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0748743-8b669f5cb0e62ed532c61d732b1c7db3.txt | This is possibly the dumbest thing I’ve heard him say yet (and yes, that is not an argument; that’s a reaction to his argument.) | 0.520073 |
0458992-957dcbdb02b749c4ef40cdeb4dd661a0.txt | The problem with QSem and QSemN is that a blocked waiter might be killed. | 0.285484 |
0215738-6d7dc436f1f9bfcb4b4a8877921e7e99.txt | Geert Wilders, the Party for Freedom leader who is running for Prime Minister of the Netherlands on Wednesday, just put Turkey and their dumbass voters on full blast. | 0.502472 |
0615079-94d9aa949a873538613b8af76cb64448.txt | Her pitch: I can castrate pigs so I am the perfect conservative for Iowa to send to the Senate. | 0.5214 |
0552884-514b80dcc2e1faa5633cc559638cc127.txt | You look like a pig, and you are costing me, and every other taxpayer, billions of dollars in unnecessary health care each year!" | 0.730815 |
0173405-4b8ca811ffbf089cef31e67c7ffbab96.txt | I don’t mean to sound haughty, but why in the hell are so many of our fellow citizens such suckers? | 0.718943 |
0308367-b87fa8b9809eb819a956cffd332dc086.txt | I’m wondering if these fellows are vying for the idiots of the year award or the idiots of the century award,” Julia Leu, the mayor of Douglas Shire, told Australia’s ABC Radio. | 0.658813 |
0981110-a6c844da5165127c09515cbac0fd86ef.txt | I messed with the “f**k u/spez” comments, replacing “spez” with r/the_donald mods for about an hour. | 0.5214 |
0505306-1f18f902d71f2aa59cb14e34a014a368.txt | That's how stupid they think you are. — deadmau5 (@deadmau5) September 3, 2014 | 0.76198 |
0547523-7c2717f4084fbba3aafaf68b58fefe85.txt | She was found with multiple abrasions on her body, and lacerations to her vagina and anus. | 0.48021 |
0675882-0151f50362eb85c09acf7cc76999ae48.txt | This motherfucker got me a goddamned Nook Color... holy hell. i'm beyond excited to get home to actually play with it and start getting some new books going. | 0.87787 |
0237317-edda46218a115dd656dafe2d54f2b7c0.txt | It is a special designation shared with other tiny penis owners the Taliban, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda. | 0.72028 |
0511355-d63ca8c5ff79788e1bb3d434fb1d6d55.txt | He went so far as to blast her publicly as a “dumb Jew bitch” in front of co-workers, the lawsuit claims. | 0.730815 |
0063767-1c9814507c576988b93d33b442fe6d94.txt | According to the book, he had not forgotten the young Donald: "'When that kid was ten,' Walker told family members, 'even then he was a little shit.'" | 0.685292 |
0370413-e468a51adbcd75beaf04606be6137778.txt | So due to real life being a pain in my ass, I have to summarise these sessions in one and rather hastily. | 0.681338 |
0176289-0ff16ed175cdb6658556dd508c1b4a33.txt | This was the usual opener with everyone getting their shit in and ending with Kojima decapitating Kawato for the pin. | 0.666722 |
0203084-ebf239d6c7e69b0a5dc53a46f8bbe57c.txt | A member of a criminal gang behind series of attacks, including sucking women's breasts, was shot dead by police in Kisauni, Mombasa county. | 0.379555 |
0330613-e1d372882b446053744d41f83cae5adb.txt | we well know the shills can't stand our speech, that we can find the truth and cut through all their billions of dollars worth of bullshit. | 0.65447 |
0050648-4749246682f11139acb0d11b9b22bfa9.txt | Watch: Suspect Accused of Killing Pregnant Ex-Girlfriend and Cop Tells Judge 'F**k You' | 0.736634 |
0262524-306d7ca2ea49e20fd649fbc8dba9654b.txt | Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer and Andrea Savage are using Funny or Die to speak up for the millions of women out there who have no voice,women who want Republicans to make decisions about their vaginas for them. | 0.602039 |
