's Leumit League. In the premier league, F.C. Kiryat Gat won its first championship while Bnot Sakhnin relegated. Hapoel Ra'anana won Women's Liga Leumit and was promoted to the top division. As F.C. Ramat HaSharon", "\"2017–18 East Superleague\"\nto the East Premier League at the end of the 2016–17 season and are replaced by Sauchie Juniors and Kennoway Star Hearts. Forfar West End were also promoted from the East Premier League after defeating Newtongrange Star 3–2 on aggregate in the East Region Super/Premier League Play Off; however, Newtongrange were reprieved from relegation to balance league numbers following the departure of Kelty. Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic clinched the championship on 26 May 2018, the club's second title in three seasons. With eleven Superleague clubs moving to the East of Scotland Football League for the 2018–19 season, relegation was suspended pending", "\"Hong Kong Premier League\"\nand that teams would continue to be promoted to the top-tier league until there were 12 member clubs. In the end, however, the HKFA decided that one club would be relegated and one club would be promoted from the 2014-15 Hong Kong First Division League. By 2016–17, the league had expanded to 11 teams. The HKFA promoted Tai Po and HKFC who had finished at the top of the 2015–16 Hong Kong First Division into the league while adding expansion teams Hong Kong Sapling and R&F. Wong Tai Sin were relegated from the previous season and Metro Gallery chose to", "\"2016–17 Håndboldligaen\"\nfirst division is meet each other for the last 2 seats. The winner stays in the league. the loser relegated to Division 1, 2016–17 Håndboldligaen The 2016–17 Håndboldligaen, known as the \"\"888ligaen\"\" for sponsorship reasons, is the 81st season of the Håndboldligaen, Denmark's premier Handball league. The following 14 clubs compete in the Håndboldligaen during the 2016–17 season: Following is the list of clubs competing in \"\"2016–17 Håndboldligaen\"\", with their manager, kit manufacturer and shirt sponsor. In the table below the home teams are listed on the left and the away teams along the top. No .1-8 from the regular", "\"2016–17 National Premier League\"\n2016–17 National Premier League The 2016–17 Red Stripe Premier League is the highest competitive football league in Jamaica. It is the 43rd edition of the competition.It started on September 4, 2016. For this season the teams qualifying for the playoffs were increased from four to six teams. Teams ranked from one to two would get a bye to the semi-final round and teams ranked 3 and 6 will play a two leg tie along with teams ranked 4 and 5 for the quarterfinal stage. The two legged tie still remains for the semi-final stage. Team information. Updated as of March", "\"2016–17 National Premier League\"\n4, 2017 2016–17 National Premier League The 2016–17 Red Stripe Premier League is the highest competitive football league in Jamaica. It is the 43rd edition of the competition.It started on September 4, 2016. For this season the teams qualifying for the playoffs were increased from four to six teams. Teams ranked from one to two would get a bye to the semi-final round and teams ranked 3 and 6 will play a two leg tie along with teams ranked 4 and 5 for the quarterfinal stage. The two legged tie still remains for the semi-final stage. Team information. Updated as", "\"2016–17 Norwich City F.C. season\"\n2016–17 Norwich City F.C. season The 2016–17 season is Norwich City's return to the Football League Championship, having been relegated from the Premier League last season. This season they are participating in the Championship, FA Cup and League Cup. The Norwich City development squad is also participating in the EFL Trophy. The fixture list for the season was announced on 22 June 2016, and the Championship season began on 6 August 2016. The season covers the period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017. Total spending: £10,550,000 Total incoming: £10,500,000 On 27 May 2016, Norwich City announced their pre-season", "\"2016–17 NIFL Championship\"\naggregate and are promoted to the 2017–18 NIFL Championship; Armagh City are relegated to the 2017–18 NIFL Premier Intermediate League.\"\" 2016–17 NIFL Championship The 2016–17 NIFL Championship was the first season of the second-tier Irish League since gaining senior status. The fixtures were announced on 7 July 2016. The season began on 13 August 2016 and concluded on 29 April 2017. On 1 April 2017, Warrenpoint Town came from 0–2 down to defeat Institute 3–2 to clinch the league title and an instant return to the NIFL Premiership for the 2017–18 season. The 2016–17 NIFL Championship consisted of 12 teams.", "\"2016–17 1. Liga Promotion\"\n2016–17 1. Liga Promotion The 2016–17 season of the 1. Liga Promotion, the third tier of the Swiss football league system, was the fifth season of the league. The season started on 3 August 2016 and finished on 27 May 2017. The league was won by FC Rapperswil-Jona whileFC Tuggen were relegated to the 1. Liga Promotion. The 2016–17 season saw three new clubs in the league, FC La Chaux-de-Fonds, FC Bavois and FC United Zürich who were all promoted from the 1. Liga Classic. No club was relegated from the Challenge League as FC Biel-Bienne was stripped of their", "\"2017–18 Ukrainian First League\"\n2016–17 Ukrainian Second League: The following team has been relegated from the 2016–17 Ukrainian Premier League: The following displays the location of teams. The following stadiums are considered home grounds for the teams in the competition. Notes: Notes: Notes: Apart from a break in 2014, the post-season play-offs in the First League have been actively conducted since 2011. However, the promotion play-offs were reintroduced for the first time since 2002. Teams that placed 10th and 11th in the 2017–18 Ukrainian Premier League play two-leg play-offs with the second and third teams of the 2017–18 Ukrainian First League. On 11 May", "\"2017 Malaysia Premier League\"\n2017 Malaysia Premier League The 2017 Liga Premier () also known as the 100PLUS Liga Premier for sponsorship reasons was the 14th season of the Liga Premier, the second-tier professional football league in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur were crowned the champions and were promoted to Liga Super since relegated in 2012 season. The season started on 20 January and concluded on 27 October 2017. A total of 12 teams contested the league, including 8 sides from the 2016 season, two relegated from the 2016 Liga Super and two promoted from the 2016 Liga FAM. Promoted from Liga FAM Relegated from Liga", "\"Usman Ashik\"\nUsman Ashik Usman Ashik (born 17 February 1991) is an Indian footballer who plays for Gokulam FC in the I-League. The 2011-12 football year got off to a good start for Ashik as he made his debut for Chirag United Club Kerala in the I-League against Salgaocar where he provided a crucial assist to Anil Kumar which resulted in a huge draw to Chirags early season relegation challenge. On 4 August 2016, Mohammedan SC, who will begin their campaign in the ongoing 2016/17 Calcutta Premier Division – A against Army XI on Sunday, have announced the signing of Usman from", "\"2016–17 Queens Park Rangers F.C. season\"\n2016–17 Queens Park Rangers F.C. season The 2016–17 season is Queens Park Rangers' second consecutive season in the Championship following their relegation from the Premier League in the 2014–15 season and their 135th year in existence. Along with the Championship, the club will participate in the FA Cup and the Football League Cup. The season covers the period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017. Supplier: Dryworld / Sponsor: Smarkets The 2016/17 kits were revealed on the 29th June 2016 and was streamed live on QPR's official Facebook Channel. QPR agreed a 10-year multimillion-pound eight figure deal with Dryworld", "\"2016 Kazakhstan Premier League\"\nthe last-placed placed team. \"\"Altai Semey are promoted to the 2017 Kazakhstan Premier League; Taraz are relegated to the 2017 Kazakhstan First Division.\"\" 2016 Kazakhstan Premier League The 2016 Kazakhstan Premier League was the 25th season of the Kazakhstan Premier League, the highest football league competition in Kazakhstan. Astana were the defending champions having won their second league championship the previous year, and they successfully defended their title this season. The season began on 12 March 2016 and concluded on 29 October 2016; the relegation play-off took place on 5 November 2016. FC Kaisar was relegated at the end of", "\"2016–17 1. Liga Promotion\"\nleague licence by the Swiss Football Association and subsequently declared bankrupt. 2016–17 1. Liga Promotion The 2016–17 season of the 1. Liga Promotion, the third tier of the Swiss football league system, was the fifth season of the league. The season started on 3 August 2016 and finished on 27 May 2017. The league was won by FC Rapperswil-Jona whileFC Tuggen were relegated to the 1. Liga Promotion. The 2016–17 season saw three new clubs in the league, FC La Chaux-de-Fonds, FC Bavois and FC United Zürich who were all promoted from the 1. Liga Classic. No club was relegated", "\"2014 Malaysia Premier League\"\npromoted from the 2013 Malaysia FAM League and two relegated from 2013 Liga Super. On 27 May 2013, Penang earned promotion from the 2013 Malaysia FAM League. They returned to the second division after being absent for 2 years. This is the second season that Penang are in the Premier League. This was followed by neighbours, PBAPP. The two teams replace Betaria and Kuala Lumpur who were all relegated to the 2014 Malaysia FAM League. Felda United and Negeri Sembilan were relegated from 2013 Liga Super. They are replacing Sarawak and Sime Darby who get promotion to 2014 Liga Super.", "\"Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina\"\nPremier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina The BH Telecom Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina (), also known as Liga 12, is the top tier football league in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is operated by the Football Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As the country's most prestigious level of football competition, the league changed format in 2016–17 season and is contested by 12 clubs with last two teams relegated at the end of every season. The League is, as of season 2018–19, represented by four clubs in European competition. The winner of the Premier League starts from the Champions League", "\"2016–17 National League 1\"\nNational League 2 North or National League 2 South depending on the geographical location of the team. Due to the expulsion of the championship team London Welsh in January 2017, there was no relegation from the championship and subsequently only two teams relegated from this league. Twelve of the sixteen teams participated in the preceding season's competition. The 2015–16 champions, Richmond, were promoted to the 2016–17 RFU Championship and replaced by Birmingham Moseley (who changed their name from Moseley prior to the season) and were relegated from the 2015–16 RFU Championship. The three teams relegated last season, were Henley Hawks", "\"2015–16 West of Scotland Super League Premier Division\"\n2015–16 West of Scotland Super League Premier Division The 2015–16 West of Scotland Super League Premier Division was the fourteenth Super League Premier Division competition since the formation of the Scottish Junior Football Association, West Region in 2002. The winners of this competition are eligible to enter round one of the 2016–17 Scottish Cup. The two last placed sides are relegated to the Super League First Division. The third-bottom placed side will enter the West Region league play-off, a two-legged tie against the third placed side in the Super League First Division, to decide the final promotion/relegation spot. Auchinleck Talbot", "\"2016–17 National Cricket League\"\nthe weather and those matches and future fixtures were postponed due to the upcoming Bangladesh Premier League (BPL). The tournament re-started on 20 December 2016 after the conclusion of the BPL. Khulna Division retained their title when they beat Dhaka Metropolis by 398 runs in their final match. Dhaka Metropolis were relegated to Tier 2 for the next season, while Rangpur Division were promoted to Tier 1. Following the conclusion of this tournament, the 2016–17 Bangladesh Cricket League began. Points table Points table 2016–17 National Cricket League The 2016–17 National Cricket League was the eighteenth edition of the National Cricket", "\"Rory McKeown\"\nMcKeown joined EFL League Two side Accrington Stanley on non-contract terms. He played in that evening's EFL Trophy fixture with Crewe Alexandra at the Crown Ground, which ended in a 3–0 defeat. He was not picked again by manager John Coleman and left shortly afterwards. He had a trial at Polish Ekstraklasa side Górnik Zabrze the following month. McKeown joined Northern Premier League Premier Division club Warrington Town in November 2016. On 31 December 2016, he joined National League relegation strugglers Southport. He scored three goals in 19 appearances for Andy Preece's side, who ended the 2016–17 campaign in the", "\"2016–17 Aizawl F.C. season\"\ntext-align:center| Forwards 2016–17 Aizawl F.C. season The 2016–17 season is the 33rd season in the history of Aizawl Football Club and their second in the I-League, India's top flight professional football league. The season began on 1 August 2016 and will conclude in May 2017. The club ended the I-League campaign as the champions after they were reinstated into the league after they were relegated the previous season. The club will also participate in the Federation Cup while they also made it to the semi-finals of the Mizoram Premier League and the Durand Cup. Due to I-League regulations, despite finishing", "\"2016–17 Aizawl F.C. season\"\n2016–17 Aizawl F.C. season The 2016–17 season is the 33rd season in the history of Aizawl Football Club and their second in the I-League, India's top flight professional football league. The season began on 1 August 2016 and will conclude in May 2017. The club ended the I-League campaign as the champions after they were reinstated into the league after they were relegated the previous season. The club will also participate in the Federation Cup while they also made it to the semi-finals of the Mizoram Premier League and the Durand Cup. Due to I-League regulations, despite finishing the season" ]
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what part of the carrot is the seed
[ "mericarp" ]
[ "\"Carrot seed oil\"\nCarrot seed oil Carrot seed oil is the essential oil extract of the seed from the carrot plant \"\"Daucus carota\"\". The oil has a woody, earthy sweet smell and is yellow or amber-coloured to pale orange-brown in appearance. The pharmocologically active constituents of carrot seed extract are three flavones: luteolin, luteolin 3'-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside, and luteolin 4'-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside. Rather than the extract the distilled (ethereal) oil is used in perfumery and food aromatization. The main constituent of this oil is carotol. Pressed carrot seed oil is extracted by cold-pressing the seeds of the carrot plant. The properties of pressed carrot seed oil are", "\"The Carrot Seed\"\nit every day and sprinkled the ground with water.\"\" The book concludes simply \"\"And then, one day, a carrot came up just as the little boy had known it would.\"\" The carrot is so large that it fills a wheelbarrow. The Carrot Seed The Carrot Seed is a 1945 children's book by Ruth Krauss. As of 2004, \"\"The Carrot Seed\"\" has been in print continuously since its first publication in 1945. \"\"The Carrot Seed\"\" was illustrated by Krauss's husband, Crockett Johnson. At 101 words, it was one of the shortest picture book texts when it was published in 1945. The", "\"The Carrot Seed\"\nThe Carrot Seed The Carrot Seed is a 1945 children's book by Ruth Krauss. As of 2004, \"\"The Carrot Seed\"\" has been in print continuously since its first publication in 1945. \"\"The Carrot Seed\"\" was illustrated by Krauss's husband, Crockett Johnson. At 101 words, it was one of the shortest picture book texts when it was published in 1945. The book opens with the words: \"\"A little boy planted a carrot seed. His mother said, 'I'm afraid it won't come up.\"\" Despite the skepticism of his parents and, particularly, his older brother, he persists and \"\"pulled up the weeds around", "Carrot\nhelp them see better at night and in 1942 there was a 100,000 ton surplus of carrots from the extra production. Carrot The carrot (\"\"Daucus carota\"\" subsp. \"\"sativus\"\") is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, black, red, white, and yellow cultivars exist. Carrots are a domesticated form of the wild carrot, \"\"Daucus carota\"\", native to Europe and southwestern Asia. The plant probably originated in Persia and was originally cultivated for its leaves and seeds. The most commonly eaten part of the plant is the taproot, although the stems and leaves are eaten as well. The domestic carrot", "\"Carrot seed oil\"\nquite different from those of the essential oil. It can be made into lotion, and helps heal boils and ulcers. It can treat the liver, gallbladder and lymph system. Carrot seed oil Carrot seed oil is the essential oil extract of the seed from the carrot plant \"\"Daucus carota\"\". The oil has a woody, earthy sweet smell and is yellow or amber-coloured to pale orange-brown in appearance. The pharmocologically active constituents of carrot seed extract are three flavones: luteolin, luteolin 3'-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside, and luteolin 4'-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside. Rather than the extract the distilled (ethereal) oil is used in perfumery and food aromatization. The", "Carrot\nCarrot The carrot (\"\"Daucus carota\"\" subsp. \"\"sativus\"\") is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, black, red, white, and yellow cultivars exist. Carrots are a domesticated form of the wild carrot, \"\"Daucus carota\"\", native to Europe and southwestern Asia. The plant probably originated in Persia and was originally cultivated for its leaves and seeds. The most commonly eaten part of the plant is the taproot, although the stems and leaves are eaten as well. The domestic carrot has been selectively bred for its greatly enlarged, more palatable, less woody-textured taproot. The carrot is a biennial plant in the", "Carrot\nsalads or as vegetables added to spicy rice or dal dishes. A popular variation in north India is the Gajar Ka Halwa carrot dessert, which has carrots grated and cooked in milk until the whole mixture is solid, after which nuts and butter are added. Carrot salads are usually made with grated carrots with a seasoning of mustard seeds and green chillies popped in hot oil. Carrots can also be cut in thin strips and added to rice, can form part of a dish of mixed roast vegetables or can be blended with tamarind to make chutney. Since the late", "\"Alternaria dauci\"\nreduce yield due to lost photosynthetic activity, prevention of mechanical harvest, and infection of commercial carrot seeds. Sexual reproduction of \"\"Alternaria dauci\"\" is not known to occur, and the disease is most active during spring, summer, and autumn cropping cycles. The disease cycle begins when fungus overwinters on or in host seed and in soil-borne debris from carrot. \"\"A. dauci\"\" may also be spread into fields via contaminated carrot seeds during cultivation. Once introduced, the pathogen can persist in carrot debris or contaminated seeds in the soil for up to two years. Seedling infection near the hypocotyl-root junction (just below", "Carrot\nincrease sweetness and minimise the woody core; this process produced the familiar garden vegetable. When they were first cultivated, carrots were grown for their aromatic leaves and seeds rather than their roots. Carrot seeds have been found in Switzerland and Southern Germany dating back to 2000–3000 BC. Some close relatives of the carrot are still grown for their leaves and seeds, such as parsley, cilantro, coriander, fennel, anise, dill and cumin. The first mention of the root in classical sources is from the 1st century AD; the Romans ate a root vegetable called \"\"pastinaca\"\", which may have been either the", "\"Korean carrots\"\nThe typical ingredients are finely julienned carrots, garlic, ground red pepper, ground coriander seeds, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. It may also include sesame seeds. Korean carrots Korean carrots () or Korean carrot salad () is a spicy marinated carrot salad, a Koryo-saram variant of kimchi. Koryo-saram (ethnic Koreans located in post-Soviet Russia) created the dish as they did not have supplies of Baechu cabbage, the main ingredient in traditional kimchi. The salad was unknown in South Korea until recently. However, it has gained an international following, being served in most cafeterias throughout post-Soviet countries, sold in many supermarkets,", "\"Aster yellows\"\nand nursery industries. A 25% reduction in carrot yield is common, with losses reaching 80% on occasion. AYP causes symptoms that make the infected carrots unmarketable. In processed carrots, the presence of 15% of aster yellows-infected carrots results in a rejection of the entire product due to their distasteful flavor. The deformation of flowers and reproductive structures causes seed not to form. This can be a problem in crops grown for seed for replanting purposes, or for consumption, such as coriander or caraway. Root stunting can also result in loss of biannual crops over winter. Similar problems arise in the", "\"Daucus carota\"\nelegans\"\" thrives in highly acidic, organic soil, especially with large amounts of vitamin C. Damaged carrots in areas of high temperatures are more susceptible to accelerated growth of black root rot. Crown rot, or \"\"Rhizoctonia solani,\"\" is a soilborne fungus. It attacks roots nearing maturity in carrots and may result in the death or severe weakening of seeds before or after germination. Crown rot is most prevalent in wet areas in warm climates. Symptoms on the roots of carrot are typically brown-black deep lesions or cankers near the crown or other root parts. Overall the rotting process is dry, unlike", "\"Carrot soup\"\na distinct soup variety much more popular than plain carrot soup is carrot and coriander soup, made with coarsely chopped or grated carrot, garlic and coriander (cilantro) seeds. The zest of orange can be used as a garnish, as an ingredient within the dish itself, and in both ways. Additional garnishes can include dill, carrot leaves, grated, minced or diced carrot, chives, other fresh, chopped herbs, croutons, and toast squares, among others. Carrot soup can be prepared as a vegan food, and can also be prepared as a bisque. Carrot soup may contain a significant amount of nitrite. Carrot soup", "Carrot\nSeeds vary somewhat in size, ranging from less than 500 to more than 1000 seeds per gram. The carrot is a diploid species, and has nine relatively short, uniform-length chromosomes (2\"\"n\"\"=18). The genome size is estimated to be 473 mega base pairs, which is four times larger than \"\"Arabidopsis thaliana\"\", one-fifth the size of the maize genome, and about the same size as the rice genome. Polyacetylenes can be found in Apiaceae vegetables like carrots where they show cytotoxic activities. Falcarinol and falcarindiol (\"\"cis\"\"-heptadeca-1,9-diene-4,6-diyne-3,8-diol) are such compounds. This latter compound shows antifungal activity towards \"\"Mycocentrospora acerina\"\" and \"\"Cladosporium cladosporioides\"\". Falcarindiol", "\"Carrot salad\"\nbut has gained an international following and is served in many cafeterias throughout the CIS where it is also sold in supermarkets, and featured regularly as a side dish on dinner tables and at holiday feasts set by many ethnicities of the former Soviet Union. In India, carrot salads are often made with grated carrots are cooked with mustard seeds and green chillies in hot oil. In Bulgarian cuisine a salad with carrots and cabbage is traditional. In Brazilian cuisine, churrasco service often includes potato salad and carrot salad made with mayonnaise, raw onion, green peas, sweetcorn or sometimes chayote", "Kosambari\nKosambari Kosambari or koshambari is a typical south Indian salad made from pulses (split legumes) and seasoned with mustard seeds. The pulses generally used are split bengal gram (kadale bele in Kannada) and split Green gram (Hesaru bele in Kannada). These salads are sometimes eaten as snacks, but usually as a part of full course meal in Udupi cuisine. Generally kosambari is made of green gram, grated coconut, coriander and chili. Optionally grated carrot or finely cut cucumber can be mixed.Oil, mustard, curry leaves, asafoetida for seasoning. Soak green gram for two hours. Grate coconut and carrot. Finely cut cucumber", "\"Daucus carota\"\nother carrot fungus'. \"\"R. solani\"\" can survive through winter or longer on the debris of plants. Greatest risk to infection occurs at high humidity with temperatures greater than . Easily spreadable in closely planted fields. The rotation of fields, removing of plant debris after harvest and enhanced soil drainage and air circulation are highly recommended to reduce \"\"R. solani\"\" survival and infection. Fusarium dry rot of carrot is caused by \"\"Fusarium\"\" spp,\"\".\"\" The soilborne fungi can grow wherever carrots are found. Fusarium dry rot is also called a carrot root disease, but it can also attack the seeds. The fungus", "\"Coffee substitute\"\nmalted barley, beechnut, beetroot, carrot, chicory root, corn, soybeans, cottonseed, dandelion root (see dandelion coffee), fig, roasted garbanzo beans, lupinus, boiled-down molasses, okra seed, pea, persimmon seed, potato peel, rye, sassafras pits, sweet potato, wheat bran. The Native American tribes of what is now the Southeastern United States brewed a ceremonial drink containing caffeine, \"\"asi\"\", or the \"\"black drink\"\", from the roasted leaves and stems of Ilex vomitoria (\"\"Yaupon holly\"\"). European colonists adopted this beverage as a coffee-substitute, which they called \"\"cassina\"\". The drink brewed from ground roasted chicory root has no caffeine, but is dark and tastes much like", "Carotol\nCarotol Carotol was first isolated by scientists Asahina and Tsukamoto in 1925. It is one of the primary components found in carrot seed oil comprising approximately 40% of this essential oil. This sesquiterpene alcohol is thought to be formed in carrot seeds (\"\"Daucus carota L., Umbelliferae\"\") during the vegetation period. Additionally, studies have shown that carotol may be involved in allelopathic interactions expressing activity as an antifungal, herbicidal and insecticidal agent. It has been proposed that there is a direct cyclisation of farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) to the carotol (carotane backbone). This type of cyclisation is unconventional for the typical chemistry", "\"Sorcerer Hunters\"\na big change from what she truly is. At the end of the manga, Chocola allows her sister to marry Carrot, though that doesn't stop her from trying to seduce him and bearing his children. An important part of the plot is that the five Sorcerer Hunters are reincarnations of five gods. They are: Carrot is the reincarnation of the Destruction god Hakaishin while the other four Hunters are the reincarnations of the four gods that subdued him, which explains why it takes Tira and/or Chocola as well as even Marron to bring Carrot back to his normal human form.", "Vikings\nbut the seeds are poisonous, and people who ate the bread might have become ill. Seeds of carrots, parsnip, and brassicas were also discovered, but they were poor specimens and tend to come from white carrots and bitter tasting cabbages. The rotary querns often used in the Viking Age left tiny stone fragments (often from basalt rock) in the flour, which when eaten wore down the teeth. The effects of this can be seen on skeletal remains of that period. Sports were widely practised and encouraged by the Vikings. Sports that involved weapons training and developing combat skills were popular.", "Carrot\nis the main compound responsible for bitterness in carrots. Other compounds such as pyrrolidine (present in the leaves), 6-hydroxymellein, 6-methoxymellein, eugenin, 2,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde (gazarin) or (Z)-3-acetoxy-heptadeca-1,9-diene-4,6-diin-8-ol (falcarindiol 3-acetate) can also be found in carrot. Carrots are grown from seed and can take up to four months (120 days) to mature, but most cultivars mature within 70 to 80 days under the right conditions. They grow best in full sun but tolerate some shade. The optimum temperature is . The ideal soil is deep, loose and well-drained, sandy or loamy, with a pH of 6.3 to 6.8. Fertilizer should be applied according", "\"Edible plant stem\"\nof these also require preparation (as do many domestic plants, such as the potato), so it is wise to read up on the plant before experimenting with eating it. Edible plant stem Edible plant stems are one part of plants that are eaten by humans. Most plants are made up of stems, roots, leaves, flowers, and produce fruits containing seeds. Humans most commonly eat the seeds (e.g. maize, wheat), fruit (e.g. tomato, avocado, banana), flowers (e.g. broccoli), leaves (e.g. lettuce, spinach, and cabbage), roots (e.g. carrots, beets), and stems (e.g. asparagus, ginger) of many plants. There are also a few", "\"Ormonde Jayne\"\nas carrot seed, coriander seed, bergamot and musk; Montabaco, with orange absolute, tobacco and leather; and Nawab of Oudh, a blend of ambers, oud and musk. Pilkington also develops Ormonde Jayne fragrances for individual clients, in a six-month process. Eventually Pilkington decided to expand the business again, in part necessitated by the rising rent at her shop in Mayfair. She signed a deal with Saks Fifth Avenue to sell her fragrances in their New York City store, launching in May 2018. Pilkington estimates 2018 sales at £5.1 million. Ormonde Jayne Ormonde Jayne is a London-based perfume house founded by Linda", "\"Baby carrot\"\ntwo lengths, and by placing these lengths into a potato peeler, he created the original \"\"baby-cut\"\" carrot, branded \"\"Bunny-Luv\"\". In 2006, nearly three-quarters of the fresh baby-cut carrots produced in the United States came from Bakersfield, California. Bolthouse Farms and Grimmway Farms are the world's two largest growers, processors, and shippers of baby-cut carrots. The Green Giant company, which resells carrots from Bolthouse Farms, markets their product as \"\"baby-cut carrots\"\". Generally, consumers can determine whether small carrots are true baby carrots or not by looking at what is listed on the packaging. Labels that say \"\"baby carrots\"\" appear on packages", "Carrot\nto colonial America in the 17th century. Outwardly purple carrots, still orange on the inside, were sold in British stores beginning in 2002. \"\"Daucus carota\"\" is a biennial plant. In the first year, its rosette of leaves produces large amounts of sugars, which are stored in the taproot to provide energy for the plant to flower in the second year. Soon after germination, carrot seedlings show a distinct demarcation between taproot and stem: the stem is thicker and lacks lateral roots. At the upper end of the stem is the seed leaf. The first true leaf appears about 10–15 days", "\"Amritsari Papar Warian\"\nappetizer or snack, with toppings such as chopped onions, carrots, chutney or other dips and condiments in parts of India. Papar is a low calorie value food but has a high sodium content. Amritsari Warian is also made similarly from dough prepared from mixture of urad dal ground to paste from hing, black pepper, red chili, coriander seeds, salt, cumin seeds etc. Paste is poured on sheets and spread for sun-drying in half round 5 cm balls. Warian which have been dried but not precooked are used in curries and vegetable dishes. These give the recipes a typical chili taste.", "\"Baby carrot\"\nfarms originally developed food for World War II, but wanted to sell food for civilians. A team of two led the research. According to Dole, baby carrots are sweeter and more tender than full-grown carrots. Taking fully grown carrots and cutting them to a smaller size was the brainchild of California carrot farmer Mike Yurosek in 1986. Yurosek was unhappy at having to discard carrots because of slight rotting or imperfections, and looked for a way to reclaim what would otherwise be a waste product. He was able to acquire an industrial green bean cutter, which cut his carrots into", "\"Edible plant stem\"\nEdible plant stem Edible plant stems are one part of plants that are eaten by humans. Most plants are made up of stems, roots, leaves, flowers, and produce fruits containing seeds. Humans most commonly eat the seeds (e.g. maize, wheat), fruit (e.g. tomato, avocado, banana), flowers (e.g. broccoli), leaves (e.g. lettuce, spinach, and cabbage), roots (e.g. carrots, beets), and stems (e.g. asparagus, ginger) of many plants. There are also a few edible petioles (also known as leaf stems) such as celery or rhubarb. Plant stems have a variety of functions. Stems support the entire plant and have buds, leaves, flowers,", "\"Chaerophyllum bulbosum\"\nshould be used every year. Keeping the seeds in cool and slightly damp sand might help sustain their vitality. Pollinators for \"\"Chaerophyllum bulbosum\"\" includes flies and beetles. Diseases Similar diseases as for carrots and parsnip and other Apiaceae can occur for tuberous-rooted chervil. These are mainly the carrot fly, storage decay and root aphids. Furthermore, it can be host for other aphids, erysiphe heracley or celery mosaic virus. Chaerophyllum bulbosum Chaerophyllum bulbosum is a species of flowering plant from the carrot family and known by several common names, including turnip-rooted chervil, tuberous-rooted chervil, bulbous chervil, and parsnip chervil. It is", "\"Shaker Seed Company\"\nNorth America, and the seeds were considered of the highest quality available. In many cases, the Shaker seeds were the only seed source for rural Americans. New Lebanon sales records show that in the decade before and after 1800 the onion seed sold the best. Shaker peddler Artemas Markham showed in his records of 1795 that over 200 pounds of onion seeds were sold. In 1800 over 44 pounds of a variety of vegetable seeds sold, including mangelwurzel blood beet, carrot, cucumber, and summer squash, begetting $406 in income. Vegetables seeds were the main offering; however, flowers, herbs, and grasses", "\"Ruth Krauss\"\nSpecial House\"\" (1954). Maurice Sendak characterized Krauss as a giant in the world of children's literature, saying: \"\"Ruth broke rules and invented new ones, and her respect for the natural ferocity of children bloomed in to poetry that was utterly faithful to what was true in their lives\"\". He honored her in the \"\"New Yorker\"\" cover illustration for Sept. 27, 1993, which shows a homeless boy using Krauss's book \"\"A Hole Is to Dig\"\" as a pillow. Ruth Krauss Ruth Krauss (July 25, 1901 – July 10, 1993) was an American writer of children's books, including \"\"The Carrot Seed\"\", and", "\"Citron-crested cockatoo\"\nplants. In captivity though, they may get a hunger for meat and protein. Yes they will eat meat. Beef(steak), chicken, fish and even ham and bacon ... Broccoli, carrots, cauliflower celery, with fruits and a variety diet of mixed seed and protein is what they will eat. The citron-crested cockatoo is a critically endangered bird whose population has declined due to habitat loss and illegal trapping for the cage-bird trade. A 1993 survey of Sumba estimated the species' numbers at less than 2,000 individuals. As of 2012, there were estimated to be 562. Together with the other subspecies of the", "\"Depressaria depressana\"\nDepressaria depressana Blunt’s flat-body or purple carrot-seed moth (Depressaria depressana) is a moth of the Depressariidae family. It is found in most of Europe. It is also found in the Near East, North Africa, the eastern part of the Palearctic ecozone and since 2009 in North America. In the former USSR, it is distributed in the entire European part except for the Far North. It is also found in the northern Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Georgia and Armenia), in Kazakhstan, Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan), in the south of Siberia (Tomsk, Novosibirsk regions and Altai Territory) and the Russian Far East (Primorskii", "\"Haryana Seeds Development Corporation\"\nHaryana Seeds Development Corporation Haryana Seeds Development Corporation is an Indian state government undertaking company, established in the year 1974. Haryana Seeds Development Corporation was established to quality seeds at affordable price in Haryana state for farmers. HSDC has a Seed Testing Lab at Umri for testing seed samples to measure quality. Winter: Wheat, Gram, Lentil, Barley, Toria, Mustard.<br> Summer: Cotton, Guar, Bajra, Paddy, Arhar, Til, Moth, Moong, Urad, Maize. Winter: Peas, Carrot, Palak, Methi, Radish, Turnip, Coriander, Onion, Tomato, Bitter Gourd, Capsicum, Potato.<br> Summer: Muskmelon, Bhindi, Tinda, Bottle Gourd, Sponge Gourd, Bitter Gourd, Cucumber, Brinjal, Chillies, Tomato. Haryana Seeds", "Carrot\nor fairly flat to concave, and when cupped it resembles a bird's nest. The fruit that develops is a schizocarp consisting of two mericarps; each mericarp is a true seed. The paired mericarps are easily separated when they are dry. Premature separation (shattering) before harvest is undesirable because it can result in seed loss. Mature seeds are flattened on the commissural side that faced the septum of the ovary. The flattened side has five longitudinal ribs. The bristly hairs that protrude from some ribs are usually removed by abrasion during milling and cleaning. Seeds also contain oil ducts and canals.", "\"Plantago major\"\nthe soil to prevent erosion. The seeds of plantain are a common contaminant in cereal grain and other crop seeds. As a result, it now has a worldwide distribution. The leaves are edible as a salad green when young and tender, but they quickly become tough and fibrous as they get older. The older leaves can be cooked in stews. The leaves contain calcium and other minerals, with 100 grams of plantain containing approximately the same amount of vitamin A as a large carrot. The seeds are so small that they are tedious to gather, but they can be ground", "Kolindsund\ntype of drained sound- and lake farmland in Denmark with mussel rich soil can be seen in the Lammefjord located on the northern part of Denmark’s largest island, Zealand. Lammefjorden was also pumped dry in the 1870’ties. Here vegetables, not least carrots, are established crops. This is not the case in Kolindsund, even though the potential might be there, due to the same types of soil. The crops in Kolindsund are purely grain based, including grass seed. It is also characteristic that many of the farms in Kolindsund are livestock free, and solely based on farming of grain crops, not", "Chromoplast\nseeds. However, they are also found in roots such as carrots and sweet potatoes. They allow the accumulation of large quantities of water-insoluble compounds in otherwise watery parts of plants. When leaves change color in the autumn, it is due to the loss of green chlorophyll, which unmasks preexisting carotenoids. In this case, relatively little new carotenoid is produced—the change in plastid pigments associated with leaf senescence is somewhat different from the active conversion to chromoplasts observed in fruit and flowers. There are some species of flowering plants that contain little to no carotenoids. In such cases there are plastids", "\"A Wild Hare\"\na struggle in which the barrel is bent into a bow. Elmer frantically digs into the hole while Bugs emerges from a nearby hole with another carrot in his hand, lifts Fudd's hat, and raps the top of his head until Elmer notices; then chews his carrot and delivers his definitive line, \"\"What's up, Doc?\"\". When Elmer replies that \"\"[he's] hunting 'wabbits'\"\", Bugs chews his carrot and asks what a wabbit is; then teases Elmer by with every aspect of Fudd's description until Elmer suspects that Bugs is a rabbit. Bugs confirms this, hides behind a tree, sneaks behind Elmer,", "\"Baby carrot\"\nof very young carrots that are harvested while the vegetables are still quite tiny. Labels that proclaim \"\"baby-cut carrots\"\" appear on packages of petite carrots made by chopping down and polishing much larger versions of the vegetable. \"\"Baby-cuts\"\" are part of a sharp upsurge in the carrot's popularity in the United States. Between 1970 and 1986, Americans ate 6 pounds of carrots per person per year. However, American consumption of carrots began to soar in 1987, and by 2002 it had reached 11 pounds per person. To make \"\"baby-cuts,\"\" large carrots are machine cut into 2-inch sections, then abraded (scraped)", "\"Carrot and stick\"\nthe donkey steps forward to bite at the carrot, but of course, as it is attached to the stick, the carrot also moves forward and remains out of reach. Not especially brilliant, the beast repeats the same ineffective strategy ad infinitum, thereby pulling or carrying whatever or whomever it's laden with, until the poor animal collapses from exhaustion. Thus, the metaphor can serve as a visualization of what can sometimes happen in corporate and other settings, with executives \"\"dangling\"\" a promotion, for example (the \"\"carrot\"\") in front of the rank and file in order to get massive amounts of work", "\"Andong jjimdak\"\nbroth. Slices of shiitake, and diced carrots, potatoes, and other vegetables are added in the pot and boiled over high heat for ten minutes. Whilst the carrots and potatoes are almost getting cooked, a little amount of wheat flour and spinach, sliced cucumber, scallions and the noodles are added to the pot as well. After cooking, the dish is put on a plate and sesame seeds are spread over it. Andong jjimdak Andong-jjimdak () is a variety of \"\"jjim\"\" (a Korean steamed or boiled dish), which originated in the city of Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province and is made with chicken, various", "\"Gopher (video game)\"\noverhead and drop a seed which, if the farmer catches it, he can plant it in the place of the missing carrot. The longer the game, the faster the gopher gets. The game ends when the gopher successfully removes all three carrots. There are two skill levels and is for one or two players, giving a total of four game variations. An unlicensed version was released by Zellers in Canada and was called \"\"Farmer Dan\"\"; it was given the box art of \"\"Plaque Attack\"\" by Activision. Gopher (video game) Gopher is an Atari 2600 game written by Sylvia Day and", "\"Alternaria dauci\"\nwhich is important because \"\"A. dauci\"\" is more likely to infect senescing tissue. Effective management for \"\"Alternaria dauci\"\" involves preventing the introduction and development of the disease. One of the best practices to avoid infection is to plant pathogen-free seed or seed treated with hot water at 50 degrees Celsius for twenty minutes. In addition to seed treated with fungicide or hot water, once harvest is complete it is imperative to turn the carrot residue under the soil. The pathogen only survives on infected plant debris, allowing this practice to hasten decomposition of the debris. Crop rotation will allow the", "\"Annual plant\"\nstyle of growing is often used in classrooms for education. Many desert annuals are therophytes, because their seed-to-seed life cycle is only weeks and they spend most of the year as seeds to survive dry conditions. In cultivation, many food plants are, or are grown as, annuals, including virtually all domesticated grains. Some perennials and biennials are grown in gardens as annuals for convenience, particularly if they are not considered cold hardy for the local climate. Carrot, celery and parsley are true biennials (divarsiya) that are usually grown as annual crops for their edible roots, petioles and leaves, respectively. Tomato,", "\"Night of the Living Carrots\"\nzombie carrot as he leaves. Night of the Living Carrots Night of the Living Carrots is a 2011 Halloween short animated film, based on \"\"Monsters vs. Aliens\"\" and produced by DreamWorks Animation. Following the 2009 short, \"\"\"\", a mutated carrot has spawned hundreds of zombie carrots taking control of the subject's mind. Dr. Cockroach determines that the only way to defeat them and free their victims is for B.O.B. to eat all of the carrots. The short premiered in two parts exclusively on Nintendo 3DS video service - the first was released on October 13, 2011, and the second five", "Food\nplants and animals have coevolved such that the fruits of the former are an attractive food source to the latter, because animals that eat the fruits may excrete the seeds some distance away. Fruits, therefore, make up a significant part of the diets of most cultures. Some botanical fruits, such as tomatoes, pumpkins, and eggplants, are eaten as vegetables. (For more information, see list of fruits.) Vegetables are a second type of plant matter that is commonly eaten as food. These include root vegetables (potatoes and carrots), bulbs (onion family), leaf vegetables (spinach and lettuce), (bamboo shoots and asparagus), and", "Chiapas\nmajor part of the diet and often include chipilín mixed into the dough and hoja santa, within the tamale itself or used to wrap it. One tamale native to the state is the \"\"picte\"\", a fresh sweet corn tamale. Tamales juacanes are filled with a mixture of black beans, dried shrimp, and pumpkin seeds. Meats are centered on the European introduced beef, pork and chicken as many native game animals are in danger of extinction. Meat dishes are frequently accompanied by vegetables such as squash, chayote and carrots. Black beans are the favored type. Beef is favored, especially a thin", "\"Macrobiotic diet\"\nbioavailable B analogues have not been established in any natural plant food, including sea vegetables, soya, fermented products, and algae. Although plant-derived foods do not naturally contain B, some are fortified during processing with added B and other nutrients. Vitamin A, as its precursor beta-carotene, is available from plants such as carrots and spinach. Adequate protein is available from grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and bean products. Sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are discussed in the relevant article, and include soy products, walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, and fatty fish. Riboflavin along with most other B vitamins are abundant", "\"Sorcerer Hunters\"\nwith the sisters, who think he ignores their affections. As a result, when they are not in battle with sorcerers, Carrot is often the victim of the Misu sisters' barrage of whippings as punishment for his constant infidelity (or what they perceive as infidelity) towards them, which is another reason Carrot fears both the sisters. Later in the series, he professes his love to both Tira and Chocola and even marries Tira at the end of the manga. However, even though Chocola let her sister marry him, she's still bound and determined to bear Carrot's first child. Marron is Carrot's", "\"Lumber Jack-Rabbit\"\nhas managed to tunnel through several carrots and to lay down tracks for the mining cart he is using to dump the excess carrot chunks over a cliff. Smidgen, drawn to the sound of Bugs' singing, pulls up the carrot that Bugs is in with his teeth. Bugs comes out, stops at the sight of what he assumes is a large billboard (Smidgen's dog license), and wonders where it came from. Suddenly, he realizes that he is suspended high in the air, and frantically climbs up the carrot onto the edge of Smidgen's nose. Bugs then sees the large bloodshot", "Carrot2\nremote service: Carrot Search, a commercial spin-off of the Carrot² project, works on further development of Carrot², offers a real-time text clustering algorithm compliant with the Carrot² framework as well as text mining consulting services based on open source and proprietary software. Carrot² gave rise to a number of independent open source projects released under the umbrella of Carrot Search Labs. The following projects are or were published as part of this initiative: Discontinued projects: Carrot2 Carrot² is an open source search results clustering engine. It can automatically cluster small collections of documents, e.g. search results or document abstracts, into", "\"Jean Nicolas Collignon\"\nthat the seed would produce plants that were good to eat. They appeared to understand, indicating where they thought the plants would grow best. He planted cabbage, carrots, beets, maize and pumpkins. On 29 May 1786 the ship anchored at Maui in the Hawaiian archipelago; knowing of Cook’s fate, the ships stayed for just 24 hours, allowing only a brief period for Collignon to plant seed. In mid September 1786, the ship landed at Monterey. The soil was very fertile and Collignon gave seed to the Spanish governor and to the local mission. He also gave them potatoes that had", "Carrot\numbellifer family Apiaceae. At first, it grows a rosette of leaves while building up the enlarged taproot. Fast-growing cultivars mature within three months (90 days) of sowing the seed, while slower-maturing cultivars are harvested four months later (120 days). The roots contain high quantities of alpha- and beta-carotene, and are a good source of vitamin K and vitamin B6, but the belief that eating carrots improves night vision is a myth put forward by the British in World War II to mislead the enemy about their military capabilities. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that world production", "\"Alternaria dauci\"\nlesions can coalesce and cause entire tops of carrot plants to die off, a phenomenon that is sometimes mistaken for frost damage. The symptoms of this disease are also commonly confused with Cercospora Leaf Blight of carrots as well as bacterial blight, and microscopic analysis is frequently needed to accurately diagnose the pathogen. \"\"A. dauci\"\" produces characteristically dark to olive-brown hyphae and elongated conidiophores, with conidia typically borne singly. Petiole infection can also occur without any lesion development on leaflets, and \"\"A. dauci\"\" can additionally result in damping-off of seedlings, seed stalk blight, and inflorescence infections. These symptoms can significantly", "\"Melon soup\"\nas a primary ingredient, and may be served chilled. The seeds of the watermelon may be removed, or seedless watermelon may be used, and additional ingredients can include additional fruits, ginger, chili pepper and sugar. Winter melon soup is prepared with winter melon as a primary ingredient and is a part of Chinese cuisine and the cuisine of Hong Kong. It is served often at Chinese banquets. Winter melon soup may have a slightly sweet flavor. Some recipes may use several ingredients in addition to winter melon, which may include ham, carrot, mushrooms and chicken. Winter melon soup may be", "\"Night of the Living Carrots\"\nNight of the Living Carrots Night of the Living Carrots is a 2011 Halloween short animated film, based on \"\"Monsters vs. Aliens\"\" and produced by DreamWorks Animation. Following the 2009 short, \"\"\"\", a mutated carrot has spawned hundreds of zombie carrots taking control of the subject's mind. Dr. Cockroach determines that the only way to defeat them and free their victims is for B.O.B. to eat all of the carrots. The short premiered in two parts exclusively on Nintendo 3DS video service - the first was released on October 13, 2011, and the second five days later. To a general", "\"Mirepoix (cuisine)\"\ndepending on the overall cooking time for the dish. Usually the vegetable mixture is onions, carrots, and celery (either common \"\"pascal celery\"\" or celeriac), with the traditional ratio being 2:1:1, two parts onion, one part carrot, and one part celery. Mirepoix is the flavour base for a wide variety of Western dishes: stocks, soups, stews and sauces. Similar flavour bases include the Italian \"\"soffritto\"\", the Spanish \"\"sofrito\"\", \"\"refogado/sufrito\"\" (braised onions, garlic and tomato) from Portuguese-speaking nations, the German \"\"suppengrün\"\" (leeks, carrots and celeriac), the Polish \"\"włoszczyzna\"\" (leeks, carrots, celery root and parsley root), the US Cajun / Creole holy trinity", "\"Washington Atlee Burpee\"\nof the family home with $1,000 (equal to $ today) loaned to him by his mother and a partner. Poultry farmers from the Northeast already knew of his talents, and he soon opened a store in Philadelphia, selling poultry and also corn seed for poultry feed. It wasn't long before his customers started requesting cabbage, carrot, cauliflower and cucumber seeds. In 1878, Burpee dropped his partner and founded W. Atlee Burpee & Company. The company soon switched to primarily garden seed, but live poultry wasn't dropped from the Burpee catalog until the 1940s. By 1888, the family home, Fordhook Farm", "\"History of Santa Clara County, California\"\nwell water underlay the whole valley, created the conditions for the sudden wealth to be found in the agricultural business. Santa Clara County was soon producing carrots, almonds, tomatoes, prunes, apricots, plums, walnuts, cherries, and pears for the world market. With the establishment of seed farms in the last half of the 1870s, a new aspect of the agricultural business began. The Ferry-Morse Seed Company, founded by Charles Copeland Morse, became the world's largest flower and vegetable seed producer. Santa Clara Valley was also experimenting with other sources of income. Oil wells once dotted the valley, and from 1866 until", "\"Health claim\"\nthe size of the font and what to name food products. The name must include what the food actually is, that means if the food is canned carrots the can must have Carrots on the label. If an official name for the food does not exist, then the label must give the consumer some idea of what the food contains. The FDA states the name should be a “statement of identity,” meaning the company cannot make up a new name for an already existing food. Something must be called an imitation if its nutritional values are significantly different than the", "\"Bermuda fish chowder\"\nonion, celery, and carrot as well as diced pork hocks and a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Another recipe recommends using rock fish or sea bass as the fish fillet ingredient. The Epicurious website recipe calls for onions, carrots, celery, a seeded and skinned tomato, minced garlic, unsalted butter, filleted white fish (Cod, Grouper, Tilefish, or Snapper), seasoned with bay leaf, thyme, allspice, Worcestershire sauce, and the traditional black rum and sherry pepper sauce. Traditional recipes are seasoned with black rum, and \"\"sherry peppers sauce\"\", a hot sauce made of pimentos marinated in sherry and spices. Locally manufactured \"\"Outerbridge's Original Peppers", "\"Carrots (song)\"\nCarrots (song) Carrots/KKKKK is a split record between Excepter and Animal Collective member Panda Bear. It was limited to 1,000 copies. This is Panda Bear's third single for his 2007 album Person Pitch. \"\"Carrots\"\" consists of two sections: \"\"Good Girl\"\" and \"\"Carrots\"\". \"\"Good Girl\"\" lasts for the first four and a half minutes, and then segues into \"\"Carrots\"\", which itself consists of two separate sections, the last one starting at the eight minute mark. The first section contains a sample of \"\"Radio Calcutta #2\"\" from the Sublime Frequencies album \"\"Radio India: The Eternal Dream Of Sound\"\". The second part contains", "Choking\ncommon object found in the airway of children evaluated for suspected foreign body aspiration. Foods that pose a high risk of choking include hot dogs, hard candy, nuts, seeds, whole grapes, raw carrots, apples, popcorn, peanut butter, marshmallows, chewing gum, and sausages. The most common cause of choking death in children is latex balloons. Small, round non-food objects such as balls, marbles, toys, and toy parts are also associated with a high risk of choking death because of their potential to completely block a child's airway. Children younger than age three are especially at risk of choking because they explore", "\"Pocito Department\"\ncarrot), olives, almonds and fruit (melon, peach, plum), forage, timber and seed. Pocito Department Pocito is a department in San Juan Province, Argentina. It is located to the south of the city of San Juan, and is predominantly agricultural, the principal products being grapes and olives. It has a string of prestigious wineries that make up the so-called \"\"Wine Route\"\". The west part of the department is mountainous. \"\"Pocito\"\" means \"\"little pit\"\" or \"\"little hole\"\" and was named after a supposed \"\"little hole\"\" where the legendary India Mariana found golden nuggets (See below). Nineteenth-century travelers would relate how Pocito was", "\"Scaled quail\"\npattern that resulted in a relatively higher amount of grass seed available, and a lower amount of available forbs. In the same study green vegetation formed a higher proportion of the diet than reported for other areas. In southwestern Texas, chestnut-bellied scaled quail consumed woody plant seeds and green vegetation. The seeds of brush species comprised 68% of the contents of 32 scaled quail crops. Green food, chiefly wild carrot (\"\"Daucus carota\"\") and clover (\"\"Trifolium\"\" spp.) made up 7.17%. Elbowbush was the single most important source, followed by Roemer acacia (\"\"Acacia roemeriana\"\"), desert-yaupon (\"\"Schaefferia cuneifolia\"\"), and spiny hackberry (\"\"Celtis pallida\"\").", "Ukraine\nfish and mushrooms. Ukrainians also tend to eat a lot of potatoes, grains, fresh, boiled or pickled vegetables. Popular traditional dishes include (boiled dumplings with mushrooms, potatoes, sauerkraut, cottage cheese, cherries or berries), nalysnyky (pancakes with cottage cheese, poppy seeds, mushrooms, caviar or meat), kapuśniak (soup made with meat, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, millet, tomato paste, spices and fresh herbs), borscht (soup made of beets, cabbage and mushrooms or meat), (stuffed cabbage rolls filled with rice, carrots, onion and minced meat) and pierogi (dumplings filled with boiled potatoes and cheese or meat). Ukrainian specialties also include Chicken Kiev and Kiev", "\"Market garden\"\nit include Eliot Coleman and Jean-Martin Fortier. An example of a market garden operation in North America might involve one farmer working full-time on two acres (8,000 m²). Most work is done with hand and light power tools, and perhaps a small tractor. Some 20 different crops are planted throughout the season. Hardier plants, like peas, spinach, radish, carrots and lettuce are seeded first, in earlier Spring, followed by main season crops, like tomatoes, potatoes, corn, beans, cucumber, onions, and summer squash. A further planting timed for harvest in the cooler Fall conditions might include more spinach and carrots, winter", "\"Aerial topdressing\"\nto dominate the New Zealand industry. Since 1947, Airwork (NZ) Limited had been operating Tiger Moths for rabbit killing by spreading poisoned carrots in Canterbury. In early May 1949 Charles Brazier used ZK-ASO to spread lime. Airwork was aware that Fred \"\"Popeye\"\" Lucas had conducted aerial seeding as well as rabbit poisoning and discussed the possibility of dropping seeds with fertiliser (as Pritchard had done) with Ces Worrell, a grain and seed merchant. He suggested spreading superphosphate alone would be more profitable, (a suggestion he may have wished he had kept to himself—the following year, Worrell started a rival firm,", "\"Assamese cuisine\"\nvegetables (tomatoes and eggplants being very popular). Small fish, asiatic pennywort, \"\"matikaduri\"\", \"\"tengamora\"\" leaves, heartleaf, \"\"dôrôn\"\" (\"\"Leucus longifolia\"\"), etc. are roasted separately wrapped in banana leaves and mashed into 'pitika'. Pickles are made of mango, indian gooseberry, hog plum, Indian olive, Tamarind, star fruit, mangosteen, radish, carrot, elephant apple, Indian jujube, chili, lime, garlic, etc. Panitenga and kharoli are signature Assamese pickles made from ground mustard seeds. Chutney is made of coriander, spinach, tomato, heartleaf, curry leaf, chilli, lentil, chickpea etc. \"\"Xukan masor chutney\"\" (chutney made of dried fish) is popular among the tribal communities. Salad is made of carrot,", "Carrot\nSecond World War to explain why their pilots had improved success during night air battles, but was actually used to disguise advances in radar technology and the use of red lights on instrument panels. Nevertheless, the consumption of carrots was advocated in Britain at the time as part of a Dig for Victory campaign. A radio programme called \"\"The Kitchen Front\"\" encouraged people to grow, store and use carrots in various novel ways, including making carrot jam and Woolton pie, named after the Lord Woolton, the Minister for Food. The British public during WWII generally believed that eating carrots would", "Carrot\nafter germination. Subsequent leaves are alternate (with a single leaf attached to a node), spirally arranged, and pinnately compound, with leaf bases sheathing the stem. As the plant grows, the bases of the seed leaves, near the taproot, are pushed apart. The stem, located just above the ground, is compressed and the internodes are not distinct. When the seed stalk elongates for flowering, the tip of the stem narrows and becomes pointed, and the stem extends upward to become a highly branched inflorescence up to tall. Most of the taproot consists of a pulpy outer cortex (phloem) and an inner", "\"Monsters vs. Aliens (franchise)\"\nPorter. First part of the short premiered on October 13, 2011, and the second part five days later, for a limited time, exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS video service. It was released on August 28, 2012, on DVD and Blu-ray as a part of \"\"Shrek's Thrilling Tales\"\" (\"\"DreamWorks Spooky Stories\"\"). Following the cliff hanger at the end of \"\"Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space\"\", the mutated carrot has spawned hundreds of zombie carrots which once they bite a victim they take control of the subject's mind. Dr. Cockroach determines that the only way to defeat the carrots and free their victims", "\"Carrot River Valley (electoral district)\"\nCarrot River Valley (electoral district) Carrot River Valley is a provincial electoral district for the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, Canada. Located in the east central area of Saskatchewan, this constituency was created by \"\"The Representation Act, 1994\"\" (Saskatchewan) out of the former district of Kelsey-Tisdale and part of the riding of Nipawin. The Carrot River flows through the riding. The riding was last contested in the 2016 general election, when incumbent Saskatchewan Party MLA Fred Bradshaw was re-elected. The largest population centers in the constituency are Nipawin (pop. 4,275), Tisdale (pop. 3,063), Hudson Bay (pop. 1,783), and Carrot River (pop.", "\"14 Carrot Rabbit\"\nStates Gold Reserve in Fort Knox, Kentucky. He is hauled off to the stockade by a couple of MPs, while Bugs bids him farewell (\"\"See you in 20 years, Sam!\"\"). Then a third MP asks Bugs what \"\"he's\"\" doing here; Bugs nervously explains that he's waiting for a streetcar. At that moment, inexplicably, an ocean liner appears on the scene (despite there being no water in the vicinity). Bugs isn't stymied, however: \"\"In a spot like this, a boat will do!\"\" With that, he rushes aboard to make his getaway. 14 Carrot Rabbit 14 Carrot Rabbit is an animated cartoon", "\"Mel Blanc\"\nartist for Warner Bros., voicing a wide variety of the \"\"Looney Tunes\"\" characters. Bugs Bunny, whom Blanc made his debut as in \"\"A Wild Hare\"\" (1940), was known for eating carrots frequently (especially while saying his catchphrase \"\"Eh, what's up, doc?\"\"). To follow this sound with the animated voice, Blanc would bite into a carrot and then quickly spit into a spittoon. One oft-repeated story is that Blanc was allergic to carrots, which Blanc denied. In Disney's \"\"Pinocchio\"\", Blanc was hired to perform the voice of Gideon the Cat. However, Gideon eventually was decided to be a mute character (similar", "\"Michael Portnoy\"\nroutine of The K Sound (2006), Taipei Women’s Experimental Comedy Club (2010), and Script Opposition in Late-Model Carrot Jokes (2011), a project that investigated the \"\"carrot joke\"\", a term used in cognitive linguistics to describe a poem-like joke with a high degree of ambiguity, blunt omissions of information and logical faults and inconsistencies. In carrot jokes \"\"incongruities are rarely resolved and just pile on top of each other…Since the ground or ‘script’ is always shifting, the listener keeps trying to determine whether there is an overall story that could explain what the hell is going on\"\". He has presented work", "Fern\nlife. Similarly, Finnish tradition holds that one who finds the seed of a fern in bloom on Midsummer night will, by possession of it, be guided and be able to travel invisibly to the locations where eternally blazing Will o' the wisps called aarnivalkea mark the spot of hidden treasure. These spots are protected by a spell that prevents anyone but the fern-seed holder from ever knowing their locations. Several non-fern plants (and even animals) are called ferns and are sometimes confused with true ferns. These include: Some flowering plants such as palms and members of the carrot family have", "\"Grey parrot\"\nThey weigh at birth and when they leave their parents. They are mostly frugivorous; most of their diet consists of fruit, nuts, and seeds. The species prefers oil palm fruit and also eat flowers and tree bark, as well as insects and snails. In the wild, the grey is partly a ground feeder. In captivity, it can eat sunflower seeds, bird pellets, a variety of fruits such as pears, orange, pomegranate, apple, and banana, and vegetables such as carrots, cooked sweet potato, celery, fresh kale, peas, and green beans. They also need a source of calcium. The natural predators for", "Dill\nmany beneficial insects as the umbrella flower heads go to seed. It makes a good companion plant for cucumbers and broccoli. It is a poor companion for carrots and tomatoes. Dill Dill (\"\"Anethum graveolens\"\") is an annual herb in the celery family Apiaceae. It is the only species in the genus \"\"Anethum\"\". Dill is widely grown in Eurasia where its leaves and seeds are used as a herb or spice for flavouring food. Dill grows up to , with slender hollow stems and alternate, finely divided, softly delicate leaves long. The ultimate leaf divisions are broad, slightly broader than the", "Parsnip\nthe parsnip moth (\"\"Depressaria radiella\"\"), native to Europe and accidentally introduced to North America in the mid-1800s, construct their webs on the umbels, feeding on flowers and partially developed seeds. Parsnip canker is a serious disease of this crop. Black or orange-brown patches occur around the crown and shoulders of the root accompanied by cracking and hardening of the flesh. It is more likely to occur when seed is sown into cold, wet soil, the pH of the soil is too low, or the roots have already been damaged by carrot fly larvae. Several fungi are associated with canker, including", "\"Carrot Rope\"\nCarrot Rope \"\"Carrot Rope\"\" is a song from Pavement's 1999 album \"\"Terror Twilight\"\". It is erroneously known as \"\"...and Carrot Rope\"\", the \"\"\"\"...and\"\"\"\" was added to the stylized track listing on the back of \"\"Terror Twilight\"\" signifying that it is the final song on the album and not actually a part of the title. The song was released as a single in May 1999, exclusively in the United Kingdom. Elsewhere, \"\"Spit on a Stranger\"\" was released instead. On the commentary track to the group's \"\"Slow Century\"\" DVD, Stephen Malkmus explained that this single release was at the specific request of", "\"Carrot Rope\"\n\"\"The Hexx\"\" from Terror Twilight recorded several years earlier; it was also issued on the US Spit on a Stranger 7\"\" single. The catalogue number for the single is RUG90. Carrot Rope \"\"Carrot Rope\"\" is a song from Pavement's 1999 album \"\"Terror Twilight\"\". It is erroneously known as \"\"...and Carrot Rope\"\", the \"\"\"\"...and\"\"\"\" was added to the stylized track listing on the back of \"\"Terror Twilight\"\" signifying that it is the final song on the album and not actually a part of the title. The song was released as a single in May 1999, exclusively in the United Kingdom. Elsewhere,", "\"Beanstalk Bunny\"\ncomes across Elmer's huge carrot garden, with carrots as big as houses and ready to be eaten. Later that night, a very full Bugs rests under one of the giant carrots he has been eating and wonders what has become of Daffy, who is revealed to be trapped inside Elmer's pocket watch, acting like the minute and hour hands, while constantly making tick-tock sounds (\"\"'s a living\"\"). • Mel Blanc as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck • Arthur Q. Bryan as Elmer Fudd (uncredited) This cartoon was available on the laserdisc release \"\"Hare Beyond Compare\"\" and on the VHS cassette", "\"Apion apricans\"\nand reproduce for 2–3 years. The harmfulness of the seed is quite high. Beetles feed on the leaves of the clover, gnawing holes. In the case of mass reproduction, the leaves are completely perforated with holes. Very prone to damage to the clover staircase. In dry weather, beetles can eat weeds: burdock, nettle, thistle, carrots, chicken millets etc. Larvae eat leaf buds of underdeveloped heads and seed germ. One larva destroys 5-11 ovaries. The number of larvae in the head can be 5-7 or more. The total damage to the heads is 80-100%. The decrease in the yield of clover", "\"Barred parakeet\"\nvegetables such as kale, collard greens, and turnip greens, as well as broccoli, carrot, and cauliflower are readily consumed. Common fruits that are offered include banana, papaya, apple, apricot, and orange. Eggs, scrambled or boiled (along with the shell) are an excellent source of protein and calcium. Hemp, roasted soybeans, potatoes, green peas, strawberries, coconut, pumpkin seed, alfalfa, and sunflower seeds are other foods that are consumable. It is good to offer different foods to keep the diet balanced and it keeps them from getting bored. Owners avoid feeding their birds anything high in salt, sugar, and fat. Common toxic", "\"Feu (food)\"\nonions, fresh cilantro stems, and fresh Asian basil stems may also be added to the broth for an additional Lao flair. Celery stalks and optional carrots are sliced and then added to the broth to round out the flavors. Other ingredients that may also be added to the broth include Sichuan peppers, black peppercorns, star anise, bay leaves, cloves, coriander seeds, black cardamom, cinnamon, and fennel seeds for a fusion of Lao with Chinese flavors. Salt or fish sauce is also used in the broth along with sugar and sometimes soy sauce or oyster sauce as well. In Laos, beef", "\"Akki rotti\"\nAkki rotti Akki rotti () is a rice-based breakfast item unique to the state of Karnataka, India. \"\"Akki rotti\"\" means \"\"rice bread\"\" in the native language, Kannada. It is made of rice flour which is mixed with salt and water and kneaded well till the dough gets soft. Sliced onions and carrots, chopped dill leaves, chopped coriander, cumin seeds and sesame seeds can also be added while kneading the dough. Oil is spread over a griddle (tava) or wok and a small amount of the dough is stretched to a thin sheet to cover the entire griddle (\"\"rotti\"\"). A small", "Kadhi\ngreen bathua leaves or the kachri small wild melons. Bishnoi and Bagri people usually make kadhi in evening every day. In Southern states, it is seasoned with sauteed asafoetida, mustard seeds, cumin, and fenugreek. The soup is thickened in a different way by addition of pureed split chickpea soaked overnight with whole coriander seeds and dry red chili pepper. Squash, okra, tomato, Chinese spinach, carrots, sweet peas are a few vegetables that are added to seasoning before bringing the soup to a boil. Pakoras (gram flour fritters) are added for special occasions like ceremonies. It is called \"\"Majjige huli\"\" in", "Gac\ngac contains large amounts of beta-carotene and lycopene. Both aril and seeds are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Seventy percent of total fatty acids in the aril are unsaturated, and 50% of these are polyunsaturated. Unusual for fruits, gac has a high concentration of linoleic acid (omega-6) and omega-3 fatty acids. The presence of fat in the gac fruit aril may enhance absorption of carotenoids and other fat-soluble nutrients, as indicated in preliminary research to increase their bioavailability compared to carrots and tomatoes. Despite the high levels of fatty acids and other nutrients in gac seeds, they are", "\"Women's medicine in antiquity\"\nplant as they are the same shape and the plant was associated with love, romance, and sexuality. Although Silphium was most popular, there were many other plants and herbs used. The seeds of Queen Anne's Lace (a wild carrot) were cut up or chewed to release ingredients that inhibited fetal and ovarian growth. These seeds are still commonly used in India. Another plant used was pennyroyal, an abortifacient. A medical document dating back to 1500 BC in Egypt includes a list of substances used as birth control. One substance involved making a paste from acacia gum, dates, fiber, honey, and", "Porkkanalaatikko\nstores, as well as in parts of Sweden with a large ethnically Finnish population. The dish seems to have originated in the nineteenth century. Porkkanalaatikko Porkkanalaatikko (or, in Swedish, Morotslåda, both meaning 'carrot box') is a traditional Finnish dish, mostly eaten mostly during Christmas. The main ingredients are carrots, mixed with boiled rice, and liquid (which may be carrot, milk or cream). Butter and eggs may be mixed into the mash, which may also be flavoured with sugar, salt, white pepper and grated nutmeg. The mash is put in a mold and baked in the oven. The carrots need not", "\"Syrian hamster care\"\nfor hamsters include cucumber, carrots, celery, kale, and lettuce (however iceberg lettuce isn't good for a hamster). Apples are an appropriate fruit to offer. Domestic hamsters begin to eat food pellets when they are 7–10 days old. Every day adult hamsters eat 7-15 grams of food. Food should not only consist of pellets, so a mix with seeds and other hamster-safe ingredients is best. Treats are not important to a hamsters health, but will increase their trust in you if hand-fed. Treats such as sunflower seeds and yogurt drops are great for hamsters; though do be aware that yogurt drops", "\"Crayfish as food\"\nUkraine, crayfish (', sing. ') are a traditional seasonal appetizer that is used as an accompaniment to beer and liquor. Although native varieties tend to be larger (usually, \"\"Astacus astacus\"\"), rampant freshwater pollution and years of overfishing largely limit availability to imports—most from Armenia, Kazakhstan and China. Prior to cooking, the crustaceans are soaked in water or milk, then boiled live for 7–15 minutes in rapidly boiling salted water with additional ingredients, such as carrots, onion, dill, parsley, bay leaf, peppercorns. More extravagant preparations include such ingredients as white wine, beer, sour cream, cloves, caraway seed, coriander seed, chili peppers,", "\"Sopa de mondongo\"\nare also added. Lime juice, green or sweet plantains, green banana, capers, olives and other root vegetables like cassava are also very common. In El Salvador, it is also referred as \"\"sopa de pata\"\" is considered a very nutritious and tasty food. It is cooked with ripe banana, cabbage leaves, cassava, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, carrots, potatoes, huisquil, green chile, udder or beef tripe, onion and cow’s feet. In Venezuela, the dish itself is referred to as \"\"mondongo\"\" while the tripe is called \"\"panza\"\" (belly) and is considered a very heavy meal, often reserved as a single meal of the", "Jeonggwa\nJeonggwa Jeonggwa () is a crispy, chewy \"\"hangwa\"\" (traditional Korean confection) with vivid colors and a translucent look. It can be made by boiling sliced fruits, roots, or seeds in honey, \"\"mullyeot\"\" (rice syrup), or sugar water, then drying the slices, and optionally shaping them into flowers or other decorative forms. The candied fruits, roots, or seeds may have the similar texture to jam, marmalade, or jelly. Common ingredients include yuja, quinces, apricots, lotus roots, radishes, carrots, ginseng, balloon flower roots, gingers, burdock roots, bamboo shoots, and winter melons. If water is boiled first with honey (and often with spices", "\"Chester Elton\"\n1.5 million copies worldwide. The \"\"co-working\"\" with Adrian Gostick marks the beginning of what will be the development of a successful career offering consulting for companies and leadership training. With a worldwide recognition, they stand out as co-authors of two of the best-selling books on this subject: \"\"Managing with Carrots\"\" (1999); and \"\"The Carrot Principle\"\" (2010). Already as established authors, two more books consolidate their vision in management: \"\"All In\"\" (2012) and \"\"What Motivates Me\"\" (2014). Chester Elton Chester Elton (born September 22, 1958) is a Canadian born author and motivational speaker. Provides insights into motivating today’s multigenerational workforce. A", "Carrot2\nCarrot2 Carrot² is an open source search results clustering engine. It can automatically cluster small collections of documents, e.g. search results or document abstracts, into thematic categories. Apart from two specialized search results clustering algorithms, Carrot² offers ready-to-use components for fetching search results from various sources. Carrot² is written in Java and distributed under the BSD license. The initial version of Carrot² was implemented in 2001 by Dawid Weiss as part of his MSc thesis to validate the applicability of the STC clustering algorithm to clustering search results in Polish. In 2003, a number of other search results clustering algorithms", "\"Green-cheeked parakeet\"\ntrained. Green-cheeked parrots are not very loud at most times, so even an apartment dweller can enjoy their companionship. They can be prone to biting, particularly when young, but an owner can cure this behavior with patience and time. They love fruits, (especially bananas and raisins), and seeds such as sunflower, safflower, and hemp seeds—all found in their natural environments. Green-cheeked parrots also love table food—they are flock animals and love to eat with their family. They can eat potatoes, carrots, corn, bread, pasta, and plain popcorn. A clipped and/or caged bird can become obese from eating too many fatty" ]
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when did daylight savings begin in the united states
[ "March 19 , 1918" ]
[ "\"Daylight saving time in Mexico\"\nDaylight saving time in Mexico Mexico adopted daylight saving time (Spanish: \"\"horario de verano\"\") nationwide in 1996, even in its tropical regions, because of its increasing economic ties to the United States. Although the United States changed the schedule for DST beginning in 2007, only the municipalities located less than 20 km from the border have adopted the change. Daylight saving time for Mexico begins the first Sunday of April and ends last Sunday of October; and is usually referred to as the \"\"Summer Schedule\"\" (Horario de Verano). In December 2009, Congress gave permission to the municipalities located less than", "\"Daylight saving time in Mexico\"\nhas decided to not observe DST from February 1, 2015. At the same time, they are switching timezone from CST to EST. Daylight saving time in Mexico Mexico adopted daylight saving time (Spanish: \"\"horario de verano\"\") nationwide in 1996, even in its tropical regions, because of its increasing economic ties to the United States. Although the United States changed the schedule for DST beginning in 2007, only the municipalities located less than 20 km from the border have adopted the change. Daylight saving time for Mexico begins the first Sunday of April and ends last Sunday of October; and is", "\"Eastern Time Zone\"\ndaylight saving time as of 1987. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 extended daylight saving time in the United States beginning in 2007. So local times change at 2:00 a.m. EST to 3:00 a.m. EDT on the second Sunday in March and return at 2:00 a.m. EDT to 1:00 a.m. EST on the first Sunday in November. In Canada, the time changes as it does in the United States. In Canada, the following provinces and territories are part of the Eastern Time Zone: All observe Daylight Saving Time in sync with the United States, with very localized exceptions. The boundary", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nno significant difference was found in fatalities among school-age children in the mornings. In 1986 Congress enacted P.L. 99-359, amending the Uniform Time Act by changing the beginning of DST to the first Sunday in April and having the end remain the last Sunday in October. These start and end dates were in effect from 1987 to 2006. The time was adjusted at 2:00 a.m. local time. By the Energy Policy Act of 2005, daylight saving time (DST) was extended in the United States beginning in 2007. As from that year, DST begins on the second Sunday of March and", "\"Time in Mexico\"\nnot return to it until DST was adopted nationwide. Daylight saving time has been observed nationwide in Mexico beginning in 1996. For municipalities located less than 20 km from the US border, such as Ciudad Juárez, and the entire state of Baja California, it coincides with the longer extended daylight saving period adopted for 2007 in the United States. But in the rest of the country, daylight saving time is observed between 2 a.m. on the first Sunday in April through 2 a.m. on the last Sunday in October. Quintana Roo and Sonora states do not observe DST. As the", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nBureau of Standards (NBS, today NIST) to evaluate the DOT report. Its report, \"\"Review and Technical Evaluation of the DOT Daylight Saving Time Study\"\" (April 1976), found no significant energy savings or differences in traffic fatalities. It did find statistically significant evidence of increased fatalities among school-age children in the mornings during the four-month period January–April 1974 as compared with the same period (non-DST) of 1973. NBS stated that it was impossible to determine, what, if any, of this increase was due to DST. When this data was compared between 1973 and 1974 for the months of March and April,", "\"Daylight saving time in Oceania\"\nin 1967 led to the reintroduction during the summer, and this was repeated every summer since. In 1971, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory followed Tasmania in observing daylight saving, Western Australia and the Northern Territory did not. Queensland abandoned daylight saving time in 1972. Originally Tasmania alone commenced daylight saving on the first Sunday in October, while the other states began on the last Sunday in October and finished on the last Sunday in March, until 2008 excepting in 2000 when all the states observing DST moved forward the commencement date to Sunday,", "\"Daylight saving time in Australia\"\nDaylight saving time in Australia The choice of whether to use daylight saving time (DST) in Australia is a matter for the individual states and territories. However, during World War I and World War II all states and territories had daylight saving. In 1968 Tasmania became the first state since the war to practise daylight saving. In 1971, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory followed Tasmania by observing daylight saving. Western Australia and the Northern Territory did not. Queensland abandoned daylight saving time in 1972. Queensland and Western Australia have observed daylight saving over", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nDaylight saving time in the United States Daylight saving time in the United States is the practice of setting the clock forward by one hour during the warmer part of the year, so that evenings have more daylight and mornings have less. Most areas of the United States observe daylight saving time (DST), the exceptions being Arizona (except for the Navajo, who do observe daylight saving time on tribal lands), Hawaii, and the overseas territories of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands. The Uniform Time Act of 1966 established the system", "\"Daylight saving time in the Americas\"\nCanada and the United States. The rest of Mexico remains out of phase beginning DST on the first Sunday of April and ending on the last Sunday of October, the same schedule followed by Canada and the United States prior to 2007. Saint Pierre and Miquelon, located near the Canadian coast, belongs to France, but observes daylight saving time according to Canadian rules. Greenland (excluding two minor areas at Danmarkshavn and Pituffik) observes DST and uses the European convention (DST begins 01:00 UTC last Sunday in March and ends 01:00 UTC last Sunday in October). Most populated places in the", "\"Daylight saving time in Brazil\"\nlist of DST observing territories. In 2012, the observing states were changed again: Bahia was excluded from daylight saving time, and Tocantins was included. Tocantins stopped observing daylight saving time in 2013. Daylight saving time in Brazil Daylight saving time (DST) in Brazil (called \"\"horário de verão\"\" — \"\"summer time\"\" — in Portuguese) starts on the first Sunday of November (beginning in 2018) and ends on the third Sunday of February, with an average duration of 15 weeks. Due to Brazil's low, mostly tropical latitude, many Brazilian states do not have a large seasonal difference in daylight duration. For this", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\ntime and UTC, as well as knowing whether calculations should be changed during daylight saving time. For example, a time zone setting of EST5EDT indicates that local time on the computer is 5 hours behind UTC and should be adjusted for daylight saving time. General topic Official civil time distribution Quasi-governmental time distribution systems Daylight saving time in the United States Daylight saving time in the United States is the practice of setting the clock forward by one hour during the warmer part of the year, so that evenings have more daylight and mornings have less. Most areas of the", "\"Daylight saving time in Australia\"\nin 1967 led to the reintroduction of daylight saving in that state during the summer, and this was repeated every summer since then. In 1971, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory followed Tasmania by observing daylight saving. Western Australia and the Northern Territory did not. Queensland abandoned daylight saving time in 1972. Originally Tasmania alone commenced daylight saving on the first Sunday in October, while the other states began on the last Sunday in October and finished on the last Sunday in March, until 2008. From 2008/09 daylight saving has been extended another four", "\"Daylight saving time\"\nCongress changes federal law, states can not implement permanent DST—states can only opt out of DST, not standard time. Daylight saving time Daylight saving time (DST), also daylight savings time or daylight time (United States), also summer time (United Kingdom and others), is the practice of advancing clocks during summer months so that evening daylight lasts longer, while sacrificing normal sunrise times. Typically, regions that use daylight saving time adjust clocks forward one hour close to the start of spring and adjust them backward in the autumn to standard time. In effect, DST causes a lost hour of sleep in", "\"Daylight saving time in the Americas\"\nThe United States territory of Puerto Rico adopted DST through legislation passed in 2000 but, after a change in governors, dropped it in 2001, three days before it would have gone into effect. Since 2007, in areas of Canada and United States in which it is used, daylight saving time begins on the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of November. In Mexico, Congress has consistently been refusing to adopt this schedule on a nationwide basis for nearly a decade. Therefore, only certain border cities in Mexican states that observe DST follow the same pattern as", "\"Daylight Saving Party\"\nDaylight Saving Party The Daylight Saving Party is a registered political party in Western Australia. The Daylight Saving Party was founded in September 2016 by Wilson Tucker. It was registered as a political party on 29 November 2016. An earlier Daylight Saving Party registration in 2005 was cancelled in 2008 when the Electoral Commissioner found that it did not have at least 500 members. That party fielded one candidate each in five of the six regions in the September 2008 election before being deregistered in November the same year. Western Australia does not observe daylight saving time, and has rejected", "\"Daylight saving time\"\nDaylight saving time Daylight saving time (DST), also daylight savings time or daylight time (United States), also summer time (United Kingdom and others), is the practice of advancing clocks during summer months so that evening daylight lasts longer, while sacrificing normal sunrise times. Typically, regions that use daylight saving time adjust clocks forward one hour close to the start of spring and adjust them backward in the autumn to standard time. In effect, DST causes a lost hour of sleep in the spring and an extra hour of sleep in the fall. George Hudson proposed the idea of daylight saving", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nDST anywhere. By 1962, the transportation industry found the lack of consistency confusing enough to push for federal regulation. The result was the Uniform Time Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-387). Beginning in 1967, the act mandated standard time within the established time zones and provided for advanced time: clocks would be advanced one hour beginning at 2:00 a.m. on the last Sunday in April and turned back one hour at 2:00 a.m. on the last Sunday in October. States were allowed to exempt themselves from DST as long as the entire state did so. If a state chose to observe", "\"Daylight saving time in the Americas\"\nDaylight saving time in the Americas Daylight saving time in the Americas is the arrangement in the Americas by which clocks are advanced by one hour in spring and moved back in autumn, to make the most of seasonal daylight. The practice is widespread in North America, with most of Canada, Mexico, and the United States participating, but much less so in South America. Canada, Mexico, and the United States use daylight saving time on a wide scale, with only a few states/provinces and parts thereof opting out of the practice or adopting it year-round without the twice yearly switch.", "\"Pacific Time Zone\"\nPacific Time Zone The Pacific Time Zone (PT) is a time zone encompassing parts of western Canada, the western United States, and western Mexico. Places in this zone observe standard time by subtracting eight hours from Coordinated Universal Time (). During daylight saving time, a time offset of is used. In the United States and Canada, this time zone is generically called the \"\"Pacific Time Zone\"\". Specifically, time in this zone is referred to as \"\"Pacific Standard Time\"\" (PST) when standard time is being observed (early November to mid-March), and \"\"Pacific Daylight Time\"\" (PDT) when daylight saving time (mid-March to", "\"2009 Western Australian daylight saving referendum\"\n2009 Western Australian daylight saving referendum The 2009 Western Australian daylight saving referendum was held on 16 May 2009 in the Australian state of Western Australia to decide if daylight saving time should be adopted. It was the fourth such proposal which had been put to Western Australian voters and followed a three-year trial period. The referendum resulted in the proposal being rejected, with 54.56% voting against the proposal. Various states and territories in Australia adopted daylight saving time between 1968 and 1971, but Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia did not do so. In Western Australia, three referendums", "\"Daylight saving time in Brazil\"\nDaylight saving time in Brazil Daylight saving time (DST) in Brazil (called \"\"horário de verão\"\" — \"\"summer time\"\" — in Portuguese) starts on the first Sunday of November (beginning in 2018) and ends on the third Sunday of February, with an average duration of 15 weeks. Due to Brazil's low, mostly tropical latitude, many Brazilian states do not have a large seasonal difference in daylight duration. For this reason, not all Brazilian states adopt DST, but the most populous and economically important states do. DST was first adopted in Brazil in 1931. Initially, it applied to the whole country (with", "\"Daylight saving time in Australia\"\nthe 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. These jurisdictions changed on 27 August 2000. South Australia did not change until the regular time, which that year was on 29 October. In 2006, all states that followed daylight-saving time (the above listed states plus South Australia) delayed the return to their respective Standard Times by a week, due to the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. Daylight-saving time ended on 2 April 2006. Daylight saving was first used in Australia during World War I, and was applied in all states. It was used again during the Second World War. A drought in Tasmania", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nlast Sunday in April (April 30 in that year) to the last Sunday in September, but the law was repealed three weeks later on May 21, 1933. During World War II between February 9, 1942 and September 30, 1945, Hawaiian Standard Time was advanced one hour to so-called \"\"Hawaiian War Time,\"\" effectively placing the territory on year-round daylight saving time. In both cases where DST was used, Hawaii used UTC−9:30 during DST as standard time was 30 minutes behind. From 1970 until 2006, most of Indiana in the Eastern Time Zone did not observe daylight saving time, but the entire", "\"Daylight saving time\"\nhistory of time in the United States includes DST during both world wars, but no standardization of peacetime DST until 1966. In May 1965, for two weeks, St. Paul, Minnesota and Minneapolis, Minnesota were on different times, when the capital city decided to join most of the nation by starting Daylight Saving Time while Minneapolis opted to follow the later date set by state law. In the mid-1980s, Clorox (parent of Kingsford Charcoal) and 7-Eleven provided the primary funding for the Daylight Saving Time Coalition behind the 1987 extension to U.S. DST, and both Idaho senators voted for it based", "\"Time in New Hampshire\"\nstates. Some state lawmakers have encourage the state to switch to Atlantic Standard Time without DST. A bill to do so, as long as Massachusetts did the same, passed the state's House of Representatives in 2017 but was killed by the state's Senate. Time in New Hampshire New Hampshire uses the Eastern Time Zone with daylight saving time. Without daylight saving time, solar noon is about 11:57 AM in southwestern New Hampshire and 11:50 AM in southeastern New Hampshire. New England, which includes New Hampshire, is one of the few areas in the United States where solar noon is before", "\"Time in Denmark\"\nTime in Denmark Denmark, including the dependencies Faroe Islands and Greenland, uses six different time zones. UTC+1 as standard time, and UTC+2 as daylight saving time, with transition dates according to the European Union rules. UTC±0 as standard time, and UTC+1 as daylight saving time. UTC±0 year around, no daylight saving time UTC-1 as standard time, and UTC±0 as daylight saving time. UTC-3 as standard time, and UTC-2 as daylight saving time. UTC-4 as standard time, and UTC-3 as daylight saving time, with transition dates according to the United States rules. All of Greenland uses daylight saving time, except for", "\"Time in Indiana\"\nTime Zone and the Eastern Time Zone. Still, neither the time zone line nor daylight saving time were uniformly observed (see ). The United States Congress later passed the \"\"Uniform Time Act of 1966\"\" ( April 13, 1966; ; ) to specify where and when daylight saving time was applied in the U.S., and authority was shifted to the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). Prior to the passing of this law, each state was permitted to decide this issue for itself. Having the state split in two time zones was inconvenient, however, so Governor Roger D. Branigin petitioned the", "\"Time in Massachusetts\"\nTime in Massachusetts The state of Massachusetts currently uses the Eastern Time Zone with daylight saving time in use. In 2016, a committee in the state was formed to consider having Massachusetts adopt Atlantic Standard Time year round to prevent sunsets from occurring before 16:30 and eliminate the need to change clocks at the beginning and end of daylight saving time. The committee submitted its report to the state's legislature in November 2017, recommending the move \"\"under certain circumstances\"\". If passed, Massachusetts would use Atlantic Standard Time all year round without daylight saving time. Other New England states are looking", "\"History of time in the United States\"\nVirginia Route 2 between Moundsville, West Virginia, and Steubenville, Ohio had to reset their watches seven times over 35 miles). In summer 1960 April–October Daylight Time was nearly universal in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and states east and north of there. In Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky and Virginia and states north and east of there, some areas had it and some did not. Except for California and Nevada, which had April-Sept Daylight Time, 99% of the rest of the country used Standard Time year-round. (The Official Guide says \"\"State law prohibits the observance of \"\"Daylight Saving\"\" time in Kentucky but Anchorage,", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\ncommon time). There are currently no states that keep daylight saving time year round. On March 6, 2018, the Florida Senate approved the “Sunshine Protection Act” which would put Florida on permanent Daylight Saving Time year round, and Governor Rick Scott signed it March 23. Congress would need to amend the existing 1966 federal law to allow the change. Hawaii has never observed daylight saving time under the Uniform Time Act, having opted out of the Act's provisions in 1967. Because of Hawaii's tropical latitude, there is not a large variation in daylight length between winter and summer. Advancing the", "\"Daylight saving time in Mexico\"\n20 kilometers from the US border to synchronize their time to that of their US counterparts, resulting in these municipalities joining and leaving DST at the same time as the United States, relieving some border problems and confusion. Apart from the border municipalities (above), daylight saving time for Mexico begins the first Sunday of April, and ends last Sunday of October. A bill was proposed by Rep. Francisco Saracho (PRI) in September 2015 to reduce confusion by modifying the aforementioned DST start and end dates, observed by the rest of the country, to match those observed by the border municipalities", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nthe southwest corner of the state. In 1967, the Michigan Legislature adopted a statute, Act 6 of the Public Acts of 1967, exempting the state from the observance of DST. The exemption statute was suspended on June 14, 1967, however, when the referendum was invoked. From June 14, 1967 until the last Sunday in October 1967, Michigan observed DST, and did so in 1968 as well. The exemption statute was submitted to the voters at the General Election held in November 1968, and, in a close vote, the exemption statute was sustained. As a result, Michigan did not observe DST", "\"Daylight Saving Act of 1917\"\nDaylight Saving Act of 1917 The Daylight Saving Act of 1917 was enacted by the Dominion of Newfoundland to adopt daylight saving time (DST), thus making it one of the first jurisdictions in North America to do so, only a year after the United Kingdom on May 21, 1916. DST was not instituted in the United States until March 31, 1918. While living in Paris in 1784, Benjamin Franklin wrote a satirical essay, in which he suggested that Parisians get up earlier in the morning. Modern DST was first proposed by the New Zealand entomologist George Vernon Hudson in 1895.", "\"Standard Time Act\"\nStandard Time Act The Standard Time Act of 1918, also known as the Calder Act, was the first United States federal law implementing Standard time and Daylight saving time in the United States. It authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to define each time zone. The section concerning daylight saving time was repealed by the act titled \"\"An Act For the repeal of the daylight-saving law\"\", , over President Woodrow Wilson's veto. Section 264 of the act mistakenly placed most of the state of Idaho (south of Salmon River (Idaho)) in CST Central Standard Time, but was amended in 2007 by", "\"Uniform Time Act\"\nUniform Time Act The Uniform Time Act of 1966, , was a Law of the United States to \"\"promote the adoption and observance of uniform time within the standard time zones\"\" prescribed by the Standard Time Act of 1918. Its intended effect was to simplify the official pattern of where and when daylight saving time (DST) is applied within the U.S. Prior to this law, each state worked out its own scheme for the dates of beginning and ending DST, and in some cases, which parts of the state should use it. The law, as originally written, required states that", "\"National Football League on television\"\nTime Zone, did not observe daylight saving time prior to 2006, except for the parts of the state in the Central Time Zone (a few counties close to Cincinnati and Louisville, however, \"\"did\"\" observe daylight saving time on an unofficial basis, to maintain synchronization with their larger city), so from their 1984 relocation to Indianapolis until 2005, Indianapolis Colts home games were scheduled for 12:00 p.m./3:05 p.m./3:15 p.m. local kickoff prior to the end of daylight saving for the year and 1:00 p.m./4:05 p.m./4:15 p.m. local in the later part of the season. With all of Indiana observing DST as", "\"Standard Time Act\"\nCongress to MST Mountain Standard Time. MST was observed prior to the correction. Standard Time Act The Standard Time Act of 1918, also known as the Calder Act, was the first United States federal law implementing Standard time and Daylight saving time in the United States. It authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to define each time zone. The section concerning daylight saving time was repealed by the act titled \"\"An Act For the repeal of the daylight-saving law\"\", , over President Woodrow Wilson's veto. Section 264 of the act mistakenly placed most of the state of Idaho (south of Salmon", "\"Eastern Time Zone\"\nEastern. In 2000, Wayne County, on the Tennessee border, switched from Central to Eastern. In March 2018, the Florida Legislature passed a bill requesting authorization from Congress for year-round daylight savings time, which would effectively put Florida on Atlantic Standard Time year-round (except for west of the Apalachicola River, which would be on Eastern Standard Time year-round). The Uniform Time Act of 1966 ruled that daylight saving time would run from the last Sunday of April until the last Sunday in October in the United States. The act was amended to make the first Sunday in April the beginning of", "\"Daylight saving time\"\nfuel. The period of Daylight Saving Time before the longest day is shorter than the period after, in several countries including the United States and Europe. For example, in the U.S. the period of Daylight Saving Time is defined by the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The period for Daylight Saving Time was extended by changing the start date from the first Sunday of April to the second Sunday of March, and the end date from the last Sunday in October to the first Sunday in November. DST's potential to save energy comes primarily from its effects on residential lighting,", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nof the state, with solar noon occurring as late as 2:10 p.m. in the population centers of Anchorage and Fairbanks, and as late as 3:23 p.m. in places such as Nome. In Fairbanks, for example, sunset occurs well after civil midnight in the summer. Others argue that ending daylight saving time will place Alaska as much as five hours from Eastern Daylight Time, making coordination of travel and phone conversations more difficult. In March 2015 the Alaska Senate passed a bill, introduced by state senator Anna MacKinnon, to end daylight saving time. The Alaska House formed a sub-committee that was", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nThe following table lists recent past and near future starting and ending dates of daylight saving time in the United States: Benjamin Franklin proposed a form of daylight time in 1784. His essay, “An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light”, written to the editor of \"\"The Journal of Paris\"\", observed that Parisians could save on candles by getting out of bed earlier in the morning, making use of the natural morning light instead. Franklin's suggestion seems to have been more of a joke than a real proposal, and nothing came of it. During World War I, in an", "\"Time in Samoa\"\nDecember 2011 and effectively re-drawing the International Date Line. Prime minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi stated that the change was intended to improve business with New Zealand, Australia, China and other places in Asia. Time in Samoa Samoa uses as standard time and as daylight saving time, which it observes during summer in the Southern Hemisphere. In 2011, daylight saving time ended on Saturday 2 April 2011, 04:00 local daylight time and started on Sunday 24 September 2011, 03:00 local standard time. Due to its location in the South Pacific Ocean, Samoa traditionally did not observe daylight saving time. Initially planned", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\neffort to conserve fuel, Germany began observing DST on May 1, 1916. The rest of Europe soon followed. The plan was not adopted in the United States until the Standard Time Act of March 19, 1918, which confirmed the existing standard time zone system and set summer DST to begin on March 31, 1918 (reverting October 27). The idea was unpopular and Congress abolished DST after the war, overriding President Woodrow Wilson's veto. DST became a local option and was observed in some states until World War II, when President Franklin Roosevelt instituted year-round DST, called \"\"War Time\"\", on February", "\"Daylight saving time\"\nto conserve coal during wartime. Britain, most of its allies, and many European neutrals soon followed. Russia and a few other countries waited until the next year, and the United States adopted daylight saving in 1918. Broadly speaking, most jurisdictions abandoned daylight saving time in the years after the war ended in 1918 (with some notable exceptions including Canada, the UK, France, Ireland, and the United States). However, many different places adopted it for periods of time during the following decades and it became common during World War II. It became widely adopted, particularly in North America and Europe, starting", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nper year, for an aggregate cost of $1.7 million to $5.5 million per year. The United States Chamber of Commerce has praised the extension of daylight saving under the 2005 law, which increased the amount of shopping and commerce from after work in evenings. In the golf industry, the group has noted exceptional increase in revenue of \"\"$200 million in additional sales of golf clubs and greens fees\"\". The extension of daylight saving has also had a notable impact on Halloween and candy sales. Wyoming Senator Michael Enzi and Michigan Representative Fred Upton advocated the extension from October into November", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\n9, 1942. It lasted until the last Sunday (the 30th) in September 1945. After 1945 many states and cities east of the Mississippi River (and mostly north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers) adopted summer DST. From 1945 to 1966 there was no federal law on daylight saving time, so localities could choose when it began and ended or drop it entirely. As of 1954, only California and Nevada had statewide DST west of the Mississippi, and only a few cities between Nevada and St. Louis. In the 1964 Official Railway Guide, 21 of the 48 contiguous states had no", "\"Candy pumpkin\"\nperiod covered by Daylight Saving, reasoning that if children have an extra hour of daylight, they would collect more candy. During the 1985 U.S Congressional hearings on Daylight Saving, the industry went so far as to put candy pumpkins on the seat of every senator, hoping to win a little favor. On July 8, 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1986 into law; it contained a daylight saving rider which continued daylight saving time until the early morning of last Sunday in October; this did not include Halloween night. In 2005, daylight saving", "\"Time in Indiana\"\nobserve daylight saving time was lifted again. In 1949, in a heated rural vs. city debate, the Indiana General Assembly passed a law to put all of Indiana on Central Standard Time and to outlaw daylight saving time. However, the law had no enforcement power, and it was largely ignored by communities who wanted to observe Eastern Standard Time. The Indiana General Assembly passed a law to make Central Time the official time zone of the state in 1957, but permitted any community to switch to daylight saving time during the summer. The law did, however, make it illegal for", "WWVB\nevents. Bit 55, when set, indicates that the current year is a leap year and includes February 29. This lets a receiver translate the day number into a month and day according to the Gregorian calendar leap-year rules even though the time code does not include the century. When a leap second is scheduled for the end of a month, bit 56 is set near the beginning of the month, and reset immediately after the leap second insertion. The DST status bits indicate United States daylight saving time rules. The bits are updated daily during the minute starting at 00:00", "\"Daylight saving time in Uruguay\"\nas to the state of summer time in future years. Daylight saving time in Uruguay Since 2004, Uruguay has usually observed daylight saving time. Starting in 2006, DST begins on the first Sunday in October and ends on the second Sunday in March of every year. Time zone changes from Standard Time Zone UTC−3 to UTC−2. On 30 June 2015 however, Uruguayan government decided to abolish DST from this year putting the country in UTC−3 throughout the 2015-2016 Summer. In September 2016 the president issued the same decision for that year, keeping the country in UTC−3 during the 2016-2017 Summer", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nof uniform Daylight Saving Time throughout the US. In the U.S., daylight saving time starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November, with the time changes taking place at 2:00 a.m. local time. With a mnemonic word play referring to seasons, clocks \"\"spring forward, fall back\"\"—that is, in springtime the clocks are moved forward from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. and in fall they are moved back from 2:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Daylight saving time lasts for a total of 34 weeks (238 days) every year, about 65% of the entire year.", "\"Time in Massachusetts\"\ninto doing the same. Without daylight saving time, solar noon is about 11:53 in Western Massachusetts and 11:39 in Eastern Massachusetts. New England, which includes Massachusetts, is one of the few areas in the United States where solar noon is before noon. Both of these times get shifted later by one hour during daylight saving time but solar noon still falls before 1pm even on DST. Time in Massachusetts The state of Massachusetts currently uses the Eastern Time Zone with daylight saving time in use. In 2016, a committee in the state was formed to consider having Massachusetts adopt Atlantic", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nespecially to allow children to go trick-or-treating in more daylight. In some areas, the extension of daylight saving time in March and November has pushed back sunrise to as late as 8:30 am. Under the Standard Time Act of 1918, as amended by the Uniform Time Act of 1966, moving a state or an area within a state from one time zone to another requires a regulation issued by DOT. The governor or state legislature may initiate a request for the state or any part of the state; the highest elected officials in the county may make a request for", "\"Daylight saving time\"\nbut by 1911 the term \"\"summer time\"\" replaced \"\"daylight saving time\"\" in draft legislation. The same or similar expressions are used in many other languages: \"\"Sommerzeit\"\" in German, \"\"zomertijd\"\" in Dutch, \"\"kesäaika\"\" in Finnish, \"\"horario de verano\"\" or \"\"hora de verano\"\" in Spanish, and \"\"heure d'été\"\" in French. The name of local time typically changes when DST is observed. American English replaces \"\"standard\"\" with \"\"daylight\"\": for example, \"\"Pacific Standard Time\"\" (\"\"PST\"\") becomes \"\"Pacific Daylight Time\"\" (\"\"PDT\"\"). In the United Kingdom, the standard term for UK time when advanced by one hour is \"\"British Summer Time\"\" (BST), and British English typically", "\"Daylight saving time in Oceania\"\ndid experiment with DST for three weeks between April 30, 1933 and May 21, 1933; there are no known official records as to why it was implemented or discontinued. Hawaii has never observed daylight saving time under the Uniform Time Act, having opted out of the Act's provisions in 1967. From 30 April 2007, DST begins at 02:00 NZST on the last Sunday in September each year, and ends at 03:00 NZDT (or 02:00 NZST as defined in the Time Act 1974) on the first Sunday in April. New Zealand time, including DST, is used by several Antarctic bases that", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nthe period beginning October 27, 1974, and ending February 23, 1975, when DST resumed. When the trial ended in 1975, the country returned to observing summer DST (with the aforementioned exceptions). The DOT, evaluating the plan of extending DST into March, reported in 1975 that \"\"modest overall benefits might be realized by a shift from the historic six-month DST (May through October) in areas of energy conservation, overall traffic safety and reduced violent crime.\"\" However, DOT also reported that these benefits were minimal and difficult to distinguish from seasonal variations and fluctuations in energy prices. Congress then asked the National", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nDST, the time changes were required to begin and end on the established dates. In 1967, Arizona and Michigan became the first states to exempt themselves from DST (Michigan would begin observing DST in 1972). In 1972, the act was amended (P.L. 92-267), allowing those states split between time zones to exempt either the entire state or that part of the state lying within a different time zone. The newly created Department of Transportation (DOT) was given power to enforce the law. , the following states and territories are not observing DST: Arizona, Hawaii, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the", "\"Time in Samoa\"\nTime in Samoa Samoa uses as standard time and as daylight saving time, which it observes during summer in the Southern Hemisphere. In 2011, daylight saving time ended on Saturday 2 April 2011, 04:00 local daylight time and started on Sunday 24 September 2011, 03:00 local standard time. Due to its location in the South Pacific Ocean, Samoa traditionally did not observe daylight saving time. Initially planned for 2009, the introduction of daylight saving time in Samoa was postponed for one year due to the aftermath of the 2009 Samoa tsunami. Being located just west of the International Date Line,", "\"Eastern Time Zone\"\nEastern Time Zone The Eastern Time Zone (ET) is a time zone encompassing part or all of 22 states in the eastern part of the contiguous United States, parts of eastern Canada, the state of Quintana Roo in Mexico, Panama in Central America, and the Caribbean Islands. Places that use Eastern Standard Time (EST) when observing standard time (autumn/winter) are 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (). Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), when observing daylight saving time DST (spring/summer) is 4 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (). In the northern parts of the time zone, on the second Sunday in March,", "\"Daylight saving time in Oceania\"\nDaylight Saving for South East Queensland (DS4SEQ) political party was officially registered, advocating the implementation of a dual-time zone arrangement for Daylight Saving in South East Queensland while the rest of the state maintains standard time. The party contested the March 2009 Queensland State election with 32 candidates and received around one percent of the state-wide primary vote, equating to around 2.5% across the 32 electorates contested. On 14 April 2010, and after being approached by the Daylight Saving for South East Queensland (DS4SEQ) political party, Queensland Independent member Peter Wellington, introduced the Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Referendum", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nVirgin Islands. During the 1973 oil embargo by the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), in an effort to conserve fuel, Congress enacted a trial period of year-round DST (P.L. 93-182), beginning January 6, 1974, and ending April 27, 1975. The trial was hotly debated. Those in favor pointed to increased daylight hours in the summer evening: more time for recreation, reduced lighting and heating demands, reduced crime, and reduced automobile accidents. The opposition was concerned about children leaving for school in the dark. The act was amended in October 1974 (P.L. 93-434) to return to standard time for", "\"History of time in the United States\"\nand localities. The Uniform Time Act of 1966 provided standardization in the dates of beginning and end of daylight time in the U.S. but allowed for local exemptions from its observance. The act also continued the authority of the ICC over time zone boundaries. In subsequent years, the United States Congress transferred the authority over time zones to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), modified (several times) the beginning date of daylight time, and renamed the three westernmost time zones. Time zone boundaries have changed greatly since their original introduction and changes still occasionally occur. DOT issues press releases when", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nends on the first Sunday of November. In years when April 1 falls on Monday through Wednesday, these changes result in a DST period that is five weeks longer; in all other years the DST period is instead four weeks longer. In 2008 daylight saving time ended at 2:00 a.m. DST (0200) (1:00 a.m. ST) on Sunday, November 2, and in 2009 it began at 2:00 a.m. (3:00 a.m. DST) on Sunday, March 8. Under Section 110 of the Act, the U.S. Department of Energy was required to study the impact of the 2007 DST extension no later than nine", "\"Daylight saving time in Africa\"\nDaylight saving time in Africa The only African countries and regions that use daylight saving time are: , permanent daylight saving time (DST) is observed in Morocco, advancing to permanently since 2018. The British first instituted daylight saving time in Egypt during the Second World War, specifically between 1940 and 1945. The practice was stopped after the war, but resumed 12 years later, in 1957. Egypt normally observed daylight saving time between the last Friday in April and the last Thursday in September when the clocks were three hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (UTC+3). The change occurred one second", "\"1992 Queensland daylight saving referendum\"\n1992, with the question: “Are you in favour of daylight saving?\"\" and was defeated with a 54.5% 'no' vote. This referendum result displayed the same distinct trend that the task force had recognised—that public opinion on daylight saving in Queensland is geographically divided, with the ‘no’ vote strongest in the north and west regional districts, while the ‘yes’ vote was strongest in the state’s metropolitan south-east. 1992 Queensland daylight saving referendum Daylight saving time was trialled in the state of Queensland, Australia, during the 1989/90 season, with the trial extended for a further two years—1990/91 and 1991/92. The last full", "\"Daylight Saving for South East Queensland\"\nto communities along the NSW-Queensland border, and evaluate the economic loss currently incurred by businesses in other Australian states because of Queensland's non-adoption of daylight saving. Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Daylight Saving for South East Queensland (DS4SEQ) was a political party in Queensland, Australia. It was a single-issue party, run by volunteers, that advocated the introduction of Daylight Saving into Queensland, or at the very least into South East Queensland under a dual-time zone arrangement - with the remainder of the state to maintain standard time. The party proposed a possible dual time zone, which included the following", "\"Israel Summer Time\"\nIsrael Summer Time Israel Summer Time ( ' \"\"Summer Clock\"\"), also in English, Israel Daylight Time (IDT) is the practice in Israel by which clocks are advanced by one hour, beginning on the Friday before the last Sunday of March, and ending on the last Sunday of October. Before 1992, daylight saving was governed by the \"\"Time Act\"\", a law inherited by Israel from the British Mandate of Palestine, which started to use daylight saving in World War II. Summer Time was introduced in Israel between the years 1948–1957, but the length of Daylight Saving Time has changed significantly depending", "\"Time in the United States\"\nthe first Sunday in November. Clocks will be set ahead one hour at 2 a.m. on the following start dates and set back one hour at 2 a.m. on these ending dates: In response to the Uniform Time Act of 1966, each state of the US has officially chosen to apply one of two rules over its entire territory: The Energy Policy Act of 2005 extended daylight saving time (DST) for an additional month beginning in 2007. Previous DST change dates include: There exist more than one hundred clock towers in the United States; see . Time in the United", "\"Daylight saving time in the Americas\"\nUnited States conventions on DST because it is a US air base, meaning it is part of the Atlantic Time Zone. Bermuda has observed DST annually since 1974. The Commonwealth of The Bahamas observes DST according to the American schedule. Although not part of the Caribbean geographically, it is often included in the Caribbean in regional interactions and shares much of its culture with its southern neighbours. Barbados in the western Atlantic no longer observes Daylight Saving Time, like many Caribbean nations. The last observance of a daylight savings related time clock adjustment was between Sunday, 20 April 1980 at", "\"United States Virgin Islands\"\nahead of Eastern Standard Time. When the mainland United States is on daylight saving time, Eastern Daylight Time is the same as Atlantic Standard Time. In 2010 the U.S. Virgin Islands had a population of 106,405. There are 40,648 households, and 26,636 families. In 2010 there were 40,648 households out of which 34.7% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 33.2% were married couples living together, 24.9% had a female householder with no husband present, and 34.5% were non-families. 30.2% of all households were made up of individuals and 6.3% had someone living alone who was 65", "\"Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Referendum Bill 2010\"\nDaylight Saving for South East Queensland Referendum Bill 2010 The Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Referendum Bill 2010 was tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 14 April 2010, by Independent Member Peter Wellington. Wellington has called for a referendum to be held at the next State election on introduction of daylight saving time for South East Queensland. The Bill proposes a split-time zone for the state of Queensland and has suggested that the local government areas of Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich, Logan, Scenic Rim, Redland and Moreton Bay be included in the daylight saving time zone, while", "\"1992 Queensland daylight saving referendum\"\nbeing: the extension of the daylight saving trial for a further two years (1990/91 – 1991/92); and that a statewide referendum be held after the extended daylight saving trial period. The task force had noted that the Brisbane and Moreton regions (south-east Queensland) were \"\"clearly in favour of daylight saving\"\", which led them to the following further recommendation: \"\"that daylight saving be introduced for that part of the State east of 151°East longitude\"\" i.e. a dual time zone arrangement for Queensland. After trialling daylight saving in Queensland for a total of three years, a referendum was held on 22 February", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\nCentral Time Zone. In 2015, the Nevada Senate passed Nevada Assembly Joint Resolution 4, which urged Congress to enact legislation allowing individual states to establish daylight saving time as the standard time in their respective states throughout the calendar year. This would mean that Nevada is on the same time as Arizona all year, but would be an hour ahead of California in the winter. The United States Congress has not yet enacted any enabling legislation in this regard. In 2015, Rep. Elizabeth Scott (R-Monroe) filed a House bill to end DST in Washington, and a companion bill was filed", "Heliciculture\nfigures may be from when more than one snail lays eggs in the same nest. In warm, damp climates, \"\"H. aspersa\"\" may lay eggs as often as five times from February through October, depending on the weather and region. Mating and egg-laying begin when there are at least 10 hours of daylight and continue until days begin to get shorter. In the United States, longer hours of sunlight that occur when temperatures are still too cold will affect this schedule, but increasing hours of daylight still stimulate egg laying. If warm enough, the eggs hatch in about 2 weeks, or", "\"Daylight saving time\"\nbenefits. A 2017 meta-analysis of 44 studies found that DST leads to electricity savings of only 0.34% during the days when DST applies. The meta-analysis furthermore found that \"\"electricity savings are larger for countries farther away from the equator, while subtropical regions consume more electricity because of DST.\"\" This means that DST may conserve electricity in some countries, such as Canada and the United Kingdom, but be wasteful in other places, such as Mexico, the southern United States, and northern Africa. The savings in electricity may also be offset by extra use of other types of energy, such as heating", "\"Daylight Saving Party\"\nit in referenda in 1975, 1984, 1992 and 2009. Western Australia trialled daylight saving for three years before the 2009 referendum, and one summer before each of the earlier referenda. Four states of Australia do have daylight saving, so the time zone difference between them and Western Australia is one hour further during summer as Western Australia is the westernmost state of Australia. Australia's Indian Ocean territories of Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands also do not observe daylight saving and have year-round offsets of 60 and 90 minutes from Western Australia. The Daylight Saving Party has fielded two candidates", "\"Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Referendum Bill 2010\"\non daylight saving, which was held on 22 February 1992, with the question: \"\"Are you in favour of daylight saving?\"\", which was defeated with a 54.5 per cent 'no' vote. The vote on this referendum was after Queensland had trialled daylight saving over a three-year period, from 1989/90 to 1991/92. The referendum result displayed a distinct trend—that public opinion on daylight saving in Queensland is geographically divided, with the ‘no’ vote strongest in the north and west regional districts, while the ‘yes’ vote was strongest in the state’s metropolitan south-east. Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Referendum Bill 2010 The", "\"Daylight saving time\"\noriginal one, dating from the early 20th century—and is preferred by some usage critics—the plural form is now extremely common in AmE. [...] The rise of \"\"daylight savings time\"\" appears to have resulted from the avoidance of a miscue: when \"\"saving\"\" is used, readers might puzzle momentarily over whether \"\"saving\"\" is a gerund (the saving of daylight) or a participle (the time for saving). [...] Using \"\"savings\"\" as the adjective—as in \"\"savings account\"\" or \"\"savings bond\"\"—makes perfect sense. More than that, it ought to be accepted as the better form.\"\" In Britain, Willett's 1907 proposal used the term \"\"daylight saving\"\",", "\"Daylight saving time\"\nto 30 September in recognition of seasonal changes but did not actually change the clocks. It also acknowledged that private businesses were in the practice of changing their opening hours to suit daylight conditions but did so on their own volition. The New Zealand entomologist George Hudson first proposed modern DST. Hudson's shift-work job gave him leisure time to collect insects and led him to value after-hours daylight. In 1895 he presented a paper to the Wellington Philosophical Society proposing a two-hour daylight-saving shift, and after considerable interest was expressed in Christchurch, he followed up with an 1898 paper. Many", "\"Time in New Hampshire\"\nTime in New Hampshire New Hampshire uses the Eastern Time Zone with daylight saving time. Without daylight saving time, solar noon is about 11:57 AM in southwestern New Hampshire and 11:50 AM in southeastern New Hampshire. New England, which includes New Hampshire, is one of the few areas in the United States where solar noon is before noon. Both of these times get shifted later by one hour during daylight saving time. Because solar noon is earlier than most of the rest of the country, and New Hampshire is at a high latitude, sunset can be earlier than in most", "\"Time in Indiana\"\nsaving time for decades. The 2005 decision by the Indiana General Assembly to implement daylight saving time state-wide beginning in April 2006 remains controversial. Indiana observes Eastern Time, except for twelve of its 92 counties, which observe Central Time. Six of these counties are in northwestern Indiana, near Chicago (which observes Central Time), and six are in southwestern Indiana, near Evansville, where the metro area includes portions of southeastern Illinois and western Kentucky, which also observe Central Time. The twelve counties are: Since April 2, 2006, all counties in Indiana observe daylight saving time. The most extensive study of time", "\"Daylight saving time in Australia\"\n2009. All were defeated. Voters returned a \"\"no\"\" vote of 54.57% in 2009, the highest in all four referendums. Each referendum followed a trial period during which the state observed daylight saving time. The first three followed a one-year trial, while the 2006 \"\"Western Australian Daylight Saving Bill (No. 2) 2006\"\" instituted a daylight-saving trial that began on 3 December 2006 and lasted for three years. The referendum was defeated in 2009. In 2000, all eastern jurisdictions that normally observe daylight-saving time — New South Wales, Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania — started daylight-saving time early, due to", "\"History of time in the United States\"\nzones was not established in U.S. law until the Standard Time Act of 1918 of March 19, 1918, also known as the Calder Act (15 USC 260). The act also established daylight saving time, itself a contentious idea. Daylight saving time was repealed in 1919, but standard time in time zones remained in law, with the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) having the authority over time zone boundaries. Daylight time became a local matter. It was re-established nationally early in World War II, and was continuously observed until the end of the war. After the war its use varied among states", "\"Troy Woodruff\"\nTroy Woodruff Troy Woodruff was State Representative of Indiana's 64th district, which includes parts of Daviess, Knox, Gibson, and Pike counties, from 2004 to 2006. He ran for re-election in 2006 but was defeated by the Democratic Party candidate, high-school teacher Kreg Battles. Best-known of Woodruff's contributions was his part in establishing daylight saving time in Indiana. While running for office, the public was told he did not support putting Indiana on daylight saving time. However, after becoming more educated about the subject, Woodruff voted in favor of establishing it in the state. This led to much of the public", "\"MaryAnne Tebedo\"\nfinance, constitution and elections, large and small business and labor affairs, and the environment. \"\"Colorado Springs Gazette\"\" columnist Ralph Routon wrote a series of columns supporting the idea of placing all of Colorado on year-round daylight saving time in order to save state residents the \"\"aggravation of resetting their clocks every six months.\"\" The idea gathered noticeable popular support within Colorado Springs, and attention of the state's larger newspapers, but when then state Senator MaryAnne Tebedo attempted to present the idea to the state legislature, her research uncovered Federal laws forbidding the state-initiated extension of daylight saving time. Still determined", "\"Daylight saving time in Australia\"\nSaving in South East Queensland while the rest of the state maintains standard time. The party contested the March 2009 Queensland State election with 32 candidates and received around one percent of the statewide primary vote, equating to around 2.5% across the 32 electorates contested. On 14 April 2010, and after being approached by the Daylight Saving for South East Queensland (DS4SEQ) political party, Queensland Independent member Peter Wellington, introduced the Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Referendum Bill 2010 into Queensland Parliament, calling for a referendum to be held at the next State election on the introduction of daylight", "\"Breakfast (Australian TV program)\"\nzones, especially during Daylight Saving Time (which is not kept in Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory), \"\"Breakfast\"\" was not broadcast live in all of the country but was delayed in some states. In New South Wales (including ACT), Victoria and Tasmania, \"\"Breakfast\"\" was broadcast live all year round. In Queensland it was broadcast live except during Daylight Saving Time when it is delayed by one hour. The Northern Territory had a 30-minute delay and 90 minutes during Daylight Saving Time. South Australia had a 30-minute delay all year and Western Australia had a two-hour delay and three hours", "\"Daylight saving time in Australia\"\nat the upcoming 2017 state election. Tucker argued that in the seven years since the last referendum there had been a generational shift in Western Australia and that the fifth referendum would be successful. The party won 0.68% of the vote, or 9,209 votes statewide, but failed to win any seat in the Legislative Council. On January 1st 2019 Western Australia will have daylight saving permanently. The Northern Territory experimented with daylight saving in the early part of the 20th century. It was last used in 1944. Daylight saving time in Australia The choice of whether to use daylight saving", "\"Time in Rhode Island\"\nTime in Rhode Island Rhode Island uses the Eastern Time Zone with Daylight saving time. However, like the other five New England states, which also use the Eastern Time Zone, sunset in the winter in Rhode Island can occur as early as 4:30 PM. Most of the New England states are attempting to use the Atlantic Time Zone, albeit without DST, to fix this. While Rhode Island had a bill to do the same, it would only take effect if Massachusetts did the same. Solar noon in Rhode Island is 11:53 AM without daylight saving time and 12:53 PM with", "\"Time zone\"\ndaylight saving time is not in effect: Some examples when UTC is 02:00 on Tuesday when or where daylight saving time is not in effect: The time-zone adjustment for a specific location may vary because of daylight saving time. For example, New Zealand, which is usually UTC+12, observes a one-hour daylight saving time adjustment during the Southern Hemisphere summer, resulting in a local time of UTC+13. From New York to other cities: From London to other cities: Conversion between time zones obeys the relationship in which each side of the equation is equivalent to UTC. (The more familiar term \"\"UTC", "\"2009 Western Australian daylight saving referendum\"\nrecorded the highest 'yes' votes. Following the fourth rejection of daylight saving time in a referendum the issue was described as being dead for a generation, with Premier Colin Barnett saying that \"\"it should not be considered for another 20 years.\"\" 2009 Western Australian daylight saving referendum The 2009 Western Australian daylight saving referendum was held on 16 May 2009 in the Australian state of Western Australia to decide if daylight saving time should be adopted. It was the fourth such proposal which had been put to Western Australian voters and followed a three-year trial period. The referendum resulted in", "\"Time in Russia\"\nsaving time began on 1 April and ended on 1 October each year, until mid-1984, when the USSR began following European daylight saving time rules, moving clocks forward one hour at 02:00 local standard time on the last Sunday in March, and back one hour at 03:00 local daylight time on the last Sunday in September until 1995, after which the change back occurred on the last Sunday in October. The usage of daylight saving time continued after the Soviet collapse but ended in 2011, when Russia stopped observing daylight saving time. On 27 March 2011, clocks were advanced as", "\"Daylight saving time in Morocco\"\nDST from the last Sunday in September (which was to be the next day) to the last Sunday in October (27 October). At the same time, they moved the beginning of DST back to the last Sunday in March (next 30 March 2014). As usual, advancements to DST (UTC+1) occurred at 02:00 and returns to standard time (UTC) occurred at 03:00. Daylight saving time in Morocco , daylight saving time (DST) is permanently observed in Morocco, previously time was advanced to at 02:00 on the last Sunday of March, and reverted to UTC (standard time), defined as Greenwich Mean Time", "\"Daylight saving time in the Americas\"\nIn 2007, DST started on October 15, 2006 and ended on March 11, 2007. In 2010, Paraguay changed its own DST rules because of the energy crisis, ending DST on the second Sunday in April, a month later than previous years. The start date remains unchanged. Since 2004, Uruguay has observed DST. Starting in 2006, DST begins on the first Sunday in October and ends on the second Sunday in March of every year. On 30 June 2015, Uruguay abolished DST. Daylight saving time in the Americas Daylight saving time in the Americas is the arrangement in the Americas by", "\"Pacific Time Zone\"\nIn Mexico, beginning in 2010, the portion of the country in this time zone uses the extended dates, as do some other parts. The vast majority of Mexico, however, still uses the old dates. Pacific Time Zone The Pacific Time Zone (PT) is a time zone encompassing parts of western Canada, the western United States, and western Mexico. Places in this zone observe standard time by subtracting eight hours from Coordinated Universal Time (). During daylight saving time, a time offset of is used. In the United States and Canada, this time zone is generically called the \"\"Pacific Time Zone\"\".", "\"1992 Queensland daylight saving referendum\"\n1992 Queensland daylight saving referendum Daylight saving time was trialled in the state of Queensland, Australia, during the 1989/90 season, with the trial extended for a further two years—1990/91 and 1991/92. The last full day of daylight saving in Queensland was Saturday 29 February 1992, with clocks officially wound back an hour on Sunday 1 March at 3am. During the initial one-year trial in 1989/90, a Daylight Saving Task Force was appointed to monitor and report community opinions, as well as provide recommendations to the Queensland Government. The task force made five recommendations, of which only two were implemented, these", "\"Daylight saving time in the United States\"\ndue to look into the issue during the 2016 legislative session. Arizona observed DST in 1967 under the Uniform Time Act because the state legislature did not enact an exemption statute that year. In March 1968 the DST exemption statute was enacted and the state of Arizona has not observed DST since 1967. This is in large part due to an effort to conserve energy. Phoenix and Tucson are among the hottest U.S. metropolitan areas during the summer, resulting in more power usage from air conditioning units and evaporative coolers in homes and businesses. An extra hour of sunlight while", "\"Daylight saving time in Australia\"\nto a newly sworn-in Premier Anna Bligh, who ruled out holding a new referendum, despite the report indicating 59% of Queensland residents and 69% of South East Queenslanders to be in favour of adopting daylight-saving time. In December 2008, the Daylight Saving for South East Queensland (DS4SEQ) political Party was officially registered, advocating the implementation of a dual-time zone arrangement for Daylight Saving in South East Queensland while the remainder of the state maintains standard time. The party contested the March 2009 Queensland State election with 32 candidates and received around one percent of the statewide primary vote, equating to", "\"2009 Western Australian daylight saving referendum\"\nwere held in 1975, 1984 and 1992 on the issue, with daylight saving being rejected each time. On 25 October 2006, two members of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly, former Labor minister turned independent member John D'Orazio and Liberal leader Matt Birney, introduced a private members' bill for a three-year trial of daylight saving to begin in December 2006. The Labor government of Western Australia backed the trial and both main parties agreed to hold a free vote on the issue. Farming groups quickly came out against the move, along with the mining lobby, but the move was backed by" ]
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who stars in the movie the quiet place
[ "John Krasinski", "Noah Jupe", "Emily Blunt", "Millicent Simmonds" ]
[ "\"Quiet Days in Hollywood\"\nQuiet Days in Hollywood Quiet Days in Hollywood (also known as The Way We Are) is a 1997 German drama film written by Robert G. Brown and Josef Rusnak. Rusnak also directed. The movie features Hilary Swank, Chad Lowe, and Natasha Gregson Wagner. The plot features a series of interlocking stories. Each vignette is introduced with a character that had sex with someone in the previous segment. The movie opens with a seventeen-year-old prostitute, Lolita (Hilary Swank) who hangs around outside movie premiere with another teen prostitute in the hopes of getting a picture of her idol, movie star Peter", "\"Karen Joubert Cordier\"\nicons of the time. This title greets the arrival of English and American residents in search of a quiet place at the beginning of the last century. It is the Golden age of \"\"Cote d'Azure\"\" that Joubert Cordier feels. She expresses this feeling in colours of the quiet blue of the sea, the intense and warm red of the sun and especially by Sienna dust which stresses the romantic, nostalgic and sometimes disturbing atmosphere of these subjects in black and white. in these peculiar settings, she introduces people who are the stars in business, movies, arts and novels. Through her", "\"The Quiet Gun\"\nmovie from Regal Films who made B movies for 20th Century Fox. It was from the same team who had made \"\"Stagecoach to Fury\"\" (1956). During a screening of the film in Los Angeles, an armed robbers burgled the cinema and was shot by police trying to flee. The Quiet Gun The Quiet Gun is a 1957 American Western film directed by William F. Claxton and written by Eric Norden and Earle Lyon. The film stars Forrest Tucker, Mara Corday, Jim Davis, Kathleen Crowley, Lee Van Cleef and Hank Worden. It is based on the 1955 novel \"\"Lawman\"\" by Lauran", "\"A Quiet Place (film)\"\n\"\"A Quiet Place\"\" made $19.1 million on Saturday. It went on to debut to $50.2 million, topping the box office and marking the biggest opening for a Paramount film since \"\"Star Trek Beyond\"\" in July 2016. To that point, it was second biggest domestic debut of 2018, behind \"\"Black Panther\"\". The film made $32.9 million in its second weekend, dropping 34% (better than the 50+% that horror films normally see) and finishing second at the box office, behind newcomer \"\"Rampage\"\" ($35.7 million). The hold represented the second-best-ever second weekend for a scary movie behind \"\"It\"\". The film regained the top", "\"Rambaiyin Kaadhal (1956 film)\"\nRambaiyin Kaadhal (1956 film) Rambaiyin Kaadhal () is a Tamil movie starring P. Bhanumathi, K. A. Thangavelu & M. N. Rajam. The movie is a remake of a 1936 movie by Central Studios, was released in 1956. On one of her sojourns to the earth, the celestial nymph Rambha is struck by the serene, picturesque beauty of an obscure spot. Tired of the ostentatious splendour of the Indra’s court, she is filled with a quiet rapture at discovering the idyllic, rustic charm of this earthly setting. So entranced is she by the place that she is late for her usual", "\"All Quiet on the Western Front\"\nQuiet on the Western Front\"\" starring Travis Fimmel as Katczinsky. In 1979, the film was remade for CBS television by Delbert Mann, starring Richard Thomas of \"\"The Waltons\"\" as Paul Bäumer and Ernest Borgnine as Kat. The movie was filmed in Czechoslovakia. Elton John's album \"\"Jump Up!\"\" (1982) features the song, \"\"All Quiet on the Western Front\"\" (written by Elton and Bernie Taupin). The song is a sorrowful rendition of the novel's story (\"\"It's gone all quiet on the Western Front / Male Angels sigh / ghosts in a flooded trench / As Germany dies\"\"). Bob Dylan, during his Nobel", "\"The Choice (1976 film)\"\nThe Choice (1976 film) Le Choix (The Choice) is a French-Belgian movie (1976) by Jacques Faber starring Claude Jade in a dual role. An actor (Gilles Kohler) who hesitates between two lookalikes, interpreted by the same actress Claude Jade. Brussels : Jean-Pierre (Gilles Kohler) is a young stage actor under contract in a theater company from Brussels, where he serves as a kind of \"\"Leading Man\"\". Anne (Claude Jade) his girl friend, is a gentle and quiet woman who dreams of a quiete and uneventful existence, with the children they would design. But Jean-Pierre ignores the antics and freshness of", "\"The Choice (1976 film)\"\n- Dream and Reality\"\") The Choice (1976 film) Le Choix (The Choice) is a French-Belgian movie (1976) by Jacques Faber starring Claude Jade in a dual role. An actor (Gilles Kohler) who hesitates between two lookalikes, interpreted by the same actress Claude Jade. Brussels : Jean-Pierre (Gilles Kohler) is a young stage actor under contract in a theater company from Brussels, where he serves as a kind of \"\"Leading Man\"\". Anne (Claude Jade) his girl friend, is a gentle and quiet woman who dreams of a quiete and uneventful existence, with the children they would design. But Jean-Pierre ignores the", "\"A Quiet Place (film)\"\nA Quiet Place (film) A Quiet Place is a 2018 American post-apocalyptic horror film directed by John Krasinski, who wrote the screenplay with Bryan Woods and Scott Beck. The film stars Krasinski, alongside Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds and Noah Jupe. The plot revolves around a family facing struggles in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by blind monsters with an acute sense of hearing. The film entered development when Beck and Woods began developing a story that would lead into the film. In July 2016, Krasinski read a spec script and was hired to direct and rewrite the script in March the", "\"A Quiet Place (film)\"\na sequel to the first film\"\", and \"\"would focus on other people trying to survive the hearing monsters\"\". Films with little or no dialogue The British Film Institute listed the following noteworthy films with little or no dialogue: A Quiet Place (film) A Quiet Place is a 2018 American post-apocalyptic horror film directed by John Krasinski, who wrote the screenplay with Bryan Woods and Scott Beck. The film stars Krasinski, alongside Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds and Noah Jupe. The plot revolves around a family facing struggles in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by blind monsters with an acute sense of hearing.", "\"A Quiet Place (film)\"\nas an influence, with how the protagonist police officer moved from New York to an island to avoid frightening situations, and was forced to encounter one in his new location with shark attacks. Matthew Monagle of \"\"Film School Rejects\"\" said \"\"A Quiet Place\"\" seemed to be \"\"the early frontrunner for the sparsely intellectual horror movie of the year\"\", like previous films \"\"The Babadook\"\" (2014) and \"\"The Witch\"\" (2015). Monagle said Krasinski, who had directed two previous films, was \"\"making an unusual pivot into a genre typically reserved for newcomers\"\", and considered it to be part of a movement toward horror", "\"The Quiet Place\"\nsinger Anders Fridén going to see a movie, falling asleep in the theater and, as the band members put it, \"\"waking up in his own head\"\". The Quiet Place \"\"The Quiet Place\"\" is the first single by the Swedish heavy metal band In Flames in 2004, from the album \"\"Soundtrack to Your Escape\"\". The single makes it their third single overall in their career. It is the most successful In Flames single yet, peaking at #2 on the Singles Chart in the band's home country. The song \"\"Värmlandsvisan\"\" is a cover of a Swedish folk song, Dear Old Stockholm. The", "\"Rio Grande (film)\"\nusing the same combination of Wayne and Maureen O'Hara; Yates did not feel that the script of \"\"The Quiet Man\"\" was very good, and wanted \"\"Rio Grande\"\" to be released first to pay for \"\"The Quiet Man\"\". To Yates's surprise \"\"The Quiet Man,\"\" on its eventual release in 1952, would become Republic's number one film in terms of box office receipts. Maureen O'Hara stars with John Wayne in five movies: \"\"Rio Grande\"\" (1950), \"\"The Quiet Man\"\" (1952), \"\"The Wings of Eagles\"\" (1957), \"\"McLintock!\"\" (1963) and \"\"Big Jake\"\" (1971). The first three were directed by John Ford. This was the film", "\"Elisha Cuthbert\"\ndose of enthusiasm with her Jamie Lee Curtis esque performance.\"\" Cuthbert was nominated at Teen Choice Awards in two categories Choice Movie: Actress – Action / Adventure / \"\"Thriller\"\" and . Cuthbert's next film was the indie film \"\"The Quiet\"\". She was co-star and co-producer. She played Nina, a temperamental 17-year-old cheerleader who suffers sexual abuse by her father. Cuthbert looked to her younger cousin as inspiration for how to play a teenager. \"\"The Quiet\"\", distributed by Sony Pictures Classics, premiered at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival and received a limited release in Los Angeles and New York City", "\"Geoff Murphy\"\nand Blerta founder Bruno Lawrence, who had starring roles in \"\"Utu\"\" and \"\"The Quiet Earth\"\". Murphy made his name with road movie \"\"Goodbye Pork Pie\"\" (1981), the first New Zealand film to attract large-scale audiences in its home country. Made on a low budget, the film followed three people travelling from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island, to growing infamy along the way. Murphy directed the film and co-produced it with Nigel Hutchinson. Murphy next directed the Māori Western \"\"Utu\"\" (1983) and the last-man-on-Earth piece \"\"The Quiet Earth\"\" (1985). By the 1990s Murphy", "\"A Quiet Place (film)\"\nway few movies manage.\"\" Nick Allen of called \"\"A Quiet Place\"\" \"\"Krasinski's breakthrough as a triple-threat entertainer, but it's been a long time coming... By no accident, he's tackled the horror genre while relying on the unique strength that can be seen throughout his acting work, and one that has made him relatable as an everyman across TV and film—expressive silence.\"\" Speaking of the political and social commentary the film encouraged, Krasinski said, \"\"The best compliment you can get on any movie is that it starts a conversation. The fact that people are leaving and talking about anything is", "\"A Quiet Place (film)\"\nfilms layered \"\"in storytelling, [with] character beats not typically found in a horror movie\"\". Tatiana Tenreyro, writing for \"\"Bustle\"\", said while \"\"A Quiet Place\"\" was not a silent film, \"\"It is the first of its kind within the modern horror genre for how little spoken dialogue it actually has.\"\" She said the rare moments of spoken dialogue \"\"give depth to this horror movie, showing how the narrative defies the genre's traditional films even further\"\". Bishop Robert Barron was surprised by strikingly religious themes in the film. He likened the family's primitive, agrarian life of silence to monasticism, and commends their", "\"A Quiet Place (album)\"\nA Quiet Place (album) A Quiet Place is the second album by jazz singer Roseanna Vitro, released in October 1987 on the Skyline label. AllMusic awarded the album 2 stars, with reviewer Scott Yanow citing its uncharacteristic attempt at crossover appeal: \"\"[A]lthough she does a fine job with Chick Corea's \"\"Times Lie,\"\" not much can be done with tunes by Lionel Richie and Patrice Rushen. Despite the presence of Eddie Daniels (mostly on tenor) and keyboardist Fred Hersch, this is a surprisingly forgettable effort by a talented singer.\"\" By contrast, a contemporaneous review by \"\"Baltimore Sun\"\" awarded 4 stars, with", "\"All Quiet on the Western Front (1930 film)\"\nAll Quiet on the Western Front (1930 film) All Quiet on the Western Front is a 1930 American epic pre-Code war film based on the Erich Maria Remarque novel of the same name. Directed by Lewis Milestone, it stars Louis Wolheim, Lew Ayres, John Wray, Arnold Lucy and Ben Alexander. \"\"All Quiet on the Western Front\"\" opened to wide acclaim in the United States. Considered a realistic and harrowing account of warfare in World War I, it made the American Film Institute's first \"\"100 Years...100 Movies\"\" list in 1998. A decade later, after the same organization polled over 1,500 workers", "\"All Quiet on the Western Front (1930 film)\"\nAll Quiet on the Western Front (1930 film) All Quiet on the Western Front is a 1930 American epic pre-Code war film based on the Erich Maria Remarque novel of the same name. Directed by Lewis Milestone, it stars Louis Wolheim, Lew Ayres, John Wray, Arnold Lucy and Ben Alexander. \"\"All Quiet on the Western Front\"\" opened to wide acclaim in the United States. Considered a realistic and harrowing account of warfare in World War I, it made the American Film Institute's first \"\"100 Years...100 Movies\"\" list in 1998. A decade later, after the same organization polled over 1,500 workers", "Antardwand\nmovies have been able to project north Bihar as authentically as this movie by director Sushil Rajpal, who hails from eastern Uttar Pradesh...There is no flashiness in Antardwand; just a quiet conviction and unswerving commitment to the narrative. It is more regional and authentic than most Bhojpuri films,\"\" writes Ghosh. Antardwand Antardwand (English: \"\"Inner conflict\"\") is a 2010 Indian film co-written, produced and directed by Sushil Rajpal. The film stars Raj Singh Chaudhary and Swati Sen in the leading roles while Vinay Pathak and Akhilendra Mishra play supporting roles. Made on a budget of , the film is based on", "\"Salam Bappu\"\ndistrict of Malappuram, Kerala. His Father Bappu Haji and Mother Ayishumma were sceptical towards his decision to become a Film maker. His first attempt in direction was in Drama field, while he was studying for degree. The drama that he directed brought got quiet good appreciation for him to draw inspiration to be a director who can conquer the horizons of glory. His debut as an independent Malayalam director was marked by the release of the movie Red Wine in 2013 [March 21] that starred Mohanlal, Fahadh Faasil, and Asif Ali. His second movie is Manglish casting Mammootty, Holland actress", "\"Kate Jackson\"\n(1971). The huge success of her role as Sabrina Duncan on \"\"Charlie's Angels\"\" saw her appear on the front cover of \"\"Time\"\" magazine, alongside co-stars Farrah Fawcett and Jaclyn Smith, while her role as Mrs. King won her Germany's Bravo Golden Otto Award for Best Female TV Star three times (1986–88). She then continued to star in numerous TV movies, including \"\"Quiet Killer\"\" (1992), \"\"Empty Cradle\"\" (1993) and \"\"Satan's School for Girls\"\" (2000), a remake of the 1973 TV movie of the same name in which she also starred. Jackson was born in Birmingham, Alabama, the daughter of Ruth (née", "\"La prima notte di quiete\"\nin his family's grand villa is Spider. Delon and the director clashed during filmmaking. The film was only a mild success in France but was the seventh most popular movie of the year in Italy. La prima notte di quiete La prima notte di quiete, released in USA as Indian Summer (from the phrase \"\"Der Nachsommer\"\", an insignia of Goethe) is a 1972 Italian and French drama film directed by Valerio Zurlini. It is starred and produced by Alain Delon. In France and Germany it runs less than the Italian cut. It is known and available on DVD in France", "\"Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)\"\nNicky\"\". This version, which featured Adam Sandler, the star of the movie, as well as Jonah Matranga of Far, was also included on the Deftones' \"\"B-Sides & Rarities\"\" album. A music video was filmed to accompany the single's release, directed by Frank W. Ockenfels III. Stylistically, the song was described as alternative metal, nu metal and shoegaze. All tracks written by Deftones. The song was featured in the game \"\"Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX\"\" as a background music track. Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away) \"\"Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)\"\" is the second single released from the American alternative metal", "\"Winter Passing\"\nan award for \"\"Best Use of the Words Traverse City in a Feature Film.\"\" Roger Ebert rated the film at 3.5 out of 4 stars, lauding how the balances sadness, loneliness, humor and affection. He stated: \"\"This is the kind of movie routinely dismissed as too slow and quiet by those who don't know it is more exciting to listen than to hear.\"\" Winter Passing Winter Passing is a 2005 American film. It is the directorial debut of playwright Adam Rapp, also known for his work on the show \"\"The L Word\"\". The film stars Zooey Deschanel and Ed Harris,", "\"Jung Yu-mi (actress, born 1983)\"\nhandicapped children who suffer physical and sexual abuse at the hands of their teachers, drew nearly 5 million viewers and became one of the highest-grossing film that Jung has starred in. Her ability to portray the lives of ordinary people in ways that are not ordinary have made her one of the most sought-after actresses for auteurial films, as evidenced by her continued collaboration with director Hong Sang-soo. She played the titular character in Hong's \"\"Oki's Movie\"\" (2010) and \"\"Our Sunhi\"\" (2013), where her fragile appeal is underpinned by a quiet strength and straightforwardness. \"\"Oki's Movie\"\" premiered at the 67th", "\"Sam Pillsbury\"\non a screen adaptation of end of the world sci-fi novel The Quiet Earth, before handing the project to director Geoff Murphy after deciding it needed fresh eyes (he later joked at being one of the only directors who had fired himself). Instead Pillsbury helmed 1880s immigrant tale Heart of the High Country for TV (based on a novel by Elizabeth Gowans), then segued into period road movie Starlight Hotel, which starred Smash Palace discovery Greer Robson. Since Starlight Hotel, Pillsbury has directed extensively, mainly on American tele-movies. He returned to Kiwi moviemaking in 2000 for Crooked Earth, the tale", "\"Legionnaire (film)\"\nthe director and producer walking on set felt it was too violent. There is in a script to the alternate ending at the New Year's Eve party when Alain aims his pistol at Galgani and the place goes quiet but walks out with Katrina and Alain refrains from killing Lucien Galgani. Van Damme originally pitched the story of joining the foreign legion to escape from the mob as a more humorous vehicle starring himself and a comedian such as John Candy. The often-recorded 1936 song \"\"Mon légionnaire\"\" is sung over the closing credits by Ute Lemper. Deemed unreleasable for movie", "\"Your Ex-Lover Is Dead\"\nof films including the 2008 Italian movie \"\"Caos Calmo\"\" (Quiet Chaos), the soundtrack for the 2010 Canadian indie film \"\"Daydream Nation\"\", starring Kat Dennings as well as appearing in the concluding scene of Tanner Hall (2009). The music video for the single depicts the members of the band lying on an ice rink whilst playing their respective instruments and singing, as crowds of skaters skate around them. The video takes place at night, and occasionally shows images of the skaters holding hands with the night sky above them. As the song progresses, more and more cracks appear and grow from", "\"Park Ji-yoon\"\n\"\"The Road to You\"\" (), \"\"Star\"\" (), and \"\"Quiet Dream\"\". As with her previous work, Park contributed artistically through the photography on \"\"Tree of Life\"\", collaborating on the album art once again with her older sister, who is a graphic designer. The song \"\"The Road to You\"\" was featured on the Korean trailer for the Hollywood movie, \"\"My Week with Marilyn\"\" starring Michelle Williams. Park joined entertainment company Mystic89, and made her comeback in late October 2013. Her first digital singles released through Mystic89 is \"\"Mr.\"\", which was produced by Primary and \"\"Witness\"\", which was produced by Yoon Jong-shin. Mystic89", "\"John Clarke (satirist)\"\n(with Dawe and Gina Riley) in \"\"The Games\"\", a mockumentary about the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG). In 2001, Billy Connolly starred in a film based on Clarke's screenplay \"\"The Man Who Sued God\"\" (re-written by Don Watson). In 2002 Clarke appeared in a villainous role in the movie \"\"Crackerjack\"\" and as a comedy club owner in the award-winning telemovie \"\"Roy Hollsdotter Live\"\". After a quiet period, he re-emerged in 2004, adapting Melbourne author Shane Maloney's \"\"Murray Whelan\"\" series for film. This resulted in two films, \"\"Stiff\"\" and \"\"The Brush-Off\"\", both starring David Wenham and Mick Molloy.", "\"Fighting Stock\"\nFighting Stock Fighting Stock is a 1935 British comedy film directed by and starring Tom Walls. It also features Robertson Hare, Lesley Wareing and Herbert Lomas. its plot involves a Brigadier who retires to a country cottage for some quiet fishing, but it soon overtaken by madcap events. The screenplay is by Ben Travers based on his earlier stage play of the same name, and the cast included cast members from Travers's Aldwych Farces. It was filmed at Islington Studios with sets by Oscar Friedrich Werndorff. \"\"Sky Movies\"\" gave the film three out of five stars, and wrote, \"\"The `Aldwych'", "\"Girl (2018 film)\"\nin \"\"Tomboy\"\".\"\" Steve Pond of TheWrap described the film as \"\"a quiet movie until it isn't, a gentle character study that goes into extreme territory, a wrenching drama that you think is about finding acceptance until it threatens to become about the impossibility of that very thing\"\", and wrote, \"\"by the end, this quiet movie goes to a place of horrific pain and desperation ... Dhont manages to find the briefest of grace notes in its aftermath\"\". \"\"Girl\"\" has been met with criticism from trans and queer writers, particularly in regard to its depiction of gender dysphoria and self-harm. Matthew", "\"Thumbsucker (film)\"\ngreat cast.\"\" Steven Rea of \"\"The Philadelphia Inquirer\"\" gave it three-and-a-half stars out of four, calling it a \"\"quiet, quirky gem\"\" and \"\"terrific\"\". Roger Ebert of the \"\"Chicago Sun-Times\"\" gave it three stars out of four, writing \"\"I have focused on Justin, but really the movie is equally about the adult characters, who all seem to have lacked adequate parenting themselves. We talk about the tragedy of children giving birth to children; maybe that can happen at any age.\"\" \"\"New York Magazine\"\"s Ken Tucker commented on the film's poignancy, writing: \"\"One of the wonderful things about \"\"Thumbsucker\"\" is that, unlike", "\"The Midnight Game\"\nThe Midnight Game The Midnight Game is a 2013 supernatural thriller film directed by A.D. Calvo based on the creepypasta of the same name. The movie had its world release on March 2, 2013 at the Miami International Film Festival and was released to DVD on August 12, 2014. Filming took place Wallingford, Connecticut in April and May 2012, and stars Renee Olstead. Perky blonde teenager Kaitlan (Renee Olstead) has decided to invite over a few of her friends after she finds that her parents are leaving her home alone for the weekend. She's planning for a small, relatively quiet", "\"Star Guitar (horse)\"\nStar Guitar (horse) Star Guitar (foaled March 11, 2005) is a retired Louisiana bred racehorse and considered one of the most significant Louisiana-bred racehorses of all time, because he won the Louisiana-bred Horse of the Year title 4 times, as well as the champion older horse (of Louisiana) three times and the champion 2 year old colt award. As well he is the richest Louisiana-bred horse with earnings of $1.75 million. Star Guitar is a light bay stallion by Champion sire Quiet American, who also sired Triple Crown near miss Real Quiet, as well as Quiet Dance who produced, successful", "\"A Quiet Place (film)\"\nits own premise.\"\" Michael Phillips of the \"\"Chicago Tribune\"\" gave the film 2.5 out of 4 stars and said, \"\"My favorite moment, an encounter between Regan and one of the monsters in a cornfield, plays with sound and image and tension, creatively. Other bits are more shameless...I don't know if I'd call \"\"A Quiet Place\"\" enjoyable; it's more grueling than cathartic.\"\" Horror author Stephen King praised the film in a tweet, \"\"A QUIET PLACE is an extraordinary piece of work. Terrific acting, but the main thing is the SILENCE, and how it makes the camera's eye open wide in a", "\"Nallavan (2010 film)\"\nNallavan (2010 film) Nallavan is a 2010 Malayalam film written and directed by Aji John, and starring Jayasurya and Mythili in the lead roles. The movie starts from the Kerala high court, when the police bring Kocherukkan (Jayasurya), a man who had committed two murders and escaped jail four times, but is again caught by the police. He escapes yet again with the help of his friend, and checks out his colourful memory. Kocherukkan was a happy youth who lived an ordinary life in a quiet village somewhere in the border of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. He is in love", "\"Chad Lowe\"\nfor which he received the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series in 1993. Lowe had recurring roles on \"\"Melrose Place,\"\" \"\"Popular\"\", \"\"Now and Again,\"\" and \"\"ER,\"\" and guest-starring roles on \"\"Touched by an Angel\"\", \"\"Superman\"\", \"\"\"\" and \"\"Medium\"\". Lowe's feature film appearances have included roles in \"\"Nobody's Perfect\"\", \"\"True Blood\"\", \"\"Quiet Days in Hollywood\"\", \"\"Floating\"\", and \"\"Unfaithful\"\". In 2000 he portrayed iconic singer John Denver in the made-for-television movie \"\"Take Me Home\"\". That year he also wrote and directed the short film \"\"The Audition\"\". Lowe made his feature film directorial debut in 2007 with \"\"Beautiful", "\"Rory Fleck Byrne\"\npsychological researcher Joseph Coupland, in the horror movie \"\"The Quiet Ones\"\". In 2016 he played Ruby in the movie \"\"Tiger Raid\"\". In 2017 he starred as Daniel Marney in eight episodes of \"\"Harlots\"\", a drama series about Georgian-era brothels, and the women working there. Fleck Byrne's character Daniel falls in love with the madam of a low-class brothel. Later in 2017 he starred opposite Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan in \"\"The Foreigner\"\". Fleck Bryne played Brosnan's nephew Sean Morrison, a former British royal navy officer. He later stated that up to then this was one of the best and most", "\"Pierre Turgeon (writer)\"\nplay served as inspiration for the feature-length movie \"\"La Gammick\"\" (1975), starring , Julien Poulin, Serge Thériault and Dorothée Berryman. In 1975, he founded Quinze Books, and was a publisher there for three years. During this period, he published many novels, including \"\"Coming Attraction\"\" and \"\"One, Two, Three\"\". He wrote \"\"La Fleur aux dents\"\", a movie starring Claude Jutra. The Quiet Revolution, which changed the Quebec society in the 1960s, greatly inspired Turgeon in his works during that period. In 1970, the October Crisis was one of the key moments in Canadian history. It gave birth to the controversial film", "\"A Quiet Place (album)\"\nand \"\"Mirage\"\" are standouts, and Vitro injects new emotion into Lionel Richie's \"\"Hello\"\" by slowing the tempo.\"\" All composer credits and durations derived from The Record Room. All information derived from A Quiet Place (album) A Quiet Place is the second album by jazz singer Roseanna Vitro, released in October 1987 on the Skyline label. AllMusic awarded the album 2 stars, with reviewer Scott Yanow citing its uncharacteristic attempt at crossover appeal: \"\"[A]lthough she does a fine job with Chick Corea's \"\"Times Lie,\"\" not much can be done with tunes by Lionel Richie and Patrice Rushen. Despite the presence", "Dongyang\nConsidered the Hollywood of the East, this vast movie set is a great day trip that is usually very quiet and empty. The movie set is home to a recreation of the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, an ancient Chinese Village and several small European Villages as well as a Pirate ship in a man-made lake. The movie \"\"Hero\"\", starring Jet Li was filmed there, as well as the recent video game adaptation. Lu Residential Complex () is one of the key historical and cultural sites under state-level protection in China. Located in downtown Dongyang, the great architectural complex has", "\"Redwall: The Movie\"\ngiven eight stars out of ten. There were 139 views gave a weighted average of about 8.0. It is an hour and 24 minutes long, and was published in 2000. The movie was released in theaters in 2000, and has been categorized as an animation and adventure movie. Major Characters Matthias: a young mouse, guided by the Spirit of Martin the Warrior to find the lost sword and defeat Cluny the Scourge. Cornflower: a young mouse maiden, known to be quiet but talks to Matthias and helps him through his self-doubt. Cluny the Scourge: a rat with an unusually long", "\"Trouble in the Glen\"\nbe dancing within six months. Tinker chieftain Parlan (McLaglen) and Malcolm enjoy the party from the window, until they realize it is an excellent night for poaching. The film was based on a novel by the writer of \"\"The Quiet Man\"\". Republic hoped that John Wayne would co-star with Margaret Lockwood. Frank Nugent said the film wasn't a sequel to \"\"Quiet Man\"\" \"\"but we're hoping to recapture the same flavour and warmth.\"\" The film was one of a series of movies that Wilcox and Republic intended to make together. Wilcox tried to get Cary Grant to do the film, then", "\"Narsimha (1991 film)\"\nNarsimha (1991 film) Narsimha is a 1991 Bollywood Hindi Action Drama film starring Sunny Deol, Dimple Kapadia, Urmila Matondkar, Ravi Behl and Om Puri. The film was directed by N. Chandra and was a commercial success. The movie was the debut movie for actor Ravi Behl and actress Urmila Matondkar, though she appeared in movies like \"\"Bade Ghar Ki Beti\"\" in small roles. Incidentally, both of them had appeared in many movies as child artists. Narasimha, a young and capable man, lives a middle class life with his family in a quiet neighborhood. He gets his beautiful sister married to", "\"Vasu Varma\"\nis still being provided. In 2009, Dil Raju has given first direction opportunity to Varma, also to launch a star kid Naga Chaitanya(son of Akkineni Nagarjuna) in the same project \"\"Josh\"\". He also got a chance to launch another star kid Karthika Nair (Daughter of yesteryears star actress Radha) in the same movie. With Josh he has placed a mile stone in his career as one of the very rare directors, who launched two star kids in one movie. After Josh, Varma has gotten another chance for his second movie by Dil Raju. The movie is named as Krishnashtami. Vasu", "\"A Quiet Place in the Country\"\na possessive spirit or ghost said to inhabit the house. \"\"A Quiet Place in the Country\"\" was released in Italy on 14 November 1968. The film was distributed theatrically in by P.E.A.—United Artists, where it grossed 387.358 million Italian lira. It was released in France on 14 August 1969 and the United States on 28 August 1970. Dennis Schwartz of \"\"Ozus' World Movie Reviews\"\" rated the film a grade B-, writing, \"\"How well you like this freaky tale, with an unsettling tone, depends on how much you fall in love with the stunning kaleidoscope cinematography of Luigi Kuveiller and the", "\"Annabelle: Creation\"\n\"\"Deliver Us from Evil\"\" and \"\"Ouija\"\". Anthony LaPaglia agreed to star in the film after his 14-year-old daughter overheard him talking on the phone about the movie, and responded enthusiastically to her father taking the role. He has described his character as \"\"a mysterious, quiet-yet-gruff man who is mourning both the loss of his daughter and the medical degeneration of his wife. The young orphans who move into the now-dilapidated house fear him.\"\" To get into character, he did not mingle with the young actresses very much on set. He would intentionally distance himself from them so that during filming", "\"The Day Will Dawn\"\nMain source is the BFI. David Parkinson gave the film three out of five stars in the \"\"Radio Times\"\", and wrote, \"\"Markedly less restrained than many other British tales of wartime resistance, this well-meaning flag-waver is far more effective than the majority of have-a-go Hollywood movies on the same theme...what sets this apart is a remarkable cast of British stalwarts, not one of whom puts a foot wrong. Special mention should be made, however, of Deborah Kerr, who lends quiet courage to an unrewarding romantic part, and Francis L Sullivan, who makes a most malevolent Nazi\"\"; while the reviewer for", "\"Star Anna\"\nStar Anna Star Anna (Star Anna Constantia Krogstie Bamford) is an American singer and guitarist from Ellensburg, Washington who plays Americana and alt-country. Duff McKagan wrote of her singing, \"\"She is the real deal. There is a pain in her voice that comes from somewhere deep, a place I dare not ask where it comes from.\"\" Seattle Times columnist Nicole Brodeur described her as having \"\"a voice full of bluster that will slam the door behind you, then find itself alone to take in the loneliness, the quiet, the beauty.\"\" Her band, Star Anna and the Laughing Dogs, includes Justin", "\"The Quiet Man\"\nCong, County Mayo, on the grounds of Cong's Ashford Castle. Cong is now a wealthy small town and the castle a 5-star luxury hotel. The connections with the film have led to the area becoming a tourist attraction. In 2008, a pub opened in the building used as the pub in the film (it had actually been a shop at the time when the movie was shot); the pub hosts daily re-runs of the film on DVD. The Quiet Man Fan Club holds its annual general meeting in Ashford Castle. Other locations in the film include Thoor Ballylee, Co. Galway,", "\"One Hundred and One Dalmatians\"\nThis is not one of the great Disney classics - it's not in the same league with \"\"Snow White\"\" or \"\"Pinocchio\"\" - but it's passable fun, and will entertain its target family audiences.\"\" \"\"Chicago Tribune\"\" film critic Gene Siskel, in his 1991 review, also gave the film three stars out of four. Ralph Novak of \"\"People\"\" wrote \"\"What it lacks in romantic extravagance and plush spectacle, this 1961 Disney film makes up for in quiet charm and subtlety. In fact, if any movie with dogs, cats and horses who talk can be said to belong in the realm of realistic", "\"Den osynlige\"\nDen osynlige Den osynlige (\"\"The Invisible\"\") is a 2002 Swedish film directed by Joel Bergvall and Simon Sandquist based on Mats Wahl's book of the same name. The film follows Niklas, a young and quiet man who falls short of his mother's expectations, and then finds himself attacked by a neglected young girl Annelie (she too, is metaphorically invisible) and left for dead. The movie is not true to the novel and was condemned by the author. The films stars Gustaf Skarsgård, Tuva Novotny and Thomas Hedengran in the leads. An American remake was released under the translated title \"\"The", "\"Broken Vessels\"\nthe \"\"Chicago Sun-Times\"\" who gave it three stars out of four, saying \"\"\"\"What makes the movie special is the way both lead actors find the right quiet notes for their performances.\"\"\"\" Leonard Klady of \"\"Variety\"\" wrote \"\"A vivid, embracing tale of life on the edge, \"\"Broken Vessels\"\" is an assured first feature with potent commercial appeal. Focused on a pair of paramedics behind the wheel of an ambulance, the film skillfully careens through the incidental and dark humor of their lives and plows forward into the bleak personal terrain that comes with the job. One of the few genuine artistic", "\"Road movie\"\nsuch as national identity), and depicting the road trip as a search on the part of the characters. The German filmmaker Wim Wenders explored the American themes of road movies through his European reference point in his Road Movie trilogy in the mid-1970s. They include \"\"Alice in the Cities\"\" (1974), \"\"The Wrong Move\"\" (1975), and \"\"Kings of the Road\"\" (1976). All three films were shot by cinematographer Robby Müller and mostly take place in West Germany. \"\"Kings of the Road\"\" includes stillness, which is unusual for road movies, and quietness (except for the rock soundtrack). Other road movies by Wenders", "\"Caroline Catz\"\na TV movie, \"\"The Guilty\"\", that opened in June 1992. In 1994 she took a lead role in the BBC's \"\"All Quiet on the Preston Front\"\", which ran for three series. She followed this with a spell in \"\"The Bill\"\" as Rosie Fox, during which she met Michael Higgs, who later became her husband. Her part in \"\"The Bill\"\" was the first of four long-term roles in which she played police officers; in \"\"The Vice\"\" she was a PC, in \"\"Murder in Suburbia\"\" and \"\"DCI Banks\"\" she was a Detective Inspector. Since 2004, Catz has starred in ITV's \"\"Doc Martin\"\",", "\"A Quiet Place in the Country\"\ndirector's bizarre logic he brings to the creative process as something that borders on the edge of sanity. For me it was a bit too pretentious, though its startling images were chillingly effective.\"\" Paul Mavis from DVD Talk gave the film 5/5 stars, writing, \"\"Disturbing, sensational aural/visual experience. Writer/director Elio Petri creates a completely unstable environment for his tale of personal madness, artistic chaos, and supernatural violence. Vanessa Redgrave and Franco Nero are beautiful to look at here. One of a kind.\"\" Steve Langton from \"\"The Spinning Image\"\" awarded the film 8/10 stars, stating, \"\"Granted, \"\"A Quiet Place In The", "\"Patrick Wayne\"\neleven movies with his father: \"\"Rio Grande\"\" (1950), \"\"The Quiet Man\"\" (1952), \"\"The Searchers\"\" (1956), \"\"The Alamo\"\" (1960), \"\"The Comancheros\"\" (1961), \"\"Donovan's Reef\"\" (1963), \"\"McLintock!\"\" (1963), \"\"The Green Berets\"\" (1968) and \"\"Big Jake\"\" (1971). Patrick made his film debut at age 11 in his father's film \"\"Rio Grande\"\". He followed that with films directed by family friend and iconic director John Ford: \"\"The Quiet Man\"\" (1952), \"\"The Sun Shines Bright\"\" (1953), \"\"The Long Gray Line\"\" (1955), \"\"Mister Roberts\"\" (1955) and \"\"The Searchers\"\" (1956). From 1957 to 1958, Wayne appeared as Walter on the CBS sitcom \"\"Mr. Adams and Eve\"\", starring", "\"Wyatt Earp\"\nboosted Wyatt's reputation. The book later inspired a number of stories, movies and television programs about outlaws and lawmen in Dodge City and Tombstone. Lake wrote a number of screenplays for these movies and twelve scripts for the 1955–61 television series \"\"The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp\"\" starring Hugh O'Brian as Earp. The popular movie \"\"Gunfight at the O.K. Corral\"\", released in 1957, starring Burt Lancaster as Earp, cemented his place in Western history as a hero lawman. The movie also altered the public's perception of cowboys, who in Earp's time and locale were outlaws, but in the movies", "\"Quiet Days in Clichy (novel)\"\n\"\"Quiet Days in Clichy\"\". The 30-minute film was directed by Mike Figgis. It stars Scott Glenn as Miller and Juliette Binoche as Mara. Quiet Days in Clichy (novel) Quiet Days in Clichy is a novella written by Henry Miller. It is based on his experience as a Parisian expatriate in the early 1930s, when he and Alfred Perlès shared a small apartment in suburban Clichy as struggling writers (at 4 Avenue Anatole-France). It takes place around the time Miller was writing \"\"Black Spring\"\". According to his photographer friend George Brassaï, Miller admitted the title is “completely misleading.” The plot follows", "\"The Quiet Earth (film)\"\neffect in \"\"The Quiet Earth\"\".\"\" Sheila Benson of the \"\"Los Angeles Times\"\" called Lawrence's screen presence \"\"electrifying\"\". It has since become a cult film. In 2014, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson named it one of his favorite science fiction films. The film placed tenth in a 2014 public poll by of the best New Zealand films of all time. The Quiet Earth (film) The Quiet Earth is a 1985 New Zealand science fiction post-apocalyptic film directed by Geoff Murphy and starring Bruno Lawrence, Alison Routledge and Peter Smith as three survivors of a cataclysmic disaster. It is loosely based on", "\"A Movie Star Has To Star in Black and White\"\nA Movie Star Has To Star in Black and White A Movie Star Has to Star in Black and White is a one act play split into three scenes written by Adrienne Kennedy. Actors are made to look like famous film stars Marlon Brando, Paul Henreid, Montgomery Clift, Jean Peters, Bette Davis, and Shelley Winters. The supporting roles of this story are Clara, her mother, father, brother, and husband. The settings of the three scenes take place on the sets of movies as well as a \"\"real place\"\": \"\"Now Voyager\"\"/ hospital lobby, \"\"Viva Zapata!\"\"/ Clara's brother’s hospital room, and \"\"A", "\"Radio-quiet neutron star\"\nStar), \"\"INS\"\" (Isolated Neutron Stars). Defined as thermally emitting neutron stars of high magnetic fields, although lower than that of magnetars. Identified in thermal x-rays, and thought to be radio-quiet. Compact Central Objects in Supernova remnants (CCOs in SNRs) are identified as being radio-quiet compact x-ray sources surrounded by supernova remnants. They have thermal emission spectra, and lower magnetic fields than XDINSs and magnetars. Radio-quiet neutron star A radio-quiet neutron star is a neutron star that does not seem to emit radio emissions, but is still visible to Earth through electromagnetic radiation at other parts of the spectrum, particularly x-rays", "\"Lew Ayres\"\nLew Ayres Lewis Frederick Ayres III (December 28, 1908 – December 30, 1996) was an American actor whose film and television career spanned 65 years. He is best known for starring as German soldier Paul Bäumer in the film \"\"All Quiet on the Western Front\"\" (1930) and for playing Dr. Kildare in nine movies. He was nominated for an Academy Award for his performance in \"\"Johnny Belinda\"\" (1948). Ayres was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota to Irma Bevernick and Louis Ayres, who divorced when he was four. Louis, an amateur musician and court reporter, remarried soon afterwards. As a teen, he", "\"The War Wagon\"\nfilmed with quiet good humor. It is also a point of departure for John Wayne, who plays a bad guy for just about the first time in his career.\"\" The movie holds a 90% \"\"Fresh\"\" score on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 10 reviews. The War Wagon The War Wagon is a 1967 American western film starring John Wayne and Kirk Douglas, released by Universal Pictures, directed by Burt Kennedy, produced by Marvin Schwartz, and adapted by Clair Huffaker from his own novel. The supporting cast includes Howard Keel, Robert Walker Jr., Keenan Wynn, Joanna Barnes and Bruce Dern. The picture", "\"The Embezzler (1954 film)\"\nhas problems of her own as she is being blackmailed by a former lover. The embezzler intercedes for her, but at a high cost. Sky Movies called the film a \"\"fascinating British co-feature which supplied the elderly but excellent Charles Victor (also a perfect Inspector Teal in The Saint's Return) with his only leading role, as an embezzler.\"\" The Embezzler (1954 film) The Embezzler is a 1954 British crime film directed by John Gilling and starring Charles Victor, Zena Marshall and Cyril Chamberlain. Its plot concerns a bank cashier who steals from the bank where he is employed. A quiet,", "\"Richard Cunningham (actor)\"\ndifferent roles in the series. He appeared as Norman Wright in Hollyoaks, Gates with Joanna Page, Colin Chalmers in EastEnders, Doctors, the BAFTA nominated London Spy with Ben Wishaw BBC2 and Dickensian as the Reverend Crisparkle. He will soon be seen in The Royals with Elizabeth Hurley and Stan Lee's Lucky Man with James Nesbitt. His film appearances include General Ramda in \"\"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story\"\", the Warner Brothers film \"\"\"\", the 2014 Hammer Films movie \"\"The Quiet Ones\"\", with Jared Harris,\"\"The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window And Disappeared\"\", The Theory of Everything (2014 film), the", "\"Euphoria (Indian band)\"\nas vocalist by Palash, describes the song as “the war cry of the meek, the quiet and the non-pretentious common man. This almost six-minute song features the band’s commentary on India’s various issues with spoofs on Arvind Kejriwal, Arnab Goswami, Vijay Mallya and Aamir Khan’s ‘PK’. The band has composed the soundtrack for a Malayalam film named Best of luck (2010). Albums and Singles of Euphoria is listed below: Dr. Palash Sen is also an actor, who acted in the Bollywood movie called \"\"Filhaal\"\". Also, Palash has starred in a film called Mumbai Cutting, in which he plays the lead", "\"Mang Kepweng Returns\"\nMang Kepweng Returns Mang Kepweng Returns is a 2017 Filipino horror-comedy film starring Vhong Navarro. The film is directed by Giuseppe Bede Sampedro and is under the production of Cineko Productions in association with Viva Films. The movie is a remake to the 1979 film \"\"Mang Kepweng\"\" where the titular protagonist, a funny \"\"albularyo\"\", was portrayed by comedian Chiquito. It is released in Philippine cinemas on January 4, 2017, exactly the same day of Vhong Navarro's birthday. The story revolves around Kiefer (Juneray Felizarta), a normal guy who lives a quiet life until he goes through bizarre experiences, seeing ghosts", "\"Rehema Nanfuka\"\nFestival of Cordoba, Spain in 2010. The film also won an Africa Movie Academy Award for Best Film in an African Language. Rehema also received recognition from the Variety critic Boyd Van Hoeij who wrote, \"\"Rehema Nanfuka, as a distressed maid in the second-best segment, impresses with her quiet sense of dignity.\"\" and The Hollywood Reporter critic Neil Young wrote, \"\"Nanfuka and Buyi are engaging performers and cope well with underwritten characters.\"\" In 2013 she starred in Joel Karekezi's Imbabazi, The Pardon, a film about the Rwanda genocide in which she was nominated for the Best actress award at the", "\"Quiet Days in Hollywood\"\n(Stephen Mailer), a sexually aggressive and drug addicted gay man, who is the closeted Blaine's boyfriend. The last vignette features a grief-stricken Blaine seeking sexual favors and companionship from Lolita, who is still sporting a bruise from her encounter with Angel. Quiet Days in Hollywood Quiet Days in Hollywood (also known as The Way We Are) is a 1997 German drama film written by Robert G. Brown and Josef Rusnak. Rusnak also directed. The movie features Hilary Swank, Chad Lowe, and Natasha Gregson Wagner. The plot features a series of interlocking stories. Each vignette is introduced with a character that", "\"Ghare Baire (film)\"\ncategorization. In close-up, it's a love story, but it's one so fully defined that, as in a long-shot, it also succeeds in dramatizing the events seen on the far horizon - including the political differences between Gandhi, who led the nationalist movement, and Tagore, who, like Nikhil, stood for civilized compromise.\"\" About the performances, he wrote: \"\"The film is acted with immense grace by its three leading actors.\"\" Roger Ebert noted that the real story of the film takes place within Bimala's heart and mind. He added: \"\"It is a contemplative movie -- quiet, slow, a series of conversations punctuated", "\"Gold Star Marching Band\"\nmore humorous than the above, and include the likes of tongue-in-cheek superlatives \"\"Back in High School\"\", \"\"Wolf in Sheepish Clothing\"\", and \"\"Please Be Quiet\"\" (for those who are), and \"\"No SERIOUSLY Be QUIET\"\" (for those who aren't). The band also performs the \"\"Sounds of the Gridiron\"\" concert at the end of the season. All of the halftime shows, the pregame, and some of the stands music are all performed. Gold Star Marching Band The Gold Star Marching Band or also known as \"\"The Pride of North Dakota\"\" is the marching band of North Dakota State University. It is a non-auditioned", "\"Zombie Night 2: Awakening\"\nto the turn of the year in Deseronto, Ontario. The budget was under $100,000. Susan Walker of \"\"The Toronto Star\"\" rated it 1.5/4 stars and wrote that it \"\"might be enough to satisfy a loyal fan base\"\" but is not a good film. Ulises Silva of Quiet Earth rated it 4.5/10 stars and called it \"\"a suspense-less, ineffective zombie film\"\" that could have benefited from a higher budget. Writing in \"\"The Zombie Movie Encyclopedia, Volume 2\"\", academic Peter Dendle said, \"\"There are at least a few interesting touches in the zombie conceptualizations here, unlike the depressing and tedious vision in", "\"Stories USA\"\nScott Caan & Paul Walker\"\" A car accident brings together a down on his luck man and a movie star. \"\"Directed by Gary Hawes - Starring Ioan Gruffudd\"\" After a suicide attempt, Claire has nothing better to do than go to work. During a cigarette break, she meets Simon, a man with a few issues of his own. \"\"Directed by M. Eastling - Starring Paris Hilton\"\" Dealing with the aftermath of a bad break up, Maximina prepares to spend a quiet night sulking at home, only to be ambushed by her friends and dragged out for a night of revelry.", "\"Star Wars Mini Movie Awards\"\nand \"\"Rampage\"\" magazine. All of the finalists were also put forward for the overall award of 'Best \"\"Star Wars\"\" Mini Movie'. The awards ceremony was originally to have taken place in Central London, but instead was held at the Memorabilia show at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. Taking place on 13 August 2006 category winners were given a trophy, £250 and a collection of \"\"Star Wars\"\" toys. The winner of 'Best \"\"Star Wars\"\" Mini Movie' received a trophy, £1000 and a home entertainment system. Best \"\"Star Wars\"\" Mini Movie Winner: Dan Masen (\"\"Star Wars: The Phantom Medallists\"\") Best Creativity", "\"The Brother from Another Planet\"\nsingled out \"\"Joe Morton's sweet, wise, unaggressive performance.\"\" Roger Ebert gave the film three-and-a-half stars out of four, saying \"\"the movie finds countless opportunities for humorous scenes, most of them with a quiet little bite, a way of causing us to look at our society\"\", noting that \"\"by using a central character who cannot talk, [Sayles] is sometimes able to explore the kinds of scenes that haven't been possible since the death of silent film.\"\" The A.V. Club, in a 2003 review of the film's DVD release, says the film's superhero scenes are \"\"often unintentionally silly, but again, Sayles shapes", "\"Big Bad John\"\ntelevision movie starring Dean. The song tells the story of a mysterious and quiet miner who earned the nickname Big John because of his height, weight, and muscular physique. (\"\"\"\"He stood six foot six and weighed 245\"\".\"\") He supposedly came from New Orleans, where, with \"\"a crashin' blow from a huge right hand\"\", he allegedly killed a man over a Cajun Queen. One day, a support timber cracked at the mine where John worked. The situation looked hopeless until John \"\"grabbed a saggin' timber, gave out with a groan / and like a giant oak tree just stood there alone\"\",", "\"Harvey Weinstein\"\nlife I served one master: the film. I love movies.\"\" Another example cited by Biskind was Phillip Noyce's \"\"The Quiet American\"\" (2002), whose release Weinstein delayed following the September 11 attacks owing to audience reaction in test screenings to the film's critical tone toward past U.S. foreign policy. After being told the film would go straight to video, Noyce planned to screen the film in Toronto International Film Festival in order to mobilize critics to pressure Miramax to release it theatrically. Weinstein decided to screen the film at the festival only after he was lobbied by star Michael Caine, who", "\"The Girl in Black Stockings\"\nThe Girl in Black Stockings The Girl in Black Stockings is an American B-movie mystery film released by United Artists in 1957. Directed by Howard W. Koch, it stars Lex Barker, Anne Bancroft, and Mamie Van Doren. A lodge in Kanab, Utah, is where Los Angeles lawyer David Hewson goes for a peaceful vacation. He quickly is attracted to Beth Dixon, a switchboard operator and a former personal assistant to lodge owner Edmund Parry. The murder of playgirl Marsha Morgan, her throat cut, disrupts the peace and quiet. Sheriff Holmes begins the investigation, starting with the wheelchair-bound Parry, who admits", "\"The Driver\"\non Hill's film: \"\"Its influence on video games is very clear and in movies its style has echoed throughout the work of Michael Mann, James Cameron, Quentin Tarantino, Nicolas Refn and now me with my new film (ahem), Baby Driver.\"\" The Driver The Driver is a 1978 American neo-noir crime thriller film written and directed by Walter Hill. It stars Ryan O'Neal, Bruce Dern and Isabelle Adjani. The Driver (Ryan O'Neal) - real name unknown - is a quiet man who has made a career out of stealing fast cars and using them as getaway vehicles in big-time robberies all", "\"Cinema of Vietnam\"\nTân. Some later popular color features revolved around the theme of family or personal tragedy in a war-torn society, such as \"\"Người Tình Không Chân Dung\"\" (The Faceless Lover) starring Kiều Chinh, \"\"Xa Lộ Không Đèn\"\" (Dark Highway) starring Thanh Nga, \"\"Chiếc Bóng Bên Đường\"\" (A Silhouette by the Road) starring Kim Cương and Thành Được. Comedy movies were usually released around Tết, the Vietnamese New Year; most notable was \"\"Triệu Phú Bất Đắc Dĩ\"\" (The Reluctant Millionaire) starring the well-loved comedian Thanh Việt. Joseph Mankiewicz's adaptation of Graham Greene's \"\"The Quiet American\"\" was filmed in and around Saigon in", "\"Martha Hyer\"\nthe crime comedy \"\"The Happening\"\", and the suspense film \"\"Crossplot\"\". In 1967, she guest-starred on \"\"Family Affair\"\" in the episode \"\"Star Dust\"\", in which she plays Carol Haven, a movie star. Her final film role was in \"\"The Day of the Wolves\"\" (1971) and her final television role was in a 1974 episode of \"\"McCloud\"\". At age 50, she retired from acting. Hyer enjoyed a quiet retirement through the 1980s and 1990s. She died on May 31, 2014 at the age of 89 from natural causes in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she had lived for many years. Martha Hyer", "\"No Place Like Home (TV series)\"\nNo Place Like Home (TV series) No Place Like Home was a BBC situation comedy series, written by Jon Watkins and starred William Gaunt and Patricia Garwood as Arthur and Beryl Crabtree, a middle-aged couple who plan for a quiet life once their children have left home. Sadly, it is not to be. \"\"No Place Like Home\"\" was broadcast for five series between 1983 and 1987 with an early appearance by Martin Clunes. , the series is being repeated between 2am to 3.30am weekdays on the Drama channel. Arthur and Beryl Crabtree had raised four children and looked forward to", "\"Partie de cartes\"\nMovies Begin - A Treasury of Early Cinema, 1894-1913\"\". Partie de cartes Partie de cartes (also known as Card Game and The Messers. Lumière at Cards (USA), or \"\"A Quiet Game of Écarté\"\") is an 1895 French short black-and-white silent film directed and produced by Louis Lumière and starring \"\"Antoine Féraud\"\". It was filmed by means of the Cinématographe, an all-in-one camera, which also serves as a film projector and developer. As with all early Lumière movies, this film was made in a 35 mm format with an aspect ratio of 1.33:1. The production was shot at Villa du Clos", "\"Art Poe\"\nundersized football star. \"\"Arthur Poe was about as game a man as the football world ever saw\"\" said Crolius. \"\"He was handicapped in his playing by a knee which would easily slip out of place. We men who played with him on the Homestead team were often stopped after Arthur had made a magnificent tackle and had broken up heavy interference, with this quiet request: 'Pull my bum knee back into place.' After this was done, he would jump up and no one would ever know that it had been out. This man, who perhaps was the smallest man playing", "\"Lying in Wait (2001 film)\"\nLying in Wait (2001 film) Lying in Wait is a 2001 American direct-to-video, thriller film, starring Rutger Hauer, Virginia Madsen and Thomas Newton. It was written and directed by D. Shone Kirkpatrick. Babee Gordon (Thomas Newton) is a quiet, introverted bachelor who one day discovers he has new next-door neighbors, Keith and Vera Miller (Rutger Hauer and Virginia Madsen). \"\"Weird Wild Realm\"\" gave the movie a mixed review, praising Madsen and Hauer's performances and concluding: \"\"Lying in Wait falls halfway between a conventional thriller & an arthouse film. As a low-budget straight-to-video feature it's no great shakes but it has", "\"Pernell Roberts\"\nrole in this film, arguably the greatest of the B-movies starring Randolph Scott and directed by Budd Boetticher. Roberts recognized the film's classic structure; his engaging outlaw, Sam Boone, counterpoints Scott's granite-faced Ben Brigade, maintaining the tension of whether they will work together or clash. He similarly played off James Coburn, who was making his film debut as Boone's quiet sidekick, Whit.\"\" The same year, he was cast in \"\"Bonanza\"\". Roberts played Ben Cartwright's urbane eldest son Adam, in the Western television series \"\"Bonanza\"\". Unlike his brothers, Adam was a university-educated architectural engineer. Roberts, having largely been \"\"a stage actor,", "\"A Quiet Place (opera)\"\nson but can't yet: he's still too conflicted. He finds a sports trophy on a shelf, which reawakens his memory... The scene opens as the jazz trio reprises its paean to the American suburban dream. In that distantly remembered afternoon, rather than going to Junior's school play, Young Sam has competed for a handball trophy and won. As he showers he proclaims that there are some men, like himself, who are just born winners and some men \"\"who will never, ever win\"\". Also avoiding Junior's play, Dinah goes to a movie — a trite Technicolor musical called \"\"Trouble in Tahiti\"\".", "\"Stefanie Powers\"\nof amateur sleuths. \"\"Hart to Hart\"\" aired for five seasons from 1979 to 1984. Powers and Wagner later reunited for eight \"\"Hart to Hart\"\" TV movies in the 1990s. In 1984, she starred in the TV mini-series \"\"Mistral's Daughter\"\", based on Judith Krantz's novel. In 1985, Powers starred as twins who swap places leading to dire consequences in the two-part made-for-TV movie \"\"Deceptions\"\". In 1987, she starred in the real-life TV drama \"\"At Mother's Request\"\", as the frightening Frances Schreuder, who goaded her 17-year-old-son into killing her father. Directed by Michael Tuchner, the script was adapted for television by Richard", "\"Quiet Riot\"\nwhich had been released as the album's first single on March 11, 1983, finally charted in early 1984 and peaked at No. 31. This could be attributed to the song's appearance in the 1984 movie \"\"Footloose\"\", as well as another heavily rotated video on MTV. The song was placed at No. 41 on VH1's \"\"Top 100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs\"\". The album \"\"Metal Health\"\" would ultimately sell over six million copies in the US. In support of \"\"Metal Health\"\", Quiet Riot toured North America as the opening act for ZZ Top on their Eliminator Tour for selected dates in June,", "\"Delancey Place\"\n(2009) is a romantic comedy starring Jeff Daniels, who plays a world-famous author who ends up dating an overprotective single mother, played by Lauren Graham; Lou Taylor Pucci plays a bookstore owner. The movie was filmed on the 2000 block and inside Arlen’s home at 2032 Delancey Place. \"\"How Do You Know\"\" (2010) is a love triangle comedy that includes scenes filmed at Rittenhouse Square and on the 2000 block of Delancey Place, although the exact location is not obvious. It stars Reese Witherspoon, Jack Nicholson, Owen Wilson and Paul Rudd. \"\"The Best and the Brightest\"\" (2010), starring Neil Patrick", "\"Randolph Mantooth\"\nTexas Ranger\"\" during the 1990s. In 2000, Mantooth played Ken Crandall in the television movie \"\"Bitter Suite\"\" (original title \"\"Time Share\"\"), and in 2007, he played Dutch Fallon in the television movie \"\"Fire Serpent\"\". Feature film roles include Admiral Edwards in \"\"Agent Red\"\" (2000), Dr. Willis in \"\"He Was a Quiet Man\"\" (2007), Ambassador Cartwright in \"\"Scream of the Bikini\"\" (2009), Richard Cranehill in \"\"Bold Native\"\" (2010), and Detective Bodrogi in \"\"Killer Holiday\"\" (2013). Mantooth also starred on series such as \"\"ER\"\", \"\"Criminal Minds\"\", \"\"Ghost Whisperer\"\", and most recently as Charlie Horse in \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" in 2011. Mantooth is", "\"The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom\"\nas a symbol of hope and beauty, and Japanese non-profit organizations that plant and encourage others to plant sakura trees were founded after the 2011 disaster. Critical reception for \"\"The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom\"\" has been positive, with Bruce Barcott calling the movie's Oscar nomination \"\"a well-deserved nod\"\" and stating that the movie \"\"captures the Japanese experience of the March 11, 2011, tsunami with a quiet beauty, power, and dignity\"\". Film Journal International also reviewed the film, praising Walker's directing and the use of musical and artistic touches. Roger Ebert gave the short 3 stars, stating that some of", "\"The Prince & Me\"\nstating that the movie was \"\"quite appealing, thanks to good-humored acting and to Martha Coolidge's quiet directing style.\"\" Meanwhile, Manohla Dargis of the \"\"Los Angeles Times\"\" criticised the movie, calling it \"\"a blandly diverting, chastely conceived and grammatically challenged fairy tale\"\" \"\"USA Today\"\" commented that \"\"The Prince & Me\"\" was overall \"\"well-meaning, cute, sweet\"\" but that the film could have been improved with \"\"a bit more quirkiness and a little less formula.\"\" The Prince & Me The Prince & Me is a 2004 American romantic comedy film directed by Martha Coolidge, and starring Julia Stiles, Luke Mably, and Ben Miller,", "\"The Lives of Others\"\n93% \"\"Certified Fresh\"\" rating, based on 142 positive reviews out of 152. A review in \"\"Daily Variety\"\" by Derek Elley noted the \"\"slightly stylized look\"\" of the movie created by \"\"playing up grays and dour greens, even when using actual locations like the Stasi's onetime HQ in Normannenstrasse.\"\" \"\"Time\"\" magazine's Richard Corliss named the film one of the Top 10 Movies of 2007, ranking it at #2. Corliss praised the film as a \"\"poignant, unsettling thriller.\"\" Film critic Roger Ebert gave the film four stars, describing it as \"\"a powerful but quiet film, constructed of hidden thoughts and secret desires.\"\"", "\"Kevin DuBrow\"\nmanagement. With Richards' help, DuBrow formed and began recording with a new band named Pretty Women. Richards, who was at that time working on the soundtrack for the Blake Edwards film \"\"Switch\"\", arranged for the DuBrow penned \"\"Slam Dunk\"\" to be included on the movie's soundtrack. In 1991, DuBrow regrouped with his former Quiet Riot bandmate Carlos Cavazo alongside Kenny Hillery and Pat Ashby in a new band called Heat, (Quiet Riot had continued on in 1987 with new singer Paul Shortino of Rough Cutt but by this time were disbanded). In June 1991, Heat had renamed themselves Quiet Riot.", "\"William Edwin Self\"\n\"\"The Shootist\"\" (1976), John Wayne's last film, and \"\"From Noon Till Three\"\" (1976) starring Charles Bronson. Self returned to CBS in 1977 as Vice-President/Head of the West Coast. A year later, he took on a new challenge when he accepted the position of Vice President in Charge of Television Movies and Mini-Series, also for CBS. Before leaving this job in 1982, he supervised production of about fifty films and three or four mini-series per year. These included \"\"The Corn is Green\"\" (1979) starring Katharine Hepburn; \"\"All Quiet on the Western Front\"\" (1979) starring Ernest Borgnine and Richard Thomas; \"\"Guyana Tragedy\"\"" ]
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when was tasmania cut off from the mainland
[ "10,000 years ago" ]
[ "\"Aboriginal Tasmanians\"\nis reflected by the presence of \"\"Nara\"\" (the broad western Tasmania language group) toponymy in \"\"Mara\"\" (the broad eastern language group) territory; for example - suggesting a pattern of occupation and hostile takeover that mirrors traditional hostilities during colonial times. Colonial settlers found two main language groups in Tasmania upon their arrival, which correlates with the broader nation or clan divisions. After the sea rose to create Bass Strait, the Australian mainland and Tasmania became separate land masses, and the Aboriginal people who had migrated from mainland Australia became cut off from their cousins on the mainland. Archeological evidence suggests", "\"Aboriginal Tasmanians\"\nAboriginal Tasmanians The Aboriginal Tasmanians (Tasmanian: \"\"Palawa\"\") are the indigenous people of the Australian state of Tasmania, located south of the mainland. For much of the 20th century, the Tasmanian Aboriginal people were widely, and erroneously, thought of as being an extinct cultural and ethnic group. Contemporary figures (2016) for the number of people of Tasmanian Aboriginal descent vary according to the criteria used to determine this identity, ranging from 6,000 to over 23,000. First arriving in Tasmania (then a peninsula of Australia) around 40,000 years ago, the ancestors of the Aboriginal Tasmanians were cut off from the Australian mainland", "Tasmania\nwhich gives the mountains the false impression of having snow-capped peaks year round. Evidence indicates the presence of Aborigines in Tasmania about 40,000 years ago. Rising sea levels cut Tasmania off from mainland Australia about 10,000 years ago and by the time of European contact, the Aboriginal people in Tasmania had nine major nations or ethnic groups. At the time of the British occupation and colonisation in 1803, the indigenous population was estimated at between 3,000 and 10,000. Historian Lyndall Ryan's analysis of population studies led her to conclude that there were about 7,000 spread throughout the island's nine nations;", "\"Mainland Australia\"\nrelationship between Tasmania and the other Australian states, in that people not from Tasmania are referred to as mainlanders. Tasmania has been omitted on a number of occasions from maps of Australia, reinforcing the divide between Tasmania and the mainland. The 1982 Commonwealth Games in Brisbane left Tasmania off the map of Australia during the opening ceremony, as did the designs of the Australian Swim Team uniform for the 2014 Commonwealth Games. The land mass covers , about 98.7% of the area of the country of Australia and covering 1.5% of the Earth's surface. Its population is about 24.5 million,", "\"Hobart coastal defences\"\nin the Hobart region. Prior to Australian Federation, the island of Tasmania was a colony of the British Empire, and as such was often at war with Britain's enemies and European rivals, such as France and later Russia. The British had already established the colony of Sydney at Port Jackson in New South Wales in 1788, but soon began to consider the island of Tasmania as the potential site of a useful second colony. It was an island, cut off from the mainland of Australia and isolated geographically, making it ideal for a penal colony, and was rich in timber,", "Basslink\nBasslink The Basslink electricity interconnector is a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) cable linking the electricity grids of the states of Victoria and Tasmania in Australia, crossing Bass Strait, connecting the Loy Yang Power Station, Victoria on the Australian mainland to the George Town substation in northern Tasmania. Basslink is bidirectional and enables Hydro Tasmania to supply some of the peak load capacity to the Australian mainland and take some of the excess base load capacity off the coal-fired generators on the mainland to supply Tasmania. Financial benefits from the Basslink investment included reduced or deferred need to invest in further", "\"Walker Island (Northern Tasmania)\"\nWalker Island (Northern Tasmania) The Walker Island, sometimes also Walker's Island, is a island located in Bass Strait, lying off the northwest coast of Tasmania, Australia. The island, separated from the Tasmanian mainland by a highly tidal area known as Robbins Passage, lies north of the adjacent Robbins Island. Access to Walker Island is available via the Walker Island Airport. The island, together with the adjacent Robbins Island, has been privately owned by the Hammond family since 1961. In 2016 it was reported that the family graze approximately 7,000 head of Wagyu cattle on both islands, and mainland Tasmania. HMAS", "\"Eddystone (Tasmania)\"\nEddystone (Tasmania) Eddystone is a tower-shaped rock or small island, located in the Southern Ocean, off the southern coast of Tasmania, Australia. The island is situated approximately from the South East Cape on a bearing of 149° and is contained within the Southwest National Park, part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Site. An erosional remnant of the Tasmanian mainland with an elevation of above sea level, the island is estimated to have separated from the Tasmanian mainland at least 15,000 years ago. Eddystone is known for its inaccessibility and distinctive shape, described by Abel Tasman in 1642 as \"\"a", "\"Pedra Branca (Tasmania)\"\nPedra Branca (Tasmania) Pedra Branca is a rock islet or small island, located in the Southern Ocean, off the southern coast of Tasmania, Australia. The island is situated approximately south southeast of South East Cape and is contained within the Southwest National Park, part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Site. An erosional remnant of the Tasmanian mainland, the island is approximately long, wide, with an elevation of above sea level. The island is estimated to have separated from the Tasmanian mainland at least 15,000 years ago. Pedra Branca is known for its inaccessibility, rich marine wildlife, wet and windy", "\"Rhodanthe anthemoides\"\nSouth Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. Although a widespread species on the mainland, in Tasmania it is listed as \"\"rare\"\" under the TSP Act. It is found in mountainous regions growing in sandy soil. The species is commonly cultivated, preferring a well drained, lightly shaded situation. Cutting back after flowering prevents plants from becoming straggly. Plants are well suited to being grown in containers. Propagation is from seed or cuttings, named cultivars requiring the latter method to be true to type. Cultivars include: Rhodanthe anthemoides Rhodanthe anthemoides, commonly known as chamomile sunray, is a perennial species of the daisy family Asteraceae.", "\"Robbins Island (Tasmania)\"\nRobbins Island (Tasmania) The Robbins Island is a island located in Bass Strait, lying off the northwest coast of Tasmania, Australia. The island, separated from the Tasmanian mainland by a highly tidal area known as Robbins Passage, lies south to the adjacent Walker Island. Robbins Islands is the seventh largest island of Tasmania and is the largest freehold island in Tasmania. Over the years Robbins Island has changed ownership and to this day remains privately owned. The island was part of the territory of the indigenous North West tribe spanning from Table Cape to the western side of Macquarie Harbour,", "Tasmania\nIsland, are the southernmost terrestrial point of the state of Tasmania, and the southernmost internationally recognised land in Australia. About south of Tasmania island lies Antarctica. Antarctica is nearer to Tasmania than areas in the northern Australian mainland. The island is believed to have been occupied by indigenous peoples for 30,000 years before British colonisation. It is thought Aboriginal Tasmanians were separated from the mainland Aboriginal groups about 10,000 years ago when the sea rose to form the Bass Strait. The Aboriginal population was estimated to have been between 3,000 and 7,000 at the time of colonisation, but was almost", "\"King Island (Tasmania)\"\nKing Island (Tasmania) King Island is an island in the Bass Strait, belonging to the Australian state of Tasmania. It is the largest of three islands known as the New Year Group, and the second-largest island in Bass Strait (after Flinders Island). The island's population at the was 1,585 people, up from 1,566 in 2011. The local government area of the island is the King Island Council. The island forms part of the official land divide between the Great Australian Bight and Bass Strait, off the north-western tip of Tasmania and about halfway to the mainland state of Victoria. It", "Tasmania\nthe large number of older residents and retirees in Tasmania receiving Age Pensions. Due to its natural environment and clean air, Tasmania is a common retirement selection for Australians. During colonial times the cuisines of the British Isles were the standard in most areas of Tasmania. Tasmania now has a wide range of restaurants, in part due to the arrival of immigrants and changing cultural patterns. Scattered across Tasmania are many vineyards, and Tasmanian beer brands such as Boags and Cascade are known and sold in Mainland Australia. King Island off the northwestern coast of Tasmania has a reputation for", "\"Robbins Island (Tasmania)\"\nHead presently harvest rock lobster and abalone in waters around the island. A wind farm has been proposed to be built on the island and was expected to be fully operational by 2014; yet by 2016 the wind farm had not been constructed. Robbins Island (Tasmania) The Robbins Island is a island located in Bass Strait, lying off the northwest coast of Tasmania, Australia. The island, separated from the Tasmanian mainland by a highly tidal area known as Robbins Passage, lies south to the adjacent Walker Island. Robbins Islands is the seventh largest island of Tasmania and is the largest", "\"Cape Wickham\"\nCape Wickham Cape Wickham is the most northerly point of King Island, Tasmania, Australia. From here, it is to Cape Otway on the Australian mainland. In the 19th century, ships coming from Europe would sometimes attempt to sail between Cape Wickham and Cape Otway to cut down on the required travelling time to Sydney, however the trip was dangerous and the price of failure high; usually shipwreck on the unforgiving King Island coast. The Cape Wickham lighthouse situated on the cape had its 150th anniversary in 2011 The lighthouse was constructed in the 1860s when the island was still known", "\"Hydro Tasmania\"\nand was to be sold when the crisis took place. The plant was recommissioned because of the crisis restoring a capacity of about and diesel generators were brought in from the mainland with a generating capacity of . Hydro Tasmania publications Other publications Hydro Tasmania Hydro Tasmania, known for most of its history as the Hydro-Electric Commission or The Hydro, is the trading name of the Hydro-Electric Corporation, a Tasmanian Government business enterprise which is the predominant electricity generator in the state of Tasmania, Australia. The Hydro was originally oriented towards hydro-electricity, due to Tasmania's dramatic topography and relatively high", "\"Hunter Island (Tasmania)\"\n1821. The Hunter Island Group includes: The island forms part of the Hunter Island Group Important Bird Area because it lies on the migration route of the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot between south-west Tasmania and mainland south-eastern Australia. Hunter Island (Tasmania) The Hunter Island, the main island of the Hunter Island Group, is a island, located in Bass Strait, that lies between King Island and north-west Tasmania, Australia. The island is located near Three Hummock Island, several kilometres off the north-west coast of Tasmania. The island is run as a cattle property and there is a homestead on the island.", "\"Cartographic censorship\"\nto keep secret any strategic discoveries he made such as off-shore islands and deep, natural harbours. He would report such prizes to the Admiralty when he returned to London, but meanwhile he would omit them from his journal and charts. Cook's program of disinformation was first proposed in the book \"\"Lying for the Admiralty\"\" (2018). In 1770, Cook found Sydney Harbour by walking overland from Botany Bay, along an Aboriginal track connecting the two inlets. He also identified Bass Strait which separates Tasmania from mainland Australia. However, off-shore islands can provide a base from which operations could be mounted by", "\"Walker Island (Northern Tasmania)\"\n\"\"Riawe\"\" had her commercial origins in the Robbins and Walker Islands prior to her 1942 requisition by the Department of the Navy for duties with the Naval Auxiliary Patrol during World War II. Walker Island (Northern Tasmania) The Walker Island, sometimes also Walker's Island, is a island located in Bass Strait, lying off the northwest coast of Tasmania, Australia. The island, separated from the Tasmanian mainland by a highly tidal area known as Robbins Passage, lies north of the adjacent Robbins Island. Access to Walker Island is available via the Walker Island Airport. The island, together with the adjacent Robbins", "\"Sidmouth Rock\"\nSidmouth Rock The Sidmouth Rock is a rock islet or small island, located in the Southern Ocean, off the southern coast of Tasmania, Australia. The island is situated approximately south-east of South East Cape and is contained within the Southwest National Park, part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Site. An erosional remnant of the Tasmanian mainland with a diameter of , the island is estimated to have separated from the Tasmanian mainland at least 15,000 years ago. The Sidmouth Rock is located approximately east of Eddystone, another islet located off the South East Cape. The islet is frequently wave-washed", "\"Oceanic cuisine\"\nsauce are common. During colonial times typical English cuisine was the standard in most areas of Tasmania. Tasmania now has a wide range of restaurants, in part due to the arrival of immigrants and changing cultural patterns. There are many vineyards throughout Tasmania, and Tasmanian beer brands such as Boags and Cascade are known and sold in Mainland Australia. King Island off the northwestern coast of Tasmania has a reputation for boutique cheeses and dairy products. Tasmanians are also consumers of seafood, such as crayfish, orange roughy, salmon and oysters, both farmed and wild. New Zealand cuisine is largely based", "\"Australasian swamphen\"\nability to disperse is not unique to swamphens, but is common to all continental Rallidae, hence they are often found on remote islands. The New Zealand population (along with green-yellow swamphens in Tasmania) are possibly slightly larger than mainland Australian birds, but are otherwise identical. When threatened, they will often walk away from danger rather than fly. When they fly, take-offs and landings are clumsy, and short flight distances are preferred. Australasian swamphens are considered to be the ancestors of several island species including the extinct Lord Howe swamphen and two species of takahē in New Zealand. On islands where", "Tasmania\nto an invented Point Hicks. Cook's ploy worked and Tasmania's insularity was suppressed for three more decades, as Europe's mapmakers increasingly depicted it as a peninsula joined to the mainland. The age-old question about Tasmania's insularity - 'Is Van Diemen's Land a peninsula or an island?' - was officially resolved in 1798-99 when George Bass and Matthew Flinders circumnavigated the island. When news of their discovery of Bass Strait reached Europe, the French government despatched a reconnaissance expedition commanded by Nicolas Baudin. This prompted Governor King to send two vessels from Sydney to the island to establish a garrison at", "Tasmania\n\"\"Tassie\"\". Tasmania is also colloquially shortened to \"\"Tas,\"\" mainly when used in business names and website addresses. TAS is also the Australia Post abbreviation for the state. The reconstructed Palawa kani language name for Tasmania is Lutriwita. The island was adjoined to the mainland of Australia until the end of the last glacial period about 10,000 years ago. Much of the island is composed of Jurassic dolerite intrusions (the upwelling of magma) through other rock types, sometimes forming large columnar joints. Tasmania has the world's largest areas of dolerite, with many distinctive mountains and cliffs formed from this rock type.", "\"Cape Otway Lighthouse\"\nwas the second lighthouse completed on mainland Australia and it remains the oldest surviving lighthouse in mainland Australia. It was decommissioned in January 1994 after being the longest continuous operating light on the Australian mainland. At the keeper's cottages of Apollo Bay, accommodation is available in two double studios or in the head keeper's cottage that will sleep groups ranging from two to sixteen people. A telegraph station was added to the site when Tasmania was connected to the mainland by a submarine telegraph line from Cape Otway to Launceston in 1859. Eight ships were wrecked along the coast of", "\"Pedra Branca (Tasmania)\"\nnamed Pedra Branca off China, presumably referring to the Pedra Branca in the South China Sea. The journal places Pedra Branca \"\"about four [Dutch] miles\"\" from the mainland of Tasmania; a Dutch mile from this period was about , thus 4 such Dutch miles would be , which is close to the actual distance of Pedra Branca from South East Cape. On 7 February 1973 \"\"Nisshin Maru No. 8\"\", a Japanese steel fishing vessel of led by Captain Nakayama, on its way to Hobart for a mechanical inspection, hit Pedra Branca and sank in deep water within a few minutes.", "\"1974–75 Ashes series\"\na banner \"\"Denness' Last Stand\"\" and a trumpeter in the crowd played the Last Post when the England captain came to the wicket. Buoyed by his recent innings against Tasmania and NSW he struck 51 off 66 balls with 7 fours, using the square cut with effect. At noon the concentration of the batsmen was disturbed by the 21 gun salute from the barracks behind the Victor Richardson Stand, which held up play for five minutes. When play resumed Cowdrey was dismissed off a Thomson bouncer that swung in and flied off his bat high above Walker's head, only for", "\"Norwegian Sawmill Museum\"\nboat then looked glamorous, neatly cleaned and shined up for the occasion. As Salsbruket was cut off from the mainland, the boat came to play a greater role than initially intended for the growing society which derived their livelihood from the pulp mill. Salsbruket was first connected to the mainland in 1968, when a regular ferry transport was opened. Before that, whenever there was a medical emergency, Hauka and its crew often played a crucial role. On several occasions their effort was life-saving. The fact that three births took place on Hauka is a case in point. When the pulp", "\"Ben Laughlin (cricketer)\"\nfrom Queensland's contract list altogether. When Laughlin was cut from Queensland's contract list he changed state teams to Tasmania, joining them for the 2011–12 Ryobi One-Day Cup. Echoing the start to his career for Queensland, Laughlin took his second six-wicket haul in his second match for Tasmania, also against New South Wales. He also played for Tasmania's team in the new Big Bash League (BBL), the Hobart Hurricanes. Despite being cut from Tasmania's contract list at the end of the season, his form for the Hurricanes was good enough that he was named in Australia's extended 30-man squad for the", "\"Tasmanian Steam Navigation Company\"\nTasmanian Steam Navigation Company Tasmanian Steam Navigation Company Limited was an Australian steaming company, formed in Hobart in 1853 and defunct in 1922 after a series of acquisitions. It operated a shipping service from Tasmania to the Australian Mainland, later expanded to New Zealand. The company was formed in Hobart, Tasmania in 1853 to operate a shipping service from Tasmania to the Australian Mainland, and expanded its routes into New Zealand in 1864. It took over the Launceston & Melbourne Steam Navigation Co. in 1865 after the sinking of the S. S. City of Launceston. From 1889 there was a", "\"Tasmanian Seafarers Memorial\"\npopular visiting and reflection place for many tourists travelling on Tasmania's eastern coast. Located to the south of the Australian mainland and fully exposed to the Roaring Forties winds of the Southern Hemisphere, the island state of Tasmania has a long history of seafaring, and an even longer history of seaborne tragedy. Ships have foundered off Tasmania's of coastline even before permanent settlement began in 1803, and over 1000 vessels are known to have been lost in Tasmanian waters since records began. In addition, Tasmanians have served or sailed on vessels across the globe since those same times, both in", "Mainland\nmain island of Tasmania is also \"\"the mainland\"\". Mainland Mainland is a contiguous landmass that is larger and often politically, economically and/or demographically more significant than politically associated remote territories, such as exclaves or oceanic islands situated outside the continental shelf. In geography, \"\"mainland\"\" can denote the continental (i.e. non-insular) part of any polity or the main island within an island nation. In geopolitics, \"\"mainland\"\" is sometimes used interchangeably with terms like Metropole as an antonym to overseas territories. In the sense of \"\"heartland\"\", mainland is the opposite of periphery. The term is relative- in Tasmania, continental Australia is the", "\"Great Australian Bight\"\nGreat Australian Bight The Great Australian Bight is a large oceanic bight, or open bay, off the central and western portions of the southern coastline of mainland Australia. Two definitions of the extent are in use – one used by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the other used by the Australian Hydrographic Service (AHS). The IHO defines the Great Australian Bight as having the following limits: \"\"On the North.\"\" The south coast of the Australian mainland. \"\"On the South.\"\" A line joining West Cape Howe () Australia to South West Cape, Tasmania. \"\"On the East.\"\" A line from Cape", "\"History of Tasmania\"\nHistory of Tasmania The history of Tasmania begins at the end of the most recent ice age (approximately 10,000 years ago) when it is believed that the island was joined to the Australian mainland. Little is known of the human history of the island until the British colonisation in the 19th century. Tasmania was inhabited by an indigenous population, the Tasmanian Aborigines, and evidence indicates their presence in the territory, later to become an island, at least 35,000 years ago. At the time of the British occupation and colonisation in 1803 the indigenous population was estimated at between 3000 and", "\"Tasmanian Steam Navigation Company\"\nvessels belonging to T.S.N.Co were transferred to Tasmanian Steamers. Tasmanian Steam Navigation Company Tasmanian Steam Navigation Company Limited was an Australian steaming company, formed in Hobart in 1853 and defunct in 1922 after a series of acquisitions. It operated a shipping service from Tasmania to the Australian Mainland, later expanded to New Zealand. The company was formed in Hobart, Tasmania in 1853 to operate a shipping service from Tasmania to the Australian Mainland, and expanded its routes into New Zealand in 1864. It took over the Launceston & Melbourne Steam Navigation Co. in 1865 after the sinking of the S.", "\"Toll Domestic Forwarding\"\ncompany started in 2003 when Toll Holdings purchased an 85% stake in Tranz Rail Holdings. Toll New Zealand operates a fleet of more than 950 owner driver and company owned vehicles ranging from small courier vans to heavy 50 tonne truck rigs. When transporting vehicles Toll New Zealand uses specially-constructed, fully enclosed rail wagons. Toll Shipping operates roll on / roll off vessels on Bass Strait, offering two-way shipping services between Tasmania and mainland Australia six days a week. Toll Shipping has two dedicated terminals one at Webb Dock in Melbourne and the other at McGaw Wharf in Burnie. Toll", "Tasmania\nwill be created, while opponents argue that pollution will damage both the Bass Strait fishing industry and local tourism. The company behind the proposal collapsed in 2012 and the pulp mill project officially ended in 2017 when the building permits lapsed. In January 2011 philanthropist David Walsh opened the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) in Hobart to international acclaim. Within 12 months, MONA became Tasmania's top tourism attraction. Tasmania's landmass of is located directly in the pathway of the notorious \"\"Roaring Forties\"\" wind that encircles the globe. To its north, it is separated from mainland Australia by Bass", "\"Cape Barren Island\"\nsea kayakers who attempt the crossing of Bass Strait from the Australian mainland at Wilsons Promontory, Victoria to the Tasmanian mainland. Cape Barren Island Cape Barren Island (indigenous name: Truwana), part of the Furneaux Group, is a island in the Bass Strait, off the north east coast of Tasmania, Australia. The largest island of the Furneaux Group, Flinders Island, lies to the north, with the smaller Clarke Island to the south. The highest point on the island is Mount Munro at . Mount Munro is probably named after James Munro (c. 1779-1845), a former convict and then sealer, who lived", "\"Mainland Regional High School (New Jersey)\"\nreceived an ovation from some of the students in the audience. Kareem then left the graduation ceremonies before receiving his diploma. During the 2008 Graduation ceremony, Salutatorian Jennifer Chau's speech was cut off, after she strayed from her approved text and issued a criticism of the school's administration. Students and parents in the audience protested the cut off, requesting that she be allowed to finish her remarks. Chau's issue revolved around her not receiving credit for a freshman honors class, which she believed allowed another student, the child of a Board of Education member, to be chosen as valedictorian. Mainland", "\"Flora and fauna of Tasmania\"\nor more), are \"\"Eucalyptus regnans\"\", \"\"Eucalyptus globulus\"\" and \"\"Eucalyptus viminalis\"\" in Tasmania (mostly in the Styx Valley). Tasmania hosts endemic plant genera as well as plant genera of restricted distribution; an example of such a genus is \"\"Archeria\"\". For millions of years in the past, these types of vegetation present in the island, covered much of the tropics of Earth. The species of Tasmania are relicts of a type of vegetation disappeared, which originally covered much of the mainland of Australia, South America, Antarctica, South Africa, North America and other lands when their climate were more humid and warm. Although", "\"White-lipped snake\"\nWhite-lipped snake The white-lipped snake (\"\"Drysdalia coronoides\"\") is a small species of elapid snake that is endemic to south-eastern mainland Australia and Tasmania. It is the smallest of three species of snake found in Tasmania and is Australia's most cold-tolerant snake, even inhabiting areas on Mount Kosciuszko above the snow line. Growing to only about in length, this snake feeds almost exclusively on skinks. It belongs to the genus \"\"Drysdalia\"\", and is often referred to as the whip snake in Tasmania (true whip snakes from Australia are in the genus \"\"Demansia\"\" and are only found on the mainland). This species", "\"Banksia marginata\"\nflood plains of the Loddon, Franklin and Huon Rivers, as well as coastal regions. In parts of the west and southwest of Tasmania, the species is dominant within the threatened native vegetation community known as \"\"Banksia marginata\"\" wet scrub. There is no macrofossil record for the species, so it is unclear whether it is a recent introduction from the mainland or has only recently evolved, although its presence on both the mainland and Tasmania suggests it has been present since the Pleistocene. It grows in coastal habitats that would be occupied by \"\"Banksia integrifolia\"\" on the mainland. \"\"Banksia marginata\"\" grows", "\"King Island emu\"\nKing Island emu The King Island emu (\"\"Dromaius novaehollandiae minor\"\") is an extinct subspecies of emu that was endemic to King Island, in the Bass Strait between mainland Australia and Tasmania. Its closest relative may be the extinct Tasmanian emu (\"\"D. n. diemenensis\"\"), as they belonged to a single population until less than 14,000 years ago, when Tasmania and King Island were still connected. The small size of the King Island emu may be an example of insular dwarfism. The King Island emu was the smallest of all known emus, and had darker plumage than the mainland emu. It was", "\"Australia (continent)\"\nAustralia and New Guinea, and Bass Strait between mainland Australia and Tasmania. When sea levels were lower during the Pleistocene ice age, including the Last Glacial Maximum about 18,000 BC, they were connected by dry land. During the past 10,000 years, rising sea levels overflowed the lowlands and separated the continent into today's low-lying arid to semi-arid mainland and the two mountainous islands of New Guinea and Tasmania. The Australian continent, being part of the Indo-Australian plate, is the lowest, flattest, and oldest landmass on Earth and it has had a relatively stable geological history. New Zealand is not part", "\"Hunter Island Group Important Bird Area\"\nHunter Island Group Important Bird Area The Hunter Island Group Important Bird Area comprises several islands in the Hunter Island Group and Trefoil Island Group lying off the north-western coast of Tasmania, Australia. Collectively, they have an area of 152 km. They have been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because they support over 1% of the world populations of Cape Barren geese, short-tailed shearwaters, black-faced cormorants, sooty oystercatchers and Pacific gulls. The IBA also supports the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot on its migration route between Tasmania and mainland south-eastern Australia. Most of Tasmania's endemic bird", "\"1932 Atlantic hurricane season\"\nstorm's landfall, and many people evacuating inland were forced to abandon their cars in high winds and heavy rains. In Galveston, Texas, power to electrical and phone service was cut off, temporarily reducing communications. The passage between Galveston Island and mainland Texas was flooded, temporarily cutting off Galveston from the mainland. Heavy rains occurred, and a foot of rain fell as the storm moved north towards the coast. 40 people were killed by the hurricane. The greatest single death toll for any town was seven in West Columbia, Texas, where sustained winds over flattened several homes. Two neighborhoods that had", "\"Charles Du Cane\"\nwas sworn in at Hobart Town on 15 January 1869. He faced a minor constitutional crisis when the Premier of Tasmania, James Milne Wilson, threatened to resign after a taxation scheme he had proposed was defeated in parliament, which would have left Tasmania without a government, although Wilson withdrew his resignation and a general election took place. Du Cane's tenure in Tasmania saw the colony grow strong and prosperous, partly due to industrial and resources booms and the improvement of communication between Tasmania, the mainland and England. He left Hobart in November 1874, and was appointed KCMG the next year", "\"Dene Hills\"\nBy the time he had finished school, Hills had already given indication of the talent he possessed. A gifted batsman with a strong defence, he showed a natural preference for off-side play, and could cut and drive elegantly. After attending the Australian Cricket Academy in 1989, Dene Hills made his debut for Tasmania against Western Australia at Hobart in the summer of 1991–92. Hills had limited success in List A cricket, but truly shone as a batsman in the Sheffield Shield. He quickly established himself at the top of the order at a time when Tasmania was re-organising itself into", "\"Australian masked owl\"\nuse underground caves or rock crevices for nesting and roosting.<ref>Mooney, N. (1993) Diet of the Masked Owl in Tasmania: past and present. In 'Australian Raptor Studies. The female lays two or three eggs and incubates them while the male hunts for food. The young are white or off white when they first develop feathers. They can leave the nest at two to three months of age but return to be fed by the parents for another month before going on their own. The population of the Australian masked owl on the mainland is declining and several states have placed this", "\"Jericho, Tasmania\"\nJericho, Tasmania Jericho is a historical village in the centre of Tasmania, Australia between Hobart and Launceston off the Midland Highway. Founded in 1816, it is one of the oldest townships in Australia. Jericho Post Office opened on 1 June 1832 and closed in 1962. Like its better-known neighbour, Oatlands, the main road of Jericho contains many fine examples of early colonial sandstone architecture, and constructions including examples of convict cut culverts, bridges and walls, many of which date from the 1830s. The main Anglican church, St James (built in 1888) contains the grave of Trooper John Hutton Bisdee, who", "\"British colonisation of Tasmania\"\nvillage near the Bass Strait, hiding from British authorities. British colonisation of Tasmania \"\"For information concerning warfare with the aborigines of Australia, see Black War.\"\" The British colonisation of Tasmania took place between 1803 and 1830. Tasmania was a British colony from 1856 until 1901, at which time it joined five other colonies to form the Commonwealth of Australia. By the end of the colonisation in 1830 the British Empire had annexed large parts of mainland Australia, and all of Tasmania. The first British colonies on Tasmania appeared circa 1803. Small numbers of whalers and sealers set up communities along", "\"TT-Line Company\"\nTT-Line Company TT-Line Company Pty. Ltd. T/A Spirit of Tasmania is a company which has been operating ferries from mainland Australia to Tasmania since July 1985. The company was separated from the Tasmanian Government's Department of Transport in 1993, becoming a government business enterprise wholly owned by the Government of Tasmania where it was then named Spirit of Tasmania in August 1993. TT-Line (Tasmania) was formed in 1985 following the announcement that the Australian National Line (ANL) would no longer operate a service across Bass Strait with \"\"Empress of Australia\"\". After the cessation of ANL operations to Tasmania, the Tasmanian", "\"Mainland Australia\"\nMainland Australia Mainland Australia is the main land mass of the Commonwealth of Australia excluding Tasmania and other offshore islands and external territories (such as the Australian Antarctic Territory). The land mass also constitutes the mainland of the Australian continent, and the term, along with continental Australia, can be used in a geographic sense to exclude surrounding continental islands. Generally, the term is applied to the states of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, and South Australia, as well as the Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory, and Jervis Bay Territory. The term is typically used when referring to the", "\"Thomas Gore Browne\"\n1861, Browne was appointed Governor of Tasmania. At the time, Tasmania was struggling economically and people were leaving for better employment prospects on the Australian mainland. To counter this, Browne implemented measures to encourage immigration. He also worked towards improving public education and training in the trades. A popular governor for most of his term, he lost goodwill when he displayed favouritism when filling a public service position. In January 1869, he left Australia for England. While in Melbourne, his point of departure from the country, his youngest child died. After being appointed Knight Commander of the Order of St", "Australia\nall major supercontinents, the Australian continent began to form after the breakup of Gondwana in the Permian, with the separation of the continental landmass from the African continent and Indian subcontinent. It separated from Antarctica over a prolonged period beginning in the Permian and continuing through to the Cretaceous. When the last glacial period ended in about 10,000 BC, rising sea levels formed Bass Strait, separating Tasmania from the mainland. Then between about 8,000 and 6,500 BC, the lowlands in the north were flooded by the sea, separating New Guinea, the Aru Islands, and the mainland of Australia. The Australian", "\"Cape Wickham\"\nas \"\"King's Island\"\" On 30 October 2015, Cape Wickham Links, and 18-hole golf course, opened to the public. Cape Wickham Cape Wickham is the most northerly point of King Island, Tasmania, Australia. From here, it is to Cape Otway on the Australian mainland. In the 19th century, ships coming from Europe would sometimes attempt to sail between Cape Wickham and Cape Otway to cut down on the required travelling time to Sydney, however the trip was dangerous and the price of failure high; usually shipwreck on the unforgiving King Island coast. The Cape Wickham lighthouse situated on the cape had", "\"British colonisation of Tasmania\"\nBritish colonisation of Tasmania \"\"For information concerning warfare with the aborigines of Australia, see Black War.\"\" The British colonisation of Tasmania took place between 1803 and 1830. Tasmania was a British colony from 1856 until 1901, at which time it joined five other colonies to form the Commonwealth of Australia. By the end of the colonisation in 1830 the British Empire had annexed large parts of mainland Australia, and all of Tasmania. The first British colonies on Tasmania appeared circa 1803. Small numbers of whalers and sealers set up communities along the Northern Coast and the Bass Strait islands. The", "\"Fritillaria meleagris\"\nEuropean population when Britain was cut off from mainland Europe after the last glacial period. Clive Stace (2010) says that it is \"\"doubtfully native\"\". The plant was once abundant in the UK, particularly in the Thames Valley and parts of Wiltshire, and was collected in vast quantities to be sold as a cut flower in the markets of London, Oxford and Birmingham. During World War II most of the ancient meadows were ploughed up and turned over to the production of food crops, destroying much of the plant's habitat. Although a popular garden plant it is now rare in the", "\"Joseph Emory Davis\"\nconfiscated during the war, he secured a pardon from President Andrew Johnson. He eventually regained his land from the Freedmen's Bureau, which was managing refugees. Many freedmen had already left by 1867, when Davis Bend got cut off from the mainland. The flooding Mississippi River cut a new channel across the neck of the peninsula. Davis arranged a mortgage for Montgomery, selling him the plantation on a long-term note to make a community of freedmen. Davis and a granddaughter (born to one of his illegitimate daughters) resided upriver in the city of Vicksburg, from 1868 to his death in 1870.", "\"Sandfly, Tasmania\"\n100 acres to begin operations. In November 1906 the tramway was completed and production was increased, but the company went bankrupt in late 1907. The Tasmanian Wallsend Colliery Company acquired the Sandfly Colliery Company in 1908 and began mining again but after mining 16000 tons the coal ran out in 1910. The State Government purchased Sandfly Tramway in 1916 and began leasing it to Kingborough Council in 1917. In 1917 a syndicate reopened the mines after a strike cut coal supply from the mainland, but it again stopped in 1919. Bushfires damaged the tramways in 1917 and 1920, and one", "\"Road transport in Australia\"\noff a sealed road can be dangerous, and motorists are generally advised to take precautions such as: Failure to observe these precautions can result in death. The Spirit of Tasmania is a service operated by TT-Line with two ocean-going ferries providing a \"\"road\"\" link between Tasmania and the mainland. There is also a Searoad ferry service across the opening of Port Phillip connecting Sorrento and Queenscliff. Kangaroo Island is connected to Cape Jervis by the SeaLink service. Many of the road crossings over the lower Murray River are provided by government-operated cable ferries. Although trucks had played important local carriage", "\"Cameroon line\"\nForro speakers. Bioko is just off the coast of Cameroon, on the continental shelf. The island used to be the end of a peninsula attached to the mainland, but was cut off when sea levels rose 10,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age. With an area of it is the largest island in the Cameroon line. Bioko has three basaltic shield volcanoes, joining at the lower levels. San Carlos is high with a broad summit caldera, lying at the extreme SW of the island. The volcano dates from the Holocene age and has been active within", "\"Zuiderzee Works\"\nUrk on October 3, 1939, when the dike reaching from Lemmer was closed and Schokland when the surrounding water was consequently drained. Both islands stand out in the new land, physically and figuratively. The community of Urk in particular has remained an entity somewhat distinct from the \"\"mainland\"\". It is a separate municipality from the rest of the polder, which was organized as the municipality of Noordoostpolder in 1962. The town of Kuinre was cut off from the open water, losing businesses and status. At the heart of the Noordoostpolder, where the three main drainage canals intersect, is the town", "\"Jack Gardiner\"\nVFL career, spent mostly as a rover, began with two seasons at his father's club before switching to Melbourne in 1903. He kicked 24 goals in 1904 and was a regular in the Melbourne side until 1907. The rover spent the 1908 season in Tasmania, as an umpire and coach of the TFL representative team. He returned to the mainland to coach Tasmania at the 1908 Melbourne Carnival and stopped umpiring after that year. He resumed his playing career in 1909 when he joined Cananore as captain. His tenure included four TFL premierships, including three in a row from 1909", "Wurundjeri\nAboriginal people to move across the region of southern Victoria and on to the land bridge of the Bassian plain to Tasmania by at least 35,000 years ago. During the Ice Age about 20,000 years BP, the area now known as Port Phillip would have been dry land, and the Yarra and Werribee river would have joined to flow through the heads then south and south west through the Bassian plain before meeting the ocean to the west. Tasmania and the Bass Strait islands became separated from mainland Australia around 12,000 BP, when the sea level was approximately 50m below", "\"Tasmanian ferns\"\nferns most preferred substrates in on the trunks of Dicksonia Antarctica. The fern is not only found in Tasmania but also on the Australian mainland and New Zealand. Commonly known as Kangaroo fern, Microsorum pustulatum has smooth leathery bright green fronds. They spread via the fragmentation of their hairy rhizomes and can live as epiphytic plant growing on the trunks of plants such as Dicksonia Antarctica or as a lithophytic plant growing over rocks and logs. The plant is distributed over mainland Australia and Tasmania Commonly named Filmy Ferns, there are many species of Hypmenophyllum to be found in Tasmania’s", "\"History of Tasmania\"\nconvicts (\"\"female factory\"\") opened at Cascades, \"\"Protector\"\" George Augustus Robinson starts an Aboriginal mission at Bruny Island, convicts seized the brig \"\"Cyprus\"\" at Recherche Bay and sail to China, Van Diemen's Land Scientific Society formed under patronage of Lieutenant-Governor George Arthur and a Hobart-New Norfolk coach service began. History of Tasmania The history of Tasmania begins at the end of the most recent ice age (approximately 10,000 years ago) when it is believed that the island was joined to the Australian mainland. Little is known of the human history of the island until the British colonisation in the 19th century.", "\"Stanley, Tasmania\"\ntelephone cable from Apollo Bay to Stanley provided the first telephone to Tasmania from the mainland. Today Stanley is a tourist destination and the main fishing port on the north-west coast of Tasmania. The most distinctive landmark in Stanley is Munatrik, commonly called The Nut, an old volcanic plug. Bass and Flinders sighted it on their circumnavigation of Van Diemen's Land (now called Tasmania) in 1798 and named it \"\"Circular Head\"\". It has steep sides and rises to 143 metres with a flat top. It is possible to walk to the top of The Nut via a steep track or", "Dingo\ninterbreed to produce fertile hybrids. In the Australian wild there exists dingoes, feral dogs, and the crossings of these two which produces dingo-dog hybrids. Most studies looking at the distribution of dingoes focus on the distribution of dingo-dog hybrids instead. Dingoes occurred throughout mainland Australia before European settlement. Dingoes are not found in the fossil record of Tasmania, therefore they arrived in Australia after Tasmania had separated from the mainland due to rising sea levels. The introduction of agriculture reduced dingo distribution, and by the early 1900s large barrier fences, including the Dingo Fence, excluded them from the sheep grazing", "\"Southern Ocean\"\nAfrica, Australia, and Broughton Island, New Zealand to the north. The detailed land-limits used were from Cape Horn in South America eastwards to Cape Agulhas in Africa, then further eastwards to the southern coast of mainland Australia to Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia. From Cape Leeuwin, the limit then followed eastwards along the coast of mainland Australia to Cape Otway, Victoria, then southwards across Bass Strait to Cape Wickham, King Island, along the west coast of King Island, then the remainder of the way south across Bass Strait to Cape Grim, Tasmania. The limit then followed the west coast of Tasmania", "Australians\nare descendants of the original inhabitants of the Australian continent. Their ancestors are believed to have migrated from Africa to Asia around 70,000 years ago and arrived in Australia around 50,000 years ago. The Torres Strait Islanders are a distinct people of Melanesian ancestry, indigenous to the Torres Strait Islands, which are at the northernmost tip of Queensland near Papua New Guinea, and some nearby settlements on the mainland. The term \"\"Aboriginal\"\" is traditionally applied to only the indigenous inhabitants of mainland Australia and Tasmania, along with some of the adjacent islands. \"\"Indigenous Australians\"\" is an inclusive term used when", "Rozenburg\nby the same name: Rozenburg Island. Its current form was created out of three separate parts: Rozenburg proper (a former sand bar between Het Scheur and Brielse Maas - part of the Nieuwe Maas river - both branches of the Rhine-Meuse delta), the sand bar Welplaat, and the southernmost part of the Hook of Holland (which was cut off from mainland Holland by the construction of the Nieuwe Waterweg ship canal in 1870 and subsequently was connected to Rozenburg when the remainder of Het Scheur was dammed off). The island is now connected to Voorne-Putten by a sea barrier and", "\"Eastern barred bandicoot\"\nEastern barred bandicoot The eastern barred bandicoot (\"\"Perameles gunnii\"\") is a small, rabbit-sized marsupial native to Tasmania and Victoria, southeastern Australia. It is one of three extant bandicoot species in the genus \"\"Perameles\"\". The eastern barred bandicoot weighs less than and has a short tail and three to four whitish bars across the rump. The Eastern barred bandicoot has two separated populations, one on the mainland of Australia and one on the island of Tasmania. The Tasmanian form is somewhat larger than the mainland form as the average adult mass is 750 g in Victoria and 1,000 g in Tasmania.", "\"Temperate rainforest\"\nof the mainland. Other areas include Mount Kirishima near Kagoshima in southern Kyūshū. On Southern Honshū, there is a forest with the Nachi Falls located in Yoshino-Kumano National Park. This particular area of Honshū has been described as one of the rainiest spots in Japan. In Australia rainforests occur near the mainland east coast and in Tasmania. There are warm-temperate and cool-temperate rainforests. They are broadleaf evergreen forests with the exception of montane rainforests of Tasmania. Eucalypt forests are not classified as rainforests although some eucalypt forest types receive high annual rainfall (to over 2000 mm in Tasmania), and in", "\"SS St. Louis (1894)\"\nand 350 men, she put to sea on 30 April for the Caribbean. \"\"St. Louis\"\" was specially outfitted with heavy drag lines in order to destroy undersea cable communications in the West Indies and to the mainland of South America. On 13 May, she severed the cable between St. Thomas and San Juan; and five days later exchanged fire with the Morro Castle batteries at Santiago de Cuba as she cut the cable between that port and Holland's Bay, Jamaica. When Admiral Pascual Cervera's fleet sailed into Santiago Harbor, the Spanish warships found themselves cut off from direct communications with", "\"Transend Networks\"\nTransend Networks Transend Networks Pty Ltd was a Tasmanian government-owned business which operated between 1998 and 2014 as the electricity transmission network provider for Tasmania, Australia. It was formed by the disaggregation of the Hydro-Electric Commission, and ceased operation when it was merged on 1 July 2014 with the distribution division of Aurora Energy to form the combined network business TasNetworks. Transend transmitted electricity from power stations in Tasmania and on mainland Australia (via Basslink) to its customers around the state. Transend's customers included electricity generators, electricity retailers and major industrial customers. Transend was a participant in Australia's National Electricity", "\"Nick Evers\"\nfor Industrial Relations, and Labour and Industry, however Gray's minority government was dissolved by the Governor of Tasmania, who then commissioned Michael Field as Premier with the support of five Green Independents under the Labor–Green Accord. Evers resigned from parliament on 23 July 1990, citing a \"\"lack of privacy and low pay\"\". After leaving state politics, Evers was the chairman of the TT-Line Company, which operated the Bass Strait ferry service between Tasmania and the mainland. In 1999, he was appointed chairman of the Australian Tourism Commission. He resigned in 2004 when the ATC was merged into Tourism Australia. Evers", "\"Tasmania cricket team\"\nnearly eighty years the Tasmanian side played an average of only two or three first-class matches per year, usually against one of the mainland Australian teams, or warm-up matches against a touring international test team. Tasmania were finally admitted to regular competitions when they became a founding member of the Gillette Cup domestic one day cricket tournament upon its inception in 1969. They have performed well in it, winning it four times, and having been runners-up twice. It took a further eight seasons before Tasmania were admitted into the Sheffield Shield in 1977–78, and it was initially on a reduced", "\"Tasmanian devil\"\nmarsupials, has a \"\"well-defined, saddle-shaped ectotympanic\"\". Since devils hunt at night, their vision seems to be strongest in black and white. In these conditions they can detect moving objects readily, but have difficulty seeing stationary objects. Devils are found in all habitats on the island of Tasmania, including the outskirts of urban areas, and are distributed throughout the Tasmanian mainland and on Robbins Island (which is connected to mainland Tasmania at low tide). The north-western population is located west of the Forth River and as far south as Macquarie Heads. Previously, they were present on Bruny Island from the 19th", "\"Aboriginal Tasmanians\"\ndescribe themselves as Aboriginal Tasmanians since a number of Parlevar women bore children to European men in the Furneaux Islands and mainland Tasmania. People crossed into Tasmania approximately 40,000 years, ago via a land bridge between the island and the rest of mainland Australia, during the last glacial period. According to genetic studies, once the sea level rose, flooding the Bassian Plain, the people were left isolated for approximately 8,000 years, until the time of European exploration, during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Until the 1980s, it was thought that Tasmania was only occupied relatively recently, but the", "\"Discover Tasmania\"\nDiscover Tasmania Discover Tasmania is an Australian lifestyle television series that airs on the Seven Network. Originally broadcast from October to December 2007 in Tasmania only, it won all but one of its timeslots, with each episode receiving around 75,000 Tasmanian viewers. After its success there, and a push from the Tasmanian government, the show has since been shown across mainland Australia. In NSW, season one episodes averaged 218,000 viewers. The first season was hosted by 'Fast Ed' (\"\"Better Homes and Gardens\"\") and Tim Campbell (\"\"Home and Away\"\"). The program was renewed for a second season which began airing nationally", "Ramanallur\nto the south side to Kabisthalam and Papanasam in Thanjavur district, It is a difficult task. During summer, they use bullock carts to cross the Kollidam river to a distance of 1 km on either side. In rainy season, they use coracle when the river is full or wade through waist deep water. When the river is in spate, they are completely cut off from mainland even by the above modes of transport i.e. they are in distress. The absence of physical connectivity is the biggest and prime problem faced by Ramanallur Villagers. Their long felt demand is for construction", "\"Hunter Island Group Important Bird Area\"\nspecies breed in the IBA. Hunter Island Group Important Bird Area The Hunter Island Group Important Bird Area comprises several islands in the Hunter Island Group and Trefoil Island Group lying off the north-western coast of Tasmania, Australia. Collectively, they have an area of 152 km. They have been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because they support over 1% of the world populations of Cape Barren geese, short-tailed shearwaters, black-faced cormorants, sooty oystercatchers and Pacific gulls. The IBA also supports the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot on its migration route between Tasmania and mainland south-eastern Australia.", "\"Graeme Lee (Australian footballer)\"\nGraeme Lee (Australian footballer) Graeme \"\"Gypsy\"\" Lee (born 12 July 1939) was an Australian rules footballer who played with St Kilda in the VFL during the early 1960s. He also had a noted career in Tasmania and is a half-forward flanker in Launceston's official \"\"Team of the Century\"\". Lee was born on the North West coast of Tasmania and started his career at Wynyard in 1956 as a wingman. Four years later he moved to the mainland when recruited by St Kilda. His three-year stint at St Kilda saw him manage just 18 senior appearances, with injury preventing him from", "\"History of Victoria\"\nTasmania by at least 35,000 years ago. During the Ice Age about 20,000 years BP, the area now the bay of Port Phillip would have been dry land, and the Yarra and Werribee river would have joined to flow through the heads then south and south west through the Bassian plain before meeting the ocean to the west. Tasmania and the Bass Strait islands became separated from mainland Australia around 12,000 BP, when the sea level was approximately 50m below present levels. Port Phillip was flooded by post-glacial rising sea levels between 8000 and 6000 years ago. Oral history and", "\"Climate of Australia\"\ntemperature in Tasmania was at Scamander on 30 January 2009, during the 2009 south-eastern Australia heat wave. Tasmania's lowest recorded minimum temperature was on 30 June 1983, at Butlers Gorge, Shannon and Tarraleah. Victoria has a varied climate despite its small size. It ranges from semi-arid and hot in the north-west, to temperate and cool along the coast. Victoria's main land feature, the Great Dividing Range, produces a cooler, mountain climate in the centre of the state. Victoria's southernmost position on the Australian mainland means it is cooler and wetter than other mainland states and territories. The coastal plain south", "\"Eastern quoll\"\nacross much of southeastern mainland Australia, from the eastern coasts of South Australia, through most of Victoria, to the mid-north coast of New South Wales. It likely became functionally extinct in the early 1960s on mainland Australia, but remains widespread in Tasmania, and is also found today on Bruny Island. Within Tasmania, eastern quolls inhabit rainforest, heathland, alpine areas, and scrub below . However, they prefer dry grassland and forest mosaics, bounded by agricultural land, particularly where pasture grubs are common. The eastern quoll is a solitary predator, hunting at night for its prey of insects, small mammals, birds, and", "\"Midnight Mystery\"\nMidnight Mystery Midnight Mystery is a 1930 American mystery film directed by George B. Seitz, from a screenplay by Beulah Marie Dix, adapted from the play \"\"Hawk Island\"\" by Howard Irving Young. Betty Compson starred, leading an ensemble cast which included Hugh Trevor, Lowell Sherman, Rita La Roy, Ivan Lebedeff, Raymond Hatton, June Clyde and Marcelle Corday. Gregory Sloane is a millionaire who lives in an isolated mansion on Hawk Island, off the coast of New England. He invites a disparate group of people to his home, who are soon cut off from the mainland when a fierce storm blows", "\"Highway shield\"\nAustralia has maintained distinctly different trends pertaining to Highway shields in the past and will continue in this vein somewhat, despite the conversion to alpha-numeric routes and shields. Alpha-numeric route numbering has been in use in Tasmania since the 1970s. However, from 1996 states on the mainland began conversion to the alpha-numeric system. The state of Victoria was the first to implement the policy. Prior to this conversion and concurrently, Federal Highway (gold-on-green squared-off bullet), National Highway (black-on-white squared-off bullet), State Highway (blue bullet) and Tourist Route (white-on-brown rounded pentagon) shields existed. In Victoria Freeway shields were used (white-on-green with", "\"Bell Bay Power Station\"\nunits were installed at a site adjacent to the original Bell Bay Power Station. The Basslink electricity interconnector, which linked the electricity grids of mainland Australia and Tasmania from April 2006, secured Tasmania from reliance on hydro-electric based generation in the event of drought. Bell Bay Power Station was owned by Hydro Tasmania via wholly owned subsidiary companies. In March 2007, Western Australian power company Alinta agreed to buy the peaking plant site from Hydro Tasmania (i.e. the Tasmanian Government) for about $75 million, which included gas pipeline capacity agreements. This would complement their (then) proposed 200 MW combined cycle", "\"Australia (continent)\"\nGondwana until the plate began to drift north about 96 million years ago. For most of the time since then, Australia–New Guinea remained a continuous landmass. When the last glacial period ended in about 10,000 BC, rising sea levels formed Bass Strait, separating Tasmania from the mainland. Then between about 8,000 and 6,500 BC, the lowlands in the north were flooded by the sea, separating New Guinea, the Aru Islands, and the Australian mainland. A northern arc consisting of the New Guinea Highlands, the Raja Ampat Islands, and Halmahera was uplifted by the northward migration of Australia and subduction of", "\"Livingstone National Park\"\nNational Park means management is consistent with and intends to deliver the actions in recovery plans for conserving the Swift Parrots overwintering ground, when it leaves breeding grounds in Tasmania and disperses widely over the mainland, from Victoria to Queensland. Birdlife Australia coordinate a long running and successful volunteer monitoring program, which provides the resources to find the small number of birds over its widespread mainland habitat. This program can provide lessons for the conservation of wide ranging migratory species such as the Swift parrot. It is conducted alongside the Regent Honeyeater National Recovery plan and monitoring program, as both", "\"Tasmania cricket team\"\nin-fighting between Hobart and Launceston again threatened first-class cricket in Tasmania. The outbreak of World War I also saw a large loss of playing talent, killed on the battlefields. Cricket was suspended during the war, and did not resume until 1923, albeit with severe financial problems. Following World War I, Tasmanian representative sides usually had to content themselves with matches against touring international sides during brief stopovers, while they travelled by ship to mainland capitals. Occasionally Tasmania would play the odd game against mainland state sides, but it was usually only one first-class match per season. The inter-war years proved", "\"Flora and fauna of Tasmania\"\nabout 28 native mammal species or subspecies have become extinct from the Australian mainland, the worst rate of continental extinction in the world. Red foxes are known to be a significant contributing factor to this. Mainland extinctions or near-extinctions include the eastern barred bandicoot, eastern quoll, and Tasmanian pademelon (Thylogale billardierii); all still common in Tasmania. A member of the upper house, the Legislative Council member for Windermere Ivan Dean MLC has been publicly critical of the fox evidence used to obtain funding for a taxpayer funded Fox Eradication Branch of the Tasmanian D.P.I.P.W.E.. Former Tasmanian Police Commander Dean led", "\"South-east Tasmania Important Bird Area\"\narea has been identified by BirdLife International as an IBA because it contains almost all the breeding habitat of the endangered swift parrot on the Tasmanian mainland, several populations of the endangered forty-spotted pardalote, as well as good numbers of flame and pink robins, striated fieldwrens and populations of all of Tasmania’s endemic bird species. South-east Tasmania Important Bird Area The South-east Tasmania Important Bird Area encompasses much of the land retaining forest and woodland habitats, suitable for breeding swift parrots and forty-spotted pardalotes, from Orford to Recherche Bay in south-eastern Tasmania, Australia. This large Important Bird Area (IBA) comprises", "\"Australian rules football in Tasmania\"\nteam had secured more than 20,000 potential members, ahead of the Gold Coast and Western Sydney bid in raw numbers. It was not unusual for teams from the mainland leagues to play exhibition games in Tasmania during the early years. More recently Melbourne-based teams from the AFL have entered into deals to play home-and-away games in Tasmania. North Hobart Oval (1991-1992) The Fitzroy Football Club was the first to do so, playing two home games at North Hobart Oval in each of 1991 and 1992. York Park (2001-) Since 2001 Hawthorn has successfully cultivated a following in Tasmania, where the", "\"History of the Ryukyu Islands\"\nin their defense (even when cut off, and without supplies), and because casualties were so appalling, many American strategists looked for an alternative means to subdue mainland Japan, other than a direct invasion.\"\" After the beginning of World War II, the Japanese military conscripted school girls (15 to 16 years old) to join a group known as the \"\"Princess Lilies\"\" (\"\"Hime-yuri\"\") and to go to the battle front as nurses. There were seven girls' high schools in Okinawa at the time of World War II. The board of education, made up entirely of mainland Japanese, required the girls' participation. The", "\"King Island emu\"\nthe 2011 genetic study by the Australian geneticist Tim H. Heupink and colleagues, the close relation between the King Island and mainland emus indicates that the former population was isolated from the latter relatively recently, due to sea level changes in the Bass Strait, as opposed to a founding emu lineage that diverged from the mainland emu far earlier and had subsequently gone extinct on the mainland. Models of sea level change indicate that Tasmania, including King Island, was isolated from the Australian mainland around 14,000 years ago. Up to several thousand years later King Island was then separated from", "\"Lia Pootah\"\nLinah (Huon) respectively. Some of the Lia Pootah claim to be descended from the people of Bruny Island and from the Toogee of Tasmania’s West Coast. Others claim an origin on the East Coast and in the Central Highlands. The Lia Pootah say that it is inaccurate to claim (as some historians have done) that all Aboriginal people were removed from the Tasmanian mainland in the nineteenth century. They maintain that many people of full or part Aboriginal descent remained in Tasmania, particularly in remote areas, given that much of Tasmania was inaccessible to European settlers as late as the" ]
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who led an armed uprising and seized fort garry
[ "Louis Riel" ]
[ "\"Red River Rebellion\"\nmore resistant. It was loosely organized as the Canadian Party and led by Dr. John Christian Schultz and Charles Mair. Colonel Dennis and Major Charles Boulton also supported it. McDougall appointed Dennis to raise a militia to arrest the Métis who were occupying Upper Fort Garry. The Anglophone settlers largely ignored this call to arms, and Dennis withdrew to Lower Fort Garry. Schultz, however, was emboldened to fortify his house and store and attracted approximately 50 recruits. Riel took the threat seriously and ordered Schultz's home surrounded. The resisters surrendered on December 7 and were imprisoned in Fort Garry. Given", "\"Louis Riel (comics)\"\nthe Hudson's Bay Company to purchase Rupert's Land—vast tracts of land in northern North America. The French-speaking Métis—people who are half Native, half white, and inhabit parts of Rupert's Land—dispute that their land can be sold to the Canadians without their consent. In the Red River settlement, the Métis, led by Louis Riel, dodge political manoeuverings on the part of Lieutenant Governor William McDougall and some of the English-speaking settlers, while seizing Fort Garry. After an armed standoff at English-speaking settler John Schultz's home, the Métis declare a provisional government and vote Riel their president, with an even number of", "\"Pendennis Castle\"\nleft the fort two days later, some terminally ill from malnutrition. Pendennis was the penultimate Royalist fortification to hold out in the war. Parliament maintained a garrison at the castle, but in 1647 it cut the levels of the armed forces across the country; most soldiers who lost their posts were offered two months pay, but at Pendennis only one month's pay was offered. The garrison, led by Colonel Richard Fortescue, mutinied, seized the visiting Parliamentary commissioners and refused to leave the castle until the additional pay was granted to them. Fearing a wider uprising, Parliament negotiated an end to", "\"Fort Garry\"\nits monopoly in the North-West, including Upper Fort Garry. In late 1869 and early 1870, the fort was seized by Louis Riel and his Métis followers during the Red River Rebellion. After the Rebellion, the area around the fort continued to grow. In 1873, the city of Winnipeg was established and the name Fort Garry was no longer used. In 1881-1884 the majority of the fort was demolished to straighten Main Street (it was at Main Street and Assiniboine Avenue). Although only the main gate of the fort remains today, the name \"\"Fort Garry\"\" lives on through various institutions and", "\"Manitoba Act\"\nand held in jail at Fort Garry. On December 16, McDougall gave up his efforts for the time being. The Canadian government created a new expedition in attempts to establish sovereignty and establish a political solution. The Red River Resistance started out as a nonviolent protest and uprising toward the Canadian government. Riel and his people had occupied Fort Gary. A group of Ontario settlers who were opposed to the Riel uprising set out to the fort. This caused 45 men to be incarcerated in the fort by Riel and his people. While these men were incarcerated a major historical", "\"Christmas Day Plot\"\narms and support. Scheduled for Christmas Day, 1915, the plan was conceived and led by the Jugantar group under the Bengali Indian revolutionary Jatindranath Mukherjee, to be coordinated with simultaneous uprising in the British colony of Burma and Kingdom of Siam under direction of the Ghadar Party, along with a German raid on the South Indian city of Madras and the British penal colony in Andaman Islands. The aim of the plot was to seize the Fort William, isolate Bengal and capture the capital city of Calcutta, which was then to be used as a staging ground for a pan-Indian", "\"The Guns of Fort Petticoat\"\nthe dead body of a woman murdered by Comanches who have joined the uprising. Hewitt organizes a brigade of women training them in marksmanship and combat tactics. Armed and given military ranks, Hewitt and the women seize the day and hold on to the only safety they have in an abandoned mission (The Guns of Fort Petticoat). Hewitt, the \"\"blue belly traitor\"\", and the petticoat brigade face desertion from the only remaining man and fight off scavengers and Comanches as they struggle to build trust and work together during the ensuing attacks. As the final gun fight is over, Hewitt", "\"Red River Rebellion\"\nMcDougall to enter the Red River Colony would be blocked unless the Canadians first negotiated terms with the Métis and with the general population of the settlement. On November 2 under the command of Ambroise-Dydime Lépine, the Métis turned back McDougall's party near the United States border and forced them to retreat to Pembina, Dakota Territory. The number of Riel's followers had grown rapidly. That same day Riel led about 400, who were recruited from the fur-brigades who had recently returned to the settlement for the season, in seizing Fort Garry without bloodshed. This would come to be known as", "\"Louis Riel\"\n2 November. McDougall's party was turned back near the Canada–US border, and on the same day, Métis led by Riel seized Fort Garry. On 6 November, Riel invited Anglophones to attend a convention alongside Métis representatives to discuss a course of action, and on 1 December he proposed to this convention a list of rights to be demanded as a condition of union. Much of the settlement came to accept the Métis point of view, but a passionately pro-Canadian minority began organizing in opposition. Loosely constituted as the Canadian Party, this group was led by John Christian Schultz, Charles Mair,", "\"James Wickes Taylor\"\nFort Garry, present day Winnipeg, \"\"to investigate and report full details of the revolt as well as all aspects of the territory and its inhabitants.\"\" During Taylor's time in Fort Garry he predicted that the United States could purchase the land from Canada for as little as $25,000. Following the uprising of Louis Riel, in march of 1870 Prime Minister John A. Macdonald agreed to meet with a few delegates from Riel's Red River Settlement. At the end, the negotiations were finalized and Manitoba was created. Taylor followed the Red River delegates all the way to Ottawa and stayed in", "\"Ansumane Mané\"\nAnsumane Mané Ansumane Mané (c. 1940 – 30 November 2000) was a Bissau-Guinean soldier who led a 1998 uprising against the government of President João Bernardo Vieira, which caused a brief, but bloody civil war. Mané fought in the war of independence from Portugal alongside Vieira, and he backed Nino Vieira when they later seized power in a 1980 coup. In early 1998, he was suspended as Chief of Staff of the armed forces for allegedly smuggling arms to Casamance separatist rebels in Senegal. In a letter published in early April 1998, he in turn made the same accusation against", "\"Early Modern Romania\"\nRadu Mihnea to Moldavia and appointed Alexandru Iliaș prince of Wallachia in 1616. Two years later, the new ruler's blatant favoritism towards the Greeks caused an uprising during which the discontented native noblemen, who were led by Lupu Mehedițeanu, murdered Greek landowners and merchants. The turmoil enabled Gabriel Movilă to seize the throne. He was expelled in 1620 by Radu Mihnea, who thus united Wallachia and Moldavia under his rule. The Ottoman Sultan Osman II invaded Poland and laid siege to Hotin (now Khotyn in Ukraine) in September 1621. After the Poles relieved the fort, Radu Mihnea who had accompanied", "\"Fort Garry, Winnipeg\"\ngrow to be larger than Brandon, Manitoba (Manitoba's second largest city). The first section, Bridgwater Forest, was completed in 2010. St. Norbert is separated from the rest of Fort Garry by the Perimeter Highway. The area of St. Norbert east of Pembina Highway is unique due to its large Francophone population and history. The University of Manitoba's main campus is located in Fort Garry. The Fort Garry Area shares the Fort Garry/Fort Rouge Twins hockey team in the MMJHL who play out of the Century Arena. The University of Manitoba Bisons play their homes games on the Fort Garry campus", "\"Uprising in Montenegro (1941)\"\nJuly 1941, initiated by the Communist Party of Yugoslavia. Large numbers of non-communists joined the uprising, including many former Royal Yugoslav Army officers, some pro-communist but most having strong nationalist sentiments. It was the third uprising in Axis-occupied Yugoslavia in the summer of 1941. The insurgent forces were led by the former officers, some of whom had recently been released from prisoner-of-war camps. The communists dealt with the organisation and provided political commissars. The insurgents also included large numbers of Serb nationalists known as \"\"Whites\"\" () and armed villagers. The insurgents seized control of small towns and villages in the", "\"Fort William and Mary\"\ncentury. In 1774, it was the only permanently manned military post in New Hampshire. On December 14, 1774, local Patriots from the Portsmouth area, led by John Langdon, stormed the post (overcoming a six-man caretaker detachment) and seized the garrison's powder, which was distributed through several New Hampshire towns for potential use in the looming struggle against Great Britain. On December 15, 1774, patriots led by John Sullivan again raided the fort, this time seizing numerous cannons. As tensions increased before the American Revolutionary War, Lord North's ministry became concerned that the profusion of arms in New England would lead", "\"March West\"\nmassacre on the activities of whiskey traders at Fort Whoop-Up; Morris predicted that if action was not taken immediately, there would be a major uprising by the First Nations across the region, into which the United States might choose to intervene. Macdonald was not entirely convinced by the governor's analysis, but nonetheless he agreed to recruit 150 men and send them west to Lower Fort Garry before winter weather blocked the route. Macdonald's Conservative government then fell from power over the Pacific Scandal, and was replaced by the Liberal administration of Alexander Mackenzie, who placed more credence on Morris's reports", "Steamboat\nbe more easily transported to markets; and prosperity along the major rivers. Their success led to penetration deep into the continent, where \"\"Anson Northup\"\" in 1859 became first steamer to cross the Canada–US border on the Red River. They would also be involved in major political events, as when Louis Riel seized \"\"International\"\" at Fort Garry, or Gabriel Dumont was engaged by \"\"Northcote\"\" at Batoche. Steamboats were held in such high esteem that they could become state symbols; the Steamboat \"\"Iowa\"\" (1838) is incorporated in the Seal of Iowa because it represented speed, power, and progress. At the same time,", "\"Springfield Armory\"\nrifles was conducted in it. President George Washington appointed David Ames as first superintendent of the armory. His father Capt. John Ames was a blacksmith who had provided guns to the Colonial army. In 1786 and 1787, American Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays led an armed, populist uprising that attempted to overthrow the Government of Massachusetts. On January 25, 1787, thousands of Shays' Regulators marched on the Springfield Armory, hoping to seize its weaponry and force a change of government. That day the Springfield Armory was defended by state militia, who fired grape shot at the rebels, forcing them to", "\"Swedish Gold Coast\"\nto Angola. Later on the local population started a successful uprising against their new masters and in December 1660 the King of the Akan people subgroup-Efutu again offered Sweden control over the area. A new expedition was sent to the colony which remained under Swedish administration only for a short period. Von Krusenstierna was reappointed as administrator. On 20 April 1663 Fort Carlsborg and the capital Fort Christiansborg again were seized by the Danes after a long defense under the Swedish commander Anton Voss. On 9 May 1664 the area again was seized, this time by Robert Holmes who made", "\"1991 uprising in Sulaymaniyah\"\nto fight Peshmerga) deserters, seized control of the city of Raniya with support of the local population. Many of the militia took sides with the Peshmerga. The revolutionary feeling spread to the rest of Kurdistan, where people took to the streets and Peshmerga entered the cities and seized control of Raniya, Chawar Qurna, Koi-Sanjaq, Sulaymaniya, Halabja, Arbat, Erbil, Duhuk, Zahku and Kirkuk. The uprising started on 7 March as lightly armed Peshmerga entered the city and ousted government forces. The Peshmerga were joined by local civilians, who took the streets and helped the Peshmerga launch a mass assault on all", "\"Fortín Solano\"\nfort. On June 2, 1962 an uprising (the Porteñazo) led by Manuel Ponte Rodriguez, commander Pedro Medina Silva and Lieutenant Commander Victor Hugo Morales occurred in the city of Puerto Cabello. As soon as the national Government became aware of the revolt, troops of both the Air Force and the Army led by Colonel Alfredo Monch are sent to bomb and surround the city. At the same time, most of the officers in command of 55th National Guard squadron and detachment refuse to participate in the uprising. The following day, the Ministry of Interior announced that Armed forces loyal to", "\"Sheksna uprising\"\ninstructor Belov who led the uprising at its final stage. Sheksna uprising The Sheksna uprising () was an anti-Bolshevik uprising in townships on the Sheksna River in the Vologda and Cherpovets provinces between 1–3 December 1918. The rebels seized the railway station Sheksna and broke railway communication on the Cherepovets-Vologda line, jeopardizing messages to Petrograd. The uprising was suppressed by Red Army troops arriving from Vologda and Cherpovets. The Sheksna Uprising was part of a wave of peasant uprisings that swept over Central Russia between November and December 1918. At that time, uprisings occurred at 138 of 268 counties under", "\"Thomas Scott (Orangeman)\"\nThomas Scott (Orangeman) Thomas Scott (1 January 1842 – 4 March 1870) was an Irish Protestant who emigrated to Canada in 1863. While working as a labourer on the \"\"Dawson Road Project\"\", he moved on to Winnipeg where he met John Christian Schultz and fell under the influence of the Canadian Party. His political involvement in the Red River Settlement from then on led to his capture at Fort Garry where he was held hostage with others. On 4 March 1870 Scott was marched out of Fort Garry's east gate and was executed on the wall by the provisional government", "\"Isaac II Angelos\"\nKastamonites, who became virtually a co-emperor and handled all civil government until his death in 1193; and his replacement, Constantine Mesopotamites, who acquired even more influence over the emperor. The oppressiveness of his taxes, increased to pay his armies and finance his marriage, resulted in a Vlach-Bulgarian uprising late in 1185. The rebellion led to the establishment of the Vlach-Bulgarian Empire under the Asen dynasty. In 1187 Alexios Branas, the victor over the Normans, was sent against the Bulgarians but turned his arms against his master and attempted to seize Constantinople, only to be defeated and slain by Isaac's brother-in-law", "\"Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna\"\nJVP had later admitted that at that time, it was not a completely mature political party. There were many shortcomings, which they sought to rectify. The 1971 uprising led by the party was an unsuccessful Marxist youth rebellion that claimed 30,000 youth lives. The JVP drew worldwide attention when it launched an insurrection against the Bandaranaike government in April 1971. Although the insurgents were young, poorly armed, and inadequately trained, they succeeded in seizing and holding major areas in southern and central provinces of Sri Lanka before they were defeated by the security forces. Their attempt to seize power created", "\"Fort Garry\"\nbusinesses. An area or division of Winnipeg running along the Red River south of the original fort is called Fort Garry. The hotel beside the fort is called the Fort Garry Hotel, which was originally constructed for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway company. The two streets on either side of the hotel are Fort Street and Garry Street. Many companies have adopted the name, such as Fort Garry Industries and the Fort Garry Brewing Company. The Fort Garry Horse has been a component of the Winnipeg military garrison throughout the 20th and into the 21st Centuries. Fort Garry, along with", "\"The Fort Garry Horse\"\nGarry Horse on 13 August 1940 and the 10th (Reserve) Armoured Regiment, (The Fort Garry Horse), on 1 April 1941. After the Second World War it was re-designated as the 10th Armoured Regiment (The Fort Garry Horse), on 31 January 1946, as the Fort Garry Horse (10th Armoured Regiment), on 4 February 1949; the Fort Garry Horse on 19 May 1958, the 2nd Fort Garry Horse on 11 October 1958, the Fort Garry Horse (Militia) on 1 January 1960 and finally the Fort Garry Horse on 16 June 1970, following the reduction to nil strength of the Regular Force regiment.", "\"1860 Mount Lebanon civil war\"\nuprising headed by Shahin flared up. The uprising targeted the Maronite Khazen \"\"muqata'jis\"\" (feudal lords) of Keserwan, pillaging their land and burning their homes. Having driven the Maronite feudal lords out of Keserwan and seizing their land and property, the insurgent peasants set up their own rule. The Keserwan uprising, as it became known, had a revolutionary effect on other regions in Lebanon. The disturbances spread to Latakia and to central Lebanon. Maronite peasants, actively supported by their clergy, began to prepare for an armed uprising against their Druze masters. In turn, the Druze lords, who had been hesitant to", "\"Haussmann's renovation of Paris\"\nthe workers, cannot be denied, and should be recognised as the primary motivation.\"\" There was only one armed uprising in Paris after Haussmann, the Paris Commune from March through May 1871, and the boulevards played no important role. The Communards seized power easily, because the French Army was absent, defeated and captured by the Prussians. The Communards took advantage of the boulevards to build a few large forts of paving stones with wide fields of fire at strategic points, such as the meeting point of the Rue de Rivoli and Place de la Concorde. But when the newly organized army", "\"SS-Heimatschutz Slowakei\"\nthe Slovak national uprising exploded earlier than expected on August 29, 1944, and in some cases the weapons intended for arming the Heimatschutz members were seized by the partisans. At the beginning of September, 1944, the training of members of the HS armed organization began, involving the 8,000 male Germans in Slovakia. At the time of the uprising, Heimatschutz units were under the command of SS-Obergruppenführer Gottlob Berger. Following the outbreak of the uprising, armed units of the HS were strengthened and in many cases committed crimes against the Slovak civilian population. There were campaigns against the partisans hiding in", "\"Cristero War\"\nThis execution caused a band of ranchers, led by Pedro Quintanar, to seize the local treasury and declare themselves in rebellion. At the height of their rebellion they held a region including the entire northern part of Jalisco. Luis Navarro Origel, the mayor of Pénjamo, Guanajuato, led another uprising on September 28. His men were defeated by federal troops in the open land around the town but retreated into the mountains, where they continued as guerrillas. In support of the two guerrilla Apache clans, the Chavez and Trujillos helped smuggle arms, munitions and supplies from the US state of New", "\"Hudson Austin\"\nwhich he claimed Bishop had led a mob to seize Fort Rupert, headquarters of the armed forces, with the intention of eliminating the NJM leadership and the army. As a result, Austin said, \"\"the Revolutionary Armed Forces were forced to storm the fort, and in the process the following persons were killed: Maurice Bishop, Unison Whiteman, Vincent Noel, Jacqueline Creft, Norris Bain and Fitzroy Bain among others.\"\" He then announced a four-day total curfew, warning the people, \"\"No one is to leave their house. Anyone violating this curfew will be shot on sight.\"\" The military government lasted for six days,", "\"Fort Garry (electoral district)\"\nthe new ridings of Fort Garry-Riverview and Fort Richmond, with a portion going to St. Norbert. Fort Garry-Riverview is considered a safe seat for the NDP, while Fort Richmond and St. Norbert are considered to be more competitive. Fort Garry (electoral district) Fort Garry was a provincial electoral division in the Canadian province of Manitoba. It was created by redistribution in 1957, and has formally existed since the provincial election of 1958. The riding is located in the south-central region of the City of Winnipeg. It was named for the historical Fort Garry which was occupied by supporters of Louis", "\"Second Northern War\"\ntalks mediated by France were taking place throughout 1659. In New Sweden, in May 1654, the Dutch Fort Casimir was captured by soldiers from the New Sweden colony led by governor Johan Risingh. Fort Casimir was renamed Fort Trinity (in Swedish, \"\"Trefaldigheten\"\"). Soon after Sweden opened the Second Northern War in the Baltic by attacking the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Dutch moved to take advantage and an armed squadron of ships under the direction of Director-General Peter Stuyvesant seized New Sweden. The Dutch moved an army to the Delaware River in the summer of 1655, easily capturing Fort Trinity and Fort", "\"Fort Johnston (North Carolina)\"\nCarolina, and Union forces seized an undamaged Fort Pender on 17/18 January 1865. Union Naval Lieutenant William B. Cushing led the first contingent of Yankees into Smithville, North Carolina, took the 44 sick or wounded occupants of the Confederate hospital at Fort Pender as prisoners, met with a committee of citizens, demanded the surrender of all private arms, and raised the Flag of the United States. Union troops staged at Fort Pender for their advance against Fort Anderson (North Carolina) and thence into Wilmington, which fell on 22 February 1865. The Confederacy surrendered in spring 1865, and the name of", "\"Fort Garry Brewing Company\"\nas Brewmaster and the two developed the Company's flagship brand Fort Garry Dark. Richard D. Hoeschen died on September 16, 2002. In 2003, Fort Garry Brewing amalgamated with Winnipeg's Two Rivers Brewing Company (established in the 1990s), keeping the Fort Garry name, but adding some of Two Rivers’ brands to its product line. On October 15, 2004, Fort Garry Brewing signed an agreement with its former Manitoba rival, New Manitoba Brewing, to warehouse, distribute and market the Agassiz Brewing brand, Catfish Cream Ale. In 2010, Fort Garry Brewing ceased production of the product. Since 2005, Fort Garry Beer is sold", "\"Willem Ratte\"\nConservative Party for Pietersburg. President de Klerk refused to accept the bag and the list from him and it was seized and held in parliament. On 16 December 1993 Willem Ratte led the paramilitary \"\"Pretoria Boere Commando\"\" to occupy Pretoria's Fort Schanskop, an old German designed Fort completed in 1897, to mark the anniversary of the Day of the Vow. The armed protest and occupation was their objection to a multi-racial government at the cost of Boer and Afrikaner heritage. Fort Schanskop being symbolic of their heritage as it was built to ward off the British by the Boers and", "\"Fort Garry (electoral district)\"\n12% in educational services. Historically, Fort Garry was a safe seat for the Progressive Conservatives, who represented the riding from 1958 to 1988 and again from 1990 to 2003. In the provincial election of 1999, however, the NDP came within only 30 votes of winning the riding. They made it their primary target in the election of 2003, and won it for the first time in their history. The last MLA was Kerri Irvin-Ross of the NDP, who was re-elected in the 2007 provincial election with 53% of the vote. For the 2011 election Fort Garry was largely divided between", "\"The Fort Garry Horse\"\nThe Fort Garry Horse The Fort Garry Horse is a Canadian Army Reserve armoured regiment based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is part of 3rd Canadian Division's 38 Canadian Brigade Group. The Fort Garry Horse originated in Winnipeg, Manitoba on 15 April 1912, as the 34th Regiment of Cavalry. The following year it was re-designated the 34th Fort Garry Horse on 2 January 1913 and the Fort Garry Horse following the Great War on 15 March 1920. On 15 December 1936, it was amalgamated with the Manitoba Horse. During the Second World War it was re-designated the 2nd Regiment, the Fort", "\"Lower Fort Garry\"\nLower Fort Garry Lower Fort Garry was built in 1830 by the Hudson's Bay Company on the western bank of the Red River, north of the original Fort Garry (now in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada). Treaty 1 was signed there. A devastating flood destroyed Fort Garry in 1826, prompting the company's then-governor, George Simpson, to search for a safer location down river. Governor Simpson chose the site of Lower Fort Garry because of its high ground and location below the St. Andrew's Rapids, eliminating a time-consuming portage of heavy fur packs and York boats. However, the fort never became the administrative", "\"Midget Football League of Manitoba\"\n<br> 2008 - Theo Stevens, North Winnipeg Nomads<br> 2007 - Scott Janz, Fort Garry Lions<br> 2006 - Braeden Martens, Eastman Raiders<br> 2005 - Joe Holder, Fort Garry Lions<br> 2004 - Joe Holder, Fort Garry Lions<br> 2003 - James Gerardy, Fort Garry Lions<br> 2002 - James Gerardy, Fort Garry Lions<br> 2001 - Paul Teitz, Fort Garry Lions<br> 2000 - Nathan Friesen, St. Vital Mustangs<br> 1999 - Eric Rout, Fort Garry Lions<br> 1998 - Cory Holly, Transcona Nationals<br> 1997 - Jason Huclack, St. James Rods<br> 1996 - Justin Holmond, East Side Eagles<br> 1995 - Bart Dyszy, East Side Eagles<br> 1994 - Jimmy", "\"Fort Garry\"\nFort Garry Fort Garry, also known as Upper Fort Garry, was a Hudson's Bay Company trading post at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine rivers in what is now downtown Winnipeg. It was established in 1822 on or near the site of the North West Company's Fort Gibraltar established by John Wills in 1810 and destroyed by Governor Semple's men in 1816 during the Pemmican Wars. Fort Garry was named after Nicholas Garry, deputy governor of the Hudson's Bay Company. It served as the centre of fur trade within the Red River Colony. In 1826, a severe flood destroyed", "\"Fort Garry Brewing Company\"\nFort Garry Brewing Company The Fort Garry Brewing Company Ltd is a brewery in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The company was bought by the Hoeschen family in 1930, and operated by them until it was sold to Molson in 1960, and incorporated as \"\"Molson's Fort Garry Brewery Ltd\"\". In 1990, Molson merged with Carling-Okeefe and closed the Fort Garry facility. In 1994, Richard D. Hoeschen resurrected the company. At the time, Fort Garry Brewing was the only micro-brewery in Manitoba, and the beer was originally intended only to be available in kegs. Before opening the doors, Hoeschen hired Gary De Pape", "\"Fort Garry\"\nthe fort. It was rebuilt in 1835 by the HBC and named Upper Fort Garry to differentiate it from \"\"the Lower Fort,\"\" or Lower Fort Garry, 32 km downriver, which was established in 1831. Throughout the mid-to-late 19th century, Upper Fort Garry played a minor role in the actual trading of furs, but was central to the administration of the HBC and the surrounding settlement. The Council of Assiniboia, the administrative and judicial body of the Red River Colony mainly run by Hudson's Bay Company officials, met at Upper Fort Garry. In 1869, the Hudson's Bay Company agreed to surrender", "\"Fort Garry, Winnipeg\"\nFort Garry, Winnipeg Fort Garry is a district of the Canadian city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, located in the southwestern part of the city south of the district of Fort Rouge and east of the former town of Tuxedo. It was named for the historical fortification in Downtown Winnipeg known as Upper Fort Garry, although the nearest (northernmost) point of the district (at Jubilee Ave. and Lilac St.) is actually 3.75 km (2.33 mi.) from the site of the fort. The Rural Municipality of Fort Garry was incorporated in 1912. Formerly, it had been part of R. M. of St. Vital.", "\"North-West Mounted Police\"\nbe a major uprising by the First Nations across the region, into which the United States might choose to intervene. Macdonald was not entirely convinced by the governor's analysis, but nonetheless he agreed to recruit 150 men and send them west to Lower Fort Garry before winter weather blocked the route. Macdonald's Conservative government then fell from power as a result of the Pacific Scandal, and was replaced by the Liberal administration of Alexander Mackenzie, who placed more credence on Morris's reports and had his own moral concerns about the whiskey trade. These worries were amplified by calls from Washington", "\"Fort Garry (electoral district)\"\nFort Garry (electoral district) Fort Garry was a provincial electoral division in the Canadian province of Manitoba. It was created by redistribution in 1957, and has formally existed since the provincial election of 1958. The riding is located in the south-central region of the City of Winnipeg. It was named for the historical Fort Garry which was occupied by supporters of Louis Riel during the Red River Rebellion of 1870. Fort Garry was bordered on the east by Riel, to the south by St. Norbert, to the north by Lord Roberts, and to the west by Fort Whyte. It was", "\"Naxalbari uprising\"\n1967, some peasants seized a plot of land in the region and started harvesting crops. By 18 March the peasants started seizing land from jotedars (landlords who owned large plots of land in the region). Peasant committees were set up throughout the region within four months. The first clash occurred between the peasants and landlords when a share-cropper Bigul Kisan was beaten up by landlord gentries. Following this violent clashes occurred when the peasant committees seized land, foodgrains and arms from the landlord gentries. The government started mobilizing police officers.The inspector of Jharugaon village was killed by peasant committee members.", "\"Fort Garry, Winnipeg\"\nclub. Fort Garry, Winnipeg Fort Garry is a district of the Canadian city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, located in the southwestern part of the city south of the district of Fort Rouge and east of the former town of Tuxedo. It was named for the historical fortification in Downtown Winnipeg known as Upper Fort Garry, although the nearest (northernmost) point of the district (at Jubilee Ave. and Lilac St.) is actually 3.75 km (2.33 mi.) from the site of the fort. The Rural Municipality of Fort Garry was incorporated in 1912. Formerly, it had been part of R. M.", "\"Lower Fort Garry\"\nNational Historic Site in 1958, and named one of the top 10 National Historic Sites in the country in 2011 by \"\"Canada's History\"\" magazine. Between May and September, costumed interpreters recreate life at Lower Fort Garry in the early 1850s when Eden Colvile was inland governor of the HBC and in residence at the fort. Original buildings and walls, hands on activities, as well as original-to-era furnishings enhance the visitor experience. Lower Fort Garry Lower Fort Garry was built in 1830 by the Hudson's Bay Company on the western bank of the Red River, north of the original Fort Garry", "\"Fort Garry\"\nCanada Post issued 'Fort Garry Gate, Winnipeg', a 20¢ stamp. G Work has begun on a project to establish a heritage park in the area surrounding what remains of the Upper Fort Garry. In the spring of 2010, a bill passed the House in the Manitoba Legislature, entitled \"\"The Upper Fort Garry Heritage Provincial Park Act\"\". In 2007, a development company, Crystal Developers, sought to build an apartment complex next to the fort's original \"\"footprint\"\". However, the Friends of Upper Fort Garry, a group dedicated to developing an historical interpretive park at the site, was convened to oppose them. The", "\"Fort Garry, Winnipeg\"\nIn 1972, the R. M. of Fort Garry joined with the City of Winnipeg and eleven other suburban municipalities to become a unicity. Fort Garry is primarily a middle class residential area and is very ethnically diverse. There is a significant Chinese population, immediately south of the University of Manitoba. Fort Garry includes the neighbourhoods of Beaumont, Wildwood Park, Point Road, Crescent Park, Chevrier, Fort Garry Industrial Park, Whyte Ridge, Fort Richmond, Waverley Heights, Richmond West, St. Norbert, and (in some references) Linden Woods. In 2005, the city began construction of Waverley West, a new suburb which is expected to", "\"Hamilton Rowan Gamble\"\nside in the war but remain in the Union. A special election in February established a Missouri Constitutional Convention to determine the relationship between Missouri and the United States. The convention voted against secession and affirmed the state's neutrality. The outbreak of hostilities at Fort Sumter led to unrest in Missouri. Secessionists seized the Liberty Arsenal a week later. Governor Claiborne Jackson called up the state militia for drill in St. Louis and to receive some arms clandestinely obtained from the Confederacy. This resulted in a confrontation with the aggressive Union commander Nathaniel Lyon, who forced the surrender of the", "\"The Fort Garry Horse\"\nthe Fort Garry Horse who landed on the beaches of Normandy on 6 June 1944 was constructed for the regiment in 1965. Stained glass windows were removed from the Regimental Church in Hemer, West Germany and transported to Winnipeg as a memorial to the regiment's service in Europe from 1962 to 1966. A Lynx reconnaissance vehicle, which was used in the Canadian military as an armoured reconnaissance and command vehicle, is on the grounds. A Sherman M4A2, 76mm (W) HVSS tank which was used by Fort Garry Horse from 1946 to 1969 is on the grounds of the Armoury. The", "\"Fort Garry\"\nthe sites of nearby Forts Rouge and Gibraltar, were collectively designated a National Historic Site in 1924, under the name \"\"Forts Rouge, Garry, and Gibraltar National Historic Site\"\". Together, the three sites are illustrative of the evolution of the fur trade in Western Canada, from exploration and expansion westward (Fort Rouge, established in 1738 by the French), to the dominance of the North West Company (Fort Gibraltar, established in 1807) and finally the ascendancy of the Hudson’s Bay Company (Fort Garry). The gate at Fort Garry constitutes the only above-ground remains of this succession of forts. On 15 June 1938", "Banagher\nthe English, whose forces seized it about the middle of the 16th century, coming up the river to do so. They constructed some fortifications which they called Fort Frankford (later Fort Falkland) and held the place in spite of the fact that the part of Offaly for some miles around Banagher was in the hands of the MacCoghlan clan. The MacCoghlans, aided by boundaries of bog and river, held their territories against all comers for about 500 years, even maintaining a footing by open defiance well into the 17th century. Garry Castle, Clonony Castle, and Moystown Castle are remains of", "\"Gradačac\"\ntown became part of the Ottoman Empire in 1512, its \"\"nahija\"\" (municipality) was first recorded in the defter of 1533, while its \"\"kadiluk\"\" (county) was recorded in 1634. In 1701 the settlement was given the status of a \"\"palanka\"\" (city), and it became the headquarters of a military captaincy in 1710. The captains of the Gradaščević family led the development of the city, and the most famous of them, Husein-kapetan Gradaščević or \"\"Zmaj od Bosne\"\" (\"\"Dragon of Bosnia\"\"), led an uprising that raised to arms most of the Bosnian captains in 1831. The town has a fort with 18-meter high", "\"Lower Fort Garry\"\nPolice of 1873–74 had been there already during the rebellion in 1870, including Inspector James F. MacLeod, who had met his fiancée, Mary Drever, at Lower Fort Garry on the previous trip. The first contingent of Mounties arrived in Lower Fort Garry on October 22, 1873, and on November 3 they were sworn in and commenced training. The bitter winter was spent drilling and learning to ride. The parade ground was frozen as hard as concrete, and was pretty unforgiving when a recruit was unexpectedly pitched from his horse. By the following June they were caught up in preparations for", "\"The Fort Garry Horse\"\nHorse who have died on active service, a memorial wall incorporates the battle honours, the names of the deceased members (with the date of their death), an inscription, the regimental guidon (Fort Garry gate and the regimental motto), and the cap badges used in 1914 and 1939. A wall hanging in the Warrant Officer's and Sergeant's Mess incorporates two lances; the regimental cap badge; the regimental motto and the battle honours won during the North West Rebellion and the First and Second World Wars. On June 11, 2004, during a visit by Fort Garry Horse, a monumental stone was unveiled", "\"Fort Chambray\"\nthe knight de Megrigny, and it was armed with 72 pieces of artillery. The fort initially offered some resistance, but it capitulated after the French General Jean Reynier posted three companies in front of the fort, and issued a proclamation ordering its garrison to surrender. The Gozitans who had taken refuge returned to their homes with their cattle. Following its capture, Fort Chambray was manned by a French garrison. On 3 September, a day after the Maltese uprising began in Mdina, the Gozitans revolted against the French, and quickly took over the island except for Fort Chambray and the Cittadella.", "\"Métis in Canada\"\nAmerica Act (1867), Louis Riel, a Metis who was formally educated, became a leader of the Métis in the Red River area. He denounced the Canadian government surveys on Metis lands in a speech delivered in late August 1869 from the steps of Saint Boniface Cathedral. The Métis became more fearful when the Canadian government appointed the notoriously anti-French William McDougall as the Lieutenant Governor of the Northwest Territories on September 28, 1869, in anticipation of a formal transfer of lands to take effect in December. On November 2, 1869 Louis Riel and 120 men seized Upper Fort Garry, the", "\"Fort Garry Brewing Company\"\nin Manitoba and Alberta. As of November 2015, the current brewmaster at Fort Garry is Dan Geddes. In 2007, Fort Garry began to brew and bottle \"\"Nubru Blend\"\", the first gluten-free beer in Manitoba, for FarmPure Beverages of Regina, Saskatchewan. On October 22, 2007, Fort Garry Brewing Company amalgamated with Russell Brewing Company as wholly owned subsidiaries of Russell Breweries Inc, of Surrey, British Columbia, in a deal worth $4 million in cash and stock. In 2008, 2009, and 2010, the brewery produced a custom brew for Winnipeg's Folklorama festival, called \"\"Folklorama Beer\"\". In 2012, Fort Garry Brewing Company partnered", "\"1916 Cochinchina uprising\"\nthe south in the Mekong Delta, a march by villagers resulted in the burning and destruction of the local archives and registers offices. After French authorities broke up the march, the participants retreated and began to attack any Vietnamese collaborators that they could lay their hands on. At Vũng Tàu, a port town to the southeast of Saigon, an armed group made a failed attempt to seize the military post. In Vĩnh Long in the delta, the Nghia Hoa society led a protest march to the office of the local French administrator, while a group that had come north from", "Massachusetts\nalso from Massachusetts, would go on to become the sixth United States President. From 1786 to 1787, an armed uprising, known as Shays' Rebellion led by Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays wrought havoc throughout Massachusetts and ultimately attempted to seize the Federal armory. The rebellion was one of the major factors in the decision to draft a stronger national constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation. On February 6, 1788, Massachusetts became the sixth state to ratify the United States Constitution. In 1820, Maine separated from Massachusetts and entered the Union as the 23rd state as a result of the", "\"History of Maryland\"\ncolonial assembly. In 1638, the Assembly forced him to govern according to the laws of England. The right to initiate legislation passed to the assembly. In 1638, Calvert seized a trading post in Kent Island established by the Virginian William Claiborne. In 1644, Claiborne led an uprising of Maryland Protestants. Calvert was forced to flee to Virginia, but he returned at the head of an armed force in 1646 and reasserted proprietarial rule. Maryland soon became one of the few predominantly Catholic regions among the English colonies in North America. Maryland was also one of the key destinations where the", "\"Thomas Scott (Orangeman)\"\nfostered higher recruitment rates for the Red River Expedition and hastened its dispatch. Upon learning about Scott's death, the Canadian government dispatched the Wolseley Expedition to Fort Garry from Ontario to seize the fort and force Louis Riel, now branded a murderer, to flee the settlement. Scott's religious affiliation to the Orange Order had repercussions in Ontario as well. The Toronto Globe had published an article that stated, Scott was cruelly murdered by the enemies of the Queen, country and religion. The Red River Settlement was reportedly affected by the execution of Thomas Scott as well. It was said that", "\"Chittagong armoury raid\"\nChittagong armoury raid The Chittagong armoury raid, also known as the Chittagong uprising, was an attempt on 18 April 1930 to raid the armoury of police and auxiliary forces from the Chittagong armoury in the Bengal Presidency of British India (now in Bangladesh) by armed Indian independence fighters led by Surya Sen. The raiders were members of revolutionary groups who favoured armed uprisings as a means to achieve India's independence from British colonial rule. They were inspired by the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland and led by Surya Sen. However, they were ideologically influenced more by the Communists in Soviet", "Shivaji\nBadi Begum of Bijapur, Aurangzeb, now the Mughal emperor, sent his maternal uncle Shaista Khan, with an army numbering over 150,000 along with a powerful artillery division in January 1660 to attack Shivaji in conjunction with Bijapur's army led by Siddi Jauhar. Shaista Khan, with his better–equipped and –provisioned army of 80,000 seized Pune. He also took the nearby fort of Chakan, besieging it for a month and a half before breaching the walls. Shaista Khan pressed his advantage of having a larger, better provisioned and heavily armed Mughal army and made inroads into some of the Maratha territory, seizing", "\"History of Cuba\"\ncould liberate the island from Spain\"\". On 25 December 1894, three ships, the \"\"Lagonda\"\", the \"\"Almadis\"\" and the \"\"Baracoa\"\", set sail for Cuba from Fernandina Beach, Florida, loaded with armed men and supplies. Two of the ships were seized by U.S. authorities in early January, who also alerted the Spanish government, but the proceedings went ahead. The insurrection began on 24 February 1895, with uprisings all across the island. In Oriente the most important ones took place in Santiago, Guantánamo, Jiguaní, San Luis, El Cobre, El Caney, Alto Songo, Bayate and Baire. The uprisings in the central part of the", "Chartism\nup for a mass protest. On the night of 3–4 November 1839 Frost led several thousand marchers through South Wales to the Westgate Hotel, Newport, Monmouthshire, where there was a confrontation. It seems that Frost and other local leaders were expecting to seize the town and trigger a national uprising. The result of the Newport Rising was a disaster for Chartism. The hotel was occupied by armed soldiers. A brief, violent, and bloody battle ensued. Shots were fired by both sides, although most contemporaries agree that the soldiers holding the building had vastly superior firepower. The Chartists were forced to", "\"Petrograd Soviet\"\nname of the Soldiers' Section of the Soviet. The District commander, Colonel Polkovnikov, refused to allow this control, and he and his staff were condemned in a \"\"Milrevcom\"\" public statement as \"\"a direct weapon of the counter-revolutionary forces\"\". The military command responded with an ultimatum to the Soviet, which led to delaying negotiations and meetings on October 23 and 24. The Bolshevik-popular uprising began on October 24, when \"\"liberal\"\" forces tried to shut down Pravda and take other steps to secure the government. The \"\"Milrevcom\"\" sent armed groups to seize the main telegraph offices and lower the bridges across the", "\"Shays' Rebellion\"\nShays' Rebellion Shays Rebellion was an armed uprising in Massachusetts, mostly in and around Springfield during 1786 and 1787. American Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays led four thousand rebels (called Shaysites) in a protest against perceived economic and civil rights injustices. Shays was a farmhand from Massachusetts at the beginning of the Revolutionary War; he joined the Continental Army, saw action at the Battles of Lexington and Concord, Battle of Bunker Hill, and Battles of Saratoga, and was eventually wounded in action. In 1787, Shays' rebels marched on the United States' Armory at Springfield in an unsuccessful attempt to seize", "\"Czech Hell\"\nCzech Hell Czech Hell (Estonian: \"\"Tšehhi põrgu\"\") was an episode of vigilante justice during the Prague Offensive and the Prague Uprising, World War II in May 1945. It involved the imprisonment and summary execution of unarmed soldiers and officers of the 20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Estonian). The provisional government of Czechoslovakia was proclaimed in Košice on 5 April 1945. The Communist Party seized a third of the national government, including the ministers of the Interior and Defence. Revengeful attitudes countenanced by the communists led to massive vigilante justice against former personnel of the German armed forces", "\"Mysorean invasion of Kerala\"\narmy unsuccessfully stormed the Kingdom of Travancore (a British ally state south of Malabar) from the north. In 1767, the whole of Malabar again revolted Mysore's army of 4,000 men, who were defeated by 2,000 Kottayam Nairs in Northern Malabar. All baggage, arms and ammunition of army was looted by the Nair rebels. Mysorean garrisons were trapped by Nair rebels who seized the countryside and ambushed Mysore convoys and communications with great success. The following year, the English East India Company, under Captain Thomas Henry, sieged the Sultan Bathery Fort (Avara fort) to interrupt the supply of arms to Arakkal", "\"Provisional Government of Missouri\"\narmed neutrality, in which the state would not support either side in the war but remain in the Union. A special election in February established a Missouri Constitutional Convention to determine the relationship between Missouri and the United States. The convention voted against secession and affirmed the state's neutrality. The outbreak of hostilities at Fort Sumter led to unrest in Missouri. Secessionists seized the Liberty Arsenal a week later. Governor Claiborne Jackson called up the state militia for drill in St. Louis and to receive some arms clandestinely obtained from the Confederacy. This resulted in a confrontation with the aggressive", "\"Lower Fort Garry\"\nby the 1860s and included several buildings, such as a flour mill, sawmill, forge, and a brewery. When the Red River Rebellion broke out in 1870, Louis Riel occupied Upper Fort Garry, and the Quebec Rifles took the lower fort. No wars or fights ever occurred at Lower Fort Garry as it was a peaceful settlement. On August 3, 1871, the first treaty in Western Canada was established between the federal government and seven chiefs of the Ojibway (Saulteaux) and Swampy Cree First Nations at Lower Fort Garry. Indian Treaty No. 1 transferred the land that now comprises part of", "\"Fort Garry\"\nMay 2010. From the Hansard Records of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, dated Monday, June 14, 2010, it is clear that the boundaries of the proposed Upper Fort Garry Provincial Heritage Park, described in \"\"Bill 27–The Upper Fort Garry Heritage Provincial Park Act\"\" then under consideration, would not include the Manitoba Club building. In the meeting referenced above, Mr. Jerry Gray (Friends of Upper Fort Garry), referring to the future park boundaries, states that the property is \"\"bordered by Main Street on the east side, Assiniboine on the south side and Fort Street on the west side and then goes", "\"July 1936 military uprising in Barcelona\"\nthe rebel troops surrendered. Ascaso died during the assault, but the CNT seized 30,000 rifles in the barracks. There were over 500 deaths and 3,000 wounded. After the defeat of the coup in Barcelona, the CNT was the real power in the city until the May Days in 1937. After the coup, the CNT had 30,000 armed men and women in Barcelona, while the government had only 5000. After the failed uprising in Barcelona, the city was practically in the hands of the workers' militias, which had obtained the armament of the military arsenals and had a force of armed", "\"Treaty 1\"\nSimpson, the Canadian government invited the indigenous communities to attend negotiations for a treaty at Lower Fort Garry (or Stone Fort). Approximately one thousand indigenous individuals attended including adults and children of all genders, who were led by a number of chiefs that included Mis-koo-kenew or Red Eagle (also known as Henry Prince). In his opening comments that would later cause lasting confusion, Archibald referenced Queen Victoria as the “Great Mother [who] wanted to deal fairly” with the indigenous peoples, supporting their needs, and hoping they would adopt agricultural practises. The governor then went on to layout both his and", "\"Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution\"\nthe festival of St James, when many officers would be away. The rebels would seize control, raid the armory and escape before reinforcements arrived. Supplied with new weaponry, Castro intended to arm supporters and spark a revolution among Oriente's impoverished cane cutters. The plan was to then seize control of a Santiago radio station, broadcasting the Movement's manifesto, hence promoting further uprisings. Castro's plan emulated those of the 19th century Cuban independence fighters who had raided Spanish barracks; Castro saw himself as the heir to independence leader and national hero José Martí. Castro gathered 165 revolutionaries for the mission; 138", "\"Armed Forces of National Liberation (Venezuela)\"\n(\"\"Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria\"\", MIR) in April 1960. Betancourt's firm stance against Castro, especially Cuba's expulsion from the Organization of American States (OAS) led to bloody military uprisings in 1962, first at Carúpano on the Península of Paria, then at Puerto Cabello. After the unsuccessful revolts, Betancourt suspended civil liberties and arrested the MIR and PCV members of the forerunner to the National Assembly of Venezuela bicameral Congress (\"\"Congreso\"\") in 1962. This drove the leftists underground and founded the FALN in January 1, 1963. The FALN were engaged in rural and urban guerrilla activities, including seized the Venezuelan cargo ship", "\"Province of Maryland\"\nlicense in 1635, Claiborne fitted out an armed ship, and there ensued a naval battle on April 23, 1635 by the mouth of the Pocomoke River during which 3 Virginians were killed. Following this battle, Leonard Calvert captured Kent Island by force in February 1638. In 1644, during the English Civil War Claiborne led an uprising of Protestants in what came to be called the Plundering Time, also known as \"\"Claiborne and Ingle's Rebellion\"\" and retook Kent Island. Meanwhile, privateer Captain Richard Ingle (Claiborne's co-commander) seized control of St. Mary's City, the capital of the Maryland colony. Catholic Governor Calvert", "\"Norfolk Island convict mutinies\"\nfor causing the mutiny. He was replaced by John Price. Norfolk Island convict mutinies Norfolk Island convict mutinies were a series of armed uprisings by convicts on the penal colony of Norfolk Island. All were unsuccessful. The first convict rebellion took place in September 1826. It was led by \"\"Black\"\" John Goff. He arranged for two convict decoys to make an escape attempt; they were followed by several soldiers. While this happened, fifty convicts seized and bound their overseers, robbed the stores for provisions and put three boats to sea. One soldier was killed, bayoneted to death, while others were", "\"Terrorism in Sri Lanka\"\nknown as Tamil Tigers is a deadly extremist militant group that has launched a campaign of violence and bloodshed in Sri Lanka, to seize control of the country from the Sinhalese ethnic majority to create an independent Tamil state. This campaign led to the Sri Lankan Civil War, which ran from 1983 until 2009, when the LTTE was decisively defeated by the Sri Lankan Military. Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna is a Marxist-Leninist, communist party, which was involved in two armed uprisings against the ruling governments in 1971 (SLFP) and 1987–89 (UNP). After the two unsuccessful insurrections the JVP entered democratic politics", "\"11 September 1922 Revolution\"\n11 September 1922 Revolution The 11 September 1922 Revolution () was an uprising by the Greek army and navy against the government in Athens. The revolution took place on 11 September 1922. The Greek Army had just been defeated in the Asia Minor Campaign and had been evacuated from Anatolia to the Greek islands in the eastern Aegean. Discontent among the middle-ranking officers and men for the campaign's conduct by the royal government boiled over into armed revolt led by pro-Venizelist and anti-royalist officers. The mutiny spread quickly and seized power in Athens, forcing King Constantine I to abdicate and", "\"Cartagena uprising\"\n\"\"Miguel de Cervantes\"\", \"\"Libertad\"\" and \"\"Mendez Nuñez\"\", as well as eight destroyers, to flee from Cartagena and head to Bizerte. Galán, who had been liberated by the rebels, fled on board \"\"Libertad\"\". Then the IV division of the Spanish Republican Army, led by communist officer Joaquim Rodríguez, was dispatched to Cartagena by Jesus Hernandez in order to crush the revolt. On 7 March, the 206th brigade arrived to Cartagena, crushed the rising and seized the radio station and the coastal batteries. There were 61 deaths. Franco had ordered troops to Cartagena in order to support the uprising, and the same", "\"Fort Garry Hotel\"\nfor a few years by a company controlled by Quebec hotelier Raymond Malenfant. Presently it is run as an independent hotel. According to local folklore, the hotel is haunted. The Fort Garry Hotel is infamous for its haunted Room 202. A woman apparently committed suicide in the room many years ago after hearing of the death of her husband in a car accident. Overcome with grief, she hanged herself in the closet. Fort Garry Hotel The Fort Garry Hotel is a historic hotel in Downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is one of Canada's grand railway hotels and was designated as a", "\"Fort Garry Hotel\"\nFort Garry Hotel The Fort Garry Hotel is a historic hotel in Downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is one of Canada's grand railway hotels and was designated as a National Historic Site of Canada in 1981. A national heritage park connected to the hotel and to the remains of Upper Fort Garry is under construction nearby. Built in 1913 by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, it is located one block from the railway's Union Station, and was the tallest structure in the city when it was completed. Like other Canadian railway hotels, it was constructed in the \"\"château style\"\" (also termed", "\"The Fort Garry Horse\"\nThe Manitoba Horse originated in Roblin, Manitoba on 1 April 1912, as the 32nd Light Horse. It was re-designated the 32nd Manitoba Horse on 2 November 1912 and, following the Great War as The Manitoba Horse on 15 March 1920. On 15 December 1936, it was amalgamated with the Fort Garry Horse. On 11 October 1958, a Regular Force component was authorized as the 1st Fort Garry Horse. On 1 January 1960, it was re-designated the Fort Garry Horse. The regiment served in Canada, on NATO duty in West Germany and on United Nations duty in the Sinai and Cyprus.", "\"Winnipeg Route 52\"\nroutes in the Winnipeg region. It originated as the trail between Lower Fort Garry and the various settlements huddled around the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. Its intersection with the Portage Trail near Upper Fort Garry (now downtown Winnipeg) spawned the Portage and Main corner, which is today the heart of the city. Upper Fort Garry was eventually demolished by the city in order to straighten the southern portion of Main Street and realign it to its current configuration. The north gate, the sole surviving piece of Upper Fort Garry, still stands near the corner of Broadway and", "\"Fort Garry\"\nup to the back where the gate property is.\"\" Evidently, the Manitoba Club property on Broadway is excluded from the proposed heritage park, aside from being located on the same city block. According to the records of the Thirty-Ninth Legislature, \"\"Bill 27\"\" received Royal Assent on June 17, 2010, by Proclamation of the Lieutenant-Governor Philip S. Lee. The park opened to the public on August 6, 2015, with development still to come. Fort Garry Fort Garry, also known as Upper Fort Garry, was a Hudson's Bay Company trading post at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine rivers in what", "\"History of Northwest Territories capital cities\"\ntime in 1875 and chose a new location, within the boundaries of the Northwest Territories, to form a new government. Along with the new seat of power, a new council greatly reduced in size was appointed along with a new Lieutenant Governor to specifically lead the Territories without also governing Manitoba. In the 1870s, Fort Garry consisted of two distinct settlements. The first site was named Upper Fort Garry, and the secondary site was named Lower Fort Garry, downstream on the Red River. After the territorial government moved, Fort Garry continued to be the seat of government for Manitoba, and", "\"Fort Garry Historical Society\"\nFort Garry Historical Society The Fort Garry Historical Society was a non-profit organization formed in 1971 and folded in 2016, it mandate was to foster the preservation of heritage sites in St. Norbert and Fort Garry in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. One of historical society's primary heritage sites is the St. Norbert Provincial Heritage Park (), a park with 14 interpretive plaques about the cultural history and development of the community. The plaques form a self-guiding tour along the Lasalle River and Red River, ending at the historic junction of the two rivers, which faces the floodway bridge and gates. The", "\"Fort Garry Historical Society\"\nNorth East Winnipeg Historical Society has plans to restore the house and hopefully move it back to North Kildonan. The museum is affiliated with: CMA, CHIN, and Virtual Museum of Canada. Fort Garry Historical Society The Fort Garry Historical Society was a non-profit organization formed in 1971 and folded in 2016, it mandate was to foster the preservation of heritage sites in St. Norbert and Fort Garry in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. One of historical society's primary heritage sites is the St. Norbert Provincial Heritage Park (), a park with 14 interpretive plaques about the cultural history and development of the", "\"Fort Garry Horse Museum & Archives\"\nof Cavalry in Manitoba through the collection of documents, pictures, books, military artifacts, etc. It provides a training facility for the teaching of Regimental history. The museum`s goal is to stimulate and foster within the general public an ongoing interest in the Regiment and its activities and accomplishments. The Museum is affiliated with: CMA, CHIN, AMM, and Virtual Museum of Canada. Fort Garry Horse Museum & Archives The Fort Garry Horse Museum & Archives is a regimental museum in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada that displays the history of the Fort Garry Horse, a regiment of the Canadian Forces Army, from its", "\"Wuchang Uprising\"\nWuchang Uprising The Wuchang Uprising was an armed rebellion against the ruling Qing dynasty that took place in Wuchang, Hubei, in China. It was the first successful uprising led by elements of the New Army, influenced by revolutionary ideas from Tongmenghui. Following the uprising, several other uprisings quickly spread across southern China as part of the beginning of the Xinhai Revolution. The uprising and the eventual revolution directly led to the downfall of the Qing dynasty along with five millennia of imperial rule, and the establishment of the Republic of China (ROC), which commemorates the anniversary of the uprising's starting", "\"History of Thrissur\"\nauthority and taking up arms against him. The Portuguese were no longer just a passing nuisance, a handful of terrifying pirates who came and went once a year. They were a permanent disturbance, turning the old order upside down. A new chapter was being opened on the Malabar coast. Cranganore Fort was built by Portuguese in 1523 and later it in 1565 it was enlarged. It is also known as Kottappuram Fort. The Dutch took possession of the fort in 1661. In 1776, Tipu Sultan seized the control of fort. The Dutch wrested it back from Tipu Sultan, but the", "\"Norfolk Island convict mutinies\"\nNorfolk Island convict mutinies Norfolk Island convict mutinies were a series of armed uprisings by convicts on the penal colony of Norfolk Island. All were unsuccessful. The first convict rebellion took place in September 1826. It was led by \"\"Black\"\" John Goff. He arranged for two convict decoys to make an escape attempt; they were followed by several soldiers. While this happened, fifty convicts seized and bound their overseers, robbed the stores for provisions and put three boats to sea. One soldier was killed, bayoneted to death, while others were wounded. The convicts sailed to Phillip Island where they were", "\"March 1966 Mizo National Front uprising\"\nthe insurgents had cut all the telephone lines, the local authorities could not seek immediate help from Shillong or Silchar. Later, the commanding officer of the Border Roads Organisation managed to send a wireless message to Silchar. At 02:00 IST, on 1 March 1966, the insurgents attacked the telephone exchange at Aizawl. An hour later, around 150 insurgents led by Pu Lalnundawta, attacked the Aizawl District Treasury and looted money, arms and .303 ammunition. Within a few hours, the insurgents took control of all the important centres of the Mizo district, paralysing the civil administration. They also seized all the", "\"Wildwood Park, Winnipeg\"\narea. It comprises much of the Wildwood neighbourhood of Winnipeg, within the Fort Garry North neighbourhood cluster (according to how census data is reported for the city of Winnipeg). It is in the Fort Garry–Riverview provincial electoral division (Fort Garry until 2008), and the Winnipeg South Centre federal electoral division. Before the unicity amalgamation in 1972, this was part of the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry. Wildwood Park, Winnipeg Wildwood Park (also spelled 'Wildewood') is a suburban community in Winnipeg that has a central green space and no front roads (only back alleys), with communal walkways, playgrounds and parks. Nearly" ]
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when did wet n wild close las vegas
[ "2004" ]
