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er. This was written as two books, on e published in 1998 and another publi shed in 2000.IdeasOne of Kershaw's mo st important ideas is the idea of "wo rking towards the Führer". (Hitler ca lled himself the "Führer", a German w ord for "leader".) This is his idea a bout why the Nazi government caused W orld War II, the Holocaust and other mass killings. Kershaw believes that they cannot simply be blamed on just one person, and it is more important to study the rest of the Nazi governm ent and German society. However, unli ke his friend Hans Mommsen, Kershaw d
oes not believe that Hitler was a wea k ruler. Instead, he thinks that Hitl er was powerful but lazy. He believes that events like the Holocaust happe ned because Hitler's followers were w orking towards what they thought Hitl er wanted them to do.Other writingsKe rshaw has also written many other boo ks and worked as an advisor to docume ntaries. In the 2010s, he also wrote books on the wider history of Europe in the 20th century.References1943 bi rthsLiving peopleEnglish historians
The National Union () was the only le gal party of the Estado Novo regime i n Portugal, founded in July 1930 and ruled by António de Oliveira Salazar during most of its time.Presidents 19 30 establishments in EuropePolitical parties in Europe
Bokermannohyla itapoty is a frog that lives in northeastern Brazil.Referen cesFrogsAnimals of South America
The Even (Even: эвэн, Russian: эвены) people are a native population of Si beria and the Russian Far East. They are sometimes called Ewens or Lamuts. LanguageEvens are Tungusic people. Th ey speak their own language called Ev en. The Even language was unwritten u ntil the Russians created a written l anguage for them, using the Cyrillic alphabet. Some Evens also speak Yakut or Sakha, and live in the Sakha Repu blic. Most Evens live in parts of the Magadan Oblast and Kamchatka Krai. T hey share many things in common with the Evenki people.Evens are reindeer
herders. They are nomads, which means they move from one place to another. Contact with RussiansDuring the 17th century, Russians made contact with t he Even people. They introduced disea ses to the Evens, such as smallpox an d influenza. Russians also made Evens pay the yasak, which meant they had to pay taxes to the Russian governmen t with reindeer furs. Because of the new diseases and the reindeer populat ion decreasing, the population of the Even people went down.Religion Evens ' religion is a mixture of shamanism and Russian Orthodoxy. Shamanism is a
belief that worships animals and nat ure. There are shamans, people who co mmunicate with spirits. An Even shama n is called a haman. Evens believe in different kinds of spirits. One of t hem is a fire spirit called togh-mura nni, which is very powerful. Ibdiril are spirits that help the haman. They can look like different people and a nimals.Culture Reindeer are very impo rtant to the Even people. They were t raditionally sacrificed and used in s pecial ceremonies. Reindeer were used for transportation, along with dogs. One group of Evens living on the Pac
ific coast didn't have as many reinde er, and depended on fish instead.Even s lived in clans. Even people had a c ustom called nimat, which meant that all of the fish and animals caught we re shared with the whole clan.There a re many kinds of folklore in Even cul ture. Nemkan are about people and ani mals. Teleng are long stories that ar e sung, often about warriors and hero es. Ike are short songs, and nenuken are riddles.References Ethnic groups in AsiaNomadic peopleRussian people
Michael Frontzeck (born 26 March 1964 ) is a German professional football c oach of VfL Wolfsburg and former play er who played as a left back. He earn ed 19 caps for the (West) German nati onal team and was in the squad at Eur o 1992.Coaching recordHonoursBorussia M'gladbachDFB-Pokal runner-up: 1983– 84VfB StuttgartBundesliga: 1991–92DFL -Supercup: 1992GermanyUEFA European F ootball Championship runner-up: 1992R eferencesOther websites1964 birthsLiv ing peopleGerman footballersGerman fo otball managersManchester City F.C. p layersPremier League playersArminia B
ielefeld managersAlemannia Aachen man agersBundesliga managersAssociation f ootball defenders
Vitalii Volodymyrovych Skakun (19 Aug ust 1996 – 24 February 2022) was a Uk rainian marine combat engineer.During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine , Skakun's was sent to protect the to wn of Henichesk. As the Russian milit ary got close to the town, Ukrainian forces decided to destroy the Heniche sk bridge, in order to slow the Russi an troops advancing northward from Cr imea. Skakun, a combat engineer, volu nteered to place mines on the bridge. On 24 February 2022, after placing th e explosives, Skakun did not have eno ugh time to leave from the bridge and
