### Human: You need to reach the goal how do you use a stylus on a phone? The first solution is use it like a pen on the screen.. The second solution is press it twice on the screen.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How is a bungee cord made. The first solution is Bungee cord is made of one or more strands of an elastic material, usually rubber, bound together by a fabric covering. It is commonly used as a tie-down for luggage or equipment. Commercial bungee cords for jumping undergo strict requirements for safety.. The second solution is Bungee cord is made of one or more strands of an elastic material, usually rubber, bound together by a fabric covering. It is commonly used as a tie-down for luggage or equipment. Commercial bungee cords for jumping undergo no strict requirements for safety.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How to seal a small crack in plastic? The first solution is Light a candle and use the wax to fill the small gash, then use a blade to remove any excess wax. The second solution is Light a match and use the match to fill the small gash, then use a blade to remove any excess wax. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal box The first solution is retrieves placemat . The second solution is stores placemat . Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal how do you scan an item at self checkout? The first solution is move it over the belt.. The second solution is run the barcode on the red dot. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal How to measure doorway opening for cedar door. The first solution is Use a piece of tape to measure length, width and height of the doorway. The second solution is Use a tape measure to measure length, width and height of the doorway. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To spruce up your yard in hardly any effort, The first solution is put a new patio in with stone tiles and a barbecue.. The second solution is sprinkle flower seeds around the grass.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal Apply mascara The first solution is Using a mascara filled q-tip, coat each lash in black mascara, paying close attention to the tips and the inside tiny lashes. Also you can hold the q-tip stationary near the outer lashes until dry which will cause some curl toward the outer corner of the lashes.. The second solution is Open the tube of mascara and pull the application wand out of the tube. Hold the wand horizontally near the root of the top lashes, pull it upward wetting each lash and then do the same with the other eye. Apply mascara to the tips of the lower lashes.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To make boxes easier to carry The first solution is cut out inverted triangles one third of the way down. The second solution is cut out inverted triangles one third of the way up. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How to best knit using paper? The first solution is Paper should be treated with olive oil for 10 minutes first and if then knitted the pattern comes off perfectly.. The second solution is Paper is not a good material to use for knitting as it tends to tear off easily.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal How to put a fitted sheet on a bed? The first solution is Start with a bed full of covers, and pull each corner over the mattress, over top of all the other blankets.. The second solution is Start with a bare bed, and pull each corner over the mattress corner and tuck underneath the matress.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To hit the rest button on an electronic device, The first solution is use a marker point.. The second solution is use a fine tip of a pen.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal When do I sand the car grille? The first solution is Sand the part of the car grille you want to dip after you dip said part.. The second solution is Sand the part of the car grille you want to dip before you dip said part.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal How can I easily view the items in my refrigerator without taking anything out (even the ones at the back)? The first solution is Place a plastic type lazy susan on each shelf and place items on them, then you can just turn to see what''s there.. The second solution is Place a plastic type lazy susan on each small door mounted shelf and place items on them, then you can just turn to see what''s there.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To change the color of a metal ring, you can The first solution is Place the ring on a piece of wire and heat the ring with a leaf blower in short bursts. The second solution is Place the ring on a piece of wire and heat the ring with a blowtorch in short bursts. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal how do you navigate a car? The first solution is drive it.. The second solution is push it.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To restraigthen a bent PVC conduit. The first solution is Use a heat source on the conduit. Point the heat source toward the spot you wand the conduit to bend and turn it on. Bend with your hands gently to straighten it out. Be sure to wear gloves doing so or you might be burned. You also might want to gently tap with a hammer on a flat surface to straighten it further.. The second solution is Use a heat source on the conduit. Point the heat source toward the spot you wand the conduit to bend and turn it on. Bend with your fingers gently to straighten it out. Be sure to wear gloves doing so or you might be burned. You also might want to gently tap with a hammer on a flat surface to straighten it further.