[ "\"Wet 'n Wild (Las Vegas)\"\nthe Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority believed that the water park would appeal to families visiting Las Vegas. Howard Hughes Development Corporation chose a water park theme as the company did not want to compete against southern California's Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm theme parks, as many Las Vegas tourists were residents of southern California. The concept of a water park in Las Vegas was also considered ideal because of the city's dry and hot weather. The water park was located on the Las Vegas Strip, between the Sahara and El Rancho hotel-casinos. Wet 'n Wild opened on May", "\"Wet 'n Wild (Las Vegas)\"\nWet 'n Wild (Las Vegas) Wet 'n Wild was a water park located at 2601 South Las Vegas Boulevard on the Las Vegas Strip in Winchester, Nevada. The park opened in 1985 and operated until 2004. Construction was underway as of October 1984, with plans to open the 27-acre park on May 1, 1985. The $12 million project was a joint venture between Howard Hughes Development Corporation – part of Summa Corporation – and San Diego-based Wet 'n' Wild. Howard Hughes Development Corporation conceived the project because of the potential to expand the local tourism market through family entertainment, and", "\"Wet 'n Wild (Las Vegas)\"\nformer UNLV student and NBA player, announced that he was planning on using the same site of the proposed Silver State Arena to build the All Net Resort and Arena, a $1.4 billion privately funded complex encompassing an arena, hotel and shopping project that could attract an NBA franchise to Las Vegas. The arena itself would cost $670 million. The project is delayed until 2018 or 2019. Wet 'n Wild (Las Vegas) Wet 'n Wild was a water park located at 2601 South Las Vegas Boulevard on the Las Vegas Strip in Winchester, Nevada. The park opened in 1985 and", "\"Las Vegas Strip\"\na result of electrical problems, killing 87 people. It reopened eight months later. In 1986, Kerkorian sold the MGM Grand to Bally Manufacturing, and it was renamed Bally's. The Wet 'n Wild water park opened in 1985 and was located on the south side of the Sahara hotel. It closed at the end of the 2004 season and was later demolished. The opening of The Mirage in 1989 set a new level to the Las Vegas experience, as smaller hotels and casinos made way for the larger mega-resorts. The Rio and the Excalibur opened in 1990. These huge facilities offer", "\"Wet 'n Wild (Las Vegas)\"\ndown the slide too soon, resulting in the injury. The park was acquired by Universal Studios in October 1998, Ogden Corp in March 1999, Alfa SmartParks in March 2000, and Palace Entertainment on July 10, 2002. The park closed in 2004. In March 2007, Publishing and Broadcasting Limited and Christopher Milam announced plans to purchase the site for $1.2 billion. They intended to replace it with a mixed-use tower called the Crown Las Vegas. The cost of the project was estimated to be $5 billion, and its original completion date was set for 2014. In March 2008, the project's cancellation", "\"Wet 'n Wild (brand)\"\nWet 'n Wild (brand) Wet 'n Wild is a name used by various water parks across the United States, Brazil and Mexico, originally owned by SeaWorld creator George Millay. It is not to be confused with the Wet'n'Wild brand owned by Village Roadshow Theme Parks and CNL Lifestyle Properties or the stand-alone waterpark Wet 'N' Wild Waterworld in Anthony, Texas. The name was first used for a water park when SeaWorld founder George Millay opened his first water park Wet 'n Wild Orlando in Orlando, Florida in 1977. Wet 'n Wild in Orlando, However, closed permanently December 31, 2016, and", "\"All Net Resort and Arena\"\nAll Net Resort and Arena All Net Resort and Arena is a planned entertainment complex in Las Vegas. A project of businessman and former basketball player Jackie Robinson, the complex would encompass a resort hotel, a retail and restaurant streetscape, and a multi-purpose indoor arena with a retractable roof. Its location is set on the Las Vegas Strip at the former site of a Wet 'n Wild waterpark, next to the SLS Las Vegas in Winchester, Nevada. Designed by the Cuningham Group, it was initially planned to open in 2017. Construction was later expected to begin before the end of", "\"Wet N' Wild Waterworld\"\nWet N' Wild Waterworld Wet N' Wild Waterworld is a 60 acre waterpark featuring over 25 rides and attractions and a canopy of mature shade trees. It is located at 8804 S. Desert in Anthony, Texas, a small town in between El Paso, Texas, and Las Cruces, New Mexico. The park usually opens the first weekend in May, and closes after Labor Day. It has over twenty-five rides and attractions. In addition to traditional water rides, the park has a wave pool, a lazy river, shallow kiddie pools, a spray park, and a climbing wall. Amenities include shaded picnic areas", "\"All Net Resort and Arena\"\n2017, with completion expected by spring 2020. The idea of turning the abandoned site of a Wet 'n Wild waterpark on Las Vegas Boulevard into a stadium begun in 2010, as Texas-based developer Chris Milam revealed plans for a \"\"Silver State Arena\"\" following the cancellation of Crown Las Vegas. It was set to break ground in September 2010 and open in 2012. Milam's company International Development Management would get the 27-acre land from Sue Lowden and her husband Paul, and atop build a 20,000-seat stadium at the cost of $750 million, using about $9 million a year in redevelopment district", "\"Wet 'n Wild (Las Vegas)\"\n18, 1985, after $14 million was spent on construction. The park included three turbine engines capable of creating rolling four-foot waves in a 170-foot pool. The park also featured a 17,000-square-foot surf lagoon containing 500,000 gallons of water, ranging in depth from eight feet to two inches. The surf lagoon was a main attraction, as well as a 76-foot-high water slide known as the Der Stuka, located along Las Vegas Boulevard on the property's west end, south of the Sahara. Approximately 500,000 people were expected to visit the water park during its first year. By June 1986, park attendance had", "\"Wet 'n Wild Orlando\"\nWet 'n Wild Orlando Wet 'n Wild Orlando was the flagship water park of Wet 'n Wild owned by NBC Universal, located on International Drive in Orlando, Florida. It was founded in 1977 by SeaWorld creator George Millay and is considered America's first water park. It closed on December 31, 2016. While developing SeaWorld, George Millay realized the need for a water park, later recalling \"\"being in Florida, with all its heat and hot sun, you naturally think about cooling off in water\"\". In the mid-1970s, he directed his time and money towards the project. The idea of it stemmed", "\"Wet N Wild (North Shields)\"\nWet N Wild (North Shields) Wet N Wild is an indoor water park situated in North Shields, Tyne and Wear, England. It was the United Kingdom's largest indoor water park when opened in 1993, a title subsequently claimed by Sandcastle Waterpark. The park is situated in the Royal Quays complex, and features numerous slides, a wave machine, and rapids. It was confirmed Wet N Wild would reopen following a takeover by Moirai Capital Investments; Wet N Wild has several main, large water slides, The Kamikaze which includes an 80-foot drop, The Tornado which includes two slides that snake round each", "\"Wet N Wild (North Shields)\"\nWet N Wild (North Shields) Wet N Wild is an indoor water park situated in North Shields, Tyne and Wear, England. It was the United Kingdom's largest indoor water park when opened in 1993, a title subsequently claimed by Sandcastle Waterpark. The park is situated in the Royal Quays complex, and features numerous slides, a wave machine, and rapids. It was confirmed Wet N Wild would reopen following a takeover by Moirai Capital Investments; Wet N Wild has several main, large water slides, The Kamikaze which includes an 80-foot drop, The Tornado which includes two slides that snake round each", "\"Wet 'n Wild (Las Vegas)\"\nwas announced and the site was put up for sale. The idea of turning the abandoned site into a stadium began in 2010, when Milam revealed plans for the Silver State Arena. Milam's company International Development Management would get the 27-acre land from Sue Lowden and her husband Paul, and atop build a 20,000-seat stadium at the cost of $750 million, using about $9 million a year in redevelopment district taxes. The project stalled after Clark County rejected a proposal to fund 15% of the venue with public money and nearby residents opposed construction. In 2013, businessman Jackie Robinson, a", "\"Crown Las Vegas\"\n'n Wild Water Park. The building's architect was Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. The cost of the project was estimated to be $5 billion, and its original completion date was set for 2014. Originally proposed as the \"\"Las Vegas Tower\"\", the name of the building changed when Publishing and Broadcasting Limited reached an agreement on May 31, 2007, with the tower's developers to invest money in the project and run its casino. As part of the agreement, the project was renamed Crown Las Vegas. Crown Las Vegas was originally proposed to rise by Christopher Milam, a building developer from Texas. According", "\"Wet 'n Wild Orlando\"\nStates until 1999, when Walt Disney World Resort's Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach surpassed it. At the time, it was averaging around 1.3 million visitors for several years. The park was featured on Travel Channel's Extreme Waterparks and was also the setting for the music video for \"\"Se A Vida É\"\", by the Pet Shop Boys. The park was featured for Puerto Rican band Menudo for their video Nao Se Reprima in Portuguese. Wet 'n Wild Orlando Wet 'n Wild Orlando was the flagship water park of Wet 'n Wild owned by NBC Universal, located on International Drive in Orlando,", "\"Honey, I Blew Up the Kid\"\nJoe Johnston. He would return to film with the cast in the 3D show, \"\"Honey, I Shrunk the Audience\"\", which was at several Disney parks until 2010. Like the first film, and \"\"Grease\"\", it had animated opening credits. Production began on June 17, 1991. Filming took place in Simi Valley, California for the parts involving the Szalinskis' house. Also used extensively was well known places in Las Vegas such as the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, the Mirage Hotel, and Fremont Street. The water park where Nick worked and where Mandy is first introduced is Wet 'n Wild in Las", "\"Wet N Wild (North Shields)\"\nwater, pop, slush, Coffee and Tea. On 16 October 2013 it was announced that Wet 'N' Wild Enterprises, the owners, had entered administration on 14 October, and thus the park was to close with immediate effect. On 10 May 2014 it was announced that Wet N Wild would be opening in July 2014 after a 1.1 million refurbishment following a takeover by Moirai Capital Investments. This date has since been changed to 4 August 2014. The site is managed by Serco An episode of Geordie Shore featured the water park, this was filmed before the closure and £1.1 million refurbishment.", "\"Wet 'n Wild Emerald Pointe\"\n\"\"Aqua Gardens\"\", the water park was opened in September 1983. From 1984 to 1986, the park used the name \"\"Water Country USA\"\". In 1986, the park was purchased by a local company and renamed \"\"Emerald Pointe\"\". In March 1999 Ogden Corp purchased the property, along with Raging Waters and Wet 'n Wild's assets, and renamed the park \"\"Wet 'n Wild Emerald Pointe\"\". Wet 'n Wild Emerald Pointe Wet 'n Wild Emerald Pointe (often simply referred to as Wet 'n Wild or Emerald Pointe) is a water park located in Greensboro, North Carolina, United States, and is part of the Wet", "\"Wet N' Wild Waterworld\"\nas well as regional specialties, including corn-in-a-cup, papas locas, piña con chamoy, and aguas frescas. Wet ‘N’ Wild Waterworld is the site of numerous festivals and concerts performed in a raised stage in the middle of the open picnic area. Private sleep-overs, birthday parties, company picnics, and reserved areas can be arranged for groups. The park opened in 1979 after El Paso businessman and attorney Berry H. Edwards purchased a KOA campground in Anthony. After his son suggested they get a waterslide for the campground's pool, Edwards visited the now closed Wild Wild Wet in Anaheim, California for research. He", "\"Wet 'n Wild (Las Vegas)\"\nincreased 19.7 percent from the previous year. A capsule known as the Bomb Bay was eventually added atop the Der Stuka. The Bomb Bay required people to push a button, which opened the floor beneath them, plummeting riders to the slide approximately 20 feet below. In 1993, the park was sued by Russell Beatty, a man who suffered temporary paralysis after his neck was broken in three areas. Beatty had been waiting for his son at the bottom of the Hydro Blaster water slide and was struck by a 275-pound man. Beatty alleged that lifeguards allowed the man to go", "\"Wet 'n Wild Emerald Pointe\"\nWet 'n Wild Emerald Pointe Wet 'n Wild Emerald Pointe (often simply referred to as Wet 'n Wild or Emerald Pointe) is a water park located in Greensboro, North Carolina, United States, and is part of the Wet 'n Wild chain of water parks. There are 14 slides, 5 pools, and 2 children areas. The Themed Entertainment Association has ranked the park 20th in North America in terms of attendance, of which they had 407,000 visitors as of 2015. Major regional competitors are Carowinds' Carolina Harbor in Charlotte, North Carolina and Dollywood's Splash Waterpark in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Originally named", "\"Wet N' Wild Waterworld\"\nthen installed two Plantation Plastics waterslides (powered by a Chrysler diesel engine connected to a water pump). The park opened as Wet N Wild Waterslides, charging $2.50 per half hour to ride 2 slides, \"\"Blue Streak' and \"\"Corkscrew.\"\" In 1980, after adding the 12 foot deep Volcano Lake, a water zip line, and a few more in-house slides, Edwards changed the name to Wet N Wild Waterworld. Since 2011, Wet 'N' Wild has also been host to the Christian Castle Lifeguard Olympics, which celebrates local lifeguards while allowing them to fine tune their skills. In 2015, Wet N Wild was", "\"Universal Orlando\"\nparking garage. Wet 'n Wild officially closed on December 31, 2016 due to the opening of Volcano Bay, Universal Orlando's on-site water park near the Cabana Bay Beach Resort that opened on May 25, 2017. It was announced on March 21, 2017 that the land once occupied by Wet 'n Wild would be transformed into Universal's seventh hotel. It was later learned that Universal would split the property into two hotels, rather than one resort. The resort features six official on-site hotels totaling up to 6,200 rooms. All six hotels are located in close proximity to the Universal Orlando theme", "\"Washington School (North Las Vegas, Nevada)\"\nWashington School (North Las Vegas, Nevada) Washington School is a school listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Nevada and is located at 1901 N. White Street in the city of North Las Vegas. The school was open and operated by the Clark County School District until early 2016 when it closed due to budget cuts. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places on March 10, 1992. Its NRHP Area is Historic School Buildings in the Evolution of the Fifth Supervision School District MPS. The building is of the Moderne style and is listed", "\"Washington School (North Las Vegas, Nevada)\"\nfor its architectural significance between 1925 and 1949. Washington School (North Las Vegas, Nevada) Washington School is a school listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Nevada and is located at 1901 N. White Street in the city of North Las Vegas. The school was open and operated by the Clark County School District until early 2016 when it closed due to budget cuts. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places on March 10, 1992. Its NRHP Area is Historic School Buildings in the Evolution of the Fifth Supervision School District MPS. The building", "\"Wild Wild Wet\"\nWild Wild Wet Wild Wild Wet is a water theme park in Singapore. It is located at NTUC Downtown East in Pasir Ris, Singapore. When the former Escape Theme Park ceased operation on 26 November 2011, the site was used to make way for a bigger Water Park and Costa Sands Resort. Wild Wild Wet was closed from 23 July till 1 November 2012 for renovations that includes new rides and attractions. Wild Wild Wet was expanded to 3.8 hectares, approximately the size of five football fields which will double the original size and feature six new rides and attractions", "\"Sheriff of Las Vegas\"\nSheriff of Las Vegas Sheriff of Las Vegas is a 1944 American film directed by Lesley Selander and starring Wild Bill Elliott in the role of Red Ryder Costarring as Little Beaver, was actor \"\"(Bobby)\"\" Robert Blake. It was the sixth of twenty-three Red Ryder feature films that would be produced by Republic Pictures. The Duchess Alice Fleming, living in Las Vegas, Nevada promises to help the local schoolteacher Ann Carter \"\"(Peggy Stewart)\"\" with her “wild” boyfriend, Tom Blackwell \"\"(Jay Kirby)\"\". Red Ryder is asked to lend a hand by the Duchess but when he does, he discovers Tom drunk", "\"Sheriff of Las Vegas\"\nCA, USA. Sheriff of Las Vegas Sheriff of Las Vegas is a 1944 American film directed by Lesley Selander and starring Wild Bill Elliott in the role of Red Ryder Costarring as Little Beaver, was actor \"\"(Bobby)\"\" Robert Blake. It was the sixth of twenty-three Red Ryder feature films that would be produced by Republic Pictures. The Duchess Alice Fleming, living in Las Vegas, Nevada promises to help the local schoolteacher Ann Carter \"\"(Peggy Stewart)\"\" with her “wild” boyfriend, Tom Blackwell \"\"(Jay Kirby)\"\". Red Ryder is asked to lend a hand by the Duchess but when he does, he discovers", "\"Wild Wild Wet\"\nwhich will open in the end of 2016. NTUC Club said admission fees are expected to go up slightly due to inflation and increasing operational costs. The new rides have since been opened up to the public. Wild Wild Wet Wild Wild Wet is a water theme park in Singapore. It is located at NTUC Downtown East in Pasir Ris, Singapore. When the former Escape Theme Park ceased operation on 26 November 2011, the site was used to make way for a bigger Water Park and Costa Sands Resort. Wild Wild Wet was closed from 23 July till 1 November", "\"Wet 'n Wild (brand)\"\nwas replaced by Volcano Bay. Millay went on to open six more water parks under the same name in the United States, Brazil and Mexico. In 1997 and 1998, Millay sold the water parks to various owners including Universal Parks & Resorts, Palace Entertainment and private companies for a total of $77 million. Wet 'n Wild (brand) Wet 'n Wild is a name used by various water parks across the United States, Brazil and Mexico, originally owned by SeaWorld creator George Millay. It is not to be confused with the Wet'n'Wild brand owned by Village Roadshow Theme Parks and CNL", "\"Universal Orlando\"\nWhopper Bar, Panda Express, Red Oven Pizza Bakery, and Fusion Bistro Sushi & Sake Bar. Wet 'n Wild was founded in 1977 by SeaWorld founder George Millay as one of the first major water parks. In 1998, Wet 'n Wild was acquired by Universal Parks & Resorts, adding it to Universal Orlando. There were eighteen water slides and attractions at the water park. Popular attractions included \"\"The Storm\"\", \"\"Bomb Bay\"\", \"\"Disco H20\"\", \"\"Mach 5\"\", and \"\"The Surge\"\". Wet 'n Wild was located at the intersection of International Drive and Universal Boulevard, about half a mile south of the Universal Orlando", "\"Wet'n'Wild (brand)\"\nWet'n'Wild (brand) Wet'n'Wild is a brand used for many water parks across the world owned by Village Roadshow Theme Parks, EPR Properties and Parques Reunidos. It is not to be confused with the Wet 'n Wild brand originally owned by SeaWorld creator George Millay or Wet 'N' Wild Waterworld, a stand-alone water park in Anthony, Texas. The Wet'n'Wild brand originates from Wet'n'Wild Water World on the Gold Coast, Australia. It first opened in 1984 as Cade's County Waterpark, before being renamed to Wet'n'Wild in 1987 after a licensing agreement was reached with chain of Wet 'n Wild water parks overseas.", "\"Xavier Lamar Truesdell\"\nXavier Lamar Truesdell was born on October 30, 1985 in Chicago, Illinois. Truesdell started modeling in high school. At 17, he moved to Las Vegas, Nevada booking his first roles on the pilot episode of \"\"Las Vegas\"\", and the comedy film \"\"Miss Congeniality 2\"\". Truesdell was also featured in Michael Jackson’s music video, \"\"One More Chance\"\". Later that year, Truesdell played the role of Master Flo's (Coolio's) outargue in \"\"Three Days to Vegas\"\". In 2006, Truesdell moved to Los Angeles and appeared on MTV shows \"\"Parental Control\"\", \"\"Next\"\", \"\"Celebrity Exposed\"\", \"\"Wild 'n Out\"\", and \"\"Punk'd\"\", which landed him on MTV'S", "\"Wet N' Wild Waterworld\"\nawarded Best Of Aquatics 2015 for Community Outreach by Aquatics International Magazine for its efforts in drowning prevention and water safety. The park also participates annually in the World's Largest Swimming Lesson an event dedicated to raising awareness of water safety. During Drowning Prevention Week, the park sends Freddy the Surfing Frog to local schools to give lessons in water safety and drowning prevention. Wet N' Wild Waterworld Wet N' Wild Waterworld is a 60 acre waterpark featuring over 25 rides and attractions and a canopy of mature shade trees. It is located at 8804 S. Desert in Anthony, Texas,", "\"Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon\"\nRock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon The Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon & 1/2 Marathon is an annual marathon foot-race run on the Las Vegas Strip and in parts of the Las Vegas Valley, Nevada. The race is one of the oldest marathons in the United States, having been run since 1967. From 1967-2004 the marathon course was located on several different routes within Clark County, but outside of downtown Las Vegas. The initial concept was to attract nationally and internationally recognized runners; this was partially successful. Morris Aarbo of Canada won the first year with a time of", "\"W Las Vegas\"\nventure defaulted on loans eight months later, and the property remained vacant. Sometime before 2015, Starwood and Station Casinos held discussions about developing a W hotel on the site of Station's Wild Wild West Gambling Hall & Hotel. At the SLS Las Vegas on the north end of the Las Vegas Strip, Starwood operated one of the resort's hotel towers, the former LUX Tower, as a separate hotel known as W Las Vegas. It operated from December 2016 to August 2018. W Las Vegas W Las Vegas was a planned condo-hotel and casino resort near the Las Vegas Strip in", "\"Las Vegas in the 1940s\"\nLas Vegas in the 1940s Las Vegas in the 1940s was notable for the establishment of The Strip in a town which \"\"combined Wild West frontier friendliness with glamor and excitement\"\". In 1940, the population was 8,400 but within five years, it more than doubled its size. The Las Vegas Valley had a population of 13,937 in 1940, increasing to 35,000 in just two years. In the early 1940s, the town experienced political problems resulting in two city governments, each claiming to have the right to rule. The militarization of Las Vegas began when the Army Gunnery School (now Nellis", "\"Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon\"\nfor more than 12 hours, the paucity of actual marathoners distinguish the Las Vegas event from other big city venues such as Boston, New York, Chicago, London, or Berlin where the number of marathon finishers range from about 20,000 to more than 30,000. While successful as a commercial, for profit venture, this race falls short of the original vision to make the Las Vegas Marathon a world class, competitive running event. Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon The Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon & 1/2 Marathon is an annual marathon foot-race run on the Las Vegas Strip and in", "\"Crown Las Vegas\"\nCrown Las Vegas Crown Las Vegas, previously known as the Las Vegas Tower, was a proposed supertall skyscraper that would have been built on the Las Vegas Strip in Winchester, Nevada. If built, the tower would have been tall, making it the tallest building in the United States and 5th tallest in the world. After two major redesigns, the project was cancelled in March 2008. Crown Las Vegas, as originally planned, would have consisted of a casino, a hotel and an observation deck. The tower would have been built on Las Vegas Boulevard on the former site of the Wet", "\"Wild Records\"\nremaining authentic and true to the original styles that have inspired them. Acts on the label regularly headline worldwide rockabilly and rock n' roll festivals such as The Rockabilly Rave, High Rockabilly, Viva Las Vegas, Sjock Festival and Let's Get Wild. Wild Records and founder Reb Kennedy is the subject of an independent film release entitled \"\"Los Wild Ones\"\" in 2013. The film has toured the international film circuit to generally positive praise. The film is noteworthy in that it concentrates on not just music, but the personal relationships of the musicians inside On September 1st, 2015 the label announced", "\"Klondike Hotel and Casino\"\nShortly after its closure, the property was used for training by the K9 unit of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. The Klondike's replacement would have been called Paramount Las Vegas. The new resort, initially expected to cost $1 billion, would have included an 1,864-room condo hotel and 80,000 sq ft casino. Plans for the new resort were approved by Clark County in October 2006, but Royal Palm Las Vegas did not expect to begin construction in the near future. Plans for the project were delayed in late August 2007, when an investor pulled out shortly before closing on restructuring", "\"Las Vegas culture (archaeology)\"\none representative site. The Las Vegas culture was pre-ceramic, meaning that the people did not utilize pottery. During Early Las Vegas the \"\"basic unit of social production, distribution, and consumption was the small, relatively self-sufficient family, flexibly organized for carrying out a wide variety of subsistence tasks using a few generalized tools and facilities.\"\" Houses were small and it appears that family units moved from one site to another to take advantage of seasonal food sources. Houses were very small and flimsy. The people gathered wild foods and hunted and fished in the variety of habitats in the region: the", "\"Las Vegas Valley\"\nLake Las Vegas and into Lake Mead. Nevada receives an allocation of water each year from Lake Mead, with credits for water it returns to the lake. The allocations were made with the Colorado River Compact when Nevada had a much smaller population and very little agriculture. The allocations were also made during a wet string of years, which overstated the available water in the entire watershed. As a result, precipitation that is below normal for a few years can significantly affect the Colorado River reservoirs. The Las Vegas area uses most of this allocation with Laughlin, Nevada using most", "\"American Ninja Warrior (season 6)\"\nadvance to Mount Midoriyama in Las Vegas. She failed to complete the 1st round of the finals, in Las Vegas while attempting the Jumping Spider. Event coordinator Michelle Warnky became the second woman to finish the qualifying course, making it up the Warped Wall on her first try in a faster time (3:08.94) than Catanzaro at the St. Louis qualifiers, ranking her 19th out of 30. She also became the second woman ever to attempt the Salmon Ladder in the finals, coming up just inches short. She did receive a wild-card spot in Las Vegas, but she overshot on her", "\"America's Got Talent (season 6)\"\nbut did not perform in Las Vegas due to personal reasons. The Quarterfinals began on July 12, 2011, and ended on August 17, 2011, with the conclusion of the Wild Card results episode. This round includes the Top 48 acts which passed through Las Vegas Week, the acts that passed through the YouTube audition rounds, and a Wild Card show featuring previously eliminated quarterfinalists. Guests: Avril Lavigne, \"\"Priscilla, Queen of the Desert\"\" Guests: Hot Chelle Rae, TRACES Guests: Stevie Nicks, Fighting Gravity, \"\"The Smurfs\"\" Guests: Maroon 5, Jason Derülo Guests: OK Go and Pilobolus, Keenan Cahill, Rebecca Black, Tay Zonday,", "\"Aliante, North Las Vegas\"\nbest-selling master-planned communities in 2005, but did not rank on the list for 2006. Sun City Aliante, an age-restricted 55-plus community by Del Webb, was completed in March 2003, and is located within Aliante. Sun City Aliante was the third best-selling age-restricted community in the Las Vegas Valley during the second quarter of 2003, with 130 closings averaging $181,198. Sun City Aliante became the third best-selling community of 2003, with 400 home closings. Aliante, North Las Vegas Aliante is a master-planned community located in North Las Vegas, Nevada. In 2001, American Nevada Corporation and Del Webb Corporation formed North Valley", "\"Las Vegas algorithm\"\nthat the worst-case does not happen often. For large value of n, the running time is \"\"Θ(nlogn)\"\" with a high probability. Note that the probability that the pivot is middle value element every time is one out of n numbers which is very rare. However, it is still same running time when the split is 10%-90% instead of a 50%-50% because the depth of the recursion tree will still be \"\"O(logn)\"\" with \"\"O(n)\"\" times taken each level of recursion. Eight queens problem is usually solved with backtracking algorithm. However, Las Vegas algorithm can be applied; in fact, it is more", "\"Las Vegas Stadium\"\nwas called into serious question in June 2016, when Southwest Airlines objected to the location because its proximity to the northern end of one of McCarran Airport's runways could negatively affect the safety and capacity of air traffic at the airport. The list of potential locations soon expanded to nine candidates, including the sites of the Wild Wild West casino, the Wynn golf course, the Riviera casino, the Las Vegas Festival Grounds, and Cashman Center. By September, the list was narrowed to two possibilities: the Bali Hai Golf Club, south of Mandalay Bay, and a vacant lot on Russell Road,", "\"Panaʻewa Rainforest Zoo\"\nto the brink of extinction, with fewer than 2000 live in the wild. White tigers have not been seen in the wild in over five decades, and the current captive population descend from a number of inbred individuals. Namaste' was born in Las Vegas on September 30, 1998, and arrived in Hilo on April 16, 1999. The zoo had planned to purchase Namaste' from Dirk Arthur, a magician at the Tropicana Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, but when Arthur saw the zoo's tiger enclosure, he donated Namaste' to the zoo. Namaste died on January 16, 2014. Panaʻewa Rainforest Zoo", "\"Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon\"\n2:23:06, ahead of two marathoners from Turkey. A notable participant in the inaugural race was Harry Reid, who at the time was involved with local Nevada government. The subsequent 17 annual races fielded mostly local runners with a sprinkling of national- and international-caliber runners. When the \"\"Las Vegas Sun \"\"newspaper scuttled its sponsorship of the marathon in 1969\"\",\"\" the recently formed Las Vegas Track Club took over the event. Over the ensuing years, enrollment in the race remained low—in the range of 100 to 200 entrants—until the running boom of 1978 when the numbers bumped up for a year or", "\"Las Vegas Monorail\"\nThis lack of a direct presence on the Strip along with ticket prices has been a factor in the rather slow acceptance of the monorail. The Las Vegas Monorail was named the Robert N. Broadbent Las Vegas Monorail in honor of Robert N. Broadbent, whom Las Vegas officials credit with gaining the support from the public and officials needed to bring the monorail to fruition. Broadbent, a former Boulder City mayor, Clark County commissioner, assistant secretary of the United States Department of the Interior, and McCarran International Airport director, died in 2003, a few months before the system's scheduled opening.", "\"Jorge de la Vega\"\nart and acted as creative influences to each other in their close proximity, de la Vega and Noé living together, and Diera and Macció sharing a studio. Unlike other artists of the figuration movement in Latin American art at the time (like José Luis Cuevas in Mexico), Otra Figuración wanted to explore psychological rather than objective conditions when exploring the nature of humankind. They did not see themselves as simply observers of the spectacle of the world, but active participants, believing that \"\"the only way to adventure into is by adventuring into man himself\"\". While the group was often referred", "\"Ivana Las Vegas\"\nIvana Las Vegas Ivana Las Vegas was a proposed 73-floor, 923-foot condominium high-rise, named after Ivana Trump. The project was initially announced in August 2004, as The Summit, and was to be constructed on the 2.17-acre site of the closed Holy Cow Casino and Brewery, located on the Las Vegas Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada. Trump became involved with the project in June 2005, when it was renamed. Ivana Las Vegas was to feature 945 condo units, including a $35 million penthouse. The project would have begun construction in summer 2006, with a completion date of December 2008. The property", "\"Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas\"\nNevada State Museum, Las Vegas The Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas located at the Springs Preserve, in Las Vegas, Nevada is one of 7 Nevada State Museums operated by the Nevada Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs. The name was changed from the Nevada State Museum and Historical Society in 2008 when the museum moved from Lorenzi Park in Las Vegas to the Springs Preserve campus. The museum houses items from the development of Las Vegas as well as the natural history of the area. The museum is open Tuesday through Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm, closed Thanksgiving and", "\"Aztec Inn\"\nAztec Inn Aztec Inn (also known as the Aztec Gold Inn & Casino) is a motel and casino located on of land at 2200 South Las Vegas Boulevard, north of the Las Vegas Strip, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The property is located south of the Stratosphere hotel-casino, and includes a nearby apartment complex connected to the Aztec Inn. The property began in 1957, as the Sun N Shine Motel. It became the Sunshine Motel in the 1980s, and later became known as the Mojave Meadow Motel. A casino was added in 1991, when the property was renamed as the Aztec", "\"Steak 'n Shake\"\nThe company entered Oklahoma for the first time by opening a franchised location in Edmond, Oklahoma in 2004. Steak 'n Shake entered West Virginia for the first time by opening a franchised location in Barboursville in August 2007. Steak 'n Shake opened their first location in Nevada inside the South Point Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada in July 2010 and a second Nevada location in Reno in July 2013. In January 2017, a second location was opened in Las Vegas, the third in Nevada, in the Student Union building on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas followed", "\"Volcano Bay\"\nthroughout the park for merchandise, food, and drinks (alcoholic drinks require a government issued ID). The wristbands can be used to interact with environmental features, set off water springs, or illuminate lights. In February 2015, Universal Orlando Resort officials submitted plans for a new water park attraction to be located on their property near the Cabana Bay Beach Resort. Construction was already underway when Universal Orlando Resort officially announced the project, and its name, on May 28, 2015. In June 2015, it was revealed that the park would replace the Universal-owned Wet 'n Wild water park, which closed on December", "\"Las Vegas Valley\"\nhappen on very windy days, so they tend to be short and seasonal. Full-fledged dust storms are rare. Smog, on the other hand, gets worse when there is no wind to move the air out of the valley. Also, in winter it is possible for an inversion to form in the valley. Since manufacturing is not a dominant industry of Las Vegas, and with Clark County working to control air quality problems, success has been shown over the years. The native flora does little to help the soil retain water. During the intense rains of monsoon season or (relatively) wet", "\"Sunny Beach (wrestler)\"\nthen rival Cactus Jack. On the June 3 episode of \"\"UWF Fury Hour\"\", Wet N' Wild and The Power Twins fought to a double-disqualification at the Hotel Pennsylvania. Allen and Ray's feud with Coach Tolos' stable was finally settled at UWF Beach Brawl, the promotion's first-ever PPV event, with Wet N' Wild defeating Bob Orton and Cactus Jack. Tolos was suspended in a cage over the ring to prevent the manager from interfering in the match. Cactus Jack, who was pinned by Allen, was blamed for the loss and attacked by Orton after the match. In spite of the PPVs", "\"Garland, Texas\"\nafter World War II also reached Garland by 1960, when the population nearly quadrupled from the 1950 figure to about 38,500. By 1970, the population had doubled to about 81,500. By 1980, the population reached 138,850. Charles R. Matthews served as mayor in the 1980s; he was later a member of the elected Texas Railroad Commission. In the 2000s, Garland added several notable developments, mostly in the northern portion of the city. Hawaiian Falls waterpark opened in 2003. (Garland formerly had a Wet 'n Wild waterpark, which closed in 1993). The Garland Independent School District's Curtis Culwell Center (formerly called", "\"Kacy Catanzaro\"\nwas again given a Wild Card spot in Las Vegas. In the Las Vegas National Finals, Stage 1, she fell on the second obstacle. In December 2016 Catanzaro co-hosted as a broadcaster the \"\"Team Ninja Warrior College Madness\"\" series of shows. In 2017, Catanzaro competed in \"\"American Ninja Warrior\"\" season 9 in the San Antonio city qualifier and finals. In the former she failed on the fourth obstacle, but did well enough to qualify for city finals under the show's new rules. In that latter run she had her best performance since 2014, making it past the Sky Hooks and", "\"Six Flags Hurricane Harbor\"\nSix Flags Hurricane Harbor Hurricane Harbor is the name of a chain of water parks that are part of the Six Flags theme park chain. Although the parks are not identical, common features include a variety of body slides, speed slides, tube slides, wave pools, lazy rivers, and shopping areas. Six Flags began using the Hurricane Harbor brand in 1995 with the opening of Six Flags Hurricane Harbor adjacent to Six Flags Magic Mountain. That same year, Wet 'n Wild in Arlington, Texas, was purchased by Six Flags. It operated as Wet 'n Wild — A Six Flags Park in", "\"Wet N' Wild Waterworld\"\nwith tables, a restaurant, air conditioned VIP Suites for parties, cabana rentals, locker rentals, grill rentals, inner tube rentals, and reserved parking. The mix of attractions, from thrill rides to a spray park for toddlers, is meant to appeal to all age groups with a focus on families. Wet 'N' wild offers free life jackets to kids at the park. Guest can bring their own food and beverages and are not charged a cooler fee. The park does feature a restaurant called The Ribbit Cafe, which offers traditional waterpark fare, such as burgers, fries, nachos, snow cones and funnel cakes,", "\"Universal Orlando\"\nparks. The hotels offer guests free water taxi or shuttle bus service to the Universal Orlando theme parks. The hotels are sorted into three categories; premier hotels, preferred hotels and prime value hotels. Two more resorts will be built on the land previously occupied by Wet 'n Wild Orlando and are expected to be open by mid-2019. The hotels, which will have a total of 2,800 rooms on 64 acres of former Wet 'n Wild land, will be split by Universal Boulevard with one 2,050-room resort on one side and another 750-room resort across the way. The hotels will begin", "\"Wet 'n Wild Orlando\"\nand never looked back\"\". The success of the park spawned several other Wet 'n Wild-branded parks across the Americas. He was given the first ever Lifetime Achievement Award from the World Waterpark Association who named him the official \"\"Father of the Waterpark\"\". In 1998, Millay sold off his interests in his parks. The Orlando location was purchased by Universal Studios Recreation Group, who continued to lease the land on which it is located. In mid-2013, Universal purchased the of land for $30.9 million. In 1998, the Hydra Fighter was added to the park. Riders were able to control their suspended", "\"History of Las Vegas\"\nVegas. Initially staying in the Desert Inn, he refused to vacate his room and instead decided to purchase the entire hotel. Hughes extended his financial empire to include Las Vegas real estate, hotels and media outlets, spending an estimated $300 million and using his considerable powers to take over many of the well known hotels, especially the organized crime connected venues and he quickly became one of the most powerful men in Las Vegas. He was instrumental in changing the image of Las Vegas from its Wild West roots into a more refined cosmopolitan city. The local newspaper \"\"Las Vegas", "Jubilee!\nJubilee! Jubilee! was a Las Vegas Strip-based spectacular revue. It opened on July 31, 1981 at an initial cost of 10 million dollars and was originally produced by Donn Arden. Donn Arden set the standard for all the spectacular Las Vegas shows that celebrated female beauty, in combination with a demand for only the best; in costumes, set, and talent. When it closed in 2016, this resident show at Bally's Las Vegas was the longest-running production show in Las Vegas. The \"\"Jubilee!\"\" showgirls were an icon of old Vegas. The show used costumes designed by Bob Mackie and Pete Menefee.", "\"Las Vegas Wranglers\"\nfans to come to Las Vegas for a hockey weekend. The rivalry has known to become quite violent as the case of a game in March 2009. During the second period of Aces-Wranglers game on March 25, 2009, in Las Vegas, when Alaska's Matt Stefanishion collided with Las Vegas' Chris Ferraro, breaking Ferraro's leg and effectively ending his season and career. Ferraro's twin brother, Peter became enraged and started a brawl that would involve nine players. During the melee, Peter Ferraro received a game misconduct penalty for spearing, as did Las Vegas' Tim Spencer for kicking. In the aftermath, the", "\"Las Vegas culture (archaeology)\"\nceremonial centers. Other sites may have been occupied only seasonally as families and bands moved from place to place to hunt, fish, or collect wild plants for food. Given the desert and near-desert conditions and the scarcity of surface water, the Santa Elena peninsula does not seem a promising area for pre-historic agriculture, but the Las Vegas people were among the earliest in South America to practice agriculture. Agriculture did not replace fishing, hunting, and foraging, but complemented these traditional means of subsistence. The earliest domesticated crops may have been calabash or bottle gourd (an African plant whose presence at", "\"Sunny Beach (wrestler)\"\nfailure, \"\"Dr. Death\"\" Steve Williams counted Allen among the most talented wrestlers on the card. Wet N' Wild were broken up shortly after due to personal issues between Ray and promoter Herb Abrams. Their last appearance on UWF television on the June 10 episode of \"\"UWF Fury Hour\"\" against Brian Donahue and The Messenger. A few weeks after \"\"Beach Brawl\"\", Wet N' Wild appeared in the Global Wrestling Federation. The two wore bright and flashy wrestling tights and brought inflatable beach balls with them to the ring. Their female fans were referred to as \"\"beach bunnies\"\". They were among the", "\"Las Vegas in the 1950s\"\nLas Vegas in the 1950s Las Vegas in the 1950s was a time of considerable change. By the 1950s, there were 44,600 living in the Las Vegas Valley. Over 8 million people were visiting Las Vegas annually in 1954, pumping $200 million into casinos, which consolidated its image as \"\"wild, full of late-night, exotic entertainment\"\". The population grew dramatically from 8,422 during World War II to over 45,000. From 1952 to 1957, through money and institutional lending provided by the Teamsters Union and some Mormon bankers they built the Sahara, the Sands, the New Frontier, the Royal Nevada the Showboat,", "\"Las Vegas in the 1950s\"\nvicinity. In the early 1950s, Louigi's Italian restaurant opened on the strip; by the mid-1950s, the Venetian Pizzeria opened near Downtown; and in the later part of the decade, Tony's Italian Restaurant opened on Fremont Street. Las Vegas in the 1950s Las Vegas in the 1950s was a time of considerable change. By the 1950s, there were 44,600 living in the Las Vegas Valley. Over 8 million people were visiting Las Vegas annually in 1954, pumping $200 million into casinos, which consolidated its image as \"\"wild, full of late-night, exotic entertainment\"\". The population grew dramatically from 8,422 during World War", "\"Albert Edmunds Cahlan\"\nhis mother, had a penchant for teaching, and when he first moved to Las Vegas he did indeed teach math at the Las Vegas High school in the mid-to-late 1920's. It was there he met his wife, also a school teacher at the old Las Vegas Grammar School. He married Ruth Estella Schuyler, daughter of William Norton Schuyler and Emma Mary Schaefle, on October 22, 1922, in Las Vegas. The Cahlan's had two children. A daughter, Ruth Marion, was born in Las Vegas, she married one Milton M Henderson, and the family subsequently removed to Iowa and made their home", "\"Las Vegas Posse\"\nsports leagues in North America to place a team in Las Vegas proper. The city only grew to major size in the 1980s, and even after that most major leagues traditionally avoided it due in part to Las Vegas's gambling reputation. Future professional football leagues would emulate this, with the XFL's Las Vegas Outlaws, the Arena League's Las Vegas Sting, Las Vegas Gladiators and Las Vegas Outlaws, and the UFL's Las Vegas Locomotives all residing in the city. The XFL Outlaws and Locomotives did somewhat better drawing fans to Sam Boyd Stadium than the Posse did, although both experienced steep", "\"RTC Transit\"\nfor the private Las Vegas Transit System, Inc. In 1992, it became the terminal for Citizens Area Transit, once Las Vegas Transit ceased operations. Originally, the DTC only had 23 bays, with two of them unnumbered. In 1999, the city expanded the terminal by building a northern plaza which required closing down Mesquite Ave. in the area. The DTC remained under ownership of the City of Las Vegas until July 31, 2009 when the city discontinued their CityRide transit system and transferred control of the terminal to the RTC. The RTC closed the aging terminal on November 7, 2010, with", "\"Sunny Beach (wrestler)\"\nSunny Beach (wrestler) Richard \"\"Rick\"\" Allen (born September 24, 1963), also known by the ring name Sunny Beach, is an American retired professional wrestler and promoter. He is perhaps best known for his tenure in the Universal Wrestling Federation where he was one-half of Wet N' Wild with Steve Ray. As the promotion's top \"\"babyface\"\" tag team, Wet N' Wild battled Cactus Jack and Bob Orton, led by manager \"\"Coach\"\" John Tolos, with their feud concluding at the company's first PPV event UWF Beach Brawl in 1991. He was also the final UWF SportsChannel Television Champion before the company folded.", "\"Wet N Wild (North Shields)\"\nother on which you can race your friends.The Abyss which includes two large drops, The Black Hole, a double tire slide,Calamity Canyon which includes a number of small slides and whirlpools. All slides were supplied by Australian Waterslides and Leisure. The Black Hole is a 2-Player tyre slide and was one of the most heard of slides at Wet N Wild. There has become many controversial moments where players has abused The Black Hole slide via staying stationary within the tube structures mid flow. These serious issues were dealt with professionally and efficiently. There are also smaller slides. A lazy", "\"Calvin Harris\"\n2013, Harris signed as the first exclusive resident DJ with the Abu Dhabi-owned hospitality company Hakkasan Group in Las Vegas. The 20-month residency saw him play 46 dates at MGM Grand's Hakkasan nightclub, as well as 22 additional gigs at the MGM Grand's Wet Republic. In January 2015, he extended his partnership with the Hakkasan group for three more years, which includes residencies at three of the group's Las Vegas venues (Hakkasan nightclub, Wet Republic and Omnia Nightclub at Caesars Palace). Harris also serves as the Group's music consultant for its restaurants, nightclubs and hotels, globally. On 30 March 2015,", "\"Westgate Las Vegas\"\nrun, however, and the plans for further shows did not materialize. The exhibition closed suddenly in February 2016, leading to a protracted legal dispute. In 2016, the Westgate successfully petitioned to rename the street leading from the hotel to Las Vegas Boulevard as Elvis Presley Boulevard. The hotel has a history as a prominent professional boxing venue. In 1969, the showroom hosted the first major boxing match held at a Las Vegas hotel, Sonny Liston vs. Leotis Martin (previous fights had been held at the Convention Center). The Hilton Pavilion was the site in 1978 of Leon Spinks's victory over", "\"Hearts Are Wild\"\nHearts Are Wild Hearts Are Wild is an American drama series that aired on CBS on Fridays at 10:00 p.m Eastern time from January 10, 1992 to March 13, 1992. The series was filmed on location in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was produced by Aaron Spelling and starred David Beecroft and Catherine Mary Stewart. \"\"Hearts Are Wild\"\" centered on the guest and staff of Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Among those shown were Jack Thorpe, the owner, Leon 'Pepe' Pepperman, the manager, and Kyle Hubbard, the head of guest relations. Among the famous people who played guest were Dick Van", "\"Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon\"\nhalf ‘ or . Runners in the 2011 event reported illness, overcrowding, and at least one person was hospitalized. In 2014 the overall entrants exceeded 38,000 participants with only 3,208 runners completing the full 26.2 miles. 25,251 runners finished the half-marathon, 2,194 runners completed the 6.555-mile course while the balance ran a 5 kilometer (3.1 mile) race the day before the main event. Many of the short distance runners were costumed. The Monte Carlo Casino promoted a ‘run-thru wedding’ during the race. While a high volume of entrants is necessary to carry the cost of closing the Las Vegas Strip", "\"Wild Chicago\"\nVetter, Denise La Grassa, Choky Lim, Aaron Shure, and Dick O'Day (portrayed by Richard Knight, Jr.—the show's only correspondent to appear in character). The new slate of correspondents continued to win individual Emmys as did the show itself. As the program entered its second decade, \"\"Wild Chicago\"\"-style shows were produced making visits to out-of-town locales that included Tokyo, The Indy 500, The Kentucky Derby, Atlanta, Hong Kong, Branson, Las Vegas, and The Wisconsin Dells. Clinger, a local actor who played \"\"Guy on Bench\"\" in a 1997 episode of \"\"Early Edition\"\" and \"\"Smitty\"\" in an episode of the television series \"\"ER\"\"", "\"The Mirage\"\nThe hotel's top five floors were used exclusively for high roller rooms and penthouse suites. The Mirage was the first new resort to be built on the Las Vegas Strip in 16 years, after the completion of the MGM Grand in 1973. When it opened, The Mirage was the first casino to use security cameras full-time on all table games. Starting in February 1990, The Mirage was the venue for the \"\"Siegfried & Roy\"\" show, held in the resort's 1,500-seat showroom. The two headliners combined magic and the use of wild animals. The show closed in 2003 after performer Roy", "\"DJ Scene\"\nwas first booked to play New Year's Eve at Club Ice. He went on to sign his first Vegas residency with Light Group and played weekly at Jet Nightclub inside and eventually became so active in Las Vegas, he moved there soon after he locked in his Vegas residency. The Mirage and Light Nightclub inside the Bellagio (now 'The Bank'). In 2008, Scene started his first Vegas pool residency, playing every Sunday and Monday at Wet Republic at the MGM Grand Las Vegas. During the same year, he began a new weekly Tuesday residency at Studio 54 inside the MGM", "\"Hearts Are Wild\"\nPatten, Diana Muldaur, Mickey Rooney, Tom Bosley, Bonnie Franklin, Ricardo Montalban, Khrystyne Haje, Barbara Rush, Irene Cara, and Gene Barry. Hearts Are Wild Hearts Are Wild is an American drama series that aired on CBS on Fridays at 10:00 p.m Eastern time from January 10, 1992 to March 13, 1992. The series was filmed on location in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was produced by Aaron Spelling and starred David Beecroft and Catherine Mary Stewart. \"\"Hearts Are Wild\"\" centered on the guest and staff of Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Among those shown were Jack Thorpe, the owner, Leon 'Pepe' Pepperman,", "\"Elizabeth von Till Warren\"\ndevelopment in the Southern Nevada Mojave Desert, from 1844 to the late 20th century. Warren taught history and anthropology for Clark County Community College, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and Clark County School District Professional Growth Services. She was a volunteer instructor in history of water use in the Las Vegas Valley for Nevada Project Wet, a water education program for teachers sponsored by the US Bureau of Reclamation and the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. She as an archivist for the Women’s Archives in the Special Collections Department of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Library. She was an", "\"Joe Bartholdi Jr.\"\nJoe Bartholdi Jr. Joseph (Joe) N. Bartholdi Jr. (born 1980 in Southern California) is an American professional poker player, based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Bartholdi was a hustler from an early age. Known as \"\"Gambles\"\", he used to sell cigarettes to his classmates at school and was eventually expelled for fighting. As the next nearest school involved much travel, he did not go and concentrated on obtaining a GED instead. Bartholdi moved to Las Vegas at the age of 18 alongside his father, who worked as a poker dealer. He began playing despite being underage, first concentrating on stud poker", "\"Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon\"\n2008 began and finished at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. After heading north on Las Vegas Boulevard (The Strip), to the Fremont Street Experience and the Downtown area, the course meandered further northwest of the city and ultimately looped back to the west before reaching Mandalay Bay’s parking lot at the finish. The Half Marathon Course remained along the Strip. In 2009 the race was acquired by the Competitor Group, Inc. and incorporated into its Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series and the course was changed for a fourth time since 1982. Currently, the full marathon begins on Las Vegas Boulevard", "\"Las Vegas in the 1940s\"\nthe old McCarran Airport were shifted to the new airport and rededicated to McCarran. Railroad underpasses were also planned and built by the Municipal authorities, and one such underpass which was built in 1949 on the Las Vegas western lands at West Charleston which was aimed to achieve the goal of extending the city westwards. Las Vegas in the 1940s Las Vegas in the 1940s was notable for the establishment of The Strip in a town which \"\"combined Wild West frontier friendliness with glamor and excitement\"\". In 1940, the population was 8,400 but within five years, it more than doubled", "\"Cash Cash\"\nTantrums. The music video was filmed throughout Las Vegas and had a guest appearance by Wiz Khalifa. On August 12, 2016, Cash Cash released a remix for \"\"Make Me...\"\" by Britney Spears that was included on her official remix package. That same day, a seven-song remix pack for \"\"Millionaire\"\" was released. In 2017, Cash Cash signed an exclusive Las Vegas residency with Hakkasan Group, playing their family of nightclubs including Hakkasan, Omnia, Wet Republic, and Jewel. As a reaction to the October 1, 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting, Cash Cash along with Tiesto, Steve Aoki, Kaskade, Zedd, and Celine Dion", "\"Cashman Center\"\nCashman Center The Cashman Center or the Cashman Field Center is a complex on a site in Las Vegas, Nevada. Operated by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority it includes Cashman Field and a permanently closed convention center. The center was mostly used for local events, but did host national events like the second and the 2008-09 United States Bowling Congress Open Championships. The center opened in 1948. The convention center closed in 2017. The final event was the Moscow Ballet in December 2017. The adjacent field complex remains open and in use. The convention center will be replaced", "\"Cashman Center\"\nby a larger downtown expo center. Cashman Center The Cashman Center or the Cashman Field Center is a complex on a site in Las Vegas, Nevada. Operated by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority it includes Cashman Field and a permanently closed convention center. The center was mostly used for local events, but did host national events like the second and the 2008-09 United States Bowling Congress Open Championships. The center opened in 1948. The convention center closed in 2017. The final event was the Moscow Ballet in December 2017. The adjacent field complex remains open and in use.", "\"Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon\"\nDevine Racing, a Chicago-based race organization company, which was also responsible for several other races, including the Los Angeles Marathon. That year the marathon date was changed from January to December after securing Las Vegas Events endorsement along with approval of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. Both organizations were motivated by attracting visitors during the \"\"slower\"\" December time period and their consent was necessary for holding any large downtown event. The racecourse itself was moved from suburban Clark County to the Las Vegas \"\"Strip\"\" and partially in the city of Las Vegas. This loop course between 2005 and", "\"Las Vegas algorithm\"\nthe other hand, changing Las Vegas algorithm to Monte Carlo algorithm is easy. This can be done by running a Las Vegas algorithm for a specific period of time given by confidence parameter. If the algorithm find the solution within the time, then it is success and if not then output can simply be \"\"sorry\"\". This is an example of Las Vegas and Monte Carlo algorithms for comparison: Assume that there is an array with the length of even n. Half of the array are 0's and the rest half are 1's. The goal here is to find an index", "\"1995 National Society of Film Critics Awards\"\n1995 National Society of Film Critics Awards The 30th National Society of Film Critics Awards, given on 3 January 1996, honored the best filmmaking of 1995. 1. Babe<br> 2. \"\"Crumb\"\"<br> 3. \"\"Safe\"\" 1. Mike Figgis – \"\"Leaving Las Vegas\"\"<br> 2. Todd Haynes – \"\"Safe\"\"<br> 3. Walter Hill – \"\"Wild Bill\"\" 1. Nicolas Cage – \"\"Leaving Las Vegas\"\"<br> 2. Sean Penn – \"\"Dead Man Walking\"\"<br> 3. Jeff Bridges – \"\"Wild Bill\"\"<br> 3. Morgan Freeman – \"\"Seven\"\" 1. Elisabeth Shue – \"\"Leaving Las Vegas\"\"<br> 2. Jennifer Jason Leigh – \"\"Georgia\"\"<br> 3. Meryl Streep – \"\"The Bridges of Madison County\"\" 1. Don Cheadle", "\"99 Ranch Market\"\nnew Chinatown Plaza development in Las Vegas. A second Las Vegas area location was opened two decades later in October 2015. In Phoenix, a franchise store was established by E&E Supermarkets in 1997 at the Chinese Cultural Center. Unfortunately, this venture did not last long and E&E Supermarkets filed for bankruptcy in 1999 and the store was eventually closed. Another franchise store in Honolulu was established by Sunrise USA, Inc. in 1998 at the Moanalua Ethnic Village. This store was closed in 2007. In 1997, PT Supra Boga Lestari established a franchise in Jakarta, Indonesia. After the May 1998 riots,", "\"Las Vegas\"\nit featured abundant wild grasses, as well as the desert spring waters needed by westward travelers. The year 1844 marked the arrival of John C. Frémont, whose writings helped lure pioneers to the area. Downtown Las Vegas's Fremont Street is named after him. Eleven years later members of the LDS Church chose Las Vegas as the site to build a fort halfway between Salt Lake City and Los Angeles, where they would travel to gather supplies. The fort was abandoned several years afterward. The remainder of this Old Mormon Fort can still be seen at the intersection of Las Vegas", "\"Sunset Park, Las Vegas\"\nSunset Park, Las Vegas Sunset Park, one of the largest parks in Las Vegas, is located near McCarran International Airport in the southeast part of the valley. The park is bordered by Sunset Road on the north, Eastern Avenue on the west and Warm Springs Road on the south. It is situated in close proximity to the affluent \"\"Tomiyasu Lane\"\" neighborhood. Accumulation of the land for the park began in 1909, when it became the Miller Ranch. It later became the Vegas Stock Farm, which trained and raced Thoroughbred racehorses. Clark County, Nevada acquired the property in 1967 and turned", "\"Tropicana Las Vegas\"\nhundreds of casinos, and held induction ceremonies to honor notable Las Vegas entertainers and gaming industry figures. It was quickly replaced by the Las Vegas Historic Museum, which then closed in 2006. An exhibit space at the Tropicana hosted \"\"Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition\"\" beginning in 2005. It was joined in 2006 by \"\"\"\", a display of preserved human bodies. The two exhibits, both produced by Premier Exhibitions, closed in 2008 to move to the Luxor. They were replaced in March 2011 by the Las Vegas Mob Experience, an attraction describing the rise and fall of organized crime in Las Vegas," ]
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who sings i want to rock with you
[ "Michael Jackson" ]
[ "\"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\"\nI Wouldn't Want to Be Like You \"\"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\"\" is a song by the British progressive rock band The Alan Parsons Project, featured on their 1977 album \"\"I Robot\"\". Written by band leaders Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson, \"\"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\"\" was sung by pop singer Lenny Zakatek, who would go on to sing many of the band's songs. In the United States, the song was a moderate success and charted at #36 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. In 1977, the song was released as the lead single from the group's", "\"All I Want for Christmas Is You\"\nnucleus of the song, the melody primary music, and then some of the words were there as we finished writing it. I started playing some rock 'n' roll piano and started boogie woogie-ing my left hand, and that inspired Mariah to come up with the melodic [Sings.] 'I don't want a lot for Christmas.' And then we started singing and playing around with this rock 'n' roll boogie song, which immediately came out to be the nucleus of what would end up being 'All I Want For Christmas Is You.' That one went very quickly: It was an easier song", "\"77th Academy Awards\"\nLaw? Wait. You want Russell Crowe and all you can get is Colin Farrell? Wait. \"\"Alexander\"\" is not \"\"Gladiator\"\".\"\" In response, Sean Penn rebutted Rock's remarks praising Law as one of his generation's \"\"finest actors\"\". Over a year later, Law expressed his anger toward Rock in \"\"The New York Times\"\" telling columnist Craig Modderno, \"\"At first I laughed because I didn't think he knew who I was. Then I got angry as his remarks became personal. My friends were livid. It's unfortunate I had five or six films come out at the same time.\"\" Robin Williams initially wanted to sing", "\"I Want You to Be My Baby\"\nYou to Be My Baby\"\" that same afternoon; New York City disc jockeys were provided with acetates of the Gibbs' version by the following morning with regular jockey copies being shipped out Friday 5 August 1955. Neither version of the song would reach the Top Ten: Gibbs' version had the higher chart peak at #14 but it was the rough voiced Briggs - whose version peaked at #18 - who had the million seller. Ellie Greenwich, who as a teenager saw Lillian Briggs sing her hit at Alan Freed's rock and roll shows, chose \"\"I Want You to Be My", "\"All the Way... A Decade of Song\"\nvocals straight from soulside, divadom has never sounded so mighty.\"\" According to him, for fans of Dion's \"\"high-caliber\"\" power ballads, this is truly among the best ever and a highlight on \"\"All the Way... A Decade of Song\"\". Longing for romantic attention, Dion sings, \"\"I want you to need me, like the air you breathe/I want you to feel me, in everything/I want you to see me, in your every dream/The way that I taste you, feel you, breathe you, need you.\"\" Taylor stated that Warren's trusty melody is wholly natural and free-flowing, while production from the usually rock-oriented Matt", "\"Sov du lilla vide ung\"\nplayroom represents a country road going through a forest. It is early spring; the snow is melting, and birds are singing.\"\" A bit further into the text Sunshine says: \"\"Could I bring the willow bush to life? I want to try.\"\" \"\"She takes a branch of willow bush, rocks it on her knee and sings:\"\" <poem> </poem> Sunshine continues: \"\"When I gaze at you, the sap begins to rise out into your fine bark, you get warm around your frozen heart, and feel something in the air, which tells you the spring is coming. Yes, so is it \"\"(sings:)\"\" <poem>", "\"The Last Hard Men (band)\"\nBach singing and playing theremin and percussion, Deal and Flemion singing and playing bass and guitar and Chamberlin handling drums, percussion and some vocals.\"\" Deal recalled that \"\"once everybody got there, I extended the studio time and we knew we wanted to record more material.\"\" They completed twelve tracks in four days. As \"\"If You Want a Rock, Go To the Quarry\"\" was a Deal favorite by Flemion (from his band The Frogs) that was included, as well as a cover of the hard rock band Scorpions \"\"Leave Me\"\", and \"\"I Enjoy Being a Girl\"\" by Rodgers and Hammerstein \"\"done", "\"Incest in literature\"\nlove. This ultimately has tragic consequences for Gilbert's relationship with Serge. \"\"Papa to Kiss in the Dark\"\" centers around a 15-year-old boy having an incestuous relationship with his father, who is later revealed to be his uncle. One of the first incest lines was a song called \"\"The End\"\" by psychedelic rock band The Doors, in which Jim Morrison sings, \"\"Father/ Yes son?/ I want to kill you/ Mother, I want to... (fuck you).\"\" British musician Kate Bush's song \"\"The Kick Inside\"\" from her 1978 album of the same name depicts an incestuous relationship, pregnancy and suicide involving a brother", "\"The Quartet Sessions\"\nhard to make a record like this. When you sing with a string quartet you need to sing to perfection. There is no room for mistakes.\"\" On the selection of songs, Vincent said; \"\"I’m an artist that listens to all kinds of music: pop, rock, any genre. A lot of my friends aren’t into classical music. I wanted to open up the classical music genre to more young people, so I recorded these songs in a classical way. If you listen to ‘Burn For You’, ‘Halo’ and ‘Jar of Hearts’… no opera artist has recorded those kinds of songs before.\"\"", "\"Forever the Sickest Kids\"\nin its songs, which are typically structured with pop based hooks, both electronic and regular drum beats, and catchy guitar riffs that still maintain rock and punk elements to the music. A primary example that displays the band's structure, sound, and vocal arrangement is the song \"\"I Don't Know About You, But I Came to Dance\"\", found on the band's first release, \"\"Television Off, Party On\"\". Before his departure, Stewart stated, \"\"Ultimately, when you hear the music, we want it to make you want to dance in your car while you're driving. We want it to be easy to sing", "\"Anything We Want\"\nAnything We Want \"\"Anything We Want\"\" is a song by Fiona Apple from her album \"\"The Idler Wheel\"\", released in 2012. On June 18, 2012, she appeared on \"\"Late Night With Jimmy Fallon\"\". Before she sung the song she stated, \"\"It’s gonna sound a little bit bitchy, I don’t care. There’s somebody who thinks that the song I'm about to sing is about them. It's not about you... well, it's not about anybody, but I'm gonna be singing it to the person who gave me this. But if you did not give me this, I am not thinking about you.\"\"", "\"Anthems (Kerry Ellis album)\"\nCan't Be Over)\"\" is the album's third track while the subsequent \"\"Wicked\"\" tracks \"\"Defying Gravity\"\" and \"\"I'm Not that Girl\"\", possessing new rock-driven arrangements, reference her three-year stay in the musical and were also included on her first EP \"\"Wicked in Rock\"\" (2008). \"\"Rock music has always been in me. When I was younger I always wanted to sing, perform and be in shows but I think the rocky side of me has always been there, it's just my route to it took the long way round,\"\" Ellis reminisced. After singing next track \"\"You Have to Be There\"\" (a song", "\"I Didn't Want to Need You\"\nI Didn't Want to Need You \"\"I Didn't Want to Need You\"\" is a song recorded by American rock band Heart in 1990. It was released as the second single from their 10th studio album, \"\"Brigade.\"\" It was composed by the veteran songwriter, Diane Warren, and released as the second single from the band's tenth studio album \"\"Brigade\"\". Warren, one of the most successful pop music songwriters of the 1980s and 1990s, also penned Heart's 1987 U.S. top-ten single \"\"Who Will You Run To\"\". \"\"I Didn't Want to Need You\"\" is a midtempo rock song with a dramatic chorus and", "\"Favorite Song\"\nhead like I knew you would.\"\" In the sing-a-long chorus, she sings: “I want to be your favorite song/ You can turn it up/ Turn me on all night long/ I want to be your favorite song/ La-la-la-la, la-la-la / I want to be your melody/ Going through your head when you think of me/ I want to be your favorite song/ La-la-la-la.” Meanwhile, Common’s lyrics are softhearted as he tries his hand at crooning. “Girl the songs you sing / They my favorite things / You stay in my dreams / Something so supreme,” he warbles. Later, he raps:", "\"(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To\"\n200), it re-entered at number 81. On the Alternative Rock Chart, it peaked at number 2 in its eighth week and stayed there for 12 consecutive weeks behind Muse's \"\"Uprising\"\". It is Weezer's longest charting song on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Alternative Rock Chart to date. (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To \"\"(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To\"\" is a song by American alternative rock/power pop band Weezer. It was released as the first single from the band's seventh studio album \"\"Raditude\"\". Initially scheduled to be released to American rock", "\"Rock of Ages (2012 film)\"\non April 5, 2011. Not wanting an older actor to act like he is 23, Shankman thought it better to go as authentic as possible, \"\"and Diego is absolutely that. He is [a] kid who came to Los Angeles with a dream and who sings and has an amazing voice, and drive. And he's also as honest and sweet as you can possibly make him and he's authentically the age. It creates a piece of something on screen that I don't have to fabricate.\"\" Of Boneta's audition, Shankman said, \"\"It's that feeling you get when you realized you've discovered lightning", "\"I Want You Back (Hoodoo Gurus song)\"\nI Want You Back (Hoodoo Gurus song) \"\"I Want You Back\"\" is the fourth single released by Australian rock group Hoodoo Gurus from their debut album \"\"Stoneage Romeos\"\". It was released on Big Time Records (distributed by EMI) in March 1984 (the same time as the album). \"\"I Want You Back\"\" was written by Dave Faulkner. Its B-side, \"\"Who Do You Love?\"\" (a.k.a. \"\"Hoodoo You Love?\"\") was recorded live at 2JJJ. The single was released in the United Kingdom in 1984 by Demon Records, but with an alternative B-side, \"\"Be My Guru\"\". Australian rock group Hoodoo Gurus released both the", "\"Black Cat (song)\"\nand I got together to do the vocals. Janet is a very nice, warm person, and she was receptive to my ideas.\"\" Jackson sang the song in an alternate tone, quickly adjusting her vocals in a single take. Johnson described, \"\"One night I told her I wanted her to sound like a rock and roll queen on it–she usually uses one of her other voices .. this, you wanted to be funky, but more rocked out. She did it in one or two takes.\"\" Jam added, \"\"I tried to get her to sing a couple of the other vocals in", "\"Fire and Water (Free album)\"\npast and current Kiss frontman Paul Stanley. Black Stone Cherry's version of the title track appeared on the \"\"Classic Rock\"\" covermount CD \"\"Black Stone Cherry – Hits, Rarities & Live\"\" in 2014. \"\"Paul Rodgers is hands-down the greatest rock 'n' roll singer that's ever lived,\"\" enthused frontman Chris Robertson. \"\"One of \"\"[drummer]\"\" John Fred's favourite songs is 'Fire and Water'. And I was like, 'I want to see if I can even sing it!' You gotta be slightly crazy to attempt singing a Paul Rodgers song, but I think we did a cool version. It's acoustic, but still kinda heavy.\"\"", "\"Joe C.\"\nto come to all my shows, he would be standing on tables in the front row singing the lyrics.\"\" Kid Rock said in the interview that he mistakenly thought Joe C. was a child. Calleja asked a mutual acquaintance to tell Rock he wanted to smoke a joint with him, Rock said, after which the pair formally met and Rock learned Calleja was actually a 21-year-old adult. \"\"He's talking and I'm like, would you like a job? He's like, I can't do anything. I'm like, it's not important right now. I was like, you got attitude flying all over this", "\"(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To\"\n(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To \"\"(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To\"\" is a song by American alternative rock/power pop band Weezer. It was released as the first single from the band's seventh studio album \"\"Raditude\"\". Initially scheduled to be released to American rock radio on August 25, 2009, the official release of the single to radio was moved up to August 18. The single debuted at number 21 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Rock Songs Chart, and in the same position on the Alternative Songs chart. The music video", "\"Soft Cell\"\nChris Evans Breakfast Show on BBC2 Radio 2 that Soft Cell were releasing two new tracks ahead of their reunion concert at the O2 in London: \"\"Northern Lights\"\" and \"\"Guilty (Cos I Say You Are)\"\". The group cited David Bowie and Marc Bolan as primary influences. Almond also named Siouxsie Sioux as a major influence: \"\"You can even hear that I’m trying to sing like her on some of those early Soft Cell songs: I didn’t want to sing properly, I wanted to sing in a punk way\"\". Soft Cell Soft Cell are an English synthpop duo who came to", "\"The Voice Kids Indonesia (TV series)\"\nviewers of the TV show. If the judge likes the contestant's voice, they will hit the \"\"I WANT YOU\"\" button which makes their chair rotate to face the stage. Contestants selected by more than one judge must choose a judge to accompany them to the next round. If no judges hit the \"\"I WANT YOU\"\" button, the contestants do not move to the next round. Three singers compete by singing individually, and the coach chooses a winner. Winners advance to the Sing Off. Contestants that do not win are eliminated. All artists who advanced from the battle rounds will sing", "\"Christina Aguilera (album)\"\ncomedy film of the same name. \"\"I Turn to You\"\" inspired American recording artist Lady Gaga, as she stated, \"\"When I was 15, I was singing 'I Turn to You' at the top of my lungs trying to hit all her notes. So she was an inspiration to me to have a wider vocal range.\"\" With the album's fourth single, \"\"Come on Over Baby (All I Want Is You)\"\", Aguilera managed to have three number-one singles for the same album and four top-ten singles, an achievement she only did with her first album. As well as that, The Rock and", "\"Dave Mason & Cass Elliot\"\nreceiving co-billing with Mason, Elliot's contributions are limited to background vocals on several of the songs, which highlighted a raspy, more raw side of Elliot’s voice. When interviewed by \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" magazine Elliot stated, \"\"I sing better with David because he's so good. You want to do better. I'm singing notes I never sang with The Mamas & the Papas\"\". The music falls into the country rock harmony sound of its time, but with a bluesier edge. Mason wrote five of the songs on the album, while Elliot co-wrote two: the single \"\"Something to Make You Happy\"\" and her only", "\"I Need You (Paris Hilton song)\"\ntrack opens with Hilton saying: \"\"Babe I love you so much so I wrote you this song. I need you.\"\" Hilton talks about love by singing that she will \"\"never lose sight of the reasons that I love you\"\". Lyrics include puns related to holidays: \"\"I wanna be the bunny in your Easter. She describes the safety felt in her relationship singing: \"\"You make me want to be the woman I've always wanted to be.\"\" Other lines include: \"\"I wanna put the happy in your Birthday / And I wanna be the merry in your Christmas / I’m always giving", "\"I Want You (She's So Heavy)\"\nand D blues scales, with Lennon singing \"\"\"\"I want you / I want you so bad . . .\"\"\"\" The two blues verses alternate, before the reappearance of the E chord, and McCartney playing a notably aggressive bass riff. This would function, throughout the song, as a transition to the main theme. The main theme repeats with Lennon singing \"\"\"\"She's so heavy\"\"\"\", with a long sustain on the last word. The second set of verses are rendered instrumentally with lead guitar. Another repeat of the \"\"She's So Heavy\"\" theme (this time featuring harmonies) is followed by Lennon singing a livelier", "\"Guy Sebastian\"\nof artists who heavily influence me. Artists like Otis Redding, Sam & Dave and Sam Cooke. Being entrenched in that sort of environment really caused me to go 'You know what dude. Do what you want to do. Do what comes natural to you'. [...] From that Memphis thing a few years ago it's always going to start with me being true to who I want to be and what I enjoy singing.\"\" Sebastian began writing songs before entering \"\"Australian Idol\"\". \"\"All I Need Is You\"\", the second single from his debut album \"\"Just as I Am\"\" was written when", "\"Escape (The Piña Colada Song)\"\nthe story was good. When I got to the session, I turned to my guitarist, Dean Bailin, and said, \"\"I've just written a lyric. It's a story song. I don't want you to get ahead of it, so I'm going go on mic and sing the song without stopping. If I don't sing a line perfectly I'm not going to stop because I want you to hear this song in one listening. Pay attention to the lyric because I want to see if it catches you by surprise.\"\" The bar \"\"O'Malley's\"\" that is referenced is an actual bar. The bar", "\"Que reste-t-il de nos amours ?\"\nwould become one of Smith's signature songs. Smith's debut album otherwise consisted of standards: she would recall: \"\"[when] we sat down to select the songs [record producer] Voyle Gilmore...played a bunch of standards [then] said: 'I want to play you a really pretty French won't mean nothing and you won't do it in the album but I just thought I'd play it for you' and he played 'I Wish You Love'. So, at the end of him playing all these songs...I said: 'Babe, I'll sing any 11 songs y'all want me to but I want to sing 'I Wish", "\"Volumes 7 & 8\"\nIndio High School singing their school's alma mater song. \"\"Hanging Tree\"\" was rerecorded for Queens of the Stone Age's 2002 album \"\"Songs for the Deaf\"\". The main riff in the track \"\"Cold Sore Superstars\"\" was used in the song \"\"No One Knows\"\" on this album as well. \"\"Polly Wants a Crack Rock\"\" is a precursor to the Eagles of Death Metal song \"\"I Only Want You\"\". In the song \"\"Winners\"\" the names were those of real Indio High School students who were winners of the Fifth Annual Coachella Valley Science Fair in the 1960s. Many of these students were from", "\"Te Lo Agradezco, Pero No\"\n\"\"Te Lo Agradezco, Pero No\"\" marks the second time Sanz and Shakira collaborated after \"\"La Tortura\"\", included on the latter's \"\"Fijación Oral, Vol. 1\"\" (2005). Sanz stated, \"\"I hadn't dared ask her if she wanted to do something with me, because it was a little like, 'I sing with you, now sing with me'. Plus, we didn't want it to be 'La Tortura 2' because we're very considerate of each other. She's the one who came and said, 'Hey, I want to sing'.\"\" He concluded the interview by saying that with the collaborations, he managed to expand his artistry by", "\"So You Want to Be a Rock 'n' Roll Star\"\nhave accused us of being bitter for writing that song, but it's no more bitter than \"\"Positively 4th Street.\"\" In fact, it isn't as bitter as that. We were thumbing through a teen magazine and looking at all the unfamiliar faces and we couldn't help thinking: \"\"Wow, what's happening … all of a sudden here is everyone and his brother and his sister-in-law and his mother and even his pet bullfrog singing rock 'n' roll.\"\" So we wrote \"\"So You Want to Be a Rock 'n' Roll Star\"\" to the audience of potential rock stars, those who were going to", "\"Little Richard\"\ngathering around me because I'm ill, but I'm still singing. I don't perform like I used to, but I have my singing voice, I walk around, I had hip surgery a while ago but I'm healthy.'\"\" His lawyer also reported: \"\"He's 83. I don't know how many 83-year-olds still get up and rock it out every week, but in light of the rumors, I wanted to tell you that he's vivacious and conversant about a ton of different things and he's still very active in a daily routine.\"\" Little Richard's music and performance style had a pivotal effect on the", "FutureSex/LoveSounds\nwould become \"\"(Another Song) All Over Again\"\". Timberlake suggested that the collaboration was meant to \"\"do the anti-whatever-you-want-to-call-it that [Timbaland and] I came up with\"\". During the production of \"\"FutureSex/LoveSounds\"\", Timberlake was interested in rock music. This inspiration was used in his approach in recording the songs, rather than in composing them. Timberlake reveals, \"\"I wanted to sing the song like a rock and roll singer, not an R&B singer.\"\" On the influences he drew from, he said that if \"\"Justified\"\" was \"\"characterized\"\" by Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder, \"\"FutureSex/LoveSounds\"\" is more like David Bowie and Prince. Other influences include", "\"The Colour and the Shape\"\nto sing \"\"always coming back I cannot forget you girl\"\" to \"\"always coming back I cannot forget you \"\"Gil\"\"\"\" in reference to their producer Gil Norton. Many fans have speculated that this song was a tribute to Grohl's deceased friend and bandmate, Kurt Cobain. However, in Grohl's own words, the song is, \"\"(his) way of saying that when I was young, I didn't have big rock heroes, I didn't want to grow up and be some big sporting hero. My heroes were ordinary people and the people that I have a lot of respect for are just solid everyday people", "\"Something with Numbers\"\nexpect some new material in the later half of the year, and in addition to this, the band will most likely be going on tour to accompany the release. In an interview with rock journalist Nick Milligan in August 2011, Grigg said of their upcoming fourth record: \"\"I really want to make a heavy, catchy album. I don't particularly listen to heavy music anymore, but I enjoy playing it live. I want to write some energetic, heavy music that you can sing along to.\"\" Something With Numbers' comeback performance will take place at the Coaster festival in September 2011. There", "\"Shock value\"\ncreated of a man dying from AIDS, that he wanted \"\"to use the forum of poster advertising to make people aware of this [AIDS] tragedy at a time when no-one dared to show AIDS patients.\"\" Shock rock is a wide umbrella term for artists who combine rock music with elements of theatrical shock value in live performances. Screamin' Jay Hawkins was arguably the first shock rocker. After the success of his 1957 hit \"\"I Put a Spell on You\"\", Hawkins began to perform a recurring stunt at many of his live shows: he would emerge from a coffin, sing into", "\"Tender (song)\"\nto sing Coxon's lines; \"\"\"\"Oh my baby/Oh my baby/Oh why?/Oh my\"\"\"\". At Blur's headline appearance at Reading Festival in 2003, he introduced the song by saying \"\"I don't want, for one moment, to be a sentimental but... Graham wrote this song as well... you know the bits he sings and I want you to sing them as loudly as you possibly can. Everyone needs to sing this song.\"\" Drummer Dave Rowntree would also sing Coxon's lines on occasion. In July 2009 when Blur re-formed, Coxon's lines in \"\"Tender\"\" were repeated and sung powerfully by the audience to call Blur back", "\"Glory (EP)\"\nI had other people sing hooks, because I can’t sing. I wanted to see if I can make these kinds of records well.\"\" She also defended her decision of wanting to release the project for free: \"\"I just think that when you're doing albums and stuff like that, you have to be more considerate of the other people that you're working with or your label or A&R, and you have to appease these other people and for something like \"\"Glory\"\". When it's free, I get a pass to do whatever I like, and this is what I wanted to do,", "\"Two Out of Three Ain't Bad\"\nstarted singing my own song but it was 'I Want You, I Need You, I Love You.' She said, \"\"Why don't you write something simple like that, 'I want you, I need you, I love you'?\"\" I said, \"\"Well I'll try.\"\" I don't try to make them complicated. I remember going home and I tried so hard but the best I could do was: \"\"I want you, I need you but there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you, don't be sad, 'cause two out of three ain't bad\"\". So it was still a twist but it was my", "\"Sleeping with the One I Love\"\nFantasia explained that the album would expand on the \"\"rock soul\"\" sound that she introduced on her previous release \"\"Side Effects of You\"\" (2013). She had defined \"\"rock soul\"\" as covering multiple style of music, describing it as an attempt to combine her soulful childhood singing in church with \"\"a certain side of [her] that wants to tap into that whole rock world\"\". \"\"Sleeping with the One I Love\"\" was written and produced by R. Kelly. During the early stages of production for \"\"The Definition Of...\"\", Fantasia posted several videos on her social media accounts of her recording sessions with", "\"High School Confidential (Rough Trade song)\"\ngay you did – and when I wrote love songs, I wanted them to be interpreted however. The thing is, I really, really love men – straight men are very sexy as long as, you know, they don't try – and I think that comes across in my songs. Rock 'n' roll is about desire and passion, and I'm singing to both sexes.\"\" At the time of its release, it was one of the most sexually explicit songs ever to reach the Canadian pop charts, and despite the sexual ambiguity, the first with such strong lesbian overtones. Although controversial, the", "\"I Want You So Bad\"\nI Want You So Bad \"\"I Want You So Bad\"\" is a song recorded by American rock band Heart. It was composed by Tom Kelly and Billy Steinberg, who were responsible for writing Heart's U.S. number-one single \"\"Alone\"\". The track is a ballad sung by Ann Wilson, and was released in a remixed form as the fourth and final single from Heart's ninth studio album, \"\"Bad Animals\"\", as well as being the band's final single of the 1980s. \"\"I Want You So Bad\"\" did not duplicate the success of previous singles from the \"\"Bad Animals\"\" album, peaking at number 49", "\"I Want You So Bad\"\non the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 in early 1988. The '88 UK CD5 and 12\"\" releases of \"\"Nothin' At All\"\" contain a single remix and extended remix, respectively, of \"\"I Want You So Bad.\"\" I Want You So Bad \"\"I Want You So Bad\"\" is a song recorded by American rock band Heart. It was composed by Tom Kelly and Billy Steinberg, who were responsible for writing Heart's U.S. number-one single \"\"Alone\"\". The track is a ballad sung by Ann Wilson, and was released in a remixed form as the fourth and final single from Heart's ninth studio album, \"\"Bad", "SexyBack\nit was \"\"one of the songs that the more you listen to it its just hook after hook after hook. Its just one of those 'flow off the top of your head' tracks, in terms of melody. We wanted to keep it loose and not too rehearsed, it's one of those very experimental records though.\"\" Timberlake revealed that he went \"\"left\"\", regarding going more rock, not in how he developed the song, but in the way he sang the song. \"\"I wanted to sing the song like a rock and roll singer, not an R&B singer. That's the approach.\"\" The", "\"Just Wanna Rock N' Roll\"\nto The Boot. \"\"You choose to be happy, and in life we have as many good days as bad days. I try to find and record those songs that pull you through the bad days, and keep you believing that the good days are just around the corner. Sometimes it's just a matter of singing [Atkins sings] 'oh, oh, oh' when you feel that thing in your head, where you're stressed out or messed up. It's crazy, but it works. It carries you through some tough times. I see the crowd singing 'Rock 'N Roll' or 'Back Road' at my", "\"No Time for It\"\nYou\"\" (2013). She defined \"\"rock soul\"\" as encompassing multiple genres, explaining it as an attempt to combine her soulful childhood singing in church with \"\"a certain side of [her] that wants to tap into that whole rock world\"\". She explained on Instagram that the title and lyrics for \"\"No Time for It\"\" were influenced by her beliefs: \"\"There are some things in life that I simply have 'No Time for It. In an interview with \"\"Essence\"\", she followed this up by saying: \"\"No time for family drama. If you’re gonna be my friend, come in and be strong. I can’t", "\"Squawkers McCaw\"\nYou Turn Me On\"\" by Levert. The House Tom sound effect says \"\"CahCahCahCah\"\". An example of a song with this sound effect is \"\"You Got Me Hanging On Seat Belts\"\" by Loose Ends. Let's Rock To The Squawk Walk! Let's move our feet, sway to the beat Singing squawk, squawk, squawk! Lean to the left, sway to the right, singing squawk, squawk, squawk! Turn your head, look all around, Flap your wings to the funky sound! If you want to dance and rock, raise your beak and give a squawk! *bird squawk* So we can rock, rock, rock, rock, yeah!", "\"If You Want to Defeat Your Enemy Sing His Song\"\nCD version The original CD version contained four bonus tracks: \"\"Everybody Loves To Play The Fool\"\", \"\"I Never Saw My Hometown 'Til I Went Around The World\"\", \"\"Into The Mystic\"\" and \"\"Don't Let It Rain on My Parade\"\". All songs written by Ian McNabb, except \"\"Into The Mystic\"\" written by Van Morrison. Disc 1 follows the same track listing as the 10-track LP version of this album. with: If You Want to Defeat Your Enemy Sing His Song If You Want to Defeat Your Enemy Sing His Song is the third album by The Icicle Works. The album was released", "\"Beat Street (album)\"\n\"\"The Rock\"\" which featured Small singing the lead vocals on all of its eleven tracks. \"\"Beat Street\"\" was received negatively by the majority of music critics and it was also a commercial disappointment; failing to reach the Billboard Top 200 and peaked outside the chart at #202. However, Prism found some success with the single \"\"I Don't Want to Want You Anymore.\"\" This single received quite a lot of radio airplay and peaked at No. 37 on the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart, Prism's last single (to date) to do so. The album was re-issued in January 2009 on Renaissance in", "\"Marie Daulne\"\nnatural, round sound. \"\"Sabsylma\"\" is hectic, sharper. Not on purpose, mind you. I can't help it. If you're driving in a van for months, and you constantly hear the sounds of traffic, TV, hardrock on the radio ... those sounds hook up in your ears, and come out if you start to sing.\"\" Daulne also broadened her music to embrace other cultures on \"\"Sabsylma\"\". \"\"Before I spoke about the Pygmies and the people around them. Now I want to talk about the people around me,\"\" says Daulne. \"\"My neighbor who has nothing to eat–I want to know what’s going on", "\"Crazy for You (Madonna song)\"\nago you fought for your freedom, am I correct? It's called People Power Freedom [sic], did I say that right? Up with democracy and freedom! That is the revolution of love. And that's what a rebel heart fights for. So on this very special occasion, I want to sing this song\"\". Philippine acoustic band MYMP recorded a cover version and released it their album \"\"New Horizon\"\" (2006). In 2007, Groove Armada recorded a cover with Alan Donohoe of art rock band The Rakes on vocals for the compilation \"\"Radio 1 Established 1967\"\". New Found Glory recorded a pop punk cover", "\"Where Have You Been\"\nfeatures a \"\"monstrous bass\"\", which will according to Graham \"\"will make you want to trade in your factory-installed car speakers for a top-of-the-line sound system.\"\" In the \"\"unashamedly sexual\"\" song, Rihanna sings about her desire and wish to find a man who is able to satisfy and please her in any way possible, singing \"\"Where have you been all my li-i-i-i-i-fe\"\" (sic). According to Robert Copsey for Digital Spy, it is when Rihanna performs this line that the instrumental changes into a \"\"strobing trance section that ends in a synth-squelching breakdown.\"\" Andy Kellam for AllMusic likened the song's chorus to", "\"Armageddon (Guy Sebastian album)\"\nwho heavily influence me. Artists like Otis Redding, Sam & Dave and Sam Cooke. Being entrenched in that sort of environment really caused me to go 'You know what dude. Do what you want to do. Do what comes natural to you'.\"\" Sebastian said it was a turning point for him, adding, \"\"From that Memphis thing a few years ago it's always going to start with me being true to who I want to be and what I enjoy singing.\"\" Sebastian feels his soul roots remained even when he delved into electro dance music with the single \"\"Who's That Girl\"\"", "\"Listen to the Man\"\nand features actor Sir Ian McKellen (who lip syncs to the lyrics). It was uploaded to YouTube on 28 October 2014. Ezra told FUSE TV, \"\"When we're making a video, I just say a really vague thing that I want to happen. For this one, I just said 'I don't want to be singing the song', so that could be anything! Then you pitch it to directors and it's their job to make that interesting [...] I was in New York, actually, and [Brandon] rang me and said, 'How would you feel about having Ian McKellen in your video?' I", "\"Don't You Wanna Stay\"\nit he asked who I wanted to sing it with me and I said Kelly Clarkson, but I didn’t think we’d be able to get her. I’ve always been a big fan of hers. I love her voice and I love her style. Long story short, we got her a copy of the song and she loved it. As soon as she started singing, it became obvious it was going to be great.\"\" On November 10, 2010, \"\"Don't You Wanna Stay\"\" was performed live for the first time by Aldean with Clarkson on the 44th Country Music Association Awards. The", "\"Chris Hillman\"\nByrds' first single, a jangly cover of Bob Dylan's \"\"Mr. Tambourine Man\"\", was an international hit and marked the birth of folk rock. During the mid-1960s the Byrds ranked as one of the most successful and influential American pop groups; they recorded a string of hits, including \"\"Turn! Turn! Turn!\"\", \"\"Eight Miles High\"\" and \"\"So You Want to Be a Rock 'n' Roll Star\"\". Hillman kept a low profile on the band's first two albums, on which McGuinn and Clark shared lead vocals with Crosby adding high harmony and singing the bridge on \"\"All I Really Want to Do\"\". However,", "\"You Know My Name\"\naggressive than any other Bond theme has been, maybe since Paul McCartney ['s 'Live and Let Die']\"\". Cornell stated that the biggest two influences on \"\"You Know My Name\"\" were Tom Jones, who performed the theme for \"\"Thunderball\"\", and Paul McCartney, who composed and performed the theme for \"\"Live and Let Die\"\". \"\"I decided that I was going to sing it like Tom Jones, in that crooning style. I wanted people to hear my voice,\"\" Cornell said. \"\"And 'Live and Let Die' is a fantastic song. Paul McCartney wouldn't have written it if not for that movie. I [also] wanted", "\"Billy Paul\"\nwanted to go my own way, but I always favored other singers like Dinah Washington, Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald – I loved Ella Fitzgerald. There are so many of them. Nina Simone was one of my favorites – Johnny Mathis, They all had a style, a silkiness about them... I wanted to sing silky, like butter – mellow. I wanted to sing mellow you know what I mean. One of my favorites is Jessie Velvet – they used to call him Mr. Easy. A lot of people forgot about him you know – Sam Cooke is another one of my", "\"Say What You Want\"\nand Chef Raekwon's like, 'Yo! Who's that singing?' And RZA goes, 'It's Girlie' – 'cos they called me Girlie. And Raekwon goes, 'Man, you black!' And I laughed so loud. Method Man's a pussycat.\"\" CD1 CD2 Say What You Want \"\"Say What You Want\"\" is a song by Scottish group Texas and the first single to be taken from their fourth studio album \"\"White on Blonde\"\". It was remixed as \"\"Say What You Want (All Day, Every Day)\"\" featuring Method Man and RZA from the Wu-Tang Clan and re-released as a double A-side with \"\"Insane\"\" in 1998. Both versions featured", "\"No Pier Pressure\"\nsessions between Wilson and Beck as \"\"fusion jazz rock with Brian singing, 'oohs' and 'aahs.'\"\" A version of the traditional \"\"Danny Boy\"\" was recorded between the duo. Beck described his contributions: \"\"They let me take the melody wherever I wanted the flavor of them to go, but the fact is when you've got the backing of Brian's chords you automatically play West Coast-style guitar. It's just inbuilt into the essence of what he writes. You can't do anything far from it, so it's hard to wedge my style in there, but I've tried to do it as best I can.\"\"", "\"Gonna Get Over You\"\na little market in East LA.\"\" She added: \"\"Jonah and I both wanted it to be a combination of fantasy and reality. Silly, over the top moments that are anchored with authenticity.\"\" Rocking a leather jacket and wearing her hair in a ponytail and pompadour, Bareilles is romping around a grocery store. She's dancing from one aisle to another, creating a flash mob with some customers. The surreal scene, however, exists only in her daydream. Instead of being a cool girl who spreads toe-tapping fever to people around her, she's just a nerd who sings and dances awkwardly by herself.", "\"Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts\"\nLesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts, also known as Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts, is an album by Lesley Gore. It was released in 1963 as the follow-up to her debut album \"\"I'll Cry If I Want To\"\". Allmusic critic Richie Unterberger considers \"\"Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts\"\" to be better than \"\"I'll Cry If I Want To\"\" and an \"\"above average\"\" though not excellent 1963 pop/rock album. Unterberger cites as a reason for being preferable to \"\"I'll Cry If I Want To\"\" that \"\"Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts\"\" avoids the self-pity theme", "\"Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts\"\nbeing \"\"pedestrian\"\". Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts, also known as Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts, is an album by Lesley Gore. It was released in 1963 as the follow-up to her debut album \"\"I'll Cry If I Want To\"\". Allmusic critic Richie Unterberger considers \"\"Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts\"\" to be better than \"\"I'll Cry If I Want To\"\" and an \"\"above average\"\" though not excellent 1963 pop/rock album. Unterberger cites as a reason for being preferable to \"\"I'll Cry If I Want To\"\" that \"\"Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts\"\" avoids the", "\"Lenny Zakatek\"\nsuccessful albums, including \"\"Our Only Weapon Is Our Music\"\", and \"\"Shipwrecked\"\". The worldwide disco hit, \"\"I Haven't Stopped Dancing Yet\"\" came from this collaboration. In 1977, Zakatek became a studio vocalist for The Alan Parsons Project, singing on their albums over a ten-year period. He was featured on twenty four songs on eight of The Alan Parsons Project albums, which included the hits \"\"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\"\", \"\"Games People Play\"\", \"\"You Don't Believe\"\" and \"\"Damned If I Do\"\". The reviewer Todd S. Jenkins wrote that: \"\"Lenny Zakatek's singing on [\"\"I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You\"\"", "\"Rocks in the Head\"\nWant (Willow)\"\" was written about Daltrey's daughter, who sings backing vocals on the song. \"\"Days of Light\"\" peaked at No. 6 on the U.S. rock charts. Rocks in the Head Rocks in the Head is Roger Daltrey's eighth solo album. The album was released in 1992 on Atlantic Records, and recorded at The Hit Factory. Roger Daltrey is credited (along with Gerard McMahon) for co-writing seven of the eleven tracks, including \"\"Times Changed\"\", \"\"You Can't Call It Love\"\", \"\"Love Is\"\", \"\"Blues Man's Road\"\", \"\"Days of Light\"\", \"\"Everything a Heart Could Ever Want\"\", and \"\"Unforgettable Opera\"\". The notes credit \"\"Musical Direction", "\"The Lonesome Jubilee\"\ninstruments in order to make his audience aware of the \"\"once-familiar social landscape\"\" of folk music. The risk of making music counter to the mainstream of rock music paid off with the album's success. Of \"\"The Real Life,\"\" Mellencamp told Creem Magazine in 1987: \"\"When I sing about Jackson Jackson (in 'The Real Life') – unless you know what it's like to spend your whole life or the majority of your young adulthood doing what you're supposed to do, then you can't relate to it. Because some of these young guys are thinking, 'Well, I'm doing what I want to", "\"I Give You My Heart (Hillsong song)\"\nI Give You My Heart (Hillsong song) \"\"I Give You My Heart\"\" (sometimes called \"\"Lord, I Give You My Heart\"\" or \"\"This is My Desire\"\") is a 1995 song by Reuben Morgan, who wrote both the music and the lyrics. The lyrics are about giving God the entirety of oneself. The song is widely used in congregational singing, particularly within evangelicalism. \"\"I Give You My Heart\"\" is a devotional song and is part of the contemporary worship music genre. The song is also a slow soft rock ballad. Among Christian songs, \"\"I Give You My Heart\"\" is one of the", "\"What You Want (Evanescence song)\"\nwas further described as dynamic, \"\"slamming\"\" and loud. As the song progresses, the melody goes through \"\"dramatic crashes\"\" and crescendos. \"\"What You Want\"\" opens with rapid drums and soon moves into a guitar-driven mode, accompanied by synthesizers. Throughout the song, Lee uses \"\"pseudo operatic\"\" and \"\"poppy\"\" vocals. In the opening lines, she sings: \"\"Do what you, what you want / If you have a dream for better / Do what you, what you want / 'Til you don't want it anymore.\"\" Those sounds are followed by a hard rock surging guitar and strings which were noted to be part of", "\"Clear the Stage\"\ntruly deserves it: \"\"Cause you can sing all you want to / But still get it wrong / Worship is more than a song / We must not worship something / that's not even worth it / Clear the stage and make some space / for the one who deserves it\"\". It also addresses what are idols in our lives that we must cast away for true belief: \"\"Anything I put before my God is an idol / Anything I want with all my heart is an idol / Anything I can't stop thinking of is an idol / Anything", "\"Strawberry Kisses\"\nmore bubblegum pop, with elements of pop rock. The song talks about a love of summer, that even having already finished, the protagonist can not forget the person loved, desiring thus, its \"\"wet kisses\"\". The song starts with a voice off singing, \"\"Quero tanto, espero tanto, seu beijo molhado,\"\" (\"\"I want you so much, I hope so much, your kiss wet,\"\") while Karin sings, \"\"demais, oh oh oh, yeah, yeah.\"\" (\"\"too much, oh oh oh, yeah, yeah.\"\") The first stanza is also sung by Karin, where it is spoken of an unforgettable summer love. The second stanza is sung by", "\"Crazy for You (Madonna song)\"\nthat Jon was singing over that section of the song. It was really descriptive of the scene in the film. [...] After that, I was out on vacation out in the desert and [Sill] called and said Phil Ramone was in love with the song and wanted to cut it on Madonna. [Laughing] 'Borderline' was out at that time and I said, 'Excuse me? This is for Madonna? Really? Can she sing a song like this?' Jon and I were surprised at the choice of artist at the time, if you want to know the truth.\"\" After Sill let Bettis", "\"Exile on Main St.\"\ntime of \"\"Exile\"\"'s release, Jagger said, \"\"This new album is fucking mad. There's so many different tracks. It's very rock & roll, you know. I didn't want it to be like that. I'm the more experimental person in the group, you see I like to experiment. Not go over the same thing over and over. Since I've left England, I've had this thing I've wanted to do. I'm not against rock & roll, but I really want to experiment. The new album's very rock & roll and it's good. I mean, I'm very bored with rock & roll. The revival.", "\"I Don't Want to Live Without You\"\nof May 14, 1988. The band had previously reached the Top 5 on the AC chart twice, with the songs \"\"Waiting for a Girl Like You\"\" (#5 in 1981) and \"\"I Want to Know What Love Is\"\" (#3 in 1985). I Don't Want to Live Without You \"\"I Don't Want to Live Without You\"\" is a song from the pop rock band Foreigner. It was included on their 1987 platinum album, \"\"Inside Information\"\". Released as the follow-up single to the song \"\"Say You Will\"\", \"\"I Don't Want to Live Without You\"\" peaked at #5 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart", "\"We're Not Gonna Take It (Twisted Sister song)\"\nhis son for being interested only in his guitar and Twisted Sister music. At the last line of the father's rather overlong speech, he says \"\"What do you want to do with your life?\"\" To which the son replies \"\"I Wanna Rock!\"\" with a voice strikingly similar to that of director Marty Callner, after which he strums his guitar and causes a blast so powerful it knocks the father out of a nearby window. The boy then transforms into Snider and the music begins. Snider sings to the other children, who turn into the rest of the band, and they", "\"Matt Nathanson: Live at Google\"\nfor a sing-a-long, he called attention to an audience member on his laptop when he said, \"\"You're in the front, you're on your computer, but I know what you're doing is looking up the lyrics. You don't have to look up the lyrics, because this is totally easy. 'Hee,' 'hee,' 'who.' It's - and I feel it, I felt you wanting to sing.\"\" Matt Nathanson: Live at Google Matt Nathanson: Live at Google is a live recording of Matt Nathanson's performance at the Google Campus in early July 2011 to promote Google's new service, Music Beta by Google (subsequently rebranded", "\"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\"\nsecond album, \"\"I Robot\"\". The song was a moderate success, charting at #36 on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 and #22 on the Canadian chart. In 2013, the song was used in the best-selling video game \"\"Grand Theft Auto V\"\" in the game's classic rock channel. In 2017, the song was used in the final scene of episode nine of the Netflix series \"\"Mindhunter\"\". I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You \"\"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\"\" is a song by the British progressive rock band The Alan Parsons Project, featured on their 1977 album \"\"I Robot\"\". Written by", "\"You Boyz Make Big Noize\"\nto suck you into their friendly carousing is impressive.\"\" Eric McClary of \"\"Reno Gazette-Journal\"\" described the album as \"\"good-time music\"\" with \"\"simple unison choruses\"\", \"\"sentimental lyrics\"\" and \"\"lots of optimism\"\". He concluded: \"\"See if you can resist them - I can't.\"\" Jim Zebora of \"\"Record-Journal\"\" summarised: \"\"Perhaps the thing that Slade does best and what makes their playing so entertaining is the mixture of rocking sincerity and good humor about what it all means. \"\"Sing Shout (Knock Yourself Out)\"\" describes this philosophy in song, and boy does it make you want to move. If this were a just world, Slade", "\"All You Wanted\"\nmusic video was directed by Liz Friedlander. It begins with Branch entering a club where her boyfriend is. During the chorus, everything around her freezes, and she takes the opportunity to sing at him, \"\"If you want to, I can save you, I can take you away from here...\"\" assuming he cannot hear her. They then go on a bus together, she sits down, assuming he will sit next to her, but he runs into friends, and he ignores her. She again sings at him during the chorus. After they exit the bus, it begins to rain and her surroundings", "\"Shushanik Kurghinian\"\nTO SING I wanted to sing: they told me I could not,<br> I wove my own songs: quiet, you are a girl!<br> But when in this troubled world<br> an elegy I became,<br> I spoke to the hearts of many.<br> The more I sang:<br> the sooner she'll get tired, they said.<br> The louder I sang:<br> the faster her voice will fail.<br> But I kept singing endlessly,<br> that's when they started to cajole. 1907 Works by Shushanik Kurghinian: Works on Shushanik Kurghinian: Shushanik Kurghinian Shushanik Kurghinian (; 18 August 1876 – 24 November 1927) was an Armenian writer who became a catalyst", "\"You Make It Feel Like Christmas (song)\"\nRobert Ross. In the chorus, Stefani and Shelton sing: \"\"Sleigh bells singing 'Hallelujah' / Stars are shining on us too / I want to thank you, baby / You make it feel like Christmas\"\". Ryan Reed of \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" said the Christmas song recalled \"\"the chug of The Supremes' 1966 hit 'You Can't Hurry Love'\"\" while the staff at \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" called the song infectious. Mike Nied from Idolator suggested that Stefani and Shelton's track \"\"may have something that will live up to Mariah Carey’s defining classic 'All I Want For Christmas Is You'\"\". \"\"Stereogum\"\"s Tom Breihan called the track", "\"Grand Theft Audio\"\nwe liked and bastardized them to build the kind of band we wanted to be in. We wanted to create a band that was like all of your favorite bands at the same time.\"\" We wanted something with lots of hooks, but also with a bit of rock backbone to it, something that was so annoyingly sing along that you either had to love it or hate it. Our bottom line is: does it rock, does it sound good and does it make you want to go out and do something? We don't have any interest in being this week's", "\"Everything You Want (Vertical Horizon song)\"\nEverything You Want (Vertical Horizon song) \"\"Everything You Want\"\" is a song by American alternative rock band Vertical Horizon and the eponymous second single from their third studio album. \"\"Everything You Want\"\" was released to radio in late 1999, and was released as a single on April 4, 2000. The single reached the top of the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 on July 15, 2000. \"\"Everything You Want\"\" is Vertical Horizon's most successful single. In 2009, lead vocalist Matt Scannell said he \"\"still experience[d] joy\"\" singing \"\"Everything You Want\"\" because he knew \"\"it came from a true place\"\". The song deals with", "\"I Want You to Want Me\"\nI Want You to Want Me \"\"I Want You to Want Me\"\" is a song by the American rock band Cheap Trick from their second album \"\"In Color\"\", released in September 1977. It was the first single released from that album, but it did not chart in the United States. \"\"I Want You to Want Me\"\" was a number-one single in Japan. Its success in Japan, as well as the success of its preceding single \"\"Clock Strikes Ten\"\" paved the way for Cheap Trick's concerts at Nippon Budokan in Tokyo in April 1978 that were recorded for the group's most", "\"Korn III: Remember Who You Are\"\nproblems with a pill addiction. Ross called her without me knowing and asked her to show up to the studio, and I had to sing that part to her. “He pushes your buttons on purpose to get those kind of performances. He wants you to get so fucking mad, the emotions just come pouring out. I get it – but I don’t necessarily want to be a part of it now I’ve been there and done that.” Despite his love and respect for Robinson, Davis adds: “That record sounds forced to me, and it took me to a very dark", "\"I Want You Back (Hoodoo Gurus song)\"\na serial killer. Their (per)version was not a hit, but then neither was ours.\"\" Dave Faulkner. \"\"I Want You Back\"\" was also performed by The Spazzys on the 2005 tribute album, \"\"Stoneage Cameos\"\" (see \"\"Stoneage Romeos\"\"), with \"\"Hoodoo You Love?\"\" performed by The Drones. Credited to: I Want You Back (Hoodoo Gurus song) \"\"I Want You Back\"\" is the fourth single released by Australian rock group Hoodoo Gurus from their debut album \"\"Stoneage Romeos\"\". It was released on Big Time Records (distributed by EMI) in March 1984 (the same time as the album). \"\"I Want You Back\"\" was written by", "\"Upon This Rock (Larry Norman album)\"\nwritten for Christians. No, it was not a Christian album for those believers who wanted everything spelled out. It was more like a street fight. I was saying to Christians, \"\"I'm going to present the gospel, and I'm not going to say it like you want. This album is not for you.\"\" Speaking to the magazine \"\"Contemporary Musicians\"\", Norman later expressed his intentions and feelings about the record: I wanted to push aside the traditional gospel quartet music, break down the church doors and let the hippies and the prostitutes and other unwashed rabble into the sanctuary, ... I wanted", "\"Bill Nye the Science Guy\"\nthey could get.\"\" Greene said that he was inspired by Danny Elfman and Oingo Boingo when composing the theme and used his voice for singing the \"\"Bill Nye the Science Guy\"\" refrain. \"\"I used my voice for the first demo to send to the producers, Jim and Erren,\"\" he said. \"\"After they approved it, I hired singers because I wanted to make it better. I hired a guy to sing it who sounded pretty cool. He had like a rock‑and‑roll kind of voice, so it sounded pretty slick. Then as another option, I hired a girl to sing it to", "\"I Want to Tell You\"\nof their ability to make loud, gleeful rock 'n' roll\"\". According to Ian MacDonald: I Want to Tell You \"\"I Want to Tell You\"\" is a song by the English rock group the Beatles from their 1966 album \"\"Revolver\"\". It was written and sung by George Harrison, the band's lead guitarist. After \"\"Taxman\"\" and \"\"Love You To\"\", it was the third Harrison composition recorded for \"\"Revolver\"\", marking the first time that he was allocated more than two songs on a Beatles album, as well as the start of his emergence as a songwriter beside John Lennon and Paul McCartney. When", "\"I Want You Back\"\nJackson 5 became a success. The Jackson 5 performed \"\"I Want You Back\"\" during all of their world tours, either as a full song or as a part of the Jackson 5 Medley in concerts (which also included \"\"ABC\"\" and \"\"Mama's Pearl\"\", later on switched with \"\"The Love You Save\"\" in 1973). During their second-ever television appearance (in an episode of \"\"The Hollywood Palace\"\" hosted by Diana Ross & the Supremes), the Jackson 5 performed \"\"I Want You Back\"\" along with Sly & the Family Stone's \"\"Sing a Simple Song,\"\" The Delfonics' \"\"Can You Remember,\"\" and James Brown's \"\"There Was", "\"So You Want to Be a Rock 'n' Roll Star\"\nrendition of \"\"So You Want to Be a Rock 'n' Roll Star\"\". R.E.M.'s Peter Buck explained: \"\"When we played 'Rock 'n' Roll Star', where it has that part where it goes 'la la la la la la la', he played C-F-G, and I said, 'That's weird, we do C-\"\"D\"\"-G'. Then he played it that way and said, 'You know, I like that better. I think I'll change it'. And I went, 'You mean you're going to change the chord of the song?' and he went, 'Yeah, I've never played it that way, and I like it a lot better'. Roger", "\"About You Now (EP)\"\nabout you now.\"\" She sings about how girls \"\"dig rejection\"\" and how she'd rather \"\"rock, that's how I roll\"\" in \"\"FYI.\"\" Finally, in the third original track on this EP, she spouts on and on about how \"\"you can take the rock out of the roll but you can't take the party out of the girl\"\" in \"\"Party Girl.\"\" Finally, in \"\"Stay My Baby,\"\" she speculates about being in a long distance relationship when \"\"she's back at school,\"\" which I infer as being college? So, Cosgrove is tackling adult problems while singing to a tween audience.\"\" The song \"\"About You", "\"The Doo-Wops & Hooligans Tour\"\nYou\"\", singing one of the rap verses himself, to a girl in the crowd. The next song in the 2010 setlist was \"\"Just the Way You Are\"\". It was dedicated to the girls in the crowd who sang along while holding up their smartphones. Mars asked the men to treat \"\"their ladies\"\" with more affection. At the end of the show, Mars would leave the stage. Then Philip Lawrence would ask them if they wanted more. Eventually, Mars would return to sing \"\"Grenade\"\" as an encore. He would performed it a cappella or in powerful rock version. In 2011, Mars'", "\"I Want to Take You Higher\"\nI Want to Take You Higher \"\"I Want to Take You Higher\"\" is a song by the soul/rock/funk band Sly and the Family Stone, the B-side to their Top 30 hit \"\"Stand!\"\". Unlike most of the other tracks on the \"\"Stand!\"\" album, \"\"I Want to Take You Higher\"\" is not a message song; instead, it is simply dedicated to music and the feeling one gets from music. Like nearly all of Sly & the Family Stone's songs, Sylvester \"\"Sly Stone\"\" Stewart was credited as the sole songwriter. \"\"I Want to Take You Higher\"\" opens with a bluesy guitar riff played", "\"It's Not Me, It's You\"\nI wanted it to feel like it had some sort of integrity. I think I've grown up a bit as a person and I hope it reflects that.\"\" Allen recorded most of the album at Eagle Rock Studios in Los Angeles with producer Greg Kurstin of the band The Bird and the Bee. Of the songwriting process, she said, \"\"Greg builds the chords up and I just sing along and make up the words and then once you've got the bare song, we decide which way we're gonna go with the production.\"\" Allen co-wrote the songs for the album with", "\"Rita Hayworth\"\nnot know her secret, she was embarrassed to be asked to sing by troops at USO shows. \"\"I wanted to study singing\"\", Hayworth complained, \"\"but Harry Cohn kept saying, 'Who needs it?' and the studio wouldn't pay for it. They had me so intimidated that I couldn't have done it anyway. They always said, 'Oh, no, we can't let you do it. There's no time for that; it has to be done right now!' I was under contract, and that was it.\"\" Hayworth did sing the acoustic guitar version of \"\"Put the Blame on Mame\"\" in \"\"Gilda\"\". The other songs", "\"I Only Want to Be with You\"\nSamantha Fox peaked at number 16. In the US on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart, \"\"I Only Want to Be with You\"\" has been a Top 40 hit three times, with both the Dusty Springfield original and the Bay City Rollers' remake peaking at number 12 while the Samantha Fox remake peaked at number 31. \"\"I Only Want to Be with You\"\" has also been recorded by a wide range of artists, several of whom sing the song with lyrics translated from the original English. According to Jean Ryder, the ex-wife of songwriter Mike Hawker, \"\"I Only Want to Be", "\"I Love You (Miss Robot)\"\nsong to be a \"\"pukka mix\"\". When performing \"\"I Love You\"\" at the Ladbroke Grove's Supperclub, a live performance known as \"\"The Lost Gig\"\", Horn said that he conceived the idea of the song after playing Moon River on a bass guitar every Tuesday night. \"\"I Love You\"\" is an electropop new wave song. Downes is also a vocalist on the track, which he sings through a vocoder. He said that \"\"I Love You\"\" was really about \"\"being on the road and making love to someone you don't really like, while all the time you're wanting to phone someone who's", "\"Rabbit of Seville\"\nsinging as he speaks. He grabs Elmer, who is trying to sneak offstage, and forces him to get a shave, fiercely slashing the razor and rendering him \"\"nice and clean, although your face looks like it might have gone through a machine.\"\" After recovering, Elmer retrieves his hunter's hat and rifle and starts the chase again, singing his only line \"\"Oh, wait till I get that wabbit!\"\", but is stopped by Bugs, dressed as a temptress, singing, \"\"What would you want with a wabbit? Can't you see that I'm much sweeter? I'm your little señoriter. You are my type of" ]
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what is the fastest roller coaster in california
[ "Formula Rossa" ]
[ "\"Gold Striker\"\nGold Striker Gold Striker is a wooden roller coaster located at California's Great America amusement park. Built by Great Coasters International and designed by Jeff Pike, Gold Striker was the park's eighth roller coaster which opened to the public on May 31, 2013. Its tunnel is the longest in the world to be featured on the first drop, and it was marketed as the \"\"tallest and fastest wooden coaster in Northern California\"\". The roller coaster takes on the theme of the Old West and references the California Gold Rush of the 19th century. Originally, California's Great America planned to build", "\"Gold Striker\"\nbeing approximately . Gold Striker Gold Striker is a wooden roller coaster located at California's Great America amusement park. Built by Great Coasters International and designed by Jeff Pike, Gold Striker was the park's eighth roller coaster which opened to the public on May 31, 2013. Its tunnel is the longest in the world to be featured on the first drop, and it was marketed as the \"\"tallest and fastest wooden coaster in Northern California\"\". The roller coaster takes on the theme of the Old West and references the California Gold Rush of the 19th century. Originally, California's Great America", "\"Sandusky, Ohio\"\na wooden roller coaster, was built and named for the local high school's mascot. It is currently the park's oldest operating roller coaster. In the latter half of the twentieth century, Cedar Point shattered countless roller coaster records with rides like Corkscrew (first coaster with three or more inversions), Gemini (tallest and fastest roller coaster in the world when constructed in 1978), Magnum XL-200 (tallest and fastest roller coaster in the world when constructed in 1989), Mean Streak (tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster in the world when constructed in 1991), Raptor (tallest and fastest inverted roller coaster in the", "Tatsu\nTatsu Tatsu is a steel flying roller coaster designed by Bolliger & Mabillard at the Six Flags Magic Mountain amusement park located in Valencia, California, United States. Announced on November 17, 2005, the roller coaster opened to the public on May 13, 2006 as the park's seventeenth roller coaster. Tatsu reaches a height of and speeds up to . The roller coaster is also the world's tallest and fastest flying coaster; is the only flying roller coaster to feature a zero-gravity roll; and has the world's highest pretzel loop. It was the world's longest flying coaster until The Flying Dinosaur", "Tatsu\n30th place in 2008. Tatsu Tatsu is a steel flying roller coaster designed by Bolliger & Mabillard at the Six Flags Magic Mountain amusement park located in Valencia, California, United States. Announced on November 17, 2005, the roller coaster opened to the public on May 13, 2006 as the park's seventeenth roller coaster. Tatsu reaches a height of and speeds up to . The roller coaster is also the world's tallest and fastest flying coaster; is the only flying roller coaster to feature a zero-gravity roll; and has the world's highest pretzel loop. It was the world's longest flying coaster", "\"Fujiyama (roller coaster)\"\nmaintained that this risk remains low and is not unique to this particular coaster. Fujiyama (roller coaster) Fujiyama is a steel roller coaster at Fuji-Q Highland, Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi, Japan. When Fujiyama opened in 1996 it was the world's tallest roller coaster at , and had the largest drop in the world at . Fujiyama was also the world's fastest roller coaster for a year of its operation, succeeded by Tower of Terror at Dreamworld theme park in Queensland, Australia, in 1997. Despite being the world's fastest roller coaster in operation for a year, Fujiyama set no world records for roller", "\"Giant Dipper\"\nthe last \"\"classic roller coaster\"\" between Vancouver, British Columbia and San Diego, California. It is only one of three Church rides to still operate. The other two are Dragon Coaster at Playland Park and Giant Dipper at Belmont Park. It is one of the only roller coasters that are still operating from what ACE calls the \"\"golden age of roller coasters.\"\" Other than being the oldest roller coaster in California, the ride is also one of the oldest roller coasters in the world. Since the Giant Dipper was one of the first roller coasters in existence when it opened, many", "\"Fujiyama (roller coaster)\"\nFujiyama (roller coaster) Fujiyama is a steel roller coaster at Fuji-Q Highland, Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi, Japan. When Fujiyama opened in 1996 it was the world's tallest roller coaster at , and had the largest drop in the world at . Fujiyama was also the world's fastest roller coaster for a year of its operation, succeeded by Tower of Terror at Dreamworld theme park in Queensland, Australia, in 1997. Despite being the world's fastest roller coaster in operation for a year, Fujiyama set no world records for roller coaster speed. Steel Phantom at Kennywood set the world record for speed before engineers", "\"Son of Beast\"\nand speed. It set several world records becoming the tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster in the world, as well as becoming the second longest following its predecessor, The Beast. Son of Beast was also the only wooden roller coaster to feature a vertical loop. The loop was removed prior to the 2007 season. Prior to its removal, the vertical loop also made Son of Beast the longest roller coaster in the world to contain one. Following its removal, California Screamin' at Disney California Adventure acquired the title. The seven world records held at its introduction were: On July 9,", "\"Air time (rides)\"\nEPCOT also includes the sensation of weightlessness after takeoff, just as you enter space. Coaster are important part of coasters Air time (rides) In the context of amusement rides, air time, or airtime, refers to the time during which riders of a roller coaster or other ride experience either weightlessness or negative G-forces. With roller coasters, air time is usually achieved when the train travels over a hill at speed. In 2001 the Guinness World Records recorded , located at Six Flags Magic Mountain, Valencia, California, USA, as the fastest roller coaster in the world, where riders experienced a then", "\"Ninja (Six Flags Magic Mountain)\"\nNinja (Six Flags Magic Mountain) Ninja is an Arrow Dynamics steel suspended roller coaster located at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California. It is the fastest roller coaster of its kind in the world, joint with Vortex at Canada's Wonderland, both with top speeds of 55 mph (89 km/h). The coaster is located in the Samurai Summit area of Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California. Ninja opened in 1988 as the fifth of the ten original Arrow suspended coasters. It is somewhat unusual in that it uses two lift hills — one at the beginning of the ride", "\"Ninja (Six Flags Magic Mountain)\"\nNinja (Six Flags Magic Mountain) Ninja is an Arrow Dynamics steel suspended roller coaster located at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California. It is the fastest roller coaster of its kind in the world, joint with Vortex at Canada's Wonderland, both with top speeds of 55 mph (89 km/h). The coaster is located in the Samurai Summit area of Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California. Ninja opened in 1988 as the fifth of the ten original Arrow suspended coasters. It is somewhat unusual in that it uses two lift hills — one at the beginning of the ride", "\"Superman: Escape from Krypton\"\nSuperman: Escape from Krypton Superman: Escape from Krypton (originally known as Superman: The Escape) is a steel shuttle roller coaster located at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California. When it opened in 1997, it was the tallest roller coaster in the world, and its speed of was tied for the fastest with Tower of Terror II, a similar roller coaster which opened two months earlier at Dreamworld in Australia. These two coasters were the first to utilize Linear Synchronous Motor (LSM) technology to propel vehicles to top speed. The park originally intended to open the ride in 1996, but", "\"Jack Rabbit (Seabreeze)\"\nJack Rabbit (Seabreeze) Jack Rabbit is an \"\"out and back\"\" wooden roller coaster located at Seabreeze Amusement Park in Irondequoit, New York. At its opening in 1920, it was the fastest roller coaster in the world. The Giant Dipper in Santa Cruz, California, superseded it in 1924. Jack Rabbit is the fourth oldest operating roller coaster in the world and the second oldest in the USA. The oldest, Leap-The-Dips in Altoona, Pennsylvania, was closed from 1985 to 1999, making Jack Rabbit the oldest \"\"continuously operating\"\" coaster in the country. Jack Rabbit has been described as a hard ride to learn", "\"Wooden roller coaster\"\nin which the \"\"biggest\"\", \"\"tallest\"\", or \"\"fastest\"\" ride is what brings in crowds often cannot apply to new wooden roller coasters, especially since a large majority of record-holding rides are steel. Amusement parks are always looking to add attractions that can be presented in commercials and ads as incredibly tall, fast, or extreme, which eliminates many wooden roller coasters. However, the arrival of several new wooden coasters has bucked the downward trend. In 2006, a trio of giant wooden coasters opened in the United States: The Kentucky Rumbler at Beech Bend Park, The Voyage at Holiday World, and El Toro", "\"Superman: Escape from Krypton\"\nworld. Superman: Escape from Krypton Superman: Escape from Krypton (originally known as Superman: The Escape) is a steel shuttle roller coaster located at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California. When it opened in 1997, it was the tallest roller coaster in the world, and its speed of was tied for the fastest with Tower of Terror II, a similar roller coaster which opened two months earlier at Dreamworld in Australia. These two coasters were the first to utilize Linear Synchronous Motor (LSM) technology to propel vehicles to top speed. The park originally intended to open the ride in 1996,", "Incredicoaster\nIncredicoaster Incredicoaster is a steel roller coaster located at Disney California Adventure in Anaheim, California. Manufactured by Intamin, the ride opened to the public as California Screamin' on February 8, 2001. It is the only roller coaster at the Disneyland Resort with an inversion, and it's the fastest at the park with a top speed of . California Screamin' closed in early 2018 and reopened as Incredicoaster, inspired by the 2004 computer-animated film \"\"The Incredibles\"\" and its 2018 sequel \"\"Incredibles 2,\"\" on June 23, 2018. Its opening coincided with the debut of the newly-revamped Pixar Pier section of the park,", "\"Big One (roller coaster)\"\nfollowed by additional supports on the turnaround and the mid course brake section. The roller coaster opened as Pepsi Max Big One on 28 May 1994. It was both the tallest and steepest roller coaster in the world when it debuted, but it was not the fastest. The Big One's height record was surpassed by Fujiyama in July 1996, but it remains the tallest roller coaster in the UK as well as the country's second-fastest. Big One was also one of the longest, as its out-and-back roller coaster layout measures nearly a mile in length at . Its top speed", "\"Jack Rabbit (Seabreeze)\"\nto operate; there are several brake levers, and it takes a while to learn the proper timing and sequence to accurately stop the train at the platform. Jack Rabbit (Seabreeze) Jack Rabbit is an \"\"out and back\"\" wooden roller coaster located at Seabreeze Amusement Park in Irondequoit, New York. At its opening in 1920, it was the fastest roller coaster in the world. The Giant Dipper in Santa Cruz, California, superseded it in 1924. Jack Rabbit is the fourth oldest operating roller coaster in the world and the second oldest in the USA. The oldest, Leap-The-Dips in Altoona, Pennsylvania, was", "\"Time Traveler (roller coaster)\"\nwheels to release electric charges a train may produce and hinder electronics on the train. When the ride opened in 2018, it became the fastest and tallest full circuit spinning roller coaster. Although not a full circuit spinning roller coaster, Big Air located at E-DA Theme Park would be the fastest and tallest spinning roller coaster. In addition, the ride became the first spinning roller coaster in the world to have three inversions, taking the place of Gekion Live Coaster located at Tokyo Joypolis that has one inversion. Time Traveler was received well among its critics and guests. Arthur Levine", "Incredicoaster\nminutes before being rescued when a fallen purse triggered an automatic stop. Incredicoaster Incredicoaster is a steel roller coaster located at Disney California Adventure in Anaheim, California. Manufactured by Intamin, the ride opened to the public as California Screamin' on February 8, 2001. It is the only roller coaster at the Disneyland Resort with an inversion, and it's the fastest at the park with a top speed of . California Screamin' closed in early 2018 and reopened as Incredicoaster, inspired by the 2004 computer-animated film \"\"The Incredibles\"\" and its 2018 sequel \"\"Incredibles 2,\"\" on June 23, 2018. Its opening coincided", "\"Cedar Point\"\ncoaster built by Vekoma, Woodstock Express. Cedar Point built the first giga coaster, Millennium Force, in 2000. When it debuted, it was the tallest and fastest complete-circuit roller coaster in the world, climbing and reaching a maximum speed of . In 2002, Wicked Twister opened as the tallest, fastest, and longest inverted impulse roller coaster of its kind. In the midst of a highly-competitive industry with other parks, Cedar Point again set new records the following year with the debut of Top Thrill Dragster, which opened as the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the world in 2003. It reached", "\"Magnum XL-200\"\nMagnum XL-200 Magnum XL-200, colloquially known as simply Magnum, is a steel roller coaster built by Arrow Dynamics at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. When built in 1989, it was the tallest, fastest, and steepest complete-circuit roller coaster in the world as well as the first hypercoaster – a roller coaster that exceeds in height. Some have credited Magnum with starting a period in the industry known as the \"\"roller coaster wars\"\", in which amusement parks competed with one another at a rapid pace to build the next tallest and fastest roller coaster. More than 40 million people had ridden", "\"Air time (rides)\"\nAir time (rides) In the context of amusement rides, air time, or airtime, refers to the time during which riders of a roller coaster or other ride experience either weightlessness or negative G-forces. With roller coasters, air time is usually achieved when the train travels over a hill at speed. In 2001 the Guinness World Records recorded , located at Six Flags Magic Mountain, Valencia, California, USA, as the fastest roller coaster in the world, where riders experienced a then record 6.5 seconds of 'airtime' or negative G-force. Hypercoasters, such as Magnum XL-200 at Cedar Point, Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland,", "\"Sandusky, Ohio\"\nworld when constructed in 1994), and Mantis (tallest and fastest stand-up roller coaster in the world when constructed in 1996). In 2000, Millennium Force was built, at tall, and top speed. In 2003, Cedar Point debuted Top Thrill Dragster. When it was built it was the tallest () and the fastest () roller coaster in the world. Cedar Point brought its roller coaster total to 17 in 2007 with the construction of Maverick. The park has been known for several years for having the most roller coasters and amusement rides in the world. It has long been nicknamed \"\"America's Roller", "\"Intimidator (roller coaster)\"\nis approximately . The angle of the first descent is approximately 74 degrees. Also, the roller coaster includes trim brakes and magnetic brakes for speed control. Intimidator (roller coaster) Intimidator is a steel roller coaster built by Bolliger & Mabillard at Carowinds. The roller coaster is located in the Celebration Plaza section of the park. Intimidator is the thirteenth roller coaster installed at Carowinds and is located near the entrance of the theme park. It is currently one of the tallest, fastest and longest roller coasters in the Southeast with a lift hill, a top speed of and a track", "\"Leviathan (roller coaster)\"\nLeviathan (roller coaster) Leviathan is a steel roller coaster in the Medieval Faire section of the park at Canada's Wonderland in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. It is the first roller coaster designed by Swiss firm Bolliger & Mabillard to exceed a height of , putting it in a class of roller coasters commonly referred to as \"\"giga\"\". At long, tall, and with a top speed of , Leviathan is the tallest and fastest roller coaster in Canada, taking the records previously held by Behemoth on the opposite side of the park. , Leviathan is ranked as the ninth-tallest roller coaster in", "\"Intimidator (roller coaster)\"\nIntimidator (roller coaster) Intimidator is a steel roller coaster built by Bolliger & Mabillard at Carowinds. The roller coaster is located in the Celebration Plaza section of the park. Intimidator is the thirteenth roller coaster installed at Carowinds and is located near the entrance of the theme park. It is currently one of the tallest, fastest and longest roller coasters in the Southeast with a lift hill, a top speed of and a track length of . It was announced on August 26, 2009 and opened March 27, 2010. The roller coaster's name comes from the nickname of NASCAR driver", "\"Jupiter (roller coaster)\"\nJupiter (roller coaster) Opening in 1992 (although other sources report that it opened in 1993), Jupiter was the first wooden roller coaster in Japan and the only wooden roller coaster in Japan until White Canyon opened at Yomiuriland amusement park and White Cyclone opened at Nagashima Spa Land amusement park (both in 1994). At over in length, Jupiter is the 7th longest wooden roller coaster in the world. Although Japan has had numerous notable roller coasters—including coasters that have held the record of world's longest, world's fastest, and world's tallest roller coaster—it has had relatively few wooden roller coasters. This", "\"Fury 325\"\nthe record holder since its debut in 2000 – by . It is also tied with Steel Dragon 2000 for the 2nd fastest giga coaster record as both roller coasters reach a maximum speed of , however Red Force at Ferrari Land reaches a top speed of 112 miles per hour (180 km/h). In terms of length, Steel Dragon 2000 retains the record as Fury 325 is shorter. Fury 325 is currently the seventh fastest, sixth tallest, and fourth longest roller coaster in the world. In North American rankings, the roller coaster is the tallest, fastest, and longest non-launched steel", "\"Leviathan (roller coaster)\"\nsculpture, there is an arcade building that was renovated during the construction of the roller coaster. Unlike most of the park's attractions, Leviathan has its own gift shop. Leviathan (roller coaster) Leviathan is a steel roller coaster in the Medieval Faire section of the park at Canada's Wonderland in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. It is the first roller coaster designed by Swiss firm Bolliger & Mabillard to exceed a height of , putting it in a class of roller coasters commonly referred to as \"\"giga\"\". At long, tall, and with a top speed of , Leviathan is the tallest and fastest", "\"Rivertown (Dreamworld)\"\nduring 2005. \"\"Mick Doohan's Motocoaster\"\" is an Intamin Motorbike Launch Roller Coaster named after the Moto GP champion Michael Doohan. Although being classified as one of Dreamworld's Big 8 Thrill Rides, the ride failed to gain support within its first year of operation. \"\"Tower of Terror II\"\" is a steel shuttle roller coaster which is ranked the fourth fastest roller coaster in the world. Opening on 23 January 1997, the ride held the world's fastest roller coaster record by itself for two months before opened which caused the ride to share the top spot. Tower of Terror II is also", "\"Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith\"\nRock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith is a launched roller coaster located at Disney's Hollywood Studios within Walt Disney World and at Walt Disney Studios Park within Disneyland Paris. Manufactured by Vekoma, the enclosed roller coaster features LSM electromagnetic technology, and the first of two installations opened at Disney World on July 29, 1999. It features recorded music and appearances from Aerosmith. The second installation opened at Disneyland Paris on March 16, 2002, and it is considered the fastest roller coaster in France. Rock 'n' Roller Coaster accelerates from 0 to in 2.8 seconds.", "\"Gemini (roller coaster)\"\nOriginally, Gemini operated 3 trains on each side of the roller coaster for a total of 6 trains. Gemini currently operates with 4 trains (2 on each side). Gemini (roller coaster) Gemini is a racing roller coaster with a wooden structure and steel track, located at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. Built in 1978 by Arrow Dynamics and designed by Ron Toomer, it is one of the oldest roller coasters in the park. When the ride opened, it was marketed as the tallest, fastest and steepest roller coaster in the world. All three record-breaking claims were falsely made as other", "\"Montu (roller coaster)\"\nMontu (roller coaster) Montu is an inverted roller coaster at Busch Gardens Tampa in Tampa, Florida. Built by Bolliger & Mabillard, it is the park's second roller coaster designed by the Swiss company following the success of Kumba which opened 3 years prior. When the ride opened on May 16, 1996, it was the world's tallest and fastest inverted roller coaster, a title it has since conceded to Alpengeist at sister park Busch Gardens Williamsburg. The ride stands tall and reaches speeds of . The concept of an inverted roller coaster with inversions was developed by Jim Wintrode, the general", "\"Millennium Roller Coaster\"\nMillennium Roller Coaster's track is intertwined with Jubilee Odyssey's, providing some Headchoppers especially when near Jubilee Odyssey's supports. Like Jubilee Odyssey, Millennium Roller Coaster is also affected by high winds (though not as badly as Jubilee Odyssey) and so in the case of bad weather or high winds Millennium Roller Coaster will not operate. With a top speed of 55.9 mph, it is the seventh fastest roller coaster in the UK. It is also the fourth tallest British roller coaster, with a maximum height of 45.5 metres. For years it's striking yellow and red paintwork could be seen from several", "\"Great American Scream Machine (Six Flags Great Adventure)\"\nGreat American Scream Machine (Six Flags Great Adventure) Great American Scream Machine was a steel roller coaster located at Six Flags Great Adventure. The 173-foot (53 m) tall ride was built in 1989 as the fastest looping roller coaster in the world, reaching speeds up to 68 mph (109 km/h). It was designed by Ron Toomer and built by Arrow Dynamics, which built its sister coasters Shockwave (dismantled in 2002) at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, Illinois and Viper at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California. All three coasters have three loops after the lift hill, a \"\"batwing\"\"", "\"Yukon Striker\"\nCoaster, four, and the longest Dive Coaster drop at . Upon completion, it will be the third tallest roller coaster in Canada, following Leviathan and Behemoth, two other roller coasters located at Canada's Wonderland. Yukon Striker is also expected to be the second fastest roller coaster in Canada, following Leviathan. With a 90-degree drop, it will also become the steepest roller coaster in Canada. After ten months of planning, permits were filed for a new roller coaster in early January 2018. These permits included the construction of a tunnel traveling under the pond within the park and up to nine", "\"Griffon (roller coaster)\"\na hospital after being hit with a balloon while riding the roller coaster. The balloon was in the process of being deflated when it broke free and was carried into Griffon's path due to strong winds. Griffon (roller coaster) Griffon is a steel Dive Coaster roller coaster located at the Busch Gardens Williamsburg amusement park in James City County, Virginia, United States. Designed by Bolliger & Mabillard, it is high, and is the second-fastest () Dive Coaster built. The roller coaster features two Immelmann loops, a splashdown, two vertical drops and was the first of its kind to use floorless", "\"Roller Coaster (Dai Nam Van Hien)\"\nRoller Coaster (Dai Nam Van Hien) Roller Coaster (Vietnamese: Tàu Lộn Vòng Siêu Tốc) is a steel roller coaster located at Đại Nam Văn Hiến in Bình Dương, Vietnam. The ride was built in late 2008. Currently it is the tallest and fastest roller coaster, and the one with the most inversions, in Vietnam. Except for the second loop the ride is almost an exact duplicate of a similar roller coaster at Dam Sen Cultural Park. The ride begins with a small drop, before the trains make a sharp U-turn to the right. Riders immediately climb the lift hill .", "\"The Beast (roller coaster)\"\nThe Beast (roller coaster) The Beast is a wooden roller coaster located at Kings Island in Mason, Ohio. Built in-house by the park, it opened in 1979 as the tallest, fastest, and longest wooden roller coaster in the world. Decades later, The Beast is still the longest at , spanning more than and utilizing the surrounding terrain for many of its elements. Two lift hills contribute to the ride's duration of more than four minutes, which also ranks as one of the longest among roller coasters. The Beast has been rated in the industry as one of the top roller", "\"Six Flags Great America\"\nroller coaster closed and took on a new look in 1980. Two loops were added, along with three tunnels, and the \"\"new\"\" ride was re-themed and renamed The Demon. The American Eagle, a pair of racing wooden roller coasters, opened in 1981. The two twin coasters share a drop of and they reach speeds of 66 mph (105 km/h). The bottom of the first drop is built below ground level. When the American Eagle first opened, it had the longest drop and fastest speeds of any wooden roller coaster in the world. It remains the tallest, fastest, and longest twin", "\"Thrust Air 2000\"\nThrust Air 2000 A Thrust Air 2000 (commonly known as a thrust air coaster) is a unique form of launched roller-coaster created by S&S Worldwide, Inc., that uses refrigerated, compressed air to shoot a rubber-wheeled car down a steel track. The Do-Dodonpa, located at Fuji-Q Highland, is the only production model in existence. It was once the fastest roller coaster in the world and is still one of the world's fastest accelerating roller coasters. Another model, the Hypersonic XLC, was opened at Kings Dominion in 2001, but it was later closed and put up for sale in 2007. Both models", "\"Taron (roller coaster)\"\nTaron (roller coaster) Taron is a multilaunch steel roller coaster manufactured by Intamin located at Phantasialand in Germany. It is the fastest and longest multi-launched roller coaster in the world. Taron opened on 30 June 2016. The ride is situated in the 'Klugheim' area of the theme park, a mythical village reflecting Old Norse cultures. The coaster sits in a canyon of basalt rock at the edge of the village. Also within the canyon is a new-for-2016 Family Boomerang roller coaster called Raik. Klugheim replaced the former Silver City themed area of the park. Upon departure from the station, the", "\"Gemini (roller coaster)\"\nGemini (roller coaster) Gemini is a racing roller coaster with a wooden structure and steel track, located at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. Built in 1978 by Arrow Dynamics and designed by Ron Toomer, it is one of the oldest roller coasters in the park. When the ride opened, it was marketed as the tallest, fastest and steepest roller coaster in the world. All three record-breaking claims were falsely made as other coasters around the world already beat Gemini. The all-steel Loch Ness Monster at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia, opened earlier that year before Gemini and was taller but", "\"American Eagle (roller coaster)\"\nAmerican Eagle (roller coaster) American Eagle is a wooden racing roller coaster located at Six Flags Great America. It was the first wooden roller coaster designed by Intamin of Switzerland and was built in 1981 by the contracting firm Figley-Wright. While the records have since been broken, American Eagle had the longest drop and fastest speed among wooden roller coasters when it debuted and is still recognized as a top racing coaster in the United States. Soaring high above the County Fair section of the park, this massive dual-track wooden racing coaster spans almost the entire southern edge of the", "\"Thrust Air 2000\"\nwere fabricated by Intermountain Lift, Inc. The prototype Thrust Air 2000 was made in 1999 at the S&S Power plant in Utah. Thrust Air 2000 A Thrust Air 2000 (commonly known as a thrust air coaster) is a unique form of launched roller-coaster created by S&S Worldwide, Inc., that uses refrigerated, compressed air to shoot a rubber-wheeled car down a steel track. The Do-Dodonpa, located at Fuji-Q Highland, is the only production model in existence. It was once the fastest roller coaster in the world and is still one of the world's fastest accelerating roller coasters. Another model, the Hypersonic", "\"Loch Ness Monster (roller coaster)\"\nLoch Ness Monster (roller coaster) The Loch Ness Monster is a steel roller coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, noted at the time of its opening in 1978 as the world's tallest and fastest roller coaster, as well as the first coaster with two interlocking loops. The Loch Ness remains the only roller coaster with two interlocking loops—other similar designs having been dismantled. In addition to the loops, which link over one of the park's water features, the design includes a helix tunnel, two lift hills and a drop. The ride sits within the park's Scottish hamlet, \"\"Heatherdowns\"\", and relates the", "\"Loch Ness Monster (roller coaster)\"\ntestified the mist sprayed only water – and had been subsequently removed, independent of the suit, for unknown reasons. Loch Ness Monster (roller coaster) The Loch Ness Monster is a steel roller coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, noted at the time of its opening in 1978 as the world's tallest and fastest roller coaster, as well as the first coaster with two interlocking loops. The Loch Ness remains the only roller coaster with two interlocking loops—other similar designs having been dismantled. In addition to the loops, which link over one of the park's water features, the design includes a helix", "\"Oblivion (roller coaster)\"\nOblivion (roller coaster) Oblivion is a steel roller coaster located at Alton Towers in England. The ride was marketed as 'the world's first vertical drop roller coaster' and opened to the public on 14 March 1998, amidst a large publicity campaign. It was the second in a long line of 'Secret Weapon' (SW4) rollercoasters to have opened at Alton Towers. The ride has a height restriction of . With a maximum speed of 68 mph, it is the third fastest roller coaster in the UK, behind Stealth at Thorpe Park and the Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach. During 1997,", "\"Kumba (roller coaster)\"\nroller coaster in Florida. In 1995, Kumba conceded the title of ride with the world's tallest vertical loop to Dragon Khan at PortAventura Park which features a vertical loop. In 1996, it conceded Florida's titles of tallest and longest roller coaster to Montu, a Bolliger & Mabillard roller coaster in the Egypt section of the park. In 1999, it conceded the fastest title to Islands of Adventure's The Incredible Hulk, yet another Bolliger & Mabillard roller coaster. The Kumba stands tall. With a top speed of , the ride features seven inversions including a vertical loop, a dive loop, a", "\"Cyclone (Revere Beach)\"\nCyclone (Revere Beach) The Cyclone was a wooden roller coaster that operated at Revere Beach in Revere, Massachusetts, from 1925 until 1969. When Cyclone was constructed, it was the tallest roller coaster ever built, as well as being the first roller coaster in the world to reach in height. In addition to being the tallest roller coaster of its day, some also claim that it was the largest and fastest roller coaster in the world, with a length of and top speeds between 45 and 50 mph (some dispute the speed record claim and instead award that honor to the", "\"Roller Coaster Corporation of America\"\nhis father Marvin Black and brother Stephen Black. The company prided itself in their manufacturing technique, which involved pre-manufacturing sections of the wooden structure and track at facilities off-site and then assembling on-site. This reduced what could otherwise be a year long construction project to around 6 months. In 1992, under the name Roller Coaster Corporation of Texas, they built the Rattler for Six Flags Fiesta Texas, which opened as the tallest, fastest, and steepest wooden coaster in the world. However, the RCCA faced criticism for rushing through testing, and the ride's high forces led to numerous injuries during the", "\"Launched roller coaster\"\nLaunched roller coaster The launched roller coaster is a modern form of roller coaster which has increased in use in the last two decades. In place of a traditional chain lift, the launched coaster initiates a ride with high amounts of acceleration via one or a series of linear induction motors (LIM), linear synchronous motors (LSM), catapults, or other mechanisms employing hydraulic or pneumatic power. This mode of acceleration powers many of the fastest rollercoasters in the world. Launched coasters mainly feature improved speed, and capability to accommodate more \"\"thrilling\"\" layouts. These coasters, however, can be less reliable than traditional", "\"Behemoth (roller coaster)\"\nBehemoth (roller coaster) Behemoth is a steel roller coaster at Canada's Wonderland in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. It is a Hypercoaster designed and developed by Swiss manufacturer, Bolliger & Mabillard. Behemoth was the tallest and fastest roller coaster in Canada until 2012 when Leviathan, a roller coaster also manufactured by Bolliger & Mabillard, was built at the opposite side of Canada's Wonderland, claiming these titles. Behemoth is similar to Diamondback (Kings Island), Intimidator (Carowinds), Goliath (La Ronde) and Nitro (Six Flags Great Adventure). After a year and a half of preparation and development, Behemoth premiered in May 2008. With its high", "\"Behemoth (roller coaster)\"\nthird as the Best New Ride of the year. Behemoth (roller coaster) Behemoth is a steel roller coaster at Canada's Wonderland in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. It is a Hypercoaster designed and developed by Swiss manufacturer, Bolliger & Mabillard. Behemoth was the tallest and fastest roller coaster in Canada until 2012 when Leviathan, a roller coaster also manufactured by Bolliger & Mabillard, was built at the opposite side of Canada's Wonderland, claiming these titles. Behemoth is similar to Diamondback (Kings Island), Intimidator (Carowinds), Goliath (La Ronde) and Nitro (Six Flags Great Adventure). After a year and a half of preparation and", "Tatsu\n\"\"Tatsu\"\" (filed on August 23, 2005) were later found by the public. Tatsu was officially announced to the public on November 17, 2005. Both Revolution and Roaring Rapids were temporarily closed in order for the roller coaster to be built. After construction and testing was complete, Tatsu opened to the public on May 13, 2006. Tatsu broke several records upon its opening. The roller coaster is the world's tallest, fastest, and longest flying roller coaster. The roller coaster also holds the record for the highest pretzel loop which is high and is currently the only Flying roller coaster to have", "\"Shambhala (roller coaster)\"\nHawker's Best Roller Coaster Poll at 6 in 2012 before dropping to 8 in 2013 as shown in the table below. The ride appeared in \"\"Amusement Today's\"\" Golden Ticket Awards for the first time in 2018 placing 45th in the top 50 steel roller coasters category. Shambhala (roller coaster) Shambhala: Expedición al Himalaya is a steel hypercoaster roller coaster located at PortAventura Park in Salou and Vilaseca, Spain. Manufactured by Bolliger & Mabillard, it was the tallest () and fastest hypercoaster () in Europe until Hyperion opened at Energylandia in Poland on July 14, 2018. It also has the second", "\"Desperado (roller coaster)\"\nas the world's tallest roller coaster in 1996. The ride was provided by Arrow Dynamics and fabricated by Intermountain Lift, Inc. Looking to attract people driving by on adjacent Interstate 15 to his new casino, Buffalo Bill's, which opened on May 14, 1994, Gary Primm contracted Arrow Dynamics to build a highly visible roller coaster. The roller coaster opened to the public on August 11, 1994, as one of the tallest and fastest roller coasters in the world. The ride's lift hill was the tallest in the United States, second behind only the Pepsi Max Big One at Blackpool Pleasure", "\"Superman: Escape from Krypton\"\nworld. However, since it was delayed, a similar roller coaster known as Tower of Terror, which also has a , had opened about a month earlier at Dreamworld in Australia. Superman therefore lost its claim as being the first roller coaster to reach , although it was then tied with Tower of Terror as the fastest roller coaster in the world. However, the ride became the first roller coaster in the world to go over 400 ft, therefore becoming the tallest roller coaster in the world at the time. In June 2004, Superman: The Escape's seat belts were modified because", "\"Rougarou (roller coaster)\"\nRougarou (roller coaster) Rougarou, formerly known as Mantis, is a floorless roller coaster located at Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio. Designed and built by Bolliger & Mabillard, the roller coaster originally opened in 1996 as a stand-up roller coaster called Mantis, which at the time was the tallest, fastest, and longest of its kind in the world. Cedar Point had planned to name the ride Banshee, but due to negative publicity following the announcement, the name was later changed to Mantis. In September 2014, Cedar Point announced the pending closure of Mantis scheduled the following month. The park", "\"Outlaw Run\"\nOutlaw Run Outlaw Run is a wooden roller coaster located at the Silver Dollar City amusement park in Branson, Missouri. The ride was the first wooden roller coaster manufactured by Rocky Mountain Construction and the first wooden roller coaster with multiple inversions, in which riders are turned upside-down and then back upright. The ride features three inversions and a top speed of , making \"\"Outlaw Run\"\" the sixth-fastest wooden roller coaster in the world. The first drop of the ride is the fourth steepest in the world among wooden roller coasters, at 81° beyond horizontal. Planning for \"\"Outlaw Run\"\" began", "\"Kingda Ka\"\n, followed by a drop of and spanning over a track by the end of the ride. Plans to build Kingda Ka were announced on September 10, 2003, at an event held for roller coaster enthusiasts and the media. The event revealed the park's goal to build \"\"the tallest and fastest roller coaster on earth\"\", reaching and accelerating up to in 3.5 seconds. On January 13, 2005, Kingda Ka's tower construction was completed, and on May 21, 2005, the ride opened to the public. Kingda Ka became the \"\"tallest\"\" and \"\"fastest\"\" roller coaster in the world, taking both world records", "\"Bandit (Yomiuriland)\"\nroller coaster enthusiast magazine \"\"Inside Track\"\" rated Bandit as being the 24th best roller coaster in the world. Bandit (Yomiuriland) Bandit's course is laid out as a terrain roller coaster. This means that it was custom-built to closely follow the contours of the hilly topography of Yomiuriland. Although the coaster's height is officially listed at , the layout of the terrain means that the difference between the highest and lowest points on the ride is actually (also a record when it was built). When Bandit was built in 1988, it held the record of being the fastest roller coaster in", "\"Kingda Ka\"\nKingda Ka Kingda Ka is a steel accelerator roller coaster located at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey. It is the world's tallest roller coaster, the world's second fastest roller coaster, and was the second strata coaster ever built. It was built by Stakotra, a subcontractor to Intamin. Riders have to be at least tall in order to be able to get on the roller coaster. The train is launched by a hydraulic launch mechanism to in 3.5 seconds. At the end of the launch track, the train climbs the main top hat tower, reaching a height of", "\"Buffalo Bill's\"\nBuffalo Bill's Buffalo Bill's is a hotel and casino in Primm, Nevada, United States, at the California state line. It is one of the Primm Valley Resorts, owned and operated by Affinity Gaming. It has 1,242 guest rooms and suites. The hotel is home to the Desperado roller coaster, one of the tallest (225 foot drop) and fastest (80 mph) roller coasters in the world, as well as a pool in the shape of a buffalo. The hotel-casino has two hotel room towers: the Annie Oakley Tower (the A Tower) and the Buffalo Bill Tower (B Tower). The casino has", "\"Mako (roller coaster)\"\nlength of . Touted as the tallest, longest, and fastest roller coaster in the Orlando theme-park market, Mako opened on June 10, 2016 to positive reviews from many guests. In 2016, \"\"Amusement Today\"\"'s annual Golden Ticket Awards voted Mako as the year's third-best new steel roller coaster and the 35th-best steel roller coaster. In April 2015, SeaWorld officials began teasing an upcoming announcement of a new thrill ride for their flagship park in Orlando, Florida. At the time, the only detail revealed was that the roller coaster would be 200 feet in height and would become the longest, tallest, and", "\"Six Flags Over Texas\"\nend of the decade, Six Flags Over Texas had added ten roller coasters to its list of attractions. During the first decade of the 21st century, Looney Tunes USA was restructured. In 2001, the park introduced its tallest, fastest, longest roller coaster, Titan. Built by Giovanola of Switzerland, it climbs and features a top speed of . It is the tallest, fastest, longest roller coaster in the park and in the state of Texas. In 2002, the park kicked off the Best of Texas Festival, which brought Texas history back to the park. The park has also made steps toward", "\"Titan (roller coaster)\"\nTitan (roller coaster) Titan is a steel hyper coaster located at Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington, Texas. Unlike most hypercoasters, Titan is a combination of an out and back roller coaster and a twister roller coaster. It stands at 245 feet and contains a 255 drop at 85 miles per hour. It is the tallest, fastest, and longest coaster in Texas. Six Flags Over Texas had plans to add a hypercoaster to the park for several years. An early proposal from Arrow Dynamics showed a hypercoaster over the park's reservoir next to Judge Roy Scream. In August 2000, Six", "\"Griffon (roller coaster)\"\nGriffon (roller coaster) Griffon is a steel Dive Coaster roller coaster located at the Busch Gardens Williamsburg amusement park in James City County, Virginia, United States. Designed by Bolliger & Mabillard, it is high, and is the second-fastest () Dive Coaster built. The roller coaster features two Immelmann loops, a splashdown, two vertical drops and was the first of its kind to use floorless trains. Griffon was announced to the public on August 23, 2006 and opened on May 18, 2007 to positive reviews by both newspapers and enthusiasts. In 2007, \"\"Amusement Today\"\"s annual Golden Ticket Awards voted it the", "\"Valravn (roller coaster)\"\nValravn (roller coaster) Valravn is a steel roller coaster at Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio. Built and designed by Bolliger & Mabillard (B&M), it opened on May 7, 2016, as the tallest, fastest, and longest Dive Coaster model in the world, and the first in the Cedar Fair chain. Valravn is also the first of its kind to use vest-style over-the-shoulder restraints and the third Dive Coaster overall to open in the United States. The installation marked the hundredth roller coaster from B&M, which dates back to the company's founding in 1988. Following on the heels of Rougarou,", "\"The Beast (roller coaster)\"\nwas tasked with designing the roller coaster footings – underground, steel-reinforced concrete pillars that support the weight of the structure – as well as a cable system for the helix. The collaboration between Dinn and Summers would later lead to the pair teaming up in the formation of the Dinn Corporation, a construction firm that went on to design and build eleven more coasters. The Beast opened on April 14, 1979, as the tallest, fastest, and longest wooden roller coaster in the world. It is often credited as the first modern-day wooden roller coaster to generate a marketing campaign. From", "\"Goliath (La Ronde)\"\nGoliath (La Ronde) Goliath is a steel coaster roller coaster at the La Ronde located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Designed by Bolliger & Mabillard, it reaches a maximum height of , a speed of , and a track length of . Construction commenced in September 2005, and the roller coaster opened to the public on May 13, 2006. Goliath was the tallest and fastest roller coaster in Canada until it was surpassed by Behemoth (another Bolliger & Mabillard roller coaster), at Canada's Wonderland's in 2008. Six Flags announced that Goliath would be hooked up with Virtual Reality for a New", "\"Gold Striker\"\nGold Striker for the 2009 season, but issues led to the project's cancellation. The project continued in 2012 when a permit was requested and approved to construct the roller coaster in the northern half of the park. Construction began in May 2012, and the first pieces of lumber were delivered the following month in early June. On July 25, 2012, Cedar Fair Entertainment Company filed a trademark for the name \"\"Gold Striker\"\". Gold Striker was officially announced on August 29, 2012 as being the tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster in Northern California. Representatives of the San Francisco 49ers were", "\"Buffalo Bill's\"\nfree single-car tram across the I-15 to Whiskey Pete's, although the connection takes a walk across the entire hotel. Buffalo Bill's Buffalo Bill's is a hotel and casino in Primm, Nevada, United States, at the California state line. It is one of the Primm Valley Resorts, owned and operated by Affinity Gaming. It has 1,242 guest rooms and suites. The hotel is home to the Desperado roller coaster, one of the tallest (225 foot drop) and fastest (80 mph) roller coasters in the world, as well as a pool in the shape of a buffalo. The hotel-casino has two hotel", "\"Shambhala (roller coaster)\"\nShambhala (roller coaster) Shambhala: Expedición al Himalaya is a steel hypercoaster roller coaster located at PortAventura Park in Salou and Vilaseca, Spain. Manufactured by Bolliger & Mabillard, it was the tallest () and fastest hypercoaster () in Europe until Hyperion opened at Energylandia in Poland on July 14, 2018. It also has the second longest drop of any roller coaster in the continent (). The height record was beaten in April 2017 by Red Force, which was also opened in PortAventura World's new theme park Ferrari Land, this coaster reaches a height of 367 feet (112m).. Shambhala is named and", "\"Magnum XL-200\"\nan ACE Roller Coaster Landmark on June 21, 2004, at the 27th Annual Convention of the American Coaster Enthusiasts. It received the designation for inspiring more than a dozen similar rides on three continents and for being the first hypercoaster. Magnum XL-200 Magnum XL-200, colloquially known as simply Magnum, is a steel roller coaster built by Arrow Dynamics at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. When built in 1989, it was the tallest, fastest, and steepest complete-circuit roller coaster in the world as well as the first hypercoaster – a roller coaster that exceeds in height. Some have credited Magnum with", "\"Taron (roller coaster)\"\nand it is taken without pause, accelerating the train to its top speed of 72.7 mph. When opened on June 30, 2016 Taron held records for: Taron (roller coaster) Taron is a multilaunch steel roller coaster manufactured by Intamin located at Phantasialand in Germany. It is the fastest and longest multi-launched roller coaster in the world. Taron opened on 30 June 2016. The ride is situated in the 'Klugheim' area of the theme park, a mythical village reflecting Old Norse cultures. The coaster sits in a canyon of basalt rock at the edge of the village. Also within the canyon", "\"Kingda Ka\"\nafter suffering minor injuries from being struck by a bird during normal operation. The ride resumed normal operation shortly after the incident. Kingda Ka Kingda Ka is a steel accelerator roller coaster located at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey. It is the world's tallest roller coaster, the world's second fastest roller coaster, and was the second strata coaster ever built. It was built by Stakotra, a subcontractor to Intamin. Riders have to be at least tall in order to be able to get on the roller coaster. The train is launched by a hydraulic launch mechanism to", "\"Blackpool Pleasure Beach\"\nAwards. The park is host to many records, including the largest number of roller coasters of any park in the United Kingdom with ten, of which four are wooden: the Big Dipper, Blue Flyer, Grand National and Nickelodeon Streak. Many of the roller coasters in the park are record breaking attractions. When it opened in 1994, the Big One was the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the world. It was also the steepest, with an incline angle of 65° and one of the longest, measuring . Currently, the ride holds the record as the tallest roller coaster in the", "\"Corkscrew (Valleyfair)\"\nCorkscrew (Valleyfair) Corkscrew is the name of a roller coaster at Valleyfair in Shakopee, Minnesota featuring one vertical loop and two corkscrews. Built in 1980, Corkscrew was planned to reflect the design of its sister roller coaster Corkscrew at Cedar Point. It is notably one of the first roller coasters to feature a double corkscrew, as well as a vertical loop. The main differences that the Valleyfair model has is the addition of a finale helix and the omission of the camelback before the loop. Until the hypercoaster Wild Thing (the fifth highest and fastest roller coaster in the world", "\"Stealth (roller coaster)\"\nStealth (roller coaster) Stealth is a steel roller coaster located in the Amity area of Thorpe Park in Surrey, England, UK. Built and designed by Intamin of Switzerland for £12 million, the Accelerator Coaster model opened in 2006. Riders reach a maximum height of and accelerate from 0 to in 1.9 seconds. It has the fastest acceleration of any coaster in the UK, and is the tallest among launch coasters in the country. After passengers are securely restrained, the launch sequence begins with the retracting of the brake fins as the train attaches to the catch car. An American-accented voice", "\"The Beast (roller coaster)\"\nthe achievement located near the main entrance to the ride. , The Beast ranks third among other Kings Island attractions in the number of rides given, which is over 53 million. The Beast (roller coaster) The Beast is a wooden roller coaster located at Kings Island in Mason, Ohio. Built in-house by the park, it opened in 1979 as the tallest, fastest, and longest wooden roller coaster in the world. Decades later, The Beast is still the longest at , spanning more than and utilizing the surrounding terrain for many of its elements. Two lift hills contribute to the ride's", "\"Time Traveler (roller coaster)\"\ncompletion would be the tallest, fastest, and longest spinning roller coaster in the world. The ride was announced to be manufactured by Mack Rides at the cost of $26 million to design and build. Among its records, the roller coaster would be the only spinning roller coaster with a double launch, vertical loop, and three inversions. On September 19, 2017, the final piece of track was placed for the attraction, with a park spokesman saying that the ride was about 50 percent complete. The trains for the ride were officially revealed on November 14, 2017 during the International Association of", "\"Rougarou (roller coaster)\"\nlater revealed that Mantis wouldn't be removed but would be transformed into a floorless roller coaster design for the 2015 season. It reopened as Rougarou on May 9, 2015. On September 8, 1995, Cedar Point announced plans to build a new roller coaster, which would open as the tallest, fastest, and longest stand-up roller coaster in the world. The ride was to be named Banshee after the mythical wailing ghost in Irish folklore. In the days following the announcement, there was some negative reaction from the public regarding the term Banshee, which in the dictionary is described as a female", "\"Six Flags Discovery Kingdom\"\ntwo corkscrews. Medusa is one of the park's most popular rides. With the addition of Medusa, the park also received the Cobra family coaster and built a new parking lot south of the park. The park received its fifth major roller coaster in 2001, . Built by Intamin, the ride was the first \"\"Spiraling Impulse Coaster\"\" on the West Coast and took the record for being the tallest and fastest coaster in Northern California. The ride was plagued with technical issues when it opened, which resulted in extensive down time. The park also eventually turned off the LIM motor on", "\"Thunderbolt (Savin Rock)\"\nThunderbolt (Savin Rock) Thunderbolt was a wooden roller coaster which operated at Savin Rock Amusement Park in West Haven, Connecticut, from 1925 until 1938 when it was destroyed by a hurricane. It was rebuilt in modified form in 1939 and it continued to operate until 1956. When it was first built, it was purported to be the fastest roller coaster in the world. Originally named \"\"The Bobs\"\", the coaster was best known by its later name of Thunderbolt. It was designed by noted roller coaster engineers Frank Prior and Frederick Church and built by the Traver Engineering Company. The coaster", "\"Formula Rossa\"\nacceleration and up to 4.8 g throughout the ride. The roller coaster track is in length, ranking it sixth in the world for steel roller coasters. Its shape was inspired by the legendary Italian racetrack Autodromo Nazionale Monza. Due to the high air speeds and thus risk of an impact with airborne particulates or insects, all riders are required to wear protective glasses similar to those used during skydiving. Formula Rossa surpassed Kingda Ka at Six Flags Great Adventure as the world's fastest roller coaster with Kingda Ka retaining the record of the tallest roller coaster in the world. Ferrari", "\"Patriot (California's Great America)\"\nPatriot (California's Great America) Patriot is a floorless roller coaster located in Celebration Plaza at the California's Great America amusement park in Santa Clara, California, United States. The roller coaster originally opened as Vortex on March 9, 1991. It was a stand-up roller coaster designed by Werner Stengel and manufactured by Bolliger & Mabillard. Vortex last operated as a stand-up coaster on September 5, 2016, and it reopened as Patriot on April 1, 2017. The ride was converted to a sit-down configuration featuring new floorless trains and a new color scheme. </div> Vortex was a stand-up roller coaster that officially", "\"Tower of Terror II\"\nRoller Coaster was shared between the two rides for the next four years until Dodonpa at Fuji-Q Highland opened in December 2001. The title of the World's Tallest Roller Coaster Drop remained for a longer period of time. In 2003, Top Thrill Dragster opened at Cedar Point with a drop taller than the drop of the \"\"Tower of Terror\"\". , \"\"Tower of Terror II\"\" has the fourth tallest lift, the fifth fastest speed, and the third-longest drop among steel roller coasters in the world. Tower of Terror II The Tower of Terror II is a steel shuttle roller coaster located", "\"Time Traveler (roller coaster)\"\nTime Traveler (roller coaster) Time Traveler is a steel spinning roller coaster located at the Silver Dollar City theme park in Branson, Missouri, United States. Manufactured by Mack Rides, the ride was done in collaboration with the park becoming the first new roller coaster added since Outlaw Run opened in 2013. Time Traveler features the fictional story of clockmaker Charles Henry and his daughter spotlighting human achievements through time travel. The ride reaches a height of with a maximum speed of and a total track length of . Upon opening, the ride became the fastest and tallest complete circuit spinning", "\"Kumba (roller coaster)\"\nKumba (roller coaster) Kumba is a steel roller coaster located at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay in Tampa, Florida. Manufactured by Bolliger & Mabillard, the ride opened in 1993. It stands tall and has a top speed of . Kumba features a total of seven inversions across the 3-minute ride. Kumba was officially announced in November 1992 as a record-breaking Bolliger & Mabillard roller coaster set to become the park's signature attraction. The ride officially opened to the public on April 20, 1993. When Kumba opened, it featured the world's tallest vertical loop, and was also the tallest, fastest and longest", "\"Outlaw Run\"\nTicket Awards. The ride won the Golden Ticket Award for Best New Ride with 45% of the vote. It also ranked at position 7 for the world's best wooden roller coasters. Outlaw Run Outlaw Run is a wooden roller coaster located at the Silver Dollar City amusement park in Branson, Missouri. The ride was the first wooden roller coaster manufactured by Rocky Mountain Construction and the first wooden roller coaster with multiple inversions, in which riders are turned upside-down and then back upright. The ride features three inversions and a top speed of , making \"\"Outlaw Run\"\" the sixth-fastest wooden", "\"Leviathan (roller coaster)\"\ndrop was not yet installed. , Leviathan is Bolliger & Mabillard's second tallest and fastest roller coaster, and the company's first giga coaster – a class of roller coasters with a height or drop that exceeds . One cycle of the ride lasts about 3 minutes and 28 seconds. After leaving the station, the train turns 180 degrees to the right, then begins to climb the chain lift hill. Once at the top of the lift, it drops to the ground at an 80-degree angle, reaching . Following the first drop, the train goes through a tunnel next to the", "\"Wildfire (Kolmården Wildlife Park)\"\nWildfire (Kolmården Wildlife Park) Wildfire is a wooden roller coaster at Kolmården Wildlife Park located in Kolmården, Sweden. Manufactured by Rocky Mountain Construction, the roller coaster is both the fastest wooden coaster in Europe, and second tallest wooden coaster in the world. Throughout the 2-minute ride, trains travel through three inversions and twelve airtime hills, while reaching speeds of up to . In April 2014, Wildfire was revealed in a press release on Kolmården's official website. The roller coaster was Rocky Mountain Construction's first in Europe, and Vekoma manufactured the power and control systems of the ride. On 28 October", "\"Wildfire (Kolmården Wildlife Park)\"\nroll. The ride finishes with a ski-slalom style right to left section before hitting the brakes and returning to the station. Wildfire (Kolmården Wildlife Park) Wildfire is a wooden roller coaster at Kolmården Wildlife Park located in Kolmården, Sweden. Manufactured by Rocky Mountain Construction, the roller coaster is both the fastest wooden coaster in Europe, and second tallest wooden coaster in the world. Throughout the 2-minute ride, trains travel through three inversions and twelve airtime hills, while reaching speeds of up to . In April 2014, Wildfire was revealed in a press release on Kolmården's official website. The roller coaster", "\"Formula Rossa\"\nFormula Rossa Formula Rossa (Arabic: فورمولا روسا) is a launched roller coaster located at Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Manufactured by Intamin, Formula Rossa is the world's fastest roller coaster with a top speed of . In its planning stage it was called F1 Coaster. On 4 November 2010, the roller coaster officially opened to the public. The coaster train accelerates to its top speed in 5 seconds using a hydraulic launch system which generates a release velocity similar to that of steam catapults on an aircraft carrier. Riders experience up to 1.7 g of force during", "RailBlazer\nRailBlazer RailBlazer is a steel roller coaster at California's Great America in Santa Clara, California. Manufactured by Rocky Mountain Construction, the single-rail roller coaster, opened in 2018, is one of only two of its kind in the world, along with Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Coaster at Six Flags Fiesta Texas. It is the park's ninth roller coaster and features a 90-degree drop, three inversions, and an off-roading adventure theme. California's Great America announced RailBlazer on August 16, 2017, and accompanied it with an official groundbreaking ceremony. On the same day, the park released a simulated POV of the roller coaster.", "Skyrush\nSkyrush Skyrush is an Intamin prototype Wing Coaster with winged seating at Hersheypark in Hershey, Pennsylvania. It opened to the general public on May 26, 2012. Skyrush is Hersheypark's 12th roller coaster, and its third coaster made by Intamin. Skyrush is the tallest and fastest roller coater located at Hersheypark. Skyrush features a cable lift (measured to the creek floor) that raises the train at a rate. The roller coaster is located in The Hollow section of Hersheypark, next to the Comet and SooperDooperLooper, and the ride itself is mainly set above Spring Creek. The attraction was proposed to Derry", "\"Jubilee Odyssey\"\nSwarm at Thorpe Park, which was completed in 2012 at a cost of £20,000,000. Odyssey is the largest SLC (Suspended Looping Coaster) in the world. Its 38-metre vertical loop is the highest in the United Kingdom and the fourth highest in the world. With a maximum height of 51 metres, it is the third tallest UK roller coaster. Its 43-metre drop is also the third highest in England. Its top speed of 63 mph makes it the fourth fastest roller coaster in the UK. It was ranked 209th in Mitch Hawker's Roller Coaster Poll in 2007 and 177th in 2008." ]
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1 . what city was built as the new capital for the abbasids
[ "Samarra", "Baghdad", "Raqqa" ]
[ "\"Abbasid architecture\"\nand Kufa to Mecca, levelled the surface and built walls and ditches in some areas, and built stations for the pilgrims with rooms and a mosque in which to pray. In 762 the caliph al-Mansur founded a new capital of Baghdad on the Tigris, which soon grew to one of the largest cities in the world. In 836 the caliph al-Mu'tasim transferred the capital to Samarra. The Abbasids began to lose control over the outlying parts of the empire, with local dynasties gaining effective independence in Khorasan (Samanids) in eastern Iran, Egypt (Tulunids) and Ifriqiya (Aghlabids). The caliph al-Mu'tamid, by", "\"Round city of Baghdad\"\nRound city of Baghdad The round city of Baghdad is the original core of Baghdad, built by the Abbasid Caliph al-Mansur in AD 762–767 as the official residence of the Abbasid court. Its official name in Abbasid times was The City of Peace ( \"\"Madīnat as-Salām\"\"). The famous library known as the House of Wisdom was located within its grounds. On 30 July 762, the caliph Al-Mansur commissioned the construction of the round city, and it was built under the supervision of the Barmakids. Mansur believed that Baghdad was the perfect city to be the capital of the Islamic empire", "Amol\nthere was. Amol, in the era of the Alid dynasties and Marashis dynasty, was the capital of Northern Iran. The inhabitants of Amol embraced Islam during the reign of Mahdi (775–785), the Abbasid Caliph. Amol was also the capital city of the Bavand dynasty and Ziyarid dynasty. Today, Amol is a thriving modern metropolis. In the Abbasid Caliphate of the ninth century, Amol was one of the largest cities in Iran. Khalid ibn Barmak built a palace in the city and ruled for years. People from the Qarinvand dynasty arrived a couple of years and fought with the Abbasid Caliphate", "\"Iran–Iraq relations\"\nIslamic caliphates. It was ruled by the Abbasid dynasty of caliphs, who built their capital in Baghdad (Iraq). The Abbasids had depended heavily on the support of Persians in their overthrow of the Umayyads. Abu al-'Abbas' successor, al-Mansur, moved their capital from Damascus to the new city of Baghdad and welcomed non-Arab Muslims to their court. During the reign of its first seven caliphs, Baghdad became a center of power where Arab and Iranian cultures mingled to produce a blaze of philosophical, scientific, and literary glory. This era is remembered throughout the Muslim world, and by Iraqis in particular, as", "Baghdad\n11th century, \"\"Baghdad\"\" became almost the exclusive name for the world-renowned metropolis. After the fall of the Umayyads, the first Muslim dynasty, the victorious Abbasid rulers wanted their own capital from which they could rule. They chose a site north of the Sassanid capital of Ctesiphon (and also just north of where ancient Babylon had once stood), and on 30 July 762 the caliph Al-Mansur commissioned the construction of the city. It was built under the supervision of the Barmakids. Mansur believed that Baghdad was the perfect city to be the capital of the Islamic empire under the Abbasids. Mansur", "\"Islamic architecture\"\nwhich better fit with the Islamic style of prayer. The Abbasid dynasty (750 AD<nowiki>-</nowiki> 1258) witnessed the movement of the capital from Damascus to Baghdad, and then from Baghdad to Samarra. The shift to Baghdad influenced politics, culture, and art. The Great Mosque of Samarra, once the largest in the world, was built for the new capital. Other major mosques built in the Abbasid Dynasty include the Mosque of Ibn Tulun in Cairo, Abu Dalaf in Iraq, the great mosque in Tunis. Abbasid architecture in Iraq as exemplified in the Fortress of Al-Ukhaidir (c.775-6) demonstrated the \"\"despotic and the pleasure-loving", "\"History of Islam\"\nof Isfahan had fallen to them by 1237. With the election of Khan Mongke in 1251, Mongol targeted the Abbasid capital, Baghdad. Mongke's brother, Hulegu, was made leader of the Mongol Army assigned to the task of subduing Baghdad. The fall of Bagdhad in 1258 destroyed what had been the largest city in Islam. The last Abbasid caliph, al-Musta'sim, was captured and killed; and Baghdad was ransacked and destroyed. The cities of Damascus and Aleppo fell in 1260. Plans for the conquest of Egypt were delayed due to the death of Mongke at around the same time. The Abbasid army", "Raqqa\nend of the Umayyad Caliphate and the beginning of the Abbasid Caliphate. Raqqa lay on the crossroads between Syria and Iraq and the road between Damascus, Palmyra and the temporary seat of the caliphate Resafa, al-Ruha'. Between 771 and 772, the Abbasid caliph al-Mansur built a garrison city about to the west of Raqqa for a detachment of his Khorasanian Persian army. It was named al-Rāfiqah, \"\"the companion\"\". The strength of the Abbasid imperial military is still visible in the impressive city wall of al-Rāfiqah. Raqqa and al-Rāfiqah merged into one urban complex, together larger than the former Umayyad capital,", "\"History of Iran\"\nend of the Arab empire and the beginning of a more inclusive, multiethnic state in the Middle East. One of the first changes the Abbasids made after taking power from the Umayyads was to move the empire's capital from Damascus, in the Levant, to Iraq. The latter region was influenced by Persian history and culture, and moving the capital was part of the Persian mawali demand for Arab influence in the empire. The city of Baghdad was constructed on the Tigris River, in 762, to serve as the new Abbasid capital. The Abbasids established the position of vizier like Barmakids", "\"Ahmad ibn Tulun\"\nIbn Tulun's growing power was manifested in the establishment of a new palace city to the northeast of Fustat, called al-Qata'i, in 870. The project was a conscious emulation of, and rival to, the Abbasid capital Samarra. Just like Samarra, the new city was designed as quarters for Ibn Tulun's new army with the aim of reducing frictions with the urban populace of Fustat. Each unit received an allotment or ward (whence the city's name) to settle, after which the ward was named. The new city's centrepiece was the Mosque of Ibn Tulun, which was built in 878–880 under the", "\"Round city of Baghdad\"\nunder the Abbasids. Mansur loved the site so much he is quoted saying, \"\"This is indeed the city that I am to found, where I am to live, and where my descendants will reign afterward\"\". The goal was to replace Harran as the seat of the caliphal government; however, a city of Baghdad is mentioned in pre-Islamic texts, including the Talmud, and the Abbasid city was likely built on the site of this earlier settlement. Baghdad eclipsed Ctesiphon, the capital of the Sasanian Empire, which was located some to the southeast, which had been under Muslim control since 637, and", "\"Abbasid Caliphate\"\nancient Sasanian capital city of Ctesiphon. The Abbasid period was marked by reliance on Persian bureaucrats (notably the Barmakid family) for governing the territories as well as an increasing inclusion of non-Arab Muslims in the \"\"ummah\"\" (national community). Persianate customs were broadly adopted by the ruling elite, and they began patronage of artists and scholars. Baghdad became a centre of science, culture, philosophy and invention in what became known as the Golden Age of Islam. Despite this initial cooperation, the Abbasids of the late 8th century had alienated both non-Arab \"\"mawali\"\" (clients) and Iranian bureaucrats. They were forced to cede", "\"Ibn Ishaq\"\nIshaq told them that he did meet her. Also ibn Ishaq disputed with the young Malik ibn Anas, famous for the Maliki School of Fiqh. Leaving Medina (or forced to leave), he traveled eastwards towards what is now Iraq, stopping in Kufa, also al-Jazīra, and into Iran as far as Ray, before returning west. Eventually he settled in Baghdad. There, the new Abbasid dynasty, having overthrown the Umayyad caliphs, was establishing a new capital. Ibn Isḥaq moved to the capital and found patrons in the new regime. He became a tutor employed by the Abbasid caliph Al-Mansur, who commissioned him", "Persianization\ncertainly, Persian remained the language of official business of the caliphate until the adoption of Arabic toward the end of the 7th century, when, in 692, minting began at the caliphal capital, Damascus. The new Islamic coins evolved from imitations of Sasanian and Byzantine coins, and the Pahlavi script on the coinage was replaced with Arabic. The Abbasids, after 750, established their capital in what is now Iraq, eventually at Baghdad. A shift in orientation toward the east is discernible, which was encouraged by increased receptiveness to Persian cultural influence and the roots of the Abbasid revolution in Khorasan, now", "Arabs\nAbbasids led a revolt against the Umayyads and defeated them in the Battle of the Zab effectively ending their rule in all parts of the Empire with the exception of al-Andalus. In 762, the second Abbasid Caliph al-Mansur founded the city of Baghdad and declared it the capital of the Caliphate. Unlike the Umayyads, the Abbasids had the support of non-Arab subjects. The Islamic Golden Age was inaugurated by the middle of the 8th century by the ascension of the Abbasid Caliphate and the transfer of the capital from Damascus to the newly founded city of Baghdad. The Abbassids were", "\"Islamic Cairo\"\nthe general Jawhar al-Siqilli (the Sicilian) to build Cairo and for the Fatimid Caliph al-Muizz to leave his old capital Mahdia in Tunisia and settle in the new Fatimid capital in Egypt. After Memphis, Heliopolis, Giza and the Byzantine fortress of Babylon-in-Egypt, Fustat was a new city built as a military garrison for Arab troops. It was the closest central location to Arabia that was accessible to the Nile. Fustat became a regional center of Islam during the Umayyad period. It was where the Umayyad ruler, Marwan II, made his last stand against the Abbasids. Later, during the Fatimid era,", "\"Siege of Damascus (634)\"\ndazzling cities of the world, until in 750, when it fell to the Abbasids. On August 25, 750, the Abbasids, having already beaten the Umayyads in the Battle of the Zab in Iraq, conquered Damascus after facing little resistance. With the heralding of the Abbasid Caliphate, Damascus became eclipsed and subordinated by Baghdad, the new Islamic capital. Siege of Damascus (634) The Siege of Damascus (634) lasted from 21 August to 19 September 634 AD before the city fell to the Rashidun Caliphate. Damascus was the first major city of the Byzantine (Roman) empire to fall in the Muslim conquest", "\"Abbasid Samarra\"\nby new construction and cultivation. The Iraq War (2003–2011) also caused damage to the site, including in 2005 when a bomb was detonated at the top of the minaret of the Great Mosque. The palace complex of Sur Ashinas was the site of fighting between the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and the Iraqi Army and tribal militias during the ISIL offensive in Iraq in 2015. The Samarra Archaeological City was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2007. Abbasid Samarra Samarra is a city in central Iraq, which served as the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate", "\"History of Baghdad\"\nwere what originally gave the city such a dense population, but as the army continued to need supplies more and more people flooded to the city for jobs, thus being another reason Baghdad became a center of commerce. Baghdad also being named the new capital of the Abbasid caliphate drew numerous people in for the prestige and name alone. Al-Mansur designated a governor of Baghdad and sent with him a number of elites who gave the city a higher status and poise, drawing more and more scholars to study in such a well-educated and cosmopolitan city. Baghdad grew and developed", "Fustat\nare on display in Cairo's Museum of Islamic Art. Fustat was the capital of Egypt for approximately 500 years. After the city's founding in 641, its authority was uninterrupted until 750, when the Abbasid dynasty staged a revolt against the Umayyads. This conflict was focused not in Egypt, but elsewhere in the Arab world. When the Abbasids gained power, they moved various capitals to more controllable areas. They had established the centre of their caliphate in Baghdad, moving the capital from its previous Umayyad location at Damascus. Similar moves were made throughout the new dynasty. In Egypt, they moved the", "\"Medina Azahara\"\nreason for its construction was politico-ideological: the dignity of the Caliph required the establishment of a new city, a symbol of his power, imitating other Eastern Caliphates. It was built in Córdoba because it had been the capital of the region (Betis) in Roman times; this made it easier for the Emirate and Caliphate of Cordoba to rule, while they existed, over al-Andalus. Above all, it demonstrated his superiority over his great rivals, the Fatimids of Ifriqiya in Northern Africa, as well as the Abbasids in Baghdad. Legend also says it was built as a tribute for the Caliph's favorite", "Al-Askar\nAl-Askar al-‘Askar () was the capital of Egypt from 750-868, when Egypt was a province of the Abbasid Caliphate. After the Muslim conquest of Egypt in 641, Rashidun commander Amr ibn al-As established Fustat just north of Coptic Cairo. At Caliph Umar's request, the Egyptian capital was moved from Alexandria to the new city on the eastern side of the Nile. The reach of the Umayyads was extensive, stretching from western Spain all the way to eastern China. However, they were overthrown by the Abbasids, who moved the capital of the Umayyad empire itself to Baghdad. In Egypt, this shift", "\"Abbasid Revolution\"\nyears prior – began a pro-Abbasid riot starting at the city's citadel. On September 2, 749, al-Hasan bin Qahtaba essentially just walked right in to the city and set up shop. Some confusion followed when Abu Salama, an Abbasid officer, pushed for an Alid leader. Abu Muslim's confidante Abu Jahm reported what was happening, and the Abbasids acted preemptively. On Friday, November 28, 749, before the siege of Wasit had even finished, As-Saffah, the great-grandson of Muhammad's uncle, al-Abbas, was recognized as the new caliph in the mosque at Kufa. Abu Salama, who witnessed twelve military commanders from the revolution", "Iraq\nthe prophet Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, Ali, moved his capital to Kufa when he became the fourth caliph. The Umayyad Caliphate ruled the province of Iraq from Damascus in the 7th century. (However, eventually there was a separate, independent Caliphate of Córdoba in Iberia.) The Abbasid Caliphate built the city of Baghdad in the 8th century as its capital, and the city became the leading metropolis of the Arab and Muslim world for five centuries. Baghdad was the largest multicultural city of the Middle Ages, peaking at a population of more than a million, and was the centre of learning", "Cairo\noldest mosque that still retains its original form and is a rare example of Abbasid architecture from the classical period of Islamic civilization. It was built in 876–879 AD in a style inspired by the Abbasid capital of Samarra in Iraq. It is one of the largest mosques in Cairo and is often cited as one of the most beautiful. Another Abbasid construction, the Nilometer on Rhoda Island, is the oldest original structure in Cairo, built in 862 AD. It was designed to measure the level of the Nile, which was important for agricultural and administrative purposes. The settlement that", "Baghdad\nThe justification for the Abbasid Caliphate was based on the Abbasids being the descendants of the uncle of Muhammad and being part of the Quraysh tribe. They used Shi'a resentment, Khorasanian movement, and appeals to the ambitions and traditions of the newly conquered Persian aristocracy to overthrow the Umayyads. The Abbasids sought to combine the hegemony of the Arab tribes with the imperial, court, ceremonial, and administrative structures of the Persians. The Abbasids considered themselves the inheritors of Arab-Islamic culture. Harun al-Rashid needed to place the capital in a place that was representative of Arab-Islamic identity and built the House", "Damascus\nresistance. With the heralding of the Abbasid Caliphate, Damascus became eclipsed and subordinated by Baghdad, the new Islamic capital. Within the first six months of Abbasid rule, revolts began erupting in the city, albeit too isolated and unfocused to present a viable threat. Nonetheless, the last of the prominent Umayyads were executed, the traditional officials of Damascus ostracised, and army generals from the city were dismissed. Afterwards, the Umayyad family cemetery was desecrated and the city walls were torn down, reducing Damascus into a provincial town of little importance. It roughly disappeared from written records for the next century and", "Aghlabids\nstill constituted the great majority. Ibrahim was to control an area that encompassed eastern Algeria, Tunisia and Tripolitania. Although independent in all but name, his dynasty never ceased to recognise Abbasid overlordship. The Aghlabids paid an annual tribute to the Abbasid Caliph and their suzerainty was referenced in the \"\"khutba\"\" at Friday prayers. After the pacification of the country Ibrahim ibn al Aghlab established a residence at a new capital, al-Abbasiyya, which was founded outside Kairouan, partly to distance himself from the opposition of the Malikite jurists and theologians, who condemned what they saw as the luxurious life of the", "\"Abbasid Samarra\"\nAbbasid Samarra Samarra is a city in central Iraq, which served as the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate from 836 to 892. Founded by the caliph al-Mu'tasim, Samarra was briefly a major metropolis that stretched dozens of kilometers along the east bank of the Tigris, but was largely abandoned in the latter half of the 9th century, especially following the return of the caliphs to Baghdad. Due to the relatively short period of occupation, extensive ruins of Abbasid Samarra have survived into modern times. The layout of the city can still be seen via aerial photography, revealing a vast network", "\"Abbasid Caliphate\"\nwere also eliminated. Immediately after their victory, As-Saffah sent his forces to Central Asia, where his forces fought against Tang expansion during the Battle of Talas. The noble Iranian family Barmakids, who were instrumental in building Baghdad, introduced the world's first recorded paper mill in the city, thus beginning a new era of intellectual rebirth in the Abbasid domain. As-Saffah focused on putting down numerous rebellions in Syria and Mesopotamia. The Byzantines conducted raids during these early distractions. The first change the Abbasids, under Al-Mansur, made was to move the empire's capital from Damascus, in Syria, to Baghdad in Iraq.", "\"Abbasid Caliphate\"\nEuphrates. Finally, in 836, al-Mu'tasim moved the capital to a new site that he created along the Tigris, called Samarra. This city saw 60 years of work, with race-courses and game preserves to add to the atmosphere. Due to the dry remote nature of the environment, some of the palaces built in this era were isolated havens. Al-Ukhaidir Fortress is a fine example of this type of building which has stables, living quarters, and a mosque, all surrounding inner courtyards. Other mosques of this era, such as the Mosque of Ibn Tulun, in Cairo, and the Great Mosque of Kairouan", "\"Early Middle Ages\"\nephemeral and limited mostly to semi-permanent soldier camps. The Abbasid Caliphate, ruled by the Abbasid dynasty of caliphs, was the third of the Islamic caliphates. Under the Abbasids, the Islamic Golden Age philosophers, scientists, and engineers of the Islamic world contributed enormously to technology, both by preserving earlier traditions and by adding their own inventions and innovations. Scientific and intellectual achievements blossomed in the period. The Abbasids built their capital in Baghdad after replacing the Umayyad caliphs from all but the Iberian peninsula. The influence held by Muslim merchants over African-Arabian and Arabian-Asian trade routes was tremendous. As a result,", "\"Ziyadid dynasty\"\nsoldiers and arrived there in 818. He fought numerous battles against the tribes and won control over the Tihama lowland in the next year. Following his victories, Muhammad was appointed amir of Yemen by al-Ma'mun with the task to restrain 'Alid Shi'a influence. Muhammad established a new city, Zabid, as his capital. It was built in a circular shape and situated midway between the sea and the mountains. He was able to expand his influence into Hadramawt and parts of highland Yemen, all the while recognizing Abbasid overlordship. The historian Umara enumarates his possessions as including Hadramawt, Diyar Kindah, Shihr,", "\"Al-Mada'in\"\nthe rest of Iraq, and declared themselves as the new caliphate. In 754, the Abbasid caliph al-Mansur briefly held his court at Rumiya (which was included in al-Mada'in). He also had his prominent military officer Abu Muslim Khorasani killed at the same place. In 755, the White Palace of al-Mada'in was destroyed under the orders of al-Mansur, who wanted to create a new city, which would later get completed in 762, and would be known as Baghdad, and would become the new capital of the Abbasid Caliphate (although he ordered the White Palace to be restored, it remained in decay).", "\"Abbasid Caliphate\"\nAbbasid Caliphate The Abbasid Caliphate ( or , \"\"\"\") was the third of the Islamic caliphates to succeed the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It was founded by a dynasty descended from Muhammad's uncle, Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib (566–653 CE), from whom the dynasty takes its name. They ruled as caliphs for most of the caliphate from their capital in Baghdad in modern-day Iraq, after having overthrown the Umayyad Caliphate in the Abbasid Revolution of 750 CE (132 AH). The Abbasid Caliphate first centred its government in Kufa, modern-day Iraq, but in 762 the caliph Al-Mansur founded the city of Baghdad, near the", "Riyadh\nBandar Al Saud. The current mayor is Ibrahim Mohammed Al-Sultan. Riyadh has been designated a global city. During the Pre-Islamic era the city at the site of modern Riyadh was called \"\"Hajr\"\" (), and was reportedly founded by the tribe of Banu Hanifa. Hajr served as the capital of the province of Al-Yamamah, whose governors were responsible for most of central and eastern Arabia during the Umayyad and Abbasid eras. Al-Yamamah broke away from the Abbasid Empire in 866 and the area fell under the rule of the Ukhaydhirites, who moved the capital from Hajr to nearby Al-Kharj. The city", "\"History of Baghdad\"\nHistory of Baghdad The history of Baghdad begins when city of Baghdad ( \"\"\"\") was founded in the mid 8th century as the Abbasid capital, following the Abbasid victory over the Umayyad Caliphate. It replaced the Sassanid capital of Seleucia-Ctesiphon some 35 km to the south-east, which was mostly depopulated by the end of the 8th century. Baghdad was the center of the Arab caliphate during the \"\"Golden Age of Islam\"\" of the 9th and 10th centuries, growing to be the largest city worldwide by the beginning of the 10th century. It began to decline in the \"\"Iranian Intermezzo\"\" of", "\"History of Baghdad\"\nApril, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri Maliki, called for construction to be halted on the wall. History of Baghdad The history of Baghdad begins when city of Baghdad ( \"\"\"\") was founded in the mid 8th century as the Abbasid capital, following the Abbasid victory over the Umayyad Caliphate. It replaced the Sassanid capital of Seleucia-Ctesiphon some 35 km to the south-east, which was mostly depopulated by the end of the 8th century. Baghdad was the center of the Arab caliphate during the \"\"Golden Age of Islam\"\" of the 9th and 10th centuries, growing to be the largest city worldwide", "Samarra\nCE, the Abbasid Caliph Al-Mu'tasim founded a new capital at the banks of the Tigris. Here he built extensive palace complexes surrounded by garrison settlements for his guards, mostly drawn from Central Asia and Iran (most famously the Turks, as well as the Khurasani \"\"Ishtakhaniyya\"\", \"\"Faraghina\"\" and \"\"Ushrusaniyya\"\" regiments) or North Africa (like the \"\"Maghariba\"\"). Although quite often called Mamluk slave soldiers, their status was quite elevated; some of their commanders bore Sogdian titles of nobility. The city was further developed under Caliph al-Mutawakkil, who sponsored the construction of lavish palace complexes, such as al-Mutawakkiliyya, and the Great Mosque of", "\"Emperor Xuanzong of Tang\"\nemerging Abbasid Caliphate, as several Tang tributaries turned to the Abbasids. Meanwhile, the \"\"jiedushi\"\" (military governors), most of whom were non-Han took more and more regional power into their own hands. Some successful generals included Geshu Han, known for victories over the Tibetan Empire; Gao Xianzhi, who conquered city states of the Xiyu region, eventually battling the Abbasids at Talas; and An Lushan who defeated and once again vassalized the Khitan. Eventually, in 755, An Lushan started the Anshi Rebellion at Fanyang. The rebels quickly seized the eastern capital Luoyang, and then the imperial capital Chang'an six months later. Emperor", "Balkh\nwhile in his second governorship, a decade later, he transferred the provincial capital there. The Umayyad period lasted until 747, when Abu Muslim captured it for the Abbasids (next Sunni Caliphate dynasty) during the Abbasid Revolution. The city remained in Abbasid hands until 821, when it was taken over by the Tahirid dynasty, albeit still in the Abbasids' name. In 870, the Saffarids captured it. In 870, Ya'qub ibn al-Layth al-Saffar rebelled against Abbasid rule and founded the Saffarid dynasty at Sistan. He captured present Afghanistan and most of present Iran. His successor Amr ibn al-Layth, tried to capture Transoxiana", "\"Abu Tahir al-Jannabi\"\nhis raids he succeeded in capturing the Abbasid commander Abu'l-Haija ibn Hamdun. In 926 he led his army deep into Abbasid Iraq, reaching as far north as Kufa, forcing the Abbasids to pay large sums of money in for him to leave the city in peace. On his way home he ravaged the outskirts of Kufa anyway. On his return, Abu Tahir began building palaces in the city of Ahsa, not only for himself but for his fellows, and declared the city his permanent capital. In 928 Caliph al-Muqtadir felt confident enough to once again confront Abu Tahir, calling in", "\"Abbasid Caliphate\"\nhad changed further, as North Africa was lost to the Abbasids. An Shia sect only recognizing the first five Imams and tracing its roots to Muhammad's daughter Fatima took control of Idrisid and then Aghlabid domains. Called the Fatimid dynasty, they had advanced to Egypt in 969, establishing their capital near Fustat in Cairo, which they built as a bastion of Shia learning and politics. By 1000 they had become the chief political and ideological challenge to Sunni Islam in the form of the Abbasids. By this time the latter state had fragmented into several governorships that, while recognizing caliphal", "Merv\ncapital and most important city of Khurasan. During this time, the Arab historian Al-Muqaddasi (c. 945/946 - 991) called Merv \"\"delightful, fine, elegant, brilliant, extensive, and pleasant\"\". Merv's architecture perhaps provided the inspiration for the Abbasid re-planning of Baghdad. The city was notable as a home for immigrants from the Arab lands as well as for those from Sogdia and elsewhere in Central Asia (Herrmann 1999). In the period from 813 to 818, the temporary residency of the caliph al-Ma'mun effectively made Merv the capital of the Muslim world and highlighted Merv's importance to the Abbasids. Merv also became the", "\"Abbasid architecture\"\nand C) of stucco decoration best exemplified, and perhaps developed, in Abbasid Samarra were quickly imitated elsewhere and Style C, which itself remained common in the Islamic world for centuries, was an important precursor to fully developed arabesque decoration. The Tulinids in Egypt built copies of Abbasid buildings on Cairo. The Ahmad ibn Tulun Mosque, built in Fustat near Cairo in 876-879, combines Umayyad and Abbasid structural and decorative features. It is the only mosque outside Iraq to have a spiral minaret. The layout of the Fatimid city of Al-Mansuriya in Ifriqiya founded in 946 was circular, perhaps in imitation", "Al-Mansur\n762 AD, he founded the new imperial residence and palace city Madinat as-Salam (the city of peace), which became the core of the Imperial capital Baghdad. This was in response to a growing concern from the chief towns in Iraq, Basra, and Kufa that there was lack of solidity within the regime after the death of Abu'l `Abbas (later known as as-Saffah). Another reason for the construction of the new capital was the growing need to house and provide stability for a rapidly developing Abbasid bureaucracy forged under the influence of Iranian ideals. Mansur even considered using ruins from the", "\"Capture of Baghdad (1638)\"\n1638. Tayyar Mehmet was also the third Ottoman Grand Vizier who died on the battle field (the first two being Hadim Ali Pasha in 1511 and Hadim Sinan Pasha in 1517). After this victory Murat had two magnificent kiosks built in the Topkapi gardens, one for his victory at Yerevan and the other for his victory at Baghdad. Capture of Baghdad (1638) Recapture of Baghdad refers to the second conquest of the city by the Ottoman Empire as a part of the Ottoman-Safavid War of 1623-1639. Baghdad (capital of modern Iraq), once the capital of Arab Abbasid Caliphate, was one", "Tenochtitlan\nTenochtitlan Tenochtitlan () was a large Mexica city-state in what is now the center of Mexico City. Founded on June 20, 1325, the city was built on an island in what was then Lake Texcoco in the Valley of Mexico. The city was the capital of the expanding Aztec Empire in the 15th century until it was captured by the Spanish in 1521. At its peak, it was the largest city in the Pre-Columbian Americas. It subsequently became a \"\"cabecera\"\" of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. Today, the ruins of Tenochtitlan are in the historic center of the Mexican capital.", "Al-Askar\nto this day. Cairo's bounds grew to eventually encompass the three earlier capitals of al-Fusṭāṭ, al-Qatta'i and al-‘Askar, the remnants of which can today be seen in \"\"Old Cairo\"\" in the southern part of the city. Al-Askar al-‘Askar () was the capital of Egypt from 750-868, when Egypt was a province of the Abbasid Caliphate. After the Muslim conquest of Egypt in 641, Rashidun commander Amr ibn al-As established Fustat just north of Coptic Cairo. At Caliph Umar's request, the Egyptian capital was moved from Alexandria to the new city on the eastern side of the Nile. The reach of", "\"Hashemite–Umayyad rivalry\"\nthe siege in 749, the Abbasids crossed the Euphrates and took Kufa. The son of Khalid al-Qasri – a disgraced Umayyad official who had been tortured to death a few years prior – began a pro-Abbasid riot starting at the city's citadel. On September 2, 749, al-Hasan bin Qahtaba essentially just walked right in to the city and set up shop. Some confusion followed when Abu Salama, an Abbasid officer, pushed for an Alid leader. Abu Muslim's confidante Abu Jahm reported what was happening, and the Abbasids acted preemptively. On Friday, November 28, 749, before the siege of Wasit had", "\"Al-Ma'mun\"\nadditionally rule over an enlarged Khurasan. This was an appointment of particular significance, as Khurasan had been the starting-point of the Abbasid Revolution which brought the Abbasids to power, and retained a privileged position among the Caliphate's provinces. Furthermore, the Abbasid dynasty relied heavily on Khurasanis as military leaders and administrators. Many of the original Khurasani Arab army (\"\"Khurasaniyya\"\") that came west with the Abbasids were given estates in Iraq and the new Abbasid capital, Baghdad, and became an elite group known as the \"\"abnaʾ al-dawla\"\" (\"\"sons of the state/dynasty\"\"). This large-scale presence of an Iranian element in the highest", "\"Ibn al-Ikhshad\"\nIbn al-Ikhshad Ibn al-Ikhshad or Ibn al-Ikhshid was the governor of Tarsus for the Abbasid Caliphate from April 898 until his death in battle against the Byzantines in early 900. The name Ibn al-Ikhshad or Ibn al-Ikhshid derives from the Persian title \"\"ikhshid\"\". From 890 until 897, the city of Tarsus and the borderlands (\"\"thughur\"\") with the Byzantine Empire were controlled by the autonomous Tulunid dynasty of Egypt, but in 897 a pro-Abbasid party under Raghib took power in the city and arrested the Tulunid governor Damian and other pro-Tulunid officials. Envoys were then sent to the Abbasid capital Baghdad", "\"Semnan, Iran\"\ndevastated the city. Nevertheless, it was the very Seljuq Turks that built many of the historical monuments and infrastructure of medieval Semnan. As the Seljuq Empire grew weak, the Abbasids managed to reconquer and assert their sovereignty over Persia. The people of Semnan suffered severely under the Abbasid Caliphate. It is possible that the years of Abbasid rule traumatized the people of Semnan, and even to this day, the Semnani people despise the color black because of its utilization for the black flags of the Abbasid Caliphate. The Abbasid rule was ended by the brutal, devastating invasion of the Mongols", "\"Abbasid civil war (865–866)\"\nwere descended from him. Al-Musta'in's defeat resulted in Samarra remaining the capital city of the caliphate. It would continue to serve as such until 892, during the caliphate of al-Mu'tadid; thereafter the seat of the caliphs remained at Baghdad. Abbasid civil war (865–866) The Abbasid civil war of 865–866, sometimes known as the Fifth Fitna, was an armed conflict during the \"\"Anarchy at Samarra\"\" between the rival caliphs al-Musta'in and al-Mu'tazz, fought to determine who would gain control over the Abbasid Caliphate. The war, which lasted for about a year, largely revolved around a prolonged siege of Baghdad and ended", "\"Ohio Statehouse\"\nGeneral Assembly temporarily moved the capital to Zanesville in 1810. Legislation enacted that same year provided for the selection of a new state capital \"\"not more than 40 miles from what may be deemed the common center of the state.\"\" In 1812, the General Assembly restored Chillicothe as the temporary state capital until the new capitol could be built. State leaders faced ongoing pressure to make the capital city more accessible by moving it closer to the center of the state. In response, the legislature appointed a committee to evaluate potential options for the new capital city. Four prominent Franklinton", "\"Round city of Baghdad\"\neither short for \"\"abnāʾ al-dawla\"\" (, literally \"\"sons of the state\"\"), or possibly echoing the title of the abna' of Yemen, also of Persian origin. The Persians of Baghdad were gradually acculturated by the early 9th century. Round city of Baghdad The round city of Baghdad is the original core of Baghdad, built by the Abbasid Caliph al-Mansur in AD 762–767 as the official residence of the Abbasid court. Its official name in Abbasid times was The City of Peace ( \"\"Madīnat as-Salām\"\"). The famous library known as the House of Wisdom was located within its grounds. On 30 July", "\"Charles Townshend (British Army officer)\"\nof his posting by taking Baghdad, which he hoped would lead him to being given what he really wanted, namely the command of a corps on the Western Front. Regan wrote that the \"\"Baghdad\"\" that Townshend spoke of was a \"\"mythical\"\" place that had nothing to do with the real city. From 762 to 1258, Baghdad had been the capital of Abbasid Caliphate, during which time it became known in both the Middle East and Europe as a city of fabulous wealth and high culture. In 1258, Baghdad had been sacked and razed to the ground by the Mongols under", "\"Mansura, Sindh\"\nMansura, Sindh Mansura (, al-manṣūrah) Brahmnabad, was the historic capital of the Muslim Calihpate in Sindh, during the eighth century under the Umayyad Caliphate from the year 711 AD to 1006 AD. The city was founded as a central garrison by the Umayyad Forces in Sindh, the city transformed into a very vibrant metropolis during the Abbasid Era surpassing the wealth of Multan in the north and Debal in the south. Mansura was built on the shores of the Indus River, it was surrounded by fertile farmland, Ibn Hauqal mentioned the wealthy local merchants who wore \"\"Baghdad Costume\"\" and were", "Cairo\nthe conqueror Amr ibn As settled to the north of the Babylon in an area that became known as al-Fustat. Originally a tented camp (\"\"Fustat\"\" signifies \"\"City of Tents\"\") Fustat became a permanent settlement and the first capital of Islamic Egypt. In 750, following the overthrow of the Ummayad caliphate by the Abbasids, the new rulers created their own settlement to the northeast of Fustat which became their capital. This was known as al-Askar (the city of sections, or cantonments) as it was laid out like a military camp. A rebellion in 869 by Ahmad ibn Tulun led to the", "\"Abbasid Samarra\"\nhad previously held only a marginal role in the Islamic world, were deeply unpopular among the residents of Baghdad, and violent incidents had repeatedly broken out between the soldiers and Baghdadis. Al-Mu'tasim therefore resolved in ca. 835 to depart from Baghdad, the usual seat of the Abbasid caliphs since 762, and create a new capital city of his choosing. Following a period of searching for an ideal spot, al-Mu'tasim settled on a site approximately north of Baghdad on the east side of the Tigris, near the head of the Nahrawan Canal. After sending men to buy up the local properties,", "\"History of the Arabs\"\nof Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, one of the youngest uncles of Muhammad and of the same Banu Hashim clan. The Abbasids led a revolt against the Umayyads and defeated them in the Battle of the Zab effectively ending their rule in all parts of the Empire with the exception of al-Andalus. In 762, the second Abbasid Caliph al-Mansur founded the city of Baghdad and declared it the capital of the Caliphate. Unlike the Umayyads, the Abbasids had the support of non-Arab subjects. The Islamic Golden Age was inaugurated by the middle of the 8th century by the ascension of the", "\"Ahmad ibn Tulun\"\nthe preoccupation of the Abbasid regent, al-Muwaffaq, with the wars against the Saffarids and the Zanj Rebellion. Ibn Tulun also took care to establish an efficient administration in Egypt. After reforms to the tax system, repairs to the irrigation system, and other measures, the annual tax yield grew markedly. As a symbol of his new regime, he built a new capital, al-Qata'i, north of the old capital Fustat. After 875/6 he entered into open conflict with al-Muwaffaq, who tried unsuccessfully to unseat him. In 878, with the support of al-Muwaffaq's brother, Caliph al-Mu'tamid, Ibn Tulun took over the governance of", "\"Siege of Baghdad (1258)\"\nHulagu offered the royal palace to the Nestorian Catholicos Mar Makikha, and ordered a cathedral to be built for him. Initially, the fall of Baghdad came as a shock to the whole Muslim world, but the city became an economic center where international trade, the minting of coins and religious affairs flourished under the Ilkhans. The chief Mongol darughachi was thereafter stationed in the city. Siege of Baghdad (1258) The Siege of Baghdad, which lasted from January 29 until February 10, 1258, entailed the investment, capture, and sack of Baghdad, the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate, by Ilkhanate Mongol forces", "\"Jund Qinnasrin\"\narea toward the northern frontier, comprising the territories of Antioch and the lands east towards Aleppo were split from the district to form Jund al-'Awasim. For the remainder of the Abbasid period, Jund Qinnasrin consisted of the cities of Aleppo (the capital of the district), Qinnasrin and the lands around them, as well as the Sarmin territory. Jund Qinnasrin Jund Qinnasrīn (, \"\"military district of Qinnasrin\"\") was one of five sub-provinces of Syria under the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphate, organized soon after the Muslim conquest of Syria in the 7th century CE. Initially, its capital was Qinnasrin, but as the", "\"Battle of Hama\"\nemir Harun ibn Khumarawayh was even assassinated by his uncles, whereupon several senior commanders switched sides. The Abbasids entered the Egyptian capital Fustat in January 905 without a fight, completing the reconquest of the province. Battle of Hama The Battle of Hama was fought some from the city of Hama in Syria on 29 November 903 between the forces of the Abbasid Caliphate and the Qarmatians. The Abbasids were victorious, resulting in the capture and execution of the Qarmatian leadership. This weakened the Qarmatian presence in northern Syria, which was finally eradicated after the suppression of another revolt in 906.", "\"Nahrawan Canal\"\nto rejoin the Tigris at Madharaya, near modern Kut. Nahrawan Canal The Nahrawan Canal () was a major irrigation system of the Sassanid and early Islamic periods in central Iraq, along the eastern banks of the Tigris and the lower course of the Diyala River. Created in the 6th century, it reached its peak under the Abbasid Caliphate, when it served the main water supply for the Abbasid capital of Baghdad, while the regions irrigated by it served as the city's main breadbasket. Its destruction and progressive abandonment from the mid-10th century onwards mirror the Abbasid Caliphate's decline. The first", "Fustat\ncapital from Fustat slightly north to the Abbasid city of al-Askar, which remained the capital until 868. When the Tulunid dynasty took control in 868, the Egyptian capital moved briefly to another nearby northern city, Al-Qatta'i. This lasted only until 905, when Al-Qatta'i was destroyed and the capital was returned to Fustat. The city again lost its status as capital city when its own vizier, Shawar, ordered its burning in 1168. The capital of Egypt was ultimately moved to Cairo. According to legend, the location of Fustat was chosen by a bird: A dove laid an egg in the tent", "Ankara\n654, the city was captured for the first time by the Arabs of the Rashidun Caliphate, under Muawiyah, the future founder of the Umayyad Caliphate. At about the same time, the themes were established in Anatolia, and Ancyra became capital of the Opsician Theme, which was the largest and most important theme until it was split up under Emperor Constantine V (r. 741–775); Ancyra then became the capital of the new Bucellarian Theme. The city was attacked without success by Abbasid forces in 776 and in 798/99. In 805, Emperor Nikephoros I (r. 802–811) strengthened its fortifications, a fact which", "\"Al Zulfi\"\nwhose governors were responsible for most of central and eastern Arabia during the Umayyad and Abbasid eras. Al-Yamamah broke away from the Abbasid Empire in 866 and the area fell under the rule of the Ukhaydhirites, who moved the capital from Hajr to nearby Al Kharj. The city then went into a long period of decline. In the 14th century, North African traveller Ibn Battuta wrote of his visit to Hajr, describing it as \"\"the main city of Al-Yamamah, and its name is Hajr\"\". Ibn Battuta goes on to describe it as a city of canals and trees with most", "\"Bilad al-Sham\"\nof Jund Hims. Under the Umayyads, the city of Damascus was the capital of the Islamic Caliphate and Syria formed the Caliphate's \"\"metropolitan\"\" province; likewise, the elite Syrian army, the \"\"Ahl ash-Shâm\"\" (), formed the main pillar of the Umayyad regime. Syria became much less important under the Abbasid Caliphate, which succeeded the Umayyads in 750. The Abbasids moved the capital first to Kufa, and then to Baghdad and Samarra, all of which were in Iraq, which consequently became their most important province. The mainly Arab Syrians were marginalized by Iranian and Turkish forces who rose to power under the", "\"Al-Musta'sim\"\n632: the invasion of the Mongol forces that, under Hulagu Khan, had already wiped out any resistance in Transoxiana and Khorasan. In 1255/1256 Hulagu forced the Abbasid to lend their forces for the campaign against Alamut. In 1258, Hulagu invaded the Abbasid domain, which then consisted of only Baghdad, its immediate surroundings, and southern Iraq. In his campaign to conquer Baghdad, Hulagu Khan had several columns advance simultaneously on the city, and laid siege to it. The Mongols kept the people of Abbasid Caliphate in their capital and executed those who tried to flee. Baghdad was sacked on February 10", "\"Nahrawan Canal\"\nNahrawan Canal The Nahrawan Canal () was a major irrigation system of the Sassanid and early Islamic periods in central Iraq, along the eastern banks of the Tigris and the lower course of the Diyala River. Created in the 6th century, it reached its peak under the Abbasid Caliphate, when it served the main water supply for the Abbasid capital of Baghdad, while the regions irrigated by it served as the city's main breadbasket. Its destruction and progressive abandonment from the mid-10th century onwards mirror the Abbasid Caliphate's decline. The first irrigation works along the Diyala River were undertaken in", "\"Abbasid Samarra\"\ncases were intentionally segregated from the residences for the general populace. Markets, mosques and baths for the people were built, together with a number of palaces for the caliph and other prominent individuals. Materials and laborers were shipped in from various parts of the Muslim world to help with the work; iron-workers, carpenters, marble sculptors and artisans all assisted in the construction. Founding a new capital was a public statement of the establishment of a new regime, while allowing the court to be \"\"at a distance from the populace of Baghdad and protected by a new guard of foreign troops,", "\"Architecture of Palestine\"\nAbbasid caliphates was Ramla, a new town established in the years following the Arab conquest. The White Mosque was built in that city by the caliph Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik in 715-717 and was completed by his successor Umar II by 720. Archaeological finds indicate that the major cities of the Byzantine period (Lydda, Bisan, Tiberias, Gaza, Caesarea, and Acre continued to be occupied in this period and a number of new settlements were built outside the cities and in the Negev as well. Of these, some were agricultural centres while others were palaces or summer resorts for the elite.", "Abul-Abbas\nAbul-Abbas Abul-Abbas (also Abul Abaz or Abulabaz) was an Asian elephant given to Carolingian emperor Charlemagne by the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. The elephant's name and events from his life are recorded in the Carolingian \"\"Annales regni Francorum,\"\" and he is mentioned in Einhard's \"\"Vita Karoli Magni\"\". However, no references to the gift or to interactions with Charlemagne have been found in Abbasid records. Abul-Abbas was brought from Baghdad, the capital city of the Abbasid Caliphate, by a Frankish Jew named Isaac, who along with two other emissaries, Lantfrid and Sigimund, had been sent to the caliph on Charlemagne's orders.", "\"History of Palestine\"\nFilastin. Coastal areas were fortified and developed and port cities like Acre, Haifa, Caesarea, Arsuf, Jaffa and Ashkelon received monies from the state treasury. However, the Abbasid caliphs visited the region less frequently than the Umayyads since their capital in Baghdad was a further east. The Abbasid period marked the beginning of the Islamic Golden Age, in which a number of scholars from Palestine, such as the Gazan-born jurist and founder of the Shafi'i school of fiqh Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi`i and the Jerusalemite geographer Al-Muqaddasi, played an integral part. The influence of the Arabian tribes declined during the Abbasid", "\"Islamic Cairo\"\nAD in a style inspired by the Abbasid capital of Samarra in Iraq. It is one of the largest mosques in Cairo and is often cited as one of the most beautiful. After Cairo was founded to the northeast of Fustat in 959 AD by the victorious Fatimid army, the Fatimids built a separate palatial city which contained their palaces and institutions of government. It was enclosed by a circuit of walls, which were rebuilt in stone in the late 11th century AD by the vizir Badr al-Gamali, parts of which survive today at Bab Zuwayla in the south and", "\"Planned community\"\nOntario, was built as a new town, using the concepts of New Urbanism. CityPlace, Toronto is another example of a planned community. Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Aztec empire, which was built on an island in Lake Texcoco in what is now the Federal District in central Mexico. The city was largely destroyed in the 1520s by Spanish conquistadores. Mexico City was erected on top of the ruins and, over the ensuing centuries, most of Lake Texcoco has gradually been drained. Puebla was built because of the need of a Spanish settlement in the route between Mexico City and", "\"History of the Arabs\"\nAbbasid Caliphate and the transfer of the capital from Damascus to the newly founded city of Baghdad. The Abbassids were influenced by the Qur'anic injunctions and hadith such as \"\"The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of martyrs\"\" stressing the value of knowledge. During this period the Muslim world became an intellectual centre for science, philosophy, medicine and education as the Abbasids championed the cause of knowledge and established the \"\"House of Wisdom\"\" () in Baghdad. Rival dynasties such as the Fatimids of Egypt and the Umayyads of al-Andalus were also major intellectual centres with cities", "\"Sharwin I\"\nall formerly subject to the Dabuyids, continued to control parts of Tabaristan as tributary vassals of the Abbasid government. In 772, Surkhab II died, and was succeeded by Sharwin I. During the same period, Khalid ibn Barmak, the Abbasid governor of Tabaristan, left the region. Shortly after Khalid's departure, the Karenid ruler Vandad Hormozd sent Sharwin a letter which urged him to revolt against the Abbasids. Sharwin accepted, and along with Vandad Hormozd and the Zarmihrid ruler revolted against the Abbasids. Sharwin then began destroying the cities built by the Muslims in the region, and in 782, along with Vandad", "\"Trujillo, Peru\"\nand others. The Chimu culture built its primary settlement at what is known as Chan Chan, which was the capital, having an estimated 100,000 people at its peak. It is the largest pre-Columbian city built of adobe and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its remains are northwest of the current city center. The present Spanish–Peruvian city of Trujillo was founded in an ancestral territory populated by ancient indigenous civilizations. The Spanish founded new cities expressing their culture in what they called the \"\"Viceroyalty of Peru\"\". The Moche civilization flourished in northern Peru with its Huacas del Sol", "\"Jicheng (Beijing)\"\nWestern Jin Dynasty, Sixteen Kingdoms, Northern Dynasties, and Sui Dynasty. With the creation of a Jizhou during the Tang Dynasty in what is now Tianjin Municipality, the city of Ji took on the name Youzhou. Youzhou was one of the Sixteen Prefectures ceded to the Khitans during the Five Dynasties. The city then became the southern capital of the Liao Dynasty and then main capital of the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234). In the 13th Century, Kublai Khan built a new capital city for the Yuan Dynasty adjacent to Ji to the north. The old city of Ji became a suburb to", "\"Capital city\"\nmeaning \"\"head\"\". In several English-speaking states, the terms county town and county seat are also used in lower subdivisions. In some unitary states, subnational capitals may be known as \"\"administrative centres\"\". The capital is often the largest city of its constituent, though not always. Historically, the major economic centre of a state or region often becomes the focal point of political power, and becomes a capital through conquest or federation. (The modern capital city has, however, not always existed: in medieval Western Europe, an itinerant (wandering) government was common.) Examples are Ancient Babylon, Abbasid Baghdad, Ancient Athens, Rome, Constantinople, Chang'an,", "Hdatta\nas a bishopric centre of the Church of the East within the Ecclesiastical Province of Adiabene. There existed also a substantial number of Jews, many of whom were converted to Christianity at the hand of its bishop Titus of Hdatta in the 6th century. The city prospered and expanded during the Abbasid period, and the fourth Caliph Al-Hadi made it his capital before his death. The Abbasid general Musa ibn Bugha had his headquarters in Haditha during the Anarchy at Samarra. The population of the city remained Christian mostly belonging to the Church of the East. Some of Hdatta's bishops,", "\"History of Baku\"\nno information regarding Baku in medieval sources until the 10th century. The earliest numismatic evidence found in the city is an Abbasid coin dating from the 8th century AD. At that time Baku was a domain of the Arab Caliphate and later of Shirvanshahs. During this period, they frequently came under assault of the Khazars and (starting from the 10th century) the Rus. Shirvanshah Akhsitan I built a navy in Baku and successfully repelled another Rus assault in 1170. After a devastating earthquake struck Shamakhy, the capital of Shirvan, Shirvanshah’s court moved to Baku in 1191. A mint was put", "\"Fortifications of Heraklion\"\npreserved Venetian fortifications in Europe. The first fortifications in what is now Heraklion were built by the Byzantine Empire. The city was captured by Arabs in 824, and it became the capital of the Emirate of Crete. At this point, they built a wall of unbaked bricks around the city, and surrounded it by a ditch. The new capital became known as \"\"Rabdh al-Khandaq\"\" (Trench Castle). Meanwhile, the Byzantines tried to recapture Crete from the Arabs because of its strategic importance. After several unsuccessful attempts, Nikephoros II Phokas managed to take the island in 961. The Arab fortifications were razed,", "\"Environmental issues in Egypt\"\nWhat is required is not a token exodus into the desert but a complete reconsideration of the distribution of population throughout the country.\"\" City planners have proposed the construction of megacities, built from the ground up, to diffuse populations out of Cairo. New Cairo and 6th of October City are brand new subdivisions built to hold millions by 2020 and hold major headquarters currently housed in Cairo. These planned cities are still under construction but are already home to large industrial areas and several universities. Most recently, the Egyptian government has proposed the construction of an entirely new capital city.", "\"Beijing city fortifications\"\nthe capital of Ming Dynasty China was officially moved from Nanjing (\"\"southern capital\"\") to Beijing (\"\"northern capital\"\"). The Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Earth and Xiannong Temple were built in what was then the southern suburbs. Some sources indicate that the central axis of the city was moved eastwards to subdue the previous dynasty's Qi (new Qi comes from the east, where the sun rises daily). A second expansion of the city occurred between 1436 and 1445, on the orders of Emperor Ying of the Ming dynasty. Major works included the addition of an extra layer of bricks on", "Nishapur\nin the 3rd century by Shapur I as a Sasanian satrapy capital. Nishapur later became the capital of Tahirid dynasty and was reformed by Abdullah Tahir in 830, and was later selected as the capital of Seljuq dynasty by Tughril in 1037. From the Abbasid era to the Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia and Eastern Iran, the city evolved into a significant cultural, commercial, and intellectual center within the Islamic world. Nishapur, along with Merv, Herat and Balkh were one of the four great cities of Greater Khorasan and one of the greatest cities in the middle ages, a seat of", "\"Abbasid architecture\"\nSoghdian architecture increased. In Samarra the stucco and wall paintings are similar to that of the palaces of Panjakent in what is now Tajikistan. Later, in the 12th and 13th centuries, architecture in the lands ruled by the Abbasids became dominated by Seljuk architecture. Abbasid cities were laid out on huge sites. The palaces and mosques of Samarra sprawled along the shores of the Tigris for . To match the scale of the sites, monumental buildings were erected, such as the huge spiral minarets of the Abu Dulaf Mosque and the Great Mosque of Samarra, which had no counterparts elsewhere.", "\"History of the Jews in Syria\"\nof the Umayyads brought a new period of splendor to the city, which now became the capital of that caliphate. This period terminated with the advent of the Abbasids, and the city suffered during the following centuries from continuous wars. The Jewish community continued, and certainly existed in 970; \"\"for,\"\" says a historian, \"\"Joseph ben Abitur of Cordoba, having lost all hope of becoming the chief rabbi of that city, went to Palestine in that year, and settled at Damascus\"\". Fortunately for the Jews, it resisted the siege of the Second Crusade (1147). Some time afterward a large number of", "\"Lutyens' Delhi\"\nNew York. Before the new imperial capital New Delhi was established in 1911, the Old Delhi Railway Station served the Agra-Delhi railways, the line cut through what is today called \"\"Lutyens' Delhi\"\". The line was eventually shifted to make way for the new capital and the New Delhi Railway Station was built near Ajmeri Gate in 1926. Lutyens led a group of architects in laying out the central administrative area of the city, with the charge of retaining one-third of the area as green space. At the heart of the city was the impressive Rashtrapati Bhawan, formerly known as Viceroy's", "\"Abbasid architecture\"\nstone blocks set in mortar, and followed Sassanian designs. Stone is rare in the central and southern alluvial plains that formed the heartland of Abbasid territory, so many of the buildings were of mud-brick, faced with plaster and frequently repaired or rebuilt. Sometimes fired brick was used. When the caliph al-Mansur built the round city of Baghdad, called \"\"Madinat al-Salam\"\", which contained the court's palace, mosque and administrative buildings, he may have been following earlier traditions such as the round city of Gur built by Ardashir I (r. 224-241) at Firuzabad. With the conquest of Central Asia, the influence of", "\"Islamic Cairo\"\nFrench army briefly occupied Egypt from 1798 to 1801, after which an Albanian officer in the Ottoman army named Muhammad Ali Pasha made Cairo the capital of an independent empire that lasted from 1805 to 1882. The city then came under British control until Egypt was granted its independence in 1922. While the first mosque in Egypt was the Mosque of Amr ibn al-As in Fustat, the Mosque of Ibn Tulun is the oldest mosque to retain its original form and is a rare example of Abbasid architecture, from the classical period of Islamic civilization. It was built in 876–879", "\"Abbasid Revolution\"\nan Arab ethnic empire to a universal world religion. This led to a great cultural and scientific exchange known as the Islamic Golden Age, with most achievements taking place under the Abbasids. What was later known as Islamic civilization and culture was defined by the Abbasids, rather than the earlier Rashidun and Umayyad caliphates. New ideas in all areas of society were accepted regardless of their geographic origin, and the emergence of societal institutions that were Islamic rather than Arab began. Though a class of Muslim clergy was absent for the first century of Islam, it was with the Abbasid", "\"Battle of Tawahin\"\nthe Tulunid army was still encamped. The latter was caught completely by surprise and was defeated; many of the Egyptians were killed in the fighting. The survivors fled to Damascus, but upon learning that the Abbasid army was headed for them they abandoned the city, allowing the Abbasids to retake it in February 885. The Tulunid forces continued south to Ramlah in the district of Palestine, where they wrote to Khumarawayh of what had transpired. Khumarawayh now decided to personally lead his troops against the Abbasids, and departed from Egypt for Syria. At the same time, Abu'l-Abbas set out from", "\"Saladin Governorate\"\nborn in Al-Awja, a town near Tikrit. Saladin Governorate contains a number of important religious and cultural sites. Samarra, the governorate's largest city, is home to both the Al-Askari Shrine (an important religious site in Shia Islam where the 10th and 11th Shia Imams are buried), the Sardab where the 12th Imam al-Mahdi went into occultation, and the Great Mosque of Samarra with its distinctive Malwiya minaret. Samarra was also the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate in the 9th century CE, and today Abbasid Samarra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The ancient Neo-Assyrian Empire Assyrian city of Assur is", "\"Egypt in the Middle Ages\"\nBy 872 Ibn Tulun had achieved Ibn al-Mudabirbir's dismissal and taken over the management of the fisc himself, and had managed to assemble an army of his own, thereby becoming \"\"de facto\"\" independent of Baghdad. As a sign of his power, he established a new palace city to the northeast of Fustat, called al-Qata'i, in 870. The project was a conscious emulation of, and rival to, the Abbasid capital Samarra, with quarters assigned to the regiments of his army, a hippodrome, hospital, and palaces. The new city's centrepiece was the Mosque of Ibn Tulun. Ibn Tulun continued to emulate the", "\"Abbasid invasion of Asia Minor (782)\"\nAbbasid invasion of Asia Minor (782) The Abbasid invasion of Asia Minor in 782 was one of the largest operations launched by the Abbasid Caliphate against the Byzantine Empire. The invasion was launched as a display of Abbasid military might in the aftermath of a series of Byzantine successes. Commanded by the Abbasid heir-apparent, the future Harun al-Rashid, the Abbasid army reached as far as Chrysopolis, across the Bosporus from the Byzantine capital, Constantinople, while secondary forces raided western Asia Minor and defeated the Byzantine forces there. As Harun did not intend to assault Constantinople and lacked ships to do", "\"Abbasid architecture\"\ncaliphs based in what is now Iraq ruled over Iran, Mesopotamia, Arabia and the lands of the eastern and southern Mediterranean. The period between 750 and 900 has been described as the Islamic Golden Age. Where the Umayyads had typically reused pre-Islamic buildings in the cities they had conquered, by the Abbasid era many of these structures required replacement. The spread of Muslim beliefs had also brought changes in needs. The Abbasids had to erect mosques and palaces, as well as fortifications, houses, commercial buildings and even facilities for racing and polo matches. They upgraded the pilgrim road from Baghdad" ]
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actress in the girl with the dragon tattoo swedish
[ "Noomi Rapace" ]
[ "\"Noomi Rapace\"\nNoomi Rapace Noomi Rapace (; ; born 28 December 1979) is a Swedish actress. She achieved fame with her portrayal of Lisbeth Salander in the Swedish film adaptations of the \"\"Millennium\"\" series: \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\", and \"\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\". In 2011, she was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Actress for her performance in \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". She is also known for playing Anna in \"\"Daisy Diamond\"\" (2007), Leena in \"\"Beyond\"\" (2010), Anna in \"\"The Monitor\"\" (2011), Madame Simza Heron in \"\"\"\" (2011),", "\"Noomi Rapace\"\nin French and Italian, because it sounded \"\"cool.\"\" They have a son, Lev. Born 2003. In September 2010, they filed for divorce, which took effect the next year. Noomi Rapace Noomi Rapace (; ; born 28 December 1979) is a Swedish actress. She achieved fame with her portrayal of Lisbeth Salander in the Swedish film adaptations of the \"\"Millennium\"\" series: \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\", and \"\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\". In 2011, she was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Actress for her performance in \"\"The Girl with the", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009 film)\"\nThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009 film) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (, literally \"\"Men who hate women\"\") is a 2009 Swedish drama thriller film based on the novel of the same name by Swedish author/journalist Stieg Larsson. It is the first book in the trilogy known as the \"\"Millennium\"\" series, published in Sweden in 2005. By August 2009, it had been sold to 25 countries outside Scandinavia and had been seen by more than 6 million people in the countries where it was already released. Directed by Niels Arden Oplev, the film stars Michael Nyqvist and Noomi", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nand 15 million copies altogether, in the United States. Wiley published a collection of essays, edited by Eric Bronson, titled \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Philosophy\"\" (2011). The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (original title in ; in English: Men Who Hate Women) is a psychological thriller novel by Swedish author and journalist Stieg Larsson (1954–2004), which was published posthumously in 2005 to become an international bestseller. It is the first book of the \"\"Millennium\"\" series. Larsson spoke of an incident which he said occurred when he was 15: he stood by", "\"Lena Endre\"\nthe Swedish film awards, \"\"Guldbagge\"\". More recently, Endre dramatized the character \"\"Erika Berger,\"\" editor of the fictional investigative periodical \"\"Millenium\"\" in the trilogy of films—\"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,\"\" \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire,\"\" and \"\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\" (all 2009)—based on the eponymous trio of Stieg Larsson books. Endre made her English-language debut in Paul Thomas Anderson's movie \"\"The Master\"\", alongside Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams, and Laura Dern. Lena Endre received \"\"Guldbagge\"\" (Swedish film award) for Best Actress in a Supporting Role in 1997 and for Best Actress in a Leading", "Tjorven\nof many nicknames for a woman who was accused of eating children in Romania Tjorven The name \"\"Tjorven\"\" comes from a popular Swedish family show on television in the early 1960s. Based on a script by the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren, the story is about a number of characters living in the archipelago outside Stockholm. A central character is a plump and sunny little girl nicknamed Tjorven. In the movies of Saltkråkan the character was portrayed by Swedish actress Maria Johansson. In Stieg Larsson's \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", 'Tjorven' appears also as the name for a cat character", "Tjorven\nTjorven The name \"\"Tjorven\"\" comes from a popular Swedish family show on television in the early 1960s. Based on a script by the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren, the story is about a number of characters living in the archipelago outside Stockholm. A central character is a plump and sunny little girl nicknamed Tjorven. In the movies of Saltkråkan the character was portrayed by Swedish actress Maria Johansson. In Stieg Larsson's \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", 'Tjorven' appears also as the name for a cat character Mikael Blomkvist finds during his stay at a guest house. Tjorven was also one", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009 film)\"\nrelease of David Fincher's 2011 film adaptation of the novel. In France, the audience of the Canal+ broadcast of the first part on 22 March 2010 was 1.2 million (18% of the channel's subscribers in the country) and the largest audience of a foreign series at Canal+ that year. A home video set of all six parts of the mini-series was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc by Music Box Home Entertainment on 6 December 2011. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009 film) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (, literally \"\"Men who hate women\"\") is a 2009 Swedish", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoo The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (original title in ; in English: Men Who Hate Women) is a psychological thriller novel by Swedish author and journalist Stieg Larsson (1954–2004), which was published posthumously in 2005 to become an international bestseller. It is the first book of the \"\"Millennium\"\" series. Larsson spoke of an incident which he said occurred when he was 15: he stood by as three men gang raped an acquaintance of his named Lisbeth. Days later, racked with guilt for having done nothing to help her, he begged her forgiveness—which she refused", "\"Lena Endre\"\nRole in 2000, and was a host of the same awards in 2006. Endre has two children from a relationship with the actor Thomas Hanzon that spanned from 1988 to 1998. Endre was married to the Swedish director Richard Hobert from 2000 to 2012. Lena Endre Lena Endre (born 8 July 1955) is a Swedish actress of film and television, primarily in the Swedish and Norwegian markets, known for her parts in the Liv Ullmann film \"\"Trolösa\"\" (2000), and the \"\"Millennium series\"\" of films (e.g., \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\"), based on the eponymous trio of Stieg Larsson books.", "\"Peter Haber\"\nalso known for his role in the 2009 film \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". Haber is in a relationship with actress Lena T. Hansson. Peter Haber Peter Alexander Haber (born 12 December 1952) is a Swedish actor. His father was German, his mother Swedish. He grew up in Skåne, Sweden, and in Remscheid, Germany. In 1987 he was hired by the Stockholm City Theatre where he was active until 1994. At the 29th Guldbagge Awards, he was nominated for the Best Actor award for his role in \"\"Sune's Summer\"\". The most famous roles that Haber has played are the", "\"Lena Endre\"\nLena Endre Lena Endre (born 8 July 1955) is a Swedish actress of film and television, primarily in the Swedish and Norwegian markets, known for her parts in the Liv Ullmann film \"\"Trolösa\"\" (2000), and the \"\"Millennium series\"\" of films (e.g., \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\"), based on the eponymous trio of Stieg Larsson books. Endre made her English-language debut in 2012, in Paul Thomas Anderson's movie \"\"The Master\"\", starring Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Endre was born in Lidingö, Stockholm County and grew up in Härnösand, Ångermanland, and Trollbäcken, Tyresö. Initially, she was studying Marine Biology before", "\"Glowing Stars\"\n\"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". Siwe, however, won the Guldbagge Award for \"\"Best Director\"\", and Anki Lidén (Jenna's grandmother) was awarded with \"\"Best Actress in a Supporting Role\"\". The film also won awards at international festivals, including the Canadian \"\"Students Choice Award\"\" at Sprockets Toronto International Film Festival for Children and the Norwegian \"\"Don Quijote Award\"\" at Kristiansand International Children's Film Festival. \"\"Glowing Stars\"\" debuted in second place on the Swedish box office chart. Glowing Stars Glowing Stars () is a Swedish film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 30 January 2009, based on the award-winning novel", "\"Rooney Mara\"\nof murders. Mara won the role over several other actresses after two and a half months of auditions and screen tests. David Fincher directed the first film, based on the novel \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", with Scott Rudin producing. The other books, \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\", and \"\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\", may be adapted, depending on box office performance. Fincher initially did not picture her as the character but changed his mind when she auditioned. He convinced executives at Columbia Pictures to cast her for the part. \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\"", "\"The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo\"\nThe Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo is a humorous autobiographical book by American stand-up comedian and actress Amy Schumer. It topped \"\"The New York Times\"\" Best Seller list shortly after its release in 2016. The book addresses subjects such as gun violence in the United States, sexual assault and consent, domestic violence, as well as more personal issues such as her troubled relationship with her mother and her father's multiple sclerosis. The book's title is a reference to \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". The book received generally favorable reviews from critics.", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nmost international (and Swedish) reviewers overlook is that the financial and moral corruptibility at the heart of \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" is so profound as to indict most attributes associated with contemporary Sweden as democratic and gender-equal. The novel is in fact far from what American critic Maureen Corrigan calls an \"\"unflinching ... commonsense feminist social commentary\"\". (Corrigan's article was \"\"Super-Smart Noir With a Feminist Jolt,\"\" National Public Radio, 23 September 2008.) Larsson further enters the debate as to how responsible criminals are for their crimes, and how much is blamed on upbringing or society. For instance, Salander", "\"Michael Nyqvist\"\nmany people flee execution by dictator Augusto Pinochet during and after the 1973 Chilean coup d'état. Nyvquist garnered international attention starring as Mikael Blomkvist in \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" (Swedish title: ), \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\" (Swedish title: ), and \"\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\" (Swedish title: ). These films were adapted from the \"\"Millennium\"\" series of novels by Stieg Larsson. He starred as a terrorist in the 2011 film, \"\"Abduction\"\", directed by John Singleton. He was also part of the permanent ensemble at the Swedish Royal Dramatic Theatre. Nyqvist appeared in the 2011", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nthe books has characteristics similar to that of Larsson's magazine, \"\"Expo\"\", such as its socio-political leanings and its financial difficulties. Both Larsson's longtime partner Eva Gabrielsson and English translator Steven T. Murray have said that Christopher MacLehose (who works for British publisher Quercus) \"\"needlessly prettified\"\" the English translation; as such, Murray requested he be credited under the pseudonym \"\"Reg Keeland\"\". The English release also changed the title, even though Larsson specifically refused to allow the Swedish publisher to do so, and the size of Salander's dragon tattoo; from a large piece covering her entire back, to a small shoulder tattoo.", "\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\nThe Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (original title in , literally, \"\"the air castle that was blown up\"\") is the third novel in the best-selling \"\"Millennium\"\" series by Swedish writer Stieg Larsson. It was published in Swedish in 2007; in English, in the UK, in October 2009; and in the US and Canada on 25 May 2010. The first three novels in the series, \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" (2005), \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\" (2006), and \"\"The Girl who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\" were written by Stieg Larsson before", "\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\nThe Girl Who Played with Fire The Girl Who Played with Fire () is the second novel in the best-selling \"\"Millennium\"\" series by Swedish writer Stieg Larsson. It was published posthumously in Swedish in 2006 and in English in January 2009. The book features many of the characters who appeared in \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" (2005), among them the title character, Lisbeth Salander, a brilliant computer hacker and social misfit, and Mikael Blomkvist, an investigative journalist and publisher of \"\"Millennium \"\" magazine. Widely seen as a critical success, \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\" was also (according to", "\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\nbehind and crossed the border. The Girl Who Played with Fire The Girl Who Played with Fire () is the second novel in the best-selling \"\"Millennium\"\" series by Swedish writer Stieg Larsson. It was published posthumously in Swedish in 2006 and in English in January 2009. The book features many of the characters who appeared in \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" (2005), among them the title character, Lisbeth Salander, a brilliant computer hacker and social misfit, and Mikael Blomkvist, an investigative journalist and publisher of \"\"Millennium \"\" magazine. Widely seen as a critical success, \"\"The Girl Who Played with", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (soundtrack)\"\nmade available on the Sony Pictures FYC site as of February 6, 2012. Here, it was presented in chronological order from the film, and did not feature the Led Zeppelin cover performed by Trent Reznor and Karen O: Credits for \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" adapted from liner notes: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (soundtrack) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is an ambient soundtrack by Trent Reznor (of Nine Inch Nails) and Atticus Ross, for David Fincher's film of the same name. It was released on December 9, 2011. This is the second soundtrack that Reznor and", "\"Lisbeth Salander\"\nLisbeth Salander Lisbeth Salander is a fictional character created by Swedish author and journalist Stieg Larsson. She is the lead character in Larsson's award-winning \"\"Millennium\"\" series, along with the journalist Mikael Blomkvist. Salander first appeared in the 2005 novel \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" (original Swedish title, \"\"Män som hatar kvinnor\"\", literally \"\"Men who hate women\"\" in English). She reappeared in its sequels: \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\" (2006), \"\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\" (2007), \"\"The Girl in the Spider's Web\"\" (2015), and \"\"The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye\"\" (2017). In the only", "\"The Girl Who Played with Fire (film)\"\nThe Girl Who Played with Fire (film) The Girl Who Played with Fire () is a 2009 Swedish thriller film directed by Daniel Alfredson, and the sequel to \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". It is based on the best-selling novel of the same name by the late Swedish author and journalist Stieg Larsson, the second in his \"\"Millennium\"\" series. The film follows Lisbeth Salander as she returns to Sweden after spending a year abroad. She falls under suspicion of having murdered a journalist and his girlfriend as well as her own social services guardian, Nils Bjurman. Mikael Blomkvist has", "\"Fredrik Dolk\"\nFredrik Dolk Gustav Fredrik Dolk (born 14 December 1961) is a Swedish actor. He is a noted voice actor and has delivered the Swedish voice of Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story, Splinter in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987), Superman in and Tuxedo Mask in Sailor Moon. He has appeared on stage, in television and films since 1991. He cameoed in the 2010 Swedish science fiction horror film Sector 236 – Thor's Wrath. In 2011 he appeared in David Fincher's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. He will appear in the upcoming Swedish horror film Wither, a film based on Swedish", "\"Mikael Blomkvist\"\nCecilia Vanger, Harriet Vanger and Monica Figuerola. In the 2009 Swedish version of \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" and its two sequels, Blomkvist is played by Michael Nyqvist. In the 2011 English adaptation, Blomkvist is played by Daniel Craig. In \"\"The Girl in the Spider's Web\"\", he will be portrayed by Sverrir Gudnason. Mikael Blomkvist Mikael Blomkvist is a fictional character created by Swedish author and journalist Stieg Larsson. He is a main character of Larsson's award-winning \"\"Millennium\"\" series, along with Lisbeth Salander. Larsson stated in interviews that he based many characters, including that of Lisbeth Salander, on characters", "\"Cinema of Sweden\"\nsame year, director Jan Troell returns with yet another period drama, \"\"Everlasting Moments\"\" (\"\"Maria Larssons Eviga Ögonblick\"\") (2008). In 2009, the feature films \"\"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo\"\" (\"\"Män som hatar kvinnor\"\"), \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\" (\"\"Flickan som lekte med elden\"\") and \"\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\" (\"\"Luftslottet som sprängdes\"\") became international hits with the first film making more than $100 million worldwide. All three films were based on the hit novels of the same names that together comprise the \"\"Millennium series\"\" by Swedish author/journalist Stieg Larsson. The Swedish Film Institute was founded in 1963", "\"Robert Karjel\"\nknown for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009 film) and its sequels. Karjel grew up in the small city of Örebro, the son of a Swedish mother, Solveig, and an Estonian father, Raivo. His father escaped Estonia as a child at the end of World War II. \"\"Perhaps my mixed Swedish-Estonian background created a permanent inner tension,\"\" Karjel wrote in an author profile. \"\"The almost mythic stories of heroism I heard growing up clashed with the dullness of the Swedish suburb where I lived.\"\" In 1987, Karjel traveled to the Amazon jungle, where he lived with Swedish missionaries in", "\"Fredrik Dolk\"\nfolklore. Fredrik Dolk Gustav Fredrik Dolk (born 14 December 1961) is a Swedish actor. He is a noted voice actor and has delivered the Swedish voice of Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story, Splinter in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987), Superman in and Tuxedo Mask in Sailor Moon. He has appeared on stage, in television and films since 1991. He cameoed in the 2010 Swedish science fiction horror film Sector 236 – Thor's Wrath. In 2011 he appeared in David Fincher's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. He will appear in the upcoming Swedish horror film Wither, a film based on", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (soundtrack)\"\nThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (soundtrack) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is an ambient soundtrack by Trent Reznor (of Nine Inch Nails) and Atticus Ross, for David Fincher's film of the same name. It was released on December 9, 2011. This is the second soundtrack that Reznor and Ross have worked on together, the previous being the Oscar-winning \"\"The Social Network\"\", also for Fincher. The album was released on Mute Records outside North America. The soundtrack is nearly three hours long, and includes covers of the Led Zeppelin track, \"\"Immigrant Song\"\", featuring Karen O of Yeah Yeah Yeahs,", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\n9, 2018. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a 2011 psychological crime thriller film based on the 2005 novel of the same name by Stieg Larsson. This film adaptation was directed by David Fincher and written by Steven Zaillian. Starring Daniel Craig as journalist Mikael Blomkvist and Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander, it tells the story of Blomkvist's investigation to find out what happened to a woman from a wealthy family who disappeared 40 years prior. He recruits the help of Salander, a computer hacker. Sony Pictures Entertainment began development on", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\nThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a 2011 psychological crime thriller film based on the 2005 novel of the same name by Stieg Larsson. This film adaptation was directed by David Fincher and written by Steven Zaillian. Starring Daniel Craig as journalist Mikael Blomkvist and Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander, it tells the story of Blomkvist's investigation to find out what happened to a woman from a wealthy family who disappeared 40 years prior. He recruits the help of Salander, a computer hacker. Sony Pictures Entertainment began development on the film", "\"30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\n30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a 2013 American comedy film directed by Craig Moss and starring Kathryn Fiore, Flip Schultz, and Olivia Alexander. The film parodies several films and generally follows the plots of \"\"Paranormal Activity\"\" and \"\"The Devil Inside\"\". After living in a psychiatric hospital, Dana (Kathryn Fiore) along with her husband, Aaron (Flip Schultz) attempt to move into their new house where her father (French Stewart) has murdered the entire cast of", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\nmore. \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" received positive reviews from critics, with particular note to the cast, tone, score and cinematography. Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a rating of 86%, based on 236 reviews, with an average rating of 7.6/10. The site's consensus states, \"\"Brutal yet captivating, \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" is the result of David Fincher working at his lurid best with total role commitment from star Rooney Mara.\"\" At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized score, the film received an average score of 71 out of 100, based on 41 critics, indicating \"\"generally", "\"Ali Sadeghian\"\nSwedish Musicians’ Union Svenska Musikerförbundet (SMF), and Swedish Artists’ and Musicians’ Interest Organization SAMI. Ali Sadeghian is also a model and an actor and has appeared in movies such as, \"\"Bibliotekstjuven\"\", \"\"Hamilton: I nationens interesse\"\",\"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", short films such as, \"\"Kärlek och Kaffébröd\"\", “Gör det själv då”, music videos such as, \"\"Sadness is a blessing\"\" by Lykke Li, “Speedmarket Avenue-You Can’t follow” by Isak Klasson, “Sinner’s Heist” by Cantoreggi, “Queer At Heart” by Kristian Kaspersen, and many Swedish TV commercials and TV programmes such as, “Hellenius Hörna“. Between 2012 and 2015, Ali Sadeghian continued his artistic", "\"Sven-Bertil Taube\"\nSwedish films and television series, while keeping his music career alive. Taube starred in the Swedish film version of Stieg Larsson's novel, \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", in the role of Henrick Vanger. The film was released in early 2010. He was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Guldbagge Award for his role in the film. Sven-Bertil Taube Sven-Bertil Gunnar Evert Taube (born 24 November 1934) is a Swedish singer and actor. Born in Stockholm, he is the son of songwriter Evert Taube and sculptor Astri Taube. At age 14, Taube began playing guitar. While traveling throughout Europe, he", "\"Millennium (novel series)\"\nMillennium (novel series) Millennium is a series of best-selling and award-winning Swedish crime novels, created by Stieg Larsson. The two primary characters in the saga are Lisbeth Salander, a woman in her twenties with a photographic memory and poor social skills, and Mikael Blomkvist, an investigative journalist and publisher of a magazine called \"\"Millennium\"\". Larsson planned the series as having ten installments, but due to his sudden death in 2004, only three were completed and published. All three were published posthumously: \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" in 2005, \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\" in 2006, and \"\"The Girl", "\"Millennium (miniseries)\"\n2011. The \"\"Millennium\"\" TV miniseries is a compilation of the three Swedish film adaptations, \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\", and \"\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\" with extended scenes, adding more depth in both the stories and the characters. The series was produced by Yellow Bird in cooperation with several production companies, including SVT, Nordisk Film, Film i Väst and ZDF Enterprises. At Kristallen 2010. The miniseries was divided into 6 episodes total, with each episode of the series is about 90 minutes long, making the television series about 110 minutes longer", "\"Tehilla Blad\"\ninto four episodes on Swedish Television (SVT). She has since then appeared in both children and adult films/TV shows, in particular, \"\"Ella in two places\"\" (SVT), \"\"Dra mig baklänges!\"\" (SVT), \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\" and \"\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\". In the fall of 2009, Tehilla shouldered a greater role in the Pernilla August film \"\"Beyond\"\" where she and Noomi Rapace play the main character Leena (child and adult). The film was first shown in public on the Critic's Week at Venice Film Festival 2010, where it won the Critic's", "\"¿Dónde está Elisa? (U.S. TV series)\"\non Tuesday in January 13, 2010. The series was produced in Miami Florida. The filming started on January 27 and ended in May, 2010. In July 26, the series shared the 1 hour time slot with another Telemundo telenovela \"\"La Diosa Coronada\"\". The last episode of the series was aired on Tuesday in August 10, 2010. A question is how much of DEE is based on the successful book \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" (also known as \"\"Men Who Hate Women\"\" in English), a 2009 Swedish film adaptation of the novel \"\"Män som hatar kvinnor\"\" by the late Swedish", "\"Stieg Larsson\"\nThe first book in the series was published in Sweden as literally\"\"Men who hate women\"\" (2005). It was titled for the English-language market as \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" and published in the United Kingdom in February 2008. It was awarded the Glass Key award as the best Nordic crime novel in 2005. His second novel, \"\"Flickan som lekte med elden\"\" (2006, \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\"), received the Best Swedish Crime Novel Award in 2006 and was published in the United Kingdom in January 2009. The third novel, \"\"Luftslottet som sprängdes\"\" (\"\"The Air Castle That was Blown", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\non \"\"The New York Times\"\" Best Seller list. Alex Berenson wrote in \"\"The New York Times\"\", \"\"The novel offers a thoroughly ugly view of human nature\"\"; while it \"\"opens with an intriguing mystery\"\" and the \"\"middle section of \"\"Girl\"\" is a treat, the rest of the novel doesn't quite measure up. The book's original Swedish title was \"\"Men Who Hate Women\"\", a label that just about captures the subtlety of the novel's sexual politics.\"\" The \"\"Los Angeles Times\"\" said \"\"the book takes off, in the fourth chapter: From there, it becomes classic parlor crime fiction with many modern twists...The writing", "\"David Dencik\"\nDavid Dencik Karl David Sebastian Dencik (born 31 October 1974) is a Swedish-Danish actor. He has acted in both Swedish and Danish films, and has also had major roles in English-language films including \"\"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy\"\" and \"\" The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". Dencik was born in Stockholm, Sweden. His family moved to Denmark when he was very young. As a teenager, he spent his youth studying in Brazil, where he discovered Capoeira, the Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance and music. The dance aspect of Capoeira made him take an interest in theatre. He later", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nwrites, \"\"His favourite targets are violence against women, the incompetence and cowardice of investigative journalists, the moral bankruptcy of big capital and the virulent strain of Nazism still festering away ... in Swedish society.\"\" Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm and Anna Westerstahl Stenport write that the novel \"\"reflects—implicitly and explicitly—gaps between rhetoric and practice in Swedish policy and public discourse about complex relations between welfare state retrenchment, neoliberal corporate and economic practices, and politicised gender construction. The novel, according to one article, endorses a pragmatic acceptance of a neoliberal world order that is delocalized, dehumanized and misogynistic.\"\" Alm and Stenport add, \"\"What", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\n2011\"\", while reaching the top ten of seven other publications, including the \"\"St. Louis Post-Dispatch\"\", \"\"San Francisco Chronicle\"\", and the \"\"New Orleans Times-Picayune\"\". \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" was declared one of the best films of the year by the American Film Institute, as well as the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures. In December 2011, Fincher stated that the creative team involved planned to film the sequels \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\" and \"\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\", \"\"back to back.\"\" There was an announced release date of 2013 for a film version of", "\"David Dencik\"\nDimension Films thriller \"\"Regression\"\". In 2017 he played brothel owner Alexander \"\"Puss\"\" Braun, in Jane Campion's acclaimed \"\"Top of the Lake\"\". \"\"McMafia\"\" (2018) saw Dencik play Russian Boss, Uncle Boris Godman, inspired by the book \"\"McMafia: A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld\"\" (2008) by journalist Misha Glenny. David Dencik Karl David Sebastian Dencik (born 31 October 1974) is a Swedish-Danish actor. He has acted in both Swedish and Danish films, and has also had major roles in English-language films including \"\"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy\"\" and \"\" The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". Dencik was born in Stockholm, Sweden. His", "\"Joely Richardson\"\nJoely Richardson Joely Kim Richardson (born 9 January 1965) is an English actress, known for her role as Julia McNamara in the FX drama series \"\"Nip/Tuck\"\" (2003–10), and Queen Catherine Parr in the Showtime series \"\"The Tudors\"\" (2010). She has also appeared in films such as \"\"101 Dalmatians\"\" (1996), \"\"Event Horizon\"\" (1997), \"\"The Patriot\"\" (2000), \"\"Return to Me\"\" (2000), \"\"Anonymous\"\" (2011), the Hollywood film adaptation \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" (2011), and the remake of \"\"Endless Love\"\" (2014). Richardson was born in Marylebone, London, to the theatrical Redgrave family, the daughter of actress Vanessa Redgrave and director Tony Richardson,", "\"Noomi Rapace\"\nDragon Tattoo\"\", for which she won the Guldbagge Award (Sweden's top film award) and was nominated for a BAFTA Award and European Film Award. She later appeared in the same role in the sequels \"\"The Girl Who Played with Fire\"\", and \"\"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest\"\" (all three were subsequently recut as a six-part miniseries aired on Swedish television called \"\"Millennium\"\"). Her first English-speaking role was the character of Madame Simza Heron in Guy Ritchie's \"\",\"\" released in 2011. Her international fame has earned her leading roles in mainstream cinema. She was cast in Ridley Scott's blockbuster hit", "\"Atticus Ross\"\nNetwork\"\". On 27 February, they received the Academy Award for Best Original Score for \"\"The Social Network\"\". Ross and Reznor again collaborated on the soundtrack to Fincher's 2011 film \"\"Girl With the Dragon Tattoo\"\". In 2013, the pair won a Grammy Award for Best score soundtrack for visual media for their \"\"Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" soundtrack. Ross was slated to work on the 2013 samurai epic \"\"47 Ronin\"\", directed by Carl Rinsch, but was soon replaced by Javier Navarrete. Ross and Reznor again teamed up with Fincher to score his 2014 film \"\"Gone Girl\"\". In 2016, Ross and Reznor,", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\nenjoyable and completely unnecessary\"\". Rene Rodriguez of \"\"The Miami Herald\"\" said that the \"\"fabulously sinister entertainment\"\" surpassed the original film \"\"in every way\"\". The film took two and a half stars from \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" commentator Peter Travers, who concluded: \"\"Fincher's \"\"Girl\"\" is gloriously rendered but too impersonal to leave a mark.\"\" A. O. Scott, writing for \"\"The New York Times\"\", admired the moments of \"\"brilliantly orchestrated\"\" anxiety and confusion, but felt that \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" was vulnerable to the \"\"lumbering proceduralism\"\" that he saw in its literary counterpart, as evident with the \"\"long stretches of drab, hackneyed", "\"Sylvia Hoeks\"\nin \"\"The Girl in the Spider's Web\"\", the sequel to \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". Hoeks will return to television for the upcoming Apple drama series \"\"See\"\" as Queen Kane. Sylvia Hoeks Sylvia Hoeks (; born 1 June 1983) is a Dutch actress and former model best known for her role as Luv in \"\"Blade Runner 2049\"\". Hoeks grew up in Maarheeze, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands. She speaks Dutch, German, French, and English. After finishing high school, she attended the Maastricht Academy of Dramatic Arts. Hoeks was scouted by Elite Model Management at age 14. Her first job was a cover", "\"Robin Wright\"\nthe romantic comedy-drama \"\"Forrest Gump\"\" (1994), the romantic drama \"\"Message in a Bottle\"\" (1999), the superhero drama-thriller \"\"Unbreakable\"\" (2000), the historical drama \"\"The Conspirator\"\" (2010), the biographical sports drama \"\"Moneyball\"\" (2011), the mystery thriller \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" (2011), the biographical drama \"\"Everest\"\" (2015), the superhero film \"\"Wonder Woman\"\" (2017), and the neo-noir science fiction film \"\"Blade Runner 2049\"\" (2017). Wright starred as Claire Underwood in the Netflix political drama web television series \"\"House of Cards\"\", for which she won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Television Series Drama in 2013, making her the first actress", "\"Léa Seydoux\"\nhad a major part in Jessica Hausner's \"\"Lourdes\"\", and a small role in her first Hollywood film, Quentin Tarantino's \"\"Inglourious Basterds\"\". In 2010 she starred alongside Russell Crowe in Ridley Scott's \"\"Robin Hood\"\", playing Isabella of Angoulême; other 2010 work includes Louis Garrel's \"\"Petit Tailleur\"\", and Rebecca Zlotowski's \"\"Belle Épine\"\", which earned her a second César nomination of Most Promising Actress. Seydoux auditioned to play Lisbeth Salander in \"\"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo\"\", but the part ultimately went to actress Rooney Mara. Seydoux recalled in an interview: \"\"I got upset, but I don't think I'd be able to do", "\"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (season 4)\"\nan actress, producer and philanthropist. Giraud de Ohoven established herself as an actress by appearing is films such as \"\"Dude, Where's My Car?\"\" and \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". Giraud de Ohoven has also made a name for herself on the television by starring in Tyler Perry's \"\"House of Payne\"\", \"\"Baywatch\"\" as well as \"\"Siberia\"\", which she also produces. She has also produced other films with her husband, such as \"\"Capote\"\" and \"\"Texas Killing Fields\"\". When she isn't working she is living happily with her husband, Academy Award-nominee producer Michael Ohoven, and raising their two children together; Leo, 3,", "\"Glowing Stars\"\nin part because Josefine Mattsson was able to make Jenna's frustration seem so complex. \"\"Glowing Stars\"\" won the \"\"Film of the Year\"\" award at the Gothenburg Film Festival, with the 50,000 Swedish kronor prize money going to Siwe. The winner is decided by the audience members of the festival. The two other films nominated in the category were \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" and \"\"Prinsessa\"\". \"\"Glowing Stars\"\" was also nominated for \"\"Best Picture\"\" at the Guldbagge Awards. This award, however, is given by a jury and not regular people as with the Gothenburg Film Festival. The film lost to", "\"Houston Film Critics Society Awards 2010\"\nBest Actor (Jesse Eisenberg), and Best Screenplay (Aaron Sorkin) categories. \"\"Inception\"\" was the only other film to garner multiple awards, winning both the Best Original Score (Hans Zimmer) and Best Cinematography (Wally Pfister) prizes. The other acting awards went to Natalie Portman as Best Actress for \"\"Black Swan\"\", Hailee Steinfeld as Best Supporting Actress for \"\"True Grit\"\", and Christian Bale as Best Supporting Actor for \"\"The Fighter\"\". The remaining film honors went to \"\"Toy Story 3\"\" as Best Animated Film, \"\"Restrepo\"\" as Best Documentary, and \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" as Best Foreign Language Film. \"\"We Are Sex Bob-Omb\"\"", "\"Curse of the Blue Tattoo\"\nCurse of the Blue Tattoo The Curse of the Blue Tattoo is a historical novel by L.A. Meyer. It continues the story of orphaned London girl, Jacky Faber, in the early 19th century. The story began in \"\"Bloody Jack\"\", and continues in \"\"Under the Jolly Roger\"\", \"\"In the Belly of the Bloodhound\"\", \"\"Mississippi Jack\"\", \"\"My Bonny Light Horseman\"\", \"\"Rapture of the Deep\"\", \"\"The Wake of the Lorelei Lee\"\", and \"\"The Mark of the Golden Dragon\"\". At the end of \"\"Bloody Jack\"\", Jacky Faber is exposed as a girl and sent to the Lawson Peabody School for Young Girls in Boston,", "Translation\nPrince\"\" (The Little Prince), are meant to be informative, and can name the protagonist, and indicate the theme of the book. An example of a symbolic book title is Stieg Larsson's \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", whose original Swedish title is \"\"Män som hatar kvinnor\"\" (Men Who Hate Women). Such symbolic book titles usually indicate the theme, issues, or atmosphere of the work. When translators are working with long book titles, the translated titles are often shorter and indicate the theme of the book. The translation of plays poses many problems such as the added element of actors, speech", "\"The Troubled Man\"\nCity Theatre in Autumn 2010. Mankell got the idea for the play while he was working on the novel. The play's main character is the late Swedish prime minister Olof Palme, who also appears in the novel. The play will start on a submarine and end in the aftermath of Palme's assassination. Mankell has stated that he hopes that Michael Nyqvist, known for his role in \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", will play the lead. A first edition run of 125,000 copies was published in Sweden by Leopard förlag on 18 August 2009 with plans for an immediate second", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\nthing for now. It's possible that it can be two and three, but let's concentrate on this one.'\"\" After reading the book, the screenwriter did no research on the subject. Fincher, who was requested with partner Cean Chaffin by Sony executives to read the novel, was astounded by the series' size and success. As they began to read, the duo noticed that it had a tendency to take \"\"readers on a lot of side trips\"\"—\"\"from detailed explanations of surveillance techniques to angry attacks on corrupt Swedish industrialists,\"\" professed \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" Gregg Kilday. Fincher recalled of the encounter: \"\"The ballistic,", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\nin the film giving everything a low, cool-colored light that is super soft and non-direct.\"\" To get acquainted with Swedish culture, Burt set out on a month-long expedition across the country. He said of the process, \"\"It takes time to start really taking in the nuances of a culture, to start seeing the themes that recur in the architecture, the landscape, the layouts of the cities and the habits of the people. I felt I had to really integrate myself into this world to develop a true sense of place for the film. It was not just about understanding the", "Skyfall\nthe scene was set on an unnamed island off the coast of Macau, though based on the real-life Hashima. Sam Mendes explained that the location was a hybrid of a set and computer-generated images. Production chose to include the Hashima model after Daniel Craig met with Swedish film-maker Thomas Nordanstad whilst shooting \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" in Stockholm. Nordanstad, who produced a short documentary on Hashima Island in 2002 entitled \"\"Hashima\"\", recalled Craig taking extensive notes on the island at the time of the meeting, but was unaware of his interest in it until \"\"Skyfall\"\" was released. The", "\"Chapter 1 (House of Cards)\"\nand watched three seasons of \"\"Breaking Bad\"\"' or it's two seasons of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\"\"\". He was officially cast on March 18, 2011. Robin Wright was approached by Fincher to star in the series when they worked together in \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". She was cast as Claire Underwood in June 2011. Kate Mara was cast as Zoe Barnes in early February 2012. Mara's sister, Rooney Mara, worked with Fincher in \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", and when Kate Mara read the part of Zoe, she \"\"fell in love with the character\"\" and asked her sister to", "\"House of Cards (U.S. TV series)\"\n\"\"Breaking Bad\"\" or it's two seasons of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\".\"\" He was officially cast on March 18, 2011. Robin Wright was approached by Fincher to star in the series when they worked together in \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". She was cast as Claire Underwood in June 2011. Kate Mara was cast as Zoe Barnes in early February 2012. Mara's sister, Rooney, worked with Fincher in \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", and when Kate Mara read the part of Zoe, she \"\"fell in love with the character\"\" and asked her sister to \"\"put in a word for me", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nreleased to great acclaim in Sweden and later, on its publication in many other European countries. In the original language, it won Sweden's Glass Key Award in 2006 for best crime novel of the year. It also won the 2008 Boeke Prize, and in 2009 the Galaxy British Book Awards for Books Direct Crime Thriller of the Year, and the prestigious Anthony Award for Best First Novel. Larsson was awarded the ITV3 Crime Thriller Award for International Author of the Year in 2008. \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" received mixed reviews from American critics. It debuted at number four", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\nare shuffled around, and that can get pretty frustrating when you get precious about your work. It was a lesson we learned pretty quickly of, 'Everything is in flux, and approach it as such. Hopefully it’ll work out in the end.'\"\" A screening for \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" took place on November 28, 2011, as part of a critics-only event hosted by the New York Film Critics Circle. Commentators at the event predicted that while the film would become a contender for several accolades, it would likely not become a forerunner in the pursuit for Academy Award nominations.", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\n1, 2012, and Japan on February 13. India and Vietnam releases were abandoned due to censorship concerns. A press statement from the Central Board of Film Certification stated: \"\"Sony Pictures will not be releasing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in India. The censor board has judged the film unsuitable for public viewing in its unaltered form and, while we are committed to maintaining and protecting the vision of the director, we will, as always, respect the guidelines set by the board.\"\" In contrast, the National Film Board of Vietnam insisted that the film's withdrawal had no relation to rigid", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\nrespectively. In its second week in France it descended to number three, with a total gross of $5.8 million. The next major international release came in Japan on February 13, where it opened in first place with $3.68 million (¥288 million) in 431 theaters. By the weekend of February 17–19, the film had scooped up $119.5 million from international markets. The total international gross for \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" was $130.1 million. MGM, one of the studios involved in the production, posted a \"\"modest loss\"\" and declared that they had expected the film to gross at least 10%", "\"Alex (Verhœven series)\"\ncompared to Swedish author Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy book The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It won the CWA International Dagger award 2013 amidst much international acclaim. Alex Prevost – kidnapped, savagely beaten, suspended from the ceiling of an abandoned warehouse in a wooden cage – is running out of time. Her abductor appears to want only to watch her die. Apart from a shaky eyewitness report, Police Commandant Camille Verhœven has nothing to go on: no suspects, no leads. To find the young woman, the detective - a man with a tragic past and extraordinary abilities as an investigator", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nto grant. The incident, he said, haunted him for years afterward and in part inspired him to create a character named Lisbeth who was also a rape survivor. The veracity of this story has been questioned since Larsson's death, after a colleague from \"\"Expo\"\" magazine reported to \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" that Larsson had told him he had heard the story secondhand and retold it as his own. The murder of Catrine da Costa was also an inspiration when he wrote the book. With the exception of the fictional Hedestad, the novel takes place in actual Swedish towns. The magazine \"\"Millennium\"\" in", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\ninterest in adapting the book, as became apparent in 2009, when Lynton and Pascal pursued the idea of developing an \"\"American\"\" version unrelated to the Swedish film adaptation released that year. By December, two major developments occurred for the project: Steven Zaillian, who had recently completed the script for \"\"Moneyball\"\" (2011), became the screenwriter, while producer Scott Rudin finalized a partnership allocating full copyrights to Sony. Zaillian, who was unfamiliar with the novel, got a copy from Rudin. The screenwriter recalled, \"\"They sent it to me and said, 'We want to do this. We will think of it as one", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009 film)\"\nBlomkvist publishes a new story on Wennerström in \"\"Millennium\"\" which ruins Wennerström and makes the magazine a national sensation. Wennerström is then found dead presumably by suicide. His offshore bank account in the Cayman Islands is raided, and the police suspect a young woman caught on CCTV, whom Blomkvist recognises as Salander in disguise. The film ends with Salander, dressed in disguise as she exits her car, walking along a sunny beach promenade. \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" was well received by critics. The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a normalized score of 86% based on", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009 film)\"\n168 reviews, with an average score of 7.2/10 and declares it \"\"Certified Fresh\"\". The critical consensus is: \"\"Its graphic violence and sprawling length will prove too much for some viewers to take, but Noomi Rapace's gripping performance makes \"\"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo\"\" an unforgettable viewing experience.\"\" Metacritic gives the film a weighted average score of 76% based on reviews from 36 critics. Roger Ebert of the \"\"Chicago Sun-Times\"\" gave the film four out of four stars, noting that \"\"[the film] is a compelling thriller to begin with, but it adds the rare quality of having a heroine more", "\"Blur Studio\"\nhighlight of \"\"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo\"\", along with the rest of the Millennium Trilogy. Blur collaborated with director David Fincher on other numerous projects and was Fincher's only choice for \"\"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo\"\". His creative mandate to Blur consisted simply of \"\"CG, very adult, super dark, leather, skin, blood, snow, breasts, vaginas, needles, piercings, motorcycles, vengeance.\"\" 'He wanted it to be like a fever dream, with a lot of abstract imagery' while reinventing title sequence expectations. Blur co-founder, with the project’s creative director Tim Miller, the graphic design side of the team Jennifer Miller, and", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nof all—author Larsson's penchant for always telling us exactly what we should be feeling.\"\" On the other hand, Dr. Abdallah Daar, writing for \"\"Nature\"\", said, \"\"The events surrounding the great-niece's disappearance are meticulously and ingeniously pieced together, with plenty of scientific insight.\"\" The \"\"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette\"\" wrote, \"\"It's a big, intricately plotted, darkly humorous work, rich with ironies, quirky but believable characters and a literary playfulness that only a master of the genre and its history could bring off.\"\" As of 3 June 2011, \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" had sold over 3.4 million copies in hardcover or ebook formats,", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (soundtrack)\"\nan ever-evolving array of further background music accompanied to various film stills. Following a hidden clue on \"\"...Comes Forth in theThaw\"\", the website was found, which led to a series of treasure trails around the world, finding pieces from the film as part of an Alternate Reality Game promotion. The album's art was created by Nine Inch Nails and How to Destroy Angels' creative director Rob Sheridan and Neil Kellerhouse. \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" was opened for pre-orders online on December 2, 2011, on Reznor's independent label website Null Corporation in a number of different formats at", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\nwelcome humor in Mikael's impassive affect\"\". In his 2016 assessment of Craig's career for Taste of Cinema, Eoghan Lyng ranked this portrayal as one of his best. Roger Ebert of the \"\"Chicago Sun-Times\"\" said the film was given a more assured quality than the original because of Fincher's direction and the lead performances, although he believed this did not always work to the film's advantage, preferring the original version's \"\"less confident surface\"\" where \"\"emotions were closer to the surface.\"\" In addition to numerous awards, \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" was included on several year-end lists by film commentators and", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\npolitical themes. Salander's tattoos, such as her phoenix and dragon tattoos, were incorporated. The multiple flower representations signified the biological life cycle, as well as Henrik, who received a pressed flower each year on his birthday. \"\"One had flowers coming out of this black ooze,\"\" said Fincher, \"\"it blossoms, and then it dies. And then a different flower, as that one is dying is rising from the middle of it. It was supposed to represent this cycle of the killer sending flowers.\"\" Ultimately, the vignette becomes very conceptual because Miller and his team took \"\"a whole thought, and cut it", "\"David Dencik\"\nfor his role as the killer John Ausonius in the three-part TV mini-series \"\"Lasermannen\"\" in 2005. In 2006, he starred in the comedy \"\"Everything About My Bush\"\" (known as \"\"Allt om min buske\"\" in Swedish). In 2007, he appeared in the Danish feature film \"\"Daisy Diamond\"\" directed by Simon Staho. He portrayed Fred Åkerström in the biographical film \"\"Cornelis\"\", starring Hank Von Helvete as Cornelis Vreeswijk. In 2011, he appeared in the Hollywood-adaption of \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" and played Toby Esterhase in the film \"\"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy\"\". He also starred in the gay-themed \"\"Brotherhood\"\" and the", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nis not beautiful, clipped at times (though that could be the translation by Reg Keeland) and with a few too many falsely dramatic endings to sections or chapters. But it is a compelling, well-woven tale that succeeds in transporting the reader to rural Sweden for a good crime story.\"\" Several months later, Matt Selman said the book \"\"rings false with piles of easy super-victories and far-fetched one-in-a-million clue-findings.\"\" Richard Alleva, in \"\"Commonweal\"\", wrote that the novel is marred by \"\"its inept backstory, banal characterizations, flavorless prose, surfeit of themes (Swedish Nazism, uncaring bureaucracy, corporate malfeasance, abuse of women, etc.), and—worst", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\nphysicality of the locations, but the metaphysics of them, and how the way people live comes out through design.\"\" Principal photography began in Stockholm, Sweden in September 2010. Production mostly took place at multiple locations in the city's central business district, including at the Stockholm Court House. One challenge was realizing the Vanger estate. They picked an eighteenth-century French architecture mansion Hofsta located approximately southwest of Stockholm. Filmmakers wanted to use a typical \"\"manor from Småland\"\" that was solemn, formal, and \"\"very Old Money\"\". \"\"The Swedish are very good at the modern and the minimal but they also have these", "\"Stellan Skarsgård\"\nStellan Skarsgård Stellan John Skarsgård (; born 13 June 1951) is a Swedish actor. He is known for his roles as Jan Nyman in \"\"Breaking the Waves\"\" (1996), Captain Tupolev in \"\"The Hunt for Red October\"\" (1990), Prof. Gerald Lambeau in \"\"Good Will Hunting\"\" (1997), Bootstrap Bill Turner in \"\"\"\" (2006) and \"\"\"\" (2007), Bill Anderson in \"\"Mamma Mia!\"\" (2008) and the sequel \"\"Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again\"\" (2018), Commander Maximilian Richter in \"\"Angels and Demons\"\" (2009), Martin Vanger in \"\"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo\"\" (2011), Dr. Erik Selvig in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films \"\"Thor\"\" (2011), \"\"The", "\"Nordic noir\"\nsubtitled original programmes have proven more popular with British audiences. International adaptations such as Sky Television's French/British \"\"The Tunnel\"\" (adapted from the Swedish/Danish \"\"The Bridge\"\") have their own identity whilst retaining a stylistic and thematic affinity with the original series. While American cinema brought the English language movie version of \"\"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo\"\" to a worldwide audience, receiving plaudits and was a box-office success, the American adaptations such as \"\"The Killing\"\" have fared less well critically and have proven less popular in terms of audience reaction than original productions, an example being the enduring interest in Arne", "\"The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nreviewing her (Jami Reid-Quarrell) might not be who he appears to be. The title is inspired by the novel and films \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\". Ram struggles to recover from the attack at the prom. Coach Dawson scolds him for poor performance in football and demotes him to the second string team. That week, Ram witnesses a creature attack both the assistant coach and a school cleaner, but struggles to find evidence of their deaths after the fact, leading him to question his sanity. Tanya, Charlie, and April investigate on his behalf, and learn that a dragon manifesting", "\"30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\n\"\"The Artist\"\" during his exorcism. Dana finds herself dealing with various others who live in the house, including an evil spirit and a teenage daughter (Olivia Alexander) who is infatuated with their neighbor Abraham Lincoln (Ben Morrison). \"\"Exclaim!\"\" gave the film a two out of ten rating, stating that \"\"Somewhere buried underneath all of the terrible references and non-sequiturs are maybe one or two chuckles that weren't elicited without a fair amount of shame and guilt.\"\" 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside", "\"St. Louis Gateway Film Critics Association Awards 2011\"\nPotter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 We Need to Talk About Kevin \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\": opening credits St. Louis Gateway Film Critics Association Awards 2011 The nominees for the 8th St. Louis Film Critics Association Awards were announced on December 12, 2011. George Clooney – \"\"The Descendants\"\" as Matt King Rooney Mara – \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" as Lisbeth Salander \"\"The Tree of Life\"\" – Emmanuel Lubezki Michel Hazanavicius – \"\"The Artist\"\" The Artist Bridesmaids \"\"13 Assassins (Jūsannin no Shikaku)\"\" • Japan The Artist \"\"The Artist\"\" – Michel Hazanavicius \"\"The Descendants\"\" – Nat", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\nin 2009. It took the company a few months to obtain the rights to the novel, while recruiting Zaillian and David Fincher. The casting process for the lead roles was exhaustive and intense; Craig faced scheduling conflicts, and a number of actresses were sought for the role of Lisbeth Salander. The script took over six months to write, which included three months of analyzing the novel. Critics gave the film favorable reviews, praising its bleak tone and lauding Craig and Mara's performances. With a production budget of $90 million the film grossed $232.6 million worldwide. The film was chosen by", "\"Niels Arden Oplev\"\nNiels Arden Oplev Niels Arden Oplev (; born 26 March 1961) is a writer-director from Denmark. Oplev was born in Oue, Denmark. His 1996 film \"\"Portland\"\" was entered into the 46th Berlin International Film Festival. He directed \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", the 2009 Swedish film based on Stieg Larsson's novel of the same title and won critical acclaim internationally. Oplev decided to not continue directing the second and third parts of the Millennium Trilogy due to time constraints. The film broke box office records in Europe, grossing over $100 million USD. As announced on 30 November 2012, Oplev", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nIn December 2002, Mikael Blomkvist, publisher of the Swedish political magazine \"\"Millennium\"\", loses a libel case involving allegations about billionaire industrialist Hans-Erik Wennerström. Blomkvist is sentenced to three months (deferred) in prison, and ordered to pay hefty damages and costs. Soon afterwards, he is invited to meet Henrik Vanger, the retired CEO of the Vanger Corporation, unaware that Vanger has checked into his personal and professional history; the investigation of Blomkvist's circumstances has been carried out by Lisbeth Salander, a brilliant but deeply troubled researcher and computer hacker. Vanger promises to provide Blomkvist with evidence against Wennerström in return for", "\"Ingarö\"\nremains of the first Swedish aviator, Carl Cederström, also known as Kalle Flygare. The island has a 36-hole golf course, as well as tennis courts. A nude beach is located at Återvallssjön, the first of its kind in Sweden. Ingarö has been the location for movie-making, including parts of the 1993 film \"\"Sune's Summer\"\" and parts of \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" featuring Daniel Craig. On 14 June 2008, Esbjorn Svensson (great pianist for the jazz band E.S.T) went missing during a scuba diving session. His diving companions, including an instructor and his then 14-year-old son, eventually found him", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\nsecret bank account. Blomkvist and Salander spend Christmas together in his holiday retreat. Shortly after, she goes to Blomkvist's home, intending to declare her love for him, but leaves when she sees him with his long-time lover and business partner Erika Berger. As a postscript, Salander continues to monitor Wennerström and after six months, anonymously informs a lawyer in Miami of his whereabouts. Four days later the body of Wennerström is found in Marbella, Spain, shot three times in the head. Larsson makes several literary references to the genre's classic forerunners and comments on contemporary Swedish society. Reviewer Robert Dessaix", "\"Murder of Catrine da Costa\"\ninspired Stieg Larsson to write the novel \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", an international success. Murder of Catrine da Costa Remains of Swedish prostitute Catrine da Costa (19 June 1956 – 1984) were found in Solna, north of Stockholm, in the late summer of 1984. Da Costa had been dismembered and parts of her body, in plastic bags, were found one kilometer apart on 18 July and 8 August. The case is known as Styckmordsrättegången (the dismemberment murder trial). How da Costa died has not been established, since vital organs and her head have not been found. Da Costa,", "\"84th Academy Awards\"\nGirl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", \"\"The Help\"\", \"\"Midnight in Paris\"\", \"\"The Muppets\"\", \"\"Rango\"\", \"\"Saving Face\"\", \"\"A Separation\"\", \"\"The Shore\"\", and \"\"Undefeated\"\" with one. The telecast garnered more than 39 million viewers in the United States. The nominees for the 84th Academy Awards were announced on January 24, 2012, at 5:38 a.m. PST (13:38 UTC) at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, California, by Tom Sherak, president of the Academy, and the actress Jennifer Lawrence. \"\"Hugo\"\" led all nominees with eleven nominations; \"\"The Artist\"\" came in second with ten. The winners were announced during the awards ceremony on February 26,", "\"Christopher MacLehose\"\nfounded in 2004). The first titles were published in January 2008, and among these was the best-selling psychological thriller \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\" by Swedish author Stieg Larsson. Other international authors published by MacLehose Press include Bernardo Atxaga, Dulce Maria Cardoso, Philippe Claudel, Otto de Kat, Maylis de Kerangal, Virginie Despentes, Joël Dicker, Sophie Divry, Per Olov Enquist, Roy Jacobsen, Jaan Kross, Andrey Kurkov, David Lagercrantz, Pierre Lemaitre, Élmer Mendoza, Patrick Modiano, Marie NDiaye, Daniel Pennac, Lydie Salvayre, Żanna Słoniowska, and Valerio Varesi. With \"\"a reputation as a master at finding foreign fiction by writers such as Henning", "\"Music Box Films\"\n2008. Other Music Box releases have included the Academy Award–nominated film \"\"Monsieur Lazhar\"\" (nominated for Best Foreign Language Film), \"\"Ida\"\" (Best Foreign Language Film), \"\"Séraphine\"\" (winner of seven César Awards in France), Mozart's Sister, North Face, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (grossing over $10 million in US box office and one of the most popular international releases of the decade), and The Names of Love. Recent releases include Anne Fontaine’s World War II drama \"\"The Innocents,\"\" the official Swedish Oscar submission for Best Foreign Language Film \"\"A Man Called Ove\"\" (based on the international best selling novel) and the", "\"Madison (actress)\"\nsong \"\"Hooligan's Holiday\"\" by Mötley Crüe. In the 1990s, Madison formed the rock band Kiss The Monkey and fronted the band Four Ugly Girls. In 2006, she opened a tattoo parlor called Madison Tattoo Shoppe in North Hollywood, California. Madison (actress) Madison (born January 12, 1965), formerly known as Madison Stone, is an American former pornographic actress. In 1988, Madison, who was born and raised in Miami, Florida, moved from Atlanta, Georgia to Los Angeles after working as a cosmetologist. Madison sported numerous tattoos and multiple piercings in her nose, tongue and cleavage. The Madison piercing, a body piercing at", "\"Rooney Mara\"\nRooney Mara Patricia Rooney Mara ( ; born April 17, 1985) is an American actress. She began her career playing supporting roles in several independent films, including the coming-of-age drama film \"\"Tanner Hall\"\" (2009), before starring as Nancy Holbrook in the 2010 remake of \"\"A Nightmare on Elm Street\"\" and as Erica Albright in the biographical drama film \"\"The Social Network\"\" (2010). In 2011, Mara had a career breakthrough when she portrayed Lisbeth Salander, the title character in David Fincher's \"\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\"\", based on Stieg Larsson's \"\"Millennium\"\" book series. She received critical acclaim for her performance", "\"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)\"\nNational Board of Review as one of the top ten films of 2011 and was a candidate for numerous awards, winning, among others, the Academy Award for Best Film Editing, while Mara's performance earned her an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. In Stockholm, Sweden, divorced journalist Mikael Blomkvist, co-owner of \"\"Millennium\"\" magazine, has lost a libel case brought against him by businessman Hans-Erik Wennerström. Lisbeth Salander, a brilliant but troubled investigator and hacker, compiles an extensive background check on Blomkvist for business magnate Henrik Vanger, who has a special task for him. In exchange for the promise of damning", "\"Blind Woman's Curse\"\nBlind Woman's Curse Blind Woman's Curse () is a 1970 Japanese film directed by Teruo Ishii. Akemi (Kaji) is a dragon tattooed leader of the Tachibana yakuza clan. In a duel with a rival gang, Akemi slashes the eyes of an opponent and a black cat appears to lap the blood from the gushing wound. The cat and the victim of the slashing go on to seek revenge on Akemi's gang, leaving a trail of dead yakuza girls with their dragon tattoos skinned from their bodies. \"\"Blind Woman's Curse\"\" was released in Japan on 20 June 1970. It was distributed", "\"Blind Woman's Curse\"\ntheatrically in the United States by Toho International 6 August 1971. Blind Woman's Curse Blind Woman's Curse () is a 1970 Japanese film directed by Teruo Ishii. Akemi (Kaji) is a dragon tattooed leader of the Tachibana yakuza clan. In a duel with a rival gang, Akemi slashes the eyes of an opponent and a black cat appears to lap the blood from the gushing wound. The cat and the victim of the slashing go on to seek revenge on Akemi's gang, leaving a trail of dead yakuza girls with their dragon tattoos skinned from their bodies. \"\"Blind Woman's Curse\"\"" ]
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who played stands with fists in dances with wolves
[ "Mary Eileen McDonnell" ]
[ "\"Dances with Wolves\"\nwin an Academy Award for Best Picture since 1931's \"\"Cimarron\"\", \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" won a number of additional awards, making it one of the most honored films of 1990. The Holy Road, a sequel novel by Michael Blake, the author of both the original \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" novel and the movie screenplay, was published in 2001. It picks up eleven years after \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\". John Dunbar is still married to Stands with a Fist and they have three children. Stands with a Fist and one of the children are kidnapped by a party of white rangers and Dances with", "\"Dances with Wolves\"\nat that time. In an interview, author and screenwriter Michael Blake said that Stands With a Fist, the white captive woman who marries Dunbar, was actually based upon the story of Cynthia Ann Parker, the white girl captured by Comanches and mother of Quanah Parker. One year after the original theatrical release of \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\", a four-hour version of the film opened at select theaters in London. This longer cut was titled \"\"Dances with Wolves: The Special Edition\"\", and it restored nearly an hour's worth of scenes that had been removed to keep the original film's running time under", "\"Dances with Wolves\"\ntells them of a migrating herd of buffalo and participates in the hunt. When at Fort Sedgewick, Dunbar also befriends a wolf he dubs \"\"Two Socks\"\" for its white forepaws. Observing Dunbar and Two Socks chasing each other, the Sioux give him the name \"\"Dances With Wolves.\"\" During this time, Dunbar also forges a romantic relationship with Stands With A Fist and helps defend the village from an attack by the rival Pawnee tribe. Dunbar eventually wins Kicking Bird's approval to marry Stands With A Fist and abandons Fort Sedgewick. Because of the growing Pawnee and white threat, Chief Ten", "\"Mary McDonnell\"\nof \"\"Execution of Justice\"\", \"\"The Heidi Chronicles\"\", and \"\"Summer and Smoke\"\". After more than 21 years of theater and television work, McDonnell made her film breakthrough in 1990 as Stands With A Fist, the daughter of American settlers raised by Sioux Indians, in Kevin Costner's \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\". Portraying the adopted daughter of Graham Greene's character Kicking Bird, McDonnell, then 37, was only ten months younger than Greene and less than two years younger than Tantoo Cardinal, who played Black Shawl, her adoptive mother. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for the role. McDonnell's role", "\"Dances with Wolves\"\ninterpreter to the tribes, Dunbar is charged with desertion and transported back east as a prisoner. Soldiers of the escort shoot Two Socks when the wolf attempts to follow Dunbar, despite Dunbar's attempts to intervene. Eventually, the Sioux track the convoy, killing the soldiers, and freeing Dunbar. They assert that they do not see him as a white man, but as a Sioux warrior called Dances With Wolves. But, at the winter camp, Dunbar decides to leave with Stands With A Fist because his continuing presence would endanger the tribe. As they leave, Smiles A Lot returns the diary, which", "\"Dances with Wolves\"\nDunbar's assignment, and no other soldiers arrive to reinforce the post. Dunbar initially encounters his Sioux neighbors when attempts are made to steal his horse and intimidate him. Deciding that being a target is a poor prospect, he decides to seek out the Sioux camp and attempt dialogue. On his way, he comes across Stands With A Fist, the white adopted daughter of the tribe's medicine man Kicking Bird, who is ritually mutilating herself while mourning for her husband. Dunbar brings her back to the Sioux to recover, and some of the tribe begin to respect him. Eventually, Dunbar establishes", "Yu-Ti\nto take over K'un-L'un. Master Khan used the Jade Tiger to return to K'un-L'un with Power Man and Iron Fist hot on his trail. As Power Man and Iron Fist reach K'un-L'un, the archers there fired on Power Man and Iron Fist until Lei Kung told them to stand down and welcomed his former student and his ally into the city. Nu-An invited Power Man and Iron Fist to dinner where Nu-An explains the duel threats of the H'ylthri and the wolves proclaiming that Iron Fist would lead them to victory in this time of need. Iron Fist agreed to", "\"Dances with Wolves\"\na rapport with Kicking Bird, the warrior Wind In His Hair and the youth Smiles A Lot, initially visiting each other's camps. The language barrier frustrates them, and Stands With A Fist acts as an interpreter, although with difficulty; she only remembers English from her early childhood before the rest of her family was killed during a Pawnee raid. Dunbar discovers that the stories he had heard about the tribe were untrue, and he develops a growing respect and appreciation for their lifestyle and culture. Learning their language, he is accepted as an honored guest by the Sioux after he", "\"Mary McDonnell\"\nMell and Olivia Mell. Mary McDonnell Mary Eileen McDonnell (born April 28, 1952) is an American film, stage, and television actress. She received Academy Award nominations for her roles as Stands With A Fist in \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" and May-Alice Culhane in \"\"Passion Fish\"\". McDonnell is well known for her performances as President Laura Roslin in \"\"Battlestar Galactica\"\", the First Lady in \"\"Independence Day\"\", and Rose in \"\"Donnie Darko\"\". She was featured as Captain Sharon Raydor during seasons 5–7 of the TNT series \"\"The Closer\"\" and starred as Commander Sharon Raydor in the spin-off series \"\"Major Crimes\"\" on the same", "\"Mary McDonnell\"\nMary McDonnell Mary Eileen McDonnell (born April 28, 1952) is an American film, stage, and television actress. She received Academy Award nominations for her roles as Stands With A Fist in \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" and May-Alice Culhane in \"\"Passion Fish\"\". McDonnell is well known for her performances as President Laura Roslin in \"\"Battlestar Galactica\"\", the First Lady in \"\"Independence Day\"\", and Rose in \"\"Donnie Darko\"\". She was featured as Captain Sharon Raydor during seasons 5–7 of the TNT series \"\"The Closer\"\" and starred as Commander Sharon Raydor in the spin-off series \"\"Major Crimes\"\" on the same network. McDonnell was born", "\"Dance with the Wolves\"\nwere not separated by a cage, but a trainer was standing nearby. Ring Edition Dance with the Wolves \"\"Dance with the Wolves\"\" is one of Ukrainian singer Ruslana's singles, released in 2005. Two music videos were made for the song. During the shootings, Ruslana had to be in a cage with wild wolves. One of the videoclips includes frames shot during the Orange Revolution in which Ruslana took an active participation. The music video for this song is available through the Ruslana fan website. \"\"Dance with the Wolves\"\" is the first single of the singer to come out in Europe", "\"Lone Wolves (adventure)\"\nLone Wolves (adventure) Lone Wolves is a role-playing game adventure published by TSR in 1984 for the \"\"Marvel Super Heroes\"\" role-playing game. \"\"Lone Wolves\"\" is a scenario set in New York City, pitting Daredevil, the Black Widow, Power Man, and Iron Fist against Kraven, Modok, Sabretooth, and maybe the Punisher. \"\"Lone Wolves\"\" pits Daredevil, the Heroes for Hire, and Black Widow against an assortment of criminals. A loose association of supervillains is active in New York, annoying the Kingpin of Crime and threatening the Heroes for Hire agency's client. MH4 \"\"Lone Wolves\"\" was written by Bruce Nesmith, and was published", "\"Lone Wolves (adventure)\"\nand, even after re-reading the adventure twice, a little unconvincing. However, the slightly chaotic overall effect does reflect the fairly peculiar attitudes of supervillains. With a slightly tighter plot this would be an extremely enjoyable scenario; as it is, it can still be the basis for an excellent adventure, but the referee should consider altering a few details.\"\" Lone Wolves (adventure) Lone Wolves is a role-playing game adventure published by TSR in 1984 for the \"\"Marvel Super Heroes\"\" role-playing game. \"\"Lone Wolves\"\" is a scenario set in New York City, pitting Daredevil, the Black Widow, Power Man, and Iron Fist", "Angerfist\ngrow. He began his career in 2001 after sending a demo to Mark Vos, also known as DJ Buzz Fuzz, director of BZRK Records. Vos liked the tape and signed Masseling, who then released his first EPs under the names \"\"Menace II Society\"\" and \"\"Angerfist\"\". Masseling soon gained popularity in the \"\"gabber scene\"\" because of the aggressive \"\"nustyle\"\" sound he made. His style is characterized by hard bass drums and vocals sampled from various media, especially films. He already has some hardcore hits to his name, including: \"\"Dance With The Wolves\"\", \"\"Raise Your Fist\"\" and \"\"Riotstarter\"\". His increasing popularity gave", "\"Django Jane\"\nconfidently raps about gender, race and the intersection of it all: \"\"Remember when they used to say I looked too man-ish, black girl magic, y'all cant stand it.\"\" Of course, the video also features mentions of \"\"pussy power,\"\" and raised-fist symbolism.\"\" C. Vernon Colemen of \"\"XXL\"\" states, \"\"The visual is directed by Andrew Donoho and finds Janelle playing the role of crown-holder as she takes he place on her throne, while surrounded by a group of women who look like they mean business. They later break out into a choreographed dance routine while Janelle spits her bars.\"\" Django Jane \"\"Django", "\"Dances with Wolves\"\nclaim that he did not work on the creation of the four-hour cut at all. Dances with Wolves Dances with Wolves is a 1990 American epic Western film starring, directed and produced by Kevin Costner. It is a film adaptation of the 1988 book of the same name by Michael Blake that tells the story of Union Army lieutenant John J. Dunbar (Costner) who travels to the American frontier to find a military post and of his dealings with a group of Lakota Indians. Costner developed the film with an initial budget of $15 million. \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" had high", "\"Dances with Wolves\"\nDances with Wolves Dances with Wolves is a 1990 American epic Western film starring, directed and produced by Kevin Costner. It is a film adaptation of the 1988 book of the same name by Michael Blake that tells the story of Union Army lieutenant John J. Dunbar (Costner) who travels to the American frontier to find a military post and of his dealings with a group of Lakota Indians. Costner developed the film with an initial budget of $15 million. \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" had high production values. Much of the dialogue is spoken in Lakota with English subtitles. It was", "A-Film\nand continued as \"\"A-Film Benelux B.V.\"\" In September 2015, A-Film Benelux B.V. was declared bankrupt. A-Film A-Film (in full A-Film Benelux B.V.) was an independent film distributor, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The company was founded in 1999 and has an office in Pand Noord in Amsterdam-Noord, in which several companies in the film industry are located. A-Film distributed films produced both in the Netherlands, such as \"\"Phileine Says Sorry\"\" and \"\"Black Book\"\", and outside of the Netherlands, such as \"\"Hello Kitty\"\" videos, \"\"A Fistful of Dollars\"\", \"\"The Pianist\"\", \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" and \"\"Bowling for Columbine\"\" for the Benelux. The", "\"Wolves (Rise Against album)\"\nplease longtime fans who wanted \"\"something new to pump their fists to\"\". Most critics however were dissatisfied with the musical similarities. \"\"Rock Sound\"\" wrote \"\"familiarity does dull the edges of their less immediate efforts\"\", while Heisel commented \"\"\"\"Wolves\"\", for or better or worse, feels like it could've been recorded a decade ago, or maybe three years from now\"\". A reviewer for Sputnikmusic was especially disappointed by the musical similarities, writing: \"\"The thing is, though, if you'll permit me to borrow the buzzword-iest of Shakespeare lines; \"\"Wolves\"\" is a whole bunch of sound and fury, signifying nothing.\"\" The reviewer went on", "\"Dances with Wolves (novel)\"\nDances with Wolves (novel) Dances with Wolves is a 1988 novel written by Michael Blake. It was written as a possible source for a screenplay, and was later adapted by the author, and was produced as a film of the same name in 1990 by Kevin Costner, although there were many differences between the novel and film. The novel is set during the American Civil War. The protagonist of the novel, Lt. John Dunbar, is a white man who ends up in the wilderness and comes to live with a tribe of Comanche, eventually taking on the name Dances with", "A-Film\nA-Film A-Film (in full A-Film Benelux B.V.) was an independent film distributor, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The company was founded in 1999 and has an office in Pand Noord in Amsterdam-Noord, in which several companies in the film industry are located. A-Film distributed films produced both in the Netherlands, such as \"\"Phileine Says Sorry\"\" and \"\"Black Book\"\", and outside of the Netherlands, such as \"\"Hello Kitty\"\" videos, \"\"A Fistful of Dollars\"\", \"\"The Pianist\"\", \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" and \"\"Bowling for Columbine\"\" for the Benelux. The company was formerly called \"\"A-Film Distribution\"\", in May 2013 A-Film and Benelux Film Distributors merged", "\"Immortals RLFC\"\nImmortals lost the Winter 2002 Final to AUB Wolves RLFC. The spring 2003 championship started in better way than the previous season. The Immortals finished the season on top of the table standing with 14 points, winning seven games and losing two. The spring 2003 Final was a grudge game against their bitter rivals the Wolves where the Immortals won their first title by unexpectedly defeating the wolves 32-17 in a close game. The team's most experienced player, Sami Halabi, who played Rugby Union for 10 years in Dubai before playing Rugby league, was asked to coach the team as", "\"Willie and the Hand Jive\"\nZiegler, found out that rock'n'roll concert venues in England did not permit the teenagers to stand up and dance in the aisles, so they instead danced with their hands while remaining in their seats. At Otis' concerts, performers would demonstrate Willie's \"\"hand jive\"\" dance to the audience, so the audience could dance along. The dance consisted of clapping two fists together one on top of the other, followed by rolling the arms around each other. Otis' label, Capitol Records, also provided diagrams showing how to do the hand jive dance. Despite the song's references to dancing, and despite the demonstrations", "\"Dance with the Wolves\"\nDance with the Wolves \"\"Dance with the Wolves\"\" is one of Ukrainian singer Ruslana's singles, released in 2005. Two music videos were made for the song. During the shootings, Ruslana had to be in a cage with wild wolves. One of the videoclips includes frames shot during the Orange Revolution in which Ruslana took an active participation. The music video for this song is available through the Ruslana fan website. \"\"Dance with the Wolves\"\" is the first single of the singer to come out in Europe after her Gold single \"\"Wild Dances\"\". While shooting the video, Ruslana and the wolves", "\"Wisconsin Wolves\"\nWolves completed their inaugural (2006) regular season with a record of (5-3). Their 2007 season ended in the same way, 5-3 in the regular season and 1-1 in the playoffs. The Wolves have played in the National Conference Championship in their first two seasons of existence. <nowiki>*</nowiki> = Current Standing Wisconsin Wolves The Wisconsin Wolves are a Women's Football Alliance (WFA) team based in Wausau, Wisconsin. The team was founded in 2006 and play their home games at Lussier Stadium on the campus of Madison La Follette High School. The Wolves were the third Wisconsin WPFL franchise founded in the", "Tinku\ncolorful and decorative. Women wear a dress, abarcas, and a hat and men wear an undershirt, pants, jacket, sandals (abarcas), and hard helmet like hats. Even though the people were slaves, they loved to dance, and would often fight, but never really hurting each other. Because of the rhythmic way the men throw their fists at each other, and because they stand in a crouched stance going in circles around each other, a dance was formed. This dance, the Festive Tinku, simulates the traditional combat, bearing a warlike rhythm. The differences between the Andean tradition and the dance are the", "\"Floyd Westerman\"\nin acting after years of performing as a singer. He debuted his film career in \"\"Renegades\"\" (1989), in which he played \"\"Red Crow\"\", the Lakota Sioux father of Hank Storm, the character played by Lou Diamond Phillips. Additional film roles include \"\"Chief Ten Bears\"\" in \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" (1990), and the \"\"shaman\"\" for the singer Jim Morrison in Oliver Stone's \"\"The Doors\"\" (1991). Westerman appeared as Standing Elk, alongside his long-time friend Max Gail, in the family film, \"\"Tillamook Treasure\"\" (2006). He appeared in \"\"Hidalgo\"\" (2004), as Chief Eagle Horn in Buffalo Bill's circus. In September 2007, Westerman finished work", "\"Iron Fist (comics)\"\na child: Daniel. Wendell later organizes an expedition to again seek out K'un-L'un, taking his wife Heather, his business partner Harold Meachum and nine-year-old Danny. During the journey up the mountain, Danny slips off the path, his tie-rope taking his mother and father with him. Meachum, who also loves Heather, forces Wendell to plunge to his death but offers to rescue Heather and Danny. She rejects his help. Heather and Danny come across a makeshift bridge that appears out of nowhere and are attacked by a pack of wolves. Heather throws herself on the wolves to save Danny and is", "\"Open Fist Theatre Company\"\nIt has been the site of significant premieres such as Frank Zappa's rock opera Joe's Garage, deLEARious by Ron West, Fall Off Night by Allison Gregory, The Room by Michael Franco, Eenie Meanie by Teresa Willis, Love Water by Jacqueline Wright, Neil Labute's The New Testament, and Julie Hebert's St. Joan and the Dancing Sickness. A yearly summer Director's Festival or First Look Festival also features membership-driven new work. The Open Fist has been nominated and received numerous LA Weekly, Ovation, Garland and other awards and is a member of Play 7. Open Fist Theatre Company The Open Fist Theatre", "\"Reggie Wilson/Fist and Heel Performance Group\"\nAfrica, where he worked with various religious communities and dance performance groups. Reggie Wilson/Fist and Heel Performance Group Reggie Wilson/Fist and Heel Performance Group is a Brooklyn-based dance performance group created by Reggie Wilson in 1989. The group blends contemporary dance with African traditions in what the founder and choreographer terms “Post-African Neo Hoodoo Modern dance.” Reggie Wilson, from Brooklyn, New York, was born in 1967. In middle school, Wilson was a singer. He was chosen to help with the choreography of a school musical, and here became aware of his dance talents. Wilson graduated in 1988 with a Bachelor", "\"Dances with Wolves (soundtrack)\"\nDances with Wolves (soundtrack) Dances with Wolves is the original soundtrack of the 1990 Academy Award and Golden Globe winning film \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" produced, directed, and starring Kevin Costner. The original score and songs were composed and conducted by John Barry. John Barry won the 1991 Academy Award for Best Original Score and the 1992 Grammy Award for \"\"Best Instrumental Composition Written for a Motion Picture or for Television.\"\" Barry was also nominated for the 1991 Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score (lost to the score of \"\"The Sheltering Sky\"\") and the 1992 BAFTA Award for Best Film", "\"Dances with Wolves (soundtrack)\"\nMusic (lost to the score of \"\"Cyrano de Bergerac\"\"). Dances with Wolves (soundtrack) Dances with Wolves is the original soundtrack of the 1990 Academy Award and Golden Globe winning film \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" produced, directed, and starring Kevin Costner. The original score and songs were composed and conducted by John Barry. John Barry won the 1991 Academy Award for Best Original Score and the 1992 Grammy Award for \"\"Best Instrumental Composition Written for a Motion Picture or for Television.\"\" Barry was also nominated for the 1991 Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score (lost to the score of \"\"The Sheltering", "\"Mount Eerie Dances with Wolves\"\nMount Eerie Dances with Wolves Mount Eerie Dances with Wolves, also known as Two New Songs of Mount Eerie is an EP by Mount Eerie. It was first released in Australia as \"\"Two New Songs\"\" in 2004, and released in the United States as \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" in 2005. The two songs were recorded live to acetate at Melbourne's Corduroy Records, a former pressing plant in suburban Melbourne. Elverum was joined by members of Architecture In Helsinki, Midnight Juggernauts, Ground Components and Eddy Current Suppression Ring in two largely improvised performances. 200 12\"\" records were pressed in time for sale", "\"Dances with Wolves (novel)\"\nWolves. In the film this is changed to a band of Lakota Sioux. The novel and film later came under criticism for their similarity to Elliot Silverstein's \"\"A Man Called Horse\"\". Dances with Wolves (novel) Dances with Wolves is a 1988 novel written by Michael Blake. It was written as a possible source for a screenplay, and was later adapted by the author, and was produced as a film of the same name in 1990 by Kevin Costner, although there were many differences between the novel and film. The novel is set during the American Civil War. The protagonist of", "\"Heavy Metal (film)\"\nbribed a witness Hanover Fiste. Fiste takes the stand upon being called to the stand by the prosecutor, but his perjury is subverted when the Loc-Nar, now the size of a marble, causes him to blurt out the truth about Sternn's evil deeds before changing him into a hulking muscular form that chases Sternn throughout the station, breaking through bulkheads and wreaking havoc. Eventually, he corners Sternn, who gives him his promised payoff, and he promptly shrinks back to his gangly original form. Sternn opens a trap door under Fiste, ejecting him into space. The Loc-Nar enters Earth's atmosphere with", "\"Reggie Wilson/Fist and Heel Performance Group\"\nReggie Wilson/Fist and Heel Performance Group Reggie Wilson/Fist and Heel Performance Group is a Brooklyn-based dance performance group created by Reggie Wilson in 1989. The group blends contemporary dance with African traditions in what the founder and choreographer terms “Post-African Neo Hoodoo Modern dance.” Reggie Wilson, from Brooklyn, New York, was born in 1967. In middle school, Wilson was a singer. He was chosen to help with the choreography of a school musical, and here became aware of his dance talents. Wilson graduated in 1988 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts,", "\"Scottish highland dance\"\na woman or girl, it is about either the distressed wife scolding her husband, a woman being tormented by leprechauns, or a washerwoman chasing taunting boys (or children in general) away who have dirtied her washing - the showing of the woman's fist symbolises her wanting to beat up the children, the leprechauns, or the husband. If it is danced by a man or boy, it is the story of Paddy's leather breeches, in which a careless washerwoman has shrunk Paddy's fine leather breeches and he is waving his shillelagh at her in anger and showing his fist, intending to", "\"Legacy of Wolves\"\nof a world that has a lot more is going on in it. \"\"Legacy of Wolves\"\" stands head and shoulders above the other installments in the \"\"Inquisitives\"\" series and makes you hope Wizards gives Marcy a bigger bite of Eberron to chew on in her next novels.\"\" Legacy of Wolves Legacy of Wolves is a fantasy novel by Marsheila Rockwell, set in the world of Eberron, and based on the \"\"Dungeons & Dragons\"\" role-playing game. It is the third novel in \"\"The Inquisitives\"\" series. It was published in paperback in June 2007. A string of grisly murders takes place in", "\"Beware of the Storybook Wolves\"\nBeware of the Storybook Wolves Beware of the Storybook Wolves is a 2000 picture book by Lauren Child. It is about Herb, a little boy, who has an adventure with a number of characters, including a couple of wolves, from his fairy tale books. Booktrust, in a review of \"\"Beware of the Storybook Wolves\"\", wrote \"\"A simple story, well told, but it is the adventurous artwork that makes this book stand out.\"\" \"\"The Horn Book Magazine\"\" wrote \"\"While the concept is innovative and the conclusion is satisfying, the overlong text trips on its own cleverness.\"\" \"\"Beware of the Storybook Wolves\"\"", "\"Folsom Street Fair\"\nArnett), the End Up (not a leather bar but a dance bar; however, many leather people who liked to dance went there), Folsom Prison, The Ambush, Big Town—a gay leather shopping mall on the south side of Folsom between 6th and 7th Streets. 1975 - Hombre, The Catacombs (for those into hard core fisting), The Emporium. 1976 - The Trading Post, The Slot (for those into hardcore flagellation), The Hotel (later renamed The Handball Express—a place for those into hardcore fisting). 1977 - The Brig, The Balcony. 1978 - The Arena, The Roundup (later renamed The Watering Hole—a place for", "\"Paul Moore (soccer)\"\nPaul Moore (soccer) Paul Moore is a Canadian former soccer player who played his entire career in Canada and the majority of it in the Canadian Professional Soccer League. Moore began his professional career in the Canadian National Soccer League with St. Catharines Wolves in 1995 and had a two year tenure with the club. In his first season with St. Catharines he finished second in the league and Umbro cup standings to qualify the team to the playoff and cup finals. In the playoff finals match the Wolves faced the Toronto Jets, where Moore scored the opening goal which", "\"Iron Fist (album)\"\nbut the breaking point came when Lemmy decided to record a cover of the Tammy Wynette country classic \"\"Stand By Your Man\"\" with Wendy O' Williams and the Plasmatics. Asked to play on the single, Clarke quit the band. Lemmy reflected on the guitarist's departure in his 2002 memoir: Lemmy reiterated in 2000 that \"\"Iron Fist\"\" was: Clarke maintains in \"\"The Guts and the Glory\"\": AllMusic enthuses \"\"Iron Fist\"\" is \"\"a fine Motörhead album, and there's not much at all to complain about here\"\", but concedes \"\"Clarke's production is a bit sterile\"\" while lauding \"\"several standout songs...amid a strong selection", "\"Fist of Fury II\"\nFist of Fury II Fist of Fury II (, a.k.a. Chinese Connection 2 and Fist of Fury Part II), is a 1977 Hong Kong kung fu film directed by Iksan Lahardi and Tso-nam Lee, and starring Bruce Li and Lo Lieh. It is the sequel to Bruce Lee’s 1972's \"\"Fist of Fury\"\". The lead role of Chen Shan, played by Bruce Li, who goes to Shanghai to mourn his brother's death who was killed at the hands of the Japanese. Chen Shan then avenges his brother by killing the Japanese. The final fight between Chen Shan and Miyamoto, played by", "\"Tokyo Fist\"\nrip out her various piercings but ends up bleeding to death. The final scene shows Tsuda standing in front of an apartment building, the pupil of his eye now missing. \"\"Tokyo Fist\"\" premiered in September 1995 at the Turin Film Festival in Italy. It received theatrical release in Japan on October 21, 1995. In Japan, \"\"Tokyo Fist\"\" was placed on some publications best of the year list, including \"\"Kinema Junpo\"\". Tokyo Fist The film tells the story of a Japanese door-to-door insurance salesman, Tsuda Yoshiharu, who takes up boxing after a chance meeting with a former high school friend, Kojima", "\"Beware of the Storybook Wolves\"\nhas also been reviewed by \"\"BookList\"\", \"\"School Library Journal\"\" \"\"Kirkus Reviews\"\", \"\"Publishers Weekly\"\", and \"\"Books for Keeps\"\". It was awarded a 2000 bronze Smarties Book Prize. Beware of the Storybook Wolves Beware of the Storybook Wolves is a 2000 picture book by Lauren Child. It is about Herb, a little boy, who has an adventure with a number of characters, including a couple of wolves, from his fairy tale books. Booktrust, in a review of \"\"Beware of the Storybook Wolves\"\", wrote \"\"A simple story, well told, but it is the adventurous artwork that makes this book stand out.\"\" \"\"The Horn", "\"One Nite Stand (Of Wolves and Sheep)\"\nOne Nite Stand (Of Wolves and Sheep) \"\"One Nite Stand (Of Wolves and Sheep)\"\" is a song by German singer–songwriter Sarah Connor featuring American rapper Wyclef Jean. Written by Jean, Jerry Duplessis, O.G. Fortuna, and Connor, the song was released in German-speaking Europe on 2 September 2002 as the lead single from Connor's second studio album, \"\"Unbelievable\"\" (2002). Connor debuted the song at the Popkomm 2002. It charted at number five on the German Singles Chart and reached the top twenty in Austria and Switzerland. \"\"One Nite Stand (Of Wolves and Sheep)\"\" was also planned for a UK release on", "\"Dances with Wolves\"\nis that a film like \"\"Dances With Wolves\"\" cannot be bigoted or overly white-centric if it at least shows [characters such as] Kicking Bird and Chief Ten Bears as special and exceptional. This, even though the whole story is about a white guy who saves the day.\"\" Writer Richard Grenier was strongly critical of the film. Grenier accused Costner of misrepresenting the Sioux as peaceful, claiming that the film's \"\"portrait of the Sioux, the most bloodthirsty of all Plains Native tribes and neither pacifists nor environmentalists, is false in every respect\"\". In addition to becoming the first Western film to", "\"One Nite Stand (Of Wolves and Sheep)\"\n30 September 2002; however the plans were eventually scrapped. One Nite Stand (Of Wolves and Sheep) \"\"One Nite Stand (Of Wolves and Sheep)\"\" is a song by German singer–songwriter Sarah Connor featuring American rapper Wyclef Jean. Written by Jean, Jerry Duplessis, O.G. Fortuna, and Connor, the song was released in German-speaking Europe on 2 September 2002 as the lead single from Connor's second studio album, \"\"Unbelievable\"\" (2002). Connor debuted the song at the Popkomm 2002. It charted at number five on the German Singles Chart and reached the top twenty in Austria and Switzerland. \"\"One Nite Stand (Of Wolves and", "\"The Blackening\"\n(\"\"Clenching the Fists of Dissent\"\"), and asked the band questions similar to \"\"Are you sure you don’t want to get into something a little more direct?\"\" The band disregarded the comment and believed the song set the tone musically for the remainder of the album. Flynn said \"\"Clenching the Fists of Dissent\"\" and \"\"Wolves\"\" were the most difficult songs to construct. For \"\"Clenching\"\", he attributed the difficulty to the amount of tracks; the introduction of the song has 90, including multiple three-part harmony with two guitars, 20 tracks of snare drum, four tracks of kick drum, and military marching cymbals.", "\"New Fist of Fury\"\nhis domination, and part of his plan involves the murder of the siblings' grandfather. Undaunted, the brother and sister reestablish their grandfather's school, leading to a final confrontation with the Japanese Karate master. Jackie Chan plays a young thief who at first does not want to learn Kung-fu, but finally realizes that he can no longer stand by and let the Japanese trample the rights of the Chinese people. He proves extremely adept at the martial arts, and carries the fight to its final conclusion. Jackie Chan plays a young Taiwanese thief who steals a nunchaku after fighting with a", "\"St. Catharines Wolves\"\nseason at the CNSL Awards banquet Kormet was named the CNSL Coach of the Year, while Chris Handsor received the MVP award. Their success would continue through the following season as Dino Perri was given the dual role of coaching and playing for the team. The team roster was reinforced with the signings of Rick Titus, Peyvand Mossavat, Jerry Cipriani, Peter Sarantopoulos, and Peter Gastis. Perri managed to defend St. Cathraine's Umbro Cup by finishing first in the cup standings. In the regular season the Wolves finished second in the overall standings, and clinched a postseason berth, as well as", "\"St. Catharines Wolves\"\nseason as losing their top striker Carlo Arghittu to the Toronto Lynx of the USL A-League. Lucio Ianiero took over the mantle of head coach, and failed to defend their championship title by failing to secure a postseason berth by finishing sixth in the overall standings. Though the team played poorly during the season they still managed to reach the semi-finals of the Open Canada Cup tournament where they faced the Olympians their rivals the previous season. The Wolves fell short in reaching the finals by losing the series to a score of 6–2 on goals on aggregate. Roma Wolves", "\"Valley of the Wolves: Homeland\"\nValley of the Wolves: Homeland Valley of the Wolves: Homeland () is a film of the Turkish TV serial media franchise \"\"Valley of the Wolves\"\". The story is about the Turkish coup d'état attempt. During an operation in Iraq Polat Alemdar and his team received map of Turkey. The map of Turkey is marked with several key points and strategic places like military bases and special operations centers, but also border town of Yalavuz, near Syria. Enemies who have been waiting for a long time to occupy the land of Turks stand with a large army at the border and", "\"Hard Rock Hallelujah\"\nplay, the doors to the gym are blown off of their hinges by Mr. Lordi, who enters and crushes the now-screaming cheerleaders with a wave of his hands killing them. There is a fiery flash, and the entire band appears in the centre of the gym, playing the song. The fan is terrified, but approaches Mr. Lordi as he points to her, singing \"\"... you will see the jokers soon'll be the new kings\"\". He raises the dead cheerleaders as zombies, and they stand around the fan pumping their fists in the air along with the music. The end of", "\"Stockton Wolves\"\nStockton Wolves The Stockton Wolves were a professional indoor football team, initially based in San Jose, California and subsequently moving to be based in Stockton, California. As the San Jose Wolves, the team played its home games at the Cow Palace, located in Daly City. The team was owned by Ryan Petersen, CEO of computer hardware manufacturing company OCZ Technology. The Wolves were the first indoor/arena football team based in San Jose since the San Jose SaberCats, who played from 1995 until the Arena Football League suspended operations in 2009. For their first season, the Wolves played in the American", "\"Fist of the North Star: The Legends of the True Savior\"\nBat and Rin in the 1987 \"\"Hokuto no Ken 2\"\" TV series) played supporting characters in this movie along with Takeshi Aono (the original voice of Rihaku). The film serves as a prequel to the original manga, depicting the one year interval between Kenshiro's defeat at the hands of Shin and their later battle. Unlike the prior movies, this film has a completely original storyline in which Kenshiro, near death after his battle with Shin and having used his remaining energy to kill a pack of wolves, was captured by slavers. Due to his strength, Kenshiro could escape whenever he", "\"Mount Eerie Dances with Wolves\"\nat the Melbourne show a week later. The record was initially released by three labels - Art School Drop Out, Bee Vamp and Elverum's own P.W Elverum & Sun album. Each of the initial records came with an individually hand painted cover by Elverum himself. All songs by Phil Elverum. The same songs were released with different names. Mount Eerie Dances with Wolves Mount Eerie Dances with Wolves, also known as Two New Songs of Mount Eerie is an EP by Mount Eerie. It was first released in Australia as \"\"Two New Songs\"\" in 2004, and released in the United", "\"DD Fist of the North Star\"\nDD Fist of the North Star The story takes place in an alternative world in which the nuclear war of 199X (in the original series) never occurred. Thus, Kenshiro, Raoh and Toki find themselves pitted against one another not just for the affection of the beautiful Yuria but also a part-time job at Ryuryuken Convenience Store. However, they must work together if they want to stand a chance against greater competition including the South Star District led by the manipulative Shin who also has a crush on Yuria. \"\"DD Fist of the North Star\"\" was first announced in 2008 as", "\"Billings Wolves\"\nfailing to find new ownership for the team. The following is a list of all Wolves' players who have won league Awards Billings Wolves The Billings Wolves were a professional indoor football team based in Billings, Montana and members of the Indoor Football League (IFL). The Wolves began play in 2015 as an expansion team of the IFL. The Wolves were owned by Ron Benzel and coached by Chris Dixon. The Wolves played their home games at the Rimrock Auto Arena at MetraPark. After receiving unanimous approval by the IFL's existing 9 teams, the new Billings franchise was formally announced", "\"Jim Wilson (producer)\"\nJim Wilson (producer) Jim Wilson is a film producer. He won the Oscar for Best Picture of 1990 for \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\", which he shared with fellow producer Kevin Costner. In 1990, Wilson produced \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\". It was adapted by Michael Blake, based on his novel. It was the highest-grossing Western film of all time, $424.2 million worldwide, and won 7 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Sound, Best Score, and Best Film Editing. Following the success of \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\", Wilson produced another hit, \"\"The Bodyguard\"\" in 1992, starring Kevin Costner", "\"Red Harvest\"\nLeone's \"\"A Fistful of Dollars\"\" and Walter Hill's \"\"Last Man Standing\"\". In the early 1970s, Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci considered filming an adaptation of the novel and wrote a first draft infused with political themes typical of his work. A short while after, he wrote a second draft that was more faithful to Hammett's story. For the role of the Op he considered Robert Redford, Jack Nicholson (who had played a hard-boiled detective in Roman Polanski's neo-noir film \"\"Chinatown\"\"), and Clint Eastwood (who had played the Op-inspired \"\"Man with No Name\"\" in Sergio Leone's Dollars Trilogy). At some point, Bertolucci", "\"Geronimo: An American Legend\"\non makeup and play Geronimo? If you do that, we'll make the movie.' I said, 'You can't do that.' They wouldn't think of having a Caucasian actor play a black leader. The implications are just staggering ... That kind of casting became unthinkable after \"\"Dances With Wolves\"\". When the script got active again last fall, there was no question that we would have an Indian actor in the lead.\"\" Wes Studi was cast in the lead after impressing in \"\"The Last of the Mohicans\"\" (1992). The other star attached early on was Jason Patric, who Gross described as \"\"a young", "\"Constitutional oath of office of China\"\ncopy of the Constitution and his or her right hand raised in a fist. The other oath takers stand in a line with their right hands raised in a fist, and recite the oath along with the leader. The ceremony is to be \"\"dignified\"\" and \"\"solemn,\"\" and the Flag of the People's Republic of China or the National Emblem of the People's Republic of China must be displayed. The National Anthem of the People's Republic of China must also be played at the ceremony. As prescribed by the decision: Unofficial English translation: As prescribed by the decision: Unofficial English translation:", "\"Mo Thugs\"\nRock, Bino The Great, Mickey Ray Sinatra, Dj Caipo, Flesh-n-Bone (who was on Def Jam until 1999) and others. Mo Thugs Mo Thugs was an American hip hop collective formed and led by Bone Thugs-n-Harmony. Together, the Mo Thugs collective released four studio albums from 1995 to 2003. Their logo, a pyramid with a fist above it, is symbolic of their achievements; The pyramid stands for longevity, and the fist stands for victory. Unlike Bone Thugs-n-Harmony, Mo Thugs were not on Ruthless Records. Due to their success in 1996 Bone Thugs established their own Mo Thugs Records to introduce many", "\"2017 Cheyney Wolves football team\"\nare withdrawing from the PSAC and Division II for the 2018–19 season and will play that season as an independent, presumably at the NCAA's lowest level. Despite also being a member of the PSAC, the games vs. California (Pa.), Indiana (Pa.) and Edinboro will be non-conference games and will have no effect on the PSAC standings. 2017 Cheyney Wolves football team The 2017 Cheyney Wolves football team represented Cheyney University of Pennsylvania in the 2017 NCAA Division II football season as a member of the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) East Division. They finished the season 1–10, 0–7 in PSAC", "\"The Way of the Exploding Fist\"\nThe game's soundtrack is based on the 1952 orchestral piece, Dance of the Yao People. The game was voted game of the year at the Golden Joystick Awards, with Melbourne House picking up Best Software House. There were two sequels: \"\"Fist 2: The Legend Continues\"\" (1986) and \"\"Exploding Fist +\"\". Of these two, \"\"Fist 2\"\" is not a fighting game, but a scrolling action game with 1-on-1 fighting elements. \"\"Exploding Fist +\"\", on the other hand, returns to the style of the first game. It features combat with three characters, an idea followed from \"\"International Karate +\"\", though in this", "\"Junior Seau\"\nautopsies of people \"\"with exposure to repetitive head injuries.\"\" On January 23, 2013, the Seau family sued the NFL over the brain injuries suffered by Seau over his career. In 2014, his family continued to pursue the lawsuit while opting out of the NFL concussion lawsuit's proposed settlement, which was initially funded with $765 million. Seau was known for his passionate playing style, including a fist-pumping dance he performed after big plays. Rick Gosselin of \"\"The Dallas Morning News\"\" said Seau \"\"probably was the most dynamic player of his era\"\". NFL head coach Norv Turner, who coached Seau as well", "\"Dances with Smurfs\"\nplanet inhabited by blue natives. Although \"\"Avatar\"\" had not yet been released in theaters by the time the episode aired, the script of \"\"Dances with Smurfs\"\" compares the plot of \"\"Avatar\"\" to that of \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\", a 1990 drama epic film in which a United States soldier becomes integrated with a tribe of Native Americans. At the end of \"\"Dances with Smurfs\"\", Cartman watches \"\"Avatar\"\" at a movie theater and grows angry that his idea was stolen, expressing the idea that \"\"Avatar\"\" borrows from other previous films. \"\"Avatar\"\" had already been compared to \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\" prior to the", "\"Boris Becker\"\nMelbourne, including breaking three rackets, \"\"twice throwing the ball in an offensive manner at the umpire, hitting the umpire's chair on one occasion, spitting water in the direction of the umpire, and hitting three balls out of the court.\"\" Becker's highly dramatic play spawned new expressions such as the \"\"Becker Blocker\"\" (his trademark early return shot), the \"\"Becker Hecht\"\" (a flying lunge), the \"\"Becker Faust\"\" (\"\"Becker Fist\"\"), the \"\"Becker Shuffle\"\" (the dance he sometimes performed after making important points), and \"\"Becker Säge\"\" (\"\"Becker Saw\"\" – referring to the way in which he pumped his fists in a sawing motion). Becker,", "\"Masha and the Bear\"\nin a stroller. In the episode \"\"Dance Fever\"\" it is revealed that the pig's name is Rosie. The wild animals are a hare, squirrels, hedgehogs, and two wolves. Masha and a certain Hare (in the episode 'One, two three! Light the Christmas Tree' the present list of Father Frost in English describes this creature as 'Bunny') often play hockey together (and make a mess or accidentally hurt someone), and the Hare is occasionally an antagonist of the Bear, due to stealing carrots from the Bear's garden. The two Wolves live in a derelict ambulance car on top of a hill", "\"Worcester Wolves\"\nthe Wolves played only the first game of the season in that division before being elevated (ahead of Bristol) into NBL Division 1 when Doncaster withdrew at the start of the season. University College Worcester Basketball Scholarships became available in September 2002 for talented players to study and play at the same time, and the club attracted a wealth of new talent including Ty Shaw (Idaho), Keith Jarrett and Rikki Prince (Both from Birmingham Bullets) that became the foundations of a strong first team. The excellent facilities and organisation which earned them the promotion continued to stand them in good", "\"Wollongong Wolves FC\"\nan all-white shirt, red shorts and socks. The away kit was a yellow with blue collar and side paneling, blue shorts and socks. For the 2014 FFA Cup, the club played in an all-red kit with white detailing. As of the 2015 season the club are back playing in a red shirt, black shorts and white socks. The away kit is also predominately all-white with black socks. The club's emblem has evolved throughout the years also. The original crest featured a wolf facing forward standing on its forefeet with a football in front. \"\"Wollongong Wolves\"\" was titled in white against", "\"Molineux Stadium\"\nwho had previously played at Dudley Road. After renovating the site, the first ever league game was staged on 7 September 1889 in a 2–0 victory over Notts County before a crowd of 4,000. Wolves bought the freehold in 1923 for £5,607 and soon set about constructing a major grandstand on the Waterloo Road side (designed by Archibald Leitch). In 1932, the club also built a new stand on the Molineux Street side and followed this with adding a roof to the South Bank two years later. The stadium finally now had four stands, which formed Molineux for the next", "\"Pato Hoffmann\"\nmore briefly in Mexico. After the success of \"\"Dances With Wolves\"\", agents were looking for Native American talent and signed on Hoffmann. His acting career in the U.S., Canada, Australia and Bolivia includes 13 feature films; over 30 episodes of television in series, mini-series, cartoons and soap operas; and numerous plays and readings with reputable theatre companies. His first significant role in a big budget feature film was The Dreamer in \"\"\"\". Next, he co-starred in the romantic film \"\"Cheyenne Warrior\"\" as Hawk, a Cheyenne warrior, who is nursed back to health by a pregnant, widowed Rebecca Carver (played by", "\"The Last Thakur\"\nwho earns a living serving in a tea hut. The story is a 'Spaghetti Eastern', about a stranger in a small town who plays two groups against each other. It has been said to be familiar to Akira Kurosawa's \"\"Yojimbo\"\", Sergio Leone's \"\"A Fistful of Dollars\"\", Takashi Miike's \"\"Sukiyaki Western Django\"\", the Coen Brothers' \"\"Miller's Crossing\"\" or even Walter Hill's \"\"Last Man Standing\"\". The bare bones of this scenario can also be discerned in \"\"The Last Thakur\"\", set in a rural backwater of contemporary Bangladesh, but Ahmed is less interested in cowboy movie pastiche than in an intense drama of", "\"All Fired Up (The Saturdays song)\"\nwearing neutral colour dresses posing, not moving, where the platform they are standing on is turning. They are often seen whipping their hair at \"\"blow my mind\"\" as a symbol of them getting their minds/heads blow off. As the video is beginning to follow out the girls are seen crouching down with their fists up doing a simple dance. As Healy's last part of the video/song she is singing \"\"keep me on your radar\"\" and the girls have their hands to their head as if they are looking for someone. As its ending it shows all the images of the", "\"Fighting Mania\"\nlater portion of the manga (the \"\"Hokuto no Ken 2\"\" anime series), including one where the player controls the bounty hunter Ein, as well as a few new game modes. The sequel was distributed in a deluxe two monitor cabinet that allowed two-players to play simultaneously in competitive matches against each other or cooperative against the computer. Fighting Mania Fighting Mania: Fist of the North Star, released in Japan as , is a boxing game based on the manga series \"\"Fist of the North Star\"\" released by Konami in as a coin-operated arcade game. The arcade cabinet stands about 6'2\"\"", "\"Dances with Wolves\"\nWolves must mount a rescue mission. As of 2007, Blake was writing a film adaptation. Costner, who has refused to do sequels to any of his films, including \"\"The Untouchables\"\", stated he would not take part in this production. Judith A. Boughter wrote: \"\"The problem with Costner's approach is that all of the Sioux are heroic, while the Pawnees are portrayed as stereotypical villains. Most accounts of Sioux–Pawnee relations see the Pawnees as victims of the more powerful Sioux.\"\" There was a real John Dunbar who worked as a missionary for the Pawnee in the 1830s–40s, and sided with the", "Pjanoo\nbass remix of \"\"Pjanoo\"\" which was released by Data Records on 26 August 2008, with a track length of 7:43. Despite showing overall resentment towards Prydz, \"\"Pitchfork\"\" nonetheless conceded that the song was \"\"one of the year's best dance tracks\"\". A cowboy in the Old West has a fistful of dollars but he cannot find a drink anywhere because the temperature is over 40 °C (104 °F). He finds an old pub named Pjanoo, and goes into the pub to find a drink. Then an old piano plays by itself, and the cowboy finds two shrunken Native Americans who provide", "\"Dionne Brand\"\nculture.\"\" She confidently posits herself as the antidote to Walcott: he is the \"\"Black colonial\"\" who through literature dances with oppression instead of fighting it. In the Caribbean context, Brand's literary forbearers had almost been exclusively male so her take in \"\"No Language is Neutral\"\" is of utmost importance and her calling out of Walcott even more revolutionary. Coach House Press contracted Grace Channer to do the cover art of the book. Cohesive with Brand's vision, Channer produced a cover which depicts the bare breasts of a woman caressed by a hardened fist. The cover plays with the softness of", "\"The Wolves of Kromer\"\nThe Wolves of Kromer The Wolves of Kromer is a 1998 gay-themed, allegorical fantasy film based on a play of the same name by Charles Lambert. In the small English village of Kromer, the local residents are angered by the wild parties held by the promiscuous 'wolves' who dwell on the edge of town. When a woman is killed by her servants, they manage to put the blame on the wolves, who soon find themselves hunted by an angry mob. Narrated by Boy George, this allegorical tale explores the origins and effects of homophobia. The film debuted at the San", "\"The Wolves of Kromer\"\nFrancisco International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival in 1998 but was released in theaters in December 2000. The Wolves of Kromer The Wolves of Kromer is a 1998 gay-themed, allegorical fantasy film based on a play of the same name by Charles Lambert. In the small English village of Kromer, the local residents are angered by the wild parties held by the promiscuous 'wolves' who dwell on the edge of town. When a woman is killed by her servants, they manage to put the blame on the wolves, who soon find themselves hunted by an angry mob. Narrated by Boy", "\"Detroit Wolves\"\nDetroit Wolves The Detroit Wolves were a Negro league baseball club that played for the 1932 season only. In 1931 the Negro National League collapsed. It reformed in 1933, but in the interim Detroit was left without a Negro league team, as the Detroit Stars had been members of the NNL. In 1932, the city placed the Wolves in the new East-West League. They played in Hamtramck Stadium, where the Stars had played. The team was owned by Cum Posey, who also owned the Homestead Grays and shuffled players between the two teams. Posey was the founder of the East-West", "\"Noble savage\"\nlicensed material. According to critics like the \"\"Telegraph\"\"'s Tim Robey, romantically idealized portrayals of non-industrialized or exotic people persist in popular films, as for example in \"\"The Lone Ranger\"\" or \"\"Dances with Wolves\"\". Concepts: Cultural examples: Noble savage A noble savage is a literary stock character who embodies the concept of the indigene, outsider, wild human, an \"\"other\"\" who has not been \"\"corrupted\"\" by civilization, and therefore symbolizes humanity's innate goodness. In English, the phrase first appeared in the 17th century in John Dryden's heroic play \"\"The Conquest of Granada\"\" (1672), wherein it was used in reference to newly created", "\"Wolves in folklore, religion and mythology\"\nThe Navajo tribe was known for performing healing ceremonies where they would call upon wolves to restore health to their ill. Wolves were admired for their superb hunting skills. Prayers were offered in honor of wolves before they went out of hunting excursions. The Pawnee’s connection with wolves was so great that their hand signal for Pawnee was actually the same one that they had for wolf. Before battles, Apache warriors would pray, sing, and dance to gain the teamwork, strength, and bravery of wolves. The Pawnee, being both an agricultural and hunting people, associated the wolf with both corn", "\"Raymond Price (rugby)\"\n1954, in front of a record crowd of 102,575 or more. Ray Price played in Belle Vue Rangers' 7-10 defeat by Wigan in the 1947 Lancashire County Cup Final during the 1947–48 season at Wilderspool Stadium, Warrington on Saturday 1 November 1947. Ray Price is a Warrington Wolves Hall of Fame inductee. Raymond Price (rugby) H. Raymond \"\"Ray\"\" Price ( 1924 – 1988) was a Welsh rugby union, and professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1940s and 1950s. He was regarded as one of the finest post-war Stand-offs in the sport. At club level he played rugby union", "\"A Fist Within Four Walls\"\nbecomes the number one suspect. Kuen and Fung investigate, and the case leads them straight to Fa Man, the leader of a stripping dance troupe. As the drama progresses, more mysteries behind the deaths of Chiu and Duen begin to unravel. Kuen finds that The Fellow Association is not the only society that is plaguing the walled city with evil. Known as Kuen Lo (拳佬; \"\"Fist Guy\"\"), the main protagonist. Kuen is a water labourer who possesses impressive physical strength and is naturally gifted in martial arts. He was born Chiu Yeung (朝陽; \"\"ziu1 joeng4\"\") and was the son of", "\"Louise (opera)\"\nsinging madly of love and freedom. Her parents are shocked and her father becomes increasingly angry. He shouts at Louise and demands that she leave; if that is what she wants, let her go and dance and laugh! He begins to attack her, but the mother stands in the way. Louise runs from the room to go back to Julien. Only then does the father realise what he did. \"\"Louise, Louise!\"\" he calls. She is gone and in despair he shakes his fist at the city that stole his daughter, \"\"Paris!\"\" he moans and the opera closes. An abridged version", "\"The Rabbits Who Caused All the Trouble\"\nsecond language. The characters in the fable are all animals. There are a family of rabbits who have a pack of wolves living near them. Then there are other nameless animals who do not play an active role in the story. The wolves believe that their way of life is the only way to live, and therefore they dislike the rabbits. After an earthquake occurs the wolves incriminate the rabbits because \"\"\"\"it is well known that rabbits pound on the ground with their hind legs and cause earthquakes\"\"\"\". The wolves also blame the rabbits for a lightning strike that kills", "\"2011–12 in English football\"\nCity, with a game in hand. The rest of the top seven remains unchanged, except that Everton have now moved ahead of their Merseyside rivals Liverpool, who are in eighth place with a game in hand. Wolves have only managed to pick up one point following the sacking of Mick McCarthy and look doomed for relegation as they stand six points adrift of safety with seven games left to play. Blackburn Rovers, with a game in hand, are ahead of QPR and Wigan only by virtue of goals scored; Bolton are a point ahead of Blackburn, having played the same", "\"Three Loan Wolves\"\nof supporting actor Harold Brauer and it is his only appearance in a Curly film. Danny Craig was Curly's stand in, Eli Schmuckler was Larry's stand in and Dave Levitt was Moe's stand in. \"\"Three Loan Wolves\"\" was filmed February 27-March 2, 1946, near the end of Curly Howard's career. The 42-year-old comedian had suffered a series of minor strokes several months prior to filming, and his performances had been unpredictable. By the time of \"\"Three Loan Wolves\"\", he had lost a considerable amount of weight, and lines had creased his face. Larry Fine and Moe Howard look stocky by", "\"Warrington Wolves\"\nareas rather than being an all-seater stadium. There were originally 4 stands in the stadium – the North Stand (reserved seating), the East Stand (originally unreserved seating but later became reserved seating), the South Stand (home terracing), and the West Stand (visitors' terracing and overflow of home terracing). It also has enormous pitch dimensions of 120 m x 74 m, as requested by Warrington's head coach of the time, Paul Cullen, due to his desire to play expansive rugby. In 2012 the stadium capacity was expanded to 15,200 by filling in two corners of the stands. In 2017 the stadium", "\"1908 FA Cup Final\"\nHarrison. James Howey scored the Magpies' reply. The Lord Mayor of London, Sir John Bell, then handed the trophy to Wolves' Billy Wooldridge. Newcastle began the more composed side and launched several early attacks. They had the majority of the possession, but Wolves managed to stand resolute. On the 40-minute mark, a hurried clearance from a scramble in the Newcastle penalty area fell to Kenneth Hunt, who hit the ball back ferociously from distance, which Lawrence in the Magpies' goal could only help into the net. This was the first goal Hunt had ever scored for the club. Wolves grew", "\"2014 Arkansas State Red Wolves football team\"\nplay to finish in a three way tie for fourth place. They were invited to the GoDaddy Bowl where they lost to Toledo. As of January 2014 2014 Arkansas State Red Wolves football team The 2014 Arkansas State Red Wolves football team represented Arkansas State University in the 2014 NCAA Division I FBS football season. For the fourth consecutive season, the Red Wolves were led by a first-year head coach. Blake Anderson, who was previously offensive coordinator at North Carolina, took over after Bryan Harsin left the program to become the head coach at Boise State. The Red Wolves played", "\"Iron Fist (song)\"\nEddie Clarke and Phil \"\"Philthy Animal\"\" Taylor, as Clarke left following the recording of the \"\"Stand By Your Man EP\"\". On 27 March 1982, Lemmy, Clarke and Taylor were interviewed by Tommy Vance on BBC Radio 1's 'Rock On Saturday' show, \"\"Iron Fist\"\", \"\"Loser\"\", and \"\"Speedfreak\"\" were played. The Finnish folk metal band Korpiklaani covered the song on their 2011 album \"\"Ukon Wacka\"\". The US-american Hardcore band Pro-Pain covered the song on their 2003 album \"\"Run For Cover\"\". The German Thrash metal band Sodom also covered the song on their album Persecution Mania. A live version is on the compilation", "\"Willis family\"\nDonovan, made his first screen appearance on 1 August 1990. Doug is described as being a \"\"bit of a Regular Joe who didn't like rocking the boat or standing out from the crowd.\"\" He is also \"\"a man's man\"\" who is not afraid of using his fists and takes great pleasure from making home-brewed beer with Lou Carpenter (Tom Oliver). A writer for the BBC said Doug's most notable moment was \"\"Having an affair with Jill Weir.\"\" Donovan made a brief return for the show's 20th anniversary celebrations in July 2005. Pamela \"\"Pam\"\" Willis (previously Beresford), played by Sue Jones,", "\"Beyond Dark Castle\"\nfirst game, which came out of the 5 doors in the Great Hall. The game starts off with the end of \"\"Dark Castle\"\", where Prince Duncan toppled the Black Knight's throne. In the original version, after toppling the throne, the Black Knight stands up shaking his fist, and a gargoyle drops Duncan in Trouble 3. In the newer version by Delta Tao Software, \"\"Color Dark Castle\"\", after defeating the Black Knight on advanced, the Black Knight's throne falls down, off the bottom of the screen, and Duncan does a victory dance as it fades out. When starting a new game", "\"Color Dark Castle\"\ncastle: Fireball, Shield, Trouble, and Black Knight. After collecting the Fireball, and Shield, Duncan makes his way to The Black Knight's Throne room, where he topples the Black Knight's Throne. On Novice, Beginner, and Intermediate the Black Knight stands up shaking his fist, as a gargoyle takes Duncan to Trouble 3. On advanced The Black Knight's throne falls off the bottom of the screen, while Duncan dances, and it fades out. At the end of the credits, the game states: \"\"Watch out next year for \"\"Beyond Dark Castle\"\",\"\" but this planned release was dropped due to the announcement of \"\"Return", "\"Marry the Night\"\nsculpted top and shorts while shaking her blond hair. AOLs Contessa Gayles described the artwork as a \"\"mysterious night-crawler.\"\" Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic gave the song a positive review, saying it \"\"glistens with a neon pulse\"\". Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine named \"\"Marry the Night\"\" a stand-out track on the album and called it \"\"a worthy successor to 'Dance in the Dark'\"\". BBC Music's Mark Savage called \"\"Marry the Night\"\" as perfect as \"\"a straightforward fist-pumping entry into a colossus can be.\"\" Christian Blauvelt of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" compared the song with the work of Italian record producer Giorgio Moroder.", "\"Caracalla Dance Theatre\"\ningrained with soul, Caracalla is an unprecedented joy.\"\" (Dance Europe, UK) \"\"I doubt the London stage has seen such textile beauty, such opulent headdresses, such marvels clashes of brocade and braid. Caracalla Dance Theatre have made their own bridge between East and West. Set ebulliently to Ravel's Bolero which sounds better than usual when played on Arabian instruments… better 2001 Caracallas than one Béjart\"\".(Daily Telegraph, UK) \"\"These are people who don't want to imitate anyone\"\".(L’Humanité , France) \"\"Dream a little dream of dance; Lavish, energetic and spectacular!\"\" (The Stage, Germany) \"\"Caracalla Dance Theatre's played to standing-room only crowds over the" ]