, after texting his soldiers, blew up the mines killing himself and destro ying the bridge. His actions slowed t he Russian military.On 26 February 20 22, Skakun was posthumously awarded t he Order of the Gold Star, the milita ry version of the title of Hero of Uk raine, by Ukrainian President Volodym yr Zelenskyy.References1996 births202 2 deathsUkrainian military people2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Jörg Berger (13 October 1944 – 23 Jun e 2010) was a German football manager and player, who managed Arminia Biel efeld as his last club.Career As an p layer, he played for 1.FC Lok Leipzig .Personal lifeBerger was the father o f three children. Berger died on 23 J une 2010 of an enteric tumor.Referenc esOther websites Jörg Berger at eintr Jörg Berger Died1944 births2010 deathsGerman football man agersGerman footballers1. FC Köln man agersFC Schalke 04 managersKarlsruher SC managersAlemannia Aachen managers Arminia Bielefeld managersBundesliga
managersDeaths from colorectal cancer Association football forwards
Yadlapati Venkata Rao (16 December 19 19 – 28 February 2022) was an Indian politician. He was the Minister for A griculture, Law and Planning in the u nited Andhra Pradesh from 1978 to 198 0. He was the Member of Parliament (M P) in Rajya Sabha representing Andhra Pradesh between 1998 and 2004.Rao tu rned turned 100 in December 2019. He died at his daughter's home in Hydera bad, India on 28 February 2022, at th e age of 102.References1919 births202 2 deathsIndian politiciansCentenarian s
Abuzed Omar Dorda (; 4 April 1944 – 2 8 February 2022) was a Libyan politic ian. He was the General Secretary of the People's Committee (Prime Ministe r) of Libya from 7 October 1990 to 29 January 1994. He was also Libya's Pe rmanent Representative to the United Nations from 1997 to 2003.Dorda died in Cairo, Egypt on 28 February 2022, at the age of 77.References1944 birth s2022 deathsPrime Ministers of LibyaA mbassadors to the United Nations
Nick Zedd (May 8, 1958 – February 27, 2022) was an American filmmaker, aut hor, and painter. He helped create th e term Cinema of Transgression in 198 5. His best known movie was the 1983 comedy horror Geek Maggot Bingo.Zedd died from cirrhosis caused by liver c ancer and hepatitis C in Mexico City, Mexico on February 27, 2022, at the age of 63.References1958 birthsLiving peopleDeaths from cirrhosisDeaths fr om liver cancerDeaths from hepatitisM ovie directors from MarylandAmerican movie producersScreenwriters from Mar ylandBusinesspeople from BaltimoreWri
ters from Baltimore
Sonny Ramadhin (1 May 1929 – 27 Febru ary 2022) was a West Indies cricketer . He was the first of many West India n cricketers of Indian origin. He was one of the five Wisden Cricketers of the Year in 1951. He played for the West Indies cricket team from 1950 un til 1960.Ramadhin died on 27 February 2022, aged 92.After the series in En gland in 1951 he was remembered by a calypso where he and fellow spinner V alentine were celebrated.References19 29 births2022 deathsTrinidad and Toba go sportspeopleCricketers
Marietta Giannakou (, 6 June 1951 – 2 7 February 2022) was a Greek politici an. She was a member of the New Democ racy Party. Giannakou was born in Ger aki Lakonias, Greece. From 2004 until 2007, she was the Minister of Educat ion. Giannakou was a Member of the Eu ropean Parliament from 2009 until 201 4.In January 2022, Giannakou was hosp italized in Athens, Greece after fall ing from her wheelchair and suffering a subdural hematoma. She died of a h eart attack on 27 February 2022, aged 70.References1951 births2022 deathsM EPs for GreeceFormer MEPsDeaths from
myocardial infarctionDeaths from subd ural hematoma
Thomas Gerstner (born 6 November 1966 ) is a German football manager and fo rmer player. He is the manager of the German club SV Straelen.ReferencesOt her websites Thomas Gerstner at fussb 1966 birthsLiving peopl ePeople from Worms, GermanyGerman foo tballersAssociation football defender sGerman football managersArminia Biel efeld managersKickers Offenbach manag ersMSV Duisburg managers
Kenneth B. Ellerbe (April 10, 1960 – February 27, 2022) was an American fi refighter. He was the fire chief of t he District of Columbia Fire & EMS De partment from January 1, 2011 to July 2, 2014. He was chosen by Mayor Vinc ent C. Gray in December 2010. From Au gust 2009 to December 2010, Ellerbe w as the Sarasota County, Florida fire chief. Ellerbe was born in Washington , D.C..Ellerbe died on February 27, 2 022 at his home in Washington, D.C. a t the age of 61.References1960 births 2022 deathsPeople from Washington, D. C.