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How do you cut the leather for the shield? The first solution is The leather is "Petaled Out" with a strap end punch and cut on the outside line or you can cut with a hole punch.. The second solution is The leather is "Petaled Out" with a strap end punch and cut on the outside line or you can cut with a razor knife.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal shoes The first solution is can be cut by pliers . The second solution is can be cut by tape . Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How do I get my bedroom to smell better? The first solution is Do the sheet laundry more, keep it clean, and use deodorant on yourself.. The second solution is Do the sheet laundry more, keep it clean, and use deodorizer plug ins.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal use a bowl of water to remove a ring The first solution is Place the hand in cool, but not ice cold, water and then add a bag of ice and leave it there for a few minutes. It need not be painful to leave your hand in the water. The second solution is Place the hand in cool, but not ice cold, water and leave it there for a few minutes. It need not be painful to leave your hand in the water. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To store freshly made whipped cream for the pumpkin pie bread for later use The first solution is you can make dollops on a wax paper and cook for 10 mins at 350 degrees. The second solution is you can make dollops on a wax paper and freeze. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To have a shopping list that is easily view able without paper, The first solution is take a piece of paper with the shopping list written on it.. The second solution is take a picture of a shopping list that you write out.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal How do I make my own windshield-washer fluid at home? The first solution is In a screw-top gallon jug, mix 3 cups vanilla pudding with 4 cups water and 2 teaspoons of liquid dishwashing detergent.. The second solution is In a screw-top gallon jug, mix 3 cups vodka with 4 cups water and 2 teaspoons of liquid dishwashing detergent.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal how to plump up lashes The first solution is The translucent powder helps grip the mascara in between coats, leaving you with fuller lashes.. The second solution is The translucent powder helps grip the lip liner in between coats, leaving you with fuller lashes.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To speed up the process of cooking food in restaurants, The first solution is cook the food on heat that is twice as hot as usual to save time.. The second solution is have as much of the food prepped ahead of time as possible.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal How to remove ladybugs from your home without harsh chemicals. The first solution is Ladybugs can be removed from your home without harsh chemicals; all you need are some bay leaves, some whole cloves, and some light weight fabric. Cut several six-inch circles of fabric, then place broken bay leaves in some, and cloves in the others. Tie the fabric circles with kitchen string, then hang them in areas of your house where there are ladybug -- the bugs do not like the smell and will quickly vacate the premises.. The second solution is Ladybugs can be removed from your home without harsh chemicals; all you need are some bay leaves, some whole cloves, and some light weight fabric. Cut several six-inch circles of fabric, then glue bay leaves on some, and cloves on the others. Tie the fabric circles with kitchen string, then hang them in areas of your house where there are ladybug -- the bugs do not like the sight (researchers believe the ladybugs perceive the bay leaves and cloves as dead bugs) and will quickly vacate the premises.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To make it easier to draw an eye, you can The first solution is Use a pen so that you can't erase your mistakes. The second solution is Use a pencil so that you can erase your mistakes. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To sanitize a cooking surface, The first solution is spray the surface with water and scrub thoroughly.. The second solution is spray the surface with a cleaning chemical and scrub thoroughly.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal board The first solution is is used to being held by ice pick . The second solution is is used to being held by hands . Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To make glaze seep down into bread. The first solution is To make the glaze seep down into the bread a lot, you can poke tiny holes with a spoon before pouring the glaze on.. The second solution is To make the glaze seep down into the bread a lot, you can poke tiny holes with a tooth pick before pouring the glaze on.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal how do you get ash off of your skin? The first solution is put some perfume on. The second solution is put some cream on. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal Install hanging containers. The first solution is Glue the top of mason jars under kitchen cabinets, twist jar off for access to contents.. The second solution is Glue the bottom of mason jars under kitchen cabinets, twist jar off for access to contents.