0003865-95f6ca125fcaca47dbfd92d16a03b47b.txt | Several videos showed her dogs "giving her oral sex while she masturbated." | 0.76198 |
0190393-344e79ade66aed6d99ca29f87293007b.txt | But it also evokes the accusation, made against women who supported Hillary Clinton, that they were voting with their vaginas. | 0.684086 |
0547159-fff009e5368902d51e7f403bdbb71425.txt | One day I got sick of the stupid difficult way of downloading, installing, and running Minecraft on elementary OS (or any other Linux-based desktop OS). | 0.439841 |
0864203-5f909b6a36f03e89beb5b83f7385ebbe.txt | I wake up every morning to abusive comments, tweets, and emails about how I’m a slut, prude, ugly, fat, feminazi, retard, bitch, and cunt (just to name a few). | 0.862967 |
0945440-c55442ceed34c9c59ada5c06d0eb1c49.txt | Congressman Ellison, why does your party suck so bad and what would you do to fix it? | 0.528117 |
0886616-b192acc5a3ccf778132f39a7ae427e50.txt | But when you have a moron like Mansor Mohammad Asa submitting his entry, there's little reason to hand out honorable mentions or silver medals. | 0.603118 |
0830040-7dc4cb48d30fe802b932a0905c037744.txt | The poor fool who cannot suffer a suckout without plaintively bleating ‘jokerstars’ into the disinterested abyss of the chatbox, or wailing piteously that the site is ‘full of cheaters’. | 0.661125 |
0629031-2ce22b9f26081ae88629c009185add50.txt | “If this lad turns up to be our Prime Minister I will personally put a bullet in him. | 0.55597 |
0262517-3a21b73b0eac7ba05d816f3bacadb212.txt | Only a moron would fail to comprehend that religion is not science simply because it is based on something called “faith” in a superhuman being; religion has nothing whatsoever to do with facts. | 0.644471 |
0286945-93096123f6f8c03bc1b379fccb8fe144.txt | CNN's Sally Kohn shared this photo of a Trump supporter wearing a shirt that reads, "She's a Cunt, Vote for Trump." | 0.730815 |
0165604-aefa9515ef94cbee4eb3d5ecc1862e60.txt | I took a shower and tried to clean my vagina out as much as i could. | 0.776108 |
0180019-e1cca2fd6392972325f0c7ea9f3a57d5.txt | Mr Tatchell wrote: “If schools are serious about cutting the incidence of teen pregnancies, abortions and HIV infections, they should highlight safer, healthier alternatives to vaginal and anal intercourse. | 0.401485 |
0505738-2aaed61de784c16252d4e0b5ad49f982.txt | Urethral reconstruction: lengthening the urethra and surgically inserting it into the new penis (formally the clitoris) | 0.507899 |
0008491-540c34c1595e3e745977ffc84c8b753d.txt | Most fans labelled it bullshit, so, clearly a bit underwhelmed by the flaccid impact, he posted another video. | 0.64077 |
0985813-b1a15ad4ed436471866d15a728e2e044.txt | Since I’ve been President, we’ve worked responsibly to cut the population of GTMO in half. | 0.152692 |
0846878-9933412a7d1e28e2f21ade6878b7b022.txt | I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but I been stressin' like a Hessian over the amount of shit going on. | 0.684086 |
0180108-78bdcd45a723fae5bc0947be723fe153.txt | +1 for having an awesome gif, fuck Megan Fox, lol, that kid rules. | 0.820483 |
0227342-f857ae150608964c268b1373f9b7e0a6.txt | “We are taking back land that should be used for the good of the people; land that has historically been denied access to Black people. | 0.165919 |
0471119-b27b00642bda9e1616f372df302f61cd.txt | Griffon is a bit of a jerk, not very social, and all around comes off as a grump. | 0.749544 |
0069474-dd4726129e94892b35757d85ca4d8372.txt | The Native Americans in the area were obviously righteously pissed off about having a bunch of foreign assholes | 0.833343 |