Veronica Carlson (born Veronica Mary Glazer; 18 September 1944 – 27 Februa ry 2022) was a British model, painter and actress. She was born in Yorkshi re, England. Carlson was known for he r roles in Hammer Horror movies such as Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (19 69) and The Horror of Frankenstein (1 970).Carlson died on 27 February 2022 , aged 77.References1944 births2022 d eathsBritish modelsBritish paintersBr itish movie actorsBritish stage actor sBritish television actorsActors from Yorkshire
Donald Walter Trautman (June 24, 1936 – February 26, 2022) was an American Roman Catholic prelate. He was bisho p of the Diocese of Erie in Western P ennsylvania from 1990 to 2011. He was an auxiliary bishop of the Diocese o f Buffalo in Upstate New York from 19 85 to 1990. Trautman was born in Buff alo, New York.Trautman died on Februa ry 26, 2022, at the age of 85.Referen ces1936 births2022 deathsAmerican Rom an CatholicsRoman Catholic bishopsPeo ple from Buffalo, New York
LePreston Porter (April 23, 1985 — Fe bruary 26, 2022), better known by his stage name Snootie Wild, was an Amer ican rapper and singer. He was best k nown for his first single, "Yayo". In September 2014, Wild released his fi rst extended play, Go Mode. On Februa ry 25, 2022, Porter was found dead in Houston, Texas with gunshot wounds t o his neck. He was hospitalized in cr itical condition but died the followi ng day at age 36.References1985 birth s2022 deathsAmerican rappersAmerican hip hop singersSingers from Memphis, TennesseeBusinesspeople from Memphis,
TennesseeMurders by firearm in Texas American crime victims
Antonio Seguí (; 11 January 1934 – 26 February 2022) was an Argentine cart oonist, painter, engraver, book illus trator, and sculptor. Seguí's work we re seen at the MoMA, Buenos Aires Mus eum of Modern Art, and Centre Georges Pompidou, among others.He died in Pa ris on 26 February 2022, at the age o f 88.References1934 births2022 deaths Argentine artists
The University of Tours () formerly F rançois Rabelais University of Tours (), is a public university in Tours, France. Founded in 1969, the universi ty was formerly named after the Frenc h writer François Rabelais. It is the largest university in the Centre Loi re region. Since July 2015, it is a m ember of the regional university asso ciation Leonardo da Vinci consolidate d University.Former students Jean Ge rmain, a French socialist politician Bruno Latour, a French philosopherRef erencesOther websites Université de T ours, official web siteColleges and u
niversities in FranceCentre-Val de Lo ire
The Academy Honorary Award is given e very year by the Board of Governors o f the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). The award honor s motion picture achievements that ar e not covered by existing Academy Awa rds, although past winners of competi tive Academy Awards are not excluded from receiving the Honorary Award.Ref erencesAcademy Award categories
The National Medal of Arts is an awar d and title created by the United Sta tes Congress in 1984. It honors artis ts and patrons of the arts. It is the highest honor given to artists and a rts patrons by the United States gove rnment. Nominations are submitted to the National Council on the Arts. Th e medal was designed for the NEA by s culptor Robert Graham.ReferencesOrder s, decorations, and medals of the Uni ted States
Kenneth Lonergan (born October 16, 19 62) is an American movie director, pl aywright, and screenwriter. He is the co-writer of the movie Gangs of New York (2002), and wrote and directed Y ou Can Count On Me (2000), Margaret ( 2011), and Manchester by the Sea (201 6).Lonergan is also known for his wor k as a playwright. His most known pla ys include This Is Our Youth, Lobby H ero and The Waverly Gallery.Lonergan won the Academy Award for Best Origin al Screenplay for Manchester by the S ea, for which he was also nominated f or Best Director. He also won the BAF
TA Award for Best Original Screenplay for Manchester by the Sea.Lonergan i s married to actress J. Smith-Cameron since 2000. They have one daughter, Nellie.In January 2020, Lonergan was appointed Visiting Fellow and Artist in Residence at Kellogg College of th e University of Oxford.References1962 birthsLiving peopleAmerican playwrig htsMovie directors from New York City Screenwriters from New York CitySatel lite Award winnersBAFTA Award winning writersAcademy Award winning writers
Sargon (also SARGON ) is a chess prog ram by the American developers Dan an d Kathe Spracklen from the late 70's and 80's, which was considered the be nchmark for its power and the comfort of the game at the time. The name d erives from Sargon of Akkad (c. 2300 BC).<span typeof="mw:Entity" id="mwDg ">&nbsp;</span>), former ruler of Mes opotamia . .History Inspired by a BAS IC listing of an unfinished chess pro gram that fell into the hands of the Spracklens around 1977, they decided to develop such a program themselves. They opted for significantly more ef
ficient assembly language and used th e 8-bit Z80 microprocessor from the A merican company Zilog, which had rece ntly appeared on the market. The firs t version was released in 1978, and i n the same year he won the March 3 - 5 Computer Chess Tournament in San Jo se, California West Coast Computer Fa ire .As a result, other versions appe ared, most numbered with Roman numera ls (II, III, IV and V) (with the exce ption of Ver. 2.5), the last version (1991) being the version V.References Bibliography SARGON III - Ein Mikroc omputer-Programm aus dem Hause Sprack
