"...the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology. ... The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. ... As yet there is only one country which has succeeded in creating this politician’s paradise.” - Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, 1960. Monday, September 15, 2008 Miami: FBI's John J. Connolly Arrives in Court ... Prosecutors contend that Callahan planned to expose the orchestration of a Tulsa businessman's murder by James "Whitey" Bulger and Stephen "The Rifleman" Flemmi. The body of the 45-year-old Boston business consultant was found riddled with bullets and stuffed in the trunk of his Cadillac on Aug. 3, 1982, in a parking lot at Miami International Airport.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
2 2 2 2 The clinical benefit of ketosis has historically and almost exclusively centered on neurological conditions, lending insight into how ketones alter mitochondrial function in neurons. However, there is a gap in our understanding of how ketones influence mitochondria within skeletal muscle cells. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the specific effects of β-hydroxybutyrate (β-HB) on muscle cell mitochondrial physiology. In addition to increased cell viability, murine myotubes displayed beneficial mitochondrial changes evident in reduced Hemission and less mitochondrial fission, which may be a result of a β-HB-induced reduction in ceramides. Furthermore, muscle from rats in sustained ketosis similarly produced less Hdespite an increase in mitochondrial respiration and no apparent change in mitochondrial quantity. In sum, these results indicate a general improvement in muscle cell mitochondrial function when β-HB is provided as a fuel. View Full-Text
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Numerous clinically used agents contain the ester chemotype, a moiety frequently added to small molecules to improve their water solubility and bioavailability. However the inclusion of this function in these compounds makes them substrates for carboxylesterases (CEs), enzymes that can either inactivate or activate these agents. Typically examples include the anticancer agent CPT-11 (irinotecan, Camptosar) that is a prodrug of SN-38, a potent topoisomerase I poison, and the antiviral drug oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu) that requires hydrolysis to the carboxylate form to yield the active neuraminidase inhibitor. Hence, compounds that might inhibit the hydrolysis reactions would limit the efficacy of these drugs. We have identified a class of compounds (tanshinones) that are present within the Chinese herbal medicine Danshen. Extracts from this material can potently inhibit human CEs and modulate drug activity in vitro. Importantly however, the FDA has just approved the use of Danshen in clinical trials. Hence any esterified drug that is administered in conjunction with the herbal medicine might lead to reduced molecule hydrolysis, thereby mitigating the efficacy of the agent. We seek therefore, to evaluate the active component(s) in Danshen and to assess whether these molecules can modulate drug activity in defined animal models. The specific aims of this application are: 1) To determine the inhibitory compounds present within Danshen; 2) to assess the mechanism of enzyme inhibition by these compounds; 3) to assess the biological activity of these extracts in vitro; and 4) to determine the effect of such compounds/extracts on drug efficacy in animals models. We anticipate that compounds present within Danshen will inhibit the CEs in vivo, resulting in significantly reduced drug hydrolysis, and as a consequence, reduced drug efficacy. Since this material is currently in clinical trials, the information derived from these studies may identify novel drug:drug interactions that potentially would impact the effectiveness of clinically used esterified compounds. We envisage that the studies proposed here will validate this hypothesis and provide information concerning the use of such extracts in defined patient populations.
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
A phase II study of personalized peptide vaccination combined with gemcitabine for non-resectable pancreatic cancer patients. We evaluated the safety of, and clinical and immune responses to personalized peptide vaccination with gemcitabine (GEM) as the first line therapy in patients with non-resectable pancreatic cancer. Pre-vaccination peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and plasma were prepared to examine cellular and humoral responses to 14 and 16 peptides in human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A24+ or -A2+ patients, respectively. Only the reactive peptides (maximum of 4) were administered weekly at 3 mg/peptide. GEM was administered at 1000 mg/m(2) per week for 3 weeks, followed by 1 week of rest. Twenty-one patients with untreated and non-resectable pancreatic cancer were enrolled. The combination therapy was generally well tolerated. Boosting of cellular and humoral responses to the vaccinated peptides was observed in the post-vaccination (eighth) PBMCs and plasma from 14 of 18 and 13 of 18 patients tested, respectively. The best clinical responses were 7 cases of partial response, 9 cases of stable disease, and 5 cases of progressive disease. Median survival time of all 21 patients was 9.0 months (95% CI, 6-15.5 months) with a one year survival rate of 38%. Immune boosting in both cellular and humoral responses was well correlated with overall survival with a hazard ratio of 0.2 (95% CI, 0.06-0.73; log-rank p=0.0239). These results suggest a potential clinical benefit of this combination therapy for non-resectable pancreatic cancer patients as the first line therapy. Further exploration of this approach is warranted.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
A Water Protector looks on at burned tractors at the Standing Rock camp near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, on October 12, 2016. (Photo: Irina Groushevaia) It is as predictable as any other annual US holiday or commemoration: National mainstream media devote sound bites to Columbus Day and the meaning of Christopher Columbus’ voyage to the “New World,” while Columbus Day sales hit the stores. Meanwhile, op-eds and letters to the editor register Indigenous people’s objections to Columbus as worthy of commemoration. In recent Octobers, it seems, asking Indigenous people what they think of Columbus Day has also become a sound bite. In the last few years, however, increasingly perceptible is an Indigenous resolve to refuse to accept the American exceptionalist narrative that the United States is a nation that embraces multiculturalism. In fact, it is still common practice today to deny that Indigenous peoples were the first victims of the US’s genocidal policies, and that those surviving Natives, once militarily subjugated, were then subjected to ethnic cleansing, which is more commonly known as “assimilation.” Once Indigenous reactions to nationalist US forms of remembrance — whether they be histories, national event reenactments, or monuments and statutes — are registered, apologists for the US, having acknowledged “two perspectives” or “two sides,” intimate that a level of understanding has been reached, and that we might move to some sort of reconciliation and healing. However, as the growing Indigenous liberation movement has emphasized, reconciliation and healing cannot take place until the US stops celebrating Indigenous genocide. As historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz makes clear in An Indigenous People’s History of the United States, since its founding, the US and its settler citizens have habitually committed crimes of inhumanity against Indigenous peoples in order to lay claim to their lands and territories, and have systematically laid waste to these lands as they extract natural resources with little regard for the treatment of Mother Earth. Further, as the current chair of the Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission, I know firsthand that the US was one of four nations that initially voted against the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) when the General Assembly adopted the declaration in 2007. The US was also the last country to reverse its vote. Any complaints Indigenous peoples lodge against the US for human rights violations in the international arena are quickly denied by the US, and its leaders point to the US Constitution as proof that it is a nation that embraces equality. However, Indigenous peoples’ struggles against settler states like the US are older than the Constitution — as old as the day Columbus disembarked from his ship and stepped onto Indigenous lands. They continue today: For example, the Navajo Nation has taken its complaint of the desecration of sacred sites — in a specific case, the use of wastewater to make snow on the San Francisco Peaks in northern Arizona — to the Inter-Commission on Human Rights. For Indigenous peoples, our memories are not sound bites to be brought out once a year alongside the supermarket shelves stocked with Halloween costumes and candies. Indigenous resistance against foreign invaders is steadfast in our memories, and in the present moment, it takes many forms, including Indigenous peoples calling for cities and towns to rename Columbus Day “Indigenous Peoples Day.” Cities such as Seattle, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Berkeley and Portland passed resolutions to recognize Indigenous Peoples Day. Two years ago, Albuquerque, New Mexico, followed suit and declared October 7, 2015, Indigenous Peoples Day. More recently, Salt Lake City named the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day, as did Farmington, New Mexico. Navajo leader Moroni Benally, who was a lead organizer for the efforts in Salt Lake City, said, “The resolution is a symbol with power and meaning in acknowledging a wrong done to Native Americans. It represents a step towards correcting a history that has been sanitized.” Navajo leader Chili Yazzie, who praised Farmington, New Mexico’s recognition of Indigenous Peoples Day, said he hoped relationships between the city, white citizens and Navajos would improve. Some critics declare that the replacement of Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day is merely window dressing, and does not address Indigenous grievances with real change in our lives. However, they fail to realize that Indigenous peoples who lead these movements are community leaders and organizers who fight for Indigenous liberation every day. The Indigenous Peoples Day movement’s demand that Indigenous peoples be recognized in urban spaces is significant because we are often supposed to have no presence and no voice in the urban US. Rather, Indigenous Peoples Day lays claim to urban spaces as Indigenous, as today, more than 60 percent of Native peoples live in these cities and towns. Native peoples, relocated off their homelands to urban spaces through such federal policies as termination, retain strong ties to homelands, and with respect for their cultures and traditions. The movement for Indigenous People’s Day is also part of a long Indigenous tradition of activism. Contrary to what is often said of young Native peoples who live in places outside of designated Native lands, they are not lost or in danger of losing their traditions, for it is the young people, urban and diverse, who honor the struggles of their ancestors. Indigenous Peoples Day is a day to celebrate and remember that both Indigenous resilience and Indigenous struggles are rooted in the earliest histories of our ancestors’ resistance to cycles of colonial invasion. It is also a reminder that the pursuit of sovereignty and self-determination is international in scope. As Lakota historian Nick Estes asserts, Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations are “part of a long history of resistance, Indigenous internationalism and solidarity with other oppressed peoples.” They are movements with an international reach, as Estes explains: “In 1977, the International Indian Treaty Council, the international arm of the American Indian Movement, called for the global end of the celebration of Columbus Day and declared instead the International Day of Solidarity and Mourning with Indigenous Peoples. The UN Committee on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Apartheid, and Colonialism passed the resolution, with the support of many organizations, such as the African National Congress and the Palestine Liberation Organization, who recognized that the devastating legacies of European colonialism and African slavery had to be addressed in the Americas.” In response to a Columbus Quincentenary in 1992, and as a result of Indigenous protests, the UN General Assembly declared in 1994 an International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples and the Decade for the World’s Indigenous Peoples, which began in 1994. The second Decade was declared in 2005, and the UN adopted UNDRIP in 2007. Indigenous peoples are most often understood as citizens of the US, an assumption that does not take into account that we are citizens of our own respective nations. Although our nations are cast by the US as “domestic dependent nations,” our people act like nations, much as our ancestors did. After more than 500 years of ongoing settler invasions, Indigenous peoples remain vigilant, and in the present moment, we take up the struggles of our ancestors. Those same Native peoples and their allies who demand Indigenous Peoples Day are also the ones demanding justice for themselves and their relatives who bear the hardships of settler colonialism, including poverty, hunger and homelessness. They are LGBTQI people who resist intersecting oppressions. They are the ones facing down the monster of capitalism as fracking once again destroys their lands and their people. They are the ones calling for accountability and responsibility for the abuse and mistreatment of Native women, children and our multiple-gender relatives who endure some of the highest rates of violence against them. They are the ones attempting to address the toll that alcohol and drugs have taken on our communities. They are the ones drawing upon their ancient wisdom and healing knowledge for their people. They are the ones inspired by the Water Protectors at Standing Rock. They are the Water Protectors. Indigenous peoples are fighting for the rights of our people to exist and dream of Indigenous liberation. As the US landscape now blatantly displays, there is a surge in a US nationalism where people of color, women, LGBTQI and Indigenous peoples are experiencing violations of their civil and human rights, and these violations are perpetuated and authorized by the state. Indigenous Peoples Day, in these deeply unsettled times, celebrates our voices, our presence, our bodies in the streets, our scholarship and our writings, and becomes another occasion to refuse to be silent about sustained violence against Indigenous peoples.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Pure stress leakage symptomatology: is it safe to discount detrusor instability? To determine whether the combination of a urological history and urinary diary, with rigorous selection criteria, can be used to define a group of women on whom urodynamic assessment is unnecessary prior to offering surgery for urinary stress incontinence. Retrospective review of the urodynamic records of women attending for assessment between January 1992 and December 1996. Urodynamic Department, Southmead Hospital, Bristol. 5193 women who attended the urodynamic clinic during the five year study period. Self-completion of a urinary diary in the preceding week before urodynamic assessment and a detailed urological history before undergoing cystometry by all women in the study period. Data were entered onto a computer database. Women reporting stress incontinence in the absence of bladder filling symptoms, with a normal urinary diary showing daytime frequency of seven times or less and nocturia of no more than once, had the results of their filling cystometry analysed. Of 5193 women, 555 had symptoms of pure stress incontinence and a normal urinary diary. Incontinence was confirmed objectively in 81%, with 9% having incontinence secondary to detrusor instability; 5% had detrusor instability as the sole cause of their incontinence with 4% having a mixed picture of detrusor instability incontinence and urethral sphincter weakness. Genuine stress incontinence cannot be diagnosed reliably from a urological history, even when rigorous selection criteria are used in combination with a normal urinary diary. Without cystometry, incontinence secondary to detrusor instability will be missed.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Conventionally, in a rotary pump such as can be used for transporting liquid foods, a rotary drive shaft is formed with its leading end in a spline shaft, a spline hole formed through a rotor is engaged by the spline shaft of the rotors of the pump within a pumping chamber in a main rotor casing, and a fastening nut of the rotors is engaged and fixed at the end of the rotor drive shafts projected outwardly from the rotor, and a concave casing cover receives the rotor segments and the rotor fastening nut. In such a conventional rotary pump, a transported liquid flows in the pumping chamber, enters into the concave part inside the casing cover through a space between the rotor and the casing cover, and tends to be retained in that concave part, becoming trapped therein. Since the so trapped food can spoil, the pumps of this type have to be frequently disassembled and the pump with the concave part inside the casing cover cleaned after a day's use of the pump. Reassembly of such pumps after their disassembly, and their cleaning requires the expenditure of considerable time and labor thus increasing the cost of the product.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Gary Wade Finley Gary Wade Finley Jr. a multiple time champion at Huntsville (AL) Speedway. Finley won the 1989 NASCAR Charlotte/Daytona Dash Series championship. Finley won the Daytona 200 event that year for the series. Gary Wade Finley Jr. arrived at Nashville Speedway USA in 1999 to compete in the NASCAR SuperTruck division at Nashville Speedway USA. The speedway was promoted by Alabama's Bob Harmon. Finley at season end claimed the rookie title and the championship title for the 1999 season. Gary Wade Finley Jr. is married to Misty Rose Finley and for the 2016 season heads up the teams of his two sons. Garrett Finley currently driving the open wheel modified division and actively competes at Huntsville (AL) Speedway. The younger son Austin, competes at Fairgrounds Speedway Nashville in the limited late model division. The 2016 season is his rookie season. References Category:Living people Category:Year of birth missing (living people)
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Renal functional reserve in diabetic patients without clinical nephropathy: comparisons with renal morphology. The acute effect of a protein loading test (1.5 g kg-1) on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was examined in 10 Type 1 diabetic patients without clinical nephropathy to evaluate the renal functional reserve. GFR was measured before (baseline) and after (test) ingestion of the protein load. Two groups of diabetic patients were distinguished: those who exhibited normal renal reserve equal to that in healthy individuals (change in GFR 35 +/- 17 (+/- SD)%) and those who had no renal reserve (change in GFR -20 +/- 20%). These groups did not differ in the duration and control of diabetes nor in the level of urinary albumin excretion. However baseline GFR was 120 +/- 34 and 209 +/- 46 ml min-1 in diabetic patients with and without renal reserve, respectively. Renal morphology revealed hilar glomerular lesions composed of severely expanded mesangium only in diabetic patients without renal reserve. Minimal structural nephropathy was observed in those who exhibited normal renal reserve. We suggest that the impaired response of GFR to protein loading precedes other subclinical manifestations of renal lesions in diabetic patients.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Rhône's 13th constituency The 13th constituency of the Rhône (French: Treizième circonscription du Rhône) is a French legislative constituency in the Rhône département. Like the other 576 French constituencies, it elects one MP using the first past the post election system with a run-off. Description The 13th constituency of the Rhône lies to the east of Lyon and is largely suburban in character. The largest town in the constituency, Meyzieu, lies close to Lyon's main airport. The constituency has elected by centre right and centre left representatives in recent years. At the 2017 election the PS vote collapsed to the extent that they came 6th in the first round with under 5% of the vote. Assembly Members References 13
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
1. Field of Invention The present invention relates to a mounting case to accommodate an electro-optical device, such as a liquid crystal panel, which is used as a light valve of a projection display apparatus, such as a liquid crystal projector, an electro-optical device encased in a mounting case, in which the electro-optical device is accommodated and a projection display apparatus including the electro-optical device encased in the mounting case. 2. Description of Related Art In general in the related art, when a liquid crystal panel is used as a light valve of a liquid crystal projector, the liquid crystal panel is not provided in an exposed state on a console, etc., constituting the liquid crystal projector. But it is accommodated or encased in a suitable mounting case and then the mounting case including the liquid crystal panel is provided on the console, etc. This is because the liquid crystal panel can easily be fixed to the case by suitably providing screws in the corresponding mounting case. In the liquid crystal projector, the light emitted from a light source is projected onto the liquid crystal panel encased in the mounting case as focused light. Light passing through the liquid crystal panel is enlarged and projected on the screen to display images. In such a liquid crystal projector, since the enlarged projection is generally predetermined, relatively intense light emitted from a light source, such as a metal halide lamp is used. However, in this construction, first, there is a problem in that the temperature of the liquid-crystal-panel encasing mounting case, particularly of the liquid crystal panel rises. The rise in temperature causes a rise in temperature of the liquid crystal interposed between a pair of transparent substrates in the liquid crystal panel. Therefore, the characteristics of the liquid crystal are deteriorated. In addition, when the light emitted from the source light is uneven, the liquid crystal panel is partially heated, and then variations in the transmittance are generated at so-called hot spots. Thus, the quality of projected images deteriorates.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Topical hydrogen peroxide and the safety of ocular tissues. Hydrogen peroxide is an effective and commonly used contact lens disinfectant that is also used as a preservative in certain ocular medications. We describe the effects of hydrogen peroxide on the cornea and anterior chamber following its topical application via a contact lens or as drops. The conditions for interaction of hydrogen peroxide with corneal and palpebral tissues and its accumulation within the aqueous humor are detailed. Values are given for thresholds at which hydrogen peroxide in specified concentrations, volumes, locations, and durations of exposure can cause ocular pain, swelling of the corneal stroma, damage to the endothelium, and penetration of the compound to the anterior chamber. The cornea and the palpebral tissues, together with the tear film, form a highly effective barrier and detoxifying system that, except under extreme, accidental circumstances, prevents both extra- and intraocular damage from use of hydrogen peroxide in contact lens care or in medications.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Integrated circuit memories, such as static random access memories (SRAMs) require increasingly short access times. SRAMs are often used in the portion of a processing system where speed is very important, such as a cache memory for microprocessor. Address transition detection is one method that has been used to decrease access time by allowing a memory access to begin as soon as a change in an address is detected. ATD decreases memory access times, and may also reduce power consumption, by providing both preconditioning signals and activation signals in the memory. For example, ATD may be used for a word line driving, bit line driving and precharge, data line sensing, and for data outputting. An address transition detector generates a pulse in response to an address change. It is typical to have a separate address transition detector for each address signal which transitions are to be detected. For example, if a transition of the row address is to be detected, then an address transition detector is commonly used for a row address signal. The output pulses of these detectors are then logically combined by logic gates to provide a single summation signal. This summation signal is then used to provide timing and control signals for the memory. In the past, the summation of ATD pulses has been accomplished by using centrally located ATD summation logic circuitry. Metal lines have been used to route the ATD summation signal to portions of the memory where the ATD summation signal is to be used, such as to the word line drivers or to the bit line loads. However, as memories increase in size and density, the distance from the centrally located ATD summation circuitry to the most distant circuits of the memory increases, resulting in the need for longer metal lines. A problem with using longer metal lines to route the ATD pulses is the increased parasitic capacitance that the centrally located ATD summation logic circuit must drive, increasing power consumption, and requiring the use of larger drive transistors in the centrally located ATD summation logic circuitry. In addition, the timing signals may be excessively skewed from one another in different portions of the memory because the signals have to travel different distance across the memory. Excessively skewed timing signals may seriously degrade the performance and reliability of the memory.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
“Jargon is part of office life and while it can often be regarded as baffling and frustrating, there are advantages to speaking the office lingo, the Telegraph quoted David Clubb, the managing director of Office Angels, as saying. “These can range from bonding with a team to understanding mind-boggling conference calls, he added. (ANI)
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.PreMergeDocumentableTransformer import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.perPackageOptions import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.source import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.sourceSet import java.io.File class SuppressedDocumentableFilterTransformer(val context: DokkaContext) : PreMergeDocumentableTransformer { override fun invoke(modules: List<DModule>): List<DModule> { return modules.mapNotNull(::filterModule) } private fun filterModule(module: DModule): DModule? { val packages = module.packages.mapNotNull { pkg -> filterPackage(pkg) } return when { packages == module.packages -> module packages.isEmpty() -> null else -> module.copy(packages = packages) } } private fun filterPackage(pkg: DPackage): DPackage? { val options = perPackageOptions(pkg) if (options?.suppress == true) { return null } val filteredChildren = pkg.children.filterNot(::isSuppressed) return when { filteredChildren == pkg.children -> pkg filteredChildren.isEmpty() -> null else -> pkg.copy( functions = filteredChildren.filterIsInstance<DFunction>(), classlikes = filteredChildren.filterIsInstance<DClasslike>(), typealiases = filteredChildren.filterIsInstance<DTypeAlias>(), properties = filteredChildren.filterIsInstance<DProperty>() ) } } private fun isSuppressed(documentable: Documentable): Boolean { if (documentable !is WithSources) return false val sourceFile = File(source(documentable).path).absoluteFile return sourceSet(documentable).suppressedFiles.any { suppressedFile -> sourceFile.startsWith(suppressedFile.absoluteFile) } } }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: How to select an element using jquery? I am trying to select my radio button value within multiple divs but i don't know. Also, append text within table but it doesn't work. maybe my syntax is wrong? I've also tried appendTo() but same. nothing appears on the screen input radio is located.. <div id="wrap"> <div id="section1"> <table class="question"> <tr><td><input type="radio" value="yes" name="tv"/></td><td><p id="position"></p></td></tr> </table> </div> </div> And below is my jquery source in script.js $('#section1.input:radio["tv"]').change(function(){ if ($(this).val() == 'yes') { $('#position').append("test appending"); }); A: Your selector is totally wrong. input shouldn't be prefixed by a dot, it isn't a CSS class ; You need a space between #section1 and input, since the input is a child of your div ; You forgot name= in the brackets. Try something like: $('#section1 input:radio[name="tv"]').change(function(){ if ($(this).val() == 'yes') { $('#position').append("test appending"); } }); <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="wrap"> <div id="section1"> <table class="question"> <tr> <td> <input type="radio" value="yes" name="tv"/></td><td><p id="position"></p> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div>
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 I just took a pie out of the oven. A pie and two custards, actually, as I had too much pumpkin filling for the crust. The pie turned out wonderfully--the custards a winning experiment. Best of all, though, was what happened while they were baking. The house was quiet and I was alone in the kitchen. After stirring up the pie filling, I tucked into the corner chair/step-stool, a treasured perch of several in the house, leaned back against the wall, and napped gently to the smell of cinnamon, cloves, and ginger while next to a warm oven with a window open to the cool behind me. It was a most welcome and needed embrace. School is out until next week but the freedom is filled with a significant writing project that I need to begin these days. I wonder if the naps are my body and mind's way of helping me make the transition to writing mode-- a way to put the kids and the chaos of school aside and turn my face again toward the muse, toward the spirit, adopting anew the feeling of being loved like no other, the feeling of being a delight and beholding a delight. The feeling of living inside the Word and trying to write an opening for others as well as marking my own journey for myself. Sunday, November 23, 2008 "9:51 AM. Tucked into the stairwell above the entrance to the main church level, waiting for the 9:00 Mass to let out but not in any hurry. I am quite comfortable, actually...warm, pleasantly secure, and in a position to hear and see much. Listening to the cantor sing during communion-- "Soon and Very Soon" which blended into the Taize "Jesus Remember Me." So lovely and so smooth the pieces fitting into one another. It occurs to me as I sit here, listenign to bits of the Family Faith program going on in the Mary Chapel, watching people begin to gather in the foyer, and hearing the movement that indicates the close of Mass, that a stairwell might not be where most would choose to perch while picking up a pen and paper. What is it about this place that speaks to me of being at home? Hmm. I think some is that it is a bit worn and rubbed down at the edges from years of use and prayer. The whole building. The steps are scooped out in the middle from a hundred plus years of ascent and descent, the pews are darkened and worn to a shine. Yes, I find God in the broken-in-ness. That, actually, is where I most readily find God. There is a depth, a longevity, a history, to what is broken-in. A comfort in one's own being. Perhaps it is me who is becoming broken-in and more comfortable... Funny, this makes me think of one of my favorite words...glory. There is a depth there for me too. A history, a richness that comes with living, with seeing, tasting, knowing, feeling. The glory of God made known in me? Deeper and deeper it reaches to draw out the story, the richness, the full-being-ness. Instead of dust to dust, perhaps instead glory unto glory--from the creative, story-filled, loving, depths of God to broken-in and flexible, stretchable, open humanity and then back again to the heart of all that is most wondrous, most just, most compassionate, most glorious..." 1) Do you have a food processor? Can you recommend it? Which is to say, do you actually use it? Have access to one--but prefer chopping by hand. There is something satisfying about wielding a knife and watching the pile of ingredients mound.... there's also the sensory experience--the feel of the knife slicing, the sound, the juices, scents, and textures all immediately at hand. 2) And if so, do you use the fancy things on it? (Mine came with a mini-blender (used a lot and long ago broken) and these scary disks you used to julienne things (used once).) Nope. 3) Do you use a standing mixer? Or one of the hand-held varieties? Hand mixer when necessary--stiff arm and a good spoon otherwise. I do admit to coveting my Grandmother's vintage KitchenAide, though. 