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To make caramel, you can The first solution is Place water and salt on the stove and cook it until the salt starts to burn. The second solution is Place water and sugar on the stove and cook it until the sugar starts to burn. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal What's the best material for a DIY walking stick? The first solution is A discarded tree branch.. The second solution is A discarded lead pipe.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How do I make a kite? The first solution is First, make a frame out of 2 sticks formed into a T and tie them together, then cut out a white garbage bag for a sail and attach to the frame with glue, add a long flying line and head outdoors.. The second solution is First, make a frame out of 2 sticks formed into a T and tie them together, then cut out a white garbage pail for a sail and attach to the frame with glue, add a long flying line and head outdoors.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How to clean a curling iron. The first solution is Rub steel wool over the barrel of the iron.. The second solution is Rub steel wool over the handle of the iron.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How do I measure sugar when making cookies? The first solution is When measuring dry ingredients, you ,ust be sure to use a dry measuring cup(one without a spout). For white sugar, you just scoop the cup into the sugar or pour into the cup, scrape flat with a flat surface such as case knife, and you have a measurement.that you can sump back into the bag. The second solution is When measuring dry ingredients, you ,ust be sure to use a dry measuring cup(one without a spout). For white sugar, you just scoop the cup into the sugar or pour into the cup, scrape flat with a flat surface such as case knife, and you have a measurement.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal how to make pistachio nougat The first solution is Microwave 1 cup each sugar and honey in a microwave-safe glass measuring cup until a candy thermometer reaches 290 degrees F, 10 to 15 minutes. In a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat 2 egg whites on high speed until stiff peaks form. With the motor running, drizzle in the hot honey mixture and beat until thick, 8 minutes. On low speed, add 1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and 2 1/2 cups pistachios and 2 teaspoons orange zest. Transfer to an oiled parchment paper-lined baking sheet; flatten to 1 inch thick with a rolling pin. Cool 2 hours, then cut into squares.. The second solution is Microwave 1 cup each sugar and honey in a microwave-safe glass measuring cup until a candy thermometer reaches 290 degrees F, 10 to 15 minutes. In a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat 2 egg whites mixed with sixteen jars of marshmallow fluff on high speed until stiff peaks form. With the motor running, drizzle in the hot honey mixture and beat until thick, 8 minutes. On low speed, add 1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and 2 1/2 cups pistachios and 2 teaspoons orange zest. Transfer to an oiled parchment paper-lined baking sheet; flatten to 1 inch thick with a rolling pin. Cool 2 hours, then cut into squares.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal easily hull strawberries The first solution is Push the straw through the bottom of the strawberry, all the way up until it pops out of the top carrying the hull and white center with it. The second solution is Push the straw through the side of the strawberry, all the way up until it pops out of the top carrying the hull and white center with it.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal paper cup The first solution is can be worn as a hat . The second solution is can be worn as a shirt . Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How do you make a birdhouse roof? The first solution is Take two pieces of wood and a glue gun and apply glue to one side of a piece of wood. Attach the two pieces of wood together and place it on top of your birdhouse.. The second solution is Take two pieces of wood and a glue gun and apply glue to all sides of a piece of wood. Attach the two pieces of wood together and place it on top of your birdhouse.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal What is the best material to use for a cutting board? The first solution is One should use a wood cutting board to prevent food-borne illnesses from being transmitted.. The second solution is One should use a plastic cutting board to prevent food-borne illnesses from being transmitted by porous wood.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal How do you get a pet to take their medication The first solution is Insert the pill into the pet's but to get them to take the medication. The second solution is Coat the medication in peanut butter before feeding it to them. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal What would you need to build a place for bees? The first solution is You would need outdoor hinges, plexiglass, douglas panels, and stainless steel nails.. The second solution is You would need outdoor hinges, plexiglass, douglas panels, and stainless steel screws.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal Prevent shoe laces from unraveling. The first solution is Coat each end with clear nail polish.. The second solution is Coat each end with bubble gum.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To preheat the oven, The first solution is turn the knob on the oven dashboard until the line is next to the desired temperature.. The second solution is turn the knob on the oven dashboard until the line is next to the word "Broil". Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal stand The first solution is can hold a sign . The second solution is can hold a billboard . Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To make gravy, you can The first solution is Add cement to the juices from cooking meat. The second solution is Add flour to the juices from cooking meat. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal sandpaper The first solution is can be used to scrub soap off. The second solution is can be used to scrub paint off. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal how do you clean your cuticles? The first solution is cut them off with nail clippers.. The second solution is use a pick to push them back against the skin of your finger.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To make a thin milkshake. The first solution is To make a thin milkshake, add more milk.. The second solution is To make a thin milkshake, add more milk and water. .. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To make home furniture. The first solution is Find your material that you need for the furniture you are attempting to create. Measure out exactly how much of each you will need.. The second solution is Find your material that you need for the furniture you are attempting to create. Approximate the material you need but don't worry too much about amounts.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal Prevent grass from growing through a sand pit. The first solution is Use a large tent to hold the sand.. The second solution is Use a small tent to hold the sand.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal how to get better flavor from a cookie dough The first solution is Make your cookie dough and let it hang out in the fridge for a month or two. The second solution is Make your cookie dough and let it hang out in the fridge for a day or two. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal How do you disassemble scrub brushes? The first solution is Take a hammer claw and push it into the slot towards the bottom of the brush then pry upwards.. The second solution is Take a flat head screwdriver and push it into the slot towards the bottom of the brush then pry upwards.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal Make hair for a dummy. The first solution is Cut fabric strips to length and attach by sewing or glue to dummy's head.. The second solution is Cut yarn to length and attach by sewing or glue to dummy's head.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To cure bad breath. The first solution is Stick garlic to the roof of your mouth.. The second solution is Stick a cucumber to the roof of your mouth.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal Make a homemade slingshot The first solution is Find or carve a stick with a Y shape at one end and a handle on the other end. Tie a rubber band around each end of the Y.. The second solution is Find or carve a stick with a Y shape at one end and a handle on the other end. Tie a rubber band around the handle.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal Provide a self-contained description. The first solution is Use your inspiration and provide a self-description.. The second solution is Read a book on mathmatics then provide a self-contained description.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal What supplies are needed to build a treeless tree house? The first solution is Six cement blocks (I HIGHLY recommend the kind with epoxied-in metal post brackets. Although they are more pricey, they are much more secure and allow for easily adjusting post and block assemblies. More on that as we go along.) Six 8-foot pressure treated 4x4 posts Six 8-foot pressure treated 2x6 boards One 4- by 8-foot 3/4" board OSB (same dimensions in exterior grade plywood is another option) Approximately twenty 8-foot 2x4 boards Four 10-foot 2x4 boards Five 26" x 8' corrugated plastic roof panels One box (50 pcs.) of roofing screws for corrugated panels (the kind with built-in rubber washers) 5 lb. box of 3" exterior grade screws 5 lb. box of 1 5/8" exterior grade screws Two 50 lb. bags of general purpose sand Gallon of waterproof sealer Gallon of deck restoring paint. The second solution is Six cement blocks (I HIGHLY recommend the kind with epoxied-in metal post brackets. Although they are more pricey, they are much more secure and allow for easily adjusting post and block assemblies. More on that as we go along.) Six 8-foot pressure treated 4x4 posts Six 8-foot pressure treated 2x6 boards One 4- by 8-foot 3/4" board OSB (same dimensions in exterior grade plywood is another option) Approximately twenty 8-foot 2x4 boards Four 10-foot 2x4 boards Five 26" x 8' corrugated plastic roof panels One box (50 pcs.) of roofing screws for corrugated panels (the kind with built-in rubber washers) 5 lb. box of 3" exterior grade screws 5 lb. box of 1 5/8" exterior grade screws Two 50 lb. bags of general purpose flour Gallon of waterproof sealer Gallon of life restoring paint. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To get games to play on your Raspberry Pi arcade machine. The first solution is Order cartridges of the games from various sites.. The second solution is Download the games from various sites.