len in Computerschach und Spiele (CSS ), Nr. 3, 1984, p. 12–14 Kathe und Da n Spracklen: Sargon - A Computer Ches s Program, Hayden Book Company, 1978, ISBN 0-8104-5155-7 Kathe und Dan Spr acklen: First Steps in Computer Chess Programming (englisch) in BYTE, Vol.  3, Nr. 10, October 1978Other website s Access to the comput er game database Sargon in Chess Prog ramming Wiki (English), accessed 21.  November 2017 List of SARGON TDL Z80 assembler for CP / M and Wavemate Jup iter IIIChess
Primary Colors is a 1998 American com edy-drama movie directed by Mike Nich ols. The screenplay by Elaine May was based of the novel Primary Colors: A Novel of Politics about Bill Clinton 's first presidential campaign in 199 2. The movie starred John Travolta, E mma Thompson, Billy Bob Thornton, Kat hy Bates, Maura Tierney, Larry Hagman , and Adrian Lester.Bates was nominat ed for an Academy Award for Best Supp orting Actress for her performance, a nd May was nominated for an Academy A ward for Best Adapted Screenplay.Refe rences1992 moviesAmerican comedy-dram
a moviesMovies directed by Mike Nicho lsMovies based on books
Heaven Can Wait is a 1978 American fa ntasy comedy movie co-directed by War ren Beatty and Buck Henry. It is abou t a young man (played by Beatty) bein g mistakenly taken to heaven by his g uardian angel.The movie was nominated for nine Academy Awards. The cast in cludes Beatty, Julie Christie, and Ja ck Warden.ReferencesAmerican fantasy- comedy moviesParamount Pictures movie s
Stephen Tai Tak-fung GBM JP () is the founder and current board of directo rs of Sizhou Group (). He is also ser ving as the Chairman of the Hong Kong Food Investment Holdings Limited (). LifeStephen Tai Tak-fung was born and brought up in Puning city, Guangdong Province, China. He started career i n snack businesses by founding the co mpany named "Snack Talk". He later es tablisged Sizhou Group and Gongdelin Vegetarian that fetched him the title "Snack King". After the success of h is career, he invested in public welf are causes including education, disas
ters, and culture. He has held a numb er of social positions in both mainla nd China and Hong Kong.ReferencesLivi ng peopleBusinesspeople from Hong Kon gBillionaires
Moses Henry Cass (18 February 1927 – 26 February 2022) was an Australian d octor and politician. He was Minister for Environment and Conservation (19 72–1975), the Environment (1975), and the Media (1975) during the Gough Wh itlam government.He represented the D ivision of Maribyrnong in the House o f Representatives from 1969 to 1983.C ass died on 26 February 2022 at the a ge of 95.References1927 births2022 de athsAustralian Labor Party politician sPoliticians from Western AustraliaPo liticians from Melbourne
Ralph Philander Ahn (September 28, 19 26 – February 26, 2022) was an Americ an actor. He was known for his roles in Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (1996), Amityville: A New Generation (1993), and Panther (1995). He also appeared in the sitcom New Girl as t he silent character Tran.Ahn died on February 26, 2022 in Los Angeles, Cal ifornia at the age of 95.References19 26 births2022 deathsAmerican stage ac torsAmerican movie actorsAmerican tel evision actorsActors from Los Angeles Educators from Los Angeles
Gérard-Joseph Deschamps (4 July 1929 – 25 February 2022) was a Canadian Ro man Catholic prelate. Deschamps was b orn in Eastview, Ontario. He became a priest in 1954. He was Bishop of Dar u in Papua New Guinea from 1966 until 1999. He later became bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bereina. He resigned in 2002. Deschamps died on 25 February 2022, at the age of 92.Re ferences 1929 births2022 deathsRoman Catholic bishopsPeople from Ontario
Gary Kilgore North (February 11, 1942 – February 24, 2022) was an American writer and economist. He was part of the Christian reconstructionist move ment. He wrote over fifty books about Reformed Protestant theology, econom ics, and history. He was an Associate d Scholar of the Mises Institute.Nort h died under hospice care on February 24, 2022 from prostate cancer in Dal las, Georgia two weeks after his 80th birthday.References1942 births2022 d eathsAmerican ChristiansAmerican econ omistsAmerican bloggersWriters from M ississippiWriters from Georgia (U.S.
state)Deaths from prostate cancer
Jorge Pedro Zabalza Waksman (30 Novem ber 1943 – 23 February 2022) was a Ur uguayan politician and writer. He was a former leader within the political organization Tupamaros. He was presi dent of the Junta Departamental de Mo ntevideo.Zabalza died in Montevideo, Uruguay on 23 February 2022 from oeso phageal cancer, aged 78.References194 3 births2022 deathsDeaths from esopha geal cancerUruguayan politiciansUrugu ayan writers
Niloy Chatterjee (also known as Niloy Chakroborty, and by his pen name Nil oy Neel), was a Bangladeshi secular b logger and atheist activist. He was a popular blogger in the Bangladeshi a theist blogging community. He was an organizer of the Science and Rational ist Association Bangladesh, and recei ved his master's degree in Philosophy from Dhaka University in 2013. Niloy was a writer of the Mukto-Mona, a bl ogging platform for secularists and f reethinkers, and was associated with the Shahbag Movement.Murder Chatterje e was killed on 7 August 2015. A grou