4) How about a blender? Do you have one? Use it much? Now we're talking! Love the blender--especially when it comes to soup. Nothing better for mixing-ing/smoothing into creamy goodness. The first time I used our new one, though, whoa! Everything and every one within a block's radius (give or take) was baptized. Tomato soup every which way. Let's just say a new motor is far, far more potent than one, say, twenty years old. 5) Finally, what old-fashioned, non-electric kitchen tool do you enjoy using the most? We have a fabulous wooden... implement. I think it must have been a spoon at one point, but the round edges have flattened some and it is now more of a gentle triangle on a handle. Terribly practical for picking things up and flipping, scooping and scraping. And, nothing, nothing, nothing, beats a good sharp chef knife, a heavy bottom dutch oven, and a cast iron skillet. Monday, November 17, 2008 A homily for the Feast of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, Religious of the Sacred Heart who brought the Society to the United States in 1818. Readings: Isaiah 52:7-10 ; Psalm 63; Lk 12:22-34 "Do not worry about your life and what you will eat, or about your body and what you will wear…can any of you by worrying add a moment to your lifespan? If even the smallest things are beyond your control, why are you anxious about the rest?" A good question. Go ahead, Philippine Duchesne! Get on the ship! Sail across a tempestuous ocean, to an unknown land, to uncertain work, in an unnerving language, with unfamiliar people… And by the way, don't you worry about a thing… Ummm Hmmm…. How much easier for us to hear this in our time—because we know it all came out! Philippine became a saint, the network of Sacred Heart schools exists, and there are over 300 Religious of the Sacred Heart in the United States. We know how it all came out… or, do we? I wonder if this story might have sounded familiar to some of you…perhaps if I put it this way— Go ahead, new fifth graders! Climb those stairs! Go to the new land known as the Middle School! Don't worry about your uniform, where you are supposed to be going, or when lunch will be. Sixth graders—learning the names of new students, new teachers, all that new English vocabulary?? No problem. Seventh graders, that new language of Upper School—peer group, life skills, X-period, Advisory, Visual Foundations… I'm sure it will work out just fine. And teachers, go ahead, teach the subject you've never taught! Be a homeroom teacher for the first time! And, by the way, don't worry. Yep. Right. What was Philippine's response to the multitude of unknowns? She prayed…always, according to her beloved Potawatomie. She turned to her God who she believed would not abandon her to her worries, she turned to her God that would not cast her hope back into the sea but rather would lead her feet through the prairie grass…all the way until today when with the eyes of faith, we look to the mountain of those who have made a difference in our world and are able to say "How beautiful upon the mountain are the feet of the one announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation." But, today, in this time and place, I'd like us to think bigger than feet. How beautiful upon the mountain are the heart, the hands, the mind, the feet…of those who work to bring about a world where we help one another, where we treat everyone with dignity, and where all are loved…that is God's vision… this is what Philippine now sees from that mountain. This is what we will see when we join her and walk our own journey with our heart and hands and mind and feet… without worry about the small matters, but by prayer and trust in God and the multitude around us. Our hands, mine, yours, yours., yours… our hearts, minds, …these are the hands and hearts and minds of God. The only ones God has. God's people, God's beloved children who are called to put aside concerns for ourselves and prepare the way for the coming of Love. As you now know, lunch is at 11:45, the uniform guidelines are in the handbook, and most specialized vocabulary is explained in orientation. What's left is only for us to seek God, bring forth the vision in own time and space and way. May Philippine's pioneer spirit be with us all. God already is. Always is. No worries. But not easy. Sunday, November 16, 2008 "Sitting in a pew, watching the choir arrange themselves in the section where I usually tuck in...now listening to them practice the Gloria and finding it a much more pleasant alternative to the woman who is speaking even louder now to be heard by the tour group members moving through the main part of the church. The choir has moved on now to the psalm and the aleluia...and just as I began to float on the acoustics, someone carried by a a box labeled "angel wings." For some reason, I find that rather endearing...and comforting on some level...spare wings...that there would be angel wings available to use when the proof was needed. And, all the better that it was a simple cardboard box, written on in marker. A simple container that lets glory be glory. I can't help but think that the angels would be perfectly okay with that. I can't help imagining the conversation--"Okay, folks, they're not buying it. Got to break out the wings." "Aw geez, the wings??" "Yep, no choice on this one. Formal occassion and all..." Someone gets sent to the closet to sift and sort through boxes until finding the one wrapped with a bit of twine and labeled in permanent marker, "Angel Wings." Then there's the trying on...sort of like choir robes, I imagine. Somewhat cumbersome, perhaps, but tradition. Big wings, small wings, fluttery wings and flappy wings... and you know when you found the right pair because your cheeks get warm and you find yourself wondering about the stars." Tuesday, November 11, 2008 I am planning a Mass with 45 kids and two other teachers. To get the maximum input, several different groups were created and pieces assigned. One homeroom, write the petitions and pick the kids to read; one homeroom, the offertory-pick the symbol to be carried forward in addition to the candles, flowers, bread and wine and who would carry each. My religion class, a mix of the homerooms, would pick the music and fill out the rest of the roles. In religion, the kids split into two groups--one starting with song selection--taking into consideration the readings which we read outloud together, the other with assigning roles. When done, the group switched to the other topic. The only input I had was that the selections for both had to give evidence of reasonable thought and ultimately, I was the one who ratified their selelctions. They chose fantastic music! Perfectly suited to the celebration and the readings and indicative of the preferred liturgical style of the kids-- songs with zip, songs with harmonies, songs with life and connection for the students. I took their papers, went to the music teacher, suggested a plan using a mix of the suggestions from the two groups, and she easily agreed. I told the kids the next day which songs we were doing and they were SO thrilled. We suggested those!! We can do these?? Really?? Awesome!! You listened!! Well, yes... you made wonderful suggestions, clearly connected to the reason for the celebration and the readings...why wouldn't I listen to you-- you are planning the Mass! They had such smiles on their faces. Makes me glad to be an adult at moments like that... an adult who has the chance to help a kid see their own worth, their own value, that what they have to say is important, that reasonable thought and passion behind something helps it to fly. Saturday, November 1, 2008 I was having tea while visting a friend this afternoon when conversation turned to music and whether someone who knows music parses sound into notes instinctively the same way my friend, an artist, can parse shades and colors into component pieces that add up to the whole. She sees the whole and can see inside enough to see the pieces that come together to create it. We mulled this for a while, the similarities between music and visual art--for the one who knows how, the vision is through the whole to the inside structure that created it. This got me thinking about writing and reading poetry and other forms of written expression. I realized that for me, the process with this format is reversed. I hear the pieces, I hear the structure, and a whole is created. By the rubbing of syllables, by the procession of patterns, images juxtaposed, and rhythmic rituals, something Other is created--a larger whole. I start, though, with the pieces...the words themselves. How they encounter one another in my mouth or ears when read aloud by me or someone esle, or how they interact when read silently in my mind, builds the larger picture. This moved our conversation into the role voice plays in helping the words find one another and welcome each other's company...or not. I was struggling to explain my meaning and ended up referencing pasta. Sometimes, when I hear things read aloud, the words are cut off from one another, not in relationship yet, simply occupying space next to each other. Crunchy raw pasta in the box. Sometimes, the voice overpowers the words, running them into one another, coming on too strong. The mushy, sticky with gluten, uni-pasta of overboiling. Then you have al dente when each piece is still itself, each word its own syllables, but flexible, chewy almost. It can bump into other pieces of pasta and you can feel the give and take, it neither falls to pieces nor adheres inextricably. It is filling and substantive... its best pasta-ness being drawn forth. I think the voice/outside the mind delivery of Word or poetry can achieve the same thing...Expression that satisfies by honoring the fullness of language's capacities... I'm making home-made mac and cheese for dinner, by the way. Tomatoes and sauteed onions are mixed in for a kick. A limerick, I think, would be the equivilent. Predictable...but often with a twist.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Everyone knows that 80’s action movies are the best action movies ever! Adventure, explosions, cars, power-ballads, excitement, justice, ninjas, bad science, guns, flags, and outrageous fun: all finished within an hour and a half. Well, now you can make one with just a couple of friends and six-sided dice*! 90 Minutes Of Mayhem uses an intuitive, rules-lite game engine to ensure that your roleplaying group can collaboratively tell an entire movie within an hour and a half, whilst still having the full experience of the greatest decade for action and adventure! Features: #A simple Five Step Character Creation System! #One simple game mechanic to resolve everything! #A full guide to directing your 80s action movie! *Please note: friends and six-sided dice are not included with your purchase The new 32 page Full Theatrical release version of the one sheet game is now available now from the Etsy Store for £5.50 (plus P&P). It is also available from Niche Comics in Huntington, The Cambridge Army & Navy Stores in Cambridge, and Nostalgia & Comics in Birmingham. And if you liked the game then please fill out the Audience Response Card, and your Stars and Movies may well turn up in the inevitable Directors Cut!! FAQ About ThE Theatrical Release Q: What are the differences between this and the Test-Audience edition? A: Each section has been expanded, we put in some more bits based on feedback/problems people were having with the first one, added in a lot more gags, and got some more awesome art added by Laura Watton. It's also now a 32 page A5 book, rather than a one sided sheet of paper with tiny, tiny text. Q: Other than the book, what do I need to run 90 Minutes of Mayhem? A: You're going to need friends to play it with, along with 5 dice, a pen, and a bit of paper per person. Probably a time keeping device of some description as well. Q: Does 90 Minutes of Mayhem finally have a formal damage system? A: Yes, we finally put one in. It's all explained in the book. Q: What's the difference between The Beat Sheet, The Pitch, and The Script? A: This is now really carefully explained in the book. Q: Can I play makes action films from other decades? A: Yes, even though everyone still knows the best ones were made in the 80's we have added in a lot more alternatives in the book. There are also different beatsheets to play with and a whole page of alternative genres. Q: How long does it take to make a movie? A: Pre-Production (actors making Stars, The Director putting together a pitch) should be about 10 to 15 minutes at the most. The movie itself should take 90 Minutes. Anything less is a TV Movie, anything else is sending the audience to sleep.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: How to scroll to bottom of a JSF component after update? I have a log that needs to be tailed in real-time: <h:panelGroup layout="block" style="width:100%; max-height: 400px; overflow: auto;" id="log" styleClass="logArea"> <h:outputText value="#{myBean.log}" style="white-space:pre;"></h:outputText> </h:panelGroup> <h:outputScript> function scrollLog() {var log=jQuery('.logArea');log.scrollTop(log.scrollHeight-log.height);};</h:outputScript> <p:remoteCommand name="getLog" process="@this" update="log" onsuccess="scrollLog();"> </p:remoteCommand> While the log output updates just fine after remoteCommand has been run it does not scroll to the bottom. I suspect my scrollLog() is called before partial update is applied, and the update resets scrollbar to the top. I also tried the following jQuery code: jQuery( function() { var log=jQuery('.logArea');log.animate({ scrollTop: log.scrollHeight}, 1000); }); but nothing seems to work. How can I work around this and scroll to the bottom of the log after every update? A: The onsuccess handler is invoked directly after the ajax response is successfully retrieved, but before the DOM is updated based on the ajax response. You want to use oncomplete handler instead. <p:remoteCommand ... oncomplete="someFunctionWhichNeedsToWorkWithUpdatedDOM()" />
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Dear Facebook, It Could Really Be This Simple - ezdebater http://techcrunch.com/2012/08/02/zucks-karmas-bitch/ ====== salman89 While I don't feel Facebook is doomed, this article really lacks meaningful content. "And, if it can leverage the physical goods loophole on iOS, it can become the social shopping platform. So buh bye lame “Social stories” and buh bye Amazon (which currently has a $100b market cap, around twice that of Facebook)." Really, Facebook's save is social shopping... and that would upend Amazon? ~~~ mtgx Sounds like a pie in the sky theory, like the one that floated around a few years ago that Facebook only needs to introduce search, and it could kill Google. ~~~ majani Time's clearly up for selling investors on the future of Facebook. Investors want to see results now on these tech companies. ------ Freestyler_3 What is the last thing facebook implemented that 10% or more of the users are now using? ------ mariusz331 I wouldn't advise this guy putting money into facebook just yet. A stock's price is supposed to reflect all information pertaining to a company (including a lock-up expiration). However, as with Groupon and LinkedIn, the price before their lock-ups expired didn't correctly reflect the value of the stock with all the 'unlocked' shares flooding the market. I speculate that facebook's price will continue to go down post lock-up. Insiders aren't ignoring the poor news or outlook and I think they'll sell for more reasons than those. That's not necessarily because these insiders don't trust their company. They may have to pay off expensive things (maybe a nice home?) they bought when the company IPO'd and can't risk the uncertainty of facebook's future value. Also, if you ask any investor, they'll tell you that diversifying your portfolio is important. Another interesting thing to think about are tax implications. I know a lot of facebook insiders were happy that their IPO was pre-July because otherwise, the lock-up would have crossed into 2013. This is when taxes on capital gains are expected to rise and it can cost them a lot of money. I'm curious to see the performance of the stock in the coming months. Especially with the uncertainty of growth, possible tax increases, and the implications of the lock-up expiry, this will be an interesting journey for facebook. ------ redwood It does feel like FB could rake in enormous amounts of cash quickly if it really wanted to, but then doing so would kill its long-term viability. Trouble is it's current approach seems death by a thousand pokes. I suppose the execs who've already cashed out already had their payday. Sorry the saps who bought... ------ jgroome Not quite sure what they're suggesting. A wishlist system, whereby I have a bunch of products in which I've expressed an interest? Some kind of digital gifting system where people pay money to buy virtual "presents"? In the case of the former, we already have Amazon wishlists, or I suppose someone could go through my Pinterest and see what I like. In the case of the latter, if anyone actually bought me a digital gift then they'd probably get unfriended. If Facebook can come up with a wishlist system to rival Amazon's then people will absolutely flock to it. ------ bitdiddle What the "I don't trust Zuck" means to conservative investors (senior programmers, parents, and other fossils) is that management counts, in fact to old fogies like Buffett it's a major league concern. The same thing that holds true of a YC company is true of large corporations. To channel Lombardi, "management isn't everything, it's the only thing" ------ paul9290 Recently there was a shower curtain with the design of a Facebook profile/users wall. It was being widely shared throughout FB. Why isn't Facebook attaching an affiliate link under these types of photos to where I can buy the product or service? ~~~ majani There are other apps that have been built on the Facebook platform for that. Facebook has to stay out of their way in order to remain a true platform. ~~~ paul9290 Are they built into users' news feeds? ------ brador It gets interesting when the giants start competing. Facebook moves into real goods, to compete, Amazon then needs to start a social network. If Google starts gaining market share on Google Plus, Facebook will step into the search space. ------ ahi She want's to give monetization advice, but doesn't even know how to buy stock? ------ parbo Wrapp does this, but with gift certificates. Multiple friends can chip in to the same gift certificate. <https://www.wrapp.com/> ------ se85 I'm glad I stopped reading Techcrunch. ------ maked00 farcebook seems intent on pulling a "Digg" crash and burn. Same kind of swamped in hubris jerk pulling the strings. Notice the Zuck, cashed out quite a bit recently. What does he know that we don't? Maybe that the site is a fad and the bubble is bursting in slomo. ~~~ xSwag Except, this time, there is no Reddit to fall back to. ------ mser Why is this nonsense being voted up?
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Careers in Shipping, Marine & Energy Sectors Making waves in the offshore industry Thursday, February 21 - 2013 V.Ships Turkey is delighted to announce it has successfully concluded an offshore crewing contract with Dubai-based seismic research vessel operator Polarcus DMCC. The agreement follows the news of the sale of Polarcus Samur - an eight-streamer 3D world class seismic vessel - to the Turkish owners TPAO (Turkish Petroleum Corp.) on February 11, 2013. Polarcus will continue to provide support services to TPAO, including technical and crew management as part of a three year contract. The vessel will be renamed Barbaros Hayreddin Pasa after the legendary Ottoman Admiral and will carry the Turkish flag under Turkish International Ship Registry (TUGS). Harun Duzgoren, Managing Director of V.Ships Turkey (pictured), said: "We are very excited to be part of this important initiative, which confirms Turkey's position as a new and emerging player in the oil and gas world. "As V.Ships' regional office, we possess the necessary skillset and experience to deliver on quality for our offshore clients like Polarcus. As a direct result of this dedication to quality and cost optimisation, this is our fourth back to back offshore marine services contract in the last three years. "The vast majority of our crew have been with us in other similar projects in the Black Sea and other parts of the world, so we are confident that they will integrate quickly with Polarcus crew on-board." As per the legislation, 51 per cent of her crew - as well as the Master - will need to be Turkish nationals. V.Ships Turkey will support Polarcus in complying with this requirement by providing 13 Turkish crew members. A seismic vessel uses seismic waves to pinpoint and locate the best possible area for oil drilling in the middle of oceans.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: JavaScript Library needed for Showing/Hiding a div panel using JQuery I have a simple fieldset and div panel, which I want to initially show. If you then click on a button/image or text I then want to hide the div panel. Let's call this "myPanel". Clicking on the button/image or text once more will then show it again. Now I have a solution in JavaScript below, but my question is how can I create a library for this and re-use this instead of writing out the method's for multiple panels. Something similar to this: var panel = new library.panel("myPanel"); Then all events will be handled and variables defined in the JavaScript library. Consider the following code: <fieldset> <legend>My Panel<a id="MyPanelExpandCollapseButton" class="pull-right" href="javascript:void(0);">[-]</a></legend> <div id="MyPanel"> Panel Contents goes here </div> </fieldset> <script type="text/javascript"> //This should be inside the JavaScript Library var myPanelShown = true; $(document).ready(function () { $('#MyPanelExpandCollapseButton').click(showHideMyPanel); if (myPanelShown) { $('#MyPanel').show(); } else { $('#MyPanel').hide(); } }); function showHideMyPanel() { if (myPanelShown) { $('#MyPanelExpandCollapseButton').text("[+]"); $('#MyPanel').slideUp(); myPanelShown = false; } else { $('#MyPanelExpandCollapseButton').text("[-]"); $('#MyPanel').slideDown(); myPanelShown = true; } } </script> A: If you want to make it yours then it is simple, make a function in separate js file : function showHideBlock(panelId, buttonId){ if($(panelId).css('display') == 'none'){ $(panelId).slideDown('normal'); $(buttonId).text("[+]"); } else { $(panelId).slideUp('normal'); $(buttonId).text("[-]"); } } Now pass the panel or block id which you want to hide/show and button id which will cause hide/show. onclick="showHideBlock('#MyPanel', '#MyPanelExpandCollapseButton');" Try this
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Too late smart: farmers' adoption of self-protective behaviors in response to exposure to hazardous noise. Farmers are exposed to hazardous noise from equipment and livestock and experience high rates of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL); however, their use of hearing protection devices (HPDs) is low. The purpose of this study was to describe farmers' personal experiences using HPDs, influencing others' use of HPDs, and overcoming barriers to the use of HPDs. A purposive sample of farmers who reported a high frequency of HPD use was selected for face-to-face interviews. Findings indicated that farmers have frequent exposure to hazardous noise. They described their motivation to adopt protective behaviors to avoid hearing loss, noise annoyance, or tinnitus. Many tried to influence others' use of HPD, particularly family members. These farmers have developed a variety of methods to ensure convenient access to HPDs when needed, and have developed effective techniques for overcoming common barriers to protection. Findings from this study will be used to form the foundation for future studies aimed at developing and testing an intervention to increase HPD use and decrease rates of NIHL among farmers.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: How do you call a javascript method on a htmlwidget (jsoneditor) in shiny? I'm trying to use jsonedit from the listviewer package in a shiny app and want to display the tree fully expanded by default. There isn't an option to do this in the jsonedit() function, but the underlying javascript object has an .expandAll() method which should do it. How do I call this method from R shiny? My attempt below doesn't work either in a shiny app or directly in R. library(shiny) library(listviewer) library(magrittr) library(htmlwidgets) x <- list(a=1,b=2,c=list(d=4,e='penguin')) jsonedit(x, mode = 'view') %>% onRender("function(el,x,data) {this.expandAll();}") shinyApp( ui = shinyUI( fluidPage( jsoneditOutput( "jsed" ) ) ), server = function(input, output){ output$jsed <- renderJsonedit({ jsonedit(x, mode = 'view') %>% onRender("function(el,x,data) {this.expandAll();}") }) } ) A: jsonedit(x, mode = 'view') %>% onRender("function(el,x,data) {this.editor.expandAll();}")
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Já em 1992 alguém percebeu que Eduardo Cunha não deveria estar no lugar onde estava. Assim surgiu o primeiro “Fora Cunha”, impresso em um cartaz por um funcionário da extinta TELERJ. Hoje pela manhã o aposentado da TELERJ Adalberto Pestana mal podia acreditar no que seus olhos enxergavam. 24 anos depois o primeiro grito de “Fora Cunha” o desejo de Adalberto se realizou. Por sempre ter acreditado que um dia Cunha seria colocado pra fora, Adalberto agora já recebeu alguns convites para dar palestras sobre paciência e perseverança. Nossa reportagem também procurou o autor do “Fora Sarney”, mas esse já desistiu há muito tempo.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Applying for Passport and Visa? Here’s what you need to know about Police Clearance Certificate Applying for Passport and Visa? Here’s what you need to know about Police Clearance Certificate For the beginners, applying for a new identification or making a trip abroad offer ascend to many inquiries. One among the regular is presumably what does PCC demonstrate? Well, this post is an endeavour to highlight some of the important pointers on PCC. The Police Clearance Certificate, in short PCC, is issued to every single imminent candidate from India looking for an outing to a different country for business, long stay or for residential purpose. Be that as it may, individuals from India flying out to an alternate nation on Tourist Visa are not qualified to apply for PCC. This authentication assumes a crucial part while applying for an identification and visa; and relying upon the nation and reason for visit, candidates might be solicited to give different sorts documents while applying for the same. By and large, a PCC is given by the Regional Passport Office of the candidate’s area where he/she has been staying for most recent a half year or progressively and the same gets issued by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). Henceforth, the area of the candidate is of the quintessence while issuing a PCC. Individuals applying for a PCC having no satisfactory address verification, may confront challenge while arranging their abroad excursions. A portion of the archives that a candidate can give to help his/her address verification may incorporate a bank explanation. To get this announcement as your current address evidence, you can ask for the bank expert for the same to change your address and issue a bank articulation for most recent one year. When you get this report, sign it and get it stamped. It would be ideal if you be educated that downloading the announcement won’t get the job done the reason, as it needs to get stamped authoritatively. While applying for a PCC, a candidate may experience two stages wherein, he/she may require either physical police check or PCC stamp. In the event that a candidate is requested physical police check then he/she will be given a receipt number alongside an archive that he/she needs to convey home. In like manner, the candidate is additionally imparted by the important specialist saying the name and contact number of the cop will’s identity going to the candidate’s home for verification. Once physical police confirmation is done, the following concern is acquiring the PCC. Accumulating a PCC after check relies upon two situations. To begin with; if a candidate is dwelling in his/her nation for not as much as a year then it might require half a month. Second; if the candidate is dwelling in his/her nation for over one year time then the check happens in next 2-3 days. After that a candidate is prepared to gather his/her visa from the passport center and get a PCC letter issued. Then again, the necessity of a PCC stamp appears when physical police confirmation isn’t required. To complete it, an applicant has to go to the counter where PCC letter is taken and stamped by the authorised individuals. There are three stamps that are put crosswise over including: An underwriting alongside the application number of the candidate saying the name of the visting nation A stamp of MEA An authorisation stamp giving the leeway From there on, the assigned individual from the counter stamp on applicant’s passport. Having done, the approved individual further signs the letter and the passport page. So this is what a PCC is all about. To know other information on visa, passport and documentation prerequisites for overseas trip keep following Visas of the World.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
A blockchain advert has been capitalising on the huge attention on the 2018 FIFA World Cup. At half-time during the England 2-0 win over Sweden, the advert by a Hyundai subsidiary proclaimed the benefits of blockchain technology to almost 20 million viewers. Hyundai Ad Showcases Blockchain A blockchain advert by Hyundai Digital Asset Company (HDAC), presenting a high-tech vision of the future featuring internet-of-things (IoT) technology, has been featured in every half-time break. On July 7, it showed at half-time of the England clash with Sweden. This quarter-final hit 19.64 million viewers according to the BBC, lower than the 23.6 million viewers that watched England v Colombia. The advert, which is being featured on both BBC and ITV, was delivered by HDAC which is a subsidiary of the well-known South Korean car manufacturing company Hyundai. HDAC was founded by Chung Dae-sun, the nephew of CEO Chung Mong-koo, in 2017. The company aims to provide secure IoT ecosystems using private and public blockchains. The advert mentioned blockchain three times in on-screen text and once in a voiceover. It showed a family making instant payments using blockchain technology and highlighted that the house was also protected by it. Smart appliances were presented calculating meter readings and automatically processing payments of utilities. Their website states: “The technology can be applied to smart factories, smart homes, smart buildings, and various industries. Also, [machine to machine] transaction for mutual contracts and operation between IoT devices are implemented to bring a platform where rational consumptions and transactions are possible.” More importantly than the use-cases, the advert showed the technology as trustworthy. Mainstream media has attempted to portray Bitcoin, the most well-known example of blockchain technology, as a Ponzi scheme despite any similarities. As a subsidiary of Hyundai, back this technology, TV viewers will have a credible new perspective with a name they are familiar with. The advert also put the technology in a family setting, making viewers realise that blockchain technology can benefit them in everyday situations. Blockchain technology has already been used in projects such as OnePay FX, providing for faster cross-border payments, and KodakOne which protects photographer’s image rights. Bitcoin’s Changing Reputation Bitcoin has been struggling to evade its reputation as a means of payment for buying illegal items on the dark net. This has often led to criticisms that its anonymity could provide for money laundering even though having a permanent record of pseudonymous transactions is arguably a risky move for illegal transactions. For it to achieve widespread adoption, it needs to change the public and governments’ perception of it. This advert by HDAC solidifies blockchain technology in a clear way that it is safe and can be used in many innovative new ways. It is no wonder companies such as IBM, Santander and Bank of America are working with blockchain technology to provide better services for businesses and the public. With the backing of at least fifty large well-known businesses backing the technology, Bitcoin’s reputation will swiftly change. Image From Shutterstock
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: Script para mudar jogador (jogo da velha Jquery) Estou tentando fazer com que o jogo da velha mude o jogador que tem a vez, consegui fazer muda-lo do 'X' para o 'O', mas quando tento retornar para o 'X' e assim por diante, ele não vai. Segue o código que fiz até aqui: $(document).ready(function() { $(".botao").click(function() { $(this).text("X"); $("#jogador").text("É a vez do jogador 2"); mudarSimbolo(); }); function mudarSimbolo() { if ($("#jogador").text() == "É a vez do jogador 2") { $(".botao").click(function() { $(this).text("O"); $("#jogador").text("É a vez do jogador 1"); }); } else if ($("#jogador").text() == "É a vez do jogador 1") { $(".botao").click(function() { $(this).text("X"); $("#jogador").text("É a vez do jogador 2"); }); } } }); .btn-default { padding: 40px; } <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <div class="container" style="border:1px solid red; width:320px; height:320px;"> <button class="btn btn-default botao">1</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">2</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">1</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">2</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">3</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">4</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">5</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">6</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">7</button> </div> <div class="container"> <label id="jogador">É a vez do jogador 1</label> </div> A: Eu simplificaria a logica, basta criar uma variável global e verificar a mesma: var elem = "O"; $(document).ready(function() { $(".botao").click(function() { $(this).text(elem); if (elem == "X") { elem = "O"; $("#jogador").text("É a vez do jogador 1"); } else if (elem == "O") { elem = "X"; $("#jogador").text("É a vez do jogador 2"); } }); }); .btn-default { padding: 40px; } <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <div class="container" style="border:1px solid red; width:320px; height:320px;"> <button class="btn btn-default botao">1</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">2</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">1</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">2</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">3</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">4</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">5</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">6</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">7</button> </div> <div class="container"> <label id="jogador">É a vez do jogador 1</label> </div> A: Segue o código com correção: $(document).ready(function() { var player = 1; $(".botao").click(function() { if(player == 1) { $(this).text("X"); player = 2; } else { $(this).text("O"); player = 1; } $("#jogador").text("É a vez do jogador " + player); }); }); .btn-default { padding: 40px; } <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <div class="container" style="border:1px solid red; width:320px; height:320px;"> <p> <button class="btn btn-default botao">1</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">2</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">3</button> </p> <p> <button class="btn btn-default botao">4</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">5</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">6</button> </p> <p> <button class="btn btn-default botao">7</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">8</button> <button class="btn btn-default botao">9</button> </p> </div> <div class="container"> <label id="jogador">É a vez do jogador 1</label> </div> O que fiz foi criar uma variável global no documento chamada player, ao clicar no botão, caso o player seja 1, então coloco X e atribuo 2 a essa variável para indicar que é o player 2 quem irá jogar, caso seja a vez do player 2 então faz o contrário, coloca O e a variável player passa a valer 1.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
A marine/freshwater biomedical research and training core center is proposed. Its objectives will be to facilitate the development and use of aquatic animals as models of human disease processes of environmental significance. Principal efforts will be directed toward use of aquatic animals for mutagenesis and teratogenesis investigation with environmental pollutants such as hydrocarbons and metals as etiologic agents. The development of this center will foster training of environmental scientists in these interrelated fields.