0005891-6d879d2d41b52438f66fa7f0293250d4.txt | For an election that started out as all ‘about the economy stupid’ it has become ‘all about the niqab.’ | 0.568186 |
0724085-e17b4202f42975d3fb23df603c0f75a1.txt | Company won’t say why video showing a man bound, gagged and cut with a knife amid shouts of ‘fuck Donald Trump’ wasn’t taken down for 30 minutes | 0.698991 |
0466109-71478756150b640cccec255e427e534a.txt | Fat Shady’s explicit video is then capped off with a scene showing the rapper as he decapitates a mannequin representing “stupid foreigners” with a baseball bat. | 0.471199 |
0338269-336d7bc6a844e332243d62ce3323b54d.txt | President Barack Obama won’t meet with Philippines President Duterte after the fiery leader called him a “son of a whore.” | 0.751094 |
0885590-c1f27cd3a7b8e603fbfccabf439dc7ba.txt | A prison inmate was found covered in blood and barely conscious after cutting off his own penis and trying to flush it down the toilet. | 0.572712 |
0767929-ff7895d329563901416fb01f008f2ac5.txt | Naturally, the chaotic setup of Paper Jam comes as a direct result of Luigi being an idiot. | 0.840319 |
0668809-339862f18a01de7f269de1cf690e60ea.txt | But I’m OK with my body no matter how much abs are showing or how round my butt is. | 0.642621 |
0728180-3a342b33c9132876d3325b5bbc11b415.txt | "Damn your legislation, damn your nationality, go to hell," she said. | 0.885998 |
0276100-4c2e8f7bdd201a8dc024dfe45dcfa7ac.txt | It is a geosocial networking app, or, more succinctly, a convenient way for men to find nearby men to fuck. | 0.757032 |
0357343-56054a1ef4704bb5807a0e36e4668b66.txt | Because he’s a screwed up kid who had a shitty life who clearly never had the love he needed to be nurtured and whole. | 0.782071 |
0177690-5f008c9b68015329c951fc3bc417b6d6.txt | WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Mel Gibson’s Racist Rant Caught On Tape – Tells Oksana She Would Get ‘Raped By N***ers’ | 0.62136 |
0727105-2f620bc2cbf9c63245470223aa2e28cb.txt | If Netflix carried porn, anal would be as popular as workplace comedies. | 0.725297 |
0450192-0fdbddfdebb562f854d5c039b29ebf22.txt | I spend so much on paint and body I have not money left to beat my friends turbo and now. he says if I loose hes going pound my ass into the ground can you help me go faster. thanks you guys rock. | 0.628937 |
0183359-c6d11c8b38e31ba78228d91f2770936a.txt | But now, Southern-themed titles like "Hillbilly Honeys," "Real White Trash" and "Ozark Sex Fiend" are RISING AGAIN ... with no signs of slowing down.Redneck porn -- no teeth? | 0.55597 |
0959302-2e1015b2e42887805032d769f68b9fbe.txt | So get fucking excited because today I am finally bringing to you 91(!) | 0.730815 |
0409822-7c42ac73961fd191ec1c09ecb08a0fe1.txt | For more videos like this, subscribe to Bloody Disgusting on YouTube! | 0.336707 |
0335208-ca2c75c3ad37f51bbab47ceae739c4aa.txt | After agreeing, the student says she spotted Bryant masturbating, seeing his reflection on her piano, according to court records. | 0.443934 |
0406341-12463952d86c541e1c7cf96d5d44aad7.txt | I would say an equal number of women know about the red pill as men, quit trying to come off as unique by spouting shit from here to women about how enlightened you are on the sexual dynamic. | 0.637829 |
0649118-b1ea0ed22fc660d2ada7606f4c8ddb72.txt | We wonder if the Chinese man stopped at New Zealand customs for bringing along an 11-inch donkey penis read our story in 2012. | 0.687436 |
0959355-b9be78667bafba46f3b380990488c174.txt | Despite having to deal with someone proving that he is an asshole by pulling percentages out of it, the OP remained calm and collected: | 0.634275 |