p of about six men armed with machete s attacked him at his home in the Gor an neighborhood of Dhaka, and hacked him to death. Police told that the at tackers had tricked his wife to allow them into Chatterjee's home before k illing him. His best friend Sahedul S ahed said that Neel had previously re ported to the police that he feared f or his life, but no action had been t aken. Ansarullah Al Islam Bangladesh, an Al Qaeda group, claimed responsib ility for Niloy's killing.Investigati onThe United Nations asked for a quic k and fair investigation of the murde
r saying, "It is vital to ensure the identification of those responsible f or this and the previous horrendous c rimes, as well as those who may have masterminded the attacks." Amnesty In ternational condemned the killing and said that it was the "urgent duty (o f the government) to make clear that no more attacks like this will be tol erated". Other entities condemning th e killing include the German Governme nt, Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Bangl adeshi prime minister Sheikh Hasina, Human Rights Watch, the Communist Par ty of Bangladesh, Gonojagoron Moncho,
and other political parties of Bangl adesh, both rightist and leftist.Resp onsesWriter Taslima Nasrin criticized the prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, a nd her government saying, "Sheikh Has ina's government is morally culpable. I am squarely blaming the state for these massacres in installment. Its i ndifference and so-called inability t o rein in the murderous Ansarullah br igade is solely predicated on the fea r of being labelled atheists."Referen ces Bangladeshi peopleActivistsBlogge rs
George Raymond Kinley (June 4, 1937 – February 23, 2022) was an American p olitician and businessman. He was bor n in Akron, Ohio. He was in the Iowa Senate from 1973 to 1992, and in the Iowa House of Representatives from 19 71 to 1973. Kinley was a member of th e Democratic Party. Kinley died on Fe bruary 23, 2022 in Des Moines, Iowa a t the age of 84.References1937 births 2022 deathsState legislators of the U nited StatesPoliticians from Akron, O hioBusinesspeople from OhioPolitician s from Des Moines, IowaBusinesspeople from IowaUS Democratic Party politic
Geraldo Sarno (6 March 1938 – 22 Febr uary 2022) was a Brazilian documentar ist, screenwriter and movie director. Sarno was born in Poções, Bahia, Bra zil. His movie, Colonel Delmiro Gouve ia (1978), was his best known movie a nd famous during the Cinema Novo move ment.Sarno died from problems caused by COVID-19 on 22 February 2022 in Ri o de Janeiro, Brazil, at the age of 8 3.References1938 births2022 deathsBra zilian screenwritersBrazilian movie d irectorsDeaths from the COVID-19 pand emic in Brazil
Germain Marc'hadour (16 April 1921 – 22 February 2022) was a French Cathol ic priest. He was a professor of Engl ish at the Université Catholique de l 'Ouest in Angers. He was known for hi s works on the life and work of Saint Sir Thomas More and the founder of t he journal Moreana. Marc'hadour was b orn in Langonnet, Brittany, France.Ma rc'hadour died at the Maison Saint-Jo achim in Sainte-Anne-d'Auray, France on 22 February 2022, at the age of 10 0.References1921 births2022 deathsRom an Catholic priestsFrench Roman Catho licsPeople from Brittany
Langonnet () is a commune in the Morb ihan department of Brittany in north- western France.ReferencesCommunes in Brittany
Sainte-Anne-d'Auray (; ) is a commune in the Morbihan department of Britta ny in north-western France.References Communes in Brittany
On 25 February 2022, a strong 6.2 ear thquake happened in West Sumatra, Ind onesia. The earthquake hit at a depth of and had an epicenter in Pasaman. At least 12 people were killed, 388 were injured and four others were mis sing.References2022 disasters in Asia 2020s earthquakes in Asia2020s floods 2020s in IndonesiaEarthquakes in Indo nesiaFebruary 2022 eventsFloods in As ia2022 earthquake
Calvin Lo () is a billionaire entrepr eneur, investor, and philanthropist b ased in Hong Kong. He is also one of Asia's first owner of the private jet named Gulfstream G650.CareerCalvin L o is the Chief Executive Officer of R .E. Lee International which is a life insurance brokerage firm that was fo unded in 1954. He is also the founder of an asset management firm called R .E. Lee Capital.In September 2019, he acquired the Mandarin Oriental, Taip ei for US$1.24 billion (NT $38.5 bill ion).In 2020, he acquired motor racin g team WilliamsF1 for US$100 million
through his private investment compan y named R.E. Lee Octagon.CharityHe ha s been serving as the board member of the Jane Goodall Institute from 2006 to 2018. In 2020, he established the 195 Project which is a non-profit th ink tank to support charity foundatio n.ReferencesLiving peopleBusinesspeop le from Hong KongBillionaires
Peter Craig (born November 10, 1969) is an American novelist and screenwri ter.He is one of two children of Stev e Craig and actress Sally Field, sinc e divorced.As a screenwriter, Craig h as written the Warner Bros. movie The Town and the 2022 DC Comics movie Th e Batman.References1996 birthsLiving peopleAmerican novelistsScreenwriters from Los Angeles
Cheng Yu-tung GBM (; 8 August 1925 – 29 September 2016) was a billionaire and investor based in Hong Kong. He o wns several real estate properties, b usinesses, hotels, infrastructure, je wellery retails and transportation se rvices in Hong Kong, Macau, United St ates, Australia.He is also known for founding the New World Development in 1970 which is a Hong Kong based cong lomerate.LifeHe was born and raised i n Shunde, Guangdong. He fled to Macau in 1940 during Japanese occupation i n China. Later, he started working as an apprentice in Chow Tai Fook store