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
Q: LinkedList put into Intent extra gets recast to ArrayList when retrieving in next activity A behaviour i'm observing w.r.t passing serializable data as intent extra is quite strange, and I just wanted to clarify whether there's something I'm not missing out on. So the thing I was trying to do is that in ActivtyA I put a LinkedList instance into the intent I created for starting the next activity - ActivityB. LinkedList<Item> items = (some operation); Intent intent = new Intent(this, ActivityB.class); intent.putExtra(AppConstants.KEY_ITEMS, items); In the onCreate of ActivityB, I tried to retrieve the LinkedList extra as follows - LinkedList<Item> items = (LinkedList<Item>) getIntent() .getSerializableExtra(AppConstants.KEY_ITEMS); On running this, I repeatedly got a ClassCastException in ActivityB, at the line above. Basically, the exception said that I was receiving an ArrayList. Once I changed the code above to receive an ArrayList instead, everything worked just fine. Now I can't just figure out from the existing documentation whether this is the expected behaviour on Android when passing serializable List implementations. Or perhaps, there's something fundamentally wrong w/ what I'm doing. Thanks. A: I can tell you why this is happening, but you aren't going to like it ;-) First a bit of background information: Extras in an Intent are basically an Android Bundle which is basically a HashMap of key/value pairs. So when you do something like intent.putExtra(AppConstants.KEY_ITEMS, items); Android creates a new Bundle for the extras and adds a map entry to the Bundle where the key is AppConstants.KEY_ITEMS and the value is items (which is your LinkedList object). This is all fine and good, and if you were to look at the extras bundle after your code executes you will find that it contains a LinkedList. Now comes the interesting part... When you call startActivity() with the extras-containing Intent, Android needs to convert the extras from a map of key/value pairs into a byte stream. Basically it needs to serialize the Bundle. It needs to do that because it may start the activity in another process and in order to do that it needs to serialize/deserialize the objects in the Bundle so that it can recreate them in the new process. It also needs to do this because Android saves the contents of the Intent in some system tables so that it can regenerate the Intent if it needs to later. In order to serialize the Bundle into a byte stream, it goes through the map in the bundle and gets each key/value pair. Then it takes each "value" (which is some kind of object) and tries to determine what kind of object it is so that it can serialize it in the most efficient way. To do this, it checks the object type against a list of known object types. The list of "known object types" contains things like Integer, Long, String, Map, Bundle and unfortunately also List. So if the object is a List (of which there are many different kinds, including LinkedList) it serializes it and marks it as an object of type List. When the Bundle is deserialized, ie: when you do this: LinkedList<Item> items = (LinkedList<Item>) getIntent().getSerializableExtra(AppConstants.KEY_ITEMS); it produces an ArrayList for all objects in the Bundle of type List. There isn't really anything you can do to change this behaviour of Android. At least now you know why it does this. Just so that you know: I actually wrote a small test program to verify this behaviour and I have looked at the source code for Parcel.writeValue(Object v) which is the method that gets called from Bundle when it converts the map into a byte stream. Important Note: Since List is an interface this means that any class that implements List that you put into a Bundle will come out as an ArrayList. It is also interesting that Map is also in the list of "known object types" which means that no matter what kind of Map object you put into a Bundle (for example TreeMap, SortedMap, or any class that implements the Map interface), you will always get a HashMap out of it. A: The answer by @David Wasser is right on in terms of diagnosing the problem. This post is to share how I handled it. The problem with any List object coming out as an ArrayList isn't horrible, because you can always do something like LinkedList<String> items = new LinkedList<>( (List<String>) intent.getSerializableExtra(KEY)); which will add all the elements of the deserialized list to a new LinkedList. The problem is much worse when it comes to Map, because you may have tried to serialize a LinkedHashMap and have now lost the element ordering. Fortunately, there's a (relatively) painless way around this: define your own serializable wrapper class. You can do it for specific types or do it generically: public class Wrapper <T extends Serializable> implements Serializable { private T wrapped; public Wrapper(T wrapped) { this.wrapped = wrapped; } public T get() { return wrapped; } } Then you can use this to hide your List, Map, or other data type from Android's type checking: intent.putExtra(KEY, new Wrapper<>(items)); and later: items = ((Wrapper<LinkedList<String>>) intent.getSerializableExtra(KEY)).get();
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Send Cognos Burst Reporting to multiple emails I have a few reports that need to be sent form hourly certain intervals during the day. I know how to schedule burst jobs and they send out fine, but i am being tasked with sending that same exact thing to "CC" that persons mananagerl1 and managerl2 Lets say part of the email table looks like Name | mgr1 | mgr2 | email | mgr1eml | mgr2email normally i burst to email and group by name how would i burst to all three emails without having to create 3 different reports? A: It's been a while, but I think you can do it this way: Use a comma delimited string for your email addresses: blah@blahblah.com,foobar@foobar.com,... Set your burst property to email addresses (Report Studio > File menu > Burst Options > Burst Recipient > Type).
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Gun Control Lawmaker Facing Recall The organizers of an effort to recall Colorado Senate President John Morse turned in Monday more than twice the number of signatures required to force a special election, possibly setting the stage for an expensive, national battle over gun control. If the signatures are determined to be valid and survive a court challenge, it’s likely voters in Morse’s Senate district will decide at a special election in September whether to oust the Colorado Springs Democrat. Morse’s support of gun-control legislation in the 2013 session as well as his leadership style sparked the recall effort.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Generation of high-density DNA markers from yeast artificial chromosome DNA by single unique primer-polymerase chain reaction. We have developed a method for the whole sequence amplification of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) DNA excised from preparative pulsed-field gel electrophoresis using single unique primer-polymerase chain reaction procedures. We used seven contiguous YAC clones, which span 2 Mbp of the Huntington disease gene region on 4p16.3, to amplify the YAC DNAs. The average size of the amplified DNA was approximately 300 bp long, and 12 DNA markers located on the YAC clones positively hybridized with these amplified products, implying that the sequences of the YAC clones were comprehensively amplified by our procedures. These amplified YAC DNAs greatly facilitate the characterization of YAC clones, leading to the detailed analysis of the defined chromosomal region.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
“Spike! No, Spike!” Too late, my mutt Spike was busily sniffing up the butt of another dog, one that didn’t seem to mind really, but the gaze from the stud that held the other end of that dog’s leash made me embarrassed anyway. I tugged on the leash and finally Spike minded me, coming over with a hurt look on his face as if to say that he was just being a good neighbor. I fished around for something to say to the well built guy whose dog just got nose raped by mine when he smiled and reached out a hand. “No harm done as I can see and anyway, dogs will be dogs. My name’s Rick and Henry’s my dog.” I introduced myself and Spike, who decided since I was talking nicely with the fine fellow that it would be ok to start sniffing HIM. He’d just began at the man’s shoe and I hastily tugged on the leash again in fear that he’d complete the “trick” that I’d taught him. “No, Spike, no!” Again, he gave me that hurt look and came back to ‘hmpf’ at my feet, watching both Henry and Rick carefully just in case I changed my mind. Indeed, I would have been quite pleased to have Spike perform his “trick” with this young man, for he was tall, muscular in all the right places and had that smile that made me just melt when one was directed at me. His hair was dark blond, close cropped military style and his eyes were a deep blue that sparkled as he watched Spike and I. Clean shaven and wearing tight ‘mufti’ type t-shirt and shorts, I’d pegged him as one of the countless marines living off base as they had for many years. His body was in fine US Government shape, evident from the tight clothing as was the fact that he was well endowed at the crotch area. Later on I was to find that he was in the Reserves and actually it was that membership that brought us together through our dogs. As we talked we had headed to the apartment complex’s newly created dog park, a fenced area of well maintained grass and benches where dogs could run off leash and play in a secure area. I found it amusing that in the year before this same area was a children’s ‘tot lot’ but as it was never used by the few families with kids it was converted to what was really needed. We entered the dog park and secured the gate behind us, got ourselves a set of plastic poop gloves and released our dogs! Off they tore, like two school kids let loose after chores, romping and peeing on everything, sniffing everywhere and, of course, each other. Both dogs were ‘fixed’ males, but it was funny to see them still highly interested in each other’s butts. Rick and I settled on a bench and chatted about various things, until he got quiet as he watched our dogs play. “What is it, Rick? You seem distracted.” I said as I broke from watching HIM to see what was up. He shrugged and turned towards me. “Well, I got to leave here in a few weeks for my Reserve shift and I have nowhere for Henry to stay while I’m gone.” Rick sighed and I sighed as I watched his muscles flex under the tight clothing. “He’s a good dog, but most of my friends just don’t want the burden of taking care of a dog, even if it is only a few weeks out of the year.” I thought about it some and murmured that things would work out somehow. I had the same problem when I went on vacation, but made enough money to board Spike with the vet if I had to. Seeing this guy all concerned about his dog tugged at my heart (as well as his body did my cock) so I offered to take care of Henry as it was obvious to both of us that our dogs got along quite well. “Two dogs for a short time can’t be that much of a bother,” I said, basking in the growing smile on Rick’s face, “and I’m sure that they don’t eat so much that I’ll go broke. I figure I can take them for walks together and if Henry doesn’t mind going out to do his business when Spike goes, I think we can do this with no problem.” Rick looked like somebody just handed him a million dollars and to my delight, hugged me hard before I realized what he’d done. “Oh man, you just relieved me of my worst worry!” His hug had, of course, brought our lower bodies close enough to touch and our hairy lower legs pressed together briefly until he released me and sat back, grinning broader than any time earlier that day. “I know Henry and Spike will get along great and of course I’ll leave money for Henry’s food. I don’t think having a brother will bother Henry at all, in fact he’ll be almost on vacation himself!” We laughed and then it was time to head back to our respective apartments after policing the park as good citizens should after their dogs. Disposing of the used gloves in the special trash cans, we put the leashes back on our dogs and headed out through the gate. Rick stopped and grabbed my arm before I turned off towards my apartment. “Here’s my phone number and address. Feel free to drop by. I’m home most evenings and always keep a six pack and steaks in the fridge for my buddies.” He handed me a card from his back pocket with this information on it. “That sounds great, Rick,” I said as I pocketed the card and shook hands with him. “I’ll give you a call when I get back to my place and pass my info to you as well.” He grinned and we headed our two ways with our dogs, who looked a bit disappointed they couldn’t play more with each other. I called Rick a few minutes later and gave him my address and phone number and we also exchanged cell phone numbers just in case. After I’d hung up I was rather horny and had Spike perform his ‘trick’ before showering and setting up for my own dinner. A few days later Rick called and invited Spike and I to dinner. “Like I said, I got beer and steaks, but if you want to bring something that would be ok.” I volunteered to bring what I called a ‘man’s salad’ which made him laugh and later that day arrived with Spike and my salad. Rick whistled at the hearty salad I’d made and I explained that the idea of a ‘man’s salad’ was to make it chunkier and put more stuff in it than most women did. We shared the salad and steaks while our dogs had a little bit of steak as well and then took our beers out to Rick’s balcony to relax. I complemented Rick on his steaks and he made a comment that meat was his specialty, something that was loaded with innuendo and after a few more comments like that I turned and, emboldened, asked Rick if he was bisexual. “No, are you?” When I told him I was gay, he smiled. “Me too, cool how that worked out.” We laughed and now we openly cruised each other, checking out each other’s hard bodies and especially each other’s thickening crotches. Spike noticed us and happily went to Rick, first sniffing his bare leg and slowly sniffing and licking upwards until he got to where Rick’s shorts began. “Spike, No!” I wasn’t sure if Rick was ready for Spike’s ‘trick.’ “What’s wrong, Mike, he’s just interested in me, that’s all.” I shook my head, watching Spike as he ‘hmpft’ again and lay at Rick’s feet. “I taught Spike a special trick that you might find embarrassing, Rick, and unfortunately Spike likes the reward so much he tries his trick with every guy I meet.” Rick’s eyebrows went up and he said, “I’d like to see this trick if I can. Do I need to do anything special?” “The trick works best if you’re naked, at least that’s how I taught Spike,” I said, reddening a bit in embarrassment. My embarrassment changed to lust as Rick just nodded and stood up, peeling off his tight t-shirt and pulling off his shorts to reveal that he was going commando. He settled back in his chair, spread his legs and nodded to me. “OK, Spike, ‘Trick!’” Spike happily got up and started sniffing and licking up Rick’s leg again, moving up past his knee to where his thickly muscled thigh began. He paused a second to check to make sure I hadn’t changed my mind and then moved up Rick’s meaty thigh to where a nicely engorged cock was growing. Rick was uncut, and Spike got confused for a bit as he watched a different type of cock, but understood what to do after Rick’s head appeared from its skin covering. With a happy grunt Spike zeroed in on Rick’s balls and began licking them with long, slow strokes. “Umm… oh…” moaned Rick as Spike worked his heavy balls, licking up from the bottom of the ball sack and catching one ball lightly in the cup of his tongue before completing the stroke and going for the other one. The signal to move to the cock was always the presence of precum, and as the first pearly drop appeared at Rick’s cockhead, Spike move forward and began licking the underside of Rick’s hard cock. Of course, Spike had no way of knowing as I did that uncut cocks are very sensitive right there and, like a switch being turned on, my doggie was getting well rewarded in precum as Rick moaned louder and deeper as his cock sent pleasure signals all across his nerves. Rick moaned louder when Spike’s tongue would scrape lightly against his frenum, the most sensitive spot on men and, for uncut guys, where the biggest trigger was located. That and having a more sensitive head that would receive licks from Spike as he got his precum treat were enough to set off the orgasm and Rick was no exception to the rule. “Oh fuck!” yelled Rick as he began shooting thick cream from his cock, Spike yelping again happily as the man milk began coating Rick’s lap and chest. Spike kept up the work until Rick stopped shooting, and then helpfully licked up every drop of cum that had gone on Rick’s body. Weakly, Rick looked over at me and whispered hoarsely, “Some trick…” I grinned and motioned to Spike who headed over to where I sat, now naked and throbbing with my own need. “Spike, Trick!” Soon I was moaning and shooting my own load while my doggie lapped up the goods. Seeing neither man with a hard cock, Spike gave one last lick to my crotch and sat at my feet, watching the both of us just in case we were ready for a second round. Rick got up and came around to my chair, bent close to me and planted a big kiss on my lips. “Ok I think it’s time Master got a chance to have fun with me as well…” I grinned and told Spike to stay, which he did, content (and full of man spunk) to wait until I called again. The two of us headed into Rick’s bedroom and, after collecting a rubber and some lube from a handy side table drawer, Rick was on his back, his ankles resting on my shoulders and my rubberized cock ready to enter his pulsating hole! I slowly entered him, his moans deepening to groans as I spread his legs wider to get better depth and, when I hit his joy button, his cock leapt up like a startled fish. Long deep strokes slowly moved to the short ‘almost ready to cum’ ones and, with a yelp from Rick, his orgasm began pulsing around my cock, his cock coating his ripped abs and thick pecs with creamy goodness. I was in hog heaven with the feeling on my rod and it didn’t long before I was filling the tip of my rubber to bursting. When I was done I carefully pulled out of Rick’s fine asshole and rolled over onto my back beside my raggedly breathing fuck buddy and then carefully removed the rubber to empty the spunk inside it onto my belly. “Spike, Trick!” With a galloping sound my dog hustled into the bedroom and, nose aquiver, began vacuuming up the spooge on our bodies. Rick began laughing as Spike happily licked off his cum from his belly, saying that it tickled a bit and, with a little woof Spike continued cleaning of my buddy’s upper torso until he couldn’t find any more. Turning towards me, he cleaned off my belly, carefully licking out the depression where my belly button lay as well as a nice deposit of cum. I agreed with Rick, Spike’s tongue on the belly was rather tickling to the sensitive area right after cumming, and we giggled like two school girls as Spike completed his trick. We rested, side by side with our hands idly stroking each other as we waited for the post-orgasmic buzz to fade away and when we felt like moving again we got up and showered together, itself creating another post-orgasmic buzz, although this time it was my butthole that was stretched. Poor Spike didn’t get to do his trick this time as the shower cleared off all the spooge before I had a chance to call him into the bathroom. Towels around our waists, we headed to the living room and, with a couple more beers, chatted about not much of anything until Rick suggested I spend the night… …the next morning, after rounds of heavy sex that left my dog so full of spunk, the last time I called out “Trick” he just hmpfed at me and went back to sleep. Rick and I laughed at that and cleaned ourselves up, had breakfast that morning and then Spike and I went home to prepare for Henry’s stay. A few days later Rick and Henry came over, Henry all excited and sniffing everything in the apartment before we headed to the dog park together. Rick was getting Henry used to my place and that evening he and Henry stayed overnight, Henry confused by Spike performing his trick three times that evening and finally deciding that it was interesting enough to try for himself. I thought Rick’s smile couldn’t get much wider when he realized that his dog had found his crotch and was happily licking up his master’s cum. “Guess I don’t have to do cum rag laundry anymore,” he said, giggling as Henry’s tongue lapped at his belly button, “now I have my own personal spooge vacuum.” I nodded, Spike cleaning my belly off as well. “Saves a lot of energy and water too.” We both laughed and let the dogs finish before we settled into each other’s arms, slowly falling asleep… …unfortunately, the next morning Rick had to report for duty and we got up early, Rick taking a quick shower and getting dressed in his reservist’s uniform before eating what he called his last home cooked meal for awhile. Before grabbing his duffel and walking out the door, he stopped and pulled me into a huge bear hug. Kissing me, he whispered, “Thanks, Mike, for not only taking care of Henry for me but also taking care of me. When I get back, I’ll show you how appreciative I am!” I grinned and rubbed my ass. “Can hardly wait, Rick! Henry, Spike and I will get along fine. You go off and do your duty and when you get back in a few weeks, we’ll have a celebration all ready for you!” Another hug and kiss later, Rick had driven away and the dogs were now resting at my feet while I sat on the couch still tingling from that last kiss. The weeks rolled by and indeed, the two dogs were good friends and not any problem at all to manage. I developed a bit more muscle in my arms from having to restrain two dogs rather than one, but overall it worked out fine. I reinforced Henry’s newly trained ‘trick’ and Spike had to share the wealth, so to speak, but I knew Henry had received all the training he needed and now was in practice mode, the dogs again got along as long as they shared my cock, balls and spooge. There were three happy mutts when I heard the knock at the door and Rick stood there, Henry because master was home, Spike because Henry was excited and myself because I had really missed Rick! He laughed as we all tried to hug, lick and rub against him and finally we got ourselves organized on the couch, the two dogs at our feet and the two humans in each other’s arms. “I’m so glad to be home!” Rick said, smiling into my eyes as we embraced. “It was sheer torture to be without you guys, even for two weeks! I haven’t jacked off or anything as I shared bunk space with five other guys, none of them gay and too ‘uber-straight’ for me.” He grinned and continued, “Besides, my buddy at home and my dog will help me take care of that problem!” We laughed and then we got a bit more purposeful with our hands, finally stripping each other and kissing until we were so horny it was time. “Spike! Henry! ‘Trick…’!” The model used to illustrate this story is Alexander Keus. If you'd like to see more photos of him, click here.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Understanding difference in unix epoch time via Python vs. InfluxDB I've been trying to figure out how to generate the same Unix epoch time that I see within InfluxDB next to measurement entries. Let me start by saying I am trying to use the same date and time in all tests: April 01, 2017 at 2:00AM CDT If I view a measurement in InfluxDB, I see time stamps such as: 1491030000000000000 If I view that measurement in InfluxDB using the -precision rfc3339 it appears as: 2017-04-01T07:00:00Z So I can see that InfluxDB used UTC I cannot seem to generate that same timestamp through Python, however. For instance, I've tried a few different ways: >>> calendar.timegm(time.strptime('04/01/2017 02:00:00', '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')) 1491012000 >>> calendar.timegm(time.strptime('04/01/2017 07:00:00', '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')) 1491030000 >>> t = datetime.datetime(2017,04,01,02,00,00) >>> print "Epoch Seconds:", time.mktime(t.timetuple()) Epoch Seconds: 1491030000.0 The last two samples above at least appear to give me the same number, but it's much shorter than what InfluxDB has. I am assuming that is related to the precision, InfluxDB does things down to nanosecond I think? Python Result: 1491030000 Influx Result: 1491030000000000000 If I try to enter a measurement into InfluxDB using the result Python gives me it ends up showing as: 1491030000 = 1970-01-01T00:00:01.49103Z So I have to add on the extra nine 0's. I suppose there are a few ways to do this programmatically within Python if it's as simple as adding on nine 0's to the result. But I would like to know why I can't seem to generate the same precision level in just one conversion. I have a CSV file with tons of old timestamps that are simply, "4/1/17 2:00". Every day at 2 am there is a measurement. I need to be able to convert that to the proper format that InfluxDB needs "1491030000000000000" to insert all these old measurements. A better understanding of what is going on and why is more important than how to programmatically solve this in Python. Although I would be grateful to responses that can do both; explain the issue and what I am seeing and why as well as ideas on how to take a CSV with one column that contains time stamps that appear as "4/1/17 2:00" and convert them to timestamps that appear as "1491030000000000000" either in a separate file or in a second column. A: Something like this should work to solve your current problem. I didn't have a test csv to try this on, but it will likely work for you. It will take whatever csv file you put where "old.csv" is and create a second csv with the timestamp in nanoseconds. import time import datetime import csv def convertToNano(date): s = date secondsTimestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(s, "%d/%m/%y %H:%M").timetuple()) nanoTimestamp = str(secondsTimestamp).replace(".0", "000000000") return nanoTimestamp with open('old.csv', 'rb') as old_csv: csv_reader = csv.reader(old_csv) with open('new.csv', 'wb') as new_csv: csv_writer = csv.writer(new_csv) for i, row in enumerate(csv_reader): if i != 0: # Put whatever rows the data appears in and the row you want the data to go in here row.append(convertToNano(row[<location of date in the row>])) csv_writer.writerow(row) As to why this is happening, after reading this it seems like you aren't the only one getting frustrated by this issue. It seems as though influxdb just happens to be using a different type of precision then most python modules. I didn't really see any way to get around it than doing the string manipulation of the date conversion unfortunately.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Columbia Center (Troy) The Columbia Center is a pair of twin towers on Big Beaver Road on Troy, Michigan. Both buildings were designed by Minoru Yamasaki & Associates, designers of One Woodward Avenue and the now-destroyed World Trade Center. Both buildings stand 14 floors and are 193 ft (59m) tall. At one time Northwest Airlines had a ticket office in Suite 115 of the complex. Columbia Center East Columbia Center East is located at 101 W. Big Beaver Road. The building was constructed in 1998, and finished in 2000. It stands at 15 floors in height, with 14 above-ground floors, and 1 basement floor. The high-rise is used as offices for a number of local and regional businesses. The building was designed in the modern architectural style, and uses mainly brick and glass. Columbia Center West Columbia Center West is located at 201 W. Big Beaver Road. The building was built in 1989, and has the same number of floors and basements as its younger twin. The high-rise is used for offices, restaurants, retail, and includes a fitness center. Like Columbia Center East, it was designed in the architectural style, and uses mainly brick and glass. References External links Category:Skyscrapers in Troy, Michigan Category:Skyscraper office buildings in Michigan Category:Office buildings completed in 2000 Category:2000 establishments in Michigan Category:Minoru Yamasaki buildings
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Q: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method '<>f__AnonymousType4`1[System.String] get_Item(Int32)' please I'm working on a ASP.NET MVC project with Entity Framework, I try to use this Query but I got an error . Query : var R = (from A in SCHOOL_DB_Context.Con.ABS where A.STG_ABS == STG && (A.DT_ABS.Month + "/" + A.DT_ABS.Year) == MONTHS[i].MONTH && A.DT_ABS.Hour == Hour select A).ToList(); Error : LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method '<>f__AnonymousType4`1[System.String] get_Item(Int32)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression. The full code is : var MONTHS = (from A in SCHOOL_DB_Context.Con.ABS where A.STG_ABS == STG && A.DT_ABS.Hour == Hour group A by A.DT_ABS.Month + "/" + A.DT_ABS.Year into G select new { MONTH = G.Key }).ToList(); List<DataPoint> DATA = new List<DataPoint>(); List<DataPoint> DTP = new List<DataPoint>(); if (MONTHS.Count == 0) { DTP.Add(new DataPoint(null, null)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < MONTHS.Count; i++) { var R = (from A in SCHOOL_DB_Context.Con.ABS where A.STG_ABS == STG && (A.DT_ABS.Month + "/" + A.DT_ABS.Year) == MONTHS[i].MONTH && A.DT_ABS.Hour == Hour select A).ToList(); int Count = 0; Count = R.Count; //DATA.Add(new DataPoint(MONTHS[i].MONTH, Count)); DTP.Add(new DataPoint(MONTHS[i].MONTH, Count)); } } Please any help to fix this issue? A: Try pulling the indexer out of the secondary query: var month = MONTHS[i].MONTH; var R = (from A in SCHOOL_DB_Context.Con.ABS where A.STG_ABS == STG && (A.DT_ABS.Month + "/" + A.DT_ABS.Year) == month && A.DT_ABS.Hour == Hour select A).ToList(); You might still get an error concatenating the month and year as a string - if you do my next suggestion would be to pull the month and year separately in the MONTHS query and compare the two values independently.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