0500668-93d5b4a726874f6d4db8e747944472c9.txt | Well, she’s nothing if not efficient, and Jenner is nothing if not a stunted sack of shit. | 0.892411 |
0059186-6da82b716f0e5a3c95d9cc5c8a80df46.txt | When asked if he was surprised that the nipples on the batsuit became so controversial, Schumacher replied, "Yes, I was like, 'Are you kidding me?' | 0.398421 |
0940894-4504b2b5e0054e87cf84b05e3783c27f.txt | However, the judges said the data, from a scan of her own vagina, could be used with a three-dimensional printer to create a realistic shape that could sexually arouse viewers. | 0.447533 |
0063896-e081305f7876edc39c65111d981c4f2b.txt | This insight into the violent, drug-filled, crime-ridden lifestyle of a young thug continued on songs like the controversial FUCK THA POLICE, GANGSTA GANGSTA, 8 BALL, and DOPEMAN, which are all powerful tracks. | 0.588517 |
0940587-6fc6a01bb51c43ae80cf559288997f39.txt | "A hyper-sexualized, obviously female cow with her ass upended and poking through a circle, tail raised up, waiting for what? | 0.686364 |
0748404-c6a01c68c743c63c30488a01d29fa8bb.txt | The Federal Communications Commission receives a lot of complaints, and some of them are about LeBron James' penis. | 0.686364 |
0109313-8d3ea0bece37c713b985362c1bbd1c85.txt | "Penis size is so often conflated with human worth by both men and women ... | 0.572199 |
0838963-3e005a597b981cf5a659f425b0828e80.txt | Apparently this is some idiotic viral video thing where you put rubbing alcohol on your skin and set yourself on fire. | 0.730815 |
0603542-a6cde45dfbe8a978a59068d06ace8ace.txt | But are we right to feel so strongly about it or have we just become cynical bastards? | 0.603118 |
0676034-d46374ea3c6da4115363f793c2a8f9a6.txt | We are now proposing to call them morons, this word being the Greek for "fool." | 0.661125 |
0291755-2c2d156e46a97a10fb02981957e2b8b5.txt | But if the players think they’re helping themselves by calling Bettman an idiot and sayin’ Bettman is a cancer. . . . | 0.659969 |
0970799-9c567f8509f62d824d46e2cae7b8ed2b.txt | Open Letter to John McCain: Get Out of Washington, You Low-Life Scum | 0.687436 |
0246987-0b819a50ad26e9332d2f81be1bd689d6.txt | But his racist remarks this week about Asian Americans — and his oblivious response — are too ugly to ignore. | 0.491397 |
0034223-48e81c15c273adcc8645af31d6b70aa5.txt | For our inaugural column, we talked to men about dick size; next, we interviewed women about their vaginas. | 0.634275 |
0840355-d8419176e73cb5c74ca1db7a1ba7c8b5.txt | In truth, the biggest reveal from these emails is that Campbell is, at best, a complete asshole while Brendan Shanahan appears to at least be trying to do right by the players. | 0.592154 |
0721369-93fbcd046fa5dba10d033819c188fa09.txt | If you're short on time, yes, he continues to not give a fuck about Native Americans, or you, or your opinion of him exploiting and slurring Native Americans for personal gain. | 0.548233 |
0895182-f7250d17dc0615573ea42c7bbef2660a.txt | While I appreciate Andrew DiRienzo’s article, “Why Fighting Needs to Go in the NHL,” I would politely like to call it a load of crap. | 0.64077 |
0539794-6b2bca6296886aaf739266c1693913af.txt | 'In politics, when you win you are a genius and when you lose everyone calls you an idiot. | 0.572712 |
0128178-b81a5cdca01f6b5fc79eef93ea6e2ee1.txt | When Bachmann, who appeared as a guest on Fallon's show, walked across the stage to take her seat next to the host's desk, The Roots played the opening of a song by Fishbone called "Lyin' Ass Bitch." | 0.110002 |
0713710-4be9ceda2192cea3a8b4e7c752179199.txt | And then you spend the remainder of the week chastising yourself for being stupid. | 0.83647 |