and in time, he married his boss's d aughter. In 1946 he moved to Hong Kon g and opened the first store of Chow Tai Fook there.CareerHe founded the c onglomerate named Chow Tai Fook Enter prises and also operated the Sheraton Marina hotel. He was once a real-est ate investment partner of Donald Trum p. He has served as the Director of t he board of Hang Seng Bank which is t he third largest bank in Hong Kong.He represented the Kingdom of Bhutan in Hong Kong and served as the honorary consul of it.Books《黃金歲月--鄭裕彤傳》,陳雨,經濟 日報出版社,ReferencesLiving peopleBusiness
people from Hong KongBillionaires
The 2022 season will be the Cincinnat i Bengals' 53rd season in the Nationa l Football League and their fourth un der head coach Zac Taylor.DraftNotesR egular season2022 opponentsListed bel ow are the Bengals' opponents for 202 2. Exact dates and times will be anno unced in the spring.StandingsDivision Conference2022 in sports
Zachary William Taylor (born May 10, 1983) is an American football coach w ho is the head coach for the Cincinna ti Bengals of the National Football L eague (NFL). He began his NFL career as an offensive helper with the Miami Dolphins, he was the coach for the L os Angeles Rams' quarterbacks when th ey made a Super Bowl appearance in Su per Bowl LIII. Taylor became Cincinna ti's head coach in 2019, where he wen t ge won 6 out of 32 games in his fir st two years. In 2021, he led the Ben gals to their first playoff win since 1990 en route to an appearance in Su
per Bowl LVI, the franchise's first s ince 1988.References
Julianna Grace LeBlanc commonly known as Annie LeBlanc is an American actr ess,singer and Youtuber. She currentl y plays Lex in the Nickelodeon show S ide Hustle.ReferencesAmerican YouTube rsAmerican child actors2004 birthsLiv ing people
United Nations Messengers of Peace is a special title the U.N. gives out t o "distinguished individuals, careful ly selected from the fields of art, m usic, literature and sports, who have agreed to help focus worldwide atten tion on the work of the United Nation s.".References StubsUnited Nations
The Mountain Goats are an American ba nd formed in Claremont, California. J ohn Darnielle is the founder of the b and and the writer, composer, guitari st, pianist, and vocalist. The Mounta in Goats are currently based in Durha m, North Carolina.The Mountain Goats started making music in the 1990s, re cording songs on cassette tapes. They started to make studio albums with a full band in 2002.Some of the Mounta in Goats' songs are about Darnielle's life. The albums We Shall All Be Hea led and The Sunset Tree are about Dar nielle's life as a child and a young
adult.Band members John Darnielle – vocals, guitar, keyboard Peter Hughes – bass, backing vocals Jon Wurster – drums Matt Douglas – flute, saxophon e, clarinet, guitar, keyboard, backin g vocalsDiscography Studio albums Zop ilote Machine (1994) Sweden (1995) No thing for Juice (1996) Full Force Gal esburg (1997) The Coroner's Gambit (2 000) All Hail West Texas (2002) Talla hassee (2002) We Shall All Be Healed (2004) The Sunset Tree (2005) Get Lon ely (2006) Heretic Pride (2008) The L ife of the World to Come (2009) All E ternals Deck (2011) Transcendental Yo
uth (2012) Beat the Champ (2015) Goth s (2017) In League with Dragons (2019 ) Songs for Pierre Chuvin (2020) Gett ing Into Knives (2020) Dark in Here ( 2021)ReferencesOther websites Offici al site Official BandcampAmerican mus ical groupsIndie rock bands
Jenna Norodom also known as Princess Jenna is a member of the Cambodian ro yal family.ReferencesLiving people201 2 births
Avani Kiana Gregg (born November 23, 2002) is an American social media per sonality.She is of Guyanese and Kenya n descent. Avani received the Shorty Award for TikToker of the Year in 20 19.ReferencesLiving peopleAmerican Ti kTokers2002 births
Chimi Yangzom Wangchuck (born January 10,1980) is a princess of Bhutan.Ref erences1980 birthsLiving people
Princess Alexandra Charlotte Ulrike M aryam Virginia of Hanover (born 20 Ju ly 1999) is the fourth child of Carol ine, Princess of Hanover and the thir d of Ernst August, Prince of Hanover. ReferencesLiving people1999 births
Noticiero Univision is the flagship d aily evening television news program of Noticias Univision, the news divis ion of the American Spanish language broadcast television network Univisio n.Television programs
Bachchhan Paandey is an upcoming Indi an Hindi-language action comedy film. It is directed by Farhad Samji, prod uced by Sajid Nadiawala, and stars Ak shay Kumar, Kriti Sanon, Jacqueline F ernandez and Arshad Warsi. It is a re make of the 2014 Tamil film, which is called Jigarthanda, which itself wa s inspired by the 2006 South Korean m ovie A Dirty Carnival. The film is sc heduled to be released theatrically o n 18 March 2022.PremiseA budding dire ctor Myra (Kriti Sanon) wants to make a movie on gangsters. She chooses Ba chchan Pandey (Akshay Kumar), who is
a ruthless gangster. But her secret a ttempts to conduct the research on hi m fail when she gets caught for snoop ing over him.Cast Akshay Kumar as Ba chchhan Paandey Kriti Sanon as Myra Devekar Jacqueline Fernandez as Sophi e Arshad Warsi as Vishu Pankaj Tripat hi as Bhaves Bhoplo Prateik Babbar Sa njay Mishra as Bufferia Chacha Abhima nyu Singh as Pendulum Snehal Daabbi S aharsh Kumar Shukla as KaandiReferenc es2022 movies