“ As consciousness is returning to ordinary awareness after intense experiences of a mystical, visionary, or psychodynamic nature, most any style of music can be explored with delight. “ Psychedelics and music have long been linked, but at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where William A. Richards conducts research, music plays an important part in ensuring the stability off entheogen study participants. In this excerpt from Sacred Knowledge: Psychedelics and Religious Experiences, Richards explains the role of music in his work. The excerpt is followed by the playlist Richards compiled. • • • • • • Part of a new guide’s orientation at Johns Hopkins entails becoming familiar with the supportive music used in a particular research study and the rationale for its selection. We have learned that in high-dose sessions, especially during the onset and intense period of entheogen effects, the supportive structure of the music is more important than either the guide’s or the volunteer’s personal musical preferences. In states of ego transcendence, the everyday self as the perceiver of music may no longer exist, having entered into a unitive awareness that is claimed to be quite independent of whatever sonic frequencies are coming into the ears through the headphones or loudspeakers. As the ego approaches its dissolution and when it begins to be reconstituted, however, the nonverbal structure of the music may provide significant support. Thus, sensitivity to the therapeutic potential of carefully selected music may be an important factor in enhancing psychological safety. One playlist that has been carefully developed through trial and error and has been found to work well with many different people over time is included at the end of this book. It includes a significant amount of classical music, symphonic and choral, as well as some Hindu chant, in the intense portions of the session and lighter selections near the return to everyday reality at the end of the day. We discovered in early research in the 1960s, notably with some alcoholics who had never appreciated classical music, that Brahms symphonies and similar works resonated deeply within them and proved highly effective in providing nonverbal structure and support. Many of those people not only discovered an appreciation of classical music within themselves, but went out and purchased records, tapes, or compact disks to facilitate the continuing integration of their experiences and for future enjoyment. It may be noted that, as consciousness is returning to ordinary awareness after intense experiences of a mystical, visionary, or psychodynamic nature, most any style of music can be explored with delight. At this time, one’s personal favorite selections may be enjoyed with fresh appreciation. A HOPKINS PLAYLIST FOR PSILOCYBIN STUDIES (2008 VERSION) States of Consciousness Research Antonio Vivaldi. Guitar Concerti. Los Romeros, Iona Brown, Academy of St. Mar­tin in the Fields. Philips 412–624–2 Andante, Concerto RV532 in G Major for 2 guitars, strings, and continuo, 3:30 Largo, Concerto RV93 in D Major for guitar, strings, and continuo, 3:53 Largo, Concerto RV356 in A Minor, 2:20 Paul Horn. Inside the Taj Mahal. Kuckuck 11062–2 “Mumtaz Mahal,” 3:21 “Shah Jahan,” 5:36 Ron Korb. Flute Traveller: A Musical Journey Across Five Continents. Oasis Produc­tions, SOCAN NHCD 205 “Alto Flute,” 2:16 Russill Paul. PM Yoga Chants Gaiam. Relaxation 3142. CD included with the book The Yoga of Sound. Novato, Calif.: New World Library, 2004 “By the Stream,” 10:54 “Om Namah Shivaya,” 2:27 Edward Elgar. Enigma Variations. Leonard Bernstein. BBC Symphony. The Artist’s Album. DGG 457 691–2 No. 9, “Nimrod,” 6:08 Morten Lauridsen. A Robert Shaw Christmas: Angels On High. Robert Shaw. Shaw Chamber Singers. Telarc20 CD-80461 “O Magnum Mysterium,” 6:13 Russian Orthodox Chant. Sacred Treasures III, Hearts of Space. St. Petersburg Cham­ber Choir, 025041111423 “Alleluia, Behold the Bridegroom,” 5:29 Henryk Górecki. Symphony 3, Op. 36. Dawn Upshaw. David Zinman. London Sin­fonietta. Elektra Nonesuch 9 79282–2 Lento—Sostenuto Tranquillo ma Cantabile, 26:25 Johannes Brahms. Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45. Herbert Blomstedt, San Francisco Symphony and Chorus. London 443 771–2 “Selig sind die, da Leid tragen,” 10:36 “Denn alles Fleish, es ist wie Gras,” 14:33 Johannes Brahms. Symphony 2 in D Major, Op. 73. Leonard Bernstein. New York Philharmonic. Sony. SMK 61829 Adagio non Troppo, 10:08 Johannes Brahms. Ein Deutches Requiem, Op. 45. Herbert Blomstedt. San Francisco Symphony and Chorus. London 443 771–2 “Wie lieblich sind Deine Wohnungen,” 5:34 J. S. Bach. Mass in B Minor. Robert Shaw. Atlanta Symphony and Chamber Chorus. Telarc CD-80233 Kyrie I, 10:21 Kyrie II, 4:24 Samuel Barber. String Quartet, Op. 11. Leonard Bernstein. New York Philharmonic. Sony SMK 63088 Adagio for Strings, 9:54 Antonio Vivaldi. Gloria in D Major, R589. Robert Shaw. Atlanta Symphony and Chamber Chorus. Telarc CD-80194 “Gloria in Excelsis,” 2:22 “Et in terra pax,” 5:58 J. S. Bach. Bach Stokowski. Leopold Stokowski. EMI CDM 7243 5 66385 2 5 “Komm süsser Tod,” BMV 478, 5:51 W. A. Mozart. Vesperae solennes de confessore, K/KV339. Kiri Te Kanawa. Sir Colin Davis. London Symphony and Chorus. Philips 412 873–2 “Laudate Dominum,” 5:11 Johannes Brahms. Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Major, Op. 77. Jascha Heifetz. Fritz Reiner. Chicago Symphony. HMG 09026-61742–2 Adagio, 8:12 Henryk Górecki. Symphony 3, Op. 36. Dawn Upshaw. David Zinman. London Sinfonietta. Elektra Nonesuch 9 79282–2 Lento e Largo—Tranquillissimo, 9:22 Edward Elgar. Serenade for String Orchestra, Op. 20. Mark Elder. Hallé Symphony. CDHLL 7501 Larghetto, 6:29 Gabriel Fauré. Requiem, Op. 48. Choir of St. John’s College. Cambridge. George Guest. London 436 486–2 “In Paradisum,” 3:41 W. A. Mozart, Clarinet Concerto in A Major, KV 622. Jacques Lancelot. Jean-François Paillard. Orchestra de Chambre Jean-François Paillard. Erato 2292–45978–2 Adagio, 7:04 Arvo Pärt. Sanctuary. Richard Studt. Bournemouth Sinfonietta. Virgin Classics. CSC 7243 5 45314 2 2 “Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten,” 6:10 Bohuslav Matéj Cernohorsky. Cernohorsky Religious Works. Czech Madrigal Singers. Frantisek Xaver Thuri. Gioia Della Musica. Supraphon 11 1598–2 931 “Quare Domine, iraceris—Memento Abraham,” 8:58 Ludwig van Beethoven. Piano Concerto 5 (Emperor), Op. 73. Leon Fleisher. George Szell. Cleveland Orchestra. Sony SBK 46549 Adagio un Poco Moto, 8:25 Charles Gounod. St. Cecelia Mass. Barbara Hendricks. Georges Prêtre. French Radio New Philharmonic. EMI, CDC 7 47094 2 Sanctus, 5:18 Benedictus, 3:16 Russill Paul. The Yoga of Sound, Shakti Yoga. Relaxation, CD 3133 “Om Namah Shivaya,” 17:35 Richard Wagner. Tristan and Isolde. Jesús López-Cobos. Cincinnati Symphony. Telarc CD-80379 Prelude and Liebestod, 17:24 W. A. Mozart. Grosse Messe C-Moll. Leonard Bernstein. Chor und Symphonie­-orchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks. Deutsche Grammaphon 431 791–2 “Ave Verum Corpus,” KV618 3:56 Gustav Mahler. Symphony 5. Lorin Maazel. Vienna Philharmonic. Sony SBK 89850 Adagietto, Sehr Langsam, 10:33 Alan Hovhaness. Symphony 2, Op. 132: Mysterious Mountain. Gerard Schwarz. Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. Telarc 80604 Andante con Moto, 7:42 Joseph Canteloube. Songs of the Auvergne. Dawn Upshaw. Kent Nagano. Orchestre de l’Opèra National de Lyon. Erato 0630–17577–2 “Bailèro,” 5:36 “Perl’èfon,” 3:09 Richard Strauss. Death and Transfiguration. André Previn. Vienna Philharmonic. Telarc CD-80167 Moderato, 2:20 Tranquillo, 6:03 Russill Paul. The Yoga of Sound, Nada Yoga. Relaxation CD 3133 “Evening Shadows Fall,” 23:29 J. S. Bach. Bach Stokowski. Leopold Stokowski. CDM 7243 5 66385 2 5 Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor, BMV 582, 14:51 Enya. Watermark. Reprise 9 26774–2 “Storms in Africa II,” 2:59 Ladysmith Black Mambazo. Shaka Zulu. Warner Brothers Collection. Rhino/ WEA 081227998622 “King of Kings,” 4:07 Adiemus. Pure Moods. Virgin 724384218621 “Adiemus,” 3:59 John Lennon. The John Lennon Collection. Abbey Road Capitol 077774644624 “Here Comes the Sun,” 3:03 Gipsy Kings. Mosaique. Nonsuch 075596089227 “Caminando Por la Calle,” 4:22 Mercedes Sosa. Polygram International, Serie Millennium, 042283231429 “Gracias a La Vida,” 4:22 Leontyne Price. The Essential Leontyne Price: Spirituals, Hymns, and Sacred Songs. RCA 090266815722 “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” 3:24 Louis Armstrong. What A Wonderful World. Intercontinental 600 607707405826 “What a Wonderful World,” 2:21
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
DJs brings in help to review Myer merger Retailer David Jones will undertake a thorough assessment of a merger proposal put by rival Myer. David Jones has appointed consultants to help it review the proposal, and identify any benefits for the two retailers. The review will also assess the benefits of David Jones proceeding on a stand-alone basis. Nonetheless, the latest statement from David Jones represents a significant shift for the company after it stated last year there would be no fair value to its shareholders in merging with Myer. David Jones said that, given the Myer proposal was based on a share swap, and if talks between the two companies proceeded, an assessment would be made of Myer's business, requiring Myer's co-operation. David Jones chairman Gordon Cairns said it was imperative that his company undertook this initial strategic work prior to talks with Myer. "It will enable us to have a full understanding of the value that can be delivered to our shareholders if David Jones were to merge with Myer, versus the value that can reasonably be expected to be delivered to our shareholders if the company continues with its Future Strategic Direction Plan on a stand-alone basis," Mr Cairns said. "Once this work is completed, we will be in a position to engage in a meaningful way with Myer." The latest developments in the proposed merger follow David Jones chief executive Paul Zahra reversing his decision to quit the company, and Myer chief executive Bernie Brookes' re-appointment to his job. David Jones director Leigh Clapham also ended his role with the company on Tuesday. He and fellow director Steve Vamos, plus chairman Peter Mason, announced in February they would step down after controversial share purchases by Mr Clapham and Mr Vamos. Mr Mason and Mr Vamos have already left the company. Mr Clapham said it had been a privilege to work with David Jones. "I believe that I have acted in the best interests of the company at all times and it is clearly the right time for me to step down and wish the company well in the implementation of its Future Strategic Direction Plan," he said. David Jones shares gained four cents to $3.33 while Myer shares dropped one cent to $2.65.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
TRACEY BENDINGER | Culture | Contact After watching an episode of Chef’s Table, Alexandra Dash was inspired to venture into the culinary world of the Italian crowd pleaser, risotto. Despite her good intentions, she is tonight deeply regretting her decision to make the time-consuming rice dish a mere 3 minutes into cooking. The Advocate reached out to Alexandra, who was more than happy to talk to someone while standing alone in her kitchen, constantly stirring and adding liquid to the risotto. “I don’t know how this dish has survived for so long,” she said. “It’s the most time-consuming thing ever.” “It’s probably not even going to taste that good, fuck!” It’s believed Ms. Dash is making a truffle and mushroom risotto after her and her partner, Phil, went truffle hunting at a farm on the outskirts of Betoota. “You wouldn’t think Betoota would be good for truffles but it’s actually perfect” explained Tim Fungai, the truffle farm’s manager. “There’s a small pocket out here that kind of has its own ecosystem, it really defies all we know about weather patterns” At the time of press, Alexandra still had at least another 30 minutes of stirring to do. It’s believed the risotto will almost certainly not end up being worth the effort. More to come.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Workspace version = "1.0"> <FileRef location = "group:Runner.xcodeproj"> </FileRef> </Workspace>
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
/* * linux/include/asm-arm/proc-armv/processor.h * * Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Russell King. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Changelog: * 20-09-1996 RMK Created * 26-09-1996 RMK Added 'EXTRA_THREAD_STRUCT*' * 28-09-1996 RMK Moved start_thread into the processor dependencies * 09-09-1998 PJB Delete redundant `wp_works_ok' * 30-05-1999 PJB Save sl across context switches * 31-07-1999 RMK Added 'domain' stuff */ #ifndef __ASM_PROC_PROCESSOR_H #define __ASM_PROC_PROCESSOR_H #include <asm/proc/domain.h> #define KERNEL_STACK_SIZE PAGE_SIZE struct context_save_struct { unsigned long cpsr; unsigned long r4; unsigned long r5; unsigned long r6; unsigned long r7; unsigned long r8; unsigned long r9; unsigned long sl; unsigned long fp; unsigned long pc; }; #define INIT_CSS (struct context_save_struct){ SVC_MODE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } #define EXTRA_THREAD_STRUCT \ unsigned int domain; #define EXTRA_THREAD_STRUCT_INIT \ domain: domain_val(DOMAIN_USER, DOMAIN_CLIENT) | \ domain_val(DOMAIN_KERNEL, DOMAIN_MANAGER) | \ domain_val(DOMAIN_IO, DOMAIN_CLIENT) #define start_thread(regs,pc,sp) \ ({ \ unsigned long *stack = (unsigned long *)sp; \ set_fs(USER_DS); \ memzero(regs->uregs, sizeof(regs->uregs)); \ if (current->personality & ADDR_LIMIT_32BIT) \ regs->ARM_cpsr = USR_MODE; \ else \ regs->ARM_cpsr = USR26_MODE; \ regs->ARM_pc = pc; /* pc */ \ regs->ARM_sp = sp; /* sp */ \ regs->ARM_r2 = stack[2]; /* r2 (envp) */ \ regs->ARM_r1 = stack[1]; /* r1 (argv) */ \ regs->ARM_r0 = stack[0]; /* r0 (argc) */ \ }) #define KSTK_EIP(tsk) (((unsigned long *)(4096+(unsigned long)(tsk)))[1019]) #define KSTK_ESP(tsk) (((unsigned long *)(4096+(unsigned long)(tsk)))[1017]) /* Allocation and freeing of basic task resources. */ /* * NOTE! The task struct and the stack go together */ #define ll_alloc_task_struct() ((struct task_struct *) __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL,1)) #define ll_free_task_struct(p) free_pages((unsigned long)(p),1) #endif
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
if (global.GENTLY) require = GENTLY.hijack(require); var crypto = require('crypto'); var fs = require('fs'); var util = require('util'), path = require('path'), File = require('./file'), MultipartParser = require('./multipart_parser').MultipartParser, QuerystringParser = require('./querystring_parser').QuerystringParser, OctetParser = require('./octet_parser').OctetParser, JSONParser = require('./json_parser').JSONParser, StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder, EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, Stream = require('stream').Stream, os = require('os'); function IncomingForm(opts) { if (!(this instanceof IncomingForm)) return new IncomingForm(opts); EventEmitter.call(this); opts=opts||{}; this.error = null; this.ended = false; this.maxFields = opts.maxFields || 1000; this.maxFieldsSize = opts.maxFieldsSize || 2 * 1024 * 1024; this.keepExtensions = opts.keepExtensions || false; this.uploadDir = opts.uploadDir || os.tmpDir(); this.encoding = opts.encoding || 'utf-8'; this.headers = null; this.type = null; this.hash = opts.hash || false; this.multiples = opts.multiples || false; this.bytesReceived = null; this.bytesExpected = null; this._parser = null; this._flushing = 0; this._fieldsSize = 0; this.openedFiles = []; return this; } util.inherits(IncomingForm, EventEmitter); exports.IncomingForm = IncomingForm; IncomingForm.prototype.parse = function(req, cb) { this.pause = function() { try { req.pause(); } catch (err) { // the stream was destroyed if (!this.ended) { // before it was completed, crash & burn this._error(err); } return false; } return true; }; this.resume = function() { try { req.resume(); } catch (err) { // the stream was destroyed if (!this.ended) { // before it was completed, crash & burn this._error(err); } return false; } return true; }; // Setup callback first, so we don't miss anything from data events emitted // immediately. if (cb) { var fields = {}, files = {}; this .on('field', function(name, value) { fields[name] = value; }) .on('file', function(name, file) { if (this.multiples) { if (files[name]) { if (!Array.isArray(files[name])) { files[name] = [files[name]]; } files[name].push(file); } else { files[name] = file; } } else { files[name] = file; } }) .on('error', function(err) { cb(err, fields, files); }) .on('end', function() { cb(null, fields, files); }); } // Parse headers and setup the parser, ready to start listening for data. this.writeHeaders(req.headers); // Start listening for data. var self = this; req .on('error', function(err) { self._error(err); }) .on('aborted', function() { self.emit('aborted'); self._error(new Error('Request aborted')); }) .on('data', function(buffer) { self.write(buffer); }) .on('end', function() { if (self.error) { return; } var err = self._parser.end(); if (err) { self._error(err); } }); return this; }; IncomingForm.prototype.writeHeaders = function(headers) { this.headers = headers; this._parseContentLength(); this._parseContentType(); }; IncomingForm.prototype.write = function(buffer) { if (this.error) { return; } if (!this._parser) { this._error(new Error('uninitialized parser')); return; } this.bytesReceived += buffer.length; this.emit('progress', this.bytesReceived, this.bytesExpected); var bytesParsed = this._parser.write(buffer); if (bytesParsed !== buffer.length) { this._error(new Error('parser error, '+bytesParsed+' of '+buffer.length+' bytes parsed')); } return bytesParsed; }; IncomingForm.prototype.pause = function() { // this does nothing, unless overwritten in IncomingForm.parse return false; }; IncomingForm.prototype.resume = function() { // this does nothing, unless overwritten in IncomingForm.parse return false; }; IncomingForm.prototype.onPart = function(part) { // this method can be overwritten by the user this.handlePart(part); }; IncomingForm.prototype.handlePart = function(part) { var self = this; if (part.filename === undefined) { var value = '' , decoder = new StringDecoder(this.encoding); part.on('data', function(buffer) { self._fieldsSize += buffer.length; if (self._fieldsSize > self.maxFieldsSize) { self._error(new Error('maxFieldsSize exceeded, received '+self._fieldsSize+' bytes of field data')); return; } value += decoder.write(buffer); }); part.on('end', function() { self.emit('field', part.name, value); }); return; } this._flushing++; var file = new File({ path: this._uploadPath(part.filename), name: part.filename, type: part.mime, hash: self.hash }); this.emit('fileBegin', part.name, file); file.open(); this.openedFiles.push(file); part.on('data', function(buffer) { if (buffer.length == 0) { return; } self.pause(); file.write(buffer, function() { self.resume(); }); }); part.on('end', function() { file.end(function() { self._flushing--; self.emit('file', part.name, file); self._maybeEnd(); }); }); }; function dummyParser(self) { return { end: function () { self.ended = true; self._maybeEnd(); return null; } }; } IncomingForm.prototype._parseContentType = function() { if (this.bytesExpected === 0) { this._parser = dummyParser(this); return; } if (!this.headers['content-type']) { this._error(new Error('bad content-type header, no content-type')); return; } if (this.headers['content-type'].match(/octet-stream/i)) { this._initOctetStream(); return; } if (this.headers['content-type'].match(/urlencoded/i)) { this._initUrlencoded(); return; } if (this.headers['content-type'].match(/multipart/i)) { var m = this.headers['content-type'].match(/boundary=(?:"([^"]+)"|([^;]+))/i); if (m) { this._initMultipart(m[1] || m[2]); } else { this._error(new Error('bad content-type header, no multipart boundary')); } return; } if (this.headers['content-type'].match(/json/i)) { this._initJSONencoded(); return; } this._error(new Error('bad content-type header, unknown content-type: '+this.headers['content-type'])); }; IncomingForm.prototype._error = function(err) { if (this.error || this.ended) { return; } this.error = err; this.emit('error', err); if (Array.isArray(this.openedFiles)) { this.openedFiles.forEach(function(file) { file._writeStream.destroy(); setTimeout(fs.unlink, 0, file.path, function(error) { }); }); } }; IncomingForm.prototype._parseContentLength = function() { this.bytesReceived = 0; if (this.headers['content-length']) { this.bytesExpected = parseInt(this.headers['content-length'], 10); } else if (this.headers['transfer-encoding'] === undefined) { this.bytesExpected = 0; } if (this.bytesExpected !== null) { this.emit('progress', this.bytesReceived, this.bytesExpected); } }; IncomingForm.prototype._newParser = function() { return new MultipartParser(); }; IncomingForm.prototype._initMultipart = function(boundary) { this.type = 'multipart'; var parser = new MultipartParser(), self = this, headerField, headerValue, part; parser.initWithBoundary(boundary); parser.onPartBegin = function() { part = new Stream(); part.readable = true; part.headers = {}; part.name = null; part.filename = null; part.mime = null; part.transferEncoding = 'binary'; part.transferBuffer = ''; headerField = ''; headerValue = ''; }; parser.onHeaderField = function(b, start, end) { headerField += b.toString(self.encoding, start, end); }; parser.onHeaderValue = function(b, start, end) { headerValue += b.toString(self.encoding, start, end); }; parser.onHeaderEnd = function() { headerField = headerField.toLowerCase(); part.headers[headerField] = headerValue; var m = headerValue.match(/\bname="([^"]+)"/i); if (headerField == 'content-disposition') { if (m) { part.name = m[1]; } part.filename = self._fileName(headerValue); } else if (headerField == 'content-type') { part.mime = headerValue; } else if (headerField == 'content-transfer-encoding') { part.transferEncoding = headerValue.toLowerCase(); } headerField = ''; headerValue = ''; }; parser.onHeadersEnd = function() { switch(part.transferEncoding){ case 'binary': case '7bit': case '8bit': parser.onPartData = function(b, start, end) { part.emit('data', b.slice(start, end)); }; parser.onPartEnd = function() { part.emit('end'); }; break; case 'base64': parser.onPartData = function(b, start, end) { part.transferBuffer += b.slice(start, end).toString('ascii'); /* four bytes (chars) in base64 converts to three bytes in binary encoding. So we should always work with a number of bytes that can be divided by 4, it will result in a number of buytes that can be divided vy 3. */ var offset = parseInt(part.transferBuffer.length / 4, 10) * 4; part.emit('data', new Buffer(part.transferBuffer.substring(0, offset), 'base64')); part.transferBuffer = part.transferBuffer.substring(offset); }; parser.onPartEnd = function() { part.emit('data', new Buffer(part.transferBuffer, 'base64')); part.emit('end'); }; break; default: return self._error(new Error('unknown transfer-encoding')); } self.onPart(part); }; parser.onEnd = function() { self.ended = true; self._maybeEnd(); }; this._parser = parser; }; IncomingForm.prototype._fileName = function(headerValue) { var m = headerValue.match(/\bfilename="(.*?)"($|; )/i); if (!m) return; var filename = m[1].substr(m[1].lastIndexOf('\\') + 1); filename = filename.replace(/%22/g, '"'); filename = filename.replace(/&#([\d]{4});/g, function(m, code) { return String.fromCharCode(code); }); return filename; }; IncomingForm.prototype._initUrlencoded = function() { this.type = 'urlencoded'; var parser = new QuerystringParser(this.maxFields) , self = this; parser.onField = function(key, val) { self.emit('field', key, val); }; parser.onEnd = function() { self.ended = true; self._maybeEnd(); }; this._parser = parser; }; IncomingForm.prototype._initOctetStream = function() { this.type = 'octet-stream'; var filename = this.headers['x-file-name']; var mime = this.headers['content-type']; var file = new File({ path: this._uploadPath(filename), name: filename, type: mime }); this.emit('fileBegin', filename, file); file.open(); this._flushing++; var self = this; self._parser = new OctetParser(); //Keep track of writes that haven't finished so we don't emit the file before it's done being written var outstandingWrites = 0; self._parser.on('data', function(buffer){ self.pause(); outstandingWrites++; file.write(buffer, function() { outstandingWrites--; self.resume(); if(self.ended){ self._parser.emit('doneWritingFile'); } }); }); self._parser.on('end', function(){ self._flushing--; self.ended = true; var done = function(){ file.end(function() { self.emit('file', 'file', file); self._maybeEnd(); }); }; if(outstandingWrites === 0){ done(); } else { self._parser.once('doneWritingFile', done); } }); }; IncomingForm.prototype._initJSONencoded = function() { this.type = 'json'; var parser = new JSONParser() , self = this; if (this.bytesExpected) { parser.initWithLength(this.bytesExpected); } parser.onField = function(key, val) { self.emit('field', key, val); }; parser.onEnd = function() { self.ended = true; self._maybeEnd(); }; this._parser = parser; }; IncomingForm.prototype._uploadPath = function(filename) { var name = 'upload_'; var buf = crypto.randomBytes(16); for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { name += ('0' + buf[i].toString(16)).slice(-2); } if (this.keepExtensions) { var ext = path.extname(filename); ext = ext.replace(/(\.[a-z0-9]+).*/i, '$1'); name += ext; } return path.join(this.uploadDir, name); }; IncomingForm.prototype._maybeEnd = function() { if (!this.ended || this._flushing || this.error) { return; } this.emit('end'); };
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates, in general, to a shift control method for a vehicle having a double clutch transmission (DCT), and more particularly, to a technology for improving a response to a speed change during a kickdown. 2. Description of Related Art Unlike an automatic transmission (AT) which requires only clutch shifting, a DCT can enable clutch shifting only after gear shifting has been completed. Therefore, in the DCT, gear shifting performance is a key factor for an overall response to speed change. In particular, more rapid gear shifting is required for a kickdown that a driver regards most sensitive for a response to speed change. For reference, the gear shifting refers to a speed change operation that causes a sleeve to engage with a clutch gear due to them being synchronized using a synchronizer. The clutch shifting refers to a speed change operation that transmits power that has been supplied from an engine to drive wheels by changing its speed substantially using the sleeve, the clutch gear and shift gears by engaging the working parts of a clutch of an input shaft, the gear shifting of which has been completed as described above, with each other. In addition, gear releasing refers to the process in which the sleeve is released and disengaged from the clutch gear. In order to reduce a time required for the gear shifting, displacement optimization at a point where the synchronization by the synchronizer starts, a reduced time for the synchronizer to carry out the synchronization, displacement optimization at a point where the working parts of the clutch gear are to engage with each other, and the like are required. Among these, most time is consumed in the range of the synchronization by the synchronizer during the gear shifting. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the time it takes the synchronizer to carry out synchronization. The information disclosed in this Background of the Invention section is only for enhancement of understanding of the general background of the invention and should not be taken as an acknowledgement or any form of suggestion that this information forms the prior art already known to a person skilled in the art.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
I'm definitely going to look into this a bit more. Where can I find more information about how synchronization works? Having trouble locating this. Can it get through firewalls? Is the entire tree always synchronized?
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Familial Mediterranean fever-associated diseases in children. MEditerranean FeVer (MEFV) gene encodes for the pyrin protein and a mutated pyrin is associated with a prolonged or augmented inflammation. Hence, various diseases were reported to be associated with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) or carriers of MEFV mutations. However, systematic evaluation of all associated diseases in children with FMF has not been done previously. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency and type of FMF-associated diseases in children. Files of FMF patients who had been seen in two reference hospitals in Ankara, in the last two years, were retrospectively evaluated. Patients with FMF and concomitant diseases were included to the study. Among 600 FMF patients, 77 were found to have a concomitant disease (12.8%). Thirty patients (5%) had vasculitis; 21 (3.5%) had juvenile idiopathic artritis (JIA); 7 (1.16%) had inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and 19 had other diseases including 5 patients with isolated sacroiliitis. Overall, 13 (2.17%) patients had sacroiliitis in our cohort. The most frequent mutation was M694V/M694V (44%) and 81% of the patients had at least one M694V mutation. Majority of the patients (74%) developed associated diseases while they were not receiving colchicine therapy. Certain inflammatory diseases including vasculitis, chronic arthritis and IBD were more frequently detected in patients with FMF during childhood. M694V mutation is a susceptibility factor for associated diseases. In countries where FMF is prevalent, clinicians dealing with FMF and other inflammatory diseases should be aware of these associations.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Meet Dr. Carol Ford Dr. Carol Ford has been working in dentistry for the past 30 years. Her unique ability to connect with her patients on a personal level allows her to develop strong relationships and create long-range strategic plans for optimal oral health. Dr. Ford began her career as a dental assistant, during which time she developed a passion for helping people improve their health and quality of life. In 1983, she graduated from the University of Washington Dental School with honors, including Excellence in Pediatric, Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr. Ford is excited to welcome Dr. Roya N. Asin to the practice! Dr. Asin was born and raised in Arizona, and attended high school in Scottsdale. After earning her Bachelor of Science degree from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO, she came back to the valley of the sun to receive her dental degree from Midwestern University in Glendale, AZ. During her time in dental school, she took a special interest in leadership positions and led her peers as the class president. Dr. Asin’s main goal as a practitioner is to treat each of your dental needs as comfortably and painlessly as possible. Because dentists primarily work with their hands, she believes that dentistry is also a unique form of artistry. When she’s not spending time practicing dentistry, Dr. Asin likes to remain active, especially outdoors). From scuba diving to skiing, she particularly enjoys hiking and backpack/camping trips. As AZ temperatures soar in the summer, she travels to beat the heat or partakes in indoor activities such as yoga or cycling classes. Dr. Asin’s #1 pastime is spending time with her family.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Hyundai Motor Co. officially launched Santa Fe in New York Auto Show 2012 some time ago. Santa Fe planned to be marketed in Europe starting in June followed by America and China. Santa Fe is a premium car with a more daring design that is 'Fluidic Sclupture' with trapezoid shape grille. Side mirror-like leaves that provide a very sporty impression. Santa Fe will be available in two variants with specifications of different machines and haulage. First, Sporty with Theta II engine 264 PS with a capacity of 2.4-liter and 2.0-liter 6-speed automatic transmission. This variant has dimension length of4689mm,width1880mm, height1679mm. Second, Long Wheel Base with a Lambda II engine, V6, 3.3-liter, GDI is capable produce of power 290 PS. This variant has dimension length of4905mm,width1885mm, height1689mm Santa Fe also features an 8-inch LCD touch screen that displays menu navigation system, audio system, USB and iPod connectors, rear camera, as well as the latest technological Blue Link. Other features on Santa Fe is a sunroof, heated rear seats and steering wheel, remote engine start and speed warnings.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Richard Broun Richard Broun may refer to: Richard Broun (politician), see Members of the Western Australian Legislative Council, 1832-1870 Sir Richard Broun, 6th Baronet 13 Dec 1781 of the Broun Baronets Sir Richard Broun, 8th Baronet (1801–1858), of the Broun Baronets See also Richard Brown (disambiguation) Broun (surname)
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
"The temporary closure of our borders in the affected areas is only an interim measure designed to address the current security challenges and will be resumed as soon as normalcy is restored," he added, in a speech addressing deadly Christmas Day bombings by the Boko Haram sect a week ago.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
iCADE 8-Bitty to debut at Toy Fair 2012 You know that with the advent of tablets and smartphones, we are now very used to touchscreen displays – something which used to be in the domain of science fiction is now widespread reality. Even our ATMs these days tend to have a touchscreen display in order to keep up with the times. Well, having said that, touchscreen displays do do their part in making sure new genres of games are churned out in order to take advantage of this new interactive format, but what happens when you port over old school games onto a touchscreen display equipped device? Sure, the memories of yore might roll back the years as you indulge in a little blast from the past on your iPad or smartphone, and I am quite sure that deep down inside, you would probably feel that your gaming experience would have been far better with physical controls instead of just tapping on a glass display. Enter the iCADE 8-Bitty then, which is set to debut at the 2012 Toy Fair in New York City. Just in case the iCADE 8-Bitty seems familiar to you, it is actually the smaller sibling of the iCADE gaming cabinet, where that itself started off as an April Fool’s joke which ended up as one of the most anticipated ThinkGeek products ever. The iCADE 8-Bitty certainly lives up to that, bringing the magic of the iCADE to the pockets of smartphone and tablet users. According to Ty Liotta, head of ThinkGeek’s GeekLabs, “We’re excited to extend on the success of the original iCADE. And with millions of iOS and Android devices in circulation it only makes sense to widen the field and bring the fun of iCADE to every possible device.” The iCADE 8-Bitty functions as a wireless game controller which comes with the classic D-Pad and button layout that will remind you of retro 8-bit game consoles back from the 1980s and 1990s. It is battery powered, and will hook up to your device wirelessly, letting your fingers run all over the fully-functional directional game pad and eight buttons. A $24.99 asking price is not too much to fork out, is it?