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when did the first mammal appear on earth
[ "late Carboniferous period" ]
[ "\"Fauna of Australia\"\nas a variety of extant mammalian species, dominated by the marsupials,currently however there is limited taxonomic research into Australia's mammals. The fossil record shows that monotremes have been present in Australia since the Early Cretaceous 145–99 MYA, and that marsupials and placental mammals date from the Eocene 56–34 MYA, when modern mammals first appeared in the fossil record. Although terrestrial marsupials and placental mammals did coexist in Australia in the Eocene, only the marsupials have survived to the present. Non-volant placental mammals made their reappearance in Australia in the Miocene, when Australia moved closer to Indonesia, and rodents started to", "\"Evolution of insects\"\nrecent descendants. Psocoptera was first appeared in the Permian period, they are often regarded as the most primitive of the hemipteroids. The Triassic () was a period when arid and semiarid savannas developed and when the first mammals, dinosaurs, and pterosaurs also appeared. During the Triassic, almost all the Earth's land mass was still concentrated into Pangaea. From the east a vast gulf entered Pangaea, the Tethys sea. The remaining shores were surrounded by the world-ocean known as Panthalassa. The supercontinent Pangaea was rifting during the Triassic—especially late in the period—but had not yet separated. The climate of the Triassic", "\"The Life of Mammals\"\nThe Dutch version of the book includes the full text of the original book, as did the Dutch language version of the programme broadcast on the Belgian broadcaster Canvas. The Life of Mammals The Life of Mammals is a nature documentary series written and presented by David Attenborough, first transmitted in the United Kingdom from 20 November 2002. A study of the evolution and habits of the various mammal species, it was the fourth of Attenborough's specialised surveys following his major trilogy that began with \"\"Life on Earth\"\". Each of the ten episodes looks at one (or several closely related)", "Phanerozoic\nis ruled by the reptiles, and features the evolution of mammals, birds and more famously, dinosaurs. The Cenozoic is the time of the mammals, and more recently, humans. The Paleozoic is a time in Earth's history when complex life forms evolved, took their first breath of oxygen on dry land, and when the forerunners of all life on Earth began to diversify. There are six periods in the Paleozoic era: Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian. The Cambrian is the first period of the Paleozoic Era and starts from . The Cambrian sparked a rapid expansion in evolution in", "\"Evolution of mammals\"\n85 million years ago, but that modern families first appeared later, in the late Eocene and early Miocene epochs of the Cenozoic period. Fossil-based analyses, on the contrary, limit the placentals to the Cenozoic. Many Cretaceous fossil sites contain well-preserved lizards, salamanders, birds, and mammals, but not the modern forms of mammals. It is likely that they simply did not exist, and that the molecular clock runs fast during major evolutionary radiations. On the other hand, there is fossil evidence from of hoofed mammals that may be ancestors of modern ungulates. Fossils of the earliest members of most modern groups", "\"History of Earth\"\nvast quantities of particulate matter and vapor into the air that occluded sunlight, inhibiting photosynthesis. 75% of all life, including the non-avian dinosaurs, became extinct, marking the end of the Cretaceous period and Mesozoic era. The first true mammals evolved in the shadows of dinosaurs and other large archosaurs that filled the world by the late Triassic. The first mammals were very small, and were probably nocturnal to escape predation. Mammal diversification truly began only after the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. By the early Paleocene the earth recovered from the extinction, and mammalian diversity increased. Creatures like \"\"Ambulocetus\"\" took to the", "\"History of Earth\"\noceans to eventually evolve into whales, whereas some creatures, like primates, took to the trees. This all changed during the mid to late Eocene when the circum-Antarctic current formed between Antarctica and Australia which disrupted weather patterns on a global scale. Grassless savannas began to predominate much of the landscape, and mammals such as \"\"Andrewsarchus\"\" rose up to become the largest known terrestrial predatory mammal ever, and early whales like \"\"Basilosaurus\"\" took control of the seas. The evolution of grass brought a remarkable change to the Earth's landscape, and the new open spaces created pushed mammals to get bigger and", "\"Animal testing\"\nto orbit the earth. In the 1970s, antibiotic treatments and vaccines for leprosy were developed using armadillos, then given to humans. The ability of humans to change the genetics of animals took a large step forwards in 1974 when Rudolf Jaenisch was able to produce the first transgenic mammal, by integrating DNA from the SV40 virus into the genome of mice. This genetic research progressed rapidly and, in 1996, Dolly the sheep was born, the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. Toxicology testing became important in the 20th century. In the 19th century, laws regulating drugs were", "\"Mammals of Australia\"\nflying squirrels have similar adaptations enabling their arboreal lifestyle; and the numbat and anteaters are both digging insectivores. Most of Australia's mammals are herbivores or omnivores. The fossil record shows that monotremes have been present in Australia since the Early Cretaceous . Marsupials probably existed in Australia at least from the early Paleocene (), although the earliest found undoubted fossils of Australian marsupials are from the late Oligocene . The indisputable remains of Australian placental mammals started from the Miocene, when Australia moved closer to Indonesia. After bats appeared reliably in the fossil record, and after rodents did. The subsequent", "Mesozoic\nthat would move into their current positions during the next era. The climate of the Mesozoic was varied, alternating between warming and cooling periods. Overall, however, the Earth was hotter than it is today. Dinosaurs appeared in the Late Triassic and became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates early in the Jurassic, occupying this position for about 135 million years until their demise at the end of the Cretaceous. Birds first appeared in the Jurassic, having evolved from a branch of theropod dinosaurs. The first mammals also appeared during the Mesozoic, but would remain small—less than 15 kg (33 lb)—until the Cenozoic.", "\"History of paleontology\"\nin the past caused great excitement in scientific circles, and even among some segments of the general public. Buckland did describe the jaw of a small primitive mammal, \"\"Phascolotherium\"\", that was found in the same strata as \"\"Megalosaurus\"\". This discovery, known as the Stonesfield mammal, was a much discussed anomaly. Cuvier at first thought it was a marsupial, but Buckland later realized it was a primitive placental mammal. Due to its small size and primitive nature, Buckland did not believe it invalidated the overall pattern of an age of reptiles, when the largest and most conspicuous animals had been reptiles", "Cenozoic\nperspective, it did not take long for mammals and birds to greatly diversify in the absence of the large reptiles that had dominated during the Mesozoic. A group of avians known as the \"\"terror birds\"\" grew larger than the average human and were formidable predators. Mammals came to occupy almost every available niche (both marine and terrestrial), and some also grew very large, attaining sizes not seen in most of today's mammals. The Earth's climate had begun a drying and cooling trend, culminating in the glaciations of the Pleistocene Epoch, and partially offset by the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. \"\"Cenozoic,\"\" meaning", "Plateosaurus\nlarge modern land mammals, but did not describe any important features that fit the terms \"\"flat\"\" or \"\"shaped like an oar.\"\" In addition to his formal scientific descriptions, von Meyer also gave a public lecture about fossil reptiles in 1851 that included a short mention of \"\"Plateosaurus\"\". That talk and a later one on fossil mammals were turned into a general audience book published in 1852, entitled \"\"Über die Reptilien und Säugethiere der verschiedenen Zeiten der Erde\"\" [\"\"On the Reptiles and Mammals from the Different Time Periods of the Earth\"\"]. In the German text (page 44), von Meyer briefly described", "Angband\nOver time, the dark creatures in Morgoth's service would gather in its ruined pits. After three ages of imprisonment, Morgoth returned to Middle-earth and set himself up in Angband, raising the volcanic Thangorodrim over the fortress as protection. He seldom came out of it again, but did when challenged to single combat by the Elven king Fingolfin and earlier to investigate the first appearance of Men. He reigned there until the end of the First Age, when it was destroyed in the War of Wrath. In earlier versions of Tolkien's mythology (see \"\"The History of Middle-earth\"\") it was called Angamando,", "\"The Cyclops (film)\"\nexpert Martin \"\"Marty\"\" Melville (Lon Chaney Jr.) and pilot Lee Brand (Tom Drake) fly into an unknown territory. While searching the area, however, they uncover giant mutated earth animals such as giant snakes, lizards, behemoth bugs and oversized mammals. More importantly, they encounter a mutated 50-ft tall, one-eyed human monster who became disfigured due to an exposure to radioactivity from massive radium deposits in the area. He kills Melville but appears to recognize the girl. When the cyclops tries to prevent the rest of the group from flying to safety, he is gravely wounded, and dies. As appearing in \"\"The", "\"Harris Lewin\"\nNational Academy of Sciences, Lewin and his colleagues used an algorithm to computationally recreate the chromosomes of the first eutherian mammal, the long-extinct, shrewlike ancestor of all placental mammals. At the 48th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, Lewin announced a landmark partnership between the Earth BioGenome Project and the Earth Bank of Codes to map the DNA of all the planet’s eukaryotes, some 1.5 million known species. Lewin was the lead author for a perspective paper published April 23, 2018 in the \"\"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,\"\" “Earth BioGenome Project: Sequencing life for the future", "\"Marine life\"\nand even today make up the majority of animal species. Amphibians first appeared around 364 million years ago, followed by early amniotes and birds around 155 million years ago (both from \"\"reptile\"\"-like lineages), mammals around 129 million years ago, homininae around 10 million years ago and modern humans around 250,000 years ago. However, despite the evolution of these large animals, smaller organisms similar to the types that evolved early in this process continue to be highly successful and dominate the Earth, with the majority of both biomass and species being prokaryotes. Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range", "\"The Life of Mammals\"\nThe Life of Mammals The Life of Mammals is a nature documentary series written and presented by David Attenborough, first transmitted in the United Kingdom from 20 November 2002. A study of the evolution and habits of the various mammal species, it was the fourth of Attenborough's specialised surveys following his major trilogy that began with \"\"Life on Earth\"\". Each of the ten episodes looks at one (or several closely related) mammal groups and discusses the different facets of their day-to-day existence and their evolutionary origins. All the programmes are of 50 minutes' duration except the last, which extends to", "Megazostrodon\nMegazostrodon Megazostrodon is an extinct Mammaliaform that is widely accepted as being one of the first mammals and which appeared in the fossil record approximately 200 million years ago. It did have some non-mammalian characteristics: the first two vertebrae (atlas and axis) were still unfused as in cynodonts, and it only had three sacral vertebrae instead of the usual mammalian five. An interclavicle is also present, another primitive trait still visible in monotremes. However, these were deemed sufficiently minor to warrant the analysis that this animal probably represents the final stage of the transition between cynodonts and true mammals. \"\"Megazostrodon\"\"", "Cifelliodon\neach side are two incisors, a canine, and four postcanines, all of them broken off at the gumline except for the last molars. These last molars had not yet erupted, and so their intact crowns allowed palaeontologists to identify this mammal. The preserved skull allowed palaeontologists to see the brain size of \"\"Cifelliodon\"\", and they concluded it was a transitional size and shape between earlier stem mammals, and crown mammals. It appears to have had a well-developed sense of smell, as did most mammals in the Mesozoic. Previously, scientists had suggested that the hahnodontid mammals belonged to the well-known group", "Devil\nsome mud. Erlik hid inside his mouth to later create his own world. But when God commanded earth to expand Erlik got troubled by the earth in his mouth. God aided Erlik to spit it out. The earth carried by Erlik gave place to the unpleasant areas of the world. Because of his sin, he was assigned to evil. In another cariant, the creator-god is identified with Ulgen. Again, Erlik appears to be the first human. He desired to create a human just as Ulgen did, thereupon Ulgen reacted by punishing Erlik, casting him into the underworld there he becomes", "\"Middle-earth peoples\"\nand many sub-groups appeared. The First Sundering occurred when some left Middle-earth to live in the blessed realm of Valinor, while others stayed behind. This produced the Eldar, who accepted the call to come to Valinor, and the Avari who refused the great journey. Elves who stayed in Middle-earth and never saw the light of the trees became known as the Moriquendi or \"\"Dark-elves\"\". This did not imply that the Dark-elves were evil, they just never saw the light of the trees. On the journey to Valinor, some of the Teleri (\"\"Those who tarried\"\") abandoned the main group and those", "Bartonian\ncentury, when stratigraphers saw the need to distinguish between litho- and chronostratigraphy. The base of the Bartonian is at the first appearance of the calcareous nanoplankton species \"\"Reticulofenestra reticulata\"\". In 2009, an official reference profile (GSSP) for the base of the Bartonian had not yet been established. The top of the Bartonian stage (the base of the Priabonian) is at the first appearance of calcareous nanoplankton species \"\"Chiasmolithus oamaruensis\"\" (which forms the base of nanoplankton biozone NP18). The Bartonian stage overlaps part of the upper Robiacian European Land Mammal Mega Zone (it spans the Mammal Paleogene zone 16), the upper", "\"Nocturnal bottleneck\"\nthe Cretaceous did the dinosaurs leave the stage open for the establishment of a new fauna of mammals. Despite this, mammals continued to be small-bodied for millions of years. While all the largest animals alive today are mammals, the majority of mammals are still small nocturnal animals. Several different features of mammalian physiology appear to be adaptations to a nocturnal lifestyle, mainly related to the sensory organs. These include: Nocturnal bottleneck The nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis is a hypothesis to explain several mammalian traits. In 1942, Gordon Lynn Walls described this concept which states that placental mammals were mainly or even", "\"European land mammal age\"\nyoung). European Land Mammal Mega Zones most often have their bases at first appearances (FAD, First Appearance Date) of a certain species or genus. The numbers are higher for younger zones. Due to a redefinition of the boundary between the Neogene and Quaternary periods, MN 17 is now in fact considered a Quaternary biozone. European land mammal age The European Land Mammal Mega Zones (abbreviation: ELMMZ, more commonly known as European land mammal ages or ELMA) are zones in rock layers that have a specific assemblage of fossils (biozones) based on occurrences of fossil assemblages of European land mammals. These", "Theriodont\nand dominate the Earth. Theriodont Theriodonts (\"\"beast tooth\"\", referring to more mammal-like teeth) are a major group of therapsids. They can be defined in traditional, Linnaean terms, in which case they are a suborder of synapsids that lived from the Middle Permian to the Middle Cretaceous, or in cladistic terms, in which case they include not only the traditional theriodonts but also their descendants the mammals as well (in the same way that, cladistically speaking, the theropod dinosaurs include the birds as a sub-clade). Theriodonts appeared almost the same time as the anomodonts, about 265 million years ago, in the", "\"Gorr (comics)\"\nan immunity to fire. Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic decided to reboot the Thor franchise during the Marvel Now initiative. Gorr first appeared in Thor: God of Thunder #2 (January, 2013). This story arc was voted as the 8th best Thor story by Gorr grew up on a nameless barren planet. When his mother, mate and children died, he thought gods did not exist. When he learned they did exist but did not help him and his family, he vowed to kill them all after acquiring the All-Black the Necrosword from Knull. He eventually finds young Odinson on Earth", "\"Extinction event\"\nevolution of life on Earth. When dominance of particular ecological niches passes from one group of organisms to another, it is rarely because the new dominant group is \"\"superior\"\" to the old and usually because an extinction event eliminates the old dominant group and makes way for the new one. For example, mammaliformes (\"\"almost mammals\"\") and then mammals existed throughout the reign of the dinosaurs, but could not compete for the large terrestrial vertebrate niches which dinosaurs monopolized. The end-Cretaceous mass extinction removed the non-avian dinosaurs and made it possible for mammals to expand into the large terrestrial vertebrate niches.", "\"History of Earth\"\nbigger. Grass started to expand in the Miocene, and the Miocene is where many modern- day mammals first appeared. Giant ungulates like \"\"Paraceratherium\"\" and \"\"Deinotherium\"\" evolved to rule the grasslands. The evolution of grass also brought primates down from the trees, and started human evolution. The first big cats evolved during this time as well. The Tethys Sea was closed off by the collision of Africa and Europe. The formation of Panama was perhaps the most important geological event to occur in the last 60 million years. Atlantic and Pacific currents were closed off from each other, which caused the", "Mammal\n[[aestivate]] in times of drought or extreme heat, namely the [[fat-tailed dwarf lemur]] (\"\"Cheirogaleus medius\"\"). In intelligent mammals, such as primates, the [[cerebrum]] is larger relative to the rest of the brain. [[Intelligence]] itself is not easy to define, but indications of intelligence include the ability to learn, matched with behavioral flexibility. [[Rat IQ|Rats]], for example, are considered to be highly intelligent, as they can learn and perform new tasks, an ability that may be important when they first colonize a fresh [[biome|habitat]]. In some mammals, food gathering appears to be related to intelligence: a deer feeding on plants has", "\"Planet Earth (Duran Duran song)\"\nEarth\"\" and \"\"Hold Back The Rain\"\". The alternative mix of \"\"Planet Earth\"\" which is called \"\"Night Mix\"\" also appears on the special edition of \"\"Duran Duran\"\"'s first album, released in 2010. Apart from the single, \"\"Planet Earth\"\" has also appeared on: Albums: Duran Duran are: Also credited: Planet Earth (Duran Duran song) \"\"Planet Earth\"\" is the debut single by the English pop rock band Duran Duran, released on 2 February 1981. It was an immediate hit in the band's native UK, reaching #12 on the UK Singles Chart on 21 February, and did even better in Australia, hitting #8 to", "Platypus\nunusual appearance of this egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal baffled European naturalists when they first encountered it, with some considering it an elaborate hoax. It is one of the few species of venomous mammals: the male platypus has a spur on the hind foot that delivers a venom capable of causing severe pain to humans. The unique features of the platypus make it an important subject in the study of evolutionary biology and a recognizable and iconic symbol of Australia; it has appeared as a mascot at national events and features on the reverse of the Australian twenty-cent coin. The", "\"Society for Marine Mammalogy\"\nAttendance has grown from the 300 in 1975 to more than 2000 in some of the venues. The next major step for the Society after its formation in 1981 was the creation of a new journal devoted to the biology of marine mammals. Titles proposed included Journal of Marine Mammalogy, Marine Mammals, and others, but Marine Mammal Science won out. The first issue appeared in 1985. Joe Geraci was the first Editor, followed by Doug Wartzok, Bill Perrin, Don Bowen, Jim Estes and Daryl Boness (current). The first book-length special publication of the Society appeared in 1987 (Marine Mammal Energetics,", "Repugnus\ntheir war, Fortress Maximus' band left Nebulos for the planet Earth (Transformers: Headmasters #4). Maximus' group joined up with the Earthen Autobots, but encountered stiff resistance from local leader Grimlock. Repugnus was present when Grimlock fought Blaster for leadership of the Autobots on Earth's moon. The Autobots were then attacked by the Decepticons led by Ratbat (Transformers #41). Repugnus did not appear again, leaving the possibility he was killed either in the ensuing battle or during the Underbase powered Starscream's rampage in issue #50. Although the Monsterbots were introduced after the end of the U.S. animated series, they did appear", "Paleocontinent\nLastly at the end of the Triassic and the beginning of the Jurassic was the first appearance of small shrew like mammals that came from reptiles. The main characteristic of Pangea’s climate is that its position on Earth was advantageous for starting a cycle of megamonsoonal circulation. The monsoons reached their maximum strength in the Triassic period of the Mesozoic. During the late Carboniferous, there was peat formation in what is currently Europe and the Eastern areas of North America. The wetter, swamp like conditions needed to form peat were contrasted with the dry conditions on the Colorado Plateau. Nearing", "\"Georges Cuvier\"\nextinct animal he later would name as a mastodon, and that a large skeleton dug up in Paraguay was of \"\"Megatherium\"\", a giant, prehistoric ground sloth. He named the pterosaur \"\"Pterodactylus\"\", described (but did not discover or name) the aquatic reptile \"\"Mosasaurus\"\", and was one of the first people to suggest the earth had been dominated by reptiles, rather than mammals, in prehistoric times. Cuvier is also remembered for strongly opposing theories of evolution, which at the time (before Darwin's theory) were mainly proposed by Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck and Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Cuvier believed there was no evidence for evolution, but", "Bharattherium\nbark, because it was thought that grasses had not yet appeared when sudamericids lived. However, grass remains have been found at Intertrappean sites contemporary with those where \"\"Bharattherium\"\" was found, suggesting that sudamericids like \"\"Bharattherium\"\" were indeed the first grazing mammals. It is among the two Indian mammal taxa that are inferred to have survived the KT event in India, alongside \"\"Deccanolestes\"\". Bharattherium Bharattherium is a mammal that lived in India during the Maastrichtian (latest Cretaceous) and possibly the Paleocene. The genus has a single species, Bharattherium bonapartei. It is part of the gondwanathere family Sudamericidae, which is also found", "\"Last Day of the Dinosaurs\"\nBut life on Earth was not completely destroyed: fish and crocodiles surviving underwater; small mammals, snakes, insects, arachnids, and lizards hid underground; birds flew or swam away from the disaster. Three years pass before sunlight finally reaches the planet again, and plant life finally carpets the Earth again, setting the stage for a new era: the era of mammals. Mammals now multiply and diversify, with countless species of mammals evolving, until 10,000 species explode across the planet and one species, humans, eventually rule the planet like the dinosaurs once had. Last Day of the Dinosaurs Last Day of the Dinosaurs", "Navajo\nlife could not thrive there and they had to move on. The Second, or Blue World, was inhabited by a few of the mammals Earth People know today as well as the Swallow Chief, or Táshchózhii. The First World beings had offended him and were asked to leave. From there, they headed south and arrived in the Third World, or Yellow World. The four sacred mountains were found here, but due to a great flood, First Woman, First Man, and the Holy People were forced to find another world to live in. This time, when they arrived, they stayed in", "\"James Irwin\"\nwith Al Worden's EVA to retrieve film magazines from the CSM's SIM bay, by donning a pressure suit and monitoring him. He was able to rest and apparently recover during the rest of the mission. The flight surgeons continued to monitor his EKG until splashdown, but his heart rhythm was normal. This incident was not discussed during the mission debriefing sessions, and the condition did not appear when he returned to Earth. After the return of Apollo 15 to Earth, it was discovered that, without authority, the crew had taken 398 commemorative first day covers to the moon of which", "\"Evolution of mammals\"\nEvolution of mammals The evolution of mammals has passed through many stages since the first appearance of their synapsid ancestors in the late Carboniferous period. The most ancestral forms in the class Mammalia are the egg-laying mammals in the subclass Prototheria. This class first started out as something close to the platypus and evolved to modern day mammals. By the mid-Triassic, there were many synapsid species that looked like mammals. The lineage leading to today's mammals split up in the Jurassic; synapsids from this period include \"\"Dryolestes\"\", more closely related to extant placentals and marsupials than to monotremes, as well", "\"Evolution of mammals\"\nactive. Evolution of mammals The evolution of mammals has passed through many stages since the first appearance of their synapsid ancestors in the late Carboniferous period. The most ancestral forms in the class Mammalia are the egg-laying mammals in the subclass Prototheria. This class first started out as something close to the platypus and evolved to modern day mammals. By the mid-Triassic, there were many synapsid species that looked like mammals. The lineage leading to today's mammals split up in the Jurassic; synapsids from this period include \"\"Dryolestes\"\", more closely related to extant placentals and marsupials than to monotremes, as", "\"Middle Jurassic\"\ncoast, completely closing the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. A subduction zone on the coast of western North America continues to create the Ancestral Rocky Mountains. The Middle Jurassic is one of the key periods in the evolution of life on earth. Many groups, including dinosaurs and mammals, diversified during this time. During this time, marine life (including ammonites and bivalves) flourished. Ichthyosaurs, although common, are reduced in diversity; while the top marine predators, the pliosaurs, grew to the size of killer whales and larger (e.g. \"\"Pliosaurus\"\", \"\"Liopleurodon\"\"). Plesiosaurs became common at this time, and metriorhynchid crocodilians first appeared. Many of the major", "\"Mary Anning\"\nthe plesiosaur skeletons a few years earlier, for which she was not credited, when Buckland presented his findings on coprolites to the Geological Society, he mentioned Anning by name and praised her skill and industry in helping to solve the mystery. Anning's discoveries became key pieces of evidence for extinction. Georges Cuvier had argued for the reality of extinction in the late 1790s based on his analysis of fossils of mammals such as mammoths. Nevertheless, until the early 1820s it was still believed by many scientifically literate people that just as new species did not appear, so existing ones did", "\"Future of Earth\"\nand volcanic eruptions. This will result in less attenuation of DNA-damaging UV, as well as the death of animals; the first animals to disappear would be large mammals, followed by small mammals, birds, amphibians and large fish, reptiles and small fish, and finally invertebrates. Before this happens, it's expected that life would concentrate at refugia of lower temperature such as high elevations where less land surface area is available, thus restricting population sizes. Smaller animals would survive better than larger ones because of lesser oxygen requirements, while birds would fare better than mammals thanks to their ability to travel large", "\"The Flash (1990 TV series)\"\ncrossover, \"\"Elseworlds\"\". The crossover also links the 1990 series to the Arrowverse, designating its world as Earth-90. The Flash is shown as a survivor of the Monitor's attack on Earth-90. He later appears on Earth-1 to warn Barry Allen (of Earth-1), Oliver Queen, and Kara Danvers about the Monitor. When Flash of Earth-90 tries to stop Monitor before he can repeat what he did to Earth-90, Monitor teleports him away. The Flash (1990 TV series) The Flash is a 1990 American television series developed by the writing team of Danny Bilson and Paul De Meo that aired on CBS. It", "\"Cortical granule\"\nand as multiple waves in mammals. Cortical granule exocytosis has been shown to occur directly following a calcium wave. For example, in the fertilized sea urchin egg, it has been shown that the cortical granule exocytosis immediately follows the calcium increase after approximately 6 seconds. In mammals, the first calcium wave occurs within 1–4 minutes following fertilization, and cortical granule exocytosis occurs within 5–30 minutes following fertilization. Furthermore, when calcium waves were suppressed experimentally, cortical granule exocytosis and/or alterations in the extracellular matrix did not occur. As demonstrated in unfertilized vertebrate oocytes, cortical granule exocytosis is induced when calcium is", "Kole\nwhom she had fallen in love. Shortly after this, in the pages of \"\"Crisis on Infinite Earths\"\", Kole attempted to save the Earth-2 Robin and Earth-2 Huntress from the Anti-Monitor's shadow-demons. She failed, and all three were apparently killed, their bodies never found. In Grant Morrison's \"\"Animal Man\"\" storyline \"\"Deus Ex Machina\"\", Psycho-Pirate, while in Arkham Asylum, recreated characters removed from continuity. Kole (or a Pre-Crisis version of her) was one of them. Kole appears as she originally did. Presumably, this character vanished from existence when the Psycho-Pirate's episode of madness ended, along with her colleagues. She appeared in \"\"Team", "\"Biodiversity of New Zealand\"\nshrublands between grasslands and forests. These shrublands are dominated by daisies, which can become woody and 3 m high. Until 2006, it was thought that no mammals, other than bats and marine mammals, had reached New Zealand before humans did. The discovery of a femur and mandibles of an extinct non-volant (non-flying) mammal in Otago, dated at 16–19 million years old, has changed the view of New Zealand's evolutionary history, as it strongly suggests that mammals had been part of New Zealand's fauna since the break-up of Gondwana. The fossil has been called SB mammal. It is not known when,", "\"Odd-toed ungulate\"\nof the Eocene is associated with competition arising from the advent of more successful herbivores. More successful lines of odd-toed ungulates emerged at the end of the Eocene when dense jungles gave way to steppe, such as the chalicotheriid rhinos, and their immediate relatives; their development also began with very small forms. \"\"Paraceratherium\"\", one of the largest mammals ever to walk the earth, evolved during this era. They weighed up to and lived throughout the Oligocene in Eurasia. About 20 million years ago at the onset of the Miocene the perissodactyls first reached Africa when it became connected to Eurasia", "Yhi\ndarkness and insects of all kinds were created from it. She brought them to Earth and then found some ice caves in a mountain. She shined her light on the being resting inside and fishes and lizards came out, along with many other kinds of birds, mammals and amphibians. She then returned to her own world and blessed her creations with the change of the seasons and promised that, when they died, they would join her in the sky. When she disappeared, darkness came back and covered the Earth. The organisms thought she was not returning and were sad, but", "\"Mercury (planet)\"\ntransit. Mercury is technically brightest as seen from Earth when it is at a full phase. Although Mercury is farthest from Earth when it is full, the greater illuminated area that is visible and the opposition brightness surge more than compensates for the distance. The opposite is true for Venus, which appears brightest when it is a crescent, because it is much closer to Earth than when gibbous. Nonetheless, the brightest (full phase) appearance of Mercury is an essentially impossible time for practical observation, because of the extreme proximity of the Sun. Mercury is best observed at the first and", "Gastornis\neastern Asia and in North America across the Turgai Strait. Direct landbridges with North America are also known. European \"\"Gastornis\"\" survived somewhat longer than their North American and Asian counterparts. This seems to coincide with a period of increased isolation of the continent. The extinction of \"\"Gastornis\"\" is currently unclear. Competition with mammals has often been cited as a possible factor, but \"\"Gastornis\"\" did occur in faunas dominated by mammals, and did co-exist with several megafaunal forms like pantodonts. Likewise, extreme climatic events like the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) appear to have had little impact. Nonetheless, the extended survival in", "Stereopsis\npolarizing glasses allowed stereopsis of coloured movies. In the 1990s Magic Eye pictures (autostereograms) - which did not require a stereoscope, but relied on viewers using a form of free fusion so that each eye views different images - were introduced. Stereopsis appears to be processed in the visual cortex of mammals in binocular cells having receptive fields in different horizontal positions in the two eyes. Such a cell is active only when its preferred stimulus is in the correct position in the left eye and in the correct position in the right eye, making it a disparity detector. When", "Dalek\nThe Nation estate however demanded levels of creative control over the Daleks' appearances and scripts that were unacceptable to the BBC. Eventually the Daleks were cleared to appear in the first series. Dalek in-universe history has seen many retroactive changes, which have caused continuity problems. When the Daleks first appeared, they were presented as the descendants of the Dals, mutated after a brief nuclear war between the Dal and Thal races 500 years ago. This race of Daleks is destroyed when their power supply is wrecked. However, when they reappear in \"\"The Dalek Invasion of Earth\"\", they have conquered Earth", "\"Yellowstone Park bison herd\"\nand is listed in many dictionaries as an acceptable name for American Buffalo or bison. In reference to this animal, the term \"\"buffalo\"\", dates to 1635 in North American usage when the term was first recorded for the American mammal. It thus has a much longer history than the term \"\"bison\"\", which was first recorded in 1774. The American bison is very closely related to the wisent or European bison. American Bison once numbered in the millions, perhaps between 25 million and 60 million by some estimates, and they were possibly the most numerous large land animal on earth. However,", "\"Earth Prime\"\nit appears to be the case that such Prime Earths — and sometimes the 'central universes' in which those Prime Earths exist as well — are portrayed in fiction to be vital to the existence of the other Earths). In the DC Multiverse, Earth-Prime is the true Earth from which all the other worlds within the multiverse originate, the actual reality where the readers live, DC Comics operates as a publisher, and all superheroes are fictional. However, Earth Prime became an alternate reality in its first appearance in \"\"The Flash\"\" #179 (May, 1968), when the Flash accidentally travels there from", "\"Earth Force (Marvel Comics)\"\nEarth Force (Marvel Comics) Earth Force is a fictional superhuman team appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The team first appeared in \"\"Thor\"\" (1st series) #395. The team consists of three humans granted elemental powers by Seth. Earth Force first appeared in \"\"Thor\"\" #395 (September 1988), and was created by Tom DeFalco (writer) and Ron Frenz (artist). The death god Seth took three hospitalized people from New York City to his own \"\"dimension of death\"\", Kyle Brock; a policeman who had been hospitalized when he was shot by criminals, Winston Manchester; a businessman working who had been", "Mammal\nand 2015. Some species, such as the [[Père David's deer]] are [[extinct in the wild]], and survive solely in captive populations. Other species, such as the [[Florida panther]], are [[Ecological extinction|ecologically extinct]], surviving in such low numbers that they essentially have no impact on the ecosystem. Other populations are only [[Local extinction|locally extinct]] (extirpated), still existing elsewhere, but reduced in distribution, as with the extinction of [[gray whale]]s in the [[Atlantic Ocean|Atlantic]]. <br> [[Category:Mammals| ]] [[Category:Bathonian first appearances]] [[Category:Extant Middle Jurassic first appearances]] [[Category:Taxa named by Carl Linnaeus]] Mammal Mammals ( from Latin \"\"mamma\"\" \"\"breast\"\") are vertebrate animals constituting the", "Dimetrodon\nRed Beds of Texas and Oklahoma. More recently, fossils have been found in Germany. Over a dozen species have been named since the genus was first described in 1878. \"\"Dimetrodon\"\" is often mistaken for a dinosaur or as a contemporary of dinosaurs in popular culture, but it became extinct some 40 million years before the first appearance of dinosaurs. Reptile-like in appearance and physiology, \"\"Dimetrodon\"\" is nevertheless more closely related to mammals than to modern reptiles, though it is not a direct ancestor of mammals. \"\"Dimetrodon\"\" is assigned to the \"\"non-mammalian synapsids\"\", a group traditionally called \"\"mammal-like reptiles\"\". This groups", "\"Cosmic treadmill\"\nwith his wife Iris West. The cosmic treadmill appeared during the \"\"Crisis\"\" as well, in issue 11. Jay Garrick (Earth-Two Flash), Wally West (Earth-One's Kid Flash), Kal-L (Earth-Two Superman) and Kal-El (Earth-One Superman) attempted to travel to Earth-Two to allow Kal-L to return home. Instead of finding Earth-Two, there was simply a void, a consequence of the multiverse collapsing into a single universe. Upon returning from the void, the treadmill exploded. The cosmic treadmill has appeared several times since the Crisis, during Wally West's time as the Flash. The first significant appearance was in \"\"Flash\"\" #79, when it was revealed", "Cetology\nscientists did not have the technology to go study these animals further. It was not until the 16th century that things would begin to change. Then cetaceans would be proved to be mammals rather than fish. Aristotle argued they were mammals. But Pliny the Elder stated that they were fish, and it was followed by many naturalists. However, Pierre Belon (1517–1575) and G. Rondelet (1507–1566) persisted on convincing they were mammals. They argued that the animals had lungs and a uterus, just like mammals. Not until 1758, when Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) published the tenth edition of \"\"Systema Naturae\"\",", "\"Evolution of mammals\"\nso. Most paleontologists, however, still think that animals with the dentary-squamosal jaw joint and the sort of molars characteristic of modern mammals should formally be members of Mammalia. Where the ambiguity in the term \"\"mammal\"\" may be confusing, this article uses \"\"mammaliaform\"\" and \"\"crown mammal\"\". The Morganucodontidae first appeared in the late Triassic, about 205M years ago. They are an excellent example of transitional fossils, since they have both the dentary-squamosal and articular-quadrate jaw joints. They were also one of the first discovered and most thoroughly studied of the mammaliaforms outside of the crown-group mammals, since an unusually large number", "\"Thrust (Transformers)\"\nversions of Scourge, Thunderwing, and Dirge - and subsequently beaten to a pulp. He did not appear again in the \"\"Armada\"\" comics. Although the character of Thrust did not appear in the \"\"Energon\"\" animated series he continued to appear in the \"\"Transformers: Energon\"\" comic series by Dreamwave, allying himself with the Autobots after the disappearance of Megatron. He was one of those who aided the Autobots when Cybertron was attacked by the Four Horsemen of Unicron: Airazor, Cheetor, Rhinox and Terrorsaur. Subsequently, he was one of those who volunteered to head to Earth to battle the Terrorcon invasion. He was", "\"Asian land mammal age\"\nAsian land mammal age The Asian land mammal ages, acronym ALMA, establish a geologic timescale for prehistoric Asian fauna beginning 58.7 Mya during the Paleogene and continuing through to the Miocene (Aquitanian) (23.03 Ma). These periods are referred to as ages, stages, or intervals and were established using geographic place names where fossil materials where obtained. The basic unit of measure is the first/last boundary statement. This shows that the first appearance event of one taxon is known to predate the last appearance event of another. If two taxa are found in the same fossil quarry or at the same", "\"Asian land mammal age\"\nstratigraphic horizon, then their age-range zones overlap. Asian land mammal age The Asian land mammal ages, acronym ALMA, establish a geologic timescale for prehistoric Asian fauna beginning 58.7 Mya during the Paleogene and continuing through to the Miocene (Aquitanian) (23.03 Ma). These periods are referred to as ages, stages, or intervals and were established using geographic place names where fossil materials where obtained. The basic unit of measure is the first/last boundary statement. This shows that the first appearance event of one taxon is known to predate the last appearance event of another. If two taxa are found in the", "\"South American land mammal age\"\nSouth American land mammal age The South American land mammal ages (SALMA) establish a geologic timescale for prehistoric South American fauna beginning 64.5 Ma during the Paleocene and continuing through to the Late Pleistocene (0.011 Ma). These periods are referred to as ages, stages, or intervals and were established using geographic place names where fossil materials where obtained. The basic unit of measure is the first/last boundary statement. This shows that the first appearance event of one taxon is known to predate the last appearance event of another. If two taxa are found in the same fossil quarry or at", "\"The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms\"\ndistance in a given time. Some also roll down, and collect in drains etc., or get blown. There is a greater effect on casting movement in the tropics, because of increased rain. The finest earth is washed away. Ledges on hillsides, formerly believed to be caused by grazing mammals, are partly due to casting accumulations. High winds, especially gales, are almost as effective as the slope/rain in moving castings. Crowns and furrows of formerly ploughed lands slowly vanish when under pasture, due to worms, but more slowly when there is no incline. Fine earth is washed down from slopes, making", "\"Evolution of mammals\"\nor else been bradymetabolic (lower metabolism when at rest). Mammals are noted for their large brain size relative to body size, compared to other animal groups. Recent findings suggest that the first brain area to expand was that involved in smell. Scientists scanned the skulls of early mammal species dating back to 190–200 million years ago and compared the brain case shapes to earlier pre-mammal species; they found that the brain area involved in the sense of smell was the first to enlarge. This change may have allowed these early mammals to hunt insects at night when dinosaurs were not", "Zor-El\none appearance, in \"\"Showcase\"\" #98 (March 1978). In \"\"The Supergirl from Krypton\"\" story-arc in \"\"Superman/Batman\"\" #8-13 (May–October 2004), Zor-El rocketed his daughter away from Krypton before Kal-El left. It was expected that she would reach Earth first and could help raise Kal from his infancy. However, she stayed in stasis and her ship did not reach Earth until years later, so the infant she expected to help raise was a grown man when she arrived still in her teens. After Lex Luthor uses Black Kryptonite to split Kara into good and evil parts, the evil Kara claims that Zor-El actually", "\"Evolution of olfaction\"\na correlation appears to exist among phylogenetic groups rather than the environmental niche. The skull of \"\"Brasilitherium\"\" provides useful information when discerning the emergence of a true nose in mammals. \"\"Brasilitherium\"\" was not a mammal but indeed a synapsida tetrapod that served as a close predecessor to the first mammaliaforms. The emergence of turbinates can be recognized through the observation of this 227 million year old protomammal. The nasal concha, or turbinates, is composed of little bones and soft tissue that provide structure to the nose and aid in the perception of smell. Paleontological work on other protomammals has identified", "Panoramio\nto Google for the people, and especially the Panoramio community, to sign, called \"\"Google: Keep The Panoramio Community Alive\"\". It requested that Google refrain from closing Panoramio. it received 10,512 supporters. The information about the Panoramio protest and petition, quickly made headlines on international media. Panoramio's strength had been that many geo-positioned Panoramio images were selected to appear on Google Earth software. However, photos selected for Google Earth since May 14, 2015 did not appear on the desktop version of Google Earth. Google did not publicly acknowledge this decision nor did the Company explain the reason for it. On June", "\"Museum of Zoology of the University of São Paulo\"\nsoutheast and the Amazon rainforest. In 2000, the museum's mammal collection was considered the second-largest in the Americas. Its first known specimens were catalogued in 1895. In 1930 zoologist Carlos Octaviano da Cunha Vieira became the mammal collection's first curator, remaining in the position until his death in 1958. During his tenure Vieira expanded the collection from about 3,000 to more than 15,000 specimens, publishing catalogues and monographs on Brazilian mammals. Vieira was succeeded by zoologist Cory Carvalho, who was curator of the mammal collection from 1960 to 1961. After Carvalho's departure the collection did not have an exclusive curator", "\"The War of the Worlds\"\nand Sirius who, though human in appearance, are of immense size and visit the Earth out of curiosity. At first they think the planet is uninhabited, due to the difference in scale between them and the peoples of Earth. When they discover the haughty Earth-centric views of Earth philosophers, they are greatly amused by how important Earth beings think they are compared to greater beings in the universe such as themselves. In 1892 Robert Potter, an Australian clergyman, published \"\"The Germ Growers\"\" in London. It describes a covert invasion by aliens who take on the appearance of human beings and", "\"Eastern mole\"\nappear white, orange, or cinnamon yellow depending on the skin gland secretion. The face, feet, and tail are whitish to pink. Molting occurs in the spring and fall with the new pelage appearing first on the underparts. On the back, the new fur appears first at the tail then works forward. A distinct line usually marks the old and new fur, and there is no distinct underfur. The hairs are of equal length, and, when viewed microscopically, are seen to possess a whip-like tip unlike the hairs of any other mammal. The sexes are determined externally by the number of", "\"Rex mutation\"\nHamsters first appeared in the 1970s, it's characterised by Curly Whiskers and a Curly Coat, the curls in the coat are easily visible in Short Coated Hamsters but more difficult to see in Long Coated Hamsters. Rex in Campbell Dwarf Hamsters isn't recorded as to when it first appeared. Unlike with Syrian Hamsters, the Rex Coat in Campbell is commonly very sparse and gives a bald appearance to it. The whiskers are curled. Rex mutation The rex mutation is a genetic variation in mammals that results in soft curly fur. These effects are due to changes in the structure of", "\"Ultraman (comics)\"\nto be aged, as he was a counterpart of the aged Superman of Post-\"\"Crisis\"\" Earth-2. When the Earth-3 Ultraman is shown in later appearances of the \"\"Countdown\"\" series, he is no longer aged but young. The Earth-3 team is the \"\"Crime Society of America\"\". The Society make their first solo appearance in \"\"Countdown Presents The Search for Ray Palmer: Crime Society\"\" #1 (Origin of Post Crisis Earth-3 Owlmen, Talons, Jokester, who is a heroic Joker) written by Sean McKeever and illustrated by Jamal Igle. In subsequent appearances, the Crime Society are agents of Monarch's Multiversal army. Ultraman, along with several", "\"Vector Prime (Transformers)\"\nit lay in hiding somewhere on Earth. Further studies of duplicate patterns around the world failed to locate it, but did yield the co-ordinates of Velocitron, the Speed Planet, resting place of the first Cyber Planet Key. It was around this time that Vector Prime returned to Cybertron, as seen in the Fun Publications comics. His return accelerated the search for the Omega Lock, which appeared to come to a head when the lock was apparently discovered buried in the desert; the battle had catastrophic consequences when a Decepticon attack killed the Mini-Cons, and Vector Prime drew on his powers", "\"Tailless tenrec\"\nand leaves under a rock, log or bush by day. It gives birth to a litter of as many as 32 young, with an average litter between 15-20 after a gestation of 50–60 days; when young, they have a black-and-white striped appearance. Despite being sometimes known as the tailless tenrec, they have a small tail 1 to 1.5 cm (⅜ to ½ in) in length. The tenrec is the first known tropical mammal found to hibernate for long stretches without arousal periods. Because it can hibernate for up to nine months at a time these early mammals may have survived", "Mammal\nvessels and nerves to vibrissae ([[whiskers]]) and so were evidence of hair or fur; it was soon pointed out, however, that foramina do not necessarily show that an animal had vibrissae, as the modern lizard \"\"[[Tupinambis]]\"\" has foramina that are almost identical to those found in the nonmammalian cynodont \"\"[[Thrinaxodon]]\"\". Popular sources, nevertheless, continue to attribute whiskers to \"\"Thrinaxodon\"\". Studies on Permian [[coprolites]] suggest that non-mammalian [[synapsids]] of the epoch already had fur, setting the evolution of hairs possibly as far back as [[dicynodont]]s. When [[endothermy]] first appeared in the evolution of mammals is uncertain, though it is generally agreed", "\"Beowulf Shaeffer\"\nmade by the same weapon. With Ander holding the weapon, he would be linked to that death as well as Ausfaller's. And Smittarasheed did not reckon, Shaeffer knew, on just how many Fafnir police were Kzinti who had elected to stay on that world when it was acquired by Earth in the Fourth Man-Kzin War. Smittarasheed's final fate is currently unknown. In Juggler of Worlds, Ander is killed in a firefight with Kzniti Fafnir police. Ander Smittarasheed appears in the framing story Ghost. Tellefsen, a native of Earth, is the captain of the \"\"Argos\"\", bound for Gummidgy, when it is", "Drakh\nworld, with the Centauri and the Alliance in hot pursuit. The Drakh appear to be more interested in interfering in the affairs of other civilizations covertly rather than overtly; Drakh warships were seen shadowing and monitoring the Interstellar Alliance warship IAS Excalibur, in \"\"Crusade\"\", as it searched for a cure for Earth's Drakh plague. Though they did use considerable force on occasion (such as infecting the Earth), in actual practice they came across more like a paper tiger than a legitimate arch-foe in \"\"Crusade\"\". The only widely known time when the Drakh used brute force was when they launched their", "\"Lady Demon\"\nLady Demon Lady Demon is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Chaos! Comics. Her first appearance was in \"\"Lady Death: Between Heaven and Hell\"\" #3. Lady Demon is Lady Death's much darker and evolved form. When Lady Death, tired of the endless battle, embraces the darkness within, a demonic persona evolved, and Lady Demon is born. This demonic incarnation cast Purgatori out to Earth and became Lucifer's consort. This did not last however, as Marion's spirit contacted Lady Demon and Lady Death returned to her senses. Absorbing her mother's angelic powers, Lady Death returned to battle", "\"North American land mammal age\"\ntime scales dealing with other continents. The system was revised into a formal chronostratigraphic system. This approach is nominally justified by international stratigraphic codes; it holds that first appearances of individual species in particular sections are the only valid basis for naming and defining the land-mammal ages. The basic unit of measure is the first/last boundary statement. This shows that the first appearance event of one taxon is known to predate the last appearance event of another. If two taxa are found in the same fossil quarry or at the same stratigraphic horizon, then their age-range zones overlap. The utility", "\"Landmine (Transformers)\"\nof the Giant Planet's Cyber Key to grow to a gigantic height and trounce the Decepticon. After Galvatron was eventually defeated, Landmine and Mudflap journeyed into space to aid Wing Saber, who believed he had found the trail of the thought-dead Starscream. Landmine first appeared in Transformers: Energon #24 \"\"\"\"Aftershock\"\"\"\", where he was one of the Autobots stationed on Earth to guard against Terrorcon attacks. He also appeared in issue #27 as one of the Autobot reinforcements under Jetfire heading to Earth to battle the swarms of Terrorcon clones alongside his brother Landquake, although he did not appear in the", "Kumulipo\nThe \"\"Kumulipo\"\" is divided into sixteen \"\"wā\"\", sections. The first seven \"\"wā\"\" fall under the section of \"\"pō\"\" (darkness), the age of spirit. The Earth may or may not exist, but the events described do not take place in a physical universe. The words show the development of life as it goes through similar stages as a human child. All plants and animals of sea and land, earth and sky, male and female are created. Eventually, it leads to early mammals. These are the first four lines of the \"\"Kumulipo\"\": The second section, containing the remaining nine wā, is \"\"ao\"\"", "\"Mother Earth (novelette)\"\ndid not forget the link, and in fact remained fluent in Yiddish as well as English. Earth faces a confrontation with its colonies, the \"\"Outer Worlds.\"\" A historian looks back and sees the problem beginning a century and a half earlier, when Aurora got permission to \"\"introduce positronic robots into their community life.\"\" No date is given, but fifty years before the story starts, the Outer Worlds established an immigration quota against incoming Terran citizens. The balance of power then tipped. Now war appears likely, and there are rumors that Earth has developed an unknown weapon, code-named the \"\"Pacific Project.\"\"", "Ypresian\nbase of the Lutetian) is identified by the first appearance of the foram genus \"\"Hantkenina\"\" in the fossil record. The Ypresian stage overlaps the upper Neustrian and most of the Grauvian European Land Mammal Mega Zones (it spans the Mammal Paleogene zones 7 through 10.), the Wasatchian and lower and middle Bridgerian North American Land Mammal Ages, the Casamayoran South American Land Mammal Age and the Bumbanian and most of the Arshantan Asian Land Mammal Ages. It is also coeval with the upper Wangerripian and lowest Johannian regional stages of Australia and the Bulitian, Penutian and Ulatisian regional stages of", "\"Largest-scale trends in evolution\"\nLargest-scale trends in evolution The history of life on Earth seems to show a clear trend; for example, it seems intuitive that there is a trend towards increasing complexity in living organisms. More recently evolved organisms, such as mammals, appear to be much more complex than organisms, such as bacteria, which have existed for a much longer period of time. However, there are theoretical and empirical problems with this claim. From a theoretical perspective, it appears that there is no reason to expect evolution to result in any largest-scale trends, although small-scale trends, limited in time and space, are expected", "\"King Dinosaur\"\nKing Dinosaur King Dinosaur is a 1955 science fiction film starring William Bryant and Wanda Curtis with narration by Marvin Miller. The film was featured on season 2 of \"\"Mystery Science Theater 3000\"\". Four astronauts in 1960 travel to a planet called Nova that has just entered Earth's solar system. The crew begins studying the planet to see if it's suitable for a possible Earth colony. After first discovering normal Earth animals such as a kinkajou and an alligator, they soon encounter and battle giant insects, an enormous snake, prehistoric mammals, dinosaurs, and - on an island - the titular", "\"Ultraman (character)\"\nreduced by Earth's filtering atmosphere. His time limit was stated to be 3 minutes, though certain scenes do show him capable of still fighting while exceeding this limit. When Ultraman first appeared, his , was a rich cyan color. As time goes on, the color timer turns solid red, and then starts to blink, giving off a warning chime as it did so. When Ultraman runs out of energy, the color timer goes out, and turns black. Ultraman's color timer is linked directly to his heart, and damaging it will cause mortal injury or serious pain to Ultraman. Ultraman and", "Pantodonta\nget larger, with \"\"Barylambda\"\" as the largest Paleocene form of pantodont. However, Asian forms, such as \"\"Archaeolambda\"\", tended to be thinner and less robust, around the size of a medium-sized dog. Only later in the Eocene, with \"\"Hypercoryphodon\"\", did Asian pantodonts get large and robust. Pantodonta Pantodonta is an extinct suborder (or, according to some, an order) of eutherian mammals. These herbivorous mammals were one of the first groups of large mammals to evolve after the end of the Cretaceous. Pantodonta include some of the largest mammals of their time, but were a diversified group, with some primitive members weighing", "Triassic\nvertebrates during this time. A specialized subgroup of archosaurs, called dinosaurs, first appeared in the Late Triassic but did not become dominant until the succeeding Jurassic Period. The first true mammals, themselves a specialized subgroup of therapsids, also evolved during this period, as well as the first flying vertebrates, the pterosaurs, who, like the dinosaurs, were a specialized subgroup of archosaurs. The vast supercontinent of Pangaea existed until the mid-Triassic, after which it began to gradually rift into two separate landmasses, Laurasia to the north and Gondwana to the south. The global climate during the Triassic was mostly hot and", "\"Geocentric model\"\nfire being lighter than air. Beyond the layer of fire, were the solid spheres of aether in which the celestial bodies were embedded. They, themselves, were also entirely composed of aether. Adherence to the geocentric model stemmed largely from several important observations. First of all, if the Earth did move, then one ought to be able to observe the shifting of the fixed stars due to stellar parallax. In short, if the Earth was moving, the shapes of the constellations should change considerably over the course of a year. If they did not appear to move, the stars are either", "Dimetrodon\nthat was closely related to \"\"Dimetrodon\"\". \"\"Dimetrodon\"\" is an early member of a group called synapsids, which include mammals and many of their extinct relatives, though it is not an ancestor of any mammal (which appeared millions of years later). It is often mistaken for a dinosaur in popular culture, despite having become extinct some 40 million years (Ma) before the first appearance of dinosaurs in the Triassic period. As a synapsid, \"\"Dimetrodon\"\" is more closely related to mammals than to dinosaurs or any living reptile. By the early 1900s most paleontologists called \"\"Dimetrodon\"\" a reptile in accordance with Linnean", "\"Fireflight (Transformers)\"\nforces when Unicron suddenly disappeared, and they barely escaped. Among the Autobot forces was \"\"Universe\"\" Fireflight. Although \"\"Classic\"\" Fireflight has yet to be depicted in fiction, he did have a toy made for the line, which was the basis for his form when he appeared in the Classicverse Lithograph sold of BotCon 2007. Fireflight and the other Aerialbots were created on Earth by Wheeljack and given life by Optimus Prime using the Matrix. Beachcomber, Blaster, Cosmos, Perceptor, Powerglide, Seaspray and Warpath were part of an Autobot team on Cybertron in the Earth year 1986. They battled the Decepticons led by", "\"Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)\"\nmost notable is Power Girl (real name Kara Zor-El, also known as Karen Starr) who first appeared in \"\"All Star Comics\"\" #58 (January/February 1976). Power Girl is the Earth-Two counterpart of Supergirl and the first cousin of Kal-L, Superman of the pre-\"\"Crisis\"\" Earth-Two. The infant Power Girl's parents enabled her to escape the destruction of Krypton. Although she left the planet at the same time that Superman did, her ship took much longer to reach Earth-Two. She has superhuman strength and the ability to fly and is the first chairwoman of the Justice Society of America. She sports a bob", "Lutetian\ninflatus\"\", according to an official reference profile (GSSP) established in 2009. Of two candidates located in Spain, the Gorrondatxe section was chosen. The top of the Lutetian (the base of the Bartonian) is at the first appearance of calcareous nanoplankton species \"\"Reticulofenestra reticulata\"\". The Lutetian overlaps with the Geiseltalian and lower Robiacian European Land Mammal Mega Zones (The Lutetian stage spans the Mammal Paleogene zones 11 through 15.), the upper Bridgerian and Uintan North American Land Mammal Ages, the upper Arshantan and Irdinmanhan Asian Land Mammal Ages and the Mustersan and lower Divisaderan South American Land Mammal Ages. It is", "\"Vocal learning\"\nlearning in a non-human mammal was produced by Karl-Heinz Esser in 1994. Hand-reared infant lesser spear-nosed bats (\"\"Phyllostomos discolor\"\") were able to adapt their isolation calls to an external reference signal. Isolation calls in a control group that had no reference signal did not show the same adaptation. Further evidence for vocal learning in bats appeared in 1998 when Janette Wenrick Boughman studied female greater spear-nosed bats (\"\"Phyllostomus hastatus\"\"). These bats live in unrelated groups and use group contact calls that differ among social groups. Each social group has a single call, which differs in frequency and temporal characteristics. When", "Mammal\nreferred to the Mammalia since the mid-19th century. If Mammalia is considered as the crown group, its origin can be roughly dated as the first known appearance of animals more closely related to some extant mammals than to others. \"\"[[Ambondro mahabo|Ambondro]]\"\" is more closely related to monotremes than to therian mammals while \"\"[[Amphilestes]]\"\" and \"\"[[Amphitherium]]\"\" are more closely related to the therians; as fossils of all three genera are dated about in the [[Middle Jurassic]], this is a reasonable estimate for the appearance of the crown group. T. S. Kemp has provided a more traditional definition: \"\"[[synapsid]]s that possess a" ]
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who drove the number 16 car in nascar
[ "Gregory Jack Biffle" ]
[ "\"NASCAR Cup Series career of Jeff Gordon\"\nBowman, who drove at Loudon when Gordon was on vacation, drove at Michigan); he made further starts at the Richmond, Dover and Martinsville races. He recorded his best finish of the season at Martinsville with a sixth-place run. Gordon has claimed that his favorite number is 16, and that he originally wanted to use it in NASCAR; however, the No. 16 belonged to Roush Racing driver Wally Dallenbach Jr. when Gordon entered the Cup Series. Additionally, Gordon's stepfather John Bickford had stated that Gordon's number was supposed to be 46, but when he had attempted to license the number, Paramount", "\"Ken Spikes\"\nKen Spikes Kenneth \"\"Ken\"\" Spikes (born February 2, 1935 in Cordele, Georgia - died November 16, 2009 in Albany, Georgia) was a driver for the NASCAR Grand National Series who drove from 1964 to 1970. Before he was in NASCAR, Spikes served honorably for the United States Air Force. During his spare time, Spikes would devote his time to operating a company specializing in heavy equipment. Spikes officially drove in 1755 laps of professional stock car racing action; which is the equivalent of . The primary manufacturers for this driver were Chevrolet, Pontiac, and Dodge. While he enjoyed an average", "\"Owner-driver (NASCAR)\"\nEarnhardt, who raced his own team but still drove for RCR. When NASCAR started in the late 1940s nearly all drivers owned their cars and would drive their car to the track. While sponsorship was useful, it was not essential to win at this time, leaving less burden for the driver. But by the 1970s and '80s more and more drivers drove for another team. From 1980 to now, with the exception of Alan Kulwicki and Tony Stewart (1992 and 2011) no NASCAR champion was an owner driver. The following list is a list of owner-drivers: Owner-driver (NASCAR) An owner-driver", "\"1963 NASCAR Grand National Series\"\n1963 NASCAR Grand National Series The 1963 NASCAR Grand National Series was an American stock car racing competition. It was the fourteenth running of what is now called the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series. The series was won by Joe Weatherly from Richard Petty and Fred Lorenzen. The 1963 Daytona 500 was won by Tiny Lund driving a 1963 Ford. Lund drove his number 21 to victory in three hours and 17 minutes. Lund, who was driving for Wood Brothers Racing, filled in for Marvin Panch who was suffering from injuries after a fiery crash. The 1963 Pickens 200 was", "\"1963 NASCAR Grand National Series\"\nalthough Johnson received credit for the fifth-place finish. 1963 NASCAR Grand National Series The 1963 NASCAR Grand National Series was an American stock car racing competition. It was the fourteenth running of what is now called the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series. The series was won by Joe Weatherly from Richard Petty and Fred Lorenzen. The 1963 Daytona 500 was won by Tiny Lund driving a 1963 Ford. Lund drove his number 21 to victory in three hours and 17 minutes. Lund, who was driving for Wood Brothers Racing, filled in for Marvin Panch who was suffering from injuries after", "\"Cecil Gordon\"\nTravis Carter Enterprises. Gordon is not related to four-time NASCAR champion Jeff Gordon, and ironically both drove the 24 car. Gordon, who was married with four children, Charlene (who died in 2006), Douglas, Stefanie and Jonathon. Gordon died on September 19, 2012 in Lexington, North Carolina. Cecil Gordon Cecil Gordon (June 21, 1941 – September 19, 2012) was an American stock car racing driver. A competitor in the NASCAR Winston Cup Series between 1968 and 1985, he competed in 449 events without winning a race. Gordon drove in the NASCAR Grand National and Winston Cup Series for 17 years and", "\"2005 NASCAR Busch Series\"\nQualifying and the race were rained out when attempted on June 11, the order determined by owner points (not driver points). The drivers who were racing in the June 12 Pocono 500 Nextel Cup race had that commitment, and left after the race was rained out -- Carl Edwards and Sterling Marlin did not participate as planned because of the rescheduled race. Johnny Benson Jr. drove Marlin's car, and Hank Parker Jr. took over Edwards' car. Martin Truex Jr. started first when the green flag waved per NASCAR rules. Top ten results Failed to qualify: Justin Ashburn (#16), Eddie Beahr", "\"Jim Rathmann\"\nJim Rathmann Jim Rathmann (July 16, 1928 – November 23, 2011), born Royal Richard Rathmann, was an American race car driver who won the Indianapolis 500 in 1960. He drove in the AAA and USAC Championship Car series in the 1949–1950 and 1952–1963 seasons with 42 starts, including the Indianapolis 500 in each of those seasons. Rathmann also participated in the two runnings of the Race of Two Worlds at Monza, Italy, winning the 1958 event. He had 6 victories in addition to his Indy 500 win. He also drove in 3 races in the NASCAR series from 1949 to", "\"Patty Moise\"\nyear in the car at Dover, but wrecked early in the race. In 1998, her team was purchased by Michael Waltrip Racing, and she signed to drive the car. Despite a top-ten at Bristol, she had trouble making races and finished 37th in points. She has not raced in NASCAR since. Patty Moise Patricia Moise-Sawyer () is a former NASCAR driver. She drove in five Winston Cup races from 1987 to 1989, and 133 Busch Series races from 1986 to 1998. She is the wife of former fellow NASCAR driver Elton Sawyer. Moise began racing at the age of 16,", "\"Teri MacDonald\"\nTeri MacDonald Teri MacDonald-Cadieux (born November 8, 1963) is a Canadian stock car racing driver. Sister of NASCAR Winston Cup Series driver Randy MacDonald, she is currently retired from competition; she has competed in the past in NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series and CASCAR competition. Born in Whitby, Ontario on November 8, 1963, during the 1990s MacDonald was a member of the PPG Pace Car Team, a group of professional drivers who drove the pace car at IndyCar events. She also drove in competition in sports cars, including the IMSA series. An accident at Road Atlanta in 1997 nearly ended her", "\"MBM Motorsports\"\nSeries car, the No. 66 Chevrolet SS, at Kansas Speedway's Go Bowling 400. The number was selected as tribute to Mark Thompson, while the paint scheme was nearly identical to the No. 46 car Long drove in the Cup Series prior to his ban from the Cup garage in 2009; the green and yellow colors remained, though the red roof number was changed to yellow. Although the team received sponsorship from marijuana vaping manufacturer Veedverks, NASCAR prevented the company from appearing on the car after Long mistakenly put the company name wrong in his sponsor submission to NASCAR, spelling it", "\"Gene Comstock\"\nstarted driving race cars in the 1930s and drove to the late 1960s. Comstock was a multi-talented driver who drove midgets, sprint cars, super-modify and stock cars. He had many wins on the short tracks around the country and was considered by many to be one of the top drivers from his area. Gene Comstock Eugene H. \"\"Gene\"\" Comstock (born February 21, 1910 – died February 1, 1981) was a NASCAR Grand National (now Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series) driver from Chesapeake, Ohio, USA. Gene is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Pearle Francis (P.F.) Comstock and was associated", "\"Ford Taurus\"\nsedans and station wagons from 1996 to 1998 with success alongside the RWD Australian Ford Falcon/Fairmont/Fairlane. The third-generation Taurus had a presence in NASCAR, replacing the Thunderbird for the 1998 season. The Taurus became the first four-door sedan to be approved for competition. The first Taurus driver to win the Winston Cup (the NASCAR sponsor of the time) championship was Dale Jarrett, who drove #88 Ford Quality Care/Ford Credit-sponsored cars owned by Robert Yates. The first Taurus driver to win the Busch Series (now Xfinity Series) championship was Greg Biffle, who drove #60 Grainger Industrial Supply-sponsored cars owned by Jack", "\"Mark Gibson\"\nIn 2009, that team would win nine races and their driver Parker Kligerman would win the ARCA Rookie Of The Year. Gibson has been instrumental in the development of Sprint Cup Series and Nationwide Series driver Justin Allgaier and Camping World Truck Series driver Tayler Malsam who drove for Mark in 2008. In 2006, NASCAR driver Brad Keselowski drove Gibson's car at Kentucky Speedway. This was Keslowski's first stock car race. Mark Gibson has also worked with Timmy Hill, the NASCAR Nationwide series rookie of the year in 2011. In total, Gibson would go on to win four races as", "\"Troy Aikman\"\nathletics careers. In March 2014, Aikman was announced as a partner and spokesman for IDLife. In late 2005, Aikman together with another former Cowboys quarterback, Roger Staubach, established Hall of Fame Racing with Terry Labonte and Tony Raines co-driving the #96 DLP HDTV Chevrolet in the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series in 2006 (the race car's number was derived by multiplying Aikman's Cowboy jersey number 8 by Staubach's jersey number 12). Raines drove for Aikman full-time in 2007, and J.J. Yeley and Brad Coleman drove the car in 2008. He has invited some of the current and former Dallas Cowboys players", "\"J. J. Yeley\"\nseries. Yeley drove the full season in 2005 in the NASCAR Busch Series for Gibbs' No. 18 car, posting twelve top-ten finishes and ending the season 11th in points. After the departure of Jason Leffler, who drove the No. 11 car in the Nextel Cup series, Yeley, Busch Series teammate Denny Hamlin, and Terry Labonte split the remaining races. Yeley drove four races, Labonte and Hamlin drove the final seven. Hamlin was named to drive the No. 11 FedEx car for the 2006 season. Bobby Labonte made his announcement in November that he was leaving Joe Gibbs Racing. On November", "\"Marcos Ambrose\"\nwinner Kyle Busch and Tony Stewart. Ambrose drove the No. 47 Toyota in the 2009 NASCAR Sprint Cup series, after forming a technical alliance with Michael Waltrip Racing and Toyota Racing Development. Ambrose also drove the last 4 races of the 2008 Sprint Cup series in the No. 47 Toyota, after NASCAR agreed to change MWR's car number from No. 00 to No. 47. Ambrose entered Homestead with the No. 47 in the Top 35, earning him a guaranteed start for the first time in his career. However, a bad finish at Homestead put the team back out of the", "\"2008 NASCAR Camping World East Series\"\nunsportsmanlike conduct. East Series champion Matt Kobyluck, who did not lead a single lap and crashed in practice, going to his 2006 Showdown-winning car, finished second but was declared the winner. East driver Trevor Bayne was second, and West driver Jason Bowles, who drove a car for this race purchased from East Series team owner Andy Santerre, who supported the team (he did not bring his regular team with him to the Showdown) was third. There were 13 cautions in the race. \"\"Did not qualify out of 50-lap \"\"last chance qualifier\"\" was held after qualifying. The top six advanced.\"\": (16)", "\"Chris Trickle\"\nraced in late models, the NASCAR AutoZone Elite Division, Southwest Series, and NASCAR Grand National Division, West Series during the series. He competed in the No. 70 car. Trickle was scheduled to join the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series in 1997. On February 9, 1997, Trickle left his home in Las Vegas around 9 p.m. to play tennis with a friend at a lighted court. As he drove over the freeway, a car drove alongside and fired shots into his car hitting him in the head. Trickle died from complications of his wounds on March 25, 1998, 409 days after the", "\"Dale Earnhardt, Inc.\"\ndrove the car in five races. In 1998, the team switched the car number from No. 14 to No. 1 in an agreement with Richard Jackson, another car owner. DEI received sponsorships from Pennzoil and Park and made a bid for NASCAR Rookie of the Year honors. In the third race of the year at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Park failed to qualify. The following week, he broke his leg in an crash while testing at Atlanta. Two weeks later, the team hired Darrell Waltrip, a 3-time champion. He drove the car while Park recovered from his injuries and finished", "\"Darrell Waltrip\"\nseason, Waltrip drove 5 NASCAR Cup races for Bud Moore Engineering. Except for five races in 1973, driving for Bud Moore Engineering, Waltrip primarily drove his own cars at the beginning of his NASCAR career until the middle of the 1975 Winston Cup season when he was signed to a multi-year contract and replaced driver Donnie Allison to drive the #88 DiGard Chevrolet, Waltrip's long-awaited jump into the big leagues of United States stock car auto racing. The DiGard racing team was founded in part by Mike DiProspero and Bill Gardner, who were brothers-in-law, with the legendary Robert Yates as", "\"Sherman Utsman\"\nNASCAR owner/driver with him having legal ownership of a stock car vehicle in three different races. He drove the vehicle himself twice and Joe Weatherly drove one of his vehicles at an untitled race at Speedway Park in Jacksonville, Florida on December 1, 1963. Sherman Utsman Sherman Utsman (born April 15, 1932 in Bluff City, Tennessee) is a retired NASCAR Grand National driver. From the age of 24 to the age of 31, Sherman has competed in and 5304 laps of racing. Most of his rides were with the 1962 Ford Galaxie bearing the #6 number. Sherman is related to", "\"Dave Steele\"\nDave Steele David (Dave) Steele (May 7, 1974 – March 25, 2017) was an American professional racing driver who won numerous sprint car racing championships and also competed in IndyCar and NASCAR races. Steele last drove a winged sprint car in the Southern Sprintcar Shootout Series, where he won the first 5 races in series history. Steele was killed in a crash at Desoto Speedway on March 25, 2017. He claimed 60 wins in USAC sprint car (26), midget (18), and Silver Crown (16) races between 1996 and 2007. He won the 2001 and 2003 Turkey Night Grand Prix midget", "\"Tiny Lund\"\nthe number of entrants for some of the smaller Grand National races were low (only 14 cars entered the 1971 Space City 300), NASCAR decided to allow Grand American cars to fill out the remaining spots at six Grand National races later in the year. Three of these Grand National races were won by drivers in Grand American cars; Lund drove the Camaro to victory in the Buddy Shuman 276 and the Wilkes 400, while Bobby Allison drove a Mustang to victory in the Myers Brothers 250. The flat tracks at the Shuman and Myers events favored the smaller pony", "\"Roland Wlodyka\"\nRoland Wlodyka Roland Wlodyka (last name pronounced Wa-la-da-ka) is a retired NASCAR Winston Cup Series race car driver who drove from 1977 to 1978. He drove in a grand total of of professional stock car racing. While starting an average of 23rd place, Wlodyka finished worse than he started with a meager 27th place on average. His total NASCAR Cup Series earnings were $15,430 ($ when adjusted for inflation). Wlodyka's racing career started at the age of 37 and ended at the age of 38; a relatively late bloomer with a short career span. Wlodyka's most favorite track is Atlanta", "\"Gilles Villeneuve\"\nto Villeneuve's, also used the number at Ferrari. Villeneuve's son, Jacques, drove the #27 during his IndyCar and Indianapolis 500 winning season with Team Green, and has also used the number for occasional drives in NASCAR and the Speedcar Series. Canadian driver Andrew Ranger used number 27 in the 2005 and 2006 Champ Car seasons, and continued using the number at NASCAR Canadian Tire Series since 2007. Canadian driver and 2011 IndyCar Rookie of the Year James Hinchcliffe adopted the number 27 for the 2012 season when he joined Andretti Autosport (former Andretti Green Racing). A film based on the", "\"Toyota in motorsport\"\nToyota in motorsport Since its introduction to motorsport in the early 1970s, Toyota has been involved in a number of motorsport activities, most notably in Formula One, NASCAR, IndyCar, Champ Car, sports car racing and rallying. Currently, Toyota participates in Toyota Racing Series, Formula Nippon, Formula Three, NHRA, Grand Am, USAC, Super GT, NASCAR and the World Endurance Championship; although Toyota cars are still entered in rally competitions these are privateer entries and are not backed by the company themselves. Toyota's presence in motorsport can be traced back to the latter part of 1972, when Swedish driver, Ove Andersson, drove", "\"Peyton Sellers\"\nSpeedway in Virginia as a rookie in 2002, winning Rookie of the Year honors in the Late Model Stock Car division. In 2005, Sellers won 14 of his 16 starts at South Boston, winning the Dodge Weekly Series national championship. In 2006 Sellers raced in the NASCAR West Division, where he drove the No. 16 NAPA Auto Parts Chevrolet, his only win coming at Douglas County Speedway on July 1, 2006. He was a member of the Richard Childress Racing driver development program during that season. Sellers also competed in his first NASCAR Busch Series race at New Hampshire International", "\"Greg Biffle\"\nGreg Biffle Gregory Jack Biffle (born December 23, 1969) is an American former professional stock car racing driver. He last drove in 2016, last driving in the No. 16 Ford Fusion for Roush Fenway Racing. After racing in the NASCAR Winter Heat Series in the mid-1990s, he was recommended to Jack Roush by former announcer Benny Parsons. He was the 1998 NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series Rookie of the Year. He won the 2000 Craftsman Truck championship. He reprised this progression in the NASCAR Busch Series, winning the 2001 Rookie of the Year, immediately followed by winning the 2002 championship. Biffle", "\"Kannapolis Intimidators\"\nCharlotte Knights and the Winston-Salem Warthogs. Earnhardt, who drove the number 3 car in NASCAR, was killed in an accident at the Daytona 500 in February 2001. Following Earnhardt's death, the Intimidators avoided assigning the number 3 for team uniforms. Team manager Razor Shines, originally slated to wear the number, changed his uniform number to 43. The team officially retired number 3 on May 15, 2002, in memory of their former co-owner, similar to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim retiring the number 26 (the 26th man) in honor of former owner Gene Autry. The team plays in Intimidators Stadium", "\"Premium Motorsports\"\nequipment. It also includes the trucks that were leased by TBR to the No. 52 NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Team but Baldwin says there remains a few obligations from his No. 7 team to be fulfilled in future races. Justin Marks drove the car at Talladega, Hermie Sadler drove at Martinsville and Joey Gase drove at Texas and Phoenix. On January 22, 2018, Danica Patrick was announced to drive the No. 7 in the Daytona 500 in her final NASCAR start. She brought sponsorship from her former sponsor, GoDaddy. The team fielded a car prepared by Richard Childress Racing,", "\"The Motorsports Group\"\nthe wheel of the No. 31 Chevy for three races with a best finish of 28th. In 2009, the team changed the number to No. 40 and signed Scott Wimmer as the primary driver. Wimmer ran 24 races for the team with a best finish of 7th in Memphis. During the races Wimmer spent with JR Motorsports, Green, Aric Almirola, Jeffrey Earnhardt, and Bliss drove the car. For 2010, Bliss signed on as the driver of the car for the 2010 NASCAR Nationwide Series season. Bliss ran 31 races with a best finish of 8th at Bristol. Jeff Green drove", "\"Darlington Raceway\"\nof Darlington Raceway and the sport of stock car racing. Exhibits include race car history, memorabilia and classic cars, including ones driven at Darlington by such famous race car drivers as Richard Petty, Darrell Waltrip, and the 1950 Plymouth that Johnny Mantz drove to win the first Southern 500 at Darlington. The museum also features the National Motorsports Press Association (NMPA) Hall of Fame about the sport of NASCAR racing. Inductees include Alan Kulwicki, David Pearson, Junior Johnson, Lee Petty, Richard Petty and Neil Bonnett. The museum was conceived by NASCAR race car champion Joe Weatherly, who was killed while", "\"Jeremy Mayfield\"\nJeremy Mayfield Jeremy Allen Mayfield (born May 27, 1969) is an American stock car racing driver. He drove cars for the Sadler brothers, T.W. Taylor, Cale Yarborough, Michael Kranefuss, Roger Penske, Ray Evernham, Bill Davis, and Gene Haas. In 2009, he drove for his own team, Mayfield Motorsports. On May 9, 2009, Mayfield was suspended indefinitely as both owner and driver by NASCAR following what NASCAR said was a positive test for methamphetamine. A federal judge weighed the evidence and subsequently temporarily lifted the suspension on July 1, 2009. On July 15, 2009, it was revealed by NASCAR that Mayfield", "\"Ryan Hunter-Reay\"\nfor Riley-Matthews Motorsports in the DP class. At the season-opening Rolex 24 at Daytona Hunter-Reay co-drove with Jim Matthews, Marc Goossens and Jimmie Johnson. The car was sponsored at the race by Lowe's (who was the sponsor of Johnson's #48 Hendrick Motorsports Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS in the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series). The car started in 3rd place both overall and in class. The car completed 560 laps due to an engine failure. The car finished in 36th place overall and in 19th place in class. Hunter-Reay drove the car in three other races, all without sponsorship. At the Sahlen's", "\"Automobile Racing Club of America\"\nMarcum in the 1940s. The ARCA/NASCAR relationship continues today. The series frequently schedule events at the same track on the same weekend. The ARCA event is frequently the Saturday support race to the Sunday NASCAR Cup event. For several decades, ARCA used older NASCAR Cup race cars at their events, and with the advent of the Car of Tomorrow, teams were able to sell off their older cars to ARCA teams; current Sprint Cup driver Joey Logano drove in ARCA in 2008, driving veteran Sprint Cup cars after the Cup move to the COT. Former NASCAR drivers, such as Benny", "\"Bob Welborn\"\nand 3 Top-10 finishes. Welborn drove in 32 of 45 events in Julian Petty and his own cars. He won the pole at Greenville-Pickens Speedway. Welborn finished fourth in the 1955 points. Welborn raced in 6 events in 1956. He also won the NASCAR Convertible Division championship. Welborn won his first race at Martinsville in 1957, but did not cross the finish line. Lewis \"\"Possum\"\" Jones relieved Welborn half way through the race, but NASCAR always credits the driver who started the car. He had 1 win and 3 Top-10 finished in 5 events. Welborn also won the NASCAR Convertible", "\"Dave Blaney\"\nwho did not defend his Knoxville win, when he moved into NASCAR. After moving to NASCAR, he kept his sprint car team going, fielding a car for his brother Dale and the late Kevin Gobrecht. In 2016 after retiring from NASCAR, he drove the Motter Motorsports 71M on a hand-picked schedule of primarily World of Outlaws and All-Star, along with races in central Pennsylvania. Blaney began his Busch Series career in 1998 with Bill Davis Racing, driving the No. 93 Amoco-sponsored Pontiac and in his first season had three sixth-place finishes and a pole position at Lowe's Motor Speedway. The", "\"SR² Motorsports\"\nSR² Motorsports SR² Motorsports is a former team that competed in the NASCAR Nationwide Series. The team fielded the No. 00 Toyota Camry for Jason White, and the No. 24 Toyota Camry for various drivers. The team was shut down after rising cost of NASCAR to be competitive in the series. SR² Motorsports ran a second car, the No. 00, for Angela Cope at Charlotte in May. She finished 36th. Derek White drove the No. 00 in Watkins Glen, but did not qualify. Blake Koch drove the car for the second part of the season as a start and park,", "\"Hubert Westmoreland\"\nnot around until 1959. A few of the other drivers that drove his cars were: Curtis Turner, Tim Flock, Bill Holland, Jack Smith, Frankie Schneider, and Herb Thomas. Hubert Westmoreland Hubert Westmoreland (January 28, 1915October 26, 2006) was a mechanic that became a car owner in the beginning of NASCAR. His role as a car owner ran from 1949 to 1964. In that time his cars were driven to four first -place finishes. His most notable victory was by Johnny Mantz, who drove his Plymouth to victory in the inaugural Southern 500 at Darlington Raceway in Darlington, South Carolina. His", "\"Josh Wise\"\nthe Brickyard 400, and the Coke Zero 400 at Daytona, but have otherwise qualified for every race in 2016. He didn't drive for Martinsville, Phoenix, and Homestead as Gray Gaulding drove for the team at those races. Wise no longer races in NASCAR and has declared himself to be retired. He eventually formed a driver performance consulting business, partnering with Chip Ganassi Racing in 2017 to train CGR drivers Brennan Poole, Tyler Reddick, Jamie McMurray and Kyle Larson. On March 16, 2014, users of a Reddit message board, /r/NASCAR, noticed Wise racing an unsponsored car at the Food City 500", "\"Joe Weatherly\"\ncar races that he entered that season. In 1952 he won the NASCAR Modified National crown, and he again won 49 of 83 car races that he entered. Weatherly won 52 more races in 1953, and won the Modified National crown again. Weatherly had partial interest in what would later be called Richmond International Raceway from 1955 to 1956. In 1956 he moved into the NASCAR Grand National series (now Monster Energy Cup.) He drove a factory-sponsored Ford car for Pete DePaolo Engineering. For the next two seasons, Weatherly drove for Holman Moody. In 1959, Weatherly recorded six top-five finishes", "\"Ronnie Thomas\"\nWinston Cup competition. NASCAR Winston Cup Series results Ronnie Thomas Ronald Darrell \"\"Ronnie\"\" Thomas (born March 8, 1955) is a retired NASCAR driver who drove in the Winston Cup series from 1977 to 1989 and the Busch Series in 1982 and 1985. He was the 1978 NASCAR Winston Cup Rookie of the Year, edging out Roger Hamby in a race that went down to the wire at the Los Angeles Times 500. Thomas's father, Jabe Thomas was also a NASCAR driver. In 1980, his best season he finished 14th in the points in the No. 25 Stone's Cafeteria car. He", "\"Daniel Suárez\"\nDaniel Suárez Daniel Alejandro Suárez Garza (born January 7, 1992) is a Mexican professional stock car racing driver who is currently a free agent. He last competed full-time in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series, driving the No. 19 Toyota Camry for Joe Gibbs Racing, and part-time in the NASCAR Xfinity Series, driving the No. 18 Camry for JGR. Previously he drove in the NASCAR Toyota Series in Mexico for Telcel Racing, and the K&N Pro Series East for Rev Racing as a member of the Drive for Diversity program. He is the 2016 NASCAR Xfinity Series champion. A native", "\"GC Motorsports International\"\nform a subsidiary team GC Motorsports Canada. When the team was formed, GCMI initially hired Canadian J.R. Fitzpatrick to drive the car, but he left the team after a few races. After the departure, J.J. Yeley was brought to drive the No. 27 car for several races to start and park the car. The car returned to the number 67 when Canadian Andrew Ranger drove for the team at Loudon and Homestead. 2012 began with David Ragan, last season's winner of the Coke Zero 400 in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, behind the wheel of car No. 27 at Daytona.", "\"Roush Fenway Racing in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series\"\nNewman's crew chief. Originally the first car to make Roush Racing a multi-car stable, the 16 team debuted at the 1992 Daytona 500 with Keystone Beer as the sponsor. Wally Dallenbach Jr. drove the car to a 15th-place finish. Dallenbach, however, earned only one top ten finish that year and finished 24th in points. 1993 proved to be a little better with Dallenbach posting four top tens. However, for 1994, the team underwent major changes. Driving duties were given to Ted Musgrave, with The Family Channel becoming the new sponsor. The car's performance improved drastically, with Musgrave notching three poles", "\"JR Motorsports\"\nmade his K&N Series debut and drove for MDM in his third race in the K&N Series. On August 4, 2018, Mayer will drive the 28 and Berry will drive the 73 for the throwback weekend at Hickory Motor Speedway. JRM's late model program has fielded rides for current NASCAR spotter T. J. Majors and Jeremy McGrath. It is currently overseen by Kelley Earnhardt Miller's husband, L. W. Miller. In 2007, JR Motorsports supplied cars for Speed Channel's NASCAR coverage. The \"\"Speed 1\"\" fleet for \"\"NASCAR RaceDay\"\" included a superspeedway car, and car for intermediate tracks, and a Car of", "\"Buick Regal\"\nimports from Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and Saab. The Turbo Regal also included a firm handling suspension with larger tires and sport wheels. A major facelift for 1981 gave the Regal a much more aerodynamic profile, helping make it possible for the car to compete on the NASCAR racing circuit. The sloping hood and nose of the car made it the favorite of several NASCAR teams. Richard Petty drove one to victory in the 1981 Daytona 500, and the car won a majority of the 1981 and 1982 seasons races and won the NASCAR manufacturers title in 1981 and 1982. V8s for", "\"Donlavey Racing\"\nnumber of former and future NASCAR race winners drove for the team. Sixty-seven different drivers ran at least one race for Donlavey. Donlavey made his debut as an owner in 1950 at Martinsville Speedway, where Runt Harris drove Donlavey's Oldsmobile to a nineteenth-place finish after suffering mechanical failures. Donlavey's next race as an owner came in 1952 Southern 500, fielding the No. 53 Hudson Hornet for Joe Weatherly. He started 38th and finished 16th. He did not field a car again until 1957, when Emanuel Zervakis drove Donlavey's No. 90 Ford at Raleigh Speedway, finishing 24th. Zervakis ran two more", "\"Curb Museum for Music and Motorsports\"\nand Johnny Sauter. The museum showcases NASCAR, IndyCar and modified race cars, as well as LeAnn Rimes’ very first car, a 1995 black Dodge Viper. The museum features the #2 car that Dale Earnhardt drove in his first Winston Cup Championship and the #43 car Richard Petty drove in his 199th Winston Cup win – sister-car to the one Petty drove in his 200th Winston Cup win that now resides at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC. Images of popular recording artists cover the museum’s walls, stand on life-sized cardboard cut-outs and also appear on the hoods of a few", "\"Team Penske\"\nPenske Racing's next foray into the Busch Series was in 2001. Ryan Newman drove 15 races in the 02 Alltel Ford in preparation for moving up to the NASCAR Cup Series the next year. \"\"Rocket Man\"\" Newman had 6 poles and only two starts outside the top 5. Newman had eight top 10s including a win at Michigan International Speedway, and would finish 28th in points despite running less than half the season. In 2005, Penske returned to the second-tier series with Ryan Newman. Newman drove an Alltel/Mobil 1/Sony Dodge numbered 39, his sprint car number whose digits coincidentally add", "\"Sam Posey\"\nwas 3rd position during the 1971 competition in which he drove the Ferrari 512M. He also won the 1975 12 Hours of Sebring, teaming with three other drivers. He participated in two Formula One world championship events, the 1971 and 1972 United States Grand Prix, retiring from the first and finishing 12th in the second, thus not scoring any championship points. He drove Surtees cars on both occasions, but only the first was a works-entered car. He also competed in a single event in the NASCAR Grand National Series (now known as the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series), the first", "\"Ronnie Thomas\"\nRonnie Thomas Ronald Darrell \"\"Ronnie\"\" Thomas (born March 8, 1955) is a retired NASCAR driver who drove in the Winston Cup series from 1977 to 1989 and the Busch Series in 1982 and 1985. He was the 1978 NASCAR Winston Cup Rookie of the Year, edging out Roger Hamby in a race that went down to the wire at the Los Angeles Times 500. Thomas's father, Jabe Thomas was also a NASCAR driver. In 1980, his best season he finished 14th in the points in the No. 25 Stone's Cafeteria car. He led a career total of four laps in", "\"Drive for Diversity\"\nbefore moving on to Evernham Motorsports in 2006 and 2007. In 2003, Joe Gibbs Racing partnered with former NFL player Reggie White to start a team that would assist minority drivers in rising up the ranks of the Motorsports world. In 2004, the team came into form with assistance of Gibbs' Cup and Busch Series sponsors Home Depot, MBNA, and Rockwell Automation. The original two drivers were Aric Almirola (a future winner at the Cup level) and Chris Bristol (who would join NASCAR's D4D program in 2006), who drove cars numbered 20 and 18 respectively at two different short tracks", "\"1994 Brickyard 400\"\nson of 1963 Indianapolis 500 winner Parnelli Jones, and the only driver entered who was a son of a former Indy 500 winner, did not complete a qualifying attempt. Popular Indianapolis 500 fixture Jim Nabors was invited to sing the national anthem, accompanied by the Indiana State University Marching Sycamores. Mary F. Hulman gave the traditional starting command. Elmo Langley drove the Chevrolet Monte Carlo pace car, and Doyle Ford served as flagman. The flyover was performed by the 181st Fighter Group, featuring four F-16 fighter jets. All living former NASCAR Winston Cup Champions were invited to participate in a", "\"Rex White\"\nRex White Rex White (born August 17, 1930) is a retired auto racer and NASCAR champion. White was one of the drivers who competed for the original Ford racing team. He began racing in 1956, grabbing fourteen top-ten finishes. After a part-time run in 1957, White won twice in 1958. His most notable year came in 1960, when he won six races, and the NASCAR Grand National (now Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series) championship. When he retired in 1964, he had acquired 73 career victories. Throughout most of White's NASCAR career, he drove General Motors brand cars, typically painted gold", "\"Greg Biffle\"\ndrove in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series for Roush from 2003 until 2016, winning 19 races in the No. 16 Ford. He currently is an analyst for NBC Sports' show \"\"NASCAR America\"\". Biffle, who began his NASCAR career in 1995, is the first of only three drivers that have won a championship in both the Busch Series and the Craftsman Truck Series, and the sixth of only twenty-nine drivers to win a race in each of NASCAR's three national series. Biffle was born and raised in Camas, Washington. He began his racing career driving on short tracks around the Pacific", "\"Ratus Walters\"\nmajor races during his 7-year career as a NASCAR owner ($ when adjusted for inflation). In major races, his cars started an average of 17th place and finished an average of 22nd place. During a four-month suspension from NASCAR in 1959, Walters, himself drove his 1957 Ford at five dirt tracks (one track twice), winning one and finishing in the top 5 the other five times. In 1961, after Reds Kagle's tragic crash at Charlotte, Walters built a short track car which he drove himself. Driving 8 mostly \"\"unsanctioned\"\" races at tracks such as Manassas, Marlbora, Winchester and others,Ratus won", "\"Tyler Allen\"\ndrove to a fifth overall finish, taking first in Mechanical and Marketing categories of the driving competition. Allen relocated to North Carolina to pursue working in NASCAR. Allen was hired by Richard Petty Driving Experience as a driving instructor, where he traveled across the United States driving stock cars on some of the most famous race tracks in North America, including Charlotte Motor Speedway, Bristol Motor Speedway, Daytona Int'l Speedway, Atlanta Motor Speedway, and Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Allen worked with NASCAR stock car racing driver and crew chief Brad Noffsinger, who is currently lead instructor and head of driver", "\"NASCAR playoffs\"\nin that round. The remaining drivers to advance is determined by points. The round names were removed starting in 2016, being changed to \"\"Round of 16\"\", \"\"Round of 12\"\", \"\"Round of 8\"\", and \"\"Championship 4\"\". To identify the drivers within the 43-car field that are still involved in each round of the Chase, NASCAR designated various cosmetic changes in 2014: for these drivers, their cars' roof numbers, windshield header, front splitters and fascia are colored yellow, and the Chase logo appears on the front quarter panel. The previous championship format, renamed NASCAR Playoffs, was maintained for the 2017 season, but", "\"Ken Spikes\"\nbecame Reverend Ken Spikes. He died at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany, Georgia; leaving behind his wife Miriam (née Dean) along with four daughters, six grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Ken Spikes Kenneth \"\"Ken\"\" Spikes (born February 2, 1935 in Cordele, Georgia - died November 16, 2009 in Albany, Georgia) was a driver for the NASCAR Grand National Series who drove from 1964 to 1970. Before he was in NASCAR, Spikes served honorably for the United States Air Force. During his spare time, Spikes would devote his time to operating a company specializing in heavy equipment. Spikes officially drove in", "\"NASCAR Inside Nextel Cup\"\nthe 2007 NASCAR season, replacing it in 2008 with the similar program \"\"This Week in NASCAR\"\". \"\"Inside Nextel Cup\"\" originally broadcast on SpeedVision, and was called \"\"Inside Winston Cup\"\" until the title-sponsor change in 2004. The show was also rebroadcast on several Fox Sports Net affiliates when the show was on SpeedVision, but was exclusively on Speed from 2002 to 2007. The first episode aired after the 1996 Daytona 500. The original host was Allen Bestwick, who then broadcast races on Motor Racing Network. The original panelists were chosen because they each drove a different make of race car; Michael", "\"Norm Nelson\"\nin 1968, starting a two-car operation as Nelson began to wind down his career. In 1975, McCluskey had to miss a race because he had a burned foot; Nelson drove the car for him. Other drivers include A. J. Foyt. Nelson's cars started in 13 NASCAR; nine of these races ended in a Top 10 finish. Jim Hurtubise drove Nelson's only win as a car owner at Atlanta International Raceway. Nelson was known for saving his equipment until the latter stages of a race. Alan Kulwicki said, \"\"I can remember guys like A. J. Foyt and Parnelli Jones drove against", "\"Dale Earnhardt Jr.\"\nalso the current co owner of JR Motorsports, a NASCAR Xfinity and Truck Series team. In 2014, the team won their first NASCAR national championship, as Chase Elliott drove the No. 9 NAPA Auto Parts car to the 2014 NASCAR Nationwide Series championship. In 2015, JR Motorsports began fielding a part-time team in the Truck Series, with Cole Custer driving the No. 00 Haas Automation Chevrolet in 10 races. Kasey Kahne also drove part-time in the Truck Series, with the two drivers winning at Gateway Motorsports Park and Charlotte, respectively. JR Motorsports also has a very successful regional late model", "\"Morty Buckles\"\ntest session at Daytona International Speedway in December 2001 for Bobby Gerhart in a number 7 Chevrolet. He clocked in at 50.356 seconds (178.727 mph), 19th fastest. Rich Woodland, Jr. would ultimately drive the car at the Daytona season-opener for 2002. In 2004, Buckles was selected to be part of NASCAR's first Drive for Diversity class for that season, driving the No. 54 National Guard Ford in the Late model division of the NASCAR Weekly Racing Series, splitting the year between Southampton Motor Speedway and Motor Mile Speedway in Virginia. Buckles drove for Belnavis Racing, owned by Roush Racing's chief", "\"Johnny Sauter\"\nXfinity) Series at Dover; he drove the No. 23 GMS car in place of the suspended Spencer Gallagher. Season still in progress<br> Johnny Sauter Jonathan Joseph \"\"Johnny\"\" Sauter (born May 1, 1978) is an American professional stock car racing driver. Sauter is the son of former NASCAR driver Jim Sauter, the brother of NASCAR drivers Tim Sauter and Jay Sauter, and the uncle of Travis Sauter. He currently competes full-time in the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series, driving the No. 21 Chevrolet Silverado for GMS Racing, and part-time in the NASCAR Xfinity Series, driving the No. 23 Chevrolet Camaro for", "\"North Carolina Highway 3\"\nhometown of the aforementioned Dale Earnhardt who died in the 2001 Daytona 500. Earnhardt drove the #3 Goodwrench Chevrolet and grew up in the Mooresville region. NC 136 now follows the old NC 3 route. North Carolina Highway 3 North Carolina Highway 3 (NC 3) is a primary state highway in the U.S. state of North Carolina. The road runs from US 601 in southern Concord, north through Mooresville to US 29 in Kannapolis. It is numbered after Dale Earnhardt, the NASCAR driver, who was driving the #3 car when he died at the 2001 Daytona 500. This state highway", "\"L. D. Ottinger\"\nL. D. Ottinger L.D. Ottinger is a former NASCAR Busch Series driver. He raced occasionally in the Winston Cup Series during his career. Driving the Black Diamond Coal #2 Chevy, he was a Champion in the NASCAR Late Model Sportsman series, predecessor of the Busch Grand National Series. Ottinger made his major NASCAR debut in 1966, where he drove for Ken Carpenter at Smoky Mountain Raceway. He started 21st in the 29-car field, but finished 28th after a crash on lap 33. Ottinger's next start came in 1973 at Bristol Motor Speedway. He drove the #45 Chevy for James Bryant.", "\"Michael Kranefuss\"\nwon two European Touring Car Championships and he became Ford's European head in 1976. Ford joined the World Rally Championship and won the 1979 championship with a Ford Escort. When he started, he resurrected Ford racing from a single IMSA sports car. Kranefuss-Haas Racing debuted in 1994 at Michigan International Speedway with driver Robby Gordon, finishing 38th; Geoff Brabham drove for the team in the inaugural Brickyard 400 that year as well. Kranefuss's original full-time NASCAR driver was John Andretti, who drove the #37 Ford for the team in 1995 and most of 1996. In late 1996 Kranefuss's team and", "\"Brian Simo\"\nBrian Simo Brian Simo (born October 1, 1959) is a race car driver from Carlsbad, California, USA. On the NASCAR circuits, he is a road course ringer who races selected road course races. He drove the No. 33 Chevrolet for Richard Childress Racing at Infineon Raceway in the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series in 2005, recording a top ten finish. He is a veteran of Trans-Am racing and he also created the No Fear clothing line. Simo attempted his first NASCAR Cup Series races in 2000 with Donlavey Racing. He raced the #90 Ford to a 36th-place finish and failed to", "\"Drive for Diversity\"\nNASCAR scene. Cuban-American driver Aric Almirola, a member of Joe Gibbs Racing's original diversity program, currently drives full-time in Stewart-Haas Racing' 10 car in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series. Almirola is considered one of the most successful products of any diversity initiative within the sport, as well as the highest profile Latino driver in NASCAR, with two wins to his name. Leaving JGR in mid-2007 with one win in the Nationwide Series, Almirola drove Ginn Racing's 01 car and Earnhardt Ganassi Racing's 8 car in the Sprint Cup Series until losing his ride due to lack of sponsorship in", "\"NASCAR Cup Series career of Jeff Gordon\"\nNo. 88 has been driven by 96 drivers. Gordon drove Chevrolet race cars during his entire Cup Series career. On December 3, 2015, Gordon received the first Chevrolet Lifetime Achievement Award at the NASCAR NMPA Myers Brothers Awards Luncheon. From 1993 to 2000, Gordon carried a rainbow scheme, designed by NASCAR artist Sam Bass, which was meant to represent DuPont's image as a \"\"company of color\"\". Bass had initially designed the car with a black middle instead of the blue paint that was later specially created for Gordon. Hendrick Motorsports painted a few sample cars for DuPont officials to review.", "\"1962 Southern 500\"\n#47 car for Jack Smith. The car had \"\"Jack\"\" written on the roof, but Earnhardt drove the race and was involved in a spin entering turn one. Darlington Raceway, nicknamed by many NASCAR fans and drivers as \"\"The Lady in Black\"\" or \"\"The Track Too Tough to Tame\"\" and advertised as a \"\"NASCAR Tradition\"\", is a race track built for NASCAR racing located near Darlington, South Carolina. It is of a unique, somewhat egg-shaped design, an oval with the ends of very different configurations, a condition which supposedly arose from the proximity of one end of the track to a", "\"Friday Hassler\"\nof short track racing's most prestigious races. In 1970 he drove for James Hanley and finished 20th in points. His best season was 1971, when he drove his own car to 13 top ten finishes and a 16th place points result. At the 1971 Volunteer 500 at Bristol Motor Speedway, Hassler was a relief driver for race winner Charlie Glotzbach. It was not an official win for Hassler, and it is one of only three instances when two drivers drove the winning car in a NASCAR premier series race. Hassler died in a 13 car-pileup during the first qualifying race", "\"Bud Moore (NASCAR owner)\"\nwhen racing is your livelihood and there's a race on the schedule for a certain weekend, you about have to be there.\"\" Upon returning to the States, Moore reunited with Eubanks and opened a used car business, working on cars used in moonshine running. The two traded a 1939 Ford for a race car and started competing in motorsports. After racing in smaller series, the two moved into NASCAR in 1950, debuting in the inaugural Southern 500 at Darlington Raceway; Eubanks drove the No. 4 car to a 19th-place finish with Moore serving as his crew chief. In 1956 and", "\"Landon Cassill\"\nin Asheboro, North Carolina, North Georgia Speedway in Chatsworth, Georgia, and Nashville Superspeedway. Cassill was signed by Hendrick Motorsports in December 2006. In 2007, Cassill tested the team's Car of Tomorrow car at Lakeland Speedway and Greenville-Pickens Speedway. Along with his driving duties, Cassill has worked in the team's research and development program and drove during practices for the Hendrick pit crews. Cassill made his Nationwide Series debut at Gateway International Speedway in July 2007 after turning 18, as NASCAR requires national series drivers to be at least 18 years of age (regional series drivers can be 16). Cassill finished", "\"R. K. Smith\"\nR. K. Smith R. K. Smith (born October 16, 1937) is an American stock car racing driver. He has competed in the NASCAR Winston Cup Series in the early nineties, making two starts at Sonoma. Before racing in stock cars Smith was a regular competitor in the SCCA and IMSA championships. He won the SCCA National Championship Runoffs Formula F class in 1983. Smith also competed in numerous 24 Hours of Daytona events in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Smith made his Winston Cup debut in 1991, when he drove the No. 09 Pontiac for Dick Midgley. He qualified", "\"2007 NASCAR Nextel Cup Series\"\nhad him going to Richard Childress Racing where the \"\"unretirement\"\" of the No. 3 car that his father drove to seven then-Winston Cup championships and the 1998 Daytona 500 would have happened. Other rumors had him going to Joe Gibbs Racing, or had him starting a Nextel Cup team with the organization he owns that fields Busch Series cars, JR Motorsports. However, at a press conference on June 13, Dale Earnhardt Jr. announced a five-year deal to join Hendrick Motorsports. He replaced Kyle Busch, who at the time drove the No. 5 Chevrolet; he subsequently joined Joe Gibbs Racing to", "\"Kenji Momota\"\nNASCAR driver. He crashed 25 laps in and was credited with 37th place. Kenji Momota Momota drove in the All Japan Touring Car Championship in the mid to late 1980s. In 1990 he competed in the first two American Racing Series (later Indy Lights) races of the season for TEAMKAR International, finishing 17th and 20th. He attempted to qualify for the 1992 Indianapolis 500 in a car fielded by TEAMKAR but was bumped from the field on the final day of qualifying by Jimmy Vasser. In 1995 he competed in a NASCAR SuperTruck (later the NASCAR Gander Outdoors Truck Series)", "\"Brumos Porsche 250\"\nnaming rights. In the earlier years of the event, a number of NASCAR drivers who participated in the Firecracker 400 also drove in the Paul Revere 250 in the same day or same weekend. In recent years, some drivers have also dabbled in the \"\"double duty.\"\" In 2009, Scott Speed and Kyle Busch raced in both events in the same day, teaming up at Chip Ganassi Racing for the '250.' Brumos Porsche 250 The Brumos Porsche 250, also known as the Paul Revere 250, was a 250-mile sports car support race held on the road course at Daytona International Speedway", "\"Reactions to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting\"\nwith children as well as a meeting with first responders who will be given autographed and framed hockey jerseys. NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver Michael Waltrip traveled to Newtown to meet with the victims' families and the community. In the 2013 Daytona 500, he drove the #26 car for Swan Racing honoring the 26 victims, with a decal providing a number viewers could text donations to. Songs with lyrical references to guns, bullets, and/or premature death were removed from some U.S. radio stations, including \"\"Die Young\"\" by Kesha, \"\"Titanium\"\" by David Guetta, and \"\"Pumped Up Kicks\"\" by Foster The People.", "\"Kurt Busch\"\nwas parked on lap 99 by NASCAR after Busch drove away from track workers that were tending to his car, which had run out of gas and crashed on the back straightaway after being accidentally spun out by Jamie McMurray. He had been leading the race before the accident and soon the medical assistance arrived. Busch exited the car but realized that his fuel tank was not completely empty and tried to drive it to the garage for repairs. As a medical bag was dragged with the car and slipped off NASCAR ordered Kurt to stop his car for the", "\"Phoenix Racing (NASCAR team)\"\nCassill, (Former F1 driver) Jan Magnussen, and (2000 NASCAR Winston Cup Series champion) Bobby Labonte. Phoenix Racing returned in 2011 despite rumors that Finch had been trying to sell the team. Bill Elliott drove the first 4 races before Landon Cassill took over the ride with sponsorship from Security Benefit. In June 2011, prior to the Kansas race, the team changed the car number to No. 51, which Phoenix Racing originally used when it first competed in the then-Winston Cup Series. He would later have a best career finish of 9th at Michigan. For 2012, Cassill was replaced by 2004", "\"Holden Commodore (VN)\"\nRacing VN Commodore in 1990/91, 1991/92 and 1992/93. A VN model Commodore was also developed for NASCAR racing in Australia. Bob Jane, wanting local involvement from Holden (Ford was already represented with the American Thunderbird model), pushed development of a left hand drive VN. Highly respected Roadways Racing chief mechanic Les Small developed the car which Allan Grice drove to a number of race wins in 1990 at both the Calder Thunderdome and Adelaide. The VN used a 358-cubic-inch (6.0 L) Chevrolet engine such as used in the Chevrolet Monte Carlo, Chevrolet Lumina and Pontiac Grand Prix NASCAR's. Bob Jane", "\"Marc Goossens\"\nMarc Goossens Marc Goossens nicknamed The Goose (born 30 November 1969) is a Belgian professional racing driver who drove in Formula 3000 from 1994 to 1996 and part-time from 1999 to 2001. In between he drove in endurance races and is a veteran of the 24 Hours of Le Mans. From 2002 to 2005 he then raced in FIA GT. In 2007 and 2008 he drove a Riley-Pontiac Daytona Prototype at the Rolex Sports Car Series, scoring two wins with teammate Jim Matthews. He also finished 9th in his first NASCAR Busch Series start at Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez in 2006", "\"Carl Edwards\"\nCarl Edwards Carl Michael Edwards II (born August 15, 1979) is an American former professional stock car racing driver. He last competed in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, driving the No. 19 Toyota Camry for Joe Gibbs Racing. Prior to that, he drove the No. 99 Ford Fusion for Roush Fenway Racing. He won the 2007 NASCAR Busch Series championship and nearly won the 2011 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series title, but lost by a tiebreaker to Tony Stewart. Edwards is well known for doing a backflip off his car to celebrate a victory, which was a result of saving himself", "\"Benny Parsons\"\ntrack. The driver of the car never showed up for that evening's race, and Parsons drove the car in a race for the first time later that night. Parsons began his NASCAR career by running a single race in 1964 for Holman-Moody with a young Cale Yarborough. Parsons won the 1968 and 1969 ARCA championships, and then moved to Ellerbe, North Carolina. Parsons had three top-10 finishes in four NASCAR races in 1969. Benny joined the NASCAR circuit full-time in 1970 with crew chief, John Hill. He had 23 top-10 finishes in 45 races, a pole at Langley Field Speedway,", "\"Mackena Bell\"\nMackena Bell Mackena Bell (born June 9, 1990) is an American professional stock car racing driver. She drove the No. 23 Rick Ware Racing Chevrolet for one race in the NASCAR Nationwide Series in 2014. She was also a graduate of NASCAR Drive for Diversity. Bell started racing go-karts at age five, moved up to Legend cars at age fourteen, and started racing Late Models at eighteen. As part of the Drive for Diversity program in NASCAR, Bell competed in six races in 2010, failing to finish four and recording a best finish of eighteenth, at Martinsville Speedway. In 2013,", "\"Brad Sweet\"\ntracks in America, in both sprint and midget cars. Sweet also began driving stock cars, making starts in the ARCA Racing Series and NASCAR Camping World Truck Series starting in 2009. In 2010 and 2011 he drove partial seasons in the Camping World Truck Series for Stringer Motorsports and Turner Motorsports, finishing 28th in points in 2011. In 2012 Sweet drove the No. 38 Nationwide Series car, a Chevrolet sponsored by Great Clips and owned by Turner Motorsports, in a limited schedule. He competed in 18 of the series' races, with Kasey Kahne driving the car during the remainder of", "\"Lira Motorsports\"\nLira. The No. 36 car made its debut at Salem Speedway on August 19, 2015 in the Federated Car Care Fall Classic 200. It was driven by Brandon Lynn, who qualified 13th and also finished in the 13th position. The second race for the number 36 car was the Crosley Brands 150 at Kentucky Speedway on September 26, 2015. In that race, Chris Windom drove the car, qualifying 11th and finishing 8th. The third and final race for the No. 36 car in 2015 was on October 16 at Kansas Speedway. In that race, Jairo Avila Jr. raced the car,", "\"2015 GEICO 500\"\nSteve O'Donnell, NASCAR's executive vice president and chief racing development officer, said they would likely do two cars at a time to Mike Bagley and Pete Pistone in his weekly Monday appearance on the Sirius XM NASCAR Radio program \"\"The Morning Drive.\"\" He also discussed with the show's hosts why NASCAR made the change. The entry list for the GEICO 500 was released on Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 2:35 p.m. Eastern time. Forty-five cars were entered for the race. David Ragan drove his final race in the No. 18 Joe Gibbs Racing Toyota. He took over the No. 55", "\"Dario Franchitti\"\n2007, it was announced that Franchitti would move to NASCAR to replace David Stremme in the No. 40 Dodge. He made his stock car debut in the ARCA RE/MAX Series on 5 October at Talladega Superspeedway, qualifying 6th and finishing 17th in the No. 42 Dodge Charger for Chip Ganassi Racing. His move to stock cars had similarities to former CART rival Juan Pablo Montoya's move from Formula One to NASCAR in 2006. Franchitti made his first NASCAR start on 20 October 2007 in the Craftsman Truck Series race at Martinsville Speedway. He drove the No. 41 Dodge Ram truck,", "\"Jeffrey Collier\"\nJeffrey Collier Jeffrey Clayton Collier (born October 5, 1954) is an American race car driver. He drove in the NASCAR Dash Series from 1988 to 1994. On February 13, 1990, Collier sat on pole for the Florida 200 at Daytona International Speedway with a new track record of 166.553 mph. Collier was driving a 1990 Ford Probe. This record is a World Closed Course Speed Record for non turbo 4-cylinder powered race cars. NASCAR ended the Dash Series in January, 2003 and the 1990 track record by Collier remains the fastest qualifying lap officially recorded for a NASCAR sanctioned event", "\"2015 Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500\"\nhad to go through NASCAR technical inspection more than once. Eventually, NASCAR decided to start the session anyway. As a result, 13 of the 47 cars never had a chance to post a lap time before the first round of qualifying ended. The issues angered several drivers and team managers. Michael Annett, who originally failed to qualify for the race, drove the No. 33 Hillman-Circle Sport LLC Chevrolet in place of Brian Scott. Scott, who regularly competes in the Xfinity Series, voluntarily gave up his spot because, unlike himself, Annett is running for drivers points in the Sprint Cup Series.", "\"Kenny Martin\"\nnot made a NASCAR start or ARCA as well. He is not related to NASCAR Sprint Cup driver Mark Martin. Kenny Martin Kenny Martin (born August 20, 1960 in Broadview Heights, Ohio) is a racing driver who drove ARCA and NASCAR. He is better known by finishing 5th in his debut in the Craftsman Truck Series at the inaugural Daytona 250 which was filled by a number of trucks out of the race, driving the #98 truck. He only made six more starts since, and would finish 9th at Memphis Motorsports Park. That was Martin's last start in NASCAR until", "\"Front Row Motorsports\"\nsponsor Extenze coming on board, with Peter Sospenzo as Crew Chief. The team started in the Top 35 after acquiring owner's points from former Doug Yates cars. Kvapil drove the No. 37 in the 2010 Daytona 500, as NASCAR did not give Conway approval to compete at Daytona due to lack of superspeedway experience. Conway was unable to keep the car in the top-35 in points, so he, his sponsor, and crew (which is referred to as the Extenze/ A&W crew) would jump to whatever number was highest in points at the time to ensure he and his sponsor would", "\"Alex Kennedy (racing driver)\"\nHe was later picked up by Premium Motorsports to drove the No. 55 Chevrolet at Watkins Glen. Season still in progress<br> Alex Kennedy (racing driver) Alex Kennedy (born February 2, 1992) is an American professional stock car racing driver. He currently competes part-time Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series, driving the No. 55 Chevrolet SS for Premium Motorsports, and part-time in the Xfinity Series, driving the No. 25 Chevrolet Camaro for Rick Ware Racing. After starting in Legends car racing, Kennedy returned to win the 2009 Legends Road Course World Finals. As 16-year-old in 2008, he ran occasional races in a", "\"Julian Buesink\"\nJulian Buesink Julian E. Buesink (September 4, 1921 – September 23, 1998) was the car owner and crew chief of Bill Rexford's 1950 NASCAR Grand National Series (now Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series) championship run and his teammate Lloyd Moore. Buesink's drivers competed in 156 NASCAR races with two wins (Rexford and Lloyd) and 64 Top 10 finishes. Other drivers include nine drivers in 1951, Bob Duell between 1956 and 1960, and he ended with Cale Yarborough driving for him between 1961 and 1963. He drove in his own car for one race in 1951, starting seventeen and finishing 27th.", "\"Tony Stewart\"\nIndyCar and NASCAR. He last competed full-time in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series (now known as the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series) during the 2016 season, driving the No. 14 Chevrolet SS for his own team, Stewart-Haas Racing, under crew chief Mike Bugarewicz. From 1999 to 2008, he drove the No. 20 Joe Gibbs Racing car, under crew chief Greg Zipadelli with The Home Depot as the primary sponsor. While driving for car owner Joe Gibbs, Stewart won two Cup Series championships in 2002 and 2005. In 2011, Stewart became the first owner-driver since Alan Kulwicki to win the Cup", "\"Kevin Grubb\"\nKevin Grubb Kevin Grubb (April 19, 1978 – May 6, 2009) was an American race car driver from Mechanicsville, Virginia. He was the younger brother of former race car driver Wayne Grubb. He was under suspension from NASCAR competition due to two violations in NASCAR's substance abuse policy at the time of his death. Spouse: Erynn Grubb (sources included obituary in Richmond Times-Dispatch,marriage and death certificate filed with courts) Grubb's only attempt in the NASCAR Sprint Cup came in 2002 when he attempted the Pontiac Excitement 400 at Richmond. He drove the #54 Toys \"\"R\"\" Us Chevy for Team Bristol" ]
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when does mlb 2018 the show come out
[ "March 27 , 2018" ]
[ "\"MLB The Show 18\"\nsmall stuff, \"\"MLB The Show 18\"\" is worth catching for any baseball fan.\"\" Writing for IGN, Caley Roark gave it an 8.5/10 and said, \"\"The strength of the \"\"MLB The Show\"\" series has always been its authentic gameplay, which traditionally does a fantastic job capturing the essence of baseball. The 2018 version of \"\"The Show\"\" continues that trend, creating the most realistic baseball game to date. However, the nuanced gameplay and visual changes don't quite make up for the lack of innovation – or removal – of \"\"MLB The Show\"\"s core modes.\"\" Michael Goroff of \"\"Electronic Gaming Monthly\"\" gave the", "\"MLB 13: The Show\"\nthat allow you to play the brand of baseball you want, and at a skill level you can handle.\"\" \"\"Toronto Sun\"\" gave it a similar score of four-and-a-half stars out of five and said that it \"\"pulls no squeeze plays on quality and realism when it comes to the game of baseball.\"\" \"\"The Digital Fix\"\" gave it a score of eight out of ten and said, \"\"For those unfamiliar with baseball \"\"MLB 13: The Show\"\" is probably a curiosity at most. The fact that the game is also PlayStation exclusive further segregates its European audience so that it occupies a", "\"2018 Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team\"\nStadium decked out in green one month later on September 1 for Notre Dame's season opener, in order to block out the maize and blue of the Michigan fans in the stands. Such a campaign is meant to unify the student section and the entire Irish crowd. Thus, the Irish want to make sure that such a display by the opposing fans does not happen again when the Wolverines come to town. On August 4, 2018, ESPN announced that its landmark, Saturday morning pregame show College GameDay would indeed be heading to South Bend for Notre Dame's Week 1 showdown", "\"MLB Network\"\nin Western Canada, does not offer MLB Network. The 720p high definition simulcast of MLB Network launched simultaneously to the regular channel. After much discussion, MLB Network decided to use the 720p format instead of 1080-line-interlace because it believes 720p shows the motion of baseball more accurately and will degrade less when recompressed by cable operators to save bandwidth (most of the regional Fox Sports Networks use the same format). As Mark Haden (VP of engineering and IT of MLB Network) says: \"\"That's our best shot of maintaining quality to viewers.\"\" All studio programs and original shows are shot in", "\"MLB Power Pros 2008\"\nfatigue. There is also practice alone. That is when users will work on skills. Finally, there is Chat option, where players can talk to fellow baseball players, agents, managers, ladies, and others. After 20 years or if players are showing age and have put up the significant statistics, the player's time to retire will come. After notifying the manager, a retirement date will be set. Once the player has played that day, his career will come to an end. At that point, the player will have finished MLB life on MLB Power Pros 2008. The cover features 8 then-MLB stars:", "\"Matt Vasgersian\"\n3 of the 2013 American League Division Series, also between the Detroit Tigers and the Oakland Athletics on October 7 as well. From 2012-2014, when he hosted Fox's MLB pregame, Vasgersian did not host programming on MLB Network during the All-Star Game and the postseason. Vasgersian became a co-host, with Lauren Shehadi and Mark DeRosa, of MLB Network's show \"\"MLB Central\"\", which debuted on April 6, 2015. Vasgersian also did commentary for MLB Network's coverage of the All-Star Game in 2015. On January 23, 2018, it was announced that Vasgersian would become the new play-by-play voice for \"\"Sunday Night Baseball\"\"", "\"2018 Oregon State Beavers baseball team\"\nMadrigal became the highest draft pick in Oregon State history when the Chicago White Sox selected him with the 4th pick of the 1st Round. The previous record holder was Michael Conforto, who was selected 10th overall by the New York Mets in the 2014 MLB draft. Pitcher Drew Rasmussen, who missed the entire 2018 season due to undergoing his second Tommy John surgery, was originally selected 31st overall in the 2017 MLB draft by the Tampa Bay Rays but was unable to come to terms with the team before the July 7th deadline. He was later denied free agency", "\"Instant replay in Major League Baseball\"\nmanager comes out on the field to await a decision from a team video coordinator are included, MLB estimates the percentage of calls overturned decreases to 21%. The average replay review takes one minute and fifty seconds, which is higher than MLB's original goal of 90 seconds per review. One side effect has been the addition of 12 new umpires, the most since 1999, to MLB staff, due to the need to staff the Replay Operations Center with two crews. However, statistics show that umpiring quality has remained constant despite the additions, with four out of the top seven umpires", "\"Heidi Watney\"\nin September 2012 Watney left Time Warner to join MLB Network. She has hosted the MLB Network's show \"\"Quick Pitch\"\" weeknights since 2013, but missed the first half of the 2018 season while on maternity leave. Watney is the cousin of professional golfer Nick Watney. She appeared in the Dropkick Murphys music video \"\"Going Out in Style\"\". Heidi Watney Heidi Watney (born May 19, 1981) is an American sportscaster. She is a host and reporter for MLB Network. A graduate of the University of San Diego, her past sportscasting experience includes roles at New England Sports Network in Boston, Time", "\"MLB The Show 18\"\nthe hardcore baseball fans that purchased the game early, it can be a nightmare.\"\" MLB The Show 18 MLB The Show 18 is a baseball video game by SIE San Diego Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, based on Major League Baseball (MLB). It is the thirteenth entry of the \"\"\"\" franchise, and was released worldwide on March 27, 2018, for PlayStation 4. Aaron Judge is featured as the cover star for the U.S. version, while Marcus Stroman is on the cover of the Canadian version. A limited number of people were invited to a closed alpha, which began", "\"Greg Amsinger\"\nthe \"\"SEC Preview Show\"\" with Gary Danielson and Brian Jones. In 2007, Amsinger co-hosted the \"\"World Series of Video Games\"\" with the former MTV host Susie Castillo. In 2008, Amsinger also hosted the Tour de France for CBS. Amsinger is currently a studio host at MLB Network, regularly appearing on \"\"MLB Tonight\"\" as a host and in special event coverage including MLB's All-Star Game and post-season games. Amsinger also hosted MLB Productions' weekly show during the 2012 MLB regular season, \"\"Player Poll\"\". During the MLB offseason, Amsinger does play-by-play for select men's college basketball games on the Big Ten Network.", "\"MLB The Show 18\"\nMLB The Show 18 MLB The Show 18 is a baseball video game by SIE San Diego Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, based on Major League Baseball (MLB). It is the thirteenth entry of the \"\"\"\" franchise, and was released worldwide on March 27, 2018, for PlayStation 4. Aaron Judge is featured as the cover star for the U.S. version, while Marcus Stroman is on the cover of the Canadian version. A limited number of people were invited to a closed alpha, which began on December 22, 2017, until December 26, 2017, to test the online servers. Those", "\"Lauren Shehadi\"\nof the SEC Tailgate show and the ALT Games with Jonny Moseley on the CBS College Sports Network. In 2010 she was a candidate for \"\"Playboy\"\"’s \"\"Sexiest Sportscaster\"\" contest. Shehadi joined the MLB Network in 2012. She previously hosted \"\"The Rundown\"\" on MLB Network alongside Matt Yallof and currently hosts \"\"MLB Central\"\" alongside Mark DeRosa and Robert Flores. In January 2018, Shehadi started hosting a podcast called \"\"The Podium,\"\" a podcast between NBC Sports Group and Vox Media, which focuses on athletes and events at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea. In October 2018, she worked as", "\"Intentional Talk\"\nEach episode is uploaded to podcast applications the morning after each airing. The show was added to the ESPN2 weekday afternoon lineup from 4-5 PM eastern starting May 1, 2017, and the show continues to air on MLB Network in its current timeslot. MLB Network launched the \"\"Intentional Talk: Caught Listening\"\" audio podcast, hosted by Rose and Millar, in late-March 2018. On June 19, 2013 Intentional Talk crossed over with the MLB Network Original Series MLB Now. It counted as an MLB Now episode and not an Intentional Talk episode. Kevin Millar guest starred on the episode while Chris Rose", "\"Jordan Hicks (baseball)\"\nthe MLB record for the fastest pitch of 2018 at 105.1 MPH. He continued to garner attention throughout the season as one of the hardest throwing pitchers in MLB. Hicks finished his 2018 rookie campaign with a 3-4 record, a 3.59 ERA, and a 1.34 WHIP, striking out 70 batters in 77.2 relief innings. Jordan Hicks (baseball) Jordan McKinley Hicks (born September 6, 1996) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals of Major League Baseball (MLB). He was drafted by the Cardinals in the third round of the 2015 MLB draft, and he made his MLB", "\"Designated hitter\"\nto start using a DH full-time), there is debate within MLB to unify the rules of the two leagues, with either the American League returning to its pre-1973 rules and having the pitcher hit, like the National League, or the National League adopting the DH. In January 2016, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred indicated that consideration was given to the National League adopting the DH for the 2017 season when a new collective bargaining agreement would take effect. However, he later backtracked on this statement to say that he does not see unification coming any time soon. Accordingly, the DH rule", "\"Kenta Maeda\"\nout 15 in 10 innings. He was the losing pitcher in the semi-finals against Puerto Rico despite only allowing one run in five innings. He was selected to the all-tournament team. Maeda also pitched five shut out innings for a Japan national baseball team in the 2014 MLB Japan All-Star Series and he pitched in the 2015 WBSC Premier12 tournament, where he allowed two earned runs while striking out 14 in 12 innings. And also, On October 29, 2018, he was selected MLB All-Stars at 2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series Maeda is a , right-handed pitcher. With a three-quarters delivery", "\"Triple play\"\nexample triple plays are: The most recent triple play in MLB was turned by the Texas Rangers on August 16, 2018, against the Los Angeles Angels in the top of the fourth inning. With the bases loaded, batter David Fletcher hit a ground ball to third baseman Jurickson Profar, who touched third base to force out the runner coming from second (first out). As it was not clear if the ball had been caught or not, the runner at third was returning to the base, and was tagged out by Profar (second out). Profar then threw to second baseman Rougned", "\"Joey Votto\"\n2nd in the National League MVP voting, narrowly losing out to Giancarlo Stanton by 2 votes in the fourth-closest vote in MLB history. With eight home runs and 44 RBIs, Votto was named to the 2018 MLB All-Star Game. Votto is known for being a clutch hitter. Through June 9, 2014, he had a career .312 batting average, 163 home runs, and 542 runs batted in. He has been known to show great patience at the plate. He led the NL in base on balls with 110 in 2011 and did it again in 2012, with 94, despite missing 51", "\"Kevin Millar\"\nKevin Millar Kevin Charles Millar (; born September 24, 1971) is an American former professional baseball first baseman who played in Major League Baseball (MLB) and current analyst for MLB Network. He played in MLB for the Florida Marlins, Boston Red Sox, Baltimore Orioles, and Toronto Blue Jays from 1998 through 2009. He is currently a host along with Chris Rose on the MLB Network show Intentional Talk, and (as of late-March 2018) the show's companion audio podcast \"\"Intentional Talk: Caught Listening\"\". Millar was born in Los Angeles. He attended and played baseball for University High School in West Los", "\"Billy Bean\"\nBean was appointed MLB's first \"\"Ambassador for Inclusion\"\" on July 15, 2014. In this role, Bean counseled David Denson, who became the first minor league player signed to an MLB organization to come out as gay. Bean was a panelist on GSN's \"\"I've Got A Secret\"\" revival in 2006, and is a board member of the Gay and Lesbian Athletics Foundation. He appeared in a 2009 episode of \"\"\"\", showing Griffin several homes. In the summer of 2007, it was announced that he had been hired as a consultant by Scout Productions, the team of David Collins and Michael Williams,", "\"Out of bounds\"\nIn major league baseball, it is possible in baseball for a dugout to be a factor in play. MLB rule 6.05(a) states that a fielder may reach into a dugout to catch a fly ball as long as one or both feet is on or over the playing field, and does not have a foot on the ground in the dugout when making the catch. MLB universal ground rules state that the player may subsequently enter the dugout after making the catch if his momentum is carrying him that way, but if he falls in the dugout as a result,", "\"I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! (UK TV series)\"\nComing Out show on 7 December 2016. It began airing on 19 November 2017. 12 contestants, broadcast from 19 November – 10 December 2017: Ant & Dec confirmed at the end of the Coming Out show on 15 December 2017 that the show will return the following year (2018). It is the first series in its brand-new two-year contract. However, on 9 August 2018, Anthony McPartlin confirmed that he will not be presenting the eighteenth series as he continues to get treatment after being admitted to rehab in March. It began airing on 18 November 2018. On 29 August, ITV", "\"Jack Hamilton (baseball)\"\nJack Hamilton (baseball) Jack Edwin Hamilton (December 25, 1938 – February 22, 2018) was a Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher. Over the course of his 1962–69 MLB career he pitched for the Philadelphia Phillies, Detroit Tigers, New York Mets, California Angels, Cleveland Indians, and Chicago White Sox. Originally signed by the St. Louis Cardinals as a free agent, he debuted as a starter for the Philadelphia Phillies in 1962 and posted a 9–12 record with an earned run average of 5.09. He showed more promise pitching out of the bullpen, and spent most of his career as a relief pitcher", "\"Jonathan Holder\"\nthe 2017 year 1–1 with a 3.89 ERA. On August 2, 2018, Holder had one of the worst relief appearances in MLB history when he allowed 7 runs without recording and out in a game against the Boston Red Sox. Holder became just the Yankees pitcher to ever post such a line after Bob Kammeyer did so on September 18, 1979 against the Cleveland Indians in what would be Kammeyer's final game ever played in MLB. Despite the bad outing, Holder finished the year with a solid 3.14 ERA in 66 innings pitched. Jonathan Holder Jonathan Blake Holder (born June", "\"Beyond the Door (short story)\"\nChambers. When he is at the Thomas' house, and Doris is showing him the clock, Larry returns home unexpectedly and catches them; he throws both out but keeps the clock because he paid for it. Larry keeps winding the clock because he dislikes the empty, quiet house. The clock sometimes does not chime for Larry, who ends up arguing with the cuckoo for not coming out when he should. Eventually, he threatens the clock with a hammer. At this point the cuckoo comes out and catches him in the eye, causing him to fall off a chair and break his", "\"John Brebbia\"\nthe season. In 45 relief appearances for St. Louis, he was 3-3 with a 3.20 ERA, striking out sixty batters in 50.2 innings pitched. On October 29, 2018, he was selected MLB All-Stars at 2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series John Brebbia John Fulboam Brebbia (born May 30, 1990) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals of Major League Baseball (MLB). He made his MLB debut in 2017. Brebbia grew up in Sharon, Massachusetts, and attended Sharon High School for his first three years of high school before transferring to Wellington High School in Wellington, Florida for", "\"2018 MLB Little League Classic\"\n2018 MLB Little League Classic The 2018 MLB Little League Classic was a regular season Major League Baseball (MLB) game that was played on August 19, 2018, in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, during the 2018 MLB season and the 2018 Little League World Series. The game was played between the New York Mets and the Philadelphia Phillies. It was televised on ESPN's \"\"Sunday Night Baseball\"\" and MLB Network, and it also aired on ESPN Radio. On August 20, 2017, the first MLB Little League Classic was held as the Pirates beat the Cardinals, 6–3. Both teams entered the game within six games", "\"Annabel Port\"\nwhere the aforementioned tomato song with Sir Paul McCartney was aired. This feature is now occasionally resurrected on 'The Geoff Show' when the show does a podcast only show, albeit a \"\"bawdy\"\" song not fit for broadcast on UK radio. \"\"Annabel's Friday Song\"\" was usually a short, comical song introducing the coming weekend, with varying topical verses played live by Annabel. The song was introduced as coming \"\"From the golden throat of miss Annabel Port\"\". \"\"Chorus\"\" Oh what does it mean when the pubs are all packed at five-thirty? Oh what does it mean when we're all having fish for", "\"Paul Severino\"\nPaul Severino Paul Severino (born October 5, 1983) is an American sportscaster and studio host appearing across MLB Network's programming, including \"\"MLB Tonight\"\", MLB Network's Emmy Award-winning daily studio show. Severino joined MLB Network in January 2011. He was hired to be the new TV play by play voice of the Miami Marlins for Fox Sports Florida in 2018. In addition to his studio work, Severino has done play-by-play for many MLB Network game telecasts, including the Arizona Fall League, the Triple-A All-Star Game, the Under Armour All-American Game and the Urban Invitational. Prior to MLB Network, Severino served as", "\"Kirby Yates\"\nhe struck out 90 in 63 innings. On October 29, 2018, he was selected MLB All-Stars at 2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series His brother, Tyler Yates, also played in Major League Baseball. Kirby married his long time girlfriend Ashlee on January 2, 2016. She owns a business that places sitters with professional athlete families, Homerun Sitters LLC. Kirby Yates Kirby Kali Yates (born March 25, 1987) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the San Diego Padres of Major League Baseball (MLB). He previously played in MLB for the Tampa Bay Rays, Los Angeles Angels, and New York Yankees. Yates", "\"MLB Network\"\npostseason pre-game shows from Secaucus and on-location. The show featured Matt Vasgersian or Greg Amsinger and two analysts from a rotating roster of MLB Network's personalities (Eric Byrnes, Kevin Millar, Dan Plesac, Harold Reynolds, Bill Ripken, or Mitch Williams). The show used Fox's graphics and theme songs. Fox took back control of the pregame show in 2014 when the \"\"Game of the Week\"\" package was eliminated. MLB Network produces promos for its current MLB Network original series which air on regular basis as well as for films that MLB Network broadcast. MLB Network also airs promos for special events that", "\"Leave It to Beaver (film)\"\nto see him flirt with Karen. Eddie does not want the Beaver to follow them, so Wally leaves him alone at the bike rack, telling him he will be back for him. Beaver is polishing his bike when a teenaged boy comes over and asks if he can show him some cool bike tricks. He agrees and the boy shows him some tricks before riding off with the bike. Inside the soda shop, Karen likes Wally and not Eddie. When Wally and Eddie come out of the shop and hear that the Beaver's bike was stolen, they look for it,", "\"Óliver Pérez\"\nFebruary 24, 2018, Pérez signed a minor-league contract with the Cincinnati Reds. He was released on March 22, 2018. On March 31, 2018, Pérez signed a minor-league contract with the New York Yankees. He was released on June 1, 2018, after exercising an opt-out clause that would grant him his release if he was not called up to the majors. On June 2, 2018, Pérez signed a major-league deal with the Cleveland Indians. He contributed to a notable oddity when he recorded a relief appearance with a walk and no pitches. This is because under recent MLB rules changes, it", "\"Johnny Goryl\"\nwith nine home runs in 64 games. Overall, Goryl batted .225 with 134 hits in 276 games over six MLB campaigns. When his playing career ended, Goryl became a manager in the Twins' farm system (–68; 1970–78), and third-base coach of the MLB Twins (–69; –80). During his second stint as a Minnesota coach in he was named successor to manager Gene Mauch on August 25. The Twins won 23 of their final 36 games that season, to improve from sixth to third place in the American League West, but when they faltered coming out of the gate in —", "\"2018 MLB Little League Classic\"\nof the wild card. The game was widely publicized for its playoff implications. The game was aired nationally on ESPN \"\"Sunday Night Baseball\"\" and MLB Network. It was aired in Spanish on ESPN Deportes. The game was broadcast on ESPN Radio and Westwood One. It was streamed world-wide on and the ESPN app, as well as multiple streaming-based websites such as Hulu. 2018 MLB Little League Classic The 2018 MLB Little League Classic was a regular season Major League Baseball (MLB) game that was played on August 19, 2018, in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, during the 2018 MLB season and the", "\"Harry (talk show)\"\nHarry (talk show) Harry was an American syndicated talk show hosted by Harry Connick, Jr. and produced in association with NBCUniversal Television Distribution. The show premiered on September 12, 2016. The show was renewed for a second season. In February 2018, NBCUniversal Television Distribution announced that it canceled \"\"Harry\"\" after two seasons and would not renew it for a third season. The show's final episode aired on May 23, 2018, with reruns airing until September 7. Host Harry Connick, Jr. talks about current news, does freestyle events and games. Celebrities come to talk to Harry, and at the end, Harry", "\"Javy Guerra (shortstop)\"\nin 582 minor league games he had batted .237/.290/.374, while playing nearly all the games at shortstop. Guerra was called up to the majors for the first time on May 4, 2018 and made his MLB debut that night. In 16 at bats in 2018 with the Padres, he batted .125 with one RBI. , or Javy Guerra (shortstop) Javier Alexis Guerra (born September 25, 1995) is a Panamanian professional baseball shortstop for the San Diego Padres of Major League Baseball (MLB). Guerra signed with the Boston Red Sox as an international free agent in 2012, coming to terms", "\"Posting system\"\nfor his new MLB team in the coming season. The transfer fee was not included when calculating an MLB team's total payroll, which is subject to a luxury tax when it exceeds $155 million. If the MLB team could not come to a contract agreement with the posted player, then no fee was paid and the rights to the player reverted to his NPB team. A player could request to be posted again in subsequent years, and the process would be repeated with no advantage to the club that had won the bidding the previous year. Under the current process,", "\"Pygmy goat\"\neating within a week, and are weaned by ten weeks of age. Pygmy goats are just like any other variation of other goat breeds when it comes to kidding. Kidding is the process when the doe is physically giving birth to her kids, also known as the new born goats themselves. The doe will usually start showing signs around 2 to 3 days prior to labor, but in some cases, the doe will show no signs and have her kids with no problems. Goats are known for not really needing assistance when kidding time comes around, but it is always", "\"MLB 07: The Show\"\nfriendly title.\"\" However, \"\"USA Today\"\" gave the PS3 version six stars out of ten, saying that \"\"As a baseball title, [the game] is a solid and has a wide array of choices. As a PS3 title, \"\"The Show\"\" whiffs badly. You're better off saving that $20 and purchasing the equally satisfying PlayStation 2 edition.\"\" MLB 07: The Show MLB 07: The Show, produced by SCE San Diego Studio, is a baseball video game for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2 and PSP. It is the only first-party MLB-licensed video game for the season, and the only baseball game available for the PlayStation", "\"Luzia (Cirque du Soleil)\"\npremier of the show, but does not represent the live music in the show. The soundtrack was recorded in partnership with 'Bostich + Fussible' (real names: Ramón Amezcua and Pepe Mogt) who remixed some of the Luzia songs composed by Simon Carpentier. In an interview with, Alain Vinet, Cirque's musical director the reason for the partnership was because \"\"Normally, the albums come out six months down the road, or a year down the road [after the show opens], because when we are in creation, the musicians are really, really busy; it’s impossible for us to take them out of", "\"Harry (talk show)\"\nformat. \"\"Harry\"\" was nominated for five Daytime Emmy Awards. Harry (talk show) Harry was an American syndicated talk show hosted by Harry Connick, Jr. and produced in association with NBCUniversal Television Distribution. The show premiered on September 12, 2016. The show was renewed for a second season. In February 2018, NBCUniversal Television Distribution announced that it canceled \"\"Harry\"\" after two seasons and would not renew it for a third season. The show's final episode aired on May 23, 2018, with reruns airing until September 7. Host Harry Connick, Jr. talks about current news, does freestyle events and games. Celebrities come", "\"Fourth out\"\nthe Padres would eventually lose. As the MLB office explained after the game: \"\"The runner attempting to advance to third base was unaffected by the incorrect call and was tagged by the fielder\"\"\"\", which follows from Section IV of MLB's replay regulations. Fourth out In baseball, the fourth out is a legal out made by the defense after three outs in a half-inning already have been made. According to the rules, the third out does not cause the ball to become dead; if the fielders make a subsequent out that prevents a run from scoring, this out will supersede the", "\"Ronny Rodríguez\"\nRonny Rodríguez Ronny Rodríguez Martinez (born April 17, 1992) is a Dominican professional baseball infielder for the Detroit Tigers of Major League Baseball (MLB). He made his MLB debut in 2018. Rodríguez has also played for the Dominican Republic national baseball team. Rodríguez grew up in the Dominican Republic, but moved to the United States in 2007. He attended high school in Lawrence, Massachusetts, but when his mother became pregnant, putting a strain on the family due to their small house, he dropped out and returned to the Dominican Republic. He signed as an international free agent with the Chicago", "\"Domingo Germán\"\nstriking out one. In seven relief appearances to finish 2017, German finished with an 0-1 record and a 3.14 ERA. Germán made his first career MLB start on May 6, 2018 at Yankee Stadium against the Cleveland Indians. He pitched 6 no-hit innings, allowing 2 walks and striking out 9 batters. Germán was removed after the 6th inning due to his pitch count and not being completely stretched out as a starter yet. Germán became the first pitcher in MLB history with nine or more strikeouts and zero hits allowed in his 1st MLB start. In 19 games (13 starts),", "\"Film finance\"\nair the show, but the studio retains ownership. The license fee does not fully cover the costs of production – hence the \"\"deficit\"\" of deficit financing. Deficit financing developed after the varied risks and rewards were determined and carried out through film financing. Deficit financing occurs when the license fee for a show doesn’t fully cover production fees. A studio has ownership of the production, but as license fees are handed out in exchange to air a show, the phrase deficit financing comes into play as costs were not being met and paid. From the late 1960s through the mid-1990s", "\"MLB Japan All-Star Series\"\ngames to two. Particularly noteworthy was a combined no-hitter by Samurai Japan in Game 3 as their pitchers shut out the MLB All-Stars 4–0. On May 1, 2018, MLB announced that it would send again an All-Star team to tour Japan after the end of current season, with six games scheduled against the Japan national team from November 9 to 15. MLB Japan All-Star Series The MLB Japan All-Star Series is an biennial end-of-the-season tour of Japan made by an All-Star team from Major League Baseball (MLB) since 1986, contested in a best-of format against the All-Stars from Nippon Professional", "\"Michael Kopech\"\nonly 2 innings because of rain. He struck out four batters and did not allow any runs. At the time of his debut, he was considered the 13th best prospects in all MLB. On September 7, 2018, it was announced that Kopech would undergo Tommy John surgery, putting him out for the rest of the 2018 season plus all of 2019 as well. He underwent successful Tommy John surgery on September 18. , or Michael Kopech Michael Talbert Kopech (born April 30, 1996) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Chicago White Sox of Major League Baseball (MLB).", "\"Shea Ohmsford\"\ndoorstep one day. They raise him as their own, and he grows up in Shady Vale. About twenty years after he had been abandoned, Allanon walked into Shady Vale, bringing with him a warning: the Warlock Lord is coming. It is now that he finds out about his famous bloodline and why evil is coming for him. Also, he receives a gift from Allanon: three magical blue stones called Elfstones. However, Shea does not believe Allanon fully. He does not leave until a few weeks later, when a Skull Bearer shows up in the Vale. Flick and Shea are forced", "\"Hitting for the cycle\"\nplayers have hit for the cycle on the same day once in NPB history; this has occurred twice in MLB history. There have never been multiple cycles completed in a single MLB or NPB game; this is known to have occurred twice in Minor League Baseball — on April 11, 2018, by Gio Brusa and Jalen Miller of the Class A-Advanced San Jose Giants, and on August 7, 2018, by Kevin Newman and Jacob Stallings of the Triple-A Indianapolis Indians. Pursuant to Major League Baseball (MLB) Rule 6.09(a), \"\"[the] batter becomes a runner when he hits a fair ball\"\". The", "\"Nat Coombs\"\nagreed to a TV deal with the NFL and Coombs has hosted the live International Series coverage in 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018. In 2013, he joined commercial UK Sports Radio station TalkSport as an anchor, where he has hosted various shows including The NFL Show, Kick Off, Football First, Transfer Tavern and The European Football Show. Prior to joining TalkSport, Coombs presented MLB coverage (including the World Series) on BBC Radio, where he was the regular host of the weekly MLB show between 2010–2013. In 2013, he presented a range of football coverage for the global football site", "\"Straight Out of Brooklyn\"\nhard for \"\"the white man\"\" for so many years, yet having nothing to show for it. Dennis and two friends come up with a plan to rob a local drug dealer and split the money. One of the friends asks his uncle to borrow his car, and then a connection he has gives him a shotgun for the operation. Dennis keeps telling his girlfriend that they will soon have money and be able to move out of Brooklyn, but he does not actually tell her of the plan. When he does eventually explain what he is about to do, she", "\"Lawrence Rocks (chemist)\"\nthe professional sports environment with the advent of wearable technology. In April 2018 Rocks spoke to the theme of his sports chemistry research encompassing music on the St. Louis Cardinals \"\"Cardinals Insider\"\" weekly show, citing that \"\"there is a molecular rhythm to life in terms of development\"\" and that \"\"there are body rhythms that will one day be understood for the mind.\"\" Topps featured Dr. Rocks on the back of the 2018 \"\"future stars\"\" series baseball card of MLB player Paul DeJong, the first scientist to be highlighted on the back of an official Topps MLB player flagship series future", "\"Cory Mazzoni\"\nthey claimed him off waivers from the Dodgers. On August 30, Mazzoni was designated for assignment, when the Cubs acquired catcher Bobby Wilson. He elected free agency on November 3, 2018. Cory Mazzoni Cory Mitchell Mazzoni (born October 19, 1989) is an American professional baseball pitcher who is currently a free agent. He previously played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the San Diego Padres and Chicago Cubs. Mazzoni graduated from Seneca Valley High School in Harmony, Pennsylvania. He was drafted out of high school by the Washington Nationals in the 26th round of the 2008 MLB draft, but decided", "\"2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series\"\n2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series The 2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series is the twelfth edition of the MLB Japan All-Star Series, a best-of-six series between an All-Star team from Major League Baseball (MLB) and, for the second time in series history, the national team, Samurai Japan. The manager of Samurai Japan sees in this championship a big opportunity for Japan to gain momentum for the 2020 Olympics. On May 1, 2018, MLB announced that it would send an all-star team to tour Japan after the end of the current season, with six games scheduled against a select Nippon Professional Baseball", "\"Collin McHugh\"\nappeared in two games of the postseason, pitching a combined total of six innings, allowing a total of one hit and three runs. The Astros won the 2017 World Series, their first in franchise history. McHugh made the transition to a relief role in 2018, appearing in 58 games. He finished with an ERA of 1.99 in innings, striking out 94. On October 29, 2018, he was selected MLB All-Stars at 2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series McHugh married longtime girlfriend Ashley Buzzy in 2009 in Athens, Georgia. The couple welcomed their first child, a son named Elder, in December 2015.", "\"Montreal Expos\"\nand Ken Hill. With a record of 74–40, the Expos had the best record in baseball on the morning of August 12, when MLB's players went on strike. The season began without a collective bargaining agreement as MLB's owners could not agree on how to share revenue between teams. Many teams were unwilling to agree to revenue sharing unless a salary cap was put in place, something which the Major League Baseball Players' Association (MLBPA) adamantly opposed. Unable to come to an agreement, the owners attempted to unilaterally force their system into effect, prompting the players to walk out. Most", "\"Haruhi Suzumiya (character)\"\nshe actively changes clothes in public, even when surrounded by classmates. When it comes to her relationship with Mikuru, she is both physically playful and domineering. She often comments on Mikuru's attractiveness and seems to find enjoyment in exploiting it to her own ends, often forcing Mikuru into and out of cosplay, such as bunny girl, nurse, and maid outfits, as if she (and to a lesser extent herself) were a human dress-up doll. Haruhi does her best to show no signs of weakness. The few times that she shows signs of vulnerability are when she's alone with Kyon. She", "\"Dylan Bundy\"\njust one hit, a bunt single in the 4th inning, while striking out 12 batters and only walking two. Bundy started off the 2018 MLB season strong by posting a 1.42 ERA through 5 starts. On May 8th 2018, Bundy set an MLB record against the Kansas City Royals by allowing four home runs without recording a single out. Bundy gave up the home runs to Jorge Soler, Mike Moustakas, Salvador Perez and Alex Gordon. In total, Bundy gave up 5 hits, 7 runs and 2 walks before being pulled in the first inning. He was placed on the disabled", "\"Nick Markakis\"\nNick Markakis Nicholas William Markakis ( ) (born November 17, 1983) is an American professional baseball right fielder who is a free agent. He previously played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Baltimore Orioles from 2006 to 2014 and the Atlanta Braves from 2015 to 2018. Markakis is a three-time Gold Glove Award winner, and he won a Silver Slugger Award was named an MLB All-Star in 2018. Markakis holds the MLB record for consecutive games without making an error (398). Markakis was born in Glen Cove, New York, but moved to Woodstock, Georgia, when his family, which includes", "\"MLB 06: The Show\"\nplayers with actors. David Ortiz of the Boston Red Sox was featured on the game cover. Ortiz, Don Zimmer, and Dave Campbell also appeared in TV spots advertising the game. The game does not feature any MLB player who is not a member of the Major League Baseball Players Association. However, there are some fictional players in the game that are similar to these missing players, most notably 'Reggie Stocker', a fictional player standing in for Barry Bonds, a play on the name Bonds, as in security bonds, and Stocker, as in stock broker, two money related names. \"\"MLB 06:", "\"Phillip Evans (baseball)\"\ndisabled list. He was designated for assignment by the Mets on June 6, 2018. He elected free agency on November 3, 2018. On December 18, 2018, Evans signed a minor league deal with the Chicago Cubs. Phillip Evans (baseball) Phillip Mathew Evans (born September 10, 1992) is an American professional baseball infielder in the Chicago Cubs organization. Evans previously played for the New York Mets of Major League Baseball (MLB). The Mets selected Evans in the 15th round of the 2011 MLB Draft out of La Costa Canyon High School in Carlsbad, California. Evans had previously committed to play college", "\"2018 Major League Baseball draft\"\n2018 Major League Baseball draft The 2018 Major League Baseball (MLB) First-Year Player Draft began on June 4, 2018. The draft assigned amateur baseball players to MLB teams. The draft order was determined based on the reverse order of the 2017 MLB season final standings. In addition, compensation picks were distributed for players who did not sign from the 2017 MLB Draft and for teams who lose qualifying free agents. The first 43 picks, including the first round and compensatory picks, were broadcast by MLB Network on June 4. The remainder of the draft was streamed on on June", "\"Mark Wegner\"\nwork, Wegner has been involved in church activities and the \"\"BLUE for kids\"\" outreach of UMPS CARE, the MLB Umpires' charity. Mark Wegner Mark Patrick Wegner (born March 4, 1972) is a Major League Baseball umpire. He worked in the National League from 1998 to 1999, and throughout both major leagues since 2000. He was promoted to Crew Chief for the 2018 MLB season when Dale Scott retired after the 2017 MLB season. Wegner has umpired in seven Division Series (2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013), five League Championship Series (2007, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018), and two World Baseball", "\"Rhys Hoskins\"\nround of the Home Run Derby, Hoskins was defeated by Schwarber 21–20 as Schwarber hit a walk-off home run as time expired. On September 10, 2018, he was selected MLB All-Stars at 2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series. Hoskins' father, Paul, taught him how to play baseball; his mother, Cathy, died of cancer when he was in high school. He has a sister, Meloria. Rhys Hoskins Rhys Dean Hoskins (born March 17, 1993) is an American professional baseball first baseman and left fielder for the Philadelphia Phillies of Major League Baseball (MLB). He played college baseball for the Sacramento State Hornets.", "\"Sonny Kiriakis\"\nsomething Sonny never questions because of how close they are. While said it would have been cool to do a coming-out story with Sonny he appreciated how comfortable Sonny is with being openly gay because \"\"It showed that it's great to have a support system. It made it easier for him to come out.\"\" Not only does Sonny's introduction make him the only representation of a gay character on daytime television at the time as \"\"All My Children's\"\" iconic lesbian character, Bianca Montgomery (Eden Riegel) made her final appearances when the soap went off the air in September 2011, he", "\"2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series\"\nto the Japan All-Star series. The 28 player team batted in two workout games in front of fans at Les Murakami Stadium on November 3 & 4, 2018. Exhibition Championship 2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series The 2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series is the twelfth edition of the MLB Japan All-Star Series, a best-of-six series between an All-Star team from Major League Baseball (MLB) and, for the second time in series history, the national team, Samurai Japan. The manager of Samurai Japan sees in this championship a big opportunity for Japan to gain momentum for the 2020 Olympics. On May 1,", "\"Daniel Norris (baseball)\"\n(8 starts) during the 2018 season, going 0–5 with a 5.68 ERA. On October 29, 2018, he was selected MLB All-Stars at 2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series Norris features four-seam and two-seam fastballs that average about 92 mph and top out at 96 mph. He also throws a slider and a circle change that both average about 85 mph, and a curveball in the mid 70s. He learned all of the pitches by his senior year of high school. In 2012, he overhauled his pitching mechanics to improve the repetitiveness of his delivery. Norris's family has owned a bicycle shop", "\"Posting system\"\ndoes not apply to free agents or to amateur players who have never played in NPB. Mac Suzuki, Micheal Nakamura, Kazuhito Tadano, and Junichi Tazawa are the only Japanese players to have debuted in MLB without having played in NPB. The system does not work in reverse; it does not regulate MLB players, such as Alex Cabrera, who moved to NPB. When a player under contract with a Nippon Professional Baseball team wishes to play in Major League Baseball, he must notify his current team's management and request that they make him available for posting during the next posting period", "\"Jack Hamilton (baseball)\"\nrestaurants in Iowa and Southwest Missouri. Hamilton died on February 22, 2018 at age 79. Jack Hamilton (baseball) Jack Edwin Hamilton (December 25, 1938 – February 22, 2018) was a Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher. Over the course of his 1962–69 MLB career he pitched for the Philadelphia Phillies, Detroit Tigers, New York Mets, California Angels, Cleveland Indians, and Chicago White Sox. Originally signed by the St. Louis Cardinals as a free agent, he debuted as a starter for the Philadelphia Phillies in 1962 and posted a 9–12 record with an earned run average of 5.09. He showed more promise", "\"J. T. Realmuto\"\n2017 MLB season. Batting .317 with 12 home runs, Realmuto was named to the 2018 Major League Baseball All-Star Game, his first-ever selection. On October 29, 2018, he was named to MLB team in the 2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series. J. T. Realmuto Jacob Tyler Realmuto (born March 18, 1991) is an American professional baseball catcher for the Miami Marlins of Major League Baseball (MLB). He made his MLB debut in 2014. Realmuto was an All-Star and won the Silver Slugger Award in 2018. Realmuto was born in Del City, Oklahoma. His parents are both blue-collar workers. His father played", "\"2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series\"\nparticipation for Samurai Japan. On October 29, 2018, Christian Yelich canceled his participation for MLB, Roster rules changed 28 to 29, announced all selected MLB players, and and canceled their participation for Chinese Taipei. On November 1, 2018, Takahiro Matsunaga canceled his participation for Samurai Japan. On November 2, 2018, Shuta Ishikawa canceled his participation for Samurai Japan, and Che-hsuan Lin canceled his participation for Chinese Taipei. On November 5, 2018, canceled his participation for Chinese Taipei. On November 16, 2018, Yomiuri Giants announced all selected players. For the first time, the MLB All-Star team stopped in Hawai'i en route", "\"Steve Johnson (baseball)\"\nAtlantic League of Professional Baseball. He announced his retirement on July 14, 2018. Johnson's father, Dave Johnson, pitched in MLB for five seasons, including three for Baltimore, and is now a broadcaster on MASN, which airs Orioles and Nationals games. Steve Johnson (baseball) Steven David Johnson (born August 31, 1987) is an American former professional baseball pitcher. He made his Major League Baseball (MLB) debut with the Baltimore Orioles in 2012 and also played in MLB for the Seattle Mariners. Johnson was drafted by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 13th round of the 2005 MLB Draft out of St.", "\"Hallmark Channel\"\nHallmark Channel. The network premiered 35 original movies during the period from 2009 to 2010. Hallmark Channel released 25 television movies during the 2011 calendar year. Hallmark original movies were budgeted at $2.2 million in 2007. Hallmark does not pay the full cost of films, thus the production company deficit-financed them. With the success with Dog Hero Awards, the channel started a franchise out of the show with additional shows that counter programming major sporting events. Beyond the Dog Hero Awards and the Kitten Bowl, the channel has Paw-Star Game, on during MLB's All-Star Game,) and Summer Kitten Games countering", "\"Kelly Crull\"\nfor Fox, it became a tradition to drench Crull with gallons of liquid when the Padres had a walk-off victory. Following the 2013 MLB season, she joined NBC Sports Chicago. In Chicago, she has served as the Chicago Cubs beat reporter. She covered the Chicago Cubs World Series run in 2016. In February 2018, she co-hosted the sports trivia show \"\"Beer Money\"\" for its 100th episode. Beginning with the 2018-19 season, Crull also serves as a Chicago Bulls sideline reporter for the network. Kelly Crull Kelly Ann Crull (born February 16, 1984) is an American sportscaster and television personality, who", "\"Nick Waterhouse\"\nof that year. Nick's song, \"\"This Is A Game\"\" was featured in the popular PlayStation game, \"\"MLB 14: The Show \"\" which was released in April & May 2014 on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 & PlayStation Vita game console's. Sony Computer Entertainment is the maker of the MLB The Show Game franchises. Waterhouse's third studio album \"\"Never Twice\"\" was released on September 30, 2016. In January 2018, Nick Waterhouse entered the studio to begin recording his fourth studio album. His song \"\"Katchi\"\" was remixed by the French duo Ofenbach (DJs) and reached #1 in the French charts. Nick Waterhouse", "\"Stanley Hudson\"\nalso hinted in \"\"Sexual Harassment\"\", when he states that his daughter Melissa attends Catholic school. When not in the office, Stanley relaxes by enjoying some red wine (for the antioxidants) and watching television mysteries, though it's not clear whether he means non-fiction shows like \"\"Unsolved Mysteries\"\" or fictional shows in the \"\"\"\" and \"\"Law & Order\"\" vein which he refers to as \"\"my mystery stories.\"\" Stanley also seems to enjoy Todd Packer's jokes as he smiles when Todd comes and laughs out loudly at Todd's jokes in \"\"Sexual Harassment\"\". His general view is that he does not apologize unless he", "\"MLB 06: The Show\"\npitching in a certain game, the gameplay will simulate half-innings in which the user's team is hitting. Also, a user-controlled starting pitcher's schedule will be simulated for all games in which the user does not pitch. \"\"MLB 06: The Show\"\" also features a Season mode in which users can carry one team through an entire 162-game season and into the playoffs if you make it there. Users can pick from the thirty current Major League Baseball teams and have the options to change team rosters, review scouting reports for opposing teams, and view statistics and standings. In this setting, all", "\"Pace of play\"\nMLB season, the rules were amended to allow a manager to order an automatic intentional walk. MLB and the MLB Players Association (MLBPA) discussed the possibility of introducing the pitch clock at the major league level for the 2018 season. MLB opted against imposing it unilaterally, over the opposition of the MLBPA. Before the 2018 season, MiLB took major actions, including adding pitch clocks at all levels and beginning each extra inning with a runner on second base. Also, the Arizona Diamondbacks of MLB announced they would introduce their first bullpen car in 2018. Pace of play Pace of play", "\"Showing Our Colors: Afro-German Women Speak Out\"\nonto cultural and more subtle ones. This again goes to reinforce Gilroy's idea from the Black Atlantic showing that blackness exceeds the nation state and cannot be confined, which is why the standards that the nation state lays out must always change to confine their new knowledge about blackness. Race is a social construct that must always change and be modified to conform to the agenda and goals of the agent group. In sum, this collaboration resonance allowed these women to even form a concept of their identity because \"\"how does one come to define a cultural identity when you", "\"Major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada\"\n(as a result of its history as two rival leagues) had a team in each component league in Boston, Philadelphia and St. Louis up until the mid-20th century, still has AL and NL teams in Chicago and the San Francisco Bay Area; the NFL, at least until 2018, also has two teams in the Bay Area. MLB, more than any other major league, focuses its teams in the largest markets. MLB is the only major league that does not have any teams in markets with fewer than 1.75 million people; both it and the NFL have teams in every U.S.", "\"2018 Houston Astros season\"\nCole Hamels of the Texas Rangers. It was Verlander's tenth career Opening Day start and first with Houston, as all nine previous had come as a member of the Detroit Tigers. George Springer led the game off with a home run, becoming the first MLB player to lead off with a home run in consecutive Opening Days. He had homered off Felix Hernandez of the Seattle Mariners in the first inning of Opening Day 2017 at Minute Maid Park. Verlander pitched six shutout innings and struck out five. The Astors won by a final score of 4–1. Second baseman José", "\"2018 Baseball Hall of Fame balloting\"\nand NFL games for CBS, but made his greatest mark as part of NBC's broadcast team for its national MLB telecasts from 1982 to 2009. Costas then joined the MLB Network, where he was serving as the network's documentary host when he was announced as the Frick Award recipient. 2018 Baseball Hall of Fame balloting Elections to the Baseball Hall of Fame for 2018 proceeded according to rules most recently amended in 2016. As in the past, the Baseball Writers' Association of America (BBWAA) voted by mail to select from a ballot of recently retired players. The results were announced", "\"The Puppy Episode\"\nher sexuality and the media frenzy within the episode itself, giving Ellen Morgan's friends lines like \"\"Ellen, are you coming out or not?!\"\" and \"\"Yeah, quit jerking us around and come out already!\"\" Morgan's therapist comments that if Morgan does not come out she will \"\"continue to have these dreams and then it's going to show up in your waking life as these little clues that get more and more obvious. And eventually tiresome.\"\" She also says that Morgan cannot blame her reluctance to come out on the media. \"\"The Puppy Episode\"\" and DeGeneres's attendant coming out generated enormous publicity", "\"Andrew Benintendi\"\nthe first half of the season, he was the team's regular left fielder, usually batting second, behind Mookie Betts. On July 8, Benintendi was named as a candidate in the American League's All-Star Final Vote, for a spot in the 2018 MLB All-Star Game. At that point in the season, Benintendi had a slash line of .293/.379/.515 with 14 home runs and 55 RBIs. In the Final Vote, fans selected Jean Segura of the Seattle Mariners. In the 2018 MLB playoffs, Benintendi recorded the final outs to seal victories for the Red Sox in Games 4 and 5 of the", "\"Major League Baseball on TBS\"\nnetwork Fox Sports 1, effective with the 2014 season. The new deal between Major League Baseball and TBS was officially confirmed on October 2, 2012. Under the deal: TBS typically begins game coverage with the pregame show \"\"MLB on Deck\"\", followed about 38 minutes later by the first pitch of the first game. Each day's coverage ends with \"\"Inside MLB\"\" (which is formatted similarly to sister network TNT's \"\"Inside the NBA\"\"). TBS does not show commercial breaks after the third and sixth innings (and also after the ninth inning, if the game goes into extra innings). Instead, it airs a", "\"Why Did I Get Married? (play)\"\nroom. Trina tries, in her own caustic egotistical way, to make friends with Diana. Diana denies her attempts informing her that her faith in Christ will allow her to overcome anything Trina can come up with but also informs her that if Trina does anything else to threaten Diana's peace she will \"\"come up missing.\"\" Mike is casually showing his regret for divorcing Sheila to terry, as Trina cannot cook, will not clean up the house and seems only to sop and otherwise spend his money apparently having maxed out several of his credit cards. When Terry calls him out", "\"The Sinister Pig\"\nof the Navajo Tribal Police, looking on as the FBI snatches the case away from him, is lucky to find out the dead man’s real name. And retired legend Lt. Joe Leaphorn, when Chee hikes out to Window Rock to consult him, does little more than brandish a sheaf of maps showing the locations of gas pipelines from Mexico. It’s Chee’s former officer and lost love Bernadette Manuelito, fleeing the NTP for the Customs Patrol, who comes up with the crucial break on the case quite by accident when she follows a truck into a ranch that’s raising oryxes for", "\"Dr. C and the Women\"\nJoe look for Cleveland, and Peter gets grossed out upon eating the expired food. When Cleveland comes out of the shadows while mentioning that the deli was one of his failures, Peter apologizes for threatening Cleveland and says that he would not have told Donna, as he does not like talking to her. Cleveland apologizes, saying that he was not properly equipped to be a therapist. At home at the end of the day, Peter tries to show an interest in how things went with Meg, despite her suspicions that Peter would cut her off. But when Meg starts to", "\"Match fixing related to gambling\"\nNCAA, zero), match fixing by players remains a serious concern. Influenced by baseball's experiences, the NFL and NBA have followed MLB's lead and adopted a hard line against gambling on its games, especially by those directly involved in the league. The NCAA takes an even harder line: Each of these organizations was, and may still be influenced by fears that their games could come under the influence of gamblers in the absence of these tough measures. Critics of such hard line measures note that in spite of such policies, such influence nonetheless does occur. When international motorcycle racing (MotoGP and", "\"Waitress (musical)\"\naware of Jenna's affair, defends herself, claiming that Jenna's actions are no more moral simply because of her worse home situation (“I Didn’t Plan It”). Jenna and Dr. Pomatter continue their affair over the next few weeks, as do Becky and Cal, and Dawn and Ogie's relationship progresses as well (“Bad Idea (Reprise)”). Jenna's relationship with Dr. Pomatter, which has become apparent to many people, including Dr. Pomatter's nurse and Joe, comes to a brief halt when Dr. Pomatter is out of town and does not show up to one of their appointments. When he shows up to the next", "\"Days of Our Lives characters (2010s)\"\ntake part in co-parenting Arianna again. When Will's amnesia leads to Arianna's two dads divorcing, Sonny continues to co-parent her, as does Will. In 2018, her mother Gabi is wrongfully imprisoned, and Will and Sonny tell Arianna that her mom is working away from home. After Gabi is proved innocent, Will and Sonny tell Ari that her mom is coming home, but Gabi's release is delayed for several more weeks due to a murder at the prison, and when Gabi finally gets out, Arianna, feeling unloved by her mother, is angry and unwelcoming towards her. Cole Hines was created by", "\"Billy Cowan\"\noff-season, he was traded to the Mets for former Cub all-star outfielder George Altman. Cowan was a utility outfielder, occasional infielder and pinch hitter for the remainder of his MLB career, and spent two full seasons (1966 and 1968) back in the minors. He had success coming off the Angels' bench during his 173-game tenure, batting .278 with 13 home runs. He retired after his final big-league game on April 24, 1972, when he struck out as a pinch hitter against Paul Lindblad. Cowan's 281 MLB hits included 44 doubles, eight triples and 40 home runs. He batted .236 lifetime.", "\"Fox Major League Baseball\"\n(which would remain on Fox). In addition, all \"\"Fox Saturday Baseball\"\" games would be made available on MLB Extra Innings and MLB.TV (subject to local blackout restrictions), Fox Sports was awarded TV Everywhere rights for streaming of game telecasts on computers, mobile and tablet devices, rights to a nightly baseball highlights show, Spanish language rights to all games carried on Fox and Fox Cable (Fox Deportes) and rights to a weekly show produced by MLB Productions. On November 15, 2018, Fox renewed its rights through 2028, maintaining its existing structure but with expanded digital rights, and a promise to begin", "\"Connor Sadzeck\"\nFrisco, going 4-8 with a 6.25 ERA in 38 games (13 starts). He began 2018 with the Round Rock Express. Sadzeck made his MLB debut on September 1, 2018. Connor Sadzeck Connor William Sadzeck (born October 1, 1991) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Texas Rangers of Major League Baseball (MLB). Sadzeck was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 45th round of the 2010 Major League Baseball draft out of Crystal Lake Central High School in Crystal Lake, Illinois. He did not sign and attended Howard College. He was then drafted by the Texas Rangers in the", "\"Walker Buehler\"\n47th plate appearance. In 24 appearances for the Dodgers (23 starts and one relief appearance) in 2018, Buehler was 8–5 with a 2.62 ERA and 151 strikeouts. On October 26, Buehler threw 7 scoreless innings in Game 3 of the 2018 World Series against the Boston Red Sox. Buehler finished third in voting for the National League Rookie of the Year. Walker Buehler Walker Anthony Buehler (born July 28, 1994) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball (MLB). He was selected by the Dodgers 24th overall in the 2015 MLB draft out", "\"NBA salary cap\"\nthe salary cap. The NBA and MLS version of the \"\"soft\"\" cap does, however, offer less leeway to teams than that of the MLB. MLB does allow teams to spend as much as they want on salary, but it penalizes them a percentage of the amount by which they exceed the soft cap. The percentage increases as the number of consecutive years a team exceeds the cap grows, resetting only when a team falls under the cap. While the soft cap allows teams to exceed the salary cap indefinitely by re-signing their own players using the \"\"Larry Bird\"\" family of", "\"1996 Montreal Expos season\"\nthe Cincinnati Reds and the Expos is postponed, along with the rest of the games scheduled for that day. Reds owner Marge Schott later comes under fire for wanting the game in Cincinnati to continue despite the tragedy (and against the wishes of the players on both teams), saying that she felt \"\"cheated\"\" when it was canceled. The Expos set an MLB record with six grand slams before May 1, a feat not equaled until the 2018 Boston Red Sox. Ultimately, the Expos finished two games behind the Los Angeles Dodgers in the National League wild card race. Source: Source:", "\"Adelaide Bite\"\nAdelaide Bite The Adelaide Bite are a professional baseball team who plays in the Australian Baseball League and is one of the eight founding teams of the league. Which is owned and operated by the Adelaide Football Club as of June 2018. The Bite have multiple alumni who have played in the MLB in following years and many players who play for Team Australia in an international level. The team is made up of up-and-coming MLB draft prospects who play minor league baseball in the USA or established Australian players. Former big-league players often play in the ABL. Their home" ]
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who kills the main character in happy death day
[ "Lori" ]
[ "\"A Happy Death\"\ndeath. The English translation by Richard Howard appeared in 1972. \"\"A Happy Death\"\" was Camus' first novel and was clearly the precursor to his most famous work, \"\"The Stranger\"\", published in 1942. The main character in \"\"A Happy Death\"\" is named \"\"Patrice Mersault\"\", similar to \"\"The Stranger\"\"'s \"\"Meursault\"\"; both are French Algerian clerks who kill another man. \"\"A Happy Death\"\" is written in the third person, whereas \"\"The Stranger\"\" is written in the first person. The novel has just over 100 pages and consists of two parts. Part 1, titled \"\"Natural death\"\", describes the monotone and empty life of Patrice", "\"Happy Lowman\"\nis taken by the Chinese, to be held captive until they receive the second-in-command for the IRA. He later kills the Chinese. He receives another smiley tattoo for killing a rat for Caccuza. Happy makes his debut in the Season 1 finale \"\"Cuervo/Tz'ikb'uul\"\" where it is revealed Happy was the man responsible for the death of Marisol Reyes, the mother of series protagonist Ezekiel \"\"EZ\"\" Reyes. Happy Lowman Happy Lowman is a fictional character on the FX television series \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\", with his name based on the character in the famous play \"\"Death of a Salesman\"\". The name is", "\"In Death characters\"\nyears old in this flashback and had not yet been raped. In New York to Dallas Stella is a main character: she is working with Isaac McQueen who ends up killing her. In Death characters This article describes the major and minor characters of J.D. Robb's \"\"In Death\"\" series. Consists of characters that typically appear in every book, whether their role be large or small, and are part of Eve's immediate circle of acquaintances. Characters are in order of appearance. Eve Dallas is the main character of the \"\"In Death\"\" novels. Eve was found in an alley in Dallas, Texas.", "\"A Happy Death\"\nMersault with his boring office job and a meaningless relationship with his girlfriend. Mersault gets to know the rich invalid Roland Zagreus (Zagreus is a character of Greek mythology) who shows Mersault a way out: \"\"Only it takes time to be happy. A lot of time. Happiness, too, is a long patience. And in almost every case, we use up our lives making money, when we should be using our money to gain time.\"\" Zagreus implies that his life is a meaningless waste, and Meursault decides to kill him in order to create his own happiness with the rich man's", "\"Omar Little and associates\"\nOmar frequently use for surveillance of their targets. Renaldo is the show's first main Hispanic character and introduces other Hispanic characters into the show to assist in the robbery of the New Day Co-Op in the episode \"\"That's Got His Own\"\". Following the heist Omar and Renaldo leave Baltimore for an idyllic retirement in Puerto Rico but Omar is compelled to return to Baltimore when Butchie is killed and Renaldo is not seen again after Butchie's death. Bailey was a member of Omar Little's stick-up crew who assisted him in robbing the Barksdale crew. He was killed shortly afterwards while", "\"Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare\"\nclose to him. Tracy throws Maggie a pipe bomb. After she impales Freddy to a steel support beam she throws the bomb in his chest. She says \"\"Happy Father's Day\"\", kisses him, and runs. The three dream demons fly out of Freddy after the pipe bomb kills him. Maggie smiles at Tracy and Doc; she is confident that her father is dead. In the original script, 15-year-old Jacob Johnson (son of the 's main character, Alice Johnson) was the major character while many of the \"\"\"\" would return to aid Jacob in defeating Freddy after he kills Alice. This idea", "\"Happy ending\"\nending is specifically brought up in the Stephen King fantasy/fairy tale novel \"\"The Eyes of the Dragon\"\" which has a standard good ending for the genre, but simply states that \"\"there were good days and bad days\"\" afterwards. A happy ending only requires that the main characters be all right. Millions of innocent background characters can die, but as long as the characters that the reader/viewer/audience cares about survive, it can still be a happy ending. Roger Ebert comments in his review of Roland Emmerich's \"\"The Day After Tomorrow\"\": \"\"Billions of people may have died, but at least the major", "\"Dave Karofsky\"\nlike Karofsky could turn to booze or pills or alcohol and kill themselves or do something dark. But I also love Max and I love that character and I sorta want that character to have a happy ending.\"\" At one point in the bullying storyline, Karofsky threatens to kill Kurt, a scene that Adler characterized as \"\"very powerful. Chilling, terrifying, horrifying, yet, at the same time, heartbreaking. … Because there are kids who have messaged me since that episode saying they used to hear that line spoken to them day in and day out at school\"\", and they dreaded school", "\"Redshirt (stock character)\"\nRedshirt (stock character) A \"\"redshirt\"\" is a stock character in fiction who dies soon after being introduced. The term originates from the original \"\"\"\" (NBC, 1966–69) television series in which the red-shirted security personnel frequently die during episodes. Redshirt deaths are often used to dramatize the potential peril that the main characters face. In \"\"Star Trek\"\", red-uniformed security officers and engineers who accompany the main characters on landing parties often suffer quick deaths. The trope first appears in the episode \"\"What Are Little Girls Made Of?\"\" (1966). Of the 59 crew members killed in the series, 43 (73%) were wearing", "\"Edna Mode\"\nin the deaths of several superheroes, one of whom is shown being consumed and killed by a jet turbine. According to Bird, the creation of Edna took the notion of superheroes wearing designed costumes \"\"to a further extreme\"\". Edna was named after EMode, a software Pixar used at the time the film was made. Bird identified Edna as the \"\"most fun character\"\" he had written for the film, recalling, \"\"Any day that I was writing her, I was one happy camper.\"\" Edna follows the tradition of having a director voice one of the film's secondary characters in animated films, which", "\"Happy 300 Days\"\nHappy 300 Days Happy 300 Days () is a 2013 Taiwanese romantic-comedy television drama created and produced by TTV, starring Tammy Chen and Kingone Wang as the main leads with KunDa Hsieh, Kaiser Chuang and Grace Ko in supporting roles. The title is in reference to the main characters anticipation in meeting their unborn child which they nickname \"\"Happiness\"\". The drama began filming on January 4, 2013 and finished on April 19, 2013, it was filmed while it aired. Original first broadcast began on March 8, 2013 during TTV's standard and HD channels 10:00-11:30 p.m. timeslot airing every Friday night", "\"Women in Refrigerators\"\nthe use of death or injury of female characters as a plot device. A list of some responses from comic book professionals is included at the site. Marz's reply stated (in part) \"\"To me the real difference is less male–female than main character-supporting character. In most cases, main characters, \"\"title\"\" characters who support their own books, are male. ... the supporting characters are the ones who suffer the more permanent and shattering tragedies. And a lot of supporting characters are female.\"\" In response to fans who argued that male characters are also often killed, content editor John Bartol wrote \"\"Dead", "\"Paul McCartney's Liverpool Oratorio\"\nby John Timperley. Consisting of eight movements, the story of the oratorio loosely follows McCartney's own lifeline, with the main character, Shanty, who is born in 1942 in Liverpool, raised to believe that \"\"being born where you are born carries with it certain responsibilities\"\". After his school days where he often \"\"sagged off\"\" (Liverpool slang for skipping class), Shanty began working and meets his future bride, Mary Dee. Following the death of his father, Shanty and Mary Dee are married and are forced to deal with the rigours of balancing a happy marriage and their careers. Amid a quarrel, Mary", "\"Denny Miller (Home and Away)\"\nme enough to kill me'. I thought, if you kill someone off, the public must really care about that character. Otherwise they would just send them off to university.\"\" She later admitted to being shocked to learn of her character's fate, but was happy to have that kind of closure, so she could move on to other roles. Smith thought it was fitting that Denny's death mirrored that of Casey's, and she added that as both characters were dead they could be together at last. Series producer Lucy Addario stated that Denny's \"\"sudden and accidental death\"\" would be the catalyst", "\"Character of the Happy Warrior\"\nCharacter of the Happy Warrior \"\"Character of the Happy Warrior\"\" is a poem by the English Romantic poet William Wordsworth. Composed in 1806, after the death of Lord Nelson, hero of the Napoleonic Wars, and first published in 1807, the poem purports to describe the ideal \"\"man in arms,\"\" and has, through ages since, been the source of much metaphor in political and military life. Wordsworth begins by asking us \"\"Who is the happy Warrior? Who is he What every man in arms should wish to be?\"\" He then proceeds to answer his own query: The Happy Warrior is a", "\"The Dirty Half Dozen\"\ntheir roles from earlier in the series. With the episode exploring the new clairvoyant abilities of Negga's Raina, executive producer Maurissa Tancharoen noted the irony of this, as Raina had spent much of her time on the series obsessed with another character who she believed was clairvoyant. On the death of his character in the episode, Kassianides said, \"\"I'm sad to see him go, [but] I'm happy to see someone like that get their comeuppance\"\". Noting that the character was originally intended to be killed off in \"\"A Hen in the Wolf House\"\", Kassianides felt that the way Bakshi and", "\"Happy ending\"\nDestroys all Happiness\"\" (i.e. Death); likewise, the Russian versions of fairy tales typically end with \"\"they lived long and happily, and died together on the same day\"\".) Satisfactory happy endings are happy for the reader as well, in that the characters he or she sympathizes with are rewarded. However, this can also serve as an open path for a possible sequel. For example, in the 1977 film \"\"Star Wars\"\", Luke Skywalker defeats the Galactic Empire by destroying the Death Star; however, the story's happy ending has consequences that follow in \"\"The Empire Strikes Back\"\". The concept of a permanent happy", "\"Happy 300 Days\"\nare various instrumental versions of the songs. The opening theme is track 1 \"\"Happy 300 Days 遇見幸福三百天\"\" performed by Kingone Wang, while the closing theme is track 2 \"\"Happy Person 幸福者\"\" by Jie Wei Ling. \"\"Happy 300 Days\"\" was filmed entirely on location in Taiwan. Majority of filming took place in Kenting located in Pingtung County and Taipei. The hostel depicted and where all the main characters lives is actually a fully functional vacationing hotel called \"\"The Light Inn\"\" located in Kenting Township. Happy 300 Days Happy 300 Days () is a 2013 Taiwanese romantic-comedy television drama created and produced", "\"Experience point\"\ncontrolled by the experienced character's controller as an assistant character or improved future main character in training) in defeating enemies that would normally be too powerful for the inexperienced character but are easily and quickly killed by the more powerful character or, in games in which experience points or \"\"credits\"\" are distributed in proportion to group members' levels, weakened almost to the point of death by the more powerful character, who is not grouped with the inexperienced character. In the latter case, once an enemy is weakened to the point at which the lower-level character can safely finish the kill", "\"Characters in the Realm of the Elderlings\"\nthe Pale Woman, who tortures the Fool, partially forging him, to force Fitz to kill the dragon Icefyre. In the end Icefyre is freed, but too late to save the Fool. Fitz later uses the Skill to heal the Fool's body and bring him back to life. In the process, they merge and mingle. This will prove fate-changing for both of them. But the Fool leaves. Eventually Fitz does find happiness and contentment, marrying Molly, moving to his late father's estate, Withywoods, and having another daughter with Molly, Bee Farseer. His happiness is disrupted, though, first with Molly's death, and", "\"Character of the Happy Warrior\"\nParty leader Ed Miliband accidentally left behind after one of the leaders' debates prior to the 2015 general election. Character of the Happy Warrior \"\"Character of the Happy Warrior\"\" is a poem by the English Romantic poet William Wordsworth. Composed in 1806, after the death of Lord Nelson, hero of the Napoleonic Wars, and first published in 1807, the poem purports to describe the ideal \"\"man in arms,\"\" and has, through ages since, been the source of much metaphor in political and military life. Wordsworth begins by asking us \"\"Who is the happy Warrior? Who is he What every man", "\"Sunset Beach (TV series)\"\nfather Del Douglas by Elaine Stevens. Del had kidnapped Cole as a baby and convinced Elaine the child was dead). The second murder mystery involved the death of seductress Francesca Vargas, whom just about everyone in town wanted dead. The surprise twist in the Who Shot Francesca storyline was that the killer was main character Gregory Richards. The show was cancelled just before the third anniversary of its original air date. Most of the main characters were given happy endings. Ben and Meg and Michael and Vanessa married in a double wedding. Casey and Sara got engaged, Cole and Caitlin", "Fonzie\nthe classic sitcom Happy Days. He wore a jacket; he got all the chicks; he even made the thumbs-up sign look good.\"\" Fonzie Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli (better known as \"\"Fonzie\"\" or \"\"The Fonz\"\") is a fictional character played by Henry Winkler in the American sitcom \"\"Happy Days\"\" (1974–1984). He was originally a secondary character, but was soon positioned as a lead character when he began surpassing the other characters in popularity. \"\"Happy Days\"\" producer and writer Bob Brunner created both Arthur Fonzarelli's \"\"Fonzie\"\" nickname, and the invented put-down, \"\"Sit on it.\"\" The character was a stereotypical greaser who was frequently", "\"Gungrave: Overdose\"\nSherry joins the Corisione drug empire in hopes of avenging the deaths of her loved ones by killing Grave. Though killed in the previous game, Bunji's skills seems to be valuable enough to be resurrected as well by Necrolyzation for the Corisiones. Though none too happy about being forced to continue to exist as a Deadman, Bunji still decides to work for the Corisiones, hoping for one more shot at Grave to prove who's the better of the two. He is also the brother of Jyuji Kabane and also a playable character. The game was received more favorably by critics", "\"Tricky slave\"\ndeath she joins his brother Ali Baba and through her quick wittedness she saves Ali's life many times and eventually kills his worst enemy, the leader of the Forty Thieves. As reward, Ali frees her and Morgiana marries Cassim's son. Tricky slave The tricky slave is a stock character. He is a clever, lower-class person who brings about the happy ending of a comedy for the lovers. He is more clever than the upper-class people about him, both the lovers and the characters who block their love, and typically also looking out for his own interests; in the New Comedy,", "\"Indian Camp\"\noccurs at the moment the screams are silenced. He points to Hemingway's statement in \"\"Death in the Afternoon\"\", \"\"if two people love each other there can be no happy end to it\"\", as evidence that the husband may have killed himself because he is \"\"driven frantic by his wife's pain, and perhaps his own\"\". The story also shows the innocence of childhood; Nick Adams believes he will live forever and be a child forever; he is a character who sees his life \"\"stretching ahead.\"\" At the end of the story, in the boat with his father, Nick denies death when", "\"Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage\"\nhim, because she won't commit to him unless he can move past that issue. And so he will visit them one by one, first back in Nagoya, then in rural Finland, on a quest for truth and a pilgrimage for happiness. Main characters: Secondary characters: Tsukuru Tazaki is a 36-year-old man whose defining features are his love of train stations and the fact his four best friends all ceased to speak to him during his second year at university: \"\"Like Jonah in the belly of the whale, Tsukuru had fallen into the bowels of death, one untold day after another,", "\"Happy Death Day\"\nHappy Death Day Happy Death Day is a 2017 American slasher film directed by Christopher Landon, written by Scott Lobdell and starring Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, and Ruby Modine. The film was produced by Jason Blum through his Blumhouse Productions banner. It follows a college student who is murdered on her birthday and begins reliving the day over and over again, at which point she sets out to find the killer and stop her death. Originally announced in 2007 under the title \"\"Half to Death\"\", the film was released on October 13, 2017, by Universal Pictures. It grossed $122 million", "\"Roger Phillips\"\nRoger Phillips Roger \"\"Coach\"\" Phillips is a fictional character on Happy Days played by Ted McGinley. He is the nephew of Howard and Marion Cunningham and a teacher and basketball coach at Jefferson High School in Milwaukee. The character of Roger helped fill the void left by the departure of his cousin Richie Cunningham who left to join the army (Richie was played by Ron Howard, who left the series to pursue a directing career). Roger was a recurring character in seasons 8-9 and joined the main cast in season 10 and stayed until the series finale in season 11.", "\"Roger Phillips\"\nRoger Phillips Roger \"\"Coach\"\" Phillips is a fictional character on Happy Days played by Ted McGinley. He is the nephew of Howard and Marion Cunningham and a teacher and basketball coach at Jefferson High School in Milwaukee. The character of Roger helped fill the void left by the departure of his cousin Richie Cunningham who left to join the army (Richie was played by Ron Howard, who left the series to pursue a directing career). Roger was a recurring character in seasons 8-9 and joined the main cast in season 10 and stayed until the series finale in season 11.", "\"Funky Winkerbean\"\naddressing of the strip's latter-day bleakness, a group of parents protested a school production of \"\"Wit\"\" because the themes of cancer and death offended them. In her defense of the play, the character of Susan Smith, a Westview High teacher and drama director, was viewed by critics as a mouthpiece for Batiuk's views on the importance of dramatic entertainment. Over the week of July 7, 2008, \"\"Pearls Before Swine\"\" parodied the tendency of \"\"Funky Winkerbean\"\" towards killing off main characters when it killed off Rat and the strip's own author, Stephan Pastis (the two would later be returned to the", "\"Rita Bennett\"\nthey could not anticipate how drastically the series would be changed by that. Benz heard rumors from David Zayas that her character would be killed in the episode, but she was not notified until much later. The producers met with her the day before the season finale script was distributed to the cast. She said, \"\"It was a tough meeting. In a bizarre way, it felt like a scene from \"\"Defending Your Life\"\".\"\" Benz described the death scene as \"\"very poetic\"\". Clyde Philips said, \"\"She wasn’t happy. She loved being with us. We loved having her with us. She took", "\"Blansky's Beauties\"\nBlansky's Beauties Blansky's Beauties is an American sitcom and ostensible spin-off of \"\"Happy Days\"\" that aired on ABC from February 12 to June 27, 1977. The main character of the series was introduced on an episode of \"\"Happy Days\"\", then set in the 1950s, but the show is set in the present-day of 1977. Nancy Walker played Howard Cunningham's visiting cousin Nancy Blansky from Las Vegas on the February 4, 1977, episode of \"\"Happy Days\"\". \"\"Blansky's Beauties\"\" premiered the following week, on February 12, 1977. Nancy Blansky (Walker) was a long-time Las Vegas showbiz vet (since the 1950s) and current", "\"Happy Hooligan\"\nand Jules Feiffer (who compared the title character to President Gerald Ford) and was also arguably a major inspiration for Charlie Chaplin's \"\"The Tramp\"\" character. It was called \"\"Opper's greatest comic character\"\" by comics artist Coulton Waugh.\"\"Happy Hooligan\"\" is also cited as the first comic to use speech balloons on a regular basis as an integral part of the comic (\"\"The Yellow Kid\"\" used speech balloons as early as 1896 but did not use them as the main means of communication). In the early 1960s, Happy Hooligan was a semi-regular character in \"\"Sam's Strip\"\"; dozens of other comic-strip characters had", "\"La Spagna\"\nOrlando challenges the Saracen knight Ferragu/Ferraù to a duel and kills him on a bridge (Ferragu converts to Christianity at the point of death) (the duel lasts three days and extends for 79 stanzas). Believed dead, Orlando has a series of travels and adventures that lead him to North Africa and elsewhere. In the end, the author tells the famous episode of the treachery of Gano of Maganza, envious of the glory of the family of Orlando. In the great battle of Roncesvalles, the main characters die, but are vindicated by Charlemagne, who is finally able to conquer Spain and", "\"Happy Days\"\nin various episodes from earlier seasons and remained as a main cast member until the final season. Both actors were originally credited as guest stars but were promoted to the main cast during season ten after several series regulars left the show. The real focus of the series was now on the Joanie and Chachi characters, and often finding ways to incorporate Fonzie into them as a shoulder to cry on, advice-giver, and savior as needed. The Potsie character, who had already been spun off from the devious best friend of Richie to Ralph's best friend and confidante, held little", "\"Simon (The Walking Dead)\"\nto watch, Simon attempts to kill Negan, but Negan readily overpowers him and chokes him to death. Negan then has Simon's re-animated body chained to the fence outside of Sanctuary. Following peace with the Saviors, the walkers are cleared from the fence and presumably put down, including Simon. (\"\"Wrath\"\") In the season six finale, \"\"Last Day on Earth\"\", Steven Ogg made his debut as Simon, who is a member of the Saviors, the main antagonists in season seven, in which he became a recurring character. Steven Ogg, who portrayed Simon, had been told by showrunner Scott M. Gimple that Simon", "\"Genocide (online game)\"\ntheme, with a tremendous variety of character options available within that context. Player character death on \"\"Genocide\"\" inflicts no lasting harm. However, kill and death statistics are tracked, and the kill-to-death ratio is the main way in which relative social status of players is measured. The social atmosphere on \"\"Genocide\"\", not atypically of a highly competitive gaming environment, is noted as hostile and replete with crass language. In 1992, \"\"Genocide\"\" served as a crucial development testbed for the MudOS LPMud driver., though in 1994, \"\"Genocide\"\" abandoned the MudOS driver and was ported to the main LPMud branch, citing speed concerns.", "\"Ellen Harvelle\"\ntheir lives right now.\"\" Steenbergen was happy to see the character return in the fifth season, noting that the show has been missing \"\"smart, tough women who are not evil in general.\"\" Tina Charles of \"\"TV Guide\"\" also welcomed the character back, and enjoyed how Ellen's initial reaction to Dean Winchester in \"\"Good God, Y'all!\"\"—hugging and then slapping him—was \"\"very much in character.\"\" Regarding the character's death, Charles noted that \"\"when [Ellen] went down in 'Abandon All Hope[...]' like [she] did, I felt it. [Her death] meant something.\"\" Though also happy to see Ellen reappear in the fifth season, Ryan", "\"Chachi Arcola\"\nChachi Arcola Charles \"\"Chachi\"\" Arcola is a character played by Scott Baio on the sitcom \"\"Happy Days\"\" and its spin-off \"\"Joanie Loves Chachi\"\". The character of Chachi is the younger cousin of Fonzie, first appearing on \"\"Happy Days\"\" in season 5, beginning in 1977. His main love interest is Joanie Cunningham, with their relationship becoming a common theme for episodes in later seasons. Chachi shares a close relationship with his older cousin Fonzie. Many times, Fonzie stepped in and was able to be the older brother figure that Chachi needed. Chachi is also very close to his mother and his", "\"Who I Am And What I Want\"\nWho I Am And What I Want Who I Am And What I Want is a 7 minute animated short directed by Chris Shepherd and David Shrigley in 2005. The film is based on the 2003 David Shrigley book of the same title. Kevin Eldon voices the role of the film's main character, Pete. The DVD was released in 2006 with a 12 page booklet with art from the film. Pete lives in the woods. He survives by hunting and killing. He is an outcast from society who finds happiness in being alone. He recalls the key moments that led", "\"Double Happiness II\"\nto look after Happy Fish by her dying mother-in-law. The oldest in the Luo family is the fiery-headed and impetuous Jialong, who believes that Yaxi is corrupt and is involved in money-laundering, thus causing lots of misunderstandings, quarrels, mishaps, and adventures. Those included the beginning of an affair between Jiaxi and William, and it resulted in the deaths of Jiafu and Yaxi. Yaxi's death was due to a miscarriage, while Jiafu was killed from being assaulted by a madman who was sent by enemies of Happy Fish. Before Yaxi died, she admitted to Zibin her feelings for her husband who", "\"University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee\"\nin Mitchell Hall Dance Studio located on the second floor. The department of film recently opened a new venue to showcase new student films in Kenilworth Square. Several main characters in the television show \"\"Happy Days\"\" (set in Milwaukee) were students at this university in later seasons of the show. UWM banners also hung inside the characters' regular hang-out, \"\"Arnold's Drive-In.\"\" To match the time period of the show, \"\"Happy Days\"\" used the red-and-white colors and the Cardinals mascot, which was in use by UWM during this period. In \"\"\"\", the twenty-fourth season of MTV's reality television series \"\"The Real", "\"Professor Frink\"\nproper funding I'm confident this little baby could destroy an area the size of New York City!\"\" Grampa responds with \"\"But I want to help people, not kill 'em!\"\", to which Frink replies \"\"Oh. Well, to be honest, the ray only has evil applications. You know my wife will be happy, she's hated this whole Death Ray thing from day one.\"\" In the original script, Frink appeared more evil. However, when cast member Hank Azaria ad-libbed a voice for Frink, he did an impression of Jerry Lewis's character Julius Kelp from the 1963 film \"\"The Nutty Professor\"\", and the writing", "\"Dinny and the Witches\"\ncharacter, a young musician who accidentally wins the world from the witches by playing his trumpet. Amy: A waitress whom Dinny learns to love throughout the play. Luella: The youngest of the three witches, she is dim but generally happy. She is in charge of life and has a bit of a crush on Dinny. Ulga: The middle witch, very ugly but also very vain, who is the death witch and hates humans. She is very efficient. Zenobia: The eldest witch, in charge of the other two, who is quite pompous and proud of her position. She is the main", "\"Ruth White (actress)\"\nBeckett (\"\"Happy Days\"\") and Edward Albee (\"\"Malcolm\"\" and \"\"Box\"\"). White also earned a Tony Award nomination in 1968 for her role in Harold Pinter's \"\"The Birthday Party.\"\" By the end of the 1960s, she had become one of New York's most highly praised and in demand character actresses, and appeared in \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\", \"\"Hang 'Em High\"\" and \"\"No Way To Treat A Lady\"\". White's final film role was in \"\"The Pursuit of Happiness\"\", released 14 months after her death. In 1962, White won an Obie Award for Distinguished Performance by an Actress for her work in the play \"\"Happy Days\"\".", "\"Marion Cunningham (Happy Days character)\"\nMarion Cunningham (Happy Days character) Marion Cunningham (née Kelp) is a fictional character played by Marion Ross on the sitcom \"\"Happy Days\"\". She is one of the three characters to remain on the show for all 11 seasons. She is also one of three characters to be played by the same actors on \"\"Love American Style\"\" as well as \"\"Happy Days\"\" (the others being Richie and Potsie). Marion Cunningham is the wife of Howard Cunningham and the mother of Richie, Joanie, and (briefly) Chuck Cunningham; she is also like a surrogate mother to Fonzie. She is a housewife and does", "\"Characters in Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective\"\nconstructed a murder machine similar to the one that killed Jowd's wife. He and Cabanela later encounter the manipulator controlling a corpse, and though he is killed, the death of both him and later Cabanela by the manipulator's hands was undone by Sissel, who manipulated the situation so that the manipulator would believe that he had succeeded in killing them. Jowd is a detective who was charged with murder and sentenced to death by his own request. Lynne asks Sissel to check up on him, only to learn that he is to be executed the next day. He had apparently", "\"The Three Clever Kings\"\nand so on. Aldovrand: One of the main round characters who is the oldest of the three nephews to King Roland. His character traits are lazy, self-centered, and ignorant. Aldebert: One of the main characters who is the middle aged nephew to King Roland. As a static character he holds compliant, relaxed, and positive characteristics throughout the short story. Alderete: One of the main characters; the youngest of the three nephews to King Roland. His characteristic traits that carried through the short story are optimistic, happy, and peaceful. The Political Council: These one-dimensional, stock characters consist of Prime Minister, Chancellor,", "\"The Day Will Come When You Won't Be\"\nThe Day Will Come When You Won't Be \"\"The Day Will Come When You Won't Be\"\" is the seventh season premiere of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on October 23, 2016. The episode was written by Scott M. Gimple and directed by Greg Nicotero. This episode features the final regular appearances of characters Abraham Ford (Michael Cudlitz) and Glenn Rhee (Steven Yeun), who are both brutally killed by Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). Glenn's death is reminiscent of his death in the comic book series, where he is killed in virtually the same manner.", "\"Howard Cunningham (Happy Days character)\"\nHoward Cunningham (Happy Days character) Howard C. Cunningham is a fictional character played by Tom Bosley on the sitcom \"\"Happy Days,\"\" Actor Harold Gould played the character in the pilot, which aired as an episode of the anthology series \"\"Love, American Style\"\"). He is the husband of Marion Cunningham, and the father of Chuck, Richie, and Joanie Cunningham. Originally, Gould was supposed to reprise his role on Happy Days as Howard Cunningham but wanted to commit to something else so Bosley was offered the part. Howard is one of only two characters, the other being Fonzie, to appear in all", "\"Out of the Blue (1979 TV series)\"\nthe series was broadcast a little over one week prior to an episode of \"\"Happy Days\"\" featuring Jimmy Brogan as the character Random. Television observer and owner of Sitcoms Online, Todd Fuller, maintains that because \"\"Chachi Sells His Soul\"\" aired on September 18, 1979, Random's appearance on this \"\"Happy Days\"\" episode was a crossover. He goes on to postulate: \"\"The \"\"Happy Days\"\" episode was likely a promotional tool for \"\"Out of the Blue\"\" to make the character more known.\"\" Thom Holbrook, who has a website devoted to TV crossovers and spin-offs, sees the arguments against calling it a spin-off, but", "Fonzie\nFonzie Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli (better known as \"\"Fonzie\"\" or \"\"The Fonz\"\") is a fictional character played by Henry Winkler in the American sitcom \"\"Happy Days\"\" (1974–1984). He was originally a secondary character, but was soon positioned as a lead character when he began surpassing the other characters in popularity. \"\"Happy Days\"\" producer and writer Bob Brunner created both Arthur Fonzarelli's \"\"Fonzie\"\" nickname, and the invented put-down, \"\"Sit on it.\"\" The character was a stereotypical greaser who was frequently seen on his motorcycle, wore a leather jacket and typified the essence of cool, in contrast to his circle of friends. In", "\"Petit Frank\"\nThe song enjoys a \"\"genuine sensitivity\"\" and its \"\"main character is a boy, abandoned or orphaned, presumably placed at the Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, faltering between combativeness and vulnerability\"\". The lyrics evoke the suffering of the child who tries to be courageous, in spite of his mother's death when he was ten, as it is said in the refrain. The music video, shot in black and white, shows the boy tormented by his schoolmates who do not understand his suffering. Feldman stated that this song was not autobiographical or personal at all, because his childhood was very happy", "Torchwood\npremiere, reveals flashbacks to Jack's childhood in \"\"Adam\"\" and shows how each member joined Torchwood in the penultimate episode \"\"Fragments\"\". A three-episode arc (\"\"Reset\"\", \"\"Dead Man Walking\"\" and \"\"A Day in the Death\"\") in the middle of the series guest stars \"\"Doctor Who\"\" actress Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones, temporarily drafted into Torchwood. The arc focuses on the death and partial resurrection of main character Owen Harper, and how he copes as a dead man. The second series finale, \"\"Exit Wounds\"\", features the departures of main characters Owen and Tosh, whose deaths at the hands of Jack's long-lost brother Gray", "\"Seeing Red (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)\"\nAmber Benson (Tara) appears in the main title credits, and is also her death episode. Joss Whedon had long wanted to kill off a major character the first time they joined the main credits. Originally he indicated that he wanted Eric Balfour who played Jesse in \"\"Welcome to the Hellmouth\"\", and \"\"The Harvest\"\" to be added to the beginning credits to add the shock that a main cast character could die unexpectedly, but due to budget constraints he could not be added at the time. Seeing Red (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) \"\"Seeing Red\"\" is the 19th episode of season 6", "\"Characters of The Order of the Stick\"\nDuring his battle with Xykon, Vaarsuvius attempted to have Blackwing throw the lich's phylactery into the Rift to destroy it; after Blackwing begins speaking to Vaarsuvius, he revealed that he saw another planet within their own, suggesting that the order doesn't fully understand the task at hand. Celia is a sylph who is first seen guarding the air sigil in Dorukan's tower. Like any outsider, she cannot be called back from death upon being killed and must fight cautiously in contrast who she calls \"\"back from the dead happy\"\" Order of the Stick. When her old boss disappeared and Xykon", "\"Waiting for Happiness\"\nhas returned interacts with all of these groups as an outsider, as he struggles to remember even his own Hassaniya Arabic dialect, but prefers instead French. Many of the themes and characters presage Sissako's 2014 film Timbuktu, and both explore liminal Sahel identities authentically situated in everyday life. Waiting for Happiness premiered at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival in the Un Certain Regard section. Waiting for Happiness Waiting for Happiness (original title: Heremakono) is a 2002 drama film written and directed by Abderrahmane Sissako. Main characters are a student, who has returned to his home in Nouadhibou, an electrician and", "\"Arthur Leslie\"\n30 June 1970, six days after his last appearance on Coronation Street, Arthur Leslie died suddenly of a heart attack whilst on holiday in Wales. His character, Jack Walker, was the first character to be written out of the soap following the death of the actor who played them, by means that he suffered the same fate. Out of respect for Leslie's family, Jack's funeral took place off-screen, and his death (unlike those of future characters who were written out for the same reason) was presented as a known fact to the main characters from the beginning of the episode", "\"God of War: Ghost of Sparta\"\nWar after having killed the former, Ares (who appears in flashbacks and voiced by Steven Blum). Other characters include Athena (Erin Torpey), the Goddess of Wisdom who warns Kratos about exploring his past; Deimos (Mark Deklin), the younger brother of Kratos and imprisoned and tortured in the Domain of Death; Thanatos (Arthur Burghardt), the God of Death and main antagonist; Callisto (Deanna Hurstold), the mother of Kratos and Deimos; Thera (Dee Dee Rescher), a Titan imprisoned beneath the Methana Volcano; and Erinys (Erin Torpey and Jennifer Hale), Thanatos' daughter. Minor characters include Lanaeus (Fred Tatasciore); a servant of Poseidon; King", "\"Madea's Big Happy Family\"\nMadea's Big Happy Family Madea's Big Happy Family is a 2010 American musical play created, written, produced, and directed by Tyler Perry. It stars Tyler Perry as Mabel \"\"Madea\"\" Simmons, Cassi Davis as Aunt Bam, Palmer Williams, Jr. as Uncle Monroe, and Chandra Currelley-Young as Shirley. Perry began writing \"\"\"\"Big Happy Family\"\"\"\" after the death of his mother in December 2009. The main character of Shirley is based on her. Shirley (Chandra Currelley), accompanied by Aunt Bam (Cassi Davis), visits Dr. Frank Wallace (Omarr Dixon). Dr. Wallace tells Shirley that her cancer is active and she might have 4–6 weeks", "\"Happy Feet Two\"\nHappy Feet Two Happy Feet Two is a 2011 Australian-American 3D computer-animated family comedy film directed, produced and co-written by George Miller. It is the sequel to the 2006 film \"\"Happy Feet\"\", and features Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Hugo Weaving, Magda Szubanski and Anthony LaPaglia reprising their roles from the first film. Pink voiced Gloria due to Brittany Murphy's death in 2009, and Richard Carter who portrayed a human character and voiced Barry in the first film, voices Bryan the beachmaster in this one, respectively. Common also replaced Fat Joe as Seymour. The original cast is joined by new characters", "\"Tears of the Prophets\"\nhappy with a recurring role during the seventh series of \"\"Deep Space Nine\"\" as she was tired of the long hours required of her in a main cast role. The writers felt that due to the ongoing Dominion War in the series, that there was no alternative other than to kill off the character. Farrell said of the exit of her character, \"\"I don't feel cheated out of the character in the same way as I would have if the show had been cancelled, because I've gotten the opportunity to play her. And besides, it's Jadzia that's dying. Dax is", "\"Sleigh Ride (Fear the Walking Dead)\"\nseveral \"\"Fear the Walking Dead\"\" characters. It is the last appearance of Lola Guerrero (Lisandra Tena), who was killed during the episode, and with Lola's death, none of the main characters which were introduced this season are alive. It is the last appearance of Daniel Salazar (Rubén Blades) and Qaletaqa Walker (Michael Greyeyes), who both managed to survive. This episode also marks the last appearance of several characters who died during this season, who appear in a dream of Madison's; including Travis Manawa (Cliff Curtis), Jeremiah Otto (Dayton Callie), Jake Otto (Sam Underwood), and Troy Otto (Daniel Sharman). \"\"Sleigh Ride\"\",", "\"Supernatural (season 2)\"\nchange brought the series' focus onto situations such as the brothers dealing with their father's death and giving them the task of hunting down Azazel, the demon who killed him. Morgan feels that the brothers' \"\"inner turmoil\"\" created by the death of his character made them more three-dimensional. While Dean has trouble dealing with his father's death, Kripke wishes they had focused more on Sam's reaction. Instead, the episodes dealt more with Sam's fear of becoming evil, which Kripke regretted since the writers never depicted the character committing malevolent acts. Another main storyline of the season followed Sam and Dean", "\"Dai Jiaoqian\"\nChen and Steven Cheung. She starred in many television series, such as \"\"Phoenix Swing\"\" (2001), \"\"Shouting for You to Come Back\"\" (2007), \"\"Spring Goes, Spring Comes\"\" (2008) and \"\"The Diamond Family\"\" (2009). In 2007, Dai appeared as Jian Xiong in \"\"The Sword and the Chess of Death\"\", a wuxia television series starring Tony Sun, Jenson Tien, Liu Tao and Ray Lui. In 2010, Dai starred as Tong Jinyu, reuniting her with co-star Kingdom Yuen, who played Ma Linglong, in the television series \"\"Happy Mother-in-Law, Pretty Daughter-in-Law\"\". In 2011, Dai played the character Li Qinghe in \"\"The Legend of Crazy Monk", "\"Henry Morton Stanley's first trans-Africa exploration\"\nlocals in the process. Later Stanley would write he killed 10 (and elsewhere 14) in his dispatches to newspapers. This would later be used to traduce his character as a ruthless killer. Why he mis-stated the number of deaths is not clear; his biographer Tim Jeal has tried to clarify. On May 5, the party arrived back in Kagehyi and rejoined the main group. In the meantime Barker had died of disease, as had Mabuki Speke (who was on earlier travels with Livingstone, Speke, Grant and Burton). Stanley had spent 57 days exploring Lake Victoria. His detailed measurements and descriptions", "\"Andy O'Brien (EastEnders)\"\nengaged. Their happiness is short-lived as in 1986, 37-year-old Andy is mowed down by a lorry after running into the road to save a child from being hit. He is killed instantly. True to form, Andy is even altruistic in death, as his organ donor card ensures that someone gets his kidneys. Shortly before his death he has had an argument with Debbie which she finishes by telling him to \"\"drop dead\"\", which ironically, he does. Andy O'Brien was one of the original twenty-three characters invented by the creators of \"\"EastEnders\"\", Tony Holland and Julia Smith. The character of Andy", "\"Happy (manga character)\"\nHappy (manga character) Mashima created Happy as a mascot that would counterpoint his previous mascot character, Plue. Since conception, the character had undergone several developmental changes during \"\"Fairy Tail\"\"s pre-production and throughout its release. Happy's depiction in \"\"Fairy Tail\"\" has received a positive critical response, with reviewers praising his humor, heroism, and overall role as a sidekick to the main characters. He has placed highly in character popularity polls, and merchandise for the character has been released. Following the completion of \"\"Rave Master\"\", Hiro Mashima's initial idea for Happy was to create a \"\"very chatty\"\" mascot character that would contrast", "\"Happy Death Day\"\nin the original draft there was no birthday, and no romance, which Landon added to humanize Tree. Landon decided to shorten the protagonist's name Teresa into Tree, which also conveyed her character arc as \"\"trees need to grow and you see this character go from one person to another\"\". Filming took place at and around Loyola University in New Orleans, Louisiana, and it lasted 5 weeks. The scenes where Tree awakens in Carter's bed after her death were filmed back to back in a span of two days. The scene after Tree pushes Lori out the window was supposed to", "Shikhandi\nwith a devastating volley of arrows. Thus, Shikhandi was instrumental in Bhishma's death. Shikhandi was finally killed by Ashwatthama on the 18th day of battle. Dazed and confused, Shikhandi is killed in a sword fight with Ashwatthama when Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, and Kritaverma attacked the Pandava camp on the night of the final day of battle. In some versions of the Mahabharat, Ashwatthama kills Shikhandi's lover (male or female) in front of him; in other versions, it is Shikhandini's partner (male/female) who is butchered. Shikhandi Shikhandi (, \"\"\"\", lit. \"\"lock on the crown of the head\"\") is a character in the", "\"O Hayat Benim\"\nNuran becomes anxious and unreasonable in the season. Nuran is killed in a bus accident. After her death, Elias becomes reckless and sadistic, while Efsun blames him. News of the machinations of Nuran and an innocent Elias, who is believed to be involved in the incident. As time passes and harmony sets in for the characters, Bahar marries Ateş, and Efsun marries Arda, the son of her enemy and Mehmet's sister, Hülya. The two sisters come to an agreement and live a happy life. While Efsun is pregnant by Arda, Bahar is pregnant by Ateş. Another hostile party, Kenan, infiltrates", "\"Bob & Rose\"\nfor all the main characters - even Holly eventually learns from her mistakes and blossoms into a person in her own right. Bob and Rose find happiness and Carl gets an angelic dream date. The first episode introduces the two characters. Bob is a secondary school English teacher by day and by night he goes to the gay clubs on Canal Street, Manchester, and has casual encounters. Rose is an office supervisor in her mid thirties, stuck in a stale relationship with a laddish boyfriend (Andy) who she no longer finds interesting. She still lives with her mother and her", "\"One Life to Live characters (1990s)\"\naddiction to alcohol caused a large rift between him and his family, who tried unsuccessfully to intervene. Mel forced Dorian to face her past in Canton, Ohio, after which Dorian broke up with him. Her near-death experience after being shot changed her mind and she proposed to Mel, who accepted. They were married in a quickly put together ceremony at \"\"The Banner.\"\" Their happiness ended less than a year later, though, when Mel was killed in a plane crash. Mel appeared to Dorian as a ghost in July 2008 (\"\"One Life to Live\"\" 40th Anniversary episodes) as Dorian grappled with", "\"Mars, Bars\"\nhe thought that \"\"knowing that the show is almost finished limits its impact.\"\" He was positive towards Keith's role in the episode but referred to the Valentine's Day plot as out of character for the show for its happy feel. \"\"It's cute. And cuteness in an episode with the shocking death of a recurring character seems out of place.\"\" \"\"Television Without Pity\"\" graded the episode a \"\"B\"\". BuddyTV also ranked Sheriff Lamb's death 7th on its list of the seven saddest TV deaths of 2007. On a ranking of all 64 \"\"Veronica Mars\"\" episodes, Anais Bordages of BuzzFeed ranked the", "\"Daiva Balam\"\nthe boy Chandrasena, who is probably going to marry his daughter and orders them to kill him. The soldiers take the boy to the forest, but due to the divine grace, the boy escapes death. The boy's mother Annapurna (Malathi) also reaches the forest; both of them get shelter in a saint's Ashram. Years roll by, Chandrasena (N. T. Rama Rao) grows up and qualifies in all fields. Ugrasena has a happy feeling that he has killed the boy. One day, grown-up Rupa (Jayasri) goes to the forest for hunting, where she meets Chandrasena and both love each other. Ugrasena", "Wheeljack\nprotoform blasts him and Barricade finishes him off with a blast through the back which decapitates him. His death is soon avenged when Bumblebee kills Soundwave, who ordered his death, and the Decepticon protoform, who was partially responsible for Que/Wheeljack's death, minutes later. Barricade is later damaged by several soldiers who coincidentally use boomsticks created by Que/Wheeljack to cripple him. Wheeljack returns in the spin-off Bumblebee: The Movie. The player's main Autobot tells Bumblebee that Wheeljack gave him an upgrade to hold a large number of alternate forms. Wheeljack is a playable character who transforms as a sports car similar", "\"Happy (manga character)\"\nvotes. Merchandise based on Happy has been released, including a pin and café memo set. Happy (manga character) Mashima created Happy as a mascot that would counterpoint his previous mascot character, Plue. Since conception, the character had undergone several developmental changes during \"\"Fairy Tail\"\"s pre-production and throughout its release. Happy's depiction in \"\"Fairy Tail\"\" has received a positive critical response, with reviewers praising his humor, heroism, and overall role as a sidekick to the main characters. He has placed highly in character popularity polls, and merchandise for the character has been released. Following the completion of \"\"Rave Master\"\", Hiro Mashima's", "\"Days of Our Lives characters (1960s)\"\nnew actress, Bennye Gattleys played her from April 6, 1973 to October 1, 1976. Susan was an old high school classmate of Julie Olson, her storyline involved the first major \"\"Days\"\" death when her son Dickie Martin accidentally died in May 1967, which culminated into the first \"\"Days\"\" murder Susan kills her husband, David Martin. Dr. Sandy Horton is a fictional character on the NBC soap opera \"\"Days of Our Lives\"\". She is the daughter of Kitty and Tommy Horton, Jr. and the granddaughter of original characters Alice and Tom Horton. The role was originated by Astrid Warner who portrayed", "\"Jackal (The Day of the Jackal)\"\nJackal (The Day of the Jackal) The Jackal is a fictional character, the villain of the novel \"\"The Day of the Jackal\"\" by Frederick Forsyth. He is an assassin who is contracted by the OAS French terrorist group of the early 1960s, to kill Charles de Gaulle, the President of France. The book was published on 7 June 1971, in the year following de Gaulle's death, and became an instant bestseller. In the original 1973 film adaptation, he is portrayed by Edward Fox. A revised version of the character was portrayed by Bruce Willis in the 1997 remake, \"\"The Jackal\"\",", "\"Brian Griffin\"\nhave drawn inspiration from several sitcoms, namely \"\"The Simpsons\"\" and \"\"All in the Family\"\". Several premises were also carried over from several 1980s Saturday morning cartoons he watched as a child, namely \"\"The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang\"\", and \"\"Rubik, the Amazing Cube\"\". In three months, MacFarlane created the Griffin family and developed a pilot for the show he called \"\"Family Guy\"\". Brian's character was largely based on Steve, and Larry would be the main inspiration for the Peter character. The voice of Brian is provided by series creator Seth MacFarlane, who also provides the voices of many other", "\"Kill Ari\"\nMedal of Freedom that former NCIS Director Tom Morrow (Alan Dale) approved at Gibbs' request. Each of Kate's co-workers leaves a rose on the coffin while remembering their time with her, with Gibbs imagining Kate telling him that he's late for her funeral. A while later, the team leaves the graveyard with the song \"\"The Viper\"\" in the background and as they walk alongside each other, Gibbs finally smiles, happy that Kate's death has been avenged. Ari Haswari was a recurring character, having first appeared in the Season 1 episode \"\"Bete Noir\"\" as an unknown terrorist who held Ducky, Kate,", "\"Preben Kristensen\"\n\"\"The Phantom of the Opera\"\". Max Bialystok in Mel Brooks' musical comedy The Producers. In 1979 he created the musical and comedy group Linie 3 together with Thomas Eje and Anders Bircow. He has performed with the best Symphony orchestras in Denmark. Kristensen is the localized Danish voice of \"\"Lumiere\"\" in Disney's \"\"Beauty and the Beast\"\", \"\"Genie\"\" in Disney's \"\"Aladdin\"\", Berkeley Beetle in Don Bluth's Thumbelina (1994 film), and \"\"Woody\"\" in \"\"Toy Story\"\" 1, 2, and 3. Ramon in Happy Feet and Happy Feet Two On Television Kristensen was one of the main characters in season two of The Killing", "\"Ade Kannu\"\nbut Jagannath refuses. But Sreedhar tells that he would come to his house to meet him. But on his way Sreedhar gets killed by Jagannath. The next day the doctor calls Jagannath's house telling that they have got the eyes and now Gopi can get back his eyesight. But coincidentally it is Sreedhar's eyes, who had wished to donate his eyes after his death. Jagannath is very happy that his son's life will be back to normal but unaware that it's Sreedhar's eyes which will be transplanted. After the surgery doctor suggests Gopi to wear sunglasses for a few days.", "\"Waiting for Happiness\"\nWaiting for Happiness Waiting for Happiness (original title: Heremakono) is a 2002 drama film written and directed by Abderrahmane Sissako. Main characters are a student, who has returned to his home in Nouadhibou, an electrician and his child apprentice, and the local women. The film is characterized by a succession of scenes of the daily life of the characters which are unique to their particular African and Arab cultures, while borrowing from tropes of Tayeb Saleh's Season of Migration to the North (موسم الهجرة إلى الشمال). The viewer must interpret the scenes without much help from narrator or plot, while", "\"Tamagotchi: Happiest Story in the Universe!\"\nup at their feet, entitled \"\"The World's Happiest Story\"\". They enter the book, where they notice that, unlike the other magical books in the library, they don't become the main character. The story tells of a man named Happy who lived with his dog named Lucky. Because his name is \"\"Happy\"\", he is determined to become the happiest man in the world, so he sets off on a journey, leaving behind his home and his dog. He becomes rich and a hero, but he still isn't the happiest man in the world. The characters find Happy, but he states that", "\"Jesse L. Reno\"\nside lost General Reno, a renegade Virginian, who was killed by a happy shot from the Twenty-third North Carolina.\"\" Reno's body was first taken to Boston, the home of his wife, and placed in a vault in Trinity Church. On April 9, 1867, his remains were reinterred in Oak Hill Cemetery in Georgetown, Washington, D.C.. A memorial marking the location of his death was erected in 1889 by IX Corps veterans on present-day Reno Monument Road in Fox's Gap at the South Mountain State Battlefield Park. A monument for Confederate Brig. Gen. Samuel L. Garland, Jr. of Virginia also killed", "\"Marion Cunningham (Happy Days character)\"\nwhat housewife stereotypes normally do. She often calls Richie by his given name \"\"Richard,\"\" and his friends by their real names, such as \"\"Warren\"\" (Potsie) and \"\"Arthur\"\" (Fonzie). The only character Marion does not call by his real name is Chachi. She is the only character in the show to address Fonzie by his real name \"\"Arthur,\"\" which she always does affectionately. Marion Cunningham (Happy Days character) Marion Cunningham (née Kelp) is a fictional character played by Marion Ross on the sitcom \"\"Happy Days\"\". She is one of the three characters to remain on the show for all 11 seasons.", "Indraastra\na large part of his army. On the seventeenth day of the war Arjuna shot his Indraastra on the Samsaptakas killing many of them. Indraastra Indraastra was the mythical weapon of Indian deity Indra which was invoked by the main character Arjuna many times in the Mahabharata war. When the divine weapon was shot it transformed into many arrows capable of killing many men. On the fourteenth day of the war, when Arjuna wanted to kill King Jayadratha, Drona and Duryodhana sent their men to stop Arjuna. One of these was King Sudakshina, who threw his spear at Arjuna, striking", "Torchwood\nno apologies for the decision to kill off the character, saying, \"\"I'm just delighted that the fans are so wrapped in the character to have that reaction.\"\" The plot point attracted more controversy from some commentators, additionally, because it depicted the death of a main character involved in a same-sex relationship. This led several writers to analyse the death in view of the character's earlier refusal to admit to his relationship with a man, and claimed that the death was a sign that the LGBT community was leaving behind its image of victimhood. Positive and negative attention has been given", "\"Crossover (fiction)\"\nepisode, interacting with James T. Kirk, Spock and the rest of the \"\"Enterprise\"\" crew. The distinction between \"\"spin-off\"\" and \"\"crossover\"\" is sometimes narrow. The two terms can become especially conflated if two shows are linked by a guest star with a single appearance. There is debate, for instance over whether \"\"Out of the Blue\"\" is a spin-off of \"\"Happy Days\"\", or whether the star of \"\"Out of the Blue\"\" merely crossed over into \"\"Happy Days\"\". \"\"\"\", a spinoff of \"\"\"\", featured a guest appearance by Rikki Chadwick, a main character from the former series, in its final two episodes, thus", "\"Les Filles du feu\"\nthe next day, Émilie's brother Wilhelm argues with Desroches' comrades about his own father's death at the hands of a French soldier in the same fort in Bitche. The next day, Wilhelm asks Desroches to give him a tour of the fort, and when they reach the spot where Wilhelm's father was killed, Wilhelm accuses Desroches and challenges him to a duel. Émilie sends a priest to intervene, but Desroches, knowing now that he killed her father, realizes that he and Émilie can never be happy together. He re-enlists and is killed on the front line. Émilie retires to a", "\"Douglas (play)\"\nenvy of Glenalvon who is the lord's heir. As was common in Romanticism, many of the main characters die with the exception of Lord Randolph. Lady Randolph takes her life, after hearing of the death of Young Norval who has been killed by Lord Randolph, who was deceived by Glenalvon. In turn, Young Norval had killed Glenalvon, because Glenalvon had been spreading lies about him. The theme was suggested to him by hearing a lady sing the ballad of \"\"Gil Morrice\"\" or \"\"Child Maurice\"\" (FJ Child, \"\"Popular Ballads\"\", ii. 263). The ballad supplied him with the outline of a simple", "Sheeva\nnever filmed and her screen time was scant in the finished print, with Raiden instead fighting two Raptors and Sheeva's death simply coming from a falling cage. \"\"Here was a character, that was one of the most popular [in] the video game...and they killed her without even so much as a fight! Something I was not happy about at all. That was one of the reasons I wanted to do the role, was for the sheer fact that there were really great fights in the movie for this character, and they all got cut out.\"\" Sheeva has a small role", "\"The Day He Himself Shall Wipe My Tears Away\"\na late-night encounter between the narrator and a \"\"lunatic\"\", resembling both the narrator's father and a Dharma, who appears at the end of his bed. The lunatic asks the narrator what he is, to which he replies \"\"I'm cancer\"\" and throws his nostril clippers at the lunatic. The remainder of the novel comprises the narrator's recollections of his childhood. The main narrative is periodically interrupted by discussions between the narrator and \"\"the acting executor of the will\"\", who is transcribing the narrator's story. Looking forward to his death, the narrator sings the song, \"\"Happy Days Are Here Again\"\". He fantasises", "\"Micky Dolenz\"\nas singing the featured song, in the Cartoon Network series, \"\"Mighty Magiswords\"\" half-hour episode, \"\"The Saga of Robopiggeh!\"\". Dolenz recorded the character remotely in New York weeks before his Good Times! tour. Both Dolenz and Michael Nesmith auditioned for the role of Arthur \"\"The Fonz\"\" Fonzarelli on \"\"Happy Days\"\", but neither was selected due to both being taller (6 ft, 1 in) than main character Ron Howard (Richie Cunningham), who is 5 ft, 9 in tall, and co-stars Anson Williams (Potsie) and Don Most (Ralph), both under 6 ft. The producers preferred a shorter Fonzie in hopes that Fonzie would", "\"Patrick Blake (Hollyoaks)\"\nwatching the video and she and Darren hide Patrick's body in the broken village wall. Maxine later hears Patrick's voice, warning her that she will eventually get found out. Patrick’s body is found in September 2016. In 2018, Sienna finally gain justice for his death by killing her daughter Nico. It was announced on 7 October 2012 that Jeremy Sheffield would be playing Patrick Blake. Of his casting, Sheffield said: \"\"I'm very happy to be joining \"\"Hollyoaks\"\" at a time when things are getting very exciting\"\". Danny Mac, who played Dodger Savage, commented on the character saying that Dodger \"\"needs", "\"Sarhad Paar\"\nSarhad Paar Sarhad Paar is a 2006 Indian Hindi drama film directed by Raman Kumar and produced by Goldie Tucker. The film stars Sanjay Dutt, Tabu, and Mahima Chaudhry as main characters, with Rahul Dev portraying the main villain. The script was co-written by veteran actor Akash Khurana, who also plays a pivotal supporting character in the film. This story is about Ranjit Singh (Sanjay Dutt) who is a major in the Indian Army. One day Bakhtawar and his men attack the Indian Army. Ranjit Singh and some army men cross the Indian border to kill them. But in a", "\"Sharpe's Waterloo (novel)\"\nsuch as Dunnett and the Claytons, had been killed in earlier episodes, although Harry Price was retained despite a character of the same name apparently dying in \"\"Sharpe's Company\"\". Other small changes included having Sharpe's friends Hagman and Harris killed as a result of one of Orange's orders (in the novel, Hagman dies in the main battle while Harris was created for the series), a cleaner death for Rossendale (who is bayonetted by French soldiers) and Ford being killed by artillery in the closing stages of the battle. Sharpe's Waterloo (novel) Sharpe's Waterloo is a historical novel in the Richard", "\"Double Happiness II\"\nnot without tragedies and lessons learnt.It is the sequel to Double Happiness In 2007 MediaCorp sold its rights to Chinese broadcaster CCTV8 and it was broadcast in China in 5 parts. It also had a rerun on Channel 8 in 2010. Kimberly Wang as Lana, Yaozu and Jiayu's daughter The main female character in the show is Yaxi, who has to struggle with the Luo family for the control of Happy Fish, a Fish and Chips Restaurant. Yaxi, who is married to the Luos' second son Jiaqi, is a career woman who had hardly frequents a kitchen and is asked" ]
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what is the body of water between england and ireland
[ "The Irish Sea" ]
[ "\"British Swimming (organisation)\"\nBritish Swimming (organisation) British Swimming is the national governing body of swimming, water polo, synchronised swimming, diving and open water in Great Britain. British Swimming is a federation of the national governing bodies of England (Swim England), Scotland (Scottish Amateur Swimming Association), and Wales (Welsh Amateur Swimming Association). These three are collectively known as the Home Country National Governing Bodies. For international swimming purposes, competitive swimming in Northern Ireland falls under the Irish swimming federation, Swim Ireland, and as such British Swimming represents Great Britain, rather than the United Kingdom. For the Olympic Games, Northern Irish swimmers may opt to", "\"British Cycling\"\nbody for England. England is not recognised as a region by the UCI, and there is no English cycling team outside the Commonwealth Games. For those occasions, British Cycling selects and supports the England team. Cycling is represented on the Isle of Man by the Isle of Man Cycling Association. Cycling in Northern Ireland is organised under Cycling Ulster, part of the all-Ireland governing body Cycling Ireland. Until 2006, a rival governing body existed, the Northern Ireland Cycling Federation. It was affiliated to British Cycling, causing friction between the British body and the international federation, the UCI. British Cycling represents", "\"Ireland men's national water polo team\"\nIreland men's national water polo team Ireland is an international men's water polo team representing the island of Ireland. The Irish Water Polo Association (IWPA) was founded in 1964 and is affiliated to Swim Ireland. The rules of water polo were originally developed by William Wilson in the mid-nineteenth century. The game was originally played in rivers and lakes in England and Scotland. Between 1890 and 1900, the game developed in Europe using British rules, but a different game was being played in the United States. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the four Home Nations — England, Ireland, Scotland,", "\"Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order 1999\"\nother Scottish Government agencies and public bodies. This is, for example, of importance to the Scottish fishing industry, the North Sea oil industry, and in the competing claims for the resources of the Rockall Trough. The territorial waters thus defined as \"\"not\"\" being Scottish waters come under the jurisdiction of either English law or Northern Ireland law. Therefore, because it defines the territorial limits of the three separate jurisdictions, it comprises a piece of constitutional law in the constitution of the United Kingdom. The law effectively curved the maritime jurisdictional boundary between Scotland and England north. Previously, the boundary was", "\"Northern Ireland\"\nfrom Irish law that existed before the partition of Ireland in 1921. Northern Ireland is a common law jurisdiction and its common law is similar to that in England and Wales. However, there are important differences in law and procedure between Northern Ireland and England and Wales. The body of statute law affecting Northern Ireland reflects the history of Northern Ireland, including Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the Northern Ireland Assembly, the former Parliament of Northern Ireland and the Parliament of Ireland, along with some Acts of the Parliament of England and of the Parliament of Great", "\"Ireland men's national water polo team\"\nmeet FINA regulations for length, breadth, and depth opened in 2002. Qualifying Group 'C', in Kotor, Montenegro: Finals, in Manchester: Note: In February 2009, Ireland played a five-nation tournament in Denmark, losing all four matches. Ireland men's national water polo team Ireland is an international men's water polo team representing the island of Ireland. The Irish Water Polo Association (IWPA) was founded in 1964 and is affiliated to Swim Ireland. The rules of water polo were originally developed by William Wilson in the mid-nineteenth century. The game was originally played in rivers and lakes in England and Scotland. Between 1890", "\"Noel Purcell (water polo and rugby union)\"\nStade Colombes. Purcell refereed the 1927 Five Nations Championship match between England and Scotland. As a referee, he was not as fast around the field as he had been as a player. A match report in \"\"The Times\"\" noted \"\"NM Purcell from Ireland refereed casually and from a great distance.\"\" Between 1939 and 1941 Purcell also served as selecter for Ireland. Noel Purcell (water polo and rugby union) Noel Mary Joseph Purcell was a water polo player who represented both Great Britain and Ireland at the 1920 and 1924 Summer Olympics respectively. He was also an Ireland rugby union international", "\"Boundary Committee for England\"\nthe body responsible for reviewing the structure of local government in England from 1992 to 2002. The equivalent bodies operating in other parts of the United Kingdom are the Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales, the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland and the Local Government Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland. The protocol on the relationship between the Boundary Committee for England and the Electoral Commission sets out the roles and responsibilities of each body in terms of securing fair boundary arrangements for local elections in England. The Boundary Committee for England is responsible for three types of review: electoral", "\"Water conservation\"\nafter rainfall, and use of potable water when non-potable water is available. Similar restrictions are in effect in the State of Victoria, Australia. Temporary water use bans (also known as \"\"hosepipe bans\"\") are used in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Strictly speaking, water that is discharged into the sewer, or directly to the environment is not wasted or lost. It remains within the hydrologic cycle and returns to the land surface and surface water bodies as precipitation. However, in many cases, the source of the water is at a significant distance from the return point and may be in", "\"Water Act 1973\"\nestablished a National Water Council. This body consisted of a chairman nominated by the minister, the chairmen of each regional authority and not more than ten additional members nominated by the government. The Council's duties included implementing national water policy, assisting the ten regional authorities in matters of joint concern, and setting and enforcing national regulations and byelaws on water quality and conservation. The 1973 Act was another step towards an integrated policy of water management, which like much of the previous legislation, was restricted to England and Wales, with Northern Ireland and Scotland being specifically excluded. The concept of", "\"Sport in the United Kingdom\"\nSport in the United Kingdom Sport in the United Kingdom plays an important role in British culture. The United Kingdom has given birth to a range of major international sports including: football, rugby, both (union and league), cricket, netball, darts, golf, tennis, table tennis, badminton, squash, croquet, fives, bowls, modern rowing, hockey, boxing, water polo, snooker, billiards, and curling. This has meant that in the infancy of many sports, England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland formed among the earliest separate governing bodies, national teams and domestic league competitions. After 1922 some sports formed separate bodies for Northern Ireland though some continued", "\"St George's Channel\"\nSt George's Channel St George's Channel (, ) is a sea channel connecting the Irish Sea to the north and the Celtic Sea to the southwest. Historically, the name \"\"St George's Channel\"\" was used interchangeably with \"\"Irish Sea\"\" or \"\"Irish Channel\"\" to encompass all the waters between Ireland to the west and Great Britain to the east. Some geographers restricted it to the portion separating Wales from Leinster, sometimes extending south to the waters between the West Country of England and East Munster; the latter have since the 1970s come to be called the Celtic Sea. In Ireland \"\"St George's", "\"St George's Channel\"\nname was popularised by English settlers in Ireland after the Plantations. St George's Channel St George's Channel (, ) is a sea channel connecting the Irish Sea to the north and the Celtic Sea to the southwest. Historically, the name \"\"St George's Channel\"\" was used interchangeably with \"\"Irish Sea\"\" or \"\"Irish Channel\"\" to encompass all the waters between Ireland to the west and Great Britain to the east. Some geographers restricted it to the portion separating Wales from Leinster, sometimes extending south to the waters between the West Country of England and East Munster; the latter have since the 1970s", "\"1883–84 British Home Championship\"\n1883–84 British Home Championship The 1883–84 British Home Championship was the inaugural international football tournament, played between the Home Nations of the British Isles which at the time made up the constituent nations of the United Kingdom; England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. International football matches had begun with annual games played between England and Scotland in 1872 and they had been joined by Wales in 1876 and Ireland in 1882. In 1883 the four governing bodies held a conference to standardise the rules of the game and to arrange a tournament to be held yearly in which the four nations", "\"1883–84 British Home Championship\"\nThe points system worked as follows: 1883–84 British Home Championship The 1883–84 British Home Championship was the inaugural international football tournament, played between the Home Nations of the British Isles which at the time made up the constituent nations of the United Kingdom; England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. International football matches had begun with annual games played between England and Scotland in 1872 and they had been joined by Wales in 1876 and Ireland in 1882. In 1883 the four governing bodies held a conference to standardise the rules of the game and to arrange a tournament to be held", "\"South Wales Railway\"\nLimerick and Wexford, the inland and manufacturing districts of England and the metropolis. The line was to pass \"\"within an easy distance of Monmouth\"\" and west of Carmarthen, it was proposed that the railway shall divide into two branches, one to the naval arsenal of Pembroke, and the harbour of Milford Haven [referring to the body of water, not the later terminus on the north side], and the other to Fishguard, whence a communication with the South of Ireland would be effected within six hours. Chief among the objectives of the line was communication with Ireland; the engineer was Isambard", "\"1902–03 British Home Championship\"\nhad beaten Ireland 11–0 in what is still their record win. On the back of this result, Ireland beat Wales 2–0 ending a miserable tournament for the Welsh who had scored only one goal and failed to gain a single point. In the final match between England and Scotland, Scotland needed a win to draw level with Ireland and England whilst England needed only a draw to take to competition undisputed. In a tough match in Sheffield both sides played well, but Scotland eventually won 2–1 taking their share of the trophy. The points system worked as follows: 1902–03 British", "\"Sir Gilbert Dolben, 1st Baronet\"\nthe Court of Common Pleas (Ireland) and he joined the King's Inn, the professional body which governed the Irish Bar He remained a member of the English House of Commons, and divided his time between England and Ireland, somewhat to the neglect of his judicial duties. Though he was said to be on bad terms with Thomas Wharton, 1st Marquess of Wharton, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland from 1708, his career in Ireland seems to have been uneventful. He was one of the few High Court judges who refused to become involved in the bitter feud between the Crown and", "\"Mark Sugden\"\nin the green shirt. His total of twenty-eight appearances for Ireland made him the country's most capped scrum-half until that figure was exceeded in 1993. He missed only one international between his debut and his final appearance against Wales in 1931, when he was sensationally dropped in favour of his Leinster understudy, Paul Murray (qv), for the 1927 game against France. He captained Ireland in 1931, his last season. Perhaps not surprisingly, his most memorable performances tended to be against England. In 1926 Ireland defeated England 19–15 in what was their first win over England since 1911, Sugden's elusive running", "\"Bill of Rights 1689\"\n2015 which changed the laws of succession to the British throne. Part of the Bill of Rights remains in statute in the Republic of Ireland. The Bill of Rights applies in England and Wales; it was enacted in the Kingdom of England which at the time included Wales. Scotland has its own legislation, the Claim of Right Act 1689, passed before the Act of Union between England and Scotland. There are doubts as to whether, or to what extent, the Bill of Rights applies in Northern Ireland. On 21 July 1995 a libel case brought by Neil Hamilton (then a", "\"Channel (geography)\"\nplace name, the term \"\"channel\"\" is another word for strait, which is defined as a relatively narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water. In this nautical context, the terms \"\"strait\"\", \"\"channel\"\", \"\"sound\"\", and \"\"passage\"\" are synonymous and usually interchangeable. For example, in an archipelago, the water between islands is typically called a \"\"channel\"\" or \"\"passage\"\". The English Channel is the strait between England and France. Extraterrestrial natural channels are found elsewhere in the Solar System than the Earth and the longest and widest of which are the outflow channels on Mars and the channels of Venus", "\"Precambrian body plans\"\nsponges are the goblet-shaped cells called choanocytes, so named for their similarity to choanoflagellates. The similarities between these two cells types makes scientists believe that choanoflagellates are the sister taxa to metazoa. The flagella of these cells are what drive the water movement through the sponge body. The cell body of choanocytes is what is responsible for nutrient absorption. In some species these cells can develop into gametes. The Pinacocytes are the cells on the exterior of the sponge that line the cell body. They are tightly packed together and very thin. The mesenchyme lines the region between the pinacocytes", "\"Northern Ireland Water\"\nLimited was created in April 2007. An anti-water charges campaign in 2007 resulted in the plans for water charges to be abandoned. Later, all major parties in Northern Ireland claimed to have had a leading role in the anti-water charges movement. In 2007 a system of economic regulation had been set up similar to the existing system in England and Wales where Ofwat regulates the water sector. The Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation was appointed to carry out this role. Performance benchmarking by the regulator showed that there was a \"\"performance gap\"\" with England and Wales concerning drinking water", "\"International Cross Country Union\"\nwere overseen by the Amateur Athletic Association of England and the International Olympic Committee instead. International Cross Country Union The International Cross Country Union (ICCU) was the first major international sports governing body for cross country running. Created in 1903, it launched the International Cross Country Championships that same year. Originally a grouping for contests between the four Home Nations of the British Isles (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales), the body was symbolic of the increasing co-operation of the older national bodies found in those nations. The organisation expanded to include France in 1907 and by the 50th annual edition", "\"Water supply and sanitation in England and Wales\"\nWater supply and sanitation in England and Wales Public water supply and sanitation in England and Wales has been characterised by universal access and generally good service quality. Salient features of the sector in the United Kingdom compared to other developed countries is the full privatisation of service provision and the pioneering of independent economic regulation in the sector in Europe. There has been a substantial increase in real tariffs between 1989 and 2005, whilst independent assessments place the cost of water provision in the UK as higher than most other major countries in the EU. The government body responsible", "\"Hovercraft Club of Great Britain\"\nand by UK Sport. It is not recognised by Sport Northern Ireland. Hovercraft Club of Great Britain The Hovercraft Club of Great Britain is the voluntary-run national sports governing body for racing light hovercraft in England, Scotland and Wales. It was founded in 1966. The hovercraft was developed by Hovercraft Development in the early 1960s. In the 1970s it was affiliated to the Water Recreation Division of the Central Council of Physical Recreation (now the Sport and Recreation Alliance). The HCGB is affiliated to the World Hovercraft Federation and European Hovercraft Federation. It is recognised as the sports governing body", "\"Ireland at the 1948 Summer Olympics\"\nIreland at the 1948 Summer Olympics Ireland competed at the 1948 Summer Olympics in London, England. It was the first time that the country had competed in the Summer Olympics since 1932. A dispute between rival Irish Athletics governing bodies saw many Irish athletes barred from taking part in the Athletics competitions. 72 competitors, 68 men and 4 women, took part in 32 events in 9 sports. Ireland made their only Olympic basketball appearance to date, losing all five of their games and finishing last of 23 teams. Five fencers, four men and one woman, represented Ireland in 1948. Ireland", "\"1888–89 British Home Championship\"\n1888–89 British Home Championship The 1888–89 British Home Championship was the sixth international football tournament between the British Home Nations and as with all but one of the previous tournaments, Scotland won, beating England by one point to take the championship. Wales achieved third place whilst Ireland finished bottom, as they had for five of the previous competitions. England began the strongest team, scoring ten goals in their first two matches against Wales and Ireland for just two in reply. Scotland then showed their intent with a 7–0 defeat of Ireland at home in their first game. In what would", "\"Comparison of Gaelic football and rugby union\"\nbetween Ireland and England on 24 February 2007 was politically symbolic because of the events of Bloody Sunday in 1920. There was considerable concern as to what reaction there would be to the singing of \"\"God Save the Queen\"\", which was being used as the anthem of the England team. Ultimately the song was sung without interruption or incident, and applauded by both sets of supporters at the match, which Ireland won by 43–13 (their largest ever win over England in rugby). Rule 27, sometimes referred to as \"\"The Ban\"\", banned GAA members from taking part in or watching non-Gaelic", "\"Northern Ireland Water\"\n(Northern Ireland). Within the Department, a new Water Executive was responsible for the management and administration of water and sewerage services. When water and sewer companies were privatised in England and Wales in 1989, these services remained public in Northern Ireland and in Scotland. In 1996, the Water Executive became an executive agency and was rebranded as the Northern Ireland Water Service and, in 1999, responsibility for water transferred to the Department for Regional Development. For decades domestic water and sewer services in Northern Ireland have been provided without charges to customers. Only non-residential customers received water bills and had", "\"History of rugby union matches between England and Ireland\"\non 70 occasions, England winning 38, Ireland 25 with seven matches having been drawn. In these matches, England have scored 851 points, and Ireland 575. In the Six Nations (2000–present), England have played Ireland on 19 occasions, England winning 8, Ireland 11 and no matches have been drawn. In these matches, England have scored 384 points, and Ireland 310. In other test matches, England have played Ireland on three occasions (1988, 2011 and 2015), with England winning all three. In these matches, England have scored 62 points, and Ireland 32. History of rugby union matches between England and Ireland England", "\"Rugby Football Union for Women\"\nbetween England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, which England won in its inaugural year. England won the Championship every year except from the 1997/98 season when Scotland won it. France joined the competition in the 1998/99 season making it the Five Nations Championship with England achieving the Grand Slam. In the 2001/02 season the competition expanded to be known as the Women's Six Nations Championship, and England have won the title more than any other nation, including six back-to-back wins between 2006 and 2011. Rugby Football Union for Women The Rugby Football Union for Women (RFUW) was the governing body for", "\"Belfast City and District Water Commissioners\"\ncentury, responsibility for providing water services was transferred to central government in Northern Ireland and, eventually, to Northern Ireland Water. Belfast City and District Water Commissioners The Belfast City and District Water Commissioners was a public body in northern Ireland, established by the Belfast Water Act 1840, to improve the supply of water to the expanding city of Belfast. By 1852, the city was suffering a shortfall in supply of almost one million gallons per day. The commissioners were responsible from 1914 for the construction of the Mourne Wall which Northern Ireland Water began to restore in 2017. Before the", "\"Edward Ford (soldier)\"\nthe view from Somerset House, Catherine of Braganza caused it to be demolished; but Ford and Toogood obtained a royal licence to erect other waterworks at Wapping, Marylebone, and between Temple Bar and Charing Cross. After the Restoration he invented a mode of coining farthings. Each piece was to differ minutely from another to prevent forgery. He failed in procuring a patent for these in England, but obtained one for Ireland. Ford died in Ireland before he could carry out his plans for coins, on 3 September 1670. His body was brought to England, and interred in the family burial-place", "\"Monarchy of Ireland\"\nMonarchy of Ireland A monarchical system of government existed in Ireland from ancient times until—for what became the Republic of Ireland—the early twentieth century. Northern Ireland, as part of the United Kingdom, remains under a monarchical system of government. The Gaelic kingdoms of Ireland ended with the Norman invasion of Ireland, when the kingdom became a fief of the Holy See under the Lordship of the King of England. This lasted until the Parliament of Ireland conferred the crown of Ireland upon King Henry VIII of England during the English Reformation. The monarch of England held the crowns of England", "\"Lansdowne Football Club\"\nIreland and/or Great Britain at other sports. Noel Purcell was also an international water polo player and represented both Great Britain and Ireland at the 1920 and 1924 Summer Olympics respectively. He helped Great Britain win the gold medal in 1920 Ham Lambert played 21 times for the Ireland cricket team between 1931 and 1947.. Brothers Kevin O'Flanagan and Mick O'Flanagan also played soccer for Ireland. On 30 September 1946 they both played for Ireland in a 1-0 defeat against England at Dalymount Park Brian Carney played as a junior with Lansdowne before switching rugby codes. He represented both Ireland", "\"Parliament of Scotland\"\nthe Parliament of Great Britain operated for both England and Scotland, thus creating the Kingdom of Great Britain. When the Parliament of Ireland was abolished in 1801, its former members were merged into what was now called the Parliament of the United Kingdom. From January 1801 until 1927, the British state was officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (even though the Irish Free State had come into existence in December 1922). The pre-Union parliament was long portrayed as a constitutionally defective body that acted merely as a rubber stamp for royal decisions, but research during the", "\"Admiral of the Narrow Seas\"\nknown as the Command of the Narrow Seas. In the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the Kingdom of England claimed sovereignty over certain bodies of water close to the British Isles.Two seas those between the Kingdom of France and England (the English Channel particularly the Straits of Dover) and the Spanish Netherlands later the Dutch Republic and England (the southern North Sea). As a result of England's claim of these territorial waters there was an enforceable requirement placed on any foreign ships passing through the area to acknowledge all English warships. England also exercised control over all fishing within the", "Peat\nwas built across Rannoch Moor in western Scotland, its builders had to float the tracks on a multi-thousand-ton mattress of tree roots, brushwood, earth and ash. In the Bronze and Iron Ages, people used peat bogs for rituals to nature gods and spirits. Bodies of the victims of such sacrifices have been found in various places in Scotland, England, Ireland, and especially northern Germany and Denmark. They are almost perfectly preserved by the tanning properties of the acidic water (see Tollund Man for one of the most famous examples of a bog body). Peat wetlands also used to have a", "\"1993 Rugby World Cup Sevens\"\nstated that the first differentiator was results between the tied teams. Although England lost to Australia in the quarters, they qualified for the semi-finals against the favourites, Fiji. Dave Scully produced what was awarded the \"\"Moment of the Tournament\"\" prize with a tackle on Mesake Rasari that turned a certain Fiji try into an England score. England won 21–7. In the other semi-final Ireland were narrowly beaten 21–19 by the Australians, setting up a final between teams that had already met in the quarterfinal pools. The final was contested by England and Australia. Just before half time, England led 21–0", "\"Vincent Wildlife Trust\"\nor is involved with include the water vole, dormouse, stoat, weasel, polecat, pine marten and the rarer species of bats in Britain, notably the horseshoe bats, Bechstein's bat and barbastelle and in Ireland, the lesser horseshoe bat. National otter surveys of England, Scotland and Wales began in 1977, with the VWT covering Scotland. In the 1980s, VWT again surveyed Scotland and also Wales and Ireland. In the early 1990s, the VWT also took over the surveying of England. The surveys relied on searching for otter spraints. The surveys recorded a level of recovery in Britain’s otter population between the first", "\"United Kingdom Awarding Bodies\"\nor (for higher education qualifications on the SCQF and QCFW) be awarded by a body with degree awarding powers. The regulatory bodies are Ofqual in England, the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) in Scotland and Qualifications Wales in Wales; the Quality Assurance Agency covers all higher education providers in the UK and maintains the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ). There are over 200 of these Awarding Bodies on the Register of Regulated Qualifications (covering England and Northern Ireland). Some specialize in specific subjects. Others specialize in types of", "\"Arborea (band)\"\nsecond time at the Tanned Tin Festival. Early in 2010 the duo did a cross-country U.S. tour that included a SXSW showcase at St David's Church/Bethel Hall. Later that year Arborea toured the UK and Ireland which included performances at the Moseley Folk Festival in England and Body & Soul/Electric Picnic Festival in Ireland. Arborea toured again in Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland, and Scotland in May and June 2011 which included performances at the Body & Soul Summer Solstice Festival in Ireland, Serralves Festival in Portugal, Gea Festival in Spain. They also did two Cinemascore concerts in Spain reinterpreting the", "\"Hans Falk (painter)\"\nperiods in England, New York and Ireland. In his later years he divided his home between Switzerland and the Sicilian island of Stromboli. He died in 2002, after a fruitful career that produced a large body of paintings, posters and sought-after graphic designs, and made him one of the most important contemporary Swiss artists. Hans Falk (painter) Hans Falk (1918–2002) was a Swiss painter, who lived in New York City, Ireland, England, Switzerland and Stromboli, Italy. Hans Falk was one of the most important modern Swiss painters. Hans Falk was born in Zurich in 1918 and went on to study", "\"Walter de Islip\"\nDublin; he probably arrived in Ireland in the Archbishop's entourage in 1299. Throughout his career Walter moved back and forth between Ireland and England. In Ireland he initially lived at the Priory of Kilmainham, but later purchased the manor of Thorncastle, in south Dublin County, which is modern Mount Merrion. He also had a town house in Dublin; there is a reference to Dublin Corporation supplying his house with water. In 1308 he was chosen as one of the Barons of the new Court of Exchequer (Ireland); he was given the title of Chief Baron in 1309, but stepped down", "\"Bell X1 (band)\"\nstudio, Wales and mixed at Mute Records in London. It achieved gold sales in Ireland despite mixed reviews. In late summer, 2001, the band decamped to Wexford to write songs for what would be their second LP. They entered Ridge Farm Studio in Surrey, England in 2002 with producer Jamie Cullum and released \"\"Music In Mouth\"\" in July 2003 in Ireland and then the UK on Island. Singles released from the album included \"\"Snakes & Snakes\"\", \"\"White Water Song\"\", \"\"Tongue\"\", \"\"Next To You\"\", \"\"Alphabet Soup\"\" and \"\"Eve, The Apple of My Eye\"\", four of which went top-40 in the Irish", "\"Ireland at the 1948 Summer Olympics\"\nhad nine male rowers participate in one out of seven rowing events in 1948. Ireland at the 1948 Summer Olympics Ireland competed at the 1948 Summer Olympics in London, England. It was the first time that the country had competed in the Summer Olympics since 1932. A dispute between rival Irish Athletics governing bodies saw many Irish athletes barred from taking part in the Athletics competitions. 72 competitors, 68 men and 4 women, took part in 32 events in 9 sports. Ireland made their only Olympic basketball appearance to date, losing all five of their games and finishing last of", "\"Derrick Hall (cricketer)\"\nIreland. He played twice more in 1926, a first-class match against Oxford University and a match against the MCC, before spending four years out of the Ireland side, returning for his final match, against the MCC, in July 1930. In all matches for Ireland, he scored 43 runs at an average of 5.38. Derrick Hall (cricketer) Frederick Harrison \"\"Derrick\"\" Hall (15 August 1892 in Blackrock, County Cork, Ireland – 4 January 1947 in Virginia Water, Surrey, England) was an Irish cricketer. A right-handed batsman, he played five times for the Ireland cricket team between 1924 and 1930. Prior to making", "\"Swim Ireland\"\nSwim Ireland Swim Ireland () is the national governing body of swimming, diving, water polo, open water swimming and synchronized swimming in the island of Ireland (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland). Competitors from Northern Ireland can opt to compete for British Swimming in international competitions, with the exception of the Commonwealth Games where they can compete for Northern Ireland. Swim Ireland is affiliated with LEN, FINA and the Olympic Council of Ireland. Swim Ireland runs national meets which include: Swim Ireland works with the different regions in organising competitions such as provincial Age Group Championships as well as other", "\"Charity Commission for Northern Ireland\"\nThe Commission estimates that there are between 7,000 and 11,500 charitable organisations to be formally registered in total. The Commission is a non-departmental public body, supported by the Department for Communities. Its main role is to register and regulate the estimated 7,000-10,000 charities working within Northern Ireland. The Charities Act (NI) 2008 created the Charity Commission and the same Act sets out its powers. The regulation and registration of charities in Northern Ireland will bring the region into line with other parts of the United Kingdom. The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) and the Charity Commission for England", "\"England national under-16 football team\"\nEngland national under-16 football team England national under-16 football team, also known as England under-16s or England U16(s), represents England in association football at an under-16 age level and is controlled by the Football Association, the governing body for football in England. In July 2015, Dan Micciche was appointed to coach the squad with assistance from Paul Williams. Players born on or after 1 January 2003 will remain eligible until the end of the 2018–19 season. Between 1925 and 2014, the England under-16 team competed in the annual Victory Shield tournament against Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Since World War", "\"School governor\"\nthey were bodies of 'active citizens' providing opportunities for democratic participation in the governance of schools or unpaid volunteers doing the bidding of the state. It also found that the composition and functioning of governing bodies was shaped by the social divisions of class, race and gender. School governor In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, school governors are the overseers of a school. In state schools they have three main functions: of: They are the largest volunteer force in the country. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, every state school has a governing body, consisting of specified numbers of various", "Unemployment\nmade a clear distinction between those who were unable to work and those able-bodied people who refused employment. Under the Poor Law systems of England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland a workhouse was a place where people who were unable to support themselves, could go to live and work. By 1776 some 1,912 parish and corporation workhouses had been established in England and Wales, housing almost 100,000 paupers. A description of the miserable living standards of the mill workers in England in 1844 was given by Fredrick Engels in \"\"The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844\"\". In the", "Holyhead\nthe port, as do Irish Ferries. Ferries sail to Dublin, in Ireland; this forms the principal link for surface transport from central and northern England and Wales to Ireland. There is archaeological evidence that people have been sailing between Holyhead and Ireland for 4,000 years. Holyhead's maritime importance was at its height in the 19th century with a 1.7 mile (3 km) long sea breakwater. Holyhead Breakwater is the longest in the UK and was built to create a safe harbour for vessels caught in stormy waters on their way to Liverpool and the industrial ports of Lancashire. Holyhead's sea", "\"Lands Tribunal (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)\"\nof land. Lands Tribunal (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) The Lands Tribunal was a tribunal in the United Kingdom created by the Lands Tribunal Act 1949 that had jurisdiction in England and Wales and Northern Ireland, although in the Northern Ireland context the term Lands Tribunal normally refers to a different body, the Lands Tribunal for Northern Ireland. The Lands Tribunal was unusual in having both first instance and appellate jurisdiction. The functions of the Lands Tribunal were transferred to the Upper Tribunal in June 2009 by the Transfer of Tribunal Functions (Lands Tribunal and Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2009. The", "\"Site of Special Scientific Interest\"\nvirtue of its fauna, flora, geological or physiographical / geomorphological features. SSSI notification can cover any \"\"land\"\" within the area of the relevant nature conservation body, including dry land, land covered by freshwater. The extent to which an SSSI/ASSI may extend seawards differs between countries. In Scotland an SSSI may include the intertidal land down to mean low water spring or to the extent of the local planning authority area, thus only limited areas of estuaries and coastal waters beyond MLWS may be included. In England, Natural England may notify an SSSI over estuarial waters and further adjacent waters in", "\"Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974\"\nAct originally applied in England and Wales, Scotland (in part) and Northern Ireland (in part) (section 84). Its provisions were re-enacted for Northern Ireland in 1978 with enforcement made the responsibility of the Health and Safety Agency for Northern Ireland. The Agency's name was changed to the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland in 1998. Section 84(3) allowed the Secretary of State to extend, by Order in Council, the provisions outside England, Wales and Scotland. In 1995, the provisions were extended to offshore installations, wells and pipelines in UK territorial waters, mines extending into territorial waters and certain other", "\"Wales Council for Voluntary Action\"\nas well as volunteer centres. The 19 local County Voluntary Councils in Wales, and the national support body WCVA, make up a network of support organisations for the third sector in Wales called Third Sector Support Wales. The equivalent infrastructure and representative body for voluntary organisations in Scotland is SCVO. In Northern Ireland it is NICVA and in England it is NCVO. The equivalent bodies for the promotion, support and celebration of volunteering are Volunteer Now (in Northern Ireland), Volunteer Development Scotland and NCVO in England. Along with WCVA, these are the members of the UK Volunteering Forum. WCVA has", "\"Anglican ministry\"\nthe Anglican Communion is an independent body headed by a primate. A primate is the most senior bishop of a member church. As well as being \"\"primus inter pares\"\", the Archbishop of Canterbury is \"\"Primate of All England\"\", the senior bishop in the Church of England. For historical reasons, the Church of England and the Church of Ireland (which is headed by the Archbishop of Armagh who is the \"\"Primate of All Ireland\"\") also call their second most senior bishops \"\"primate\"\": the Archbishop of York and the Archbishop of Dublin are the \"\"Primate of England\"\" and \"\"Ireland\"\", without the \"\"All\"\",", "\"Rugby union in Ireland\"\nRugby union in Ireland Rugby union in Ireland is a popular team sport. Rugby union is organised on an all-Ireland basis with one national team, governing body and league for both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Ireland is the third-oldest rugby nation after England and Scotland respectively, and the game was organised there fractionally before in Wales. The Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) is the governing body for rugby union in Ireland. The IRFU is divided into five branches. The four main branches represent the four provinces of Ireland: Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connacht. Each provincial branch organises", "\"Rugby union in Ireland\"\nClub Schools Rugby union in Ireland Rugby union in Ireland is a popular team sport. Rugby union is organised on an all-Ireland basis with one national team, governing body and league for both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Ireland is the third-oldest rugby nation after England and Scotland respectively, and the game was organised there fractionally before in Wales. The Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) is the governing body for rugby union in Ireland. The IRFU is divided into five branches. The four main branches represent the four provinces of Ireland: Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connacht. Each provincial", "\"Professional Footballers' Association of Ireland\"\nplayers and members cannot vote for one of their clubmates. Paul McGrath is currently the only man to win the award in Ireland and also win the PFA Players' Player of the Year award in England. The PFAI linked up with the Ireland WNT to improve their conditions in April 2017. Professional Footballers' Association of Ireland The Professional Footballers' Association of Ireland (PFAI) is the representative body for professional and semi-professional footballers in Republic of Ireland. Players from all nationalities in the League of Ireland are represented, not just Irish players. It is a member of FIFPro; the international body", "\"Lands Tribunal (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)\"\nLands Tribunal (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) The Lands Tribunal was a tribunal in the United Kingdom created by the Lands Tribunal Act 1949 that had jurisdiction in England and Wales and Northern Ireland, although in the Northern Ireland context the term Lands Tribunal normally refers to a different body, the Lands Tribunal for Northern Ireland. The Lands Tribunal was unusual in having both first instance and appellate jurisdiction. The functions of the Lands Tribunal were transferred to the Upper Tribunal in June 2009 by the Transfer of Tribunal Functions (Lands Tribunal and Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2009. The Lands Tribunal", "\"Swim England\"\nSwim England Swim England is the brand name for the Amateur Swimming Association, the first sport governing body of swimming to be established in the world and today remains the English national governing body for swimming, diving, water polo, open water swimming, and synchronised swimming. It is closely linked with British Swimming, a federation of the national governing bodies of England, Scotland (Scottish Amateur Swimming Association), and Wales (Welsh Amateur Swimming Association). These three are collectively known as the \"\"Home Country National Governing Bodies\"\". The association was established in 1869, with headquarters at Harold Fern House in Loughborough. It was", "\"British Universities Lifesaving Clubs' Association\"\nBritish Universities Lifesaving Clubs' Association The British Universities Lifesaving Clubs' Association (BULSCA) is the governing body for lifesaving sport at the University level in the United Kingdom. It organises the university-level competition schedule, assists with the training of judges, and hosts an annual Student National Championship. BULSCA organises competitions in England, Scotland, and Wales and also includes member teams from Northern Ireland and Ireland. In recent years the club has also been represented at international competition, including the Grand Prix Moravie held in Brno, Czech Republic. Competitive lifesaving between clubs at universities across Britain began as a small collaboration between", "\"Malahide Cricket Club Ground\"\nof cricket and established a cricket ground in the grounds of Malahide Castle. It would be over a century later when major cricket would first be played at Malahide, with the ground hosting a first-class match between Ireland and Scotland in 1991. In September 2013, International Cricket Council cleared the ground to host international cricket. The ground hosted its first international cricket match when home team Ireland played against England with England winning by six wickets after captain Eoin Morgan hit 124 not out on what had been his home ground in his youth. The capacity was designed to be", "\"Irish diaspora\"\nup for me.\"\" The movement of people between the adjacent islands of Ireland and Great Britain has ebbed and flowed with their politics, economics and social conditions. Ireland was a feudal Lordship of the Kings of England between 1171 and 1541; a Kingdom in personal union with the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of Great Britain between 1542 and 1801; and politically united with Great Britain as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland between 1801 and 1922. Today, Ireland is divided between the Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland which is part of the UK. Today, millions of", "\"English Journey\"\nspeeches have been made and books written on the subject of what England has done to Ireland... I should be interested to hear a speech and read a book or two on the subject of what Ireland has done to England... if we do have an Irish Republic as our neighbour, and it is found possible to return her exiled citizens, what a grand clearance there will be in all the western ports, from the Clyde to Cardiff, what a fine exit of ignorance and dirt and drunkenness and disease.\"\" In a 1983 book of the same title, Beryl Bainbridge", "\"Water supply and sanitation in the United Kingdom\"\nWater supply and sanitation in the United Kingdom Public water supply and sanitation in the United Kingdom is characterised by universal access and generally good service quality. A salient feature of the sector in the United Kingdom compared to other developed countries is the diversity of institutional arrangements between the constituting parts of the UK (England and Wales; Scotland; and Northern Ireland), which are each described in separate articles, while this article is devoted to some common issues across the United Kingdom. Access to improved water supply and sanitation in the UK is universal. In 2015, 100% of the population", "\"Derrick Hall (cricketer)\"\nDerrick Hall (cricketer) Frederick Harrison \"\"Derrick\"\" Hall (15 August 1892 in Blackrock, County Cork, Ireland – 4 January 1947 in Virginia Water, Surrey, England) was an Irish cricketer. A right-handed batsman, he played five times for the Ireland cricket team between 1924 and 1930. Prior to making his debut for Ireland, Hall made his first-class debut, playing for Dublin University against Northamptonshire in June 1924. He made his Ireland debut two months later, playing against the MCC in Dublin. The following year, he played a first-class match against Scotland, scoring 34 in the Irish first innings, his highest score for", "\"Northern Ireland\"\nall-Ireland basis, with a single team for the whole island. The most notable exception is association football, which has separate governing bodies for each jurisdiction. The Irish Football Association (IFA) serves as the organising body for association football in Northern Ireland, with the Northern Ireland Football League (NIFL) responsible for the independent administration of the three divisions of national domestic football, as well as the Northern Ireland Football League Cup. The highest level of competition within Northern Ireland are the NIFL Premiership and the NIFL Championship. However, many players from Northern Ireland compete with clubs in England and Scotland. NIFL", "\"General Certificate of Secondary Education\"\nout in England, but remains in Wales and Northern Ireland. In Northern Ireland, the A* grade has been adjusted upwards with the introduction of the numerical scheme in England, such that an A* is equivalent to a new English grade 9. Northern Ireland also added a C* grade to line up with the grade 5 in the English grading. From 2017 in England (and in Wales and Northern Ireland on qualifications from the English-based awarding bodies), some GCSEs are now assessed on a 9-point scale, using numbers from 9 to 1, and, like before, a U (unclassified) grade for achievement", "\"Anti-Irish sentiment\"\nPriestley published the travelogue \"\"English Journey\"\", in which he wrote \"\"A great many speeches have been made and books written on the subject of what England has done to Ireland... I should be interested to hear a speech and read a book or two on the subject of what Ireland has done to England... if we do have an Irish Republic as our neighbour, and it is found possible to return her exiled citizens, what a grand clearance there will be in all the western ports, from the Clyde to Cardiff, what a fine exit of ignorance and dirt and", "\"J. B. Priestley\"\ntime, a prejudice against the Irish, as is shown in his work, \"\"English Journey\"\": \"\"A great many speeches have been made and books written on the subject of what England has done to Ireland... I should be interested to hear a speech and read a book or two on the subject of what Ireland has done to England... if we do have an Irish Republic as our neighbour, and it is found possible to return her exiled citizens, what a grand clearance there will be in all the western ports, from the Clyde to Cardiff, what a fine exit of", "\"USS Basilone\"\nBermuda to assist with the recovery of Col. Glenn's space capsule and then resumed the journey to northern European waters. The task group stopped at Portsmouth, England, between 28 February and 7 March and visited Rotterdam in the Netherlands from the 15th to the 22nd. From Rotterdam, the warships crossed the North Sea to call at Glasgow, Scotland, between 30 March and 5 April and carried out exercises in nearby waters until 8 April when they moored at Moville, Ireland. After a visit to Plymouth from 12 April to 24, \"\"Basilone\"\" recrossed the North Sea early in May to stop", "\"International Cross Country Union\"\nInternational Cross Country Union The International Cross Country Union (ICCU) was the first major international sports governing body for cross country running. Created in 1903, it launched the International Cross Country Championships that same year. Originally a grouping for contests between the four Home Nations of the British Isles (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales), the body was symbolic of the increasing co-operation of the older national bodies found in those nations. The organisation expanded to include France in 1907 and by the 50th annual edition of the championships it included countries of North Africa and Western Europe, the United States,", "\"History of rugby union matches between England and Ireland\"\nand a one-off match in April 1988 to celebrate the millennium of the city of Dublin. The winners of the 1988 match, England, were awarded the Millennium Trophy which then became the trophy for the annual match between the teams. The Millennium Trophy is currently held by Ireland, who won the most recent match 24–15 at the Twickenham Stadium during the 2018 Six Nations Championship. In the Home Nations Championship (1874–1909 and 1932–1939), England played Ireland on 41 occasions, England winning 27, Ireland 13 with one match having been drawn. In the Five Nations (1910–1931 and 1947–1999), England played Ireland", "\"Trophic state index\"\nOften, the desired trophic index differs between stakeholders. Water-fowl enthusiasts (e.g. duck hunters) may want a lake to be eutrophic so that it will support a large population of waterfowl. Residents, though, may want the same lake to be oligotrophic, as this is more pleasant for swimming and boating. Natural resource agencies are generally responsible for reconciling these conflicting uses and determining what a water body's trophic index should be. Trophic state index Trophic State Index (TSI) is a classification system designed to rate bodies of water based on the amount of biological activity they sustain. Although the term \"\"trophic", "\"Police Service of Northern Ireland\"\nhave responsibility for specific parts of Northern Ireland's transport infrastructure: PSNI officers have full powers of a Constable throughout Northern Ireland and the adjacent United Kingdom waters. Other than in mutual aid circumstances they have more limited powers of a Constable in the other two legal jurisdictions of the United Kingdom—England and Wales, and Scotland. Police staff, although non-warranted members of the Service, contribute to both back office, operational support and front line services, sometimes operating alongside warranted colleagues. The Patten Report recommended that a programme of long-term personnel exchanges should be established between the PSNI and the Garda Síochána,", "\"Regional water authority\"\nsingle, publicly-owned body to be known as Scottish Water, This became the Water Industry (Scotland) Act 2002. The Water Industry Commission survived the transition, and acts in a similar way to Ofwat in England and Wales. Regional water authority Regional water authorities came into existence in England and Wales in April 1974, as a result of the passing of the Water Act 1973. This brought together in ten regional units a diverse range of bodies involved in water treatment and supply, sewage disposal, land drainage, river pollution and fisheries. They lasted until 1995, when the water industry was privatised and", "\"Denis Leng\"\nDenis Leng Denis Leng (born 26 November 1934 in Pudsey, Yorkshire, England) is an English-born Irish former cricketer. A right-handed batsman and right-arm fast-medium bowler, he played six times for the Ireland cricket team between 1966 and 1968 including one first-class match. He made his debut for Ireland in September 1966 against the MCC in what was his only first-class match. He played three matches for Ireland in 1967, against Worcestershire, the MCC and the Combined Services. He played twice against Australia in July 1968, which were his last matches for Ireland. In all, he scored 6 runs at an", "\"Allyson Pollock\"\nmatches. This group set out details of the risks involved in the letter addressed to ministers, chief medical officers and children's commissioners in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. World Rugby, the sport's governing body, responded by releasing the results of a survey that stated 92% of parents of children aged between seven and 18-years-old believed that the benefits of children playing sport outweighs the risks. Allyson Pollock Allyson Pollock is a doctor who is a consultant in public health medicine and the Director of the Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University. She is an", "\"Waterford Greenway\"\nWaterford Greenway The Waterford Greenway, also known locally as the Déise Greenway, is a Rail trail in County Waterford, Ireland, used for cycling and hiking. It opened on March 2017, on what was originally the Mallow/Waterford railway line, and forms part of EuroVelo 1 route, which passes through Norway, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England, France, Spain and Portugal. The Waterford Greenway features 11 bridges, three viaducts and a 400-metre tunnel and runs between the city of Waterford, Mount Congreve, Kilmeaden, Kilmacthomas, and Dungarvan, and passes along part of the Copper Coast. At 46km, it is Ireland's longest greenway. In December 2017,", "\"History of English cricket from 1919 to 1939\"\nthat it was not so much what Hawke said that mattered but what Hawke was seen to represent, which was as Hawke's biographer James Coldham said: \"\"the dead hand of the past\"\". Warner again attacked Parkin and Lancashire, whose committee was pro-establishment, sacked Parkin in 1926. Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) remained the controlling body in English cricket throughout the inter-war period and was responsible for the selection and management of the England cricket team. Australia were England's main rivals and The Ashes were contested in ten series between 1921 and 1938, five in England and five in Australia, most famously", "\"Law of the Republic of Ireland\"\nsub-set of these are numbered as statutory instruments and published by the Stationery Office. This latter subset is composed of statutory instruments which are required to be laid before the Oireachtas or which are of general application. In addition, a body of charters, statutory rules and orders and other secondary legislation made prior to independence in 1922 continues to be in force in Ireland insofar as such legislation has not been revoked or otherwise ceased to be in force. Ireland was the subject of the first extension of England's common law legal system outside England. While in England the creation", "\"Finn Lough\"\nFinn Lough History and Origins of Name Finn Lough forms part of a large body of water known as Lower Lough Erne, which stretches from Enniskillen to Ballyshannon on the border of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Finn Lough is also referred to as the \"\"back lough\"\" locally and is situated between the Letter Road and Boa Island. This lough was used by the Maguire clan as a calm port to keep their warships during peacetimes. Following the construction of the bridges across Boa Island in the 1950 the lough has been separated from the 'Broad Lough' and cruising boats rarely", "\"Finn Lough\"\nfishing, family holidays and watersports. It comprised 12 lodges, a tennis court, administration building, a marina and woodland trails. Finn Lough History and Origins of Name Finn Lough forms part of a large body of water known as Lower Lough Erne, which stretches from Enniskillen to Ballyshannon on the border of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Finn Lough is also referred to as the \"\"back lough\"\" locally and is situated between the Letter Road and Boa Island. This lough was used by the Maguire clan as a calm port to keep their warships during peacetimes. Following the construction of the bridges", "\"Ireland cricket team\"\nencourage development of Irish cricket. They also gained official ODI status. Ireland's inaugural ODI was played in front of a full house of 7,500 spectators at Stormont, Belfast, on 13 June 2006 against England. It was the first time Ireland had played the full England side. Though Ireland lost by 38 runs, they were praised by Andrew Strauss, England's stand-in captain. August saw them participate in Division One of the European Championship, against Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands and Scotland. The games against the Netherlands and Scotland had ODI status. In the tournament, and what was the team's second ODI, Ireland", "\"England–Scotland Amateur Match\"\nnot fully representative. It was therefore decided to hold the England–Scotland match at a different time and on a different venue, being played at Royal Liverpool in August. In addition it was decided to play a match between England and Ireland on the day before. Ireland and Scotland had already decided to hold their match in Ireland in September. It was later arranged that a Welsh team should attend, playing matches against Scotland and Ireland on the days when England were playing Ireland and Scotland. England beat Ireland 10–4 while Wales lost 2–12 to Scotland and 2–11 to Ireland. England", "\"Geography of Scotland\"\nwater in Loch Ness is nearly double that of all the lakes of England and Wales combined, and is by volume the largest lake in the British Isles. Scotland's only land border is with England, and runs for between the basin of the River Tweed on the east coast and the Solway Firth in the west. The Atlantic Ocean borders the west coast and the North Sea is to the east. The island of Ireland lies only from the southwestern peninsula of Kintyre; Norway is to the east; the Faroes, to the north; and Iceland, to the northwest. The climate", "\"Law Reform Advisory Committee\"\nmembers who are legal professionals or legal academics. It was supported by the Office of Law Reform. Law Reform Advisory Committee The Law Reform Advisory Committee was a body that reviewed the civil law in Northern Ireland, with a view to making recommendations for law reform. It was the equivalent in Northern Ireland of the Law Commission in England and Wales or in Scotland. It was replaced by a new statutory body, the Northern Ireland Law Commission, in 2007. It was established in April 1989 by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Tom King. As of August 2006, the", "\"United Kingdom\"\nwater standards and wastewater discharge standards in the UK, as in other countries of the European Union, are determined by the EU (see Water supply and sanitation in the European Union). In England and Wales water and sewerage services are provided by 10 private regional water and sewerage companies and 13 mostly smaller private \"\"water only\"\" companies. In Scotland water and sewerage services are provided by a single public company, Scottish Water. In Northern Ireland water and sewerage services are also provided by a single public entity, Northern Ireland Water. A census is taken simultaneously in all parts of the", "\"History of rugby union matches between England and Ireland\"\nHistory of rugby union matches between England and Ireland England and Ireland have played rugby union internationals since 1875, with England winning the first match at The Oval, London by two goals to nil. (A points scoring system was not used in rugby at the time.) The two teams have played a total of 133 Test matches; with England winning 76 of them, Ireland 49 and 8 resulting in a draw. Apart from their annual match, currently part of the Six Nations Championship, the teams have also met in two warm-up matches prior to the 2011 and 2015 World Cups,", "\"Anglo-Norse Society in London\"\nNorwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen served as first president of the society. The Anglo-Norse Society in London is a member of The Confederation of Scandinavian Societies of Great Britain and Ireland (COSCAN). Dating to 8 October 1950, COSCAN is a coordinating body for societies which works for cultural exchanges between UK and Ireland with the five nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden and Norway. Anglo-Norse Society in London The Anglo-Norse Society in London is a society based in England for advancing the education of the citizens of Britain and Norway about each other's country and way of life. The Society was", "\"Doto tuberculata\"\nDoto tuberculata Doto tuberculata is a species of sea slug, a dendronotid nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Dotidae\"\". The holotype for this species was collected in Killary Harbour, Ireland. The original description also cites specimens from the Mewstone and near the Eddystone Rocks, Plymouth, England, and Skird Rocks, Galway Bay. It has subsequently been reported widely in Britain and Ireland. This dendronotid nudibranch is pale brown with black spots on the ceratal tubercles. There are rows of tubercles tipped with black spots running across the body between the cerata; typically four tubercles in a row. \"\"Doto tuberculata\"\"", "\"Doto tuberculata\"\nfeeds on the hydroid \"\"Sertularella gayi\"\", family Sertulariidae. Doto tuberculata Doto tuberculata is a species of sea slug, a dendronotid nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Dotidae\"\". The holotype for this species was collected in Killary Harbour, Ireland. The original description also cites specimens from the Mewstone and near the Eddystone Rocks, Plymouth, England, and Skird Rocks, Galway Bay. It has subsequently been reported widely in Britain and Ireland. This dendronotid nudibranch is pale brown with black spots on the ceratal tubercles. There are rows of tubercles tipped with black spots running across the body between the cerata;", "\"United Kingdom census, 1901\"\nUnited Kingdom census, 1901 The United Kingdom Census 1901 was the 11th nationwide census conducted in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and was done on 1 April 1901 \"\"relating to the persons returned as living at midnight on Sunday, March 31st\"\". The total population of the England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland (including what is now the Republic of Ireland) was 41,458,721 of which 21,356,313 were female and 20,102,406 were male. The foreign-born population was recorded at 1.4% It was divided into three parts: England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. The England and Wales part of the", "\"Undulate ray\"\nto keep Undulate Rays fished in EU waters due to concerns over the decreasing size of stocks. They must be returned unharmed if possible. Undulate ray The undulate ray (\"\"Raja undulata\"\") is a species of ray and cartilaginous fish found in the Mediterranean and East Atlantic from southern Ireland and England to the Gulf of Guinea. It is found in areas with mud or sand, and may occur as deep as , though it prefers shallower depths. It is considered endangered due to overfishing. The undulate ray features a disc-shaped body, triangular in the front and near-circular in the rear,", "\"James Barry, 1st Baron Barry of Santry\"\nJudges of Ireland, with the Resolution and the Reasons of their Resolution\"\". In 1640 he used what influence he had, but in vain, with Sir James Ware and other members of the Irish House of Commons, to prevent their sending a committee of their body to England to impeach the Earl of Strafford, as Wentworth now was. He was chairman of the Royalist Convention, 7 July 1659. This met at Dublin in defiance of the government. It voted for the unconditional Restoration of Charles II. In November 1660, \"\" in consideration of his many good services to Charles I and", "\"Body of water\"\nexample, most reservoirs are created by engineering dams, but some natural lakes are used as reservoirs. Similarly, most harbors are naturally occurring bays, but some harbors have been created through construction. Bodies of water that are navigable are known as waterways. Some bodies of water collect and move water, such as rivers and streams, and others primarily hold water, such as lakes and oceans. The term \"\"body of water\"\" can also refer to a reservoir of water held by a plant, technically known as a phytotelma. Bodies of water are affected by gravity which is what creates the tidal effects" ]
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one hundred thousand is equal to how many lakhs
[ "one" ]