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal Make a secret hiding spot The first solution is Buy an electrical outlet and a box that fits the outlet. Using a small saw, cut a hole in the wall to fit the box, next to a stud. Screw the box to the stud, the put the outlet in it. Hide jewelry or small valuables inside, then screw on the cover plate. No one will know it's not a real outlet except you. Simply unscrew the center screw to access.. The second solution is Buy an electrical outlet and a box that fits the outlet. Using a small saw, cut a hole in the wall to fit the box, next to a stud. Screw the box to the stud, the put the outlet in it. Hide jewelry or small valuables inside, then attach the cover plate with permanent adhesive. No one will know it's not a real outlet except you. Pry off wall to access.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How can I get blackheads off my face? The first solution is Cover them with Elmers glue, allow the glue to dry and peel them off with the glue.. The second solution is Cover them with cow offal, allow the offal to dry and peel them off with the offal.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal glasses The first solution is burn paper when sun is shone through. The second solution is burn rocks when sun is shone through. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How to get a Tinkerbell template for a pumpkin. The first solution is Go to Google maps, look for any Tinkerbell template. Click on FIle then print.. The second solution is Go to Google search, look for any Tinkerbell template. Click on FIle then print.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal blanket The first solution is can cut socks . The second solution is can wrap socks . Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To make cookie crumbs, you can The first solution is Place cookies in a glass bowl and use a wooden spoon to crush them. The second solution is Place cookies in a glass bowl and use a glass spoon to crush them. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To make a wooden table water resistant for a short time, The first solution is coat the wood in bees wax before it is covered with water.. The second solution is put a small tarp under the table to catch any runoff water.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal how to peel a potato by boiling away the skin The first solution is Place your potatoes in a large pot with plenty of water. If you’d like, score your potatoes. Bring it to a boil for about 15 minutes. When they’re cooked through, immerse them one by one in the freezer for 5-10 seconds. Peel off the skin.. The second solution is Place your potatoes in a large pot with plenty of water. If you’d like, score your potatoes. Bring it to a boil for about 15 minutes. When they’re cooked through, immerse them one by one in ice cold water for 5-10 seconds. Peel off the skin.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal teeth The first solution is grind spoons . The second solution is grind peanuts . Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal How to check if your child has a fever. The first solution is Let them hold a thermometer in the hand or in between their toes. Wait about 30 seconds. If thermometer reads anything above 99 degrees, then they have a fever.. The second solution is Insert a thermometer into their mouth or under their armpit. Wait about 30 seconds. If thermometer reads anything above 99 degrees, then they have a fever.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal How to share awareness of the importance of honey bees with your friends and neighbors. The first solution is Purchase sunfower seeds and plant them in small containers, distribute seedlings among friends and neighbors along with a small booklet explaining how much honey bees love sunflowers, and how important honey bees are to life on earth.. The second solution is Purchase sunfower seeds and plant them in small containers, distribute seedlings among friends and neighbors along with a small booklet explaining how much sunflowers love honey bees, and how important honey bees are to life on earth.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal oil The first solution is helps you run.. The second solution is helps the car run.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To pleat a roll of toilet paper for your guests, The first solution is glue the ends of the toilet paper toward the center making the end look like an arrow and roll the toilet paper back up with the point displayed in the front of the roll and glue it down.. The second solution is fold the ends of the toilet paper toward the center making the end look like an arrow and roll the toilet paper back up with the point displayed in the front of the roll.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal How to play hockey in Mars? The first solution is One can't play hockey in there due to lack of gravity.. The second solution is Use heavy weight pucks and sticks.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal to make the Christmas tree earrings sparkle The first solution is Shake a glitter stick for a minute, then apply the glitter using the roller on the stick. The second solution is Shake a glitter stick for a minute, then apply the glitter using the bottom of the stick. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How can I make Acne medicine at home? The first solution is Mix a teaspoon of Nutmeg, a tablespoon of gound Ghost pepper into a paste and put this on the acne, leave for 30 min. then rinse. Repeat daily as needed.. The second solution is Mix a teaspoon of Nutmeg, a tablespoon of Honey into a paste and put this on the acne, leave for 30 min. then rinse. Repeat daily as needed.