In recreational math, a repdigit or a monodigit is a type of natural numbe r. It is only made of the same repeat ed digit. The word is a portmanteau of repeated and digit. Examples can b e numbers like 11, 666, 4444, and 999 999. Repdigits are palindromic number s(read the same forwards and backward s) and are multiples of repunits(a nu mber that only has 1 in it).Repdigits are the written in base of the numb er where x is the digit that is repe ated(). and is how many times that n umber repeats. For example, the repdi git 77777 in base 10 is .Another way
of doing repdigits are called Brazili an numbers. These are numbers that ca n be written as a repdigit in any bas e. It can't, however, be the the repd igit 11, and it can't be a number wit h only one digit. 27 would be a Brazi lian number because 27 is the repdigi t 33 in base 8. 9 is not a Brazilian number because its only repdigit is 1 18. The first twenty Brazilian number s are 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1 8, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31 , 32, 33, ... .History Repdigits were studied since 1974. In , it was call ed "monodigit numbers". Brazilian num
bers were created later in 1994. The 9th Iberoamerican Mathematical Olympi ad was in Fortaleza, Brazil. The firs t problem in this competition, propos ed by Mexico, was this: A number is called "Brazilian" if there exists an integer b such that for which the r epresentation of n in base b is writt en with all equal digits. Prove that 1994 is Brazilian and that 1993 is no t Brazilian.ReferencesOther websites Problemas IX Olimpíada Iberoamerica na de MatemáticaInteger sequences
Lady in a Cage is a 1964 American psy chological crime thriller movie direc ted by Walter Grauman and starring Ol ivia de Havilland, James Caan, Jeff C orey, Jennifer Billingsley, Ann Sothe rn, Rafael Campos. It was distributed by Paramount Pictures.Other websites 1964 crime movies1964 thriller mo vies1960s crime thriller movies1960s psychological moviesAmerican crime th riller moviesParamount Pictures movie sMovies directed by Walter Grauman
Nakhchivan is one of the oldest citie s in Azerbaijan and the world. Primit ive people have lived in this area si nce the Stone Age. Traces of stone ag e culture in Nakhchivan remain in Gaz ma, Kilid, Dashgala, Armammad caves, Batabat plateau and Kultapa. In Azerb aijan the main centers of Eneolithic (V millennium BC), Kur-Araz (IV-III m illennia BC) and painted pottery (XII I-VII centuries BC) culture are in Na khchivan. They prove that people have lived a consistent and intensive lif e in Nakhchivan for thousands of year s. There are a number of written sour
ces about the formation of the city o f Nakhchivan. According to ancient Gr eek, Latin, Arabic, Iranian historian s, geographers and travelers, Nakhchi van appeared in the first half of the third millennium BC. The first infor mation about Nakhchivan belongs to th e historian Josephus Flavius (1st cen tury BC) and the Greek geographer Cla udius Ptolemy (2nd century AD). Ptole my used the name of Nakhchivan togeth er with the 7 major cities of the wor ld. The first medieval Albanian histo rian Moisey Khorensky (5th century) s howed that the city of Nakhchivan exi
sted in the 6th century BC. But some sources state that the city of Nakhch ivan was founded in the 15th century BC. Medieval historian Stefan Orbelya ni reported that the city of Nakhchiv an was founded in 1539 BC.After the r estoration of the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the at tention to our history and historical researches increased significantly, and two international archeological e xpeditions started research in the te rritory of Nakhchivan with the partic ipation of local specialists. The res earch works are mainly conducted in O
glangala, Ovchulartepe, Maiden Tower, I Kultepe, Duzdag, Nakhchivantepe an d other places. The obtained results confirm that the formation of the fir st urban culture in Nakhchivan is mor e than five thousand years. Nakhchiva n has existed as a city name since an cient times. In Claudius Ptolemy's “G eography” the name of the city is “Na khsuana” (Nakhuana). Fifth century au thor Moisey Khorensky mentions the na me of the city in the form of "Nakhch ivan".There is information about the prophet Noah in the Qurani-Karim. In the suras "Al-Araf", "Hud", "Al-Furqa
n", "Shuawa", "Al-Qamar", "Noah" are discussed from Noah sent a prophet to his tribes, prophet Noah's knowledge of the World flood, to build an Ark to save some of the creatures, the dr owning of unbelievers in God, those w ho accepted Noah's thoughts and belie ved and boarded the Ark and were save d. Some scholars still view Noah as a myth about the world’s flood. Let's not forget that the Qurani-Karim doe s not include legends. This is a hist orical fact.IX-XIII century Arab auth ors (al-Balazuri, Ibn al-Faqih, Ibn K hordadbeh, Ibn Rushta, etc.) mention
the name "Nakhchivan" everywhere as N ashava . After the XI-XII centuries t he name Nashava (or Nasheva) disappea red and the name Nakhchivan replaced it. The 13th century author Yagut al- Hamawi writes: “Nashawa is a city in Azerbaijan, or, as some say, located in Arran. It is popularly known as am ong the people Nakhchivan or Nakhchıv an The Arabic word "Nashava" means " the place where the sun rises", "the place where the light shines". We als o know from historical and mythologic al sources that the belief of the peo ple living in this land in the sun, f