[ "Lakh\nThe root of the word \"\"lakh\"\" might be the Pali \"\"lakkha\"\" (masculine noun, \"\"mark, target, stake in gambling\"\"), from which the numerical meaning, \"\"one hundred thousand\"\" is derived. Another possible root could be the Sanskrit \"\"laksha\"\" (Devanagari: लक्ष \"\"lakṣa\"\"), which has similar meanings in that language. Lakh A lakh (; abbreviated L; sometimes written Lac or Lacs; Devanāgarī: लाख) is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand (100,000; scientific notation: 10). In the Indian convention of digit grouping, it is written as 1,00,000. For example, in India 150,000 rupees becomes 1.5 \"\"lakh\"\" rupees, written as", "Crore\nCrore A crore (; abbreviated cr) or kodi denotes ten million (10,000,000 or 10 in scientific notation) and is equal to 100 \"\"lakh\"\" in the Indian numbering system as 1,00,00,000 with the local style of digit group separators (a \"\"lakh\"\" is equal to one hundred thousand and is written as 1,00,000). Large amounts of money in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal are often written in terms of \"\"crores\"\". For example, 150,000,000 (one hundred and fifty million) is written as 'fifteen \"\"crore\"\" rupees', '15crore' or 'Rs 15 crore'. Trillions (in the short scale) of money are often written or spoken of", "\"Indian numbering system\"\narab अरब ) is written 1,00,00,00,000. While there are specific terms for numbers larger than 1 crore, these are not commonly used, and most practitioners are not familiar with these. In common parlance, the thousand, lakh, crore terminology repeats for larger numbers. Thus 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) becomes 1 lakh crore, and is written as 10,00,00,00,00,000. The Indian numbering is equal to the western numbering system from ones then tens then hundreds then thousand then ten thousand. After ten thousand, the Indian and the western numbering diverge. According to the Indian numbering system, after ten thousand, the next power of ten", "Lakh\nLakh A lakh (; abbreviated L; sometimes written Lac or Lacs; Devanāgarī: लाख) is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand (100,000; scientific notation: 10). In the Indian convention of digit grouping, it is written as 1,00,000. For example, in India 150,000 rupees becomes 1.5 \"\"lakh\"\" rupees, written as 1,50,000 or INR 1,50,000. It is widely used both in official and other contexts in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. It is often used in Indian, Pakistani, and Sri Lankan English. In Pakistan, the word \"\"lakh\"\" is used mostly in local languages", "\"Bengali alphabet\"\nnumbers from 0 to 9). Bengali numerals have no horizontal headstroke or মাত্রা \"\"matra\"\". Numbers larger than 9 are written in Bengali using a positional base 10 numeral system (the decimal system). A period or dot is used to denote the decimal separator, which separates the integral and the fractional parts of a decimal number. When writing large numbers with many digits, commas are used as delimiters to group digits, indicating the thousand (হাজার \"\"hazar\"\"), the hundred thousand or lakh (লাখ \"\"lakh\"\" or লক্ষ \"\"lôkkhô\"\"), and the ten million or hundred lakh or crore (কোটি \"\"koti\"\") units. In other words,", "\"Indian numbering system\"\nsystem groups the rightmost three digits together (until the hundreds place), and thereafter groups by sets of two digits. One trillion would thus be written as 10,00,00,00,00,000 or one lakh crore (or 10 kharab). This makes the number convenient to read using thousand, lakh, crore terminology. Thus: This accords with the Indian numbering system, which has units for thousands, hundreds of thousands, tens of millions, etc. GghbnhThe table below follows the short scale usage of one billion being one thousand million. In India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, following former British usage, the long scale was used, with one billion equivalent to", "\"Indian numbering system\"\nis one lakh, then ten lakh, then one crore, then ten crore, and so on. According to the Western numbering system, after ten thousand, the next power of ten is referred to as one hundred thousand, then one million, then ten million, then one hundred million, and so on. The two numbering systems are not functionally different — 10,000 (Indian system) = 10,000 (Western system) — but they assign different names to the same number. The Indian numbering system uses separators differently from the international norm. Instead of grouping digits by threes as in the international system, the Indian numbering", "\"Numeral (linguistics)\"\nbase belong to one of the other word classes. In English, these higher words are hundred 10, thousand 10, million 10, and higher powers of a thousand (short scale) or of a million (long scale—see names of large numbers). These words cannot modify a noun without being preceded by an article or numeral (*\"\"hundred dogs played in the park\"\"), and so are nouns. In East Asia, the higher units are hundred, thousand, myriad 10, and powers of myriad. In India, they are hundred, thousand, lakh 10, crore 10, and so on. The Mesoamerican system, still used to some extent in", "100,000\nor 100 km (62 miles) is the altitude at which the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) defines spaceflight to begin. In the Irish Language, céad míle fáilte (pronounced: ) is a popular greeting meaning \"\"A Hundred Thousand Welcomes\"\". 100,000 100,000 (one hundred thousand) is the natural number following 99,999 and preceding 100,001. In scientific notation, it is written as 10. In India, Pakistan and South Asia, one hundred thousand is called a lakh, and is written as 1,00,000. The Thai, Lao, Khmer and Vietnamese languages also have separate words for this number: , , [saen] and ức respectively. No other major", "\"Birthday problem\"\nmajority of randomly selected combinations of three weights do not. If there are very many weights, the answer is clearly yes. The question is, how many are just sufficient? That is, what is the number of weights such that it is equally likely for it to be possible to balance them as it is to be impossible? Some people's intuition is that the answer is above . Most people's intuition is that it is in the thousands or tens of thousands, while others feel it should at least be in the hundreds. The correct answer is 23. The reason is", "\"Indian numbering system\"\nIndian numbering system The Indian numbering system is used in the Indian subcontinent (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) and in Burma. The terms \"\"lakh\"\" (100,000 or 1,00,000 in the Indian system) and \"\"crore\"\" (10,000,000 or 1,00,00,000 in the Indian system) are used in Indian English to express large numbers. For example, in India 150,000 rupees becomes 1.5 lakh rupees, written as 1,50,000 or INR 1,50,000, while 30,000,000 (thirty million) rupees becomes 3 crore rupees, written as 3,00,00,000 with commas at the thousand, \"\"lakh\"\", and \"\"crore\"\" levels, and 1,000,000,000 (one billion) rupees (one hundred crore rupees or one", "100,000\n100,000 100,000 (one hundred thousand) is the natural number following 99,999 and preceding 100,001. In scientific notation, it is written as 10. In India, Pakistan and South Asia, one hundred thousand is called a lakh, and is written as 1,00,000. The Thai, Lao, Khmer and Vietnamese languages also have separate words for this number: , , [saen] and ức respectively. No other major language has a special word for this number, preferring to refer to it as a multiple of smaller numbers. In Cyrillic numerals, it is known as the legion (\"\"легион\"\"): or . In astronomy, 100,000 metres, 100 kilometres,", "\"Padmanabhaswamy Temple\"\n9 days. The famous Swathi music festival is held every year during this festival. The biggest festival in this temple is \"\"laksha deepam\"\", which means hundred thousand (or one lakh) lamps. This festival is unique and commences once in 6 years. Prior to this festival, chanting of prayers and recitation of three vedas is done for 56 days (Murajapam). On the last day, hundred thousand oil lamps are lit in and around the temple premises. The next \"\"laksha deepam\"\" is slated in January 2020. Temples where 'Swamiyar Pushpanjali' is conducted are claimants to extra sanctity. Sannyasins from any one of", "1,000,000\na million would be an exceedingly tedious task due to the time and concentration required, there are many ways to bring the number \"\"down to size\"\" in approximate quantities, ignoring irregularities or packing effects. In Indian English and Pakistani English, it is also expressed as 10 lakh or 10 Lac. Lakh is derived from 'laksh' for 100,000 in Sanskrit. 1,000,000 1,000,000 (one million), or one thousand thousand, is the natural number following 999,999 and preceding 1,000,001. The word is derived from the early Italian \"\"millione\"\" (\"\"milione\"\" in modern Italian), from \"\"mille\"\", \"\"thousand\"\", plus the augmentative suffix \"\"-one\"\". It is commonly", "\"Dispute pyramid\"\nDispute pyramid A dispute pyramid is an upside-down triangle that illustrates how many grievances result in legal proceedings, such as a trial or hearing. Court filings are at the bottom as the smallest amount, then lawyers, then claims, and finally grievances at the top with the largest number. It demonstrates how a large number of grievances, for example, one thousand, will filter down to around seven hundred claims, only one hundred lawyers will be hired, and only fifty court filings will occur out of those one thousand grievances. Researchers believe that approximately one in every twenty cases that could potentially", "\"Tribhuvandas Foundation\"\nUNICEF. It later received grants from the Overseas Development Administration, the predecessor to DFID. The initial project plan conceived TF as an Integrated rural development program. It is now a Community health organisation, working mainly on reproductive and child health. TF covers around 682 villages, working through the village milk cooperatives of AMUL, in 18 talukas in the districts of Anand and Kheda in Gujarat state of India. The population covered would be around 1,600,000 (around sixteen lakhs or one million six hundred thousand). Since 2001 it has launched a rural health insurance scheme, covering around one hundred thousand households.", "\"Dominican Republic\"\nthe 15th century. The estimates of Hispaniola's population in 1492 vary widely, including one hundred thousand, three hundred thousand, and four hundred thousand to two million. Determining precisely how many people lived on the island in pre-Columbian times is next to impossible, as no accurate records exist. By 1492 the island was divided into five Taíno chiefdoms. The Taíno name for the entire island was either \"\"Ayiti\"\" or \"\"Quisqueya\"\". The Spaniards arrived in 1492. After initially friendly relationships, the Taínos resisted the conquest, led by the female Chief Anacaona of Xaragua and her ex-husband Chief Caonabo of Maguana, as well", "\"Thekchen Choling\"\nto eradicate the three poisons – attachment, hatred, and ignorance – which are the source of all sickness and danger. He is a Buddha Doctor. Medicine Buddha was also the main practice of Geshe Lama Konchog. A prayer wheel, or mani wheel in Tibetan Buddhism, is a device that spins on an axis containing hundreds, thousands, or even millions of copies of a specific mantra. Instead saying one mantra at a time, a devotee who spins a prayer wheel believes himself to have said the mantra hundreds, thousands, or millions of times, depending on how many copies of the mantra", "Bianhua\nthe Northern Ocean, there is a fish named K'un. The K'un is so big that no one knows how many thousands of tricents [three hundred paces] its body extends. After it metamorphoses [\"\"hua\"\"] into a bird, its name becomes P'eng. The P'eng is so huge that no one knows how many thousands of tricents its back stretches. Rousing itself to flight, its wings are like clouds suspended in the sky. (1, tr. Mair 1994: 3) The \"\"Zhuangzi\"\" uses the closely related word \"\"wuhua\"\" 物化 \"\"transformation of things\"\" ten times, most famously in the story of Zhuangzi dreaming he was a", "\"Ahmad ibn Hanbal\"\nto sacred law. Ibn Hanbal also had a strict criterion for ijtihad or independent reasoning in matters of law by muftis and the ulema. One story narrates that Ibn Hanbal was asked by Zakariyyā ibn Yaḥyā al-Ḍarīr about \"\"how many memorized ḥadīths are sufficient for someone to be a mufti [meaning a \"\"mujtahid\"\" jurist or one capable of issuing independently-reasoned fatwas].\"\" According to the narrative, Zakariyyā asked: \"\"Are one-hundred thousand sufficient?\"\" to which Ibn Hanbal responded in the negative, with Zakariyyā asking if two-hundred thousand were, to which he received the same response from the jurist. Thus, Zakariyyā kept increasing", "\"Insider trading\"\nis when one with access to non public, price sensitive information about the securities of the company subscribes, buys, sells or deals, or agrees to do so or counsels another to do as principal or agent. Price sensitive information is information that materially affects the value of the securities. The penalty for insider trading is imprisonment, which may extend to five years, and a minimum of five lakh rupees (five hundred thousand) to twenty five crore rupees (two hundred and fifty million) or three times the profit made, whichever is higher. Insider trading is legal as long as disclosure of", "\"Narayana Kasturi\"\ntranslated the famous Malayalam novel \"\"Chemmeen\"\" into Kannada. N Kasturi (sometimes referred to as Na. Kasturi) was a regular contributor to the \"\"Koravanji\"\". \"\"Koravanji\"\", which he began on Ugadi Day in 1942, enjoyed a circulation of nearly two lakh (two hundred thousand). Rashi himself wrote the column \"\"Koravavalokana\"\", and was responsible in bringing the latent talents of many young writers to light. Some well-known names include Kefa, Bulla, Aa. Ra. Se, Na. Kasturi, C.K.N. Raja, Girani Ramsami, and T. Sunandamma. Though the magazine ceased publication in 1967 due to financial constraints, many of its writers remained in the field. Magazines", "Lakh\nrather than in English media. In Indian English, the word is used both as an attributive and non-attributive noun, and with either a marked (\"\"-s\"\") or unmarked plural, as in: \"\"1 \"\"lakh\"\" people\"\" or \"\"1 \"\"lakh\"\" of people\"\"; \"\"200 \"\"lakh\"\" rupees\"\"; \"\"5 \"\"lakh\"\" of rupees\"\"; \"\"rupees 10 lakh\"\"; or \"\"5 \"\"lakh\"\" of rupees\"\". In the abbreviated form, usage such as \"\"5L\"\" (for \"\"rupees 5 \"\"lakh\"\"\"\") is common. In this system of numeration 100 \"\"lakh\"\" is called one \"\"crore\"\" and is equal to 10 million. In colloquial Urdu, especially in the city of Karachi, the word \"\"peti\"\" (\"\"suitcase\"\") is also used", "\"Wajid Ali Shah\"\nof several lakhs (hundred thousands) of rupees, became very popular, and was performed at the Kaisarbagh-Rahas Manzil, (most probably the first Hindustani Theatre Hall). Many have regarded Wajid Ali Shah as \"\"the first playwright of the Hindustani theatre\"\", because his \"\"Radha Kanhaiyya Ka Qissa\"\" staged in the Rahas Manzil was the first play of its kind. It featured the Goddess Radha, Lord Krishna, several \"\"sakhis\"\", and a Vidushaka-like character named \"\"Ramchera\"\". Songs, dances, mime, and drama were all delightfully synthesised in these Rahas performances. He dramatised many other poems such as \"\"Darya-i-Tashsq\"\", \"\"Afsane-i-Isbaq\"\", and \"\"Bhahar-i-Ulfat\"\". It is said that Amanat's", "Lakh\nto denote one \"\"lakh\"\" rupees. This originated during the General Zia era, when the largest denomination of currency was the 100 rupee note, and one \"\"lakh\"\" rupees would fill a small suitcase (\"\"peti\"\" as in Bombay Hindi). Hence, even after the Zia era, one \"\"peti\"\" has continued to mean one \"\"lakh\"\" rupees. The word \"\"lakhi\"\" is commonly used throughout Tanzania to denote 100,000 shillings and is likely to have entered the Swahili language from Indian and Pakistani immigrants. The term is also used in the pricing of silver on the international precious metals market, where one \"\"lakh\"\" equals of silver.", "Thimphu\nKuensel Phodrang, overlooking Thimphu city, about above the Wang Chuu river bed. This location was the palace of Sherab Wangchuck, the 13th Desi Druk. It is a gigantic Shakyamuni Buddha statue under construction. The statue will house over one lakh (one hundred thousand) smaller Buddha statues, each of which, like the Buddha Dordenma itself, will be made of bronze and gilded in gold. Upon completion, it will be one of the largest Buddha rupas in the world, at a height of . The statue alone is being built at a cost of US$47 million, by Aerosun Corporation of Nanjing, China,", "\"Kokborok grammar\"\nnative words. e.g.: Kokborok numerals are both decimal and vigesimal. \"\"sa, nwi, tham, brwi, ba, dok, sni, char, chuku, chi\"\" \"\"rasa\"\" - hundred, \"\"saisa\"\" - thousand, \"\"rwjag\"\" - a lakh A numeral is organised as: Kokborok grammar Kokborok, also Tipra, is language of original inhabitants people of Tripura. It is an official language of Tripura, a small state of India. The principal structures of affirmative sentences in Kokborok are the following: In Kokborok grammar use of the notion of 'person' is almost absent; the form of verb is same for one who speaks, one who is spoken to, and one", "\"Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals\"\noutgrown the start-up phase and was incorporated as a private limited company. Jagsonpal was now a fast growing pharmaceutical company. The firm was committed to healing India with quality pharmaceutical products and had its eyes firmly set on becoming one of the country’s leading pharmaceutical companies. In the year of 1986 Jagsonpal went public on the BSE with an issue of 17.76 lakh (One hundred thousand) shares. It was the first time the firm had tapped the capital markets. Jagsonpal had come a long way from its birth as a chemists shop in Delhi. After this there was no looking", "\"Janaki Mandir\"\nAccording to legends and epics, King Janak ruled this area (called Videha) during the Ramayana period. His daughter Janaki (Sita), during her swyambar, had chosen Lord Rama as her husband, and become queen of Ayodhya. Their marriage ceremony had occurred in the nearby temple which is also called vivaha mandap. The site was designated as a UNESCO tentative site in 2008. The temple is popularly known as the Nau Lakha Mandir (meaning \"\"nine lakhs\"\"). The cost for the construction of the temple was about the same amount of money: rupees nine lakhs or nine hundred thousand, hence the name. Queen", "\"Roman Catholic Diocese of Tanjore\"\nPudukkottai Multipurpose Social Service Society – PMSSS having its central office at Pudukkottai. Pastoral Ministry: There were only 41 Parishes when the Diocese was started. As the number of souls grew, so arose the need for creating new parishes. At present there are 74 parishes and 948 substations. The catholic population of the diocese numbers around two hundred thousand (two lakhs; 2,00,000). The pastoral activities in the diocese is vibrant with many independent commissions for Bible, liturgy, catechism, youth animation, social communication, ecumenism & dialogue with non-Christians, etc. It is worth to note that at present the diocese is experiencing", "\"The Story of 1\"\nmeets a tribe called the Warlpiri. In their language, there are no words for numbers. When an individual is asked how many grandchildren he has, he simply replies he has \"\"many\"\", while he in fact has four. In Egypt, the numeral system provides a glimpse of Egyptian society, as larger numbers seem more applicable to higher strata of society. It went something like this: One was a line, ten was a rope, a hundred a coil of rope (three symbols for smaller numbers, probably applicable to the average Egyptian), a thousand a lotus (a symbol of pleasure), ten thousand was", "\"Sagar Island\"\ntook the holy dip where the Hooghly meets the Bay of Bengal on the occasion of Makar Sankranti. Almost five-hundred thousand pilgrims thronged Sagar Island in 2008. For the rest of the year about 500,000 people come to the island.According to reports on 14 January 2018, 18-20 lakh people had visited Ganga Sagar in 2018, against 15 lakh in 2017. From Kolkata, Diamond Harbour Road (NH-117) runs south around 90 km to Harwood Point, near Kakdip, where a ferry runs to Kachuberia at the north end of the island. The Panchyat Samity maintains a parking area near the ferry landing.", "\"Karnatak Science College\"\na member of the Bombay Legislative Council on behalf of Southern Division, for three terms, undertook a vigorous campaign to collect two lakh of Rupees for the foundation of Karnatak College. Rao Bahaddur R C Artal, one of the founders of the Lingayat Education Association, Dharwad, collected one hundred thousand of rupees toward the establishment of the Karnatak College. Sir Siddappa T Kambli, Minister of Education, Government of Bombay, was deeply involved in improving the education facilities in North Karnataka. He was responsible for the transfer of materials, apparatus, equipment and library books from the closed Deccan College, Poona, to", "\"Pachaimalai Subramanya Swamy Temple\"\nbeen taken on the Girivalam on His Mount the Peacock. On the seventh day which happens to be Panguni Uthiram, is the culmination of the festival. The temple is thronged by at least a lakh devotees and people from all over carry 'Kavadi' and perform abhisheka to the Lord. In the afternoon the Almighty is adorned in his Golden attire and Showers his blessings to all the devotees. The lord is taken procession in His massive wooden chariot, one of the largest in the state in the evening. A massive Annadhanam is distributed to all the hundred thousand devotees who", "\"P. P. Chaudhary\"\nthe issue of Jammu & Kashmir. Provided insurance cover for 1,31,175 (one lakh thirty-one thousand one hundred seventy five) women of Pali Lok Sabha, from his own Parliamentary salary and income (September 2015) Inducted as a minister in Prime Minister Modi's cabinet on 5 July 2016. Chaudhary is the minister of state of Law and Justice, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (India). Worked to improve and uplift the educational status of children, especially girls, in rural areas. Developed hostel facilities in urban area for students of rural area to facilitate higher education especially for girls. Actively associated with eye camps, rural", "\"Mamluk Sultanate (Cairo)\"\nof the sultan. The \"\"halqa\"\" regiments declined in the 14th century when professional non-\"\"mamluk\"\" soldiers generally stopped joining the force. The Ayyubid army had lacked a clear and permanent hierarchical system and one of Baybars' early reforms was creating a military hierarchy. To that end, he began the system of assigning emirs ranks of ten, forty and one hundred, with the particular number indicating how many mounted \"\"mamluk\"\" troops were assigned to an emir's command. In addition, an emir of one hundred could be assigned one thousand mounted troops during battle. Baybars instituted uniformity within the army and put an", "\"Navleen Kumar\"\ncontinuously campaigned for justice for Navleen Kumar. They wrote a public letter to then Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Vilasrao Deshmukh, drawing his attention to the killing and demanding justice. In January 2003, Navleen was posthumously awarded a sum of (Indian) Rupees One Lakh (One hundred thousand), about US$ 2100, by Public Concern for Governance Trust, that, \"\"inter alia\"\", confers such awards annually to people fighting injustice and exploitation. Navleen Kumar, the Nallasopara area and the acquisition of tribal land in the area has been mentioned in a stanza in Rabbi Shergill, a popular pop Indian singer's new album, Avengi Ja", "\"Maharaja's College, Ernakulam\"\non the NAAC Accreditation results. In 2014, UGC awarded Autonomous status to the college. The college library is 135 years old and has a collection of nearly one lakh (hundred thousand) books, including a prestigious collection of rare literature books. The reference section itself has 2000 books. However, lack of space is one of the vexing problems of the library. A reference and information section, inter-library networking and Internet facility are some of the immediate requirements of the library. The facilities available for sports activities include a 400-meter synthetic track, a football field-cum-cricket ground, a stadium pavilion with a capacity", "Tzompantli\nplatform was erected an equally formidable wooden palisade and scaffolding consisting of between 60 and 70 massive uprights or timbers woven together with an impressive constellation of horizontal cross beams upon which were suspended the tens of thousands of decapitated human heads once impaled thereon. Regarding, this Bernal Díaz de Castillo states \"\"I remember that they had in a plaza, where there were some shrines, so many places of dead skulls, which could be counted, according to the concert as they were set, that when they appeared they would be more than one hundred thousand; and I say again about", "\"Vadakkunnathan Temple\"\nmental sketch and built a beautiful Koothambalam there. \"\"Velanezhy Illom\"\" is in Venganellur Gramam, Chelakkara town. Maha Shivaratri is the main festival which is celebrated in the temple. Cultural and musical programmes are held in the temple premises. Around one lakh temple lamps (hundred thousand)are lighted in the festival. The idol of Vadakkumnatha is not taken out for procession. The Aanayoottu of feeding of elephants, is the second biggest festival held in the temple. The devotees refer to elephants as Lord Ganesh's incarnation. The festival falls on the first day of the month of Karkkidakam (timed against the Malayalam calendar),", "\"Āryabhaṭa numeration\"\nand astronomical calculations. This system can even be used to represent fractions and mixed fractions. For example, \"\"nga\"\" is 1/5, \"\"nja\"\" is 1/10 and Jhardam (\"\"jha\"\"=9; its half) = 4½. The traditional Indian digit order is reversed compared to the modern way. By consequence, Āryabhaa began with the ones before the tens; then the hundreds and the thousands; then the myriad and the lakh (10) and so on. \"\"(cf. Indian numbering system)\"\" Another example might be \"\"\"\", . Note that in this case, 10(ṛ) and 10(ḷ) parts are swapped, and 10(ṛ) part is ligature. In citing the values of Āryabhaṭa", "\"Full stop\"\nEnglish-speaking countries, but separates values of one hundred thousand and above differently, into divisions of \"\"lakh\"\" and \"\"crore\"\": In countries that use the comma as a decimal separator, the point is sometimes found as a multiplication sign; for example, 5,2 . 2 = 10,4; this usage is impractical in cases where the point is used as a decimal separator, hence the use of the interpunct: 5.2 · 2 = 10.4. This notation is also seen when multiplying units in science; for example, 50 km/h could be written as 50 km·h. However, the point is used in all countries to indicate", "\"Raja of Muktyala\"\nRanga, Moturi Hanumantha Rao and Kotha Raghuramaiah resurrected the report, distributed it to important people and urged the Planning Commission (Government of India) to take cognizance. Chandulal Trivedi, the Governor of the state of Andhra Pradesh urged the Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to accept the report of the Khosla Committee. An announcement was made in 1954 for the construction of the project. The foundation stone was laid on 10 December 1955. Raja donated fifty two lakhs of rupees ( One hundred million British Pounds) and fifty five thousand acres of land as a matching grant for the project construction. The", "\"Dhari Malla\"\nEach Suba was under the control of one Najim or Shipahashalar. Bengal, Bihar and Orissa together formed a Suba. The Najim of that Suba imposed tax of rupees one lakh seven thousand coins that is one lakh and eighty thousand rupess to the Malla kingdom. It is told that all the time Dhari Malla used to take back the money tactfully who had to pay as tax. Even then he was very distured and had an insulted and insecured feeling on the Najim's behaviour. Due to the feeling of insecurity, he paid attention on the security of his kingdom. He", "Panipat\nof Delhi, and the Turko-Mongol warlord Babur, who later established Mughal rule in Northern Indian subcontinent. Babur's force defeated Ibrahim's much larger force of over one lakh (one hundred thousand) soldiers. This first battle of Panipat thus ended the 'Lodi Rule' established by Bahlul Lodhi in Delhi. The Second Battle of Panipat was fought on 5 November 1556 between the forces of Akbar and Hem Chandra Vikramaditya, a Hindu King of Delhi. Hemu, who had captured states like Agra and Delhi defeating Akbar's army and declared himself as independent king, had a large army, and initially his forces were winning,", "\"Tribhuvandas Foundation\"\nto all village health workers of TF. TF has also been enlisted to provide training to members of Village Health and Sanitation Committees of Village Gram Panchayats of all the villages of Umreth, Anklav and Anand talukas of Anand District and Balasinor and Virpur talukas of Kheda District during the financial year 08-09. The Gujarat state government has provided grants for this project of around Rs.1100,000 (eleven lakhs or one million one hundred thousand rupees). Apart from community health, TF also has programs for children, (Balwadi program) and for livelihood enhancement of women (handicrafts). TF also has organised anti tobacco", "\"Aangnechi wadi\"\nday, rituals again restart at 4am and continue till the afternoon. The day is called ‘Mode Jatra (End of fair)’. Though the fair thus officially lasts one and a half days,entertainment programs like music,dramas,plays,kirtans,bhajans continue for the next four to five days. Since the plaque was found in the rocky soil, (local lingo : Bharad) the Goddess came to be known as Bharadi (Goddess incarnate of Mother Earth). Over the years, the crowds have swelled (more than 10 Lakhs[One hundred thousand]) to the extent where the queue found by devotees for 'Darshan' extends up to several kilometres on the way.", "\"Deva Raya II\"\nan ambassador at the court of Deva Raya II wrote:\"\"This prince has in his dominions three hundred ports, each of which is equal to Calicut and his territories compromise a space of three months journey. Both travelers concur that the country was thickly populated with numerous towns and villages. Razzaq wrote:\"\"The country is for the most part well cultivated and very fertile. The troops amount in number to eleven Lakhs (1,100,000).\"\" Razzaq considered Vijayanagara to be one of the most splendid of the cities in the world he had seen. Describing the city, he wrote: \"\"It is built in such", "Sholakia\nmoznu) of Kishoregonj at Sholakia,Shaheb Bari The local myth says that 125,000 people turned out at that congregation, hence the name \"\"Sholakia\"\" (\"\"shoa\"\" meaning one and a quarter and \"\"lakh\"\" meaning a hundred thousand). During foundation of Eidgah, Zamindar of Jangalbari and Hybathnagor helped Syed Shaheb. Dewan Mannan Dad Khan of Hybathnagor, who was a descendant of Isa Khan, donated of land to the Eidgah in 1950. Sholakia, standing by Kishoreganj-Karimganj road, the commercial artery of the area, is almost free from arsenic contamination of groundwater, a menace in the Ganges Basin and elsewhere Binangladesh. Divided into Kharompatty and Kolapara", "Kaliyan\nhundred years, and he will attain maturity at the age of fourteen. He will have about ten hundred thousand drops of semen in his body.\"\" (Some sources claim this as 10 lakh drops of blood, not semen). \"\"He will attain full bodily maturity at the age of 31. Kali's body, which was built up with blood, bone, veins and muscle, are made of water and earth, and this is used for nothing (useless). His body will have 9 openings outside. This toy (i.e., body) will be controlled by a bird (i.e., soul), and when it’s time for the bird to", "\"Indefinite and fictitious numbers\"\nThousand and One Nights\"\" (\"\"lit.\"\" \"\"a thousand nights and one night\"\"). Many modern English book titles use this convention as well: \"\"1,001 Uses for ...\"\". In Japanese, , literally 8000, is used: (\"\"lit.\"\" 8000 herbs) means a variety of herbs and ( \"\"lit.\"\" 8000 generations) means eternity. The number 10,000 is used to express an even larger approximate number, as in Hebrew \"\"rbâbâh\"\", rendered into Greek as μυριάδες, and to English \"\"myriad\"\". Similar usage is found in the East Asian or (\"\"lit.\"\" 10,000), and the South Asian lakh (\"\"lit.\"\" 100,000). In Irish, 100,000 (\"\"céad míle\"\") is used, as in the", "\"Cattle slaughter in India\"\nskin color had been \"\"tampered with\"\". Hundreds of thousands of cows, states the British newspaper \"\"The Independent\"\", are illegally smuggled from India into Bangladesh every year to be slaughtered. Gangs from both sides of the border are involved in this illegal smuggling involving an estimated 1.5 million (15 lakhs) cattle a year, and cattle theft is a source of the supply, states Andrew Buncombe. According to Zahoor Rather, trade in stolen cattle is one of the important crime-related border issues between India and Bangladesh. Some scholars state that the Hindu views on cattle slaughter and beef eating is caste-based, while", "\"Akshat Singh\"\nTalent and the video became viral in YouTube with five hundred thousand (5 lakh) views. Singh also appeared in a Japanese television commercial advertisement of Pari Pari Curry.. On 27 August 2017 he appeared on the Australian version of the variety show Little Big Shots (Australian TV series). The video of his appearance has almost 1 million views on YouTube. Singh lives in Mumbai and studies in 4th grade. Singh admitted to one of his interviews that he is an ardent fan of actor Salman Khan. Akshat Singh Akshat Singh is an Indian dancer who came into prominence by showcasing", "\"Takht Sri Damdama Sahib\"\nSingh's Zafarnamah, a mere forty defying a hundred thousand (lakh). The besieged, after they had exhausted the meagre stock of ammunition and arrows, made sallies in batches of five each to engage the encircling host with sword and spear. Sahibzada Ajit Singh led one of the sallies and laid down his life fighting in the thick of the battle. He was 18 years old at the time of his supreme sacrifice for his faith. Gurdwara Qatalgarh now marks the spot where he fell, followed by Sahibzada Jujhar Singh, 14, who led the next sally. The valour displayed by the young", "\"Speech synthesis\"\nTypical error rates when using HMMs in this fashion are usually below five percent. These techniques also work well for most European languages, although access to required training corpora is frequently difficult in these languages. Deciding how to convert numbers is another problem that TTS systems have to address. It is a simple programming challenge to convert a number into words (at least in English), like \"\"1325\"\" becoming \"\"one thousand three hundred twenty-five.\"\" However, numbers occur in many different contexts; \"\"1325\"\" may also be read as \"\"one three two five\"\", \"\"thirteen twenty-five\"\" or \"\"thirteen hundred and twenty five\"\". A TTS", "\"History of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1648–1764)\"\nincluded the creation of the Duchy of Ruthenia, which, like the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, would have its own state offices and participate in the Commonwealth's Sejm. The Orthodox Church was to be given equal rights with the Catholic Church, with Orthodox bishops seated in the Senate. Nobility status was to be granted to many better off Cossacks (\"\" measured, however, that out of each regiment one hundred can be granted nobility\"\"). But the Cossack register was limited to thirty thousand and with the allowed return of the Polish \"\"szlachta\"\" to their prewar possessions, many of the ordinary Cossack rebels", "\"Johannes Junius\"\nnames under threat of further torture. The letter begins: \"\"Many hundred thousand good-nights, dearly beloved daughter Veronica,\"\" and ends \"\"Good night, for your father Johannes Junius will see you no more.\"\" Many hundred thousand good-nights, dearly beloved daughter Veronica. Innocent have I come into prison, innocent have I been tortured, innocent must I die. For whoever comes into the witch prison must become a witch or be tortured until he invents something out of his head and - God pity him- bethinks him of something. I will tell you how it has gone with me. When I was the first", "\"Dispute pyramid\"\nbe brought to court will actually be brought to court. The reason for this phenomenon is the existence of settlements outside the court itself, and the pyramid demonstrates this through numbers. Dispute pyramid A dispute pyramid is an upside-down triangle that illustrates how many grievances result in legal proceedings, such as a trial or hearing. Court filings are at the bottom as the smallest amount, then lawyers, then claims, and finally grievances at the top with the largest number. It demonstrates how a large number of grievances, for example, one thousand, will filter down to around seven hundred claims, only", "\"Culture of the United Kingdom\"\nevolve until World War II. After that war, reconstruction went through a variety of phases, but was heavily influenced by Modernism, especially from the late 1950s to the early 1970s. Many bleak town centre redevelopments—criticised for featuring hostile, concrete-lined \"\"windswept plazas\"\"—were the fruit of this interest, as were many equally bleak public buildings, such as the Hayward Gallery. Many Modernist-inspired town centres are today being redeveloped: Bracknell town centre is an example. However, in the immediate post-War years many thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands) of council houses in vernacular style were built, giving working-class people their first experience of private", "\"Florence, Idaho\"\nWashington territorial legislature made it the seat of Idaho County on December 20, 1861. By the time winter took hold, the camp reportedly held nearly two thousand men. Unfortunately, the winter of 1861–1862 \"\"proved to be one of the coldest in the history of Idaho.\"\" No one knows how many men died from the cold, but one newspaper writer had \"\"no doubt that at least one hundred men have perished from the cold.\"\" Survivors told horrific stories of near-starvation, frostbite, and widespread snow-blindness. As was common to many of those early placer mining districts, the richest days in Florence lasted", "\"Hindu units of time\"\nSo the total time elapsed since current Brahma is 155520000000000 + 1852416000 + 116640000 + 3888000 + 5119 = 155,521,972,949,120 years (one hundred fifty-five trillion, five hundred twenty-one billion, nine hundred seventy-two million, nine hundred forty-nine thousand, one hundred twenty years) as of 2018 AD Total age of Brahma is 100 (Brahma Years) which is equal to 311,040,000,000,000 Human years The current Kali Yuga began at midnight 17 February / 18 February in 3102 BCE in the proleptic Julian calendar. As per the information above about Yuga periods, only 5,120 years are passed out of 432,000 years of current Kali", "\"Orders of magnitude (numbers)\"\nkilo- (k) (; one hundred thousand or a lakh). ISO: mega- (M) ISO: giga- (G) ISO: tera- (T) ISO: peta- (P) ISO: exa- (E) ISO: zetta- (Z) ISO: yotta- (Y) Orders of magnitude (numbers) This list contains selected positive numbers in increasing order, including counts of things, dimensionless quantity and probabilities. Each number is given a name in the short scale, which is used in English-speaking countries, as well as a name in the long scale, which is used in some of the countries that do not have English as their national language. ISO: yocto- (y) ISO: zepto- (z) ISO:", "SolarCity\ndisclosed canceled contracts. \"\"Some customers say they canceled contracts after being strong-armed into solar-energy deals\"\" and there have been hundreds of complaints to state attorneys general. The federal government is investigating whether solar companies are \"\"masking how many customers they are losing\"\". The SEC is involved because \"\"investors use that cancellation metric as one way to gauge the companies' health\"\". According to the \"\"Wall Street Journal\"\", \"\"To generate business, solar companies have long relied on thousands of salespeople who knock on doors, make hundreds of cold calls and even trail people as they shop at retailers like Home Depot Inc.,", "Speciation\nof evolution, the fossil record of an evolutionary progression typically consists of species that suddenly appear, and ultimately disappear, hundreds of thousands or millions of years later, without any change in external appearance. Graphically, these fossil species are represented by lines parallel with the time axis, whose lengths depict how long each of them existed. The fact that the lines remain parallel with the time axis illustrates the unchanging appearance of each of the fossil species depicted on the graph. During each species' existence new species appear at random intervals, each also lasting many hundreds of thousands of years before", "Koinophilia\nin evolutionary stagnation. Thus the fossil record of an evolutionary progression typically consists of species that suddenly appear, and ultimately disappear hundreds of thousands or millions of years later, without any change in external appearance. Graphically, these fossil species are represented by horizontal lines, whose lengths depict how long each of them existed. The horizontality of the lines illustrates the unchanging appearance of each of the fossil species depicted on the graph. During each species' existence new species appear at random intervals, each also lasting many hundreds of thousands of years before disappearing without a change in appearance. The degree", "\"Khawaja Farid Social Security Hospital\"\nKhawaja Farid Social Security Hospital Khawaja Farid Social Security Hospital (K.F.S.S.H) is a 100 bed public sector hospital in Multan. It was established in 1967. It provides comprehensive medical cover to the secured workers and their family members including parents. The service package includes Consultation, Indoor and Outdoor Treatment, Emergency Treatment in case of Accidents and Injury, Prenatal and Post Natal Care. Punjab Employees Social Security Institution delivers free medical treatment to more than seven hundred thousand industrial workers and their 42 lakh dependants who are getting free of cost medical treatment from PESSI hospitals.This hospital is one of the", "\"DAV Public School Nerul\"\nof 23 teachers and other staff the school formally commenced in June 1998 from a rented school building at Sector-4, Nerul. Meanwhile, a school plot admeasuring 2.5 acres of land including 1.5 acres for the school playground was acquired from the City Industrial Development Corporation at a cost of Rs. 19,36,162. (Nineteen lakhs thirty six thousand one hundred and sixty two) at plot. No. 34, Sector -48, Nerul. For nearly 2 full academic years the school operated from the Municipal School Building at sector-4, Nerul. In the meantime a spacious Ground plus 3 storeys building of 48000 sq. ft. constructed", "Bosniaks\nBosniaks the right to self-determination. On that occasion, one of the leading communist leaders, Rodoljub Čolaković, stated that \"\"our Muslim brothers\"\" were equal with Serbs and Croats and that they would not be \"\"forced to declare themselves as Serbs and Croats.\"\" He guaranteed them \"\"full freedom in their national determination\"\" In 1971, the Muslims were fully recognized as a nationality and in the census the option \"\"Muslims by nationality\"\" was added. During the war, the Bosniaks were subject to ethnic cleansing and genocide. The war caused hundreds of thousands of Bosniaks to flee the nation. The war also caused many", "\"Sopressa (horse)\"\nHarry Coffey, also winning his first group 1, said, \"\"When you win a race like the Oaks, it becomes clear how special it is. I don’t know how many messages I have had on social media.\"\" Weir said of his ride, \"\"If he had done one thing wrong, he would've got beaten, it was that close.\"\" Sopressa (horse) Sopressa (foaled 31 October 2014) is a Thoroughbred racehorse trained and bred in Australia. She won the Schweppes Oaks, a Group One race, and has won over four hundred thousand dollars. Sopressa had her first race at Geelong on 3 September 2017,", "\"Cultural impact of the Beatles\"\nKennedy. Bill Dean writes: \"\"It's impossible to say just how many of America's young people began playing guitars and forming bands in the wake of The Beatles' appearance on the Sullivan show. But the anecdotal evidence suggests thousands – if not hundreds of thousands or even more – young musicians across the country formed bands and proceeded to play.\"\" Tom Petty, who played in two garage bands in Gainesville, Florida during the 1960s, is quoted mentioning the Beatles' appearance on \"\"The Ed Sullivan Show\"\" and how it influenced him to be in a band. According to him: \"\"Within weeks of", "\"Taliesin (studio)\"\nincluding the Midway Gardens in Chicago and the Avery Coonley Playhouse in Riverside. He also indulged his hobby for collecting Japanese art, and quickly became a renowned authority. Borthwick translated four works from Swedish difference feminist Ellen Key. In his spare time, Wright developed a fruit farm on the property with over a thousand fruit trees and bushes that he ordered from Jens Jensen in 1912. It is unknown exactly how many were planted, because part of the orchard was destroyed during a railroad strike. Wright requested two hundred and eighty-five apple trees planted, including one hundred McIntosh, fifty Wealthy,", "\"Pamplona, Norte de Santander\"\nof Doña Agueda Gallardo de Villamizar (freedom that finally declared 31 July of the same year with a provisional Assembly), and later, between thousands eight hundred nineteen and thousands eight hundred twenty one, by having contributed remarkably with human and economic resources for, without equal, develop liberator of Colombia and Venezuela. Pamplona was as important as Bogotá. In 1910, with the creation of the Department of Norte de Santander, were included within their political jurisdiction, integrating itself like the Province of Pamplona, that is as well conformed by the municipalities of Cácota de Velasco, Cucutilla, Chitagá, Labateca, Mutiscue, Pamplonita, Toledo", "\"Dus Lakh\"\nDus Lakh Dus Lakh (English: Ten Lakhs or One Million) is a 1966 Hindi comedy film. It was produced and directed by Devendra Goel. Music was composed by Ravi. The starcast included Om Prakash, Sanjay Khan, Babita, Manorama, Helen, Pran, Ramesh Deo, Seema Deo, Neetu Singh and others. Om Prakash won the Filmfare Best Comedian Award and Asha Bhosle won the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"\"Garibon ki Suno\"\" in 1967 for this movie. The story of the film revolves around how the fortunes of a family change after they inherit ten lakh rupees. Gokulchand", "\"Waldtraut Lewin\"\nthe destruction of the records, which were believed to evidence forty years of domestic espionage by a principal East German government agency devoted to controlling and monitoring people in the name of \"\"security\"\". The Stasi were diligent in their record keeping: there were a lot of files. Many survived. It is not known how many were destroyed. The Stasi files are preserved by the Stasi Records Agency, headquartered in Berlin, accessible to scholars, journalists and others interested. Search of the Stasi archives disclosed that Between 1975 and November 1988 Waldtraut Lewin was one of several hundred thousand Stasi informers. The", "\"Shilha language\"\ndisplay much less variety. The inherited cardinal numeral system consists of ten numerals (still in active use) and three numeral nouns (now obsolete) for \"\"a tensome\"\", \"\"a hundred\"\" and \"\"a thousand\"\". There is also an indefinite numeral meaning \"\"several, many\"\" or \"\"how many?\"\" which morphologically and syntactically patterns with the numerals 1 to 10. For numbers of 20 and over, Arabic numerals are commonly used. These are listed below. The formation of feminine \"\"one\"\" and \"\"two\"\" is irregular. The numerals 1 to 10 are constructed with nouns (inflected nouns in the EA), the gender of the numeral agreeing with that", "\"Pacific electric ray\"\nits total weight, consisting of many thousands of jelly-filled \"\"electric plates\"\" stacked hundreds-high into vertical hexagonal columns. These columns function essentially like batteries connected in parallel; a large adult ray can generate some 45 volts of electricity with a power output of one kilowatt, due to low internal resistance. The electric organs discharge direct current in pulses, each lasting 4–5 ms. When attacking prey, in the first few moments the ray normally produces pulses at a rate of 150–200 per second, slowing down over time. Over a thousand pulses may be produced in all, depending on how long it takes", "Garuda\nthem a boon. Kadru asked for one thousand Nāga sons, while Vinata wanted two, each equal to Kadru's thousand naga sons. Kashyapa blessed them, and then went away to a forest to meditate. Later, Kadru gave birth to one thousand eggs, while Vinata gave birth to two eggs. These incubated for five hundred years, upon which Kadru's eggs broke open and out came her 1,000 sons. Vinata eager for her sons, impatiently broke one of the eggs from which emerged the partially formed Aruna, who looked radiant and reddish as the morning sun but not as bright as the midday", "\"Constitution of the Republic of Texas\"\nhundred thousand, then it shall not be less than forty or more than one hundred members. Senators are chosen by their districts equal in free population, this only counts the white population. The number of senators is to never be less than one third or more than one half of Representatives. Each district is to have one member. Senators are chosen for a three-year term on the first Monday of September. They have to be citizens of the Republic, reside in the district they represent for at least one year before election, and be at least thirty. The Vice President", "\"Seoul Central Mosque\"\nagain sharply to around one hundred fifty thousand with the large influx of foreign workers from Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Indonesia in the 1990s. Today there are estimated to be at least one hundred thousand Muslims in South Korea (though some estimates suggest there being as many as two hundred thousand). Since the opening of Seoul Central Mosque, seven more mosques have been built throughout Korea. However, Seoul Central Mosque remains the only mosque in the Seoul Capital Area and thus it serves as the functional hub of the Islamic cultural community in Seoul. A busy commercial", "\"Amsterdam Gay Pride\"\nthe Dutch Society towards LGBT is under an optimistic atmosphere and people support and open to promote the equalities and freedom of LGBT community. Amsterdam Gay Pride Amsterdam Pride or Amsterdam Gay Pride is a citywide gay-festival held annually at the center of Amsterdam during the first weekend of August. The festival attracts several hundred-thousand visitors each year and is one of the largest publicly held annual events in the Netherlands. Amsterdam Pride was first organized in 1996, meant as a festival to celebrate freedom and diversity. It was therefore not like many other Gay Prides, which began as demonstrations", "\"Tamar Fish Nachshon\"\nAviv University at the age of 42. For ten years Nachshon lectured to teachers about teaching methods on behalf of the teachers' organization in Israel. She taught teachers how to guide children to read and how to teach writing, among other things. Nachshon wrote hundreds of learning vacation magazines for children, that were sold hundreds of thousands of copies and were published in many editions. For this she was named: \"\"The great leader of the working magazines\"\". Nachshon wrote eleven children's novels and published a story of seventy-two chapters in the children's magazine \"\"Etzbeoni\"\". She also composed two guidebooks for", "\"Internet Radio Equality Act\"\nthe owner of the copyright—usually a record label. While traditional radio stations cannot determine how many people are listening to their station at a given moment, this information is readily available to an Internet radio station. The Internet Radio Equality Act specifies that the provider may choose to pay royalties of: The following comparison is calculated based upon an imaginary Internet radio station that broadcasts, on average, fifteen songs to one hundred listeners each hour. Totals given are per year. $2890.80 ($.0033/hour * 24 hours/day * 365 days/year * 100 average listeners/hour) 2006: $10512 ($.0008/song * 15 songs/hour * 24", "\"Dimension stone\"\nfourth one is on efficiently transporting stone to be finished as products, then transporting the products to consumers by centralizing freight management, consolidating small loads, choosing appropriate trucks, balancing and securing the load, and packaging with sustainable materials. The selector of dimension stone begins by considering stone color and appearance, and how the stone will match its surroundings. The selector has literally thousands of options to choose from, and should examine many options. In addition to many hundreds of different stones with different colors and patterns, each stone can change radically in color and appearance when a different finish is", "\"Carry-lookahead adder\"\nlogic. Again, the group sizes to be chosen depend on the exact details of how fast signals propagate within logic gates and from one logic gate to another. For very large numbers (hundreds or even thousands of bits), lookahead-carry logic does not become any more complex, because more layers of supergroups and supersupergroups can be added as necessary. The increase in the number of gates is also moderate: if all the group sizes are four, one would end up with one third as many lookahead carry units as there are adders. However, the \"\"slow roads\"\" on the way to the", "\"Betty Ford\"\nU.S. Congress, and the President on how to improve the status of American women. Ford continued to be an outspoken supporter of equal pay for women, breast cancer awareness, and the ERA throughout her life. In 1978, the deadline for ratification of the ERA was extended from 1979 to 1982, resulting largely from a march of a hundred thousand people on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington. The march was led by prominent feminist leaders, including Ford, Bella Abzug, Elizabeth Chittick, Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. In 1981, Eleanor Smeal, the National Organization for Women's president, announced Ford's appointment to be the", "\"Amsterdam Gay Pride\"\nAmsterdam Gay Pride Amsterdam Pride or Amsterdam Gay Pride is a citywide gay-festival held annually at the center of Amsterdam during the first weekend of August. The festival attracts several hundred-thousand visitors each year and is one of the largest publicly held annual events in the Netherlands. Amsterdam Pride was first organized in 1996, meant as a festival to celebrate freedom and diversity. It was therefore not like many other Gay Prides, which began as demonstrations for equal rights. The latter purpose served another event, which is called Pink Saturday (Dutch: \"\"Roze Zaterdag\"\") since 1979 and is held in a", "BookTube\nBookTube BookTube refers to the group of content creators on YouTube that film videos based on books. Similar to beauty gurus or gamers, BookTubers are a specific subset of the YouTube community. While the largest group of BookTubers focus on YA literature, BookTube channels address all possible kinds of literature, such as audiobooks, classics, science fiction, fantasy, literary fiction, children's literature, comics, romance, non-fiction, and books in translation. The BookTube community has grown exponentially. It is hard to say how many BookTube channels now exist, but there are many channels that have thousands (and sometimes hundreds of thousands) of subscribers.", "\"Aavin scam\"\nwith the scam on allegations that the prime accused, Vaidyanathan, was closely associated with him. In October 2016, Mr. Vaidyanathan has provided a detailed explanation on the current standing of the Aavin issue . It can be noticed that the allegations of swindling lakhs of money is completely false as the charge sheet issued by the Police of Tamil Nadu on the transport companies owned by Vaidhyanathan have posted a total worth of Rs. 20,400 (Twenty Thousand and Four Hundred) only for the losses incurred. Also, he mentions that the allegation has been falsely implicated on him owing to the", "\"Enabling Act of 1802\"\nand government of Ohio was required only to be \"\"republican, and not repugnant to the ordinance of the thirteenth of July, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, between the original States and the people and States of the territory northwest of the river Ohio\"\". The new state was to be equal in status to the existing states, and would have only one Representative to the United States House of Representatives until the next census. To help provide that equal status, section seven of the act offered three \"\"propositions\"\" to the convention for their free acceptance or rejection, which, if accepted,", "\"Stalag II-D\"\nconditions. The count was held up the morning of the march as the MOC (Man of Confidence) was in negotiation with the Kommandant for the safety of the men who were too sick for the march. Many of the sick and infirmed were left behind in the Lazzarett (camp clinic) and were transported by rail or truck at a later date. Almost a thousand men struggled into formation. There were about five-hundred Russians, two-hundred Frenchmen, one-hundred Americans and twenty-five Canadians in the march. Other reports have the number at as many as two-thousand in the column. They were marched twenty-five", "\"The Green Ring\"\nveteran's failure to see how perfectly the angular 'ugly duckling' fitted into the role. Indeed, Finochka had to be a 'perfect androgyn', in equal parts childish, womanly and masculine, full of well-balanced inner strength. Tarasova was exactly that,\"\" argued Arzamastseva. Tarasova's performance, lauded by the critics, kickstarted what has been described as 'The Finochka Cult' in Moscow. \"\"Never in my life have I seen such an embodiment of clarity, serenity and chastity on stage. Her quiet grey eyes looked straight into the soul of mine. And that was not just myself: hundreds, then thousands of people rushed to MAT to", "\"K. M. Mani\"\nconstituency since its inception in 1964. His initiative of Karunya Lottery Benovelent Scheme claims financial help of Rs. 1400 crores for nearly one lakh fifty thousand poor patients. He introduced pension for farmers and widows in Kerala. His Theory of the Toiling Class was presented in the British Parliament. Based on Kerala High court's comments on Mani's involvement in Kerala BAR license scam and bribery case, he had to resign from the post of Finance minister of Kerala on 10 November 2015. He was born to Sri. Thomas Mani and Smt. Aliyamma. He started his political career by being the", "\"Elementary arithmetic\"\nthe beginning of the ten-thousands-column. Next, the hundreds-column. Find the product of the hundreds-multiplier and the multiplicand and write it down in a row—call it the \"\"hundreds-row\"\"—under the tens-row, but shifted one more column to the left. That is, the ones-digit of the hundreds-row will be in the hundreds-column; the tens-digit of the hundreds-row will be in the thousands-column; the hundreds-digit of the hundreds-row will be in the ten-thousands-column. If the hundreds-row has four digits, then the first digit will be the beginning of the hundred-thousands-column. After having down the ones-row, tens-row, and hundreds-row, draw a horizontal line under the", "\"Anamika Choudhari\"\nmelody and reaching till the last note, she is in a different league”. Wadkar also praised Anamika, saying that “Anamika (Chaudhuri) ki voice mein jitni sureelapan hai utni hi woh mehnati hai”. Anamika eventually went on to win the first ever International L'il Champs. She was declared the winner on March 1, 2008 receiving a total of 44 lakh 80 thousand votes. Her fellow contestant Rohanpreet Singh was the first runner-up receiving a total of 38 lakh 47 thousand votes, and Tanmay Chaturvedi was the second runner-up receiving more than 34 lakh votes. Anamika was awarded with a cash prize", "\"Padmanabhaswamy Temple\"\nmedia reports also mention hundreds of pure gold chairs, thousands of gold pots and jars, among the articles recovered from Vault A and its antechambers. This revelation has solidified the status of the Padmanabhaswamy Temple as the wealthiest place of worship in the world. It is conservatively estimated that the value of the monumental items is close to 1.2 lakh crore or . If the antique and cultural value were taken into account these assets could be worth ten times the current market price. These estimates were on the basis of the revelations since July 2011, when five vaults were", "\"Shani Shingnapur\"\nShiva and Hanuman. Generally, the temple has 30–45,000 visitors a day, which swells to around three lakh (i.e. three hundred thousand) on \"\"amavasya\"\" (the no moon day), believed to be the most auspicious day to appease Shani. The village holds a fair in honour of the deity on this day. A bigger festival is held on new moon days that fall on Saturdays. Devotees bathe Lord Shani's image with water and oil and offer flowers, and \"\"udid\"\" to him. A palanquin procession of Shani is held on the day of the fair. Other festivals include the birthday of Shani, \"\"Shani", "\"Capture of Vigo\"\nbooty was huge – the total number brought home was one hundred and ninety iron and thirty brass heavy guns, with ten thousand fire arms, two thousand barrels of powder, and other stores. The expedition had been prompt and successful: it had fully attained its objective. By sickness, desertion, and combat it had lost no more than three hundred men. This caused some shock to the Spanish authorities as they realized how vulnerable they were to Allied amphibious descents, with the potential to open up a new front away from the French frontier. Capture of Vigo The Capture of Vigo", "Mimizuka\nJapanese chroniclers on the second invading campaign mention that the ears hacked off the faces of the massacred were also of ordinary civilians mostly in the provinces Gyeongsang, Jeolla, and Chungcheong. In the second invasion Hideyoshi's orders were thus: One hundred and sixty-thousand Japanese troops had gone to Korea where they had taken 185,738 Korean heads and 29,014 Chinese ones, a grand total of 214,752. As some might have been discarded, it is improbable to enumerate how many were killed in total during the war. The Mimizuka was dedicated September 28, 1597. Though the exact reasons as to its construction", "\"Paper Salvage 1939–50\"\nand, from 1942, those refusing to sort their waste could be fined £2500 and face two years in prison. Locally, the scheme was run by over a hundred thousand volunteer salvage stewards who manned depots and encouraged the sorting of waste. Nationally, even the Royal family became involved, with Princess Elizabeth urging housewives to follow her lead. The scheme was retained after war to help hasten the transition to peace. Following an economic crisis in 1947 efforts were redoubled and newspaper adverts explained how every ton of paper saved was equal to 2,956,800 cigarettes; of ceiling board; 17,000 sheets of", "\"Satej Patil\"\nof water pollution caused by the large flower waste occurring from the birthday celebration of leaders. Three years back he came out with unique birthday celebration way to resolve both the problems. He asked and appealed people for giving birthday greeting in the form of notebooks donation, this proved very revolutionary as during these three years more than 11 Lakh note books are collected and over 2 Lakh 66 thousand needy students are benefited from this. Many political leaders are now following this and some other similar methods for resolving social problems without any economic assistance from the government. On" ]
[ true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false, true, true, true, true, false, false, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false, true, true, true, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, false, true, false, false, true, true, false, true, true, false, false, false, true, true, false, false ]
which country has won the world cup two years in a row
[ "Italy", "Brazil" ]
[ "\"1975–76 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup\"\nthe next season 1976/77, he won 9 downhill races in a row!! In Men's Giant Slalom World Cup 1975/76 the best 5 results count. Two racers had a point deduction, which are given in (). Ingemar Stenmark won the cup with only 1 win. In 7 races there were 6 different winners. In Men's Slalom World Cup 1975/76 the best 5 results count. Two racers had a point deduction, which are given in (). Ingemar Stenmark won 5 races and won the cup with maximum points. He won 4 slalom races in a row. In Men's Combined World Cup 1975/76", "\"Justyna Kowalczyk\"\nJustyna Kowalczyk Justyna Kowalczyk (born 19 January 1983) is a Polish cross country skier who has been competing since 2000. Kowalczyk is a double Olympic Champion and a double World Champion. She is also the only skier to win the Tour de Ski four times in a row and one of two female skiers, who won the FIS Cross-Country World Cup three times in a row (the other one being Finn Marjo Matikainen). Kowalczyk holds the all-time record for the most wins in Tour de Ski with 14 competitions won and 29 podiums in total. She also won the Vasaloppet", "\"Gunn-Rita Dahle Flesjå\"\nGunn-Rita Dahle Flesjå Gunn-Rita Dahle Flesjå (born 10 February 1973) is a Norwegian cross-country and marathon mountain biker. She won the women's cross-country gold medal at the 2004 Olympic Games and is a multiple World Champion. She has won six World Championships and six European championships. Dahle has also won four UCI World Cup XC in a row. She was on the start list of 2018 Cross Country European Championships. Gunn-Rita grew up in the village of Bjørheimsbygd in Strand, Rogaland. She had her first MTB ride in April 1995 at 22 years old . Gunn-Rita has won a total", "\"1976–77 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup\"\nThe combined discipline championship would not return until 1980. The Men's Overall World Cup 1976/77 was most likely also divided into two periods, but no racer had a point deduction. In Men's Downhill World Cup 1976/77 the best 5 results count. Six racers had a point deduction, which are given in (). Franz Klammer won 5 races in a row and won the cup with maximum points. Together with the last 4 downhill races last season 1975/76, he won 9 downhill races in a row, and Klammer won his third Downhill World Cup in a row. Austrian skiers won 9", "\"1976–77 Alpine Skiing World Cup\"\ncombined discipline championship would not return until 1980. The Men's Overall World Cup 1976/77 was most likely also divided into two periods, but no racer had a point deduction. In Men's Downhill World Cup 1976/77 the best 5 results count. Six racers had a point deduction, which are given in (). Franz Klammer won 5 races in a row and won the cup with maximum points. Together with the last 4 downhill races last season 1975/76, he won 9 downhill races in a row, and Klammer won his third Downhill World Cup in a row. Austrian skiers won 9 races", "\"Bronwyn Roye\"\nplace. In 1997 Roye rowed in the double scull at the World Rowing Cup I but not at the World Championships. She came back into the senior quad in 1998 with Hatzakis, Robinson and Newmarch and after racing at the World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne, they competed at the 1998 World Rowing Championships in Cologne and won a bronze medal. Roye's final two years of representative rowing was with Hatzakis in the Australian women's double scull. They raced at the 1999 World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne and then at the 1999 World Rowing Championships in St Catharines, Canada", "\"Amy James\"\nAmy James Amy James (born 29 July 1993) is an Australian representative lightweight rower. She is a two-time national champion and won a silver medal at the 2017 World Rowing Championships. James' senior club rowing has been from the Toowong Rowing Club. James first made state selection for Queensland in 2011 in the women's lightweight quad scull which contested and won the Victoria Cup at the Interstate Regatta within the Australian Rowing Championships. She rowed again in 2012 in the Victoria Cup for Queensland. In 2016 she regained her seat in the Queensland lightweight quad contesting the Victoria Cup and", "\"1989–90 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup\"\ntwo heats. see complete table In Men's Super G World Cup 1989/90 all results count. Pirmin Zurbriggen won his fourth Super G World Cup in a row! see complete table In Men's Giant Slalom World Cup 1989/90 all results count. There were 6 different winners in 7 races. Richard Kröll won the race No. 20 at Veysonnaz up from 28th place after the first run. Ole Kristian Furuseth won this title for a second year in a row (20 points two times). see complete table In Men's Slalom World Cup 1989/90 all results count. see complete table In Men's Combined", "\"Justyna Kowalczyk\"\nthe International Ski Federation (FIS). - retrieved 16.01.2018 Justyna Kowalczyk Justyna Kowalczyk (born 19 January 1983) is a Polish cross country skier who has been competing since 2000. Kowalczyk is a double Olympic Champion and a double World Champion. She is also the only skier to win the Tour de Ski four times in a row and one of two female skiers, who won the FIS Cross-Country World Cup three times in a row (the other one being Finn Marjo Matikainen). Kowalczyk holds the all-time record for the most wins in Tour de Ski with 14 competitions won and", "\"Marina Hatzakis\"\nwith Bronwyn Roye in a double scull but was not selected for World Championships that year. She came back into the senior quad in 1998 with Newmarch, Robinson and Roye and after racing at the World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne, they competed at the 1998 World Rowing Championships in Cologne and won a bronze medal. Hatzakis' final two years of representative rowing was with Roye in the Australian women's double scull. They raced at the 1999 World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne and then at the 1999 World Rowing Championships in St Catharines, Canada to a sixth-place finish. Their", "\"Ahmad Ellaz\"\nSouth Wales Cup Team of the Year. As of 2017, Ellaz plays for The Auburn Warriors in The Ron Massey Cup competition. Ahmad Ellaz Ahmad Ellaz (born 14 May 1990) is a Lebanese rugby league player who has represented his country. His position is usually in the back row. Ellaz has represented Lebanon at the 2009 European Cup, during qualification for the 2013 World Cup, in the 2014 Hayne/Mannah Cup and during qualification for the 2017 World Cup. Ellaz joined the Newtown Jets in 2011 and quickly cemented his position at lock. He won the award for the Most Consistent", "\"David Crawshay\"\nat two World Rowing Cups in Europe that year before contesting the 2006 World Rowing Championships at Eton Dorney where the quad placed ninth. In 2007 Crawshay teamed with Tasmanian Scott Brennan in the Australian senior double scull and they commenced their 2008 Olympics campaign. They raced at two World Rowing Cups in Europe in 2007 and then the 2007 World Rowing Championships in Munich where they placed eight. They won bronze in 2008 at WRC I in Munich and WRC II in Lucerne before their successful run for gold at Beijing 2008. At the 2009 World Rowing Championships in", "\"David Porzig\"\nbrother Nick Porzig. Porzig made his national representative debut in the Australian men's eight in 1997. He raced at two World Rowing Cups in Europe that year and then at the Henley Royal Regatta as an Australian Institute of Sport crew the eight contested and won the 1997 Grand Challenge Cup. Porzig then finished his 1997 debut international season in the four seat of the eight when they competed at the 1997 World Rowing Championships in Aiguebelette and won a bronze medal. Porzig continued on in the eight for the 1998 World Rowing Championships in Cologne where they rowed to", "\"1978–79 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup\"\nthree combined. 25 racers had a point deduction. Annemarie Moser-Pröll won her sixth Overall World Cup - this record is still unbeaten. see complete table In Women's Downhill World Cup 1978/79 the best 5 results count. Five racers had a point deduction, which are given in brackets. Annemarie Moser-Pröll won 6 races out of 7 and five races in a row. She won the World Cup with maximum points. Together with the last two downhill races last season 1977/78, she won 7 downhill races in a row. She won her seventh Downhill World Cup - this record is still unbeaten.", "\"France–Italy football rivalry\"\nFrance–Italy football rivalry The France–Italy football rivalry is a football rivalry between the national football teams of Italy and France, having achieved six FIFA World Cups between the two countries. Italy has won four FIFA World Cups in 1934, 1938, 1982 and 2006, while France has won two FIFA World Cups in 1998 and 2018. For many years Italy dominated (before 1982: 17 wins, three losses and six draws), while from 1982 the French team had not lost a single game against Italy (with five wins and four draws) until the 2006 World Cup final, which Italy won on penalties.", "\"Artistic Gymnastics World Cup\"\nawarded in chronological order, meaning the first spots are awarded at the World Championships in the two years prior to the Olympics, followed by the non-nominative spots won by countries in the All-Around World Cup series in the spring of the Olympic year, followed by the nominative spots won by individual gymnasts in the Individual Apparatus World Cup series, followed by the non-nominative spots won by gymnasts at the continental championships generally held in the summer. The qualification rule combined with the chronological awarding of spots has two major consequences. First, since countries that qualified full teams are only eligible", "\"History of the Australian cricket team\"\nhas meant that the team has not suffered a World Cup loss since the group stage of 1999. Australia pulled out of their cricket tour of Pakistan because of Terrorism in Pakistan on 11 March 2008. The Australian cricket team has had a rich history participating in the World Cup. At present, they have won the World Cup five times as well as three titles in a row, the only team to do so. Their dominance of the tournament can be analysed through the winning percentage of all countries which have participated, as Australia hold a 10% higher winning rate", "\"Megan Cooke\"\nVarsity 4+ won their C Finals at NCAA's. She won CRCA Regional Coach of the Year and the Duke University staff, consisting of assistant coaches Chuck Rodosky and Chase Graham, won CRCA Division I Staff of the Year. Cooke is married to Simon Carcagno and has two sons. Megan Cooke Megan Cooke Carcagno (born May 5, 1980 in Los Gatos, California) is an American rower. She was a gold medalist at the 2006 World Rowing Cup and a gold medalist at the 2006 FISA World Rowing Championships, assisting in setting a world best time for the U.S. National Team. She", "\"Netani Talei\"\nquarter-finals of the Rugby World Cup in France. He played in three pool games before picking up and injury that ruled him out for the rest of the tournament. Worcester Warriors snapped up Fiji international Talei during the summer, from Doncaster. The giant back row, who has won fifteen caps for his country, signed a one-year deal at Sixways, with an option for an extension. In March 2008, Worcester opted to extend Talei's contract and he signed a new two-year deal which will keep him at Sixways until 2010. In May 2010, Edinburgh announced that they had signed Talei on", "\"Ahmad Ellaz\"\nAhmad Ellaz Ahmad Ellaz (born 14 May 1990) is a Lebanese rugby league player who has represented his country. His position is usually in the back row. Ellaz has represented Lebanon at the 2009 European Cup, during qualification for the 2013 World Cup, in the 2014 Hayne/Mannah Cup and during qualification for the 2017 World Cup. Ellaz joined the Newtown Jets in 2011 and quickly cemented his position at lock. He won the award for the Most Consistent Player at the 2011 Newtown RLFC Presentation Night. At the end of the year he was named as a member of New", "\"FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup\"\nUnion won six titles, including five in a row from 1959 to 1975. The only other countries to win have been Brazil in 1994 and Australia in 2006. The 2014 World Championship for Women was the last tournament played in the same year as the men's, and also the last to be known as the \"\"World Championship for Women\"\". The Women's World Cup remains on the same four-year cycle, with the final tournament played a few months after the men's FIFA World Cup. The men's FIBA World Cup will move to the year after the Women's World Cup. Accordingly, only", "\"Alastair Gordon\"\nthe eight at two World Rowing Cups in Europe that year and then at the Henley Royal Regatta as an Australian Institute of Sport crew they contested and won the 1997 Grand Challenge Cup. At the 1997 World Rowing Championships in Aiguebelette, France he rowed in the six seat for their third placing in the final and to a bronze medal. He held his seat in the Australian eight in 1998 and raced at the 1998 World Rowing Championships in Cologne to a sixth-place finish. Then in 1999 he was again the eight competing at the 1999 World Rowing Championships", "Egypt\nboth having eighteen. The Egyptian national football team, known as the Pharaohs, won the African Cup of Nations seven times, including three times in a row in 2006, 2008, and 2010. Considered the most successful African national team and one which has reached the top 10 of the FIFA world rankings, Egypt has qualified for the FIFA World Cup three times. Two goals from star player Mohamed Salah in their last qualifying game took Egypt through to the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The Egyptian Youth National team Young Pharaohs won the Bronze Medal of the 2001 FIFA youth world cup", "\"Georgia Miansarow\"\nLucerne to fifth place. The at the 2014 U23 World Rowing Championships in Varese the two Georgias rowed the double to a bronze medal. . In 2015 Miansarow joined the senior Australian lightweight quad of Maia Simmonds, Sarah Pound and Laura Dunn which had won a silver medal the year before. Miansarow replaced the veteran Hannah Every-Hall and they rowed to a fourth placing at the 2015 World Rowing Championships in Aiguebelette. Miansarow was back in Australian representative contention in 2017. She rowed in the lightweight double at the World Rowing Cup II in Poznan to sixth place and then", "\"Jessica Hall (rower)\"\nChampionships in Trakai she won gold in Australia's quad scull with Edmunds, Olympia Aldersey and Rebekah Cooper. That same quad stayed together as a senior crew in 2013. They raced in three World Rowing Cups that year and then went to the 2013 World Rowing Championships in Chungju, Korea where they bowed out in the repechage. With Aldersey and Cooper changed out for Kerry Hore and Jennifer Cleary they contested two World Rowing Cups and they placed fourth at the 2014 World Rowing Championships. Hall rowed in the bow seat of that same crew in 2015 and they again went", "\"Madeleine Edmunds\"\nwon gold in Australia's quad scull with Hall, Olympia Aldersey and Rebekah Cooper. That same quad stayed together as a senior crew in 2013. They raced in three World Rowing Cups that year and then went to the 2013 World Rowing Championships in Chungju, Korea where they bowed out in the repechage. With Aldersey and Cooper changed out for Kerry Hore and Jennifer Cleary they contested two World Rowing Cups and they placed fourth at the 2014 World Rowing Championships. Edmunds moved to the stroke seat of that same crew in 2015 and they again went to World Championships -", "\"Cricket World Cup teams\"\nto have won consecutive titles (West Indies: 1975 and 1979; Australia: 1999, 2003 and 2007). Australia have also notably featured in 6 finals of the total 9 World Cups, including the last four in a row. England is the only country to have reached the final without ever winning it, having been runners-up three times. The furthest a non-Test playing nation has ever reached is the semi-finals, achieved by Kenya in the 2003 tournament. India is the first host country to have won the world cup on the home ground in 2011.The only other host to reach a Final was", "\"Christian Poulsen\"\nplayed 92 matches, scoring six goals for his country. He represented Denmark at the 2002 FIFA World Cup, 2010 FIFA World Cup and 2004 European Championship international tournaments. Poulsen was named 2001 Danish \"\"under-21 Player of the Year\"\", and won the 2005 and 2006 Danish \"\"Player of the Year\"\" awards; the first to win two years in a row. Born in Asnæs, Poulsen started playing youth football in the local club Asnæs BK. However, he moved to amateur club Holbæk at the age of 15, where he made his senior debut at 17 years of age, captaining the side on", "\"Daniel Burke (rower)\"\nTeesan Koo in the bow, they placed fourth. At the 1996 World Rowing U23 Championships he competed in the Australian coxless pair and rowed to a silver medal with Alastair Gordon. In 1997 he secured a seat in the Australian men's senior eight. He raced in the eight at two World Rowing Cups in Europe that year and then at the Henley Royal Regatta as an Australian Institute of Sport crew they contested and won the 1997 Grand Challenge Cup. At the 1997 World Rowing Championships in Aiguebelette, France he rowed in the six seat for their third placing in", "\"1974–75 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup\"\nwas unable to score points only in three events. This was her fifth overall win in a row. In Women's Downhill World Cup 1974/75 the best 5 results count. Five racers had a point deduction, which are given in (). Annemarie Moser-Pröll won her fifth Downhill World Cup in a row. This record is still unbeaten. In Women's Giant Slalom World Cup 1974/75 the best 5 results count. Three racers had a point deduction, which are given in (). Annemarie Moser-Pröll won five races in a row and won the cup with maximum points. In Women's Slalom World Cup 1974/75", "\"Field hockey\"\nat a free-hit situation, and outlawed it. The biggest two field hockey tournaments are the Olympic Games tournament, and the Hockey World Cup, which is also held every 4 years. Apart from this, there is the Champions Trophy held each year for the six top-ranked teams. Field hockey has also been played at the Commonwealth Games since 1998. Amongst the men, India lead in Olympic competition, having won 8 golds (6 successive in row). Amongst the women, Australia and Netherlands have 3 Olympic golds while Netherlands has clinched the World Cup 6 times. The Sultan Azlan Shah Hockey Tournament and", "\"1991–92 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup\"\nIn Women's Overall World Cup 1991/92 all results count. Petra Kronberger captured her third Overall World Cup win in a row despite having only two wins, both in downhill races. But she was able to score points in all but five competitions under the new \"\"Top 30\"\" scoring system. By contrast, Carole Merle won seven races and, according to the points system used from the following year onwards, she would have won this overall World Cup -- which was part of the motivation underlying the point value change before the following season. see complete table In Women's Downhill World Cup", "\"Rob Jahrling\"\nat the World Rowing Cup III before contesting the 1999 World Rowing Championships in St Catharine's Canada where they missed the A final and finished in seventh place. In 2000 the Australian eight qualified for the Olympics and raced at two Rowing World Cups in the lead up campaign as well as at the Henley Royal Regatta where they raced as an Australian Institute of Sport eight and won that year's Grand Challenge Cup. Jahrling was in the four seat of the eight with his old AIS training mates Porzig and Fernandez. They were joined by Christian Ryan, Alastair Gordon,", "\"1976–77 Alpine Skiing World Cup\"\nin (). Ingemar Stenmark won five races in a row and won the cup with maximum points. He won seven races out of ten and won his third Slalom World Cup in a row! After the first ever Combined World Cup 1975/76, in this season 1976/77 there were no special discipline world cup for Combined awarded. All three results only count for the Overall World Cup. The Women's Overall World Cup 1976/77 was divided into two periods. From the first 16 races the best 8 results count and from the last 11 races the best 7 results count. Six racers", "\"1976–77 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup\"\ngiven in (). Ingemar Stenmark won five races in a row and won the cup with maximum points. He won seven races out of ten and won his third Slalom World Cup in a row! After the first ever Combined World Cup 1975/76, in this season 1976/77 there were no special discipline world cup for Combined awarded. All three results only count for the Overall World Cup. The Women's Overall World Cup 1976/77 was divided into two periods. From the first 16 races the best 8 results count and from the last 11 races the best 7 results count. Six", "\"Alexander Belonogoff\"\nCups in either a double scull or a quad scull and then at the 2013 World Rowing Championships he competed in the double scull which placed eighth overall. In 2014 he again competed in three World Rowing Cups in either a double scull or a quad scull and then at the 2014 World Rowing Championships in Amsterdam he won bronze in the men's double racing with James McRae. He continued to compete for Australian at every opportunity in 2015 racing at two World Cups and at the 2015 World Championships to fifth place in the double scull. Then in 2016", "\"Mizuho Sakaguchi\"\nMVP awards for 3 years in a row (2015-2017). She was also elected Best Eleven for 5 years in a row (2013-2017). In July 2006, Sakaguchi was elected to be on the Japan national team for 2006 Asian Cup. At this competition, on July 19, she debuted and scored 2 goals against Vietnam. She played in the 2011 World Cup which Japan won the championship, and 2015 World Cup which won 2nd position. She was also part of the silver medal winning 2012 Summer Olympic team. From June 2016, she was given the number 10 shirt for Japan by new", "\"Heather Stanning\"\nOn 21 June, Glover and Stanning won gold in the women's coxless pair at the second round of the World Rowing Cup at Lake Varese in Italy. Their winning time, 06:53.67, was half a second off the World Cup Best Time, defeating Megan Kalmoe and Kerry Simmonds of USA 2 by 1.6 seconds, less than a length. On 12 July they again won gold at the third round of the World Rowing Cup, at Lake Rotsee in Lucerne, which also gave them overall victory in the World Cup series, Glover's fifth series win in five years. They finished in 6:57.59", "\"2002 FIFA World Cup\"\nFIFA Confederations Cups, its fourth and fifth Confederations Cup appearance in a row. In the third place play-off match against South Korea, Turkey won 3–2, taking third place in only their second ever FIFA World Cup. South Korea and Japan were selected as hosts by FIFA on 31 May 1996. Initially, South Korea, Japan and Mexico presented three rival bids. FIFA officials brokered a united bid between the two Asian countries shortly before the decision was made, and they were chosen unanimously in preference to Mexico. This was the first World Cup to be hosted by more than one country,", "\"Will Lockwood (rower)\"\n2009 when he was selected in the Australian U23 men's eight who contested the World Rowing U23 Championships in Racice and placed fourth. In 2010 he contested two World Rowing Cups in Europe in a coxless four and in the senior eight before again being selected for the World Rowing U23 Championships in Brest where he rowed in the coxless four that took the bronze medal. That same year he was in the bow seat of the Australian men's eight that won bronze at the senior 2010 World Championships. At the 2011 World Championships, he won silver in the men's", "\"Xeno Müller\"\nsplit time of the day. His time of 6:44.85 has been an Olympic record until Tim Maeyens of Belgium finished his heat at the 2012 London Olympics in a time of 6:42.52. Following his Olympic victory, Müller took a year off from rowing. In 1998, he won two World Cup race besting future rival Rob Waddell. But at the World Rowing Championships, Waddell had the best race of his life pushing Müller back to second. In the pre-season to the 1998 rowing calendar, Waddell set a world record on the indoor rowing machine. In 1999, Waddell went on to sweep", "\"1979–80 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup\"\na point deduction, which are given in brackets. see complete table In Men's Giant Slalom World Cup 1979/80 the best 5 results count. Eight racers had a point deduction, which are given in brackets. Ingemar Stenmark won the cup with maximum points. He won his fifth Giant Slalom World Cup (third in a row). see complete table In Men's Slalom World Cup 1979/80 the best 5 results count. Six racers had a point deduction, which are given in brackets. Ingemar Stenmark won the cup with maximum points. He won his sixth Slalom World Cup in a row! see complete table", "\"Grand Challenge Cup\"\nawarded at the first race was donated to the Regatta in 1969 and is on display in the Prize Tent. The Grand Challenge Cup has since been competed for annually with the exception of the years affected by the two World Wars. The eligibility rules have varied over the years, but the premise that the Cup has always been open to all established amateur clubs has remained at its core. Subject to rowing together long enough heavyweight F.I.S.A. senior national crew members may enter for this event. In its history the Cup has been won by foreign crews 47 times", "\"Angus Moore\"\nkept his seat in the Australian men's eight racing at two World Rowing Cups and then at the 2014 World Rowing Championships again to seventh place. In Moore was back in the Australian squad for their 2018 international tour. He rowed in the eight to a fifth placing at the World Rowing Cup II in Linz, Austria. In the touring party's second regatta of the 2018 season Moore was in the bow seat of the Australian men's eight racing as the Georgina Hope Rinehart National Training Centre, in honour of Rowing Australia patron, Gina Rinehart which won the 2018 Grand", "\"Gary O'Donovan\"\nsilver in the lightweight double sculls at the first World Rowing Cup events of the year in Varese, Italy. In the following month, the pair won the 2016 European Rowing Championships gold medal in the double sculls in Brandenburg, Germany. In August 2016 at the Rio Olympics, the O'Donovan brothers won silver behind France in the lightweight double sculls, the first rowing medal won by Ireland in the Olympics. In 2017, the brothers won silver in men's lightweight double sculls at the European Rowing Championships in May 2017. They also won silver at the second World Rowing Cup regatta of", "\"1994–95 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup\"\ntable In Men's Slalom World Cup 1994/95 all results count. Alberto Tomba won his fourth Slalom World Cup by winning the first seven races in a row. Together with the last two slalom races last season 1993/94, he won 9 slalom races in a row. see complete table In Men's Combined World Cup 1994/95 both results count. Marc Girardelli won his fourth Combined World Cup. see complete table In Women's Overall World Cup 1993/94 all results count. Vreni Schneider won her third Overall World Cup with only six points margin. Katja Seizinger was unable to score points only in one", "\"2014 FIFA Club World Cup\"\n2014 FIFA Club World Cup The 2014 FIFA Club World Cup (officially known as the FIFA Club World Cup Morocco 2014 presented by Toyota for sponsorship reasons) was the 11th edition of the FIFA Club World Cup, a FIFA-organised international club football tournament between the champion clubs from each of the six continental confederations, as well as the national league champion from the host country. It was hosted by Morocco for the second year in a row, and played from 10 to 20 December 2014. Real Madrid won their first FIFA Club World Cup after defeating San Lorenzo 2–0 in", "\"Lynn Hill\"\nof World Cup victories, it still took the climbing world an age to accept Lynn as the Chosen One, and perhaps her legacy was never established, once and for all, till she free climbed the Nose.\"\" Hill has participated in various television productions, such as \"\"Survival of the Fittest\"\", which she won four seasons in a row, from 1980 to 1984; she beat Olympic athletes at rope climbing and cross-country running. It was rock climbing legend and personal hero Beverly Johnson who first asked Hill to compete. The inaugural year of the competition, the first prize for the men in", "\"Jacksonville University\"\nafter taking the overall FIRA Cup (Florida Intercollegiate Rowing Association) in 2007 and again in 2014. The women's rowing team won their first MAAC Championship in 2014 and won an automatic bid to the NCAA Div I National Championship (JU Website). Recently, JU has expanded its rowing program with the addition of the Negaard Rowing Center. The JU rowing program has had over 50 years of success around the world and has competed in locations such as the Nile River and England's Henley Royal Regatta. The school added men's and women's lacrosse programs during the 2009-2010 academic year. In 2016", "\"Jon Berney\"\nlengths separating the field. Berney won his first and only World Championship title. In 1998 Berney rowed with his team-mate Alastair Isherwood from the '97 eight in a lightweight coxless pair. They won silver and then gold at two World Rowing Cups that year in Europe before racing that pair at the 1998 World Championships in Cologne to a fifth place finish. It was Berney's last Australian representative appearance. In 2013 Jon Berney was inducted into the Rowing Victoria Hall of Fame. Jon Berney Jon Berney (born 26 March 1976) is an Australian world champion lightweight rower. He won a", "\"World Rowing Cup\"\nSydney. From 1990 to 1995, the World Rowing Cup was a competition for single scullers. At three to six international regattas during one season, points for a total rating and cash prizes could be won. The World Rowing Federation wanted to better market its sport and increase sponsorship income through improved TV-presence. These goals were missed, which ultimately led to the termination of this form of the World Cup after the 1995 season. The World Rowing Cup is an annual series of three regattas that act as a lead-up to the World Rowing Championships. Racing at the World Rowing Cup", "\"Football in Egypt\"\nCup of Nations 7 times. Egypt won the inaugural Cup in 1957, 1959, 1986, 1998, 2006, 2008 and 2010. Making them record holders of most African cup wins and most wins in a row (for winning 3 times in a row). This arguably makes them the best in Africa. Their highest FIFA ranking was in July 2010 where they were ranked 9th in the world, making it their greatest achievement. They were the first from an African country and also, from an Arab country to participate in the World Cup when they played in 1934, losing to Hungary 4-2. Although", "\"Grace Clough\"\nSimilarly, Clough won gold in the mixed coxed four events at the 2014 World Rowing Cup in Aiguebelette-le-Lac, France and the 2015 World Rowing Cup in Varese, Italy. In the following years, Clough won an additional gold medal in mixed coxed four at the 2016 Summer Paralympics and the 2017 World Rowing Championships. In 2018, Clough won gold at the 2018 World Rowing Championships in the mixed coxed four event. In 2016, Clough was inducted into the Sheffield Legends Walk of Fame. In 2017, she was named a Member of the Order of the British Empire at the 2017 New", "\"Kerri Gowler\"\none day represent New Zealand. Jackie Gowler, her younger sister by three years, took up rowing in 2010 inspired by her success; they have both made it into the New Zealand national rowing team. Their elder sister, Jaimee Gowler, remains active with horse riding. After school, Gowler became a member of the Aramoho Wanganui Rowing Club. Gowler's international career started in 2013 with the women's eight. After participation in two World Rowing Cups she won the B-final at the 2013 World Rowing Championships in Chungju, South Korea. Gowler won the gold medal in the coxless four at the 2014 World", "\"Rachael Taylor (rower)\"\nfor a new pairs partner for a 2000 Olympic campaign. Slatter and Taylor came together in the coxless pair. They raced at a World Rowing Cup and then at the 1999 World Rowing Championships in St Catharines to a bronze medal. In the 2000 Olympic year they raced with success at two World Rowing Cups in Europe before coming to Sydney. At the Sydney 2000 Olympics they placed second in their heat, won their repechage and placed second behind the Romanians in the Olympic final, beating out the US pair for the silver medal by 4/100ths of a second. Taylor", "\"Peter Hardcastle (rower)\"\nsemi-final result with a third place and bronze medal in the final. In the 2000 Olympic year they raced at two World Rowing Cups before coming to the Sydney 2000 where they made the final and finished in fourth place. After a break, Hardcastle was selected in 2002 in the Australian double scull with Craig Jones. They raced at a World Rowing Cup and then at the 2002 World Rowing Championships in Seville where they won their heat and semi-final and expected to medal in the final but finished in fourth place. In 2003 Hardcastle was teamed with David Crawshay", "\"Rowing at the 1976 Summer Olympics – Men's coxed four\"\nwon silver. East Germany had won silver at the 1972 Summer Olympics and had since won silver at the 1973 European Rowing Championships, gold at the 1974 World Rowing Championships, and silver in the following year. West Germany had not made the A final at the 1973 European Rowing Championships, but had won bronze at both the subsequent world championships. The only other country that had won medals in these events was Czechoslovakia, having won bronze in both 1972 and 1973. Three heats were rowed on 18 July. Two of the heats had five teams and one had four teams,", "\"Jo Lutz\"\nracing as an Australian Institute of Sport selection eight at Henley Royal Regatta, Lutz won the 2001 Henley Prize for women's eights (from 2002 this event was renamed the Remenham Challenge Cup). She rowed in two Australian boats at the World Rowing Cup IV regatta in Munich Germany. The coxless four won that regatta and the Australian eight placed second but were on track for possible World Championship success. A month later at the 2001 World Rowing Championships in Lucerne, Lutz rowed at two in the Australian women's heavyweight crew stroked by Kristina Larsen to win Australia's first ever women's", "\"Deon Birtwistle\"\nwho contested and won the Penrith Cup at the Interstate Regatta within the Australian Rowing Championships. It was his only President's Cup appearance. In 2009 in North Esk colours and rowing in a composite Tasmanian eight, Birtwistle won the national lightweight eight championship title at the Australian Rowing Championships. Birtwistle made his Australian representative debut in a lightweight quad scull at the 2002 World Rowing Cup II in Lucerne. He then raced in that same quad that year at the World Rowing U23 Championships in Genoa to a gold medal. In 2003 he was elevated to the Australian senior lightweight", "\"Scott Brennan (rower)\"\nHe married Olympic single scull rowing gold medallist Kim Crow in Hobart, Tasmania on December 30, 2015. In January 2018, it was announced that the couple were expecting their first child. Their son, Jude, was born later that year. At the junior world representative level Brennan won silver in the single scull at the 2001 Junior World Championship and became the first Australian to have won gold in the single scull at the 2003 U/23 World Championship. At the 2004 rowing World Cup he won gold in the quad scull. Along with his longtime rowing partner David Crawshay Brennan has", "\"Stephen Stewart\"\na coxless four which won the silver medal. He also competed at a World Rowing Cup in Lucerne that year. In 2001 he was selected in to stroke the Australian men's eight. He raced at the World Rowing Cup IV in Munich and then at the 2001 World Rowing Championships where they missed the A final and placed seventh overall. Then in 2003 at the World Championships in Milan he stroked the Australian coxless four to a fourth place finish. In time for the 2004 Athens Stephen was back in the stroke seat of the Australian men's eight with his", "\"1983 Stanley Cup Finals\"\nis also the most recent time that a defending Stanley Cup champion has won the cup four years in a row, and also the first (and, to date, only) time a North American professional sports team has won four consecutive titles in any league competition with more than 20 teams. Since 1983, no professional sports team on the continent has won four consecutive championships and no NHL team has won more than two consecutive championships (most recently the Pittsburgh Penguins in and ). This would be the first of eight consecutive Finals contested by a team from Alberta (of which", "\"Sarah Heard\"\nChampionships Balmforth seated Heard at six and Hornsey at stroke. The eight won the bronze medal. For 2007 Heard was again in the eight at both Rowing World Cups and for the World Championships. She stroked the eight to a fourth place at the World Cup II and won gold at that regatta stroking the coxless four. At the 2007 World Championships in Munich she stroked the eight to a fourth placing. Prospects looked good for the Australian women's eight in the 2008 Olympic year. They won at the World Rowing Cup I in Munich and finished second at World", "\"1975–76 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup\"\ntwo periods. From the first 14 races the best 8 results count and from the last 11 races the best 6 results count. In this season only Piero Gros has a point deduction! Only the 4 points for his 7th place in the Giant Slalom in Copper Mountain were deducted. In Men's Downhill World Cup 1975/76 the best 5 results count. Three racers had a point deduction, which are given in (). Franz Klammer won 5 races and won the cup with maximum points. He won 4 downhill races in a row. Together with the first 5 downhill races in", "\"Sally Ninham\"\nthe pair and fourth in the four. Ninham's sole state representation for Victoria came in 1990 when she was selected in the bow seat of the lightweight coxless four which contested and won the Victoria Cup at the Interstate Regatta within the Australian Rowing Championships. Ninham made her Australian representative debut in 1989 in the lightweight coxless four. They raced at the Lucerne International Regatta to a fourth place and then at the 1989 World Rowing Championships in Bled they again finished fourth. The following year at the 1990 World Rowing Championships in Lake Barrington, Ninham held the two seat", "\"Sudirman Cup\"\n1989. Throughout the history of the tournament, eight countries have reached through to the semifinal round in all tournaments of Sudirman Cup: China, Denmark, England, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Japan. China is the most successful national team in the Sudirman Cup (10 victories), followed by Korea (4 victories) and Indonesia (1 victory). The Cup has never been won by a non-Asian country, Denmark is the only European country that came close to winning it, in 1999 and 2011. Sudirman Cup The Sudirman Cup is the world mixed team badminton championship which takes place every two years. It is held", "\"Natalie Bale\"\nthe 2005 World Rowing Championships in Gifu, Japan in the coxless pair with Sarah Tait where they won a silver medal. In 2007 she competed at the World Rowing Cup I in the coxless pair, at the WRC II in the coxless four & the eight and then at the 2007 World Rowing Championships in Munich in the women's eight who finished in fourth place. In the 2008 Olympic lead-up she rowed in the two or four seat of the Australian women's eight at two World Rowing Cups in Europe. At Beijing 2008 she was again in the four seat", "\"Emily Martin (rower)\"\nwould share later senior success. They won gold in a W4- at the 1998 World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne. Selectors then sent that four to the 1998 World Rowing U23 Championships in Ioannina, Greece where they won an U23 World Championship title, leading all the way in the final and beating out the US crew by 6.4 seconds. Martin secured a seat at five in the Australian women's senior eight in 1999. She raced at the World Rowing Cup III that year in Lucerne and then at the 1999 World Rowing Championships in St Catharine's where the eight placed", "\"Rebecca Sattin\"\n2001 World Championship success. In 1999 and still only aged eighteen Sattin was selected to an Australian senior women's four to race at the World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne. They placed third and won a bronze medal. That entire four were selected to the World Rowing U23 Championships that year in Hamburg. Second in their heat, they won the repechage and in the final they were able to win the silver medal. Again in 2000 Sattin figured in a development foursome who raced and won bronze at the World Rowing Cup III and then were selected in toto for", "\"Christian Ryan\"\nmedal. In 1999 Ryan was elevated to the Australian senior squad. He competed in a coxless pair at the World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne and then was selected in the Australian eight for the 1999 World Rowing Championships in St Catharine's Canada. The eight missed the A final and finished in overall seventh place. In 2000 Ryan was in the Australian eight which qualified for the Olympics and raced at two Rowing World Cups in the lead up campaign as well as at the Henley Royal Regatta where they raced as an Australian Institute of Sport eight and won", "\"2013–14 Fencing World Cup\"\nother Italians, Elisa Di Francisca, Martina Batini and Valentina Vezzali, follow her in the individual rankings. The four of them form the so-called “Dream Team”, which won every World Cup tournament of the season, the continental and the world championships. Olha Kharlan maintained her domination over women's sabre, winning the continental championship, the World Championships and the World Cup for the second time in a row. In épée veteran Emese Szász won her second series after her 2009–10 crown. The men's events were dominated by Asian countries. Korea's Gu Bon-gil was the first non-European to win the men's sabre series,", "\"Lesley Bell\"\nShe married Peter Radford in 1966. Her mother Brenda Bell was three times England Veteran champion. Her husband Peter has also won the England Veteran Championships. She had two children, Allan and Linda Radford, who competed at county and international level respectively. Lesley Bell Lesley Bell is a female former international table tennis player from England. She represented England at the 1963 World Table Tennis Championships in the Corbillon Cup (women's team event) with Diane Rowe and Mary Shannon. Two years later she won a bronze medal at the 1965 World Table Tennis Championships in the Corbillon Cup (women's team", "\"Stuart Welch\"\nChampionships and at Ionnina in Greece he rowed in the U23 eight who won the championship and a gold medal. In 2000 Welch was elevated to the Australian senior representative squad and into the Australian eight. Welch raced in the eight at two Rowing World Cups in the lead up campaign as well as at the Henley Royal Regatta where they raced as an Australian Institute of Sport eight and won that year's Grand Challenge Cup. At Sydney 2000 with Welch in the six seat, the Australian eight won their heat in a pace that blew away the eventual gold", "\"Anna Watkins\"\nfifth place at the World Championships in Gifu, Japan. She also won an Under 23 bronze medal at the World U23 Rowing Championships in Amsterdam. In 2006, Watkins switched to sculling and began competing in the double scull, a boat class she has remained with since then. The World Championships in 2006 were on home water at Eton Dorney. Watkins partnered Annabel Vernon, and they came in fourth place, having won the World Cup series earlier that season. For the next two years, Watkins's partner was Elise Laverick. In this combination, they won bronze medals at both the World Championships", "\"Samuel Patten\"\nCup crews contesting the men's Interstate Eight-Oared Championship at the Australian Rowing Championships in 1983, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989 & 1990. He saw victories in 1987–88 and 1989–90. He was selected in the 1992 King's Cup eight but withdrew due to injury. Patten's first Australian selection was in the coxed four who placed fourth at the 1981 World Junior Championships. Two years later he was a member of the Australian men's senior eight who won a bronze medal at the 1983 World Rowing Championships in Duisburg, Germany. Patten won a World Championship in first incarnation of Australia's Oarsome Foursome coxless", "\"1977–78 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup\"\nbest 5 results count. Two racers had point a deduction, which are given in (). Ingemar Stenmark won his fourth Slalom World Cup in a row. In Women's Overall World Cup 1977/78 the best 3 results of each discipline count; best three downhills, best three giant slaloms and best three slaloms. The parallel slalom only counts for the Nationscup (or was a show-event). 17 racers had a point deduction. In Women's Downhill World Cup 1977/78 the best 5 results count. Five racers had a point deduction, which are given in (). Annemarie Moser-Pröll won 5 races and won the cup", "\"Kangwon Land Cup\"\nis 150 million South Korean Won ($154,000). If a player wins three games in a row, they are awarded an extra 10 million Won ($10,000). Country Player with most consecutive wins. Kangwon Land Cup The Kangwon-Land Cup is a Go competition. The countries that compete are China and Korea. The competition is in knockout style. Both countries select 6 players to play for them in this competition. They then choose in which order they wish for the players to play. First, the competition is started when two players play. Whoever wins goes on and plays the next player. If they", "\"Rowing (sport)\"\nthree World Rowing Cups in which each event earns a number of points for a country towards the World Cup title. Since 2008, rowing has also been competed at the Paralympic Games. Major domestic competitions take place in dominant rowing nations and include The Boat Race and Henley Royal Regatta in the United Kingdom, the Australian Rowing Championships in Australia, the Harvard–Yale Regatta and Head of the Charles Regatta in the United States, and Royal Canadian Henley Regatta in Canada. Many other competitions often exist for racing between clubs, schools, and universities in each nation. While rowing, the athlete sits", "\"Kensington Oval\"\nTour, however the concert was cancelled due to technical difficulties. The expanded Kensington Oval was the venue for the 2007 Cricket World Cup final between Australia and Sri Lanka, held on 28 April, with the official attendance reaching 20,108. This was the first World Cup final to be a repeat – the sides previously met in the 1996 World Cup final, which Sri Lanka won. Australia has won every World Cup match against Sri Lanka apart from that loss. The match was Sri Lanka's second World Cup final appearance and Australia's sixth, their fourth in a row. Ricky Ponting won", "\"Geoff Stewart\"\nSport crew they contested and won the 1997 Grand Challenge Cup. In 1998 Australia's Oarsome Foursome were in their first year of a post-Olympic comeback and they raced in various coxed combinations at the 1998 World Rowing Championships in Cologne. This enabled the Stewart brothers with Bo Hanson and Ben Dodwell to boat as the coxless four. They contested two World Rowing Cups that year in Europe and at the World Championships came up against the gun British crew of James Cracknell, Tim Foster, Matthew Pinsent and Steve Redgrave. The Australian four fared admirably to finish in fourth place in", "\"James Stewart (rower)\"\nwon the 1997 Grand Challenge Cup. In 1998, Australia's Oarsome Foursome were in their first year of a post-Olympic comeback and they raced in various coxed combinations at the 1998 World Rowing Championships in Cologne. This enabled the Stewart brothers with Bo Hanson and Ben Dodwell to boat as the coxless four. They contested two World Rowing Cups that year in Europe and at the World Championships came up against the gun British crew of James Cracknell, Tim Foster, Matthew Pinsent and Steve Redgrave. The Australian four fared admirably to finish in fourth place in the final, 0.19 seconds behind", "\"Gayle Toogood\"\nGayle Toogood Gayle Toogood is an Australian former lightweight rower. She was a thirteen-time national champion and competed at World Championships over a ten-year period from 1984 to 1994. She won medals at two World Championships and at the 1986 Commonwealth Games. Toogood's senior club rowing was from the Melbourne University Boat Club. Toogood first made Victorian state representation in 1982 in the lightweight four which contested and won the Victoria Cup at the Interstate Regatta within the Australian Rowing Championships. She raced that event for Victoria on a total of nine occasions through to 1994 for eight victories. She", "\"Mike McKay (rower)\"\ntried out for the Australian eight which ended up finishing seventh at the World Championships. In 2000 the Australian eight qualified for the Olympics and raced at two Rowing World Cups in the lead up campaign as well as at the Henley Royal Regatta where they raced as an Australian Institute of Sport eight and won that year's Grand Challenge Cup. At Sydney 2000 with McKay in the bow seat, the Australian eight won their heat in a pace that blew away the eventual gold medallists Great Britain. However in the final they started slowly and their late sprint home", "\"Rándall Row\"\nRándall Row With Saprissa, he won several national championships, but also played for his native Turrialba, Herediano, Municipal Liberia and Cartaginés. Known for his small size and huge heart, he is remembered for being a very tough defender. He retired in 2004 after 14 years in the Primera División. Row made his debut for Costa Rica in a November 1991 friendly match against Brazil and earned a total of 16 caps, scoring 1 goal. He represented his country in 1 FIFA World Cup qualification match and played at the 1993 and 1999 UNCAF Nations Cups. His final international was a", "\"Timothy McDonnell (rower)\"\nTimothy McDonnell (rower) Timothy McDonnell (born 4 February 1986) is an Australian former national representative lightweight rower. He won a silver medal at the 2013 World Rowing Championships. Raised in Queensland, McDonnell's senior club rowing was with the Toowong Rowing Club in Brisbane. In 2011 McDonnell was first selected in a Queensland lightweight coxless four to contest the Penrith Cup at the Interstate Regatta. He rowed again in the Queensland Penrith Cup four in 2012. After a two year gap he was back in the Queensland lightweight four for their 2015 Penrith Cup victory McDonnell was first selected to represented", "\"Elizabeth Patrick\"\nto a fourth placing. Prospects looked good for the Australian women's eight in the 2008 Olympic year. They won at the World Rowing Cup I in Munich and finished second at World Rowing Cup II in Lucerne with Patrick on the box in both campaigns. However at Beijing in 2008 in spite of expectations, the crew steered by Patrick, finished sixth overall. From 2009 to 2011 Patrick remained Australian's most successful female coxswain steering consistent domestic Queen's Cup wins, however in those years no Australian heavyweight senior women's eight was sent to a World Championship or World Rowing Cup regatta.", "\"Rugby union in Fiji\"\nwon it another eight times. They are also the only side to have won the Rugby World Cup Sevens on two occasions; in 1997 (defeating South Africa in the final) and in 2005 (defeating New Zealand in the final). The World Sevens Series was introduced in 2000, and New Zealand won the first six series in a row. However, at the 2006 event, Fiji put an end to their winning streak, becoming the 2006 World Sevens Series champions. They also won a gold medal at the Rio Olympics in 2016, the first Olympic medal in the country's history, when they", "\"Zac Purchase\"\nschool, he also passed Grade 8 on the Saxophone with a Merit. Following school, Purchase joined the British Rowing team as an U23 rower. His main discipline was sculling with the majority of his international medals being won in the Lightweight Men's Double Scull with Mark Hunter. In 2002, Purchase won his first international medals, a gold and silver at the Coupe de la Jeunesse and competed at the World Rowing Junior Championships the following two years. In 2003, aged 17, Purchase won the Fawley Challenge Cup at Henley Royal Regatta. in 2005, Purchase competed at the World Rowing U23", "\"Rhys Grant\"\nInterstate Regatta within the Australian Rowing Championships. He stroked that crew in 2008 and 2009. For six consecutive years from 2011 to 2016 he was also West Australia's representative to contest the interstate men's Single scull - the President's Cup. In 2013 and 2016 he won that event. On five occasions he has rowed in the both the King's Cup eight and the single scull in the Interstate Regatta at the Australian Rowing Championships Grant raced in an Australian men's quad at the 2014 World Rowing Championships in Amsterdam. On the strength of his 2016 Australian President's Cup win Grant", "\"Sunshine State Conference\"\nwas also placed on probation for two years. Lynn University has won 14 National Championships at the Division II level, but now the NCAA only recognizes 13 of them because of the unsanctioned actions. The Mayors' Cup was originally presented following the 1986-1987 academic year to recognize the annual SSC all-sports champion. The men's division recognizes competition in eight sports: soccer, cross country, basketball, swimming, golf, tennis, lacrosse and baseball. The Women's Mayors' Cup recognizes competition in nine sports: volleyball, soccer, cross country, basketball, swimming, golf, tennis, softball and rowing. Sunshine State Conference The Sunshine State Conference is a collegiate", "\"Fred Scarlett\"\nFred Scarlett Fred Scarlett (born 29 April 1975) is an English Olympic gold medalist as a British rower. He took up rowing at The King's School Canterbury, and was Captain of Boats in his final year. At Oxford Brookes University, he won two Henley Royal Regatta medals, in the Temple Challenge Cup, and the Visitors Challenge Cup. He had success at the junior and under-23 levels, and at the 1998 World University Championships, he won gold in the coxless pairs. Fred then became part of the British eight with coxswain, winning a silver medal at the 1999 World Rowing Championships,", "\"1979 Cricket World Cup\"\n1979 Cricket World Cup The 1979 Cricket World Cup (officially the Prudential Cup '79) was the second edition of the Cricket World Cup and was won by the West Indies, who had also won the inaugural tournament four years earlier. It was held in England from 9 to 23 June 1979. The format remained unchanged from 1975, with eight countries participating in the event. The preliminary matches were played in two groups of four teams each. The top two teams in each group played the semi-finals, the winners of which met in the final at Lord's. The matches played consisted", "\"Malcolm Shaw (rower)\"\neight but was unsuccessful. He returned to Australia and although he had not rowed in that year's winning New South Wales King's Cup crew he made selection in the Australian eight for the 1974 World Rowing Championships. That crew finished in eight place. In 1975 Shaw was again selected in the Australian eight stacked with New South Welshmen from Shaw's 1975 victorious King's Cup crew. The Australian eight travelled to the 1975 World Rowing Championships in Nottingham, came second in their heat, won the repechage and finished sixth in the final. In 1976 Shaw in the two seat and Brian", "\"Paul O'Donovan\"\n2016 at the Rio Olympics, the O'Donovan brothers won silver behind France in the lightweight double sculls, the first rowing medal won by Ireland at the Olympics. Two weeks later, he won the lightweight single sculls final at the World Rowing Championships in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The brothers finished in the silver position in men's lightweight double sculls at the European Rowing Championships in May 2017. They also won silver at the second World Rowing Cup regatta of the season in Poland in June, and bronze at the third in July. In September 2017, at the World Rowing Championships in Florida,", "Angola\nregular competitor at the Summer Olympic Games and the FIBA World Cup. In football, Angola hosted the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations. The Angola national football team qualified for the 2006 FIFA World Cup, as this was their first appearance on the World Cup finals stage. They were eliminated after one defeat and two draws in the group stage. They won 3 COSAFA Cups and finished runner up in 2011 African Nations Championship. Angola has participated in the World Women's Handball Championship for several years. The country has also appeared in the Summer Olympics for seven years and both regularly", "\"Nick Hudson\"\nrecording a dominant victory by over 5 seconds. Hudson won his second Kings Cup in 2010 and was selected in the crew again in 2012, where New South Wales won, making Hudson a three-time winner of the event. Hudson first represented for Australia in 2003. He raced in a quad scull World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne before contesting the Nations Cup (now the World Rowing U23 Championships) in Belgrade, Serbia. Hudson was in a quad scull with Eugene Arendsen, Henry Gundry and Tom Westgarth which won a gold medal. At the 2004 World Rowing U23 Championships Hudson was again", "\"1985–86 FIS Cross-Country World Cup\"\n1985–86 FIS Cross-Country World Cup The 1985–86 FIS Cross-Country World Cup was the 5th official World Cup season in cross-country skiing for men and ladies. The World Cup began in Labrador City, Canada, on 7 December 1985 and finished in Oslo, Norway, on 15 March 1986. Gunde Svan of Sweden won the overall men's cup, and Marjo Matikainen of Finland won the women's. Before the season began, after several years of disagreements between athletes and federations concerning what styles of skiing should be allowed, it was decided that cross-country skiing should have two disciplines: classical and free style. The initiative", "Africa\nin North African music and dance and, in Southern Africa, Western influences are apparent due to colonization. Fifty-four African countries have football (soccer) teams in the Confederation of African Football. Egypt has won the African Cup seven times, and a record-making three times in a row. Cameroon, Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana, and Algeria have advanced to the knockout stage of recent FIFA World Cups. South Africa hosted the 2010 World Cup tournament, becoming the first African country to do so. Cricket is popular in some African nations. South Africa and Zimbabwe have Test status, while Kenya is the leading non-test team", "\"David Crawshay\"\nof occasions. He won that title in 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012 and he placed second in 2006 and 2010. Paired with Scott Brennan he won the open men's double scull championship in 2011. Crawshay made his Australian representative debut in 2000 at the World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne in a quad scull. That same year he competed at the World Rowing U23 Championships in an Australian quad which won silver. He raced again in 2001 at the U2 World Championships in a quad scull and won bronze. That same year Crawshay also competed in Australia's senior quad scull", "\"Melanie Kok\"\n2010 at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario in the MiNDS Graduate Neuroscience Program. Kok went on to complete her PhD in Neuroscience at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. Kok is a five-time member of the Canadian National Rowing team. She has won two World Rowing Championships medals: a gold in Gifu, JAP (2005) in the Lightweight Quadruple Sculls with Tracy Cameron, Mara Jones and Elizabeth Urbach, and a bronze in Munich, GER (2007) in the Lightweight Single Sculls. She has also won two World Cup medals: a gold in" ]
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the most common type of rock in earth 's crust is
[ "igneous" ]
[ "\"Tholeiitic magma series\"\nrocks may have a fine, glassy groundmass, as may other types of basalt. Tholeiitic rocks are the most common igneous rocks on Earth, produced by submarine volcanism at mid-ocean ridges and make up much of the ocean crust. Tholeiitic basaltic magmas are initially generated as partial melts of peridotite (olivine and pyroxene) produced by decompression melting of the Earth's mantle. Tholeiitic basalts constituting the oceanic crust are termed MORBs: mid-ocean-ridge basalts. Throughout the process of igneous differentiation, the oceanic crust acts to reduce the magma, producing the tholeiitic trend. In contrast, alkali basalts are not typical of ocean ridges, but", "\"Ivrea zone\"\nIvrea zone The Ivrea zone is a tectonic terrane in the Italian Alps, that consists of a steeply dipping piece of the Earth’s lower crust of the Apulian plate. The zone is named after the Italian city of Ivrea. Geologically the Ivrea zone is considered a part of the Southern Alps. Most rocks in the zone are sedimentary, for example limestones that have been turned into marble by metamorphism. Most of the zone has been through granulite facies metamorphism and was intruded by mafic plutons. This is the type of rock common in the lower regions of the crust. When", "\"Crust (geology)\"\nmagma ocean and floated to the top; however, it is unlikely that Earth followed a similar pattern, as the Moon was a water-less system and Earth had water. The Martian meteorite ALH84001 might represent primary crust of Mars; however, again, this is debated. Like Earth, Venus lacks primary crust, as the entire planet has been repeatedly resurfaced and modified. Secondary crust is formed by partial melting of silicate materials in the mantle, and so is usually basaltic in composition. This is the most common type of crust in the Solar System. Most of the surfaces of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and", "\"Aeolis quadrangle\"\nthat the effects of liquid water can be detected down to 15 cm. Chlorine-bearing brines are corrosive; therefore design changes may need to be made for future landers. French and U.S. scientists found a type of granite by studying images and chemical results of 22 rock fragments. The composition of the rocks was determined with the ChemCam instrument. These pale rocks are rich in feldspar and may contain some quartz. The rocks are similar to Earth's granitic continental crust. They are like rocks called TTG (Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite). On the Earth, TTG was common in the terrestrial continental crust in the Archean", "\"Geology of solar terrestrial planets\"\nis basalt, a denser volcanic rock that is the primary constituent of the ocean floors. Sedimentary rock is formed from the accumulation of sediment that becomes compacted together. Nearly 75% of the continental surfaces are covered by sedimentary rocks, although they form only about 5% of the crust. The third form of rock material found on Earth is metamorphic rock, which is created from the transformation of pre-existing rock types through high pressures, high temperatures, or both. The most abundant silicate minerals on the Earth's surface include quartz, the feldspars, amphibole, mica, pyroxene, and olivine. Common carbonate minerals include calcite", "\"Rare-earth element\"\nproduced by supernova nucleosynthesis or the s-process in asymptotic giant branch stars. In nature, spontaneous fission of uranium-238 produces trace amounts of radioactive promethium, but most promethium is synthetically produced in nuclear reactors. Due to their chemical similarity, the concentrations of rare earths in rocks are only slowly changed by geochemical processes, making their proportions useful for geochronology and dating fossils. Rare-earth element cerium is actually the 25th most abundant element in Earth's crust, having 68 parts per million (about as common as copper). Only the highly unstable and radioactive promethium \"\"rare earth\"\" is quite scarce. The rare-earth elements are", "\"Rock (geology)\"\nform much of the continental crust. Over 700 types of igneous rocks have been described, most of them having formed beneath the surface of Earth's crust. These have diverse properties, depending on their composition and the temperature and pressure conditions in which they were formed. Sedimentary rocks are formed at the earth's surface by the accumulation and cementation of fragments of earlier rocks, minerals, and organisms or as chemical precipitates and organic growths in water (sedimentation). This process causes clastic sediments (pieces of rock) or organic particles (detritus) to settle and accumulate, or for minerals to chemically precipitate (evaporite) from", "Silicosis\n(Si) is the second most common element in the Earth's crust (oxygen is the most common). The compound silica, also known as silicon dioxide (SiO), is formed from silicon and oxygen atoms. Since oxygen and silicon make up about 75% of the Earth's crust, the compound silica is quite common. It is found in many rocks, such as granite, sandstone, gneiss and slate, and in some metallic ores. Silica can be a main component of sand. It can also be in soil, mortar, plaster, and shingles. The cutting, breaking, crushing, drilling, grinding, or abrasive blasting of these materials may produce", "\"Oceanic crust\"\ncrust with laboratory determinations of seismic velocities in known rock types, and samples recovered from the ocean floor by submersibles, dredging (especially from ridge crests and fracture zones) and drilling. Oceanic crust is significantly simpler than continental crust and generally can be divided in three layers. According to mineral physics experiments, at lower mantle pressures, oceanic crust becomes denser than the surrounding mantle. The most voluminous volcanic rocks of the ocean floor are the mid-oceanic ridge basalts, which are derived from low-potassium tholeiitic magmas. These rocks have low concentrations of large ion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth elements (LREE),", "Eucrite\ndistinguished\"\". This refers to the silicate minerals in them, which can be easily distinguished because of their relatively large grain size. Eucrite is also a now obsolete term for bytownite-gabbro, an igneous rock formed in the Earth's crust. The term was used as a rock type name for some of the Paleogene igneous rocks of Scotland. Eucrite Eucrites are achondritic stony meteorites, many of which originate from the surface of the asteroid 4 Vesta and as such are part of the HED meteorite clan. They are the most common achondrite group with well over 100 distinct finds at present. Eucrites", "Basalt\nthan 10% feldspathoid by volume, and where at least 65% of the rock is feldspar in the form of plagioclase. This is as per definition of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) classification scheme. It is the most common volcanic rock type on Earth, being a key component of oceanic crust as well as the principal volcanic rock in many mid-oceanic islands, including Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Réunion and the islands of Hawaiʻi. Basalt commonly features a very fine-grained or glassy matrix interspersed with visible mineral grains. The average density is 3.0 g/cm. Basalt is defined by its mineral", "Mineral\nstacking groups of three layers (\"\"abcabcabc\"\"). Analogues to linked silica tetrahedra include SO (sulfate), PO (phosphate), AsO (arsenate), and VO (vanadate). The non-silicates have great economic importance, as they concentrate elements more than the silicate minerals do. The largest grouping of minerals by far are the silicates; most rocks are composed of greater than 95% silicate minerals, and over 90% of the Earth's crust is composed of these minerals. The two main constituents of silicates are silicon and oxygen, which are the two most abundant elements in the Earth's crust. Other common elements in silicate minerals correspond to other common", "Franconia\nRocks which were unchanged or only lightly metamorphosed, because they had been deformed at shallow crustal depths, include the Lower Carboniferous shale and greywacke of Franconian Forest. The Fichtel mountains, the Münchberg Plateau and the Spessart, by contrast, have more metamorphic rocks (phyllite, schist, amphibolite, gneiss). The Fichtel mountains are also characterized by large granite bodies, called post-kinematic plutons which, in the late phase of Variscan orogeny, intruded into the metamorphic rocks. In most cases these are S-type granites whose melting was caused by heated-up sedimentary rocks sunk deep into the Earth's crust. While the Fichtel and Franconian Forest can", "Granite\nthan 10% orthoclase, it is called tonalite; pyroxene and amphibole are common in tonalite. A granite containing both muscovite and biotite micas is called a binary or \"\"two-mica\"\" granite. Two-mica granites are typically high in potassium and low in plagioclase, and are usually S-type granites or A-type granites. A worldwide average of the chemical composition of granite, by weight percent, based on 2485 analyses: Granite containing rock is widely distributed throughout the continental crust. Much of it was intruded during the Precambrian age; it is the most abundant basement rock that underlies the relatively thin sedimentary veneer of the continents.", "\"Moon rock\"\nin hydrated minerals common in Earth rocks. In some regards, lunar rocks are closely related to Earth's rocks in their isotopic composition of the element oxygen. The Apollo moon rocks were collected using a variety of tools, including hammers, rakes, scoops, tongs, and core tubes. Most were photographed prior to collection to record the condition in which they were found. They were placed inside sample bags and then a \"\"Special Environmental Sample Container\"\" for return to the Earth to protect them from contamination. In contrast to the Earth, large portions of the lunar crust appear to be composed of rocks", "Yttrium\npoint of nitrogen. Yttrium is found in most rare-earth minerals, it is found in some uranium ores, but is never found in the Earth's crust as a free element. About 31 ppm of the Earth's crust is yttrium, making it the 28th most abundant element, 400 times more common than silver. Yttrium is found in soil in concentrations between 10 and 150 ppm (dry weight average of 23 ppm) and in sea water at 9 ppt. Lunar rock samples collected during the American Apollo Project have a relatively high content of yttrium. Yttrium has no known biological role, though it", "Potassium\nstudies because potassium is a macronutrient required for life. Potassium is formed in supernovae by nucleosynthesis from lighter atoms. Potassium is principally created in Type II supernovae via an explosive oxygen-burning process. is also formed in s-process nucleosynthesis and the neon burning process. Potassium is the 20th most abundant element in the solar system and the 17th most abundant element by weight in the earth. It makes up about 2.6% of the weight of the earth's crust and is the seventh most abundant element in the crust. The potassium concentration in seawater is 0.39 g/L (0.039 wt/v%), about one twenty-seventh", "\"Igneous rock\"\nas extrusive rocks. Igneous rock may form with crystallization to form granular, crystalline rocks, or without crystallization to form natural glasses. Igneous and metamorphic rocks make up 90–95% of the top 16 km of the Earth's crust by volume. Igneous rocks form about 15% of the Earth's current land surface. Most of the Earth's oceanic crust is made of igneous rock. Igneous rocks are also geologically important because: In terms of modes of occurrence, igneous rocks can be either intrusive (plutonic and hypabyssal) or extrusive (volcanic). Intrusive igneous rocks are formed from magma that cools and solidifies within the crust", "\"Geologic time scale\"\nand water and deposited as layers in the sea; heat then consolidated the sediment into stone, and uplifted it into new lands. This theory, known as \"\"Plutonism\"\", stood in contrast to the \"\"Neptunist\"\" flood-oriented theory. The first serious attempts to formulate a geologic time scale that could be applied anywhere on Earth were made in the late 18th century. The most influential of those early attempts (championed by Werner, among others) divided the rocks of Earth's crust into four types: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary. Each type of rock, according to the theory, formed during a specific period in Earth", "\"Malvern Hills\"\nHills are the most impressive. This line is considered to mark the edge of two terranes – two once separate fragments of the Earth's crust now joined as one – the Wrekin Terrane to the west and the Charnwood Terrane to the east. The main face of Gullet Quarry shows a cross-section through the Precambrian rock and exhibits many rock types including diorite, granite, gneiss, schist, pegmatite and dolerite. The evidence of the complex history of earth movements which formed the Hills can be seen by multiple joints, fractures, faults and shears, which make identifying changes in rock types difficult.", "\"Aeromagnetic survey\"\nis a combination of the desired magnetic field generated in the Earth as well as tiny variations due to the temporal effects of the constantly varying solar wind and the magnetic field of the survey aircraft. By subtracting the solar, regional, and aircraft effects, the resulting aeromagnetic map shows the spatial distribution and relative abundance of magnetic minerals (most commonly the iron oxide mineral magnetite) in the upper levels of the Earth's crust. Because different rock types differ in their content of magnetic minerals, the magnetic map allows a visualization of the geological structure of the upper crust in the", "\"Geochemical cycle\"\nerupts onto the surface of the Earth. This molten rock magma then cools and crystallizes, forming igneous rocks. If crystallization occurs at the Earth´s surface, extrusive igneous rocks are formed; if crystallization occurs within the Earth´s lithosphere, intrusive igneous rocks are formed which can then be brought to Earth´s surface by denudation. Categories and examples of geochemical cycles: Geochemical cycle In Earth science, a geochemical cycle is the pathway that chemical elements take in the surface and crust of the Earth. The term \"\"geochemical\"\" tells us that geological and chemical factors are all included. The migration of heated and compressed", "Earth\neruptions, flooding, weathering, glaciation, the growth of coral reefs, and meteorite impacts are among the processes that constantly reshape the Earth's surface over geological time. The continental crust consists of lower density material such as the igneous rocks granite and andesite. Less common is basalt, a denser volcanic rock that is the primary constituent of the ocean floors. Sedimentary rock is formed from the accumulation of sediment that becomes buried and compacted together. Nearly 75% of the continental surfaces are covered by sedimentary rocks, although they form about 5% of the crust. The third form of rock material found on", "\"Thick-skinned deformation\"\nsome amount of stress within a formation. This stress leads to the formation of many structures that can either extend or shorten the length of the crust in the area. Some of the most common structures are faults and folds. Thick-skinned deformation is a specific type of deformation that can take the form of either faults or folds. The term thick-skinned specifically applies type of deformation which affects not only the sedimentary and metamorphic cover rocks near the surface but also affects the much deeper crystalline rock of the basement and may extend even deeper into the lower crust. Thin-skinned", "Aluminium\nin the interstellar gas. Overall, the Earth is about 1.59% aluminium by mass (seventh in abundance by mass). Aluminium occurs in greater proportion in the Earth than in the Universe because aluminium easily forms the oxide and becomes bound into rocks and aluminium stays in the Earth's crust while less reactive metals sink to the core. In the Earth's crust, aluminium is the most abundant (8.3% by mass) metallic element and the third most abundant of all elements (after oxygen and silicon). A large number of silicates in the Earth's crust contain aluminium. In contrast, the Earth's mantle is only", "\"Earth's internal heat budget\"\nEarth's internal heat loss at the surface is by conduction through the crust, and mantle convection is the dominant control on heat transport from deep within the Earth. Most of the heat flow from the thicker continental crust is attributed to internal radiogenic sources, in contrast the thinner oceanic crust has only 2% internal radiogenic heat. The remaining heat flow at the surface would be due to basal heating of the crust from mantle convection. Heat fluxes are negatively correlated with rock age, with the highest heat fluxes from the youngest rock at mid-ocean ridge spreading centers (zones of mantle", "Technetium\ndays, 0.03 MeV), and technetium-99m (half-life: 6.01 hours, 0.142 MeV). Technetium-99m emits only gamma rays and decays to technetium-99. Technetium-99 (Tc) is a major product of the fission of uranium-235 (U), making it the most common and most readily available isotope of technetium. One gram of technetium-99 produces 6.2×10 disintegrations a second (that is, 0.62 GBq/g). Technetium occurs naturally in the Earth's crust in minute concentrations of about 0.003 parts per trillion. This totals about 18000 tonnes at any given time, assuming the mass of the Earth's crust is 60000000000000000000006×10 kilograms. Technetium is so rare because technetium-98's half-life is only", "\"Composition of Mars\"\nresembling quartz-rich dacites and granitoids, suggesting that at least some parts of the Martian crust may have a diversity of igneous rocks similar to Earth's. Some geophysical evidence suggests that the bulk of the Martian crust may actually consist of basaltic andesite or andesite. The andesitic crust is hidden by overlying basaltic lavas that dominate the surface composition but are volumetrically minor. Rocks studied by Spirit Rover in Gusev crater can be classified in different ways. The amounts and types of minerals make the rocks primitive basalts—also called picritic basalts. The rocks are similar to ancient terrestrial rocks called basaltic", "Helium\nto the different formation processes. The most common isotope, helium-4, is produced on Earth by alpha decay of heavier radioactive elements; the alpha particles that emerge are fully ionized helium-4 nuclei. Helium-4 is an unusually stable nucleus because its nucleons are arranged into complete shells. It was also formed in enormous quantities during Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Helium-3 is present on Earth only in trace amounts. Most of it has been present since Earth's formation, though some falls to Earth trapped in cosmic dust. Trace amounts are also produced by the beta decay of tritium. Rocks from the Earth's crust have", "\"Mid-ocean ridge\"\noceanic spreading centers. Mid-ocean ridge basalt is a tholeiitic basalt and is characteristically low in incompatible elements. The rocks making up the crust below the seafloor are youngest along the axis of the ridge and age with increasing distance from that axis. New magma of basalt composition emerges at and near the axis because of decompression melting in the underlying Earth's mantle. The oceanic crust is made up of rocks much younger than the Earth itself. Most oceanic crust in the ocean basins is less than 200 million years old. The crust is in a constant state of \"\"renewal\"\" at", "Silicon\n°C respectively are the second-highest among all the metalloids and nonmetals, being only surpassed by boron. Silicon is the eighth most common element in the universe by mass, but very rarely occurs as the pure element in the Earth's crust. It is most widely distributed in dusts, sands, planetoids, and planets as various forms of silicon dioxide (silica) or silicates. More than 90% of the Earth's crust is composed of silicate minerals, making silicon the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust (about 28% by mass) after oxygen. Most silicon is used commercially without being separated, and often with", "Subduction\nof Earth's oceanic crust during that period. These more magnesium-rich rocks metamorphose into greenschist at conditions when modern oceanic crust rocks metamorphose into blueschist. The ancient magnesium-rich rocks means that Earth's mantle was once hotter, but not that subduction conditions were hotter. Previously, lack of pre-Neoproterozoic blueschist was thought to indicate a different type of subduction. Both lines of evidence refutes previous conceptions of modern-style subduction having been initiated in the Neoproterozoic Era 1.0 Ga ago. Volcanoes that occur above subduction zones, such as Mount St. Helens, Mount Etna and Mount Fuji, lie at approximately one hundred kilometers from the", "\"Uranium ore\"\nUranium ore Uranium ore deposits are economically recoverable concentrations of uranium within the Earth's crust. Uranium is one of the more common elements in the Earth's crust, being 40 times more common than silver and 500 times more common than gold. It can be found almost everywhere in rock, soil, rivers, and oceans. The challenge is to find those areas where the concentrations are adequate to form an economically viable deposit. Globally, the distribution of uranium ore deposits is widespread on all continents, with the largest deposits found in Australia, Kazakhstan, and Canada. To date, high-grade deposits are only found", "\"Primary minerals\"\nof parent rocks. There are almost 3000 known minerals, but only 20 are common and just 10 minerals make up 90 % of the earth's crust. Primary minerals are defined as minerals found in soil but not formed in soil. This definition is different from that of secondary minerals, which are defined as minerals formed in soils.\"\" This is further defined by Dr. Broome of North Carolina State: Two types of minerals are found in natural systems: primary and secondary. Primary rocks are the source of primary minerals and primary water. Primary minerals A primary mineral is any mineral formed", "\"Crust (geology)\"\nCrust (geology) In geology, the crust is the outermost solid shell of a rocky planet, dwarf planet, or natural satellite. It is usually distinguished from the underlying mantle by its chemical makeup; however, in the case of icy satellites, it may be distinguished based on its phase (solid crust vs. liquid mantle). The crusts of Earth, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Io, and other planetary bodies formed via igneous processes, and were later modified by erosion, impact cratering, volcanism, and sedimentation. Most terrestrial planets have fairly uniform crusts. Earth, however, has two distinct types: continental crust and oceanic crust. These two", "\"Ductility (Earth science)\"\ngreat impact on the types of rocks and structures found at certain depths within the Earth's crust. As evident from Fig. 1.1, different geological formations and rocks are found in accordance to the dominant deformation process. Gouge and Breccia form in the uppermost, brittle regime while Cataclasite and Pseudotachylite form in the lower parts of the brittle regime, edging upon the transition zone. Mylonite forms in the more ductile regime at greater depths while Blastomylonite forms well past the transition zone and well into the ductile regime, even deeper into the crust. Ductility is a material property that can be", "\"Alkaline earth metal\"\nearth's crust at a concentration of two to six parts per million (ppm), much of which is in soils, where it has a concentration of six ppm. Beryllium is one of the rarest elements in seawater, even rarer than elements such as scandium, with a concentration of 0.2 parts per trillion. However, in freshwater, beryllium is somewhat more common, with a concentration of 0.1 parts per billion. Magnesium and calcium are very common in the earth's crust, being respectively the fifth- eighth-most-abundant elements. None of the alkaline earth metals are found in their elemental state. Common magnesium--containing minerals are carnallite,", "\"Igneous rock\"\nranges consist of intrusive igneous rocks, usually granite. When exposed by erosion, these cores (called \"\"batholiths\"\") may occupy huge areas of the Earth's surface. Intrusive igneous rocks that form at depth within the crust are termed plutonic (or \"\"abyssal\"\") rocks and are usually coarse-grained. Intrusive igneous rocks that form near the surface are termed \"\"subvolcanic\"\" or \"\"hypabyssal\"\" rocks and they are usually medium-grained. Hypabyssal rocks are less common than plutonic or volcanic rocks and often form dikes, sills, laccoliths, lopoliths, or phacoliths. Extrusive igneous rocks, also known as volcanic rocks, are formed at the crust's surface as a result of", "Caprock\nCaprock Caprock or cap rock is a harder or more resistant rock type overlying a weaker or less resistant rock type. Common types of caprock are sandstone and mafic rock types. An analogy of caprock could be the outer crust on a cake that is a bit harder than the underlying layer. Common caprock locations are escarpments, mesa formations, and salt domes. In the petroleum industry, caprock is generalized to any nonpermeable formation that may prevent oil, gas, or water from migrating to the surface. Caprock is a harder or more resistant rock type overlying a weaker or less resistant", "\"Supracrustal rock\"\nSupracrustal rock Supracrustal rocks (Supra (Latin for \"\"above\"\")) are rocks that were deposited on the existing basement rocks of the crust, hence the name. They may be further metamorphosed from both sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The oldest minerals on Earth are detrital zircon grains from the Yilgarn Craton in the Mesoarchaean (3.2–2.8 Ga) Jack Hills, Western Australia dated to up to 4.4 Ga, meaning that granitic continental crust and probably supracrustal rocks formed during the Hadean, within 200 million years of Earth accretion. Most Hadean rocks were probably recycled into the mantle before the end of the eon, however, and", "\"Intraplate deformation\"\nthat deformation can occur anywhere the crust is weak and not just at plate margins. Deformation is the folding, breaking, or flow of rocks. There are many different types of crustal deformation depending on whether the rocks are brittle or ductile. The aspects that determine these properties are due to certain temperatures and pressures that rocks experience within the Earth. Therefore, temperature and pressure control deformation processes. Ductile rocks tend to bend, fold, stretch, or flow due to compressional or extensional forces. Brittle rocks, on the other hand, tend to break. The zone where the crust breaks is termed a", "\"Carbon group\"\nin trace amounts in earth's atmosphere. Silicate minerals are the most common type of mineral on earth. Silicon makes up 14.3 parts per million of the human body on average. Only the largest stars produce silicon via stellar fusion. Germanium makes up 2 parts per million of the earth's crust, making it the 52nd most abundant element there. On average, germanium makes up 1 part per million of soil. Germanium makes up 0.5 parts per trillion of seawater. Organogermanium compounds are also found in seawater. Germanium occurs in the human body at concentrations of 71.4 parts per billion. Germanium has", "Lava\ngains a solid crust on contact with the water, and this crust cracks and oozes additional large blobs or \"\"pillows\"\" as more lava emerges from the advancing flow. Since water covers the majority of Earth's surface and most volcanoes are situated near or under bodies of water, pillow lava is very common. Because it is formed from viscous molten rock, lava flows and eruptions create distinctive formations, landforms and topographical features from the macroscopic to the microscopic. Volcanoes are the primary landforms built by repeated eruptions of lava and ash over time. They range in shape from shield volcanoes with", "\"Peak copper\"\ncommon element, with an estimated concentration of 50–70 ppm (0.005–0.007 percent) in earth's crust (1 kg of copper per 15–20 tons of crustal rock). A concentration of 60 ppm would multiply out to 1.66 quadrillion tonnes over the 2.77e22 kg mass of the crust, or over 90 million years' worth at the 2013 production rate of 18.3 MT per year. However, most of it cannot be extracted profitably at the current level of technology and the current market value. At the present time, copper deposits are considered potentially profitable if they are located sufficiently close to the surface and they", "\"Sima (geology)\"\nmagnesia. Comparable is the name 'sial' which is the name for the upper layer of the Earth's continental crust. The sima has a higher density (2800 to 3300 kg/m) than the sial, which is due to increased amounts of iron and magnesium, and decreased amounts of aluminium. When the denser sima comes to the surface it forms mafic rocks, or rocks with mafic minerals. The most dense sima has less silica and forms ultramafic rocks. Sima (geology) In geology, sima is the name for the lower layer of the Earth's crust. This layer is made of rocks rich in magnesium", "\"Mantle (geology)\"\nMantle (geology) The mantle is a layer inside a planetary body bounded below by a core and above by a crust. Mantles are made of rock or ices, and are generally the largest and most massive layer of the planetary body. Mantles are characteristic of planetary bodies that have undergone differentiation by density. All terrestrial planets (including Earth), a number of asteroids, and some planetary moons have mantles. The Earth's mantle is a layer of silicate rock between the crust and the outer core. Its mass of 4.01 × 10 kg is 67% the mass of the Earth. It has", "Scandium\nSc are calcium isotopes and the primary products from higher atomic weights are titanium isotopes. In Earth's crust, scandium is not rare. Estimates vary from 18 to 25 ppm, which is comparable to the abundance of cobalt (20–30 ppm). Scandium is only the 50th most common element on Earth (35th most abundant in the crust), but it is the 23rd most common element in the Sun. However, scandium is distributed sparsely and occurs in trace amounts in many minerals. Rare minerals from Scandinavia and Madagascar such as thortveitite, euxenite, and gadolinite are the only known concentrated sources of this element.", "Oxygen\nthe third most abundant chemical element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium. About 0.9% of the Sun's mass is oxygen. Oxygen constitutes 49.2% of the Earth's crust by mass as part of oxide compounds such as silicon dioxide and is the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust. It is also the major component of the world's oceans (88.8% by mass). Oxygen gas is the second most common component of the Earth's atmosphere, taking up 20.8% of its volume and 23.1% of its mass (some 10 tonnes). Earth is unusual among the planets of the Solar System", "\"Structure of the Earth\"\ndiscontinuity (a second order discontinuity). The uppermost mantle together with the crust constitutes the lithosphere. The crust-mantle boundary occurs as two physically different events. First, there is a discontinuity in the seismic velocity, which is most commonly known as the Mohorovičić discontinuity or Moho. The cause of the Moho is thought to be a change in rock composition from rocks containing plagioclase feldspar (above) to rocks that contain no feldspars (below). Second, in oceanic crust, there is a chemical discontinuity between ultramafic cumulates and tectonized harzburgites, which has been observed from deep parts of the oceanic crust that have been", "Bacteria\nBacteria Bacteria (; common noun bacteria, singular bacterium) are a type of biological cell. They constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms. Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria have a number of shapes, ranging from spheres to rods and spirals. Bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of its habitats. Bacteria inhabit soil, water, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, and the deep portions of Earth's crust. Bacteria also live in symbiotic and parasitic relationships with plants and animals. Most bacteria have not been characterised, and only about half of the", "Australia\nthe famous sandstone monolith, and the inland Simpson, Tirari and Sturt Stony, Gibson, Great Sandy, Tanami, and Great Victoria deserts, with the famous Nullarbor Plain on the southern coast. Lying on the Indo-Australian Plate, the mainland of Australia is the lowest and most primordial landmass on Earth with a relatively stable geological history. The landmass includes virtually all known rock types and from all geological time periods spanning over 3.8 billion years of the Earth's history. The Pilbara Craton is one of only two pristine Archaean 3.6-2.7 Ga (billion years ago) crusts identified on the Earth. Having been part of", "\"Earth's crustal evolution\"\nis the most differentiated type of crust and so has a composition vastly different to that of the bulk Earth. The tertiary crust contains over 20% of the abundance of incompatible elements, which are elements with a size or charge that prevent them from being included in mineral structure. This a result of its generation from the subduction and partial melting of secondary crust where it undergoes further fractional crystallisation. Two stages of evolution produce an increased proportion of incompatible elements. The formation and development of plumes in the early mantle contributed to triggering the lateral movement of crust across", "\"Composition of the human body\"\ng in men, ~2.3 g in women Of the 94 naturally occurring chemical elements, 60 are listed in the table above. Of the remaining 34, it is not known how many occur in the human body. Most of the elements needed for life are relatively common in the Earth's crust. Aluminium, the third most common element in the Earth's crust (after oxygen and silicon), serves no function in living cells, but is harmful in large amounts. Transferrins can bind aluminium. The composition of the human body is expressed in terms of chemicals: The composition of the human body can be", "\"Nuclear power\"\nwill be moved to a spent fuel pool where the short lived isotopes generated by fission can decay away. After about 5 years in a spent fuel pool the spent fuel is radioactively and thermally cool enough to handle, and it can be moved to dry storage casks or reprocessed. Uranium is a fairly common element in the Earth's crust: it is approximately as common as tin or germanium, and is about 40 times more common than silver. Uranium is present in trace concentrations in most rocks, dirt, and ocean water, but is generally economically extracted only where it is", "Iron\nmost abundant element on Earth, but only the fourth most abundant element in the Earth's crust, after oxygen, silicon, and aluminium. Most of the iron in the crust is found combined with oxygen as iron oxide minerals such as hematite (FeO), magnetite (FeO), and siderite (FeCO). Many igneous rocks also contain the sulfide minerals pyrrhotite and pentlandite. Ferropericlase (Mg,Fe)O, a solid solution of periclase (MgO) and wüstite (FeO), makes up about 20% of the volume of the lower mantle of the Earth, which makes it the second most abundant mineral phase in that region after silicate perovskite (Mg,Fe)SiO; it also", "Caprock\ndissolve in a characteristic manner, and can range between 0–1500 ft thick. The halite (salt) is removed first, leaving behind gypsum and anhydrite. The anhydrite and gypsum react with organic material to form calcite. The classic Murray 1966 paper describes the generalized sequence as sediments-calcite-gypsum-anhydrite-salt. Caprock Caprock or cap rock is a harder or more resistant rock type overlying a weaker or less resistant rock type. Common types of caprock are sandstone and mafic rock types. An analogy of caprock could be the outer crust on a cake that is a bit harder than the underlying layer. Common caprock locations", "\"Conservation and restoration of shipwreck artifacts\"\natmospheric agents, such as rain, rivers, winds and gas releases from the Earth's crust. There are three type of Stones (rocks) indicative of the physical characteristics from its formative process. These three categories are: igneous or volcanic rocks (basalt, granite, etc.), sedimentary or deposit rocks (limestone, sandstone, arenite, etc.), and metamorphic rocks (marble, slate, gypsum, etc.). Igneous rocks are formed by the cooling and/or solidification of magma and the formation of a dense network of crystals—below the Earth's surface as intrusive rock or on the surface as effusive rock. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the deposition of the remains of", "\"Rock (geology)\"\ncomposition. Igneous rocks are divided into two main categories: The chemical abundance and the rate of cooling of magma typically forms a sequence known as Bowen's reaction series. Most major igneous rocks are found along this scale. About 64.7% of the Earth's crust by volume consists of igneous rocks, making it the most plentiful category. Of these, 66% are basalts and gabbros, 16% are granite, and 17% granodiorites and diorites. Only 0.6% are syenites and 0.3% peridotites and dunites. The oceanic crust is 99% basalt, which is an igneous rock of mafic composition. Granites and similar rocks, known as meta-granitoids,", "\"Hadean zircon\"\nwere proposed. The geological history of the Hadean eon of early earth is poorly known due to the lack of rock record older than 4.02 Ga (gigaannus or billion years). Most scientists accept that the plate recycling mechanism has melted almost all pieces of Earth's crust. However, some tiny parts of the crust have not been melted, as some rare Hadean zircon grains included in much younger host rock were discovered. The examination of Hadean detrital or inherited grains of zircon can give evidence of geophysical conditions of the early earth. Since there is no strong evidence depicting the early", "\"Metamorphic rock\"\nMetamorphic rock Metamorphic rocks arise from the transformation of existing rock types, in a process called metamorphism, which means \"\"change in form\"\". The original rock (protolith) is subjected to heat (temperatures greater than 150 to 200 °C) and pressure ( or more), causing profound physical or chemical change. The protolith may be a sedimentary, igneous, or existing metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rocks make up a large part of the Earth's crust and form 12% of the Earth's land surface. They are classified by texture and by chemical and mineral assemblage (metamorphic facies). They may be formed simply by being deep beneath", "\"Metamorphic rock\"\nthe foliation is called \"\"gneissosity\"\"), granoblastic (includes granulite, some marbles and quartzite), and hornfelsic (includes hornfels and skarn). Metamorphic rock Metamorphic rocks arise from the transformation of existing rock types, in a process called metamorphism, which means \"\"change in form\"\". The original rock (protolith) is subjected to heat (temperatures greater than 150 to 200 °C) and pressure ( or more), causing profound physical or chemical change. The protolith may be a sedimentary, igneous, or existing metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rocks make up a large part of the Earth's crust and form 12% of the Earth's land surface. They are classified by", "\"Boron group\"\nseveral zinc ores, but only in minute quantities; likewise some copper and lead ores contain traces. As is the case for most other elements found in ores and minerals, the indium extraction process has become more efficient in recent years, ultimately leading to larger yields. Canada is the world's leader in indium reserves, but both the United States and China have comparable amounts. Thallium is neither rare nor common in the Earth's crust, but falls somewhere in the middle. Its abundance is estimated to be 0.00006% (0.6 ppm). Thallium is the 56th most common element in the earth's crust, more", "\"Primary minerals\"\nin the acidic igneous rocks and a second group of accessory minerals which were formed by deposition from the residual mother liquors. Modern soil science offers the following definition: \"\"Primary Minerals: The thickness of the earth's crust varies from 10 km under the ocean to 30 km under the continents. Of the 88 naturally occurring elements on earth, only 8 make [up] most of the crust. The earth's crust and soils are dominated by the silicic acid in combination with Na, Al, K, Ca, Fe and O ions. ...Those elements are components of primary minerals, whereas primary minerals are components", "Solid\nthousands of known forms. In contrast, a rock sample is a random aggregate of minerals and/or mineraloids, and has no specific chemical composition. The vast majority of the rocks of the Earth's crust consist of quartz (crystalline SiO), feldspar, mica, chlorite, kaolin, calcite, epidote, olivine, augite, hornblende, magnetite, hematite, limonite and a few other minerals. Some minerals, like quartz, mica or feldspar are common, while others have been found in only a few locations worldwide. The largest group of minerals by far is the silicates (most rocks are ≥95% silicates), which are composed largely of silicon and oxygen, with the", "\"Crust (geology)\"\nrock added after the formation of the initial plagioclase-rich material. The best-characterized and most voluminous of these later additions are the mare basalts formed between about 3.9 and 3.2 billion years ago. Minor volcanism continued after 3.2 billion years, perhaps as recently as 1 billion years ago. There is no evidence of plate tectonics. Study of the Moon has established that a crust can form on a rocky planetary body significantly smaller than Earth. Although the radius of the Moon is only about a quarter that of Earth, the lunar crust has a significantly greater average thickness. This thick crust", "\"Continental crust\"\nthis reason the oldest rocks on Earth are within the cratons or cores of the continents, rather than in repeatedly recycled oceanic crust; the oldest intact crustal fragment is the Acasta Gneiss at 4.01 Ga, whereas the oldest oceanic crust (located on the Pacific Plate offshore of Kamchatka) is from the Jurassic (~180 Ma). Continental crust and the rock layers that lie on and within it are thus the best archive of Earth's history. The height of mountain ranges is usually related to the thickness of crust. This results from the isostasy associated with orogeny (mountain formation). The crust is", "\"Structure of the Earth\"\nincrease in seismic velocity and are similar to light reflecting from a mirror. The Earth's crust ranges from in depth and is the outermost layer. The thin parts are the oceanic crust, which underlie the ocean basins (5–10 km) and are composed of dense (mafic) iron magnesium silicate igneous rocks, like basalt. The thicker crust is continental crust, which is less dense and composed of (felsic) sodium potassium aluminium silicate rocks, like granite. The rocks of the crust fall into two major categories – sial and sima (Suess,1831–1914). It is estimated that sima starts about 11 km below the Conrad", "Plagioclase\nPlagioclase in hand samples is often identified by its polysynthetic crystal twinning or 'record-groove' effect. Plagioclase is a major constituent mineral in the Earth's crust, and is consequently an important diagnostic tool in petrology for identifying the composition, origin and evolution of igneous rocks. Plagioclase is also a major constituent of rock in the highlands of the Earth's moon. Analysis of thermal emission spectra from the surface of Mars suggests that plagioclase is the most abundant mineral in the crust of Mars. The composition of a plagioclase feldspar is typically denoted by its overall fraction of anorthite (%An) or albite", "\"History of Earth\"\nand seas existed then. Cratons consist primarily of two alternating types of terranes. The first are so-called greenstone belts, consisting of low-grade metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. These \"\"greenstones\"\" are similar to the sediments today found in oceanic trenches, above subduction zones. For this reason, greenstones are sometimes seen as evidence for subduction during the Archean. The second type is a complex of felsic magmatic rocks. These rocks are mostly tonalite, trondhjemite or granodiorite, types of rock similar in composition to granite (hence such terranes are called TTG-terranes). TTG-complexes are seen as the relicts of the first continental crust, formed by partial", "\"Gros Morne National Park\"\neroded remnants of a mountain range formed 1.2 billion years ago. \"\"The park provides a rare example of the process of continental drift, where deep ocean crust and the rocks of the earth's mantle lie exposed.\"\" The Gros Morne National Park Reserve was established in 1973, and was made a national park on October 1, 2005. The park was the subject of a short film in 2011's \"\"National Parks Project\"\". The park's rock formations, made famous by Robert Stevens and Harold Williams, include oceanic crust and mantle rock exposed by the obduction process of plate tectonics, as well as sedimentary", "\"Kanichee Mine\"\nfive magmatic series, each of which contains one or more types of igneous rock. A succession of cumulus phases comprising every magmatic series suggests that the Kanichee layered intrusive complex is south-facing, including the surrounding metavolcanic lava flows. This record indicates that magmatic rocks of the Kanichee layered intrusive complex originally formed in a level position and most likely very shallow beneath the Earth's crust. All five magmatic series comprising the Kanichee layered intrusive complex were formed by individual pulses of molten rock. An accurate estimate of the makeup of each pulse is not known because well-defined examples of chilled", "Feldspar\nFeldspar Feldspars (KAlSiO – NaAlSiO – CaAlSiO) are a group of rock-forming tectosilicate minerals that make up about 41% of the Earth's continental crust by weight. Feldspars crystallize from magma as veins in both intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks and are also present in many types of metamorphic rock. Rock formed almost entirely of calcic plagioclase feldspar (see below) is known as anorthosite. Feldspars are also found in many types of sedimentary rocks. The name \"\"feldspar\"\" derives from the German \"\"Feldspat\"\", a compound of the words \"\"Feld\"\", \"\"field\"\", and \"\"Spat\"\", \"\"a rock that does not contain ore\"\". The change from", "\"Intrusive rock\"\nformed from magma that cools and solidifies within the crust of the planet. In contrast, an \"\"extrusion\"\" consists of extrusive rock; rock formed above the surface of the crust. Large bodies of magma that solidify underground before they reach the surface of the crust are called plutons. Plutonic rocks form 7% of the Earth's current land surface. Coarse-grained intrusive igneous rocks that form at depth within the earth are called \"\"abyssal\"\" while those that form near the surface are called subvolcanic or \"\"hypabyssal\"\". Intrusive structures are often classified according to whether or not they are parallel to the bedding planes", "Weiselberg\n194) with its sub-unit, the Hirstein Upland (\"\"Hirsteiner Bergland\"\", 194.2) in the west. Geologically, the Weiselberg belongs to the North Palatine Uplands. Its summit dome consists of volcanic rock (vulcanite) of the Permian (\"\"Rotliegendes\"\"), about 280 million years old. A vulcanite is formed, when magma rises through the earth's crust and breaks out onto the surface of the earth. As it is weathered the soft rock surrounding it is eroded and the hard volcanic rock is left behind. The hill is made of rock typical of its kind and which is named after it: weiselbergite (type locality), which was first", "\"Volcanic rock\"\nstrictly metavolcanic rocks. Volcanic rocks are among the most common rock types on Earth's surface, particularly in the oceans. On land, they are very common at plate boundaries and in flood basalt provinces. It has been estimated that volcanic rocks cover about 8% of the Earth's current land surface. Volcanic rocks are usually fine-grained or aphanitic to glass in texture. They often contain clasts of other rocks and phenocrysts. Phenocrysts are crystals that are larger than the matrix and are identifiable with the unaided eye. Rhomb porphyry is an example with large rhomb shaped phenocrysts embedded in a very fine", "\"Crust (geology)\"\nbulk of the continental crust is much older. The oldest continental crustal rocks on Earth have ages in the range from about 3.7 to 4.28 billion years and have been found in the Narryer Gneiss Terrane in Western Australia, in the Acasta Gneiss in the Northwest Territories on the Canadian Shield, and on other cratonic regions such as those on the Fennoscandian Shield. Some zircon with age as great as 4.3 billion years has been found in the Narryer Gneiss Terrane. The average age of the current Earth's continental crust has been estimated to be about 2.0 billion years. Most", "\"Pilot Knob (Austin, Texas)\"\nstructural belt in central and south Texas. The Ouachita belt may have provided a zone of crustal weakness where magma could rise from great depths through the crust to the surface. Two types of magma have been determined to have generated in the Earth's upper mantle by partial melting of mantle rocks. One of these magma types is basaltic in composition, composed of plagioclase, titanium-rich pyroxene, and olivine. The other magma type crystallized to nepheline, melilite, pyroxene, and, in some of the rocks, plagioclase. Some nepheline-bearing igneous rocks contain rounded inclusions of spinel peridotite, an ultramafic rock that may represent", "Earth\nwinds is called the geoid. More precisely, the geoid is the surface of gravitational equipotential at mean sea level. Earth's mass is approximately (5,970 Yg). It is composed mostly of iron (32.1%), oxygen (30.1%), silicon (15.1%), magnesium (13.9%), sulfur (2.9%), nickel (1.8%), calcium (1.5%), and aluminium (1.4%), with the remaining 1.2% consisting of trace amounts of other elements. Due to mass segregation, the core region is estimated to be primarily composed of iron (88.8%), with smaller amounts of nickel (5.8%), sulfur (4.5%), and less than 1% trace elements. The most common rock constituents of the crust are nearly all oxides:", "Dolostone\nde Spéléologie' (UIS) and the American 'National Speleological Society' (NSS), extensively use in their publications, the terms \"\"dolomite\"\" or \"\"dolomite rock\"\" when referring to the natural bedrock containing a high percentage of CaMg(CO) in which natural caves or solution tubes have formed. Both calcium and magnesium go into solution when dolomite rock is dissolved. The speleothem precipitation sequence is: calcite, Mg-calcite, aragonite, huntite and hydromagnesite. Hence, the most common speleothem (secondary deposit) in caves within dolomite rock karst, is calcium carbonate in the most stable polymorph form of calcite. Speleothem types known to have a dolomite constituent include: coatings, crusts,", "Earthquake\ntravel much faster than the S waves (approx. relation 1.7 : 1). The differences in travel time from the epicenter to the observatory are a measure of the distance and can be used to image both sources of quakes and structures within the Earth. Also, the depth of the hypocenter can be computed roughly. In solid rock P-waves travel at about 6 to 7 km per second; the velocity increases within the deep mantle to ~13 km/s. The velocity of S-waves ranges from 2–3 km/s in light sediments and 4–5 km/s in the Earth's crust up to 7 km/s in", "\"Divergent double subduction\"\ndacite and tuff. These arc volcanic rocks are enriched in Large Ion Lithophile Element (LILE) and Light Rare Earth Element (LREE) but depleted in niobium, hafnium and titanium. Partial melting of mantle generate mafic dykes intrusion. Because the mantle is the primary source, these dykes record isotopic characteristics of the depleted mantle in which the Sr/Sr ratio is near 0.703 and εNd is positive. On the other hand, partial melting of the lower crust (accretionary complex) leads to S-type granitoids intrusion with enriched aluminum oxide throughout the evolution of divergent double subduction. When the oceanic plate detaches from the overlying", "\"Lutetium–hafnium dating\"\nearth materials posed some technological difficulties in using Lu–Hf dating extensively in the 1980s. With the use of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) with multi-collector (also known as MC–ICP–MS) in later years, the dating method is made applicable to date diverse earth materials. The Lu–Hf system is now a common tool in geological studies such as igneous and metamorphic rock petrogenesis, early earth mantle-crust differentiation, and provenance. Lutetium is a rare-earth element, with one naturally-occurring stable isotope Lu and one naturally-occurring radioactive isotope Lu. When Lu atoms are incorporated into earth materials, such as rocks and minerals, they began", "\"Alkali metal\"\nup approximately 2.6% of the Earth's crust measured by weight, making it the sixth most abundant element overall and the most abundant alkali metal. Potassium makes up approximately 1.5% of the Earth's crust and is the seventh most abundant element. Sodium is found in many different minerals, of which the most common is ordinary salt (sodium chloride), which occurs in vast quantities dissolved in seawater. Other solid deposits include halite, amphibole, cryolite, nitratine, and zeolite. Many of these solid deposits occur as a result of ancient seas evaporating, which still occurs now in places such as Utah's Great Salt Lake", "Iridium\nelements in Earth's crust, having an average mass fraction of 0.001 ppm in crustal rock; platinum is 10 times more abundant, gold is 40 times more abundant, and silver and mercury are 80 times more abundant. Tellurium is about as abundant as iridium. In contrast to its low abundance in crustal rock, iridium is relatively common in meteorites, with concentrations of 0.5 ppm or more. The overall concentration of iridium on Earth is thought to be much higher than what is observed in crustal rocks, but because of the density and siderophilic (\"\"iron-loving\"\") character of iridium, it descended below the", "\"Seismic wave\"\nthe Earth's crust, up to 13 km/s in the deep mantle. Earthquakes create distinct types of waves with different velocities; when reaching seismic observatories, their different travel times help scientists to locate the source of the hypocenter. In geophysics the refraction or reflection of seismic waves is used for research into the structure of the Earth's interior, and man-made vibrations are often generated to investigate shallow, subsurface structures. Among the many types of seismic waves, one can make a broad distinction between \"\"body waves\"\", which travel through the Earth, and \"\"surface waves\"\", which travel at the Earth's surface. Other modes", "\"Marine life\"\n3.5 billion years ago, during the Eoarchean Era after a geological crust started to solidify following the earlier molten Hadean Eon. Microbial mat fossils have been found in 3.48 billion-year-old sandstone in Western Australia. Other early physical evidence of a biogenic substance is graphite in 3.7 billion-year-old metasedimentary rocks discovered in Western Greenland as well as \"\"remains of biotic life\"\" found in 4.1 billion-year-old rocks in Western Australia. According to one of the researchers, \"\"If life arose relatively quickly on Earth … then it could be common in the universe.\"\" All organisms on Earth are descended from a common ancestor", "\"Composition of Mars\"\nways. First, Martian meteorite analysis suggests that the planet's mantle is about twice as rich in iron as the Earth's mantle. Second, its core is richer in sulphur. Third, the Martian mantle is richer in potassium and phosphorus than Earth's and fourth, the Martian crust contains a higher percentage of volatile elements such as sulphur and chlorine than the Earth's crust does. Many of these conclusions are supported by \"\"in situ\"\" analyses of rocks and soils on the Martian surface. Mars is fundamentally an igneous planet. Rocks on the surface and in the crust consist predominantly of minerals that crystallize", "\"Rare-earth element\"\ntypes forming in rift settings are carbonatites, and A- and M-Type granitoids. Near subduction zones, partial melting of the subducting plate within the asthenosphere (80 to 200 km depth) produces a volatile-rich magma (high concentrations of CO and water), with high concentrations of alkaline elements, and high element mobility that the rare-earths are strongly partitioned into. This melt may also rise along pre-existing fractures, and be emplaced in the crust above the subducting slab or erupted at the surface. REE enriched deposits forming from these melts are typically S-Type granitoids. Alkaline magmas enriched with rare-earth elements include carbonatites, peralkaline granites", "Feldspar\n(including electrical insulators, sanitaryware, pottery, tableware, and tile) and other uses, such as fillers, accounted for the remainder. In earth sciences and archaeology, feldspars are used for K-Ar dating, argon-argon dating, and luminescence dating. In October 2012, the Mars Curiosity rover analyzed a rock that turned out to have a high feldspar content. Feldspar Feldspars (KAlSiO – NaAlSiO – CaAlSiO) are a group of rock-forming tectosilicate minerals that make up about 41% of the Earth's continental crust by weight. Feldspars crystallize from magma as veins in both intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks and are also present in many types of", "\"Rock (geology)\"\nare homogeneous solids formed from a chemical compound arranged in an orderly manner. The aggregate minerals forming the rock are held together by chemical bonds. The types and abundance of minerals in a rock are determined by the manner in which it was formed. Many rocks contain silica (SiO); a compound of silicon and oxygen that forms 74.3% of the Earth's crust. This material forms crystals with other compounds in the rock. The proportion of silica in rocks and minerals is a major factor in determining their names and properties. Rocks are classified according to characteristics such as mineral and", "\"Chemical element\"\nis the most stable element that can easily be made from alpha particles (being a product of decay of radioactive nickel-56, ultimately made from 14 helium nuclei). Elements heavier than iron are made in energy-absorbing processes in large stars, and their abundance in the universe (and on Earth) generally decreases with their atomic number. The abundance of the chemical elements on Earth varies from air to crust to ocean, and in various types of life. The abundance of elements in Earth's crust differs from that in the Solar system (as seen in the Sun and heavy planets like Jupiter) mainly", "\"Heavy oil production\"\nsometimes caused by residual hydrocarbons from breached columns of gas. Seismic surveys are the standard method used to map the earth's crust. Data from these surveys are used to project detailed information about the types and properties of rocks. Bouncing sound waves off rock formations underneath the surface allows the reflected waves to be analyzed. The time lapses between the incident and reflected waves, as well as the properties of the received wave, provide information about the types of rocks and the possible reserves of petroleum and gas deposits If the geological heterogeneity of a reservoir is known, the injection", "Lanthanum\noccurred along with it in its salts, he named it from the Ancient Greek \"\"λανθάνειν\"\" [lanthanein] (lit. \"\"to lie hidden\"\"). Relatively pure lanthanum metal was first isolated in 1923. Lanthanum is the third-most abundant of all the lanthanides, making up 39 mg/kg of the Earth's crust, behind neodymium at 41.5 mg/kg and cerium at 66.5 mg/kg. It is almost three times as abundant as lead in the Earth's crust. Despite being among the so-called \"\"rare earth metals\"\", lanthanum is thus not rare at all, but it is historically so named because it is rarer than \"\"common earths\"\" such as lime", "Iron\nIron Iron is a chemical element with symbol Fe (from ) and atomic number 26. It is a metal in the first transition series. It is by mass the most common element on Earth, forming much of Earth's outer and inner core. It is the fourth most common element in the Earth's crust. Its abundance in rocky planets like Earth is due to its abundant production by fusion in high-mass stars, where it is the last element to be produced with release of energy before the violent collapse of a supernova, which scatters the iron into space. Like the other", "Caprock\nrock type. Common types of caprock are sandstone and mafic rock types. An analogy of caprock could be the outer crust on a cake that is a bit harder than the underlying layer. In processes such as scarp retreat, the caprock controls the rate of erosion of the scarp. As the softer rock is cut away, periodically the caprock shears off. Caprock is also found on the top of mesa formations. The Niagara Escarpment, over which Niagara Falls flows, is an example of a scarp or escarpment. At Niagara Falls, the caprock is the riverbed above the falls, and is", "\"Crust (geology)\"\nphysical properties are unknown, as are the igneous mechanisms that formed them. This is because it is difficult to study: none of Earth's primary crust has survived to today. Earth's high rates of erosion and crustal recycling from plate tectonics has destroyed all rocks older than about 4 billion years, including whatever primary crust Earth once had. However, geologists can glean information about primary crust by studying it on other terrestrial planets. Mercury's highlands might represent primary crust, though this is debated. The anorthosite highlands of the Moon are primary crust, formed as plagioclase crystallized out of the Moon's initial", "\"Crust (geology)\"\nthe crust. The boundary between the crust and mantle is conventionally placed at the Mohorovičić discontinuity, a boundary defined by a contrast in seismic velocity. The crust of the Earth is of two distinctive types: Because both continental and oceanic crust are less dense than the mantle below, both types of crust \"\"float\"\" on the mantle. This is isostasy, and it's also one of the reasons continental crust is higher than oceanic: continental is less dense and so \"\"floats\"\" higher. As a result, water pools in above the oceanic crust, forming the oceans. The temperature of the crust increases with", "Geosyncline\nas result of contractional forces that also formed epeirogenic uplifts resulting in a pattern of undulation of Earth's crust. While this was according to him the common state of Earth episodic world-wide revolutions collapsed geosynclines into orogens. Steinmann interpreted ophiolites using the geosyncline concept. He theorized that the apparent lack of ophiolites in the Peruvian Andes was either indebted to the Andes being preceded by a shallow geosyncline or the Andes representing just the margin of a geosyncline. Thus, Steinmann added this to a distinction between Cordilleran-type and Alpine-type mountains. According to Stille a type of geosyncline called eugesynclines were", "\"Ultra-high-temperature metamorphism\"\nemplaced due to the buoyant entrainment of granitc melts. The abundant water was liberated by heating dehydration of the lowest orogenic crust, contributing aqueous solutions to amphibolite-facies retrogression of the overlying crust. Ultra-high-temperature metamorphism Ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism (UHT) represents extreme crustal metamorphism with metamorphic temperatures exceeding 900 °C. Granulite-facies rocks metamorphosed at very high temperatures were identified in the early 1980s, although it took another decade for the geoscience community to recognize UHT metamorphism as a common regional phenomenon. Petrological evidence based on characteristic mineral assemblages backed by experimental and thermodynamic relations demonstrated that Earth's crust can attain and withstand very", "\"Mineral redox buffer\"\nMineral redox buffer In geology, a redox buffer is an assemblage of minerals or compounds that constrains oxygen fugacity as a function of temperature. Knowledge of the redox conditions (or equivalently, oxygen fugacities) at which a rock forms and evolves can be important for interpreting the rock history. Iron, sulfur, and manganese are three of the relatively abundant elements in the Earth's crust that occur in more than one oxidation state. For instance, iron, the fourth most abundant element in the crust, exists as native iron, ferrous iron (Fe), and ferric iron (Fe). The redox state of a rock affects" ]
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when is the last time the padres made the playoffs
[ "2006" ]
[ "\"2013–14 NFL playoffs\"\nyards. It was the last playoff game for the Chargers before moving to Los Angeles in 2017. With the MLB Padres having not reached the postseason since 2006, this is also the last postseason appearance by any major league sports franchise in San Diego. For the first time since 2006, the Patriots played on the road in the playoffs, which was also the last time they faced Peyton Manning when he was with the Colts. But the story was all about Denver as their offense racked up 507 yards without turning the ball over or giving up any sacks as", "\"2010 San Diego Padres season\"\n2010 San Diego Padres season The 2010 San Diego Padres season was the 42nd season in franchise history. On August 25, the Padres had a 6.5-game lead over the second-place San Francisco Giants, but ended up missing the playoffs as the Giants passed them in September. As of 2017, this was the last winning season for the Padres. Many preseason predictions picked the Padres to finish the season in last place in the NL West. On April 12, 2010, (Padres home opener) the Padres scored 17 runs against the Atlanta Braves as they went on to win 17–2. (Including a", "\"2006 St. Louis Cardinals season\"\nNational League Central. On the season's final day, the Cardinals made the playoffs for the sixth time in the last seven seasons, edging the second-place Houston Astros by a game and a half. Once the playoffs began, the lightly regarded Cardinals surprised baseball fans everywhere by beating the San Diego Padres in the four-game Division Series, beating the New York Mets in the seven-game NLCS, and beating the Detroit Tigers in the 2006 World Series four games to one, winning the tenth, and probably most unlikely, World Series championship in franchise history. Their .516 winning percentage is the lowest ever", "\"Todd Walker\"\nthe San Diego Padres were attempting to make the playoffs while the Cubs were already out of the race. Before the non-waiver trade deadline, the Padres traded low-A pitching prospect José Ceda to the Cubs for Walker, who became the new starting third baseman. He hit .282 down the stretch and the Padres made the playoffs, but were eliminated in the first round by the St. Louis Cardinals. In , Walker attended spring training with the Padres. However, during the offseason, the Padres had restocked the team with more infielders and left-handed hitters and, after a poor performance during the", "\"2009–10 NFL playoffs\"\ngames. The Chargers have not won the AFC West since 2009 and relocated to Los Angeles after the 2016 season. As a result, this was the last playoff game the Chargers played in San Diego. With the MLB’s Padres failing to qualify for the postseason since 2006, this is the currently the last Big 4 postseason game to be played in the city of San Diego. This game was the first time in NFL history that two first-year head coaches met in any conference championship game. The Colts defeated the Jets for the first time in the postseason and advanced", "\"2006 National League Division Series\"\nTrevor Hoffman overtake Lee Smith as the all-time saves leader. This season also marked the first time in Padres history that the team went to the playoffs in consecutive years. The Padres did not clinch a playoff spot until the final weekend of the regular season and finished with an identical record to the Los Angeles Dodgers, but were awarded the Western Division title due to the Padres winning the season series against the Dodgers 13–5. The Los Angeles Dodgers' run to the playoffs was most notable for their streaky play in the second half of the season. The Dodgers", "\"Tony Gwynn Jr.\"\nfirst major league hit — both doubles. Towards the end of the 2006 campaign, Gwynn received more playing time, replacing Brady Clark in the lineup. He appeared in 32 games for the Brewers in 2006, hitting .260 and made the Brewers' opening day roster for . Late in the 2007 season, the San Diego Padres were in Milwaukee attempting to clinch a playoff berth. Closer Trevor Hoffman was one out away from sending the Padres to the playoffs, but the tying run was on second base. Gwynn pinch-hit for Bill Hall against his dad's former team, and dramatically tied the", "\"2006 National League Division Series\"\nthree games continued for the Padres in Game 4. The team failed to score after the first, and went a combined 2-for-32 with runners in scoring position in the Series. It was the final Division Series game televised by Fox, at least for the foreseeable future. This is also, as of 2017, the last playoff game for the Padres. 2006 NLDS (3–1): St. Louis Cardinals over San Diego Padres 2006 National League Division Series The 2006 National League Division Series (NLDS), the opening round of the 2006 National League playoffs, began on Tuesday, October 3, and ended on Sunday, October", "\"1984 San Diego Padres season\"\nPlayer. After spending $6 million to acquire free-agent first baseman Steve Garvey in 1983, the Padres signed free-agent reliever Goose Gossage to a five-year contract for $6.25 million in January 1984. The deal made Gossage the highest-salaried pitcher in baseball at the time. Manager Dick Williams, who had asked General Manager Jack McKeon to obtain a strikeout-type reliever, declared that the acquisition made San Diego a playoff contender. Eight days after signing Gossage, Padres owner Ray Kroc died at the age of 81. The season was dedicated in his memory with the team wearing his initials, \"\"RAK\"\" on their jersey's", "\"Reno Silver Sox (Golden Baseball League)\"\nwere listed #55 among's 100 Best Minor League Baseball Teams. They were a class-C (equivalent to today's single-A) affiliate of the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers. The third version was another California League team that was an affiliate of the San Diego Padres from 1977 to 1987, then was unaffiliated from 1988 to their final season in 1992. They joined the league as the \"\"new\"\" Silver Sox then changed their name to the Reno Padres in 1982, then back to the Silver Sox when they were dropped as Padres affiliate in 1988. The team made the playoffs on two separate occasions,", "\"2010 San Diego Padres season\"\nEarned run average; G = Games pitched; GS = Games started; SV = Saves; IP = Innings pitched; R = Runs allowed; ER = Earned runs allowed; BB = Walks allowed; K = Strikeouts\"\" 2010 San Diego Padres season The 2010 San Diego Padres season was the 42nd season in franchise history. On August 25, the Padres had a 6.5-game lead over the second-place San Francisco Giants, but ended up missing the playoffs as the Giants passed them in September. As of 2017, this was the last winning season for the Padres. Many preseason predictions picked the Padres to finish", "\"History of the San Diego Padres\"\nas of May 31. Early in the season, the Padres acquired Tony Gwynn, Jr., son of franchise great Tony Gwynn, from the Milwaukee Brewers. San Diego finished 75–87, fourth in the NL West, only ahead of the Arizona Diamondbacks. Many preseason predictions picked the Padres in 2010 to finish the season in last place in the NL West. On August 25, however, the Padres were 76–49 and in first place with a game lead. A 10–game losing streak immediately followed. With a 3–0 loss on October 3, the final game of the season, the Padres were officially eliminated from playoff", "\"1969 Major League Baseball expansion\"\nthe four 1969 expansion teams. The franchise fielded competitive teams in the 1970s and 1980s and won the 1985 World Series. After a 29-year postseason drought, the Royals returned to postseason play in the 2014 season, before winning their second World Series title in . The San Diego Padres had nine consecutive losing seasons, and have since made the playoffs five times. The Padres twice made the World Series in and , but lost both appearances. The Montreal Expos had good attendance for the 1969 season, and after having losing records for ten years, were competitive in the 1980s and", "\"Brady Clark\"\nHe was playing with the Portland Beavers, the Triple-A affiliate of the Padres in the Pacific Coast League, until the Padres called Clark up when the rosters expanded on September 1. On October 1, 2007, Clark played in a one-game Wild Card playoff against the Colorado Rockies. He went 1-4 with one RBI, which came off a fielder's choice. He left the game in the top of the 10th inning for pinch hitter, Terrmel Sledge. Clark was released by the Padres following the season on October 4, 2007. Clark became a New York Met for the second time, signing a", "\"History of the San Diego Padres\"\ntowards Winters. While restrained by Black, Bradley fell to the ground resulting in the injury. He missed the last week of the regular season in 2007, during which the Padres relinquished their wild card lead, ultimately losing to the eventual N.L. Champion Colorado Rockies in a one-game playoff. The Padres ended the regular season in an 89–73 tie for the NL wild card with the Colorado Rockies. In a cruel piece of irony, on September 29, 2007, the Padres were within one out and one strike of clinching the National League Wild Card berth, but Tony Gwynn, Jr., son of", "\"Bob Miller (baseball, born 1939)\"\nshort in their bid for a playoff spot. Miller started the season with the Cubs, and pitched in two games for the team before being released on May 10, 1971. He was signed as a free agent the next day by the San Diego Padres. In 38 games with the Padres, all in relief, Miller had a 7–3 record and seven saves and an ERA of 1.41. The Padres were in last place in the National League West with a 42–76 record, 26 games out of first place, and traded Miller to the National League East division-leading Pittsburgh Pirates on", "\"History of the San Diego Padres\"\nthe longtime Padres legend, tripled against Hoffman to tie the game. The Padres went on to lose that game, and the one that followed, even though the Milwaukee Brewers had been eliminated from the pennant race and had nothing left to play for. The Padres then met the Rockies on October 1, 2007 in Denver for a one-game playoff to decide the wild card winner. Despite having Jake Peavy start the game and bringing in Trevor Hoffman in the bottom of the 13th inning to try to hold an 8–6 lead, the Padres' season ended when the Rockies rallied to", "\"2010 Texas Rangers season\"\nThe Rangers would score from second on infield grounders twice in the game. After Lee's two starts there would only be 8 games in playoff history when a pitcher would have 10+ strikeouts and no walks. Lee has pitched 4 of those games. Lee also tied the Division Series record of 21 strikeouts set by Kevin Brown in 1998 with the San Diego Padres. Lee's 16 innings without a walk set a new ALDS record. Cruz and Kinsler would also hit 3 home runs each in the series. The last time two teammates each hit 3 or more home runs", "\"San Diego Padres\"\nBlue Jays. The San Diego Padres were first portrayed in the 1979 NBC made-for-TV film The Kid from Left Field, starring Gary Coleman as Jackie Robinson \"\"J.R.\"\" Cooper, a kid who is passionate about baseball, and puts his knowledge to good use when he becomes the manager of the Padres and helps them lead to the World Series. In 2016, the San Diego Padres were portrayed once again in the Fox television series \"\"Pitch\"\", starring Kylie Bunbury as Ginny Baker, the first female to play in Major League Baseball. It only lasted one season. The San Diego Padres established The", "\"2014 Chicago Bears season\"\nhistory. The Bears entered the bye week with a 3–5 record, tied with the Vikings for last in the NFC North, two games behind the Packers, and four behind the Detroit Lions. The last time the Bears had been 3–5, yet made the playoffs was in 1979, and had also performed the feat in 1977, while the last time that Chicago had made the playoffs after having a record of two games below .500 occurred in 2005, when the team was 1–3, but finished the regular season 11–5. On offense, the Bears were tied for seventh in the league in", "\"Garabandal apparitions\"\nmade known in a credible way.\"\" From the book \"\"The Final Hour\"\" (Michael Brown) page 141 on the topic of Padre Pio's belief in Garabandal: “Asked on another occasion about its authenticity, he answered curtly, 'How many times must she appear there to be believed?'\"\" Joey Lomangino’s recall of when he talked to Padre Pio: “We made arrangements to come back again that same day and greeted Padre Pio in the cloister. When we knelt down, we said to him, “Padre Pio, is it true that the Virgin is appearing to the four girls of Garabandal?” And he said, \"\"Yes.\"\"", "\"Trevor Hoffman\"\nlike that before\"\", said Pirates reliever John Grabow. \"\"You get goose bumps even if you are on the other team.\"\" The Padres presented Hoffman with a golden bell trophy, a reference to \"\"Hells Bells\"\". Hoffman saved a 3–1 win over the Diamondbacks on September 30 as the Padres to clinched a playoff berth. The next day in the last regular season game, two home runs were hit off Hoffman before he saved a 7–6 win over the Diamondbacks, earning the Padres their second consecutive NL West title. He was named MLB Delivery Man of the Month for September after being", "\"Padre Pio\"\nhad appeared to him and given him the transverberation, and who is believed to be the Wounded Christ, appeared again, and Padre Pio had another experience of religious ecstasy. When the ecstasy ended, Padre Pio had received the visible stigmata, the five wounds of Christ. This time, the stigmata were permanent. They stayed visible for the next fifty years of his life. In a letter to Padre Benedetto, his superior and spiritual advisor from San Marco in Lamis, dated October 22, 1918, Padre Pio describes his experience of receiving the stigmata: On the morning of the 20th of last month,", "\"History of professional baseball in Milwaukee\"\nfinal Friday of the season. On September 29 the Brewers beat Padres 4–3 in extra innings to secure a winning season. The game was tied in the ninth inning by a triple by Tony Gwynn, Jr. in a highlight reel play that was repeated often during the 2007 post season. That win, and the win the next day, by the Brewers kept the Padres from advancing to the playoffs. The irony, of course, being that Gwynn's father was arguably the most popular Padre of all-time, and Tony Gwynn, Jr. would later be traded to the Padres in 2009. Milwaukee finished", "\"2010 NBA Playoffs\"\nCavaliers last year, losing to Boston in 6. The Cavs loss led to the LeBron James decision to join the Miami Heat. This was the last playoff appearance for the Cavs until 2015 when James returned to Cleveland and, along with Kyrie Irving, faced again his common rivals the Celtics and Bulls. The Charlotte Bobcats made their first playoff appearance in franchise history, and the first in the Charlotte NBA team's history since 2002. However, they failed to win a single playoff game in a loss to the Magic in the first round. The Celtics-Cavaliers series marked the first time", "\"History of the San Diego Padres\"\nin the go-ahead run late in the game. According to media reports, Gonzalez was asked during an All-Star game media session what it would take for the Padres to make the playoffs. He said 30 wins. When the interviewer asked if he thought that was possible, Gonzalez glared at the interviewer and did not answer the question. On July 17, the Padres traded former San Diego State player Tony Clark to the Diamondbacks for minor league pitcher Evan Scribner. Following the All-Star break, the Padres continued to struggle, getting swept in a four-game series in St. Louis and losing two", "\"1976 NBA Playoffs\"\nmost recent) Western Conference title in 1993. The sixth-year Cleveland Cavaliers made their first playoff appearance and won their first playoff series. This was the final playoff appearance for the Buffalo Braves franchise in Buffalo and last until 1992, when they returned as the Los Angeles Clippers. The Philadelphia 76ers made the playoffs for the first time since 1971, starting a 12-year run that included four NBA Finals appearances (1977, 1980, 1982, and 1983). Despite winning their division with a losing record of 38-44, the Milwaukee Bucks were forced to play in the best of three first round against the", "\"Passi, Iloilo\"\nThe parishioners were made to carry the needed materials every time they went to the church. The construction was finished during the time of Padre Pedro Ceberio when Salvador “Badong” Panes Perfecto was the Captain of the town. Around 1821 during the time of Padre Apolinario Villanueva, Schism ensued between him as Parish Priest and the Spanish Populace of the town. He transferred the seat of the Parish Church to Abaca where he constructed a chapel. When Padre Martin succeeded him, the seat of the parish church was returned to Passi. With the concurring Filipino Revolution against the Spanish government,", "\"Springfield Cardinals (Illinois)\"\nlast place with a 41–84 record. Springfield experienced its highest level of minor league baseball during 1978–1981, when it hosted the Springfield Redbirds of the Class Triple-A American Association. The Redbirds, a St. Louis Cardinals affiliate, won the playoff for the league championship in 1980. The Redbirds' move to Louisville in 1982 was the impetus for the Springfield Cardinals entering the Midwest League as an expansion franchise that season. When the Cardinals moved to Madison in 1994, the Midwest League's Waterloo Diamonds moved to Springfield and became the Springfield Sultans. The Sultans were affiliated with the San Diego Padres in", "\"Trevor Hoffman\"\ngames as the Padres went 22–6 for their best month in franchise history. On August 24, Hoffman converted his 29th consecutive save opportunity in a 7–4 win over the Houston Astros. He passed Franco for second place on the all-time saves list with his 425th save, and the Padres maintained a six-game lead in the NL West with a 63–63 record. The Padres won the NL West with an 82–80 record, and Hoffman finished the season 43 for 46 in save opportunities, the second most saves in the NL. The Padres were swept 3–0 in the playoffs by the Cardinals,", "\"2004 NBA Playoffs\"\n2005, 2006), before earning their first playoff game and series victories in 2011. This was the last playoff appearance for the New York Knicks until 2011, when they would be swept in the first round. The Portland Trail Blazers and Utah Jazz missed the playoffs for the first time since 1982 and 1983, respectively. This was the Denver Nuggets' first playoff appearance since 1995. The New Orleans Hornets made their final postseason appearance as a member of the East. They would not make the playoffs again until 2008, as a member of the West (the result of a realignment with", "\"2004 Stanley Cup playoffs\"\nCup Finals. The format was identical to the one introduced for the 1999 playoffs. These playoffs marked the first time the Nashville Predators qualified, being in their sixth season in the NHL. Champions Tampa Bay saw playoff action for the third time. This would be the last time that all eastern Canadian teams would make the playoffs together until 2013. Also, this is the last time that neither the Los Angeles Kings nor Anaheim Ducks made it to the playoffs. The Tampa Bay Lightning entered the playoffs as the Eastern Conference regular season and Southeast Division champions with 106 points.", "\"Benito Santiago\"\nhe would leave the Padres when he became eligible for free agency after the 1992 season. He was also disillusioned when the Padres traded away players such as Joe Carter and Jack Clark. In June, Padres manager, Greg Riddoch, benched Santiago for his lack of hustle on the playing field. Despite the difficulties, Santiago led the league's catchers with 100 assists and posted a career-high 87 runs batted in. Santiago returned to arbitration before the 1992 season, this time winning a $3.3 million one-year contract that made him the highest paid catcher in professional baseball. In September 1992, the Padres", "\"Trevor Hoffman\"\nCy Young Award for the second time. In the playoffs, the Padres faced the Cardinals in the NLDS again. Down 2–0 in the series, Hoffman saved Game 3 in a 3–1 win to avoid elimination. However, the Padres lost the series 3–1 as their offense managed only six runs in the four games against the eventual 2006 World Series champions. On April 28, 2007 in a 3–2 win over the Dodgers, Hoffman earned a save and pitched in his 803rd game for the Padres, breaking the MLB record for games pitched for one team. The record was previously held by", "\"2004 NBA Playoffs\"\nthe addition of the Charlotte Bobcats in the 2004–05 NBA season). Their playoff series with the Miami Heat, led by Dwyane Wade, was the last playoff series where the home team won all 7 games until 2008's Boston–Atlanta and Boston–Cleveland playoff series. 2004 was the first time in 14 years that all Texas teams made the playoffs, and the second time (first in 10 years) that all former ABA teams made the playoffs. The Rockets returned to the playoffs for the first time since 1999. They lost to the Lakers in five games of the opening round. This was Steve", "\"2007 National League Wild Card tie-breaker game\"\nPadres and the Arizona Diamondbacks for the National League West divisional title. The Padres spent 52 days with at least a share of the lead, while the Diamondbacks spent 89 total days atop the division and ultimately won by a game with a record of 90–72. The Rockies spent just three days, last on April 6, with a lead in the division. Notably the Diamondbacks scored 20 fewer runs than their pitchers allowed, one of just five teams in MLB history to make the playoffs despite being outscored during the season. In addition to the divisional race, the competition over", "\"San Diego Padres (PCL)\"\nyears, displaced only by virtue of San Diego's admission to the major leagues. In 1954, managed by former major league player Lefty O'Doul, the Padres finished first in the PCL for the first time in their history, but were eliminated in the postseason playoffs. After the 1957 season, the Padres were sold to C. Arnholdt Smith, who moved the team from ancient Lane Field to Westgate Park, an 8,200-seat facility located in what is now the Fashion Valley Mall of Mission Valley. In 1960, Smith brought in Eddie Leishman as general manager and club president. Leishman, who had helped to", "\"Pablo Prigioni\"\none-year contract with the New York Knicks for the rookie minimum. At age 35, Prigioni became the oldest rookie in NBA history, when he made his debut on November 2, 2012. He became the team's starting point guard for the last two months of the 2012–13 season, as well as for the playoffs. In game 6 of the Knicks' first-round playoff series against the Boston Celtics, Prigioni made 3 three-pointers in the first quarter. The Knicks won 88–80, to advance to the second round of the playoffs for the first time in 13 years. On July 10, 2013, Prigioni re-signed", "\"2006–07 Utah Jazz season\"\nfive games, moving on to the Western Conference Finals for the first time since 1998, when they last made the NBA Finals. However, their playoff run ended with a defeat to the eventual champion San Antonio Spurs in five games. The Spurs would go on to win their fourth NBA Championship after sweeping the Cleveland Cavaliers in that year's NBA Finals. Their Western Finals trip made this the most successful recent Jazz season as of 2018. (4) Utah Jazz vs. (5) Houston Rockets Last Playoff Meeting: 1998 Western Conference First Round (Utah won 3-2) (4) Utah Jazz vs. (8) Golden", "\"Padre Pio\"\nas he had done daily for years. Due to the large number of pilgrims present for the Mass, Padre Pio's superior decided the Solemn Mass must proceed. Padre Pio carried out his duties but appeared extremely weak and fragile. His voice was weak and, after the Mass had concluded, he nearly collapsed while walking down the altar steps. He needed help from his Capuchin brothers. This was his last celebration of the Mass. Early in the morning of September 23, 1968, Padre Pio made his last confession and renewed his Franciscan vows. As was customary, he had his rosary in", "\"1998 Stanley Cup playoffs\"\nfour was the last playoff game at the Great Western Forum. This was the first and to date only playoff series between these two teams. Detroit made their twenty-first and second consecutive Finals appearance, while Washington made their first Finals appearance in their twenty-fourth season. Until 2017 this was the last time that the Stanley Cup was successfully defended by the previous year's champion and as of 2018, this is the most recent sweep in the Finals. 1998 Stanley Cup playoffs The 1998 Stanley Cup playoffs, the championship of the National Hockey League (NHL), began on April 22, 1998 following", "\"2001 NBA Playoffs\"\nyear. As of 2018, however, they have been unable to duplicate any of these feats. The Dallas Mavericks made the playoffs for the first time since 1990. Along the way they had many abysmal seasons, including back-to-back years with 11 and 13 wins. By beating Utah in the first round, they won their first playoff series since 1988. Reunion Arena, their home court for 21 years, hosted its last game (Game 4 of the Western Conference Semifinals against the Spurs); they moved to American Airlines Center in 2002. The Sacramento Kings won their first playoff series since 1981 (when they", "\"Clint Hurdle\"\nthe early-season firing of Buddy Bell. On April 2, 2006, he was given a two-year contract extension. In 2007, Hurdle managed Colorado to a record of 90-73, their best finish in the team's 15-year history; they won 13 of their last 14 games in order to force a tie-breaker game with the San Diego Padres to determine the winner of the National League Wild Card. Colorado defeated San Diego, reaching the playoffs for only the second time in Rockies history. Hurdle's Rockies then beat the Philadelphia Phillies in the Division Series, sweeping them in three games to force a match-up", "\"1984 San Diego Padres season\"\nin the playoffs. Out of the bullpen, Lefferts was excellent in the postseason with 10 scoreless innings in six appearances, while Hawkins and Dravecky pitched well in the playoffs as well. After a disappointing season for 37-year-old journeyman Kurt Bevacqua, he hit .412 in the World Series as the Padres designated hitter, hitting the game-winning home run in Game 2 as well as an eighth-inning homer in the finale, which had cut San Diego's deficit to 5–4. Playing in place of the injured McReynolds, Bobby Brown had the team's only two RBIs by Padres outfielders against the Tigers, but he", "\"Yorvit Torrealba\"\naverage and 47 RBIs in 396 at-bats and he threw out only 17 percent of potential base-stealers, down from his success in previous seasons. Torrealba had some big hits for the Rockies during late 2007, when the Rockies won 12 of their last 13 to force a one-game playoff against the San Diego Padres, which the Rockies won. Torrealba homered off Jake Peavy in that game. Torrealba also hit a 3-run home run off of former teammate Liván Hernández in Game 3 of the 2007 National League Championship Series. Torrealba led the Rockies to the World Series for the first", "\"2017 Los Angeles Dodgers season\"\nDodgers hit three home runs en route to a 9–2 win the next game as they clinched home field throughout the National League playoffs and broke the LA record for home wins with their 56th. They added one more win the next night, when they finished off their last home series of the regular season with a 10–0 win over the Padres. Rich Hill struck out 10 in seven innings and the Dodgers won their 102nd game, setting a new record for the Los Angeles franchise. The Dodgers concluded the regular season with a three-game road trip to Coors Field", "\"2006 Stanley Cup playoffs\"\nplayoffs. The Edmonton Oilers would miss the playoffs each year thereafter until 2017. This was also the last time that the Pittsburgh Penguins missed the playoffs. While the 2005–06 season introduced a shootout to break ties after five minutes of four-on-four overtime, the Stanley Cup playoffs retained their traditional format of unlimited 20-minute periods of five-on-five sudden-death overtime to break ties. The Western Conference made history in the first round when all four series were won by the lower-seeded teams (conversely, all four series in the Eastern Conference were won by the higher-seeded teams). The eighth- and lowest-seeded Oilers proceeded", "\"Mat Latos\"\nin high school, as he was considered immature, and often yelled at teammates who made errors and reacted poorly when the umpire made a call he disagreed with. After the draft, Latos demanded a $3 million signing bonus from the Padres. When the Padres did not meet his demands, Latos enrolled at Broward College, a junior college, to pitch for their baseball team. As the Padres retained the right to sign Latos until the start of the 2007 MLB draft, the Padres sent scout Joe Bochy to observe every start Latos made. Latos had a 10–3 win–loss record and a", "\"History of the San Diego Padres\"\n2005 Padres featured bright spots, however, including ace pitcher Jake Peavy, the NL strikeout leader, and closer Trevor Hoffman, who claimed his 400th save. The Padres started April 2006 with a 9–15 record and were stuck in the cellar of the NL West. However, after going 19–10 in May, the club moved into first place in the division. Closer Trevor Hoffman was elected to the 2006 MLB All-Star Game in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, threw one inning in that game and got the loss. On September 24 (the last home game of the regular season), Hoffman became the all-time saves leader when", "\"2017 San Diego Padres season\"\n2017 San Diego Padres season The 2017 San Diego Padres season was the 49th season of the San Diego Padres franchise in Major League Baseball and the Padres' 14th season at Petco Park. The Padres began the season on April 3 at the Los Angeles Dodgers. They ended the season on October 1 at the San Francisco Giants. They finished the season 71–91 to finish in fourth place in the National League West Division, 33 games behind the Los Angeles Dodgers. They missed the playoffs for the 11th straight year. \"\"Both tables are sortable.\"\" \"\"\"\"<br> \"\"Players in bold are on", "\"1984 World Series\"\nonly World Series victory in Padres history. Andy Hawkins earned the win with 5 1/3 shutout innings while Craig Lefferts pitched a three-inning save. Game 2 at Jack Murphy Stadium marked the last MLB playoff game to date where the DH was used in a National League ballpark. Since then, any World Series game in an American League park uses the DH (previously, the DH was used in alternating World Series), while pitchers bat in the NL parks. The next time the DH rule was used in a National League park was during a regular season series between the Toronto", "\"Padre Ballí\"\nPadre Ballí Padre Ballí (ca. 1770–1829), also known as José Nicolás Ballí, was a rancher, a priest, and an original grantee of Padre Island, which was named after him. However, when he owned the island, it was known as the \"\"Isla de Santiago\"\" land grant. Padre Island had been granted to his grandfather, Nicolás Ballí in 1759, by King Charles III of Spain, and Padre Ballí requested a clear title to the property in 1827. His mother Rosa María Hinojosa de Ballí had made a joint application with Padre for eleven leagues of the island, but when reapplication was required", "\"Dan O'Dowd\"\nwon 21 of their last 22 games to force a tiebreaker against the San Diego Padres. The Rockies, who were making their first playoff appearance in 12 years, swept both the Philadelphia Phillies and Arizona Diamondbacks en route to the 2007 World Series, before losing to the Boston Red Sox. O'Dowd was rewarded with a contract extension following the team's successful playoff run. As the Rockies struggled in 2012, the Rockies restructured their front office, making Bill Geivett their director of major league operations, though O'Dowd retained the title of general manager. Following the 2014 season O'Dowd was offered a", "\"David Freese\"\nat South Alabama, where he also coached Lind, Luis Gonzalez, and Juan Pierre. Prior to the 2006 Major League Baseball draft, the Boston Red Sox attempted to sign Freese as a free agent for $90,000. However, South Alabama made the College World Series regional playoffs, which extended their season past the pre-draft signing deadline. The San Diego Padres selected Freese in the ninth round (273rd overall) of the draft. Freese signed with the Padres and played for the Eugene Emeralds of the Class-A Short Season Northwest League, Fort Wayne Wizards of the Class-A Midwest League, and Lake Elsinore Storm of", "\"Marlon Anderson\"\na playoff factor while the Dodgers appeared to be headed for the playoffs with the NL West division crown. Anderson was brought in hopes to assist in the Dodgers' playoff push. He was intended to be a pinch hitter, but Anderson won the starting job in left field when rookie Andre Ethier struggled towards the end of the season. On September 18, 2006, with the Dodgers playing the San Diego Padres for first place in the National League West with only two weeks left in the regular season, Anderson went five for five, including two home runs. His second home", "\"UAAP Season 72 men's basketball tournament\"\nbe at least 22,000. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Ateneo and UE continue their streaks of playoff appearances. FEU made its return for the second time since last year as UST returned from the playoffs after missing it last year. The De La Salle Green Archers missed the playoffs for the first time in Final Four history after losing to the NU Bulldogs on their last game of the eliminations that ended their streak of Final Four appearance at 14 and were the first runner-up that not to qualify for the semifinals. The Eagles opened the season with a", "\"Tony Gwynn Jr.\"\ngame with a triple. The Padres would go on to lose the game as well as the season finale on the next day, opening the door for the Colorado Rockies to force a one-game playoff with San Diego. The Rockies defeated the Padres in a wild contest, keeping them out of the postseason. With a focus on defense, Brewers manager Ned Yost indicated in March that Gwynn and Gabe Kapler might have a leg up on Gabe Gross for an outfield position; this became true when Gross was traded to the Tampa Bay Rays on April 22, 2008. Gwynn was", "\"2007 San Diego Padres season\"\n2007 San Diego Padres season The 2007 San Diego Padres season was the 39th season in franchise history. It began with the Padres' attempt to win a third consecutive NL West title. After finishing the regular season with 89 wins and 73 losses, they were in a tie with the Colorado Rockies for both the NL wild card and second place in the NL West, they were defeated in a tie-breaker which placed them third overall in the division and out of playoff competition. The Padres ended tied with the Colorado Rockies for both second place in the NL West", "\"A. J. Preller\"\nsigned James Shields to a 4-year contract. He made several smaller moves as well, as he launched the Padres into playoff talks before the season began. He concluded the offseason by trading for Braves closer Craig Kimbrel just hours before the season opened on April 5. Despite his off-season trades, the Padres in June 2015 were still under performing. This has partially led to the firing of manager, Bud Black, on June 15, 2015. On September 15, 2016, Preller was suspended for 30 days by MLB without pay for failing to disclose medical information, regarding the trade that sent Drew", "\"National League West\"\nsix different occasions. <nowiki>*</nowiki> The Colorado Rockies played the San Diego Padres in a wild card tie-breaker game after both teams finished the season with the same record, 89–73. The Rockies defeated the Padres, 9–8, in 13 innings. A wild card tie-breaker game is still considered part of the regular season, and thus, the Rockies' win made it their 90th victory of the season. <nowiki>**</nowiki> – Starting with the 2012 season, there will be two Wild Card winners in each league. The qualifiers will play a single-game playoff to determine who will face the top-seeded team in the National League", "\"Aaron Harang\"\nblister on his finger. Harang was left off the Reds 2010 playoff roster. On November 3, 2010, the Reds bought Harang out of his 2011 contract option, making him a free agent. On December 6, 2010, Harang signed a one-year deal with the San Diego Padres. The deal included a mutual option for 2012. On July 9, 2011, Harang had a no-hitter through six innings against the Los Angeles Dodgers, but was pulled after walking 3 and throwing 95 pitches. He made 28 starts in 2011, with a 14–7 record and 3.64 ERA for the Padres, who chose not to", "\"1989 NBA Playoffs\"\nBoston Celtics' first-round playoff sweep by the Pistons was the first time they failed to get past the round of 16. Boston's chances were hampered by the absence of Larry Bird during these playoffs due to a season-ending injury earlier in the season; the first and only time in Bird's NBA career he'd miss playing in the playoffs. Former Utah Jazz head coach Jerry Sloan made the first of 19 playoff appearances in a 22-year tenure. The only time he missed the playoffs with Utah was 2004–2006. Prior to this, he had last appeared in the playoffs in 1981 with", "\"2002 Stanley Cup playoffs\"\nretirement after the deciding game of the series. The Phoenix Coyotes would play their last playoff games at America West Arena and would miss the playoffs until 2010, when they played in Glendale. The 16 teams that qualified, eight from each conference, played best-of-seven series for conference quarterfinals, semifinals and championships, and then the conference champions played a best-of-seven series for the Stanley Cup. A record 25 shutouts were recorded in the 2002 Playoffs and, for the first time since 1991, not a single team was swept in a playoff series. This is the last time that all three Eastern", "\"2004 St. Louis Rams season\"\n2004 St. Louis Rams season The 2004 St. Louis Rams season was the team’s 67th year with the National Football League and the tenth season in St. Louis. Although the Rams’ record was good enough to qualify for the postseason, they did so without posting a winning record. Statistics site Football Outsiders calculates that the 2004 Rams were, play-for-play, the worst team to make the playoffs in the site's rating history. This was also the last time the Rams made the playoffs until 2017, when the franchise returned to Los Angeles; thus, this was the team’s final playoff appearance in", "\"Harold Ballard\"\ngames below .500. They would not post a winning record again in Ballard's lifetime, going a franchise-record 13 consecutive seasons without a winning record. The low point came in 1984–85, when the Leafs finished the season with the worst record in the league, 32 games below .500. They nearly duplicated that dubious achievement in 1987–88, ending the season one point up on the last-place Minnesota North Stars. Nevertheless, they still qualified for the playoffs under the playoff format in use at the time. In those days, the top four teams in each division made the playoffs, regardless of record. The", "\"2000–01 Milwaukee Bucks season\"\ntraded to the Los Angeles Lakers, Scott Williams was dealt to the Denver Nuggets and Kersey retired. , the 2000–01 season remains the last time the Bucks either won 50 games, or made it past the opening round of the NBA playoffs. (2) Milwaukee Bucks vs. (7) Orlando Magic Last Playoff Meeting: This is the first meeting between the Bucks and Magic. (2) Milwaukee Bucks vs. (6) Charlotte Hornets Last Playoff Meeting: This is the first meeting between the Bucks and Hornets. (1) Philadelphia 76ers vs. (2) Milwaukee Bucks Last Playoff Meeting: 1991 Eastern Conference First Round (Philadelphia won 3-0)", "\"History of the Cleveland Browns\"\nThe team subsequently reached the playoffs three times in the late 1980s, but fell short of playing in the Super Bowl, the inter-league championship game between the NFL and the rival American Football League (AFL) that started in 1966. When the AFL and NFL merged before the 1970 season, Cleveland became part of the new American Football Conference (AFC). While the Browns made it back to the playoffs in 1971 and 1972, they fell into mediocrity through the mid-1970s. A revival of sorts took place in 1979 and 1980, when quarterback Brian Sipe engineered a series of last-minute wins and", "\"Major League Baseball tie-breaking procedures (1995–2011)\"\nis played if both teams are guaranteed to go to the playoffs. This was the case in 2006 when the Los Angeles Dodgers (5-13 against SD) and the San Diego Padres (13-5 against LAD) were tied for the National League West division title and the Wild Card. In this case, the rules below are used to determine the division winner. Two-way intradivision tie-breaker, with both teams already guaranteed a playoff spot with one as the wildcard and one as the division champion. The division title is awarded in the following priority: The loser of this tie-breaker goes to the playoffs", "\"Kevin Towers\"\nthe Padres from 1989 through 1991 and for the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1991 through 1993. Towers rejoined the Padres as scouting director in 1993. Towers became the Padres' seventh general manager in 1995, succeeding Randy Smith. As GM, Towers led the Padres to four division championships and an appearance in the 1998 World Series. In November 1998 after the Padres' World Series appearance, San Diego voters approved funding to build the team's new stadium, Petco Park. The Padres also finished last in their division five times. Towers was known for his ability to find talented pitchers that many other teams", "\"Billy Bean\"\nin 1994. After playing for the Padres in 1995, Bean opted to retire from baseball after the 1995 season. Billy Bean married a woman he met when he was 24 years old at Loyola Marymount. The marriage lasted for three years. He had his first sexual experience with a man when he was 28 years old. Bean came out as gay to his parents during his time playing for the Padres. He came out publicly to Lydia Martin of the \"\"Miami Herald\"\" in 1999. He became the second Major League Baseball player to publicly come out as gay. Glenn Burke", "\"Padre Pio\"\nin 1968, except for a period of military service. Padre Pio celebrated the Mass in Latin, as was the widespread custom of the time. In the priesthood, Padre Pio was known to perform successful conversions which included freemasons. When World War I started, four friars from this community were selected for military service. At that time, Padre Pio was a teacher at the seminary and a spiritual director. When one more friar was called into service, Padre Pio was put in charge of the community. On November 15, 1915, he was drafted into the Italian army and on December 6,", "\"Carlos Asuaje\"\nTriple-A team ended their playoff run. He made six starts at second base for the Padres as they finished out the season. Asuaje opened the 2017 season in Triple-A, where he batted .250 in 62 games. After a brief call-up in May, he joined the Padres again on June 23 to become the primary second-baseman after Yangervis Solarte went to the disabled list with an oblique strain. Asuaje continued to man the second-base position even after Solarte's return, as manager Andy Green said Asuaje had \"\"played beyond my expectations\"\". Asuaje finished the season with a .270/.334/.362 batting line in 307", "\"History of the San Diego Padres\"\nthe Rockies. Powered by former Diamondbacks outfielder Scott Hairston, the Padres won two of three in Arizona. The team could not sustain the momentum however and they lost two of three to the Marlins at Petco Park. In the last series before the All-Star break, the Padres lost two of three to the Braves. Adrian Gonzalez represented the Padres at the All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium, going 1–3 with an RBI. Gonzalez made a nice scoop on a throw from catcher Russell Martin during a tense moment late in the game but he struck out with a chance to drive", "\"1999–2000 NFL playoffs\"\n1999–2000 NFL playoffs The National Football League playoffs for the 1999 season began on January 8, 2000. The postseason tournament concluded with the St. Louis Rams defeating the Tennessee Titans in Super Bowl XXXIV, 23–16, on January 30, at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. These playoffs were notable in that all outdoor games were played with gametime temperatures of 50 °F or higher, making for one of the warmest playoff seasons of all time. It was also the first time since 1969 that no California-based NFL team made the playoffs. It also marked the last time all 3 Florida-based teams", "\"2011 San Diego Padres season\"\n19 times during the season. Hitting coach Randy Ready was fired after the end of the season. Since moving to Petco Park in 2004, the Padres have fired four hitting coaches, and another resigned. </div></div> 2011 San Diego Padres season The 2011 San Diego Padres season was the 43rd season in franchise history. Adrian Gonzalez would have been in the last year of his contract in 2011, but the Padres were not going to meet Gonzalez's open market value especially with Jeff Moorad's purchase of the Padres from John Moores not completing until around 2013. On December 6, 2010, Gonzalez", "\"Atlanta Hawks\"\n101–94, sending hope to Hawks fans. The last time they won a season opener was in 1998, also the last time they made the playoffs. For the 2007–08 season, the Atlanta Hawks updated the colors and uniforms to navy blue, red, and silver, marking the first time in team history that they had used those colors. A midseason trade for point guard Mike Bibby boosted the Hawks' playoff hopes. At the time of the trade the Hawks were 22–28; afterwards they won 15 of their last 32 games to finish 37–45. Although they finished with a losing record, they managed", "\"1996 National League Division Series\"\nninth put the tying run at the plate but nothing would be made of it as Eckersley got his third save in as many tries to win the series. 1996 NLDS (3–0): St. Louis Cardinals over San Diego Padres Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles The Braves were heavy favorites against the Dodgers, who sneaked into the playoffs on a Wild Card berth. This would be manager Bill Russell's only postseason series as Dodgers manager. The Braves sent 24-game winner John Smoltz to the mound for Game 1. Opposing Smoltz would be Ramón Martínez. The Braves struck first when Fred McGriff's", "\"1997 NBA Playoffs\"\nthe playoffs up to that point; they did not return until 2005, and won the NBA Finals in 2006. The Minnesota Timberwolves made their playoff debut after failing to win more than 30 games in their first 7 seasons. It was also the first of 7 straight years in which they made the playoffs only to lose in the first round. They were the last of the 1988/89 expansion four to make their playoff debut This was the first (and so far, only) time since the ABA–NBA merger that the 4 former ABA teams, the San Antonio Spurs, the Denver", "\"1995 Stanley Cup playoffs\"\nthe first time since 1970. The Canadiens and the Ottawa Senators missed the playoffs this year. Montreal and Ottawa would not miss the playoffs in the same year again until 2016, when all Canadian teams missed the playoffs. The Quebec Nordiques played their last ever playoff series during this time. They would move to Denver, Colorado during the summer. For the first time since 1980, no league semifinal/conference final games were played in Canada. The following teams qualified for the playoffs: This was the final playoff series played by the Quebec Nordiques, as they would move to Denver, Colorado as", "\"Tim Lollar\"\nthe bullpen for the Padres. He had a record of 2–8 in 24 games, including 11 starts, and an ERA of 6.10. In 1982, Lollar was installed in the starting rotation permanently. He rewarded the Padres with a career-high 16 wins while lowering his ERA to 3.13. He was in turn rewarded by being made the Padres' Opening Day starter in 1983, but he slumped badly, posting a record of 7–12 with an ERA of 4.61. The Padres made the postseason for the first time as a franchise in 1984, with Lollar going 11–13 with a 3.91 ERA. He made", "\"Ross Ohlendorf\"\ngave him an opportunity to start. He made his first major league start of the season on June 16. Ohlendorf made 9 starts in 13 total appearances for the Padres and posted a 4–4 record and a 7.58 ERA in 48 innings. He was optioned to Triple-A Tucson on August 18 after lasting only 13 total innings in his last four starts with a 14.54 ERA. The Padres designated Ohlendorf for assignment on September 4 and he became a free agent after the season. On January 10, 2013, Ohlendorf signed a minor league contract with the Washington Nationals. On July", "\"Sterling Hitchcock\"\nto the Mariners after the 1995 season with Russ Davis for Tino Martinez, Jeff Nelson, and Jim Mecir. The following winter, the Mariners sent him to San Diego for Scott Sanders. Hitchcock is best remembered for his performance in the playoffs with the Padres, in which he was named the NLCS MVP. He was the winning pitcher in both of his starts with a 0.90 ERA in the NLCS. Overall in the 1998 playoffs he was 3-1, allowing 3 runs in 22 innings (1.23 ERA) with 32 strikeouts. His successful years with the Padres were followed by struggles with injuries.", "\"2014 NBA Playoffs\"\nPlayoffs were the last time a Game 7 wasn't played. This postseason and the previous year's postseason marked the first time since the 2000 and 2001 playoffs that both number 5 seeds knocked out both number 4 seeds in back-to-back years. This was the first postseason (and the seventh time since 1972, when the current playoff system was put in place) in which the top two seeds played in the Conference Finals both in the East and the West. When they defeated Indiana on the road in Game 2 of the Eastern Conference Finals, the Heat set an NBA record", "\"1997 NBA Playoffs\"\nNuggets, the Indiana Pacers, and the New Jersey Nets, have all missed the playoffs, even more remarkable considering the rarity with which San Antonio has missed the playoffs at \"\"all\"\" (only 4 times since the merger). All four 1988/89 expansion teams (Minnesota, Miami, Orlando and Charlotte) made the playoffs for the first time. This would happen again in 2001. The two #8 seeds in this tournament, the Washington Bullets and the Los Angeles Clippers, broke long playoff droughts (Bullets eight years, Clippers only just three) with their appearances in the 1997 Playoffs. (The Bullets' last playoff appearance was in 1988;", "\"1984 World Series\"\nthe 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates using Sister Sledge's \"\"We Are Family\"\" as their theme song). During their playoff series against the Chicago Cubs, the Padre fans turned \"\"Ghostbusters\"\" into \"\"Cubbusters\"\". The Tigers struck first in Game 1 when Lou Whitaker doubled to lead off the top of the first and scored on Alan Trammell's single but their starter Jack Morris (a 19-game winner during the season) struggled in the bottom half, as he surrendered two-out singles to Steve Garvey and Graig Nettles, followed by a two-run double to Terry Kennedy. Padre starter Mark Thurmond took a 2–1 lead into the fifth,", "\"2005 San Diego Padres season\"\nplayoffs, such as the Phillies, who won 88 games and all swept the season series with the Padres. There had been some speculation that the Padres would be the first team in MLB history to win a division and finish below .500, but their victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers on September 30 gave them their 81st victory, guaranteeing a split record. They would be swept by the St. Louis Cardinals in the 2005 NLDS. Played at Coors Field on April 4, 2005. The Colorado Rockies defeated the Padres 12-10. \"\"Note: Pos = Position; G = Games played; AB =", "\"Ben Johnson (outfielder)\"\nhe was an All-Star outfielder and the San Diego Padres Minor League Player of the Year, hitting .312 with 25 home runs. He was brought up to the majors that year and received limited playing time with the Padres, hitting .213 in 75 at-bats, and .250 with 4 home runs in 120 at-bats in 2006. He was not selected for San Diego's 2006 playoff roster, and after the season ended he was traded to the New York Mets with relief pitcher Jon Adkins in exchange for relievers Heath Bell and Royce Ring. Since joining the Mets, Johnson has been shuttled", "\"Trevor Hoffman\"\nERA. He lacked the postseason opportunities and success of Rivera, who had 42 saves and an 0.70 ERA in the playoffs as the Yankees advanced to the postseason 17 times and won five World Series during his career. During Hoffman's tenure in San Diego, the Padres won at least 90 games only twice and had nine losing seasons, including five with no more than 70 wins. Hoffman, however, did blow a save opportunity in his only World Series appearance and also failed on save tries twice in the final three days of the 2007 season as the Padres vied for", "\"Ozzie Smith\"\n1979 National League Triple Crown, Smith finished the season last in batting average (.211), home runs (0), and RBI (27). Off the field, conflict developed between Padres' ownership and the combination of Smith and his agent, Ed Gottlieb. The parties entered into a contract dispute before the 1980 season, and when negotiations lasted into spring training, the Padres renewed Smith's contract at his 1979 salary of $72,500 Smith's agent told the Padres the shortstop would forgo the season to race in the Tour de France, despite the fact Smith admitted to The Break Room on 96.5 WCMF in Rochester, New", "\"1994 Stanley Cup playoffs\"\nmake the playoffs. Wayne Gretzky also missed the playoffs for the first time in his career. Conversely, the San Jose Sharks became the first post-1990 expansion team to make the playoffs. All series played between Central and Pacific Division teams had a 2–3–2 format to reduce travel. This was the last Canadian team appearance in the Final until 2004, and as of the end of 2017–18, remains the most recent time that two Canadian teams made it to the conference finals in the same year. The following teams qualified for the playoffs: The New York Rangers entered the playoffs as", "\"John Balaz\"\ntwo days later to make everything look more legitimate. Balaz never again appeared in a big league game. After playing for the Rhode Island Red Sox in 1976, he split the 1977 season between the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres minor league organizations. He continued his career in Mexico while playing for the Indios de Ciudad Juárez club. Balaz gained prominence when he played in the 1979 Mexican League playoffs where his team made it to the finals. Balaz now lives in San Diego, California with his wife Bonnie and their children Lauren and Justin. Balaz hit his", "\"Dave Robinson (baseball)\"\nbase on balls in his first Major League plate appearance. Then, leading off the fifth inning, in his second time at bat, Robinson singled to right field and stole second base — but was left stranded when the next three Padres made outs. The following inning, he singled to left field with two outs, again off Cloninger. In his last plate appearance, in the eighth inning, he was intentionally walked by relief pitcher Clay Carroll. In his first MLB start, Robinson had two hits in two at bats, two bases on balls, and a stolen base, for a 1.000 batting", "\"2006 National League Division Series\"\nfly. The Cardinals scored their only run in the eighth on So Taguchi's home run off of reliever Scott Linebrink. , this was the last postseason win for the Padres. This was also, as of 2017, was the last playoff game to be televised by the ESPN family of networks. Busch Stadium (III) in St. Louis, Missouri After losing Game 3, Cardinals manager Tony La Russa decided to use Carpenter to start Game 4 in hopes of closing out the Series at home. Carpenter started off shakily, allowing back-to-back one hit singles to Brian Giles and Adrian Gonzalez and walking", "\"2009 St. Louis Cardinals season\"\nLugo revived the Cardinal offense. An August 20–6 effectively ended the NL Central race, and the Cardinals won the division with a 91-71 record, seven-and-a-half games better than the second-place Cubs. However, their playoff run ended quickly when they were swept in three games by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the Division Series. The Cardinals retained the services of backup catcher Jason LaRue, signing him to another one-year contract. On December 4, 2008, the Cardinals agreed to a trade with the San Diego Padres sending reliever Mark Worrell and a player-to-be-named-later (the Padres eventually chose minor-league pitcher Luke Gregerson) in", "\"Ron Herbel\"\neleven starts, he made 31 appearances out of the bullpen, earning one save. Over the next two seasons, Herbel made only six starts. Following the 1969 season, Herbel was traded with Bob Barton and Bobby Etheridge to the San Diego Padres for Frank Reberger. The Padres were 50–82, 34.5 games back of the Cincinnati Reds when they dealt Herbel to the reigning World Series champion New York Mets, who were in the midst of a play-off drive again in 1970 (two games back of the first place Pittsburgh Pirates in the National League East at the time of the trade),", "\"Padre Paraíso\"\nof .467 out of a total of 5504 municipalities in the country as of 2004. At last count Brazil had 5,561 municipalities so this might have changed at the time of this writing. Padre Paraíso Padre Paraíso is a Brazilian municipality located in the northeast of the state of Minas Gerais. Its population as of 2007 was estimated to be 18,120 people living in a total area of 543 km². The city belongs to the mesoregion of Jequitinhonha and to the microregion of Araçuaí. It became a municipality in 1962. Padre Paraíso is located on the Rio-Bahia highway (BR-116) at", "\"Capitals–Rangers rivalry\"\nCapitals were subsequently placed into the Patrick Division, the same division as the Rangers. However, the Capitals still struggled to make the playoffs finishing last in the division each year until 1983, where they finally made the playoffs for the first time in their history. The Rangers meanwhile were making the playoffs, but fell each year to the New York Islanders (except 1980). The Capitals, as well, lost to the Islanders each year until 1986. During the 1986 playoffs, the two teams met for the first time in the playoffs. During the Patrick Division Final of these two rivals, the", "\"Josh Banks\"\nany runs. This string was broken when David Wright singled home José Reyes on June 5, 2008. His first loss came weeks later against the New York Yankees and Joba Chamberlain on June 19, 2008. The loss was part of a three-game sweep of the Padres at Yankee Stadium, the last time the San Diego Padres ever visited the old Yankee Stadium. In October 2009, Banks was granted Free Agency. On January 4, 2010, Banks signed a minor league contract with the Houston Astros and got an invitation to spring training. He appeared in 27 games for the Round Rock", "\"Raymond Berry\"\nagain recorded an 11–5 record and made the playoffs, but this time lost in the first round of the postseason. That was the final time the Patriots made the playoffs with Berry as their coach. They narrowly missed the playoffs with an 8–7 record in 1987 (a strike-shortened season) and a 9–7 record in 1988. Then in Berry's last year as a coach, the Patriots finished the 1989 season 5–11. New Patriots team owner Victor Kiam demanded Berry relinquish control over personnel and reorganize his staff; Berry refused and was fired. His regular season coaching record was 48–39 () and", "\"1999 NBA Playoffs\"\nthe playoffs until 2008. Game 4 of the Spurs–Lakers series was the last NBA game ever played in the Great Western Forum. Game 5 of the Knicks–Pacers series was the last NBA game ever played at Market Square Arena. For the first time since 1991, no series went to seven games. After spending their first thirteen seasons in Sacramento in mediocrity, with no winning record and two playoff appearances in 1986 and 1996, the Kings franchise made the first of eight consecutive playoff appearances, which included a trip to the Western Conference Finals in 2002. Game 4 of the Lakers–Rockets" ]
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a spinning neutron star that appears to give off radio waves is called a
[ "pulsars" ]
[ "\"Astrophysical fluid dynamics\"\nshe pulls in her arms. These stars gradually slow down over the eons, but those bodies that are still spinning rapidly may emit radiation that from Earth appears to blink on and off as the star spins, like the beam of light from a turning lighthouse. This \"\"pulsing\"\" appearance gives some neutron stars the name pulsars. After spinning for several million years pulsars are drained of their energy and become normal neutron stars. Few of the known existing neutron stars are pulsars. Only about 1,000 pulsars are known to exist, though there may be hundreds of millions of old neutron", "Pulsar\nof the neutron star, which leads to the \"\"pulsed\"\" nature of its appearance. In rotation-powered pulsars, the beam originates from the rotational energy of the neutron star, which generates an electrical field from the movement of the very strong magnetic field, resulting in the acceleration of protons and electrons on the star surface and the creation of an electromagnetic beam emanating from the poles of the magnetic field. This rotation slows down over time as electromagnetic power is emitted. When a pulsar's spin period slows down sufficiently, the radio pulsar mechanism is believed to turn off (the so-called \"\"death line\"\").", "\"Neutron star\"\nEventually, the rate of rotation becomes too slow to power the radio-emission mechanism, and the neutron star can no longer be detected. \"\"P\"\" and \"\"P\"\"-dot allow minimum magnetic fields of neutron stars to be estimated. \"\"P\"\" and \"\"P\"\"-dot can be also used to calculate the \"\"characteristic age\"\" of a pulsar, but gives an estimate which is somewhat larger than the true age when it is applied to young pulsars. \"\"P\"\" and \"\"P\"\"-dot can also be combined with neutron star's moment of inertia to estimate a quantity called \"\"spin-down luminosity\"\", which is given the symbol formula_9 (\"\"E\"\"-dot). It is not the", "Pulsar\nat least a few times as massive as our sun, their lives will both end in supernova explosions. The more massive star explodes first, leaving behind a neutron star. If the explosion does not kick the second star away, the binary system survives. The neutron star can now be visible as a radio pulsar, and it slowly loses energy and spins down. Later, the second star can swell up, allowing the neutron star to suck up its matter. The matter falling onto the neutron star spins it up and reduces its magnetic field. This is called \"\"recycling\"\" because it returns", "\"Gravitational-wave observatory\"\nsources. Supernovae and neutron star or black hole mergers should have larger amplitudes and be more interesting, but the waves generated will be more complicated. The waves given off by a spinning, bumpy neutron star would be \"\"monochromatic\"\" – like a pure tone in acoustics. It would not change very much in amplitude or frequency. The Einstein@Home project is a distributed computing project similar to SETI@home intended to detect this type of simple gravitational wave. By taking data from LIGO and GEO, and sending it out in little pieces to thousands of volunteers for parallel analysis on their home computers,", "\"Neutron star\"\nhad large magnetic fields, then electromagnetic waves would be emitted. Unbeknown to him, radio astronomer Antony Hewish and his research assistant Jocelyn Bell at Cambridge were shortly to detect radio pulses from stars that are now believed to be highly magnetized, rapidly spinning neutron stars, known as pulsars. In 1965, Antony Hewish and Samuel Okoye discovered \"\"an unusual source of high radio brightness temperature in the Crab Nebula\"\". This source turned out to be the Crab Pulsar that resulted from the great supernova of 1054. In 1967, Iosif Shklovsky examined the X-ray and optical observations of Scorpius X-1 and correctly", "\"Neutron star\"\nradiation from pulsars is thought to be primarily emitted from regions near their magnetic poles. If the magnetic poles do not coincide with the rotational axis of the neutron star, the emission beam will sweep the sky, and when seen from a distance, if the observer is somewhere in the path of the beam, it will appear as pulses of radiation coming from a fixed point in space (the so-called \"\"lighthouse effect\"\"). The fastest-spinning neutron star known is PSR J1748-2446ad, rotating at a rate of 716 times a second or 43,000 revolutions per minute, giving a linear speed at the", "\"Neutron star\"\nneutron stars have also been identified in other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. This includes visible light, near infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. Pulsars observed in X-rays are known as X-ray pulsars if accretion-powered; while those identified in visible light as optical pulsars. The majority of neutron stars detected, including those identified in optical, X-ray and gamma rays, also emit radio waves; the Crab Pulsar produces electromagnetic emissions across the spectrum. However, there exist neutron stars called radio-quiet neutron stars, with no radio emissions detected. Neutron stars rotate extremely rapidly after their formation due to the conservation of angular", "\"Neutron star\"\nto neutrons, or ultra-dense quark-degenerate matter. Neutron stars are detected from their electromagnetic radiation. Neutron stars are usually observed to pulse radio waves and other electromagnetic radiation, and neutron stars observed with pulses are called pulsars. Pulsars' radiation is thought to be caused by particle acceleration near their magnetic poles, which need not be aligned with the rotational axis of the neutron star. It is thought that a large electrostatic field builds up near the magnetic poles, leading to electron emission. These electrons are magnetically accelerated along the field lines, leading to curvature radiation, with the radiation being strongly polarized", "\"Radio-quiet neutron star\"\ntheir magnetic poles. When the magnetic poles do not lie on the axis of rotation, and cross the line of sight of the observer, one can detect radio emission emitted near the star's magnetic poles. Due to the star's rotation this radiation appears to pulse, colloquially called the \"\"lighthouse effect\"\". Radio-quiet neutron stars may be neutron stars whose magnetic poles do not point towards the Earth during their rotation. The group of radio-quiet neutrons stars informally known as the Magnificent Seven are thought to emit mainly thermal radiation. Possibly some powerful neutron star radio emissions are caused by a positron-electron", "\"History of X-ray astronomy\"\ninferred mass of the X-ray emitting object supported the idea of the existence of black holes, as they were too massive to be neutron stars. Other systems displayed a characteristic X-ray pulse, just as pulsars had been found to do in the radio regime, which allowed a determination of the spin rate of the neutron star. Finally, some of these galactic X-ray sources were found to be highly variable. In fact, some sources would appear in the sky, remain bright for a few weeks, and then fade again from view. Such sources are called X-ray transients. The inner regions of", "\"Radio-quiet neutron star\"\nRadio-quiet neutron star A radio-quiet neutron star is a neutron star that does not seem to emit radio emissions, but is still visible to Earth through electromagnetic radiation at other parts of the spectrum, particularly x-rays and gamma rays. Most detected neutron stars are pulsars, and emit radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation. About 700 radio pulsars are listed in the Princeton catalog, and all but one emit radio waves at the 400 MHz and 1400 MHz frequencies. That exception is Geminga, which is radio quiet at frequencies above 100 MHz, but is a strong emitter of X-rays and gamma rays. In all,", "\"Pulsed radiofrequency\"\nas well as in the pulse length, duty cycle, treatment time and mode of delivery. Although pulsed radiofrequency has been used for medical treatment purposes for decades, peer reviewed publications assessing the efficacy and physiological mechanism(s) are now starting to appear addressing this technology. Natural occurring sources of pulsed radiofrequency exist in the form of stars called pulsars. Pulsars were discovered in 1967 using a radio telescope. These stars are thought to be rapidly spinning neutron stars. These stars have powerful magnetic fields which cause the star to emit strong radio frequencies. Different sizes of pulsars pulse at different rates.", "\"Radio-quiet neutron star\"\nten bodies have been proposed as rotation-powered neutron stars that are not visible as radio sources, but are visible as x–ray and gamma ray sources. Indicators that they are indeed neutron stars include them having a high x-ray to lower frequencies emission ratio, a constant x-ray emission profile, and coincidence with a gamma ray source. Quark stars, theoretical neutron star-like objects composed of quark matter, may be radio quiet, according to some theories. More plausibly, however, radio-quiet neutron stars may simply be pulsars which do not pulse in our direction. As pulsars spin, it is theorized they emit radiation from", "\"Neutron star\"\nmomentum; like spinning ice skaters pulling in their arms, the slow rotation of the original star's core speeds up as it shrinks. A newborn neutron star can rotate many times a second. Over time, neutron stars slow, as their rotating magnetic fields in effect radiate energy associated with the rotation; older neutron stars may take several seconds for each revolution. This is called \"\"spin down\"\". The rate at which a neutron star slows its rotation is usually constant and very small. The periodic time (\"\"P\"\") is the rotational period, the time for one rotation of a neutron star. The spin-down", "\"Spin polarization\"\nSpin polarization Spin polarization is the degree to which the spin, i.e., the intrinsic angular momentum of elementary particles, is aligned with a given direction. This property may pertain to the spin, hence to the magnetic moment, of conduction electrons in ferromagnetic metals, such as iron, giving rise to spin-polarized currents. It may refer to (static) spin waves, preferential correlation of spin orientation with ordered lattices (semiconductors or insulators). It may also pertain to beams of particles, produced for particular aims, such as polarized neutron scattering or muon spin spectroscopy. Spin polarization of electrons or of nuclei, often called simply", "Blitzar\nBlitzar Blitzars are a hypothetical type of astronomical object in which a spinning pulsar rapidly collapses into a black hole. They are proposed as an explanation for fast radio bursts (FRBs). The idea was proposed in 2013 by Heino Falcke and Luciano Rezzolla. A blitzar is thought to start from a neutron star with a mass that would cause it to collapse into a black hole if it were not rapidly spinning. Instead, the neutron star spins fast enough so that its centrifugal force keeps the collapse from happening. This makes the neutron star a typical but doomed pulsar. Over", "\"Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment\"\nMilky Way galaxy, in radio frequencies, and is expected to improve the understanding of galactic magnetic fields.<ref name=\"\"bandura/etal\"\"></ref> CHIME will also detect the mysterious extragalactic fast radio bursts (FRB) that last just milliseconds and have no known astrophysical explanation. It will also help other experiments to calibrate measurements of radio waves from rapidly spinning neutron stars, which researchers hope to use to detect gravitational waves. The instrument is a hybrid semi-cylindrical interferometer designed to measure the large scale neutral hydrogen power spectrum across the redshift range 0.8 to 2.5. The power spectrum will be used to measure the baryon acoustic", "\"Astrophysical fluid dynamics\"\nstar's almost incomprehensible density causes protons and electrons to combine into neutrons—the process that gives such stars their name. The composition of their cores is unknown, but they may consist of a neutron superfluid or some unknown state of matter. Neutron stars pack an extremely strong gravitational pull, much greater than Earth's. This gravitational strength is particularly impressive because of the stars' small size. When they are formed, neutron stars rotate in space. As they compress and shrink, this spinning speeds up because of the conservation of angular momentum—the same principle that causes a spinning skater to speed up when", "\"Timeline of astronomy\"\nof hydrogen in space gas makes the presence of these radio waves prominent. Russian Luna 9 probe makes the first successful soft landing on the Moon in January, while the US lands the far more complex Surveyor missions, which follows up to NASA's Ranger series of crash-landers, scout sites for possible manned landings. Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Antony Hewish detected the first pulsar, an object emitting regular pulses of radio waves. Pulsars are eventually recognized as rapidly spinning neutron stars with intense magnetic fields - the remains of a supernova explosion. NASA's Apollo 8 mission becomes the first human spaceflight", "\"Gravitational wave\"\ngravitational wave event. The simplest gravitational waves are those with constant frequency. The waves given off by a spinning, non-axisymmetric neutron star would be approximately monochromatic: a pure tone in acoustics. Unlike signals from supernovae of binary black holes, these signals evolve little in amplitude or frequency over the period it would be observed by ground-based detectors. However, there would be some change in the measured signal, because of Doppler shifting caused by the motion of the Earth. Despite the signals being simple, detection is extremely computationally expensive, because of the long stretches of data that must be analysed. The", "\"X-ray pulsar\"\npulsars) and X-ray pulsars exhibit very different spin behaviors and have different mechanisms producing their characteristic pulses although it is accepted that both kinds of pulsar are manifestations of a rotating magnetized neutron star. The rotation cycle of the neutron star in both cases is identified with the pulse period. The major differences are that radio pulsars have periods on the order of milliseconds to seconds, and all radio pulsars are losing angular momentum and slowing down. In contrast, the X-ray pulsars exhibit a variety of spin behaviors. Some X-ray pulsars are observed to be continuously spinning faster and faster", "\"PSR J0737-3039\"\nPSR J0737-3039 PSR J0737−3039 is the only known double pulsar. It consists of two neutron stars emitting electromagnetic waves in the radio wavelength in a relativistic binary system. The two pulsars are known as PSR J0737−3039A and PSR J0737−3039B. It was discovered in 2003 at Australia's Parkes Observatory by an international team led by the radio astronomer Marta Burgay during a high-latitude pulsar survey. A pulsar is a neutron star which produces pulsating radio emission due to a strong magnetic field. A neutron star is the ultra-compact remnant of a massive star which exploded as a supernova. Neutron stars have", "\"Gravitational wave\"\naround its axis of symmetry, it will not radiate gravitational waves; if it tumbles end over end, as in the case of two planets orbiting each other, it will radiate gravitational waves. The heavier the dumbbell, and the faster it tumbles, the greater is the gravitational radiation it will give off. In an extreme case, such as when the two weights of the dumbbell are massive stars like neutron stars or black holes, orbiting each other quickly, then significant amounts of gravitational radiation would be given off. Some more detailed examples: More technically, the second time derivative of the quadrupole", "\"Crab Pulsar\"\ntotally unexpected, since physical models of the rotational symmetry of pulsars puts a more realistic upper limit on the amplitude of gravitational waves several orders of magnitude below the spin-down limit. It is hoped that with the improvement of the sensitivity of gravitational wave instruments and the use of longer stretches of data, gravitational waves emitted by pulsars will be observed in future. The only other pulsar for which the spin-down limit was broken so far is the Vela Pulsar. Crab Pulsar The Crab Pulsar (PSR B0531+21) is a relatively young neutron star. The star is the central star in", "\"Spin wave\"\nviolates time-reversal symmetry. Two adjacent spins in a solid with lattice constant that participate in a mode with wavevector have an angle between them equal to . Spin waves are observed through four experimental methods: inelastic neutron scattering, inelastic light scattering (Brillouin scattering, Raman scattering and inelastic X-ray scattering), inelastic electron scattering (spin-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy), and spin-wave resonance (ferromagnetic resonance). In the first method the energy loss of a beam of neutrons that excite a magnon is measured, typically as a function of scattering vector (or equivalently momentum transfer), temperature and external magnetic field. Inelastic neutron scattering measurements", "\"Neutron star\"\nit has been suggested that glitches may instead be caused by transitions of vortices in the theoretical superfluid core of the neutron star from one metastable energy state to a lower one, thereby releasing energy that appears as an increase in the rotation rate. An \"\"anti-glitch\"\", a sudden small decrease in rotational speed, or spin down, of a neutron star has also been reported. It occurred in a magnetar, that in one case produced an X-ray luminosity increase of a factor of 20, and a significant spin-down rate change. Current neutron star models do not predict this behavior. If the", "\"Neutron star spin-up\"\nbinary system. The change in rotational period of the neutron star comes from the transition region between the magnetosphere and the plasma flow from the companion star. In this context the magnetosphere is defined as the region of space surrounding the neutron star, in which the magnetic field determines the motion of the plasma. Inside the magnetic field, the plasma will eventually co-rotate with the neutron star while in the transition region, angular momentum from the accretion disk will be transferred via the magnetic field to the neutron star, leading to the spin-up. Stellar spin-down Neutron star spin-up Neutron star", "\"Neutron star\"\nthe companion star, the outer layers of which can be stripped off by the gravitational force of the neutron star if the two stars are sufficiently close. As the neutron star accretes this gas its mass can increase; if enough mass is accreted the neutron star may collapse into a black hole. Binaries containing two neutron stars are observed to shrink as gravitational waves are emitted. Ultimately the neutron stars will come into contact and coalesce. The coalescence of binary neutron stars is one of the leading models for the origin of short gamma-ray bursts. Strong evidence for this model", "\"Cygnus X-1\"\na somewhat repetitive pattern called quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO). The mass of the compact object appears to determine the distance at which the surrounding plasma begins to emit these QPOs, with the emission radius decreasing as the mass decreases. This technique has been used to estimate the mass of Cygnus X-1, providing a cross-check with other mass derivations. Pulsations with a stable period, similar to those resulting from the spin of a neutron star, have never been seen from Cygnus X-1. The pulsations from neutron stars are caused by the neutron star's magnetic field, however, the no hair theorem guarantees that", "\"Centaurus X-3\"\nneutron star channels the inflowing gas onto localized hot spots on the neutron star surface where the X-ray emission occurs. The neutron star is regularly eclipsed by its giant companion every 2.1 days; these regular X-ray eclipses last approximately 1/4 the orbital period. There are also sporadic X-ray off durations. The spin period history of Centaurus X-3 shows a spin-up trend that is very prominent in the long term decrease in its pulse period. This spin-up was first noted in Centaurus X-3 and Hercules X-1 and is now noted in other X-ray pulsars. The most feasible way of explaining the", "\"Supernova nucleosynthesis\"\nwas discovered in 2017 when the LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave observatories discovered a merger of two neutron stars that had previously been orbiting one another That can happen when both massive stars in orbit with one another become core-collapse supernovae, leaving neutron-star remnants. Everyone could \"\"hear\"\" the replay of the increasing orbital frequency as the orbit became smaller and faster owing to energy loss by gravitational waves. The localization on the sky of the source of those gravitational waves radiated by that orbital collapse and merger of the two neutron stars, creating a black hole, but with significant spun off", "Einstein@Home\nEinstein@Home Einstein@Home is a volunteer distributed computing project that searches for signals from rotating neutron stars in data from the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors, from large radio telescopes, and from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Neutron stars are detected by their pulsed radio and gamma-ray emission as radio and/or gamma-ray pulsars. They also might be observable as continuous gravitational wave sources if they are rapidly rotating and non-axisymmetrically deformed. Einstein@Home examines radio telescope data from the Arecibo Observatory and has in the past analyzed data from Parkes Observatory, searching for radio pulsars. The project also analyses data from the Fermi Gamma-ray", "\"PSR J0737-3039\"\ntest general relativity. PSR J0737-3039 PSR J0737−3039 is the only known double pulsar. It consists of two neutron stars emitting electromagnetic waves in the radio wavelength in a relativistic binary system. The two pulsars are known as PSR J0737−3039A and PSR J0737−3039B. It was discovered in 2003 at Australia's Parkes Observatory by an international team led by the radio astronomer Marta Burgay during a high-latitude pulsar survey. A pulsar is a neutron star which produces pulsating radio emission due to a strong magnetic field. A neutron star is the ultra-compact remnant of a massive star which exploded as a supernova.", "\"Gravitational wave\"\nfrom the explosion. This is because gravitational waves are generated by a changing quadrupole moment, which can happen only when there is asymmetrical movement of masses. Since the exact mechanism by which supernovae take place is not fully understood, it is not easy to model the gravitational radiation emitted by them. As noted above, a mass distribution will emit gravitational radiation only when there is spherically asymmetric motion among the masses. A spinning neutron star will generally emit no gravitational radiation because neutron stars are highly dense objects with a strong gravitational field that keeps them almost perfectly spherical. In", "\"PSR B1937+21\"\nper second, PSR B1937+21 was the fastest spinning neutron star known. As of 2010, PSR B1937+21 remains the second fastest spinning pulsar known. In addition to extending the range of periods observed in pulsars by a factor of 20, it also extended the range of magnetic fields observed by a factor of 100, with a magnetic field of 4.2 gauss (42 kT). As the first discovered millisecond pulsar, PSR B1937+21 \"\"sparked a 'theory frenzy'\"\" by providing a new laboratory in which to study pulsars, neutron stars more generally, and perhaps even some other astrophysical problems such as gravitational waves. For", "\"Nobel Prize controversies\"\nHoyle and astronomer Thomas Gold correctly explained it as a rapidly spinning neutron star with a strong magnetic field, emitting radio waves. Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Hewish's graduate student, was not recognized, although she was the first to notice the stellar radio source that was later recognized as a pulsar. While Hoyle argued that Bell should have been included in the prize, Bell said, \"\"I believe it would demean Nobel Prizes if they were awarded to research students, except in very exceptional cases, and I do not believe this is one of them.\"\" Prize-winning research students include Louis de Broglie, Rudolf", "\"Neutron star\"\nseeking an explanation for the origin of a supernova, they tentatively proposed that in supernova explosions ordinary stars are turned into stars that consist of extremely closely packed neutrons that they called neutron stars. Baade and Zwicky correctly proposed at that time that the release of the gravitational binding energy of the neutron stars powers the supernova: \"\"In the supernova process, mass in bulk is annihilated\"\". Neutron stars were thought to be too faint to be detectable and little work was done on them until November 1967, when Franco Pacini pointed out that if the neutron stars were spinning and", "\"Neutron star\"\nmass. Einstein's general theory of relativity predicts that massive objects in short binary orbits should emit gravitational waves, and thus that their orbit should decay with time. This was indeed observed, precisely as general relativity predicts, and in 1993, Taylor and Hulse were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery. In 1982, Don Backer and colleagues discovered the first millisecond pulsar, PSR B1937+21. This object spins 642 times per second, a value that placed fundamental constraints on the mass and radius of neutron stars. Many millisecond pulsars were later discovered, but PSR B1937+21 remained the fastest-spinning known pulsar", "Astropulse\ncan detect. The evaporation wouldn't create radio waves directly. Instead, it would create an expanding fireball of high-energy gamma rays and particles. This fireball would interact with the surrounding magnetic field, pushing it out and generating radio waves. Rotating radio transients (RRATs) are a type of neutron stars discovered in 2006 by a team led by Maura McLaughlin from the Jodrell Bank Observatory at the University of Manchester in the UK. RRATs are believed to produce radio emissions which are very difficult to locate, because of their transient nature. Early efforts have been able to detect radio emissions (sometimes called", "\"Crab Nebula\"\nnot visible to the naked eye but can be made out using binoculars under favourable conditions. The nebula lies in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way galaxy, at a distance of about from Earth. It has a diameter of , corresponding to an apparent diameter of some 7 arcminutes, and is expanding at a rate of about , or 0.5% of the speed of light. At the center of the nebula lies the Crab Pulsar, a neutron star across with a spin rate of 30.2 times per second, which emits pulses of radiation from gamma rays to radio waves.", "\"Gamma-ray burst progenitors\"\nchannels in radio, neutrinos and, mostly, in gravitational waves with distinctive chirps shown in the diagram with the creation of astronomical amounts of Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. Transparency of matter to gravitational waves offers a new probe to the inner-most workings of supernovae and GRBs. The gravitational-wave observatories LIGO and Virgo are designed to probe stellar mass transients in a frequency range of tens to about fifteen hundred Hz. The above-mentioned gravitational-wave emissions fall well within the LIGO-Virgo bandwidth of sensitivity; for long GRBs powered by \"\"naked inner engines\"\" produced in the binary merger of a neutron star with another neutron star", "\"Astronomical radio source\"\nemissions from Jupiter can exceed the solar radio output. The galactic center of the Milky Way was the first radio source to be detected. It contains a number of radio sources, including Sagittarius A* and the supermassive black hole at its center. Supernova remnants often show diffuse radio emission. Examples include Cassiopeia A, the brightest extrasolar radio source in the sky, and the Crab Nebula. Supernovas sometimes leave behind dense spinning neutron stars called pulsars. They emit jets of charged particles which emit synchrotron radiation in the radio spectrum. Examples include the Crab Pulsar, the first pulsar to be discovered.", "Pulsar\nis very unlikely that any life form could survive in the environment of intense radiation near a pulsar. In 2016, AR Scorpii was identified as the first pulsar in which the compact object is a white dwarf instead of a neutron star. Because its moment of inertia is much higher than that of a neutron star, the white dwarf in this system rotates once every 1.97 minutes, far slower than neutron-star pulsars. The system displays strong pulsations from ultraviolet to radio wavelengths, powered by the spin-down of the strongly magnetized white dwarf. Initially pulsars were named with letters of the", "\"First observation of gravitational waves\"\ntechnology foreseen at that time. It was also predicted that objects moving in an orbit would lose energy for this reason (a consequence of the law of conservation of energy), as some energy would be given off as gravitational waves, although this would be insignificantly small in all but the most extreme cases. One case where gravitational waves would be strongest is during the final moments of the merger of two compact objects such as neutron stars or black holes. Over a span of millions of years, binary neutron stars, and binary black holes lose energy, largely through gravitational waves,", "R-process\na condition which has been difficult to achieve in models, so that astrophysicists remain uneasy about their adequacy for successful \"\"r\"\"-process yields Entirely new astronomical data about the \"\"r\"\" process was discovered in 2017 when the LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave observatories discovered a merger of two neutron stars. The localization on the sky of the source of the gravitational waves radiated by the collapse of the two neutron stars into a black hole, but with significant spun off mass of highly neutronized matter, enabled several teams to discover and study the optical counterpart of the merger, finding spectroscopic evidence of", "\"Neutron star\"\nradiation have been detected. Soft gamma repeaters are conjectured to be a type of neutron star with very strong magnetic fields, known as magnetars, or alternatively, neutron stars with fossil disks around them. Neutron stars in binary systems can undergo accretion which typically makes the system bright in X-rays while the material falling onto the neutron star can form hotspots that rotate in and out of view in identified X-ray pulsar systems. Additionally, such accretion can \"\"recycle\"\" old pulsars and potentially cause them to gain mass and spin-up to very fast rotation rates, forming the so-called millisecond pulsars. These binary", "Quadrupole\ntrue regardless the choice of the coordinate system). Therefore the system will radiate gravitational waves. Energy lost in this way was first inferred in the changing period of the Hulse–Taylor binary pulsar, a pulsar in orbit with another neutron star of similar mass. Just as electric charge and current multipoles contribute to the electromagnetic field, mass and mass-current multipoles contribute to the gravitational field in general relativity, causing the so-called \"\"gravitomagnetic\"\" effects. Changing mass-current multipoles can also give off gravitational radiation. However, contributions from the current multipoles will typically be much smaller than that of the mass quadrupole. Quadrupole A", "\"Neutron star\"\nmeasured luminosity, but rather the calculated loss rate of rotational energy that would manifest itself as radiation. For neutron stars where the spin-down luminosity is comparable to the actual luminosity, the neutron stars are said to be \"\"rotation powered\"\". The observed luminosity of the Crab Pulsar is comparable to the spin-down luminosity, supporting the model that rotational kinetic energy powers the radiation from it. With neutron stars such as magnetars, where the actual luminosity exceeds the spin-down luminosity by about a factor of one hundred, it is assumed that the luminosity is powered by magnetic dissipation, rather than being rotation", "\"Vela X-1\"\nVela X-1 Vela X-1 is a pulsing, eclipsing high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) system, associated with the Uhuru source 4U 0900-40 and the supergiant star HD 77581. The X-ray emission of the neutron star is caused by the capture and accretion of matter from the stellar wind of the supergiant companion. Vela X-1 is the prototypical detached HMXB. The orbital period of the system is 8.964 days, with the neutron star being eclipsed for about two days of each orbit by HD 77581. The spin period of the neutron star is about 283 seconds, and gives rise to strong X-ray pulsations.", "\"Stellar evolution\"\nare called pulsars, and were the first neutron stars to be discovered. Though electromagnetic radiation detected from pulsars is most often in the form of radio waves, pulsars have also been detected at visible, X-ray, and gamma ray wavelengths. If the mass of the stellar remnant is high enough, the neutron degeneracy pressure will be insufficient to prevent collapse below the Schwarzschild radius. The stellar remnant thus becomes a black hole. The mass at which this occurs is not known with certainty, but is currently estimated at between 2 and . Black holes are predicted by the theory of general", "Pulsar\nthe neutron star to a quickly-spinning state. Finally, the second star also explodes in a supernova, producing another neutron star. If this second explosion also fails to disrupt the binary, a double neutron star binary is formed. Otherwise, the spun-up neutron star is left with no companion and becomes a \"\"disrupted recycled pulsar\"\", spinning between a few and 50 times per second. The discovery of pulsars allowed astronomers to study an object never observed before, the neutron star. This kind of object is the only place where the behavior of matter at nuclear density can be observed (though not directly).", "\"Ultra-high-energy cosmic ray\"\nmolecules as the shower particles traverse the sky, giving further directional information on the original cosmic ray particle. In September 2017, data from 12 years of observations from PAO supported an extragalactic source (e.g. outside of Earth's galaxy) for the origin of extremely high energy cosmic rays. One suggested source of UHECR particles is their origination from neutron stars. In young neutron stars with spin periods of <10ms, the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) forces from the quasi-neutral fluid of superconducting protons and electrons existing in a neutron superfluid accelerate iron nuclei to UHECR velocities. The magnetic field produced by the neutron superfluid", "\"Neutron star spin-up\"\nNeutron star spin-up Neutron star spin up is the name given to the increase in rotational speed over time first noted in Cen X-3 and Her X-1 but now observed in other X-ray pulsars. In the case of Cen X-3, the pulse period is decreasing over a timescale of 3.4·10 years (defined as formula_1, where formula_2 is the rotation period and formula_3 is the rate of change in the rotation period). Ever since the detection of the first millisecond pulsar (MSP), it has been theorized that MSPs are neutron stars that have been spun up by accretion in a close", "\"Gamma-ray astronomy\"\nThey appear to come from far away in the Universe, and currently the most likely theory seems to be that at least some of them come from so-called \"\"hypernova\"\" explosions—supernovas creating black holes rather than neutron stars. Nuclear gamma rays were observed from the solar flares of August 4 and 7, 1972, and November 22, 1977. A solar flare is an explosion in a solar atmosphere and was originally detected visually in our own sun. Solar flares create massive amounts of radiation across the full electromagnetic spectrum from the longest wavelength, radio waves, to high energy gamma rays. The correlations", "Einstein@Home\nHD 5000 or better graphics cards. As of February 2015, the Einstein@Home project had discovered a total of 51 pulsars: 24 using Parkes Multibeam Survey data and 27 using Arecibo radio data (including two from the Arecibo Binary Radio Pulsar Search and 25 using data from the PALFA Mock spectrometer data from Arecibo Observatory). Einstein@Home Einstein@Home is a volunteer distributed computing project that searches for signals from rotating neutron stars in data from the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors, from large radio telescopes, and from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Neutron stars are detected by their pulsed radio and gamma-ray emission as", "\"SN 1987A\"\nof a neutron star. A number of possibilities for the 'missing' neutron star are being considered. The first is that the neutron star is enshrouded in dense dust clouds so that it cannot be seen. Another is that a pulsar was formed, but with either an unusually large or small magnetic field. It is also possible that large amounts of material fell back on the neutron star, so that it further collapsed into a black hole. Neutron stars and black holes often give off light as material falls onto them. If there is a compact object in the supernova remnant,", "\"Neutron resonance spin echo\"\nthe Lamor precession the neutron spin undergoes, while flying through static magnetic fields. Several other NSE schemes exist however, which employ resonant spin flips in a magnetic RF-field to achieve the same effect on the neutron, such as neutron resonant spin echo (NRSE) and modulation of intensity by zero effort (MIEZE). In NRSE, the static magnetic fields produced by large DC coils in NSE are replaced by two resonant flipper coils, producing a static magnetic field B and a thereto perpendicular radio frequency (RF) field of frequency ω (Figure 1. b). A neutron entering the first resonant flipper undergoes a", "\"Hydrogen isotope biogeochemistry\"\nstatistics while fermions with half integer spins follow Fermi-Dirac statistics. Wave functions that describe multiple fermions must be antisymmetric with respect to swapping particles, while boson wave functions are symmetric. Because bosons are indistinguishable and can occupy the same state, collections of bosons behave very differently than fermions at colder temperatures. As bosons are cooled and relaxed to the lowest energy state, phenomena like superfluidity and superconductivity occur. Isotopes differ according to their number of neutrons, which directly impacts physical properties based on mass and size. Typical hydrogen is called hydrogen-1 or protium and has no neutrons. Deuterium or hydrogen-2", "LIGO\nthe interferometric technology and measuring techniques improved. In August 2002, LIGO began its search for cosmic gravitational waves. Measurable emissions of gravitational waves are expected from binary systems (collisions and coalescences of neutron stars or black holes), supernova explosions of massive stars (which form neutron stars and black holes), accreting neutron stars, rotations of neutron stars with deformed crusts, and the remnants of gravitational radiation created by the birth of the universe. The observatory may, in theory, also observe more exotic hypothetical phenomena, such as gravitational waves caused by oscillating cosmic strings or colliding domain walls. Since the early 1990s,", "Neutron\nStern–Gerlach experiment that used a magnetic field to separate the neutron spin states. They recorded two such spin states, consistent with a spin 1/2 particle. As a fermion, the neutron is subject to the Pauli exclusion principle; two neutrons cannot have the same quantum numbers. This is the source of the degeneracy pressure which makes neutron stars possible. An article published in 2007 featuring a model-independent analysis concluded that the neutron has a negatively charged exterior, a positively charged middle, and a negative core. In a simplified classical view, the negative \"\"skin\"\" of the neutron assists it to be attracted", "\"European Pulsar Timing Array\"\nEuropean Pulsar Timing Array The European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA) is a European collaboration to combine five 100-m class radio-telescopes to observe an array of pulsars with the specific goal of detecting gravitational waves. It is one of three pulsar timing array projects in operation, the others being the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array and the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves. Pulsars are rapidly rotating, highly magnetised neutron stars that emit radio waves from their magnetic poles that are, due to the star's rotation, observed on Earth as a string of pulses. Due to the extremely high density of", "\"Introduction to general relativity\"\nthis energy loss would be too small to be detectable, but this energy loss was observed in 1974 in a binary pulsar called PSR1913+16. In such a system, one of the orbiting stars is a pulsar. This has two consequences: a pulsar is an extremely dense object known as a neutron star, for which gravitational wave emission is much stronger than for ordinary stars. Also, a pulsar emits a narrow beam of electromagnetic radiation from its magnetic poles. As the pulsar rotates, its beam sweeps over the Earth, where it is seen as a regular series of radio pulses, just", "\"Radio-quiet neutron star\"\nStar), \"\"INS\"\" (Isolated Neutron Stars). Defined as thermally emitting neutron stars of high magnetic fields, although lower than that of magnetars. Identified in thermal x-rays, and thought to be radio-quiet. Compact Central Objects in Supernova remnants (CCOs in SNRs) are identified as being radio-quiet compact x-ray sources surrounded by supernova remnants. They have thermal emission spectra, and lower magnetic fields than XDINSs and magnetars. Radio-quiet neutron star A radio-quiet neutron star is a neutron star that does not seem to emit radio emissions, but is still visible to Earth through electromagnetic radiation at other parts of the spectrum, particularly x-rays", "\"Neutron star\"\ncase of millisecond pulsars. The most rapidly rotating neutron star currently known, PSR J1748-2446ad, rotates at 716 revolutions per second. A 2007 paper reported the detection of an X-ray burst oscillation, which provides an indirect measure of spin, of 1122 Hz from the neutron star XTE J1739-285, suggesting 1122 rotations a second. However, at present, this signal has only been seen once, and should be regarded as tentative until confirmed in another burst from that star. Sometimes a neutron star will undergo a glitch, a sudden small increase of its rotational speed or spin up. Glitches are thought to be", "\"Patrizia A. Caraveo\"\nan isolated neutron star, thanks to the discovery of cyclotron absorption lines in the data source 1E1207-59, a neutron star at the center of a supernova with no radio counterpart. The high sensitivity of XMM-Newton has also resulted in two major findings on Geminga. The star, as it moves with supersonic speed in the interstellar medium, generates a shock wave that produces a train of X-rays. This allows scientists to probe both the density of the interstellar medium and the energy of the accelerated electrons from the source. The result, with Caraveo as first author, was published in Science, on", "\"Veronica (media)\"\nVeronica (media) Veronica began its life as an offshore radio station, Radio Veronica, on 17 May 1960. The name comes from its first name VRON (Vrije Radio Omroep Nederland; ). Though Veronica's appeal and power have dissipated, most of the Dutch commercial radio and television landscape has been formed by Veronica and its spin-offs. The Association resulted from a pirate radio station, Radio Veronica, which broadcast from a ship on international waters off the coast of the Netherlands between 1959 and 1974. The wave appearing in the logo hearkens back to that time. The name \"\"Veronica\"\" is a derivation of", "\"Neutron star\"\nsystems will continue to evolve, and eventually the companions can become compact objects such as white dwarfs or neutron stars themselves, though other possibilities include a complete destruction of the companion through ablation or merger. The merger of binary neutron stars may be the source of short-duration gamma-ray bursts and are likely strong sources of gravitational waves. In 2017, a direct detection (GW170817) of the gravitational waves from such an event was made, and gravitational waves have also been indirectly detected in a system where two neutron stars orbit each other. In October 2018, astronomers reported that GRB 150101B, a", "\"Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment\"\nOnly approximately 20 have been detected as of 2018, but the HIRAX array expects to detect tens of FRBs per day. Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars, whose rotation causes them to appear to emit radio frequency pulses at very regular rates. Precise measurements of the rates of their pulses could be used to detect gravitational waves, because the gravitational waves would distort the size of the space the pulses travel through, and thus their arrival times at Earth. The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) is a sister experiment to HIRAX. It has similar science objectives, but observes in", "\"Atomic nucleus\"\ntwo protons, or two neutrons, or a proton + neutron (the deuteron) can exhibit bosonic behavior when they become loosely bound in pairs, which have integer spin. In the rare case of a hypernucleus, a third baryon called a hyperon, containing one or more strange quarks and/or other unusual quark(s), can also share the wave function. However, this type of nucleus is extremely unstable and not found on Earth except in high energy physics experiments. The neutron has a positively charged core of radius ≈ 0.3 fm surrounded by a compensating negative charge of radius between 0.3 fm and 2", "\"Nuclear physics\"\nmass not due to protons. The neutron spin immediately solved the problem of the spin of nitrogen-14, as the one unpaired proton and one unpaired neutron in this model each contributed a spin of in the same direction, giving a final total spin of 1. With the discovery of the neutron, scientists could at last calculate what fraction of binding energy each nucleus had, by comparing the nuclear mass with that of the protons and neutrons which composed it. Differences between nuclear masses were calculated in this way. When nuclear reactions were measured, these were found to agree with Einstein's", "\"First observation of gravitational waves\"\nbe detected indirectly – by observing celestial phenomena caused by gravitational waves – or more directly by means of instruments such as the Earth-based LIGO or the planned space-based LISA instrument. Evidence of gravitational waves was first deduced in 1974 through the motion of the double neutron star system PSR B1913+16, in which one of the stars is a pulsar that emits electro-magnetic pulses at radio frequencies at precise, regular intervals as it rotates. Russell Hulse and Joseph Taylor, who discovered the stars, also showed that over time, the frequency of pulses shortened, and that the stars were gradually spiralling", "\"Gravitational plane wave\"\nare familiar has the same gravitational effect positive attraction. Gravitational Waves are very weak. Consider two neutron stars of one solar mass (MNS =M) and radius rNS = 6 km orbiting each other essentially in contact. (This is for example, clearly tidal forces will have a very disruptive effect on the two neutron stars.) The characteristic acceleration at the neutron stars is formula_3 Gravitational plane wave In general relativity, a gravitational plane wave is a special class of a vacuum pp-wave spacetime, and may be defined in terms of Brinkmann coordinates by formula_1 Here, formula_2 can be any smooth functions;", "\"Neutron star\"\npowered. \"\"P\"\" and \"\"P\"\"-dot can also be plotted for neutron stars to create a \"\"P\"\"–\"\"P\"\"-dot diagram. It encodes a tremendous amount of information about the pulsar population and its properties, and has been likened to the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram in its importance for neutron stars. Neutron star rotational speeds can increase, a process known as spin up. Sometimes neutron stars absorb orbiting matter from companion stars, increasing the rotation rate and reshaping the neutron star into an oblate spheroid. This causes an increase in the rate of rotation of the neutron star of over a hundred times per second in the", "Isospin\nthe nucleon doublet states are seen to be linear combinations of products of 3-particle isospin doublet states and spin doublet states. That is, the (spin-up) proton wave function, in terms of quark-flavour eigenstates, is described by and the (spin-up) neutron by Here, formula_5 is the up quark flavour eigenstate, and formula_6 is the down quark flavour eigenstate, while formula_7 and formula_8 are the eigenstates of formula_9. Although these superpositions are the technically correct way of denoting a proton and neutron in terms of quark flavour and spin eigenstates, for brevity, they are often simply referred to as \"\"\"\"uud\"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\"udd\"\"\"\".", "\"Radio-quiet neutron star\"\njet emanating from the star blasting through outer material such as a cloud or accretion material. Note some radio quiet neutron stars listed in this article do not have accretion material. Magnetars, the most widely accepted explanation for soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs), are often characterized as being radio-quiet. However, magnetars can produce radio emissions, but the radio spectrums tend to be flat, with only intermittent broad pulses of variable length. Can be classified as \"\"XDINS\"\" (X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars), \"\"XTINS\"\" (X-ray Thermal Isolated Neutron Stars), \"\"XINS\"\" (X-ray Isolated Neutron Stars), \"\"TEINS\"\" (Thermally Emitting Neutron", "\"Neutron spin echo\"\nthe dephasing is due to different neutron velocities in the incoming neutron beam. The Larmor precession of the neutron spin in a preparation zone with a magnetic field before the sample encodes the individual velocities of neutrons in the beam into precession angles. Close to the sample the time reversal is effected by a so-called flipper. A symmetric decoding zone follows such that at its end the precession angle accumulated in the preparation zone is exactly compensated (provided the sample did not change the neutron velocity, i.e. elastic scattering), all spins rephase to form the \"\"spin-echo\"\". Ideally the full polarization", "\"Cartwheel Galaxy\"\nthose in the lower left of the image. The most recent star burst (star formation due to compression waves) has lit up the Cartwheel rim, which has a diameter larger than the Milky Way. Star formation via starburst galaxies, such as the Cartwheel Galaxy, results in the formation of large and extremely luminous stars. When massive stars explode as supernovas, they leave behind neutron stars and black holes. Some of these neutron stars and black holes have nearby companion stars, and become powerful sources of X-rays as they pull matter off their companions (also known as ultra and hyperluminous X-ray", "\"Muon spin spectroscopy\"\nthe nuclear polarization. However, a key difference is that in µSR one uses a specifically implanted spin (the muon's) and does not rely on internal nuclear spins. In addition, and due to the specificity of the muon, the µSR technique does not require any radio-frequency technique to align the probing spin. On the other hand, a clear distinction between the µSR technique and those involving neutrons or X-rays is that scattering is not involved. Neutron diffraction techniques, for example, use the change in energy and/or momentum of a scattered neutron to deduce the sample properties. In contrast, the implanted muons", "\"Neutron star\"\nNeutron stars have been observed in binaries with ordinary main-sequence stars, red giants, white dwarfs or other neutron stars. According to modern theories of binary evolution it is expected that neutron stars also exist in binary systems with black hole companions. The merger of binaries containing two neutron stars, or a neutron star and a black hole, are expected to be prime sources for the emission of detectable gravitational waves. Binary systems containing neutron stars often emit X-rays, which are emitted by hot gas as it falls towards the surface of the neutron star. The source of the gas is", "\"Neutron magnetic moment\"\nof these elementary particles combine to give the neutron its magnetic moment. The best available measurement for the value of the magnetic moment of the neutron is . Here \"\"μ\"\" is the nuclear magneton, a physical constant and standard unit for the magnetic moments of nuclear components. In SI units, . A magnetic moment is a vector quantity, and the direction of the neutron's magnetic moment is defined by its spin. The torque on the neutron resulting from an external magnetic field is towards aligning the neutron's spin vector opposite to the magnetic field vector. The nuclear magneton is the", "\"BP Crucis\"\nalso one of the most luminous stars known in the Galaxy, with an estimated bolometric luminosity of around 470,000 times that of the Sun and a radius 70 times that of the Sun. The neutron star appears to belong to the \"\"high mass\"\" variety being at least . It is very likely to have a mass less than as the theoretical maximum mass based on the equation of state for a neutron star. The pulsar has a spin period of 685 seconds, but shows relatively large spindown rates thought to be due to its strong magnetic field, and also occasional", "\"PSR B1257+12 C\"\ncompanion exploding in a supernova. The neutron star would then orbit the secondary companion (forming an X-ray binary) until the now-red supergiant exceeded its Roche lobe and began spilling material onto the neutron star, with the transfer being so dramatic that it forms a Thorne–Żytkow object. However this doesn't explain how the pulsar would reach a spin rate of 6 milliseconds, so the model is still being questioned. Another model stated that the planets might have formed from a fallback disk from the supernova remnant. The main problem is that the resulting pulsar would be a radio pulsar, not the", "\"Gamma-ray burst progenitors\"\nto infinity. A major amount of spin-energy of rapidly spinning black holes can hereby be released in a process of viscous spin-down against an inner disk or torus—into various emission channels. Spin-down of rapidly spinning stellar mass black holes in their lowest energy state takes tens of seconds against an inner disk, representing the remnant debris of the merger of two neutron stars, the break-up of a neutron star around a companion black hole or formed in core-collapse of a massive star. Forced turbulence in the inner disk stimulates the creation of magnetic fields and multipole mass-moments, thereby opening radiation", "Kilonova\nof gravitational waves (GW170817) and electromagnetic radiation (GRB 170817A, SSS17a) of any phenomena, and demonstrated that the source was a kilonova caused by a binary neutron star merger. This short GRB was followed by a longer transient visible for weeks in the optical electromagnetic spectrum (AT 2017gfo) located in a relatively nearby galaxy, NGC 4993. Kilonova A kilonova (also called a macronova or r-process supernova) is a transient astronomical event that occurs in a compact binary system when two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole merge into each other. Kilonovae are thought to emit short gamma-ray", "Neutron\nelectrons are believed to collapse into bulk neutronic matter, called neutronium. This is presumed to happen in neutron stars. The extreme pressure inside a neutron star may deform the neutrons into a cubic symmetry, allowing tighter packing of neutrons. The common means of detecting a charged particle by looking for a track of ionization (such as in a cloud chamber) does not work for neutrons directly. Neutrons that elastically scatter off atoms can create an ionization track that is detectable, but the experiments are not as simple to carry out; other means for detecting neutrons, consisting of allowing them to", "\"Methods of detecting exoplanets\"\nfast. In addition, the planet distorts the shape of the star more if it has a low semi-major axis to stellar radius ratio and the density of the star is low. This makes this method suitable for finding planets around stars that have left the main sequence. A pulsar is a neutron star: the small, ultradense remnant of a star that has exploded as a supernova. Pulsars emit radio waves extremely regularly as they rotate. Because the intrinsic rotation of a pulsar is so regular, slight anomalies in the timing of its observed radio pulses can be used to track", "\"Neutron-star oscillation\"\nNeutron-star oscillation Asteroseismology studies the internal structure of our Sun and other stars using oscillations. These can be studied by interpreting the temporal frequency spectrum acquired through observations. In the same way, the more extreme neutron stars might be studied and hopefully give us a better understanding of neutron-star interiors, and help in determining the equation of state for matter at nuclear densities. Scientists also hope to prove, or discard, the existence of so-called quark stars, or strange stars, through these studies. The modes of oscillations are divided into subgroups, each with different characteristic behavior. First they are divided into", "Einstein@Home\nof supercomputers. The Einstein@Home project has been created to perform all-sky searches for previously unknown continuous gravitational-wave (CW) sources using data from the LIGO detector instruments. The primary class of target CW sources is rapidly rotating neutron stars (including pulsars) which are expected to emit gravitational waves due to a deviation from axisymmetry. Besides validating Einstein's theory of General Relativity, direct detection of gravitational waves would also constitute an important new astronomical tool. As most neutron stars are electromagnetically invisible, gravitational-wave observations might allow completely new populations of neutron stars to be revealed. A CW detection could potentially be extremely", "\"Star Wreck\"\nin Japan by AMG & Medallion Media. The version includes a professional dub for Japanese, as well as new sleeve design and a poster/cue card inside the DVD case. In 2012, a spin-off called \"\"Star Wreck 2π: Full Twist, now!\"\" was released. It is made by Swiss film makers, but Samuli Torssonen and Timo Vuorensola have a guest appearance in their respective roles. There is also a spin-off animated \"\"Star Wreck\"\", created by a different author who has no relation to Torssonen's team, called \"\"Star Wreck Asskicker\"\" which tells the story of the \"\"C.P.P. Asskicker\"\". Star Wreck Star Wreck is", "\"Neutron interferometer\"\nNeutron interferometer In physics, a neutron interferometer is an interferometer capable of diffracting neutrons, allowing the wave-like nature of neutrons, and other related phenomena, to be explored. Interferometry inherently depends on the wave nature of the object. As pointed out by de Broglie in his PhD thesis, particles, including neutrons, can behave like waves (the so-called wave–particle duality, now explained in the general framework of quantum mechanics). The wave functions of the individual interferometer paths are created and recombined coherently which needs the application of dynamical theory of diffraction. Neutron interferometers are the counterpart of X-ray interferometers and are used", "R-process\nof these spun off \"\"r\"\"-process fragments. Otherwise they would dim quickly. Such alternative sites were first seriously proposed in 1974 as decompressing neutron star matter. It was proposed such matter is ejected from neutron stars merging with black holes in compact binaries. In 1989 (and 1999) this scenario was extended to binary neutron star mergers (a binary star system of two neutron stars that collide). After preliminary identification of these sites, the scenario was confirmed in GW170817. R-process The rapid neutron-capture process, or so-called \"\"r\"\"-process, is a set of nuclear reactions that in nuclear astrophysics is responsible for the creation", "\"Even and odd atomic nuclei\"\nnucleons paired off, with most of the nuclear spin due to the orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum of the last remaining nucleon. In all, 29 of the 110 primordial odd-mass nuclides have spin 1/2, 30 have spin 3/2, 24 have spin 5/2, 17 have spin 7/2, and nine have spin 9/2. The odd-mass number stable nuclides are divided (roughly evenly) into odd-proton–even-neutron, and odd-neutron–even-proton nuclides, which are more thoroughly discussed below. These 48 stable nuclides, stabilized by their even numbers of paired neutrons, form most of the stable isotopes of the odd-numbered elements; the very few odd–odd nuclides", "\"Anton Zeilinger\"\nprediction of quantum mechanics, the sign change of a spinor phase upon rotation. This was followed by the first experimental realization of coherent spin superposition of matter waves. He continued his work in neutron interferometry at MIT with C.G. Shull (Nobel Laureate), focusing specifically on dynamical diffraction effects of neutrons in perfect crystals which are due to multi-wave coherent superposition. After his return to Europe, he built up an interferometer for very cold neutrons which preceded later similar experiments with atoms. The fundamental experiments there included a most precise test of the linearity of quantum mechanics and a beautiful double-slit", "\"Stirling Colgate\"\nwave in blowing off the outer shells of an expiring star, leaving a neutron star behind. While this research helped validate Chandrasekhar's work on limits, neutron stars were still purely hypothetical. In 1959, upon the advice of Los Alamos and Livermore National Laboratories, the State Department recruited Colgate as the scientific consultant on nuclear test ban negotiations in Geneva. It was here that he proposed the detection of nuclear testing by use of spy satellites, specifically the Vela satellites. However he also raised the possibility of false alarms caused by supernovae. Despite encouragement by Teller to follow up on the", "\"Neutron star\"\nof the neutron star is different to the magnetic axis, external viewers will only see these beams of radiation whenever the magnetic axis point towards them during the neutron star rotation. Therefore, periodic pulses are observed, at the same rate as the rotation of the neutron star. In addition to pulsars, neutron stars have also been identified with no apparent periodicity of their radiation. This seems to be a characteristic of the X-ray sources known as Central Compact Objects in Supernova remnants (CCOs in SNRs), which are thought to be young, radio-quiet isolated neutron stars. In addition to radio emissions,", "\"Daryl Haggard\"\nthe Physics and Astronomy Department at Amherst College, before accepting an Assistant Professor position at McGill University and joining the newly-formed McGill Space Institute in 2015. Daryl Haggard’s research group uses radio, submillimeter, near infrared, and X-ray telescopes to study compact objects, including active galactic nuclei, Sagittarius A* (the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy) and the mergers of neutron stars. In 2017, she led a team that used the Chandra X-ray Observatory to detect the afterglow of the merger of two neutron stars, GW170817, the first detection of X-rays from a gravitational wave source.", "\"Nuclear magnetic resonance\"\nany atomic nucleus, have the intrinsic quantum property of spin, an intrinsic angular momentum analogous to the classical angular momentum of a spinning sphere. The overall spin of the nucleus is determined by the spin quantum number \"\"S\"\". If the numbers of both the protons and neutrons in a given nuclide are even then , i.e. there is no overall spin. Then, just as electrons pair up in nondegenerate atomic orbitals, so do even numbers of protons or even numbers of neutrons (both of which are also spin formula_1 particles and hence fermions), giving zero overall spin. However, a proton", "\"SAX J1808.4-3658\"\nX-ray pulsars are thought to be the evolutionary progenitors of recycled radio millisecond pulsars. A total of thirteen accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars have been discovered as of January 2011. Three of them are Intermittent millisecond X-ray pulsars (HETE J1900.1-2455, Aql X-1 and SAX J1748.9-2021), i.e. they emit pulsations sporadically during the outburst. SAX J1808.4-3658 A transient X-ray source first discovered in 1996 by the Italian-Dutch BeppoSAX satellite, SAX J1808.4-3658 revealed X-ray pulsations at the 401 Hz neutron star spin frequency when it was observed during a subsequent outburst in 1998 by NASA's RXTE satellite. The neutron star is orbited by", "\"Neutron magnetic moment\"\nmagnetic moment also includes contributions from the orbital motion of the nucleons. The deuteron has the simplest example of a nuclear magnetic moment, with measured value 0.857 \"\"µ\"\". This value is within 3% of the sum of the moments of the proton and neutron, which gives 0.879 \"\"µ\"\". In this calculation, the spins of the nucleons are aligned, but their magnetic moments offset because of the neutron's negative magnetic moment. A magnetic dipole moment can be generated by two possible mechanisms. One way is by a small loop of electric current, called an \"\"Ampèrian\"\" magnetic dipole. Another way is by" ]
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who played brad carlton on young and the restless
[ "Don Diamont" ]
[ "\"The Young and the Restless storylines\"\nBilly Abbott returned, played by Billy Miller. There have been many recasts of the role of Billy Abbott, Phyllis Newman, and Victoria Newman. The role of Colleen Carlton, Brad and Traci's daughter, who had been played by Lyndsy Fonseca for several years was recast in January 2006 with Adrianne Leon. Leon was let go in June 2007 and replaced with former \"\"Home and Away\"\" actress Tammin Sursok, who left in October 2009 after her character died. In late 2006, \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" recast the role of popular daytime villainess, Sheila Carter. Originally played by Kimberlin Brown on both", "\"Don Diamont\"\non \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" (head written by Lynn Marie Latham & Scott Hamner) has paralleled his personal life in some ways. The show has revealed that the persona of \"\"Brad Carlton\"\" is actually \"\"George Kaplan.\"\" (For dramatic purposes, the show has explained this by disclosing that George/Brad had to hide his past, and his Jewishness, for his own safety.) Don Diamont Don Diamont (born Donald Feinberg; December 31, 1962) is an American actor. His best known roles include Brad Carlton on \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" and Bill Spencer Jr. on \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\". In 1990,", "\"John Abbott (The Young and the Restless)\"\ncontrol of Jabot. While in town, John began dating his old friend, Gina Roma (Patty Weaver), and he occasionally sang with her at her restaurant, \"\"Gina's\"\". Billy graduated high school, and he went to Louisiana for volunteer work. Meanwhile, Traci's daughter, Colleen Carlton (then played by Lyndsy Fonseca), was placed into John's guardianship when she was expelled from school for smoking marijuana in 2001. Colleen began dating J.T. Hellstrom (Thad Luckinbill), but John forbade his granddaughter from seeing J.T., who was much older than she was. Colleen soon began living with her father, Brad Carlton. In 2003, Ashley and Brad", "\"Bill Spencer Jr.\"\nwasn't exactly a cuddly one, but it was still a relationship, and they bonded over business.\"\" He was a contrast to Brad Carlton, the character he used to play on \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". \"\"It's not like they're taking a facsimile of Brad and plugging him into this show,\"\" Diamont said. \"\"This guy could not be a bigger departure from Brad. Bill dresses and thinks completely different. He's ruthless and twisted.\"\" Bill is a \"\"Richard Branson-esque businessman\"\" who speaks his mind no matter the consequence. After his father dies, Bill receives 50 percent ownership of Spencer Publications and is", "\"Brad Carlton\"\nBrad Carlton Brad Carlton is a fictional character from the CBS soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\", portrayed by Don Diamont. The character became a mainstay on the series for over ten years. He was known for his relationships with Traci Abbott, Ashley Abbott and Victoria Newman, as well as his business rivalries with Jack Abbott and Victor Newman. In 2009, the character drowned in a frozen lake. Don Diamont portrayed the role of Brad for the character's entire run on the series. He first appeared on April 7, 1985, as the new Abbott family gardener. In 1993, the", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1980s)\"\nwith Michael and Christine. Soon after, Lynne leaves town to visit her mother. Lisa Mansfield first appeared in April 1988. She is the first ex-wife of Brad Carlton. She was portrayed by Lynne Harbaugh until March 3, 1989. History<br> Lisa and Brad married in 1982, but Brad divorced Lisa in 1983 after her father, who disapproved of their marriage, paid Brad a large sum of money to divorce his daughter. In 1988, Lisa resurfaced in Brad's life, who was now married to Traci Abbott, and Lisa offered Brad a lucrative job in Chicago. When Brad declined and instead accepted a", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\n19, Lorna Raver at joined the role. The character wasn't seen past February 2007. Rebecca was introduced prior to her first appearance as \"\"a woman who holds a key to the mystery of Brad's past.\"\" She is the mother of the late Brad Carlton and the grandmother of the late Colleen Carlton. History<br> In 1943, Rebecca's family members were killed by Nazis during World War II, and Rebecca was put to work in a concentration camp, cataloging stolen Jewish artworks. Rebecca escaped and testified at war crime trials against the commandant, who was sentenced to death. She also returned all", "\"Brad Carlton\"\nappearance was several months later when he appeared to his daughter, Colleen, as she herself was drowning in the same lake while trying to escape the clutches of the demented Patty Williams. Brad Carlton Brad Carlton is a fictional character from the CBS soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\", portrayed by Don Diamont. The character became a mainstay on the series for over ten years. He was known for his relationships with Traci Abbott, Ashley Abbott and Victoria Newman, as well as his business rivalries with Jack Abbott and Victor Newman. In 2009, the character drowned in a frozen", "\"Colleen Carlton\"\nColleen Carlton Colleen Carlton is a fictional character from the American CBS soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\", last portrayed by Tammin Sursok. The character was born onscreen during the episode airing on March 5, 1992, as the daughter of Brad Carlton (Don Diamont) and Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland). After leaving the soap opera three years later, the character returned as a teenager in 2001, portrayed by Lyndsy Fonseca, who remained in the role until 2005. The following year, the role was recast with Adrianne León, who portrayed the character for a year until Sursok took over. Colleen died", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\nhe found himself sketching pictures of Colleen, and he often reminisced about their night together during the storm. Meanwhile, Colleen's father, Brad Carlton, distrusted Adrian, and he hired J.T. to investigate Adrian. Brad's mother, Rebecca Kaplan, worked in a concentration camp cataloging stolen Jewish artwork during World War II. The Nazis who were involved began to track Rebecca and her family. They were looking for a piece of artwork, the \"\"Grudgeon Reliquary\"\". After Brad acquired the artwork, Rebecca found an inscription in the artwork that was in code. Colleen gave the inscription to Adrian, and he solved the code that", "\"Colleen Carlton\"\npromise Colleen she would live her life for the both of them.\"\" \"\"Soap Opera Digest\"\" named the story Editors' Choice for the week, praising it as a \"\"chilling, rich and game-changing coda to this wrenching family tragedy\"\" and a \"\"fitting tribute to the lost Colleen.\"\" Colleen Carlton Colleen Carlton is a fictional character from the American CBS soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\", last portrayed by Tammin Sursok. The character was born onscreen during the episode airing on March 5, 1992, as the daughter of Brad Carlton (Don Diamont) and Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland). After leaving the soap opera", "\"Colleen Carlton\"\nhead writer and executive producer Bradley Bell allowed Don Diamont to return to \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" as Colleen's deceased father, Brad, as one of the visions Colleen has while unconscious. Diamont currently portrays \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful's\"\" Bill Spencer, Jr. \"\"In order to accommodate contract constraints and actors' availability, we were writing scenes that were shot the following week, which is very unusual,\"\" said \"\"The Young and the Restless's\"\" co-headwriter Scott Hamner. \"\"The appearance of Don gave a depth of feeling to the show that would not have been possible without him.\"\" During the taping of Colleen's", "\"The Young and the Restless storylines\"\nJill's birth father Arthur Hendricks (David Hedison) briefly visited, and mother and daughter fought over him while Kay again battled her drinking problem. Then it was revealed that Arthur was not Jill's father, but Lauren Fenmore's father was actually Jill's biological dad, making Jill and Lauren half-sisters. Another controversial storyline involving Brad Carlton was his largely unexplained alter ego named George Kaplan in 2006. Fans had a very negative reaction to the introduction of a plot surrounding Nazis and artwork involving Brad's mother during WWII. Brad's mother supposedly was in her early 20s during World War II, which would make", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\nBrad Carlton, was killed, George took his identity and moved to Genoa City, with Rebecca still in hiding. In July 2006, \"\"Brad,\"\" now in his forties, finally told his then-wife, Victoria Newman, and his daughter Colleen, about his past and his true identity, and introduced them to Rebecca, whom they had believed to be dead. Rebecca continues to stay in hiding, even during Brad's untimely death, when she could not leave hiding in order to come to his funeral. Adrian Korbel first appeared on September 18, 2006 portrayed by Eyal Podell. He departed nearly two years later on August 5,", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\na calm man who refused to get involved in the war between Newman and Jabot, especially after Brad Carlton asked Damon to seduce Phyllis Abbott, the wife of Jabot employee Jack Abbott. Phyllis and Damon were attracted to each other, and they shared a kiss even though Phyllis was married to Jack. Drucilla was also attracted to Damon, but he did not seem to care for her. She then moved on to Neil Winters, where she found true love. One night, Damon shared a private conversation with Victoria Newman, who poured her heart out to him, only to realize later", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nThe Young and the Restless characters (1970s) A list of notable characters from the CBS soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" that significantly impacted storylines and debuted between March 1973 and December 1979. Brad Elliot first appeared on March 26, 1973, and was portrayed by Tom Hallick until 1978. History<br> The very first episode of \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" began with Brad Elliot being mugged, carjacked, and left for dead beside the highway. A semi-truck driver picked him up and dropped him off in Genoa City, Wisconsin. Stuart Brooks, owner of \"\"The Genoa City Chronicle\"\" watched Brad eat", "\"The Young and the Restless storylines\"\nBrad's mother in her mid to late 80s in 2006. However, the actress who played Brad's mother appeared to be around 60, far too young for this role. Fans complained that the Nazi artwork plot made no sense at all, along with Brad's age and the age his mother was supposed to be. The plot was completely dropped without mention, Brad then had an affair with Sharon Newman, and then was killed off trying to save Sharon's son Noah when he fell through ice on a frozen lake. The actor Don Diamont then transferred to Y&R's \"\"sister show\"\" The Bold", "\"Brad Carlton\"\nrole was temporarily recast to Russell Todd. The character also briefly crossed over to \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\" that same year. He departed in 1996, and returned after two years on July 28, 1998. Ten years later in December 2008, news broke that Diamont had been let go from \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". Fellow cast member Eric Braeden, who portrays Victor Newman, spoke out on Diamont's firing, saying: Diamont shot his final scenes for the series in January 2009, and his final airdate was on February 5 when he drowned after falling in a frozen lake. Shortly after,", "\"Jack Abbott (The Young and the Restless)\"\nSven from the Genoa City Hotel. In the late 1980s, Jack and Victor Newman hire Leanna Love to write a biography on Victor. Unknowingly to Jack, Leanna adds a chapter that exploits the affair between Victor and Jack's sister Ashley Abbott. Victor believes Nikki Newman is behind the publication, and divorces her. He marries Leanna, which is later declared invalid. Victor eventually returns to Nikki, and gains reigns over Jabot Cosmetics. Victor fires Jack and replaces him with Brad Carlton. In response, Jack spitefully marries Nikki, who is again estranged from Victor. Problems arise early in Jack and Nikki's marriage,", "\"Paul Williams (The Young and the Restless)\"\nto clear Paul's name. George's killer is Adrian, Cassandra's lover from Bermuda. She marries Brad Carlton (Don Diamont), who leaves her after learning that she drugged him. Cassandra tries to reconcile with Paul, but she dies in a car crash. After dating his secretary Lynne Bassett (Laura Bryan Birn), Paul falls in love with his partner Christine Blair (Lauralee Bell). After his mother declares his father Carl dead, Christine discovers that he is an amnesiac living in Norfolk. She brings Carl to town to see Paul, although he remembers little. Despite Mary wanting him back, Carl does not remember anything", "\"Don Diamont\"\nwith the show for a year. Diamont is best known for his portrayal of opportunistic businessman Brad Carlton on \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". He initially joined the show in 1985 and left the cast in 1996, but returned in 1998, remaining on the show until his character was killed off in early 2009. On March 5, 2009 it was announced that Diamont would be joining the cast of the CBS daytime drama \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\" in the contract role of Bill Spencer Jr. His first air date was May 12, 2009. \"\"Don is a versatile actor with", "\"Don Diamont\"\nDon Diamont Don Diamont (born Donald Feinberg; December 31, 1962) is an American actor. His best known roles include Brad Carlton on \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" and Bill Spencer Jr. on \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\". In 1990, Diamont was chosen as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world by \"\"People Magazine\"\", becoming the first daytime actor to receive the honor. After several years as a successful model, Diamont's first major acting role was as Carlo Forenza on \"\"Days of Our Lives\"\". He joined the cast in 1984 after being hired by Ken Corday, and was", "\"Traci Abbott\"\nTraci Abbott Traci Abbott is a fictional character from the American CBS soap opera, \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". Created and introduced by William J. Bell, the role has been portrayed by Beth Maitland since 1982. Traci is the youngest daughter of John Abbott and Dina Mergeron. Initially a short-term role that would last three months, Maitland impressed the series' producers and was placed on contract, remaining until 1996. Traci was known for her relationship with Danny Romalotti and her marriages to Brad Carlton, with whom she had a daughter, Colleen. Both relationships caused a notable rivalry with Lauren Fenmore.", "\"John Abbott (The Young and the Restless)\"\nto Patty Williams. Eventually, Katherine obtained pictures of Jill with Jack. Upon seeing the photos, John had a stroke. In 1986, John and Jill divorced, and John fired Jack and threw him out of his house. Jill received 25% of Jabot Cosmetics, a seat on the board of directors, and a cushy executive position with Jabot at $150,000 a year. With this huge settlement, John and Jack hoped that Jill would stay quiet in order to protect Jabot's image. John replaced Jack at the company with Traci's new husband Brad Carlton (Don Diamont), formerly an Abbott gardener. After his divorce", "\"Ashley Abbott\"\nalthough she believed John Abbott was her biological father until she reached adulthood. She's had relationships with various men throughout the years, most notably Steven Lassiter, Victor Newman, Blade Bladeson, Cole Howard and Brad Carlton. She has a daughter with Victor, Abby Newman. She is also known for her business contributions to her father's company, Jabot Cosmetics, much like her brother Jack. In 2006, it was announced that Davidson was to leave \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". She last appeared on January 11, 2007. Shortly after, the character crossed over to its sister soap, \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\". There,", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1980s)\"\npool boy, Brad Carlton in 1991, Dina surprised everybody by showing up and, once again, John became entranced by her classiness and sophistication. While Jack was overjoyed by her return, it didn't matter that Ashley and Tracy both had resentments towards their mother for having pretty much disappeared without a trace. John, lonely after his divorce from Jill, quickly proposed, and Dina accepted. But Jill was suspicious and hired Paul Williams to investigate Dina's whereabouts. It turned out that Dina was broke after a series of bad affairs with wealthy lovers and Jill insisted that Dina was only after John's", "\"Jack Abbott (The Young and the Restless)\"\nmarries Victor. When Nikki is shot, Victor convinces Diane to allow a divorce so he can marry Nikki on her deathbed. However, Nikki lives and Victor stays with her, leading Diane to return to Jack. However, Diane learns that Jack is only using her in his war against Victor, and she leaves him again. Meanwhile, Jack plots with Brad Carlton to take over Newman Enterprises while Victor is being held captive in New Mexico, and succeeds. When Victor returns, Jack offers to return Jabot in exchange for Newman. Victor counters that Jabot must be purchased to close the deal, and", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\nparticularly Brad Carlton and Jack, so that he can establish reasonable doubt as part of Devon's defense. Carmen's murderer turns out to be Jana Hawkes. Jana killed her because Carmen saw Jana looking through a folder containing pictures and facts about the Grugeon Reliquary, a fictional piece of medieval art with foreign letters engraved on it, revealed to be the keys to a massive fortune, which Jana stole from Victoria Newman's car. Rebecca Kaplan first appeared on July 28, 2006 portrayed by Millie Perkins (known for her role in the film adaptation of \"\"The Diary of Anne Frank\"\"). By September", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\npaternity during the pregnancy. His biological father could have been Victoria's estranged husband, Brad Carlton, or her lover and future husband, J.T. Hellstrom. With Victoria and the unborn child's life at stake, the Newman Family went to court to determine whose life should be saved. That decision, thankfully, did not have to be made as both Reed and Victoria survived. J.T. was revealed to be the father after Reed was born, and he and Victoria married in February 2008 after she woke up from her coma. Soon after the marriage, Reed contracted a staph infection, but he recovered. After his", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1990s)\"\n1992, and would later be known as the husband of Traci Abbott. The role was originated by Greg Wrangler until August 1992, and again from 1993 to 1996. The character returned from September 21 to December 17, 2001, and again from September 21 to October 9, 2009. History<br> Steve Connelly was the publisher of Traci Abbott's book. He moved to Genoa City to help Traci out with writing. The two bonded and soon started a relationship, which caused her ex-husband, Brad Carlton, to become jealous. Traci eventually decided to leave town and go to New York with Steve and her", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1990s)\"\ndisappearing from a photoshoot in Africa. Neil became an alcoholic, and Olivia refused to let him see Nate. Therefore, Nate no longer had a father figure in his life. Brad Carlton, Olivia's friend Ashley Abbott's husband, tried to step in as a father figure to Nate. Still, Nate missed Malcolm, and he decided to go away to boarding school. Malcolm came back to Genoa City to see Nate, but he didn't realize that Nate was away at school. Nate never returned to Genoa City. In 2008, Olivia mentioned that Nate was attending Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland.", "\"The Young and the Restless storylines\"\ninvolved in a love triangle with her rival Lauren and rock star Danny Romalotti (Michael Damian), before marrying gardener-turned-business executive Brad Carlton (Don Diamont). The Abbott and Newman family rivalry is further put the test in 2010 after Billy Abbott and Victoria Newman marry. A relatively controversial fixture on the show for several decades was Bell's daughter, Lauralee. Lauralee debuted in 1983 in a bit part as Christine \"\"Cricket\"\" Blair. As Lauralee grew up, her character became more and more prominent, to the point where in 1988 storylines had four different men in love with her. Longtime fan favorite Terry", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\nhelp with his addiction, which he refused. However, Brad Carlton set David up to relapse with the help of Skye Lockhart, as he did not believe David was worthy of his CEO position. Skye ended up taking money from David in a poker game. Victor became engaged to Sabrina Costelana, which made Nikki jealous, and she and David thus eloped to Mexico to \"\"one-up\"\" him. Paul Williams then investigated David's previous marriages, which revealed that both of them were extremely wealthy and had been met with untimely, suspicious ends. David's third wife Bitsy Hartford told Paul that he got away", "\"Darcy Rose Byrnes\"\nDarcy Rose Byrnes Darcy Rose Byrnes (born November 4, 1998) is an American actress. She is best known for her roles as Abby Carlton Newman on \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\", Penny Scavo on \"\"Desperate Housewives\"\", and Princess Amber on \"\"Sofia the First\"\". She currently works as the voice of Maricela in \"\"Spirit Riding Free\"\". Byrnes appeared in the direct-to-video film \"\"The Sparky Chronicles: The Map\"\" in 2003, the same year she landed a role in the soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" as Abby Carlton from 2003 to 2008. During that time she also had a guest starring", "\"Brad Walsh (footballer)\"\nsecond round of the 2015 Rookie Draft (pick No. 24 overall). He played most of the 2015 season with Carlton's , the Northern Blues, winning the VFL club's best and fairest award for the season, and he played three senior AFL games for the year, making his debut in Round 16, 2015. He was delisted in October 2015. Brad Walsh (footballer) Brad Walsh (born 3 September 1996) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Carlton Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). A solid inside midfielder from Rockingham, Walsh played colts (under-19) football for Peel", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nfound later with a body inside which had been burned beyond recognition, and he had been declared dead. Leslie ended up healing Brad by getting him to talk to Barbara and other neurosurgeons who convinced him that he had done all anyone could have for their son, and that their son's death was not Brad's fault. Leslie also arranged a reconciliation between Brad and his parents. Brad and Leslie then married. They honeymooned in Palm Springs where the Mid-America Symphony was performing. Brad had gotten tickets and arranged a meeting with Maestro Fautsch, who talked Leslie into resuming her career", "\"The Young and the Restless\"\nreflected in the love story between Jill Foster and the millionaire Phillip Chancellor II; the Leslie Brooks, Brad Elliot, and Lorie Brooks love triangle; and Snapper Foster's romance with Chris Brooks. Sexuality also played a major role in the stories. Formerly, soap operas did not delve into the sexual side of their romances. Bell changed that, first during his time as head writer of \"\"Days of Our Lives\"\" and again on \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". William Gray Espy's Snapper Foster is considered the \"\"first to discover sex on a soap opera.\"\" During the story, the character is engaged to", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\ndone all anyone could have for their son, and that their son's death was not Brad's fault. Leslie also arranged a reconciliation between Brad and his parents. Brad and Leslie then married. They honeymooned in Palm Springs where the Mid-America Symphony was performing. Brad had gotten tickets and arranged a meeting with Maestro Fautsch, who talked Leslie into resuming her career as a concert pianist. While performing in Paris, Leslie ran into old friend Lance Prentiss, wealthy eligible bachelor and co-owner of Prentiss Industries, who lived in an estate not far from Genoa City on Lake Geneva. Leslie would often", "\"Cane Ashby\"\nCane Ashby Cane Ashby is a fictional character from the American CBS soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". He is portrayed by Australian actor Daniel Goddard, who originally auditioned for Brad Snyder on \"\"As the World Turns\"\" but was recommended for a role on \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" instead. The role was to be portrayed as an American, but Goddard's Australian descent influenced the character's background. Former head writer Lynn Marie Latham introduced him during the episode airing on January 12, 2007 as an Australian bartender in search of his family. Latham created Cane as the son of", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nas \"\"a disgusting piece of trash\"\". With Brad's encouragement, Leslie bought Pierre's Restaurant and turned it into The Allegro, a nightclub where she could perform without having to travel. Lorie had dug up Brad's past, and she exposed it once she was no longer in his life. Brad had been a Chicago neurosurgeon/psychiatrist who had gone against hospital rules to operate on his own son who had died on the table. Brad had been so distressed that he had left Chicago, leaving his practice, his parents, and his girl friend Barbara Anderson behind. His wrecked and burned car had been", "\"Lyndsy Fonseca\"\nConnelly-Carlton on the soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". In 2005, Fonseca played a recurring role as Ted Mosby's future daughter on \"\"How I Met Your Mother\"\" and as Donna on HBO's \"\"Big Love\"\". She starred in the 2005 Hallmark TV film \"\"Ordinary Miracles\"\", as a 16-year-old juvenile delinquent who goes to live with a judge (Jaclyn Smith). In late 2007, Fonseca played Dawn in the film \"\"Remember the Daze\"\". She joined the cast of ABC's \"\"Desperate Housewives\"\" as the daughter of Katherine Mayfair (Dana Delany), a character moving onto Wisteria Lane. In 2008 she was nominated for the", "\"Cassandra Rawlins\"\nwho presided over Brad and Cassandra's divorce had died before he signing their divorce decree meaning that Brad and Cassandra were still married, and Brad was the legal heir to Cassandra's fortune, including the mansion and Ra-Tech. Brad accepted it all with no regard for Paul. Cassandra Rawlins Cassandra Rawlins is a fictional character from the American soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". She was portrayed by Nina Arvesen from March 3, 1988 to March 4, 1991. Hall was the character's maiden name. In the beginning of the story when the character was first introduced, much about her origins", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nto come out of her shell and enjoy a very successful career as a concert pianist. Leslie's 21-year-old sister, Lorie, who had always been jealous of Leslie. Unable to spark any interest from Brad, Lorie started intercepting their letters and phone calls while Leslie was on tour. Lorie managed to convince Brad that Leslie was no longer interested, and convinced Leslie that she had seduced Brad. As the thought of Brad and Lorie making love haunted Leslie, she had a nervous breakdown, freezing at the piano during a concert in New York City. After being led off stage by her", "\"Brad Carlton\"\nBrad Carlton was first introduced as the Abbotts' gardener, who caught the eye of the youngest Abbott daughter, Traci. The two were married twice, with the second marriage producing a daughter, Colleen Carlton. During his second marriage to Traci, Brad was held captive in a cage by his unstable ex-wife, Lisa Mansfield. After he divorced Traci, Brad was tricked into marrying the wealthy widow, Cassandra Rawlins, after a ski trip to Aspen. Brad eventually returned to Genoa City with plans to divorce Cassandra, but en route to finalize her divorce plans, Cassandra was hit by a truck and killed. Brad", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nonce she was no longer in his life. Brad had been a Chicago neurosurgeon/psychiatrist who had gone against hospital rules to operate on his own son who had died on the table. Brad had been so distressed that he had left Chicago, leaving his practice, his parents, and his girl friend Barbara Anderson behind. His wrecked and burned car had been found later with a body inside which had been burned beyond recognition, and he had been declared dead. Leslie ended up healing Brad by getting him to talk to Barbara and other neurosurgeons who convinced him that he had", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nand his wife Jennifer secretly supported Leslie through her recovery in a sanitarium near Genoa City. Meanwhile, Lorie became engaged to Brad. After months of therapy Leslie was released. When Brad found out what Lorie had done, he broke up with Lorie, and he and Leslie got back together. With Brad's encouragement, Leslie bought Pierre's Restaurant and turned it into The Allegro, a nightclub where she could perform without having to travel. Stuart and Jennifer spent many evenings at Allegro, proud of their talented daughter who was also singing there. Lorie had dug up Brad's past, and she exposed it", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nStuart's oldest daughter, Leslie Brooks, fell in love with Brad who encouraged her to come out of her shell and enjoy a very successful career as a concert pianist. Leslie's 21-year-old sister, Lorie, who had always been jealous of Leslie because Stuart had spent so much time nurturing Leslie's talent, returned home from college in Paris, where she had led a wild life of sex, alcohol, and drugs. Unable to spark any interest from Brad, Lorie started intercepting their letters and phone calls while Leslie was on tour. Lorie managed to convince Brad that Leslie was no longer interested, and", "\"Brad Pearce (footballer)\"\navenue to goal to long-time full forward Stephen Kernahan, and he played 23 of 25 possible games for the season, kicked 52 goals, and kicked four goals in Carlton's Grand Final victory against . Pearce played for Carlton for a further four seasons, playing an average of thirteen games per season interrupted by a range of injuries. He was delisted at the end of the 1999 season, having played 77 games and kicked 151 goals over six seasons for the club. He played the following season with the Burnie Dockers in the TFL Statewide League. Brad Pearce (footballer) Brad Pearce", "\"Brad Pearce (footballer)\"\nBrad Pearce (footballer) Brad Pearce (born 16 August 1971) is a former Australian rules footballer who played for Carlton and the Brisbane Bears in the Australian Football League (AFL). Pearce played both football and cricket as a junior, and after having focussed on cricket in 1987, he returned to football in 1988 as part of the junior system, playing in the Victorian Under-17 Teal Cup team. He played with the St Kilda minor grades from 1988 until 1990, but failed to make the senior grade for the club. In 1991 and 1992, he played in the TFL Statewide League for", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nconvinced Leslie that she had seduced Brad. As the thought of Brad and Lorie making love haunted Leslie, she had a nervous breakdown, freezing at the piano during a concert in New York City. After being led off stage by her mentor, Maestro Fautsch, Leslie wandered through Central Park, her purse was stolen, and she wound up institutionalized for weeks with no memory in a ward with a few other mentally disturbed women who taunted her mercilessly. Eventually her doctor discovered who she was from a publicity photo and notified Stuart, who flew to New York and rescued Leslie. Stuart", "\"Young and Restless (Australian band)\"\nYoung and Restless (Australian band) Young and Restless (sometimes abbreviated to Y + R or Y & R) were a band from Canberra, Australia. Young and Restless were formed in 2005, and won the 2006 Triple J Unearthed competition to play at the Homebake Festival 2006. The band formed in early 2005 when Karina Utomo and Ash Pegram (who were old high school buddies) combined with Ross Paxman, Mark Falkland and Nugie Utomo. Early names of the band were '...Wolves' and then 'The I Hate Yous' before settling on the current name. They started playing shows in Canberra before slowly", "\"Peter Porte\"\nPeter Porte Peter Porte (born March 31, 1985) is an American actor, known for the soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\", two short films \"\"It's Not Porn...\"\" and \"\"Sutures\"\", and the sitcom \"\"Baby Daddy\"\" playing Brad Walker, who is married to Bonnie Wheeler. He graduated at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts in 2006 with a degree in Drama and Journalism. Porte grew up in Greenwood Lake, New York and always wanted to be an actor. Porte first got into acting in the third grade when he appeared in a Christopher Columbus pageant. According to Porte, he", "\"Peter Porte\"\nthe 2018 film, \"\"Love, Once and Always\"\" for Hallmark. Peter Porte Peter Porte (born March 31, 1985) is an American actor, known for the soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\", two short films \"\"It's Not Porn...\"\" and \"\"Sutures\"\", and the sitcom \"\"Baby Daddy\"\" playing Brad Walker, who is married to Bonnie Wheeler. He graduated at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts in 2006 with a degree in Drama and Journalism. Porte grew up in Greenwood Lake, New York and always wanted to be an actor. Porte first got into acting in the third grade when he appeared", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1980s)\"\nBrad. Lisa spotted Lauren, and she threw her into the cage with Brad, intending to gas them both to death. Fortunately, Jack, who had tracked Lauren to the cabin, rescued them. Lisa fled town and has not been seen since. Scott Grainger first appeared in May 1988, portrayed by Peter Barton until 1993. Scott Grainger was known for being a part of the love triangle with Lauren Fenmore and Sheila Carter. The character also briefly appeared on \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\" in 1993. History<br> Scott entered the picture as the doctor working on Jessica Blair, who had AIDS. In", "\"Young and Restless (Australian band)\"\nand helped us along the way. We'll see you soon. YOUNG AND RESTLESS\"\" Young and Restless (Australian band) Young and Restless (sometimes abbreviated to Y + R or Y & R) were a band from Canberra, Australia. Young and Restless were formed in 2005, and won the 2006 Triple J Unearthed competition to play at the Homebake Festival 2006. The band formed in early 2005 when Karina Utomo and Ash Pegram (who were old high school buddies) combined with Ross Paxman, Mark Falkland and Nugie Utomo. Early names of the band were '...Wolves' and then 'The I Hate Yous' before", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nanniversary. History<br> Lorie arrived in Genoa City from Europe in December 1973. Lorie was jealous of her older sister, concert pianist, Leslie Brooks, who she felt got all the attention from her parents. Determined to make her life miserable, Lorie found out that Leslie had a budding romance with new man in town Brad Elliot and schemed to get him for herself. When the plan worked, Leslie had a nervous breakdown and ended up in hospital. She eventually accused Lorie of causing her breakdown. Brad then dumped Lorie and married Leslie. After losing Brad, Lorie dated her publicist Jed Andrews.", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nmentor, Maestro Fautsch, Leslie wandered through Central Park, her purse was stolen, and she wound up institutionalized for weeks with no memory in a ward with a few other mentally disturbed women who taunted her mercilessly. Eventually her doctor discovered who she was from a publicity photo and notified Stuart, who flew to New York and rescued Leslie. While away, Lorie became engaged to Brad, but Brad found out what Lorie had done, he broke up with Lorie, and he and Leslie got back together. Lorie quit her job at the Chronicle and published her first book, which Stuart editorialized", "\"J. T. and Colleen\"\nand fans of the pair also campaigned for a reunion between J.T. and Colleen when Fonseca returned as well as pushing for her to be put back on contract. Viewers voted her and Luckinbill's version of J.T. and Colleen the top \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" couple in \"\"Soap Opera Digest\"\". In October 2008, \"\"Soaps In Depth\"\" listed J.T. and Colleen among soap operas' 100 greatest couples. J. T. and Colleen J. T. Hellstrom and Colleen Carlton are fictional characters and a supercouple from the American CBS soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". J. T. was portrayed by Thad", "\"Greg Foster (The Young and the Restless)\"\nGreg Foster (The Young and the Restless) Greg Foster is a fictional character from the CBS soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". A string of different actors played the role from 1973 to 1982, most notably James Houghton and Wings Hauser, who both reprised their roles as Greg in 2003 and 2010. The character of Greg Foster was brought to life by James Houghton in the series premier on March 26, 1973. He played the role Greg Foster until his departure in the fall of 1976. Houghton was replaced by Brian Kerwin, who aired from November 1976 to April", "\"Brad Walsh (footballer)\"\nBrad Walsh (footballer) Brad Walsh (born 3 September 1996) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Carlton Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). A solid inside midfielder from Rockingham, Walsh played colts (under-19) football for Peel Thunder, and played a handful of senior games for Peel as a teenager in 2013 and 2014. His onfield leadership as a junior was well regarded, and consequently he captained Western Australia at the 2014 AFL Under 18 Championships. Walsh also represented Western Australia at basketball as a junior. Walsh was recruited to the AFL by in the", "\"Rachel and Amanda Pace\"\nwere 2 years old, were cast in \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" as Abby Carlton. A couple of months later, they got their first big role playing Hope Logan in \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\", a role they kept from 2004 to 2009. Rachel and Amanda Pace Rachel and Amanda Pace (identical twins, born October 6, 2000) are American twin actresses. They are mostly known for playing the role of Hope Logan in the soap opera \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\" and as Nancy Botwin‘s nieces Shayla and Taylor Grey in the TV series \"\"Weeds\"\". They are the daughters of", "\"Tammin Sursok\"\nRIAA-certified debut album, \"\"V\"\". After her UK plans fell through, Sursok relocated from Australia to Los Angeles, California in 2006 in order to concentrate on her acting career. That same year, she made her film debut in a bit role in the film \"\"Aquamarine\"\". In 2007, after a successful audition, Sursok became the third actress to portray Colleen Carlton on the American soap opera television series, \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". Her debut was quickly met with criticism from a number of \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" viewers. Despite the negativity, she received comparable positive viewer feedback. \"\"The fans have", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nbreakfast at Pierre's Restaurant, then admit that he was unable to pay the check, and offer to work it off. Stuart paid the check for him, they spoke for a while, and Stuart gave Brad a job at his newspaper and an advance on his wages, suggesting he rent a room above the restaurant. Brad did just that and became a friend and confidant to Sally McGuire, the waitress. Brad went to work at the newspaper and discovered and destroyed a newswire that declared that Chicago doctor, Brad Eliot, had died in a car crash, his body burned beyond recognition.", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1980s)\"\njob offer from his former lover, Lauren Fenmore, Lisa became obsessed with Brad, and she drugged and kidnapped him. Lisa held Brad captive in a cage in a deserted mountain cabin for several weeks. During this time, Traci felt that Brad had abandoned her, and she later suffered a miscarriage. Brad's absence caused her to take comfort with her former lover, Tim Sullivan. In early 1989, Lauren was on a ski trip with Jack Abbott, and they spotted Lisa. Suspecting that Lisa was somehow linked to Brad's mysterious disappearance, Lauren followed her back to the cabin, where she was holding", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nthen asked her for a divorce. But when Brad discovered that Leslie was pregnant, he told her the truth, learned to read Braille, and they agreed that Leslie would never give up her career for him. After Brad accidentally hit Leslie in the stomach with a suitcase which caused her to miscarry, Brad filed for divorce and left town. Brock Reynolds helped Leslie get over Brad and proposed, but Leslie claimed she wasn't ready yet. Brad later returned, with his eyesight restored by a risky operation, but Leslie rejected him, and he again left town by 1978. Then, Lance's mother", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\n2008. He is described by the official website as –– The character has been described as a \"\"Hunk\"\" teacher. On his working with the cast, Podell said during an interview with \"\"Soap Opera Digest\"\" \"\"It's fun, it's challenging. It's just great to come in and work.\"\" In a later September 2007 interview he talked about his character's status and the storylines at \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" \"\" It's been great. There's been a bit of a lull, but they've been setting up storylines. Adrian's still writing the book about Brad and somewhere in the future that's going to blow", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nsister Lorie Brooks, as well as her relationships with Lucas and Lance Prentiss. She was portrayed by actress Janice Lynde until 1977, and then by Victoria Mallory from 1977 through 1982 and again briefly in 1984. In February 2018, it was reported that Lynde would be returning as Leslie to commemorate with the show's 45th anniversary. History<br> Leslie was in her mid-twenties when her father, Stuart, befriended a penniless drifter named Brad Elliot and gave him a job at \"\"The Genoa City Chronicle\"\", of which Stuart was the owner and publisher. Leslie fell in love with Brad who encouraged her", "\"Brad Fisher\"\nBrad Fisher Bradley \"\"Brad\"\" Fisher (born 9 April 1984) is an Australian rules footballer in the Australian Football League. Fisher was recruited in the 2002 AFL Draft from East Burwood by the Carlton Football Club with its fifth round selection (#72 overall). He was the third-last player selected in that draft, with the two later selections, Karl Norman and Mick Martyn, also taken by Carlton, who had that year been stripped of early draft picks due to salary cap breaches. Fisher made his AFL debut for the Carlton Football Club in the second round of his first season, 2003, against", "\"Brad Bootsma\"\nto premierships in 2007 and 2008. In 2009 the club made the Grand Final however lost to arch rivals Royals. Bootsma's son Josh is also a footballer, and was drafted by the Carlton Football Club in the 2011 AFL Draft., before being sacked by the Blues over disciplinary issues in June 2014. Brad Bootsma Bradley Theodore \"\"Brad\"\" Bootsma (born 30 December 1972) is a former Australian rules footballer who played for the Fremantle Football Club in the Australian Football League. He played as a half-back flanker or midfielder. Bootsma was recruited from South Fremantle in the West Australian Football League", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1970s)\"\nthat year Brad discovered that he had chronic neuritis and was going blind. Rather than let Leslie give up her career for him, he kept it a secret and made Leslie fall out of love with him, then asked her for a divorce. But when Brad discovered that Leslie was pregnant, he told her the truth, learned to read Braille, and they agreed that Leslie would never give up her career for him. After Brad accidentally hit Leslie in the stomach with a suitcase which caused her to miscarry, Brad filed for divorce and left town. Brock Reynolds helped Leslie", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\nrevealed a treasure worth millions hidden in the catacombs of the Czech Republic. Then, Jana Hawkes kidnapped Colleen and Kevin Fisher in order to get to the treasure before Brad. Luckily, JT and Adrian saved them from a fiery blaze before they were seriously hurt. Adrian and Colleen resumed their secret relationship. Once Brad found out about his daughter's secret affair, he forbade her from seeing Adrian. Colleen was forced to move in with her uncle Jack Abbott, who also paid for her college tuition after her father cut her off. Adrian received a job offer at a museum in", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (1990s)\"\ndaughter with Brad, Colleen. Steve and Traci got married off-screen. In 2001, Traci revealed that Steve was cheating on her, and she moved back to Genoa City. Colleen was hurt by the fighting between Traci and Steve, while Ashley Abbott, who feared that Traci's return might threaten her current marriage to Brad, encouraged Traci to try and work on her marriage with Steve. Steve and Traci eventually reconciled and returned to New York with Colleen. A rebellious streak in Colleen forced Traci and Steve to send her to live in Genoa City, where she wound up having all kinds of", "\"Brad Slaight\"\nshow business. After arriving in California, Brad soon became a performer in local comedy clubs The Comedy Store, The Improv, L.A. Cabaret, and Ice House as a standup and group performer. Brad Slaight Brad Slaight (born March 31, 1964), is an American television actor whose greatest accomplishment was a starring role on \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". Some of his other credits include roles on \"\"Parks and Recreation\"\", \"\"That's Funny\"\", \"\"Love Chronicles\"\", \"\"Second Cousin\"\", \"\"Once Removed\"\", \"\"Unsolved Mysteries\"\" (as psychic George Anderson), \"\"Freshman Dorm\"\", \"\"Haywire\"\" and \"\"Hellbent\"\". Slaight grew up in Cedar Springs, Michigan. He graduated from Central Michigan University", "\"Brad Green (footballer)\"\n! 1317 ! 548 ! 1.4 ! 0.8 ! 10.3 ! 5.9 ! 16.2 ! 5.2 ! 2.2 On 5 November 2012, Carlton Football Club announced that Green had been appointed as a development coach under Mick Malthouse. After three years at Carlton, Green joined the North Melbourne Football Club as their defensive coach. Brad Green (footballer) Brad Green (born 13 March 1981) is a former Australian rules football player and current North Melbourne development coach. He played for 13 seasons with Melbourne Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). Drafted with the 19th selection in the 1999 AFL", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\nlast seen on February 22, 2005. History<br> Anita and Frederick Hodges are the parents of Brittany Hodges. Their marriage was not going well because Anita needed more attention, and Frederick was more focused on his job as a banker. Anita had an affair with the young J.T. Hellstrom, who once dated Brittany. The affair caused a conflict with J.T. and his girlfriend at-the-time, Colleen Carlton. Meanwhile, Frederick sought comfort in the arms of Jill Abbott, but their relationship did not evolve. Frederick was the first family member to see Brittany stripping in Bobby Marsino's strip club. Neither Frederick nor Anita", "\"John Abbott (The Young and the Restless)\"\nfrom Jill, he began seeing Joanna Manning (Susan Seaforth Hayes), a high school friend and Lauren Fenmore's (Tracey E. Bregman) mother. He soon moved on to the director of the local soup kitchen, Ellen Winters. John's relationship with Ellen was the first interracial relationship on \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". John put his love life on hold when Ashley disappeared. He found her in a mental institution in New York, and she had amnesia. Thankfully, she quickly recovered, and John brought her back home to Genoa City. Then, Brad quit his job, and John was forced to hire Jack again.", "\"Brad Carlton\"\ninherited her fortune and her estate. Throughout his on-and-off relationship with Traci, he had feelings for her sister, Ashley Abbott. They eventually married, and he adopted her daughter who was given his last name, Abby Carlton. Ashley was pregnant with Brad's child, but she lost the baby in a car accident. They split up, and he later married Victoria Newman in November 2006. Known as a \"\"playboy,\"\" Brad has also had flings with Lauren Fenmore, Jill Abbott, Diane Jenkins and Olivia Winters. He was also briefly engaged to Nikki Newman. In one 1994 storyline, Brad had a heart attack during", "\"Matt Clark (The Young and the Restless)\"\nMatt Clark (The Young and the Restless) Matt Clark is a fictional character from the American CBS soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". The role was originated by Eddie Cibrian in May 1994, who left the show in 1996. After Russell Lawrence briefly playing the character in 2000, Rick Hearst took over the role that year, departing in 2001 after the character was killed off. Hearst returned for several appearances as an apparition. Matt was known as an antagonistic villain who created problems for Nick and Sharon Newman, beginning when they were teens in high school. He raped both", "\"Darcy Rose Byrnes\"\nrole in \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\" for 8 episodes. Byrnes also has appeared in television shows including \"\"How I Met Your Mother\"\", \"\"Ghost Whisperer\"\", \"\"Cold Case\"\", \"\"Dirty Sexy Money\"\" and \"\"House\"\". She played Rebecca Knepp in the hallmark television movie, \"\"Amish Grace\"\" alongside Kimberly Williams-Paisley. She played Penny Scavo in the ABC show Desperate Housewives. Darcy Rose Byrnes Darcy Rose Byrnes (born November 4, 1998) is an American actress. She is best known for her roles as Abby Carlton Newman on \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\", Penny Scavo on \"\"Desperate Housewives\"\", and Princess Amber on \"\"Sofia the First\"\". She", "\"1995 Carlton Football Club season\"\nbehind in second place was forward pocket Brad Pearce; at age 23, Pearce had previously played only four AFL games, but he played 23 matches in a breakout season to kick 53 goals. Half-forwards Earl Spalding and Matt Clape both kicked more than 30 goals; and Greg Williams, who was used in a more attacking role in 1995, rather than the pure centreman role he had generally played in the past, was fifth. The Robert Reynolds Trophy for Carlton's senior best and fairest was awarded to Brett Ratten. It was the first of three occasions on which Ratten won the", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\nParis, and he and Colleen were going to move to France together. Brad donated a piece of art to the museum, and he persuaded the museum to take back their job offer to Adrian. With nowhere to go, Colleen moved in with Adrian at his apartment while he wrote a tell-all about Brad's past. Jana and Colleen helped Adrian reveal the secrets of Brad's past. Colleen was unaware that by revealing her family's secrets, she was putting them in danger. Adrian gave Colleen an advanced copy of the book, entitled \"\"SAVED: From The Ashes\"\". After reading the book, Colleen's fear", "\"The Young and the Restless storylines\"\n\"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" and \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\", the character was later handed over to Michelle Stafford, who also plays Phyllis. Although this recast was mainly storyline-directed, since Sheila had plastic surgery to look like Phyllis, fans of Sheila have expressed mixed opinions regarding Brown's absence in the role. Unlike other soaps in the 1980s or 1990s, \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" avoided preachy social issues. When they did touch on such issues as abortion or the homeless crisis or AIDS, it was only as a plot device with a few facts and statistics thrown in for", "\"Ashley Abbott\"\nBrad Carlton (Don Diamont) came as a shock, due to Brad being beneath her socially. Epperson, who played Ashley at the time, was uncertain of Ashley and Brad's decision to get married. Davidson opined that a storyline in which Victor's son Adam Newman (Michael Muhney) gas lighted a pregnant Ashley in 2009 was payback for Ashley stealing Victor's sperm years ago to conceive Abby. She stated: \"\"I think the character really suffered after she stole Victor’s sperm from Diane [...] After that, the viewers lost a lot of respect for Ashley. People wanted Ashley to pay for it. My opinion?", "\"Ashley Abbott\"\nbank, though Nikki switches the sample with Jack's sperm. Ashley then steals Victor's sperm and impregnates herself, claiming that the father is a stranger; this was to make up for the abortion she had years prior. She then marries Brad Carlton and gives birth to Abby Carlton, who is raised to believe she is the daughter of Brad. Ashley is diagnosed with breast cancer, and feeling that she may not have time left, she confesses the truth about Abby's paternity to Victor. Brad and Ashley split, though are brought together when she becomes pregnant with their child. Stress over the", "\"2015 Carlton Football Club season\"\nCity Oval, four matches at Carlton's traditional home ground Ikon Park, and two matches played as curtain-raisers to Carlton AFL matches at Etihad Stadium. The Northern Blues finished 14th out of 15 in the VFL with a record of 4–14. Carlton's Brad Walsh won the Laurie Hill Trophy as Northern's best and fairest. 2015 Carlton Football Club season The 2015 AFL season was the 119th season in the Australian Football League contested by the Carlton Football Club. A very poor season for the club, which was disrupted by the sacking after only eight rounds of third-year coach Mick Malthouse, Carlton", "\"Brad Shine\"\nBrad Shine Bradley John Shine (born 25 September 1959) is a former Australian rules football player who played for the Carlton Football Club in the AFL and Swan Districts Football Club in the WAFL throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. Shine was recruited to Swan Districts in 1980 the same year as Graham Melrose and Anthony Solin during this time he wore the number 7 guernsey. With good skills and pace he fast became an integral part of the dominant Swan Districts side of the early 1980s and played in the 1982,1983 and 1984 premiership teams. In the 1982 and", "\"Brad Shine\"\nthe club and kicking 85 goals. Brad Shine Bradley John Shine (born 25 September 1959) is a former Australian rules football player who played for the Carlton Football Club in the AFL and Swan Districts Football Club in the WAFL throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. Shine was recruited to Swan Districts in 1980 the same year as Graham Melrose and Anthony Solin during this time he wore the number 7 guernsey. With good skills and pace he fast became an integral part of the dominant Swan Districts side of the early 1980s and played in the 1982,1983 and 1984", "\"Brad Slaight\"\nBrad Slaight Brad Slaight (born March 31, 1964), is an American television actor whose greatest accomplishment was a starring role on \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\". Some of his other credits include roles on \"\"Parks and Recreation\"\", \"\"That's Funny\"\", \"\"Love Chronicles\"\", \"\"Second Cousin\"\", \"\"Once Removed\"\", \"\"Unsolved Mysteries\"\" (as psychic George Anderson), \"\"Freshman Dorm\"\", \"\"Haywire\"\" and \"\"Hellbent\"\". Slaight grew up in Cedar Springs, Michigan. He graduated from Central Michigan University with a teaching degree and taught speech, drama, and English at Brandywine High School in Niles, Michigan for two years before moving out to Los Angeles to pursue a career in", "\"Brad Fisher\"\nthe Alberton Football League in 2013 through until the end of the 2017 season, winning the premiership in 2015. Brad Fisher Bradley \"\"Brad\"\" Fisher (born 9 April 1984) is an Australian rules footballer in the Australian Football League. Fisher was recruited in the 2002 AFL Draft from East Burwood by the Carlton Football Club with its fifth round selection (#72 overall). He was the third-last player selected in that draft, with the two later selections, Karl Norman and Mick Martyn, also taken by Carlton, who had that year been stripped of early draft picks due to salary cap breaches. Fisher", "\"Brad Carlton\"\nFor the duration of their marriage, Brad continued to fight his feelings for Victoria's one-time sister-in-law, Sharon Newman. During this time, he also had an affair with Sharon. Upon Victor's initiation of a background check on Brad, it was discovered in a Retroactive continuity storyline after almost twenty years of being on the show that Brad was not who he had initially claimed to be. Brad's real name was George Kaplan, and he assumed the identity of a friend who died in an accident in order to hide from the people who had killed his family. A 2006 story arc", "\"Daniel Romer\"\nDaniel Romer Daniel Romer a.k.a. Danny Romer (born April 1990, Las Vegas, Nevada) is an American actor and model. He has several international modeling campaigns to his name. He is known for his role in \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" as Kieran Donnally, the law school drop-out turned drug dealer; and as Marcus \"\"Mark\"\" Anderson, a street photographer within the world of fashion blogging in \"\"Lookbook - The Series\"\". Romer was cast as Joe in a written for TV Pilot, that was filmed in Italy. He played the bully Brad, a tennis camp kid, opposite Nikki Blonsky and Hayley Hasselhoff", "\"Brad L. Campbell\"\npremiers Essendon at the MCG. After leaving Melbourne, Campbell returned to the Goulburn Valley Football League, where he played for three clubs. He started at Kyabram, where he was a member of a premiership team in 1996, then went back to Tongala. Since 2004, he had played at Mooroopna. Initially an assistant coach, he was appointed senior coach for the 2008 season and also continued as a player. He played some reserves football at Carlton in 2001, while his younger brother Blake Campbell was with the club. Brad L. Campbell Brad L. Campbell (born 13 December 1975) is an Australian", "\"Colleen Carlton\"\nshe wanted to put some balance out there. I agreed that was the right message and I loved that she asked me.\"\" So she kept the added weight on for authenticity. Whether her firing had to do with the weight gain, Leon said she did not know. Sursok, who gained a following portraying Dani Sutherland on the Australian soap opera \"\"Home and Away\"\" in the early 2000s, met rejection from a number of \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" viewers. Despite negativity she also received positive viewer feedback. \"\"The fans have been really great,\"\" she said. In preparation for the role,", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\ncustody battle for his daughter with Chloe, Delia. It was also revealed that the Newman's housekeeper, Estella Muñoz, was Rafe's aunt. Rafe was revealed to be gay when Lily Winters, unaware of his sexual orientation, attempted to set him up on a date with Colleen Carlton. After a matter of fact revelation of his being gay, the two agreed to be friends. After his aunt, Estella, was accused of gaslighting Ashley Abbott, he became determined to prove his aunt's innocence. After talking with Nikki Newman about who might really be behind the gaslighting, he became suspicious of his friend and", "\"The Young and the Restless storylines\"\nwas hiding in witness protection. Raul left town and Bobby was later killed. Drucilla returned in 2002 with her daughter, Lily Winters. Neil recovered from his dependency on alcohol thanks to Lily and Dru at the same time Lily began an online \"\"relationship\"\" with a guy who claimed to be a 17-year-old. Lily met the man from the internet, Kevin Fisher, at his apartment. The two had sex and Lily got Chlamydia. Lily's best friend Colleen Carlton tried to convince Lily to stay away from Kevin but Lily was in love. Kevin's dark side emerged, however, when he grew tired", "\"The Young and the Restless characters (2000s)\"\ndid not make any further appearances to Ashley after August 2009. On December 23, 2010, Sabrina appeared to Victor in a dream he had along with Hope Wilson and Colleen Carlton as the \"\"ghost\"\" who was showing Victor the present, while Hope showed him the past and Colleen (whose face was not shown) showed what the future would be like if Victor continued treating his family badly. This dream prompted Victor to go see his family and friends on Christmas, despite the fact he was planning on spending Christmas alone. Alistair Wallingford first appeared on March 18, 2008, portrayed by", "\"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (season 4)\"\ndrama, and I don’t want to acknowledge it anymore.\"\" The following month Zanuck revealed that she was let go from the series after not being asked to return for season four. Zanuck has not returned to the series since. With the departure of two full-time cast member and three recurring, season four introduced two new full-time cast members, Carlton Gebbia and Joyce Giraud de Ohoven. Gebbia grew up in South Africa and London prior to moving to Los Angeles to pursue acting, who later went on to have roles in \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" and \"\"Suddenly Susan\"\". Gebbia is", "\"Brad Helbig\"\nBrad Helbig Bradley Helbig (born 28 February 1992) is an Australian rules footballer who played for the Richmond Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). Originally from the West Adelaide Football Club in the South Australian National Football League (SANFL), Helbig was drafted to Richmond with their third selection, the forty-seventh overall, in the 2010 AFL Draft. Helbig made his AFL debut in Round 1, 2011 against Carlton at the MCG. In July 2011 he extended his contract until the end of the 2013 season. Helbig was delisted by Richmond at the conclusion of the 2014 season He then", "\"Brad Shine\"\n1984 Grand Finals he played on th half forward flank but in the 1983 Grand Final he played on the ball as a rover and was awarded the Simpson Medal for his superb efforts on the day. In 1985 Shine moved eastwards to play for Carlton but never really made his mark in the seniors but was awarded the reserves best and fairest in 1985 and reserves best Clubman in 1986. During his time at Carlton he wore the number 10 guernsey. Returning to Swan Districts in 1989 he played his last season in 1990 after playing 111 games for", "\"History of the Brisbane Lions\"\nquarter, the final margin being 117 points, Brisbane's biggest ever win over Carlton, bettering their 103-point loss to Carlton in Round 10, 1987. Also, gun forward Jonathan Brown became the first player in Brisbane Lions/Brisbane Bears history to kick 10 goals in a match, beating Brad Hardie (1989) and Daniel Bradshaw (2005) who both kicked nine goals. This resulted in the sacking of the opposition coach after a run of poor results.In Round 17, the Lions celebrated their return to the Melbourne Cricket Ground with a 93-point defeat of Collingwood. Jared Brennan played one of the best games in his" ]
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[ "the Charlotte Hornets" ]