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: How do I access an instance of a class that is inside an arrayList I am doing a MOOC and am supposed to return a number that is associated with a name. The number name combo is held in an object called Phonebook that is an ArrayList. The arrayList holds information of Person, a class that I created. I need to perform getNumber() on the Phonebook object but I can't since getNumber() only works on objects of type Person. package problem94_phonebook; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Phonebook { private ArrayList<Person> phonebook; public Phonebook(){ this.phonebook = new ArrayList<Person>(); } public String searchNumber(String name){ if (this.phonebook.contains(name)){ return this.phonebook.Person.getNumber(); // here is the problem } } } package problem94_phonebook; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Person { private String Name; private String Numb; private ArrayList<String> Phonebook; public Person(String name, String numb){ this.Name = name; this.Numb = numb; this.Phonebook = new ArrayList<String>(); } public String getName() { return Name; } public String getNumber() { return Numb; } public String toString(){ return this.Name +" " +"nummber: " + this.Numb; } public void changeNumber(String newNumber){ this.Numb = newNumber; } public void add(String name, String number){ this.Phonebook.add(name); this.Phonebook.add(number); } public void printAll(){ for(String i : this.Phonebook){ System.out.println(i); } } } A: EDIT .contains won't work since .contains Returns true if and only if this list contains at least one element e such that (o==null ? e==null : o.equals(e)). (More info on how .contains works here) which means that unless your class overrides the .equals method to compare the names this part -> o.equals(e) will always return false since .equals is comparing two different objects. (more info on how .equals work here) Thus if you really want to use .contains you need to override .equals method in your Person class. But it still would not work since your second problem is you are accessing an element of an array list wrong. But since you are a beginner, I suggest that you just try changing your method to this: public ArrayList<String> searchNumber(String name){ ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // list incase of persons with the same name for (Person p : phonebook){ // iterate through the array if (p.getName().equals(name)){ // check if the current person's name is equal to anme result.add(p.getNumber()); // add the person's phone number } } return result ; } Also I noticed that you have an attribute Phonebook in your Person class. It is just an array of Strings but I think it is better if you change it to an array of Phonebook so that you can make use of your class Phonebook. This will be your new Person class. package problem94_phonebook; import java.util.ArrayList; import Phonebook; public class Person { private String Name; private String Numb; private ArrayList<Phonebook> phonebook; // updated public Person(String name, String numb){ this.Name = name; this.Numb = numb; this.phonebook= new ArrayList<Phonebook>();// updated } public String getName() { return Name; } public String getNumber() { return Numb; } public String toString(){ return this.Name +" " +"nummber: " + this.Numb; } public void changeNumber(String newNumber){ this.Numb = newNumber; } public void add(Person personToBeAdded){ // changed boolean isPresent = false; // check if person to be added is already in the phonebook to avoid duplicates for (Person person:this.phonebook){ if (person.getName().equals(personToBeAdded.getName()) && person.getNumber().equals(personToBeAdded.getNumber())){ isPresent = true; break; } } if (!isPresent){ this.phonebook.add(personToBeAdded); } } public void printAll(){ for(Person person : this.phonebook){ System.out.println(person.toString()); } } }
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
<!-- ============ PROGRESS --> <!-- ====================== --> <h1>Progress</h1> <!-- ============ VARIABLES --> <!-- ====================== --> <p> <h4>Global variables</h4> <div><pre hljs class="prettyprint lang-sass">$progress-class: "-progress" !global $progress-bar-class: "-bar" !global $progress-bar-padding-vertical: $base-padding-vertical / 3 $progress-bar-padding-horizontal: $base-padding-horizontal / 1.5 $progress-font-weight: 600 !global $progress-border-radius: 4px !global $progress-border-width: 0px !global $progress-border-style: solid !global $progress-padding: 3px !global $progress-background: #fff !global</pre></div> </p> <p> Use widget class <code>-progress</code>. Apply themes and sizes. Append <code>-bar</code> inside <code>-progress</code>. </p> <div class="-row example-block"> <div class="-col12 view"> <div class="-progress -primary-"> <div class="-bar" style="width: 12%">12 %</div><div class="-bar -warning-" style="width: 25%">25 %</div><div class="-bar -error-" style="width: 5%">Something goes wrong</div> </div> <br> <div class="-progress _divine -primary-"> <div class="-bar" style="width: 12%">12 %</div> </div> <br> <div class="-progress -primary- -shadow-curve-"> <div class="-bar" style="width: 42%">progress with shadow 42 %</div><div class="-bar -warning-" style="width: 25%">25 %</div> </div> <br> <div class="-progress -primary- -shadow-lifted-"> <div class="-bar" style="width: 42%">progress with shadow 42 %</div> </div> </div> <div class="-col12 example"><pre hljs class="prettyprint lang-html"><div class="-progress -primary-"> <div class="-bar" style="width: 12%">12 %</div> <div class="-bar -warning-" style="width: 25%">25 %</div> <div class="-bar -error-" style="width: 5%">Something goes wrong</div> </div> <div class="-progress _divine -primary-"> <div class="-bar" style="width: 12%">12 %</div> </div> </pre></div> </div>
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
The present disclosure is related to battery systems. In the recent years, with shortage of fossil-fuel based energy and adverse environmental effects from the consumption of fossil fuel, both public and private sectors have poured valuable resources into clean technologies. An important aspect of clean technologies is energy storage, or simply battery systems. Over the past, many battery types have been developed and used, with their respective advantages and disadvantages. For its chemical properties, including high charge density, lithium material has been used in various parts of a battery. For example, in a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, lithium ions move from negative electrode to the positive electrode during discharge. In the basic operations of a lithium battery, a conversion material undergoes a conversion reaction with lithium, and the performance of the conversion material is an important aspect of a battery. Unfortunately, conventional battery systems and their manufacturing and processes result in relatively high cost, low energy density batteries that do not meet market demands for many applications. Therefore, it is desirable to have new systems and techniques for batteries.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Using a ferocious pass rush that never stopped harassing Rodgers, the Giants pummeled the Green Bay Packers, 38-10, in a Sunday night mauling that was settled by halftime. The Giants showed America why they are still a threat to repeat as Super Bowl champs. They have a great quarterback in Eli Manning, a pressure-tested coach in Tom Coughlin and a knack for playing their best when the lights are the brightest. The Giants (7-4) will get another chance to shine in prime time next Monday night, when they visit RG3 and the Washington Redskins (5-6). Should they win that game, the Giants will take a major step toward winning the NFC East. Giants outside linebacker Mathias Kiwanuka was already thinking about RG3, who played well in a 27-23 loss to the Giants in October. “We understand what we have to do in terms of rushing and collapsing the pocket,” Kiwanuka said. “We have to be disciplined. It’s a tough matchup.” The Packers, who had won five straight, could have been a tough matchup. But the Giants dominated. That’s what happens when the Giants’ pass rush takes over. They sacked Rodgers five times, including a strip-sack by Osi Umenyiora that led to a Giants touchdown. A relentless pass rush is the best way to slow down a high-octane NFL offense. The San Francisco 49ers did it to Drew Brees on Sunday afternoon. The Giants did it to Rodgers (14-of-25, 219 yards, 1 TD, 1 interception) on Sunday night. No quarterback enjoys being battered like a pinata, even quarterbacks as good as Rodgers and Brees. Rodgers never found a consistent rhythm because he constantly had Giants like Umenyiora, Kiwanuka (two sacks), Jason Pierre-Paul and Justin Tuck buzzing around him. “That was something we felt we absolutely had to do with someone with the talent of Aaron Rodgers and having the type of year that he’s having,” Coughlin said. “Have him throw the ball on our timing rather than his.” Packers coach Mike McCarthy admitted that he changed his play calling in the second half to keep Rodgers from taking more punishment. “The New York Giants have an outstanding defensive line,” McCarthy said. “We had a plan, and we didn’t execute it very well. They did a hell of a job tonight. They were dynamic, very talented, very productive. “When your quarterback is under pressure like that, it affected me. I probably didn’t call the best game. You have to protect your quarterback. It’s the No. 1 responsibility of our offense.” The NFC playoff picture is hard to predict, but the Giants can’t be overlooked. They dominated the 49ers in San Francisco earlier this season. They have beaten the Packers two straight times—Sunday night and in last year’s playoffs. The Giants have proved what they can do when the stakes are high. For now, they will focus on their next challenge—the Redskins and Griffin. The Giants were impressed with his ability to improvise when they saw him last month. Mobile quarterbacks like Griffin have a better chance to escape the pass rush and make a play when protection breaks down. Rodgers did it a few times Sunday night, but Griffin is even more willing to run and to use his legs to make plays. Before the bye, the Giants looked lethargic. Perhaps they were tired—a veteran team hitting the dog days of the season and dealing with outside distractions like Hurricane Sandy that affected every player on the team. Against the Packers, the Giants looked a step faster and focused from the opening kickoff. Manning was sharp, the running game clicked, and it did not take long for the Giants to take control. Once the Packers fell behind, the Giants ignored Green Bay’s running game and the pass rush took over. It was a familiar formula for the Giants, but it still works. In today’s pass-happy NFL, getting to the quarterback has never been more important. The Giants can still get to the QB. Which makes them a threat to reach another Super Bowl.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: How to approach animations and OpenGL There are tons of tools and instructions for making 3d models and animations in various software products. My question is: in video-game engines, when would you use a pre-rendered animation, and when would you use armature data in the model to manipulate your model in to the desired action? Secondary questions: Are there any games that even use the model's rigging, in-game, or is everything pre-rendered? Are there any human-readable file formats that contain armature data? Lastly, from a OpenGL-level and up perspective, how would you implement a system for animating something like walking? I am building an OpenGL graphics engine from scratch as a personal project, so if answers can cater to that context, it would be fantastic. A: Yeah, most games use a model's rigging and apply animation tracks to the bones in real time based on things happening in the game or player input. Animations can also be blended between to make new animations or transition from one animation to another. Animations can also be combined such that the lower half of a body is playing one animation and the upper half is playing a different animation. There is also something called parametric animation where a lot more of the animations are derived from a smaller set of animated bone data. There is also various levels of physics based animation such as ragdoll and inverse kinematics. I've specialized as an animation programmer at previous employers, check out this more detailed info based on my experiences and observations: http://blog.demofox.org/2012/09/21/anatomy-of-a-skeletal-animation-system-part-1/
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Devices for transporting printed products such as sheets of paper are known in the prior art. These transporting devices are used, for example, in offset printing machines in order to transport the printed sheets. These transporting devices comprise hollow conveyor rollers which have a transporting surface in contact with the sheet that is to be transported. In order to cause the sheet to adhere to the conveyor roller, the transporting surface has cavities connected to a vacuum-creating device.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Bueller? Peter J. Boettke and Rosolino A. Candela write, Chicago price theory in the Friedman/Stigler/Becker generation was not defined by the comparative analysis of the institutional conditions within which the constant adjustments and adaptations by economic actors to changing conditions produces a tendency towards equilibrium, as it had been under the Knight/Simons/Viner generation. Instead, price theory in the hands of Friedman/Stigler/Becker became an exercise in defining the optimality conditions given any situation within which human actors find themselves. From the conclusion: The Chicago “Tight Prior Equilibrium” imposes a logical discipline on the world of human affairs, but it does not invite an inquiry into the diversity of institutions that arise to ameliorate our human imperfections and potentially turn situations of conflict into opportunities for social cooperation. As a result, the “fresh water” economics of Chicago still leaves us thirsty, and the “saltwater” economics of MIT/Harvard cannot serve to quench our thirst, so we must look to those alternative streams of thought for satisfaction in our quest to understand the dynamics of the market process. In short, as I once put it, Chicago economics: Markets work, so use markets Harvard-MIT economics: Markets fail, so use government Masonomist: Markets fail, so use markets For Masonomist, the authors substitute the ABC’s. They write,
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: Google Maps Android API v2 - for ARM only? Google Maps Android API v2 I'm getting error while trying to install sucessfully compiled maps demo app (%android-sdk%\extras\google\google_play_services\samples\maps\) on android-x86 device (Intel Mint): Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE] The same APK can be installed on ARM devices and works successfully. A: Yes. It is an official Google app and does not come in source code form to be recompiled for x86/MIPS. Use the Genymotion Android emulator, see this other question: How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc.) on a Genymotion virtual device?
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Steve, Attached is a rough draft proposed by Irwin Stelzer for the Advisory Council meeting on April 10-11. You will note that Gavyn is on the agenda from 3:15 - 4:00 p.m. I spoke with his assistant regarding the possibility of Gavyn departing on April 12 and was told that he has another commitment and will need to depart the Enron Building by 2:30 p.m. on April 11. Also, can you tell me if Prof. Joe Grundfest and Lawrence Kudlow are new members of the Advisory Council? I would like to update our contact list. Comments, please. Vanessa
{ "pile_set_name": "Enron Emails" }
The problem. The four keys at the bottom of the phone are monitored by a melfas touchkey chip (http://www.melfas.com/english/touch/sensor.asp) that connects to the main processor via an I2C bus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/i2c). The melfas chip generates an interrupt whenever one of the keys is touched or released. The processor then reads the key value from this chip over the i2c bus. The problem is that the touchkey chip is located right next to the 3G antenna. When the phone is accessing the 3G network the RF energy gets transferred to the interrupt and i2c clock and data lines causing false interrupts to occur. The processor responds to the interrupt by reading the key value from the cypress chip. The symptoms occur more frequently in low signal areas because the phone outputs a higher RF level in those situations which causes more RF interference on the interrupt line. Most of the time when a false interrupt has occurred the touchkey chip will return a value of zero for the key and the driver will recognize this as a bad key press and ignore it. Sometimes the RF interference on the i2c clock and/or data line causes a valid value to be returned and the driver reports a key press value to the application. In the case where the driver reports a Ďbackí key down, the software sees this as holding the back key down so when you press the power button you get a screen shot. The easiest way to cure this is to always press and release the back key before pushing the power button. This causes the software to see both a key down and key up event which cancels the screenshot mode. This RFI induced touchkey interrupt happens hundreds of times per second when the phone is using 3G. It produces lots of different symptoms including applications that always seem to shut down. A wide variety of problems can be attributed to this failure. In addition, the processor spends a lot of time servicing these bogus interrupts, which take cpu time away from the other applications. This can make the phone appear to be slow or even freeze up for short periods of time. Thereís a good chance that most people have experience this to some degree without realizing the root cause. Solution one. Fix the driver. Since this is a true hardware failure, a software solution is going to be less than perfect. After dozens of experiments rewriting the interrupt service routines in the driver Iíve settled on a combination of fixes. The first is to re-test the interrupt input line several times. In normal operation when you touch or release a button, the touchkey chip drives the interrupt line low and keeps it low until the driver reads data over the i2c interface. Since the RF interference is a sine wave and is being sampled it causes the interrupt line to go high and low at a fast rate. Sampling the line multiple times in software increases the chance of finding it in the high state. This is done both in the interrupt handler and then again in the interrupt thread. About 90% of the false interrupts are filtered out by testing the line in the handler. If the interrupt handler doesnít find the line high after 10 samples, it masks the interrupt so that another falling edge doesnít produce another interrupt. In testing Iíve noticed that the interrupt handler would run multiple times before the interrupt thread was even called. Once in a while, so many interrupts would get stacked up that the phone would just reboot. It was probably a stack or buffer overflow that wasnít being handled. Remember, this interrupt would happen many hundreds of times a second. About 90% of the remaining false interrupts are filtered out by sampling this line in the thread. That leaves about 1% of the interrupts that need to be further tested. The second test is to read the data from the chip and discard anything that isnít a valid key press value. This is easily done with a case statement. Finally, since occasionally a bogus valid value will get through, I set up a timer so that any key down event that doesnít have a corresponding key up event within 3 seconds is canceled by calling the all_keys_up routine. This combination all but eliminates the symptoms produced by this failure. The only draw back is that the processor still spends a considerable amount of time servicing the false interrupts. And rarely a phantom keypress does get through. In all, itís a fairly good piece of duct tape and JB Weld. During my experiments I used a copy of the kgb kernel. My version with the modified driver is in github at https://github.com/dmriley/kgb. If you want to try this yourself, be sure to use the Ďdeví branch. Solution two. Fix the hardware. There are three signals that connect from the melfas touchkey chip to the processor. They are the two i2c lines: sdc which is the clock and sda which is the data. The third line is the interrupt. In troubleshooting this problem, I took my phone apart and put oscilloscope probes on the three lines. This allowed me to see the real cause of the problem. Since the interference is RFI (or EMI) the only real way to fix the problem is to either remove the RF or make the impedance of the signals much lower. Removing the RF is easy if you donít need to use 3G. When the phone is using wifi (or no network connectivity at all) the problem does not exist. Also, when you are very close to a cell tower, the phone transmits at a much lower level. This lower level greatly reduces the RFI. Lowering the impedance is a little harder. I2C uses active pull down and passive pull up for the logic levels for both sda and sdc. This means that the impendence is mostly governed by the pull up resistor. This resistor value is typically upwards of 1kohm and probably as high as 3kohms (I didnít measure it in this phone). Since the impedance only needs to be lowered for the 3G frequencies of around 800MHz, a capacitor can be added from the signal source to signal ground. At 800MHZ a 100 pf cap is about 2 ohms (1/ 2*pi*f*c). Thatís a couple of orders of magnitude lower than the pull up resistor alone, and much too low for the RF signal to induce any significant voltage on the line. This value is also low enough not to interfere with the signal rise and fall times for the interrupt line. In the case of the interrupt line, the melfas chip drives the signal low and keeps it low until the interrupt is serviced. Discharging a 100pf cap with a 2mA driver takes only microseconds. This much delay is not noticeable when touching the key and is much less than the amount of time that the processor takes to service the interrupt. Adding the cap to the interrupt line eliminates false interrupts. A chance does exist that a valid key event during 3G access could cause an incorrect key value to be returned due to RFI on the clock and data lines. The i2c protocol is designed to compensate for capacitive loading on the lines. Although it would cause the clock period to be stretched out significantly it would still only take milliseconds to read the key data from the chip. The difference would be imperceptible. To date I have only added the cap to the interrupt line and have yet to experience an invalid key press. Iíll post pictures of cap mod. Summary. Most people will be satisfied using the software fix. I think that a couple of the kernel devs are incorporating some or most of the driver mods outlined in this document. Both comradesven (kgb dev) and ssewk2x aka Efpophis (glitch dev) were involved in the test and debug process. Much appreciation is given to both of them for the help that they gave me and for allowing me to use and hack up their code on github. Efpophis saved me hours of searching through code. Without their help, Iíd still be unable to build a kernel. UPDATE:30 Mar 2012 The phone had been working fine since the mod. I hadn't seen a screen capture or any of the other symptoms. Then, a couple of nights ago, while I running maps on 3G (a data intensive app) the touchkey backlights started flashing rapidly like the phone was having a little seizure. And then it happened, the voice search popped up. A couple of debug kernels later I've come to the conclusion (and I'm never wrong) that the clock line (SCL) going to the melfas chip was being toggled by the same RF interference that was causing the false interrupts. A random clock along with random data was causing the chip to turn the backlights on and off as well as generate a false interrupt. I was able to reliably duplicate the problem in a couple of really low signal level areas (not hard to find when you live out in the boonies). I tore the phone apart (again) today and added a 100pf cap to the scl line right next to the chip. I also added another cap in parallel with the 100pf on the interrupt line. I spent about 1/2 hour tonight running 3G data apps in the same location where the problem first appeared. So far, no problems and none of the debug messages have shown up on dmesg. Wow, we're lucky to have someone as capable as yourself figure out this annoying issue! I've kinda kept up on your work, but seeing this breakdown and the photos is helpful in understanding the root cause of the problem. I do wonder sometimes how Samsung missed this issue in their testing, but at least we have custom kernels that implement your fixes and dramatically reduce the phantom presses! wasn't just me. had help from other members here. I didn't even know where to start looking when I first started. It's so cool that people are willing to do the level of work that the devs here do without expecting anything back. wasn't just me. had help from other members here. I didn't even know where to start looking when I first started. It's so cool that people are willing to do the level of work that the devs here do without expecting anything back. Thanks so much for all the work, and the detail in your post. It is amazing the work everybody does here and the knowledge you pass on to us. I do have a few questions Would you mind sharing what kind off iron you used? is that the most bottom line on the board you soldered to? If so, did you have to scratch it or something first? Is it the farthest left line on the chip that was used? Do they make caps that size with leads coming of the 2 sides, and if so would that be a easier mod? Is there a positive and negative side to that capacitor? I'm really thinking about doing this, if i decide to would you mind sending me 5 of your extra caps for a $10 donation? XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality.Are you a developer?