0752403-495d479bcc04782c5036a9515b61a581.txt | Being a useless dickhead won't prevent you from being successful; just look at Piers Morgan . | 0.854047 |
0836976-ee600282191299c447f97030e93bc43f.txt | Some White House staffers still hope to convince the president to alter his strategy and start calling his opponents ‘dicks’, ‘fuckers’ and ‘deviant gimp-felchers who would rape their own grandmothers if she looked at them the wrong way’. | 0.749544 |
0041018-b5db875fe94fb0a02c241ea1e9523cc2.txt | The 1st time was during slavery with the slave master pitting light-skinned Blacks--house-niggers--against dark-skinned Blacks--field-niggers. | 0.602549 |
0249695-20dd728bdb9dc2023ea4a38947736199.txt | If anything like that happened right now, your bullshit detectors would be going off like car alarms after an earthquake. | 0.725297 |
0822011-1878973824cd13e4bf180dba765d2f50.txt | My team and I fought our way through its bowels only to be shot back in time through its rectum. | 0.602039 |
0108302-7f0b863fb98e8fb379eb47b297ecf060.txt | Though, in my honest opinion, we won’t be fully equal until women are forced to get shit haircuts every week. | 0.661125 |
0928876-3dbbffc8166ce7e59911344fd29c7303.txt | She has focused her work on protecting what she calls dangerous ideas from “those who refuse to mind their own fucking business.” | 0.642621 |
0568405-4ee9e83739b6a100ca5b650abecb6d77.txt | A Dallas human resources director has filed a lawsuit to find out who anonymously sent her penis-shaped candy at work. | 0.571686 |
0534700-89be3e91ee95428703c8e4b3b07b8434.txt | It's called The Last Airbender; it is apparently based on some kind of cartoon; and it really, truly sucks. | 0.584095 |
0067631-01611840ad05a6fd7f7d4a7998a3b53c.txt | The internet has begun to throw around the word “trigger” like it’s rice at a goddamn wedding. | 0.562695 |
0856547-7a50533fbd820517ac8dae9a7cb6308d.txt | You touch a Small or larger corpse that has been dead no longer than 8 hours. | 0.254629 |
0896610-29c9170cc0c4ca880693b6305b77f503.txt | We have had this discussion many times in the past, especially at smaller startups where the general climate is „just get the fucking shit done asap“, which more often than not includes „no time for testing“. | 0.642621 |
0343687-cb34b257660828f9ed00d645ca4aae3c.txt | Okay so let’s start off with everyone thinking that Asian guys are losers. | 0.520073 |
0993202-51bff79f1146177ca41aa68344fc4422.txt | Overall, architects have the ability to earn a healthy income but the starting pay for entry level interns just sucks! | 0.519808 |
0390341-80b78459f571fa2f12b4b23adf2630cf.txt | “I’ve had my ass grabbed by older, powerful men, I’ve had them corner me in inappropriate sexual conversations when I was much younger,” wrote Van Der Beek, who is best known for "Dawson’s Creek." | 0.602753 |
0846594-0da7abb282e2ea6e444f81b801982174.txt | After a community meeting, the vigilantes dragged the man into a nearby butchery and used a meat cleaver to cut off his penis. | 0.602039 |
0108978-d4b560a2f7600f4a403e018f443966fb.txt | The Knicks and Sixers have shown us ourselves, and we are garbage. | 0.642621 |
0967753-ec635e9dd98d7c93f9c98e7d651f0064.txt | This game was originally called Shitty Towers, but when 17 play testers went on a homicidal rampage, its name was changed to remind us all of that cold, bloody morning. | 0.426917 |
0773618-41f50ff157e3c7ec99afdd4e64e8b71d.txt | "I also have an idea who the son of a bitch is that she's shacking up with." | 0.833343 |
0935517-67420c601fada7bae004c7632cb7e749.txt | I’ve said before that there are dozens of good reasons to vote for Barack Obama and one bad reason not to—and that’s because he’s black. | 0.548233 |
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