[ "\"Dwight O. W. Holmes\"\nDwight O. W. Holmes Dwight Oliver Wendell Holmes (November 18, 1877 – September 7, 1963) was an American sociologist, civil rights activist, collegiate athlete, author, and served as the 5th President of Morgan State College from 1937 to 1948. Holmes was born in Lewisburg, West Virginia and raised in Annapolis, Maryland, New York City, and Staunton, Virginia. He was the son of the Reverend John A. Holmes, a pastor with the Metropolitan A.M.E. Church in Washington, D.C. for almost twenty years. As an undergraduate at Howard University, Holmes played quarterback and became the team captain of the Howard Bison football", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nalong with Carmelo Anthony and Scottie Pippen, also appeared in the 2013 Chinese film \"\"Amazing\"\", a joint venture between the NBA and Shanghai Film Group Corporation. In 2014, Epix featured Howard as the focal point of a documentary about his life called \"\"In the Moment\"\". The film was directed by Ross Greenburg and Executive Producers include Michael D. Ratner and Matthew Weaver. Dwight Howard Dwight David Howard (born December 8, 1985) is an American professional basketball player for the Washington Wizards of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Howard, who plays center, spent his high school career at Southwest Atlanta Christian", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nDwight Howard Dwight David Howard (born December 8, 1985) is an American professional basketball player for the Washington Wizards of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Howard, who plays center, spent his high school career at Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy. He chose to forgo college, entered the 2004 NBA draft, and was selected first overall by the Orlando Magic. An eight-time All-Star, eight-time All-NBA Team honoree, five-time All-Defensive Team member, and three-time Defensive Player of the Year, Howard has been ranked consistently as one of the best in the league in rebounds, blocks, and field goal percentage. He set numerous franchise", "\"Todd Packer\"\nPacker with playing the part of a sexual predator, much to Packer's chagrin. In a talking-head interview, Packer acknowledges that Dwight is out to get him, but that he is playing the \"\"long game\"\" and that as soon as he witnesses Dwight making a mistake he will \"\"swoop in like a sexual predator\"\". In \"\"Last Day in Florida\"\", Packer attempts to suck up to Dwight, now that Dwight is Vice President, but Dwight still holds him in contempt. When Dwight is late to the presentation, Packer persuades Nellie to appoint him Vice President in Dwight's place. Nellie does so, but", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nby the Portland Trail Blazers in the first round, losing the series 4–2. Howard went on to earn All-NBA second team honors. After playing in the Rockets' first 10 out of 11 games to start the 2014–15 season, Howard missed 11 straight due to a strained right knee before returning to action on December 13 against the Denver Nuggets. In just under 30 minutes of play, he recorded 26 points and 13 rebounds to help the Rockets defeat the Nuggets, 108–96. To add to his return, Howard recorded his 10,000th career rebound during the second quarter. However, on January 31,", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nbasketball after his April surgery, and only had the combined four weeks of training camp and preseason to prepare for the season. He played in just two preseason games, but was able to play in the 2012–13 season opener against the Dallas Mavericks. He had 19 points and 10 rebounds, but he was only 3-for-14 on free throws and fouled out; the Lakers lost 99–91. Still working himself into shape, Howard paced himself throughout the season on both offense and defense. On January 4, 2013, Howard injured his right shoulder in the second half of the Lakers' 107–102 loss to", "\"Traveling Salesmen\"\nsales calls. Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) chooses Michael Scott (Steve Carell), Phyllis Vance (Phyllis Smith) chooses Karen Filippelli (Rashida Jones), and Stanley Hudson (Leslie David Baker) grudgingly chooses Ryan Howard (B. J. Novak), leaving Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) with Jim Halpert (John Krasinski), who used to do sales calls together. Andy learns that Dwight does Michael's laundry as punishment for meeting with Jan to take over the branch. During their sales call, Andy sabotages the meeting, setting up an opportunity to later apologize to Michael, stating that he had really \"\"Schruted\"\" the situation, a further attempt to deride Dwight. While", "\"Ryan Howard (The Office)\"\nseason six when Ryan does not take Jim's new position as co-manager seriously. Ryan then teams up with Dwight to get rid of Jim and the pair celebrate after Jim's demotion back to sales representative. Since then, Ryan and Jim seem to have resumed their former business relationship with the two no longer butting heads and even associating with each other in a friendly manner on a regular basis. Much like Jim, Ryan saw Dwight as an extremely odd and annoying person, stating in \"\"The Return\"\" that he will not miss Dwight after Dwight quit temporarily. During \"\"The Initiation\"\", Dwight", "\"Ryan Howard (The Office)\"\ntakes Ryan on a series of bizarre tests to prove himself a worthy salesman. This does nothing except infuriate Ryan, who cannot believe that the best salesman within the company can act in such a ridiculous fashion. Regardless, Dwight tells Ryan he only wants to get along with him, unlike the way he and Jim worked together, and the two bond by throwing eggs at the potential buyer's company building when they refused their offer because they did not like Ryan. In season four, Dwight seems to respect Ryan much more after he was promoted to vice president of Northeast", "\"Traveling Salesmen\"\n(Ed Helms), Stanley Hudson (Leslie David Baker) and Ryan Howard (B. J. Novak), Phyllis Lapin (Phyllis Smith) and Karen Filippelli (Rashida Jones), and Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) and Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) pairing up. Andy tries to show Dwight in a bad light to Michael, Karen learns of Jim's previous crush on Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer), and Angela Martin (Angela Kinsey) forgets to hand in some important documents to New York, so her secret boyfriend Dwight does it for her. Krasinski believed \"\"Traveling Salesmen\"\" was the first episode to give a real glimpse into Dwight and Angela's relationship, and much", "\"Dwight Evans\"\nDwight Evans Dwight Michael \"\"Dewey\"\" Evans (born November 3, 1951) is an American former professional baseball right fielder and right-handed batter who played with the Boston Red Sox (1972–90) and Baltimore Orioles (1991) in Major League Baseball (MLB). He was a three-time All-Star, won eight Gold Glove Awards, and won two Silver Slugger Awards. Evans played the second-most career games for the Red Sox of any player, surpassed only by Carl Yastrzemski. Evans was born in Santa Monica, California. He played Pony League and Colt League baseball in Northridge, California, with Doug DeCinces. Dwight attended Granada Hills High School in", "\"Fran Vázquez\"\n11th overall in the 2005 NBA draft by the Orlando Magic. He made headlines when he announced that he would remain playing in the Spanish ACB League for at least the following season, after signing for Akasvayu Girona. This came as a surprise to the Magic, who expected him to join Dwight Howard in the front court for the 2005–06 season, and it enraged many Magic fans. Vázquez originally gave no indication that he would be returning to Europe after he was drafted, and had indicated that he would like to join the Magic. The Magic retain his NBA rights", "\"2008–09 Orlando Magic season\"\n1995–96 season in which they had 60 wins. The Magic drew the Philadelphia 76ers in the first round of the playoffs. With the series tied at two wins for each team, Game 5 saw an incident in the 1st quarter involving Dwight Howard throwing an elbow at 76ers center Samuel Dalembert. Howard was assessed a technical foul but was not ejected from the game. The NBA reviewed the play and suspended Howard for Game 6. A second incident involving an elbow from Dwight Howard happened in Game 5 not long after the elbow to Dalembert. This time however, Magic rookie", "\"Marcin Gortat\"\nlast game of the 2007–08 NBA season, little-used Gortat played 28 minutes and registered 12 points and 11 rebounds in a 103–83 Magic win over the Washington Wizards. On December 15, 2008, starting in place of the injured Dwight Howard, Gortat played 28 minutes and recorded 16 points and 13 rebounds. On April 13, 2009, again starting in place of Howard, Gortat played almost 43 minutes and topped his career high in rebounding with 18 rebounds and had 10 points. On April 30, 2009, Gortat made his first playoff start in Game 6 against the Philadelphia 76ers, replacing Howard, who", "\"NBA Live 10\"\ndaily Dynamic DNA updates, for the entire 2010–11 NBA season. EA Sports announced on September 11, 2009 that a playable demo of \"\"NBA Live 10\"\" was available for download on Xbox Live Marketplace for all Xbox LIVE Gold subscribers. In the beginning of the demo, the player will see several NBA stars that can be playable only in \"\"The Hangar,\"\" with the exception of Dwight Howard and Kobe Bryant. As they are playing, LeBron James enters while the other players give him a warm welcome, especially Dwight Howard, with a friendly hug. The playable players in The Hangar are Dwight", "\"The Office (U.S. season 8)\"\nwhom are known particularly for their improvisational work. Rainn Wilson portrays Dwight Schrute, who, based upon Gareth Keenan, is the Assistant to the Regional Manager, although the character frequently fails to include \"\"to the\"\" in his title. John Krasinski portrays Jim Halpert, a sales representative and prankster, who is based upon Tim Canterbury, and is married to Pam Halpert, the office administrator. Pam (Fischer), who is based on Dawn Tinsley, is shy, but is often a cohort with Jim in his pranks on Dwight. B. J. Novak portrays Ryan Howard, who is a temporary worker. Helms plays Andy Bernard, the", "\"Angela Martin\"\ninterview by saying Charles is an attractive and cultured man and \"\"He does \"\"not\"\" need to go Dumpster-diving for companionship!\"\". In \"\"Company Picnic\"\", Dwight's friend, Rolf, constantly insults Angela on her relationship with Dwight, telling her that he does not hear \"\"Cheaters, Tramps, or Women who break his friends heart,\"\" after she wants to play in the volleyball game. However, by the end, Dwight defends Angela, indicating that their relationship may be thawing as the season ends. In \"\"Niagara\"\", Angela implies she is her own grandmother when hearing Pam talk about hers. At the wedding, she refuses to dance down", "\"Dwight Marshall\"\nDwight Marshall Dwight Marshall (born 3 October 1965) is an English former footballer who played as a striker. As a schoolboy, Marshall attended Holloway Boys School in North London, and was one of the most gifted right-wingers of his day, making many appearances for Islington schools. As a professional, Marshall was an attacking left-winger or striker who featured for Plymouth Argyle, Middlesbrough and Luton Town. He also appeared for a number of non-league sides during his career. In total, Dwight made 129 league appearances for Argyle, scoring 40 goals. His time at Luton was also successful as he played in", "\"Dwight Helminen\"\nDwight Helminen Dwight Edward Helminen (born June 22, 1983) is an American professional ice hockey center who most recently played with the Kalamazoo Wings of the ECHL. His brother Lars plays with Linz EHC of the EBEL. Helminen was bornin Hancock, Michigan and raised in Brighton, Michigan. He was drafted 244th overall in the 2002 NHL Entry Draft by the Edmonton Oilers. Dwight played junior hockey for the U.S. Junior National Team in the USHL and college hockey at the University of Michigan for the Michigan Wolverines. On March 3, 2004, the New York Rangers acquired his rights from the", "\"Dwight Helminen\"\n2012. Dwight Helminen Dwight Edward Helminen (born June 22, 1983) is an American professional ice hockey center who most recently played with the Kalamazoo Wings of the ECHL. His brother Lars plays with Linz EHC of the EBEL. Helminen was bornin Hancock, Michigan and raised in Brighton, Michigan. He was drafted 244th overall in the 2002 NHL Entry Draft by the Edmonton Oilers. Dwight played junior hockey for the U.S. Junior National Team in the USHL and college hockey at the University of Michigan for the Michigan Wolverines. On March 3, 2004, the New York Rangers acquired his rights from", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nof the McDonald's All-American Game that year. On January 31, 2012, Howard was honored as one of the 35 greatest McDonald's All-Americans. Following his high school successes, Howard chose to forego college and declared for the 2004 NBA draft—a decision partly inspired by his idol Kevin Garnett who had done the same in 1995—where the Orlando Magic selected him first overall over UConn junior Emeka Okafor. He took the number 12 for his jersey, in part because it was the reverse of Garnett's 21 when he played for Minnesota. Howard joined a depleted Magic squad that had finished with only", "\"Dwight Lowry\"\nthe Player Development Man of the Year Award to the Dwight Lowry Award in his honor. In 1988, he was inducted into the South Atlantic League Hall of Fame. Dwight Lowry Dwight Lowry [\"\"born Dwight Lowery\"\"] (October 23, 1957 – July 10, 1997) was a catcher in Major League Baseball who played for the Detroit Tigers and Minnesota Twins in parts of four seasons spanning 1984–1988. Listed at 6' 3\"\", 210 lb., he batted left handed and threw right handed. Born in Lumberton, North Carolina, Lowry attended the University of North Carolina earning a degree in Industrial Relations before playing", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nleague and throughout the world\"\". He has stated he believes in reaching out to his community and fans and thus contributes substantially in the field of philanthropy. As of 2007, Howard—an avid listener of Gospel music—attended the Fellowship of Faith Church in Atlanta and was involved and active with its youth programs. Together with his parents, Howard also established the Dwight D. Howard Foundation Inc. in 2004. The Foundation provides scholarships for students who want to attend his alma mater, Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy, and grants to Lovell Elementary School and Memorial Middle School in Orlando, Florida. The Foundation also", "\"John Dwight (potter)\"\nin order to enable it to be used for this purpose. Statues and figures are mentioned in his revised patent of 1684, although he does not seem to have produced any after this date, almost all the known examples having been made in the 1670s. The names of the modellers of the sculptures are not known. John Dwight (potter) John Dwight (died 1703) was an English ceramic manufacturer, who founded the Fulham Pottery and pioneered the production of stoneware in England. He is now thought to have been born in the years 1633 to 1636 at Todenham in Gloucestershire, the", "\"The Office (U.S. TV series)\"\nDwight Schrute, who, based upon Gareth Keenan, is a salesman and the assistant to the regional manager, a fictional title created by Michael. John Krasinski portrays Jim Halpert, a salesman and, in later seasons, co-manager who is often known for his wittiness and his hijinks on Schrute (often accompanied by Pam Beesly). Halpert is based upon Tim Canterbury, and is known to have feelings for Pam, the receptionist. Pam, played by Jenna Fischer, is based on Dawn Tinsley. She is shy, but in many cases a cohort with Jim in his pranks on Dwight. B. J. Novak portrays Ryan Howard,", "\"Timofey Mozgov\"\ngive the majority of playing time over the final 15 games to the team's younger players. On June 22, 2017, Mozgov was traded, along with D'Angelo Russell, to the Brooklyn Nets in exchange for Brook Lopez and the rights to Kyle Kuzma, the 27th pick in the 2017 NBA draft. On July 6, 2018, Mozgov was traded, along with the draft rights to Hamidou Diallo, a 2021 second-round draft pick and cash considerations, to the Charlotte Hornets in exchange for Dwight Howard. A day later, he was traded again, this time to the Orlando Magic in a three-team deal. Mozgov", "\"Howard Dwight Smith\"\nHoward Dwight Smith Howard Dwight Smith (February 21, 1886 – April 27, 1958) was an architect most known for his designs of the Ohio Stadium (completed in 1922) for which he was awarded the American Institute of Architects Gold Medal for Public Building Design. Dwight Smith was born in Dayton, Ohio in 1886, the third child of Andrew Jackson Smith and Nancy Evaline Moore, and was named after the evangelist Dwight Moody. His father, a Civil War Hundred Days Man, had been a farmer (in Logan County, Ohio and Kansas), a teamster and salesman for a flour milling company (in", "\"Dwight O. W. Holmes\"\npost-Civil War. Holmes died on September 7, 1963 at the age of 85. Dwight O. W. Holmes Dwight Oliver Wendell Holmes (November 18, 1877 – September 7, 1963) was an American sociologist, civil rights activist, collegiate athlete, author, and served as the 5th President of Morgan State College from 1937 to 1948. Holmes was born in Lewisburg, West Virginia and raised in Annapolis, Maryland, New York City, and Staunton, Virginia. He was the son of the Reverend John A. Holmes, a pastor with the Metropolitan A.M.E. Church in Washington, D.C. for almost twenty years. As an undergraduate at Howard University,", "\"Dwight Lowry\"\nDwight Lowry Dwight Lowry [\"\"born Dwight Lowery\"\"] (October 23, 1957 – July 10, 1997) was a catcher in Major League Baseball who played for the Detroit Tigers and Minnesota Twins in parts of four seasons spanning 1984–1988. Listed at 6' 3\"\", 210 lb., he batted left handed and threw right handed. Born in Lumberton, North Carolina, Lowry attended the University of North Carolina earning a degree in Industrial Relations before playing professional baseball. Lowry lettered with the Tar Heels in 1977, 1979, and 1980. He was drafted by the Detroit Tigers in the 11th round of the 1980 amateur draft,", "\"Jameer Nelson\"\ngame winning buzzer beater against the Denver Nuggets to secure an 85-82 victory for Orlando. On April 10, 2011, Nelson's last-second three-pointer was ruled \"\"no basket\"\", and the Magic lost to the Chicago Bulls 102–99. Nelson and Dwight Howard, who were close friends since their rookie seasons, were on opposite sides of a trade that sent Rashard Lewis to Washington in exchange for Gilbert Arenas (Nelson considered Lewis one of the team's leaders while Howard reportedly pushed management into making the trade). Their relationship was further strained when Howard publicly stated his desire to play with a superstar point guard", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nof Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy, a private academy with one of the best high school basketball programs in the country, while his mother played on the inaugural women's basketball team at Morris Brown College. Howard's mother had seven miscarriages before he was born. A devout Christian since his youth, Howard became serious about basketball around the age of nine. Despite his large frame, Howard was quick and versatile enough to play the guard position. He elected to attend Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy for high school, and in his four years he played mostly as power forward, averaging 16.6 points, 13.4", "\"Slam Dunk Contest\"\na windmill over a table. Other noteworthy dunks include a dunk by Orlando Magic center Dwight Howard, who, while making his dunk, stuck a sticker with his smiling face on the backboard a reported 12'6\"\" from the ground, two and a half feet beyond the regulation NBA rim. On February 16, 2008, the contest was held in New Orleans. Judges for the event included Darryl Dawkins, Dominique Wilkins, Karl Malone, Julius Erving, and Magic Johnson. The title was taken by Orlando Magic center Dwight Howard. Howard's most noteworthy dunk came during the first round, his second dunk overall, when he", "\"Dwight Howard\"\npower forward to make room for Ömer Aşık at center. However, with Aşık's under performing play and constant injuries, Howard returned to playing the center position as young forward Terrence Jones moved to power forward. In his first game for the Rockets in the season opener on October 30, Howard recorded 17 points and a career high-tying 26 rebounds in a 96–83 win over the Charlotte Bobcats. Howard finished the regular season with averages of 18.3 points and 12.2 rebounds per game. During the 2014 playoffs, Howard averaged 26 points and 13.7 rebounds per game, but the Rockets were eliminated", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nand 23 rebounds in the Magic's 117–109 victory. On January 24, 2012, Howard became the Magic's all-time scoring leader, surpassing Nick Anderson's 10,650 points. On March 15, 2012, on the day of the trading deadline for the 2011–12 NBA season, Howard signed an amendment to his contract, waiving his right to opt out at the end of the season and committing to stay with the Magic through the 2012–13 season. He had previously asked to be traded to the New Jersey Nets, and the Magic were prepared to trade him had Howard not signed the amendment, to avoid losing him", "\"Dwight Howard\"\n2015, Howard was ruled out for a further month due to persistent trouble with his right knee. After setbacks forced him out for a further month and a total of 26 games, Howard returned to action on March 25 against the New Orleans Pelicans. He started the game but was held under 17 minutes by coach Kevin McHale and finished with just four points and seven rebounds in a 95–93 win. On November 4, 2015, Howard had 23 points and 14 rebounds against the Orlando Magic. He shot 10-of-10 to become the first Rocket to make 10 or more field", "\"Toronto Raptors\"\nas outside contenders for the division and conference titles. However, Toronto quickly fell behind Boston in the division, as Bargnani's inability to play well consistently, along with injuries to Garbajosa (75 games), Bosh (15 games) and Ford (31 games), derailed the possibility of a smooth campaign. The Raptors finished 41-41, six fewer wins than the previous season, but still good enough for a playoff spot as the 6th seed. They were pitted against Dwight Howard and the resurgent Orlando Magic. In Game 1, Dwight Howard gave the Magic their first playoff win since 2003 as they practically led the entire", "\"Opie Taylor\"\nthe family or she passed away when Opie was a baby. On a \"\"Mayberry RFD\"\" episode, viewers learn that Opie's former teacher and stepmother Helen gave birth to Andy Taylor, Jr, who is christened in Mayberry. In the 1986 made-for-TV reunion movie \"\"Return to Mayberry\"\", Ron Howard reprised his role as a now-adult Opie, who has become a newspaper writer. The plot was driven by his father's return to see Opie's wife give birth to their first child. Half-brother Andy Jr. does not appear nor was he mentioned. Opie Taylor Opie Taylor is a fictional character played by Ron Howard", "\"William Dwight\"\nbrother Howard Dwight was born October 29, 1837, became captain, and died May 4, 1863 during the Battle of Port Hudson. Another younger brother Charles Dwight was born May 5, 1842 attended Harvard University but left to join the army. Charles was lieutenant in the 70th regiment, taken prisoner in Libby Prison, but lived until March 9, 1884. Distant cousin Colonel Augustus Wade Dwight (1827–1865) died during the Battle of Fort Stedman. Following the war, Dwight went into the railroad business in Cincinnati, Ohio with another brother Chapman Dwight who was born April 30, 1844. He had one son, William", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nbecame the first NBA player with a 30-point, 30-rebound game since Kevin Love in November 2010, and the first player with a 30–30 game against the Nets since Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in February 1978. Howard finished the season with a franchise-record 53 double-doubles and joined Abdul-Jabbar and Wilt Chamberlain as the only players to hold single-season records with two teams. Howard also became one of six players to average a double-double in each of his first 13 seasons in the league. On July 6, 2018, Howard was traded to the Brooklyn Nets in exchange for Timofey Mozgov, the draft rights to", "\"Toby Flenderson\"\n\"\"Customer Loyalty\"\". In the finale, however, after Andy returns with a more positive and friendly attitude, Toby is pleased to hear him (and several other staff members) encourage him to join them at the after party in the warehouse, implying the two are now on good terms. Toby and Dwight appear to have a stable relationship and Dwight does not appear to hate Toby like Michael does, though on a few occasions Dwight has helped Michael make Toby miserable such as trying to get him arrested and fired once he returned from his vacation from Costa Rica (even more enthusiastically", "\"Nate Robinson\"\nfirst round he completed two dunks, the second of which included jumping off Knicks teammate Wilson Chandler, who was on the floor. He finished second in the first round with a score of 87. After the first round, he went into the locker room and changed into a green Knicks jersey with green shorts and green shoes representing Kryptonite (which he called \"\"KryptoNATE\"\"), countering competitor Dwight Howard's Superman theme. In the final round, Robinson, who is only 5 feet 9, jumped over Dwight Howard (6 feet 11 inches) for the slam. Robinson went on to win his second Slam Dunk", "\"Night Out (The Office)\"\nYork, locate Ryan, attend parties with him, and try to meet women while doing so. In New York, Michael and Dwight visit the club Ryan frequents. Ryan is thrilled to see them but appears to be under the influence of drugs, though Michael and Dwight do not notice. Later, Michael, Dwight, Ryan and Ryan's colleague, Troy Underbridge (Noel Petok) wait outside another club, which does not allow anyone in who does not have a date. Dwight pairs each of them with members of a women's basketball team who are waiting in line. Inside the club, Ryan's dancing becomes erratic, and", "\"Phil Seymour\"\nOister. In 1974, Seymour and Twilley signed with Shelter Records and formed The Dwight Twilley Band. \"\"I'll never forget the cold November night at the Church Studios in Tulsa. Phil and I had just signed our first recording contract. We had been instructed by the record company to get acquainted with working in a 'real' 16-track studio and not to record a 'real' record. In the confusion of a pivotal moment, it was Phil who pulled me into a secluded hallway and said, 'Dwight, let's make a hit record right now.' That night we recorded 'I'm On Fire.'\"\" - Dwight", "\"Launch Party\"\nHalpert (John Krasinski) take her place. Only after they reach New Jersey does Jim realize that Michael received an \"\"invitation\"\" to a chat room, not the actual party. Jim also reveals that he turned down the Corporate job that Ryan Howard (B. J. Novak) accepted. Michael returns to Scranton dejected and attempts to plan a better party. This irritates party planner Angela Martin (Angela Kinsey), who has already been in an exceptionally irritable mood. She viciously and patronizingly takes out her frustrations on fellow Party Planning Committee member Phyllis, who quits the committee in frustration. Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) decides", "\"College basketball\"\nentirely, many American stars skip college (Kevin Garnett, Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady, Dwight Howard, Amar'e Stoudemire, and LeBron James) or only play one year (Carmelo Anthony, Chris Bosh, Kevin Durant, and John Wall), and only a dozen or so college graduates are now among the 60 players selected in the annual NBA draft. Fewer high schoolers have progressed directly to the NBA without at least one year of college basketball beginning in 2006; citing maturity concerns after several incidents involving young players, the labor agreement between players and owners now specifies that players must turn 19 years of age during", "\"T. R. M. Howard\"\nmachine, Dawson overwhelmed him at the polls. Howard was unable to counter Dawson's efficient political organization, and rising voter discontent because of the economic recession and the reluctance of Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower to back the civil rights movement in the South. Black Republicans began to believe they were not well represented by that party. Shortly before the election, Howard helped to found the Chicago League of Negro Voters. The League generally opposed the Daley organization and promoted the election of black candidates in both parties. It nurtured the black independent movement of the 1960s and 1970s, which eventually", "\"Dwight Howard\"\neffects from the injury. On January 30, Howard left the Phoenix Suns game early after re-aggravating his shoulder. He was listed as day to day and missed subsequent games. Bryant said that Howard \"\"worries too much\"\" and \"\"doesn't want to let anyone down\"\", and urged him to play through the pain when Pau Gasol was sidelined with a torn plantar fascia. Howard returned the next game after commenting that Bryant was \"\"not a doctor, I'm not a doctor. That's his opinion.\"\" During the All-Star break, Howard committed to having a better second half. An avid candy lover, Howard adopted a", "\"Drug Testing (The Office)\"\nto release the jinx. The Season Two DVD contains a number of deleted scenes from this episode. Notable cut scenes include Jim doing impressions of Kevin and Angela for Pam, Dwight noting that he is so determined to find the culprit that he is prepared to pray \"\"to Thor himself\"\", Toby saying that he does not think Michael is taking drugs, Jim secretly doing an impression of Dwight right in front of him, Dwight talking about Jim and concluding that, \"\"If that were my life, I'd do drugs\"\", Pam toying with Dwight by admitting that she \"\"was a teensy bit", "\"Howard Whatford\"\nHoward Whatford Howard H. \"\"Weasel\"\" Whatford was an American soccer outside right who some sources list as earning a cap with the U.S. national team in a 4–0 loss to Scotland on June 19, 1949. According to the National Soccer Hall of Fame, Whatford earned one cap in 1949. However, the Hall of Fame does not have him on the rosters of any of the 1949 games. RSSSF also does not list him on the rosters for the 1949 games. To make matters more uncertain, RSSSF and the Hall of Fame do not agree on the U.S. lineups. However, the", "\"2010–11 Orlando Magic season\"\n2010–11 Orlando Magic season The 2010–11 Orlando Magic season was the 22nd season of the Orlando Magic in the National Basketball Association (NBA). This was their first season at the Amway Center. In the playoffs, the Magic lost to the Atlanta Hawks in six games in the First Round. Dwight Howard was named a starter for the East in the 2011 All-Star game with 2,099,204 votes. Dwight Howard was suspended by the NBA from the game on March 7 after accumulating 16 technical fouls. Dwight Howard was suspended by the NBA from the game on April 10 after accumulating 18", "\"2009 NBA Finals\"\nThe Lakers came out of the locker room aggressive and outscored the Magic 30–14 in the 3rd quarter, led by Trevor Ariza, who scored 13 points in the quarter, including two 3-pointers. Down by 6 in the opening minutes of the 4th quarter, the Magic were able to come back to take a 76–75 lead halfway through the quarter, but unable to increase the lead due to poor free-throw shooting, specifically from Hedo Türkoğlu and Dwight Howard. With 3 minutes left in the 4th quarter and the game tied at 79, Howard converted a 3-point play to give the Magic", "\"Ryan Howard (The Office)\"\nis subjected to a series of tests by Dwight. Despite his superior education, Ryan is not a good salesman—his first client tells him flat out that he does not like him. In the last scene of \"\"The Job\"\", Ryan receives a call from the New York headquarters, offering him the job previously held by Jan Levinson and making him Michael's immediate superior. After he hangs up, he immediately dumps Kelly. Novak, who also writes for the show, in commenting on the fourth season, said, \"\"we wanted him to dress as obnoxious as possible. As much black as possible.\"\". This season", "\"San Francisco 49ers\"\nfor Notre Dame and the 49ers so many times before, he led the 49ers on a sustained final 89-yard drive to the Cowboys' 6-yard line. On a 3rd-and-3 play, with his primary receiver covered, Montana rolled right and threw the ball off balance to Dwight Clark in the end zone, who leaped up and caught the ball to tie the game at 27 (now known as \"\"The Catch\"\"), with the extra point giving the 49ers the lead. Despite this, the Cowboys had one last chance to win. On the first play of the next possession, Cowboys receiver Drew Pearson caught", "\"Interstate 275 (Florida)\"\noriginal southbound lanes. Traffic entering the freeway from Armenia Ave. now does so on the original northbound exit ramp. This creates an odd left-lane merge situation. However, to help motorists in this effort, the entrance ramp has a dedicated lane from the freeway entrance until just over the Himes Avenue bridge. Traffic heading northbound on Howard Avenue must now turn left onto Green Ave., left onto Armenia Avenue, and then right onto the entrance ramp in order to enter the freeway. While this setup is temporary, it has somewhat improved traffic flow in the area, as motorists who intend to", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nroute to the gold medal, breaking their drought of gold medals dating back to the 2000 Olympics. Howard averaged 10.9 points and 5.8 rebounds per game in the tournament. Standing at 6 feet 11 inches tall (2.11 m) and weighing 265 pounds (120 kg), Howard plays the center position. Howard led the NBA in rebounding from 2007 to 2010, and again from 2012 to 2013. Howard's rebounding is in part facilitated by his extraordinary athleticism; his running vertical leap was tested at 39.5 inches in 2011, rare for a player of his size. He demonstrated this skill in the 2007", "\"Dwight Marshall\"\n128 league games and scored 28 goals for the Hatters. Marshall broke his leg during the 1995-96 season, which ended with Luton being relegated from what is now the Championship. He never regained his place or his form, and he eventually left for a brief spell back at Plymouth. He then drifted into non-league football, playing at Kenilworth Road again for Kingstonian against Luton in an FA Cup tie during the 1999–2000 season. Marshall now works as a HR business partner for a North London college. Dwight Marshall Dwight Marshall (born 3 October 1965) is an English former footballer who", "\"Royce White\"\nWhite's name from its Orlando Summer League roster, which was conspicuous according to \"\"Houston Chronicle\"\" writer Jonathan Feigen. Two days later, several news outlets confirmed that White and the rights to Furkan Aldemir had been traded to the Philadelphia 76ers for future considerations, which helped Houston clear $1.7 million of salary cap space to help sign Dwight Howard. As White waited for the trade to be approved, he played in a YMCA league. On July 13, the 76ers announced the deal officially. White participated in voluntary offseason workouts with the team and was expected to participate in training camp when", "\"Steve Nash\"\non an Antawn Jamison jumper to become the fifth player in NBA history to reach 10,000 career assists. Kobe Bryant was moved to defend the opponent's primary ball handler, freeing Nash from unfavourable matchups. Nash also struggled with Dwight Howard to run the pick and roll, a play that D'Antoni had expected would be a staple for the Lakers. D'Antoni moved Nash off the ball and made him more of a spot-up shooter, while Bryant became the primary facilitator on offense. Nash missed the last eight games of the season with a right hip injury that also caused nerve damage", "\"Mike D'Antoni\"\nadding that they \"\"haven't learned that there's a pecking order\"\" where stars need to know their roles. Nash struggled with center Dwight Howard to run the pick and roll, a play D'Antoni expected to be a staple for the Lakers. D'Antoni eventually dropped his offense and played without any system. \"\"We play basketball. The system is move the ball, play hard defense, space the floor and who's open shoots. It's not a difficult thing\"\", said D'Antoni. The coach moved Nash off the ball and made him more of a spot-up shooter, while Bryant became the primary facilitator on offense. The", "\"Dwight Harrison\"\nDwight Harrison Dwight Webster Harrison (born October 12, 1948) is a retired American football defensive back and wide receiver who played ten seasons in the National Football League (NFL) for the Denver Broncos, Buffalo Bills, Baltimore Colts and the Oakland Raiders. He played college football at Texas A&I University—now Texas A&M University–Kingsville. Harrison suffers from severe post-concussion syndrome, including severe depression, and was said to be living in a trailer in Texas without running water. His NFL pension had been cut off, and in August of this year, he was one of the plaintiffs in a concussion lawsuit against the", "\"Dwight Weakley\"\nDwight Weakley Dwight Glenroy Weakley (born 19 December 1969) is a Bahamian cricketer. Weakley is a right-handed batsman who bowls slow left-arm orthodox and who represents the Bahamas national cricket team in 24 matches. Weakley made his debut for the Bahamas in the 2002 ICC Americas Championship against the United States. Weakley made his Twenty20 debut for the Bahamas against the Cayman Islands in the 1st round of the 2006 Stanford 20/20. He scored 10 runs from 8 balls. Weakley played his second and final Twenty20 match for the Bahamas in the 1st round of the 2008 Stanford 20/20 against", "\"Paul Howard (baseball)\"\nPaul Howard (baseball) Paul Joseph Howard, nicknamed \"\"Del\"\", (May 20, 1884 – August 29, 1968) was an outfielder in Major League Baseball who played briefly for the Boston Red Sox during the 1909 season. Listed at , 170 lb., Howard batted and threw right-handed. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Howard was a .200 hitter (3-for-15) with one double, two runs and two RBI in six games. In six outfield appearances, he played at left field (4) and right (2), while posting a 1.000 fielding percentage in three chances. Howard died in Miami, Florida at age 84, and is buried", "\"Howard Dwight Smith\"\nThompson Gramlich, a widow with two daughters, January 17, 1936. He resided in New York City from 1908 to 1917 and in Upper Arlington, Ohio until his death. An enthusiastic Buckeyes football fan, for years he had seats in Ohio Stadium in the row behind fellow Daytonian Orville Wright, another enthusiastic fan. Smith's grandchildren include the motion picture actress Beverly D'Angelo and the jazz musician Jeff D'Angelo. He is the father-in-law of Gene D'Angelo, former president of WBNS stations in Columbus, Ohio. Howard Dwight Smith Howard Dwight Smith (February 21, 1886 – April 27, 1958) was an architect most known", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nhalfway point of the season, Howard was leading the league in rebounds and blocks, and was among the league leaders in field goal percentage. He garnered a record 3.1 million votes to earn the starting berth on the Eastern Conference team for the 2009 NBA All-Star Game. On March 25, Howard led Orlando to its second straight Southeast Division title with 11 games of the regular season left to play, and eventually the third seed for the 2009 NBA Playoffs with a 59–23 record. In the first round of the playoffs against the 76ers, Howard recorded 24 points and 24", "\"History of the Houston Rockets\"\nfor the Rockets, averaging 25.9 points a game. Eager to add another franchise player to their team, the Rockets heavily pursued free agent center Dwight Howard in the 2013 offseason. On July 5, 2013, Howard announced via his Twitter account that he intended to sign with the Houston Rockets after the July moratorium period ended. The NBA fined the Rockets $150,000 for talking about Howard during this moratorium period. Dwight Howard officially signed with the Rockets on July 13, 2013. Led by the new inside-out combination of Howard and James Harden, and with a strong supporting cast including Chandler Parsons,", "\"Dwight Harrison\"\nNFL. Harrison continues to fight for benefits NFL took away for the last 21 years. Dwight Harrison Dwight Webster Harrison (born October 12, 1948) is a retired American football defensive back and wide receiver who played ten seasons in the National Football League (NFL) for the Denver Broncos, Buffalo Bills, Baltimore Colts and the Oakland Raiders. He played college football at Texas A&I University—now Texas A&M University–Kingsville. Harrison suffers from severe post-concussion syndrome, including severe depression, and was said to be living in a trailer in Texas without running water. His NFL pension had been cut off, and in August", "\"Paul Howard (baseball)\"\nin Winthrop, Massachusetts Paul Howard (baseball) Paul Joseph Howard, nicknamed \"\"Del\"\", (May 20, 1884 – August 29, 1968) was an outfielder in Major League Baseball who played briefly for the Boston Red Sox during the 1909 season. Listed at , 170 lb., Howard batted and threw right-handed. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Howard was a .200 hitter (3-for-15) with one double, two runs and two RBI in six games. In six outfield appearances, he played at left field (4) and right (2), while posting a 1.000 fielding percentage in three chances. Howard died in Miami, Florida at age 84,", "\"Ryan Howard (The Office)\"\n\"\"Dwight K. Schrute, (Acting) Manager\"\", after Dwight accidentally misfires a gun in the office and Toby is filling out the gun violence accident form, the HR rep asks the staff if they felt like this was a terrorist incident. Ryan, who is clearly enjoying Dwight's situation, openly says that he felt terrorized. In \"\"Search Committee\"\", Ryan reveals to the camera that he believes Angela's boyfriend Robert (the State Senator) is gay, because he \"\"liked\"\" Ryan's Facebook photos at 3:00 AM. During a staff debate over who should be hired for the manager position, Ryan states he wants an outsider. While", "\"Patrick Ewing\"\nwin the series 4 games to 3. As a result, Ewing saw Magic captain Dwight Howard set a new NBA Finals record, for most blocked shots in a single finals game, with 9 in Game 4 of the finals, surpassing the previous record of 8, which Ewing himself set in Game 5 of the 1994 Finals. In 2010, Ewing finally got the opportunity to coach his son Patrick Ewing Jr. in the 2010 summer league. Ewing Jr. played for the Magic. In 2013, Ewing became an assistant coach with the Charlotte Bobcats (now Hornets). On November 8, 2013, Ewing would", "\"2013–14 Houston Rockets season\"\n2013–14 Houston Rockets season The 2013–14 Houston Rockets season was the 47th season of the franchise in the National Basketball Association (NBA), and the 43rd based in Houston. The season is best remembered for acquiring All-Star Dwight Howard from the Los Angeles Lakers. With Howard teamed up with team captain James Harden, they gelled their first season together, being named as starters for the 2014 NBA All-Star Game. With Howard now as co-captain, the Rockets improved on last season and finished with a 54–28 record, finishing 4th in the Western Conference. They met the Portland Trail Blazers in the first", "\"2013–14 Houston Rockets season\"\nthe team, was traded to the New Orleans Pelicans. 2013–14 Houston Rockets season The 2013–14 Houston Rockets season was the 47th season of the franchise in the National Basketball Association (NBA), and the 43rd based in Houston. The season is best remembered for acquiring All-Star Dwight Howard from the Los Angeles Lakers. With Howard teamed up with team captain James Harden, they gelled their first season together, being named as starters for the 2014 NBA All-Star Game. With Howard now as co-captain, the Rockets improved on last season and finished with a 54–28 record, finishing 4th in the Western Conference.", "\"Jameer Nelson\"\nsecond round. He averaged 16.2 points, 4.7 assists and 4.1 rebounds per game through the playoffs, helping Orlando to their first playoff series win in 12 years. Nelson set career highs in points, steals, and shooting percentages during the 2008–09 NBA season. He, along with teammates Dwight Howard and Rashard Lewis, were selected to play in the 2009 NBA All-Star Game. However, a torn labrum in Nelson's right shoulder, a potential season-ending injury, forced him to miss the game. Nelson was averaging 16.7 points per game and 5.4 assists at the time. After a four–month recovery, Nelson returned in time", "\"China (The Office)\"\nin three months. Dwight investigates and finds that the office building does not exist. When Dwight plays coy around Pam, she admits to Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) that she lied about the office building and that she is afraid of failing again after failing as an artist and a salesperson. Jim tries in vain to reassure her, and she breaks down in tears. Later Nate (Mark Proksch), Dwight's building assistant, discreetly gives Pam a book on the state building regulations. Pam shows Dwight that his policies are in violation of the laws written in the book, so Dwight puts everything", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nand league records during his time with the Magic, and in 2009, he led the team to the NBA Finals. In 2012, after eight seasons with Orlando, Howard was traded to the Los Angeles Lakers. After one season with the Lakers, he joined the Houston Rockets, where he spent three seasons. One-season stints followed with the Atlanta Hawks and Charlotte Hornets before he joined the Wizards in July 2018. Howard was born in Atlanta, to Dwight Sr. and Sheryl Howard, and into a family with strong athletic connections. His father is a Georgia State Trooper and serves as Athletic Director", "\"Stephen Howard (cricketer)\"\nWales in Hobart during the 1976-77 season. He was an opening batsman for the Tasmanian team which won the Gillette Cup in 1978-79. Howard also played senior football with City-South in the NTFA during the late 1960s. Stephen Howard (cricketer) Stephen John Howard (born 7 February 1949 in Launceston, Tasmania) is a former Australian cricketer, who played for Tasmania. His career was from 1969 until 1980. His batting style was right-hand bat and his bowling style was right-arm medium. Howard debuted for Tasmania in a limited overs match against Victoria in late November 1969 and scored 39 not out, winning", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nHoward, along with several other NBA players, joined the Hoops for St. Jude charity program benefitting the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Elsewhere, Howard appeared as a special guest on an episode of the ABC series \"\"\"\" that aired April 2, 2006, in which Ty Pennington and his team built a new home and ministry offices for Sadie Holmes, who operates a social services ministry in the Orlando area. He made another appearance on the show in the October 9, 2011 episode. Along with Sam Worthington and Jonah Hill, Howard appeared in a commercial for the video game\"\" \"\". Howard,", "\"Stephen Howard (cricketer)\"\nStephen Howard (cricketer) Stephen John Howard (born 7 February 1949 in Launceston, Tasmania) is a former Australian cricketer, who played for Tasmania. His career was from 1969 until 1980. His batting style was right-hand bat and his bowling style was right-arm medium. Howard debuted for Tasmania in a limited overs match against Victoria in late November 1969 and scored 39 not out, winning the Man of the Match award. His first-class debut came a month later when Tasmania played a New Zealand XI in Hobart. Stephen Howard's sole first-class century was scored for Tasmania during a match against New South", "\"Josh Smith\"\nJosh Smith Joshua Smith (born December 5, 1985) is an American professional basketball player who last played for the New Orleans Pelicans of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Entering the NBA straight out of high school, Smith played nine seasons with the Atlanta Hawks before playing for the Detroit Pistons, Houston Rockets and Los Angeles Clippers between 2013 and 2016. He is sometimes referred to by his nickname \"\"J-Smoove\"\". Smith attended John McEachern High in Powder Springs, Georgia. During the summer before his senior year, he played alongside future NBA players Randolph Morris and Dwight Howard on the Atlanta Celtics", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nstraight games with 12 or more rebounds while averaging 15.5 points, 14.8 rebounds, and 2.6 blocks. In his first game back in Orlando on March 12, Howard scored a season-high 39 points and had 16 rebounds in a 106–97 Lakers win. Booed throughout the game, he made 25-of-39 free throws, setting Lakers records for free throws made and attempted while tying his NBA record for attempts. Howard made 16-of-20 free throws when he was fouled intentionally by the Magic. With Howard anchoring the Lakers defense and his improved overall play, the team made the playoffs, but they were swept in", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nhe became the first player in NBA history directly out of high school to start all 82 games during his rookie season. For his efforts, he was selected to play in the 2005 NBA Rookie Challenge, and was unanimously selected to the All-Rookie Team. He also finished third in the Rookie of the Year voting. Howard reported to camp for his second NBA season having added 20 pounds of muscle during the off-season. Orlando coach Brian Hill—responsible for grooming former Magic superstar Shaquille O'Neal—decided that Howard should be converted into a full-fledged center. Hill identified two areas where Howard needed", "\"Sex Ed (The Office)\"\nrelationship, and he hangs up without telling her about the herpes. Michael and Dwight drive out to tell Carol Stills (Nancy Carell), Jan Levinson (Melora Hardin), and Pam's mother, Helene Beesly (Linda Purl). Michael and Dwight meet with Jan, who is now a fairly successful office manager for a hospital and single mother. After Jan gives Michael a brutal description of why their relationship failed and he watches her play with her daughter Astrid, Michael reveals that he has herpes. He meets with Helene, Pam's mother, who is playing with CeCe at a playground; after an awkward conversation in which", "\"Dwight Howard\"\ncharged in connection with the allegations. Howard was also involved in a civil case with Reed over custody of their son. Howard has said, \"\"'I came from a little box where everyone wanted to protect me from the big world I was about to enter. But when I finally got into that world and took a look around, I wanted to experience all of it.'\"\" As of September 2017, Howard—who has never married—had fathered five children by five different women living in three different states. The children reportedly \"\"visit Atlanta every off-season.\"\" In a 2017 interview, Howard said, \"\"'It’s a", "\"Dwight Walton\"\nMatrix of the American Basketball Association (ABA), during the 2005–2006 season. While playing for the Matrix he simultaneously coached the Midget Boys basketball team at John F. Kennedy high school, located in the St. Michel district of east end Montreal. Dwight also serves as a regular NBA and NCAA basketball analyst on Montreal radio station TSN690. He does guest spots on the morning show, weekend shows and co-hosts NBA regular-season and playoff previews. Dwight Walton was hired by TSN (The Sports Network) to provide colour commentating at the 2009 Canada Games. Dwight Walton Dwight Walton (born March 23, 1965 in", "\"The Office (U.S. season 3)\"\nthe process. Rainn Wilson portrays Dwight Schrute, who, based upon Gareth Keenan, is the Assistant to the Regional Manager, although the character frequently fails to include \"\"to the\"\" in his title. John Krasinski portrays Jim Halpert, a sales representative and prankster, who is based upon Tim Canterbury, and is in love with Pam Beesly, the receptionist. Pam, who is based on Dawn Tinsley, is shy, but is often a cohort with Jim in his pranks on Dwight. B. J. Novak portrays Ryan Howard, who for the first two seasons is a temporary worker, but is promoted to sales representative in", "\"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3\"\nArbitration Forum. On September 8, 2011, Activision won the complaint and acquired the rights to the domain name. In November 2011, actors Jonah Hill and Sam Worthington (who voiced the main character Alex Mason in \"\"Black Ops,\"\" the previous game to \"\"Modern Warfare 3\"\"), and NBA athlete Dwight Howard starred in commercials advertising the game. Two weeks before the release of the game, it was reported that half of the PC version had been uploaded online after being stolen from a warehouse in Fresno, California. Investigators working on behalf of Activision have been searching torrent websites for traces of the", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nto improve: his post-up game, and his defense. He exerted extra pressure on Howard, saying that the Magic would need him to emerge as a force in the middle before the team had a chance at the playoffs. On November 15, 2005, in a home game against the Charlotte Bobcats, Howard recorded 21 points and 20 rebounds, becoming the youngest player ever to score 20 or more points and gather 20 or more rebounds in the same game. He was selected to play on the Sophomore Team in the 2006 Rookie Challenge during the All-Star break, and on April 15,", "\"The Office (U.S. season 4)\"\noffice comedian, usually making himself look bad in the process. Rainn Wilson portrays Dwight Schrute, who, based upon Gareth Keenan, is the Assistant to the Regional Manager, although the character frequently fails to include \"\"to the\"\" in his title. John Krasinski portrays Jim Halpert, a sales representative, assistant manager, and prankster, who is based upon Tim Canterbury, and is in love with Pam Beesly, the receptionist. Pam, who is based on Dawn Tinsley, is shy, but in many cases a cohort with Jim in his pranks on Dwight. B. J. Novak portrays Ryan Howard, who for the first two seasons", "\"Have I the Right?\"\nHave I the Right? \"\"Have I the Right?\"\" was the début single and biggest hit of British band The Honeycombs. It was composed by Ken Howard and Alan Blaikley, who had made contact with The Honeycombs, a London-based group, then playing under the name of The Sheratons, in the Mildmay Tavern in the Balls Pond Road in Islington, where they played a date. Howard and Blaikley were impressed by the group's lead vocalist, Dennis D'Ell, and the fact that they had a female drummer, Ann (‘Honey’) Lantree. The group were looking for material to play for an audition with record", "\"Andrew Bynum\"\never to play in an NBA game. After seven seasons with the Lakers, he was traded to the Philadelphia 76ers in 2012 as part of a four-team deal that sent All-Star center Dwight Howard to Los Angeles. Bynum missed the entire 2012–13 season because of knee problems. He signed as a free agent with the Cleveland Cavaliers, where he briefly played before being traded to the Chicago Bulls, who subsequently released him. He then signed with the Indiana Pacers for the remainder of the 2013–14 season. Bynum was born in Plainsboro Township, New Jersey. His parents, Ernest Bynum and Janet", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nperformance in Game 3 salvaged a home win. The Magic went on to lose the series in five games. For the season, Howard was named to the All-NBA First Team for the first time, and subsequently, the NBA All-Defensive Second Team. The 2008–09 season began well for Howard. Ten games into the season, the center was leading the league in blocks per game (4.2) and even recorded his first triple-double: 30 points, 19 rebounds and 10 blocks. In December, he injured his left knee and missed the first game of his career after playing in 351 consecutive games. At the", "\"Dwight Howard\"\nhealthier diet to get into better shape to anchor the Lakers' defense and run D'Antoni's preferred pick and rolls. He looked fresher after the break. Still, on February 23, Howard said he was \"\"not even close\"\" to physically being where he wanted to be. Coach Mike D'Antoni attributed his conditioning to his difficulty with running the pick and roll with Steve Nash, a play the coach had expected would be a staple for the team. The Lakers were 8–2 after the All-Star break, passing Utah for the eighth and final playoff spot in the Western Conference, and Howard had 10", "\"The Office (U.S. season 9)\"\nright before the show's Christmas break. Wilson was initially slated to appear in only 13 episodes before leaving for a planned Dwight-centric spin-off, but the spin-off was not picked up by NBC. Mindy Kaling and B. J. Novak have much lesser roles as Kelly Kapoor and Ryan Howard, respectively. Both Kaling and Novak appeared in the season opener \"\"New Guys\"\", and both returned for the series finale. Actress Catherine Tate, who joined the series as a series regular midway through season eight portraying Nellie Bertram, continued with the series. Clark Duke and Lacy joined the cast as customer service representatives", "\"Blood Drive (The Office)\"\nThe episode received generally mixed reviews. Brian Howard of \"\"The Journal News\"\" described it as \"\"classic \"\"Office\"\"\"\" and praised the camaraderie the staff showed for each other and the \"\"bizarre discomfort\"\" of the double date with Jim, Pam, Phyllis and Bob. Howard described Dwight and Kevin as the episode's stand-outs. Alan Sepinwall of \"\"The Star-Ledger\"\" said the episode lacked many laugh-out-loud moments, but was effective because the characters are so well developed: \"\"\"\"The Office\"\" has, over the years, become as much of a kitchen sink drama as it is a comedy. ... The characters are so well-drawn by now, and", "\"Politics of Rhode Island\"\nGreen was known as \"\"the President's man\"\", as a strong supporter of Democratic Presidents, and one of Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower's strongest Democratic supporters. Green was also a civil rights leader, working closely with then-Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson to pass voting rights bills, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1957. The state's largest airport is named T.F. Green Airport after him. J. Howard McGrath, first a governor after defeating incumbent Vanderbilt in 1940, also went on to serve for many years in a federal capacity. McGrath was appointed U.S. Solicitor General by Truman in October 1945, and", "\"The Big Fat Kill\"\nnow realize they are in a trap as the girls of Old Town reveal themselves heavily armed on the roof. They and Dwight open fire upon the gangsters until, in Dwight's words, \"\"the things we're pumping bullets into are nothing but twisted toppling screaming smudges of movement.\"\" The series has been collected into a trade paperback (). The story is one of three from Sin City related in the film \"\"Sin City\"\". In the film, Clive Owen plays Dwight, Brittany Murphy plays Shellie, Benicio del Toro plays Jack, Rosario Dawson plays Gail, Devon Aoki plays Miho, Alexis Bledel plays Becky,", "\"L.A. Quartet\"\n15, 1947, Elizabeth Short's body was discovered in a vacant lot. Officers Dwight \"\"Bucky\"\" Bleichert and Leland \"\"Lee\"\" Blanchard, partners and local celebrities from their boxing days, aid the investigation. The next novel, \"\"The Big Nowhere\"\", takes place in the early 1950s amidst the Red Scare in Hollywood. Former Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) detective Buzz Meeks, who now works as an enforcer for gangster Mickey Cohen and a pimp for Howard Hughes, gets caught up in a communist investigation that has ties to a series of homosexual murders that are being investigated by a sheriff's deputy named Danny Upshaw.", "\"T-Mobile US\"\npersonal aspect of staying together with those who matter the most to its customers. The slogan was also meant to promote its MyFaves calling-circle plan. With this, the company also ended its relationship with Zeta-Jones, and now use mainly non-celebrity spokespeople (though Dwyane Wade, Charles Barkley, and Dwight Howard are featured in some commercials, in association with the company's sponsorship of the NBA as official wireless provider). In late May 2009, Zeta-Jones was brought back as a company spokesperson to show customers how to pay less for their wireless plan in a new \"\"Mobile Makeovers\"\" advertising campaign that refers a", "\"Dwight Christmas\"\nnever find a right time to implement it, until an opportunity during the show's last season presented itself. Before the episode aired, Kemper, in an interview with \"\"TV Guide\"\" said that \"\"I feel like I might be expected to say this because it is the last one, but I truly love this episode so much\"\" and that she \"\"specifically love[s] Dwight's storyline\"\" because \"\"he brings in his family Christmas traditions. I've always held Dwight as one of my favorite characters and now 'Dwight Christmas' just takes it to a new level.\"\" Fischer said that filming the last Christmas episode was", "\"A Benihana Christmas\"\nBenihana to help him forget his recent troubles; Michael drags Dwight and Jim along. The group stumbles upon an unexpecting couple (Anne Sertich and Stephen Saux) at the table and Dwight fails when attempting to impress the chef with his knowledge of Japanese knives. Andy successfully isolates Dwight from the rest of the party and convinces Michael to ask out their waitress, Cindy (Brittany Ishibashi). Meanwhile, Jim plays pranks on Dwight and realizes that his excuse for declining Pam's gift does not hold water. Angela Martin (Angela Kinsey) kicks Karen Filippelli (Rashida Jones) off the Party Planning Committee. In response,", "\"Anna Howard Shaw Day\"\nhead writer on \"\"SNL\"\" from 1999 until 2006. The name of \"\"Anna Howard Shaw Day\"\" is based on Liz's hatred of Valentine's Day, for which she substitutes \"\"Anna Howard Shaw Day\"\", a fictional holiday celebrating the real February 14 birthday of Woman's Civil Rights leader Anna Howard Shaw. Liz tells Jack that she does not watch CNBC, a business news channel, but that she gets all her money advice from a fictitious cartoon character, Foxy Moneybags, on PBS. While confronting him, Jenna asks Maynard if the dog who gives him his orders has died, a reference to the Son of" ]
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when was the sword in the stone written
[ "1938" ]
[ "\"Sisters of the Sword\"\nSisters of the Sword Sisters of the Sword is a historical fiction series written under the pseudonym Maya Snow. The first two books were written by Helen Hart. \"\"Sisters of the Sword 1: The Warrior’s Path\"\" was the first book in the series published in June 2008. \"\"Sisters of the Sword 2: Blade’s Edge\"\" (also released as \"\"Chasing the Secret\"\") was published in 2009. \"\"Sisters of the Sword 3: Walking Through Fire\"\" (also released as \"\"Journey Through Fire\"\") was published June 2009. A fourth installment, \"\"Crushing the Stone\"\" was released in June 2012. \"\"Sisters of the Sword\"\" tells the tale", "\"Magic sword\"\namplifier of magic and a very sharp sword. It is also a sword with a mind of its own. In Robert Jordan's \"\"The Wheel of Time\"\" is the sword \"\"Callandor\"\", which is actually not a sword, but a powerful Sa'angreal shaped as a sword and made out of crystal. It is kept within the Stone of Tear. It can only be taken by the Dragon and is a major sign of his return. Until he takes it the Stone of Tear will never fall to any invaders, but when the sword is taken the Stone is said to fall to", "\"The Sword in the Stone (1963 film)\"\nThe Sword in the Stone (1963 film) The Sword in the Stone is a 1963 American animated musical fantasy comedy film produced by Walt Disney and released by Buena Vista Distribution. The 18th Disney animated feature film, it was the final Disney animated film to be released before Walt Disney's death. The songs in the film were written and composed by the Sherman Brothers, who later wrote music for other Disney films like \"\"Mary Poppins\"\" (1964), \"\"The Jungle Book\"\" (1967), \"\"The Aristocats\"\" (1970), and \"\"Bedknobs and Broomsticks\"\" (1971). The film is based on the novel of the same name, which", "\"The Sword in the Stone (1963 film)\"\nwas announced that Juan Carlos Fresnadillo will direct the film. Principal production commenced on September 24, 2018, in Belfast, Northern Ireland. On September 17, 2018 cinematographer Enrique Chediak joined the project. The Sword in the Stone (1963 film) The Sword in the Stone is a 1963 American animated musical fantasy comedy film produced by Walt Disney and released by Buena Vista Distribution. The 18th Disney animated feature film, it was the final Disney animated film to be released before Walt Disney's death. The songs in the film were written and composed by the Sherman Brothers, who later wrote music for", "\"Mansion House, York\"\nand gylte\"\"\"\". In 1603 when James VI of Scotland visited York the Bowes sword travelled with one of his entourage to London. When the sword was returned the original precious stones had disappeared and the sword was repaired with semi-precious stones. The Sigismund sword was once owned by the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. In 1416 Sigismund was installed as a Knight of the Order of the Garter of the Knights of St. George as part of Henry V's alliance against France. He sent a sword to be hung over his stall in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, and this sword was", "\"Sir Kay\"\nfather Ector adopts the infant Arthur after Merlin takes him away from his birth parents, Uther and Igraine. Ector raises him and Kay as brothers, but Arthur's parentage is revealed when he draws the Sword in the Stone at a tournament in London. Arthur, serving as squire to the newly knighted Kay, is locked out of the house and cannot get to his brother's sword and uses the Sword in the Stone to replace it. Kay shows his characteristic opportunism when he tries to claim it was he that pulled the sword from the stone, making him the true King", "\"Hellboy: Sword of Storms\"\nHellboy: Sword of Storms Hellboy: Sword of Storms is the first of the \"\"Hellboy Animated\"\" series based on Mike Mignola's popular comic book series \"\"Hellboy\"\" and the live-action film of the same name. It was released in 2006 on DVD and premiered that later same year on Cartoon Network. The second animated straight-to-DVD film, \"\"\"\", was released on 17 March 2007. The film was produced by Starz Media's Film Roman and Revolution Studios and co-produced, co-written, and directed by animation veteran Tad Stones. Stones is perhaps best known as the creator of the popular Disney Afternoon series \"\"Darkwing Duck\"\". He", "\"La Légende du roi Arthur\"\nLa Légende du roi Arthur La Légende du roi Arthur is a French-language musical comedy written by Dove Attia that premiered in Paris in September 2015. The show then toured through France, Belgium, and Switzerland. The show opens with Merlin gathering the people together to select the new king of Britain by pulling the sword Excalibur from a stone. All members of the nobility who attempt to remove the sword fail and a tournament is organised in the hope of finding the one worthy to retrieve Excaliber. Arthur is a young groom in the service of his adoptive brother. When", "\"St Kilda, Scotland\"\nsettlement emerged—shards of pottery of the Hebridean ware style, found to the east of the village. The subsequent discovery of a quarry for stone tools on Mullach Sgar above Village Bay led to finds of numerous stone hoe-blades, grinders and Skaill knives in the Village Bay \"\"cleitean\"\"—unique stone storage buildings (see below). These tools are also probably of Neolithic origin. The first written record of St Kilda may date from 1202 when an Icelandic cleric wrote of taking shelter on \"\"the islands that are called Hirtir\"\". Early reports mentioned finds of brooches, an iron sword and Danish coins, and the", "\"The Sword in the Stone (1963 film)\"\nMerlin is disappointed. Arthur defends his choices, and Merlin angrily transports himself to 20th century Bermuda, while Archimedes stays with Arthur. On the day of the tournament, Arthur realizes that he has left Kay's sword at an inn, which is now closed for the tournament. Arthur sees the Sword in the Stone in a nearby churchyard, and removes it almost effortlessly, unknowingly fulfilling the prophecy. When Arthur returns with the sword, Ector, Pellinore, and another knight, Sir Bart, recognize it and the tournament is halted. Ector places the sword back in its anvil, demanding Arthur prove that he pulled it.", "\"The Sword in the Stone (novel)\"\nThe Sword in the Stone (novel) The Sword in the Stone is a novel by British writer T. H. White, published in 1938, initially as a stand-alone work but now the first part of a tetralogy, \"\"The Once and Future King\"\". A fantasy of the boyhood of King Arthur, it is a \"\"sui generis\"\" work which combines elements of legend, history, fantasy and comedy. Walt Disney Productions adapted the story to an animated film, and the BBC adapted it to radio. The premise is that Arthur's youth, not dealt with in Malory, was a time when he was tutored by", "Swordbird\nSwordbird Swordbird is a children's fantasy novel written by Nancy Yi Fan. A prequel, \"\"Sword Quest\"\", was released January 22, 2008. A sequel, \"\"Sword Mountain\"\", based on Sword Mountain, home of an eagle tribe mentioned in \"\"Sword Quest\"\", was published in early 2012. The story begins with Turnatt, an evil tyrant hawk and lord of Fortress Glooming, watching the construction of his fortress. Farther in the forest of Stone-Run are two tribes: the Bluewingle tribe of the blue jays and the Sunrise tribe of the cardinals, which are at war with each other, each accusing the other of stealing their", "\"The Sword in the Stone (1963 film)\"\nfilm rights to T. H. White's \"\"The Sword in the Stone\"\", and the initial storyboards were produced in 1949. When work on \"\"One Hundred and One Dalmatians\"\" was completed in 1960, two projects were in development, which were \"\"Chanticleer\"\" and \"\"The Sword in the Stone\"\". The former was developed by Ken Anderson and Marc Davis who aimed to produce a feature animated film in a more contemporary setting. Both of them had visited the Disney archives, and decided to adapt the satirical tale into production upon glancing at earlier conceptions dating back to the 1940s. Anderson, Davis, Milt Kahl, and", "\"The Book of Five Rings\"\ncontinuously practiced upon. \"\"Continuous Cut\"\" refers to when you are again faced with stalemate within a duel, where your swords are clasped together. In one motion, when your sword springs away from theirs, Musashi says to use a continuous motion to slash their head, body, and legs. \"\"Fire and Stone's Cut\"\" refers to when your swords clash together. Without raising your sword, you cut as strongly as possible. This means cutting quickly with hands, body, and legs. \"\"Red Leaves Cut\"\" refers to knocking down the enemy's long sword in the spirit of the \"\"No Design, No Conception\"\" cut. The \"\"Fire", "Gamora\nGamora, the deadliest woman in the universe. It is then revealed that when Gamora was denied to use the Power Stone, she swapped out the real Power Stone for the fake. From there, Gamora kidnapped and kills a Nidavellierian dwarf after he crafted her Requiem armor and sword which she then used to kill Thanos before arriving on Earth and interruped the conclave. With her identity revealed she demands the stones, yet when Quill refuses and tries to calm her down, she impales him on her sword. Gamora received treatments from Thanos that enhanced her speed, strength, agility, and durability", "\"Charter Stones\"\nIn the Isle of Man it is recorded that it was common for charter stones to be given as a sign of transfer of ownership, the stone itself once having been the property of the donor. Records show that before the Norman conquest other items that once belonged to the donor of property were given in lieu of a written charter, such as swords, helmets and especially horns. Tradition has it that charter stones are sometimes possessed with special powers such as bringing good luck to those who touch them and in some cases they can supposedly cure certain illness,", "\"The Dreamstone (novel)\"\nthe Tree of Swords and Jewels. Arafel explains to Ciaran that when the Daoine Sidhe withdrew to Faery they hung their swords and memory stones on the tree, and the sword he took belonged to an elf prince named Liosliath. She gives Ciaran Liosliath's jewel stone, similar to Arafel's dreamstone. Ciaran tells Arafel he must honor his commitment to help Caer Wiell, and she takes him, via Faery, to the keep. Caer Wiell is besieged by An Beag, and Ciaran helps in its defence, assuring its people that their Lord Evald and the king will return to free them. As", "\"Coronation of the Thai monarch\"\nprecious stones. The sword's blade measures long, while the hilt measures long. When placed in its scabbard, the sword is long and weighs . The sword is an ancient symbol of sovereignty and military power. The king's sword thus symbolises his role as a warrior with a duty to defend his kingdom. This harkens back to ancient times, when the king was not merely a titular, but the actual warrior-in-chief of his subjects. The Royal Staff (ธารพระกร) is made of cassia wood covered with gold gilt. The staff is long, and has a knob at one end and three prongs", "\"City of London swords\"\nwas made around 1670 and acquired by London around 1680. The blade is long and wide. The hilt is long and it weighs without the scabbard. Most of the blue and gold damascene pattern that the blade used to have has since worn off. Lord Mayor Micajah Perry was attended by the \"\"Sunday Sword and Mace\"\" when he laid the foundation stone of Mansion House on 25 October 1739, where the City of London swords now form part of the plate collection. The Sword and Mace are also two of the symbols used when the new Lord Mayor is invested", "Artus-Excalibur\ncomrades (\"\"Das Feld der Ehre / The Field of Honor\"\"). Merlin appears and produces the magic sword, Excalibur. The wizard rams the sword into a massive stone, proclaiming that who ever pulls Excalibur from the stone will be crowned the true King of England. (\"\"Der Heiler / The Healer\"\"). Some time later, countless people, including a grown Arthur and his adoptive father, Sir Ector, gather around the stone to see if someone can pull free Excalibur (\"\"Excalibur\"\"). Arthur does not believe in the prophecy, although Ector and Arthur's best friend, Lancelot, do. When Sir Gareth, the son of Loth, fails", "Imaro\nagainst him. As he struggles to hold on to his hard won acceptance, the warrior seeks the answer to the question that has haunted him all his life: The characters in this section are listed in their order of appearance. Imaro Imaro is a sword and sorcery novel written by Charles R. Saunders, and published by DAW Books in 1981. It may have been one of the first forays into the sword and sorcery genre by a black author. The novel is a collection of six short stories (\"\"Mawanzo\"\", \"\"Turkhana Knives\"\", \"\"The Place of Stones\"\", \"\"Slaves of the Giant Kings\"\",", "\"Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya\"\narmy of Cypress. Nick, the Prince of Cypress, has left the castle in order to defeat Iom, an aggressor nation. He leaves, however, without the powerful Sword of Hajya due to his inability to wield it, as his arm has been turned to stone. Deanna and his friends are left behind to defend the castle and the Sword, with Prince Nick's friend Mayfair placed in charge of them. When forces from Iom attack and steal the sword, Mayfair directs the young soldiers to pursue them in order to regain possession of the sword. The story is continued in new scenarios", "\"Magic sword\"\nking himself is related to two magical swords, in most variants. The first is the Sword In the Stone. Only Arthur could draw it out, thereby proving that he is the rightful king. In some tales, this is his only sword. In most variants, this sword was then broken, and he receives from The Lady of the Lake a new sword called Excalibur, arguably the most famous of magic swords. However, in other variants Excalibur itself is the sword in the stone. It is not clear from the various accounts of the Arthur legend whether Excalibur itself was possessed of", "\"Korean swordsmanship\"\n\"\"sword dance\"\" (\"\"gummu\"\") and drawing large crowds. However, when finally summoned to perform his dance before the king, the boy ended his performance by plunging his sword into the king, killing him, and was, in turn, cut down by the king's retainers. In honor of the young boy's sacrifice, the Silla people created a masked sword dance resembling the boy's face. The earliest written account of these sword methods is found in the encyclopedic work \"\"Army Account of Military Arts and Science\"\" (), written in 1629 by Mao Yuan-I. In his work Mao, identifies Korean fencing () as a series", "Imaro\nImaro Imaro is a sword and sorcery novel written by Charles R. Saunders, and published by DAW Books in 1981. It may have been one of the first forays into the sword and sorcery genre by a black author. The novel is a collection of six short stories (\"\"Mawanzo\"\", \"\"Turkhana Knives\"\", \"\"The Place of Stones\"\", \"\"Slaves of the Giant Kings\"\", \"\"Horror in the Black Hills\"\", and \"\"The City of Madness\"\") which were originally published in \"\"Dark Fantasy\"\", a fanzine published by Canadian comic book artist Gene Day during the 1970s. Imaro was the first book in a proposed series of", "\"Cú Chulainn\"\nhimself to a standing stone to die on his feet, facing his enemies. This stone is traditionally identified as Clochafarmore, located near Dundalk. Due to his ferocity even when so near death, it is only when a raven lands on his shoulder that his enemies believe he is dead. Lugaid approaches and cuts off his head, but as he does so the \"\"hero-light\"\" burns around Cú Chulainn and his sword falls from his hand and cuts Lugaid's hand off. The light disappears only after his right hand, his sword arm, is cut from his body. Conall Cernach had sworn that", "\"Universe of The Legend of Zelda\"\nsuch as the Temple of Time or the Lost Woods. Similar to Arthurian legend, the Master Sword is often first obtained by pulling it from a stone pedestal. The sword is often not at full power, leading it to need to be \"\"recharged\"\" in some way, or have its power increased beyond its standard level to fight Ganon. There are some situations when the blade, already at full power, can be further improved; in \"\"A Link to the Past\"\", it was tempered to the Tempered Sword. It can later be upgraded to the Golden Sword. Similarly, in \"\"Twilight Princess\"\", the", "\"Craigie Castle\"\nopenly upon the Sabbath day. The other local ministers of the places involved wrote to the Laird's local minister, Mr. Inglish, about \"\"such open and scandalous breaches of the Sabbath\"\". The Laird ignored the ministers' advice and when in church he actually threw his sword at the minister, the sword sticking in the wood at the back of the pulpit. The minister recovered and told the Laird that God will reduce your \"\"great stone house\"\" to a pile of stones and \"\"no one will be able to repair it; and your son, of whom you have great hopes, will die", "\"Mulan Jr.\"\nand the Huns invade China. Mulan therefore disguises herself as a boy and steals her father's helmet and sword in order to run away from home and take his place in the army (\"\"Written in Stone - Reprise\"\"). The Fa Family ancestors task the dragon Mushu, a demoted family guardian, to stop Mulan before she is killed for her impersonation (\"\"Honor to Us All- Reprise\"\"). On their way to military training, Mushu gives Mulan advice on how to act like a man, in opposition to his orders to bring her back home (\"\"Keep 'Em Guessing\"\"). When Mulan arrives at Military", "Galahad\nrealizing the greatness of this new knight, leads him out to the river where a sword lies in a stone with an inscription reading \"\"Never shall man take me hence but only he by whose side I ought to hang; and he shall be the best knight of the world.\"\" (The embedding of a sword in a stone is also an element of the legends of Arthur's original sword, the sword in the stone.) Galahad accomplishes this test with ease, and Arthur swiftly proclaims him to be the greatest knight ever. Galahad is promptly invited to become a Knight of", "Excalibur\nby pulling a sword from an anvil sitting atop a stone that appeared in a churchyard on Christmas Eve. In this account, the act could not be performed except by \"\"the true king,\"\" meaning the divinely appointed king or true heir of Uther Pendragon. As Malory writes: \"\"\"\"Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born.\"\"\"\" This sword is thought by many to be the famous Excalibur, and its identity is made explicit in the later Prose \"\"Merlin\"\", part of the Lancelot-Grail cycle. The challenge of drawing a sword from a stone also appears in", "\"The Sword in the Stone (novel)\"\nin the original (notably Merlyn's battle with Madam Mim which appeared in the Disney film). Some critics considered the revised version to be inferior to the original. Publishers have tended to carry on using the original versions when they were published independently of the tetralogy; the original, American, and \"\"Once and Future King\"\" versions are still in print. The reasons White made the last revisions are open to speculation. \"\"The Sword in the Stone\"\", although it includes some serious themes, is to some extent a rather whimsical fantasy of Merry England. Its connection with the classical Arthurian legend was actually", "\"Magic sword\"\nall those that have wielded the blade previously. Many false Seekers have carried the sword, but a true Seeker can only be named by the First Wizard (Rahl is named by his grandfather, Zeddicus Zorander). A true Seeker has the ability to turn the blade white when he kills in compassion and forgiveness. Richard has done this twice. Once, killing the Mord-Sith which captured him in Wizard's First Rule, and again to kill a Sister of the Dark in Stone of Tears. The eponymous sword from \"\"The Sword of Shannara\"\" series, by Terry Brooks, has a distinctive pommel in the", "\"Japanese sword polishing\"\nJapanese sword polishing Sword polishing is part of Japanese swordsmithing where a blade is polished after forging. It gives the shining appearance and beauty to the sword. When the rough blade is completed, the swordsmith turns the blade over to a polisher called a \"\"togishi\"\", whose job it is to refine the shape of a blade and improve its aesthetic value. The entire process takes considerable time, in some cases easily up to several weeks. Early polishers used three types of stone, whereas a modern polisher generally uses seven. The modern high level of polish was not normally done before", "\"The Sword in the Stone (novel)\"\nin the Stone\"\" was awarded the Retro-Hugo Award for Best Novel for 1939. The Sword in the Stone (novel) The Sword in the Stone is a novel by British writer T. H. White, published in 1938, initially as a stand-alone work but now the first part of a tetralogy, \"\"The Once and Future King\"\". A fantasy of the boyhood of King Arthur, it is a \"\"sui generis\"\" work which combines elements of legend, history, fantasy and comedy. Walt Disney Productions adapted the story to an animated film, and the BBC adapted it to radio. The premise is that Arthur's youth,", "\"Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword\"\nstones and the Dragon Sword's power is nothing without the Eye of the Dragon, Ryu cannot defeat her. Suddenly, the spirit of the deceased shrine maiden, Kureha, appears and draws out Momiji's spirit. Together, they release the Eye of the Dragon, which fuses with the Dragon Sword, becoming the True Dragon Sword for a second time. Ryu easily defeats Ishtaros, until Nicchae, her twin sister, appears and takes Ishtaros' body and the stones deeper into Hell, to resurrect the Holy Vigoor Emperor. Unfortunately, the will of the Dark Dragon embedded in the stones is too strong for the Fiends to", "\"King Arthur (Marvel Comics)\"\nKay's sword, he showed it to Kay where Sir Ector alerted those partaking in the contest of it in order to see if Arthur was the one who pulled it from the stone. When everyone else failed and Arthur pulled the sword from the stone, Arthur was automatically made the next king and reunited with his mother. In his difficult beginnings as the ruler of Camelot, King Arthur had to unite the kings of Britain in order to fight off the Saxons. He even gained Merlin as his mythical advisor and protector. After he unknowingly seduced Morgause, he had a", "Kahless\nKahless slew evil Molor dead... And after he used it to kill the tyrant Molor he gave it a name: \"\"bat'leth\"\", \"\"the sword of honor\"\". (TNG: \"\"Rightful Heir\"\"; DS9: \"\"\"\") The story of the sword is known only by the High Clerics, because it was never written down in the sacred texts. This was so that if Kahless was ever to return, they could be sure it was him. (TNG: \"\"Rightful Heir\"\") When the Shroud of the Sword of Kahless was discovered, it was determined that the Sword of Kahless dated back at least 1,400 years. (DS9: \"\"The Sword of", "\"La Légende du roi Arthur\"\nLégende du roi Arthur\"\" has been adapted by the Japanese theatre troupe Takarazuka Revue, who performed it at the Bunkyo Civic Center, Tokyo in September 2016. La Légende du roi Arthur La Légende du roi Arthur is a French-language musical comedy written by Dove Attia that premiered in Paris in September 2015. The show then toured through France, Belgium, and Switzerland. The show opens with Merlin gathering the people together to select the new king of Britain by pulling the sword Excalibur from a stone. All members of the nobility who attempt to remove the sword fail and a tournament", "\"Kids of the Round Table\"\nKids of the Round Table Kids of the Round Table is a 1995 Canadian/American fantasy film written and directed by Robert Tinnell. Malcolm McDowell, Michael Ironside and newcomer Johnny Morina star in a modern-day adventure filled with medieval magic. Eleven-year-old Alex and his fellow homemade heroes are having a backyard blast. Battles rage, knights fight and damsels distress in a cardboard Camelot of dirt-bike steeds, aluminum foil sabres and plastic armor. The summer fun and fantasy soon become a marvelous, mystical reality with the touch of a sword. One fateful afternoon, Alex comes across a sword sunk in stone -", "\"The Sword and The Flame\"\nThe Sword and The Flame The Sword and The Flame is a wargame based on British colonial wars (in particular, the Anglo-Zulu War) and, more generally, a set of rules applied to a variety of wargames. These rules for playing colonial wargames were first drafted by Larry Brom in 1978. The rules have gone through several revisions, but still have the same basic characteristics that they had when first written. When Larry drafted the original set of \"\"The Sword and The Flame\"\" rules (usually referred to as \"\"TSATF\"\") he had 5 main objectives. These were: The rules included some interesting", "\"The Sword in the Stone (1963 film)\"\ndirector Wolfgang Reitherman spent months preparing elaborate storyboards for \"\"Chanticleer\"\", and following a silent response following a story reel presentation, a voice from the back of the room said, \"\"You can't make a personality out of a chicken!\"\" The voice belonged to Bill Peet. When the time came to approve one of the two projects, Walt remarked that the problem with making a rooster a protagonist was that \"\"[you] don't feel like picking up a rooster up and petting it.\"\" Meanwhile, work on \"\"The Sword in the Stone\"\" were solely done by veteran story artist Bill Peet. After Disney had", "\"Ryu Hayabusa\"\ndestroys the sword. The plot of 2008's \"\"\"\" begins with kunoichi Momiji abducted by the rival Black Spider ninja clan. Ryu's objective therein is to find seven Dark Dragonstones, defeating several bosses along the way. At the climax, Doku's former servant Ishtaros steals the stones and defeats Ryu in battle. However, when Kureha—Momiji's sister and a childhood friend of Ryu from the previous game who had died in the village attack—fuses with an object called the Dragon Eye, the stones transform into the Dragon Sword. Ryu defeats Ishtaros and her sister (who takes the shape of a dragon during battle),", "\"Doraemon: Nobita's Three Visionary Swordsmen\"\nthis form dragon can not identify them. So they move to inner cave of the dragon. Nobita screamed to see Gian and Suneo in stoned form. Dragon hears it and attack Nobita with his fire, but he protect himself with his sword. He cuts the dragon's mustaches with the sword, causing the dragon to faint. When he was at the verge of finishing the dragon, he stops and gets away. All of them agree with Nobita. Dragon regains conscious, he tells Nobita that he does not want to turn any one to stone, he just wants to protect himself. He", "\"Tomy Lee\"\nthree, he was runner-up in the voting for Champion male. Bill Shoemaker, who had ridden Sword Dancer to a win in the Stepping Stone Purse a week before the Kentucky Derby, had already agreed to ride Tomy Lee in the Derby. Early on, Tomy Lee was involved in a speed duel with Troilus, and won it, so when Sword Dancer made his move under Bill Boland, Shoemaker thought Tomy Lee was spent and Sword Dancer might take the Derby. Seeing Boland come up, he called, \"\"Good luck, I hope you win it.\"\" Sword Dancer took over the lead by half", "\"The Power Sword\"\nSword of Protection has a jewel imbedded in the hilt. The jewel is the key to such powers of the Sword of Protection as Adora's transformation; if it is damaged, she loses her ability to transform into She-Ra, as seen in the episode \"\"The Stone in the Sword.\"\" The stone, which was created by the Goddess of Grayskull, allows Adora/She-Ra to channel all the powers of Grayskull if needed. She-Ra's sword is discovered to be a direct clone of He-Man's, as the Goddess felt that Adora's destiny would require her to also tap into the powers of Grayskull with her", "\"Conn of the Hundred Battles\"\nother sources his predecessor is Dáire Doimthech. The \"\"Lia Fáil\"\", the coronation stone at Tara which was said to roar when the rightful king stood on it, roared under Conn for the first time since Cúchulainn split it with his sword when it failed to roar for Lugaid Riab nDerg. In the saga \"\"Baile in Scáil\"\" (\"\"The Phantom's Ecstatic Vision\"\"), Conn treads on the stone by accident while walking the ramparts of Tara, implying that the stone had been lost and half-buried since Cúchulainn's time. A druid explains the meaning of the stone, and says the number of cries the", "\"Sword of Saint Wenceslas\"\nthe Middle Ages and the guard and pommel were added perhaps in the 13th century. In the treasure of St. Vitus Cathedral there are preserved also a helmet and mail shirt, which most likely are Wenceslas’ original armor as well. The sword was first mentioned in 1333 in the articles of inventory of the Treasury of the St. Vitus Cathedral. It is not clear when the sword was first used during coronations but in the Coronation \"\"Ordo\"\" written by Charles IV (maybe in 1347), the sword already had its ceremonial role. The sword was carried by the supreme marshal of", "\"Books of Swords\"\nwords, it cuts through stone like a hot knife through butter. A wielder could place it point-first on the ground and let go, and the Sword would bury itself up to the hilt. With careful control, the Sword of Siege can even be used for such fine work as sculpting and gemcutting. While the Sword is being used a tapping noise emanates from the blade, reminiscent of a chisel on stone. <poem>The Sword of Siege struck a hammer's blow With a crash, and a smash, and a tumbled wall. Stonecutter laid a castle low With a groan, and a roar,", "\"Bronze Age sword\"\nvariously categorized as \"\"short swords\"\" or daggers. Before about 1400 BC swords remained mostly limited to the Aegean and southeastern Europe, but they became more widespread in the final centuries of the 2nd millennium BC, to Central Europe and Britain, to the Near East, Central Asia, Northern India and to China. Before bronze, stone (such as flint and obsidian) was used as the primary material for edged cutting tools and weapons. Stone, however, is too brittle for long, thin implements such as swords. With the introduction of copper, and subsequently bronze, knives could be made longer, leading to the sword.", "\"Conan the Adventurer (animated TV series)\"\nor dull. He sold them, but his finest work, a magnificent sword, he kept for Conan. It was laid in a crypt and covered over with a heavy stone slab. Conan's father told his son that only when he was \"\"man enough\"\" (i.e., strong enough) to push off the stone slab, could he rightfully claim the sword. Meanwhile, the evil Serpent Man wizard Wrath-Amon learned of Star Metal and that in addition to its strength that it possessed the power to open portals between dimensions. He thus sought Star Metal to release his deity Set from \"\"the Abyss\"\" to which", "\"The Last Legion\"\nfrom Welsh versions of the tales. Vortgyn's death by fire in a burning tree shelter/shrine echoes the legendary Vortigern's death, as according to Geoffrey of Monmouth the latter died in his tower when it was set aflame. One of the movie's taglines is \"\"Before King Arthur, there was Excalibur\"\". The last shots of the film establish the sword of Caesar as the legendary blade (also the Sword in the Stone, originally a different weapon). A supernaturally powerful sword of Caesar's called Crocea Mors (\"\"Yellow Death\"\"), was supposed to have been buried in Britain with the body of Nennius of Britain,", "Svafrlami\nmake a magic sword. The sword would neither break nor rust and it would cut through iron and stone as easily as through cloth and would always give victory. When Svafrlami acquired the sword, he saw that it was an exquisite and beautiful weapon and it was named \"\"Tyrfing\"\". However, before disappearing into the rock, the dwarves cursed the weapon so that it would never be unsheathed without killing a man, would be the undoing of Svafrlami and cause three evil deeds. One day, Svafrlami met the Berserker Arngrim. According to the \"\"H\"\" and \"\"U\"\" versions, they started to fight.", "\"The Great Adventure of Horus, Prince of the Sun\"\nin ancient Scandinavia, the film opens with the young Horus (aka Hols, voiced by Hisako Ōkata in Japanese and Billie Lou Watt in English) attempting to fight off a pack of \"\"silver wolves,\"\" and accidentally waking up an ancient stone giant, named Mogue (or Rockoar in some editions of the film). Horus succeeds in pulling a splinter from the giant's shoulder, which transpires to be a rusty and ancient sword. The giant proclaims this to be the \"\"Sword of the Sun,\"\" promising also that when the sword has been reforged, he will come to Horus, who will then be called", "\"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)\"\nLater, he acquires a dagger, and finally, he can use the short sword Sting. Frodo can also throw stones, and can turn invisible for limited periods of time by using the One Ring. Aragorn is initially armed with a basic longsword, but later acquires Andúril. He also possesses a bow, and he can kick out at enemies. Gandalf uses his sword Glamdring and has several magical abilities, such as a fire attack, chain lightning and healing. The player can also switch to first-person view at any time during the game. This can help targeting when Frodo is throwing stones or", "\"Legend of the Sacred Stone\"\ncharacters\"\" Su Huan-Jen: The main character within the Legend of the Sacred Stone film. Huan-Jen was regularly referred to as White Lotus through his purity of mind and character. No matter how extreme of circumstances, Huan-Jen will always reflect calmness within his art of the sword and inner mind even when he consists of merely one arm. Huan-Jen is renowned for his excelled abilities with his sword. Huan-Jen also reflects various traits such as being clever within his tactics and rather wise. His ultimate goal is to restore Wulin to its former power even if it costs him his life", "\"Ocoee High School\"\ncollege. Ocoee High School's average score for both the verbal and math sections of the SAT in 2009 was 530, and for the writing section of the SAT, the average score was 500. These scores are below average on both the Florida and national scales. \"\"Sword in the Stone\"\" trophy is a peer acknowledgement award. The \"\"Sword in the Stone\"\" concept was suggested by Matt Fitzpatrick, a former teacher at Ocoee High School. Fitzpatrick had seen this concept in action at another school, where they called it \"\"You Rock.\"\" The \"\"Sword in the Stone\"\" trophy is a hand sized rock", "Skofnung\nsaga records that Gellir had the sword with him \"\"and it was not recovered afterwards\"\". According to Eid of Ás in chapter 57 of the [Laxdœla saga], the sword is not to be drawn in the presence of women, and that the sun must never shine on the sword's hilt. This is in accordance with many other ancient superstitions, such as the Eggjum stone in Norway. It is also told by Eid that any wound made by Skofnung will not heal unless rubbed with the Skofnung Stone, which Eid gives to Thorkel Eyjólfsson along with the sword. Skofnung Skofnung was", "\"Memories of the Sword\"\nMemories of the Sword Memories of the Sword (; lit. \"\"Female Warrior: Memories of the Sword\"\") is a 2015 South Korean martial arts/romance period drama co-written and directed by Park Heung-sik, starring Lee Byung-hun, Jeon Do-yeon and Kim Go-eun. This is a story of three swordsmen, Poong-cheon, Seol-rang, and Deok-gi, who led an uprising during the Goryeo era. When their desire for freedom and justice is about to be fulfilled, Deok-gi betrays them, leading to the death of Poong-cheon, and to Seol-rang disappearing along with Poong-cheon's infant daughter Hong-ee. When Seol-rang leaves, Deok-gi intones the prophecy that \"\"You, no, not", "\"The Sword in the Stone (1963 film)\"\nor Treatment in 1963, but lost against \"\"Irma La Douce\"\". In 2008, the American Film Institute nominated \"\"The Sword in the Stone\"\" for its Top 10 Animated Films list. \"\"The Sword in the Stone\"\" was released on North American VHS, Betamax, and Laserdisc in early 1986 as a part of the Walt Disney Classics collection as well as another VHS and Laserdisc release on July 12, 1991. It was first released on VHS in the UK in 1988 followed by a re-issue the following year. It was re-released on VHS and Laserdisc on October 28, 1994 as a part of", "\"The Third Magic\"\nstone has been found and is being used to decide who is to be the new king. M'rlendd takes Arthur to the sword in the stone, realizing that this must be the time to make Arthur King. Rigan is there with Mordred, and adds her First magic with M'rlendd's Second to allow Arthur to remove the sword from the stone. To exact her revenge on both M'rlendd for what he had done, and Arthur for choosing M'rlendd, Rigan uses her magic to kill Arthur. Arddu tries to intervene but is also killed by Rigan, who then takes the sword and", "\"Sövestad Runestones\"\nSövestad Runestones The Sövestad Runestones consist of a Viking Age image stone and memorial runestone found near Krageholm Castle, which is about two kilometers west of Sövestad, Skåne County, Sweden. Sövestad 1, which is listed as DR 290 in the Rundata catalog, consists of a depiction of a man holding a cross on a pole. There are no runes carved on this stone. The inscription on the granite stone, which is 1.65 meters in height, was discovered in 1756 on the castle grounds when the stone was turned over. The remains of a sword were also found under the stone.", "Swordquest\nthat Atari staff had made of seeing a similar looking sword mounted on Tramiel's home mantel. Vendel believed that the persons that started this rumor mistook a Tramiel family heirloom for the \"\"Swordquest\"\" sword. Vendel argued it was extremely unlikely that Tramiel would have been able to keep the Stone, Sword, and (if not given away) Crown, as when Atari was sold, these items had been property of Warner Communications until awarded, and would have been returned to the Franklin Mint. With the Franklin Mint being later sold in 1985 to American Protective Services, and the original Atari business no", "\"The Book of Five Rings\"\nof quickly getting your body close to the enemy. When you are distant, you will exchange blows of the sword, and it will be rather easy to move closer to your opponent (Thomas Cleary translates this technique as \"\"Body of the Short-Armed Monkey\"\".) If you are currently within a situation in which you and your opponent's swords are to clash, you must strike extremely hard without raising your sword to any extent. This is \"\"The Blow Like a Spark from a Stone\"\" technique. If you are to perform this technique, you must first strike quickly with the three combined forces", "Blade\nscratch these surfaces. The resulting scratch is full of very fine particles of ground glass or stone which will very quickly abrade the blade's edge and so dull it. In times when swords were regularly used in warfare, they required frequent sharpening because of dulling from contact with rigid armor, mail, metal rimmed shields, or other swords, for example. Particularly, hitting the edge of another sword by accident or in emergency could chip away metal and even cause cracks through the blade. Soft-cored blades are more resistant to fracturing on impact. On pocket knives there will often be a groove", "\"Pen, Sword, Camisole\"\nPen, Sword, Camisole Pen, Sword, Camisole (Portuguese: Farda Fardão Camisola de Dormir) is a Brazilian Modernist novel. It was written by Jorge Amado in 1979. It was published in English in 1985, with a translation by Helen R. Lane. \"\"Pen, Sword, Camisole\"\" belongs to the second phase of Amado’s writing life when he had largely abandoned the realism and social themes of his earlier works and turned towards an emphasis on female characters such as Dona Flor, , and Tieta. Like other Amado novels, \"\"Pen, Sword, Camisole\"\" combines comic farce and biting satire. Unlike most of the other novels, it", "\"The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp\"\nfed his head to the crows in Jativa. Alfred dies and has a vision of a lady in a garden. Then he finds his true destiny as the master of the Sword. As in the original King Arthur stories, Mogart is unable to pull the sword out of the stone as only the Master of the Sword can claim it. Kropp, having revived, pulls the sword out of the stone, beheads Mogart, heals Natalia with his blood (since he was wounded by Excalibur) and returns home as a hero. At the end of the story, Alfred finds that he yearns", "\"Lochmaben Stone\"\nonly agrees with some versions of the Arthurian legend. In other versions of the Arthurian legend, Excalibur was a sword that came from the water, and the sword in the stone does not have a name. Lochmaben Stone The Lochmaben Stone () is a megalith standing in a field, nearly a mile west of the Sark mouth on the Solway Firth, three hundred yards or so above high water mark on the farm of Old Graitney in Dumfries & Galloway in Scotland. The area is also known as Stormont. Together with a smaller stone it is all that is left", "\"London Stone\"\nIn Shakespeare's elaborated version of the event, Cade strikes London Stone with a staff rather than a sword, then seats himself upon the Stone as if on a throne, to issue decrees and dispense rough justice to a follower who displeases him. In 1598, London Stone was again brought to the stage, in William Haughton's comedy \"\"Englishmen for My Money\"\", when three foreigners, being led about on stage through the supposedly pitch-black night-time streets of London, blunder into it. Later, London Stone was to play an important but not always consistent role in the visionary writings of William Blake. Thus", "\"The Broken Kingdom\"\nCurse), when he pulled the sword out the stone. While he proclaimed to his kingdom that he had found the entire sword, Arthur, like Merlin, only spoke in half truths, as the King left out the part about the sword being split in half, after he shows a portion from the case. He even tells Guinevere that he has studied the translations of the Camarthen Scroll, which contain the three elements: the star, the eye, and the sun, but he can't decipher the clues. Arthur's quest to reunite Excalibur has led to his long running obsession to seek out the", "\"Books of Swords\"\nthat it can easily destroy any of the others in melee combat, with the exception of Woundhealer. In addition, any abilities possessed by the other Swords are negated by Shieldbreaker. Examples: the wielder cannot be slain by Farslayer or tracked by Wayfinder. While being used Shieldbreaker emits a thudding rhythm that quickens when combat begins. <poem>I shatter Swords and splinter spears; None stands to Shieldbreaker. My point's the fount of orphans' tears My edge the widowmaker.</poem> Stonecutter possesses the ability to pass its blade through any stone or mineral-based formation as easily as it would pass through air. In other", "\"The Sword and the Circle\"\ndriving force behind the ascension of King Arthur and his court. Merlin is depicted as being descended from the Lordly Ones, or the 'Little Dark People', as Sutcliff commonly refers to the possible original inhabitants of Great Britain. He orchestrates Arthur's upbringing under Sir Ector, alongside his foster brother Sir Kay. Arthur's identity as ruler of Britain is revealed when he pulls the Sword from the Stone, but he later receives Excalibur, a different sword, from the Lady in the Lake. The rest of the novel's chapters cover many of the other classic Arthurian characters and tales, including: the origins", "\"The Once and Future King\"\nan organisation of \"\"National Communists\"\" who use Jews as a scapegoat and have the fylfot as their badge. Floyd C. Gale praised \"\"The Sword in the Stone\"\" as \"\"blithely comic and entirely delightful\"\", stating that it was \"\"in utter contrast to the mounting tragedy\"\" of the other three volumes of the series. Fantasy historian Lin Carter wrote, \"\"... the single finest fantasy novel written in our time, or for that matter, 'ever' written, is, must be, by any conceivable standard, T. H. White's \"\"The Once and Future King\"\". I can hardly imagine that any mature, literate person who has read", "\"The Mask of Fu Manchu\"\nThe Mask of Fu Manchu The Mask of Fu Manchu is a 1932 pre-Code adventure film directed by Charles Brabin. It was written by Irene Kuhn, Edgar Allan Woolf and John Willard based on the 1932 novel of the same name by Sax Rohmer. Starring Boris Karloff as Fu Manchu, and featuring Myrna Loy as his depraved daughter, the movie revolves around Fu Manchu's quest for the golden sword and mask of Genghis Khan. Lewis Stone plays his nemesis. Sir Denis Nayland Smith (Lewis Stone) of the British Secret Service warns Egyptologist Sir Lionel Barton (Lawrence Grant) that he must", "\"Songs of Blood and Sword\"\nSongs of Blood and Sword Songs of Blood and Sword is a memories written by Fatima Bhutto. The book recounts author's father, Murtaza Bhutto's murder by the Pakistani police in Karachi in 1996, when she was a teenager of 14 years old. The story covers the events, she saw through her eyes in her young lifetime. The book chronicles the tragic life of a family of rich feudal landlords – the Bhutto family of Pakistan. The author mainly describes the murder of her father, Murtaza Bhutto in a police encounter outside their home in Karachi when her aunt Benazir Bhutto", "\"The Valley of the Bees\"\nsteal his sword which makes the other charcoal burners attack him. But Armin draws his sword and kills or scares them away saving Ondřej's life. Ondřej's sword has been broken in the fight and Armin forces him to go with him. Later, near a brook when Armin bends over to drink, Ondřej hits him with a stone which causes Armin to fall unconscious and Ondřej escapes. Ondřej returns home only to find out his father is dead. He takes care of father's business but feels remorse about what he did to Armin. Ondřej falls in love with Lenora and convinces", "\"Raving Rabbids: Travel in Time\"\nAccording to the trailer, first they go to The Prehistory in 10, 000 BC and help a caveman discover fire, but end up giving him a lighter. Then they go to middle-aged Ancient Egypt in 2500 BC to disturb work on the Sphinx and make the nose fall off. And last, they go to Middle Ages in 520 but they end up underground holding down the legendary sword Excalibur when Arthur tries to pull it off the stone, but he gives up and leaves. When the Rabbids leave, Grannie ended up pulling the sword instead of Arthur. In the intro", "\"Robin Hood in popular culture\"\nAllinson in 1904. A 'companion' novel to Egan's text was published by J. H. Stocqueler in 1849 entitled \"\"Maid Marian, the Forest Queen; Being a Companion to \"\"Robin Hood\"\"\"\". The first Robin Hood novel written specifically for children appears to be Stephen Percy's \"\"Tales of Robin Hood\"\" (1840). John B. Marsh's children's book \"\"Robin Hood\"\" appeared in 1865, as did a penny dreadful entitled \"\"Little John and Will Scarlet\"\" (1865). The next major novel written was entitled \"\"The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood\"\" by Howard Pyle in 1883. In T.H. White's novel \"\"The Sword in the Stone\"\" (1938, later incorporated", "\"Mystery of the Samurai Sword\"\nMystery of the Samurai Sword Mystery of the Samurai Sword is the 60th title of the Hardy Boys Mystery Stories, written by Franklin W. Dixon. It was published by Wanderer Books in 1979 and by Grosset & Dunlap in 2005. Shortly after his arrival in United States, a Japanese business tycoon mysteriously disappears. Mr. Hardy, who had been entrusted with the man's security, is baffled and shocked. He feels even worse when the FBI takes him off the case. However, his sons, Frank & Joe, are there to investigate this case. A valuable samurai sword, said to have belonged to", "\"Lochmaben Stone\"\nand Mansfield. The family held land in this area and no doubt some connection exists between the title and the area. The upper stone of a rotary quern was found about 1976 when ploughing some 350 m SSW of Old Graitney farmhouse, where it is still held by the finder, Mr S Smith. Slightly oval in shape it measures about 30 cm in maximum diameter and is made of granite or a similar rock; there are both central and side-holes. A local legend associates the Lochmaben Stone with the stone from which King Arthur pulled the sword Excalibur. However, this", "\"Stanton Drew stone circles\"\nafter one of Arthur's victories. Arthur is connected to the site because a site in the nearby village of Camerley is reputed to be the location of Camelot in an oral tradition. The stones are of a reddish hue similar to that described in the Arthurian legend as connected to Camelot and to a sword that was seen in a stone near to Camelot. The country story is that a local wedding once took place on a Sunday, when the frivolous guests would insist on winding up with a dance. The penalty for a \"\"Sabbath\"\" thus \"\"profaned\"\" was the prompt", "\"The Vikings (1958 film)\"\nEgbert recognises the Northumbrian royal sword's pommel stone of the sword Requiter on an amulet around Eric's neck, placed there by Eric's mother when he was a child, but tells no one. Eric incurs the wrath of his half-brother Einar (Kirk Douglas), Ragnar's legitimate son and heir, after the former orders his falcon to attack Einar, taking out one of his eyes. Eric is saved from immediate execution when the royal Court Völva Kitala (who loves Eric as a son) warns that Odin will curse whoever kills him. He is left in a tidal pool to drown with the rising", "\"Duel for the Samurai Sword\"\nDuel for the Samurai Sword The Duel for the Samurai Sword is book 5 of the Race Against Time series written by J. J. Fortune. Richard Duffy received urgent summons to Japan where his mentor, Ohara Noburu, was dying. Ohara was the last steward of a sword crafted by the famous swordsmith Masamune. During his adventuring days, Richard had been seriously injured when his ship was sunk. After ending up in a hospital in Tokyo, Richard managed to recover and got even better under the tutelage of Ohara. He also became one of Ohara's best disciples and incurred the enmity", "\"Stephen Polk\"\nthe Sword\"\", and then appeared in \"\"Where Sleeping Dogs Lie\"\" starring Sharon Stone. The following years included roles in studio films \"\"The Pickle\"\" and \"\"Heaven & Earth\"\", and independent films including \"\"Playmaker\"\", \"\"Destination Vegas\"\", \"\"Bolt\"\", \"\"God, Sex & Apple Pie\"\", \"\"Drowning on Dry Land\"\", \"\"Clubland\"\", \"\"Why Doesn't for Love Work\"\", \"\"Cherish\"\", and \"\"Go for Broke\"\". In 2001, he started Providence Productions and was hired to produce \"\"Resolution\"\". Under Providence, Polk began developing, writing, and producing, in addition to continuing his work as an actor. Polk has developed, written, and co-written treatments and feature screenplays, including the Sundance Screenplay Competition Finalist,", "\"The Sword of Roele\"\ncan discover what the Brothers are really trying to find. The sword was supposed to have been deep and secure within the hoard of another creature, the Gorgon, but was placed where the Brothers sent the adventurers by a mischievous third party. The adventurers arrive in this location, a tomb for paladins of the ancient Order of the Sun; the architect hired by the priests of the Order was actually a disguised necromancer who intended to use the tomb when he returned from the dead as a lich. \"\"The Sword of Roele\"\" was written by Wolfgang Baur, and published by", "\"Magical objects in Harry Potter\"\nroom, then tortured Hermione for information about the sword. But at Harry's request, Griphook lied and said that the sword was a forgery. Bellatrix's reaction to having her vault possibly broken into convinced Harry that the Horcrux was also placed in her vault. Based upon the ancient alchemical idea of the Philosopher's stone, the stone is owned by Nicolas Flamel and first mentioned in \"\"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone\"\". The stone is legendary in that it changes all metals to gold, and can be used to brew a potion called the Elixir of Life, making the drinker immortal. The", "\"The Sword in the Stone (1963 film)\"\nwas first published in 1938 as a single novel. It was later republished in 1958 as the first book of T. H. White's tetralogy \"\"The Once and Future King\"\". \"\"The Sword in the Stone\"\" was released to theaters on December 25, 1963 to mixed reviews, though it was a box office success. A live-action adaptation of the film directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo is scheduled to be released in 2019. The King of England, Uther Pendragon, dies. No heir to the throne is named, and England is threatened to be torn apart by war. Miraculously, the legendary \"\"Sword in the", "\"The Chrysanthemum and the Sword\"\nThe first Chinese translation was made by Taiwanese anthropologist Huang Dao-Ling, and published in Taiwan in April 1974 by Taiwan Kui-Kuang Press. The book became a bestseller in China in 2005, when relations with the Japanese government were strained. In that year alone, 70,000 copies of the book were sold in China. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture is a 1946 study of Japan by American anthropologist Ruth Benedict. It was written at the invitation of the U.S. Office of War Information, in order to understand and predict the behavior of the", "\"Peter and the Sword of Mercy\"\nHe is a good friend and somewhat of a mentor to Peter. While Peter is in London, Fighting Prawn deals with Captain Narezza and his men when they attempt to steal the Islands starstuff. Peter and the Sword of Mercy Peter and the Sword of Mercy is a children's novel that was published by Hyperion Books, a subsidiary of Disney, in 2009. Written by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson, the book is an unauthorized prequel to the original \"\"Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up\"\" by J. M. Barrie, and tells the story of an orphan named Peter.", "\"Lia Fáil\"\nput his feet on it, the stone was said to roar in joy. The stone is also credited with the power to rejuvenate the king and also to endow him with a long reign. According to Lebor Gabála Érenn, Cúchulainn split it with his sword when it failed to cry out under his protégé, Lugaid Riab nDerg - from then on it never cried out again, except under Conn of the Hundred Battles and according to legend, at the coronation of Brian Boru in 1002. It is from this stone the Tuatha Dé Danann metonymically named Ireland Inis Fáil (\"\"inis\"\"", "Saddell\nfine examples of carved medieval grave slabs displayed under cover in the grounds of the abbey, now a cemetery. Relief carvings on the stones show warriors in their armour, clerics, ships, huntsmen with stags, large swords and Celtic knotwork designs. Most were carved at Saddell Abbey but some are more typical of the Iona school of stone-carving. Saddell Castle, a tower house a quarter of a mile to the southeast and nearer the shore, was built for the Bishop of Argyll in the early 16th century. When the Campbells took it over in the late 17th century, stone from the", "Artus-Excalibur\nto pull the sword from the stone he angrily sparks a battle with the other knights. Arthur, wishing to assist, climbs the stone and, to everyone's shock, frees Excalibur from the stone. The battle stops and the people fall to their knees and praise Arthur as the true king of England. Arthur, frightened, insists that he is a simple squire and not a king. Merlin suddenly appears and reveals Arthur's true heritage. When Ector confirms that he is not Arthur's real father, a shocked Arthur runs away into a nearby forest. Merlin follows Arthur and explains that Arhtur's fate has", "\"Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia\"\nCzech Republic. They will awake and, under the command of St. Wenceslaus, bring aid to the Czech people in their ultimate danger. There is a similar legend in Prague which says that when the Motherland is in danger or in its darkest times and close to ruin, the equestrian statue of King Wenceslaus in Wenceslaus Square will come to life, raise the army sleeping in Blaník, and upon crossing the Charles Bridge his horse will stumble and trip over a stone, revealing the legendary sword of Bruncvík. With this sword, King Wenceslaus will slay all the enemies of the Czechs,", "\"Discworld characters\"\nrecipe for the Pie that It May be As Nice As, Two Short Planks and the stone used in the original Moss-Gathering Trials. This Bureau is maintained by the current Patrician, Lord Havelock Vetinari, on the grounds that the sort of people whose minds work like this ought to be kept busy, or they might do \"\"anything\"\". Quimby's reign ended when he was killed by a disgruntled poet during an experiment to test the truth of the saying \"\"The pen is mightier than the sword\"\". In his memory, it was amended to read: \"\"The pen is mightier than the sword", "Tyrfing\nforge a sword with a golden hilt that would never miss a stroke, would never rust and would cut through stone and iron as easily as through clothes. The dwarves made the sword, and it shone and gleamed like fire. However, in revenge they cursed it so that it would kill a man every time it was drawn and that it would be the cause of three great evils. They finally cursed it so that it would also kill Svafrlami himself. When Svafrlami heard the curses he tried to slay Dvalin, but the dwarf disappeared into the rock and the", "\"Niðhad\"\ndid not discover that he was cut in half until Velent asked him to shake. Then Amilias fell apart. Niðung then asked for the great sword Mimung, but Velent gave him the ordinary sword, which was a copy of Mimung. One day during a war expedition Niðung found out that he had forgotten his magic victory stone \"\"Siegerstein\"\". Desperately he offered his own daughter to the knight who could bring the stone to him before the next morning. Velent went back and fetched the stone, but another knight wanted to claim the stone and the princess. Velent killed the knight", "\"The Sword and The Flame\"\nof colonial-themed games use \"\"TS&TF\"\", not only because it's fast moving and fun but because everyone knows the rules.\"\" [1] [2] [3] [4] The Sword and The Flame The Sword and The Flame is a wargame based on British colonial wars (in particular, the Anglo-Zulu War) and, more generally, a set of rules applied to a variety of wargames. These rules for playing colonial wargames were first drafted by Larry Brom in 1978. The rules have gone through several revisions, but still have the same basic characteristics that they had when first written. When Larry drafted the original set of", "\"Sword of the Stars\"\n89/100 summarizing it with \"\"While Sword of the Stars doesn't possess the battlefield variety of the \"\"Homeworld\"\" games that inspired it, it remains an ambitious and engrossing strategy triumph.\"\" Perhaps the most negative review was written by Tom Chick for, who gave the game a D+ grade and summarized it as \"\"[a] misguided attempt at a streamlined strategy game\"\". His main criticisms focused on how little information the interface supplied to players and how difficult it was to navigate the game's main map screen and technology interface. Some controversy arose when the lead designer of \"\"Sword of the Stars\"\",", "Dragon\nthe princess. He went to the tsar, who gave him a magic sword, and snuck into the castle. When Chelovek attacked Ivan in the form of a giant, the sword flew from Ivan's hand unbidden and killed him. Then the sword cut off all three of Gorynych's heads at once. Ivan brought the princess back to the tsar, who declared Ivan a nobleman and allowed him to marry the princess. A popular Polish folk tale is the legend of the Wawel Dragon, which is first recorded in the \"\"Chronica Polonorum\"\" of Wincenty Kadłubek, written between 1190 and 1208. According to", "She-Ra\nbeen forcibly transformed back into Adora, implying that her powers do have limits to them. She-Ra's primary weapon is her Sword of Protection. Her sword is apparently almost indestructible and able to deflect bolts of energy, both magical and technological, as well as to project beams of energy from the stone in its center. The stone is also used to turn Spirit into Swift Wind, as the power beam needed to perform the transformation comes from it (as opposed to the Sword of Power, where the energy beam that is used to transform Cringer into Battle Cat is shot from" ]
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who wrote the song eye of the tiger
[ "Jim Peterik", "Frankie Sullivan" ]
[ "\"Warren Wald\"\nbeing but some rumours in the tabloids have suggested that in the future he may launch a cover of the Eye of the Tiger. In 2004 and early 2005, the tabloids were Warren-tastic and had a whole series of rumours about him with the most written-about being that he was in time to head the advertising for the cerial \"\"Frosties\"\" who had used the Eye of the Tiger song in previous advertising strategies. Warren Wald Warren Wald was a former \"\"Pop Idol\"\" contestant who became famous across Britain in 2003 after performing the 1980s hit song \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\"", "\"Eye of the Tiger\"\nEye of the Tiger \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" is a song composed by American rock band Survivor. It was released as a single from their third album of the same name \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" and was also the theme song for the film \"\"Rocky III\"\", which was released a day before the single. The song was written by Survivor guitarist Frankie Sullivan and keyboardist Jim Peterik, and was recorded at the request of \"\"Rocky III\"\" star, writer, and director Sylvester Stallone, after Queen denied him permission to use \"\"Another One Bites the Dust\"\", the song Stallone intended as the", "\"Eye of the Tiger\"\nexplained the song's title. At first, we wondered if calling it \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" was too obvious. The initial draft of the song, we started with \"\"It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight, rising up to the spirit of our rival, and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night, and it all comes down to survival.\"\" We were going to call the song \"\"Survival\"\". In the rhyme scheme, you can tell we had set up \"\"rival\"\" to rhyme with \"\"survival\"\". At the end of the day, we said, \"\"Are we nuts?\"\"", "\"Kevin Max\"\n\"\"Playing Games With the Shadow\"\". With his Duran Duran 80s inspired tunes, releasing his very popular song upon fans \"\"The Girl With the Tiger Eyes\"\". The album was also the first and so far only album Max wrote all songs by himself. Max says it was a night-time record, meaning he wrote all of the songs late at night on his Casio keyboard. In 2018, Max released his released his ninth studio album \"\"AWOL\"\". Writting most of his songs at his now former farm. He also proceeded to release \"\"Romeo Drive\"\", a collaboration EP with Service Unicorn. Service Unicorn and", "\"The Tiger's Eye\"\nThe Tiger's Eye The Tiger's Eye: A Jungle Fairy Tale is a short story by L. Frank Baum, famous as the creator of the Land of Oz. The story was unpublished in its own era, but has attracted significant attention since its belated publication in 1962. Baum wrote the story most likely in 1905, to conclude his series of \"\"Animal Fairy Tales\"\". The nine stories in that collection first appeared in nine consecutive issues of \"\"The Delineator\"\", a popular women's magazine of the day, in 1905. \"\"The Tiger's Eye,\"\" however, was not printed in the magazine, \"\"probably because it was", "\"Eye of the Tiger\"\nThat hook is so strong, and \"\"rival\"\" doesn't have to be a perfect rhyme with the word \"\"tiger\"\". We made the right choice and went with \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\". The song was nominated for the 1982 Academy Award for Best Original Song, the only Oscar nomination for \"\"Rocky III\"\". It lost to \"\"Up Where We Belong\"\" from \"\"An Officer and a Gentleman\"\". The song was also nominated for the 1983 Grammy Award for Song of the Year, but lost to the Willie Nelson hit \"\"Always on My Mind\"\". In 2012, Survivor sued Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich in Illinois", "\"Survivor (Destiny's Child album)\"\na positive thing by writing a song out of it. Knowles wrote the song \"\"Bootylicious\"\" on a plane flight to London while listening to the track \"\"Edge of Seventeen\"\" by Stevie Nicks when the word \"\"Bootylicious\"\" just popped in to her head. This claim has been highly disputed as Rob Fusari said in a 2010 interview that he alone had the idea for the song and had wanted to use a guitar riff from the song \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" but after not being able to find it used a similar riff from the Stevie Nicks song \"\"Edge of Seventeen\"\".", "\"Anna (Frozen)\"\n\"\"who come into their own and also come together in this amazing tale.\"\" Kristen Bell was lauded for her performance as Anna in the film. Michelle Im, writing for the \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" referred to the character as \"\"bubbly and spirited\"\", and commented, \"\"Not only was [Bell] able to nail those vibratos and belting notes in her songs, it was actually her singing them.\"\" \"\"The Coast News\"\" review of the film wrote that Bell \"\"earns top marks\"\" for instilling a spirited sensibility in the clumsy but well-meaning Anna. Cinenerd, a film critic for \"\"Blogcritics\"\", commended the actress' singing ability,", "\"Eye of the Tiger (film)\"\nvillain when he accidentally ingests cocaine the gang is manufacturing. With their leader dead, the surviving motorcycle gang members ride away. The film begins and ends with the 1982 song \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" by Survivor played over the credits. The song had previously been heard in the 1982 film \"\"Rocky III\"\", for which it was specifically written, earning it an Oscar and Grammy nomination. Kevin Thomas of the \"\"Los Angeles Times\"\" praised the performances of stars Busey, Cassel, Remsen, Smith, and Kotto, but characterized \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" as \"\"just another routine vengeance exploitation picture\"\". \"\"TV Guide\"\" criticized the", "\"LSU Tigers and Lady Tigers\"\nThe band also performs on first, second, and third down when the Tigers are on offense. The \"\"First Down Cheer\"\" includes the \"\"Hold that Tiger\"\" musical phrase from \"\"Tiger Rag.\"\" The \"\"Third Down Cheer\"\" is based on the song \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" made famous by Survivor. The piece, \"\"Tiger Bandits\"\" was created to pay homage to the defensive unit from the 1958 national championship football team. Coach Paul Dietzel called the unit the \"\"Chinese Bandits.\"\" The title of the song was eventually changed to \"\"Tiger Bandits\"\" (or just simply \"\"Bandits\"\"). The band plays the song when the LSU defense", "\"Dave Bickler\"\nthe theme song for his movie \"\"Rocky III\"\". The song, \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\", soon turned into one of the biggest hits of the band's career. It had an enormous impact on the \"\"Billboard\"\" charts, soaring to #1 for seven weeks. The song won the band a Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal, was voted \"\"Best New Song\"\" by the People's Choice Awards and received an Academy Award nomination. Thanks to the song's success and another Top 20 single, \"\"American Heartbeat\"\", the album \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" peaked at #2 on the \"\"Billboard\"\"", "\"Louisiana State University traditions\"\nphrase from \"\"Tiger Rag.\"\" The \"\"Second Down Cheer\"\" is a musical selection that is followed by the crowd chanting L-S-U! The \"\"Third Down Cheer\"\" is based on the song \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" made famous by Survivor. \"\"Tiger Bandits\"\"Tiger Bandits was created to pay homage to the defensive unit from the 1958 national championship football team. Coach Paul Dietzel called the unit the \"\"Chinese Bandits.\"\" The title of the song was eventually changed to \"\"Tiger Bandits\"\" (or just simply \"\"Bandits\"\") to make the tradition more inclusive. The band plays the song when the Tiger defense forces the opposing team to", "\"Marjorie Liu\"\nand was soon admitted to the bar. Despite enjoying law school, Liu was disillusioned with the life of a lawyer by the time she graduated, and decided to become a writer. After she published poetry, short stories, and non-fiction pieces, she submitted her first novel, a paranormal romantic adventure set in China and the United States called \"\"Tiger Eye\"\", which she wrote in a month, to several publishers before it was acquired by Dorchester. It was published in November 2007. She eventually wrote a sequel to \"\"Tiger Eye\"\", as well as \"\"A Taste of Crimson\"\", the sequel to Liz Maverick's", "\"Sean Rowe\"\nSean Rowe Sean Rowe (born in Troy, New York) is an alternative folk singer-songwriter and musician. Born and raised in Troy, New York, Rowe started playing music at an early age. He received a bass guitar from his father on his 12th birthday and performed in a local band. After receiving an acoustic guitar as a gift from his uncle, Rowe began playing solo. He wrote his first song at the age of seven on a Fisher-Price typewriter after listening to Survivor's \"\"Eye of the Tiger.\"\" Rowe started seriously writing songs when he was 18. The first complete song that", "\"He Who Rides the Tiger\"\nHe Who Rides the Tiger He Who Rides the Tiger was a 1980 solo album from longtime Elton John lyricist Bernie Taupin. It is his second effort following his 1971 spoken word album \"\"Taupin\"\". Taupin co-wrote all the songs in the album with The Buckinghams former guitarist Dennis Tufano and sang lead vocals in all of them. Although the album was recorded during a time when John and Taupin had interrupted their collaboration, John lent backing vocals on \"\"Love (The Barren Desert)\"\". The album was released on CD by American Beat Records on March 10, 2009. All songs written by", "\"Eye of the Tiger (album)\"\nwas dismissive of the album, declaring that \"\"nothing here really scales the same height as the title track\"\". Eye of the Tiger (album) Eye of the Tiger is the third album by American rock band Survivor, released in 1982. It reached #2 on the US Billboard 200 chart. It features the title track, which is the theme song of the film \"\"Rocky III\"\". The single went to #1 in both the US and UK, while \"\"American Heartbeat\"\" reached #17 in the US. Both singles also made the charts in Germany. Following the temporary disbandment of Survivor in 1989, Jimi Jamison", "\"Warren Wald\"\nWarren Wald Warren Wald was a former \"\"Pop Idol\"\" contestant who became famous across Britain in 2003 after performing the 1980s hit song \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" in the \"\"Pop Idol\"\" auditions. Despite not progressing past the auditions on Pop Idol, Warren became one of the most famous people to come out of the television series after performing Eye of the Tiger so badly that much of the British public adored him. The video of his performance went viral online even though his performance predated YouTube. Soon after his audition was broadcast on television for the first time and after", "\"Eye of the Tiger (album)\"\nEye of the Tiger (album) Eye of the Tiger is the third album by American rock band Survivor, released in 1982. It reached #2 on the US Billboard 200 chart. It features the title track, which is the theme song of the film \"\"Rocky III\"\". The single went to #1 in both the US and UK, while \"\"American Heartbeat\"\" reached #17 in the US. Both singles also made the charts in Germany. Following the temporary disbandment of Survivor in 1989, Jimi Jamison recorded a cover of \"\"Ever Since the World Began\"\" for the film \"\"Lock Up\"\". AllMusic's brief retrospective review", "\"Eye of the Tiger\"\nfederal court for using \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" without authorization as entrance music at his political rallies going back as far as 2009. The suit was later settled out of court. The same year Sullivan also demanded that Mitt Romney, also a Republican candidate for president, stop using \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" at his campaign rallies. Romney agreed to drop the song from the campaign's playlists. Frankie Sullivan's company Rude Music filed a lawsuit in federal court in Chicago, Illinois, on November 18, 2015, against the former Governor of Arkansas and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's campaign organization for using", "\"Jim Peterik\"\n100 and going double platinum. \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" also won a Grammy Award and resulted in an Oscar nomination for Peterik and Frankie Sullivan for Best Song. Their 1984 album, \"\"Vital Signs\"\", featured the Top 10 hits \"\"High on You\"\" (No. 8) and \"\"The Search Is Over\"\" (No. 4), and another sizable hit, \"\"I Can't Hold Back\"\" (No. 13). In 1985, Peterik co-wrote the theme song to \"\"Rocky IV\"\", \"\"Burning Heart\"\", which would be another big hit (No. 2 in early 1987) for Survivor. \"\"Burning Heart\"\" was followed by Number 9 hit, \"\"Is This Love\"\". Following Survivor's 1988 album", "\"Somebody's Eyes\"\nher boyfriend's ex still has feelings for him, and will interfere with their relationship (the refrain in this song is \"\"Love is no disguise/From Somebody's Eyes\"\"). In the musical adaptation, it is a plot-driven song, sung by the characters Rusty, Wendy Jo and Urleen to Ren McCormack, about the strict rules and morality that pervades the town of Bomont (refrain here being: \"\"You've got no disguise/From Somebody's Eyes\"\"). Somebody's Eyes “Somebody's Eyes” is a song from the 1984 movie \"\"Footloose\"\" whose lyrics were written by Dean Pitchford, who wrote the film's screenplay and source story, and whose music was composed", "\"Louisiana State University Tiger Marching Band\"\nduring the march down Victory Hill, and at the beginning of the fourth quarter of each football game. \"\"Hey, Fightin’ Tigers\"\" was adopted as a school song in the 1960s by then director of bands Thomas Tyra. Originally titled \"\"Hey, Look Me Over\"\" and written by Cy Coleman for the musical \"\"Wildcat\"\", starring Lucille Ball, a version of the song with its new lyrics by Carolyn Leigh, who wrote the original lyrics of \"\"Hey Look Me Over\"\", after the athletic department purchased the rights to use the song. The band plays this song often in the stands and on occasion", "\"My Eyes (Travis song)\"\nMy Eyes (Travis song) My Eyes is the third and final single released by Indie band Travis from their fifth studio album, \"\"The Boy With No Name\"\". The song was released on 17 September 2007. The track first appeared on a twelve-track sampler album given away free in the Mail on Sunday. Healy wrote the song the day after he found out he was to become a father. The lyrics of the song depict the moment when he found out. The video for the song shows the band in a water slide juxtaposed with a pregnant bride, who represent's Healy's", "\"Gel Ey Seher\"\nthe song for Polad Bülbüloğlu. Buckmaster was asked by Muzikotek to suggest an author to write an English adaptation of the lyrics. He suggested Roxanne Seeman, who wrote the English lyrics \"\"Come Back To Me\"\", which appear in the artwork of the CD release. The song was recorded with Seeman's English lyrics but was not included as part of the Turkish CD release. The song with his arrangement this is today still one of the most requested popular songs for the Turkish radio stations after all these years. Gel Ey Seher \"\"Gel Ey Seher\"\" is a song composed by Polad", "\"Ignorance (song)\"\nof lighting being a hanging light bulb. James Montgomery of \"\"MTV News\"\" viewed the song as lyrically being about the \"\"destructive nature of gossip, about the ugly, tear-'em-down world in which Paramore exist.\"\" \"\"Ignorance\"\" was the first song written for \"\"Brand New Eyes\"\". In an interview with \"\"Kerrang!\"\", Williams, who co-wrote the song, discussed the song's meaning, and her and Farro's inspiration for writing the song, saying, \"\"In my eyes, this song is a huge turning point for the band. The truth of it is, growing up is not easy. We’re five different people who have to work towards the", "\"Somebody's Eyes\"\nSomebody's Eyes “Somebody's Eyes” is a song from the 1984 movie \"\"Footloose\"\" whose lyrics were written by Dean Pitchford, who wrote the film's screenplay and source story, and whose music was composed by Tom Snow. It was later used in the 1998 musical version. “Somebody's Eyes” was originally sung by Karla Bonoff, and it reached #16 on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Adult Contemporary chart in 1984. The movie and musical versions of the song are very different in tone and lyrics. In the movie, it is a soft rock love song (featured on the soundtrack), sung by a girl afraid that", "\"Jim Peterik\"\nPeterik released his autobiography, \"\"Through The Eye Of The Tiger\"\", co-written with Lisa Torem, on BenBella Books, and traveled internationally to sign books on tour. In 2016, Peterik released \"\"The Songs,\"\" an album of some of his biggest songs, re-arranged as acoustic/roots versions. The album was produced by Fred Mollin and was recorded both in Nashville, TN and at his home studio in Illinois. Peterik co-authored \"\"Songwriting for Dummies\"\", published 2002, with Dave Austin and Mary Ellen Bickford. His autobiography, \"\"Through The Eye Of The Tiger\"\", co-written with Lisa Torem, was released by BenBella Books in September 2014. Jim Peterik", "\"LSU Tigers football\"\nand third-down cheers – When the Tigers are on offense and earn a first down, the fans perform the \"\"First Down Cheer\"\". It includes the \"\"Hold that Tiger\"\" musical phrase from \"\"Tiger Rag\"\" played by the LSU band and the fans shout \"\"Geaux Tigers\"\" at the end of each phrase. The \"\"Second Down Cheer\"\" is a musical selection that is followed by the crowd chanting L-S-U! The \"\"Third Down Cheer\"\" is based on the song \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" by Survivor. Geaux Tigers – A common cheer for all LSU athletics, Geaux Tigers, pronounced \"\"Go Tigers\"\", is derived from a", "\"For Your Eyes Only (film)\"\nannoyance\"\", another claimed that \"\"In the end, \"\"For Your Eyes Only\"\" stands as one of the best James Bond film scores of the 1980s.\"\" The title song, written by Conti and Michael Leeson, was sung by Sheena Easton, who holds the distinction of being the first title song artist to appear on screen in a Bond film, as designer Maurice Binder liked Easton's appearance and decided to add her to the opening credits. The producers of the film wanted Blondie to perform the title song: the band wrote a song titled \"\"For Your Eyes Only\"\", but decided to decline the", "\"William \"\"Tiger\"\" Dunlop\"\nCompany. Tiger Dunlop left the Canada Company in 1838. Three years later his brother Robert Graham Dunlop died leaving his parliamentary seat vacant. The seat was contested both by a Canada Company official, James McGill Strachan and Tiger Dunlop. Tiger was declared not elected. Tiger appealed the election results and won. On the appeal being allowed, he took his seat 20 August 1841. Tiger was a colourful character and made interesting speeches and wrote direct letters to the newspapers of Toronto. Dunlop's short foray into journalism gave him the knowledge of the trade to catch the eyes of the editors", "\"Angel Eyes (Love and Theft song)\"\nAngel Eyes (Love and Theft song) \"\"Angel Eyes\"\" is a song recorded by American country music duo Love and Theft. Eric Gunderson, one-half of the duo, co-wrote it with Jeff Coplan and Eric Paslay. The song was released in November 2011 as the band's first single without group member Brian Bandas, and the first from their self-titled album. It also became their second Top 10 single and first number one hit on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot Country Songs chart. The song is about a rebellious female lover who is described as having \"\"a little bit of devil in her angel", "\"The Maine Stein Song\"\nalso criticized for being pagan by proposing a toast \"\"to the gods\"\" and \"\"to the fates\"\". In 1930, Johnny Johnson and Harry McDaniel wrote \"\"I'd Like To Find The Guy Who Wrote The Stein Song\"\", a comedy song about a man who is fed up with constantly hearing \"\"The Stein Song\"\" on the radio. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the song came under fire for its promotion of drinking and lyrics that were considered sexist (\"\"let every Maine man sing\"\" and \"\"to the lips and the eyes of the girls who will love us someday\"\"). Various individuals began", "\"Knock U Out\"\nKnock U Out \"\"Knock U Out\"\" is the second single from Joel Turner and the Modern Day Poets' self-titled album \"\"Joel Turner and the Modern Day Poets\"\". It features a guest appearance by boxer Anthony Mundine. The song incorporates elements from the 1982 Survivor hit \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" in keeping with a boxing theme. The chorus and first verse are performed by DubLT, the second verse by Mundine, and the third by C4. Beatboxer Turner provides the beat and also replicates the \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" riff using both his voice and guitar. Survivor co-founder and “Eye of the", "\"He Who Rides the Tiger\"\nBernie Taupin (words) and Dennis Tufano (music). He Who Rides the Tiger He Who Rides the Tiger was a 1980 solo album from longtime Elton John lyricist Bernie Taupin. It is his second effort following his 1971 spoken word album \"\"Taupin\"\". Taupin co-wrote all the songs in the album with The Buckinghams former guitarist Dennis Tufano and sang lead vocals in all of them. Although the album was recorded during a time when John and Taupin had interrupted their collaboration, John lent backing vocals on \"\"Love (The Barren Desert)\"\". The album was released on CD by American Beat Records on", "\"Clemson University Tiger Band\"\nwas brought back to Clemson to be taught to the Tiger Band to play at football games. Since 1942, the Tiger Band has learned more than 15 ways to play the Tiger Rag and performs at all Tiger sporting events, pep rallies, and parades. In 2002, a new tradition was added. Before every home football game, the Tiger Band performs their \"\"90 Minutes Before Kick-off Concert,\"\" which takes place in the outdoor amphitheater. Starting 90 minutes before kickoff, the Tiger Band plays classic songs such as \"\"Tiger Rag\"\" and \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" before they march their way down Fort", "\"Big Eyes\"\nChris Lebenzon, who had other commitments with \"\"Maleficent\"\" the same year. It was reported in November 2014 that singer Lana Del Rey would contribute with two original songs to the soundtrack. The songs \"\"Big Eyes\"\" and \"\"I Can Fly\"\", which Lana Del Rey wrote and performed, were leaked in December 2014; the soundtrack album and both songs were officially released on December 23, 2014. \"\"Big Eyes\"\" earned $3 million during its opening weekend and grossed $14.5 million in North America and $14.8 million internationally, for a worldwide total gross of $29.3 million. \"\"Big Eyes\"\" received positive reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes,", "\"Angel Eyes (Raghav song)\"\nPliers, and widely uses the song's music arrangement. \"\"Murder She Wrote\"\" was a success in the UK in 1992, making it to number 27 and was included on the Chaka Demus & Pliers album \"\"Tease Me/All She Wrote\"\". \"\"Angel Eyes\"\" is also a remake of Raghav's Hindi language hit \"\"Teri Baaton Mein\"\" with new English language lyrics and new arrangement. \"\"Angel Eyes\"\" contains one brief Hindi language excerpt from \"\"Teri Baaton Mein\"\". The single peaked at number 7 on the UK Singles Chart, spending 6 weeks in the chart. Angel Eyes (Raghav song) \"\"Angel Eyes\"\" is a song by Canadian-Indian", "\"Tiger's eye\"\nTiger's eye Tiger's eye (also called tiger eye) is a chatoyant gemstone that is usually a metamorphic rock with a golden to red-brown colour and a silky lustre. As members of the quartz group, tiger's eye and the related blue-coloured mineral hawk's eye gain their silky, lustrous appearance from the parallel intergrowth of quartz crystals and altered amphibole fibres that have mostly turned into limonite. \"\"Tiger iron\"\" is an altered rock composed chiefly of tiger's eye, red jasper and black hematite. The undulating, contrasting bands of colour and lustre make for an attractive motif and it is mainly used for", "\"1961 Detroit Tigers season\"\nNicknamed \"\"The Sphinx\"\" and \"\"Ears\"\", baseball historian Bill James dubbed Mossi \"\"The Man Who Invented Winning Ugly.\"\" James wrote: \"\"\"\"Mossi's ears looked as if they had been borrowed from a much larger species, and reattached without proper supervision. His nose was crooked, his eyes were in the wrong place, and though he was skinny he had no neck to speak of, just a series of chins that melted into his chest. . . . Don Mossi was the complete five-tool ugly player. He could run ugly, hit ugly, throw ugly, field ugly and ugly for power.\"\"\"\" The Tigers #4 starter", "\"Tiger's eye\"\nused to imitate the more valued cat's eye chrysoberyl (cymophane), but the overall effect is often unconvincing. Artificial fibre optic glass is a common imitation of tiger's eye, and is produced in a wide range of colours. Tiger's eye Tiger's eye (also called tiger eye) is a chatoyant gemstone that is usually a metamorphic rock with a golden to red-brown colour and a silky lustre. As members of the quartz group, tiger's eye and the related blue-coloured mineral hawk's eye gain their silky, lustrous appearance from the parallel intergrowth of quartz crystals and altered amphibole fibres that have mostly turned", "\"Survivor (Survivor album)\"\non the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 in the Spring of 1980. However, the opening track \"\"Somewhere In America\"\" was a regional hit in the Chicago area, and the song \"\"Youngblood\"\", with its dramatic guitar intro, proved to be something of a blueprint for the band's smash hit of two years later, \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\". An additional song recorded for the album, \"\"Rockin' into the Night\"\", was rejected by Nevison as \"\"too Southern\"\"; it was given to .38 Special who turned the song into a hit. The original Survivor recording finally became available in 2004 on the compilation \"\"Ultimate Survivor\"\". The", "\"Frank Bruno\"\nMike Tyson in his first defence. Tyson beat Bruno on a stoppage in round three, Bruno performing unusually poorly in what turned out to be his last bout as a professional, due to a severe eye injury caused by Tyson. Bruno was advised not to fight again to avoid running the risk of causing any more damage to it, which could result in permanent blindness. Bruno retired soon after the fight. Bruno's publicist throughout most of his career was sports historian Norman Giller, who wrote three books in harness with Frank: \"\"Know What I Mean\"\", \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" and", "\"Hungry Eyes (Merle Haggard song)\"\nthose recordings. According to genre historian Bill Malone, Haggard wrote the song as a tribute to his mother and the sacrifices she made for her family as a single mother (Haggard's father having died when he was 9). The song itself is not autobiographical, Malone noted, as the Haggard family never lived in a labor camp. However, \"\"Hungry Eyes\"\" is a tribute to Oklahomans and others who lived in labor camps during the Great Depression, the time period in which this song is set. \"\"(I)t is Haggard's way of commemorating a whole generation of Okies who persisted through persecution and", "\"Blow (Beyoncé song)\"\nbooty shorts and roller discos. It's kitschy eye-candy, perfectly stylized\"\". Bronwyn Barnes of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" commented that Beyoncé was \"\"the center of attention in the video\"\" partly due to a neon tiger-print mink coat from Versace that she wore. Melissa Locker of \"\"Time\"\" magazine wrote that the singer managed to channel her inner rollergirl. \"\"Vanity Fair\"\"s Michelle Collins compared the video with the film \"\"Boogie Nights\"\" (1997) and went on to describe the scene where the singer dances on a car as a \"\"Cinemax \"\"After Dark\"\"\"\". In 2014, Michael Cragg writing for \"\"The Guardian\"\" ranked the video in the ten", "\"Fever (Kylie Minogue album)\"\nOn a Night Like This tour. Soon after, Minogue began work on her eighth studio album \"\"Fever\"\". On the album, she collaborated with producers and writers such as British singer-songwriter Cathy Dennis, who co-wrote two songs out of the three she co-produced, Rob Davis, who co-produced and co-wrote three songs, and Richard Stannard and Julian Gallagher, who co-produced and co-wrote six songs (\"\"Love At First Sight\"\", \"\"In Your Eyes\"\", \"\"Love Affair\"\" , \"\"Boy\"\" , Rendezvous At Sunset,and \"\"Music Will Always Love You\"\"). In the vein of \"\"Light Years\"\", \"\"Fever\"\" is a disco and dance-pop album that contains elements of adult", "\"Cat's Eyes (album)\"\nCat's Eyes (album) Cat's Eyes is the self-titled debut album by London-based alternative pop duo Cat's Eyes, released on April 11, 2011 on the Polydor record label. The album featured the songs \"\"Cat's Eyes\"\" and \"\"The Best Person I Know\"\", which previously appeared on the group's \"\"Broken Glass\"\" EP, along with eight other tracks including \"\"The Lull\"\" (which the band noted was the first song they wrote for the project). The album was dedicated to the memory of Charlie Haddon of electronica band Ou Est Le Swimming Pool, who committed suicide in August 2010 at Pukkelpop festival in Belgium. Badwan", "\"Marianne Hauser\"\nearned his PhD at the University of Florida in Tallahassee and they moved again, this time to Kirksville, Missouri, where Fred was a professor of music at the Northeast Missouri State College. Throughout these travels Hauser wrote. She published short stories in \"\"Mademoiselle\"\", \"\"Harper's Bazaar\"\", where Alice S. Morris, her lifelong friend, champion and frequent editor, was fiction editor, \"\"Botteghe Oscure\"\" and \"\"The Tiger's Eye\"\", a literary and arts journal published by another lifelong friend, Ruth Stephan, where Marguerite Young was the fiction editor. \"\"The Mouse\"\" (The Tiger's Eye, 1949) was selected for Best American Short Stories, 1950. While in", "\"Tiger Trap (album)\"\nTiger Trap (album) Tiger Trap is the only album released by the band Tiger Trap. It was released in 1993 on K Records and was produced by Calvin Johnson. With about 10,000 copies sold, it was K Records' best-selling album until they released Beck's \"\"One Foot in the Grave\"\" the following year. In 2014, Andrew Earles called the album \"\"quintessential\"\", and wrote that on it, Tiger Trap \"\"packed each song with at least one pop hook.\"\" In 2015, The A.V. Club's Jason Heller wrote that the album \"\"embodies twee\"\", but added that \"\"it’s also a forceful, potent, consummately melodic complement", "\"Tiger Trap (album)\"\nto the more strident sounds of riot grrrl that were raging around them at the time.\"\" Tiger Trap (album) Tiger Trap is the only album released by the band Tiger Trap. It was released in 1993 on K Records and was produced by Calvin Johnson. With about 10,000 copies sold, it was K Records' best-selling album until they released Beck's \"\"One Foot in the Grave\"\" the following year. In 2014, Andrew Earles called the album \"\"quintessential\"\", and wrote that on it, Tiger Trap \"\"packed each song with at least one pop hook.\"\" In 2015, The A.V. Club's Jason Heller wrote", "\"Survivor (band)\"\nfor a total of eighteen weeks. It also topped the British charts and was Australia's number 1 single for four weeks. \"\"Eye\"\" went on to win the band the Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal, was voted Best New Song by the People's Choice Awards and received an Academy Award nomination. The album of the same title, \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\", was released by the band in June 1982 and contained another Top 40 hit in the United States, \"\"American Heartbeat\"\" (number 17 US) and \"\" The One Who Really Matters\"\" (number 74", "\"Eye of the Tiger\"\nat the top of the UK Singles Chart for four consecutive weeks. The song is also the title song to the 1986 film of the same name. It was certified platinum in August 1982 by the RIAA, signifying sales of 2 million vinyl copies. The song had sold over 4.1 million in digital downloads in the United States alone by February 2015. It was voted VH1's 63rd greatest hard rock song. Combined sales of original vinyl release and digital downloads total over 9 million copies. In an interview with Songfacts, co-writer Jim Peterik, who shared writing credit with Frankie Sullivan,", "\"Darrell Brown (musician)\"\nthe soundtrack for the movie available on EverLE Records / Thirty Tigers. Brown co-wrote and produced songs with Robby Armstrong for the Michael Hoffman-directed film, \"\"Gambit\"\". starring Cameron Diaz, Colin Firth, and Alan Rickman, with a script by the Coen brothers. Brown has also written and produced music that has appeared in both film and television; the former includes productions such as Gambit, \"\"Like Dandelion Dust\"\", and \"\"Cruel Intentions\"\", while television series \"\"Cold Case\"\", \"\"Rookie Blue\"\", \"\"One Tree Hill\"\", \"\"Angela's Eyes\"\", \"\"Las Vegas\"\", and \"\"Man of the People\"\" have utilized Brown's musical work. Since 2014 Brown plays himself in LeAnn", "\"Louisiana State University traditions\"\nagainst other universities cheerleading squads in competitions sanctioned by the Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA). The 1989 Tiger cheerleaders won the UCA National Championship. Used for football only, when the Tigers are on offense and earn a first down, the fans perform the \"\"First Down Cheer\"\". It includes the \"\"Hold that Tiger\"\" musical phrase from \"\"Tiger Rag\"\" played by the LSU band and the fans shout \"\"Geaux Tigers\"\" at the end of each phrase. The \"\"Second Down Cheer\"\" is a musical selection that is followed by the crowd chanting L-S-U! The \"\"Third Down Cheer\"\" is based on the song \"\"Eye of", "\"Eye of the Tiger\"\nlongest run of 1982, behind \"\"Hurts So Good\"\" by John Cougar (which was prevented from reaching the top of the Hot 100 by \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\"). This top ten run is tied with the aforementioned \"\"Another One Bites the Dust\"\" as well as \"\"Physical\"\" as the longest run in the top ten for a number one song during the entire 1980s decade. The band won a 1982 Grammy Award for \"\"Best Rock Performance by Duo or Group With Vocal\"\" at the 25th Annual Grammy Awards. In September 1982, it also peaked at No. 1 in the United Kingdom, remaining", "\"Heath Ramsay\"\nthe Bundamba Bowls Club. An avid Wests Tigers fan, in 2006 Heath walked the Kokoda track as part of a Tigers supporters group celebrating their 2005 Premiership win. He opted to make the trek in bare feet. Heath Ramsay Heath Terrence Ramsay (born 3 April 1981) is a former butterfly swimmer who competed for Australia at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia. There he finished in eleventh position in the 200-metre butterfly, clocking 1:57.90 minutes in the B-Final. An accomplished pianist, Heath wrote the Australian Dolphins team song in the lead up to the 2002 Commonwealth Games. The song,", "\"Wests Tigers\"\nparticipated. The club also won the World Sevens in 2004. The Wests Tigers play home games at three grounds: Leichhardt Oval (the home ground of Balmain), Campbelltown Stadium (the home ground of Western Suburbs) and Western Sydney Stadium as of 2019, which is now their main venue. They are currently coached by Michael Maguire. The club CEO is Justin Pascoe and the general manager is Kelly Egan. In 2018, blue Wiggle and fan Anthony Field wrote a song about the Wests Tigers and various artists from The Wiggles who had collaborated sang it to promote this club. In Australia, the", "\"Crazy (Willie Nelson song)\"\nLaura Bush, who said it was one of her favorite songs. Europe Single Notable versions include those recorded by Linda Ronstadt who reached #6 on Billboard's Country chart with her version in 1977, Julio Iglesias (hit in the Netherlands, UK and New Zealand), Kenny Rogers (Kenny Rogers version is a completely different song he wrote himself), The Kills, Dottie West, Kidneythieves, LeAnn Rimes, Shirley Bassey, Guy Lombardo, Chaka Khan, Don McLean (Don McClean's is also a completely different song titled, \"\"Crazy Eyes\"\") and The Waifs. \"\"(Rogers also wrote and recorded another song with the title \"\"Crazy\"\", which topped the charts", "Dalbello\nCher, Richard Marx, Heart, Alice Cooper, Patti LaBelle, Toto, Nena (for whom she wrote an entire translation album \"\"It's All in the Game\"\") and Canadian artists Rough Trade, Kim Mitchell, Alex Lifeson and Glass Tiger. Melissa Manchester successfully took \"\"Pretty Girls\"\" into the US and Canadian Top 40 in 1979. Heart covered \"\"Wait for an Answer\"\" and did a version of \"\"Black on Black\"\" called \"\"Black on Black II\"\". Queensrÿche covered \"\"Gonna Get Close to You\"\". Both Hauteville and Meliesa McDonell covered \"\"Immaculate Eyes\"\". Julie Masse covered \"\"Devious Nature\"\". Heavens Gate covered \"\"Animal\"\". Her song \"\"Don't Get Mad Get Even\"\"", "\"Shout at the Devil (film)\"\nviolated their neutrality. Although the motives for killing Fleischer are personal, Sebastian Oldsmith is in fact the only major character who is a citizen of a nation actually at war with Germany. Film rights were bought by Michael Klinger, who would also buy the rights to \"\"Gold Mine\"\", \"\"The Sun Bird\"\", \"\"The Eye of the Tiger\"\" and \"\"Eagle in the Sky\"\". It was announced in 1969 that the movie version would be made by Cinerama Inc. but it took a number of years for the adaptation to be financed. In 1971 Smith wrote to Klinger that, \"\"It is now becoming", "\"Big Eyes (song)\"\nDecember 13, the song was shortlisted as one of 79 potential nominees for the Academy Awards for Best Original Song, but failed to earn a nomination. Del Rey wrote and performed two songs for \"\"Big Eyes\"\". The title track is heard during the film, while \"\"I Can Fly\"\" plays over the end credits. According to Larry Karaszewski, one of the film's producers, \"\"Tim showed her the film and she fell in love with it. Women in particular seem to get the movie, and Lana really got the movie. The whole thing is about a woman who can't find her voice.", "\"Private Eyes (song)\"\n\"\"I Can't Go for That (No Can Do)\"\". The tune for \"\"Private Eyes\"\" was written by Warren Pash and Janna Allen, with arrangement and chords by Daryl Hall. In an interview with \"\"American Songwriter\"\", Daryl Hall states: \"\"That's a real Janna Allen [co-writer and sister of Sara Allen] song. Janna, and I, and Warren Pash wrote that. Warren and Janna wrote most of the song, and I took it and changed it around – changed the chords. Sandy [Sara Allen] and I wrote the lyrics. It's a real family song, the Allen sisters and me.\"\" The single carries a similar", "\"Cinderella's Eyes\"\nderives from a track of the same name from the album. The song \"\"Cinderella's Eyes\"\" was written in the early stages of the album recording, with lyrics telling a story similar to several fairy tale characters. Roberts described \"\"Cinderella's Eyes\"\" as \"\"a song on my album that I wrote about a year ago… It's about a girl called Sleeping Beauty who wakes up and wonders what life has instore for her… “Will she meet any baddies or goodies and will she lay with any Princes or Hoodies”… She asks Cinderella \"\"Are you happy with your fella and your nice home\"\",", "\"Jimi Jamison\"\nsinging the songs \"\"Burning Heart\"\", \"\"I Can’t Hold Back\"\", \"\"Eye of The Tiger\"\" and \"\"The Search is Over\"\". On November 12, 2011, Jamison led and performed \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" for champion boxer Manny Pacquiao's entrance into the ring for his bout against Shane Mosley at MGM Grand Las Vegas. Fueled by popular demand, he would repeat the performance the following year for the boxer's next title defense. In the meantime, the first performance foreshadowed later events, as just three days later, on November 15, 2011, Jamison announced his return to Survivor following a five-year absence from the group. He", "\"We Be Clubbin'\"\nWe Be Clubbin' \"\"We Be Clubbin'\"\" is the first single from Ice Cube's soundtrack, \"\"The Player's Club\"\". The single was minor success, only making it to No. 32 on the Rhythmic Top 40 single chart. Several remixes were made, all featuring DMX and DJ Clark Kent, 2 Clark World Remixes, one with DMX and Sonja Blade and one without Blade and The Eye of the Tiger Remix which sampled Survivor's \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\". At the end of the song, Ice Cube shouts out his homeboys, homegirls and the club workers. He then shouts out cities to \"\"show him love", "\"Blinded (song)\"\nillustrated in lyrics such as \"\"I see you fogging up the mirror / Vapor round your body glistens from the shower.\"\" According to \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\"s Tom Sinclair, the song seems to reference The Who's \"\"Pinball Wizard\"\". \"\"Blinded\"\" was released as a single in April 2003. It was the second track on Third Eye Blind's 2003 album, \"\"Out of the Vein\"\", which was released the following month. The song also appeared on Third Eye Blind's 2006 compilation album, \"\"A Collection\"\". \"\"Blinded\"\" received positive critical reviews. \"\"Billboard\"\"s Chuck Taylor wrote that the song was \"\"a jangly, pop-rooted rocker that reflects the signature", "\"Wipe Your Eyes\"\nLive's Keaton Fletcher in a review of \"\"Overexposed\"\", wrote that the beginning of the song makes you ask yourself \"\"do you really want to listen to this song?\"\" However, he concluded that after its first thirty seconds it sounds like typical Maroon 5 song on which you feel smooth sexuality. A reviewer of Kiss 95.1 radio wrote that \"\"Wipe Your Eyes\"\" together with \"\"Love Somebody\"\" and \"\"Beautiful Goodbye\"\" \"\"are 'fan favorites' songs\"\". Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"\"Overexposed\"\", A&M/Octone Records. Upon the release of \"\"Overexposed\"\", due to strength of digital downloads, \"\"Wipe Your Eyes\"\" debuted at number 80", "\"Apple of My Eye (song)\"\nTom Evans' \"\"Blind Owl\"\" was released as the B-side. However, in Japan, \"\"Apple of My Eye\"\" was backed with Mike Gibbins' song \"\"Cowboy\"\", and in the Philippines, Evans' \"\"When I Say\"\" was the B-side. Apple of My Eye (song) \"\"Apple of My Eye\"\" is a song recorded by the rock/pop band Badfinger for inclusion on their 1973 album, \"\"Ass.\"\" The song was written and sung by Pete Ham, produced by Chris Thomas and Badfinger, and released on Apple Records. Ham wrote the song about his mixed feelings upon the band's leaving Apple Records (which was the \"\"apple of my eye\"\"", "\"How Beautiful You Are (Ayumi Hamasaki song)\"\nsince \"\"Sunrise (Love Is All)\"\"'s use for \"\"Dandy Daddy?\"\". For the second series of \"\"Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi\"\" in 2014, a new song by Hamasaki, \"\"Hello New Me\"\", served as the theme song. The music of the song was written by her musical collaborator Tim Wellard, who first worked with Hamasaki on the song \"\"Brillante\"\" from her extended play \"\"Five\"\" (2011), and also wrote the songs \"\"Party Queen\"\", \"\"The Next Love\"\" and \"\"Eyes, Smoke, Magic\"\" for \"\"Party Queen\"\". Fuji Television director Hiroki Wakamatsu commissioned Hamasaki for the drama's theme song, asking her to write a grown-up song. Hamasaki wrote", "\"Baosheng Dadi\"\nBaosheng Dadi Baosheng Dadi also Pao Sheng Ta Ti or Poh Seng Tai Tay (; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Pó-seng tāi-tè) is a Chinese god of medicine worshiped in Chinese folk religion and Taoism most popularly in Fujian and Taiwan. Wu Tao or Wu Ben (吳本) was born in the village of Bailiao near Xiamen in Fujian Province, during the Song Dynasty in the year 979. He was a skilled doctor and Taoist practitioner who was credited with performing medical miracles, including applying eye drops to a dragon’s eye and removing a foreign object from a tiger’s throat. After his death in 1036,", "\"Sheila Ki Jawani\"\nsong but it is more about attitude and I was specific about it...\"\" The gorgeous actress who sported a fab zero size figure almost bared her all in the song and gave credit to her director, Farah Khan for her makeover. The song was extremely well received by film critics, who praised the choreography of Farah Khan and the moves of Katrina. Anupama Chopra of NDTV wrote, \"\"Farah continues to be the consummate choreographer – So, Sheila ki Jawani has a superb, infectious energy\"\". Nikhat Kazmi of the Times of India wrote \"\"Of course Sheila Ki Jawani is eye-popping chartbuster", "\"Tiger's eye\"\njewellery-making and ornamentation. Tiger iron is a popular ornamental material used in a variety of applications, from beads to knife hilts. Tiger iron is mined primarily in South Africa and Western Australia. Tiger's eye is composed chiefly of silicon dioxide (SiO) and is coloured mainly by iron oxide. The specific gravity ranges from 2.64 to 2.71. It is formed by the alteration of crocidolite. \"\"Serpentine\"\" deposits in which are occasionally found chatoyant bands of chrysotile fibres have been found in the US states of Arizona and California. These have been cut and sold as \"\"Arizona tiger-eye\"\" and \"\"California tiger's eye\"\"", "\"The Tiger's Eye\"\nmagician for the death of his son. Nog races for the safety of his enchanted hut, the tiger close behind. The man loses the race; the tiger wins. As one of Baum's \"\"most powerful\"\" short works, \"\"a genuine horror story,\"\" the \"\"unrelieved morbid terror\"\" of \"\"The Tiger's Eye\"\" makes it unlike anything else in Baum's literary canon. The Tiger's Eye The Tiger's Eye: A Jungle Fairy Tale is a short story by L. Frank Baum, famous as the creator of the Land of Oz. The story was unpublished in its own era, but has attracted significant attention since its belated", "\"Apollo Creed\"\n\"\"Now when we fought…you had that eye of the tiger\"\". This quote is referred to throughout the movie, including the film's theme song, \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" by Survivor. Creed mentions that Rocky will owe him \"\"a big favor\"\" once he wins, which he does not specify at first. Rocky's training is geared toward making him quicker and more agile to counter the larger, stronger brawler. Creed teaches Rocky his (Creed's) own fighting style. Rocky has trouble concentrating during his training, suffering from guilt over Mickey's demise and self-doubt. Adrian helps Rocky recognize this as a simple fear of losing", "\"Jackson State Tigers and Lady Tigers\"\nknown as the Prancing J-Settes. In 1974, “Get Ready,” an old Motown favorite was selected as the band’s theme song. Also, during the mid-1970s, the “Tiger Run-On” was perfected. The “Tiger Run-On” is a fast, eye-catching shuffle step that blends an adagio step with an up-tempo shuffle (200 steps per minute), then back to adagio—a “Sonic Boom” trademark that brings fans to their feet during halftime performances. In 2003 the marching band was in enshrined in the NCAA Hall of Champions. Also, the marching band was filmed by Electronic Art Sports (EA Sports) for inclusion in the 2005 version of", "\"Tony the Tiger\"\nCalifornian-born British actor, Tom Clarke Hill. For some time in the UK, the rock song \"\"Eye of the Tiger\"\" by Survivor was used in conjunction with Tony's viewings. In Canada, Tony is voiced by animation, commercial, and promo voice artist Tony Daniels. \"\"Put a Tiger on Your Team\"\" was featured in ads all across the nation in 1958 as Kellogg’s cereal campaign reached out all children sports organizations and teams to build more consumers. In the same year of 1958, Tony the Tiger was joined by other popular mascots to promote the newest cereal release \"\"pre-sweetened cereals.\"\" Mass media and", "\"Tiger (2018 film)\"\n2015. Janel Parrish was later attached in October 2015. Principal photography began in Cincinnati and Hamilton, Ohio in November 2015. The making of film reportedly caused a lot of road closings in the Hamilton area. Filming also took place in Miami University Hamilton. Principal photography wrapped in December 2015. Cezary Skubiszewski wrote and composed the original score with a full orchestra. Manj Musik wrote the song \"\"Punjabi Worldwide\"\" for the film which features Fat Joe. On October 14, 2018, \"\"Tiger\"\" won the \"\"Best Feature Film\"\" award at the San Diego International Film Festival. Tiger (2018 film) Tiger is a 2018", "\"Blind Love (song)\"\nlist and jacket covers were also revealed. The single was released in three editions. Every edition comes with a different instrumental, different enclosed card with a serial code and a lottery ticket for a special event. The song was written by the member Lee Jong-hyun who also composed the song with Vinyl House. Lee Jong-hyun also wrote and composed the first b-side of the single, the song \"\"With Your Eyes\"\". The member Jung Yong-hwa wrote the second b-side of the single, \"\"Greedy Man\"\", and composed the song with Kim Jae-yang. In its first day of release the physical single debuted", "\"Eye of the Tiger\"\n\"\"Rocky III\"\" theme. The version of the song that appears in the movie is the demo version of the song. The movie version also contained tiger growls, something that did not appear on the album version. It features original Survivor singer Dave Bickler on lead vocals. It gained tremendous MTV and radio airplay and topped charts worldwide during 1982. In the United States, it held No. 1 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart for six consecutive weeks and was the No. 2 single of 1982, behind Olivia Newton-John's \"\"Physical\"\". It spent fifteen consecutive weeks in the top ten, the second", "\"A Song for Harlem\"\nA Song for Harlem Scraps of Time: 1928, A Song for Harlem is a 2007 book by Patricia McKissack about a girl, Lilly Belle, who spends the Summer of 1928 in Harlem attending a writers' workshop led by Zora Neale Hurston. \"\"BookList\"\", reviewing \"\"A Song for Harlem\"\", wrote \"\"McKissack writes with empathy for the characters as well as a good eye for details that bring the period to life. Especially appripriate for aspiring writers, the themes of finding your voice and telling the truth resonate throughout this appealing chapter book.\"\" and the \"\"School Library Journal\"\" wrote \"\"This easy-to-read novel has", "\"Survivor (band)\"\n/ It's The Singer Not The Song [April 8, 1985] 17. First Night / Feels Like Love [August 5, 1985 (US), August 26 (Germany)] \"\"worldwide:\"\" I Can't Hold Back / Burning Heart [February 1986 (UK & Holland only)] 18. Burning Heart / Feels Like Love [October 20, 1985] \"\"worldwide:\"\" Burning Heart / Eye Of The Tiger [1985 (Japan only)] Eye Of The Tiger / Take You On A Saturday [July 1985] 19. Is This Love / Can't Let You Go [October 15, 1986] 20. How Much Love / Backstreet Love Affair [February 4, 1987 (US), March 1987 (Germany)] 21. Man", "\"Has Anybody Seen My Gal? (song)\"\nHas Anybody Seen My Gal? (song) \"\"Has Anybody Seen My Girl? (Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue)\"\" is an American popular song that achieved its greatest popularity in the 1920s. It is sometimes known simply as \"\"Has Anybody Seen My Girl?\"\" and sometimes simply as \"\"Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue\"\"; the 1925 Leo Feist, Inc. sheet music gives both of these. Accounts of who originally composed \"\"Has Anybody Seen My Girl?\"\" vary, particularly since the song, especially its lyrics, was often modified. Some sources state that Percy Weinrich wrote the music and Jack Mahoney the lyrics, in 1914. Credit", "\"Has Anybody Seen My Gal? (song)\"\nyou...\"\" Has Anybody Seen My Gal? (song) \"\"Has Anybody Seen My Girl? (Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue)\"\" is an American popular song that achieved its greatest popularity in the 1920s. It is sometimes known simply as \"\"Has Anybody Seen My Girl?\"\" and sometimes simply as \"\"Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue\"\"; the 1925 Leo Feist, Inc. sheet music gives both of these. Accounts of who originally composed \"\"Has Anybody Seen My Girl?\"\" vary, particularly since the song, especially its lyrics, was often modified. Some sources state that Percy Weinrich wrote the music and Jack Mahoney the lyrics, in 1914.", "\"Blink of an Eye (Tori Kelly song)\"\nvideo, Kelly sat in near-darkness singing and playing a guitar. Within a month after its release, it had been viewed more than 700,000 times. \"\"Billboard\"\" called \"\"Blink of an Eye\"\" a \"\"beautiful yet heartbreaking song in [Grimmie’s] memory.\"\" Matthew Scott Donnelly wrote that the song \"\"has the beautiful frailty of stained glass ... the lo-fi, guitar-backed performance is powerful for its restraint.\"\" \"\"Music Times\"\" said the video is not \"\"flashy\"\" like Kelly's previous work, but \"\"its simplistic and solemn nature works very well with the seriousness of the song and its context.\"\" Justin Bieber, who knew Grimmie through mutual friend", "\"Song Ci\"\ntime he encountered a difficult case of homicide or physical assault. Song Ci combined many historical cases of forensic science with his own experiences and wrote the book \"\"Collected Cases of Injustice Rectified\"\" with an eye to avoiding miscarriages of justice. The book was esteemed by generations of forensic scientists. Eventually it was translated into English, German, Japanese, French, and other languages. Song Ci Song Ci (Chinese: 宋慈; Pinyin: Sòng Cí; Wade–Giles: Sung Tzʻu) (1186–1249) was a Chinese physician, judge, and forensic medical scientist active during the Southern Song Dynasty who wrote a groundbreaking book titled \"\"Collected Cases of Injustice", "\"Eyes Open (song)\"\nEyes Open (song) \"\"Eyes Open\"\" is a song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift for \"\"The Hunger Games\"\" movie soundtrack, \"\"\"\", though the song is not included in the film itself. Produced by Swift and Nathan Chapman, it was released as the lead single from the album and was sent to mainstream radio on March 27, 2012. A music video consisting of animation with the lyrics of the song was released on Vevo in May 2012. The song was one of two songs that Swift wrote and recorded for the , \"\"The Hunger Games\"\", the other song being", "\"Guys and Dolls (film)\"\nwho had also staged the dances for the Broadway production. At Samuel Goldwyn and Joseph L. Mankiewicz's request, Frank Loesser wrote three new songs for the film: \"\"Pet Me Poppa\"\", \"\"(Your Eyes Are the Eyes of) A Woman in Love\"\", and \"\"Adelaide\"\", the last written specifically for Sinatra. Five songs in the stage musical were omitted from the movie: \"\"A Bushel and a Peck\"\", \"\"My Time of Day\"\", \"\"I've Never Been in Love Before\"\" (although portions of these three songs are heard instrumentally as background music), \"\"More I Cannot Wish You\"\" and \"\"Marry the Man Today\"\". Gambler Nathan Detroit (Frank", "\"Thunderball (film)\"\nafter producers Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman were worried that a theme song to a James Bond film would not work well if the song did not have the title of the film in its lyrics. Barry then teamed up with lyricist Don Black and wrote \"\"Thunderball\"\", which was sung by Tom Jones, who according to Bond production legend, fainted in the recording booth when singing the song's final note. Jones said of it, \"\"I closed my eyes and I held the note for so long when I opened my eyes the room was spinning.\"\" Country musician Johnny Cash", "\"End=Start/Shūten (Kimi no Ude no Naka)\"\ncomposer and electric guitarist Susumu Nishikawa. misono had previously worked with Susumu for her debut song \"\"VS,\"\" \"\"Lovely Cat's Eye\"\" and \"\"Hot Time,\"\" among others. misono wrote the lyrical portion, however. The b-side, \"\"Shuuten ~Kimi no Ude no Naka~,\"\" was composed by Miki Fujisue, who is well known for his musical arrangements for animes. He wrote and composed the theme songs for the anime adaptations of the mangas \"\"D.Gray-man,\"\" \"\"Hayate the Combat Butler\"\" and \"\"Yoshinaga-san Chi no Gargoyle.\"\" The piece was performed by Toru Watanabe, who had also worked with misono's older sister, Kumi Koda, for the songs \"\"Birthday Eve,\"\"", "\"Auburn University Marching Band\"\nMarching Band. The Tiger Eyes nickname was bestowed upon the collective auxiliary groups in 2005, the same year the dancers were introduced to the AUMB. The Tiger Eyes are composed of three distinct lines - flags, majorettes, and dancers - that perform complementary choreography. Tiger Eyes are selected by individual auditions, with a separate audition for each line. The band added a flag corps in the fall of 1985. The majorettes are the oldest group of the Tiger Eyes, tracing their roots to the late 1940s/early 1950s. The Auburn Marching Band performs as part of Tiger Walk at all football", "\"I Wanna Make You Close Your Eyes\"\nI Wanna Make You Close Your Eyes \"\"I Wanna Make You Close Your Eyes\"\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Dierks Bentley. It was released in July 2009 as the third and final single from his 2009 album \"\"Feel That Fire\"\". Bentley wrote the song with Brett Beavers. This song is a country ballad, in which the song's male narrator tells his lover that he \"\"want[s] to make [her] close [her] eyes\"\" (i.e., he wants to feel sexual arousal to the point that she closes her eyes to savor it). Bentley said of the song,", "\"The Tiger's Eye\"\nyoung tiger out of the jungle and into the other half of the island. Now fully grown, the tiger carries out the same depredations on the human villagers. Titticontoo is a chieftain's son, a cheerful and happy boy beloved of all, \"\"a pretty child, with sparkling brown eyes and soft hair...\"\" When the tiger attacks his home, the boy defends his mother and kills the tiger with his spear — but not before the tiger slashes the boy's face and gouges out his left eye. The Magic-Maker, still transformed, recognizes his opportunity, and pops out of the tiger's head and", "\"Fast Car (Namie Amuro song)\"\nthat Amuro describes the lyrics as being a \"\"playful adult love song,\"\" where a woman is teasing a boy by saying that he is hers. Amuro chose the song for her album after listening to a demo from pop music production team Dsign Music. She liked it for its \"\"analog atmosphere,\"\" and said it reminded her of the Sofia Coppola film \"\"Marie Antoinette\"\". The song was composed and its English lyrics written by the Dsign Music team, while female Japanese rapper Tiger wrote the song's lyrics, who had previously worked with Amuro in 2003 single \"\"So Crazy.\"\" The song was", "\"Massillon, Ohio\"\n6 to 5 step. The Tiger Swing band begins every home football game with the traditional hometown songs of Massillon Will Shine, Stand Up and Cheer (to acknowledge the other team), the National Anthem, Eye of the Tiger and the WHS Alma Mater. At the beginning of each half time show, they perform what is known as \"\"Opening Routine.\"\" This is a tradition that goes back for decades and consists of the band's entrance (\"\"Turn Arounds\"\") followed by Fanfare, Tiger Rag and Carry On. This entire routine is marched at 180 beats per minute and is practiced through the entire", "\"Apple of My Eye (song)\"\nApple of My Eye (song) \"\"Apple of My Eye\"\" is a song recorded by the rock/pop band Badfinger for inclusion on their 1973 album, \"\"Ass.\"\" The song was written and sung by Pete Ham, produced by Chris Thomas and Badfinger, and released on Apple Records. Ham wrote the song about his mixed feelings upon the band's leaving Apple Records (which was the \"\"apple of my eye\"\" to Ham) to pursue a larger contract by moving to Warner Bros. Records. The same concern is reflected on the \"\"Ass\"\" album cover, which shows a donkey following a carrot into the distance. Coincidentally,", "\"Eyes Open (song)\"\npeaked at number 12 on the Billboard Hot 100. Eyes Open (song) \"\"Eyes Open\"\" is a song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift for \"\"The Hunger Games\"\" movie soundtrack, \"\"\"\", though the song is not included in the film itself. Produced by Swift and Nathan Chapman, it was released as the lead single from the album and was sent to mainstream radio on March 27, 2012. A music video consisting of animation with the lyrics of the song was released on Vevo in May 2012. The song was one of two songs that Swift wrote and recorded for", "\"Loser like Me\"\nan edge\"\". Newman also said, \"\"For any kid who’s ever been bullied or adult who remembers being bullied, it's a bulls-eye.\"\" Newman wrote that Michele, who opens the song, had a \"\"classic voice\"\" but it had no \"\"grit\"\" to it, and recommended that Pink cover it. Becky Bain of Idolator said that the song could have been a track for Pink or Avril Lavigne, two common artists who work with Martin. Bain said the song fit in with \"\"Raise Your Glass\"\", and better yet, Kesha's \"\"We R Who We R\"\". Christopher Rosen of Movieline said the song had \"\"total home", "\"Vasily Konovalenko\"\nleisure being pummeled with birch switches by a working class attendant. Materials: Beloretsk quartz, rose quartz, rutilated quartz, sapphire, agate, obsidian, jasper, aventurine, silver, gold-plated silver and petrified wood. Height 34 cm. • \"\"Spring\"\": A dapper young man singing and playing a balalaika. Materials: Beloretsk quartz, cacholong, zebra jasper, jasper, sapphire, obsidian, gold-plated silver, tiger eye and cloisonné. Height 25 cm. • \"\"Swan Song\"\": A bow hunter posing with the swan he has just killed. Materials: Beloretsk quartz, sodalite, tiger eye, red jasper, black jasper, obsidian, ruby, pyrite, sapphire, cacholong, gold and serdolic agate. Height 35 cm. • \"\"The Toper\"\":A", "\"The Tiger's Eye\"\nharsh environment; half is dense jungle, where the animals devour each other when they can't catch human prey, and the other half is occupied by human tribes, who fight each other when they are not hunting the animals. Into this grim scene of \"\"strong men and women and fierce beasts,\"\" a one-eyed tiger cub is born. His parents mourn his handicap, since it means that he will probably not survive for long. Searching for help for their baby, the tiger parents visit Nog the Magic-Maker for a second eye for their child. Nog \"\"carelessly\"\" lets slip the fact that the", "\"Eyes Love You\"\nwhile \"\"Oblaat\"\" was covered by GotchaRocka on \"\"Tribute II -Visual Spirits-\"\", both released on July 3, 2013. For \"\"Tribute VII -Rock Spirits-\"\", released on December 18, 2013, it was covered by Yukinojo Mori, who wrote the lyrics to the song back in 1993, with Buck-Tick guitarist Imai Hisashi and titled \"\"Eyes Love You~Ver.2013\"\". \"\"Eyes Love You\"\" was covered by Breakerz for the June 6, 2018 \"\"Tribute Impulse\"\" album. Eyes Love You \"\"Eyes Love You\"\" is the debut single by Japanese musician hide, released on August 5, 1993. It reached number 3 on the Oricon chart. His second single \"\"50% &", "\"Close My Eyes (Mariah Carey song)\"\nClose My Eyes (Mariah Carey song) \"\"Close My Eyes\"\" is a song recorded by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey for her sixth studio album \"\"Butterfly\"\" (1997). It was co-written and produced by Carey and Walter Afanasieff. While Carey solely wrote the lyrics to the song, both she and Afanasieff composed its music. They also produced and arranged the song together. A downtempo piano led song, the lyrics in \"\"Close My Eyes\"\" revolve around negative experiences in her life, including indirectly talking about the relationship between her and ex-husband Tommy Mottola. In September 2012, Carey revealed that it is one" ]
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what is the meaning of the name apoorva
[ "extraordinary", "unprecedented", "new" ]
[ "\"Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo\"\nWhat follows is a series of attempts by Apoorva to make him believe that doubles do exist in this world. Dhirubhai refuses to accept it but, in the end, as Apoorva was about to unfold the secret of his family, Dhirubhai meets his own look-alike and believes Apoorva. Once again the family is saved from being destroyed. Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo (SRJMB), is a Hindi sitcom telecast on SAB TV. The serial name was based on a famous song \"\"Sajan re jhoot mat bolo\"\" from the movie \"\"Teesri Kasam'. A sequel series, \"\"Sajan Re", "\"Apoorva Arora\"\nassumed the role of explorer in Discovery Kids' documentary television series, named \"\"Mystery Hunters India\"\". She is also a part of YouTube channel Filter Copy. Her video, \"\"Every School Romance\"\", starring alongside Rohan Shah had 7.5 million views in 5 days on YouTube. Apoorva Arora Apoorva Arora (born 5 June 1996) is an Indian actress and model. Apoorva was born on 5 June 1996 in New Delhi, India. She stars in Hindi, Kannada, Punjabi and Gujarati films. The first time she got a role in the film was at the age of 13 years. After that, she went on to", "\"Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo\"\nSajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo (SRJMB), is a Hindi sitcom telecast on SAB TV. The serial name was based on a famous song \"\"Sajan re jhoot mat bolo\"\" from the movie \"\"Teesri Kasam'. A sequel series, \"\"Sajan Re Phir Jhoot Mat Bolo\"\" began airing from 23 May 2017. Apoorva is looking for a job. He lands a job with the Dhirubhai's Global Sanskar Group of Industries. Apoorva meets Aarti (niece of Dhirubhai) and falls in love with her. Apoorva lies to Dhirubhai and Aarti about his family. Raju, Apoorva's best friend, builds up a fake", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film)\"\ntitled \"\"10 Best films of Kamal Haasan\"\". Behindwoods included \"\"Raja Kaiya Vacha\"\" in their list \"\"Unforgettable songs of Kamal\"\". Malathi Rangarajan of Hindu included \"\"Apoorva Sagotharargal\"\" in her list \"\"Two to Tango\"\". Singer Mahathi listed \"\"Pudhu Maappillaiku\"\" as her all-time favourite song. Baradwaj Rangan of \"\"The Hindu\"\" stated in his review of \"\"I\"\" (2015) that the film reminds of \"\"Apoorva Sagotharargal\"\". In September 2007, Sakthi Vasu expressed interest in remaking the film. On Kamal Haasan's 60th birthday, an agency named Minimal Kollywood Posters designed posters of Kamal Haasan's films, One of the posters depicted the two minions with one of", "\"Apoorva (2016 film)\"\nthe launch, Ravichandran revealed, \"\"Each song from Apoorva will be launched by celebrities including Shivarajkumar, Ramesh Aravind, Upendra, Darshan, Puneeth Rajkumar, Ganesh and Yash. Sudeep has already worked in the film and will host the launch with me,\"\" and added, \"\"I want everybody to enjoy Valentine’s Day with us and make it a special day of love. Everyone should get ready for this special musical treat and Valentine date with Apoorva.\"\" Apoorva (2016 film) Apoorva is a 2016 Kannada film written, produced and directed by Ravichandran who also composed the music. The film stars Ravichandran and Apoorva. The crux of", "\"Apoorva Chitra\"\nApoorva Chitra Apoorva Chitra is an Indian film production company. NRIs Hari Charana Prasad and his wife Sukanya founded the company in May 2006. P.V. Sukanya is the cousin of renowned South Indian music director Pasupuleti Ramesh Naidu. Apoorva Chitra is based at Hyderabad, India. Apoorva Chitra is committed to encourage innovative filmmakers and produce, finance and distribute the most original stories from the Indian subcontinent and bring them to the appreciative moviegoers of the world. Apoorva Chitra’s mission statement is – To Produce Engaging, Entertaining and Thought Provoking films on socially relevant issues. Their first production was\"\" Kamli\"\", starring", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film)\"\nthe beginning of what was to be a long career, for Kamal Haasan, in getting more into the skin of his character, and setting higher standards for himself with the aid of superior make-up and body language\"\". On Kamal's birthday, 7 November 2015, Latha Srinivasan of \"\"Daily News and Analysis\"\" considered \"\"Apoorva Sagodharargal\"\" to be one of the \"\"films you must watch to grasp the breadth of Kamal Haasan's repertoire\"\". \"\"The Hindu\"\" included \"\"Unna Nenachen\"\" among lyricist Vaali's best songs in their collection, \"\"Best of Vaali: From 1964 – 2013\"\". The film was also included by Rediff in their list", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\noptions: Rajinikanth, Chandrakanth and Srikanth. Balachander chose to christen Gaekwad as Rajinikanth, after the name of a character played by A. V. M. Rajan from Balachander's film \"\"Major Chandrakanth\"\" (1966) on 27 March 1975; the name means \"\"Colour of Night\"\", which refers to Rajinikanth's skin colour. Rajinikanth played a relatively small but pivotal role of Pandiyan, the estranged husband of Bhairavi, in the film. Balachander revealed that Rajinikanth's first shot of opening the gate was deliberate and was representative of the actor making an entry into cinema through the film. Rajinikanth's make-up was done by R. Sundaramoorthy. In October 2010,", "\"Apoorva Lakhia\"\nApoorva Lakhia Apoorva Lakhia is an Indian film director. Lakhia was born and brought up in Ahmedabad, India. He was educated at the Lawrence School, Sanawar. He dropped out of a filmmaking course in New York University to assist Mira Nair on \"\"The Perez Family\"\". He had been an assistant on American films such as \"\"The Ice Storm\"\", \"\"A Perfect Murder\"\" and \"\"Addicted to Love\"\". Before becoming a film director, Apoorva was an assistant director for Ashutosh Gowariker's period epic film \"\"\"\". As Aamir Khan was looking for someone with Hollywood experience for \"\"Lagaan\"\", Farhan Akhtar recommended Apoorva, who had", "\"Apoorva Arora\"\nApoorva Arora Apoorva Arora (born 5 June 1996) is an Indian actress and model. Apoorva was born on 5 June 1996 in New Delhi, India. She stars in Hindi, Kannada, Punjabi and Gujarati films. The first time she got a role in the film was at the age of 13 years. After that, she went on to star in various ad campaigns and became a household face, especially after her Glam up and Cadbury perk ads. Currently, Apoorva is one of the most sought-after faces in the Kannada film industry after the success of her film \"\"Siddhartha\"\". In 2012, she", "\"Apoorva (2016 film)\"\nApoorva (2016 film) Apoorva is a 2016 Kannada film written, produced and directed by Ravichandran who also composed the music. The film stars Ravichandran and Apoorva. The crux of the film is a love story which takes place between a 61-year-old man and 19-year-old girl. The movie stars V. Ravichandran and Mysore-based actress Apoorva. The film will see Vijay Raghavendra and wife playing the role of Ravichandaran's son and daughter-in-law. Actor Sudeep has also done a special role in the movie. Most of the film is shot in a lift at Ravichandran's residence who altered it just to shoot for", "\"Apoorva Chitra\"\nNandita Das and Shafi, which won the National Award for 2006 as well as a Nandi award for Das' performance. \"\"Kamli\"\" was critically acclaimed and was India's official entry to the Busan International Film Festival. The company's second production was \"\"SHH..Idi Chaala Manchi Ooru\"\", directed by Hari Charan. Apoorva Chitra Apoorva Chitra is an Indian film production company. NRIs Hari Charana Prasad and his wife Sukanya founded the company in May 2006. P.V. Sukanya is the cousin of renowned South Indian music director Pasupuleti Ramesh Naidu. Apoorva Chitra is based at Hyderabad, India. Apoorva Chitra is committed to encourage innovative", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nVivek in the disguise of unemployed graduate looked like Rajinikanth from \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\". In 1976, \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\" was remade in Telugu as \"\"Thoorpu Padamara\"\". The remake was directed by Dasari Narayana Rao and featured Srividya reprising her character. In 1984, the film was remade in Hindi as \"\"Ek Nai Paheli\"\" by Balachander himself. Kamal reprised his role from original. Apoorva Raagangal Apoorva Raagangal () is a 1975 Indian Tamil-language drama film directed by K. Balachander. The film features Kamal Haasan and Srividya in lead roles while Rajinikanth (in his cinematic debut), Jayasudha, Nagesh, and Major Sundarrajan play supporting roles. The", "\"Apoorva Lakhia\"\nOut\"\" starring Sanjay Dutt and Irrfan Khan. In 2013, he directed re-make of the breakthrough film, Zanjeer with Telugu actor Ram Charan. Apoorva Lakhia Apoorva Lakhia is an Indian film director. Lakhia was born and brought up in Ahmedabad, India. He was educated at the Lawrence School, Sanawar. He dropped out of a filmmaking course in New York University to assist Mira Nair on \"\"The Perez Family\"\". He had been an assistant on American films such as \"\"The Ice Storm\"\", \"\"A Perfect Murder\"\" and \"\"Addicted to Love\"\". Before becoming a film director, Apoorva was an assistant director for Ashutosh Gowariker's", "\"Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo\"\nlevels of normalcy and are unbelievably rigid. Apoorva was raised in an orphanage and, to get the job in Dhirubhai’s company, lies that he has a full-fledged family in India. Apoorva’s description of his imaginary family makes Dhirubhai fall in love with each and every member. Dhirubhai has a niece Aarti, who is young, beautiful and believes in the same values as her uncle. They both trust Apoorva blindly: He has earned this trust and respect on the basis of his hard work. Over time he has become the Man Friday for Dhirubhai as well as Aarti. Apoorva has also", "\"Wajood (1998 film)\"\nlove for him. Meanwhile, Apoorva and Nihal (Mukul Dev) fall in love with each other. Nihal's father, who is a wealthy bureaucrat, decides to get them married. Malhar assumes that this marriage is against Apoorva's will and in his protest Nihal's father accidentally gets killed. Malhar is sent to jail. As Nihal loses his identity and status due to his father's death, Apoorva's father breaks off her engagement with Nihal. In jail, Malhar spends his days thinking of Apoorva, getting married to her, having a child and living happily with his father; all in one family. Malhar escapes from jail", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film)\"\nthe song \"\"Pudhu Mappillaiku\"\". In a comedy scene from \"\"Velayudham\"\" (2011), Vaidehi's father (M. S. Bhaskar) is seen watching the film on television. Scenes from the film has been parodied in \"\"Thamizh Padam\"\" (2010), Delhi Ganesh reprises his character in the film. Shiva tries to use \"\"Rube Goldberg machine\"\" similar to the one Kamal used in the film but fails. Director Vinayan said that idea of Malayalam film \"\"Albhuthadweep\"\" (2005) was inspired from \"\"Apoorva Sagodharargal\"\". Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film) Apoorva Sagodharargal () is a 1989 Indian Tamil-language comedy-drama film directed by Singeetam Srinivasa Rao. The film stars Kamal Haasan in", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film)\"\nkaalai thottu kumbidanum\"\" recorded for the film was dumped as the script was doctored by Kamal Haasan based on Ashokamitran's novel. After 50 days of successful run, the song was included as an added attraction. The title \"\"Apoorva Sagodharargal\"\" itself was taken from 1949 feature film of the same name which featured actors MK Radha and Bhanumathi in titular roles and was produced in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi simultaneously. Directed by Acharya and written by Kothamangalam Subbu, the old film was an adaptation of the novella “The Corsican Brothers” by Alexander Dumas. The idea of brothers coming together to avenge", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nExpress\"\"'s list, \"\"K Balachander's 10 Most Memorable Movies\"\" and number two in's list \"\"Kamal Haasan's 60 years of excellence\"\". The film was released as a novel in 2008 by Vikatan under the same name. An unrelated television serial of the same title was produced by Purple Productions and was broadcast in August 2015 on Sun TV. On Kamal's birthday, 7 November 2015, Latha Srinivasan of \"\"Daily News and Analysis\"\" considered \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\" to be one of the \"\"films you must watch to grasp the breadth of Kamal Haasan's repertoire\"\". In the film \"\"Sandhitha Velai\"\" (2000), Manivannan jokingly remarks that", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nout complexities involved in relationships and how certain relationships, no matter what, do not leave you and emerge abruptly to create new equations.\"\" \"\"The Hindu\"\" wrote that it \"\"was bold and unapologetic about love transcending age, caste and all barriers one can think of\"\". In 2011, after Balachander had been given the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, Rediff named the film one of Balachander's best and wrote, \"\"Many filmmakers of that time would have hesitated to touch a subject like this, particularly at a time when relationships were still being gingerly tested on celluloid. But not K Balachander\"\". In 2003, Rediff wrote,", "Koormavatara\nthis film. Dr Shikaripura Krishnamurthy plays the lead protagonist role. HG Somasekhara Rao, Goa Datthu, Ninasam Chaswa, Rashmi, Vikram Soori, Nanjunda and Apoorva Kasaravalli forms the rest of cast. Issac Thomas scores the music and G.S.Bhaskar another stalwart in cinematography, is behind the camera. Koormavatara Koormavatara () is a 2011 Indian Kannada drama film directed by Girish Kasaravalli, based on short story of the same name written by Kum. Veerabhadrappa. It stars Shikaripura Krishnamurthy, Jayanthi and Apoorva Kasaravalli in the lead roles, and Harish Raj, Cheswa, Rashmi Sumukha, Goa Dattu and Sumukha Bharadwaj feature in supporting roles. The story revolves", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nThe first day of filming was done in the Cashew farms of VGP Golden Beach with the song \"\"Athisaya Raagam\"\". Instead of implementing a tracking shot, the camera was moved manually by the cameraman while shooting for the song, making \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\" the first Tamil film to do so.It was also the first Tamil film to have a song (\"\"Kelviyin Nayagane\"\") in the climax sequences. The reason the song, \"\"Kelviyin Nayagane\"\", was included was because it provided the solutions to the problems faced by the film's characters. \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\" was one of the earliest Tamil films to be shot entirely", "\"Sri Reddy Mallidi\"\nwas alleged to be happening on a very large scale. The film body Movie Artistes Association (MAA) banned Sri Reddy for the protest. Apoorva actively supported her protest. In response to the MAA banning Reddy, Apoorva withdrew from the membership of the MAA in protest. In a press conference Apoorva asked the leading actors of the film industry to come out in support of women like they are portrayed fighting for women in the movies. The silence from the movie industry on the issue of the casting couch was also slammed by several actors. The National Human Rights Commission of", "Maatr\nconstruction with Sofi who is a property dealer. Once there, she holds him at gun point and makes him call Apoorva and tell him that he is turning himself and the others in to the police. Sofi then jumps off the building and kills himself knowing the Apoorva will kill him now. Sutti Mama who had driven Sofi there sees Vidya come out of the building with a gun in her hand and jumps into his car and drives away. His car is hit by a truck and he dies on the spot. Apoorva finally tells his father to tell", "\"Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo\"\ndeveloped a liking for Aarti but has refrained from expressing his feelings to her. Dhirubhai fixes Aarti’s marriage but, in a dramatic turn of events, it is called off at the last moment. Dhirubhai decides to marry Aarti with Apoorva. He announces that the marriage will take place in India, in the presence of Apoorva’s family. Apoorva tries to convey the truth to Aarti but realizes that it will break her heart. He asks his best friend Raju to set up his fake family in India before the marriage, which has to take place in a few days. Raju does", "\"Apoorva Raagangal (TV series)\"\nApoorva Raagangal (TV series) Apoorva Raagangal is a 2015-2018 Indian Tamil-language soap opera that airs on Sun TV. The show premiered on 10 August 2015 to 7 July 2018 for 859 episodes. It airs Monday through Saturday at 11:00AM IST. The show starring by Shruthi Raj and Mithun. The show Directed by Justin Jeyaraj and Production by The Purple Productions It was written by famous lyricist Dr. Krithaya, composed by the famous music director Prashathini Prem and background score by Kiran. It was sung by Subramaniyam, Sai lakshmi, Aishwarya and Asvitha with the right feel which touched people. The series", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1949 film)\"\nintroduced the concept of identical twins and their feelings and eventually became a trendsetter for similar themes. M. G. Ramachandran played the twins in a rehash of the film titled \"\"Neerum Neruppum\"\", in 1971 which did well and this was remade as \"\"Gora Aur Kala\"\" in Hindi, starring Rajendra Kumar in 1972. Later, the 1999 film \"\"Vaali\"\", starring Ajithkumar also had a similar concept. Apoorva Sagodharargal (1949 film) Apoorva Sagodharargal () is a 1949 Indian Tamil-language action film directed by T. G. Ragavachari and written by Kothamangalam Subbu. The film which was adapted from Alexandre Dumas' novel \"\"The Corsican Brothers\"\"", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film)\"\nApoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film) Apoorva Sagodharargal () is a 1989 Indian Tamil-language comedy-drama film directed by Singeetam Srinivasa Rao. The film stars Kamal Haasan in three roles, as a mechanic, a circus clown who is a dwarf and a police officer, along with Gautami and Rupini playing lead roles with Srividya, Manorama, Nagesh, Jaishankar, Nassar and Delhi Ganesh playing supporting roles. The music for the film was composed by Ilaiyaraaja with lyrics written by Vaali. The film was produced by Kamal Haasan and his brother Chandra Haasan under the production company Raajkamal Films International. The film tells the story of", "\"Aayiram Thalai Vaangi Apoorva Chinthamani\"\nR. Swaminathan) wants to become all powerful (Ashtamasithi) and prays to obtain such powers. He was told that if he could achieve the sacrifice of 1000 men, he shall achieve such a supreme power. As he cannot achieve this feat on his own, he works out a plan. Princess Apoorva Chinthamani (V. N. Janaki) is the daughter of King Neethi Kethu (M. G. Chakrapani). Due to her intelligence knowledge and interest in various arts, she is referred to as \"\"Apoorva Chinthamani\"\". The happy King encourages her learn more. The magician comes to the Aditayapuri Kingdom in the garb of a", "\"Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo\"\nfamily. After a month Aarti gets married to Apoorva. It shows how Apoorva and other family members try to hide the truth of this fake family from Dhirubhai and his niece Aarti. \"\"Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo\"\" revolves around the humor that comes from situational lies and liars. It is a situational comedy that arises from a small lie that the protagonist, Apoorva, had to tell his employer Dhirubhai Jhaveri to get a job. Dhirubhai is a very successful businessman who hates lies and liars and believes in family bonding and values. His belief in these values at times crosses", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nApoorva Raagangal Apoorva Raagangal () is a 1975 Indian Tamil-language drama film directed by K. Balachander. The film features Kamal Haasan and Srividya in lead roles while Rajinikanth (in his cinematic debut), Jayasudha, Nagesh, and Major Sundarrajan play supporting roles. The film was produced by V. Govindarajan and J. Duraisamy under the production banner Kalakendra Films. The soundtrack and score were composed by M. S. Viswanathan while the lyrics for all tracks were written by Kannadasan. Although the film was based on a riddle featured in one of the \"\"Baital Pachisi\"\" stories, it has also been widely described as having", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nbeen inspired by the American film \"\"40 Carats\"\" (1973). \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\" was controversial upon release as it examines relationships between people with wide age gaps, which challenged Indian social mores. The film is about Prasanna (Kamal) who falls in love with the older Bhairavi (Srividya) while his father is drawn to Bhairavi's daughter Ranjini (Jayasudha). The rest of the film revolves around the four characters and their problems. \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\" released on 18 August 1975 and became a critical and commercial success\"\".\"\" It won three National Film Awards and three Filmfare Awards South. It was later remade by Balachander in", "\"Apoorva D. Patel\"\nFox (1984), with a thesis entitled: \"\"Monte Carlo Renormalisation Group for Lattice QCD.\"\" Prof. Richard Feynman was on his PhD thesis evaluation committee. The picture displayed above is from his graduation day at California Institute of Technology. He was a Scientific Associate, Theory Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1987–1989, and then in 1989 he joined the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, as a faculty member. In 1989 he married Rashmi, a surgeon specializing in laparoscopy and endosurgery. His son, Aavishkar, was born in 1990. Apoorva D. Patel Apoorva D. Patel is a Professor at the Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1949 film)\"\nApoorva Sagodharargal (1949 film) Apoorva Sagodharargal () is a 1949 Indian Tamil-language action film directed by T. G. Ragavachari and written by Kothamangalam Subbu. The film which was adapted from Alexandre Dumas' novel \"\"The Corsican Brothers\"\" stars M. K. Radha and P. Bhanumathi in the lead roles with Nagendra Rao and Suryaprabha playing supporting roles. The film revolves around the two lookalike brothers who were separated during childhood by their cruel uncle who murdered his parents, rest of the film shows how two brothers join together in avenging the death of their parents. It was simultaneously produced in Tamil, Telugu", "\"Apoorva Sengupta\"\nApoorva Sengupta Lieutenant General Apoorva Kumar Sengupta (3 August 1938 in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 14 September 2013 in New Delhi) was an Indian army officer and cricketer who played in one Test in 1959. A. K. Sengupta's Test appearance came in the middle of a major controversy in Indian cricket. Ghulam Ahmed announced his retirement a few days before the Madras Test against the West Indies in 1958-59, and Vijay Manjrekar dropped out due to an injury. This led to a confusing situation where Jasu Patel, A. G. Kripal Singh, Manohar Hardikar and Sengupta were all considered. The captain", "\"Apoorva Sengupta\"\nDelhi. They had two children, Amitabh and Surojit Sengupta. Sengupta died in the R&R hospital in New Delhi on 14 September 2013. Apoorva Sengupta Lieutenant General Apoorva Kumar Sengupta (3 August 1938 in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 14 September 2013 in New Delhi) was an Indian army officer and cricketer who played in one Test in 1959. A. K. Sengupta's Test appearance came in the middle of a major controversy in Indian cricket. Ghulam Ahmed announced his retirement a few days before the Madras Test against the West Indies in 1958-59, and Vijay Manjrekar dropped out due to an injury.", "\"Aayiram Thalai Vaangi Apoorva Chinthamani\"\nAayiram Thalai Vaangi Apoorva Chinthamani Aayiram Thalai Vaangi Apoorva Chinthamani (\"\"ஆயிரம் தலை வாங்கி அபூர்வ சிந்தாமணி\"\" ) is a 1947 Indian Tamil language adventure-thriller film directed and produced by T. R. Sundaram. The screenplay was written by T. R. Sundaram and the dialogue by Bharathidasan. Music was composed by G. Ramanathan. The film stars M. R. Swaminathan, P. S. Govindan, V. N. Janaki and Kali N. Rathnam in the lead roles, with S. Varalakshmi, M. G. Chakrapani and C. T. Rajakantham in supporting roles. The film was a big success among the masses. Thirteen years later, the film was remade in", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nWe saw the film. When we came out, he started crying. I asked him, “Why are you crying?” He said, “I’m on the screen finally, I’m so happy. These are tears of joy\"\" said Raja Bahadur. The film duly completed a 100-day run and to mark it, Balachander held a ceremony to reward his cast and crew in Madras. \"\"Apoorva Ragangal\"\" received widespread critical acclaim. On 22 August 1975, \"\"The Hindu\"\" said, \"\"K. Balachander has contributed a unique story, dialogues and superb direction in Kala Kendra's \"\"Apoorva Ragangal\"\". A film with a revolutionary offbeat theme it provides poetic experience.\"\" On", "\"Aayiram Thalai Vaangi Apoorva Chinthamani\"\nSundaram settled his account and called Kantha Rao who was chosen to play one of the princes for a fresh make-up test and took him for the lead role. Aayiram Thalai Vaangi Apoorva Chinthamani Aayiram Thalai Vaangi Apoorva Chinthamani (\"\"ஆயிரம் தலை வாங்கி அபூர்வ சிந்தாமணி\"\" ) is a 1947 Indian Tamil language adventure-thriller film directed and produced by T. R. Sundaram. The screenplay was written by T. R. Sundaram and the dialogue by Bharathidasan. Music was composed by G. Ramanathan. The film stars M. R. Swaminathan, P. S. Govindan, V. N. Janaki and Kali N. Rathnam in the lead roles, with", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nof wedlock). Both relationships arrive at a dilemma with an unexpected twist when Bhairavi's long-lost husband, Pandiyan (Rajinikanth) comes into picture. The Sri Lankan newspaper \"\"Daily News\"\" stated that K. Balachander adapted the screenplay of \"\"40 Carats\"\"a 1973 American film directed by Milton Katselas, which narrated the story of Ann Stanley (Liv Ullmann), a widow who falls in love with the much younger Peter Latham (Edward Albert)for his film \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\". According to Balachander, he was also inspired by a riddle which featured in one of the stories in \"\"Baital Pachisi\"\". Writer N. R. Dasan, however, stated that \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\"", "\"Apoorva D. Patel\"\nApoorva D. Patel Apoorva D. Patel is a Professor at the Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He is notable for his work on quantum algorithms, and the application of information theory concepts to understand the structure of genetic languages. His major field of work has been the theory of quantum chromodynamics, where he has used lattice gauge theory techniques to investigate spectral properties, phase transitions, and matrix elements. He obtained his MSc in Physics (1980) from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, and PhD in Physics from the California Institute of Technology under Geoffrey C.", "\"Apoorva Raagangal (TV series)\"\nwas released on 10 August 2015 on Sun TV, the series also airs on Sun TV HD. The Show was also broadcast internationally on Channel's international distribution. It airs in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, South East Asia, Middle East, United States, Canada, Europe, Oceania, South Africa and Sub Saharan Africa on Sun TV. The show's episodes were released on YouTube channel as The Purple Productions. Apoorva Raagangal (TV series) Apoorva Raagangal is a 2015-2018 Indian Tamil-language soap opera that airs on Sun TV. The show premiered on 10 August 2015 to 7 July 2018 for 859 episodes. It airs Monday", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1949 film)\"\nboth at the box-office and with the critics. Dhananjayan praised M. K. Radha's acting as \"\"finest and best in his career\"\" and appreciated director Acharya for \"\"bringing out the best performance from everyone and presenting an entertaining and engaging film\"\". Randor Guy of \"\"The Hindu\"\" wrote that the film \"\"is remembered for the excellent performances of Bhanumathi and Nagendra Rao, and for the music\"\". The film was remade in Telugu as \"\"Apoorva Sahodarulu\"\", with Radha reprising the character. It was also remade in Hindi as \"\"Nishaan\"\" with Ranjan. Bhanumathi was the lead actress for all the three versions. The film", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nwas his script. When the matter was taken to the Madras High Court, it did not accept Dasan's contention for the script, hence handing the rights to Balachander. V. Govindarajan and J. Duraisamy produced the film under their production banner, Kalakendra Films. B. S. Lokanath was chosen as the cinematographer and N. R. Kittu as the editor, while Ramasamy was chosen as the art director. \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\" was Kamal Haasan's first major breakthrough as a lead actor; for portraying the role of Prasanna authentically, Kamal took seven months to learn the mridangam. For the character's looks in the film, Kamal", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1949 film)\"\nof physical desire whenever Vijayan and Kanchana are together. Not wanting to be the cause for the brothers turning against each other and in order to enable them to reach their avowed objective without further distraction, Kanchana leaves Vijayan in the forest, only to fall straight into the clutches of Marthandan. The rescue of Kanchana, and Marthandan getting his retribution forms the rest of the exciting tale. \"\"Apoorva Sagodharargal\"\" was adapted from Alexandra Duma's novel \"\"The Corsican Brothers\"\". Gregory Ratoff adapted the film and Douglas Fairbanks Jr played the dual role of the conjoined twins Lucien and Mario Franchi. The", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film)\"\nthe death of their father is the common thread running between both the old and the new film. Coincidentally Arnold Schwarzenegger starring Twins released few months earlier than \"\"Apoorva Sagodharargal\"\" shares lot of similarities in the story. The music was composed by Ilaiyaraaja. The songs remain popular even today. The sad theme music in the film was highly acclaimed and remains popular to this day. Regarding the song \"\"Pudhu Mappillaiku\"\", Kamal said that he wanted a tune similar to the chore which is sung in Oscar Awards function whereas Ilayaraja said that Kamal wanted a tune reminiscent to the song", "\"Jhoome Jiiya Re\"\nfight for her destiny. She wants to prove herself to the society in spite of repeated failures. She loves her family and wants to make her family name a proud name to those around her. She believes that her passion for life is dance; therefore, to achieve her motives, she auditions for an academy named 'RAD'. She is selected, but not as a dancer; as a secretary. There, she befriends Apoorva. Jhoome Jiiya Re Jhoome Jiiya Re is a Hindi television serial that aired on Zee Next channel on the day the channel was launched on 17 December 2007. The", "\"Banswara district\"\nBanswara district Banswara District has an area of 5,037 km, 1.47% of Rajasthan state, India. The city of Banswara is the district headquarters. It is bounded on the north by Udaipur District, on the northeast by Pratapgarh District, on the east and southeast by Madhya Pradesh state, on the southwest by Gujarat state, and on the west by Dungarpur District. The district is named after the Apoorva Sharma former Princely State of Banswara. There are two traditions regarding the etymology of Banswara. According to one tradition, it is derived from the name of the Bhil chief Bansia who ruled over", "\"Delhi Ganesh\"\na comedian but he has done villainous roles in films like \"\"Apoorva Sagodharargal\"\" (as Francis). Ganesh played the hero in the 1981 film \"\"Engamma Maharani\"\". His most notable films are \"\"Sindhu Bhairavi\"\", \"\"Nayakan\"\", \"\"Michael Madana Kama Rajan\"\", \"\"Aahaa\"\" and \"\"Thenali\"\". He is also a prominent Tamil teleserial actor who has acted in more than 8 major serials and is recently acting in fatherly roles in serials like Vasantham and Kasthuri in Sun TV. His Latest appearance is in Hindi movie \"\"Chennai Express\"\". He also made an appearance in the short film \"\"What if Batman was from Chennai\"\" as a version", "Kasoor\nKasoor Kasoor (English: \"\"Fault\"\") is a 2001 Indian Hindi suspense thriller film produced under Mukesh Bhatt's Vishesh Entertainment Ltd. and directed by Vikram Bhatt. It features Aftab Shivdasani in his second Bollywood appearance and Lisa Ray in her Bollywood debut. Ray's voice was dubbed by Divya Dutta. The film also stars Apoorva Agnihotri, Irrfan Khan and Ashutosh Rana in supporting roles. It was released on 2 February 2001. The film is an unofficial remake of the 1985 Hollywood film \"\"Jagged Edge\"\" but the last sequence has been taken from another Hollywood movie \"\"What Lies Beneath\"\". The film starts with the", "\"Ek Nai Paheli\"\nman, Avinash now arrives and claims to be the husband of Bhairavi, moreover, he meets Sandeep as well and tells his story. He also speaks about their daughter, Kajri. The climax reveals that, Kajri lives with the much older Upendranath and plan to marry as well. What would be the fate of Bhairavi, Sandeep and Avinash? Ek Nai Paheli Ek Nai Paheli () is a 1984 Hindi-language Indian feature film directed by K. Balachander, starring Kamal Haasan, Raaj Kumar, Hema Malini, Padmini Kohlapure and Suresh Oberoi. It is a remake of the Tamil film \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\", also directed by Balachander.", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1949 film)\"\nand Hindi languages by Gemini Studios. The Telugu version Apoorva Sahodarulu () was directed by C. Pullaiah, and the Hindi version Nishan () by S. S. Vasan. Mahendra Bhoopathi and Marthandan are rival kings. When Bhoopathi’s wife gives birth to conjoined twins, Dr. Nanjappa separates them skillfully. In a surprise attack, Marthandan and his men set fire to Bhoopathi’s fort thinking that the entire Bhoopathi clan perishes. But the good doctor has taken the babies to the safety of his house. And thereafter the elder twin Vijayan grows up in the city, while the younger twin Vikraman is brought up", "\"Pankaj Narayan\"\nof the dashavatar by Sonakshi Sinha. The esteemed panel of judges on the show includes Sonakshi Sinha, Shekhar Rajviani and Kanika Kapoor, along with Swami Ramdev and is hosted by Aparshakti Khurana. He is associated as director with Ath Entertainment, founded by Apoorva Bajaj. \"\"Chal Guru Ho Jaa Shuru\"\" was his first Hindi film as producer. Ath Entertainment is a multifaceted media company headed by Apoorva Bajaj and Pankaj Narayan, with interest in the television reality shows, fiction, film production, events, ad film making and other growing aspects of the media industry. Pankaj Narayan Pankaj Narayan is an Indian television", "\"Mumbai Se Aaya Mera Dost\"\nBollywood music charts. Though not a very successful film at the box office, the performance of Abhishek Bachchan was appreciated. Through this film, he adopted the rough guy look which he has continued to appear with in most of his films. It was Apoorva Lakhia's directorial début who went on to become one of the closest friends of Abhishek Bachchan. Mumbai Se Aaya Mera Dost Mumbai Se Aaya Mera Dost () is a 2003 Bollywood movie starring Abhishek Bachchan, Lara Dutta and Chunky Pandey. The film is directed by Apoorva Lakhia. The film touched on the subject of influence of", "\"Ankur Bhatia\"\nconsultants in New York City. The film also stars Poorna Jagannathan. In 2013, Ankur Bhatia played a negative role in a remake of 1973 Bollywood film \"\"Zanjeer\"\", directed by Apoorva Lakhia in Hindi and Telugu. In 2016, he played the role of Baldev, husband of Dalbir Kaur, essayed by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in \"\"Sarabjit\"\" directed by Omung Kumar. In 2017, he played Shraddha Kapoor’s husband in Apoorva Lakhia’s film \"\".\"\" Ankur Bhatia Ankur Bhatia (born 24 May 1982) is an Indian actor and model. He grew up in Bhopal, India and currently resides in Mumbai and New York. He made", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film)\"\nwas used in the film and in Audio cassette this version started with the dialogue between Kamal Hassan and Manorama and another sung by S. P. Balasubrahmanyam which was included in the Audio LP and Cassettes. Filmfare Awards South Tamil Nadu State Film Awards \"\"Apoorva Sagodharargal\"\" emerged as the top grosser of the year beating the 7-year box office record of \"\"Sagalakala Vallavan\"\". The film topped the Chennai box office on its opening weekend with 11 lakh distributor share. Behindwoods included Appu's character in their list \"\"Top 10 Avatars of Kamal\"\" and wrote \"\"one of Kamal's landmark makeovers in cinema\"\".", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film)\"\nthem being a dwarf reminiscent of the characters from the film. Rangan compared \"\"Mersal\"\" (2017) to \"\"Apoorva Sagodharargal\"\", saying that in both films, \"\"A father is brutally murdered. A son takes revenge. The other son is thought to be the killer.\"\" The songs from the film has inspired film titles – \"\"Raja Kaiya Vacha\"\" (1990) and \"\"Unna Nenachen Pattu Padichen\"\" (1992). The sad theme music from the film has been used for comedy scenes in films – \"\"Chennai 600028\"\" (2007) and \"\"Thillu Mullu\"\" (2013). In \"\"Periya Marudhu\"\" (1995), Goundamani imagines himself as dwarf similar to Kamal's look and dances to", "Srividya\nMadras\"\" (1972) in which she was paired opposite Jaishankar. In mid-1970s, she became busy in the Tamil film industry. She acted in films such as \"\"Velli Vizha\"\", \"\"Sollathaan Ninaikkiren\"\" and \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\", all directed by K. Balachander. She was Rajinikanth's first heroine in \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\" (1975). She started acting in Malayalam in 1969. Her first movie was \"\"Chattambikkavala\"\" directed by N.Sankaran Nair, in which she acted as the heroine opposite to Sathyan. She gained public attention in \"\"Chenda\"\", directed by A. Vincent. Among the south Indian language movies she acted in, the maximum number of movies was in Malayalam (1969", "\"Socha Na Tha\"\nSocha Na Tha Socha Na Tha () is an Indian Hindi language romance film, released on 4 March 2005. It was the debut of Abhay Deol and stars Ayesha Takia & Apoorva Jha. The film marks the directorial debut of Imtiaz Ali. Abhay Deol's uncle Dharmendra produced it. It was remade into Telugu as Premante Inte. Viren (Abhay Deol) and Aditi (Ayesha Takia) are introduced by their families, but Viren refuses to marry because he wants to marry his girlfriend of three years, Karen (Apoorva Jha). Viren's refusal creates tension between the families, as Aditi's aunt feels insulted. However Viren", "\"Wajood (1998 film)\"\nWajood (1998 film) Wajood (\"\"\"\") is a 1998 Indian Hindi drama film. The film features Nana Patekar and Madhuri Dixit in lead roles. Malhar (Nana Patekar), who is born to a poor typist clerk, is a versatile character who wins trophies in dramas but is never appreciated by his father. While writing and directing dramas in his college he meets Apoorva (Madhuri Dixit), a very rich girl and falls madly in love with her. When she wins the Best Actress Award, she calls upon Malhar on stage and gives all the credit to him. Malhar misunderstands this gesture as Apoorva's", "\"Wajood (1998 film)\"\nand then starts making quick money out of wrong ways. He starts seducing rich women and then looting them. He finds an accomplice in Sofia (Ramya Krishnan), who helps him in these crimes. She starts loving him madly but he continues to love Apoorva. Nihal, a police officer now, happens to meet Apoorva, a journalist now, to solve the mystery of the \"\"stranger murderer\"\" in the city. The Police Commissioner (Shivaji Satam) is under great pressure from the local political leader and also the public to nab the culprit. When Sofia learns that Malhar does not love her, but loves", "\"Ji (Korean name)\"\nJi (Korean name) Ji, also spelled Jee, Chi, or Chee, is a Korean family name, as well as a popular element in Korean given names. The meaning differs based on the hanja used to write it. As a family name, Ji may be written with either of two hanja, one meaning \"\"wisdom\"\" (), and the other meaning \"\"pond\"\" (). Each has one \"\"bon-gwan\"\": for the family name meaning \"\"wisdom\"\", Pongju Village, Pongsan County, North Hwanghae in what is today North Korea, and for the family name meaning \"\"pond\"\", Chungju, Chungcheongbuk-do in what is today South Korea. The 2000 South Korean", "\"Mugulu Nage\"\nNatesh and Nikitha Narayan were approached to play the other lead roles. However, later Nabha was replaced by model turned actress Ashika Ranganath, playing her first role for a film. Apart from these leading actresses. In February 2017, it was announced that actor Jaggesh would be appearing in a special song sequence penned by Bhat himself. Later in March 2017, Bhat made some last-minute changes by replacing Amulya with actress Apoorva Arora since Amulya got engaged and her marriage dates were clashing with the film schedule. Apoorva joined the team on 18 March and shot her scenes at Barkur. It", "\"Aayiram Thalai Vaangi Apoorva Chinthamani\"\nthe title \"\"Sahasra Sirachedha Apoorva Chinthamani\"\" by the same producer Modern Theatres and was directed by S. S. Lal — S. D. Lal. The film dialogues was written by Athreya. C. A. S. Mani and Madhavan Nair handled camera and L. Balu edited the movie. The movie released on 1 April 1960. Music by K. V. Mahadevan and Lyrics by Athreya are assets to the film. The film starred Kantha Rao, Devika, Girija, Gumnadi and Ramana Reddy, paired with Chayadevi and M. L. Narayanan playing lead, with Haranath, Rajanala, Rajasri, Allu Ramalingaiah, Jayanthi, Kaikala Satyanarayanan and B. S. Saroja playing", "\"Pyaar Koi Khel Nahin\"\nPyaar Koi Khel Nahin Pyaar Koi Khel Nahin (English: Love is not a game) (Hindi: प्यार कोई खेल नहीं) is a 1999 Indian Bollywood film directed by Subhash Sehgal and produced by Sibte Hassan Rizvi. It stars Sunny Deol, Apoorva Agnihotri and Mahima Chaudhry in pivotal roles. Sunil (Apoorva Agnihotri) and Ashok are two friends. They are of marriageable age. One day Ashok's mom tells him to introduce himself to Shalu. But Ashok is reluctant to do so. He asks Sunil to impersonate him, and somehow reject Shalu. That way his mom will be satisfied and not pester him any", "\"Pyaar Koi Khel Nahin\"\nafter. Pyaar Koi Khel Nahin Pyaar Koi Khel Nahin (English: Love is not a game) (Hindi: प्यार कोई खेल नहीं) is a 1999 Indian Bollywood film directed by Subhash Sehgal and produced by Sibte Hassan Rizvi. It stars Sunny Deol, Apoorva Agnihotri and Mahima Chaudhry in pivotal roles. Sunil (Apoorva Agnihotri) and Ashok are two friends. They are of marriageable age. One day Ashok's mom tells him to introduce himself to Shalu. But Ashok is reluctant to do so. He asks Sunil to impersonate him, and somehow reject Shalu. That way his mom will be satisfied and not pester him", "\"Annan (film)\"\nAnnan (film) Annan (English: Elder brother) is a 1999 Tamil drama film directed by Anu Mohan. The film features Ramarajan and Swathi in lead roles, with Manivannan, R. Sundarrajan, newcomer Vaasan, newcomer Apoorva, Vadivukkarasi and Ponvannan playing supporting roles. The film, produced by T. Seenuvasan, had musical score by Ilaiyaraaja and was released on 29 March 1999. Velan (Ramarajan) is the manager of the village market and is a respected man. He loves dearly his only sister Lakshmi (Apoorva) who is the village's school teacher. Sundari (Swathi) and her father (R. Sundarrajan) come to Velan's village. Velan and Sundari fall", "\"Wajood (1998 film)\"\nApoorva, she is deeply disturbed and kills herself. Finally, when Malhar comes face to face with Apoorva, she tells him that she'd never loved him. Heart-broken, Malhar is then caught and dies dramatically in the end. The film also features Rajdutt, Gick Grewal, Pushpa Verma, Geeta Shankar, Rajesh Singh, Paploo, Bhargava, Dhananjay and Dilawar Khan. All songs are composed by Anu Malik and penned by Javed Akhtar. Wajood (1998 film) Wajood (\"\"\"\") is a 1998 Indian Hindi drama film. The film features Nana Patekar and Madhuri Dixit in lead roles. Malhar (Nana Patekar), who is born to a poor typist", "\"Kaahin Kissii Roz\"\nover as company manager of the Sikand group of industries. Rashi, Apoorva and Nirupa turn against Ramola when they learn the truth of what she did with her family. Ramola is trapped from all sides but she disappears and everyone believes her to be dead. Shaina’s spirit, after two lives, is unable find peace and wanders around restlessly in a bid to take revenge from Ramola. The spirit enters into Anisha (Shweta Salve). Nikhil and Anisha later get married. Showdown Ramola goes psychotic and kills a couple of inspectors when they try to arrest her. She also kills Nirupa Sikand", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nin real houses for interiors without building sets, as Balachander wanted a more authentic narration to be conveyed. With the help of Lokanath, he found houses which belonged to A. V. Meiyappan's family members. The scene was filmed on 27 March 1975, the same day when Balachander christened Rajinikanth. During the initial phases of the principal photography, Rajinikanth found Balachander's directing methods quite difficult to follow. Nagesh, who observed the newcomer’s difficulty, called Rajinikanth over and said, \"\"Don’t get tensed up. Just imitate whatever Balachander is doing. That’s what I’m doing as well!\"\" After listening to Nagesh's advice, it became", "\"Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film)\"\n\"\"Naan Paarthathile\"\" from \"\"Anbe Vaa\"\" (1966). The song \"\"Unna Nenachen\"\" is one of the classic songs from the film. The song was rewritten by Vaali for over 5 times and Kamal Haasan was still unhappy with it only at his sixth attempt, he became successful in delivering what Kamal wanted. Elements of \"\"Annatha Aadurar\"\" has been used in the song \"\"Saroja Saman Nikalo\"\" from \"\"Chennai 600028\"\" (2007). All the songs were written by Vaali while Prem Dhawan and Rajashri wrote the lyrics for Hindi and Telugu versions. The song \"\"Raja Kaiya Vachchaa\"\" has two versions, one by Kamal Hassan which", "\"Ath Entertainment\"\nAth Entertainment Ath Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. is a content production company specialising in film, television and advertising headed by writer and entrepreneur Pankaj Narayan and Apoorva Bajaj. Ath Entertainment has made its mark in television production with its first non fiction show Om Shanti Om - a spiritual singing reality show being broadcast on Star Bharat from 28 August 2017 at Sat-Sun 9:00 PM. Show's concept is brainchild of Pankaj Narayan and produced by Apoorva Bajaj along with him and Colosceum. Esteemed Panel of Judges on the show includes Sonakshi Sinha, Shekhar Rajviani, Kanika Kapoor along with Swami Ramdev who", "\"Kamal Haasan filmography\"\namnesic girl in \"\"Moondram Pirai\"\" (1982) won him several accolades, including the Best Actor honours at the National Film Awards and Tamil Nadu State Film Awards. His work in Ramesh Sippy's Hindi film \"\"Saagar\"\" (1985), a triangular love story, was nominated in both Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor categories at the 33rd Filmfare Awards. Under Raaj Kamal Films International, he produced films such as: \"\"Vikram\"\" (1986), \"\"Apoorva Sagodharargal\"\" (1989), \"\"Thevar Magan\"\" (1992) and \"\"Hey Ram\"\" (2000). As a producer he won a Filmfare Award and National Film Award for \"\"Apoorva Sagodharargal\"\" and \"\"Thevar Magan\"\". Seven films featuring Kamal have", "\"2009 Thekkady boat disaster\"\ndivers from the Indian Navy was assigned to help the rescue operation 5–6 hours later. A team of 40-50 navy divers were rushed to the spot from the Southern Naval Command at Kochi. On 3 October, the search for bodies was still ongoing. Four bodies were noted as missing until 3 October, when three were recovered by Navy divers: four-and-a-half-year-old Aishwarya and her mother Senthilkumari, from Bangalore, and Apoorva, 16, from Hyderabad. A Navy helicopter spotted the body of Aishwarya first, and her mother was found nearby. The final missing passenger, Apoorva's 19-year-old brother Abhilash, was discovered on the evening", "\"Shrimad Rajchandra\"\n\"\"Vachanamrut\"\" is collection of his complete works including letters and other writings. His several poems are popular including \"\"Apoorva Avsar Evo Kyare Aavshe..\"\", \"\"Mool Marg Sambhlo Jinno Re..\"\", \"\"Bina Nayan Pavey Nahi..\"\", \"\"Hey Prabhu! Hey Prabhu! Shu Kahu..\"\", \"\"Yam Niyam Sanjam Aap Kiyo..\"\", \"\"Ichche Chhe Je Jogijan..\"\". \"\"Apoorva Avsar Evo Kyare Aavshe..\"\" and \"\"Hey Prabhu! Hey Prabhu! Shu Kahu..\"\" were Mahatma Gandhi's favourite bhajans and were included in the \"\"Ashram Bhajanavali\"\". Rajchandra wrote 51 quotes on \"\"Samyati Dharma\"\" (the religion of monk) as described in \"\"Dasha Vaikalika Siddhanta\"\" (VS 1945). It is Gujarati rendering of the original Magadhi text. He", "\"Empty name\"\nverb \"\"to be\"\". Empty name In the philosophy of language, an empty name is a proper name that has no referent. The problem of empty names is that empty names have a meaning that it seems they should not have. The name \"\"Pegasus\"\" is empty; there is nothing to which it refers. Yet, though there is no Pegasus, we know what the sentence \"\"Pegasus has two wings\"\" means. We can even understand the sentence \"\"There is no such thing as Pegasus.\"\" But, what can the meaning of a proper name be, except the object to which it refers? There are", "\"Empty name\"\nEmpty name In the philosophy of language, an empty name is a proper name that has no referent. The problem of empty names is that empty names have a meaning that it seems they should not have. The name \"\"Pegasus\"\" is empty; there is nothing to which it refers. Yet, though there is no Pegasus, we know what the sentence \"\"Pegasus has two wings\"\" means. We can even understand the sentence \"\"There is no such thing as Pegasus.\"\" But, what can the meaning of a proper name be, except the object to which it refers? There are three broad ways", "Mayilsamy\nfor successful mimicry releases, namely \"\"Sirippo Sirippu\"\", \"\"Sirippo Super Sirippu\"\" and \"\"Meendum Sirippo Sirippu\"\". He also made his film debut at a very young age of 20- in the film \"\"Kanni Rasi\"\" in 1985. Since then he has come a long way playing prominent supporting roles in films such as \"\"Apoorva Sagodharargal\"\", \"\"Sivalingam\"\", and Villadhi Villain to name a few. At time of writing he has acted in over 100 Tamil films in a variety of roles. And from the 2000s he got particular recognition being a popular sidekick to Tamil comedian Vivek in films such as \"\"Dhool\"\", \"\"Kanden Seethaiyai\"\"", "\"Major Chandrakanth (1966 film)\"\nmoment of truth.\"\" Following the film's commercial success, Sundarrajan became popularly known with the prefix \"\"Major\"\". During the making of \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\" (1975), Balachander rechristened newcomer Shivaji Rao Gaekwad as Rajinikanth, named after A. V. M. Rajan's character, and Rajinikanth went on to become one of the successful actors in Tamil cinema. Major Chandrakanth (1966 film) Major Chandrakanth is a 1966 Tamil-language drama film produced by A. V. Meiyappan and directed by K. Balachander. It is based on his play of the same name. The film stars Major Sundarrajan, Nagesh, R. Muthuraman, A. V. M. Rajan and Jayalalithaa. It tells", "Jayasudha\nK. Balachander gave her a small role in the Tamil film \"\"Arangetram\"\", where she shared space with Kamal Haasan. She acted in a number of films in Telugu and Tamil, mostly under Balachander's direction; \"\"Sollathaan Ninaikkiren\"\" (1973), \"\"Naan Avanillai\"\" (1974) and \"\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\" and in Idi Katha Kaadu with Chiranjeevi. She also changed her name to Jayasudha, since there was already another actress named Sujatha (actress). Her fame quickly spread, where Telugu film producers were offering her good film roles. While her debut role as heroine in the Telugu film \"\"Lakshmana Rekha\"\" (1975) got her attention, it was really the", "\"Health claim\"\nthe size of the font and what to name food products. The name must include what the food actually is, that means if the food is canned carrots the can must have Carrots on the label. If an official name for the food does not exist, then the label must give the consumer some idea of what the food contains. The FDA states the name should be a “statement of identity,” meaning the company cannot make up a new name for an already existing food. Something must be called an imitation if its nutritional values are significantly different than the", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nto be clutching a note that says his last wish is to see the raga and taala meet, a clear reference to the proposed joint performance of the singing Bhairavi and the mridangam-playing Prasanna. So, Rajinikanth did not debut as a villain. Like in many of Balachander's films, the female characters are named after carnatic ragas, such as Bhairavi (played by Srividya) and Ranjani (played by Jayasudha). According to G. Dhananjayan in his book \"\"Pride of Tamil Cinema: 1931 to 2013\"\", Balachander used the technique of introducing the lead actors and actresses in the film with a title card in", "\"Nehaj Fortress\"\nNehaj Fortress The Nehaj Fortress ( ) is a fortress on the hill Nehaj in the town of Senj, Croatia. The name \"\"Nehaj\"\" comes from the Croatian term \"\"Ne hajati\"\" , which means \"\"Don't care\"\". In the Croatian language this fortress has also other names, which are: \"\"Kula Nehaj\"\" , what means \"\"Nehaj Tower\"\", and \"\"Nehajgrad\"\" , what means \"\"Nehajtown\"\". This name was given to the hill and the Fortress by the Uskoks, who built on the top of this hill the Fortress for defensive purposes. They gave the hill and the Fortress such a name because they wanted to", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nthe name of a raga, symbolising their characters in the film. For Rajinikanth, the title \"\"Sruthi Bedam\"\" (English: \"\"A variation in the pitch.\"\") was used to denote the twist in the tale with the appearance of his character. The soundtrack was scored by M. S. Viswanathan and lyrics by Kannadasan. The soundtrack was released as LP under the label EMI with HMV logo. The sound mixing process was supervised by J. J. Manickam and T. S. Ramasamy. The song \"\"Ezhu Swarangalukkul\"\" eventually became a rage provided major breakthrough for its singer Vani Jayaram. It won her the National Film Award", "\"Priyanka Chopra\"\nthe Apoorva Lakhia's bilingual action drama \"\"Zanjeer\"\" (\"\"Thoofan\"\" in Telugu), a remake of the 1973 Hindi film of the same name, which met with poor reactions from critics and was unsuccessful at the box office. Chopra next reprised her role of Priya in Rakesh Roshan's \"\"Krrish 3\"\"a sequel to the 2006 superhero film \"\"Krrish\"\"with Hrithik Roshan, Vivek Oberoi and Kangana Ranaut. Critics opined that Chopra's role in the film was small, with Saibal Chatterjee of NDTV writing that she \"\"is saddled with a sketchily written role and is reduced to the status of a hanger-on waiting for things to unfold\"\".", "\"What I Mean to Say Is Goodbye\"\non my feet. I'd say, 'Jackie, go on.' Jackie would look up at me and his purr would get a little louder, but he would not leave.\"\" The title of the album was taken from a song of the same name, \"\"What I Mean To Say Is Goodbye\"\", which was later cut during the sequencing process and remains unreleased. Design and layout for \"\"What I Mean To Say Is Goodbye\"\" was created by Grammy-award winning designer, Peter Buchanan-Smith, and features original artwork, liner notes, and a short story by Tom Brosseau. What I Mean to Say Is Goodbye What I", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nto cry on the sets\"\". Lyric writer Kannadasan and actor Jaishankar made cameo appearances as themselves in the film. The film became noted for being the onscreen debut of Rajinikanth, who went on to become one of Tamil cinema's most successful actors. During his stay at the Film Chamber Institute in Chennai, Rajinikanth, then known by his real name, Shivaji Rao Gaekwad, was performing in a stage play and attracted the attention of Balachander, who subsequently telephoned Gaekwad and requested him to come for the auditions of his next film. At the auditions, Gaekwad imitated Sivaji Ganesan to prove his", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\nmettle to Balachander, but Balachander wanted Gaekwad to have an identity of his own and to perform without imitating the mannerisms of another person. Two days later, when Gaekwad was called again for a second audition, he took a cigar in his hand and threw it stylishly into his mouth, which impressed Balachander as he had not seen such unique mannerisms in any other actor that he came across since then. Balachander advised him to learn to speak Tamil, a recommendation that Gaekwad quickly followed. When it came to christening Gaekwad with an on-screen name, Balachander came up with three", "\"Banswara district\"\nrate of 57.2%. Nearest International Airport - Ahemdabad 289 km.<br> Nearest Airport - Udaipur 160 km.<br> Nearest Railway station -Ratlam Junction 80 km. Banswara district Banswara District has an area of 5,037 km, 1.47% of Rajasthan state, India. The city of Banswara is the district headquarters. It is bounded on the north by Udaipur District, on the northeast by Pratapgarh District, on the east and southeast by Madhya Pradesh state, on the southwest by Gujarat state, and on the west by Dungarpur District. The district is named after the Apoorva Sharma former Princely State of Banswara. There are two traditions", "\"Apoorva Raagangal\"\n\"\"In an era where every other moviemaker claims to have come up with a daring, original, premise, this 28-year-old film is worth remembering. A trademark K Balachander film, this was the first to showcase Kamal’s histrionic abilities\"\". The film continued a trend of films with different themes that focused on realism. A reality show with the same name produced by Maxima Media was aired on Vijay TV in 2002. In December 2014, Dhriti Sharma of Zee News included the film in her list, \"\"9 best films of K Balachander!\"\", The film is also ranked number one in \"\"The New Indian", "\"Shraddha Kapoor\"\nappeared in the romance \"\"Half Girlfriend\"\", in which she was paired opposite Arjun Kapoor. It was based on Chetan Bhagat's novel of the same name, and reunited her with director Mohit Suri. In a review of the latter film, Raja Sen of NDTV considered it to be a \"\"preposterously dimwitted romance\"\" and criticised Kapoor as \"\"shrill and insubstantial\"\". Later in 2017, Kapoor appeared in Apoorva Lakhia's \"\"Haseena Parkar\"\", a biopic of terrorist Dawood Ibrahim's sister, who ran a crime ring of her own. Kapoor played the titular role, alongside her brother Siddhanth Kapoor, who essayed Ibrahim's character. The film met", "\"Binyumen Schaechter\"\nlyrics and aria lyrics from Yiddish into English, from English into Yiddish, and even from Italian and French into Yiddish. Apart from translating, he was for a dozen years the Coordinator of the \"\"Yidish-vokh\"\", an annual week-long all-Yiddish summer retreat sponsored by Yugntruf Youth for Yiddish, an organization that was co-founded in 1964 by his father to promote Yiddish as an active, spoken language. The \"\"Yidish-vokh\"\" still occurs every summer. Most recently, Binyumen has begun giving lectures and leading workshops entitled \"\"Ashkenazic Family Names: What Those Names Mean, and What What They Mean Means\"\", premiering it at the North American", "Maatr\nVidya stabs him and manages to escape in a taxi. She is followed by Kamran Qureshi, Poojari’s accomplice. Kamran rams his car into her taxi and shoots the driver before accidentally dropping his gun. Vidya grabs the gun and kills him before rushing home. Back home she tells Ritu the truth. Inspector Suchdeva comes to question her but leaves without getting anything out of her. Apoorva’s men beat up Ritu and she lands up in the hospital. Vidya decides to go after the rest of them. She uses a fake name to set up a meeting at a building under", "\"Shootout at Lokhandwala\"\nShootout at Lokhandwala Shootout at Lokhandwala is a 2007 Indian biographical action crime film directed by Apoorva Lakhia. It is based upon the 1991 Lokhandwala Complex shootout, a real-life gun battle between gangsters and Mumbai Police. A.A. Khan, head of the ATS, attacked the Lokhandwala Complex on 16 November 1991, with a force of around 400 armed policemen. Dreaded gangster Maya Dolas was hiding in the complex. The leading protagonists in the film have slightly different names than their real-life counterparts and the film caption is \"\"based on true rumors.\"\" The film was released on 25 May 2007. The film", "Koormavatara\nKoormavatara Koormavatara () is a 2011 Indian Kannada drama film directed by Girish Kasaravalli, based on short story of the same name written by Kum. Veerabhadrappa. It stars Shikaripura Krishnamurthy, Jayanthi and Apoorva Kasaravalli in the lead roles, and Harish Raj, Cheswa, Rashmi Sumukha, Goa Dattu and Sumukha Bharadwaj feature in supporting roles. The story revolves around a government employee cast in a play to portray Mahatma Gandhi, who, on course, realizes that playing Gandhi is easier than imbibing and implementing his principles in real-life. The film was screened in 17 film festivals and won acclaims Bangkok, New York and", "\"Kamala Nehru College\"\nDelhi. Later in 1974 the college was renamed after the freedom fighter, wife of Jawaharlal Nehru, Kamala Nehru, and finally christened as Kamala Nehru College. When the college was started it just had 16 staff members and 209 students passed out in the first batch in 1968. The College Magazine ‘Swati’ was launched in the academic year 1965-66. Further in 1966-67, the College was renamed as ‘Modern College for Women’ and in 1967-68 the College Magazine acquired a new name ‘Apoorva’. On 21 November 1972, the foundation stone for a new building was laid at Hauz Khas (at present August", "\"Haseena Parkar\"\nHaseena Parkar Haseena Parkar is a 2017 Indian biographical crime film directed by Apoorva Lakhia and produced by Nahid Khan. The film was initially named \"\"Haseena: Queen Of Mumbai\"\". The principal signing of the film began in February 2016 and the shooting started on 11 October 2016. The film is based on Dawood Ibrahim's sister Haseena Parkar. The film marks Shraddha Kapoor's first female protagonist venture as she is essaying the title role. Kapoor's brother, Siddhanth Kapoor portrays the role of Dawood Ibrahim, and Ankur Bhatia plays the role of Haseena's husband. Haseena Parkar (Shraddha Kapoor) lives with her close", "\"Haseena Parkar\"\ngave the music 3 out of 5 stars and Koimoi gave the music 2 out of 5 stars. However, Bollywood Hungama gave the music 1.5 out of 5 stars. Haseena Parkar Haseena Parkar is a 2017 Indian biographical crime film directed by Apoorva Lakhia and produced by Nahid Khan. The film was initially named \"\"Haseena: Queen Of Mumbai\"\". The principal signing of the film began in February 2016 and the shooting started on 11 October 2016. The film is based on Dawood Ibrahim's sister Haseena Parkar. The film marks Shraddha Kapoor's first female protagonist venture as she is essaying the", "\"Aayiram Thalai Vaangi Apoorva Chinthamani\"\nprince falls in love with Chinthamani's friend Princess Sengamalam (S. Varalakshmi). Through her, he learns the questions. He goes to various countries named as Madhivadhanapuram, Sambangi Puram and Nathiseela Puram, finds the answers and brings the people involved with him to Chinthamani's palace. He answers the questions and wins the contest. Along with that, he also exposes the game plan of the magician, who gets killed by one of the kings affected by him. The prince advises Chinthamani to marry her cousin who was keen to marry her and marries her friend, Sengamalam. Music and lyrics were composed by G.", "\"Mani Ratnam\"\nand joined the crew. The film, however, did not take off and was eventually shelved. Nevertheless, he was firm in his idea of becoming a film-maker. Although not pleased with the films made in Tamil cinema till then, he was \"\"amazed\"\" at P. Bharathiraja's \"\"16 Vayathinile\"\" (1977), K.Balachander's Apoorva Raagangal (1975), and J. Mahendran's \"\"Mullum Malarum\"\" (1978) and \"\"Uthiripookkal\"\" (1979). During this time, he befriended a group of people namely P. C. Sreeram, Santhana Bharathi, and P. Vasu, who shared common interests of entering into the film industry. With a script in hand, Mani Ratnam had an idea to either" ]
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leader of sikh empire who became maharajah of punjab
[ "Ranjit Singh" ]
[ "\"Punjab, India\"\nthe Sikh Empire was Sikh (78%), Hindu (12%), Muslim (10%). After his proclamation in 1801 as Maharajah, Ranjit Singh began the modernisation of the Punjab Army. All the Misl leaders who were affiliated with the Army had been nobility, usually with long and prestigious family histories in Punjab. Ranjit Singh introduced several new commanders, some of them European, and a further 52,000 well-trained and equipped professional-grade irregulars with a significant multi-religious component. In addition, the army was equipped with field artillery, turning it into a premier fighting force. After Ranjit Singh's death in 1839, the empire was severely weakened by", "\"Sikh diaspora\"\nSikh diaspora The Sikh diaspora is the modern Punjabi Sikh migration from the traditional area of the Punjab region. Sikhism is (de facto) an ethnic religion, the Punjab region being the historic homeland of Sikhism. The Sikh diaspora is largely a subset of the Punjabi diaspora. The starting point of the diaspora is commonly accepted to have begun after the fall of the Sikh Empire in 1849 and the Empire's subsequent annexation into the British Raj. The most famous personification of the Sikh diaspora was the first, Maharajah Duleep Singh, the last Emperor of the Sikhs who was coerced into", "\"Patiala State\"\nSingh who ruled from 1813 to 1845 (the Sikh Kingdom of Patiala in Punjab) joined the British East India Company and helped the British during the First Anglo Sikh wars against the Sikh Empire of Maharajah Ranjit Singh of Punjab which was larger and extended from Tibet Kashmir, plains of Punjab to Peshawar near the Afghan borders. Patiala gets name after Maharaja Ala Singh, the Sidhu Jat founder of Patiala state. It was earlier known as Pat-Ala (पट-आला) which changed to Patiala over a period of time. This office became hereditary amongst his descendants until Phul, the Sikh ancestor of", "Patiala\nthe First Anglo Sikh wars against the Sikh Empire of Maharajah Ranjit Singh of Punjab which was larger and extended from Tibet Kashmir, plains of Punjab to Peshawar near the Afghan borders. Shri Kali Devi Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Maa Kaali. The temple was built by the Sikh ruler of the Patiala State, Maharaja Bhupinder Singh, who financed the building of the temple in his capital and oversaw its installation in 1936. Legend has it that the Maharajah built the temple to protect the city from flooding and performed annual sacrifice at the temple.. Bhupinder Singh ruled", "\"Battle of Mudki\"\nBattle of Mudki The Battle of Mudki was fought on 18 December 1845, between the forces of the East India Company and part of the Sikh Khalsa Army, the army of the Sikh Empire of the Punjab. The British army won an untidy encounter battle, suffering heavy casualties. The Sikh Empire of the Punjab had been held together by Maharajah Ranjit Singh. Ranjit Singh had maintained a policy of friendship with the British East India Company, who held territories adjoining the Punjab, while at the same time building up the Khalsa, to deter aggression. When he died in 1839, the", "\"Battle of Jamrud\"\nof Jamrud was fought between the Sikhs under Maharajah Ranjit Singh and the Afghans under Emir Dost Muhammad Khan. Following the consolidation of the Sikh Empire in Punjab, Maharajah Ranjit Singh had turned the wave of invasions on Afghan-held territories. The Afghans had been losing their long held territories to Sikhs over the preceding years due to internal conflicts, and had seen their once mighty empire shrink with the loss of the Punjab region, Multan, Kashmir, Derajat, Hazara and Peshawar. Towards the end of 1836, Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa attacked and captured the small, though very strategic, fortified Misha Khel", "\"Invasions of Afghanistan\"\nof Genghis Khan through his mother. By the 17th century, the Mughal Empire ruled most of India, but later declined during the 18th century. In the early 1846 the Battle of Jamrud was fought between the Sikhs under Maharajah Ranjit Singh and the Afghans under Emir Dost Muhammad Khan. Since the consolidation of the Sikh Empire in Punjab, Maharajah Ranjit Singh had turned the wave of invasions on Afghanistan. The Afghans had been losing their long held territories to Sikhs over the preceding years due to internal conflicts, and had seen their once mighty empire shrink with the loss of", "\"Faridkot State\"\nThe royal house is now headed by His Highness Maharaja Amarinder Singh Brar. The royals are considered cultural and political icons in Faridkot. Maharaja Paharha Singh who ruled from 1813 to 1845 (the Sikh Kingdom of Faridkot in Punjab) was also known as a traitor. He joined the British East India Company and helped the British during the First Anglo-Sikh War against the Sikh Empire of Jat sikh ruler Maharajah Ranjit Singh of Punjab which was larger and extended from Tibet Kashmir, plains of Punjab to Peshawar near the Afghan borders. Faridkot State Faridkot State was a self-governing princely state", "Farooqabad\nin recent times. In 1005 AD, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi conquered the Punjab region including this area. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to the influence of missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire under Maharajah Ranjit Singh created a secular kingdom in the Punjab. The first police station, in Farooqabad, was set up during the British rule in 1924 and is called \"\"Sadar Thana Farooqabad\"\". The \"\"Pakistan Adventist Seminary and College\"\" (PASC) developed from a", "\"Sikh diaspora\"\nof the Sikh Empire, there was a net cultural immigration, with Napoleonic and British influences vying for the 'ear' of the then Sikh Maharajah Ranjit Singh. With respect to the Sikh diaspora, the most important political aspect of this period was the historical establishment of a Sikh homeland; the idea of a powerful Sikh state was a reality. Sikh migration from the Punjab began in earnest in the second half of the 19th century when the British Raj had successfully completed its annexation of the Punjab. The pivotal action in the British annexation was the lifetime exile of the then", "\"Battle of Ferozeshah\"\nBattle of Ferozeshah The Battle of Ferozeshah was fought on 21 December and 22 December 1845 between the British and the Sikhs, at the village of Ferozeshah in Punjab. The British were led by Sir Hugh Gough and Governor-General Sir Henry Hardinge, while the Sikhs were led by Lal Singh. The British emerged victorious. The First Anglo-Sikh War broke out as a result of the Sikh Empire of the Punjab falling into disorder after the death of the Maharajah Ranjit Singh in 1839, and British desire to secure the Punjab. The Sikh army, the Khalsa, was goaded by some of", "\"Khalistan movement\"\nthe British, the region around Punjab had been ruled by the confederacy of Sikh Misls founded by Banda Bahadur ruled over the entire Punjab from 1767 to 1799, until their confederacy was unified into the Sikh Empire by Maharajah Ranjit Singh from 1799 to 1849. The Sikhs have traditionally been concentrated in Punjab region of undivided India although not in a majority. Before the partition of India in 1947, Sikhs were not in majority in any of the districts of pre-partition British Punjab Province other than Ludhiana.The districts in the region had a majority of either the Hindus or Muslims", "\"The Black Prince (film)\"\nThe Black Prince (film) The Black Prince is a 2017 international historical drama film directed by Kavi Raz and featuring the acting debut of Satinder Sartaaj. It tells the story of Duleep Singh, the last Maharajah of the Sikh Empire and the Punjab area, and his relationship with Queen Victoria. The story revolves around the young prince as he attempts both to regain his throne and reconcile himself with the two cultures of his Indian birth and British education. After the death of his father, Maharajah Ranjit Singh, the previous ruler of the Sikh empire, Maharaja Duleep Singh is placed", "\"Punjab, India\"\nto the Marathas until the Second Anglo-Maratha War of 1803–1805, after which the Marathas lost this territory to the British. The Cis-Sutlej states included Kaithal, Patiala, Jind, Thanesar, Maler Kotla, and Faridkot. The Sikh Empire (1801–1849) was forged by Maharajah Ranjit Singh on the foundations of the Khalsa from a collection of autonomous Sikh misls, creating a unified political state. The empire extended from the Khyber Pass in the west, to Kashmir in the north, to Sindh in the south, and Tibet in the east. The main geographical footprint of the empire was the Punjab region. The religious demography of", "\"First Anglo-Sikh War\"\nFirst Anglo-Sikh War The First Anglo-Sikh War was fought between the Sikh Empire and the East India Company between 1845 and 1846. It resulted in partial subjugation of the Sikh kingdom. The Sikh kingdom of Punjab was expanded and consolidated by Maharajah Ranjit Singh during the early years of the nineteenth century, about the same time as the British-controlled territories were advanced by conquest or annexation to the borders of the Punjab. Ranjit Singh maintained a policy of wary friendship with the British, ceding some territory south of the Sutlej River, while at the same time building up his military", "\"Singh Sabha Movement\"\nthrough magazines and media\"\". The movement sought to reform Sikhism and bring back into the Sikh fold the apostates who had converted to other religions; as well as to interest the influential British officials in furthering the Sikh community. At the time of its founding, the Singh Sabha policy was to avoid criticism of other religions and political matters. The British East India Company annexed the Sikh Empire in 1849 after the Second Anglo-Sikh War. Thereafter, Christian missionaries increased proselytising activities in central Punjab. In 1853, Maharajah Dalip Singh, the last Sikh ruler, was controversially converted to Christianity. Muslim proselytizers", "\"Kasur District\"\nthe Shahis in Kabul in 1005, and followed it by the conquests of Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of the Punjab region. The Mughal Empire ruled Kasur for 200 years. After and during the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikhs took over the Kasur District. The agriculture lands were given to leaders and supporters of the Sikh army. In 1825, it was conquered by Nawab Shariyaar Khan. Most of the Punjab region was annexed by the", "Lahore\nhis father's murderer, Ajit Singh. Duleep Singh was then crowned Maharajah, with Hira Singh as his \"\"Wazir\"\", but his power would be weakened by infighting among Sikh nobles. After the conclusion of two Anglo-Sikh wars, the Sikh empire fell into disarray, resulting in the fall of the \"\"Lahore Durbar\"\", and commencement of British rule. The British East India Company seized control of Lahore in February 1846 from the collapsing Sikh state, and occupied the rest of Punjab in 1848. Following the defeat of the Sikhs at the Battle of Gujrat, British troops formally deposed Maharaja Duleep Singh in Lahore that", "\"Jodh Singh Ramgarhia\"\nestates by the Maharajah. He was responsible for the construction of the \"\"Ramgarhia Bunga\"\" adjoining the Golden Temple of Amritsar, a residence for guards of the temple, using materials that had been collected by his father. On his death in 1815 there was a dispute over succession to his estates between his widow, his brother Vir Singh and his cousins Diwan Singh and Mehtab Singh. The Maharajah eventually split the estates between them. Jodh Singh Ramgarhia Jodh Singh Ramgarhia (1758 – 23 August 1815) was a prominent Sikh leader in the Punjab, the son of Jassa Singh Ramgarhia who inherited", "\"History of Sikhism\"\nin the east. The main geographical footprint of the empire was the Punjab. The religious demography of the Sikh Empire was Muslim (80%), Sikh (10%), Hindu (10%). The foundations of the Sikh Empire, during the Punjab Army, could be defined as early as 1707, starting from the death of Aurangzeb and the downfall of the Mughal Empire. After fighting off local Mughal remnants and allied Rajput leaders, Afghans, and occasionally hostile Punjabi Muslims who sided with other Muslim forces the fall of the Mughal Empire provided opportunities for the army, known as the Dal Khalsa, to lead expeditions against the", "\"Sikhism in Pakistan\"\nSikhism in Pakistan Sikhism in the area of present-day Pakistan has an extensive heritage and history, although Sikhs form a small community in Pakistan today. Most Sikhs live in the province of Punjab, a part of the larger Punjab region where the religion originated in the Middle Ages, and Peshawar in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province. Nankana Sahib, the birthplace of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism, is located in the Punjab province. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Sikh community became a powerful political force, with Sikh leader Ranjit Singh founding the first Sikh empire, which had its", "\"Treaty of Amritsar (1809)\"\nZaman Shah, an Afghan leader, and this emphasised his status among the Sikhs. He proclaimed himself maharajah of the Punjab in 1801 and expanded his territories to such an extent that by 1808 he had control of an area bounded by Gujarat, Ludhiana and Multan. He had Malwa, on the south side of the Sutlej river, as his next target but the Sikh chiefs in that area appealed to the British for protection. The protection was forthcoming and the British, who until recently had been occupied in Hindustan obtaining victory in the Second Anglo-Maratha War, attempted to resolve the issue", "\"Cattle slaughter in India\"\nthe same approach with Portuguese Christians in the Western Ghats and the peninsular coastal regions. Marathas were liberal, state Copland and others, they respected Christian priests, allowed the building of churches and gave state land to Christian causes. However, cattle protection expected by the Hindu majority was the state norm, which Portuguese Christians were required to respect. Cow slaughter was banned by Maharajah Ranjit Singh, the founder of the Sikh Empire in Punjab. Many butcher houses were banned and restrictions were put on the slaughter of cow and sale of beef in the Sikh Empire, as following the traditions, cow", "\"Akali Phula Singh\"\nhis sons were killed while his remaining two sons were imprisoned and then later given 2,400 rupees and a large piece of land near Sukherpaur. The Sikh army suffered about 1,900 casualties and 12,000 Muslims were killed by 4,000 Sikhs. Multan was incorporated into the Sikh empire. This victory meant that there was no longer any Afghan presence in Punjab and also the Sikhs gained a major centre of trade. Maharajah Ranjit cerebrated for eight days and freely gave out lots of wealth throughout both Lahore and Amritsar. Akali Phula Singh fought so hard that when he returned his hand", "\"John Spencer Login\"\nWar. Following the death of Maharajah Ranjit Singh in 1839 and the ensuing decade of power struggles, civil war and First Anglo-Sikh War, the East India Company army defeated the Sikhs in 1849, resulting in the inducement of the ten year old Maharajah Duleep Singh to sign the Last Treaty of Lahore with the consequential annexation of Punjab. Subsequently, Login was entrusted with the Company’s two most significant possessions, the guardianship of Maharajah Duleep Singh and the protection of the Koh-i-Noor diamond. In addition, Login was put in charge of cataloguing the newly acquired treasuries of the Sikh government's (treasury).", "\"Sikh Empire\"\nexecuted after refusing to convert to Islam. The formal start of the Sikh Empire began with the merger of these \"\"Misls\"\" by the time of coronation of Ranjit Singh in 1801, creating a unified political state. All the Misl leaders, who were affiliated with the army, were the nobility with usually long and prestigious family backgrounds in Sikh history. The main geographical footprint of the empire was from the Punjab region to Khyber Pass in the west, to Kashmir in the north, Sindh in the south, and Tibet in the east. The religious demography of the Sikh Empire was Muslim", "Kashmiris\nriver.By 1819 the Sikh Empire's Maharajah Ranjit Singh finally succeeded in taking Kashmir. Initially, Kashmiris felt relieved as they had suffered under the Afghans. In 1819 Kashmir came under Maharajah Ranjit Singh's Sikh Empire and Sikh rule over Kashmir lasted for 27 years till 1846. These 27 years of Sikh rule saw 10 Governors in Kashmir. Of these 10 Governors five were Hindus, three were Sikhs and two were Muslims. Due to the fact that Kashmiris had suffered under the Afghan rulers, they initially welcomed the Sikh rule. However, the Sikhs oppressed the population. Scholar Christopher Snedden states that the", "\"Battle of Aliwal\"\nBattle of Aliwal The Battle of Aliwal was fought on 28 January 1846 between the British and the Sikhs. The British were led by Sir Harry Smith, while the Sikhs were led by Ranjodh Singh Majithia. Britain's victory in the battle is sometimes regarded as the turning point in the First Anglo-Sikh War. The First Anglo-Sikh War began six years after the death of Ranjit Singh, who had established the Sikh Empire in the Punjab. The Punjab became increasingly disordered, while the British increased their military forces on their border with the Punjab. Eventually, the increasingly turbulent Sikh Khalsa Army", "\"Akali Phula Singh\"\nthe treaty that Ranjit Singh created with the British Raj as he had wanted the Sikh Empire to retake all of India from the British. The Maharajah then calmed the warrior by telling him they would first subdue the Punjab, Kashmir and Tibet before taking on the British. Akali Phula Singh was also strongly against the Dogras holding any position in the government and wanted every on to be Khalsa as per Guru Gobind Singh's \"\"52 Hukams\"\". Akali Phula Singh got into conflict with the Dogra courtiers and Brahmin officials and blamed them for causing distress and damage to Sikh", "\"Sikh Empire\"\nof the Punjab on 12 April 1801 (to coincide with Vaisakhi), creating a unified political state. Sahib Singh Bedi, a descendant of Guru Nanak, conducted the coronation. Ranjit Singh rose to power in a very short period, from a leader of a single misl to finally becoming the Maharaja of Punjab. He began to modernise his army, using the latest training as well as weapons and artillery. After the death of Ranjit Singh, the empire was weakened by internal divisions and political mismanagement. Finally, by 1849 the state was dissolved after the defeat in the Anglo-Sikh wars. The Sikh Empire", "\"Khori Alam\"\nwritten by Maulvi Abdul Malik, who was notable person of Khori Alam. In 997 CE, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, took over the Ghaznavid dynasty empire established by his father, Sultan Sebuktegin, In 1005 he conquered the Shahis in Kabul in 1005, and followed it by the conquests of Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh invaded and occupied Gujrat District. The Muslims faced severe restrictions during the Sikh", "\"Punjab, India\"\ninternal divisions and political mismanagement. This opportunity was used by the British Empire to launch the Anglo-Sikh Wars. A series of betrayals of the Sikhs by some prominent leaders in the army led to its downfall. Maharaja Gulab Singh and Raja Dhian Singh were the top generals of the army. The Sikh Empire was finally dissolved, after a series of wars with the British at the end of the Second Anglo-Sikh War in 1849, into separate princely states and the British province of Punjab, which were granted statehood. Eventually, a Lieutenant Governorship was formed in Lahore as a direct representative", "\"Sikh Empire\"\nSikh Empire The Sikh Empire (also Sikh Khalsa Raj, Sarkar-i-Khalsa or Panjab (Punjab) Empire) was a major power in the Indian subcontinent, formed under the leadership of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who established a secular empire based in the Punjab. The empire existed from 1799, when Ranjit Singh captured Lahore, to 1849 and was forged on the foundations of the Khalsa from a collection of autonomous Sikh misls. At its peak in the 19th century, the Empire extended from the Khyber Pass in the west to western Tibet in the east, and from Mithankot in the south to Kashmir in the", "\"Sikh Empire\"\nthe \"\"azan\"\", or 'summons to prayer'.\"\" Sikh Empire The Sikh Empire (also Sikh Khalsa Raj, Sarkar-i-Khalsa or Panjab (Punjab) Empire) was a major power in the Indian subcontinent, formed under the leadership of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who established a secular empire based in the Punjab. The empire existed from 1799, when Ranjit Singh captured Lahore, to 1849 and was forged on the foundations of the Khalsa from a collection of autonomous Sikh misls. At its peak in the 19th century, the Empire extended from the Khyber Pass in the west to western Tibet in the east, and from Mithankot in", "\"Punjab, India\"\nwas captured by Chandragupta Maurya. The Punjab was home to the Gupta Empire, the empire of the Alchon Huns, the empire of Harsha, and the Mongol Empire. Circa 1000, the Punjab was invaded by Muslims and was part of the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire. Sikhism originated in Punjab and resulted in the formation of the Sikh Confederacy after the fall of the Mughal Empire. The confederacy was united into the Sikh Empire by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The entire Punjab region was annexed by the British East India Company from the Sikh Empire in 1849. In 1947, the Punjab Province", "\"Shaheedan Misl\"\nShaheedan Misl The Shaheedan Misl was one of twelve Sikh Misls that later became the Sikh Empire.It was a Sandhu Jat Sikh Misl. It held a small amount of territory in the Malwa (Punjab) area around the Damdama Sahib before being incorporated into the Sikh Empire of the Sukerchakia Misl by Ranjit Singh. In 1748, Baba Deep Singh was appointed the leader of the Shaheedan Misl and the Mahant of the Takht Sri Damdama Sahib. In 1757, Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded India and sent an army to the Harmindar Sahib to block Sikhs from entering the Gurdwara. Baba Deep Singh", "\"Second Anglo-Sikh War\"\nhas now raised a memorial at Ferozepore to pay homage to men of the Sikh Khalsa Army who laid down their lives in the Anglo-Sikh Wars and the battle honour is considered to be repugnant. Units awarded this honour were: Second Anglo-Sikh War The Second Anglo-Sikh War was a military conflict between the Sikh Empire and the British East India Company that took place in 1848 and 1849. It resulted in the fall of the Sikh Empire, and the annexation of the Punjab and what subsequently became the North-West Frontier Province, by the East India Company. On April 19, 1848", "\"Kahuta Tehsil\"\nand followed it by the conquests of Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire invaded and occupied Rawalpindi District. The Muslims faced restrictions during the Sikh rule. During the period of British rule, Kahuta Tehsil increased in population and importance. In the 18th century, Kahuta along with much of the South Asia became part of British India, the undivided tehsil (which includes what is now Kallar", "\"Shaheedan Misl\"\nEmpire at some point in the early 19th century and became a part of the Sikh Empire. The Nihang order of Sikhs maintains the traditions of this misl. Present day roots can be traced to the descendants of Sirdar Bahadur General Gulab Singh of the Shaheedan Misl and Sikh Army. Shaheedan Misl The Shaheedan Misl was one of twelve Sikh Misls that later became the Sikh Empire.It was a Sandhu Jat Sikh Misl. It held a small amount of territory in the Malwa (Punjab) area around the Damdama Sahib before being incorporated into the Sikh Empire of the Sukerchakia Misl", "Malakwal\nMalakwal Malakwal () is a city in Mandi Bahauddin District, Punjab, Pakistan. In 997 CE, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, took over the Ghaznavid dynasty empire established by his father, Sultan Sebuktegin. In 1005 he conquered the Shahis in Kabul in 1005, and followed it by the conquests of Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the formation of the Sikh Empire in 1801, Malakwal was invaded and occupied by Sikhs. The Muslims faced restrictions during the", "\"Durrani Empire\"\nforces. The efforts of the Sadozai heirs of Timur to impose a true monarchy on the truculent Pashtun tribes, and their efforts to rule absolutely and without the advice of the other major Pashtun tribal leaders, were ultimately unsuccessful. The Sikhs started rising to power in defense of the years of invasions of Punjab by the Afghanis. Zaman Shah was unsuccessful in subduing them. A young Sikh chief, Ranjit Singh, then succeeded in wresting power from Zaman's forces. Later when Zaman was blinded by his brother, it was Ranjit Singh who gave him asylum in Punjab. Zaman's downfall was triggered", "Kashmiris\nemphasise the wretchedness of life for common Kashmiris during the Sikh rule. According to them, the peasantry became mired in poverty and migrations of Kashmiri peasants to the plains of Punjab reached high proportions. Several European travellers' accounts from the period agree and provide evidence for such assertions. When Moorcroft left the Valley in 1823, about 500 emigrants accompanied him across the Pir Panjal Pass. The Sikhs lost their independence with the Battle of Subraon. In 1846 Kashmir came under the rule of Gulab Singh, a Hindu Dogra Maharajah under the British suzerainty. The 1833 famine caused many people to", "\"51st Sikhs (Frontier Force)\"\nJS Hodgson. It was composed of Sikhs, Punjabi Muslims, Pathans and Dogras, mostly recruited from the disbanded regiments of the Sikh Empire following the First Anglo-Sikh War. In 1847, it was designated 1st Regiment of Sikh Local Infantry, becoming the 1st Regiment of Sikh Infantry in 1857. In 1851, the regiment became part of the Punjab Irregular Force, which later became famous as the Punjab Frontier Force or The Piffers. The Piffers consisted of five regiments of cavalry, eleven regiments of infantry and five batteries of artillery besides the Corps of Guides. Their mission was to maintain order on the", "Chichawatni\nEastern Regions of Punjab from Multan to Rawalpindi in north (Including region of present-day Faisalabad, previously called Lyallpur) remained under Rajput rule until 1193. The Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire later ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to the missionary Sufi saints work among the people of Punjab. Sufi dargahs (mausoleums) dot the landscape of Punjab region today. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire invaded and occupied Sahiwal District. Some local historians say that the Muslims faced many restrictions during the Sikh rule. During the British Raj, Chichawatni was reputedly transformed from", "\"Rajanpur District\"\nover the Ghaznavid dynasty empire established by his father, Sultan Sebuktegin, In 1005 he conquered the Shahis in Kabul in 1005, and followed it by the conquests of Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire invaded and occupied Rajanpur District. The Muslims faced restrictions during the Sikh rule. During the period of British rule, Rajanpur district increased in population and importance. The predominantly Muslim population supported", "\"Khushab Tehsil\"\nHuns, Kushano-Hephthalites and Shahi kingdoms. In 997 CE, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, took over the Ghaznavid dynasty empire established by his father, Sultan Sebuktegin. In 1005 he conquered the Shahis in Kabul in 1005, and followed it by the conquests of Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire invaded and occupied Khushab Tehsil. The Muslims faced restrictions during the Sikh rule. During the period of British rule,", "\"Second Anglo-Sikh War\"\n(court), and increasing tension between the Army and the Durbar. The East India Company began to build up its military strength on the borders of the Punjab. Eventually, the increasing tension goaded the Sikh Army to invade British territory, under weak and possibly treacherous leaders. The hard-fought First Anglo-Sikh War ended in defeat for the Sikh Army. At the end of the war, the Sikh Empire was forced to cede some valuable territory (the Jullundur Doab) to the East India Company, and Gulab Singh, the ruler of Jammu, was allowed to acquire entire Jammu and Kashmir from the Sikh Empire", "\"S.A.S. Nagar\"\nof village which means \"\"settlement\"\". The village was a part of Sikh Empire. The village Lambian located in city, was visited by Guru Har Rai, 7th Guru of Sikhs. A historical battle also took place between British and 500 Sikhs under the command of Akali Hanuman Singh, where Akali attained martyrdom. After the partition of India in 1947, the former British province of Punjab was also split between (mostly Sikh) east Punjab in India and (mostly Muslim) west Punjab in Pakistan. The Indian Punjab required a new capital city to replace Lahore, which became part of Pakistan during partition. Consequently,", "\"Sikh Empire\"\nwas divided into four provinces: Lahore, in Punjab, which became the Sikh capital, Multan, also in Punjab, Peshawar and Kashmir from 1799 to 1849. The Sikh religion began around the time of the conquest of Northern India by Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire. His conquering grandson, Akbar the Great, supported religious freedom and after visiting the langar of Guru Amar Das got a favourable impression of Sikhism. As a result of his visit he donated land to the langar and the Mughals did not have any conflict with Sikh gurus until his death in 1605. His successor Jahangir,", "\"Montgomery District\"\nby the conquests of northern Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire invaded and occupied Sahiwal. The pastoral tribes of this barren expanse did not appear to have paid more than a nominal allegiance to the Muslim rulers, and even in the 19th century, when Ranjit Singh extended the Sikh supremacy as far as Multan, the population for the most part remained in a chronic state", "\"Castle Menzies\"\nfreestone. This attractive and extremely hard-weathering stone was also used for the architectural details and monuments at the nearby Old Kirk of Weem, which was built by the Menzies family and contains their monuments and funeral hatchments. A marriage stone above the original entrance was installed by James Menzies in 1571, to record his marriage to Barbara Stewart, daughter of the Earl of Atholl. Duleep Singh, last maharajah of the Sikh Empire, lived at Castle Menzies between 1855 and 1858, following his exile from the Punjab in 1854. He was officially the ward of Sir John Spencer Login and Lady", "\"Sher Singh Attariwalla\"\nthe establishment of British control, Sher Singh Attariwalla was forced into exile from Punjab. The British feared that such a powerful leader could reignite a full-scale war with them. Sher Singh died in exile, at Benares in 1858, away from his Punjabi homeland. Sher Singh Attariwalla General Sher Singh was a royal military commander and a member of the Sikh nobility during the period of the Sikh Empire in the mid-19th century in Punjab. He commanded the Sikh Khalsa army in the Second Anglo-Sikh War against the British East India Company. His father was General Chattar Singh Attariwalla. General Sher", "\"Manpur, Pakistan\"\nand workers from Pakistan's tribal areas. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire invaded and occupied Sialkot. The Muslims faced restrictions during the Sikh rule. Manpur, Pakistan Manpur is a village in Sialkot District, Punjab, Pakistan. Sialkot became a part of the Muslim Sultanate of Delhi when the Afghan noble Sultan Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghauri conquered Punjab in 1185. He was unable to conquer Lahore but left a garrison in Sialkot. Later, Sultan Khusro Malik tried to capture the city but failed to do so. Sialkot then became a part of the Muslim Mughal Empire which was of", "\"Sikh period in Lahore\"\nSikh period in Lahore The Sikh Rule in Lahore initiated from the invasion and rule of the Sikh Misls and extended till the Sikh Empire of Ranjit Singh\"\" (also known as Punjab, the Sikh Raj, and Sarkar Khālsā Rāj)\"\" which ended in 1849. The Sikhs began gaining power following the decline of the Mughal Empire in Punjab and consisted of a collection of autonomous Punjabi Misls, which were governed by Misldars, mainly in the Punjab region. Early in Aurangzeb's reign, various insurgent groups of Sikhs engaged Mughal troops in increasingly bloody battles. In 1670, the ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Tegh", "\"Sial tribe\"\nthe Punjab Land Alienation Act in 1900, the authorities of the Raj classified the Sials who inhabited the Punjab as an \"\"agricultural tribe\"\", a term that was administratively synonymous with the \"\"martial race\"\" classification that was used for the purposes of determining the suitability of a person as a recruit to the British Indian Army. During the fifteenth- and sixteenth centuries, during the period of the Mughal empire, the Sial and Kharal tribes were dominant in parts of the lower Bari and Rachna doabs of Punjab. The 1809 Treaty of Amritsar, agreed between Ranjit Singh, the Sikh leader, and the", "\"Kashmiri diaspora\"\nKashmir. Weavers settled down for generations in the cities of Punjab such as Jammu and Nurpur. The 1833 famine led to a large influx of Kashmiris into Amritsar. Kashmir's Muslims in particular suffered and had to leave Kashmir in large numbers, while Hindus were not much affected. Sikh rule in Kashmir ended in 1846 and was followed by the rule of Dogra Hindu maharajahs who ruled Kashmir as part of their princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. Muslims faced severe oppression under Hindu rule. A large number of Muslim Kashmiris migrated from the Kashmir Valley to the Punjab due to", "\"Nakai Misl\"\nNakai (Former Federal Minister), late Sardar Pervaiz Hassan Nakai who was a former member of the Punjab Assembly, and Sardar Atif Nakai, former Tehsil Nazim of Tehsil Pattoki. Nakai Misl The Nakai Misl ( , ), founded by Sandhu Jats, was one of the twelve Sikh Misls that later became the Sikh Empire. It held territory between the Ravi and Sutlej rivers to the southwest of Lahore in what is now modern-day Pakistan. The misl fought against the Sials, the Pathans and the Kharals before being incorporated into the Sikh Empire of the Sukerchakia Misl by Ranjit", "\"Kashmiri Muslims\"\nwhich became the vastly dominant religion of the Kashmiri masses by the fourteenth century. Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani's impact in Kashmir was not only confined to religion but had a great say on culture, industry and economy of Kashmir. Spread of shawl making, carpet manufacturing, cloth weaving, etc. gained great prominence by his efforts. In 1819 Kashmir came under Maharajah Ranjit Singh's Sikh Empire and Sikh rule over Kashmir lasted for 27 years till 1846. These 27 years of Sikh rule saw 10 Governors in Kashmir. Of these 10 Governors five were Hindus, three were Sikhs and two were Muslims.", "\"Durrani dynasty\"\nEmpire's military power in the entire struggle. The Sikh misls, after suffering at the hands of the Afghans initially, took an advantage of loosening Durrani control over Punjab due to weakening of power in the struggle against Marathas, rose into rebellion and eventually united under Ranjit Singh. They were able to re-capture Amritsar (1802), Ludhiana (1806), Multan, Kashmir, Ladakh, Peshawar, the Khyber Pass and Lahore. By the time Ranjit Singh of the Sikh Empire died, the Sikhs had taken Kashmir and the whole Punjab from the Afghans. The 1837 Battle of Jamrud became the last confrontation between the Afghans and", "\"History of Lahore\"\nwith the help of his mother-in-law, Sada Kaur's Kanhaiya Misl. During the 18th century, as Mughal power dwindled, Lahore was often invaded by Afghan armies and became a province of the Afghan Empire, governed by provincial rulers with their own court. The Sikhs warring band invaded after the decline of the Mughal Empire in Punjab and created of a collection of autonomous Misls, which were governed by Misldars, mainly in the Punjab region. Early in Aurangzeb's reign, various insurgent groups of Sikhs engaged Mughal troops in increasingly bloody battles. In 1670, the ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur encamped in", "1840s\nincreasing tension goaded the Khalsa to invade British territory, under weak and possibly treacherous leaders. The hard-fought First Anglo-Sikh War (1845-1846) ended in defeat for the Khalsa. With the Treaty of Lahore, the Sikh Empire ceded Kashmir to the East India Company and surrendered the Koh-i-Noor diamond to Queen Victoria. The Sikh empire was finally dissolved at the end of the Second Anglo-Sikh War in 1849 into separate princely states and the British province of Punjab. Eventually, a Lieutenant Governorship was formed in Lahore as a direct representative of the British Crown. The decade was near the beginning of the", "Siranwali\nand followed it by the conquests of Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of the Punjab region. After the formation of the Sikh Empire, Sialkot was invaded and occupied by Sikhs. The Muslims were co-operative with them due to shared ethnicity. During the period of British rule, Sialkot district increased in population and importance. Siranwali was settled by the Sandhu Jat migrants. The Sandhu clan of Siranwali rose position and power under rule of Ranjit Singh. He awarded", "\"Josiah Harlan\"\ncaptured, causing him to head to the Punjab. Gardner, who was known as \"\"Gordana Khan\"\" in Central Asia, recalled: \"\"I remained a few days with Dr. Harlan and on meeting my countryman, I resumed the character of a foreigner, and resumed also the name of Gardner, which I abandoned for so long that it sounded strangely in my ears\"\". In 1834, the Sikh general Hari Singh Nalwa finally captured the contested city of Peshawar for the Punjab, leading Dost Mohammad Khan, the Emir of Afghanistan, to send the Maharajah an insulting letter demanding the return of Peshawar or else face", "\"Ahmadnagar, Chiniot\"\nThe Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh invaded and occupied Chiniot District. The Muslims faced severe restrictions during the Sikh rule. During the period of British rule, Chiniot District increased in population and importance. The predominantly Muslim population supported Muslim League and Pakistan Movement. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, the minority Hindus and Sikhs migrated to India while the Muslims refugees from India settled down in the", "\"Battle of Mudki\"\nSikh empire fell into increasing disorder. As several successive rulers and ministers were deposed or murdered, the army expanded and became increasingly restive. To secure their hold on power, some of the leaders in the Punjab goaded their army into a war against the British. The Governor General of the Bengal Presidency (and in effect, of all British-controlled India) was Sir Henry Hardinge. Receiving reports of the disorder in the Punjab, he wrote late in 1845, \"\"\"\"... it is evident that the Rani and the Chiefs are for their own preservation, endeavouring to raise a storm which, when raised, they", "\"Noorpur Thal Tehsil\"\nThe Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire invaded and occupied Khushab Tehsil. During the period of British rule, Noorpur Thal Tehsil increased in population and importance. During British rule the road and railway networks were built to connect Noorpur Tehsil with the rest of Punjab region. The predominantly Muslim population supported Muslim League and Pakistan Movement. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, the minority Hindus and Sikhs migrated to India while the Muslim refugees from India settled", "Dinga\nPunjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the Punjab region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh invaded and occupied Gujrat District. During the period of British rule, Gujrat District increased in population and importance. The actual name of that town was Deen Gha (hub of Islamic education) but with the interval of time during the British empire its name became Dinga. Many people say that the name of this city called on a Gurjar family,", "\"Punjab, Pakistan\"\ncourt weakened the state. Relationships with neighbouring British territories then broke down, starting the First Anglo-Sikh War; this led to a British official being resident in Lahore and the annexation in 1849 of territory south of the Satluj to British India. After the Second Anglo-Sikh War in 1849, the Sikh Empire became the last territory to be merged into British India. In Jhelum 35 British soldiers of the HM XXIV regiment were killed by the local resistance during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. In 1947 the Punjab province of British India was divided along religious lines into West Punjab and", "Sikhism\nand Bengal. Between March and August 1947, a series of riots, arson, plunder of Sikh property, assassination of Sikh leaders, and killings in Jhelum districts, Rawalpindi, Attock and other places made Tara Singh call the situation in Punjab as \"\"civil war\"\", while Lord Mountbatten stated \"\"civil war preparations were going on\"\". The riots had triggered the early waves of migration in April, with some 20,000 people leaving northwest Punjab and moving to Patiala. In Rawalpindi, 40,000 people became homeless. The Sikh leaders made desperate petitions, but all religious communities were suffering in the political turmoil. Sikhs, states Banga, were \"\"only", "\"Gujar Khan Tehsil\"\nruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire invaded and occupied Rawalpindi District. The Muslims faced restrictions during the Sikh rule. During the period of British rule, Gujar Khan Tehsil increased in population and importance. The tehsil of Gujar Khan was described in the Imperial Gazetteer of India, compiled during the first decade of the twentieth century, as follows: \"\"Southern tahsil of Rawalpindi District, Punjab, lying between 33°4′ and 33°26′ N. and 72°56′ and 73°37′ E.,", "\"Sikh Empire\"\nBritish province of Punjab. Eventually, a Lieutenant Governorship was formed in Lahore as a direct representative of the British Crown. The Punjab was a region straddling India and the Afghan Durrani Empire. The following modern-day political divisions made up the historical Sikh Empire: Jamrud District (Khyber Agency, Pakistan) was the westernmost limit of the Sikh Empire. The westward expansion was stopped in the Battle of Jamrud, in which the Afghans managed to kill the prominent Sikh general Hari Singh Nalwa in an offensive, though the Sikhs successfully held their position at their Jamrud fort. Ranjit Singh sent his General Sirdar", "Punjabis\nand Sikhs left Pakistan for the newly created state of India. As a result of these population exchanges, both parts are now relatively homogeneous, where religion is concerned. In 2017 places the total population of Punjabi Muslims to be 110,012,442 (~75% of all Punjabis), with 97% of Punjabis who live in Pakistan following Islam, in contrast to Punjabi Sikhs and Punjabi Hindus who predominantly live in India. A variety of Muslim dynasties and kingdoms ruled the Punjab region, including Ghaznavids under Mahmud of Ghazni, the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughal Empire and finally the Durrani Empire. The province became an important", "\"History of Sikhism\"\nold sons of Guru Gobind Singh), along with numerous other main revered figures of Sikhism were tortured and killed (such as Banda Bahadur, Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Sati Das and Bhai Dayala), by Islamic rulers for refusing to convert to Islam, and for opposing the persecution of Sikhs and Hindus. Subsequently, Sikhism militarised to oppose Mughal hegemony. The emergence of the Sikh Confederacy under the misls and Sikh Empire under reign of the Maharajah Ranjit Singh was characterised by religious tolerance and pluralism with Christians, Muslims and Hindus in positions of power. The establishment of the Sikh Empire is commonly", "\"Khalistan movement\"\ndepending on its location in the British province. Among the three major religions (Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism), Sikhs formed the largest group (41.6%) only in the Ludhiana district. When the Muslims proposed the creation of an Islamic-majority Pakistan, many Sikhs staunchly opposed the concept. In late 1930s and 1940s the Sikh leaders realized that Muslim Pakistan and a Hindu India were imminent. To make a case for a separate Sikh state within the Punjab, Sikh leaders started mobilizing meta-commentaries and signs to argue that Punjab belonged to Sikhs and Sikhs belong to Punjab. This began the territorialization of the Sikh", "\"Mirza Gul Muhammad\"\nsituation seriously which resulted in formation of Sikh Empire and ended the Mughal Empire in Punjab. Mirza Gul Muhammad Mirza Gul Muhammad (died. 1800) was an Indian general, jurist and noble. He was the grandfather of Mirza Ghulam Murtaza who was the father of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. He succeeded as Qazi of Islamic State of Qadian upon the death of his father Faiz. During his reign, Mughal Empire had declined in Punjab. Giyas-ul-Daula, who was a minister of Mughal Empire had come to Qadian and praised the state was according to Islam. Throughout his life, he fought against Sikhs and", "Jassar\nJassar Jassar is a town in the Narowal District of Punjab Province, Pakistan. The town is located at 32°6'0N 74°57'0E--> In 997 CE, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, took over the Ghaznavid dynasty empire established by his father, Sultan Sebuktegin, In 1005 he conquered the Shahis in Kabul in 1005, and followed it by the conquests of Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire invaded and occupied Narowal", "\"Sikh art and culture\"\nGuru Nanak’s creative mysticism\"\" such that Sikh architecture \"\"is a mute harbinger of holistic humanism based on pragmatic spirituality\"\". The keynote of Sikh architecture is the Gurdwara which is the personification of the \"\"melting pot\"\" of Punjabi cultures, showing both Islamic, Sufi and Hindu influences. The reign of the Sikh Empire was the single biggest catylst in creating a uniquely Sikh form of expression, with Maharajah Ranjit Singh patronising the building of forts, palaces, bungas (residential places), colleges, etc. that can be said to be of the \"\"Sikh Style\"\". The \"\"jewel in the crown\"\" of the \"\"Sikh Style\"\" is the", "\"Second Anglo-Sikh War\"\nSecond Anglo-Sikh War The Second Anglo-Sikh War was a military conflict between the Sikh Empire and the British East India Company that took place in 1848 and 1849. It resulted in the fall of the Sikh Empire, and the annexation of the Punjab and what subsequently became the North-West Frontier Province, by the East India Company. On April 19, 1848 Patrick Vans Agnew of the civil service and Lieutenant William Anderson of the Bombay European regiment, having been sent to take charge of Multan from Diwan Mulraj, were murdered there, and within a short time the Sikh troops and sardars", "\"Sikh period in Lahore\"\nson and heir to the throne, was formally deposed in Lahore. The remaining Sikh regiments in the city were abruptly decommissioned and camped outside the city demanding severance pay. Within a year, the Punjab was formally annexed to the British Empire and military sappers had begun leveling Lahore's city wall. Sikh period in Lahore The Sikh Rule in Lahore initiated from the invasion and rule of the Sikh Misls and extended till the Sikh Empire of Ranjit Singh\"\" (also known as Punjab, the Sikh Raj, and Sarkar Khālsā Rāj)\"\" which ended in 1849. The Sikhs began gaining power following the", "\"Malkit Singh Tehang\"\nMalkit Singh Tehang Malkit Singh Tehang is a long standing leader of the Sikh community in Sandwell. He is the ex-president of the first and largest Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) in the UK - Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick. Born in 1954 in the village Tehang, near Phillaur, Punjab, Malkit migrated from Punjab to the United Kingdom in the 1970s. As with many Sikhs at the time Malkit became an Amritdhari (Baptised) Sikh in 1984 after the Operation Bluestar attack on the Golden Temple. Since 1984 he has worked for the Sikh community. He was selected onto the committee in the late", "\"History of Sikhism\"\nconsidered the zenith of Sikhism at political level, during this time the Sikh Empire came to include Kashmir, Ladakh, and Peshawar. Hari Singh Nalwa, the Commander-in-chief of the Sikh army along the North West Frontier, took the boundary of the Sikh Empire to the very mouth of the Khyber Pass. The Empire's secular administration integrated innovative military, economic and governmental reforms. The months leading up to the partition of India in 1947, saw heavy conflict in the Punjab between Sikh and Muslims, which saw the effective religious migration of Punjabi Sikhs and Hindus from West Punjab which mirrored a similar", "\"Okara District\"\n50,000. The Okara was ruled by Maurya Empire, Indo-Greek kingdom, Kushan Empire, Gupta Empire, White Huns, Kushano-Hephthalites and Shahi kingdoms. In 997 CE, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, took over the Ghaznavid dynasty empire established by his father, Sultan Sebuktegin, In 1005 he conquered the Shahis in Kabul in1005, and followed it by the conquests of northern Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later the Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of the Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire invaded and", "\"Tourism in Pakistan\"\nMughals took control of the region and ruled its land for several centuries. The mughal heritage remained quite strong in Punjab with a large number of forts, tombs and monuments still intact today. The Durrani Empire ruled the Punjab at the fall of the Mughal Empire for a short period following the rise of the Sikh Empire. The strong control of the Sikhs also lead to a number of sites still remaining intact throughout Punjab. The British Raj took control of the region until the independence. Tourism in Punjab is regulated by the Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab. There are", "\"Prohibitions in Sikhism\"\nProhibitions in Sikhism There are a number of religious prohibitions in Sikhism. Not all Sikh-identified people subscribe to these prohibitions. The Sahajdhari Sikhs reject most of the prohibitions, including trimming of hair (Kesh). Some young Sikhs are now cutting their hair to the dismay of spiritual leaders. According to the Sikh clergy, \"\"the fad among youth to shed the pagri\"\" is being observed more commonly among the Sikh youth in Punjab than Sikhs in other Indian states. Nihang Sikhs of Punjab, who are defenders of historic Sikh shrines, are an exception and consume an intoxicant called \"\"bhang\"\" (cannabis sativa), opium", "Punjab\nnot defeat the Sikhs. After the death of Ahmad Shah, the Punjab was freed from the Afghan yoke by Sikhs between 1773 and 1818. At the time of the formation of the Dal Khalsa in 1748 at Amritsar, the Punjab had been divided into 36 areas and 12 separate Sikh principalities, called misl. From this point onward, the beginnings of a Punjabi Sikh Empire emerged. Out of the 36 areas, 22 were united by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The other 14 accepted British sovereignty. After Ranjit Singh's death, assassinations and internal divisions severely weakened the empire. Six years later the British", "\"Chiniot District\"\nregion was ruled by Maurya Empire, Indo-Greek kingdom, Kushan Empire, Gupta Empire, White Huns, Kushano-Hephthalites and Shahi kingdoms. In 997 CE, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, took over the Ghaznavid dynasty empire established by his father, Sultan Sebuktegin, In 1005 he conquered the Shahis in Kabul in 1005, and followed it by the conquests of Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh Empire invaded and occupied Narowal District. The", "\"Faridkot State\"\nFaridkot State Faridkot State was a self-governing princely state outside British India during the British Raj period in the Indian sub-continent. Patiala was one of the Phulkian States.It was a Brar Jat sikh state. When the British left India in 1947, they abandoned their subsidiary alliances with the princely states, and the Maharajah of Faridkot acceded his state to the new Union of India. Prior to independence, a large part of the district was under the rule of the Maharaja of Faridkot and later it became a part of the Patiala & East Punjab States Union (PEPSU ) in 1948.", "Sikh\nlinguistic basis similar to other states in India. This was promised to Sikh leader Master Tara Singh by Jawaharlal Nehru, in return for Sikh political support during negotiations for Indian independence. Although the Sikhs obtained the Punjab, they lost Hindi-speaking areas to Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan. Chandigarh was made a union territory and the capital of Haryana and Punjab on 1 November 1966. Sikh leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale triggered violence in the Punjab. The prime minister Indira Gandhi ordered an operation to remove Bhindranwale from the Golden Temple in Operation Blue Star.This led to her assassination by her Sikh", "Malakwal\nalso famous for Daffer forest and Mona Depot. Malakwal Malakwal () is a city in Mandi Bahauddin District, Punjab, Pakistan. In 997 CE, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, took over the Ghaznavid dynasty empire established by his father, Sultan Sebuktegin. In 1005 he conquered the Shahis in Kabul in 1005, and followed it by the conquests of Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the formation of the Sikh Empire in 1801, Malakwal was invaded and occupied", "\"Khalistan movement\"\nwas seen as discriminatory and humiliating by the Sikhs. Many Sikhs who did not support Akalis and Bhindranwale began sympathizing with the Akali morcha. After the conclusion of the games, the Akali leader Longowal organised a convention of Sikh ex-servicemen at the Darbar Sahib. It was attended by a large number of Sikh ex-servicemen including ret. Major General Shabeg Singh who subsequently became Bhindranwale's military advisor. There were widespread murders in Punjab by followers of Bhindrawale. In the two year period between 4 August 1982 and 3 June 1984 there were more than 1200 violent incidents in which 410 persons", "Afghanistan\nfollowed by Mahmud Shah, Shuja Shah and others. The Afghan Empire was under threat in the early 19th century by the Persians in the west and the Sikh Empire in the east. Fateh Khan, leader of the Barakzai tribe, had installed 21 of his brothers in positions of power throughout the empire. After his death, they rebelled and divided up the provinces of the empire between themselves. During this turbulent period, Afghanistan had many temporary rulers until Dost Mohammad Khan declared himself emir in 1826. The Punjab region was lost to Ranjit Singh, who invaded Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and in 1834", "\"Nishan Sahib\"\nbut emblems were introduced by Guru Gobind Singh. The first Sikh emblem, was not the Khanda, but the three weapons, the Kattar (dagger), Dhal (shield) and Tulwar (sabre). Later these emblems were also used by the Sikh misls and the Empire. During the time of Ranjit Singh of Punjab, the Sikh flag became red or deep orange. Even though, earlier the Sikh Imperial flag was still blue, the Dogra vassals of the Empire requested Ranjit Singh/, to change it to saffron and add the picture of the Devi on it. Ranjit Singh refused to add any deities on the flag,", "\"Ranjit Singh\"\nthe Battle of Jamrud and his march through Kabul in 1838, in cooperation with the colonial British army stationed in Sindh, became the last confrontation between the Sikhs led by him and the Afghans, which helped extend and establish the western boundaries of the Sikh Empire. In 1838, Ranjit Singh with his troops marched into Kabul to take part in the victory parade along with the British after restoring Shah Shoja to the Afghan throne at Kabul. The Sikh Empire, also known as the Sikh Raj and Sarkar-a-Khalsa, was in the Punjab region, the name of which means \"\"the land", "\"Punjabi Hindus\"\nof Pakistan. Many of the Hindus/Sikhs had to move to East Punjab and Muslims to West Punjab. Estimates of a million people or more were killed in the riots following the partition and subsequent independence of Pakistan and later India from British colonial rule. Most of the Punjabi Hindus who moved from West Punjab settled in the areas which are now Indian state of Punjab, Delhi, Haryana, Western UP, and even as far as Mumbai and Calcutta. Since Partition, Sikh leaders and Sikh parties demanded a \"\"Punjabi Suba\"\" (Punjabi Province) in North India. They wanted to carve out a state", "\"Pakpattan District\"\nPakpattan was ruled by Maurya Empire, Indo-Greek kingdom, Kushan Empire, Gupta Empire, White Huns, Kushano-Hephthalites and Shahi kingdoms. In 997 CE, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, took over the Ghaznavid dynasty empire established by his father, Sultan Sebuktegin, In 1005 A.D. he conquered the Shahis in Kabul in 1005, and followed it by the conquests of Punjab region. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab region. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Sikh conquered Pakpattan District. During the period", "Koh-i-Noor\nOdisha, India. However, after his death in 1839, his will was not executed. On 29 March 1849, following the conclusion of the Second Anglo-Sikh War, the Kingdom of Punjab was formally annexed to Company rule, and the Last Treaty of Lahore was signed, officially ceding the Koh-i-Noor to Queen Victoria and the Maharaja's other assets to the company. Article III of the treaty read: \"\"The gem called the Koh-i-Noor, which was taken from Shah Sooja-ool-moolk by Maharajah Ranjeet Singh, shall be surrendered by the Maharajah of Lahore to the Queen of England (\"\"sic\"\")\"\". The Governor-General in charge of the ratification", "\"Maratha conquest of North-west India\"\na decade and could never really recover from the enormous losses they sustained during the whole campaign against the Durrani Empire. The Marathas had failed to befriend the important party of Punjab, particularly Sikhs. They couldn't make any formal treaty with Sikhs, who along with Adina Beg had assisted them in their conquest of north-west. Marathas treated Sikhs as a non-entity in Punjab affairs. According to an assessment, the Sikhs were ever ready to co-operate with the Marathas, but it goes to the discredit of the Marathas that they could not make a proper confederacy with Sikhs. Kirpal Singh writes:", "\"Elveden Hall\"\nfamilies. The Georgian house at the core of the present house is thought to have been built c. 1760. In 1768 the estate was purchased by Admiral Augustus Keppel. He died without issue in 1796 and it passed to his nephew, the Earl of Albemarle, who sold it to MP William Newton in 1813. In 1849, the Maharajah Duleep Singh, a Jat ruler of the Sikh Empire and owner of the famous Koh-i-noor diamond was exiled to England, having been removed from his kingdom by the British East India Company. The Maharajah purchased the Elveden Estate in 1863 and set", "\"Diwan Mulraj Chopra\"\nDiwan Mulraj Chopra Diwan Mulraj was the leader of the Sikh rebellion against the British from Multan. He was son of Diwan Sawan Mal who was appointed as governor of the city of Multan by the Sikh Emperor, Maharaja Ranjit Singh. His territory included Southern Punjab region of Jhang. After the annexation of Lahore palace by the British, the Sikh Army fought valiantly in the two Anglo-Sikh wars. Diwan Mulraj was part of the last Sikh stand against the British and was supported by Sikh Saint Bhai Maharaj Singh, Sikh Sardars from West Punjab, and Punjabi Muslims. After British captured", "\"Diwan Mulraj Chopra\"\nfrom an ailment. Diwan Mulraj Chopra Diwan Mulraj was the leader of the Sikh rebellion against the British from Multan. He was son of Diwan Sawan Mal who was appointed as governor of the city of Multan by the Sikh Emperor, Maharaja Ranjit Singh. His territory included Southern Punjab region of Jhang. After the annexation of Lahore palace by the British, the Sikh Army fought valiantly in the two Anglo-Sikh wars. Diwan Mulraj was part of the last Sikh stand against the British and was supported by Sikh Saint Bhai Maharaj Singh, Sikh Sardars from West Punjab, and Punjabi Muslims." ]
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who 's playing in the rose bowl january 1st 2018
[ "Georgia Bulldogs", "Oklahoma Sooners" ]
[ "\"2018 Rose Bowl\"\n2018 Rose Bowl The 2018 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game between the Oklahoma Sooners and the Georgia Bulldogs, played on January 1, 2018 at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California. The 104th Rose Bowl Game was a semifinal for the College Football Playoff (CFP), matching two of the top four teams selected by the system's selection committee. Georgia and Oklahoma competed for a spot at the 2018 College Football Playoff National Championship game, to be played on January 8, 2018 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia. The Georgia Bulldogs won the game with a 27-yard run", "\"2018 Rose Bowl\"\nits possession. When Georgia had the ball, Sony Michel took a direct snap on a second down and rushed for a 27-yard touchdown, winning the game for the Bulldogs. In this game, a number of Rose Bowl records were set: 2018 Rose Bowl The 2018 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game between the Oklahoma Sooners and the Georgia Bulldogs, played on January 1, 2018 at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California. The 104th Rose Bowl Game was a semifinal for the College Football Playoff (CFP), matching two of the top four teams selected by the system's selection", "\"1943 Rose Bowl\"\nwould not return to the Rose Bowl game until January 1, 2018--an absence of 75 years. University of Georgia Library Film Archives 1943 Rose Bowl The 1943 Rose Bowl game, played on January 1, 1943, was the 29th Rose Bowl game. The University of Georgia Bulldogs defeated the UCLA Bruins 9-0. The game returned to the Rose Bowl stadium after being played at Duke Stadium the year before. Charley Trippi of Georgia was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game when the award was created in 1953 and selections were made retroactively. After the 1942 Allied victory in the", "\"2019 Rose Bowl\"\n2019 Rose Bowl The 2019 Rose Bowl is a college football bowl game that will be played on January 1, 2019. It will be the 105th edition of the Rose Bowl Game, and will be one of the 2018–19 bowl games concluding the 2018 FBS football season. It will match the Big Ten champion Ohio State Buckeyes against the Pac-12 champion Washington Huskies. Sponsored by the Northwestern Mutual financial services organization, the game is officially known as the Rose Bowl presented by Northwestern Mutual. \"\"The Melody of Life\"\" is the theme chosen by Pasadena Tournament of Roses president Gerald Freeny.", "\"1981 Rose Bowl\"\nin Rose Bowls and never won a national championship in his 21 seasons as head coach.). It was Michigan's first bowl win in sixteen years, since January 1965. The win broke the Pac-10's six-game winning streak in the Rose Bowl; it was only the second win for the Big Ten in the last twelve, and the Pac-10 won the next six. 1981 Rose Bowl The 1981 Rose Bowl was the 67th Rose Bowl game and was played on January 1, 1981, at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California. The game featured the Michigan Wolverines beating the Washington Huskies by", "\"1962 Rose Bowl\"\ngraduates who had played under legendary coach Robert Neyland. All-American defensive tackle Bobby Bell played in both the 1961 and 1962 Rose Bowls for the Gophers. He later played in two Super Bowls with the Kansas City Chiefs, I and IV, winning the latter in January 1970. 1962 Rose Bowl The 1962 Rose Bowl, played on January 1, 1962, was the 48th Rose Bowl Game. The Minnesota Golden Gophers defeated the UCLA Bruins, 21–3. Big Ten Conference champion Ohio State declined the invitation to play in the Rose Bowl. Days after the conclusion of the regular season, the university's faculty", "\"2006 Rose Bowl\"\nlast time USC and Texas met in a football game until 2017, which USC won in overtime 27–24. The two teams met again in 2018 in Texas as the second game of a home-and-home series between the two schools. Texas won 37–14 with USC failing to score any points after the first quarter. 2006 Rose Bowl The 2006 Rose Bowl Game, played on January 4, 2006 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, was an American college football bowl game that served as the BCS National Championship Game for the 2005 College Football season. It featured the only two unbeaten", "\"1918 Rose Bowl\"\n1923 Rose Bowl. Dick Romney, who had been a football star at Utah, played halfback for the Camp Lewis team, scoring the team's only touchdown. 1918 Rose Bowl The 1918 Rose Bowl, known at the time as the Tournament East-West Football Game, was a bowl game played on January 1, 1918, at Tournament Park in Pasadena, California. It was the 4th Rose Bowl Game. With America at war, the game was played with players from the Mare Island Marines of California and the Camp Lewis Army from American Lake, Washington. Since the Rose Bowl game became so popular and most", "\"1984 Rose Bowl\"\n1984 Rose Bowl The 1984 Rose Bowl game, played on January 2, was the 70th Rose Bowl Game. The UCLA Bruins defeated the Illinois Fighting Illini by a score of 45–9. Rick Neuheisel, UCLA quarterback, was named the Rose Bowl Player Of The Game. He completed 22 of 32 passes for 298 yards and four touchdowns. Neuheisel, who was named head coach of Bruins in December 2007, threw two touchdown passes to his eventual predecessor as Bruin head coach, Karl Dorrell. The game was played on January 2, as New Year's Day fell on a Sunday. Illinois opened the 1983", "\"NFLPA Collegiate Bowl\"\nNFLPA Collegiate Bowl The NFLPA Collegiate Bowl is a post-season college football game for NFL draft-eligible college players, held annually in January. The event was founded in 2012 by the National Football League Players Association. The most recent game was played on January 20, 2018, at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California; the National team won, 23–0. The next game will be played at the same venue on January 19, 2019. In January 2012, the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) founded the NFLPA Collegiate Bowl after sponsoring the Texas vs The Nation game in previous years. The inaugural NFLPA", "\"Rose Bowl Game\"\nin the game (played and coached, as listed by the Tournament of Roses Association): Rose Bowl Game The Rose Bowl Game, also frequently known as simply the Rose Bowl, is an annual American college football bowl game, usually played on January 1 (New Year's Day) at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California. When New Year's Day falls on a Sunday, the game is played on Monday, January 2 (15 times now). The Rose Bowl Game is nicknamed \"\"The Granddaddy of Them All\"\" because it is the oldest bowl game. It was first played in 1902 as the Tournament East–West", "\"2017 Alabama Crimson Tide football team\"\nin the CFP Semi-final in the Sugar Bowl over Clemson and Georgia's overtime win over Oklahoma in the Rose Bowl, Alabama and Georgia, who did not play during SEC play, were slated to play on January 8, 2018 in the Mercedes-Benz Dome in Atlanta, Georgia for the 2018 College Football National Championship Game. This game marked the first time ex-Defensive Coordinator for Alabama Kirby Smart, head coach of Georgia faced off against his mentor Nick Saban. Alabama won the coin toss and elected to defer. On Georgia's opening drive, Alabama's Tony Brown intercepted a pass intended for Georgia's Riley Ridley,", "\"2018 College Football Playoff National Championship\"\nadvanced to the national championship after winning the semifinal games hosted by the Sugar Bowl and Rose Bowl Game respectively in January 2018. The championship game was played at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia on January 8, 2018. The Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia was announced as the host site for the fourth College Football National Championship on November 4, 2015. The College Football Playoff (CFP) selection committee selected four teams to advance to the playoff: the Clemson Tigers, Oklahoma Sooners, Georgia Bulldogs, and Alabama Crimson Tide. The Alabama Crimson Tide defeated the Clemson Tigers in the 2018 Sugar Bowl", "\"2003 Rose Bowl\"\n2003 Rose Bowl The 2003 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 2003. It was the 89th Rose Bowl game. It was a match-up between the Oklahoma Sooners and the Washington State Cougars. The game was won by Oklahoma 34-14. Nate Hybl, who played quarterback for the Sooners, was named the Rose Bowl Player Of The Game. The Pasadena Tournament of Roses chooses their co-Grand Marshals of the 114th annual Rose Parade, they are: Actor/Comedian Bill Cosby, Art Linkletter and Fred Rogers from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood on PBS. On Tuesday, October 22, 2002 - Tournament", "\"Notre Dame Fighting Irish football\"\nafter September 1st, 2018, stands at 907 wins, 323 losses, and 42 ties. The winning percentage of is 1st All-Time. Its 907 wins are second only behind Michigan, while its 324 losses are tied with Ohio State as the second lowest of any college programs that have been playing football for 100 years or more, behind Oklahoma's 323. Notre Dame has made 35 Bowl appearances, winning 17 and losing 18. After an initial appearance in a postseason contest in the 1925 Rose Bowl, the Fighting Irish refused to participate in bowl games for more than four decades; writers like Dan", "\"Rose Bowl Game\"\nRose Bowl Game The Rose Bowl Game, also frequently known as simply the Rose Bowl, is an annual American college football bowl game, usually played on January 1 (New Year's Day) at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California. When New Year's Day falls on a Sunday, the game is played on Monday, January 2 (15 times now). The Rose Bowl Game is nicknamed \"\"The Granddaddy of Them All\"\" because it is the oldest bowl game. It was first played in 1902 as the Tournament East–West football game, and has been played annually since 1916. Since 1945, it has been", "\"Citrus Bowl\"\nWings (2015–2017) and Overton's (2018). Presently, it is being sponsored by VRBO, a vacation rental marketplace, and is known as the VRBO Citrus Bowl. Since becoming one of the premier bowls, the Citrus Bowl is typically played at 1 p.m. EST on New Year's Day, immediately before the Rose Bowl, both of which have been televised on ESPN since 2011. When January 1 is a Sunday, the game has been played on January 2 or December 31, to avoid conflicting with the National Football League schedule. , at $4.25 million per team, it has the largest payout of all the", "\"1958 Rose Bowl\"\nRose Bowl, which Ohio State won 26-17. 1958 Rose Bowl The 1958 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1958. In the game, the 44th Rose Bowl, the Ohio State Buckeyes defeated the Oregon Webfoots by a score Oregon quarterback Jack Crabtree was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game, one of only two players in Rose Bowl history from a losing team who won the award outright. Ohio State came into the game with an eight-game winning streak, having dropped their season opener to TCU and then winning the rest of their games.", "\"2017 Rose Bowl\"\n(14.9) making it was the second highest-rated bowl game ever on ESPN. Figures do not include the 300,000 who streamed coverage on WatchESPN or other International streaming websites. If these figures were added to the final rating it would have been in the near 19 million viewership range. Some countries who streamed games on national tv broadcast the game include Canada (1.3 million), France (200,000) and Australia (98,000). 2017 Rose Bowl The 2017 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 2, 2017 at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California. This 103rd Rose Bowl Game matched", "\"2000 Rose Bowl\"\n2000 Rose Bowl The 2000 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 2000. It was the 86th Rose Bowl game and was played on January 1, 2000 at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California. The game featured the Wisconsin Badgers defeating the Stanford Cardinal by a score of 17–9. Ron Dayne, the Wisconsin running back, was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game for the second consecutive year. On October 26, 1999, the Pasadena Tournament of Roses selected Sophia Bush, a senior at Westridge School and a resident of Pasadena, to become the", "\"1958 Rose Bowl\"\n1958 Rose Bowl The 1958 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1958. In the game, the 44th Rose Bowl, the Ohio State Buckeyes defeated the Oregon Webfoots by a score Oregon quarterback Jack Crabtree was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game, one of only two players in Rose Bowl history from a losing team who won the award outright. Ohio State came into the game with an eight-game winning streak, having dropped their season opener to TCU and then winning the rest of their games. They were ranked #1 in the Coaches'", "\"1977 Rose Bowl\"\nonly 1977 Rose Bowl The 1977 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1977. It was the 63rd Rose Bowl Game. The USC Trojans, champions of the Pacific-8 Conference, defeated the Michigan Wolverines, champions of the Big Ten Conference, USC quarterback Vince Evans was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game, and Trojan freshman tailback Charles White, subbing for Heisman Trophy runner-up Ricky Bell, who was injured in the first quarter, rushed for 114 yards and It was the third consecutive win for the Pac-8 in the Rose Bowl, and the seventh of the", "\"1977 Rose Bowl\"\n1977 Rose Bowl The 1977 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1977. It was the 63rd Rose Bowl Game. The USC Trojans, champions of the Pacific-8 Conference, defeated the Michigan Wolverines, champions of the Big Ten Conference, USC quarterback Vince Evans was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game, and Trojan freshman tailback Charles White, subbing for Heisman Trophy runner-up Ricky Bell, who was injured in the first quarter, rushed for 114 yards and It was the third consecutive win for the Pac-8 in the Rose Bowl, and the seventh of the Michigan", "\"1934 Rose Bowl\"\nwith Minnesota on a 0-0 tie between the two teams, was voted the 1933 national champion. USC, who had won the previous two years, and who finished the season 10-1-1 was denied a third consecutive national championship. 1934 Rose Bowl The 1934 Rose Bowl, played on January 1, 1934, was an American football bowl game. It was the 20th Rose Bowl Game. The Columbia Lions defeated the Stanford Indians (now Cardinal) 7-0. Cliff Montgomery, the Columbia quarterback, was named the Rose Bowl Player Of The Game when the award was created in 1953 and selections were made retroactively. At 35,000,", "\"2000 Rose Bowl\"\nthirteen years later in the 2013 Rose Bowl, with Barry Alvarez returning to serve as interim head coach for Wisconsin, but this time, Stanford would win 20–14. 2000 Rose Queen Sophia Bush went on to become a successful actress, starring for nine seasons as Brooke Davis on \"\"One Tree Hill\"\", and later as Detective Erin Lindsay on \"\"Chicago P.D.\"\". 2000 Rose Bowl The 2000 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 2000. It was the 86th Rose Bowl game and was played on January 1, 2000 at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California. The", "\"2017–18 NCAA football bowl games\"\nsingle-elimination semifinal round, with the winners advancing to the National Championship game. The semifinal games were the Rose Bowl and the Sugar Bowl. Both were played on New Year's Day, as part of a yearly rotation of three pairs of six bowls, commonly referred to as the CFP New Year's Six bowl games. Their winners advanced to the 2018 College Football Playoff National Championship at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 8, 2018. On April 11, 2016, the NCAA announced a freeze on new bowl games until after the 2019 season. While bowl games had been the purview of", "\"2015 Rose Bowl\"\n2015 Rose Bowl The 2015 Rose Bowl (officially known as the College Football Playoff Semifinal at the Rose Bowl Game presented by Northwestern Mutual) was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 2015, at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California. This 101st Rose Bowl Game, as a semifinal for the College Football Playoff (CFP), matched the Oregon Ducks against the Florida State Seminoles as selected by the system's selection committee to compete for a spot at the National Championship game to be played on January 12, 2015 at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. It was one of", "\"1938 Rose Bowl\"\n“The Crimson Tide was at its ebb, Alabama at last had lost a Rose Bowl Game.” 1938 Rose Bowl The 1938 Rose Bowl was played on January 1, 1938, and was the 24th Rose Bowl. The game featured the California Golden Bears against the Alabama Crimson Tide, two of the top teams from the 1937 college football season. This game was the fifth trip to Pasadena for the Tide, which had gone without a loss in four previous Rose Bowl games. The game was a Vic Bottari and Sam Chapman show, who scored all the points. It was Alabama's first", "\"1922 Rose Bowl\"\n1922 Rose Bowl The 1922 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 2, 1922, between the Washington & Jefferson Presidents (W&J) and the California Golden Bears. It holds several distinctions including being the only scoreless Rose Bowl Game, the first tie in a Rose Bowl, the first African-American quarterback to play in the Rose Bowl (Charles Fremont West from Washington & Jefferson), the first freshman to play in a Rose Bowl (Herb Kopf of Washington and Jefferson), and Hal Erickson (W&J) became the only man ever to play in two Rose Bowls (1919 and 1922), with", "\"1956 Rose Bowl\"\nSooners defeated the #3 Maryland Terrapins 20–6 in a battle of undefeated teams. The Sugar Bowl was the last bowl game to be integrated. The Cotton Bowl, Orange Bowl, and Sugar Bowl were not integrated until 1948, 1955, and 1956 respectively. 1956 Rose Bowl The 1956 Rose Bowl game, played on January 2, 1956, was the 42nd Rose Bowl game. The Michigan State Spartans defeated the UCLA Bruins, 17–14. Michigan State halfback Walt Kowalczyk was named the Rose Bowl Player Of The Game. The game was played on January 2, because New Year's Day was a Sunday. It featured two", "\"1995 Sugar Bowl (January)\"\n1995 Sugar Bowl (January) The 1995 Sugar Bowl (January) was the 9th Sugar Bowl played on January 2 (since January 1 fell on a Sunday) and only the 13th to not be played on January 1st. This was the 61st held Sugar Bowl, and it was the postseason game for the 1994 NCAA Division I-A football season. The game was a bowl rematch between the Florida Gators and the Florida State Seminoles who had played each other in the regular season on November 26. The two teams had played to a 31-31 tie at Tallahassee just 37 days earlier on", "\"1938 Rose Bowl\"\n1938 Rose Bowl The 1938 Rose Bowl was played on January 1, 1938, and was the 24th Rose Bowl. The game featured the California Golden Bears against the Alabama Crimson Tide, two of the top teams from the 1937 college football season. This game was the fifth trip to Pasadena for the Tide, which had gone without a loss in four previous Rose Bowl games. The game was a Vic Bottari and Sam Chapman show, who scored all the points. It was Alabama's first loss in the Rose Bowl, which prompted former \"\"Los Angeles Examiner\"\" reporter Maxwell Stiles to write:", "\"2002 Rose Bowl\"\nthe USC Trojans would be a participant. The 2002 contest was the last one not to feature a team from either the Big Ten or Pac 12 until the 2018 Rose Bowl, which was a component of the College Football Playoff and pitted Georgia against Oklahoma. The game, which was played on a Thursday night, two days after the parade, has been remembered as a low point for the Rose Bowl. University of Michigan coach Bo Schembechler remarked, \"\"Didn't watch it,\"\" when asked what he thought of the 2002 Rose Bowl. 2002 Rose Bowl The 2002 Rose Bowl, played on", "\"1928 Rose Bowl\"\n1928 Rose Bowl The 1928 Rose Bowl Game was a match between Stanford (7–2–1) and the Pittsburgh Panthers (8–0–1). Usually, the Rose Bowl was played on January 1, but in 1928, that fell on a Sunday, so the game was played on January 2, 1928. At this time, the Rose Bowl was the top and only bowl game, an east-vs.-west matchup. Stanford won the game, 7–6. The coach for Pittsburgh was Jock Sutherland, while the Stanford coach was Pop Warner. Sutherland had played on several of Warner's Pitt teams while Warner was head coach at Pitt. Warner was head coach", "\"1983 Rose Bowl\"\n1990 Rose Bowl. 1983 Rose Bowl The 1983 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game, played on January 1, 1983. It was the 69th Rose Bowl Game. The UCLA Bruins defeated the Michigan Wolverines by a score of 24–14 in a bowl rematch of a regular season game also won by UCLA. Tom Ramsey, UCLA quarterback and Don Rogers, UCLA defensive back, were named the Rose Bowl Players Of The Game. This was the first season that the UCLA Bruins played in the Rose Bowl stadium as their home stadium, where they were undefeated. The 1983 Rose Bowl was", "\"Roy Riegels\"\nCal's Rose Bowl opponent was undefeated and had outscored its opponents 213 points to 40 after nine games played. The Rose Bowl game was broadcast nationally by radio during this time. On January 1, 1929, the Golden Bears faced the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, USA. Midway through the second quarter, Riegels, who played center on both offensive and defensive lines and who was then playing in a role similar to that of the modern defensive nose guard or nose tackle, picked up a fumble by Tech's Jack \"\"Stumpy\"\" Thomason. Just 30 yards away", "\"1922 Rose Bowl\"\nfinished the season with a share of the \"\"mythical national championship,\"\" as determined by the Boand System. 1922 Rose Bowl The 1922 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 2, 1922, between the Washington & Jefferson Presidents (W&J) and the California Golden Bears. It holds several distinctions including being the only scoreless Rose Bowl Game, the first tie in a Rose Bowl, the first African-American quarterback to play in the Rose Bowl (Charles Fremont West from Washington & Jefferson), the first freshman to play in a Rose Bowl (Herb Kopf of Washington and Jefferson), and Hal", "\"2012 Rose Bowl\"\n2012 Rose Bowl The 2012 Rose Bowl, the 98th edition of the annual game, was a college football bowl game played on Monday, January 2, 2012 at the same-named stadium in Pasadena, California. The Oregon Ducks of the Pac-12 Conference beat the Wisconsin Badgers of the Big Ten Conference, 45–38, for their first Rose Bowl win in 95 years. The Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association was the organizer of the game and dedicated the game in honor of all wounded military personnel, who tossed the game coin by their representative Grand Marshal J.R. Martinez. Because of sponsorship by Vizio, the", "\"1956 Rose Bowl\"\n1956 Rose Bowl The 1956 Rose Bowl game, played on January 2, 1956, was the 42nd Rose Bowl game. The Michigan State Spartans defeated the UCLA Bruins, 17–14. Michigan State halfback Walt Kowalczyk was named the Rose Bowl Player Of The Game. The game was played on January 2, because New Year's Day was a Sunday. It featured two of the most racially integrated college football teams of the day with six African American players for the Bruins and seven for the Spartans. This stood in stark contrast to the 1956 Sugar Bowl, where there was controversy over whether Bobby", "\"1972 Rose Bowl\"\njudge who made the controversial safety call against Stanford, later officiated in the NFL for many years, working Super Bowl XIX following the 1984 season. 1972 Rose Bowl The 1972 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on Saturday, January 1, 1972, in Pasadena, California. It was the 58th Rose Bowl Game, and the Stanford Indians defeated the Michigan Wolverines, 13–12. The MVP was Stanford quarterback Don Bunce. Michigan started their season with a 21-6 win over #20 Northwestern in Evanston, Illinois. They rose to #3 by winning their next 8 games by a combined score of 358-40,", "\"Rose Parade\"\n30 and 31 when the parade is on January 2). Twenty bands participated in the 2016 parade. Shortly after the parade in January, the newly elected President of the Tournament of Roses has the duty of picking a theme for the forthcoming festivities. Most of the floral floats in the parade are inspired by this theme. On January 18, 2018, Gerald Freeny was confirmed as President of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association. He announced that the theme for the 130th Rose Parade and 105th Rose Bowl Game is \"\"The Melody of Life\"\". The parade and bowl game will be", "\"1983 Rose Bowl\"\n1983 Rose Bowl The 1983 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game, played on January 1, 1983. It was the 69th Rose Bowl Game. The UCLA Bruins defeated the Michigan Wolverines by a score of 24–14 in a bowl rematch of a regular season game also won by UCLA. Tom Ramsey, UCLA quarterback and Don Rogers, UCLA defensive back, were named the Rose Bowl Players Of The Game. This was the first season that the UCLA Bruins played in the Rose Bowl stadium as their home stadium, where they were undefeated. The 1983 Rose Bowl was the third meeting", "\"1952 Rose Bowl\"\nJohnny Karras rushed for 58 yards and a touchdown for Illinois. It was the second Rose Bowl win for Illinois coach Ray Eliot. Stanford coach Chuck Taylor became the first man to ever be both a player and coach in the Rose Bowl, having played as one of Stanford's undefeated Wow Boys in the 1941 Rose Bowl. 1952 Rose Bowl The 1952 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1952, at the end of the 1951 college football season. It was the 38th Rose Bowl Game. It was the first nationally televised college football game.", "\"2018 First Responder Bowl\"\n2018 First Responder Bowl The 2018 First Responder Bowl is a college football bowl game that will be played on December 26, 2018. It will be the 1st edition of the game after being rebranded, playing the first eight as the Heart of Dallas Bowl, and will be one of the 2018–19 bowl games concluding the 2018 FBS football season. Sponsored by Servpro, a franchisor of fire and water cleanup and restoration, the game will be officially known as the Servpro First Responder Bowl. Bowl organizers had intended to invite teams from the Big Ten Conference and Conference USA, based", "\"Rose Bowl (stadium)\"\nGranddaddy of Them All\"\" for the Rose Bowl game.\"\" In 1999, \"\"Sports Illustrated\"\" listed the Rose Bowl at number 20 in the Top 20 Venues of the 20th Century. In 2007, Sports Illustrated named the Rose Bowl the number one venue in college sports. The Rose Bowl stadium is best known in the U.S. for its hosting of the Rose Bowl, a postseason college football game. The game is played after the Tournament of Roses Parade on New Year's Day, or, if January 1 is a Sunday, on the following Monday January 2. The stadium's name has given rise to", "\"1940 Rose Bowl\"\n1940 Rose Bowl The 1940 Rose Bowl, played on January 1, 1940, was an American college football bowl game. It was the 26th Rose Bowl Game. The [[1939 USC Trojans football team Ambrose Schindler, the USC quarterback, was named the Rose Bowl Player Of The Game when the award was created in 1953 and selections were made retroactively. The Rose Bowl committee had both USC and Tennessee on their list and it was likely that USC and Tennessee would play each other. The Volunteers were offered a berth in the [[Sugar Bowl]] on November 25. The Volunteers also were in", "\"2018 Rose Bowl\"\nbe selected every three years, when the Rose Bowl is a CFP semifinal. The Big 12 and SEC champions traditionally meet in the Sugar Bowl. The 2018 Sugar Bowl was used as the other semifinal this year, allowing any team to be selected. The matchups for the semifinals are geographically selected to ensure the top two teams do not play in road environments. More than one team from the same conference may participate in the game, and avoiding rematches is not a selection factor. Georgia won their only previous Rose Bowl appearance when their 1942 team, which claims a national", "\"2018 First Responder Bowl\"\na 7–5 record (4–4 in conference). Boise State was defeated in the 2018 Mountain West Conference Football Championship Game on December 1, then received and accepted a bid to the First Responder Bowl on December 2. The Broncos enter the bowl with a 10–3 record (7–1 in conference). 2018 First Responder Bowl The 2018 First Responder Bowl is a college football bowl game that will be played on December 26, 2018. It will be the 1st edition of the game after being rebranded, playing the first eight as the Heart of Dallas Bowl, and will be one of the 2018–19", "\"1967 Rose Bowl\"\nvictory. Purdue's astronaut alumni, Neil Armstrong, Eugene Cernan, Gus Grissom and Roger B. Chaffee, attended the 1967 Tournament of Roses Parade and Rose Bowl game. Grissom and Chaffee would die in the Apollo 1 fire less than a month later. 1967 Rose Bowl The 1967 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 2, 1967. It was the 53rd Rose Bowl Game, played annually in Pasadena, California. The game was played between the #7 Purdue Boilermakers of the Big Ten Conference and the unranked USC Trojans of the AAWU (Pac-8). Purdue won 14−13, after USC scored a", "\"2017 Oklahoma Sooners football team\"\nsemifinal game to be played at the 2018 Rose Bowl on New Year's Day. Their opponent was the third-seeded Georgia Bulldogs, champions of the Southeastern Conference. It was the first ever match-up between the two schools. The Rose Bowl winner would go on to play in the 2018 College Football Playoff National Championship. Oklahoma lost in double overtime, 48–54, in a game many observers described as an \"\"instant classic\"\". It was the highest-ever scoring Rose Bowl game, and the first CFP game to go to overtime. The Sooners were the first to score, with a 13-yard pass from Baker Mayfield", "\"1971 Rose Bowl\"\nfifth-year senior quarterback Don Bunce, who redshirted this season. 1971 Rose Bowl The 1971 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1971, in Pasadena, California. It was the 57th Rose Bowl Game. The Stanford Indians of the Pacific-8 Conference defeated the second-ranked Ohio State Buckeyes of the Big Ten Conference, was Stanford quarterback the Heisman Trophy winner. Ohio State started the season ranked #1 and proceeded to roll off five easy wins by a combined score of 195-60. In their sixth game, they beat #20 Northwestern in Columbus, 24–10. But for some reason, Texas leapfrogged", "\"2013 Rose Bowl\"\nNCAA Football Bowl Subdivision records, and his 25 career games with multiple touchdowns equals the previous FBS record of Travis Prentice (who was also the prior holder of the two records broken by Ball). Ball is the 2012 Doak Walker Award winner. Stanford 20 Wisconsin 14 2013 Rose Bowl The 2013 Rose Bowl, the 99th edition of the annual game, was a college football bowl game played on Tuesday, January 1, 2013, at the same-named stadium in Pasadena, California. The Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association is the organizer of the game. The game matched Big Ten Conference Champions Wisconsin Badgers", "\"2017 Rose Bowl\"\ncoach James Franklin (finished 7–6 both seasons). The team wore its dark jerseys and used the west bench on game day. The Nittany Lions and Trojans had previously played nine times, with USC leading the series 5–4, and had played twice in the Rose Bowl in (1923 and 2009) with USC winning both games. The 2017 match was the highest scoring game in the bowl's history, with a total of 101 points, breaking the record set five years earlier at the 2012 Rose Bowl game. This record was broken in the 2018 Rose Bowl game with 102 points scored by", "\"1946 Rose Bowl\"\nplayed with \"\"at large\"\" teams from outside the Pac-8/Big 10 conferences. These two elite conferences openly admitted restricting the Rose Bowl, because they were tired of getting beaten by teams playing \"\"hillbilly ball\"\". The same reason they cited for not inviting them pre-1920. 1946 Rose Bowl The 1946 Rose Bowl, played on January 1, 1946, was a college football bowl game, the 32nd Rose Bowl Game, between the Crimson Tide of the University of Alabama and the Trojans of the University of Southern California. The Tide defeated the underdog Trojans 34–14. It was Alabama’s sixth and final trip to the", "\"1951 Rose Bowl\"\n1951 Rose Bowl The 1951 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1951. It was the 37th Rose Bowl Game. The Michigan Wolverines, champions of the Big Ten Conference, defeated the California Golden Bears, champions of the Pacific Coast Conference, 14–6. Michigan fullback Don Dufek was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game. With a record of 9–0–1, the Golden Bears were ranked fourth in the nation. Michigan had to beat rival Ohio State in the notorious “Snow Bowl” game, which was played in 21 inches of snow. This was California's third consecutive Rose", "\"Rose Bowl Game\"\nsatisfied the 'first time' clause of the current agreement. The 100th Rose Bowl Game featured a traditional pairing of Big Ten champion versus Pac-12 champion, with Michigan State playing against Stanford on January 1, 2014. Michigan State won the game, 24–20. The Bowl Championship Series format ended with the 2014 BCS National Championship Game, played at the Rose Bowl stadium on January 6. The BCS was replaced in 2014 by the College Football Playoff, which selects four teams for two national semifinal games, leading to a championship game. As part of the arrangement, the Rose Bowl game functions as a", "\"Stuart Schweigert\"\nbowl games; the 2001 Rose Bowl, the 2001 and 2002 Sun Bowls and the 2003 Capital One Bowl. He collected 17 career interceptions, besting the previous school career record mark of 11 set by Rod Woodson, who also played for the Oakland Raiders. He was selected as the Big Ten Freshman of the Year following the 2000 season, was voted 1st Team All-Big Ten twice and 2nd Team All-Big Ten twice. Entering his Senior season (2003), he was tabbed as a Playboy All-American, he was also selected to be the All-Big Ten Academic 1st Team. He finished 9th all-time in", "\"1943 Rose Bowl\"\n1943 Rose Bowl The 1943 Rose Bowl game, played on January 1, 1943, was the 29th Rose Bowl game. The University of Georgia Bulldogs defeated the UCLA Bruins 9-0. The game returned to the Rose Bowl stadium after being played at Duke Stadium the year before. Charley Trippi of Georgia was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game when the award was created in 1953 and selections were made retroactively. After the 1942 Allied victory in the Battle of Midway and the end of the Japanese offensives in the Pacific Theater during 1942, it was deemed that the West", "\"1960 Rose Bowl\"\nGame in the 1961 Rose Bowl, becoming the first player in the history of the Rose Bowl to be twice-honored as the Player of the Game. Fleming became the first African American to be elected to the Washington state Senate in 1970 1960 Rose Bowl The 1960 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on Friday, January 1, 1960, at the end of the 1959 college football season. It was the 46th Rose Bowl Game. This was the first Rose Bowl appearance by the Huskies since the 1944 Rose Bowl and the first appearance by the Badgers since", "\"2015 Rose Bowl\"\nin a Rose Bowl, surpassing the previous record of 49 (set in 1902, then tied in 1948 and 2008). Oregon's 41 points in the second half were also the most ever scored in one half of a Rose Bowl. Oregon set the Rose Bowl record for total offensive yards (639). 2015 Rose Bowl The 2015 Rose Bowl (officially known as the College Football Playoff Semifinal at the Rose Bowl Game presented by Northwestern Mutual) was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 2015, at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California. This 101st Rose Bowl Game, as a", "\"1999 Rose Bowl\"\n1999 Rose Bowl The 1999 Rose Bowl was the 85th Rose Bowl game and was played on Friday January 1, 1999, at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California. It was a college football bowl game at the end of the 1998 NCAA Division I-A football season. Wisconsin defeated UCLA by a score of 38–31. Ron Dayne of Wisconsin was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game. He tied a modern Rose Bowl record with four touchdowns. This was the first year that the Rose Bowl became part of the Bowl Championship Series, ending a long-standing agreement between the", "\"1918 Rose Bowl\"\n1918 Rose Bowl The 1918 Rose Bowl, known at the time as the Tournament East-West Football Game, was a bowl game played on January 1, 1918, at Tournament Park in Pasadena, California. It was the 4th Rose Bowl Game. With America at war, the game was played with players from the Mare Island Marines of California and the Camp Lewis Army from American Lake, Washington. Since the Rose Bowl game became so popular and most of the college football players were fighting overseas during World War I, the Pasadena Tournament of Roses decided to stage the game with military units,", "\"1998 Rose Bowl\"\n1998 Rose Bowl The 1998 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1998, at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California. It was the 84th Rose Bowl Game. The game featured Michigan beating Washington State by a score of 21–16. Brian Griese was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game. The following season the Rose Bowl would become part of the newly formed Bowl Championship Series (BCS). This was also the final year that the game was not branded with corporate sponsorship. On Tuesday, October 21, 1997 - Tournament of Roses President Gareth A.", "\"1970 Rose Bowl\"\n9th in the AP poll (released in January) and 8th in the UPI poll (released after the regular season in early December). 1970 Rose Bowl The 1970 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1970. It was the 56th Rose Bowl Game. The USC Trojans, champions of the Pacific-8 Conference, defeated the Michigan Wolverines, champions of the Big Ten Conference, 10–3. USC flanker Bob Chandler was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game. After early season losses to #9 Missouri and unranked Michigan State, the Wolverines won four straight games before their showdown with", "\"Rose Bowl (stadium)\"\nthe term \"\"bowl game\"\" for postseason football games, regardless of whether they are played in a bowl-shaped or \"\"Bowl\"\"-named stadium. The Rose Bowl Game is commonly referred to as \"\"The Granddaddy of Them All\"\" because of its stature as the oldest of all the bowl games. Since its opening, the Rose Bowl stadium has hosted the bowl game every year except the 1942 Rose Bowl, when the game was moved to Durham, North Carolina, at the campus of Duke University. Duke, which played in the game on January 1, volunteered to host the contest because of security concerns on the", "\"1940 Rose Bowl\"\nto the [[1962 Rose Bowl]]. [[Category:1939–40 NCAA football bowl games|Rose Bowl]] [[Category:Rose Bowl]] [[Category:Tennessee Volunteers football bowl games]] [[Category:USC Trojans football bowl games]] [[Category:1940 in sports in California]] [[Category:January 1940 sports events]] 1940 Rose Bowl The 1940 Rose Bowl, played on January 1, 1940, was an American college football bowl game. It was the 26th Rose Bowl Game. The [[1939 USC Trojans football team Ambrose Schindler, the USC quarterback, was named the Rose Bowl Player Of The Game when the award was created in 1953 and selections were made retroactively. The Rose Bowl committee had both USC and Tennessee on", "\"1902 Rose Bowl\"\nto 1922 before the Rose Bowl stadium opened for the 1923 Rose Bowl. As of 2016, Stanford has appeared in the Rose Bowl 15 times, third most, and Michigan has appeared 20 times, second most. Stanford would make their next bowl appearance in 1925, the 1925 Rose Bowl. Michigan's next bowl game was in the 1948 Rose Bowl. 1902 Rose Bowl Originally titled the \"\"Tournament East–West football game,\"\" what is now known as the Rose Bowl Game was first played on January 1, 1902, at Tournament Park in Pasadena, California, starting the tradition of New Year's Day bowl games. The", "\"1924 Rose Bowl\"\n1924 Rose Bowl The 1924 Rose Bowl was a postseason American college football bowl game played between the independent Navy Midshipmen and the Washington Huskies, a member of the Pacific Coast Conference (PCC). The game took place on January 1, 1924, at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California, closing the 1923 college football season. The game opened in front of approximately 40,000 people and ended in a 1414 tie. It was the first post-season bowl game for both teams. The 1924 game was the tenth edition of the Rose Bowl, which had first been played in 1902. Following the", "\"1951 Rose Bowl\"\nBowl Game. Pete Schabarum broke a 77-yard run on the second play of the game, but a backfield-in-motion penalty nullified the score to stop the Cal momentum. 1951 Rose Bowl The 1951 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1951. It was the 37th Rose Bowl Game. The Michigan Wolverines, champions of the Big Ten Conference, defeated the California Golden Bears, champions of the Pacific Coast Conference, 14–6. Michigan fullback Don Dufek was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game. With a record of 9–0–1, the Golden Bears were ranked fourth in the nation.", "\"2012 Oregon Ducks football team\"\nPac-12 Football Championship Game. They represented the Pac-12 in the Rose Bowl, where they defeated Wisconsin 45–38 to win their first Rose Bowl game since 1917. It was their second Rose Bowl appearance in three years and their sixth overall. It was Oregon's third consecutive year in a BCS bowl game (prior to which having played in the 2010 Rose Bowl and the 2011 BCS National Championship Game), the longest active streak in college football. The Ducks finished the season 12–1 (8–1 Pac-12). University of Oregon official schedule 1st quarter scoring: FRES – Quentin Breshears 39 Yd field goal; ORE", "\"2018 Sun Bowl\"\n2018 Sun Bowl The 2018 Sun Bowl is a college football bowl game that will be played on Monday, December 31, 2018. It will be the 85th edition of the Sun Bowl, and will be one of the 2018–19 bowl games concluding the 2018 FBS football season. Sponsored by Hyundai Motor America, the game will be officially known as the Hyundai Sun Bowl. Stanford started off the season with four straight wins, including a victory over rival USC, and they rose in the polls from No. 13 to No. 7 by the time they met Notre Dame on September 29.", "\"1989 Rose Bowl\"\n1989 Rose Bowl The 1989 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on Monday January 2, 1989, because New Year's Day was on a Sunday. It was the 75th Rose Bowl Game, and also the 100th anniversary of the Tournament of Roses parade. The Michigan Wolverines defeated the USC Trojans 22–14. Michigan FB Leroy Hoard was named the Rose Bowl Player Of The Game. This was the first of 22 Rose Bowls broadcast by ABC Sports. It had been broadcast on NBC since the first television broadcast in the 1952 Rose Bowl. Michigan opened the season with consecutive", "\"1962 Rose Bowl\"\n1962 Rose Bowl The 1962 Rose Bowl, played on January 1, 1962, was the 48th Rose Bowl Game. The Minnesota Golden Gophers defeated the UCLA Bruins, 21–3. Big Ten Conference champion Ohio State declined the invitation to play in the Rose Bowl. Days after the conclusion of the regular season, the university's faculty council voted 28–25 against participation in the Rose Bowl.</small> They were under no contractual obligation to accept the invitation following the demise of the Pacific Coast Conference after the 1958 season. Minnesota, the runner-up in the Big Ten, was then offered the \"\"at-large\"\" invitation, and accepted. Minnesota", "\"1954 Rose Bowl\"\n1954 Rose Bowl The 1954 Rose Bowl game, played on January 1, 1954, was the 40th Rose Bowl game. The Michigan State Spartans defeated the UCLA Bruins, 28–20. Michigan State halfback Billy Wells was named the Rose Bowl Player Of The Game. This was the first year that Michigan State University was counted in the Big Ten Conference football standings, having been a member since 1950. The 1954 Rose Bowl had the first color television \"\"colorcast\"\", viewable on 200 sets across the United States. The Michigan State Spartans had joined the Big Ten in 1950, but did not play a", "\"2014 Rose Bowl\"\n2014 Rose Bowl The 2014 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game that was played on January 1, 2014 at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California. This 100th Rose Bowl Game matched Big Ten Conference Champions Michigan State Spartans against Pac-12 Conference Champions Stanford Cardinal (the defending Rose Bowl champions), a rematch of the 1996 Sun Bowl. It was one of the 2013–14 bowl games that concluded the 2013 FBS football season. The first game in the final edition of the Bowl Championship Series, it was sponsored by the Vizio consumer electronics company, and officially titled the Rose", "\"1950 Rose Bowl\"\n1950 Rose Bowl The 1950 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played between Ohio State University and University of California at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. The game was a rematch of the 1921 Rose Bowl where both Ohio State and Cal played in the teams' first bowl game. Ohio State came out with the win, 17–14. The MVP was Fred \"\"Curly\"\" Morrison of Ohio State. The game took place on January 2, 1950, because New Year's Day had fallen on a Sunday. Second quarter scoring: Cal – Jim Monachino 7-yard run (Cullom kick) Third quarter scoring:", "\"2008 Rose Bowl\"\n2008 Rose Bowl The 2008 Rose Bowl Game presented by Citi, the 94th Rose Bowl Game, played on January 1, 2008 at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California, was a college football bowl game. The contest was televised on ABC, the 20th straight year the network aired the Rose Bowl, starting at 4:30pm EST. The game's main sponsor was Citi. The 2008 Rose Bowl featured the 7th-ranked USC Trojans hosting the 13th-ranked Illinois Fighting Illini. As with the previous year's game, the contest was a semi-traditional Rose Bowl in that while it was a Big Ten versus Pac-10 matchup,", "\"1969 Rose Bowl\"\nwinning the next four Rose Bowls, 10 of the next 11 and 16 of the next 18. The 2002 Rose Bowl was the third Rose Bowl game matchup between the #1 and #2 teams. 1969 Rose Bowl The 1969 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1969. It was the 55th Rose Bowl Game. The Ohio State Buckeyes defeated the USC Trojans, 27–16. Rex Kern, the Ohio State quarterback, was named the Rose Bowl Player Of The Game. Heisman Trophy winner O. J. Simpson rushed for 171 yards and an 80-yard touchdown run, but USC", "\"2011 Rose Bowl\"\nsince the formation of the BCS. 2011 Rose Bowl The 2011 Rose Bowl was the 97th edition of the annual bowl game played on January 1, 2011, as part of the 2010 NCAA Division I FBS football season. Played in Pasadena, California, the TCU Horned Frogs of the Mountain West Conference defeated the Wisconsin Badgers of the Big Ten Conference by a score of 21 – 19. The Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association was the organizer of the game. Vizio Inc. was the corporate sponsor and the game was officially named \"\"The Rose Bowl Game presented by Vizio\"\". This game", "\"2011 Rose Bowl\"\n2011 Rose Bowl The 2011 Rose Bowl was the 97th edition of the annual bowl game played on January 1, 2011, as part of the 2010 NCAA Division I FBS football season. Played in Pasadena, California, the TCU Horned Frogs of the Mountain West Conference defeated the Wisconsin Badgers of the Big Ten Conference by a score of 21 – 19. The Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association was the organizer of the game. Vizio Inc. was the corporate sponsor and the game was officially named \"\"The Rose Bowl Game presented by Vizio\"\". This game marked the first time a team", "\"2018 Peach Bowl (January)\"\n2018 Peach Bowl (January) The 2018 Peach Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 2018, between the UCF Knights and the Auburn Tigers. It was the 50th edition of the Peach Bowl, and the first Peach Bowl to be played in Mercedes-Benz Stadium, after spending the previous 25 editions in the now demolished Georgia Dome. The 50th Peach Bowl was one of the College Football Playoff New Year's Six bowl games, and was one of the 2017–18 bowl games concluding the 2017 FBS football season. Sponsored by the Chick-fil-A restaurant franchise, the game was officially known", "\"1960 Rose Bowl\"\n1960 Rose Bowl The 1960 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on Friday, January 1, 1960, at the end of the 1959 college football season. It was the 46th Rose Bowl Game. This was the first Rose Bowl appearance by the Huskies since the 1944 Rose Bowl and the first appearance by the Badgers since the 1953 Rose Bowl. This was the first time these two football programs met on the field. The Washington Huskies defeated the Wisconsin Badgers, 44–8. The Washington Huskies were the first conference champions of the newly formed Athletic Association of Western Universities", "\"2001 Rose Bowl\"\nnamed the national champion. Washington's victory broke a four-game win streak by the Big Ten in the Rose Bowl. This was Purdue's second Rose Bowl appearance, both of Purdue's starting Rose Bowl quarterbacks (Bob Griese and Brees) started and won the Super Bowl. 2001 Rose Bowl The 2001 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 2001. It was the 87th Rose Bowl Game, and matched the champions of the Big Ten and Pac-10 conferences. The University of Washington Huskies defeated the Purdue University Boilermakers Washington senior quarterback Marques Tuiasosopo was named the Player Of In", "\"2018 Citrus Bowl\"\nof the AP Poll at the time they played. LSU came into the game with a 9–3 record overall, 6–2 in the SEC. Their two SEC losses were to Mississippi State and Alabama (who was ranked number one in the AP Poll at the time). Their one non-conference loss was to Troy of the Sun Belt Conference. 2018 Citrus Bowl The 2018 Citrus Bowl was an American college football bowl game played on January 1, 2018, at Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Florida. This was the 72nd edition of a game that has been played annually since 1946, under several", "\"1961 Rose Bowl\"\npost-bowl for the 1968 season. The final UPI coaches poll did not move until the 1974 season (January 1975), following the bowl defeats of UPI champions Texas (1970) and Alabama (1973). In five of the next six seasons the top-ranked team in the UPI poll at the end of the regular season lost its bowl game; the exception was Pittsburgh (1976). 1961 Rose Bowl The 1961 Rose Bowl was the 47th Rose Bowl game, played on January 2, 1961, in Pasadena, California. The #6 Washington Huskies defeated the top-ranked Minnesota Golden Gophers, 17–7. Washington quarterback Bob Schloredt returned from a", "\"1986 Rose Bowl\"\nin 13 bowl games, second only in the Pac-10 to Don James' 14 bowl games. As of the 2015 season, the Bruins have not won again in the Rose Bowl game. Future NFL Players James Washington, Mike Sherrard, Mark Walen, Ken Norton, Jr., Jim Wahler, Carnell Lake, Darryl Henley, Chuck Long, Ronnie Harmon, Larry Station, Devon Mitchell, and Mike Haight played in this game. Kirk Ferentz, Bill Snyder, and Barry Alvarez were assistant coaches for Hayden Fry. 1986 Rose Bowl The 1986 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1986. It was the 72nd Rose", "\"1979 Rose Bowl\"\ninto the #1 spot in the UPI poll, while Alabama was first in the AP poll. The loss was Michigan's third straight in the Rose Bowl and fourth consecutive in major bowls; their most recent postseason win was in January 1965. Two years later, they returned to Pasadena and won the Rose Bowl. This was the fifth straight win for the Pac-10 in the Rose Bowl and ninth in the last ten. USC returned the following year and successfully defended their title. 1979 Rose Bowl The 1979 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played in Pasadena, California, on", "\"1966 Cotton Bowl Classic (December)\"\ngame for the Bulldogs, who had 244 more rushing yards than the Mustangs, who could only muster 40. 1966 Cotton Bowl Classic (December) The 1966 Cotton Bowl (Dec.) was a college football postseason bowl game played by the SMU Mustangs and the Georgia Bulldogs in Dallas. The 1967 game was moved to Saturday, December 31, 1966, due to the Dallas Cowboys hosting the NFL Championship Game at the stadium on New Year's Day, the usual day for the Classic. Because January 1 was a Sunday, the Sugar, Orange, and Rose Bowls were played on Monday, January 2. The #10 Mustangs", "\"1991 Rose Bowl\"\n1991 Rose Bowl The 1991 Rose Bowl was the 77th Rose Bowl Game, played on January 1, 1991. The #8 Washington Huskies built a 33–7 halftime lead and defeated the #17 Iowa Hawkeyes 46-34. Washington sophomore quarterback Mark Brunell was named the Player of the Game. The 80 points scored in the game broke the previous Rose Bowl record of 79, which had stood for nearly thirty years (set in the 1963 Rose Bowl). This record, in turn, stood for more than twenty years until it was broken in the 2012 Rose Bowl. This was Iowa's 5th Rose Bowl appearance.", "\"1987 Rose Bowl\"\n1987 Rose Bowl The 1987 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1987, at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. It was the 73rd Rose Bowl Game. The Arizona State Sun Devils, champions of the Pacific-10 Conference, defeated the Michigan Wolverines, champions of the Big Ten Conference, 22–15. Arizona State quarterback Jeff Van Raaphorst was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game. This was the first appearance for Arizona State in the Rose Bowl. Arizona State quarterback Jeff Van Raaphorst looked uncomfortable in the first two games of the season, wins over Michigan State", "\"1921 Rose Bowl\"\n1921 Rose Bowl The 1921 Rose Bowl, known at the time as the Tournament East-West Football Game, was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1921 at Tournament Park in Pasadena, California. It was the seventh Rose Bowl Game. The defeated the Ohio State Buckeyes by a score of 28–0 in the second Big Ten Conference versus Pacific Coast Conference (PCC) meeting in a Rose Bowl, the first being the 1902 Rose Bowl, which featured Michigan and Stanford. California's victory stood as the only Rose Bowl win for a PCC team over a Big Ten team until the", "\"1999 Rose Bowl\"\nshare of $1,806,800. Subsequent reviews found a number of areas where expenses could have been reduced substantially. 1999 Rose Bowl The 1999 Rose Bowl was the 85th Rose Bowl game and was played on Friday January 1, 1999, at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California. It was a college football bowl game at the end of the 1998 NCAA Division I-A football season. Wisconsin defeated UCLA by a score of 38–31. Ron Dayne of Wisconsin was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game. He tied a modern Rose Bowl record with four touchdowns. This was the first year", "\"1993 Rose Bowl\"\n1993 Rose Bowl The 1993 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1993, at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. It was the 79th Rose Bowl; the #7 Michigan Wolverines, champions of the Big Ten, defeated the ninth-ranked Washington Huskies, champions of the Pac-10, Michigan running back Tyrone Wheatley was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game. The game, one of the great contests in Rose Bowl history, was back and forth, with six lead changes. Michigan scored the final two touchdowns to win by seven points, avenging the previous year's loss and foiling", "\"1934 Rose Bowl\"\n1934 Rose Bowl The 1934 Rose Bowl, played on January 1, 1934, was an American football bowl game. It was the 20th Rose Bowl Game. The Columbia Lions defeated the Stanford Indians (now Cardinal) 7-0. Cliff Montgomery, the Columbia quarterback, was named the Rose Bowl Player Of The Game when the award was created in 1953 and selections were made retroactively. At 35,000, it has the lowest attendance in the Rose Bowl game since the Rose Bowl Stadium was built in 1922. This was one of the few rainy New Year's Day celebrations in Pasadena, California. Rain three days before", "\"1923 Rose Bowl\"\n1923 Rose Bowl The 1923 Rose Bowl, played on January 1, 1923, was an American Football bowl game. It was the 9th Rose Bowl Game. The USC Trojans defeated the Penn State Nittany Lions 14-3. Leo Calland, a USC guard, was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game when the award was created in 1953 and selections were made retroactively. It was the first bowl game appearance for both the University of Southern California and Pennsylvania State University football teams. It was also the first Tournament of Roses football game held in the newly constructed Rose Bowl Stadium, although", "\"1923 Rose Bowl\"\n1998. 1923 Rose Bowl The 1923 Rose Bowl, played on January 1, 1923, was an American Football bowl game. It was the 9th Rose Bowl Game. The USC Trojans defeated the Penn State Nittany Lions 14-3. Leo Calland, a USC guard, was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game when the award was created in 1953 and selections were made retroactively. It was the first bowl game appearance for both the University of Southern California and Pennsylvania State University football teams. It was also the first Tournament of Roses football game held in the newly constructed Rose Bowl Stadium,", "\"1994 Rose Bowl\"\n1994 Rose Bowl The 1994 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 1, 1994. It was the 80th Rose Bowl Game. The Wisconsin Badgers defeated the UCLA Bruins 21–16. Running back Brent Moss of Wisconsin was named the Rose Bowl Player of the Game. On Tuesday, October 19, 1993, Tournament of Roses Interim President Michael E. Ward selected 18-year-old Erica Beth Brynes, a senior at Arcadia High School and a resident of Arcadia, as the 76th Rose Queen, to reign over the 105th Rose Parade and the 80th Rose Bowl Game. The game was presided over", "\"2013 Stanford Cardinal football team\"\n100th Rose Bowl Game against the Michigan State Spartans of the Big Ten Conference on New Year's Day, January 1, 2014, where they were defeated by the Spartans 24–20. The Cardinal won the conference title after defeating UCLA in the Pac-12 Football Championship Game and represented the Pac-12 in the Rose Bowl, where they defeated Wisconsin 20–14 to win their first Rose Bowl game since 1972. It was Stanford's third consecutive year in a BCS bowl game. The Cardinal finished the season 12–2 (8–1 in the Pac-12). 1st quarter scoring: STAN – T. Gaffney 1-yard run (J. Williamson kick); UTAH", "\"1967 Rose Bowl\"\n1967 Rose Bowl The 1967 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 2, 1967. It was the 53rd Rose Bowl Game, played annually in Pasadena, California. The game was played between the #7 Purdue Boilermakers of the Big Ten Conference and the unranked USC Trojans of the AAWU (Pac-8). Purdue won 14−13, after USC scored a touchdown in the 4th quarter and opted to go for a two-point conversion to win the game, rather than kicking an extra point Purdue defensive back John Charles was named the most valuable player, and the attendance was 101,438. This", "\"2017 Rose Bowl\"\n2017 Rose Bowl The 2017 Rose Bowl was a college football bowl game played on January 2, 2017 at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California. This 103rd Rose Bowl Game matched the Big Ten Conference champions Penn State Nittany Lions against the USC Trojans of the Pac-12 Conference, a rematch of the 1923 and 2009 Rose Bowls, the former the first appearance for either team in the bowl and the latter the most recent appearance for either team. It was one of the 2016–17 bowl games that concluded the 2016 FBS football season. Sponsored by the Northwestern Mutual financial" ]