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Vaganjac Vaganjac is a village in the municipality of Gornji Vakuf, Bosnia and Herzegovina. References Category:Populated places in Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library // for linear algebra. // // Copyright (C) 2012 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr> // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #ifndef EIGEN_REF_H #define EIGEN_REF_H namespace Eigen { template<typename Derived> class RefBase; template<typename PlainObjectType, int Options = 0, typename StrideType = typename internal::conditional<PlainObjectType::IsVectorAtCompileTime,InnerStride<1>,OuterStride<> >::type > class Ref; /** \class Ref * \ingroup Core_Module * * \brief A matrix or vector expression mapping an existing expressions * * \tparam PlainObjectType the equivalent matrix type of the mapped data * \tparam Options specifies whether the pointer is \c #Aligned, or \c #Unaligned. * The default is \c #Unaligned. * \tparam StrideType optionally specifies strides. By default, Ref implies a contiguous storage along the inner dimension (inner stride==1), * but accept a variable outer stride (leading dimension). * This can be overridden by specifying strides. * The type passed here must be a specialization of the Stride template, see examples below. * * This class permits to write non template functions taking Eigen's object as parameters while limiting the number of copies. * A Ref<> object can represent either a const expression or a l-value: * \code * // in-out argument: * void foo1(Ref<VectorXf> x); * * // read-only const argument: * void foo2(const Ref<const VectorXf>& x); * \endcode * * In the in-out case, the input argument must satisfies the constraints of the actual Ref<> type, otherwise a compilation issue will be triggered. * By default, a Ref<VectorXf> can reference any dense vector expression of float having a contiguous memory layout. * Likewise, a Ref<MatrixXf> can reference any column major dense matrix expression of float whose column's elements are contiguously stored with * the possibility to have a constant space inbetween each column, i.e.: the inner stride mmust be equal to 1, but the outer-stride (or leading dimension), * can be greater than the number of rows. * * In the const case, if the input expression does not match the above requirement, then it is evaluated into a temporary before being passed to the function. * Here are some examples: * \code * MatrixXf A; * VectorXf a; * foo1(a.head()); // OK * foo1(A.col()); // OK * foo1(A.row()); // compilation error because here innerstride!=1 * foo2(A.row()); // The row is copied into a contiguous temporary * foo2(2*a); // The expression is evaluated into a temporary * foo2(A.col().segment(2,4)); // No temporary * \endcode * * The range of inputs that can be referenced without temporary can be enlarged using the last two template parameter. * Here is an example accepting an innerstride!=1: * \code * // in-out argument: * void foo3(Ref<VectorXf,0,InnerStride<> > x); * foo3(A.row()); // OK * \endcode * The downside here is that the function foo3 might be significantly slower than foo1 because it won't be able to exploit vectorization, and will involved more * expensive address computations even if the input is contiguously stored in memory. To overcome this issue, one might propose to overloads internally calling a * template function, e.g.: * \code * // in the .h: * void foo(const Ref<MatrixXf>& A); * void foo(const Ref<MatrixXf,0,Stride<> >& A); * * // in the .cpp: * template<typename TypeOfA> void foo_impl(const TypeOfA& A) { * ... // crazy code goes here * } * void foo(const Ref<MatrixXf>& A) { foo_impl(A); } * void foo(const Ref<MatrixXf,0,Stride<> >& A) { foo_impl(A); } * \endcode * * * \sa PlainObjectBase::Map(), \ref TopicStorageOrders */ namespace internal { template<typename _PlainObjectType, int _Options, typename _StrideType> struct traits<Ref<_PlainObjectType, _Options, _StrideType> > : public traits<Map<_PlainObjectType, _Options, _StrideType> > { typedef _PlainObjectType PlainObjectType; typedef _StrideType StrideType; enum { Options = _Options, Flags = traits<Map<_PlainObjectType, _Options, _StrideType> >::Flags | NestByRefBit }; template<typename Derived> struct match { enum { HasDirectAccess = internal::has_direct_access<Derived>::ret, StorageOrderMatch = PlainObjectType::IsVectorAtCompileTime || ((PlainObjectType::Flags&RowMajorBit)==(Derived::Flags&RowMajorBit)), InnerStrideMatch = int(StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime)==int(Dynamic) || int(StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime)==int(Derived::InnerStrideAtCompileTime) || (int(StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime)==0 && int(Derived::InnerStrideAtCompileTime)==1), OuterStrideMatch = Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime || int(StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime)==int(Dynamic) || int(StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime)==int(Derived::OuterStrideAtCompileTime), AlignmentMatch = (_Options!=Aligned) || ((PlainObjectType::Flags&AlignedBit)==0) || ((traits<Derived>::Flags&AlignedBit)==AlignedBit), MatchAtCompileTime = HasDirectAccess && StorageOrderMatch && InnerStrideMatch && OuterStrideMatch && AlignmentMatch }; typedef typename internal::conditional<MatchAtCompileTime,internal::true_type,internal::false_type>::type type; }; }; template<typename Derived> struct traits<RefBase<Derived> > : public traits<Derived> {}; } template<typename Derived> class RefBase : public MapBase<Derived> { typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::PlainObjectType PlainObjectType; typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::StrideType StrideType; public: typedef MapBase<Derived> Base; EIGEN_DENSE_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(RefBase) inline Index innerStride() const { return StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime != 0 ? m_stride.inner() : 1; } inline Index outerStride() const { return StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime != 0 ? m_stride.outer() : IsVectorAtCompileTime ? this->size() : int(Flags)&RowMajorBit ? this->cols() : this->rows(); } RefBase() : Base(0,RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic?0:RowsAtCompileTime,ColsAtCompileTime==Dynamic?0:ColsAtCompileTime), // Stride<> does not allow default ctor for Dynamic strides, so let' initialize it with dummy values: m_stride(StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime==Dynamic?0:StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime, StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime==Dynamic?0:StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime) {} EIGEN_INHERIT_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS(RefBase) protected: typedef Stride<StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime,StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime> StrideBase; template<typename Expression> void construct(Expression& expr) { if(PlainObjectType::RowsAtCompileTime==1) { eigen_assert(expr.rows()==1 || expr.cols()==1); ::new (static_cast<Base*>(this)) Base(expr.data(), 1, expr.size()); } else if(PlainObjectType::ColsAtCompileTime==1) { eigen_assert(expr.rows()==1 || expr.cols()==1); ::new (static_cast<Base*>(this)) Base(expr.data(), expr.size(), 1); } else ::new (static_cast<Base*>(this)) Base(expr.data(), expr.rows(), expr.cols()); ::new (&m_stride) StrideBase(StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime==0?0:expr.outerStride(), StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime==0?0:expr.innerStride()); } StrideBase m_stride; }; template<typename PlainObjectType, int Options, typename StrideType> class Ref : public RefBase<Ref<PlainObjectType, Options, StrideType> > { typedef internal::traits<Ref> Traits; public: typedef RefBase<Ref> Base; EIGEN_DENSE_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(Ref) #ifndef EIGEN_PARSED_BY_DOXYGEN template<typename Derived> inline Ref(PlainObjectBase<Derived>& expr, typename internal::enable_if<bool(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime),Derived>::type* = 0) { Base::construct(expr); } template<typename Derived> inline Ref(const DenseBase<Derived>& expr, typename internal::enable_if<bool(internal::is_lvalue<Derived>::value&&bool(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime)),Derived>::type* = 0, int = Derived::ThisConstantIsPrivateInPlainObjectBase) #else template<typename Derived> inline Ref(DenseBase<Derived>& expr) #endif { Base::construct(expr.const_cast_derived()); } EIGEN_INHERIT_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS(Ref) }; // this is the const ref version template<typename TPlainObjectType, int Options, typename StrideType> class Ref<const TPlainObjectType, Options, StrideType> : public RefBase<Ref<const TPlainObjectType, Options, StrideType> > { typedef internal::traits<Ref> Traits; public: typedef RefBase<Ref> Base; EIGEN_DENSE_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(Ref) template<typename Derived> inline Ref(const DenseBase<Derived>& expr) { // std::cout << match_helper<Derived>::HasDirectAccess << "," << match_helper<Derived>::OuterStrideMatch << "," << match_helper<Derived>::InnerStrideMatch << "\n"; // std::cout << int(StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime) << " - " << int(Derived::OuterStrideAtCompileTime) << "\n"; // std::cout << int(StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime) << " - " << int(Derived::InnerStrideAtCompileTime) << "\n"; construct(expr.derived(), typename Traits::template match<Derived>::type()); } protected: template<typename Expression> void construct(const Expression& expr,internal::true_type) { Base::construct(expr); } template<typename Expression> void construct(const Expression& expr, internal::false_type) { m_object.lazyAssign(expr); Base::construct(m_object); } protected: TPlainObjectType m_object; }; } // end namespace Eigen #endif // EIGEN_REF_H
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: How do airline pilots maintain night currency? Does flying as an airline pilot under 14 CFR 121 provide different ways to maintain night currency? Suppose a pilot were to bid only day trips and end up flying only during the day for over 90 days. Under the recency of flight experience requirements in 14 CFR 61 that would mean a pilot might not be night current anymore but do 121 operator's op specs have some way around this? A: The night currency requirements are in 14 CFR 61.57, which does provide exceptions for pilots flying for an air carrier: Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, no person may act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying passengers [at night] 61.57(e)(2) has this exception for part 121: (2) This section does not apply to a pilot in command who is employed by a part 119 certificate holder authorized to conduct operations under part 121 when the pilot is engaged in a flight operation under part 91 or 121 for that certificate holder if the pilot in command complies with §§121.436 and 121.439 of this chapter. 121.436 has general PIC requirements for part 121, and 121.439 has recency requirements, which are 3 takeoffs and landings in the last 90 days in the same aircraft type, or an equivalent simulator. So part 121 pilots need three takeoffs and landings in type in the last 90 days, with no specific requirement for them to be at night. That's all based on just reading the regulations, someone who's actually been there and done that could probably add some more information.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Lectin-affinity chromatography for downstream processing of MDCK cell culture derived human influenza A viruses. The presented study aims on the development of a capture step for the purification of cell culture derived influenza viruses using lectin affinity chromatography. Human influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/34 virus produced in Madin Darby canine kidney cells have been chosen as a model. The influenza A virus envelop possesses two viral glycoproteins: hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. Oligosaccharides of theses glycoproteins can be targeted as affinity ligands using specific lectins. First, lectins have been screened via lectin blots and spin columns. Adequate lectins have been chosen based on published glycan structures of hemagglutinin. The most specific binding was achieved via the galactose specific Erythrina cristagalli and Euonymus europaeus lectins. Second, the chromatographic separations characteristics of these lectins have been further determined via FPLC. These experiments revealed that the rate of hemagglutinin glycan binding to the ligands was higher with the E. europaeus compared to the E. cristagalli lectin. Third, viral recoveries in addition to the total protein and host cell DNA have been balanced in a series of E. europaeus lectin chromatography runs. The total protein and dsDNA content in the product fraction of the affinity chromatography was reduced from the starting conditions to 21% and 0.1%, respectively. The average viral recovery in the product fraction was 97%. SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that the majority of the eluted proteins were of viral origin. The reproducibility and column stability was confirmed in up to 25 runs applying six different virus product batches.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
fileFormatVersion: 2 guid: c6be551879cd14d739b0188844ef2c60 timeCreated: 1447582131 licenseType: Pro MonoImporter: serializedVersion: 2 defaultReferences: [] executionOrder: 0 icon: {fileID: 2800000, guid: e1e5ef31262d242ce8efe2020a27425e, type: 3} userData: assetBundleName: assetBundleVariant:
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Passive solar glass home: watching the sun move - kirstendirksen http://faircompanies.com/videos/view/passive-solar-glass-home-watching-sun-move/ ====== jbrun If you are keen on this, see Amory Lovins talk on buildings: Short version: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvmHJNeif24> Long Version: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5txQlEI7bc&feature=chann...](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5txQlEI7bc&feature=channel) ------ electromagnetic Rather impressive, but genuinely simple. He maximized sunlight in the winter while minimising it in the summer and increased the buildings connection to the earth below frost level where the ground stays a constant 14C/57F year round. ------ timmaah My dad built the house I grew up in like this in the mid 70's. Big south facing windows with large overhang. Brick wall sucks up the heat for the night. Our greenhouse had huge 20ft high cylinders filled with dyed black water. Worked great. What happened in the 80s and 90s to make this not as popular? ~~~ kirstendirksen Passive solar used to be the way everyone built... at least before way back with the Ancient Greeks and Chinese. But when we stopped relying on sun for energy, most of us stopped building this way. I would guess passive solar gained popularity in the seventies due to more attention to energy conservation (oil crisis and all) and then when oil got cheap again, it wasn't so trendy. Hope that's not that case now. Though cheap oil and global warming aside, I'd still prefer to live in a home heated by the sun and cooled by the earth. AC gives me a headache and I much prefer the feel of sun through a window than the blast of central heating. ------ kjell Earthships are worth a look for anyone who wonders why the average modern house is so wasteful.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Q: Making urls.py file for Flask like in Django Maybe someone can help/explain me, how to create urls.py file for Flask like in Django? main.py - main project file. It includes only app runner (app.run()). urls.py is situated in the same directory and need to provide views from views.py. A: You can do this as is described in the Flask documentation, basically by calling app.add_url_rule to set your routes rather than using the decorator.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
--- abstract: 'We present a study of a peculiar nebula MF16 associated with an Ultraluminous X-ray Source NGC6946 ULX-1. We use integral-field and long-slit spectral data obtained with the 6-m telescope (Russia). The nebula was for a long time considered powered by strong shocks enhancing both high-excitation and low-excitation lines. However, kinematical properties point to rather moderate expansion rates ($V_S \sim 100\div 200$[$km\,s^{-1}\,$]{}). The total power of the emission-line source exceeds by one or two orders of magnitude the power observed expansion rate can provide, that points towards the existence of an additional source of excitation and ionization. Using CLOUDY96.01 photoionization code we derive the properties of the photoionizing source. Its total UV/EUV luminosity must be about $10^{40}$ erg/s.' date: '??? and in revised form ???' --- Introduction {#sec:intro} ============ Quite a large number of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources (ULXs) are associated with emission-line nebulae (ULX Nebulae, ULXNe), mostly large-scale bubbles powered by shock waves [@pamir (Pakull & Mirioni, 2003)]. However, several exceptions are known like the nebula associated with HoII X-1 [@lehmann (Lehmann , 2005)], that is clearly a photoionized [H [ii]{}]{} region. Another well-known example is the nebula MF16 coincident with the ULX NGC6946 ULX1. The attention to MF16 was first drawn by [@BF_94], who identified the object as a Supernova Remnant (SNR), according to the emission-line spectrum with bright collisionally-excited lines. It was long considered an unusually luminous SNR, because of its huge optical emission-line ($L_{H\alpha} = 1.9\times10^{39}erg\,s^{-1}$, according to [@BF_94], for the tangential size $20\times34pc$) and X-ray ($L_X = 2.5\times10^{39}erg\,s^{-1}$ in the $0.5-8$keV range, according to the luminosities given by [@RoCo]). However, it was shown by [@RoCo], that the spectral, spatial and timing properties of the X-ray source do not agree with the suggestion of a bright SNR, but rather suppose a point source with a typical “ULX-like” X-ray spectrum: cool Multicolor Disk (MCD) and a Power Law (PL) component. So, apart from the physical nature of the object, MF16 should be considered a [*ULX nebula*]{}, one of a new class of objects, described by [@pamir]. Optical Spectroscopy {#sec:obs} ==================== All the data were obtained on the SAO 6m telescope, Russia. Two spectrographs were used: panoramic MultiPupil Fiber Spectrograph MPFS [@MPFSdesc (Afanasiev , 2001)] and SCORPIO focal reducer [@scorpio (Afanasiev & Moiseev, 2005)] in long-slit mode. The details of data reduction processes and analysis technique will be presented in [@mf16_main]. Panoramic spectroscopy has the advantage of providing unbiased flux estimates. However, SCORPIO results have much higher signal-to-noise ratio and reveal rich emission-line spectrum of [\[Fe [iii]{}\]]{}. We also confirm the estimates of the total nebula emission-line luminosities by [@bfs]. $H\beta$ line luminosity obtained from our MPFS data is $L(H\beta) = (7.2\pm0.2)\times10^{37}erg\,s^{-1}$. Using line ratios for the integral spectrum we estimate the mean parameters of emitting gas as: $n_e \simeq 500\pm 100 \,cm^{-3}$, $T_e \simeq (1.9\pm0.2) \times 10^4 K$. Interstellar absorption is estimated as $A_V \sim 1{^{\rm m}\!\!\!.\,}3$, close to the Galactic value ($A_V^{Gal} = 1{^{\rm m}\!\!\!.\,}14$, according to [@schlegel_abs]) We confirm the estimate of the expansion rate obtained by [@dunne], coming to the conclusion that the expansion velocity is $V_S \lesssim 200$[$km\,s^{-1}\,$]{}. In this case the total emission-line luminosity can be estimated using for example the equations be [@DoSutI]: $$\begin{array}{l} F_{H\beta} = 7.44 \times 10^{-6} \left( \frac{V_s}{100 km\, s^{-1}} \right)^{2.41} \times \left( \frac{n_2}{cm^{-3}}\right) + \\ \qquad{} 9.86 \times 10^{-6} \left( \frac{V_s}{100 km \,s^{-1}} \right)^{2.28} \times \left( \frac{n_1}{cm^{-3}}\right) \, erg\, cm^{-2} s^{-1} \end{array}$$ Here $V_S$ is the shock velocity and $n_1$ the pre-shock hydrogen density. If the surface area is known, one can obtain the total luminosity in $H\beta$ from here. For $V_S = 200km/s$ and $n_1 = 1cm^{-3}$ it appears to be $L(H\beta) \simeq 1.6 \times 10^{36}$[ergs s$^{-1}$]{}, that is too low compared to the observed value. So we suggest an additional source of power providing most of the energy of the optical nebula. Photoionization Modelling ========================= We have computed a grid of CLOUDY96.01 [@cloudy98 (Ferland , 1998)] photoionization models in order to fit MF16 spectrum avoiding shock waves. We have fixed X-ray spectrum known from [*Chandra*]{} observations [@RoCo (Roberts & Colbert, 2003)], assuming all the plasma is situated at 10pc from the central point source, and introduced a blackbody source with the temperature changing from $10^3$ to $10^6$K and integral flux densities from 0.01 to 100 $erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}$. The best fit parameters are $\lg T(K) = 5.15\pm 0.05, F = 0.6\pm 0.1 erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}$, that suggests quite a luminous ultraviolet source: $L_{UV} = (7.5\pm0.5) \times 10^{39} erg\,s^{-1}$.The UV source is more than 100 times brighter then what can be predicted by extrapolating the thermal component of the best-fit model for X-ray data [@RoCo (Roberts & Colbert, 2003)]. Ultraluminous UV sources? ========================= At least for one source we have indications that its X-ray spectrum extends in the EUV region. It is interesting to analyse the implications in the frameworks of two most popular hypotheses explaining the ULX phenomenon. For the standard disk of [@ss73] the inner temperature scales as: $$T_{in} \simeq 1~keV\, \left(\frac{M}{M_\odot}\right)^{-1/4} \left(\frac{\dot{M}}{\dot{M}_{cr}}\right)^{1/4}$$ In Fig. \[fig:seds\] we present the reconstructed Spectral Energy Distribution of NGC6946 ULX-1 including optical identification by [@bfs] and the best-fit blackbody from our model. For comparison, a set of MCD SEDs for IMBHs accreting at 1% of critical rate is shown. To explain the high EUV luminosity and roughly flat SED in the EUV region, a rather high IMBH mass is needed, $M \gtrsim 10^4 $[$M_\odot$]{}. For supercritical disk this relation breaks [@poutanen (Poutanen , 2006)], and the outcoming radiation becomes much softer, except for the X-rays escaping along the disk axis [@superkarpov (Fabrika , 2007)]. Most part of the luminosity is supposed to be reprocessed into EUV and UV quanta, creating the nearly-flat SED of NGC6946 ULX1. In optical/UV range contribution of the donor star may become significant. ![NGC6946 ULX1 SED reconstruction. Optical source $d$ [@bfs (Blair , 2000)] is shown by an asterisk, and the upward arrow above indicates the unabsorbed optical luminosity: it is the lower estimate because only Galactic absorption was taken into account, $A_V = 1{^{\rm m}\!\!\!.\,}14$ according to [@schlegel_abs]. Dashed line represents the best-fit blackbody from our CLOUDY fitting. Thin solid lines are MCD models for accreting IMBHs with infinite outer disk radii. Mass accretion rate was set everywhere to $0.01 \dot{M}_{cr}$. []{data-label="fig:seds"}](abolmasov_fig1.eps){width="\textwidth"} In [@mf16_main] we make estimates for the detectability of ULXs with GALEX, coming to the conclusion that at least some of them (the sources with lower Galactic absorption) may be bright enough targets even for low-resolution spectroscopy. Conclusions =========== We conclude that MF16 is most likely a dense shell illuminated from inside. This can be a certain stage of the evolution of a ULXN, when the central source is bright and the shell itself rather compact. We suggest that ULXs must be luminous EUV sources as well in some cases, and may be also luminous UV sources. This work was supported by the RFBR grants NN 05-02-19710, 04-02-16349, 06-02-16855. Abolmasov, P., Fabrika, S., Sholukhova, O. & Afanasiev, V. 2005 in[*Science Perspectives for 3D Spectroscopy* ]{}, ed. M. Kissler-Patig, M. M. Roth. & J. R. Walsh (Springer Berlin / Heidelberg) Abolmasov, P., Fabrika, S., Sholukhova, O. 2007 [*in preparation*]{} Afanasiev V.L., Dodonov S.N., Moiseev A.V., 2001, in [ *Stellar dynamics: from classic to modern*]{}, eds. Osipkov L.P., Nikiforov I.I., Saint Petersburg, 103 Afanasiev, V., Moiseev, A., 2005 Astronomy Letters, 31, 194 Begelman, M. C. 2002, [*ApJ*]{}, 568, L97 Blair, W. P., Fesen, R. A. 1994 [*ApJ*]{}, 424, L10371.8 Blair, W. P., Fesen, R. A., Schlegel, E. M. 2001 [*The Astronomical Journal*]{}, 121, 1497 Colbert, E. J. M., Miller, E. C. 2005 in [*The Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting*]{}. Eds.: Mário Novello, Santiago Perez Bergliaffa, Remo Ruffini. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.Part A, p. 530 Dopita, M. A., Sutherland, R. S. 1996 [*ApJSS*]{}, 102, 161 Dunne, B. C., Gruendl, R. A., Chu, Y.-H. 2000, [*AJ*]{}, 119, 1172 van Dyk, S. D., Sramek, R. A., Weiler, K. W. 1994, apj, 425, 77 Fabian, A. C., Terlevich, R. 1996 [*MNRAS*]{}, 280, L5 Fabrika, S., Mescheryakov, A., 2001, In [*Galaxies and their Constituents at the Highest Angular Resolutions* ]{}, Proceedings of IAU Symposium N205, R. T. Schilizzi (Ed.), p. 268, astro-ph/0103070 Fabrika, S. [ *Supercritical disk and jets of SS433* ]{} 2004, *ARAA*, vol. 12 Fabrika, S., Abolmasov, P., Sholukhova, O. 2005, in [*Science Perspectives for 3D Spectroscopy* ]{}, eds. Kissler-Patig, M., Roth., M. M. & Walsh, J. R. Fabrika, S., Karpov, S., Abolmasov, P. 2007 [*in preparation*]{} Ferland, G. J. Korista, K.T. Verner, D.A. Ferguson, J.W. Kingdon, J.B. Verner, E.M. 1998, [*PASP*]{}, 110, 761 King, A. R., Davies, M. B., Ward, M. J., Fabbiano, G., Elvis, M. 2001, å, 552, 109 Lehmann, I., Becker, T., Fabrika, S., Roth, M., Miyaji, T., Afanasiev, V., Sholukhova, O., Sánchez, S., Greiner, J., Hasinger, G., Constantini, E., Surkov., A, Burenkov, A. 2005 å, 431, 847 Liu, J.-F., Bregman, N. 2005 [*ApJSS*]{}, 157, 59L Matonick, D. M., Fesen, R. A., 1997 [*ApJSS*]{}, 112, 49 Osterbrock, D. E. “Astrophysics of Gaseous Nebulae” 1974, San Francisco, eds. W. H. Freeman and Company Pakull, M. W., Mirioni, L. 2003 RevMexAA (Serie de Conferencias), 15, 197 Poutanen, J., Fabrika, S., Butkevich, A., Abolmasov, P. 2006 [*in press*]{} Roberts, T. P., Colbert, E. J. M. 2003 [*MNRAS*]{}, 341, 49 Schlegel, D. J., Finkbeiner, P. F., Davis, M. 1998, [*ApJ*]{}, 500, 525 Shakura, N. I., Sunyaev, R. A. 1973, å, 24, 337 Swartz, A. D., Ghosh, K. K., Tennant, A. F., Wu, K., 2004 [*ApJSS*]{}, 154, 519
{ "pile_set_name": "ArXiv" }
Q: How to validate a text box (total) based on two other textboxes with numeric values I am working on a Telerik RadGrid and within the grid there are multiple radtextboxes like A, B, C and D. I have used radtextbox with regular expression validation to validate A, B and C textboxes with numbers. However, textbox D is A+B+C. My question is if customvalidator is used, how do I validate it within the grid, to alert the user that the total is inaccurate? Here's a piece of code, I came up with for radD: > <telerik:RadTextbox ID="radD" runat="server" Autopostback="true" > Type="Number" text=<%# Bind("TotalD") </telerik:Radtextbox> > > <asp:customvalidator ID =CV1 controltovalidate=radD > errormessage="Inaccuratetotal" > clientvalidationfunction="total_validate"/> My question is: How do I code the clientvalidationfunction for textbox D based on A, B and C. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance. Dimpy A: You don't include what's in the total_validate function, so I'll write some pseudo code for you. function total_validate(sender, args){ var control = $find(sender.controltovalidate); var textBoxA = $find(//textBoxA ID).value; var textBoxB = $find(//textBoxB ID).value; var textBoxC = $find(//textBoxC ID).value; if (//textbox a plus b plus c is NOT what you want) { arguments.IsValid = false; } }
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
What's new in this version (1.6): Description This is an UNLOCKER app for Shelves (com.miadzin.shelves). After you install this app, the ads are removed from Shelves. YOU MIGHT NEED TO REBOOT YOUR PHONE FIRST. Installing this app will unlock certain features in the Shelves app. It will not erase your previous collection. It will not magically add brand new, never-before-seen new features. Unlocked features include: * Removal of ads * The ability to add any item manually * The ability to multiselect items for tagging, rating, deleting, e.t.c. * The ability to add items to a wishlist Thank you to everyone who supports a one-man development team, acting as developer, tester, documentation writer, customer relations, and public relations. I wouldn't do this if it weren't for all of you. Last comments from Android Market Alejandro (*****)There is no "bait & switch". Just a single man who made a great app for free, decided to make it trial, then ad supported FOR his users. Support him. Christopher (*)I'm so sick of the ads coming back and having to backup my database, uninstall, reinstall, restore database. For this kind of money, it should work. Jerry (*****)Would be cool if you could add a custom field where you could enter a catalog# for each dvd Emma (****)Glad I noticed the new update. It's back to being best app ever ;-) maotx (*)Bait and switch. Price to high. No integration with other services. No way to customize shelves. Can only backup one category at a time. Real (*)No manual entry. High asking price with still no access to amazon db. Scan couldn't identify canadian upc. Sean Mc. (****)If the app wasn't so good, I would have uninstalled it due to the bait and switch tactics. Price should be determined before it goes to market. Randall (****)Garen Torikian has more than once personally responded to questions as well as quickly made desired improvements. I fully support his need to charge! Androlicious.com is a website that shows applications and games from Android Market. You can download and install apps and games directly from Android Market using an Android phone or by using WebConnect mobile application.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Today's Googlr doodle is a dedication to one of the most celebrated actress of Indian cinema, Madhubala. Today, Google dedicated its doodle to the iconic actor of the Indian cinema Madhubala. Popularly known as 'The Marilyn Monroe of Bollywood', Madhubala was known for her beauty, personality and sensitive portrayals of women in films. Raised in the slums of Bombay, she supported her family as a child star and soon became a leading lady known for her elegance on screen and considerable acting abilities. Born in Delhi on this day in 1933, Mumtaz Jehan Begum Dehlavi was raised in a town located near the Bombay Talkies film studio. Madhubala appeared in her first film at the age of 9, billed as Baby Mumtaz. In 1947 she landed the lead role in Neel Kamal at the age of 14, taking the name Madhubala. As the family's main breadwinner, she worked tirelessly to support her parents and four sisters. Madhubala appeared in nine films during 1949, including a spellbinding breakout performance in the box office hit Mahal. While her breathtaking appearance earned comparisons to Venus, Madhubala was a gifted actor with an understated style well suited for comedies, dramas, and romantic roles alike. She fell in love with Dilip Kumar, her costar in the 1951 romance Tarana, but her father, who managed her career, interfered. The actors' chemistry in the epic historical drama Mughal-e-Azam-one of the most popular and expensive movies in Bollywood history-was undeniable and unforgettable. Appearing in over 70 films over the course of a tragically brief career, Madhubala- who would have turned 86 today-was called "The Biggest Star in the World" in 1952 by Theatre Arts magazine. In 2008 she appeared on a commemorative postage stamp in India, where she is remembered by many as one of the greatest to ever grace the silver screen. Madhubala's life and career was cut short when she died on 23 February 1969 from a prolonged illness at the age of 36. Her film Chalak opposite Raj Kapoor was supposed to be released in 1966 as it needed a short spell of shooting, however, she couldn't even survive that strength and therefore, the film was left incomplete even at the time of her death.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Methods for the study of the metabolism of radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies by liver and tumor. Methods for elucidating the mechanisms by which radiolabeled antibodies are taken up and accumulated in tumor and liver are reviewed. These include the use of isolated perfused rat livers, RES blockade using dextran sulfate, single and double labeled antibodies, micropore chambers for the accumulation of the interstitial fluid, and in vitro tissue culture studies of antibody metabolism. Each method has its utility, examples of which will be discussed along with the methods' limitations. All of the methods have value in furthering our understanding of the metabolism of monoclonal antibodies both in vivo and in vitro. Use of these procedures to create a greater understanding of radiolabeled antibody metabolism, hopefully, will result in improved clinically useful agents for diagnosis and therapy.