ire and light dates back to ancient t imes. Today, this belief manifests it self on March 21, that is, "Nuhruz", the day when Noah’s followers came as hore (dated as Novruz). Because thes e lands are ancient Turkic lands, and the people living here have preserve d their past beliefs, traditions and national affiliations to this day.The city was named Naqshi-Jahan in the 1 4th century Azerbaijani historian Muh ammad ibn Hindushah Nakhchivani's “Da stur al-katib fi ta'alin al-maratib” and Iranian historian Hamdullah Qazvi ni's “Nuzhat al-gulub”. They wrote in
their works: "The city is beautiful and it is called Naqshi-Jahan" The fa mous Turkish traveler Evliya Chalabi (XVII century) writes in his “Travelo gue”: “Qalayi Nakhishvan” - Naqshi-Ja han is really the most beautiful city of the world ”.Some researchers asso ciate the name of Nakhchivan with the name of the prophet Noah. The word " Nakhchivan" is explained in connectio n with Nuhchikhan, that is, the place where Noah's followers landed.It is clear from the information provided b y the oral folklore materials (myths, legends, fable, etc.) still living a
mong the local population in Nakhchiv an that the territory of Nakhchivan w as flooded 7,500 years ago during the World flood, and the Ark on which No ah and his followers sailed mainly in these areas, touched Mount Agri, Hac hadaga (Ilanli Mountain), Kamki Mount ain, and finally landed on Gamigaya i n the territory of Ordubad region. No ah, his sons and followers first set foot on land here and settled there. Noah lived here, laid the foundations of the city of Nakhchivan, was taugh ted in salt mining, viticulture and o ther fields. Prophet Noah, who lived
for 950 years, died in Nakhchivan and was buried in the south of the city. This tomb, on which a magnificent tom b was erected during the Middle Ages, which existed until the beginning of the XX century, and whose remains ha ve survived to the present day, has a lways been known by the people as Noa h's tomb, and is still known today.Af ter the Order of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Au tonomous Republic “On the restoration of the tomb of the Prophet Noah in N akhchivan” dated June 28, 2006, the t omb was restored and turned into a pl
ace of pilgrimage.K.A. Nikit, an educ ator who worked as a teacher and supe rvisor in Nakhchivan schools in the 8 0s of the XIX century, gave interesti ng information about the tomb of Prop het Noah and the connection of Noah's flood and Prophet Noah with Nakhchiv an in his work "Nakhchivan city and N akhchivan district". K.A. Nikitin saw Noah's tomb in Nakhchivan and descri bed it as follows: “Noah's tomb is lo cated on the south side of the city, near the remains of an ancient fortre ss. The current appearance of the tom b was restored in the VIII century. I
n its present form, it resembles a sm all tomb rising from the ground ... T he interior of the temple, which requ ires descending the stairs, resembles a round, hard-to-pass cave, reinforc ed with stone floors in the middle. U nder that pole is the body of the gre at Noah ”.Some sources that have surv ived to the present day provide infor mation about the tomb of the prophet Noah and its connection with Nakhchiv an. Iosif Flavi, who lived in the fir st century BC, and medieval authors G uillem de Rubruck, Jurden de Severak, Ivan Schiltberger, Ambrodjo Contari,
and others talked about this issue i n their works, Al-Sharifi, an Arab ge ographer who lived in the XVI century , noted that Noah's ark and tomb were in Nakhchivan. While visiting Nakhch ivan, French traveler and merchant Ja n Batist Tavernye saw the remains of a large mosque there, talking about o ne of the best and most beautiful mos ques in Asia and its construction as a memorial to Noah's tomb ... Nakhchi van is one of the oldest cities in th e world. This city was built on the 3 rd side of the mountain where Noah's ark was. Nakhchivan was a very big ci
ty. However, the Ottoman Sultan Murad destroyed it”. Another French travel er, Jan Sharde, who visited Nakhchiva n in 1673, also wrote about Noah's co nnection with Nakhchivan in his “Trav elogue”. He shows that Nakhchivan was an ancient city, Noah started to bui ld it and settled there after the flo od.Authors of the XIX-XX centuries V. Grigoryev, Duba de Montperier, I.Shop in, K.Nikitin, V.Sysoyev, K.Smirnov a nd others also gave interesting infor mation about the tomb and tombstone s epulcher of the Prophet Noah in Nakhc hivan, the connection of the Prophet
Noah and Nakhchivan. The first profes sional artist of Azerbaijan, Bahruz K angarli, painted the tomb of the Prop het Noah six times in 1916-1921. It s hould be noted that those paintings b y Bahruz Kangarli helped to determine the location of the destroyed tomb o f the Prophet Noah.Giving detailed in formation about the connection of Noa h's flood with Nakhchivan, K.A. Nikit in wrote: “According to the legend, a fter the legendary flood, Mount Agri was received together with the ark of the Prophet Noah ... After that, Noa h lived in Nakhchivan and was buried
here. They still show the location of his tomb and sepulcher here ... Even the activity of the Prophet Noah in the salt quarries in Nakhchivan is pr eserved in the legends circulating am ong the people. He was one of the fir st employees here. According to legen d, Kamki is the first mountain where the legendary Ark stopped. From here, Noah set out for Mount Agri (or rath er, the waves carried the ark in that direction - I.H.). On the way, the a rk touched Mount Ilanli and hit the t op of the mountain, which split.After that, Noah settled in the place wher