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when was the last time the seattle seahawks went to the superbowl
[ "2014" ]
[ "\"Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)\"\na single season. The Seahawks defense didn’t allow a score until the late 3rd quarter, by which point the game had already entered garbage time. Safety Kam Chancellor and linebacker Malcolm Smith each recorded an interception in the game, Malcolm's interception was returned the other way for a touchdown. Malcolm Smith also recovered a forced fumble caused by Byron Maxwell punching the ball out of the hands of Demaryius Thomas. Smith was later named Super Bowl MVP, he departed the team after the 2014 season in free agency. The season following the Seahawks first franchise superbowl victory, they returned to", "\"Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)\"\nplaying on nickel packages as a 5th defensive back. Lane later said he immediately was sent to surgery to fix his injury and when he woke up he saw the Seahawks with the ball on the 1 yard line and witnessed the interception that followed. Defensive end Cliff Avril was also injured during the game, he left during the 3rd quarter and was evaluated for a concussion, he did not return. Despite having a torn ligament in his elbow sustained during the NFC Championship Game, Richard Sherman played the entire superbowl game as did Earl Thomas who dislocated his shoulder", "\"1997 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n1996's 7–9 record to finish 8–8. This would be Moon’s last season making the Pro Bowl in his career, he went on to win Pro Bowl MVP. This season is notable for being the first under new owner Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Allen helped keep the team from relocating and made sure it remained in Seattle. Divisional matchups have the AFC West playing the NFC West. This was the first time the Seahawks had ever played a regular season game in Baltimore against either the Colts or the Ravens. 1997 Seattle Seahawks season The 1997 Seattle Seahawks season was the", "\"Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)\"\nera the Seahawks amassed three division titles, two NFC championships, and a Super Bowl victory. They made the playoffs in five consecutive seasons and finished with five consecutive 10+ win seasons despite the franchise never having achieved that feat in consecutive seasons prior. They also appeared in back to back superbowls having won one of them and securing the franchise's first ever championship. During the 2012 to 2015 seasons, the Seahawks led the league in scoring defense, allowing the fewest points scored each year for four years straight. The only other team to accomplish this feat were the Cleveland Browns", "\"Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)\"\nduring the same game but still played. In addition, Kam Chancellor suffered a bruised knee during practice prior to the superbowl matchup and also played. Some point to all these injuries as the cause of the 28 points that the Seahawks allowed to the Patriots, which was unusual for a defense that only allowed an average of 15.9 points during the regular season (which was first in the NFL). The big focus following the game however, seemed to be the coaching staff's decision to throw the ball on the one yard line leading to the Patriots victory instead of allowing", "\"Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)\"\noff the field, being cut by the Saints and leaving the NFL in 2016, in 2018 he was charged with attempted murder of an ex girlfriend and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. The Seahawks Legion of Boom defense recorded two interceptions facing Patriots quarterback Tom Brady in their second superbowl appearance, one from cornerback Jeremy Lane and one from linebacker Bobby Wagner. Jeremy Lane suffered a serious injury immediately following his interception in the first quarter, breaking his arm after being hit by Julian Edelman on the play. Lane played a key part in the LOB secondary often", "\"2012 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n2012 Seattle Seahawks season The 2012 Seattle Seahawks season was the franchise's 37th season in the National Football League and the third under head coach Pete Carroll. The Seahawks had a three quarterback competition with Tarvaris Jackson, Matt Flynn, and Russell Wilson. Jackson was traded to the Bills, and Wilson won the job. The Seahawks improved upon their record of 7–9 from last season and had their first winning season since 2007. The team was 4–0 during the preseason, and during the regular season, their 11 victories was the third best in franchise history. The Seahawks went undefeated at home", "\"2008 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n23–20 victory Sunday. T. J. Duckett's 1-yard run tied it, the Rams fizzled while going three-and-out, and Olindo Mare's 27-yard field goal as time expired ended the Seahawks' six-game losing streak and extended the Rams' losing streak to 8. After snapping a six-game losing streak the previous week, the Seahawks went home for a Week 16 interconference duel with the New York Jets, in what would be Mike Holmgren's last home game as the franchise's head coach. Seattle would trail in the first quarter as Jets kicker Jay Feely got a 20-yard field goal. The Seahawks would respond with quarterback", "\"2016 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nAs of August 2018, this was the last time the Seahawks made the playoffs. Draft trades All undrafted free agents were signed after the 2016 NFL draft concluded on April 30, unless noted otherwise. The Seahawks' preliminary preseason schedule was announced on April 7. Exact dates and times were finalized on April 14, when the regular season schedule was announced. Note: Intra-division opponents are in bold text. Chandler Catanzaro and Steven Hauschka both missed chip-shot field goals in overtime as the Seahawks and Cardinals played to a 6–6 draw, the first tie in Seattle Seahawks history. With the win, the", "\"1992 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n1992 Seattle Seahawks season The 1992 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 17th season with the National Football League. The 1992 season was the first of three seasons in Seattle for head coach Tom Flores. The Seahawks' 0.125 winning percentage in 1992 remains the worst in franchise history. The Seahawks' 140 points (8.8 points per game) scored in the regular season is the lowest total for any team playing a 16-game season. For comparison, the 2008 Detroit Lions, who went winless, scored 268 points, nearly double. Long-time quarterback Dave Krieg had left Seattle for the rival Kansas City Chiefs in", "\"2011 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nSeahawks fell to 1–3. With the win, the Seahawks went into their bye week at 2–3. With the loss, the Seahawks fell to 2–4. With the loss, the Seahawks fell to 2–5. This would be their last home loss to an AFC opponent until a 25-17 defeat against the Los Angeles Chargers in 2018. With the loss, the Seahawks fell to 2–6. This is the last game the Seahawks would lose by double digits until the Week 2 game against the Packers in the 2015 season (including playoffs). With the win, the Seahawks improved to 3–6. With the win, the", "\"1988 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n1988 Seattle Seahawks season The 1988 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 13th season with the National Football League. The Seahawks won its first Division title in the AFC West for the first time in franchise history. Despite only winning the division with a 9-7 record, and only finishing with a +10 point differential, the Seahawks were still one of the most successful teams in the NFL in 1988. The team never went under .500 during the season, and clinched the AFC West in week 17 with a 43-37 shootout win over the Los Angeles Raiders with some help from", "\"1992 Seattle Seahawks season\"\ngame would also be the last \"\"MNF\"\" game played in the Kingdome and the last in Seattle until 2002 (the Seahawks themselves didn't appear on \"\"MNF\"\" again until Mike Holmgren's return to Green Bay in 1999). Divisional matchups have the AFC West playing the NFC East. 1992 Seattle Seahawks season The 1992 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 17th season with the National Football League. The 1992 season was the first of three seasons in Seattle for head coach Tom Flores. The Seahawks' 0.125 winning percentage in 1992 remains the worst in franchise history. The Seahawks' 140 points (8.8 points", "\"2006–07 NFL playoffs\"\nlast three drives to clinch the victory. Dallas Cowboys' quarterback Tony Romo, a four-year veteran who earned the starting job and made the Pro Bowl for the first time in his career during the regular season, botched the hold on a potential game-winning field goal with 1:19 left in the fourth quarter, allowing the Seattle Seahawks to escape with a victory. Taking advantage of Dallas kicker Martín Gramática's opening kickoff, which went out-of-bounds and gave Seattle the ball at their own 40, the Seahawks marched down the field on their opening drive and scored with Josh Brown's 23-yard field goal.", "\"2005 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nSeahawks went to Monster Park to take on the division rival San Francisco 49ers. The Seahawks led 27–12 going into the fourth quarter, but the comfortable lead would not last. In the final seconds, the 49ers got within two points with a 1-yard touchdown run by Maurice Hicks. The 49ers failed the two point conversion attempt, and Seattle held on for the win by a score of 27–25. The Seahawks returned home and played eventual NFC East champion New York Giants. With the score tied 21–21, opposing kicker Jay Feely missed three chances for a winning field goal (one as", "\"2003 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n2003 Seattle Seahawks season The 2003 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 28th season with the National Football League. After going 31–33 in Mike Holmgren's first four years as head coach, the Seahawks went undefeated at home for the first time in franchise history and improved to 10–6, thus making the NFC playoffs as a wild card team, the first of nine playoff appearances in twelve seasons. However, it was not to be as they fell 33-27 to the Green Bay Packers in the opening round thanks to an interception returned for a touchdown by Green Bay's Al Harris in", "\"2001 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n2001 Seattle Seahawks season The 2001 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 26th season with the National Football League, finishing the season at 9–7. The Seahawks were in the playoff hunt until the very last game of the season; Baltimore's win over Minnesota on the last Monday Night game of the year ended Seattle's post-season bid. The 2001 season was the final season for the Seahawks in the American Football Conference and the second and final season they played at Husky Stadium while Qwest Field was being built. Before the season, the Seahawks signed free agent quarterbacks Trent Dilfer and", "\"2014 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n2014 Seattle Seahawks season The 2014 Seattle Seahawks season was the franchise's 39th season in the National Football League and the fifth under head coach Pete Carroll. The Seahawks started the season as the defending Super Bowl champions for the first time in franchise history. The season began with a 36–16 victory over the Green Bay Packers in their first meeting since the controversial Fail Mary Game. After struggling to a 3–3 record, which included a rare home loss to the Dallas Cowboys, they went on a 9–1 run to finish the season, which included a sweep of their division", "\"1996 NBA Finals\"\nof the playoffs each time. The series was George Karl's only Finals appearance in his coaching career to date. In 2008, the Sonics franchise moved to Oklahoma City and became the Thunder. They would make the finals four years later after the move. This was also the last time a Seattle-based team played for a major professional sports championship until Super Bowl XL in 2006, when the Seattle Seahawks lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Seahawks would go on to handily defeat Denver in Super Bowl XLVIII in 2014 and lose to the New England Patriots the following year in", "\"2005 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nwhen on fourth down they went for a fake field goal, but was unsuccessful. The Seahawks proceeded to put together an 87-yard drive that ended in a touchdown for a 7–3 lead. From that point the Seahawks went on to outgain the Rams 281–46, building a 24–6 lead. The Rams narrowed it to 24–16, but led by Shaun Alexander's 165 yards and three touchdowns, the game was put away with his 17-yard touchdown burst with 1:12 left. Matt Hasselbeck contributed with 17 completions, 243 yards, one touchdown and two interceptions. Seattle made 10 out of 15 third down conversions. The", "\"1999 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n1999 Seattle Seahawks season The 1999 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 24th season with the National Football League. The 1999 season was the final season the Seahawks played at the Kingdome, and the first season with Seattle for coach Mike Holmgren. It was also the first season that Seattle made the playoffs in eleven seasons. (It would be Seattle's last playoff appearance until 2003.) After the 1998 season, head coach Mike Holmgren left Green Bay to become the coach of the Seahawks. Holmgren was hired on January 8, 1999, to be the executive vice president, general manager and head", "\"1999 Seattle Seahawks season\"\ncoach. Divisional matchups have the AFC West playing the NFC Central. This game was the last event held in the Kingdome (1976–2000). On March 26, 2000, the Kingdome was imploded (demolished) to make way for Seahawks Stadium. Seattle entered the postseason as the #3 seed in the AFC. 1999 Seattle Seahawks season The 1999 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 24th season with the National Football League. The 1999 season was the final season the Seahawks played at the Kingdome, and the first season with Seattle for coach Mike Holmgren. It was also the first season that Seattle made the", "\"Keegan Hall\"\nthen went on to work with stars such as Seattle Seahawks Quarterback Russell Wilson, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, Seattle Sonics Gary Payton, NFL stars JuJu Smith-Schuster and Adoree' Jackson, Seahawks Michael Bennett, and many others. He has also been involved with various community initiatives to raise money for charity and spread positivity. Keegan was also select by the Seattle Sounders to design the official poster for the 2016 MLS Cup in which the Sounders went on to become league champions. However, a defining moment for Keegan's young artistic career came when he created an original drawing for former President Barack", "\"2012 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n\"\"Action Green\"\". The uniforms incorporate \"\"feather trims\"\", twelve feathers printed on the neckline and down each pant leg to represent the \"\"12th Man\"\", referring to the team's fans. Notes With the loss, the Seahawks started their season 0–1. After facing the Cardinals on the road, the Seahawks returned home for a home game against the Cowboys. The game went very well for the Seahawks as the team improved to 1–1. This is also the first win for rookie QB Russell Wilson. The game had a controversial ending when Seattle quarterback Russell Wilson threw a Hail Mary pass to the endzone", "\"2013 Seattle Seahawks season\"\na 5-yard scramble, re-establishing a big lead, 45–17. Seattle started 3–0 for the first time since 2006, and the first time in the Pete Carroll era. Seattle is still unbeaten at home, with a 10–0 record including last year. The Seahawks led 3-0 after the first quarter, but the Texans scored 20 unanswered points in the second quarter, building a 20-3 halftime lead. However, the Seahawks outscored the Texans 17-0 in the third and fourth quarters. With less than three minutes to go, and the Texans leading 20-13, Matt Schaub's pass on 3rd down was picked off by Richard Sherman", "\"Ted Thompson\"\na scout for the Green Bay Packers. Thompson worked for the Packers through the 1999 season when former Packers' head coach Mike Holmgren recruited Thompson to join the Seattle Seahawks. During Thompson's time with the Packers as a scout, the Packers advanced to the playoffs six times, participating in two Super Bowls and winning Super Bowl XXXI. Thompson worked for the Seattle Seahawks as Vice President of Football Operations, also heading Seattle's scouting department and running the draft boards. He worked alongside former Packers and Seahawks coach Mike Holmgren, who was Seattle's GM at the time. During Thompson's tenure in", "\"K. J. Wright\"\nof the regular season. Wright finished the season with 80 combined tackles (46 solo), four pass deflections, and 1.5 sacks in 13 games and 13 starts. The Seattle Seahawks' defense allowed the fewest points during the season for the second consecutive season under defensive coordinator Gus Bradley. At the time of his injury, Wright's overall grade from Pro Football Focus ranked tenth among all outside linebackers. Wright played in 86% of Seattle's defensive snaps in 2013. The Seattle Seahawks finished atop the NFC West with a 13-3 record. After defeating the New Orleans Saints, the Seahawks went on the face", "\"1976 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nSeahawks fourth game of the season. Dallas had a record of 3–0 to begin the year. The Seahawks took the lead in the game for the first time in team history in the first quarter when Don Testerman caught a seven-yard touchdown completion from Jim Zorn to give Seattle a 7–0 lead on the undefeated Cowboys. In the second quarter, the Seahawks continued to stun the Cowboys, as Jim Zorn threw his second touchdown completion, this time a four-yard pass to Steve Largent, however, the extra point convert failed, as Seattle took a 13–0 lead. The Cowboys began to comeback,", "\"2010 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nTD pass to TE Kellen Winslow and to WR Mike Williams. The Seahawks fell further behind when Freeman connected to Winslow and Williams again on a 21 and a 7-yard TD pass. The Seahawks tried to come back with RB Leon Washington getting a 16-yard TD run (With a successful 2-point conversion as QB Charlie Whitehurst connected to WR Ben Obomanu), but struggled to keep up as Freeman made a 2-yard TD pass to WR Maurice Stovall. With the loss, Seattle fell to 6–9. Hoping to end their season on a positive note, the Seahawks went home for a Week", "\"2014 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nfell to 3-2 on the season. This was the first Seahawks road game to be televised by CBS since 2001, their last year in the AFC West. Thanksgiving Day game With the win, not only did the Seahawks knock the 49ers out of the playoffs, but they also swept the 49ers for the first time since 2007. With this win, the Seahawks completed a comeback against the Cardinals they started in week 12 from 3 games back in the division with 6 to play. With this win, Seattle clinched the NFC West, a first round bye, and home field advantage", "\"2007 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nMeanwhile, the Steelers ran up and down the field with QB Ben Roethlisberger's 13-yard TD pass to TE Heath Miller and RB Najeh Davenport's 1-yard and 5-yard TD run. With the loss, the Seahawks fell to 3–2. This would mark Seattle's first shut-out loss since Week 1 of the 2000 season, when the Seahawks lost to the Dolphins 23–0. Head Coach Mike Holmgren would suffer only his second career shutout loss. Hoping to rebound from their embarrassing road loss to the Steelers, the Seahawks went home for Sunday Night football, as they hosted the winless New Orleans Saints. In the", "\"2011 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nSeahawks improved to 4–6. With the loss, the Seahawks fell to 4–7. With the win, the Seahawks improved to 5–7. With the win, the Seahawks improved to 6–7 and swept the Rams for the first time since 2009 and embarked on working on another major winning streak against the team. Also, the Seahawks took the trend of winning 13 out of the last 14 games against the Rams dating back to 2005. With the win, the Seahawks improved to 7–7. With the loss, the Seahawks fell to 7–8 and were swept by the 49ers for the first time since 2006.", "\"2008 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nfourth quarter, the Giants sealed the win as QB David Carr completed a 5-yard TD pass to Moss. With the loss, the Seahawks fell to 1–3. Hoping to rebound from their embarrassing road loss to the Giants, the Seahawks returned home for a Week 6 duel with the Green Bay Packers, as head coach Mike Holmgren faced his former team for the last time. Also, QB Seneca Wallace was unable to play due to a knee injury he suffered from last week. QB Charlie Frye was given the start. In the first quarter, Seattle trailed early as Packers kicker Mason", "\"1976 Seattle Seahawks season\"\na 41–13 lead, followed by a Tony Galbreath three-yard run into the Seahawks' end zone to give New Orleans a 48–13 lead after three quarters. In the fourth, the Seahawks Sherman Smith rushed for his second touchdown of the game, as the score was 48–20 for New Orleans. The Saints Rich Szaro kicked his third field goal of the game, this time from 21 yards, as New Orleans went ahead 51–20. Seahawks quarterback Jim Zorn had a seven-yard touchdown rush late in the game, making the final score 51–27 for the Saints. With the loss, Seattle fell to 2–9–0. For", "\"1999–2000 NFL playoffs\"\nand a 24-yard completion to Gadsden at the Seattle 5-yard line on third and 10. Rookie running back J. J. Johnson's 2-yard touchdown run finished the drive with 4:46 left in the game, and the Seahawks could not score again. After being forced to punt, Seattle didn't get the ball back until 1:05 remained, when Hutton's 38-yard punt pinned them on their own 12-yard line. They would only be able to reach their 29 before time ran out. This is the last playoff game that the Seahawks played as an AFC member, as they would move to the NFC starting", "\"2006 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nfourth quarter, Chicago tied the game with kicker Robbie Gould getting a 41-yard field goal. In overtime, the Seahawks won the coin toss and received the ball first. Hasselbeck led the team to around midfield, but on their last third down of the game, he threw the ball out of bounds. On fourth down the Seahawks punted to the Bears who were able to get the ball close enough for Gould to kick a 49-yard field goal. With the loss, Seattle ended its season with an overall record of 10–8. 2006 Seattle Seahawks season The 2006 Seattle Seahawks season was", "\"2016 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n2016 Seattle Seahawks season The 2016 Seattle Seahawks season was the franchise's 41st season in the National Football League and the seventh under head coach Pete Carroll. On October 23, the team played the Arizona Cardinals in a game that ended in a 6–6 tie, the Seahawks' first tie in franchise history. With their win against the Los Angeles Rams in Week 15, the Seahawks claimed their third NFC West title in the last four years. The Seahawks defeated the Detroit Lions in the Wild Card Round, but lost to the eventual NFC champion Atlanta Falcons in the Divisional Round.", "\"2013 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nplay, 31–7 Seattle. That was the last time Wilson touched the ball. Backup Tarvaris Jackson took over and drove Seattle to the Jaguars 35-yard line, not missing a single completion on the drive. He then threw a TD pass to Doug Baldwin, adding to the lead, 38–7 Seattle. Seattle then shut its system off, which allowed Henne to hit receiver Cecil Shorts III for a couple of long completions on the Jaguars next couple of drives, racking up 10 points, including a fourth-quarter run by Jordan Todman, his first career TD, 38–17 Seattle. Jackson led the Seahawks downfield, scoring on", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\nthe divisional round, but as most experts predicted, the latter won the game easily: thanks to two passing TDs and two rushing TDs by Jay Cutler, the Bears jumped out to a 21-0 halftime lead and eventually defeated the Seahawks 35-24. It marked the third time in five years that the Seahawks were eliminated in the divisional round, and the second time by the Bears. In 2011, the Seahawks let Hasselbeck go and made free agent acquisition Tarvaris Jackson their starting quarterback. The Seahawks opened 2-6 and then went on a 5-1 run capped by a big win in Chicago", "\"Greg Schorp\"\nSeattle Seahawks, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Dallas Cowboys, with which he had two stints, and was given a Super Bowl XXX championship ring in 1996. As a member of the team's practice squad; Greg was given a Super Bowl ring, as were members of the teams office staff and various employees of the organization. He is, to date, the last tight end to earn first-team all-conference honors for the Aggies. Greg Schorp Greg Schorp is a former tight end for Texas A&M University who went on to play professionally for the NFL's Dallas Cowboys, Seattle Seahawks, and Jacksonville Jaguars. Schorp won", "\"2015 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n2015 Seattle Seahawks season The 2015 Seattle Seahawks season was the franchise's 40th season in the National Football League and the sixth under head coach Pete Carroll. The Seahawks started the season 2–4, after blowing a number of fourth quarter leads, but they then proceeded to win eight of their last ten games, finishing the season 10–6 and clinching the #6 seed in the NFC playoffs. This marked the fourth consecutive season in which the Seahawks secured double digit wins. However, after a Week 10 loss to the Arizona Cardinals, the Seahawks failed to improve on their 12–4 record from", "\"1976 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nthe Seahawks took the lead when Sam McCullum caught a 15-yard pass from Jim Zorn to give the Seahawks a 7–3 lead. Before the quarter was over, Seahawks kicker John Leypoldt had two field goals, to give Seattle a 13–3 lead at halftime. In the third quarter, the Buccaneers cut the Seahawks lead down to three when Morris Owens caught a one-yard pass from Louis Carter to make it 13–10 for the Seahawks. In the fourth quarter, the Seahawks held off the Buccaneers, as Seattle held on for the win, the first in team history. With the win, the Seahawks", "\"1980 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n1980 Seattle Seahawks season The 1980 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's fifth season in the National Football League. The 1980 season was a strange season for the Seattle Seahawks. The team started off 4–3, then lost the remaining nine games of the season. They accumulated four road wins, but lost all eight regular season home games. The offense struggled, especially after losing Sherman Smith to a knee injury for the season. With the running game struggling, the team gave up 52 sacks, up from 23 in 1979. The offense went from 7th to 21st. Even though the defense improved", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\nagainst the #1 offense (Denver). Denver's offense, led by future Hall of Fame QB Peyton Manning, had broken a number of NFL offense records including most points scored in a single season. Leading up to the Super Bowl, many where hailing the Denver Broncos as the best offense ever to play the game. (Denver and Seattle were division rivals in the AFC West before Seattle was moved to the NFC West in 2002). After kicking off to start the first half, the Seahawks immediately benefited from a miscue by the Broncos when the first snap of the game went over", "\"2017 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nis the first season since 2011 the Seahawks failed to qualify for the playoffs and win 10 games. They also had a home record of 4-4, the worst of Russell Wilson's career. This was also Bruce Arians last game as head coach of the Arizona Cardinals. 2017 Seattle Seahawks season The 2017 Seattle Seahawks season was the franchise's 42nd season in the National Football League and the eighth under Pete Carroll. The Seahawks tried to improve their 10–5–1 record from 2016. However, it didn't happen because of a lack of consistency in the running game, special teams, and the offensive", "\"1979 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nthe team's last winning season until 1983 when new coach Chuck Knox led the Seahawks to their first playoff berth and Championship game appearance. Divisional matchups have the AFC West playing the NFC West. For the second straight year, the Seahawks missed the playoffs by one game. Season highlights included sweeping the Oakland Raiders for the 2nd straight year, and defeating the Denver Broncos for the 1st time in team history in a comeback thriller 28–23 at the Kingdome, and winning the team's first appearance on MNF over the Atlanta Falcons, 31–28. The team started out 3–5, and had a", "\"2007 St. Louis Rams season\"\nfranchise to reach 500 overall wins. WR Isaac Bruce ended this game with 13,795 career receiving yards (6th All-Time). Coming off their divisional road win over the 49ers, the Rams went home for a Week 12 NFC West rematch with the Seattle Seahawks. In the first quarter, St. Louis got off to a fast start as rookie NT Adam Carriker tackled Seahawks RB Maurice Morris in Seattle's end zone for a safety, while RB Steven Jackson got a 53-yard TD run. The Seahawks immediately answered as CB Josh Wilson returned a kickoff 89 yards for a touchdown. Afterwards, the Rams", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\nquarter, the Rams scored to pull within ten with 5:34 remaining on the clock. This was followed by a 41-yard TD pass to Kevin Curtis, making the score 27-24. After the Seahawks failed to convert on a critical third down, leaving 1:14 on the game clock, the Rams tied the game on the ensuing possession, sending the game into overtime. In the extra period, the Rams won the game on a stunning 52-yard touchdown catch by Shaun McDonald. The Seahawks never fully recovered from the shocking loss and went on to win only six of their last twelve games. The", "\"2015 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nyear with a broken left ankle, the Seahawks turned to DuJuan Harris. Harris was limited to just 42 rushing yards on 18 carries. With the win, the Seahawks improved to 8–5. Furthermore, the Seahawks' all–time franchise regular season win–loss record improved to 313–312–0. This marks the first time ever in team history that the Seahawks have had an overall winning regular season win–loss record (a win–loss record above .500). After a huge win against the Ravens in Baltimore, the Seahawks returned home to host the Cleveland Browns. Russell Wilson's streak continued: Over the last five games he threw for 19", "\"2004 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nCardinals 24–21. Trent Dilfer subbed for Hasselbeck but managed only 128 passing yards. The Seahawks clinched the NFC West by erasing a 17–7 Falcons lead to win 28–26. Seattle entered the postseason as the #4 seed in the NFC. 2004 Seattle Seahawks season The 2004 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 29th season with the National Football League. Seahawks Stadium was renamed Qwest Field when Qwest bought the naming rights on June 2, 2004. Finishing the season at 9-7, the Seahawks were unable to replicate the year they had prior. In the Wildcard round, the Seahawks met the defunct St.", "\"1987 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n1987 Seattle Seahawks season The 1987 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 12th season with the National Football League. After two seasons of missing the post season, the Seahawks returned to the playoffs. The 1987 season would be Kenny Easley's last due to a kidney failure caused from an aspirin overdose, which forced him into retirement. The Seahawks selected Brian Bosworth from the University of Oklahoma, who signed the biggest rookie contract in NFL history. Divisional matchups have= the AFC West playing the NFC Central. A 24-day players' strike reduced the 16-game season to 15. The games that were scheduled", "\"Seattle Seahawks\"\ngame, 35–24. The 2012 NFL season started with doubt, as the Seahawks lost their season opener against the Arizona Cardinals, after the highly touted Seattle defense gave up a go-ahead score late in the fourth quarter, and rookie quarterback Russell Wilson failed to throw the game-winning touchdown after multiple attempts in the red-zone. However, Russell Wilson and the Seahawks went 4–1 in their next five games en route to an 11–5 overall record (their first winning record since 2007). Their 2012 campaign included big wins over the Green Bay Packers, New England Patriots, and San Francisco 49ers. The Seahawks went", "\"Grant Wistrom\"\nthe work of the Seattle Seahawks Community Outreach program Grant Wistrom Grant Alden Wistrom (born July 3, 1976) is a former American college and professional football player who was a defensive end in the National Football League (NFL) for nine seasons. Wistrom played college football for the University of Nebraska and was a two-time All-American. He was drafted in the first round of the 1998 NFL Draft, and played professionally for the St. Louis Rams and Seattle Seahawks of the NFL. Wistrom was born in Joplin, Missouri to Ron and Kathy Wistrom. For a short period of time, he went", "\"2014–15 NFL playoffs\"\npostseason win, tying the all-time record held by Tom Landry. This was also the first time in playoff history that a team had come back from two 14-point deficits to win a game. Russell Wilson threw three touchdowns and the Seahawks' defense forced three turnovers as Seattle defeated Carolina 31–17 to advance to their second consecutive NFC Championship Game. After both teams opened with punts on their first two possessions, Seattle forced the first turnover of the game when Richard Sherman intercepted Cam Newton at the Seahawks' 38-yard line. Following another Seahawks punt, Carolina again turned the ball over when", "\"2006 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nbetween these two teams. All Sunday afternoon meetings between 1977–97 were aired on NBC, then from 1998–2001 on CBS (which also aired the 2002 game in Seattle). ESPN broadcast Sunday night games in 1992 and 1998, TNT aired a Thursday night game in 1996, and ABC aired a Monday night game in 2000. With the loss, the Seahawks fell to 4–3. Hoping to rebound from their road loss to the Chiefs, the Seahawks returned home for a Monday Night match-up with the Oakland Raiders. The Raiders won the coin toss. It would be the last time fortune smiled on them", "\"2018 Chicago Bears season\"\nbe a problem.\"\" Hoping to rebound from the loss in Green Bay, the Bears hosted the 0–1 Seattle Seahawks on \"\"Monday Night Football\"\" in week two. In 17 all-time games between the two, Seattle led the series 11–6, including winning the last four regular season meetings. Despite the result of the Packers game, history showed optimism for the Seahawks matchup as the Bears were 7–1 in the first game after a loss to Rodgers at Lambeau Field. Although mobile Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson led the NFL in passing touchdowns in 2017, he struggled in week one against the Broncos as", "\"1999 Miami Dolphins season\"\nthe year, the team struggled, finishing only 2–6, and backing their way into the playoffs with the AFC's last wild-card slot. The Seattle Seahawks played host to their first playoff game since the 1984 Season. The Seahawks were dominated by the Dolphins defense, who held them to only 171 yards, with just 32 in the second half, and sacked Seahawks quarterback Jon Kitna six times, three by Trace Armstrong. Although Seattle jumped out to a 17–10 lead in the 3rd quarter, the Dolphins would rally back behind quarterback Dan Marino, who threw for 196 yards and a touchdown, leading his", "\"2003 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nquarter. The Seahawks then finished it off on Shaun Alexander's 25-yard score and a 24–17 win. The Seahawks season began to take on a concerning problem of road performances. Their second straight road loss and sixth in their last two seasons came in a game where the lead tied or changed seven times; the Seahawks fumbled twice and Matt Hasselbeck was intercepted three times; Chad Johnson's 53-yard touchdown catch gave the Bengals the 27–24 win. The first three quarters were a battle of field goals, then in the fourth up 9–6 the Seahawks scored twice while Tommy Maddox had a", "\"1976 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nfell to 1–7–0. The Seahawks returned to Seattle for their ninth game of the season, as they hosted the Atlanta Falcons, who entered the game with a 2–6–0 record. After a scoreless first quarter, the Falcons opened the scoring in the second, when kicker Nick Mike-Mayer was successful on an 18-yard attempt to give Atlanta a 3–0 lead. The Seahawks responded when Sherman Smith caught a 21-yard touchdown pass from Jim Zorn, as Seattle took a 7–3 lead. The Seahawks upped their lead to 14–3 by halftime, when John McMakin had a 31-yard touchdown reception. In the third quarter, Seahawks", "\"2004 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n2004 Seattle Seahawks season The 2004 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 29th season with the National Football League. Seahawks Stadium was renamed Qwest Field when Qwest bought the naming rights on June 2, 2004. Finishing the season at 9-7, the Seahawks were unable to replicate the year they had prior. In the Wildcard round, the Seahawks met the defunct St. Louis Rams (now in Los Angeles), who swept them 2-0 in the regular season. Seattle looked to avenge on their two losses, but it was too late as Matt Hasselbeck's game-tying drive to Bobby Engram was incomplete, leading Hasselbeck", "\"2018 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nexact dates and times, was announced on April 19. Notes NFL London Games This would become the first time since 2013 that the Seahawks would lose to the 49ers, snapping a nine-game regular season winning streak. 2018 Seattle Seahawks season The 2018 season is the Seattle Seahawks' 43rd in the National Football League and their ninth under head coach Pete Carroll. The Seahawks are trying to improve on their 9–7 record from the 2017 season. They also played in London for the first time in franchise history, defeating the Oakland Raiders 27–3 in Week 6. This is the first season", "\"KRSA (defunct)\"\nthe Seattle Mariners Radio Network and the Seattle Seahawks Radio Network were also heard on KRSA. KRSA previously broadcast its main frequency not only at 580 AM, but also on three translator stations. Those stations all previously broadcast at 94.9 FM. KRSA (defunct) KRSA was a broadcast radio station licensed to Petersburg, Alaska, serving Southeast Alaska. KRSA was last owned and operated by Sea-Christ Broadcasting Corporation. KRSA's original construction permit was issued on July 24, 1981 and the station went on the air for the first time on September 24, 1982, under the ownership of Northern Light Network. Northern Light", "\"49ers–Seahawks rivalry\"\nthe 49ers in that span. 49ers–Seahawks rivalry The 49ers–Seahawks rivalry is an American football rivalry between the San Francisco 49ers and Seattle Seahawks in the National Football League (NFL). As of Week 13 of the 2018 season, the Seahawks lead the all-time series with a record of 25–16, including 1–0 in the playoffs. The two teams were inter conference rivals until , when the Seahawks returned to the NFC for the first time since their inaugural season. Prior to 2002, the 49ers led the all-time series 4–2, but since they became NFC West divisional rivals in 2002, the Seahawks lead", "\"History of the Seattle Seahawks\"\nLouis Rams. The Seahawks hosted the Dallas Cowboys in the NFC Wildcard Playoffs; trailing 20-13 the Seahawks pounced on a botched Tony Romo throw to Terry Glenn in Dallas' endzone for a safety, then scored on a 37-yard Hasselbeck touchdown. The Cowboys drove downfield but on the ensuing field goal attempt Romo (the holder) blew the snap and was stopped in his rush to the endzone. A desperate last-second Romo throw was batted down, and the Seahawks won 21-20. The Seahawks fell 27-24 in overtime to the Chicago Bears in the divisional round of the NFC playoffs. The Seattle Seahawks", "\"Maurice Morris\"\nunnoticed by teammates. Alexander told the \"\"Seattle Times\"\" on August 17, 2006 that Morris could start for at least ten different teams in the NFL and could produce a thousand rushing yards and eight or nine touchdowns if given the opportunity. In the 2005 playoffs when the Seahawks played the Washington Redskins, Alexander went out with a concussion and Morris filled in capably, helping the Seahawks to victory. During the 2006 season, Alexander was out for 6 games and Morris filled in. He finished the season with 604 rushing yards playing all 16 regular season games. His best season to", "\"2006 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nthe noise was artificial. Last year the Giants were called for 11 false start penalties in a 24–21 overtime loss at Seattle. The complaint became public and the predictable result was a boisterous Seattle crowd and inspired play from the team. Deion Branch saw his first action with the Seahawks as he caught two passes for 23 yards and ran once for eight yards. One day after the game, the Seahawks reported that MVP Running Back Shaun Alexander had a cracked bone in his foot that would sideline him for a few weeks. With the win the Seahawks improved to", "\"1977 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n5-9 record, winning their final two games in the process. In its second year, Seattle played all of the teams in the AFC as a member of the AFC West. 1977 Seattle Seahawks season The 1977 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's second campaign in the National Football League. The 1977 season was the team's first in the AFC West. The Seahawks lost five of their first six games. On October 30, the Seahawks earned their second win of the season when quarterback Jim Zorn returned from an injury and threw four touchdown passes in a 56-17 win over the", "\"49ers–Seahawks rivalry\"\n49ers–Seahawks rivalry The 49ers–Seahawks rivalry is an American football rivalry between the San Francisco 49ers and Seattle Seahawks in the National Football League (NFL). As of Week 13 of the 2018 season, the Seahawks lead the all-time series with a record of 25–16, including 1–0 in the playoffs. The two teams were inter conference rivals until , when the Seahawks returned to the NFC for the first time since their inaugural season. Prior to 2002, the 49ers led the all-time series 4–2, but since they became NFC West divisional rivals in 2002, the Seahawks lead the series 23-11. The rivalry", "\"2015 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nto 2–3. Additionally, they dropped to 0–2 in overtime games (losing both by game–winning field goals). After losing a heartbreaker in Cincinnati to the Bengals, the Seahawks returned home to face their second undefeated team in a row, the 4–0 Carolina Panthers. With 11:51 remaining in the 4th quarter, the Seahawks led the Panthers, 23–14. However, for the fourth time this season, the Seahawks failed to win while holding a 4th quarter lead. The Panthers went on to score the final 13 points of the game, winning 27–23. The Seahawks lost only their third home game since the team drafted", "\"2015 Seattle Seahawks season\"\ntouchdowns and zero interceptions. Doug Baldwin compiled 10 touchdowns over the last four games, which has only been achieved one other time (Jerry Rice in 1987). With the injury of Thomas Rawls the week prior Derrick Coleman got the start at running back but Christine Michael took the majority of the carries. With the win, the Seahawks improved to 9–5 and clinched a playoff spot after winning five straight games. Furthermore, the Seahawks' all–time franchise regular season win–loss record improved to 314–312–0. This marks the first time ever in team history that the Seahawks have had an overall regular season", "\"1983 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nand 1979. Seattle entered the postseason as the #4 seed in the AFC. 1983 Seattle Seahawks season The 1983 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's eighth season with the National Football League. The 1983 season was the first season head coach Chuck Knox coached the team. It was also the first season in which the Seahawks made the AFC playoffs, where they won the first two postseason games in franchise history, before losing in the AFC Championship Game. The AFC Championship game against the Raiders would be the only time the Seahawks would appear in the AFC Championship game, as", "\"1988 Seattle Seahawks season\"\ntheir win the previous week against the Broncos, who finished second in the AFC West. The Seahawks were awarded the #3 seed in the AFC Playoffs. In the playoffs, they lost, 21-13 in Cincinnati to the Bengals. Divisional matchups have the AFC West playing the NFC West. Seattle entered the postseason as the #3 seed in the AFC. 1988 Seattle Seahawks season The 1988 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 13th season with the National Football League. The Seahawks won its first Division title in the AFC West for the first time in franchise history. Despite only winning the division", "\"Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)\"\nSeattle's defense was ranked third against the pass and fourth overall, their lowest rankings in those respective categories since 2011. Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks) The Legion of Boom (LOB) is the nickname that was given to the Seattle Seahawks' defense during their rise to prominence in the 2010s. The original group that was nicknamed the Legion of Boom consisted of the main starters in the Seahawks defense backfield: Richard Sherman, Earl Thomas, Kam Chancellor, Brandon Browner and Byron Maxwell. Over time the nickname had grown to encompass the Seahawks defense as a whole including prominent players such as Bobby", "\"2004 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n27–27 the game went to overtime and Bulger threw three passes – the last a 52-yard score to Shaun McDonald and the 33–27 Rams win. A week after losing to one participant in Super Bowl XXXVI the Seahawks fell to that game's winner as the Patriots reached a league-record 20th consecutive win (regular and postseason) 30–20. Matt Hasselbeck, a former Patriots ball boy whose dad Don Hasselbeck played in Foxboro alongside Steve Grogan, threw for 349 yards but was intercepted twice. Playing in Sun Devil Stadium the Seahawks' previous road woes resumed with four interceptions thrown by Matt Hasselbeck and", "\"1983 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nconference championship again until 2005, when they were in the NFC West. The Seattle Seahawks hired Chuck Knox, a coach capable of bringing teams with comebacks. They also modified their uniforms, incorporating the Seahawks logo onto the jersey's sleeves. The \"\"TV numbers\"\" were moved from the jersey sleeves to the shoulders. The helmet facemasks became blue, and the socks became all blue. The uniform would remain basically unchanged through the 2001 season. Divisional matchups have the AFC West playing the NFC East. The Seahawks entered the playoffs for the first time in franchise history, after two close attempts in 1978", "\"2007 Washington Redskins season\"\n2007 Washington Redskins season The 2007 Washington Redskins season was the team's 76th season. The Redskins finished their regular season with a record of 9–7 and a playoff appearance. This was an improvement over the 2006 season when they went 5–11 and finished last in the NFC East. Over the course of the season, Washington went 5–3 in home games at FedExField, and 4–4 on the road; they lost 6 of their 7 games by one touchdown or less. After losing to the Seattle Seahawks in the wild card round, Coach Joe Gibbs announced his retirement, thus ending his second", "\"1976 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nJohnson intercepted a pass from Seahawks quarterback Jim Zorn and ran it back 70 yards into the Seahawks' end zone in the second quarter. Seattle cut into the Lions lead when Hugh McKinnis rushed for a two-yard touchdown, to make the score 20–7 for Detroit. Before halftime, McKinnis ran for another touchdown, this time a seven-yard run, to make the score 20–14. The Lions took control of the game in the third quarter when Charlie Sanders caught an eight-yard pass for a touchdown to give the Lions a 27–14 lead. Lawrence Gaines then caught a nine-yard pass for a touchdown", "\"2006 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nSeneca Wallace made his first career start in a stadium where the Seahawks have won only twice in their last 20 visits. The story of the game was not the Seahawks wounded offence, but rather the failure of the supposedly healthy defence. The Chiefs controlled the ball for over 42 minutes of the contest, piled up 499 total net yards, and were able to sustain drives all afternoon. The Seahawks defence was only able to force one Chiefs punt, early in the fourth quarter. Despite being dominated in time of possession and yardage, the Seahawks found themselves leading the game", "\"Matt Hasselbeck\"\nthe lockout to let them know they were \"\"moving on.\"\" Hasselbeck described the call as \"\"worse than breaking up with an old girlfriend.\"\" The Seahawks took out a full-page ad in \"\"The Seattle Times\"\" the following day to salute Hasselbeck and his family for their work. Hasselbeck was the last remaining Seahawk from the team's last season in the AFC West Division in 2001. On July 29, 2011, Hasselbeck signed a three-year, $21 million deal to play for the Tennessee Titans. He was recruited by Mike Reinfeldt, the former vice president of football administration for the Seahawks and current executive", "\"Seattle Seahawks\"\nyear of the NFL's 75th Anniversary, the Seahawks changed the style of their numbering to something more suitable for the team; Pro Block from then until 2001. That same year, the Seahawks wore a vintage jersey for select games resembling the 1976–82 uniforms. However, the helmet facemasks remained blue. The logos also became sewn on instead of being screen-printed. In 2000, Shaun Alexander's rookie year and Cortez Kennedy's last, the Seattle Seahawks celebrated their 25th Anniversary; the logo was worn on the upper left chest of the jersey. In 2001, the Seahawks switched to the new Reebok uniform system still", "\"2005 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nthe calls made by the officials.\"\" The game ended a playoffs season that was plagued by complaints about officiating. On August 6, 2010, while visiting the Seahawks' preseason training camp for an annual rules interpretation session with the Seattle media, head official Bill Leavy brought up Super Bowl XL without being asked, while admitting to having blown calls: 2005 Seattle Seahawks season The 2005 Seattle Seahawks season saw them win a conference championship for the first time in the team's history. They were the NFC representative in Super Bowl XL, a game they lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Seahawks", "\"2003 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nthe Cowboys holding the first wildcard at 10–5. Seattle finally won a second road game as they clawed from down 17–14 with a Matt Hasselbeck touchdown and a field goal; Jeff Garcia's 4th down incompletion sealed a 24–17 Seahawks win. The game was the second of a pre-New Year's Saturday triple header; the Seahawks thus had to wait until Sunday before a win by Green Bay, a loss by Dallas, and a last-second loss by Minnesota sorted out the NFC playoff picture, putting Seattle as the conference's fifth seed. Seattle entered the postseason as the #5 seed in the NFC.", "\"1977 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n1977 Seattle Seahawks season The 1977 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's second campaign in the National Football League. The 1977 season was the team's first in the AFC West. The Seahawks lost five of their first six games. On October 30, the Seahawks earned their second win of the season when quarterback Jim Zorn returned from an injury and threw four touchdown passes in a 56-17 win over the Buffalo Bills at the Kingdome. Two weeks later, the team recorded its first shutout, beating the Jets 17-0 in New York. The Seahawks would go on to finish with a", "\"1990 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nPaul Skansi. Divisional matchups have the AFC West playing the NFC Central. Even though the Seahawks did not qualify for the playoffs, their most memorable moment during the season was in the final seconds against the Kansas City Chiefs when Dave Krieg threw a game-winning touchdown pass to Paul Skansi. 1990 Seattle Seahawks season The 1990 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 15th season with the National Football League. The team improved on its 7-9 record from 1989, finishing 9-7. Despite the winning record, the Seahawks missed the postseason. Seattle would start the season 0-3 before upsetting the Cincinnati Bengals", "\"John Schneider (American football executive)\"\nJohn Schneider (American football executive) John Schneider (born May 25, 1971) is the general manager for the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League (NFL). Schneider was previously a front office executive for the Washington Redskins, Green Bay Packers, and the Seattle Seahawks in 2000. Schneider served as the Director of Football Operations for the Green Bay Packers from 2008 to 2009. He was the one of the architects that created the Seattle Seahawks roster that eventually went on to win Super Bowl XLVIII and appeared in Super Bowl XLIX. Schneider grew up in Wisconsin and attended high school in", "\"2009 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nJones. In the third quarter, the Seahawks deficit quickly increased as on the 49ers' first offensive play of the second half, Gore exploded for an 80-yard touchdown run. San Francisco closed the game in the fourth quarter as Nedney nailed a 39-yard field goal. With the loss, Seattle fell to 1–1. Hoping to rebound from their divisional road loss to the 49ers, the Seahawks went home, donned their alternate uniforms, and prepared for a Week 3 duel with the Chicago Bears. Due to quarterback Matt Hasselbeck's rib injury, Seneca Wallace got the start for the game. Seattle took an early", "\"Bill Gregory\"\nLavender) draft choice. The Seahawks traded the third round draft choice they received to the San Francisco 49ers, which they used to select future hall of famer Joe Montana. In 1978, the Seattle Seahawks named him the starter at right defensive end and went on to register a then franchise record 9 sacks and also 65 tackles. The next year, he finished with 6.5 sacks and 64 tackles. On August 17, 1981, he was waived after playing for the Seahawks in 46 games (43 starts). Gregory's replacement at right end, Jacob Green, would go on to become the Seahawks' all-time", "\"49ers–Seahawks rivalry\"\nin CenturyLink Field with a trip to Super Bowl XLVIII on the line, with the Seahawks winning by a score of 23–17. The game ended when Seahawks' cornerback Richard Sherman, whom Jim Harbaugh previously coached at Stanford, tipped an end zone pass that led to a game-ending interception. Seattle went on to defeat the Denver Broncos 43–8 in Super Bowl XLVIII to win their first Super Bowl championship. San Francisco had represented the NFC in a losing effort in Super Bowl XLVII the previous season. Since drafting Russell Wilson, the Seahawks have dominated the rivalry, holding a 12-3 record against", "\"2013 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n2013 Seattle Seahawks season The 2013 Seattle Seahawks season was the franchise's 38th season in the National Football League, and the fourth under head coach Pete Carroll. With the Seahawks 10th win only eleven weeks into the season, the team secured double digit victories in consecutive seasons for the first time in franchise history. Their 13–3 regular season record is tied with the 2005 season for the best in franchise history. Seattle's defense in 2013 is regarded by many to be among the best ever in NFL history. Seattle entered the 2013 season at 17/2 odds to win Super Bowl", "\"J. R. Niklos\"\nThe Ohio State University. Niklos played one season for the Buckeyes and soon thereafter transferred to Western Illinois University where he was a 3 time All American Tight End. J.R. finished his career at Western Illinois statistically as the top Tight End in W.I.U. history. After college, Niklos went undrafted and signed a free agent contract with the Seattle Seahawks. He was placed on Seattle Seahawks practice squad. The St. Louis Rams moved J.R. to the active roster due to the retirement of former Heisman Trophy winner Eric Crouch He then was a member of the St. Louis Rams between", "\"Mike Morgan (linebacker, born 1988)\"\nnine tackles in 12 games. As a sophomore in 2008, he again spent time as a backup and on special teams. He finished the season with 24 tackles and a sack in 12 games. Morgan took over as the team's starting outside linebacker in 2009. Morgan went undrafted in the 2011 NFL Draft but was later signed by the Seattle Seahawks. He was released during final roster cuts on September 3, 2011. He made his first career start against the New York Jets on November 11. On March 19, 2016, Morgan signed a new contract with the Seattle Seahawks that", "\"2009 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nthen Seattle has their first touchdown of this game when RB Justin Forsett made a 1-yard run (With a failed 2-point conversion attempt). With the loss, Seattle fell to 3–7. Chris Johnson became the sixth player in NFL history to break 2,000 rushing yards and also broke the record (held by Marshall Faulk) of total yards from scrimmage at 2,509. Johnson rushed 36 times for 134 yards and two touchdowns; a 64-yard rushing score was called back on a holding penalty. Matt Hasselbeck was 15–30 for 175 yards, one touchdown, and one pick. 2009 Seattle Seahawks season The 2009 Seattle", "\"2007 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nBranch. However, the Panthers' defense held on for the win. With the surprising loss, the Seahawks fell to 9–5. Hoping to rebound from their road loss to the Panthers, the Seahawks went home for a Week 16 interconference duel with the Baltimore Ravens. After a scoreless first quarter, the Seahawks took flight in the second quarter with QB Matt Hasselbeck completing a 21-yard TD pass to WR Nate Burleson, along with LB Leroy Hill returning a fumble 20 yards for a touchdown, and Hasselbeck completing a 14-yard TD pass to RB Shaun Alexander. In the third quarter, Seattle increased its", "\"Joe Nash\"\nJoe Nash Joseph Andrew Nash (born October 11, 1960 in Boston, Massachusetts) is a former professional American football player. He played his entire career with the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League from 1982 to 1996. Originally a nose tackle for seven seasons, Nash switched to defensive tackle in 1989. He was signed as an undrafted free agent by the Seahawks in 1982 from Boston College and went on to play in a Seahawks-record 218 career games over 15 seasons. In 1984 he received Pro Bowl and All-Pro honors on the way to helping the Seattle Seahawks post a", "\"2005 Seattle Seahawks season\"\n2005 Seattle Seahawks season The 2005 Seattle Seahawks season saw them win a conference championship for the first time in the team's history. They were the NFC representative in Super Bowl XL, a game they lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Seahawks compiled a 13–3 record in the regular season, easily winning the NFC West and earning the NFC top seed, thus clinching home field advantage in the NFC playoffs for the first time in franchise history. There, they beat the Washington Redskins and Carolina Panthers to win the George Halas Trophy, and advance to their first ever Super Bowl.", "\"1976 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nthe twelfth week of the season, the Seahawks traveled across the country to Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, the Seattle faced the New York Giants, who entered the game with a 1–10–0 record. The Seahawks opened the scoring in the first quarter when Sherman Smith had a two-yard rushing touchdown, however, the Seahawks failed in the extra point attempt and took a 6–0 lead. Seattle stretched their lead to 9–0 by the end of the first quarter when John Leypoldt hit a 45-yard field goal. The Giants fought back in the second quarter, as Gary Shirk caught a", "\"2005 Washington Redskins season\"\n2005 Washington Redskins season The Washington Redskins season was the franchise’s 74th season in the National Football League. This season began with the team trying to improve on their 6–10 record from 2004. The Redskins placed 2nd in the NFC East. Washington earned their first playoff berth since 1999. In their return to the postseason, the Redskins defeated the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the opening round, but a loss to the Seattle Seahawks the following week ended their season. The Seahawks went on to become NFC Champions. This season is the last season to date in which Washington won a", "\"Paul Allen\"\nGarden), the arena where the Blazers play. He purchased the arena on April 2, 2007, and stated that this was a major milestone and a positive step for the franchise. The Allen-owned Trail Blazers reached the playoffs 19 times including the NBA Finals in 1990 and 1992. According to \"\"Forbes\"\", the Blazers were valued at $940 million in 2015 and ranked No. 12 out of 30 NBA teams. Allen purchased the Seattle Seahawks NFL team in 1996 when former owner Ken Behring threatened to move the Seahawks to Southern California. Herman Sarkowsky, a former Seahawks minority owner, told \"\"The Seattle", "\"2008 Seattle Seahawks season\"\na 27-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, the Dolphins answered with Brown getting a 16-yard TD run. Seattle tried to come back as QB Seneca Wallace completed a 3-yard TD pass to WR Koren Robinson. However, Miami's defense prevented Wallace's 2-point conversion pass from working. With the loss, the Seahawks fell to 2–7. Trying to snap a two-game skid, the Seahawks went home for a Week 11 NFC West duel with the Arizona Cardinals. For this game, QB Matt Hasselbeck finally recovered from his knee injury and was able to reclaim his starting role. In the first quarter, Seattle", "\"2009 Seattle Seahawks season\"\nHasselbeck's 4-yard touchdown pass to fullback Justin Griffith. With the loss, the Seahawks fell to 2–5. Trying to snap a two-game losing streak, the Seahawks went home for a Week 9 duel with the Detroit Lions. Seattle trailed in the first quarter as Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford completed a 7-yard touchdown pass to tight end Brandon Pettigrew and a 29-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Bryant Johnson, followed by kicker Jason Hanson getting a 41-yard field goal. Seattle answered in the second quarter as running back Julius Jones got a 3-yard touchdown run, followed by kicker Olindo Mare nailing a" ]
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what episode of law and order was ludacris on
[ "Screwed", "Venom" ]
[ "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 7)\"\nin ten years. Saint James stated in an interview that she was eager to play a \"\"Law & Order\"\" part and would have played a judge if it had been up to her. The same interview revealed that she was a long time fan of \"\"SVU\"\" having watched \"\"almost every episode multiple times.\"\" Another Season 7 guest star who mentioned being a fan of the program was Chris \"\"Ludacris\"\" Bridges who said \"\"Once you start watching a television show that you love you can't stop watching it.\"\" Ludacris guest starred in \"\"Venom\"\" as Darius Parker, a member of Fin Tutuola's", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 7)\"\nfamily with a dark past and a complicated relationship with Fin's son. This role united Ludacris with fellow rapper Ice-T. When being interviewed, Bridges joked \"\"No, we don't rap on the SVU set. It's all about acting.\"\" The episode \"\"Fault\"\" featured what Neal Baer called \"\"an unusual and forceful performance from Lou Diamond Phillips.\"\" Phillips, who was a fan of the program already played Victor Paul Gitano, a recently released sex offender who kidnaps two children and puts Detectives Benson and Stabler in a situation where their partnership is pushed to its limits. \"\"Fault\"\" has been named one of Hargitay's", "\"Pick a Bale of Cotton\"\ndances along as his entire adoptive black family sings the song on the house porch. The song was featured in an episode of \"\"The League\"\" (season 4, episode 7). The song was referred to in the 1999 film \"\"Girl, Interrupted\"\" by a patient to the nurse. The song was referred to in an episode of Law & Order (season 13, episode 15) when Arthur Branch is relating a conversation to Jack McCoy. The song is sampled in the song \"\"The Potion\"\", performed by Ludacris. Pick a Bale of Cotton \"\"Pick a Bale of Cotton\"\" is a traditional American folk song", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 8)\"\na felony; she should've been kicked off the force and gone to prison.\"\" During a six episode absence by Mariska Hargitay, Connie Nielsen was cast to play Stabler's temporary partner, Detective Dani Beck. Dick Wolf said that he was \"\"thrilled that we have someone of Connie's obvious talent, beauty and stature to come in for these episodes. It doesn't get any better than this.\"\" Chris \"\"Ludacris\"\" Bridges made his second appearance on \"\"SVU\"\" in \"\"Screwed\"\" which concludes the episode \"\"Venom\"\". Neal Baer explained that he saw this episode as an opportunity to have Adam Beach's character, Detective Chester Lake, become", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 8)\"\nposing as a teenager for years. Noting the similarities, Neal Baer said the writers were \"\"stunned\"\" to hear about the sex offender Neil Havens Rodreick who was caught disguising himself as a twelve-year-old shortly after the episode was written. In the season finale \"\"Screwed\"\", Chris \"\"Ludacris\"\" Bridges concluded the storyline of his character Darius Parker by defending himself in court. Baer described his performance saying \"\"He defends himself which is cool. So now he takes on the role of a lawyer with Steven Weber playing his lawyer as well.\"\" <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 8) The", "\"You Kent Always Say What You Want\"\nYou Kent Always Say What You Want \"\"You Kent Always Say What You Want\"\" is the twenty-second episode of \"\"The Simpsons\"\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> eighteenth season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on May 20, 2007 as part of the one-hour season finale, alongside the episode \"\"24 Minutes\"\"; a repeat took place on August 19, 2007. It was the milestone 400th episode of \"\"The Simpsons\"\" and was written by Tim Long. The episode guest starred Ludacris as himself and Maurice LaMarche as the Fox announcer. It was the last episode to air prior to \"\"The Simpsons Movie\"\" releasing", "\"911 (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nin a Drama Series\"\" for her performance in this episode. \"\"911\"\" was acclaimed by Matt Roush of \"\"TV Guide\"\" who watched the episode before it aired and said that it deserved an Emmy nomination. In 2012, when reflecting on her favorite episodes, Hargitay listed \"\"911\"\" as one of her top ten. The episode has also been well received by bloggers, garnering praise such as \"\"what every screenwriter and actor should attempt to emulate\"\" and \"\"breaks away from the usual narrative structure of Law & Order\"\". 911 (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) \"\"911\"\" is the third episode of the of", "\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\nUSA Network. In the 14th season of \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\", Kathryn Erbe reprised her role as Alexandra Eames in the episodes \"\"Acceptable Loss\"\" and \"\"Poisoned Motive\"\". Also in this season Denis O'Hare guest starred as his character Father Shea from the episode in the episode \"\"Presumed Guilty\"\". \"\"Jo\"\", a 2013 series created by René Balcer, featured in what would be its last episode Olivia d'Abo playing her Nicole Wallace character. In July 2005, NBC Universal sold the format of \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" to French channel TF1 Alma Productions to create a French remake of the", "Houzz\nsuccessful as the rapper Ludacris. Kyrie Irving renovates his father Drederick's home in West Orange, NJ in the fifth episode. Houzz kicked off \"\"My Houzz\"\" Season 2 in January 2018 with an episode featuring chef Gordon Ramsay as he surprises fellow chef and FOX's \"\"Hell's Kitchen\"\" Season 10 winner Christina Wilson with a kitchen, living room and dining room renovation in her Philadelphia home. Green Bay Packer Clay Matthews III secretly renovates his brother and sister-in-law's home in Cleveland in the second episode. In episode three, television host and actor Mario Lopez secretly builds an addition of an expansive dance", "\"What's Your Fantasy\"\nLudacris performed a special acoustic rendition of the song with The Roots on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon What's Your Fantasy \"\"What's Your Fantasy\"\" is the debut single by American rapper Ludacris. The song is a single from his debut album \"\"Back for the First Time\"\" (released by Def Jam South on October 17, 2000). It debuted at #89 on September 30, 2000, entered the Top 100 on November 4, and peaked at #21 on December 16. The original version features Disturbing tha Peace member Shawnna, who is featured in the tenth. The single was also included on Ludacris's", "\"René Balcer\"\nDavid Letterman during his monologue on January 12, 2008. At the North Dakota Museum of Art, Balcer's Law & Order episodes are played in a continuous loop in the installation \"\"Barton Benes Period Room: 21st Century Artist Studio\"\". In October 2009, Balcer came under attack by right-wing bloggers for an episode of \"\"Law & Order\"\" about the Bush Administration's Enhanced Interrogation policy. Writing in Breitbart, former Law & Order star Michael Moriarty accused Balcer of being a \"\"Marxist agent provocateur.\"\" Balcer said of the attacks, \"\"What many of these critics fail to realize is that Law & Order has always", "\"Blue Bloods (season 1)\"\nopposed to a show like Law & Order, where you could almost literally grab any episode in the show's 20 year run and watch it without having to have seen any of the earlier episodes to know what's going on.\"\" Stuart Cummins of \"\"What Culture\"\" called the series \"\"entertaining police drama that combines the best elements of shows such as Numbers, CSI and Law & Order with the family crises and dramas found in shows like Brothers & Sisters.\"\" Chuck Barney of \"\"San Jose Mercury News\"\" found the cases on the series to \"\"don't carry much of a wow factor\"\"", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)\"\nnicest person our characters have ever met. What he's going to be doing, too, is basically bringing all of the franchises into one. He's connecting \"\"Law & Order\"\", the \"\"Chicago\"\" franchises and now \"\"SVU\"\".\"\" His character debuted in the thirteenth episode of the season. In the thirteenth episode, Raúl Esparza departed the cast after six seasons on the show. He told Natalie Abrams of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" that it was his decision to leave, adding \"\"I've done six seasons, I felt like it was time to go. I had explored a lot of what I thought Barba was about. I just", "\"Release Therapy\"\nwas different than his other four albums, there would be a new haircut and a new personality to go with it, similar to what Busta Rhymes did with \"\"The Big Bang\"\". Ludacris released a mixtape called \"\"Pre-Release Therapy\"\" with DJ Green Lantern and Michael '5000' Watts to precede the album. Unlike the previous albums released by Ludacris, \"\"Release Therapy\"\" has a more mature and serious approach to the music (e.g. the 3rd single \"\"Runaway Love\"\" is Ludacris' first stab at socially concerned music). It is also Ludacris' darkest album to date, both in mood and subject matter. The different approach", "\"Cold (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nCold (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) \"\"Cold\"\" is the 19th episode and season finale of the of the police procedural television series \"\"\"\" and the 202nd episode overall. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on May 13, 2008. In the episode, Detective Chester Lake (Adam Beach) refuses to cooperate after fatally shooting a police officer, causing the Special Victims Unit squad to investigate what he is hiding. Meanwhile, Assistant District Attorney Casey Novak faces censure, while Detective Tutuola (Ice-T) files paperwork to be transferred out of the Special Victims Unit. The episode was written by Judith", "Ludacris\nDrive. Chris \"\"Ludacris\"\" Bridges also started the Ludacris Foundation at the beginning of his music career in 2002. The aim of the foundation is to inspire the youth through education, memorable experiences and helping the youth help themselves. The focus is what Ludacris calls the \"\"3Ls\"\": Leadership and Education, Living Healthy Lifestyles, and LudaCares. Tensions began when T.I. saw Disturbing tha Peace rapper I-20's video in which a man wearing a shirt with the words \"\"Trap House,\"\" was being beaten. T.I. believed the man's shirt actually said \"\"Trap Muzik,\"\" perhaps interpreting this to be a reference to his album of", "\"Runaway Love (Ludacris song)\"\nRunaway Love (Ludacris song) \"\"Runaway Love\"\" is the third single released from Ludacris' fifth album, \"\"Release Therapy\"\" (2006). The song, which features Mary J. Blige on the vocals, was produced by Polow da Don and reached #2 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 singles chart only behind Justin Timberlake's \"\"What Goes Around... Comes Around\"\". The song was the first single from \"\"Release Therapy\"\" in the United Kingdom and was released as a double A-side with \"\"Girls Gone Wild\"\" included. The song was performed at the 2007 Grammy Awards show by Ludacris, Mary J. Blige and Earth, Wind & Fire. A remix", "Ludacris\n\"\"Back for the First Time\"\". In 2000, Ludacris released his major label debut, \"\"Back for the First Time\"\". The album reached number four on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" 200, and was a major success. Ludacris made his mark on the industry with singles such as \"\"Southern Hospitality\"\" and \"\"What's Your Fantasy\"\", along with his first ever single the \"\"Phat Rabbit\"\", from two years prior. Guest appearances included 4-Ize, I-20, Shawnna, Pastor Troy, Timbaland, Trina, Foxy Brown, UGK, and others. Ludacris stated in an interview on MTV's hip hop program \"\"Direct Effect\"\" that he came up with his stage name based on", "\"The Simpsons (season 18)\"\nThe Simpsons (season 18) \"\"The Simpsons\"\" eighteenth season aired from September 10, 2006 to May 20, 2007. The season contained seven hold-over episodes from the season 17 (HABF) production line. Al Jean served as the showrunner, a position he has held since the thirteenth season. The season finale, \"\"You Kent Always Say What You Want\"\", was the series' 400th episode. Additionally, the \"\"Simpsons\"\" franchise celebrated its 20th anniversary, as it has been on the air since April 1987, beginning with shorts on \"\"The Tracey Ullman Show\"\". Season 18 included guest appearances by Metallica, Tom Wolfe, Gore Vidal, Michael Chabon, Ludacris,", "\"What's Your Fantasy\"\nWhat's Your Fantasy \"\"What's Your Fantasy\"\" is the debut single by American rapper Ludacris. The song is a single from his debut album \"\"Back for the First Time\"\" (released by Def Jam South on October 17, 2000). It debuted at #89 on September 30, 2000, entered the Top 100 on November 4, and peaked at #21 on December 16. The original version features Disturbing tha Peace member Shawnna, who is featured in the tenth. The single was also included on Ludacris's first independent album \"\"Incognegro\"\", and on the soundtrack for the 2001 comedy film \"\"How High\"\". \"\"What's Your Fantasy\"\", as", "\"911 (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\n911 (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) \"\"911\"\" is the third episode of the of the police procedural television series \"\"\"\". It originally aired on October 4, 2005 in the United States. The episode focuses on the search for a nine-year-old girl who claims to be locked in a room and calls the police for help. When it becomes clear that the phone call is not what it seems, most of the detectives in the unit become suspicious of the girl's story but Detective Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) remains convinced, believing that she is a victim of child pornography. The", "\"Arthur Branch\"\nArthur Branch Arthur Branch is a fictional character on the TV crime drama \"\"Law & Order\"\" and one of its spinoffs, \"\"\"\". Branch has also appeared on \"\"\"\", \"\"\"\", and \"\"Conviction\"\". He appeared in 142 episodes of the various series in the franchise (116 episodes of \"\"Law & Order\"\", 11 episodes of \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\", one episode of \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\", all 13 episodes of \"\"Law & Order: Trial by Jury\"\", and the pilot episode of \"\"Conviction\"\"). Branch was portrayed by former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson. He played Branch concurrently in \"\"Law & Order\"\" and", "\"Chance Kelly\"\nIntent\"\" episode #115 \"\"Semi Professional\"\" 2002); Det. Finch (\"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" episode #318 \"\"Ill Bred\"\" 2004); Kyle Marsden (\"\"Law & Order\"\": episode #1503 \"\"The Brotherhood\"\" 2004); Fireman Charlie Hugo (\"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" episode #604 \"\"Maltese Cross\"\" 2006); State Trooper Lawley (\"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" episode #819 \"\"Florida\"\" 2007); Elvis Howell (\"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" episode #910 \"\"Disciple\"\" 2010); and Sergeant Forde (\"\"Law & Order: Los Angeles\"\" episode #113 \"\"Reseda\"\" 2011). Kelly continues his writing pursuits and has several scripts in development. Kelly's grandfather was screenwriter William Fay (Kid Galahad, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Schlitz Playhouse). Kelly", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 11)\"\nwork place unless it comes up.\"\" Huang was led to this comment because characters in the episode who tried to lobby in favor of adult-child sexual relationships compared their situation to the persecution of homosexuals. To describe the episode, Baer said \"\"'Is pedophilia hardwired?'... We obviously don’t take the side of the pedophiles, but we do take the side that it’s hard-wired, and [ask] what do you do about it?\"\" Season 11 was the last full season of \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\" to shoot in New Jersey. In response to the business they brought to the location, the", "\"DJ Drama Presents: The Preview\"\nDJ Drama Presents: The Preview DJ Drama Presents: The Preview is a mixtape by Ludacris and DJ Drama as promotion for Ludacris' album \"\"Theater of the Mind\"\" and his film releases in the fall of 2008. Ludacris wanted to create a mixtape that captured his image as a southern rapper and movie actor. The mixtape was released on July 28, 2008 at The song \"\"Politics as Usual\"\" has caused a lot controversy due to lyrics in the song criticizing and insulting Reverend Jesse Jackson \"\"(\"\"Now Jesse talkin' slick and apologizin' for what?/If you said it then you meant it,", "\"Mike Logan (Law & Order)\"\nMike Logan (Law & Order) Michael Logan is a fictional character in the police procedural and legal drama television series \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise, played by Chris Noth. He appears in 148 episodes of the franchise (111 episodes of \"\"Law & Order\"\", 1 episode of \"\"\"\", and 36 episodes of \"\"\"\"). He also appeared in \"\"\"\". Logan initially appeared on \"\"Law & Order\"\" from the show's pilot episode. He appeared in every episode beginning with the first season in 1990 until Noth's dismissal from the series in 1995. After appearing in the franchise telemovie \"\"\"\", the character then guest-starred in", "\"Beef III\"\nabout it and are now on good terms. The beef reignited since the film when T.I. made a disrespectful comment on his single \"\"You Know What It Is\"\", about Ludacris winning his grammy for rap album of the year (\"\"Release Therapy\"\") which he and T.I. were both nominees (\"\"King\"\"). The comment made was T.I. saying he felt that Ludacris didn't deserve the award and that T.I. actually had the rap album of the year. He also dissed Ludacris on his verse to Rocko's song \"\"Umma Do Me.\"\" However, the two are once again on good terms, and were featured on", "Incognegro\nIncognegro Incognegro is the debut studio album by American rapper Ludacris. It was released on August 17, 1999, by Ludacris' newly founded indie record label, DTP Entertainment. Recording sessions took place from 1998 to 1999, with Ludacris serving as the records executive producers, while the additional production was provided by Jermaine Dupri and Organized Noize, among others. The album was supported by two singles: \"\"Ho\"\" (produced by Bangladesh), and \"\"What's Your Fantasy\"\" (featuring Shawnna, produced by Bangladesh). Every track would later appear on his second album except for \"\"Intro\"\", \"\"It Wasn't Us\"\", \"\"Midnight Train\"\", & \"\"A Rock & A Hard", "Incognegro\nPlace\"\". The lead single for his untitled independent album, called \"\"Ho\"\" was released on July 15, 1998. The song was produced by an American hip hop record producer Bangladesh. The second single for \"\"Incognegro\"\", \"\"What's Your Fantasy\"\" was released on September 12, 2000. The song features guest verse from an American local rapper Shawnna, while the production was provided by Bangladesh. Incognegro Incognegro is the debut studio album by American rapper Ludacris. It was released on August 17, 1999, by Ludacris' newly founded indie record label, DTP Entertainment. Recording sessions took place from 1998 to 1999, with Ludacris serving as", "\"Stand Up (Ludacris song)\"\nHot 100 for the week of December 6, 2003, and topped the R&B/Hip-Hop singles chart for four weeks, making it the rapper's first #1 on both charts respectively. Ludacris went on to be nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Rap Solo Performance. This song was also featured on the 2004 compilation album \"\"Now That's What I Call Music! 15\"\". A music video was made for the song, directed by Dave Meyers. Ludacris raps at a night club with many bizarre elements, such as a huge beer bottle, which he drinks from, a giant sneaker that he later wears, disabled", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\nUnit\"\" originated with the 1986 \"\"preppie murder\"\" case of Robert Chambers, who strangled Jennifer Levin, a woman he dated whom he later killed during what he claimed was consensual \"\"rough sex\"\" in Manhattan's Central Park. The crime inspired Dick Wolf to write the story for the season one episode of \"\"Law & Order\"\" titled \"\"Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die\"\". Even after writing the episode, however, the case continued to haunt Wolf, who wanted to go deeper into the psychology of crimes to examine the role of human sexuality. The original title of the show was \"\"Sex Crimes\"\", reflecting", "\"Weeping Willow (Law & Order: Criminal Intent)\"\ncharacter were inspired by the lonelygirl15 video blogs on YouTube, which were originally believed the works of a real-life 15-year-old blogger, but were eventually discovered to be a professionally filmed hoax. The episode received generally positive reviews and, according to Nielsen ratings, was seen by 9.8 million households the week it aired, the most viewership for a \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" episode in six weeks. In what appears to be an Internet vlog, a teenage girl nicknamed \"\"WeepingWillow17\"\" (Michelle Trachtenberg) and her boyfriend Holden (Michael Goduti) are interrupted when two men in masks storm into the room and apparently", "\"Runaway Love (Ludacris song)\"\nmaterial featured on \"\"Release Therapy\"\". The credits for \"\"Runaway Love\"\" are adapted from the liner notes of \"\"Release Therapy\"\". Runaway Love (Ludacris song) \"\"Runaway Love\"\" is the third single released from Ludacris' fifth album, \"\"Release Therapy\"\" (2006). The song, which features Mary J. Blige on the vocals, was produced by Polow da Don and reached #2 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 singles chart only behind Justin Timberlake's \"\"What Goes Around... Comes Around\"\". The song was the first single from \"\"Release Therapy\"\" in the United Kingdom and was released as a double A-side with \"\"Girls Gone Wild\"\" included. The song was", "\"Fear Factor\"\nMTV's \"\"Fear Factor\"\" revival continues to use the format of four teams of two people competing in three challenges for a $50,000 grand prize, as in Seasons 6 and 7 of the NBC series. As the show started, Ludacris gives a verbal disclaimer. The wording has changed with certain versions, but this is one commonly used: However, the order of the stunts, as well as some of the rules, differ from the original format. Each episode of the MTV version has three named rounds: Beat the Beast, Face Your Fear, and The Final Fear. Beat the Beast: This stunt challenges", "\"Law & Order: Legacies\"\nLaw & Order: Legacies Law & Order: Legacies is an episodic graphic adventure based on the \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise. It was developed by Telltale Games and was originally announced as \"\"Law & Order: Los Angeles\"\", but it was changed to include fan favorite characters from the entire run of the \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise. Among them are Rey Curtis, Lennie Briscoe, Anita Van Buren, Abbie Carmichael, Jack McCoy, Mike Logan, Michael Cutter, and Adam Schiff from \"\"Law & Order\"\", and Olivia Benson from \"\"\"\". It was released in seven episodes, with the first two episodes released simultaneously on iOS", "\"Jamie Ross (Law & Order)\"\nJamie Ross (Law & Order) Jamie Ross is a fictional character on the TV drama \"\"Law & Order,\"\" created by Rene Balcer and portrayed by Carey Lowell from 1996 to 1998. She also appears in the short-lived \"\"Law & Order\"\" spin-off \"\",\"\" by which time the character has become a judge. She appeared in 52 episodes (49 episodes of \"\"Law & Order\"\", one episode of \"\"\"\", and two episodes of \"\"\"\") The character was introduced in 1996 as a former defense attorney who graduated from law school at Columbia University. She enters the Manhattan District Attorney's office as an Assistant", "\"Weeping Willow (Law & Order: Criminal Intent)\"\nof cyber-crime and differentiating the truth from the hoax; Leight said, \"\"Their biggest frustration is trying to understand what's real and what isn't. Does this woman, Willow, really exist, and has something happened to her? Is she playing a character and a game that's gotten out of hand? And how do you locate someone in cyberspace?\"\" Julianne Nicholson, who plays Det. Megan Wheeler, said \"\"Weeping Willow\"\" was her favorite \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" episode. She described it as \"\"really different from a lot of the ones we've done before and very exciting and current.\"\" Nicholson also said she enjoyed", "\"Splash Waterfalls\"\nSplash Waterfalls \"\"Splash Waterfalls\"\" the fourth single off Ludacris' album \"\"Chicken-n-Beer\"\". The song features Sandy Coffee responding to Ludacris' verses, but she is not credited as featured guest on the single. The song describes a desired love between two people, continually contrasting intimate romantic scenarios with more sexually explicit ones. This song's video and song content resembles another famous Ludacris single called \"\"What's Your Fantasy\"\", with its explicit lyrics and adult-like content. In the radio/music video version's lyrics, \"\"touch me\"\" replaces the explicit version's \"\"fuck me\"\". The official remix, \"\"Splash Waterfalls (Whatever You Want Remix)\"\", sampling Tony! Toni! Toné!'s \"\"Whatever", "\"Jamie Ross (Law & Order)\"\nshe felt that the time she spent filming the drama was causing her to \"\"miss her [daughter's] childhood\"\". Jamie Ross (Law & Order) Jamie Ross is a fictional character on the TV drama \"\"Law & Order,\"\" created by Rene Balcer and portrayed by Carey Lowell from 1996 to 1998. She also appears in the short-lived \"\"Law & Order\"\" spin-off \"\",\"\" by which time the character has become a judge. She appeared in 52 episodes (49 episodes of \"\"Law & Order\"\", one episode of \"\"\"\", and two episodes of \"\"\"\") The character was introduced in 1996 as a former defense attorney", "\"Weeping Willow (Law & Order: Criminal Intent)\"\nconflict (the kidnapping). The so-called \"\"cyber-kidnapping\"\" portrayed in \"\"Weeping Willow\"\" is believed to be the first such crime ever portrayed on television. While the writers and producers prepared the episode, several district attorneys they consulted said the law was dangerously vague regarding what charges could be filed in the event of such a real-life cyber-kidnapping; Wright said, \"\"They told me that this is a real problem, that there's a lag between what's on the books now and what's happening out there.\"\" The script also includes a difficulty on the part of the detectives in coping and dealing this new form", "\"Adam Schiff (Law & Order)\"\nAdam Schiff (Law & Order) Adam Schiff is a fictional character on the TV drama series \"\"Law & Order\"\". He was played by Steven Hill from 1990 to 2000. Schiff was one of the original main characters of the series and appeared in every episode of the first 10 seasons except for \"\"Everybody's Favorite Bagman\"\", which was produced before Hill joined the cast, and the season-seven episode \"\"D-Girl\"\". He appeared in 229 episodes (228 episodes of \"\"Law & Order\"\" and the \"\"\"\" episode \"\"Entitled\"\"), and was the last original character to leave the show's main cast. Schiff is District Attorney", "\"Mother's Day (Law & Order)\"\njury foreperson asks if any jail time is necessary. Law and Order is considered by some 'the best drama on network television.' Since first featuring in 1999, the franchise had produced hundreds of episodes and multiple seasons. Despite this critics are sceptical of these 'spinoff' style that is often 'missing a spark.' Generally speaking the episode was received well and was later released in France, Germany, Netherlands and Japan. Mother's Day (Law & Order) \"\"Mother's Day\"\" is the 287th episode of NBC's legal drama \"\"Law & Order\"\" and the tenth episode of the thirteenth season. The 45 minute episode was", "\"Anita Van Buren\"\nAnita Van Buren Lieutenant Anita Van Buren is a fictional character on NBC's long-running police procedural and legal drama television series \"\"Law & Order\"\", portrayed by S. Epatha Merkerson. Van Buren appeared in 390 episodes of \"\"Law & Order\"\". By episode count, she is the longest-running character on the original show. Van Buren appeared in 392 episodes within the franchise (390 of \"\"Law & Order\"\", the \"\"\"\" episode \"\"Badge\"\" and the \"\"\"\" episode \"\"Skeleton\"\") and \"\"\"\", and is the third longest-running regular character in the \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise, behind Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Donald Cragen (Dann Florek), and", "Ludacris\na charity event. The song \"\"Politics as Usual\"\" from Ludacris' mixtape \"\"\"\" has stirred controversy due to lyrics in the song criticizing Jesse Jackson; \"\"Now Jesse talkin' slick and apologizin' for what? If you said it then you meant it\"\" (in reference to Jackson stating that he would \"\"like to cut Obama's nuts off\"\"); John McCain \"\"McCain don't belong in any chair unless he's paralyzed\"\"; President George W. Bush \"\"Yeah I said it, 'cuz Bush is mentally handicapped/Ball up all of his speeches and throw 'em just like candy wraps/'Cuz what you talkin' I hear nothin' even relevant/you the worst", "\"Lost Reputation\"\nSimmons objected to using the word \"\"burgeoning\"\" to identify the scandal in the episode. Dani Bradford of \"\"TV Equals\"\" managed to see the premiere episode prior to the episode's original airing and left a mixed advance review of the episode, saying the premiere was \"\"underwhelming\"\". \"\"I have to admit that I was not a big fan of this premiere. [...] I thought that the plot was too focused on conspiracies and less upon what draws me to the show. For me, \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" has always been about the ripped-from-the-headlines stories and watching how those murders or sexual assaults", "\"Blizzard Man\"\nrecording with him. Robert De Niro guest stars as Blizzard Man's mother. Sean Combs (P. Diddy) guest stars, as himself, as the music producer that supports Blizzard Man. 2 Chainz guest stars, as himself, as the music producer that supports Blizzard Man. In 2007, to promote Ludacris donating a motorcycle to a charity auction, he and Samberg created an additional skit, not shown on SNL. The skit involves Ludacris looking for a rapper to advertise for said auction, which results with him eventually deciding on Blizzard Man's song. Reception for the skit has been mostly positive, especially the episode featuring", "Ludacris\nas a muscle-bound hulk who was being annoyed by the media and warned critics to leave him alone. He first appeared on \"\"Saturday Night Live\"\" as a special guest performing with musical guest Sum 41 on a season 30 episode hosted by Paul Giamatti. He then recorded \"\"Get Back\"\" with Sum 41 to make a rock crossover single. The follow-up single was the \"\"Austin Powers\"\"-inspired \"\"Number One Spot\"\". It was produced by New York City's Hot 97 personality DJ Green Lantern. It used the Quincy Jones sample of \"\"Soul Bossa Nova\"\" and sped it up to the tempo of Ludacris'", "\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent (season 1)\"\nbegan airing \"\"Paris enquêtes criminelles\"\", a co-production from TF1 and ALMA, Wolf Films and NBC Universal. All eight episodes of \"\"Paris enquêtes criminelles\"\"s first season, two episodes from the second season, and one third-season episode were adapted from \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" first-season episodes. Wolf stated that \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" has been sold to foreign networks because it is easier to adapt into local legal systems than \"\"Law & Order\"\", where half of each episode occurs in the courtroom. The season is available in a number of new media formats. Universal Studios Home Entertainment released it in", "\"Emil Skoda (Law & Order)\"\nSeason 4 episode \"\"Sanctuary\"\". Simmons also played another character in \"\"Law & Order\"\" continuity—Colonel Alexander Rausch in the \"\"\"\" Season 4 episode \"\"For God and Country\"\", a continuation of the \"\"Law & Order\"\" Season 6 episode \"\"Charm City\"\". Emil Skoda (Law & Order) Emil Skoda, M.D. is a fictional character on the TV crime dramas \"\"Law & Order\"\" and \"\"\"\". He also appeared once each in \"\"\"\" and \"\"New York Undercover\"\". He is portrayed by J. K. Simmons. Dr. Skoda is a psychiatrist who works with the New York Police Department. In addition to his own private practice, he often", "\"Law & Order (season 13)\"\nLaw & Order (season 13) The following is a list of Law & Order episodes from the series' thirteenth season (2002–2003): Arthur Branch (played by Fred Dalton Thompson) replaced season 12's Nora Lewin (Dianne Wiest) in the role of District Attorney. The resulting ensemble cast was the most stable in the history of the \"\"Law & Order\"\" series up to that time, being unchanged for 2 seasons over 48 episodes. The longest period of cast stability overall encompassed the last four episodes of Season 18 and the entirety of Seasons 19 and 20, a total of 49 episodes. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude>", "\"Law & Order (season 13)\"\nLaw & Order (season 13) The following is a list of Law & Order episodes from the series' thirteenth season (2002–2003): Arthur Branch (played by Fred Dalton Thompson) replaced season 12's Nora Lewin (Dianne Wiest) in the role of District Attorney. The resulting ensemble cast was the most stable in the history of the \"\"Law & Order\"\" series up to that time, being unchanged for 2 seasons over 48 episodes. The longest period of cast stability overall encompassed the last four episodes of Season 18 and the entirety of Seasons 19 and 20, a total of 49 episodes. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude>", "\"Lennie Briscoe\"\nOrbach's death. He appears in 282 episodes (273 episodes of \"\"Law & Order\"\", two episodes of \"\"Law & Order: Trial by Jury\"\", one episode of \"\"\"\", three episodes of \"\"\"\", and three episodes of \"\"\"\"), the TV movie \"\"\"\" and the \"\"Law & Order\"\" video games \"\"\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\". Orbach's performance as Briscoe on the New York-based series was so popular that it resulted in him being declared a \"\"Living Landmark\"\" by the New York Landmarks Conservancy, along with fellow longtime series cast member Sam Waterston (who portrayed the prosecutor Jack McCoy on the show). Lennie Briscoe is", "\"Michael S. Chernuchin\"\nfor the episode \"\"Vendetta\"\" with David Nahmod, Nahmod wrote the teleplay. Chernuchin wrote or co-wrote five episodes of the fourteenth season. In 2004 he was nominated for the WGA award for best episodic drama for the episode \"\"Bounty\"\". He left the production staff (for the second time) after the fourteenth season but continued to occasionally write for the series. In Spring 2006 he wrote the sixteenth season \"\"Law & Order\"\" episode \"\"Thinking Makes It So\"\". In Fall 2006 he wrote the seventeenth season \"\"Law & Order\"\" episode \"\"Home Sweet\"\". In 2007 Chernuchin wrote the seventeenth season \"\"Law & Order\"\" episode", "\"Move Bitch\"\nMove Bitch \"\"Move Bitch\"\" (edited version titled \"\"Move B**ch\"\" or simply \"\"Move\"\") is the fourth official single from American rapper Ludacris' album \"\"Word of Mouf\"\". The single features American rappers Mystikal and I-20. The single reached #10 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100, making it Ludacris's first top-ten hit on the chart. It also reached #3 on the Hot Rap Tracks chart and #3 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks chart. Also, it featured in an episode of the TV series \"\"Castle\"\". Retired NBA star and now ESPN analyst Jalen Rose is featured in the music video. The song has", "\"Marshawn Lynch\"\nstore, and at least one partnership with International brands. The first Beast Mode store opened in Oakland, California on February 7, 2016, during Super Bowl 50. On April 8, 2015, rapper Ludacris released the video for his single \"\"Beast Mode,\"\" named after Lynch, who appears in the video. Ludacris also mimics Lynch's interview at the Super Bowl media day by saying \"\"I'm just here so I won't get fined\"\" to reporters before Lynch comes in and adds \"\"You know why we here\"\". Lynch makes a cameo in the video game \"\"\"\". He also appeared in the fourth episode of the", "\"Rubber Room (Law & Order)\"\nmore moving and honestly emotional than the endings of \"\"Lost\"\" and \"\"24,\"\" shows whose finales received much more attention.\"\" Ken Tucker of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" gave the episode a positive review, saying \"\"That’s why \"\"Law & Order\"\" in eternal reruns is so comforting. You can enjoy episodes even when you remember the case or the outcome, because you want to immerse yourself in that \"\"Law & Order\"\" feeling that didn’t insult your intelligence.\"\" Rubber Room (Law & Order) \"\"Rubber Room\"\" is the twenty-third episode of the twentieth season and the series finale of NBC's long-running legal drama \"\"Law & Order\"\". In", "\"Michael Lombard\"\n4 episodes of \"\"Law & Order\"\" and its spinoffs. He played a different character on 4 episodes of \"\"Barney Miller'. Michael Lombard Michael Lombard (born August 8, 1934) is an American actor. In 1977, he was nominated for a Drama Desk Award for his performance in \"\"Otherwise Engaged\"\". In 1991, he won an Obie Award for his performance in \"\"What's Wrong With This Picture?\"\" On television, Lombard portrayed Marshall Beck in all 15 episodes of \"\"Filthy Rich\"\" (1982-1983). Between 1976 and 2005 he had guest roles in such popular American television series as \"\"Kojak\"\" (a 2-part episode), \"\"The Mary Tyler", "\"Law & Order (season 20)\"\nThree more episodes of \"\"Law & Order\"\" were ordered to fill the primetime gap, increasing the number of episodes for the season to 23. In early January 2010, NBC initially announced they were going to renew \"\"Law & Order\"\" for a 21st season. NBC's President of Primetime Entertainment at the time, Angela Bromstad, said, \"\"I’m a \"\"Law & Order\"\" junkie... I wouldn’t want to be responsible for not having \"\"Law & Order\"\" break the record.\"\" However, on May 14, 2010, NBC abruptly cancelled \"\"Law & Order\"\" after 20 seasons on the air, tying it with \"\"Gunsmoke\"\" as American network television's", "\"Walon Green\"\nin 1986 for \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\", in 1993 and 1994 for his work on \"\"Law & Order\"\" and won an Emmy in 1995 for his writing on \"\"NYPD Blue\"\". Green was nominated for an Emmy Award for co-writing (with Robert Nathan) the 1993 \"\"Law & Order\"\" episode \"\"Manhood\"\". The episode won a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Dramatic Television Episode. Green was nominated for an Edgar Allan Poe Award in 1993 for an episode of \"\"Law & Order\"\" and won the same award in 1995 which he shared with David Milch and Steven Bochco for their \"\"NYPD Blue\"\" episode \"\"Simone", "\"Law & Order: UK\"\nadapted for British television, while the episodes are adapted from scripts and episodes of the parent series. Series 1 was broadcast in 2009. In June 2014, broadcaster ITV and producer Kudos issued a joint press release announcing that series 8 would be \"\"the last to be transmitted for the foreseeable future\"\". \"\"Law & Order: UK\"\" is a British adaptation of the American \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise, one of the most successful brands in American primetime television. \"\"Law & Order: UK\"\" is based in London and duplicates the episode format of the original series. The first half focuses on the perpetration", "\"Connie Rubirosa\"\na worthy successor to Jill Hennessy and Angie Harmon, my previous favorites in this often-thankless role. She is tough and aggressive, but always sympathetic, as she is forced to go up against her colleague Cutter in court as a temporary (and very reluctant) defense attorney, called into action because the Legal Aid lawyers are all on strike.\"\" De la Garza has been credited in 85 episodes of \"\"Law & Order\"\" and eight episodes of \"\"Law & Order: LA\"\", and one episode of \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\", a total of 94 episodes; her 85 episodes as an ADA makes", "\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent (season 8)\"\nNicholson appear together in the following episode. D'Onofrio and Erbe are in the third episode, and the fourth features Goldblum and Nicholson. Bogosian appears in every episode of the season. This format will continue until episode twelve, when Nicholson will leave the series temporarily on maternity leave. Erbe's character will then partner with both Goren and Nichols for the final four episodes of the season. In a recurring role, Leslie Hendrix continues to appear as Assistant Chief Medical Examiner Elizabeth Rodgers, the same character she has also played in \"\"Law & Order\"\" and the first season of \"\"Law & Order:", "\"Michael S. Chernuchin\"\n\"\"Talking Points\"\". Later in 2007 Chernuchin co-wrote and executive produced the television feature \"\"Fort Pit\"\" for NBC. His co-writer was Peter Tolan. The project focused on a precinct of police officers in New York and was devised as a pilot for a series. NBC did not order a series based on the pilot but aired it as a feature. In 2008 he served as a consulting producer and writer for the legal drama \"\"Canterbury's Law\"\". He wrote the episode \"\"What Goes Around\"\". In 2009 he returned to \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" as a co-executive producer (and then subsequent show", "\"Above Suspicion (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nfrom outside 1 Police Plaza. We’ll bring her back for the second episode of the two-parter.\"\" Dani Bradford of \"\"TV Equals\"\" managed to see the premiere episode prior to the episode's original airing and left a mixed advance review, saying the premiere was \"\"underwhelming\"\". He criticized the storyline involving Cragen: \"\"I have to admit that I was not a big fan of this premiere. [...] I thought that the plot was too focused on conspiracies and less upon what draws me to the show.\"\" He also criticized Detective Amaro's (Danny Pino) involvement in this episode. \"\"Another thing that bothered me", "Ludacris\nLudacris Christopher Brian Bridges (born September 11, 1977), known professionally as Ludacris (), is an American rapper and actor. Ludacris is the founder of Disturbing tha Peace. Ludacris has won Screen Actors Guild, Critic's Choice, MTV, and Grammy Awards. Along with fellow Atlanta-based rappers Big Boi and André 3000 of OutKast, Ludacris was one of the first and most influential \"\"Dirty South\"\" rappers to achieve mainstream success during the early 2000s. In 2014, Ludacris was featured in Forbes list titled \"\"Hip-Hop Cash Kings\"\", as he earned $8 million. Born in Champaign, Illinois, Ludacris moved to Atlanta at age nine, where", "\"Law & Order (season 15)\"\nactor', an incredible performer, total professional and he is liked by everyone. He had an opportunity to reprise a career-making role that is very important to him, and we wanted to make it work. We look forward to his return to \"\"Law & Order\"\" for season 16.\"\" Martin's last episode of the season was \"\"Tombstone\"\" (a crossover episode with \"\"Law & Order: Trial by Jury\"\", episode \"\"Skeleton\"\") in which Green is shot. Martin was replaced by Michael Imperioli who portrayed Detective Nick Falco starting with the episode \"\"Publish and Perish\"\" until the season finale episode. Imperioli said about his character,", "\"Law & Order (season 19)\"\nepisodes spiking when \"\"CSI: NY\"\" episodes were repeats (or replaced with other programming) when \"\"Law & Order\"\" episodes were new. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> Law & Order (season 19) The 19th season of \"\"Law & Order\"\" premiered on NBC on November 5, 2008, and concluded on June 3, 2009. This was the third time in the series where there were no changes in the cast from the previous season and the last season to air on Wednesday nights at 10PM/9c, \"\"\"\" has claimed the slot off-and-on (\"\"SVU\"\" often placed at 9PM/8c to lead other programming that later gets moved or taken off", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 12)\"\nrevealed. Her personality, Sagemiller says, is front and center. \"\"She's tough ... she has a heart, she just gets what she wants.\"\" Sagemiller also added, \"\"She sticks to the letter of the law, sometimes to a fault, but in the end I think she always does the right thing\"\". Christine Lahti returned as EADA Sonya Paxton in the ninth episode \"\"Gray\"\". Paxton, previously exposed as an alcoholic in , had apparently conquered her drinking problem. Baer told, \"\"She has a huge scene where she faces off with Stabler\"\". Her character was later killed in the seventeenth episode. Diane Neal", "\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent (season 1)\"\nWolf was also credited as an executive producer, as with all other \"\"Law & Order\"\" series. The first season gave co-executive producers credits to Peter Jankowski, Fred Berner, Geoffrey Neigher, and Arthur W. Forney. John L. Roman, Roz Weinman, and Eric Overmyer were named producers, with Michael Kewley a co-producer. Theresa Rebeck and Marlane Meyer were consulting producers. Twelve people directed, and nine people wrote the twenty-two episodes; Constantine Makris directed four episodes, and Balcer wrote or co-wrote ten episodes. \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" is not an ensemble series, and therefore differs from \"\"Law & Order\"\" and \"\"Law &", "\"Jesse Williams (actor)\"\ndecisions made by the film executives. In 2013, Williams wrote an opinion piece for CNN which analyzed the film \"\"Django Unchained\"\". Later that year, he narrated the audio version of the book \"\"The Bane Chronicles: What Really Happened In Peru\"\", by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan. In 2006, Williams appeared in an episode of \"\"Law & Order\"\", portraying the character Kwame. He also appeared in the role of Drew Collins, in two episodes of the ABC Family series \"\"Greek\"\". He had a recurring role in eight episodes of the TV series \"\"Beyond the Break\"\" as Officer Eric Medina. On", "\"Rosie Perez\"\nan episode of \"\"\"\" in October 2009 about pedophiles' rights. Executive producer Neal Baer said the writers had Perez in mind when they wrote the role of a young sexual abuse victim's mother. She suffered a serious injury during the filming of the episode. Most recently, Perez is the subject of an album by Felt entitled \"\"\"\". Perez was in a Mike Nichols production of \"\"The Play What I Wrote\"\". Rosie Perez injured her neck in 2009 while filming an episode of \"\"Law & Order: SVU\"\" and underwent surgery to heal a herniated disc. One year after the accident, she", "\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\npace. During the first season of \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\", several cast members from the original series made guest appearances as their \"\"Law & Order\"\" characters. Dianne Wiest appeared in the first episode of the series, \"\"One\"\", Jerry Orbach and Jesse L. Martin guest starred in the episode \"\"Poison\"\", S. Epatha Merkerson appeared in the episode \"\"Badge\"\", and J.K. Simmons appeared in the episode \"\"Crazy.\"\" Leslie Hendrix also reprises her role as Medical Examiner Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers as a recurring character throughout the run of the series starting with the first-season episode \"\"The Faithful.\"\" In 2005, Chris Noth reprised", "\"Exiled: A Law & Order Movie\"\nalso featured in two episodes of \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\", once as a rape victim in Season 4 and again as the mother of a victim of molestation in Season 7. Paul Guilfoyle of CBS's \"\"\"\" fame plays one of the detectives working under Van Buren. Guilfoyle had previously appeared in the pilot episode of \"\"Law & Order\"\", \"\"Everybody's Favorite Bagman\"\", as murder suspect Tony Scalisi. Dabney Coleman, playing Logan's boss Lt. Stolper, later appeared in a 2009 \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\" episode, \"\"Snatched\"\", as Frank Hager, a career criminal. Universal Studios Home Entertainment released this", "\"Beef III\"\nSouthern rappers T.I. and Ludacris to appear on his new record on the track \"\"Stomp\"\". T.I. recorded a verse, which contained a line that Young Buck considered to be a subliminal diss towards Ludacris \"\"\"\"Me gettin' beat down?/That's ludicrous/\"\"\"\". Young Buck spoke to Ludacris about the verse, to maintain his neutrality in the beef. Ludacris then recorded the verse that can be found on the album. T.I's record company wanted Ludacris to change his verse before they sanctioned it but Ludacris refused and T.I. was therefore replaced by Game on the album version. Ludacris and T.I. sat down and talked", "\"Diamond in the Back\"\nDiamond in the Back \"\"Diamond in the Back\"\" is the fifth and final single released from the album \"\"Chicken-n-Beer\"\" by Ludacris. It is based on William DeVaughn's \"\"Be Thankful for What You Got\"\" and samples it heavily in the southern chopped & screwed format. It is produced by DJ Paul & Juicy J of Three Six Mafia. This was Ludacris's first single to not hit the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100's Top 40 and the Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks's Top 20. The music video is directed in Atlanta, and features cameo appearances by Lil Duval, Atlanta based comedian Shawty, members", "Shawnna\non to team with Ludacris where she was featured on his song \"\"What's Your Fantasy\"\". Before she recorded her first album, Shawnna was featured on the remix to the song \"\"Loverboy\"\" by Mariah Carey for the album and movie \"\"Glitter\"\". She was featured in the video along with Ludacris, Da Brat, and Twenty II. Shawnna's debut album \"\"Worth tha Weight\"\", originally scheduled to be released in October 2002, was delayed until September 28, 2004 and was released with little promotion due to disputes at Def Jam. Her album was well received by critics, and spawned the singles \"\"Shake Dat Shit\"\"", "\"Diamond in the Back\"\nof Ludacris' Disturbing the Peace label Shawnna, I-20 (rapper), Bobby V, Tity Boi, David Banner and the producer duo DJ Paul and Juicy J. \"\"Diamond in the Back\"\" peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 at #94. On the Hot Rap/R&B chart it reached #51. Lupe Fiasco has also freestyled over this instrumental. Diamond in the Back \"\"Diamond in the Back\"\" is the fifth and final single released from the album \"\"Chicken-n-Beer\"\" by Ludacris. It is based on William DeVaughn's \"\"Be Thankful for What You Got\"\" and samples it heavily in the southern chopped & screwed format. It is produced by", "\"Oprah Winfrey\"\nWinfrey for what they perceived as an anti-hip hop bias. In an interview with \"\"GQ\"\" magazine, Ludacris said that Winfrey gave him a \"\"hard time\"\" about his lyrics, and edited comments he made during an appearance on her show with the cast of the film \"\"Crash\"\". He also said that he wasn't initially invited on the show with the rest of the cast. Winfrey responded by saying that she is opposed to rap lyrics that \"\"marginalize women\"\", but enjoys some artists, including Kanye West, who appeared on her show. She said she spoke with Ludacris backstage after his appearance to", "\"Michael S. Chernuchin\"\nAward for television producers of the year in episodic at the March 1997 ceremony for their work on the sixth season. In Spring 1996 he worked as a writer for \"\"\"\". He co-wrote the fourth season episode \"\"\"\" with Zamacona. They also collaborated on the \"\"Law & Order\"\" episode \"\"Charm City\"\". The episodes were a two-part story and marked the first crossover between \"\"Homicide\"\" and \"\"Law & Order\"\". He co-wrote the story for the 1996 action movie \"\"Eraser\"\" with his Law & Order colleague Walon Green and Tony Puryear. In 1997 he worked as an executive producer for new Dick", "\"Manhood (Law & Order)\"\non gay issues. \"\"Manhood\"\" won a 1993 GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Dramatic Television Episode. Green and Nathan were nominated for an Emmy Award for their script. In 2009, \"\"Manhood\"\" was remade as the series 2 \"\"\"\" episode \"\"Samaritan\"\". Manhood (Law & Order) \"\"Manhood\"\" is an episode of the American police procedural television series \"\"Law & Order\"\". The episode follows the investigation of the death of a police officer killed in the line of duty. When detectives learn that his fellow officers delayed coming to his aid because he was gay, the district attorney's office prosecutes three of them for", "Ludacris\nof all 43 presidents\"\"; Hillary Clinton \"\"Hillary hated on you, so that bitch is irrelevant\"\", in reference to Hillary's campaign comments against Obama. Ludacris Christopher Brian Bridges (born September 11, 1977), known professionally as Ludacris (), is an American rapper and actor. Ludacris is the founder of Disturbing tha Peace. Ludacris has won Screen Actors Guild, Critic's Choice, MTV, and Grammy Awards. Along with fellow Atlanta-based rappers Big Boi and André 3000 of OutKast, Ludacris was one of the first and most influential \"\"Dirty South\"\" rappers to achieve mainstream success during the early 2000s. In 2014, Ludacris was featured in", "\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\n6, \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" saw its lowest ratings ever. In May 2007, NBC faced a choice of renewing either \"\"Criminal Intent\"\" or the original \"\"Law & Order\"\", which had seen a ratings increase in the last few episodes of its 17th season. Ultimately, because of \"\"Criminal Intent's\"\" weak ratings, NBC picked up \"\"Law & Order\"\". \"\"Criminal Intent\"\"s new episodes were moved to the NBCUniversal-owned USA Network, where it could be expected to attract a much larger audience than the cable channel's average. The remaining episodes from the seventh season began running on June 8, 2008. Production on the", "\"Diamond Princess (album)\"\nthird and final single from the album, \"\"B R Right\"\", featuring Ludacris, was also released on October 22, 2002 and reached number eighty-three on the Hot 100, number fifty on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart and number twenty-four on the Rap Songs chart, becoming a fairly successful single. \"\"Billboard says\"\",\"\"Trina enlists a cast of all-stars and newcomers in crafting this, her sophomore set. On the Missy \"\"Misdemeanor\"\" Elliot-penned and co-produced lead single \"\"No Panties,\"\" the Miami native is joined by Tweet; both ladies ably lay down the law as they see fit, deftly telling men what women need to be", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 12)\"\nepisode \"\"Dirty\"\". Colm Feore played a wealthy sexual predator named Jordan Hayes in the episode \"\"Flight\"\". Feore said of his character: \"\"Harder is the psychology of a guy who gets his kicks from taking advantage of young women, girls really to be brutally honest. [It's tough] asking yourself what kind of a guy it is who needs to satisfy his desires, such as they are, with innocence\"\". Debra Messing guest starred in the episode, \"\"Pursuit\"\", as a TV journalist who becomes the target of a stalker. Baer described her character as \"\"[a] ballsy television journalist who sets out to nail", "\"Barbara Garrick\"\n1986–1987, with subsequent stints in 2001–2002, 2003 and 2008. Garrick returned to the show in its final few months and was a prominent part of its final episode on January 13, 2012. Her character Allison narrated the entire episode and spoke the show's final words, \"\"Things are rarely what they appear.\"\" Garrick also appeared in several episodes of the New York City-based procedural shows \"\"Law & Order\"\", \"\"\"\", and \"\"\"\". She played DeDe Halcyon Day in the three television miniseries based on Armistead Maupin's \"\"Tales of the City\"\" novels. She was nominated for a Gemini Award in 1999 for \"\"Further", "\"Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\n[on SVU].\"\" In an interview with \"\"TV Guide\"\" in February 2012, showrunner/executive producer Warren Leight initially spoke of what was to come in this episode. Leight suggested that it is possible Connick, Jr. will return to the show after his initial four-episode arc. \"\"Originally [Connick] was booked for four episodes, but I'm under no obligation to kill him off at the end of those four. He seems to be having a good time. They seem to be working pretty well together, but at some point drama must rear its head. One thing I will say is we will not reveal", "\"Dignity (Law & Order)\"\nmurder. After the trial, Rubirosa requests to be transferred to another division. The episode ends as McCoy says he once thought people should be consistent; he expected that \"\"pro-lifers would oppose capital punishment\"\" and human rights activists \"\"would claim some [rights] for the unborn.\"\" He concludes that it's a \"\"messy world\"\" and tells Rubirosa and Cutter to \"\"figure it out.\"\" The episode was widely praised on the pro-life blogosphere, which had condemned the murder of George Tiller but appreciated the episode's handling of the abortion issue as a whole. Dave Andrusko of the National Right to Life Committee wrote, \"\"What", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 7)\"\nfeatured Marcia Gay Harden playing an undercover agent. Her character is initially believed to be a white-supremacist named Star Morrison and is later revealed to be Dana Lewis of the FBI. Harden would go on to play the character thrice more in \"\"SVU\"\". In the following episode \"\"Name\"\", detectives investigate a perpetrator played by Richard Bright. This episode was the last of Richard Bright's works that was released before his death in 2006. Dean Cain starred in the eighth episode \"\"Starved\"\" as what Neal Baer called \"\"a very handsome guy who may or may not be involved in a series", "\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent (season 1)\"\ndebut [episode] hints at a little more introspection on the part of the characters\"\". In \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\", Ken Tucker wrote that \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" was the best series of the year from the \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise and that while \"\"Law & Order\"\" suffered from tired, wooden performances from actors with poor chemistry, the acting on \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" was at \"\"the other end of the spectrum.\"\" Both writers commented on the overpowering screen presence that D'Onofrio commands in the first episode: \"\"\"\"Criminal Intent\"\" so far is a one-man show with Vincent D'Onofrio at its center.", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)\"\nof \"\"SVU\"\" (\"\"Something Happened\"\"). Walters played the rape victim, Laurel Linwood, who knows she was raped but can't remember what happened. Going played Laurel's sister, Leah, who is brought in to help fill in the blanks. On September 20, 2017, it was announced Sam Waterston would guest star in an upcoming episode of \"\"SVU\"\" as his \"\"Law & Order\"\" character, Jack McCoy. Waterston was re-united with show runner/EP Michael S. Chernuchin, who also held the same position at the time Waterston joined the original series in 1994; Chernuchin is credited as the creator of the McCoy character. This also marked", "\"Mother's Day (Law & Order)\"\nMother's Day (Law & Order) \"\"Mother's Day\"\" is the 287th episode of NBC's legal drama \"\"Law & Order\"\" and the tenth episode of the thirteenth season. The 45 minute episode was filmed in New York City. A mother kills her own son, who has schizophrenia and issues with his medication. She kills him as she feels compelled to stop him from killing anyone else. The episode is set in Washington Heights. Contextually, Washington Heights is considered an area with a low socioeconomic level in America. The demographics consist of immigrants; making up 48% of the population as of June 2015.", "\"Abbie Carmichael\"\nAbbie Carmichael Abigail \"\"Abbie\"\" Carmichael is a fictional character on the TV drama \"\"Law & Order\"\" created by René Balcer and portrayed by model/actress Angie Harmon. The character was regularly featured from 1998 to 2001. She appeared in 78 episodes (72 episodes in \"\"Law & Order\"\", and 6 episodes in \"\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\"\"). Abbie Carmichael is introduced in the episode \"\"Cherished\"\", having transferred from the Narcotics Bureau to replace Jamie Ross (Carey Lowell) as Jack McCoy's (Sam Waterston) assistant in the New York County DA's office. The series reveals that she is from Dallas and attended the", "\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent (season 5)\"\nLaw & Order: Criminal Intent (season 5) The fifth season of \"\"\"\" premiered on NBC on September 25, 2005, and ended on May 14, 2006. This season featured the series's first and \"\"Cruise to Nowhere\"\" was referenced later for an episode titled \"\"\"\". This season of \"\"Law & Order: CI\"\" remained in its time slot of NBC Sunday's at 9PM/8c, its final season in this slot on NBC; its move to Tuesdays in the caused a ratings decline. During the 2005–2006 network TV season episodes were up against episodes of \"\"Desperate Housewives\"\" on ABC and episodes of \"\"Family Guy\"\" and", "\"Stand Up (Ludacris song)\"\nStand Up (Ludacris song) \"\"Stand Up\"\" is a song by Ludacris, released as the second official single in 2003, and taken from his fourth album, \"\"Chicken-n-Beer\"\". It was his first number-one single, with production by Kanye West and co-production by Ludacris himself. The chorus consists of three repetitions of Ludacris rapping, \"\"When I move, you move\"\" and Shawnna responding, \"\"Just like that?\"\" After three repetitions, Ludacris says, \"\"Hell, yeah! Hey, DJ, bring that back.\"\" Then Shawnna says, \"\"When I move, you move\"\" and Ludacris says \"\"Just like that?\"\" and they trade parts of the chorus. The song topped the \"\"Billboard\"\"", "\"Welcome to Atlanta\"\nThe official remix, \"\"Welcome To Atlanta (Coast 2 Coast Remix)\"\", features Murphy Lee, Snoop Dogg, Diddy and Ludacris on the intro and outro. Ludacris does not appear in the video. The Music Video was directed by Benny Boom. Murphy Lee would collaborate with Dupri again in 2003 on \"\"What Da Hook Gon Be?\"\". Filming Locations: It starts with Jermaine Dupri coming out from the \"\"Dunk N Dine\"\" diner mixed with flashing pictures from the highway leading to Atlanta. He is seen wearing T-shirt a drawn face of Lisa \"\"Left Eye\"\" Lopes, which is an obvious tribute to her (deceased in", "\"What's Your Fantasy\"\nthe name implies, is focused around the narration of explicit sexual fantasies. In addition to discussion of sexual intercourse and fellatio, Ludacris hints at cunnilingus and role-playing in the song. The song was ranked number 58 on VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of Hip Hop. The official remix of this song features Trina, Shawnna and Foxy Brown, each of whom has their own verse, in addition a new verse by Ludacris on the single version, which last only 4:50 (the radio edit clean single version) & 5:44 (the explicit single version), on the album version, his verse was removed and he", "\"Rest of My Life (Ludacris song)\"\n& Furious 6 and its soundtrack in which Bridges stars in. The song was heard in TV advertisements for the 2013 movie \"\"Battle of the Year\"\". The song was also featured on the compilation album, \"\"Now That's What I Call Music! 46\"\". A music video to accompany the release of \"\"Rest of My Life\"\" was first released onto YouTube on 11 November 2012 at a total length of four minutes and seven seconds. Los Angeles Clippers point guard Chris Paul and duo Lipari Brothers makes an appearance in the video. Rest of My Life (Ludacris song) \"\"Rest of My Life\"\"", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 15)\"\nlast appearance in the show was in the third episode of the twelfth season. Jason Cerbone guest stars. Michael Potts makes his second appearance in the season. Jessica Phillips returns as ADA Pippa Cox in the episode, previously starring in Season 14 as well as two episodes in the fifteenth season. ADA Cox was in charge of the Baby Boy Doe case. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 15) The fifteenth season of \"\"\"\" made its debut with a two-hour premiere episode on September 25, 2013, at 9pm/8c - 11pm/10c (Eastern), on NBC. \"\"Law & Order: Special", "\"Acceptable Loss (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\"\nAcceptable Loss (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) \"\"Acceptable Loss\"\" is the fourth episode of the of the police procedural television series, \"\"\"\", it is the series' 299th episode overall. It originally aired on National Broadcasting Company (NBC) on October 17, 2012. In this episode, Captain Cragen (Dann Florek) comes back from his suspension just as the Special Victims Unit is being stopped by Lieutenant Eames (Kathryn Erbe) for uncovering a sex trafficking operation, leaving Detective Benson (Mariska Hargitay) to figure out another way to free the enslaved women. The episode was written by veteran \"\"Law & Order\"\" franchise writer,", "\"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 10)\"\nThe following episode \"\"Retro\"\" which criticized the AIDS denialism movement previously had a working title of \"\"Deniers\"\". It was advertised as being \"\"a big Tamara Tunie episode.\"\" Tunie was asked about Martin Mull's character in an interview. She answered \"\"What's frightening is that his argument can sound sane. And Martin is smart enough to make one pause.\"\" The sixth episode \"\"Babes\"\" starred actor and singer Jesse McCartney as a chastity advocate. He commented that the role took him into new territory, saying \"\"I play a murder suspect, a super-Catholic conservative white boy. It's definitely a stretch and a leap. It's" ]
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how many episodes in got season 7 pretty little liars
[ "20" ]
[ "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 7)\"\non the show since towards the end of the fifth season. Pretty Little Liars (season 7) The seventh and final season of the American mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", based on the books of the same name by Sara Shepard, was renewed on June 10, 2014 for two additional seasons, making the show Freeform's longest running original series. The season consisted of 20 episodes, in which ten episodes aired in the summer of 2016, with the remaining ten episodes aired from April 2017. The season's premiere aired on June 21, 2016 on Freeform. Production and filming began in", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 7)\"\nPretty Little Liars (season 7) The seventh and final season of the American mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", based on the books of the same name by Sara Shepard, was renewed on June 10, 2014 for two additional seasons, making the show Freeform's longest running original series. The season consisted of 20 episodes, in which ten episodes aired in the summer of 2016, with the remaining ten episodes aired from April 2017. The season's premiere aired on June 21, 2016 on Freeform. Production and filming began in the end of March 2016, which was confirmed by showrunner I.", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 5)\"\nviewers. On Rotten Tomatoes the fifth season got a rating of 80% fresh based on 5 reviews. Pretty Little Liars (season 5) The fifth season of the American mystery drama television series Pretty Little Liars began airing on ABC Family on June 10, 2014. Shooting for the season began on March 24, 2014, and ended on November 20, 2014. The season aired from June 10, 2014 to March 24, 2015. Like the second season, the season consisted of 25 episodes, including a special holiday-themed episode, instead of a Halloween episode which was written by I. Marlene King and her assistant", "\"Pretty Little Liars\"\nthat the show was renewed for a fourth season, again comprising 24 episodes. The second half of the third season began airing on January 8, 2013 and finished March 19, 2013. \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" returned for Season 4 on June 11, 2013. On March 25, 2013, it was again announced that \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" had been renewed for a fifth season scheduled for a 2014 air date and a new spin off show entitled \"\"Ravenswood\"\" would begin airing after the season four annual Halloween special in October 2013. The second half of season four premiered on January 7, 2014. It", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 3)\"\nPretty Little Liars (season 3) The third season of Pretty Little Liars, based on the books of the same name by Sara Shepard, premiered on June 5, 2012 on ABC Family and concluded on March 19, 2013. On November 29, 2011, ABC Family renewed the series for a third season, consisting of 24 episodes. Filming of the season began on April 2, 2012. On October 4, 2012, ABC Family renewed the series for a fourth season, consisting of 24 episodes. This season of Pretty Little Liars takes place five months following the discovery that Mona Vanderwaal (Janel Parrish) was the", "\"For Whom the Bell Tolls (Pretty Little Liars)\"\ntimes during \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" Season 1 finale.” Teresa Lopez of \"\"TV Fanatic\"\" praised Brendan Robinson’s character for bring Caleb back to Rosewood and called the episode ‘‘entertaining, although somewhat unsatisfying.” For Whom the Bell Tolls (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"For Whom the Bell Tolls\"\" is the season finale of the first season of the American mystery-drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", based on the novels written by Sara Shepard, and the twenty-second episode of the series overall. It originally aired on ABC Family in the United States on March 21, 2011. The episode was directed by Lesli Linka Glatter and written", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 5)\"\nPretty Little Liars (season 5) The fifth season of the American mystery drama television series Pretty Little Liars began airing on ABC Family on June 10, 2014. Shooting for the season began on March 24, 2014, and ended on November 20, 2014. The season aired from June 10, 2014 to March 24, 2015. Like the second season, the season consisted of 25 episodes, including a special holiday-themed episode, instead of a Halloween episode which was written by I. Marlene King and her assistant Kyle Bown and was directed by King. It also contained the 100th episode and the episode was", "\"Grave New World (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nup the mysterious new show Ravenswood than advancing the plot of Pretty Little Liars.\"\" Lopez further added that the episode fell short of the \"\"great background information coupled with a spooky story\"\" in the season two Halloween special, \"\"First Secret\"\", and the \"\"wild ride with an shocking final surprise\"\" in the previous Halloween special, \"\"This Is a Dark Ride\"\". Grave New World (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Grave New World\"\" is the 13th episode of the fourth season of the American mystery drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". It originally aired on October 22, 2013 on ABC Family and serves as the season's", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 7)\"\nwas ordered with the sixth season on June 10, 2014, right before the fifth-season premiere aired, which made Pretty Little Liars ABC Family's longest running original series, surpassing \"\"The Secret Life of the American Teenager\"\", which was ABC Family's previous longest running original series. The season will consist of 20 episodes, in which ten episodes will air in the summer of 2016, with the remaining ten episodes beginning to air in April 2017. Charlie Craig, who served as writer/consulting producer on the second season, will return for the seventh season as executive producer/co-showrunner. I. Marlene King revealed the title of", "\"UnmAsked (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nUnmAsked (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"UnmAsked\"\" is the season finale and the twenty-fifth episode of the second season of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which premiered on ABC Family on March 19, 2012. The forty-seventh episode overall, it was directed by Lesli Linka Glatter and written by series creator and showrunner I. Marlene King. The episode yielded 3.69 million viewers and a 1.6 demo rating, an increase from the previous episode. It also received favorable reviews. This episode is rated TV-14. Set chronologically in April 2011, the episode revolves around the Liars approaching to the truth of who's behind \"\"A\"\"'s mask, while the", "\"Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists\"\nPretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists is an upcoming American teen drama television series developed by I. Marlene King. The series is a sequel to \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" and based on the novel \"\"The Perfectionists\"\" by Sara Shepard. Freeform ordered the series to pilot on September 25, 2017, as the second spin-off series of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" which will include some of the main characters. Freeform picked up the series for a 10-episode first season on May 14, 2018. Freeform ordered the show to pilot on September 25, 2017, as a sequel to \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\"", "\"Grave New World (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nGrave New World (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Grave New World\"\" is the 13th episode of the fourth season of the American mystery drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". It originally aired on October 22, 2013 on ABC Family and serves as the season's Halloween episode, which aired as part of the \"\"13 Nights of Halloween\"\" programming block. The episode was directed by Ron Lagomarsino and written by Joseph Dougherty, Oliver Goldstick and I. Marlene King. The episode also serves as a backdoor pilot to the series’ spinoff \"\"Ravenswood\"\", which follows a group of people investigating the supernatural occurrences in the titular town.", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 6)\"\nPretty Little Liars (season 6) The sixth season of the American mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", based on the books of the same name by Sara Shepard, was renewed on June 10, 2014 for two additional seasons, making the show ABC Family's longest running original series. The sixth and seventh seasons will consist of 20 episodes each. It aired 10 episodes for the first half the season, which began airing on June 2, 2015. Filming for the sixth season began on March 24, 2015, which was confirmed by showrunner I. Marlene King on Twitter. The season premiere was", "\"Along Comes Mary (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nshe had with Jenna too.\"\" Jessica Goldstein of \"\"Vulture\"\" gave the episode 2 out of 5 stars. Caitlin White of \"\"Wetpaint\"\" had favorable feelings on the episode and in the seventh season overall, alleging, \"\"this wild ride isn’t slowing down anytime soon.\"\" The episode currently holds an 8.5/10 rating on and 8/10 rating on IMDb. Along Comes Mary (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Along Comes Mary\"\" is the fifth episode of the seventh season of the American mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which aired on July 16, 2016, on the cable network Freeform. The hundred and forty-fifth episode on", "\"Pretty Little Liars\"\nwas announced on June 10, 2014 that \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" was renewed for two seasons, making the show ABC Family's longest running original hit series. On August 29, 2016, I.Marlene King announced that \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" would be ending after the seventh season had aired. The second half of the seventh season will begin airing later than previous season, in April instead of January. \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" opened with mixed reviews. Metacritic gave the pilot episode 52 out of 100, based upon 14 critical reviews. The New York \"\"Daily News\"\" gave the show a positive review, commenting that it \"\"makes", "\"The Wrath of Kahn (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nThe Wrath of Kahn (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"The Wrath of Kahn\"\" is the ninth episode of the seventh season of the mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which aired on August 23, 2016, on the cable network Freeform. The hundred and forty-ninth episode, it was written by Jonell Lennon and directed by Chad Lowe. \"\"The Wrath of Kahn\"\" received a Nielsen rating of 0.5 and was viewed by 1.09 million viewers, down from the previous episode. It received positive reviews from critics. This episode is rated TV-14. The series revolves around a group of five women—collectively known as Liars—,", "\"For Whom the Bell Tolls (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nFor Whom the Bell Tolls (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"For Whom the Bell Tolls\"\" is the season finale of the first season of the American mystery-drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", based on the novels written by Sara Shepard, and the twenty-second episode of the series overall. It originally aired on ABC Family in the United States on March 21, 2011. The episode was directed by Lesli Linka Glatter and written by I. Marlene King. In the episode, the girls plan to expose Ian as Alison's murderer after finding video files of them changing in their rooms. Meanwhile, each of the girls", "\"Till Death Do Us Part (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nTill Death Do Us Part (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Till Death Do Us Part\"\" is the series finale of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which premiered on the Freeform network in the United States on June 27, 2017. The twentieth episode of the seventh season and the 160th overall, it was directed by showrunner I. Marlene King, who also co-wrote the episode alongside Kyle Bown and Maya Goldsmith. Shortly after the two-hour final episode, a special titled \"\"A-List Wrap Party\"\" was aired, in which the main cast and King talked about the show's end and behind-the-scenes exclusives. In this episode, the Liars finally", "\"Playtime (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nPlaytime (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Playtime\"\" is the eleventh episode of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" seventh season and the 151st episode overall. It first aired on the Freeform network in the United States on April 18, 2017. The installment was directed by Chad Lowe and written by Allyson Nelson and Joseph Dougherty. Upon its original airing in the United States, the episode was watched by 1.33 million people. In the aftermath of Spencer's (Troian Bellisario) shooting, things get messy in the Hastings residence when Veronica (Lesley Fera) reveals things about the family's past. Meanwhile, the Liars struggle with their own personal problems,", "\"Wanted: Dead or Alive (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nWanted: Dead or Alive (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Wanted: Dead or Alive\"\" is the sixth episode of the seventh season of the mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which aired on August 2, 2016, on the cable network Freeform. The hundred and forty-sixth episode on the series, it was directed by Bethany Rooney and written by Lijah J. Barasz. The episode received a Nielsen rating of 0.5 and was viewed by 1.10 million viewers. It received mixed to positive reviews from critics. The series focuses on a group of five women, collectively known as Liars, who receive anonymous messages in", "\"Along Comes Mary (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nAlong Comes Mary (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Along Comes Mary\"\" is the fifth episode of the seventh season of the American mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which aired on July 16, 2016, on the cable network Freeform. The hundred and forty-fifth episode on the series, it was directed by Norman Buckley and written by Bryan M. Holdman. The episode received a Nielsen rating of 0.6 and was viewed by 1.17 million viewers. It received mixed to positive reviews from critics. The series focuses on a group of five women, collectively known as Liars, whose receive anonymous messages in form", "\"The Wrath of Kahn (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nsaying he really enjoyed the episode. Jessica Goldstein of \"\"Vulture\"\" gave the episode 3 out of 5 stars. Gavin Hetherington of SpoilerTV said he \"\"enjoyed the episode\"\" and that \"\"every character had some good moment\"\". \"\"The Wrath of Kahn\"\" currently holds a 8.7/10 rating on IMDb and a 8.2/10 rating on The Wrath of Kahn (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"The Wrath of Kahn\"\" is the ninth episode of the seventh season of the mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which aired on August 23, 2016, on the cable network Freeform. The hundred and forty-ninth episode, it was written by", "\"Escape from New York (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nEscape from New York (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Escape from New York\"\" is the first episode and the premiere of the fifth season of the American mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" and the 96th episode of the series overall. The episode was written by showrunner I. Marlene King and directed by Norman Buckley, it aired on June 10, 2014 on ABC Family and was watched by 2.72 viewers. The episode opens with paramedics loading Ezra into an ambulance. Noel is being questioned by the police. Noel claims that he heard the gunshot and ran to the rooftop and found", "\"Wanted: Dead or Alive (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nand some of the characters had better material than the last episode (looking at you Spencer).\"\" Jessica Goldstein of \"\"Vulture\"\" gave the episode three out of 5 stars. The episode currently holds a 8.1/10 rating on and 8.5/10 rating on IMDb. Wanted: Dead or Alive (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Wanted: Dead or Alive\"\" is the sixth episode of the seventh season of the mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which aired on August 2, 2016, on the cable network Freeform. The hundred and forty-sixth episode on the series, it was directed by Bethany Rooney and written by Lijah J.", "\"Red Coat (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nAlison was alive in the episode \"\"Grave New World\"\" as one of the best moments of the series. The reveal of the third Red Coat received mostly negative reviews, with many feeling discomfort over Sara being officially introduced so late into the series. However, \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\"'s Isabella Biedenharn deemed the best moment of \"\"Game Over, Charles\"\" the scene where Emily punches Sara in the face for her betrayal. Red Coat (Pretty Little Liars) Red Coat is a fictional character on the television show \"\"Pretty Little Liars,\"\" which was adapted from the book series of same name. Introduced during the second-season", "\"Grave New World (Pretty Little Liars)\"\na disappointing outing for the Liars because of the ending, but it was almost a cheap trick to salvage a series full of weak events by pulling the Alison trump card.\"\" Lindsay Sperling of \"\"We Got This Covered\"\" lauded the episode's scenery, saying \"\"The combination of the less intense tones and the ominous music might be a bit much when considered in the context of multiple episodes but I’d say that the new aesthetic choices are a welcome change, and looked more on par with what Pretty Little Liars generally delivers.\"\" Caroline Preece of \"\"Den of Geek\"\" called the episode", "\"Playtime (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nkeep us distracted.\"\" \"\"SpoilerTV\"\" Gavin Hetherington wrote for the episode an uplifting review, stating that \"\"[the show is] going to take the final stretch of episodes in a very interesting direction.\"\" He also glorified the series' writer's work on Spencer's story line as Mary Drake's daughter. Playtime (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Playtime\"\" is the eleventh episode of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" seventh season and the 151st episode overall. It first aired on the Freeform network in the United States on April 18, 2017. The installment was directed by Chad Lowe and written by Allyson Nelson and Joseph Dougherty. Upon its original airing", "\"Free Fall (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nFree Fall (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Free Fall\"\" is the twentieth episode of the fourth season of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", an American mystery drama television series based on the novel series written by Sara Shepard, and is the ninety-first episode of the series. The episode, directed by Melanie Mayron and written by Maya Goldsmith, originally aired on February 18, 2014 on ABC Family. In the episode, Spencer is ready to tell Aria that Ezra is \"\"A\"\", while Hanna and Emily, worried that Aria will be hurt, remain hesitant. Meanwhile, Spencer’s addiction to amphetamines is exposed, causing damage to her credibility among", "\"Free Fall (Pretty Little Liars)\"\npraised Lesley Fera’s character for showing good parenting when confronted with Spencer’s addiction. Free Fall (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Free Fall\"\" is the twentieth episode of the fourth season of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", an American mystery drama television series based on the novel series written by Sara Shepard, and is the ninety-first episode of the series. The episode, directed by Melanie Mayron and written by Maya Goldsmith, originally aired on February 18, 2014 on ABC Family. In the episode, Spencer is ready to tell Aria that Ezra is \"\"A\"\", while Hanna and Emily, worried that Aria will be hurt, remain hesitant.", "\"Bedlam (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nBedlam (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Bedlam\"\" is the second episode of the seventh season of the mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which aired on June 28, 2016, on the cable network Freeform. The episode was written by Joseph Dougherty and directed by Tawnia McKiernan. The episode focuses on the protagonists growing suspicious of Elliott as Ali's condition worsens. Spencer and Caleb's relationship is on the rocks. Liam helps Aria and Ezra on their book. Hanna and Jordan's engagement falls down, and Hanna signs a contract with Lucas to construct a fashion company. \"\"Bedlam\"\" yielded 1.24 million viewers and a", "\"Escape from New York (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nWide Shut\"\" apothecary get-up\"\". Escape from New York was broadcast on June 10, 2014. It was watched by 2.72 million viewers, scoring a 1.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic. Escape from New York (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Escape from New York\"\" is the first episode and the premiere of the fifth season of the American mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" and the 96th episode of the series overall. The episode was written by showrunner I. Marlene King and directed by Norman Buckley, it aired on June 10, 2014 on ABC Family and was watched by 2.72 viewers. The episode", "\"Now You See Me, Now You Don't (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nNow You See Me, Now You Don't (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Now You See Me, Now You Don't\"\" is the twelfth episode of the fourth season of the American mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" and the 83th episode of the series overall. The episode was written by showrunner I. Marlene King and Bryan M. Holdman and directed by Norman Buckley, it aired on August 27, 2013 on ABC Family and was watched by 3.33 viewers. Teresa Lopez of \"\"TV Fanatic\"\" gave the episode a 4.5 out of 5 stars rating, commenting: \"\"It was night of huge reveals, but it's", "\"Troian Bellisario\"\n\"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". This made her one of the first in the cast, alongside Chad Lowe, to direct an episode on the series. Bellisario started dating \"\"Suits\"\" star Patrick J. Adams after they met on the set of the play \"\"Equivocation\"\" in 2009. The couple briefly split, but after Adams' guest appearance as Hardy in \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", 2010, the two got back together. Since working on \"\"Equivocation\"\" and \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", the couple also worked together on the 2012 short film \"\"The Come Up\"\", on the USA series \"\"Suits\"\" in which Adams stars, and the short film \"\"We Are", "\"Power Play (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nPower Play (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Power Play\"\" is the fourteenth episode of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\"' seventh season, which was originally aired on May 9, 2017, on the cable network Freeform. The installment was directed by Roger Kumble and written by Lijah J. Barasz. It received a Nielsen rating of 0.5 and was viewed by 0.91 million viewers, up from the previous episode. This episode is rated TV-14. Alison’s (Sasha Pieterse) turn at the game forces her to make a drastic decision to abort her child but is haunted when \"\"A.D.\"\" reminds her of when she was in the psychiatric hospital", "\"Power Play (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nthe several revelations depicted in it. Power Play (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Power Play\"\" is the fourteenth episode of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\"' seventh season, which was originally aired on May 9, 2017, on the cable network Freeform. The installment was directed by Roger Kumble and written by Lijah J. Barasz. It received a Nielsen rating of 0.5 and was viewed by 0.91 million viewers, up from the previous episode. This episode is rated TV-14. Alison’s (Sasha Pieterse) turn at the game forces her to make a drastic decision to abort her child but is haunted when \"\"A.D.\"\" reminds her of when", "\"Charlotte's Web (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nshow's new direction for \"\"slowly but surely, becoming the reboot the series and the fans deserve.\"\" Charlotte's Web (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Charlotte's Web\"\" is the twelfth episode of the sixth season and the 132nd episode overall of the Freeform mystery drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". The episode was broadcast on 19 January 2016. It was written by Jonell Lennon and Lijah J. Barasz and directed by Joanna Kerns. As the girls overcome the shock of Charlotte's death, Alison (Sasha Pieterse) enlists Lorenzo (Travis Winfrey) to find the murderer. Aria (Lucy Hale) begins to look guilty as she returns to Boston", "\"Pretty Dirty Secrets\"\nwrite the web series by ABC Family, however the crew behind \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" was also used with the web series. The web series introduced Aeriél Miranda as Shana in the television series. None of the series regulars from \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" appears in the web series. The episodes would become available each Tuesday on ABC Family's website from August 28, 2012, after the summer finale of the third season, as a way to tide viewers over until the Halloween special. The eighth and final episode was released on October 16, 2012. Cast members from \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" appearing in", "\"Bedlam (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nreview for “Bedlam”, commenting: “So, definitely more of a transitional episode, with the mission being more to shed light on certain things rather than move the plot forward in any significant way. While episodes like this can often be meh, this one wasn’t, simply because the information that we did get was so juicy and the acting was rock solid across the board. Pretty much everyone in the main cast got a chance to shine, each getting their own moment at some point, which was nice, so I can’t complain.” Bedlam (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Bedlam\"\" is the second episode of", "\"Charlotte's Web (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nCharlotte's Web (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Charlotte's Web\"\" is the twelfth episode of the sixth season and the 132nd episode overall of the Freeform mystery drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". The episode was broadcast on 19 January 2016. It was written by Jonell Lennon and Lijah J. Barasz and directed by Joanna Kerns. As the girls overcome the shock of Charlotte's death, Alison (Sasha Pieterse) enlists Lorenzo (Travis Winfrey) to find the murderer. Aria (Lucy Hale) begins to look guilty as she returns to Boston a day earlier than she was supposed to; before she leaves, Hanna (Ashley Benson) tells her", "\"Till Death Do Us Part (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nor exciting of a concept.\"\" \"\"Till Death Do Us Part\"\" was viewed by 1.41 million viewers upon its first broadcast, acquiring a 0.7 Nielsen rating/share among the 18–49 demographic. It was second most watched episode of the season, and was slightly up from the sixth-season finale a year ago. This episode is rated TV-14. The \"\"A-List Wrap Party\"\" special was watched by 0.62 millions viewers. Till Death Do Us Part (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Till Death Do Us Part\"\" is the series finale of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which premiered on the Freeform network in the United States on June 27, 2017.", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 4)\"\nPretty Little Liars (season 4) The fourth season of the American mystery drama television series Pretty Little Liars began airing on ABC Family on June 11, 2013. The season consisted of 24 episodes, which were filmed between March 14, 2013 and November 2, 2013. The season concluded its broadcast on March 18, 2014. The season continues from where it left off in the third-season finale, where the girls were rescued from the burning building by who they believe is Alison. The girls begin looking for answers that could lead to Alison's whereabouts while dealing with the aftermath of Detective Wilden's", "\"A (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nA (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"A\"\" is a fictional character created in 2006 by author Sara Shepard. It is a character of both \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\"' books and television series, and primarily appears as a stalker and the main antagonist of the stories. \"\"A\"\" is one of the main characters of the stories, appearing anonymously in the majority of the episodes and books. The villain has already had many portrayals. Its basic occupation is to pursue and threaten the four protagonists of the stories. Thus, many identities have been revealed to be \"\"A\"\". \"\"A\"\" has a specific and unhealthy way of", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 7)\"\nthe premiere \"\"Tick-Tock, Bitches\"\" on Twitter. \"\"Variety\"\" announced that season premiere would air on June 21, 2016, the latest for a season premiere in the show's history. Additionally, series star Troian Bellisario would make her directorial debut this season. Bellisario is set to direct the fifteenth episode of the season. A promo was released on May 12, 2016. Freeform released a promotional poster for the season, on June 7, 2016. After the season premiere, Freeform released another poster which included Ashley Benson. On August 29, 2016, I. Marlene King with the principal cast of the show announced that \"\"Pretty Little", "\"Till Death Do Us Part (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nwrapped in October 26, marking it the last day of filming for \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" ever. Scenes at the set for the fictional Lost Woods Resort were filmed. On August 29, 2016, King and the principal cast of the series announced that \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" was ending after the seventh season. King also announced that it would start airing the second half of the season later than usual, in April 2017 and that the series finale would be a two-hour episode event. On October 26, 2016, it was reported that a tell-all special would be aired after the series finale,", "\"A Is for Answers\"\nPretty Little Liars will get to the point like Bones or Chuck did, where the main serial conceit will wear itself out so much that A will have to be unmasked because that premise gets old. But not just yet\"\". A Is for Answers \"\"A Is for Answers\"\" is the twenty-fourth episode of the fourth season and the ninety-fifth episode of the ABC Family mystery drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". The episode, serving as the fourth-season finale and the winter finale, was broadcast on March 18, 2014. It was directed and written by I. Marlene King and features a guest", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 7)\"\nDet. Marco Furey. Tammin Sursok announced that she will return to the show as Jenna Marshall after last appearing in the fifth-season episode \"\"How the 'A' Stole Christmas\"\". On June 2, 2016, \"\"Variety\"\" reported that Brant Daugherty would be returning as Noel Kahn; Brant has not appeared on the show since the beginning of the fifth season. On June 10, 2016, \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" reported that Lindsey Shaw would be returning as Paige McCullers after leaving in the fifth season mid-season premiere. The actress playing Sydney Driscoll, Chloe Bridges, posted an image on social media, confirming that she would return", "\"Pretty Little Liars\"\nepisodes \"\"The Lady Killer\"\" and \"\"This Is a Dark Ride\"\". Set in a Rosewood's costume store, as the residents of Rosewood prepared for Halloween. An Turkish adaptation was titled \"\"Tatlı Küçük Yalancılar\"\" premiered on Star TV on July 6, 2015. The Turkish series served as a remake to the American series. The series ran for one season. Pretty Little Liars Pretty Little Liars is an American teen drama mystery thriller television series developed by I. Marlene King and is loosely based on the novel series of the same name written by Sara Shepard. The series follows the lives of four", "\"A (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nAlmost every single \"\"A\"\" has worn the signature black hoodie, including Mona, Charlotte, Toby, Spencer, Lucas, Sydney, Aria, Wren, and Alex. A (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"A\"\" is a fictional character created in 2006 by author Sara Shepard. It is a character of both \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\"' books and television series, and primarily appears as a stalker and the main antagonist of the stories. \"\"A\"\" is one of the main characters of the stories, appearing anonymously in the majority of the episodes and books. The villain has already had many portrayals. Its basic occupation is to pursue and threaten the four", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 6)\"\nshe would've wanted. In the last scene, we see Hanna's unconscious body being dragged by 'Uber A' in the church's bell tower. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The show was renewed for a sixth and seventh season on June 10, 2014, right before the season five premiere aired, making \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" ABC Family's longest running original series. The sixth and the seventh season will consist of 20 episodes each. Filming for season 6 began on March 24, 2015. It aired 10 episodes for the first half the season, which began airing on June 2, 2015. The table read for the premiere occurred on", "\"How the 'A' Stole Christmas\"\nHow the 'A' Stole Christmas \"\"How the 'A' Stole Christmas\"\" is the thirteenth episode of the fifth season and 108th episode overall of the mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which aired on December 9, 2014, on the cable network ABC Family. The episode was the series' first Christmas special and aired as part of the programming block \"\"25 Days of Christmas\"\". It was directed by I. Marlene King and co-written by King and Kyle Bown. \"\"How the 'A' Stole Christmas\"\" yielded 2.09 million viewers, making it the Holiday special with the lowest viewership of the series. As Spencer", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 5)\"\nof ABC Family's \"\"25 Days of Christmas\"\" programming event on December 9, 2014. ABC Family announced that they would air a special behind-the-scenes halloween episode where the cast of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" would be interviewed and answering questions from fans. It was announced that the show would return with its winter premiere and remaining 12 episodes, which began airing on January 6, 2015. The fifth season had nine roles receiving star billing, with all of them returning from the previous season, seven of which was part of the original cast from the first season. The season saw the four protagonists", "\"The Darkest Knight (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nThe Darkest Knight (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"The Darkest Knight\"\" is tenth episode of the seventh season of the American mystery–thriller television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". The installment was directed by Arlene Sanford and written by showrunner I. Marlene King and executive producer Maya Goldsmith. It premiered on August 30, 2016, on the cable network Freeform. Spencer calls 911 to report Hanna's abduction. At the same time, Hanna uses a knife to get some of Noel's blood to send to a DNA lab. Aria, Alison, Emily, Mona, Caleb and Spencer team up with the Rosewood P.D. to find Hanna. Detective Furey", "\"The Darkest Knight (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nthan a roomful of Radley patients, and yet, here it was. You gotta love it.\"\" On the other side, the episode received a unfavorable review from Paul Dailly, from \"\"TVFanatic\"\", who labeled it as \"\"one of the weakest finales to date.\"\" He added, \"\"[the episode] was far from perfect. At this stage, a lot of the reveals felt cheap. We still have 10 episodes left, and we need answers before it's too late. Waiting until April is going to be a drag.\"\" The Darkest Knight (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"The Darkest Knight\"\" is tenth episode of the seventh season of the", "\"Pretty Little Liars\"\n28, 2010, ABC Family ordered 12 more episodes of the show, bringing its total first-season order to 22. On January 10, 2011, ABC Family picked the show up for a second season that premiered on June 14, 2011. During the summer of 2011, \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" was basic cable's top scripted series in women aged 18–34 and viewers 12–34. The second half of season 2 aired on Mondays at 8/7c, beginning on January 2, 2012. On November 29, 2011, ABC Family renewed the show for a third season, which consisted of 24 episodes. On October 4, 2012, ABC Family announced", "\"How the 'A' Stole Christmas\"\na 0.9 rating among adults aged 18–49, according to Nielsen Media Research. This Holiday special is the one with the lowest audience in the series. How the 'A' Stole Christmas \"\"How the 'A' Stole Christmas\"\" is the thirteenth episode of the fifth season and 108th episode overall of the mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", which aired on December 9, 2014, on the cable network ABC Family. The episode was the series' first Christmas special and aired as part of the programming block \"\"25 Days of Christmas\"\". It was directed by I. Marlene King and co-written by King and", "\"Pretty Dirty Secrets\"\nPretty Dirty Secrets Pretty Dirty Secrets is an American mystery web series from the television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". The web series takes place between the events of the series' third season episodes, \"\"The Lady Killer\"\" and \"\"This Is a Dark Ride\"\". It is set in a Rosewood's costume store as the residents of Rosewood prepared for Halloween. The web series was written by Kyle Bown & Kim Turrisi and directed by Arthur Anderson. Kyle Bown, the assistant to \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" showrunner I. Marlene King, and Kim Turrisi, who is not part of the writing staff, were hired to", "\"Pretty Dirty Secrets\"\nthe web series: <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Pretty Dirty Secrets Pretty Dirty Secrets is an American mystery web series from the television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". The web series takes place between the events of the series' third season episodes, \"\"The Lady Killer\"\" and \"\"This Is a Dark Ride\"\". It is set in a Rosewood's costume store as the residents of Rosewood prepared for Halloween. The web series was written by Kyle Bown & Kim Turrisi and directed by Arthur Anderson. Kyle Bown, the assistant to \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" showrunner I. Marlene King, and Kim Turrisi, who is not part of the writing", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 7)\"\nLiars\"\" would end after the seventh season. King also announced that the show would start airing the second half of the season later than usual, in April 2017 and that the series finale would be a two-hour episode event. It was reported on October 26, 2016, that a tell-all special will air after the series finale \"\"Till Death Do Us Part\"\", where the main cast and showrunner I. Marlene King talked about the show and behind-the-scenes exclusive. The seventh season had been speculated by both fans and the cast and crew of the show to being the final season of", "\"Grave New World (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nBack at Ravenswood, Miranda and Caleb discover a grave marker with Caleb's name and image on it. In March 2013, Pretty Little Liars was renewed for a fifth season and green lighted for a spinoff series, \"\"Ravenswood\"\", which would premiere in October of that year. “Grave New World” was directed by Ron Lagomarsino and written by Joseph Dougherty, Oliver Goldstick and I. Marlene King. Filming for the episode took place over a 10-day time span, beginning on May 31, 2013 and concluding on June 10, 2013. The episode was filmed in between filming for the eighth episode, “The Guilty Girl’s", "\"Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars\"\nHush, Hush, Sweet Liars \"\"Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars\"\" is the twentieth episode and the season finale of the sixth season and 140th episode overall on the Freeform mystery drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". The episode was broadcast on March 15, 2016. It was written by the series' showrunner I. Marlene King and directed by Ron Lagomarsino. At the beginning of the episode, the girls, Caleb (Tyler Blackburn) and Ezra (Ian Harding) are together after Hanna (Ashley Benson) sends a false message to \"\"A\"\", starting her plan to serve as a guinea pig. Aria (Lucy Hale) gets a call from Alison,", "\"Sara Shepard\"\nworked at Time, Inc. Custom Publishing and produced lifestyle magazines for corporate clients. She started ghostwriting as a freelancer in 2002 and writing her own books in 2005. Shepard currently resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Shepard's book series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" and \"\"The Lying Game\"\" have both been turned into television series by ABC Family (now under the name of Freeform). The \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" series of novels is \"\"loosely based on her experiences growing up in Chester County. The adaptation television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" lasted for 7 seasons. It also had a short-lived spin-off starring cast member Tyler Blackburn", "\"Grave New World (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nshot but before the first episode for \"\"Ravenswood\"\" was shot. \"\"Grave New World\"\" originally aired on October 22, 2013, as part of the \"\"13 Nights of Halloween\"\" programming special on ABC Family, and was followed by the series premiere of the \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" spinoff, \"\"Ravenswood\"\". The episode marks the third annual Halloween special from the series, each premiering apart from the regular summer and winter seasons. The Halloween themed episode was viewed by 3.18 million viewers, up 14 percent from the previous Halloween special (2.75 million viewers). It was the third most-watched broadcast in the history of programming block", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 4)\"\nfun at one point, but trying to keep track of who's in or out with A is an exhausting exercise that rarely yields satisfying results anymore\"\". Framke commented further \"\"But the thing about Pretty Little Liars is that when it's good, it is a fever dream. It's at its most fun when it breezes past the big picture, gets lost in its own illusions, and lets a talking parrot steal the spotlight.\"\" Pretty Little Liars (season 4) The fourth season of the American mystery drama television series Pretty Little Liars began airing on ABC Family on June 11, 2013. The", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 5)\"\nwritten by showrunner I. Marlene King. The promotional poster was released on May 28, 2014. A second promotional poster was released after the hundredth episode was aired, on July 9, 2014. A third promotional poster was released on January 5, 2015, as a promotion for the second half of the fifth season, which began the day after the release of the poster. It was announced on June 10, 2014 that \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" was renewed for two additional seasons, making the show ABC Family's longest running original series. The fifth season garnered positive reviews from critics and averaged 2.01 million", "\"Pilot (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nit, and that's not a bad thing at all.\"\" Pilot (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Pilot\"\" is the series premiere of the mystery drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". It introduces each of the main characters, as well as establishes the basic premises of the series. The episode aired on June 8, 2010 on ABC Family. In the episode, the main characters find themselves apprehensive one year after the disappearance of Alison DiLaurentis. When Aria Montgomery returns to Rosewood, she rediscovers her old friends and secrets of the past begin to haunt them. Alison's body is then found in her former home, and", "\"Pretty Little Liars\"\nbut a little patience might be warranted.\"\" Since the series premiere, \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" has remained popular. In 2016, a \"\"New York Times\"\" study of the 50 TV shows with the most Facebook Likes found that the show's \"\"popularity is tilted toward women more than any other show in the data — over 94 percent of 'likes' come from women\"\". The series earned its highest rated episode with 4.20 million total viewers, ranking among ABC Family's top 5 telecasts in adult viewers 18–34, total viewers and women viewers. The highest rated episodes include season one's finale, with 3.64 million, and", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 5)\"\nand therefore trapped. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The show was renewed for a fifth season on March 26, 2013, while in its third season. I. Marlene King announced on Twitter that the fifth season would contain 25 episodes, including a Christmas special instead of a halloween episode, which the last three seasons have had. Right before the season five premiere aired, on June 10, 2014, the series was renewed for two additional seasons through season 6 and 7, making the show ABC Family's longest running original series. On October 13, 2014, it was announced that the special Christmas episode would air as part", "\"Driving Miss Crazy\"\nDriving Miss Crazy \"\"Driving Miss Crazy\"\" is the seventeenth episode of the seventh season of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", and the show's 157th episode overall, which premiered on the Freeform network in the United States on June 6, 2017. It was co-written by executive producer Oliver Goldstick and Francesca Rollins, and directed by Goldstick. They had previously worked on the ninth episode of the sixth season. In this episode, Mona (Janel Parrish) teams up with the Liars to investigate on Alison's pregnancy and on the Liars' Lament board game. Ezra (Ian Harding) and Aria (Lucy Hale) discuss their marriage, while Caleb", "\"Holly Marie Combs\"\nof the same name. However, that version of the show never made it to air. (ABC later made a version featuring Combs's former \"\"Charmed\"\" co-star Alyssa Milano.) In 2010, Combs was cast in the Freeform series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" as Ella Montgomery, the mother of one of the main characters, Aria Montgomery (played by Lucy Hale). Combs was a series regular for the first three seasons, but became credited as a special guest star from season four onwards. \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" ended after seven seasons, and Combs returned for the show's final episode on June 27, 2017. Combs and Doherty", "\"Pretty Little Liars\"\nprimarily on social media. On March 26, 2013, a spin-off series was announced, titled \"\"Ravenswood\"\", but was canceled after one season. On June 10, 2014, \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" was renewed for its sixth and seventh seasons. On August 29, 2016, Freeform confirmed that the series would be ending after its seventh season in 2017. Filming of the series officially wrapped on October 26, 2016. The series finale was viewed by an estimated 1.41 million viewers. It had the second-highest rating of any cable TV series that aired that night. The episode was followed by \"\"A-List Wrap Party\"\", a live special", "\"Pilot (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nPilot (Pretty Little Liars) \"\"Pilot\"\" is the series premiere of the mystery drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". It introduces each of the main characters, as well as establishes the basic premises of the series. The episode aired on June 8, 2010 on ABC Family. In the episode, the main characters find themselves apprehensive one year after the disappearance of Alison DiLaurentis. When Aria Montgomery returns to Rosewood, she rediscovers her old friends and secrets of the past begin to haunt them. Alison's body is then found in her former home, and after the funeral, the girls receive a frightening anonymous", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 7)\"\nair, that \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" will end after the seventh season. Production began on February 1, 2016, when King announced on Twitter that the writers were in full swing brainstorming and mapping the seventh season. Production and filming began in the end of March 2016 and officially wrapped up in October 2016. The seventh season has nine roles receiving star billing, with eight of them returning from the previous season, six of which was part of the original cast from the first season. The season saw the four protagonists of the series continue the roles as they try to take", "Djoir\nJordan's 2nd single \"\"Get This Party Rockin (ft HP)\"\" was featured in Season 4, Episode 5 of the Netflix series \"\"Orange Is the New Black\"\" which aired June 17, 2016, as well as in the movie trailer for \"\"Best Night Ever\"\" that hit theaters January 2014. Her song \"\"Partypocalypse\"\" was also featured on ABC Family's TV series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" on the Episode entitled \"\"Fresh Meat\"\", which aired on January 13, 2015. Djoir and Janel Parrish, who stars in \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", were both co-lead singers in a girl group called Impulse in 2003. In 2014, Djoir Jordan received nominations", "\"Pretty Little Liars\"\nmost popular vampire romances look anemic\"\", while concluding, \"\"\"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" could go in several directions, including mundane teen clichés. It's got an equally good shot at making us care about these imperfect pretty girls.\"\" A writer on Terror Hook has stated that \"\" 'Pretty Little Liars' gets off to a very promising start. Great production all around, the writing keeps the viewer on their toes, and the acting just reinforces it. The overall mystery of the show in the end is dark and unpredictable, even stepping into the slasher film realm.\"\" The \"\"New York Post\"\" gave the show three", "\"Pilot (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nThe New York \"\"Daily News\"\" gave the show a positive review, commenting that it \"\"makes most popular vampire romances look anemic\"\", while concluding, \"\"\"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" could go in several directions, including mundane teen clichés. It's got an equally good shot at making us care about these imperfect pretty girls.\"\" A writer on Terror Hook has stated that \"\" 'Pretty Little Liars' gets off to a very promising start. Great production all around, the writing keeps the viewer on their toes, and the acting just reinforces it. The overall mystery of the show in the end is dark and unpredictable,", "\"Till Death Do Us Part (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nit was just beautiful justice here. No more loser Mona. She won this one.\"\" Carolina Preece of Den of Geek disliked the episode, but praised the show as a whole, writing, \"\"At it's best, \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" was a Taylor Swift song, a Hitchcock movie, a philosophy lecture and a soap opera all at once. It was somehow about fluid identities, self-actualisation and how the patriarchy is crushing us all at the same time as being about fashion and dating.\"\" She also glorified Mona character, titling it \"\"the best thing the show ever did.\"\" Some television critics were welcoming towards", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 7)\"\n\"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" ever since the show was renewed for two additional seasons. In an interview with \"\"BuzzFeed\"\", Troian Bellisario said “This is the beginning of the end. But the best part about these last two years is that, because it’s the beginning of the end, we can actually start telling the story I think we’ve been waiting to tell for a long time.\"\" Regarding the show's ending, Lucy Hale said to \"\"E! News\"\" that \"\"Seven seasons will definitely end the show.\"\" Showrunner I. Marlene King commented on these rumors to \"\"TVLine\"\" as she said \"\"We have enough story to", "\"Of Late I Think of Rosewood\"\nOf Late I Think of Rosewood \"\"Of Late I Think of Rosewood\"\" is the eleventh episode of the sixth season and the 131st episode overall of the Freeform mystery drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". The episode, serving as the sixth season mid-season premiere, was broadcast on January 12, 2016. It was written by Joseph Dougherty, and directed by Ron Lagomarsino. The episode takes place five years after the events of \"\"Game Over, Charles\"\" as the Liars have graduated from high school and college. The episode included a new intro for the show, after using the same intro since the show", "\"Arden Cho\"\nin the United States and Asia. In 2011 she appeared in the role of Pru, a friend of Paige McCullers (Lindsey Shaw) in Season 1, Episode 20 (\"\"Someone to Watch Over Me\"\"), of the ABC Family show Pretty Little Liars. The episode originally aired on March 7, 2011. In 2011 she also appeared in the role of Gia in the monster film \"\"Mega Python vs. Gatoroid\"\", directed by Mary Lambert. In 2009 Cho appeared in Season 5, Episode 19 (\"\"Communication Breakdown\"\"), of the CBS show , in the supporting role of Gahee Paik, the daughter of a Korean father suspected", "\"Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars\"\nviews and a 0.7 in the 18-49 demo. The episode is the season finale with the lowest audience in the series. Jeremy Rodriguez from \"\"The Young Folks\"\" wrote that the episode was a \"\"little over-the-top\"\", stating \"\"that what makes \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" so great.\"\" Rodriguez also ranked the episode with a rating of 10/10. Paul Dailly from \"\"TV Fanatic\"\" said that \"\"the show is heading in an interesting direction.\"\" Gavin Hetherington of SpoilerTV gave the episode a mixed review, noting that shippers of the show will love the episode for bringing several ships back together. He wrote critically that \"\"the", "\"Choose or Lose\"\nWeekly\"\" gave the episode a B+ letter rating. Choose or Lose \"\"Choose or Lose\"\" is the eighteenth episode of the seventh season of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", and the show's 158th episode overall, which premiered on the Freeform network in the United States on June 13, 2017. The episode was directed by Norman Buckley and written by Charlie Craig. In this episode, the Liars finally discover that Aria (Lucy Hale) has been working with 'A.D.' after Mona (Janel Parrish) investigated on Aria. Lieutenant Tanner (Roma Maffia) returns to Rosewood to work on the Dunhill's homicide case, quickly targeting the Liars on", "\"Sara Harvey (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nto city hall to get a copy of The Radley's floor plan. He hands it in a tube to her as she suspiciously drives off. Later, Sara encounters Mona and tells her that no matter how many good deeds she does, none of the Liars are ever going to truly trust her. Adding salt to the wound, Harvey states that without games, Mona will remain lonesome. During \"\"Along Comes Mary\"\", Sara remains living in Rosewood and befriends Jenna Marshall. At the end of the episode, they are having drinks at The Radley when an unknown figure approaches the two and", "\"Charlotte Drake\"\nwere drawn to CeCe in the first place.” She highlighted how CeCe manages to make her wrongdoings acceptable, almost redeeming herself. For her portrayal in the show's sixth season, Ray won a Teen Choice Award for Choice TV: Villain. Charlotte Drake Charlotte Drake is a fictional character in \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", an American mystery drama television series based on the homonymous novel series written by Sara Shepard. Charlotte is a character that only appears in the television series and is portrayed by Vanessa Ray. The character is also featured in the \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" web series \"\"Pretty Dirty Secrets\"\". Charlotte", "\"Alex Drake (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nAlex Drake (Pretty Little Liars) Alex Drake is a fictional character created by I. Marlene King and portrayed by Troian Bellisario on the American television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". She was officially introduced in the episode \"\"Till Death Do Us Part\"\", revealed to be Spencer Hastings' identical twin sister as well as the elusive \"\"A.D.\"\". Alex believed the Liars knew who was accountable for Charlotte Drake's homicide and also she impersonates Spencer due to being jealous of the upbringing that she was able to have. She was adopted by a wealthy British family that later abandoned her, forcing Alex to", "\"Red Coat (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nRed Coat (Pretty Little Liars) Red Coat is a fictional character on the television show \"\"Pretty Little Liars,\"\" which was adapted from the book series of same name. Introduced during the second-season finale, she became the primary antagonist of the third and fourth seasons. In the second-season finale \"\"UnmAsked\"\", the first \"\"A\"\" is revealed to be Mona Vanderwaal, who wanted revenge on the Liars for not preventing Alison's bullying and slowly distancing Hanna away from her. During a fight with Spencer, Mona ends up falling off a cliff and is then found by the authorities and admitted to the Radley", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 6)\"\nfan spreading incorrect information to rile up the fan base.\"\" The sixth season was met with positive reviews from critics. The season premiere was down from the previous premiere and down from the season five finale, with a 1.1 at the target 18–49 demographic and 2.38 total viewers, making it the least watched season premiere in the show's history. Pretty Little Liars (season 6) The sixth season of the American mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", based on the books of the same name by Sara Shepard, was renewed on June 10, 2014 for two additional seasons, making the", "\"Choose or Lose\"\nChoose or Lose \"\"Choose or Lose\"\" is the eighteenth episode of the seventh season of \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", and the show's 158th episode overall, which premiered on the Freeform network in the United States on June 13, 2017. The episode was directed by Norman Buckley and written by Charlie Craig. In this episode, the Liars finally discover that Aria (Lucy Hale) has been working with 'A.D.' after Mona (Janel Parrish) investigated on Aria. Lieutenant Tanner (Roma Maffia) returns to Rosewood to work on the Dunhill's homicide case, quickly targeting the Liars on her radar. Caleb (Tyler Blackburn) and Hanna (Ashley", "\"Rosewood (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nRosewood (Pretty Little Liars) Rosewood is the fictional setting for both the \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" book series and the \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" television series. The fictional city is suggested to be loosely based on West Chester, Pennsylvania. Rosewood was founded by William W. Rosewood. As a Main Line town, it has a long history of prestige associated with the railroad industry of the 1800s. Majority of the residents are in the upper class and many families, such as the Hastings, have had significant wealth dating back to the 1800s. The town consists of farms, cornfields, and pastures, and barns converted", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 2)\"\nPretty Little Liars (season 2) The second season of Pretty Little Liars, based on the books of the same name by Sara Shepard, premiered on June 14, 2011 and concluded on March 19, 2012 on ABC Family. On January 10, 2011, ABC Family renewed the series for a second season. The season premiere brought in 3.68 million viewers, which was higher than the season 1 premiere. The Halloween special aired on October 19, 2011, drawing 2.5 million total viewers. The second half of season 2 premiered on January 2, 2012. Picking up the night Ian Thomas's body disappears, Spencer, Aria,", "\"Isabella Rice\"\nIsabella Rice Isabella Kai Rice is an American child actress, best known for her role of young Alison DiLaurentis in the series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" and Sarah Compton in \"\"True Blood\"\". In 2014, Rice played the role of Sarah Compton, Bill Compton's daughter in the season 7 of the HBO's fantasy horror series \"\"True Blood\"\". Later, she appeared in the season 5 and 6 of the ABC Family's teen drama series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\". She played the role of young Alison DiLaurentis, originally played by Sasha Pieterse. Rice has played the role of young Jerrica Benton in the 2015 musical", "\"Tick-Tock, Bitches\"\nTick-Tock, Bitches \"\"Tick-Tock, Bitches\"\" is the first episode of the seventh season of Freeform mystery drama television series \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\", and the 141st episode overall. It aired in the United States on June 21, 2016, serving as the season premiere. The episode was directed by Ron Lagomarsino and written by showrunner I. Marlene King. The episode is rated TV-14. In the episode, the Liars and company found themselves caught by a trap set by A, who kidnapped Hanna and held her captive. Meanwhile, Mary begins to settle into Rosewood and Elliott's still trying to keep Alison trapped inside the", "\"BTV (Bulgaria)\"\n\"\"Battlestar Galactica\"\" (all the seasons), \"\"Alf\"\" (all the seasons), \"\"Friends\"\" (all seasons), \"\"The Unit\"\" (season 1), \"\"The 4400\"\" (season 1), \"\"American Heiress\"\" (all the episodes), \"\"The Middle\"\" (seasons 1-3), \"\"Nikita\"\" (seasons 1-2), \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" (seasons 1-2), \"\"The Vampire Diaries\"\" (seasons 1-3), \"\"The Lying Game\"\" (all the seasons), \"\"Two and a half men\"\" (seasons 1-9), \"\"Dallas\"\" (all seasons), \"\"Desire\"\" (all the episodes) and many others were or are also part of bTV's programme. A lot of Turkish series are still part of the schedule of the television. In the Summer of 2011 bTV first aired a Korean series - \"\"Iris\"\"", "\"Pretty Little Liars\"\nfeaturing the cast and executive producer King discussing the series ending. On September 25, 2017, Freeform announced that a second spin-off series, titled \"\"\"\", had been ordered, with Pieterse and Parrish reprising their roles as Alison DiLaurentis and Mona Vanderwaal respectively. On May 14, 2018, Freeform picked up the series for a 10-episode first season, set to air in 2019. In a 2018 panel, Parrish said that some plot points created in \"\"Pretty Little Liars\"\" will be resolved during the spin-off. Set in the small suburban town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, the series follows the lives of five girls: Spencer Hastings,", "\"Pretty Little Liars\"\nseason two's premiere and finale episodes, each yielding nearly 3.7 million viewers. The show stands as the most watched series on ABC Family, maintaining a steady viewership of over 2.5 million and currently standing as the only show to yield an average of over 2 million viewers. \"\"Ravenswood\"\" is a supernatural teen drama mystery-thriller series, set in the fictional town of Ravenswood, Pennsylvania, the series follows five strangers whose lives become intertwined by a deadly curse that has plagued their town for generations. They have to dig into the town's dark past to solve the mysterious curse. \"\"Pretty Little Liars:", "\"The Strange Familiar\"\nand recorded an original Christmas single \"\"The Only Gift I Need\"\" for Walt Disney's compilation album \"\"Songs to Celebrate 25 Days of Christmas\"\". Since the 2012 release of their lbum \"\"Chasing Shadows\"\", ABC Family has used their song \"\"Redemption\"\" in promos and trailers for Switched at Birth (TV series) and their single, \"\"Unwanted\"\", was featured in a season 3 episode of Pretty Little Liars (TV series). The Strange Familiar appeared on the fifth season of \"\"America's Got Talent\"\" and reached the Top 48. They performed live on NBC in the quarter finals to almost 10 million viewers. \"\"Invisible\"\" was written", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 3)\"\nand Toby go into the woods to watch her, while the girls corner Mona, as someone locks them inside the Lodge and sets it on fire. Spencer loses Red Coat in the woods, as the Lodge burns down with the girls inside. Hanna, unconscious, wakes up briefly, as she is pulled out of the Lodge by Red Coat, whom she sees as Alison DiLaurentis. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Pretty Little Liars (season 3) The third season of Pretty Little Liars, based on the books of the same name by Sara Shepard, premiered on June 5, 2012 on ABC Family and concluded on March", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 7)\"\nto the show after last appearing in the Christmas special episode. On July 28, 2016, \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" reported that Shane Coffey would be returning as Holden Strauss; Shane has not appeared on the show since the beginning of the third season. It was announced on August 8, 2016, that Ava Allan will appear on the show, and will first appear in the second half of the season as Addison. On August 17, 2016, \"\"TVLine\"\" reported that Edward Kerr would be returning to the show as Pastor Ted Wilson in the second half of the season. Kerr had not been", "\"Pretty Little Liars (season 2)\"\nRobinson, and Julian Morris, who will all reprise their roles from the first season. Annabeth Gish appears as Anne Sullivan, a therapist whom the girls' parents feel can help them on their problems.Andrea Parker will play Jessica DiLaurentis, Alison's mother, who returns to Rosewood to help out with a fashion show being held in Alison's honour. Actor Drew Van Acker also joined the cast playing Jason DiLaurentis, replacing Parker Bagley. Pretty Little Liars (season 2) The second season of Pretty Little Liars, based on the books of the same name by Sara Shepard, premiered on June 14, 2011 and concluded", "\"Playtime (Pretty Little Liars)\"\nJuly 19, 2016, in and around Los Angeles, California, mostly on the backlot of the Warner Bros. studio lot in Burbank. Cast member Lesley Fera makes her debut on the season as Veronica Hastings in this episode in a recurring capacity, after last appearing on \"\"Hush... Hush, Sweet Liars,\"\" the season finale of the previous season. On July 28, 2016, \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" reported that Shane Coffey would be returning as Holden Strauss; Shane has not appeared on the show since the beginning of the third season, and returns in this episode. The premiere served to launch Marlene King's new", "\"Louis Schefano\"\nits cloudy emotions behind a sunny melody.\"\" Paste premiered the album's second single \"\"Song for Anthony\"\" on February 2, 2017. PureVolume premiered the video for \"\"Come to Think\"\" on March 7, 2017. \"\"Come to Think\"\" was featured in episode 6 of CBS' Me, Myself & I on October 30, 2017, and also in Freeform's The Fosters. The hit TV show Pretty Little Liars premiered a new single \"\"Wish Something Would Happen\"\" on during Season 7 Episode 17 on June 6, 2017. PopMatters called Schefano's \"\"smooth melodic urgencies and poignant lyrics\"\" reminiscent of Nirvana and R.E.M.. In April 2018, Paste premiered" ]
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who scored most centuries in first class cricket
[ "Jack Hobbs" ]
[ "\"Scott Mason (cricketer)\"\nScott Mason (cricketer) Scott Robert Mason (27 July 1976 in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia – 9 April 2005 in Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, Tasmania) was an Australian cricketer who played first-class cricket for the Tasmanian Tigers. He was a left-handed batsman who averaged 27.21 with the bat in 28 first-class games and 9.42 with the bat in 8 one-day domestic games. In first-class cricket he scored 1252 runs with two centuries and two half-centuries with a highest score of 174. In one-day domestic cricket he scored just 66 runs with a highest score of 16. In 2003-04 season he scored 126", "\"Alan Jones (cricketer, born 1938)\"\nAlan Jones (cricketer, born 1938) Alan Jones (born 4 November 1938, Velindre, Glamorgan) was a Welsh cricketer, who played for Glamorgan for almost a quarter of a century. He also played, for a single season each, with Western Australia, Natal and Northern Transvaal. He holds the record for scoring the most runs in first-class cricket without playing in an official Test match. Jones was a consistent, compact left-handed opening batsman who scored 1,000 first-class runs in every English cricket season from 1961 to 1983, when he retired. In five out of six seasons from 1963 to 1968 he scored more", "\"Pune Club Ground\"\nPune Club Ground The Pune Club Ground or Poona Club Ground is a cricket ground in Pune, Maharashtra. It has been used for first-class cricket since 1935, most recently for a Ranji Trophy match between Maharashtra and Railways in 2001. One of only ten first-class quadruple centuries was scored at the ground by B. B. Nimbalkar in December 1948. He reached 443* playing for Maharashtra in a Ranji Trophy match against Kathiawar. It is the only first-class score of 400 or more by a cricketer who was never selected to play Test cricket. The opposing captain, the Thakore Saheb of", "\"West Indian cricket team in England in 1928\"\nand Scarborough. The star performer on the tour was Learie Constantine, though he failed in the Test matches. He scored the most first-class runs, with 1,381 at an average of 34.52 runs per innings, took the most first-class wickets, with 107 at 22.95 each, and was the only player to score three centuries in the first-class matches. Martin, Challenor and Roach also scored more than 1,000 runs in the first-class matches, and Hoad, who came good in the second half of the tour, did so in all matches. Challenor, who had scored 1,556 first-class runs at an average of 51.86", "\"Alan Jones (cricketer, born 1938)\"\nand coaches the Wales under 11's cricket team with the help of Peter Davies. Alan Jones (cricketer, born 1938) Alan Jones (born 4 November 1938, Velindre, Glamorgan) was a Welsh cricketer, who played for Glamorgan for almost a quarter of a century. He also played, for a single season each, with Western Australia, Natal and Northern Transvaal. He holds the record for scoring the most runs in first-class cricket without playing in an official Test match. Jones was a consistent, compact left-handed opening batsman who scored 1,000 first-class runs in every English cricket season from 1961 to 1983, when he", "\"Century (cricket)\"\npartnership when they made 128 for the first wicket against Surrey at Broadhalfpenny Down in September 1769. W. G. Grace was the first batsman to score 100 career centuries in first-class cricket, reaching the milestone in 1895. His career total of 124 centuries was subsequently passed by Jack Hobbs, whose total of 199 first-class centuries is the current record. The first century in Test cricket was scored by Charles Bannerman who scored 165 (before retiring hurt) in the first ever Test between Australia and England (played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground from 15–19 March 1877). The first century partnership in", "\"Berbice cricket team\"\nBerbice cricket team Berbice cricket team played first class cricket in the Guystac Trophy and against the occasional touring team during the 20th century. The team came from the Dutch colony of Berbice, which is now a county of Guyana. They played their inaugural first class match in March 1960 against the touring Marylebone Cricket Club from England. Berbice were captained by Joe Solomon who opened the batting and scored 201 not out which remained his highest first class score. Other notable players in the side included Basil Butcher who also scored a century, and Rohan Kanhai. In March 1961", "\"Shahid Qambrani\"\nhad his most prolific season in 2006-07 when he scored 686 runs at an average of 32.66, playing for Pakistan Customs, Hyderabad and Sindh. His highest score was 150 not out, scored for Hyderabad against Islamabad in 2009-10. It was the last of his eight first-class centuries. He last played first-class and List A cricket in 2011-12. Shahid Qambrani Shahid Ali Qambrani (born 2 February 1978, Kotri, Sindh) is a former Pakistani cricketer who played first-class cricket for several teams in Pakistan from 1998-99 to 2011-12. Qambrani played several matches for the Pakistan Under-19 team in 1996 and 1997, opening", "\"Wally Hammond\"\nto score seven runs before being dismissed embarrassed many of those present. In all first-class cricket, Hammond scored 50,551 runs at an average of 56.10 with 167 centuries. He remains seventh on the list of highest run scorers in first-class cricket and has the third highest number of centuries, as of 2015. \"\"Wisden's\"\" obituary described Hammond as one of the top four batsmen who had ever played, calling him \"\"a most exciting cricketer. ... The instant he walked out of a pavilion, white-spotted blue handkerchief showing from his right pocket, bat tucked underarm, cap at a hint of an angle,", "\"Alan Jones (cricketer, born 1938)\"\nof the 1983 season, and his record of scoring 1,000 runs in 23 seasons has been beaten by only 10 other cricketers. His total career aggregate of 36,049 runs put him 35th on the all-time list of run-getters and is the highest of any player who did not play Test cricket. (Perhaps not coincidentally, his Glamorgan colleague Don Shepherd holds the record for taking the most first class wickets without playing a test match). His 56 centuries in first-class cricket is exceeded only by John Langridge among non-Test players. In addition to these first-class runs, he also scored more than", "\"Adil Rashid\"\nnext level of cricket, having appeared for England Lions, and therefore he shouldn't be pulled out of county cricket to play for England Under-19s. In continuing to play county cricket, he scored his maiden first-class century, 108 against Worcestershire at Kidderminster, and another half-century against Warwickshire. Over the course of the 2007 English cricket season, Rashid scored 837 with a batting average of 44.05 and took 43 wickets with a bowling average of 42.16 across all first-class matches. He took the most wickets of any Yorkshire player and scored the fourth-most runs. He won several awards in 2007 for his", "\"W. G. Grace's cricket career (1876 to 1877)\"\nHis innings of 344 was the first triple century scored in first-class cricket and broke the record for the highest individual score in all classes of cricket, previously held by William Ward who made 278 in 1820. Ward’s record had stood for 56 years and, within a week, Grace bettered it twice. Gloucestershire were designated “Champion County” for the second time. Grace made 26 first-class appearances in 1876, scoring 2,622 runs, with a highest score of 344, at an average of 62.42 with 7 centuries and 10 half-centuries. In the field, he held 46 catches and 130 wickets with a", "\"Bernard Hedges\"\nBernard Hedges Bernard Hedges (10 November 1927 – 8 February 2014) was a Welsh cricketer who played for Glamorgan, making his first-class debut in 1950 and playing his last match in 1967. He played 422 first-class matches, all of them for Glamorgan. He played most of his cricket as an opening batsman despite starting his career in the middle order. He scored 17,733 first-class runs at an average of 25.22, with 21 centuries and a highest score of 182. His best season was 1961, when he scored 2026 runs at an average of 32.15. Hedges was the first player to", "\"Mohammad Akram (cricketer, born 1956)\"\nMohammad Akram (cricketer, born 1956) Mohammad Akram (born 12 April 1956 in Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan) is a former Pakistani cricketer who made a first-class century at the age of 12 years and 217 days. He is the youngest player in history to score a first-class century. On 15 November 1968, making his first-class debut in the Quaid-i-Azam Trophy, Akram scored 111 in the first innings for Khairpur against Quetta in Sukkur. He came to the crease with the score at 98 for 6, completed his century just before stumps on the first day, then was last man out early on", "\"Matthew Wood (cricketer, born 1977)\"\nMatthew Wood (cricketer, born 1977) Matthew James Wood (born 6 April 1977, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England) is a former English first-class cricketer who played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club and Glamorgan in a career lasting eleven years. He was a right-handed batsman and occasional off spinner, who made his debut in first-class cricket in 1997. He played 136 first-class matches, scoring 7,052 runs with a highest score of 207, at an average of 32.80. He compiled sixteen first-class centuries, took 118 catches and snared two wickets at 21.50. Wood scored heavily in Second XI cricket for three years before notching a", "\"John Badcock (cricketer)\"\norder batsman, scoring 1,199 runs at a batting average of 14.44, with two half centuries and a high score of 74 against Middlesex in 1907. Badcock died at Marylebone, London on 24 August 1940. Badcock was not afforded a Wisden Obituary in the 1941 edition. John Badcock (cricketer) John Badcock (4 October 1883 – 24 August 1940) was an English first-class cricketer. He was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm fast and made his first-class debut for Hampshire in the 1906 County Championship against Surrey. Badcock played 63 first-class matches for Hampshire, with his debut season being his most successful", "\"Derbyshire County Cricket Club in 1971\"\nChampionship. Ian Buxton was in his second season as captain. Ian Hall scored most runs and Philip Russell took most wickets. Anthony Borrington and Ashley Harvey-Walker, who made their first-class debuts in the season, went on to play for several more seasons for Derbyshire. Harvey-Walker achieved a unique distinction by scoring a century in his debut match. Another newcomer, David Wilde, played in this and the following season. Leslie Bradbury made his single first-class cricket appearance in one match for Derbyshire. Harold Cartwright, only played one-day cricket for Derbyshire in this his initial season, but stayed with the club for", "\"Laurie Bandy\"\nAustralia was admitted into the Shield for the 1947–48 season, albeit on a limited basis. Bandy played three matches in the first season, which included a score of 53 not out, his highest score and only first-class half-century. Bandy did not play any further first-class matches. At grade cricket level, holds several records for the Joondalup Cricket Club (previously the North Perth Cricket Club), including the most appearances (273 between the 1930–31 and 1951–52 seasons), and most career runs (8,267). Overall, Bandy played 309 grade cricket matches, the fourth-most of all-time, scoring 9,458 runs, the equal fourth-most of all-time. He", "\"Philip Cartwright\"\nCartwright made 27 further first-class appearances in the 1909 season, which was to be his most successful in first-class cricket: he scored 833 runs at an average of 24.80, with five half centuries and a single century score of 101 against Leicestershire. This was to be the only first-class century he made in his career. He made 21 first-class appearances in the 1910 County Championship, however he was not as successful with the bat when compared to 1909, scoring 651 runs at an average of 18.60, with two half century scores and a high score of 83. The following season", "\"James Rowe (cricketer)\"\nfor Kent County Cricket Club's Second XI. He scored 128 runs at a batting average of 42.66, with highest score of 74 not out, his only first-class half century. The following season he represented the Kent Cricket Board in a single List A match against Hampshire County Cricket Club in the 2002 Cheltenham & Gloucester Trophy, scoring 30 runs. His father, Charles Rowe played first-class cricket for Kent County Cricket Club and Glamorgan County Cricket Club between 1974 and 1984. James Rowe (cricketer) James George Castell Rowe (born 4 July 1979) is a former English cricketer who made three first-class", "\"Alastair Storie\"\nAlastair Storie Alastair Caleb Storie (born 25 July 1965, in Bishopbriggs) is a former Scottish cricketer who has played first-class and List A cricket for Scotland and for several teams in England and South Africa. A right-handed batsman, Storie played cricket in England with both Warwickshire and Northamptonshire as well as a stint in South Africa with Free State. In total, he played 55 first class and 34 List A matches. He was the first Northamptonshire batsman to score a century on first-class debut. He also scored a century in his final first-class appearance (for Scotland). In 1988, Storie took", "\"Charles Titchmarsh\"\nof batting and strong defence, having, moreover, most of the scoring strokes at his command.\"\" He played most of his cricket for MCC, making 36 of his 42 appearances for them. He scored 2,260 runs for MCC, averaging 41.85, making a century score four times, with a highest score of 171. His overall first-class career saw him score 2,589 runs at an average of 39.22. He died from a stroke at Royston on 23 May 1930. Charles Titchmarsh Charles Harold Titchmarsh (18 February 1881 – 23 May 1930) was an English cricketer active in first-class cricket from 1920–1928, but was", "\"John Woodford (English cricketer)\"\nJohn Woodford (English cricketer) John Douglas Woodford (born 9 September 1943, Little Horton, Bradford, Yorkshire, England) is an English first-class cricketer, who played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club from 1968 to 1973, and appeared subsequently for Northumberland in the Minor Counties Cricket Championship. Woodford is a right-handed batsman, who scored 1,204 first-class runs in thirty eight matches with a highest score of 101, his only century. In seventy four List A one day games, he compiled 951 runs at an average of 21.61, with a best score of 69 not out. Although he only took four first-class wickets, he was", "\"Robert Rollins\"\nRobert Rollins Robert John Rollins (born 30 January 1974) is a former English cricketer. Rollins was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm medium pace, but played primarily as a wicketkeeper. In a career that lasted 11 years, he represented Essex in first-class cricket and List-A cricket, Cambridgeshire in Minor Counties and List-A cricket and Huntingdonshire in List-A cricket. In his 7-year career with Essex, he forged a successful, if inconsistent first-class career. He played 69 first-class matches, where he scored 2,258 runs at a batting average of 22.35, with 11 half centuries and a single century. His highest score in", "\"Chris Scott (cricketer, born 1964)\"\nChris Scott (cricketer, born 1964) Christopher Wilmott Scott (born in Lincolnshire on 23 January 1964) is a first-class cricketer who played for 129 first-class matches for Nottinghamshire and Durham between 1981 and 1996. He was a wicket keeper/batsman who famously dropped Brian Lara on 18 while playing against Warwickshire at Edgbaston in 1994 off the bowling of Simon Brown. Lara, who had earlier been bowled by an Anderson Cummins no-ball, went on to score 501 not out, the highest individual score in first-class cricket history. Scott's fumble cost 483 runs. He scored two centuries of his own during his career,", "\"Matthew Wood (cricketer, born 1977)\"\nfinished the season captain of the 2nd XI, in February 2009, the popular Yorkshireman announced his retirement from the game. Matthew Wood (cricketer, born 1977) Matthew James Wood (born 6 April 1977, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England) is a former English first-class cricketer who played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club and Glamorgan in a career lasting eleven years. He was a right-handed batsman and occasional off spinner, who made his debut in first-class cricket in 1997. He played 136 first-class matches, scoring 7,052 runs with a highest score of 207, at an average of 32.80. He compiled sixteen first-class centuries, took 118", "\"Mohammad Akram (cricketer, born 1956)\"\nby Karachi Whites in 1984–85. It was the only match he played after turning 20. Mohammad Akram (cricketer, born 1956) Mohammad Akram (born 12 April 1956 in Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan) is a former Pakistani cricketer who made a first-class century at the age of 12 years and 217 days. He is the youngest player in history to score a first-class century. On 15 November 1968, making his first-class debut in the Quaid-i-Azam Trophy, Akram scored 111 in the first innings for Khairpur against Quetta in Sukkur. He came to the crease with the score at 98 for 6, completed his", "\"Alan Barnes (cricketer)\"\ntop score on 16. Barnes died in Twyford Abbey at the age of 64. His nephew, Ronald, played first-class cricket for Oxford University and, most notably, Marylebone Cricket Club, during the early part of the twentieth century. Alan Barnes (cricketer) Alan Sedgwick Barnes (9 October 1850 – 17 May 1915) was an English first-class cricketer who played for Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) between 1877 and 1879 and for Derbyshire in 1878. Barnes was born in Anfield, and his brother John was a barrister. Barnes made his debut cricketing appearance for MCC against South Wales Cricket Club during the 1874 season,", "\"Romel Currency\"\nthe record for the highest first-wicket partnership made in first-class cricket by the Windward Islands, scoring 309 runs against Kenya at Kingstown in February 2004, Currency scoring his only first-class century during the partnership. Sunil Ambris, who has played international cricket for the West Indies, is Currency's younger half-brother. Ambris has said that Currency has been a major influence on his career. Romel Currency Romel Kwesi Currency (born 7 May 1982) is a former West Indian cricketer who played first-class cricket and List A cricket for the Windward Islands. He was born at Mesopotamia on Saint Vincent. Currency made his", "\"Grant Stewart (cricketer)\"\nMiddlesex to 54/9. The following day he scored his maiden first-class century, making 103 runs from 71 balls, the fastest County Championship century of the season, setting a Kent record for the highest score made by a number 10 batsman. Stewart and Ivan Thomas put on a century partnership for the last wicket, Thomas contributing only one run, equalling the lowest contribution made by a batsman to a 100 run partnership. Grant Stewart (cricketer) Grant Stewart (born 19 February 1994) is an Australian born professional cricketer who plays for Kent County Cricket Club. He made his first-class cricket debut for", "\"Cricket in Australia\"\nin the first Test of the 1928–29 series against England. He would hold the records for the highest individual Test innings and the most centuries in Test cricket and when he retired in 1948 he had the highest Test batting average, the last a record he still holds. He scored 117 first class centuries, still the only Australian to score a century of centuries and was knighted for services to cricket. The Bodyline controversy began when Bradman toured England with the Australian team in 1930. Bradman scored heavily, 974 runs at an average of 139.14 including a then world record", "\"Richard Humphrey (cricketer, born 1848)\"\nRichard Humphrey (cricketer, born 1848) Richard Humphrey (12 December 1848 – 24 February 1906) was an English first-class cricketer active 1870–81 who played for Surrey and numerous occasional teams as a right-handed batsman. He was born in Mitcham as the youngest of four brothers who all played first-class cricket: John, Thomas and William Humphrey being his elder brothers. He made 194 first-class appearances, including 145 for Surrey, scoring 5,614 runs with a highest score of 116* against Kent in 1871, his sole first-class century. As a fielder, he held 106 catches. He was a specialist batsman and there is no", "\"Jim Bailey (cricketer)\"\nBailey played for Accrington Cricket Club in the Lancashire League. Four years after last representing Hampshire in first-class cricket, Bailey returned in 1938 to play for the county once more, playing his return match against Warwickshire. In the 1939 County Championship Bailey had his most successful season with the bat, scoring 1,329 runs at an average of 32.41, with one century and eight half centuries. With the onset of the Second World War first-class cricket was suspended after the 1939 season. After the war Bailey continued to represent Hampshire until the 1949 County Championship. In 1946 Bailey scored 1,410 runs,", "\"Surrey County Cricket Club\"\nLord Dalmeny, the Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) allowed the use of his feathers on the club badge. The club's most famous player was Jack Hobbs, who began playing for the county in 1905, and he had a notable opening partner till 1914 in Tom Hayward, who scored 3,518 runs in all first-class cricket in 1906, equalled C.B. Fry's record of 13 centuries in a season and, in one six-day period, scored two centuries at Trent Bridge and two more at Leicester. He scored his hundredth hundred at The Oval in 1913. Between the two World Wars, Surrey often", "\"East Pakistan first-class cricket teams\"\nEast Pakistan teams in several matches, was a prominent player in the 1960s. He scored three centuries, and took 24 wickets for 97 with his leg-spin in two consecutive matches for East Pakistan Greens in January 1968. Javed Masood hit the highest score for an East Pakistan team when he scored 215 in the victory over Hyderabad in 1962-63. Most first-class matches in East Pakistan were played at Dacca Stadium. Pakistan also played seven Tests at the stadium between 1955 and 1969. East Pakistan first-class cricket teams Between the 1954–55 and 1970–71 seasons, 13 first-class cricket teams from East Pakistan", "\"Jonathan Carter (cricketer)\"\nhe scored a century for West Indies A against India A. After a long wait, Carter finally got his first century in first-class cricket against Jamaica. In 2014 he scored his second List A hundred, this time for Barbados in the Regional Super 50, scoring 109. He later scored his second first-class ton against Jamaica. He was chosen in the West Indies squad for the 2015 World Cup. He also jointly holds the record for taking the most number of catches by a substitute fielder in a T20I innings.(2) along with Jeetan Patel, Eoin Morgan, Hashim Amla, Johnson Charles and", "\"Cecil Thompson (cricketer)\"\nCecil Thompson (cricketer) Francis Cecil Thompson (17 August 1890 – 24 September 1963) was a first-class cricketer who played for Queensland from 1912 to 1933. Educated at Brisbane Grammar School, Cecil Thompson made his first-class debut against New South Wales in 1912-13. He was one of the leading Queensland batsmen in the 1920s, along with Leo O'Connor. In the 1925-26 season, in matches for Queensland and his South Brisbane club, he scored 1525 runs at an average of 152.50. In 1926-27, in Queensland’s first Sheffield Shield match, he scored their first century in the first innings (O'Connor scored a century", "\"Alfred Smith (cricketer, born 1847)\"\nAlfred Smith (cricketer, born 1847) Alfred Farrer Smith (7 March 1847 – 6 January 1915) was an English first-class cricketer, who played twenty eight matches for Yorkshire County Cricket Club from 1868 to 1874, and one game for the Players of the North in 1874. Born in Birstall, Yorkshire, England, Smith was a right-handed batsman, who scored 796 runs at 16.93. He never made a first-class century, but came close with an innings of 99 against the Gentlemen of the South. He scored three half centuries in all, including 89 against Nottinghamshire and 51 against Middlesex, and took eleven catches", "\"Walter Robinson (cricketer)\"\nWalter Robinson (cricketer) Walter Robinson (29 November 1851 – 14 August 1919) was an English first-class cricketer, who played seven matches for Yorkshire County Cricket Club from 1876 to 1877, and for Lancashire County Cricket Club from 1880 to 1888. He also played first-class cricket for The Players (1881-1883), the Rest of England (1883), the North of England (1883), R.G. Barlow's XI (1883) and an England XI (1884). Born in Greetland, Elland, Yorkshire, England, Robinson was a right-handed batsman, who scored 3,902 runs at 19.31, with a highest score of 154 against Oxford University. His three other centuries were scored", "\"Shahid Anwar\"\nscore of 195, as well as appearing in 152 list \"\"A\"\" matches. His first-class career is punctuated with 26 centuries and 63 half centuries. Anwar took 61 wickets in first-class cricket with a career best of 6/2. After retiring from first-class cricket, Shahid proceeded to become one of the most successful cricket coaches in Pakistan. After completing Level I, II and III cricket coaching diplomas from CA (Cricket Australia), he joined Sialkot Stallions as their head coach and propelled them to National T-20 Championship, and the National Bank side to the 2011 One day championship runner-up position. He also coached", "\"Bernard Hedges\"\nscore a List A century for Glamorgan, doing so in 1963 with an innings of 103 against Somerset, helping Glamorgan to victory in its first List A match. He died at his home on 8 February 2014. Bernard Hedges Bernard Hedges (10 November 1927 – 8 February 2014) was a Welsh cricketer who played for Glamorgan, making his first-class debut in 1950 and playing his last match in 1967. He played 422 first-class matches, all of them for Glamorgan. He played most of his cricket as an opening batsman despite starting his career in the middle order. He scored 17,733", "\"John Mitchell (cricketer)\"\nJohn Mitchell (cricketer) William John Mitchell (born 1 December 1947) is a former New Zealand cricketer, who played first–class cricket for Northern Districts and Otago. A Right–handed batsman and occasional right–arm medium pace bowler, Mitchell played 14 first–class matches in all from 1964 to 1969, scoring 634 runs at 27.56 and taking one wicket. Born in Auckland, Mitchell began his first-class career in 1964 for Northern Districts. He began successfully, playing three matches over the winter of 1964/65 and scoring 212 runs at 53.00, including one half century and the only century of his career, 127* on debut against Pakistan.", "\"Ali Brown\"\n11,000 runs, he also holds the world-record List-A score – 268. Brown is the first player in the history of List A cricket to make two double centuries. Brown attended Caterham School in Surrey, where he won the Cricket Society's Wetherall Award for the most promising all rounder in school cricket in 1986, and his early promise led to second XI games for Surrey in 1988. He made his first-class debut in 1992 and was awarded his County Cap in 1994. He shared the Walter Lawrence trophy (with Carl Hooper) in 1998 for scoring the season's fastest first-class century in", "\"John Aiken (cricketer)\"\nJohn Aiken (cricketer) John Maxwell Aiken (born 3 July 1970) is a former New Zealand cricketer who played for the Auckland Aces and Wellington Firebirds. Born in Sydney, Australia, he was predominantly a left-handed batsman who played 46 first class matches and 39 one-day matches in a career spanning 12 years from 1989 to 2001. He scored 2,170 first-class runs at an average of 28.93 (high score 170 not out, 33 catches, 4 centuries) and 817 one-day runs at an average of 23.34 (high score 101 not out, 8 catches, one century). During his career, he represented New Zealand selections", "\"Jack Short (cricketer)\"\nMiddlesex in the Gillette Cup. He played first-class and List A cricket for Ireland until 1980, making eleven appearances in first-class cricket and five in List A cricket. In first-class cricket as an opening batsman, he scored 533 runs at an batting average of 33.31, with a high score of 114. This score, which was his only first-class century, came against Scotland in 1975. In List A cricket, he scored 97 runs with a high score of 37. His playing career for Ireland came to an end in 1984, when he accepted a position with the OECD in Paris. He", "\"Daryll Cullinan\"\nDaryll Cullinan Daryll John Cullinan (born 4 March 1967) is a former South African first-class cricketer who played Test cricket and One Day Internationals for South Africa as a specialist batsman. Cullinan was the youngest South African to score a first-class century, at the age of 16. He also achieved the highest first-class score in domestic South African cricket at the time, scoring 337 not out. Despite a first-class career spanning almost 20 years, sources such as the \"\"Herald Sun\"\" quote Cullinan as being Shane Warne's bunny. Cullinan was also involved in an unusual stoppage when 'calamari stopped play'. During", "\"Sam Billings\"\nthree first-class and five List A centuries. The first was a score of 131 made on his first-class debut for Loughborough MCCU against Northamptonshire at the beginning of the 2011 season. He scored his first first-class century for Kent in July 2015 against Essex at Tunbridge Wells, having been out for 99 earlier in the same month against Surrey. His third first-class century came against Gloucestershire in August 2016 and is his current high score of 171. Billings has scored five List A cricket centuries and in 2014 shared the Walter Lawrence Trophy for the quickest century in County cricket", "\"Baba Indrajith\"\nBaba Indrajith Baba Indrajith (born 8 July 1994 in Madras, India) is an Indian cricketer who plays as an allrounder for the Tamil Nadu cricket team. Indrajith is a right hand batsman and legbreak bowler. He plays first-class cricket for Tamil Nadu. In September 2017, he scored his first double-century in first-class cricket, playing for India Red in the 2017–18 Duleep Trophy. In July 2018, he was named in the squad for India Green for the 2018–19 Duleep Trophy. In the opening fixture of the tournament, he made a century, scoring 109 runs. He was the leading run-scorer for India", "\"Baheer Shah\"\nbecame the second-youngest player, after Javed Miandad, to score a triple century in first-class cricket. From his first six innings in first-class cricket he made 831 runs, the most by any player, breaking the previous record of 741 runs made by Bill Ponsford. He scored his 1,000th run in first-class cricket in his eleventh innings, the second-fastest behind Ponsford. He finished the 2017–18 Ahmad Shah Abdali 4-day Tournament as the leading run-scorer, with a total of 1,096 runs. In December 2017, he was named in Afghanistan's squad for the 2018 Under-19 Cricket World Cup. In January 2018, his batting average", "\"John Dyson (cricketer)\"\nJohn Dyson (cricketer) John Dyson (born 11 June 1954, Kogarah, New South Wales) is a former international cricketer (batsman) who is now a cricket coach, most recently in charge of the West Indies. He played 30 Test matches and 29 ODIs for Australia from 1977 to 1984. He did not enjoy as much success at the international level as he did at the first class level. In first-class matches, he scored nearly 10,000 runs at an average of 40. Dyson is probably best remembered for his \"\"catch of the century\"\" at the SCG, West Indies v Australia, 5 January 1982", "\"Julian Charles (cricketer)\"\nof the West Indies Cricket Board. He was elected President of the Saint Lucia National Cricket Association in 2009, and was re-elected in 2011, 2013, and 2015. Julian Charles (cricketer) Julian Desmond Charles (born 3 May 1961) is a former Saint Lucian cricketer who played for the Windward Islands in West Indian domestic cricket. He was the first Saint Lucian to score a first-class hundred. A right-handed middle-order batsman and occasional leg spin bowler, Charles made his first-class debut for the Windwards during the 1982–83 Shell Shield season. He scored his maiden first-class century during the 1985–86 season (114 against", "\"Arthur Webb\"\nArthur Webb Arthur Stuart Webb (6 August 1868 – 3 December 1952) was an English first-class cricketer. Webb was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm medium pace. Webb made his first-class debut for Hampshire County Cricket Club in the 1895 County Championship against Essex. Webb represented Hampshire in 149 first-class matches from 1895 to 1904, with his final appearance for the county coming in 1904 against Somerset at Dean Park Cricket Ground, Bournemouth. In his 149 matches for the county, Webb scored 5,475 runs at a batting average of 21.54, with 28 half centuries, two centuries and a high score", "\"Barry Reed (cricketer)\"\ncentury, 2 centuries and a high score 143* against Buckinghamshire in 1970. In addition to playing first-class matches for Hampshire, Reed also represented the Marylebone Cricket Club in a single first-class match in 1966 against Ireland on the Marylebone Cricket Club's tour of Ireland. Barry Reed (cricketer) Barry Lindsay Reed (born 27 September 1937 at Southsea, Hampshire) is a former English first-class cricketer. Reed was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm slow. Reed made his first-class debut for Hampshire in 1958 against Cambridge University. It would then be seven years before Reed would represent Hampshire again in 1965, making his", "\"Raees Mohammad\"\naverage of above 27 including a half century. In all, Raees played 30 first-class matches and scored 1,344 runs at the average of 32.78 including two centuries and eight half centuries. He also took 33 wickets and 21 catches. Raees Mohammad Raees Mohammad (; born 25 December 1932) is a former first-class Pakistani cricketer who played in 30 first-class matches from 1948 to 1963. A right-handed batsman and a leg-spinner; he scored 1,344 runs with the help of two centuries, and took 33 wickets. He was one of the five Mohammad brothers, four of whom played Test cricket for Pakistan.", "\"George Watson (cricketer, born 1855)\"\nGeorge Watson (cricketer, born 1855) George Watson (1855 – 23 November 1884) was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Canterbury from 1881 to 1884. In his first match he scored the first century in New Zealand first-class cricket. Watson was born in Bombay, the third son of the Rev. Thomas Watson, who was senior chaplain in the Bombay Presidency. His young brother, Francis Watson (born on Saint Helena in 1860), also played first-class cricket, appearing in a single New Zealand domestic match for a West Coast team. After moving to Christchurch, George Watson began representing Canterbury in non-first-class matches", "\"Bill Roe (cricketer)\"\nnumber of second-class county matches for Somerset. In first-class cricket he scored 2,690 runs, including four centuries, at an average of 20.22. He also took 32 wickets with his medium pace and spin bowling, and was well-regarded as a fielder, having taken 35 catches. Bill Roe (cricketer) William Nichols \"\"Bill\"\" Roe (21 March 186111 October 1937) was an English first-class cricketer who played for Somerset County Cricket Club and Cambridge University in the late 19th century. A right-handed batsman who could play aggressively, but with a sound defensive method, Roe was considered one of Somerset's leading batsmen of the era.", "\"James MacDonald (cricketer)\"\nJames MacDonald (cricketer) James Macdonald (17 September 1906 – 8 March 1969) was an Irish cricketer. MacDonald was a left-handed batsman who bowled slow left-arm orthodox. He was born at Comber, United Kingdom (today Northern Ireland). Macdonald made his first-class debut for Ireland against Wales at Ormeau, Belfast in 1926. He made thirteen further first-class appearances for Ireland, the last of which came against Scotland in 1939. In his fourteen first-class matches, he scored 622 runs at an average of 23.92, with a high score of 108 not out. This score, which was his only first-class century, came against the", "\"Nick Compton\"\nthan 400 runs in first-class cricket with just three fifties, including featuring for the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) against County Champions Sussex. Although his one-day form improved with his first List A century in the 2007 Friends Provident Trophy against Sussex in June 2007, scoring 110 not out. During the 2008 season Compton only played five first-class matches scoring just 68 runs at an average of 8.50, thus the 2009 season was a marked improvement top scoring in first-class cricket for Middlesex with 860 runs including two centuries and three half-centuries. In one-day cricket Compton was in fine form with", "\"John Tasker (cricketer)\"\nJohn Tasker (cricketer) John Tasker (4 February 1887 – 24 August 1975) was an English amateur first-class cricketer, who played in thirty three first-class matches between 1912 and 1919. Born in South Kirkby, Yorkshire, England, Tasker was a right-handed batsman who scored 644 runs at 14.97, with a best of 67 for Yorkshire County Cricket Club against Cambridge University. He also scored half centuries against Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire. He bowled two overs which cost sixteen runs. All but two of his first-class games were played for Yorkshire before World War I, with his two appearances in 1919 coming for the", "\"Tushar Imran\"\nrun-a-ball 70 against Surrey. In December 2016, during the 2016–17 National Cricket League, he scored his 19th century, the most first-class hundreds by a Bangladeshi. He was the top run-scorer in the 2016–17 Bangladesh Cricket League, with a total of 731 runs. In January 2018, during the 2017–18 Bangladesh Cricket League, he scored his 10,000th run in first-class cricket. He became the first Bangladesh player to reach this landmark. He was the leading run-scorer for Central Zone in the 2017–18 Bangladesh Cricket League, with 725 runs in six matches. In October 2018, during the 2018–19 National Cricket League, he became", "\"David Roberts (cricketer)\"\nDavid Roberts (cricketer) David James Roberts (born 29 December 1976) is a Cornish cricketer. Roberts is a right-handed batsman who bowls right-arm medium pace. He was born at Truro, Cornwall. Roberts made his first-class debut for Northamptonshire against Oxford University in 1996. His County Championship debut came in the same season against Essex. From 1996 to 1999, he represented the county in 17 first-class matches, the last of which came against Somerset. In his 17 first-class matches, he scored 751 runs at a batting average of 25.89, with 2 half centuries and a single century high score of 117. In", "\"David Roberts (cricketer)\"\n(AKA ledge) David Roberts (cricketer) David James Roberts (born 29 December 1976) is a Cornish cricketer. Roberts is a right-handed batsman who bowls right-arm medium pace. He was born at Truro, Cornwall. Roberts made his first-class debut for Northamptonshire against Oxford University in 1996. His County Championship debut came in the same season against Essex. From 1996 to 1999, he represented the county in 17 first-class matches, the last of which came against Somerset. In his 17 first-class matches, he scored 751 runs at a batting average of 25.89, with 2 half centuries and a single century high score of", "\"Kenneth Mathews (cricketer)\"\nKenneth Mathews (cricketer) Kenneth Patrick Arthur Mathews (born 10 May 1926) is a former English cricketer. Mathews was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm medium pace. He was born at West Worthing, Sussex, and was educated at Felsted School. Mathews made his first-class debut for Sussex against Cambridge University in 1950. He made three further first-class appearances for the county in that season, against Surrey, Kent and Northamptonshire in the County Championship. He scored his maiden first-class half century against Kent, with a score of 51. The following season, while studying at Clare College, Cambridge, he played first-class cricket for", "\"Andrew Roseberry\"\nSussex. He played 5 more first-class fixtures for Glamorgan in 1994, with his final first-class match coming against Hampshire. In his 7 first-class matches, he scored 263 runs at a batting average of 29.22, with 2 half centuries and a high score of 94. His brother Mike played cricket for Middlesex, Durham County Cricket Club and the Marylebone Cricket Club. Andrew Roseberry Andrew Roseberry (born 2 April 1971) is a former English cricketer. Roseberry was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm medium pace. He was born at Sunderland, County Durham. Roseberry made his first-class debut for Leicestershire in 1992 against", "\"Mpumalanga (cricket team)\"\ntheir matches in the Provincial One-Day Challenge. Their captain in all matches was Roelof Hugo, who was also the wicket-keeper. He scored 451 runs in the first-class matches at an average of 28.18 and made 21 catches and a stumping. He later played for South Western Districts. The most successful batsman in the first-class matches was Paul van den Berg, who scored 524 runs at 43.66 with one century and also took 16 wickets at 33.43. He later played for Easterns. Adolf van den Berg was the most successful bowler, with 20 wickets at 34.30 as well as 414 runs", "\"Freddie Jakeman\"\nFreddie Jakeman Frederick \"\"Freddie\"\" Jakeman (10 January 1920 – 17 May 1986) was an English first-class cricketer, who played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club in 1946 and 1947, and for Northamptonshire from 1949 to 1954. He also played first-class cricket for the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) in 1952. Born in Holmfirth, Yorkshire, England, Jakeman was a left-handed batsman, who played 134 games in all, scoring 5,952 runs at 32.00, with a best score of 258 not out against Essex. Another notable innings include an unbeaten 176 against Surrey and 169 against Derbyshire. He scored eleven centuries in all with 42", "\"Edward Hirst (cricketer)\"\nEdward Hirst (cricketer) Edward Theodore Hirst (6 May 1857 – 26 October 1914) was an English amateur first-class cricketer, who played twenty one matches for the Yorkshire County Cricket Club between 1877 and 1888. He also played for Oxford University. Born in New House, Deighton, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England, Hirst was educated at Rugby School and Balliol College, Oxford. He was a right-handed batsman, who in total scored 778 runs with a highest score of 114 (his only first-class century), at an average of 12.54. He took seventeen catches in the field. His highest score for Yorkshire was 87 not out.", "\"Frederic John Poynton\"\nwould play in any single season of his career, After scoring runs down the order in the early part of the season, Poynton batted as part of the top order most of the year. He scored his first half-century in first-class cricket as an opener, making 51 against Yorkshire. Yorkshire were also the opponents when he claimed his second, and final career first-class wicket, bowling George Ulyett. Two first-class matches in 1894 brought Poynton little success, he averaged just 6.50 with the bat. Poynton reached his highest total in first-class cricket in an 1895 match against Sussex, scoring 57 before", "\"Hormasji Kanga\"\nHormasji Kanga Dr Hormasji Dorabji Kanga (9 April 1880 - 29 December 1945) was an Indian cricketer who played first-class cricket for the Parsis (sometimes spelt Parsees) cricket team between 1899 and 1921 as an all-rounder and opening batsman. He was the first Indian to score a double century in a first-class match, and the Kanga Cricket League is named after him. His older twin brothers Dinshaw and MD also played first-class cricket for Parsees. In his cricketing career, Kanga played 43 first-class matches between 1899 and 1921. In a match between Parsis and a Europeans cricket team at the", "\"Mohammad Shahzad\"\nfirst Afghan cricketer (excluding Salim Durani, who although born in Kabul, was Indian) to make 1,000 first-class career runs. He is also the first Afghan cricketer to pass 1,000 runs in List A cricket. He set the record for the most number of dismissals as a wicketkeeper in a single T20I innings(5) and also set the new record for becoming the first wicketkeeper from any team to involve in 5 dismissals in a T20I. During Zimbabwe tour in 2016, Shahzad scored the best innings of his life. With his magnificent century of 118 off 68, Shahzad has the most number", "\"Richard Davis (cricketer)\"\nsingle appearance against Northamptonshire, he scored his final first-class half century, by making 51 runs, before being dismissed by Monty Panesar. To expand his fairy tale end of his first-class career, he took figures of 6/73; his wickets included those of Graeme Swann and Michael Hussey. Davis was considered an able batsman, in his entire first-class career he scored 2,503 runs at an average of 15.26, with 5 half centuries and a high score of 67. A spinner who often did not get too much spin on a cricket ball, Davis was notable for his ability to bowl accurately and", "\"Derbyshire County Cricket Club in 1990\"\nthe touring New Zealanders and won seven first class matches altogether. Kim Barnett was captain for his seventh season. With dry conditions, the reduced size of the seam on the cricket ball and the extension of four-day cricket, the 1990 English cricket season was batsmen-friendly allowing them to build huge scores. Kim Barnett scored five centuries in the first class game and two in one-day events to make him top scorer. John Morris scored six centuries in first class and one in the one day game, and in both matches against Yorkshire three Derbyshire players made centuries. Ian Bishop took", "\"Bill Ashdown\"\nBill Ashdown William Henry Ashdown (27 December 1898 – 15 September 1979) was an English professional cricketer. He is one of a very few men who played first-class cricket before the First World War and after the Second World War. Ashdown was born in Bromley in Kent. He first played first-class cricket in 1914, playing for Gerry Weigall's XI against Oxford University in The Parks, aged 15. He played for Kent County Cricket Club after the First World War. He scored 39 centuries, including a highest score of 332 against Essex in 1934. This remains Kent's highest individual score. Ashdown", "\"Evan James (cricketer)\"\nEvan James (cricketer) Evan Llewellyn James (10 May 1918 – January 1989) was a Welsh cricketer. James was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm medium pace. He was born at Barry, Glamorgan. James made his first-class debut for Glamorgan against Warwickshire in the 1946 County Championship. He made eight further first-class appearances for the county, the last of which came against Derbyshire in the 1947 County Championship. In his nine first-class matches, he scored a total of 232 runs at an average of 29.00, with a high score of 62 not out. This score was one of two half centuries", "\"Richard Brooke (cricketer)\"\ncricket for the Minor Counties cricket team, who he made his debut for against Oxford University in 1933. He made 2 further first-class appearances for the team, against the touring West Indians in 1933, and the touring South Africans in 1935. In his 3 first-class matches for the team, he scored 169 runs at an average of 28.16, with a high score of 125. This score came against Oxford University in 1933, meaning all his first-class centuries came either for or against Oxford University. He also took 4 wickets for the Minor Counties, which came at an average of 9.50,", "\"Will Mortlock\"\nWill Mortlock William (\"\"Will\"\") Mortlock (born 18 July 1832 at Kennington, London; died 23 January 1884 at Lambeth, London) was an English professional cricketer who played first-class cricket from 1851 to 1870. His brother Thomas was a first-class umpire. A right-handed batsman and slow underarm bowler who played for Surrey County Cricket Club, he made 191 known appearances in first-class matches. He represented the Players in the Gentlemen v Players series. Mortlock sometimes opened the innings and he scored a total of 5528 runs at an average of 18.73 with a highest score of 106. He made three career centuries.", "\"Tom Hayward\"\nTom Hayward Thomas Walter Hayward (29 March 1871 – 19 July 1939) was an English first-class cricketer who played for Surrey and England between the 1890s and the outbreak of World War I. He was primarily an opening batsman, noted especially for the quality of his off-drive. Neville Cardus wrote that he \"\"was amongst the most precisely technical and most prolific batsmen of any time in the annals of cricket.\"\" He was only the second batsman to reach the landmark of 100 first-class centuries, following WG Grace. In the 1906 English season he scored 3,518 runs, a record aggregate since", "\"Robin Gardner (cricketer)\"\nRobin Gardner (cricketer) Leslie Robin Gardner (born 23 February 1934) is an English former cricketer and footballer. In cricket, Gardner was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm medium pace. He was born in Ledbury, Herefordshire. Gardner made his first-class debut for Leicestershire against Cambridge University in 1954. In first-class cricket, Gardner appeared 126 times for Leicestershire between 1954 and 1962. In these 126 matches, he took scored 4,119 runs at a batting average of 19.80, with a high score of 102 not out. This score was one of two centuries he made, with his 102 not out coming against the", "\"George Watson (cricketer, born 1855)\"\nthe age of 29 after an attack of peritonitis. Sarah never remarried, raised their sons alone, and died in June 1944. George Watson (cricketer, born 1855) George Watson (1855 – 23 November 1884) was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Canterbury from 1881 to 1884. In his first match he scored the first century in New Zealand first-class cricket. Watson was born in Bombay, the third son of the Rev. Thomas Watson, who was senior chaplain in the Bombay Presidency. His young brother, Francis Watson (born on Saint Helena in 1860), also played first-class cricket, appearing in a single", "\"Andrew Jackman (cricketer)\"\nscored 466 runs at an average of 23.30, with 4 half centuries and a high score of 73, while in the field he took 9 catches. Andrew Jackman (cricketer) Andrew Fitz Donald Jackman (born 27 January 1963) is a former Guyanese cricketer. Jackman was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm off break. He was born in Georgetown, Guyana. Jackman made his first-class debut for Demerara against Berbice in the 1981/82 West Indian cricket season. From the 1981/82 season to the 1989/90 season, he represented Demerara in 7 first-class matches. He also played first-class cricket for Guyana, representing the team in", "\"David Donald (cricketer)\"\nDavid Donald (cricketer) David Lindsay Donald (20 July 1933 – 3 October 2016) was a New Zealand cricketer who played first-class cricket for Northern Districts from 1957 to 1961. An opening batsman, David Donald had his best season in 1958-59, when he scored 382 runs in the Plunket Shield at an average of 38.20. Only two players scored more: the Test captain John Reid and Northern Districts' number four, Bruce Pairaudeau. Donald made his only first-class century in the match against Canterbury, which was one of only four centuries in the competition that season. Considered for the Test team, he", "\"Michael McEvoy\"\nMichael McEvoy Michael Stephen Anthony McEvoy (born 25 January 1956) is an Indian-born former English first-class cricketer who played first-class and List A cricket between 1976 and 1990, with the bulk of his career being between 1980 and 1984. He was playing for the Essex Second XI at the age of 17, but his debut in first-class cricket was in a County Championship match against Middlesex in August 1976; he scored 18 and 13, opening the batting in both innings. At the start of September, he scored his maiden first-class half-century, producing an innings of 61 against Somerset. McEvoy remained", "\"Ron Saggers with the Australian cricket team in England in 1948\"\nspeed or agility of Tallon but could always be relied on for a solid performance. A most polished and unostentatious player.\"\" During the tour, Saggers had few opportunities with the bat, generally batting between No. 8 and No. 10, because Australia's frontline bowlers included the likes of Ray Lindwall, Colin McCool, Ian Johnson and Doug Ring, who were all capable batsmen. Lindwall scored two Test centuries in his career, while McCool scored 18 first-class centuries, one in Tests. Johnson and Ring both scored more than 20 fifties at first-class level. As a result, many of the bowlers batted before he", "\"Dadabhoy Havewala\"\nDadabhoy Havewala Dadabhoy Rustomji Havewala (sometimes spelt Havewalla) (27 November 1908 – 21 July 1982) was an Indian cricketer who played first-class cricket from 1934 to 1941. Havewala became famous in India before he played first-class cricket. In the final of the Times of India Shield in Bombay in December 1933, he scored 515 (with 32 sixes and 55 fours) as well as taking 11 wickets. It was the highest score in Indian cricket until 2013, when Prithvi Shaw made 546. He made his first first-class century in 1935-36, playing for Bombay against Western India. Earlier in the season he", "\"George Greenfield (cricketer)\"\nhis final match for the county against Lancashire where he scored his maiden and only first-class century with a score of 102 in Surrey's first innings. In 1875 Greenfield made a single first-class appearance for Hampshire against Kent at Winchester College Ground. Greenfield died at Ealing, Middlesex on 3 September 1917. George Greenfield (cricketer) George Price Greenfield (24 January 1843 – 3 September 1917) was an English first-class cricketer. Greenfield was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm roundarm fast. Greenfield made his first-class debut for the Gentlemen of the South against the Players of the South. During the match Greenfield", "\"Michael Hall (cricketer)\"\na high score of 72. This score, one of two half centuries he made, came against Cambridge University in 1959, while his other half century, a score of 53, came against Hampshire in 1958. His father John Hall also played first-class cricket. Michael Hall (cricketer) Michael John Hall (born 29 May 1935) is a former English cricketer. Hall was a right-handed batsman. He was born at Worksop, Nottinghamshire. Hall made his first-class debut for Nottinghamshire against Essex in the 1958 County Championship at the Garrison A Cricket Ground, Colchester, with him making a further eight first-class appearances in that season.", "\"Keno Mason\"\ndomestic cricket came during the 2001–02 season. Mason played 42 first-class matches in total, and scored eleven half-centuries, with a highest score of 84 against the Windward Islands in January 1995. He also made 24 limited-overs appearances, although he scored only a single half-century in that format, making 68 against Barbados in February 1994. Keno Mason Keno Anthony Mason (born 13 November 1972) is a former Trinidadian cricketer who represented Trinidad and Tobago in West Indian domestic cricket. He played as a wicket-keeper. Mason made his first-class debut for Trinidad and Tobago in January 1993, in a Red Stripe Cup", "\"Travis Dean\"\nTravis Dean Travis Jeffrey Dean (born 1 February 1992) is an Australian cricketer who plays first-class cricket for Victoria. Dean came to attention playing premier cricket for Footscray-Edgewater, and was one of the competition's top batsmen in the 2014-15 season. Following these performances, Dean was selected to make his first-class debut for Victoria at age 23 on 28 October 2015, in a day-and-night Sheffield Shield match. In the match he made two unbeaten centuries opening the batting, with scores of 154 not out and 109 not out, making him the first player to score centuries in both innings on debut", "\"Buddy Oldfield\"\nthe match ended, the Second World War broke out and he did not play first-class cricket until 1948, and curtailing what could have been a long Test career. He holds the record for most runs by an England player who has played only one Test. After the war ended and first-class cricket resumed, the 35-year-old Oldfield could not agree terms with Lancashire and left. In later years, he reflected that it had been a mistake to leave Lancashire. In the 151 first-class matches he played for Lancashire, Oldfield scored 7,002 runs at an average of 35.72 with 12 centuries. Oldfield", "\"Percy Tarilton\"\nPercy Tarilton Percy Hamilton \"\"Tim\"\" Tarilton (8 February 1885 – 18 February 1953) was a Barbadian cricketer who represented the West Indies in the days before they achieved Test status. A good driver of the ball, he made his first-class debut for Barbados in 1905 and played until 1930. He hit his maiden first-class century against Marylebone Cricket Club (M.C.C.) in 1913. The First World War prevented Tarilton from establishing an international reputation, for example through touring England. In 1920, Tarilton scored the first triple-century by a West Indian cricketer, in a match for Barbados against Trinidad when he scored", "\"Colin Johnson (cricketer)\"\nColin Johnson (cricketer) Colin Johnson (born 5 September 1947, Pocklington, Yorkshire, England) is an English first-class cricketer, who played 100 matches for Yorkshire County Cricket Club between 1969 and 1979. He scored 2,960 runs as a right-handed middle order batsman at 21.44, with two centuries against Somerset and Gloucestershire. In 102 one day games he scored 1,615 runs at 20.18, with a top score of 73 not out. He also took four first-class wickets with his occasional off breaks, and two more in one day cricket. He was a stalwart for Yorkshire's Second XI, playing from 1966 to 1985, and", "\"John Woodford (English cricketer)\"\nmore successful in the limited over format, snaring 79 victims with his medium pacers at 21.01. John Woodford (English cricketer) John Douglas Woodford (born 9 September 1943, Little Horton, Bradford, Yorkshire, England) is an English first-class cricketer, who played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club from 1968 to 1973, and appeared subsequently for Northumberland in the Minor Counties Cricket Championship. Woodford is a right-handed batsman, who scored 1,204 first-class runs in thirty eight matches with a highest score of 101, his only century. In seventy four List A one day games, he compiled 951 runs at an average of 21.61, with", "\"Stuart Pollock\"\nfor Ireland, with Pollock also playing two matches for the Marylebone Cricket Club and one for the Free Foresters. Recognised as one of the best batsman in Ireland during this period, he scored 1,036 runs in first-class cricket at an average of 25.26, and a high score of 129, which was his only first-class century. He played his club cricket for the North of Ireland Cricket Club, who he played for into the 1960s, eventually retiring from playing due to a bad back. He remained active in Irish cricket following his retirement. He was President of the Irish Cricket Union", "\"Pune Club Ground\"\nRajkot, conceded the match when Nimbalkar was nine short of Don Bradman's then world-record score of 452*. Pune Club Ground The Pune Club Ground or Poona Club Ground is a cricket ground in Pune, Maharashtra. It has been used for first-class cricket since 1935, most recently for a Ranji Trophy match between Maharashtra and Railways in 2001. One of only ten first-class quadruple centuries was scored at the ground by B. B. Nimbalkar in December 1948. He reached 443* playing for Maharashtra in a Ranji Trophy match against Kathiawar. It is the only first-class score of 400 or more by", "\"John Alan Claughton\"\nJohn Alan Claughton John Alan Claughton (born 17 September 1956, in Guiseley, Leeds) is a former Chief Master of King Edward's School, Birmingham (K.E.S.), and a former English first-class cricketer. Claughton was a right-handed batsman, who bowled slow left-arm orthodox. In 1975, Claughton was captain of his school cricket team (K.E.S.) where he later became chief master. He made his first-class debut for Oxford University against Gloucestershire in 1976 scoring a century in the second innings thus scoring a century on debut. Claughton played 37 first-class matches for the University from 1976 to 1979, with his final first-class match for", "\"Denis Compton\"\nDenis Compton Denis Charles Scott Compton CBE (23 May 1918 – 23 April 1997) was an English cricketer who played in 78 Test matches and spent his whole cricket career with Middlesex. He was also an accomplished footballer who played most of his football career at Arsenal. A right-handed batsman and slow left-arm chinaman bowler, Compton is regularly credited as one of England's most remarkable batsmen. He is one of only twenty-five players to have scored over one hundred centuries in first-class cricket. In 2009, Compton was posthumously inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame. The Denis Compton Oval", "\"Alec Swann\"\nYorkshire. Innings of 128 and 111 made him the first Lancastrian to score centuries in his first two Roses matches. The following two seasons were less successful for Swann, in 15 first-class matches he scored 467 runs at 21.22. He was released by the club at the end of 2004 season. Alec Swann Alec James Swann (born 26 October 1976 in Northampton) is a former English cricketer who played for Northamptonshire and Lancashire in county cricket. A right hand batsman, he scored 3,305 first-class runs including eight centuries. He is the older brother of Graeme Swann and is currently the", "\"James Wells (cricketer)\"\n80 against Hampshire. His final match for Surrey came in 1800 against England. Wells also played a single first-class match for a side representing Kent in 1793, against the Marylebone Cricket Club. In addition to playing first-class cricket for the above sides, he also represented Hampshire and Sussex, TA Smith's XI, N to Z and England. In his overall first-class career, he scored 261 runs at an average of 8.15, with a single half century score of 80. In the field he took 4 catches. Wells' first-class appearances total depends on whether it was he or John Walker who played", "\"Steven Croft (cricketer)\"\nof them scored a century. Against a Somerset bowling attack depleted through injury, Croft scored his fourth first-class century. Croft was educated at Highfield Humanities College in his hometown of Blackpool and Myerscough College in Bilsborrow on the Fylde. He has twice been the half-time guest at the club's home games at Bloomfield Road, firstly against Derby County on 21 October 2008. and again on 30 November 2009 during the West Lancashire derby against Preston North End. Steven Croft (cricketer) Steven John Croft (born 11 October 1984) is an English first-class cricketer who has played for Lancashire County Cricket Club", "\"John Mitchell (cricketer)\"\nhighest season average of his career, with a single half century of 52 his highest score. Mitchell also played two matches for the New Zealand Under–23s during his career, returning with a total of 104 runs, the majority of which from a high score of 74, the only half century of his Under–23 career, at an average of 26.00. John Mitchell (cricketer) William John Mitchell (born 1 December 1947) is a former New Zealand cricketer, who played first–class cricket for Northern Districts and Otago. A Right–handed batsman and occasional right–arm medium pace bowler, Mitchell played 14 first–class matches in all" ]
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who has won the most trophies man utd or liverpool
[ "Manchester United" ]
[ "\"Liverpool F.C.\"\nplace the club was promoted to the First Division, which it won in 1901 and again in 1906. Liverpool reached its first FA Cup Final in 1914, losing 1–0 to Burnley. It won consecutive League championships in 1922 and 1923, but did not win another trophy until the 1946–47 season, when the club won the First Division for a fifth time under the control of ex-West Ham Utd centre half George Kay. Liverpool suffered its second Cup Final defeat in 1950, playing against Arsenal. The club was relegated to the Second Division in the 1953–54 season. Soon after Liverpool lost", "\"Radio UTD\"\ncharts, interviews, news and weekly reviews of albums that are adding from RadioUTD to College Music Journal. New sections are being added including a local music blog. Radio UTD has one Blog Editor who accepts submissions from all DJs. Interviews and ticket giveaways are organized and conducted by the Radio UTD management team unless otherwise specified. Radio UTD has conducted interviews with artists ranging from Man Man, Final Fantasy, Xiu Xiu, Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, Portugal. The Man, Joe Lally, and Girl Talk. In the Spring of 2018, Blog Editor Roman Soriano won 2nd place in the category of", "\"Joe McQue\"\nIronopolis. The following season, he was a key defender in the Liverpool team, who were undefeated in their 28 league matches and won the Football League Second Division, he was then part of the side that won the promotion test match against Newton Heath, later to become Man Utd. McQue witnessed relegation from the top flight during the 1894-95 season, but was part of the side that bounced back, again as 2nd division champions at the end of the 1895-96 term, scoring 5 times in 26 games. McQue went on to play 146 times for Liverpool before leaving in 1898,", "\"Premier League Asia Trophy\"\ntournament has featured teams solely from the Premier League. Chelsea won the inaugural tournament in 2003, and finished victorious again in 2011. Six other sides have won the Premier League Asia Trophy: Bolton Wanderers in 2005, Portsmouth in 2007, Tottenham Hotspur in 2009, Manchester City in 2013, Arsenal in 2015, and Liverpool in 2017. Chelsea, Tottenham, Man City, Liverpool, Everton, and South China are the most regular participants, having each contested the tournament on two occasions. Thailand's under-23 national team are the only local Asian side to advance to the finals of the contest. Hong Kong has hosted the tournament", "\"Kingston Nkhatha\"\njoined Premier Soccer League outfit SuperSport United on a three-and-a-half-year contract. He made his debut on 11 February against his former club Free State Stars and scored his first SuperSport Utd goal in the process. He won his first trophy with SuperSport Utd in May 2016 when the club won the 2015–16 Nedbank Cup. Nkhatha has won 10 caps and scored 3 goals for the Zimbabwe national team. His international goals have come against Madagascar and Malawi. . \"\"Scores and results list Zimbabwe's goal tally first.\"\" Kingston Nkhatha Kingston Nkhatha (born 27 October 1985) is a Zimbabwean footballer who plays", "\"Peter Ndlovu\"\na run in that would see back to back games against Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea and Leeds Utd saw them slip from fifth in the league in February to 15th in the final table. The season finished with a thrilling performance from Ndlovu in a 3–3 draw against Leeds Utd. Ndlovu was a key component throughout the season in Gould's fast pacey front line which included John Williams, Kevin Gallacher (until his departure to Blackburn) and Robert Rosario, who formed a worthy partnership with Micky Quinn. Peter Ndlovu's goal against Norwich City, in a 1–1 draw in late September, was", "\"John Atyeo\"\nLofthouse (Bolton W); Johnny Haynes (Fulham) and Perry (Blackpool). Atyeo, Perry (2) & Finney scored. Atyeo won his 2nd England cap at inside right in a 4–2 friendly win over Brazil at Wembley on 9 May 1956 in a forward line of Stanley Matthews (Blackpool); Atyeo; Tommy Taylor (Man Utd); Haynes (Fulham) and Grainger (Sheff Utd). Taylor (2) & Grainger (2) scored. Atyeo won his 3rd England cap at inside right in a 0–0 friendly draw with Sweden in Stockholm on 16 May 1956 in a forward line of Berry (Man Utd); Atyeo; Taylor (Man Utd); Haynes (Fulham) and Finney", "\"1995 Football League Cup Final\"\nBolton continued to pressure Liverpool in search of the equaliser but were unable to score and Liverpool won the match 2–1 to claim their fifth League Cup victory. Liverpool captain Rush collected the trophy from the Royal box at Wembley Stadium. Liverpool's victory meant Rush won the competition for the fifth time in his career, which is a record. McManaman was awarded the Alan Hardaker Trophy as man of the match. McManaman praised the performance of the Bolton players: \"\"Give Bolton their due, they battled back in the second half like we knew they would but it was a great", "\"Liverpool F.C.\"\nwhile its first success in the FA Cup was in 1965. In terms of the number of trophies won, Liverpool's most successful decade was the 1980s, when the club won six League titles, two FA Cups, four League Cups, five Charity Shields (one shared) and two European Cups. The club has accumulated more top-flight wins and points than any other English team. Liverpool also has the highest average league finishing position (3.3) for the 50-year period to 2015 and second-highest average league finishing position for the period 1900–1999 after Arsenal, with an average league placing of 8.7. Liverpool has won", "\"John Atyeo\"\n(Preston). Atyeo won his 4th England cap at inside right in a 5–1 World Cup win over Republic of Ireland at Wembley on 8 May 1957 in a forward line of Matthews (Blackpool); Atyeo; Taylor (Man Utd); Haynes (Fulham) and Finney (Preston). Taylor (3) & Atyeo (2) scored. Atyeo won his 5th England cap at inside right in a 4–1 World Cup win over Denmark in Copenhagen on 15 May 1957 in a forward line of Matthews (Blackpool); Atyeo; Taylor (Man Utd); Haynes (Fulham) and Finney (Preston). Haynes, Taylor (2) & Atyeo scored. Atyeo won his 6th and final England", "\"Laragh, County Cavan\"\n1983 and 1984. The 1984 final was played in Ballyconnell, as this was the Centenary year of the G.A.A. In the same year, Laragh Utd won the Ulster 7-a-side competition. This competition was played to celebrate the Centenary year. In recent years, Laragh Utd. has not had much success at Senior Level, but great progress has been made and under-age level. The club won the U-12 league in 2002 and was narrowly beaten by Belturbet in the U-13 championship. The club has consistently provided players to the Cavan County teams, the most notable being Jimmy Carroll, Matt Rudden, Ray Cullivan,", "\"Karl Marginson\"\nCurzon Ashton. He spent the 2004–05 season playing in the North West Counties Football League with First Division Bacup Borough. In terms of silverware, his most successful period was from 1996–98. In 1995–96 he won the FA Trophy at Wembley with Macclesfield Town. The following year, again with Macclesfield, he went on to win the Conference title and promotion to the football league. In 1997–98 he won the Northern Premier with Barrow AFC, scoring the title clinching goal against nearest rivals Boston Utd. On 22 June 2005, he was appointed as the first ever manager of F.C. United of Manchester", "\"Garston, Liverpool\"\nsuccessful in their many applications to join the Football League, many of their players went on to play for Football League sides; most notably striker John Aldridge and midfielder Jimmy Case, who won major trophies in the great Liverpool sides of the 1970s and 1980s. Aldridge, locally born but of Irish descent, was also a Republic of Ireland international regular in the late 1980s and early to mid-1990s, representing his adopted country at two World Cups. A house in Garston was used in creating the artwork for the Arctic Monkeys album \"\"Favourite Worst Nightmare\"\". The house and estate has been", "\"Away colours\"\nstrip to be their \"\"lucky kit\"\" (), having won the European Cup five times in those colours. However, Milan had also lost two finals wearing all-white, most recently against Liverpool in 2005. In some title-deciding matches, a team has won the game wearing its away kit, but changed to home shirts for the trophy presentation – most notably when Spain won the 2010 World Cup final in their dark-blue away kit, but changed to red home shirts to lift the trophy. In some cases both teams have been forced to wear their second choice away kits; such as the match", "\"David Peace\"\nmanager of Leeds United Football Club. Entering the mind of the man who many regard as a football genius, Peace tells the story of a man characterised by a fear of failure and a hunger for success. Peace has described it as an \"\"occult history of Leeds United\"\". Former footballer and manager Johnny Giles successfully sued Peace for \"\"The Damned Utd\"\" as to what he perceived were gross untruths in the book. As part of the settling in the 2008 High Court dispute, the publisher of \"\"The Damned Utd\"\", Faber and Faber, were ordered to remove from any future editions", "\"Tommy Docherty\"\nFA Cup final again in 1977, this time as underdogs against Liverpool. United won 2–1, denying Liverpool the second trophy of a possible treble of League, FA Cup and European Cup. Shortly afterwards, news that Docherty was having an extramarital affair with the wife of a United physiotherapist, Laurie Brown, became public. He was sacked in a blaze of publicity in July 1977. Docherty was replaced at Old Trafford by the same man who had replaced him at Chelsea, Dave Sexton. The affair also resulted in the end of his marriage to Agnes, who had been his wife since December", "\"Liverpool F.C.–Manchester United F.C. rivalry\"\nRoy Evans, who won the League Cup, but upon his resignation in 1998, the era was over. In contrast, Manchester United have succeeded thanks to the services of three extraordinary men, all decades apart, without the need for continuity and sustained success beyond each man's departure. Out of the 66 trophies that United have won, 56 have come thanks to the exploits of Ernest Mangnall, Sir Matt Busby and Sir Alex Ferguson. Mangnall was the first great manager of Manchester United, securing five trophies within a three-year time span of 1908–11. Following his departure to local rivals Manchester City a", "BMP-3\nwith two infantrymen (one on each side of the driver). The vehicle has a double bottom and the engine is located under the floor of the vehicle (troops enter/leave the vehicle over the engine). The remaining five infantrymen are seated aft of the two-man turret. Early models were powered by a 450 hp engine UTD-29, but most BMP-3s are now equipped with the 500 hp UTD-29M version. The engine was developed at the Transmash Diesel Engine Plant in Barnaul. The BMP-3 has a range of 600 km, an altitude of operation of up to 3,000 m and it is transportable", "\"1983–84 Liverpool F.C. season\"\n1983–84 Liverpool F.C. season The 1983–84 season was the 92nd season in Liverpool F.C.'s existence, and their 21st consecutive year in the top-flight. It was Liverpool's first season under the management of Joe Fagan, who was promoted from the coaching staff after the retirement of Bob Paisley, their manager of the last nine seasons who had won at least one major trophy in all but the first of his seasons as manager (including six league titles and three European Cups). Fagan's first season as manager ended with Liverpool becoming the first team in England to win three major trophies in", "\"2006 UEFA Champions League Final\"\nwon, and around €28.9 million if they were to lose. Included in the total for participating in the final, the UEFA Champions League winners would collect approximately €6.4 million, with the runners-up receiving approximately €3.8 million. The final marked the appearance of a new trophy following Liverpool's triumph over Milan the previous year. As Liverpool won the competition for the fifth time they were entitled to keep the trophy, creating the need for a new trophy. Barcelona were expected to line up in a 4–2–3–1 formation, with Ronaldinho, Ludovic Giuly and Deco supporting Samuel Eto'o who would be deployed as", "\"1995 Football League Cup Final\"\nminute to extend Liverpool's lead to two goals. However, a minute later, Alan Thompson scored for Bolton to reduce the deficit to one goal. Despite repeated attacks, Bolton did not score an equaliser and Liverpool won the match 2–1. Liverpool's victory was their fifth in the competition. McManaman was named as man of the match and awarded the Alan Hardaker Trophy. His performance was praised by both managers, as was the performance of both teams. Liverpool's win qualified Liverpool to play in European competition the following season, while Bolton would win promotion to the Premier League following a 4–3 victory", "\"Liverpool F.C. in European football\"\nCup Final, the occasion of the Heysel Stadium disaster, following which the club was banned from European competitions for six seasons. Since being readmitted in 1991, they have qualified for the Champions League (the successor to the European Cup) nine times and the Europa League (the successor to the Uefa Cup) nine times. As a result of their victory in the 2005 UEFA Champions League Final, Liverpool won the European Champion Clubs' Cup trophy outright, and were awarded a multiple winner badge. Liverpool's total of three UEFA Cup wins has been bettered only by Sevilla, who have won the competition", "\"Liverpool F.C.\"\nDuring Paisley's nine seasons as manager Liverpool won 21 trophies, including three European Cups, a UEFA Cup, six League titles and three consecutive League Cups; the only domestic trophy he did not win was the FA Cup. Paisley retired in 1983 and was replaced by his assistant, Joe Fagan. Liverpool won the League, League Cup and European Cup in Fagan's first season, becoming the first English side to win three trophies in a season. Liverpool reached the European Cup final again in 1985, against Juventus at the Heysel Stadium. Before kick-off, Liverpool fans breached a fence which separated the two", "\"2003 Football League Cup Final\"\ncrowd of 74,500, the first half was goalless until Liverpool took the lead in the 39th minute when midfielder Steven Gerrard scored. The score remained the same until the 86th minute when striker Michael Owen scored to make the score 2–0 to Liverpool. No further goals were scored and Liverpool won to secure their seventh League Cup victory. Liverpool goalkeeper Jerzy Dudek was awarded the Alan Hardaker Trophy as man of the match. Liverpool manager Gérard Houllier praised Dudek's performance and claimed that he had a premonition that Dudek would perform well in the match. Manchester United manager Sir Alex", "Roscrea\npublic school in 1999. Just outside Roscrea is the Cistercian College. This is a private school located on the grounds of the Mount St Joseph Cistercian Monastery. Third-level courses, accredited by FETAC are provided at the Colaiste. The nearest Third-Level Institute is Tipperary Institute in Thurles. Roscrea Rugby Club has been twinned with Holybush in Wales for over 50 years. There are also some football (soccer) teams in the town – Killavilla Utd F.C., Roscrea United F.C. and Streamstown Celtic F.C. Roscrea GAA has won few trophies in its historyThe local Gaelic football club is Inane Rovers. Roscrea Hurling Club", "\"Liverpool F.C.\"\ncaptain of Liverpool F.C. Andrew Hannah became the first captain of the club after Liverpool separated from Everton and formed its own club. Initially Alex Raisbeck, who was club captain from 1899 to 1909, was the longest serving captain before being overtaken by Steven Gerrard who served 12 seasons as Liverpool captain starting from the 2003–04 season. The present captain is Jordan Henderson, who replaced Gerrard in the 2015–16 season following Gerrard's move to LA Galaxy. Liverpool's first trophy was the Lancashire League, which it won in the club's first season. In 1901, the club won its first League title,", "\"2012 Football League Cup Final\"\nthe man of the match. Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish was delighted to have won the League Cup and was adamant that the club would continue to win trophies: \"\"Although we have won something today, that is not us finished, we don't want to stop here. We want to keep going. We've won it and we are going to really enjoy it. I know how much the players have enjoyed it and it gives you a wee flavour to come back and do it again.\"\" The victory meant that Dalglish became the seventh manager to win all three major domestic trophies", "\"Duke of York Young Champions Trophy\"\nreduced to 36 holes. The Duke of York Young Champions Trophy is held at links courses across the UK. So far it has been hosted by nine different courses over its thirteen-year history. Dundonald Links and Royal Liverpool have played host to the tournament four times. As of 2014, 50 countries have participated in the Duke of York Young Champions Trophy. Duke of York Young Champions Trophy The Duke of York Young Champions Trophy is an international golf tournament for boys and girls who are either the current holders of their under-18 National Championship or have won some other major", "\"1983–84 Liverpool F.C. season\"\nMadrid who won it six times between 1956 and 1966. Final Replay Final 1983–84 Liverpool F.C. season The 1983–84 season was the 92nd season in Liverpool F.C.'s existence, and their 21st consecutive year in the top-flight. It was Liverpool's first season under the management of Joe Fagan, who was promoted from the coaching staff after the retirement of Bob Paisley, their manager of the last nine seasons who had won at least one major trophy in all but the first of his seasons as manager (including six league titles and three European Cups). Fagan's first season as manager ended with", "\"1983 Football League Cup Final\"\nin the same season. Instead, Liverpool won their third successive League Cup, and the second of three successive League and League Cup Doubles. The match was played at Wembley Stadium in front of approximately 100,000 spectators. Liverpool manager Bob Paisley collected the trophy, as it was his last major final in charge of Liverpool. 1983 Football League Cup Final The 1983 Football League Cup Final was a football match held on 26 March 1983 between League Cup holders Liverpool and Manchester United, who won the FA Cup later that year. Liverpool won the match 2–1; Norman Whiteside scored the opener", "\"Robbie Fowler\"\ncaptained the side and scored in the 30th minute. Liverpool went on to win the trophy on penalties, with Fowler scoring Liverpool's fifth in the shootout. Fowler picked up the Alan Hardaker Man of the Match award and lifted the trophy. Fowler's season picked up from there as he scored several important goals including one against runaway champions Manchester United and a free kick in the FA Cup semi-final against Wycombe Wanderers. Fowler featured as a substitute in the 2001 FA Cup Final coming on as a 77th-minute replacement for Vladimír Šmicer. Liverpool, who were 1–0 down at that point,", "\"2012 Football League Cup Final\"\nwhen Downing converted his penalty. Whittingham was next for Cardiff and he scored to level the shoot-out at 2–2. Johnson took the next penalty for Liverpool and scored, to give Liverpool a 3–2 lead and leave Cardiff needing to score or Liverpool would win. The Cardiff penalty was taken by Anthony Gerrard, but he missed his penalty, which meant Liverpool won the shoot-out 3–2 and won their eighth League Cup. Liverpool's victory meant they won the trophy for the eighth time, extending their record number of victories in the competition. Midfielder Stewart Downing was awarded the Alan Hardaker Trophy as", "\"John Atyeo\"\ncap at inside right in a 1–1 World Cup draw with Republic of Ireland in Dublin on 19 May 1957 in a forward line of Finney (Preston); Atyeo; Taylor (Man Utd); Haynes (Fulham) and David Pegg (Man Utd). Atyeo scored the goal. Overall John Atyeo won 6 England caps scoring 5 goals and played alongside experienced England internationals like Tom Finney 76 caps (1946–1958), Stanley Matthews 54 caps (1934–1957), Johnny Haynes 56 caps (1954–1962), Nat Lofthouse 33 caps (1950–1958) and Tommy Taylor 19 caps (1953–1957). Bill Perry 3 caps, Colin Grainger 7 caps, Johnny Berry 4 caps and David Pegg", "\"Kevin Gage (footballer)\"\na league & cup ever-present, as Villa gained promotion as Division 2 runners-up. In the following two seasons, Gage was used in a variety of positions, switching from full-back to midfield, and also a wing-back, as Aston Villa ran Liverpool very close to the league title, eventually finishing second in 1989-90 season. After Graham Taylor left for the England Managers job, & following Ron Atkinson's re-shaping of the team, Gage left for Sheffield Utd in Nov 1991. SHEFFIELD UTD FC Gage joined up once more with old boss Dave Bassett, and after scoring on his Utd debut, helped the team", "\"Liverpool F.C.–Manchester United F.C. rivalry\"\nretirement, Joe Fagan took over and in the first of two seasons at the club, won a treble of trophies. Kenny Dalglish, while not an original member, was accepted into the group as the next in line for the role of manager, and he combined it with his playing duties to win Liverpool 10 trophies. The boot room connection was finally broken in 1991, 32 years after Shankly's arrival, with the appointment of Graeme Souness, who actually demolished the boot room itself to make way for a press room. It did still manage to produce a final Liverpool manager in", "\"Everton de Viña del Mar\"\noff match on 4 August 2010 at Goodison Park in Liverpool. Everton de Viña del Mar played their namesakes Everton in a friendly match for the Copa Hermandad (known in English as the Brotherhood Trophy). The match aimed at promoting closer ties between the two Evertons. Everton (ENG) won the game 2–0 with two second half goals from Jermaine Beckford and Diniyar Bilyaletdinov. Beckford won the man of the match award. And the trophy was held up by Phil Neville and Mikel Arteta. It was the first time the two teams had ever played each other. In June 2011 the", "\"1992 FA Cup Final\"\nFA Cup success, and Liverpool would not win the FA Cup again until nine years later. It was Sunderland's first FA Cup final since their triumph 19 years earlier and they have not reached the final since, although they did reach the semi-final 12 years later. Notable absences from the Liverpool side were John Barnes and Ronnie Whelan, who were ruled out with injuries and left unable to add to their already long list of major honours won with the Reds. Whelan (who left Liverpool two years later) never won another major trophy with Liverpool, although Barnes would add the", "\"David Moores\"\nis expected by the club and its supporters.\"\" Under Moores, Liverpool went through their most barren spell for three decades. Though they won the most club competitions over the sixteen years, this excluded the most prized English Premiership. As a result, Manchester United have now overtaken their championship total haul, and are close to their total haul for all major trophies, something which was unimaginable when Moores' tenure started. In 2005, Liverpool won a fifth UEFA Champions League after defeating A.C. Milan in the final. After the departure of Moores, Kenny Dalglish returned to the manager's position amid rumours that", "\"William Watson (motoring pioneer)\"\nWilliam Watson (motoring pioneer) William Watson (6 November 1873 – 5 August 1961) was a Liverpool-born racing driver and motoring pioneer. A champion cyclist as a young man, he founded W Watson & Co, cycle and motorcar manufacturer, in 1901. He won the epic 1908 Isle of Man Tourist Trophy Race driving a Hutton-Napier named \"\"Little Dorrit\"\". He also raced in Berliet, Vauxhall and Essex cars. He expanded Watson & Co from Liverpool to Chester, Colwyn Bay, London, Birkenhead and Crewe, creating the largest car distributing organisation in the North of England, specialising in Morris and Rolls-Royce cars. William Watson", "\"1995 FA Cup Final\"\nis their most recent major trophy to date. In contrast, Manchester United were left without a major trophy for the first time since the 1988–89 season and were denied the opportunity to become the first club to win the FA Cup nine times. This was the last time that an English manager had won the FA Cup – as well as the last time a club other than Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool or Manchester United had won the FA Cup – until 2008, when Harry Redknapp managed Portsmouth to victory. The trophy was presented to Everton captain Dave Watson by The", "\"Russell Fry\"\n2013–14 season. Fry received a special achievement award with North Ferriby after reaching 300 appearances during the 2013–14 season. Fry was part of the 2015 squad that took North Ferriby Utd to Wembley for the FA Trophy Final against Wrexham, in which North Ferriby won 5–4 on penalties to lift the Trophy in front of nearly 15,000 spectators Fry was named in the Wales national under-15 team for a game against Northern Ireland in November 2000. He later played for the under-16s before representing England at under-20 level, making his debut as a half-time substitute in a 4–0 defeat to", "\"Henry Norris (businessman)\"\nin the League (Arsenal joined in 1893, Spurs in 1908), although Wolves - who finished in 4th ahead of Arsenal - had been members of the league since its inception in 1888. Although no firm proof has ever been offered, Norris's other activities, including the scandal that led to his downfall, are often cited as circumstantial evidence. Some claim that Norris 'bribed' McKenna, although this is pure speculation. Probably more likely is that he lobbied McKenna, who fearful of Norris exposing the corruption in the league at the time (Utd and Liverpool were accused of fixing the last game of", "\"William Watson (motoring pioneer)\"\n3 pm on 24 September; exactly 100 years after Watson crossed the finishing line. William Watson (motoring pioneer) William Watson (6 November 1873 – 5 August 1961) was a Liverpool-born racing driver and motoring pioneer. A champion cyclist as a young man, he founded W Watson & Co, cycle and motorcar manufacturer, in 1901. He won the epic 1908 Isle of Man Tourist Trophy Race driving a Hutton-Napier named \"\"Little Dorrit\"\". He also raced in Berliet, Vauxhall and Essex cars. He expanded Watson & Co from Liverpool to Chester, Colwyn Bay, London, Birkenhead and Crewe, creating the largest car distributing", "\"History of Liverpool F.C. (1959–85)\"\npoints above Watford. Liverpool exited the FA Cup and European Cup in the fifth round and quarter-final respectively. A 1983 Football League Cup Final, 2–1 win over Manchester United meant Liverpool won that trophy for a third straight year. Alan Kennedy's late equaliser of Norman Whiteside's goal took the final to extra-time. Whelan scored the winner. Pre-season, Paisley announced it would be his last before retiring from management aged 64. Paisley won six League titles, three European Cups and three League Cups during his managerial reign, the most successful in Liverpool's history. His assistant, Joe Fagan, took over. Fagan's era", "\"Leeds Rhinos\"\nGrand Final by the Rugby League Writers' Association. The Lance Todd Trophy is awarded to the Man-of-the-Match in the Challenge Cup Final. Introduced in 1946, the trophy was named in memory of Lance Todd, the New Zealand-born player and administrator, who was killed in a road accident during the Second World War. † = Won Lance Todd Trophy whilst on losing side The Steve Prescott Man of Steel Award is an annual honour, awarded by the European Super League to the most outstanding player in the British game for that year. The Golden Boot Award is a rugby league award", "\"Robbie Fowler\"\neventually won the game 2–1 with two goals from Owen. Fowler raised the trophy along with Sami Hyypiä and Jamie Redknapp. Four days later he was a substitute again in Liverpool's third final, the 2001 UEFA Cup Final against Deportivo Alavés. He came on in the 64th minute for Heskey with the score at 3–3. He scored seven minutes later but Alavés equalised before full-time and Liverpool eventually won with a golden goal, an own goal, in the 116th minute. Fowler and Hyypiä then raised Liverpool's third trophy of the season together. Liverpool's next and final game of the season", "\"Dietmar Hamann\"\nfree-kick as Liverpool won the match 3–1. Hamann won the FA Cup with Liverpool in May 2006, coming on as a substitute in the second-half. He more than played his part in another trophy win for the Reds, who were 3–2 down to West Ham United at the time he came on. Steven Gerrard scored an injury-time leveller for Liverpool to take the match to extra-time. Liverpool would go on to win the Cup on penalties after a goalless extra-time. Once again, Hamann scored the first penalty in the shoot-out. In June 2006, Hamann was given permission to talk to", "\"Radio UTD\"\nEngineering and Computer Science building. In the Fall of 2005, Radio UTD re-located to the first floor of the Student Union, where they have remained. Expansions, including a new office, took place in Spring 2008, and a new studio was constructed in spring 2012. College Music Journal has nominated Radio UTD for \"\"Best Student-Run Internet-Only Radio Station\"\" in 2006 and 2007 . These nominations in College Radio Awards caught the attention of some XM Satellite Radio hosts, who invited Radio UTD to have a two-hour show for the XMU radio station in Spring 2008. Later on Radio UTD was featured", "\"Radio UTD\"\nstation in the Student Union to UT Dallas' new Student Media Suite. The station was again nominated for \"\"Best Use of Limited Resources\"\" and \"\"Best Student-Run, Internet Only Radio Station.\"\" 2012 marks Radio UTD's fourth year to be nominated for \"\"Best Use of Limited Resources\"\" and \"\"Best Student-Run, Internet Only Radio Station.\"\" In 2013, Radio UTD won two out of three CMJ College Radio Awards nominations including \"\"Best Student-Run, Internet Only Station\"\" and \"\"Biggest Improvement.\"\" The station won \"\"Best Use of Limited Resources\"\" at the CMJ College Radio Awards in 2014. Radio UTD keeps a blog detailing their ticket giveaways,", "\"History of Liverpool F.C. (1985–present)\"\nthey finished the season in fourth place. Their also performed poorly in the FA and League Cup, exiting early in both competitions. In the 2000–01 season Liverpool won three competitions to complete a unique treble of trophies. The first trophy was the League Cup, when they beat Birmingham City 5–4 in a penalty shoot-out after the match had finished 1–1. They then won the FA Cup, as Owen scored two goals in the last ten minutes to overturn a one-goal deficit to win the match against Arsenal 2–1. The final trophy the club won was the UEFA Cup. An own", "\"2001 UEFA Cup Final\"\ntheir first season in European courtesy of a 9–2 aggregate victory. Liverpool went into the match having already won two trophies during the 2000–01 season. Their first trophy was the Football League Cup which they had won in February defeating Birmingham City 5–4 in a penalty shoot-out after the match had finished 1–1. The second trophy was the FA Cup, which they won 2–1. They entered the match with the opportunity to win an unprecedented Treble. Liverpool were appearing in their third UEFA Cup final, both their previous appearances in the final in 1973 and 1976 had resulted in victory.", "\"2000–01 FA Cup\"\nMatches were played on 10 & 11 March. The most significant result of the round was Premier League side Leicester City's 2–1 home defeat to Division Two underdogs Wycombe Wanderers, who had only been in the Football League for eight seasons. Blackburn Rovers and Tranmere Rovers, the last remaining Division One sides in the competition, were eliminated at this stage by Arsenal and Liverpool respectively. Unlike earlier rounds, matches were played on neutral grounds on Sunday, 8 April 2001. A 72nd-minute goal by Fredrik Ljungberg looked to have won the trophy for Arsenal and ended their three-year trophy drought, but", "\"David Peace\"\nthe references perceived by Giles as damaging and untrue. Peace is a supporter of Huddersfield Town, a club who are a local rival of Leeds United, and the team that Leeds United played in Clough's first and last games in charge of the club. \"\"The Damned Utd\"\" has been made into a film entitled \"\"The Damned United\"\", with Michael Sheen playing Brian Clough. Peace's novel \"\"Red or Dead\"\", about Bill Shankly and the rise of Liverpool Football Club, was released in August 2013. \"\"Tokyo Year Zero\"\" (2007) follows the investigations of a Tokyo detective in the aftermath of Japan's defeat", "\"Phil Neal\"\nPhil Neal Philip George Neal (born 20 February 1951) is an English retired footballer who played for Northampton Town, Liverpool and Bolton Wanderers as a full back. He is one of the most successful English players of all time, having won eight First Divisions, four League Cups, five FA Charity Shields, four European Cups, one UEFA Cup and one UEFA Super Cup during his eleven years at Liverpool. He later returned to Bolton Wanderers as manager, leading them to victory in the Football League Trophy before spells managing Coventry City, Cardiff City and Manchester City. Neal also had a long", "\"Liverpool F.C.–Manchester United F.C. rivalry\"\nyear later, it would not be until Busby's arrival 33 years later that the club would be on the trophy trail again. Busby became United's second most decorated manager of all time (ironically as an ex-Liverpool player and captain), winning 13 trophies at the club including the 1968 European Cup, which saw an English team secure European football's top prize for the first time. After Busby's retirement in 1969 though, Manchester United saw their fortunes slip and the club struggled to stay successful until Alex Ferguson's arrival 17 years later, during which time United only won three FA Cups and", "\"Phil Thompson\"\nto tighten up the defence and keep a clean-sheet, but three minutes later, Emlyn Hughes popped up with a goal for Liverpool, with the game ending this way. In 1973, Liverpool won a double haul of trophies—the League championship and UEFA Cup and Thompson played a role in both successes earning league and UEFA Cup medals in the process. The next season led to him displacing Larry Lloyd from the side altogether and pushed Tommy Smith across to full back, and he settled into a defensive partnership with club captain Hughes. Thompson man-marked Malcolm Macdonald out of the game as", "\"Bob Paisley\"\nthe only man in history to manage three European Cup-winning sides, until Carlo Ancelotti and Zinedine Zidane matched the feat in 2014 and 2018 respectively. He also won an unprecedented six Manager of the Year Awards. The only trophies that Paisley failed to win as manager were the FA Cup, although Liverpool would be runners-up in the 1977 final, and consequently, the European Cup Winners' Cup. Paisley was the subject of \"\"This Is Your Life\"\" in 1977 when he was surprised by Eamonn Andrews on board a coach in central London. Paisley retired as Liverpool manager at the end of", "\"History of Liverpool F.C. (1959–85)\"\nparticipation in UEFA competition. The following season, Liverpool won their first FA Cup. Further League titles followed in 1965–66 and 1972–73. 1973 brought their first European trophy, the 1972-73 UEFA Cup. The following season, Shankly's last, they won the FA Cup again. Shankly's assistant Bob Paisley took over in 1974. His first season in charge was trophiless before winning the League title and UEFA Cup the following season. Three European Cups and four League titles followed before Paisley retired at the end of 1982–83. His assistant, Joe Fagan, took over. Liverpool won a trophy treble during Fagan's first season as", "\"Tom Hicks\"\nclub, they won not a single trophy and at the time they left Liverpool the club were in the relegation zone of the Premier League standings.</ref> Fans blame a lack of investment in players for the declining performances on the pitch. Hicks has denied this claim, declaring that during his reign Liverpool's net spend on player transfers was £150 million (sometimes cited as $150 million). The newspaper \"\"The Sunday Mirror\"\" calculated that the net spend probably did not exceed £25.1 million and has accused Hicks of \"\"creative accountancy\"\", stating \"\"what is irrefutable is that Hicks has exaggerated the net", "\"University of Texas at Dallas\"\nthe years 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. The UTD chess team has won the Transatlantic Cup in 2007, 2008, 2009 and tied the 2011 and the 2014 match with the University of Belgrade. Since 2000, UTD's chess players have won or tied ten Pan American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship titles. The UT Dallas chess team has competed in each consecutive Final Four of Chess tournaments starting in 2001 though 2013, winning or tying for first place five times. The U.S. Chess Federation selected UT Dallas as the Chess College of the Year for 2012. The University of Texas", "\"Football in Malta\"\nissue was the Language Question, i.e. whether Malta had to adopt either Italian or English as an official language. This created pro-British and pro-Italian factions within the Maltese, virtually halving the population in two. This rivalry now remains subtly in the nation's main political parties, but also in football, where as said before Maltese prefer foreign leagues to the Maltese one. During World Cups Maltese generally side with either the English or the Italians. Popular foreign clubs are mainly Man Utd, Liverpool, Juventus, Milan and Inter. Popular national teams apart from their own are mainly England and Italy, with Brazil", "\"Ronnie Whelan\"\nSuper Cup ScreenSport & Mercantile Credit Centenary Trophy Liverpool Ronnie Whelan Ronald Andrew Whelan (; born 25 September 1961) is a former Irish association football midfielder and sometimes defender who played an integral part on the dominant Liverpool side that won a wealth of titles in the 1980s. He was at the club from 1979 until 1994, scoring a number of vital goals. In 100 Players Who Shook The Kop, a poll of 110,000 Liverpool fans conducted by the official Liverpool Football Club web-site, Whelan came in 30th. Whelan finished his career at Southend United, where he was also player-manager.", "\"1976–77 Liverpool F.C. season\"\n1976–77 Liverpool F.C. season Liverpool F.C. won their tenth Football League title after winning it for the second successive season, but lost out to Manchester United in the FA Cup Final, their defeat preventing them from becoming the first English club to win three major trophies in the same season. However, four days after their defeat in the FA Cup Final the club won the European Cup for the first time, beating Borussia Mönchengladbach Three-One at the Olympic Stadium in Rome. In doing so they became the Second English and the Third British club to win the trophy. This was", "Portavogie\ntoured the fishing boat \"\"Willing Lad\"\" accompanied by its skipper, James McClements. In 1999 Her Royal Highness (now The Princess Royal) revisited the village and opened the new Community centre on New Harbour Road. Portavogie had the honour, on 12 July 2008, of holding the annual band parade which was attended by a large number of people. Portavogie Rangers hold an annual football tournament called the George Best Trophy in memory of the former Man Utd and Northern Ireland striker. They also hold a five a side tournament on the eleventh of July every year. During the period known as", "\"1987–88 Liverpool F.C. season\"\nbut had his goal disallowed by the referee who had already awarded a free kick to Liverpool, Wimbledon took a 37th-minute lead with a goal from midfielder Lawrie Sanchez. Liverpool were far from ready to admit defeat. On the hour, Liverpool were awarded a penalty and John Aldridge took it, only for his shot to be saved by Beasant – the first penalty miss in an FA Cup final at Wembley. Liverpool continued to put pressure on the Londoners but couldn't find a way past Beasant, and when the final whistle blew Wimbledon had won the trophy in one of", "\"Togolese Union for Democracy\"\nTogolese Union for Democracy The Togolese Union for Democracy (, UTD) was a political party in Togo. The UTD was formed in 1991 by Edem Kodjo as a breakaway from the former sole legal party, the Rally of the Togolese People. The UTD won seven of the 81 seats in the 1994 parliamentary elections, during which it formed an alliance with the Action Committee for Renewal (CAR) for the second round of the elections, and between them the two parties won a majority of seats, defeating the former sole legal party, the Rally of the Togolese People (RPT). Although the", "\"Togolese Union for Democracy\"\nand the Union for Democracy and Solidarity to form the Pan-African Patriotic Convergence. Togolese Union for Democracy The Togolese Union for Democracy (, UTD) was a political party in Togo. The UTD was formed in 1991 by Edem Kodjo as a breakaway from the former sole legal party, the Rally of the Togolese People. The UTD won seven of the 81 seats in the 1994 parliamentary elections, during which it formed an alliance with the Action Committee for Renewal (CAR) for the second round of the elections, and between them the two parties won a majority of seats, defeating the", "\"Dietmar Hamann\"\nCup, he joined Newcastle United, managed at the time by Kenny Dalglish, for £5.5 million. Overcoming an early foot injury, Hamann played in 31 matches and scored five goals. In July 1999 he opted to join Gerard Houllier's Liverpool, who signed him for £8 million. Whilst at Newcastle he played in the 1999 FA Cup Final. Hamann established himself as an influential midfielder for Liverpool throughout his seven years at the club. All in all, Hamann played in 191 league games and scored eight goals. In the 2000–01 season, Hamann won his first big English trophy when Liverpool won a", "\"Cameron King\"\nhate Queensland.\"\" King played for Endeavour Sports High School in the 2009 ARL Schoolboy Cup. In July 2009, he represented NSWCHS (NSW Combined High Schools) in the under-18's division. He won the 'man of the match' in one game and was named MVP for the series. In December 2009, he won the Val Lembit Memorial Trophy for the most outstanding sportsman in NSW, awarded by the Combined High Schools. King also received the 'DAU Medal', a medal in recognition of an individual, who has made the most outstanding on and off field contribution to the rugby league program at Endeavour", "\"Liverpool F.C. in European football\"\nLiverpool F.C. in European football Liverpool Football Club, an English professional association football club, is Britain's most successful team in Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) competitions. Since 1964, they have won eleven European trophies: the UEFA Champions League (formerly known as the European Cup) five times, the UEFA Europa League (formerly known as the UEFA Cup) three times, and the UEFA Super Cup three times. Qualification for European competitions is determined by a team's success in its domestic league and cup competitions from the previous season. Liverpool competed in European competitions for 21 consecutive seasons until the 1985 European", "\"Jamaica College\"\nJamaica. The Olivier Shied, as it is more commonly known, is a two-game playoff which symbolises schoolboy football supremacy as the Manning Cup Champions (who emerge from Jamaica's corporate area schools) are pitted against their rural area counterparts, the DaCosta Cup Champions. Jamaica College have made good on their Olivier Shield acquisitions, having been able to obtain the trophy 75% of the time that they are Manning Cup Champions. , Jamaica College has won the Olivier Shield 18 times. This record, when coupled with Jamaica College's win percentage in the Manning Cup, makes them the most successful high school in", "\"South Liverpool F.C.\"\napplied regularly for election to the Football League. The idea was to have another leading club in the Liverpool area. Even in 1939, however, after South Liverpool won four trophies, the club only attracted 5 votes at the Football League AGM election – way behind the two re-elected Third Division North clubs, Accrington Stanley (29) and Hartlepools (38). Incidentally, even farther behind South Liverpool in that election were Wigan Athletic, who garnered zero votes. In all, South Liverpool applied to join the Football League on ten occasions, always without success. The club was more successful in the Welsh Cup, and", "\"Football in Uruguay\"\nNowadays (2015–16) Colonia and Canelones are the only departments that are represented in Uruguay's First Division. Many Uruguayan footballers have been successful in European football, including current players Luis Suárez, Edinson Cavani and Diego Forlán. Forlán has had a successful career in Spain with Atlético Madrid, where he won both the European Golden Shoe and Pichichi Trophy twice. Suárez has had a successful career in England (with Liverpool) and Spain (with Barcelona), where he won the European Golden Shoe twice and the Pichichi Trophy. The Uruguay national team have won more international tournaments than any other country. In the Copa", "\"1981–82 Liverpool F.C. season\"\nseason when there would be major changes in the team, with many of the players who won all the trophies over the previous few season, and replaced by players who would go on to be part of the team that remained successful for the rest of the decade. Players such as Bruce Grobbelaar, Mark Lawrenson, Ian Rush, Ronnie Whelan and Craig Johnston came into the team during the season and would make their mark on changing the side, that would go forward into the decade. 1981–82 Liverpool F.C. season After ending fifth the previous season Liverpool F.C. came back and", "\"1973 UEFA Cup Final\"\nand won the second leg 2–0. Thus, Liverpool won the final 3–2 on aggregate to win their first European trophy. Liverpool qualified for the UEFA Cup as a result of finishing third in the First Division during the 1971–72 season. Their opponents in the first round were West German team Eintracht Frankfurt. Liverpool won the first leg at their home ground, Anfield, 2–0. The second leg at Frankfurt's home ground the Waldstadion ended in a 0–0 draw, which meant Liverpool progressed to the second round with a 2–0 aggregate victory. Greek team AEK Athens were the opposition. Liverpool won the", "\"Vezina Trophy\"\npoints system. Three finalists are named and the trophy is awarded at the NHL Awards ceremony after the playoffs. Jacques Plante holds the record for winning the most Vezinas with seven, followed by Bill Durnan and Dominik Hasek, who have won six each. Hasek has won the most awards under the current system of voting for the best individual goalie. Players for the Montreal Canadiens have won the Vezina 29 times. There are only four players that have won both the Vezina and Hart Memorial Trophy for the same season: Jacques Plante for ; Dominik Hasek twice, for and ;", "\"Alan Hansen\"\nBob Paisley, who signed Hansen for Liverpool in 1977, retired at the end of the 1982–83 season and was replaced as manager by long-serving coach Joe Fagan. In the 1983–84 season, Liverpool completed a treble of trophies in Fagan's first season as manager, winning the league title, League Cup and European Cup. Hansen was involved in a controversial incident in the League Cup final at Wembley when he appeared to handle a shot on the goal line. Despite protests from opponents and Merseyside rivals Everton, no penalty was given. Liverpool won the final after a replay at Maine Road. Liverpool", "\"Edem Kodjo\"\nKodjo announced on August 22 that he was withdrawing his candidacy and boycotting the election due to the number of registered voters being considered too high—a possible sign of preparations to rig the election. Along with other opposition leaders, Kodjo pressured Eyadéma to hold a free and fair parliamentary election in 1994. In this election, the Action Committee for Renewal (CAR) and the UTD together won an initial majority in the National Assembly, the CAR with 36 seats and the UTD with seven; Kodjo himself won a seat from Lomé. The CAR and UTD initially agreed to nominate CAR President", "\"Phil Taylor (footballer, born 1917)\"\nby succeeding Manager Bill Shankly, who together built a hugely successful club. Promotion was achieved in 1962, and by the time Shankly retired in 1974, Liverpool had won three league titles, two FA Cups and the UEFA Cup. Even more success, including six league titles and three European Cup triumphs, followed during Paisley's nine years as manager, while Fagan won three major trophies during the first of his two seasons as manager. Of the players who were signed or given debuts by Taylor, several went on to play a part in Liverpool's success under Shankly, namely Ron Yeats, who later", "\"David Johnson (footballer, born 1951)\"\nis known during the show as \"\"The Doc's Diagnosis\"\". Ipswich Town Liverpool David Johnson (footballer, born 1951) David Edward Johnson (born 23 October 1951 in Liverpool, England) was a forward who won major trophies for Liverpool in the 1970s and 1980s. He also played for Ipswich Town, Everton and other clubs. Johnson signed for Liverpool rivals Everton as a youngster and after showing his ability in early matches, Liverpool manager Bill Shankly pestered Everton counterpart Harry Catterick to sell the young striker, but was rebuffed. Johnson made his Everton debut as a 19-year-old on 8 January 1971 in a 2–2", "\"Philip Roberts\"\ncalled Lauren – attending Woodford County, and a younger brother called Chris. His cousin, Sean Roberts is a semi-professional footballer who has played for North Greenford Utd, Thamesmead Town, VCD Athletic A.F.C. Hornchurch, and is currently playing for Cray Wanderers, Philip played at youth levels for Charlton before being released, having been on trial at Liverpool he eventually ended up playing for Norwich featuring for their U18 team at the age of 16. Roberts joined Arsenal on 3 June 2010, from Norwich City on scholarship terms. Robert's first season at the club went well as he scored four goals in", "\"1996 FA Cup Final\"\ntrophies, having not won the league title since 1989–90 or an FA Cup since 1992, although they had tasted success in the League Cup in 1995. Liverpool and Manchester United were the two top scoring sides in the FA Premier League in this season, and entered the game as the most attacking sides in English football, with Liverpool winning their last meeting 2–0 at Anfield, and United equalising at Old Trafford to get a 2–2 draw in the reverse fixture, with Robbie Fowler scoring all four of Liverpool's goals against United in both meetings. The match, despite the rivalry between", "\"Royal Liverpool Golf Club\"\nhis third Open Championship, two strokes ahead of runner-up Chris DiMarco. It was an emotional victory for Woods, who had lost his father to prostate cancer just two months earlier. Royal Liverpool hosted the 2010 English Men's Open Amateur Stroke Play Championship for the Brabazon Trophy from 24–27 June 2010; the event was won by Darren Wright. The links had earlier staged the Brabazon on four occasions. In 1961, Ronnie Shade was champion, followed in 1972 by Peter Moody, a former University of Cambridge captain. Sandy Lyle lifted the trophy in 1977, while the 1989 event saw a tie between", "\"Formby F.C.\"\nwere promoted to Division One. They won the Liverpool County FA Amateur Cup for the second time in 1934–35. In 1936–37 they were runners-up in Division One. The years immediately after World War II were something of a golden age for Formby. Now playing in the Liverpool County Combination, for eight out of ten seasons they were winners or runners-up for a trophy and/or league title. In 1947–48 they won the Liverpool County FA Amateur Cup and were also runners-up in the league. The following season, they won the double, being Liverpool County Combination champions and winning the Liverpool County", "\"Racism in association football\"\nManager's Association defended Mackay, claiming that the texts were merely \"\"banter\"\"; the LMA had to later apologise for this as well. Mackay later denied being racist, sexist or homophobic. In September 2014, Liverpool player Mario Balotelli was subjected to racist abuse on Twitter following his tweet mocking Manchester United. Balotelli had tweeted \"\"Man Utd... LOL'\"\", following their 5–3 defeat to Leicester City. Also in September 2014, Port Vale chairman Norman Smurthwaite considered appointing Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink as manager, but decided against it partly because he believed that a racist minority of the club's supporters would make appointing a black manager", "\"Brian Hall (footballer, born 1946)\"\nBrian Hall (footballer, born 1946) Brian Hall (22 November 1946 – 16 July 2015) was a Scottish footballer who played as a Midfielder. He won six domestic and UEFA trophies with Liverpool in the 1970s. He then played for Plymouth Argyle and Burnley. Hall was born in Glasgow and raised in Lancashire. He had trials with each of Blackburn Rovers, Bolton Wanderers and Preston North End in his teens. He moved to Liverpool to study for a degree in mathematics choosing to study in Liverpool because he was, 'a Beatles nut'. The profile of Hall on the Liverpool FC website", "Mullingar\nRaithin community pitch in which they share with Grange Utd, an under 18 side formed in 2009. Outside the town there are Rathowen Utd, Raharney FC, Rochfortbridge and Coralstown FC. All teams play in the CCFL league system. Mullingar rugby football club is located in Cullionbeg, and has had a degree of success in the 1990s with two towns cup final appearances. The club also made it to the 1989 towns cup final. The club has a pick of up to 50 players with three senior teams in very competitive leagues. The 3rd team won the Anderson Cup. There has", "\"1973 UEFA Cup Final\"\naggregate. Liverpool though had weathered the worst and kept their heads to close out the game. They won their first European trophy as a result of a 3–2 aggregate victory. Liverpool's victory meant that they became the first English team to win a European trophy and league championship in the same season. 1973 UEFA Cup Final The 1973 UEFA Cup Final was an association football match played over two-legs between Liverpool of England and Borussia Mönchengladbach of West Germany. The first leg was played at Anfield, Liverpool on 10 May 1973 and the second leg was played on 23 May", "\"Glen Johnson\"\nformer club, Chelsea, at Stamford Bridge after being set up by Charlie Adam. This proved to be the decisive goal, with Liverpool winning 2–1. On 26 February 2012, he helped Liverpool to win their first trophy since 2006 as they won the 2012 League Cup Final against Cardiff City, playing the full match, hitting the crossbar in the opening minutes and scoring his penalty in the penalty shoot-out, winning his first trophy for Liverpool. Johnson played 29 times in 2011–12 under the management of Kenny Dalglish as Liverpool finished in 8th position but qualified for Europe due to their League", "\"Liverpool F.C.–Manchester United F.C. rivalry\"\nCups, 1 FIFA Club World Cup, 1 Intercontinental Cup and 36 FA Community Shields. Each club can claim historical supremacy over the other: United for their 20 league titles to Liverpool's 18 and Liverpool for being European champions five times to United's three. Manchester United have won more total trophies than Liverpool, and they also lead the Merseysiders in so-called \"\"major\"\" honours as well. The cities of Liverpool and Manchester are located in the north west of England, apart. Since the industrial revolution there has been a consistent theme of rivalry between the two cities based around economic and industrial", "\"European Champion Clubs' Cup\"\nhigh, weighing 11 kg. The trophy bears the title \"\"\"\"COUPE DES CLUBS CHAMPIONS EUROPÉENS\"\"'\"\". Subsequent replacement trophies have replicated this design. The shape of the handles have earned it the nickname of \"\"big ears\"\" in multiple languages, including French (\"\"\"\"la Coupe aux grandes oreilles\"\"\"\") and Spanish (\"\"\"\"La Orejona\"\"\"\"). The trophy that currently is awarded is the sixth and has been in use since 2006, after Liverpool won their fifth European Cup in 2005. Since 2009, Champions League winners have not kept the real trophy, which remains in UEFA's keeping at all times. A full-size replica trophy, the \"\"Champions League winners", "\"Gary McAllister\"\nfrequently demonstrated his skill as he presided over most of Liverpool's set pieces in that season. He scored a penalty winner against Barcelona in the UEFA Cup semi-final which was a follow up after a memorable 44-yard free-kick that won the Merseyside derby against local rivals Everton in the fourth minute of stoppage time, thereby cementing himself into Anfield folklore. Further examples of this talent came in the run-in against Coventry City and Bradford City. These vital goals helped Liverpool to qualify for the Champions League. Liverpool's first trophy of the season came in the Football League Cup Final. After", "\"1982–83 in English football\"\nin a £200,000 transfer to Aston Villa. Aston Villa won the European Super Cup with midfield dynamo Gordon Cowans playing a major part in the win. Manchester United won their first major trophy under Ron Atkinson's management by beating Brighton 4–0 in the FA Cup final replay after a 2–2 draw in the first match. Liverpool won their third successive League Cup as an added bonus for manager Bob Paisley during his final season in charge. When his team prepared to ascend the 39 steps to the Royal Box, they all insisted that he should be the man to collect", "\"Ron Yeats\"\nUnited 2–1 after extra time in the final at Wembley. This was the club's first ever win of that trophy. However Liverpool lost in the European Cup semi-final to Inter Milan that season. The next season Yeats skippered Liverpool to the 1965–66 Football League title. In Europe Liverpool reached the 1966 UEFA Cup Winners' Cup Final at Hampden Park in Yeats native Scotland. However Liverpool lost out after extra time to Borussia Dortmund. In the 1966–67 European Cup second round, Yeats and co were given a torrid time by a Johan Cruyff inspired Ajax who won 5–1 in Amsterdam and", "\"Heisman Trophy\"\nmoved almost exclusively to online voting since 2007. Ohio State, Oklahoma, and Notre Dame have the most number of Heisman trophies won, each with seven; Ohio State have had six different players win the award. The player who received the most votes (by percentage) was Reggie Bush of USC in 2005, though his award has since been vacated. The player who won by the widest margin was Troy Smith of Ohio State in 2006. The closest margin of votes was in 2009 between winner Mark Ingram of Alabama and Toby Gerhart of Stanford. Eleven of the Heisman Trophy winners are", "\"University of Texas at Dallas\"\na fitness center, racquetball courts, squash courts, basketball courts, a multi-purpose room, and indoor swimming pool. Also available are sand volleyball courts, soccer fields, tennis courts, softball fields, baseball fields and a disc golf course. The UTD Rugby Club Sports team won the Texas Rugby Union Collegiate Division III state championship in February 2012. The UT Dallas Debate Team was established in the fall of 1996 and won the Cross Examination Debate Association's \"\"Brady Lee Garrison Newcomer Sweepstakes Award\"\" in spring 1997. UTD first qualified a team for the National Debate Tournament in 2004 and has qualified each year since.", "\"History of Liverpool F.C. (1892–1959)\"\n200 spectators attended the match, but as the twenty-two match season proceeded, and Liverpool continued to win, attendances increased. Approximately 2,000 people watched Liverpool defeat South Shore in the penultimate match of the season at Anfield. Liverpool's first season was successful, as the club narrowly won the Lancashire League title on goal average, over Blackpool. They also won the Liverpool District Cup by defeating Everton. The subsequent theft of the league and cup trophies cost the club £130 to replace them. Following their success, Liverpool reapplied to the Football League. This application was successful, mainly because of the resignations of", "\"Rafael Benítez\"\nat Liverpool and signalled his long-term intentions by appointing Sammy Lee as his new assistant to replace his long-time right-hand man, Pako Ayestarán, who quit after a reported disagreement, which Benítez admitted \"\"hurt\"\" him and arguably Liverpool's titles hopes. Benítez was unable to win any trophies as Liverpool's domestic campaign falter in the winter months – including a shock FA Cup exit at home to Barnsley, with his side losing to Chelsea in the Champions League semi-finals. Despite the lack of silverware, the main talking points were off the pitch, with Benítez in the middle of a power struggle with", "\"Borg-Warner Trophy\"\nsculpture of the likeness of each driver to have won the race since its inception in 1911. Inscribed are the winner's name, year of victory, and average speed. This information is alternated with the faces in a checkerboard pattern. Included on the base is the gold likeness of Tony Hulman, owner of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway from 1945 to 1977. On the top of the trophy is an unclothed man waving a checkered flag. Because this man is depicted naked, after the tradition of ancient Greek athletes, the trophy is most often photographed so that the man's arm is swooping", "\"1975–76 in English football\"\nthe League Cup, their first major trophy for six years. It would be 35 years before they would win another major trophy. Liverpool won the First Division title and the UEFA Cup in their second season under the management of Bob Paisley. They finished just one point ahead of Queens Park Rangers, who had emerged as serious title contenders under the management Dave Sexton, who had won silverware with Chelsea a few seasons earlier. Manchester United enjoyed a strong First Division comeback by finishing third. Derby County's defence of the league title finished with a fourth-place finish. Leeds United continued" ]
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who prayed for saul to regain his sight
[ "Ananias" ]