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Dominick & Dickerman Dominick and Dickerman is an investment and merchant banking firm, located in New York City. From 1899 through 2015, the firm was known as Dominick and Dominick. Following the sale of the wealth management business, the firm reverted to its original name, Dominick and Dickerman. The firm was founded in 1870 and is one of the oldest, continuously operated financial services institutions in the United States. Dominick & Dickerman LLC services its individual and corporate clients primarily through three business divisions: Private Wealth Management, Investment Banking and Institutional Sales. Private Wealth Management offers wealth management advise, including investment strategies, asset allocation, wealth and estate planning, insurance products and alternative investments. The Investment Banking team services public and private corporations around the world by raising capital, developing and implementing strategic merger and acquisition plans, and advising senior management teams on a variety of governance, operations and growth issues. Institutional Sales recommends and executes trading strategies for institutional clients in the United States and abroad. Dominick & Dominick LLC is headquartered in New York City and has offices in Basel, Switzerland. Dominick & Dominick LLC is a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. History Founding The company was founded on June 15, 1870 as Dominick & Dickerman by William Gayer Dominick and Watson Bradley Dickerman. Dominick was born in Chicago, and moved to New York as a child. In 1869, at the age of 25, he purchased membership on the New York Stock Exchange. At the NYSE, Dominick met Connecticut-born Dickerman and they went into business forming a stock brokerage firm. Dominick's brothers, George and Bayard Dominick, also joined the Exchange and became partners in the firm. Dominick & Dickerman opened its first branch in 1889 in Cincinnati, where the firm was one of only two exchange members. A year later, Dickerman left the firm when he was elected president of the New York Stock Exchange. He would serve as president from 1890 to 1892, then return to the firm. His cofounder, William Dominick, died in 1895 at the age of 50 to typhoid fever. Dickerman would retire in 1909, passing away at the age of 77 in 1923. Dominick & Dickerman changed its name in 1899 to Dominick & Dominick, adding several new partners including Milnor B. Dominick, Andrew V. Stout, J.A. Barnard, and Bernon S. Prentice. The firm was one of the original sources for closed-end funds, launching The Dominick fund, Inc in 1920 by selling 200,000 shares for a raise of $10 million. Despite the stock market crash in 1929, the fund survived and was listed in 1959 on the NYSE before it was merged with Putnam Fund in 1973. Expansion In 1936 Dominick & Dominick expanded through acquisition, merging with A. Iselin & Co., also one of Wall Street's oldest firms. Several months earlier the patriarch of the firm, Adrian Iselin, died at the age of 89. He had joined the firm, which his father formed, as a 22-year-old in 1868. At the time of the merger, Dominick & Dominick had 13 partners, including Gayer G. Dominick (senior partner since 1926), Bayard Dominick, and Gardner Dominick Stout. It next picked up several partners from Iselin & Co., as well as Iselin Securities Corporation, which brought with it an office in Paris, and the Iselin Corporation of Canada with its office in Montreal. Because Dominick & Dominick already maintained a London office, the London office of Iselin Securities was closed. Other European offices were subsequently opened, and Dominick & Dominick soon had a presence in all of the major cities in Europe. World War II A large number of the firm's employees and partners entered the military, including Gayer Dominick. The firm was content to just keep its doors opened and operate. Gayer Dominick had been with the firm since 1909 after graduating from Yale University. In 1935 he was elected a governor of the New York Stock Exchange and helped to hire the first paid president of the Exchange, at the behest of the new Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). He then left the family firm in 1938 to enter public service, working for the Office of Price Administration in the Roosevelt administration. Post-War expansion After World War II came to an end and following a brief economic recession as the United States reverted to a peacetime footing, the economy enjoyed a long period of growth. Dominick & Dominick benefited from the country's prosperity. Some of the firm's most notable transactions during the postwar years involved Yonkers, New York-based Alexander Smith Carpet Company and Canada's Great Plains Oil. In the late 1950s Dominick & Dominick was also part of a banking syndicate that managed the initial public offering (IPO) of stock issued by Arvida Corporation, which was formed in Florida in 1958 to sell the real estate holdings of Arthur Vining Davis. The IPO gained attention because of objections raised by the SEC to the way the managers had announced the stock sale before filing a registration statement with the SEC, a violation of the law. Dominick & Dominick ended registration as a partnership, reorganizing as a corporation in 1964. The 1960s also saw the firm spread its operation across the country, taking advantage of a bull market to build up a domestic retail brokerage business. In 1962 an office in Chicago was opened. Dominick & Dominick gained a major presence in New England in 1966 by acquiring the firm of Townsend, Dabney, Tyson. Not only did the firm pick up a large Boston office but another 15 offices throughout the Northeast. About 30 additional branch offices across the United States were opened by the end of the 1960s. In 1970 Dominick & Dominick pursued a merger with Clark, Dodge & Co., Inc., a similar size firm, but called it off, electing instead to continue a program of opening new offices and pursuing the acquisition of smaller firms. This plan was also eventually terminated, however, as the stock market began to experience one of the worst bear markets in a generation, and Dominick & Dominick found that it had stretched itself far too thin. Dark period Strapped for cash the firm sold four of its five seats on the New York Stock Exchange and one of two seats on the American Stock Exchange. It also sold a significant stake in the business for $7.25 million to an investment group led by Pierce National Life Insurance Company (now Liberty Corporation), which was in turn controlled by Joe L. Allbritton, founder of Allbritton Communications Company. While the infusion of capital was welcome, Dominick & Dominick still found itself in a difficult position and decided to exit the domestic retail brokerage business and to sell the bulk of its branch offices. The firm's chairman and chief executive, Peter M. Kennedy, explained to the New York Times that "a national retail structure is not right for a firm of our size. We either had to be bigger or smaller." He added, "We are not going out of business. We are just changing the nature of our business." Dominick & Dominick retained a modest retail business but mostly chose to focus on core strengths, including institutional business, money management, corporate finance, municipal bonds, and its international business. It was also in 1973 The Dominick fund, which had about $55 million in assets, was taken over by Putnam Fund. Over the next 20 years, Dominick & Dominick reduced its work force and closed offices in an attempt to focus on more profitable financial services such as research. The firm also became involved in the fixed income area, making corporate and municipal bonds, Eurobonds, and Treasury Notes available to its clients, and launched managed futures programs to participate in the global currency markets. The firm also did a healthy business providing clearing services to more than 100 National Association of Securities Dealers firms; its Dominick & Dominick Advisors unit provided investment and portfolio management services to high-net-worth investors and institutions in the United States, Europe, and Asia. 21st century By the start of the new century, Dominick & Dominick was in decline and needed an infusion of partner capital. In October 2003 the firm brought in a new president and CEO, hiring 58-year-old Michael J. Campbell, a former Marine who had 30 years of experience in the industry, including a 25-year tenure with Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ) and a stint with Credit Suisse First Boston after Credit Suisse acquired DLJ. With DLJ Campbell managed the private client group, expanding the firm's high-net-worth and midsized institutional investor brokerage business from 75 advisors to a network of more than 500 investment professionals. Campbell joined Dominick & Dominick in 2003, bringing senior management from DLJ and Credit Suisse First Boston. The new management relocated the firm headquarters from lower Manhattan to Midtown Manhattan to an office on 52nd St. In addition, Campbell wasted little time in recruiting new advisors from Credit Suisse and other major financial firms. Dominick & Dominick's first branch office to open under Campbell's management was in the fall of 2004 when an operation in Miami was opened to focus on wealthy Central and South American residents. It was not an acquisition, as Dominick was absorbing the Miami office of Pennsylvania-based First Security Investments, which had been opened by another former DLJ employee, Alain O'Hayon, who stayed on to manage the office. Campbell was very familiar with the potential of a Miami operation, having built up an office in the city for DLJ from just two brokers to more than 70. In 2006 another regional office was added in Atlanta. A year later, in 2007, Dominick & Dominick launched a new risk arbitrage group with the hope to develop synergies with the firm's existing institutional and high-net-worth client base. Stanford Financial Group receivership On November 13, 2009, the US District Court ordered the Brokerage Accounts of Stanford Financial Group Brokerage to be transferred to Dominick & Dominick LLC. The Stanford Group was the firm run by Allen Stanford. Both Stanford Group Company and Dominick & Dominick LLC use Pershing LLC as their clearing firm. The transfer became effective on January 20, 2010. References Notes Bibliography Allan, John H. "Two Wall Street Firms Undergo Changes." The New York Times 22 Feb. 1973: n. pag. Print. New York Times. "Anniversay Celebrated: Dominick & Dominick, Brokers, Oberve Fiftieth Year in Business." The New York Times 15 June 1920: n. pag. Print Staff. "Dominick Branches Sold to Other Firms." The New York Times 8 Aug. 1973: n. pag. Print. Staff. "Iselin Firm to End, Joining Dominicks." The New YOrk Times 17 June 1973: n. pag. Print. Vartan, Vartanig G. "Dominick to Quit Retail Brokerage." The New York Times 31 July 1973: n. pag. Print Dominick & Dominick LLC Homepage. "About US." Dominick & Dominick LLC. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. <http://www.dominickanddominick.com/>. External links Category:Financial services companies established in 1870 Category:Investment companies based in New York City Category:Companies based in New York City Category:Financial services companies based in New York City Category:Brokerage firms Category:1870 establishments in New York (state)
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
This blog was originally a set of reflections as a student teacher, full time teacher, and then technology director in K-12 education. It is currently a place for educational technology reflections and features a few interesting assignments during my masters degree program. Monday, March 2, 2009 Job Fair – Round One So today I ventured out to a new experience, one that I had heard a lot about but not experienced – the job fair. So this morning I got up and put on my Sunday best and headed out to a school and into the dog pen. I got here, along with a lot of other people, a little early and got registered. Then I stood in line and waited, and waited, and waited some more for the doors to open. Then finally they did and all of us, I would have to guess somewhere around 550 teachers, educators, and support staff all searching for a job. So there I was, a student teacher thrown into a huge gym full of people. Armed with my resume and a smile I approached my first school district to talk to them. Of course there were lines, but some places were worse than others. Last night I made my short list of schools that I was interested in, so I started off there. The format is that prospective educators have about two minutes to impress the representatives of the district with the few words and ideas that you have. So that’s what I did, I said a few things about student teaching, technology, finishing my degree program, and then trying to ask a question to keep the conversation going. From there they would probably tell me, at least at most places, that they do not have any openings right now. So I would hand them my resume, tell them thank you, and then move on. That’s what I found in a lot of districts, but in just a few I had a little more luck. If you make it past the first round of interrogation and approval, then they grant you a thirty minute interview later in the day. At first I started to wonder if I would even get any interviews. I kept getting turned down by school district after school district, because of a lack of openings. As I was waiting in line I met a friend who chatted with me for a while and then she encouraged me to throw my plan out the window. My short list, what did it really matter? Of course, make sure that I hit those schools, but other than that I have nothing holding me to Denver. Why not go around to every table and get my information out. So that’s what I did, I hit them all up. Mostly I got turned down, time and time again. One school district in particular would not even look at student teachers. Which, I think is good for the students and parents in their district, but some student teachers are fantastic and I think worth looking at – I am included. However, I guess I somewhat understand the policy. That was frustrating; however this market is hard. The jobs are few and far between, so I kept trying. Then I finally got a huge break with a large district outside of Denver and that made me really excited. From there I tried a few other places and then started getting the line, “We would love to interview you today, but our sheet is already filled up.” They only have so much time to interview so many candidates, it makes sense, but I feel like they fill them on a first come, first serve basis, which I believe they are leaving out some quality candidates. I was excited, though, because even one school district told me, “We’re really interested and if anything opens up today, like someone does not show up for an interview, I will call you.” That was really nice to hear. In addition, I also got an interview at a smaller district that will serve as a preparation for the larger school district. I was able to schedule it right before too, so that was a good thing. All in all, there were a lot of people, a lot of standing in line, and very little progress. A few interviews, that was good, but overall I’m still not ready for school on Monday and this ate up my day. I understand that finding a job is really important, but I want to make sure that it is worth my time. Many of these districts were like, did you apply online? To which I thought; No, if I had time I might take you up on that. Which leads me to the kicker – It will be this week when I carve out time for me to actually get on the computer and actually get things situated. I am watching a few other school districts and a few other jobs around the state and this week I have to make time to start applying. So my first interview was with the really small school district. It was good to go in there, see what questions they had, and then move from there. They strongly encouraged me to apply to their open position. My second interview was with an interviewee that was really excited to meet me and interview me. My interviewer was really impressed with my resume and “everything I had done in my short life.” She said, “It was one of the best resumes I have seen in a while,” which made me feel good about my accomplishments and that my resume was attracting attention. From there she asked me a few standard questions about education, teaching, and then she asked me about publishing relevant material. I took that and ran with it. I showed her how my students were publishing to Wiki spaces, blogging, Fishbowling in class, and really publishing to the world. I also told her about how we are using cell phones in the classroom and really trying to make the content that the students write worth while to the students and publishable to the world. From question three on, I do not think she went back to the “prepared questions.” Instead, we just had a chat about engagement, technology, teaching, and middle school students. At the end of the interview, my interviewer strongly encouraged me to apply for a recent posting of an opening at 7th and 8th grade. I was a little hesitant at first to even think about and acknowledge teaching middle school students, but then my interviewer told me a little bit more about the school district and how it is growing and how it passed a very large bond last year. To that end, they will be hiring many teachers and spending a lot of money on technology and a brand new P-20 school that will open in 2011 I believe. So it was a great interview that actually went over time, but made me excited for teaching and the prospect of a job in the near future. This whole career fair thing is very daunting at first and even seemed like part of it was not worth it, but I really felt that at the end of the day I had two good jobs to look into and start applying to. I had built up confidence in my skills, resume, and presentation, which all was very helpful, and I had even had some interview experience. Now off to the search for the online applications and the time to fill them out. The search continues, but all in all it was a good day. About Me Randon Ruggles is currently a Education Services Engineer at JAMF Software. He was previously a high school English teacher and Technology Director at the FAIR School Downtown (Minneapolis, MN). Prior FAIR he student taught at Arapahoe High School (Centennial, CO) where this blog got its start. In addition to his work at JAMF, Randon has taught classes for Saint Mary's University of Minnesota in the GPDE program and is currently completing his Instructional Technology masters degree through the University of Northern Iowa. When Randon is not found blogging, tweeting, or checking out new technology, he is usually watching MN Wild hockey, water skiing on the Mississippi River, or hanging out with his wife.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Recently, Times Higher Education released their 2016/2017 World University Rankings. The rankings look at teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook of universities from every corner of the globe. Here at WebsEdge we were excited for this announcement as we have worked closely with many of the universities for our Conference TV projects. Looking at [...] The MarCom Awards has announced WebsEdge as a gold winner in the education institution – video category, titled The Fetal Heart Program by Cath Sheehan, Executive Producer at WebsEdge. Stephen Horn CEO of WebsEdge said “With video technology more widely used and accessible at peoples’ fingertips, it is great to be recognized for quality video [...] Announced last week (03/05/17) in front of 500 attendees, the European Association of Urology (EAU) was named the winner of Best TV Video Channel – EAU TV at the Association Awards in Vienna. Attracting over 60 nominations, EAU TV was one of only ten associations to be recognised during the 2017 International and European Association [...] We here at WebsEdge have fond memories of Dr Millie Dresselhaus. Over the years we have been fortunate to interview her a handful of times about her career, achievements and her commitment to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education, particularly for women. The MIT professor, named ‘Queen of Carbon’ was a pioneer in material [...] You probably don’t need me to tell you that video is fast becoming the common currency for online communications. But even so the figures are truly amazing. According to a new report from Cisco global Internet traffic is going to rise three fold by 2017. By then half the world’s projected population – or 3.6 [...] Contributors Click below to find blogs written by various members of the WebsEdge team and Stephen Horn, our CEO. You are currently browsing the WebsEdge Blog blog archives for June, 2013.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: How can I force a throw to be a statement and not an expression (in a lambda expression)? Starting from C# 7.0 the throw keyword can be used both as an expression and as a statement, which is nice. Though, consider these overloads public static void M(Action doIt) { /*use doIt*/ } public static void M(Func<int> doIt) { /*use doIt*/ } When invoking like this M(() => throw new Exception()); or even like this (with a statement lambda) M(() => { throw new Exception(); }); the M(Func<>) overload is selected by the compiler indicating that the throw is here considered as an expression. How can I elegantly and intent-clear force the compiler to select the M(Action) overload? One way to do it is this M(() => { throw new Exception(); return; }); but the reason for the return statement seems non-obvious, and runs the risk of being changed by the next developer especially since Resharper warns about the unreachable code. (Of course I can change the method naming to avoid overloading, but that is not the question. :-) A: You could add a cast to for Action, although it does get a bit LISP'y with all the parentheses: M((Action)(() => throw new Exception())); Not ideal, but if you want maximum clarity: Action thrw = () => throw new Exception(); M(thrw); A: This has nothing to do with whether the lambda is a statement lambda or an expression lambda (as is most succinctly shown by you changing the lambda from an expression lambda to a statement lambda and the behavior not changing). There are numerous ways you can make a lambda match multiple possible overloads. This one is specific to newer versions, but other methods have applied since C# 1.0 (and the specific handling of anonymous methods and the resulting overload resolution disambiguation has needed to exist since the introduction of anonymous methods). The rules for determining which overload is called are spelled out in section of the C# specs. Specifically, when the parameter is an anonymous method, it will always prefer the overload who's delegate (or expression) has a return value over one that has no return value. This will be true whether it's a statement lambda or expression lambda; it applies to any form of anonymous function. Thus you either need to prevent both overload from matching by making the anonymous method not valid for a Func<int>, or explicitly force the type to be an Action so the compiler is not disambiguating it itself. A: One possible approach is to use named parameters: public static void M(Action action) { /* do stuff */ } public static void M(Func<int> func) { /* do stuff */ } public static void Main() { M(action: () => throw new Exception()); } This should probably be documented in the code so as not to surprise the next developer to come along, and as noted in the comments write an appropriate automated test to verify the correct overload is called.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Newbould Newbould is a surname. Notable people with the name include: Alfred Ernest Newbould (1873–1952), British cinematographer and politician Brian Newbould (born 1936), British composer, conductor and author Frank Newbould (1887–1951), English poster artist Harry Newbould (1861–1928), English football manager Julieanne Newbould (born 1957), Australian actress Thomas Newbould (1880–1964), English rugby player See also Newbold (name) Newbolt
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Q: Difference between a 'figure' and 'figurine'? I am writing a product description for an Easter bunny decorative figure/figurine and I am stuck at which term to use for my copy as both these terms have been used interchangeably on different sites. A: Figure and figurine can be used interchangeably to describe a small statue or statuette. figure   a representation of a human or animal form in drawing or sculpture   (Oxford) figurine   a statuette, especially one of a human form  (Oxford) That said, figure is a more general term. In the statue sense alone, figure connotes no size, whereas figurine connotes a smaller size. Furthermore, figure has a plethora of other senses, evinced by the dictionary entry linked above. If you're writing a product description, you should probably go with the more specific term, figurine.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
When your done with the game for Nba 2k9 for the Ps2 what else can you do? 1. Can you unlock new shoes, hair styles, Etc. 2.can you have a slam-dunk contest? all I do is create a new team and go to game modes and go to street if you got any new and cool stuff please let me know Answers: 1 Hi, I've just bought the game and playing season mode. When I save my season, turn ps2 off and next wanna play it. I cant load it. I just have to play a new season mode. And, how do you buy/trade players? Answers: 5 Can you hav a 3 point shoot out or slam dunk contest for nba2k9 cuz dats one of my favorite things to do and I cant find them Answers: 2 Ask a question about PS2 2K9's player trade Every time I made a trade(ex:Kobe for Roy) then I played with that team(POR) i found that Kobe just played for 3~4 mins and he would be substitute with bench player(like Webster) then didn't back to lineup again by coach's decision A starter just played for 3~4 mins per game? i check of other traded team, but the condition is the same! Please tell me how to prohibit CPU's coach from these ridiculous substitutions or prevent this conditons? Thanks a lot. Answers: 6 I know this question is stupid, but I can't get any of my players to dunk the ball. How do you dunk the ball on the PS2 Answers: 3 Can you create a team on NBA 2K9 for PS2? Please answer me! Answers: 1
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
¿Por qué no? Mientras que Flamengo armó un equipo millonario para jugar la final de la Copa Libertadores luego de más de 30 años, y mientras que River Plate jugará por el titulo del continente por segunda vez consecutiva, en Boca Juniors no quieren dejar pasar otro año más en blanco internacionalmente. Perder la final del Bernabéu y en ‘semis’ este año, fueron duros golpes para el ‘Xeneize’, que podría dar el batacazo si logra lo que, según desde Argentina, tiene entre manos: fichar para el banquillo a nada menos que Carlo Ancelotti. De acuerdo a información de FOX Sports Argentina, de Diego Latorre y Marcelo Benedetto para ser exactos, el técnico campeón de la Champions League con AC Milan y Real Madrid podría llegar a La Bombonera para la próxima temporada. La situación del técnico italiano es algo irregular en el Napoli, con el que marcha séptimo en la Serie A, aunque en la Champions League marcha segundo en la Grupo E. Pero además de lo deportivo, Ancelotti está en pleno conflicto con el dueño del equipo napolitanoy eso le habría la puerta a una posible salida en las próximas semanas. Aun así, los periodistas acotaron que la situación del país y el sueldo que pida el ex-Real Madrid podría complicar su llegada. Final de la Libertadores en Lima Conmebol decidió el martes mudar de sede la final de la Copa Libertadores, de Santiago a Lima, ante la oleada de protestas que persisten en la capital chilena. El órgano rector del fútbol en Sudamérica anunció la decisión tras un encuentro con representantes de los dos clubes finalistas, el campeón defensor River Plate de Argentina, y Flamengo de Brasil. Tras un cambio de formato a partir de este año, el cetro del máximo certamen futbolístico sudamericano se definirá en un solo partido, previsto para el 23 de noviembre. La fecha se mantiene, pero la sede no. ► “Me gustaría que un día viniera a Italia”: Lionel Messi ya respondió al desafío de Cristiano Ronaldo ► ‘Messi ento’ furioso: la rabia de Leo rumbo al camarín tras mal primer tiempo del Barça ante Slavia ► Era todo diferente: el último once del Real Madrid que ganó en el Bernabéu por Champions [FOTOS] ► Le cerró la puerta a Gareth Bale: Zidane sorprendió con respaldo a galés y anunció que se queda
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: Allow PHP application access only for slack I have implemented slack -Jenkins Integration; Triggering Jenkins build with parameters job by using PHP application hosted in a server. Slash command to call PHP application ; PHP application will take the input by REQUEST method and then call the Jenkins job . If any one knows the file name(www.myserver.com/filename.php) and cracked the run time arguments(paramters), then they can do the deployments . By calling the it in the URL. Slack doesn't have static IP . So IP restriction is not possible . Tried : RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !^POST$ RewriteRule ^/check.php$ - [NC,R=404,L] in the .htaccess. But Fails the testcase. Simply , need to allow the PHP application only from slack A: You'll want to process the verification token that comes with every slack request. Verification tokens Slash commands, Events API deliveries, and interactive messages all have one thing in common: Slack dispatches a request that lands on your server. You need a way to identify that it really came from Slack. So every Slack app has a verification token that acts as a shared secret between your app and Slack. This verification token has nothing to do with any other kind of token on Slack. It's never needed for any API operations your app sends to Slack. It's only use case is to securely identify traffic coming from Slack. Don't confuse verification tokens with an OAuth token, user token (xoxp), bot user token (xoxb), gossip girl token (xoxo), or workspace token (xoxa). The only relation is that token word "token."
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Jordan Morris Jordan Perry Morris (born October 26, 1994) is an American soccer player who plays as a forward for Seattle Sounders FC in Major League Soccer, and the United States national team. Club career Youth, college and amateur Morris, from Mercer Island, Washington, began his youth career with Eastside FC, where he played from 2004 to 2012, from U11 to U17, with the Eastside FC B94 Red team, coached by Dan Strom, and helped the team to six of its seven Washington State titles as well as two third-place finishes at the US Youth Soccer National Championships in 2011 and 2012: he was named to the Best XI in 2011, and was the Golden Ball winner in 2012. Morris was also named NSCAA Washington State Player of the Year and NSCAA High School All-American in 2012. He joined the Sounders FC youth academy and played in the U.S. Soccer Development Academy for one season. On February 6, 2012, Morris signed a letter of intent to play college soccer at Stanford University. In his freshman year with the Cardinal, Morris appeared in all 21 matches and led all Pac-12 freshman with seven assists and 19 points and tied for the lead with six goals and helped lead his team to their first NCAA Tournament since 2009 where they would eventually fall 1–0 to #2 seed Washington in the Round of 16. He went on to be named first team All-Pac-12 that year. Morris also spent time with Seattle Sounders FC U-23 in the Premier Development League. In his sophomore year, Morris helped lead Stanford to its first Pac-12 championship since 2001. In his junior year, Morris scored 13 goals and had 3 assists. He led the Cardinal to both the Pac-12 and the NCAA Championships. In the NCAA tournament, Morris scored 5 of Stanford's total of 12 goals. In the championship game against Clemson, Morris scored his first of two goals in the game only 87 seconds into the contest. On January 8, 2016, Morris was awarded the Hermann Trophy as the best player in NCAA Division I soccer. Seattle Sounders After winning the NCAA Division I Men's Soccer Championship, there was speculation that Morris would begin to play professionally. Coach Jürgen Klinsmann stated that Morris "obviously has to" turn pro. On January 5, 2016, Morris announced he decided to forgo his senior season at Stanford to turn pro. It was widely speculated that Morris would sign with the Sounders, the club for which his father works, and also holds his amateur rights. On January 21, 2016, Morris signed with Seattle Sounders FC, being given MLS's highest-ever Homegrown Player contract worth roughly $250,000 a year. He joined the Sounders' preseason training camp in Arizona, debuting in a friendly against Celaya F.C. on February 9, 2016. On February 23, 2016, Morris made his professional debut against Club América in the CONCACAF Champions League, starting the match. The following week, he debuted in the Sounders' first Major League Soccer game of the season against Sporting Kansas City. Morris scored his first Major League Soccer goal for the Sounders on April 16, 2016, against the Philadelphia Union. He then went on to score in his next three consecutive games, matching the Seattle rookie scoring record, his next goal then surpassed the rookie goalscoring record which had been set by Steve Zakuani in 2009. He has since helped his team to win the MLS Cup after a run from ninth place into fourth, along with the help of Nicolas Lodeiro, a new midseason acquisition made by Seattle. On February 22, 2018 while playing in El Salvador against Santa Tecla in the Sounders' first match of the 2018 CONCACAF Champions League, Morris collapsed untouched in the 85th minute with a torn ACL. He was reported to likely miss 6–9 months. After missing the entirety of the 2018 MLS season, Morris was signed to a five-year contract extension with the Sounders in December 2018. Werder Bremen trial On January 5, 2016, it was reported that Morris was set to train with Werder Bremen at their winter camp, which Bremen chief executive Thomas Eichin claimed was "an opportunity for us to get to know the player better. Nothing more and nothing less". On January 13, 2016, it was reported that Bremen extended the trial of Morris who then played in a friendly match against Inter Baku PIK and recorded an assist. On January 18, 2016, it was reported that Bremen had offered a contract to Morris, and Eichin claimed he was confident that they would sign him. However, it was later reported by Werder Bremen that Morris had turned down their offer in favor of playing in the United States. International career In May 2013, Morris was one of 22 players named to the U.S. under-20 squad for the Toulon Tournament where he made three appearances. He also made appearances for the U.S. under-23 national team on August 6, 2014 and scored in a 5–1 win over Barbados. On August 28, 2014, Morris received his first senior call up to the U.S. men's national team for a friendly against the Czech Republic, making him the first college player to be called into squad since Chris Albright was called up in 1999 while he was still playing at the University of Virginia. While he was left on the bench, he would make his international debut in a 4–1 defeat to Ireland in November. On April 15, 2015, he scored his first U.S. men's national team goal against Mexico in an international friendly. In the 2017 CONCACAF Gold Cup Final, Morris scored the winning goal for the United States, assuring a victory over Jamaica and becoming joint top scorer of the tournament with three goals. International goals As of matches played November 19, 2019. Scores and results list the United States's goal tally first. Personal life Morris was born in Seattle, Washington, to Michael and Leslie Morris. His father, Dr. Michael Morris, is the chief medical director of Seattle Sounders FC. He has three siblings named Christopher, Julian and Talia. He attended Mercer Island High School, where he played high school soccer prior to joining the Sounders Academy. Morris was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of nine and is one of the few professional athletes with the condition to play. He said that having diabetes has helped shape him. His tattoo "T1D" on his inner arm is a tribute to the armband people with diabetes have to wear. Career statistics International Honors Stanford Cardinal NCAA Division I Men's Soccer Championship: 2015 Pac-12 Conference: 2015 Seattle Sounders MLS Cup: 2016, 2019 Western Conference: 2016, 2017, 2019 United States CONCACAF Gold Cup: 2017 Individual NSCAA High School All-American: 2012 First team All-Pac-12: 2013, 2014, 2015 Pac-12 Player of the Year: 2015 Hermann Trophy: 2015 MLS Rookie of the Year: 2016 CONCACAF Gold Cup Best XI: 2017 MLS Comeback Player of the Year: 2019 References External links Stanford University bio Category:1994 births Category:Living people Category:American soccer players Category:Stanford Cardinal men's soccer players Category:Seattle Sounders FC U-23 players Category:Seattle Sounders FC players Category:Association football forwards Category:Soccer players from Washington (state) Category:USL League Two players Category:Major League Soccer players Category:People with type 1 diabetes Category:Hermann Trophy men's winners Category:NCAA Division I Men's Soccer Tournament Most Outstanding Player winners Category:United States men's under-20 international soccer players Category:United States men's under-23 international soccer players Category:United States men's international soccer players Category:2017 CONCACAF Gold Cup players Category:Sportspeople from Seattle Category:People from Mercer Island, Washington Category:CONCACAF Gold Cup-winning players Category:All-American men's college soccer players Category:2019 CONCACAF Gold Cup players