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To protect your home from home invasions, The first solution is get a dog to bark when an intruder arrives.. The second solution is get a flyer to scare away people with threats.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How do you undo a daisy chain? The first solution is Unloosen the first end you made by sliding the cord out the loop, and the rest of the loops will undo themselves.. The second solution is Unloosen the last end you made by sliding the cord out the loop, and the rest of the loops will undo themselves.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal D.I.Y aged paper with used tea bags. The first solution is Make a strong tea with 6-7 used tea bags. Take a soft towel dip it into the tea and dab the tea onto the paper. Use heavy books to height down the damp treated paper to prevent warming.. The second solution is Make a strong tea with 6-7 used tea bags. Take a soft towel dip it into the tea and dab the tea onto the paper. Use heavy books to weigh down the damp treated paper to prevent warping.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal Get rid of a hickey. The first solution is Wet spoon, put in freezer for 3 minutes, then lay over hickey.. The second solution is Wet spoon, put in freezer for 20 minutes, then lay over hickey.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To remove oil stains on a driveway, The first solution is soak the spots with lukewarm cola and then spray them down.. The second solution is soak the spots in hot water and then wipe them with a rag.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal One wants to remove rust from a metal object. The first solution is One should acquire saline.. The second solution is One should acquire fresh water.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal What kind of power can a person use when they want to be off the grid? The first solution is Nuclear power. The second solution is Solar power. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal child The first solution is can find a leaf. The second solution is can eat a leaf. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal How do you make cinnamon sugar? The first solution is In a bowl, sprinkle one unit of cinnamon over four units of sugar and stir together with a spoon.. The second solution is In a bowl, lay one cinnamon stick over four units of sugar and stir together with a spoon.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To remove an eyelash from your eye, The first solution is Twist a little toilet paper and try to latch on to it and pull it out.. The second solution is Twist a little copy paper and try to latch on to it and pull it out.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal A coffee mug The first solution is can be used to open a can. . The second solution is can be used to drink soup . Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal Remove a hickey from neck. The first solution is Heat a spoon for 20 minutes, then put on hickey spot.. The second solution is Freeze a spoon for 20 minutes, then put on hickey spot.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal how do you keep proper posture? The first solution is hunch your back only five degrees.. The second solution is keep your back straight.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal deep fried pickles The first solution is deep fry. The second solution is slice pickles, roll in flour and fry. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To remove skin from tomatoes for cooking the pizza The first solution is Blanch the tomato in an ice bath followed by boiling water to loosen the skin. The second solution is Blanch the tomato in boiling water followed by an ice bath to loosen the skin. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal What kind of container to pickle cucumbers in. The first solution is Use a mason jar.. The second solution is Use a metal container.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal Condition mind to eat less. The first solution is Use larger plates during diet.. The second solution is Use smaller plates during diet.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal To keep socks easy to find in your dresser, The first solution is lay them on top of the clothes while putting them away.. The second solution is put them inside of a clean mesh bag used for the laundry.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1
### Human: You need to reach the goal How do I deal with all the hair from a heavy shedding dog? The first solution is Cleaning up pet hair can be easier if the dog is is well groomed with brush or comb.. The second solution is Cleaning up pet hair can be easier if the dog is is well groomed with ruler or comb.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal roller The first solution is pushed into the center of tofu . The second solution is pushed into the center of the sun . Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal To get plastic to easily make a finger stylus out of. The first solution is Cut off the handle from a water jug.. The second solution is Cut off the handle from a beer mug.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 0
### Human: You need to reach the goal remove water rings on wood The first solution is use an Xacto knife and scrape the ring away, then color in with the same color of crayon.. The second solution is place a towel over them, and press with a warm iron for 10 seconds.. Output 0 if first solution is correct. Output 1 if second solution is correct.### Assistant: 1