[ "\"Boris Godunov (opera)\"\nUglich and pray at his grave, for he has become a miracle worker in heaven. The man did as instructed and regained his sight. This story is the final blow for Boris. He calls for his son, declares he is dying (\"\"Farewell, my son, I am dying\"\"), gives Fyodor final counsel, and prays for God's blessing on his children. In a very dramatic scene (\"\"The bell! The funeral bell!\"\"), he dies. \"\"Scene 2 [1872 Version only]: A Forest Glade near Kromï (1605)\"\" Tempestuous music accompanies the entry of a crowd of vagabonds who have captured the boyar Khrushchov. The crowd", "Saul\nTheology and Religion, Durham University, UK recommends caution in offering any diagnoses in relation to people who lived millennia ago. Saul Saul (; , meaning \"\"asked for, prayed for\"\"), according to the Hebrew Bible, was the first king of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah. His reign, traditionally placed in the late 11th century BCE, marked a transition from a tribal society to statehood. Saul's life and reign are described in the Hebrew Bible. He was anointed by the prophet Samuel and reigned from Gibeah. He fell on his sword (committing suicide) to avoid capture in the battle against the", "\"Psalm 58\"\nwho would not admit to David's righteousness when David refrained from killing Saul in the cave. Henry suggests that David composed Psalm 58 after Saul used the force of law to brand David as a traitor to the crown. David exhorts at length against either wicked people or wicked judges, the latter possibly referring to those who sided with Saul. David uses highly descriptive language comparing the wicked to snakes, serpents, cobras, and lions, and prays to God to \"\"smash their teeth in their mouth, shatter the molars of young lions…His arrows, may they be as if crumbled to pieces\"\".", "\"The Choice (Homeland)\"\nand pleads with a CIA officer (TJ Hassan) to contact Carrie. The officer is reluctant as he does not want to suffer the same fate as Saul. Quinn (Rupert Friend), under orders to kill Brody, has tracked Carrie and Brody and is across the lake watching their every move. The next morning, Brody alone goes outside to pray, giving Quinn, carrying a sniper rifle, an opportunity to kill him. Quinn has Brody in his sights but doesn't pull the trigger. Quinn later goes to Estes' (David Harewood) house and tells him that since Brody's political career is over, he's no", "\"Blind Spot (Homeland)\"\nbe alive. Now, they pray that he's going to be okay. Saul calls Carrie to inform her that Hamid is dead. He had somehow obtained a fragment of a razor blade and slashed his own wrist. Carrie, along with a team of agents, raid Raqim and Aileen's house but it is now empty. Carrie initially suspects a tip-off from within the CIA, especially with Hamid also mysteriously ending up dead. Saul is home with Mira, who is at the end of her rope. She says she is tired of her life revolving around Saul and his all-consuming work. As this", "Saul\nSaul Saul (; , meaning \"\"asked for, prayed for\"\"), according to the Hebrew Bible, was the first king of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah. His reign, traditionally placed in the late 11th century BCE, marked a transition from a tribal society to statehood. Saul's life and reign are described in the Hebrew Bible. He was anointed by the prophet Samuel and reigned from Gibeah. He fell on his sword (committing suicide) to avoid capture in the battle against the Philistines at Mount Gilboa, during which three of his sons were also killed. The succession to his throne was contested", "Darkfall\nthese \"\"grey\"\" players without repercussion. A succession of evil actions results in negative alignment, and a permanent \"\"kill on sight\"\" (\"\"red\"\") status. Alignment can be regained only by killing racial enemies and/or by killing other evil players. In the 31 March 2011 patch, alignment can only be regained by praying at a church in a chaos city. In \"\"Darkfall\"\", stealth is accomplished by playing stealthily, employing real-world stealth techniques such as moving in darkness/shadow, employing camouflage, walking silently, and using world objects as cover; that is, stealth is not automatic, and not restricted to any particular class or subset of", "\"Buile Shuibhne\"\ncleric whom he had slain.\"\" Suibhne then returned to Ireland, to his home dominion of Glen Bocain. He visited his wife Eorann again but refused to go in the house for fear of confinement. Eorann then told him to leave, never to return, because the sight of him was an embarrassment to all. But after a while, Suibhne regained his lucidity and made his resolve to go back to Dál nAraidi, whatever judgment may befall him. St. Ronan learned of this and prayed to God to hinder Suibhne. Suibhne is haunted by headless cadavers and detached heads at Sliabh Fuaid.", "\"Sinner's prayer\"\nincludes the conversion of Saul of Tarsus (the Apostle Paul). After Christ had told Saul to enter Damascus where Saul would be told what he \"\"must\"\" do, Saul was blind for three days and was praying during this time. Ananias arrived, cured Paul of his blindness and baptized Saul. Others see it as an example of apparently instantaneous salvation coming through repentance without water baptism or any kind of work, citing the assurance Jesus gave to the penitent thief on a cross next to him during the crucifixion. An opposing position here is that the penitent thief was dying under", "Triduana\nstall these unwanted attentions, Triduana tore out her own eyes and gave them to Nechtan. Afterwards, she was associated with curing eye disorders. She spent her later years in Restalrig, Lothian, and healed the blind who came to her. She was buried at Restalrig when she died. The 17th-century \"\"Acta Sanctorum\"\" records a story of a blind English woman miraculously cured by Triduana. The saint appears to her in a dream, and instructs her to travel to Restalrig. She does so, and regains her sight at Triduana's tomb. The woman's daughter is later cured of blindness after praying to Triduana.", "\"Saint Stephen\"\ntheir ears, and rushed at him. They dragged him out of the city and stoned him, but the holy martyr prayed for his murderers.\"\" The people from the crowd, who threw the first stones, laid their coats down so as to be able to do this, at the feet of a \"\"young man named Saul\"\". However, according to the \"\"Aramaic Bible in Plain English\"\" and the \"\"Weymouth New Testament\"\" Acts 22:20, St. Paul, earlier known as Saul admits he was not only standing by, he was \"\"holding\"\" the garments of those stoning St. Stephen. This has significance. The possible reason", "\"Paul, Apostle of Christ\"\nChristians throughout the Holy Land until the day he rode for Damascus with his brethren. He became blinded by God and heard His voice asking why Saul persecuted Him. This event along with Saul's meeting Ananias, a disciple of Christ, humbles Saul so deeply that he repents of his actions. Ananias restores Saul's sight and baptizes him in the name of the Lord, which leads to Saul rejecting his former name and becoming Paul. Mauritius, having heard about Paul's reputation as a preacher and miracle worker, speaks with Paul and relays his concerns that his daughter is dying. Paul suggests", "\"Abba Saul\"\nAbba Saul \"\"For the first Generation Tanna sage with a similar name, see Abba Saul ben Batnit.\"\" Abba Saul (, \"\"Abba Shaul\"\") was a fourth generation Tanna (Jewish sage). His elder contemporary was Rabbi Akiva. Many Masoretes in the Talmud cite him engaging in the topics of the Temple in Jerusalem and the holy work done there. He was tall at sight, and the Talmud (Babylonian, Tractate \"\"Niddah\"\" 61a) depicts R. Tarfon reaching only up to R. Saul's shoulder. Saul was a grave-digger. (Babylonian, Tractate Niddah 24b) In the Talmud, Tractate \"\"Yebamoth\"\" (Levirate marriage), Abba Saul was stringent, and demanded", "Triduana\nIn the 12th century, the Norse Earl of Orkney Harald Maddadsson punished bishop John of Caithness by having him blinded. According to the 13th-century Orkneyinga Saga, John prayed to \"\"Trøllhaena\"\", and later regained his sight when brought to her \"\"resting place\"\", possibly referring to a local northern shrine rather than Restalrig. The principal centre of devotion to Triduana was at Restalrig, now part of Edinburgh. The parish church has been rebuilt, but the associated 15th-century St Triduana's Aisle (originally two-storeyed) survives. This partly subterranean structure often flooded in the past, and was at one time assumed to be an unusually", "\"Carrion Comfort\"\nhim in a perverse series of ways, including as a living pawn in a life-size game of chess with a Nazi General where each piece removed from the board was executed. As the chess game ended, Saul continued to be used to hunt down the Nazi General, who apparently had a weaker Ability than the Oberst. Saul is controlled to kill the General. Regaining his willpower for a moment in an explosion, he flees into the forest and survives the rest of the holocaust amongst Partisan Polish and later Partisan Jewish forces before finding solace in Zionist Israel. This story", "\"Foreigner (Sawyer novel)\"\nto his face. As Quintaglios can regenerate large amounts of tissue, Afsan heals, and in the process, his eyes, which were cut out by Yenalb in Far-Seer, also regenerate. However, Afsan does not regain his sight, despite having fully anatomically functional eyes. Believing suggestions that the issue may be psychological, he consults Mokleb, who has recently pioneered the new field of psychoanalysis. While this does not cause him to regain his sight, it does cure the chronic nightmares and insomnia he suffered after setting up the royal culling in \"\"Fossil Hunter\"\". With the moon on which the Quintaglios live continuing", "\"Paul the Apostle\"\nhe was a Roman citizen. As a Roman citizen, he also bore the Latin name of \"\"Paul\"\"—in biblical Greek: Παῦλος (\"\"Paulos\"\"), and in Latin: Paulus. It was typical for the Jews of that time to have two names, one Hebrew, the other Latin or Greek. Jesus called him \"\"Saul, Saul\"\" in \"\"the Hebrew tongue\"\" in the book of Acts, when he had the vision which led to his conversion on the Road to Damascus. Later, in a vision to Ananias of Damascus, \"\"the Lord\"\" referred to him as \"\"Saul, of Tarsus\"\". When Ananias came to restore his sight, he called", "\"Takashi Nagai\"\ninjections of cardiotonics, he regained his consciousness and prayed \"\"Jesus, Mary, Joseph, into your hands, I entrust my soul.\"\" Then he took the cross from the hand of his son Makoto, who rushed into the room, and shortly after he shouted the words \"\"Please pray!\"\" Nagai breathed his last at 9:50 pm. He died at the age of 43. On the following day, his body underwent an autopsy at the hospital according to his will. His spleen had swelled to 3,410g (normal weight: 94g), and his liver weighed 5,035g (normal weight: 1,400g). On 3 May, his funeral Mass was celebrated", "\"Frankenstein (DC Comics)\"\nin a state of hibernation underneath the town, who makes short work of the maggots and the boy, before burning down the school to cover the bodies. Afterwards, Frankenstein tracks down Melmoth and makes his way to Mars through an \"\"Erdel Gate\"\" (a reference to Dr. Saul Erdel who first transported the Martian Manhunter to Earth). On Mars, the Monster confronts Melmoth once again. Frankenstein frees the children Melmoth has enslaved to work in his gold mines, and feeds Melmoth to the flesh-eating, praying mantis-like horses of Mars. Before he is consumed, Melmoth reveals that it was not lightning that", "\"National Apostasy\"\nthere is no meaning at all in these emphatic declarations of our Lord, or that nation, how highly soever she may think of her religion and morality, stands convicted in His sight of a direct disavowal of His Sovereignty. Keble noted that Saul sinned by listening to the voice of the people rather than obeying God, citing 1 Samuel 15:24. Keble warned: God forbid, that any Christian land should ever, by her prevailing temper and policy, revive the memory and likeness of Saul, or incur a sentence of reprobation like his. But if such a thing should be, the crimes", "\"Győr (genus)\"\nin the early 1170s. It is plausible that Stephen I, the first known member of the Óvár branch was a nephew of either Alexander or Seraphin. Stephen had five sons from his unidentified marriage: Maurus I, Saul, Csépán I, Pat I and Alexander (II). The Óvár branch reached its peak during their generation at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries. For his loyalty, chancellor and prelate Saul regained the land of Lébény from Emeric. Sometimes after 1199, the brothers founded a Benedictine monastery there. They also built a Romanesque church, dedicated to Apostle James the Greater. King Andrew", "\"Saint Diomedes\"\nonly after his body has been returned and they had prayed, was their sight restored.\"\" His feast day is 16 August (O.S.). There is a fresco of him at the monastery of Hilandar on Mount Athos, Greece. The Diomede Islands derive their name from this saint. Vitus Bering sighted the Diomede Islands on 16 August (O.S., 27 August N.S.) 1728, the day when the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of Saint Diomedes. There is another Saint Diomedes who is celebrated on 2 September. With Julian, Philip, Theodore, Eutychian (Eutykhian), Hesychius (Heyschios), Leonides, Philadelphus (Philadelphos), Menalippus (Melanippos), and Pantagapes (Parthagapa)", "\"John Muir\"\nthe machines and processes; he was promoted to supervisor, being paid $25 per week. In early-March 1867, an accident changed the course of his life: a tool he was using slipped and struck him in the eye. The file slipped and cut the cornea in his right eye and then his left eye sympathetically failed. He was confined to a darkened room for six weeks to regain his sight, worried about whether he would ever regain his sight. When he did, \"\"he saw the world—and his purpose—in a new light\"\". Muir later wrote, \"\"This affliction has driven me to the", "Swordquest\ndesires to find the \"\"Crown of Life\"\" in order to regain her throne. After a brief war between the ex-queen and captain, Herminus sets the twins to duel each other. They then pray to their deities for guidance, which summons Mentorr who allows them to regain their memories. The twins throw down their swords, causing the crown to be revealed and split in half. The halves are given to the ex-queen and the captain, who then rule as equals. The \"\"Sword of Ultimate Sorcery\"\" then transports the twins to Airworld where they would have to do battle with King Tyrannus", "Ijebu-Jesa\nwas revealed that he would regain his sight if certain ingredients including sea-water and the pod of palm kernels could be procured. Ajibogun and his brother Agigiri went for the sea-water through Ijebu-Ode and got it from Eleke near Epe where the Awujale of Ijebuland then Obanita, worshipped the sea annually, the brothers collected the water and brought it home to Ile-Ife. Their father was treated and he regained his sight. On their return, they found that all their other brothers had left Ile-Ife to found and establish their different kingdoms, Ajibogun and Agigiri followed suit, they are accompanied by", "\"Alban of Mainz\"\nAlban of Mainz Saint Alban of Mainz (Remoundos Michail, Greece-Naxos; d. c. 406 in Mainz) was a priest, missionary, and martyr. Rabanus Maurus wrote in his Martyrology about Alban, who was sent to Gallia as a missionary by Ambrose of Milan. In Mainz, Alban helped bishop Aureus of Mainz to regain his bishopric. But in 406, during the Vandals crossing of the Rhine, Aureus was slain and Alban was beheaded while praying. His cult became associated with that of Theonistus, who may have been a bishop of Philippi but who was confused with Thaumastus, a 5th-century bishop of Mainz. According", "\"Panduranga Mahatyam\"\nimpurities passed on to them by the sinners who took a bath in their rivers. He also insults Kukkuta who is serving his parents at that time. When he tries to kick the sage, Pundarik loses his legs. Repentant, Pundarik crawls his way to find his parents and falls at their feet seeking pardon. He regains his limbs and prays to Lord Panduranga to grant him the boon of merging into him along with his parents — giving the message that one has to serve one's parents and it is the quickest way to Salvation. Music was composed by T.", "\"The Merchant's Tale\"\nand much loved Goddess, was stolen and held captive by Pluto, the King of the Underworld, who forced her to marry him. Januarie regains his sight – via Pluto's intervention – just in time to see his wife and Damyan engaged in intercourse, but May successfully convinces him that his eyesight is deceiving him because it has only just been restored and that she is only 'struggling with a man' because she was told this would get Januarie's sight back. The tale ends rather unexpectedly: the fooled Januarie and May continue to live happily. However, Chaucer does not end the", "\"Paul the Apostle\"\nAnanias of Damascus arrived, he laid his hands on him and said: \"\"Brother Saul, the Lord, \"\"[even]\"\" Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost.\"\" His sight was restored, he got up and was baptized. This story occurs only in Acts, not in the Pauline epistles. The author of Acts of the Apostles may have learned of Paul's conversion from the church in Jerusalem, or from the church in Antioch, or possibly from Paul himself. In the opening verses of ,", "\"The Market of Souls\"\nto his sight. Being ignorant of her identity, Temple asks Helen for her hand in marriage. When he regains his sight, he then denounces her. She is about to leave when Lyle Bane, who has been reported killed in France while in the American Expeditionary Forces, appears in a supernatural form and tells the truth about the incident in the apartment. Temple and Helen reconcile, and Lyle disappears, with it concluded that he did not return in the flesh but only as a spirit. The Market of Souls The Market of Souls is a 1919 American silent drama Film directed", "\"Extremis (Doctor Who)\"\nfind that a translation of the \"\"Veritas\"\" has been emailed to CERN. Bill and Nardole discover a portal leading to a hub of other portals, linked to CERN and the White House, among other places. Meanwhile, the Doctor temporarily regains his sight using Time Lord technology and tries to read \"\"Veritas\"\", but is forced to flee into a second portal with the translation when the skeletal, corpse-like Monks appear. He is unable to read the \"\"Veritas\"\" before again losing his sight. Bill and Nardole enter the portal to CERN, finding all the scientists are prepared to kill themselves. A scientist", "\"At First Sight (1999 film)\"\nnot find a way to help his son regain sight. Virgil states that he should not have left because his mother and sister suffered greatly after his father walked away. Virgil looks for Amy, who tells him about her plans to travel with him to places like Egypt and Europe. Withholding the fact that he is again going blind, Virgil tells her there is one thing he really wants to see, and brings her to a New York Rangers game. At the game, Virgil realizes that the \"\"fluffy cloud\"\" he last remembers seeing was cotton candy. He suffers a lengthened", "\"Ravi Roy\"\nto Kris and tells him that he was diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm, which could kill him at any moment. Caleb later tries to start another fight with Ravi and Kris. Ravi punches a drunken Caleb when he tries to kiss Leila. Ravi becomes involved in illegal fighting, managed by Ash. Ravi is punched during one fight and slightly loses his sight. Leila blames Ash for his condition. Ravi eventually regains his sight. In August, Ravi and Loretta Jones (Melissa Walton) begin flirting and go to The Dog on a date. Ravi feels smothered by Leila and Nancy, who sit", "\"Naga Sai Mandir\"\nbut it was submerged under heaps of flowers. No one had the courage to go near the spot where the cobra was lodged and clear away the flowers. The only course open to them was to pray. The Naga jumped out of the heaps of flowers and appeared for the photograph as if in answer to the prayers of the multitude. All who witnessed the sight were sure for the first time that it was on the week of Sai Baba. The devotees then prayed with fervor and faith to the Naga to clear out and enable them to resume", "\"Josiah Pardo\"\nYosiau [ben] David, the head of the Rabbinical court of this sacred community, who called by the Lord on 17th of Elul 5444\"\") and then in Hebrew quotes 2 Kings 22:2 \"\"Josiah did what was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in all the way of David his father and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left.\"\" The date corresponds to August 27, 1684 of the Gregorian calendar. In 1691, the Jews of Curaçao introduced a special memorial prayer (or hashcabah) for Josiah. Josiah Pardo's son, Saul Pardo (died in 1702), moved to", "\"Thomas Chubb\"\nourselves in his sight; and consequently to put on that purity and piety, humility and charity which is the spirit and practice of true Christianity.\"\" Chubb said we should pray often and \"\"it is when we forget God, when God is not in all our thoughts, that we do amiss; then our minds and lives are corrupted and defiled.\"\" He also discussed whom we should pray to. First he said we should not pray to dead human souls, as we have no reason to think they hear our prayers or have any power to help us. Then he discussed whether", "\"Winner (Better Call Saul)\"\nspeech was actually an insincere performance. When the panel's secretary arrives to lead Jimmy to the office where he'll fill out the paperwork so he can regain his law license, he asks for a doing business as form and states his intention not to practice law under the name \"\"McGill\"\". As he walks down the hall, an even more shocked Kim asks Jimmy what he's doing. He briefly turns around to face her and says \"\"S'all good, man!.\"\" \"\"Winner\"\" was written by Peter Gould and Thomas Schnauz. It was directed by Adam Bernstein, who also directed the episodes \"\"Five-O\"\", \"\"Gloves", "\"Saul Berlin\"\nSaul Berlin Saul Berlin (also Saul Hirschel after his father; 1740 at Glogau – November 16, 1794 in London) was a German Jewish scholar who published a number of works in opposition to rabbinic Judaism. He received his general education principally from his father, Hirschel Levin, who had served as rabbi of the Great Synagogue of London and as chief rabbi of Berlin. Saul, the eldest son, was given an education in both the Talmud and secular subjects. His brother, Solomon Hirschell, eventually became Chief Rabbi of Great Britain. Saul Berlin was ordained as a rabbi at 20. By 1768,", "\"Wolves in folklore, religion and mythology\"\nhuman sacrifice, and a feast in which the man who received the portion of a human victim was changed to a wolf, as Lycaon had been after sacrificing a child. The sanctuary of Zeus played host to athletic games held every four years, the \"\"Lykaia\"\". In the Rig Veda, Ṛjrāśva is blinded by his father as punishment for having given 101 of his family's sheep to a she-wolf, who in turn prays to the Ashvins to restore his sight. Wolves are occasionally mentioned in Hindu mythology. In the Harivamsa, Krishna, to convince the people of Vraja to migrate to Vṛndāvana,", "\"Nacho Varga\"\nin \"\"Breaking Bad\"\", but is named in the second season episode \"\"Better Call Saul\"\", the same episode that introduced Saul Goodman. In the episode \"\"Better Call Saul\"\", Walter White and Jesse Pinkman threaten Saul at gunpoint into representing Badger after Badger is arrested for selling drugs. Unaware who his captors are, Saul tries to pin some type of blame on \"\"Ignacio\"\", who is later confirmed by producers to be the same person as the character Nacho Varga who appears in the series \"\"Better Call Saul\"\". Mando has received positive reviews for his portrayal of Nacho. Nacho Varga Ignacio \"\"Nacho\"\" Varga", "\"Anuraga Devata\"\nhe comes to know that Thulasi had committed suicide. He becomes depressed. Rupa re-enters his life and helps him overcome his depression. They get engaged. They become acquainted with Ramatulasi, now a little girl, selling little God statues on the street. They are completely enchanted by her, even though they don't know that she is really Ramu's daughter. Rupa meets Thulasi and tells her they'll pay for her eye operation, so she can regain her sight. Rupa also invites Thulasi to her wedding with Ramu. After she regains her sight from the operation, she goes to Rupa's wedding and is", "\"Tony Hutchinson\"\nbelieves Cindy is pregnant so asks her to marry him. Cindy declines and is later angered when she discovers he only asked her because he thought she was pregnant. Tony buys Attwell's gym for them. Cindy later aks Tony to marry her and he accepts. Tony is involved in a car accident and becomes temporarily blind. He is told he will soon regain his sight. When Tony regains his sight he witnesses Cindy kissing Rhys Ashworth (Andrew Moss). Cindy is unaware he witnessed the kiss. Tony plans to expose her affair but goes through with the wedding. At the wedding", "\"Bruce Almighty\"\nbriefly unplugged it, and he finds many prayers from Grace about Bruce. As he reads them, another prayer from Grace arrives, this one wishing not to be in love with Bruce anymore. A despondent Bruce walks alone on a highway, asking God to take back His powers and letting his fate be in His hands. Bruce is suddenly struck by a truck and regains consciousness in a white void. God appears and tells Bruce to pray for what he truly wants; Bruce prays for Grace to find someone that sees and loves her the way he does. God agrees, and", "\"Rich Saul\"\n1979, 1980, 1981) during his career. Saul died on April 15, 2012, at the age of 64 after having suffered with leukemia for nine years. Rich Saul Richard Robert \"\"Rich\"\" Saul (February 5, 1948 – April 15, 2012) was an American football offensive lineman who played in the National Football League (NFL) from 1970 through 1981, all with the Los Angeles Rams. He played college football at Michigan State University. He had two brothers that played in the NFL. His older brother Bill Saul and his twin brother Ron Saul, who also played with the Spartans. After playing the role", "\"Orkneyinga saga\"\non the island of Egilsay, each bringing only two ships. Magnus arrived with his two, but then Haakon treacherously turned up with eight ships. Magnus took refuge in the island's church overnight, but the following day he was captured and an angry Haakon made his cook Lifolf kill Magnus by striking him on the head with an axe. It was said that Magnus first prayed for the souls of his executioners. Sometime later William the Old, Bishop of Orkney, was struck blind in his church, but subsequently had his sight restored after praying at the grave of Magnus. He also", "\"Saul Lowenstam\"\nSaul Lowenstam Saul Lowenstam (1717 – 19 June 1790) was a renowned Dutch rabbi and talmudist. Saul Lowenstam was born in 1717 in Rzeszów to his parents Aryeh Leib ben Saul (who was the rabbi in Rzeszów at the time) and Miriam the daughter of the Chacham Tzvi. He married Hendele, the daughter Abraham Kahana, who was rabbi of Grodno, Ukraine. His first rabbinical position was in Lokachi, Ukraine (located in the Lokachi Raion and named Lakacz in Yiddish), followed by Dubno, where he succeeded his father-in-law. After the death of his father in 1755, Lowenstam succeeded him as the", "\"Saul Lieberman\"\n\"\"as long as Lieberman is there.\"\" In 1949 he was appointed dean, and in 1958 rector, of the Seminary's rabbinical school. Lieberman died on March 23, 1983 while flying to Jerusalem for Passover. Perhaps because he was so deeply involved in the Seminary, Lieberman was often accused (esp. post-mortem) of being on the very right wing of Conservative Judaism. Personally fully observant of Halacha, he would not pray in a synagogue which did not have separate seating for men and women. Lieberman insisted that all services at the Seminary's Stein Hall, where he prayed daily, have a mechitzah even though", "\"The Two Pearls of Wisdom\"\npupil, who is able to see all twelve dragons in minds' sight. This feat is almost unheard of and they pray that the ascending dragon this cycle, who is the Keeper of Ambition, will be drawn by the enormous power demonstrated. However, Eon has a dark secret unbeknownst to all but himself and his master; he is actually Eona, a sixteen-year-old girl who has been living a lie in order for the chance to become a Dragoneye. It is forbidden for females to practice the Dragon Magic; this is due to common belief that the female eye, so practised in", "\"Saul Berlin\"\nis said to have written a large number of rabbinic works, including notes to the whole Talmud. Saul Berlin Saul Berlin (also Saul Hirschel after his father; 1740 at Glogau – November 16, 1794 in London) was a German Jewish scholar who published a number of works in opposition to rabbinic Judaism. He received his general education principally from his father, Hirschel Levin, who had served as rabbi of the Great Synagogue of London and as chief rabbi of Berlin. Saul, the eldest son, was given an education in both the Talmud and secular subjects. His brother, Solomon Hirschell, eventually", "Saul\nSaul to make war on the Amalekites and to \"\"utterly destroy\"\" them, in fulfilment of a mandate set out : Having forewarned the Kenites who were living among the Amalekites to leave, Saul goes to war and defeats the Amalekites. Saul kills all the men, women, children and poor quality livestock, but leaves alive the king and best livestock. When Samuel learns that Saul has not obeyed his instructions in full, he informs Saul that God has rejected him as king due to his disobedience. As Samuel turns to go, Saul seizes hold of his garments and tears off a", "\"Rich Saul\"\nRich Saul Richard Robert \"\"Rich\"\" Saul (February 5, 1948 – April 15, 2012) was an American football offensive lineman who played in the National Football League (NFL) from 1970 through 1981, all with the Los Angeles Rams. He played college football at Michigan State University. He had two brothers that played in the NFL. His older brother Bill Saul and his twin brother Ron Saul, who also played with the Spartans. After playing the role of reserve lineman from 1970 to 1974, Saul replaced Ken Iman as the starting center with the Rams in 1975. That year, the Rams beat", "Ramcharitmanas\nTreta, Shiva, accompanied by His consort Bhavani Sati, went to visit Rishi Agastya. The Rishi being pleased with Shiva's visit, began to narrate the eternal story of Ram. Shiva listens with great pleasure and then they return towards Their abode. Around these exact days Ram had descended on earth and was wandering the Dandaka forest with Sita and Lakshman. Shiva ponders how he can catch sight of Ram. He finally sees Ram, who is frantically searching for Sita and instantly joins his palms and prays \"\"Glory to the Redeemer of the universe, who is Truth, Consciousness and Bliss\"\". Sati cannot", "\"Roger Casement\"\nwe should be praying to him [Casement] instead of for him\"\". Casement was hanged at Pentonville Prison in London on 3 August 1916. He was 51 years old. The \"\"Black Diaries\"\" are a set of diaries claimed by British officials to have been written by Casement and covering the years 1903, 1910 and 1911 (twice). Jeffrey Dudgeon, who has published an edition of all the diaries said, \"\"His homosexual life was almost entirely out of sight and disconnected from his career and political work\"\". If genuine, the diaries reveal Casement as a homosexual who had many partners, had a fondness", "\"Saul of Hungary\"\nthat Saul was born between 1113 and 1115. According to the \"\"Illuminated Chronicle\"\" King Stephen II of Hungary, who was childless and delicate of health, \"\"so ordered the succession to the throne that after his death the son of his sister Sophia, by name Saul, should reign.\"\" Historian Ferenc Makk says that Saul was appointed heir in the first half of 1127. The \"\"Illuminated Chronicle\"\" does not contain any further information of Saul's life, but a later source writes that he survived his uncle who died in the spring 1131. According to the latter source, Béla II, Stephen II's cousin,", "\"Győr (genus)\"\nJohn, son of Seraphin inherited the half of Gesztence (formerly belonged to Moson Castle) after Saul's death around 1262. However John handed over the property to his maternal relative, James, son of Michael, who already owned the other part. Conrad Győr from the Óvár branch questioned the validity of the contract and filed a lawsuit. He regained the whole parcel of Gesztence for 120 silver coins. Technically, the Gesztence branch broke up during this act. Some members of the branch possessed Börcs too; therefore they were called \"\"de Börcs\"\" (\"\"börcsi\"\") by contemporary documents. During the 1279 lawsuit, the brothers Pancras,", "\"Bushy Bride\"\nhis sister and prayed for her. The other grooms told the king, who insisted on seeing, and declared that no woman could be so beautiful. The king resolved to marry her. The brother came to fetch her, and the stepmother and her daughter came as well. At sea, her brother called down as the journey went on, and the stepmother persuaded the sister to throw overboard a casket and a dog her mother had left her, and then herself. The king was outraged by the sight of the stepsister, thinking this was his promised bride. He had to keep his", "\"Aasha (1980 film)\"\nher, even though they don't know that she is Deepak's daughter. Aasha meets Mala and tells her they'll pay for her eye operation, so she can regain her sight. Aasha also invites her and Deepamala to the wedding. After she regains her sight from the operation, she goes to Aasha's wedding and is shocked to see Deepak. She quickly leaves, not wanting to disrupt Aasha and Deepak's lives. Mala's friend (Girish Karnad) tells Deepak that Mala is alive and that Deepamala is his daughter. Aasha cancels the wedding, calls him \"\"dost\"\" (friend), and tells him to go and reunite with", "\"Coronation of the Emperor of Brazil\"\nthat was repeated in a low voice by the other assistant bishops, with the emperor still kneeling, as follows: Let us pray. Almighty everlasting God, who made to be anointed as kings, Hazael over Syria, and Jehu over Israel by [the hands of] Elijah; and also David and Saul by [the hands of] the Prophet Samuel, we beseech You, grant Your blessing to the work of our hands, and to this your servant N., whom we, though unworthy, today anointed as emperor with a sacred unction, bestow the force and efficacy of the said ointment; constitute, O Lord, the principality", "\"Entertaining Father Stone\"\ngo on about how much Father Stone looked forward to his visits at Craggy Island, showing a picture of Ted and Father Stone that he drew. Ted feels very guilty about having prayed for Father Stone to leave, and scared that the grandmother seems to know what he did. Ted begins praying at Father Stone's bedside, saying that Paul can stay for as long as he wants, that he will look after him \"\"until the end of his days\"\". After a brief interval, Father Stone regains consciousness, and is his old self again, giving one-word answers. Finally, we see that", "\"Kenpeitai East District Branch\"\nlife sentences but served just five years until 1952, when Japan regained its sovereignty. Kawamura Saburo published his reminiscences in 1952 (after his death) and in the book, he expressed his condolences to the victims of Singapore and prayed for the repose of their souls. Following the end of World War II, there were several differing views on what should be done with the Old YMCA Building, one which the British had wanted it demolished and then to designate the open space as a memorial to the victims who had suffered under the Kempeitai. The building briefly became a Forces", "\"Indian wolf\"\nKrishna, to convince the people of Vraja to migrate to Vrindavan, creates hundreds of wolves from his hairs, which frighten the inhabitants of Vraja into making the journey. In the \"\"Rig Veda\"\", Rijrsava is blinded by his father as punishment for having given 101 of his family's sheep to a she-wolf, who in turn prays to the Ashvins to restore his sight. Bhima, the voracious son of the god Vayu, is described as \"\"Vrikodara\"\", meaning \"\"wolf-stomached\"\". The wolf has an ambivalent reputation in Iranian culture, being demonised in the Avestas as a creation of Ahriman, and still features in contemporary", "\"Grasshopper Jungle\"\nwatching a five-part film that McKeon Industries had been developing “unstoppable soldiers”, which in reality were large, invincible praying mantises. The project was so successful that Eden was constructed in the event of an outbreak to preserve mankind. After viewing the first three films, Robbie and Austin are forced to retrieve the remaining films. Outside of Eden, the praying mantises hatch out of their victims and begin to do their two favorite things: eating and mating. On their way to retrieve the films, Austin is attacked by Hungry Jack, who, for unknown reasons, scampers away at the sight Robbie. The", "\"Padmanabhaswamy Temple\"\nsage Vilvamangalathu Swamiyar, who resided near Ananthapuram Temple in Kasargod District, prayed to Lord Vishnu for his \"\"darshan\"\" or \"\"auspicious sight\"\". The Lord is believed to have come in the guise of a little boy who was mischievous. The boy defiled the Idol which was kept for Puja. The sage became enraged at this and chased away the boy, who disappeared. After a long search, when he was walking on the banks of Arabian Sea, he heard a \"\"pulaya\"\" lady threatening her child that she would throw him in Ananthankadu. The moment the Swami heard the word Ananthankadu he was", "\"Samson and Delilah (1984 film)\"\nrole of Delilah (Bauer), the introduction of the garrison commander (Stern) who is friends with Samson (Hamilton), more focus upon Samson's relationship with his first wife, a different handling of the 30 garments bet, and, perhaps the most crucial alteration of the climax. In the original story, maintained in the 1949 film and the 1996 flim, Samson only regains his strength after his hair has grown long again, thus allowing him to tear down the Philistine temple. In this movie, however, Samson is taken to the Philistine temple just after his hair has been cut short, and he prays to", "\"Viborg Cathedral\"\npeople flocked to Viborg to pray at Kjeld's grave. Twelve individuals received their sight after praying at his tomb. Due to the efforts of Bishop Niels I, Kjeld was pronounced a saint by Pope Clement III in 1188. With great ceremony Kjeld's remains were moved into the cathedral for the veneration of the faithful in 1189. In unusual fashion his reliquary was hung from the vaulting of the chapel built for him on the north side of the church. The cathedral was completed under Bishop Niels about 1200. He also founded the Hospital of St Michael in Viborg. In time", "\"Psalm 42\"\ntwo parts, each ending with the same line (verses 6 and 12). The psalmist bemoans all the troubles he has endured in his exile and prays for salvation. He laments his remoteness from the temple of God and expresses his desire for the renewal of the divine presence. Henry speculates that David might have composed this psalm when he was prevented from returning to the sanctuary in Jerusalem either due to persecution by Saul or because of Absalom's revolt. Following is the Hebrew text and an English translation of Psalm 42: Sephardi Jews recite Psalm 42 on the first and", "Saul\ntricking them by placing a household idol in his bed. David flees to Jonathan, who arranges a meeting with his father. While dining with Saul, Jonathan explains David's absence, saying he has been called away to his brothers. But Saul sees through the ruse and reprimands Jonathan for protecting David, warning him that his love of David will cost him the kingdom, furiously throwing a spear at him. The next day, Jonathan meets with David and tells him Saul's intent. The two friends say their goodbyes, and David flees into the countryside. Saul later marries Michal to another man. Saul", "\"Better Call Saul\"\nmaking the ad, is demoted to entry level document review work at HHM. To regain her position, Kim solicits her personal and professional contacts hoping to land major new clients for HHM, and eventually arranges a meeting between HHM and Mesa Verde, a large regional bank. Though HHM secures Mesa Verde's business, Howard denies Kim any credit. Jimmy, who has quit Davis & Main, convinces Kim to quit HHM and establish her own firm co-located with his as a way to share overhead. She nearly persuades Mesa Verde to become her client, but Chuck persuades them to stay with HHM.", "\"Richard Brothers\"\ncould restore sight to the blind. He drew large crowds, but not due to his healing ability as much as his small gifts of money to those he prayed for. In 1793 Brothers declared himself to be the apostle of a new religion. He began to see himself as possessing a special role in the gathering of the Jews back into Palestine, in particular, the \"\"Jews\"\" who were hidden amongst the population of Great Britain. In similarity to modern British Israelists, Brothers asserted that the \"\"hidden Israel\"\" had no notion of its biological lineage and that part of his role", "\"Naked Fear\"\nthrows down on Mandle, causing him to fall. She stumbles upon a man and his two sons who are out hiking. Diana collapses, unable to speak. The father takes her to their tent, where she falls asleep. He sees her wounds and realizes that something happened to her. After praying with his sons and leaving them in charge of the camp, he leaves to seek help. Meanwhile, Mandle has regained consciousness and resumes his hunt, following Diana to the camp. After unsuccessfully attempting to persuade the boys to allow him to take Diana with him (ostensibly to fly her to", "Saul\nKeilah will betray him to Saul. He flees to Ziph pursued by Saul. Saul hunts David in the vicinity of Ziph on two occasions: The Philistines make war again, assembling at Shunem, and Saul leads his army to face them at Mount Gilboa. Before the battle he goes to consult a medium or witch at Endor. The medium, unaware of his identity, reminds him that the king has made witchcraft a capital offence, but he assures her that Saul will not harm her. She conjures the spirit of the prophet Samuel, who before his death had prophesied that he would", "\"Saul Bennett\"\nwas a walking fire hazzard due to his \"\"long white beard and flowing robes\"\". They added that Saul looked just like Gandalf from \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\". Channel 5 chose the episode in which Joey tries to save Saul following the commune fire as one of their favourite ever \"\"Home and Away\"\" episodes. A reporter from \"\"TV Week\"\" said that Saul was one of the show's \"\"worst ever baddies\"\" who had the \"\"biggest death\"\" of 1997. They said that Saul \"\"upped his creepy factor\"\" when he kidnapped Selina, adding it was the \"\"biggest shock\"\" of 1996. Saul Bennett Saul", "\"Le prophète\"\ntorn apart by contradictory feelings: she still loves her son, but she loathes what he has become, a false prophet who pretends to be the son of God and who leads armies responsible for many crimes. Finally, Fidès seems ready to forgive the faults of her son, while wishing that death should come to free her from all her ills (Aria: \"\"Ô prêtres de Baal\"\"). A soldier announces to Fidès the visit of the prophet. She then regains a little hope and prays for her son to repent and take the right way. Jean finally arrives and asks his mother", "\"Children of Eden\"\nCain's descendants will always bear a mark for the sin of their ancestor (\"\"The Mark of Cain\"\"). Many years after Abel's death and Cain's departure, Eve lives with her children and grandchildren and prepares herself for death. She attempts to speak to Father about Cain's departure from the family, Adam's grief over the loss of both his sons, the birth of another son, Seth, who has since had children of his own, and Adam's recent death. She prays that her children and her grandchildren will regain the garden that was lost, as Father allows her into heaven (\"\"Children of Eden\"\").", "\"Thomas Mayhew\"\nhis life among the natives. Progress was slow at first, but by the end of 1652 there were 283 converts, a school for Indian children, and two Indian meetings each Sabbath. The Praying Indians of Martha's Vineyard who said grace before meals became a topic of conversation on both sides of the Atlantic. Thomas Mayhew the Younger carried on his missionary work with little heed for his personal fortunes. As the elder Mayhew put it, his son had followed this work \"\"when 'twas bare with him for food and rayment, and when indeede there was nothing in sight any waies", "\"Miguel Pro\"\nfront page the following day. Presumably, Calles thought that the sight of the pictures would frighten the Cristero rebels who were fighting against his troops, particularly in the state of Jalisco. However, they had the opposite effect. Pro and his brothers were visited by Generals Roberto Cruz and Palomera Lopez around 11 p.m. on November 22, 1927. The next day, as Pro walked from his cell to the courtyard and the firing squad, he blessed the soldiers, knelt, and briefly prayed quietly. Declining a blindfold, he faced his executioners with a crucifix in one hand and a rosary in the", "Costobarus\ngeneral Cestius - Costobar, Saul and Antipas were besieged in the royal palace. Subsequently, Costobar, with his brother Saul, escaped from Jerusalem to re-join Cestius: who dispatched them to Emperor Nero in Archaia [Greece]. Antipas, who had remained in Jerusalem, was arrested by the insurgents, and slain in prison by John b.Dorcus, (i.e. John b.Tabitha), who was under commission from the “brigands” [zealots]. It is debatable whether Saul of Josephus is the same person as Saul of the New Testament. It is noteworthy, however, that the latter does appear to have royal connections. (1). Saul was “brought up with Herod", "\"Saule (singer)\"\nSaule (singer) Baptiste Lalieu better known as Saule sometimes stylized SAULE in all capital letters, (born September 25. 1977) is a Belgian singer-songwriter who has found recognition and chart success with his single \"\"Dusty Men\"\" (featuring Charlie Winston) followed by his album \"\"Géant\"\", that includes French music with Anglo-Saxon rock sound and country music influences. He is signed to the \"\"30 février\"\" record label. Saule started writing music releasing his first EP, \"\"Saule\"\", of four tracks on \"\"30 février\"\" in November 2005, followed by his first album \"\"Vous êtes ici\"\" in March 2006 on the same label with distribution rights", "\"Saul Goodman\"\nSaul Goodman James Morgan \"\"Jimmy\"\" McGill, also known as Saul Goodman and Gene Taković, is a fictional character who appears in the television series \"\"Breaking Bad\"\" and serves as the titular character of its spin-off prequel series \"\"Better Call Saul\"\". He is portrayed by Bob Odenkirk, and was created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. The character is an Albuquerque-based lawyer who embraces his tendencies as a former scam artist and begins to represent criminals while himself becoming involved in the city's criminal world. Saul's name is a play on the phrase \"\"[It]'s all good, man\"\". \"\"Better Call Saul\"\" revolves", "\"The Dream of Gerontius (poem)\"\nhell for being cowards because they turn to religion not because of love of the Lord but because of fear of the unknown. The soul of Gerontius asks the Angel why all of his senses still work except sight, \"\"All has been darkness since I left the earth; Shall I remain thus sight-bereft all through my penance-time?\"\" The Angel explains that his soul now exists in a world where he does not need senses but on the day of resurrection he will regain \"\"all thou hast lost, new made and glorified\"\". As for his sight he will remain blind through", "\"Saul og David\"\nbefore battle with the Philistines. But Samuel does not come by the appointed time, so Saul performs the sacrifice himself. Moments later Samuel arrives and denounces the king's actions, and pronounces God's curse upon Saul. Though Saul repents, Samuel remains resolute, and Saul falls into despair. Jonathan's friend David soothes Saul with his singing. Michal and David fall in love. Abner interrupts David, who is singing for Saul, and announces the challenge of the Philistine champion Goliath. Saul promises Michal's hand to whoever can defeat Goliath. David undertakes the challenge and succeeds. Saul immediately becomes jealous of the adulation David", "\"Son of Saul\"\npictures outside to attract attention and help. Saul asks for another rabbi and Abraham tells him of \"\"the Renegade,\"\" a Greek Rabbi who has lost his faith. Saul in return offers his assistance in their plan and is instructed to go with a prisoner (Katz) to repair a shack; he is given a piece of jewelry for use as a bribe in case he's caught. When Saul and Katz arrive at the shack, Saul pretends to fix the front door's lock, while Katz takes out a camera from inside the shack and starts to take pictures of the cremation. Saul", "\"Jose ben Saul\"\nSaul in the name of Judah ha-Nasi in the name of the holy assembly of Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Talmud has preserved only one anecdote of his in the Aramaic. His brothers were Johanan ben Saul and Halafta ben Saul, with the former of whom he used to hold halakhic controversies. Jose ben Saul Jose ben Saul was a Jewish rabbi who lived in Galilee in the third century CE. He is considered an amora of the first generation after the codification of the Mishnah. Jose is known chiefly as a transmitter of the sayings and traditions of the patriarch Judah", "\"St Magnus Cathedral\"\nand there were numerous reports of miraculous happenings and healings. William the Old, Bishop of Orkney, warned that it was \"\"heresy to go about with such tales\"\", then was struck blind in his Birsay cathedral and subsequently had his sight restored after praying at the grave of Magnus, not long after visiting Norway (and perhaps meeting Earl Rögnvald Kolsson). Gunhild, sister of Magnus, had married Kol, and the king of Norway granted their son Rögnvald Kolsson the right to his uncle's earldom in 1129. Earl Rögnvald eventually took a fleet to Orkney, but the islanders resisted and Earl Paul who", "\"Saul Wahl\"\nrobbers and was left in Ancona without any money. His pleas for help were ignored by all except a Jewish merchant, who alone believed his claim that he was a Polish noble. The merchant provided him with funds to return to Poland. Karpeles concludes that Radziwiłł's narrative is consistent with the narrative of the Jewish tale and that the lone Jewish merchant who had helped Radziwiłł was Samuel Judah Katzenellenbogen, Saul Wahl's father. Saul Wahl Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1541–1617) was a wealthy and politically influential Polish Jew who is said to have briefly occupied the throne of Poland as the", "\"Saul Lieberman\"\nthe great majority of Conservative synagogues did not. Additionally, Lieberman saw to it that the Seminary synagogue in which he prayed used an Orthodox prayer book, rather than siddurim produced by the Rabbinical Assembly. He also frowned upon egalitarian participation by women in the Seminary synagogue services, even though the Conservative movement at large was moving towards that goal. Towards the end of his life, he was very upset over his life work in trying to ensure that the Conservative movement was a halachic movement. He was very distraught at the direction the Conservative movement was taking in deliberating about", "\"Shaul Tchernichovsky\"\npoem about King Saul. Saul comes to the witch of Endor, who dramatically describes Saul's condition at the end of his life. Tchernichovsky particularly identified with the character of Saul, perhaps due to his own name. He further describes in the poem the tragic fall of Saul and his sons on Mount Gilboa. In contrast, in the poem \"\"Before a Statue of Apollo\"\", the poet proves his affinity for Greek culture, identifying with the beauty it represents, even bowing down to it. Tchernichovsky is the Hebrew poet most identified with the sonnet. He introduced the crown of sonnets () into", "Saul\nAt David's request Abner had Michal returned to David. Ish-bosheth reigned for two years, but after the death of Abner, was killed by two of his own captains (). Armoni and Mephibosheth (Saul's sons with his concubine, Rizpah) were given by David along with the five sons of Merab (Saul's daughter) to the Gibeonites, who killed them. () Michal was childless (). The only male descendant of Saul to survive was Mephibosheth, Jonathan's lame son (), who was five years old at the time of his father's and grandfather's deaths. In time, he came under the protection of David ().", "\"Salut D'Amour (TV series)\"\ncampus, and Hee-dong danced about to show the weight of his shoes. Before the pair separated, they made a hilarious \"\"W.O.W\"\" sign by opening their palms. Hee-dong, who only walked a few steps from Young-min, slipped, skidded and fell when he stepped on a puddle of slush, spraining his leg in the process. Young-min was shocked at first, but laughed out then and there as he regained his composure. Hee-dong grimaced under intense pain as he lied on the ground, head up. A narration talked about Hee-dong's passion on dancing. \"\"We did not pray for Hee-dong to fail, but neither", "\"Lord of Miracles of Buga\"\nlost the power of speech and sight, was healed after he prayed to Our Lord of Miracles of Buga. 7. Romelio Cosio recovered the full motion on his legs after having been diagnosed with irreversible paraplegia. The miracle occurred when he was in prayer in front of the Crucifix. He literally left his crutches and start to walk normally without them. 8.Teresa Moreno had a nervous chronic spasm or tic that prevented her from talking or eating normally. After she prayed to the Christ figure, she was healed. 9. A boy of the Amazonian region of Caqueta was born with", "\"Maniac (2012 film)\"\ndoors Anna regains consciousness and stabs him in the stomach with a piece of rebar attached to a mannequin hand. Anna flees and is picked up by a passing car, who panics at the sight of Frank who has blood all over him and runs him down in his car, who hits Frank, and crashes flinging Anna through the windshield. Bloodied, Frank hobbles to the mortally injured Anna and scalps her as she dies. Frank returns to his apartment, attaching Anna's hair to a mannequin dressed in a bridal gown. As he succumbs to his injuries, Frank suffers hallucinations of", "\"Saul (Handel)\"\nsolo. David's efforts are in vain, and the King's jealousy breaks out into an aria of fury \"\"A serpent, in my bosom warm'd\"\", which suddenly and unexpectedly breaks off as the King hurls his javelin at David, depicted in the music by descending octaves in the strings. A chorus in the key of G minor, developed contrapuntally, ends the act as the chorus pray that God will protect David. The second act begins as the chorus comment on the drama after the manner of the chorus in Greek tragedy, in \"\"Envy, eldest born of hell\"\" which according to musicologist Paul", "\"Raadha (TV series)\"\nenter Banerjee Villa and Radha, Krish, will get Shocked and Everyone Else. After some time, Ribendra True colors are exposed in front of Radha and Radha tries to punish Ribendra for all his crimes, and bad deeds. A snake bites Krish and he was in hospital for several days. Later Raadha prayed for his wellbeing and he became well. Then, Radha meets with an accident and Someone rescues her and takes her to the hospital. Now Radha and Krish are separated from each other. After some time, she regained consciousness and loses her memory. The people who rescue her they", "\"The Boy Who Cried Werewolf (1973 film)\"\npray for the creature's soul. Upon regaining consciousness, Robert flees into the woods. Richie and his mother seek help from the sheriff, but upon returning to the cabin they find the creature gone. The Sheriff leaves some men to stand guard, while Robert watches from the woods and sees that his index finger has now become deformed. Later that evening, as Sandy sleeps by the fire, the werewolf slips silently through a cabin window. Sandy awakes to find it staring her in the face. It starts to carry her off, but on hearing her screams, the deputies burst in, opening", "\"Dandeeswarar Temple\"\nhis strength and hence the name Dandeeswarar - or bestower of mythical staff. The Lords Consort is Goddess Karunambika (Merciful Mother). The other important incident associated here is that the 4 Vedas came and prayed to this Lord and regained their strength after they were taken by Hiranyaksha and were kept immersed in Sea before being rescued by Lord Vishnu in Matsya avatar. Thus this place is an apt one for any one wishing to regain their lost strength and vitality. The name Velachery is said to be corruption of Veda Shreni (Place of Vedas). The Temple sports a 5", "\"John Saul (prostitute)\"\nthe Dublin Militia, Saul had been one of his sexual partners. In 1884, Saul was interviewed by the police, and together with a John Daly who had also been frequently mentioned in the case, was brought from London to Ireland to be a Crown witness. Saul was never called to give testimony – a matter which is still cause for speculation. Saul later stated on the witness stand that he was told that it wasn't because of his disreputable character that his testimony wasn't used, but because his evidence was too old, relating to events of a considerable earlier date.", "\"The Story of David\"\nof the same cast and crew. The narrative follows David's life from the time he was a boy shepherd to his death as the aged King of Israel.<br>Part 1: David and King Saul relates the exploits of the young David (Bottoms) and his relations with King Saul (Quayle). It begins with David as a humble shepherd who becomes harp player to the King who is distraught after the prophet Samuel has chastised him for failing to follow the instructions of the Israelite god, Yahweh, in a battle. Samuel informs Saul that Yahweh will anoint another king in his place. Saul", "Pikne\nWithout blowing it, the gods couldn't help the farmers who were praying for rain. Uku was angered and sent Pikne back to Earth, where he worked as a farmhand. He visited a wedding, where he pretended to be a musician and regained his magic instrument (compare the Eddaic myth of \"\"Trymskvida\"\"). Pikne Pikne (also \"\"Piken\"\" or \"\"Pikker\"\": the long one) is the god of lightning in Estonian mythology. In Finnish, lightning is sometimes called \"\"Pitkäinen\"\", which is similar in meaning. It is likely that both are taboo euphemisms. There was an Estonian satire and humor magazine called \"\"Pikker\"\". In the", "\"Witch of Endor\"\nfor a witch anonymously and in disguise. His search leads him to a woman of Endor, who claims that she can see the ghost of Samuel rising from the abode of the dead. The voice of the prophet's ghost at first frightens the witch of Endor, and after complaining of being disturbed, berates Saul for disobeying God, and predicts Saul's downfall. The spirit reiterates a pre-mortem prophecy by Samuel, adding that Saul will perish with his whole army in battle the next day. Saul is terrified. The next day, his army is defeated as prophesied, and Saul commits suicide. Although", "\"Women in the Bible\"\nby Samuel, adding that Saul will perish with his whole army in battle the next day. Saul is terrified. The next day, his army is defeated as prophesied, and Saul commits suicide. Although Saul is depicted as an enemy to witches and diviners, the Witch of Endor comforts Saul when she sees his distress and insists on feeding him before he leaves. Jezebel is described in the Book of Kings (1 Kings 16:31) as a queen who was the daughter of Ithobaal I of Sidon and the wife of Ahab, King of Israel. According to the Books of Kings, Jezebel" ]
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what season is the plane crash greys anatomy
[ "the eighth season" ]
[ "\"One Flight Down (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nthis season.\"\" One Flight Down (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"One Flight Down\"\" is the twentieth episode of the eleventh season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", and is the 240th episode overall. It aired on April 16, 2015 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written Austin Guzman and directed by David Greenspan. The episode features a plane crash in Seattle bringing patients to Grey Sloan Memorial and old memories of the season 8's tragic plane crash that claimed the lives of Mark Sloan (Eric Dane) and Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) back to Meredith Grey, Arizona Robbins and", "\"One Flight Down (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nOne Flight Down (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"One Flight Down\"\" is the twentieth episode of the eleventh season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", and is the 240th episode overall. It aired on April 16, 2015 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written Austin Guzman and directed by David Greenspan. The episode features a plane crash in Seattle bringing patients to Grey Sloan Memorial and old memories of the season 8's tragic plane crash that claimed the lives of Mark Sloan (Eric Dane) and Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) back to Meredith Grey, Arizona Robbins and Owen Hunt.", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 9)\"\non August 27, 2013 by Buena Vista Home Entertainment. The season follows the characters dealing with the aftermath of the season eight plane crash that claimed the life of Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) and upon rescue Mark Sloan (Eric Dane), who dies after sustaining injuries from the crash. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) finds his surgical career in doubt after badly damaging his hand but Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) ultimately manages to save his hand. The show's protagonist Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) deals with the loss of her half-sister Lexie and later discovers that she is pregnant. Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh)", "\"Arizona Robbins\"\nof Torres, she accepts her marriage proposal, and the two are married by Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson). As the fifth year residents are coming close to the end of their residency, Robbins urges Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) to work under her. At the end of the Grey's Anatomy (season 8), Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. In the aftermath of the plane accident, in which Sloan and Lexie Grey were killed, the hospital is sued and eventually found guilty of negligence. Each victim including Shepherd, Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo), Cristina Yang", "\"Grey's Anatomy\"\ncareers. However, all plans are put on hold when several doctors from Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital are engaged in a plane crash, which kills Lexie and endangers Meredith, Shepherd, Yang, Robbins, and Sloan. At the conclusion of the eighth season, Altman is courteously fired by Hunt as she struggles to decide whether or not to take the job as Chief at the United States Army Medical Command (MEDCOM). In the season nine premiere, Sloan dies due to sustained injuries from the plane crash following a brief relapse of temporary health (the surge) and the remaining characters work through their", "\"Perfect Storm (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nPerfect Storm (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"Perfect Storm\"\" is the season finale of the ninth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", and is the 196th episode overall. It aired on May 16, 2013 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by Stacy McKee and directed by Rob Corn. On its initial airing it was watched by 8.99 million viewers. In the episode Grey-Sloan Memorial experienced power outages and a bus crash during an intense super storm. The episode was loosely based on Hurricane Sandy, which hit the East Coast in 2012. A bus crashes in front", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 9)\"\noperating on their own surgeries. The early episodes of the season depict the characters dealing with the aftermath of the season eight plane crash that claimed the life of Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) and upon rescue Mark Sloan (Eric Dane), who dies in the first episode. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) finds his surgical career in doubt after badly damaging his hand but ultimately his sister Liz (Neve Campbell) donates a nerve from her leg and Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) is able to save his hand. Later, Shepherd receives more good news when his wife Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) discovers that", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 8)\"\nplane crashes. In \"\"Flight\"\" the six doctors and the pilot fight to survive. Derek's hand is severely injured, as is Arizona's leg. Lexie is trapped and crushed beneath part of the plane. She and Mark finally confess their love to each other, and within moments, she dies. Mere seconds later, Meredith arrives too late, and is devastated by her sister's death. They soon realize that Mark has severe internal injuries. The season ends with the 5 remaining surgeons in peril, lost in the woods and not knowing when or if help will come. The season received mostly positive reviews. Tanner", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 9)\"\nbecoming bitter and blaming her wife Callie and her former friend Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) and refuses to leave her bed or return to work. Derek discovers that prior to the plane crash, the hospital had recently changed airlines to one with a poorer safety record for budgetary reasons, resulting in the four crash survivors (Grey, Shepherd, Robbins and Yang) deciding to pursue a lawsuit, and it soon becomes apparent that chief of surgery Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) had given the go-ahead to the change. To prevent the doctors' court case from being thrown out, Hunt decides to divorce Yang,", "\"Mark Sloan (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nhand, telling her that he has and will always love her. He and the remaining surviving crash victims are left stranded in the woods, mourning Lexie and fighting to stay alive. In the ninth-season premiere, it is discovered that Mark is on life support due to the extensive injuries he sustained in the plane crash and, as determined by his will, the machines would be turned off if he showed no signs of waking within 30 days. Flashbacks of some moments in Mark's life showcased him being videotaped as he was extending his congratulations to newlyweds Callie and Arizona. At", "\"Perfect Storm (Grey's Anatomy)\"\ncalled it \"\"was a hot mess of emotions\"\". Perfect Storm (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"Perfect Storm\"\" is the season finale of the ninth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", and is the 196th episode overall. It aired on May 16, 2013 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by Stacy McKee and directed by Rob Corn. On its initial airing it was watched by 8.99 million viewers. In the episode Grey-Sloan Memorial experienced power outages and a bus crash during an intense super storm. The episode was loosely based on Hurricane Sandy, which hit the East", "\"One Flight Down (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nand Meredith dealing with their respective guilt and PTSD, along with Maggie learning about the crash and Lexie, were the strongest parts of the episode.\"\" also praising Kevin McKidd, \"\"Owen opening up about his guilt about being responsible for signing off on the plane that crashed was my favorite aspect of revisiting the fatal events from a few seasons ago. Kevin McKidd was so great in that scene.\"\" \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" praised Owen's character saying, \"\"Owen’s not—his guilt is irrational, but it’s real. And to see that, something that so many people struggle with in real life, on TV is both", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 9)\"\nwho is severely traumatized upon rescue and later decides to take up her fellowship in Minnesota. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) another survivor of the plane crash upon return realizes that her leg has to be amputated to save her life, reacts badly to this, becoming bitter and blaming her wife Callie and her former friend Alex Karev (Justin Chambers). To prevent the doctors' court case from being thrown out, Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) decides to divorce Yang, but the two agree to start again. The hospital itself becomes liable for the crash, putting its future in extreme doubt prompting the", "\"What a Difference a Day Makes (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nWhat a Difference a Day Makes (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"What a Difference a Day Makes\"\" is the twenty-second episode of the fifth season of the American television medical drama, \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" and the show's 100th episode overall. Written by series creator Shonda Rhimes and directed by Rob Corn, the episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on May 7, 2009. \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" centers around a group of young doctors in training. In this episode, a wedding takes place. The episode received generally favorable reviews. The initial airing was viewed by 15.326 million people and", "\"Flight (Grey's Anatomy)\"\npoll that judged all the television season finales of the year, Lexie's death was voted the \"\"Top Tissue Moment\"\", while Robbins' injured leg and Shepherd's mangled hand were voted the \"\"Most Disturbing Image\"\". The ending of the episode was also considered as the \"\"Best Ending to an Otherwise So-So Season\"\". Lexie's death was also nominated under the \"\"Best (Presumed) Death\"\" category, while the plane crash's aftermath was nominated as the \"\"Best Non-romantic Cliffhanger\"\", and the episode in entirety was nominated for the special award for \"\"Biggest Regret That I Didn't See It, I Just Heard or Read About It\"\". \"\"Entertainment", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 12)\"\n2016, as a result of ABC airing the television miniseries \"\"Madoff\"\" over two nights on February 3–4, 2016 in the same time-slot as \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" and \"\"Scandal\"\". On March 3, 2016, ABC announced that \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was renewed for a 13th season. Regarding the death of Dr. Derek Shepherd, showrunner Shonda Rhimes commented on how future seasons would be affected by the death as she said: \"\"Now, Meredith and the entire \"\"Grey’s Anatomy\"\" family are about to enter uncharted territory as we head into this new chapter of her life. The possibilities for what may come are endless. As Ellis", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 9)\"\nmostly positive reviews with critics praising numerous aspects of the long running medical drama including the bonds of the characters with each other and its connection with the audience. Robert Bianco of \"\"USA Today\"\" noted that after 9 seasons, \"\"There's still life left in Grey's.\"\" \"\"What Culture\"\" gave a positive review for the season, \"\"Grey's Anatomy has developed into a fine example of how a TV show can mature beyond its initial purpose.\"\" \"\"Toronto Star\"\" called it \"\"a solid return to form\"\". \"\"TV Fanatic\"\" gave a largely positive review to the season, \"\"Grey's Anatomy always knows how to bring the", "\"Grey's Anatomy\"\nover eleven seasons, it really is amazing. Kudos to Ellen Pompeo for her fine work. She's actually done the impossible, because I actually care what happens to Meredith Grey.\"\" Reviewing the season 12 premiere, \"\"Sledgehammer\"\", critics including Alex Hawkins of the \"\"Western Gazette\"\" again highlighted Pompeo's being due for an Emmy Award. The majority of the supporting cast of \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" have been well received as well, with the \"\"New York Post\"\" Rorke deeming Stevens to be \"\"the heart and soul\"\" of \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", whereas Eyder Peralta of the \"\"Houston Chronicle\"\" was critical of her character development, stating: \"\"[She's] the", "\"Nothing Left to Lose\"\nKearney's song \"\"Renaissance\"\" was written about friends from Oregon who survived a severe car crash. His song, \"\"Where We Gonna Go From Here?\"\", was featured during the third season of \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" and on the first season finale of ABC Family's show \"\"Kyle XY\"\". Most recently, the song was also featured in the Season 7 opener of NBC's \"\"Scrubs\"\" and in an episode of Royal Pains. Kearney's single, \"\"Breathe In, Breathe Out\"\", debuted in September 2007, and marks the singer's fourth and highest profile placement in \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\". The song is currently used as the theme in television promotions for", "\"Stephanie Edwards (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nup, as they beat the impossible. She finishes by declaring themselves \"\"superheroes\"\". Stephanie tries her hardest to make her patient remember the pilot with whom she fell in love with in a plane crash. In the twelfth season, Stephanie must help a patient recover from brain surgery, which brings back bad memories from her childhood of when she was a sickle-cell experiment participant. Jo accuses Stephanie of lying about her disease, and tries to get Stephanie in trouble with Amelia. Stephanie confronts Jo at Meredith's party after Jo gives a misguided apology, saying she can't take the fact that she", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 9)\"\nshe is pregnant, despite her previously being told that it was unlikely that she could conceive. Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh) is severely traumatized upon rescue and suffers from brief reactive psychosis and eventually decides to take up her fellowship in Minnesota, though soon grows unhappy in her new surroundings and returns to Seattle after the death of her friend and mentor, Doctor Thomas. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) survives the plane crash in spite of her leg injury, but upon return her wound becomes infected and her leg has to be amputated to save her life. Robbins reacts badly to this,", "\"Flight (Grey's Anatomy)\"\n(Dr. Meredith Grey)'s and Eric Dane (Dr. Mark Sloan)'s. \"\"Flight\"\" earned Rhimes an NAACP Image Award nomination and it was also nominated under several categories of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" finale awards. Upon its initial airing, the episode was viewed in the United States by 11.44 million people, garnered a 4.1/11 Nielsen rating/share in the 18–49 demographic, ranking fourth for the night in terms of viewership, and registering as Thursday's highest-rated drama. After their plane crashes in the woods, Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo), Dr. Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh), Dr. Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh), Dr. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw), Dr. Derek Shepherd", "\"Only Mama Knows (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nin the early seasons, the type of episode that gave you chills and reminded you why this show is so good at drama.\"\" and added, \"\"If this is what we can expect from a “Season of Meredith Grey,” then count me in. Seriously.\"\" \"\"Screenspy\"\" said that the episode ranks up there with all the other \"\"Grey’s classics\"\" adding, \"\"\"\"Only Mama Knows\"\" was so good I kept checking my watch to see if this really was the eleventh year of the doc drama that keeps on ticking, Grey’s Anatomy. In one of the best episodes of the series, not just season,", "\"Stephanie Edwards (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nis resisting and being told it was for her own good. There were even times when they had to strap her down to get her to accept the treatment. As a result of her non-existent childhood, Stephanie ultimately clung to books and used this as inspiration to pursue a career in medicine as a doctor. In high school, Stephanie was a cheerleading captain and led her team to victory. She went to college on a cheerleading scholarship. Stephanie starts her internship at Seattle Grace Mercy West after the plane crash. She and the other interns come to fear Meredith Grey", "\"Nothing Left to Lose\"\nNothing Left to Lose Nothing Left to Lose is the second studio album and major-label debut by Mat Kearney. Several tracks are re-recordings or remixes of songs originally featured on Kearney's first album, \"\"Bullet\"\". \"\"All I Need\"\", \"\"Crashing Down\"\", and \"\"Where We Gonna Go From Here\"\" were all featured in season 3 episodes of the hit TV series \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\". \"\"Breathe In, Breathe Out\"\" is also being used as the current Grey's Anatomy song with a music video featuring Mat and clips from seasons 3 and 4 of the show. The track \"\"Nothing Left to Lose\"\" was used in a", "\"Old Fashioned\"\nplane to \"\"make some Old Fashioneds the Old Fashioned way, the way dear old dad used to.\"\" When Benjamin asks what if something happens, Fitzgerald replies, \"\"What could happen to an Old Fashioned?\"\" In the television series M*A*S*H, character Margaret Houlihan frequently orders an Old Fashioned, \"\"without the fruit\"\", while in the Officers Club. In the television series Grey's Anatomy, in the fourth episode of the ninth season, Dr. Christina Yang and Dr. Thomas order two Old Fashioned in a bar after duty hours at The Clinic. In the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love, the Old Fashioned is the preferred cocktail", "\"Grey's Anatomy\"\nme question my reasons for watching.\"\" Speaking of season eight, \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" Mandi Bierly called it a \"\"so-so season\"\", and Lesley Goldberg of \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" called it \"\"emotional\"\". Also acknowledging the fan base Verne Gay of \"\"Newsday\"\" wrote \"\"Grey's has had a good season and has an intensely loyal fan base to prove it.\"\" regarding the 8th season. The ninth season received more positive reviews, Rob Salem of \"\"Toronto Star\"\" called it \"\"a solid return to form.\"\" Brad Williams writing for \"\"What Culture\"\" praised the show's development over the season saying, \"\"Grey's Anatomy has developed into a fine example", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 6)\"\nheartbreaking enough.\"\" In contrast, Kelly West of \"\"TV Blend\"\" was critical of the premiere, writing: \"\"I don’t think based on the first episode that we can say that Grey's is headed in a new direction, nor do I think the writers are making much of an effort to bring the series back to the greatness that was its earlier seasons. That said, this is Grey's Anatomy and with that comes the usual drama, sex, love and whacky medical mysteries thrown in the mix to keep things moving. If that's what you’re looking for, I think you’ll enjoy the season premiere", "\"Going, Going, Gone (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nin Seattle, Dr. Ben Warren (Jason George) surprises his fiancée Dr. Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) with a visit. The couple reunites with constant sexual activity, for which the interns tease Bailey. Meanwhile, Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) allows Shepherd to operate on a spinal cord, despite his hand being broken from the plane crash. Thereafter, it is revealed that Sloan is in a comatose state, and will be taken off of life support that evening. In the hospital cafeteria, Meredith Grey announces that Wilson will be given the honor of performing a supervised appendectomy, a procedure historically used as a", "\"Grey's Anatomy\"\nRonny (Tim Griffin) by his side. Louise goes on to appear occasionally, and was last seen in season eight. A ferryboat accident brings along Rebecca Pope (Elizabeth Reaser), who is initially introduced as a pregnant Jane Doe patient, who has amnesia. Pope eventually embarks on a relationship with Karev, until she is diagnosed with a personality disorder in season four, and makes her final departure. Amidst the crisis of the ferryboat crash, Meredith falls into the water at the disaster site. Although rescued, she goes into cardiac arrest, waking up in what appears to be limbo. Within the limbo, Meredith", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 6)\"\njust fine.\"\" Capshaw's performance this season was praised, with \"\"The TV Addict\"\" calling her \"\"immensely likeable\"\". Although \"\"Sympathy for the Parents\"\" was the least viewed episode, \"\"TV Fanatic\"\" called the episode \"\"touching\"\", praising Chambers' performance. \"\"TV Fanatic\"\"'s reaction to the season was fairly mixed, with Steve Marsi saying that \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was facing an identity crisis after viewing \"\"Give Peace a Chance\"\". He said that: \"\"Still popular but lacking its past magic, it's trying to decide what to become. All we can say is that if it becomes what we saw 12 hours ago, we are all for it. Last", "\"Cristina Yang\"\ndepiction of female friendship and particularly the primacy that friendship enjoyed over romantic relationships.\"\" \"\"E!\"\" at the time of Sandra Oh's exit wrote, \"\"In \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\"s 10-year history, the doctor duo has been through a lot together: weddings, deaths, plane crashes, bomb threats, shooting, you name it, they've lived (and danced) through it.\"\" and added, \"\"And with the three words, \"\"\"\"You're my person.\"\"\"\" Cristina Yang and Meredith Grey solidified their status as the small screen's best best friends ever.\"\" Oh has received numerous awards and nominations for her portrayal of Yang. In 2005, she was nominated for the Primetime Emmy", "\"One Flight Down (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nA plane crash in downtown Seattle brings a crop of new patients to Grey Sloan Memorial and old memories back to Meredith, Arizona, and Owen. Meredith tries to make it through the day without freaking out about not knowing where Derek is; Bailey gives her a 5:00 time frame for freaking out. No freaking out until 5:00 pm. Alex sticks close to Arizona to make sure that she’s okay, but she finds him more annoying than helpful. Alex tells Arizona that it was he who cut off her leg, not Callie. When asked, Callie tells Arizona that she was the", "\"Good Mourning (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nepisode, writing: \"\"I don't think based on the first episode that we can say that Grey's is headed in a new direction, nor do I think the writers are making much of an effort to bring the series back to the greatness that was its earlier seasons. That said, this is Grey's Anatomy and with that comes the usual drama, sex, love and whacky medical mysteries thrown in the mix to keep things moving. If that's what you’re looking for, I think you'll enjoy the season premiere just fine.\"\" Glenn Diaz of BuddyTV noted that the special foreshadowed a \"\"very", "\"You're My Home (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nMeredith Grey in season twelve.\"\" \"\"TV Equals\"\" wrote, \"\" I’m not exactly a fan of doctors breaking out in tears in the operating room, but I liked how Maggie and Amelia’s respective conflicts culminated in a nice moment of sisterly bonding and dancing it off with Meredith at the end of the episode. If I continue with Grey’s Anatomy next season, it will largely be because of my interest in seeing what the writers do with Amelia and Maggie and by extension, Meredith.\"\" \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" gave a mixed to positive review to the episode stating, \"\"This(the episode) felt like… well,", "\"John Billingsley\"\nfrom Earth\"\". He also made a guest appearance in an October 2007 episode of \"\"\"\", and in 2006 on the spinoff series \"\"\"\". Billingsley appeared as Jacob Nolston in \"\"Crash Into Me\"\", a two-part, fourth-season episode of the TV drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\". Billingsley and his wife have also appeared as themselves on the HGTV series \"\"My House Is Worth What?\"\", in which a real estate expert toured their home and provided commentary for viewers before providing an appraisal. In 2008, Billingsley had a supporting role in several episodes of the HBO series \"\"True Blood\"\" as coroner Mike Spencer. In May", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 12)\"\nbest television of 2015. The A.V. Club's Caroline Siede described the twelfth season of \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" as \"\"phenomenal\"\", stating that the series underwent a \"\"powerful renaissance this year\"\". A final grade of B+ was given to the season. Grey's Anatomy (season 12) The twelfth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was ordered on May 7, 2015, by ABC. It premiered on September 24, 2015, in the United States on ABC. The twelfth season includes the show's 250th episode, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, which is the fifth episode in the season. The season is produced by ABC", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 10)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 10) The tenth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" premiered on September 26, 2013, with a two-hour special episode in the United States on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and it concluded with a \"\"Farewell to Cristina\"\" finale episode \"\"Fear (of the Unknown)\"\" on May 15, 2014. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunner being Shonda Rhimes. The season was officially released on DVD as a six-disc boxset under the title of \"\"Grey's Anatomy: The Complete Tenth Season – Live For", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 9)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 9) The ninth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" began airing in the United States on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) on September 27, 2012, with the season premiere \"\"Going, Going, Gone\"\" and consists of 24 episodes with the finale \"\"Perfect Storm\"\" airing on May 16, 2013. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunner being Shonda Rhimes. The season was officially released on DVD as a six-disc boxset under the title of Grey's Anatomy: The Complete Ninth Season - Everything Changes", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 10)\"\nthe Moon\"\" was the season's least viewed episode, with 7.02 million viewers and a 2.3/6 Neilsen rating/share in the 18-49 demographic. At the time, the season finale was the series lowest watched season finale with 8.92 million viewers and 2.6/8 in the 18-49 rating demo. \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", in its tenth season, ranked 15th overall in total viewers (12.12 million). This is eleven spots higher than Season 9, which was ranked 26th. In the 18-49 key demographic, \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" ranked 5th. The last time a season of \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was ranked 5th in the 18-49 key demographic was Season 1. The", "\"Grey's Anatomy\"\nthe best currently on television. While it remains to be seen what the creators do with it, now that it's become an outright event program, the season demonstrates that Rhimes and co. know what to do with the opportunities presented them. whether you're male or female, this is the kind of entertainment that small-screen devotees and folks fed up with television need to see.\"\" The title character of \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", Meredith, has received both overwhelmingly positive and weary feedback by critics along the course of the show, with the development of the character garnering praise from majority critics. Earlier reactions", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 11)\"\n6.64 million viewers and a 1.9/7 Nielsen rating/share in the 18–49 demographic. The season finale was the series lowest watched season finale with 8.33 million viewers and 2.2/8 in the 18–49 rating demo. \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", in its eleventh season, ranked 36th overall in total viewers (11.08 million). This is much lower than Season 10, which was ranked 15th. In the 18–49 key demographic, \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" ranked 13th (the lowest ranking in the series' history). The highest ranking for the 18–49 key demographic was 3rd for Seasons 3, 4, and 5. Last season, \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was ranked 5th. For the 2014-2015", "\"Grey's Anatomy\"\nCall\"\", \"\"\"\", aired during the beginning of the seventh season. Also during the seventh season, the series produced a musical episode entitled \"\"Song Beneath the Song\"\", featuring songs that became famous through their use in \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\". The show received a twenty-four episode eighth season renewal, which commenced on September 22, 2011 with a two-hour episode, and ended on May 17, 2012. \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was renewed for a ninth season, which premiered on September 27, 2012 and ended on May 16, 2013. \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was renewed for a tenth season on May 10, 2013 and premiered on September 27, 2013", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 1)\"\npeople - who are fragile, and yes, fallible.\"\" and added, \"\"this facile description does little justice to the show's tightly-wound plotting, character subtleties, or masterful acting, it speaks to the intangible nature of what differentiates the wheat from the chaff, so to speak, in network television.\"\" Sandra Oh won Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film at the 63rd Golden Globe Awards and Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series at the 12th Screen Actors Guild Awards in 2005, for her portrayal of Cristina Yang during \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\"s first season. The season also resulted in", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 11)\"\nprimetime TV schedule, \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was the #5 drama in the 18–49 key demographic. The first half of the season opened to critical acclaim with many calling it the best season in the past few years, the second half however, garnered mixed reviews. With Season 11 being the first in \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" history to be without Cristina Yang, \"\"\"\" wrote, \"\"So, the question I had heading into \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\"'s Season 11 premiere was just how much Cristina's absence would be felt. And at the end, I have to say-while the lack of Yang was definitely noticeable, I think the show", "\"Sledgehammer (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nSledgehammer (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"Sledgehammer\"\" is the season premiere of the twelfth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", and the 246th episode overall. It aired on September 24, 2015 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by Stacy McKee and directed by Kevin McKidd. On its initial airing the episode was watched by 9.55 million viewers and opened up to positive reviews from television critics. Earlier in April 2015, Patrick Dempsey had revealed that he would be leaving the show after the eleventh season despite having signed a contract through another season. \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" centers", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 15)\"\nnew love interest. On December 13, 2018, it was announced that Jennifer Grey had been cast in a mysterious role for a multi episode mid-season arc. The number in the \"\"No. overall\"\" column refers to the episode's number within the overall series, whereas the number in the \"\"No. in season\"\" column refers to the episode's number within this particular season. \"\"U.S. viewers in millions\"\" refers to the number of Americans in millions who watched the episodes live. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Grey's Anatomy (season 15) The fifteenth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was ordered on April 20, 2018, by", "\"Flight (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nher to write the finale, adding: \"\"I did not enjoy it. It made me sick and it made me sad.\"\" Rhimes also explained the departure of Leigh, whose character died after the plane crash, by saying that the two came to an agreement on the decision to kill Lexie, after extensive discussion. Speaking of Raver's departure whose character left Seattle Grace for MEDCOM, Rhimes elaborated that Raver was offered a contract renewal, but declined. The episode received mixed reviews among television critics, and it outperformed the previous episode in terms of both viewership and ratings. \"\"Flight\"\" was originally broadcast on", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 11)\"\nsaying goodbye to our ‘McDreamy.’\"\" \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was renewed for an eleventh season by ABC on May 8, 2014. On May 13, 2014, ABC announced their new schedule, as well as a new timeslot for \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\". The show remained on Thursday night, but it was moved to 8:00 PM E.T. to make room for ShondaLand Production Company's new TV series, \"\"How to Get Away with Murder\"\". Even though Paul Lee, the president of ABC, moved \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" to a new timeslot, he announced at ABC's 2014-15 upfront that the eleventh season would air in the same order as the", "\"All of Me (Grey's Anatomy)\"\n7.60 million people, an increase of 0.25 million from the previous installment; it also garnered a 1.9/8 Nielsen rating. \"\"All of Me\"\" was also the week's most watched drama and ranked tenth on the list of most watched television programmes overall. The 7.60 million audience was also the lowest rated \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" season finale to date. All of Me (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"All of Me\"\" is the twenty-fourth episode, serving as the season finale of the fourteenth season of the American medical drama television series \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", and the 317th overall episode, which aired on ABC on May 17, 2018. The", "\"Grey's Anatomy\"\nAnatomy is the best medical drama of all time. Obviously, Shonda Rhimes didn't reinvent the wheel with the series, but there's no denying its popularity.\"\" adding, \"\"I understand its significance in the pop culture sphere.\"\" He also stated that the show could go higher in the ranks with the upcoming season stating, \"\"Apparently, Grey's Anatomy fans are passionate about their show, although it seems like they've been closeted for the last few years. I'd love to move Grey's Anatomy even higher on the ranking, but I'll have wait until the 11th season comes to Netflix.\"\" Critics included \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" in", "\"Until June\"\nUntil June Until June (originally Juune) is an American alternative-rock band, from the Hollywood district of Los Angeles, California. Formed in 2001 are currently signed of Tooth and Nail Records. They are known for their song \"\"What I've Done\"\", which made the top-ten songs on contemporary hit radio chart and was used for ABC's \"\"Private Practice\"\" television series and ABC's \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" season 3 DVD. Their song \"\"In My Head\"\" was featured in \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" season 6 episode 3. The band is also known for their song \"\"Sleepless\"\" which reached number one in Greece in June and July 2008 and", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 8)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 8) The eighth season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, commenced airing on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) on September 22, 2011, with a special two-hour episode and ended on May 17, 2012 with the eighth season having a total of 24 episodes. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company, and overseen by showrunner Shonda Rhimes. This season follows the story-line of Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) and Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) as they try to save their marriage and adopt Zola after Meredith tampered", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 8)\"\nMayo Clinic, and Derek has been offered an endowment and an opportunity to continue Alzheimer's research at Harvard, which sways Meredith's decision to accept an elite fellowship at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. In the finale, Meredith, Cristina, Derek, Lexie, Arizona, and Mark board a small plane to fly to Boise, Idaho to perform a surgery separating conjoined twins. Alex was meant to be on the plane, but Arizona, furious at his decision to turn down the Seattle Grace pediatrics fellowship in favor of Johns Hopkins, Arizona boots him from the plane and takes his place. En route, the", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 1)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 1) The first season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, began airing in the United States on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) on March 27, 2005, and concluded on May 22, 2005. The first season introduces the main character, Meredith Grey, as she enrolls in Seattle Grace Hospital's internship program and faces unexpected challenges and surprises. Season one had nine series regulars, four of whom have been part of the main cast ever since. The season initially served as a mid-season replacement for the legal drama \"\"Boston Legal\"\", airing in the Sunday night time slot", "\"Until June\"\nAward-winning mixer Kevin Killen, to help achieve the \"\"atmospheric blend\"\". As Juune: Until June Until June (originally Juune) is an American alternative-rock band, from the Hollywood district of Los Angeles, California. Formed in 2001 are currently signed of Tooth and Nail Records. They are known for their song \"\"What I've Done\"\", which made the top-ten songs on contemporary hit radio chart and was used for ABC's \"\"Private Practice\"\" television series and ABC's \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" season 3 DVD. Their song \"\"In My Head\"\" was featured in \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" season 6 episode 3. The band is also known for their song \"\"Sleepless\"\"", "\"Fear (Of the Unknown) (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nThe site added, \"\"Can we talk about how perfect that speech was? I loved the many throwbacks, particularly the one to Cristina’s “don’t be a hero” speech to Burke during season 2’s bomb episodes. This was the Twisted Sisters goodbye I wanted.\"\" and also praised the exit for Tessa Ferrer's character saying, \"\"Leah too got a nice exit, walking out of the hospital to find what she’s good at\"\" Many sources, including Rachel Simon of \"\"Bustle\"\" and Nicole Pomarico of \"\"Wetpaint\"\", claimed that Sandra Oh's performance during her tenth and final season on Grey's Anatomy is worthy of an Emmy", "\"Fear (Of the Unknown) (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nmonth and to text all the time, told her to take care of Owen and keep him from getting all dark and twisty, to take care of Alex, which meant mocking him at least once a day to keep him from becoming insufferable. Oh, and “Don’t get on little tiny planes that can crash, or stick your hand in a body cavity that has a bomb in it, or offer your life to a gunman. Don’t do that. Don’t be a hero. You’re my person. I need you alive. You make me brave.” and they dance it out. Meredith tells", "\"One Flight Down (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nepisode was initially aired on April 16, 2015 and was viewed by 7.60 million viewers on its initial airing marking an increase from the previous episode \"\"Crazy Love\"\" which was watched by 7.42 million viewers. It garnered a 2.1/7 Nielsen ratings an increase from the previous installment. The episode received mostly positive reviews from critics. The reactions of Owen, Meredith and Arizona to the plane crash were praised but critics disliked the developments in the relationship of Owen Hunt and Amelia Shepherd. \"\"TvEquals\"\" wrote, \"\"Overall, “One Flight Down” was a solid episode – not my favorite, but pretty entertaining. Owen", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 6)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 6) The sixth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", commenced airing on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on September 24, 2009, and concluded on May 20, 2010. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunner being Shonda Rhimes. Actors Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh, Katherine Heigl, and Justin Chambers reprised their roles as surgical residents Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, and Alex Karev, respectively. Heigl was released from her contract in the middle of the season, while T.R.", "\"Now or Never (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nstill watching and/or blogging about \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\". This last batch of episodes is why. This show is a free-swinging power hitter. When it swings and misses, it looks horrendous. But when it connects with the pitch it wants, all you can do is sit back and admire it.\"\" Now or Never (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"Now or Never\"\" is the twenty-fourth episode and the season finale of the fifth season of the American television medical drama, \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" and the show's 102nd episode overall. Written by Debora Cahn and directed by Rob Corn, the episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting", "\"The Sound of Silence (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nThe Sound of Silence (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"The Sound of Silence\"\" is the ninth episode, serving as a mid-season premiere of the twelfth season of the American medical drama television series \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", and is the 254th overall episode, which aired on ABC on February 11, 2016. The episode was written by Stacy McKee and directed by Denzel Washington. At the time of its initial release, the episode was watched by 8.28 million viewers and received critical acclaim with the television critics praising Washington's directing, Ellen Pompeo's performance, and Stacy McKee’s writing. \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" centers around a group of physicians struggling", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 12)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 12) The twelfth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was ordered on May 7, 2015, by ABC. It premiered on September 24, 2015, in the United States on ABC. The twelfth season includes the show's 250th episode, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, which is the fifth episode in the season. The season is produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunners being Stacy McKee and William Harper. The season commenced airing with the episode \"\"Sledgehammer\"\" and concluded with \"\"Family Affair\"\". This season was the first", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 4)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 4) The fourth season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, commenced airing in the United States on September 27, 2007 and concluded on May 22, 2008. The season continues the story of a group of surgeons and their mentors in the fictional Seattle Grace Hospital, describing their professional lives and the way they affect the personal background of each character. Season four had twelve series regulars with ten of them returning from the previous season, out of which eight are part of the original cast from the first season. The season aired in the Thursday", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 15)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 15) The fifteenth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was ordered on April 20, 2018, by American Broadcasting Company (ABC). The season premiered on September 27, 2018 with a special 2-hour premiere. The episode count for the season will be 24 episodes. The season is produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunners being Krista Vernoff and William Harper. This season is the first not to feature both Jessica Capshaw as Dr. Arizona Robbins and Sarah Drew as Dr. April Kepner since their introductions in", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 11)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 11) The eleventh season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" premiered on September 25, 2014 in the United States on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) and consists of 25 episodes. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunners being Stacy McKee and William Harper. The season commenced airing with the episode \"\"I Must Have Lost it on the Wind\"\" and concluded with the season finale \"\"You're My Home\"\" airing on May 14, 2015. The season was officially released on DVD as a six-disc", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 13)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 13) The thirteenth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" premiered on September 22, 2016, in the United States on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and consisted of 24 episodes. The season was ordered on March 3, 2016, along with ABC's other shows. The season is produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunners being William Harper and Stacy McKee. This season was the first not to feature Sara Ramirez as Dr. Callie Torres since her introduction in the second season, following her departure at the", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 9)\"\nthe overall series, whereas the number in the \"\"No. in season\"\" column refers to the episode's number within this particular season. \"\"U.S. viewers in millions\"\" refers to the number of Americans in millions who watched the episodes live. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Grey's Anatomy (season 9) The ninth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" began airing in the United States on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) on September 27, 2012, with the season premiere \"\"Going, Going, Gone\"\" and consists of 24 episodes with the finale \"\"Perfect Storm\"\" airing on May 16, 2013. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in", "\"Grey's Anatomy\"\nGrey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series that premiered on March 27, 2005, on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) as a mid-season replacement. The fictional series focuses on the lives of surgical interns, residents, and attending physicians, as they develop into seasoned doctors while trying to maintain personal lives and relationships. The title is a play on \"\"Gray's Anatomy\"\", a classic human anatomy textbook first published in 1858 in London and written by Henry Gray. Shonda Rhimes developed the pilot and continues to write for the series; she is also one of the executive producers, along", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 3)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 3) The third season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, commenced airing on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) on September 21, 2006, and concluded on May 17, 2007. The season was produced by Touchstone Television, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company, the showrunner being Shonda Rhimes. Actors Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh, Katherine Heigl, Justin Chambers, and T.R. Knight reprised their roles as surgical interns Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, Alex Karev, and George O'Malley, respectively, continuing their expansive storylines as focal points throughout the season. Previous main cast members", "\"Losing My Religion (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nLosing My Religion (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"Losing My Religion\"\" is the twenty-seventh and final episode of the second season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", and the show's 36th episode overall. Written by Shonda Rhimes and directed by Mark Tinker, the episode was originally broadcast with \"\"Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response\"\", in a two-hour season finale event on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on May 15, 2006. \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" centers around a group of young doctors in training. In this episode, Dr. Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl) and her fellow interns have to plan", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 7)\"\n\"\"No. in season\"\" column refers to the episode's number within this particular season. \"\"U.S. viewers in millions\"\" refers to the number of Americans in millions who watched the episodes live. The seventh season's episodes are altogether 946 minutes in length. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Grey's Anatomy (season 7) The seventh season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, began airing on September 23, 2010 on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and concluded on May 19, 2011 ending the season with a total of 22 episodes. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon", "\"Grey's Anatomy\"\npost traumatic stress and Arizona Robbins's loss of limb by way of suing Seattle Grace Mercy West as the hospital was responsible for putting the surgeons on the plane. The season continues with the struggle of the lawsuit and the animosity that it creates within the hospital, Yang and Hunt eventually divorce in order to help the lawsuit. The doctors who were on the plane won the lawsuit, but the pay out bankrupts the hospital. They all club together and buy Seattle Grace Mercy West, with the help of the Harper Avery Foundation, and they become the Board of Directors,", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 3)\"\nthe box set, by calling it \"\"scintillating\"\" and \"\"addictive\"\". Grey's Anatomy (season 3) The third season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, commenced airing on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) on September 21, 2006, and concluded on May 17, 2007. The season was produced by Touchstone Television, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company, the showrunner being Shonda Rhimes. Actors Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh, Katherine Heigl, Justin Chambers, and T.R. Knight reprised their roles as surgical interns Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, Alex Karev, and George O'Malley, respectively, continuing their expansive storylines as", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 1)\"\nanalyst Steve Sternberg stated: \"\"Roughly 80 percent of households during prime time only have one TV set on. People are looking for shows they can watch with other household members. And just as \"\"Desperate Housewives\"\" reaches a broad audience - younger, older, male, female - so does \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\".\"\" The season finale was watched by 22.22 million viewers, and was ranked the ninth in viewership. The first season of \"\"Grey's\"\" received mostly positive reviews from the critics. In regard to the first season, \"\"New York Daily News\"\" named \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" a \"\"winner\"\", whereas Newsday expressed a positive opinion by stating", "\"Marti Noxon\"\n\"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" for its third season, as consulting producer. In February 2007, Noxon co-wrote the third-season \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" episode \"\"Some Kind of Miracle\"\" with series creator Shonda Rhimes. In April 2007, Noxon left \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" to become executive producer and showrunner for \"\"Grey's\"\" spinoff \"\"Private Practice\"\", which she did for one season. In late 2007, Noxon served as head writer during the first season of \"\"Private Practice\"\". In 2008, Noxon worked as a consulting producer on the AMC drama series \"\"Mad Men\"\". Noxon said that working with Matthew Weiner was a dream, that it took her writing to a whole", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 6)\"\nin length. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Specific General Grey's Anatomy (season 6) The sixth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", commenced airing on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on September 24, 2009, and concluded on May 20, 2010. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunner being Shonda Rhimes. Actors Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh, Katherine Heigl, and Justin Chambers reprised their roles as surgical residents Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, and Alex Karev, respectively. Heigl was released from her contract in the middle", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 4)\"\nseason was also released as a five-disc Blu-ray box set in regions A and B. The Blu-ray release proved unsuccessful and is currently no. 39614 in Movies and Television on Grey's Anatomy (season 4) The fourth season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, commenced airing in the United States on September 27, 2007 and concluded on May 22, 2008. The season continues the story of a group of surgeons and their mentors in the fictional Seattle Grace Hospital, describing their professional lives and the way they affect the personal background of each character. Season four had twelve", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 14)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 14) The fourteenth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was ordered on February 10, 2017, by American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and premiered on September 28, 2017 with a special two-hour premiere. The season consists of 24 episodes, with the season's seventh episode marking the 300th episode for the series overall. The season is produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunners being Krista Vernoff and William Harper. The fourteenth season is the first not to feature Jerrika Hinton as Dr. Stephanie Edwards since her introduction", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 10)\"\nhighest ranking for the 18-49 key demographic was 3rd for Seasons 3, 4, and 5. Last season, \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was ranked 10th. For the 2013-2014 primetime TV schedule, \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was the #1 drama in the 18-49 key demographic. The tenth season of the medical-drama received positive reviews from the critics with many referring to the season as a return to form for the long-running show. The season holds a 100% positive score on Rotten Tomatoes and a \"\"Fresh\"\" rating. Annie Barett of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" gave a positive review to the season and wrote, \"\"There's true sorrow here along with", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 5)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 5) The fifth season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, created by Shonda Rhimes, commenced airing on American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on September 25, 2008 and concluded on May 14, 2009 with twenty-four aired episodes. The season follows the story of a group of surgeons as they go through their residency, while they also deal with the personal challenges and relationships with their mentors. Season five had thirteen series regulars with twelve of them returning from the previous season. The season aired in the Thursday night timeslot at 9:00 pm. The", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 7)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 7) The seventh season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, began airing on September 23, 2010 on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and concluded on May 19, 2011 ending the season with a total of 22 episodes. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunner being Shonda Rhimes. The season follows the aftermath of season six shooting, in which Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey), Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) and Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) are shot, and a total of 11 people died. Cristina Yang", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 14)\"\ncolumn refers to the episode's number within the overall series, whereas the number in the \"\"No. in season\"\" column refers to the episode's number within this particular season. \"\"U.S. viewers in millions\"\" refers to the number of Americans in millions who watched the episodes live. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Grey's Anatomy (season 14) The fourteenth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was ordered on February 10, 2017, by American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and premiered on September 28, 2017 with a special two-hour premiere. The season consists of 24 episodes, with the season's seventh episode marking the 300th episode for the", "\"Fear (Of the Unknown) (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nnomination. Simon stated \"\"She made us care about Grey’s in a way we hadn’t in years, bringing us into Cristina’s life and mind fully and ferociously. The show has been good for several seasons now; because of Oh’s performance this year, it once again became great.\"\" Fear (Of the Unknown) (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"Fear (Of the Unknown)\"\" is the twenty fourth episode and the season finale of the tenth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", and is the 220th episode overall. It aired on May 15, 2014 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 10)\"\nSara Ramirez also renewed her contract for another two seasons. \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" was renewed for a tenth season on May 10, 2013. This season is to include the 200th episode of the series, the fourth episode to air, \"\"Puttin' on the Ritz\"\". This season was also split into two batches of episodes, each batch consisting of 12 uninterrupted episodes (excluding holidays). The mid-season premiere aired on February 27, 2014. \"\"Grey's Anatomy's\"\" tenth season opened up to 9.27 million viewers with a 3.4/9 Nielsen rating/share in the 18–49 demographic. \"\"Everybody's Crying Mercy\"\" served as the season's most viewed episode. \"\"Man on", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 2)\"\nGrey's Anatomy (season 2) The second season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy commenced airing on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) on September 25, 2005, and concluded on May 15, 2006. The season was produced by Touchstone Television, in association with Shondaland production company and The Mark Gordon Company, the showrunner being Shonda Rhimes. Actors Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh, Katherine Heigl, Justin Chambers, and T.R. Knight reprised their roles as surgical interns Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, Alex Karev, and George O'Malley, respectively. Previous main cast members Chandra Wilson, James Pickens, Jr., Isaiah Washington, and Patrick Dempsey", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 2)\"\nFilm and TV on Grey's Anatomy (season 2) The second season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy commenced airing on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) on September 25, 2005, and concluded on May 15, 2006. The season was produced by Touchstone Television, in association with Shondaland production company and The Mark Gordon Company, the showrunner being Shonda Rhimes. Actors Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh, Katherine Heigl, Justin Chambers, and T.R. Knight reprised their roles as surgical interns Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, Alex Karev, and George O'Malley, respectively. Previous main cast members Chandra Wilson, James Pickens, Jr.,", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 12)\"\nwas ranked 21st overall in total viewers which is fifteen spots higher than the previous season. TV critics and analysts noted the renewed interest in viewership with Rich Kissell of \"\"Variety\"\" calling it a 'renaissance.' \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" finished the 2015–16 television season as ABC's highest-rated drama in the 18-49 demographics and also ranked among the top five dramas on all of broadcast, averaging a 3.9 rating in the demo, an unprecedented accomplishment for a show in its 12th season. On March 3, 2016, the network renewed \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" for a thirteenth season. The season follows the story of surgical residents,", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 13)\"\nwho watched the episodes live. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Grey's Anatomy (season 13) The thirteenth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" premiered on September 22, 2016, in the United States on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and consisted of 24 episodes. The season was ordered on March 3, 2016, along with ABC's other shows. The season is produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunners being William Harper and Stacy McKee. This season was the first not to feature Sara Ramirez as Dr. Callie Torres since her introduction in the second", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 14)\"\nin the ninth season, following her departure at the conclusion of the previous season. The season marks the last appearance of Martin Henderson, Jason George, Jessica Capshaw, and Sarah Drew as series regulars, as well as the first appearance of Jaina Lee Ortiz as Andy Herrera, the lead character of \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\"'s second spin-off series, \"\"Station 19\"\". On April 20, 2018, ABC officially renewed \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" for a network primetime drama record-tying fifteenth season. The season follows the story of surgical residents, fellows, and attendings as they experience the difficulties of the competitive careers they have chosen. It is set", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 10)\"\nto the episode's number within this particular season. \"\"U.S. viewers in millions\"\" refers to the number of Americans in millions who watched the episodes live. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Grey's Anatomy (season 10) The tenth season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" premiered on September 26, 2013, with a two-hour special episode in the United States on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and it concluded with a \"\"Farewell to Cristina\"\" finale episode \"\"Fear (of the Unknown)\"\" on May 15, 2014. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunner being", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 8)\"\nthat \"\"Ellen Pompeo gave one of her best performances when her character learned that her sister was dead.\"\" The number in the \"\"No. in series\"\" column refers to the episode's number within the overall series, whereas the number in the \"\"No. in season\"\" column refers to the episode's number within this particular season. \"\"U.S. viewers in millions\"\" refers to the number of Americans in millions who watched the episodes live. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Grey's Anatomy (season 8) The eighth season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, commenced airing on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) on September 22, 2011, with a", "\"Tim Myers\"\nbeen featured in several commercials for Chase; his other song \"\"Simply Wonderful\"\" was used in adverts for Hellmann's mayonnaise from 2010 to 2011. Other songs have been featured in several TV shows including \"\"Entwined\"\" in Grey's Anatomy Season 7, \"\"A Magical Season\"\" Grey's Anatomy Season 6, \"\"Momma's Boy\"\" Grey's Anatomy Season 3, \"\"A New World\"\" Off The Map season 1, \"\"A Place We Used To Know\"\" Army Wives season 1, \"\"Get Together\"\" Suburgatory Season 1, \"\"La La Love\"\" Hart of Dixie Season 1, \"\"Money\"\" Castle Season 3, \"\"Simply Wonderful\"\" Ugly Betty Season 4, \"\"The Lucky Ones\"\" Ugly Betty Season 3,", "\"Grey's Anatomy\"\nshow for temporary viewing. Recent episodes are also available at ABC's official \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" website, and on Hulu and Xfinity. In 2009, ABC signed a deal allowing \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" episodes to be streamed on Netflix. \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" is syndicated on Lifetime, with one hour blocks weekdays at 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm EST. Reruns have also started to air on Lifetime Movies. Since its debut, Buena Vista Home Entertainment has released the first eight seasons on DVD to regions 1, 2, and 4. The first season's DVD, released on February 14, 2006, features an alternate title sequence, bloopers,", "\"U.S. Marshals (film)\"\non DVD in the U.S. on July 21, 1998. Special features for the DVD include; interactive behind-the-scenes documentary - Anatomy of the Plane Crash; historical documentary - Justice Under the Star; feature-length commentary by director Stuart Baird; interactive menus; production notes; two theatrical trailers; three TV spots; and scene access. Additionally, a Special Edition repackaged DVD was also released on November 3, 2009. Special features include; a closed caption option; interactive behind-the-scenes documentary - Anatomy of the Plane Crash; historical documentary - Justice Under the Star; feature length commentary by director Stuart Baird; two theatrical trailers; and three TV spots.", "\"Grey's Anatomy (season 4)\"\nviewers, being the first-season finale of \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" to attract less than 20 million viewers. It was ranked fifth in the week, and received a 6.3 rating. There was a significant decrease in the number of viewers, compared to the previous season finale, which attracted almost four more million viewers and received an 8.0 rating. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The fourth season was officially released on DVD in region 1 on September 9, 2008, almost three weeks before the fifth season premiere, which aired on September 25, 2008. Under the title \"\"Grey's Anatomy: Season Four – Expanded\"\", the box set consists of episodes", "\"Death and All His Friends (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nin particular saying, \"\"In the most heart-wrenching moment of the entire two-hour season finale, Meredith bursts into the room, asking Clark to kill her. Eye for an eye, she says. She’s Lexie’s sister. She’s like a daughter to Dr. Weber. She’s the Chief’s wife.\"\" and noted that \"\"This was an amazing season finale, one of the best in the six seasons of Grey’s Anatomy. The second hour of the Grey’s Anatomy Season 6 season finale, Death and All His Friends, is even more intense than the first.\"\" \"\"HitFix\"\" also lauded the episode and wrote, \"\"In every sense, these two episodes", "\"Live and Learn (The Cardigans song)\"\nLive and Learn (The Cardigans song) \"\"Live and Learn\"\" is a song by the rock group The Cardigans and is the third and final single from the album Long Gone Before Daylight. All music by Peter Svensson, and all lyrics by Nina Persson. The song appears on episode 2 of \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" Music of Grey's Anatomy, and in a season 9 episode of Scrubs. The song is a straight love song about learning love, her thinking of what her love is worth. Guest vocals performed by The Soundtrack of our lives singer Ebbot Lundberg A video montage of their extensive", "\"Live and Learn (The Cardigans song)\"\ntouring schedule supporting the \"\"Long Gone Before Daylight\"\" album. Live and Learn (The Cardigans song) \"\"Live and Learn\"\" is a song by the rock group The Cardigans and is the third and final single from the album Long Gone Before Daylight. All music by Peter Svensson, and all lyrics by Nina Persson. The song appears on episode 2 of \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" Music of Grey's Anatomy, and in a season 9 episode of Scrubs. The song is a straight love song about learning love, her thinking of what her love is worth. Guest vocals performed by The Soundtrack of our lives", "\"The Sound of Silence (Grey's Anatomy)\"\nelse, Grey's reminds us that there's no upper limit to the amount of suffering a single person can go through, so just grab your people and get ready to roll with it\"\" Praising Washington she noted that, \"\"Denzel and Grey's despite being disparate, could bring each other to new creative heights.\"\" The Sound of Silence (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"The Sound of Silence\"\" is the ninth episode, serving as a mid-season premiere of the twelfth season of the American medical drama television series \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", and is the 254th overall episode, which aired on ABC on February 11, 2016. The episode was" ]
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who signed the 1900 buganda agreement on behalf of the british
[ "Sir Harry Johnston" ]
[ "\"Buganda Agreement (1900)\"\nBuganda Agreement (1900) The Buganda Agreement (alternatively the Uganda Agreement or Treaty of Mengo) of March 1900 formalised the relationship between the Kingdom of Buganda and the British Uganda Protectorate. The agreement was negotiated by Alfred Tucker, Bishop of Uganda, and signed by, among others, Buganda's Katikiro Sir Apolo Kagwa, on the behalf of the Kabaka (Daudi Chwa) who was at that time an infant, and Sir Harry Johnston on the behalf of the British colonial government. Buganda would henceforth be a province of the Protectorate, and would be transformed into a constitutional monarchy with the power of the \"\"Lukiiko\"\"", "\"Buganda Agreement (1955)\"\nthe form of a new Buganda Agreement that would \"\"supplement and where necessary amend the Agreement of 1900\"\". The main delay had been caused by a conflict between Mutesa's desire to sign the final agreement in Buganda, and the British view that his agreement was a prerequisite for his return. The solution found was \"\"a transitional Agreement which will run until the main Agreement is signed in Buganda by the Kabaka on his return. This transitional Agreement will be in the same terms as the main Agreement, apart from the transitional provisions, and after approval by the Lukiko will be", "\"Buganda Agreement (1900)\"\ntheir ability to collect taxes, and the proximity of Entebbe (the Uganda capital) was close to the Buganda capital. By the 1920s the British administrators were more confident, and had less need for military or administrative support. By fixing the northern boundary of Buganda as the River Kafu, the agreement formalised Henry Colvile's 1894 promise that Buganda would receive certain territories in exchange for their support against the Bunyoro. Two of the 'lost counties' (Buyaga and Bugangaizi) were returned to the Bunyoro following the Ugandan lost counties referendum of 1964. Buganda Agreement (1900) The Buganda Agreement (alternatively the Uganda Agreement", "\"Buganda Agreement (1955)\"\nBuganda Agreement (1955) The Buganda Agreement, 1955 was made on 18 October 1955 between Andrew Cohen, the governor of the Uganda Protectorate, and Mutesa II, Kabaka of Buganda. The agreement facilitated Mutesa II's return as a constitutional monarch, ending the Kabaka crisis that began when the Kabaka was exiled to England by Cohen in 1953. It amended the earlier 1900 Buganda Agreement. The final text reflected the agreed outcomes of the Namirembe Conference. Between 1953 and 1955 there was major unrest and discontent in Buganda, part of the British-administered Uganda Protectorate, following a speech in which the British Secretary of", "Baganda\nmet. After much hard bargaining, the chiefs ended up with everything they wanted, including one-half of all the land in Buganda. The half left to the British as \"\"Crown Land\"\" was later found to be largely swamp and scrub. Johnston's Buganda Agreement of 1900 imposed a tax on huts and guns, designated the chiefs as tax collectors, and testified to the continued alliance of British and Baganda interests. The British signed much less generous treaties with the other kingdoms (Toro in 1900, Ankole in 1901, and Bunyoro in 1933) without the provision of large-scale private land tenure. Following Uganda's independence", "\"Buganda Agreement (1955)\"\nsigned by personal representatives of the Kabaka. Six weeks after the appointment of Buganda Ministers and the Buganda representative members of the Legislative Council under the new arrangements, [the British Government would] authorise the Kabaka to return to Buganda, where he will sign the main Agreement\"\". The transitional Agreement was translated into Luganda and adopted on 15 August 1955. Following adoption of the new agreement, Mutesa duly returned triumphant to Buganda and the main Agreement was duly signed on 18 October. Signatures of the Kabaka, the Governor, and other witnesses appear at the end of the treaty. Buganda Agreement (1955)", "\"Uganda Legislative Council\"\nof the Uganda Agreement 1900 which in effect meant Buganda had complete self-government in terms of local administration and so any laws made by the Governor applied to Buganda only if they did not conflict with the terms of the 1900 agreement. The British government, having declared Buganda a British Protectorate on Monday 18 June 1894, following a mission to Uganda by Sir Gerald Portal as a newly appointed British Special Commissioner in 1892, expanded the Protectorate. Other parts of what is now Uganda were added to the British Protectorate two years later in 1896, these were: Bunyoro, Toro, Ankole", "\"Mengo, Uganda\"\nsettled on the hill used these stones to grind their food. It is here that the Buganda Agreement of 1900 was signed between the Kabaka of Buganda and British colonial officials establishing the Uganda Protectorate. The history of Mengo Hill is also entwined with that of adjacent Namirembe Hill, the seat of the Anglican Church of Uganda, because of the monarchy’s close association with the Church of England. The Bulange, which houses offices for the Kabaka and the Lukiiko (Buganda Parliament), is at the base of Namirembe Hill. The building was constructed between 1953 and 1958 by Muteesa II of", "\"Buganda Agreement (1955)\"\nState for the Colonies made a \"\"passing reference\"\" to the possibility of an East African federation. The incident prompted widespread calls for Bugandan independence as the only protection against British overreach. In order to force a resolution to the deepening political crisis, the Governor of Uganda, Sir Andrew Cohen, invoked the 1900 Buganda Agreement and demanded that the Kabaka (Mutesa II) fall into line British government policy which favoured the continuation of a single, unitary, Ugandan state. The Kabaka refused. As a result, the British Government withdrew its recognition of Mutesa II as Buganda's native ruler under Article 6 of", "\"Buganda Agreement (1955)\"\nselected by the Lukiiko. The four main issues considered by the committee were the degree to which Buganda was 'independent' under the 1900 Agreement; the balance between federalism versus the need to preserve a unitary Ugandan state; the role of the Kabaka; and the participation of Buganda in the Uganda Legislative Council (LEGCO). Discussions were lengthy, and while there was some progress, it was clear to Hancock that the Committeein particular held firm views in favour of a federal model for Buganda that would be at odds with the British emphasis on a unitary state. The Namirembe Conference proper opened", "Buganda\nin 1993. The Head of Government is the Katikkiro (Prime Minister) Charles Mayiga, who was appointed by the Kabaka in 2013. The Parliament of Uganda is the Lukiiko. Prior to the Buganda Agreement of 1900, Buganda was an almost absolute monarchy. Under the Kabaka, there were three types of chief: \"\"bakungu\"\" (administrative) chiefs, who were appointed directly by the Kabaka; traditional \"\"bataka\"\" chieftans; and \"\"batangole\"\" chiefs, who served as representatives of the Kabaka, charged with \"\"maintaining internal security, supervising royal estates and military duties\"\". The 1900 agreement, however, greatly enhanced the power of the Lukiiko (which had previously been simply", "\"Buganda Agreement (1900)\"\n(advisory council) greatly enhanced and the role of the \"\"Kabaka\"\" (king) reduced. The British also gained the right to veto future choices of Kabaka, and control of numerous other appointments. These provisions concerning the roles of the Kabaka and Lukiiko were largely reversed by the Buganda Agreement of 1961. The agreement solidified the power of the largely Protestant 'Bakungu' client-chiefs, led by Kagwa. The British sent only a few officials to administer the country, relying primarily on the Bakungu chiefs. For decades they were preferred because of their political skills, their Christianity, their friendly relations with the British, there are", "\"Uganda Protectorate\"\nthe Uganda Agreement, by which Buganda became a British protectorate with limited internal autonomy. The Uganda Agreement of 1900 solidified the power of the largely Protestant 'Bakungu' client-chiefs, led by Kagwa. London sent only a few officials to administer the country, relying primarily on the 'Bakungu' chiefs. For decades they were preferred because of their political skills, their Christianity, their friendly relations with the British, their ability to collect taxes, and the proximity of Entebbe (the Ugandan capital) to the Buganda capital. By the 1920s the British administrators were more confident, and had less need for military or administrative support.", "Lukiiko\nLukiiko The Lukiiko (sometimes Great Lukiiko) is the Parliament of the Kingdom of Buganda. It was, according to tradition, established by Kato Kintu, the first Kabaka of Buganda, after defeating the rival prince Bbemba, when he called a general meeting of influential people at Magongo. It took its present form as a result of the Buganda Agreement of 1900 and subsequent agreements. The Lukiiko is today convened at the Bulange. The membership consists of directly-elected members from Buganda counties, Buganda county chiefs, members appointed by the Kabaka, and Buganda cabinet ministers. The current speaker is Nelson Kawalya, and the deputy", "\"1964 Ugandan lost counties referendum\"\nUganda Protectorate, which initially included solely the Kingdom of Buganda. Colvile promised all lands south of the River Kafu to Buganda in return for their support, and following the conflict the relevant counties were duly transferred as promised, with the transfer recognised in the Buganda Agreement (1900). Despite deliberate attempts by the Bugandan government to integrate the resident Banyoro, the return of the 'lost counties' was the subject of repeated appeals from the Bunyoro government to the British government. The potential for conflict between the two Kingdoms was therefore still a considerable cause for concern in the run up to", "\"Kabaka crisis\"\nan attempt to get the Kabaka's deportation declared \"\"ultra vires\"\" was unsuccessful, the High Court in Kampala suggested that the use of Article 6 was improper. The British subsequently accepted the return of Mutesa, in exchange for a commitment that he and future Kabakas would make a \"\"solemn engagement\"\" to be bound the 1900 Agreement. A number of constitutional changes within the Government of Buganda and to the national Legislative Council were agreed at the same time, progressing Cohen's reformist goals. Following further negotiations, held in London, the Namirembe conference recommendations were adopted as the Buganda Agreement of 1955 and", "\"Uganda Legislative Council\"\nexample the (i) British Government had the power to disallow any Ordinances passed by the LEGCO; (ii) No Ordinances passed by the LEGCO could conflict with the 1900 Buganda Agreement, (iii) All Ordinances passed by the LEGCO required the assent of the British Colonial Governor in Uganda; (iv) The LEGCO did not have any power to rule on constitutional matters, defence policy and foreign affairs – these were all matters reserved for the British Government. The process of registering voters in started in 1960 when Uganda had constituencies demarcated for the first time. Only 3% of eligible voters in Buganda", "\"History of Buganda\"\nnegotiations leading to the kabaka's return had an outcome similar to the negotiations of Commissioner Johnston in 1900; although appearing to satisfy the British, they were a resounding victory for the Baganda. Cohen secured the kabaka's agreement not to oppose independence within the larger Uganda framework. Not only was the kabaka reinstated in return, but for the first time since 1889, the monarch was given the power to appoint and dismiss his chiefs (Buganda government officials) instead of acting as a mere figurehead while they conducted the affairs of government. The kabaka's new power was cloaked in the misleading claim", "Baganda\nthe United States. Traditionally, they speak Luganda. Kabaka Mwanga II was Buganda's Last Powerful Kabaka. After his reign Buganda Kingdom's influence in the region was weakened significantly. Kabaka Mwanga II was betrayed by some of his Mengo confidants who collaborated with colonial British Bazungu to exile the Kabaka to Seychelles Islands where he later died as a loner. It was under these circumstances that Buganda Land was divided among regents and the British colonialist on behalf of the Queen of England. The early history of the Ganda is unclear, with various conflicting traditions as to their origins. One tradition holds", "\"Kabaka crisis\"\nMarch 1953, and that he had five weeks to reconsider. Despite the apparent ultimatum, Mutesa, supported by the Bugandan Lukiiko (Parliament) and other neighbouring Kingdoms, continued pushing for Buganda secession. This intransigence prompted Cohen to write to him on 20 November 1953 to inform him that, under the provisions of Article 6 of the 1900 Agreement, the British Government was withdrawing their recognition of him as the legitimate ruler of Buganda. This position was confirmed on 30 November in the form of a written declaration. Cohen was fearful that this action would incite violent protest by the Baganda and declared", "Lukiiko\nspeaker is Ahmed Lwasa. The Lukiiko is charged with legislating by-laws of the kingdom, but is not allowed by the state government to legislate political matters. Lukiiko The Lukiiko (sometimes Great Lukiiko) is the Parliament of the Kingdom of Buganda. It was, according to tradition, established by Kato Kintu, the first Kabaka of Buganda, after defeating the rival prince Bbemba, when he called a general meeting of influential people at Magongo. It took its present form as a result of the Buganda Agreement of 1900 and subsequent agreements. The Lukiiko is today convened at the Bulange. The membership consists of", "Buganda\nan advisory council) at the expense of the Kabaka. While Buganda retained self-government, as one part of the larger Uganda Protectorate, it would henceforth be subject to formal British overrule. The Buganda Agreement of 1955 continued the transition from absolute to constitutional monarchy. During Uganda independence, the constitutional position of Buganda (and the degree to which it would be able to exercise self-government) was a major issue. Discussions as part of the Uganda Relationships Commission resulted in the Buganda Agreement of 1961 and the first Constitution of Uganda (1962), as part of which Buganda would be able to exercise a", "\"Apolo Kagwa\"\nfor independence. An infant prince, Daudi Chwa, was named King (\"\"Kabaka\"\") with Kagwa as one of three regents. Kagwa was one of the negotiators of the Uganda Agreement, by which Buganda became a British protectorate with limited internal autonomy. The Uganda Agreement of 1900 solidified the power of the largely Protestant 'Bakungu' client-chiefs, led by Kagwa. London sent only a few officials to administer the country, relying primarily on the 'Bakungu' chiefs. For decades they were preferred because of their political skills, their Christianity, their friendly relations with the British, There are their ability to collect taxes, and the proximity", "\"Uganda Protectorate\"\nThis land fragmentation was aided by the British, who in 1927 forced the chiefs to limit severely the rents and obligatory labour they could demand from their tenants. Thus the oligarchy of landed chiefs who had emerged with the Buganda Agreement of 1900 declined in importance, and agricultural production shifted to independent smallholders, who grew cotton, and later coffee, for the export market. Unlike Tanganyika, which was devastated during the prolonged fighting between Britain and Germany in the East African Campaign of World War I, Uganda prospered from wartime agricultural production. After the population losses from disease during the era", "\"Young Baganda Association\"\nYoung Baganda Association The Young Baganda Association is a political party created in the Uganda protectorate in 1919 by Z.K. Sentongo. It brokes up in 1922. The 1900 Uganda agreement merged many kingdoms into the boundaries of today’s Uganda. The most powerful of these ancient kingdoms was Buganda, mainly inhabited by Baganda people: British invaders gave political power to its African customary chiefs, who gathered in a Council (\"\"Lukiko\"\") and presided over by the king (\"\"Kabaka\"\"). They were also given land in order to gain their fidelity. However, the spread of schools caused a generation of young educated people to", "\"Kabaka crisis\"\nBuganda to an area that roughly corresponds to that of present-day Uganda. The Buganda Agreement of 1900 formalised Buganda's place as a constitutional monarchy (headed by the Kabaka) within the broader Protectorate. On 30 June 1953, Oliver Lyttelton, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, gave a speech in London in which he made a \"\"passing reference\"\" to the possibility \"\"...of still larger measures of unification and possibly still larger measures of federation of the whole East Africa territories\"\". Lyttelton's remarks were reported by the \"\"East African Standard\"\" on 2 and 3 July, prompting the Ministers of the Bugandan Government", "Uganda\nand others had about Buganda's \"\"special status\"\". In 1964 The government responded to demands from some parts of the vast Buganda Kingdom that they were not the Kabaka's subjects. Prior to colonial rule Buganda had been rivalled by the neighbouring Bunyoro kingdom. Buganda had conquered parts of Bunyoro and the British colonialists had formalised this in the Buganda Agreements. Known as the \"\"lost counties\"\", the people in these areas wished to revert to being part of Bunyoro. Obote decided to allow a referendum, which angered the Kabaka and most of the rest of Buganda. The residents of the counties voted", "\"Buganda Agreement (1955)\"\nthe 1900 Buganda agreement and forcibly deported Mutesa to Britain. News about Mutesa's deportation severely shocked the Baganda, leading to a constitutional crisis. Cohen's preference was for a new Kabaka to be installed immediately, but this proved impossible, necessitating a fuller negotiated outcome. Following a successful Bugandan delegation to London, new negotiations on the future of Baganda took place in June to September 1954 at Namirembe, with the Australian Sir Keith Hancock (Director of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies in London) acting as the mediator and Stanley Alexander de Smith as Secretary. Initially, Hancock met solely with a constitutional committee", "\"Kabaka crisis\"\nMutesa returned triumphant to Buganda. Kabaka crisis The Kabaka crisis was a political and constitutional crisis in the Uganda Protectorate between 1953 and 1955. The crisis would result in the Buganda Agreement of 1955 and ultimately shape the nature of Ugandan independence. In 1893 the Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEAC) transferred its administration rights over its territories in modern day Uganda to the British Government. At that time, the IBEAC's territory consisted mainly of the Kingdom of Buganda, which had been acquired in 1892. In 1894 the Uganda Protectorate was established, and, with Bugandan assistance the territory was rapidly", "\"Kabaka crisis\"\nfederation would be made without first consulting them. There was a residual feeling in Buganda, however, that Lyttelton had let the cat out of the bag. The incident served to crystallise animosity and apparent slights dating back to the 1900 Agreement, and prompted widespread calls among the Baganda for Bugandan independence as the only protection against British overreach. Even a reply from the Secretary of State attempting to reassure the Kabaka Mutesa II that \"\"the inclusion of the Uganda Protectorate in any such federation is outside the realm of practical politics at the present time\"\" served only to fan the", "\"Uganda Protectorate\"\nunrelenting Ganda hostility and obstruction, Cohen was forced to reinstate Kabaka Freddie. The negotiations leading to the kabaka's return had an outcome similar to the negotiations of Commissioner Johnston in 1900; although appearing to satisfy the British, they were a resounding victory for the Baganda. Cohen secured the kabaka's agreement not to oppose independence within the larger Uganda framework. Not only was the kabaka reinstated in return, but for the first time since 1889, the monarch was given the power to appoint and dismiss his chiefs (Buganda government officials) instead of acting as a mere figurehead while they conducted the", "\"Muteesa I Royal University\"\nthe city of Kampala. The coordinates of this campus are 0°18'24.0\"\"N, 32°33'19.0\"\"E (Latitude:00 19 21S; Longitude:31 44 33E). The third campus is in the town of Mubende, approximately , by road, west of Kampala. MRU was established when ownership of the Masaka Technical Institute (Uganda Technical College, Masaka), was transferred from the government of Uganda to the Buganda government in January 2007. MRU is named after Muteesa I of Buganda. He made agreements with the British to introduce British-based education in his kingdom (Buganda) in the late 19th century. MRU received Tertiary Education Institution accreditation from the Ministry of Education", "\"Uganda National Congress\"\nwithin the 1900 Agreement, but given the feudal character of their society, all political leadership, thought and organization was taken to repose in the Kabaka. There was no way a true national movement would make headway in the Buganda of those days. George Shepherd did observe: \"\"The Uganda National Congress might have died at birth if it had not been for the interest which was shown in it by several leaders from tribes other than Buganda.\"\"(Shepherd, G.W. 1955: 169-170) And so it was from leading chiefs and elders of Lango, Teso and Toro that Musazi found enthusiastic support for the", "Banyala\nBanyala Banyala (ethnonym: \"\"Banyala\"\"; singular \"\"Munyala\"\"), are a Bantu ethnic group native to Buganda, a subnational kingdom within Uganda. They stay in an area called Bugerere in Kayunga District, an area that Buganda captured from Bunyoro Kingdom more than 100 years ago. They share a common ancestry with the Baruuli. The history of Banyala is traced to the wars of Buganda against Bunyoro before 1900.They are a result of intermarriages between Banyoro and Baganda supported by the British Empire. Namuyonjo, Bunyoro's late King Kamurasi's son, rebelled against his father in the late 1800s and allied with the then Kabaka of", "Uganda\nthe Indian Ocean coast of East Africa in the 1830s. They were followed in the 1860s by British explorers searching for the source of the Nile. British Anglican missionaries arrived in the kingdom of Buganda in 1877 (a situation which gave rise to the death of the Uganda Martyrs) and were followed by French Catholic missionaries in 1879. The British government chartered the Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEAC) to negotiate trade agreements in the region beginning in 1888. From 1886, there were a series of religious wars in Buganda, initially between Muslims and Christians and then, from 1890, between", "\"History of the Maldives\"\nBritish policy of decolonisation on 26 July 1965 an agreement was signed on behalf of His Majesty the Sultan by Ibrahim Nasir Rannabandeyri Kilegefan, Prime Minister, and on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen by Sir Michael Walker, British Ambassador designate to the Maldive Islands, which ended the British responsibility for the defence and external affairs of the Maldives. The islands thus achieved full political independence, with the ceremony taking place at the British High Commissioner's Residence in Colombo. After this, the sultanate continued for another three years under Muhammad Fareed Didi, who declared himself King rather than Sultan. On", "\"Ugandan Constitutional Conference\"\nwas discussed. When, during the Conference, Macleod suggested that the referendum envisaged by the Relationships Commission could not proceed given the lack Bugandan support, instead proposing the establishment of a further Commission of Privy Councillors (the Molson Commission), Bunyoro's delegates walked out. The recommendations of the conference resulted in the Buganda Agreement of 1961, which supplanted the Buganda Agreement of 1955, as well as the first Ugandan Constitution. Ugandan Constitutional Conference The Ugandan Constitutional Conference, held at Lancaster House in the autumn of 1961, was organised by the British Government to pave the way of Ugandan independence. The Conference opened", "\"1903 Southern African Customs Union Agreement\"\nPietermaritzburg, Douglas, and Salisbury. The Agreement was signed by the governments of the Cape Colony, the Colony of Natal, the Orange River Colony, the Transvaal Colony, and Southern Rhodesia. The Governor of the Cape Colony, who was the High Commissioner for Southern Africa, also signed on behalf of Basutoland and the Bechuanaland Protectorate. Swaziland was admitted to the union in a supplementary protocol that was agreed to in 1904, while North-western Rhodesia was admitted in 1905. The Agreement established a customs union area with free trade amongst the parties. The success of the customs union encouraged some British residents to", "\"Buganda Agreement (1955)\"\nBuganda should be in the hands of Ministers; and that, while all the traditional dignities of the Kabaka should be fully safeguarded, Kabakas in future should be constitutional rulers bound by a Solemn Engagement to observe the conditions of the Agreements regarding the Constitution and not to prejudice the security and welfare of the Buganda people and the Protectorate\"\". A number of constitutional changes to the Governments of Uganda and Buganda and to LEGCO were agreed at the same time, increasing African representation, and progressing Cohen's reformist goals. As a result of these changes, Buganda would end its boycot of", "\"Armenians in India\"\nincentive for Armenian settlements in India was an Armenian agreement with the British East India Company. The agreement was signed in London, on 22 June 1688, and a Julfan merchant, resident in London at the time, signed the treaty on behalf of the “Armenian Nation.” Competing with the Portuguese and the French, the British wanted to boost the Armenian presence in India, and the agreement accorded special trading privileges to the Armenians, as well as equal rights with British subjects regarding the freedom of residence, travel, religion, and unrestricted access to civil offices. The Armenian diaspora, having immigrated to India", "\"Carl Peters\"\nduring early 1890, Peters concluded a treaty with Kabaka Mwanga II of Buganda in favour of Germany. He had to leave Uganda hastily on the approach of an expedition commanded by Frederick Lugard, the representative of the Imperial British East Africa Company. On reaching Zanzibar he learned that his efforts were useless, as on 1 July 1890 the Heligoland–Zanzibar Treaty between Germany and the UK had been signed, whereby Uganda was left as an area of British influence and Peters' agreement with Mwanga became null and void. Meanwhile, the power of his company had ended when the coastal population rebelled", "\"Kabaka crisis\"\nKabaka crisis The Kabaka crisis was a political and constitutional crisis in the Uganda Protectorate between 1953 and 1955. The crisis would result in the Buganda Agreement of 1955 and ultimately shape the nature of Ugandan independence. In 1893 the Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEAC) transferred its administration rights over its territories in modern day Uganda to the British Government. At that time, the IBEAC's territory consisted mainly of the Kingdom of Buganda, which had been acquired in 1892. In 1894 the Uganda Protectorate was established, and, with Bugandan assistance the territory was rapidly extended beyond the borders of", "Uganda\ncentral government. Buganda never sought independence, but rather appeared to be comfortable with a loose arrangement that guaranteed them privileges above the other subjects within the protectorate or a special status when the British left. This was evidenced in part by hostilities between the British colonial authorities and Buganda prior to independence. Within Buganda there were divisions – between those who wanted the Kabaka to remain a dominant monarch, and those who wanted to join with the rest of Uganda to create a modern secular state. The split resulted in the creation of two dominant Buganda based parties – the", "\"Circuit intendant of Shanghai\"\nof the circuit was at Taicang. It was moved to Shanghai in the 18th century. The first foreign settlement in Shanghai, the British Concession, was established by the Land Regulations () undertaken on the initiative of the intendant Gong Mujiu. His was the one who signed it on behalf of the Qing government on 29 November 1845. Lin Gui approved the British consul Rutherford Alcock's proposal to extend the British boundary west from Barrier Road (, today's Henan Rd.) to Thibet Road (, now Xizang Rd.) on 27 November 1848. On 6 April 1849, he signed the agreement with Charles", "\"Anglo-Irish Treaty\"\nby the Government of Ireland Act 1920, an option to opt out of the Irish Free State, which it exercised. The agreement was signed in London on 6 December 1921, by representatives of the British government (which included Prime Minister David Lloyd George, who was head of the British delegates) and by representatives of the Irish Republic including Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith. The Irish representatives had plenipotentiary status (negotiators empowered to sign a treaty without reference back to their superiors) acting on behalf of the Irish Republic, though the British government declined to recognise that status. As required by", "\"1964 Ugandan lost counties referendum\"\nBunyoro, in exchange for Bunyoro dropping their claim on the remaining counties; it did not favour holding a referendum for fear of further violence. The report was met with outcry in the Bugandan parliament. Without any sign of agreement between the Kingdoms of Bunyoro and Buganda, the terms of the final settlement were dictated by the new British Colonial Secretary Reginald Maudling and set out in the conclusions of the Uganda Independence Conference held at Marlborough House in June 1962. As finalised in the resultant Uganda (Independence) Order, a referendum would be held in Buyaga and Bugangaizi counties only. Voters", "\"Canada under British rule\"\nof the region. In 1854, the Governor General of British North America, Lord Elgin, signed a significant trade agreement with the United States on behalf of the colonies. This agreement endured for ten years until the American government abrogated it in 1865. Effective governance of the United Province of Canada after 1840 required a careful balancing of the interests of French and English- speaking populations; and between Catholics and Protestants. John A. Macdonald emerged in the 1850s as a personality who could manage that task. A political conservative, MacDonald forged political relationships and coalitions with George-Étienne Cartier, the leader of", "\"Yangtze Agreement\"\nHay, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Japan, and Russia had all agreed in principle, and treaties made after this declaration made open reference to the Open Door Policy. Germany's failure to keep up the agreement was a factor in the British Decision to sign the First Anglo-Japanese Alliance in 1902. Yangtze Agreement The Yangtze Agreement was an agreement between Great Britain and Germany signed on October 6, 1900, signed by Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil and Ambassador Paul von Hatzfeldt respectively, stating both parties' opposition to the partition of China into spheres of influence. The agreement was signed in accordance with the", "Maldives\npayment of £750,000 over the period of 1960 to 1965 for the purpose of Maldives' economic development. The base was closed in 1976 as part of the larger British withdrawal of permanently stationed forces 'East of Suez'. In line with the broader British policy of decolonisation on 26 July 1965 an agreement was signed on behalf of His Majesty the Sultan by Ibrahim Nasir Rannabandeyri Kilegefan, prime minister, and on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen by Sir Michael Walker, British Ambassador designate to the Maldive Islands, which ended the British responsibility for the defence and external affairs of the", "Bunyoro\nof Bunyoro's resistance to the British, a portion of the Bunyoro kingdom's territory was given to Buganda and Toro. The country was put under the governance of Bugandan administrators. The Banyoro revolted in 1907; the revolt was put down, and relations improved somewhat. After the region remained loyal to Great Britain in World War I a new agreement was made in 1934 giving the region more autonomy. Bunyoro remains as one of the five constituent kingdoms of Uganda, along with Buganda, Busoga, Rwenzururu, and Tooro. During the first regime of Milton Obote, the Kingdom of Bunyoro initially benefited from regaining", "\"Denmark–Netherlands relations\"\nnavy lost at sea, the Danish army was defeated in Scania by the Swedes, who in turn were defeated in Northern Germany by the Brandenburgers. The war and the hostilities ended when Denmark's ally the Dutch Republic settled with Sweden's stronger ally France and the Swedish king Charles XI married Danish princess Ulrike Eleonora, sister of Christian V. Peace was made on behalf of France with the treaties of Fontainebleau and Lund and Saint Germain, restoring most of the lost territories to Sweden. In the 1900s, many agreements were signed between both countries. Both Denmark and the Netherlands were invaded", "\"Buganda Agreement (1955)\"\nthe reformed LEGCO. Strictly speaking, the return of Mutesa himself to Uganda was outside the conference's terms of reference as unthinkable to the British. However, the High Court's findings shortly after news of the agreement at Namirembe (but before the \"\"Agreed Recommendations\"\" could be published) that the British Government's reliance on Article 6 was \"\"mistaken\"\" put pressure on Cohen. In November, he reversed the British Government's positions and agreed to Mutesa's return, contingent on the adoption and implementation of the Namirembe recommendations. Following further negotiations, held in London, the Namirembe recommendations (with minor modifications) were adopted in July 1955 in", "\"Muwenda Mutebi II of Buganda\"\n(Prime Minister) of Buganda Kingdom at that time, \"\"Engineer John Baptist Walusimbi\"\", confirmed that Prince Ssemakookiro′s mother is a Muganda lady from the Enseenene (Grasshopper) clan. Later, the prince's mother was revealed as Rose Nansikombi, who hails from Luweero District in Buganda (Central Uganda). On 15 April 2011, he was installed as the first chancellor of Muteesa I Royal University. The university was founded in 2007 and named in memory of Muteesa I of Buganda, in recognition of his foresight in promoting education in Buganda and Uganda and of his superior diplomatic skills in juggling the influences of the British,", "\"Mwanga II of Buganda\"\n1889. On 26 December 1890, Mwanga signed a treaty with Lord Lugard, granting certain powers over revenue, trade and the administration of justice to the Imperial British East Africa Company. These powers were transferred to the crown on 1 April 1893. On 27 August 1894, Mwanga accepted for Buganda to become a Protectorate. However, on 6 July 1897 he declared war on the British and launched an attack but was defeated on 20 July 1897, in Buddu (in today's Masaka District). He fled into German East Africa (modern-day Tanzania), where he was arrested and interned at Bukoba. He was deposed", "\"History of Buganda\"\nwhat is known about Muteesa comes from primary sources from various Kiganda researchers and some foreign explorers, notably John Hanning Speke, and the Church Missionary Society. Mwanga was overthrown numerous times, but was reinstated. Mwanga signed a treaty with Captain Lord Lugard in 1892, giving Buganda the status of protectorate under the authority of the British East Africa Company. The British saw this territory as a prized possession. The twentieth-century influence of the Baganda in Uganda has reflected the impact of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century developments. A series of Kabakas amassed military and political power by killing rivals to the throne,", "\"History of nationality in Cyprus\"\napplied for membership, Cyprus asked the European Community for an institutionalized arrangement given their heavy dependence on British exports and the prospect of losing the preferential tariff rate. However, after the British withdrew their application, Cyprus interest remained dormant until 1972 when the British admission into the community was certain. The agreement was delayed due to the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, as it had disastrous effects on the Cyprus economy. The agreement was finally signed in 1987. What is important to note about Cyprus’ application for membership is that it was made on behalf of the entire population", "\"Uganda Martyrs\"\nwhich Mwanga rejected, since even the English missionaries considered its terms too onerous. The agreement that Peters made with Mwanga was nullified by the 1 July 1890 treaty between Britain and Germany, which extended inland the line of division between their areas of influence in East Africa, leaving Buganda in the British sphere and moving the centre of interest from the coast to the hinterland. The Imperial British East Africa Company sent Frederick Lugard, its military administrator, to Mengo, where in December 1890 he got Mwanga to accept for a period of two years an agreement with the Company. This", "\"Faisal–Weizmann Agreement\"\nFrench were victorious and Faisal was expelled from Syria after which he contended that the conditions he appended were not fulfilled and the agreement therefore moot. According to contemporaries, including Gertrude Bell and T. E. Lawrence, the French, with British support, betrayed Faisal and the Arab cause rendering the treaty invalid. St. John Philby, a British representative in Palestine, later stated that Hussein bin Ali, the Sharif of Mecca and King of Hejaz, on whose behalf Faisal was acting, had refused to recognize the agreement as soon as it was brought to his notice. However, Sharif Hussein did sign the", "\"Anglo-Ethiopian Agreement\"\nBritish Forces High Command signed on behalf of the United Kingdom. Great Britain sent civil advisers to assist Selassie with administrative duties and also provide him with military advisors to maintain internal security and to improve and modernize the Ethiopian army. The terms of this agreement confirmed Ethiopia's status as a sovereign state, although the Ogaden region, the border regions with French Somaliland (known as the \"\"Reserved Areas\"\"), the Addis Ababa-Djibouti railroad, and the Haud, would remain temporarily under British control. The British also assumed control over currency and foreign exchange as well as imports and exports. It also reconfirmed", "\"History of Buganda\"\nwhen British explorers John Hanning Speke and Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton entered Buganda. According to their reports, the kingdom was highly organized and practised mass human sacrifice, with about 800 persons being killed annually. Muteesa I of Buganda, who had been visited by explorers, like John Hanning Speke, James Augustus Grant and Henry Morton Stanley, invited the Church Missionary Society to Buganda. One of the missionaries from the Church Missionary Society was Alexander Murdoch Mackay. Muteesa I never converted to any religion, despite the numerous tries. In 1884, Muteesa died and his son Mwanga II took over. Most of", "Buganda\npowerful states in East Africa during the eighteenth and 19th centuries. During the Scramble for Africa, and following unsuccessful attempts to retain its independence against British imperialism, Buganda became the centre of the Uganda Protectorate in 1894; the name Uganda, the Swahili term for Buganda, was adopted by British officials. Under British rule, many Baganda acquired status as colonial administrators, and Buganda became a major producer of cotton and coffee. Following Uganda's independence in 1962, the kingdom was abolished by Uganda's first Prime Minister Milton Obote in 1966. Following years of disturbance under Obote and dictator Idi Amin, as well", "\"Young Baganda Association\"\nbe responsible of “exploiting” Baganda while some other members asked for departure of the \"\"Kabaka\"\" and establishment of a Republic. Three of them where jailed by order of the \"\"Kabaka\"\" in June 1922. This event scared its mostly moderated members and the Association broke up soon later the same year. Young Baganda Association The Young Baganda Association is a political party created in the Uganda protectorate in 1919 by Z.K. Sentongo. It brokes up in 1922. The 1900 Uganda agreement merged many kingdoms into the boundaries of today’s Uganda. The most powerful of these ancient kingdoms was Buganda, mainly inhabited", "\"Harry Johnston\"\nvalley and lakes Nyasa, Tanganyika, and Mweru. In 1896 in recognition of this achievement he was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB), but afflicted by tropical fevers, transferred to Tunis as consul-general. In the same year, he had married the Hon. Winifred Mary Irby, daughter of Florance George Henry Irby, fifth Baron Boston. In 1899 Sir Harry was sent to Uganda as special commissioner to end an ongoing war. He improved the colonial administration, and in 1900 concluded the Buganda Agreement dividing the land between the UK and the chiefs. For his services in Uganda, he", "\"Uganda Protectorate\"\nAgreement of 1900 imposed a tax on huts and guns, designated the chiefs as tax collectors, and testified to the continued alliance of British and Baganda interests. The British signed much less generous treaties with the other kingdoms (Toro in 1900, Ankole in 1901, and Bunyoro in 1933) without the provision of large-scale private land tenure. The smaller chiefdoms of Busoga were ignored. The Baganda immediately offered their services to the British as administrators over their recently conquered neighbours, an offer which was attractive to the economy-minded colonial administration. Baganda agents fanned out as local tax collectors and labour organizers", "\"Lim Yew Hock\"\nto commence talks with the British for self-rule. They reached a consensus in April, while Lim signed a new constitutional agreement with Secretary of State for the Colonies Alan Lennox-Boyd on behalf of Singapore. Representatives from Singapore drafted a new constitution; In August 1958, the British Parliament passed the State of Singapore Act. Based on the agreement, there would be a great increase in the number of Legislative Assembly seats to be contested in the 1959 election, where all seats would be popularly elected; Singapore would become a self-governing state, with the Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers being", "\"Early history of Uganda\"\nFrench mission and persuaded the Germans to relinquish their claim to Uganda. With Buganda secured by Lugard, and the Germans no longer contending for control, the British began to enlarge their claim to the \"\"headwaters of the Nile\"\" as they called the land north of Lake Victoria. Allying with the Protestant Baganda chiefs, the British set about conquering the rest of the country, aided by Nubian mercenary troops who had formerly served the khedive of Egypt. Bunyoro had been spared the religious civil wars of Buganda and was firmly united by its king, Kabarega, who had several regiments of troops", "\"NK Bosna Visoko\"\nLeague of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. On 5 August 2014 NK Bosna and FK Sarajevo signed a cooperation agreement by which Sarajevo will loan its talented youngsters to the Visoko-based side and will have first-buy rights on all NK Bosna players. By signing this agreement Bosna \"\"de facto\"\" became Sarajevo's farm team. The agreement was signed by Adis Hajlovac and Mirza Laletović on behalf of Bosna, and Abdulah Ibraković on behalf of Sarajevo. NK Bosna Visoko Nogometni Klub Bosna Visoko () is a professional association football club from the city of Visoko that is situated in Bosnia and", "\"History of Buganda\"\njustice. The Katikkiro and other powerful ministers formed an inner circle of advisers who could summon lower-level chiefs and other appointed advisers to confer on policy matters. By the end of the nineteenth century, the Kabaka had replaced many clan heads with appointed officials and claimed the title \"\"head of all the clans\"\". The sophisticated structure of governance of the Baganda so impressed British officials, but political leaders in neighboring Bunyoro were not receptive to British officials who arrived with Baganda escorts. Buganda became the centrepiece of the new protectorate, with a degree of control over the other kingdoms: Toro,", "\"Democratic Party (Uganda)\"\nwas formed out of the religious and economic demographics that began to model politics in Buganda before Uganda's independence. Buganda is Uganda's largest ethnic region and has influenced the country's politics since the country was drawn up by the British colonial power. Buganda, like most parts of Africa before independence, had been visited by three key religious forces - the Roman Catholics, the Church of England (Protestant Christians), and Islam. They battled each other to extend their influence in Buganda and Uganda as a whole. In Buganda, all three built powerful indigenous alliances and tried to influence the Buganda King", "\"Uganda Protectorate\"\nUganda Protectorate The British Protectorate of Uganda was a protectorate of the British Empire from 1894 to 1962. In 1893 the Imperial British East Africa Company transferred its administration rights of territory consisting mainly of Buganda Kingdom to the British Government. In 1894 the Uganda Protectorate was established, and the territory was extended beyond the borders of Buganda to an area that roughly corresponds to that of present-day Uganda. From 1885 to 1887 the kingdom of Buganda fell into a religious civil war with Protestants, Catholics and Muslim factions vying for control. Apolo Kagwa, still in his twenties, was from", "\"Uganda Protectorate\"\nbecoming president a year later. Uganda Protectorate The British Protectorate of Uganda was a protectorate of the British Empire from 1894 to 1962. In 1893 the Imperial British East Africa Company transferred its administration rights of territory consisting mainly of Buganda Kingdom to the British Government. In 1894 the Uganda Protectorate was established, and the territory was extended beyond the borders of Buganda to an area that roughly corresponds to that of present-day Uganda. From 1885 to 1887 the kingdom of Buganda fell into a religious civil war with Protestants, Catholics and Muslim factions vying for control. Apolo Kagwa, still", "\"Sultanate of Sulu\"\nall claim to North Borneo which had belonged to the Sultanate in the past to the British Government. The Sultanate's political power was relinquished in March 1915 after American commanders negotiated with Sultan Jamalul Kiram on behalf of then-Governor-General Francis Burton Harrison. An agreement was subsequently signed and was called as the \"\"Carpenter Agreement\"\". By this agreement, the Sultan relinquished all political power over territory within the Philippines (except for certain specific land granted to Sultan Jamalul Kiram and his heirs), with the religious authority as head of Islam in Sulu. However, the United States based government refused to intervene", "\"Buganda Agreement (1955)\"\non 30 July, with both the Committee and Cohen represented. On the crucial issue of federalism, Cohen produced a paper in early August arguing for greater devolution to Buganda, without going as far as federalism. At the same time, the non-African members of LEGCO agreed to give up one European and one Asian representative seat and transfer these to African members. By the time the conference closed in early September, it had agreed a number of recommendations, including that \"\"the Kingdom of Buganda... should continue to be an integral part of the Protectorate; that the conduct of public affairs in", "\"Kibaale District\"\nAgreement defined the boundaries of the Buganda Kingdom, including the important areas of Bunyoro south and east of the Kafu River. The “Lost Counties” were included as a sub-national territorial element of Buganda. The administration of the Lost Counties as well as Bunyoro itself was modelled on the Buganda political system and under the leadership of Baganda chiefs. In a referendum held in November 1964, the residents in the two lost counties voted to return to the Kingdom of Bunyoro. In July 2012, an outbreak of Ebola virus disease was reported in Kagadi, and as of 14 August 2012, had", "\"Yangtze Agreement\"\nYangtze Agreement The Yangtze Agreement was an agreement between Great Britain and Germany signed on October 6, 1900, signed by Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil and Ambassador Paul von Hatzfeldt respectively, stating both parties' opposition to the partition of China into spheres of influence. The agreement was signed in accordance with the US' Open Door Policy, which, in an attempt to protect US business interests in the region, forbade any power from interfering in the trade interests of any other power in China. Although initially formally rejected by every European power, by July 1900, according to then-US Secretary of State John", "\"Mutesa II of Buganda\"\nBuganda. Obote responded with an armed attack upon the King's palace, sending Mutesa into exile in the United Kingdom via Burundi, and in 1967 a new constitution abolished all of Uganda's kingdoms, including Buganda. While in exile, Mutesa wrote an autobiography, \"\"The Desecration of My Kingdom\"\". Mutesa died of alcohol poisoning in his London flat, No. 28 Orchard House in Rotherhithe, in 1969. Identified by the British police as suicide, the death has been viewed as assassination by those who claim Mutesa may have been force-fed vodka by agents of the Obote regime. Mutesa was interviewed in his flat only", "\"1974 Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Agreement\"\n1974 Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Agreement The 1974 Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Agreement was signed on 28 January 1974 by the fifth Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah on behalf of the Federal Government of Malaysia; and the Sultan of Selangor Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Sir Hishamuddin Alam Shah, on behalf of State Government of Selangor. This agreement was signed at Istana Negara, Kuala Lumpur signifies the official handling Kuala Lumpur territory over to the Federal Government, which resulted in the establishment of the Federal Territory. There", "\"Madan Mohan Malaviya\"\nalong with 450 other Congress volunteers in Delhi, only a few days after he was appointed in 1932 at Delhi as the President of Congress after the arrest of Sarojini Naidu. In 1933, at Calcutta, Malaviya was again appointed as the President of the Congress. Thus before Independence, Malaviya was the only leader of the Indian National Congress who was appointed as its President for four terms. On 25 September 1932, an agreement known as Poona Pact was signed between Dr. Ambedkar (on behalf of the depressed classes among Hindus) and Malaviya (on behalf of the other Hindus). The agreement", "\"British South Africa Company\"\nby the BSAC, and his appointment was approved by the High Commissioner for South Africa as representing the British government. In his capacity as Resident, Coryndon declared Barotseland to be a British protectorate, resolving its previously anomalous position. Coryndon also confirmed that the 1890 mineral concession gave the BSAC no right to make land grants. In 1897 Lewanika signed a new concession (the Coryndon Concession) that gave the BSAC the rights to make land grants and to establish jurisdiction in parallel to the king's courts. Next, in 1900, Lewanika signed a further agreement, (the Barotse Concession), which resolved some details", "\"1974 Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Agreement\"\n1974, Kuala Lumpur and the areas gazetted under Plan Gazette No. 383 formed the Federal Territory. 1974 Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Agreement The 1974 Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Agreement was signed on 28 January 1974 by the fifth Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah on behalf of the Federal Government of Malaysia; and the Sultan of Selangor Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Sir Hishamuddin Alam Shah, on behalf of State Government of Selangor. This agreement was signed at Istana Negara, Kuala Lumpur signifies the official handling Kuala Lumpur", "\"FK Sarajevo\"\nmajor roads. Damage from landslides and floods was estimated to run into hundreds of millions of euros and twenty-four people lost their lives. The cost of the disaster, an official said, could exceed that of the Bosnian War. On 5 August 2014 FK Sarajevo signed a cooperation agreement with third-tier Bosnian club NK Bosna, by which Sarajevo will loan its talented youngsters to the Visoko-based side and will have first-buy rights on all NK Bosna players. The agreement was signed by Adis Hajlovac and Mirza Laletović on behalf of Bosna, and Abdulah Ibraković on behalf of Sarajevo. The agreement \"\"de", "\"Daruvar Agreement\"\nthe access to property owned by civilians across the ceasefire line, and further meetings with local authorities to discuss further cooperation. On behalf of the RSK local authorities, the agreement was signed by Veljko Džakula, Dušan Ećimović, Milan Vlaisavljević, Mladen Kulić, Đorđe Lovrić and Milan Radaković. At the time, Džakula held the position of deputy prime minister, while Ećimović was a government minister in the RSK. Signatories on behalf of the Croatian local authorities were Zlatko Kos, Zdravko Sokić, Ivan Volf, Vladimir Delač and Želimir Malnar. Fischer signed the agreement as a witness. According to the International Criminal Tribunal for", "\"Kalema of Buganda\"\nIslam and was deposed. After his removal from the throne by the British, Kabaka Kalema went into exile in Bunyoro. He died in exile from complications of smallpox in January 1891. At the time of his death, his age is estimated to have been in the mid-twenties. His remains were repatriated and buried at Mmende in Busiro. Kalema of Buganda Rashid Kalema Muguluma was Kabaka of the Kingdom of Buganda, from 21 October 1888 until 5 October 1889. He was the 33rd Kabaka of Buganda. Kalema Muguluma was the son of Kabaka Mukaabya Walugembe Muteesa I Kayiira, Kabaka of Buganda,", "\"Early history of Uganda\"\nthe colonial power. As a reward for this support, and in recognition of Buganda's formidable military presence, the British negotiated a separate treaty with Buganda, granting it a large measure of autonomy and self-government within the larger protectorate under indirect rule. One-half of Bunyoro's conquered territory was awarded to Buganda as well, including the historic heartland of the kingdom containing several Nyoro (Bunyoro) royal tombs. Buganda doubled in size from ten to twenty counties (sazas), but the \"\"lost counties\"\" of Bunyoro remained a continuing grievance that would return to haunt Buganda in the 1960s. Early history of Uganda The early", "\"Kalema of Buganda\"\nbe deposed by the supporters of the religions they did not choose. And the cycle repeated itself. In October 1888, the Muslim faction was dominant in Buganda. All Christian missionaries were expelled, and Kabaka Kiweewa Mutebi Nnyonyintono was deposed. Kabaka Kalema Muguluma, who had converted to Islam and taken on the name Rashid, was installed on the throne. However, only one year later, he was forced to step down by the British imperial forces. He was offered an ultimatum by the British: either convert to Christianity and retain the throne, or remain Muslim and lose the throne. He evidently chose", "\"Daudi Cwa II of Buganda\"\nDaudi Cwa II of Buganda Daudi Chwa II was Kabaka of the Kingdom of Buganda from 1897 until 1939. He was the 34th Kabaka of Buganda. He was born on 8 August 1896, at Mengo. He was the fifth son of Kabaka Danieri Basammula-Ekkere Mwanga II Mukasa, Kabaka of Buganda, between 1884 and 1888 and between 1889 and 1897. His mother was Abakyala Evalini Kulabako, of the Ngabi Clan, the fourth of his father's sixteen wives. He ascended to the throne in August 1897 following the deposition of his father by British Forces. At the time of his coronation, he", "\"History of FK Sarajevo\"\nand floods was estimated to run into hundreds of millions of euros and twenty four people lost their lives. The cost of the disaster, official said, could exceed that of the Bosnian War. On 5 August 2014 FK Sarajevo signed a cooperation agreement with third-tier Bosnian club NK Bosna, by which Sarajevo will loan its talented youngsters to the Visoko-based side and will have first-buy rights on all NK Bosna players. The agreement was signed by Adis Hajlovac and Mirza Laletović on behalf of Bosna, and Abdulah Ibraković on behalf of Sarajevo. The agreement \"\"de facto\"\" names Bosna FK Sarajevo's", "\"Winston Churchill in politics, 1900–1939\"\nof the treaty. To protect British maritime interests, he caused the agreement to include three Treaty Ports (Queenstown (Cobh), Berehaven, and Lough Swilly), which could be used as Atlantic bases by the Royal Navy. (The bases were ceded to Ireland in 1938, under the terms of the Anglo-Irish Trade Agreement.) The Irish Civil War broke out after the signing of the Treaty, Churchill supported the government of the Free State with arms and ordered the British forces still in Ireland to assist the Irish National Army against the Republican Army. Churchill's other main concern while Colonial Secretary was the Middle", "\"Katikkiro of Buganda\"\nKatikkiro of Buganda The Katikkiro is the official title of the prime minister of the Kingdom of Buganda, a traditional kingdom in modern-day Uganda. The current Katikkiro is Charles Mayiga, who was appointed to that position by the current monarch, the Kabaka of Buganda, Muwenda Mutebi II of Buganda in May 2013, replacing engineer John Baptist Walusimbi. This title is as old as the kingdom itself. The first known Katikkiro was a man named Walusimbi of the Ffumbe Clan, who was the prime minister during the reign of Chwa I Nabakka, the second Kabaka of Buganda, who reigned during the", "\"Boris Tadić\"\nwhere the Deputy Prime Minister Božidar Đelić signed the document on behalf of Serbia, as per the authorisation of the Government from December 2007. He was opposed by the then Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica who believed that Serbia ought not to sign \"\"any\"\" agreements with the European Union. While, on 1 May, Koštunica said that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was right when he said that the SAA should have been signed, he nonetheless vowed to annul the agreement after the parliamentary elections, calling it \"\"not in the service of Serbia's territorial integrity.\"\" On 27 June 2008, Tadić named Mirko", "\"Besueri Kiwanuka Lusse Mulondo\"\nevents leading to the coronation of the kabaka and the return of \"\"ebyaffe\"\". Mulondo is also a prince in the kingdom o´f Buganda. The kabaka appointed him Ssabalangira (Chief prince) to rule over the princes on the kabaka´s behalf. After Buganda failed to secure a federal type of government in the CA, Mulondo was blamed for the failure because he conceded that despite lobbying other CA delegates, the support for federo (as it was called then) had failed to garner enough support and that the only people willing to cut a deal at the time (UPC) were like snakes in", "\"Ohrid Agreement\"\npopulation fulfils this criterion. According to the document, the version in English language is the only authentic version of the Ohrid Framework Agreement. The Macedonian Government had to adapt the Constitution of Macedonia to give the Albanian minority living in Macedonia fifteen basic rights. The lead negotiator on the behalf of the United States in the Ohrid Agreement was James W. Pardew, who had been dispatched by then-Secretary of State, Colin Powell. Ohrid Agreement The Ohrid Framework Agreement (, ) was the peace deal signed by the government of the Republic of Macedonia and ethnic Albanian representatives on 13 August", "\"Daruvar Agreement\"\nliving conditions of the population both in the Croatian- and RSK-controlled portions of Sector West. The agreement was named after Daruvar, the site of its signing. The Daruvar Agreement, mediated by the head of the United Nations (UN) Civil Affairs in Sector West Gerard Fischer, was negotiated in secrecy. When the central RSK authorities in Knin learned of the arrangement, the signatories on behalf of the RSK were sacked from their official posts and arrested. The agreement itself was labeled as treasonous by the central RSK authorities. Fischer and other UN officials, who were involved in mediation of the agreement,", "\"General Conference on Weights and Measures\"\nthat attended the Conference of the Metre in 1875, representatives of seventeen signed the convention on 20 May 1875. In April 1884 HJ Chaney, Warden of Standards in London unofficially contacted the BIPM inquiring whether the BIPM would calibrate some metre standards that had been manufactured in the United Kingdom. Broch, director of the BIPM replied that he was not authorised to perform any such calibrations for non-member states. On 17 September 1884, the British Government signed the convention on behalf of the United Kingdom. This number grew to 21 in 1900, 32 in 1950, and 49 in 2001. ,", "Kampala\nthe plural of \"\"impala\"\". In Luganda, the words \"\"ka'mpala\"\" mean \"\"that is of the impala\"\", in reference to a hill, and the single word \"\"Kampala\"\" was adopted as the name for the city that grew out of the Kabaka's hills. The city grew as the capital of the Buganda kingdom, from which several buildings survive, including the Kasubi Tombs (built in 1881), the Lubiri Palace, the Buganda Parliament and the Buganda Court of Justice. In 1890, British colonial administrator Frederick Lugard constructed a forum along Mengo Hill within the city, which allowed for the British to occupy much of the", "\"Economy of Kenya\"\neconomic corridor by Oman Arabs in the 18th century.Eventually,the British replaced the Omani Arabs first at the coastal strip in the year 1895 then following the interior trade routes all the way to Buganda Kingdom by the year 1920.To make this ancient economic trade route more profitable,the British built a railway from Mombasa at the coast to Kampala,the capital of Buganda kingdom.The railway followed the old trade route and it was constructed by Indian laborers.Major towns in Kenya were founded along the railway line backed by European settler farming communities.The Indian laborers who did not go back to India after", "\"Longri Ao\"\n\"\"Ceasefire\"\" agreement signed by Vishnu Sahey, Governor of Nagaland on behalf of the Government of India, while Zashei Huire, Biseto Medom, and L. Benito signed on behalf of the underground government. Although, the \"\"Ceasefire\"\" was officially declared on 6 September 1964, it was signed on 23 May 1964. The declaration of \"\"Ceasefire\"\" agreement enabled series of peace talks, eventually leading to six-rounds of talks in Delhi from 1966 to 1967 between Indira Gandhi, then Prime Minister of India, and the underground leaders. Though there were several rounds of talks starting from February 1966 between underground leaders led by Kughato Sukhai,", "\"Daudi Ochieng\"\nat King's College Budo, Makerere College, and the University of Wales, before returning to Buganda after graduation. He was elected to Buganda Lukiiko in 1962 and the Parliament of Uganda in 1964, representing Mityana on behalf of the Kabaka Yekka (KY) party. Beginning in March 1965, Ochieng raised in Parliament what he considered to be suspicious payments made to Colonel Idi Amin in February of that year. These allegations came to a head on 4 February 1966 when Ochieng, then secretary-general of KY and Opposition Chief Whip, submitted a motion urging the government to \"\"suspend from duty Colonel Idi Amin", "\"Project E\"\nagainst another country without mutual consent. On 4 July 1945, Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland Wilson agreed on Britain's behalf to the use of nuclear weapons against Japan. The British government considered nuclear technology to be a joint discovery, and trusted that America would continue to share it. On 16 November 1945, President Harry S. Truman and Prime Minister Clement Attlee signed a new agreement that replaced the Quebec Agreement's requirement for \"\"mutual consent\"\" before using nuclear weapons with one for \"\"prior consultation\"\", and there was to be \"\"full and effective cooperation in the field of atomic energy\"\", but this", "\"Convention of Gramido\"\nConvention of Gramido The Convention of Gramido was an agreement signed on 29 June 1847, in Casa Branca on the town square of Gramido, in Valbom, Gondomar, Portugal, to end the civil war of the Septembrists against the Cartistas known as the Patuleia. The Convention was signed by the commanders of the Spanish and British military forces that had entered Portugal on behalf of the Quadruple Alliance, the representative of the Portuguese government in Lisbon, and the representatives of the Junta in Porto. It sealed the defeat of the Septembrists. \"\"Tenente General D. Manoel de la Concha, Conde de Cancellada," ]
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when did the king size bed come out
[ "mid-1950s" ]
[ "\"Air mattress\"\nuse or as permanent beds in the bedroom. Bed sizes for temporary air beds range from twin to king size, but few guest bed manufacturers offer king size as most guest air beds are sold outside the United States where king-size mattresses are not standard. Most permanent air beds use easy-to-find conventional sheets and bedding. California King (or Western King) sheets and bedding may be more difficult to find as this size was originally conceived for the waterbed industry. Raised guest or temporary beds are typically raised off the ground to keep users away from the floor and offer a", "Bed\nx 190 cm), the sizes for other bed types tend to vary. Mainland European sizes differ, not merely because of the use of the metric system. In the mid-1950s, the United States bedding industry introduced a new size: the king size. A king-sized bed differs from the other sizes in implementation, as it is not common to have a king-sized box spring; rather, two smaller box-springs are used under a king-sized mattress. It is a common misconception that in a US \"\"standard\"\" or \"\"Eastern king\"\", the box springs are identical in size to a \"\"twin extra-long\"\"; however, \"\"twin extra-long\"\" mattresses", "\"Bed frame\"\nwith a hole cut out for the mattress, with drawers underneath. Bed frame A bed frame or bedstead is the part of a bed used to position the mattress and base (foundation), and may include means of supporting a canopy above. Bed frames are typically made of wood or metal. A bed frame includes head, foot, and side rails. It may also include slats to support the mattress, in which case a separate base is not necessary, as in a platform bed. Most double (full) sized beds, along with all queen and king size beds, require some type of center", "\"Chambre du Roi\"\nbalustrade was strictly forbidden, unless authorized by the king. Additionally, during the Ancien Régime, court etiquette demanded that when one passed in front of the king’s bed, reverence had to be paid: women deeply curtsied; men removed their hats and bowed. Furthermore, when the king died, a full-sized effigy would be placed on the bed and displayed publicly for two weeks, until the king’s body had been interred in the royal crypt at the Basilica of Saint Denis. In many respect, the \"\"chambre du roi\"\" and the bed represented the unbroken continuation of the monarchy. For while the corporeal aspect", "Comforter\nmatching pattern: comforter and top sheet, fitted sheet, pillowcase(s), and perhaps pillow sham(s). Some sets have a duvet and duvet cover (more popular in Europe) in place of a comforter and top sheet. More deluxe sets may include a bed skirt and pillows. Comforters are usually used in the winter season when it is very cold. Due to the thickness of a comforter or the amount of down/feathers or other filling it has, a person is insulated against cold. Comforter sizes correspond with bed sizes: twin, full, queen, king, and cal-king. Comforter sizes run slightly larger than mattress sizes to", "\"California King Bed\"\nimpressive voice.\"\" Robert Copsey of Digital Spy gave the song four out of five stars, stating it \"\"may pull in the reins as far as the hectic dance beats and sado-masochistic lyrics go, but it's no less beefy and extravagant.\"\" He also noted that \"\"[s]he belts out in a range well beyond her natural vocal ability.\"\" Thomas Conner of \"\"Chicago Sun-Times\"\" concluded that \"\"The acoustic strums of 'California King Bed' build to a cinematic, Diane Warren-sized breakup chorus.\"\" \"\"Slant\"\" Magazine's Sal Cinquemani called \"\"California King Bed\"\" a \"\"slushy acoustic ballad whose clever metaphor is all but suffocated beneath the song's", "Shlach\nand her neighbors taunted her, saying that he would not return. Then the king sent her a message asking her to prepare the king's palace and make the beds therein, for he was coming back to her on such-and-such a day. On that day, the king returned to her and became reconciled to her, entering her chamber and eating and drinking with her. Her neighbors at first did not believe it, but when they smelled the fragrant spices, they knew that the king had returned. Similarly, God loved Israel, bringing the Israelites to Mount Sinai, and giving them the Torah,", "\"Terumah (parsha)\"\nparable. A king took a wife whom he dearly loved. He became angry with her and left her, and her neighbors taunted her, saying that he would not return. Then the king sent her a message asking her to prepare the king's palace and make the beds therein, for he was coming back to her on such-and-such a day. On that day, the king returned to her and became reconciled to her, entering her chamber and eating and drinking with her. Her neighbors at first did not believe it, but when they smelled the fragrant spices, they knew that the", "Pekudei\nasking her to prepare the king's palace and make the beds therein, for he was coming back to her on such-and-such a day. On that day, the king returned to her and became reconciled to her, entering her chamber and eating and drinking with her. Her neighbors at first did not believe it, but when they smelled the fragrant spices, they knew that the king had returned. Similarly, God loved Israel, bringing the Israelites to Mount Sinai, and giving them the Torah, but after only 40 days, they sinned with the Golden Calf. The heathen nations then said that God", "\"Bed size\"\nNetherlands, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. There are some variations between the Nordic countries and the Baltic nations, but these are the most common sizes: Single: Three-Quarter: Double: Most beds are cm long. Extra long beds are usually , but they are rare. In Portugal the most common sizes for beds are: Solteiro (single) Casal (double) Queen Size King Size Super King Size In Spain the most common sizes are: 180/190/200 cm long 80/90/105/120/135/150 cm wide, the most common: \"\"Individual\"\" (single) = 90 cm wide \"\"Matrimonio\"\" (marital) = 135/150 cm wide Single: Double: The following", "Bed\nBed A bed is a piece of furniture which is used as a place to sleep or relax. Most modern beds consist of a soft, cushioned mattress on a bed frame, the mattress resting either on a solid base, often wood slats, or a sprung base. Many beds include a box spring inner-sprung base, which is a large mattress-sized box containing wood and springs that provide additional support and suspension for the mattress. Beds are available in many sizes, ranging from infant-sized bassinets and cribs, to small beds for a single person or adult, to large queen and king-size beds", "Pillow\nfor queen- and king-sized beds. The choice of bed pillow depends to some extent upon sleeping positions: one manufacturer recommends a thinner and softer pillow for sleeping face down, medium support for sleeping on one's back, and a thicker and firmer pillow for sleeping on the side. The classic bed pillow shape is usually a square or rectangle. In the US, they are common in these three sizes (in inches): Standard (20×26 inches), Queen (20×30 inches), and King (20×36 inches). In the US, a less common size is Jumbo (20×28 inches), which is larger than the Standard Size but smaller", "\"Nutcracker: The Motion Picture\"\nis amused by the nutcracker and dances happily around the room, but Fritz snatches it away and damages it with a toy sword. Drosselmeyer mends the nutcracker with a handkerchief. As the guests depart, Clara and Fritz are sent off to bed. Near midnight, Clara goes downstairs to find her nutcracker. As the clock strikes twelve, the Christmas tree gets bigger and all the toy soldiers, as well as the nutcracker, come to life and battle the mice. A seven-headed Mouse King appears through a hole in the floor and grows to giant size. When the mice overpower the soldiers", "\"Chauncey Yellow Robe\"\na winter blizzard my father used to wake me up out of my warm bed of buffalo robes and dare me to go out and lay down in the deep snow and roll in it 'as I had come into the world'. This was not as a punishment, but a test of endurance.\"\" Chauncey did not see a white man until he was ten or eleven years old. When he did, he could not decide if it was a man or an animal, and as the creature approached, he decided it was an evil spirit and ran to the tipi", "\"The King of England and his Three Sons\"\nlake to a castle. It was guarded by giants, lions, and dragons, but they would be asleep, and so he must go in at one o'clock and come out again by two. He must go through some grand rooms, go down into the kitchen, and then go out into the garden. There he must pick the apples. He should come back the same way, and when riding off, never look back because they would pursue him into he nearly reached the old man's house. He went to bed, and this time the brother assured him that nothing would disturb him,", "\"Disney's Beach Club Resort\"\nis about five minutes walking distance from Epcot, and roughly fifteen minutes walking distance to Disney's Hollywood Studios. Guests can use the International Gateway entrance to Epcot in World Showcase between the France and United Kingdom pavilions. Disney's Beach Club Resort has received designation in the Florida Green Lodging Program. There are both standard rooms (two queen-size beds or one king-size bed) and suites. Some rooms also have a day bed in addition to 2 Queen beds or 1 King bed. The resort also offers a fifth floor Concierge Level with private floor access, a concierge lounge, turn-down service, and", "\"Bed frame\"\nBed frame A bed frame or bedstead is the part of a bed used to position the mattress and base (foundation), and may include means of supporting a canopy above. Bed frames are typically made of wood or metal. A bed frame includes head, foot, and side rails. It may also include slats to support the mattress, in which case a separate base is not necessary, as in a platform bed. Most double (full) sized beds, along with all queen and king size beds, require some type of center support rail, typically also with extra feet extending down to the", "\"Disney's Old Key West Resort\"\nsink, and a mini-refrigerator. The patio/balcony features 2 chairs and a small table. The Studios are the only Disney Vacation Club studios that feature 2 beds rather than a bed and pull-out couch. One Bedroom Villas - One Bedroom Villas feature a large great room with a couch, love seat, a large plush chair that opens into a twin bed, flat-panel TV, 4-person dining room table, and a fully equipped kitchen. The master bedroom features a king sized bed, a chair with ottoman, and a large closet. In the master bath, there is a two-person jacuzzi tub, 2 sinks, and", "\"Blakes Hotel\"\nFerguson, Duchess of York, actress Gwyneth Paltrow, Lindsay Lohan and supermodel Kate Moss. Each of the 45 rooms is designed with varying influences although Asian, Moroccan, and Colonial styles are notable. The single rooms contain French double beds with blacks and whites in an eclectic style. The double rooms are styled as Indenture or Provençal design including antique swan beds and the Director’s Double has European King sized beds which are either French gilded antique swan or a four poster. The Luxury Suites, which are decorated in various styles, have European King sized four poster beds with extra high ceilings", "Bed\nnext to each other add up to wide instead of the width that is standard for an \"\"eastern king\"\". Another size variant in the United States is the \"\"California king\"\", which measures long (narrower but longer than the standard king). What is referred to as a \"\"single bed\"\" in many parts of the world may also be known in US terminology as a \"\"twin bed.\"\" In some countries, a \"\"twin bed\"\" may also be used to describe one of two single beds in the same room. As another example, in some cultures, the \"\"full mattress\"\" is referred to as a", "Bedding\na mattress. Flat sheet size is also may vary depending on vendor. Sleeping pillows covers are usually 50 x 70 cm, 60 x 60 or 70 x 70 cm. \"\"Euro\"\" prefix is refereed to Western Europe but actually the measurements doesn't match ones for the European countries. \"\"Euro Max\"\" matches \"\"King\"\" size. Bedding measurements: Bedding Bedding, also known as bedclothes or bed linen, is the materials laid above the mattress of a bed for hygiene, warmth, protection of the mattress, and decorative effect. Bedding is the removable and washable portion of a human sleeping environment. Multiple sets of bedding for", "\"Death of Marvin Gaye\"\nin person. According to Alberta, when Marvin Sr. refused his son's request, Gaye warned him not to come to his room. Marvin Sr., however, instead charged upstairs to the bedroom to verbally attack Alberta over the document, causing Gaye to jump out of his bed and once again order his father out of the room. When ordering did not work, Gaye, enraged and despondent, reportedly shoved his father out of the room into the hallway and subjected him to some severe physical violence, notably kicking and punching. Alberta later told Ritz: \"\"Marvin hit him. I shouted for him to stop,", "\"Shop at Bid\"\nsoon as the assistant has shown what is coming up next, and introduces the presenter. In August 2007, they began to sell products with choices. On certain products (often bedding or clothes) the customer was able to choose what size or colour they wanted the item in by pressing a certain button once on the phoneline. The graphics for these auctions are different showing the start price, the current price, the quantity of the 'main' choice and a list of other options. When the main choice item is sold out, the price is locked and is what everyone pays regardless", "Dust\nwarm, and humid climate. They flourish in mattresses, bedding, upholstered furniture, and carpets. Their feces include enzymes that are released upon contact with a moist surface, which can happen when a person inhales, and these enzymes can kill cells within the human body. House dust mites did not become a problem until humans began to use textiles, such as western style blankets and clothing. Atmospheric or wind-borne fugitive dust, also known as \"\"aeolian dust\"\", comes from arid and dry regions where high velocity winds are able to remove mostly silt-sized material, deflating susceptible surfaces. This includes areas where grazing, ploughing,", "\"The Horse Gullfaxi and the Sword Gunnfoder\"\nthe king on his hunt the following day. When Sigurd refused, Ingiborg predicted nothing good would come out of his refusal, and hid Sigurd under the bed during the king's absence. In a while, a giantess (or \"\"troll-woman\"\" in the original) came to visit, addressing Ingiborg as her sister, pressing to know if Sigurd was home. Ingiborg entertained the giantess but persevered in deny Sigurd's presence. The process is repeated the following day, with another giantess asking for Sigurd, without success. The giantess who arrived the third time too would leave empty-handed, so it seemed, but she cleverly managed to", "\"Hudson's Bay point blanket\"\nwhen folded. The point system was invented by French weavers in the mid-1700s since then, as now, blankets were shrunk as part of the manufacturing process. The word \"\"point\"\" derives from the French \"\"empointer,\"\" meaning \"\"to make threaded stitches on cloth.\"\" Over the centuries the sizes of blankets have shifted, particularly during the 1900s as beds became larger. Blankets of 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 point were most common during the fur trade era. Today Hudson's Bay blankets are commonly found in point sizes of 3.5 (twin bed), 4 (double), 6 (queen) and 8 (king). The misconception persists that originally", "\"Bed (geology)\"\ngrain or clast sizes from one side of the bed to the other. A normal grading is when there are bigger grain sizes on the older side while an inverse grading is when there are smaller grain sizes on the older side. By knowing the type of beds, geologists can determine the relative ages of the rocks. A bed is the smallest lithostratigraphic unit, usually ranging in thickness from a centimeter to several meters and distinguishable from beds above and below it. The thickness of the bed is determined by the time period involving the deposition of the rocks. In", "\"Nissan Titan\"\nwas available on all Titans. The first generation was available as a King Cab (extended cab) or a crew cab with a full-sized back seat, with no regular cab being offered. The King Cab featured a bed, while the crew cab had a bed. In 2008, a longer wheelbase model was offered with either an bed on the King Cab or a bed on the crew cab. There were originally four trim levels available: the S, SV, Pro-4x, SE, and LE. The SE and LE trim was eventually replaced by the luxury SL trim. The S was the base model,", "\"Big Brother 6 (U.S.)\"\nHousehold room. The first room featured ten beds, three sleeping bags, and a cot. Rachel, the first Head of Household, was later given clues to find a second bedroom, which she eventually did. The new bedroom is adjacent to the first, and featured two king-sized beds. The room was entirely gold colored, and featured three safe boxes. The format remained largely unchanged from previous seasons. HouseGuests were sequestered in the Big Brother House with no contact to and from the outside world. Each week, the HouseGuests took part in several compulsory challenges that determined who would win food, luxuries, and", "\"Anna Wilson (madam)\"\nwho was 76 years old when she died, was said to be worth upwards of a million dollars, and claimed she didn't have one relative in the world. Wilson is buried in Omaha's Prospect Hill Cemetery next to Dan Allen. In her will, Wilson made a clause that she should be buried under nine feet of concrete, so that the \"\"respectable\"\" society women of the town didn't disinter her body from her resting place by Allen and move it out of Prospect Hill. An immense polished stone in the dimensions of a king-size bed with four posts rests over the", "\"The Nutcracker and the Mouse King\"\nis allowed to do so. She puts him to bed and tells him that Drosselmeyer will fix his jaw as good as new. At this, his face seems momentarily to come alive, and Marie is frightened, but she then decides it was only her imagination. The grandfather clock begins to chime, and Marie believes she sees Drosselmeyer sitting on top of it, preventing it from striking. Mice begin to come out from beneath the floor boards, including the seven-headed Mouse King. The dolls in the toy cabinet come alive and begin to move, the nutcracker taking command and leading them", "\"Thirteenth (fairy tale)\"\nher upper body in the bed, with strings attached to the head and hands, covered under a blanket. When the relatives arrive, the giant finds the table ready, and goes to the bedroom to invite his wife to dinner: Thirteenth answers no, by pulling the strings, but one of the relatives come to look for them, and notices that something is not right with the giantess. Thirteenth escapes from under the bed and manages to steal the bolster and reach the king. The king wants Thirteenth to complete his exploits by bring the giant himself. Thirteenth orders a very strong", "\"Lucas van Leyden\"\nsize. Delilah sits a bed of rocks while Samson lies sleeping in her lap. She holds his hair in one hand and cuts it with a knife. \"\"Solomon's Idolatry\"\": Same as woodcut of larger size. King Solomon kneels in front of an idol of Moloch in the center foreground while one of his mistresses and a crowd of men observe him from behind. \"\"Jezebel Promising Naboth's Vineyards to King Ahab\"\": Jezebel stands beside her husband King Ahab of Israel, who is lying on his bed in his room. \"\"Herod and Herodias\"\": In the foreground, Salome holds a plate bearing the", "\"The Three Musketeers (1992 film)\"\nthe three musketeers, return to France just as the queen is being led to the guillotine. King Louis begs his wife to lie to him, to tell him that she did not send the diamonds out for the Duke of Buckingham, even if she did, but the queen refuses. When the cardinal and the soldiers discover the presence of the duke, they fear for the safety of the king and attack the five men. As D'Artagnan comes close to finishing off Rochefort, the Cardinal calls everyone to stop, for the King himself does not wish Rochefort to be harmed. The", "\"The Night the Bed Fell\"\nNight The Bed Fell\"\" starts with James Thurber's explaining his \"\"interesting\"\" family, including a crazy cousin that thinks he will die of suffocation during his sleep, and a grandfather that leaves the house for several days, coming back talking about the Civil War as if it was still on. When James falls out of his army cot and his mom mistakes the crash for his father's death, the story starts to get chaotic. The Night the Bed Fell. One night when Thurber crashes down from his army cot, his mother comes to the immediate conclusion that the heavy headboard up", "\"Tom Gosnell\"\nopinionated side comes from his father. During his university years when he let his hair grow long and wore peace patches on the pockets of his blue jeans, the father and son did not get along famously. In his university years Gosnell challenged authority, turning $2 parking tickets into 14-dollar summonses until one day the police arrived at his father's home on Wharncliffe Road South when Fred pulled Tom out of bed by the ankles one morning to find out why the police were at the door. The Hamilton Tiger-Cats coach Tom Mooney also had learned what it was like", "Daybed\nDaybed Daybeds are used as beds as well as for lounging, reclining and seating in common rooms. Their frames can be made out of wood, metal or a combination of wood and metal. They are a cross between chaise longue, couch and a bed. Daybeds typically feature a back and sides and come in twin size (39 in × 75 in = 99 cm × 191 cm). Often daybeds will also feature a trundle to expand sleeping capacity. Many of today's daybeds employ a linkspring as the support system for the mattress. The linkspring is a rectangular metal frame (roughly", "\"The Seven Cities of Gold (video game)\"\na message from the king saying 'Don't treat the natives so badly. But keep the gold coming.' This double standard is straight out of history.\"\" The size of the New World was one of the concepts which were integrated into the design; the land had to be detailed and diverse. As a result, data storage and retrieval became a major issue, particularly as the developers did not want lengthy load times to interfere with the game. As described by Bunten, \"\"Our only way out was to use technologies we didn't have until we were forced to invent them.\"\" The game", "\"The Wholly Family\"\nand places it on his bedside table. Later, a hungry Jake lies in bed, and remarks that the figure has failed to bring him good luck. Suddenly the miniature Pulcinella comes to life and hides behind Jake's lamp. A full-sized Pulcinella appears on Jake's bed and offers him a plate of spaghetti. Jake backs away and bumps into a fat Pulcinella, who shoves Jake head-first into his own stomach and sits down on the bed to enjoy some spaghetti. Jake finds himself wandering through a dark cavern with high walls. When he discovers a dinner table, an entire troupe of", "\"Charley Trujillo\"\nArmy from 1968 until 1970. Charley Trujillo had a difficult time on his arrival back to America. The first thing Charley did when coming out of the military was go to church and light a candle for his then, recently deceased grandmother and gave thanks. He was then bed ridden with malaria three different times. Charley realized how much the war negatively affected all those involved and joined the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Once relieved of illness Charley went to work in the fields, however decided that he did not want to do menial for the rest of his", "Bowuzhi\nside to side while he slept until he woke up. In this way one could consume this wine without coming to harm. However on this occasion, he forgot [to make arrangements for his friend]. Hua's attendants, as usual, rolled him from side to side, but there was no-one who did this to his friend. The following morning, when his friend did not arise, Hua groaned and said, \"\"He must be dead!\"\" and sent someone to see. The wine had indeed oozed out from the man's intestines and had trickled down onto the floor beneath the bed. (tr. Greatrex 1987: 23)", "\"William Ewart Gladstone\"\nfloor but still came out of bed to lie on the sofa. The Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane George Wilkinson recorded when he ministered to him along with Stephen Gladstone: Shall I ever forget the last Friday in Passion Week, when I gave him the last Holy Communion that I was allowed to administer to him? It was early in the morning. He was obliged to be in bed, and he was ordered to remain there, but the time had come for the confession of sin and the receiving of absolution. Out of his bed he came. Alone", "\"Beep Prepared\"\nclose, Wile E. erects a pair of machine guns connected by a trip rope. However, when the Roadrunner passes through the trip rope, he cuts it in two without setting off the guns. Annoyed that it went wrong, Wile. E comes out and attempts to reattach the rope to try again. However, upon pulling on the rope ends, he realized what he just did and ends up getting reduced in size when the guns blast him in the midsection. Out he comes, holding up his midsection. 8.) Finally, at night, Wile E. gets two last things from ACME: a Little", "Mudcrack\nthe base of the overlying bed. When they are preserved on the top of a bed, the cracks look as they did at the time of formation. When they are preserved on the bottom of the bedrock, the cracks are filled in with younger, overlying sediment. In most bottom-of-bed examples, the cracks are the part that sticks out most. Bottom-of-bed preservation occurs when mudcracks that have already formed and are completely dried are covered with fresh, wet sediment and are buried. Through burial and pressure, the new wet sediment is further pushed into the cracks, where it dries and hardens.", "\"Caribbean Sailing Yachts\"\na built-in full-size trash receptacle in the galley, large refrigeration boxes (three boxes totaling on the CSY 44 WO), and a larger-than-king-size bed in the aft master cabin (CSY 44) made the boat comfortable in port as well as a good sea boat. CSY did not use wood lamination in its construction, a technique that is the curse of many boats of this vintage. The CSY hull is up to 1.5\"\" of solid fiberglass reinforced plastic resin with 14 dual layers (one sheet of fiberglass mat and one sheet of fiberglass weave = one layer). The avoidance of wood cores", "\"Vibratory fluidized bed\"\nvibration amplitudes. It was also found that with increasing bed height, the layers of particles in the bed could be damped out by the vibration energy. Analysis of the wave propagation showed that its parameters are affected by the fluidization behaviour. In a vibrating fluidized bed, energy is transferred when the vibrating wall comes into contact with the particles. These particles collide with other particles in the bed which passes kinetic energy in the form of wave propagation throughout the vibrating fluidized bed. The magnitude of the energy transferred is relative to the amplitude. This is because of the oscillations", "\"The Three Clever Kings\"\nof short stories in the Victorian fairy-tale genres. Tragically, De Morgan died in Egypt in 1907. King Roland: An old King who is upon his death-bed and ready to pass on his royalty and all the hard work that comes with the title. He has no sons of his own. Fortunately, King Roland has three nephews that he believes will help take over his duties of being the King. He plans to have the oldest nephew take on the tasks of being a King first and if that shall not work out the next, younger nephew will be of charge", "\"The King and the Mockingbird\"\nthe king as well as their mutual love for each other. The sleepy Statue (who is also a bit senile) talks about how they are not meant for each other based on his own \"\"experience\"\", as it's revealed that the king's portrait has also come to life as well who listens in on their conversation. The star-crossed lovers reach out of their paintings to hold hands, but the king's dog suddenly wakes up and growls; the Chimney Sweep shushes the dog who goes back to bed. As the Chimney Sweep jumps from his painting to the Shepherdess's, the Portrait King", "\"Victor/Victoria (musical)\"\nto break it up. Outside the club, King says he doesn't care if Victor is a man, and kisses him. Victoria admits she's not a man. King says he still doesn't care, and kisses her again (\"\"Paris By Night (Reprise)\"\"). Back in the hotel, Squash barges into King's bedroom and finds King and Victor in bed together: He apologizes profusely: \"\"Sorry, guys!\"\" King tries to explain. Squash admires King for coming out of the closet, and stuns his boss by revealing that he, too, is gay! Victor and King examine their potential problems if they are perceived publicly as two", "\"Balloon boy hoax\"\nout that \"\"few had raised the issue of whether such a balloon could even lift off with a 50-pound kid inside and then float the way it did\"\" during the flight. The police initially said it did not appear to be a hoax, but when Falcon and his family were being interviewed later in the day by Wolf Blitzer on CNN's \"\"Larry King Live\"\" he asked Falcon, \"\"Why did you not come out of the garage?\"\" After his parents repeated the question, he responded, \"\"You guys said that, um, we did this for the show.\"\" Wolf Blitzer didn't hear the", "Bedroom\nBedroom A bedroom is a room of a house, mansion, castle, palace, hotel, dormitory, apartment, condominium, duplex or townhouse where people sleep. A typical western bedroom contains as bedroom furniture one or two beds (ranging from a crib for an infant, a single or twin bed for a toddler, child, teenager, or single adult to bigger sizes like a full, double, queen, king or California king (eastern or waterbed size for a couple), a clothes closet, a nightstand, and a dresser (dressing table). Except in bungalows, ranch style homes, or one-storey motels, bedrooms are usually on one of the floors", "\"Expanded bed adsorption\"\na packed bed, EBA uses particles in a fluidized state, ideally expanded by a factor of 2. Expanded bed adsorption is, however, different from fluidised bed chromatography in essentially two ways: one, the EBA resin contains particles of varying size and density which results in a gradient of particle size when expanded; and two, when the bed is in its expanded state, local loops are formed. Particles such as whole cells or cell debris, which would clog a packed bed column, readily pass through a fluidized bed. EBA can therefore be used on crude culture broths or slurries of broken", "\"Hunter King (Home and Away)\"\nwas named as one of ten suspects. When Kat comes to Summer Bay House with news of Charlotte's death, Hunter is not there as he has briefly left town. When he returns home, he learns of his mother's death and \"\"shuts down and goes numb\"\". Lee continued, \"\"In time these feelings that he's suppressed will comes out, but I think his first stage of grieving is to not deal with it – it's too much to handle.\"\" The actor pointed out that Hunter did love Charlotte, explaining that she was his only parent for a large part of his life", "\"The Fourth Kind\"\npatient named Scott (Enzo Cilenti) wishes to communicate. He admits that there was no owl and speaks of \"\"them\"\", but cannot remember anything further, but does say that he knows why Tommy did what he did. Later, he insists she come to his home to hypnotize him, to get something seemingly horrific out of his head. But while he is under, he suddenly jerks upright and begins hovering above his bed, while a distorted electronic voice coming out of his mouth tells Dr. Tyler in Sumerian to immediately end her study. Later, Sheriff August (Will Patton) arrives, telling her that", "\"Más (Nelly Furtado song)\"\nFurtado is already in bed, he comes home late and goes to bed, too, but he does not look at her again. Then they sit in the living-room; he is chatting on his laptop and when he leaves the room, she looks at it. She realizes that he betrays her. So she drives to the address and waits for her boyfriend and his affair to come out of the house. She gets out of the car and shouts at the two. She fights with her boyfriend and at the end of the video, she returns to her car, followed by", "\"Mateo Santos\"\nhad originally planned. Arlene, Hayley's trainwreck of a mother, blows into town. She crashes their wedding reception and announces that she and Hayley's father have tied the knot. When it comes out that Arlene is pregnant, Mateo suggests adopting her baby. Arlene refuses, and eventually miscarries. Later that year, during a launch party for Ryan's company, \"\"Incredible Dreams\"\", everyone is drugged with a libido enhancing drug called Libidozone. Mateo is found in bed with Arlene; Hayley, having enough of her mother's antics, later strangles her. However, Mateo finds out that Hayley did not really kill Arlene: he finds proof in", "\"Maddie Coleman\"\nhe won't help Casey out, Maddie follows Gwen to the woods, who was asked by Adam to come there. When she sees Adam trying to kiss Gwen, she panics, getting flashbacks to her own rape. She grabs a branch and hits Adam on the back of his head, after which he falls down and doesn't breathe anymore. Gwen decides to bury Adam, because Margo will never forgive Maddie if she finds out what she did to her son. However, Gwen starts to get anonymous gifts and even finds the branch in her bed one time. Convinced that Adam might still", "Bed\n\"\"master size bed.\"\" One of the largest beds in the world is the Great Bed of Ware, made in about 1580. It is wide, long. The bed is mentioned by Shakespeare in \"\"Twelfth Night\"\". It is now in the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London. Another bed in the V&A is the Golden Bed created by William Burges in 1879. In 1882, an Indian Maharajah had a bed made of solid silver. At each corner of the bed there was a life-sized statue of a naked woman holding a fan. When the Maharajah lay on the bed, his weight", "\"The Trail to Oregon!\"\nMother 'wakes up', Daughter wishes that she didn't have a family to care about, and that The Bandit King would just take her away. After she leaves, Mother laments her baby's sadness, and expresses her love (\"\"When The World's At Stake\"\"). With the rest of the family asleep, Father tries to convince Mother to come to bed with him. After a long while, Mother decides to slide under the covers only to immediately be bitten by a snake. Father saves Mother by sucking out the poison, but accidentally swallows the poison himself. While in a coma, he hallucinates that a", "Bedroom\nrelatively soft to a rather firm mattress. A bedroom may have bunk beds if two or more people share a room. A chamber pot kept under the bed or in a nightstand was usual in the period before modern domestic plumbing and bathrooms in dwellings. Furniture and other items in bedrooms vary greatly, depending on taste, local traditions and the socioeconomic status of an individual. For instance, a master bedroom may include a bed of a specific size (double, king or queen-sized); one or more dressers (or perhaps, a wardrobe armoire); a nightstand; one or more closets; and carpeting. Built-in", "Bed\nstarted a mechanism that made the women wave their fans. In 1865, a convertible bed in the form of an upright piano was available, which could provide home entertainment while saving space. There are many varieties of beds: Bed frames, also called bed steads, are made of wood or metal. The frame is made up of head, foot, and side rails. For heavy duty or larger frames (such as for queen- and king-sized beds), the bed frame also includes a center support rail. These rails are assembled to create a box for the mattress or mattress/box spring to sit on.", "\"White King (Through the Looking-Glass)\"\nWonderland\"\". When Alice first sees the White King, having passed through the eponymous looking glass, he is a chesspiece of normal size, but animate, and, for whatever reason, cannot hear or see Alice at this stage. Alice, not realising this, picks both him and the White Queen off the floor and places them on a table, leading them to believe that some unseen volcano blew them up there. Afterwards, however, she has some mischievous fun by manipulating the King's handwriting from behind while he writes so that he comes out with nonsense in his memorandum book (\"\"the White Knight is", "\"Explorer Hotel\"\nAll rooms have free Wi-Fi, complimentary coffee, clock radio, telephone and television with remote control. Deluxe rooms offer a choice of one king or two queen size beds with a flat screen television and iPod-compatible clock radio, along with a media charging station and work desk with ergonomic chair. Rooms on the second floor are wheelchair accessible. Suites are also available. The executive suites offer a king-size bed, kitchenette, wet bar, fireplace and a Jacuzzi in the bathroom. The junior suites are designed with business travelers in mind and have more work space and related amenities. All rooms and suites", "\"Metrication in the United States\"\nmost other countries, which use similar labels defined using metric units. The FPLA mandates bed sheets state the type of bed they are intended for in addition to dimensions in centimeters and inches. The FPLA also mandates dual scales on many other woven goods such as towels. Out of all industries, construction has adopted metric units the least. Dimensional lumber comes in standard nominal inch cross-section sizes and lengths are given in feet. Although model building codes – such as the International Building Code – provide information in both customary and metric units, locally developed building code amendments and zoning", "\"Minnie and Moo: The Night of the Living Bed\"\nMinnie and Moo: The Night of the Living Bed Minnie and Moo: The Night of the Living Bed is a 2003 children's picture book from the \"\"Minnie and Moo\"\" series and is written by Denys Cazet. After having a nightmare about a giant mouse eating the last piece of chocolate in the world, Minnie grabs Moo and the two cows fall out of the bed which causes the bed to start rolling away. They run after it and then they jump on, grabbing other animals on the way down a hill. When they finally come to a stop in town,", "\"Mary Shelley\"\nI wish to see you—It was perfectly well when I went to bed—I awoke in the night to give it suck it appeared to be \"\"sleeping\"\" so quietly that I would not awake it. It was dead then, but we did not find \"\"that\"\" out till morning—from its appearance it evidently died of convulsions—Will you come—you are so calm a creature & Shelley is afraid of a fever from the milk—for I am no longer a mother now. The loss of her child induced acute depression in Mary Godwin, who was haunted by visions of the baby; but she conceived", "V-boat\nsubmarine, and the first partial use of welding (versus riveting) in hull fabrication. Moreover, \"\"Cachalot\"\" and \"\"Cuttlefish\"\" served as the first test beds for the Mark I Torpedo Data Computer that revolutionized underwater fire control in the mid-1930s. Unfortunately, because small size severely limited their speed, endurance, and weapons load, neither boat was successful under the conditions of the Pacific War. Each did three scoreless war patrols in the central and western Pacific, and \"\"Cachalot\"\" did one in Alaskan waters, but by late 1942, it was clear both were out-classed and worn out, and they finished the war at New", "\"Eve Sleep\"\nthe poor financial performance, and was replaced in September 2018 by James Sturrock, the former CEO of Moonpig. In September 2018, the new CEO said that the company needed an injection of capital, and proposed a share placing to achieve it. Eve Sleep sells four mattresses, Light, Hybrid, Original and Premium. Bed names and size specifications vary in different countries. The mattress exists in all standard sizes in UK (single, double, king, super king...) and in US (single, twin, twin XL, full, king and California king), and fits all IKEA frames. The company also manufactures custom-sized mattresses on demand. The", "\"Destiny-class cruise ship\"\nno window, found ship-wide, includes booking categories 4A through 4G. Uses a framed picture in the place of a window. Each is , which is considered large for this type of stateroom. Most rooms can be configured either with two single beds or a single king-sized bed and many rooms have a third and sometimes fourth Pullman upper berth. Bathrooms include a sink, toilet and shower (no tub). Category 4H rooms have Ocean View style windows that look out on deckways. These rooms normally command a premium over Standard Interior rooms. Approximately 12 Interior rooms (including several Category 4H rooms)", "\"John R. Hicks\"\nHe did not have the cash to redeem the VCR and so he knew his wife would become angry when she found out what he had done. He then decided to rob and murder Armstrong. He telephoned Armstrong to say he was coming home. When he arrived around 11 p.m. he put his stepdaughter to bed. He then approached Armstrong from behind and strangled her with his own hands. To make sure she was really dead he used a length of clothesline. He searched her bedroom and stole $300 and some credit cards. After buying more cocaine, he realized his", "\"Infant bed\"\nfoot boards, or removing just one side it becomes a daybed. Although in the U.S. there is a standard size for an infant bed (~71 cm x ~133 cm), 12% of the 2.4 million infant beds sold annually are not of this size; \"\"mini cribs\"\" are an example of this. Larger infant beds are manufactured, generally for hospital use or for those with special needs. They may include a top, generally made of plastic or metal, to prevent a child from climbing out. An infant bed is typically used after it is no longer safe to leave the baby in", "\"King-Size Homer\"\nobesity. They did not want Homer to come off as a \"\"hog\"\", so they decided that the viewer should barely see him eating after he reaches his 300 pounds goal. As the writers were trying to figure out a way to get Homer back to his old weight by the end of the episode, it was suggested that Homer should feel bad about his obesity, and therefore become thin for Marge, but that idea was scrapped in early production. Action figurines based on obese Homer were made for the World of Springfield series shortly after the episode had aired. Homer", "Waterbed\nperiodically with a cloth and vinyl cleaner. The cover over the mattress can be regularly washed—thus virtually eliminating house dust mites in the bed. Dust mites can trigger asthma, eczema, and allergies in people sensitive to them. First, since some hard-sided waterbeds are of different sizes than other mattresses, bed sheets are harder to find and come in fewer varieties. Soft-sided mattresses are conventionally sized to avoid this problem. Second, moving a waterbed is a more difficult process than moving a normal bed; the water must be drained and the frame disassembled, then the frame must be reassembled, the mattress", "\"Solitary (TV series)\"\nthe pain of lying on a bed of nails. The bed is covered in wooden pegs in all different sizes. They start out with five pillows, but slowly one by one they have to remove the pillows until it is just them lying on the bed. Original airdate: June 19, 2006 The Test requires players to estimate when three hours elapsed, using a variety of items including a deck of cards, an hourglass timed for 12 seconds (though players were not aware of this length), dice, a paddle ball, and a pitcher of water. The winner is not only given", "\"Skinwalkers (novel)\"\ntrailer. When Chee is out of bed, three shotgun blasts come through the trailer wall over his bed, tearing apart his mattress instead of him. In daylight, he finds where a vehicle leaking oil had parked in the night and the footprints of a small person. This is added to the list of unsolved homicides facing Lt. Joe Leaphorn. Leaphorn asks that Chee be assigned full-time to aid him in solving the three homicides of Irma Onesalt, Dugai Endocheeney, and Wilson Sam, and to find who shot Chee. Capt. Largo agrees. The first connection among these homicides comes when they", "\"Bruce Bochy\"\nBruce the seventh manager in MLB history to manage his own son. On September 13, 2014, Bruce became the first manager to give the ball to his son coming out of the bullpen. Bochy is known for having one of the largest cap sizes in Major League Baseball. With Houston, his nickname was \"\"Headly,\"\" due to his unusually large head, with a hat size measurement of 8. When he joined the Mets in 1982, they did not have a helmet that would fit him, and they had to send for the ones he was using in the minors. On February", "\"Stream bed\"\nbed. With global warming there is a fear that the size and shape of riverbeds will change due to increased flood magnitude and frequency. However, one study has shown that the majority of sediment washed out in floods is \"\"near-threshold\"\" sediment that has been deposited during normal flow and only needs a slightly higher flow to become mobile again. This shows that the stream bed is left mostly unchanged in size and shape. Beds are usually what would be left once a stream is no longer in existence; the beds are usually well preserved even if they get buried, because", "\"Henry IV of France's wives and mistresses\"\nof Guise. When Catherine found this out, she had Marguerite brought from her bed. Catherine and the king then beat her, ripping her nightclothes and pulling out handfuls of her hair. Henry of Guise fled the court and, threatened with death by King Charles IX, hurriedly announced his engagement to Catherine of Cleves. Some sources claim that he narrowly escaped being caught in Marguerite's bed, but biographer Leonie Frieda regards this as unlikely, given the risks. By all accounts, however, Marguerite was deemed highly attractive, even sexually magnetic. In 1572, the court chronicler Pierre de Bourdeille, seigneur de Brantôme, after", "\"Skalla-Grímr\"\nto the king. When Haraldr had Þorolfr killed, Skalla-Grímr and Kveldulfr attacked a ship of King Haraldr's, and killed all but two of those on the ship, including two of the King's cousins. Following these killings, Skalla-Grímr and Kveldúlfr set out for Iceland. Kveldúlfr fell sick and died early in the voyage. Before he died, he commanded his son to put his casket in the ocean, and to settle wherever he found the casket. Skalla-Grímr did as his father directed, and when he arrived in Iceland, he discovered the casket had come ashore in the Mýrar district, near Borg. Skalla-Grímr", "\"Paris during the Bourbon Restoration\"\nde Flore and crossing the corridors of the second floor.\"\" The Kings did not carry on the elaborate social protocols and festivities of their predecessors; both had lived many years in exile, and they were used to a simpler life. The formal and grand ceremony of the King's waking up and going to bed was replaced by a simple ceremony each evening at nine clock, when the King gave the order of the day to the commander and captains of the King's guards. The King had to live within a household budget, fixed at the beginning of each year; twenty", "Snickers\nin 2004, and designed to conform to the September 2004 Food and Drink Federation (FDF) \"\"Manifesto for Food and Health\"\". Part of the FDF manifesto was seven pledges of action to encourage the food and drink industry to be more health conscious. Reducing portion size, clearer food labels, and reduction of the levels of fat, sugar, and salt were among the FDF pledges. Mars Incorporated pledged to phase out their king-size bars in 2005 and replace them with shareable bars. A Mars spokesman said: \"\"Our king-size bars that come in one portion will be changed so they are shareable or", "\"The Stanley Hotel\"\nto bed, King roamed the halls and went down to the hotel bar, where drinks were served by a bartender named Grady. As he returned to his room, numbered 217, his imagination was fired up by the hotel's remote location, its grand size, and its eerie desolation. And when King went into the bathroom and pulled back the pink curtain for the tub, which had claw feet, he thought, 'What if somebody died here? At that moment, I knew I had a book.'\"\" In a 1977 interview by the Literary Guild, King recounts, \"\"while we were living [in Boulder] we", "\"Fisher King\"\nwounded for their failings, and the only two that survive to Arthur's day are the Wounded King, named Pellehan (Pellam of Listeneise in Malory), and the Fisher King, Pelles. Pelles engineers the birth of Galahad by tricking Lancelot into bed with his daughter Elaine, and it is prophesied that Galahad will achieve the Grail and heal the Wasteland. Galahad, the knight prophesied to achieve the Holy Grail and heal the Maimed King, is conceived when Elaine gets Dame Brisen to use magic to trick Lancelot into thinking that he is coming to visit Guenever. So Lancelot sleeps with Elaine, thinking", "\"Bed size\"\nbed sizes are available in Australia The following bed sizes are available in New Zealand Comprehensive list of bed sizes in South Africa: XL mattress sizes vary only in length but not in width. In China, the regulation standard has following sizes available: In practice, bed sizes are usually categorized by the width. The length is typically two metres, but may vary. The most common sizes are: There are also extra size beds available, but they are less common. The following bed sizes are available in Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia: Bed size Standard bed sizes are based on standard mattress", "\"Frog and Toad Are Friends\"\nup out of bed and no sooner does he explain about the whole new year they will have together than Toad decides to go back to bed. Since Toad has slept since November, he asks Frog to come back to wake him up when it is half past May. Not wanting to be lonely until that time, Frog takes advantage of the fact that Toad has not changed his calendar since November and rips off the month pages until he reaches April, but rips off the April page as well and manages to get Toad out of bed to admire", "\"Lesbian bed death\"\nwe ever did to our community. [...] Because in fact the statistics don't vary that much. If you're straight or you're gay, long term relationships can be challenging when it comes to sex.\"\" Lesbian bed death Lesbian bed death is a concept in which lesbian couples in committed relationships have less sex than any other type of couple, and generally experience less sexual intimacy the longer the relationship lasts. It may also be defined as a drop-off in sexual activity two years into a long-term lesbian relationship. The concept is based on 1983 research by social psychologist Philip Blumstein and", "\"Cane (grass)\"\nhampers, chairs with the use of seagrass to beautify it, for beds of different sizes for children and adult, cupboards, tables of different shapes and sizes and can also be used for walking sticks. it can also be used for boats and roofs according to history Canes are used in regional folk-dancing and as props on stage. For example, folk-dancers may twirl canes overhead, stand them on the head, spin them off to the sides, or strike them on the floor. in the aspect of walking sticks which is used for balancing when walking and they come in different shapes", "\"Khin Nyo\"\nkilling the king, and instead took the king's ruby-studded royal sword by the bed. The sword had been bestowed to Saw Yun by Thihathu, and Khin Nyo knew that his lords at Pinya would recognize it. Chronicles continue that Khin Nyo returned to Pinle, expecting the full punishment for having failed to complete the assigned task. He presented the ruby studded sword of Saw Yun to Kyawswa, and explained why he did not carry out the task. To his surprise, Kyawswa did not punish him. After carefully considering Khin Nyo's explanation, the prince pronounced that if Khin Nyo genuinely believed", "\"Boots and the Troll\"\ntroll's bed-quilt, and the coachman again told the king. He demanded three days, and when he saw the bed-quilt being hung out to air, he stole it. This time, the king made him his body-servant. His brothers told the coachman he had said he could steal the troll's golden harp that made everyone who heard it glad, and the coachman again told the king. He said he needed six days to think. Then he rowed over, with a nail, a birch-pin, and a taper-end, and let the troll see him. It seized him at once, and put him in a", "\"Black Donnellys\"\nroom door, the bedroom door; then some of them asked where was the girl; another one answered, \"\"Look upstairs\"\"; then they went upstairs and saw some of them too, but did not know any of them; then they came down: I heard nothing going on upstairs, and poured coal oil on the bed and set it on fire; it was the bed I was under; I heard someone say that oil would burn off the blanket, and wouldn’t burn at all; then they all run out when they set fire to it; then I got out from under the bed", "\"King-Size Canary\"\nto wake a sleeping bulldog. The bulldog chases the cat up to the side of the house. The cat quickly pulls out some sleeping pills, putting the dog into a deep sleep. Once inside the cat searches for food in the kitchen, but comes up empty. His luck finally changes when he finds a can of cat food. He quickly opens the can and out of the can pops a mouse who is plopped down onto a dinner plate. The cat is about to dig in with a fork but the mouse puts a quick stop to that. He says", "\"One More Spring\"\nsalvage something. The trio make it through the winter. When spring comes, Rosenberg has exciting news. He has gotten work with a symphony orchestra out of town. When he leaves, Otkar decides it would not be right for an unmarried man and woman to live together, so he decides to head south and leave the place and the bed to Cheney. Then Sheridan shows up. The government is going to bail out his bank, and the Sweeneys will not lose their savings. Furthermore, he wants to buy the bed. With the proceeds, Otkar finally has something to offer Cheney; he", "\"Killer Diller (1948 film)\"\nHe is still dancing like crazy when Al adds \"\"Wonderful One\"\" to his medley. Lastly they impersonate the Ink Spots though there's only two of them to recreate \"\"If I Didn't Care,\"\" Warren duplicating the tenor lead very nicely until he intentionally goes comical while Al does the spoken bridge with new silly words. Jackie \"\"Moms\"\" Mabley comes out and does some comedy. She sings the comic song \"\"Don't Sit on My Bed.\"\" The Clark Brothers then do a tap dance. The King Cole Trio's up next. Nat at piano sings \"\"Oo, Kickerooni.\"\" The trio follows this song with the", "\"Dodge Ram SRT-10\"\nexterior feature was a tonneau cover with an attached spoiler that was supposed to come standard on the 2005 Quad Cab version and all 2006 models, but due to manufacturing problems was not installed on nearly half of the Ram SRT-10s intended. To help remedy this situation, Dodge added a $1000 credit and a regular spoiler to the Ram SRT-10s that did not receive the tonneau cover. In addition to style, the spoiler also helped with air flow and provided a reduction in lift and drag. The Ram SRT-10 had a bed size of , giving the regular cab an", "\"Princess Rosette\"\nshowed the king Rosette's portrait. He said he would marry her if she was as beautiful, but kill them both if she was not. When the news came, Princess Rosette set out with her nurse. The nurse bribed the boatman to throw the princess, bed and all, with her little dog, into the sea in the middle of the night. The bed was made of Phoenix feathers and floated, but the nurse put her own daughter in the princess's place. The outraged king was about to execute her brothers, who persuaded him to give them seven days to prove their", "\"Peter Tordenskjold\"\nnaval code which mandated attacking fleeing enemy ships no matter the size, and was acquitted on 15 December 1714. He then went to the king asking for a promotion, and was raised to the rank of Captain on 28 December 1714. When, in 1715, the return of King Charles XII of Sweden from Turkey to Stralsund put new life into the dispirited Swedish forces, Wessel distinguished himself in numerous engagements off the coast of Swedish Pomerania, under the command of Admiral Christian Carl Gabel. He did the enemy considerable damage by cutting out his frigates and destroying his transports. During", "\"NEC UltraLite\"\nThe internal ram drive is powered by an auxiliary battery inside the unit which needs to be recharged every week or so in order to keep the contents of the ram drive. The credit-card sized, battery-powered RAM cards come with capacity sizes of 256kb or 512Kb. Both RAM cards and ROM cards use a proprietary NEC interface because this laptop came out at a time when there were no standard portable computing interfaces. The PCMCIA standard did not exist until 1990. The RAM cards were powered by a replaceable 3 volt lithium coin battery and had a write-protect switch. Software", "Sanquhar\nthe castle in Sanquhar. The Crichtons welcomed him with a display so huge that it bankrupted them. It is said that Lord Crichton escorted the king to bed carrying a lighted torch made from £30,000 in bond notes that the king owed Lord Crichton. By 1639, the Crichtons had moved to Ayrshire, and sold their holdings in Sanquhar to the Earl of Queensberry. A joke in the region is that many a young woman who worked for the Crichtons would \"\"Go in the servants' entrance and come out the family way\"\". However, one well-regarded member of Crichton family was James", "\"A Ghost Story\"\nuse a normal bed sheet. They soon found that even a king-sized sheet would not fully cover a grown adult male. The final costume required Affleck to wear other garments in addition to the normal fabric. The team also found they had to resort to some \"\"puppeteering\"\" to keep the eyes in place. Beyond the practical constraints of the costume, Lowery also found the simple costume impeded on Affleck's ability to act, noting \"\"every unique physical trait as a human being was pronounced and exaggerated by this sheet over his head.\"\" This did not give Lowery the results he wanted.", "\"Stuck on You (film)\"\nout of the camera frame and employing bluescreen effects. The show is a surprise hit and Walt becomes famous. Walt arranges for May Fong to come to California. Although he did this without Bob's consent, Bob and May Fong develop a romantic relationship, though the twins' attempt to keep their conjoined nature a secret proves challenging, especially since Walt must accompany the new couple everywhere, sometimes using creative solutions like disguising himself as a giant teddy bear. Eventually however, when May discovers the twins in bed, she concludes that they are a homosexual couple rather than brothers. Although Bob shows" ]
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who founded jamestown in what is now virginia
[ "the Virginia Company of London" ]
[ "\"Jamestowne Society\"\nJamestowne Society Jamestowne Society is an organization founded in 1936 by George Craghead Gregory for descendants of stockholders in the Virginia Company of London and the descendants of those who owned land or who had domiciles in Jamestown or on Jamestown Island prior to the year 1700. In May 1607, Jamestown was established as the first permanent English settlement in what is now the United States, following several earlier failed attempts. It was founded by the London branch of the Virginia Company, which was competing with the Plymouth branch to settle the Colony of Virginia. Jamestown was the capital of", "\"Jamestowne Society\"\ntime a member joins. In 1958, the Society was formally organized as a non-profit corporation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (1954, as amended). It frequently holds meetings and events. (Partial list) Jamestowne Society Jamestowne Society is an organization founded in 1936 by George Craghead Gregory for descendants of stockholders in the Virginia Company of London and the descendants of those who owned land or who had domiciles in Jamestown or on Jamestown Island prior to the year 1700. In May 1607, Jamestown was established as the first permanent English settlement in what is now the United States,", "\"Jamestown 2007\"\nJamestown 2007 Jamestown 2007 is the name of the organization which planned the events commemorating the 400th anniversary (quadricentennial) of the founding of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, the first permanent English-speaking settlement in what is now the United States of America. \"\"America's 400th Anniversary\"\" was an 18-month-long commemoration including 10 Signature Events, hundreds of community programs and dozens of partner and programs and events. Activities took place throughout Virginia, in major cities along the East Coast, and in the United Kingdom. The 400th anniversary commemoration helped redefine Jamestown's role in American history. Long regarded by many Americans as a failed", "\"History of women in the United States\"\nsexuality as metaphors for national, religious, and racial differences. Jamestown, the first English settlement in America, was established in 1607 in what is now Virginia. The first women to arrive in Jamestown, (known in the ship's manifest as) Mistress Forrest, wife of Thomas Forrest, Esq and her fourteen-year-old maid, Anne Burras, arrived in late 1608. In December 1608 Anne Burras married a carpenter and laborer named John Laydon in the first wedding ceremony held in Jamestown, and in 1609 they had a child named Virginia Laydon (not to be confused with Virginia Dare), who was the first child born in", "\"Native American tribes in Virginia\"\npassed on January 29, 2018. The first European explorers in what is now Virginia were Spaniards, who landed at two separate places several decades before the English founded Jamestown. By 1525 the Spanish had charted the eastern Atlantic coastline north of Florida. In 1609, Francisco Fernández de Écija, seeking to deny the English claim, asserted that Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón's failed colony of San Miguel de Gualdape, which lasted only the three months of winter 1526–27, had been near Jamestown. Modern scholars instead place this first Spanish colony within the US in Georgia. In 1542, Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto", "Werowocomoco\nWerowocomoco Werowocomoco was a village that served as the headquarters of the Powhatan, a Virginia Algonquian political and spiritual leader when the English founded Jamestown in 1607. The name \"\"Werowocomoco\"\" comes from the Powhatan \"\"werowans\"\" (\"\"weroance\"\"), meaning \"\"leader\"\" in English; and \"\"komakah\"\" (-comoco), \"\"settlement\"\". The town was documented by English settlers in 1608 as located near the north bank of the York River in what is now Gloucester County. It was separated by that river and the narrow Virginia Peninsula from the English settlement of Jamestown, located on the James River. Powhatan's Chimney at Wicomico, a site of historical ruins", "\"Chickahominy people\"\nThey were led by \"\"mungai\"\" (\"\"great men\"\"), who were part of a council of elders and religious leaders. The Chickahominy's original territory consisted of the land along the Chickahominy River (named by the English after them), from the mouth of the river at its confluence with the James River, near Jamestown in present-day Charles City County, to what is now known as New Kent County, Virginia. They encountered settlers from the first permanent English settlement founded at Jamestown in 1607. The tribe helped the English survive during the first few winters by trading food for English goods, as the settlers", "\"Jamestown, Virginia\"\nas the new century dawned, thoughts turned to the upcoming 300th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown. The Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities (now known as Preservation Virginia) started the movement in 1900 by calling for a celebration honoring the establishment of the first permanent English colony in the New World at Jamestown to be held on the 300th anniversary in 1907. As a celebration was planned, virtually no one thought that the actual isolated and long-abandoned original site of Jamestown would be suitable for a major event because Jamestown Island had no facilities for large crowds. The", "\"Jamestown, Virginia\"\noriginal 1607 fort, which had been protected by the sea wall, were not discovered until 1996. In 1932, George Craghead Gregory of Richmond was credited with discovering the foundation of the first brick statehouse (capitol) building, circa 1646, at Jamestown on the land owned by Preservation Virginia. Around 1936, Gregory, who was active with the Virginia Historical Society, founded the Jamestowne Society for descendants of stockholders in the Virginia Company of London and the descendants of those who owned land or who had domiciles in Jamestown or on Jamestown Island prior to 1700. Colonial National Monument was authorized by the", "\"Jamestown Church\"\nJamestown Church Jamestown Church, constructed in brick from 1639 onward, in Jamestown in the Mid-Atlantic state of Virginia, is one of the oldest surviving building remnants built by Europeans in the original thirteen colonies and in the United States overall. It is now part of Jamestown National Historic Site, and is owned by Preservation Virginia (formerly known as the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities). There have been several sites and stages in the church's history, and its later tower is now the last surviving above-ground structure from the days when Jamestown was the capital of Virginia. The current", "\"Jamestown, Virginia\"\nit was quickly rebuilt. In 1699, the capital was relocated from Jamestown to what is today Williamsburg, Virginia, after which Jamestown ceased to exist as a settlement, existing today only as an archaeological site. Today, Jamestown is one of three locations composing the Historic Triangle of Colonial Virginia, along with Williamsburg and Yorktown, with two primary heritage sites. is the archaeological site on Jamestown Island and is a cooperative effort by Jamestown National Historic Site (part of Colonial National Historical Park) and Preservation Virginia. Jamestown Settlement, a living history interpretive site, is operated by the Jamestown Yorktown Foundation, a state", "\"History of the Southern United States\"\nnow Virginia and Maryland. It preceded Jamestown, the English colony, by as much as one hundred years. The first French settlement in what is now the Southern United States was Fort Caroline, located in what is now Jacksonville, Florida, in 1562. It was established as a haven for the Huguenots and was founded under the leadership of René Goulaine de Laudonnière and Jean Ribault. It was destroyed by the Spanish from the nearby colony of St. Augustine in 1565. Later French arrived from the north. Having established agricultural colonies in Canada and built a fur trading network with Indians in", "\"Women of Colonial Virginia\"\nnot being fulfilled. Anne Burras was Mistress Forrest' maid, who came over with her in 1608. She was first of many willing to take the chance of leaving what she knew to go to the colonies, where her future was unknown. She married a man named John Laydon three months after her arrival. She was only fourteen when she married her twenty- eight-year-old husband. Their wedding was the very first to occur in Jamestown. They had four daughters together and found it hard to stay in Jamestown. They struggled to raise their daughters in Virginia but put up a fight", "\"George C. Gregory\"\nof the graded pathway planned for the streetcar rising from the river survives as Southampton Road. Another stretch became Mohawk Drive in Bon Air. George C. Gregory and his wife were active in the Virginia Historical Society. He is credited in 1932 with discovering the foundation of the first brick statehouse (capitol) building circa 1646 at Jamestown, Virginia. In 1936, he founded the Jamestowne Society for descendants of stockholders in the Virginia Company of London and the descendants of those who owned land or who had domiciles in Jamestown or on Jamestown Island prior to the year 1700. Mrs. Gregory", "\"Jamestown Church\"\nof the General Assembly in July 2019. Jamestown Church Jamestown Church, constructed in brick from 1639 onward, in Jamestown in the Mid-Atlantic state of Virginia, is one of the oldest surviving building remnants built by Europeans in the original thirteen colonies and in the United States overall. It is now part of Jamestown National Historic Site, and is owned by Preservation Virginia (formerly known as the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities). There have been several sites and stages in the church's history, and its later tower is now the last surviving above-ground structure from the days when Jamestown", "\"Women of Colonial Virginia\"\nWomen of Colonial Virginia In May of 1607 one hundred men and young boys were on an expedition that landed them in what is now known as Virginia. They became the first permanent English settles in America. They named the colony of Jamestown after the English King James I. The site was chosen precisely for its location and beneficial factors. Jamestown was surrounded by water on three sides of the land; this made it easily accessible for ships to come and go. It was far enough inland which made it easier to defend from a possible Spanish attack. Lastly, the", "\"History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99)\"\nJamestown the following May 23 in two makeshift ships they had constructed while stranded on Bermuda for nine months. They found the Virginia Colony in ruins and practically abandoned: of 500 settlers who had preceded them to Jamestown, they found fewer than 100 survivors, many of whom were sick or dying. Worse yet, the Bermuda survivors had brought few supplies and only a small amount of food with them, expecting to find a thriving colony at Jamestown. Thus, even with the arrival of the two small ships from Bermuda under Captain Christopher Newport, they were faced with leaving Jamestown and", "\"Edenton, North Carolina\"\nin the Life of a Slave Girl\"\" (1861). In 1658 adventurers from the Jamestown area drifted through the wilderness from Virginia and found a location on the bank of a natural harbor, the site of present-day Edenton. Edenton Colony was the first permanent European settlement in what is now the state of North Carolina. Edenton was established in 1712 as \"\"the Towne on Queen Anne's Creek\"\". It was later known as \"\"Ye Towne on Mattercommack Creek\"\" and still later as \"\"the Port of Roanoke\"\". It was renamed \"\"Edenton\"\" and incorporated in 1722 in honor of Governor Charles Eden who had", "\"Virginia Company\"\nparts of the \"\"Sea Venture\"\" which they named \"\"Deliverance\"\" and \"\"Patience\"\". Ten months later, they continued on to Jamestown, arriving at Jamestown on 23 May 1610 but leaving several men behind on the archipelago to establish possession of it. At Jamestown, they found that over 85% of the 500 colonists had perished during what became known as the \"\"Starving Time\"\". The \"\"Sea Venture\"\" passengers had anticipated finding a thriving colony at Jamestown and had brought little food or supplies with them. The colonists at Jamestown were saved only by the timely arrival three weeks later of a supply mission headed", "\"John Martin (Jamestown)\"\nVirginia along with his teenage son John on 26 April 1607, when what came to be called the \"\"First Landing\"\" occurred at the place where south edge of the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay meets then Atlantic Ocean, a location the colonists named Cape Henry. He was named to the Council to oversee the new colony by the Virginia Company in an order that was held in a sealed box which was only to be opened in Virginia. After finding a location to build their settlement which met the requirements set forth in their sealed orders, they founded Jamestown on", "\"History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99)\"\nand heavily cultivated, primarily by the Travis and Ambler families. A military post was located on the island during the Revolutionary War and American and British prisoners were exchanged there. During the U.S. Civil War the island was occupied by Confederate soldiers who built an earth fort near the church as part of the defense system to block the Union advance up the river to Richmond. Little further attention was paid to Virginia until preservation was undertaken in the twenty first century. History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99) Jamestown was the first settlement of the Virginia Colony, founded in 1607, and", "\"Hampton Roads\"\nof Roanoke. Jamestown served as the capital of the colony of Virginia for 83 years, from 1616 until 1699. Historic Jamestowne is the archaeological site on Jamestown Island and is a cooperative effort by Jamestown National Historic Site (part of Colonial National Historical Park) and Preservation Virginia. Jamestown Settlement, a living history interpretive site, is operated by the Jamestown Yorktown Foundation, a state agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Williamsburg was founded in 1632 as Middle Plantation, a fortified settlement on high ground between the James and York rivers. The city served as the capital of the Colony of Virginia", "\"Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia\"\nfrom the Diocese of Southern Virginia in 1919. The diocese elected Herman Hollerith IV as bishop on September 27, 2008, who was consecrated as the tenth Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Virginia on February 10, 2009. The diocese does not contain a cathedral church, though its offices are in Norfolk. Camp Chanco, the diocesan retreat center, is located in Surry. When English colonists established Jamestown, Virginia on May 14, 1607, those settlers built one of the first churches in the New World, in what would eventually become the Diocese of Southern Virginia. The Jamestown church also became the meeting", "\"Edwin Sandys (died 1629)\"\nEdwin Sandys (died 1629) Sir Edwin Sandys ( ; 9 December 1561 – October 1629) was an English politician who sat in the House of Commons at various times between 1589 and 1626. He was also one of the founders of the proprietary Virginia Company of London, which in 1606 established the first permanent English settlement in what is now the United States in the colony of Virginia, based at Jamestown. The parish of Sandys, in Bermuda (the Virginia Company's second colony) is named after him. Sandys (pronounced \"\"Sands\"\") was born in Worcestershire, the second son of Edwin Sandys, Archbishop", "\"Jamestown 2007\"\nthe American War of Independence. Jamestown is also the subject of two United States commemorative coins celebrating the 400th anniversary of its settlement. A silver dollar and a gold five dollar coin were issued in 2007. Surcharges from the sale of the coin were donated to Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Secretary of the Interior and Preservation Virginia to support programs that promote the understanding of the legacies of Jamestown. Jamestown 2007 Jamestown 2007 is the name of the organization which planned the events commemorating the 400th anniversary (quadricentennial) of the founding of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607,", "\"Jamestown, Virginia\"\nVirginia Indian employee. There was not enough time to spread the word to the outposts. Of the 6,000 people who came to the settlement between 1608 and 1624, only 3,400 survived. In 1624, King James revoked the Virginia Company's charter, and Virginia became a royal colony. Despite the setbacks, the colony continued to grow. Ten years later, in 1634, by order of King Charles I, the colony was divided into the original eight shires of Virginia (or counties), in a fashion similar to that practiced in England. Jamestown was now located in James City Shire, soon renamed the \"\"County of", "Nevis\nGilbert sailed on to Virginia to seek out survivors of the Roanoke settlement in what is now North Carolina. Captain John Smith visited Nevis also on his way to Virginia in 1607. This was the voyage which founded Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World. On 30 August 1620 James VI and I of Scotland and England asserted sovereignty over Nevis by giving a Royal Patent for colonisation to the Earl of Carlisle. However, actual European settlement did not happen until 1628, when Anthony Hilton moved from nearby Saint Kitts following a murder plot against him. He", "\"History of St. Augustine, Florida\"\nbirth of a child of European ancestry recorded in what is now the continental United States, This was 21 years before the English settlement at Roanoke Island in Virginia Colony, and 42 years before the successful settlements of Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Jamestown, Virginia. In 1606, the first recorded birth of a black child in the continental United States was listed in the Cathedral Parish archives, thirteen years before enslaved Africans were first brought to the English colony at Jamestown in 1619. In territory under the jurisdiction of the United States, only Puerto Rico has continuously occupied European-established settlements", "Cliviger\nthe accession of Edward I to the throne of England. After that the name becomes extinct. The parish is the historical home of the Whitaker family, possibly the most notable being 16th century theologian William Whitaker. William Whitaker's son, Alexander Whitaker, was instrumental in the founding of the Jamestown colony in what is now Virginia, USA. Alexander converted many local First Nation Americans, including most notably Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan, chief of the Tsenacommacah people. The Baptism of Pocahontas is depicted in a painting of the same name by John Gadsby Chapman and now hangs in the US Capitol building,", "\"Westenhanger Castle\"\nfor the East India Company in 1600 and, along with the \"\"Susan Constant\"\" and \"\"Godspeed\"\", the ship sailed for Virginia on December 19, 1606 under captain John Smith, arriving on May 13 the following year. As a result of this expedition, the first permanent English-speaking settlement in the New World was subsequently established at Jamestown, Virginia, forming a base for what would later become the United States of America. On December 19, 2008 the replica of the \"\"Discovery\"\" was presented to Westenhanger Castle by the Jamestown UK Foundation, a charity set up to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the founding", "\"Pence Springs, West Virginia\"\nother hotels/hostels and boarding homes were built, none of which stand any longer. Across the Greenbrier River was the stock yards and the train station combination, that used to be as busy as nearby Hinton. Train service stopped in 1952. There is a small grass landing strip known as the Hinton-Alderson Airport. Like most of the surrounding territories, the earliest inhabitants were the mound builders, the Indians after the settlement of Jamestown by Captain John Smith, the Europeans who immigrated into what is now Summers County. The first known white person to have settled in what is now Pence Springs", "\"Doeg people\"\nbased in what is now King George County, but about 50 years before the founding of Jamestown (ca. 1557), they split into three sections, with groups going to Caroline County and Prince William County, and one remaining in King George. When Captain John Smith visited the upper Potomac River in 1608, he noted that the \"\"Taux\"\" lived there above Aquia Creek, with their capital \"\"Tauxenent\"\" located on \"\"Doggs Island\"\" (also known as \"\"Miompse\"\" or \"\"May-Umps\"\", now Mason Neck, Virginia.) They gathered fish and also grew corn. Other hamlets were at \"\"Pamacocack\"\" (later anglicized to \"\"Quantico\"\"), along Quantico Creek; \"\"Yosococomico\"\" (now", "\"Lyme Regis\"\nMP was Admiral Sir George Somers, who founded the English colonial settlement of Somers Isles, now known as Bermuda. Lyme Regis is twinned with St George's, Bermuda. In July 2015 Lyme Regis also joined Jamestown, Virginia in the Historic Atlantic Triangle of Lyme, St George's and Jamestown. The 2011 Census gave the parish and electoral ward a population of 3,671. In Saxon times, the abbots of Sherborne Abbey had salt-boiling rights on land adjacent to the River Lym, and the abbey once owned part of the town. Lyme is mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086. In the 13th century,", "\"Bartholomew Gilbert\"\none of the people represented thereon. In July 1603, Gilbert returned to the Americas. Setting anchor in Chesapeake Bay, Gilbert and four crewmen went ashore to search for the missing members of the Roanoke Colony. They subsequently ran afoul of and were killed by a group of Algonquians on 29 July. The date of this historic landing is represented in the Seal of Northampton County, Virginia. Not until 1607 did the English successfully establish Jamestown, Virginia, their first colony in what is now the United States. Bartholomew Gilbert Captain Bartholomew Gilbert was an English mariner who in 1602 served as", "\"History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99)\"\nHistory of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99) Jamestown was the first settlement of the Virginia Colony, founded in 1607, and served as capital of Virginia until 1690, when the seat of government was moved to Williamsburg. This article covers the history of the fort and town at Jamestown proper, as well as colony-wide trends resulting from and affecting the town during the time period in which it was capital. The London Company sent an expedition to establish a settlement in the Virginia Colony in December 1606. The expedition consisted of three ships, \"\"Susan Constant\"\" (sometimes known as \"\"Sarah Constant\"\"), \"\"Godspeed\"\", and \"\"Discovery\"\".", "\"Jamestown, Virginia\"\nfor vehicles and affords passengers a view of Jamestown Island from the river. , located at the original site of Jamestown, is administered by Preservation Virginia and the National Park Service. The central 22½ acres of land, where the archaeological remains of the original James Fort were found, are owned by Preservation Virginia (formerly known as the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities); the remaining are held by the National Park Service and is part of the Colonial National Historical Park. The site gained renewed importance when in 1996 the Jamestown Rediscovery project began excavations in search of the", "\"William Ordway Partridge\"\nnow George Washington University, in Washington, D.C. His life-size statue of the Native American princess, \"\"Pocahontas\"\", was unveiled in Jamestown, Virginia in 1922. Queen Elizabeth II viewed this statue in 1957 and again on May 4, 2007, while visiting Jamestown on the 400th anniversary of the founding of the first successful English colonial settlement in America. On October 5, 1958, a replica of the Pocahontas statue by Partridge was dedicated as a memorial to the princess at the location of her burial in 1617 at St. George's Church in Gravesend, England. The Governor of Virginia presented the replica statue as", "\"Richard Worley\"\nothers such as Blackbeard and Stede Bonnet were enjoying success off Virginia and the Carolinas. When Worley pulled into an inlet near Charleston, South Carolina to clean his ship, the Governor was informed of his presence and sent two sloops of militiamen against him, one fitted with eight guns and the other with six. Worley set sail and the sloops followed him north to the coast of Virginia to Jamestown, Virginia. Upon seeing what he assumed were two merchant ships, he hoisted his black flag causing much alarm amongst the Jamestown residents who thought they were to be attacked by", "\"Jamestowne Society\"\nof the first brick statehouse (capitol) building circa 1646. The society was formed to bring together as many of the descendants of stockholders in the Virginia Company of London and the descendants of those who owned land or who had domiciles in Jamestown or on Jamestown Island prior to the year 1700 as possible. Since its founding, the Society has helped with genealogical records and expanded into dozens of branches, called \"\"Companies.\"\" (In the Jamestowne Society, \"\"Companies\"\" are similar to chapters in most lineage societies). Membership in Companies is elective, while membership in the national Society is acquired at the", "\"History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99)\"\nbeen declared a slave by 1640; John Punch. He was an indentured servant who ran away along with two White indentured servants and he was sentenced by the governing council to lifelong servitude. This action is what officially marked the institution of slavery in Jamestown and the future United States. By 1620, more German settlers from Hamburg, Germany, who were recruited by the Virginia Company set up and operated one of the first sawmills in the region. Among the Germans were several other skilled craftsmen carpenters, and pitch/tar/soap-ash makers, who produced some of the colony's first exports of these products.", "\"John Smith (explorer)\"\nsettlers with no real planning or logistical support. Then in May 1610, Somers and Gates finally arrived with 150 people from the \"\"Sea Venture\"\". (Bermuda, or the 'Somers Isles', had remained settled since 1609, and the Virginia Company's possession was made official in 1612 when it was added to Virginia's territory.) Gates soon found that there was not enough food to support all in the colony and decided to abandon Jamestown. As their boats were leaving the Jamestown area, they met a ship carrying the new governor, Lord De la Warr, who ordered them back to Jamestown. Somers returned to", "\"Sea Venture\"\nFinally, under the command of Newport, the two ships with 142 survivors set sail for Virginia on 11 May 1610, and arrived at the Jamestown settlement on the 23rd, a journey of less than two weeks. Two men, Carter and Waters, were left behind; they had been convicted of unknown offences, and fled into the woods of Bermuda to escape punishment and execution. On reaching Jamestown, only 60 survivors were found of the 500 or so who had preceded them. Many of these were themselves dying, and Jamestown was quickly judged to be nonviable. Everyone then boarded \"\"Virginia\"\", \"\"Deliverance,\"\" and", "\"Jamestown Exposition\"\nthe tercentennial of the 1607 Founding of Jamestown in the Virginia Colony neared, leaders in Norfolk, Virginia began a campaign to have the celebration held there. The Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities had gotten the ball rolling in 1900 by calling for a celebration to honor the establishment of the first permanent English colony in the New World at Jamestown, to be held on the 300th anniversary. During the planning phase, virtually no one thought that the original site of Jamestown would be suitable, as it was isolated and long-abandoned. There were no local facilities to handle large", "\"Jamestown 2007\"\nPresident George W. Bush, retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, actor James Earl Jones, journalists such as Jim Lehrer, Gwen Ifill and Tavis Smiley, and musicians Bruce Hornsby, Ricky Skaggs and Chaka Khan. The commemoration's major partners included Colonial Williamsburg, NASA, the U.S. Mint, the U.S. Postal Service, the Virginia Arts Festival and Virginia Tech. Jamestown Partners included the National Park Service, the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, and the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation. Some members of Virginia Indian tribes did not attend the festivities, out of concern over what they perceive the settlement to represent for their people.", "\"Jamestown 400th Anniversary silver dollar\"\nJamestown 400th Anniversary silver dollar In 2007, the United States Mint released a silver dollar commemorative coin which commemorates the 400th year after the founding of Jamestown. Surcharges from the sale of the Jamestown commemorative were donated to Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Secretary of the Interior and the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities to support programs that promote the understanding of the legacies of Jamestown. The coin is being sold as both as a proof coin and an uncirculated coin, with a maximum coinage of 500,000 coins. The coins only mintmark is P, for", "\"Jamestown, Virginia\"\ncapital of the colony of Virginia for 83 years, from 1616 until 1699. The settlement was located within the country of Tsenacommacah, which was ruled by the Powhatan Confederacy, and specifically in that of the Paspahegh tribe. The natives initially welcomed and provided crucial provisions and support for the colonists, who were not agriculturally inclined. Relations soured fairly early on, however, leading to the total annihilation of the Paspahegh in warfare within three years. Mortality was very high at Jamestown itself due to disease and starvation, with over 80 percent of the colonists perishing in 1609–10 in what became known", "\"History of Virginia\"\nthe Virginia Education Commission, created in 1910. Alderman's crusade encountered some resistance from traditionalists, and never challenged the Jim Crow system of segregated schooling. While the progressives were modernizers, there was also a surge of interest in Virginia traditions and heritage, especially among the aristocratic First Families of Virginia (FFV). The Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities (APVA), founded in Williamsburg in 1889, emphasized patriotism in the name of Virginia's 18th-century Founding Fathers. In 1907, the Jamestown Exposition was held near Norfolk to celebrate the tricentennial of the arrival of the first English colonists and the founding of Jamestown.", "\"Somers Isles Company\"\nsail for Jamestown, they left several people behind, some to maintain Somers' claim to the islands for England, some dead. Those aboard the two ships included Sir Thomas Gates, the military commander and future governor of Jamestown, William Strachey, whose account of the wrecking may later have inspired Shakespeare's \"\"The Tempest\"\", and John Rolfe, who would found Virginia's tobacco industry, and who left a wife and child buried in Bermuda. Rolfe would find a new bride in the Powhatan princess Pocahontas. Jamestown, and the sixty survivors of its original five hundred settlers, were found in such a poor state that", "\"Jamestown 400th Anniversary silver dollar\"\nthe Philadelphia mint. value(currently):$0.0–$255 Jamestown 400th Anniversary silver dollar In 2007, the United States Mint released a silver dollar commemorative coin which commemorates the 400th year after the founding of Jamestown. Surcharges from the sale of the Jamestown commemorative were donated to Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Secretary of the Interior and the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities to support programs that promote the understanding of the legacies of Jamestown. The coin is being sold as both as a proof coin and an uncirculated coin, with a maximum coinage of 500,000 coins. The coins only", "\"Jamestown 400th Anniversary gold five dollar coin\"\nJamestown 400th Anniversary gold five dollar coin In 2007, the United States Mint released a gold five-dollar commemorative coin which commemorates the 400th year after the founding of Jamestown. Surcharges from the sale of the Jamestown commemorative were donated to Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Secretary of the Interior and the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities to support programs that promote the understanding of the legacies of Jamestown. The coin was sold as both as a proof coin and an uncirculated coin, with a maximum coinage of 100,000 coins. Coin Finishes: proof, and uncirculated Maximum", "\"Jamestown 400th Anniversary gold five dollar coin\"\nMintage: 100,000 - The final mintages were 18,348 uncirculated, and 46,365 proof. U.S. Mint Facility: West Point Mint (W) Public Law: Jamestown 400th Anniversary gold five dollar coin In 2007, the United States Mint released a gold five-dollar commemorative coin which commemorates the 400th year after the founding of Jamestown. Surcharges from the sale of the Jamestown commemorative were donated to Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Secretary of the Interior and the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities to support programs that promote the understanding of the legacies of Jamestown. The coin was sold as both", "\"History of Williamsburg, Virginia\"\nof the monarchs of the time. When Reverend Blair returned to Virginia, the new school was founded in a safe place, Middle Plantation in 1693. Classes began in temporary quarters in 1694, and the College Building, a precursor to the Wren Building, was soon under construction. Four years later, the rebuilt statehouse in Jamestown burned again (in 1698), this time accidentally. The government once again relocated temporarily to Middle Plantation, but now enjoyed use of the College's facilities in addition to the better climate. After that fire, upon suggestion of the students of the College, who made a presentation to", "\"Virginia Quadricentennial Tartan\"\nVirginia Quadricentennial Tartan The Virginia Quadricentennial Tartan is an unofficial state tartan of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Originally named \"\"Measure plc\"\", it was designed in 2003 by David McGill of International Tartans for the marketing of several products, including the now defunct Kinmount Scotch Whisky. In 2005, during preparations for Jamestown 2007, which celebrated the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Colony of Virginia, it was selected as Virginia's tartan because the colors reflected those of the American dogwood, the Virginia state flower and tree. It was renamed \"\"Virginia\"\" in 2005, and in 2007 it was made official by", "\"Colony of Virginia\"\nlate 17th century and into the 18th century, the primary settlement pattern was based on plantations (to grow tobacco), farms, and some towns (mostly ports or courthouse villages). The fort at Jamestown, founded in 1607, remained the primary settlement of the colonists for several years. A few strategic outposts were constructed, including Fort Algernon (1609) at the entrance to the James River. Early attempts to occupy strategic locations already inhabited by natives at what is now Richmond and Suffolk failed owing to native resistance. A short distance farther up the James, in 1611, Thomas Dale began the construction of a", "\"English overseas possessions\"\ninto the East Indies\"\". The Company soon established its first trading post in the East Indies, at Bantam on the island of Java, and others, beginning with Surat, on the coasts of what is now India and Bangladesh. Most of the new English colonies established in North America and the West Indies, whether successfully or otherwise, were proprietary colonies with Proprietors, appointed to found and govern settlements under mercantile charters granted to joint stock companies. Early examples of these are the Virginia Company, which created the first successful English overseas settlements at Jamestown in 1607 and Bermuda, unofficially in 1609", "\"English diaspora\"\nand Roanoke was given the nickname of \"\"the Lost Colony\"\". English settlement in America recommenced with Jamestown in the Virginia Colony in 1607. With the permission of James I, three ships (the \"\"Susan Constant, The Discovery\"\" and \"\"The God Speed\"\") sailed from England and landed at Cape Henry in April, under the captainship of Christopher Newport, who had been hired by the London Company to lead expeditions to what is now America. In 1630 another religious group left England in search of religious freedom. This group was called the Puritans who represented the next wave of English Immigration to America.", "\"History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99)\"\nbe known as the \"\"first landing.\"\" A party of the men explored the area and had a minor conflict with some Virginia Indians. After the expedition arrived in what is now Virginia, sealed orders from the Virginia Company of London were opened. These orders named Captain John Smith as a member of the governing Council. Smith had been arrested for mutiny during the voyage and was incarcerated aboard one of the ships. He had been scheduled to be hanged upon arrival, but was freed by Captain Newport after the opening of the orders. The same orders also directed the expedition", "\"History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99)\"\nThomas Dale sailed up the James River (also named after King James) to the area now known as Chesterfield County. He was apparently impressed with the possibilities of the general area where the Appomattox River joins the James River, until then occupied by the Appomattoc Indians, and there are published references to the name \"\"New Bermudas\"\" although it apparently was never formalized. A short distance further up the James, in 1611, he began the construction of a progressive development at Henricus on and about what was later known as Farrars Island. Henricus was envisioned as possible replacement capital for Jamestown,", "\"Jamestown, Virginia\"\nafter the Civil War, Jamestown became quiet and peaceful once again. In 1892, Jamestown was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barney. The following year, the Barneys donated 22½ acres of land, including the ruined church tower, to the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities (now known as Preservation Virginia). By this time, erosion from the river had eaten away the island's western shore. Visitors began to conclude that the site of James Fort lay completely underwater. With federal assistance, a sea wall was constructed in 1900 to protect the area from further erosion. The archaeological remains of the", "\"First Families of Virginia\"\nwith slaves. Families often used surnames as given names; for instance, incorporating a mother's maiden name as a \"\"middle name\"\", to document their ancestry. For example, Lt. Col. Powhatan Bolling Whittle of the 38th Virginia Infantry, Confederate States Army was an uncle of Matoaka Whittle Sims. In 1907, the Jamestown Exposition was held near Norfolk to celebrate the tricentennial of the arrival of the first English colonists and the founding of Jamestown. Preservation Virginia, formerly known as the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, was founded in Williamsburg in 1889 to memorialize Virginia history. In the 20th century, Preservation", "\"Christopher Newport\"\non his third voyage to the East Indies (this time accompanied by his son, also called Christopher, who joined the crew). By May 1617, he was in South Africa, but he died in Java (now part of Indonesia) sometime after 15 August 1617 of unknown causes. Christopher Newport Christopher Newport (1561–1617) was an English seaman and privateer. He is best known as the captain of the \"\"Susan Constant\"\", the largest of three ships which carried settlers for the Virginia Company in 1607 on the way to found the settlement at Jamestown in the Virginia Colony, which became the first permanent", "\"Patuxent River\"\narchaeological records on the East Coast. The Pig Point site includes the oldest structures ever found in Maryland, wigwam post holes dating to the 3rd century. The Patuxent River was first named (\"\"Pawtuxunt\"\") on the detailed map resulting from the 1608 voyage upriver by Jamestown, Virginia settler John Smith. Captain Smith got as far as the rough vicinity of the present-day Merkle Wildlife Sanctuary (Lyons Creek) area, from the Chesapeake near what is now the Anne Arundel–Calvert–Prince George's County tripoint. This was most likely the second visit by Europeans to the Patuxent, as in June 1588 a small Spanish expedition", "\"Colony of Virginia\"\nnumerous linguistically related tribes in the eastern part of Virginia. The Powhatan Confederacy controlled a territory known as Tsenacommacah, which roughly corresponded with the Tidewater region of Virginia. It was in this territory that the English established Jamestown. At the time of the English arrival, the Powhatan were led by the paramount chief Wahunsenacawh. On May 31, 1607, about 100 men and boys left England for what is now Maine. Approximately three months later, the group landed on a wooded peninsula where the Kennebec River meets the Atlantic Ocean and began building Fort St. George. By the end of the", "\"History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99)\"\nto seek an inland site for their settlement, which would afford protection from enemy ships. Obedient to their orders, the settlers and crewmembers re-boarded their three ships and proceeded into the Chesapeake Bay. They landed again at what is now called Old Point Comfort in the City of Hampton. In the following days, seeking a suitable location for their settlement, the ships ventured upstream along the James River. Both the James River and the settlement they sought to establish, Jamestown (originally called \"\"James His Towne\"\") were named in honor of King James I. On May 14, 1607, the colonists chose", "\"Jamestown Settlement\"\nbe underwater and lost to erosion. In 1907, the Jamestown Exposition was held to mark the 300th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, but the celebration was held at Sewell's Point in Norfolk, Virginia on the harbor of Hampton Roads, due to transportation and other considerations. The area came back into national prominence with the creation of the Colonial National Historical Park in 1940 and the uncovering of the old fort in 1996 by archaeologists of the Jamestown Rediscovery project. A return to Jamestown itself was considered feasible by 1957, in time for the 350th anniversary of the founding of", "\"History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99)\"\nwere: The settlers came ashore and quickly set about constructing their initial fort. Many of the settlers who came over on the initial three ships were not well-equipped for the life they found in Jamestown. A number of the original settlers were upper-class gentlemen who were not accustomed to manual labor; the group included very few farmers or skilled laborers. Also notable among the first settlers was Robert Hunt, chaplain who gave the first Christian prayer at Cape Henry on April 26, 1607, and held open-air services at Jamestown until a church was built there. Despite the immediate area of", "\"Jamestown Exposition\"\nJamestown Exposition The Jamestown Exposition was one of the many world's fairs and expositions that were popular in the United States in the early part of the 20th century. Commemorating the 300th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown in the Virginia Colony, it was held from April 26 to December 1, 1907, at Sewell's Point on Hampton Roads, in Norfolk, Virginia. It celebrated the first permanent English settlement in the present United States. In 1975 the 20 remaining exposition buildings were included on the National Register of Historic Places as a national historic district. Early in the 20th century, as", "\"Jamestown, Virginia\"\n350th anniversary in 1957, Jamestown Settlement is operated by the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, and largely sponsored by the Commonwealth of Virginia. The museum complex features a reconstruction of a Powhatan village, the James Fort as it was –1614, and seagoing replicas of the three ships that brought the first settlers, \"\"Susan Constant\"\", \"\"Godspeed\"\", \"\"Discovery\"\". With the national independence of the United States established by the end of the 18th century, Jamestown came to be looked at as a starting point. Its founding in 1607 has been regularly commemorated, with the most notable events being held every fifty years. The bicentennial of", "\"History of Suffolk, Virginia\"\nHistory of Suffolk, Virginia The area around Suffolk, Virginia, which is now an independent city in the Hampton Roads region in the southeastern part of the state, was originally inhabited by Native Americans. At the time of European contact, the Nansemonds lived along the river later known by the same name. Suffolk was first explored by the English settlers based at Jamestown, not long after their arrival. They sought a means to survive the inhospitable environment at Jamestown Island. By at least 1584, the Nansemond tribe originally lived in four villages along the Nansemond River, centered near \"\"Chuckatuck\"\" (now part", "\"Jamestown, Virginia\"\nnearby at the site of former Governor Berkeley's plantation, Jamestown was apparently inconsequential. In 1831, David Bullock purchased Jamestown from the Travis and Ambler families. During the American Civil War, in 1861, Confederate William Allen, who owned the Jamestown Island, occupied Jamestown with troops he raised at his own expense with the intention of blockading the James River and Richmond from the Union Navy. He was soon joined by Lieutenant Catesby ap Roger Jones, who directed the building of batteries and conducted ordnance and armor tests for the first Confederate ironclad warship, CSS \"\"Virginia\"\", which was under construction at the", "\"Colony of Virginia\"\nprogressive development at Henricus on and about what was later known as Farrars Island. Henricus was envisioned as possible replacement capital for Jamestown, and was to have the first college in Virginia. (The ill-fated Henricus was destroyed during the Indian Massacre of 1622). In addition to creating the new settlement at Henricus, Dale also established the port town of Bermuda Hundred, as well as \"\"Bermuda Cittie\"\" (sic) in 1613, now part of Hopewell, Virginia. He began the excavation work at Dutch Gap, using methods he had learned while serving in Holland. Once tobacco had been established as an export cash", "\"Thomas Fortune Ryan\"\ngallery in what is now the Virginia Historical Society. For Jamestown's 300th anniversary in 1907, Ryan donated a collection of portraits of key players in Virginia's settlement. Thomas Ryan also helped finance Virginia explorer Richard E. Byrd's flight to the South Pole. In 1887, the Ryans bought the Groesbeck mansion near Suffern, New York, a major town on the Erie Railroad, and rebuilt it into a summer home they called \"\"Montebello\"\". During the three decades before her death, Ida Barry Ryan funded the construction of the Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as well as the Good Samaritan", "\"Powhatan's Chimney\"\nPowhatan's Chimney Powhatan's Chimney is located at present day Wicomico, in Gloucester County, Virginia, United States. Powhatan's Chimney was long considered clue to the site of \"\"Werowocomoco\"\", a capital village of Chief Powhatan in what is now Virginia. According to English colonist Captain John Smith, \"\"Werowocomoco\"\" was located on the north side of the York River about from where the river divided at West Point, Virginia, at the time the Jamestown Settlement was established in 1607. Soon after in 1609, Chief Powhatan relocated his capital to a more inland location for better security. The exact location of \"\"Werowocomoco\"\" was lost", "Opchanacanough\noriginally led which was based near present-day Richmond, Virginia). Over a period of years, through negotiation and/or coercion, Chief Powhatan united more than 30 of the Virginia Indian tribal groups in the Tidewater region of what is now the Commonwealth of Virginia in the United States, essentially the southeastern portion of the state. At the time of the English settlement at Jamestown which was established in May 1607, Opechancanough was a much-feared warrior and a charismatic leader of the Powhatans. As Chief Powhatan's younger brother (or possibly half-brother), he headed a tribe situated along the Pamunkey River near the present-day", "\"Lewis McMurran\"\nawarded Lewis A. McMurran Jr. an honorary degree (LL.D.). He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and the James River Country Club. He was the founding chairman of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, the Virginia state agency that operates Jamestown Settlement and the Yorktown Victory Center. As a member of the Virginia House of Delegates he was instrumental in the creation of the Virginia 350th Anniversary Commission in 1954 and served as its chairman. He continued as chairman of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation until 1986 and was chairman emeritus at the time of his death in 1989. Lewis McMurran Lewis Archer McMurran", "\"History of Virginia\"\ncalled the \"\"First Landing.\"\" Under orders from London to seek a more inland location safe from Spanish raids, they explored the Hampton Roads area and sailed up the newly christened James River to the Fall Line at what would later become the cities of Richmond and Manchester. After weeks of exploration, the colonists selected a location and founded Jamestown on May 14, 1607. It was named in honor of King James I (as was the river). However, while the location at Jamestown Island was favorable for defense against foreign ships, the low and marshy terrain was harsh and inhospitable for", "\"John Rolfe\"\nStephen Hopkins, and Sir Thomas Gates. On arrival at Jamestown, they found the Virginia Colony almost destroyed by famine and disease during what has become known as the Starving Time. Very few supplies from the Third Supply had arrived because the same hurricane that caught the \"\"Sea Venture\"\" badly affected the rest of the fleet. Only 60 settlers remained alive. It was only through the arrival of the two small ships from Bermuda, and the arrival of another relief fleet commanded by Lord De La Warr on 10 June 1610, that the abandonment of Jamestown was avoided and the colony", "\"Discovery (1602 ship)\"\nreplica, built in 1984 in Jamestown, was shipped to the United Kingdom for a tour of the UK as part of the celebrations of the 400th anniversary of Virginia's founding. After its tour, which finished in September 2007, the ship was laid up in Ipswich Marina awaiting a move to a more permanent home. On 19 December 2008, 402 years to the day she left London Docks bound for Virginia, she was officially handed to Westenhanger Castle by the Jamestown UK Foundation, who had brought the replica vessel to the UK. The ship is currently on permanent display at the", "\"James City County, Virginia\"\nformally created in 1634 as James City Shire by order of King Charles I. James City County is considered one of only five original shires of Virginia to still be extant today in essentially the same political form. The Jamestown 2007 celebration marked the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown. James City County is home to the Busch Gardens Williamsburg theme park, the Kingsmill Resort, and the Williamsburg Pottery Factory. The Historic Jamestowne and Jamestown Settlement attractions combine with Colonial Williamsburg, and are linked to Yorktown by the National Park Service's Colonial Parkway. Tourism is a major part of", "\"Ecological imperialism\"\nSpanish conquistador Hernán Cortés led an expedition to what is now Mexico, which resulted in the total destruction of the Aztec Empire within just two years (February 1519 – August 1521). Notwithstanding the Europeans' superior weaponry and Horses, it is believed that the arrival of smallpox in the Americas in 1520 weakened the resistance the Aztecs people were able to mount. In 1607, English settlers arrived in North America and established the Jamestown colony in Virginia. Though at first it seemed the colonists would not survive the harsh conditions of the New World, ultimately it was the natives who could", "\"English Americans\"\nthe east and west (see also Maps of American ancestries). Center, a map showing the population of English Americans by state. On the right, a map showing the percentages of English Americans by state. English settlement in America began with Jamestown in the Virginia Colony in 1607. With the permission of James I, three ships (the \"\"Susan Constant, The Discovery\"\", and \"\"The God Speed\"\") sailed from England and landed at Cape Henry in April, under the captainship of Christopher Newport, who had been hired by the London Company to lead expeditions to what is now America. The second successful colony", "\"Virginia Quadricentennial Tartan\"\nGovernor Tim Kaine and given its current name. Threadcount: /VLY2RM8VLY2RM4VLY10K3VLY2K3VLY20LT6VLY10LT3VLY40/ Pallet: VLY=FAFA96YELLOW;RM=960032RED;K=101010BLACK;LT=BE7832BROWN Virginia Quadricentennial Tartan The Virginia Quadricentennial Tartan is an unofficial state tartan of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Originally named \"\"Measure plc\"\", it was designed in 2003 by David McGill of International Tartans for the marketing of several products, including the now defunct Kinmount Scotch Whisky. In 2005, during preparations for Jamestown 2007, which celebrated the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Colony of Virginia, it was selected as Virginia's tartan because the colors reflected those of the American dogwood, the Virginia state flower and tree. It was", "\"Ajacán Mission\"\nrelief ship finally arrived, but the Roanoke colonists had disappeared. The English did not found Jamestown until 1607. Ajacán Mission The Ajacán Mission () (also Axaca, Axacam, Iacan, Jacán, Xacan) was a Spanish attempt in 1570 to establish a Jesuit mission in the vicinity of the Virginia Peninsula to bring Christianity to the Virginia Indians. The effort to found St. Mary's Mission predated the founding of the English settlement at Jamestown, Virginia, by about 36 years. In February 1571, the entire party was massacred by Indians except Alonso de Olmos. The following year, a Spanish party from Florida went to", "\"James City County, Virginia\"\nfour \"\"incorporations\"\" or \"\"citties,\"\" as they were then called. These were (east to west) Elizabeth Cittie (initially known as Kecoughtan), James Cittie, Charles Cittie, and Henrico Cittie. Each cittie covered a very large area. Elizabeth Cittie not only included land on both side of the James River, but most of what we now know as South Hampton Roads and also included Virginia's Eastern Shore. The Virginia Company's \"\"James Cittie\"\" stretched across the Peninsula to the York River, and included the seat of government for the entire colony at Jamestown Island. Each of the four citties extended across the James River,", "\"Preservation Virginia\"\nPreservation Virginia Founded in 1889, the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities was the United States' first statewide historic preservation group. In 2003 the organization adopted the new name APVA Preservation Virginia to reflect a broader focus on statewide Preservation and in 2009 it shortened its name to Preservation Virginia. Preservation Virginia owns historic sites across Virginia including Historic Jamestowne, located at Jamestown, Virginia, site of the first permanent English settlement in North America, and the Cape Henry Light, one of the first public works projects of the United States of America. Preservation Virginia has helped preserve several key", "\"Thomas Dale\"\nvacant, to be resumed by him if he think proper.\"\" Five years later, the Virginia Company of London sent Sir Thomas Dale to act as deputy-governor or as \"\"Marshall of Virginia\"\" (a new position) for the Virginia Colony under the authority of Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr (Lord Delaware). Sent with three ships, on 19 May 1611, he arrived at Jamestown (named after King James) with men, cattle, and provisions. he found the conditions unhealthy and greatly in need of improvement. Dale immediately called for a meeting of the Jamestown Council, and established crews to rebuild Jamestown. He", "\"Jamestown Discovery Trail\"\nexit from Jamestown. Jamestown Discovery Trail In 2000 \"\"The James River Plantations - Charles City County, Virginia\"\" created the Jamestown Discovery Trail as a heritage trail to provide visitors with a meaningful route forward in direction, but back in time, to Jamestown, Virginia. The trail begins at the junction of Interstate 295 (Virginia) and Virginia State Route 5 in Henrico County and continues on Virginia Route 5 through Charles City County and into James City County. In James City County the trail continues on Greensprings Road and culminates at the terminus of the Colonial Parkway at Jamestown Island. The Jamestown", "\"Jamestown, Virginia\"\nafter Jamestown's founding, the organizers and shareholders of the Virginia Company were desperate to increase the efficiency and profitability of the struggling colony. Without stockholder consent the Governor, Sir Thomas Dale, assigned plots to its \"\"ancient planters\"\" and smaller plots to the settlement's later arrivals. Measurable economic progress was made, and the settlers began expanding their planting to land belonging to local native tribes. That this turnaround coincided with the end of a drought that had begun the year before the English settlers' arrival probably indicates multiple factors were involved besides the colonists' ineptitude. Among the colonists who survived the", "\"History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99)\"\nVirginian general George Washington called upon the people of Bermuda for aid during the American War of Independence). In 1613, Sir Thomas Dale founded the settlement of Bermuda Hundred on the James River, which, a year later, became the first incorporated town in Virginia. By 1611, a majority of the colonists who had arrived at the Jamestown settlement had died and its economic value was negligible with no active exports to England and very little internal economic activity. Only financial incentives including a promise of more land to the west from King James I to investors financing the new colony", "\"History of Newport News, Virginia\"\nHistory of Newport News, Virginia Newport News has a long history dating back to the days of Jamestown, Virginia. The area which is now the city of Newport News has existed under different names and forms including Elizabeth Cittie, Warwick River Shire, Warwick County, Virginia, Warwick City, and the current independent city of Newport News. During the 17th century, shortly after establishment of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, English settlers and explorers began settling the areas adjacent to Hampton Roads. In 1610, Sir Thomas Gates took possession of a nearby Native American village which became known as Kecoughtan. Jutting into the", "\"Jamestown Jammers\"\nof its franchises to the campus of West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia in 2015. The team's new name, the West Virginia Black Bears, was selected shortly after the Jammers' last game. Rich, who will continue to own the team, confirmed the news in a press conference on August 25, 2014, as did officials from the city of Jamestown, who indicated that the New York–Penn League had been trying to get out of Jamestown for several years. The league had been in the city continuously since 1960 and intermittently since the league's launch in 1939, long after nearby cities", "\"Jamestown Discovery Trail\"\nJamestown Discovery Trail In 2000 \"\"The James River Plantations - Charles City County, Virginia\"\" created the Jamestown Discovery Trail as a heritage trail to provide visitors with a meaningful route forward in direction, but back in time, to Jamestown, Virginia. The trail begins at the junction of Interstate 295 (Virginia) and Virginia State Route 5 in Henrico County and continues on Virginia Route 5 through Charles City County and into James City County. In James City County the trail continues on Greensprings Road and culminates at the terminus of the Colonial Parkway at Jamestown Island. The Jamestown Discovery Trail incorporates", "\"William Powell (Virginia colonist)\"\nmission of nine ships, which brought additional settlers and some supplies to the surviving colonists at Jamestown, Virginia in 1609. Another source states that the records of the Virginia Company showed that William Powell, a subscriber of the company, came to Virginia in 1611 with Lieutenant Governor Sir Thomas Gates aboard the \"\"Sea Venture\"\". These statements are not entirely incompatible. The small ships of the Third Supply mission arrived in Jamestown in 1609 and Powell, who is identified as being in Jamestown before May 1610, must have been on one of those ships. The \"\"Sea Venture\"\", with Sir Thomas Gates", "\"Jamestown Rediscovery\"\nJamestown Rediscovery Jamestown Rediscovery is an archaeological project of Preservation Virginia (formerly the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities) investigating the remains of the original settlement at Jamestown established in the Virginia Colony beginning on May 14, 1607. In 1994, at the behest of Preservation Virginia, archaeologist William Kelso began directing excavations at Historic Jamestowne on Jamestown Island. By 1996, the Jamestown Rediscovery team had discovered the foundations of the 1607 James Fort, long thought to have disappeared in the waters of the James River. Initially a 10-year project, given the wealth of knowledge and artifacts uncovered throughout its", "\"Order of the First Families of Virginia\"\nthe Fourth, edited by the Order's genealogist John Frederick Dorman and published in three volumes, 2004-2007, to celebrate the four hundredth anniversary of the founding of Jamestown. Two groups of colonists are included: 1. Virginia Company shareholders \"\"who either came to Virginia themselves between 1607-1624/4, and had descendants, or who did not come to Virginia within that period but whose grandchildren were resident there;\"\" and 2. \"\"Immigrants to Virginia ..., 1607-1624/5, who left descendants.\"\" Since the membership criteria of the Order of the First Families of Virginia is broadly similar to the stated inclusion criteria for \"\"Adventurers of Purse and", "\"Jamestown Revival\"\nas a duo and expanded to a five-member band. The name Jamestown Revival was derived from one of the first United States settlements, Jamestown, Virginia, homage to Creedence Clearwater Revival, and the concept of leaving behind the old and starting anew. The band wrote music they wanted to hear rather than what appealed to the masses using the music they listened to as a gauge of quality of their work. The band's music inspirations come from storytellers of adventure such as Louis L'Amour, Willie Nelson and John Prine as well as nature, and simplicity. Jamestown Revival's first album, \"\"Utah\"\", was", "\"Jamestown, Virginia\"\noriginal James Fort site, originally in preparation for the quadricentennial of Jamestown's founding. The primary goal of the archaeological campaign was to locate archaeological remains of \"\"the first years of settlement at Jamestown, especially of the earliest fortified town; <nowiki>[and the]</nowiki> subsequent growth and development of the town\"\". Today, visitors to can view the site of the original 1607 James Fort, the 17th-century church tower and the site of the 17th-century town, as well as tour an archaeological museum called the Archaearium and view many of the close to two million artifacts found by Jamestown Rediscovery. They also may participate", "\"History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99)\"\nserving his second term in that office. Berkeley, now in his seventies, had previously been governor in the 1640s and had experimented with new export crops at his Green Spring Plantation near Jamestown. In the mid-1670s, a young cousin through marriage, Nathaniel Bacon, Jr., arrived in Virginia sent by his father in the hope that he would \"\"mature\"\" under the tutelage of the governor. Although lazy, Bacon was intelligent and Berkeley provided him with a land grant and a seat on the Virginia Colony council. However, the two became at odds over relationships with the Virginia Indians, which were most", "\"British Overseas Territories\"\nwhere English fishermen routinely set up seasonal camps in the 16th century. It is now a province of Canada known as Newfoundland and Labrador. It retains strong cultural ties with Britain. English colonisation of North America began officially in 1607 with the settlement of Jamestown, the first successful permanent colony in Virginia (a term that was then applied generally to North America). Its offshoot, Bermuda, was settled inadvertently after the wrecking of the Virginia company's flagship there in 1609, with the Virginia Company's charter extended to officially include the archipelago in 1612. St. George's town, founded in Bermuda in that", "\"Episcopal Church (United States)\"\nit is a distinct body relating to church governance. The Episcopal Church has its origins in the Church of England in the American colonies, and it stresses continuity with the early universal Western Church and claims to maintain apostolic succession (though the Catholic and Orthodox churches do not recognize this claim). The first parish was founded in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, under the charter of the Virginia Company of London. The tower of Jamestown Church ( 1639–43) is one of the oldest surviving Anglican church structures in the United States. The Jamestown church building itself is a modern reconstruction. Although" ]
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who plays first lionel richie or mariah carey
[ "Mariah Carey" ]
[ "\"Michael Jackson memorial service\"\nand concluding with his final years played with Mariah Carey's version of \"\"I'll Be There\"\" playing. The participants were Ron Boyd (family friend), Los Angeles Lakers greats Magic Johnson and Kobe Bryant, fellow Motown Records alumni Berry Gordy, Lionel Richie, Smokey Robinson, and Stevie Wonder, Mariah Carey, Andrae Crouch (choir), Queen Latifah, Judith Hill (recruited 'This Is It' performer), Jennifer Hudson, Shaheen Jafargholi (a child finalist on \"\"Britain's Got Talent\"\", who sang a Jackson song), Martin Luther King III, Bernice A. King, John Mayer, Omer Bhatti (a Norwegian rapper), Rev. Al Sharpton, Brooke Shields, Pastor Lucious Smith (family friend), and", "\"Mariah Carey\"\nher past two albums, Carey agreed to embark on a short stateside string of concerts, titled the Music Box Tour. Spanning only six dates across North America, the short but successful tour was a large step for Carey, who dreaded the hassle of touring. Following \"\"Music Box\"\", Carey took a relatively large period of time away from the public eye, and began working on an unknown project throughout 1994. In October 1994, \"\"Billboard\"\" announced that Carey would release a holiday album later that year. That 1994, Carey recorded a duet with Luther Vandross; a cover of Lionel Richie and Diana", "\"Stuart Pendred\"\nStuart Pendred Stuart Pendred is a classical baritone singer. He released his first album \"\"\"\"Benedizione\"\"\"\" in June 2008. Pendred was part of the trio \"\"Tricolore\"\" who were competitors in 2005 to be England's Eurovision entry with their song \"\"\"\"Brand New Day\"\"\"\" which Pendred co-wrote. He also appeared in the play \"\"Les Misérables\"\". Pendred has performed with Sting, Lionel Richie, Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, The Opera Babes, Il Divo and Westlife and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. He has performed the Royal Albert Hall, in the West End of London, before 75,000 fans at Twickenham for the Rugby Football Union, and in venues", "\"Mariah Carey\"\nGotham City, in the animated film \"\"The Lego Batman Movie\"\". In April 2017, it was announced that Carey is launching her own record label, Butterfly MC Records, a joint partnership with Epic Records. In July 2017, Carey made a cameo in the comedy film \"\"Girls Trip\"\", starring Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett Smith and Regina Hall. The same month, Carey embarked on a tour with Lionel Richie, titled, All the Hits Tour. Carey was featured in the official remix for French Montana's single \"\"Unforgettable\"\", alongside Swae Lee. In October 2017, Carey released a new soundtrack single, \"\"The Star\"\", for the movie", "\"Endless Love (song)\"\nversions. Featuring Vandross' versions of songs like Stephen Stills' \"\"Love the One You're With\"\", Heatwave's \"\"Always and Forever\"\", and Roberta Flack's \"\"Killing Me Softly\"\", the album was shaping up to be a major career accomplishment. To give the album a bigger boost, Mottola's then-wife, Mariah Carey, came up with the idea to remake \"\"Endless Love\"\" as a duet with her. Lionel Richie and Diana Ross had originally recorded \"\"Endless Love\"\" in 1981, and the song spent nine weeks at number 1. Although Luther's album was already set to contain one Lionel Richie composition, \"\"Hello\"\", it was obvious that having the", "\"I'm That Chick\"\nThat Chick\"\" on \"\"The Hills\"\" season premiere party, the 2008 Fashion Rocks, \"\"Canadian Idol\"\", and included it on the set-list of her eighth concert tour, The Elusive Chanteuse Show (2014), as also first co-headlining tour with Lionel Richie, All The Hits Tour (2017). It peaked at number 82 on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. \"\"I'm That Chick\"\" was written by Mariah Carey, Johntá Austin and production duo Stargate (Mikkel S. Eriksen and Tor E. Hermansen) for Carey's eleventh studio album, \"\"E=MC²\"\" (2008). It was produced by Carey for Maroon Entertainment and by Stargate on behalf of Delirious Blacksmith", "\"Luther Vandross\"\nR&B Song in the same year. In 1992, \"\"The Best Things in Life Are Free\"\", a duet with Janet Jackson from the movie \"\"Mo' Money\"\" became a hit. In 1993, he had a brief non-speaking role in the Robert Townsend movie \"\"The Meteor Man\"\". He played a hit man who plotted to stop Townsend's title character. Vandross hit the top ten again in 1994, teaming with Mariah Carey on a cover version of Lionel Richie and Diana Ross's duet \"\"Endless Love\"\". It was included on the album \"\"Songs\"\", a collection of songs which had inspired Vandross over the years. He", "\"Endless Love (song)\"\nEndless Love (song) \"\"Endless Love\"\" is a song written by Lionel Richie and originally recorded as a duet between Richie and fellow pop singer Diana Ross. In this ballad, the singers declare their \"\"endless love\"\" for one another. It was covered by R&B singer Luther Vandross with pop singer Mariah Carey and also by country music singer Shania Twain. Richie's friend (and sometimes co-worker) Kenny Rogers has also recorded the song. \"\"Billboard\"\" has named the original version as the greatest song duet of all-time. Ross and Richie recorded the song for Motown, and it was used as the theme for", "\"Fame Academy (series 1)\"\nwas decided by their fellow contestants, who had to vote for who they wanted to save. In the event of a tie in the student vote the public votes would decide who is eliminated. All four contestants were put on probation in the penultimate week, with the public saving two. Guest teachers were brought in to \"\"teach\"\", this happened periodically throughout the series, the guest teachers included Lionel Richie (who also co-wrote a song on the Fame Academy album), Shania Twain, Mariah Carey and Ronan Keating. The Friday night live shows were filmed in front of an audience at the", "\"Mercedes-Benz Arena (Shanghai)\"\nLindsey Stirling, Lionel Richie, Mariah Carey, Maroon 5, Metallica, Michael Bublé, Muse, Nile Rodgers, Nine Percent, Owl City, OneRepublic, Pitbull, Richard Clayderman, Quincy Jones, Queen, Rebecca Ferguson, The Rolling Stones, Samantha Jade, Simple Plan, Slash, Taylor Swift, Tony Bennett and Usher. On 21 September 2017, an NHL pre-season game was held in the stadium, with the Vancouver Canucks losing to the LA Kings 5-2. The game saw a crowd of 10,088 gather to watch the NHL's first ever game played in China. The Mercedes-Benz Arena held the annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in November 2017. In March 2016, the arena", "\"Lionel Cole\"\ncoaches Ricky Martin and Kylie Minogue. Lionel Cole Lionel Cole is a pianist, songwriter, composer, music editor, music supervisor and public speaker. He has served as a regularly touring member of Mariah Carey's live band. Cole also partnered with Malcolm-Jamal Warner, to create the jazz and funk band \"\"Miles Long.\"\" The first album, \"\"The Many Facets of Superman\"\", featured En Vogue's Cindy Heron and soul icon Teena Marie. Cole co-wrote with Mariah Carey the \"\"Billboard\"\" chart-topping single \"\"Through the Rain\"\", which appeared on Carey's ninth studio album \"\"Charmbracelet\"\" (2002). The song peaked at number 81 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100", "\"Lionel Cole\"\nLionel Cole Lionel Cole is a pianist, songwriter, composer, music editor, music supervisor and public speaker. He has served as a regularly touring member of Mariah Carey's live band. Cole also partnered with Malcolm-Jamal Warner, to create the jazz and funk band \"\"Miles Long.\"\" The first album, \"\"The Many Facets of Superman\"\", featured En Vogue's Cindy Heron and soul icon Teena Marie. Cole co-wrote with Mariah Carey the \"\"Billboard\"\" chart-topping single \"\"Through the Rain\"\", which appeared on Carey's ninth studio album \"\"Charmbracelet\"\" (2002). The song peaked at number 81 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 and it hit number 1 on", "\"Shake It Off (Mariah Carey song)\"\nwas performed as a five-piece concert on \"\"Good Morning America\"\", and on the New Year's Eve special titled, Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest. \"\"Shake It Off\"\" was included on the set-lists of The Adventures of Mimi Tour (2006), the Angels Advocate Tour (2010), The Elusive Chanteuse Show (2014), The Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour (2016), the All The Hits Tour with Lionel Richie (2017) and her second concert residency, The Butterfly Returns (2018). Carey had produced back-to-back commercially and critically failing albums, \"\"Glitter\"\" (2001) and \"\"Charmbracelet\"\" (2002). After the release of \"\"Charmbracelet\"\", and its succeeding tour, Carey", "\"Love Hangover\"\nHot 100. Background vocals from the original alternate take were sampled by Hardrive in the 1993 House song \"\"No Cure\"\". Mariah Carey performed the song in a (2000), and Stephanie Edwards sang it on the sixth season of \"\"American Idol\"\". Carey performed a mix of \"\"Love Hangover\"\" the lead single from her seventh studio album, \"\"Rainbow\"\", \"\"Heartbreaker\"\" on her Angels Advocate Tour between 2009 and 2010, on All The Hits Tour, a co-headlining tour with American singer Lionel Richie in 2017, and second Las Vegas residency, The Butterfly Returns in 2018. The song would become part of the hip-hop lexicon", "\"Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)\"\nThe concept for the video was created by Keith Williams, a Welsh-born writer who had already worked with Abelson on the video for \"\"Dancin' With Myself\"\" (Billy Idol), and who would go on to also create concepts for \"\"Holding Out for a Hero\"\" (Bonnie Tyler) and \"\"Ghostbusters\"\" (Ray Parker, Jr.) for the same producer as well as \"\"Say You Say Me\"\" (Lionel Richie) from \"\"White Nights\"\", which Taylor Hackford also directed. American singer Mariah Carey co-produced her version of the song with James Harris III and Terry Lewis for her seventh studio album \"\"Rainbow\"\" which was released in 1999. It", "\"Sirius XM Love\"\na different Christmas music channel known as Hallmark Channel Radio—which is hosted by the channel's talent as an extension of its seasonal programming lineup \"\"Countdown to Christmas\"\". Gloria Estefan, Luther Vandross, Bryan Adams, Mariah Carey, Kenny G, Barry Manilow, Kelly Clarkson, Bette Midler, Lionel Richie, Pink Sirius XM Love Sirius XM Love is a music channel that plays love songs from soft-AC artists and airs on Sirius XM Radio, and Dish Network. It airs on channel 70 on Sirius XM Radio. On XM, it replaced former channel The Heart on November 12, 2008. On Sirius XM Canada, the channel retained", "WMXZ\nSeptember 15, 2010 as \"\"Kickin 95.9, Real Country Variety\"\". On May 31, 2011, WIHB (now WCKN) began simulcasting WIOP. On June 13, 2011 WIOP stopped simulcasting and began stunting with construction sounds. On June 15, 2011 WIOP ended stunting and changed their format to soft adult contemporary, branded as \"\"Lite 95.9\"\". The station featured a blend of light AC hits, softer rock oldies, and some adult standards from the 1960s through the early 2000s but was entirely gold-based, playing no current product. Artists heard on Lite 95.9 included Lionel Richie, Elton John, Billy Joel, Carly Simon, Mariah Carey, Olivia Newton-John,", "KISQ\n\"\"End of the Road\"\" by Boyz II Men, KISQ flipped back to Adult Contemporary as \"\"98.1 The Breeze.\"\" The first song on \"\"The Breeze\"\" was \"\"Easy\"\" by The Commodores. Core artists of the format include Michael Bolton, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Lionel Richie, Elton John, Celine Dion and George Michael. The new format positions KISQ up against KOIT’s older demographics (KISQ registered a 2.3 share in Kiss's last book, the March 2016 Nielsen Audio PPM ratings, while KOIT had a 4.6 share). iHeart has modeled many of their stations off of the Breeze, and now operates AC stations under the", "\"Michael Jackson\"\nthe most watched events in streaming history, with an estimated U.S. audience of 31.1 million, an amount comparable to the estimated that watched the 2004 burial of former president Ronald Reagan and the estimated Americans who watched the 1997 funeral for Princess Diana. Mariah Carey, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, John Mayer, Jennifer Hudson, Usher, Jermaine Jackson, and Shaheen Jafargholi performed at the event. Berry Gordy and Smokey Robinson gave eulogies, while Queen Latifah read \"\"We Had Him\"\", a poem written for the occasion by Maya Angelou. The Rev. Al Sharpton received a standing ovation with cheers when he told Jackson's", "\"First Direct Arena\"\nStewart, Andrea Bocelli, James Blunt, Bryan Adams, Slash, Boyzone, JLS, 5 Seconds of Summer, Miley Cyrus, Prince, Dolly Parton, Eagles, Status Quo, Manic Street Preachers, Eric Clapton, Il Divo, The Who, Alfie Boe, Michael Bublé, The Script, Madness, Morrissey, Lionel Richie, Paloma Faith, Queen + Adam Lambert, Olly Murs, Nicki Minaj, Pharrell Williams, Fleetwood Mac, John Legend, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, Bette Midler, Neil Diamond, Simple Minds, Duran Duran, Bad Company, Paul Weller, alt-J, Natalie Imbruglia, Simply Red, Slipknot, Foals, Wet Wet Wet, Peter Andre, Ellie Goulding, Mariah Carey, Jeff Lynne's ELO, Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds, Gladys", "\"Nassau Coliseum\"\nCounty announced Forest City had won the bid for the renovation of the Nassau Coliseum and the surrounding property, pending approval from the Nassau legislature and zoning changes from the Hempstead town government. The Nassau legislature unanimously approved the bid on September 24, 2013. Billy Joel performed the arena's final pre-renovation concert on August 4, 2015. On April 5, 2017, a Billy Joel concert was the arena's first post-renovation event. Other acts that will perform during the new Coliseum's opening week include Stevie Nicks, The Pretenders, Idina Menzel, Lionel Richie, Mariah Carey, and Marc Anthony. Bruno Mars and New Kids", "\"Diana Ross\"\nN Harmony. \"\"It's My House\"\" has been referenced in music by Snoop Dogg and MC Hammer. \"\"Upside Down\"\" has been covered and sampled by Salt-n-Pepa, Sean Combs, Kid Rock, Missy Elliott and MC Lyte. \"\"I'm Coming Out\"\" has been sampled in music recorded by The Notorious B.I.G. (who also sampled \"\"Missing You\"\"), Keyshia Cole featuring Iggy Azalea and Ariana Grande. \"\"Endless Love\"\" was recorded by Luther Vandross and Mariah Carey, and Ross's partner Lionel Richie later recorded a version with Shania Twain singing Ross's part. \"\"Muscles\"\" was sampled by Lil' Kim and Young Jeezy. \"\"When You Tell Me That You", "\"Adult Contemporary (chart)\"\nHis song \"\"The One\"\" was ranked on #53 on the top 100 performing songs on the AC chart. Relatively few urban contemporary and hip-hop artists manage to successfully cross over to AC, although there have been a few recent exceptions, such as Beyoncé's \"\"Irreplaceable\"\", Fergie's ballad \"\"Big Girls Don't Cry\"\", Gnarls Barkley's \"\"Crazy\"\", Rihanna's \"\"Take a Bow\"\", and Timbaland's remix of OneRepublic's \"\"Apologize\"\". R&B artists who have achieved major success on the AC chart in the past include Dionne Warwick, Aaron Neville, Diana Ross (with her solo career), James Ingram, Lionel Richie, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey. Crossover from the", "\"Sentimental ballad\"\naffected the relationship. Examples of pop ballads include: Celine Dion's \"\"My Heart Will Go On\"\", Elton John's \"\"Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word\"\", Delta Goodrem's \"\"Lost Without You\"\", George Michael's \"\"Careless Whisper\"\", Jessie J's \"\"Who You Are\"\", Kelly Clarkson's \"\"Because of You\"\" and Shakira's \"\"Underneath Your Clothes\"\". Examples of R&B ballads or slow jams include Mariah Carey's \"\"My All\"\" and \"\"Love Takes Time\"\", Lionel Richie's \"\"Hello\"\", Ashanti's \"\"Don't Let Them\"\", Jazmine Sullivan's \"\"Lions, Tigers & Bears\"\", Labrinth's \"\"Jealous\"\", Rihanna's \"\"Unfaithful\"\", and Toni Braxton's \"\"Un-Break My Heart\"\". Simon Frith, the British sociomusicologist and former rock critic, identifies the origins of", "\"The First Vision\"\nin Your Mind\"\" and the Jackson 5's \"\"Who's Lovin' You\"\". Performances of \"\"Don't Play That Song\"\" and \"\"Vanishing\"\" from this concert would later be used for audio release as official live versions on the Australian special edition of the \"\"Mariah Carey\"\" album. The First Vision The First Vision is Mariah Carey's first video release. It is a collection of music videos, live performances, and behind-the-scenes footage detailing the creation of Carey's debut album \"\"Mariah Carey\"\". The home video was originally released on VHS in 1991, while the DVD was released in Japan in late 2004. Music videos of four \"\"Mariah", "Westlife\ndue to property crash problems. Since the split the four lads have released albums and singles individually. Filan, with three studio albums and tours (with support act dates for Lionel Richie) released and a Top 5 hit album in UK. Feehily signed with an independent record label (which he is the co-director) and released albums and singles. He also made it as a supporting act to Mariah Carey and Wet Wet Wet. Egan was voted King of the Jungle in ITV's I'm a Celebrity 2013 series, was a coach judge in The Voice of Ireland, and been a support act", "\"Pavarotti & Friends\"\nwas broadcast on BBC and PBS, and on syndication in the US, and also released as a compilation album and DVD. The Pavarotti & Friends for Guatemala and Kosovo concert was held on 1 June 1999, and raised $1 million for War Child programs to aid young refugees from Kosovo and Guatemala. The concert featured guest performances by Mariah Carey, Ricky Martin, B.B. King, Joe Cocker, Boyzone, Lionel Richie, Gianni Morandi, Renato Zero and Gloria Estefan. The concert was released as a compilation DVD and album. The Pavarotti & Friends for Cambodia and Tibet concert took place on 6 June", "\"Narada Michael Walden\"\nduet with Patti Austin and an appearance on the sountrack for the movie \"\"Bright Lights, Big City\"\". He built his a studio in 1985 and produced music for Stacy Lattisaw, Aretha Franklin, Angela Bofill, Lisa Fischer, Sister Sledge, Herbie Hancock, Patti Austin, Whitney Houston, Clarence Clemons, George Benson, Kenny G, Lionel Richie, Al Jarreau, and Mariah Carey. Walden won a Grammy Award as a producer in 1993 for the soundtrack \"\"The Bodyguard\"\" by Whitney Houston. In 1985 he won a Grammy Award for Best R&B Song for \"\"Freeway of Love\"\" by Aretha Franklin. He produced an album for the Tempations", "\"Michael Jackson memorial service\"\nfront of the stage. The memorial began a few minutes after 10:30 a.m. with music and a eulogy from Pastor Lucious Smith. The stage was filled with floral arrangements, with photographs and film of Jackson and the Jackson 5 projected onto screens at the back. Music and video montages traced his life from the beginning of his career to the end. Jackson's brothers, sitting in the front row, each wore a single white sequined glove in tribute to their brother. Mariah Carey, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Jennifer Hudson, Usher, Jermaine Jackson, and Shaheen Jafargholi sang Jackson's songs, and John Mayer", "\"Jonathan Moffett\"\nMariah Carey, Jennifer Hudson, Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, and of course, the Jackson Family including Michael's children. Following Michael Jackson's passing, Moffett drummed around the world honoring the pop star with Cirque du Soleil's (2.10.2011 – 31.8.2014). The tour is listed as one of the top-grossing tours of all time with a gross revenue of $360 million totaling 501 shows at 157 venues in 28 countries worldwide. Moffett also performed at the \"\"Australian Music Show (AIMS)\"\" and hosted a drum clinic in which he performed ten Michael Jackson songs that were supposed to be on \"\"This Is It\"\". Most recently", "\"Number 1 to Infinity (concert residency)\"\nfans will enjoy this cause I'm gonna be performing, which was kind of inspired by my album \"\"#1's\"\", and this is now the updated version with eighteen of them. Hopefully other people will enjoy this. I've never done this before.\"\" Tickets went on sale January 15, 2015. Robin Leach from the \"\"Las Vegas Sun\"\" praised the opening performance, writing the singer \"\"is the highest-pitched contemporary pop singer of the decade.\"\" Leg 6 has been rescheduled. Originally ran from April 26th 2017 - May 18th 2017. Due to the announced joint tour between Lionel Richie and Mariah Carey, the original dates", "\"One Night with You: The Best of Love, Volume 2\"\nstudio albums such as \"\"Songs\"\" (1994), \"\"This Is Christmas\"\" (1995), \"\"Never Let Me Go\"\" (1993), \"\"Power of Love\"\" (1991) and \"\"Your Secret Love\"\" (1996). The album also contains his then-biggest pop hits such as \"\"Power of Love/Love Power\"\", an alternate club mix of \"\"The Best Things in Life Are Free\"\" (a duet with Janet Jackson from the \"\"Mo' Money\"\" soundtrack) and a cover of the Lionel Richie/Diana Ross recording \"\"Endless Love\"\" with Mariah Carey, which became his biggest hit on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 peaking at number two. The album was moderately successful, reaching the top 50 of the \"\"Billboard\"\"", "\"Peter Michael Escovedo\"\nManilow, Stevie Nicks, Justin Timberlake and Luther Vandross. He has toured with headliners including Mariah Carey, Lionel Richie and Tina Turner and has recorded with artists such as Barbra Streisand, Patti LaBelle and Kenny G. In 2014, Peter Escovedo was invited along with his father Pete and his brother Juan, by producer Gerry Gallagher to record with Latin rock legends El Chicano as well as Alphonse Mouzon, Brian Auger, Alex Ligertwood, Siedah Garrett, Walfredo Reyes Jr., Ray Parker Jr., Vikki Carr, Marcos J. Reyes, Lenny Castro, Salvador Santana, and David Paich and is featured on percussion on a remake of", "\"Lin Yu-chun\"\nYou\"\". Lin Yu Chun's debut is a mini-album, \"\"I Will Always Love You\"\", released in Japanese on 8 September 2010 specially for the Japanese market. It contains 4 songs from Lin's upcoming international debut, \"\"It's My Time\"\", and a Japanese-only bonus track, \"\"Hello,\"\" a Japanese cover of Lionel Richie's hit from 1984. Lin's full-length international debut album, \"\"It's My Time\"\", was released on 17 September 2010, as a compilation of English-language pop songs previously recorded by major artists such as Mariah Carey, Kelly Clarkson, etc. The song \"\"Under Your Wings\"\" was written new for this album by Grammy-winning musician Walter", "\"Death of Michael Jackson\"\nin 24 hours, and over a half-billion hits to the webpage. The service was broadcast live around the world, and was believed to have been watched by more than 2.5 billion people. Jackson's solid-bronze casket (which reportedly cost USD $25,000) was placed in front of the stage. Numerous celebrity guests attended the services. His brothers each wore a single, white, sparkling glove, while Stevie Wonder, Mariah Carey, Lionel Richie, Jermaine Jackson and others sang his songs. Jackson's then 11-year-old daughter, Paris, broke down as she told the crowd, \"\"I just want to say, ever since I was born, Daddy has", "\"Manuel Seal\"\nthree songs on that album. Usher's \"\"My Way\"\" album went 7x Platinum and Manuel wrote seven of the 10 songs on the album, including \"\"You Make Me Wanna\"\", \"\"My Way\"\", and \"\"Nice and Slow\"\". Mariah Carey's \"\"Daydream\"\" album sold 25 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling albums of all time. Manuel wrote \"\"Always Be My Baby\"\", among others. He went on to write numerous hits for Jagged Edge, Aretha Franklin, Destiny's Child, Bebe Winans, LSG, Johnny Gill, George Benson, Tamia, Aaron Hall, Mary J. Blige, Monica, Lionel Richie, Ashanti and Gerald Levert. Major success came with \"\"My", "\"Britney: Piece of Me\"\nSteve Sisolak and Planet Hollywood regional president David Hoenemeyer. Since the show's debut, other major performers, such as Jennifer Lopez, Pitbull, the Backstreet Boys, Mariah Carey and Lady Gaga, have followed in Spears' footsteps and accepted residency offers as well. Like Spears, Lopez is also headlining at The AXIS, but for a shorter period of time. Several high-profile celebrities such as Beyoncé, Lionel Richie, Avril Lavigne, Calvin Harris, Jay Z, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry, Shania Twain, Sia, Selena Gomez, Serena Williams, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Tyler, Kelly Clarkson, Paris Hilton, Paula Abdul, Kesha, Zac Efron, Bruno Mars,", "\"Rex Salas\"\nRex Salas Rex Salas (born March 16, 1962) is a Grammy and Emmy Award nominated American record producer, songwriter, musical director, and music arranger. Best known in recent years for his work as the musical director for Janet Jackson on several of her tours, Salas has worked with Vanessa Williams, Justin Timberlake, Cher, Boyz II Men, Robert Palmer, Mariah Carey, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, JC Chasez, Earth, Wind and Fire,, Robin Thicke, 50 Cent, Jessica Simpson, Nicole Scherzinger, Taylor Dayne, Lindsay Lohan, Adam Levine, Brandy, Maxwell, Leona Lewis, Brian McKnight, Teddy Pendergrass, The Isley Brothers, The Jacksons, UB40, Jeffrey", "\"Orin Isaacs\"\nrecently producing and performing on the Indie Soul EP by Canadian songwriter, singer and recording artist AHI. As a bandleader and/or bassist, Isaacs has worked with Mariah Carey, Martina McBride, Natasha Bedingfield, Billy Ray Cyrus, Kid Rock, Roger Hudgson, Lionel Richie, Patti Labelle, Richard Marx, Paul Shaffer, George Clinton, Deborah Cox, Brett Michaels, Macy Gray, David Cox, Rich Little, Dennis Deyoung, Paul Anka, Tom Jones, Anne Murray, Martin Short, Burton Cummings, and William Shatner. He has received an Eva Award, The Harry Jerome Award for Professional Excellence, Urban Music Industry Special Achievement Award, The Reel Black Award for composition, a", "\"Rex Salas\"\nand groups: Rex Salas at<br> Rex Salas at<br> Rex Salas at [] Rex Salas Rex Salas (born March 16, 1962) is a Grammy and Emmy Award nominated American record producer, songwriter, musical director, and music arranger. Best known in recent years for his work as the musical director for Janet Jackson on several of her tours, Salas has worked with Vanessa Williams, Justin Timberlake, Cher, Boyz II Men, Robert Palmer, Mariah Carey, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, JC Chasez, Earth, Wind and Fire,, Robin Thicke, 50 Cent, Jessica Simpson, Nicole Scherzinger, Taylor Dayne, Lindsay Lohan, Adam Levine,", "\"Kevin De Freitas\"\nFilm Festival. Over 10,000 middle school students per year watch the film, from Philadelphia to Washington, D. C., to spark conversations about bullying, the power of education, and the ripple effect of making positive decisions. He currently lives in Los Angeles, CA. Kevin De Freitas Kevin De Freitas is an award-winning Canadian music video and commercial director. He has directed videos for bands such as Hedley, The Waking Eyes, Big Sugar and Armchair Cynics. The solo artists he's worked with include Mariah Carey, Lionel Richie, Carl Thomas (singer), Pharoahe Monch, Loon (rapper), DJ Kay Slay, Mims (rapper), Maestro Fresh Wes,", "\"Stargate (music producers)\"\nStargate (music producers) Stargate is a Norwegian record producing and songwriting team composed of Tor Erik Hermansen (born 14 October 1972) and Mikkel Storleer Eriksen (born 10 December 1972), based in Los Angeles. The team's genres include R&B, pop and hip hop. Stargate was established in Trondheim, Norway. They have produced and written or only produced for Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Samantha Mumba, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Mary J. Blige, Ne-Yo, Katy Perry, Coldplay, P!nk, Sia, Kylie Minogue, Lionel Richie and others. Stargate broke into the American recording industry in 2006, with the release of", "\"Manuel Seal\"\nBoo\"\" from Usher's \"\"Confessions\"\" (Special Edition), which went on to sell more than 10 million copies in America. Seal also won a Grammy Award for his contribution on Mariah Carey's \"\"We Belong Together\"\" from The Emancipation of Mimi. He continued with Mariah Carey's follow-up album \"\"E=MC²\"\", Usher's \"\"Here I Stand\"\", and Janet Jackson's \"\"20 Y.O.\"\" and \"\"Discipline\"\". Manuel Seal Manuel Seal Jr. (born September 26, 1960) is an American multi-instrumentalist, record producer, composer, singer, songwriter, vocal coach, and arranger. His credits include artists as Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Usher, TLC, Aretha Franklin, Xscape, Cherish, Tyrese, Alicia Keys, Ashanti, Monica, Lionel", "\"Manuel Seal\"\nManuel Seal Manuel Seal Jr. (born September 26, 1960) is an American multi-instrumentalist, record producer, composer, singer, songwriter, vocal coach, and arranger. His credits include artists as Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Usher, TLC, Aretha Franklin, Xscape, Cherish, Tyrese, Alicia Keys, Ashanti, Monica, Lionel Richie, Avant, Gladys Knight, Aaron Hall, George Benson, Mary J Blige, Da Brat, Jagged Edge, El DeBarge, Shanice, Johnny Gill, LSG, Tamia, Gerald Levert, Marc Dorsey and Destiny's Child. He has won one Grammy Award from 13 nominations. Manuel Seal is the owner and CEO of Seal Music Productions. Inc. and S.L.A.C.K.A.D. Music. Manuel as born in", "KWAV\nan R&B-leaning playlist with Cher, Mariah Carey, Gloria Estefan, Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, Paula Abdul, The Pointer Sisters, Vanessa Williams, Brian McKnight, Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Smokey Robinson, Timmy T, Stevie B, Expose, and Ace of Base as core artists. Other core artists included Amy Grant, Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart, Sting, Michael Bolton, Billy Joel, Richard Marx, Paul Young, Restless Heart, Don Hensley, Foreigner, Bonnie Raitt, Bruce Hornsby, Huey Lewis, Heart, Roxette, Basia, and Swingout Sister. Also included were numerous pop/alternative crossover tracks by Melissa Etheridge, Duran Duran, Carrie Underwood, Lisa Loeb, Hootie & The Blowfish, Meatloaf,", "\"Rodney Jerkins\"\nBrandy, Patti LaBelle, Joe, The Saturdays, Toni Braxton, Vanessa Williams, Will Smith, Keyshia Cole, Monica, Michael Jackson, Ayumi Hamasaki, Cher, Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Lopez, Aaliyah, Britney Spears, Mary Mary, Kirk Franklin, Kierra Sheard, The Black Eyed Peas, Destiny's Child, Spice Girls, TLC, Janet Jackson, Danity Kane, Beyoncé, Linda Király, Lady Gaga, Cascada, Tamia, Pussycat Dolls, Whitney Houston, Natasha Bedingfield, Mary J. Blige, Lionel Richie, Tiffany Evans, JYJ, Wonder Girls, Austin Brown, Kanye West, Katy Perry, Utada Hikaru, Hala Al Turk, Nelly Furtado, Justin Bieber, Brian McKnight and LMFAO. In the 2010s, he has produced songs for Mariah Carey, Leona Lewis,", "\"Kevin De Freitas\"\nKevin De Freitas Kevin De Freitas is an award-winning Canadian music video and commercial director. He has directed videos for bands such as Hedley, The Waking Eyes, Big Sugar and Armchair Cynics. The solo artists he's worked with include Mariah Carey, Lionel Richie, Carl Thomas (singer), Pharoahe Monch, Loon (rapper), DJ Kay Slay, Mims (rapper), Maestro Fresh Wes, Kardinal Offishall, Choclair, Classified (rapper), Saukrates, Sean Paul, Wayne Wonder, Lady Saw, T.O.K., Snow (musician), Donnie McClurkin, Kirk Franklin, Amanda Perez, Keshia Chanté, Shawn Desman, Carolyn Dawn Johnson, Serena Ryder and Steven Page among many others. De Freitas has received numerous awards", "\"Paul Boutin (sound engineer)\"\nPaul Boutin (sound engineer) Paul Boutin is a French-born American music mixer, audio engineer and a long-time collaborator with producer/songwriter/artist Kenneth \"\"Babyface\"\" Edmonds. Over the last 20 years, Paul Boutin contributed to more than 50 gold or platinum records as engineer/mixer of songs performed by famous artists such as Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Barbra Streisand, Stevie Wonder, Celine Dion, John Legend, Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey, Phil Collins, Janet Jackson, John Mellencamp, Lionel Richie, Toni Braxton, Alicia Keys, Usher, Pink, Jamie Foxx, Ariana Grande, TLC, Boyz II Men and Fall Out Boy among others. As engineer, Paul Boutin won a Grammy", "\"Humberto Gatica\"\nDaniele, Madonna, Elton John, Josh Groban, Kansas, Kenny G, Kenny Loggins, Sheena Easton, Marie Osmond, Donny Osmond, Kenny Rogers, LeAnn Rimes, Lionel Richie, Mariah Carey, Michael Bublé, Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Michael McDonald, 'N Sync, Metallica, Paul Anka, Roxette, R. Kelly, Jackie Evancho, Tina Turner, Whitney Houston, Eros Ramazzotti, Ebrahim Hamedi (EBI), Paulinho da Costa, and Johnny Mathis. In the Latin field he has worked with artists including Gloria Trevi, Thalia, Shakira, Mónica Naranjo, Alejandro Sanz, Cafe Quijano, Olga Tañon, Luis Miguel, La Ley, Gloria Estefan, Marc Anthony, Ricky Martin, Myriam Hernandez, and Alejandro Lerner. Since November 2014 Humberto Gatica", "\"Star Academy (French TV series)\"\nguest stars such as Madonna, Britney Spears, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Mariah Carey, Céline Dion, The Corrs, Texas, Simple Plan, Moby, Tina Arena, Nelly Furtado, Tokio Hotel, Anastacia, Alicia Keys, Craig David, 50 Cent,, Destiny's Child, James Blunt, Diddy, Sting, David Guetta, Lenny Kravitz, Janet Jackson, Liza Minnelli, Phil Collins, Laura Pausini, Kylie Minogue, Dannii Minogue, Tina Turner, Andrea Bocelli, Charles Aznavour, Hélène Ségara, Peter Kingsbery, Lara Fabian, Shania Twain, Avril Lavigne, Alizée, Johnny Hallyday, Paul Anka, Lionel Richie, Alanis Morissette, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Bee Gees, and Ricky Martin. The contestants are", "\"Here Is Mariah Carey\"\nHere Is Mariah Carey Here Is Mariah Carey, also known simply as Mariah Carey or Mariah's Thanksgiving NBC Special, was Mariah Carey's third DVD/video release. It presents Carey performing live at Proctor's Theatre in Schenectady, New York on July 16, 1993. The video was originally released in late 1993, and the DVD was released on September 12, 2006. First shown as a television special on Thanksgiving 1993 on NBC, the video presents Carey performing a concert to celebrate and promote her \"\"Music Box\"\" album. She performed four songs from \"\"Music Box\"\": \"\"Dreamlover\"\", \"\"Hero\"\", \"\"Without You\"\", and \"\"Anytime You Need a", "\"Here Is Mariah Carey\"\n\"\"Hero\"\" from this concert were later used for audio release as official live versions on commercial/promo singles. Here Is Mariah Carey Here Is Mariah Carey, also known simply as Mariah Carey or Mariah's Thanksgiving NBC Special, was Mariah Carey's third DVD/video release. It presents Carey performing live at Proctor's Theatre in Schenectady, New York on July 16, 1993. The video was originally released in late 1993, and the DVD was released on September 12, 2006. First shown as a television special on Thanksgiving 1993 on NBC, the video presents Carey performing a concert to celebrate and promote her \"\"Music Box\"\"", "\"Endless Love (song)\"\nfor Richie during the 1980s. Ross recorded a solo version of the song for her first RCA Records album, \"\"Why Do Fools Fall in Love\"\", the duet version being her last hit on Motown. The song was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song for Richie, and was the second song with which Ross was involved that was nominated for an Oscar. It also won a 1982 American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Single. Walter Afanasieff produced Luther Vandross and Mariah Carey's cover of the song for Vandross' Epic Records-released album \"\"Songs\"\", and it is known for being", "\"Rainbow (Mariah Carey album)\"\nand \"\"Can't Take That Away (Mariah's Theme)\"\" were released simultaneously as a double A-side, with very limited promotion from Sony. These two songs, especially the latter, became the center of a very public controversy between Carey and her label, due to their alleged low promotion of the album. Carey and Snoop Dogg were featured in the music video for \"\"Crybaby,\"\" with Carey playing an anxious woman who can't sleep at night due to her lover's infidelity. A music video for \"\"Can't Take That Away\"\" was released around the same time, which features Carey on a rooftop garden. Carey sings during", "\"Someday (Mariah Carey song)\"\nreleased videos of herself talking about the videos to songs on the compilation. For \"\"Someday,\"\" Carey stated that she dislikes the video, mainly because of the \"\"tomfoolery\"\" scenes of the kids. She said that she would've kept only the closeups and that the girl playing the younger version of herself was cute. US CD Maxi single \"\"Someday\"\" 7\"\" \"\"Someday\"\" 12\"\" Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"\"Mariah Carey\"\". \"\"Someday\"\" remixes and alternate versions co-produced by Shep Pettibone with Ric Wake. Someday (Mariah Carey song) \"\"Someday\"\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey from her self-titled debut", "\"The Elusive Chanteuse Show\"\nThe Elusive Chanteuse Show The Elusive Chanteuse Show was a two-legged headlining concert tour by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey. It was launched in support of her fourteenth studio album, \"\"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse\"\" (2014). The tour began in Tokyo, Japan on October 4, 2014 and concluded in Brisbane, Australia on November 16, 2014, and was successful as Mariah Carey became the first ever western artist to play 5 stadiums in China. In December 2012, Carey's manager Randy Jackson confirmed that the singer would embark on a world tour following the release of her fourteenth studio", "\"Someday (Mariah Carey song)\"\n(2015–17). The fourth song on the track list of \"\"Mariah Carey\"\", \"\"Someday\"\" is the album's first up-tempo track. It is a dance-pop song with new jack swing influences, which lasts for a duration of four minutes, six seconds. Lyrically, it is about how Carey is \"\"gleefully\"\" waiting for bad karma to come to her ex-boyfriend who \"\"dumped\"\" her, which can be heard in the lyrics \"\"Cause I know you'll soon discover / you're needing me in spite of all the others.\"\" AllMusic writer Ashley S. Battel said it is \"\"energetic\"\". To mark twenty-five years since the release of \"\"Mariah Carey\"\"", "\"Can't Let Go (Mariah Carey song)\"\nCan't Let Go (Mariah Carey song) \"\"Can't Let Go\"\" is a song by American singer Mariah Carey from her second album \"\"Emotions\"\" (1991). It was released as the album's second single in the fourth quarter of 1991 in the United States and the first quarter of 1992 elsewhere. The protagonist of this synthesizer-heavy ballad laments an ex-lover who has moved on, and though she tries she \"\"can't let go.\"\" Carey had fallen out with her songwriting partner Ben Margulies following a financial dispute, and her record label suggested that she work with the other producers of her debut album such", "\"Through the Rain\"\nThrough the Rain \"\"Through the Rain\"\" is a song by American singer Mariah Carey, taken from her ninth studio album, \"\"Charmbracelet\"\" (2002). It was written by Carey and Lionel Cole, and produced by the former and Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. The song was released as the album's lead single on October 17, 2002, and a shorter version was used as the ending credits theme for a 2002 Japanese drama known as \"\"You're Under Arrest\"\". Classified by Carey as a ballad, it is influenced by pop and R&B music genres, and features a simple and under-stated piano melody, backed by", "\"Through the Rain\"\nsingle US CD maxi-single Credits for \"\"Through the Rain\"\" adapted from the \"\"Charmbracelet\"\" liner notes. Through the Rain \"\"Through the Rain\"\" is a song by American singer Mariah Carey, taken from her ninth studio album, \"\"Charmbracelet\"\" (2002). It was written by Carey and Lionel Cole, and produced by the former and Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. The song was released as the album's lead single on October 17, 2002, and a shorter version was used as the ending credits theme for a 2002 Japanese drama known as \"\"You're Under Arrest\"\". Classified by Carey as a ballad, it is influenced by", "\"The Elusive Chanteuse Show\"\n\"\"I'm That Chick\"\" instrumental / \"\"Honey\"\" Interlude: \"\"Meteorite\"\" performed by background dancers. Interlude: We Belong Together (DJ Clue Remix) The Elusive Chanteuse Show The Elusive Chanteuse Show was a two-legged headlining concert tour by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey. It was launched in support of her fourteenth studio album, \"\"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse\"\" (2014). The tour began in Tokyo, Japan on October 4, 2014 and concluded in Brisbane, Australia on November 16, 2014, and was successful as Mariah Carey became the first ever western artist to play 5 stadiums in China. In December 2012, Carey's manager", "\"Greatest Hits (Mariah Carey album)\"\nGreatest Hits (Mariah Carey album) Greatest Hits is the first greatest hits album by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, released in the United States on December 4, 2001 by Columbia Records. It is a greatest hits double album: CD 1 is primarily a collection of Carey's hits from 1990 to 1995, while CD 2 is primarily a collection of hits from 1996 to 2000. In 2011, the album was re-issued outside the US with the same track listing, under the title of \"\"The Essential Mariah Carey\"\". Carey had previously released the compilation album \"\"#1's\"\" (1998), but the release of", "\"Lionel Richie\"\nCommodores. In September 2017, ABC announced that Richie would be a judge for the revival of \"\"American Idol\"\". On December 3, 2017, Lionel Richie received the Kennedy Center Honors. In recent years, Richie has become a phenomenon in various Arab states, and has performed in Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Libya. John Berman for ABC News reported in 2006 that \"\"Grown Iraqi men get misty-eyed by the mere mention of his name. 'I love Lionel Richie,' they say. They can sing an entire Lionel Richie song.\"\" Berman wrote that Richie said he was told that Iraqi civilians were playing", "\"Butterfly (Mariah Carey album)\"\nnotable for pushing Carey further towards hip hop and R&B than before. The music video gained further attention, as Carey, for the first time in her career, was provocatively dressed, giving viewers a \"\"taste of the freer Mariah.\"\" The Puerto Rico-filmed video's concept was created by Carey with Paul Hunter filling in as the director. Featuring a James Bond theme, Carey was a \"\"very sexy agent M\"\", in the words of Nickson, who escapes a large mansion in which she has been held captive. Carey said of the video: \"\"I don't really think the video is overtly sexual, but for", "\"Mariah Carey albums discography\"\neffort, \"\"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse\"\", became the lowest selling release of her career. Her fifteenth studio album, \"\"Caution\"\", was released in November 2018. Mariah Carey albums discography American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey has released fifteen studio albums, one live album, three compilation albums, four greatest hits albums, one extended play, and one remix album. Carey is one of the best-selling music artists of all-time, having sold over 200 million records globally. She was presented with the Millennium Award at the 2000 World Music Awards for becoming the best-selling female artist of the millennium. According to the", "\"The First Vision\"\nThe First Vision The First Vision is Mariah Carey's first video release. It is a collection of music videos, live performances, and behind-the-scenes footage detailing the creation of Carey's debut album \"\"Mariah Carey\"\". The home video was originally released on VHS in 1991, while the DVD was released in Japan in late 2004. Music videos of four \"\"Mariah Carey\"\" singles—\"\"Vision of Love\"\", \"\"Love Takes Time\"\", \"\"Someday\"\", and \"\"I Don't Wanna Cry\"\"—are featured on this collection; snippets of the album's other single, \"\"There's Got to Be a Way\"\", are also included. The collection also includes the debut showcase (the first public", "\"Endless Love (song)\"\never and gave Lionel Richie his first top ten as a songwriter in seven years. It became Vandross's fifth top-ten single and Carey's twelfth. It remained in the top forty for thirteen weeks, and was ranked number 56 on the Hot 100 1994 year-end charts. It was also an improvement over Carey's previous single, \"\"Anytime You Need a Friend\"\", which had missed the top ten. It was certified gold by the RIAA. The song was a success outside the U.S, reaching the top of the chart in New Zealand (for five weeks) and the top five in the United Kingdom,", "\"Butterfly (Mariah Carey song)\"\nprograms. In the US, Carey first performed the song live on the Late Show with David Letterman, prior to an interview. Carey wore a mid-length black gown for the performance, and was accompanied by three back-up singers, Walter Afanasieff on piano and Randy Jackson playing the bass. On November 15, Carey performed the song live on Saturday Night Live, alongside \"\"My All.\"\" The performance featured the same musicians on set, with the exception of Afanasieff, who was absent. On September 12, Carey sang \"\"Butterfly\"\" live on The Oprah Winfrey Show alongside her previous hit, \"\"Hero.\"\" For her appearance, Carey wore", "\"Mariah Carey\"\nfirst musical act since the Jackson 5 to have their first four singles reach number one. \"\"Mariah Carey\"\" finished as the best-selling album in the United States in 1991, while totaling sales of over 15 million copies. Carey began recording her second studio album, \"\"Emotions\"\", in 1991. She described it as an homage to Motown soul music, as she felt the need to pay tribute to the type of music that had influenced her as a child. For the project, Carey worked with Walter Afanasieff, who only had a small role on her debut, as well as Robert Clivillés and", "\"Lionel Richie discography\"\nreleased in 2012 and peaked at number one on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" 200, making it his third number one album on the chart. Lionel Richie discography Lionel Richie is an American R&B and pop singer-songwriter, who has released ten studio albums, three live albums, and seven compilation albums. Formerly the lead vocalist of The Commodores, Richie began a solo career in the early 1980s and has released over 40 singles, five of which became number-one hits on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. Richie's first three studio albums have all been certified \"\"Multi-Platinum\"\" by the Recording Industry Association of America. His", "\"Honey (Mariah Carey song)\"\nnumber 29 and 30 in Belgium Flanders and Wallonia. Aside from the attention surrounding the song, the music video garnered much speculation. For the first time in her career, Carey was featured provocatively dressed, giving viewers a \"\"taste of the freer Mariah.\"\" The video's concept was created by Carey with Paul Hunter filling in as the director. Serving a James Bond theme, Carey was cast as \"\"the very sexy agent M\"\", a woman who escapes a large mansion in which she has been held captive. Carey said of the video that \"\"I don't really think the video is overtly sexual,", "\"E=MC² (Mariah Carey album)\"\n\"\"I'm That Chick\"\". As the release date drew near, the title was changed to \"\"E=MC²\"\", in reference to Carey's previous album, \"\"The Emancipation of Mimi\"\" (2005). The title signifies \"\"(E) Emancipation (=) of (MC) Mariah Carey (²) to the second power\"\". It is a word play on Albert Einstein's famous mass–energy equivalence formula and has been dubbed as the sequel and improved counterpart to \"\"The Emancipation of Mimi\"\". In his review of the album, Alex Macpherson from \"\"The Guardian\"\" described his thoughts on its title, as well as its meaning: It is worth pondering what the title of Mariah Carey's", "\"Hero (Mariah Carey song)\"\nopportunity to help someone. She first performed the song in concert during her stateside Music Box Tour. During the song's recital, Carey donned a black gown and matching sandals, while sporting her signature golden locks of the time. During her performances at the Tokyo Dome on her Daydream World Tour (1996), Carey performed the song as one of the closing numbers. Prior to the song, Carey introduced Afanasieff, who played the organ throughout the tour. Carey appeared on stage with a straightened hairstyle, and a long black evening gown. On her Butterfly World Tour in 1998, Carey performed \"\"Hero\"\" as", "\"The Star (Mariah Carey song)\"\nThe Star (Mariah Carey song) \"\"The Star\"\" is a song performed by American singer-songwriter Mariah Carey. It was released on October 19, 2017, as the first release from the soundtrack of the film of the same name. The song was nominated for the Best Original Song at the 75th Golden Globe Awards. The song is performed in the key of B major with a tempo of 118 beats per minute. The first half of the final chorus is in the key of D major with the last half and outro of the song set in E major. Carey's vocals span", "\"Lionel Richie discography\"\nLionel Richie discography Lionel Richie is an American R&B and pop singer-songwriter, who has released ten studio albums, three live albums, and seven compilation albums. Formerly the lead vocalist of The Commodores, Richie began a solo career in the early 1980s and has released over 40 singles, five of which became number-one hits on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. Richie's first three studio albums have all been certified \"\"Multi-Platinum\"\" by the Recording Industry Association of America. His second album, \"\"Can't Slow Down\"\", is his most successful, being certified 10× Platinum (i.e. Diamond) in the US. The album spent 59 consecutive", "\"Caution (Mariah Carey album)\"\nTy Dolla $ign, succeeded it as the second promotional single from the album. \"\"A No No\"\" was released as the album's third promotional single on November 1, 2018. Notes Sample credits Caution (Mariah Carey album) Caution is the fifteenth studio album by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, released on November 16, 2018, by Epic Records. The album was supported by the lead single \"\"With You\"\", as well as by the promotional singles \"\"GTFO\"\", \"\"The Distance\"\", and \"\"A No No\"\". It is Carey's first studio project in four years, following \"\"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse\"\" (2014). \"\"Caution\"\" received", "\"I Don't Wanna Cry\"\nI Don't Wanna Cry \"\"I Don't Wanna Cry\"\" is a song written by Mariah Carey and Narada Michael Walden, and produced by Walden for Carey's debut album, \"\"Mariah Carey\"\" (1990). The ballad was released as the album's fourth single in the second quarter of 1991. It became another U.S. number one single for Carey. Like the previous singles released from \"\"Mariah Carey\"\", the song received a BMI Pop Award. \"\"I Don't Wanna Cry\"\" is a soulful R&B slow jam featuring acoustic guitars. Its lyrics talk about Carey and her lover being involved in a tumultuous relationship. It was Carey's first", "\"Number 1's (Mariah Carey album)\"\nsong from \"\"Butterfly\"\", \"\"My All\"\", spent one week atop the charts. Carey described the song as \"\"[having] a lush sound and intense styling.\"\" Solely written by Carey and Walter Afanasieff, \"\"My All\"\" featured guitar arpeggios, which were synthetically created with the clever use of sampling and playing keyboard notes. As a result, the song was well-received, being called a \"\"slinky, slow jam R&B sound, that fit Mariah like a glove.\"\" Since Carey intended \"\"#1's\"\" to serve as a sign of gratitude to her fans, the album contained four new songs not previously included on her albums. The first was a", "B-stage\n2001–2003, Aerosmith would play three songs on this stage during the middle of the show, and in more recent years, the band members go back and forth between the main stage and the B-stage throughout their performances via a catwalk. Bon Jovi made use of such a stage during their 2008 Lost Highway Tour in which Jon Bon Jovi (and sometimes Richie Sambora) would sing ballads such as \"\"Bed of Roses\"\", \"\"Always\"\", or \"\"Living in Sin\"\" from a smaller stage closer to the crowd, while the rest of the band performed on the main stage. Mariah Carey also used a", "\"Crybaby (Mariah Carey song)\"\non April 11, 2000, she threw the audience small stuffed bears and completed the song while lying in the bed on stage. After the song's bridge, Snoop's pre-recorded verse was played over the background vocals. The song was also performed on select nights of The Elusive Chanteuse Show tour in 2014. The most recent performance of the song however, was on Carey's ongoing residency, The Butterfly Returns, on August 31st. Credits adapted from the \"\"Rainbow\"\" liner notes. Crybaby (Mariah Carey song) \"\"Crybaby\"\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey featuring American rapper Snoop Dogg. It was released", "\"Rainbow (Mariah Carey album)\"\nRainbow (Mariah Carey album) Rainbow is the seventh studio album by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey. It was released on November 2, 1999, by Columbia Records. The album followed the same pattern as Carey's previous two albums, \"\"Daydream\"\" (1995) and \"\"Butterfly\"\" (1997), in which she began her transition into the urban market. \"\"Rainbow\"\" contains a mix of hip hop-influenced R&B jams, as well as a variety of slow ballads. On the album, Carey worked with David Foster and Diane Warren, who, as well as Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis, replaced Walter Afanasieff, the main balladeer Carey worked with throughout", "\"Rainbow (Mariah Carey album)\"\nRainbow (Mariah Carey album) Rainbow is the seventh studio album by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey. It was released on November 2, 1999, by Columbia Records. The album followed the same pattern as Carey's previous two albums, \"\"Daydream\"\" (1995) and \"\"Butterfly\"\" (1997), in which she began her transition into the urban market. \"\"Rainbow\"\" contains a mix of hip hop-influenced R&B jams, as well as a variety of slow ballads. On the album, Carey worked with David Foster and Diane Warren, who, as well as Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis, replaced Walter Afanasieff, the main balladeer Carey worked with throughout", "\"Lionel Cole\"\nMarie. Cole had many roles on this project as lead singer, pianist and producer. In addition he did a turn as a featured vocalist in John Powell's score for \"\"The Bourne Identity\"\" (2002), a two-year stint as band leader on the television series \"\"Malcolm and Eddie\"\" and played piano with Ivan Neville and his ensemble. Cole was featured as part of Robert Downey Jr.'s band on \"\"The Oprah Winfrey Show\"\", the \"\"Tonight Show\"\", \"\"Ellen\"\", and \"\"Good Morning America\"\". Cole's work with singer Mariah Carey included piano playing on her number 1 single \"\"Never Too Far Hero\"\", and co-writing three songs,", "\"Lionel Richie (album)\"\nLionel Richie (album) Lionel Richie is the eponymous debut solo studio album by American singer Lionel Richie, released on October 6, 1982, on Motown Records. It was recorded and released while Richie was still a member of the Commodores; he would leave the group shortly after the album's release. The first single from the album, \"\"Truly\"\", topped the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. Follow-up single \"\"You Are\"\" reached number four, and \"\"My Love\"\" reached number five. The album was also a hit, reaching number one on the \"\"Cashbox\"\" albums chart on December 11, 1982. In 2003, \"\"Lionel Richie\"\" was re-released as part", "\"Michael Farrell (musician)\"\nVampire Slayer. Farrell has toured with other artists such as Vanessa Carlton, Alanis Morissette and Vanessa Brown. Both for whom he played keyboards and guitar. At various times he has also shared the stage with Mariah Carey, Melissa Etheridge, Lee \"\"Scratch\"\" Perry, Ruben Studdard, Dave Navarro and Camp Freddy, RuPaul, Ben Lee, Kimberly Locke, Anthony Rapp, Sally Kellerman, Jean Smart, Neil Patrick Harris, Scott Record, and Dan Finnerty and the Dan Band. Most recently he has played Keyboards on the Alanis Morissette The Guardian Angel Tour European, North and South American Tour in 2012. In 2014, he toured with Richie", "\"Caution (Mariah Carey album)\"\nCaution (Mariah Carey album) Caution is the fifteenth studio album by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, released on November 16, 2018, by Epic Records. The album was supported by the lead single \"\"With You\"\", as well as by the promotional singles \"\"GTFO\"\", \"\"The Distance\"\", and \"\"A No No\"\". It is Carey's first studio project in four years, following \"\"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse\"\" (2014). \"\"Caution\"\" received universal acclaim from critics. It was also included in several year-end lists by music critics and publications. \"\"Caution\"\" was met with widespread critical acclaim. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating", "\"Never Forget You (Mariah Carey song)\"\nNever Forget You (Mariah Carey song) \"\"Never Forget You\"\" is a song performed by American singer Mariah Carey. It was co-written by Carey and Babyface. It was produced by Carey, Babyface, and Daryl Simmons for Carey's third studio album, \"\"Music Box\"\" (1993). It was released as the fourth single from \"\"Music Box\"\" in the first quarter of 1994, as a double A-side with a cover of Badfinger's \"\"Without You.\"\" Lyrically, the song's protagonist describes her ex-lover and although they have since moved on, she will never forget them. No music video was commissioned for the album version or any of", "\"MTV Unplugged (Mariah Carey EP)\"\nMTV Unplugged (Mariah Carey EP) MTV Unplugged is a live EP by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, released in the United States on June 2, 1992 by Columbia Records. Following the success of Carey's previous two albums and the growing critical commentary on her lack of concert tours and unsubstantial televised performances, Sony BMG organised a performance show at the Kaufman Astoria Studios, New York on March 16, 1992. The show, titled \"\"MTV Unplugged\"\", originally aired on MTV to help promote Carey's album \"\"Emotions\"\", as well as help shun critics who deemed Carey a possible studio artist. However, after", "\"MTV Unplugged (Mariah Carey EP)\"\nMTV Unplugged (Mariah Carey EP) MTV Unplugged is a live EP by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, released in the United States on June 2, 1992 by Columbia Records. Following the success of Carey's previous two albums and the growing critical commentary on her lack of concert tours and unsubstantial televised performances, Sony BMG organised a performance show at the Kaufman Astoria Studios, New York on March 16, 1992. The show, titled \"\"MTV Unplugged\"\", originally aired on MTV to help promote Carey's album \"\"Emotions\"\", as well as help shun critics who deemed Carey a possible studio artist. However, after", "\"The Star (Mariah Carey song)\"\nfrom F to D. The music video for the song was released on November 16, 2017. It features scenes of Carey in a white gown interlaced with clips from the film. Carey's twins, Moroccan and Monroe Cannon, are present at the end of the video singing the hook, \"\"Follow your heart; it's Christmas.\"\" The Star (Mariah Carey song) \"\"The Star\"\" is a song performed by American singer-songwriter Mariah Carey. It was released on October 19, 2017, as the first release from the soundtrack of the film of the same name. The song was nominated for the Best Original Song at", "\"The Remixes (Mariah Carey album)\"\nThe Remixes (Mariah Carey album) The Remixes is the first remix album by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, released in the United States on October 3, 2003 by Columbia Records. It is primarily a collection of remixes of some of Carey's songs: disc one is compiled of club mixes, while disc two contains Carey's hip hop collaborations and remixes. The album features Carey's duet with Busta Rhymes, \"\"I Know What You Want\"\" (2003), originally recorded for Rhymes' album \"\"It Ain't Safe No More\"\". It also includes two tracks previously only available in Japan: the So So Def Remix of", "\"Infinity (Mariah Carey song)\"\nInfinity (Mariah Carey song) \"\"Infinity\"\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey from her sixth compilation album, \"\"#1 to Infinity\"\" (2015). It was released by Epic Records on April 27, 2015, as the only single from the album. Carey wrote the song in collaboration with Eric Hudson, Priscilla Renea, Taylor Parks and Ilsey Juber. Carey and Hudson also produced the track. It is an R&B song; the lyrics are about Carey putting herself first and emancipation. However, many critics likened the content to the singer's separation from her then-husband, entertainer Nick Cannon. Critical response to \"\"Infinity\"\" was", "\"Loverboy (Mariah Carey song)\"\nLoverboy (Mariah Carey song) \"\"Loverboy\"\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey. It was released on July 16, 2001 by Virgin Records America as the lead single from \"\"Glitter\"\" (2001). Written and produced by Carey, Larry Blackmon, Thomas Jenkins and Clark Kent, \"\"Loverboy\"\" is built around a sample from \"\"Candy\"\" by Cameo, who are also featured on the track. Lyrically, the song finds Carey fantasizing about her loverboy, a man that will fulfill her physical and sexual desires. The recording was accompanied by an official remix, titled \"\"Loverboy (Remix)\"\", featuring guest artists Ludacris, Da Brat, Shawnna and", "\"Obsessed (Mariah Carey song)\"\nMariah Carey. Who isn't? She can sing, she's pretty and she has really fun music videos.\"\" A writer from the \"\"Evening Standard\"\" called the video \"\"shocking\"\", and felt that Carey's disguise was so convincing, she should assume the role more often if she wants to travel incognito. The \"\"New York Post\"\"s Jarett Wieselman described it as \"\"human butterfly embrac[ing] her macho side\"\", and concluded his review with \"\"I'm guessing the video involves Mariah's butch bellhop becoming a little infatuated with the singer, or something. Basically it's another way to give her double the screentime – much like that Mariah-on-Mariah fight", "\"It's Like That (Mariah Carey song)\"\nFatman Scoop's outro rap when she sees a party guest (played by Wentworth Miller) taking off his mask and revealing himself to be an ex-lover of hers. The video ends on a cliffhanger, which leads to the video for the album's second single, \"\"We Belong Together\"\" (the two videos were filmed simultaneously). European/United Kingdom CD single Australian/European CD maxi-single Japanese CD maxi-single It's Like That (Mariah Carey song) \"\"It's Like That\"\" is a song recorded by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey for her tenth studio album, \"\"The Emancipation of Mimi\"\" (2005). Written by Carey, Jermaine Dupri, Manuel Seal, and", "\"Mariah Carey albums discography\"\nMariah Carey albums discography American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey has released fifteen studio albums, one live album, three compilation albums, four greatest hits albums, one extended play, and one remix album. Carey is one of the best-selling music artists of all-time, having sold over 200 million records globally. She was presented with the Millennium Award at the 2000 World Music Awards for becoming the best-selling female artist of the millennium. According to the RIAA, she is the third best-selling female artist and sixteenth overall recording artist with shipments of 64 million albums in the US. She is also ranked", "\"Can't Let Go (Mariah Carey song)\"\nF major. Mariah's vocals range from the low note of F to the high note of B7</sub>, at a moderately slow tempo of 81 beats per minute, according to Allmusic editor Ashley S. Battel wrote that \"\"yearning cries for a lost love in \"\"Can't Let Go\"\" serves to send the listener on a musical journey through time filled with varying emotions. Los Angeles Times editor Dennis Hunt wrote that in this song Mariah is playing a wounded lover. Rob Tannenbaum of Rolling Stone wrote that \"\"moody grandeur\"\" of this song will sound great on radio. Carey's first five American", "\"The Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour\"\nThe Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour The Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour was the ninth concert tour by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey. The tour was featured prominently in the singer's docu-series Mariah's World. The tour kicked off with a show at The SSE Hydro in Glasgow, Scotland on March 15, 2016 and concluded with a show at the Neal S. Blaisdell Center in Honolulu, Hawaii on November 26, 2016. The tour saw Carey play six venues across Great Britain and various others across Europe, as well as several dates in Africa. The Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour is Carey's first tour", "\"Mariah Carey\"\nMariah Carey Mariah Carey (born March 27, 1969 or 1970) is an American singer and songwriter. Referred to as the \"\"Songbird Supreme\"\" by the \"\"Guinness World Records\"\", she is noted for her five-octave vocal range, power, melismatic style, and signature use of the whistle register. She rose to fame in 1990 after signing to Columbia Records and releasing her eponymous debut album, which topped the US \"\"Billboard\"\" 200 for 11 consecutive weeks. Carey became the first and only artist to have their first five singles reach number one on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart, from \"\"Vision of Love\"\" to", "\"Honey (Mariah Carey song)\"\nHoney (Mariah Carey song) \"\"Honey\"\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey. It was released on August 29, 1997 by Columbia Records as the lead single from her sixth studio album \"\"Butterfly\"\" (1997). The song was written and produced by Carey, Sean \"\"Puff Daddy\"\" Combs, Kamaal \"\"Q-Tip\"\" Fareed, and Steven \"\"Stevie J\"\" Jordan. The song samples \"\"Hey DJ\"\" by the World's Famous Supreme Team, and \"\"The Body Rock\"\" by the Treacherous Three. \"\"Honey\"\" was a re-defining song in Carey's career, pushing her further into the hip hop music world. \"\"Honey\"\" was acclaimed by music critics, who called" ]
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when was the first hydrogen fuel cell created
[ "1842" ]
[ "\"Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association\"\ncells is a difficult task. The main problems when building fuel cells is high cost due to noble metals in the electrodes and the proton-exchange membranes assemblies. Bloom Energy has created a fuel cell that does not use precious metals. It coats an electrolyte on one side with an anode and the other with a cathode both made from specialized inks, not precios metals. These fuel cells are currently being used by Yahoo, Wallmart, Home Depot and other Fortune 500 companies. Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA) was formed in November 2010 following", "\"National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day\"\nindividuals are commemorating National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day with a variety of activities and events across the country. National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day was created by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association to help raise awareness of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies and to celebrate how far the industry has come as well as the vast potential the technologies have today and in future. October 8th (10.08) was chosen in reference to the atomic weight of hydrogen (1.008). National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day was officially launched on October 8, 2015.", "\"National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day\"\nNational Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day was created by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association to help raise awareness of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies and to celebrate how far the industry has come as well as the vast potential the technologies have today and in future. October 8th (10.08) was chosen in reference to the atomic weight of hydrogen (1.008). National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day was officially launched on October 8, 2015. The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA), its members, industry organizations, allied groups, state and federal governments and", "\"Hydrogen fuel\"\nHydrogen fuel Hydrogen fuel is a zero-emission fuel when burned with oxygen. It can be used in electrochemical cells or internal combustion engines to power vehicles or electric devices. It has begun to be used in commercial fuel cell vehicles such as passenger cars, and has been used in fuel cell buses for many years. It is also used as a fuel for the propulsion of spacecraft. Hydrogen is found in the first group and first period in the periodic table, i.e. it is the first element on the periodic table, making it the lightest element. Since hydrogen gas is", "\"Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association\"\nFuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA) was formed in November 2010 following the merger of two former associations representing different sectors of the industry, the U.S. Fuel Cell Council and the National Hydrogen Association. In order to continue to advance and promote the use of fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies, the U.S. Fuel Cell Council (USFCC) and the National Hydrogen Association (NHA) are teaming up. This merger of two leaders in two given industries creates a powerful, unified Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA), a company who plans to send a", "\"Hybrid electric vehicle\"\nthe hydrogen fuel-cell electric vehicle (HFEV) which is garnering all the attention. Hydrogen fuel cells create electricity fed into an electric motor to drives the wheels. Hydrogen is not burned, but it is consumed. This means molecular hydrogen, H, is combined with oxygen to form water. 2H (4e) + O --> 2HO (4e). The molecular hydrogen and oxygen's mutual affinity drives the fuel cell to separate the electrons from the hydrogen, to use them to power the electric motor, and to return them to the ionized water molecules that were formed when the electron-depleted hydrogen combined with the oxygen in", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\nreformed natural gas. Transporting and storing hydrogen may also create pollutants. Fuel cells have been used in various kinds of vehicles including forklifts, especially in indoor applications where their clean emissions are important to air quality, and in space applications. The first commercially produced hydrogen fuel cell automobile, the Hyundai Tucson FCEV, was introduced in 2013, Toyota Mirai followed in 2015 and then Honda entered the market. Fuel cells are also being developed and tested in trucks, buses, boats, motorcycles and bicycles, among other kinds of vehicles. As of 2017, there was limited hydrogen infrastructure, with 36 hydrogen fueling stations", "\"Regenerative fuel cell\"\nfuel cells. A hydrogen fueled proton exchange membrane fuel cell, for example, uses hydrogen gas (H) and oxygen (O) to produce electricity and water (HO); a regenerative hydrogen fuel cell uses electricity and water to produce hydrogen and oxygen. When the fuel cell is operated in regenerative mode, the anode for the electricity production mode(fuel cell mode) becomes the cathode in the hydrogen generation mode (reverse fuel cell mode), and vice versa. When an external voltage is applied, water at the cathode side will undergo electrolysis to form hydrogen and oxide ions; oxide ions will be transported through the electrolyte", "\"International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy\"\nidentified it as a medium of cooperation and collaboration to develop clean energy technologies. Similar designations were also made in bilateral activities that include: Note: When formed in 2003, the IPHE stood for the \"\"International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy\"\". The name was changed in 2009 in order to ensure the inclusion of fuel cell technologies within the scope of the partnership. International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE) The International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel", "\"Hydrogen economy\"\nis currently working to create a hydrogen fuel cell-powered ship and using it to circumnavigate the globe, as a way to demonstrate the capability of hydrogen fuel cells. Western Australia's Department of Planning and Infrastructure operated three Daimler Chrysler Citaro fuel cell buses as part of its Sustainable Transport Energy for Perth Fuel Cells Bus Trial in Perth. The buses were operated by Path Transit on regular Transperth public bus routes. The trial began in September 2004 and concluded in September 2007. The buses' fuel cells used a proton exchange membrane system and were supplied with raw hydrogen from a", "\"Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association\"\na completely harmless byproduct. Fuel cells produce an electrical current that can then be used outside the cell to do work. First, hydrogen atoms have their electrons removed through chemical reaction when they enter the cell at the anode, resulting in a positively charged hydrogen atom. Oxygen then enters the cell through the cathode where it combines with electrons returning from the electrical circuit and hydrogen ions that have traveled through the electrolyte (a piece of the fuel cell that carries electrically charged particles from one electrode to the other). The electrolyte is responsible for only allowing the correct ions", "\"Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies\"\nIn 2005, with the completion of a first low-cost single cell, Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies creates its first commercial micro-size fuel cell product, designed as a basic science experiment kit. Soon after, Horizon miniaturizes hydrogen fuel cell car together with a real-working solar hydrogen station, and launches the H-racer, which is named Transportation Best Invention of the year 2006 by Time and \"\"One of 11 Coolest New Products On the Planet\"\" by Business 2.0. This led to the progressive commercialization of over 30 energy-related science experiment products, and an alliance, in 2010, with 3D Classworks to promote greater environmental awareness", "\"Electric motorcycles and scooters\"\nfuel cell technology. ENV developed by Intelligent Energy is a hydrogen fuel cell prototype. The motorcycle has a range of and can reach a top speed of . Suzuki has also developed a concept hydrogen fuel cell scooter based on the Suzuki Burgman. Yamaha has created a hydrogen fuel cell prototype called FC-AQEL, which is considered equivalent to a 125cc vehicle. Honda has also developed a hydrogen fuel cell scooter which uses the Honda FC Stack. Electric and gasoline powered motorcycles and scooters of the same size and weight are roughly comparable in performance. In August 2013 Road and Track", "\"Ford Focus (second generation, North America)\"\nmuch of his time and energy to researching this new technology of hydrogen cars. He was eager to make a Hydrogen powered car for Ford, which had already been successful with its hybrid cars, such as the Ford Escape Hybrid. However, Bill felt it was time to make something newer, more fuel efficient, and more advanced. The car is powered by a Ballard 902 fuel cell. The fuel cell compresses hydrogen in its 5,000 PSI tank and creates electricity when the hydrogen is separated into protons and electrons. The car itself is powered by two sources: one source is from", "\"Fuel cell\"\ntype, there are hydrocarbon fuels for fuel cells, including diesel, methanol (\"\"see:\"\" direct-methanol fuel cells and indirect methanol fuel cells) and chemical hydrides. The waste products with these types of fuel are carbon dioxide and water. When hydrogen is used, the CO2 is released when methane from natural gas is combined with steam, in a process called steam methane reforming, to produce the hydrogen. This can take place in a different location to the fuel cell, potentially allowing the hydrogen fuel cell to be used indoors—for example, in fork lifts. The different components of a PEMFC are The materials used", "\"Hydrogen fuel\"\nis not exposed to high taxes at the pump. Fuel cell engines are two to three times more efficient than combustion engines, meaning that much greater fuel economy is available using hydrogen in a fuel cell. Hydrogen fuel Hydrogen fuel is a zero-emission fuel when burned with oxygen. It can be used in electrochemical cells or internal combustion engines to power vehicles or electric devices. It has begun to be used in commercial fuel cell vehicles such as passenger cars, and has been used in fuel cell buses for many years. It is also used as a fuel for the", "\"California Fuel Cell Partnership\"\nprovide fuel cell passenger vehicles that are placed in demonstration programs, where they are tested in real-world driving conditions. Energy members work to build hydrogen stations within an infrastructure that is safe, convenient and fits into the community. Fuel cell technology members provide fuel cells for passenger vehicles and transit buses. Government members lay the groundwork for demonstration programs by facilitating steps to creating a hydrogen fueling infrastructure. Automobile makers Hydrogen Fuel Cells Energy Companies Government Agencies Associate members assist the full members meet the partnership's objectives by helping in specific areas of expertise. Transit Agencies Fueling Providers Others California", "\"National Middle School Science Bowl\"\nthe academic competition and the hydrogen fuel cell car competition. For the first time this year, the fuel cell car competition was divided into three parts: the fuel cell car race, a presentation on hydrogen, and a design document/presentation to be shown to judges at the event. A total of 36 teams competed. In 2007, there were two competitions: the academic competition and the hydrogen fuel cell car competition. In 2006, there were two competitions: the academic competition and the hydrogen fuel cell car competition. In 2005, there were two competitions: the academic competition and the hydrogen fuel cell car", "\"United States hydrogen policy\"\nand hydrogen production stations as mentioned earlier in this article. United States hydrogen policy The principle of a fuel cell was discovered by Christian Friedrich Schönbein in 1838, and the first fuel cell was constructed by Sir William Robert Grove in 1839. The fuel cells made at this time were most similar to today's phosphoric acid fuel cells. Most hydrogen fuel cells today are of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) type. A PEM converts the chemical energy released during the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen into electrical energy. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 was the first national legislation", "\"United States hydrogen policy\"\nUnited States hydrogen policy The principle of a fuel cell was discovered by Christian Friedrich Schönbein in 1838, and the first fuel cell was constructed by Sir William Robert Grove in 1839. The fuel cells made at this time were most similar to today's phosphoric acid fuel cells. Most hydrogen fuel cells today are of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) type. A PEM converts the chemical energy released during the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen into electrical energy. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 was the first national legislation that called for large-scale hydrogen research. A five-year program was", "\"Metal–air electrochemical cell\"\ncan start by using the Fe/FeO redox reaction, then the hydrogen created during the oxidation of iron can be consumed by a fuel cell in conjunction with oxygen from the air to create electricity. When electricity must be stored, hydrogen generated from water by operating the fuel cell in reverse is consumed during the reduction of the iron oxide to metallic iron. The combination of both of these cycles is what makes the system operate as an iron–air rechargeable battery. Limitations of this technology come from the materials used. Generally, iron oxide powder beds are selected, however, rapid sintering and", "\"Alternative fuel vehicle\"\nconverting it first to hydrogen, and using that in a fuel cell. Formic acid is much easier to store than hydrogen. A hydrogen car is an automobile which uses hydrogen as its primary source of power for locomotion. These cars generally use the hydrogen in one of two methods: combustion or fuel-cell conversion. In combustion, the hydrogen is \"\"burned\"\" in engines in fundamentally the same method as traditional gasoline cars. In fuel-cell conversion, the hydrogen is turned into electricity through fuel cells which then powers electric motors. With either method, the only byproduct from the spent hydrogen is water, however", "\"Hydrogen-powered aircraft\"\nGlobal Observer which was fitted with a hydrogen-fueled propulsion system. HY4 became the world's first passenger aircraft with an engine powered by a hydrogen fuel cell. Its first flight took place in Stuttgart airport, Germany, on September 29, 2016. It has 9 kg hydrogen, 4x11 kW fuel cells and 2x20 kWh batteries. Hydrogen-powered aircraft A hydrogen-powered aircraft is an aeroplane that uses hydrogen fuel as a power source. Hydrogen can either be burned in some kind of jet engine, or other kind of internal combustion engine, or can be used to power a fuel cell to generate electricity to power", "\"Fuel cell\"\nfuel cells so efficiencies vary, but most are between 40% and 60% energy efficient. However, when the fuel cell's waste heat is used to heat a building in a cogeneration system this efficiency can increase to 85%. This is significantly more efficient than traditional coal power plants, which are only about one third energy efficient. Assuming production at scale, fuel cells could save 20–40% on energy costs when used in cogeneration systems. Fuel cells are also much cleaner than traditional power generation; a fuel cell power plant using natural gas as a hydrogen source would create less than one ounce", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\npackage the light gas by compression or liquefaction, transfer the energy carrier to the user, plus the energy lost when it is converted to useful electricity with fuel cells, leaves around 25% for practical use.\"\" Richard Gilbert, co-author of \"\"Transport Revolutions: Moving People and Freight without Oil\"\" (2010), comments similarly, that producing hydrogen gas ends up using some of the energy it creates. Then, energy is taken up by converting the hydrogen back into electricity within fuel cells. \"\"'This means that only a quarter of the initially available energy reaches the electric motor' ... Such losses in conversion don't stack", "\"Fuel cell bus\"\nby Daimler in Germany and purchased with a grant from the U.N. Development Programme, were the first fuel cell buses to enter operation in China. The technology has not gained broader use in the city because air pollution reduced the efficiency and operating life of fuel cells. The first Brazilian hydrogen fuel cell bus prototype began operation in São Paulo during the first semester of 2009. The hydrogen bus was manufactured in Caxias do Sul, and the hydrogen fuel will be produced in São Bernardo do Campo from water through electrolysis. The programme, called \"\"\"\"Ônibus Brasileiro a Hidrogênio\"\"\"\" (Brazilian Hydrogen", "\"Ethanol fuel\"\nfueling infrastructure than setting up the one required to deliver hydrogen at high pressures, as each hydrogen fueling station cost to to build. Nissan plans to create a technology that uses liquid ethanol fuel as a source to generate hydrogen within the vehicle itself. The technology uses heat to reform ethanol into hydrogen to feed what is known as a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The fuel cell generates electricity to supply power to the electric motor driving the wheels, through a battery that handles peak power demands and stores regenerated energy. The vehicle would include a tank for a", "\"Hydrogen vehicle\"\na collaboration on hydrogen technology development. By 2017, however, Daimler had abandoned hydrogen vehicle development, and most of the automobile companies developing hydrogen cars had switched their focus to battery electric vehicles. Fuel-cell buses (as opposed to hydrogen fueled buses) are being trialed by several manufacturers in different locations, for example, Ursus Lublin. The Fuel Cell Bus Club is a global fuel cell bus testing collaboration. In March 2015, China South Rail Corporation (CSR) demonstrated the world's first hydrogen fuel cell-powered tramcar at an assembly facility in Qingdao. The chief engineer of the CSR subsidiary CSR Sifang Co Ltd., Liang", "\"Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association\"\nto transfer between the anode and the cathode. As the hydrogen and oxygen combine, water is formed and drains from the cell. The fuel cell will continue to generate electricity as long as it is supplied with hydrogen and oxygen. There are multiple different kinds of fuel cells, including alkaline fuel cells, molten carbonate fuel cells, phosphoric acid fuel cells, proton exchange membrane fuel cells, and solid oxide fuel cells. Hydrogen is an alternative fuel and is locked up in large quantities in water and other organic matter. Extracting hydrogen efficiently from these compounds can be difficult. Today, hydrogen in", "\"Stanley Meyer's water fuel cell\"\nStanley Meyer's water fuel cell The water fuel cell is a technical design of a \"\"perpetual motion machine\"\" created by American Stanley Allen Meyer (August 24, 1940 – March 20, 1998). Meyer claimed that an automobile retrofitted with the device could use water as fuel instead of gasoline. Meyer's claims about his \"\"Water Fuel Cell\"\" and the car that it powered were found to be fraudulent by an Ohio court in 1996. The water fuel cell purportedly split water into its component elements, hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen gas was then burned to generate energy, a process that reconstituted the", "Biodiesel\nand carbon dioxide: \"\" CO + H2O → CO2 + H2 (Mildly exothermic)\"\" Hydrogen fuel cells background information Fuel cells operate similar to a battery in that electricity is harnessed from chemical reactions. The difference in fuel cells when compared to batteries is their ability to be powered by the constant flow of hydrogen found in the atmosphere. Furthermore, they produce only water as a by-product, and are virtually silent. The downside of hydrogen powered fuel cells is the high cost and dangers of storing highly combustible hydrogen under pressure. One way new processors can overcome the dangers of transporting", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\npure hydrogen emits few pollutants, producing mainly water and heat, although the production of the hydrogen would create pollutants unless the hydrogen used in the fuel cell were produced using only renewable energy. In a 2005 Well-to-Wheels analysis, the DOE estimated that fuel cell electric vehicles using hydrogen produced from natural gas would result in emissions of approximately 55% of the CO per mile of internal combustion engine vehicles and have approximately 25% less emissions than hybrid vehicles. In 2006, Ulf Bossel stated that the large amount of energy required to isolate hydrogen from natural compounds (water, natural gas, biomass),", "\"United States hydrogen policy\"\nconducted that investigated the production of hydrogen from renewable energy sources and the feasibility of existing natural gas pipelines to carry hydrogen. It also called for the research into hydrogen storage systems for electric vehicles and the development of fuel cells suitable to power an electric motor vehicle. Hydrogen is an energy carrier and can be used to store and deliver energy as needed. When used in a fuel cell, the hydrogen atom dissociates into a positively charged hydrogen ion and a negatively charged electron which is diverted to an electric load. A fuel cell can be used to power", "Hydrail\nA key technology of a typical hydrogen propulsion system is the fuel cell. This device converts the chemical energy contained within the hydrogen in order to generate electricity, as well as water and heat. As such, a fuel cell would operate in a manner that is essentially inverse to the electrolysis process used to create the fuel; consuming pure hydrogen to produce electricity rather than consuming electrical energy to produce hydrogen, albeit incurring some level of energy losses in the exchange. Reportedly, the efficiency of converting electricity to hydrogen and back again is just beneath 30 per cent, roughly similar", "\"Fuel cell\"\ncharged oxygen ions travel from the cathode (positive side of the fuel cell) to the anode (negative side of the fuel cell) instead of positively charged hydrogen ions travelling from the anode to the cathode, as is the case in all other types of fuel cells. Oxygen gas is fed through the cathode, where it absorbs electrons to create oxygen ions. The oxygen ions then travel through the electrolyte to react with hydrogen gas at the anode. The reaction at the anode produces electricity and water as by-products. Carbon dioxide may also be a by-product depending on the fuel, but", "\"Alternative fuel\"\nmono-nitrogen oxides NOx are produced when hydrogen is burned with air. Another fuel is formic acid. The fuel is used by converting it first to hydrogen, and using that in a fuel cell. Formic acid is much more easy to store than hydrogen. HCNG (or H2CNG) is a mixture of compressed natural gas and 4-9 percent hydrogen by energy. Liquid nitrogen is another type of emissionless and efficient fuel. The air engine is an emission-free piston engine using compressed air as fuel. Unlike hydrogen, compressed air is about one-tenth as expensive as fossil fuel, making it an economically attractive alternative", "\"Direct borohydride fuel cell\"\npiped to a conventional hydrogen fuel cell. Either fuel cell will produce water, and the water can be recycled to allow for higher concentrations of NaBH. More importantly, the process of creating electricity via a DBFC is not easily reversible. For example, after sodium borohydride (NaBH) has released its hydrogen and has been oxidized, the product is NaBO (sodium metaborate). Sodium metaborate might be hydrogenated back into sodium borohydride fuel by several different techniques, some of which might theoretically require nothing more than water and electricity or heat. However, these techniques are still in active development. As of June 30,", "\"Honda FCX\"\nkm/h (0-60 mph) acceleration time of 11 seconds. Main hydrogen components of the vehicle include fuel cell, two hydrogen tanks behind the rear and ultracapacitors. This model used a fuel cell first developed in-house by Honda called the Honda FC Stack. The fuel cell was introduced in October 2003 and can operate at a low temperature of −20 °C. The type of fuel cell used is a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. The fuel cell stack has a power of 86 kilowatts. The hydrogen is stored into two separate containers behind the rear seat. They can accommodate a maximum of", "\"California Fuel Cell Partnership\"\nCalifornia Fuel Cell Partnership The California Fuel Cell Partnership is a public-private partnership to promote hydrogen vehicles (including cars and buses) in California. It is notable as one of the first initiatives for that purpose undertaken in the United States. The challenge is which come first, hydrogen cars or filling stations. In January 1999, two state government agencies—California Air Resources Board and California Energy Commission joined with six private sector companies—Ballard Power Systems, DaimlerChrysler, Ford Motor Company, BP, Shell Hydrogen and ChevronTexaco—to form the California Fuel Cell Partnership. The goal was to demonstrate and promote the potential for fuel cell", "\"Glossary of fuel cell terms\"\nGlossary of fuel cell terms The Glossary of fuel cell terms lists the definitions of many terms used within the fuel cell industry. The terms in this fuel cell glossary may be used by fuel cell industry associations, in education material and fuel cell codes and standards to name but a few. An alkali anion exchange membrane (AAEM) is a semipermeable membrane generally made from ionomers and designed to conduct anions while being impermeable to gases such as oxygen or hydrogen. Hydrogen purity or hydrogen quality is the lack of impurities in hydrogen as a fuel gas. A hydrogen sulfide", "\"United States hydrogen policy\"\ncreated by also provides a fuel cell Policy Activity Wrapup for fuel cells and hydrogen for the year 2010. This wrap-up includes 2010 legislation and policy only. Several of the incentives and policies involving stationary hydrogen power are explained below. Colorado: Renewable Energy Standard increased. This new bill boosts Colorado's renewable portfolio standard percentages to achieve 30% renewable generation by 2020. A fuel cell using hydrogen derived from an eligible energy resource is an eligible electric generation technology. District of Columbia: Net metering cap is raised. Residential or commercial customers with systems powered by renewable energy sources, combined", "\"Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association\"\nthe United States is produced through steam reforming or combining high-temperature steam with natural gas. Hydrogen can be used to power fuel cells in zero-emission electric vehicles. It has even been proved that a fuel cell is two to three more times efficient than an internal combustion engine running on gas. The first main problem is that hydrogen can be expensive to obtain in large quantities. Hydrogen gas stations are not yet a solution because it is difficult to store and distribute the element. A second issue is that fuel cells are expensive and building reliable, efficient, yet cheap fuel", "\"Fuel efficiency\"\nreflected in a study by AEA Technology between a Eurostar train and airline journeys between London and Paris, which showed the trains on average emitting 10 times less CO, per passenger, than planes, helped in part by French nuclear generation. In the future, hydrogen cars may be commercially available. Toyota is test marketing hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicles in southern California where a series of hydrogen fueling stations has been established. Powered either through chemical reactions in a fuel cell that create electricity to drive very efficient electrical motors or by directly burning hydrogen in a combustion engine (near identically", "\"International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy\"\nin November 2003, created a steering committee which governs the overall framework and activities of the IPHE. The mission of the IPHE is to serve as a mechanism to share information among partners to enable the organization and implementation of effective, efficient, and focused international research, development, demonstration and deployment activities related to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The organization also provides a forum for sharing information on advancing policies as well as common codes and standards that can accelerate the cost-effective transition to hydrogen and fuel cells in a global economy to enhance energy security and environmental protection. The", "\"Renewable energy in Scotland\"\ntraining and research centre which uses a combination of the ample supplies of wind power and fuel cells to create a wind hydrogen system. Two 15 kW turbines are attached to a 'Hypod' fuel cell, which in turn provides power for heating systems, the creation of stored liquid hydrogen and an innovative fuel-cell driven car. The project is community-owned and part of the Unst Partnership, the community's development trust. In the Western Isles a plan to enable a £10 million waste management plant into a hydrogen production facility was announced in June 2006. The Council have also agreed to purchase", "\"Fuel cell\"\nFuel cell buses have been deployed around the world including in Whistler, Canada; San Francisco, United States; Hamburg, Germany; Shanghai, China; London, England; and São Paulo, Brazil. The Fuel Cell Bus Club is a global cooperative effort in trial fuel cell buses. Notable projects include: The first Brazilian hydrogen fuel cell bus prototype in Brazil was deployed in São Paulo. The bus was manufactured in Caxias do Sul and the hydrogen fuel will be produced in São Bernardo do Campo from water through electrolysis. The program, called \"\"\"\"Ônibus Brasileiro a Hidrogênio\"\"\"\" (Brazilian Hydrogen Autobus), includes three additional buses. A fuel", "\"International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy\"\nInternational Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE) The International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE) is an international collaborative initiative to accelerate the development and deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and enable the global energy security, environmental and economic benefits that these technologies can provide. The IPHE membership is open to national governmental entities that have significant commitments to invest resources into research, development and demonstration activities to advance hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The IPHE Terms of Reference, signed", "\"Direct borohydride fuel cell\"\nDirect borohydride fuel cell Direct borohydride fuel cells (DBFCs) are a subcategory of alkaline fuel cells which are directly fed by sodium borohydride or potassium borohydride as a fuel and either air/oxygen or hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. DBFCs are relatively new types of fuel cells which are currently in the developmental stage and are attractive due to their high operating potential in relation to other type of fuel cells. Sodium borohydride could potentially be used in more conventional hydrogen fuel cell systems as a means of storing hydrogen. The hydrogen can be regenerated for a fuel cell by catalytic", "\"South Carolina Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Alliance\"\nsix core institutions that were devoted to Hydrogen & Fuel Cell initiatives and development. South Carolina Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Alliance The South Carolina Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Alliance (SCHFCA) is a Public-private collaborative with a mission of advancing the commercialization of hydrogen fuel cell technologies in the state of South Carolina. Government entities, in particular, the Department of Energy has funded SCHFCA with $188,788 for a hydrogen education program for state and local officials. State taxpayers have already chipped in $12.3 million for hydrogen fuel cell development, while other non-state entities like federal and private sources have invested nearly", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\nthat fuel-cell-powered forklifts will be the largest driver of hydrogen fuel demand by 2020. PEM fuel-cell-powered forklifts provide significant benefits over petroleum powered forklifts as they produce no local emissions. Fuel-cell forklifts can work for a full 8-hour shift on a single tank of hydrogen, can be refueled in 3 minutes and have a lifetime of 8–10 years. Fuel cell-powered forklifts are often used in refrigerated warehouses as their performance is not degraded by lower temperatures. In design the FC units are often made as drop-in replacements. In 2005 the British firm Intelligent Energy produced the first ever working hydrogen", "Gastrobot\nanode chamber, the bacteria remove electrons from the organic material and pass the electrons to a carbon electrode. The electrons then move through the ion exchange membrane to the cathode chamber, where they combine with protons and oxygen to form water. The electrons flowing from the anode into the cathode terminals generate electrical current and voltage. From this point, research is exploring using a hydrogen fuel cell to amplify the energy from the microbial fuel cell. The hydrogen fuel cell would use microbial fuel cell byproducts to create more energy without having to consume more material. Gastrobot requirements include: The", "\"Hydrogen highway (Japan)\"\nHydrogen highway (Japan) Japan's hydrogen highway is a network of hydrogen filling stations placed along roadsides that provide fuel for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCV). An HFCV is a vehicle that uses a fuel cell to convert hydrogen energy into electrical energy. The hydrogen that is used in fuel cell vehicles can be made using fossil or renewable resources. The hydrogen highway is necessary for HFCVs to be used. HFCV reduce tailpipe emissions of greenhouse gases. By May 2016, there were approximately 80 hydrogen fueling stations in Japan. Since 2014, Toyota and Honda have begun to introduce Fuel Cell Vehicles", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\nadoption, except in niche applications\"\". Lux's analysis concluded that by 2030, PEM stationary fuel cell applications will reach $1 billion, while the vehicle market, including fuel cell forklifts, will reach a total of $2 billion. The environmental impact of fuel cell vehicles depends on the primary energy with which the hydrogen was produced. Fuel cell vehicles are only environmentally benign when the hydrogen was produced with renewable energy. If this is the case fuel cell cars are cleaner and more efficient than fossil fuel cars. However, they are not as efficient as battery electric vehicles which consume much less energy.", "\"Internal combustion engine\"\nthan water) and requires extensive insulation—whilst gaseous hydrogen requires heavy tankage. Even when liquefied, hydrogen has a higher specific energy but the volumetric energetic storage is still roughly five times lower than gasoline. However, the energy density of hydrogen is considerably higher than that of electric batteries, making it a serious contender as an energy carrier to replace fossil fuels. The 'Hydrogen on Demand' process (see direct borohydride fuel cell) creates hydrogen as needed, but has other issues, such as the high price of the sodium borohydride that is the raw material. Since air is plentiful at the surface of", "\"Audi A7 sportback h-tron\"\nFibre shell. Once the vehicle is started up, the hydrogen is fed into the fuel cell at a controlled rate. Hydrogen from the fuel tanks enters the reducer, which reduces the gas pressure in preparation for the fuel cell process. During the process, Hydrogen particles combine with oxygen particles to form particles of water. An electric charge is created by forcing the hydrogen particles through a cathode and an anode, before reacting with the oxygen particles. The Electric drive system consists of a series of lithium-ion batteries and front & rear axle motors. Once the electricity has been generated by", "\"Buckeye Bullet\"\nOctober 3, 2004. Vehicle properties The Buckeye Bullet 2, or BB2, was the second-generation, student-built, alternative-fuel race car created by the Buckeye Bullet team. It is the first hydrogen fuel cell powered land speed streamliner. It is front-wheel drive. The Buckeye Bullet 2 ran for the first time at Speedweek 2007 and recorded a top speed of 223.334 mph (359.421 km/h) on Oct. 10, 2007. At Speedweek 2008, the BB2 eclipsed its previous mark by reaching 286.476 mph (461.038 km/h), the highest speed ever recorded by a hydrogen/fuel cell vehicle at that time. On September 25, 2009, the Buckeye Bullet", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\nFCV study. The report presented official data that firmly refutes marketer's claims of any inherent benefits of hydrogen fuel cells over the drive trains of equivalent conventional gasoline hybrids and even ordinary small-engined cars of equivalent drive train performance due to the emissions intensity of hydrogen production from Natural Gas. The report went on to demonstrate the economic inevitability of continued methane use in hydrogen production due to the cost tripping effect of hydrogen fuel cells on renewable mileage due to conversion losses of electricity to and from hydrogen when compared to the direct use of electricity in an ordinary", "\"Fuel cell\"\ntemperatures. The FC units are often designed as drop-in replacements. In 2005 a British manufacturer of hydrogen-powered fuel cells, Intelligent Energy (IE), produced the first working hydrogen run motorcycle called the ENV (Emission Neutral Vehicle). The motorcycle holds enough fuel to run for four hours, and to travel in an urban area, at a top speed of . In 2004 Honda developed a fuel-cell motorcycle that utilized the Honda FC Stack. Other examples of motorbikes and bicycles that use hydrogen fuel cells include the Taiwanese company APFCT's scooter using the fueling system from Italy's Acta SpA and the Suzuki Burgman", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\npublic hydrogen fueling stations in July 2015. The German government hoped to increase this number to 50 by end of 2016, but only 30 were open in June 2017. \"\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\" is a classification in FC Hydrogen codes and standards and fuel cell codes and standards other main standards are Stationary fuel cell applications and Portable fuel cell applications. In 2003 US President George Bush proposed the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative (HFI). The HFI aimed to further develop hydrogen fuel cells and infrastructure technologies to accelerate the commercial introduction of fuel cell vehicles. By 2008, the U.S. had contributed 1", "\"Solid oxide electrolyser cell\"\nSolid oxide electrolyser cell A solid oxide electrolyzer cell (SOEC) is a solid oxide fuel cell that runs in regenerative mode to achieve the electrolysis of water (and/or carbon dioxide) by using a solid oxide, or ceramic, electrolyte to produce hydrogen gas (and/or carbon monoxide) and oxygen. The production of pure hydrogen is compelling because it is a clean fuel that can be stored easily, thus making it a potential alternative to batteries, which have a low storage capacity and create high amounts of waste materials. Electrolysis is currently the most promising method of hydrogen production from water due to", "\"Fuel cell bus\"\nFuel cell bus A fuel cell bus is a bus that uses a hydrogen fuel cell as its power source for electrically driven wheels, sometimes augmented in a hybrid fashion with batteries or a supercapacitor. Several companies are conducting hydrogen fuel cell research and practical fuel cell bus trials. These include: There are also fuel cell powered buses currently active or in production, such as a fleet of Thor buses with UTC Power fuel cells in California, operated by SunLine Transit Agency. Hydrogen-powered fuel-cell buses began operating in Beijing on an experimental basis in 2006. Three fuel cell buses, made", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\nFuel cell vehicle A fuel cell vehicle (FCV) or fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) is a type of electric vehicle which uses a fuel cell, instead of a battery, or in combination with a battery or supercapacitor, to power its on-board electric motor. Fuel cells in vehicles generate electricity to power the motor, generally using oxygen from the air and compressed hydrogen. Most fuel cell vehicles are classified as zero-emissions vehicles that emit only water and heat. As compared with internal combustion vehicles, hydrogen vehicles centralize pollutants at the site of the hydrogen production, where hydrogen is typically derived from", "\"Hydrogen economy\"\nand \"\"commercial-grade\"\", which has carbon- and sulfur-containing impurities, but which can be produced by the much cheaper steam-reformation process. Fuel cells require high-purity hydrogen because the impurities would quickly degrade the life of the fuel cell stack. Much of the interest in the hydrogen economy concept is focused on the use of fuel cells to power electric cars. Current hydrogen fuel cells suffer from a low power-to-weight ratio. Fuel cells are much more efficient than internal combustion engines, and produce no harmful emissions. If a practical method of hydrogen storage is introduced, and fuel cells become cheaper, they can be", "\"Hydrogen highway (Japan)\"\nfor the new source of fuel. Hydrogen highway (Japan) Japan's hydrogen highway is a network of hydrogen filling stations placed along roadsides that provide fuel for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCV). An HFCV is a vehicle that uses a fuel cell to convert hydrogen energy into electrical energy. The hydrogen that is used in fuel cell vehicles can be made using fossil or renewable resources. The hydrogen highway is necessary for HFCVs to be used. HFCV reduce tailpipe emissions of greenhouse gases. By May 2016, there were approximately 80 hydrogen fueling stations in Japan. Since 2014, Toyota and Honda have", "\"United States hydrogen policy\"\nlonger than a lead-acid battery pack, and hydrogen tanks can be refilled in several minutes. Fuel-cell vehicles cost more, but companies are reporting lowered logistical costs due to the increased work hours that a hydrogen-powered forklift can provide when compared to battery-powered forklifts. By 2013, there were more than 4,000 fuel cell forklifts in the US. Hydrogen fuel cells also have the potential to replace or supplement utility-bought electricity by supplying energy on-site in the form of a stationary power device. Major corporations like Ebay, Google, Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, FedEx, Adobe and Sierra Nevada have been using some form of fuel", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\nmore than 1,200 miles. In 2016, Alstom debuted the Coradia iLint, a regional train powered by hydrogen fuel cells that will be the world's first production hydrogen-powered trainset. The Coradia iLint will be able to reach and travel on a full tank of hydrogen. The first Coradia iLint is expected to enter service in December 2017 on the Buxtehude-Bremervörde-Bremerhaven-Cuxhaven line in Lower Saxony, Germany. Eberle and Rittmar von Helmolt stated in 2010 that challenges remain before fuel cell cars can become competitive with other technologies and cite the lack of an extensive hydrogen infrastructure in the U.S.: , there were", "\"Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association\"\nstrong, singular message to stakeholders: fuel cells and hydrogen are incredibly important parts to producing clean energy. The new organization is based out of Washington, D.C. A fuel cell is a device consisting of one positive electrode called the anode and one negative electrode called the cathode that generates electricity through chemical reactions. Hydrogen is the basic fuel for fuel cells, but fuel cells also require some oxygen. The push toward utilizing more fuel cells is based in the appeal of generating electricity cleanly. In the process of generating electricity, the hydrogen and oxygen used eventually combine to form water,", "\"South Carolina Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Alliance\"\nSouth Carolina Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Alliance The South Carolina Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Alliance (SCHFCA) is a Public-private collaborative with a mission of advancing the commercialization of hydrogen fuel cell technologies in the state of South Carolina. Government entities, in particular, the Department of Energy has funded SCHFCA with $188,788 for a hydrogen education program for state and local officials. State taxpayers have already chipped in $12.3 million for hydrogen fuel cell development, while other non-state entities like federal and private sources have invested nearly $115 million into the development of the technology. SCHFCA was founded in 2006 by", "\"Hydrogen economy\"\nLabrador are converting the current wind-diesel Power System on the remote island of Ramea into a Wind-Hydrogen Hybrid Power Systems facility. A similar pilot project on Stuart Island uses solar power, instead of wind power, to generate electricity. When excess electricity is available after the batteries are full, hydrogen is generated by electrolysis and stored for later production of electricity by fuel cell. The UK started a fuel cell pilot program in January 2004, the program ran two Fuel cell buses on route 25 in London until December 2005, and switched to route RV1 until January 2007. The Hydrogen Expedition", "\"Fuel cell\"\nefficiency (electricity to hydrogen and back to electricity) of such plants (known as \"\"round-trip efficiency\"\"), using pure hydrogen and pure oxygen can be \"\"from 35 up to 50 percent\"\", depending on gas density and other conditions.. The electrolyzer/fuel cell system can store indefinite quantities of hydrogen, and is therefore suited for long-term storage. Solid-oxide fuel cells produce heat from the recombination of the oxygen and hydrogen. The ceramic can run as hot as 800 degrees Celsius. This heat can be captured and used to heat water in a micro combined heat and power (m-CHP) application. When the heat is captured,", "\"Hydrogen purity\"\nHydrogen purity Hydrogen purity or hydrogen quality is a term to describe the lack of impurities in hydrogen as a fuel gas. The purity requirement varies with the application, for example a H ICE can tolerate low hydrogen purity where a hydrogen fuel cell requires high hydrogen purity to prevent catalyst poisoning. In the first generation of fuel cells catalysts like palladium, ruthenium and platinum are used in combination with hydrogen production from hydrocarbons which results in performance degradation. The catalyst poisoning induced by some impurities like carbon monoxide, formic acid, or formaldehyde can be reversed with a high purity", "\"Alkaline fuel cell\"\nAlkaline fuel cell The alkaline fuel cell (AFC), also known as the \"\"Bacon\"\" fuel cell after its British inventor, Francis Thomas Bacon, is one of the most developed fuel cell technologies. NASA has used alkaline fuel cells since the mid-1960s, in Apollo-series missions and on the Space Shuttle. Alkaline fuel cells consume hydrogen and pure oxygen producing potable water, heat, and electricity. They are among the most efficient fuel cells, having the potential to reach 70%. The fuel cell produces power through a redox reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. At the anode, hydrogen is oxidized according to the reaction: formula_1", "\"Hydrogen vehicle\"\nGM Defense, focuses on hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Its SURUS (Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure) is a flexible fuel cell electric platform with autonomous capabilities. Since April 2017, the U.S. Army has been testing the commercial Chevrolet Colorado ZH2 on its U.S. bases to determine the viability of hydrogen-powered vehicles in military mission tactical environments. ENV develops electric motorcycles powered by a hydrogen fuel cell, including the Crosscage and Biplane. Other manufacturers as Vectrix are working on hydrogen scooters. Finally, hydrogen-fuel-cell-electric-hybrid scooters are being made such as the Suzuki Burgman fuel-cell scooter and the FHybrid. The Burgman received \"\"whole vehicle", "\"Toyota Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle-Advanced\"\nToyota Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle-Advanced The Toyota Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle-Advanced (FCHV-adv) is a fuel cell vehicle based on the first generation Toyota FCHV. The proposed FCHV-adv uses four hydrogen fuel tanks, which store high-pressure compressed hydrogen at up to 70 MPa (10,153 psi/700 bar) and feed it into a fuel stack to produce electricity via a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. This electricity then powers an electric motor, capable of 90 kW (122 ps/121 hp) and 260 Nm (26.5 kgf/192 lb·ft) of torque, and charges a nickel–metal hydride battery. Cruising range is approximately 760 km (472 mi) to", "\"Toyota Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle-Advanced\"\nvehicles by mid-December 2014. The Mirai launched in the US on October 21, 2015. Toyota Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle-Advanced The Toyota Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle-Advanced (FCHV-adv) is a fuel cell vehicle based on the first generation Toyota FCHV. The proposed FCHV-adv uses four hydrogen fuel tanks, which store high-pressure compressed hydrogen at up to 70 MPa (10,153 psi/700 bar) and feed it into a fuel stack to produce electricity via a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. This electricity then powers an electric motor, capable of 90 kW (122 ps/121 hp) and 260 Nm (26.5 kgf/192 lb·ft) of torque, and", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\nwarming, and we can't afford to wait that long. In the meantime, fuel cells are diverting resources from more immediate solutions.\"\" \"\"The Economist\"\" magazine, in 2008, quoted Robert Zubrin, the author of \"\"Energy Victory\"\", as saying: \"\"Hydrogen is 'just about the worst possible vehicle fuel'\"\". The magazine noted that most hydrogen is produced through steam reformation, which creates at least as much emission of carbon per mile as some of today's gasoline cars. On the other hand, if the hydrogen could be produced using renewable energy, \"\"it would surely be easier simply to use this energy to charge the batteries", "\"Potential applications of graphene\"\noffering the potential for using graphene monolayers as a barrier that blocks hydrogen atoms but not protons/ionized hydrogen (hydrogen atoms with their electrons stripped off). They could even be used to extract hydrogen gas out of the atmosphere that could power electric generators with ambient air. The membranes are more effective at elevated temperatures and when covered with catalytic nanoparticles such as platinum. Graphene could solve a major problem for fuel cells: fuel crossover that reduces efficiency and durability. In methanol fuel cells, graphene used as a barrier layer in the membrane area, has reduced fuel cross over with negligible", "\"No. 1 (yacht)\"\nclean, quiet energy sources in leisure craft such as yachts. Boat 12.26 m long, width 3.76 m, 6 kg of hydrogen in 3 hydrogen tanks at 300 bar, four 1.2 kWa PEM fuel cells, 9 gel batteries, radius of action 225 km at a speed of 8 kts on the propeller. No. 1 (yacht) No. 1 is the name of a sailing yacht which is power-assisted by an electric motor that gets its electricity from hydrogen fuel cells. It is the first ever yacht to be fuel cell-powered. The boat was certified under the Germanischer Lloyd guidelines for fuel cells", "\"Hybrid ferry\"\nin the New York Harbor during the celebration marking the 125th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty. The New York Hornblower is the first vessel in the United States to be powered by diesel, hydrogen fuel cells, AGM batteries, and wind and solar energy. The reason why they chose to use the hydrogen fuel cells was in hope it would operate in zero emissions mode all day. Cameron Clark who is the director of Environmental Affairs and Special Projects at Hornblower described the hydrogen fuel cell technology as hydrogen being broken down and used as heat, electricity, and water. The", "\"Hydrogen vehicle\"\nused for lifting and transporting materials. The first production HICE forklift truck based on the Linde X39 Diesel was presented at an exposition in Hannover on May 27, 2008. It used a 2.0 litre, diesel internal combustion engine converted to use hydrogen as a fuel with the use of a compressor and direct injection. A fuel cell forklift (also called a fuel cell lift truck) is a fuel cell powered industrial forklift truck. In 2013 there were over 4,000 fuel cell forklifts used in material handling in the US. The global market was estimated at 1 million fuel cell powered", "\"Alternative fuel vehicle\"\nprinciple of operation, so the hydrogen burns in a different part of the engine from the intake. This reduces pre-detonation, a problem with hydrogen fueled piston engines. The other major car companies like Daimler, Chrysler, Honda, Toyota, Ford and General Motors, are investing in hydrogen fuel cells instead. VW, Nissan, and Hyundai/Kia also have fuel cell vehicle prototypes on the road. In addition, transit agencies across the globe are running prototype fuel cell buses. Fuel cell vehicles, such as the new Honda Clarity, can get up to on a kilogram of hydrogen. The Hyundai ix35 FCEV fuel cell vehicle is", "\"Hydrogen economy\"\nefficient than an internal-combustion engine. Capital costs of fuel cells have reduced significantly over recent years, with a modeled cost of $50/kW cited by the Department of Energy. Previous technical obstacles have included hydrogen storage issues and the purity requirement of hydrogen used in fuel cells, as with current technology, an operating fuel cell requires the purity of hydrogen to be as high as 99.999%. Hydrogen engine conversion technology could be considered more economical than fuel cells. Hydrogen production is a large and growing industry, as of 2004. Globally, some 57 million metric tons of hydrogen, equal to about 170", "\"Hydrogen tank\"\nHydrogen tank A Hydrogen tank (other names- cartridge or canister) is used for hydrogen storage. The first type IV hydrogen tanks for compressed hydrogen at were demonstrated in 2001, the first fuel cell vehicles on the road with type IV tanks are the Toyota FCHV, Mercedes-Benz F-Cell and the GM HydroGen4. Various applications have allowed the development of different H2 storage scenarios. Recently, the Hy-Can consortium has introduced a small one liter, format. Horizon Fuel Cells is now selling a refillable metal hydride form factor for consumer use called HydroStik. In accordance with ISO/TS 15869 (revised): Actual Standard EC 79/2009", "\"Microbial fuel cell\"\nto the lower concentration gradient and be combined with the oxygen but to do this they need an electron. This forms current and the hydrogen is used sustaining the concentration gradient. Algae Biomass has been observed to give high energy when used as substrates in microbial fuel cell. Microbial fuel cell A microbial fuel cell (MFC), or biological fuel cell, is a bio-electrochemical system that drives an electric current by using bacteria and mimicking bacterial interactions found in nature. MFCs can be grouped into two general categories: mediated and unmediated. The first MFCs, demonstrated in the early 20th century, used", "Hydrogenics\nEnKAT GmbH, which formed its Hydrogenics Europe division. It also acquired Greenlight Power Technologies, Inc., a competing fuel cell testing business, in 2003. A year later, in 2004, the company acquired Stuart Energy, a manufacturer of hydrogen-generation products based on alkaline electrolyte technology. In 2007, Hydrogenics narrowed the focus of its fuel cell activities by exiting the fuel cell testing business and working more on forklift power and backup power markets. That same year, Heliocentris partnered with Hydrogenics and SMA Solar Technologie to incorporate Hydrogenics' fuel cell power modules into stationary backup power systems. In September 2010, Hydrogenics formed an", "Toyota\nthe Japanese JC08 test cycle. Toyota said the car was planned for launch in about 2015. In August 2012, Toyota announced its plans to start retail sales of a hydrogen fuel-cell sedan in California in 2015. Toyota expects to become a leader in this technology. The prototype of its first hydrogen fuel cell vehicle will be exhibited at the November 2013 Tokyo Motor Show, and in the United States at the January 2014 Consumer Electronics Show. Toyota's first hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles to be sold commercially, the Toyota Mirai (Japanese for \"\"future\"\"), was unveiled at the November 2014 Los Angeles Auto", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\nfor automobiles publicly available in the U.S., but more hydrogen stations are planned, particularly in California. Some public hydrogen fueling stations exist, and new stations are being planned, in Japan, Europe and elsewhere. Critics doubt whether hydrogen will be efficient or cost-effective for automobiles, as compared with other zero emission technologies. All fuel cells are made up of three parts: an electrolyte, an anode and a cathode. In principle, a hydrogen fuel cell functions like a battery, producing electricity, which can run an electric motor. Instead of requiring recharging, however, the fuel cell can be refilled with hydrogen. Different types", "\"Intelligent Energy\"\nis a founding member of UKH Mobility, a government and industry group aiming to accelerate the commercial roll out of hydrogen vehicles in 2014/15; It is also a member of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA), the US-based trade association for the fuel cell and hydrogen energy industry, dedicated to the commercialisation of fuel cells and hydrogen energy technologies. Intelligent Energy Intelligent Energy is a fuel cell engineering company focused on the development and commercialisation of its PEM fuel cell technologies for a range of markets including automotive, stationary power and UAVs. We are headquartered in the UK,", "\"Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell\"\ntransportation involve incorporation of PEMs into current vehicle technology and updating energy systems. Full fuel cell vehicles are not advantageous if hydrogen is sourced from fossil fuels; however, they become beneficial when implemented as hybrids. There is potential for PEMFCs to be used for stationary power generation, where they provide 5 kW at 30% efficiency; however, they run into competition with other types of fuel cells, mainly SOFCs and MCFCs. Whereas PEMFCs generally require high purity hydrogen for operation, other fuel cell types can run on methane and are thus more flexible systems. Therefore, PEMFCs are best for small scale", "\"Solar–hydrogen energy cycle\"\nSolar–hydrogen energy cycle Solar–hydrogen energy cycle is an energy cycle where a solar powered electrolyzer is used to convert water to hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen and oxygen produced thus are stored to be used by a fuel cell to produce electricity when no sunlight is available. Photovoltaic panels convert sunlight to electricity. In this cycle, the excess electricity produced after consumption by devices connected to the system, is used to power an electrolyzer. The electrolyzer converts water into hydrogen and oxygen, which is stored. This hydrogen is used up by a fuel cell to produce electricity, which can power the", "\"Hydrogen economy\"\ngas emissions and pollution from that engine. Although hydrogen can be used in conventional internal combustion engines, fuel cells, being electrochemical, have a theoretical efficiency advantage over heat engines. Fuel cells are more expensive to produce than common internal combustion engines. Some types of fuel cells work with hydrocarbon fuels, while all can be operated on pure hydrogen. In the event that fuel cells become price-competitive with internal combustion engines and turbines, large gas-fired power plants could adopt this technology. Hydrogen gas must be distinguished as \"\"technical-grade\"\" (five nines pure, 99.999%), which is suitable for applications such as fuel cells,", "\"Bivalent (engine)\"\nfuels. Vehicle manufacturers are thus motivated to develop new internal combustion engine technologies. The bivalent engine allows for an easier transition from fossil fuels to alternative fuels. The technology is advancing and there is increasing demand for more efficient and cleaner burning engines. Hydrogen is being researched as a fuel for vehicles because it produces no carbon dioxide emissions. If hydrogen fuel becomes more popular, it has the potential to be less expensive than other fuels, if low-cost production via electrolysis can be implemented. Hydrogen can be used and created in fuel cells to power electric motors or burnt directly", "\"Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies\"\nHorizon Fuel Cell Technologies Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies is a company founded in 2003 in Singapore, serving a diverse range of industries with various fuel cell electric energy solutions and products. Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies products and solutions are enabled by in-house manufacturing of micro-size to multi-kilowatt scale proton exchange membrane fuel cells, combined with a choice of proprietary on-demand hydrogen storage and production methods including hydrolysis, electrolysis and reformer-based solutions. Horizon has so far focused its efforts on the commercialization of sub-kW fuel cell solutions, which consume less hydrogen and thus rely less on the existence of a hydrogen", "\"Hydrogen safety\"\nuse of hydrogen poses unique challenges due to its ease of leaking as a gaseous fuel, low-energy ignition, wide range of combustible fuel-air mixtures, buoyancy, and its ability to embrittle metals that must be accounted for to ensure safe operation. Liquid hydrogen poses additional challenges due to its increased density and the extremely low temperatures needed to keep it in liquid form. Hydrogen codes and standards are codes and standards (RCS) for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, stationary fuel cell applications and portable fuel cell applications. Additional to the codes and standards for hydrogen technology products, there are codes and standards", "\"Hydrogen vehicle\"\n2011. The other use for natural gas is in steam reforming which is the common way to produce hydrogen gas for use in electric cars with fuel cells. A 2008 \"\"Technology Review\"\" article stated, \"\"Electric cars—and plug-in hybrid cars—have an enormous advantage over hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles in utilizing low-carbon electricity. That is because of the inherent inefficiency of the entire hydrogen fueling process, from generating the hydrogen with that electricity to transporting this diffuse gas long distances, getting the hydrogen in the car, and then running it through a fuel cell—all for the purpose of converting the hydrogen back into", "Pipistrel\nmotor driven by batteries only, by a 100-kW generator-only and by both combined.The Hypstair program is followed by Mahepa project from 2017, EU-funded over four years.Panthera ground testing is planned for 2019 before flight tests in 2020. On 29 September 2016 the world’s first four-seat passenger aircraft powered by a zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell propulsion system accomplished a successful first public flight. Pipistrel was one of the partners in the \"\"HY4\"\" project. The dual-fuselage, battery-powered Taurus G4 received a DLR hydrogen fuel cell powertrain to fly as the HY4, with hydrogen tanks and batteries in the fuselages, fuel cells and", "\"Fuel cell vehicle\"\nof fuel cells include polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells, direct methanol fuel cells, phosphoric acid fuel cells, molten carbonate fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cells, reformed methanol fuel cell and Regenerative Fuel Cells. The concept of the fuel cell was first demonstrated by Humphry Davy in 1801, but the invention of the first working fuel cell is credited to William Grove, a chemist, lawyer, and physicist. Grove's experiments with what he called a \"\"gas voltaic battery\"\" proved in 1842 that an electric current could be produced by an electrochemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen over a platinum catalyst. English", "\"Fuel cell\"\nFuel cell A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts the chemical energy from a fuel into electricity through an electrochemical reaction of hydrogen fuel with oxygen or another oxidizing agent. Fuel cells are different from batteries in requiring a continuous source of fuel and oxygen (usually from air) to sustain the chemical reaction, whereas in a battery the chemical energy comes from chemicals already present in the battery. Fuel cells can produce electricity continuously for as long as fuel and oxygen are supplied. The first fuel cells were invented in 1838. The first commercial use of fuel cells", "\"Landfill gas utilization\"\ndollars. Research has been performed indicating that molten carbonate fuel cells could be fueled by landfill gas. Molten carbonate fuel cells require less purity than typical fuel cells, but still require extensive treatment. The separation of acid gases (HCl, HF, and SO), VOC oxidation (HS removal) and siloxane removal are required for molten carbonate fuel cells. Fuel cells are typically run on hydrogen and hydrogen can be produced from landfill gas. Hydrogen used in fuel cells have zero emissions, high efficiency, and low maintenance costs. Various landfill gas project incentives exist for United States projects at the federal and state", "\"Roger E. Billings\"\nBillings turned to larger means of transportation. Billings’ hydrogen powered buses – converted to hydrogen first in 1976 and running in Provo, Utah, then in Riverside, California – were successful demonstrations of hydrogen as a fuel for mass transit vehicles. The Postal Jeep project in 1977 demonstrated the potential use of hydrogen as a practical and advantageous fuel for fleet vehicles. By 1979, he was working on coal-to-gas conversion plants. In 1991 Billings built the first automobile to be powered by a hydrogen fuel cell. Billings later demonstrated this innovation in the practical development of hydrogen as a fuel for" ]
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when did jackie robinson retire from the brooklyn dodgers
[ "1956" ]
[ "\"Don Hoak\"\nwas rewarded by a spot on the Brooklyn Dodgers roster. During his two seasons with the Dodgers, Hoak shared third base duties with Jackie Robinson and Billy Cox. In 1955, the Dodgers defeated the New York Yankees in the World Series to win their only championship in Brooklyn. Hoak played third base in place of Robinson in the seventh and deciding game of that Series—the only World Series game Robinson did not play in during his career when his team was in the World Series. After the season, Hoak was traded to the Chicago Cubs. In 1956, Hoak batted .215", "\"Brooklyn Dodgers: Ghosts of Flatbush\"\nDodgers: Carl Erskine, Duke Snider, Johnny Podres, Clem Labine, Ralph Branca, Buzzie Bavasi (General Manager), Peter O'Malley (former president and son of Walter O'Malley), Joan Hodges (widow of Gil Hodges), Rachel Robinson (widow of Jackie Robinson). Brooklyn Dodgers: Ghosts of Flatbush Brooklyn Dodgers: Ghosts of Flatbush is a 2007 documentary film produced by HBO Sports chronicling the last ten years of the Brooklyn Dodgers' tenure in the borough of churches. The film documents how in 1947 Jackie Robinson broke the baseball racial barrier in previously segregated major league, the struggles to win what seemed an unreachable World Series title in", "\"Brooklyn Dodgers (Continental Football League)\"\nACFL from 1962 to 1964. After a disastrous 3-11 season played before tiny crowds, the franchise was shifted to Brooklyn and renamed after the famous baseball team. (There was precedent for this: there was a Brooklyn Dodgers team in the NFL from 1930–43 and another club of that name in the All-America Football Conference (AAFC) from 1946–48; still, the Los Angeles Dodgers were not amused, suing the new Dodgers for copyright infringement for using their former name.) Although a completely different organization from the baseball Dodgers, the football Dodgers did hire hardball legend Jackie Robinson as their general manager, featuring", "\"Ernie Banks\"\nThe team did not retire any more numbers for another five years, when Billy Williams received the honor. Through the 2014 season, only six former Cubs, along with Brooklyn Dodger Jackie Robinson, have had their numbers retired by the organization. Banks served as a team ambassador after his retirement, though author Phil Rogers says the team had never placed Banks in a position of authority or significant influence. In 1983, shortly after Wrigley sold the team to the Tribune Company, Banks and the Cubs briefly severed ties. Rogers wrote that after the sale, Banks was viewed as \"\"something of a", "\"Sports in Brooklyn\"\nand the Robins, the last an informal name taken from their manager, Wilbert Robinson. The team name is short for \"\"trolley dodgers\"\", a reference to the many streetcar lines that once criss-crossed the borough. Perennial losers, the Dodgers were called \"\"bums\"\" by their fans, first with derision, eventually with affection. The Dodgers greatest achievement came in 1947 when Jackie Robinson took the field in a Dodgers uniform, the first Major League African American player of the modern era. The Brooklyn Dodgers won National League pennants in 1890, 1899, 1900, 1916, 1920, 1941, 1947, 1949, 1952, and 1953, but lost the", "\"Jackie Robinson\"\nJackie Robinson Jack Roosevelt Robinson (January 31, 1919 – October 24, 1972) was an American professional baseball player who became the first African American to play in Major League Baseball (MLB) in the modern era. Robinson broke the baseball color line when the Brooklyn Dodgers started him at first base on April 15, 1947. When the Dodgers signed Robinson, they heralded the end of racial segregation in professional baseball that had relegated black players to the Negro leagues since the 1880s. Robinson was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962. Robinson had an exceptional 10-year MLB career. He", "\"Jackie Robinson Day\"\nOfficer of Major League Baseball, described Jackie Robinson Day as a significance \"\"not only for baseball, but for our country in general.\"\" Baseball players of Black African descent were excluded from Major League Baseball until 1947. On April 15, 1947, Jackie Robinson made his major league debut for the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field before a crowd of 26,623 spectators, more than 14,000 of whom were black. By the late 1950s, the percentage of black players on Major League teams matched or exceeded that of the general population. In 1997, MLB universally retired his uniform number, No. 42, across all", "\"Wid Matthews\"\nwhen he joined the St. Louis Cardinals, the pioneers of the MLB farm system. Seven years later, he moved with Redbird GM Branch Rickey to the Brooklyn Dodgers, where he served as the Dodgers' director of Midwest scouting through the 1949 season. As Brooklyn's top scout in the Midwest, Matthews was one of multiple Dodger evaluators who followed Jackie Robinson of the Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro Leagues in 1945. His glowing assessment of Robinson's ability to \"\"protect the strike zone\"\" was key to Rickey's decision to target Robinson as the first African-American to break the baseball color line", "\"1946 Brooklyn Dodgers season\"\n1946 Brooklyn Dodgers season The 1946 Brooklyn Dodgers finished the season tied for first place with the St. Louis Cardinals. The two teams played in the first ever playoff series to decide the pennant, and the Cardinals took two straight to win the title. With their star players back from the war, Brooklyn had jumped back into serious contention. They would be respectable until their move to Los Angeles 10 years later. This season was the team's – and Major League Baseball's – last non-integrated one. On October 23, 1945, the Dodgers signed Jackie Robinson as a free agent. Robinson", "\"1946 Brooklyn Dodgers season\"\n1946 Brooklyn Dodgers season The 1946 Brooklyn Dodgers finished the season tied for first place with the St. Louis Cardinals. The two teams played in the first ever playoff series to decide the pennant, and the Cardinals took two straight to win the title. With their star players back from the war, Brooklyn had jumped back into serious contention. They would be respectable until their move to Los Angeles 10 years later. This season was the team's – and Major League Baseball's – last non-integrated one. On October 23, 1945, the Dodgers signed Jackie Robinson as a free agent. Robinson", "\"Frank Kellert\"\nGame 1. During Kellert's at bat, Jackie Robinson stole home, but Brooklyn lost to the New York Yankees, 6–5. Kellert pinch hit two more times, going hitless in Dodger losses in Games 2 and 6, but Brooklyn won the series in seven games for its only title before the Dodgers moved to Los Angeles after the 1957 season. A week after the Dodger championship, Kellert was placed on waivers and claimed by the Cubs, where he spent the 1956 season but hit only .186 as a part-time first baseman. He played three more seasons in the minors before retiring from", "\"Jackie Robinson\"\nin 1962, Robinson encouraged voters to consider only his on-field qualifications, rather than his cultural impact on the game. He was elected on the first ballot, becoming the first black player inducted into the Cooperstown museum. In 1965, Robinson served as an analyst for ABC's \"\"Major League Baseball Game of the Week\"\" telecasts, the first black person to do so. In 1966, Robinson was hired as general manager for the short-lived Brooklyn Dodgers of the Continental Football League. In 1972, he served as a part-time commentator on Montreal Expos telecasts. On June 4, 1972, the Dodgers retired his uniform number,", "\"Sam Lacy\"\none such piece in 1945, Lacy wrote: However, Lacy did not make any headway on the issue until Landis died in late 1944. Lacy began a dialogue with Brooklyn Dodgers owner Branch Rickey, and Landis's successor in the commissioner's office, Happy Chandler, lent his support to the effort. It ultimately led to Jackie Robinson signing with the Dodgers' minor league team, the Montreal Royals on October 23, 1945, which was Lacy's 42nd birthday. Lacy spent the next three years covering Jackie's struggle for acceptance and a spot in the big leagues. He traveled with Robinson to the Royals' games at", "\"1949 Brooklyn Dodgers season\"\n1949, at Yankee Stadium in New York City October 7, 1949, at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York October 8, 1949, at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York October 9, 1949, at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York 1949 Brooklyn Dodgers season The 1949 Brooklyn Dodgers held off the St. Louis Cardinals to win the National League title by one game. The Dodgers lost the World Series to the New York Yankees in five games. Jackie Robinson led the NL in hitting and stolen bases and won the National League Most Valuable Player Award. Robinson was the first black player", "\"Dewey Robinson\"\nthe Ben Turpin short \"\"Keystone Hotel\"\" in 1935. In the 1940s, Robinson was part of Preston Sturges' unofficial \"\"stock company\"\" of character actors, appearing in eight films written and directed by Sturges. In 1950, near the end of his career, Robinson played a Brooklyn Dodgers fan in \"\"The Jackie Robinson Story\"\" who progressed from bigotry to exuberant support of Jackie Robinson. Robinson died in Las Vegas, Nevada on December 11, 1950 from a heart attack, but because he worked so prolifically, films in which he appeared continued to be seen until 1952, when \"\"At Sword's Point\"\", a Musketeer adventure, was", "\"Chicago Cubs\"\nhave pitched no-hitters; however, no Cubs pitcher has thrown a perfect game. As of 2017, the Chicago Cubs are ranked as the 18th most valuable sports team in the world, 14th in the United States, fourth in MLB behind the New York Yankees, Los Angeles Dodgers, and Boston Red Sox, and second in the city of Chicago behind the Bears. The Chicago Cubs retired numbers are commemorated on pinstriped flags flying from the foul poles at Wrigley Field, with the exception of Jackie Robinson, the Brooklyn Dodgers player whose number 42 was retired for all clubs. The first retired number", "\"Sports in Brooklyn\"\nin Brooklyn and folded after only seven games. In 1946, the new All-America Football Conference had yet another Brooklyn Dodgers team. This club lasted until 1948, after which it merged with the New York Yankees football team. The renamed Brooklyn-New York Yankees folded after one season when the AAFC merged with the NFL. Finally, there was an independent minor league team called the Brooklyn Dodgers in the short-lived Continental Football League in 1966. Like the AFL Brooklyn Tigers team, they never played in Brooklyn, but were called so because baseball Dodger legend Jackie Robinson was the general manager of the", "\"Kansas City Royals\"\nreally did. I hated 'em all, back in that era.\"\" The Royals have retired the numbers of former players George Brett (No. 5) and Frank White (No. 20). Former manager Dick Howser's No. 10 was retired following his death in 1987. Former Brooklyn Dodgers player Jackie Robinson's No. 42 is retired throughout Major League Baseball. No. 29, worn by Royals greats Dan Quisenberry and Mike Sweeney, has not been assigned since Sweeney's departure in 2007, although the team has not officially retired the number. \"\"Statistics current through November 1, 2015\"\" , the Royals affiliate radio station is KCSP 610AM, the", "\"History of the Philadelphia Phillies\"\nhis team after winning a pennant with an all-white team. The Phillies were the last National League team to sign a black player, a full 10 years after Jackie Robinson made his debut for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Their competitive futility was highlighted by a record that still stands: in 1961, the Phillies lost 23 games in a row, the worst losing streak in the majors since 1900. In 1947, when Robinson was signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers, Phillies general manager Herb Pennock called Dodgers team president Branch Rickey and told him not to \"\"bring that nigger here with the rest", "\"UCLA Bruins men's basketball retired numbers\"\nuniversity sports in honor of Jackie Robinson, a four-sport star at UCLA who went on to a Hall of Fame career in Major League Baseball and broke that sport's 20th-century color line. While Robinson wore several different numbers while at the school from 1939 to 1941, the number 42 was chosen because it was the number he wore during his Brooklyn Dodgers career. The all-sports retirement had no effect on men's basketball since that number had already been retired for Hazzard; however, Robinson's 42 will be prominently displayed within all UCLA athletic venues, including Pauley Pavilion. UCLA Bruins men's basketball", "\"Joe Black\"\nof Summer\"\". Black helped the Baltimore Elite Giants of the Negro Leagues win two championships in seven years. He and Jackie Robinson pushed for a pension plan for Negro League players and instrumental in the inclusion of players who played before 1944. Black then played for a year in the Brooklyn Dodgers' minor league system. The Dodgers promoted Black to the major leagues in 1952 at 28, five years after teammate Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier. He roomed with Robinson while with Brooklyn. Black was chosen Rookie of the Year after winning 15 games and saving 15 others for", "\"Davey Williams\"\nin 2323 chances). Williams's playing career was cut short when he was never able to fully recover after injuring his back in a collision with Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers, as Williams covered first base on Robinson bunt. Robinson later said that his intended target on the play had actually been Giant pitcher Sal Maglie. Maglie had angered the Dodgers by throwing several pitches high and inside on Dodger hitters, so Robinson had bunted specifically looking for the opportunity to crash into Maglie on the play. However, Maglie didn't cover first base as Robinson had expected, so instead, it", "\"1947 Brooklyn Dodgers season\"\n1947 Brooklyn Dodgers season On April 15, Jackie Robinson was the opening day first baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers, becoming the first black player in Major League Baseball. Robinson went on to bat .297, score 125 runs, steal 29 bases and be named the very first African-American Rookie of the Year. The Dodgers won the National League title and went on to lose to the New York Yankees in the 1947 World Series. This season was dramatized in the movie \"\"42\"\". Due to the suspension of Leo Durocher for a year for \"\"conduct detrimental to baseball\"\", coach Clyde Sukeforth managed", "\"1947 Brooklyn Dodgers season\"\n1947, at Yankee Stadium in New York City October 2, 1947, at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York October 3, 1947, at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York October 4, 1947, at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York October 5, 1947, at Yankee Stadium in New York City October 6, 1947, at Yankee Stadium in New York City 1947 Brooklyn Dodgers season On April 15, Jackie Robinson was the opening day first baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers, becoming the first black player in Major League Baseball. Robinson went on to bat .297, score 125 runs, steal 29 bases and be", "\"Gene Hermanski\"\nto use a month-long break to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers. \"\"Hermanski hit a homer and two triples in an exhibition game with the Red Sox and poled out a homer and a double in a contest with the Braves.\"\" When Hermanski played for the Brooklyn Dodgers along with Jackie Robinson, he demonstrated he was a great teammate by suggesting that all of the players stand in solidarity by wearing No. 42 to confuse potential snipers who were said to be out to kill Robinson because he had broken the color barrier. Hermanski died in Homosassa Springs, Florida, at the", "\"1949 Brooklyn Dodgers season\"\n1949 Brooklyn Dodgers season The 1949 Brooklyn Dodgers held off the St. Louis Cardinals to win the National League title by one game. The Dodgers lost the World Series to the New York Yankees in five games. Jackie Robinson led the NL in hitting and stolen bases and won the National League Most Valuable Player Award. Robinson was the first black player to win the NL MVP. \"\"Note: Pos = Position; G = Games played; AB = At bats; H = Hits; Avg. = Batting average; HR = Home runs; RBI = Runs batted in\"\" \"\"Note: G = Games played;", "\"Jackie Robinson Day\"\nJackie Robinson Day Jackie Robinson Day is a traditional event which occurs annually in Major League Baseball, commemorating and honoring the day Jackie Robinson made his major league debut. April 15 was Opening Day in 1947, Robinson's first season in the Major Leagues. Initiated for the first time on April 15, 2004, Jackie Robinson Day is celebrated each year on that day. The festivity is a result of Robinson's memorable career, best known for becoming the first black major league baseball player of the modern era in 1947. His debut with the Brooklyn Dodgers (today known as the Los Angeles", "\"Brooklyn Dodgers: Ghosts of Flatbush\"\nthe farm system, pitching machines, batting cages, and his decision to integrate the team. Rickey manages some Brooklyn players' resistance to integration and prepares Jackie Robinson for the portrayed shocking reactions from other teams and fans. Jackie's wife Rachel Robinson also discusses these trying times from the Robinsons' point of view. Robinson must pass through a period of isolation prior to being accepted. Walter O'Malley gains majority ownership of the team and then, following Rickey's departure, total control. With the mass movement of paying fans to the suburbs, inadequate parking and the outdated and dilapidated Ebbets Field leads to O'Malley's", "\"Herb Pennock\"\nin 1950, including Curt Simmons and Willie Jones. He also created a \"\"Grandstand Managers Club\"\", the first in baseball history, allowing fans to give feedback to the team, and advocated for the repeal of the Bonus Rule. Pennock opposed racial integration in baseball. In 1947, when Jackie Robinson was signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers, Pennock called Dodgers team president Branch Rickey before the Dodgers' series in Philadelphia and told him not to \"\"bring that nigger here with the rest of the team.\"\" He further threatened to boycott a 1947 game between the Phillies and Dodgers if Robinson played. In 1948,", "\"History of the Los Angeles Dodgers\"\nTrolley Dodgers) in the 1930s. During the Brooklyn era, the team won the AA championship in 1889 and National League championships twelve times (1890, 1899, 1900, 1916, 1920, 1941, 1947, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1955 1956) and won their first World Series championship in . The Brooklyn Dodgers had several Hall of Fame players on their rosters during this era including Roy Campanella, Leo Durocher, Burleigh Grimes, Willie Keeler, Pee Wee Reese, Wilbert Robinson, Duke Snider, Dazzy Vance, Zack Wheat and Jackie Robinson. Robinson, the first African American to play major professional baseball, made his debut as a Dodger in 1947", "Brooklyn\naverage, first triple play, first pro baseball player, first enclosed ballpark, first scorecard, first known African-American team, first black championship game, first road trip, first gambling scandal, and first eight pennant winners were all in or from Brooklyn. Brooklyn's most famous historical team, the Brooklyn Dodgers, named for \"\"trolley dodgers\"\" played at Ebbets Field. In 1947 Jackie Robinson was hired by the Dodgers as the first African-American player in Major League Baseball in the modern era. In 1955, the Dodgers, perennial National League pennant winners, won the only World Series for Brooklyn against their rival New York Yankees. The event", "\"Mr. Rickey Calls a Meeting\"\nretired African-American bellhop reminiscing about a meeting he witnessed in 1947, when he was 17 years old. The play then flashes back to that earlier time. The majority of the action is set in a New York City hotel room, in the spring of 1947, and the action spans a couple of hours. Branch Rickey, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers, has called a meeting with four prominent African-Americans to discuss breaking the color barrier in Major League Baseball. The invitees were Jackie Robinson, Joe Louis, Paul Robeson, and Bill Robinson. The play's characters, except for the bellhop, are all", "\"Brooklyn Dodgers (Continental Football League)\"\nhim in their promotional materials. Robinson, who briefly played professional football in the old Pacific Coast League in the 1940s, was actually hired as a figurehead with little say over the day-to-day actions of the team; his role was mostly limited to public appearances, such as attending \"\"Jackie Robinson Day\"\" when the Dodgers played in Montreal, where he had played for the minor-league Montreal Royals in 1946. Andy Robustelli was the Dodgers' head coach, while Tom Kennedy, who also played with the club when it was in Providence in 1965, was the starting quarterback. After Kennedy led the Continental in", "\"Kenny Washington (American football)\"\nOne legacy of Washington's and Strode's time in the NFL was that Branch Rickey, president of the Brooklyn Dodgers, saw that blacks and whites could coexist in a violent sport without much disruption, and decided that Major League Baseball could be integrated as well, which he did when he signed their UCLA teammate Jackie Robinson to the Dodgers in 1947. However, for many years, Washington was ignored by the NFL and the story of professional football's postwar integration received little attention. One reason is because for most of the 20th century, baseball was by far the top sport in the", "\"1997 New York Mets season\"\nfifteen wins, with Reed recording thirteen. John Franco saved 36 games, his most since 1988. On April 15 the Mets hosted ceremonies marking the 50th anniversary of Jackie Robinson's first game with the Brooklyn Dodgers before their game against the Los Angeles Dodgers at Shea Stadium. The ceremony was attended by President Bill Clinton and commissioner Bud Selig announced that Robinson's jersey number, 42, would be retired permanently across baseball. The Mets won the game 5-0. Interleague play was brought to MLB in 1997 and the Mets played New York Yankees in June as part of the first ever regular", "\"Brooklyn Dodgers: Ghosts of Flatbush\"\nBrooklyn Dodgers: Ghosts of Flatbush Brooklyn Dodgers: Ghosts of Flatbush is a 2007 documentary film produced by HBO Sports chronicling the last ten years of the Brooklyn Dodgers' tenure in the borough of churches. The film documents how in 1947 Jackie Robinson broke the baseball racial barrier in previously segregated major league, the struggles to win what seemed an unreachable World Series title in 1955, and the issues and community feelings involved in the team's sudden departure to Los Angeles after the 1957 campaign. The documentary focuses on the Brooklyn community's identification with the ball club, and with the perennial", "\"History of the Brooklyn Dodgers\"\n1946, with the concomitant demise of the Negro Leagues, and is regarded as a key moment in the history of the American civil rights movement. Robinson was an exceptional player, a speedy runner who sparked the team with his intensity. He was the inaugural recipient of the Rookie of the Year award, which is now named the Jackie Robinson award in his honor. The Dodgers' willingness to integrate, when most other teams refused to, was a key factor in their 1947–1956 success. They won six pennants in those 10 years with the help of Robinson, three-time MVP Roy Campanella, Cy", "\"1952 Brooklyn Dodgers season\"\nin Brooklyn, New York October 3, 1952, at Yankee Stadium in New York City October 4, 1952, at Yankee Stadium in New York City October 5, 1952, at Yankee Stadium in New York City October 6, 1952, at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York October 7, 1952, at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York Gil Hodges Billy Loes Pee Wee Reese Jackie Robinson 1952 Brooklyn Dodgers season The 1952 Brooklyn Dodgers rebounded from the heartbreaking ending of 1951 to win the National League pennant by four games over the New York Giants. However, they dropped the World Series in seven", "Baseball\nlarge number of minor league teams disbanded when World War II led to a player shortage. Chicago Cubs owner Philip K. Wrigley led the formation of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League to help keep the game in the public eye. The first crack in the unwritten agreement barring blacks from white-controlled professional ball occurred in 1945: Jackie Robinson was signed by the National League's Brooklyn Dodgers and began playing for their minor league team in Montreal. In 1947, Robinson broke the major leagues' color barrier when he debuted with the Dodgers. Latin American players, largely overlooked before, also started", "\"1952 Brooklyn Dodgers season\"\n1952 Brooklyn Dodgers season The 1952 Brooklyn Dodgers rebounded from the heartbreaking ending of 1951 to win the National League pennant by four games over the New York Giants. However, they dropped the World Series in seven games to the New York Yankees. Led by Gil Hodges, Jackie Robinson, and Duke Snider, the high-powered Brooklyn offense scored the most runs in the majors. \"\"Note: Pos = Position; G = Games played; AB = At bats; H = Hits; Avg. = Batting average; HR = Home runs; RBI = Runs batted in\"\" \"\"Note: G = Games played; AB = At bats;", "\"1948 Brooklyn Dodgers season\"\nRalph Branca Pee Wee Reese Jackie Robinson Preacher Roe 1948 Brooklyn Dodgers season Leo Durocher returned as manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers to start the 1948 season but was fired in mid-season. He was replaced first by team coach Ray Blades and then by Burt Shotton, who had managed the team to the 1947 pennant. The Dodgers finished third in the National League after this tumultuous season. The 1948 Dodgers were very much a work in progress, beginning to coalesce into the classic \"\"Boys of Summer\"\" teams of the 1950s. Gil Hodges was in the opening day lineup, but as", "\"John Kennedy (shortstop)\"\nat Roosevelt Stadium), he became the first black player in Philadelphia Phillies history. The game was exactly 10 years to the day after manager Ben Chapman's Phillies had so taunted rookie Jackie Robinson in Brooklyn. Playing against the Brooklyn Dodgers, Kennedy entered the game in the top of the 8th inning as a pinch runner for Solly Hemus, who had doubled, but did not score. The Dodgers won, 5-1. His next game was two days later, playing against the Pittsburgh Pirates at Connie Mack Stadium. He entered the game in the bottom of the 6th as a pinch runner for", "\"Mickey Livingston\"\nMickey Livingston Thompson Orville Livingston (November 15, 1914 – April 3, 1983) was an American professional baseball catcher. He played ten seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) between 1938 and 1951 for the Washington Senators, Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago Cubs, New York Giants, Boston Braves, and Brooklyn Dodgers. Livingston was the starting catcher for the Cubs in the 1945 World Series. He had eight hits in 22 at-bats (.364). He was a teammate of Jackie Robinson on the 1951 Brooklyn Dodgers. He played for the last time on September 20 and did not appear in the tie-breaker postseason game on Oct.", "\"Ebbets Field\"\nwas the saddest day of his life. It was a difficult task for Saul, who had been a faithful fan of the Brooklyn Dodgers and was heartbroken when the team relocated. Apartments were built on the former Ebbets Field site, and were named the Ebbets Field Apartments upon their opening in 1962. They were renamed the Jackie Robinson Apartments in 1972, the year Robinson died. Middle School 320, across McKeever Place, was renamed Jackie Robinson Intermediate School. In January 2014, the street sign that once stood at the corner of McKeever Place and Montgomery Street was sold at auction for", "\"Dodgers–Giants rivalry\"\nSan Francisco's AT&T Park, Dodger infielder Hanley Ramírez, competing for his home country, the Dominican Republic, was consistently booed at every appearance and whenever his name was mentioned on the public-address system. The rivalry extends beyond the fans to the players. Jackie Robinson retired rather than report to the Giants after being traded to them by the Dodgers in December of . According to legend and his teammate Tommy Lasorda, he did so because he had come to hate the Giants after ten years in Dodger Blue. This notion has been challenged on the grounds that Robinson would have been", "\"Jackie Robinson Day\"\nKen Griffey, Jr. called Bud Selig to ask for permission to wear number 42 on Jackie Robinson Day. Griffey received special permission from Rachel Robinson to wear number 42 on Jackie Robinson Day of 2007. Number 42 had been retired for all Major League Baseball teams. This meant that no future Major League Baseball player could wear it. The number was retired in a ceremony which took place in 1997 at Shea Stadium to mark the 50th anniversary of Robinson's first game with the Dodgers. (The last player to wear the Number 42 is Mariano Rivera of the New York", "\"Al Campanis\"\nplayed for the Brooklyn Dodgers as a second baseman for seven games late in their 1943 season. He then served in the U.S. Navy in World War II, reaching the rank of Chief Petty Officer. After returning from the war, Campanis rejoined the Montreal Royals. With Montreal in 1946, Campanis played 116 games at shortstop and was teammates with Jackie Robinson, who played 119 games at second base. Campanis remained with Montreal in 1947, while Robinson played for the Dodgers, breaking the baseball color line. Campanis' final season playing professional baseball was 1948, when he was player-manager of the Nashua", "\"Jackie Robinson\"\nlater recalled that Chapman \"\"did more than anybody to unite the Dodgers. When he poured out that string of unconscionable abuse, he solidified and united thirty men.\"\" Robinson did, however, receive significant encouragement from several major league players. Robinson named Lee \"\"Jeep\"\" Handley, who played for the Phillies at the time, as the first opposing player to wish him well. Dodgers teammate Pee Wee Reese once came to Robinson's defense with the famous line, \"\"You can hate a man for many reasons. Color is not one of them.\"\" In 1948, Reese put his arm around Robinson in response to fans", "\"The Chase Park Plaza Hotel\"\nPark Plaza stayed open. The Chase Park Plaza is part of the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Historic Hotels of America program. The hotel joined the Sonesta hotels chain on May 18, 2017. Jackie Robinson was an American Major League Baseball (MLB) second baseman who became the first African American to play in the major leagues in the modern era. Robinson broke the baseball color line when the Brooklyn Dodgers started him at first base on April 15, 1947. In 1953, Robinson openly criticized segregated hotels and restaurants that served the Dodger organization. A number of these establishments integrated as", "\"A Lesson Before Dying\"\nfrom chapter 12 when the book mentions Jackie Robinson. The quote \"\"All three stood talking baseball. Jackie Robinson had just finished his second year with the Brooklyn Dodgers,\"\" tells us all that we need to know to date this book. The book takes place in early October of 1948. \"\"All there was to see were old white weather-houses, with smoke rising out of the chimneys and drifting across the corrugated tin roofs overlooking the yard toward the field, where some of the cane had been cut. The cane had not been hauled to the derrick yet, and it was lying", "\"The Jackie Robinson Story\"\nhis college sweetheart, Rae. Then one day, Brooklyn Dodgers scout Clyde Sukeforth invites him to meet Branch Rickey, president of the Major League Baseball team. At first, Robinson considers the offer to be a practical joke, as African Americans are not allowed to play in the segregated major leagues. When he is convinced that the opportunity is genuine, he and Rickey size each other up. After thinking over Rickey's warning about the hatred and abuse he would have to endure \"\"without\"\" being able to strike back, Robinson signs with the Dodgers' International League farm team, the Montreal Royals. Though he", "\"History of baseball\"\nThe inaugural College World Series was held in 1947, and the Babe Ruth League youth program was founded. This program soon became another important organizing body for children's baseball. The first crack in the unwritten agreement barring blacks from white-controlled professional ball occurred the previous year: Jackie Robinson was signed by the National League's Brooklyn Dodgers—where Branch Rickey had become general manager—and began playing for their minor league team in Montreal. In 1947, Robinson broke the major leagues' color barrier when he debuted with the Dodgers; Larry Doby debuted with the American League's Cleveland Indians later the same year. Latin", "\"History of the Chicago Cubs\"\na game seven. After ten innings, a rain delay, and a blown 5–1 lead, the Cubs finally emerged victorious in game seven, 8–7. The Cubs' historic win marked the end of the longest championship drought in American sports history, winning the franchise's third World Series trophy and first in 108 years. The Chicago Cubs retired numbers are commemorated on pinstriped flags flying from the foul poles at Wrigley Field, with the exception of Jackie Robinson, the Brooklyn Dodgers player whose number was retired for all clubs: There is a movement to retire the uniform shirt of Gabby Hartnett. The Cubs", "\"Sports in the New York metropolitan area\"\nall-stars of Brooklyn, including players from the Brooklyn Atlantics, Excelsior of Brooklyn, Putnams and Eckford of Brooklyn, and the All Stars of New York (Manhattan), including players from the New York Knickerbockers, Gothams (predecessors of the San Francisco Giants), Eagles and Empire, are commonly believed to the first all-star baseball games. Two historical clubs, the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants, were among the most storied clubs in professional baseball, and were home to such players as Jackie Robinson and Willie Mays. The two teams left for California—the Dodgers for Los Angeles and the Giants for San Francisco—in 1957. The", "\"Nashua Dodgers\"\nof the International League, Newcombe remained in Nashua. The club again placed second, but won the Governor's Cup for the second year in a row. Although Newcombe was promoted, the Nashua Dodgers remained integrated in 1948 with the addition of Dan Bankhead, who had been a pitcher with Brooklyn. Nashua was managed by Al Campanis, who was a teammate of Jackie Robinson in Montreal in 1946. The Dodgers again placed second, but won the Governors' Cup. In 1949, as major-leaguers Don Newcombe and Roy Campanella led the Brooklyn Dodgers to a pennant, the Nashua Dodgers again seemed ready to compete", "\"Jackie Robinson\"\nmore than fourteen years later, in July 1959, the Red Sox became the last major league team to integrate its roster. Other teams, however, had more serious interest in signing a black ballplayer. In the mid-1940s, Branch Rickey, club president and general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, began to scout the Negro leagues for a possible addition to the Dodgers' roster. Rickey selected Robinson from a list of promising black players and interviewed him for possible assignment to Brooklyn's International League farm club, the Montreal Royals. Rickey was especially interested in making sure his eventual signee could withstand the inevitable", "\"Tom Yawkey\"\nfailing to finish within ten games of first place for 16 years (1951–1966). As owner of the Boston Red Sox, the team's policy on integration ultimately was Yawkey's responsibility. In 1959, the Red Sox became the last major league team to field a black player, Pumpsie Green, twelve years after Jackie Robinson's rookie season with the Brooklyn Dodgers and two-and-a-half years after Robinson's retirement. Robinson would later call Yawkey \"\"one of the most bigoted guys in baseball\"\". Another controversy involved longtime clubhouse attendant Donald Fitzpatrick. Fitzpatrick was accused of sexual abuse of minors between 1971 and 1991 while working in", "\"History of the Brooklyn Dodgers\"\nreplaced as manager by Max Carey. Although some suggested renaming the \"\"Robins\"\" the \"\"Brooklyn Canaries\"\", after Carey, whose last name was originally \"\"Carnarius\"\", the name \"\"Brooklyn Dodgers\"\" returned to stay following Robinson's retirement. It was during this era that Willard Mullin, a noted sports cartoonist, fixed the Brooklyn team with the lovable nickname of \"\"Dem Bums\"\". After hearing his cab driver ask, \"\"So how did those bums do today?\"\", Mullin decided to sketch an exaggerated version of famed circus clown Emmett Kelly to represent the Dodgers in his much-praised cartoons in the \"\"New York World-Telegram\"\". Both image and nickname caught", "\"Major League Baseball\"\nmanager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, began making efforts to introduce a black baseball player to the previously all-white professional baseball leagues in the mid-1940s. He selected Jackie Robinson from a list of promising Negro league players. After obtaining a commitment from Robinson to \"\"turn the other cheek\"\" to any racial antagonism directed at him, Rickey agreed to sign him to a contract for $600 a month. In what was later referred to as \"\"The Noble Experiment\"\", Robinson was the first black baseball player in the International League since the 1880s, joining the Dodgers' farm club, the Montreal Royals, for the", "\"Jackie Robinson House\"\nis two bays wide, with the entrance set in the right-hand bay. 5224 is the left unit, which has a band of three sash windows in the left bay, topped by a porch with a wooden railing and metal awning supported by decorative metal supports. The house was built sometime between 1912 and 1916. From 1947 to 1949 it was home to baseball player Jackie Robinson, the first African-American to play in the major leagues. Robinson had been signed to a contract in 1945 by Branch Rickey, owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers, and he was called up to the major", "\"1932 Brooklyn Dodgers season\"\n1932 Brooklyn Dodgers season The 1932 Brooklyn Dodgers season was the first season the franchise was officially known as the Dodgers, with the name making its first appearance on some of the team's jerseys. The Dodgers nickname had in use since the 1890s and was used interchangeably with other nicknames in media reports, particularly \"\"Robins\"\" in reference to longtime manager Wilbert Robinson. With Robinson's retirement after the 1931 season and the arrival of Max Carey, the nickname \"\"Robins\"\" was no longer used. The team wound up finishing the season in third place. \"\"Note: Pos = Position; G = Games played;", "\"1932 Brooklyn Dodgers season\"\n= Losses; SV = Saves; ERA = Earned run average; SO = Strikeouts\"\" 1932 Brooklyn Dodgers season The 1932 Brooklyn Dodgers season was the first season the franchise was officially known as the Dodgers, with the name making its first appearance on some of the team's jerseys. The Dodgers nickname had in use since the 1890s and was used interchangeably with other nicknames in media reports, particularly \"\"Robins\"\" in reference to longtime manager Wilbert Robinson. With Robinson's retirement after the 1931 season and the arrival of Max Carey, the nickname \"\"Robins\"\" was no longer used. The team wound up finishing", "\"History of the Brooklyn Dodgers\"\ndeclined. Ultimately, City Island Ballpark in Daytona Beach agreed to host the game with Robinson on the field. The team traveled to Havana, Cuba for spring training in 1947, this time with Robinson on the big club. Although the Dodgers ultimately built Dodgertown and its Holman Stadium further south in Vero Beach, and played there for 61 spring training seasons from 1948 through 2008, Daytona Beach renamed City Island Ballpark to Jackie Robinson Ballpark in his honor. This event marked the continuation of the integration of professional sports in the United States, with professional football having led the way in", "\"Jersey City Giants\"\nwhen Jackie Robinson of the Montreal Royals made his organized baseball debut there as a visitor on April 18, 1946. Robinson made a spectacular playing debut with four hits in five at-bats, including a home run in a game that ended with a 14-1 win for the Royals. A decade later, in 1956–1957, Roosevelt Stadium would host select Dodger home games as owner Walter O'Malley parried with public officials over a new stadium in Brooklyn. The Dodgers (and the MLB Giants) ultimately abandoned New York for California in 1958. Although they won league titles in 1939 and 1947, the Jersey", "\"2007 Major League Baseball season\"\nthat any player who wanted to wear number 42 on his jersey could. The jersey was worn without the players' name on the back, as was the case when Robinson played with the Brooklyn Dodgers. All jerseys that were worn were auctioned off with all the proceeds donated to the Jackie Robinson Foundation, an organization which awards scholarships to African-American high school graduates to further themselves in colleges academically. The Dodgers, Cardinals, and Brewers elected to have the entire team wear number 42 in his honor. The Pittsburgh Pirates, Phillies, and Astros were also scheduled to share that honor, but", "\"Jackie Robinson House\"\nJackie Robinson House The Jackie Robinson House is a historic house at 5224 Tilden Avenue in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. Built c. 1912-1916, it is prominent as the home of baseball great Jackie Robinson from 1947, when he was awarded Rookie of the Year, through 1949, when he was voted Most Valuable Player. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1976. The Jackie Robinson House is located in Brooklyn's East Flatbush, neighborhood, at the southwest corner of Tilden Street and East 53rd Street. It is a modest two-story brick duplex, with the units set side-by-side. Each", "\"Jackie Robinson\"\ninterest in the prospect of playing or managing professional baseball. Robinson ended his major league career when he struck out to end Game 7 of the 1956 World Series. After the season, Robinson was traded by the Dodgers to the arch-rival New York Giants for Dick Littlefield and $35,000 cash (equal to $ today). The trade, however, was never completed; unbeknownst to the Dodgers, Robinson had already agreed with the president of Chock full o'Nuts to quit baseball and become an executive with the company. Since Robinson had sold exclusive rights to any retirement story to \"\"Look\"\" magazine two years", "\"Peter Golenbock\"\nnot proceed with publication of the book.'\"\" It was picked up by small publisher Carroll and Graf. Within a week of publication, the school chancellor Bruce Poulton retired, and Valvano later was fired first as athletic director and as basketball coach. The book prompted an NCAA investigation which cleared Valvano of any wrongdoing, but found that free tickets and shoes properly issued to players were then sold for monetary gain by those players. Golenbock next wrote an award-winning children's book entitled \"\"Teammates\"\", which described an incident during Jackie Robinson's first season as a Brooklyn Dodger when he was publicly befriended", "\"Bill Willis\"\nother teams, and his versatility as a pass-rusher and coverage man influenced the development of the modern-day linebacker position. When he retired, Cleveland coach Paul Brown called him \"\"one of the outstanding linemen in the history of professional football\"\". Willis was also one of the first African Americans to play professional football in the modern era, signing with the Browns a year before Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Born in Columbus, Ohio, Willis attended Ohio State University, where he joined the track and football teams. He was part of a Buckeyes", "\"Eddie Stanky\"\nthe color barrier as a member of the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947. Upon first meeting Jackie Robinson at spring training, Stanky told him he was not in favor of integrating baseball, and that he was unhappy that it was his own team doing it, but that despite his own personal feelings, Robinson was now his teammate, and Stanky promised he would have his back. When Robinson began playing that season, he was treated harshly and discriminated against, and frequently taunted with insults and threats by players from the opposing teams. Stanky stayed silent at first, but finally yelled back at", "\"Kirby Higbe\"\nappearance (where he gave up a home run to Ted Williams), but the Dodgers lost the National League pennant to the eventual world champion St. Louis Cardinals. Higbe stayed in Brooklyn until just after the start of the 1947 campaign, when he was traded with four other players (one of whom was future Major League manager Gene Mauch) to the Pittsburgh Pirates in exchange for Al Gionfriddo. Higbe began the 1947 season with a 2–0 record for the eventual NL champion Dodgers, but he insisted upon being traded when the Dodgers added Jackie Robinson to the team as the first", "\"Howie Haak\"\nscouted Jackie Robinson while he played in the Negro Leagues. Robinson ultimately broke the baseball color line and went on to the Hall of Fame. Haak followed Rickey to the Pirates at the close of the 1950 season. Four years later, after scouting the Triple-A International League, he recommended the drafting of Clemente (ironically, from Brooklyn), who had been \"\"hidden\"\" on the Montreal Royals roster during the season. The highly talented, 19-year-old Clemente was only given 148 at bats with Montreal because the Dodgers did not have room for him on their MLB roster and didn't want to expose him", "\"Jackie Robinson Stadium\"\nfor ten seasons (1947-56), all with the Brooklyn Dodgers. A statue and a mural of Robinson can be found at the entrance concourse of the stadium. Jackie Robinson Stadium is located off-campus, on the west side of the Interstate 405 (San Diego) freeway, on the grounds of the Los Angeles Veterans Health Administration. Robinson's classmate, Hoyt Pardee (UCLA '41), gave a gift to help with the construction of the stadium. The stadium's \"\"Steele Field\"\" was dedicated in honor of the Steele Foundation on May 3, 2008, prior to a game against Arizona State, for its support of the stadium. The", "\"History of the Brooklyn Dodgers\"\nfirst major-league baseball game to be televised was Brooklyn's 6–1 victory over Cincinnati at Ebbets Field on August 26, 1939. Batting helmets were introduced to Major League Baseball by the Dodgers in 1941. For most of the first half of the 20th century, no Major League Baseball team employed a black player. A parallel system of Negro Leagues developed, but most of the Negro League players were denied a chance to prove their skill before a national audience. Jackie Robinson became the first African-American to play Major League baseball in the 20th Century when he played his first major league", "\"Tommy Davis\"\nBrooklyn, New York. He attended Boys High School in Brooklyn, where he was a basketball teammate of future Basketball Hall of Famer Lenny Wilkens, as well as a long jumper on the school's track and field team with record breaker Bernard Lowther. In 1956, he was considering signing with the New York Yankees, but a phone call from Jackie Robinson convinced him to sign with the Brooklyn Dodgers instead. In his minor league career, he won batting titles in the Midwest League and Pacific Coast League. By the time Davis made the majors, the Dodgers had moved to Los Angeles;", "\"Dayton Rens\"\nwhen Earl Lloyd became the first African American to play in an N.B.A., game with the Washington Capitols. The NBA was the creation of the 1949 merger between the BAA and NBL, which did not include the Rens. Dayton Rens The Dayton Rens were a member of the USA National Basketball League (NBL) for the 1948-49 season and were the only all-black team to play in a white league. This milestone came just one year after Jackie Robinson, playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers, broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball. For the Rens, however, this milestone would be the", "\"Roy Campanella\"\nthe following year, and Campanella became a star player with the team. In 1942 and 1943, Campanella played in the Mexican League with the Monterrey Sultans. Lázaro Salazar, the team's manager, told Campanella that one day he would play at the major league level. Campanella moved into the Brooklyn Dodgers' minor league system in as the Dodger organization began preparations to break the MLB color barrier with Jackie Robinson. For the 1946 season, Robinson was assigned to the Montreal Royals, the Dodgers' affiliate in the Class AAA International League. On March 18, 1946, Campanella signed a contract to play for", "\"Radiology Associates Field at Jackie Robinson Ballpark\"\nDaytona Tortugas were founded in 1993. They have won six Florida State League championships, 1994, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2011, and 2013. The Bethune–Cookman Wildcats have also achieved recent success, including six consecutive Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) baseball championships from 1999–2004, and seven more in 2006–2012. One reason the stadium is named for Jackie Robinson is the fact that Daytona Beach was the first Florida city to allow Robinson to play during the 1946 season's spring training. Robinson was playing for the Triple-A Montreal Royals, who were in Florida to play an exhibition game against their parent club, the Brooklyn Dodgers.", "\"Los Angeles Dodgers\"\n2007 season, Jackie Robinson Day (April 15, commemorating Opening Day of Robinson's rookie season of 1947) has featured many or all players and coaches wearing the number 42 as a tribute to Robinson. The Dodgers have not issued the number 34 since the departure of Fernando Valenzuela in 1991, although it has not been officially retired. Since 1884, the Dodgers have used a total of 31 Managers, the most current being Dave Roberts, who was appointed following the 2015 postseason, after the departure of Don Mattingly. Over the nearly 43 years from 1954 to mid-1996, the Dodgers employed only two", "\"Monument Park (Yankee Stadium)\"\nwas retired throughout baseball on April 15, 1997, the 50th anniversary of his debut with the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Yankees erected a plaque for Robinson reading: \"\"In becoming the first Major League player to break the color barrier, Jackie will forever be an inspiration with his grace, dignity and perseverance. His story and the stories of those who never had the same opportunity must never be forgotten.\"\" 42s were also painted in front of each dugout. Players active at the time of the number's retirement in 1997 were granted a special exemption permitting them to continue wearing the number for", "\"Baseball color line\"\nthat eventually led to the disappearance of blacks from the sport's other minor leagues later that century, including the low minors. After the line was in virtually full effect in the early 20th century, many black baseball clubs were established, especially during the 1920s to 1940s when there were several Negro Leagues. During this period some light-skinned Hispanic players, Native Americans, and native Hawaiians, like Prince Oana, were able to play in the Major Leagues. The color line was broken for good when Jackie Robinson signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers organization for the 1946 season. In 1947, both Robinson in", "\"History of the Brooklyn Dodgers\"\nYoung Award winner Don Newcombe, Jim Gilliam, and Joe Black. Robinson eventually became the first African-American elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962. After the wilderness years of the 1920s and 1930s, the Dodgers were rebuilt into a contending club first by general manager Larry MacPhail and then the legendary Branch Rickey. Led by Jackie Robinson, Pee Wee Reese, and Gil Hodges in the infield, Duke Snider and Carl Furillo in the outfield, Roy Campanella behind the plate, and Don Newcombe, Carl Erskine, and Preacher Roe on the pitcher's mound, the Dodgers won pennants in , , ,", "\"Jackie Robinson Parkway\"\nspots noted earlier in the 1941 report by the New York City Planning Department. Reconstruction finished in 1992. The parkway's name was changed to honor Jackie Robinson in May 1997, as part of 50th anniversary activities marking his breaking of the baseball color line. In addition to playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers, Robinson was known to live and own property in the area along the parkway, and his gravesite is located in Cypress Hills Cemetery, located adjacent to exit 3. A juncture at the eastern end of the parkway was placed on the list of New York State's most dangerous", "\"Roy Campanella\"\nplayer of black heritage so honored, after Jackie Robinson. The same year, he received the Bronze Medallion from the City of New York. Campanella was elected to the Mexican Professional Baseball Hall Of Fame in 1971. On June 4, 1972, the Dodgers retired Campanella's uniform number 39 alongside Jackie Robinson's number 42 and Sandy Koufax's number 32. In 1978, Campanella moved to California and accepted a job as assistant to the Dodgers' director of community relations, Campanella's former teammate and longtime friend Don Newcombe. Campanella was interviewed by Edward R. Murrow on the CBS program \"\"Person to Person\"\" on October", "\"Louisville Bats\"\nretired the number 1 for Louisville native and Hall of Famer Harold \"\"Pee Wee\"\" Reese, and the number 42 in honor of his teammate on the Brooklyn Dodgers, Jackie Robinson (whose number was retired across all of Major League Baseball in 1997). This list contains former Louisville players who have played in at least 100 games in the major leagues: Listed below are the MLB broadcasting jobs that former Bats broadcasters have held since leaving the Bats Louisville Bats The Louisville Bats are a professional Minor League Baseball team based in Louisville, Kentucky. They play in the International League as", "\"Major League Baseball Rookie of the Year Award\"\naren't rookies.\"\" Past winners such as Jackie Robinson, Don Newcombe, and Sam Jethroe had professional experience in the Negro Leagues. Major League Baseball Rookie of the Year Award In Major League Baseball, the Rookie of the Year Award is annually given to one player from each league as voted on by the Baseball Writers' Association of America (BBWAA). The award was established in 1940 by the Chicago chapter of the BBWAA, which selected an annual winner from 1940 through 1946. The award became national in 1947; Jackie Robinson, the Brooklyn Dodgers' second baseman, won the inaugural award. One award was", "\"1947 World Series\"\n1947 World Series The 1947 World Series matched the New York Yankees against the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Yankees won the Series in seven games for their first title since , and their eleventh World Series championship in team history. Yankees manager Bucky Harris won the Series for the first time since managing the Washington Senators to their only title in . In 1947, Jackie Robinson, a Brooklyn Dodger, desegregated major league baseball. For the first time in World Series history, a racially integrated team played. There were 73,365 in the house for Game 1. Brooklyn struck first in the first", "\"Jackie Robinson\"\nBrooklyn Dodgers. During his career, the Dodgers played in six World Series, and Robinson himself played in six All-Star Games. In 1999, he was posthumously named to the Major League Baseball All-Century Team. Robinson's career is generally considered to mark the beginning of the post–\"\"long ball\"\" era in baseball, in which a reliance on raw power-hitting gave way to balanced offensive strategies that used footspeed to create runs through aggressive baserunning. Robinson exhibited the combination of hitting ability and speed which exemplified the new era. He scored more than 100 runs in six of his ten seasons (averaging more than", "\"George Sisler\"\nwith the St. Louis Cardinals, Brooklyn Dodgers and Pittsburgh Pirates. Sisler and Rickey worked with future Hall of Famer Duke Snider to teach the young Dodgers hitter to accurately judge the strike zone. Sisler was part of a scouting corps that Rickey assigned to look for black players, though the scouts thought they were looking for players to fill an all-black baseball team separate from MLB. Sisler evaluated Jackie Robinson as a potential star second baseman, but he was concerned about whether Robinson had enough arm strength to play shortstop. With the Pirates in 1961, Sisler had Roberto Clemente switch", "\"Marylou Whitney\"\nDunphy; Metropolitan Opera singer Robert Merrill; NBA Commissioner David Stern; former President of NBC Sports Dick Ebersol; Boston Celtics play-by-play announcer Tommy Heinsohn; former Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Ralph Branca; world-renowned artist LeRoy Neiman; NBC Sportscasters Don Criqui and Charlie Jones; Rachel Robinson, wife of Brooklyn Dodgers great Jackie Robinson; former Miss America and actress Mary Ann Mobley; founder of the Guardian Angels Curtis Sliwa and many others. The Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming, is important to Whitney, and she supports The Whitney Gallery of Western Art. She has given over $1 million to the museum since C.V. Whitney's", "\"San Diego Padres retired numbers\"\nthe Padres won the next day. He was named the NLCS Most Valuable Player, and San Diego advanced to their first World Series. In 2016, \"\"The San Diego Union-Tribune\"\" ranked Garvey's Game 4 homer as the No. 1 moment in San Diego sports history. However, he played 14 of his 19 seasons with the rival Los Angeles Dodgers, where he was also more productive, and the retirement of his number by San Diego has been heavily debated. On April 15, 1997, exactly 50 years after Jackie Robinson broke the baseball color line, the No. 42 he wore with the Brooklyn", "\"In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson\"\nher the respect and friendship of Mabel, who gives her the gift that truly changes her life: baseball. Soon Shirley is the biggest Brooklyn Dodgers fan of all, listening to the radio to hear the triumphs and heartbreaks of the team and her hero, Jackie Robinson. Meanwhile, she takes piano lessons from her landlord, Señora Rodriguez, and saves money by baby-sitting Mrs. O'Reilly's triplets. She begins to feel at home, and yet deep within herself Shirley discovers that she wants to hold on to her memories of China, and the knowledge that she is Chinese inside, as well as American.", "\"Chuck Dressen\"\noffice. When O'Malley fired Rickey associate Burt Shotton in the autumn of , he chose Dressen to manage the 1951 Dodgers. Dressen's Dodgers, unlike his Reds of a decade and a half before, were a perennial contender in the National League, with a lineup that included four future members of the Baseball Hall of Fame — Roy Campanella, Pee Wee Reese, Jackie Robinson and Duke Snider. They had won pennants in and , lost a playoff for the title in , and come within a run of forcing another playoff for the 1950 National League pennant. Brooklyn charged into first", "\"Spider Jorgensen\"\nSpider Jorgensen John Donald Jorgensen (November 3, 1919 – November 6, 2003) was a third baseman in Major League Baseball who played from 1947 through 1951 for the Brooklyn Dodgers (1947–50) and New York Giants (1950–51). Jorgensen batted left-handed and threw right-handed. He was born in Folsom, California. Jorgensen graduated from Folsom High School in 1936 and attended Sacramento City College from 1937 to 1938. In the 1950s, he played in the Pacific Coast League for the Oakland Oaks. He debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15, 1947, the same day that teammate Jackie Robinson broke the professional baseball", "\"Happy Chandler\"\nwas eventually adopted by the owners. Days prior to Chandler's assumption of the commissionership, the Brooklyn Dodgers' general manager, Branch Rickey, had announced the signing of Jackie Robinson to a minor league contract with the Montreal Royals, making him the first black to play for a Major League Baseball affiliate. The following year, Rickey transferred Robinson's contract from Montreal to Brooklyn, effectively breaking baseball's color line. In a speech at Wilberforce University in February 1948, Rickey recounted a secret meeting that had allegedly been held by baseball officials at the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago on August 28, 1946. At the", "\"Mr. Rickey Calls a Meeting\"\nhistorical figures, but such a meeting never actually took place. Mr. Rickey has decided to offer Jackie Robinson a job with the Brooklyn Dodgers (Robinson, at this point in time, is already on the Montreal minor league team) and wants the invitees' support to help him address the controversy he knows will ensue. The invitees, especially Paul Robeson, are suspicious of Rickey's motives, wondering if he is more motivated by profit than altruism. Another concern of Robeson and Robinson's is the loss of jobs that would ensue when the black-owned black baseball teams inevitably shut down, once all the key", "\"New York Yankees\"\nteams placed the number 42 with the rest of their retired numbers, the Yankees did not do so at first. Ten years later, on April 17, 2007, the Yankees honored Robinson by mounting the logo of Jackie Robinson Day with a corresponding plaque alongside the rest of the retired numbers. Because the Yankees were finishing a roadtrip in Oakland on Jackie Robinson Day, the ceremony took place two days later. When the Yankees moved to the second Yankee Stadium, they replaced the Jackie Robinson Day logo with a number 42 that resembled the other retired numbers. Later on they replaced", "\"Thelma Eisen\"\nSeville Biltmore Hotel and were filmed for Fox Movietone News going down the steps at the University of Havana. At the time, the Brooklyn Dodgers trained in the Cuban capital because Jackie Robinson, who would be the first Afro-American to play in the Major Leagues, was training with the Dodgers for the first time. By then, city ordinances in Vero Beach, Florida, where the Dodgers normally trained, prevented blacks and whites players from competing on the same field against each other. Notably, newspaper stories from Havana indicate that the All-American girls drew larger crowds for their exhibition games at Estadio", "\"Migdalia Pérez\"\nin Havana, Cuba, as part of a plan to create an International League of Girls Baseball. All the eight AAGPBL teams played exhibition games at Estadio Latinoamericano. On the other hand, the Brooklyn Dodgers trained in the Cuban capital because Jackie Robinson, who would be the first Afro-American to play in the Major Leagues, was training with the Dodgers for the first time. By then, city ordinances in Vero Beach, Florida, where the Dodgers normally trained, prevented blacks and whites players from competing on the same field against each other. Notably, newspaper stories from Havana indicate that the All-American girls", "\"Amy Applegren\"\nin 1947 in Havana, Cuba, as part of a plan to create an International League of Girls Baseball. All the teams stayed at the Seville Biltmore Hotel and were filmed for Fox Movietone News going down the steps at the University of Havana. On the other hand, the Brooklyn Dodgers trained in the Cuban capital because Jackie Robinson, who would be the first Afro-American to play in the Major Leagues, was training with the Dodgers for the first time. By then, city ordinances in Vero Beach, Florida, where the Dodgers normally trained, prevented blacks and whites players from competing on" ]
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real name of gwen stacy in amazing spiderman
[ "Emma Stone" ]
[ "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nwas in fact the second Gwen clone Miles Warren created and has been living in London under the name Joyce Delaney. This clone is murdered by the Gwen Stacy clone known as Abby-L. Another Gwen clone appears in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #399 (March 1995). This clone believes she is the real Gwen. She dies from clone degeneration in \"\"Spider-Man\"\" #56 (March 1995), the next issue of the story arc. A further Gwen clone appears in the \"\"Sibling Rivalry\"\" crossover storyline between \"\"Superior Spider-Man Team-Up\"\" and \"\"Scarlet Spider\"\". She joins the Jackal (alongside Carrion and a regular Miles Warren clone) in", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nWarren has perfected the art of cloning and thus lies to the New Men that it was nothing more than a genetic construct created by a virus that he injected into his apprentice, Joyce Delaney. During the second \"\"Clone Saga\"\", Gwen Stacy's clone, now married to a clone of Professor Warren named Warren Miles, sees a copy of Peter Parker's book of Spider-Man photos, \"\"Webs\"\", and remembers (to an extent) her real history. She returns to New York City. During this storyline, she again disappears from Spider-Man's life. It was revealed the Gwen Stacy clone introduced in \"\"Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #144", "\"Gwen Stacy (band)\"\nafter the show. Longtime guitarist Patrick Meadows joined local Indiana band Barricades as their guitarist in 2015. Final lineup Former Timeline Gwen Stacy (band) Gwen Stacy was an American metalcore band from Indianapolis, Indiana. Their name came from the character Gwen Stacy, who appeared in the comic book \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" as the girlfriend of Peter Parker. They were from Indianapolis, Indiana, and were active between 2004 and 2010. The band announced a reunion in April 2014. Gwen Stacy formed as a band in mid-2004 by founding members Brent Schindler and T.J. Sego along with previous members, Chris Suter, and", "\"Gwen Stacy (band)\"\nGwen Stacy (band) Gwen Stacy was an American metalcore band from Indianapolis, Indiana. Their name came from the character Gwen Stacy, who appeared in the comic book \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" as the girlfriend of Peter Parker. They were from Indianapolis, Indiana, and were active between 2004 and 2010. The band announced a reunion in April 2014. Gwen Stacy formed as a band in mid-2004 by founding members Brent Schindler and T.J. Sego along with previous members, Chris Suter, and Josh Rickard. After several member changes the band was probably best recognized with members Cole Wallace, Brent Schindler, T.J. Sego, Patrick", "\"Dianna Agron\"\nfilm \"\"Celebrities Anonymous\"\", directed by Dennis Hemphill Jr., alongside Lindsay Zir and Joey Kern. In 2010, she appeared in the supporting role of Minnow Hayes in the romantic comedy \"\"The Romantics\"\". That same year, she played Natalie in the musical drama film \"\"Burlesque\"\". She also appeared in \"\"Bold Native\"\", a film about animal liberation. In 2010, Agron auditioned for the role of Gwen Stacy for the reboot of the Spider-Man films, \"\"The Amazing Spiderman\"\", but lost out on the role to Emma Stone. In 2011, Agron appeared as Alice in the horror thriller \"\"The Hunters\"\", and as Sarah Hart in", "\"Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy\"\nGabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy are the fictional twin children of Norman Osborn and Gwen Stacy appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Both first appeared in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #509 (August 2004) and appeared in \"\"The Spectacular Spider-Man\"\", while the former only appeared in the limited series \"\"Amazing Spider-Man presents: American Son\"\". The story arc \"\"Sins Past\"\" by J. Michael Straczynski in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #509-514 (August 2004 - January 2005) reveals that Norman Osborn, Green Goblin's alter ego, fathered twins with Gwen Stacy, a boy and a girl to whom she", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nHoward in the 2007 film \"\"Spider-Man 3\"\" and by Emma Stone in the 2012 reboot film \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" and its sequel \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man 2.\"\" Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko, Gwen Stacy first appeared in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #31 (December 1965). In her initial appearances, Peter Parker met Gwen while both were studying as undergraduates at Empire State University, but with Aunt May in the hospital, Peter was troubled and ignored her advances. She dated both Flash Thompson and Harry Osborn to make Peter jealous. Gradually, however, a romance developed; Gwen, a science major, appreciated", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\nfilm \"\"\"\". In the primary continuity of the comic books comprising the Marvel Universe, college-student Gwen Stacy was the girlfriend of Peter Parker, whom she was unaware was also Spider-Man. This primary version of Gwen Stacy was killed in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121 (June 1973). The concept of an alternate-universe, spider-powered Gwen Stacy was first conceptualized by longtime Spider-Man writer Dan Slott for the \"\"Spider-Verse\"\" story arc across multiple series. Slott had suggested \"\"Gwen Stacy as a Spider-Woman\"\" to Spider-Man editor Nick Lowe, who then approached Jason Latour to write a series based on that character. Latour was concerned about", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nhave Gwen Stacy killed off. It was Romita who first suggested the idea, during a plotting session with Conway when Romita was still penciller on \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\". Conway later said his contribution to the decision was motivated by a desire to bring Mary Jane Watson to the forefront, as he shared Lee's feeling that she was a more interesting character than Gwen Stacy: \"\"[Mary Jane] hadn't lost the edge that made her an interesting character. Gwen didn't have an edge. She was just a nice person.\"\" The Green Goblin kidnaps Gwen Stacy and throws her off the George Washington", "\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\nThe Night Gwen Stacy Died \"\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\" is a story arc of the Marvel Comics comic book series \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121–122 (June–July 1973), that became a watershed event in the life of the superhero Spider-Man, one of popular culture's most enduring and recognizable fictional characters. The two-issue story, written by Gerry Conway, with pencil art by Gil Kane and inking by John Romita Sr. and Tony Mortellaro, features Spider-Man's fight against his nemesis, the Green Goblin. The Green Goblin abducts Spider-Man's girlfriend Gwen Stacy, and she is killed during the battle. Prior to this arc, Norman", "\"Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy\"\ncreative and editorial team that Norman Osborn would be the father. Grey Goblin appears in \"\"Spider-Man Unlimited\"\" as an alternative version of Green Goblin. Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy are the fictional twin children of Norman Osborn and Gwen Stacy appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Both first appeared in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #509 (August 2004) and appeared in \"\"The Spectacular Spider-Man\"\", while the former only appeared in the limited series \"\"Amazing Spider-Man presents: American Son\"\". The story arc \"\"Sins Past\"\" by J. Michael Straczynski in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #509-514 (August 2004", "\"Jackal (Marvel Comics)\"\nJackal has also enlisted the aid of a regenerated Kaine after his death at the hands of the Kravens in Grim Hunt, which Warren had mutated into his man-spider henchman, Tarantula. It was revealed that the Gwen Stacy clone introduced in \"\"Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #144 was only the Jackal's second clone of Gwen Stacy. Abby-L, the first attempt to clone Gwen Stacy, was a flawed clone with the degenerative debilities of Kaine, the flawed clone of Peter Parker. Before this seemingly perfect copy of Gwen died at the hands of Abby-L, it was revealed she actually had some degeneration on her", "\"George Stacy\"\nGeorge Stacy George Stacy is a supporting character in Marvel Comics's Spider-Man series. He is Gwen Stacy's father, and a strong supporter of Spider-Man often defending the superhero when others accuse. George Stacy first appeared in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #56 (1968), and was created by Stan Lee, John Romita Sr., and Don Heck. Little did Peter Parker know, after falling in love with Empire State University classmate Gwen Stacy that her father was Captain George Stacy, one of the most respected former police members in the NYPD. But even in retirement, Captain Stacy kept up with the happenings at the", "\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\nhas lost a close friend with Gwen's death, and the two attempt to comfort each other in the wake of their loss. Stan Lee, co-creator of both Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy, recounted that \"\"Amazing Spider-Man\"\" writer Gerry Conway, editor Roy Thomas, and inker John Romita Sr. came up with the idea of killing Gwen Stacy, and consulted Lee about it: \"\"... I was just getting ready to go to Europe on some sort of a business trip... to meet somebody to discuss something about Marvel. And I think I wasn't thinking too clearly, because when they said, 'We'd like to", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nhis guilt stopped him from proposing. Gwen's feelings for Peter eventually prompted her to return to New York, and their relationship was rekindled. According to Lee, who scripted all of the stories featuring Gwen Stacy up to this point, the original intent was for Gwen Stacy to be Spider-Man's central love interest, \"\"but no matter how we [i.e. Lee and his artist/co-plotter collaborators] wrote it, Mary Jane always seemed more interesting!\"\" Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas succeeded Stan Lee as writer and editor, respectively, of \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\". Together with inker John Romita, Sr., they came to the decision to", "\"Clone Saga\"\noff the girlfriend of Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121 because the editorial team felt that Gwen had become stale as a character and they wanted to instill an additional element of tragedy into Peter Parker's life. In the follow-up arcs, Conway introduced a new villain called the Jackal and let Gwen Stacy seemingly return from the dead. The Jackal was the villain identity of Gwen and Peter's biology professor Miles Warren, who could not cope with the death of Gwen with whom he had a secret infatuation. As an expert on cloning, he creates clones of", "\"If This Be My Destiny...!\"\nIf This Be My Destiny...! \"\"If This Be My Destiny...!\"\" is a story arc from \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #31–33, with plots and art by Steve Ditko and scripts by Stan Lee, most well known for the introduction of supporting characters Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy as well as the mysterious villain the Master Planner. It was published in 1965 by Marvel Comics. Peter Parker attends his first day at Empire State University meeting classmates Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy, while Aunt May succumbs to a mysterious and life-threatening illness and a new evil mastermind named The Master Planner begins his", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nafter Gwen Stacy's death, \"\"Gwen\"\" reappears, perfectly healthy but with no memory of the time since her death. This story, published in \"\"Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #144 (May 1975), initiated the original Clone Saga. At the end of that story, Gwen's clone, a creation of Spider-Man villain the Jackal, leaves to find a new life for herself, coming to accept that she is not really the same person who had a relationship with Peter Parker. In the 1988 crossover \"\"The Evolutionary War\"\", the High Evolutionary, who had once been Miles Warren's teacher, captures Gwen's clone. He is dismayed to learn that Miles", "\"Norman Osborn\"\njust one issue after Norman Osborn was introduced as the father of Harry Osborn. The first issue without Ditko saw the Green Goblin unmasked. John Romita, Sr., who replaced Ditko as the title's artist, recalled: In the landmark story \"\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\" (\"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121-122), the Green Goblin kills Gwen Stacy and later perishes in a fight against Spider-Man. However, the story's writer, Gerry Conway, had Harry Osborn adopt the Green Goblin identity in the aftermath of \"\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\", later remarking that \"\"I never had any intention of getting rid of the Green Goblin", "\"Clone Saga\"\nincinerator. Gwen Stacy's clone disappears to find a new life for herself. \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #149, the climactic installment of the original Clone Saga, leaves it ambiguous whether it is the original Spider-Man or his clone who perishes in the bomb explosion. Conway said this ambiguity was unintentional, as at the time he took it as a given that Marvel would never replace the star of \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" with a clone. A few years later, Spider-Man encountered Carrion, who claimed to be a degenerated clone of Warren. The clone of Gwen Stacy reappeared many years later when she was", "\"Bronze Age of Comic Books\"\nThe murder of Spider-Man's longtime girlfriend, Gwen Stacy, at the hands of the Green Goblin in 1973's \"\"Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121-122 is considered by comics scholar Arnold T. Blumberg to be the definitive Bronze Age event, as it exemplifies the period's trend towards darker territory and willingness to subvert conventions such as the assumed survival of long-established, \"\"untouchable\"\" characters. However, there had been a gradual darkening of the tone of superhero comics for several years prior to \"\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\", including the death of her father in 1970s \"\"Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #90 and the beginning of the Dennis O'Neil/Neal Adams", "\"Green Goblin\"\nfinished, and that a character he drew in the background of a single panel of \"\"Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #23 was meant to be Norman Osborn (who is not introduced until issue #37). Ditko left the series with issue #38, just one issue after Norman Osborn was introduced as the father of Harry Osborn. The first issue without Ditko saw the Green Goblin unmasked. John Romita, Sr., who replaced Ditko as the title's artist, recalled: In the landmark story \"\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\" (\"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121-122), the Green Goblin kills Gwen Stacy and later perishes in a fight against Spider-Man.", "\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\nSpider-Man\"\" #121 was the #6 comic), Conway explained that Gwen and Peter were a \"\"perfect couple\"\", but taking that relationship to the next level (i.e. marriage or at least Peter revealing his secret identity to her) would \"\"betray everything that Spider-Man was about\"\", i.e. personal tragedy and anguish as root of Peter's life as Spider-Man. Killing Gwen Stacy was a perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: breaking up the \"\"unfitting\"\" relationship and reinforcing the element of personal tragedy which was, in his opinion, the essence of Spider-Man. The bridge in the original issue of \"\"Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\ndistinct from Jessica Drew, Julia Carpenter, Mayday Parker, Anya Corazon, and other female-themed Spider costume characters. Jessie Schedeen further felt that Gwen had \"\"her own set of hang-ups and her own brand of humor\"\". Doug Zawisza, writing for Comic Book Resources, described Gwen Stacy as \"\"likeable and humorous, conflicted but determined and quick with a zinger\"\", adding, \"\"Latour gives Gwen real world problems as well as superheroic ones. She has family problems and perception problems.\"\" The character has drawn critical attention on a feminist perspective. Aja Romano of \"\"The Daily Dot\"\" felt that the new take on Gwen Stacy was", "\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\nkill Gwen Stacy,' I said, 'Well, if that's what you want to do, okay.' All I wanted to do was get them out of the office so I could finish packing and get out of there. ... and when I came back and found out that Gwen had been killed, I thought 'Why would they do that? Why would Gerry write anything like that?' And I had to be reminded later on that I had perhaps reluctantly or perhaps carelessly said 'Okay' when they asked me.\"\" In the comic book collection \"\"The 100 Greatest Marvels of All Time: #9-6\"\" (\"\"Amazing", "\"Goblin (Marvel Comics)\"\nStacy and son of Norman Osborn and Gwen Stacy, appeared as the first Grey Goblin in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\". He also appeared in \"\"The Spectacular Spider-Man\"\" and \"\"Amazing Spider-Man Presents: American Son\"\". Lily Hollister, Harry Osborn's ex-fiancé, first appeared in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #545 and had her first appearance as Menace (Grey Goblin) is in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #549. The Red Goblin was Norman Osborn as Green Goblin using the Carnage symbiote. When the Carnage symbiote was bonded to Norman Osborn, it got mixed with the Goblin Formula, making it stronger and purging it's weaknesses. Normie Harold Osborn, Norman’s grandson,", "\"The Amazing Spider-Man (2012 film)\"\na chemical cloud from Oscorp's tower, to eliminate the weaknesses he believes plague humanity. Gwen infiltrates Oscorp and creates a cure. Spider-Man then eventually disperses an antidote cloud instead, restoring Connors and earlier victims to normal, but not before the Lizard mortally wounds Captain Stacy. Before his death, Captain Stacy requests Peter avoid Gwen, in order to keep her safe. Peter initially does so, but later at school, suggests to Gwen he may see her after all. In a mid-credits scene, Connors, in a prison cell, speaks with a man in the shadows who asks if Peter knows the truth", "\"George Stacy\"\nNYPD's Special Crimes Task Force by Mayor J. Jonah Jameson who feared Stacy would undercut him. George remained in an advisory capacity helping Foggy Nelson and the District Attorney's office until the Vulture would be caught. The \"\"Spider-Geddon\"\" storyline features different versions of George Stacy: George Stacy George Stacy is a supporting character in Marvel Comics's Spider-Man series. He is Gwen Stacy's father, and a strong supporter of Spider-Man often defending the superhero when others accuse. George Stacy first appeared in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #56 (1968), and was created by Stan Lee, John Romita Sr., and Don Heck. Little did", "\"George Stacy\"\nStacy reads an account of his Earth-616 death, along with the fate of his daughter. In \"\"Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane\"\" Gwen Stacy mentions George Stacy in \"\"Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane\"\" #9 as being the reason she moves to Queens. In this version he is not a fan of Spider-Man and views him as a vigilante getting in the way of real police work. In \"\"Marvel Adventures Spider-Man\"\", George Stacy is given a hint from Emma Frost in issue 53 by the arrival of his daughter Gwen, who is a new student of Midtown High. In issue 54, George makes his", "\"The Amazing Spider-Man (2012 film)\"\nrole of the young Peter, who needed to resemble Garfield. Webb said, \"\"I think we saw the origin of Spider-Man before but not the origin of Peter Parker.\"\" Webb felt that when you try to build the film you must build the protagonist from the ground up. That's why he wanted Parker to begin as a child. It was reported originally that the film would feature both Mary Jane Watson and Gwen Stacy as love interests, but the website \"\"The Wrap\"\" later reported that only Gwen Stacy would appear. In August 2010, the list of candidates included Lily Collins, Ophelia", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\ncapturing Superior Spider-Man and Kaine. She is sympathetic towards \"\"Peter\"\" and Kaine, but at the same time utterly loyal to the Jackal. When the Spiders break free, Superior Spider-Man disarms and attempts to kill her, but is stopped by Kaine. When the Jackal's lab is engulfed in flames, Kaine offers to save her, but she refuses, and is seemingly consumed by the fire. The story arc \"\"Sins Past\"\" by J. Michael Straczynski in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #509–514 (August 2004–January 2005) reveals Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin's alter ego, fathered twins, a boy and a girl, with Gwen Stacy, to whom", "\"John Romita Sr.\"\nRambeau in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man Annual\"\" #16 (1982) and the first appearance of the Hobgoblin in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #238 (March 1983). He was one of six pencilers on \"\"Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man\"\" #121 (Dec. 1986), and he penciled a nine-page story \"\"I Remember Gwen\"\" in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #365 (Aug. 1992, the 30th-anniversary issue) and an eight-page backup story starring the hero and supporting character the Prowler in \"\"Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man Annual\"\" #13 (1993). He both penciled and inked the 10-page backup story \"\"The Kiss\"\"—a flashback in which Peter Parker (Spider-Man) and his girlfriend Gwen Stacy", "\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\nbe a happy one; to ensure his victory, the Goblin had sent J. Jonah Jameson proof of Spider-Man's real identity, which Jonah had subsequently published and used to acquire a warrant for Peter's arrest, thus forcing Peter to escape from the police mere moments after his wedding to Gwen. As the issue ended, Gwen departed with Joe \"\"Robbie\"\" Robertson, who promised Gwen that they would do whatever they could to help Peter. In \"\"Ultimate Spider-Man\"\", Gwen Stacy dies in a completely different way a few issues after she found out Spider-Man's secret identity. Walking home after a talk with Mary", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nand discovers the Jackal's experiments, he is surprised by Gwen's presence and notes that unlike the other people the Jackal revived, who were all clones, Gwen does not trigger his spider-sense, making him wonder if she was the real one. He is attacked by the \"\"reborn\"\" Doctor Octopus before he can question the issue further. After the Jackal breaks up the fight and shows Spider-Man around the New U, George Stacy clone recognizes something off about Gwen's face and points his gun at her. It was revealed that the Gwen clone was actually her Earth-65 counterpart Spider-Woman who assists Spider-Man", "\"The Green Goblin's Last Stand\"\nThe Green Goblin's Last Stand The Green Goblin's Last Stand is a 1992 fan film by Dan Poole, based on the comic book story \"\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\", published by Marvel Comics in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121–122. Poole is the director, producer, creative editor, screenwriter, and star of the film. The film and its attendant documentary received showings and accolades at several small film festivals. The film begins with Peter Parker, as his alias Spider-Man, following a stolen car. Late for a date with his girlfriend Gwen Stacy, he finally catches up with the vehicle, stops it, and traps", "\"The Amazing Spider-Man 2\"\nSmythe, Dillon's boss and an Oscorp employee. Denis Leary reprises his role as George Stacy from the first film, where he appears as a ghost in Peter's visions, while Kari Coleman, Charlie DePew, Skyler Gisondo, and Jacob Rodier reprise their roles as Helen Stacy, Philip Stacy, Howard Stacy, and Simon Stacy, respectively. Spider-Man co-creator, Stan Lee, has a cameo appearance as a guest at Peter and Gwen's graduation ceremony. Michael Massee reprises his role as the \"\"Man in the Shadows\"\" from the first film, with the character now credited as \"\"Gustav Fiers (The Gentleman)\"\". Aidy Bryant appears as a woman", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nher name is actually \"\"Gwen Poole\"\", not Gwen Stacy, or even an alternate version of Gwen Stacy. Following the publication of the one-shot, an ongoing series titled \"\"The Unbelievable Gwenpool\"\" by the same creative team was announced, starting in April 2016. In the reality seen in the \"\"House of M\"\" storyline, in which the Scarlet Witch alters reality to make mutants the ruling class over humans, Gwen was never killed. Instead, she married Peter Parker, and the couple had a young son. She had become a scientist, a savvy businesswoman, and a peace activist – and had a decidedly hostile", "\"The Amazing Spider-Man (2012 video game)\"\nfew months after the events of the film, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy sneak into the restricted areas of Oscorp after hours, where Gwen reveals her suspicions that they may be continuing the cross-species experiments of Dr. Curt Connors, who had become the monstrous Lizard. They are caught by Alistair Smythe, the new Oscorp director, who confirms Gwen's suspicions, although the cross-species carry a powerful virus and are to be disposed. However, the cross-species all react to the presence of Peter, a cross-species himself, and break out, infecting all of the scientists, including Smythe and Gwen, in the process. Smythe", "\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\nbook for several months before Lee returned to write #105-110 (Feb.-July 1972). Lee, who was going on to become Marvel Comics' publisher, with Thomas becoming editor-in-chief, then turned writing duties over to 19-year-old Gerry Conway, who scripted the series through 1975. Romita penciled Conway's first half-dozen issues, which introduced the gangster Hammerhead in #113 (Oct. 1972). Kane then succeeded Romita as penciler, although Romita would continue inking Kane for a time. Issues 121-122 (June–July 1973, by Conway-Kane-Romita), which featured the death of Gwen Stacy at the hands of the Green Goblin in \"\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\" in issue #121.", "\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\nneck was indeed snapped. Physicist and comic collector James Kakalios, in his book \"\"The Physics of Superheroes\"\", states that in the real world, the whiplash effect would have killed her. The comic book \"\"Civil War: Casualties of War: Captain America/Iron Man\"\" (2007) concurred that the proximate cause of death was the sudden stop during a high-speed fall. An issue of \"\"\"\" revisits the issue, and further confirms Gwen died of a broken neck due to the use of the webbing. For some time, however, fans speculated that the shock of the fall itself caused Gwen Stacy's death, due to the", "\"Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy\"\npoints his gun at her. It was revealed that Gwen was actually the Gwen Stacy of Earth-65 that assists Spider-Man in escaping. The real Gwen Stacy is kidnapped by Kaine and taken to Parker Industries to be studied. Kaine reveals that he and Spider-Woman of Earth-65 came to this world to assist Spider-Man because they saw that apparently Spider-Man allying with the Jackal's offer on other worlds results in a global disaster in the form of the Carrion virus. Spider-Man and Spider-Woman of Earth-65 escape after quickly incapacitating the Lizard thanks to the Prowler directing the cloned supervillains to another", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nsimple faith in heroes convinces Sheldon of the purpose of the \"\"Marvels\"\" (i.e., superheroes)—to protect innocents such as Gwen. He resolves to write a book to praise the heroes and what they should mean to humanity. When the Green Goblin kidnaps Gwen and holds her hostage to bait Spider-Man, Sheldon frantically follows the resulting chase in a taxi and witnesses her death. While it is reported that she died from the shock of the fall, Sheldon thinks it looks like something else. Sheldon's faith in the Marvels is shattered. Following the publication of \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121, Stan Lee (who", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\nSpider-Gwen. Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy) Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy; colloquial: \"\"Spider-Gwen\"\", \"\"White Widow\"\" or \"\"Ghost Spider\"\") is a fictional superhero in comic books published by Marvel Comics. She was created by Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez. The character debuted in \"\"Edge of Spider-Verse\"\" #2 as part of the 2014–15 \"\"Spider-Verse\"\" comic book storyline, leading to the ongoing series \"\"Spider-Gwen\"\" that commenced in 2015. Spider-Woman is a variant of Spider-Man and an alternate-universe version of Gwen Stacy. She resides in what Marvel dubs Earth-65, where Gwen Stacy is bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes a superheroine instead of Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man.", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\nthe second volume of \"\"Spider-Verse\"\" in a series titled \"\"Web Warriors\"\", a name that was coined by Peter Parker from the \"\"Ultimate Spider-Man\"\" TV series during the original \"\"Spider-Verse\"\". In 2016, the character starred alongside Miles Morales in a crossover storyline titled \"\"Sitting in a Tree\"\" where she gets romantically involved with Miles. In the alternate reality designated Earth-65, Gwen Stacy from Midtown High School is the one bitten by the radioactive spider and becomes a superhero going by the name of Spider-Woman. As Gwen Stacy, she is depicted as a drummer alongside her friends, Mary Jane Watson, Betty Brant", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nBridge in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121 (June 1973). Both the decision to kill Gwen and the method in which Marvel implemented it remain controversial among fans because some believe that Peter himself was the one who caused her death. The death became a pivotal point in both Spider-Man’s history and in American comic books in general. Many point to Gwen's death as the end of the Silver Age of Comics. Before her death, except possibly as part of an origin story, superheroes did not fail so catastrophically, nor did the hero's loved ones die so suddenly and without warning. In", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\nSpider-Woman (Gwen Stacy) Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy; colloquial: \"\"Spider-Gwen\"\", \"\"White Widow\"\" or \"\"Ghost Spider\"\") is a fictional superhero in comic books published by Marvel Comics. She was created by Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez. The character debuted in \"\"Edge of Spider-Verse\"\" #2 as part of the 2014–15 \"\"Spider-Verse\"\" comic book storyline, leading to the ongoing series \"\"Spider-Gwen\"\" that commenced in 2015. Spider-Woman is a variant of Spider-Man and an alternate-universe version of Gwen Stacy. She resides in what Marvel dubs Earth-65, where Gwen Stacy is bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes a superheroine instead of Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man. The", "\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\nGreen Goblin telling Spider-Man in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121, \"\"Romantic idiot! She was dead before your webbing reached her! A fall from that height would kill anyone — before they struck the ground!\"\" In the 1987 edition of The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Gwen's death is attributed to the fall, not to Spider-Man's webbing. In the fourth issue of \"\"Marvels\"\", it was reported that she died from the shock of the fall, however Phil, a photographer and witness, is unsure about exactly what kills her. Several subsequent issues have echoed Gwen's death when others fell from great heights", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\neven took down Vulture. This lasted until a fight with the Sandman where both Harry and George Stacy got killed. The accident did something to the circuitry that enabled Gwen to control the Goblin Glider that left her mostly acting like the Green Goblin with no memory of being Gwen Stacy. Gwen Stacy Gwendolyne Maxine \"\"Gwen\"\" Stacy is a fictional character who appears in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, usually as a supporting character in those featuring Spider-Man. A college student, she was a long-term romantic interest for Peter Parker before she was murdered by the Green Goblin", "\"Mary Jane Watson\"\ninsanity, temporarily restoring his memories as the Green Goblin. After the Green Goblin murders Gwen in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121, Mary Jane attempts to comfort Peter. Peter, who is distraught over the loss of Gwen Stacy, angrily confronts MJ about her seemingly flighty and carefree attitude. He questions her ability to ever care about people like him and Gwen, and states \"\"You wouldn't be sorry if your own mother died,\"\" unaware that her mother had actually died. Mary Jane is hurt by Peter's comments. She attempts to leave, but hesitates as she approaches the door, and ultimately chooses to stay", "Marvels\nthe death of NYPD Captain George Stacy. Sheldon resolves to investigate the murder and clear Spider-Man's name. While talking to a witness with Luke Cage, he learns that not only do the police believe Spider-Man is innocent, but that they suspect Doctor Octopus is the killer. Sheldon interviews Stacy's daughter Gwen and develops a friendship with her. Gwen's admiration and trust in the Marvels gives Sheldon a sudden insight: the purpose of the Marvels is to protect innocents like Gwen. On his way to meet her for a session, Sheldon witnesses Gwen's kidnapping by the supervillain the Green Goblin. He", "\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\nwas stated in the text to be the George Washington Bridge. \"\"The Pulse\"\" #4 (Sept. 2004) also states the bridge to be the George Washington Bridge. The art of \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #121, however, depicts the Brooklyn Bridge. Some reprints of the issue have had the text amended and now state the bridge to be the Brooklyn Bridge rather than the George Washington Bridge. Titles supporting the Brooklyn Bridge include \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #147-148 (1975), \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man Annual\"\" #21 (1987), and \"\"Daredevil\"\" v. 2 #8 (2000). In a television interview for the Travel Channel's \"\"Marvel Superheroes Guide to New", "\"The Amazing Spider-Man 2\"\nto rewrite it. The film stars Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker / Spider-Man, Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, Dane DeHaan as Green Goblin / Harry Osborn, Campbell Scott and Embeth Davidtz as Peter's parents, and Sally Field as Aunt May, with the addition of Paul Giamatti as Rhino / Aleksei Sytsevich and Jamie Foxx as Electro / Max Dillon. Development of \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man 2\"\" began after the success of \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\". DeHaan, Giamatti, Jones, and Cooper were cast between December 2012 and February 2013. Filming took place in New York City from February to June 2013. The film", "\"The Amazing Spider-Man 2\"\nhope to reprise his role, and in September 2012, it was confirmed that he would do so. Emma Stone was later confirmed to be reprising her role as Gwen Stacy, having signed a contract for two \"\"Amazing Spider-Man\"\" sequels. The original costume and mask from \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" was altered and has lens in the mask, making the eyes bigger. The web shooters were also modified. Actor J. K. Simmons expressed interest in reprising his role as J. Jonah Jameson from Sam Raimi's \"\"Spider-Man\"\" trilogy should the studio offer it to him. In October 2012, Electro was rumored as the", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nGwen Stacy is the one bitten by the radioactive spider, and becomes a superhero going by the name of Spider-Woman. She is also a member of a band fronted by Mary Jane Watson, simply called the Mary Janes. Shortly after Gwen begins fighting crime, Peter Parker attempts to exact revenge on those who bullied him, becoming this universe's version of the Lizard. Gwen subdues him, but Peter dies towards the end of the battle due to the chemical he used. Spider-Woman is blamed for his death, causing an outcry for her arrest, led by J. Jonah Jameson. Her father, who", "\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\nVenom suit, which was used with Richard Parker's DNA. In \"\"Ultimate Spider-Man\"\" #128, Gwen was reintroduced to the series. Carnage had recreated her body and her memories as essentially a clone. After a battle with Venom, Carnage left Gwen to join with Eddie Brock. Since this battle, Gwen has been completely rid of the Carnage symbiote and is now living with May Parker. Alternatively, in an earlier issue, Mary Jane was the one kidnapped by the Goblin and thrown off the bridge instead. Unlike Gwen, Mary Jane survives the fall. The Night Gwen Stacy Died \"\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\"", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nGwen Stacy is still the original Ultimate Carnage Spider-Man faced earlier in its run. After \"\"devouring\"\" Gwen, this incarnation of Carnage has gone on to mimic her \"\"essence\"\" and now believes itself to be Gwen Stacy. During the \"\"War of the Symbiotes\"\" storyline, Gwen/Carnage's back story in the Triskelion is revealed. It is shown Gwen has been taking some form of therapy with Tony Stark. However, when the Green Goblin broke out of the Triskelion, Gwen escaped and went to Peter Parker's house in a confused and terrified state, with Carnage's face on her body. During an exchange between Peter", "\"George Stacy\"\ninvites Gwen to live with the Parkers, though Gwen's animosity towards Spider-Man eventually subsides and comes to learn of Peter's secret identity. In the \"\"Spider-Verse\"\" storyline, Earth-65's version of George Stacy ends up in the pursuit of Spider-Woman's arrest following the death of Peter Parker unaware that his daughter Gwen Stacy is Spider-Woman. When George is alone with Spider-Woman following the assassin's defeat with the intent to arrest Spider-Woman. Gwen ends up unmasking which surprises her father. A shocked George tells Gwen to run before he changes his mind. After the attack, Stacy was relieved from the command of the", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nGwen Stacy Gwendolyne Maxine \"\"Gwen\"\" Stacy is a fictional character who appears in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, usually as a supporting character in those featuring Spider-Man. A college student, she was a long-term romantic interest for Peter Parker before she was murdered by the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn). Spider-Man writers and fans often debate whether Peter's \"\"one true love\"\" is Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane Watson (Peter's later girlfriend and wife), though stories published long after her death indicate that Gwen still holds a special place in his heart. The character has been portrayed by Bryce Dallas", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\nfind a cure for cancer where one attempt with spider venom gave Harry Osborn spider-powers transforming him into this world's version of Spider-Man. This world's Gwen Stacy built a glider and become this world's version of Green Goblin to assist him in fighting crime until Spider-Man and George Stacy died during a fight with Sandman while the incident did something to the Green Goblin's bio-circuitry that left Gwen mostly acting like the Green Goblin. While shocked that Green Goblin has no memory of being Gwen Stacy, Spider-Gwen agrees to help Peter where they go to visit Mary Jane Watson who", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nto Spider-Man’s webbing. Within the Marvel Comics, Gwen Stacy's death has enormous repercussions. Mary Jane Watson feels the loss of Gwen deeply and becomes a more mature, compassionate person. Gwen's death also draws Peter and Mary Jane into a closer friendship, and eventually to romance. Miles Warren, one of Gwen's professors, was secretly in love with her. Following her death, Warren goes insane and adopts the persona of the Jackal. In the fourth and final issue of the miniseries \"\"Marvels\"\" (April 1994), photographer Phil Sheldon befriends Gwen Stacy, who has absolved Spider-Man of any blame for her father's death. Gwen's", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nHaven, he catches up with Gwen in the household in the facility, where she tries to convince him to support New U Technologies. Peter still has a hard time believing she is the real Gwen given his other experiences with clones. Gwen tries justifying her existence by telling Peter her memories, including how she overheard the Green Goblin talking to Spider-Man before her death. Peter thinks she died hating him, but Gwen said that she did not hate him, but rather died feeling betrayed. Peter again still has doubts towards Gwen not being a clone. She tries kissing him, to", "Spider-Gwen\nthe \"\"Spider-Gwen\"\" series. Prior to the Spider-Verse event (in which Spider-Gwen was introduced), Gwen Stacy's father, George Stacy, was ordered as captain of the NYPD to hunt down and detain Spider-Woman, as she is considered a public menace. At the start of \"\"Spider-Gwen\"\", Captain Stacy—currently unaware of Spider-Gwen's secret identity as his daughter—is more than happy to do so. Upon hearing about this, Wilson Fisk, aka the Kingpin, one of New York's most prominent crime bosses, decides to ally himself with Spider-Gwen—for reasons unexplained—and sends Matt Murdock (better known as Daredevil on Earth-616, the main comic book universe) a corrupt", "\"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse\"\nrepair the drive from Fisk's research facility. While breaking into the building, Miles displays the unique abilities of invisibility and an electric \"\"venom blast\"\" that can disable enemies by touch. They are confronted by Fisk's assistant Olivia Octavius, who reveals that Peter will eventually deteriorate and die the longer he stays on their Earth. Miles and Peter are then rescued by \"\"Gwanda\"\", revealed to be another dimension-displaced heroine whose real name is Gwen Stacy. Gwen leads Peter and Miles to May Parker, who is sheltering Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, and Peni Parker and SP//dr. They are revealed to also be deteriorating,", "\"Gwen Stacy (band)\"\nnew vocalist. In this time, Gwen Stacy did a headlining tour with Our Last Night, Vanna, and In Fear and Faith, a trip to Europe with Poison the Well and 36 Crazy Fists from March to April, a tour with Eyes Set to Kill, and a headlining run with support from Ice Nine Kills and Stray From The Path in the fall of 2009. Guitarist, Jordan Tomb, also a previous band member of Once Nothing, recently accompanied Gwen Stacy for their 2009 tour. Gwen Stacy went into the studio in mid May with Andreas Magnusson, whose previous work includes Haste", "Spider-Gwen\nSpider-Gwen Spider-Gwen is an ongoing comic book series published by Marvel Comics that began February 2015. The series revolves around the Gwen Stacy of Earth-65, an alternate Earth that debuted in \"\"Edge of Spider-Verse\"\" #2 as part of the 2014–2015 Spider-Man storyline \"\"Spider-Verse\"\". \"\"Spider-Gwen\"\" explores a universe where Gwen Stacy was bitten by the radioactive spider instead of Peter Parker, forcing her into a career as the Spider-Woman of her world, Earth 65. A spider-powered Gwen Stacy was first conceptualized by long-time Spider-Man writer Dan Slott for the 2014–2015 \"\"Spider-Verse\"\" storyline. However, his initial concept was very different from what", "\"Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy\"\ngave birth while in France shortly before her death. Gwen vowed she would raise them with Peter Parker and refused to allow Norman access to them, seeing Norman's disregard for his eldest son. Seeing her as a threat to his potential heirs, Green Goblin killed Gwen. Norman then raised Gwen's two children, a boy named Gabriel and a girl named Sarah. Due to Norman's enhanced blood, the twins aged about 2-3 times faster than normal and became adults within the span of a few years (speculated to be between 5 and 9 years old), and thus develop a unique form", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nout for each other. Gwen is sent to recruit an alternate version of Peter Parker who is driven insane after he failed to save the Gwen Stacy in his dimension, killed the Green Goblin, and became the Hobgoblin. She tells him that he can become the man he once was if he joins them, but they are attacked by the Inheritors. Hobgoblin sacrifices himself to save Gwen. After the events of \"\"Spider-Verse\"\", Gwen returns to her home of Earth-65 where she continues her career as Spider-Woman in her own solo series, \"\"Spider-Gwen\"\". She first saves George Stacy from mercenary Aleksei", "\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\nthe George Washington Bridge (as given in the text). The Goblin and Spider-Man clash, and the Goblin hurls Stacy off the bridge. Spider-Man shoots a web strand at her legs and catches her. As he pulls her up, he thinks he has saved her. However, he quickly realizes she is dead. Unsure whether her neck was broken by the whiplash from her sudden stop or had been already broken by the Goblin prior to her fall, he blames himself for her death. A note on the letters page of \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #125 states: \"\"It saddens us to say that", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nby the Jackal with his clones. The Jackal claims that this one is not a clone but the real Gwen who was harvested from her remains and still has all her memories, including those of her death. The Jackal offers Gwen the opportunity to be his business partner as he tries to change the world with his new technology. Gwen is hesitant about this new life at first but accepts it when the Jackal shows that he has reanimated the clone of her father, who is much better than he was before he died. When Spider-Man arrives at the incorporation", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nin escaping. The real Gwen is kidnapped by Kaine and taken to Parker Industries to be studied. Kaine reveals that he and Spider-Woman came to this Earth to assist Spider-Man because they saw that Spider-Man allying with the Jackal's offer on other worlds results in a global disaster. Rhino and Electro are sent to retrieve Gwen after attacking the staff, but Gwen tells them to take Kaine with him too because the condition could help with Jackal's experiments. Anna Maria Marconi also volunteers to come with because she has studied both Kaine and the drug. When Spider-Man is taken to", "\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\nParker's graduation from high school. Peter began attending Empire State University in #31 (Dec. 1965), the issue which featured the first appearances of friends and classmates Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn. Harry's father, Norman Osborn first appeared in #23 (April 1965) as a member of Jameson's country club but is not named nor revealed as Harry's father until #37 (June 1966). One of the most celebrated issues of the Lee-Ditko run is #33 (Feb. 1966), the third part of the story arc \"\"If This Be My Destiny...!\"\", which features the dramatic scene of Spider-Man, through force of will and thoughts", "\"Alternative versions of Spider-Man\"\non what he had seen and overheard of his future self's life, that such a career would only bring him pain and suffering. As a result, Peter Parker became a successful industrialist married to Gwen Stacy, but Norman Osborn has conquered the world, killing Iron Man and most of the Fantastic Four and imprisoning Doctor Doom, with Peter still hiding behind his corporate role even as Gwen discreetly aids the resistance as he believes that taking action as Spider-Man will only make things worse. On Earth-11638, this version of Spider-Man is called the Amazing Spider who is rich, powerful, and", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nawoke in #26, uninjured. During the return of the Inheritors, Spider-Gwen's device to travel through the multiverse got destroyed by Verna and then Gwen got stranded in an alternate universe. In this universe, Peter Parker and this universe's Gwen Stacy got a job at Oscorp and Peter wanted to create a cure for cancer after his Uncle Ben died from it. Peter was experimenting with spider venom to create the cure, but one of the spiders bit Harry Osborn making Harry this universe's Spider-Man. Harry alongside Gwen Stacy as this universe's Green Goblin started to fight crime together where they", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\nare attempting to perform in a concert, an assassin is sent after Gwen Stacy's father, who is in the audience. As Spider-Woman, she successfully defeats the assassin. During the battle, Captain Stacy holds Spider-Woman at gun point, with Gwen Stacy taking off her mask to reveal who she is to her father. Shocked upon learning Spider-Woman's identity, he tells her to run before he changes his mind. In the comic series \"\"Spider-Gwen\"\" she battles various alternate versions of Spider-Man villains, such as Vulture, Kraven the Hunter and Harry Osborn as the Green Goblin. Most recurringly, she deals with Matt Murdock", "\"Jackal (Marvel Comics)\"\nhave died at Shea Stadium was revealed to have survived and married the Gwen Stacy clone under an assumed name. Ultimately, the Jackal, in the process of attempting to kill and replace millions of people with clones he could control, was killed falling off a tall building while trying to save the Gwen clone. Near the end of the Clone Saga it was revealed that the Jackal and the other major players of the Clone Saga had unknowingly been duped by Norman Osborn, the man who originally killed Gwen Stacy. The Jackal and various others (including Kaine) had been tricked", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\ndate for a time, though Gwen breaks up with Peter when she learns Mary Jane is the girl he truly loves. MJ, attempting to fix this, breaks up with Peter and reunites with Harry. Peter cannot commit to Gwen. She is unwilling to accept him as a friend and not a boyfriend. In the fourth issue of the comic book based on the \"\"Spider-Man Unlimited\"\" animated series, Spidey encounters a Counter-Earth version of Gwen Stacy. She helps him escape a hidden paradise known as \"\"The Haven\"\". In the Ultimate Marvel continuity, Gwen Stacy first appears in \"\"Ultimate Spider-Man\"\" #14 (December", "\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\nthey disagreed on characters...\"\" In successor penciler Romita Sr.'s first issue, #39 (Aug. 1966), nemesis the Green Goblin discovers Spider-Man's secret identity and reveals his own to the captive hero. Romita's Spider-Man – more polished and heroic-looking than Ditko's – became the model for two decades. The Lee-Romita era saw the introduction of such characters as \"\"Daily Bugle\"\" managing editor Robbie Robertson in #52 (Sept. 1967) and NYPD Captain George Stacy, father of Parker's girlfriend Gwen Stacy, in #56 (Jan. 1968). The most important supporting character to be introduced during the Romita era was Mary Jane Watson, who made her", "\"The Amazing Spider-Man (2012 film)\"\nthe sidewalk. Afterward, Peter uses his new abilities to track down criminals matching the killer's description. After a fall lands him inside an abandoned gym, a luchador-wrestling poster inspires him to create a mask to hide his identity. He adds a spandex suit and builds mechanical devices to attach to his wrists to shoot a biocable \"\"web\"\". Later, at dinner with Gwen's family, he has a tense conversation with her father, police captain George Stacy, over the new masked vigilante's motives. After dinner, Peter reveals his identity to Gwen, and they kiss. After seeing success with the mouse using lizard", "\"Mary Jane Watson\"\nMary Jane Watson Mary Jane \"\"MJ\"\" Watson is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics and created by Stan Lee and John Romita Sr. The character made her first appearance in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #25. Since then she has gone on to become Peter Parker's main love interest and later his wife. Initially set up by Aunt May as a blind date, redheaded party girl Mary Jane \"\"MJ\"\" was formerly depicted as Gwen Stacy's competition. Though Peter dated her briefly before Gwen, both of them broke it off as Peter saw her flamboyance and 'life", "\"John Romita Sr.\"\nhands of the Green Goblin in \"\"The Night Gwen Stacy Died\"\" in issue #121 (June 1973). Her demise and the Goblin's apparent death one issue later formed a story arc widely considered as the most defining in the history of Spider-Man. In his original run on \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\", Romita contributed a string of over 50 covers and an almost unbroken run of story layouts or full pencil-art for 56 issues as well as a 21-page story in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man Annual\"\" #3 (Nov. 1966), the covers of \"\"Annual\"\"s #5–7, and the covers and stories for the two issues of", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\nCindy Moon, leader of S.I.L.K., was the mastermind behind the stealing of the wristwatch. Earth-65's Cindy Moon revealed to Silk and Gwen Stacy that she stole the technology to take over the world. Earth-65's Cindy also revealed that one of her spiders was behind the bite that gave Gwen Stacy her powers. She proceeded in taking the latter's power away with the use of her technology and framed her Earth-616 counterpart of Silk. Gwen, Jessica and Cindy later team up in defeating Earth-65's Cindy. The aftermath of the storyline deals with the effects of Gwen's loss of power and her", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\na fresh one on its original version due to a common trope of women dying for the sake of men's angst. She praised the fact that instead of taking the role of a superhero's girlfriend, Latour designed her as a \"\"fully formed person.\"\" \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" Joshua Rivera felt that \"\"Spider-Gwen succeeds because it isn't a superficial inversion, but an examination of what makes Spider-Man an important character.\"\" Gwen Stacy's Spider-Woman was named number seven in a list of the best Spider-Men by \"\"Newsarama\"\". Ryan Lynch of \"\"Screen Rant\"\" placed her as the second-greatest alternate version of Spider-Man, opining that her", "\"Gerry Conway\"\nGerry Conway Gerard Francis Conway (born September 10, 1952) is an American writer of comic books and television shows. He is known for co-creating the Marvel Comics' vigilante the Punisher and scripting the death of the character Gwen Stacy during his long run on \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\". At DC Comics, he is known for co-creating the superhero Firestorm and others, and for writing the \"\"Justice League of America\"\" for eight years. Conway wrote the first major, modern-day intercompany crossover, \"\"Superman vs. the Amazing Spider-Man\"\". Born in Brooklyn, New York City, Conway grew up a comic fan; a letter from him", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\ngroup Web Warriors in helping protect the multiverse from various disasters. She had a brief romance with Miles Morales as depicted in the crossover storyline \"\"Sitting in a Tree\"\". During the \"\"\"\" storyline, she poses as the Earth-616 Gwen Stacy to find out more about the location and to assist Peter in escaping the New U as she and Kaine Parker discovered that Peter–allying with Jackal and using his technology–has resulted in global disasters on other Earths in the form of the Carrion Virus. After being recognized as a different Gwen Stacy by the clone of George Stacy, she and", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nMore Day\"\", the story would have ended with Gwen Stacy being resurrected by Mephisto's reality-warping spell along with Harry Osborn, but it was eventually decided to let her remain dead. Her son, Gabriel, has reappeared in subsequent stories. In the \"\"\"\" storyline, a flashback revealed that Gwen Stacy was conscious during Spider-Man and Green Goblin's battle on the bridge, and as she was falling to her death. She overheard their conversation and discovered Peter is Spider-Man. She was angry at Peter for keeping this secret and for his involvement in her father's death. In the present, Gwen is supposedly revived", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nSpider-Gwen, in June 2015 Marvel published variant covers for 20 of their current series, which saw Gwen Stacy re-imagined as other Marvel characters, such as Doctor Strange, Groot and Wolverine. One of those variants, for \"\"Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #2\"\", featured an amalgam of Gwen Stacy and Deadpool dubbed \"\"Gwenpool\"\", which turned out to be especially popular with the fans. As the result, Marvel produced two stories featuring Gwenpool as a character, a backup story in the series \"\"Howard the Duck\"\", and a one-shot \"\"Gwenpool Holiday Special #1\"\". A retcon in the Howard the Duck #1 backup it was revealed", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\ntrench coat that would have been red with webs. Slott ultimately approved of Rodriquez' design. The character debuted in \"\"Edge of Spider-Verse\"\" #2 on September 17, 2014 and is commonly referred to as Spider-Gwen. Latour's inspiration for creating the character came when he realized that he was not familiar with Gwen Stacy outside of being a \"\"fridged\"\" character who was killed for the sake of the hero as a plot progression. Latour also felt he grew up in times when white males were dominant in superhero comics, and saw Gwen Stacy as a potential heroine to represent women in a", "\"Mary Jane Watson\"\nMary Jane remains Spider-Man's wife in the newspaper strip continuity. Mary Jane is depicted as an extremely beautiful, green-eyed redhead, and has been the primary romantic interest of Peter Parker for the last twenty years, although initially competing with others for his affection, most prominently with Gwen Stacy and the Black Cat. Mary Jane's relatively unknown early life was eventually explored in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" #259. Early issues of \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" featured a running joke about Peter dodging his Aunt May's attempts to set him up with \"\"that nice Watson girl next door\"\", whom Peter had not yet met", "\"Alternative versions of Spider-Man\"\nAdventures Spider-Man\"\" #53-#61 before appearing in the re-titled \"\"Spider-Man: Marvel Adventures\"\" comic book series. A modern-day high school student, this Spider-Man's origin is similar to his mainstream counterpart, but his supporting cast is significantly different. Although Gwen Stacy exists in this universe, she and Peter are not dating—instead Peter is dating a brand-new character named Sophia \"\"Chat\"\" Sanduval, who is a mutant with the ability to talk to animals. Peter's relationship with Gwen's father Captain George Stacy also differs from the original version—here, Captain Stacy discovers Peter's secret identity early on, yet rather than hide this information from Peter (as", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\nwas a role reversal that felt \"\"enriching\"\" to what the creators attended to do, which gave Gwen Stacy \"\"a reason to live\"\". After saving her father's life and revealing her identity to him, she vows to use her powers to stop crime. Captain Stacy is then depicted as choosing his daughter over his job. Meagan Damore of Comic Book Resources opined that even though Captain Stacy is no Uncle Ben, he fills the wise mentor role for Gwen very well. Spider-Woman was originally depicted as having similar powers to Spider-Man, which originated from a bite by a radioactive spider. These", "Spider-Gwen\nbeginning of Spider-Gwen, high school student Gwen Stacy was bitten by a radioactive spider. This granted her all of the quintessential Spider-Man powers, and Stacy began her career as Spider-Woman. In her regular life, she began a relationship with Peter Parker and formed a friend group with Parker and ostracized new student Harry Osborn, who is later revealed to have had a crush on her. Meanwhile, Peter began his infatuation with Spider-Woman — without knowing that she is secretly his best friend Gwen Stacy. The bullied Peter's suffering worsens, and eventually, he creates a formula that turns him into a", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nrelationship with chemical weapon developer Norman Osborn. Mary Jane Watson, a popular actress in this reality, played Gwen Stacy in the film adaptation of Spider-Man's life story. Gwen and her father read textual accounts of their deaths in the main universe, though they believe this simply to be the morbid imaginings of Peter Parker, who is suffering from mental health issues. Gwen Stacy first appeared in \"\"Marvel Adventures Spider-Man\"\" #53 as a new student of Midtown High. She had transferred from her previous school after the Torino Gang, a powerful New York mob, began harassing her in an attempt to", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\nto Miles Morales and is the mother of Charlotte and Max Morales, both of whom also have Spider Powers. Gwen Stacy's Spider-Woman is depicted as harboring much of Earth-616 Peter Parker's personality and conflicts, such as receiving negative media attention of herself and having the conflict of being a superheroine over her normal life of a band member. Critical commentary noted her as a sarcastic, wisecracking heroine when fighting criminals and supervillains. \"\"Spider-Gwen\"\" (Vol. 2) #1's summary of the character reveals that she originally used her powers for attention. After advice expressed to Gwen Stacy by her father that Spider-Woman", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\nof what made the character so popular and \"\"is one of the best riffs on the Spider-Man motifs in decades.\"\" Andrew Wheeler from ComicsAlliance felt that even though Gwen Stacy should have stayed dead, the costume inspired him to want her back. He also cited it as a potential favorite superhero costume in years. The creative director of Marvel Games, Bill Rosemann, described Gwen Stacy as \"\"one of the greatest modern superhero designs.\"\" IGN's Jesse Schedeen, reviewing the first \"\"Spider-Gwen\"\" issue, felt that the character never came across as merely just a female variant of Peter Parker and was also", "\"Gil Kane\"\nThomas co-created the martial arts superhero Iron Fist, and Morbius the Living Vampire. Kane and writer Gerry Conway transformed John Jameson, an incidental character in \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" series, into the Man-Wolf. Conway, Kane's collaborator on the death-of-Gwen-Stacy storyline and elsewhere, described Kane in 2009 as Kane's side projects include two long works that he conceived, plotted and illustrated, with scripting by Archie Goodwin (writing under the pseudonym of Robert Franklin): \"\"His Name is ... Savage\"\" (Adventure House Press, 1968), a self-published, 40-page, magazine-format comics novel; and \"\"Blackmark\"\" (1971), a science-fiction/sword-and-sorcery paperback published by Bantam Books and one of the", "\"Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)\"\nshe finds that it has its own version of Oscorp. As Spider-Gwen, she makes her way to Oscorp and finds it abandoned. She is then attacked by the local Green Goblin. The fight is broken up when the local Peter Parker shows up enabling Green Goblin to get away. When Spider-Gwen reveals herself as the Gwen Stacy of another reality, Peter sheds a tear. Peter suspects that Spider-Gwen is a clone as Spider-Gwen states that she is not from his reality. After saving Peter Parker from a pumpkin bomb, Spider-Gwen learned that Peter worked as an intern for Oscorp to", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\npassing. It infuriates MJ to the point where she physically attacks Flash. It is revealed Flash had a crush on Gwen all along. A girl seeming to be Gwen Stacy appears in \"\"Ultimate Spider-Man #98\"\". Says \"\"Ultimate artist\"\" Mark Bagley, \"\"Gwen’s return is integral to the Clone storyline and is basically a way to rock Peter's world...again.\"\" In this issue \"\"Gwen\"\" appears to have no memory of her \"\"death\"\" and believes she was in a hospital, from which she has escaped. In issue #100, after a raft of revelations, the stress of the situation enrages \"\"Gwen\"\". She transforms into what", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nand Gwen, Eddie Brock attempts to attack Aunt May and retake his symbiote. In a rage, Spider-Man engages Venom on a nearby rooftop. During the fight, Gwen is shown to be able to use her symbiote to fight off Eddie but Eddie reabsorbs his symbiote along with the Carnage symbiote rendering Gwen Stacy an average girl. After SHIELD intervenes, SHIELD Director Danvers states Gwen will remain in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. Peter and May argue for her to come back to live with them, with Tony Stark supporting the Parkers. In \"\"Ultimate Spider-Man\"\" #129, the Parkers are now helping to rebuild Gwen's", "\"Gwen Stacy\"\nnew kid that Tony Stark tries to ask out on a date. She rejects him because he's a kid with a goatee and mustache. Another version of her is a member of Arcadia's's A-Force. On Earth-8, she is married to Miles Morales and they have two children with Spider Powers. In an issue of Web Warriors, Spider-Punk mentions that the Gwen Stacy in his dimension was a musical icon. Issue #1 of \"\"\"\" follows the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood, reimagined with Mary Jane Watson as the titular character. Gwen Stacy has been previously killed by the wolf.", "\"Gwen Stacy (band)\"\n2009, the band recorded a second video for the song \"\"A Dialogue\"\". Both videos were directed by Jeremy E. Jackson, who also did their video for \"\"The Fear in Your Eyes\"\". The main protagonist in both videos is ex-founding member Chris Suter. Gwen Stacy kicked off the fall of 2009 with a tour with Ice Nine Kills (Ferret Music) and Stray From The Path (Sumerian Records). They are scheduled to open for Haste The Day with support from Amarna Reign on a short run in December. Original drummer and one of the founding members of Gwen Stacy decided to leave" ]
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who is responsible for preparing the presentence investigation report
[ "the probation officer" ]
[ "\"Reactions to the Special Counsel investigation (2017–present)\"\nis already preparing a \"\"counter-report\"\" to refute the special counsel investigation's report. In a series of tweets on December 7, 2018, President Trump publicly announced and acknowledged that his legal team will be producing a counter report to Mueller's Investigation after they release their final report. Trump also elaborated in that same tweet by stating that an article produced by The Atlantic was fake news due to the article proclaiming that the Trump Administration did not have a response to the Mueller investigation's findings...\"\"That is Fake News. Already 87 pages done, but obviously cannot complete until we see the final", "\"United States House Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina\"\nUnited States House Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina The Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina was the House of Representatives' congressional committee investigating the United States Government's failure to respond appropriately to Hurricane Katrina. The committee was directed to cease 30 days after releasing its final report. That report was released February 15, 2006. Despite the committee's name, it actually did not operate on a bipartisan basis. The committee was to have 20 members, with 11 members from the Republican majority and 9 members from", "\"United States House Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina\"\nthe Democratic minority. However, Democrats did not appoint any members to the committee. United States House Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina The Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina was the House of Representatives' congressional committee investigating the United States Government's failure to respond appropriately to Hurricane Katrina. The committee was directed to cease 30 days after releasing its final report. That report was released February 15, 2006. Despite the committee's name, it actually did not operate on a bipartisan basis. The committee was to have", "\"Cedar Fire (2003)\"\nmonths in a work-furlough program and ordered him to complete 960 hours (40 days) of community service. He also was sentenced to five years' probation and to pay $9,000 in restitution. As part of the plea bargain, prosecutors dropped the charge of lying to investigators. There were a number of controversies associated with the Cedar Fire, resulting in investigations lasting several years. A report, the \"\"2003 San Diego County Fire Siege Fire Safety Review\"\", prepared in the wake of the fire and presented to the Governor's Blue Ribbon Fire Commission, criticized the overall response. The report stated that though the", "\"1949 Queensland Airlines Lockheed Lodestar crash\"\nthe investigation panel. He also complained about the implication that \"\"Queensland Airlines\"\" was guilty of causing the crash and said legal counsel for some of the parties were using the Coroner's inquest to prepare for legal action against \"\"Queensland Airlines\"\". He interrupted evidence being presented by a member of the Department's investigation panel to ask that the panel's report be made available. Counsel representing the Department of Civil Aviation passed this request to the Director-General of Civil Aviation but the Director-General's response was that the report was not to be made available to legal representatives or the public. The Queensland", "\"Presentence investigation report\"\nwill be recommended to the court. The probation officer must be prepared to report unresolved disputes to the court in a detached, dispassionate manner focusing on the factual or legal disagreement among the parties. After revising the report in response to objections, the probation officer develops a sentencing recommendation based on the facts and sentencing options identified in the report. The written justification for the recommendation is the probation officer's evaluation and analysis of the offense, the offender, and the sentencing options. The justification provides the officer's rationale for the specific sentencing recommendations. It should address the statutory factors to", "\"Leon Jordan\"\ngun, which was recovered from the trunk of a police car and then returned to the evidence room. In 2010, reporters with the \"\"Kansas City Star\"\" began investigating the assassination while preparing for coverage of the 40th anniversary of Jordan's death. This led to discovery of the missing murder weapon and some old fingerprint cards, and that motivated the Kansas City Police Department to re-open the official investigation of the department's oldest cold case. Civil rights leader Alvin Sykes pressed the department for a complete investigation. In trying to determine who was responsible for the assassination, the newspaper reported that", "\"Theodore Shackley\"\nthrough other channels. In May 1985, Shackley discussed the hostage issue with Michael Ledeen and shared that he had received no response from Walters regarding the report he had prepared regarding the November meeting with Ghorbanifar. Ledeen asked for a copy of the report and stated that others were still interested in investigating the hostage issue. In June, Shackley prepared an updated second report that outlined a similar proposal from Ghorbanifar in which he suggested a \"\"discussion of a quid pro quo that involved items other than money.\"\" He gave the report to Ledeen who forwarded it to Oliver North,", "\"Shooting of Tamir Rice\"\nthat it had almost concluded its investigation of the shooting, neither of the two officers involved had yet been interviewed by investigators from the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office. It also reported that as of that time Frank Garmback, the officer who drove the police car, was not under criminal investigation. On June 3, the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office released a statement in which they declared their investigation to be completed and that they turned their findings over to prosecutor Tim McGinty, who was expected to review the report and decide whether to present evidence to a grand jury. In response", "\"Responsibility for the September 11 attacks\"\nYork Times\"\" reported on September 12 that: \"\"Authorities said they had also identified accomplices in several cities who had helped plan and execute Tuesday's attacks. Officials said they knew who these people were and important biographical details about many of them. They prepared biographies of each identified member of the hijack teams, and began tracing the recent movements of the men.\"\" FBI agents in Florida investigating the hijackers quickly \"\"descended on flight schools, neighborhoods and restaurants in pursuit of leads.\"\" At one flight school, \"\"students said investigators were there within hours of Tuesday's attacks.\"\" The \"\"Washington Post\"\" later reported that", "\"United States Forest Service\"\nhorses, K-9 units, helicopters, snowmobiles, dirt bikes, and boats. Special Agents are criminal investigators who plan and conduct investigations concerning possible violations of criminal and administrative provisions of the Forest Service and other statues under the United States Code. Special agents are normally plainclothes officers who carry concealed firearms, and other defensive equipment, make arrests, carry out complex criminal investigations, present cases for prosecution to U.S. Attorneys, and prepare investigative reports. All field agents are required to travel a great deal and usually maintain a case load of ten to fifteen ongoing criminal investigations at one time. Criminal investigators occasionally", "\"Bureau of Land Management\"\nGiven the many locations of BLM public lands, these rangers use canines, helicopters, snowmobiles, dirt bikes and boats to perform their duties. By contrast BLM special agents are criminal investigators who plan and conduct investigations concerning possible violations of criminal and administrative provisions of the BLM and other statutes under the United States Code. Special agents are normally plain clothes officers who carry concealed firearms, and other defensive equipment, make arrests, carry out complex criminal investigations, present cases for prosecution to local United States Attorneys and prepare investigative reports. Criminal investigators occasionally conduct internal and civil claim investigations. The BLM", "\"MS Scandinavian Star\"\npipe. An Oslo police investigation initially cast suspicion on Erik Mørk Andersen, a Danish truck driver who died in the disaster and who had three previous convictions for arson. A later investigation in 2009 determined that there were several separate fires and that multiple people would have been needed to start them, especially if they were not familiar with the layout of the ship. A 2013 report prepared by a self-appointed Norwegian group called \"\"Stiftelsen Etterforskning Av Mordbrannen Scandinavian Star\"\" (\"\"Foundation for Arson Investigation Scandinavian Star\"\") denied that Anderson was responsible, claiming instead that multiple fires were deliberately set and", "\"Fay Report\"\nthat higher-ranking officials such as Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, the top US commander in Iraq, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, as well as Pentagon and Justice Department officials were not culpable but bore responsibility for creating conditions that led to the abuse and recommended further investigation. These conditions included commanders being under-prepared for the mass influx of prisoners, poor leadership and discipline, unclear directives, and a lack of troops, and questioned how only lower-ranking personnel were solely responsible for some of the 'torture methods' carried out. Fay Report The Fay Report was a military investigation into the torture and abuse", "\"Presentence investigation report\"\ninvestigations. Some courts have ruled that a defendant waives his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination when he pleads guilty. It remains to be seen exactly how this applies to presentence investigation interviews, but it appears likely that a defendant who refuses to talk about his criminal history will jeopardize his sentence reduction for acceptance of responsibility. Another step that must occur early in the investigation is contact prosecutor assigned to the case. The prosecutor will be asked to provide information about the conduct that resulted in the defendant's conviction, victim's losses, the defendant's history, and any other data relevant to", "\"Methodist Church of Great Britain\"\nto look into the issues and to present a report at a subsequent Conference. In the course of preparing the report, staff who are appointed or employed by the Council will be responsible for developing the church's thinking with the help of professional and theological expertise; and must undertake a wide range of consultations, both within the Methodist Church and with partner denominations. Then the report, with or without specific recommendations, will be presented to Conference for debate. Examples of issues dealt with in this way are: abortion; civil disobedience; nuclear deterrence; the manufacture and sale of arms; disarmament; care", "\"Mary Ann Glendon\"\nthe Holy See was announced on November 5, 2007. The U.S. Senate voted to confirm her on December 19, 2007. She presented her Letters of Credence to Pope Benedict XVI on February 29, 2008, and resigned her office effective January 19, 2009. On June 26, 2013 Pope Francis named Glendon a member of the Pontifical Commission of inquiry for the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), which is also known as the Vatican Bank. Glendon, two cardinals, a bishop, and a monsignor are responsible for preparing an investigative report on the Vatican Bank. In July 2014 she was appointed to", "\"Presentence investigation report\"\nbe considered in imposing a sentence and should assist the court in the preparation of the judge's statement of reasons for imposing a sentence. The officer then discloses the final report and sentencing recommendation to court. Also, the officer discloses the report to the defendant, and both attorneys, but the job is not finished. The probation officer must be prepared to discuss the case with the sentencing judge in chambers or in court, to answer questions about the report that arise during the sentencing hearing, and, ultimately, to testify under oath in open court as to the basis for the", "\"Tom Davis (Virginia politician)\"\nby the Federal Elections Commission for transferring the funds because it was transferred between political action committees for the same candidates in violation of contribution limits. The PAC involved, the U.S. Family Network, is connected with Abramoff, Bob Ney, and Willie Tan, a businessman in the Northern Mariana Islands, all currently associated with a political scandal. Davis was chair of the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina. Democrats, who had proposed an independent investigation, objected and did not officially take part in the committee. The committee proceeded, eventually producing a stinging report critical", "\"Hewlett-Packard spying scandal\"\nparty during the period January 1, 2005, to the present. For each individual, describe the types of records that were procured. <br> 8. Copies of all reports prepared for the Leak Investigation by the outside consulting firm or by any other party, including any and all analysis or opinions regarding the appropriateness or legality of pretexting. <br> 9. A copy of the letter of engagement with the law firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati regarding the Committee Inquiry. <br> 10. Copies of all reports prepared for the Committee Inquiry, including any report prepared by the firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich &", "\"International Association of Arson Investigators\"\nand arson investigation, which was nonexistent at that time. The first comprehensive organizational study of the International Association of Arson Investigators was conducted in 1999. The consultant retained to conduct that study presented the IAAI Board of Directors with a report of the results of his study, entitled “Preparing for the Challenges of the 21st Century, A Study in Organizational Effectiveness\"\".The methodology employed in the preparation of the first study included soliciting input from the existing Board, Committees, Chapters, Executive Director, Office Manager, staff and other stakeholder groups. A strategic plan was ultimately developed by the consultant and adopted by", "\"Joint Air Delivery Test and Evaluation Unit\"\nor rotary), or of being air droppable. Other responsibilities include the day to day management and printing, or preparation to 'ready for printer' stage, of material for a wide range of Air Transport Operations Manuals; also drafting Army Equipment Support Publications (AESPs) for the aerial delivery range of equipment. Responsibilities also extend to the investigation of malfunctions (MALDROPS) and associated defects of parachute and air drop equipment, together with investigation of all reported aerial delivery equipment defects. In addition, when required by the MoD, JADTEU will assist with the investigation of accidents and malfunctions involving helicopter underslung loads. Finally, JADTEU", "\"National Bureau of Criminal Investigation\"\nof Criminal Investigation consists mainly of detectives, who are generally senior investigators, and is headed by an officer of Detective Chief Superintendent rank. The head of the Garda NBCI reports to the Assistant Commissioner in charge of National Support Services, who reports directly to the Garda Commissioner. The NBCI was established in 1997, centralising other investigative branches around the country, as a response to the proliferation of serious and organised crime. Its main function is to provide a specialist investigative response to serious criminal activity, supporting other Garda units and/or local investigators in their investigation into serious crimes. The NBCI", "\"Rwandan genocide\"\npreparing and executing the genocide. On 6 April 1994, the aeroplane carrying Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira, the Hutu president of Burundi, was shot down as it prepared to land in Kigali, killing everyone on board. Responsibility for the attack was disputed, with both the RPF and Hutu extremists being blamed. A later investigation by the Rwandan government blamed Hutu extremists in the Rwandan army. In January 2012, a French investigation was widely published as exonerating the RPF, but according to Filip Reyntjens, the report did not in fact exonerate the RPF. Despite disagreements about the perpetrators, many", "\"Asaba massacre\"\nHaruna has sometimes been named as the officer who ordered the massacre, following a report of his testimony to the Nigerian Human Rights Violations Investigations Commission, known as the Oputa Panel. This article quoted him as claiming responsibility (as the commanding officer) and having no apology for the atrocity. However, Haruna was not present in Asaba in 1967. He replaced Murtala Muhammed as C.O. of the Second Division in spring 1968. While there are no eye-witness reports of Muhammed ordering the killings, he was the Commander in the field, and thus must bear responsibility. In October, 2017, the Asaba community", "\"Criminal sentencing in the United States\"\nterm to short term sentencing. Over time, though, state and federal authorities have gradually migrated their philosophies back toward long-term sentences. Many states use a mixture of the two; e.g., some offenders may receive sentences reduced by several months due to rehabilitation, counseling, and other programs, as well as good time. Since the 1840s, many jurisdictions, including the federal courts, have adopted a practice of having a probation officer prepare a presentence investigation report to inform the court as to the defendant's characteristics, including his criminal record, if any. In the 1970s, the length of incarceration had increased in response", "\"Regina Calcaterra\"\nexecutive. During her tenure, she managed the county’s fiscal crisis and oversaw the county’s day-to-day operations, including its response to and recovery from Hurricane Sandy. In November 2012, Governor Andrew Cuomo appointed Calcaterra executive director of the newly convened Moreland Commission on Utility Storm Preparation and Response. The commission, authorized by the Moreland Act of the early 20th century, was constituted to investigate emergency management and preparedness following Hurricane Irene and Hurricane Sandy. The commission released two published reports, an interim report in January 2013 and a final report in June 2013. Both reports include the results of the commission's", "\"Henry Barron (judge)\"\nJustice Liam Hamilton who departed due to ill health. He investigated bombing incidents in Castleblayney, Dundalk, Dublin Airport, the Miami Showband murders and the deaths of eighteen other individuals. His report, termed The Barron Report and presented to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice in December 2003, was highly critical of the investigation into the bombings by both the Fine Gael/Labour government and the Gardaí, and stated they might have made a better attempt to catch those responsible. He did not lay any definitive blame on the British government. Barron died at the age of 81 in St. Vincent's University", "\"Global Guardian\"\non a Cuba-like island, and seek asylum.\"\" The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States investigated the possibility that Vigilant Guardian preparations compromised the military's response to the attacks on September 11. They concluded that the exercise may have had, in fact, the effect of expediting the response to the attacks. On page 17 of the 9/11 Commission Report when Boston center calls NEADS (Northeast Air Defense Sector), the response from NEADS was \"\"is this real world or exercise?\"\". According to the 9/11 Commission's staff statement No. 17, for instance, page 26 of the Commission's final report documents", "\"Special Counsel investigation (2017–present)\"\nreceive information damaging to Hillary Clinton. Mueller's team is investigating the emails and the meeting, and whether President Trump later tried to hide the meeting's purpose. On July 18, 2017, Kaveladze's attorney said that Mueller's investigators were seeking information about the Russian meeting in June 2016 from his client, and on July 21, Mueller asked the White House to preserve all documents related to the Russian meeting. It has been reported that Manafort had made notes during the Russian meeting. CNN reported on July 26, 2018, that anonymous sources stated that Michael Cohen was prepared to tell the Mueller investigation", "\"Demetris Christofias\"\nresignation over his alleged involvement in the blast. Both EDEK and DIKO had withdrawn their support for Christofias by the beginning of August 2011. On 3 October 2011, the results of the investigation regarding the Evangelos Florakis Naval Base explosion were released to the public, placing the blame for the incident mainly on President Christofias, holding him “personally and institutionally responsible” for the blast. Christofias rejected the results of the investigation and denied any personal responsibility for the tragedy. On 9 October 2011, the police report, \"\"prepared by head of CID at police HQ\"\", recommended the prosecution of 12 people;", "\"National Action (UK)\"\nthinkers who are prepared to die for National Socialism.\"\" Scotland Yard is reported to be \"\"very concerned\"\" by the group, but gave the official response, \"\"We cannot discuss details of individuals or organisations that may or may not be the subject of an investigation.\"\" Ian Austin, a Labour Party MP whose adoptive father fled Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, said of National Action, \"\"Seventy years ago, British heroes were fighting to liberate Europe from the scourge of Nazis and fascism. It's absolutely disgusting to see young British people praise Hitler today.\"\" On 5 September 2017, it was reported that four serving male members", "\"2009 attack on the Sri Lanka national cricket team\"\nsecret investigative report has surfaced later prepared by the Additional Inspector General of the Crime Investigation Division, Punjab on 22 January 2009 outlining the potential threat to the Sri Lankan team. – The attack has been condemned by the Pakistani president, Asif Ali Zardari, and prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gillani. Governor Salmaan Taseer stated that the same people who executed the 2008 Mumbai attacks were responsible for this attack. Following the attack Pakistan's interior minister Rehman Malik declared that Pakistan is \"\"in a state of war\"\". Pakistani officials were also quick to blame one of its neighbours, India, of covert", "\"Federal Emergency Management Agency\"\nNation Prepared\"\", and would \"\"fundamentally sever FEMA from its core functions\"\", \"\"shatter agency morale\"\" and \"\"break longstanding, effective and tested relationships with states and first responder stakeholders\"\". The inevitable result of the reorganization of 2003, warned Brown, would be \"\"an ineffective and uncoordinated response\"\" to a terrorist attack or a natural disaster. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 demonstrated that the vision of further unification of functions and another reorganization could not address the problems FEMA had previously faced. The \"\"Final Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina\"\", released February 15, 2006, by", "\"Truman Committee\"\nwith managers and workers. A report would be prepared, and an early copy of the report would be sent to the leaders who were discussed in the report so that they would have a chance to prepare themselves for the consequences. In November 1942, the committee began investigating the Winfield Park Defense Housing Project, a project intended to house the workers from the Kearny Shipyard. H. G. Robinson, an investigator, found that although the project had built 700 houses, they were poorly constructed, and \"\"A good wind would rip the tar paper roofs off and the cellars have been condemned", "\"Ebola virus epidemic in Sierra Leone\"\nto this case WHO had advised, \"\"we anticipate more flare-ups and must be prepared for them ... massive effort is underway to ensure robust prevention, surveillance and response capacity across all three countries by the end of March.\"\" On 16 January, it was reported that the woman who died of the virus may have exposed several individuals; the government announced that 100 people had been quarantined. On the same day, WHO released a statement, indicating that originally the 90-day enhanced surveillance period was to end on 5 February. Investigations indicate the female case was a student at Lunsar in Port", "\"Mark Lawson\"\n…\"\", have been running since 2006. Lawson's connection with \"\"Front Row\"\" ended in March 2014 for \"\"personal reasons\"\" in a joint agreement with the BBC. An internal report completed in January investigated claims of bullying within the BBC Radio Arts, which produces \"\"Front Row\"\", and identified one producer and presenter as responsible. While Lawson has denied bullying, \"\"The Daily Telegraph\"\" reported on 5 March that Lawson was the presenter involved and he had been accused of \"\"browbeating junior staff\"\" who are often young freelancers. In Lawson's 2016 novel \"\"The Allegations\"\", a lecturer at a fictional English university faces disciplinary action", "\"Forensic accountant\"\ninvestigator they must investigate and gather evidence to be presented in a court of law; be able to investigate complaints, allegations, and tips of suspected fraud; must be able to sort, analyze, and compare data in support of an investigation; and must have a working relationship with the investigating and prosecuting agencies involved. Some forensic accountants specialize in forensic analytics which is the procurement and analysis of electronic data to reconstruct, detect, or otherwise support a claim of financial fraud. The main steps in forensic analytics are (a) data collection, (b) data preparation, (c) data analysis, and (d) reporting. For", "\"2009–2011 News of the World phone hacking scandal investigations\"\nagainst the private investigator Glenn Mulcaire. Those who began legal action included the football agent Sky Andrew, actress Sienna Miller, actor Steve Coogan, television presenter Chris Tarrant and football pundit Andy Gray. In December 2009, footballer Sol Campbell instructed his solicitor to contact the police in response to various media reports. The Max Clifford case, which in early 2010 had appeared to make likely the disclosure of previously secret \"\"News of the World\"\" documents, was settled out of court in March 2010, keeping the documents secret. The next month, reports of further legal action against the \"\"News of the World\"\"", "\"Narendra Modi\"\nbe rather punished and not forgiven if he is guilty. In March 2008, the Supreme Court reopened several cases related to the 2002 riots, including that of the Gulbarg Society massacre, and established a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to look into the issue. In response to a petition from Zakia Jafri (widow of Ehsan Jafri, who was killed in the Gulbarg Society massacre), in April 2009 the court also asked the SIT to investigate the issue of Modi's complicity in the killings. The SIT questioned Modi in March 2010; in May, it presented to the court a report finding no", "\"Timeline of events associated with Anonymous\"\nby \"\"cyber-vigilantes who seek to out anyone who presents with a sexual interest in children\"\" before police investigations commenced. The Global Television Network report identified the group responsible for Forcand's arrest as a \"\"self-described Internet vigilante group called Anonymous\"\" who contacted the police after some members were \"\"propositioned\"\" by Forcand with \"\"disgusting photos of himself\"\". The report also stated that this is the first time a suspected Internet predator was arrested by the police as a result of Internet vigilantism. The group gained worldwide press for Project Chanology, the protest against the Church of Scientology. On January 14, 2008, a", "\"Monmouth School\"\nrelated to the governance of the school and another long campaign of attrition saw the school's Lecturer lose the responsibility for preparing an annual report on the school, this being transferred by the Court of Chancery to a Board of Visitors. The last area of conflict arose between the school's leadership, which wanted to maintain the tradition of a curriculum that involved the study solely of Latin and Greek, and the Court and the Haberdashers who wanted expansion to cover such areas as writing and arithmetic. In a damming report in 1827 they condemned \"\"the present Masters, though so liberally", "\"Special Counsel investigation (2017–present)\"\nexposure was low, while others expressed concern that Mueller was inducing him to agree to a personal interview, which his attorneys have discouraged him from doing for fear he might perjure himself and thus change his status from subject to target. \"\"The Post\"\" reported that Mueller also advised the attorneys that he is \"\"preparing a report about the president's actions while in office and potential obstruction of justice.\"\" \"\"The Post\"\" referenced Justice Department guidelines, which explain: Trump told reporters on January 24, 2018, that he was \"\"looking forward\"\" to testifying under oath to the Mueller investigation, perhaps in \"\"two or", "\"Davis–Bacon Act of 1931\"\nof employees on projects, inflated wage rates reported for these same non-existent workers and we found projects that were never built. We also noticed what appears to be a pattern in the reporting method on many of the wage survey forms, as our visual presentation will show here today.” In response to this, “a follow-up investigation conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor confirms that not only was a great deal of inaccurate information reported, as we had alleged, but U.S. Department of Labor documents show certain unions in Oklahoma City as the parties who submitted that information. It appears", "\"Presentence investigation report\"\nissues for sentencing. Thereafter, if a defendant is incarcerated, the Bureau of Prisons or State Department of Corrections will use information in the report to designate the institution where the offender will serve the sentence and determine the offender's eligibility or need for specific correctional programs. Also, depending on the jurisdiction, the presentence report can be used to calculate the release date. The probation officer assigned responsibility for the offender's case during probation and supervised release will use the report to make an initial assessment of case needs and risks. Additionally, the report may be used as a source of", "\"Broda Otto Barnes\"\nKanter, et al., found that urine from non-pregnant women or men had the same effect. Barnes was the principal investigator, with obstetricians Kanter and Klawans, in an experiment reported in 1936. They sought to determine the source organ of whatever non-pregnant urine substance was causing the same bitterling ovipositor response as Fleischmann's estrogenic preparation. Barnes, et al., extracted juice from 14 different organs of seven species (including both genders of humans) and exposed bitterlings to them. The organ they found responsible was the adrenal cortex. The Barnes, et al., 1936, publication in \"\"Science\"\" was also reported in TIME. In 1938,", "Psilocybin\nIn the early 1960s, Timothy Leary and colleagues at Harvard University investigated the role of set and setting on the effects of psilocybin. They administered the drug to 175 volunteers from various backgrounds in an environment intended to be similar to a comfortable living room. Ninety-eight of the subjects were given questionnaires to assess their experiences and the contribution of background and situational factors. Individuals who had experience with psilocybin prior to the study reported more pleasant experiences than those for whom the drug was novel. Group size, dosage, preparation, and expectancy were important determinants of the drug response. In", "\"The Investigators (Australian TV series)\"\nThe Investigators (Australian TV series) The Investigators is an Australian consumer affairs television series, which aired on the ABC from 1985 to 1995. The program's host and chief reporter was Helen Wellings, who replaced original host Sonia Humphrey in 1987. Other reporters who worked on the program include foreign correspondent Eric Campbell, politician Sarah Henderson, reporter Leigh McClusky, and radio presenter Jon Faine. \"\"The Investigators\"\" was one of the ABC's highest-rating programs, and presenter Helen Wellings claimed the program received an average of 500 complaints per week from consumers about products or services. The program won the 1993 Logie Award", "\"Operation Tarnished Shield\"\na Chicago based drug trafficking/money laundering organization, Middlebrook, Bell, and Jones were given the opportunity to participate in a scheme to defraud auto insurance companies for profit. The scheme required body shop estimate reports and police accident reports, prepared by police officers, be fraudulently and fictitiously prepared and provided to what was believed to be the Chicago based drug trafficking organization. There was no evidence presented or allegations made that Middlebrook, Bell or Jones were engaging in these activities prior to the FBI initiating an investigation into corruption in Cookeville, Tennessee. The FBI attempted many times prior to Tarnish Shield", "\"Jeffrey Street\"\nsprung from square columns between and plain rendered balustrade panels.\"\" At its meeting of 8 March 2010, North Sydney Council’s Planning and Development Committee resolved to investigate the establishment of a new heritage conservation area centred on Jeffreys Street, Kirribilli.A consultant was engaged to prepare a report. A report was subsequently completed by John Oultram Heritage & Design titled Proposed Conservation Area, Jeffreys Street, Kirribilli. The consultant’s assessment was then presented to Council on 29 Nov 2010 which resolved to adopt the recommendations of the Heritage Assessment and to commence the process of preparing a planning proposal to establish a", "\"Wenzhou train collision\"\nThe ban was flouted by Beijing-based weekly \"\"The Economic Observer\"\", which published an eight-page feature on 30 July, with a front-page letter pledging to pursue the truth on behalf of Xiang Weiyi, the 2-year-old survivor who was orphaned in the crash. On 28 December 2011 the official accident investigation report presented to the State Council was released to the public. According to this report, the accident occurred due to severe defects in the design of control center equipment, lax equipment inspection and failure to adequately respond to equipment malfunction caused by lightning. The report names 54 officials as bearing responsibility", "\"CFA Training College, Fiskville\"\nthe contamination at Fiskville is likely to have caused cancer and other illnesses\"\" and \"\"People who have been harmed by unsafe training practices at Fiskville have a right to justice\"\". In initial response to Potter's claims, the Premier of Victoria, Ted Baillieu, announced an inquiry headed by Professor Rob Joy into the allegations. The report of Joy's inquiry was presented to the Country Fire Authority in late June 2012 and released shortly after with a response from the CFA. Joy concluded: \"\"We found that the current situation at Fiskville is that these legacy issues need to be further investigated but", "\"History of the European Union (1993–2004)\"\nCresson and Manuel Marín (both members of the Socialists) while the Socialist group still supported the Commission though and attempted a vote of confidence. Eventually a PES proposal based on collective responsibility (not singling out the two socialist Commissioners) was approved and a committee of independent experts was established to investigate. The committee produced its report on 15 March 1999 and was presented to the Commission and Parliament. It largely cleared most members, aside from Cresson, but concluded that there was growing reluctance of the Commissioners to acknowledge responsibility and that \"\"It was becoming increasingly difficult to find anyone who", "\"Cynthia McKinney\"\nthe bridge. McKinney chose to be an active participant in the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina, despite the Democratic Party leadership's call for Democratic members to boycott the committee. She submitted her own 72-page report. She sat as a guest along with only a few other Democrats. In questioning Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, McKinney referred to a news story in which the owners of a nursing home had been charged with negligent homicide for abandoning 34 clients who died in the flood waters. McKinney asked Chertoff: \"\"Mr. Secretary, if", "\"CNN Special Investigations Unit\"\nCNN Special Investigations Unit CNN Special Investigations Unit is an American investigative documentary program on CNN weekends. Expanding upon \"\"CNN Presents\"\", SIU focuses on each episode being an in depth investigative report about news stories being covered, commonly featuring a number of interviews with experts on the issue and people who have witnessed the story taking place. The reports are commonly long-form, allowing for the network to cover more information and perspectives than would be available during a 5-minute report on another CNN program, such as \"\"CNN Newsroom\"\". Compared to \"\"Presents\"\", the show has taken a slightly larger point of", "\"The Bell Curve\"\n52 agreeing to sign and 48 declining. Eleven of the 48 who declined to sign claimed that the statement or some part thereof did not represent the mainstream view of intelligence. In response to the controversy surrounding \"\"The Bell Curve\"\", the American Psychological Association's Board of Scientific Affairs established a special task force to publish an investigative report focusing solely on the research presented in the book, not necessarily the policy recommendations that were made. In their final report, titled , some of the task force's findings supported or were consistent with statements from \"\"The Bell Curve\"\". They agreed that:", "\"Ogallala Aquifer\"\nimpact statements for other proposed TransCanada projects. Although it is \"\"common for companies applying to build government projects to be involved in assigning and paying for the impact analysis\"\", several opponents of the project suggested there could be a conflict of interest. In response to that concern, the Department of State's Office of the Inspector General conducted an investigation of the potential conflict of interest. The February 2012 report of that investigation states no conflict of interest existed either in the selection of the contractor or in the preparation of the environmental impact statement. U.S. President Barack Obama \"\"initially rejected", "\"1935 Labor Day hurricane\"\nits own report on the hurricane. The Legion's National Commander, Ray Murphy, mailed a copy to President Roosevelt. It concluded that: Williams prepared a response for the President stating: \"\"A final report, based upon the facts obtained in this investigation [by the VA and FERA], will be submitted to me shortly. At that time I shall transmit a copy of the report to you for your information and consideration.\"\" Standing just east of U.S. 1 at mile marker 82 in Islamorada, near where Islamorada's post office stood, is a simple monument designed by the Florida Division of the Federal Art", "\"2016 Croydon tram derailment\"\nManchester to discuss the findings of the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) report on the investigation into the accident. The 42-year-old tram driver was arrested by the British Transport Police on suspicion of manslaughter. After questioning, he was released on bail until May 2017. According to \"\"The Metro\"\", one aspect of the police investigation is whether or not the tram driver fell asleep; and \"\"The Guardian\"\" reports that some passengers said the driver had blacked out at the controls. In November 2017, it was reported that a file was being prepared for the Crown Prosecution Service, who would decide whether", "\"University of Wollongong\"\nthe university as \"\"disgraceful\"\", as it placed the \"\"onus and responsibility on the person who has experienced violence\"\". The university responded that its instructions are \"\"standard procedure\"\", it \"\"does not comment on specific allegations\"\", and it is not able to investigate sexual assault claims, as those must be investigated by the NSW Police. Another alleged victim considers their sexual assault and UoW's \"\"response to be equally despicable.\"\" Between 2011-2016, there were 40 officially reported cases of sexual assault, harassment or misconduct on campus, resulting in no expulsions, one suspension and three reprimands. Freedom of information investigations reported by News Limited", "\"Raviv Drucker\"\ncommentator. He was later the co-presenter of the Channel's Friday evening news program together with Ofer Shelah. In 2009 he became the host of \"\"Hamakor\"\" (\"\"the Source\"\"), the Channel's investigative reporting magazine. He co-hosted the show together with Shelah, who was replaced by Mickey Rosenthal when Shelah decided to join politics. Rosenthal himself later joined Israeli politics and was replaced as Drucker's co-host by Razi Barkai. Both Shelah and Rosenthal were elected to the Knesset in the 2013 elections. Drucker is responsible for unearthing several high-profile scandals in Israeli politics, that were a result of his investigations. Three weeks before", "\"Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment\"\nresults of the investigation were widely discussed among evangelicals. After the release of the GRACE report led to allegations of abuse at nine other New Tribes boarding schools, New Tribes hired a different organization, IHART, or Independent Historical Abuse Review Team. As of 2014 IHART had completed only one investigation and had published nothing. In 2011 the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE), which had 900 missionaries in 60 countries and 5,000 supporting churches, asked GRACE to investigate allegations of abuse at its mission in Bangladesh. After 100 interviews over two years, ABWE fired GRACE just as it prepared", "\"Inspector General report on FBI and DOJ actions in the 2016 election\"\nInspector General report on FBI and DOJ actions in the 2016 election A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election is the official 568-page report of the actions taken by the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) during the 2016 U.S. presidential election connected with Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. It was prepared by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General (OIG), led by Michael E. Horowitz \"\"in response to requests from numerous Chairmen and Ranking Members of Congressional oversight committees, various", "\"Ferguson unrest\"\nthem without an attorney present which police refused. A month after the shooting, Aaten-White's attorney indicated that he had subsequently contacted police to set up an appointment for an interview, without response. City officials refused to provide reporters with ballistics reports or other investigative records, citing state law regarding ongoing police investigations. As night fell on August 13, protesters threw projectiles at police including Molotov cocktails, and police launched tear gas and smoke bombs in retaliation. While police were clearing a McDonald's restaurant, \"\"The Washington Post\"\" reporter Wesley Lowery and \"\"The Huffington Post\"\" reporter Ryan J. Reilly were arrested. Officers", "\"National Park Service\"\nadministrative provisions of the NPS and other statues under the United States Code and/or Code of Federal Regulations. Special agents can be uniformed or plain clothes officers. Special Agents often carry concealed firearms, and other defensive equipment, make arrests, carry out complex criminal investigations, present cases for prosecution to U.S. Attorneys, and prepare investigative reports. Field agents travel a great deal and typically cover several NPS units and several states. Criminal investigators occasionally conduct internal and civil claim investigations. Generally speaking the laws enforced on NPS lands are covered in Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations. The NPS also enforces", "\"Promoting Resilience and Efficiency in Preparing for Attacks and Responding to Emergencies (PREPARE) Act of 2017\"\nocean waters. Models project future hurricanes to be the strongest in recorded history. The PREPARE Act aims to minimize fraud in government response to natural disasters through the inclusion of language from the Flood Insurance Mitigation and Policyholder Protection Act. A \"\"60 Minutes\"\" report found that engineers who were working for insurance companies that were operating under the Federal Emergency Management Agency altered damage reports of homes that were harmed by Hurricane Sandy. The engineers reported less damage than had actually occurred in changed reports, in attempts to decrease the amount of money given to homeowners who were desperate for", "\"The Investigators (Australian TV series)\"\nfor Most Outstanding Achievement in Public Affairs. The program was cancelled in 1995, as a result of cost-cutting measures at the ABC which included the axing of the state-based editions of \"\"The 7.30 Report\"\". The Investigators (Australian TV series) The Investigators is an Australian consumer affairs television series, which aired on the ABC from 1985 to 1995. The program's host and chief reporter was Helen Wellings, who replaced original host Sonia Humphrey in 1987. Other reporters who worked on the program include foreign correspondent Eric Campbell, politician Sarah Henderson, reporter Leigh McClusky, and radio presenter Jon Faine. \"\"The Investigators\"\" was", "\"Operation Anubis\"\naccused of sedition, a felony regulated by the article 544 and subsequents of the Spanish Criminal Code, for allegedly encouraging protesters to hinder the Spanish police raids to dismantle the framework of the referendum. Sànchez and Cuixart have been provisionally put into jail without bail pending the investigation. The investigation started due a complaint presented at the trial court number 13 of Barcelona by the political party Vox and an anonymous complainant, in response to a claim from Catalan judge and politician Santiago Vidal assuring that preparations for the referendum were underway. On 9 September, Spanish Civil Guard raided the", "\"African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child\"\nmay only visit a State Party if invited to do so by the government. To ensure the investigative mission team has background knowledge of the situation, a preliminary report according to certain guidelines and based on available information is prepared before each investigation. The mission will meet with available state and non-state organisations and people in the country where they will be investigating. Once the mission has finished its investigation, it has to release a preliminary result to the government and the media in the country of investigation. A final report is then prepared which incorporates the mission's recommendations. This", "\"Robert Ouko (politician)\"\n1990. The murder case, perhaps the most intriguing in Kenyan history, remains unsolved. A report presented in parliament in 2010 states that the murder was carried out in one of then President Daniel arap Moi's official residences. It also called for further investigations into top officials, including one of Moi's closest allies, Nicholas Biwott, who denies responsibility. In late December 2010 the report was rejected by Parliament on the grounds of a lack of unity, and disagreements within the committee. Ouko was born in Nyahera village, near Kisumu, Nyanza Province. He went to Ogada Primary School, Nyang’ori School. After schooling", "\"George S. Patton slapping incidents\"\nEisenhower submitted a report to Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, who presented it to Senator Robert R. Reynolds, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Military Affairs. The report laid out Eisenhower's response to the incident and gave details of Patton's decades of military service. Eisenhower concluded that Patton was invaluable to the war effort and that he was confident the corrective actions taken would be adequate. Investigators Eisenhower sent to Patton's command found the general remained overwhelmingly popular with his troops. By mid-December, the government had received around 1,500 letters related to Patton, with many calling for his dismissal", "\"Informal Methods (Validation and Verification)\"\nmembers in their preparation. · Inspection—The moderator plans and chairs the inspection meeting. The reader presents the product and leads the team through the inspection process. The inspection team can be aided during the faultfinding process by a checklist of queries. The objective is to identify problems, not to correct them. At the end of the inspection the recorder prepares a report of the problems detected and submits it to the design team. · Rework—The design team addresses each problem identified in the report, documenting all responses and corrections. · Follow-up—The moderator ensures that all faults and problems have been", "\"Law enforcement in Sweden\"\nin South Africa. The Swedish Prosecution Authority () is the principal agency in Sweden responsible for public prosecutions. It is headed by the Prosecutor General of Sweden. Swedish prosecutors, belonging or not to the authority, are responsible for leading and supervising criminal investigations done by the Swedish Police, and preparing and presenting cases for the courts. The prosecutors also hold a number of quasi-judicial powers like, though not officially, acting as judges in several misdemeanor cases. There are also a couple of Swedish prosecution agencies, independent of the SPA such as the Swedish Chancellor of Justice, which is independent of", "\"Pieter van Vollenhoven\"\nfacility for illegal immigrants in The Netherlands. He presented a final report on 21 September 2006 with such devastating findings that ministers Piet Hein Donner and Sybilla Dekker resigned over it. A third responsible minister, Rita Verdonk refused to resign despite her responsibility in the matter. Following the Turkish Airlines Flight 1951 crash, Van Vollenhoven led the investigation by the Safety Board. This investigation brought him into conflict with the Office of the Attorney General, which requested access to the black box data. Citing that there was no reason at that time to suspect foul play and that the Board", "\"Andrew McCabe\"\ndeputy director, effective immediately. He then went on paid leave until his scheduled retirement date of March 18, 2018, his 50th birthday, at which point he would be eligible for a retirement pension. McCabe did not lose his entire pension. On March 1, 2018, the \"\"New York Times\"\" and \"\"Washington Post\"\", citing persons familiar with an investigation by Michael E. Horowitz, the Justice Department inspector general, reported that the inspector general was preparing a report that would conclude that McCabe was \"\"responsible for approving an improper media disclosure,\"\" specifically relating to an October 2016 \"\"Wall Street Journal\"\" article that reported", "\"David Elazar\"\ncaught unprepared, in terms of both intelligence and operations, led to a wave of public protests throughout the country. On 21 November, as soon as the war ended, the Agranat Commission was set up to investigate why the IDF was so poorly prepared for the war. The commission met for several months. It held 140 sessions and listened to dozens of witnesses before releasing its interim report on 1 April 1974, calling for Elazar to be removed as Chief of Staff. The report stated that \"\"Elazar bears personal responsibility for the assessment of the situation and the preparedness of the", "\"David Karr\"\nchief Samuel Krafsur from his contact (Karr). Karr earned a reputation as an unscrupulous investigative reporter who misrepresented himself to sources. In 1944, Karr was also active in Vice President Henry Wallace's effort to remain on the presidential ticket. President Franklin Roosevelt referred to Karr as a \"\"chronic liar\"\". During the war, Karr was investigated twice by the FBI, once after obtaining a secret report on Soviet leader Joseph Stalin prepared for President Roosevelt by Oskar Lange, who was another NKVD source in the administration. To obtain the report, Karr claimed to be on Vice President Wallace's staff. On 12", "\"McCullough Report\"\nnot received a proper response. McCullough was not asked to investigate whether or not incidents of sexual harassment had occurred, but had a brief that was limited to investigating the if complaints were made any responses that emerged from those complaints. As part of his investigation, McCullough approached the five seminarians who were believed to have been the core group who raised concerns, McGinnity, all of the surviving Bishops who had been involved with alleged the complaints, and Micheál Ledwith. One of the seminarians was not interviewed as part of the inquiry as the individual concerned chose not to be", "\"Phil Angelides\"\ninvestigating the events that led to the monumental 2008 collapse of the financial markets. The Commission was mandated with reporting back to Congress by the end of 2010, \"\"with a series of conclusions about what occurred, and recommendations as to how to avoid future market breakdowns.\"\" The Commission presented its report to the President and Congress in January 2011, concluding that the crisis was avoidable and was caused by widespread failures of regulation, excessive risk taking by Wall Street, government leaders ill-prepared for crisis, and systemic breaches in accountability and ethics. The report made the \"\"New York Times\"\" and \"\"Washington", "\"Théoneste Bagosora\"\nthe \"\"akazu\"\", a group associated with Agathe Habyarimana, the president's wife, who was at the nexus of the Hutu Power ideology. Although he was present at the negotiations of the Arusha Accords in August 1993, he never supported them and is widely cited as saying, once everything was signed, that he was returning to Rwanda to \"\"prepare for the apocalypse\"\". Luc Marchal, a Belgian officer, who served as Kigali sector commander in UNAMIR, reported that Bagosora told him that the only way to solve Rwanda's problems was to get rid of the Tutsi. Bagosora was responsible for establishing paramilitary \"\"self-defense\"\"", "\"Gulf Cartel\"\nGulf Cartel. In the United States, the Gulf Cartel has been responsible for several kidnappings, primarily in the McAllen metropolitan area. Investigators believe that more unreported kidnappings have occurred in nearby locations. When victims are kidnapped by the drug cartels on American territory, kidnappers usually hide them in the trunk of a car and take them to Mexico. FBI investigators said that victims are \"\"kidnapped, threatened, assaulted, drugged and transported into Mexico to meet with Cartel members.\"\" Reports indicated that kidnappers working for the Gulf Cartel train with paintball equipment \"\"to practice simulated kidnapping schemes in order to prepare for", "\"Pinchot–Ballinger controversy\"\nin obstructing an investigation of the Cunningham case, Glavis had sought support from the U.S. Forest Service, whose jurisdiction over the Chugach National Forest included several of the Cunningham claims. He received a sympathetic response from Alexander Shaw, Overton Price and Pinchot, who helped him to prepare the presentation for Taft. Taft consulted with Attorney General George Wickersham before issuing a public letter in September, exonerating Ballinger and authorizing the dismissal of Glavis on grounds of insubordination. At the same time, Taft tried to conciliate Pinchot and affirm his administration's pro-conservation stance. Glavis took his case to the press. In", "\"Murder of Tupac Shakur\"\nasked Tupac if he saw the person or people who shot him, Shakur responded by saying, \"\"Fuck you\"\" to the officer as his last words. Paramedics and other officers present at the scene did not report hearing Tupac say those words, nor did Knight or bodyguard Frank Alexander, who were also present. One year after the shooting, Sgt. Kevin Manning, who headed the investigation, told \"\"Las Vegas Sun\"\" investigative reporter Cathy Scott that Shakur's murder \"\"may never be solved\"\". The case slowed early in the investigation, he said, as few new clues came in and witnesses clammed up. He stated", "\"Investigative journalism\"\nthe character of modern investigative journalism.\"\" Furthermore, the successes of the early muckrakers continued to inspire journalists. An investigative reporter may make use of one or more of these tools, among others, on a single story: Investigative journalism Investigative journalism is a form of journalism in which reporters deeply investigate a single topic of interest, such as serious crimes, political corruption, or corporate wrongdoing. An investigative journalist may spend months or years researching and preparing a report. Practitioners sometimes use the terms \"\"watchdog reporting\"\" or \"\"accountability reporting\"\". Most investigative journalism has traditionally been conducted by newspapers, wire services, and freelance", "\"Transportation Safety Board of Canada\"\nincidents required TSB investigation. Provincial and territorial governments may call upon the TSB to investigate occurrences. However, it is up to the TSB whether or not to proceed with an investigation. Public reports are published following class one, two, three and four investigations. Recommendations made by the TSB are not legally binding upon the Government of Canada, nor any Ministers of Departments. However, when a recommendation is made to a federal department, a formal response must be presented to the TSB within 90 days. In recent years, the TSB has concluded a number of high-profile investigations, including Air France (A05H0002),", "\"Commission on Foreign Economic Policy\"\nunions, etc. He received of 300 statements in response to these letters. The Commission staff, composed of specialists on various aspects of foreign economic policy, digested the written testimony and information provided by the Department of State, Department of Agriculture, and other agencies, in preparing 800 pages of staff papers upon which the Commission Report was based. This report was divided into twelve sections, such as Dollar Problem, Foreign Aid, Tariff and Trade, East-West Trade, etc. and was presented to Congress on January 23, 1954. This Commission was dissolved on April 23, 1954, three months after it presented its report", "\"Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment\"\nto publish its report, claiming GRACE had mishandled the investigation. ABWE then hired an organization called Professional Investigators International (PII) to complete the investigation. In 2012 Bob Jones University asked GRACE to investigate the way it had handled reports of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. After a year of investigation, and just as GRACE was ready to release its report in early 2014, the university fired GRACE, a move widely reported in the media, including \"\"The New York Times\"\" and \"\"The American Conservative\"\". A month later BJU rehired GRACE, and in December 2014, GRACE released its report. Godly Response to", "\"Yao Shu\"\nCounty (新都, in modern Chengdu), part of Yao's responsible area, was accused of corruption and sentenced to death. Zhu was friendly with a large number of Buddhist monks in the area, and it was said that Zhu secretly organized them to prepare to rebel, kill Yao, and occupy the region. This plot was reported to Yao, and Yao investigated and killed thousands of people. Wu Zetian further sent the secret police officials Song Yuanshuang (宋元爽) and Huo Xianke (霍獻可) to investigate, and several hundred more people were arrested and tortured. A large number of people were executed or exiled, and", "\"Stanley Steingut\"\nnursing homes. Steingut claimed in response that he was preparing his own investigation, for which Stein was seeking credit. Stein carried on, however, and his work eventually led to the appointment of special prosecutor Charles Hynes, an assistant district attorney in Brooklyn. The extensive investigations by Hynes and his final report never mentioned any wrongdoing by Steingut. Stein continued to pursue Steingut on claims of corrupt relations with Bernard Bergman. Steingut was vulnerable not only because of insurance firm had extensive dealings with Towers Nursing Home but also because Steingut's attorney, Daniel Chill, represented Bergman before state agencies. In the", "\"Presentence investigation report\"\nand evaluate the data, determine the appropriate sentencing guidelines and statutes to the specific facts of the case, and present the results of the investigation in an organized and objective report. The probation officer must set deadlines for the submission of information by the defendant and others and monitor compliance with the deadlines. Rule 32 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and §6A1.1 of the United States Federal Sentencing Guidelines regulate presentence reports. Presentence reports typically include copious amounts of hearsay that would not be permitted in court testimony. This practice has been criticized: Presentence investigation report A presentence", "\"Diarmuid Martin\"\nfulfil its expressed commitment to meet the needs of parents who wish their children to have a Catholic education.\"\" On 13 July 2011 the report in the sexual abuse in the diocese of Cloyne was published. Archbishop Martin said on reading his report that his \"\"first emotion that came to me was anger\"\". Archbishop Martin warned that further investigations of clerical child sex abuse in dioceses will not get to the truth if people in the Catholic Church are not prepared to tell the truth. Senior church figures who were not prepared to be honest would only be \"\"discovered\"\" through", "\"Examining magistrate\"\nprepare a defense. Beginning in 2002, Chile began to incorporate more adversarial aspects into its inquisitorial system, and this reform was implemented fully by 2005. The transition to a separation of judicial and investigative roles meant that public prosecutors (\"\"fiscales\"\") obtained many responsibilities that were historically performed by investigative magistrates. However, investigations in past human rights abuses in Chile have continued to use investigative magistrates at the first stage. Greece, which follows a French-style legal system, has retained the investigative magistrate. In Greece, the investigative magistrate interviews witnesses, reviews the evidence, and refers cases to the public prosecutor, who makes", "\"Committees of the European Parliament\"\nto produce non-legislative reports. The appointed rapporteur is responsible for preparing the report, and presenting it to Parliament on the Committee's behalf. These reports must include a motion for a resolution, an explanatory statement, and must also outline financial implications. Committees can also produce reports relevant to their competence, without having to be consulted. These are called “Own-Initiative Reports”, and are used to submit a motion for a resolution. Before drawing up any such report, a Committee must obtain the permission of the Conference of Presidents. The Conference of Presidents has two months to make a decision, and any reasons", "\"ROKS Cheonan sinking\"\nNorth Korean torpedo fired by a midget submarine. The conclusions of the report resulted in significant controversy within South Korea. Following the sinking, South Korea imposed sanctions against North Korea, known as the May 24 measures. North Korea denied that it was responsible for the sinking. North Korea's further offer to aid an open investigation was disregarded. China dismissed the official scenario presented by South Korea and the United States as not credible. An investigation by the Russian Navy also did not concur with the report. The United Nations Security Council made a Presidential Statement condemning the attack but without", "\"Report of the Secretary-General's Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka\"\nusing suicide attacks. Specific findings of the panel: The report states that the \"\"credible allegations\"\" demand a serious investigation and the prosecution of those responsible. If the allegations are proved senior commanders, military and political, on both sides are liable for prosecution under international criminal law. The panel noted the Sri Lankan government's attempt at accountability consisted solely of investigating the actions of the previous government and the Tamil Tigers, and not of the present government's actions during the final stages of the war. The panel concluded this is not in accordance with international standards and fell \"\"dramatically short of", "\"Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration\"\nemployees in reporting wrongdoing. Any indication of fraud, waste, mismanagement or abuse should be reported to TIGTA directly or through the employee's supervisor. IRS managers are responsible for ensuring that all allegations they receive are promptly reported to TIGTA. Federal law prohibits reprisal or retaliation against an employee who reports wrongdoing. The Office of Investigations (OI) investigates complaints and allegations against IRS employees. Special agents will conduct all leads to prove or disprove the elements of the violation, or to show that the issue cannot be resolved. The results of investigations are submitted to IRS management without recommendation as to", "\"LGBT rights in the Netherlands\"\non a motion that would make an end to this ban and would make sexual risk behaviour the criteria for blood donation; in response the Government asked the blood bank Sanquin and Maastricht University to investigate whether men who have sex with men should be allowed to donate blood. The report presented on 6 March 2015 showed that there were medical scientific grounds to adjust the donor selection policies around men who had sex with other men. This took away the main argument of safety risks. On 28 October 2015, the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport announced that a", "\"Death of Sohrabuddin Sheikh\"\nRajasthan police, who is alleged to have been working at the behest of the marble lobby. The Supreme Court asked the Gujarat government to place before it the inquiry reports prepared by Johri, which had allegedly said that Sheikh was killed in an encounter killing. Johri was removed from the investigation after this report was published. On May 3, 2007, the court asked the government whether Johri had been dismissed from the investigation so that a further probe would not be carried out, and directed it to submit a final report on May 15, the day it will give the", "\"Salwa El-Deghali\"\nwithin the National Liberation Army. Her position also gives her the responsibility of investigating the crimes of mercenaries employed by Muammar Gaddafi and collecting and presenting evidence of his war crimes to the International Criminal Court. Her primary responsibility will be to help form a functioning government, writing laws to be in effect during the transition period, and preparing for elections. However, she has stated that the job of writing a constitution for the country will fall to an elected assembly and not her Legal Advisory Committee. Salwa El-Deghali Salwa Fawzi El-Deghali () is a Libyan academic and a member", "\"The Valour and the Horror\"\nsimilar honours at the Prix Gemaux—awarded the prizes for Best Documentary and Best Direction. The CBC Ombudsman, William Morgan, and his office, investigated the series, and had historian S.F. Wise prepare a report on it. The report's findings concluded that some claims were untrue; material was presented out of context so that it was misleading; information differing from the producers’ views were ignored; and that the series cannot be considered history rather, at best, editorializing. The CBC Ombudsman then issued a report noting that \"\"The Valour and the Horror\"\" has serious problems with accuracy in particular \"\"various interpretations and assertions" ]
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who sang the original devil went down to georgia
[ "Charlie Daniels Band" ]
[ "\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\nan adult and married with an infant son, the devil is convinced that Johnny's sinful pride will be his undoing, so he takes back the golden fiddle he lost to Johnny, and forces him to practice with his old fiddle before their rematch. Though the lyrics of the song state that \"\"Johnny's the best that's ever been\"\", reiterating his bold claim in the original song, the sequel's lyrics do not reveal who won the rematch, but the music video shows that Johnny wins. The Devil Went Down to Georgia \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" is a song written and", "\"Million Mile Reflections\"\nexcept where noted. The 8-track tape running order (Epic JEA 35751) differs from the original LP, as follows: Program 1: Passing Lane - Blue Star - Jitterbug Program 2: Reflections - The Devil Went Down To Georgia - Behind Your Eyes (Part 1) Program 3: Behind Your Eyes (Concl) - Mississippi - Blind Man Program 4: Rainbow Ride - The Devil Went Down To Georgia (Reprise)* <nowiki>*</nowiki>\"\"The Devil Went Down To Georgia (Reprise)\"\" is a shorter version of \"\"The Devil Went Down To Georgia\"\" evidenced only by an earlier fade, likely to best program the 8-track tape to minimize a", "\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\nThe Devil Went Down to Georgia \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" is a song written and performed by the Charlie Daniels Band and released on their 1979 album \"\"Million Mile Reflections\"\". The song is written in the key of D minor. Vassar Clements originally wrote the basic melody an octave lower, in a tune called \"\"Lonesome Fiddle Blues\"\" released on Clements' self-titled 1975 album on which Charlie Daniels played guitar. The Charlie Daniels Band moved it up an octave and put words to it. The song's verses are closer to being spoken rather than sung (i.e., recitation), and tell", "\"Camper Van Beethoven (album)\"\nare a number of classic rock references too: \"\"We Saw Jerry's Daughter\"\" is a parody of Deadheads; \"\"Stairway to Heavan\"\" (sic), \"\"Five Sticks\"\" and \"\"Joe Stalin's Cadillac\"\" all contain song titles or lyrics modified from Led Zeppelin; and the cover of \"\"Interstellar Overdrive\"\" and several of the album's songs are reminiscent of Syd Barrett-era Pink Floyd. \"\"We Love You\"\" also contains a parody of the Charlie Daniels Band song \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\". In the original \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\", the Devil was portrayed as a negative being who is defeated in a fiddle-playing contest by", "\"The Best of the West\"\nWere Here\"\", \"\"Cotton Eye Joe\"\" in its original and a remix version, \"\"Rolling Home\"\" and \"\"Wild 'N Free\"\", which have been previously released as singles from \"\"Sex & Violins\"\" in 1995. Four tracks, \"\"Spirit Of The Hawk\"\", \"\"The Way I Mate\"\", \"\"The Devil Went Down To Georgia\"\" and \"\"Hold Me For A While\"\", have been previously released as singles, except \"\"The Devil Went Down To Georgia\"\", which only received a music video release, from \"\"Farm Out\"\" back in 2000. The other five songs – \"\"Are You Strong Enough\"\", \"\"The Song Of Silence\"\", \"\"Love Me Or Leave Me\"\", \"\"Ride The Hurricane's", "\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\n/ Granny will your dog bite, no child no.\"\") The last is a traditional American southern folk song \"\"The House of the Rising Sun.\"\" The four songs are not performed but are only mentioned by reference. The Devil is impressed, admits defeat, and lays a golden fiddle at Johnny's feet. Johnny repeats his claim to be the best player ever and dares the Devil to a rematch in the future. Johnny's final boast, as originally recorded for the \"\"Million Mile Reflections\"\" album, goes \"\"\"\"I done told you once, you son of a bitch, I'm the best that's ever been.\"\"\"\" To", "\"The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings\"\nDevil plays an iteration of \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" by The Charlie Daniels Band. Writer Ken Keeler was nominated for an Emmy Award in 2004 for \"\"Outstanding Music and Lyrics\"\" for the song \"\"I Want My Hands Back\"\" and for an Annie Award for \"\"Music in an Animated Television Production\"\". The episode was ranked number 16 on IGN's list of the top 25 \"\"Futurama\"\" episodes in 2006. \"\"Science Fiction Weekly\"\" rated the episode as their \"\"A Pick\"\" for its original airing in 2003, calling the episode a \"\"superbly funny ending to the series\"\". Dan Castellaneta's performance as the", "\"Essential Super Hits\"\nEssential Super Hits Essential Super Hits is a CD by country rock artist Charlie Daniels. It includes a 5-song DVD video. It was released on July 27, 2004. The CD is somewhat known for having rerecorded versions of \"\"The Devil Went Down To Georgia\"\", \"\"Still In Saigon\"\", \"\"The South's Gonna Do It\"\", and \"\"Uneasy Rider\"\", and \"\"Long Haired Country Boy.\"\" In \"\"The Devil Went Down To Georgia\"\", the line featuring \"\"son of a bitch\"\" is sung as \"\"son of a gun\"\" and in \"\"Uneasy Rider\"\" many of the pop culture references have been updated. In \"\"Long Haired Country Boy\"\" the", "\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\nfiddle impressively \"\"hot.\"\" Out of desperation, the Devil, who as it turns out also plays the fiddle, offers Johnny the wager which involves challenging the young man to a fiddle-playing contest. The Devil offers to give Johnny a golden fiddle if the young man plays better than he does; otherwise, the Devil will gain Johnny's soul. Although Johnny believes taking the Devil's bet might be a sin, he wagers his soul without fear, confidently boasting he is \"\"the best that's ever been.\"\" The Devil plays his fiddle first, to a contemporary, rock music theme with the backing of demon musicians.", "\"Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock\"\nCareer mode includes three guitar battles, one against each boss: Slash, Tom Morello, and Lou the Devil. Slash and Morello both wrote and recorded original battle music for the game. Guitarists Steve Ouimette, Ed DeGenaro and Geoff Tyson play as Lou the Devil for the final battle, and re-recorded a metal guitar version of \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" for that purpose. The soundtrack features songs such as \"\"Paint It Black\"\" by The Rolling Stones, \"\"Cherub Rock\"\" by The Smashing Pumpkins, \"\"Sabotage\"\" by Beastie Boys, \"\"The Metal\"\" by Tenacious D, \"\"My Name is Jonas\"\" by Weezer, \"\"Rock and Roll", "\"Rhinoplasty (EP)\"\nRhinoplasty (EP) Rhinoplasty is an extended play record by Primus. It was released August 11, 1998 by Interscope Records and features covers of songs by artists such as Stanley Clarke, Metallica, and Jerry Reed. The CD also features an interactive CD-ROM which includes the claymation video for \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\". The live version of \"\"Tommy the Cat\"\" is performed with \"\"The Awakening\"\" in the middle. The original song was by The Reddings from their 1980 album \"\"The Awakening\"\", and had previously been covered by Les Claypool and the Holy Mackerel on their album \"\"Highball with the Devil\"\".", "\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\nseven weeks on the chart and peaked at number 60. In 1993, a sequel to the song, titled \"\"The Devil Comes Back to Georgia\"\", was recorded and released by Daniels and fiddle player Mark O'Connor, featuring guest performances by Travis Tritt (as the devil), Marty Stuart (as Johnny) and Johnny Cash as the narrator. The song can be found on Mark O'Connor's album, \"\"Heroes\"\". In the sequel, the devil, his anger unabated ten years after his defeat at young Johnny's hands, decides to take up the boy's challenge to \"\"c'mon back if you ever wanna try again\"\". With Johnny now", "\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\nDevil motif. Charlie Daniels has stated in interviews, \"\"I don't know where it came from, but it just did. Well, I think I might know where it came from, it may have come from an old poem called 'The Mountain Whippoorwill' that Stephen Vincent Benét wrote many, many years ago (1925), that I had in high school.\"\" The original version of the song spent fourteen weeks on the Hot Country Singles charts in 1979, peaking at number 1 and holding the position for one week. It spent two weeks at a peak of number 3 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100.", "Doolin\nthe sea-side village of Doolin. The Celtic band Gaelic Storm has a fiddle tune which references the town called \"\"The Devil Went Down to Doolin\"\" (presumably a play on the popular song The Devil Went Down to Georgia) on their album Herding Cats. Doolin Doolin () is a coastal village in County Clare, Ireland, on the Atlantic coast. It borders the spa town of Lisdoonvarna. It is a noted centre of traditional Irish music, which is played nightly in its pubs, making it a popular tourist destination. There are numerous nearby archaeological sites, many dating to the Iron Age and", "\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\nreplied, but considering that the song was recorded in December 1978 and \"\"Urban Cowboy\"\" was filmed in 1979, it would have been impossible for Swayze to set the recorded song's tempo. The song is an uptempo bluegrass song about the Devil's failed attempt to \"\"steal\"\" a young man's soul through a fiddle-playing contest that involved enticing the young man's participation using a worldly prize. The song begins with a disappointed Devil arriving in Georgia, having stolen far fewer souls than expected, when he comes upon a fiddle-playing young man named Johnny. At that moment, Johnny happens to be playing his", "\"Giuseppe Tartini\"\nImprovised Ornamentation of Giuseppe Tartini\"\". Unpublished M.A. thesis. Berkeley, 1959). Tartini is mentioned in Madame Blavatsky's \"\"The Ensouled Violin\"\", a short story included in the collection \"\"Nightmare Tales\"\". The folklore of the \"\"Devil's violin\"\", classically exemplified by a similar story told of Niccolò Paganini, is widespread; it is an instance of the \"\"Deal with the Devil\"\". Modern variants are Roland Bowman's \"\"The Devil's Violin\"\" and the country song \"\"The Devil Went Down To Georgia\"\"; the PBS segment on violin in its series \"\"Art\"\" was titled \"\"Art of violin: the devil's instrument\"\". Tartini's \"\"The Devil's Trill\"\" is the signature work of", "\"Josh Zuckerman (musician)\"\nGeorgia.\"\" Needless to say we were intrigued.\"\" -Instinct Magazine \"\"No, he's not your average rocker, Josh Zuckerman considers his music alternative pop rock. His favorite artists include No Doubt, The Pretenders, Sheryl Crow, Sting and Bon Jovi. Their influences can be felt on his first solo album \"\"A Totally New Sensation.\"\" -HX Magazine \"\"\"\"A Totally New Sensation,\"\" All of the tunes are original, except for a cover of The Charlie Daniels Band's \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia.\"\" Zuckerman, an accomplished violinist, tackles the ambitious fiddle parts with aplomb.\"\" -Time Out New York \"\"The buzz is big on this New", "\"Toy Dolls\"\nTheir albums usually include a cover version of a well-known hit song, usually sped up to the usual punk rock tempo. Covers have included: \"\"Blue Suede Shoes\"\", \"\"Toccata in Dm\"\", \"\"No Particular Place to Go\"\", \"\"Sabre Dance\"\", \"\"Livin' La Vida Loca\"\", \"\"Lazy Sunday\"\", \"\"I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)\"\", \"\"She's So Modern\"\" and \"\"The Final Countdown\"\". They have also recorded parodies of popular songs, such as \"\"The Kids in Tyne and Wear (Kids in America)\"\" and \"\"The Devil Went Down to Scunthorpe (The Devil Went Down to Georgia)\"\". Their albums often start with a short intro with a catchy guitar riff,", "\"Joel DiGregorio\"\nDevil Went Down To Georgia,\"\" which achieved a number 3 placing on the US Pop Charts, was co-written by DiGregorio. In addition to his work with Daniels, he recorded the solo projects \"\"Midnight in Savannah\"\" (2008) and \"\"Shake Rag\"\" (2008). The original Charlie Daniels Band was Charlie, Jerry Corbitt from the Youngbloods, Billy Cox from the Band of Gypsys, Jeffrey Meyer, and Taz. They stayed together for six months, but then it didn't work out. After that, it was Charlie, Taz, Jeffrey, and Earl Grigsby. The original Charlie Daniels Band can still be heard on a bootleg album called \"\"Corbitt", "\"The Devil Went Down to the Holy Land\"\nA music video for the second single, \"\"Sledgehammer\"\", was released on November 29, 2013. The Devil Went Down to the Holy Land The Devil Went Down to the Holy Land is Israeli groove metal band Betzefer's third full-length studio album, released in November 25, 2013. To fund the album's mixing and mastering, the band started a campaign on the Indiegogo website to raise money from donations by fans. The album was mixed and mastered by Tue Madsen, who also mixed and mastered the band's first album \"\"Down Low\"\", on September 2–9, 2012. On September 11, 2012, the band revealed the", "\"Steve Ouimette\"\nSteve Ouimette Stephen \"\"Steve\"\" Ouimette (born June 18, 1968) is a rock guitarist. He is known for performing a cover version of the hit song \"\"The Devil Went Down To Georgia\"\" (which was originally by the Charlie Daniels Band) for the video game \"\"\"\", in which the parts played on the fiddle are instead played on an electric guitar by Ouimette, Ed DeGenaro and Geoff Tyson (though the lyrics remained unchanged). Aside from this track, Ouimette also recorded seven other songs for the game, and also made a version of the Christmas carol \"\"We Three Kings\"\" released as downloadable content", "\"One More Megabyte\"\n(500 Miles)\"\", originally by The Proclaimers. Guests in the backing chorus include members of the Vibrators, The Lurkers, The Wildhearts, Sugar Snatch, and the Inmates.\"\" Another cover version featured is \"\"The Devil Went Down to Scunthorpe\"\", which is listed on the back cover with \"\"Georgia\"\" instead of \"\"Scunthorpe\"\", except scribbled out with \"\"Scunthorpe\"\" written next to it in a felt tip pen. The album also includes a cover of The Shadows' \"\"Bachelor Boy\"\" as part of a composition that also includes the band's own composition \"\"When Gerry Married Melanie\"\". Whilst interviewing Olga, \"\"Flipside\"\", commenting on the inclusion of \"\"Bachelor Boy\"\",", "\"The Devil Went Down to the Holy Land\"\nThe Devil Went Down to the Holy Land The Devil Went Down to the Holy Land is Israeli groove metal band Betzefer's third full-length studio album, released in November 25, 2013. To fund the album's mixing and mastering, the band started a campaign on the Indiegogo website to raise money from donations by fans. The album was mixed and mastered by Tue Madsen, who also mixed and mastered the band's first album \"\"Down Low\"\", on September 2–9, 2012. On September 11, 2012, the band revealed the album's track list, being made up from 14 tracks, the longest Betzefer album to", "\"Charlie Daniels\"\nin 1979 for \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\", which reached No. 3 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 in September 1979. The following year, \"\"Devil\"\" became a major crossover success on rock radio stations after its inclusion on the soundtrack for the hit movie \"\"Urban Cowboy\"\", in which he made an onscreen appearance. The song still receives regular airplay on U.S. classic rock and country stations. A hard rock/heavy metal cover version of the song was included in the video game \"\"\"\" as the final guitar battle against the last boss (Lou, the devil). Daniels has openly stated his opposition", "\"Steve Ouimette\"\nvintage and modern guitars and amps. He endorses Godin Guitars, Eminence Speakers and D'Addario Strings. He also collects and plays homemade and exotic instruments like the Marx-o-Chime, Greek bouzouki, GuitarViol, mandolin, cigar box guitars and ukulele. Steve Ouimette Stephen \"\"Steve\"\" Ouimette (born June 18, 1968) is a rock guitarist. He is known for performing a cover version of the hit song \"\"The Devil Went Down To Georgia\"\" (which was originally by the Charlie Daniels Band) for the video game \"\"\"\", in which the parts played on the fiddle are instead played on an electric guitar by Ouimette, Ed DeGenaro and", "\"Rock Star: Supernova\"\na good performance of \"\"Karma Police\"\" by Radiohead, as well as getting the audience excited with his catchy original, \"\"Throw It Away\"\". Supernova applauded his performance. Next up was Lukas, who sang \"\"Fix You\"\" by Coldplay and a stripped down version of his original, \"\"Headspin\"\". Dilana went next with the song \"\"Roxanne\"\" by The Police. Like all the rest, she then sang her original, \"\"Supersoul\"\", which Supernova enjoyed. Magni finished the show with the Deep Purple song \"\"Hush\"\" followed by his original, \"\"When the Time Comes\"\". However, unlike the other rockers, Tommy Lee and Jason Newsted had criticisms for Magni's", "\"Josh Zuckerman (musician)\"\nSpiritual, 4. Forgiveness, 5. Karma, 6. When Love Comes Back Again, 7. Missing You, 8. Just As Well, 9. A Place That I Call Home, 10. The Only Way To You Is Through Me, 11. Circle Of Friends, 12. The Devil Went Down To Georgia - Cover - Josh Zuckerman's second album, Out From Under, was released in 2006. It is a 13-track CD of original material. The album features \"\"Steve DeVito\"\" of The Secret Syde. After the album's release, the first single \"\"Out From Under\"\", soared to number one for four weeks on Sirius Satellite Radio in 2006. The", "\"Georgia Hase\"\nGeorgia Hase Georgia Ann Siedenberg Hase (December 31, 1938 - July 31, 2015 ) - also known as \"\"Mizz\"\" Georgia Hase - was best known as a heel manager of two prominent roller games teams, the Detroit Devils of the original Roller Games league and Bad Attitude of the syndicated TV series \"\"RollerGames\"\" and was recognized as the most controversial figure in the history of the game. She had a longtime bitter feud against the legendary Los Angeles Thunderbirds (aka the T-Birds). It was rumored that she tried out for the T-Birds but never got her shot, so went on", "\"Mike Johnson (animator)\"\nthe California Institute of the Arts and University of California Los Angeles. Mike Johnson (animator) Mike Johnson is a stop motion animator who has worked on films such as \"\"James and the Giant Peach\"\" and \"\"The Nightmare Before Christmas\"\", short films such as an animation of \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" (used by Primus and Rednex for promotional videos for their covers of the song), and TV programmes such as \"\"The PJs\"\". Most recently, he directed \"\"Corpse Bride\"\" with Tim Burton; they were jointly nominated for the 2005 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. In 1996, he set up", "\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\nthe story of a boy named Johnny, in a variant on the classic deal with the Devil. The performances of Satan and Johnny are played as instrumental bridges. The song was the band's biggest hit, reaching number three on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100, prevented from further chart movement by \"\"After The Love Has Gone\"\" by Earth, Wind and Fire and \"\"My Sharona\"\" by The Knack. It is featured in the 1980 film \"\"Urban Cowboy\"\", whose choreographer, Patsy Swayze, claims that she set the song's tempo. \"\"How fast can you dance it?\"\" Daniels asked. \"\"How fast can you play it?\"\" Swayze", "\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\naccommodate radio airplay (both Country and Top 40 formats), the 45 RPM single release overdubbed that portion of the lyric as \"\"\"\"'Cause I told you once, you son of a gun, I'm the best that's ever been.\"\"\"\" (The uncensored album version appears on the soundtrack of the movie \"\"Urban Cowboy\"\", and it is this version that has been used on numerous music compilations since then.) Thus, Johnny maintains his virtue, keeping his soul from the Devil by displaying his musical virtuosity in performing traditional songs of America's South. The ballad's story is a derivative of the traditional deal with the", "\"Mike Johnson (animator)\"\nMike Johnson (animator) Mike Johnson is a stop motion animator who has worked on films such as \"\"James and the Giant Peach\"\" and \"\"The Nightmare Before Christmas\"\", short films such as an animation of \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" (used by Primus and Rednex for promotional videos for their covers of the song), and TV programmes such as \"\"The PJs\"\". Most recently, he directed \"\"Corpse Bride\"\" with Tim Burton; they were jointly nominated for the 2005 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. In 1996, he set up his own animation company, Fat Cactus Films. He currently teaches stop-motion at", "\"Magnificent Seven (gymnastics)\"\n9.850 and qualified second. Phelps' score of 9.600 was dropped. As the event took place in Atlanta, the crowd was heavily pro-United States, and the cheering and flash photography was at an unprecedented level. The crowd continued to cheer on its team as the group moved to the floor exercise where Phelps led off with a great start. Borden, Moceanu, and Dawes followed, all without significant error. As predicted, Moceanu's floor music, \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia,\"\" was a smash hit with the already raucous crowd. Following Dawes was Miller who showed the first obvious error in any of", "\"Look to the Skies\"\nto Georgia”. All songs by Sicmonic, except \"\"\"\"Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\"\"\" by Charlie Daniels Band. Sicmonic Production Look to the Skies Look to the Skies is the debut album by American heavy metal band, Sicmonic. It was independently released in August 2006 and only 2000 copies of the album were pressed and released. The album’s first single, “Fist to Throat” featured a Fallen Films released music video and was shot behind their rehearsal studio in Phoenix, Arizona. The video was directed and edited by Freddy Allen. \"\"Look to the Skies\"\" is the first and last release that drummer Douglas", "\"State Fair of Texas\"\nAdventures, the event was shuttered after just one season. In August 2015, the State Fair was sanctioned more than $75,000 for filing a SLAPP suit[34] against a lawyer who had requested financial documents from the State Fair. On August 2, 2016, the Dallas Court of Appeals reversed in its entirety the judgment against the State Fair of Texas, holding that the trial court erred in, among other things, finding that the State Fair's lawsuit was a SLAPP suit. ·on September 9 2017, Charlie Daniels plays famous song Devil Went Down to Georgia The economics, finances and management of the State", "\"Million Mile Reflections\"\nMillion Mile Reflections Million Mile Reflections is the 10th studio album by The Charlie Daniels Band, released on April 20, 1979. It is best known for the hit single \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\". The title refers to the band having passed the million mile mark in its touring. The song \"\"Reflections\"\" is a tribute to Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin, and Ronnie Van Zant. Daniels dedicated the album to Van Zant, who had died in October, 1977 in a plane crash. All songs written by Charlie Daniels, Tom Crain, Taz DiGregorio, Fred Edwards, Charles Hayward & James W. Marshall,", "\"Million Mile Reflections\"\nlengthy silent portion of Program 4 and minimize splitting more than one track over the four programs. The Charlie Daniels Band: Additional personnel: Million Mile Reflections Million Mile Reflections is the 10th studio album by The Charlie Daniels Band, released on April 20, 1979. It is best known for the hit single \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\". The title refers to the band having passed the million mile mark in its touring. The song \"\"Reflections\"\" is a tribute to Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin, and Ronnie Van Zant. Daniels dedicated the album to Van Zant, who had died in October,", "\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\nWhen the Devil's performance ends, Johnny compliments him and takes his own turn, making reference to four songs. Two are traditional songs of Appalachia -- \"\"Fire on the Mountain\"\" (also the name of Daniels' 1974 album) and \"\"Granny Does Your Dog Bite?\"\" (the latter traditionally known as \"\"Granny Will Your Dog Bite?\"\"). The third is an unnamed square dance melody that includes the patter, \"\"Chicken in the bread pan pickin' out dough.\"\" (The country music standard \"\"Ida Red,\"\" as most famously recorded by Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys, includes the lyric \"\"Chicken in the bread pan pickin' out dough", "\"Highway 61 Revisited (song)\"\nGod wants the killing done on Highway 61. This stanza refers to Genesis 22, in which God commands Abraham to kill one of his two sons, Isaac. Abram, the original name of the biblical Abraham, is the name of Dylan's own father. Verse 2 describes a poor fellow, Georgia Sam, who is beyond the helping of the welfare department. He is told to go down Highway 61. Georgia Sam may be a reference to Piedmont blues musician Blind Willie McTell, who occasionally went by Georgia Sam when recording. In the third verse, a \"\"Mack the Finger\"\" has this problem of", "\"The Devil and his Grandmother\"\nold woman advised them to go down to a cottage for help. The third soldier, who did not fear the riddle, went down and met the devil's grandmother. She was pleased with his manners and hid him in the cellar. When the devil came, she questioned him, and the soldier learned the answers. The Devil found them at the end of the seven years, and said he would take them to hell and serve them a meal. The riddle was: what was the meat, the silver spoon, and the wineglass for that meal. The soldiers gave the correct answers: a", "\"The Lame Devil (film)\"\nThe Lame Devil (film) The Lame Devil (UK: The Devil Who Limped; original title: , French for \"\"the devil with a limp\"\") is a 1948 French black-and-white historical film written and directed by Sacha Guitry. A biography of the titular French diplomat Talleyrand (1754–1838), it stars Guitry in the lead role. Originally forbidden by the French censor and turned into a play, the film went on to be released into six languages. The film is a 125-minute, black-and-white biography of French priest and diplomat Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754–1838), who served for 50 years under five different French regimes: the", "\"Devils Brigade (album)\"\nthat bridge and it has always been a part of our lives\"\", said Freeman. Armstrong co-wrote the album with Freeman, with six of the twelve tracks—including \"\"Bridge of Gold\"\" and \"\"Half Way to Hell\"\"—originating from the Golden Gate Bridge concept while the remaining six—including \"\"Ride Harley\"\" and \"\"Vampire Girl\"\"—were new recordings of tracks from the first Devils Brigade demo. \"\"Devils Brigade\"\" was recorded in early 2010 at Sunset Lodge in Hollywood and Ceveland Audio in Cleveland, with additional recording conducted at Rancid's Bloodclot studio. It was produced by Armstrong, who also played guitar on the album and sang lead vocals", "\"Down Bound Train\"\nDown Bound Train The song Down Bound Train was inspired by Chuck Berry's fire and brimstone religious upbringing. both his parents were staunch Baptists, and sang in the Antioch Church Choir, which rehearsed at his home. It is a song about redemption and a warning against alcohol abuse. A man who has too much to drink falls asleep on a bar room floor and has a vivid dream about riding a train, which is driven by the Devil himself. When the man wakes up he renounces the demon drink. \"\"Down Bound Train\"\" was released in December 1955 as the B", "\"The Devil Went Down to the Holy Land\"\ndate. The band began working on several music videos for several songs off the album: a lyrics video for \"\"I Hate\"\" in October 2012, a stop motion animated video for \"\"The Devil Went Down to the Holy Land\"\" in December 2012, a live music video for \"\"Can You Hear Me Now\"\" in January 2013, as well as another live music video for \"\"Sledgehammer\"\" in April 2013. On November 8, 2013, the band released the first single off the album: \"\"The Devil Went Down to the Holy Land\"\". It was released with a stop motion animated video directed by Ricardo Werdesheim.", "\"Duke Blue Devils football\"\nnext five before defeating Wake Forest. This would be the last conference win until the Blue Devils beat Wake Forest again three seasons later. They then lost their last two to #24 Clemson and North Carolina. Goldsmith's 1996 Duke team went 0–11. In 1997, the Blue Devils went 2–9. The Blue Devils lost to NC State and Northwestern to start the season, then they broke their losing streak, defeating Army and Navy in consecutive weeks for their only wins of the season. Duke lost to Maryland, #4 Florida State, Virginia, Wake Forest, Clemson, Georgia Tech and #8 North Carolina to", "\"DeAndre Smelter\"\nDeAndre Smelter DeAndre Tremaine Smelter (born December 3, 1991) is an American football wide receiver who is currently a free agent. He played college football at Georgia Tech. Smelter originally was drafted by the Minnesota Twins of Major League Baseball in 2010, but turned it down to play college baseball at Georgia Tech. After playing 3 seasons of baseball 2011-2013, primarily as a relief pitcher, shoulder problems caused him to turn to football. Smelter went on to play 2 seasons as a starting wide receiver for the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets. However, on November 29, 2014, in the traditional year", "\"Duke Blue Devils football\"\nGeorgia Tech, lost to NC State, defeated Wake Forest and lost to North Carolina. In 1969, Duke went 3–6–1. The Blue Devils began the season with three straight losses; first to South Carolina by a score of 27–20, then to Virginia by a score of 10–0 and to Pittsburgh by a score of 14–12. After defeating Wake Forest, Duke lost to Maryland and tied NC State. After losing to Georgia Tech, the Blue Devils defeated Clemson, lost to Virginia Tech and beat North Carolina. In 1970, Duke finished 6–5. Duke travelled to Gainesville, Florida to face #15 Florida to kick", "\"Go Go 70s\"\ncalled Nirvana. Mimi, a groupie who follows the Devils from town to town, also becomes an icon with her dance moves and fashion sense. However, their heyday doesn't last long as one of the band members gets killed in a fire at the club. To make matters worse, many clubs are being forced to shut down due to military oppression, which would fundamentally take away the opportunity for bands to perform. Despite their despair and looming disbandment, Sang-kyu plans one last concert for The Devils. The screenplay was co-written by director Choi Ho, composer Bang Jun-seok and Baek Bae-jeong, based", "\"Rainy Night in Georgia\"\nRainy Night in Georgia \"\"Rainy Night in Georgia\"\" is a song written by Tony Joe White in 1967 and popularized by R&B vocalist Brook Benton in 1970. It was originally released by White on his 1969 album, \"\"Continued\"\" on Monument Records, shortly before Benton's hit single was issued. In a January 17, 2014 interview with music journalist Ray Shasho, Tony Joe White explained the thought process behind the making of \"\"Rainy Night in Georgia\"\" and \"\"Polk Salad Annie\"\". When I got out of high school I went to Marietta, Georgia, I had a sister living there. I went down there", "\"Faerie Queen (song)\"\nfiddler. Shocked, the Faerie Queen concedes that skill alone cannot compare to love and releases the heroine's fiancé. The song references the English myth of the Faerie Queen. It is also similar in plot to The Devil Went Down to Georgia, a song by the Charlie Daniels Band, although in this case the prize for winning the contest is a person rather than an object. The story of a woman freeing her man from the Queen of the Fairies may be a reference to the legend of Tam Lin. Alexander James Adams debuted a companion song, \"\"He of the Sidhe\"\",", "\"1. FC Kaiserslautern\"\n16th-place finish just one week before the Cup final. At the time, Kaiserslautern was one of only four of the original 16 teams that had played in each Bundesliga season since the inception of the league, having never been relegated. This group also included Eintracht Frankfurt (who went down in the same season), 1. FC Köln (down in 1998), and \"\"the Dinosaur\"\", Hamburger SV, whose spell ended in 2018. The \"\"Red Devils\"\" came storming back with an accomplishment unique in Bundesliga history – and very rare across the major European football leagues – by winning promotion from the 2. Bundesliga", "\"William Arden, 2nd Baron Alvanley\"\nreport, \"\"[Alvanley] went through the business with the most perfect \"\"sang froid\"\", but on his way to the field he whimsically intimated a singular alarm. Having descended a hollow, 'My Lord', said he to his second, 'you get me down well enough, but', alluding to his full size, 'should I fall, I do not know how the devil you will ever get me up again.'\"\" He had an extremely lavish lifestyle, funded by income generated by the estates that his father had bought. His prominent position in society also allowed him to float a line of credit. However, his debts", "\"Georgia Hase\"\nSouthern California Roller Derby League. On October 13, 2012 Miss Hase Managed her last game for the Brooklyn Red Devils, they beat the San Francisco Bay Bombers 52 to 48 and she won manager of the year. Georgia Hase Georgia Ann Siedenberg Hase (December 31, 1938 - July 31, 2015 ) - also known as \"\"Mizz\"\" Georgia Hase - was best known as a heel manager of two prominent roller games teams, the Detroit Devils of the original Roller Games league and Bad Attitude of the syndicated TV series \"\"RollerGames\"\" and was recognized as the most controversial figure in the", "\"Rhinoplasty (EP)\"\nbelongs.\"\" She also opines that \"\"the band's version of \"\"Making Plans For Nigel\"\" is legendary, but their take on \"\"Scissor Man\"\" is more deranged than Andy Partridge on a bad day.\"\" Rhinoplasty (EP) Rhinoplasty is an extended play record by Primus. It was released August 11, 1998 by Interscope Records and features covers of songs by artists such as Stanley Clarke, Metallica, and Jerry Reed. The CD also features an interactive CD-ROM which includes the claymation video for \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\". The live version of \"\"Tommy the Cat\"\" is performed with \"\"The Awakening\"\" in the middle. The", "\"Tribute (song)\"\nwas frightened by the duo picks up the now-recorded CD, eyes glowing red, and cackles demonically. Although the video had huge success on UK television, the song was never actually released there as a single. \"\"Tribute\"\" was nominated for two Music Video Production Association Awards: \"\"Alternative Video of the Year\"\" and \"\"Directorial Debut of the Year\"\". In addition, it was a nominee for best video in the 2002 Kerrang! Awards. Some critics described the plot of the song as being similar to the song \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" by the Charlie Daniels Band. CD single (Epic Records #673519", "\"Levellers (band)\"\nDaniels' \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\", the Levellers' performance secured their place on the large Pyramid Stage for the following year. The band also scored a chart hit with the \"\"15 Years EP\"\", a track which was added to later re-pressings of \"\"Levelling the Land\"\" due to its popularity. The generally gloomy atmosphere that surrounded the band is reflected in the darker tone of the resulting eponymous album. Despite the band's dislike of the album, it reached No. 2 in the album charts. It included \"\"This Garden\"\", which reached No. 12 on the UK Singles Chart. In June 1993", "\"Mink DeVille\"\noriginal.\"\" In 1976, three Mink DeVille songs appeared on \"\"Live at CBGB's\"\", a compilation album of bands that played CBGB (for the recording sessions, drummer Thomas R. \"\"Manfred\"\" Allen, Jr. was credited as Manfred Jones). Later in life, DeVille had only sour memories of CBGB. He did not play any benefit concerts or recordings for the nightclub. He told \"\"Music Street Journal\"\": \"\"The whole band only got $50 dollars a night, even to the end. That's why I never went back there. I've never walked through those doors other than to have maybe a beer once. I was down in", "\"Countrified (Emerson Drive album)\"\nCountrified (Emerson Drive album) Countrified is the fifth album by Canadian country music band Emerson Drive. It was released in 2006 as their first issue for the Midas Records label. In the U.S., the album produced three singles on the Hot Country Songs charts: \"\"A Good Man\"\", \"\"Moments\"\" (the band's first Number One hit), and \"\"You Still Own Me\"\". Two of the album's tracks are covers: \"\"You Still Own Me\"\" was previously a hit in Canada for Johnny Reid, and \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" is a cover of a song made famous by the Charlie Daniels Band. Adapted", "Sicmonic\nwas shot behind their rehearsal studio in Phoenix, Arizona. The video was directed and edited by Freddy Allen. The album features a cover of the Charlie Daniels Band, “The Devil Went Down to Georgia”. Soon, Look to the Skies caught the interest of Italian label Aural Music, and brought forth the second album, Somnambulist. Before the writing of Somnambulist, Douglas Berry left the band. On July 30, 2008, Sicmonic independently released a sampler containing four tracks to be released on the second studio album, \"\"Somnambulist\"\". On September 9, 2008, Sicmonic released an independently recorded version of Somnambulist and features long", "\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\nThe single was certified Platinum by the RIAA on December 20, 1989, for sales of over one million copies in the United States. Since it became available as a download in the digital era, it has also sold 2.297 million digital copies in the US as of November 2016. In June 1998, Epic Records re-released the song to country radio, but accidentally sent out the version in which the line \"\"son of a bitch\"\" was uncensored. This error was quickly corrected, and the song re-entered the country charts at number 62 for the chart dated June 20, 1998. It spent", "\"Leon Russell\"\ntitle is credited to the mix of influences that made Russell's unique musical style. After touring with Willie Nelson, Russell and Nelson in 1979 had a #1 hit on \"\"Billboard\"\"s country music chart with their duet of \"\"Heartbreak Hotel\"\". This single was nominated for Best Country Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group at the 1979 Grammy Awards (presented on February 27, 1980), with the award going to the Charlie Daniels Band for \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\". They also released their duet country pop-rock studio album, \"\"One for the Road\"\", that year. It was Russell's fifth gold album.", "\"Countrified (Emerson Drive album)\"\nfrom liner notes. Countrified (Emerson Drive album) Countrified is the fifth album by Canadian country music band Emerson Drive. It was released in 2006 as their first issue for the Midas Records label. In the U.S., the album produced three singles on the Hot Country Songs charts: \"\"A Good Man\"\", \"\"Moments\"\" (the band's first Number One hit), and \"\"You Still Own Me\"\". Two of the album's tracks are covers: \"\"You Still Own Me\"\" was previously a hit in Canada for Johnny Reid, and \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" is a cover of a song made famous by the Charlie", "\"Urban Cowboy\"\nAnne Murray, and #4 \"\"Love the World Away\"\" by Kenny Rogers. It also included songs that were hits from earlier years such as #1 \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" by the Charlie Daniels Band and \"\"Lyin' Eyes\"\" by the Eagles. The film is said to have started the 1980s boom in pop-country music known as the \"\"Urban Cowboy Movement\"\" also known as Neo-Country or Hill Boogie. The soundtrack was certified triple platinum by the RIAA for sales of three million copies. Released as a double LP, re-released on CD in 1995. Side A: Side B: Side C: Side D:", "\"Hell Is Other Robots\"\nspecifically the Inferno. The \"\"Fairness in Hell Act\"\", where the damned may engage in a fiddle battle to save his soul and win a solid gold fiddle, is taken directly from The Charlie Daniels Band song \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\". Jokes poking fun at New Jersey are included because writer Cohen and actor DiMaggio both grew up there. The Temple of Robotology is a spoof of the Church of Scientology, and according to series creator Groening he received a call from the Church of Scientology concerned about the use of a similar name. Groening's \"\"The Simpsons\"\" had previously", "\"The JaneDear girls (album)\"\nthe duo \"\"cute as a button\"\". On January 18, 2011, the group also performed at the Grand Ole Opry as part of the Academy of Country Music Awards, where they were nominated for Top New Vocal Duet or Group. They also performed \"\"Wildflower\"\" and \"\"Shotgun Girl\"\" at the opening of 2011 CMA Music Festival; as part of the set, Brown played a medley of the Charlie Daniels' 1979 single \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" and Johnny Cash's 1938 song \"\"Orange Blossom Special\"\". Chris Parton of CMT praised the group for their energy and harmonies, while Matthew Keever of the", "\"Farm Out\"\nbeen released out of the album. Unlike the first album, full of songs, \"\"Farm Out\"\" featured an intro \"\"Fresh Pigs And More\"\" and three interludes, titled \"\"Boring…\"\", \"\"Animal in the Rain\"\" and \"\"Message From Our Sponsors\"\". The song \"\"McKenzie Brothers II (Continued…)\"\", as the title reveals, is a continuation of the story, previously told in their song \"\"McKenzie Brothers\"\" from their debut album \"\"Sex & Violins\"\". \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" is a cover version of the eponymous 1979 song of the Charlie Daniels Band. While \"\"Sex & Violins\"\" has the same amount on dance/country, classic country songs and", "\"Dueling pianos\"\nas one piano player will teach the crowd \"\"sign language\"\" that accompanies the song, then bringing up an audience member to demonstrate. Video Example of Dueling Pianos, \"\"The Devil Went Down To Georgia\"\" Commonly requested songs at a dueling piano bar can include almost any genre, and are generally accompanied by a monetary tip. Examples: Many of the songs requested do not fall into the typical \"\"piano bar\"\" category, and many dueling piano players pride themselves on their ability to perform songs that are generally not considered as such, like those from hard rock and rap genres. Dueling piano players", "\"Devil's Jumps, Churt\"\nvillage of Thursley and the parish church at Frensham. The folklore includes various tales. One states that the Devil used to amuse himself by leaping from the top of each hill to the next. This annoyed the god Thor who picked up a boulder and threw it at the Devil, causing him to flee and leaving the boulder at the Devil's Jumps. This same story is told of the Devil's Jumps near Treyford on the South Downs in West Sussex, but it is likely to have originated at the Devil's Jumps in Surrey. The inclusion of the pagan god Thor", "\"Clemson–Georgia football rivalry\"\nat #6 after losing 24–20 to #8 Pittsburgh in the Sugar Bowl. The 1984 game between 2nd-ranked and heavily favored Clemson and 20th-ranked Georgia went down as an instant classic. Clemson raced to a 20–6 lead and appeared well on their way. However, Georgia fought their way back into the game with two quick touchdowns. Tied at 20, Georgia coach Vince Dooley called on Kevin Butler, who had been forced to switch from linebacker to kicker in high school, to attempt a 46-yard field goal to give Georgia the lead. He made it, and Georgia went up 23–20. But the", "\"Savage Wolverine\"\nthe fight, he has an encounter with Shanna the She-Devil who accidentally wounds Wolverine. Shanna states to Wolverine that she was with a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents investigating a Cthulhu-like device until their airplane went down on the mysterious island. The next morning, Wolverine wakes up upon falling out the tree he was sleeping in. He finds Shanna the She-Devil fighting off a dinosaur. Wolverine and Shanna the She-Devil set out to destroy the machine and encounter heavy Neanderthal resistance. During the fight against the Neanderthals, Shanna the She-Devil ends up killed by one of the Neanderthals. Luckily for Wolverine,", "\"1980s in music\"\nhas grown to be a global phenomenon. As the 1980s dawned, pop-influenced country music was the dominant style, through such acts as Kenny Rogers, Ronnie Milsap, T.G. Sheppard, Eddie Rabbitt, Crystal Gayle, Anne Murray and Dolly Parton. The 1980 movie \"\"Urban Cowboy\"\", a romantic comedy starring John Travolta and Debra Winger, spawned a successful soundtrack album featuring pop-styled country songs, including \"\"Lookin' for Love\"\" by Johnny Lee, \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" by the Charlie Daniels Band, \"\"Could I Have This Dance\"\" by Murray and \"\"Love the World Away\"\" by Rogers. The songs, and the movie itself, resulted in", "\"Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann\"\nelected to keep Kelsey. Charity is the first team member to be sent home. The teams at the end of week 4 are as follows: This week, the dancers had to take on country music. The show began with the teams performing \"\"Loud\"\" by Big and Rich. Team Carrie Ann performed first, singing and dancing to \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" by the Charlie Daniels Band. Then Team Bruno performed their first number, \"\"Life is a Highway\"\" by Tom Cochrane. Special guest Taylor Swift performed \"\"Our Song\"\". Team Carrie Ann performed \"\"Black Horse and the Cherry Tree\"\" by KT", "\"Essential Super Hits\"\nreferences to drugs and alcohol have been replaced. Track 17 is unlisted. It is a spoken track where Charlie Daniels recites the Red Skelton monologue about the pledge from 1969. 2. The Music of \"\"The Charlie Daniels Band\"\" Web site, \"\"Essential Super Hits\"\" (2004). Essential Super Hits Essential Super Hits is a CD by country rock artist Charlie Daniels. It includes a 5-song DVD video. It was released on July 27, 2004. The CD is somewhat known for having rerecorded versions of \"\"The Devil Went Down To Georgia\"\", \"\"Still In Saigon\"\", \"\"The South's Gonna Do It\"\", and \"\"Uneasy Rider\"\", and", "\"Charlie Daniels\"\nCharlie Daniels Charles Edward Daniels (born October 28, 1936) is an American multi-instrumentalist, lyricist, and singer, known for his contributions to Southern rock, country, and bluegrass music. He is perhaps best known for his number-one country hit \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\". Daniels has been active as a singer and musician since the 1950s. He was inducted into the Cheyenne Frontier Days Hall of Fame in 2002, the Grand Ole Opry in 2008, the Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum in 2009, and the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2016. Daniels was born October 28, 1936, in Wilmington,", "\"Country music\"\ntraditional songs such as \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" by the Charlie Daniels Band. It was during this time that a glut of pop-country crossover artists began appearing on the country charts: former pop stars Bill Medley (of The Righteous Brothers), \"\"England Dan\"\" Seals (of England Dan and John Ford Coley), Tom Jones, and Merrill Osmond (both alone and with some of his brothers; his younger sister Marie Osmond was already an established country star) all recorded significant country hits in the early 1980s. Sales in record stores rocketed to $250 million in 1981; by 1984, 900 radio stations", "\"Volunteer Jam\"\nmore. Performances from this Jam were combined with performances from VolJam III to create a live album, Volunteer Jam III and IV. January 13, 1979 Volunteer Jam V was held at Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, TN. This Jam marked the return of Lynyrd Skynyrd to the stage for the first time since the '77 plane crash, and the CDB gave the first live performance of a song that would catapult the band to superstardom, \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia.\"\" Special guests also included Toy Caldwell and George McCorkle from the Marshall Tucker Band, Dobie Gray, The Winters Brothers Band,", "\"Music history of the United States in the 1980s\"\nJohnny Lee, \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" by the Charlie Daniels Band, \"\"Could I Have This Dance\"\" by Murray and \"\"Love the World Away\"\" by Rogers. The songs, and the movie itself, resulted in an early 1980s boom in pop-styled country music, and the era is sometimes known as the \"\"Urban Cowboy Movement\"\". By the mid-1980s, country music audiences were beginning to tire of country pop. Although some pop-country artists continued to record and release successful songs and albums, the genre in general was beginning to suffer. By 1985, a \"\"New York Times\"\" article declared country music \"\"dead\"\". However,", "\"Boston College Eagles men's basketball\"\nover the Blue Devils in 24 years, and BC was the only team to beat both Duke and UNC that season. After the victory against Duke, the Eagles lost their next game to Miami (Fla.) for the second time in the same year. After this setback, BC went 2–1 down the stretch with home victories over #25 Florida State and a Rakim Sanders buzzer beater over Georgia Tech. They finished the regular season 21–10 and sixth in the ACC. In the first round of the conference tournament the Eagles beat Virginia 76–63 and moved on to play #8 Duke in", "\"¡Bastardos en Vivo!\"\nrecorded at Hookahville in Thornville, Ohio on May 27. Track five was recorded at Streeter's Entertainment Center in Traverse City, Michigan on June 7 and the final track was recorded at The Stone Pony in Asbury Park, New Jersey on June 20. ¡Bastardos en Vivo! ¡Bastardos en Vivo! is a live EP album by Blues Traveler, released August 29, 2006. It contains live recordings of several songs from the band's album \"\"¡Bastardos!\"\", plus a rendition of the Charlie Daniels Band's classic southern rock song, \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\". In America, the album was made available only via independent", "\"Charlie Daniels\"\ndoctor visit on March 25, 2013, Daniels was diagnosed with a mild case of pneumonia and admitted to a Nashville hospital for a series of routine tests. The tests revealed that a pacemaker was needed to regulate his heart rate. One was put in on March 28 and Daniels was released from hospital within days. Charlie Daniels Charles Edward Daniels (born October 28, 1936) is an American multi-instrumentalist, lyricist, and singer, known for his contributions to Southern rock, country, and bluegrass music. He is perhaps best known for his number-one country hit \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\". Daniels has", "\"American fiddle\"\nstyle player based in Portland, Oregon. Fiddles are typically associated with country and other genres of popular music while violins are usually associated with classical and other genres of art music. Also known as \"\"OBS\"\", Orange Blossom Special exploits the capacity of fiddle or violin to imitate various mechanical tones. Authorship is controversial. The canonical American fiddle tune, \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" was written by Charlie Daniels as an interpretation the \"\"Lonesome Fiddle Blues\"\" by Vassar Clements and has been covered innumerable times. Although classified as country rock, the tune uses licks based on old-time fiddle playing and", "\"Geoff Tyson\"\nOuimette, Tyson along with Ed DeGenaro is one of the featured guitarists in his cover version of \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" in the video game \"\"\"\". Tyson currently lives in Prague, Czech Republic where the Geoff Tyson band has been playing festivals all over Europe. His new band is called Smooshface (CD release expected in 2016) He is also the FOH audio mixer for bands touring all over the US and Europe, Including the band Goblin. Geoff Tyson Geoff Tyson (also referred to as Jeff Tyson) played guitar for T-Ride, whose debut album shared the same title. He", "\"¡Bastardos en Vivo!\"\n¡Bastardos en Vivo! ¡Bastardos en Vivo! is a live EP album by Blues Traveler, released August 29, 2006. It contains live recordings of several songs from the band's album \"\"¡Bastardos!\"\", plus a rendition of the Charlie Daniels Band's classic southern rock song, \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\". In America, the album was made available only via independent record stores. All tracks were from concerts played in 2006. Track one was recorded at Snipe's Farm in Morrisville, Pennsylvania on May 20. Track two was recorded at Rockville Town Center in Rockville, Maryland on May 28. Tracks three and four were", "\"Country rock\"\nin late 1975. Ozarak Mountain Daredevils had hit single \"\"Jackie Blue\"\"(1975) and Belammy Brothers got hit \"\"Let Your Love Flow\"\"(1976). In 1979, the Southern rock Charlie Daniels Band moved to a more country direction, released a song with strong bluegrass influence, \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\", and the song crossed over and became a hit on the pop chart. Outside its handful of stars, country rock's greatest significance was on artists in other genres, including the Band, Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, the Rolling Stones and George Harrison's solo work. It also played a part in the development of", "\"Kuntilanak 3\"\nPutri to lure Samantha to come to Ujung Sedo and becoming the replacement for the old crone as the host for the devil's child. Afterwards, Mbah Putri sing the 'durmo' and released the devil's child who crawled into Sam's womb. Later on, Samantha told Yenny to go to the rescue point, and then she climb atop the waterfall and jump off so that the devil's child will dies together with her and cease to exist from this world. Yenny and her fellow captives together with Asti went to the rescue point and the rescuing helicopter descent down unto them, and", "\"2015 Women's U25 Wheelchair Basketball World Championship\"\nsecond semi-final between the Australian Devils and the host nation was the first to attract a sizeable crowd. The crowd was pleased when China bolted to an early lead of six points at half time, but Australia fought back to a one-point deficit at half time. Relentless defensive pressure coupled with fast movement allowed Australia to secure a five-point lead at three-quarter time, and the Devils went on to win by eight points, 46–38. Notably, both sides played almost the entire game with their starting lineups: Sarah Vinci, Ella Sabljak, Georgia Inglis, Georgia Monro-Cook and Amber Merritt for Australia; and", "\"Asha Bhosle\"\ndid a concert with Sudesh Bhosle and others, in London, for \"\"Help the Aged\"\" to help raise funds for the elderly in India. In 2007 she toured the US, Canada, and West Indies in a tour called \"\"The Incredibles\"\". In this tour, she was accompanied by singers Sonu Nigam, Kunal Ganjawala and Kailash Kher. This tour, originally scheduled for only 12 concerts, went on to run more than 20. In the mid-1980s, Asha sang with Boy George (\"\"Bow down mister\"\") and Stephen Lauscombe. In 1997, she sang a love song with the boy band Code Red, at the age of", "\"2006 Arizona State Sun Devils football team\"\nagainst the Golden Bears. The ASU defense, who had only given up 38 points all year, gave up 396 yards on defense. Ryan Torain rushed for 113 yards, but Rudy Carpenter completed only 6 passes for 33 yards as the Sun Devils never led against the Ducks. The Sun Devil offense only went 1-13 on 3rd down conversions, and could only muster 213 total yards. The ASU defense coughed up 584 yards, a season high. The ASU defense caused 4 USC turnovers, but they could only manage 266 total yards as the Sun Devils lost a close one to USC,", "\"Animals Should Not Try to Act Like People\"\nPrimus, except \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" by the Charlie Daniels Band. Album Animals Should Not Try to Act Like People Animals Should Not Try to Act Like People is a career-spanning retrospective DVD plus bonus EP by American band Primus, released on October 7, 2003. The title was inspired by a crayon-made story book written by guitarist Larry LaLonde's son, and the cover depicts a sculpture made by long-time Primus collaborator Lance \"\"Link\"\" Montoya. The DVD features all of the band's music videos to date, plus short films and live footage from as far back as 1986, whereas", "\"Music of North Carolina\"\nan audition. The Piedmont Wind Ensemble is for woodwind and brass students in middle school and high school. The Western Piedmont Youth Symphony is a large youth orchestra associated with the Western Piedmont Symphony in Hickory. Students are auditioned and range in age from middle school through college. Additional notable North Carolina musicians include country singers Andy Griffith (d. 2012, buried on Roanoke Island in NC) from Mt. Airy, Charlie Daniels (the bluegrass influenced \"\"The Devil Went Down to Georgia\"\" 1979) from Wilmington, Ronnie Milsap (\"\"Smoky Mountain Rain\"\" 1980), Randy Travis from the Charlotte area (\"\"Forever and Ever, Amen\"\" 1987),", "Werewolf\ndoomed to be a wolf for seven years. In other tales the divine agency is even more direct, while in Russia, again, men supposedly became werewolves when incurring the wrath of the Devil. A notable exception to the association of Lycanthropy and the Devil, comes from a rare and lesser known account of an 80-year-old man named Thiess. In 1692, in Jürgensburg, Livonia, Thiess testified under oath that he and other werewolves were the Hounds of God. He claimed they were warriors who went down into hell to do battle with witches and demons. Their efforts ensured that the Devil", "\"Kuntilanak 3\"\narrived at the dwelling-place of Mbah Putri. Confronting Samantha, Mbah Putri revealed the origin story of the Kuntilanak who came from the place. Samantha was told that the Kuntilanak was the vengeful spirit of a mother who was killed after giving birth to the child of devil whose fate was similar to the former. Except that Mbah Putri who at this time already century old of age, has agreed to carry the child in her womb as part of the condition of the pact to prolong her life into seemingly attaining immortality. The Durmo (or the Chant) sang by Samantha", "\"1941 Oregon State Beavers football team\"\nfirst down. Day ran for two yards. Durdan again threw incomplete. On third-and-eight, Durdan ran for a yard down to Duke's 14. Prothro then batted down Oregon State's fourth-and-seven heave to the end zone for a turnover on downs. The teams traded possession most of the first quarter. The Beavers drove 33 yards to the Blue Devil 19. Durdan converted one fourth-and-one on the drive. Oregon State managed four yards on the first two plays. On third-and-six at the Blue Devil 15, Oregon State's Donald Durdan went back to pass. With no receiver open, he pump faked and then went", "\"Victory Mixture\"\nhave to tell him to play louder; he's afraid of stepping on me. That's a good guitarist. I'd like to play more the guitar, the slide particularly, but when I listen to him I stay paralyzed.\"\" Koella played in Bob Dylan's backup band in 2003 and 2004. Victory Mixture was also the first time DeVille sang with background vocalists Dorene and Yadonna Wise, who would tour with DeVille in The Mink DeVille band in years to come. Allen Toussaint introduced the Wise sisters to DeVille. The songs \"\"Teasing You,\"\" \"\"Beating Like a Tom-Tom,\"\" and ”Who Shot the La-La” can also", "\"Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves\"\ncentury Canada, a land of legend populated with Will-O'-the-Wisps, Windigos and Werewolves, in which two feuding brothers will have to put aside their differences to save their sister, who is pursued by the Devil himself. \"\"Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves\"\" is a variant of a tower defense game; The player, taking control of one of the two O'Carroll brothers, must protect their forest from the onslaught of werewolves and other folkloric creatures the Devil is sending at them on a nightly bases. Taking place over three weeks in the month of December, each chapter consists of a day and night cycle.<ref", "\"1st Texas Infantry\"\nsupport from Benning caused the 124th New York to fall back to their original position and the Confederate soldiers pushed forward into the rocks on Devil's Den. The battery atop Devil's Den continued firing for as long as they could but were soon overrun by the pressing Confederate forces. The two comingled regiments of the 1st Texas and the 15th Georgia were soon joined by the 20th Georgia and 44th Alabama and together they took on the combination of the remainder of the 124th New York, the 4th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment, and the 99th Pennsylvania Infantry regiments. After a", "\"Grand Ole Opry\"\nSmith's signature hit \"\"Once a Day\"\" together, and other collaborations included Dierks Bentley and Del McCoury (\"\"Roll On Buddy, Roll On\"\"), Josh Turner and Lorrie Morgan (\"\"Golden Ring\"\"), and Montgomery Gentry and Charlie Daniels Band (\"\"Devil Went Down To Georgia\"\"), among others. The show closed with an all-star guitar jam featuring Brad Paisley, Keith Urban, Steve Wariner, Ricky Skaggs, and Marty Stuart. The \"\"Grand Ole Opry\"\" is broadcast live on WSM-AM at 7 p.m. CT on Saturday nights, changed from a previous time start of 6:30. A similar program, \"\"Friday Night Opry\"\", airs live on Friday nights. From February through", "\"Georgia–Russia relations\"\nCommission on Georgian–South Ossetian Conflict Resolution. Georgia immediately denounced the claim as absurd. South Ossetian officials as well as two Georgian opposition politicians also suggested that the Georgian authorities might have been behind the incident. The 2007 Georgia plane downing incident refers to the possible downing, by Georgia's anti-aircraft system, of a military plane that violated Georgia's air space on August 21, 2007. While it is still not confirmed by Georgia whether the plane was downed, Abkhazia's break-away government confirmed that a plane went down, but denies that it was shot down. On September 24, 2007, the Russian ambassador to", "\"Duke Blue Devils football\"\nseason. The 1951 campaign began with a wins over South Carolina and Pittsburgh. The game against Pittsburgh, was broadcast by NBC, and was the first nationally televised sporting event in American history. After losing to #16 Tennessee, the Blue Devils won their next two over NC State and Virginia Tech. Murray's squad then lost to Virginia, tied #5 Georgia Tech, lost to Wake Forest, lost to William & Mary and beat North Carolina. In 1952, in what was their last season as members of the Southern Conference, Duke went 8–2. The Blue Devils started the season by defeating Washington &", "\"Azerbaijanis in Georgia\"\nnative language. On the other hand, Azeris living in almost monoethnic villages in Kvemo Kartli, who constitute the core of Georgia's Azeri population, largely speak little to no Georgian. To Azeris in Georgia, secondary education is available in their native language, which is a remnant Soviet policy. As of 2015, Azeri serves as the language of instruction in 120 schools in Tbilisi, Kvemo Kartli and Kakheti, a number which went down from 183 as of 1989. Young Azeris in Georgia who choose to continue their education often apply to universities in Azerbaijan and thus limit their career prospects in their" ]
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