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Minimum Wage Artists On the reality of “starving artists” in the games industry To my fellow artists, creatives, illustrators, and concept designers, Do not work for less than minimum wage. Companies like Fantasy Flight Games ask artists to do a fully painted illustration and sign away nearly all rights to that piece for just $100. That is rude, disgraceful, and downright wrong. We need to bring this to light so it can stop. For a company pulling in tens of millions of dollars in revenue annually, surely they are capable of paying their freelance artists a reasonable rate. $100, assuming the average artist will take around 15 hours to complete the work (factoring in communication, research, revisions, actual painting, and invoicing), will earn the artist somewhere around $7/hour, less than the current US federal minimum wage. By most estimates, a freelancer should mentally divide any hourly rate they earn by half to compare it to any in-house, full time position (as a freelancer has additional taxes, has to factor in time for accounting and advertising, has to pay for health insurance, and has all of the overhead to supply their own equipment and work space). So that puts our functional wage for that job closer to $3.50/hour. “But I work a lot faster than that! I can make good money!”, they scream. You really can’t. If you do an $100 piece every working day of the year, ignoring all holidays and never taking a vacation even for Christmas, you will earn a grand total of $26,100 at the end of the year, before taxes. You will work like a dog to earn less than even the median American income to do a skilled job that helps your employer earn the position of one of the largest analog game companies. But the thing is, you won’t make that much. You’re not going to make a livable income. You’re not magically going to fill every hour of your day with doing paying work for companies. You will be like the majority of freelance artists in this field and earn below the poverty line. I’ve known far too many friends in this field who are at the top of their game and struggle to earn even $15,000. Most don’t even earn $10,000 in a year. But nobody talks about it. We all keep our mouths shut because money and rates are taboo subjects and we fear losing our jobs. We fear to lose the jobs that don’t even pay us enough to live. Still others will say “But you’re doing a job that you love! Don’t you enjoy doing art? Why do you have to bring money into it?” Please. Don’t get me started. I know more than a few carpenters who love their job, but a remarkable few who don’t think they deserve to be paid for their work. Something has to change. Artists need to be paid more. Not so we can sit comfortably and drink martinis or lounge on a beach all of the time. But just so we can be paid fairly and earn a decent, sustainable living. We’re not asking for much. We’re only asking for enough. So artists, do not be lured in by the prospect of working for “a big company” or for the illusory “prestige” of working on easily recognized IPs. A bad job is a bad job, and nearly anything Fantasy Flight Games will give you is a bad job. I made the mistake of doing a few jobs for $100 when I was starting out years ago. I hope you won’t make that same mistake.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Very well, this is not the first story that I write in English, but is the first that is going to be published and NOT removed Very well, this is not the first story that I write in English, but is the first that is going to be published and WONT be removed. So I'll be so honored if you read it even if it's not perfect, and what's more: you can even personal message me if you want to correct it, then, you can put your mail and be sure that no one but me is going to see it. Then I can send you the chapters or the story, 'because I actually don't know if it's going to be a long one shot or a novel. I guess that's something I'll have to see as I write the story. Not an orphan. Chapter 1 I'm not an orphan; I think you already got that right? I have a Mum and had a Dad. Though I have no idea were exactly my mum is, I know that wherever she is she is working for our goodness (yes our: my sister Lucy and me, Sara) and that she is deeply in love with us. Or at least, that's what Grandma' tells us every day. She is very poor and bit old, but again, she works hard for our goodness and she loves us deeply, as does her friend Mónica. Well, as I said, I'm Sara, I'm 17 and there's nothing more you would actually like to know apart of the fact that my father died the day before yesterday. He, a man of hard working fell ill the past month and it was that strange illness what actually finished him. He didn't own much money, and all he had was left for education and food mainly, so that's why he was so full of debts when he died. And as it's easy to figure out, my family is now in complete ruin, more than it was before, and yes, I had the opportunity to study in a quite good school, but now things have changed and the only way out of this is for my Grandma' to do as my mother and try to make it better somewhere out the country, maybe in USA, where I was born. That's why I speak in English, even if it's hard for me to do it, 'cause I've lived almost my whole life here in Colombia. Unfortunately, we can't go with her, 'cause as I say before, there's no money and she can't stay, 'cause she may be picked by the police because of my father's debts. But she may travel to USA searching for some help 'cause, again, my family is American. As we haven't got any more family in the entire world, there's nothing left but go to an orphanage, to a good one we've been told. In there, we'll have food, a roof, and (as my father would have liked) a good education. We're on our way right now, but you shouldn't feel sad for us, because is better than going to a bad school and living in the streets. It would be so dangerous for us to sleep in the streets, I know! For everyone is dangerous, but more for kids in Colombia, and what's more: if they have USA blood (for this effects, like it or not, capitalist blood). Back to us, we're on our way, in a bus, and can't help myself but spend my time watching the awesome landscape. It's full of hills and mountains nicely decorated by trees and bushes. The bus zigzags its way through the road. Lucy is sleeping next to me. I'm thinking about my friends back at my other school that had to leave in mid term. I also think about the boy I like, he's called Sebastian, but I guess he doesn't sees me as more than friends. And very apart friends I have to say! He is one of those people I didn't tell I was leaving. I guess I won't care. Any ways, it's something I'll have to forget because there's no go back at least for a while. I'm suppose to leave the orphanage next year, but I don't reckon I'll do, 'cause I just can't leave Lucy alone. She is only 5 and I don't want her to forget me, or our family, or worst: forget she HAS a family. I still have my MP3 (I know, I know it's something old, but remember I'm not a powerful money owner) and my cell phone, but can't know if they're going to take it off from me. I'll do my best so that it doesn't happen, really, I'm so a no one without my music or my cell phone. I stand up a bit to get a bit more comfortable. The bus is passing beneath some tall trees and its shadow feels fine in my skin. Lucy wakes up and sits straight. "Were are we going Sara?" I have told her a thousand times we're going to a new home. But I guess she doesn't get the idea of what a new home is. 'Cause I guess you know, but a different home is not the same as a different house. At least, not this case. This time, we're going to have a new house, it's true, but more important is the fact that we're going to have a new 'family' if that's how you can call an orphan. "We're going to a new home?" "A new house?" I nodded; I guess that's just too hard for a small kid to understand the difference between those two concepts. "And" she proceeded "Is it to far?" "I don't know Lucy" I look through the window "I don't know" The bus keeps going in its way, the humming noise doesn't stop. And things in my head began to change. I guess is because things are really going to change from no on. How can I possibly know how the future is going to be like? -- And there it is! My very first chapter of my very first English fiction press. I know! It's short, but is just the beginning. Anyways. Remember I said I didn't know if it was going to be a story or a novel? Well, it's going to be a novel (here again, I think that you may already noticed that ¬¬), but a short novel I guess, no more than six chapters. Anyways: Who knows? If it really gets good, things can possibly change. I'd like to know how you feel about it: If you liked it, if you didn't, If you think I'd better continue writing some pokemon fanfiction, or whatever you'd like to say, it can even not be related to the story at all, just REVIEW! But try to make it according to the story anyways please… The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Your review has been posted.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Preliminary study on the microbiology of Campylobacter pyloridis and gastric histopathology. Biopsy samples were taken endoscopically from the antral-mucosa of 693 patients with peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis presenting dyspepsia symptoms. Campylobacter pyloridis cultures were positive in 59 of 98 (60.2%) cases and histopathologically the organisms were found in 411 of 693 cases (59.3%). Pathologically, Campylobacter pyloridis was positive in 273 out of 300 patients with chronic superficial gastritis (91.0%), in 102 of 249 patients with chronic atrophic gastritis (40.9%), in 36 out of 144 patients with chronic atrophic gastritis with intestinalization or dysplasia (25.0%). We found that there was a significant association between the presence of Campylobacter pyloridis and chronic superficial gastritis, also the degree of lymphocyte infiltration showed a strong inverse association with the presence of Campylobacter pyloridis, suggesting that a local immune response might exert an important action in the eradication of this organism. These findings support the view that Campylobacter pyloridis, may be etiologically related to chronic gastritis and peptic ulceration, even though its role still remains to be determined.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
A fire has broken out at a major mall complex in Thailand's capital, with initial reports from Thai emergency services saying one person has died and two were injured. The cause and extent of Wednesday's fire at Bangkok's Central World complex, which includes a hotel and an office tower, was not immediately known. The report of casualties came from the city's Erawan Emergency Radio network. Images posted by social media users showed thick black smoke pouring from the complex, with hundreds of evacuated shoppers filling a large open square next to the mall. The fire broke out during the congested city's evening rush hour. Sirens from emergency vehicles wailed as they tried to make their way through gridlocked traffic. Central World sits at a major intersection surrounded by shopping complexes, shrines and high-rise hotels popular with foreign tourists. It is near the main junction for Bangkok's elevated train lines, as well as the Erawan Shrine, which was the site of a deadly bombing in 2015. The mall typically would have been busy with shoppers as well as diners headed to the many restaurants inside. The Central World complex was among several Bangkok buildings set on fire by arsonists during mass anti-government protests in 2010.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Hypoxic vasoconstriction in rat pulmonary and mesenteric arteries. Hypoxic vasoconstriction was investigated in isolated pulmonary and mesenteric arteries of the rat. Experiments were performed on large (approximately 2 mm pulmonary, approximately 0.8 mm mesenteric) and small (100-350 microns) arteries. Hypoxia [oxygen partial pressure (PO2) approximately 33 mmHg] elicited a biphasic response in arteries precontracted with prostaglandin F2 alpha (10 microM). A transient contraction reaching a peak within 2-3 min was observed in both large and small pulmonary and mesenteric arteries (phase 1). In pulmonary arteries, this was followed by a slowly developing contraction over 45 min (phase 2). In mesenteric arteries, there was no phase 2 but instead a profound relaxation. Mechanical disruption of the endothelium had no significant effect on phase 1 in preconstricted large pulmonary arteries but reduced phase 1 in small arteries by 40%. Phase 2 was abolished in both large and small arteries. Inhibition of endothelium-derived relaxing factor synthesis or cyclooxygenase pathways had no effect on either phase. Verapamil substantially reduced phase 1 but abolished phase 2. In conclusion, we have found a clear biphasic response to hypoxia in pulmonary arteries of the rat, but, in contrast to some previous reports, phase 1 was only partially dependent on the endothelium, whereas phase 2 was entirely dependent on the endothelium. Small and large arteries had qualitatively similar responses. These results are consistent with the involvement of at least two mechanisms for hypoxic vasoconstriction, one of which may involve release of an as yet unidentified endothelium-derived constrictor factor.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: Captioning two side by side figures outside float environment I want to put two figures in the footnote of my document. I need to write a caption without a label for each figure. The problem is that the figures are located vertically when I add the \captionof*{} command. Does anybody have any idea to put the figures side by side? I am using the following code \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{caption} \begin{document} \footnote{text text text text text text text \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{Fig.png} \captionof*{figure}{first figure} \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{Fig.png} \captionof*{figure}{second figure} \end{center} } \end{document} and the result is as the following A: As @leandriis said in the comments, I put each figure in a minipage environment. In this way, the figures are located side by side. The modified code with minipage environment is as \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{caption} \begin{document} \footnote{text text text text text text text \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth}\vspace{15pt} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{Fig.png} \captionof*{figure}{first figure} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth}\vspace{15pt} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{Fig.png} \captionof*{figure}{second figure} \end{minipage} } \end{document} and the result of the above code is as
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
m of 103, 753, 2015, 3889, 6375, 9473, 13183? 306*o**2 - 268*o + 65 What is the k'th term of -27692, -110778, -249254, -443120? -27695*k**2 - k + 4 What is the o'th term of 105016, 210119, 315228, 420349, 525488, 630651, 735844? o**3 - 3*o**2 + 105105*o - 87 What is the w'th term of 2256, 4493, 6668, 8751, 10712, 12521, 14148, 15563? -5*w**3 - w**2 + 2275*w - 13 What is the x'th term of 9703, 19441, 29169, 38887, 48595, 58293, 67981? -5*x**2 + 9753*x - 45 What is the w'th term of 7825, 15825, 23823, 31819? -w**2 + 8003*w - 177 What is the x'th term of 4228952, 4228957, 4228962? 5*x + 4228947 What is the v'th term of -1039258, -1039232, -1039182, -1039102, -1038986, -1038828, -1038622? v**3 + 6*v**2 + v - 1039266 What is the m'th term of -56059704, -56059707, -56059710, -56059713, -56059716, -56059719? -3*m - 56059701 What is the x'th term of -18885, -20883, -24219, -28893? -669*x**2 + 9*x - 18225 What is the c'th term of 5610952, 11221894, 16832836? 5610942*c + 10 What is the k'th term of 62344, 27531, -7284, -42101, -76920, -111741, -146564? -k**2 - 34810*k + 97155 What is the o'th term of 509758, 509782, 509806, 509830, 509854, 509878? 24*o + 509734 What is the j'th term of 535416, 2141612, 4818620, 8566452, 13385120, 19274636, 26235012? 2*j**3 + 535394*j**2 + 20 What is the p'th term of -7831873, -7831879, -7831887, -7831897, -7831909? -p**2 - 3*p - 7831869 What is the f'th term of 2694817, 2695016, 2695347, 2695810? 66*f**2 + f + 2694750 What is the x'th term of 404054559, 404054557, 404054555, 404054553, 404054551, 404054549? -2*x + 404054561 What is the h'th term of -111621, -111891, -112185, -112515, -112893, -113331, -113841, -114435? -2*h**3 - 256*h - 111363 What is the u'th term of -201540, -403106, -604700, -806322, -1007972? -14*u**2 - 201524*u - 2 What is the w'th term of 8909, 17881, 26927, 36047, 45241? 37*w**2 + 8861*w + 11 What is the x'th term of 1294651, 2589426, 3884197, 5178964, 6473727? -2*x**2 + 1294781*x - 128 What is the h'th term of 577, -218, -1017, -1820, -2627? -2*h**2 - 789*h + 1368 What is the r'th term of -129545, -129666, -129787, -129908? -121*r - 129424 What is the g'th term of -840386, -1680979, -2521572, -3362165, -4202758, -5043351? -840593*g + 207 What is the i'th term of 6427, 4324, 2225, 130, -1961, -4048? 2*i**2 - 2109*i + 8534 What is the o'th term of -389, -104, 843, 2452, 4723? 331*o**2 - 708*o - 12 What is the s'th term of -627418, -626915, -626076, -624901, -623390? 168*s**2 - s - 627585 What is the z'th term of -1558096, -1558101, -1558108, -1558117? -z**2 - 2*z - 1558093 What is the y'th term of -36320, -75174, -116562, -160484? -1267*y**2 - 35053*y What is the d'th term of 257870453, 257870452, 257870451? -d + 257870454 What is the s'th term of -1427, -1265, -997, -623, -143, 443? 53*s**2 + 3*s - 1483 What is the m'th term of -5005, -4624, -4243, -3862, -3481, -3100? 381*m - 5386 What is the z'th term of -78075, -78055, -78023, -77973, -77899? z**3 + 13*z - 78089 What is the l'th term of -123733, -249037, -374341, -499645, -624949, -750253? -125304*l + 1571 What is the g'th term of 388222, 776911, 1165600, 1554289? 388689*g - 467 What is the i'th term of -21467, -33059, -44651, -56243, -67835? -11592*i - 9875 What is the u'th term of 10567, 20851, 31135? 10284*u + 283 What is the n'th term of 5738, 5897, 6304, 7085, 8366, 10273? 21*n**3 - 2*n**2 + 18*n + 5701 What is the i'th term of -231343, -925411, -2082191, -3701683, -5783887? -231356*i**2 + 13 What is the n'th term of 239438, 239389, 239340, 239291? -49*n + 239487 What is the a'th term of 58450, 58401, 58336, 58255, 58158, 58045, 57916? -8*a**2 - 25*a + 58483 What is the s'th term of -855984, -3423957, -7703918, -13695867, -21399804? -855994*s**2 + 9*s + 1 What is the k'th term of 197622429, 197622428, 197622427, 197622426? -k + 197622430 What is the s'th term of -703838, -2815350, -6334538, -11261402? -703838*s**2 + 2*s - 2 What is the l'th term of 205263, 206438, 207613? 1175*l + 204088 What is the z'th term of -22780929, -22780932, -22780937, -22780944? -z**2 - 22780928 What is the k'th term of 250461, 500988, 751519, 1002054, 1252593, 1503136, 1753683? 2*k**2 + 250521*k - 62 What is the x'th term of -750, -351, 2326, 8421, 19074? 190*x**3 - x**2 - 928*x - 11 What is the b'th term of -3203, -4743, -4637, -2885, 513, 5557? 823*b**2 - 4009*b - 17 What is the m'th term of -262326, -262274, -262220, -262164, -262106? m**2 + 49*m - 262376 What is the d'th term of 35239, 68086, 100945, 133822, 166723, 199654, 232621? d**3 + 32840*d + 2398 What is the g'th term of -63616, -63768, -64018, -64366, -64812, -65356, -65998? -49*g**2 - 5*g - 63562 What is the m'th term of -96176, -190597, -285018, -379439, -473860, -568281? -94421*m - 1755 What is the c'th term of -3808, -7625, -11480, -15391, -19376, -23453, -27640, -31955? -3*c**3 - c**2 - 3793*c - 11 What is the k'th term of -648163457, -1296326913, -1944490369? -648163456*k - 1 What is the y'th term of 154936549, 309873103, 464809659, 619746217, 774682777? y**2 + 154936551*y - 3 What is the a'th term of -1163, -2367, -3569, -4763, -5943, -7103, -8237? a**3 - 5*a**2 - 1196*a + 37 What is the s'th term of -23300, -23847, -24766, -26057, -27720? -186*s**2 + 11*s - 23125 What is the t'th term of -383058, -766117, -1149174, -1532229, -1915282? t**2 - 383062*t + 3 What is the r'th term of -3414799, -3414797, -3414795, -3414793? 2*r - 3414801 What is the m'th term of -145266, -288498, -431730? -143232*m - 2034 What is the b'th term of -481, -3448, -11469, -27058, -52729, -90996, -144373, -215374? -419*b**3 - 13*b**2 + 5*b - 54 What is the o'th term of -1539, -4405, -8591, -14091, -20899, -29009? o**3 - 666*o**2 - 875*o + 1 What is the y'th term of -335761, -334925, -334089, -333253, -332417? 836*y - 336597 What is the r'th term of -9288701, -18577401, -27866101, -37154801? -9288700*r - 1 What is the n'th term of 14898, 59581, 134052, 238311? 14894*n**2 + n + 3 What is the f'th term of -30049, -30274, -30489, -30688, -30865, -31014? f**3 - f**2 - 229*f - 29820 What is the c'th term of -4498, -18004, -40560, -72202, -112966, -162888, -222004, -290350? -6*c**3 - 4489*c**2 + 3*c - 6 What is the m'th term of 3240, 14321, 33228, 59967, 94544? m**3 + 3907*m**2 - 647*m - 21 What is the d'th term of -6954, -28203, -63584, -113097, -176742? -7066*d**2 - 51*d + 163 What is the s'th term of 229181, 459711, 690241, 920771, 1151301? 230530*s - 1349 What is the k'th term of 2720, 4207, 5696, 7187, 8680, 10175? k**2 + 1484*k + 1235 What is the f'th term of 1489, 695, -99? -794*f + 2283 What is the r'th term of -63471196, -63471214, -63471234, -63471256, -63471280, -63471306? -r**2 - 15*r - 63471180 What is the u'th term of -4163, -3889, -3615, -3341, -3067, -2793? 274*u - 4437 What is the j'th term of -111, 820, 3393, 8430, 16753, 29184, 46545? 137*j**3 - j**2 - 25*j - 222 What is the q'th term of 315085, 1260323, 2835721, 5041279, 7876997, 11342875? 315080*q**2 - 2*q + 7 What is the t'th term of 6835, 8379, 9921, 11461, 12999, 14535, 16069? -t**2 + 1547*t + 5289 What is the s'th term of 9861, 12446, 16755, 22788, 30545, 40026? 862*s**2 - s + 9000 What is the g'th term of 1420, 894, -508, -3224, -7692, -14350? -73*g**3 - 15*g + 1508 What is the u'th term of -98486656, -98486652, -98486648? 4*u - 98486660 What is the l'th term of -6435, -7266, -8093, -8916, -9735, -10550? 2*l**2 - 837*l - 5600 What is the i'th term of 5608, 11631, 17652, 23671? -i**2 + 6026*i - 417 What is the u'th term of 1245, 2275, 3111, 3753, 4201? -97*u**2 + 1321*u + 21 What is the k'th term of 6866, 27499, 61890, 110039? 6879*k**2 - 4*k - 9 What is the d'th term of 10008, 40017, 90032, 160053, 250080, 360113? 10003*d**2 + 5 What is the u'th term of 1753, 1714, 1531, 1132, 445, -602, -2081? -12*u**3 + 45*u + 1720 What is the t'th term of 1463, 1372, 1281? -91*t + 1554 What is the m'th term of 2196140, 4392284, 6588422, 8784548, 10980656? -m**3 + 3*m**2 + 2196142*m - 4 What is the t'th term of 16258, 65175, 146702, 260833, 407562? -t**3 + 16311*t**2 - 9*t - 43 What is the m'th term of -160111683, -160111681, -160111679, -160111677? 2*m - 160111685 What is the z'th term of 740550, 740541, 740532, 740523? -9*z + 740559 What is the r'th term of 2
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
Gastrointestinal endometriosis. Incidence and indications for resection. Of 1573 consecutive patients with endometriosis diagnosed at laparoscopy or celiotomy, 85 patients (5.4%) had gastrointestinal involvement and 11 patients (0.7%) required bowel resection due to recurrent gastrointestinal symptoms (usually obstructive in nature) and/or suspicion of malignancy. Of 63 patients with gastrointestinal involvement at sites other than the appendix, who did not undergo bowel resection, only two patients had gastrointestinal symptoms at the time of diagnosis (neither patient had obstructive symptoms); follow-up has revealed that only one patient subsequently developed significant gastrointestinal symptoms. Fifteen patients had appendiceal endometriosis, but none had symptoms suggestive of appendicitis. Indications for resection of gastrointestinal endometriosis include the presence of clear-cut obstructive symptoms or the inability to exclude malignancy. The absence of gastrointestinal symptoms appears to be predictive of the absence of clinically significant intestinal endometriosis, and bowel resection is not indicated in the asymptomatic patient. Appendiceal endometriosis appears to be an incidental finding and one that is not clinically important.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Xsan Xsan () is Apple Inc.'s storage area network (SAN) or clustered file system for macOS. Xsan enables multiple Mac desktop and Xserve systems to access shared block storage over a Fibre Channel network. With the Xsan file system installed, these computers can read and write to the same storage volume at the same time. Xsan is a complete SAN solution that includes the metadata controller software, the file system client software, and integrated setup, management and monitoring tools. Xsan has all the normal features to be expected in an enterprise shared disk file system, including support for large files and file systems, multiple mounted file systems, metadata controller failover for fault tolerance, and support for multiple operating systems. Interoperability Xsan is based on the StorNext File System made by Quantum Corporation. The StorNext File System and the Xsan file system share the same file system layout and the same protocol when talking to the metadata server. They also seem to share a common code base or very close development based on the new features developed for both file systems. The Xsan website claims complete interoperability with the StorNext File System: "And because Xsan is completely interoperable with Quantum’s StorNext File System, you can even provide clients on Windows, Linux, and other UNIX platforms with direct Fibre Channel block-level access to the data in your Xsan-managed storage pool." Quantum Corporation claims: "Complete interoperability with Apple’s Xsan and Promise RAID and Allows Xsan and Xserve RAID to support AIX, HP-UX, IRIX, Red Hat Linux, SuSE Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and Windows clients, including support for 64 Bit Windows and Windows Vista." Some of the command line tools for Xsan begin with the letters cv, which stand for CentraVision – the original name for the file system. XSan clients use TCP ports 49152–65535, with TCP/63146 frequently showing in log files. Data representation Xsan file system uses several logical storages to distribute information. The two main classes of information appear on Xsan: the user data (such as files) and the file system metadata (such as folders, file names, file allocation information and so on). Most configurations use different storages for data and metadata. The file system supports dynamic expansion and distribution of both data and metadata areas. History On January 4, 2005, Apple announced shipping of Xsan. In May 2006, Apple released Xsan 1.2 with support for volume sizes of nearly 2 petabytes. On August 7, 2006, Apple announced Xsan 1.4, which is available for Intel-based Macintosh computers as a Universal binary and supports file system access control lists. On December 5, 2006, Apple released Xsan 1.4.1. On October 18, 2007, Apple released Xsan 1.4.2, which resolves several reliability and compatibility issues. On February 19, 2008, Apple released Xsan 2, the first major update, which introduces MultiSAN, and completely redesigned administration tools. 2.1 was introduced on June 10, 2008. 2.1.1 was introduced on October 15, 2008. 2.2 was released September 14, 2009. On July 20, 2011, Apple released Xsan 2.3, included in Mac OS X Lion. This was the first version of Xsan included with macOS. On August 25, 2011, Apple released Xsan 2.2.2, which brought along several reliability fixes. On July 25, 2012, Apple released Xsan 3, included in OS X Mountain Lion. On October 17, 2014, Apple released Xsan 4 with OS X Yosemite. On September 20, 2016, Apple released Xsan 5 with macOS Sierra and macOS Server 5.2. References Krypted.com Xsan Tutorials and Documentation External links Apple's Xsan page Category:Shared disk file systems Category:Apple Inc. file systems Category:Apple Inc. software
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Tamer Shaaban's video, a snapshot of the Egypt protests on Jan. 25, has accumulated nearly 2 million views on YouTube. via Huffington Post: Despite the attempt by the Egyptian government to shut down the Internet throughout the country, a a harrowing video montage of home video from the chaotic streets of Cairo. has surfaced on YouTube The protests began on Tuesday, January 25, when thousands of people blocked the streets to sound off about unemployment, government corruption, and the autocratic rule of President Hosni Mubarak, who has been in office for thirty years. The protests were inspired, in part, by the recent uprising in Tunisia, which began because of widespread anger over corruption and unemployment and ended with the ousting of president and strongman Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. The video was created by Tamer Shaaban, described on YouTube as "another Egyptian who's had enough."
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: Matplotlib Scatter plot change color based on value on list I'm quite new to matplotlib and i would like to know how we can change color of points on a scatter plot based on the value in a list. In fact, I have a 2-D array that I want to plot and a list with the same number of rows containing, for each point, the color we want to use. #Example data = np.array([4.29488806,-5.34487081], [3.63116248,-2.48616998], [-0.56023222,-5.89586997], [-0.51538502,-2.62569576], [-4.08561754,-4.2870525 ], [-0.80869722,10.12529582]) colors = ['red','red','red','blue','red','blue'] ax1.plot(data[:,0],data[:,1],'o',picker=True) How to set the color parameter to fit my list of colors ? A: Using a line plot plt.plot() plt.plot() does only allow for a single color. So you may simply loop over the data and colors and plot each point individually. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() data = np.array([[4.29488806,-5.34487081], [3.63116248,-2.48616998], [-0.56023222,-5.89586997], [-0.51538502,-2.62569576], [-4.08561754,-4.2870525 ], [-0.80869722,10.12529582]]) colors = ['red','red','red','blue','red','blue'] for xy, color in zip(data, colors): ax.plot(xy[0],xy[1],'o',color=color, picker=True) plt.show() Using scatter plot plt.scatter() In order to produce a scatter plot, use scatter. This has an argument c, which allows numerous ways of setting the colors of the scatter points. (a) One easy way is to supply a list of colors. colors = ['red','red','red','blue','red','blue'] ax.scatter(data[:,0],data[:,1],c=colors,marker="o", picker=True) (b) Another option is to supply a list of data and map the data to color using a colormap colors = [0,0,0,1,0,1] #red is 0, blue is 1 ax.scatter(data[:,0],data[:,1],c=colors,marker="o", cmap="bwr_r") A: You have to set argument c of plt.scatter with a list of desired colors: import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np data = np.array([[4.29488806,-5.34487081], [3.63116248,-2.48616998], [-0.56023222,-5.89586997], [-0.51538502,-2.62569576], [-4.08561754,-4.2870525 ], [-0.80869722,10.12529582]]) colors = ['red','red','red','blue','red','blue'] plt.scatter(data[:,0],data[:,1],marker='o',c = colors) plt.show()
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Cart Policy Orders Anchor prides itself on accurately and promptly filling orders. Normally orders are shipped out by the next business weekday. Rarely an item will not be in stock, in which case every effort will be made to contact the purchaser about how best to proceed. Images We try to accurately represent each item. However, for various reasons, there may be slight differences between what we photograph and what is actually shipped. Pricing Anchor is not responsible for typographical errors in our price list or on the website. Prices are subject to change without notice. Payment Any website purchase must be made using a credit card. VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted. Returns Any discrepancy must be reported within 4 days of receipt. We will do everything we reasonably can to correct our error. Any claim of a defective item must be reported within 14 days of receipt and is subject to approval of management before further action. Other than a discrepancy or defect, all sales are final. Security Anchor takes your security seriously and will not share your information with anyone unless legally obligated. We have gone to great lengths to insure that any credit card data is secure. Privacy Notice 14 September 2017 This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for anchor-electronics.com. This privacy notice applies solely to information collected by this website, except where stated otherwise. It will notify you of the following: • What information we collect; • With whom it is shared; • How it can be corrected; • How it is secured; • How policy changes will be communicated; and • How to address concerns over misuse of personal data. Information Collection, Use, and Sharing We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone. We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request, e.g., to ship an order, or as required by law. Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about specials, new products or services. Your Access to and Control Over Information You may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the contact form on our website: · See what data we have about you, if any. · Change/correct any data we have about you. · Have us delete any data we have about you. · Express any concern you have about our use of your data. Security We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline. Wherever we collect sensitive information (such as credit card data), that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. You can verify this by looking for a closed lock icon at the bottom of your web browser, or looking for “https” at the beginning of the address of the web page. While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (e.g, billing or customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information. The computers/servers on which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment. Notification of Changes Whenever material changes are made to the privacy notice you will need to refer back here. There will be a revision number added to the date at the top of this notice. Orders We request information from you on our order form. To buy from us, you must provide contact information (like name and shipping address) and financial information (like credit card number, expiration date). This information is used for billing purposes and to fill your orders. If we have trouble processing an order, we’ll use this information to contact you. Links This web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of any other site that collects personally identifiable information.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
<import src="../../../common/head.wxml"/> <import src="../../../common/foot.wxml"/> <view class="container"> <template is="head" data="{{title: 'sendMessage'}}"/> <view class="page-body"> <view class="weui-cells__title">发送内容(以下字段可自由适配)</view> <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">实例字段</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" placeholder="请输入"></input> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">实例字段</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" placeholder="请输入"></input> </view> </view> </view> <view class="weui-cells"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">跳转链接</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input class="weui-input" type="text" placeholder="请输入" value="{{shareData.path}}"></input> </view> </view> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button type="primary">发送模板消息</button> </view> </view> <template is="foot"/> </view>
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Many people are low on money these days and those with any little money left probably don’t even want to spend them. Instead, they can turn them into amazing works of art like the ones above.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: in spite of everyone playing or in spite of playing 1.In spite of everyone playing well, we lost the game. 2.In spite of playing well, we lost the game. Which is better? I prefer 2#. I think "everyone" and "we" are the same in this sentence. A: Your understanding of your two sentences is correct. "Everyone" is implied in the second sentence due to "we". Your second sentence is shorter and would probably be preferred by a native speaker. It could be further shortened to Despite playing well, we lost the game.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }